,start_time,end_time,speaker_label,text | |
0,0.1078166666666666,0.1179833333333333,spk_0,Mm mm. Mm. | |
1,0.1294833333333333,3.555833333333333,spk_1,"Ok. So as you guys know is o is too small. Well, the building is too small for our group. So were moving to a new building. Uh its gonna be the building across the street and were actually moving in three weeks. But the problem is that the administration wants to know whos going to be in what office in the new building and where were gon were gonna put things like the printer, the fax machine, all the big equip ment and the catch is that they have the final approval of where we put people in equip ment and they want to know where were going to do all of this by November 2nd. So that means basically next Tuesday. And since we dont really have any other time, we have to make these decisions today, what were getting is nine rooms for a maximum of 18 people, which is okay cause theres only 15 of us and all the rooms have windows luckily. So theres no fights about who gets a window and who doesnt. Um theres two views either of the old town or the mountains and the rooms of various sizes theres 23 people rooms, 52 person rooms, which a re on the corners of the building. So you actually get windows on two walls and 21 person rooms. Thats pretty much what the building looks like. Um, and then you have the number of people per room, the courtyard, because were on the sixth floor, you can actually go out to it, but just means that the windows look out onto open space. Um You can see the bathrooms, the elevators, a re sort of further down the hall, the purple bar, a t the bottom sort of on the right is the mail boxes, all of the windows open. You can get out onto the terrace just like we can in our normal building. And the equipment that we have to put somewhere a re like I said, the photocopier, which is really big, a fax machine which is not so big and the printer, which is relatively big. Each office has a white board, a bulletin board and a coat rack, no cupboards like we have in the current offices and each person gets their own chair, their own corner desk. So like the, the ones that we have now, um, a small filing cabinet with three drawers and by small, I mean, theyre about that tall and one sort of hanging shelf. So we dont get the bookcases like we have now, but just one shelf thats attached to the wall and the people that we have to place. Uh you can see the list there along with their position and the project that they work on. And I guess the question, the first question is how we want to organise people, whether we want to do it by rank or by project or, I dont know, put all the phd students together, all the professors together, that sort of thing. So the idea is that we come up with a plan, theres another group whos gonna be working on the same plan later this week. And then Andre and I have to do presentations for the university administrators on the second. So I have to come up with a plan possibly if we have time, a presentation, a quick presentation with arguments for why we think our plan works best. OK. All right. So anyone have any ideas or I guess," | |
2,3.5673166666666667,3.802483333333333,spk_0,"uh do we know if there will be a lot of people coming across the hole in terms of security stuff if we can? I mean, my idea is to put the photocopier and the fax in the hole. | |
Yeah. Um" | |
3,3.819833333333333,4.121816666666667,spk_1,"I think its, the security is sort of the sa me as it is in the current building. So as long as the things a re physically attached to the wall so they cant be removed, then it should be OK to leave them in the hall. Its just a question of whether youre printing sensitive documents or whatever." | |
4,4.155,4.195833333333334,spk_2,So we only get one printer for 15 people. | |
5,4.20715,5.276316666666666,spk_1,"Um, well, we get one sort of networked printer and then I think some of us have personal printers. I think Susan has a personal printer. Gisella has one. Maybe I cant remember who else. Yeah. But no one else gets their own printer in terms of equip ment. Its sort of the sa me thing as we have now. Um, so what Id propose is that we sort of discuss various concepts without getting into specifics and then go off and think about it over lunch and then come back later in the day with sort of more specific proposals as to exactly where to put people. Does that work? Oh, and on the map, the little half circular, well, quarter circles or doors, which Im assuming you figured out. But just in case and theres just the one room that actually has two doors going into it. The, the three person room on the right. Yeah." | |
