"""Convenience classes a for camera models. |
Based on PyTorch tensors: differentiable, batched, with GPU support. |
""" |
from abc import abstractmethod |
from typing import Dict, Optional, Tuple, Union |
import numpy as np |
import torch |
from torch.func import jacfwd, vmap |
from torch.nn import functional as F |
from siclib.geometry.gravity import Gravity |
from siclib.utils.conversions import deg2rad, focal2fov, fov2focal, rad2rotmat |
from siclib.utils.tensor import TensorWrapper, autocast |
class BaseCamera(TensorWrapper): |
"""Camera tensor class.""" |
eps = 1e-3 |
@autocast |
def __init__(self, data: torch.Tensor): |
"""Camera parameters with shape (..., {w, h, fx, fy, cx, cy, *dist}). |
Tensor convention: (..., {w, h, fx, fy, cx, cy, pitch, roll, *dist}) where |
- w, h: image size in pixels |
- fx, fy: focal lengths in pixels |
- cx, cy: principal points in normalized image coordinates |
- dist: distortion parameters |
Args: |
data (torch.Tensor): Camera parameters with shape (..., {6, 7, 8}). |
""" |
assert data.shape[-1] in {6, 7, 8}, data.shape |
pad = data.new_zeros(data.shape[:-1] + (8 - data.shape[-1],)) |
data = torch.cat([data, pad], -1) if data.shape[-1] != 8 else data |
super().__init__(data) |
@classmethod |
def from_dict(cls, param_dict: Dict[str, torch.Tensor]) -> "BaseCamera": |
"""Create a Camera object from a dictionary of parameters. |
Args: |
param_dict (Dict[str, torch.Tensor]): Dictionary of parameters. |
Returns: |
Camera: Camera object. |
""" |
for key, value in param_dict.items(): |
if not isinstance(value, torch.Tensor): |
param_dict[key] = torch.tensor(value) |
h, w = param_dict["height"], param_dict["width"] |
cx, cy = param_dict.get("cx", w / 2), param_dict.get("cy", h / 2) |
vfov = param_dict.get("vfov") |
f = param_dict.get("f", fov2focal(vfov, h)) |
if "dist" in param_dict: |
k1, k2 = param_dict["dist"][..., 0], param_dict["dist"][..., 1] |
elif "k1_hat" in param_dict: |
k1 = param_dict["k1_hat"] * (f / h) ** 2 |
k2 = param_dict.get("k2", torch.zeros_like(k1)) |
else: |
k1 = param_dict.get("k1", torch.zeros_like(f)) |
k2 = param_dict.get("k2", torch.zeros_like(f)) |
fx, fy = f, f |
if "scales" in param_dict: |
scales = param_dict["scales"] |
fx = fx * scales[..., 0] / scales[..., 1] |
params = torch.stack([w, h, fx, fy, cx, cy, k1, k2], dim=-1) |
return cls(params) |
def pinhole(self): |
"""Return the pinhole camera model.""" |
return self.__class__(self._data[..., :6]) |
@property |
def size(self) -> torch.Tensor: |
"""Size (width height) of the images, with shape (..., 2).""" |
return self._data[..., :2] |
@property |
def f(self) -> torch.Tensor: |
"""Focal lengths (fx, fy) with shape (..., 2).""" |
return self._data[..., 2:4] |
@property |
def vfov(self) -> torch.Tensor: |
"""Vertical field of view in radians.""" |
return focal2fov(self.f[..., 1], self.size[..., 1]) |
@property |
def hfov(self) -> torch.Tensor: |
"""Horizontal field of view in radians.""" |
return focal2fov(self.f[..., 0], self.size[..., 0]) |
@property |
def c(self) -> torch.Tensor: |
"""Principal points (cx, cy) with shape (..., 2).""" |
return self._data[..., 4:6] |
@property |
def K(self) -> torch.Tensor: |
"""Returns the self intrinsic matrix with shape (..., 3, 3).""" |
shape = self.shape + (3, 3) |
K = self._data.new_zeros(shape) |
K[..., 0, 0] = self.f[..., 0] |
