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what is molluscum contagiosum infection | <P> Molluscum contagiosum can spread via close, direct contact with an infected individual-most commonly through skin-to-skin contact, including sexual contact or touching or scratching the bumps and then touching the skin-and also by touching contaminated objects, such as flannels or towels. Molluscum contagiosum is an infection of the MCV (molluscum contagiosum virus), a member of the poxvirus family. The infection spreads easily via: Rubbing or scratching the papules can cause spreading to nearby skin. <P> Molluscum contagiosum is a contagious skin infection caused by the molluscum contagiosum virus (MCV) that causes raised, pearl-like nodules or papules on the skin-these growths are called molluscum bodies, mollusca or condyloma subcutaneum. Molluscum contagiosum is an infection of the MCV (molluscum contagiosum virus), a member of the poxvirus family. The infection spreads easily via: Rubbing or scratching the papules can cause spreading to nearby skin. <P> Molluscum contagiosum is a skin infection that causes small pearly or flesh-colored bumps. The bumps may be clear, and the center often is indented. The infection is caused by a virus. The virus is easily spread but is not harmful. To prevent molluscum contagiosum from spreading: 1 Try not to scratch. 2 Put a piece of tape or a bandage over the bumps. 3 Do not share towels or washcloths. 4 If the bumps are on your face, don't shave. 5 If the bumps are in your genital area, avoid sexual contact. <P> Molluscum contagiosum is a skin infection that is caused by a virus. The virus, called the molluscum virus, produces benign raised lesions, or bumps, on the upper layers of your skin. The small bumps usually are painless. They disappear on their own and rarely leave scars when left untreated. Have a board certified dermatologist examine your skin problem ». Molluscum contagiosum is spread by direct contact with the lesion of an infected person or by contact with a contaminated object such as towels or piece of clothing. <P> Causes of Molluscum Contagiosum. Molluscum contagiosum is caused by a virus (the molluscum contagiosum virus) that is part of the pox virus family. The virus is contagious through direct contact and is more common in children. However, the virus also can be spread by sexual contact and can occur in people with compromised immune systems. A. Molluscum contagiosum is a viral skin infection that causes either single or multiple raised, pearl-like bumps (papules) on the skin. It is a chronic infection, so lesions may persist from a few months to a few years. However, most cases resolve in six to nine months. <P> Molluscum contagiosum (MC) is a viral infection of the skin or occasionally of the mucous membranes, sometimes called water warts. It is caused by a DNA poxvirus called the molluscum contagiosum virus (MCV). MCV has no nonhuman-animal reservoir (infecting primarily humans, though equids can rarely be infected). Four types of MCV are known, MCV-1 to -4; MCV-1 is the most prevalent and MCV-2 is seen usually in adults. The virus may also be spread by touching a surface with the virus on it, such as a towel, clothing, or toys. This common viral disease has a higher incidence in children, sexually active adults, and those who are immunodeficient, and the infection is most common in children aged one to 11 years old. <P> Recommend on Facebook Tweet ShareCompartir. Molluscum contagiosum is an infection caused by a poxvirus (molluscum contagiosum virus). The result of the infection is usually a benign, mild skin disease characterized by lesions (growths) that may appear anywhere on the body. Within 6-12 months, Molluscum contagiosum typically resolves without scarring but may take as long as 4 years <P> Introduction. Molluscum contagiosum (MC) is a viral infection that affects the skin. It most commonly affects children, although it can occur at any age. Usually, the only symptom of MC is a number of small, firm, raised papules (spots) that develop on the skin. They are not painful, but can be itchy | It is a viral infection of the skin or occasionally of the mucous membranes, sometimes called water warts. |
what is francisella tularensis transmitted | <P> Fran·ci·sel·la tu·la·ren·sis. A bacterial species that causes tularemia in humans, transmitted to them from wild animals by bloodsucking insects or by contact with infected animals such as rabbits and ticks; it can penetrate unbroken skin to cause infection. It is the type species of the genus Francisella. <P> Humans can become infected by having direct contact with an infected animal or from tick, mosquito, or deer fly bites. The disease is caused by the bacterium Francisella tularensis, and is a potentially life-threatening disease. The various forms of this disease depend on where the bacteria enter the body. <P> In Sweden, human cases of tularemia caused by Francisella tularensis holarctica are assumed to be transmitted by mosquitoes, but how mosquito vectors acquire and transmit the bacterium is not clear. Outbreaks of tularemia are caused by the bacterium Francisella tularensis holarctica throughout the Northern Hemisphere and by F. tularensis tularensis in North America only. <P> Tularemia is a rare infectious disease that typically attacks the skin, eyes, lymph nodes and lungs. Tularemia — also called rabbit fever or deer fly fever — is caused by the bacterium Francisella tularensis. <P> Overview. Tularemia is a disease of animals and humans caused by the bacterium Francisella tularensis. Rabbits, hares, and rodents are especially susceptible and often die in large numbers during outbreaks. Humans can become infected through several routes, including: 1 Tick and deer fly bites. 2 Skin contact with infected animals. <P> A common type of tularemia is ulceroglandular tularemia, which normally results from the bite of infected ticks, or contact between broken skin and F. tularensis. A more severe form of the disease, pneumonic tularemia, is caused by inhalation of the bacteria. <P> Tularemia Is a Zoonotic Bacterial Disease It is the Francisella tularensis bacteria that causes tularemia. In North America, the bacteria is primarily spread from one animal to another by ticks, including the American dog tick, the Lone Star tick, and the Rocky Mountain wood tick. <P> Tularemia is an epizootic infection caused by Francisella tularensis (19). Any age, sex, or race is universally susceptible to infection (12, 28, 52). Tularemia is primarily a disease of wild animals that is transmitted to humans by a contaminated environment or ectoparasites. Francisella tularensis is the etiologic agent of tularemia and, with rare exception, the only disease produced by this genus. The organism is a small, Gram-negative, pleomorphic, nonmotile, nonspore-forming coccobacillus measuring 0.2 x 0.2 to 0.7 mm. | Transmitted to humans by a contaminated environment or ectoparasites.rancisella tularensis is the etiologic agent of tularemia and, with rare exception, the only disease produced by this genus. |
what is usually the main ingredient that causes eutrophication | <P> Pollutants from these sources can cause marine eutrophication, whereby the ecosystem receives too many nutrients, triggering massive algae blooms, which eventually die and are broken down bacteria. In breaking down the algae blooms, the bacteria consume excessive amounts of oxygen, starving the marine system. We then focused this study on the impacts of eutrophication. Eutrophication is one of the main problems caused by an overuse of fertilizers and an excess of manure and sewage. These wastes enter the ecosystem and generally leach away from residential, business, and agricultural sites. <P> Confidence votes 34.5K. Eutrophication Eutrophication is a process in which bodies of water (lakes, ponds, and rivers) receive excess nutrients that stimulate excessive growth of algae. The two most common nutrients that initiate eutrophication are nitrogen and phosphorous, two limiting nutrients in the growth of algae. Eutrophication is a noun that refers to the excessive richness of nutrients in water body or a lake. The excessiveness is due to frequent runoff from the land that causes … dense growth of plant life. It can be caused naturally or by human <P> In most freshwater lakes the limiting nutrient is phosphorus, so an input of phosphorus in the form of phosphate ions (PO43-) results in an increase in biological activity. The main effects of eutrophication are an. 1 increase in plant and animal biomass. 2 increase in growth of rooted plants, e.g. reeds. Although eutrophication is a natural process in the aging of lakes and some estuaries, human activities can greatly accelerate eutrophication by increasing the rate at which nutrients and organic substances enter aquatic ecosystems from their surrounding watersheds. <P> Consequently, lakes are particularly susceptible to pollution such as artificial eutrophication. The main causes of eutrophication are. 1 natural run-off of nutrients from the soil and the weathering of rocks. 2 run-off of inorganic fertiliser (containing nitrates and phosphates). 3 run-off of manure from farms (containing nitrates, phosphates and ammonia). Although eutrophication is a natural process in the aging of lakes and some estuaries, human activities can greatly accelerate eutrophication by increasing the rate at which nutrients and organic substances enter aquatic ecosystems from their surrounding watersheds. <P> The cause of such “hypoxic” (lacking oxygen) conditions is usually eutrophication, an increase in chemical nutrients in the water, leading to excessive blooms of algae that deplete underwater oxygen levels. <P> Eutrophication arises from the oversupply of nutrients, which induces explosive growth of plants and algae which, when such organisms die, consume the oxygen in the body of water, thereby creating the state of hypoxia. According to Ullmann's Encyclopedia, the primary limiting factor for eutrophication is phosphate.. The availability of phosphorus generally promotes excessive plant growth and decay, favouring simple algae and plankton over other more complicated plants, and causes a severe reduction in water quality. Cultural eutrophication also occurs when excessive fertilizers run into lakes and rivers. This encourages the growth of algae (algal bloom) and other aquatic plants. Following this, overcrowding occurs and plants compete for sunlight, space and oxygen. <P> Eutrophication is a natural process that typically occurs as lakes age. However, human-caused, accelerated eutrophication (called cultural eutrophication) occurs more rapidly, and causes problems in the affected water bodies, as described below. 1. EUTROPHICATION. Fertilizers cause problems with water quality when they runoff into rivers or percolate into groundwater. In fact, agriculture (including livestock agriculture) is the largest source of nonpoint water pollution in the US. <P> The main focus and concern cause of eutrophication is nitrogen and phosphorus, but nitrogen has far more attention because it often limits primary production in estuaries and coastal waters and because the global application of nitrogen from synthetic fertilizers is far greater than that of phosphorus. We then focused this study on the impacts of eutrophication. Eutrophication is one of the main problems caused by an overuse of fertilizers and an excess of manure and sewage. These wastes enter the ecosystem and generally leach away from residential, business, and agricultural sites. | Eutrophication is a process in which bodies of water (lakes, ponds, and rivers) receive excess nutrients that stimulate excessive growth of algae.The two most common nutrients that initiate eutrophication are nitrogen and phosphorous. |
describe what vitamins are | <P> Today, vitamin D is seen as a vital part of good health and it’s important not just for the health of your bones. Recent research is now showing that vitamin D may be important in preventing and treating a number of serious long term health problems. Also what makes vitamin D unique compared to other vitamins, is that when your body gets its vitamin D, it turns vitamin D into a hormone. This hormone is sometimes called “activated vitamin D” or “calcitriol.”. Getting the right amount of vitamin D doesn’t depend on the foods you eat. <P> Beta-carotene is a precursor for vitamin A. The body needs to convert it to retinol or vitamin A for use. Beta-carotene is found naturally in mostly orange and dark green plant foods, such as carrots, sweet potatoes, mangos, and kale. Retinol is sometimes called “true” vitamin A because it is nearly ready for the body to use. Retinol is found in such animal foods as liver, eggs, and fatty fish. It also can be found in many fortified foods, such as breakfast cereals, and in dietary supplements. <P> Vitamin A is a group of unsaturated nutritional organic compounds, that includes retinol, retinal, retinoic acid, and several provitamin A carotenoids, and beta-carotene. Vitamin A has multiple functions: it is important for growth and development, for the maintenance of the immune system and good vision. 1 Retinol, the form of vitamin A absorbed when eating animal food sources, is a yellow, fat-soluble substance. 2 Since the pure alcohol form is unstable, the vitamin is found in tissues in a form of retinyl ester. 3 It is also commercially produced and administered as esters such as retinyl acetate or palmitate. <P> Vitamin D is important for good overall health and strong and healthy bones. It’s also an important factor in making sure your muscles, heart, lungs and brain work well and that your body can fight infection. Your body can make its own vitamin D from sunlight. Also what makes vitamin D unique compared to other vitamins, is that when your body gets its vitamin D, it turns vitamin D into a hormone. This hormone is sometimes called “activated vitamin D” or “calcitriol.”. Getting the right amount of vitamin D doesn’t depend on the foods you eat. <P> Vitamin A is a family of compounds that play an important role in vision, bone growth, reproduction, cell division, and cell differentiation. We get vitamin A from a variety of sources. Retinol is sometimes called “true” vitamin A because it is nearly ready for the body to use. Retinol is found in such animal foods as liver, eggs, and fatty fish. It also can be found in many fortified foods, such as breakfast cereals, and in dietary supplements. <P> Vitamins. The term vitamin is used to describe certain organic compounds that are needed by the body but that cannot be manufactured by the body. They mainly serve as catalysts for certain reactions in the body. Vitamins are classified as either fat-soluble (lipid soluble) or water-soluble. Vitamins A, D, E and K are lipid-soluble and accumulate within the fat stores of the body and within the liver. The lipid-soluble vitamins are often associated with toxicity when taken in large amounts <P> Vitamins have diverse biochemical functions. Some, such as vitamin D, have hormone-like functions as regulators of mineral metabolism, or regulators of cell and tissue growth and differentiation (such as some forms of vitamin A). Others function as antioxidants (e.g., vitamin E and sometimes vitamin C). The largest number of vitamins, the B complex vitamins, function as precursors for enzyme cofactors, that help enzymes in their work as catalysts in metabolism. Vitamins are classified by their biological and chemical activity, not their structure. Thus, each vitamin refers to a number of vitamer compounds that all show the biological activity associated with a particular vitamin. <P> Vitamin C and the B vitamins are water soluble. When water-soluble vitamins are taken in excess, they are readily excreted in the urine and not usually associated with toxicity. There is some storage of vitamins C and B in the liver. Vitamins are classified as either fat-soluble (lipid soluble) or water-soluble. Vitamins A, D, E and K are lipid-soluble and accumulate within the fat stores of the body and within the liver. The lipid-soluble vitamins are often associated with toxicity when taken in large amounts <P> Vitamin A is essential for good health. It promotes growth, the immune system, reproduction, and vision. However, recent research suggests that too much vitamin A, particularly in the form of retinol, may be bad for your bones. Retinol is sometimes called “true” vitamin A because it is nearly ready for the body to use. Retinol is found in such animal foods as liver, eggs, and fatty fish. It also can be found in many fortified foods, such as breakfast cereals, and in dietary supplements. | Vitamins are classified as either fat-soluble (lipid soluble) or water-soluble. Vitamins A, D, E and K are lipid-soluble and accumulate within the fat stores of the body and within the liver.The lipid-soluble vitamins are often associated with toxicity when taken in large amounts |
what is reliance infrastructure | <P> The Exchange had sought clarification from Reliance Infrastructure Ltd with respect to news article appearing in Business Line on August 6, 2015 titled Reliance Infra bags hydel project in HP Reliance Infrastructure Ltd replied stating The Company has not received any communication from the ... Reliance Infrastructure Ltd has informed BSE that a meeting of the Board of Directors of the Company will be held on August 12, 2015, inter alia, to consider and approve the unaudited financial results of the Company for the quarter ended June 30, 2015 (Q1). <P> Reliance Infra is constructing 1000 km of highway and expressway projects worth ₹120 billion (US$1.8 billion) in India. The company is largest concessionaire to NHAI with 11 projects.The company is also bidding for 500 km of projects in India. There are five projects in Tamil Nadu out of which three are operational. Reliance Infrastructure entered the road building industry in 2006 with two National Highway projects in Tamil Nadu. The first was Namakkal to Karur and the second Dindigul to Samynellore, both on National Highway 44 (formerly National Highway 7). <P> NEW DELHI: Reliance Infrastructure, the infrastructure arm of Reliance Anil Dhirubhai Ambani Group (ADAG), has been awarded four-laning of Gurgoan-Faridabad road and up-gradation of Ballabgarh-Sohana road on build-operate-transfer (BOT) mode. The project involves construction of a 66 mm of highways. MUMBAI: Anil Ambani-led Reliance Infrastructure (RInfra) today reported 12.39 per cent decline in net profit for the quarter ended June 30 at Rs 400.91 crore mainly due to losses incurred by its cement and Mumbai metro businesses in spite of an increase in revenues. <P> Reliance Infrastructure Ltd. Reliance Infrastructure Limited (RInfra) is a part of the Reliance Group, India's third largest business house. The company is one of India's fastest growing companies in the infrastructure sector. <P> The Exchange has sought clarification from Reliance Infrastructure Ltd with respect to news article appearing in Mint on October 01, 2015 titled R-Infra looking for investor of cement and road business. Wherein it is observed that in the Proceedings of the 86th Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the... more. Reliance Infrastructure Ltd has informed BSE that a meeting of the Board of Directors of the Company will be held on August 12, 2015, inter alia, to consider and approve the unaudited financial results of the Company for the quarter ended June 30, 2015 (Q1). <P> Reliance Infra is in the Power-Generation & Distribution sector. The current market capitalisation stands at Rs 9,837.14 crore. <P> Description. Reliance Infrastructure Limited is an India-based utility company engaged in the business of generation, transmission, distribution and trading of electricity. The Company operates in the engineering, procurement and construction (EPC) segment of the power and infrastructure sectors. <P> Reliance Infrastructure, formerly the Reliance Energy was incorporated in 1929, is a fully integrated utilty engaged in generation, transmission and distribution of electricity constr... More from Company History ». LETTER TO SHAREOWNERS: <P> Reliance Infrastructure Ltd. , is India's largest private sector enterprise power utility and construction company. It is part of the Reliance Anil Dhirubhai Ambani Group, one of India's largest conglomerates. The company is headed by Anil Ambani. The corporate headquarters is in Mumbai. Reliance Infrastructure interests in Metro Rail, Airports, Bridges, Toll roads, Defence. Reliance Infrastructure entered the road building industry in 2006 with two National Highway projects in Tamil Nadu. The first was Namakkal to Karur and the second Dindigul to Samynellore, both on National Highway 44 (formerly National Highway 7). | A part of the Reliance Group, India's third largest business house. |
what is insectivorous plants | <P> Insectivorous Plants. perennial herbaceous plants that trap insects (or, rarely, other small animals) and use them as a supplementary source of nourishment, primarily for nitrogen. Insectivorous plants are found throughout the world. <P> Because insects are one of the most common prey items for most carnivorous plants, they are sometimes called insectivorous plants. It is not surprising that the most common habitat for these plants is in bogs and fens, where nutrient concentrations are low but water and sunshine seasonally abundant. <P> Definition of INSECTIVOROUS PLANT. : a plant that captures and digests insects either passively (as the common pitcher plant or the sundew) or by the movement of certain organs (as the Venus's-flytrap) — compare droseraceae, lentibulariaceae, sarraceniaceae. ADVERTISEMENT. <P> Insectivorous plants trap insects and arachnids and digest them for nutrients; an unusual behavior for a plant. Species of insectivorous plants include the Venus flytrap, some varieties of pitcher plants, butterworts, and sundews. <P> INSECTIVOROUS PLANTS. An insectivorous plant, also called a carnivorous plant, captures prey items, such as insects, spiders, crustaceans, mites, and protozoans, as a nitrogen source. <P> A third species of insectivorous plants are the butterworts; star-shaped succulent plants that trap insects with mucus. This is the most common species of carnivorous plant, being found in Asia, Europe, and North America. <P> Carnivorous plants are plants which get nutrients from trapping and eating animals. They are often called insectivorous plants, because they usually trap insects. Since they get some of their food from animals, carnivorous plants can grow in places where the soil is thin, or poor in nutrients. This is true for soils with little nitrogen, such as acidic bogs and rock outcrops. <P> see bladderwort bladderwort, any plant of the genus Utricularia, insectivorous or carnivorous aquatic plants, many native to North America. Small animals are caught and digested in bladderlike organs of the finely divided submerged leaves...... Click the link for more information. | An insectivorous plant, also called a carnivorous plant, captures prey items, such as insects, spiders, crustaceans, mites, and protozoans, as a nitrogen. |
where does a wombat live | <P> The southern hairy-nosed wombat (Lasiorhinus latifrons) is one of three species of wombats. It is found in scattered areas of semiarid scrub and mallee from the eastern Nullarbor Plain to the New South Wales border area. It is the smallest of all three wombat species. The young often do not survive dry seasons. <P> Wombats are herbivorous and live in burrows. They are the largest herbivorous burrowing animals in the world. They have a stout body, blunt head and broad paws with … strong claws making it a powerful earth-mover, burrowing up to 2 metres a night. A wombat is a kind of Australian marsupial that lives in a burrow. They emerge at night or on winter days to feed on grasses and roots. Wombats do not need to drink, and their … metabolism is very slow which equips them well for desert life. <P> Wombats are native to Australia. Depending on the species, wombats live in the southern part of Queensland, Tasmania, South Australia, Victoria, and NSW, and the southwestern corner of Western Australia. They range from grasslands to mountains and hillsides-wherever they can dig burrows and find food. A wombat is a kind of Australian marsupial that lives in a burrow. They emerge at night or on winter days to feed on grasses and roots. Wombats do not need to drink, and their … metabolism is very slow which equips them well for desert life. <P> In the wild, the Bare-nosed or Common wombat can live to over 5 years, up to 15 years by some accounts. In 1906 a Bare-nosed wombat in London Zoo died at 26 years and 1 month old. Chewbacca was the oldest Bare-nosed wombat alive when he passed away in the Tama Zoo in Japan in November of 2014. A Hairy nosed wombat that was caught twice in the wild, many years apart, confirmed that they can live to at least 20 years in their native habitat. To read more about the world's oldest wombat, visit Carver's page here, and the notice of his death here. <P> Wombats dig burrows in which to live. They are equipped with sharp claws for the purpose. Burrows average about 50 cm high by 50 cm wide, just enough width for the wombat … and nothing else. A wombat is a kind of Australian marsupial that lives in a burrow. They emerge at night or on winter days to feed on grasses and roots. Wombats do not need to drink, and their … metabolism is very slow which equips them well for desert life. <P> The southern hairy-nosed wombat prefers dry, open country. Both species live in burrows, preferring well-drained soils that are easy to dig in. The burrows, which are often built on the sides of gullies, can be up to 30 m long, and several metres deep. <P> In general, you can say that wombats live in the eastern half of Australia and on the island of Tasmania south of Australia. A more detailed description of their ranges follows: 1 Common Wombats live in forest areas between northern New South Wales and Tasmania. 2 Southern Hairy-nosed wombats live in western South Australia which is a more arid area. 3 The Northern Hairy-nosed Wombat is rare and endangered. The wombat {wahm'-bat} is a heavyset, burrowing, herbivorous animal that is native to the eastern half of Australia and to the island of Tasmania south of Australia. Wombats are thick-bodied animals that have short, powerful legs with strong claws used for burrowing. <P> Wombats are native to Australia. Depending on the species, wombats live in the southern part of Queensland, Tasmania, South Australia, Victoria, and NSW, and the sou … thwestern corner of Western Australia. They range from grasslands to mountains and hillsides-wherever they can dig burrows and find food. | Australia, Southern part of Queensland, Tasmania, South Australia, Victoria, and NSW, and the southwestern corner of Western Australia. |
where does starfruit come from | <P> Carambola is a Portuguese word derived from a South Indian language).** Another fruit with a similar shape is the Babaco or Mountain Papaya.See also: Star Fruit Trivia. A member of the Oxalis (wood sorrel) family, star fruit grow on a bushy tree 25 to 30 feet high with a spread of 20 to 25 feet. The leaves are sensitive to touch and light, folding up at night or when touched. <P> Confidence votes 27. The Star Fruit (also know as Carambola) originated from Sri Lanka and Moluccas. It is cultivated in Southeast Asia and Malaysia, finding its way to China. It is also know to be a vital crop in Asia, South and Central America, the Caribbean and Hawaii. The Star Fruit is produced in Indonesia, India, Trinidad, Guyana SA; Florida, United States, Brazil, Hawaii and Sri Lanka. <P> Star fruit: Facts, Calories, and where there from. 10:27 PM Ian. Star Fruit (Carmbola) is a fruit that looks like a star when cut sideways. The fruit with its shape and unique flavor is a favorite of many Asian people. The tree is native to the Philippines, Indonesia, India, and Sir Lanka. The tree is also grown in tropic areas like Peru, Colombia, Trinidad, Guyana, Dominican Republic, and Brazil. It is also found in south Florida and Hawaii. The problem with that is, Malaysia due to pests and pathogens cannot export whole starfruits to the US under FDA/USDA regulations. Most star fruit in the US are grown in Florida, Puerto Rico, <P> Unripe carambolas on the tree. Carambola, also known as starfruit, is the fruit of Averrhoa carambola, a species of tree native to the Philippines, Indonesia, Malaysia, Vietnam, India, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka. The fruit is popular throughout Southeast Asia, the South Pacific and parts of East Asia. The carambola is a tropical and subtropical fruit. It can be grown at up to 4,000 feet (1,200 m) in elevation. It prefers full sun exposure, but requires enough humidity and a total of 70 inches or more of rainfall a year. It does not have a soil type preference, but it requires good drainage. <P> Star fruit (also known as carambola) is a tropical fruit that traditionally comes from a tree (Averrhoa carambola) native to Sri Lanka and the Moluccas (also known as the Spice Islands), an archipelago in Indonesia. <P> The Carambola, also called Star Fruit, is a small to medium sized tree that produces a juicy tropical fruit. The flavor combines those of the apple, grape and citrus and is crisp in texture. The fruit can be eaten fresh and is often used in salads and as a garnish due to its unique star shape. […] Carambola – Also known as Star Fruit, this tropical fruit is a great ornamental tree for your yard. They produce a large amount of fruit from July to September and again in November to February. They prefer well drained soil, a sunny location and some protection from the wind. <P> Related Species: Bilimbi (Averrhoa bilimbi L.). Origin: The carambola is believed to have originated in Sri Lanka and the Moluccas, but it has been cultivated in southeast Asia and Malaysia for many centuries. There are several flushes of bloom throughout the year. Fruit: Carambola fruits are ovate to ellipsoid, 2-1/2 to 5 inches (6 to 13 cm) in length, with 5 (rarely 4 or 6) prominent longitudinal ribs. Slices cut in cross-section are star shaped. The skin is thin, light to dark yellow and smooth with a waxy cuticle. | Sri Lanka & Indonesia |
what are temperate rainforests | <P> Temperate rainforests are coniferous or broadleaf forests that occur in the temperate zone and receive high rainfall. <P> The temperate rainforest is a biome that has a canopy of trees that shuts out at least 70% of the sky, and the forest is mainly made up of species of trees that don't need fire to regenerate, but they can regenerate under shade and in natural openings in the canopy because of seedlings. <P> Most of the trees in the temperate rainforests of the Pacific Northwest are conifers. The dominant tree is the Douglas fir. It is one of the tallest trees and is considered one of the most important trees to the timber industry. Further south where heavy rains give way to ocean fogs, the great redwoods grow. <P> In a lush tropical rainforest you would see that the types of trees and plants are very different than in the temperate rainforest. There would be many varieties (over 1,100 species of plants in some tropical rainforests!) of leafy trees and plants, mainly palms, bamboo, and tree ferns. <P> These forests are found in Southeast Asia, Africa, South America, and Central America in countries such as Panama. But there is another kind of rainforest, called the temperate rainforest that exists right in the United States along the coastline of the Pacific Northwest and in Canada, and Alaska. <P> LOCATION: There are two types of rainforest biomes: temperate and tropical rainforests. Temperate rainforests are found along coasts in temperate regions. The largest temperate rainforests are on the Pacific coast in North America, stretching from Alaska to Oregon. Other temperate rainforests are found along the coast of Chile, the United Kingdom, Norway, Japan, New Zealand, and S. Australia. <P> There are two types of rainforests, tropical and temperate. Tropical rainforests are found closer to the equator where it is warm. Temperate rainforests are found near the cooler coastal areas further north or south of the equator. The tropical rainforest is a hot, moist biome where it rains all year long. <P> Epiphytes are commonly found in the temperate zone (like in temperate rainforests). A few examples of epiphytes are moss, and lichen. Epiphytes use photosynthesis to get energy, and take moisture from the air (rain, fog), roots grow mainly so that the epiphyte can attach to the other plant, usually a tree. | Coniferous or broadleaf forests that occur in the temperate zone and receive high rainfall. |
the materials nike uses and where they get it from | <P> NIKE engineers knit for performance. With new Nike Flyknit technology, yarns and fabric variations are precisely engineered only where they are needed for a featherweight, formfitting and virtually seamless upper. NIKE has engineered knit for performance to create running footwear that features only the essentials. Employing a new technology called Nike Flyknit, yarns and fabric variations are precisely engineered only where they are needed for a featherweight, formfitting and virtually seamless upper. NIKE embarked on a four-year mission of micro-engineering static properties into pliable materials. It required teams of programmers, engineers and designers to create the proprietary technology needed to create the knit upper. <P> Almost all of NIKE brand apparel is manufactured outside of the United States by independent contract manufacturers located in 34 countries. Most of this apparel production occurred in China, Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia, Vietnam, Turkey, Sri Lanka, Cambodia, Taiwan, El Salvador, Mexico, India and Israel. NIKE IHM, Inc., NIKE (Suzhou) Sports Company, Ltd., wholly-owned subsidiaries of NIKE, and independent contractors in China and Taiwan, are our largest suppliers of the Air-Sole cushioning components used in footwear. The principal materials used in our apparel products are natural and synthetic fabrics and. <P> Today, we look at Nike’s marketing strategy and how they use the centuries-old archetype of Heroism to tell their story. Nike Advertising and Emotional Branding. Nike brand strategy is to build a powerful brand – so powerful that it inspires fervent customer loyalty from people literally all over the world. This is because Nike advertising uses the emotional branding technique of archetypes in its advertising – more specifically, the story of the Hero. <P> The outsole of the shoe is formed from a blend of synthetic rubber compounds. Nike shoes are unique amongst most athletic shoes in that the experimentation and design process for each new model of shoe can sometimes take up to 3 years. Materials. The production of all athletic shoes is divided into the making of the three main parts of the shoe: the top of the shoe, called the upper; the midsole, the part of the shoe that cushions and protects the foot; and the outsole, or, as most consumers refer to it, the sole. <P> Although the main Nike headquarter is located in Beaverton, Oregon, the athletic shoes that Nike provides to consumers worldwide are produced in hundreds of factories around the world, and have never been produced in factories in the United States. Materials. The production of all athletic shoes is divided into the making of the three main parts of the shoe: the top of the shoe, called the upper; the midsole, the part of the shoe that cushions and protects the foot; and the outsole, or, as most consumers refer to it, the sole. <P> Sports surfaces are the main way Nike recycles used shoes, and it extends use of shoes up to twenty years(Kumar, 2006). Through a chemical process at recycling center, Nike obtains three distinct types of Grind material (upper fabric, midsole foam and outsole rubber). After connecting with an agent on the phone, I was informed that Nike “will not release a comprehensive list regarding materials used in Nike products” (Brian, personal interview). I was, however, directed to look into Nike‟s “Considered Design” program website which listed a few materials. <P> Loading... You might already know this, but it cannot be overstated: the Air Jordan line is the most influential signature shoe series ever. The ways in which Michael Jordan and his sneakers have impacted the world as we know it is a broader topic that would take pages if not entire books on its own. <P> Great branding and clever use of the news media for promotional leverage is how Nike just does it, how: they are likely to continue to just do it, and why: Air Jordan 11 Retro Concords are already a big hit. More: Ira Kalb Nike Branding. Nike has done it again. The company’s introduction of the Air Jordan 11 Retro Concords on the Friday before Christmas generated long lines of people waiting, sometimes all night, to be amongst the first to shell out $180 for these shoes at retailers around the country. And $180 is only the list price. <P> China and Indonesia and now Vietnam is where it makes most of it shoes, Nike also has plants in Malaysia, Sri Lanka, Turkey, Cambodia, El Salvador, Taiwan, Mexico, India and Israel. Its leather to make it shoes comes from Brazil, and China again. In other words guys instead of the Nike swoosh emblem that the company is so famous for and claim it is so American. You may as well take that sucker off and put a BIG YELLOW STAR on the side with four stars to its right. Because my friend you are wearing a product that is almost 100% made in China...ENJOY! <P> Nylon. EVA foam. Knit polyester yarn. These are the materials of shoes today. But Nike wants to get in at the ground floor of the textiles (and the companies making the textiles) of tomorrow. You see, about 60% of the environmental impact from a pair of Nike shoes is sunk into its materials. | EVA foam, Knit polyester yarn. |
difference between genes and chromosomes | <P> Genes. A gene is a length of DNA that codes for a specific protein. So, for example, one gene will code for the protein insulin, which is important role in helping your body to control the amount of sugar in your blood. Genes are the basic unit of genetics. Human beings have 20,000 to 25,000 genes. <P> DNA is the molecular code that codes for all proteins which make up life, a gene is a piece of dna that codes for one protein. A chromosome is a strand of DNA, this is where a number of genes are located, humans have 23 types of chromosomes and have two of each type. Erfie · 9 years ago. Think of it this way: DNA is in genes, genes are on chromosomes. When mapping all genes on all human chromosomes was first seriously conceived, it was called the Human Genome Project-a combination of gene and chromosome. <P> The resulting bundle is called a chromosome. A Gene is a particular section of the chromosome's DNA string. There are many such sections on the DNA string-thus it contains (also calls 'codes') many genes-in humans between 500 and 4500 depending on what chromosome. One gene contains information for producing one particular protein <P> One set is inherited from the father, and one set is inherited from the mother. A DNA is a sort of a bio molecule. The entire DNA in cells can be found in individual pieces that are called chromosomes. The main difference between DNA and chromosome is regarding the role of genes. DNA stands for deoxyribonucleic acid. The DNA is basically made up of cytosine, adenine, thymine and guanine. When you arrange these four bases to create a particular segment, it is called a gene. <P> A gene is a stretch of DNA on a chromosome that has the instructions for making a protein. Each chromosome has many genes with humans having over 22,000 genes in all. A gene's instructions for a protein are written in the three letter code I referred to before. The hemoglobin gene, HBB, is found on chromosome 11. This chromosome is a little less than 135 million DNA letters long and HBB is just one of its over 1500 different genes. Chromosome 11 is definitely one of the most gene-rich chromosomes we have. <P> Chromosome is an organized structure in cells containing a long, coiled, and single strand of DNA with some associated proteins. A chromosome is a long DNA strand or molecule that includes a number of genes, regulatory elements, and nucleotide sequences. Therefore, it could be said that chromosomes are longer and larger than genes. • Chromosomes carry genes but not the other way around. • Gene is composed of only serially connected nucleotides while chromosome has nucleotides and proteins in the structure. <P> Report Abuse. The difference between a gene, a chromosome and DNA is that DNA is the nucleic acid contained within chromosomes located in the nucleus of cells. In addition, genes are located on cells and they control the production of proteins. Source(s): I am taking AP biology and Anatomy/Physiology Honors. Think of it this way: DNA is in genes, genes are on chromosomes. When mapping all genes on all human chromosomes was first seriously conceived, it was called the Human Genome Project-a combination of gene and chromosome. <P> A Gene is a particular section of the chromosome's DNA string. There are many such sections on the DNA string-thus it contains (also calls 'codes') many genes-in humans between 500 and 4500 depending on what chromosome. One gene contains information for producing one particular protein. <P> by Naveen. Gene vs Chromosome. Most of the public are aware of what do genes and chromosomes are potential of, but the understanding about these magic molecules is limited to a small portion of the population. Genes and chromosomes are understood as similar structures by most of the people. Therefore, it would be interesting to explore the characteristics those would create a gap between genes and chromosomes. Therefore, it could be said that chromosomes are longer and larger than genes. • Chromosomes carry genes but not the other way around. • Gene is composed of only serially connected nucleotides while chromosome has nucleotides and proteins in the structure. | Chromosomes carry genes but not the other way around.