6,5.2825,5.325,spk_0,And do we need a room? Like a reading room? | |
7,5.328333333333333,5.904833333333333,spk_1,"Yes. Yeah. A lot of people were saying that they wanted to have a reading room so we should leave a space for that and we cant because like I said, maximum 18 people in those rooms and theres only 15 of us and I dont know if you noticed, but two of usa re only here half the time. So Martin and David, um a re half the time A T the EPFL and half the time in Geneva. So, I sort of keep that in mind, I guess when youre doing the actual planning." | |
8,6.02215,6.269833333333334,spk_0,"Mhm. The first split we can do is between administration and researcher. Yeah, I know. Its completely different work so we can deal with administration and decide something for administration. And then," | |
9,6.304983333333333,6.366983333333334,spk_1,"yeah, but Gisela is really the only" | |
10,6.377833333333333,6.83065,spk_0,"administrator, a t least deal with that particular situation and then see with the other because I was thinking uh Gisela is quite, I mean, Gil Gisela s work is quite noisy because its secretary. So you get lots of phone call and stuff like that and shes always moving around. So you wont share an office with Gisela unless you a re 50% and not the 50% Gisela is working. Yeah, which is another condition which | |
I dont know if we can assume that" | |
11,6.8308333333333335,6.8705,spk_1," there isnt going to be any overlap between | |
them." | |
12,7.023316666666667,7.1595,spk_0,"So I dont know, maybe we can decide that Jesus is having one of the one person room. Yeah. | |
Iw, I would suggest that too. Yeah," | |
13,7.169,7.17265,spk_2,maybe. | |
14,7.19615,7.38465,spk_1,"Yeah. Either that or maybe put her in a two person room with the equip ment or like with the, the photocopier or maybe not the photocopier but the printer." | |
15,7.43515,7.534816666666667,spk_0,Yeah. But a t least the thing we know that is gonna be alone or with equip ment but | |
16,7.541833333333333,7.5975,spk_1,"not with 100% staff, staff worker." | |
17,7.615166666666667,7.77165,spk_2,"Okay. So th its a one person room but we dont know how, how big they a re, or its hard to tell. I mean, Gisela has this funny, uh, typing." | |
18,7.790983333333333,7.867483333333333,spk_1,"Yeah, the rooms arent tiny if you look at the," | |
19,7.898816666666667,7.940483333333333,spk_2,so probably sh she should get the facts. Right. | |
20,7.964316666666667,8.126983333333333,spk_1,"Yeah. Yeah, that makes sense to put the facts in there. So," | |
21,8.525666666666666,8.7338,spk_0,"and then I think the main discussion we should have is, um, if we want to make group of, amongst the SA ME project or among the Sa Me title." | |
22,8.750816666666667,8.794483333333334,spk_3,Yeah. Yeah. Professor assistant or uh | |
23,8.807816666666668,9.023166666666668,spk_0,"yeah, couple of professors and assistant or, or yeah, thats more a conceptual question than a practical question." | |
24,9.04465,9.360316666666666,spk_1,"Well, the third option is just completely mix everyone up which some people say is better sort of for group environment so that youre not stuck only with the people who working on your project, right? So if you share an office with someone whos on a completely different project, you find out about that project, but you also sort of interact with other people on a more regular basis." | |
25,9.382816666666669,9.701983333333333,spk_3,"But still I find its quite easy if you a re with people who work in the SA Me project in the SA Me room because you have the meetings or people come and ask you discuss things, maybe I dont know if its uh for other people who start working in the SA Me project. Yeah, | |
but we will have this reading room" | |
26,9.733666666666666,9.8335,spk_2,which will it be dedicated for reading and for studying or can we have meetings there? Can we reserve it for meetings? That I | |
27,9.842,10.096916666666669,spk_1,"think its not a question of reserving it because theres other rooms at the university that you can reserve for a meeting. But if its empty then sure you can use it for a meeting. Theres nothing wrong with that. But I think if someones already reading in there, its not fair to go and kick them out just because you want to have a meeting because," | |
