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has determined the orientation of antracene moiecules in thelattice of Its mono-crystals.For example, using tne above method, N. D. ZnevandrovIn relation to the molecule axes.How the Smrnetry of Molecules Affect the Magnitude of theTermlnal folarlzation of Luminescence.in those cases when the solution Is highly viscous, andall the outside depolarizing faetors have been eliminated, theluminescence polarization Po is at its maximum, and Is calledthe "T*erminal Polarization". | https://docs-lawep.s3.us-east-2.amazonaws.com/1709799757321.pdf | https://apps.dtic.mil/sti/pdfs/AD0632799.pdf | Central African Republic |
turned out that value of theIt terminal polarization is determined by the synnetry of molecules;the more symetrical the molecule the lower is the value of *tiecorresponding Po.
For instance, for flat moieciles with an ,(cid:127).xlsof sysetry of the "nw- order, at 900 to their s-a'faCe:?a when rX 2 Po when r>.
2((2.5Thus, If a flat molecule has a symmetry axis of the tnirdorder, Its Po It 0.l4.
For non-syimetrical molecules and thosewith a symattry axis of the second order, Po 4 0.5. | https://docs-lawep.s3.us-east-2.amazonaws.com/1709799757321.pdf | https://apps.dtic.mil/sti/pdfs/AD0632799.pdf | Central African Republic |
For e.(cid:127)ample,60 molecules of benzene have a symetry axis of the sixtn order,and their Po(cid:127) 0.08; molecules of the 3.6-diaminoacridine havea syymetry axis of the second order, and for their so;ution thePo- 0.
(cid:127)00.Polarization Disaram.
The elementary emitters of absorp-tion and emission, not always can be compared to linear dipoles.In taow cases, they have cnaracteristics of an electric quadru-pole or a magnetiddipole. | https://docs-lawep.s3.us-east-2.amazonaws.com/1709799757321.pdf | https://apps.dtic.mil/sti/pdfs/AD0632799.pdf | Central African Republic |
Vavilov suggested tnat the multi-polarity of elementary emitters should be determined by thepolarization diagram which represent the polarization oflvainescenee as a function of botn the direction of observationstad position of the exciting light electric vector.-I , I , , Pig.
Observing the poarization diagrm(cid:127)m of pnotoluainescence."
characterissa thePig. | https://docs-lawep.s3.us-east-2.amazonaws.com/1709799757321.pdf | https://apps.dtic.mil/sti/pdfs/AD0632799.pdf | Central African Republic |
characterissa thePig.
206 shows the method ofobserving polarization diagrams.Angle oscillation gradient of theelectric vector In relation tothe vertical axis; angle W "characterizes the direction ofobservation in relation to pro-pgation direction of the excit-Ing light rays.
Having measuredthe degrree of polarization fordifferent values of angles "and " ".
we will plot the polar-Ization diagrams.
Fig. | https://docs-lawep.s3.us-east-2.amazonaws.com/1709799757321.pdf | https://apps.dtic.mil/sti/pdfs/AD0632799.pdf | Central African Republic |
we will plot the polar-Ization diagrams.
207 showsthe polarization diagramsP- f (X) %~- 0 and j) and P- f (x-0 andIF),calculated by V avilov for various combinations of elementaryemitters similar to electric dipoles and quadrupole&. | https://docs-lawep.s3.us-east-2.amazonaws.com/1709799757321.pdf | https://apps.dtic.mil/sti/pdfs/AD0632799.pdf | Central African Republic |
As wecan see, the diagram are very specific, and can be used forestablishing the nature of elementary emitters of the absorp-tion and emission.The method of polarization diagram can be applied forsolving the problem of multi-polarity of elementary emittersnr.t Just In molecules but also in crystals.
when exciting radiance of cubical fluorite (CaP2) crystalsIn zone of the first absorption bond, absorption and emission cab be defined by electric l1reardipoles. | https://docs-lawep.s3.us-east-2.amazonaws.com/1709799757321.pdf | https://apps.dtic.mil/sti/pdfs/AD0632799.pdf | Central African Republic |
can be more oomplex.In other cases, the nature of elementary emittersthe processes of koOthFor example,61 -z -mP~Pd ----- " ..--,*• r , / , • al.4S~~4f'I~4 .3353so Fig.
Polarization Diagrams of v6r4ous~and variously orientedelementary electric e,,itters.
Solid curves- when the respectiveaxes of absorbing and emitting oscillators are parallel; dottedcurves- when the axes are at right angle to each other.olarla2at7on readinga Deter-mination of Molecular Volumes and "I;". | https://docs-lawep.s3.us-east-2.amazonaws.com/1709799757321.pdf | https://apps.dtic.mil/sti/pdfs/AD0632799.pdf | Central African Republic |
Having thewe can determine the voluar of unvesli-gated molecules.
cut bl Levshin and Perenne:The calculation Is based on a fomule wor~ed- --- -* -. | https://docs-lawep.s3.us-east-2.amazonaws.com/1709799757321.pdf | https://apps.dtic.mil/sti/pdfs/AD0632799.pdf | Central African Republic |
3., v 62 Where:P- Degree of polarizastion in the conditions In whto-,the experiment Is teing carried out;Po- Terminal Polarization;7- Temperature;~- Viscosity of solutlorl;Oas constant;V- Volume of a Gram-molecule;(cid:127)- Average duration of the excited state of mole-culel.After we have plotted 1/p on the ordinate axis, and TA _ onthe abpcisaa, we will obtain a straight lize (Pig.
208). | https://docs-lawep.s3.us-east-2.amazonaws.com/1709799757321.pdf | https://apps.dtic.mil/sti/pdfs/AD0632799.pdf | Central African Republic |
segment chopped off ')y the curve from the ordinate axis deter-mines the magnitude of ,/ot, slant in relation to the abscissa axis, with equal:and the tangent of angle of itsee 3) V(20.7)When "Y'" has been measured regardlessly, we can estimatethe molecule volume "V".from the above formula. | https://docs-lawep.s3.us-east-2.amazonaws.com/1709799757321.pdf | https://apps.dtic.mil/sti/pdfs/AD0632799.pdf | Central African Republic |
one had determined both of the molecular volume and solvateshells of many phthalamides, antracenes and scridines.In this waysOn the other hand, having mdo-pendently measured the "P" andV" (the value for "V" can beobtained from experiments on"-" dlffusion), we can determine theIn this way, A.value for N. Sevchenko has obtuinred thevalues of "(cid:127)" "a number of pigments.
the above nmthod for ratering of'"T", one can get away withoitfor solutions of-C". | https://docs-lawep.s3.us-east-2.amazonaws.com/1709799757321.pdf | https://apps.dtic.mil/sti/pdfs/AD0632799.pdf | Central African Republic |
, Ey applying* Susually, D'*Tr/I ..using the hard-t3-get fluorometers;the obtained resulta arepretty a&c-rstc.#1I-.
R~on-o~rasc c~omp.unds.Lamlnesceni'e An911 s!.4 ,f15 I ---; I|it- L.8 W S,1 (t .... .2%-0 Depolarizatior.
of luminescence of fluore- scei- heated.
in glycerine when The n-uer or pure, nm,-organic compounds capabie toluminesce, is very limited.Some of them wiII lumines:eonly when in (cid:127)rystalllre for',others will produce radiance only In solutions. | https://docs-lawep.s3.us-east-2.amazonaws.com/1709799757321.pdf | https://apps.dtic.mil/sti/pdfs/AD0632799.pdf | Central African Republic |
These ZO• :oY.Anusinclude: salts of the rare-earth elements (R.E.E.
