from collections import Counter | |
from fastapi import APIRouter | |
import pandas as pd | |
import numpy as np | |
import requests | |
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup | |
import os | |
from dotenv import load_dotenv | |
load_dotenv() | |
router = APIRouter() | |
HF_API_KEY = os.getenv("HF_API_KEY") | |
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup | |
import requests | |
import csv | |
import pandas as pd | |
def getLatestStatistics(symbol): | |
all_company_data = [] | |
file_path = 'output_file_update.csv' | |
url = f'{symbol}' | |
response = requests.get(url) | |
content = BeautifulSoup(response.text, 'html.parser') | |
table_of_data ="#resultsTable tbody tr") | |
for row in table_of_data: | |
data = row.text.split('\n') | |
data.pop() | |
data.remove('') | |
if data.__contains__(''): | |
continue | |
data.insert(0, symbol) | |
all_company_data.append(data) | |
def string_to_float(column): | |
if column == 'DATE': | |
return dataframe[column] | |
if column == 'TOTAL REVENUE IN DENARS': | |
dataframe[column] = dataframe[column].str.replace('.', '').astype(float) | |
return dataframe[column] | |
if column == 'COMPANY': | |
return dataframe[column] | |
try: | |
# Replace commas with dots, then remove extra dots and convert to float | |
dataframe[column] = dataframe[column].str.replace(',', '.').str.replace('.', '', 1) | |
dataframe[column] = dataframe[column].astype(float) | |
except Exception as e: | |
print(f"Error processing column {column}: {e}") | |
return dataframe[column] | |
# Apply the transformation to each column | |
for col in dataframe.columns: | |
dataframe[col] = string_to_float(col) | |
dataframe['DATE'] = pd.to_datetime(dataframe['DATE']) | |
current_data = pd.read_csv('app/data-formatted.csv') | |
current_data['DATE'] = pd.to_datetime(current_data['DATE']) | |
merged_df = pd.concat([current_data, dataframe], ignore_index=True) | |
updated_df = merged_df.drop_duplicates(keep='first') | |
updated_df.to_csv('app/data-formatted.csv', index=False) | |
return updated_df | |
def getBerzaNews(symbol): | |
url = f'{symbol}' | |
response = requests.get(url) | |
content = BeautifulSoup(response.text, 'html.parser') | |
# finding links to news | |
aElements = content.find_all('a', href=True) | |
newsLinks = [link['href'] for link in aElements if link['href'].startswith('/en/news')] | |
news = [] | |
for link in newsLinks: | |
response = requests.get(f'{link}') | |
content = BeautifulSoup(response.text, 'html.parser') | |
try: | |
# print(content.find(id='content').text) | |
# print('-----------------------------------') | |
news.append(content.find(id='content').text) | |
except Exception as e: | |
continue | |
return news | |
# Load a multilingual model | |
def analyzeSentiment(symbol): | |
API_URL = "" | |
headers = {"Authorization": f"Bearer {HF_API_KEY}"} | |
def query(text): | |
payload = {"inputs": text} | |
response =, headers=headers, json=payload) | |
if response.status_code != 200: | |
print(f"Error: {response.status_code}, {response.text}") | |
return None | |
return response.json() | |
def getMax(result): | |
# Ensure the response has the expected structure | |
if not result or not isinstance(result, list): | |
return "neutral" # Default to neutral if the response is invalid | |
result = result[0] if isinstance(result[0], list) else result | |
max_label = max(result, key=lambda x: x['score'])['label'] | |
return max_label | |
# Fetch news articles | |
texts = getBerzaNews(symbol) | |
if not texts: | |
return 'No news for ' + symbol | |