28,10.1029,10.314666666666668,spk_2,"well, the problem is if you have to go across the building and it adds some overhead every time you want to have some short meeting and discuss some issues or maybe we shouldnt call | |
it." | |
29,10.317316666666668,10.580666666666668,spk_1,"But if youre having a short meeting, you dont really make an appointment for it. You just kind of go to someones office and go down for a coffee or whatever cause theyre still the cafeterias that you can use for informal." | |
30,10.601333333333333,10.897166666666667,spk_0,"The other thing we should take into account is if you receive student or not because yeah, Marian and I interact a lot with student and we have reception hours and stuff like that. So it means you get time where a lot of people come along and talk and" | |
31,10.905983333333332,10.9325,spk_1,so its the other Marianne does too. | |
32,10.934316666666666,11.063833333333331,spk_0,Yeah. So maybe its not really nice to have to share an office with somebody like us having a lot of social life and | |
33,11.07065,11.902166666666666,spk_1,"well, but then you either share offices with each other which doesnt really solve the problem because chances are youre not going to have office hours at the exact same time. So, youre still going to have, like, unless you get individual offices, I dont know if theres an easy way to find a solution for that because even if each of you share with the professor, then its the same thing for the professor. Yeah. But it is something to keep in mind unless you end up sharing an office with someone where your schedules completely dont overlap and then you can schedule office hours when the other person isnt there, some people come in around 11 and some people come in around eight." | |
34,11.914666666666667,12.020166666666666,spk_0,But thats something we cant reasonably assume like that make plans with that because | |
35,12.02565,12.2795,spk_1,"no, but you sort of see peoples patterns. I mean, even if its not always like that, I mean, if its like that, you know, 80% of the time then, but youre right, we cant make assumptions too much." | |
36,12.406333333333333,12.541316666666669,spk_2,"So people would like to see, um, the office organised by, uh, by, by rank like professors and students. And" | |
37,12.548,12.559316666666666,spk_0,"I dont know," | |
38,12.5855,12.767166666666666,spk_1,"I think, well, its up to us how we do it. I can see benefits of both. But" | |
39,12.775166666666667,12.951816666666666,spk_0,one point I can say by experience its really hard to share an office with three people because it makes much more noise than only being two in an office. | |
40,12.964316666666669,13.062833333333334,spk_1,"Yeah. Plus the computers, the | |
computers. So, and we all know what its like to have five computers in your office. | |
Yeah." | |
41,13.0835,13.3805,spk_0,"So we might be, it might be a good idea to first exclude one of the three person room to be the reading room and not to be necessary a room with three people. Yeah. | |
But if there a re people coming in, I mean," | |
42,13.384316666666669,13.585666666666668,spk_3,we have these people working for two months who comes in the summer time or something. I th think we should reserve a little bit space for them too. So um | |
43,13.592316666666669,13.961833333333333,spk_1,"yeah, thats a good point because if we take the three person room out as a reading room, its quite, then everyone has an office, right? Cause its maximum 18. So take away three spaces and youre down to your 15 and youre right. If we do have a stagger or whoever comes in, then we have nowhere. Well, we can put them in the reading room but that kind of defeats the purpose." | |
44,13.991833333333334,14.3595,spk_0,"So the other solution is to say, OK, we use a three person room but only with two person each time and leave a spare space for. But avoiding having three person full time in the SA me room could be a good idea, I think" | |
45,14.365316666666669,14.493833333333331,spk_1,"or again, find people who dont work the SA me hours. Yeah, it doesnt completely solve the problem. But" | |
46,14.568,14.62765,spk_0,"so for the reading room, we will have a two person room." | |
47,14.6315,14.731666666666667,spk_1,"Yeah, I think everybody agrees on that. One person will be too small. Anyways. How about, how about this room?" | |
48,14.748,14.886833333333334,spk_2,"The bottom? Yeah, a t the bottom in the middle with, due to the mountains? Yeah, it has three windows. So I think its, uh, | |
22. Well, which" | |
49,14.892166666666666,14.922166666666667,spk_1,"w theres 32 person rooms," | |