); u-any.
Paltektncludrng the ur.nyl group U02 ); some complex salts of hea'.-ymetals (TL, S(cid:127), PB); platinicyanic salts . | https://docs-lawep.s3.us-east-2.amazonaws.com/1709799757321.pdf | https://apps.dtic.mil/sti/pdfs/AD0632799.pdf | Central African Republic |
[ith (CN)4]; the g;oup P9twhere the(ZWOI& and D"t, tungatates and molybdates 63 in form of admixtures-a-tivators; albmll-oarth metals serve as cations X); slumrinates (AL2 0)j;4hChroites (Cr2 03); and a number of pre.,,ous s*imr;s.By far the biggest part of all luminescenu are det'.jrm-the basic subsLanzie, anu formnor,-orean1.
:compounds form the cryatalophosph:jri whose necessary eLementcomes 1ag the :rystalline lattice o' the centers of radiance. | https://docs-lawep.s3.us-east-2.amazonaws.com/1709799757321.pdf | https://apps.dtic.mil/sti/pdfs/AD0632799.pdf | Central African Republic |
deftects of the lattice form In the phospt:ori, with no special ingredients added.
Due complexity of the radiance process of crystalophosphori, andits dependence on many hard-to-be-accounted factors, a chemicalluminescence analysis of the above compounds Is being used butrarely. | https://docs-lawep.s3.us-east-2.amazonaws.com/1709799757321.pdf | https://apps.dtic.mil/sti/pdfs/AD0632799.pdf | Central African Republic |
Mostly, are crystalophosphori of a natural origin.Prom a practical point of view, of all Is used when working with minerals whichthe very process of preparinZthe rauta,)ce exItinr:.cesIkna)ly, the pure, the latter lumines-It tocent, non-organic substances, compounds are the most important. | https://docs-lawep.s3.us-east-2.amazonaws.com/1709799757321.pdf | https://apps.dtic.mil/sti/pdfs/AD0632799.pdf | Central African Republic |
Their solutions display acharacteristic radiance which has been thorouwrhly investigated:for these compounds, both the qualitative and quentIt~tIveAnalysis of luminescence have been worked out.the rare-earth and the uranylLumlneacence Analysis of the Rare-earth Compounds.Uplaal Features of the Rare-earth Elements.
The R7.E.F.
(with their atomic number from 57 up to 71) occupy a specialplace in the Mende]eyev's periodic system. | https://docs-lawep.s3.us-east-2.amazonaws.com/1709799757321.pdf | https://apps.dtic.mil/sti/pdfs/AD0632799.pdf | Central African Republic |
When the atomicnumber becomes higher, the inner electronic shell "4f" (fromzero for lanthanum up to 14 for Ytterbium) becomes filled up.On the other hand, the outer shell of all R.E.E.
retains thesame structure; this However, eanh other considerably.
This can be explained by the factthat the spectra of both absorption and luminescence are asso-ciated with transitions between the therms "4f" of the shell.is why all of then, are chemically similar.the optical characteristics of the R.E.E. | https://docs-lawep.s3.us-east-2.amazonaws.com/1709799757321.pdf | https://apps.dtic.mil/sti/pdfs/AD0632799.pdf | Central African Republic |
differ fromthe R.E.E.the so calledBy the nature of their luminescence spectra, group, The first includes: Samarium (Sm); Europlum (Eu);can be divided In two groups.
"Gadolinium Group", Gadolinium (Gd); Terbium (Tb); and Dyuprosium (Dy), which are occupying a central place among the R.E.E. | https://docs-lawep.s3.us-east-2.amazonaws.com/1709799757321.pdf | https://apps.dtic.mil/sti/pdfs/AD0632799.pdf | Central African Republic |
solutions produce very characteristic, narrow bands of lumines-cence which at low temperatures will split Into separate lir.es..The second group, .erium ýCe); Praseodymium (Pr); Neodyniur., (Nd); Ytterb'um kYl')which all Their solutions proouce wide, diffused bands of luminescernc.are occupying the extreme place among the R.E.F.the so called "Cerium Group" includes:ofThe.rll At the same time, some of the R.E.E. | https://docs-lawep.s3.us-east-2.amazonaws.com/1709799757321.pdf | https://apps.dtic.mil/sti/pdfs/AD0632799.pdf | Central African Republic |
do not produce sary(Holmium Ho and Lutecium Lu), luminescence at all the radianceof others can be seen only In special conditions.
For exampleradiance of Ytterbium will form only at a temperature of theliquid air; only if it Is either inmersed Into a solid solution of (ZnS.Tu-phosphor 1).the luminescence of Thulium (Tu) can be excited/ is theacid in Moreover, For instance, Special Features Charaoterizing the Spe.t:- ofLuminescence and Absorption of the R.E,E, The particularuniqueness of the R.E.3. | https://docs-lawep.s3.us-east-2.amazonaws.com/1709799757321.pdf | https://apps.dtic.mil/sti/pdfs/AD0632799.pdf | Central African Republic |
Luminescence spectra comes veryhandy fcr the analytloal is greatly purposes.
However, luminesnence analysis is greatly hampered by the circumetercethat the luminescence spectra of R.E.E.
(the ratio of Intens!l-ties of individual lines) highly depend on concentration ofthe Investiga,,ed element, on the presence of other R.E.E., andon the temperature. | https://docs-lawep.s3.us-east-2.amazonaws.com/1709799757321.pdf | https://apps.dtic.mil/sti/pdfs/AD0632799.pdf | Central African Republic |
Position of the bands will also change,depending on nature of the main substance in which the analyzedcompound cations in a crystal, and on the crystal constant of the mainsubstance lattice.
the luminescernce spectra of theR.E.E.
are very sensitive to the influence of various foreignadmixtures.
nitric the solution is sufficient in order tp fullyextinquish the luminescence of Tt ions. | https://docs-lawep.s3.us-east-2.amazonaws.com/1709799757321.pdf | https://apps.dtic.mil/sti/pdfs/AD0632799.pdf | Central African Republic |
On the other hand,Eu will luminesce in a diluted solution only in presence oftraces of SO- In located: on the distance between the anions andthe most intensive radiance initself. | https://docs-lawep.s3.us-east-2.amazonaws.com/1709799757321.pdf | https://apps.dtic.mil/sti/pdfs/AD0632799.pdf | Central African Republic |
The letterof lumines-The luminescence spectrum of T5consal a of seven narrow strips positioneddiluted solutions is produced by Th and Gd displays only a single, narrow, ultra-violet strip cence in is more copious: it predominantly in the long-wave part of the visible spectrum.Their half-width is 2-5 m The radiance of Eu, Sm, ard Dysolutions has a low inteZlty, the sensitivityof their analysis on the luminescence spectrum is rather low.For example, concentration Is'lO- tram/milliliter for Eu the extreme con-centration is only*,lO-l gram/milliliter. | https://docs-lawep.s3.us-east-2.amazonaws.com/1709799757321.pdf | https://apps.dtic.mil/sti/pdfs/AD0632799.pdf | Central African Republic |
Nevertheless, bothEu and Sm are excellent activators for crystalophosphori; Ina concentration of only 10-7 gram/gram, they will produce abright and extremely characteristi.
