91 values
luminescent method, and the convenience of an "instant" analysis,allow a fast prospecting of large areas in an oil-bearing torri-tory.One can apply any of the several types of the luminescenceanalysis: the method of a drop; that of a standard specimen; themethod of a capillary; the method of components.
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the above approaches, the ultra-violet or the short-wave, visible radiation.the excitation is being effected by eitherIn each ofThe Method of a Drop consists in depositing a drop of lumine-The chloroform dissolves the bitumen containeascent solvent (usually the chloroform) on the surface of theground rock sample. in the rock and, after having evaporated, will luminesce when subjected to an exciting light.
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By the ,,hapeof the spot and by the spectral ",omposition of its emanation,, onecan determine the type and thre contained. due to a varied friability of the rocks, can have different shapes.Even with the equal amount of bitumen contained, butitproximate quantity of bitumenthe luminescing spotsleaves a spot thatit The Method of a Standard Spc2.-imen consists In dissolvinga predetermined amount of the lnvýstigated sample in a kno,..:namount of Thloroform.
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As a result, one obtains a solution ofk_(cid:127)own concentratIon.bitumen in chloroforn with a ce-r'takn,'(cid:127)ell the radiansif the bitumen contents doef, not ',%cecd intensity will vary with the conc.%ntratlon. Therefore, b<½r'starting the analysis itself, one should carry out the method analysis which will establish the approximate contentsof bitumen in the sample.
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Afterwards, a solution should beprepared with such a concentration that the rute of the uro-portion (intensity of radiance a, a func:ton of the =oncntratlon)then determined by comparing the luminescence intensity c'' týheis 1.0 -'1, id:. "f9- a ltirvcst"Igated solution with that o" t~ *types of' the natural bitumen prc,1i.u' sp,ýctral composition, consequentl.y one r-hould prepare Eievita.sets of the. standard solutions male 014' various types of bitum.
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'y..This method turns out to b'o much more accurate than the des.c<above method of a drop. :t.indarc onrý. ± a rj.:. *of~a~ ~::"The Method Qf a Capilla:.L p:*sents a modif'lcation of aczhromatographic analysis, Arc olution should be poured Intla narrow glass or into a test tutp, and one end of a strip ol'filter paper immersed into It for duration of 8-10 hours. With-In this time, capillary infusions~ will appear on the r~trip Inform of separate zones which will.
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produce a luminescence whcr.subjected to ultra-violet rays. b~y comparing the spectral compo-siti~on, intensity and width of each of the luminesaing zonesof the Investigated capillary infusions with those of the stan-dard ones, one can determin the qualitative contents of thepetroleum oils and bitumens In the sample.
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If a more detai-ledianalysis is required, the above pr'ocedures should be performedin several solutions, in order of' their dissolving capability(in alcohol-benzene, petroleum ethcrr, caustic potash (2%),, andothers).The Method of Components is based on procedures used inboth the uiethod o-r the standard specimen and tthat of the capil-lary, except applied to individual components of petroleum oilsor bitumens (oils, tars, asphalt") which should be extractedfrom the sample by way of its su~cessivc dissolving in vartoiosolvents (for example, in the petroleum ether and In chloroform~Then, the radiance of the analyzed sample should be compared w4.standards i~e.
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either standard sol) .ttons or standard capillaryinfusions prepared for each compon-nt to be Investigated,, separ-ately,§pecial--Procedures Used f'or a Quan~titative 9Research onLuminescenCe of Petrolu Z'ixI!L~ng the RRad~ince by Waves of Different Length.---------------------------------------Both the petroleum oils and the bitumens represent a milt!component mixture of variou..s luminescent substances.
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Thereforcto excite their radiance, it is advisable to apply individu?-'spectral lines (for example,, th'c .Ine.r of' a rw.rnury p:rn)When the wave-length of the exclt~rng light . ': bý-'rg vn"'j!, -.1.luminescence spectrum of' the retrol'ýum of the sample. Th!s procedu"'- *..,ill fittnat'-7 A of the qualitative and the quantl.tstlvt 'ýompos'tion rnt' thc' T'-t-~roleum oil.1 ý -:g ty'r)' i'-''~-Investlgatinj the §pect-a at a L .4 Te.mperature%.Wh-eircarýyTng ouY.
