Runtime error
Runtime error
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- | |
""" | |
Author: Philipp Seidl | |
ELLIS Unit Linz, LIT AI Lab, Institute for Machine Learning | |
Johannes Kepler University Linz | |
Contact: [email protected] | |
Training | |
""" | |
from .utils import str2bool, lgamma, multinom_gk, top_k_accuracy | |
from .data import load_templates, load_dataset_from_csv, load_USPTO | |
from .model import ModelConfig, MHN, StaticQK, SeglerBaseline, Retrosim | |
from .molutils import convert_smiles_to_fp, FP_featurizer, smarts2appl, getTemplateFingerprint, disable_rdkit_logging | |
from collections import defaultdict | |
import argparse | |
import os | |
import numpy as np | |
import pandas as pd | |
import datetime | |
import sys | |
from time import time | |
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt | |
import torch | |
import multiprocessing | |
import warnings | |
from joblib import Memory | |
cachedir = 'data/cache/' | |
memory = Memory(cachedir, verbose=0, bytes_limit=80e9) | |
def parse_args(): | |
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Train MHNreact.", | |
epilog="--", prog="Train") | |
parser.add_argument('-f', type=str) | |
parser.add_argument('--model_type', type=str, default='mhn', | |
help="Model-type: choose from 'segler', 'fortunato', 'mhn' or 'staticQK', default:'mhn'") | |
parser.add_argument("--exp_name", type=str, default='', help="experiment name, (added as postfix to the file-names)") | |
parser.add_argument("-d", "--dataset_type", type=str, default='sm', | |
help="Input Dataset 'sm' for Scheider-USPTO-50k 'lg' for USPTO large or 'golden' or use keyword '--csv_path to specify an input file', default: 'sm'") | |
parser.add_argument("--csv_path", default=None, type=str, help="path to preprocessed trainings file + split columns, default: None") | |
parser.add_argument("--split_col", default='split', type=str, help="split column of csv, default: 'split'") | |
parser.add_argument("--input_col", default='prod_smiles', type=str, help="input column of csv, default: 'pro_smiles'") | |
parser.add_argument("--reactants_col", default='reactants_can', type=str, help="reactant colum of csv, default: 'reactants_can'") | |
parser.add_argument("--fp_type", type=str, default='morganc', | |
help="Fingerprint type for the input only!: default: 'morgan', other options: 'rdk', 'ECFP', 'ECFC', 'MxFP', 'Morgan2CBF' or a combination of fingerprints with '+'' for max-pooling and '&' for concatination e.g. maccs+morganc+topologicaltorsion+erg+atompair+pattern+rdkc+layered+mhfp, default: 'morganc'") | |
parser.add_argument("--template_fp_type", type=str, default='rdk', | |
help="Fingerprint type for the template fingerprint, default: 'rdk'") | |
parser.add_argument("--device", type=str, default='best', | |
help="Device to run the model on, preferably 'cuda:0', default: 'best' (takes the gpu with most RAM)") | |
parser.add_argument("--fp_size", type=int, default=4096, | |
help="fingerprint-size used for templates as well as for inputs, default: 4096") | |
parser.add_argument("--fp_radius", type=int, default=2, help="fingerprint-radius (if applicable to the fingerprint-type), default: 2") | |
parser.add_argument("--epochs", type=int, default=10, help='number of epochs, default: 10') | |
parser.add_argument("--pretrain_epochs", type=int, default=0, | |
help="applicability-matrix pretraining epochs if applicable (e.g. fortunato model_type), default: 0") | |
parser.add_argument("--save_model", type=str2bool, default=False, help="save the model, default: False") | |
parser.add_argument("--dropout", type=float, default=0.2, help="dropout rate for encoders, default: 0.2") | |
parser.add_argument("--lr", type=float, default=5e-4, help="learning-rate, dfeault: 5e-4") | |
parser.add_argument("--hopf_beta", type=float, default=0.05, help="hopfield beta parameter, default: 0.125") | |
parser.add_argument("--hopf_asso_dim", type=int, default=512, help="association dimension, default: 512") | |
parser.add_argument("--hopf_num_heads", type=int, default=1, help="hopfield number of heads, default: 1") | |
parser.add_argument("--hopf_association_activation", type=str, default='None', | |
help="hopfield association activation function recommended:'Tanh' or 'None', other: 'ReLU', 'SeLU', 'GeLU', or 'None' for more, see torch.nn, default: 'None'") | |
parser.add_argument("--norm_input", default=True, type=str2bool, | |
help="input-normalization, default: True") | |