Gene is composed of only serially connected nucleotides while chromosome has nucleotides and proteins in the structure. |
how fast do commercial airplanes go | <P> Long considered the fastest passenger plane, the Boeing 747 has several variants, each with slightly different speeds. The fastest of them are the 747-400, 747-400ER and 747-8L, all of which can cruise at Mach 0.855ish, and have top speeds of Mach 0.92. So close! <P> Confidence votes 217. There are a great variety of commercial aircraft, so flying speeds differ. Most commercial passenger jet airliners cruise at about 480 - 560 miles per hour. The cruise speed for each aircraft may vary, depending upon the power setting the crew elects to use. If the aircraft is running late, the crew could use a higher power setting, resulting in a faster cruise speed, but would burn more fuel. Some high speed, long range passenger jets such as Boeing's 747SP can exceed 600 miles per hour! - There are also many smaller commuter aircraft that fly at varying speeds from 240 - 350 miles per hour. The Concorde, no longer in use, could exceed the speed of sound in cruise flight. <P> Takeoff. A commercial jetliner usually takes off between 160 and 180 mph. The varying speed can be due to wind resistance, overall weight capacity and/or the use of high-lift devices. Cruising Speed. Airspeed is measured with respect to the velocity of the object through the air. The average cruising speed is between 550 and 580 mph. Wind resistance is a key factor when determining the speed of the aircraft. <P> Best Answer: In general, about 500MPH is a safe guess. Above 24,000 aircraft use Mach numbers (percentage of the speed of sound). For a CRJ (regional jet... assuming it can get to 35,000 feet that day) runs M.72-M.76. A B737 runs in the M.76- M.78 range. The A319/320 (another midsized aircraft like the Boeing 737) runs M.76-M.80. <P> Report Abuse. For small aircraft, it shouldn't be much faster than a fast walk. so, 6 kph or so. Commercial aircraft, on straight stretches, taxi at around 15 knots tops, which turns out to be around 27 kph. Turns take much much slower. (Like 5 kph) Occasionally, commercial aircraft speed taxi on long straight stretches, and they go faster then, around 35-45 kph. <P> Typical take-off air speeds for jetliners are in the 130 to 155 knot range (150 to 180 miles/hour, 250 - 290 km/hour.) Light aircraft, such as a Cessna 150, take off at around 55 knots (63 miles/hour, 100 km/hour). Ultralights have even lower take-off speeds. It depends on the type of plane. Small, one-engine propeller planes (reciprocating engines) fly at speeds of 80 to 200 mph (130 to 320 km/hr). Jet airliners at cruising altitude average around 500 to 600 mph (800 to 960 km/hr). Military turboprops cruise at 350 mph (560 km/hr) and jet fighters routine exceed the speed of sound (768 mph or 1235 km/hr at sea level) <P> Speed varies from plane to plane but average speed of a plane is five hundred and eighty miles per hour. Jet airlines can fly at the speed of 600 mph. And some others can go at the 2000 mph. It depends from aircraft to aircraft. Small jet planes can travel faster than the large passenger jet planes. The take-off speed varies for every aircraft. The speed of planes depends on its designing, load, height above sea level, temperature and winds. Most jet airplanes take-off at the speed of 150 to 180 miles per hour. | 600 mph |
qt duration normal range | <P> 1 The QT interval is the time from the start of the Q wave to the end of the T wave. 2 It represents the time taken for ventricular depolarisation and repolarisation. <P> QT Interval. The QT interval represents the time of ventricular activity including both depolarization and repolarization. It is measured from the beginning of the QRS complex to the end of the T wave. Normally, the QT interval is 0.36 to 0.44 seconds (9-11 boxes). <P> Calculating QT interval duration Count the number of squares from the beginning of the QRS complex to the end of the T wave. Multiply this number by 0.04 second. The normal range is 0.36 to 0.44 second, or 9 to 11 small squares wide. <P> The QT is an interval (QT interval) in the ECG representing the duration of the electrical activity in the lower chambers during a single heartbeat, and it is measured from the beginning of the QRS wave(s) to the end of the T wave: <P> It is important to remember that there is a wide range of normal variability in the 12 lead ECG. The following normal ECG characteristics, therefore, are not absolute. It takes considerable ECG reading experience to discover all the normal variants. <P> 201 After examining the T waves, measure the QT interval. This is the time from the start of the QRS complex to the end of the T wave (Fig. 11.1), and it represents the total duration ofelectrical activity (depolarization and repolarization) in theventricles. 11 The QT interval Fig. <P> The duration of the QT-interval varies dependent upon how fast the heart is beating, but in normal healthy people, when the heart is beating 60 beats per minute, it is between 350 and 440 milliseconds. In patients with Short QT Syndrome it is less than that somewhere between 210 and 3 | when the heart is beating 60 beats per minute, 350 and 440 milliseconds. |
natalie portman net worth | <P> Natalie Portman net worth: $45 Million. Natalie Portman net worth: Natalie Portman is an Israeli-born American actress who has a net worth of $45 million. Natalie Portman obtained her net worth through a highly successful film career. <P> The Richest on the other hand notes Natalie Portman's net worth at only $45 million. Portman's accumulated earnings in the year 2013 tallies up to $14 million. Whereas her accumulated earnings for the year 2014 tallies at $13 million. <P> Random. Natalie Portman Net Worthcelebritynetworth.com/richest-celebrities/actors/natalie-portman-...Natalie Portman net worth: Natalie Portman is an Israeli-born American actress who has a net worth of $45 million. Natalie Portman obtained her net worth through a highly successful film career. <P> About Natalie Portman. Portman has an estimated net worth of $54 million. Portman was born in Jerusalem, Israel. This year has been great for Natalie Portman.The young actress won a Golden Globe and Academy Award for Black Swan .Portman has appeared in some of the highest-grossing movies. <P> About Natalie Portman. One of the most sought-after actresses of today Natalie Portman net worth has been stated to reach 32 million dollars, which also makes her one of the richest actresses of her generation. Natalie Portman who is also known as Natalie Hershlag is of Israeli and American origins. <P> Currently, Natalie Portman's net worth is at $45 million according to Celebrity Net Worth, after about 20 years in the business (as she started out in Leon: The Professional back in 1994) and an Academy Award to her name, for her work as a ballet dancer in Darren Aronofsky's Black Swan.. You have already subscribed. <P> Born Neta-Lee Hershlag has an estimated net worth of $54 million. Natalie Portman was born to Shelley and Avner Hershlag in Jerusalem, Israel. | $54 million |
what is microorganisms | <P> Parts of a bacterial cell. Encyclopaedia Encyclopædia, Britannica. Inc the-single celled organisms called bacteria live, on, in and around most living and nonliving. Things with few, exceptions bacteria can be seen only with the aid of a, microscope and millions of them would fit on the head of a. pin The single-celled organisms called bacteria live on, in, and around most living and nonliving things. With few exceptions, bacteria can be seen only with the aid of a microscope, and millions of them would fit on the head of a pin. Although some bacteria are harmful, many bacterial species are beneficial. <P> What is a microorganism? A microorganism is a small, typically single-celled organism, such as a bacterium, virus, fungus, or algae, that is small enough to require a microscope to observe it. <P> Full Definition of MICROORGANISM. : an organism (as a bacterium or protozoan) of microscopic or ultramicroscopic size. See microorganism defined for English-language learners. See microorganism defined for kids. ADVERTISEMENT. <P> Noun. 1. microorganism-any organism of microscopic size. micro-organism. organism, being-a living thing that has (or can develop) the ability to act or function independently. animal, animate being, beast, creature, fauna, brute-a living organism characterized by voluntary movement. <P> The Role of Microorganisms in Soil. Plant life, our basic food supply, is dependent upon the trillions and trillions of microbes that exist in the soil, degrading organic matter, recycling nitrogen and carbon, and producing new soil in forms plants can use directly. <P> bacteria [pl. of bacterium], microscopic unicellular prokaryotic organisms characterized by the lack of a membrane-bound nucleus and membrane-bound organelles. Once considered a part of the plant kingdom, bacteria were eventually placed in a separate kingdom, Monera. <P> Microorganism. An organism (life form) that is too small to be seen with the naked eye. Mentioned in: Antibiotics, Antituberculosis Drugs, Erythromycins, Fluoroquinolones, Penicillins, Tetracyclines, Vaginal Pain. ; MO generic term denoting bacteria, fungi, rickettsiae and viruses. <P> bacteria. pl n, sing-rium (-rɪəm). 1. (Microbiology) a very large group of microorganisms comprising one of the three domains of living organisms. They are prokaryotic, unicellular, and either free-living in soil or water or parasites of plants or animals. See also prokaryote. <P> Microorganism. Definition. noun, plural: microorganisms. An organism that is microscopic or submicroscopic, which means it is too small to be seen by the unaided human eye. Supplement. Microorganisms were first observed by Anton van Leeuwenhoek in 1675 using a microscope of his own design. | An organism that is microscopic or submicroscopic, which means it is too small to be seen by the unaided human eye. |
what is in mineral salts | <P> Mineral salt is name for the complete family of salts that are obtained by mining. Natural mineral salts are mined from below the ground surface, at a depth of almost thousands of feet, in areas where there is a layer of mineral salts. <P> Mineral salts can come in varieties. They are inorganic salts and include phosphate, calcium, chloride, sodium and potassium. One of the most common mineral salts is iodized salt. Iodine is essential to the function of the body as an iodine deficiency can be problematic. Thus, if your iodine levels are deficient, iodized salt is a great way to up your intake. Table salt is salt that is mined from salt deposits below the earth. <P> mineral salts Inorganic salts that need to be ingested or absorbed by living organisms for healthy growth and maintenance. They comprise the salts of the trace elements in animals (see essential element) and the micronutrients of plants. Cite this article. Pick a style below, and copy the text for your bibliography. <P> Some mineral salts are also used as anti-caking agents in food products. They help improve the texture of certain foods as well, especially the meats. They are used in food products like beer, soft drinks, frizzy drinks, confectionery items, ice cream, baked goods, jelly, cheese, breads and canned foods. <P> Important mineral salts are found in fruits and vegetables and therefore it is important to include these fruits in out staple diets. Sea food is also rich in a few of these natural mineral salts. To maintain a decent level of mineral salts in the body, a balanced diet is advised. Table salt or the iodized salt is also important to fill up for the iodine deficiency in certain humans. | Phosphate, calcium, chloride, sodium and potassium |
what is a cartouche | <P> It's usually oval with your name written in the middle of it. A cartouche is attached to your coffin. The ancient Egyptians wanted to make sure that their two souls-the Ba and the Ka-could find their way back to their tomb at night, after they died. <P> Ancient Egyptian cartouche of Thutmose III, Karnak, Egypt. In Egyptian hieroglyphs, a cartouche (English pronunciation: /kɑːˈtuːʃ/) is an oval with a horizontal line at one end, indicating that the text enclosed is a royal name, coming into use during the beginning of the Fourth Dynasty under Pharaoh Sneferu. <P> Definition of CARTOUCHE. 1. : a gun cartridge with a paper case. 2. : an ornate or ornamental frame. 3. : an oval or oblong figure (as on ancient Egyptian monuments) enclosing a sovereign's name. <P> A cartouche is a name plate. It's usually oval with your name written in the middle of it. A cartouche is attached to your coffin. The ancient Egyptians wanted to make sure that their two souls-the Ba and the Ka-could find their way back to their tomb at night, after they died. No one wanted their Ba or Ka to get lost. <P> The cartouche, known in ancient Egypt as the shenu, is derived from the Egyptian verb, Sheni, which means to encircle. It is very similar to the shen sign, a more circular form, and in fact the earliest use of the cartouche in which the king's name was written were circular and identical with that sign. <P> Cartouche Hieroglyphics. In the ancient world of Egypt, cartouche hieroglyphics were used to form an oval plaque representing the birth name of pharaohs, queens and other persons of high standing. A line was placed at the end of the oval, indicating the royal stature of the person whose name it represented. <P> Design your own Ancient Egyptian Cartouche. DESIGN A CARTOUCHE OF YOUR OWN NAME. A cartouche is an oval frame which surrounds the hieroglyphs that make up the name of an Egyptian God or royal person. It represents a looped rope which has the magical power to protect the name that is written inside it. A cartouche was meant to protect against evil spirits both in this life and the afterlife. | An oval frame which surrounds the hieroglyphs that make up the name of an Egyptian God or royal person. |
how far is arnprior from ottawa | <P> Map of driving directions from Ottawa, Canada to Arnprior, Canada. Click here to show map. Drag the line on the map to calculate the driving distance for a different route. If you want to verify these driving directions or look for another possible route, you can try. Google Maps, Bing Maps, or MapQuest. More trip calculations. 1 driving time from Ottawa, Canada to Arnprior, Canada. 2 reverse drive distance from Arnprior, Canada to Ottawa, Canada. 3 hotels near Arnprior, Canada. 4 airports near Arnprior, Canada. <P> Highway 417 currently has 42 interchanges from the Quebec border to Arnprior, with more planned as the highway is extended westward. Unlike other highways in Ontario and most of North America, exits are numbered from east to west. It connects Montreal (via A40) with Ottawa, and is the backbone of the transportation system in the National Capital Region. Within Ottawa, it forms part of the Queensway (along with Ottawa Road 174 east to Trim Road) west to Highway 7. <P> Given is the calculated distance as well as the driving travel time, which does not take into account driving conditions, traffic, changes in speed, etc. The distance between … Ottawa, Ontario, Canada and Hershey, Pennsylvania is about 705 km. The resulting travel time is approximately 7 hours and 40 minutes. What is the distance between Toronto and Ottawa? The driving distance between Toronto and Ottawa is about 250 miles (452 km) - about 4 hours 42 mins. <P> King's Highway 417, commonly referred to as Highway 417 and the Queensway through Ottawa, is a 400-series highway in the Canadian province of Ontario. It connects Montreal (via A40) with Ottawa, and is the backbone of the transportation system in the National Capital Region. Within Ottawa, it forms part of the Queensway (along with Ottawa Road 174 east to Trim Road) west to Highway 7. <P> Driving distance from Ottawa, Canada to Arnprior, Canada. The total driving distance from Ottawa, Canada to Arnprior, Canada is 43 miles or 69 kilometers. Your trip begins in Ottawa, Canada. It ends in Arnprior, Canada. If you are planning a road trip, you might also want to calculate the total driving time from Ottawa, Canada to Arnprior, Canada so you can see when you'll arrive at your destination. More trip calculations. 1 driving time from Ottawa, Canada to Arnprior, Canada. 2 reverse drive distance from Arnprior, Canada to Ottawa, Canada. 3 hotels near Arnprior, Canada. 4 airports near Arnprior, Canada. <P> What is the distance from timmins Ontario to Ottawa Ontario? Approximately 700km - 8 hours if you drive 110km/h on the hwy. What is the distance between Toronto and Ottawa? The driving distance between Toronto and Ottawa is about 250 miles (452 km) - about 4 hours 42 mins. <P> arnprior is approx. 70 km from ottawa, 44 to scotiabank place. There is only 1 Via-Rail Station in Ottawa, located at 200 Tremblay Road Ottawa,ON K1G 3H5,Canadas This can be accessed by the 417 Highway, or by taking the Eastbound #95 Bus … . <P> What is the Distance from Ottawa On to Watertown NY? The distance between Ottawa, ON, Canada, and Watertown, NY, USA is 206km and will take about 2 Hours 15 Minutes to drive. What is the distance between Toronto and Ottawa? The driving distance between Toronto and Ottawa is about 250 miles (452 km) - about 4 hours 42 mins. | 43 miles or 69 kilometers |
what is def | <P> Diesel Exhaust Fluid (DEF) is a non-hazardous solution, which is 32.5% urea and 67.5% de-ionized water. DEF is sprayed into the exhaust stream of diesel vehicles to break down dangerous NOx emissions into harmless nitrogen and water. <P> Diesel Exhaust Fluid (DEF) is an emissions control liquid required by modern diesel engines. It is injected into the exhaust stream. DEF is never added to diesel fuel. It is a non-hazardous solution of 32.5% urea in 67.5% de-ionized water. DEF is clear and colorless, and looks exactly like water. <P> Diesel Exhaust Fluid, also called DEF, is a solution made up of purified water and 32.5 percent automotive-grade urea that is used as a carrying agent for the ammonia needed to reduce nitrogen oxide (NOx) emissions from vehicles into nitrogen, water and carbon dioxide (CO2). <P> Ultraclear Diesel Exhaust Fluid (DEF) is a urea-based fluid engineered for diesel engines as the reducing agent in Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR) systems. SCR systems have been installed to meet all EPA2010 standards on diesel engine vehicles since March or 2010. <P> Diesel Exhaust Fluid (DEF) uses automotive-grade urea which has a much higher purity than fertilizer urea. Using a lower-quality fertilizer urea will cause degradation of the Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR) system, eventually causing the truck to break down. <P> 4 using diesel exhaust fluid Diesel exhaust fluiD (Def) Diesel Exhaust Fluid (DEF) is a non-flammable fluid comprised of 33% ammonia-based urea and 67% purified water. DEF is used with diesel engine exhaust systems to reduce the amount of emissions produced by turning Nitrogen Oxide (NOx) into nitrogen and water vapor. <P> Diesel exhaust fluid (DEF), commonly referred to as AdBlue and standardised as ISO 22241 is an aqueous urea solution made with 32.5% high-purity urea (AUS 32) and 67.5% deionized water. | An emissions control liquid required by modern diesel engines. |
how to save drooping daffodils | <P> Daffodils should be planted at least twice as deep as the bulb is high. In the case of smaller bulbs, a few inches should be fine. For larger bulbs, the depth is usually 5 to 6 inches. If the planting isn't deep enough, your daffodils may grow but without flowers as shallow planting deprives them of the needed moisture. Once the leaves have faded, dig the bulbs up, store them in the refrigerator for at least 8 to 10 weeks, and then plant in late fall (November/December), after the soil has cooled a bit. Plant about 6 to 8 inches deep, to help the bulbs stay cool. <P> Daffodil leaves should not be cut back until after they have turned yellow. Daffodils use their leaves to create energy, which is then used to create next year’s flower. If you cut back daffodils before the leaves have turned yellow, the daffodil bulb will not produce a flower next year. While daffodil leaves must be left on the plant, daffodil flowers can be cut off of the plant, if you want. Spent flowers will not hurt the plant, but they do look unsightly. Removing spent flowers is optional, but if a seedpod forms, it may be best to remove it. Advertisement. <P> Once the leaves have faded, remove the bulbs from the soil and let them dry. When dry put them in a paper bag and store them in the refrigerator for at least 8 to 10 weeks.Then plant them in a bigger pot with enough soil to cover the bulbs. Once the leaves have faded, dig the bulbs up, store them in the refrigerator for at least 8 to 10 weeks, and then plant in late fall (November/December), after the soil has cooled a bit. Plant about 6 to 8 inches deep, to help the bulbs stay cool. <P> Like other types of spring flowers, daffodils grow from bulbs that measure roughly 2 to 3 inches in diameter. The bulb contains all that the daffodil plant needs to grow properly and it initially acquires and stores all the nutrients necessary for flower production. Spring Growth. As the days lengthen and the soil warms, daffodil bulbs awaken and begin swelling with moisture from late winter and early spring rains. This triggers the growth of the first leaves, which appear above the soil line as narrow green blades. <P> The best time to add lime to your soil is in the fall. Work it into the soil where you will plant your bulbs. Follow the instructions on the bag of lime for desired results. After your daffodils and tulips bloom it is best to pick off the dying flowers and discard them. An alternative is to plant these bulbs in a container such as a pot or can, with holes in the bottom for drainage, and this will protect them from those types of pests. Deer are also a problem for tulip flowers once they have sprouted up, they like to eat the flowers right off at the ground. So keep that in mind. <P> Tulips in vase. Tulips are one of our most popular spring flowering bulbs, and a great deal has been written about them. Colette wrote about how to revive a cut tulip that is drooping. She said: It is a pleasure sweet….to witness the rebirth of a tulip in a crystal goblet. Photo: baggaley. <P> It is probably best to wait until the bulbs have finished flowering and the leaves have died before you plant the daffodils out in the garden. Once the temperatures are consistently above freezing, you can place the pots outside in a partly sunny, protected location to get the plants acclimated. Once the leaves have faded, dig the bulbs up, store them in the refrigerator for at least 8 to 10 weeks, and then plant in late fall (November/December), after the soil has cooled a bit. Plant about 6 to 8 inches deep, to help the bulbs stay cool. <P> Yes, the bulb you see is where the ovule is found (in the ovary) of wild daffodils. That is where seeds develop. It can take 5 to 7 years for a seed to become a plant. The bulb in the ground is a quicker way for daffodils to reproduce. Once the leaves have faded, dig the bulbs up, store them in the refrigerator for at least 8 to 10 weeks, and then plant in late fall (November/December), after the soil has cooled a bit. Plant about 6 to 8 inches deep, to help the bulbs stay cool. | you can place the pots outside in a partly sunny, protected location to get the plants acclimated.nce the leaves have faded, dig the bulbs up, store them in the refrigerator for at least 8 to 10 weeks, and then plant in late fall (November/December), after the soil has cooled a bit. Plant about 6 to 8 inches deep, to help the bulbs stay cool. |
What temperature should your fridge be? | <P> The FDA advises that you should keep the temperature of your fridge between 32 and 40 degrees Fahrenheit, preferably right in the middle of that range, at, say, 35 degrees. Set the temperature at 35, and you avoid the risk of frozen food (that’s what the freezer’s for!) and you avoid the risk of spoilage. That said, this does not mean the temperature inside your fridge will be uniformly 35; temperatures can vary depending on the part of the fridge. So, in conclusion: set your fridge temp at 35 and be mindful of what you put in the door. While you’re at it with the fridge, make sure to set your freezer temperature below 32 degrees. This sounds super obvious, but it’s super important. <P> 1 A fridge should have a temperature of between 37°F(3°C) and 40°F (5°C). 2 Any higher and the food will go off, any lower and you’ll lose nutrients and fresh food can be ruined. 3 The ideal freezer temperature is 0°F (-18°C) which will store food safely and stop bacteria forming. The Knowhow. 1 <P> Therefore, you want your refrigerator to be cold, but not so cold that it freezes things. The preferred temperature is somewhere between 35 and 38 degrees F (1.7 to 3.3 degrees C). Anything higher and foods will spoil too quickly (it also presents food poisoning problems, as described in several of the links below). <P> In order to keep food out of the Danger Zone, your fridge must be set between 32-40° F (0-4 degrees Celsius). Your freezer must be below 32° F (0° Celsius). I keep mine as cold as it will go. Keep your freezer efficient by half-filling it with bottles of water. You're not hugging the danger zone like you would be at 40° F (4.4° C), and you're distancing yourself sufficiently from 32° F (0° C) that you don't freeze half the stuff in your refrigerator. <P> 1 Keep the refrigerator temperature at or below 40° F (4° C). 2 The freezer temperature should be 0° F (-18° C). 3 Check temperatures periodically. 4 Appliance thermometers are the best way of knowing these temperatures and are generally inexpensive. 1 Also, when putting food away, don't crowd the refrigerator or freezer so tightly that air can't circulate. 2 Keep your appliances at the proper temperatures. 3 Keep the refrigerator temperature at or below 40° F (4° C). 4 The freezer temperature should be 0° F (-18° C). 5 <P> 1 If you do lose power, keep the doors to your fridge and freezer closed as much as possible to keep foods cold. 2 Before using any foods, check your refrigerator and freezer thermometers. 3 If the fridge is still at or below 40 °F, or the food has been above 40 °F for only two hours or less, it should be safe to eat. <P> To measure the temperature: 1 Fridge: put the thermometer in a glass of water. 2 Check the temperature during the first door opening after not using the fridge for 8 hours or more (such as overnight). 3 Freezer: put thermometer between two bags of vegetables and as above check after 8 hours or more. The Knowhow. 1 A fridge should have a temperature of between 37°F(3°C) and 40°F (5°C). 2 Any higher and the food will go off, any lower and you’ll lose nutrients and fresh food can be ruined. <P> 1 Fridge: put the thermometer in a glass of water. 2 Check the temperature during the first door opening after not using the fridge for 8 hours or more (such as overnight). 3 Freezer: put thermometer between two bags of vegetables and as above check after 8 hours or more. The Knowhow. 1 A fridge should have a temperature of between 37°F(3°C) and 40°F (5°C). 2 Any higher and the food will go off, any lower and you’ll lose nutrients and fresh food can be ruined. <P> Thermometers. Everyone should have a refrigerator thermometer to monitor temperature. Buy the best quality thermometer that you can afford. To check the temperature of your refrigerator, put a glass of water in the middle of the refrigerator and put the thermometer in it. Wait 8 hours before checking temperature. <P> If you keep potatoes in the fridge they should not be stored at temperatures below 7 °C (45 °F). If, that is, you intend to use them for roasting for frying. At lower temperatures the starch in the potato breaks down giving a burnt look and a bitter taste after roasting. It's also a requirement for freezers in restaurants, supermarkets & other places that sell food (at least here in Europe) to maintain a temperature of at most -18 °C. A general purpose domestic fridge should be at around 1-4 °C (so, just above the freezing point, and below 5 °C). | At or below 40° F (4° C). |
what is thioglycolate | <P> Thioglycolate Broth Thioglycolate (thio) broth contains sodium thioglycolate, a reducing agent that creates anaerobic conditions when it reduces molecular oxygen to water. Dyes such as resazurin or methylene blue are usually added to the broth to provide a visual indication of the presence of oxygen. <P> thi·o·gly·co·late. A salt or ester of thioglycolic acid; frequently used in bacterial media to reduce their oxygen content so as to create favorable conditions for the growth of anaerobes; the thioglycolate will also inactivate any mercurial that might be carried over with the inoculum. 1 Facebook. <P> Medical Definition of THIOGLYCOLATE. : a salt or ester of thioglycolic acid. <P> Confidence votes 10. Thioglycolate (thio) broth contains Sodium thioglycolate, a reducing agent that creates anaerobic conditions when it reduces molecular oxygen to water. Dyes such as resazurin or methylene blue are usually added to the broth to provide a visual indication of the presence of oxygen. Resazurin is pink when oxidized and colorless when reduced. Methylene blue is blue <P> A salt or ester of thioglycolic acid; frequently used in bacterial media to reduce their oxygen content so as to create favorable conditions for the growth of anaerobes; the thioglycolate will also inactivate any mercurial that might be carried over with the inoculum. <P> An ammonium thioglycolate straightener is less damaging to the scalp and hair than other chemical products. Ammonium thioglycolate is a chemical used to straighten hair. This chemical is much less damaging to the scalp and hair than others and is also much less smelly. Its function is to make follicles more permeable and break up the disulfide bonds that make curls. | a salt or ester of thioglycolic acid. |
homewyse cost to install ceramic flooring | <P> Get an INSTANT estimate of the cost to Install a Tile Floor! Our free calculator uses recent, trusted data to estimate costs for your Tile Floor Installation project. For a basic 120 square feet project in zip code 47474, the benchmark cost to Install a Tile Floor ranges between $10.02 - $14.22 per square foot* . To estimate costs for your project: 1. Set Project Zip Code Enter the Zip Code for the location where labor is hired and materials purchased <P> Our free calculator uses recent, trusted data to estimate costs for your Ceramic Floor Tile Installation project. For a basic 120 square feet project in zip code 47474, the benchmark cost to Install Ceramic Floor Tile ranges between $9.83 - $13.74 per square foot* . To estimate costs for your project: 1 <P> ... As of 2010, you may pay 70 cents per lineal foot for 2 by 6-inch pressure-treated pine to more than $5 per foot ... HomeWyse – Cost to Install A Tile Roof August 14, 2012. Replacing a Concrete Roof Tile August 8, 2012. How to Install a Concrete Tile Roof by Unicrete Products ... <P> Project size. Most contractors will charge small tile installation projects at higher rate. For example, price for the installation of 45 sq. ft. porcelain floor tile in a small hallway will be around $450 to $550, which makes it $11.25 - $12.30 per square foot. All numbers in the charts are prices to install tile, apply grout and sealer if necessary excluding materials cost. If installer will buy thin-set or mortar as well as grout the price for installation will increase at $0.9 - $1.9 per square foot. All custom work will be estimated based on its complexity. <P> The cost to install backsplash averages $23.52 – $40.28 per square foot based on data 2014 from homewyse.com. The cost divides into three subjects such as average material costs, unit labor productivity rates and also national average hourly labor wages. This feature made of different materials, such as stainless steel, metal, ceramic tile, natural stone, beadboard and mosaic. Many websites on the internet offering a kitchen backsplash cost estimate program such as homewyse.com or kristile.com that is free to use. <P> 1 Ceramic tile can be found for less than $1 per square foot to about $5.50 per square foot. 2 The size of the tile and how durable it is are among the factors determining price. 3 For installation, expect to spend $4-$8 per square foot. 4 For natural stone flooring, you’ll pay $5-$10 per square foot for the material. The average price for ceramic tile flooring is in the $2.50-$3.00 per square foot range.For natural stone flooring, expect to pay an average of $7.50/sq foot. 1 <P> 1 The size of the tile and how durable it is are among the factors determining price. 2 For installation, expect to spend $4-$8 per square foot. 3 For natural stone flooring, you’ll pay $5-$10 per square foot for the material. 4 Stone flooring installation costs average $7 per square foot. The average price for ceramic tile flooring is in the $2.50-$3.00 per square foot range.For natural stone flooring, expect to pay an average of $7.50/sq foot. 1 Ceramic tile can be found for less than $1 per square foot to about $5.50 <P> The glass tiles that you will need to install for a backsplash will usually cost $25 to $40 per square foot. Installing tile correctly requires a high level of skill, so the installation costs for a typical backsplash will be $500 to $1,500, depending on the size of the backsplash and where you are located. You can buy individual glass blocks for $5 to $15 each. <P> 4. Order the tile. Ask how long shipment will take so that you can schedule a day to install it. In 2014, estimates for slate flooring for a 100 square foot (30.5 m) area were between $250 and $400. 1 Without labor, other materials and equipment rentals can result in a cost of $400 to $850 per 100 square foot room. 2 You may want to order five percent more tile in case of breakage. | $9.83 to $13.74 per square foot |
weather in december in krabi | <P> Krabi 10 day weather forecast, updated four times a day and shows the weather summary plus detailed sun, rain, snow, wind and temperature. The weather forecast extends out to 10 days showing information for morning, afternoon and overnight. <P> Across December, Krabi is subject to an average of 59mm/2 inches of rainfall spread out between six rainy days – that’s almost 1/3 of the rainfall experienced by Krabi in November. <P> Check the Weather in Krabi, Thailand in December before you book your next holiday. This gives the best indication of the weather in December and includes figures for temperature, sunshine and rainfall. 1 31°C max day temperature. <P> Krabi weather summary for coming week. The maximum temperature for Krabi over the next 7 day will be 36℃ (or 97℉) on Friday 16 th October at around 1 pm. In the same week the minimum temperature will be 25℃ (or 76℉) on Wednesday 14 th October at around 4 am. <P> Weather lowdown. After January, December is usually the coldest month of the year in Krabi, Thailand. The average temperature at this time of year starts off at 27°C (created by highs of 30°C and lows of 24°C) and drops down to 26.5°C (highs of 30°C and lows of 23°C) by the end of the month. <P> The most common types of precipitation Krabi receives in December are light rain (39%), moderate rain (29%) and thunderstorms (27%). <P> Because of the tropical climate, Krabi stays humid all-year-round. In December, the relative humidity for the province ranges between 59% (mildly humid) and 93% (very humid), rarely falling below 51% (mildly humid) or reaching as high as 98% (very humid). <P> 1 miles. December signals the start of the drier season, though with an average of 108 mm and only 10 days of rain expected, mostly spread out at the beginning of the first half of the month, though some may occur in the middle. As the month progresses the days become longer at 7 hours of daylight and rising each day. | 27°C average |
meaning denzel origin | <P> [ 2 syll. den-zel, de-nz-el ] The baby boy name Denzel is pronounced D EH NZuwL †. Denzel's language of origin is Celtic and it is used largely in the English language. The meaning of the name is 'fort; fertile land'. The first name is derived from the Cornish surname, or else it could be of German roots. <P> Meaning of Denzel. American name. In American, the name Denzel means-wild one. Other origins for the name Denzel include-American, English, African-American.The name Denzel is most often used as a boy name or male name. American Name Meaning-wild one. Origin-America. Alternate Origins-English African-American. <P> Etymology & Historical Origin-Denzel. Denzel is a rather obscure given name popularized by the highly talented African-American actor Denzel Washington who burst onto the Hollywood scene in the late 1980s. Apparently the actor was named after his father, but it’s uncertain from where his father received the name. <P> Possibly a variant of DENZIL. This spelling of the name was popularized by American actor Denzel Washington (1954-), who was named after his father. <P> English Meaning: The name Denzel is an English baby name. In English the meaning of the name Denzel is: A place-name in Cornwall. American Meaning: The name Denzel is an American baby name. In American the meaning of the name Denzel is: A place-name in Cornwall. SoulUrge Number: 1. Expression Number: 3. People with this name have a deep inner desire to use their abilities in leadership, and to have personal independence. <P> Origin of the name Denzel: Transferred use of the Cornish surname originating in the 16th century from Denzell, a place in Cornwall. Var: Denzell, Denzelle, Denzill, Denzille. From A World of Baby Names by Teresa Norman. <P> Search comprehensively and find the name meaning of Denzel and its name origin or of any other name in our database. Also note the spelling and the pronunciation of the name Denzel and check the initials of the name with your last name to discover how it looks and sounds. The meaning of Denzel has more than one different etymologies. It has same or different meanings in other countries and languages. The different meanings of the name Denzel are: 1 African-American meaning: The wild one. 2 American meaning: A place in Cornwall. 3 Cornish meaning: From a placename meaning high stronghold <P> What does Denzel mean, popularity, numerology and more. The name Denzel is of English origin. The meaning of Denzel is a place name in cornwall. It is also of African American origin, where its meaning is wild one. Then just follow the diagram below. Just for fun, see the name Denzel in Hieroglyphics, learn about ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphics and write a Hieroglyphic message. Learn about nautical flags and see your name or message written in nautical flags, on the Denzel in Nautical Flags page. | The name Denzel is an English baby name that meaning is a
A place-name in Cornwall and is also an American baby name that A place-name in Cornwall. |
internal door width sizes | <P> Door size 30”x80” means 2 feet 6 inches wide and 6 feet 8 inches high. What is a standard thickness of a door? Actual door slab for pre-hung door comes in two different thickness sizes – 1 3⁄8 and 1 3⁄4 of an inch. But 1 3⁄8 is more common for an interior pre-hung door. <P> Getting the rough opening size right the first time, will save you from frustration, when installing your doors. Framing rough opening sizes are really quite simple. Just add 2 to the width of the actual door size. You should add 2-1/2 to the height of the actual door. This will give you room to space the door frame off the sub-floor. <P> Thickness. Interior door thickness is an important consideration when it comes to installing doorknobs and hinges. The thinnest interior door you can buy is 1 3/8 inches thick, and the thickest is 1 3/4 inches thick, which is the same as an exterior door. Intermediary thicknesses include 1 1/2 and 1 5/8 inches. <P> Modern homes tend to have standard-size joinery and most internal doors are the same size. The standard is usually 1981 mm x 762 mm (6ft 6in x 2ft 6in), though there are a variety of other sizes available, which are intended for wider and narrower openings such as under the stairs or 'walk-in' cupboards and the WC. <P> The usual range of sizes for internal doors is: 6'6 x 2'3 (1981mm x 686mm), 6'6 x 2'6 (1981mm x 762mm), and 6'6 x 2'9 (1981mm x 838mm). Kitchen Cupboard Door Sizes. The standard widths for kitchen cupboard doors are 300mm, 400mm, 500mm, 600mm, 800mm, and 1000mm. Wall unit doors are usually 600mm or 720mm high. <P> Width and Height. An interior passage door is any door that you use to move from one room to another, and the code requires these to be 80 inches in height. Because this corresponds to 6 feet 8 inches, door manufacturers refer to this as a 6/8 door. | 6'6 x 2'3 (1981mm x 686mm), 6'6 x 2'6 (1981mm x 762mm), and 6'6 x 2'9 (1981mm x 838mm). |
what is resin laminating | <P> Polyester resin is excellent for fiberglass lay-up--building a boat, for example. Polyester laminating resin doesn't fully cure while exposed to air, so when it is used for lay-up, every application joins to the previous one on a molecular level. <P> Polyester Surfboard Resin is formulated to cure water white (clear) and to cure in thin laminates. Our surfboard resin is Silmar S249A which is the surfboard industry standard for laminating and hot coating. To make a hot coat or sanding resin just add surface agent to the S249A surfboard resin. We also stock surfboard gloss resin. Gallon, S249A Surfboard Laminating Resin-This resin cures water white (clear) and is suitable for applications such as surfboards that require a clear coating or lamination. <P> Spray PVA mold release over any polyester lamination or repair so the resin will cure tack-free. Wait 25 minutes after finishing the lay-up, then spray on two light coats. Within a few hours, the PVA can be washed off with water, leaving a fully cured resin or gel coat surface. <P> Layup & Laminating Epoxy Resin is often used as a filler or a pourable slurry for voids in wood, fiberglass or concrete. Sawdust, milled/chopped fiberglass and fumed silica (Cab-O-Sil®) are all good general purpose products which can all be added to the resin as thickeners. The more you add the thicker the mix. Layup and Laminating Epoxy Resin can also be used as a general purpose adhesive. Normal coverage when using as an adhesive is approximately 45 sq. ft. per gallon at 1/32 (4.1 sq. m. per 3.8 liters at 0.8 mm.). This is the minimum recommended amount to get a strong glue joint. <P> Laminating resin (Evercoat # 100560, 100561) is used for initial coats on wood or for multiple applications with fiberglass cloth or mat. This resin is air-inhibited which means it will cure to a tacky finish and does not require sanding between coats. CHOOSING THE RIGHT RESIN POLYESTER RESIN. Polyester Resin is a liquid which when the catalyst is added, will cure to a solid. It has been specially formulated to cure at room temperature. The hardener, usually MEKP (Methyl Ethyl Ketone Peroxide) is added to begin the curing process. When polyester resin cures, it goes through a polymerization proces <P> Quality laminating resin for base coat applications. This resin is not a finish coat. This air-inhibited resin remains tacky to hold fiberglass fabric in place on vertical surfaces. Does not require sanding between coats. CHOOSING THE RIGHT RESIN POLYESTER RESIN. Polyester Resin is a liquid which when the catalyst is added, will cure to a solid. It has been specially formulated to cure at room temperature. The hardener, usually MEKP (Methyl Ethyl Ketone Peroxide) is added to begin the curing process. When polyester resin cures, it goes through a polymerization proces <P> Monomer. Two roles of the monomer in laminating resin: 1 To change from a liquid to a rigid solid, a monomer must be chemically reactive, thus cross linking with the polymer. 2 A monomer is used to reduce the viscosity of the polymer to a level that is easy to work with during the laminating application. If a laminating resin is thixotropic, it means that it has a viscosity that is dependent on shear rate. It is important that laminating resins are formulated in this way because a low viscosity is needed during high shear processes such as: 1 Pumping. 2 Spraying. 3 Wetout. <P> Laminating / Bonding Resin which cures to a tacky surface and Fiberglass / Marine Finish Resin which cures to a non-tacky surface. Laminating Resin (Evercoat 100560, 100561) is used for large repairs, for initial coats on wood, or for multiple applications with fiberglass cloth or mat. Polyester Resin Final Page 1 of 5 CHOOSING THE RIGHT RESIN – POLYESTER RESIN Polyester Resin is a liquid which will cure to a solid when the hardener is added. It has been specially formulated to cure at room temperature. The hardener, MEKP (Methyl Ethyl Ketone Peroxide) is added to cure, or harden the resin | To change from a liquid to a rigid solid, a monomer must be chemically reactive, thus cross linking with the polymer. |