Central African Republic
ahan: a-aTyWFIF '5_'-to ~7T- it isrecommended to investigate their speCtrai of fluorescence~ at .temperatures when the wide, washed-out bands appearing at a roe-temperature become narrow and sharp. Thusp they become Pa-t-%rto ideritify. In many cases, for instan-ce In the kerosten'! fru-'ýt o." the petroleum oil, the luminescence spectrum is located '.-,the near ultra-violet zone.
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iltra-violet spectra at a low temperature reveals that tii..radiance h83 been excite4 by the aromat'Lc compounds.invcstigation of the lumine'o.,.nWhe dissolving the sample in normal paraffins (n-hexan',:',at a low temperature. Quite often the spectrum of the lum~r,.r-cence becomes ruled. This fact p.-rmits determining the :3ub,3'. "anwhich excites the petroleum radiance. This wan the way in .. "Wone had detected the existence of aromatic perylene hydrocartor.
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:in the oil-bearing clays.Research on the Spectra of Phoaphorence. At the tempera,.i,.wof liiuTd--notroen, "dr'fre~ent--fra .tTos oT" The petroleum de,': 7(cid:127)not Just the fluorescence but also the phosphorence. Here, B-process, of the fluorescence, and this feature can be used as an addlt'. (...analytical characteristic. when investigating the narrow, aromatic fractions of the petrci!..
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;1Oil.the spectrum of radiance dractically differs from th LThe above method gives good resultsrn -_Invest la ti__ the Polarization The hungarian scientistsumincscence analysis ofhave woFrkeod out-a unique metd bitumens; the method is based on metering the polarization olradiance in solutions of rock specimens collected from thesurface of the soil. Theory shows that the degree of theradiance polarization drops when the symmetry of moleculesbecomes higher ( see # 110).
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The molecules of bitumen formedby organic substances in the surface layers of the soil, and themolecules of the oil-bearing bitumens have a different degree n';symmetry. Thus, by the degree of polarization of the sample luminescence,one can evaluate the nature of bitumen contained therein.The former are less symmetrical than the latter.# 113.
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Luminescence Analysis of Minerals and Ores.The luminescence methods are being widely used in geologicilprospecting, tion products of ores containing minerals, etc.the mining industry, in controlling the concent-a-in Ores and minerals are non-organic compounds, and the proco-the luminescence analysis of these very Important-subztaYresdures described in # 111 can be applied to them. On the otherhand, has a number of specific features.
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Many minerals represent o'r-:.-talophosphori of a natural origin, whose characteristics of luIne-szence depends on the upsetting of periodicity of their cryatoýlattice, These disturbances will occur when activating admixt'retare being introduced into the baeLc substance of the mineral -tons of heavy metals ( rare-erth rlements, Mn, Cr, Ag, S, L 2.-t+,and others).
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Minerals will produce a radiance when cxcit,- byultra-violet and X-ray radiatlor, and also under cathode .ays.The most universal of them is the cathode excitation. A greatmajority of luminescent minerals can be excited to radiance inthis way.
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ar0 exciting only a limited number of minerals.less often applied; the X-rrysThe photo-excitation is 81 In orde.- to apply the l-.imineasszn~e analyash minescent minerals, the latter's grain3 should be suble,ýt,OC hemical processing after which their surface wi11 be v0.-, thu' ti6ue to a special prvipssnrg '.Ly a film w~th its characte-ristic radiance. For Instanc~e, 'in..ir. neral wolf.ranilte (Fe.
Central African Republic
For Instanc~e, 'in..ir. neral wolf.ranilte (Fe. Mn) WO, te covered by a film of Ca W;)4 wh'~ ilpoue r ne~blue lumines.,enoe, There are wor,.ed methods o1f cheml al prce -,!ng for grains of' the following minerals: Huebneri~te Mn WO..b~eryl Alg~ej (Si Oj I and Polluc. "we (Cs. tNa)(Al S!2ý6] ri 1quantitative contents, they, too, should be subjected to acal processing prior to the analysis.
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In result of a lumllneý-"r.reaction, new compounds are obtained which can produce a Cha-ft-teristic radiance; by measuring the lat*.e~r's Intensity,, oneTo ~et c t ~Irerent metals in ores, and to determnine th"~eteminethe contents of the given metal In the sample.
