Update with Sorting Final Questions
Browse files
@@ -12,6 +12,11 @@ import time
12 |
import calendar
13 |
import re
14 |
15 |
connection_string = os.getenv("CONNECTION")
16 |
blob_service_client = BlobServiceClient.from_connection_string(connection_string)
17 |
@@ -31,7 +36,11 @@ def upload_blob(pdf_name, json_data, pdf_data_jobdescription,pdf_data_cvs, pre_g
31 |
pdf_blob_client.upload_blob(pdf_data_jobdescription, overwrite=True)
32 |
33 |
upload_job_db_item(pdf_name,len(pdf_data_cvs),json.loads(json_data),pre_generated_bool, custom_questions)
34 |
35 |
links = []
36 |
names = []
37 |
for i,cv in enumerate(pdf_data_cvs):
@@ -115,6 +124,28 @@ def upload_db_item(name, data, job_description_id, cv_id):
115 |
except Exception as e:
116 |
print(f"Allgemeiner Fehler: {str(e)}")
117 |
118 |
119 |
120 |
@@ -143,6 +174,9 @@ if "pdf_data_jobdescription_string" not in st.session_state:
143 |
if "final_question_string" not in st.session_state:
144 |
st.session_state["final_question_string"] = []
145 |
146 |
with open("sys_prompt_frontend.txt") as f:
147 |
sys_prompt =
148 |
@@ -199,7 +233,7 @@ with st.container():
199 |
200 |
st.write("The questions are generated. This may take a short moment...")
201 |
res = openai.ChatCompletion.create(
202 |
203 |
204 |
205 |
@@ -208,7 +242,7 @@ with st.container():
208 |
209 |
210 |
211 |
st.session_state["ai_questions"] = res.choices[0]["message"]["content"].split("\n")
212 |
for i,q in enumerate(res.choices[0]["message"]["content"].split("\n")):
213 |
st.session_state["disable_row_"+str(i)] = False
214 |
@@ -234,6 +268,25 @@ with st.container():
234 |
235 |
with cols[0]:
236 |
st.text_area(label="Question "+str(i+1)+":",value=question,label_visibility="collapsed",key="text_area_"+str(i),disabled=st.session_state["disable_row_"+str(i)])
237 |
238 |
with st.expander("Enter up to three predefined questions if needed. Otherwise leave it blank:"):
239 |
question_one = st.text_input("Enter the first question:")
@@ -283,8 +336,4 @@ with st.container():
283 |
284 |
285 |
if not upload_success:
286 |
st.error('An error has occurred. Please contact the administrator. Sorry for the inconvenience.', icon="🚨")
287 |
# else:
288 |
# col_submit_btn, col_empty, col_clear_btn = st.columns([1,4, 1])
289 |
# if col_clear_btn.button("Clear" ,use_container_width=True):
290 |
# streamlit_js_eval(js_expressions="parent.window.location.reload()")
12 |
import calendar
13 |
import re
14 |
15 |
openai.api_key = os.getenv("OPENAI_API_KEY")
16 |
openai.api_base = ""
17 |
openai.api_type = "azure"
18 |
openai.api_version = "2023-05-15"
19 |
20 |
connection_string = os.getenv("CONNECTION")
21 |
blob_service_client = BlobServiceClient.from_connection_string(connection_string)
22 |
36 |
pdf_blob_client.upload_blob(pdf_data_jobdescription, overwrite=True)
37 |
38 |
upload_job_db_item(pdf_name,len(pdf_data_cvs),json.loads(json_data),pre_generated_bool, custom_questions)
39 |
if pre_generated_bool:
40 |
for i,question in enumerate(custom_questions):
41 |
question_nr_for_id = i+1
42 |
question_id = pdf_name + "-question-nr-" + str(question_nr_for_id)+str(calendar.timegm(time.gmtime()))
43 |
upload_question_db_item(question_id, pdf_name, question,st.session_state["pdf_data_jobdescription_string"])
44 |
links = []
45 |
names = []
46 |
for i,cv in enumerate(pdf_data_cvs):
124 |
except Exception as e:
125 |
print(f"Allgemeiner Fehler: {str(e)}")