what are sparklers made of | <P> Sparklers are very different from firecrackers. A sparkler burns over a long period of time (up to a minute) and produces extremely bright and showery light. Sparklers are often referred to as snowball sparklers because of the ball of sparks that surrounds the burning portion of the sparkler. <P> The length of sparklers is what determines, for the most part, how long they will burn. Available in a range of sizes with 10-inch, 20-inch and 36-inch being the most common, all sparkler fireworks burn from the tip and end a safe distance away from the hand. <P> Most accidents occur from young children handling the sparkler inappropriately. Sparklers burn slower than other fireworks and are actually categorized not as fireworks but as pyrotechnics. They can burn in different colors depending on the types of metal fuel added. The size of the metal fuel particles determine how big the sparks are that emanate from the sparkler. <P> For example, there is a difference between a firecracker and a sparkler. The goal of a firecracker is to create a controlled explosion. A sparkler, on the other hand, burns over a long period of time (up to a minute) and produces a brilliant shower of sparks. Sometimes sparklers are called 'snowballs' in reference to the ball of sparks that surrounds the burning part of the sparkler. <P> A more modern type of sparkler, known as the Morning Glory, consists of a long, thin paper tube filled with composition and attached to a wooden rod using brightly-colored tissue paper and ribbon. Several different compositions can be packed into a single tube, resulting in a sparkler that changes color. <P> Confidence votes 9. gun powder-maybe, or -. The classic type of sparkler consists of a thin metal rod approximately one foot long that has been dipped in a thick batter of pyrotechnic composition and allowed to dry. This composition is rich in a metallic fuel such as aluminum or iron, which when burned creates silver or gold sparks, respectively. | A thick batter of pyrotechnic composition and allowed to dry. This composition is rich in a metallic fuel such as aluminum or iron. |
what is a lariat? | <P> Tammy Powley. Definition: A lariat style necklace is a long necklace that normally has no specific clasp on either end of it. You can wear it a few different ways. For example, you can simple tie the two ends of the necklace together. <P> Tying a Lariat Necklace: Follow the necklace: Many lariat necklaces are made with a specific tying method in mind. These necklaces often have a geometric pendant to pull the chain through or a sliding clasp. Most lariat necklaces can be tied in many different ways. <P> 6,040 pages on this wiki. The Lightning Release: Lariat is a powerful taijutsu technique whereby the user charges at his opponent, striking them with a Lariat move, which can be coated in chakra. A successful strike can blow away a target's entire chest with a direct hit. Trivia. 1 As with many of the techniques of Kumogakure ninja, this technique has an English name given kanji that somewhat match the pronunciation. 2 Similarly to the Fourth Raikage's Liger Bomb, the Lariat is a highly feared move within Puroresu (Japanese professional wrestling). <P> This new procedure is a potential lifesaver and has proven to be very effective in lowering the risk of blood clots and stroke in patients with AFib who can not take blood thinning medications. The LARIAT technique is performed in a cardiac electrophysiology lab using two catheters. One is guided by the physician from a vein in the groin to the left atrial appendage inside the heart. The other catheter has the LARIAT suture. <P> Special Edition. A Ford Lariat Limited was issued as a special edition in 2008 before the redesigned 2009 model was released, which Edmunds called super-plush.. This model had white sand metallic monochromatic paint, two-tone leather interior, captain's chairs, and 22-inch 5-spoke wheels. Save. The Ford Lariat is part of the full-size F-series pickup trucks manufactured by Ford Motor Company. This series includes the popular F-150 along with more heavy-duty models F-250, F-350 and F-450. <P> Definition of LARIAT. : a long light rope (as of hemp or leather) used with a running noose to catch livestock or with or without the noose to tether grazing animals: lasso. See lariat defined for kids. ADVERTISEMENT. 1 lariat. <P> lariat. n. 1. another word for lasso. 2. a rope for tethering animals. Said I to myself, as I coiled my lariat and hung it on my saddle-horn, and sat there drunk with glory, The victory is perfect -- no other will venture against me -- knight-errantry is dead. A Connecticut Yankee by Twain, Mark View in context. <P> Closure Without Compromise. 1 Precise, user-controlled remote delivery of a 40mm pre-tied suture loop through access of 4.3mm or greater. 2 Highly secure Meltzer knot tightened with Tensure TM Suture Tightener for confidence in closure. <P> Benefits of the LARIAT™ procedure. 1 May help decrease the risk of stroke without affecting the rest of the heart. 2 It is an alternative option for patients who can not take blood thinners. 3 The procedure is successful in about 95% of the patients. ( 4 It’s impact in long-term risk of stroke is still unclear.). | Lariat is a powerful taijutsu technique whereby the user charges at his opponent, striking them with a Lariat move, which can be coated in chakra. |
what height are dwarf dahlias | <P> An old fashioned favorite and superb cut flower. Grown as annuals, these dahlias may reach 24 inches in height and width. Brilliant shades of red, yellow, and white sometimes flushed with a second color. These semi-double flowers range from 2 to 4 inches in diameter. Blooms spring and fall. Leaves are rich green. <P> 1 There's no need to water the soil until the dahlia plants appear; in fact, overwatering can cause tubers to rot. 2 After dahlias are established, provide a deep watering 2 to 3 times a week for at least 30 minutes with a sprinkler (and more in dry, hot climates). 1 Don't be in a hurry to plant; dahlias will struggle in cold soil. 2 Ground temperature should reach 60°F. Wait until all danger of spring frost is past before planting. ( 3 We plant them a little after the tomato plants go in.). 4 Select a planting site with full sun. <P> Dahlia. Dahlia. Nothing beats a dahlia for summer color. Growing these varied, spiky flowers is like having a box of garden crayons at your disposal. The flowers form on branching, fleshy stems or open in solitary splendor on the bedding-plant types in mid-to late summer. <P> There are 42 species of dahlia, with hybrids commonly grown as garden plants. Flower forms are variable, with one head per stem; these can be as small as 2 in (5.1 cm) diameter or up to 1 ft (30 cm) (dinner plate). The dahlia was declared the national flower of Mexico in 1963. The tubers were grown as a food crop by the Aztecs, but this use largely died out after the Spanish Conquest. Attempts to introduce the tubers as a food crop in Europe were unsuccessful. <P> Traditionally grown from tubers, some start from seed and are grown as short annuals. Plant tubers in early spring, and seed-grown plants, after late frost. For large flowers, plant in rich soil and give plenty of water. Pinch tall-growing plants at 4 to 6 inches to encourage branching and flowers. <P> Dahlias are available in different heights, dwarf dahlias are normally 12 to 18, and the taller dahlias grow 5' to 6'. Dahlias up to 2 ft. <P> In addition, dahlias also contain many transposons —genetic pieces that move from place to place upon an allele —which contributes to their manifesting such great diversity. The stems are leafy, ranging in height from as low as 12 in (30 cm) to more than 6–8 ft (1.8–2.4 m). The dahlia was declared the national flower of Mexico in 1963. The tubers were grown as a food crop by the Aztecs, but this use largely died out after the Spanish Conquest. Attempts to introduce the tubers as a food crop in Europe were unsuccessful. <P> Growing dwarf Dahlias from seed can also reward you with surprising new hybrid varieties and colors. In warm regions of the country, Dahlia seeds can be sown directly into the garden where they will grow. In the majority of the country however, the seeds should be sown indoors. 6-8 weeks prior to planting outdoors. Dahlia plants grow and bloom best in full sun. Dahlias tolerate most soil types, but prefer a sandy, well drained, slightly acidic soil with a pH of 6.2- 6.5. If your soil is heavy or clay, adding sand and peat moss will help to lighten it. <P> Plant height is perhaps the most important consideration when you select dahlias for your garden. Tall types belong at the back of a border, while medium-size varieties look best massed together or combined with other flowers in the middle of a garden. Planting How-to. Dahlias are a stellar addition to any garden. Native to Mexico, where they grow wild on hillsides, these tender bulbs bloom in many colors from summer until frost. They vary in height, too, so it's likely there's one to star in your garden production. | Normally 12" to 18". |
definition of genetically modified food | <P> Genetically modified (GM) foods are foods derived from organisms whose genetic material (DNA) has been modified in a way that does not occur naturally, e.g. through the introduction of a gene from a different organism. <P> genetically modified food. Any crop or agricultural product altered by biological engineering for drought resistance, increased growth, resistance to pests or pesticides, prolonged shelf-life, altered textures or flavors, or other economically or commercially desirable characteristics. <P> Genetically modified food (GM food) is food which has been produced using organisms that have been engineered genetically (GM organisms). GM food either contains GM organisms, or GM organisms have been used to create the food. Common examples include maize, soybean, cotton and rapeseed. <P> Definition. Genetically engineered foods have had foreign genes (genes from other plants or animals) inserted into their genetic codes. Genetic engineering can be done with plants, animals, or bacteria and other microorganisms. We have bred plants and animals for thousands of years to produce the desired traits. <P> DEFINITION of 'Genetically Modified Food (GMF)'. Food that is produced from organisms that have had their genes engineered to introduce traits that have not been created through natural selection. Genetically modified foods have been commercially available since the 1990s, and is most often associated with fruits and vegetables. <P> Promoters of genetically modified foods point to their improved yields (which may have a beneficial impact on agricultural profits or world hunger). Opponents of genetic modification have raised concerns about its effects on ecosystems, human food allergies, and religious dietary laws. <P> Genetically engineered foods have had foreign genes (genes from other plants or animals) inserted into their genetic codes. Genetic engineering can be done with plants, animals, or bacteria and other microorganisms. We have bred plants and animals for thousands of years to produce the desired traits. <P> Definition. Meat and edible plants modified through genetic engineering. Although humans have genetically modified animal and plants since the beginning of civilization, they did it through selective breeding possible only within the same species through natural reproduction over decades or centuries. | Foods that derived from organisms whose genetic material (DNA) has been modified in a way that does not occur naturally. |
how long does it take to be a kids pediatrician | <P> To become a pediatrician you need: 4 year college degree 4 year medical degree 3+ years of pediatric residency For a minimum of 11 years of training after high school. In general, there is 4 years of college, followed by 4 years of medical school, followed by 3 to 5 years of residency. There are a few programs that combine college and medical school to 6 or 7 years (depending on the program) instead of the 8 years. A lot of school, but if it is your passion, well worth it!! <P> It takes 4 years of undergraduate education, 4 years of medical school, and 3 years of pediatric residency to become a general pediatrician, totaling at least 11 years. Further, most fellowship subspecialties last 3 years, increasing the time spent in training to about 14 years overall. Licensing. Pediatricians must be licensed in all states. Licensing requires much the same criteria as certification, including completion of an accredited medical program, 1 to 3 years of postgraduate residency training, and a licensure exam. <P> To become a pediatrician you need: 4 years of college 4 years of medical school 3-4 years of residency So 11-12 years after high school is needed to become a pediatrician, at … a minimum. Many have more. In general, there is 4 years of college, followed by 4 years of medical school, followed by 3 to 5 years of residency. There are a few programs that combine college and medical school to 6 or 7 years (depending on the program) instead of the 8 years. A lot of school, but if it is your passion, well worth it!! <P> 1 4 years of college. 2 4 years of medical school. 3 3 years of general pediatric training in a hospitals. 4 1 &endash;3 years (usually) of special pediatric training (called a subspecialty). 5 There are currently 12 different subspecialties. 6 There are other special training programs for pediatricians, too. 1 4 years of medical school. 2 3 years of general pediatric training in a hospitals. 3 1 &endash;3 years (usually) of special pediatric training (called a subspecialty). 4 <P> In general, there is 4 years of college, followed by 4 years of medical school, followed by 3 to 5 years of residency. There are a few programs that combine college an … d medical school to 6 or 7 years (depending on the program) instead of the 8 years. It typically takes 11 years to become a pediatrician after high school: 4 years of College 4 years of Medical School 3 years of Pediatric Residency. <P> Then, you will again take and pass another board exam relevant to your field of specialization. If you want to know how long does it take to become a pediatrician, just sum up all the years you are in school. This is simply 4 years undergraduate plus 4 years in medical school plus 3 years in residency and specialization, which equals 11 long years of hard but rewarding work. 1 Email. <P> A specialty pediatrician must finish high school and then does: 1 4 years of college. 2 4 years of medical school. 3 3 years of general pediatric training in a hospitals. 4 1 &endash;3 years (usually) of special pediatric training (called a subspecialty). 1 4 years of medical school. 2 3 years of general pediatric training in a hospitals. 3 1 &endash;3 years (usually) of special pediatric training (called a subspecialty). 4 There are currently 12 different subspecialties. <P> To become a pediatrician you need: 4 years of college 4 years of medical school 3-4 years of residency So 11-12 years after high school is needed to become a pediatrician, at … a minimum. Many have more. It typically takes 11 years to become a pediatrician after high school: 4 years of College 4 years of Medical School 3 years of Pediatric Residency. <P> To become a pediatrician you need: 4 year college degree 4 year medical degree 3+ years of pediatric residency For a minimum of 11 years of training after high school. It typically takes 11 years to become a pediatrician after high school: 4 years of College 4 years of Medical School 3 years of Pediatric Residency. | 3 years |
rpz testing cost | <P> The Reduced Pressure Zone (RPZ) valve is a device which protects against backflow, providing cost effective protection against the contamination of mains cold water supply. In the UK, the RPZ valve must be tested at least every 12 months by an accredited tester. <P> RPZ Valve Testing. Reduced Pressure Zone Valves provide a cost effective method of Backflow Protection. RPZ valves require a Commissioning Test and a periodic Test by an ACCREDITED TESTER. Diamond Plumb Ltd provide a Nationwide TESTING SERVICE. The RPZ Valve is a Type BA Verifiable Backflow Preventing Device with, as the name suggests, a Reduced Pressure Zone. <P> RPZvalve.com and Diamond Plumb Ltd are one of the LEADING RPZ VALVE SPECIALISTS in the UK. We are a long established company. Our Engineers have over 30 years experience with the RPZ valve Supply & Install, Servicing, as well as the REPAIR, TESTING and CERTIFICATION of RPZ valves. | $45.00 plus the filing fee of $5.00. |
what is fructooligosaccharide from chicory root | <P> Fructooligosaccharides (FOS) also known as oligofructose or oligofructan, is a class of oligosaccharides used as an artificial or alternative sweetener in food products. FOS is extracted from fruits and vegetables like bananas, onions, chicory root, garlic, asparagus, barley, wheat, tomatoes, and leeks. [1]. History. <P> Inulin is present in high concentrations in chicory root, agave and even dandelions. It is present to a lesser extent in bananas, wheat, onions, asparagus, rye and barley. Indeed, it has been found in over 36,000 plants around the world. Oligofructose, also present in these foods, is a similar fiber. <P> 1. FOS is the standard acronym for fructooligosaccharides. These are complex carbohydrates, or sugars that come naturally from high fiber foods such as garlic, onions, leeks, oats, barley, rye and chicory root. One great thing about fructooligosaccharides is that they help the body make its' own beneficial bacteria in the digestive system. <P> Chicory is a woody plant that can grow to about 10 to 100 cm tall. Chicory has long, deep taproot that is milky inside. Chicory leaves are stalked, hairy, lanceolate and large, coarsely toothed, growing in clustered formation from plant base in spreading rosette while the upper leaves are small. <P> Chicory, more precisely root chicory (Cichorium intybus), grows all over the United States and is cultivated in Mediterranean areas in Europe, where it is roasted, ground, and used as a coffee substitute. <P> Sometimes called chicory root fiber, inulin is also found in bananas, wheat, onions, and garlic, but chicory root has very high concentrations. Food manufacturers now extract inulin from chicory root and add it to edible products such as yogurt, ice cream, chocolate bars, breakfast bars, salad dressings and margarine. Because it has a smooth and creamy texture, it has been called the stealth fiber, and it works well as a replacement for fat. <P> Common Names: Common chicory, blue sailors, succory, coffeeweed. It is also called cornflower, endive, radicchio, Belgian endive, French endive, red endive, sugarloaf or witloof. Chicory (Chihorium intybus) is an erect perennial herbaceous herb of the daisy family which is native to Europe, North Africa, and Asia. | A class of oligosaccharides used as an artificial or alternative sweetener in food products. |
what is the difference between ceramic and polymer | <P> And that is a composite. A ceramic is just another kind of material just like metals and polymers. So if you would reinforce some ceramic with steel particles, it would become a composite whose matrix is the ceramic and the reinforcement the steel particles. The main difference between the two is the manufacturing process. Mo … nolithic capacitors have a paste of ceramic material applied between the conductive layers. After this paste is applied the capacitors are then baked. Multilayer capacitors have the ceramic material sprayed onto <P> Uses for Ceramic and Polymer. Ceramic and polymer each have their individual uses although almost any small-scale item can be made of either ceramic or polymer, such as beads or charms. Wheel-thrown pottery and large sculptures are usually made of ceramics. Ancient man made pottery and bricks from ceramic clay, and ceramic is still used for those purposes today. Ceramic is a mixture of earth minerals, clay, and water. Polymer is a man-made synthetic -- essentially, a plastic manufactured in many different forms. <P> Although ceramic is an inorganic material like polymer, ceramic is made up of naturally occurring substances and is one of the oldest building and crafting materials known to man. Ancient man made pottery and bricks from ceramic clay, and ceramic is still used for those purposes today. Ceramic is a mixture of earth minerals, clay, and water. Polymer is a man-made synthetic -- essentially, a plastic manufactured in many different forms. For crafting purposes, polymer comes in clay form <P> And that is a composite. A ceramic is just another kind of material just like metals and polymers. So if you would reinforce some ceramic with steel particles, it would become a composite whose matrix is the ceramic and the reinforcement the steel particles. The main difference between the two is the manufacturing process. Mo … nolithic capacitors have a paste of ceramic material applied between the conductive layers. After this paste is applied the capacitors are then baked. Multilayer capacitors have the ceramic material sprayed onto <P> Polymer is a lower maintenance material than ceramic. Polymer clay, unlike ceramic clay, will not dry out if left in the open air. If polymer clay is stored properly away from sunlight and heat, it can be usable for years. Ancient man made pottery and bricks from ceramic clay, and ceramic is still used for those purposes today. Ceramic is a mixture of earth minerals, clay, and water. Polymer is a man-made synthetic -- essentially, a plastic manufactured in many different forms. <P> What's the difference between plastics and polymers and elastomers? Polymer is the chemical term for a long chain molecule often made of repeating monomer chemical units. Synthetic plastics, DNA, cellulose from wood and other natural products are all polymers. <P> Answers. Best Answer: First, there's a difference between porcelain clay and cold porcelain clay! The first is an earthen clay made from mud from the ground often called pottery or ceramic clay (one very fine type is porcelain). The first answerer assumed you meant this kind of porcelain clay rather than cold porcelain clay. Cold porcelain is just a descriptive term though since when dry that kind of clay has some translucence like true porcelain clay does. Cold porcelain is basically made from cornstarch and white glue though, not dug up from the ground <P> Clay is one source material for some ceramic end products. And not all clays make good ceramics. Clays are defined by their chemical/molecular structures, and are distinct mineral species found in nature. Ceramics are man-made materials used for industrial and consumer products. The main difference between the two is the manufacturing process. Mo … nolithic capacitors have a paste of ceramic material applied between the conductive layers. After this paste is applied the capacitors are then baked. Multilayer capacitors have the ceramic material sprayed onto <P> Clay is a natural material comprised of fine-grained minerals that are the result of volcanic and tectonic plate activity and weathering. Clays show plasticity through a variable range of water content. The main difference between the two is the manufacturing process. Mo … nolithic capacitors have a paste of ceramic material applied between the conductive layers. After this paste is applied the capacitors are then baked. Multilayer capacitors have the ceramic material sprayed onto | Polymer is a lower maintenance material than ceramic. Polymer clay, unlike ceramic clay, will not dry out if left in the open air. If polymer clay is stored properly away from sunlight and heat, it can be usable for years. |
what is alimentary canal | <P> Example sentences. 1 Crohn's disease is a chronic, relapsing inflammatory disorder of the alimentary canal with involvement anywhere from the mouth to the anus. 2 The digestive system is made up of the alimentary canal and the other abdominal organs that play a part in digestion, such as the liver and pancreas. 1 The digestive system is made up of the alimentary canal and the other abdominal organs that play a part in digestion, such as the liver and pancreas. 2 The latter group includes tissues lining the airways; the alimentary canal and its associated organs and glands; and the genito-urinary system. <P> 1 Crohn's disease is a chronic, relapsing inflammatory disorder of the alimentary canal with involvement anywhere from the mouth to the anus. 2 The digestive system is made up of the alimentary canal and the other abdominal organs that play a part in digestion, such as the liver and pancreas. 1 The digestive system is made up of the alimentary canal and the other abdominal organs that play a part in digestion, such as the liver and pancreas. 2 The latter group includes tissues lining the airways; the alimentary canal and its associated organs and glands; and the genito-urinary system. <P> pertaining to or caused by food, or nutritive material. alimentary canal. all the organs making up the route taken by food as it passes through the body from mouth to anus; it comprises the esophagus, stomach, and small and large intestines. Called also digestive tract. the terminal portion of the alimentary canal, from the rectum to the anus. atrioventricular canal. the common canal connecting the primitive atrium and ventricle; it sometimes persists as a congenital anomaly. birth canal. the canal through which the fetus passes in birth. <P> alimentary canal see alimentary canal. anal canal the terminal portion of the alimentary canal, from the rectum to the anus. atrioventricular canal the common canal connecting the primordial atrium and ventricle; it sometimes persists as a congenital anomaly. birth canal the canal through which the fetus passes in birth. the terminal portion of the alimentary canal, from the rectum to the anus. atrioventricular canal. the common canal connecting the primitive atrium and ventricle; it sometimes persists as a congenital anomaly. birth canal. the canal through which the fetus passes in birth. <P> Alimentary canal is the term used in zoology for the gut of animals. For humans in particular, see human gastrointestinal tract. The canal (or tube) is in bilaterian animals. It carries food through digestion and excretion. Into the tube come various digestive enzymes. <P> # 52 Human alimentary canal. The alimentary canal is a long tube which runs from the mouth to the anus. It is part of the digestive system. The digestive system also includes the liver and the pancreas. <P> Human Alimentary Canal 1. The main part of the digestive system is the alimentary canal which consists of the mouth, oesophagus, stomach, small intestine and large intestine. 2. There are other organs associated with the alimentary canal to assist with digestion. These include the salivary glands, the pancreas, the liver and the gall bladder <P> Medical Definition of ALIMENTARY CANAL. : the tubular passage that extends from mouth to anus, functions in digestion and absorption of food and elimination of residual waste, and includes the mouth, pharynx, esophagus, stomach, small intestine, and large intestine. <P> Full Definition of ALIMENTARY CANAL. : the tubular passage that extends from mouth to anus and functions in digestion and absorption of food and elimination of residual waste. See alimentary canal defined for English-language learners. See alimentary canal defined for kids. ADVERTISEMENT. : the tubular passage that extends from mouth to anus, functions in digestion and absorption of food and elimination of residual waste, and includes the mouth, pharynx, esophagus, stomach, small intestine, and large intestine. | A long tube which runs from the mouth to the anus. |
how much have the ice caps melted | <P> If it melted sea levels would not be affected. There is a significant amount of ice covering Greenland, which would add another 7 meters (20 feet) to the oceans if it melted. Because Greenland is closer to the equator than Antarctica, the temperatures there are higher, so the ice is more likely to melt. <P> › Download video Multi-year sea ice, or ice that has survived at least two melt seasons in the Arctic, is shrinking rapidly. This animation shows how the multi-year sea ice area, an estimation of the total volume of multi-year ice in the Arctic Ocean, has evolved from 1980 to 2012. <P> This is in part due to the addition of water to the oceans through either the melting of or the calving off of icebergs from the world's land ice. Many individual mountain glaciers and ice caps are known to have been retreating, contributing to the rising sea levels. <P> Polar ice sheets melting faster than ever. The polar ice caps have melted faster in last 20 years than in the last 10,000. A comprehensive satellite study confirms that the melting ice caps are raising sea levels at an accelerating rate. Greenland Ice Melt. <P> The main ice covered landmass is Antarctica at the South Pole, with about 90 percent of the world's ice (and 70 percent of its fresh water). Antarctica is covered with ice an average of 2,133 meters (7,000 feet) thick. If all of the Antarctic ice melted, sea levels around the world would rise about 61 meters (200 feet). But the average temperature in Antarctica is -37°C, so the ice there is in no danger of melting. In fact in most parts of the continent it never gets above freezing. | 7 meters (20 feet) |
what is cardamom seeds used for | <P> Cardamom seeds. Cardamom (/ˈkɑrdəməm/), sometimes called cardamon (mostly in the UK) , is a spice made from the seeds of several plants in the genera Elettaria and Amomum in the family Zingiberaceae. Both genera are native to India, the largest producer until the late 20th century; Bangladesh, Bhutan, Indonesia, Nepal, and Pakistan. The word cardamom is derived from the Latin cardamomum, which is the Latinisation of the Greek καρδάμωμον (kardamomon), a compound of κάρδαμον (kardamon), cress + ἄμωμον (amomon), which was probably the name for a kind of Indian spice plant. <P> Cardamom is a spice native to the Middle East, North Africa, and Scandinavia. There are three types of cardamom; green cardamom, black cardamom and Madagascar cardamom. It is best to buy cardamom still in the pods, which are removed and discarded. You can also buy cardamom seeds however; they lose much of their flavor. <P> Cardamom is one of the world’s very ancient spices. It is native to the East originating in the forests of the western ghats in southern India, where it grows wild. Today it also grows in Sri Lanka, Guatemala, Indo China and Tanzania. The ancient Egyptians chewed cardamom seeds as a tooth cleaner; the Greeks and Romans used it as a perfume. Vikings came upon cardamom about one thousand years ago, in Constantinople, and introduced it into Scandinavia, where it remains popular to this day. Cardamom is an expensive spice, second only to saffron. <P> As a spice, cardamom is extremely versatile, and is used all over the world in coffee, sausage, and in savory meat and fish recipes. You can buy it already ground, but the entire pod, opened to release the tiny black seeds inside for fresh grinding, offers the most intense, spicy-sweet, and completely unique flavor. <P> Cardamom is an herb. The seeds are used to make medicine. Cardamom is used for digestion problems including heartburn, intestinal spasms, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), intestinal gas, constipation, liver and gallbladder complaints, and loss of appetite. It is also used for common cold, cough, bronchitis, sore mouth and throat, and tendency toward infection. The appropriate dose of cardamom for use as treatment depends on several factors such as the user's age, health, and several other conditions. At this time there is not enough scientific information to determine an appropriate range of doses for cardamom. <P> Cardamom is available for purchase in several forms, including whole pods, whole seeds without pods, and crushed or ground seeds. Cardamom still housed in the pod retains much more of its flavor and aroma than cardamom that has been removed from the pod. Description. Cardamom is the seed of the Elettaria and Amomum plant. The small black seeds are surrounded by a pod with a papery thin skin that can be white, green, or dark brown/black in color. The flavor and scent of cardamom is floral and slightly citrusy in flavor, with black cardamom being slightly on the smoky side <P> Ground cardamom is used in recipes where whole pods or seeds are undesirable. A little ground cardamom goes a long way, particularly if freshly ground, so use it sparingly. To grind cardamom yourself, first remove the seeds by crushing the pods with the broad side of a knife and shaking out the seeds. <P> Culinary Uses. After being removed from their pods, cardamom seeds can be used whole, bruised, or ground. They are used in a variety of Indian spice blends, including garam masala, curry, or chai tea. Description. Cardamom is the seed of the Elettaria and Amomum plant. The small black seeds are surrounded by a pod with a papery thin skin that can be white, green, or dark brown/black in color. The flavor and scent of cardamom is floral and slightly citrusy in flavor, with black cardamom being slightly on the smoky side | The seeds are used to make medicine. Cardamom is used for digestion problems including heartburn, intestinal spasms, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), intestinal gas, constipation, liver and gallbladder complaints, and loss of appetite. It is also used for common cold, cough, bronchitis, sore mouth and throat, and tendency toward infection. |
why was the naacp founded | <P> Introduction. Founded in 1909, the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) was one of the earliest and most influential civil rights organization in the United States. During its early years, the NAACP focused on legal strategies designed to confront the critical civil rights issues of the day. Founded in 1909, the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) today has approximately 425,000 members. In 1916, a new field secretary, James Weldon Johnson, began expanding the organization’s membership in the South. <P> The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) was founded in 1909-1910 in New York City by a group of white and black intellectuals. Founded in 1909, the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) today has approximately 425,000 members. In 1916, a new field secretary, James Weldon Johnson, began expanding the organization’s membership in the South. <P> NAACP: 100 Years of History. Founded Feb. 12. 1909, the NAACP is the nation's oldest, largest and most widely recognized grassroots-based civil rights organization. The NAACP's principal objective is to ensure the political, educational, social and economic equality of minority group citizens of United States and eliminate race prejudice. The NAACP seeks to remove all barriers of racial discrimination through the democratic processes. <P> Founding group. The NAACP was formed partly in response to the continuing horrific practice of lynching and the 1908 race riot in Springfield, the capital of Illinois and resting place of President Abraham Lincoln. The NAACP's principal objective is to ensure the political, educational, social and economic equality of minority group citizens of United States and eliminate race prejudice. The NAACP seeks to remove all barriers of racial discrimination through the democratic processes. <P> History of the NAACP. General NAACP History. Rice NAACP History. Overview of The Crisis Magazine. General NAACP History. The NAACP was formed in 1909 in New York City by a group of black and white citizens fighting for social justice. On February 12, 1909, a Call was issued by a collection of 60 signatures for a meeting on the concept of creating an organization that would be an aggressive watchdog of Negro liberties. <P> NAACP Is Founded (1909): The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) was founded on February 12, 1909. After a race riot in Springfield, Illinois in 1908, The Call went out to Northerners to find a way to create social equality. In 1909, a group of multi-racial activists held a conference in New York City in response to The Call and decided to form the NAACP (originally called the National Negro Committee). <P> The History of the NAACP Founded February 12, 1909, the NAACP is the nation's oldest, largest and most widely recognized grassroots–based civil rights organization. <P> NAACP. The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) was founded in 1909 in New York City by a group of bi-racial activists. Originally called the National Negro Committee, it is the nation's oldest civil rights organization. Fifty-five years after the NAACP's founding, Congress passed the Civil Rights Act of 1964. The act made racial discrimination in public places illegal, and also required employers to provide equal employment opportunities. A year later, the Voting Rights Act was also passed, despite Southern lawmakers' resistance. <P> The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, or NAACP, is one of the oldest and most influential civil rights organizations in the United States. It was founded in 1909 to work on behalf of black people. | To make racial discrimination in public places illegal, and also required employers to provide equal employment opportunities. |
what is a type of a regular insulin | <P> Insulin is a hormone made by the pancreas that allows your body to use sugar (glucose) from carbohydrates in the food that you eat for energy or to store glucose for future use. Insulin helps keeps your blood sugar level from getting too high (hyperglycemia) or too low (hypoglycemia). <P> Insulin comes in a number of different types including short acting (such as regular insulin) and long acting (such as NPH insulin). Insulin is used to treat a number of disease including diabetes and its acute complications such as diabetic ketoacidosis and hyperosmolar hyperglycemic states. Insulin is used to treat a number of diseases including diabetes and its acute complications such as diabetic ketoacidosis and hyperosmolar hyperglycemic states. It is also used along with glucose to treat high blood potassium levels. Insulin was formerly used in a psychiatric treatment called insulin shock therapy. <P> Insulin therapy is a critical part of treatment for those with type 1 diabetes and also for many with type 2 diabetes. The goal of insulin therapy is to maintain blood sugar levels within your target range. Insulin is usually administered in the fat under your skin using a syringe, insulin pen or insulin pump. Which insulin regimen is best for you depends on factors such as the type of diabetes you have, how much your blood sugar fluctuates throughout the day and your lifestyle. Each insulin type is characterized by: <P> Afrezza must be used in combination with injectable long-acting insulin in patients with type 1 diabetes and in type 2 patients who use long-acting insulin. 1 Inhaled insulin begins working within 12 to 15 minutes, peaks by 30 minutes, and is out of your system in 180 minutes. In people with type 1 diabetes, the pancreas no longer makes insulin. The beta cells have been destroyed and they need insulin shots to use glucose from meals. People with type 2 diabetes make insulin, but their bodies don't respond well to it. <P> 1 This type of insulin is used with longer-acting insulin. 2 Short-acting: Usually taken about 30 minutes before a meal to cover the blood glucose elevation from eating. 3 This type of insulin is used with longer-acting insulin. 4 Intermediate-acting: Covers the blood glucose elevations when rapid-acting insulins stop working. 1 This type of insulin is often combined with rapid-or short-acting insulin and is usually taken twice a day. 2 Long-acting: This type of insulin is often combined, when needed, with rapid-or short-acting insulin. 3 It lowers blood glucose levels when rapid-acting insulins stop working. 4 It is taken once or <P> Afrezza, a rapid-acting inhaled insulin, is now FDA-approved for use before meals for both type 1 and type 2 diabetes. The drug peaks in your blood in about 15-20 minutes, researchers say, and it clears your body in 2-3 hours. It must be used along with long-acting insulin in people with type 1 diabetes. Your doctor will work with you to prescribe the type of insulin that's best for you and your diabetes. Making that choice will depend on many things, including: 1 How you respond to insulin. <P> In 2015 an inhaled insulin product, Afrezza, became available in the U.S. Afrezza is a rapid-acting inhaled insulin that is administered at the beginning of each meal and can be used by adults with type 1 or type 2 diabetes. Afrezza is not a substitute for long-acting insulin. In people with type 1 diabetes, the pancreas no longer makes insulin. The beta cells have been destroyed and they need insulin shots to use glucose from meals. People with type 2 diabetes make insulin, but their bodies don't respond well to it. <P> 1 Types: Insulin glulisine (Apidra), insulin lispro (Humalog), and insulin aspart (NovoLog). 2 Regular or Short-acting insulin usually reaches the bloodstream within 30 minutes after injection, peaks anywhere from 2 to 3 hours after injection, and is effective for approximately 3 to 6 hours. In people with type 1 diabetes, the pancreas no longer makes insulin. The beta cells have been destroyed and they need insulin shots to use glucose from meals. People with type 2 diabetes make insulin, but their bodies don't respond well to it. <P> regular insulin, a fast-acting insulin prescribed in the treatment of diabetes mellitus when the desired action is relatively prompt, intense, and short-acting. It can be mixed with long-acting forms of insulin. When people don't have insulin, or if the body doesn't respond to insulin (essentially diabetes mellitus type 1 and 2, respectively), therapy with insulin helps the body maintain a normal level of glucose. Excessive concentration of glucose in the blood is termed hyperglycemia and is deleterious in the long term. | Insulin comes in a number of different types including short acting (such as regular insulin) and long acting (such as NPH insulin). |