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Thit-:--;methoda have been worked out for detection of such metals as:L!, Sn, Pb, Al and Zr in various m~nerals and orec.When carrying out an analysis on ores and mineralscrtr-Ing uranium and rare-earth elements, one can use the t~m~:described In # 111.
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In case of the uranium, usually a pearlanalysis should be performed, In case of rare earth elementsone should apply a cathode excitation.It should be pointed out th3t similar minerals mined ind~ifferent fields, quite often show a different characteristicof' their luminescence. This circumstance is due to their resnA.,-tive admixtures which can be different in different formations.Some of the Ingredients (ions of Fe, Cu, N1., etc.) are strongextinquishers of the mineral luminescence.
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These admixtures 8ar11called "Poisons" of the luminescence.A qualitative luninescen-ce analysis Is being utilized whenconcentrating the ores which contain some minerals. Part!-':la:i::o.ften it is used when mining for the scheelite mineral (CaWO. 'whi.ch can produce a very Internsiv. blue luminescence. Du! '!rigthe noncentrating process, a setcr of' the movIng conveyer' Isbel.ng illuminated with ultra-vi'Aeat rays,, and the lumps whc1_hproduce radiance are being taker. as!
Central African Republic
as! 'Je.The Roer;htgenoluminescenze is 3pplied when separating AlUa-monds from rocks. Both the color on,,. the intensity of the V.i.lurinnesCenue &..lcw a BuffI~cl.ent~l: ,! :u:.-tc separnit!:r. -r v~ivsample Components.
Central African Republic
:u:.-tc separnit!:r. -r v~ivsample Components. By the !olor f'f the~r radi1ar., t:P, a:c..can be divided into tharee groups: c.-nt wi&tha %:2th a gree-n, ano~ a thir1i with a:lo e-ac~h group, by the Intensity of the ux-Ited r'adiance the-more complex cases the results: of 41he lumin~escence analy:: sý.,hould be compared wit.h the Infra-red absorpti~on spec'~tr' of tdiamonds.the&-e are posi!ble-.' no-,.
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ýictaljc-'l zsub-g,,*urr LI..e., Lh,: se'Wt.If'.f~rom o~ne anoth~r*.To control the products of ore concentration, they are apivIng both the semi-quantitative and quantitative methodis o:'~luminescence analysis, based on the use of' 2athode excitza¶',:This technique gives good results in analysis on: scneellitf-W04); willemite (Zn2S1,04); zI.rcon (ZrS104T); spodumene(Llj><t:apatite (Ca10 (F, CL)12(POi4J6), ani other minerals.imn' 8P In su-h a -ase, standard sampl,-s should be prepare:ifrom the field In:'epresent a mixture of the barren ro-- t:on, and a kno n amount of the mineral to be Investlgaite,'.
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then place i'Llection Qf such samples is ,. dially partitioned sections. into the center sectoon. then placed Into ",(cid:127)je cell, and the radiance of al! samples is exc.Ited "nm':'t;:.ly. By compar~ng the lumtnescenc:.c intensity of all ntani:-:.samples and the investigated one, we can determine the con,t.on of the investigated material In the sample.
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Accur:-.y:(cid:127);h an analysis does not exceed + 5%.Qutie often, a qualitative 19minescence analysis of orr'The: investigated sample is (cid:127)° into a ves 1. w.t.The ves:rl is A,counting :"The analysis process itself can :,Such a count gives a percentage of the minera.Preparing the. sample for analysis consists of preparingand products of concentration consists of exciting the radrIh.-.cf -ontained therein minerals, and of a statistical their grains. In the investigated sample.
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In the investigated sample. jivided into three stages: preparing the sample for analys:&. :;preparing the compounds for analysis; counting the lumine:;c-wrgrains of the minerals.the batches consisting of grains of a similar size. For th!.s.purpose, the investigated sample should be ground and spread'.n a thin, several millimeter high layer. The layer is thendivided into equal squares.
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The layer is thendivided into equal squares. A certain equal portion of tnesubstance should be then taken off each square mixed togEthow:,and tne final batche prepared. When working with non-lum.nr-F:,r.,minerals, the grain should be chemically processed so t!it luminescent film will form on their surface.The second stage consists of' preparing the compoun~is :'For this purpose, a square of certain size shoul (cid:127) . ?analysis. cut out from a graph paper, and pasted on a slide.
