Semanticist_AR / semanticist /engine /
tennant's picture
import os, torch
import cv2
import numpy as np
import torch_fidelity
from collections import OrderedDict
from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor
import importlib
from torch.optim import AdamW
from semanticist.utils.lr_scheduler import build_scheduler
def get_obj_from_str(string, reload=False):
"""Get object from string path."""
module, cls = string.rsplit(".", 1)
if reload:
module_imp = importlib.import_module(module)
return getattr(importlib.import_module(module, package=None), cls)
def instantiate_from_config(config):
"""Instantiate an object from a config dictionary."""
if not "target" in config:
raise KeyError("Expected key `target` to instantiate.")
return get_obj_from_str(config["target"])(**config.get("params", dict()))
def is_dist_avail_and_initialized():
"""Check if distributed training is available and initialized."""
if not torch.distributed.is_initialized():
return False
return True
def is_main_process():
"""Check if the current process is the main process."""
return not is_dist_avail_and_initialized() or torch.distributed.get_rank() == 0
def concat_all_gather(tensor):
Performs all_gather operation on the provided tensors.
*** Warning ***: torch.distributed.all_gather has no gradient.
tensors_gather = [torch.ones_like(tensor)
for _ in range(torch.distributed.get_world_size())]
torch.distributed.all_gather(tensors_gather, tensor, async_op=False)
output =, dim=0)
return output
def requires_grad(model, flag=True):
"""Set requires_grad flag for all model parameters."""
for p in model.parameters():
p.requires_grad = flag
def save_img(img, save_path):
"""Save a single image to disk."""
img = np.clip(img.float().numpy().transpose([1, 2, 0]) * 255, 0, 255)
img = img.astype(np.uint8)[:, :, ::-1]
cv2.imwrite(save_path, img)
def save_img_batch(imgs, save_paths):
"""Process and save multiple images at once using a thread pool."""
# Convert to numpy and prepare all images in one go
imgs = np.clip(imgs.float().numpy().transpose(0, 2, 3, 1) * 255, 0, 255).astype(np.uint8)
imgs = imgs[:, :, :, ::-1] # RGB to BGR for all images at once
with ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=32) as pool:
# Submit all tasks at once
futures = [pool.submit(cv2.imwrite, path, img)
for path, img in zip(save_paths, imgs)]
# Wait for all tasks to complete
for future in futures:
future.result() # This will raise any exceptions that occurred
def get_fid_stats(real_dir, rec_dir, fid_stats):
"""Calculate FID statistics between real and reconstructed images."""
stats = torch_fidelity.calculate_metrics(
return stats
def create_scheduler(optimizer, num_epoch, steps_per_epoch, lr_min, warmup_steps,
warmup_lr_init, decay_steps, cosine_lr):
"""Create a learning rate scheduler."""
scheduler = build_scheduler(
return scheduler
def load_state_dict(state_dict, model):
"""Helper to load a state dict with proper prefix handling."""
if 'state_dict' in state_dict:
state_dict = state_dict['state_dict']
# Remove '_orig_mod' prefix if present
state_dict = {k.replace('_orig_mod.', ''): v for k, v in state_dict.items()}
missing, unexpected = model.load_state_dict(
state_dict, strict=False
if is_main_process():
print(f"Loaded model. Missing: {missing}, Unexpected: {unexpected}")
def load_safetensors(path, model):
"""Helper to load a safetensors checkpoint."""
from safetensors.torch import safe_open
with safe_open(path, framework="pt", device="cpu") as f:
state_dict = {k: f.get_tensor(k) for k in f.keys()}
load_state_dict(state_dict, model)
def setup_result_folders(result_folder):
"""Setup result folders for saving models and images."""
model_saved_dir = os.path.join(result_folder, "models")
os.makedirs(model_saved_dir, exist_ok=True)
image_saved_dir = os.path.join(result_folder, "images")
os.makedirs(image_saved_dir, exist_ok=True)
return model_saved_dir, image_saved_dir
def create_optimizer(model, weight_decay, learning_rate, betas=(0.9, 0.95)):
"""Create an AdamW optimizer with weight decay for 2D parameters only."""
# start with all of the candidate parameters
param_dict = {pn: p for pn, p in model.named_parameters()}
# filter out those that do not require grad
param_dict = {pn: p for pn, p in param_dict.items() if p.requires_grad}
# create optim groups. Any parameters that is 2D will be weight decayed, otherwise no.
# i.e. all weight tensors in matmuls + embeddings decay, all biases and layernorms don't.
decay_params = [p for n, p in param_dict.items() if p.dim() >= 2]
nodecay_params = [p for n, p in param_dict.items() if p.dim() < 2]
optim_groups = [
{'params': decay_params, 'weight_decay': weight_decay},
{'params': nodecay_params, 'weight_decay': 0.0}
num_decay_params = sum(p.numel() for p in decay_params)
num_nodecay_params = sum(p.numel() for p in nodecay_params)
if is_main_process():
print(f"num decayed parameter tensors: {len(decay_params)}, with {num_decay_params:,} parameters")
print(f"num non-decayed parameter tensors: {len(nodecay_params)}, with {num_nodecay_params:,} parameters")
optimizer = AdamW(optim_groups, lr=learning_rate, betas=betas)
return optimizer
class EMAModel:
"""Model Exponential Moving Average."""
def __init__(self, model, device, decay=0.999):
self.device = device
self.decay = decay
self.ema_params = OrderedDict(
(name, param.clone().detach().to(device))
for name, param in model.named_parameters()
if param.requires_grad
def update(self, model):
for name, param in model.named_parameters():
if param.requires_grad:
if name in self.ema_params:
self.ema_params[name].lerp_(, 1 - self.decay)
self.ema_params[name] =
def state_dict(self):
return self.ema_params
def load_state_dict(self, params):
self.ema_params = OrderedDict(
(name, param.clone().detach().to(self.device))
for name, param in params.items()
class PaddedDataset(
"""Dataset wrapper that pads a dataset to ensure even distribution across processes."""
def __init__(self, dataset, padding_size):
self.dataset = dataset
self.padding_size = padding_size
def __len__(self):
return len(self.dataset) + self.padding_size
def __getitem__(self, idx):
if idx < len(self.dataset):
return self.dataset[idx]
return self.dataset[0]
class CacheDataLoader:
"""DataLoader-like interface for cached data with epoch-based shuffling."""
def __init__(self, slots, targets=None, batch_size=32, num_augs=1, seed=None):
self.slots = slots
self.targets = targets
self.batch_size = batch_size
self.num_augs = num_augs
self.seed = seed
self.epoch = 0
# Original dataset size (before augmentations)
self.num_samples = len(slots) // num_augs
def set_epoch(self, epoch):
"""Set epoch for deterministic shuffling."""
self.epoch = epoch
def __len__(self):
"""Return number of batches based on original dataset size."""
return self.num_samples // self.batch_size
def __iter__(self):
"""Return random indices for current epoch."""
g = torch.Generator()
g.manual_seed(self.seed + self.epoch if self.seed is not None else self.epoch)
# Randomly sample indices from the entire augmented dataset
indices = torch.randint(
0, len(self.slots),
# Yield batches of indices
for start in range(0, self.num_samples, self.batch_size):
end = min(start + self.batch_size, self.num_samples)
batch_indices = indices[start:end]
yield (