radiance.in a solution the Tb will be detected if the existence of even traces ofthe Gadolinium group, the zone of 311 mr .consequently, ions.its.In the second group, is pro-spectrum appears as a wide band which emb-the most Intensive radiance duced by "Ce". | https://docs-lawep.s3.us-east-2.amazonaws.com/1709799757321.pdf | https://apps.dtic.mil/sti/pdfs/AD0632799.pdf | Central African Republic |
Its races the entire near ultra-violet zone from 313 up to 4o0 m"fe.A high radiance intensity of the diluted solutions of Ce+ per-mits a reliable detection of tIs concentration is as low as 1(-0 grair.vmliltlter.eleTrent presente when- All the R.E.E.-s are characterized bv a soli'ý band ofthe far ultra-violet part of the spectrum.they are usually being excited by either an electricabsorption In Therefore, arc or an electric spark which both have an intensive emisstonIn this spectral zone. | https://docs-lawep.s3.us-east-2.amazonaws.com/1709799757321.pdf | https://apps.dtic.mil/sti/pdfs/AD0632799.pdf | Central African Republic |
Sometimes, excited by means of cathode rays.
se,'entlets have applied the above method for detecting tra~esof R.E.E.
in fluorites, calcites, limestones and in the ashesof coal mined in India,the R.E.E.-s are beingFor instance, the Indian65(cid:127) All the above said serves as a proof that the luminescenceanalysis of R.E.E.-s presents a hard problem due to theircomplete lack of radiance, some elements are not suitable foranalysis at all, others require an elaborate technique. | https://docs-lawep.s3.us-east-2.amazonaws.com/1709799757321.pdf | https://apps.dtic.mil/sti/pdfs/AD0632799.pdf | Central African Republic |
Rightnow, basically used are the methods of a qualitative and, some-times a semi-quantitative luminescence analysis of the ReEeE.-s.W6 method of Pearls.
One of the recommendd methods forIn these media, the salts of many R.E.E.-sa qualitative analysis of R.E.E.-s is the method of pearls.Hiere, the R.I.E.-s are placed in the pearls of either borax orphosphoric acid.
(Sm, Dy, etc.)
produce a very intensive radiance whose spectrumThe Ce saltsconsists of a number of characteristic bands. | https://docs-lawep.s3.us-east-2.amazonaws.com/1709799757321.pdf | https://apps.dtic.mil/sti/pdfs/AD0632799.pdf | Central African Republic |
have a solid spectrum whose maximum is close to 45 0 a p. Todetest the small amount of Eu.
one has to produce pearls byfusing the basic substance (sodium chloride or strontium chlo-ride) with the investigated specimens pearls obtained on thebase of sodium chloride produce a bright,'wtolet-blue radiance,Those onathe strontium chloride - a violet radiance. | https://docs-lawep.s3.us-east-2.amazonaws.com/1709799757321.pdf | https://apps.dtic.mil/sti/pdfs/AD0632799.pdf | Central African Republic |
Afterhaving prepared a set of standard pearls containing a nowconcentration of Eu, one can determine its approximate quanti-tative composition in the analyzed pearl.
There are also othermethods which permit to fast determine the approximate oontentsof Eu in R.E.E.
oxides. | https://docs-lawep.s3.us-east-2.amazonaws.com/1709799757321.pdf | https://apps.dtic.mil/sti/pdfs/AD0632799.pdf | Central African Republic |
Sensitivity of this method reaches- 0.005%, its accuracy 1 10 - 20%.In some cases, sensitivity of the pearl method turns outit can detect Ce with a concentrationgram/gram, and Sm with a concentration down toto be not high enough; down (cid:127)to-l0" ,.0"5 gram/gram. | https://docs-lawep.s3.us-east-2.amazonaws.com/1709799757321.pdf | https://apps.dtic.mil/sti/pdfs/AD0632799.pdf | Central African Republic |
Moreover, due to lack of radiance, analysis of La, Pr, Nd, Er is unattainable.the pearlIntroducinr Wore sensi tive than the above is the R,.E,.-s into Tungstate and Molybdates.the method where R.E.E.--sare fused with either calcium tungstate (Ca W04 ) or clclum(Ca MO 04). | https://docs-lawep.s3.us-east-2.amazonaws.com/1709799757321.pdf | https://apps.dtic.mil/sti/pdfs/AD0632799.pdf | Central African Republic |
In such a solid solution, the R.E.E.-smolybdate also have a characteristic, either ruled or striped spectrumwhich only little is affected by the substance concentration,foreign admixtures or the presence of other R.E.E.-s. CaWO(cid:127)4 a background hampering the observation of the rare-earthsradiance; this interference can be reduced b.o heating thespecimen up to extinquiuihng of rare-earths is not s.ret notice3aby affected.itself produces a sharp, blue luminescence which formsIOC' Centigrade, when the temperat,:re-!.ndivedTheIn the above method, the ex'ýItpnton is belrg effected bylow-pressure discharging tube. | https://docs-lawep.s3.us-east-2.amazonaws.com/1709799757321.pdf | https://apps.dtic.mil/sti/pdfs/AD0632799.pdf | Central African Republic |
a mercury, substance should be deposited on the inner surface of the tubewhich then is placed in a cy2'-drial oven where radiance ofof the CaWOit will be suppressed.
watched through a window in the oven.
By studying the rad'ancein the ultra-violet, visible and nearer infra-red parts of thespectrum~we can carry out analysis on many R.EE.-s and theirThe luminescence -dill beThe Investigated66 combinations.
ing -lO- 7 gram of Sm in 1 g'am of CaW04. | https://docs-lawep.s3.us-east-2.amazonaws.com/1709799757321.pdf | https://apps.dtic.mil/sti/pdfs/AD0632799.pdf | Central African Republic |
ing -lO- 7 gram of Sm in 1 g'am of CaW04.
However, could not be detected by this method.the des.r ed method ellows detect-some R.E.E.-sFor example, The Method of Additives.
Fu.- phosphori on 8 base of CaS,In thisto solve a number of prac.-loal problems, '."
radiance. | https://docs-lawep.s3.us-east-2.amazonaws.com/1709799757321.pdf | https://apps.dtic.mil/sti/pdfs/AD0632799.pdf | Central African Republic |
.,f R.E.E.-s in she sample.SrS, and also on the base ýf ZnS, the R.E.E.-s za:i serve asactivators, and can determine the :,ture way, we can detect minute amounts it lsFor instance, important to obtain Thorium, and Its compour.ds, with eAtremel(cid:127)small contents of R.E.E.
admixtures (not more than I0-' Such minute contents of R.E.E.
can be detected only by meansof a luminescence analysis using the method of additives.Principle of the above methcd is as follows. | https://docs-lawep.s3.us-east-2.amazonaws.com/1709799757321.pdf | https://apps.dtic.mil/sti/pdfs/AD0632799.pdf | Central African Republic |
phosphori should be prepared, with the Thorium to be analyzedas their base; the Thorium is Thorium oxide.
introduced in a form of additives of a different concentration.in a wide range of concentration,It has been established that, there exists a certain ratio between the brightness of tnecrystalophosphori radiance and the concentration of the R.E.E.contained therein either as a natural ingredient or an additive.Then:turned into Thorium sulfate orSm, Eu) are beingThe R.E.E. | https://docs-lawep.s3.us-east-2.amazonaws.com/1709799757321.pdf | https://apps.dtic.mil/sti/pdfs/AD0632799.pdf | Central African Republic |
activators (Gd, A set of crystalo-- i0-).Sc,, *,Is C, +C(20.8)Where: T L1 and the respective brightness of theT Jz phosphorus, without or with anadditive which has a concentrationCa;CX - The R.F.E.
concentration to befound.In renfer3l, fcr any value of Ca:I A(Cs+ tCA).