parser.add_argument("--norm_asso", default=True, type=str2bool, | |
help="association-normalization, default: True") | |
# additional experimental hyperparams | |
parser.add_argument("--hopf_n_layers", default=1, type=int, help="Number of hopfield-layers, default: 1") | |
parser.add_argument("--mol_encoder_layers", default=1, type=int, help="Number of molecule-encoder layers, default: 1") | |
parser.add_argument("--temp_encoder_layers", default=1, type=int, help="Number of template-encoder layers, default: 1") | |
parser.add_argument("--encoder_af", default='ReLU', type=str, | |
help="Encoder-NN intermediate activation function (before association_activation function), default: 'ReLU'") | |
parser.add_argument("--hopf_pooling_operation_head", default='mean', type=str, help="Pooling operation over heads default=max, (max, min, mean, ...), default: 'mean'") | |
parser.add_argument("--splitting_scheme", default=None, type=str, help="Splitting_scheme for non-csv-input, default: None, other options: 'class-freq', 'random'") | |
parser.add_argument("--concat_rand_template_thresh", default=-1, type=int, help="Concatinates a random vector to the tempalte-fingerprint at all templates with num_training samples > this threshold; -1 (default) means deactivated") | |
parser.add_argument("--repl_quotient", default=10, type=float, help="Only if --concat_rand_template_thresh >= 0 - Quotient of how much should be replaced by random in template-embedding, (default: 10)") | |
parser.add_argument("--verbose", default=False, type=str2bool, help="If verbose, will print out more stuff, default: False") | |
parser.add_argument("--batch_size", default=128, type=int, help="Training batch-size, default: 128") | |
parser.add_argument("--eval_every_n_epochs", default=1, type=int, help="Evaluate every _ epochs (Evaluation is costly for USPTO-Lg), default: 1") | |
parser.add_argument("--save_preds", default=False, type=str2bool, help="Save predictions for test split at the end of training, default: False") | |
parser.add_argument("--wandb", default=False, type=str2bool, help="Save to wandb; login required, default: False") | |
parser.add_argument("--seed", default=None, type=int, help="Seed your run to make it reproducible, defualt: None") | |
parser.add_argument("--template_fp_type2", default=None, type=str, help="experimental template_fp_type for layer 2, default: None") | |
parser.add_argument("--layer2weight",default=0.2, type=float, help="hopf-layer2 weight of p, default: 0.2") | |
parser.add_argument("--reactant_pooling", default='max', type=str, help="reactant pooling operation over template-fingerprint, default: 'max', options: 'min','mean','lgamma'") | |
parser.add_argument("--ssretroeval", default=False, type=str2bool, help="single-step retro-synthesis eval, default: False") | |
parser.add_argument("--addval2train", default=False, type=str2bool, help="adds the validation set to the training set, default: False") | |
parser.add_argument("--njobs",default=-1, type=int, help="Number of jobs, default: -1 -> uses all available") | |
parser.add_argument("--eval_only_loss", default=False, type=str2bool, help="if only loss should be evaluated (if top-k acc may be time consuming), default: False") | |
parser.add_argument("--only_templates_in_batch", default=False, type=str2bool, help="while training only forwards templates that are in the batch, default: False") | |
parser.add_argument("--plot_res", default=False, type=str2bool, help="Plotting results for USPTO-sm/lg, default: False") | |
args = parser.parse_args() | |
if args.njobs ==-1: | |
args.njobs = int(multiprocessing.cpu_count()) | |
if args.device=='best': | |
from .utils import get_best_gpu | |
try: | |
args.device = get_best_gpu() | |
except: | |
print('couldnt get the best gpu, using cpu instead') | |
args.device = 'cpu' | |
# some save checks on model type | |
if (args.model_type == 'segler') & (args.pretrain_epochs>=1): | |
print('changing model type to fortunato because of pretraining_epochs>0') | |
args.model_type = 'fortunato' | |
if ((args.model_type == 'staticQK') or (args.model_type == 'retrosim')) & (args.epochs>1): | |
print('changing epochs to 1 (StaticQK is not lernable ;)') | |
args.epochs=1 | |
if args.template_fp_type != args.fp_type: | |
print('fp_type must be the same as template_fp_type --> setting template_fp_type to fp_type') | |
args.template_fp_type = args.fp_type | |
if args.save_model & (args.fp_type=='MxFP'): | |