126 |
127 |
def upload_question_db_item(id, job_id, question, job_content):
128 |
endpoint = ""
129 |
key = os.getenv("CONNECTION_DB")
130 |
client = CosmosClient(endpoint, key)
131 |
database = client.get_database_client("ToDoList")
132 |
container = database.get_container_client("Questions")
133 |
question_item = {
134 |
"id": id,
135 |
"partitionKey" : "wg-question-data-v1",
136 |
"job_id": job_id,
137 |
"question_content": question,
138 |
"job_description": job_content,
139 |
140 |
141 |
# Fügen Sie das Element in den Container ein
142 |
143 |
print("Eintrag erfolgreich in die Cosmos DB eingefügt. Container: Questions(Question Data)")
144 |
except exceptions.CosmosHttpResponseError as e:
145 |
print(f"Fehler beim Schreiben in die Cosmos DB: {str(e)}")
146 |
except Exception as e:
147 |
print(f"Allgemeiner Fehler: {str(e)}")
148 |
149 |
150 |
151 |
174 |
if "final_question_string" not in st.session_state:
175 |
st.session_state["final_question_string"] = []
176 |
177 |
def adjust_numbering(lst):
178 |
return [f"{i + 1}. {item.split('. ', 1)[1]}" for i, item in enumerate(lst)]
179 |
180 |
with open("sys_prompt_frontend.txt") as f:
181 |
sys_prompt =
182 |
233 |
234 |
st.write("The questions are generated. This may take a short moment...")
235 |
res = openai.ChatCompletion.create(
236 |
237 |
238 |
239 |
242 |
243 |
244 |
245 |
st.session_state["ai_questions"] = [item for item in res.choices[0]["message"]["content"].split("\n") if len(item) > 0]
246 |
for i,q in enumerate(res.choices[0]["message"]["content"].split("\n")):
247 |
st.session_state["disable_row_"+str(i)] = False
248 |
268 |
269 |
with cols[0]:
270 |
st.text_area(label="Question "+str(i+1)+":",value=question,label_visibility="collapsed",key="text_area_"+str(i),disabled=st.session_state["disable_row_"+str(i)])
271 |
for i,final_q in enumerate(st.session_state["final_question_string"]):
272 |
cols_final = st.columns([5,1])
273 |
with cols_final[1]:
274 |
if st.button("Up",use_container_width=True,key="btn_up_row_"+str(i),disabled=True if i == 0 else False):
275 |
if i > 0:
276 |
# Tausche das aktuelle Element mit dem vorherigen Element
277 |
st.session_state.final_question_string[i], st.session_state.final_question_string[i - 1] = \
278 |
st.session_state.final_question_string[i - 1], st.session_state.final_question_string[i]
279 |
st.session_state.final_question_string = adjust_numbering(st.session_state.final_question_string)
280 |
281 |
if st.button("Down",use_container_width=True,key="btn_down_row_"+str(i), disabled=True if i == len(st.session_state["final_question_string"])-1 else False):
282 |
if i < len(st.session_state.final_question_string) - 1:
283 |
# Tausche das aktuelle Element mit dem nächsten Element
284 |
st.session_state.final_question_string[i], st.session_state.final_question_string[i + 1] = \
285 |
st.session_state.final_question_string[i + 1], st.session_state.final_question_string[i]
286 |
st.session_state.final_question_string = adjust_numbering(st.session_state.final_question_string)
287 |
288 |
with cols_final[0]:
289 |
290 |
291 |
with st.expander("Enter up to three predefined questions if needed. Otherwise leave it blank:"):
292 |
question_one = st.text_input("Enter the first question:")
336 |
337 |
338 |
if not upload_success:
339 |
st.error('An error has occurred. Please contact the administrator. Sorry for the inconvenience.', icon="🚨")