(20.9)Where: A -the raiilance Intensity of the phos-phorus when the concentratiori ufthe R.E.E. | https://docs-lawep.s3.us-east-2.amazonaws.com/1709799757321.pdf | https://apps.dtic.mil/sti/pdfs/AD0632799.pdf | Central African Republic |
equals 1.Having plotted the values for " " on the axis of ordtrates,on the axis of' abscissae, for a series i-fand those for "C&" phosphort we will obtain a stralght line whose inclinat!oripermits estimating the value for "A", Is bisected by theabscissae axis between the poitnt where straight line, and the center of coordinates, determines thevalue of Cx (Fig.
209).and the sector on theIt S67 N W tOlO I 1 P If10 150 ?Z0 760 jXC to"$Fig. | https://docs-lawep.s3.us-east-2.amazonaws.com/1709799757321.pdf | https://apps.dtic.mil/sti/pdfs/AD0632799.pdf | Central African Republic |
209.. Quantitative determination of samarium inThorium; metalic thorium: 1- pure, with a R.E.E.2- artificially contaminatedIt is important that the additives Ca are comuensuratedwith Cx (they should differ from the latter several times over).Therefore, at first, by the relative radiance intensity of threephosphori each with a drastically different concentration ofthe Investigated R.E.E., the order of magnitude of the Cx ina non-activated phosphori should be estimateo. | https://docs-lawep.s3.us-east-2.amazonaws.com/1709799757321.pdf | https://apps.dtic.mil/sti/pdfs/AD0632799.pdf | Central African Republic |
pbhophori should be prepared, with various values of Ca, andby the intensity of their radiance the Cx can be determined.Radiance of the phosphori Is being excited with an electricspark, using a phosphoroscopic apparatus. | https://docs-lawep.s3.us-east-2.amazonaws.com/1709799757321.pdf | https://apps.dtic.mil/sti/pdfs/AD0632799.pdf | Central African Republic |
It has been estab-lished that in the thorium-phosphori activated by Gd, Sm, andEu, the foreign contaminators Sm, Eu, Dy, Fe, Mo, Cu, and aXsotheiAr combinations, which exist there in a quantity of 10-J10- gram/gram, practically do not affect the analysis accur-acy, but noticeably lower its sensitivity (Fig.
209). | https://docs-lawep.s3.us-east-2.amazonaws.com/1709799757321.pdf | https://apps.dtic.mil/sti/pdfs/AD0632799.pdf | Central African Republic |
method of additives Is being applied also for a quantitativedetermination of Gd in metallic be.Next, a net ofTheThere are also known other, more spe.ific methods fordetermination of some R.E.E.-s. sensitive method of determining a R.E.E.
in calcium oxide whichshould be placed in the colorless flame of hydrogen. | https://docs-lawep.s3.us-east-2.amazonaws.com/1709799757321.pdf | https://apps.dtic.mil/sti/pdfs/AD0632799.pdf | Central African Republic |
Evn withan insignificant concentr'ation of the R.E.E., the slow electro:(cid:127)sin the flamq will excite a noticeable radiance.there is a qupiteFor example, Luminescence AnalyLis of the Uranyl Compounds.Among the uranyl compourds, the uraziy!
saIta e:.bra,:- .- theuranyl group U02 have a sign-If'cant capabality of lumlziesclng.Their luminescence spetra are very chereacerlstlc, 6nd cot 1slatof a number of bands at an appr3)YInately eqal 1sjlatar.
:e fr-.=one another. | https://docs-lawep.s3.us-east-2.amazonaws.com/1709799757321.pdf | https://apps.dtic.mil/sti/pdfs/AD0632799.pdf | Central African Republic |
:e fr-.=one another.
Usually, the molecules of uranyl :)mpounds ccr.-tain a great amount of water of zrystallizatton which to 9great extent affects their spectra of luminescence.Characteristics of spectra also greatly depend on thecontents of the investigated salt and the structure of Itscrystal.
Radiance of the uranyl salt solutions is considerablyweaker, and their spectra more washed out.68 Glass tinted wi.th uranyl saltP lumlnesce tbightly. | https://docs-lawep.s3.us-east-2.amazonaws.com/1709799757321.pdf | https://apps.dtic.mil/sti/pdfs/AD0632799.pdf | Central African Republic |
radiance intensity of uranyl compounds goes up signiftcant-.ywhen they are cooled down to the temperature of the liquidnitrogen.
210 shows, the luminescence spectra of sulfate U02 S04 3M2 0 in both a crystal form and solutl-ri ofsulfuric acid at a room temperature.iranylTheA qualitative luminescenceanalysis of u.-anyl com-)-pounds ia easy to performthey produce an inten-a- sive and characteristicradiance. | https://docs-lawep.s3.us-east-2.amazonaws.com/1709799757321.pdf | https://apps.dtic.mil/sti/pdfs/AD0632799.pdf | Central African Republic |
By having accur-ately measured the wave-le-ngths of bands of the lumine-scence spectrum, one canMWestablish OW -investigated * the nature of thesalt.In a quantitative lurn-J "inescence -concentration analysis, sRrallof the uranyl1_ ---| * -/(cid:127) (cid:127)as --- f ---#, S MM S- -Ii -;.
(cid:127), Nl V Wi~jW hN Fig.
210. | https://docs-lawep.s3.us-east-2.amazonaws.com/1709799757321.pdf | https://apps.dtic.mil/sti/pdfs/AD0632799.pdf | Central African Republic |
(cid:127), Nl V Wi~jW hN Fig.
Luminescence spectra of uranyl sulfate: compounds are usually Jeter-mined by the method of pearie.The luminescence Intensityof the uranyl compoundsincludes when fused, the pearls of either borax,Nap or K?
in a wide rangeof concentration (up to 1.10-Jgram/gram Na?)
will vary withtheir respective conz-entra-tion. | https://docs-lawep.s3.us-east-2.amazonaws.com/1709799757321.pdf | https://apps.dtic.mil/sti/pdfs/AD0632799.pdf | Central African Republic |
will vary withtheir respective conz-entra-tion.
A quantitative deter-mination of uranyl contentsin comparing the radiance intensity of the pearls to be analyzedwith uranium is known.A- crystalline U02S0(cid:127) 3HM0; B- solution U02S0 4 3H2 0 In the of the standard pearls in which the concentration ofsulfuric acid.
intoWhen excited by a mercury lineA- 365 mM , the pearls ona Na? | https://docs-lawep.s3.us-east-2.amazonaws.com/1709799757321.pdf | https://apps.dtic.mil/sti/pdfs/AD0632799.pdf | Central African Republic |
base produce a yellow-green luminescerme (A Max' 555 m)Radiance of a similar spectral contents can form also withNiobium; however, ation, ae for instance, by a resonance .er-eury "253.7 mu.
be exciled. | https://docs-lawep.s3.us-east-2.amazonaws.com/1709799757321.pdf | https://apps.dtic.mil/sti/pdfs/AD0632799.pdf | Central African Republic |
be exciled.
