# pylint: disable=no-member | |
import pandas as pd | |
import gradio as gr | |
import as px | |
import plotly.graph_objects as go | |
import numpy as np | |
s3_aggregation_df = pd.read_parquet( | |
"hf://datasets/xet-team/cas-pops-analysis-data/aggregated_s3_logs.parquet" | |
) | |
aws_regions = pd.read_parquet( | |
"hf://datasets/xet-team/cas-pops-analysis-data/regions.parquet" | |
) | |
sum_request_count = s3_aggregation_df["request_count"].sum() | |
sum_object_size = s3_aggregation_df["object_size"].sum() | |
n_unique_countries = s3_aggregation_df["country_code"].nunique() | |
unique_regions = list(s3_aggregation_df["region"].unique()) | |
unique_countries = list(s3_aggregation_df["country_name"].unique()) | |
all_regions_countries = unique_regions + unique_countries | |
agg_by_region = ( | |
s3_aggregation_df.groupby(["region"])[["object_size", "request_count"]] | |
.sum() | |
.reset_index() | |
) | |
agg_by_region["object_size_pct"] = ( | |
agg_by_region["object_size"] / agg_by_region["object_size"].sum() | |
) | |
agg_by_region["request_count_pct"] = ( | |
agg_by_region["request_count"] / agg_by_region["request_count"].sum() | |
) | |
agg_by_region["object_size_pct_fmt"] = agg_by_region["object_size_pct"].apply( | |
lambda x: f"{100*x:.2f}" | |
) | |
agg_by_region["request_pct_fmt"] = agg_by_region["request_count_pct"].apply( | |
lambda x: f"{100*x:.2f}" | |
) | |
def remap_radio_value(value): | |
return "object_size" if value == "Upload size" else "request_count" | |
def pareto_chart(sort_by, global_filter="All"): | |
sort_by = remap_radio_value(sort_by) | |
title = sort_by.replace("_", " ").title() | |
_df = ( | |
s3_aggregation_df.groupby(["country_code", "country_name", "region"])[sort_by] | |
.sum() | |
.reset_index() | |
) | |
if global_filter != "All": | |
if global_filter in unique_regions: | |
_df = _df[_df["region"] == global_filter] | |
_df = _df.sort_values(by=sort_by, ascending=False) | |
_df["cumulative_percentage"] = _df[sort_by].cumsum() / _df[sort_by].sum() * 100 | |
_df = _df.head(20) | |
if global_filter != "All": | |
_df = _df.head(10) | |
fig = go.Figure() | |
fig.add_trace( | |
go.Bar( | |
x=_df["country_code"], | |
y=_df[sort_by], | |
name=title, | |
hovertext=_df["country_name"], | |
) | |
) | |
fig.add_trace( | |
go.Scatter( | |
x=_df["country_code"], | |
y=_df["cumulative_percentage"], | |
yaxis="y2", | |
name="Cumulative Percentage", | |
mode="lines+markers", | |
) | |
) | |
region = global_filter + " region" if global_filter != "All" else "All Regions" | |
# Update layout | |
if title == "Object Size": | |
title = "Uploaded Data (TB)" | |
else: | |
title = "Requests" | |
fig.update_layout( | |
title=f"Top {_df.shape[0]} Countries by Total {title} in {region}", | |
xaxis_title="Country ISO Code", | |
yaxis_title=title, | |
yaxis2=dict(title="Cumulative Percentage", overlaying="y", side="right"), | |
xaxis=dict(range=[-0.5, len(_df["country_code"]) - 0.5]), | |
legend=dict(orientation="h"), | |
) | |
fig.add_hline( | |
y=80, | |
line_dash="dot", | |
annotation_text="", | |
annotation_position="top right", | |
yref="y2", | |
) | |
return fig | |
def manually_animated_choropleth_filter(hour, df_column, global_filter): | |
df_column = remap_radio_value(df_column) | |
hour = hour - 1 | |
if global_filter != "All": | |
min_range = s3_aggregation_df[s3_aggregation_df["region"] == global_filter][ | |
df_column | |
].min() | |
max_range = s3_aggregation_df[s3_aggregation_df["region"] == global_filter][ | |
df_column | |
].max() | |
else: | |
min_range = s3_aggregation_df[df_column].min() | |
max_range = s3_aggregation_df[df_column].max() | |
_df = s3_aggregation_df[s3_aggregation_df["hour"] == hour] | |
if global_filter != "All": | |
if global_filter in unique_regions: | |
_df = _df[_df["region"] == global_filter] | |