# Collect sentiment labels | |
sentiment_labels = [] | |
for text in texts: | |
try: | |
result = query(text) # Query the Hugging Face API | |
if result: | |
sentiment_label = getMax(result) # Get the label | |
sentiment_labels.append(sentiment_label) | |
except Exception as e: | |
print(f"Error processing text: {e}") | |
continue | |
if not sentiment_labels: | |
return 'No news for ' + symbol | |
# Count occurrences of each sentiment | |
sentiment_counts = Counter(sentiment_labels) | |
# Find the sentiment with the most occurrences | |
most_common = sentiment_counts.most_common() | |
if len(most_common) == 0: | |
return "neutral" # Default to neutral if no sentiments found | |
# Check for ties | |
max_count = most_common[0][1] | |
top_sentiments = [sentiment for sentiment, count in most_common if count == max_count] | |
if len(top_sentiments) > 1: | |
return "neutral" # Return neutral in case of ties | |
return top_sentiments[0] | |
def predict_future_price(input_data): | |
input_data = input_data.drop(columns=['DATE']) | |
data_to_dictionary = input_data.to_dict(orient='list') | |
url = '' | |
payload = { | |
"input_data": data_to_dictionary, | |
} | |
response =, json=payload) | |
return response.json()['prediction'] | |
# Function to resample data for timeframes | |
def resample_data(data, timeframe): | |
data["DATE"] = pd.to_datetime(data["DATE"]) # Ensure DATE is in datetime format | |
data = data.drop_duplicates(subset="DATE", keep="first") # Drop duplicate dates | |
data = data.set_index("DATE") # Set DATE as the index | |
# Select only numeric columns for resampling | |
numeric_columns = data.select_dtypes(include=["number"]).columns | |
non_numeric_columns = data.select_dtypes(exclude=["number"]).columns | |
if timeframe == "1D": | |
resampled_data = data[numeric_columns].asfreq("D").fillna(method="ffill") | |
elif timeframe == "1W": | |
resampled_data = data[numeric_columns].resample("W").mean().fillna(0) | |
elif timeframe == "1M": | |
resampled_data = data[numeric_columns].resample("M").mean().fillna(0) | |
else: | |
raise ValueError("Invalid timeframe. Choose '1D', '1W', or '1M'.") | |
print(f"Resampled data for {timeframe} timeframe:") | |
print(resampled_data) | |
resampled_data = resampled_data.reset_index() | |
# Reattach non-numeric columns (e.g., COMPANY) | |
if not non_numeric_columns.empty: | |
non_numeric_data = data[non_numeric_columns].reset_index().drop_duplicates(subset="DATE") | |
resampled_data = resampled_data.merge(non_numeric_data, on="DATE", how="left") | |
return resampled_data | |
# Function to calculate technical indicators | |
def calculate_technical_indicators(data, column="PRICE OF LAST TRANSACTION"): | |
data = data.sort_values(by="DATE").reset_index(drop=True) | |
# Oscillators | |
delta = data[column].diff() | |
gain = np.where(delta > 0, delta, 0) | |
loss = np.where(delta < 0, -delta, 0) | |
avg_gain = pd.Series(gain).rolling(window=14).mean() | |
avg_loss = pd.Series(loss).rolling(window=14).mean() | |
rs = avg_gain / avg_loss | |
data["RSI"] = 100 - (100 / (1 + rs)) | |
# MACD | |
data["EMA12"] = data[column].ewm(span=12, adjust=False).mean() | |
data["EMA26"] = data[column].ewm(span=26, adjust=False).mean() | |
data["MACD"] = data["EMA12"] - data["EMA26"] | |
# Stochastic Oscillator | |
data["L14"] = data[column].rolling(window=14).min() | |
data["H14"] = data[column].rolling(window=14).max() | |
data["Stochastic"] = (data[column] - data["L14"]) / (data["H14"] - data["L14"]) * 100 | |
# Williams %R | |
data["Williams %R"] = (data["H14"] - data[column]) / (data["H14"] - data["L14"]) * -100 | |