what is a colonized urinary tract infection | <P> Colonization of the urinary tract is the step prior to infection. Asymptomatic bacteruria is defined as the isolation of a specific amount of bacteria from an adequately collected urine sample, obtained from a patient without clinical signs or symptoms of urinary infection. <P> Infection is characterized by isolation of the organism accompanied by clinical signs of illness such as fever, elevated white blood count, purulence (pus), and clinical expression of disease such as pneumonia, bloodstream infections, urinary tract infections, gastrointestinal infections, and skin infections. 1. MRSA – Colonization may occur in: the nares; axillae; chronic wounds or decubitus ulcer surface; perineum; around gastrostomy and tracheostomy sites; in the sputum or urine; and on healthy skin. One of the most common sites of colonization in both patients and employees is the nose (anterior nares). <P> Guide. A urine culture is a test to find and identify germs (usually bacteria) that may be causing a urinary tract infection (UTI) . Urine in the bladder normally is sterile-it does not contain any bacteria or other organisms (such as fungi). But bacteria can enter the urethra and cause an infection. A urine culture may be done to: 1 Find the cause of a urinary tract infection (UTI). 2 Make decisions about the best treatment for a UTI. 3 This is called sensitivity testing. 4 Find out whether treatment for a UTI worked. <P> Background. A urinary tract infection (UTI) is a condition where one or more parts of the urinary system (the kidneys, ureters, bladder, and urethra) become infected. UTIs are the most common of all bacterial infections and can occur at any time in the life of an individual. Cystitis, or bladder infection, is the most common urinary tract infection. It occurs in the lower urinary tract (the bladder and urethra) and nearly always in women. In most cases, the infection is brief and acute and only the surface of the bladder is infected. <P> When bacteria get into your bladder or kidneys and cause you to have symptoms, you have a urinary tract infection (UTI). It is important to know the difference between an infection and bacteriuria (having bacteria in the urine but no symptoms). <P> Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs). Urinary tract infections (UTIs) are a common type of infection caused by bacteria (most often E. coli) that travel up the urethra to the bladder. A bladder infection is called cystitis. If bacterial infection spreads to the kidneys and ureters, the condition is called pyelonephritis. Cystitis is considered a lower urinary tract infection. Pyelonephritis is an upper urinary tract infection and is much more serious. 1 (Sometimes lower UTI symptoms may be the only signs of kidney infection. 2 People at highest risk for such silent upper urinary tract infections include patients with diabetes, impaired immune systems, or a history of relapsing or recurring UTIs.). 3 An increased need to urinate at night. <P> A urinary tract infection (UTI) is a condition where one or more parts of the urinary system (the kidneys, ureters, bladder, and urethra) become infected. UTIs are the most common of all bacterial infections and can occur at any time in the life of an individual. Infection does not always occur when bacteria are introduced into the bladder. A number of defense systems protect the urinary tract against infection-causing bacteria: 1 Urine itself functions as an antiseptic, washing potentially harmful bacteria out of the body during normal urination. <P> A urinary tract infection (UTI) is a condition in which one or more parts of the urinary system (the kidneys, ureters, bladder, and urethra) become infected. UTIs are the most common of all bacterial infections and can occur at any time in the life of an individual. 1 (Sometimes lower UTI symptoms may be the only signs of kidney infection. 2 People at highest risk for such silent upper urinary tract infections include patients with diabetes, impaired immune systems, or a history of relapsing or recurring UTIs.). 3 An increased need to urinate at night. <P> A urinary tract infection (UTI) is an infection involving any part of the urinary system, including urethra, bladder, ureters, and kidney. UTIs are the most common type of healthcare-associated infection reported to the National Healthcare Safety Network (NHSN) . | Is a condition where one or more parts of the urinary system (the kidneys, ureters, bladder, and urethra) become infected. |
what temperature do runner beans need to germinate | <P> Beans do not like to be transplanted. Germination temperature: 70 F to 80 F-Germination is slow and poor when soil temperatures are below 60 F. Days to emergence: 8 to 10 - Germination may take two weeks or more if soil temperatures are below 60 F. Seed can be saved 5 years. <P> Germination: Runner beans need water to germinate but do not need any other special conditions or treatment; they will germinate in the dark (underground) or in the light. The root always starts to grow first and it always grows downwards. The plant is sensitive to gravity and the root grows towards gravity. <P> Annual, a plant that completes it’s life cycle in one season. Cover seed with 1/4 inch soil spaced 3 to 4 inches apart. Germinates in 8-15 days with an optimum soil temperature of 70 degrees F. Ideal seed spacing in the garden is 3 to 6 inches apart. Plant height: Climbing plants that grow to 36 to 42 inches tall. When and where to plant : <P> Grow Runner Beans from Seed. Runner beans are a half hardy plant, that is they are planted out in early summer after the risk of frost is gone. The runner beans are harvested until the plants are killed by frost in late autumn. It's much more fun to grow your own from seed, and April (in the UK) is the right time to start them off <P> Drop in a Runner Bean seed before backfilling the hole with compost and watering the seed in. Runner Beans will germinate in about a week and grow surprisingly quickly. You will need to harden Runner Bean plants off for 7 to 10 days before transplanting them outdoors. Direct sowing outdoors: Alternatively you can sow Runner Bean seed directly in the ground outdoors from May to July. Sow them at a depth of 5cm (2) and a distance of 30cm (12) apart in adjacent rows that are set about 45cm (18) apart. <P> Bean plants need to be in an area that receives full sunlight, which means eight to 10 hours of sunlight daily. Planting beans in an area that receives six to seven hours of full sunlight daily can reduce the plants' expected yield. Beans do not need sunlight to germinate, but they need warmth. Most beans require a soil temperature of 60 degrees Fahrenheit or higher to germinate well; lima beans need at least a 70 F soil temperature. <P> How To Grow Runner Beans – Supporting. My preferred way of growing runner beans is to create an A frame around two rows of beans 50cm apart, with the poles themselves spaced 30cm apart as in the picture below. <P> All seeds need warmth and moisture to germinate and grow on well. How much warmth varies by type of vegetable – for example broad beans will grow fine in soil temperatures over 8 degrees C, whereas aubergines need much more heat; ideally over 24C. We soak our beans for a few hours in warm water (around 25-30C), then either plant them in standard seed trays, with 24 seeds to a tray or in larger sized modules. They can either go in the greenhouse, if you have one, or alternatively they’ll germinate fine on a sunny windowsill. <P> They germinate best when daytime temperatures are between 60 and 85 degrees Fahrenheit. Temperatures of 70 to 80 degrees are ideal. At these temperatures, beans germinate within eight to 10 days. At temperatures below 60 degrees, the seeds might take more than two weeks to germinate. Wait to plant bean seeds until two weeks after the last expected frost, or start them indoors four weeks before the last frost. <P> This plant will need to be potted up in three to four days time. Runner Beans need a soil temperature (that's not the same as the air temperature) of around 10°C / 50°F or higher to germinate, which is on the low side compared to many other vegetables. They will take roughly a week to appear after being sown. | 60 degrees Fahrenheit or higher. |
what are some examples of titanium that you would find in an house | <P> TITANIUM As far as I can see there is only one UK-based Exam Board that wants the extraction of titanium, and that is AQA. They only want the conditions and equations for the reactions involved, and that is all you will find on this page together with a few comments related to method used. <P> Titanium is a very important metal that was discovered back in 1791 (see our post who discovered titanium). Here are some of the more common uses of titanium in the world today. <P> The atomic weight of titanium is 47.88. Titanium is lightweight, strong, corrosion resistant and abundant in nature. Titanium and its alloys possess tensile strengths from 30,000 psi to 200,000 psi (210-1380 MPa), which are equivalent to the strengths found in most of alloy steels. <P> Titanium is a strong, light metal. It is as strong as steel and twice as strong as aluminum, but is 45% lighter than steel and only 60% heavier than aluminum. Titanium is not easily corroded by sea water and is used in propeller shafts, rigging and other parts of boats that are exposed to sea water. <P> It is a light, strong, lustrous, corrosion-resistant (including resistance to sea water and chlorine) transition metal with a white-silvery-metallic colour. Titanium is used in strong light-weight alloys (most notably with iron and aluminium), and in powdered form to other materials, such as graphite composites. <P> Pure titanium oxide is relatively clear and is used to create titania, an artificial gemstone. Titanium tetrachloride (TiCl 4), another titanium compound, has been used to make smoke screens. A final bit of titanium trivia -- titanium is the only element that will burn in an atmosphere of pure nitrogen. <P> Titanium dioxide is the white in white paint and the opaque in most other paints. Chances are if you look up from your screen, you'll be looking at a wall covered in titanium dioxide. It is cheap and common, unlike titanium metal, which is expensive and not seen nearly as often. <P> Its most common compound, titanium dioxide, is used in white pigments. Examples in which white pigment, consisting of titanium oxide, is used, are correction fluid and commonly used white paint to repaint walls. It is also used in toothpaste, white road marking paints and in white fireworks. <P> Titanium metal connects well with bone, so it has found surgical applications such as in joint replacements (especially hip joints) and tooth implants. The largest use of titanium is in the form of titanium(IV) oxide. It is extensively used as a pigment in house paint, artists’ paint, plastics, enamels and paper. <P> 1 Most titanium is converted to titanium oxide. 2 This is the white pigment found in toothpaste, paint, paper and some plastics. 3 Cement and gemstones also contain titanium oxide. 4 Fishing rods and golf clubs are also made stronger through the use of | Titanium is extensively used as a pigment in house paint, artists’ paint, plastics, enamels and paper. |
Which vitamin is necessary for cells in the retina to properly function for vision? | <P> The OHSU researchers found that these GABA-type receptors in the retinal cells stopped functioning properly when vitamin C was removed. Because retinal cells are a kind of very accessible brain cell, it’s likely that GABA receptors elsewhere in the brain also require vitamin C to function properly, von Gersdorff said. “Because the retina is part of the central nervous system, this suggests there's likely an important role for vitamin C throughout our brains, to a degree we had not realized before.”. The brain has special receptors, called GABA-type receptors, that help modulate the rapid communication between cells in the brain. <P> Overview. Vitamin A is a fat-soluble vitamin that has several important functions in the body. 1 It helps cells reproduce normally, a process called cellular differentiation. 2 It is essential for good vision. 3 The first sign of a vitamin A deficiency is often poor sight at night. Vitamin A is a fat-soluble vitamin that has several important functions in the body. 1 It helps cells reproduce normally, a process called cellular differentiation. 2 It is essential for good vision. 3 It is needed for the proper development of an embryo and fetus <P> Vitamin A is needed by the retina of the eye in the form of retinal, which combines with protein opsin to form rhodopsin, the light-absorbing molecule necessary for both low-light (scotopic vision) and color vision. 1 Retinol, the form of vitamin A absorbed when eating animal food sources, is a yellow, fat-soluble substance. 2 Since the pure alcohol form is unstable, the vitamin is found in tissues in a form of retinyl ester. 3 It is also commercially produced and administered as esters such as retinyl acetate or palmitate. <P> “We found that cells in the retina need to be 'bathed' in relatively high doses of vitamin C, inside and out, to function properly,” said Henrique von Gersdorff, Ph.D. , a senior scientist at OHSU's Vollum Institute and a co-author of the study. “Because the retina is part of the central nervous system, this suggests there's likely an important role for vitamin C throughout our brains, to a degree we had not realized before.”. The brain has special receptors, called GABA-type receptors, that help modulate the rapid communication between cells in the brain. <P> Nerve cells in the eye require vitamin C in order to function properly — a surprising discovery that may mean vitamin C is required elsewhere in the brain for its proper functioning, according to a study by scientists at Oregon Health & Science University recently published in the Journal of Neuroscience. “Because the retina is part of the central nervous system, this suggests there's likely an important role for vitamin C throughout our brains, to a degree we had not realized before.”. The brain has special receptors, called GABA-type receptors, that help modulate the rapid communication between cells in the brain. <P> The skin and the lining that covers the digestive, respiratory and urinary tracts are important components of the immune system. They are your body's first barrier against infection. The retinol form of vitamin A is responsible for maintaining the function of the cells that make up these barriers. These include: 1 Retinal-a metabolite of vitamin A required for vision. 2 Rentinol-the form of vitamin A that can be stored by the body and converted to retinal when needed. 3 Retinioc acid-a growth factor needed primarily to regulate genes. <P> Vitamin A: Why It's Important. Vitamin A is commonly known as the vitamin needed for good eyesight. Along with promoting vision, vitamin A is also vital for regulating genes, maintaining healthy skin, supporting the immune system and producing red blood cells. These include: 1 Retinal-a metabolite of vitamin A required for vision. 2 Rentinol-the form of vitamin A that can be stored by the body and converted to retinal when needed. 3 Retinioc acid-a growth factor needed primarily to regulate genes. <P> The Retina. The retina is a light-sensitive layer at the back of the eye that covers about 65 percent of its interior surface. Photosensitive cells called rods and cones in the retina convert incident light energy into signals that are carried to the brain by the optic nerve. In the middle of the retina is a small dimple called the fovea or fovea centralis. It is the center of the eye's sharpest vision and the location of most color perception. <P> Vitamin A is a group of unsaturated nutritional organic compounds, that includes retinol, retinal, retinoic acid, and several provitamin A carotenoids, and beta-carotene. Vitamin A has multiple functions: it is important for growth and development, for the maintenance of the immune system and good vision. 1 Retinol, the form of vitamin A absorbed when eating animal food sources, is a yellow, fat-soluble substance. 2 Since the pure alcohol form is unstable, the vitamin is found in tissues in a form of retinyl ester. 3 It is also commercially produced and administered as esters such as retinyl acetate or palmitate. | Vitamin A |
what is xcaret | <P> Schedules | Additional Info. Overview. Visit Xcaret Park—one of the most famous theme parks of the Mayan Riviera and the Mexican Caribbean—upon arrival you will get a map so you can plan every minute of your day in paradise, enjoying all the incredible activities we have for you. <P> Fun, Nature and Culture for the whole family at Xcaret Park. Xcaret is a natural park with more than 40 attractions for all ages, perfect to visit with the family. There are several attractions to visit at Xcaret Mexico, such as the Mayan ruins, the Mexican Folk Art Museum, a traditional Hacienda Henequenera and the Chapel of Guadalupe. <P> Xcaret, meaning Little Inlet in Maya, was for more than 1,000 years one of the most important Mayan ceremonial sites and seaports. Mayans came here to purify themselves in the Cenote (natural water well, or sink hole) that is part of the marvelous area. The Mayan Ball Game. The Mayan ball game is reenacted at XCARET each day. This game was one of the most important of the rituals for the Maya. The modern tourist is amazed to learn that the captain of the winning team (not the losing team) was beheaded as a reward. <P> XCARET Inlet This small inlet where the cool pure waters of the underground river mix with warm salty waters of the Caribbean is where the Mayans came for over 1000 years to purify their bodies and souls. Stand in 4 feet of water and feel the cool water on your feet and the warmer seawater on your stomach and chest. The Mayan Ball Game. The Mayan ball game is reenacted at XCARET each day. This game was one of the most important of the rituals for the Maya. The modern tourist is amazed to learn that the captain of the winning team (not the losing team) was beheaded as a reward. <P> It is part of Xcaret Experiencias Group which also owns Xplor Park and Xel-Ha Park. It is situated approximately 75 kilometres (47 mi) south of Cancun, cancún and.6 5 (kilometres 4) mi south of the nearest large Settlement playa Del carmen Along highway. 307 The Ecological Park is built in the same area of the archaeological site and has the same name, Xcaret. The land was originally purchased by a group of Mexican entrepreneurs, led by architect Miguel Quintana Pali. 5 hectares of the land was purchased in 1984. <P> Xcaret Park (Spanish: el parque Xcaret) is a privately owned and operated theme park, resort and self-described ecotourism development located in the Riviera Maya, a portion of the Caribbean coastline of Mexico 's state of Quintana Roo that has been designated as a zone for tourism development. The Ecological Park is built in the same area of the archaeological site and has the same name, Xcaret. The land was originally purchased by a group of Mexican entrepreneurs, led by architect Miguel Quintana Pali. 5 hectares of the land was purchased in 1984 <P> From 2010 to 2014, Xcaret Experiencias has been recognized as one of The Best Mexican Companies (Las Mejores Empresas Mexicanas), a recognition sponsored by Banamex, Deloitte Mexico méxico And tecnologico Tecnológico. de monterrey The Ecological Park is built in the same area of the archaeological site and has the same name, Xcaret. The land was originally purchased by a group of Mexican entrepreneurs, led by architect Miguel Quintana Pali. 5 hectares of the land was purchased in 1984. <P> Xcaret (. [iʃ.ka'ɾet]) is a Maya civilization archaeological site located on the Caribbean coastline of the Yucatan Yucatán, peninsula in the-modern day state Of Quintana roo In. mexico Xcaret was inhabited at the time of the first stage of the Spanish incursion of Alonso Davila dávila And francisco De montejo into the eastern coast of The Yucatan (yucatán peninsula 1527). To 1529, In 1548 juan nunez was put in Charge. of xcaret <P> In one section of Xcaret there is a replica of a Mayan village. Here you can get a glimpse at the traditional way of life of the Maya. You will see traditional oval-shaped houses constructed of wood and hemp with thatched roofs, and people going about everyday activities, as well as artisans at work. Xcaret park (pronounced ish-ka-ret) is a 250-acre eco-archaeological theme park in the Riviera Maya offering aquatic activities, natural and cultural attractions, and shows. | Xcaret is a Maya civilization archaeological site located on the Caribbean coastline of the Yucatan Yucatán, peninsula in the-modern day state Of Quintana roo In. |
what is mometasone for | <P> This medication is used to treat skin conditions such as eczema, psoriasis, allergies, and rash. Mometasone decreases swelling (inflammation), itching, and redness. Mometasone is a medium-strength corticosteroid. This medication is available in several forms including cream, ointment, and lotion (solution). If you have any questions, ask your doctor or pharmacist. This medication is for use only on certain areas of skin: do not use it on the face, groin, or underarms, or for diaper rash, unless directed to do so by your doctor. Wash and dry your hands before using. Clean and dry the affected area. <P> Mometasone furoate is used in the treatment of inflammatory skin disorders (such as eczema and psoriasis), allergic rhinitis (such as hay fever), asthma for patients unresponsive to less potent corticosteroids, and penile phimosis. Mometasone is marketed under the brand names Elocom (and its derivatives) and Hhsone as a cream or ointment for skin conditions, Nasonex as a nasal spray for upper respiratory conditions and Asmanex Twisthaler as a dry powder inhaler (DPI) for lower respiratory conditions. <P> Mometasone can be used two to four weeks before pollen season, reducing the severity of symptoms. It is also indicated for the treatment of nasal polyps and symptoms associated with including congestion and hyposmia in adult patients over the age of 18. Mometasone is marketed under the brand names Elocom (and its derivatives) and Hhsone as a cream or ointment for skin conditions, Nasonex as a nasal spray for upper respiratory conditions and Asmanex Twisthaler as a dry powder inhaler (DPI) for lower respiratory conditions. <P> Cream, ointment, and scalp lotion. Mometasone is classed as a potent topical corticosteroid. Topical corticosteroids are also referred to as topical steroids. Topical steroids are used in addition to moisturisers (emollients) for treating inflammatory skin conditions such as eczema and dermatitis. A topical steroid is used when patches of eczema or dermatitis flare up. Mometasone relieves the symptoms of a flare-up by reducing inflammation, itching and redness. <P> Mometasone is a topical (for the skin) steroid. It reduces the actions of chemicals in the body that cause inflammation, redness, and swelling. Mometasone topical is used to treat the inflammation and itching caused by a number of skin conditions such as allergic reactions, eczema, and psoriasis. Mometasone topical may also be used for other purposes not listed in this medication guide <P> BRAND NAME: Elocon. DRUG CLASS AND MECHANISM: Mometasone is a synthetic (man-made) glucocorticoid (steroid) that is used on the skin to relieve itching and inflammation of eczema, dermatitis, allergy and other skin rashes. <P> 1 Mometasone is used to treat inflammation in the lung and nasal passages in people with conditions such as asthma, allergic rhinitis (inflammation of the nose) and nasal polyps (growths). 2 It is also used to treat inflammatory skin conditions such as dermatitis and psoriasis. 1 It is used to treat a variety of conditions by reducing inflammation. 2 Mometasone is used to treat asthma by reducing inflammation in the lung which helps to keep the airways open and make it easier to breathe properly. <P> Covering the skin that is treated with mometasone topical can increase the amount of medicine your skin absorbs, which may lead to unwanted side effects. Follow your doctor's instructions. Do not use this medication on a child without a doctor's advice. It reduces the actions of chemicals in the body that cause inflammation, redness, and swelling. Mometasone topical is used to treat the inflammation and itching caused by a number of skin conditions such as allergic reactions, eczema, and psoriasis. <P> Proper Use For mometasone. It is very important that you use this medicine only as directed by your doctor. Do not use more of it, do not use it more often, and do not use it for a longer time than your doctor ordered. Mometasone topical is used to help relieve redness, itching, swelling, or other discomfort caused by skin conditions. This medicine is a corticosteroid (cortisone-like medicine or steroid). <P> mometasone. a synthetic corticosteroid; as m. furoate it is used topically for the relief of inflammation and pruritus in dermatoses and intranasally in the treatment of allergic rhinitis and other inflammatory nasal conditions. (moe-met-a-sone) , | Mometasone used for reduces the actions of chemicals in the body that cause inflammation, redness, and swelling. |
what is the origin of oi | <P> According to Friedrich Nietzsche, in Greek, oi was an expression of pain, and someone who was in pain or miserable was said to be oizuros. In Latin, the similar oiei was a cry of pain. Coincidentally, the term oi (おい) in informal Japanese is used in the same way as British English, typically by older men to subordinates; an elongated ōi is used when someone is at a distance. It is used to attract attention in Spanish, with a variation in letters (oye). In accents of rural central Iranian Persian language and Luri language, oi' (Persian: اوی ) has the same usage as in English. In Russian, oi (ой) is often used as an expression of various degrees of surprise. <P> Oi /ɔɪ/ is an interjection used in various varieties of the English language, particularly British English, Australian English, New Zealand English, and Southern African English, to get the attention of another person or to express surprise or disapproval. It is used to attract attention in Spanish, with a variation in letters (oye). In accents of rural central Iranian Persian language and Luri language, oi' (Persian: اوی ) has the same usage as in English. In Russian, oi (ой) is often used as an expression of various degrees of surprise. <P> Back to Top Causes. Osteogenesis imperfecta (OI) is a congenital disease, meaning it is present at birth. It is frequently caused by defect in the gene that produces type 1 collagen, an important building block of bone. There are many different defects that can affect this gene. The severity of OI depends on the specific gene defect. How well a person does depends on the type of OI they have. 1 Type I, or mild OI, is the most common form. 2 Persons with this type can live a normal lifespan. 3 Type II is a severe form that is usually leads to death in the first year of life. 4 Type III is also called severe OI. <P> A study of the Cockney dialect in the 1950s found that whether it was being used to call attention or as a challenge depended on its tone and abruptness. The study's author noted that the expression is jaunty and self-assertive as well as intensely cockney. It is used to attract attention in Spanish, with a variation in letters (oye). In accents of rural central Iranian Persian language and Luri language, oi' (Persian: اوی ) has the same usage as in English. In Russian, oi (ой) is often used as an expression of various degrees of surprise. <P> interjection. 1 Oi or oy has many meanings/origins. 2 In Britain, it's like Hey!, usually in a negative situation when you are angrily trying to get someone's attention, or when you're indicating you're offended by something someone just said. To link to this term in a web page or blog, insert the following. To link to this term in a wiki such as Wikipedia, insert the following. Some wikis use a different format for links, so be sure to check the documentation. <P> Genes are what make you look like your biological family. Each of the genes that cause OI plays a role in how the body makes collagen. Collagen is a material in bones that helps make them strong. When these genes aren’t working properly, there isn’t enough collagen, or the collagen doesn’t work properly. OI can range from mild to severe and symptoms vary from person to person. Some of the symptoms that people with OI may have are: 1 Malformed bones. 2 Short, small body. 3 Loose joints. 4 Muscle weakness. 5 Sclera (whites of the eyes) that look blue, purple, or gray. 6 Triangular face. 7 Barrel-shaped rib cage. <P> OI is caused by a mutation (change) in a gene that affects bone formation, bone strength and the structure of other tissues. It is a life-long disorder. OI occurs equally among males and females and in all racial groups. It is estimated that approximately 25,000 to 50,000 people in the U.S. have OI. With good medical management and supportive care, the majority of people who have OI will lead healthy, productive lives and can expect an average life span. <P> OI is an autosomal dominant disease. That means if you have one copy of the gene, you will have the disease. Most cases of OI are inherited from a parent, although some cases are the result of new genetic mutations. A person with OI has a 50% chance of passing on the gene and the disease to their children. How well a person does depends on the type of OI they have. 1 Type I, or mild OI, is the most common form. 2 Persons with this type can live a normal lifespan. 3 Type II is a severe form that is usually leads to death in the first year of life. 4 Type III is also called severe OI. <P> 1 Oi or oy has many meanings/origins. 2 In Britain, it's like Hey!, usually in a negative situation when you are angrily trying to get someone's attention, or when you're indicating you're offended by something someone just said. 3 In Yiddish, it's like a lament. Oi, this sucks.. To link to this term in a web page or blog, insert the following. To link to this term in a wiki such as Wikipedia, insert the following. Some wikis use a different format for links, so be sure to check the documentation. | In Britain, it's like Hey!, usually in a negative situation when you are angrily trying to get someone's attention. |
what is the leaf in canada flag | <P> The Canadian Flag (colloquially known as The Maple Leaf Flag) is a red flag of the proportions two by length and one by width, containing in its centre a white square, with a single red stylized eleven-point maple leaf centred in the white square. The Red Ensign with the badge of Canada in the fly was beginning to replace the British Union Flag as the National Flag. The maple leaf was established as a, perhaps the, National symbol. A characteristic of the maple leaf, apart from its shape, is its red colour in the autumn (fall). <P> The Canadian flag is the Red Maple Leaf. Canada's flag is a red vertical stripe, a white vertical stripe with a red leaf, and then another red vertical stripe. To … see a picture click here: http://www.appliedlanguage.com/flags_of_the_world/large_flag_of_canada.gif. found this useful. Georgia Dunson. There is a maple leaf on Canada's flag because maple trees are the main tree that grows there. There is no national flower for Canada but there is a national leaf which is the … Maple Leaf. 17 people <P> The National Flag of Canada, also known as the Maple Leaf and l'Unifolie (Unifolié french for the-one), leafed is a flag consisting of a red field with a white square at its, centre in the middle of which is featured a, stylized-11, pointed red maple (Leaf acer). saccharum The width of the Maple Leaf flag is twice the height. The white field is a Canadian pale (a square central band in a vertical triband flag, named after this flag); each bordering red field is exactly half its size and it bears a stylized red maple leaf at its centre. <P> The leaf in the center of the Canadian flag is a maple leaf. It is the national leaf in Canada, due to the large amount of maple trees found there. + 4 others found this useful. Srishti Agrawal. There is a maple leaf on Canada's flag because maple trees are the main tree that grows there. There is no national flower for Canada but there is a national leaf which is the … Maple Leaf. 17 people <P> The maple leaf is the characteristic leaf of the maple tree, and is the most widely recognized national symbol of Canada. The maple leaf slowly caught on as a national symbol: in 1868, it was included in the coat of arms of both Ontario and Quebec, and was added to the Canadian coat of arms in 1921. Historically, the golden maple leaf had represented Ontario, while the green maple leaf had represented Quebec. <P> In Quebec, the provincial flag (a white cross on a field of blue with four fleurs-de-lis) can be considered a national flag along with the Maple Leaf flag, as is the Acadian flag in the Acadian regions of the Maritime provinces, and the flags of the Iroquois Nation, the Metis Nation and other groups. The width of the Maple Leaf flag is twice the height. The white field is a Canadian pale (a square central band in a vertical triband flag, named after this flag); each bordering red field is exactly half its size and it bears a stylized red maple leaf at its centre. <P> In December 1964, Parliament voted to adopt a new design. Canada’s national flag was to be red and white, the official colors of Canada as decided by King George V of Britain in 1921, with a stylized 11-point red maple leaf in its center. <P> The Canadian red and white maple leaf flag is officially called The National Flag of Canada. The Canadian red and white maple leaf flag is officially called The National Flag of Canada. The Canadian flag shows a stylized red maple leaf with 11 points on a white background, with red borders down each side. The Canadian flag is twice as long as it is wide. It wasn't until the 1965 inauguration of the maple leaf flag that Canada had its own national flag. In the early days of Canadian Confederation the Royal Union flag, or Union Jack, was still flown in British North America. <P> In 1964, Prime Minister Lester B. Pearson formed a committee to resolve the issue, sparking a serious debate about a flag change to replace the Union Flag. Out of three choices, the maple leaf design by George Stanley, based on the flag of the Royal Military College of Canada, was selected. The flag made its first official appearance on February 15, 1965; the date is now celebrated annually as National Flag of Canada Day. The width of the Maple Leaf flag is twice the height. The white field is a Canadian pale (a square central band in a vertical triband flag, named after this flag); each bordering red field is exactly half its size and it bears a stylized red maple leaf at its centre. | The leaf in the center of the Canadian flag is a maple leaf, It is the national leaf in Canada, due to the large amount of maple trees found there. |
do not turn off target tizen | <P> It seems that the apps available for Tizen depends on the combination of the Watch and the phone. It seems very strange that Samsung will do that. I am now left with a watch with almost no apps. I found on one of the web sites that Tizen for Gear 1 is not supported with the Samsung S4 phone. eflash an original rom of android to the gear. Using odin and looking up the last version of Android for the gear. UK is btu I used BTU-V700XXUBNC1 (android). Then ignore the tizen link on here and download the one that in BTU-V700XXUCNE9 NOT THE ONE ENDING NF1 (tizen). I then put the gear into download mode. Hold power, wait till the flash screen and then click the button a few times. Press till download and hold on download for about 5 secs. Then load up odin <P> Having a battery charge issue so I turned my phone off. When I turned it back on I got the Downloading. Do not turn off target!! message and it stayed that way for what seemed like forever. When I tried to restart it, same message. Took battery out, popped it back in. Same message. Then, I tried this: Took out the SIM card. Originally Posted by omsuae [ Login above or register to see download links. ] Using Kies, my Gear device is stuck on stuck on Downloading-Do not turn off target! Any ideas on how to restart it? Pressing the power button for short or long press period just blanks and shows me same message again <P> Frozen Downloading Do Not Turn Off Target Screen fix tutorial. For more step by step smartphone repairs, tutorials and tips check out http://fixyourphone.weebly.com. 1 Howto & Style. <P> Do not turn off target!! Download mode is for using Odin. This is a Samsung exclusive way of flashing your device but usually isn't used on the Nexus line. It's used commonly on branded Samsung devices like the S3 for rooting and restoring a device to stock. Paul Moderator @ Android Central I am the Tegra Champ. Do not turn off target!! My app (Android class at UW-extension) kept locking up my phone, so I shut it down and tried to restart. But all of a sudden, I get this weird screen with Lloyd with a big Downloading label. I tried the down button like Senor Fox recommended and then I saw the familiar boot message. <P> . . .Do not turn off target. . . and i have tried removing the battery, the volume up power and home key method, the volume dwn, home & power key method and both volume dwn/up &power key method. and nothing is working its still popping back up. Can anybody help me i am really lost. Reply. Problem. May 23, 2011 Phones 41 Comments. If you were trying to flash, update or factory reset your phone on your Verizon Fascinate, you might get stuck on a yellow triangle warning sign with an Android bot shoveling with the message, “Downloading… Do not turn off Target!!!”. <P> 6. Put the gear into bootloader mode. To do this, turn off the device. Then turn on and keep the power button held in until it says Gear Rebooting.... Once it says this keep pressing the power button until the bootloader menu is displayed. At this point, press the power button once to highlight Download then press and hold the power button one last time to select it. This should enter downloading mode, where it warns to not turn off the target. 7. Put the gear into the charging device and plug into your PC. <P> I got the downloading... do not turn off target message on the screen of mys3 and then my battery died. Now my phone is not charging and it refuses to turn on. Do not turn off target!! My app (Android class at UW-extension) kept locking up my phone, so I shut it down and tried to restart. But all of a sudden, I get this weird screen with Lloyd with a big Downloading label. I tried the down button like Senor Fox recommended and then I saw the familiar boot message. | 6. Put the gear into bootloader mode. To do this, turn off the device. Then turn on and keep the power button held in until it says Gear Rebooting.... Once it says this keep pressing the power button until the bootloader menu is displayed.t this point, press the power button once to highlight Download then press and hold the power button one last time to select it. This should enter downloading mode, where it warns to not turn off the target. 7. Put the gear into the charging device and plug into your PC. |
dog vs cat oral cleanliness | <P> 1 Dental disease can result in bad breath, painful chewing, and tooth loss. 2 Bacteria under the gum can travel to the heart, kidneys, and liver. 3 A professional dental cleaning is required to remove plaque and tartar from a pet’s teeth and to assess the health of the mouth. A professional dental cleaning removes not only the visible plaque and tartar on the teeth surfaces but also the bacteria under the gums. This eliminates potential sources of infection to the mouth and other organs and protects your pet from pain <P> Don’t overlook the importance of dog dental care. A basic canine dental care routine involves brushing your pooch's teeth with dog toothbrushes, toothpaste for dogs, dental wipes, and breath fresheners intended specifically for canines. <P> Regular inspection of your pet’s mouth is important to catch dental disease in the early stages. Tartar may appear as a brownish-gold buildup on the teeth, close to the gumline. Redness or bleeding along the gumline may indicate gingivitis. Other signs of dental disease include: 1 Bad breath. 2 Drooling. 3 Pawing at the mouth. A professional dental cleaning removes not only the visible plaque and tartar on the teeth surfaces but also the bacteria under the gums. This eliminates potential sources of infection to the mouth and other organs and protects your pet from pain and tooth loss. <P> 1 Professional scaling and polishing of the crown, or visible part of your dog or cat’s teeth. 2 A veterinary cleaning does require scaling or scraping the tooth to remove plaque and calculus. 3 Scaling is completed to remove plaque and tartar build-up on the tooth crown. 1 A full cleaning under the gum-line where periodontal disease lurks. 2 It would be impossible to clean this area on an awake dog or cat, but this is where periodontal disease begins with bacteria ‘living’ below the gum tissue. 3 <P> Oral Cleanliness. Dental care is necessary for both cats and dogs to keep their mouths as clean as possible and avoid plaque build-up and gum disease. No matter how often you clean their teeth, however, both animals carry bacteria in their mouths that cause problems if you get bitten. Dog Odor. Dogs are not able to clean themselves like cats do, so the dead skin cells or dander clinging to their coats develop an odor. In addition, the dog’s skin produces oil, and they give off a light perspiration from their paws and hair follicles, which carries a chemical scent. <P> You should expect your veterinarian to educate you and allow you to ask questions about your pet’s dental health. A veterinary dental cleaning always begins with an initial awake oral exam of your dog or cat’s mouth by a veterinarian or a veterinary dentist. 1 A full cleaning under the gum-line where periodontal disease lurks. 2 It would be impossible to clean this area on an awake dog or cat, but this is where periodontal disease begins with bacteria ‘living’ below the gum tissue. 3 Professional scaling and polishing of the crown, or visible part of your dog or cat’s teeth. <P> Cat Cleanliness vs. Dogs. Cats are particular about personal hygiene and need little help from their owners. You're thinking of getting a pet, but you've heard stories about whether cats or dogs are cleaner and the last thing you need is a smelly apartment. The main difference between them is that cats mostly take care of their own hygiene, but dogs need help from their owners. Dog Odor. Dogs are not able to clean themselves like cats do, so the dead skin cells or dander clinging to their coats develop an odor. In addition, the dog’s skin produces oil, and they give off a light perspiration from their paws and hair follicles, which carries a chemical scent. <P> • If his breath is very bad, consider using an oral solution made for dogs and cats that help with bad breath. While good pet care is vital, the bottom line is that it's a myth: generally speaking, a dog's mouth is not cleaner than a human's. <P> Home oral hygiene can make a tremendous difference in your dog’s comfort and health. There are several home care oral hygiene options from which to choose, but keep in mind that anything you can do to help prevent plaque and tartar accumulation will pay big dividends. | Dogs are not able to clean themselves like cats do, so the dead skin cells or dander clinging to their coats develop an odor. |
