import json |
import random |
import time |
import uuid |
from datetime import datetime, timezone |
from fastapi import Request, HTTPException |
from fastapi.responses import StreamingResponse, Response |
from starlette.background import BackgroundTask |
import utils.globals as globals |
from chatgpt.authorization import verify_token, get_req_token |
from chatgpt.fp import get_fp |
from utils.Client import Client |
from utils.Logger import logger |
from utils.configs import chatgpt_base_url_list, sentinel_proxy_url_list, force_no_history, file_host, voice_host |
def generate_current_time(): |
current_time = datetime.now(timezone.utc) |
formatted_time = current_time.isoformat(timespec='microseconds').replace('+00:00', 'Z') |
return formatted_time |
headers_reject_list = [ |
"x-real-ip", |
"x-forwarded-for", |
"x-forwarded-proto", |
"x-forwarded-port", |
"x-forwarded-host", |
"x-forwarded-server", |
"cf-warp-tag-id", |
"cf-visitor", |
"cf-ray", |
"cf-connecting-ip", |
"cf-ipcountry", |
"cdn-loop", |
"remote-host", |
"x-frame-options", |
"x-xss-protection", |
"x-content-type-options", |
"content-security-policy", |
"host", |
"cookie", |
"connection", |
"content-length", |
"content-encoding", |
"x-middleware-prefetch", |
"x-nextjs-data", |
"purpose", |
"x-forwarded-uri", |
"x-forwarded-path", |
"x-forwarded-method", |
"x-forwarded-protocol", |
"x-forwarded-scheme", |
"cf-request-id", |
"cf-worker", |
"cf-access-client-id", |
"cf-access-client-device-type", |
"cf-access-client-device-model", |
"cf-access-client-device-name", |
"cf-access-client-device-brand", |
"x-middleware-prefetch", |
"x-forwarded-for", |
"x-forwarded-host", |
"x-forwarded-proto", |
"x-forwarded-server", |
"x-real-ip", |
"x-forwarded-port", |
"cf-connecting-ip", |
"cf-ipcountry", |
"cf-ray", |
"cf-visitor", |
] |
async def get_real_req_token(token): |
req_token = get_req_token(token) |
if len(req_token) == 45 or req_token.startswith("eyJhbGciOi"): |
return req_token |
else: |
req_token = get_req_token(None, token) |
return req_token |
def save_conversation(token, conversation_id, title=None): |
if conversation_id not in globals.conversation_map: |
conversation_detail = { |
"id": conversation_id, |
"title": title, |
"update_time": generate_current_time() |
} |
globals.conversation_map[conversation_id] = conversation_detail |
else: |
globals.conversation_map[conversation_id]["update_time"] = generate_current_time() |
if title: |
globals.conversation_map[conversation_id]["title"] = title |
if conversation_id not in globals.seed_map[token]["conversations"]: |
globals.seed_map[token]["conversations"].insert(0, conversation_id) |
else: |
globals.seed_map[token]["conversations"].remove(conversation_id) |
globals.seed_map[token]["conversations"].insert(0, conversation_id) |
with open(globals.CONVERSATION_MAP_FILE, "w", encoding="utf-8") as f: |
json.dump(globals.conversation_map, f, indent=4) |
with open(globals.SEED_MAP_FILE, "w", encoding="utf-8") as f: |
json.dump(globals.seed_map, f, indent=4) |
if title: |
logger.info(f"Conversation ID: {conversation_id}, Title: {title}") |
async def content_generator(r, token, history=True): |
conversation_id = None |
title = None |
async for chunk in r.aiter_content(): |
try: |
if history and (len(token) != 45 and not token.startswith("eyJhbGciOi")) and (not conversation_id or not title): |
chat_chunk = chunk.decode('utf-8') |
if chat_chunk.startswith("data: {"): |
if "\n\nevent: delta" in chat_chunk: |
index = chat_chunk.find("\n\nevent: delta") |
chunk_data = chat_chunk[6:index] |
elif "\n\ndata: {" in chat_chunk: |
index = chat_chunk.find("\n\ndata: {") |
chunk_data = chat_chunk[6:index] |
else: |
chunk_data = chat_chunk[6:] |
chunk_data = chunk_data.strip() |
if conversation_id is None: |
conversation_id = json.loads(chunk_data).get("conversation_id") |
save_conversation(token, conversation_id) |
title = globals.conversation_map[conversation_id].get("title") |
if title is None: |
if "title" in chunk_data: |
pass |
title = json.loads(chunk_data).get("title") |
if title: |
save_conversation(token, conversation_id, title) |
except Exception as e: |
pass |
yield chunk |
async def chatgpt_reverse_proxy(request: Request, path: str): |
try: |
origin_host = request.url.netloc |
if request.url.is_secure: |
petrol = "https" |
else: |
petrol = "http" |
if "x-forwarded-proto" in request.headers: |
petrol = request.headers["x-forwarded-proto"] |
if "cf-visitor" in request.headers: |
cf_visitor = json.loads(request.headers["cf-visitor"]) |
petrol = cf_visitor.get("scheme", petrol) |
params = dict(request.query_params) |
request_cookies = dict(request.cookies) |
headers = { |
key: value for key, value in request.headers.items() |
if (key.lower() not in ["host", "origin", "referer", "priority", |
"oai-device-id"] and key.lower() not in headers_reject_list) |
} |
base_url = random.choice(chatgpt_base_url_list) if chatgpt_base_url_list else "https://chatgpt.com" |
if "assets/" in path: |
base_url = "https://cdn.oaistatic.com" |