warnings.warn('Currently MxFP is not recommended for saving the model paprameter (fragment dict for others would need to be saved or compued again, currently not implemented)') | |
return args | |
def featurize_smiles(X, fp_type='morgan', fp_size=4096, fp_radius=2, njobs=1, verbose=False): | |
X_fp = {} | |
if fp_type in ['MxFP','MACCS','Morgan2CBF','Morgan4CBF', 'Morgan6CBF', 'ErG','AtomPair','TopologicalTorsion','RDK']: | |
print('computing', fp_type) | |
if fp_type == 'MxFP': | |
fp_types = ['MACCS','Morgan2CBF','Morgan4CBF', 'Morgan6CBF', 'ErG','AtomPair','TopologicalTorsion','RDK'] | |
else: | |
fp_types = [fp_type] | |
remaining = int(fp_size) | |
for fp_type in fp_types: | |
print(fp_type,end=' ') | |
feat = FP_featurizer(fp_types=fp_type, | |
max_features= (fp_size//len(fp_types)) if (fp_type != fp_types[-1]) else remaining ) | |
X_fp[f'train_{fp_type}'] =['train']) | |
X_fp[f'valid_{fp_type}'] = feat.transform(X['valid']) | |
X_fp[f'test_{fp_type}'] = feat.transform(X['test']) | |
remaining -= X_fp[f'train_{fp_type}'].shape[1] | |
#X_fp['train'].shape, X_fp['test'].shape | |
X_fp['train'] = np.hstack([ X_fp[f'train_{fp_type}'] for fp_type in fp_types]) | |
X_fp['valid'] = np.hstack([ X_fp[f'valid_{fp_type}'] for fp_type in fp_types]) | |
X_fp['test'] = np.hstack([ X_fp[f'test_{fp_type}'] for fp_type in fp_types]) | |
else: #fp_type in ['rdk','morgan','ecfp4','pattern','morganc','rdkc']: | |
if verbose: print('computing', fp_type, 'folded') | |
for split in X.keys(): | |
X_fp[split] = convert_smiles_to_fp(X[split], fp_size=fp_size, which=fp_type, radius=fp_radius, njobs=njobs, verbose=verbose) | |
return X_fp | |
def compute_template_fp(fp_len=2048, reactant_pooling='max', do_log=True): | |
"""Pre-Compute the template-fingerprint""" | |
# combine them to one fingerprint | |
comb_template_fp = np.zeros((max(template_list.keys())+1,fp_len if reactant_pooling!='concat' else fp_len*6)) | |
for i in template_list: | |
tpl = template_list[i] | |
try: | |
pr, rea = str(tpl).split('>>') | |
idxx = temp_part_to_fp[pr] | |
prod_fp = templates_fp['fp'][idxx] | |
except: | |
print('err', pr, end='\r') | |
prod_fp = np.zeros(fp_len) | |
rea_fp = templates_fp['fp'][[temp_part_to_fp[r] for r in str(rea).split('.')]] # max-pooling | |
if reactant_pooling=='only_product': | |
rea_fp = np.zeros(fp_len) | |
if reactant_pooling=='max': | |
rea_fp = np.log(1 + rea_fp.max(0)) | |
elif reactant_pooling=='mean': | |
rea_fp = np.log(1 + rea_fp.mean(0)) | |
elif reactant_pooling=='sum': | |
rea_fp = np.log(1 + rea_fp.mean(0)) | |
elif reactant_pooling=='lgamma': | |
rea_fp = multinom_gk(rea_fp, axis=0) | |
elif reactant_pooling=='concat': | |
rs = str(rea).split('.') | |
rs.sort() | |
for ii, r in enumerate(rs): | |
idx = temp_part_to_fp[r] | |
rea_fp = templates_fp['fp'][idx] | |
comb_template_fp[i, (fp_len*(ii+1)):(fp_len*(ii+2))] = np.log(1 + rea_fp) | |
comb_template_fp[i,:prod_fp.shape[0]] = np.log(1 + prod_fp) #- rea_fp*0.5 | |
if reactant_pooling!='concat': | |
#comb_template_fp[i] = multinom_gk(np.stack([np.log(1+prod_fp), rea_fp])) | |
#comb_template_fp[i,fp_len:] = rea_fp | |
comb_template_fp[i,:rea_fp.shape[0]] = comb_template_fp[i, :rea_fp.shape[0]] - rea_fp*0.5 | |
return comb_template_fp | |
def set_up_model(args, template_list=None): | |
hpn_config = ModelConfig(num_templates = int(max(template_list.keys()))+1, | |
#len(template_list.values()), #env.num_templates, # | |
dropout=args.dropout, | |
fingerprint_type=args.fp_type, | |
template_fp_type = args.template_fp_type, | |
fp_size = args.fp_size, | |
fp_radius= args.fp_radius, | |
device=args.device, | |, | |
hopf_beta=args.hopf_beta, #1/(128**0.5),#1/(2048**0.5), | |
hopf_input_size=args.fp_size, | |
hopf_output_size=None, | |
hopf_num_heads=args.hopf_num_heads, | |
hopf_asso_dim=args.hopf_asso_dim, | |
hopf_association_activation = args.hopf_association_activation, #or ReLU, Tanh works better, SELU, GELU | |
norm_input = args.norm_input, | |
norm_asso = args.norm_asso, | |
hopf_n_layers= args.hopf_n_layers, | |
mol_encoder_layers=args.mol_encoder_layers, | |
temp_encoder_layers=args.temp_encoder_layers, | |
encoder_af=args.encoder_af, | |
hopf_pooling_operation_head = args.hopf_pooling_operation_head, | |
batch_size=args.batch_size, | |
) | |
print(hpn_config.__dict__) | |
if args.model_type=='segler': # baseline | |
clf = SeglerBaseline(hpn_config) | |
elif args.model_type=='mhn': | |
clf = MHN(hpn_config, layer2weight=args.layer2weight) | |
