question about quota using the js client at our site
so i'm about to try and implement some functions from our zero-gpu spaces at our website using the gradio js client.
Since the quota is tied to IP address, I am anticipating that the quota for using the functions at our site will be tied to the VM's IP address instead of the user's?
I suppose I'll find out soon enough but if anyone has the answer that's rad too.
yeah that's correct. you shouldn't use zero gpu's api features for heavy workloads - when i tried it rate limited quite quickly.
ah yeah i see.
Just hit me while I was starting to build it out that might be the case. I assume embedding the iframe would just work the same way the space does at hf tho, tied to user's IP?
it may not end up being a huge problem if I just tell the user that they can go to hf if the quota for the site is used up... sry thinking aloud.
iframe or gradio's js embed library would both work