Build error
title: SEScore
- null
- evaluate
- metric
description: 'SEScore: a text generation evaluation metric'
sdk: gradio
sdk_version: 3.0.2
pinned: false
Metric Card for SEScore
Metric Description
SEScore is an unsupervised learned evaluation metric trained on synthesized dataset
How to Use
Provide simplest possible example for using the metric
SEScore takes input of predictions (a list of candidate translations) and references (a list of reference translations).
Output Values
Output value is between 0 to -25
Values from Popular Papers
Give code examples of the metric being used. Try to include examples that clear up any potential ambiguity left from the metric description above. If possible, provide a range of examples that show both typical and atypical results, as well as examples where a variety of input parameters are passed.
Limitations and Bias
Note any known limitations or biases that the metric has, with links and references if possible.
Cite the source where this metric was introduced.
Further References
Add any useful further references.