elif args.model_type=='fortunato': # pretraining with applicability-matrix | |
clf = SeglerBaseline(hpn_config) | |
elif args.model_type=='staticQK': # staticQK | |
clf = StaticQK(hpn_config) | |
elif args.model_type=='retrosim': # staticQK | |
clf = Retrosim(hpn_config) | |
else: | |
raise NotImplementedError | |
return clf, hpn_config | |
def set_up_template_encoder(args, clf, label_to_n_train_samples=None, template_list=None): | |
if isinstance(clf, SeglerBaseline): | |
clf.templates = [] | |
elif args.model_type=='staticQK': | |
clf.template_list = list(template_list.values()) | |
clf.update_template_embedding(which=args.template_fp_type, fp_size=args.fp_size, radius=args.fp_radius, njobs=args.njobs) | |
elif args.model_type=='retrosim': | |
#clf.template_list = list(X['train'].values()) | |
clf.fit_with_train(X_fp['train'], y['train']) | |
else: | |
import hashlib | |
PATH = './data/cache/' | |
if not os.path.exists(PATH): | |
os.mkdir(PATH) | |
fn_templ_emb = f'{PATH}templ_emb_{args.fp_size}_{args.template_fp_type}{args.fp_radius}_{len(template_list)}_{int(hashlib.sha512((str(template_list)).encode()).hexdigest(), 16)}.npy' | |
if (os.path.exists(fn_templ_emb)): # load the template embedding | |
print(f'loading tfp from file {fn_templ_emb}') | |
templ_emb = np.load(fn_templ_emb) | |
# !!! beware of different fingerprint types | |
clf.template_list = list(template_list.values()) | |
if args.only_templates_in_batch: | |
clf.templates_np = templ_emb | |
clf.templates = None | |
else: | |
clf.templates = torch.from_numpy(templ_emb).float().to(clf.config.device) | |
else: | |
if args.template_fp_type=='MxFP': | |
clf.template_list = list(template_list.values()) | |
clf.templates = torch.from_numpy(comb_template_fp).float().to(clf.config.device) | |
clf.set_templates_recursively() | |
elif args.template_fp_type=='Tfidf': | |
clf.template_list = list(template_list.values()) | |
clf.templates = torch.from_numpy(tfidf_template_fp).float().to(clf.config.device) | |
clf.set_templates_recursively() | |
elif args.template_fp_type=='random': | |
clf.template_list = list(template_list.values()) | |
clf.templates = torch.from_numpy(np.random.rand(len(template_list),args.fp_size)).float().to(clf.config.device) | |
clf.set_templates_recursively() | |
else: | |
clf.set_templates(list(template_list.values()), which=args.template_fp_type, fp_size=args.fp_size, | |
radius=args.fp_radius, learnable=False, njobs=args.njobs, only_templates_in_batch=args.only_templates_in_batch) | |
#if len(template_list)<100000: | |, clf.templates_np if args.only_templates_in_batch else clf.templates.detach().cpu().numpy().astype(np.float16)) | |
# concatinate the current fingerprint with a random fingerprint if the threshold is above | |
if (args.concat_rand_template_thresh != -1) & (args.repl_quotient>0): | |
REPLACE_FACTOR = int(args.repl_quotient) # default was 8 | |
# fold the original fingerprint | |
pre_comp_templates = clf.templates_np if args.only_templates_in_batch else clf.templates.detach().cpu().numpy() | |
# mask of labels with mor than 49 training samples | |
l_mask = np.array([label_to_n_train_samples[k]>=args.concat_rand_template_thresh for k in template_list]) | |
print(f'Num of templates with added rand-vect of size {pre_comp_templates.shape[1]//REPLACE_FACTOR} due to >=thresh ({args.concat_rand_template_thresh}):',l_mask.sum()) | |
# remove the bits with the lowest variance | |
v = pre_comp_templates.var(0) | |
idx_lowest_var_half = v.argsort()[:(pre_comp_templates.shape[1]//REPLACE_FACTOR)] | |
# the new zero-init-vectors | |
pre = np.zeros([pre_comp_templates.shape[0], pre_comp_templates.shape[1]//REPLACE_FACTOR]).astype(np.float) | |
print(pre.shape, l_mask.shape, l_mask.sum()) #(616, 1700) (11790,) 519 | |
print(pre_comp_templates.shape, len(template_list)) #(616, 17000) 616 | |
# only the ones with >thresh will receive a random vect | |
pre[l_mask] = np.random.rand(l_mask.sum(), pre.shape[1]) | |
pre_comp_templates[:,idx_lowest_var_half] = pre | |
#clf.templates = torch.from_numpy(pre_comp_templates).float().to(clf.config.device) | |
if pre_comp_templates.shape[0]<100000: | |
print('adding template_matrix to params') | |
param = torch.nn.Parameter(torch.from_numpy(pre_comp_templates).float(), requires_grad=False) | |
clf.register_parameter(name='templates+noise', param=param) | |
clf.templates = | |
clf.set_templates_recursively() | |
else: #otherwise might cause memory issues | |
print('more than 100k templates') | |
