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chore: upgrade gradoi
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A newer version of the Gradio SDK is available: 5.21.0

title: Image Filtering On Encrypted Data Using Fully Homomorphic Encryption
emoji: πŸ“Έ πŸŒ„
colorFrom: purple
colorTo: purple
sdk: gradio
sdk_version: 4.44.0
app_file: app.py
pinned: true
  - FHE
  - PPML
  - privacy
  - privacy preserving machine learning
  - image processing
  - homomorphic encryption
  - security
python_version: 3.8.16

Image filtering using FHE

Run the application on your machine

In this directory, ie image_filtering, you can do the following steps.

Install dependencies

First, create a virtual env and activate it:

python3 -m venv .venv
source .venv/bin/activate

Then, install required packages:

pip3 install pip --upgrade
pip3 install -U pip wheel setuptools --ignore-installed
pip3 install -r requirements.txt --ignore-installed

The above steps should only be done once.

Run the app

In a terminal, run:

source .venv/bin/activate
python3 app.py

Interact with the application

Open the given URL link (search for a line like Running on local URL:

Generate new filters

It is also possible to manually add some new filters in filters.py. Yet, in order to be able to use them interactively in the app, you first need to update the AVAILABLE_FILTERS list found in common.py and then compile them by running :

python3 generate_dev_filters.py

Check it finishes well (by printing "Done!").