""" | |
Utilities for cleaning and validating Manim code generated by LLMs. | |
""" | |
import re | |
import logging | |
import json | |
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) | |
def clean_manim_code(raw_code): | |
""" | |
Clean Manim code from LLM responses by removing markdown formatting | |
and ensuring proper structure. | |
Args: | |
raw_code (str): The raw code from the LLM response | |
Returns: | |
str: Cleaned, executable Python code | |
""" | |
# Start with the raw code | |
code = raw_code | |
# Extract code from markdown code blocks if present | |
if "```python" in code: | |
parts = code.split("```python") | |
if len(parts) > 1: | |
code = parts[1] | |
if "```" in code: | |
code = code.split("```")[0] | |
elif "```" in code: | |
parts = code.split("```") | |
if len(parts) > 1: | |
code = parts[1] | |
if "```" in parts[1]: | |
code = code.split("```")[0] | |
# Remove any remaining backticks | |
code = code.replace('```', '') | |
# Ensure code begins with the necessary import | |
if not code.strip().startswith('from manim import'): | |
code = 'from manim import *\n\n' + code | |
# Verify the code contains a Scene class | |
if 'class' not in code or 'Scene' not in code: | |
logger.warning("Generated code does not contain a proper Scene class") | |
# Add a basic scene structure if missing | |
if 'class ManimScene(Scene):' not in code: | |
code = 'from manim import *\n\nclass ManimScene(Scene):\n def construct(self):\n ' + code | |
# Verify the code has a construct method | |
if 'def construct(self)' not in code: | |
logger.warning("Generated code does not contain a construct method") | |
# Try to find where the class is defined and add construct method | |
class_match ='class\s+\w+\s*\(\s*Scene\s*\)\s*:', code) | |
if class_match: | |
insert_pos = class_match.end() | |
code = code[:insert_pos] + '\n def construct(self):\n pass\n' + code[insert_pos:] | |
# Ensure there's a wait at the end if not present | |
if 'self.wait(' not in code.split('def construct')[-1]: | |
# Find the end of the construct method to add wait | |
construct_body_match ='def\s+construct\s*\(\s*self\s*\)\s*:', code) | |
if construct_body_match: | |
# Check if the method has content | |
method_content = code[construct_body_match.end():] | |
indentation = ' ' # Default indentation | |
# Try to determine indentation from code | |
indent_match ='\n(\s+)', method_content) | |
if indent_match: | |
indentation = | |
# Find a good place to insert the wait | |
if '}' in method_content.splitlines()[-1]: # If last line closes something | |
code = code.rstrip() + f'\n{indentation}self.wait(1)\n' | |
else: | |
code = code.rstrip() + f'\n{indentation}self.wait(1)\n' | |
return code.strip() | |
def parse_scenario_from_llm_response(content): | |
""" | |
Extract structured scenario information from an LLM response. | |
Args: | |
content (str): The LLM response text | |
Returns: | |
dict: Extracted scenario dictionary | |
""" | |
try: | |
# Try to find and extract a JSON object | |
json_match ='\{.*\}', content, re.DOTALL) | |
if json_match: | |
json_str = | |
scenario_dict = json.loads(json_str) | |
return scenario_dict | |
except Exception as e: | |
logger.error(f"Error parsing scenario JSON: {e}") | |
# Manual parsing fallback | |
scenario = { | |
"title": "", | |
"objects": [], | |
"transformations": [], | |
"equations": [] | |
} | |
# Simple pattern matching to extract information | |
title_match ='title["\s:]+([^"]+)', content, re.IGNORECASE) | |
if title_match: | |
scenario["title"] = | |
# Extract lists with various possible formats | |
objects_pattern = r'objects[":\s\[]+([^\]]+)' | |
objects_match =, content, re.IGNORECASE | re.DOTALL) | |
if objects_match: | |
objects_text = | |
# Handle both comma-separated and quote-wrapped items | |
objects = re.findall(r'"([^"]+)"', objects_text) | |
if not objects: | |
objects = [item.strip() for item in objects_text.split(',')] | |
scenario["objects"] = objects | |
# Similar extraction for transformations | |
trans_pattern = r'transformations[":\s\[]+([^\]]+)' | |
trans_match =, content, re.IGNORECASE | re.DOTALL) | |
if trans_match: | |
trans_text = | |
transformations = re.findall(r'"([^"]+)"', trans_text) | |
if not transformations: | |
transformations = [item.strip() for item in trans_text.split(',')] | |
scenario["transformations"] = transformations | |
# Extract equations if present | |
equations_pattern = r'equations[":\s\[]+([^\]]+)' | |
equations_match =, content, re.IGNORECASE | re.DOTALL) | |
if equations_match: | |
equations_text = | |
if equations_text.lower().strip() in ['null', 'none']: | |
scenario["equations"] = None | |
else: | |
equations = re.findall(r'"([^"]+)"', equations_text) | |
if not equations: | |
equations = [item.strip() for item in equations_text.split(',')] | |
scenario["equations"] = equations | |
return scenario | |
def validate_manim_code(code): | |
""" | |
Perform basic validation on Manim code to catch common issues. | |
Args: | |
code (str): The Manim code to validate | |
Returns: | |
tuple: (is_valid, error_message) | |
""" | |
# Check for basic Python syntax errors | |
try: | |
compile(code, '<string>', 'exec') | |
except SyntaxError as e: | |
return False, f"Syntax error: {str(e)}" | |
# Check for necessary components | |
if 'from manim import' not in code: | |
return False, "Missing Manim import" | |
if 'class' not in code or 'Scene' not in code: | |
return False, "No Scene class defined" | |
if 'def construct(self)' not in code: | |
return False, "No construct method defined" | |
# Check for common Manim issues | |
if '' not in code and 'self.add(' not in code: | |
return False, "No objects added to scene (missing or self.add calls)" | |
# All checks passed | |
return True, "Code appears valid" | |