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cut out from a graph paper, and pasted on a slide. On Itsother side, the glass shall be covered with a thin layer ol'glycerine, and then pressed against the smoothed surface of' theinvestigated sample. glass, consisting of grains of the investigated sample; here,the grains will stick only within the pasted square.In reslut, a mono-layer will form on thenThe analysis will be finished with counting the grainsof the investigated mineral. is placed into a cathod#. .ell where the radian'ir '.'
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.ell where the radian'ir '.' compound :adianue of the luminescent components of the sample will,excited. A Binocular shall be placed above the cell win;;:,.the number of the luminescing grains can be then easily cou:. ''.1.and the percentage of the mineral determined.the thus n.eT:':c,,;thfýFor this purpose, As to its accuracy, the luminescence analysis of min-:.r!.equals the chemical analysis.
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However, takes considerably less time, and thus gets the preference.is much more s.mr2.e,One should point out that the minerals, same as the Crystascphosphori, are producing a characteristic, protracted after-:..'-ance which fades away by a hyperbolic law (18.7). The fau:ng-it 83 6 way process, defined by the magn!,.., -'ry cha'acteristic for a mi.neral. gnalyata not just their spectra" Intensity of' the minerals) but also the tts process ,f f,:`naway.of! the "x.nvtpnt.nus, de -:3n .isp Ir.
Central African Republic
the "x.nvtpnt.nus, de -:3n .isp Ir. :omposition and th- "ur.84 CHAPW 21The USIaXecece Analysis of Detection114. Detetion of the Ivisilel ibdianceA separate section of the luminsence analysis presents the detection~of and the research os roAdations invisible to the ham red, the ultra-violet and the X-ray, and also these formed during the radio-active disintegration and nuclear reactionss.the infre-eye -of etiecrtiom- of the inr-red mey.
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~~- th rsaohp of~ ~ ~ lIs associated with a thermal liberatios of the ex-As we know, a protracted radianceer cited electroas from the localization levels, The Illumiation, of the ex-by infra-red rays will, also. liberate the electronscited crystals from the levels of loealinatiea and speed up their fading. Two alternat ivesthe liberated electross perfam emana-art possible here. ting transitions which lead to an explosion of luineecencet in the secondalternative, the 9eletreas rater.
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to their ass-oexted state with asosmation, make the luminseceac* ening of these spots of the crystalophospbori surface where the radiationhas been, direected.
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Moth of the above phemmeta saf be utilised for re-cording the inf ra-zed Bole.to fMet the latter -hees-o censists in dark -In the first came, Soe optical exlosion sam be observed particularly clearly Is crystalo-phoephori with deep levels of localisation frau which, at a room temperature,the electess cannot liberate thesealves without any outside help. Theseexcited, but not luafescing In the normal cenditoms, phspbort when sub-jected to Infra-red Me.s will produce a bright explosion.
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the explosive phesphori. The explosive characteristics are proper to thealkali-earth crystalophomphori (CaS, US.' eto.) with two or sore of the rareearth activators, for instance with Ce and So (pee. radiance) or with Uaand So (oraage-colored radiance). The explosive phosphri permit detectingan 9fare-rod. radiation up to 'Xw lpa. Crystalophospbert Is which the Infr-red rays would extinguish their luminescence, are cailed the faimig-awaybompsori.
Central African Republic
sulfide orystalophesphri activated by copper and cobalt (USB These properties are characteristic to, for swmle,, Soey are cailed- On - Co).the sine-The detectioa of the iafra-red rays Is of te performed by mo of the.so called, "electroe-icoptical coaverters. a lmineecent screen sensitive to Wsra-red rans.
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a lmineecent screen sensitive to Wsra-red rans. Newser, with this mosthodof investitionmousd, the screea 's radiance winl be excited not in resultof a direct action of the investigated iaf re-red radiation, but due toforced out ef the apparatus plotocatbede by the infra-red ray.election In this eowe, see should meedThe meet simle elosetramic-eptleal conertorte sinas" ats a vauu dia-eharge tube with a phatoosatd red moo shall be pro jec ted so the photocathode free ube mfaet tors e t olostem.
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and directed note a thean sped up by @ Soe latter wre ___ase mare.. which will staft prodwing a visibleinside. mwe investiputd num of infra-of electric field,It will An Iwo of difffrent ebjects Is the infrar-m rays am be also pro-jested onto the pbotoeathde of as ele*tolse-eptical onaverter. Under thelnfmroA radiation, a vie-ble iag.