if args.only_templates_in_batch: | |
clf.templates = None | |
clf.templates_np = pre_comp_templates | |
else: | |
clf.templates = torch.from_numpy(pre_comp_templates).float() | |
clf.set_templates_recursively() | |
# set's this for the first layer!! | |
if args.template_fp_type2=='MxFP': | |
print('first_layer template_fingerprint is set to MxFP') | |
clf.templates = torch.from_numpy(comb_template_fp).float().to(clf.config.device) | |
elif args.template_fp_type2=='Tfidf': | |
print('first_layer template_fingerprint is set to Tfidf') | |
clf.templates = torch.from_numpy(tfidf_template_fp).float().to(clf.config.device) | |
elif args.template_fp_type2=='random': | |
print('first_layer template_fingerprint is set to random') | |
clf.templates = torch.from_numpy(np.random.rand(len(template_list),args.fp_size)).float().to(clf.config.device) | |
elif args.template_fp_type2=='stfp': | |
print('first_layer template_fingerprint is set to stfp ! only works with 4096 fp_size') | |
tfp = getTemplateFingerprint(list(template_list.values())) | |
clf.templates = torch.from_numpy(tfp).float().to(clf.config.device) | |
return clf | |
if __name__ == '__main__': | |
args = parse_args() | |
run_id = str(time()).split('.')[0] | |
fn_postfix = str(args.exp_name) + '_' + run_id | |
if args.wandb: | |
import wandb | |
wandb.init(project='mhn-react', entity='phseidl', name=args.dataset_type+'_'+args.model_type+'_'+fn_postfix, config=args.__dict__) | |
else: | |
wandb=None | |
if not args.verbose: | |
disable_rdkit_logging() | |
if args.seed is not None: | |
from .utils import seed_everything | |
seed_everything(args.seed) | |
print('seeded with',args.seed) | |
# load csv or data | |
if args.csv_path is None: | |
X, y = load_USPTO(which=args.dataset_type) | |
template_list = load_templates(which=args.dataset_type) | |
else: | |
X, y, template_list, test_reactants_can = load_dataset_from_csv(**vars(args)) | |
if args.addval2train: | |
print('adding val to train') | |
X['train'] = [*X['train'],*X['valid']] | |
y['train'] = np.concatenate([y['train'],y['valid']]) | |
splits = ['train', 'valid', 'test'] | |
#TODO split up in seperate class | |
if args.splitting_scheme == 'class-freq': | |
X_all = np.concatenate([X[split] for split in splits], axis=0) | |
y_all = np.concatenate([y[split] for split in splits]) | |
# sort class by frequency / assumes class-index is ordered (wich is mildely violated) | |
res = y_all.argsort() | |
# use same split proportions | |
cum_split_lens = np.cumsum([len(y[split]) for split in splits]) #cumulative split length | |
X['train'] = X_all[res[0:cum_split_lens[0]]] | |
y['train'] = y_all[res[0:cum_split_lens[0]]] | |
X['valid'] = X_all[res[cum_split_lens[0]:cum_split_lens[1]]] | |
y['valid'] = y_all[res[cum_split_lens[0]:cum_split_lens[1]]] | |
X['test'] = X_all[res[cum_split_lens[1]:]] | |
y['test'] = y_all[res[cum_split_lens[1]:]] | |
for split in splits: | |
print(split, y[split].shape[0], 'samples (', y[split].max(),'max label)') | |
if args.splitting_scheme == 'remove_once_in_train_and_not_in_test': | |
print('remove_once_in_train') | |
from collections import Counter | |
cc = Counter() | |
cc.update(y['train']) | |
classes_set_only_once_in_train = set(np.array(list(cc.keys()))[ (np.array(list(cc.values())))==1]) | |
not_in_test = set(y['train']).union(y['valid']) - (set(y['test'])) | |
classes_set_only_once_in_train = (classes_set_only_once_in_train.intersection(not_in_test)) | |
remove_those_mask = np.array([yii in classes_set_only_once_in_train for yii in y['train']]) | |
X['train'] = np.array(X['train'])[~remove_those_mask] | |
y['train'] = np.array(y['train'])[~remove_those_mask] | |
print(remove_those_mask.mean(),'%', remove_those_mask.sum(), 'samples removed') | |
if args.splitting_scheme == 'random': | |
print('random-splitting-scheme:8-1-1') | |
if args.ssretroeval: | |
print('ssretroeval not available') | |
raise NotImplementedError | |
import numpy as np | |
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split | |
def _unpack(lod): | |
r = [] | |
for k,v in lod.items(): | |
[r.append(i) for i in v] | |
return r | |
X_all = _unpack(X) | |
y_all = np.array( _unpack(y) ) | |
X['train'], X['test'], y['train'], y['test'] = train_test_split(X_all, y_all, test_size=0.2, random_state=70135) | |
X['test'], X['valid'], y['test'], y['valid'] = train_test_split(X['test'], y['test'], test_size=0.5, random_state=70135) | |
zero_shot = set(y['test']).difference( set(y['train']).union(set(y['valid'])) ) | |