if "file-" in path and "backend-api" not in path: |
base_url = "https://files.oaiusercontent.com" |
if "v1/" in path: |
base_url = "https://ab.chatgpt.com" |
token = request.cookies.get("token", "") |
req_token = await get_real_req_token(token) |
fp = get_fp(req_token).copy() |
proxy_url = fp.pop("proxy_url", None) |
impersonate = fp.pop("impersonate", "safari15_3") |
user_agent = fp.get("user-agent") |
headers.update(fp) |
headers.update({ |
"accept-language": "en-US,en;q=0.9", |
"host": base_url.replace("https://", "").replace("http://", ""), |
"origin": base_url, |
"referer": f"{base_url}/" |
}) |
if "v1/initialize" in path: |
headers.update({"user-agent": request.headers.get("user-agent")}) |
if "statsig-api-key" not in headers: |
headers.update({ |
"statsig-sdk-type": "js-client", |
"statsig-api-key": "client-tnE5GCU2F2cTxRiMbvTczMDT1jpwIigZHsZSdqiy4u", |
"statsig-sdk-version": "5.1.0", |
"statsig-client-time": int(time.time() * 1000), |
}) |
token = headers.get("authorization", "").replace("Bearer ", "") |
if token: |
req_token = await get_real_req_token(token) |
access_token = await verify_token(req_token) |
headers.update({"authorization": f"Bearer {access_token}"}) |
data = await request.body() |
history = True |
if path.endswith("backend-api/conversation"): |
try: |
req_json = json.loads(data) |
history = not req_json.get("history_and_training_disabled", False) |
except Exception: |
pass |
if force_no_history: |
history = False |
req_json = json.loads(data) |
req_json["history_and_training_disabled"] = True |
data = json.dumps(req_json).encode("utf-8") |
if sentinel_proxy_url_list and "backend-api/sentinel/chat-requirements" in path: |
client = Client(proxy=random.choice(sentinel_proxy_url_list)) |
else: |
client = Client(proxy=proxy_url, impersonate=impersonate) |
try: |
background = BackgroundTask(client.close) |
r = await client.request(request.method, f"{base_url}/{path}", params=params, headers=headers, |
cookies=request_cookies, data=data, stream=True, allow_redirects=False) |
if r.status_code == 307 or r.status_code == 302 or r.status_code == 301: |
return Response(status_code=307, |
headers={"Location": r.headers.get("Location") |
.replace("ab.chatgpt.com", origin_host) |
.replace("chatgpt.com", origin_host) |
.replace("cdn.oaistatic.com", origin_host) |
.replace("https", petrol)}, background=background) |
elif 'stream' in r.headers.get("content-type", ""): |
logger.info(f"Request token: {req_token}") |
logger.info(f"Request proxy: {proxy_url}") |
logger.info(f"Request UA: {user_agent}") |
logger.info(f"Request impersonate: {impersonate}") |
conv_key = r.cookies.get("conv_key", "") |
response = StreamingResponse(content_generator(r, token, history), media_type=r.headers.get("content-type", ""), |
background=background) |
response.set_cookie("conv_key", value=conv_key) |
return response |
elif 'image' in r.headers.get("content-type", "") or "audio" in r.headers.get("content-type", "") or "video" in r.headers.get("content-type", ""): |
rheaders = dict(r.headers) |
response = Response(content=await r.acontent(), headers=rheaders, |
status_code=r.status_code, background=background) |
return response |
else: |
if "/backend-api/conversation" in path or "/register-websocket" in path: |
response = Response(content=(await r.acontent()), media_type=r.headers.get("content-type"), |
status_code=r.status_code, background=background) |
else: |
content = await r.atext() |
if "public-api/" in path: |
content = (content |
.replace("https://ab.chatgpt.com", f"{petrol}://{origin_host}") |
.replace("https://cdn.oaistatic.com", f"{petrol}://{origin_host}") |
.replace("webrtc.chatgpt.com", voice_host if voice_host else "webrtc.chatgpt.com") |
.replace("files.oaiusercontent.com", file_host if file_host else "files.oaiusercontent.com") |
.replace("chatgpt.com/ces", f"{origin_host}/ces") |
) |
else: |
content = (content |
.replace("https://ab.chatgpt.com", f"{petrol}://{origin_host}") |
.replace("https://cdn.oaistatic.com", f"{petrol}://{origin_host}") |
.replace("webrtc.chatgpt.com", voice_host if voice_host else "webrtc.chatgpt.com") |
.replace("files.oaiusercontent.com", file_host if file_host else "files.oaiusercontent.com") |
.replace("https://chatgpt.com", f"{petrol}://{origin_host}") |
.replace("chatgpt.com/ces", f"{origin_host}/ces") |
) |
rheaders = dict(r.headers) |
content_type = rheaders.get("content-type", "") |
cache_control = rheaders.get("cache-control", "") |
expires = rheaders.get("expires", "") |
content_disposition = rheaders.get("content-disposition", "") |
rheaders = { |
"cache-control": cache_control, |
"content-type": content_type, |
"expires": expires, |
"content-disposition": content_disposition |
} |
response = Response(content=content, headers=rheaders, |
status_code=r.status_code, background=background) |
return response |
except Exception: |
await client.close() |
except HTTPException as e: |
raise e |
except Exception as e: |
raise HTTPException(status_code=500, detail=str(e)) |