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Under thelnfmroA radiation, a vie-ble iag. of the inveetigFted object will appearon the lu.neeequt n.rom.of t (cid:127)e. aft4tl4 < 300 80. the radiance intensity of this type ofultra-violet can excite moetthe of thW lunines"Gat semboatas, h performiag a qualitatlva obervot4soof tW mltra-violet rediatioe, they use wetly the lumml glass in Which itwill mite an Iateasive, Vess luminesceoce.
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Nweter, when transferringIate the msne Wt gla(cid:127)s dop " marwdl due to an acute absorption of short-nveo portionof the ultra-(cid:127)ielet speetrom by the glass itself.. For quantitative metor-ing, the MOWyl #la is net fit enough as their a&eorption in the ultra-violet part ef the speetru is mobh more oeavenient to usethe fused quarts glow wbhih contains Co. A oerom quarts produces an in-tonive, blue rudioane formed Ahem excited by light with 'A.
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fram 30 down to25O up , and We a suffticiently muifor absorption capability ever theentire opeetml range Indicated above.i* Irregular. It For rIo rding the smwnutiun located in the #acum ultra-violet portionof the opectzm (with X are ast suitable duo to a hig absorption of the radiation by the platinelayer.
Central African Republic
be ovsroane by *overing the uhoto-uinlalonby a thin layer of industrial 1ll the latter's Luineocence exeited by theshort-ave, ultra-violet emaation will blacken the photographic film.1 a up ), the oriamry pbotopephic materialsSoe above dffieulty ca N tt eoro. rystapoi dMiri, The 1-ray radiation eicites the luminescence ofanomrew different types of glass diamonds and other son-orpuie sompsaa. TSe radiace is being excited by fast electroas tomoff the eleotromic hehll of the ateom or moleculos by the X-rays.
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The X-rayradiatim eona be registered either visually (the Dentgenoseopy) or on a.hoto film (the boemastmSe py). For the use in boentgenoscopy, they mau-facture lumnesoent Peutgon screens consisting of a thin layer (- 0.2 -0.4 m) of powdered erystalopho(cid:127)phori ic padding by means of a transpartnt glue.. hadiace of suoh soreens shouldbe inertia-free so that one could clearly see the outlines of a moving ob-ject, for instance, those of a pulsating heart.
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To obtain a clear imge ofminute details of the object, a feature which can be attained by using a finely --ro=4 powder.the screen should be highly diocriat-aating,applied to either a cardboard or plast-The Bentges sorte*ens -f cryst.a.. -posphori vwhich produce either ye'low-green or reer- raditt-,v, tW both ofwhich the uman eye Is mmt maitlve. Usually they a"' mure of eitk.esine vallee an an astuater.
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(US) or phosqorl mixed with ..e - W W, They use kgthe boeattenoscopy &re ma-e in d Se bestges sresam used In lbntgesogriaphy for amplitioation of thephe sptio ef X-rays, are being made of CaVO4, XVO or Z-S.Ag.phot They pe(cid:1)oce a blue or a blue-violet rsdiance.Vbss film, the amplifying ocresa will affect the tied.
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Ylbs, the duratinm ef the exposure can be drstieoaily redued.t-qmualim several timee strisger than a dirtet illimne-adbou.ld be e"cited by X-rayui their rdiamsceperiupsee4 en a photo-416- Detection of elemntr pa~rticles and -_ro... By way of luminescence,Vhea any of the above particles Is pass-it will exciteone can register the flowa of protons, d.utross, electons, neutrons, positrons.mesons, a -particles and I -rays.
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ive through a luminescent organic or non-organic substance, a great number of their radiance centers whose eoaneation wll produce a flarrhof luninescenc* (cid:127)alled the "scintillation." For example, a single * -particlecan excite -(cid:127) nbovo characteristics, ar called the "scintillators."
Central African Republic
The scintillationcan be detected and measured by using a scintlilation counter which cona'.stsof a sciatillator and a photo-amplifier recording the individual light ia-pulses.The luminescent substances with thelo centers of radiance. Similarly to the lboentgenoluminescence, a radiolminoscence is beingexcited hy secondary electrons which formed dwa.