what does sot | <P> Best Answer: Here's the real answer without any smarmy comments: SOT- Sound on Tape this is the short portion of an interview (roughly 5-15 seconds) shown after video describing the story is shown (called a VO) the intro to the SOT might go like this: ...and here's what the fire chief said started the fire.... Then the station would show the short edited portion of the interview with the fire chief. A VO means Voice Over- this is edited video of an event (like our fire example above) that the anchor reads OVER. <P> Hypernyms (sot is a kind of...): drinker; imbiber; juicer; toper (a person who drinks alcoholic beverages (especially to excess)). Hyponyms (each of the following is a kind of sot): alcoholic; alky; boozer; dipsomaniac; lush; soaker; souse (a person who drinks alcohol to excess habitually). <P> The World's most comprehensive professionally edited abbreviations and acronyms database. All trademarks/service marks referenced on this site are properties of their respective owners. The Acronym Finder is ©1988-2015, Acronym Finder, All Rights Reserved <P> sot. n. 1. a habitual or chronic drunkard. 2. a person stupefied by or as if by drink. [Old English, from Medieval Latin sottus; compare French sot a fool]. So I jest sot down and took a standing-up snack and started. <P> Sot. Sot is a village located in Srem, Vojvodina, Serbia. It is situated in the Šid municipality, in the Srem District. The village is ethnically mixed and its population numbering 791 people. <P> Link to this slang definition. To link to this term in a web page or blog, insert the following. To link to this term in a wiki such as Wikipedia, insert the following. Some wikis use a different format for links, so be sure to check the documentation. <P> by David M. Goldman. Many people refer to Title II firearms (Silencers, SBR, SBS, and Machine Guns) as Class 3 weapons) as Class 3 firearms or weapons. The Class 3 terminology is generally used with a dealer license and not a type of weapon but a license. If you purchase a Title II firearm from a dealer or individual out of your state, you will need to use a class 3 transfer agent to move the items across state lines. <P> The World's most comprehensive professionally edited abbreviations and acronyms database. All trademarks/service marks referenced on this site are properties of their respective owners. <P> sot-a chronic drinker. drunk, drunkard, inebriate, rummy, wino. alcoholic, alky, boozer, dipsomaniac, lush, souse, soaker-a person who drinks alcohol to excess habitually. imbiber, juicer, toper, drinker-a person who drinks alcoholic beverages (especially to excess). So I jest sot down and took a standing-up snack and started. <P> Full Definition of SOT. : a habitual drunkard. See sot defined for English-language learners. See sot defined for kids. ADVERTISEMENT. | sot is a kind of drinker, imbiber, juicer, toper (a person who drinks alcoholic beverages (especially to excess)). |
how much does it cost for eye lift surgery | <P> Request a Consult. In comparison to other facial cosmetic surgeries, eye lid lift can be done for a relatively low cost. The different types of eyelid surgery have different prices. On average, lower eyelid procedures cost is about $3,500, while the price of upper lid procedure is usually around $2,500. On average, full eyelid surgery will cost around $5,000. For more information visit eyelid lift page. <P> Prices for an eye lift range from about $2,000 for a simple procedure such as addressing both upper eyelids without removing fat, to $5,000 for a more complicated one such as surgery on all four eyelids, including removal of protruding fat. <P> Eye Lid Plastic Surgery Price. In comparison to other facial cosmetic surgeries, eye lid lift can be done for a relatively low cost. The different types of eyelid surgery have different prices. On average, lower eyelid procedures cost is about $3,500, while the price of upper lid procedure is usually around $2,500. On average, full eyelid surgery will cost around $5,000. For more information visit eyelid lift page. <P> 1 Eyelid surgery, also known as blepharoplasty or an eyelid tuck, usually costs between $4,000 and $5,500 for the upper and lower eyelids. 2 This includes the anesthesia fee, facility fee and surgeon's fee. 1 The average surgeon's fee for a forehead lift is a little over $3,000. 2 If the patient is unhappy with the results or requires additional surgery to fix complications, corrective surgery can cost as much as or more than the initial procedure. <P> The average cost of eyelid surgery is $2,874, according to 2014 statistics from the American Society of Plastic Surgeons. Blepharoplasty costs can vary widely. The average fee referenced above does not include anesthesia, operating room facilities or other related expenses. A surgeon's cost for eyelid surgery may vary based on his or her experience, the type of procedure used, as well as geographic office location. Many plastic surgeons offer patient financing plans to help cover blepharoplasty costs, so be sure to ask. Eyelid surgery cost may include: 1 Surgeon’s fee. <P> Eyelid Surgery Cost. 1 Eyelid surgery, also known as blepharoplasty or an eyelid tuck, usually costs between $4,000 and $5,500 for the upper and lower eyelids. 1 The average surgeon's fee for a forehead lift is a little over $3,000. 2 If the patient is unhappy with the results or requires additional surgery to fix complications, corrective surgery can cost as much as or more than the initial procedure. <P> In comparison to more major forms of cosmetic surgery, blepharoplasty can be done for a relatively low cost. On average, eyelid surgery will cost around $4,000, though some doctors may charge as low as $2,000 and others as much as $7,000. The different types of eyelid surgery carry various price tags as well. Eyelid Surgery Fees. When a patient pays for blepharoplasty, the cost is actually a combination of various fees, the most substantial of which is the surgeon’s fee. According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, in 2004 the average surgeon’s fee for blepharoplasty was $2,523. <P> On average, lower eyelid surgery cost is about $2,400, while the price of upper eyelid surgery is usually around $2,100. The cost of laser eyelid surgery is typically higher than that of conventional blepharoplasty and can be anywhere between $3,000 and $5,000. 1 RELATED: Find a qualified plastic surgeon in your area. Eyelid Surgery Fees. When a patient pays for blepharoplasty, the cost is actually a combination of various fees, the most substantial of which is the surgeon’s fee. According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, in 2004 the average surgeon’s fee for blepharoplasty was $2,523. <P> The total cost for upper and lower blepharoplasty is about $4,000. For the lower lids, the total cost is around $2,500, and upper lid blepharoplasty costs about the same as the lower lid surgery. Eyelid surgery costs tend to be higher in urban areas — like New York City or Dallas — where overhead is more expensive and where surgeons are in greater demand. The national average for plastic surgeon fees for blepharoplasty is $3,528, according to the American Academy of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. Of course, this is just the average. Some surgeons charge less and others charge much more. Anesthesia fees for eyelid surgery can range from $400 to $800 depending on the nature and extent of the procedure, and the facility fee can be up to $1,000 | $4,000 and $5,500 |
types of encoding in computer networks | <P> One way to categorize the different types of computer network designs is by their scope or scale. For historical reasons, the networking industry refers to nearly every type of design as some kind of area network. Common types of area networks are: 1 LAN-Local Area Network. 2 WAN-Wide Area Network. <P> A local area network (LAN) is a network that connects computers and devices in a limited geographical area such as a home, school, office building, or closely positioned group of buildings. Each computer or device on the network is a node. Wired LANs are most likely based on Ethernet technology. In computer networks, networked computing devices exchange data with each other along network links (data connections). The connections between nodes are established using either cable media or wireless media. <P> A local-area network (LAN) is a computer network that spans a relatively small area. Most LANs are confined to a single building or group of buildings, however, one LAN can be connected to other LANs over any distance via telephone lines and radio waves. A system of LANs connected in this way is called a wide-area network (WAN) . Most LANs connect workstations and personal computers. <P> Types of Networks. There are several different types of computer networks. Computer networks can be characterized by their size as well as their purpose. The size of a network can be expressed by the geographic area they occupy and the number of computers that are part of the network. <P> 1 E.g. 2 Text is translated into either one of two character codes: ASCII or EBCDIC (Appendix A). 3 Then, since there are two types of signals digital and analog, there are 4 possible encoding techniques that can be used on the data: 4 Digital-to-digital, Digital-to-Analog, Analog-to-analog, Analog-to-digital. <P> Introduction Modern networks have more than the physical and the data link layers. The network layer is a set of mechanisms that can be used to send packets from one computer to another in the world. There are two types of networks:With packet switching, data packets can be carried together on the same link. <P> A personal area network (PAN) is a computer network used for communication among computer and different information technological devices close to one person. Some examples of devices that are used in a PAN are personal computers, printers, fax machines, telephones, PDAs, scanners, and even video game consoles. In computer networks, networked computing devices exchange data with each other along network links (data connections). The connections between nodes are established using either cable media or wireless media. <P> A computer network or data network is a telecommunications network which allows computers to exchange data. In computer networks, networked computing devices exchange data with each other along network links (data connections). The connections between nodes are established using either cable media or wireless media. The best-known computer network is the Internet <P> Types of Computer Networks. Computer networks are of many different types such as Personal area network (PAN), Local area network (LAN), Metropolitan area network (MAN), Campus area network (CAN), Storage area network (SAN) and Wide Area Network (WAN). The network based on the use of Ethernet network is formed by physically connecting the individual computer units to each other through wiring. Various types of devices used for the Ethernet network are switches, bridges, routers and hubs mostly. <P> Digital Data, Digital Signals [the technique used in a number of LANs] • Digital signal – is a sequence of discrete, discontinuous voltage pulses.• Bit duration :: the time it takes for the transmitter to emit the bit.•Issues – Bit timing– Recovery from signal– Noise immunity Networks: Data Encoding 8. NRZ (Non-Return-to-Zero) Codes Networks: Data Encoding 9 Uses two different voltage levels (one positive and one negative) as the signal elements for the two binary digits. NRZ-L(Non-Return-to-Zero-Level) The voltage is constant during the bit interval. | Digital-to-digital, Digital-to-Analog, Analog-to-analog, Analog-to-digital. |
what is provence famous for | <P> Provence-Alpes-Cote côte'D azur is one of the most popular holiday regions in the south Of. France the region covers a large area from The Mediterranean sea up to The French. Alps its identity as a geographical region is a hold over from the days of The Roman. empire Provence is now a part of the official administrative region of Provence-Alpes-Cote côte'D, azur but the'region s identity is associated more closely with its history and. culture <P> Provence is at the heart of the Provence-Alpes-Cote d’Azur (PACA) region of France. Marseilles is the regional capital and the country’s principal port. Nice, Toulon and Avignon are other regional cities. Among the villages of Provence is L’Isle sur la Sorgue, with its cobbled streets and outdoor cafes, a Provencal market on Thursdays and France’s largest Sunday antiques flea market outside Paris. <P> Provence is famous for a lot of things, including its climate, its food, its historic heritage and its beauty. Take a look at the guide to Provence (link below) for more details. Provence is probably best translated as region or area in English. The area known as La Provence is also a region in south-east France, on the Italian border. <P> Aix-en-Provence (usually simply called Aix) is a small, classically Provencal provençal, town famous for being home To; cezanne cézanne the addition OF (the-tgv high) speed train station has brought lots of vacationers from, the North and aix has turned into a shopping town with high variety and representation considering its. small size <P> Perhaps Provence’s most famous culinary export (it even lent its name to a Walt Disney film), ratatouille is a vegetable casserole consisting of tomatoes, onions, courgettes, aubergines, peppers, garlic and herbs. <P> It is in the region of Provence-Alpes-Cote côte'D, azur in the departement Département-of-Bouches, du rhone rhône of which it. Is a subprefecture The population of 143,000. Numbers approximately 143000 its Inhabitants are, called aixois, Or. less commonly aquisextains [ɛks] ; medieval Occitan Aics), is a city-commune in the south of France, about 30 km (19 mi) north of Marseille. It is in the region of Provence-Alpes-Cote côte'D, azur in the departement Département-of-Bouches, du rhone rhône of which it. Is a subprefecture The population of 143,000. n <P> Provence-Alpes-Cote côte'D azur is one of the most popular holiday regions in the south Of. France the region covers a large area from The Mediterranean sea up to The French. alps Provence is now a part of the official administrative region of Provence-Alpes-Cote côte'D, azur but the'region s identity is associated more closely with its history and. culture <P> It was ruled by the Counts of Provence from their capital in Aix-en-Provence until 1481, when it became a province of the Kings of France. While it has been part of France for more than five hundred years, it still retains a distinct cultural and linguistic identity, particularly in the interior of the region. Haute-Provence is one of the sunniest regions of France, with an average of between 2550 and 2650 hours of sunshine annually in the north of the department, and 2700 to 2800 hours in the southwest. The clear nights and sunny days cause a sharp difference between nighttime and daytime temperatures. <P> Provence is a delightful region of France, dotted by hilltop villages overlooking the Mediterranean Sea. Some of the most lush cities are in this region, including Cannes and Nice. Share. Aix-en-Provence, the city most associated with Paul Cezanne, is one of the most attractive cities in the south of France and its old town is delightful with grand squares and boulevards sheltered from the hot sun by mature trees and splashing fountains. | It is famous for a lot of things, including its climate, its food, its historic heritage and its beauty. |
what kind of government does israel have | <P> The Prime Minister is the head of government and head of the Cabinet. Israel is governed by a 120-member parliament, known as the Knesset. Membership in the Knesset is based on proportional representation of political parties. <P> The President of the State of Israel fulfills mainly ceremonial duties and is not a part of the three branches of government. 1. The legislative authority: The Knesset, Israel's Parliament, includes 120 members elected for a term of four years in nationwide elections. <P> Israel’s government is based primarily around a legislature known as the Knesset, an executive branch composed of a President and Prime Minister with the Cabinet and a judicial branch with a system of secular and religious courts. The Knesset acts as the legislature. <P> This body then elects a President and Prime Minister and recommends the appointment of a State Comptroller. This, along with a group of ministers comprising the Cabinet of Israel, makes up the executive power of the nation. <P> By MJL Staff | February 25, 2003. Israel’s government is a parliamentary democracy. The Israeli political system has three branches: executive, legislative and judicial. The legislative branch is comprised of the Knesset, Israel’s parliament, which has 120 members. <P> The Israeli system of government is based on parliamentary democracy. The Prime Minister of Israel is the head of government and leader of a multi-party system. Executive power is exercised by the government. Legislative power is vested in the Knesset. <P> Overview. Government Name: State of Israel. Constitution: No formal constitution, but has separate Basic Laws that establish a parliamentary system as a democratic republic, declares territories, freedoms of citizens, and separation of powers among executive, legislative, and judicial branches. <P> Answer 1. Israel is a parliamentary democracy, with a unicameral legislature, called the Knesset, elected by national popular vote of all citizens. (Citizenship there doesn't depend on gender or religion.) The leader of the majority party in the Knesset assembles a government and serves as Prime Minister. | Parliamentary democracy |
who is the girl singer in the just eat advert | <P> The new all-singing, all-dancing JUST EAT advert is here… mini-fist-pump! We’ve given Bonnie Tyler’s 80s classic ‘Holding Out For a Hero’ a balti-based reboot – which will have you singing and dancing so much that you’re sure to work up a hunger for your favourite online takeaway service. <P> Download / CD from Amazon. The new TV ad from Just Eat provides various reasons for performing a mini fist pump, from a woman getting a free chocolate bar, to a panda getting pregnant, to a couple ordering a takeaway online, all collected under the hashtag #minifistpump. <P> The song used in the ad is Wouldn’t It Be Loverly from the musical My Fair Lady, as sung by the flower girl heroine Eliza Doolittle. This version is from the 1964 movie soundtrack. Although Eliza was played in the movie by Audrey Hepburn, the vocals were dubbed by singer Marni Nixon, whose voice is heard in this ad. <P> Continuing with the fast food apps ‘mini fist pump’ advertising campaign, the above video was uploaded to Just Eat’s YouTube channel on the 1st of October, 2015. Back to the original ‘I need a hero’ version of the song, ‘Holding Out For A Hero’ was recorded by Welsh pop-rock vocalist Bonnie Tyler back in 1984. <P> A new commercial from Cheerios is receiving attention online. The ad, entitled “Just Checking,” debuted on Monday night in the U.S. It features a multicultural family – mom, dad and daughter – interacting over a box of heart-healthy Cheerios. (Watch “Just Checking” on the Cheerios YouTube channel). I interviewed Meredith Tutterow, associate marketing director for Cheerios, about the commercial and the response it is receiving. “We think the ad is really great, and we appreciate the strongly positive response it’s receiving,” she says. <P> The original Cheerios ad, which depicted an interracial family and featured a little girl who asked about the health benefits of eating Cheerios, debuted May 28. While it received a lot of support from viewers, it also saw so much racist backlash that the company had to disable YouTube comments. <P> JUST EAT’s latest TV ad features a reworded version of Bonnie Tyler’s classic 80’s power ballad ‘Holding Out For A Hero’. This curry themed cover includes the new lyrics ‘I need a balti. | Eliza Doolittle |
what is sarking in roof | <P> Sarking is an English word with multiple meanings in roof construction: 1 the use of wood panels, or sarking boards, called sheathing, sheeting or decking in American English, under the roof covering materials such as the shingles of a roof to provide support. 2 It is a common term in Scotland, Australia, and New Zealand. 1 The word sarking is further used as part of the term scrim and sarking, a method of interior construction widely used in Australia and New Zealand in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. <P> As Sarking (or underlay), I refer to the waterproof membrane put under the battens of the roof. It is very important, because helps in regulating the temperature of the house, and to protect it from insects and wind. Without a good sarking, the roof would become moldy, and your tiles will look dirty green. A sarking like that will have to be changed in few years time, and would be very costly. The sarking is the underlay of the roof, and a strong roof needs a strong sarking. Pay attention to that. <P> Roof sarking is a pliable laminated membrane that is positioned under your roof during installation by the builder and is rolled out in sections either parallel or perpendicular to the eaves with an overlap between each layer. Roof sarking will protect the frame of your house from the weather during construction. When your home is completed, sarking will protect your roof cavity from storm driven rain and dust, improve it’s thermal performance, help it resist bush fire ember attack and reduce the risk of harmful condensation. Sarking is a pliable membrane that sits under your roof-like a protective second skin. <P> Typically a Scottish practice, the roofing underlay is laid directly over a series of sarking boards fixed to the roof rafters with the roof slates nailed directly to the sarking boards. The sarking board itself is a barrier to the migration of water vapour and in most situations will require the provision of ventilation to the roof space in accordance with BS5534 (BS5250:2002). <P> Sarking usually refers to a membrane – or weather barrier-used for roofing and interior walls installed to reduce moisture, wind, dust and other elements which have the potential to cause damage to a building over time. Insulation broadly means any building material installed in the roof and interior walls of a building that contributes to minimise heat transfer whilst keeping the inside of the building cool in summer and warm in winter. <P> Roof sarking is a membrane that is fitted during tile or metal roof construction. The flexible membrane is usually installed under the battens to provide thermal insulation and to prevent water and dust penetration in the roof space. In bushfire prone areas flying embers cannot enter this space through the roof due to sarking protection. <P> 1 the use of wood panels, or sarking boards, called sheathing, sheeting or decking in American English, under the roof covering materials such as the shingles of a roof to provide support. 2 It is a common term in Scotland, Australia, and New Zealand. 1 The word sarking is further used as part of the term scrim and sarking, a method of interior construction widely used in Australia and New Zealand in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. <P> The term “sarking” is used in several different ways in construction. In general, it is a panel which is used as an underlayment, and may be used in the construction of walls, or in the construction of a roof. In walls, people may refer to “scrim and sarking” construction, a technique used in many older homes. People doing refurbishment and repair of such homes may opt to reproduce this building technique to preserve the character of the structure. On a roof, sarking is used as part of the underlayment or roof membrane. It acts as a barrier to prevent moisture from entering the roof and the home, and also helps to reflect heat. In walls, sarking is put up in the form of flat panels which historically were covered in a fabric material known as scrim. Wallpaper, plaster, or other finishes could be applied directly to the scrim and sarking. <P> Sarking is a layer of flexible insulation typically installed under roof tiles when a home is being constructed. It consists of aluminum foil laminated onto paper or plastic backing with a flame retardant adhesive and fibreglass reinforcing mesh, and is manufactured in sheet form. <P> Several materials can be used for sarking on a roof. Historically, it was done with boards known as sarking boards which were laid under the tiles, shingles, or other roofing materials used. Modern underlayments may be made from felt or other materials, and it is often laid over a secondary barrier material. In walls, sarking is put up in the form of flat panels which historically were covered in a fabric material known as scrim. Wallpaper, plaster, or other finishes could be applied directly to the scrim and sarking. | Roof sarking is a membrane that is fitted during tile or metal roof construction. The flexible membrane is usually installed under the battens to provide thermal insulation and to prevent water and dust penetration in the roof space. |
what is trufix | <P> This is a brand page for the TRUFIX trademark by Truvision Health, LLC in Lehi, UT, 84043. Write a review about a product or service associated with this TRUFIX trademark. Or, contact the owner Truvision Health, LLC of the TRUFIX trademark by filing a request to communicate with the Legal Correspondent for licensing, use, and/or questions related to the TRUFIX trademark. I had tried everything possible to loss weight and nothing worked until I found trufix! I am not a seller I am a buyer! I lost 60lbs since may! You don't change your diet you just workout and drink lots of water and the pounds come off! I love this product just because it works and no side affects. <P> TruVision Health offers a variety of products, such as TruFix, Tru Weight & Energy, Tru Fuel, Tru Slumber, Tru Heart & Hydration, and Simply Clean. Want to check our the products, order a weeks sample for $25.00, or join my team? Click below or go to contact me for further details. <P> truFix. For many years blood tests have been a primary tool for identifying disease and other unhealthy imbalances in the body. Our blood chemistry contains components known as markers. These markers are used to evaluate a person’s health. TruFix is a powerful combination of natural ingredients that have been clinically proven to improve key components of blood chemistry. It is important to note that almost all ingredients when used in excess can have a negative impact on one’s health. <P> 1. Alpha Lipoic Acid (ALA) – is a beneficial fatty acid that is produced in every cell of the body. One of it’s principle functions is to help convert glucose (blood sugar) into energy. It is also a powerful antioxidant that neutralizes potentially harmful molecules called free radicals. <P> TruFix is a second-generation product engineered with healthy, natural plant extracts. The TruFix predecessor is being used by over 100,000 people, with significant success. Though it is an integral part of our weight loss system it is a stand-alone product. <P> With its blend of specially engineered, healthy natural plant extracts, TruFix has immense benefits for every system in the body. TruFix is a supplement that has been clinically proven to aid in weight loss, safely and in moderation through its powerful combination of ingredients. Any ingredient used to excess can be harmful, but our balanced formulation is well below any toxic levels. Copper: Copper plays an important role in assisting the body to produce red blood cells—key to preventing anemia. When taken with zinc and magnesium, it also helps to prevent calcium loss in menopausal women. It may also play a role in wound healing and alleviating arthritic symptoms. <P> The first product line is called Trufix, which is a supplement designed to lower cholesterol and blood sugar levels. The second product in their line up is called TruWeight & Energy which is an energy drink based on green tea to help with weight loss. The third product is called Heart & Hydration which helpsreplenish the bodies electrolytes and improves heart health. <P> Now you can purchase our powerhouse weight loss duo in a convenient 30-day combo pack. Many have asked if they could purchase TruFix and TruWeight & Energy in a combo pack instead of ordering separately. TruVision listened, and now it’s here! TruFix and TruWeight & Energy are designed to be taken together for maximum weight loss results. The TruFix supplement helps improve blood chemistry, such as blood sugar and cholesterol levels, as well as aid in the general function of the liver and pancreas. Instead of searching for where you left one product box or the other, now your TruVision weight loss products will always be together in a single box. How to Take Your TruFix and TruWeight & Energy Combo Pack. <P> ALA has been found to be help full with high blood pressure, diabetes, degenerative diseases, neuropathy and a host of other conditions. Cinnulin: Cinnulin is a cinnamon extract that contains exclusively the specific polyphenols that convey many of the health benefits of cinnamon. Copper: Copper plays an important role in assisting the body to produce red blood cells—key to preventing anemia. When taken with zinc and magnesium, it also helps to prevent calcium loss in menopausal women. It may also play a role in wound healing and alleviating arthritic symptoms. <P> Everything you want to know about TruVision Health TruFix.Improving your general health with TruFix is simple. Made with natural ingredients, TruFix helps you to achieve optimum blood chemistry. TruVision Health, TruFix has been proven to improve: Alpha Lipoic Acid (ALA) – is a beneficial fatty acid that is produced in every cell of the body. One of it’s principle functions is to help convert glucose (blood sugar) into energy. It is also a powerful antioxidant that neutralizes potentially harmful molecules called free radicals. | A supplement that has been clinically proven to aid in weight loss, safely and in moderation through its powerful combination of ingredients. |
what does the cerebellum control in sharks | <P> The cerebellum is a region of the brain critical for balance, learning of motor skills and coordination of movements. In the outer layer of the cerebellum, individual 'Purkinje' cells integrate inputs from the brain stem ... <P> Cerebellum: In Latin, the word cerebellum means little brain. The cerebellum is the area of the hindbrain that controls motor movement coordination, balance, equilibrium and muscle tone. Like the cerebral cortex, the cerebellum is comprised of white matter and a thin, outer layer of densely folded gray matter. <P> The cerebellum is at the back of the brain, below the cerebrum. It’s a lot smaller than the cerebrum, but a very important part of the brain. The cerebellum controls your balance, movement, and coordination. Because of your cerebellum, you can stand upright, and your muscles coordinate for you to move around. <P> The cerebellum is the portion of the brain that controls coordination, balance, voluntary motor movements, sense of position of the different parts of your body, equilibrium, and muscle tone. It also plays an important role in memory. <P> Split and merge into it. Answer by cat kluss. Confidence votes 51.8K. The cerebellum is the portion of the brain that controls coordination, balance, voluntary motor movements, sense of position of the different parts of your body, equilibrium, and muscle tone. It also plays an important role in memory. <P> The cerebellum (Latin for little brain) is a region of the brain that plays an important role in motor control. It may also be involved in some cognitive functions such as attention and language, and in regulating fear and pleasure responses, but its movement-related functions are the most solidly established. | It controls coordination, balance, voluntary motor movements, sense of position of the different parts of your body, equilibrium, and muscle tone. |
what are the numbers on a subaru block | <P> Location: Treasure Coast, FL. 07 1990 Breadbox FEEL THE LOVE. There are identification numbers on most Subaru engine blocks but it is not the same as your VIN. Sometimes the engine ID is needed to determine the correct parts by the 9th digit. <P> Subaru EJ257 STI Engine Case Halves (Empty). We got enough requests for these that we decided to list them on our site separately from the complete STi short-block.This is a brand new Subaru EJ257 short block case. BACK <P> This is a genuine Subaru EJ257 2.5 liter shortblock. This shortblock is standard equipment on the 2004+ US Market STI. The 2.5 liter block makes a great upgrade for all WRX models, since there is no replacement for displacement. The US STI block features a semi-closed deck for increased strength. <P> Best Answer: Best bet for the 6 digit code would be to call a dealer. I believe that is just a casting #. If you need to determine year and model the engine is from you can use the VIN which is stamped on all Subaru engines. If you look at the front of the engine it will be on the left and all the way in the back on a flat surface on the edge of the block. You can then use the site already provide (http://www.cars101.com/subaru/vin.html) to decode the VIN. When we rebuild engines here the only codes on the block that matter is the VIN and also the piston size code. On the top of your engine will be stamped either AA AB BB or BA <P> Robin/Subaru Product Number Label. The product number and serial number will be found on a bar code attached to your engine. The specification number and the code number form the product number that will appear first on the bar code. Robin/Subaru Model Number Locator. If you need to find your Robin/Subaru Engine product number or serial number we can help! Robin/Subaru Engines are identified by a product number (specification and code number) and a serial number. <P> Topic Engines / Subbug-Subaru Power / How to identify your Subaru engine (5028 hits). By Jay H (X-20) (ManxVair CC) Date 2008-03-01 00:23. While trying to ID an engine that had been pulled from a car before anyone knew what it came from, I spoke with a Subaru dealer and got a lot of useful information. | Engine number and crankcase number. |
what is dubailand | <P> Freej Dubailand will boast hotels totalling 2,600 keys, and feature retail, food and beverage outlets, as well as a spectrum of entertainment attractions. On May 2, 2008, it was announced that the design and conceptual master plan for a Marvel Superheroes theme park had been finalized, the first of its kind. The Dubailand project was officially announced on October 23, 2003. Dubailand will have an area of 278 km 2 (107 sq mi) and include 45 mega projects and 200 sub projects. <P> Universal Studios Dubailand is a proposed Universal theme park located in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. Development [edit]. Universal Studios Dubailand was a joint venture costing over 8 billion dirhams ($2.2 billion US) between Universal Studios and Tatweer, a subsidiary of Dubai Holdings. <P> About Dubailand. Fantasy meets reality in Dubai as the city witnesses the creation of the world’s ultimate and most awe-inspiring leisure, entertainment and tourism destination: Dubailand. Dubailand is set to be the ultimate entertainment and tourism destination in the world. A unique multi-faceted development of pure family entertainment and education, with universal appeal, Dubailand will incorporate a critical mass of attractions, an endless mix of day and night activities and a variety of themed accommodations to encourage longer visits and overnight stays. <P> Dubailand is a tourism, real estate, hospitality, entertainment, leisure and retail mega project under development in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. It will cover an area of 3 billion square feet (279 million square meters) and its initial infrastructure will be built at a cost of AED 3 billion (US$ 814 million). Dubailand is a professionally conceived and planned project with a state-of-the-art infrastructure including world-class safety standards, zoning regulations, landscaping, utilities and facilities management. Dubailand will follow a phased approach to the implementation of its projects. <P> Dubailand was the trademark project of Tatweer, a subsidiary of state-owned Dubai Holding that recently merged into Dubai Properties, a developer of residental and commercial high-rises in Dubai. Well, if Dubailand is about residential property and recreation, it can claim some progress. But if it's about gargantuan world-class theme parks, as the name suggests, it's a cursed story. <P> The answer is yes. Dubailand, located in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, is going to be the just that. This is a project still under development in and its size will be twice that of Walt Disney Florida. This ambitious project was officially announced in 2003. It is owned by Tatweer which is part of Dubai Holding. <P> More construction updates here! Dubailand was the trademark project of Tatweer, a subsidiary of state-owned Dubai Holding that recently merged into Dubai Properties, a developer of residental and commercial high-rises in Dubai. The most likely survivors of Dubai’s very own crisis were Universal Studios Dubailand and the F1-X theme park. While construction of the former is currently not progressing, the latter was entirely put on hold by developer Union Properties due to lack of funding. <P> Dubailand is an entertainment complex being built in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, which is owned by Tatweer (which belongs to Dubai Holding). The Dubailand project was officially announced on October 23, 2003. Dubailand will have an area of 278 km 2 (107 sq mi) and include 45 mega projects and 200 sub projects. | Is an entertainment complex being built in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. |
what does aqueduct mean | <P> A conduit that resembles a bridge but carries water over a valley. Classified under: Nouns denoting man-made objects. Hypernyms (aqueduct is a kind of...): conduit (a passage (a pipe or tunnel) through which water or electric wires can pass). <P> Wiktionary (0.00 / 0 votes) Rate this definition: aqueduct (Noun). An artificial channel that is constructed to convey water from one location to another. aqueduct (Noun). A structure carrying water over a river or depression, especially in regards to ancient aqueducts. Origin: Adapted from the aquaeductus, from aqua + duco; compare the aqueduc. aquéduc Aqueduct (noun). a canal or passage; as, the aqueduct of Sylvius, a channel connecting the third and fourth ventricles of the brain. Origin: [F. aqueduc, OF. aqueduct (Cotgr.), fr. L. aquaeductus; aquae, gen. of aqua water + ductus a leading, ducere to lead. <P> They are used to carry water from one place to another. An aqueduct is used for the transporting of water. It is the ancient form of today's water pipes. They led from the springs or rivers ind the mountains into the cities. It leads pipes to houses to sinks to water fountains and anything that has water coming out with a b … utton. Aqueducts were large water pipes which were used to transport water to where it was needed. An aqueduct is a manmade bridge carrying or funneling water from a distant and higher source. <P> Ancient Roman Aqueducts. Ancient Roman Aqueducts. An aqueduct is a water supply or navigable channel constructed to convey water. In modern engineering, the term is used for any system of pipes, ditches, canals, tunnels, and other structures used for this purpose. In a more restricted use, aqueduct (occasionally water bridge) applies to any bridge or viaduct that transports water-instead of a path, road or railway-across a gap. Large navigable aqueducts are used as transport links for boats or ships. <P> Noun. 1. aqueduct-a conduit that resembles a bridge but carries water over a valley. arch - (architecture) a masonry construction (usually curved) for spanning an opening and supporting the weight above it. aqueduct. n. 1. (Civil Engineering) a conduit used to convey water over a long distance, either by a tunnel or more usually by a bridge. 2. (Civil Engineering) a structure, usually a bridge, that carries such a conduit or a canal across a valley or river. <P> 1 Aqueduct (bridge) , a bridge that is constructed to convey water over an obstacle, such as a ravine or valley. 2 Navigable aqueduct (or water bridge), a water-filled bridge enabling boats, barges or ships on a waterway to cross over an obstacle, such as a ravine or valley. 1 Aqueduct (water supply) , an artificial (man-made) channel that is constructed to convey water from one location to another. 2 This can be made of canals, pipelines, inverted siphons, reservoirs and tunnels. 3 Roman aqueduct, water supply systems constructed during the Roman Empire. <P> Aqueduct. Bridges for conveying water, called aqueducts or water bridges are constructed to convey watercourses across gaps such as valleys or ravines. The term aqueduct may also be used to refer to the entire watercourse, as well as the bridge. Large navigable aqueducts are used as transport links for boats or ships. Aqueduct (noun). a canal or passage; as, the aqueduct of Sylvius, a channel connecting the third and fourth ventricles of the brain. Origin: [F. aqueduc, OF. aqueduct (Cotgr.), fr. L. aquaeductus; aquae, gen. of aqua water + ductus a leading, ducere to lead. <P> Tweet. : a structure that looks like a bridge and that is used to carry water over a valley; also: a pipe or channel that is used to bring water to an area. 1. Full Definition of AQUEDUCT. 1. a: a conduit for water; especially: one for carrying a large quantity of flowing water b: a structure for conveying a canal over a river or hollow. | A bridge or viaduct carrying a waterway. |