K[..., 1, 1] = self.f[..., 1] |
K[..., 0, 2] = self.c[..., 0] |
K[..., 1, 2] = self.c[..., 1] |
K[..., 2, 2] = 1 |
return K |
def update_focal(self, delta: torch.Tensor, as_log: bool = False): |
"""Update the self parameters after changing the focal length.""" |
f = torch.exp(torch.log(self.f) + delta) if as_log else self.f + delta |
min_f = fov2focal(self.new_ones(self.shape[0]) * deg2rad(150), self.size[..., 1]) |
max_f = fov2focal(self.new_ones(self.shape[0]) * deg2rad(5), self.size[..., 1]) |
min_f = min_f.unsqueeze(-1).expand(-1, 2) |
max_f = max_f.unsqueeze(-1).expand(-1, 2) |
f = f.clamp(min=min_f, max=max_f) |
fx = f[..., 1] * self.f[..., 0] / self.f[..., 1] |
f = torch.stack([fx, f[..., 1]], -1) |
dist = self.dist if hasattr(self, "dist") else self.new_zeros(self.f.shape) |
return self.__class__(torch.cat([self.size, f, self.c, dist], -1)) |
def scale(self, scales: Union[float, int, Tuple[Union[float, int]]]): |
"""Update the self parameters after resizing an image.""" |
scales = (scales, scales) if isinstance(scales, (int, float)) else scales |
s = scales if isinstance(scales, torch.Tensor) else self.new_tensor(scales) |
dist = self.dist if hasattr(self, "dist") else self.new_zeros(self.f.shape) |
return self.__class__(torch.cat([self.size * s, self.f * s, self.c * s, dist], -1)) |
def crop(self, pad: Tuple[float]): |
"""Update the self parameters after cropping an image.""" |
pad = pad if isinstance(pad, torch.Tensor) else self.new_tensor(pad) |
size = self.size + pad.to(self.size) |
c = self.c + pad.to(self.c) / 2 |
dist = self.dist if hasattr(self, "dist") else self.new_zeros(self.f.shape) |
return self.__class__(torch.cat([size, self.f, c, dist], -1)) |
def undo_scale_crop(self, data: Dict[str, torch.Tensor]): |
"""Undo transforms done during scaling and cropping.""" |
camera = self.crop(-data["crop_pad"]) if "crop_pad" in data else self |
return camera.scale(1.0 / data["scales"]) |
@autocast |
def in_image(self, p2d: torch.Tensor): |
"""Check if 2D points are within the image boundaries.""" |
assert p2d.shape[-1] == 2 |
size = self.size.unsqueeze(-2) |
return torch.all((p2d >= 0) & (p2d <= (size - 1)), -1) |
@autocast |
def project(self, p3d: torch.Tensor) -> Tuple[torch.Tensor]: |
"""Project 3D points into the self plane and check for visibility.""" |
z = p3d[..., -1] |
valid = z > self.eps |
z = z.clamp(min=self.eps) |
p2d = p3d[..., :-1] / z.unsqueeze(-1) |
return p2d, valid |
def J_project(self, p3d: torch.Tensor): |
"""Jacobian of the projection function.""" |
x, y, z = p3d[..., 0], p3d[..., 1], p3d[..., 2] |
zero = torch.zeros_like(z) |
z = z.clamp(min=self.eps) |
J = torch.stack([1 / z, zero, -x / z**2, zero, 1 / z, -y / z**2], dim=-1) |
J = J.reshape(p3d.shape[:-1] + (2, 3)) |
return J |
@abstractmethod |
def distort(self, pts: torch.Tensor, return_scale: bool = False) -> Tuple[torch.Tensor]: |
"""Distort normalized 2D coordinates and check for validity of the distortion model.""" |
raise NotImplementedError("distort() must be implemented.") |
def J_distort(self, p2d: torch.Tensor, wrt: str = "pts") -> torch.Tensor: |
"""Jacobian of the distortion function.""" |
if wrt == "scale2pts": |
J = [ |
vmap(jacfwd(lambda x: self[idx].distort(x, return_scale=True)[0]))(p2d[idx])[None] |
for idx in range(p2d.shape[0]) |
] |
return torch.cat(J, dim=0).squeeze(-3, -2) |
