How I can use it with Sentis 2.1.1

by GiusScot - opened

Is it possible to update it for Unity Sentis 2.1.1?
What I need to modify?

GiusScot changed discussion status to closed
GiusScot changed discussion status to open

Hello, did you manage to make it work ?

Hi, unfortunately not yet.

Hello, i think i managed to do it (somehow), i don’t have my pc with me right now to share the code, i’ll try to do so later … just remind me if I forget .

Hi Saydrk217, any news for the code?

Here is the full code from a project I am working on where I need to implement a custom object detector but it should work also with Yolov8, the main differences between the earlier versions of sentis and this new one are :

  • change tensofloat and tensorint with tensor and tensor
  • read from tensors using the method ReadbackanClone() after the PeekOutput()
  • change the functional method as shown in the code ( there are several examples of how to set this up ) because the new on uses a different logic !
  • there are some other changes so you should definitely check the full changelog in the official sentis webpage

Good luck :)

using System.Collections.Generic;
using Unity.Sentis;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI;
using UnityEngine.Video;
using Lays = Unity.Sentis.Layers;
using System.IO;
using FF = Unity.Sentis.Functional;
using Unity.VisualScripting;
using UnityEngine.UIElements;
using Image = UnityEngine.UI.Image;
using UnityEngine.Android;
using System;
using UnityEngine.Timeline;

// Rotation speed in degrees per second

public class RunSSAFT : MonoBehaviour
public Camera mainCamera;
public List ObjectLabels;
public List ObjectsPrefs;
public Dictionary<string, GameObject> spawnablePrefabs = new Dictionary<string, GameObject>();

public float fixedDepth = -500.0f;  // Depth at which the object should float
public Material blendMaterial;
public RenderTexture someRenderTexture;

// Drag the sentis file here
public ModelAsset asset;
const string modelName = "SSAFT.onnx";
//const string videoName = "vid.mp4";
// Link the classes.txt here:
public TextAsset labelsAsset;
// Create a Raw Image in the scene and link it here:
public RawImage displayImage;
// Link to a bounding box sprite or texture here:
public Sprite borderSprite;
public Texture2D borderTexture;
// Link to the font for the labels:
public Font font;

const BackendType backend = BackendType.GPUCompute;

private Transform displayLocation;
private Worker engine;
private string[] labels;
private RenderTexture targetRT;
public WebCamTexture webcamTexture;

//Image size for the model
private const int imageWidth = 640;
private const int imageHeight = 640;

private VideoPlayer video;

List<GameObject> boxPool = new();
List<GameObject> ObjectPool = new();

[SerializeField, Range(0, 1)] float iouThreshold = 0.5f;
[SerializeField, Range(0, 1)] float scoreThreshold = 0.5f;
int maxOutputBoxes = 64;
public List<string> desiredClasses = new List<string> { "Coffee cup", "Computer mouse", "Computer keyboard",
    "Cutting board", "Scissors" };

Tensor<float> centersToCorners;
//bounding box data
public struct BoundingBox
    public float centerX;
    public float centerY;
    public float width;
    public float height;
    public string label;
    public float lastUpdatedTime;  // Timestamp of the last update

private void Awake()
    displayImage.material = blendMaterial;

    Application.targetFrameRate = 60;
    Screen.orientation = ScreenOrientation.LandscapeLeft;

    //Parse neural net labels
    labels = labelsAsset.text.Split('\n');


    targetRT = new RenderTexture(imageWidth, imageHeight, 0);

    //Create image to display video
    displayLocation = displayImage.transform;


    if (borderSprite == null)
        borderSprite = Sprite.Create(borderTexture, new Rect(0, 0, borderTexture.width, borderTexture.height), new Vector2(borderTexture.width / 2, borderTexture.height / 2));


void Start()

    // Request camera permission for Android
    if (Application.platform == RuntimePlatform.Android)
        if (!Permission.HasUserAuthorizedPermission(Permission.Camera))

    for (int i = 0; i < ObjectLabels.Count; i++)
        spawnablePrefabs.Add(ObjectLabels[i], ObjectsPrefs[i]);


void SetupWebcam()
    webcamTexture = new WebCamTexture();
    displayImage.texture = webcamTexture;
void LoadModel()

