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# Document RAG User API
This is a FastAPI application for processing and managing document uploads, including PDF and text files. The application allows users to upload files, query collections, and manage their document data.
## Features
- Upload files in various formats (PDF, TXT, etc.)
- Efficiently process and store document chunks with metadata
- Perform queries on collections using user-defined input
- Retrieve and list collections specific to each user
- Remove collections as needed
## Requirements
- Python 3.7+
- FastAPI
- LanceDB
- Pydantic
- Pandas
- Other dependencies as specified in `requirements.txt`
## Installation
1. Clone the repository:
git clone <repository-url>
cd <repository-directory>
2. Install the required packages:
pip install -r requirements.txt
3. Run the application:
uvicorn app.document_rag_user:app --reload
## API Endpoints
### Upload Files
- **POST** `/upload_files`
- Upload multiple files.
- Parameters:
- `files`: List of files to upload.
- `collection_name`: Optional name for the collection.
- `user_id`: User identifier.
### Get Document
- **GET** `/get_document/{collection_id}/{document_id}`
- Retrieve a specific document by its ID from a collection.
- Parameters:
- `collection_id`: ID of the collection.
- `document_id`: ID of the document.
- `user_id`: User identifier.
### Query Collection
- **POST** `/query_collection`
- Query a collection based on user input.
- Request Body:
- `collection_id`: ID of the collection.
- `query`: Search query.
- `top_k`: Optional number of top results to return (default is 3).
- `user_id`: User identifier.
### List Collections
- **GET** `/list_collections`
- List all collections for a specific user.
- Parameters:
- `user_id`: User identifier.
### Delete Collection
- **DELETE** `/delete_collection/{collection_id}`
- Delete a specific collection.
- Parameters:
- `collection_id`: ID of the collection to delete.
- `user_id`: User identifier.
## Contributing
Contributions are welcome! Please open an issue or submit a pull request for any improvements or bug fixes.
## License
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the [LICENSE](LICENSE) file for details.