# Deployment | |
Models written in Python need to go through an export process to become a deployable artifact. | |
A few basic concepts about this process: | |
__"Export method"__ is how a Python model is fully serialized to a deployable format. | |
We support the following export methods: | |
* `tracing`: see [pytorch documentation]( to learn about it | |
* `scripting`: see [pytorch documentation]( to learn about it | |
* `caffe2_tracing`: replace parts of the model by caffe2 operators, then use tracing. | |
__"Format"__ is how a serialized model is described in a file, e.g. | |
TorchScript, Caffe2 protobuf, ONNX format. | |
__"Runtime"__ is an engine that loads a serialized model and executes it, | |
e.g., PyTorch, Caffe2, TensorFlow, onnxruntime, TensorRT, etc. | |
A runtime is often tied to a specific format | |
(e.g. PyTorch needs TorchScript format, Caffe2 needs protobuf format). | |
We currently support the following combination and each has some limitations: | |
```eval_rst | |
+----------------------------+-------------+-------------+-----------------------------+ | |
| Export Method | tracing | scripting | caffe2_tracing | | |
+============================+=============+=============+=============================+ | |
| **Formats** | TorchScript | TorchScript | Caffe2, TorchScript, ONNX | | |
+----------------------------+-------------+-------------+-----------------------------+ | |
| **Runtime** | PyTorch | PyTorch | Caffe2, PyTorch | | |
+----------------------------+-------------+-------------+-----------------------------+ | |
| C++/Python inference | β | β | β | | |
+----------------------------+-------------+-------------+-----------------------------+ | |
| Dynamic resolution | β | β | β | | |
+----------------------------+-------------+-------------+-----------------------------+ | |
| Batch size requirement | Constant | Dynamic | Batch inference unsupported | | |
+----------------------------+-------------+-------------+-----------------------------+ | |
| Extra runtime deps | torchvision | torchvision | Caffe2 ops (usually already | | |
| | | | | | |
| | | | included in PyTorch) | | |
+----------------------------+-------------+-------------+-----------------------------+ | |
| Faster/Mask/Keypoint R-CNN | β | β | β | | |
+----------------------------+-------------+-------------+-----------------------------+ | |
| RetinaNet | β | β | β | | |
+----------------------------+-------------+-------------+-----------------------------+ | |
| PointRend R-CNN | β | β | β | | |
+----------------------------+-------------+-------------+-----------------------------+ | |
``` | |
We don't plan to work on additional support for other formats/runtime, but contributions are welcome. | |
## Deployment with Tracing or Scripting | |
Models can be exported to TorchScript format, by either | |
[tracing or scripting]( | |
The output model file can be loaded without detectron2 dependency in either Python or C++. | |
The exported model often requires torchvision (or its C++ library) dependency for some custom ops. | |
This feature requires PyTorch β₯ 1.8. | |
### Coverage | |
Most official models under the meta architectures `GeneralizedRCNN` and `RetinaNet` | |
are supported in both tracing and scripting mode. Cascade R-CNN is currently not supported. | |
PointRend is currently supported in tracing. | |
Users' custom extensions are supported if they are also scriptable or traceable. | |
For models exported with tracing, dynamic input resolution is allowed, but batch size | |
(number of input images) must be fixed. | |
Scripting can support dynamic batch size. | |
### Usage | |
The main export APIs for tracing and scripting are [TracingAdapter](../modules/export.html#detectron2.export.TracingAdapter) | |
and [scripting_with_instances](../modules/export.html#detectron2.export.scripting_with_instances). | |
Their usage is currently demonstrated in [](../../tests/ | |
(see `TestScripting` and `TestTracing`) | |
as well as the [deployment example](../../tools/deploy). | |
Please check that these examples can run, and then modify for your use cases. | |
The usage now requires some user effort and necessary knowledge for each model to workaround the limitation of scripting and tracing. | |
In the future we plan to wrap these under simpler APIs to lower the bar to use them. | |
## Deployment with Caffe2-tracing | |
We provide [Caffe2Tracer](../modules/export.html#detectron2.export.Caffe2Tracer) | |
that performs the export logic. | |
It replaces parts of the model with Caffe2 operators, | |
and then export the model into Caffe2, TorchScript or ONNX format. | |
The converted model is able to run in either Python or C++ without detectron2/torchvision dependency, on CPU or GPUs. | |
It has a runtime optimized for CPU & mobile inference, but not optimized for GPU inference. | |
This feature requires 1.9 > ONNX β₯ 1.6. | |
### Coverage | |
Most official models under these 3 common meta architectures: `GeneralizedRCNN`, `RetinaNet`, `PanopticFPN` | |
are supported. Cascade R-CNN is not supported. Batch inference is not supported. | |
Users' custom extensions under these architectures (added through registration) are supported | |
as long as they do not contain control flow or operators not available in Caffe2 (e.g. deformable convolution). | |
For example, custom backbones and heads are often supported out of the box. | |
### Usage | |
The APIs are listed at [the API documentation](../modules/export). | |
We provide [](../../tools/deploy/) as an example that uses | |
these APIs to convert a standard model. For custom models/datasets, you can add them to this script. | |
### Use the model in C++/Python | |
The model can be loaded in C++ and deployed with | |
either Caffe2 or Pytorch runtime.. [C++ examples](../../tools/deploy/) for Mask R-CNN | |
are given as a reference. Note that: | |
* Models exported with `caffe2_tracing` method take a special input format | |
described in [documentation](../modules/export.html#detectron2.export.Caffe2Tracer). | |
This was taken care of in the C++ example. | |
* The converted models do not contain post-processing operations that | |
transform raw layer outputs into formatted predictions. | |
For example, the C++ examples only produce raw outputs (28x28 masks) from the final | |
layers that are not post-processed, because in actual deployment, an application often needs | |
its custom lightweight post-processing, so this step is left for users. | |
To help use the Caffe2-format model in python, | |
we provide a python wrapper around the converted model, in the | |
[Caffe2Model.\_\_call\_\_](../modules/export.html#detectron2.export.Caffe2Model.__call__) method. | |
This method has an interface that's identical to the [pytorch versions of models](./, | |
and it internally applies pre/post-processing code to match the formats. | |
This wrapper can serve as a reference for how to use Caffe2's python API, | |
or for how to implement pre/post-processing in actual deployment. | |
## Conversion to TensorFlow | |
[tensorpack Faster R-CNN]( | |
provides scripts to convert a few standard detectron2 R-CNN models to TensorFlow's pb format. | |
It works by translating configs and weights, therefore only support a few models. | |