    //Load model
    //var model1 = ModelLoader.Load(Path.Join(Application.streamingAssetsPath, modelName));
    var model1 = ModelLoader.Load(asset);

    centersToCorners = new Tensor<float>(new TensorShape(4, 4),
    new float[]
                1,      0,      1,      0,
                0,      1,      0,      1,
                -0.5f,  0,      0.5f,   0,
                0,      -0.5f,  0,      0.5f

    //Here we transform the output of the model1 by feeding it through a Non-Max-Suppression layer.
    var graph = new FunctionalGraph();
    var input = graph.AddInput(model1,0);
    var modelOutput = Functional.Forward(model1, input)[0];
    var boxCoords = modelOutput[0, 0..4, ..].Transpose(0, 1);        //shape=(8400,4)
    var allScores = modelOutput[0, 4.., ..];                         //shape=(80,8400)
    var scores = FF.ReduceMax(allScores, 0);        //shape=(8400)
    var classIDs = FF.ArgMax(allScores, 0);                          //shape=(8400) 
    var boxCorners = FF.MatMul(boxCoords, Functional.Constant(centersToCorners));
    var indices = FF.NMS(boxCorners, scores, iouThreshold, scoreThreshold);           //shape=(N)
    var indices2 = indices.Unsqueeze(-1).BroadcastTo(new int[] { 4 });//shape=(N,4)
    var coords = FF.Gather(boxCoords, 0, indices2);                  //shape=(N,4)
    var labelIDs = FF.Gather(classIDs, 0, indices);                  //shape=(N)
    model1 = graph.Compile(coords,labelIDs);

    //Create engine to run model
    engine = new Worker(model1,backend);

void SetupInput()
    video = gameObject.AddComponent<VideoPlayer>();
    video.renderMode = VideoRenderMode.APIOnly;
    video.source = VideoSource.Url;
    //video.url = Path.Join(Application.streamingAssetsPath, videoName);
    video.isLooping = true;

private void Update()
    if (webcamTexture.didUpdateThisFrame)
    if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Escape))
    blendMaterial.SetTexture("_MainTex", webcamTexture);
    blendMaterial.SetTexture("_OverlayTex", someRenderTexture);


public class BoundingBoxHolder : MonoBehaviour
    public BoundingBox boundingBox;

public void ExecuteML()

    if (webcamTexture && webcamTexture.width > 100)
        // Scaling might be necessary if the webcam's aspect ratio differs
        float aspect = webcamTexture.width * 1f / webcamTexture.height;
        Graphics.Blit(webcamTexture, targetRT, new Vector2(1f / aspect, 1), new Vector2(0, 0));
        displayImage.texture = targetRT;
    else return;

    using var input = TextureConverter.ToTensor(targetRT, imageWidth, imageHeight, 3);

    var outputGPU = engine.PeekOutput("output_0") as Tensor<float>;
    var labelIDsGPU = engine.PeekOutput("output_1") as Tensor<int>;

    var output = outputGPU.ReadbackAndClone();
    var labelIDs = labelIDsGPU.ReadbackAndClone();

    float displayWidth = displayImage.rectTransform.rect.width;
    float displayHeight = displayImage.rectTransform.rect.height;

    float scaleX = displayWidth / imageWidth;
    float scaleY = displayHeight / imageHeight;

    int boxesFound = output.shape[0];
    //Draw the bounding boxes
    for (int n = 0; n < Mathf.Min(boxesFound, 200); n++)
        string detectedLabel = labels[labelIDs[n]];
        if (desiredClasses.Contains(detectedLabel))
            var box = new BoundingBox
                centerX = output[n, 0] * scaleX - displayWidth / 2,
                centerY = output[n, 1] * scaleY - displayHeight / 2,
                width = output[n, 2] * scaleX,
                height = output[n, 3] * scaleY,
                label = labels[labelIDs[n]],
            DrawBox(box, n, displayHeight * 0.05f);


