Runtime error
A newer version of the Gradio SDK is available:
title: EraV2s13 Raj
emoji: π
colorFrom: gray
colorTo: purple
sdk: gradio
sdk_version: 4.28.3
pinned: false
license: mit
Check out the configuration reference at
Assignment 13
What is done and how
First I took Rohan shared input file, S13.ipy that is an S11 reference, where resnet code exists with lots of gradio examples. Ensured it builds successfully. Then I replaced the model to my model of S11. Prepared the code in such a way that on a condition check, the training and save of weights would happen in one path. Otherwise loading the weights, it would perform testing. This weight file is .pth.
Secondly I took Rohan shared input file, cifar10-baseline.ipynb that is an S13 reference, where pytorch lightning code of a working model is present. Ensured it builds successfully. Then I replaced the model to my model of S11. Prepared the code in such a way that on a condition check, the training and save of weights would happen in one path. Otherwise loading the weights, it would perform testing. This weight file is .ckpt.
Thirdly I started working on the gradio with gradcam and made it working for a single image input. I started working on the gradio with misclassified image display and made it working. I started working on the gradio with gradcam and made it working for a multiple images taken from cifar 10 misclassified images. I started working on the gradio with 10 images inputter and made it working. Here it can accept 1 images and display them. Does not do anything further. I integrated above said three items such as gradcam for multiple images, misclassified images, 10 images input in gradio. It works successfully.
Fourthly I started working on above working code to modularize it so that few py files will hold major part of code. I started working on HuggingFace and created / updated required files and it is made to be in working state in HuggingFace.
My spaces app has these features:
- Asks the user whether he/she wants to see GradCAM images and how many, and from which layer, allow opacity change as well
- Asks whether he/she wants to view misclassified images, and how many
- Allow users to upload new images, as well as provide 10 example images
In a tabbed interface, gradio framework is used and available for use from HuggingFace.
HuggingFace Github
Log of Training
Below is the log of training with pytorch lightning for 26 epochs with 6.6M params and got a test_acc of 91.28%
INFO:pytorch_lightning.utilities.rank_zero:GPU available: True (cuda), used: True INFO:pytorch_lightning.utilities.rank_zero:TPU available: False, using: 0 TPU cores INFO:pytorch_lightning.utilities.rank_zero:IPU available: False, using: 0 IPUs INFO:pytorch_lightning.utilities.rank_zero:HPU available: False, using: 0 HPUs Files already downloaded and verified Files already downloaded and verified INFO:pytorch_lightning.accelerators.cuda:LOCAL_RANK: 0 - CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES: [0] INFO:pytorch_lightning.callbacks.model_summary: | Name | Type | Params
0 | model | Net_S13 | 6.6 M
6.6 M Trainable params
0 Non-trainable params
6.6 M Total params
26.293 Total estimated model params size (MB)
stopped: max_epochs=26
Files already downloaded and verified
Files already downloaded and verified
INFO:pytorch_lightning.accelerators.cuda:LOCAL_RANK: 0 - CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES: [0]
β Test metric β DataLoader 0 β
β test_acc β 0.9128999710083008 β
β test_loss β 0.2818313539028168 β
[{'test_loss': 0.2818313539028168, 'test_acc': 0.9128999710083008}]