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"""Mesh data utilities."""
import random
import networkx as nx
import numpy as np
# import pyrr
from six.moves import range
import trimesh
from scipy.spatial.transform import Rotation
def to_mesh(vertices, faces, transpose=True, post_process=False):
if transpose:
vertices = vertices[:, [1, 2, 0]]
if faces.min() == 1:
faces = (np.array(faces) - 1).tolist()
mesh = trimesh.Trimesh(vertices=vertices, faces=faces, process=False)
if post_process:
return mesh
def center_vertices(vertices):
"""Translate the vertices so that bounding box is centered at zero."""
vert_min = vertices.min(axis=0)
vert_max = vertices.max(axis=0)
vert_center = 0.5 * (vert_min + vert_max)
# vert_center = np.mean(vertices, axis=0)
return vertices - vert_center
def face_to_cycles(face):
"""Find cycles in face."""
g = nx.Graph()
for v in range(len(face) - 1):
g.add_edge(face[v], face[v + 1])
g.add_edge(face[-1], face[0])
return list(nx.cycle_basis(g))
def block_index(vertex, block_size=32):
return (vertex[2] // block_size, vertex[1] // block_size, vertex[0] // block_size)
def block_id(block_index, num_blocks=4):
return block_index[0] * num_blocks**2 + block_index[1] * num_blocks + block_index[2]
def normalize_vertices_scale(vertices, scale=0.95):
"""Scale the vertices so that the long axis of the bounding box is one."""
vert_min = vertices.min(axis=0)
vert_max = vertices.max(axis=0)
extents = (vert_max - vert_min).max()
return 2.0 * scale * vertices / (extents + 1e-6)
def quantize_process_mesh(vertices, faces, quantization_bits=8, block_first_order=True, block_size=32, num_blocks=4):
"""Quantize vertices, remove resulting duplicates and reindex faces."""
vertices = discretize(vertices, num_discrete=2**quantization_bits)
vertices, inv = np.unique(vertices, axis=0, return_inverse=True)
if block_first_order:
block_indices = np.array([block_index(v, block_size) for v in vertices])
block_ids = np.array([block_id(b, num_blocks) for b in block_indices])
sort_inds = np.lexsort((vertices[:, 0], vertices[:, 1], vertices[:, 2], block_ids))
# Sort vertices by z then y then x.
sort_inds = np.lexsort(vertices.T)
vertices = vertices[sort_inds]
faces = [np.argsort(sort_inds)[inv[f]] for f in faces]
sub_faces = []
for f in faces:
cliques = face_to_cycles(f)
for c in cliques:
c_length = len(c)
if c_length > 2:
d = np.argmin(f)
sub_faces.append([f[(d + i) % c_length] for i in range(c_length)])
faces = sub_faces
# Sort faces by lowest vertex indices. If two faces have the same lowest
# index then sort by next lowest and so on.
faces.sort(key=lambda f: tuple(sorted(f)))
num_verts = vertices.shape[0]
vert_connected = np.equal(
np.arange(num_verts)[:, None], np.hstack(faces)[None]
vertices = vertices[vert_connected]
# Re-index faces to re-ordered vertices.
vert_indices = np.arange(num_verts) - np.cumsum(1 - vert_connected.astype("int"))
faces = [vert_indices[f].tolist() for f in faces]
return vertices, faces
def process_mesh(vertices, faces, quantization_bits=8, augment=True, augment_dict=None):
"""Process mesh vertices and faces."""
# Transpose so that z-axis is vertical.
vertices = vertices[:, [2, 0, 1]]
# Translate the vertices so that bounding box is centered at zero.
vertices = center_vertices(vertices)
if augment:
vertices = augment_mesh(vertices, **augment_dict)
# Scale the vertices so that the long diagonal of the bounding box is equal
# to one.
vertices = normalize_vertices_scale(vertices)
# Quantize and sort vertices, remove resulting duplicates, sort and reindex
# faces.
vertices, faces = quantize_process_mesh(
vertices, faces, quantization_bits=quantization_bits
vertices = undiscretize(vertices, num_discrete=2**quantization_bits)
# Discard degenerate meshes without faces.
return {
"vertices": vertices,
"faces": faces,
def load_process_mesh(mesh_obj_path, quantization_bits=8, augment=False, augment_dict=None):
"""Load obj file and process."""
# Load mesh
mesh = trimesh.load(mesh_obj_path, force='mesh', process=False)
return process_mesh(mesh.vertices, mesh.faces, quantization_bits, augment=augment, augment_dict=augment_dict)
def augment_mesh(vertices, scale_min=0.95, scale_max=1.05, rotation=0., jitter_strength=0.):
'''scale vertices by a factor in [0.75, 1.25]'''
# vertices [nv, 3]
for i in range(3):
# Generate a random scale factor
scale = random.uniform(scale_min, scale_max)
# independently applied scaling across each axis of vertices
vertices[:, i] *= scale
if rotation != 0.:
axis = [random.uniform(-1, 1), random.uniform(-1, 1), random.uniform(-1, 1)]
radian = np.pi / 180 * rotation
rotation = Rotation.from_rotvec(radian * np.array(axis))
vertices =rotation.apply(vertices)
if jitter_strength != 0.:
jitter_amount = np.random.uniform(-jitter_strength, jitter_strength)
vertices += jitter_amount
return vertices
def discretize(
continuous_range = (-1, 1),
num_discrete: int = 128
lo, hi = continuous_range
assert hi > lo
t = (t - lo) / (hi - lo)
t *= num_discrete
t -= 0.5
return t.round().astype(np.int32).clip(min = 0, max = num_discrete - 1)
def undiscretize(
continuous_range = (-1, 1),
num_discrete: int = 128
lo, hi = continuous_range
assert hi > lo
t = t.astype(np.float32)
t += 0.5
t /= num_discrete
return t * (hi - lo) + lo