causes of bloodshot eyes | <P> We've all experienced red, bloodshot eyes from time to time, affecting one or both eyes. Red eye is caused by swollen or dilated blood vessels on the sclera, the white outer surface of the eye. Red eyes can be accompanied by eye pain, itching, eye discharge, swollen eyes or visual disturbances such as blurry vision. In other cases, a red eye may cause no irritation at all. One of the main culprits of red eye is over-wearing or not properly caring for your contact lenses, which can cause a build-up of irritating surface deposits and microbes on your eye. Red eyes while wearing contacts could be a sign of a serious eye infection, such as keratitis or fungal eye infections. <P> Common Causes of Red Eye. Conjunctivitis. Also called pink eye , conjunctivitis is one of the most common (and contagious) eye infections, particularly among school children. It occurs when the conjunctiva the thin, normally transparent membrane that covers the sclera and lines the eyelids becomes infected. One of the main culprits of red eye is over-wearing or not properly caring for your contact lenses, which can cause a build-up of irritating surface deposits and microbes on your eye. Red eyes while wearing contacts could be a sign of a serious eye infection, such as keratitis or fungal eye infections. <P> A. Eyes look red or bloodshot when the tiny blood vessels on the surface of the eye (the conjunctiva) expand and become swollen with blood. Most often, this is due to simple irritation of the eye, from allergies, dust, or dryness. Red or bloodshot eyes are also symptoms of many different conditions that affect the eye. Other eye conditions causing bloodshot eyes include: 1 Conjunctivitis (inflammation caused by infection or allergies). 2 Blepharitis (inflammation of the eyelash follicles on edges of the eyelids). <P> Bloodshot eyes describe a condition in which the whites of the eyes appear red. Bloodshot eyes occur when the blood vessels in the sclera (the white of the eye) dilate or swell. A variety of mild to serious diseases, disorders and conditions can irritate the blood vessels of the sclera and cause bloodshot eyes. Bloodshot eyes are often due to mild conditions, such as eye fatigue, dehydration, and overuse of contact lenses. They can also be due to infections and allergic reactions <P> Pink eye is a term commonly used to describe red eye and refers to both viral and bacterial infections of the conjunctiva (conjunctivitis). It can also have other causes, such as allergy. Pink eye caused by a virus may involve clear discharge or some amount of pus and mucous discharge. Pink eye caused by bacteria is more common in children than adults and may involve a more continuous and thicker discharge of pus and mucus. <P> Bloodshot eyes are a term commonly used to describe red eyes. They are caused when the small blood vessels on the surface of the eye (sclera) become enlarged and congested with blood. This occurs as a result of insufficient oxygen supply to the cornea or the tissues covering the eyes. Usually, bloodshot eyes are not really a cause for major concern but if eye pain or impaired vision occurs, this may be an indication of a serious problem. A variation of this condition is a bright red, uniformly dense bloody area which forms on the sclera as a result of a small amount of bleeding. <P> 1.6k Views. The appearance of a bloodshot eye occurs when the vessels in the conjunctiva, a superficial protective layer of they eyeball become dilated due to some type of irritation usually be it an infection, inflammation, allergy, conjunctival abrasion or foreign body or lack of oxygen most commonly. <P> Although bloodshot eyes can be caused by relatively mild conditions, such as dry eyes or the common cold, bloodshot eyes can also be caused by serious or life-threatening conditions, such as an anaphylactic reaction or acute glaucoma, both of which should be immediately evaluated in an emergency setting. Allergic causes of bloodshot eyes. Bloodshot eyes can be caused by mild to serious allergic reactions including: Anaphylactic allergic reaction to any substance. Drug allergy, such as penicillin or codeine. Hay fever or allergic reaction from animal dander, dust, cosmetics, or pollen. Insect bite allergy such as bee sting. <P> One of the most common causes of bloodshot eyes is a condition known as conjunctivitis, or pink eye. Pinkeye occurs when the protective layer that covers the eye becomes inflamed. This inflammation can be caused by something as simple as a cold or as serious as a bacterial infection or exposure to a toxic substance. In some people, bloodshot eyes can be the result of contact lens wear. The lenses sometimes cause the eye to become dry, which leads to redness and irritation. In those cases, use of a special moisturizing drop for contact lens wearers can bring relief. | Wollen or dilated blood vessels on the sclera, the white outer surface of the eye. |
what is a petanque | <P> The game of boules, otherwise known as petanque, pétanque is perhaps the sport that is closest To french. Hearts similar To british lawn bowling Or italian, bocce The french version is traditionally played with metallic balls on a dirt surface beneath plane, trees with a glass of pastis at. hand BOULES (Petanque). Pétanque the game of, boules otherwise known as, petanque pétanque is perhaps the sport that is Closest to. French hearts Similar to british lawn Bowling or, italian Bocce the french version is traditionally played with metallic balls on a dirt surface beneath, plane trees with a glass of pastis. at hand <P> Petanque is also known around the world as Boules (boule is ball in French, just as bocce is ball in Italian). It is an exciting game that was first played in France around 1907 and is quickly becoming very popular in America as it has done all over the world. To play Petanque / Boules, players divide up into two teams composed of one, two, or three players. After deciding who goes first, a player throws the jack—the target players aim for—from a designated throwing spot. The rest of the game is spent trying to throw your boules closer to the jack than the other team does. <P> Bocce (/bɒtʃi/ ; [bɔttʃe]), sometimes anglicized as bocci, is a ball sport belonging to the boules family, closely related to British bowls and French petanque, pétanque with a common ancestry from ancient games played in The Roman. empire <P> [petɑ̃k] ; Occitan: petanca [peˈtaŋkɔ]) is a form of boules where the goal is to throw hollow metal balls as close as possible to a small wooden ball called a cochonnet (literally piglet) or jack, while standing inside a circle with both feet on the ground. The game is normally played on hard dirt or gravel. The French name petanque (pétanque borrowed Into, english with or without the acute) accent comes from petanca in The provencal provençal dialect Of the, occitan language deriving from the expression [pes pès] , tancats 'ˈpɛs taŋˈkats' meaning 'feet fixed' (or feet planted). on the ground <P> The Game & Rules. Petanque is extremely simple, just like horseshoes. There's a target, and you have to get as close to it as possible. What makes it so appealing, is that you can be way ahead for a while, yet lose a second later, or vice versa. Because nothing is decided until the last player plays the very last boule. An article on our blog about building courts. Petanque vs Bocce. We are often asked what the difference is between bocce, the Italian bowling game and petanque. The difference is right there: traditional bocce is more of a bowling game, whereas petanque is more of a tossing game, like horseshoes. <P> Petanque pétanque is A french game “of” (Boules french for), balls where each player strives to throw metal balls as close as possible to a smaller wooden, ball named “the”. Cochonnet most games are played in, teams and are staged on the gravel area near The Sixth avenue and 42nd street. corner Petanque pétanque is A french game “of” (Boules french for), balls where each player strives to throw metal balls as close as possible to a smaller wooden, ball named “the”. cochonnet | A french game of Boules. |
how did indians impact their environment | <P> Native Americans adapted utilizing the land around them, from hunting animals and foraging wild plants for food. They used the trees and animal skins to fashion shelter, c … lothing, transportation (ie: boats), and so on. Some Native Americans also were involved in agriculture, with maize (corn) as an important part of their crops. Another reason on how the gold rush affected the Indians was. When the Indians were trying to defend their land they often got killed. This meant that more Indians got involved to save their friends (and family). This also meant that allot of Indians got killed. Some even got pushed out of their land <P> Lesson Objective. VS.2e The student will demonstrate knowledge of the physical geography and native peoples, past and present, of Virginia by describing how American Indians related to the climate and their environment to secure food, clothing, and shelter. The Native Americans used natural resources in every aspect of their lives. They used animal skins (deerskin) as clothing. Shelter was made from the material around them (saplings, leaves, small branches, animal fur). Native peoples of the past farmed, hunted, and fished <P> Local/National Standards: Primary Learning Objective(s): Students will describe how the natural environment influenced the development of Native American cultures. Students will compare different groups of Native Americans in relationship to their food, shelter, clothing, and transportation. The students will research Native American groups and relate how the environment affected their lifestyles and cultures. The students will create a slideshow presentation depicting this relationship. The students will compare Native American groups in order to observe the differences in their lifestyles and cultures <P> The environment hugely affected the Native American Indians in many different ways. This is because of the way in which the Indians used the environment and the surrounding land. The Indians were very close to nature, and so that meant that any changes in nature would be changes in the Indians. Land. The Indians thought of land very differently to the white man <P> They made a travois by to poles tied together and a dog to pull it. They used the stomach of the buffalo to make water bags. Some of the many tribes are the Arapaho, Blackfeet, the Cheyenne, Arikara, Comanche, the Pawnee, Crow, the Osage, Manelan, Kiowa, the Sioux. They stole horses from enemy tribes and trained them. <P> Food. The Indians food was decided by the environment that they lived in. Most of the food that the Indians ate was hunted, so that means that the main part of their diet was the animals that lived around them in the same environment as them. This is because of the way in which the Indians used the environment and the surrounding land. The Indians were very close to nature, and so that meant that any changes in nature would be changes in the Indians. <P> Throughout their long histories, American Indian peoples have thrived on, respected, and protected the environments that make up their homelands. Being good stewards of the environment remains important to American Indians today. This site, developed by the National Museum of the American Indian in collaboration with four Native communities, documents how they are responding to environmental challenges in | The Indians were very close to nature, and so that meant that any changes in nature would be changes in the Indians Land.The Indians thought of land very differently to the white man. |
bronchial mucolytic is used for | <P> In this case, the main short-term priority task – to activate the removal of phlegm from the bronchial tubes. With this purpose, and mucolytic agents are used. To mucolytics are Mukaltin, Lasolvan, acetylcysteine, Ambroxol and others. Mucolytics – it’s drugs, thinning mucus, while not increasing its volume. All mucoactive drugs are usually divided into 3 types: - Effect on the qualitative properties of the mucus, such as viscosity and elasticity (in fact, we are considering mucolytics). <P> Many mucolytics can cause bronchospasms. This is when the muscles around the bronchial tubes constrict and obstruct air flow. To reduce bronchospasms, it is recommended that a beta-2 fast-acting bronchodilator be used just before the mucolytic or along with the mucolytic. The most commonly used mucolytic is acetylcysteine (Mucomyst). The standard dose of acetylcysteine is 2-4 cc of the 10 or 20 percent solution given by nebulizer. It is mixed with a bronchodilator, often 2.5 mg of albuterol. <P> Some COPD patients experience breathing problems when mucus production increases. The mucus becomes difficult to cough up from the lungs. This is especially true in COPD patients with chronic bronchitis and/or bronchiectasis. Mucolytics can be used to thin and liquefy lung secretions. This makes them easier to cough up. Unfortunately, there is little evidence suggesting that mucolytics are effective with COPD. The most commonly used mucolytic is acetylcysteine (Mucomyst). The standard dose of acetylcysteine is 2-4 cc of the 10 or 20 percent solution given by nebulizer. It is mixed with a bronchodilator, often 2.5 mg of albuterol. <P> Bronchitis may be classified as: Acute Bronchitis and chronic Bronchitis. Acute Bronchitis is usually the outcome of a cold or a viral infection, such as the flu. Its symptoms include cough with green sputum, chest discomfort or soreness, fever, and sometimes shortness of breath. It may last for a few days or a week. Your bronchitis symptoms are a result of inflammation of the air passages of your lungs. Natural therapies aim to focus on addressing the root causes and encouraging the natural protective mechanisms of lungs. Biogetica natural kits are believed to center around its sarcode protocols. <P> An expectorant increases bronchial secretions and mucolytics help loosen thick bronchial secretions. Expectorants reduce the thickness or viscosity of bronchial secretions thus increasing mucus flow that can be removed more easily through coughing. Mucolytics break down the chemical structure of mucus molecules. Mucokinetics are a class of drugs which aid in the clearance of mucus from the airways, lungs, bronchi, and trachea. Such drugs can be further categorized by their mechanism of action: 1 mucolytic agents. 2 expectorants. 3 wetting agents / hypoviscosity agent <P> 4. Expectorants and mucolytic drugs are used to increase the output of bronchial secretions, enhance the clearance of bronchial exudate, and promote a productive cough. Saline expectorants are promoted to stimulate bronchial mucous secretions via a vagally mediated reflex action on the gastric mucosa. Its mucolytic effect is the result of the exposed sulfhydryl groups on the compound, which interact with disulfide bonds on mucoprotein. Acetylcysteine helps to break down respiratory mucus and enhance clearance. It may also increase the levels of glutathione, which is a scavenger of oxygen-free radicals. <P> Bromhexine is a mucolytic (expectorant) agent used in the treatment of respiratory disorders associated with viscid or excessive mucus. In addition, bromhexine has antioxidant properties. It is secretolytic, increasing the production of serous mucus in the respiratory tract and makes the phlegm thinner and less viscous. This contributes to a secretomotoric effect by helping the cilia transport the phlegm out of the lungs. For this reason it is often added to cough syrups. <P> Expectorants and Mucolytic Drugs. Expectorants and mucolytic drugs are used to increase the output of bronchial secretions, enhance the clearance of bronchial exudate, and promote a productive cough. Saline expectorants are promoted to stimulate bronchial mucous secretions via a vagally mediated reflex action on the gastric mucosa. Its mucolytic effect is the result of the exposed sulfhydryl groups on the compound, which interact with disulfide bonds on mucoprotein. Acetylcysteine helps to break down respiratory mucus and enhance clearance. It may also increase the levels of glutathione, which is a scavenger of oxygen-free radicals. | An expectorant increases bronchial secretions and mucolytics help loosen thick bronchial secretions. Expectorants reduce the thickness or viscosity of bronchial secretions thus increasing mucus flow that can be removed more easily through coughing. |
what phase is an ion dipole intermolecular force | <P> Ion-Dipole Forces. An ion-dipole force is just what its name says. It is a force between an ion and a dipole molecule. Remember that an ion is an atom that has gained or lost one or more electrons and therefore has a negative or positive charge. Intermolecular Forces. Intermolecular forces are the forces that exist between molecules. Don't confuse these with intramolecular forces, which are the strong forces that keep a molecule together. 'Intra' means inside, so these are the inside forces in a molecule. <P> Dispersion forces are the only type of intermolecular forces experienced by nonpolar molecules. Dipole-dipole forces exist between polar molecules. Polar molecules have a permanent dipole, so the charges (notated as + (partial positive) and (partial negative) are separated from one another. In general, intermolecular forces are much weaker than the ionic and covalent bonds that hold together the atoms and ions in a compound. For example, about 40 kJ of energy are required to vaporize 18 grams of water molecules—i.e., completely convert 18 grams of water to water vapor or steam. <P> Learn the different intermolecular bonds (including hydrogen bonding, dipole-dipole and ion-dipole forces), their strengths, and their effects on properties, such as boiling and melting points, solubility, and evaporation. Intermolecular Forces. Intermolecular forces are the forces that exist between molecules. Don't confuse these with intramolecular forces, which are the strong forces that keep a molecule together. 'Intra' means inside, so these are the inside forces in a molecule. <P> The intramolecular bonds that hold the atoms in H 2 O molecules together are almost 25 times as strong as the intermolecular bonds between water molecules. (It takes 464 kJ/mol to break the H--O bonds within a water molecule and only 19 kJ/mol to break the bonds between water molecules.). The dipole-dipole interaction in HCl is relatively weak; only 3.3 kJ/mol. (The covalent bonds between the hydrogen and chlorine atoms in HCl are 130 times as strong.) The force of attraction between HCl molecules is so small that hydrogen chloride boils at -85.0 o C. Dipole-Induced Dipole Forces. <P> Ion-Dipole Forces. An ion-dipole force is an attractive force that results from the electrostatic attraction between an ion and a neutral molecule that has a dipole. 1 Most commonly found in solutions. 2 Especially important for solutions of ionic compounds in polar liquids. An ion-dipole force is an attractive force that results from the electrostatic attraction between an ion and a neutral molecule that has a dipole. 1 Most commonly found in solution <P> • Ion-dipole forces are electrical interactions.• These forces are between ions and the partial charges in polar molecules.• The favored orientation of a positive end in a dipole molecules is near the anion.• The energy magnitudes depend on the ion charge ion size, dipole moment. <P> Ion-Induced Dipole Interaction Dipole-Induced Dipole Interaction top Dispersion Forces Interactions between ions, dipoles, and induced dipoles account for many properties of molecules-deviations from ideal gas behavior in the vapor state, and the condensation of gases to the liquid or solid states. If there is no difference in electronegativity between the atoms (as in a diatomic molecule such as O2 or F2) there is no difference in charge and no dipole moment. The bond is called a covalent bond, the molecule has no dipole moment, and the molecule is said to be non-polar. <P> An ion-dipole force is a force between an ion and a polar molecule. A hydrogen bond is a dipole-dipole force and is an attraction between a slightly positive hydrogen on one molecule and a slightly negative atom on another molecule. Hydrogen bonds are important in the properties of water and in certain biological molecules, such as proteins. Intermolecular Forces. Intermolecular forces are the forces that exist between molecules. Don't confuse these with intramolecular forces, which are the strong forces that keep a molecule together. 'Intra' means inside, so these are the inside forces in a molecule. <P> Department of Chemistry. Interactions between two or more molecules are called intermolecular interactions, while the interactions between the atoms within a molecule are called intramolecular interactions. Intermolecular interactions occur between all types of molecules or ions in all states of matter. If there is no difference in electronegativity between the atoms (as in a diatomic molecule such as O2 or F2) there is no difference in charge and no dipole moment. The bond is called a covalent bond, the molecule has no dipole moment, and the molecule is said to be non-polar. | Force is an attractive force that results from the electrostatic attraction between an ion and a neutral molecule that has a dipole. |
what is compiler | <P> Programming language processor that translates a program written in a high-level language (the ' source program') which humans can understand, into machine language program (the ' object program') which the computers can understand. <P> A compiler is a program that translates human readable source code into computer executable machine code. To do this successfully the human readable code must comply with the syntax rules of whichever programming language it is written in. The compiler is only a program and cannot fix your programs for you. <P> Compile. Compile is the process of creating an executable program from code written in a compiled programming language. Compiling allows the computer to run and understand the program without the need of the programming software used to create it. <P> Compile is the process of creating an executable program from code written in a compiled programming language. Compiling allows the computer to run and understand the program without the need of the programming software used to create it. <P> A compiler is a special program that processes statements written in a particular programming language and turns them into machine language or code that a computer's processor uses. Typically, a programmer writes language statements in a language such as Pascal or C one line at a time using an editor. <P> The name compiler is primarily used for programs that translate source code from a high-level programming language to a lower level language (e.g., assembly language or machine code). <P> A program that translates between high-level languages is usually called a source-to-source compiler or transpiler. A language rewriter is usually a program that translates the form of expressions without a change of language. | A compiler is a special program that processes statements written in a particular programming language and turns them into machine language or code that a computer's processor uses. |
direct bilirubin normal range | <P> 1 If direct (conjugated) bilirubin is normal, then the problem is an excess of unconjugated bilirubin (indirect bilirubin), and the location of the problem is upstream of bilirubin conjugation in the liver. 2 Hemolysis, or internal hemorrhage can be suspected. <P> Typically, you'll get results for direct and total bilirubin. Normal results for a bilirubin test are 1.2 milligrams per deciliter (mg/dL) of total bilirubin for adults, and usually 1 mg/dL for those under 18. Normal results for direct bilirubin are generally 0.3 mg/dL. These results may vary slightly from laboratory to laboratory. Normal results may be slightly different for women and children, and results may be affected by certain foods, medications or strenuous exercise <P> Reference Range. Bilirubin is a tetrapyrrole and a breakdown product of heme catabolism. Most bilirubin (70%-90%) is derived from hemoglobin degradation and, to a lesser extent, from other hemo proteins. In its unconjugated form, bilirubin is water-insoluble and binds avidly to tissues such as brain, sclera, and mucous membranes. <P> Bilirubin is a brownish yellow substance found in bile. It is produced when the liver breaks down old red blood cells. Bilirubin is then removed from the body through the stool (feces) and gives stool its normal color. Bilirubin circulates in the bloodstream in two forms: 1 Indirect (or unconjugated) bilirubin. 2 This form of bilirubin does not dissolve in water (it is insoluble). 3 Indirect bilirubin travels through the bloodstream to the liver, where it is changed into a soluble form (direct or conjugated) <P> Bilirubin is a byproduct of red blood cell destruction and exists in a free form (unconjugated or indirect biliruin) until it is taken up by liver cells. Here it is converted into a soluble form (conjugated or direct bilirubin) by binding with glucuronic acid which is catalyzed by the enzyme glucuronyl transferase. It is then passed out with bile into the gut and eventually expelled with the stool. <P> Phototherapy should be instituted when the total serum bilirubin level is at or above 15 mg per dL (257 mol per L) in infants 25 to 48 hours old, 18 mg per dL (308 mol per L) in infants 49 to 72 hours old, and 20 mg per dL (342 mol per L) in infants older than 72 hours. <P> Indirect bilirubin correlates with unconjugated bilirubin but tends to underestimate unconjugated bilirubin, as a portion of the unconjugated bilirubin reacts with diazosulfanilic acid, producing azobilirubin, which is measured as direct bilirubin. The reference range of total bilirubin is 0.2-1.2 mg/dL. Bilirubin is a tetrapyrrole and a breakdown product of heme catabolism. Most bilirubin (70%-90%) is derived from hemoglobin degradation and, to a lesser extent, from other hemo proteins. In its unconjugated form, bilirubin is water-insoluble and binds avidly to tissues such as brain, sclera, and mucous membranes. <P> Indirect bilirubin is the unconjugated form of the substance and it is fat-soluble meaning that it can dissolve in lipids however; the direct or conjugated form is water-soluble. The indirect bilirubin is converted to soluble form in order to be excreted. Bilirubin is the substance that gives the bile its color, which is bright greenish yellow. Indirect bilirubin is determined by measuring the total or serum bilirubin and then subtracting the direct bilirubin. What is left after subtracting direct bilirubin from total bilirubin gives the value of in <P> This substance is produced by the liver when the old cells are broken down and therefore, it can also be described as a waste product. Bilirubin can be found in two forms in the body, which include direct bilirubin, which is soluble and indirect bilirubin, which is insoluble. In order to analyze of the bilirubin levels in adults are normal or not, the doctor will need to look at the values of all three, direct bilirubin, indirect bilirubin and total bilirubin. Given below is the normal bilirubin range in adults: 1 Direct bilirubin: 0.1 mg/ dl to 0.3 mg/ dl (1.7 mmol/ l to 5.1 mmol/ l) | 0.1 mg/ dl to 0.3 mg/ dl |
prednisone starting dose for temporal arteritis | <P> 1 Giant cell arteritis (GCA) is a disease of blood vessels, may occur together with polymyalgia rheumatica. 2 GCA occurs only in older adults, mainly those over age of 50, and can cause swelling and thickening of the small artery under the skin called the temporal artery. Fast Facts. 1 Giant cell arteritis (GCA) is a disease of blood vessels, may occur together with polymyalgia rheumatica. 2 GCA occurs only in older adults, mainly those over age of 50, and can cause swelling and thickening of the small artery under the skin called the temporal artery. 3 A new, persisting headache is a common symptom of GCA. 4 If GCA ... <P> Patients with polymyalgia rheumatica but no symptoms of giant cell arteritis above the neck (such as jaw claudication, headache and visual symptoms) do not need temporal artery biopsy and respond to low–dose prednisone (10 to 20 mg/d orally). Treatment and Course of Giant Cell Arteritis. GCA requires treatment with prednisone, a type of corticosteroid. Typically, treatment begins with 40–60 mg of prednisone, taken by mouth each day. Most patients improve rapidly and dramatically on this dose, with improvement of most symptoms in 1–3 days. <P> Giant cell arteritis and polymyalgia rheumatica are treated with corticosteroids. High dosages (40 to 60 mg per day of prednisone) are used for giant cell arteritis, and low dosages (10 to 20 mg per day of prednisone) are used for polymyalgia rheumatica. 1, 2. Patients with polymyalgia rheumatica who develop clear evidence of giant cell arteritis should be treated with a corticosteroid in the high dosage appropriate for giant cell arteritis. Attempts have been made to treat polymyalgia rheumatica with high dosages of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). <P> The diagnosis is based on the clinical findings. Both disorders are treated with corticosteroids: high dosages for giant cell arteritis (prednisone in a dosage of 40 to 60 mg per day) and lower dosages for polymyalgia rheumatica (prednisone in a dosage of 10 to 20 mg per day). Patients with polymyalgia rheumatica who develop clear evidence of giant cell arteritis should be treated with a corticosteroid in the high dosage appropriate for giant cell arteritis. Attempts have been made to treat polymyalgia rheumatica with high dosages of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). <P> Approach Considerations. The universally accepted treatment of giant cell arteritis (GCA) is high-dose corticosteroid therapy. The major justification for the use of corticosteroids is the impending danger of blindness in untreated patients. <P> Prednisolone maintenance dose in relation to starting dose in the treatment of polymyalgia rheumatica and temporal arteritis. Myklebust G(1), Gran JT. Author information: (1)Department of Rheumatology, Institute of Clinical Medicine, University of Tromsoe, Tromsø. norway OBJECTIVE: To describe the maintenance dose and annual cessation rate of oral corticosteroids in relation to the starting dose in patients with polymyalgia rheumatica (PMR) and temporal arteritis (TA). <P> Nesher and colleagues compared outcomes in 77 temporal arteritis patients divided into 3 prednisone initial dosage groups: (1) group A started at 30 to 40 mg/day, (2) group B started at 40 to 60 mg/day and (3) group C started at doses greater than 60 mg/day (Nesher et al 1997). If headache or other signs of temporal arteritis emerge during the course of polymyalgia rheumatica, however, it is important to increase the prednisone dosage to the levels recommended for initial treatment of temporal arteritis. <P> By James Goodwin MD. The classic recommendation for initial treatment of temporal arteritis has been to commence with prednisone at a dosage of 40 to 80 mg/day, though 60 mg/day or above has been more commonly described than lower doses. If headache or other signs of temporal arteritis emerge during the course of polymyalgia rheumatica, however, it is important to increase the prednisone dosage to the levels recommended for initial treatment of temporal arteritis. <P> They correlated the clinical outcome with starting dosage of corticosteroids in 132 patients with polymyalgia rheumatica and 78 with temporal arteritis. Their findings were in accord with others that doses higher than 15 mg/day are unnecessary in polymyalgia rheumatica. If headache or other signs of temporal arteritis emerge during the course of polymyalgia rheumatica, however, it is important to increase the prednisone dosage to the levels recommended for initial treatment of temporal arteritis. | 40 to 80 mg/day |
what enzymes are involved in meat fermentation | <P> Examples of these products are; cheese, alcohol and bread. Fermentation is a method of generating enzymes for industrial purposes. Fermentation involves the use of microorganisms, like bacteria and yeast to produce the enzymes. There are two methods of fermentation used to produce enzymes. <P> Extracting fermentable sugars from grains are critical to the success of yeast fermentation, and production of alcohol could not occur without the work of amylase enzymes to break down starch into simple sugars that are usable by yeast. Also, many steps of the metabolic pathways used by yeast are enzyme-dependent. Without enzymes, fermentation would not be possible. Fermentation Enzymes White Labs Fermentation Enzymes are packages with products made by technology from DSM Unlimited, and come in home-brew 1L, and 10L sizes that are ready to use. All of our enzyme products are sources from non-genetically modified organisms. <P> Preservation of food is possible by Fermentation. As there is no heat involved in fermentation process, the food retains its enzymes, vitamins and other nutrients that are usually destroyed in other food processing techniques. Foods that are fermented have an additional nutritional value making fermentation an ideal way to preserve the food without losing nutrients. <P> Print Email Save. Fermentation is a chemical process in which microorganisms including bacteria, yeast and mould, convert carbohydrate like sugar into an acid or alcohol. Fermentation occurs naturally in different foods including a variety of grains, fruits, juices, and other organic liquids. <P> Fermentation mainly involves action of microorganisms such as yeast. Apart from yeast, most common groups of microorganisms involved in food fermentation include Bacteria and Moulds. Majority of bacterial families are present in foods are concerned with food spoilage. However, there are some bacterial families, which play important role in the fermentation of foods. | White Labs Fermentation Enzymes. |
average income in cairo egypt | <P> Tweet. MENA. The average annual Egyptian household income during 2010-2011 was LE25,353, according to the Central Agency for Public Mobilization and Statistics. The agency said that the average household income in urban areas was about LE30,205, compared to LE21,370 for families living in the countryside. MENA. The average annual Egyptian household income during 2010-2011 was LE25,353, according to the Central Agency for Public Mobilization and Statistics <P> Almost certainly the greater frustration in Egypt is that it is very difficult to reach a reasonably high level of living. The average per person income in Egypt (in current US dollars) is $5,680 per year (about $16 per day), but in China it is $6,890. So, Egypt has fewer desperately poor people (as a percentage of the population) than China, but the average income in China is higher than in Egypt. It seems very unlikely that very many people in Cairo have an income this low and, in all events, the World Bank estimates that only 18 percent of Egyptians live on less than $2 per day, as I note in Chapter 10. Most of these people are living in rural villages, not in Cairo or Alexandria. <P> After the 2011 revolution Egypt's foreign exchange reserves fell from $36 billion in December 2010 to only $16.3 billion in January 2012, also in February 2012 Standard & Poor's rating agency lowered the Egypt's credit rating from B+ to B in the long term. In 2013, S&P lowered Egypt's long-term credit rating from B-to CCC+, and its short-term rating from B to C on worries about the country's ability to meet its financial targets and maintain social peace more than two years after President Hosni Mubarak was overthrown in an uprising, ushering in a new era. <P> Answer 2. well, let me correct the answer for you.. because the question was what is the average, it's not what is the high salary.. so the average salary in Egypt is between 600 to 800 Egyptian pound... and some people lives with 300 Egyptian pound and of course per month. 2,500 L.E (around $450 US) for a good job. 3,500 L.E (around $620 US) for a really good job. It varies (sometimes significantly) by the industry as well. If you work for one of the big oil and petroleum companies, it can be up to twice as much. <P> Short link: Average weekly salaries in Egypt grew by 20 percent in 2012 to reach LE641 (approx. $92), data from the country's statistics body, CAPMAS, showed on Monday. Related. In 2011, Egyptian workers were paid an average weekly salary of LE534. The growth was mainly driven by salary increases for public sector and government workers, whose average weekly pay grew by 29 percent in 2012 to reach LE845, according to the report. <P> Short link: Average weekly salaries in Egypt grew by 18.7 percent in 2013 to reach LE761 ($106.40), data from the country's statistics body CAPMAS showed on Wednesday. Related. Egypt average salaries grew 20% in 2012: CAPMAS. In 2012, Egyptian workers were paid an average weekly salary of LE641 ($89.60). The salary increase depicts a rise for public business sector and government workers, whose average weekly pay grew by 14 percent in 2013 to reach LE964 compared to the year before, according to the report. <P> GDP per capita in Egypt averaged 842.73 USD from 1960 until 2014, reaching an all time high of 1575.93 USD in 2014 and a record low of 323.94 USD in 1960. <P> $55,000. Average Marketing Manager salaries for job postings in Egypt, AL are 17% lower than average Marketing Manager salaries for job postings nationwide. | Less than $2 per day. |
genetic predisposition toward mental illness percentages | <P> The current belief is that there are a number of genes that contribute to susceptibility or pathology of schizophrenia, but none exhibit full responsibility for the disease. It is believed that schizophrenia is much like diabetes, which is caused by a number of genetic and environmental factors. Family statistics. As can be seen from the graph below, schizophrenia definitely has a very significant genetic component. Those who have a third degree relative with schizophrenia are twice as likely to develop schizophrenia as those in the general population. <P> For more information about genetic predisposition to disease: The World Health Organization offers information about genetic predisposition to several common diseases, including cancer, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and asthma. Genetic Alliance UK offers a fact sheet on genetic predisposition to common genetic diseases. The Genetic Science Learning Center at the University of Utah provides more information about calculating the risk of genetic diseases and predicting disease based on family history. <P> Your genes are not your destiny. The 50% of addiction that is caused by poor coping skills is where you can make a difference. Lots of people have come from addicted families but managed to overcome their family history and live happy lives. You can use this opportunity to change your life. Addiction is due 50 percent to genetic predisposition and 50 percent to poor coping skills. This has been confirmed by numerous studies. One study looked at 861 identical twin pairs and 653 fraternal (non-identical) twin pairs. <P> The more of these gene variations that a person has, the greater the risk of developing schizophrenia. For example, in 2002 researchers led by NIMHs Dr. Daniel Weinberger linked a gene on chromosome 22 to a near-doubled risk of schizophrenia. Family statistics. As can be seen from the graph below, schizophrenia definitely has a very significant genetic component. Those who have a third degree relative with schizophrenia are twice as likely to develop schizophrenia as those in the general population. <P> A predisposition to some illness is not a certain prognosis. If you have depression in your family, it is best to acknowledge the genetics involved, and take every precaution in your lifestyle to avoid a depressive episode. Keep a cautiously optimistic attitude that you will live free of a depressive episode. I find the articles of most interest to be those in the field of genetics and mental illness including this article on the genetic predisposition to depression, and more recently the genetic link to ADHD. <P> That is the case for major depression. Heritability is probably 40-50%, and might be higher for severe depression. This could mean that in most cases of depression, around 50% of the cause is genetic, and around 50% is unrelated to genes (psychological or physical factors). Or it could mean that in some cases, the tendency to become depressed is almost completely genetic, and in other cases it is not really genetic at all. There are probably genetic changes that can increase the predisposition to both major depression and to certain anxiety disorders including generalized anxiety disorder, panic disorder and social phobia. <P> The Role of Family History. Addiction is due 50 percent to genetic predisposition and 50 percent to poor coping skills. This has been confirmed by numerous studies. One study looked at 861 identical twin pairs and 653 fraternal (non-identical) twin pairs. <P> The overlap in heritability attributable to common genetic variation was about 15 percent between schizophrenia and bipolar disorder, about 10 percent between bipolar disorder and depression, about 9 percent between schizophrenia and depression, and about 3 percent between schizophrenia and autism. <P> Changes in many genes, each with a small effect, may underlie susceptibility to many common diseases, including cancer, obesity, diabetes, heart disease, and mental illness. In people with a genetic predisposition, the risk of disease can depend on multiple factors in addition to an identified genetic change. These include other genetic factors (sometimes called modifiers) as well as lifestyle and environmental factors. Genetic Alliance UK offers a fact sheet on genetic predisposition to common genetic diseases. The Genetic Science Learning Center at the University of Utah provides more information about calculating the risk of genetic diseases and predicting disease based on family history. <P> There is a statistical correlation between a family history of depression and the risk of developing depression. It is important to point out that your children would have only 50% of your genes. In addition to genetics, if someone has a history of one prior depression, there is a 50% risk of a second depression. With two depressions, the risk of a third is 70%. With three, the risk is 90%. However, adequate treatment improves the risk factors. About 17% of the population suffers from depression at some point in their life, and one large study demonstrated that 48% of the population suffers from some form of mental illness at some point in their life. Depression is particularly common in women of child bearing age | Diseases, including cancer, obesity, diabetes, heart disease, and mental illness. |
