{ |
"_name_or_path": "/Users/chenweihao/Desktop/\u8bba\u6587/classification/microsoft:resnet-50", |
"architectures": [ |
"ResNetModel" |
], |
"depths": [ |
3, |
4, |
6, |
3 |
], |
"downsample_in_bottleneck": false, |
"downsample_in_first_stage": false, |
"embedding_size": 64, |
"finetuning_task": "image-classification", |
"hidden_act": "relu", |
"hidden_sizes": [ |
256, |
512, |
1024, |
2048 |
], |
"id2label": { |
"0": "A healthy tomato leaf", |
"1": "A tomato leaf with Leaf Mold", |
"2": "A tomato leaf with Target Spot", |
"3": "A tomato leaf with Late Blight", |
"4": "A tomato leaf with Early Blight", |
"5": "A tomato leaf with Bacterial Spot", |
"6": "A tomato leaf with Septoria Leaf Spot", |
"7": "A tomato leaf with Tomato Mosaic Virus", |
"8": "A tomato leaf with Tomato Yellow Leaf Curl Virus", |
"9": "A tomato leaf with Spider Mites Two-spotted Spider Mite" |
}, |
"label2id": { |
"A healthy tomato leaf": "0", |
"A tomato leaf with Bacterial Spot": "5", |
"A tomato leaf with Early Blight": "4", |
"A tomato leaf with Late Blight": "3", |
"A tomato leaf with Leaf Mold": "1", |
"A tomato leaf with Septoria Leaf Spot": "6", |
"A tomato leaf with Spider Mites Two-spotted Spider Mite": "9", |
"A tomato leaf with Target Spot": "2", |
"A tomato leaf with Tomato Mosaic Virus": "7", |
"A tomato leaf with Tomato Yellow Leaf Curl Virus": "8" |
}, |
"layer_type": "bottleneck", |
"model_type": "resnet", |
"num_channels": 3, |
"out_features": [ |
"stage4" |
], |
"out_indices": [ |
4 |
], |
"problem_type": "single_label_classification", |
"stage_names": [ |
"stem", |
"stage1", |
"stage2", |
"stage3", |
"stage4" |
], |
"torch_dtype": "float32", |
"transformers_version": "4.47.1" |
} |