zero_shot_mask = np.array([yi in zero_shot for yi in y['test']]) | |
print(sum(zero_shot_mask)) | |
#y['test'][zero_shot_mask] = list(zero_shot)[0] #not right but quick | |
if args.model_type=='staticQK' or args.model_type=='retrosim': | |
print('staticQK model: caution: use pattern, or rdk -fingerprint-embedding') | |
fp_size = args.fp_size | |
radius = args.fp_radius #quite important ;) | |
fp_embedding = args.fp_type | |
X_fp = featurize_smiles(X, fp_type=args.fp_type, fp_size=args.fp_size, fp_radius=args.fp_radius, njobs=args.njobs) | |
if args.template_fp_type=='MxFP' or (args.template_fp_type2=='MxFP'): | |
temp_part_to_fp = {} | |
for i in template_list: | |
tpl = template_list[i] | |
for part in str(tpl).split('>>'): | |
for p in str(part).split('.'): | |
temp_part_to_fp[p]=None | |
for i, k in enumerate(temp_part_to_fp): | |
temp_part_to_fp[k] = i | |
fp_types = ['Morgan2CBF','Morgan4CBF', 'Morgan6CBF','AtomPair','TopologicalTorsion', 'Pattern', 'RDK'] | |
#MACCS ErG don't work --> errors with explicit / inplicit valence | |
templates_fp = {} | |
remaining = args.fp_size | |
for fp_type in fp_types: | |
#print(fp_type, end='\t') | |
# if it's that last use up the remaining fps | |
te_feat = FP_featurizer(fp_types=fp_type, | |
max_features=(args.fp_size//len(fp_types)) if (fp_type != fp_types[-1]) else remaining, | |
log_scale=False | |
) | |
templates_fp[fp_type] =[:], is_smarts=True) | |
#print(np.unique(templates_fp[fp_type]), end='\r') | |
remaining -= templates_fp[fp_type].shape[1] | |
templates_fp['fp'] = np.hstack([ templates_fp[f'{fp_type}'] for fp_type in fp_types]) | |
if args.template_fp_type=='MxFP' or (args.template_fp_type2=='MxFP'): | |
comb_template_fp = compute_template_fp(fp_len= args.fp_size, reactant_pooling=args.reactant_pooling) | |
if args.template_fp_type=='Tfidf' or (args.template_fp_type2 == 'Tfidf'): | |
print('using tfidf template-fingerprint') | |
from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import TfidfVectorizer | |
corpus = (list(template_list.values())) | |
vectorizer = TfidfVectorizer(analyzer='char', ngram_range=(1,12), max_features=args.fp_size) | |
tfidf_template_fp = vectorizer.fit_transform(corpus).toarray() | |
tfidf_template_fp.shape | |
acutal_fp_size = X_fp['train'].shape[1] | |
if acutal_fp_size != args.fp_size: | |
args.fp_size = int(X_fp['train'].shape[1]) | |
print('Warning: fp-size has changed to', acutal_fp_size) | |
label_to_n_train_samples = {} | |
n_train_samples_to_label = defaultdict(list) | |
n_templates = max(template_list.keys())+1 #max(max(y['train']), max(y['test']), max(y['valid'])) | |
for i in range(n_templates): | |
n_train_samples = (y['train']==i).sum() | |
label_to_n_train_samples[i] = n_train_samples | |
n_train_samples_to_label[n_train_samples].append(i) | |
up_to = 11 | |
n_samples = [] | |
masks = [] | |
ntes = range(up_to) | |
mask_dict = {} | |
for nte in ntes: # Number of training examples | |
split = f'nte_{nte}' | |
#print(split) | |
mask = np.zeros(y['test'].shape) | |
if isinstance(nte, int): | |
for label_with_nte in n_train_samples_to_label[nte]: | |
mask += (y['test'] == label_with_nte) | |
mask = mask>=1 | |
masks.append(mask) | |
mask_dict[str(nte)] = mask | |
n_samples.append(mask.sum()) | |
# for greater than 10 # >10 | |
n_samples.append((np.array(masks).max(0)==0).sum()) | |
mask_dict['>10'] = (np.array(masks).max(0)==0) | |
sum(n_samples), mask.shape | |
ntes = range(50) #to 49 | |
for nte in ntes: # Number of training examples | |
split = f'nte_{nte}' | |
#print(split) | |
mask = np.zeros(y['test'].shape) | |
for label_with_nte in n_train_samples_to_label[nte]: | |
mask += (y['test'] == label_with_nte) | |
mask = mask>=1 | |
masks.append(mask) | |
# for greater than 10 # >49 | |
n_samples.append((np.array(masks).max(0)==0).sum()) | |
mask_dict['>49'] = np.array(masks).max(0)==0 | |
print(n_samples) | |
clf, hpn_config = set_up_model(args, template_list=template_list) | |
clf = set_up_template_encoder(args, clf, label_to_n_train_samples=label_to_n_train_samples, template_list=template_list) | |
if args.verbose: | |
print(clf.config.__dict__) | |
print(clf) | |
wda = torch.optim.AdamW(clf.parameters(),, weight_decay=1e-2) | |
if args.wandb: | | | |
# pretraining with applicablity matrix, if applicable | |
if args.model_type == 'fortunato' or args.pretrain_epochs>1: | |
print('pretraining on applicability-matrix -- loading the matrix') | |