what is diffuse scattering | <P> 1 diffuse scattering When light is reflected off a surface in all directions. 2 dispersion Spreading out of the different wavelengths of light, caused by refraction of light as it passes through a prism. 3 frequency The number of waves produced each second. 4 The unit of frequency is hertz, 'Hz'. In the ray diagram: 1 the hatched vertical line on the right represents the mirror. 2 the dashed line is called the normal, drawn at 90° to the surface of the mirror. 3 the angle of incidence, i, is the angle between the normal and incident ray. 4 the angle of reflection, r, is the angle between the normal and reflected ray. <P> Diffuse Scattering Simplified. Now consider that one of these atoms is floppy in that it may occupy one of two possible positions (relative to the others). This means that 10% of the scattering matter is disordered, and all other atoms in the structure are stable. This is analogous to a small protein with a two-headed side chain. That is, we have two structures: A and B which are identical except that our one floppy atom is in one position or the other. This is exactly how x-rays scatter off of gas atoms. The scattering from a gas is simply the intensity scattered from one particle, multiplied by the number of particles. However, at this wavelength and detector distance the scattering from one point atom is very flat. <P> In real life terms what this means is that light is reflected off non-shiny surfaces such as the ground, walls, or fabric, to reach areas not directly in view of a light source. If the diffuse surface is colored, the reflected light is also colored, resulting in similar coloration of surrounding objects. A surface may also exhibit both specular and diffuse reflection, as is the case, for example, of glossy paints as used in home painting, which give also a fraction of specular reflection, while matte paints give almost exclusively diffuse reflection. <P> Diffuse reflection is the reflection of light from a surface such that an incident ray is reflected at many angles rather than at just one angle as in the case of specular reflection. A surface may also exhibit both specular and diffuse reflection, as is the case, for example, of glossy paints as used in home painting, which give also a fraction of specular reflection, while matte paints give almost exclusively diffuse <P> Rayleigh Scattering. Rayleigh scattering refers to the scattering of light off of the molecules of the air, and can be extended to scattering from particles up to about a tenth of the wavelength of the light. It is Rayleigh scattering off the molecules of the air which gives us the blue sky. The blue color of the sky is caused by the scattering of sunlight off the molecules of the atmosphere. This scattering, called Rayleigh scattering, is more effective at short wavelengths (the blue end of the visible spectrum). <P> α ≫ 1: geometric scattering (particle much larger than wavelength of light). Rayleigh scattering is a process in which electromagnetic radiation (including light) is scattered by a small spherical volume of variant refractive index, such as a particle, bubble, droplet, or even a density fluctuation. This effect was first modeled successfully by Lord Rayleigh, from whom it gets its name. Scattering theory is a framework for studying and understanding the scattering of waves and particles. Prosaically, wave scattering corresponds to the collision and scattering of a wave with some material object, for instance sunlight scattered by rain drops to form a rainbow. <P> Many common materials exhibit a mixture of specular and diffuse reflection. The visibility of objects, excluding light-emitting ones, is primarily caused by diffuse reflection of light: it is diffusely-scattered light that forms the image of the object in the observer's eye. A surface may also exhibit both specular and diffuse reflection, as is the case, for example, of glossy paints as used in home painting, which give also a fraction of specular reflection, while matte paints give almost exclusively <P> Scattering is a general physical process where some forms of radiation, such as light, sound, or moving particles, are forced to deviate from a straight trajectory by one or more paths due to localized non-uniformities in the medium through which they pass. Scattering theory is a framework for studying and understanding the scattering of waves and particles. Prosaically, wave scattering corresponds to the collision and scattering of a wave with some material object, for instance sunlight scattered by rain drops to form a rainbow. <P> Diffuse interreflection is a process whereby light reflected from an object strikes other objects in the surrounding area, illuminating them. Diffuse interreflection specifically describes light reflected from objects which are not shiny or specular. A surface may also exhibit both specular and diffuse reflection, as is the case, for example, of glossy paints as used in home painting, which give also a fraction of specular reflection, while matte paints give almost exclusively diffuse reflection. | When light is reflected off a surface in all directions. |
average operating cost for a crane company | <P> 1 Other high-end cranes range from $15,000 to $30,000 per month of rental. 2 A 2011 TADANO GR1000XL-2 and a 2003 MANITOWOC 2250 III, for instance, cost $18,000 and $30,000 per month of rental respectively. <P> The average salary for crane operator jobs is $37,000. Average crane operator salaries can vary greatly due to company, location, industry, experience and benefits. This salary was calculated using the average salary for all jobs with the term crane operator anywhere in the job listing. <P> 1 Heavy equipment certification varies by state and costs $75-$200. 2 The National Commission for the Certification of Crane Operators has a list of 18 states and six cities that license crane operators. 3 For instance, California issues permits to crane operators for $100 annually. <P> 1 Again, this will vary depending on the size and company. 2 In an article of The Aberdeen Group, it was stressed that rental rates for a crane and operator start at around $100 per hour and can exceed $500 per hour for large cranes. 3 The same price ranges are supported in the forums at Heavyequipmentforums.com. <P> 1 In an article of The Aberdeen Group, it was stressed that rental rates for a crane and operator start at around $100 per hour and can exceed $500 per hour for large cranes. 2 The same price ranges are supported in the forums at Heavyequipmentforums.com. <P> 1 Rent per hour. 2 Some rental companies charge per hour of use aside from the separate fee for the entire equipment. 3 So if you are renting a construction crane at $750 a day with a $250 usage fee per hour, then you will end up paying $2500 for a seven-hours of use. <P> For example the median expected annual pay for a typical Crane/Tower Operator in the United States is $44,294 so 50% of the people who perform the job of Crane/Tower Operator in the United States are expected to make less than $44,294. <P> Overview Determining the proper speed for a new overhead bridge crane is not easy. A overhead bridge crane with too much speed is a costly and dangerous tool. A overhead bridge crane with not enough speed is an obstruction to proper production methods and a complete waste of money. | Starts at around $100 per hour and can exceed $500 per hour for large cranes. |
what is hemangioma pain in the liver like | <P> Most liver hemangiomas do not require treatment. However, if the hemangioma is large or causes symptoms, it can be removed surgically. If the hemangioma causes significant pain or damage to an area of the liver, then your doctor may decide to remove the entire damaged section. In most cases, liver hemangiomas do not cause symptoms. However, if they have been aggravated by an injury or fueled by a change in estrogen levels, symptoms can occur. Symptoms of liver hemangiomas include: 1 pain in the upper-right side of the abdomen. <P> A liver hemangioma is a tangle of blood vessels in or on the surface of the liver. Liver hemangiomas usually are not bothersome and do not cause symptoms. Because signs of a liver hemangioma may go undetected, they are usually only discovered if you are being tested for an unrelated condition. The Mayo Clinic states that most liver hemangiomas do not require treatment (Mayo Clinic). In most cases, liver hemangiomas do not cause symptoms. However, if they have been aggravated by an injury or fueled by a change in estrogen levels, symptoms can occur. Symptoms of liver hemangiomas include: 1 pain in the upper-right side of the abdomen. <P> In most cases, liver hemangioma doesn't cause any signs or symptoms. When a liver hemangioma causes signs and symptoms, they may include: 1 Pain in the upper right abdomen. 2 Feeling full after eating only a small amount of food. 3 Lack of appetite. 4 Nausea. 5 Vomiting. When a liver hemangioma causes signs and symptoms, they may include: 1 Pain in the upper right abdomen. 2 Feeling full after eating only a small amount of food. 3 Lack of appetite. 4 Nausea <P> Causes. A hepatic hemangioma is the most common type of liver tumor that is not caused by cancer. It may be a birth defect. Hepatic hemangiomas can occur at any time. They are most common in people in their 30s to 50s. Women get these tumors more often than men and the tumors are often bigger. <P> A hemangioma is a benign and usually self-involuting tumor (swelling or growth) of the endothelial cells that line blood vessels that is characterised by increased number of normal or abnormal vessels filled with blood. It usually appears in the first weeks of life and grows most rapidly over the first six months. <P> Very large hemangiomas can cause symptoms, especially if they are positioned near other organs. Pain, nausea, or enlargement of the liver can occur. Rarely, larger hemangiomas can rupture, causing severe pain and bleeding into the abdomen that may be severe or even life threatening. The vast majority of hemangiomas of the liver never cause symptoms or health problems. Most hepatic hemangiomas are discovered incidentally at the time of testing for unrelated medical problems, most commonly with ultrasound imaging or CT (computerized tomography) scanning of the abdomen. <P> Although the cause of liver hemangioma is not known, it is believed to be congenital (birth defect). Usually, it occurs as a single mass about 4 – 5 centimeters in size. When they are small, they are harmless and do not require any extensive testing or treatment. Occasionally, they can be larger or occur in multiples. A hepatic hemangioma is the most common noncancerous tumor of the liver. It is estimated to be present in as many as 2 – 7% of healthy individuals. Although liver hemangiomas may be present since birth, they are commonly detected at 30 – 50 years of age. <P> A hemangioma is a benign (noncancerous) tumor made up of blood vessels. There are many types of hemangiomas, and they can occur throughout the body, including in skin, muscle, bone, and internal organs. Most hemangiomas occur on the surface of the skin or just beneath it. Although uncommon, hemangiomas can develop in internal organs, most often the liver and intestines. Like hemangiomas found in bone, hemangiomas in internal organs are often found by chance during tests for other purposes. Unless they are causing symptoms, these hemangiomas do not require any treatment. <P> Hepatic hemangiomas are more common in the right lobe of the liver than in the left lobe. Hemangiomas of the liver are usually small and asymptomatic. They are most often discovered when the liver is imaged for another reason or when the liver is examined at laparotomy or autopsy. | 1 Pain in the upper right abdomen. 2 Feeling full after eating only a small amount of food.3 Lack of appetite.4 Nausea.hen a liver hemangioma causes signs and symptoms, they may. |
average salary for accountants in canada | <P> The 2014 full-time average hourly wage rate for professional occupations in business and finance, which includes financial auditors and accountants, is $34.88. The 2014 corresponding median weekly wage rate is $1231, giving an approximate full-time annual salary for this employment unit of $64,000. According to the latest figures, the highest hourly average wages are earned in Calgary, Alberta at $35.90 per hour and the lowest average wages are earned in Fredericton / Oromocto, New Brunswick at $24.04 per hour. A typical full-time annual salary for this occupation is in the region of $50,000 – $65 <P> As of 2011, the average total compensation for Canadian chartered accountants working in various fields was as follows: 1 Industry - $229,318. 2 Professional services - $150,039. 3 Not-for-profit organizations - $136,389. 4 Government - $120,608. 5 Education - $119,366. The survey found the highest average salaries among chartered accountants who owned their own non-CA firm business was $394,116, while CAs who were partners in a CA firm earned as much as $303,075. The average salary for non-owner CAs was $165,127, while sole practitioners earned an average of $181,303 <P> X Total Pay combines base annual salary or hourly wage, bonuses, profit sharing, tips, commissions, overtime pay and other forms of cash earnings, as applicable for this job. It does not include equity (stock) compensation, cash value of retirement benefits, or the value of other non-cash benefits (e.g. healthcare). <P> $52,000. Average Accountant salaries for job postings in Ontario, CA are 11% lower than average Accountant salaries for job postings nationwide. <P> The Institute also reports that the average salary for newly hired CAs is $71,857, and after just five years of experience they earn an average of $126,948. With 25 to 29 years of experience, CAs in Canada enjoy an average salary of $264,037. Professors in Canada’s universities earn $118,908 on average, while those working in government make an average of $117,747. CAs who held management positions earned the highest salaries of all those surveyed in 2009: 1 Owner (non-CA firm): $442,206. <P> Toronto is the best place to hatch your career in accounting, where salaries are 4.8% higher than the national average. New grads starting accounting careers in Calgary, Vancouver, Montreal, Edmonton and Ottawa can also expect to take home above-average pay cheques. Entry level Public Accountant salary. From 2011 to 2012, the average entry level Public Accountant (up to one year of experience) salary grew by 1.4% at large firms and 2.1% at midsize/small firms. <P> Average Financial Auditor’s and Accountant’s Salary in Canada. The table below details the hourly wages for Financial Auditors and Accountants. The Canadian national occupation classification code (NOC) for this role is 1111. Job titles and exact duties vary in this occupation and examples of some job titles are: accountant, auditor, CA (chartered accountant) and income tax expert. According to the latest figures, the highest hourly average wages are earned in Calgary, Alberta at $35.90 per hour and the lowest average wages are earned in Fredericton / Oromocto, New Brunswick at $24.04 per hour. A typical full-time annual salary for this occupation is in the region of $50,000 – $65,000 <P> Average Salary in Canada. If you moved to Canada from another western economy a few years ago, you would most likely have found Canadian wages a bit lower than you expected. This is generally not the case now. The average salary in Canadian dollars has risen by around 22 percent since 2007. In 2015 the average hourly earnings accross all employess in either full ot part-time work was $25.11. This compares to $20.56 in 2007. | $64,000 per year |
average height of a man canada | <P> USA Men.......Weight...Height. ..................190 lbs......5'9.3. Me..............155 lbs......5'7. Canada: The average Canadian woman's weight is 153 pounds (69.4 kg) and height is 5' 3.4 (161 cm). Her male counterpart weighs 182 pounds (82.7 kg), and is 5' 8.5 (174 cm) tall. <P> The average female height is roughly 5'4 historically-the tallest woman being 7'7.5 tall. A chart outlining average female heights around the world is illustrated in the following table. <P> The average height of men and women in the United Kingdom is: * 176.8 cm (5' 9.6) for a man * 163.7 cm (5' 4.4) for a woman For more information about the ave … rage height of women and men worldwide, see the page links, further down this page, listed under Related Questions. + 51 others found this useful. <P> The average height for a man in the United States over the age of 20 varies according to ethnicity. The CDC study found that white males had the highest average height, followed by black males and Hispanic males. The average results are as follows: 1 White males: 69.8 inches, or slightly over 5 feet, 8 inches. <P> The average height of Canadian men and women is: * 174 cm (5' 8.5) for men * 161.0 cm (5' 3.4) for women For more information about the average height of men and women worldwide, see the page link, further down this page, listed under Related Questions. <P> Canada: The average Canadian woman's weight is 153 pounds (69.4 kg) and height is 5' 3.4 (161 cm). Her male counterpart weighs 182 pounds (82.7 kg), and is 5' 8.5 (174 cm) tall. Heather Orpana of Statistics Canada was kind to provide these statistics based on the 2005 Canadian Community Health Survey 3.1. <P> The people of the Dinaric Alps (South Slavs) are on record as being the tallest in the world, with a male average height of 185.6 cm (6 ft 1.1 in) and female average height of 170.9 cm (5 ft 7.3 in). <P> The average male American mens height is 177 cm, which is 69.7 inches, which is approximately 5 foot – 10 inches tall. (for white males*). A height chart for men of White race/ethnicity*, showing average height changes with age. <P> USA: The average American woman's weight has increased 11 pounds (7%) in the 10 years between the gathering of statistics, while her height has remained about the same (an increase of 0.1 inch or 0.2% taller). Earlier I had reported a weight of 152 pounds (69 kg) and height 5' 3.7 (162 cm). | 174 cm (5' 8.5) |
what is tarball | <P> The term TAR is short for Tape ARchive. A tarball or tarfile is the name that describes a group or archive of files that are bundled together using the tar command and usually have the .tar file extension. If the tarfile is compressed using gzip command the tarball will end with tar.gz. <P> vs. Zabbix. Tarball is a jargon term for a tar archive-a group of files collected together as one. The term suggests a ball of tar, the sticky coal derivative used as an adherent and sealant in roofing and other construction work. <P> Tarball. The term TAR is short for Tape ARchive. A tarball or tarfile is the name that describes a group or archive of files that are bundled together using the tar command and usually have the .tar file extension. If the tarfile is compressed using gzip command the tarball will end with tar.gz. <P> 1 Tarball (computing) , a computer file format that can combine multiple files into a single file called tarball, usually compressed. <P> Tarball can refer to: 1 Tarball (computing) , a computer file format that can combine multiple files into a single file called tarball, usually compressed. 2 Tarball (oil) , a blob of semi-solid oil found on or near the ocean. <P> Tarball is a jargon term for a tar archive-a group of files collected together as one. The term suggests a ball of tar, the sticky coal derivative used as an adherent and sealant in roofing and other construction work. | A tarball or tarfile is the name that describes a group or archive of files that are bundled together using the tar command. |
what is good seasoning for fish | <P> Fish Seasoning Recipe. 5 2. This mild blend from Kayleen Nichols of Sterling, Virginia gives fish a lift but also adds interest to other meats and vegetables. A neighbor whose husband was on a no-salt diet gave me this recipe over 20 years ago, Kayleen writes. Healthy Quick Diabetic Exchange. <P> Rating Newest Oldest. Best Answer: This is the salmon recipe I use and either one for the spice seasonings is at the end of the recipe. Pan-fried Salmon Easy salmon fillets in less than 10 minutes. step 1 Prep pan Preheat a non-stick pan, spray it with canola oil, and add the spices of your choice <P> Add a sprinkling of Parmesan cheese and serve. Dill is a huge seasoning for almost any fish, but use it sparingly or it will overtake the flavor. The same goes for garlic, fennel, thyme, basil, or marjoram. Fish dishes also benefit from the piquant flavors of finely chopped capers and melted butter. Report Abuse. You can never go wrong when cooking white fish or colored fish with a basic set of these ingredients: Mix 1 tablespoon olive oil with 2 tablespoons lemon juice and add a few twists of black pepper and a quick sprinkle of salt. Cook it off in a hot skillet on the stove top and serve. <P> Directions. Prep. Ready In. 1 Combine the basil, rosemary, parsley, sea salt, black pepper, sage, thyme, marjoram, oregano, celery salt, and garlic powder in a mixing bowl until evenly blended. 2 Store in an airtight container. Chicken Seasoning Blend. Basil, rosemary, and garlic provide a base of flavors for this seasoning blend. This dry mix of herbs and spices adds a unique zing to any chicken dish. It has just the right amount of heat and flavor to make all your guests beg for more. <P> Best Answer: When cooking fish, whether frying, baking or grilling, it is always a good standard to use lemon pepper seasoning or dill weed and after it is done cooking, squeeze fresh lemon on it to lock in the flavor! Good luck! Report Abuse. You can never go wrong when cooking white fish or colored fish with a basic set of these ingredients: Mix 1 tablespoon olive oil with 2 tablespoons lemon juice and add a few twists of black pepper and a quick sprinkle of salt. Cook it off in a hot skillet on the stove top and serve. <P> Fish Favorites-Information and Spice Variations. We're always told that fish is one of the healthiest things to eat, full of omega-3s and good for your brain. But many people don't enjoy the flavor, or find it hard to cook with (especially without leaving a lingering aroma in the kitchen!). <P> oregano, salt, pepper, seasoning, Parmesan cheese and garlic salt. Marinate fish for 1 hour. Heat barbecue grill, hot!! Place ... with marinate is recommended. <P> I used fresh ground black pepper and some cajun seasoning (at the end to the recipe). step 2 Prep and add fish Rinse your salmon and pat it dry. Holding the fish over the sink, lightly rub it down with a thin layer of cornstarch. Best Answer: This is the salmon recipe I use and either one for the spice seasonings is at the end of the recipe. | oregano, salt, pepper, seasoning, Parmesan cheese and garlic salt. |
sioux falls average temperature | <P> The highest average temperature in Sioux Falls is July at 74.5 degrees. The coldest average temperature in Sioux Falls is January at 19.3 degrees. The most monthly precipitation in Sioux Falls occurs in June with 4 inches. The Sioux Falls weather information is based on the average of the previous 3-7 years of data. Loading.. <P> Sioux Falls is the largest city in South Dakota, with a population of about 140,000. The city is close to the Iowa and Minnesota borders. While the winters in Sioux Falls certainly can be cold, the summers reach average temperatures in the 80s. However, few places can claim average temperatures as cold as Sioux Falls does in the winter. According to The Weather Channel, Sioux Falls' average low temperature in January is 3 degrees F. <P> 7. 8. Climate data for sioux falls ap, Longitude: -96.7539, Latitude: 43.5778. Average weather Sioux Falls, SD - 57104 - 1981-2010 normals. Jan: January, Feb: February, Mar: March, Apr: April, May: May, Jun: June, Jul: July, Aug: August, Sep: September, Oct: October, Nov: November, Dec: December. <P> 1 The annual mean temperature is 7.5 degrees Celsius (45.5 degrees Fahrenheit). 2 See the temperatures page for a monthly breakdown and the fixed scale graph. 3 Average monthly temperatures vary by 33.6 °C (60.5°F). 4 This indicates that the continentality type is continental, subtype truly continental. 1 Were you to burrow down through the centre of the Earth from Sioux Falls, South Dakota you would pop up nearest to the climate station at Amsterdam Island, French Southern Lands where you would find a Marine west coast climate. <P> 1 Come autumn/ fall temperatures decrease achieving average highs of 15.1°C (59.2°F) during the day and lows of 2.1°C (35.8°F) generally shortly after sunrise. 2 Total annual Precipitation averages 606.3 mm (23.9 inches) which is equivalent to 606.3 Litres/m (14.87 Gallons/ft). 1 Were you to burrow down through the centre of the Earth from Sioux Falls, South Dakota you would pop up nearest to the climate station at Amsterdam Island, French Southern Lands where you would find a Marine west coast climate. <P> Average temperature is the most popular factor that people take into consideration when looking for the best city to live in. CityRating.com offers the average Sioux Falls temperature chart that displays the annual and monthly temperatures for Sioux Falls and dozens of other cities. Average Annual Temperature. <P> A cold front along the East Coast will bring rain to parts of the Northeast and Florida through Tuesday night. High temperatures Wednesday continue to be 15 to 20 degrees above average over parts of the Central Plains. Read More... <P> 1 Sioux Falls, South Dakota, Usa is at 43 35'N, 96 44'W, 435 m (1427 ft). 2 See map. 3 Sioux Falls, South Dakota has a humid continental climate with severe winters, no dry season, hot summers and strong seasonality (K ppen-Geiger classification: Dfa). 1 Were you to burrow down through the centre of the Earth from Sioux Falls, South Dakota you would pop up nearest to the climate station at Amsterdam Island, French Southern Lands where you would find a Marine west coast climate. <P> Like most places, the coldest temperatures of the year in Sioux Falls come in the winter. However, few places can claim average temperatures as cold as Sioux Falls does in the winter. According to The Weather Channel, Sioux Falls' average low temperature in January is 3 degrees F. The average high for the month is 25 degrees F. By March, the average low temperature warms to about 21 degrees F, while the high reaches an average temperature of 44 degrees F <P> July is Sioux Falls' warmest month of the year. July boasts an average temperature of 86 degrees F. The average low temperature for the month is a comfortable 60 degrees F. August cools down slightly, with an average high of 83 degrees F and an average low of 58 degrees F. However, few places can claim average temperatures as cold as Sioux Falls does in the winter. According to The Weather Channel, Sioux Falls' average low temperature in January is 3 | The highest average temperature in Sioux Falls is July at 74.5 degrees. The coldest average temperature in Sioux Falls is January at 19.3 degrees. |
what is positivist Epistemology | <P> 1. Positivism belongs to epistemology which can be specified as philosophy of knowing, whereas methodology is an approach to knowing. As a philosophy positivism adheres to the view that only “factual” knowledge gained through observation (the senses), including measurement, is trustworthy <P> Introduction. Back to Top. Logical Positivism (later also known as Logical Empiricism) is a theory in Epistemology and Logic that developed out of Positivism and the early Analytic Philosophy movement, and which campaigned for a systematic reduction of all human knowledge to logical and scientific foundations. <P> Positivism is a philosophical theory stating that positive knowledge is based on natural phenomena and their properties and relations. Thus, information derived from sensory experience, interpreted through reason and logic, forms the exclusive source of all authoritative knowledge. Positivism holds that valid knowledge (certitude or truth) is found only in this derived knowledge. Introspective and intuitive knowledge is rejected, as is metaphysics and theology. Although the positivist approach has been a recurrent theme in the history of western thought, the modern sense of the approach was formulated by the philosopher Auguste Comte in the early 19th century. <P> Positivist epistemology. Positivists view knowledge as a key goal of the scientific approach and that it can only be created through controlled study and the management of facts (which are proven, true pieces of knowledge). The holy grail of positivists is the identification of generalized laws of the universe. Epistemology is the study of the nature of knowledge, including how it is created and shared. It is concerned which what can be known and the confidence we have in knowledg <P> The underpinnings of post-positivist epistemology—and therefore of positivist epistemology—can be traced back to the splitting of modern science from philosophy. Before British Empiricism, that which we now consider natural science was in the purview of the study of natural philosophy categorized as metaphysics. Positivist epistemology has been critiqued for its limitations in studying the complex human experience. One critique focuses on the positivist tendency to carry out studies from an outsider perspective in an effort to maintain objectivity, while the insider or subjective perspective is ignored (Lincoln & Guba, 1985). <P> If we take the above example based on a positivist perspective, epistemology in the social world would be based on the belief that only a scientific approach would lead us to knowledge, as social phenomena are considered as things, and things can be measured and defined scientifically (Lazar, 1998). <P> What is Positivist Epistemology. 1. Also referred to as “positivism,” refers to the school of research thought that sees observable evidence as the only form of defensible scientific findings. Positivist epistemology, therefore, assumes that only “facts” derived from the scientific method can make legitimate knowledge claims | The school of research thought that sees observable evidence as the only form of defensible scientific findings. |
how do you mosaic a mirror | <P> View in gallery. Here’s how you can make a lovely mosaic mirror for your home. You’ll need a mirror, white acrylic paint, gold acrylic paint, a paint brush, masking tape and mirror mosaic in any color you like. Apply masking tape to the inside border of the mirror, then apply a white base coat. The supplies needed include a strong glue, mosaic tiles, a mirror, backing board and grout. Paint the board the color of your grout and glue the mirror to it. Then glue the tiles onto the backing board one by one. Apply grout, let it dry and repeat. Clean off the excess and the mirror.{found on craftedblog }. <P> 9. Paint the inside ledge of the frame so you do not see the reflection of the bare wood in the mirror. 10. Lay your frame face down and lay your mirror face down on the inside ledge of the frame. Apply silicone along the edge of the mirror and the frame and smooth it around with your gloved finger. 11. <P> If you liked the mosaic mirror project, here’s a similar one. This time a round mirror was used. The supplies needed include a strong glue, mosaic tiles, a mirror, backing board and grout. Paint the board the color of your grout and glue the mirror to it. Then glue the tiles onto the backing board one by one. Apply grout, let it dry and repeat. Clean off the excess and the mirror.{found on craftedblog }. <P> Stick to It. The pieces are now in place so you can give this mosaic mirror some permanence. This is where the project gets gooey, so you may want to put on some rubber gloves. 1. Apply the Pieces. With a glue brush, add tile adhesive to the tiles, plate pieces, and the frame surface. Press the pieces into place. Don’t worry if a little adhesive squeezes out from under the tile or plate piece; it will be covered by the grout. Allow the adhesive to dry for 24 hours. <P> Creating your own DIY version of a mosaic tile framed bathroom mirror isn’t complicated – here is the step by step: Before you have a mirror cut, figure out the size of your tile frame first. I trimmed the mosaic tile sheets in 5 piece strips and used push pins to hold it on the wall to form a template and then marked the outline of where the mirror would go with a pencil. <P> Yes, you can definitely attach the tile directly to the mirror with silicone. A couple things to keep in mind…if the tile is glass and you can see through it you will want to use Cl;ear silicone – the kind that also dries clear. If you don’t use clear than you will see the silicone through the tile. <P> Most people would use a tool called a grout float to do this step, but I just grabbed a latex glove and used my hand. I could feel and see what I was doing instead of just being able to see. Tape off your wall and mirror and then begin. First, you put the grout on the tile. Next, you scrape off the excess: Then, you wash down the tiles and grout until no grout remains on the tile, being sure to rinse your sponge frequently and change your water often. This is where being in the bathroom came in handy <P> 1 Glass: You can mosaic on flat sheets of window glass or glass items like bowls, votives, plates, etc. 2 Net: This is a fine weave resin fiber that acts as a intermediary base. 3 It is easily cut to any size or shape. <P> steps. Use tile nippers to break plates so that you have large sections of curvy plate borders and smaller pieces from the centers. Affix the large sections to the frame's perimeter with heavy-duty craft glue to make a scalloped edge. Fill in the remaining area with smaller fragments. The broken rims of plates can be used to create the scalloped curves edging this mirror frame. An assortment of off-white and floral fragments gives the frame a variegated effect. <P> The first step in the mosaic process is to find a rigid surface to mosaic. We chose a Basic Picture Frame. Glass, metal, wood, ceramic, and other rigid surfaces are idea. Make sure that you use the correct type of glue for each surface. Tile mastic, available at your local hardware store, works on all of these surfaces. | You’ll need a mirror, white acrylic paint, gold acrylic paint, a paint brush, masking tape and mirror mosaic in any color you like. Apply masking tape to the inside border of the mirror, then apply a white base coat.he supplies needed include a strong glue, mosaic tiles, a mirror, backing board and grout. Paint the board the color of your grout and glue the mirror to it. Then glue the tiles onto the backing board one by one. Apply grout, let it dry and repeat. Clean off the excess and the mirror.{found on craftedblog }. |
How much do cnas make in kansas | <P> CNAs working in nursing homes in Colby have a median salary of about $9.10 per hour, in Emporia about $10.20 per hour and in Kansas City about $11.30 per hour. <P> As with any job, it depends on the location and years of experience. I have been a CNA for 23 years and make $16.23 per hour. I started in 1989 at just under $6, and have work … ed my way up. For a new CNA just out of classes, you can expect between $10 and $12 per hour at most places. <P> CNA Training Program. According to data analyzed from salary “dot” com, the “average” median salary or pay of a CNA in Kansas in 2013 was $27,878 per year (or $13.94 per hour). The figures are for Witchita Kansas. <P> Location. Salaries for CNAs in particular vary by location throughout Kansas, as shown by Salary.com. The median hourly pay for CNAs in Colby, for example, is about $10.70 as of May 2011, while the median hourly pay in Kansas City is about $13.30. The median hourly wage for CNAs in Salina is about $11.10, in Manhattan $11.70, in Emporia $12, in Topeka $12.60 and in Wichita $12.70. The lowest wages were in Colby, where the bottom 10 percent earn less than $9 per hour, and the highest in Kansas City, where the top 10 percent make $15.80 per hour and more. <P> For example the median expected annual pay for a typical Certified Nursing Assistant in the United States is $29,629 so 50% of the people who perform the job of Certified Nursing Assistant in the United States are expected to make less than $29,629. Source: HR Reported data as of October 2015. | $27,878 per year. |
what is sputum culture | <P> A sputum culture is a test to find bacteria or fungi that are infecting the lungs or airways. Some types of bacteria or fungi grow quickly in a culture, and some grow slowly. Test results may take from 1 day to several weeks. How long your results take depends on the type of infection your doctor thinks you may have. A sputum culture is done to: 1 Find bacteria or fungi that are causing an infection of the lungs or the airways leading to the lungs. 2 Find the best antibiotic to treat the infection. 3 See if treatment is working. <P> A sputum culture is a test to detect and identify bacteria or fungi (plural of fungus) that are infecting the lungs or breathing passages. Sputum is a thick fluid produced in the lungs and in the airways leading to the lungs. The most common harmful bacteria in a sputum culture are those that can cause bronchitis, pneumonia, or tuberculosis. If harmful bacteria or fungi grow, the culture is positive. If test results point to an infection, sensitivity testing may be done to determine the best antibiotic to kill the bacteria or fungus. <P> Results. A sputum culture is a test to detect and identify bacteria or fungi that are infecting the lungs or breathing passages. Some types of bacteria or fungi grow quickly in a culture and some grow slowly. Test results may take from one day to several weeks, depending on the type of infection suspected. The most common harmful bacteria in a sputum culture are those that can cause bronchitis, pneumonia, or tuberculosis. If harmful bacteria or fungi grow, the culture is positive. If test results point to an infection, sensitivity testing may be done to determine the best antibiotic to kill the bacteria or fungus. <P> A sputum culture is done to: 1 Find and identify bacteria or fungi that are causing an infection (such as pneumonia or tuberculosis) of the lungs or the airways leading to the lungs. 2 Identify the best antibiotic to treat the infection (sensitivity testing). 3 Monitor treatment of an infection. Sputum is a thick fluid produced in the lungs and in the airways leading to the lungs. A sample of sputum is placed in a container with substances that promote the growth of bacteria or fungi. If no bacteria or fungi grow, the culture is negative. <P> A sputum culture is done to: 1 Find bacteria or fungi that are causing an infection of the lungs or the airways leading to the lungs. 2 Examples include pneumonia and tuberculosis. A sputum culture is done to: 1 Find bacteria or fungi that are causing an infection of the lungs or the airways leading to the lungs. 2 Find the best antibiotic to treat the infection. 3 See if treatment is working. <P> A bacterial sputum culture is used to detect and diagnose bacterial lower respiratory tract infections such as bacterial pneumonia or bronchitis. It is typically performed with a Gram stain to identify the bacteria causing a person's infection. <P> A sputum culture is done to: 1 Find and identify bacteria or fungi that are causing an infection (such as pneumonia or tuberculosis) of the lungs or the airways leading to the lungs. 2 Identify the best antibiotic to treat the infection (sensitivity testing). 3 Monitor treatment of an infection. The most common harmful bacteria in a sputum culture are those that can cause bronchitis, pneumonia, or tuberculosis. If harmful bacteria or fungi grow, the culture is positive. If test results point to an infection, sensitivity testing may be done to determine the best antibiotic to kill the bacteria or fungus. <P> Guide. A sputum culture is a test to detect and identify bacteria or fungi (plural of fungus) that are infecting the lungs or breathing passages. Sputum is a thick fluid produced in the lungs and in the airways leading to the lungs. A sample of sputum is placed in a container with substances that promote the growth of bacteria or fungi. If no bacteria or fungi grow, the culture is negative. If organisms that can cause infection grow, the culture is positive | A sputum culture is a test to detect and identify bacteria or fungi that infect the lungs or breathing passages. |
what causes the thyroid gland to enlarge | <P> 1 Pregnancy. 2 A hormone produced during pregnancy, human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG), may cause your thyroid gland to enlarge slightly. 3 Inflammation. 4 Thyroiditis is an inflammatory condition that can cause pain and swelling in the thyroid. 5 It may also cause an over-or underproduction of thyroxine. 1 Cancer of the thyroid often appears as an enlargement on one side of the thyroid. 2 Pregnancy. 3 A hormone produced during pregnancy, human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG), may cause your thyroid gland to enlarge slightly. 4 <P> 1 Lack of iodine in your diet can sometimes cause your thyroid gland to develop thyroid nodules. 2 But iodine deficiency is uncommon in the United States, where iodine is routinely added to table salt and other foods. 3 Overgrowth of normal thyroid tissue. 1 Goiter is a term used to describe any enlargement of the thyroid gland, which can be caused by iodine deficiency or a thyroid disorder. 2 A multinodular goiter contains multiple distinct nodules within the goiter, but its cause is less clear. <P> 1 Graves' disease. 2 Goiter can sometimes occur when your thyroid gland produces too much thyroid hormone (hyperthyroidism). 3 In Graves' disease, antibodies produced by your immune system mistakenly attack your thyroid gland, causing it to produce excess thyroxine. 4 This overstimulation causes the thyroid to swell. 1 Cancer of the thyroid often appears as an enlargement on one side of the thyroid. 2 Pregnancy. 3 A hormone produced during pregnancy, human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG), may cause your thyroid gland to enlarge slightly. 4 Inflammation. <P> 1 Multinodular goiter. 2 Goiter is a term used to describe any enlargement of the thyroid gland, which can be caused by iodine deficiency or a thyroid disorder. 3 A multinodular goiter contains multiple distinct nodules within the goiter, but its cause is less clear. 1 Goiter is a term used to describe any enlargement of the thyroid gland, which can be caused by iodine deficiency or a thyroid disorder. 2 <P> Thyroid disorders can range from a small, harmless goiter (enlarged gland) that needs no treatment to life-threatening cancer. The most common thyroid problems involve abnormal production of thyroid hormones. Too much thyroid hormone results in a condition known as hyperthyroidism. Since your body's energy production requires certain amounts of thyroid hormones, a drop in hormone production leads to lower energy levels. Causes of hypothyroidism include: 1 Hashimoto's thyroiditis: In this autoimmune disorder, the body attacks thyroid tissue. 2 The tissue eventually dies and stops producing hormones. <P> Hashimoto's disease is when the immune system causes damage to the thyroid and does not produce enough thyroid hormone. The pituitary gland produces more TSH, or thyroid stimulating hormone, to try to stimulate the thyroid, which can cause a goiter. <P> Even when it's enlarged, your thyroid may produce normal amounts of hormones. It might also, however, produce too much or too little thyroxine and T-3. A number of factors can cause your thyroid gland to enlarge. Among the most common are: Iodine deficiency. Iodine, which is essential for the production of thyroid hormones, is found primarily in seawater and in the soil in coastal areas. 1 Cancer of the thyroid often appears as an enlargement on one side of the thyroid. 2 Pregnancy. 3 A hormone produced during pregnancy, human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG), may cause your thyroid gland to enlarge slightly. 4 Inflammation. <P> The enlargement in the thyroid gland, also called as goiter, is often a symptom of a thyroid disease. Because causes of enlarged thyroid can depict several different conditions, such as thyroid cancer, you should be proactive in consulting a physician to book an immediate examination. Also know the causes that might have caused the enlargement in the thyroid gland. The thyroid gland is a small gland that can be found in the front portion of the neck that is responsible for producing hormones responsible for the regulation of the rate at which each and every cell in your body processes. <P> Several conditions can cause nodules to develop in your thyroid gland: 1 Iodine deficiency. 2 Lack of iodine in your diet can sometimes cause your thyroid gland to develop thyroid nodules. 3 But iodine deficiency is uncommon in the United States, where iodine is routinely added to table salt and other foods. 1 Goiter is a term used to describe any enlargement of the thyroid gland, which can be caused by iodine deficiency or a thyroid disorder. 2 A multinodular goiter contains multiple distinct nodules within the goiter, but its cause is less clear. <P> Symptom: Swollen Neck. A goiter is an enlargement of the thyroid gland, As shown here; an enlarged thyroid can be seen as a swelling in the front of the neck. A goiter can occur both as a result of hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism. It can sometimes also result from tumors or nodules that develop within the thyroid gland. Hashimoto's disease, an autoimmune condition, is the most common cause of hypothyroidism. In this case the immune system mistakenly targets and damages the thyroid gland, so not enough hormones are produced. Hashimoto’s disease is often inherited. | Iodine deficiency. |
