A new Era is upon us!

by SicariusSicariiStuff - opened

I just wanted to say, thank you.
Thank you for truly democratizing AI.

Can't wait until we have HF converted weights and disassembly of grok-1 to 2x40 \ 4x40 so we can run it more easily, and same goes for finetuning.
Elon did many great things that have changed the world, but I believe that this single step carried the most ehm weight.

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I hope, I can run this with HuggingFaceHub. Also, it should be available on HuggingChat :)

It is really great to see your contributions to the field of NLP!

How can I spin this up here? I moved it to my own server exporting my token etc but I could not get it working

if having lots of children and not caring about them is "many great things"

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