_, y_appl = load_USPTO(args.dataset_type, is_appl_matrix=True) | |
if args.splitting_scheme == 'remove_once_in_train_and_not_in_test': | |
y_appl['train'] = y_appl['train'][~remove_those_mask] | |
# check random if the applicability is true for y | |
splt = 'train' | |
for i in range(500): | |
i = np.random.randint(len(y[splt])) | |
#assert ( y_appl[splt][i].indices == y[splt][i] ).sum()==1 | |
print('pre-training (BCE-loss)') | |
for epoch in range(args.pretrain_epochs): | |
clf.train_from_np(X_fp['train'], X_fp['train'], y_appl['train'], use_dataloader=True, is_smiles=False, | |
epochs=1, wandb=wandb, verbose=args.verbose, bs=args.batch_size, | |
permute_batches=True, shuffle=True, optimizer=wda, | |
only_templates_in_batch=args.only_templates_in_batch) | |
y_pred = clf.evaluate(X_fp['valid'], X_fp['valid'], y_appl['valid'], | |
split='pretrain_valid', is_smiles=False, only_loss=True, | |
bs=args.batch_size,wandb=wandb) | |
appl_acc = ((y_appl['valid'].toarray()) == (y_pred>0.5)).mean() | |
print(f'{epoch:2.0f} -- train_loss: {clf.hist["loss"][-1]:1.3f}, loss_valid: {clf.hist["loss_pretrain_valid"][-1]:1.3f}, train_acc: {appl_acc:1.5f}') | |
fn_hist = None | |
y_preds = None | |
for epoch in range(round(args.epochs / args.eval_every_n_epochs)): | |
if not isinstance(clf, StaticQK): | |
now = time() | |
clf.train_from_np(X_fp['train'], X_fp['train'], y['train'], use_dataloader=True, is_smiles=False, | |
epochs=args.eval_every_n_epochs, wandb=wandb, verbose=args.verbose, bs=args.batch_size, | |
permute_batches=True, shuffle=True, optimizer=wda, only_templates_in_batch=args.only_templates_in_batch) | |
if args.verbose: print(f'training took {(time()-now)/60:3.1f} min for {args.eval_every_n_epochs} epochs') | |
for split in ['valid', 'test']: | |
print(split, 'evaluating', end='\r') | |
now = time() | |
#only_loss = ((epoch%5)==4) if args.dataset_type=='lg' else True | |
y_preds = clf.evaluate(X_fp[split], X_fp[split], y[split], is_smiles=False, split=split, bs=args.batch_size, only_loss=args.eval_only_loss, wandb=wandb); | |
if args.verbose: print(f'eval {split} took',(time()-now)/60,'min') | |
if not isinstance(clf, StaticQK): | |
try: | |
print(f'{epoch:2.0f} -- train_loss: {clf.hist["loss"][-1]:1.3f}, loss_valid: {clf.hist["loss_valid"][-1]:1.3f}, val_t1acc: {clf.hist["t1_acc_valid"][-1]:1.3f}, val_t100acc: {clf.hist["t100_acc_valid"][-1]:1.3f}') | |
except: | |
pass | |
now = time() | |
ks = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 100] | |
for nte in mask_dict: # Number of training examples | |
split = f'nte_{nte}' | |
#print(split) | |
mask = mask_dict[nte] | |
topkacc = top_k_accuracy(np.array(y['test'])[mask], y_preds[mask, :], k=ks, ret_arocc=False) | |
new_hist = {} | |
for k, tkacc in zip(ks, topkacc): | |
new_hist[f't{k}_acc_{split}'] = tkacc | |
#new_hist[(f'arocc_{split}')] = (arocc) | |
new_hist[f'steps_{split}'] = (clf.steps) | |
for k in new_hist: | |
clf.hist[k].append(new_hist[k]) | |
if args.verbose: print(f'eval nte-test took',(time()-now)/60,'min') | |
fn_hist = clf.save_hist(prefix=f'USTPO_{args.dataset_type}_{args.model_type}_', postfix=fn_postfix) | |
if args.save_preds: | |
PATH = './data/preds/' | |
if not os.path.exists(PATH): | |
os.mkdir(PATH) | |
pred_fn = f'{PATH}USPTO_{args.dataset_type}_test_{args.model_type}_{fn_postfix}.npy' | |
print('saving predictions to',pred_fn) | |,y_preds) | |
args.save_preds = pred_fn | |
if args.save_model: | |
model_save_path = clf.save_model(prefix=f'USPTO_{args.dataset_type}_{args.model_type}_valloss{clf.hist.get("loss_valid",[-1])[-1]:1.3f}_',name_as_conf=False, postfix=fn_postfix) | |
# Serialize data into file: | |
import json | |
json.dump( args.__dict__, open( f"data/model/{fn_postfix}_args.json", 'w' ) ) | |
json.dump( hpn_config.__dict__, | |
open( f"data/model/{fn_postfix}_config.json", 'w' ) ) | |
print('model saved to', model_save_path) | |
print(min(clf.hist.get('loss_valid',[-1]))) | |
if args.plot_res: | |
from plotutils import plot_topk, plot_nte | |
plt.figure() | |
clf.plot_loss() | |
plt.draw() | |
plt.figure() | |
plot_topk(clf.hist, sets=['valid']) | |
if args.dataset_type=='sm': | |
baseline_val_res = {1:0.4061, 10:0.6827, 50: 0.7883, 100:0.8400} | |
plt.plot(list(baseline_val_res.keys()), list(baseline_val_res.values()), 'k.--') | |
plt.draw() | |
plt.figure() | |
best_cpt = np.array(clf.hist['loss_valid'])[::-1].argmin()+1 | |
print(best_cpt) | |
try: | |
best_cpt = np.array(clf.hist['t10_acc_valid'])[::-1].argmax()+1 | |