Vector3 CalculateScaleAndDepth(float width, float height)
    // Constants to define how scale and depth relate to the bounding box size
    float baseScale = 0.5f;  // Base scale factor
    float depthFactor = 0.1f;  // Factor to calculate depth from size

    // Calculate scale as a function of the average of width and height
    float scale = baseScale * (width + height) / 2;

    // Calculate depth inversely proportional to the size of the bounding box
    float depth = fixedDepth - depthFactor * (width + height);

    return new Vector3(scale, scale, depth);

public void DrawBox(BoundingBox box, int id, float fontSize)
    GameObject panel;
    GameObject object3d;

    if (id < boxPool.Count)
        panel = boxPool[id];
        object3d = ObjectPool[id];
        panel = CreateNewBox(Color.yellow);
        object3d = CreateNewObject3d(box);



    // Update object3d to correct prefab each time
    if (spawnablePrefabs.ContainsKey(box.label))
        GameObject correctPrefab = spawnablePrefabs[box.label];
        if ( != + "(Clone)")  // Check if correct prefab is already used
            Destroy(object3d);  // Remove wrong prefab
            object3d = Instantiate(correctPrefab, displayLocation);  // Create correct prefab
            ObjectPool[id] = object3d;  // Update ObjectPool with correct object
    if (!spawnablePrefabs.ContainsKey(box.label))
        Debug.LogError("Prefab not found for label: " + box.label);
        return;  // Skip spawning if prefab is missing

    float verticalOffset = (box.height * 0.5f) + 65;
    Vector3 scaleAndDepth = CalculateScaleAndDepth(box.width, box.height);
    // Set box and object position and size
    panel.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(box.centerX, -box.centerY);
    object3d.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(box.centerX, -box.centerY + verticalOffset, -500);  // Ensure it's visible and at correct depth
    object3d.transform.localScale = new Vector3(scaleAndDepth.x, scaleAndDepth.x, scaleAndDepth.x);

    RectTransform rt = panel.GetComponent<RectTransform>();
    rt.sizeDelta = new Vector2(box.width, box.height);

    // Set label text
    Text label = panel.GetComponentInChildren<Text>();
    label.text = box.label;
    label.fontSize = (int)fontSize;


public GameObject CreateNewBox(Color color)
    //Create the box and set image

    var panel = new GameObject("ObjectBox");
    UnityEngine.UI.Image img = panel.AddComponent<UnityEngine.UI.Image>();
    img.color = color;
    img.sprite = borderSprite;
    img.type = Image.Type.Sliced;
    panel.transform.SetParent(displayLocation, false);

    //Create the label

    var text = new GameObject("ObjectLabel");
    text.transform.SetParent(panel.transform, false);
    Text txt = text.AddComponent<Text>();
    txt.font = font;
    txt.color = color;
    txt.fontSize = 40;
    txt.horizontalOverflow = HorizontalWrapMode.Overflow;

    RectTransform rt2 = text.GetComponent<RectTransform>();
    rt2.offsetMin = new Vector2(20, rt2.offsetMin.y);
    rt2.offsetMax = new Vector2(0, rt2.offsetMax.y);
    rt2.offsetMin = new Vector2(rt2.offsetMin.x, 0);
    rt2.offsetMax = new Vector2(rt2.offsetMax.x, 30);
    rt2.anchorMin = new Vector2(0, 0);
    rt2.anchorMax = new Vector2(1, 1);


    return panel;

public GameObject CreateNewObject3d(BoundingBox box)
    //Create the box and set image

    var object3d = new GameObject();


    object3d = Instantiate(spawnablePrefabs[box.label]);

    object3d.transform.SetParent(displayLocation, false);


    return object3d;

public void ClearAnnotations()
    foreach (var box in boxPool)
    foreach (var obj in ObjectPool)

private void OnDestroy()
    // Dispose resources and stop webcam


Thanks a lot!!

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