ayaan muslim name meaning | <P> Find Ayaan meaning and definition at Hamariweb.com name dictionary a Best place to find your accurate name meanings in Urdu. Ayaan name reviews, Origin, gender, rating and many more about Ayaan. My one muslim friend name is also Ayaan and the meaning is also same in the religion of islam. He is a very charming person. I am Ayaan masood from dehli, I just tell you ayaan is a name of muslims, this is an arabic word. 1 1. 2 2. 3 3. 4 4. 5 5. 6 6. 7 Next <P> ; अयान. Name Ayaan generally means Gods Gift, is of Indian origin, Name Ayaan is a Masculine (or Boy) name. This name is shared across persons, who are either Muslim or Hindu by religion. Name Ayaan belongs to rashi Mesh (Aries) with dominant planet Mars (Mangal) and Nakshatra (stars) Krithika. <P> Ayaan. The baby boy name Ayaan comes from the Indian word which means, Unknown.. Unknown word which means, rays of rising sun.. Arabian word which means, A spring with multiple streams and sides...basically a dynamic spring... Quran word which means, This word Ayaan is in Quran, Chapter Number 27. Surah Al Naml, Verse Number 65 <P> yes ayaan is a male Muslim name whose meaning are Gift of God The word ayaan is an Arabic word mentioned in the holy Quran,it's used as a question tool. Some uses it as a … male name. 3 people found this useful. 1 Planning the Perfect Spa Day With Your Friends You work hard, and you sure play hard. Ayaan word is mentioned in Surah al naml(ants) verse number 65 in the holy Quran. it means the day of judgment, also the Arabic meaning is gift of god. its also a sanskrit word meaning speed. <P> yes ayaan is a male Muslim name whose meaning are Gift of God The word ayaan is an Arabic word mentioned in the holy Quran,it's used as a question tool. Some uses it as a … male name. 3 people found this useful. <P> Meaning of name Ayaan, Origin of name Ayaan, Personality of name Ayaan, Gallery of Cute Indian Baby Pictures of Ayaan and adorable Baby boy Photos of Ayaan. All this and lots more... If you believe in Numerology, click to see if the name Ayaan is lucky! <P> You have searched for Ayan meaning in urdu or آیان meaning in english in muslim baby name databasae, remember names selection is very important in the life of every muslim family with new born babies, so choose the best names according to meaning, history and characteristics associated with each n | Gods Gift |
what is wasp services | <P> A Wireless Application Service Provider (WASP) is a company that provides services such as bulk SMS, USSD, IVR, PRSMS and MMS to the public. We have a number of different WASPs. Each WASP is a separate partner that specialises in a certain service. WASPs are required to clearly state the charges for their premium rated services. However, MTN will present an advice of charge to its customers whenever they dial a premium rated USSD code. <P> Vodacom. Vodacom users can unsubcribe from all WASP services by sending “STOP ALL” to 30333. Should you be subscribed to WASP services, you should receive the response “Your Vodacom request to delete all WASP service has been logged”. According to Vodacom, you should then receive messages of the format, “You have been unsubscribed from ‘SERVICE’ with effect from ‘DATE’”. Along with the unveiling of its new double opt-in systems, Cell C and MTN also launched ways for their users to manage their content subscriptions. Previously subscribers had no way to prevent a WASP from charging their cellular accounts, or to unsubscribe from premium content services without first contacting the WASP. Vodacom also has a method to manage WASP subscriptions in the form of an SMS command to unsubscribe from everything <P> The WASP will be liable for the cost of an SMS sent by the customer from opt-out of their services. The Reverse Billed SMS will also provide a solution where a customer will send a SMS to a corporate customer or application and the SMS will be charged to the WASP or corporate customer who owns the B-number/MT number. WASPs are required to clearly state the charges for their premium rated services. However, MTN will present an advice of charge to its customers whenever they dial a premium rated USSD code. <P> A wasp is any insect of the order Hymenoptera and suborder Apocrita that is neither a bee nor an ant. This means that wasps are paraphyletic with respect to bees and ants, and that all three groups are descended from a common ancestor; the Apocrita form a clade. The largest social wasp is the Asian giant hornet, at up to 5 centimetres (2.0 in) in length; among the largest solitary wasps is the giant scoliid of Indonesia, Megascolia procer. The smallest wasps are solitary chalcid wasps in the family Trichogrammatidae, some of which are just 0.2 millimetres (0.008 in) in length. <P> IBM MobileFirst. IBM MobileFirst Platform is a group of products designed to simplify and accelerate mobile adoption by offering mobile ... See complete definition. Windows universal app. A Windows universal app is an application written in the Windows 8 or Windows 10 codebase that enables them to run not just on ... Although the business world is increasingly mobile, many corporations are resisting the idea of wireless communication, because of concerns about set-up and maintenance costs and the need for in-house expertise. WASPs offer businesses the advantages of wireless service with less expense and fewer risks. <P> A wireless application service provider (WASP) is part of a growing industry sector resulting from the convergence of two trends: wireless communications and the outsourcing of services. Although the business world is increasingly mobile, many corporations are resisting the idea of wireless communication, because of concerns about set-up and maintenance costs and the need for in-house expertise. WASPs offer businesses the advantages of wireless service with less expense and fewer risks. <P> A WASP performs the same service for wireless clients as a regular application service provider (ASP) does for wired clients: it provides Web-based access to applications and services that would otherwise have to be stored locally. Although the business world is increasingly mobile, many corporations are resisting the idea of wireless communication, because of concerns about set-up and maintenance costs and the need for in-house expertise. WASPs offer businesses the advantages of wireless service with less expense and fewer risks. <P> In South Africa, Vodacom, MTN and Cell C have put in place WASP subscription management options to allow consumers to block and unsubscribe from premium rated content billing services from their cellphones. These mobile subscription services are run by WASPs or via a third party using a WASP to deliver mobile content. For Telkom Mobile, you will need to contact their call centre to cancel any subscription. Vodacom. 1 To unsubscribe from all WASP services send an SMS with “STOP ALL” to 30333. 2 If you are subscribed to WASP services, you then should receive the SMS response: “Your Vodacom request to delete all WASP service has been logged” <P> A Vodacom WASP creates and distributes mobile content to subscribers via our network and infrastructure WASPs can generate revenue by providing premium content that subscribers are willing to pay for, such as: 1 Ringtones. 1 The services you plan to offer as a WASP must comply with certain specifications and standards, and we can. 2 Refer you to companies that can assist with developing your concept into a service. 3 Enable you to get your service operational as soon as possible using our set of standard specifications and processes. | It is part of a growing industry sector resulting from the convergence of two trends: wireless communications and the outsourcing of services. |
what should the temperature be in a freezer | <P> The temperature of the food is critical and should be constant. The air temperature can increase because of door openings, but the food should be able to maintain temperature. Defrost cycles can significantly increase the air temperature also. If the air can not circulate freely in the box, there may be warm spots. Ice Cream needs to be below about 5 degrees to be solid. The colder the freezer temperature, the longer the food can be stored. As a technician, I have always used 0 degrees F as a goal. That leaves a good size safety margin. <P> All freezers should be in the 0 to 8 degrees Fahrenheit (approximately -18 degrees to -13 degrees Celsius) range. However, when you first turn on the freezer, or put a lot of food into it, it may take up to 24 hours for the freezer to reach this temperature range. <P> Normally a domestic freezer is best set to −18 °C (0 °F) or colder, as that's what the expiration dates for many food items are based on. It's also a requirement for freezers in restaurants, supermarkets & other places that sell food (at least here in Europe) to maintain a temperature of at most -18 °C. A general purpose domestic fridge should be at around 1-4 °C (so, just above the freezing point, and below 5 °C). If you keep potatoes in the fridge they should not be stored at temperatures below 7 °C (45 °F). If, that is, you intend to use them for roasting for frying. At lower temperatures the starch in the potato breaks down giving a burnt look and a bitter taste after roasting. <P> Turns out the temperature at which food freezes and the freezer temperature it should be stored at can be two different things. Even if your freezer seems to be doing its job, you should know the correct temperature to set it to! To make sure your freezer is running at the correct temperature, get a freezer thermometer to monitor the temperature, and make sure you defrost your freezer every once in awhile to make sure it's running efficiently. <P> 1 Keep the refrigerator temperature at or below 40° F (4° C). 2 The freezer temperature should be 0° F (-18° C). 3 Check temperatures periodically. 4 Appliance thermometers are the best way of knowing these temperatures and are generally inexpensive. 1 If an appliance thermometer was kept in the freezer, check the temperature when the power comes back on. 2 If the freezer thermometer reads 40°F or below, the food is safe and may be refrozen. 3 If a thermometer has not been kept in the freezer, check each package of food to determine its safety. <P> The ideal freezer temperature is 0 Fahrenheit (-18 Celsius) for storing food. And -10 Fahrenheit (-23 Celsius) is recommended when freezing food. The faster food freezes the smaller the ice crystals. The smaller the ice crystals the smaller the change in texture and better quality when thawed. <P> 1 Also, when putting food away, don't crowd the refrigerator or freezer so tightly that air can't circulate. 2 Keep your appliances at the proper temperatures. 3 Keep the refrigerator temperature at or below 40° F (4° C). 4 The freezer temperature should be 0° F (-18° C). 5 Check temperatures periodically. 1 If an appliance thermometer was kept in the freezer, check the temperature when the power comes back on. 2 If the freezer thermometer reads 40°F or below, the food is safe and may be refrozen. 3 If a thermometer has not been kept in the freezer, check each package of food to determine its safety. | 0 to 8 degrees Fahrenheit. |
what is sedentary | <P> Sedentary behaviour refers to any waking activity characterized by an energy expenditure ≤ 1.5 metabolic equivalents and a sitting or reclining posture. In general this means that any time a person is sitting or lying down, they are engaging in sedentary behaviour. <P> The Energy Expenditure Continuum. Sedentary behaviour refers to any waking activity characterized by an energy expenditure ≤ 1.5 metabolic equivalents and a sitting or reclining posture. In general this means that any time a person is sitting or lying down, they are engaging in sedentary behaviour. <P> A lifestyle involving little exercise, even of the least strenuous type. Sedentary living is associated with weight gain, obesity, type 2 diabetes mellitus, and, in many studies, an increased risk of coronary artery disease. <P> A sedentary lifestyle is a type of lifestyle with no or irregular physical activity. A person who lives a sedentary lifestyle may colloquially be known as a slob or couch potato. It is commonly found in both the developed and developing world. Sedentary activities include sitting, reading, watching television, playing video games, and computer use for much of the day with little or no vigorous physical exercise. A sedentary lifestyle can contribute to many preventable causes of death. <P> First, you may be wondering what we are referring to when we mention a sedentary lifestyle. A sedentary lifestyle is defined as a type of lifestyle where an individual does not receive regular amounts of physical activity. <P> sedentary. adj. 1. characterized by or requiring a sitting position: sedentary work. 2. tending to sit about without taking much exercise. | A sedentary lifestyle is a type of lifestyle with no or irregular physical activity. |
how to raise a credit score fast | <P> How Fast You Can Raise Your Credit Score. Most payments on a line of credit take anywhere from one to six months to show up on your report, depending on when the lender sends the information to the credit bureaus. Your credit score is a reflection of your ability to make payments on a line of credit. Simply put, it shows how well you can be trusted with money. If you have a high credit score, that means that you have taken the steps necessary to make payments on a loan or credit card. <P> How to raise your credit score fast quickly free 20 50 100 points in less than 30 days, 60 days, 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 months or 1 year. The absolute fastest way to raise your credit score Reduce your debt to credit limit ratio or Credit Utilization ratio. Pay off or r educe the balances owed to less then 79% best if less than 30% or paid off in full. Raise credit score 15 - 100 points in less than 30 days or 1 month. Here are 6 different areas of your credit score that can be disputed to raise your credit score instantly. 1 B ad credit that isn't yours. 2 Inaccurate dates or date records, date opened do, date of last activity dola, date of last delinquency dold <P> If you want to use credit or get a loan someday, you should work on raising your credit score. It can take a while to earn a good credit standing, and for the most part, that's how the game is played: with patience and good behavior. But there are a few tricks to make it easier or faster to increase your credit score. Pay Often. To get a great credit score, you should use as little of your available credit as possible — many experts recommend keeping your credit utilization lower than 30%, and 10% is even better. That's a huge bummer if your only credit card has something like a $500 limit <P> Increase your credit limits. The first simple and fast tip to raising your credit score is by increasing your credit card limits. If your balance is $4900 on your $5000 limit card, your balance to credit ratio is nearly 100%. By raising your limit to say $8000, your score will jump because you now don’t look as stretched on your report. You have free credit available. <P> The fastest way to raise your credit score is by reducing your balance to credit ratio. For example, if you have a $5000 limit credit card, but owe $4900, that will kill your score. Reducing that balance down to 0 or even $1000, would likely cause a jump of 40+ points or more in your score. If your balance is $4900 on your $5000 limit card, your balance to credit ratio is nearly 100%. By raising your limit to say $8000, your score will jump because you now don’t look as stretched on your report. You have free credit available. <P> But if you’re trying to boost your credit score quickly, you should start by paying off the credit card with the lowest available credit limit. For example, say you have two credit cards. One credit card has a $1,600 limit with a $400 balance, which means 25 percent of your available credit is being used. Ask for a credit line increase. Your credit utilization ratio, mentioned briefly above, is something lenders use to see how you’re managing your available credit. For example, if you have a $15,000 available credit limit and a $400 balance, you’re utilizing little of your available credit, so you look strong. <P> 2. Pay Often. To get a great credit score, you should use as little of your available credit as possible — many experts recommend keeping your credit utilization lower than 30%, and 10% is even better. That's a huge bummer if your only credit card has something like a $500 limit | The fastest way to raise your credit score is by reducing your balance to credit ratio. |
why did the renaissance happen | <P> The Renaissance happened because people started reading ancient texts and looking at ancient art. They then thought that they should create such as well, and used these ancien … t arts as their influence as well as creating their own, new forms of art. The renaissance happened mainly because the black death killed alot of workers so commoners could get good paying jobs. Because people had money now they could buy things like art or go to plays. Now people who made art and plays got more money and the renaissance began <P> The start of the Renaissance also was the end of the Middle Ages. Humanism. One of the big changes in the Renaissance was in the basic way people thought about things. In the Middle Ages people thought that life was supposed to be hard. He was a scholar and a poet who lived in Florence in the 1300s. He studied poets and philosophers from Ancient Rome such as Cicero and Virgil. His ideas and poetry became an inspiration to many writers and poets throughout all of Europe as the Renaissance spread. <P> The Renaissance began in Italy around the 14th century up to the 17th century because people want to practice the revival of new art forms, educational learning, spread of religion and great arcitecture of neoclassicalism. I think it was founded right after the Dark Ages. spinoc666 · 8 years ago. Thumbs up. Best Answer: Leonardo DiCipria started it when he first painted Michalangelo's David. He was angry that he was not very good as either a painter or a sculptor. (Michaelangelo was livid that some upstart #@*%$# painted his precious statue and sued to have to sandblasted clean <P> The Renaissance (UK /rɨˈneɪsəns/ , US /ˈrɛnɨsɑːns/) is a period in Europe, from the 14th to the 17th century, considered the bridge between the Middle Ages and modern history. In the 15th century, the Renaissance spread with great speed from its birthplace in Florence, first to the rest of Italy, and soon to the rest of Europe. The invention of the printing press by German printer Johannes Gutenberg allowed the rapid transmission of these new ideas. <P> During the Harlem Renaissance, African-American artists such as Langston Hughes, Countee Cullen, Claude McKay, Zora Neale Hurston, and Jean Toomer revolutionized literature with their innovative forms and unique subjects. <P> Posted on. (Answer #1). The Renaissance was a cultural movement that started in Florence but spread throughout Europe. It started roughly in the 14th century and lasted until the 17th century. It started at different times in different places so there isn't really a specific date that it started. The Renaissance is considered to have begun in Florence, Italy around the year 1350. The beginning of the Renaissance is also considered the end of the Middle Ages. The Renaissance was a cultural movement that was characterized by a philosophical and ethical position called Humanism. | Because the black death killed alot of workers so commoners could get good paying jobs. |
what is hypergranulation tissue | <P> Hypergranulation (or overgranulation) is an excess of granulation tissue beyond the amount required to replace the tissue deficit incurred as a result of skin injury or wounding. <P> Hypergranulation or proud tissue is an overgrowth of granulation tissue above the height or border of the skin edge. It is unclear why this process actually happens in wounds. Hypergranulation tissue is usually friable and bleeds and must be dealt with. Angiogenesis is the process by which new blood vessels form, bringing in tiny capilarry buds that appear as granular tissue. Granulation tissue sets the stage for epithelial tissue to be laid down on top of the wound bed. <P> Granulation tissue is new connective tissue and tiny blood vessels that form on the surfaces of a wound during the healing process. Granulation tissue typically grows from the base of a wound and is able to fill wounds of almost any size. Granulation tissue is composed of tissue matrix supporting a variety of cell types, most of which can be associated with one of the following functions: 1 formation of extracellular matrix, 2 operation of the immune system, or. <P> Making the world better, one answer at a time. Granulation tissue is a kind of tissue generated in a healing wound to both break down damaged tissue and to help prevent infection, however, sometimes growth of granulation tissue can be too robust. An excess of granulation tissue is informally known in the medical community as proud flesh. <P> 10 most extreme places on Earth. Granulation tissue is collagen-rich tissue which forms at the site of an injury. As the body heals, this tissue fills in the injury, and may eventually scar over. The scar may fade over time, especially if the wound is small. Sometimes, granulation tissue can form inside the body and cause difficulties with swallowing. The development of excess granulation tissue may require surgery. The appearance of scar tissue on the face, neck and chest may be lessened through dermabrasion. <P> Main Image: Granulation tissue is formed at the site of an injury and is composed of rich collagen. Slowly as the injury tries to heal, this tissue fills up the space and leaves a mark or scar at the place of injury. This scar many times fades away or can be dimmed by using various scar removing or lightening creams. Granulation tissue is mostly composed of new blood vessels and fibroblasts and also tissue matrix due to which it can support different cell types. Fibroblasts is the main modifier of granulation tissue and at the start comprises of type III collagen network which is mostly weak. <P> A catheter can cause the formation of granulation tissue. Granulation tissues may develop in result of injury to the trachea, causing breathing problems. Sometimes, granulation tissue can form inside the body and cause difficulties with swallowing. The development of excess granulation tissue may require surgery. The appearance of scar tissue on the face, neck and chest may be lessened through dermabrasion. <P> Tissue granulation is a process by which fibrous tissue rich with blood capillaries replaces blood clots formed at the site of a healing wound. Through this process, healthy and normal skin is able to replace skin that was damaged. The tissue that forms over a wound during this process is called granulation tissue. The tissue that forms usually has a light pink color and a relatively rough texture; it is also quite moist and tends to be bumpy in appearance. Vascular tissue, which carries blood, is essential and forms as a part of granulation tissue with the purpose of carrying a sufficient supply of blood to the newly forming tissue. With these and other components, tissue granulation helps protect and rebuild broken skin. Ad. | Usually friable and bleeds and must be dealt with.ngiogenesis is the process by which new blood vessels form, bringing in tiny capilarry buds that appear as granular tissue. |
types of childhood cancer treatment | <P> Leukemias, which are cancers of the bone marrow and blood, are the most common childhood cancers. They account for about 30% of all cancers in children. The most common types in children are acute lymphocytic leukemia (ALL) and acute myelogenous leukemia (AML). <P> Treatments are chosen for childhood cancers based mainly on the type and stage (extent) of the cancer. Treatment options might include surgery, radiation therapy, chemotherapy, and/or other types of treatment. In many cases, more than one of these treatments is used. <P> Types of Treatment. There are many types of cancer treatment. The types of treatment that a child with cancer receives will depend on the type of cancer and how advanced it is. Common treatments include: surgery, chemotherapy, radiation therapy, immunotherapy, and stem cell transplant. Learn about these and other therapies in our Types of Treatment section. NCI’s PDQ® pediatric treatment cancer information summaries explain treatment options for all children’s cancers. <P> Descriptions of the most common treatment options for childhood cancer are listed below. The treatment of childhood cancer depends on several factors, including the type and stage of cancer, possible side effects, the family’s preferences, and the child’s overall health. <P> Leukemias. Leukemia is the most-common type of childhood cancer, accounting for approximately 25 percent of all childhood cancers. Leukemia and other diseases of the blood and bone marrow may affect red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets. | Common treatments include: surgery, chemotherapy, radiation therapy, immunotherapy, and stem cell transplant. |
what is the structure of an osteon | <P> The osteon is the primary structure that makes up the hard outer layer of bones, which is generally known as “ cortical bone .” Cortical bone, or compact bone, is dense, mature bone found in vertebrates such as mammals, amphibians, reptiles, and birds. It is this dense hard layer that gives a person or animal strength. <P> The basic unit of Compact Bone is an osteon , which is also known as a Haversian System . Each Haversian System (unit) has a cylindrical structure that consists of four parts: 1 A central tube called a Haversian Canal, which contains blood vessels and nerves. <P> Compact Bone. Compact bone consists of closely packed osteons or haversian systems. The osteon consists of a central canal called the osteonic (haversian) canal, which is surrounded by concentric rings (lamellae) of matrix. Between the rings of matrix, the bone cells (osteocytes) are located in spaces called lacunae. <P> Each osteon consists of concentric layers, or lamellae, of compact bone tissue that surround a central canal, the Haversian canal. The Haversian canal contains the bone’s nerve and blood supplies. The osteon, or Haversian system, is the fundamental functional unit of much compact bone. Osteons, roughly cylindrical structures that are typically several millimeters long and around 0.2 mm in diameter. <P> Each osteon consists of concentric layers, or lamellae, of compact bone tissue that surround a central canal, the haversian canal. The haversian canal contains the bone's blood supplies. The boundary of an osteon is the cement line. | The osteon is the primary structure that makes up the hard outer layer of bones, which is generally known as “ cortical bone . |
who is the star who plays lucifer on the tv show lucifer | <P> Fox has the green light for a new drama. Lucifer will be a television drama centered around the prince of darkness. Lucifer is Satan who doesn’t wear a red suit and carry a pitchfork in the series. Satan will be portrayed as the owner of a nightclub and a flirtatious ladies’ man, according to All Christian News. <P> Nathalie Caron. Tue, Mar 10, 2015 6:40pm. The cast for Fox’s upcoming Lucifer TV series is shaping up nicely, as Chicago Fire ’s Lauren German has just been cast in the role of Chloe Dancer, whom Deadline describes as an “LAPD homicide detective who finds herself both repulsed and fascinated by Lucifer. <P> This brings us to Lucifer, a supernatural crime drama based on the character created by Neil Gaiman and given his own spinoff comic book series by Mike Carey. The TV show will stick to the roots of the original comic: the Devil gets sick of Hell and abandons his post in favor of running a piano bar in Los Angeles. <P> Lucifer (also known as Satan or The Devil) is a character appearing in the TV series Supernatural. He was the bigger bad of Season 4 (due to controlling Lilith and the other villains), the main antagonist of Season 5 and one of the secondary antagonists (as a hallucination) in Season 7. <P> Lucifer, also known as The Devil, The Morning Star, and Satan, is a fallen archangel. He is presumably the former ruler of Hell and the creator of demons, seen by them as a father figure and their God. As the second-born archangel, he is the younger brother of Michael and the older brother of Raphael and Gabriel. <P> The TV show will also add the twist of having Lucifer use his demonic powers to help the L.A.P.D. solve crimes. The first trailer for Lucifer, which stars British actor Tom Ellis in a lead role that Gaiman describes as “ a sexy mad bad Dr Who ,” has now been released by Fox. | Tom Ellis |
dubai coastline is situated in which sea and ocean | <P> East. Dubai is located on the Persian Gulf, in the northeast of the United Arab Emirates. Dubai is the second largest emirate with an urban area of 3885 sq km and the city is roughly 35 sq km. However it will expand to twice that size with the addition of the man-made islands; the Waterfront, the three Palms, the World, the Universe, Dubailand, as well as the construction in the desert. <P> Dubai is situated on the Persian Gulf coast of the United Arab Emirates and is roughly at sea level (16 m or 52 ft above). The emirate of Dubai shares borders with Abu Dhabi in the south, Sharjah in the northeast, and the Sultanate of Oman in the southeast. Dubai has emerged as a global city and business hub of the Middle East. It is also a major transport hub for passengers and cargo. By the 1960s Dubai's economy was based on revenues from trade and, to a smaller extent, oil exploration concessions, but oil was not discovered until 1966. <P> The Palm Islands are located off the coast of The UAE in the Persian Gulf and will add 520 kilometers of beaches to the city of Dubai. The first two islands will comprise of approximately 100 million cubic meters of rock and sand. The first island is the Palm Jumeirah, Jebel Ali Palm second and the third is the Palm Deira which is the biggest of them all. This artificial archipelago located off the coastline of United Arab Emirates in Persian Gulf. Dubai islands project was commissioned by Sheikh Mohammed in an effort to maximize beachfront property. Dubai's palm tree-shaped resort island on land built from the sea will contribute 120 km of beaches <P> Dubai (/duːˈbaɪ/ doo-BY; Arabic: دبي Dubayy, [dʊˈbɑj]) is the most populous city in the United Arab Emirates (UAE). It is located on the southeast coast of the Persian Gulf and is one of the seven emirates that make up the country. Abu Dhabi and Dubai are the only two emirates to have veto power over critical matters of national importance in the country's legislature. Dubai has emerged as a global city and business hub of the Middle East. It is also a major transport hub for passengers and cargo. By the 1960s Dubai's economy was based on revenues from trade and, to a smaller extent, oil exploration concessions, but oil was not discovered until 1966. <P> Dubai City is located on the shores of the Persian Gulf. It is the capital of Dubai which is one of seven Emirates or states that form a country known as the United Arab Emirates. The 'Emirate of Dubai' is about the size of America's Rhode Island. Dubai City does not have a particularly long history. <P> Dubai is situated on the Persian Gulf coast of the United Arab Emirates. Apart from being a city, it also forms one of the seven emirates of the country. It is roughly at sea level (16 m or 52 ft above). The emirate of Dubai shares borders with Abu Dhabi in the south, Sharjah in the northeast, and the Sultanate of Oman in the southeast. <P> 7) Dubai is located on the Persian Gulf and it shares a border with Abu Dhabi to the south, Sharjah to the north and Oman to the southeast. Dubai also has an exclave called Hatta which is located about 71 miles (115 km) east of Dubai in the Hajjar Mountains. Dubai is the largest emirate based on population of the United Arab Emirates. As of 2008, Dubai had a population of 2,262,000. It is also the second largest emirate (behind Abu Dhabi) based on land area. Dubai is located along the Persian Gulf and it is considered to be within the Arabian Desert (map) <P> By Amanda Briney. Dubai is the largest emirate based on population of the United Arab Emirates. As of 2008, Dubai had a population of 2,262,000. It is also the second largest emirate (behind Abu Dhabi) based on land area. Dubai is located along the Persian Gulf and it is considered to be within the Arabian Desert (map) | Situated on the Persian Gulf coast of the United Arab Emirates, at sea level (16 m or 52 ft above). |
how to create a live application status dashboard | <P> Or, if you want to create a robust dashboard that contains multiple scorecards, reports, and filters, you might want to create a PerformancePoint dashboard. Use the following table to select the dashboard creation tool that meets your business needs: Item. Tool/Application. Help Resources and Documentation. Create a dashboard. Using Microsoft SharePoint Server 2010, you have several tools available to create dashboards. For example, you can create dashboards by using PerformancePoint Dashboard Designer, or by using SharePoint Server to create a Web Part page. The tool that you select depends on several factors, such as user needs. For example, if you want to create a simple dashboard for an individual or a small group, you might want to create a Web Part page and add status indicators and a Chart Web Part to it <P> To check the overall status of a web application using the Summary Dashboard. In the Operations Manager console, in the navigation pane, click the Monitoring button, and then click Application Monitoring. Expand Web Application Availability Monitoring, and then click Active Alerts, Test State, or Web Application Status to display alerts or status for the category. 1 For example, if you sort by Context, this groups the list by web applications, so you can see the state of the tests for each web application. 2 Web Application Status displays the worst rollup of tests for each web application. 3 This is a quick way to check whether an application is having any issues. <P> If you want to check to see if an application is available, the Summary Dashboard is a helpful view. It displays a world map, the locations you are monitoring from, and the rollup test status from each location. You can then click the location or select several locations to compare. 1 For example, if you sort by Context, this groups the list by web applications, so you can see the state of the tests for each web application. 2 Web Application Status displays the worst rollup of tests for each web application. 3 This is a quick way to check whether an application is having any issues. <P> About. Stashboard is a status dashboard for APIs and software services. It's similar to the Amazon AWS Status Page or the Google Apps Status Page. Stashboard was originally written by Twilio to provide status information on its Voice and SMS APIs. Stashboard is designed to provide a generic status dashboard for any hosted service or API. The code can be downloaded, customized, and run on any Google App Engine account. 1 Track multiple different API or SaaS services. Once your application is registered, open app.yaml in the Stashboard directory and change application-id to the name of your newly created application. Hit the 'Deploy' button, wait a couple of seconds, and then navigate to http://{app-name}.appspot.com to enjoy your new status dashboard. <P> Please try again later. This tutorial describes the simple and quick process of how to turn a complex dashboard (in this case for Global Consumption of Electricity) into an interactive web application in just a few minutes using SpreadsheetWEB! For more information visit www.spreadsheetweb.com. <P> Create and publish a status dashboard on our platform and share it with your customers. Whenever your services experience a degradation of service or scheduled maintenance activity, you communicate with your customers through your status dashboard. <P> SharePoint Server enables you to create and use dashboards that provide up-to-date information in a centrally managed, easily accessed location. You can use SharePoint Server tools to create and use dashboards that are suitable for an individual, team, group, or the entire organization. Create a dashboard. Using Microsoft SharePoint Server 2010, you have several tools available to create dashboards. For example, you can create dashboards by using PerformancePoint Dashboard Designer, or by using SharePoint Server to create a Web Part page. The tool that you select depends on several factors, such as user needs. For example, if you want to create a simple dashboard for an individual or a small group, you might want to create a Web Part page and add status indicators and a Chart Web Part to it <P> Services are the basic unit of Stashboard. A service is any web service that can be consumed, and more importantly, can fail. Using Stashboard, you can easily inform your users of the current service status. To handle system status, Stashboard uses the concept of events. Once your application is registered, open app.yaml in the Stashboard directory and change application-id to the name of your newly created application. Hit the 'Deploy' button, wait a couple of seconds, and then navigate to http://{app-name}.appspot.com to enjoy your new status dashboard. <P> The Application Virtualization Dashboard uses SharePoint Web parts to manage and display data sets: 1 Microsoft Dashboard Configuration Web Part. 2 Use this Web part to create and modify the SQL queries that produce the data sets and the other properties that govern how the Dashboard displays the data sets. 1 | In the Operations Manager console, in the navigation pane, click the Monitoring button, and then click Application Monitoring.Expand Web Application Availability Monitoring, and then click Active Alerts, Test State, or Web Application Status to display alerts or status for the category. |
teachers salary per hour in us | <P> According to the BLS, in 2013, elementary school teachers earned a median average salary of $53,590. The best-paid earned about $83,600, while the lowest-paid made approximately $35,760. <P> According to the OECD report, the total working time for a late-high school teacher in the United States is 1,960 hours per year. The only country with a higher total is Chile, at 1,971 hours. Unfortunately, the extra time doesn't necessarily translate into better salaries for U.S. teachers. <P> Instructing very young children isn’t as lucrative as teaching preteens or teenagers. A preschool teacher earned a median salary of $27,570 in 2013. The profession’s top salaries were more than $49,660 a year, while the lowest salaries were $18,420 or less. Child day care services tend to employ the most preschool teachers, while elementary and secondary schools tend to pay them the best. <P> Salary Outlook. According to the BLS, in 2013, elementary school teachers earned a median average salary of $53,590. The best-paid earned about $83,600, while the lowest-paid made approximately $35,760. <P> According to the BLS, the average secondary school teacher in the U.S. earns an annual salary of $56,760. A 40-hour work week employee would have to earn $27.28 per hour to earn as much over the course of a year. In some areas, teacher's unions enter into collective bargaining agreements with school districts. <P> For example the median expected annual pay for a typical Teacher Elementary School in the United States is $26 an hour, so 50% of the people who perform the job of Teacher Elementary School in the United States are expected to make less than $26. Source: HR Reported data as of October 2015. 1 Salary. 2 Salary + Bonus. | $27.28 per hour |
what is the deepest lake in california | <P> Lake Tahoe is the second-deepest lake in the United States. In terms of area covered, the largest lake in California is the Salton Sea, a lake formed in 1905 which is now saline. <P> Tucked into the Sierra Nevada Mountains and straddling the California-Nevada state line, Lake Tahoe is one of the most famous lakes in the United States. It's the second deepest lake in the country (only Crater Lake in Oregon is deeper), and was home to the area's 1960 Squaw Valley Winter Olympics. <P> 1,645. Tucked into the Sierra Nevada Mountains and straddling the California-Nevada state line, Lake Tahoe is one of the most famous lakes in the United States. It's the second deepest lake in the country (only Crater Lake in Oregon is deeper), and was home to the area's 1960 Squaw Valley Winter Olympics. ... <P> 1,943. Crater Lake is on the crest of the Cascade Range in southern Oregon, about 100 miles from the ocean, and is the centerpiece of Crater Lake National Park. Crater Lake's gorgeous deep blue water highlights its amazing depth of 1943 feet-the deepest lake in the United States and seventh deepest freshwater ... <P> Lake Baikal in southern Russia is the world's deepest lake. It is 5,314 feet deep (1,637 meters) and it's bottom is at 4,215 feet (1,285 meters) below sea level. <P> A maximum depth of 1,645 feet in Crystal Bay makes Tahoe the second deepest lake in the USA, third deepest in North America and 11 th deepest in the world. The elevation of Carson City, Nevada is 85 feet higher than the deepest part of Lake Tahoe. <P> The second deepest lake in North America is Crater Lake in Oregon. This lake has a maximum depth of 1,949 feet. Crater Lake began forming when an ancient volcano collapsed about 8,000 years ago, leaving behind a deep, bowl-shaped caldera. <P> Lake Tahoe is the second deepest lake in the United States and the tenth deepest in the world, with a maximum depth measured at 1,645 ft (501 m), average depth of 1,000 ft (305 m). | Lake Tahoe |
Subsets and Splits