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to particles hitting ascintillator.The scintillators can consist of some crystalophosphori, orpamic mono-crystals, solutions of orgsmic substances, or of special types of plastic.The most widespread acm-organic scintillators are the zinc-sulfidacryttalopbosphori activated by either copper (ZnS.Cu,7.max a 520 up ) orsilver (ZnS.Ag, ;. a 450 up ). When the exmitation is by 4 -rays orother highly ionising particles, the energy output of their radisace can goup to 25%.
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Novever, due to their high dissipation, such pulverized scintil-lateor are mot too effective for registration of 7' -rays. Noreover, produce a comsidorable after-nadiance (Cr ; 10-7 sec.
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), and thus hampers themeasuring of the individual scintillations.theyFor detection of slew neutrons, they are using a mixture of ZnS-Ag with2 03, where the Neutrons are being trapped by the boron, and 4 -particlesare being separated vhich will excite the radiance of ZnS.Ag, When meoer-ing the flow of fast neutrons, good results are being obtained by using -mixture of Um.S and polystyrene.
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For registering the Y -rays, one can usethe transparent alkali-haloid mono-crystals (Mal, KI, LiI, ClI) activatedby T1. Most of these crystals are hygroscopic; they should be covered with a film of light oil. The ? -scintillators canalso consist of KX. ?T powder aixed with a -bromonaphthalene, or crystalsof calcium tungstate (CaWOPonocrystals4 ) and cadmium tungsetato (CdVOQ). to protect thum from moiature!aI-Tl are being used for registration of protons and deutroas.
Central African Republic
shows the characteristics of me non-organic scintillators.Table 30Doteimtric metering of 7' -emission can be carried out also by observingra_-ple,the thetroolineecence brilgtaens L1.F,; in identical coni.4,me of experimenting, proportional to the number of 9 -rays absorbed. used for medical prposs, Lu determining the intensity of the laterualemanation in caacor-eick people treated with radioactive isotopes.
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Sli,water-inuolzble crystals of LLY were wallowed by the patient, and them re-trieved after two days. The itttssity of their theruaolvatnencace me the thermoluminoecence 1iThe above method Ic beingome of the crystals (for ( 96) of t.*'.-47- compared with that of the crystal Which ha. been previously exposed to apredetermined dose of X-ray.
Central African Republic
; by coumarison, one ca: determine the dose,in Rloentgens, to which the patient has been exposed.ITable 39i Oca"Nue aIpASTW(cid:127)mu MeboTopMEz wpraamuecaux cuUmaToMpTO05s Alp gm wal Up. ayauN! I.TI * KI.TI LiI.T1 410 410 cee-mUamd4- (cid:127)X:n (cid:127)-t . (cid:127))6 CaF CaWO CdWO& cuAuf.
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(cid:127))6 CaF CaWO CdWO& cuAuf. Vuieuo 430 530 M 82 I 0.3 >5 -10 >10-6>10-4> 10-91--6...0..,5.I0"1- Basic characteristics of some non-organic acintillatore2- FLhsahorns3- Average weve-length of the emisslon spectrum, e- 0~tpst of ezargy, in %5-T in of fading ,ut, in sec.6- SrIM*-venr7- White8- Blue, ultra.-violetin up&Aslo, known is the metthod of dosimetering the ? -emanation, bWsed onthe utillxatA-! of exvlodizg phosphori SrSeEu-.
Central African Republic
of exvlodizg phosphori SrSeEu-. which, vhen subjected tothe infra-red radia came, the phosphorous anould be preliminaril.v excited by the inveitigotedflux of 9 -rays, and then exposq1 to infra-red Tays. The brightness ofthe thus created flash uill pertit evaluating the 4ose of the - -rodiation.i, will produne a bright flash of -adiance. In thisThe auove method allows meaiuring ,he inteneity of the -? -radiationFrom 0.005 up to 1,000 roentgens. A similar tech-in a very vid# range.
Central African Republic
A similar tech-in a very vid# range. nique can be applied to metering th3 intnsity of the P-radiation, as wellas the flow of the clow neutrons.When refglatcring the elementary pasitic, and 7P -rays, one can useof anthracene, stilbene, terphonyl, tojane, naphthalenethe sono(cid:127)rystal ani some other organic substances. The above crystals provide a Oide re-solving capability in tine, as the duration of their scW-tillation is1&4 sec.