50,14.932333333333334,14.986666666666666,spk_2,"the, the middle one that | |
has two windows. Yeah," | |
51,14.99665,15.081333333333331,spk_1,"its, which is fine. Its still a | |
big room. Big black stripe is the windows." | |
52,15.113483333333331,15.144483333333334,spk_0,"One between the big, ok," | |
53,15.154666666666667,15.172166666666667,spk_1,I should have explained that. | |
54,15.188833333333331,15.2775,spk_0,"But what about the, the other one which has only one windows, but in the courtyard it may be more quiet." | |
55,15.300983333333331,15.361833333333331,spk_1,Yeah. But then you dont get a lot of light for reading. | |
56,15.377333333333333,15.544316666666669,spk_0,"We have electricity. So I hope. Really. No, its a question. I mean, it, its quite noisy outside with the streets and," | |
57,15.577983333333334,15.60815,spk_3,"yeah, on the sixth floor. I dont know." | |
58,15.629166666666666,15.6295,spk_0,"Yeah," | |
59,15.6505,15.68515,spk_1,I know. I like the idea of looking out over. | |
60,15.746333333333334,15.79765,spk_0," So its a relaxing | |
room. Well, I mean, that, thats the whole point. Right." | |
61,15.797816666666666,15.921483333333333,spk_1,"Its just somewhere to get out of your office and go and do something else for a while, whether youre reading or just kind of staring off into space." | |
62,15.9305,16.000816666666665,spk_2,"You can look outside of the window if you have a quick meeting there. So, what" | |
63,16.005666666666666,16.077983333333332,spk_0,about one of the room in the car? So you have three windows. Its even better. | |
64,16.0825,16.10515,spk_1," Yeah, we could do that. Why | |
not?" | |
65,16.111316666666667,16.27465,spk_0,"But you have less wool to put shelves and stuff like that if you intend the reading room, being more a library or" | |
66,16.31983333333333,16.87165,spk_1,"we have some shelves, like cabinet type shelves for the reading room, but its not really intended to be a library. I mean, we have an T library but the other idea is to take because right now we all have bookshelves. So one idea might be to take sort of the books that arent frequently used by people, put them all into that room. So it becomes sort of mini library but not like a library system library, just go and borrow your colleagues books." | |
67,16.991833333333332,17.13865,spk_0,"So we all agree about this too. This in rooms. Which one? I? No or not? No," | |
68,17.153816666666668,17.175666666666668,spk_1," I think the middle | |
one," | |
69,17.17865,17.202833333333334,spk_0," the middle | |
one. Yeah. Yeah," | |
70,17.206333333333333,17.386,spk_1,its also sort of m central to the layout so everyone sort of has more or less the sa me distance to its not that it makes that much of a difference but why not? | |
71,17.445816666666666,17.488633333333333,spk_0,So we can exclude this one to make an office. | |
72,17.528483333333334,17.55565,spk_1,So what I can do is | |
73,17.58915,17.62215,spk_0,or maybe right on the board. I dunno. | |
74,17.624816666666668,17.682816666666668,spk_1,Um actually thats a good idea. Just put it up. | |
75,17.697816666666668,17.7235,spk_0,So we have the map and | |
76,17.822483333333334,18.5405,spk_1,"so this really isnt to scale but oh well um thats really not to scale. Alright, good | |
enough. Um so weve got an office there, theres two and 13. Yeah. Is that? Yeah. Yeah. Oh" | |
77,18.564666666666668,18.60083333333333,spk_0," so ok, | |
so this is" | |
78,18.64816666666667,18.6885,spk_1,"that and this becomes the reading room, right?" | |
79,18.695316666666667,18.946,spk_0,Ok. Is that a? Yes. Okay. | |
80,18.98583333333333,18.98948333333333,spk_3,"And then," | |
81,19.04433333333333,19.198833333333333,spk_0,"yeah, should we decide also the administration stuff? And so we exclude the, the thing we a re quite sure. And then we discuss | |
there," | |
82,19.20115,19.480816666666662,spk_2,"I was thinking of maybe we should assign Gisela into this three person office because we, we will probably place the printer next to the mailboxes. Then we could have Gisela and the 2 50% people sharing the three personal" | |
83,19.488166666666668,19.555,spk_0,"thats really noisy to be in the sa me office as the administration. | |
But if" | |
84,19.561333333333334,19.59965,spk_1," Gisela works 50% and they work 50%. | |
Yeah." | |
85,19.599816666666666,19.984,spk_0,"That just imply you expect people to come when Gisela is not working and thats not really fair if you, well, I mean, so we can put Gisela in the two people room which is near the mailbox. Yeah. Yeah, we | |
