--- |
language: "en" |
inference: false |
tags: |
- Vocoder |
- speech-synthesis |
- speechbrain |
license: "apache-2.0" |
datasets: |
- LibriTTS |
--- |
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<br/><br/> |
# Vocoder with HiFIGAN Unit trained on LibriTTS |
This repository provides all the necessary tools for using a [scalable HiFiGAN Unit](https://arxiv.org/abs/2406.10735) vocoder trained with [LibriTTS](https://www.openslr.org/141/). |
The pre-trained model take as input discrete self-supervised representations and produces a waveform as output. This is suitable for a wide range of generative tasks such as speech enhancement, separation, text-to-speech, voice cloning, etc. Please read [DASB - Discrete Audio and Speech Benchmark](https://arxiv.org/abs/2406.14294) for more information. |
To generate the discrete self-supervised representations, we employ a K-means clustering model trained using `microsoft/wavlm-large` hidden layers ([1, 3, 7, 12, 18, 23]), with k=1000. |
## Install SpeechBrain |
First of all, please install tranformers and SpeechBrain with the following command: |
``` |
pip install speechbrain transformers |
``` |
Please notice that we encourage you to read our tutorials and learn more about |
[SpeechBrain](https://speechbrain.github.io). |
### Using the Vocoder with DiscreteSSL |
```python |
import torch |
from speechbrain.lobes.models.huggingface_transformers.wav2vec2 import (Wav2Vec2) |
inputs = torch.rand([3, 2000]) |
model_hub = "facebook/wav2vec2-large" |
save_path = "savedir" |
ssl_layer_num = [7,23] |
deduplicate =[False, True] |
bpe_tokenizers=[None, None] |
vocoder_repo_id = "speechbrain/hifigan-wav2vec2-k1000-LibriTTS" |
kmeans_dataset = "LibriSpeech" |
num_clusters = 1000 |
ssl_model = Wav2Vec2(model_hub, save_path,output_all_hiddens=True) |
model = DiscreteSSL(save_path, ssl_model, vocoder_repo_id=vocoder_repo_id, kmeans_dataset=kmeans_dataset,num_clusters=num_clusters) |
tokens, _, _ = model.encode(inputs,SSL_layers=ssl_layer_num, deduplicates=deduplicate, bpe_tokenizers=bpe_tokenizers) |
sig = model.decode(tokens, ssl_layer_num) |
``` |
### Standalone Vocoder Usage |
```python |
import torch |
from speechbrain.inference.vocoders import UnitHIFIGAN |
hifi_gan_unit = UnitHIFIGAN.from_hparams(source="speechbrain/hifigan-wavlm-k1000-LibriTTS", savedir="pretrained_models/vocoder") |
codes = torch.randint(0, 99, (100, 1)) |
waveform = hifi_gan_unit.decode_unit(codes) |
``` |
### Inference on GPU |
To perform inference on the GPU, add `run_opts={"device":"cuda"}` when calling the `from_hparams` method. |
### Limitations |
The SpeechBrain team does not provide any warranty on the performance achieved by this model when used on other datasets. |
#### Referencing SpeechBrain |
``` |
@misc{SB2021, |
author = {Ravanelli, Mirco and Parcollet, Titouan and Rouhe, Aku and Plantinga, Peter and Rastorgueva, Elena and Lugosch, Loren and Dawalatabad, Nauman and Ju-Chieh, Chou and Heba, Abdel and Grondin, Francois and Aris, William and Liao, Chien-Feng and Cornell, Samuele and Yeh, Sung-Lin and Na, Hwidong and Gao, Yan and Fu, Szu-Wei and Subakan, Cem and De Mori, Renato and Bengio, Yoshua }, |
title = {SpeechBrain}, |
year = {2021}, |
publisher = {GitHub}, |
journal = {GitHub repository}, |
howpublished = {\\\\url{https://github.com/speechbrain/speechbrain}}, |
} |
``` |
#### About SpeechBrain |
SpeechBrain is an open-source and all-in-one speech toolkit. It is designed to be simple, extremely flexible, and user-friendly. Competitive or state-of-the-art performance is obtained in various domains. |
Website: https://speechbrain.github.io/ |
GitHub: https://github.com/speechbrain/speechbrain |