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Their ahcrtconing consists of a lack of proportion between the radiance intensity and the energy of hitting pafticles. Table 40 shows thecharacteristics of some of the orgnnic scintillatorm.Table 40SOCRM- £ItiST"UCTUKU HROTOpUld oprA.UNCKNM CUWTuIdTOPOIICTPYRCTpY.I7M 40"ya @GL°(cid:127)UM ncul Copla eyw Awxa .
Central African Republic
"V xI B_I'Wr IAN ,rAuipaueai (CTu" (~Te~iesa cTaC C / iI)(Z>-KI> _ 447 410 415 390o 4 -3.10---2 7.10-'-10-8>2 >2 1 ..7.10-,", tj" HS MH 345- .,..erape wva.-length of the emission spectuo, 1a*1- Ylin characteristics of some of the organic scintillatorm2- Mame of substance3- St-uctural formula4- 5- Output of energy, 6- Time of fading out, in seo.7- Anthracene8- Stilbone9- Terphenyl10- Thlane11- Naphthalenein %The part of scintillators can be played also by the solutions of someorganic substances (psrmterphenyl, 2.5 - diphtayloxazole, phenyl -a- napthy-laxine, etc.)
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vith a concentration of -5 gram/liter. Xylene, phenycyclo-toluene, bemnene and some other organic substances can serve h-:hexane, solvents. Smetimes, into such a solution they are adding a moll awoi:rtof a s(cid:127)cond orpnic substance whose spectrum of luminescence ie shiftedtoward the long wares, an aapimt the speotrum of the main ombstance. These admixLtures are called the "spectrum dimplacers."
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In the above system, areaonance transfer of tke excitation energy proceeds from the solvent,th'fou~gh the dissolved substance, to thae admixture whom& radiance will beregistered.
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In this a.yq one can shift the spectrum of scintillation intothe son* of a mmximus sensitivity of the photo-omplifier used for the regis-tration.for regletration of nuclesi radiations, they use also plastic scintilla-tori into which they have introduced sow* luminesceat organic substance(Faraterphenyl, 2.3 - diphenyloxazole, and many others). In the plasticscintillaturs, the part of spectrum displacera is being played usually bythe quaterphenyl, tetraphenybutadiene, and other substances.
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In theircharacterist-i.ce, the plastic scintillators resemble other organic scintilla-tors.115. The Luminescer-,e Analysis of Detection as Applied in Biology andMedicineAs mentioned abovei, the cheuwcal analysis of luminescence is beingwidely used for determination of vitamins, hormones, pigments and other 4ru-portant biological substances.
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Equally widespread in both biology and m'di-cine, are the methods of the luinescence analysis of detection.Luiecn irmW At present, of particular importance arethe lus1nescent-micromiopic investigations concerning either the naturalradiance of analyzed object or the radiance of a sample which has been pee-lisinarily colored with dyes called the "fluorochromes."
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The lattor can bq:the xa~nthene, pigments (chlorophyll, porphyrin), and a number of organic compounds.thiazine, quinoline and acridine dyestuffs, some luminescent'"he natural radiance is being utilized for the luminescent-microscopicresearch on vitamins A, ~2', ~69 scie derivatives of vitamin B1, nicotineacid and a number of other compounds.
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Here, one can follow the precipita-tion of these substances in various organs or in individual cells, and alsoone can observe their transformations duiring the actifi life of the organism.The use )f t~he fluorochra-ming method considerably widened the possi-bilities of the luminescent microscopy. Nlow, concrete Images can be ob-tained, and even the smallest details of the investigated object can beinvestigated regardless of its naltural luminescent properties.
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Of particu-lItr Importance is the circumstance that some dyes, while being adnorbod bytissues, cells and thei- varioua parts In a different manner, when st',:bJectedto exciting beazs, will produce a very contrasting, multi-colored picture.For instance, after a cell has been colored with aurophoaphine, theprotoplasm will produce a dark-greten radiance, the nuclei-light green, thechondriososes - orange, and the fatty matter - blue.Ot the other band, after having bpen fluorochromed with acridixte,orange dye, the dead cells will produce a bright-red ltioinoucence, the liveones - a bright green, Thus, they can be easily discerned from each other.-z_90-- * A similar method is being nse in diagnostics on cancer.
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radiance of fluorochrome allows a faultlesw distinguising of the healthycells from those affected by cancer.In this case, theThe eUhod of Fluorochromans the Live Or1anisms. Considering theextremely high sensitivity of the luminescent method for the purpose ofcoloring they arp using highly diluted solutions of the fluorochromes- 5.10"0 moles/liter) which can only slightly affect chemically(C-'1iO- the investigated object notably the organism cells.
