Runtime error
Runtime error
What is 1+1 ?
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What is 1+1 ?
There are two ways to answer this question.
1+1 is the sum of two numbers.
1+1 is the identity of two numbers.
The second way is the only one you can use in math.
If you want to count this as a valid answer, you would need to have an answer
1+1 is the sum of two numbers.
1+1 is the identity of two numbers.
1+1 is the identity of two numbers.
1+1 is the identity of two numbers.
1+1 is the identity of two numbers.
1+1 is the identity of two numbers.
1+1 is the identity of two numbers.
1+1 is the identity of two numbers.
1+1 is the identity of two numbers.
1+1 is the identity of two numbers.
1+1 is the identity of two numbers.
1+1 is the identity of