elif wrt == "scale2dist": |
J = [] |
for idx in range(p2d.shape[0]): |
def func(x): |
params = torch.cat([self._data[idx, :6], x[None]], -1) |
return self.__class__(params).distort(p2d[idx], return_scale=True)[0] |
J.append(vmap(jacfwd(func))(self[idx].dist)) |
return torch.cat(J, dim=0) |
else: |
raise NotImplementedError(f"Jacobian not implemented for wrt={wrt}") |
@abstractmethod |
def undistort(self, pts: torch.Tensor) -> Tuple[torch.Tensor]: |
"""Undistort normalized 2D coordinates and check for validity of the distortion model.""" |
raise NotImplementedError("undistort() must be implemented.") |
def J_undistort(self, p2d: torch.Tensor, wrt: str = "pts") -> torch.Tensor: |
"""Jacobian of the undistortion function.""" |
if wrt == "pts": |
J = [ |
vmap(jacfwd(lambda x: self[idx].undistort(x)[0]))(p2d[idx])[None] |
for idx in range(p2d.shape[0]) |
] |
return torch.cat(J, dim=0).squeeze(-3) |
elif wrt == "dist": |
J = [] |
for batch_idx in range(p2d.shape[0]): |
def func(x): |
params = torch.cat([self._data[batch_idx, :6], x[None]], -1) |
return self.__class__(params).undistort(p2d[batch_idx])[0] |
J.append(vmap(jacfwd(func))(self[batch_idx].dist)) |
return torch.cat(J, dim=0) |
else: |
raise NotImplementedError(f"Jacobian not implemented for wrt={wrt}") |
@autocast |
def up_projection_offset(self, p2d: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: |
"""Compute the offset for the up-projection.""" |
return self.J_distort(p2d, wrt="scale2pts") |
def J_up_projection_offset(self, p2d: torch.Tensor, wrt: str = "uv") -> torch.Tensor: |
"""Jacobian of the distortion offset for up-projection.""" |
if wrt == "uv": |
J = [ |
vmap(jacfwd(lambda x: self[idx].up_projection_offset(x)[0, 0]))(p2d[idx])[None] |
for idx in range(p2d.shape[0]) |
] |
return torch.cat(J, dim=0) |
elif wrt == "dist": |
J = [] |
for batch_idx in range(p2d.shape[0]): |
def func(x): |
params = torch.cat([self._data[batch_idx, :6], x[None]], -1)[None] |
return self.__class__(params).up_projection_offset(p2d[batch_idx][None]) |
J.append(vmap(jacfwd(func))(self[batch_idx].dist)) |
return torch.cat(J, dim=0).squeeze(1) |
else: |
raise NotImplementedError(f"Jacobian not implemented for wrt={wrt}") |
@autocast |
def denormalize(self, p2d: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: |
"""Convert normalized 2D coordinates into pixel coordinates.""" |
return p2d * self.f.unsqueeze(-2) + self.c.unsqueeze(-2) |
def J_denormalize(self): |
"""Jacobian of the denormalization function.""" |
return torch.diag_embed(self.f) |
@autocast |
def normalize(self, p2d: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: |
"""Convert pixel coordinates into normalized 2D coordinates.""" |
return (p2d - self.c.unsqueeze(-2)) / (self.f.unsqueeze(-2)) |
def J_normalize(self, p2d: torch.Tensor, wrt: str = "f"): |
"""Jacobian of the normalization function.""" |
if wrt == "f": |
J_f = -(p2d - self.c.unsqueeze(-2)) / ((self.f.unsqueeze(-2)) ** 2) |
return torch.diag_embed(J_f) |
elif wrt == "pts": |
J_pts = 1 / self.f |
return torch.diag_embed(J_pts) |
else: |
raise NotImplementedError(f"Jacobian not implemented for wrt={wrt}") |
def pixel_coordinates(self) -> torch.Tensor: |
"""Pixel coordinates in self frame. |
Returns: |
torch.Tensor: Pixel coordinates as a tensor of shape (B, h * w, 2). |
""" |
w, h = self.size[0].unbind(-1) |
