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import json
from polos.metrics.regression_metrics import RegressionReport
from polos.models import load_checkpoint
from tqdm import tqdm
import json
from polos.models import download_model, load_checkpoint, model2download, str2model
from polos.trainer import TrainerConfig, build_trainer
import yaml
from utils import *
from dataset import *
from pascal50s import Pascal50sDataset
from PIL import Image
from pathlib import Path
from copy import deepcopy
class FoilDatset:
def __init__(self, coco_root_path="data_en/coco", foil_path="data_en/foil/foilv1.0_test_2017.json"):
coco_root_path = Path(coco_root_path)
coco_path = coco_root_path / Path("captions_val2014.json")
coco_refs = self._read_coco(coco_path) = self._build_foil(foil_path, coco_refs) # data[anno_id][foil or orig] = [anno1, anno2, ...]
self.coco_root_path = coco_root_path
self.dataset = {"one_ref" : None, "four_ref" : None}
def _read_coco(self, coco_annos):
refs = {}
with open(coco_annos) as f:
coco = json.load(f)
for ann in coco["annotations"]:
return refs
def _build_foil(self, path, coco_refs):
with open(path) as f: = json.load(f)
images =["images"]
annos =["annotations"]
data = {}
imgid_to_img = {img["id"] : img for img in images}
for anno in annos:
anno_id = anno["id"]
data.setdefault(anno_id, {"foil" : [], "orig" : []})
key = "foil" if anno["foil"] else "orig"
anno["image"] = imgid_to_img[anno["image_id"]]
anno["refs"] = coco_refs[anno["image_id"]]
return data
def get_data(self,one_ref):
key = "one_ref" if one_ref else "four_ref"
if self.dataset[key] is not None:
return self.dataset[key]
dataset = []
for _, data in (pbar := tqdm( # data[anno_id][foil or orig] = [anno1, anno2, ...]
pbar.set_description("Prepare dataset ...")
foiles, origs = data["foil"], data["orig"]
assert len(origs) == 1
N = len(foiles)
for foil, orig in zip(foiles, [origs[0]]*N):
refs = foil["refs"]
refs = [r for r in refs if r != orig["caption"]]
if one_ref:
refs = [refs[0]]
filename = Path(foil["image"]["file_name"])
img_path = Path("data_en/images") / filename
"imgid" : img_path,
"refs": refs,
"mt": foil["caption"],
"type": "foil"
"imgid" : img_path,
"refs": refs,
"mt": orig["caption"],
"type": "orig"
self.dataset[key] = dataset
return self.dataset[key]
def collect_acc(memory, dataset_name, method, acc):
memory.setdefault(dataset_name, {})
memory[dataset_name].update({method : acc})
def polos(dataset,args):
yprint("Compute Polos ...")
rep = RegressionReport()
if args.model:
model = load_checkpoint(args.model)
elif args.hparams:
yaml_file = yaml.load(open(args.hparams).read(), Loader=yaml.FullLoader)
train_configs = TrainerConfig(yaml_file)
model_config = str2model[train_configs.model].ModelConfig(yaml_file)
model = str2model[train_configs.model](model_config.namespace())
data = []
gt_scores = []
for data_ in (pbar := tqdm(dataset)):
pbar.set_description("Prepare dataset ...")
_, sys_score = model.predict(data,cuda=True,batch_size=32)
return sys_score
def compute_acc(model_fn,dataset,one_ref,**kwargs):
# Split by buckets because images do not fit in RAM.
bucket_count = 10
data = dataset.get_data(one_ref)
print("Compute ...")
sys_score = []
for i in range(bucket_count):
bucket_size = len(data) // bucket_count
subset = deepcopy(data[i*bucket_size:(i+1)*bucket_size])
for j, sub in enumerate(pbar := tqdm(subset)):
pbar.set_description(f"Processing {i+1}/{bucket_count}")
subset[j].update({"img" :["imgid"]).convert("RGB")})
sub_sys_score = model_fn(subset,**kwargs)
del subset
assert len(sys_score) == len(data)
assert len(sys_score) % 2 == 0
acc = 0.
N = len(sys_score) // 2
for i in range(0,2*N,2):
s1 = sys_score[i] # foil
s2 = sys_score[i+1] # orig
# sanity check
assert data[i]["type"] == "foil" and data[i+1]["type"] == "orig"
if s2 > s1:
acc += 1.
acc /= N
rprint(f"acc: {acc}")
return acc
def compute_foil(args, memory, tops):
dataset = FoilDatset()
dataset_name = "foil"
for one_ref in [True, False]:
suffix = "(one_ref)" if one_ref else "(four-ref)"
dataset_name += suffix
if args.polos:
polos_acc = compute_acc(polos, dataset, one_ref, args=args)
collect_acc(memory, dataset_name, f"Polos{suffix}", polos_acc)
# aggregate
max_acc = ("", 0.)
for method, acc in memory[dataset_name].items():
if max_acc[1] < acc:
max_acc = (method, acc)
tops[dataset_name] = max_acc
return memory, tops |