title = df_column.replace("_", " ").title() | |
fig = px.choropleth( | |
data_frame=_df, | |
locations="country_code", | |
color=df_column, | |
color_continuous_scale=px.colors.sequential.Plasma, | |
projection="natural earth", | |
height=800, | |
hover_name="country_name", | |
hover_data=df_column, | |
range_color=[min_range, max_range], | |
) | |
if title == "Object Size": | |
title = "Global Distribution of Uploaded Data (TB)" | |
else: | |
title = "Global Distribution of Requests" | |
fig.update_layout( | |
title_text=title, | |
geo=dict(showframe=False, showcoastlines=False), | |
margin=dict(l=0, r=0, t=0, b=0), | |
) | |
return fig | |
with gr.Blocks(theme="citrus", fill_width=False) as demo: | |
gr.Markdown( | |
""" | |
# A Global Analysis of Hub Uploads | |
""" | |
) | |
gr.Markdown( | |
"The [Xet team's]( backend uses a [content-addressable store (CAS)]( for efficient deduplication and optimized data storage, making it ideal for Hugging Face Hub's scale. As we re-architect uploads and downloads on the Hub, we are inserting a CAS as the first stop for content distribution. To decide where to deploy our CAS [points of presence](, we analyzed a 24 hour window of global uploads to the Hub from October 11th, 2024." | |
) | |
gr.HTML( | |
f"<div id='global' style='color:var(--body-text-color)'>We found <span style='background-color:#f59e0b;color:black;padding:2px'>{sum_request_count:,}</span> upload requests pushing over <span style='background-color:#f59e0b;color:black;padding:2px'>{sum_object_size / 1e+12:.2f} TB</span> from <span style='background-color:#f59e0b;color:black;padding:2px'>{n_unique_countries}</span> countries. Explore the data below by using the slider to view uploads by hour, the buttons to visualize by object size or number of requests, and the dropdown to see how uploads will be routed by AWS region in our new design.</div>" | |
) | |
with gr.Row(): | |
with gr.Group(): | |
with gr.Column(scale=1): | |
hour = gr.Slider(minimum=1, step=1, maximum=24, label="Hour") | |
with gr.Row(): | |
aggregate_by = gr.Radio( | |
choices=["Upload size", "Requests"], | |
value="Upload size", | |
label="View by total upload size in bytes or cumulative requests from a country", | |
) | |
countries = gr.Dropdown( | |
choices=["All"] + unique_regions, | |
label="Filter by CAS AWS region", | |
multiselect=False, | |
value="All", | |
) | |
chloropleth_map = gr.Plot() | |
# Load the map and listen to changes on the year slider updating the map accordingly | |
demo.load( | |
manually_animated_choropleth_filter, | |
inputs=[hour, aggregate_by, countries], | |
outputs=chloropleth_map, | |
) | |
hour.change( | |
manually_animated_choropleth_filter, | |
inputs=[hour, aggregate_by, countries], | |
outputs=chloropleth_map, | |
show_progress=False, | |
) | |
aggregate_by.change( | |
manually_animated_choropleth_filter, | |
inputs=[hour, aggregate_by, countries], | |
outputs=chloropleth_map, | |
show_progress=False, | |
) | |
countries.change( | |
manually_animated_choropleth_filter, | |
inputs=[hour, aggregate_by, countries], | |
outputs=chloropleth_map, | |
show_progress=False, | |
) | |
gr.Markdown( | |
"The Pareto chart below shows the top countries by upload size or request count, with a cumulative line indicating the percentage of total upload volume or requests represented by these countries. This chart is filtered by AWS region selected above." | |
) | |
bar_chart = gr.Plot() | |
demo.load( | |
pareto_chart, | |
inputs=[aggregate_by, countries], | |
outputs=bar_chart, | |
) | |
aggregate_by.change( | |
pareto_chart, | |
inputs=[aggregate_by, countries], | |
outputs=bar_chart, | |
show_progress=False, | |
) | |
countries.change( | |
pareto_chart, | |
inputs=[aggregate_by, countries], | |
outputs=bar_chart, | |
show_progress=False, | |
) | |
demo.launch() | |
# TODO - add bandwidth slowdown | |