h, w = h.round().to(int), w.round().to(int) |
x = torch.arange(0, w, dtype=self.dtype, device=self.device) |
y = torch.arange(0, h, dtype=self.dtype, device=self.device) |
x, y = torch.meshgrid(x, y, indexing="xy") |
xy = torch.stack((x, y), dim=-1).reshape(-1, 2) |
B = self.shape[0] |
xy = xy.unsqueeze(0).expand(B, -1, -1) |
return xy.to(self.device).to(self.dtype) |
def normalized_image_coordinates(self) -> torch.Tensor: |
"""Normalized image coordinates in self frame. |
Returns: |
torch.Tensor: Normalized image coordinates as a tensor of shape (B, h * w, 3). |
""" |
xy = self.pixel_coordinates() |
uv1, _ = self.image2world(xy) |
B = self.shape[0] |
uv1 = uv1.reshape(B, -1, 3) |
return uv1.to(self.device).to(self.dtype) |
@autocast |
def pixel_bearing_many(self, p3d: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: |
"""Get the bearing vectors of pixel coordinates. |
Args: |
p2d (torch.Tensor): Pixel coordinates as a tensor of shape (..., 3). |
Returns: |
torch.Tensor: Bearing vectors as a tensor of shape (..., 3). |
""" |
return F.normalize(p3d, dim=-1) |
@autocast |
def world2image(self, p3d: torch.Tensor) -> Tuple[torch.Tensor]: |
"""Transform 3D points into 2D pixel coordinates.""" |
p2d, visible = self.project(p3d) |
p2d, mask = self.distort(p2d) |
p2d = self.denormalize(p2d) |
valid = visible & mask & self.in_image(p2d) |
return p2d, valid |
@autocast |
def J_world2image(self, p3d: torch.Tensor): |
"""Jacobian of the world2image function.""" |
p2d_proj, valid = self.project(p3d) |
J_dnorm = self.J_denormalize() |
J_dist = self.J_distort(p2d_proj) |
J_proj = self.J_project(p3d) |
J = torch.einsum("...ij,...jk,...kl->...il", J_dnorm, J_dist, J_proj) |
return J, valid |
@autocast |
def image2world(self, p2d: torch.Tensor) -> Tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor]: |
"""Transform point in the image plane to 3D world coordinates.""" |
p2d = self.normalize(p2d) |
p2d, valid = self.undistort(p2d) |
ones = p2d.new_ones(p2d.shape[:-1] + (1,)) |
p3d = torch.cat([p2d, ones], -1) |
return p3d, valid |
@autocast |
def J_image2world(self, p2d: torch.Tensor, wrt: str = "f") -> Tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor]: |
"""Jacobian of the image2world function.""" |
if wrt == "dist": |
p2d_norm = self.normalize(p2d) |
return self.J_undistort(p2d_norm, wrt) |
elif wrt == "f": |
J_norm2f = self.J_normalize(p2d, wrt) |
p2d_norm = self.normalize(p2d) |
J_dist2norm = self.J_undistort(p2d_norm, "pts") |
return torch.einsum("...ij,...jk->...ik", J_dist2norm, J_norm2f) |
else: |
raise ValueError(f"Unknown wrt: {wrt}") |
@autocast |
def undistort_image(self, img: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: |
"""Undistort an image using the distortion model.""" |
assert self.shape[0] == 1, "Batch size must be 1." |
W, H = self.size.unbind(-1) |
H, W = H.int().item(), W.int().item() |
x, y = torch.arange(0, W), torch.arange(0, H) |
x, y = torch.meshgrid(x, y, indexing="xy") |
coords = torch.stack((x, y), dim=-1).reshape(-1, 2) |
p3d, _ = self.pinhole().image2world(coords.to(self.device).to(self.dtype)) |
p2d, _ = self.world2image(p3d) |
mapx, mapy = p2d[..., 0].reshape((1, H, W)), p2d[..., 1].reshape((1, H, W)) |
grid = torch.stack((mapx, mapy), dim=-1) |
grid = 2.0 * grid / torch.tensor([W - 1, H - 1]).to(grid) - 1 |
return F.grid_sample(img, grid, align_corners=True) |