However, pounds in Nap.In pearls based on KF, no radiance of Niobium -anthe luminescence Intensity of uranyl com-those withit will be exzited by a more short-wavc radi-these pearls is considerably lower than in line with X `In some canse the pearls &re being made of s more (cid:127)c-r'.,', all taken !nmixture, consisting of Nap, Na2 ZO3 and K2CO 3 certain proportion.
Here, we can lower the teouerature /. | https://docs-lawep.s3.us-east-2.amazonaws.com/1709799757321.pdf | https://apps.dtic.mil/sti/pdfs/AD0632799.pdf | Central African Republic |
Here, we can lower the teouerature /.
"which the pearls are being produced, from 1,100' down to t)0Centigrade.69 RN For a higher accuracy of the analys~s, the technique of pearl prepar-ti:ri !s starv.ariz'(cid:127): 'hat pearls should be made of equal 0-!z"-; proceed for a certain predetermr'(cid:127)nu socount the drop of Intens!.ty of the pearl radiance. | https://docs-lawep.s3.us-east-2.amazonaws.com/1709799757321.pdf | https://apps.dtic.mil/sti/pdfs/AD0632799.pdf | Central African Republic |
which can be observed with~r, the been prepared.t.eir It is fus~ng sn)-ild'tAal 1'2 hours after they time; one sho.ald Lake :.,..Imp-rl,;A pro~s:;th*The ridiance intensity of _:ranium -.
_mpounda Ir.
pearls r,:-i;' foreign admixtures many orb'- greatly affected by presence which turn out to be lumlnescen:e extinquishers.
_r, Mn, Co, Ni.
La, Pt, Au, Ce, Pr, Nd are all quishers; less active in Th; Ti and W are mild extinquIshers. | https://docs-lawep.s3.us-east-2.amazonaws.com/1709799757321.pdf | https://apps.dtic.mil/sti/pdfs/AD0632799.pdf | Central African Republic |
Other elements practicallydo not affect the luminescence intensity of pearls at all.
example, an analysis on uranium.the presence of neptuniurn and plutonium does not hamperth;s respect.are: Fe, Cu, Zn, Rn andstrong extin-For instance,F)rA number of other foreign admixtures have an extinquishLngcapability, too.
Particularly, all Ni, Mn, Cr, etc.) | https://docs-lawep.s3.us-east-2.amazonaws.com/1709799757321.pdf | https://apps.dtic.mil/sti/pdfs/AD0632799.pdf | Central African Republic |
Particularly, all Ni, Mn, Cr, etc.)
turn out to be quite strong extinquishers.When carrying out a quantitative analysis, quisheil should be eliminated from the investigated specimenchemically.the tinted oxides (Fe, Co,the strongest extin-The pearl method is being widely used in the luminescenceanalysis on ores containing less than 0.01% of uranium.
Whenmetering photoelectrically, the amounts of uranium from 10"- down to i0")0v gram in 0.3 gramof Na?.
Here, the analysis accuracy reaches#% * 5%. | https://docs-lawep.s3.us-east-2.amazonaws.com/1709799757321.pdf | https://apps.dtic.mil/sti/pdfs/AD0632799.pdf | Central African Republic |
Here, the analysis accuracy reaches#% * 5%.
When meter-ing visually, the accuracy drops down to + 30L.the above method permits detectingLuminescence Analysis of other Non-organiý Comounds.When carrying out the luminescence analysis on many non-they often utilize the luminescent reactions,to determine the am ,ant 3f indium, they perform aorganic compounds, For example, reaction between anions of 1.TN Br, and cations of rhodamirne pig-ment 3 B. Benzene. | https://docs-lawep.s3.us-east-2.amazonaws.com/1709799757321.pdf | https://apps.dtic.mil/sti/pdfs/AD0632799.pdf | Central African Republic |
tion, one can established Its c:.ntends of In down to 2.13" gramin 5 milli-liter dents which form luminescing comp'exes with various cations:- hydroxyquInollr.e for LI and A!
; norin for Be, Al, Sr. Zr;The obtained compound's then extracted by means ofBy reading the ra,1r.r-e Intensity of the above salu-cf solution. | https://docs-lawep.s3.us-east-2.amazonaws.com/1709799757321.pdf | https://apps.dtic.mil/sti/pdfs/AD0632799.pdf | Central African Republic |
Re.-ommended are also other rea-rhodamine B fcr Ag, Ga, TI, Te: 3- oxiflafol for Zr, trioxyfluorone for Th; benzoin f'or B; etc.iFf;As indicated before, :wny metals can serve as activatorsIn crystalophosphori which pr)!., This circumstance can be usa.d d'_;r'nr when analyzing antimony, a Jr.,p -.f !.
'.e In'esttgated ga.wa:,wshould be deposited on the ron-i.
: fle~e:;t call-um o1ide.during the calcination In CaO-SS forms whose colo: o, tration of antimony. | https://docs-lawep.s3.us-east-2.amazonaws.com/1709799757321.pdf | https://apps.dtic.mil/sti/pdfs/AD0632799.pdf | Central African Republic |
detection of down to 1 , 1 0-e g:am of Sb 9ese:.ce ;epends on -.eth.d permilts a qualItaLAvee a strong lumlrnescene.,< S lurUrý-scen'e ;rystal,... sp.,rthe analysis.
in a dr.p ofThe 1 ovp t.e 'ArDs .c ,:..'on- solution ( 0.01 milli-liter).By creating the crystalophosphorus KI Sn, we can detectin a solution.
For this purpose, a drop of the soluticfnSn+ and a drop of KI shall be depcsited either on a filter paperor on a non-glazed porcelain plate.
spot will produce a bright-yellow luminescence. | https://docs-lawep.s3.us-east-2.amazonaws.com/1709799757321.pdf | https://apps.dtic.mil/sti/pdfs/AD0632799.pdf | Central African Republic |
spot will produce a bright-yellow luminescence.
method allows detecting-then on paper- 0.02 diluted in ratio 1: 5.10; and wheg on porolaln- 0.O0022-grsmof Sn if diluted in ratio L:t.5slO.
By using the methdd offorming the crystalophosphori, one can detect microspic arwuntsof Hg, Tl, BLO PS arid other elements.theThe above-gram of Sn ifIf Sn is present, Know. | https://docs-lawep.s3.us-east-2.amazonaws.com/1709799757321.pdf | https://apps.dtic.mil/sti/pdfs/AD0632799.pdf | Central African Republic |
is also a luminescent method of establishing the) affect the red tint and the intensive luminescencethe lumines-contents of chromium in synthetic rubies whose characteristicsare4Uing determined by its concentration.
Ions of chomium(Cr(cid:127) of rubies.
When theig concentration goes up, cence spectrum will change drastically; the percentage of thelong-wave infra-red emission will increase. | https://docs-lawep.s3.us-east-2.amazonaws.com/1709799757321.pdf | https://apps.dtic.mil/sti/pdfs/AD0632799.pdf | Central African Republic |
At the same time,the ratio-'of intensity of the spectrum infrn-red part to thatof the chromium doublet (L- 692.7 and 694.