print(best_cpt) | |
except: | |
print('err with t10_acc_valid') | |
plot_nte(clf.hist, dataset=args.dataset_type.capitalize(), last_cpt=best_cpt, include_bar=True, model_legend=args.exp_name, | |
n_samples=n_samples, z=1.96) | |
if os.path.exists('data/figs/'): | |
try: | |
os.mkdir(f'data/figs/{args.exp_name}/') | |
except: | |
pass | |
plt.savefig(f'data/figs/{args.exp_name}/training_examples_vs_top100_acc_{args.dataset_type}_{hash(str(args))}.pdf') | |
plt.draw() | |
fn_hist = clf.save_hist(prefix=f'USTPO_{args.dataset_type}_{args.model_type}_', postfix=fn_postfix) | |
if args.ssretroeval: | |
print('testing on the real test set ;)') | |
from .data import load_templates | |
from .retroeval import run_templates, topkaccuracy | |
from .utils import sort_by_template_and_flatten | |
a = list(template_list.keys()) | |
#assert list(range(len(a))) == a | |
templates = list(template_list.values()) | |
#templates = [*templates, *expert_templates] | |
template_product_smarts = [str(s).split('>')[0] for s in templates] | |
#execute all template | |
print('execute all templates') | |
test_product_smarts = [xi[0] for xi in X['test']] #added later | |
smarts2appl = memory.cache(smarts2appl, ignore=['njobs','nsplits', 'use_tqdm']) | |
appl = smarts2appl(test_product_smarts, template_product_smarts, njobs=args.njobs) | |
n_pairs = len(test_product_smarts) * len(template_product_smarts) | |
n_appl = len(appl[0]) | |
print(n_pairs, n_appl, n_appl/n_pairs) | |
#forward | |
split = 'test' | |
print('len(X_fp[test]):',len(X_fp[split])) | |
y[split] = np.zeros(len(X[split])).astype( | |
clf.eval() | |
if y_preds is None: | |
y_preds = clf.evaluate(X_fp[split], X_fp[split], y[split], is_smiles=False, | |
split='ttest', bs=args.batch_size, only_loss=True, wandb=None); | |
template_scores = y_preds #this should allready be test | |
#### | |
if y_preds.shape[1]>100000: | |
kth = 200 | |
print(f'only evaluating top {kth} applicable predicted templates') | |
# only take top kth and multiply by applicability matrix | |
appl_mtrx = np.zeros_like(y_preds, dtype=bool) | |
appl_mtrx[appl[0], appl[1]] = 1 | |
appl_and_topkth = ([], []) | |
for row in range(len(y_preds)): | |
argpreds = (np.argpartition(-(y_preds[row]*appl_mtrx[row]), kth, axis=0)[:kth]) | |
# if there are less than kth applicable | |
mask = appl_mtrx[row][argpreds] | |
argpreds = argpreds[mask] | |
#if len(argpreds)!=kth: | |
# print('changed to ', len(argpreds)) | |
appl_and_topkth[0].extend([row for _ in range(len(argpreds))]) | |
appl_and_topkth[1].extend(list(argpreds)) | |
appl = appl_and_topkth | |
#### | |
print('running the templates') | |
run_templates = run_templates #memory.cache( ) ... allready cached to tmp | |
prod_idx_reactants, prod_temp_reactants = run_templates(test_product_smarts, templates, appl, njobs=args.njobs) | |
#sorted_results = sort_by_template(template_scores, prod_idx_reactants) | |
#flat_results = flatten_per_product(sorted_results, remove_duplicates=True) | |
#now aglomerates over same outcome | |
flat_results = sort_by_template_and_flatten(y_preds, prod_idx_reactants, agglo_fun=sum) | |
accs = topkaccuracy(test_reactants_can, flat_results, [*list(range(1,101)), 100000]) | |
mtrcs2 = {f't{k}acc_ttest':accs[k-1] for k in [1,2,3,5,10,20,50,100,101]} | |
if wandb: | |
wandb.log(mtrcs2) | |
print('Single-step retrosynthesis-evaluation, results on ttest:') | |
#print([k[:-6]+'|' for k in mtrcs2.keys()]) | |
[print(k[:-6],end='\t') for k in mtrcs2.keys()] | |
print() | |
for k,v in mtrcs2.items(): | |
print(f'{v*100:2.2f}',end='\t') | |
# save the history of this experiment | |
EXP_DIR = 'data/experiments/' | |
df = pd.DataFrame([args.__dict__]) | |
df['min_loss_valid'] = min(clf.hist.get('loss_valid', [-1])) | |
df['min_loss_train'] = 0 if ((args.model_type=='staticQK') or (args.model_type=='retrosim')) else min(clf.hist.get('loss',[-1])) | |
try: | |
df['max_t1_acc_valid'] = max(clf.hist.get('t1_acc_valid', [0])) | |
df['max_t100_acc_valid'] = max(clf.hist.get('t100_acc_valid', [0])) | |
except: | |
pass | |
df['hist'] = [clf.hist] | |
df['n_samples'] = [n_samples] | |
df['fn_hist'] = fn_hist if fn_hist else None | |
df['fn_model'] = '' if not args.save_model else model_save_path | |
df['date'] = str(datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(time())) | |
df['cmd'] = ' '.join(sys.argv[:]) | |
if not os.path.exists(EXP_DIR): | |
os.mkdir(EXP_DIR) | |
df.to_csv(f'{EXP_DIR}{run_id}.tsv', sep='\t') | |
df | |