def get_img_from_pano( |
self, |
pano_img: torch.Tensor, |
gravity: Gravity, |
yaws: torch.Tensor = 0.0, |
resize_factor: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None, |
) -> torch.Tensor: |
"""Render an image from a panorama. |
Args: |
pano_img (torch.Tensor): Panorama image of shape (3, H, W) in [0, 1]. |
gravity (Gravity): Gravity direction of the camera. |
yaws (torch.Tensor | list, optional): Yaw angle in radians. Defaults to 0.0. |
resize_factor (torch.Tensor, optional): Resize the panorama to be a multiple of the |
field of view. Defaults to 1. |
Returns: |
torch.Tensor: Image rendered from the panorama. |
""" |
B = self.shape[0] |
if B > 0: |
assert self.size[..., 0].unique().shape[0] == 1, "All images must have the same width." |
assert self.size[..., 1].unique().shape[0] == 1, "All images must have the same height." |
w, h = self.size[0].unbind(-1) |
h, w = h.round().to(int), w.round().to(int) |
if isinstance(yaws, (int, float)): |
yaws = [yaws] |
if isinstance(resize_factor, (int, float)): |
resize_factor = [resize_factor] |
yaws = ( |
yaws.to(self.dtype).to(self.device) |
if isinstance(yaws, torch.Tensor) |
else self.new_tensor(yaws) |
) |
if isinstance(resize_factor, torch.Tensor): |
resize_factor = resize_factor.to(self.dtype).to(self.device) |
elif resize_factor is not None: |
resize_factor = self.new_tensor(resize_factor) |
assert isinstance(pano_img, torch.Tensor), "Panorama image must be a torch.Tensor." |
pano_img = pano_img if pano_img.dim() == 4 else pano_img.unsqueeze(0) |
pano_imgs = [] |
for i, yaw in enumerate(yaws): |
if resize_factor is not None: |
vfov = self.vfov[i] if B != 0 else self.vfov |
scale = np.pi / float(vfov) * float(h) / pano_img.shape[0] * resize_factor[i] |
pano_shape = (int(pano_img.shape[0] * scale), int(pano_img.shape[1] * scale)) |
mode = "bicubic" if scale >= 1 else "area" |
resized_pano = F.interpolate(pano_img, size=pano_shape, mode=mode) |
else: |
resized_pano = pano_img |
pano_shape = pano_img.shape[-2:][::-1] |
pano_imgs.append((resized_pano, pano_shape)) |
xy = self.pixel_coordinates() |
uv1, valid = self.image2world(xy) |
bearings = self.pixel_bearing_many(uv1) |
R_yaw = rad2rotmat(self.new_zeros(yaw.shape), self.new_zeros(yaw.shape), yaws) |
rotated_bearings = bearings @ gravity.R @ R_yaw |
lon = torch.atan2(rotated_bearings[..., 0], rotated_bearings[..., 2]) |
lat = torch.atan2( |
rotated_bearings[..., 1], torch.norm(rotated_bearings[..., [0, 2]], dim=-1) |
) |
images = [] |
for idx, (resized_pano, pano_shape) in enumerate(pano_imgs): |
min_lon, max_lon = -torch.pi, torch.pi |
min_lat, max_lat = -torch.pi / 2.0, torch.pi / 2.0 |
min_x, max_x = 0, pano_shape[0] - 1.0 |
min_y, max_y = 0, pano_shape[1] - 1.0 |
nx = (lon[idx] - min_lon) / (max_lon - min_lon) * (max_x - min_x) + min_x |
ny = (lat[idx] - min_lat) / (max_lat - min_lat) * (max_y - min_y) + min_y |
mapx = nx.reshape((1, h, w)) |
mapy = ny.reshape((1, h, w)) |
grid = torch.stack((mapx, mapy), dim=-1) |
grid = 2.0 * grid / torch.tensor([pano_shape[-2] - 1, pano_shape[-1] - 1]).to(grid) - 1 |
image = F.grid_sample(resized_pano, grid, align_corners=True) |
images.append(image) |
return torch.concatenate(images, 0) if B > 0 else images[0] |
def __repr__(self): |
"""Print the Camera object.""" |
return f"{self.__class__.__name__} {self.shape} {self.dtype} {self.device}" |