2 n ) will go upby the exponential law. | https://docs-lawep.s3.us-east-2.amazonaws.com/1709799757321.pdf | https://apps.dtic.mil/sti/pdfs/AD0632799.pdf | Central African Republic |
Having measuied this mablo, we candetermine the contents of chromium in any sample with an accu-racy ofv + 5%, without any special processing of their surfacerequired.Such ansanalysis is very important In the mnufacture ofprecision apparatus and, particularly, for the watchmakingIndusty112 Luminescence Anal ais of Or anic C Mmrous organic substances hae a capsbliy a ~um~inesee.oundseThey include the most simple aromatic compounds:Nany of their derivatives, sowe heterocyclic compounds71 and its derivatives), the chain-like compoundswith conjugate bonds (R-(.CH=CH) of CH3, C2 H5 , C6 H5 , C6 H5, etc., - R1 . | https://docs-lawep.s3.us-east-2.amazonaws.com/1709799757321.pdf | https://apps.dtic.mil/sti/pdfs/AD0632799.pdf | Central African Republic |
where R and R1 some pigments:- groupeH H+ -+HA-N-ry-N-H.C./K/COOCHs+do SCHOmy.um H,+ C1and many other compounds.Some organic substances can luminesce when In vapor,liquid or solid state, others- oniy when in solutions.The luminescence spectra of solutlons of the org--.itcIn spectra of se.nmecompounds appear as wide bands, at either the visible or t!nearer ultra-violet zone (Fig.
substances one can see their oscillating structure which isparticularly distinct at low temperatures. | https://docs-lawep.s3.us-east-2.amazonaws.com/1709799757321.pdf | https://apps.dtic.mil/sti/pdfs/AD0632799.pdf | Central African Republic |
Different factorare greatly affecting the luminescence properties of of the organic compounds.
distribution of the luminescence bands may depend on the vs ....of the solution "pH" ,the temperature.
Moreover, on the existence of foreign ettin:quishing admixtures In thesolution, and the latter's concentration.
All these factorshould be Oaken into account when working out the analysistechnique.t,For instance, both the sh pe at;a(Fig. | https://docs-lawep.s3.us-east-2.amazonaws.com/1709799757321.pdf | https://apps.dtic.mil/sti/pdfs/AD0632799.pdf | Central African Republic |
186), on nature of the solvent, the luminescence out;p'i may dep(: '1The luminescence methods are being used for both the q.
'.-tative determination of various organic substances, particu': rl.
;(ý2 o: the compounds affecting the o:'canisms of "he h'man ar.
!animal world.
antibiotics, cancerogenic substa:.2ces, and many others. | https://docs-lawep.s3.us-east-2.amazonaws.com/1709799757321.pdf | https://apps.dtic.mil/sti/pdfs/AD0632799.pdf | Central African Republic |
the methods of the luminescence analysts play an importan%.role in Included hvre are: vitarmins, hioc'ror.es, p'gmv':the research on oils ar,- bitumens.Ale,)The Luminescence Analysis of)!
Biologically Ac-'¢ve.Subs*:a:Lminescence Analysis of' Viamins.
The vitamin P2 (CI :J2 .IaMled "riboflavin" or "Lactoflavin" is N4 06) cing in a solution. | https://docs-lawep.s3.us-east-2.amazonaws.com/1709799757321.pdf | https://apps.dtic.mil/sti/pdfs/AD0632799.pdf | Central African Republic |
tables, and plays an important role in the metabolism of tl.eIts luminescence spectra appears as a washed-cuthuman body, band with its maximum at )r 535 mbtr.intensively lurmis contained in liver, milk, eggs, ve,It Riboflavin can be detected bp'heir photochemical reacttccreated by the exciting light.
When excited, which usually remains in eitner a neutral or acidulous solut"cturns into lumichrome producing a blue luminescence. | https://docs-lawep.s3.us-east-2.amazonaws.com/1709799757321.pdf | https://apps.dtic.mil/sti/pdfs/AD0632799.pdf | Central African Republic |
alkaline solution, under an ulitra-violet radiation, riboflavirwill turn into lumiflavin which produces a sky-blue radiance:the riboflavinIn anHCHsWAIOH48\-HIt is difficult to carry out an analycis on vitamin Barn au(cid:127)'hFo:'becausie one has to determine .ts significant amount complex systems as the foodstuff, plant tissue, etc.
each case an individual method has to be worked out.A quantitative analysis of the E2vitamin is carrieK!
*utProm the Investiga ed sample in a complex way. | https://docs-lawep.s3.us-east-2.amazonaws.com/1709799757321.pdf | https://apps.dtic.mil/sti/pdfs/AD0632799.pdf | Central African Republic |
*utProm the Investiga ed sample in a complex way.
transformed into a water solution; then it should be absorbedon special adsorbents (lead sulfide, frankonite, etc.
), fromit has to 0epH -C -73 which it Is transferred into the pl'z!dire solution.
'.y ~r~paring the radiance intensity of' the pyridine soluttor.
wti.-,hat of' the standard one, one car, determine the c'Jncentrat.c?
::*'the B2 vitamin in the-sample.
However, such a anal:,sisaiv.ery time-consuming.
Theref. | https://docs-lawep.s3.us-east-2.amazonaws.com/1709799757321.pdf | https://apps.dtic.mil/sti/pdfs/AD0632799.pdf | Central African Republic |
;re,, zelplified mel.hodo are o1'te:.uised which allow a quantitative cat~mate of' the B2 vitamincontents, For Instance, whena cs4,ibl!3hin;; the vl't.rminosityof' milk, the riboflavin should be transf'erred into acetonesiolution whose radiance Intensity will be compared with thatof a standard cube made of uranyl glass. | https://docs-lawep.s3.us-east-2.amazonaws.com/1709799757321.pdf | https://apps.dtic.mil/sti/pdfs/AD0632799.pdf | Central African Republic |
The cube radianceshould be priliminarily graduated by the standard solutionscontaining a know concentration of' riboflavin.The human body is greatly affected by vitamin B1 (C03ON4SCL2) called either thiamiln or aneurin,, which does no pr.
;-duce luminescence.
However, It can be detected by a thiochromemethod.
which consists of oxidizing the B1 vitamin by potassiuimferricyar~ide KA (Fe (cN)6] after the former has been turned Intoa aqueo-alkalifle solution. | https://docs-lawep.s3.us-east-2.amazonaws.com/1709799757321.pdf | https://apps.dtic.mil/sti/pdfs/AD0632799.pdf | Central African Republic |
In result of the above reaction, anew substance will be created- the thlochrome which produces avery intensive, blue luminescence (>j Pr.mthe obtained mixture, the thiochrome WI be separatesby using~the isobutyl alcohol. | https://docs-lawep.s3.us-east-2.amazonaws.com/1709799757321.pdf | https://apps.dtic.mil/sti/pdfs/AD0632799.pdf | Central African Republic |
By comparing the radiance intensity ofthe thiochrome solution with that of the standard, one candetermine Its concentration, Then, by a calculation one candetermine the El vitamin concentration in the Investigatedsample.- 460-473 A) Majority of the other vitamins, as, for example, vitamin~C (C6H806- ascorbic acid),, vitamin E (C2 91!c0 2- toxferol),,have their own radiance.
Some of the non-luminescing vitamin(vitamin A-Cl11H302 ) can be turned into luminescing compoundsby means of a chemical reaction. | https://docs-lawep.s3.us-east-2.amazonaws.com/1709799757321.pdf | https://apps.dtic.mil/sti/pdfs/AD0632799.pdf | Central African Republic |
Thus, can be used also for analysis o!'
these compounds.the luminescent methodsLuminescence Analysis of Hormones.
Luminescence methodscan be also used for analysis or-va-rious hormones*.