could, I dont know." | |
86,19.99898333333333,20.06815,spk_2,"Ok, we could, I mean, I dont know how noisy she is. Its" | |
87,20.070316666666667,20.131666666666668,spk_0,"just a, you always have the phone ringing even if they have, even when shes not" | |
88,20.13648333333333,20.197816666666668,spk_1,have her own printer. Yeah. | |
89,20.198,20.315166666666663,spk_0,"But thats, thats a good point from Nichols to say that she needs to be near the mailbox and the printer. And," | |
90,20.32398333333333,20.46365,spk_1,"well, if you put her inin the room here, its relatively close | |
except the door is not really" | |
91,20.47383333333333,20.981666666666666,spk_0," convenient for | |
her. Convenient. True. Yeah. But I think if, if the main, um, how can I put that? The, um, if the main reason to put to, to choose g, the place is the proximity of the mailbox. It should be a two P people room and not a three people room." | |
92,21.0125,21.08715,spk_2,"Ok. Its fine with me. | |
Otherwise we have one people room and" | |
93,21.09915,21.272816666666667,spk_1,"I dont know how much the proximity to the mailbox matters because usually when shes here and she picks up the mail, she actually brings it to your office. Its more the A T administration that uses our | |
mailbox and" | |
94,21.302666666666667,21.346833333333333,spk_3,the place where we all pass. Kind of. | |
95,21.381666666666668,21.580483333333333,spk_0,Thats true because if we put the photography near the mailbox and it seems to be the only place where there is room for that. | |
96,21.593833333333333,21.715816666666665,spk_1,"Yeah, unless you put it into an office which is just an annoying, I think cause even if you put it into Giselles office, its gonna be, its" | |
97,21.71815,21.742,spk_0,too big and yeah. | |
98,21.83448333333333,21.940816666666667,spk_2,"Okay. Maybe we should write this down. Do we agree that the, that the photocopier and the network printer goes next to the mailboxes?" | |
99,21.953983333333333,22.295483333333333,spk_0,Okay. And then we can for the moment put Gisela in this corner room if you agree. I dunno | |
100,22.326816666666662,22.39315,spk_1," A t the beginning, we said that we were gonna give her one of the one person | |
rooms." | |
101,22.393316666666667,22.47533333333333,spk_0,"Yeah, but there were this option of putting the line near the photography." | |
102,22.502666666666663,22.50883333333333,spk_1,"Yeah," | |
103,22.627333333333333,22.739316666666667,spk_2,I mean shes sharing an office right now and uh has anybody heard of any complaints that shes too loud or | |
104,22.753816666666665,22.92898333333333,spk_0,"I mean shes not sharing an office. I mean sh we put some ining office because there is a spare | |
room and" | |
105,22.929166666666667,22.95683333333333,spk_1,theyre not really in a position to complain. | |
106,22.97083333333333,23.1965,spk_0,"Thats quite, uh, I mean, thats quite important to keep a spare room in Gs Office if we need more stuff. But I wouldnt work in this office." | |
107,23.24683333333333,23.246983333333333,spk_2,I | |
108,23.262666666666668,23.405166666666663,spk_1,"think its just a question of work conditions. Like if youre stagger and youre c only coming in for two months, then you can put up with it. But if youre there, you know, for exa M the whole" | |
109,23.410666666666668,23.594816666666667,spk_0,"year for EXA MP. And there is no room in the cupboards for any people except Gisela because you got lots of papers and files and stuff like that. So its really, she needs," | |
110,23.600166666666667,23.635666666666665,spk_2," she needs space, space, | |
okay." | |
111,23.6485,23.786166666666663,spk_3,"But we can uh reserve. So if you reserve a two people room, we can put the trainees." | |
112,23.807166666666667,23.851983333333333,spk_1,"Yeah. And then they need to be | |
a rein the sa me room." | |
113,23.86565,23.87933333333333,spk_3,"Okay. So," | |
114,23.884166666666665,23.91398333333333,spk_2,Gisela A T the South West office. Yeah. | |
115,23.92465,23.93433333333333,spk_1,Yeah. The cor | |
116,24.046333333333333,24.192,spk_0,"its South West. I dont know if this, if this map is, well, South west, if thats north. Okay. The map is South West for us." | |
117,24.21015,24.285666666666668,spk_1,"No. Well, Im assuming thats what you meant, right. That, yeah, that," | |
118,24.289483333333333,24.30933333333333,spk_2,"that, yeah, that South" | |
119,24.312833333333334,24.324816666666667,spk_1,East anyways | |