# Rate of Change | |
data["ROC"] = data[column].pct_change(periods=12) | |
# Moving Averages | |
for window in [10, 20, 50]: | |
data[f"SMA{window}"] = data[column].rolling(window=window).mean() | |
data[f"EMA{window}"] = data[column].ewm(span=window, adjust=False).mean() | |
# Meters | |
oscillators_meter = "STRONG BUY" if data["RSI"].iloc[-1] > 70 else "NEUTRAL" | |
moving_averages_meter = "STRONG BUY" if data[f"SMA10"].iloc[-1] < data[column].iloc[-1] else "SELL" | |
return data, oscillators_meter, moving_averages_meter | |
async def get_stock_data(ticker: str): | |
print(f"Fetching data for ticker: {ticker}") | |
latest_data = getLatestStatistics(ticker) | |
stock_data = latest_data[latest_data["COMPANY"] == ticker] | |
if stock_data.empty: | |
print("No data found for the given ticker.") | |
return {"error": "Ticker not found"} | |
# Process for each timeframe | |
timeframes = ["1D", "1W", "1M"] | |
timeframe_results = {} | |
for timeframe in timeframes: | |
try: | |
resampled_data = resample_data(stock_data, timeframe) | |
# Replace NaN/Inf/-Inf in resampled data | |
resampled_data.replace([np.inf, -np.inf, np.nan], 0, inplace=True) | |
indicators_data, oscillators_meter, moving_averages_meter = calculate_technical_indicators(resampled_data) | |
# Replace NaN/Inf/-Inf in indicators_data | |
indicators_data.replace([np.inf, -np.inf, np.nan], 0, inplace=True) | |
price_prediction = predict_future_price(indicators_data) | |
market_news_evaluation = analyzeSentiment(ticker) | |
# market_news_evaluation = 'neutral' | |
timeframe_results[timeframe] = { | |
"Price Prediction": price_prediction, | |
"Market News Evaluation": market_news_evaluation, | |
"GraphData": indicators_data[["DATE", "PRICE OF LAST TRANSACTION"]].to_dict(orient="records"), | |
"Oscillators": { | |
"RSI": indicators_data["RSI"].iloc[-1], | |
"MACD": indicators_data["MACD"].iloc[-1], | |
"Stochastic Oscillator": indicators_data["Stochastic"].iloc[-1], | |
"Williams %R": indicators_data["Williams %R"].iloc[-1], | |
"Rate of Change": indicators_data["ROC"].iloc[-1], | |
"METER": oscillators_meter, | |
}, | |
"Moving Averages": { | |
"SMA10": indicators_data["SMA10"].iloc[-1], | |
"EMA10": indicators_data["EMA10"].iloc[-1], | |
"SMA20": indicators_data["SMA20"].iloc[-1], | |
"EMA20": indicators_data["EMA20"].iloc[-1], | |
"SMA50": indicators_data["SMA50"].iloc[-1], | |
"METER": moving_averages_meter, | |
}, | |
} | |
except Exception as e: | |
print(f"Error processing timeframe {timeframe}: {e}") | |
timeframe_results[timeframe] = {"error": str(e)} | |
# Replace NaN/Inf/-Inf in stock_data | |
stock_data.replace([np.inf, -np.inf, np.nan], 0, inplace=True) | |
# reverse stock data | |
stock_data = stock_data.iloc[::-1] | |
# Construct response | |
response = { | |
"Ticker": ticker, | |
"Company Name": stock_data["COMPANY"].iloc[0], | |
"Current Price": stock_data["AVERAGE PRICE"].iloc[-1], | |
"MAX Price": stock_data["PRICE OF LAST TRANSACTION"].max(), | |
"MIN Price": stock_data["PRICE OF LAST TRANSACTION"].min(), | |
"Volume": stock_data["QUANTITY"].sum() if "QUANTITY" in stock_data.columns else None, | |
"REVENUE": stock_data[ | |
"REVENUE IN BEST DENARS"].sum() if "REVENUE IN BEST DENARS" in stock_data.columns else None, | |
"AVERAGE PRICE": stock_data["AVERAGE PRICE"].iloc[-1], | |
"Timeframes": timeframe_results, | |
} | |
# Ensure JSON compliance | |
response = { | |
key: (float(value) if isinstance(value, (np.float64, np.int64)) else value) | |
for key, value in response.items() | |
} | |
return response | |