Forirah,widely applied is the luminescence analysis of adrenaline - animportant hormorA which forms In the suprarenal glandsHO !.? | https://docs-lawep.s3.us-east-2.amazonaws.com/1709799757321.pdf | https://apps.dtic.mil/sti/pdfs/AD0632799.pdf | Central African Republic |
::.-C!0H.C112..- NH-CH 3.The above compound is belni applied for boosting the bl,,-dAn irntensii'e, yellowra'::the radiance Is emittcc: niot by the adrenialine iteellpressure, for heart diseases., etc.
:-an be seen only in an alkalirne s-lut~ior.
or the radrenciline.Ho~wever, -,ut by the product of its ox.lda:,12n.
duie to the circumstance that thWý )xidation process does nod, z2>,,,phere but goes on and develops continuously until the so'ttu!r.will completely lose its lumtnes.,ent capabilitty. | https://docs-lawep.s3.us-east-2.amazonaws.com/1709799757321.pdf | https://apps.dtic.mil/sti/pdfs/AD0632799.pdf | Central African Republic |
of' the process can be effect~.ve1:; retarded If' the nlzs!being carried out in a solution~ of the concrenitrated Aljyaj.L9'*Hormones - Biologically active substances dischsrged ir.
; .t .blood and the tissue liquid by the inner secretL.on.
greatly affect the metabolic-,~ -' both human and animal b~r~Th anialysi.s oecomes co;;~ple/.The sec'on.4~'They71.i---- -- -777 ..... .t.
tn ___________e Lut e tie: t i r'enali.ne ox dtl sa .a c'T', "a e ._______________te_ :,ne al n ,.O.
!• " ,s_,"____p__-.:.. | https://docs-lawep.s3.us-east-2.amazonaws.com/1709799757321.pdf | https://apps.dtic.mil/sti/pdfs/AD0632799.pdf | Central African Republic |
!• " ,s_,"____p__-.:..
(cid:127) b vg n , ' ' .. .ony " ...:.
s':cduc.g a h rat.-' n~nv aine ,t. .n to$ : .
*.rn im-ance Lumir.,.ný:,:nze Analysis o."
•,S " the e i :'cducing a chpranterl.,;ti- An-: Int-ns'.ve radiance, crist Importagnt of them a.rr- the por'phyr:in, P (deri.Ivoti,, of• 'r.yile spi .
-'.gr.ntt. | https://docs-lawep.s3.us-east-2.amazonaws.com/1709799757321.pdf | https://apps.dtic.mil/sti/pdfs/AD0632799.pdf | Central African Republic |
*: toc-.. Ma(cid:127)ny the f.:,• ' ' -"..'nH NR RWhere R -the methyl group of CH or some other radiceiv,.1hey are discharged from blood, liver, brain and other blo&o-gical substances vontained in bodies of animals and birds.The porphyrine radiance id located in the long-wave part ofthe visible spectrum (between 600 and 8,. m,*), and conrsistE:of two, three or four characteristic narrolw strips. | https://docs-lawep.s3.us-east-2.amazonaws.com/1709799757321.pdf | https://apps.dtic.mil/sti/pdfs/AD0632799.pdf | Central African Republic |
Diff'i.,ntporphyrines have their individual radiance strips very cijspto one another, and thus not eassly identifiable.The porphyrines are bases.
Therefore, their ldm~nes,!en-spectra are highly dependent on value of "pH" of the solutl.
'n:lower pH will shift them towards the short waves.
porphyrines, a different way.
This feature can be utilized for the pu.-7,,f their separation and identification.
As an cxample, FIr. | https://docs-lawep.s3.us-east-2.amazonaws.com/1709799757321.pdf | https://apps.dtic.mil/sti/pdfs/AD0632799.pdf | Central African Republic |
As an cxample, FIr.
;2:.shows the corresponding curve for thr'oe different porphyr.t.cs.the radiance intensity ciepends on the pH value inIn different• Pigments -the tinted organic substances contnined in th-.tissues of living organisms, and important for their fvun.-tioning.75 I.0 8Fig.
Luminescence Iintensity or ! | https://docs-lawep.s3.us-east-2.amazonaws.com/1709799757321.pdf | https://apps.dtic.mil/sti/pdfs/AD0632799.pdf | Central African Republic |
Luminescence Iintensity or !
'orphyrines aiE aFunction of the "lpH" value:1 - Hematoporphin; 2 - Isouroporphin;3 - Uroporphin.Very close by its structure to the porphyrines ia thechlorphyll ( a complex salt of the porphin) which is the greenpigmuents of the plants,, and '1 biologically h ghly important.
"'he -chlorophyll absorbs the light energy, and transforms it intoc.hemical. | https://docs-lawep.s3.us-east-2.amazonaws.com/1709799757321.pdf | https://apps.dtic.mil/sti/pdfs/AD0632799.pdf | Central African Republic |
energy of organic substances formed during the photo-synthesis, The chlorophyll can exist in either of the twohard-to-be-separated modifications: the blue-green chlorophyllA" ( 55 117 05 N4 M ) and the bright-green chlorophyll"B(C5 5 H7~0~ N4 M )"'Usually, the leaves of plants contain threetimes ae muich chforophyll nAas chlorophyll "B".
In organic'solvents, the chlorophyll will produce an Intensive, dark-red1luminescence whose spectrum consists of two bands between 65,Jand 730 m ,'.The a-. | https://docs-lawep.s3.us-east-2.amazonaws.com/1709799757321.pdf | https://apps.dtic.mil/sti/pdfs/AD0632799.pdf | Central African Republic |
'e someweiat shifted towards the long-waves as against thoseof the chiorophyll "B".they use the method of chromatographing on paper (# 1081.They are handy when separating the chlorophylls "tA" and '"end also when separating the chor'ophyll from some otherpigments ( for example, the carotinoids). | https://docs-lawep.s3.us-east-2.amazonaws.com/1709799757321.pdf | https://apps.dtic.mil/sti/pdfs/AD0632799.pdf | Central African Republic |
In this case, oneJf the following: the benzinc,, petroleum ether, or acet-one,sprvc es a solvent.When performing a luminescence analysis of chlorophy 11,bands of the chlorophyll "A" luminescenceLuminescence Analysis of Antibiotics.
Known are of lumi.nescence analysis of somc cf the antibiotic(as terramycin, etc.
)* These compounds are luminescing only 'n1yalkaline medium. | https://docs-lawep.s3.us-east-2.amazonaws.com/1709799757321.pdf | https://apps.dtic.mil/sti/pdfs/AD0632799.pdf | Central African Republic |
Aureomycin produces the most Iritunsive :~.onis~'1A ntibiotics - compounds crested by micro-orgar.Isms, wLare cepable to check or destroy bacterias or other mic:'ot!.
(cid:127):1 if .
(cid:127)h(cid:127)ffi be I..
:':'v 3m:,,' A -Cohol "he bityl a1'.,'hlnan.yv--d, or .tc (cid:127)x:a:t: the concentration is bet-:..,n 5810-'V ),nd 5.1C-t gram., the tervamycin - at T.I"'.
p soda, and a little .
(cid:127)ustic of butyl to the biological liquid to be iaustic soda will raise the sojtlor: n'If. | https://docs-lawep.s3.us-east-2.amazonaws.com/1709799757321.pdf | https://apps.dtic.mil/sti/pdfs/AD0632799.pdf | Central African Republic |
-..!,I extract these cubstan-cs' from the solution.
c:'=ertalned that the inten311ty of 'l.