120,24.377166666666668,24.385666666666665,spk_0,anyways | |
121,24.39183333333333,24.41215,spk_1,"this office, right?" | |
122,24.444166666666668,24.50883333333333,spk_0,"You know, because with mountain mountains and old town its not. No, sorry. But" | |
123,24.534166666666668,24.70565,spk_1,"Im very bad at orienting. Whereas North in Geneva, I always get it wrong. But I just assumed Nicos was talking with orientation here. Sunrise and sunshine is quite" | |
124,24.70815,24.84233333333333,spk_0,"sunshine. Sunrise and sunset is quite a good. Um, so wait, do" | |
125,24.87248333333333,24.927666666666667,spk_1,we face the old town now? And were facing | |
126,24.937316666666668,24.955,spk_0,"north east," | |
127,24.957316666666667,24.960833333333333,spk_1,north | |
128,24.971,25.00933333333333,spk_0,east sunrise? | |
129,25.01148333333333,25.10965,spk_1,Okay. So this is | |
130,25.11733333333333,25.215816666666665,spk_0,"east, north east. We, we have sun in the morning only." | |
131,25.250166666666665,25.256666666666668,spk_1,"Yeah," | |
132,25.286816666666667,25.49298333333333,spk_0,"we have. So it does mean that the three piece room which is in the opposite of the north east is the more sunny one. This one, lets say that" | |
133,25.50398333333333,25.56083333333333,spk_2,"three people. Its | |
the one you have now you both." | |
134,25.61565,25.630316666666666,spk_3," Well, theres a quite | |
a lot" | |
135,25.635666666666665,25.722483333333333,spk_0,"of the sunset and no, and its really warm" | |
136,25.72415,25.773,spk_2,and you get lots of sun during summer. Yeah. | |
137,25.7885,25.859,spk_0,"Um by the way, is it 1/6 floor building or is there more?" | |
138,25.86283333333333,25.892983333333333,spk_1," Yeah, were the top | |
floor. Okay." | |
139,25.89883333333333,25.913,spk_0,So its warm. | |
140,25.943316666666668,26.103816666666667,spk_1,Uh The building design is pretty much the same as the one we have. Now were just getting more space this way because we couldnt move in the other building because it was occupied by the other departments. | |
141,26.2195,26.250833333333333,spk_3,"Ok, good. So," | |
142,26.326816666666662,26.461,spk_0,"so how many rooms and how many places do we | |
have? So we have reserved now to" | |
143,26.46398333333333,26.50398333333333,spk_3," why dont I | |
change it on here as well?" | |
144,26.55615,26.584,spk_1,So thats Gisela | |
145,26.593316666666663,26.714316666666665,spk_0,plus one place but really the last place to be used. | |
146,26.719816666666667,27.144816666666667,spk_1,Plus fax. Yeah. Mmhm. And then this is the waiting room. Ok. Oops. Um so that leaves us with what 14 places which is | |
147,27.16398333333333,27.18265,spk_2,14 people. | |
148,27.207316666666667,27.2125,spk_0,"No, for" | |
149,27.238166666666668,27.29115,spk_1,14 because Giselles already got a room. | |
150,27.330483333333333,27.34583333333333,spk_2,So we a re Good. | |
151,27.401,27.42015,spk_0,Bless you. Excuse me? | |
152,27.47898333333333,27.70916666666667,spk_1,"Ok. Um, so, so Im going to take Gisela off of that list as well. Ill put her in gray, I guess." | |
153,27.803316666666667,27.942,spk_0,Can we group people by their name? So its gonna be Mariannes. | |
154,27.95565,28.13433333333333,spk_2,"Is, is any, is there anybody whos not happy with the current situation so we could try to just keep the sa me arrangement just on the new building? Yeah, thats, thats," | |
155,28.15083333333333,28.294166666666666,spk_0,"thats, that can be a good idea. But do do we can we do that? Because there is no, we cant because we cant," | |
156,28.312833333333334,28.657166666666665,spk_1,"we have one extra, one person office and, and 2323 person offices. Yeah. Plus we have the two people who arent there now. Yeah. No, we have to put it somewhere. You can keep some of the people together, that a re together now but not everyone. Definitely." | |
157,28.681833333333334,28.86598333333333,spk_2,"OK. So lets start then top to bottom Maggie. Well, why | |
dont we take a break and go off and think about it" | |
158,28.878,29.08115,spk_1,"and then once we have more concrete ideas, okay, we can come back and finish it cause if we just sit here and discuss its gonna take a long time and were gonna start arguing and get cranky and" | |
159,29.092816666666668,29.305,spk_0,"OK, so lets have a break. Save your fag. You have XB. Thats nice." | |
160,29.319333333333333,29.32048333333333,spk_1,Mm | |
161,29.35148333333333,29.57881666666667,spk_2,OK. So how long its gonna? Mhm. | |