A newer version of the Gradio SDK is available:
Model Garden NLP Common Training Driver is the common training driver that supports multiple NLP tasks (e.g., pre-training, GLUE and SQuAD fine-tuning etc) and multiple models (e.g., BERT, ALBERT, MobileBERT etc).
Experiment Configuration
is driven by configs defined by the ExperimentConfig
including configurations for task
, trainer
and runtime
. The pre-defined
NLP related ExperimentConfig can be found in
Experiment Registry
We use an experiment registry to build a mapping
between experiment type to experiment configuration instance. For example,
registers bert/sentence_prediction
and bert/squad
experiments. User can use
FLAG to invoke a registered experiment configuration,
e.g., --experiment=bert/sentence_prediction
Overriding Configuration via Yaml and FLAGS
The registered experiment configuration can be overridden by one or
multiple Yaml files provided by --config_file
FLAG. For example:
--config_file=configs/experiments/glue_mnli_matched.yaml \
In addition, experiment configuration can be further overriden by
FLAG. For example:
Run locally on GPUs
An example command for training a model on local GPUs is below. This command trains a BERT-base model on GLUE/MNLI-matched which is a sentence prediction task.
PARAMS=runtime.distribution_strategy=mirrored # Train no GPU
python3 \
--experiment=bert/sentence_prediction \
--mode=train \
--model_dir=/a-folder-to-hold-checkpoints-and-logs/ \
--config_file=configs/models/bert_en_uncased_base.yaml \
--config_file=configs/experiments/glue_mnli_matched.yaml \
Note that you can specify any detailed configuration by appending
to the PARAMS
variable. For example, if you want to load from a pretrained
checkpoint as initialization (instead of random initialization):
The configuration entry task.hub_module_url
uses a URL to a TF-Hub model which
is officially pretrained. See
List of Pretrained Models
for the complete list of pretrained models on TF-Hub. When initializing from a
pretrained model, the encoder architecture of the pretrained model will be used
and the encoder architecture you set in the config
in this case) will be ignored.
You can change --mode=train
to --mode=train_and_eval
if you want to see
evaluation results. But you need to specify the path to the evaluation data by
setting task.validation_data.input_path
Run on Cloud TPUs
Next, we will describe how to run the on Cloud TPUs.
First, you need to create a tf-nightly
TPU with
ctpu tool:
ctpu up -name $TPU_NAME --tf-version=nightly --tpu-size=YOUR_TPU_SIZE --project=YOUR_PROJECT
and then install Model Garden and required dependencies:
git clone
export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:/path/to/models
pip3 install --user -r official/requirements.txt
Fine-tuning SQuAD with a pre-trained BERT checkpoint
This example fine-tunes a pre-trained BERT checkpoint on the
Stanford Question Answering Dataset (SQuAD) using TPUs.
The SQuAD website contains
detailed information about the SQuAD datasets and evaluation. After downloading
the SQuAD datasets and the pre-trained BERT checkpoints,
you can run the following command to prepare the tf_record
export SQUAD_DIR=~/squad
export BERT_DIR=~/uncased_L-12_H-768_A-12
export OUTPUT_DATA_DIR=gs://some_bucket/datasets
python3 \
--squad_data_file=${SQUAD_DIR}/train-v1.1.json \
--vocab_file=${BERT_DIR}/vocab.txt \
--train_data_output_path=${OUTPUT_DATA_DIR}/train.tf_record \
--meta_data_file_path=${OUTPUT_DATA_DIR}/squad_meta_data \
--fine_tuning_task_type=squad --max_seq_length=384
Note: To create fine-tuning data with SQuAD 2.0, you need to add flag --version_2_with_negative=True
Then, you can start the training and evaluation jobs:
export SQUAD_DIR=~/squad
export INPUT_DATA_DIR=gs://some_bucket/datasets
export OUTPUT_DIR=gs://some_bucket/my_output_dir
# See the following link for more pre-trained checkpoints:
export BERT_DIR=~/uncased_L-12_H-768_A-12
# Override the configurations by FLAGS. Alternatively, you can directly edit
# `configs/experiments/squad_v1.1.yaml` to specify corresponding fields.
# Also note that the training data is the pre-processed tf_record file, while
# the validation file is the raw json file.
export PARAMS=task.train_data.input_path=$INPUT_DATA_DIR/train.tf_record
export PARAMS=$PARAMS,task.validation_data.input_path=$SQUAD_DIR/dev-v1.1.json
export PARAMS=$PARAMS,task.validation_data.vocab_file=$BERT_DIR/vocab.txt
export PARAMS=$PARAMS,task.init_checkpoint=$BERT_DIR/bert_model.ckpt
export PARAMS=$PARAMS,runtime.distribution_strategy=tpu
python3 \
--experiment=bert/squad \
--mode=train_and_eval \
--model_dir=$OUTPUT_DIR \
--config_file=configs/models/bert_en_uncased_base.yaml \
--config_file=configs/experiments/squad_v1.1.yaml \
--tpu=${TPU_NAME} \
Fine-tuning Sentence Classification with BERT from TF-Hub
This example fine-tunes BERT-base from TF-Hub on the Multi-Genre Natural Language Inference (MultiNLI) corpus using TPUs.
Firstly, you can prepare the fine-tuning data using
For GLUE tasks, you can (1) download the
GLUE data by running
this script
and unpack it to some directory $GLUE_DIR
, (2) prepare the vocabulary file,
and (3) run the following command:
export GLUE_DIR=~/glue
export VOCAB_FILE=~/uncased_L-12_H-768_A-12/vocab.txt
export OUTPUT_DATA_DIR=gs://some_bucket/datasets
python3 data/ \
--input_data_dir=${GLUE_DIR}/${TASK_NAME}/ \
--vocab_file=${VOCAB_FILE} \
--train_data_output_path=${OUTPUT_DATA_DIR}/${TASK_NAME}_train.tf_record \
--eval_data_output_path=${OUTPUT_DATA_DIR}/${TASK_NAME}_eval.tf_record \
--meta_data_file_path=${OUTPUT_DATA_DIR}/${TASK_NAME}_meta_data \
--fine_tuning_task_type=classification --max_seq_length=128 \
Resulting training and evaluation datasets in tf_record
format will be later
passed to
Then you can execute the following commands to start the training and evaluation job.
export INPUT_DATA_DIR=gs://some_bucket/datasets
export OUTPUT_DIR=gs://some_bucket/my_output_dir
# See tfhub BERT collection for more tfhub models:
export BERT_HUB_URL=
# Override the configurations by FLAGS. Alternatively, you can directly edit
# `configs/experiments/glue_mnli_matched.yaml` to specify corresponding fields.
export PARAMS=task.train_data.input_path=$INPUT_DATA_DIR/mnli_train.tf_record
export PARAMS=$PARAMS,task.validation_data.input_path=$INPUT_DATA_DIR/mnli_eval.tf_record
export PARAMS=$PARAMS,task.hub_module_url=$BERT_HUB_URL
export PARAMS=$PARAMS,runtime.distribution_strategy=tpu
python3 \
--experiment=bert/sentence_prediction \
--mode=train_and_eval \
--model_dir=$OUTPUT_DIR \
--config_file=configs/models/bert_en_uncased_base.yaml \
--config_file=configs/experiments/glue_mnli_matched.yaml \
--tfhub_cache_dir=$OUTPUT_DIR/hub_cache \
--tpu=${TPU_NAME} \
You can monitor the training progress in the console and find the output
models in $OUTPUT_DIR