.. riea with the concentration of ,l., S2on, milli-liter.losing 'ts biological activity, itt,:m:ninescerice spectrum will change -onsiderably.
For instanco,• v.,yellow-orange radiance of the aureomycln wU1 turn intoblue, #,::omc-gr'venteh. | https://docs-lawep.s3.us-east-2.amazonaws.com/1709799757321.pdf | https://apps.dtic.mil/sti/pdfs/AD0632799.pdf | Central African Republic |
Thus, by the spectral content;; of thai', emission,the antibiotics can be checked as to their activity.Luminescence Analysis of Cancerogenic Compounds.In certain conditions, The yellow lumines!.-nce or tWh the cannerogenlc substances canWhen an antibiotIc is crs'ated lumineE: ,,n..,tc,,ramyetn -;l] It ha: be,:'ant'b1ptt-, serve as exciters of the malignant cancerous tumors. | https://docs-lawep.s3.us-east-2.amazonaws.com/1709799757321.pdf | https://apps.dtic.mil/sti/pdfs/AD0632799.pdf | Central African Republic |
Mostly,they represent polycyclical, aromatic hydrocarbons containingthe cyclic groups of either phenanthrene or benzanthracene;' .....for example: a I -,o-th,(cid:127) in 3, -Many of them are contained in the by-products of coal:*The cencerogenic substances produce an intensive lumines-cence whose spectrum consists of three or four strips.
could not be ascertained if their lumLnescing and cancerogeni2 properties. | https://docs-lawep.s3.us-east-2.amazonaws.com/1709799757321.pdf | https://apps.dtic.mil/sti/pdfs/AD0632799.pdf | Central African Republic |
However, theirintensive and characteristic radiance can be utilized for ana-lytical purposes.there is any direct link betweenItIt is very hard to determine the oancerogenic substance:-,in tars because their radibncenotably the 3.4 benzopyrene, is hindered by luminescence of the basic substance.
Moreovr..,different admixtures usually oan be found in tar',, and Lfey,may extinquish the radiance of the cancerogeni- compound. | https://docs-lawep.s3.us-east-2.amazonaws.com/1709799757321.pdf | https://apps.dtic.mil/sti/pdfs/AD0632799.pdf | Central African Republic |
fore, the tars should be disralvý:' in vaseline oil where tr.strips of the benzopyrene become narrow and clear; also, dueto the solvent high viscosity, the extinquishing propertie-The: .-" Cancerogenic characteristic3 -_,n be found also in other r"io-t-h,stances of a most varied chem'4.
:i structure, for instance, amilnocompounds, and also some hormones.
4 Wof the admixtures becomes less acute.
of the analysis, ature of liquid air (-18 0 0c), when the lumonescence strips be-come much more distinct.. | https://docs-lawep.s3.us-east-2.amazonaws.com/1709799757321.pdf | https://apps.dtic.mil/sti/pdfs/AD0632799.pdf | Central African Republic |
In this way, one can detect benzophy-rene with a concentration of--10-3% by the appearance of itsmost intensive line 4035 A.the metering should be carried out at a temper-For a better sesitlvityAt low temperatures, parallel to the fluorescence spectra,one can also use the spectra of phosphorence which are cons'-der-ably shifted towards the long waves.
both spectra of radiance without usong a pnosphoroscope. | https://docs-lawep.s3.us-east-2.amazonaws.com/1709799757321.pdf | https://apps.dtic.mil/sti/pdfs/AD0632799.pdf | Central African Republic |
cases, the spectra of phosphorence are very characteristic, andthe permit differentiating the isomeric cancerogenlc compoundseven though their fluorescence spectra fully coincide.In this way, we can measureIn someinto frozen solutions of n-hexane or n-octane, Even better results one can attain when performing thepreliminary chromstographic fractionation.of the sample, andplacing it Ifthe sample contains the benzopyrene, cence will become ruled, and the wave-lengths of Its individuallines in these solvents will, with an accuracy of up to a decimalof one Angsbrbm, coincide with the lines of a pure benzopyrene,In a similar way, one can detect cancerogenic hydrocarbons the smoke discharges of_ actory stacks where benzopyrene revealsitself already at C'.O1 5gram/gram of substance.the spectrum of its lumines-inLuminescence Analysis of Crude Oils and Bitumensitfumens are the gaseous, liquid or solid substances whichIn nature, theyconsist of hydrocarbons or their derivatives. | https://docs-lawep.s3.us-east-2.amazonaws.com/1709799757321.pdf | https://apps.dtic.mil/sti/pdfs/AD0632799.pdf | Central African Republic |
can be found either in a pure form (tars, petroleum oils, naturalgas), or in combination with various mineral rocks (oil shales,asphaltenes) or as organic solid formations (mined coal).
Boththe petroleum oils and other natural bitumens represent multi-component systems which consist mainly of varios types of hydro-carbons. | https://docs-lawep.s3.us-east-2.amazonaws.com/1709799757321.pdf | https://apps.dtic.mil/sti/pdfs/AD0632799.pdf | Central African Republic |
They include: the terminal paraffin hydrocarbons APh"WIIES - aliphatic hydrocarbons of a terminal nature (CnH 2 n),or example, the cyclohexane:(CnH2n+ 2 ),"H,Hs-ý \C/CLHS'aromatic hydrocarbons (benzene and its higher homologs); non-te--minal hydrocarbons (CnH2n) of the ethylene (H2 C - CH2 ) o:der;H, Cons-*#!,*" .y,,:oi le:', high-mo&e,,ular hydrocarbon.
:,; an!
some other subst.,:..Most of the above compounds prodiuce a lumlnescenc:. | https://docs-lawep.s3.us-east-2.amazonaws.com/1709799757321.pdf | https://apps.dtic.mil/sti/pdfs/AD0632799.pdf | Central African Republic |
observable luminescence of petrol..um oil represents a totasradiance of all its numerous luminesclng components.
the spectrum of luminescence will -tative but also on the quantitati;,,v t1-n.Many components coure the total _;ectrum to appear washed c ' an:for analysis.
Another factor whi(cid:127)h signifiaintl. | https://docs-lawep.s3.us-east-2.amazonaws.com/1709799757321.pdf | https://apps.dtic.mil/sti/pdfs/AD0632799.pdf | Central African Republic |
Another factor whi(cid:127)h signifiaintl.
;thus little hampers the luminescence analysik of the petroleum oil, is ",h#existence therein of large amount, of contaminating ingredi.ntswhich either extinquish or conceal the radiance of its indiv,(cid:127)taicomponent3.
Various techniques have been worked out aiming atit has been foun'.ýovercoming these obstacles. | https://docs-lawep.s3.us-east-2.amazonaws.com/1709799757321.pdf | https://apps.dtic.mil/sti/pdfs/AD0632799.pdf | Central African Republic |
Particularly, advisable analyzing the narrow-temperature fractions of thepetroleum oil, an parallel to their spectra of luminescence alsoto investigate their spectra of absorption.sepend not just on the qi, contents of the oil or fit At present, the luminescence analysis is being widely usedfor determination of both the qualitative and quantitative con-tents of bituminous substances in rocks, waters, clay solutp.onsThe high sensitivity of theand in prospecting for oil field3. | https://docs-lawep.s3.us-east-2.amazonaws.com/1709799757321.pdf | https://apps.dtic.mil/sti/pdfs/AD0632799.pdf | Central African Republic |
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