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Thus, by either theintravenous or subcutaneous injection one can fluorochrome the individualorgans of huwan beings and adnimlal while they are alive, an achievementwhich is extremely important for the biological research. By using theabove method, one can study the structure of cells, and follow their changesduring various functional conditions of the organism.
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For instance, kyfluorochroming the live cells with the acridine orange dye (C-1:1-I02) onecan observe the conditions of cells of the brain cortex of various creatures,thus detecting the finest structural elements of the brain tissue.A technique has been worked out for makin(cid:127) icro-motiom pictures ofthe fluorochromed, simplest living organisms.
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These pictures turn out tobe essential when studying the biological influence on organism of theioniziag emanation.Dy sme of the fluorochroming one can follow the relocation andation of various substances in members, tissues and cells of atramsfo(cid:127) living organim. When carrying out a research on a living body of animals,the flusrochrome is either applied to the bare surface of the member, or in-jected. The blood straw carries the fluorochroue over the ntire body,and vhen illu.
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(cid:127)ated with ultra-violet rays, the substance wi1l luinneascbrigttly coloring spots of the skin and mucuous membrane. chroming method is also being used in the research on circulation of bloodand other lipWido in the body.The fluoro-The Luminescence Method of Di,(cid:127)osing Various Diseases. For the"purpose 71 diagostics, one crtn, by using the fluoro.hroming, detect variousbacteria.
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Por instance, by using the auramine dyes or the acridine yellow,one can detect the bacillus of tuberculosisl the coryphosphine permitswatching the bacillus of diphtheria; berberine sulfate- the bacteria of lep-rosyl rivanol successfully reveals the plammodia of malaria and some spiro-coamta. Minute numbers of bacteria can Le detected by means of the poeu-doisocyaninchloride which, in solutions, becomes adsorbed on the bacteria surface.
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After having beentreated with fluorochromes, the luminescence of related bacteria may turnout to be similar.
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they use theextinguahNrs of luminescence; in this way, one can either weaken or fullyextinguish the radiance of one type of bacteria, while the other goes onproducti though not producing m natural luminescence whenIn order to distinguish one from another, an unchanged luminescence.The luminescence analysis can be used for determination of existenceof the esacerogmess substances, and thus to take the suitable steps inorder to protect the bkm life.
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For the purpose of diasacatico, the-91- thrIn a healthy man, patients receive intravenously the fluorescein. latter starts separeting in 50 - 70 hours. When a malignat swelling isexisting, this tine will increase to 2,000 hours. There are also kn,-)wnmethods which allow to diapose the cancerous swellings directly on the"operation table. Here, affected orpas, or fluorochrose them with a fluoroscein dye.
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specific radiance, one can establish the outlines of swelling spread andthus determine the location of the metastasis. This method requires a highlyintensive ultra-violet light for the excitation purpose; it can be obtainedfrom a special floodlight equipped with lamp, type SVDSh-250, and screenedwith the UNS-4 filter.
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teoted cancer of pleura, and also distinguish various types of skin cancer.they either watch the natural luminescence of theBy this method one can determine a hard-to-be-de-By theirThe luminea(cid:127)cence methods represent a great aid to the surgeon also inother types of operation.
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For example, when operating on the brain tumor,by using the nuorescein one can distinguish the normal tissues from thosetumorous, and also establish if plantation of akin, a fluorescein solution should be introduced into thepatient's blood; in this way, one can determine the extent to which thetraeaplantad tissue has taken roet, and if a normal blood circulation isbeing maintained therein.they are malignant or benign. Daring trans-and for repqerch on their usefulness.
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Daring trans-and for repqerch on their usefulness. The laineoceut analysis of detection is widely used for controllingisthe quality of various drupg, also used in dermatology. When subjecting the affected skin areas to ultra-violet zoos, one can immediately establish the type of disease and the out-lines of its dye, ema. n reliably distinguish different types of the akin cancer andsaroeos. %vally important are the luminescence methods for the pathologicalanatom spread.
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For instance, by fluorochroming with an acridine orangethe criminology.anad in It 116. The Luinescence Analysis of Detection as Applied in IndustryDetection of Defects by LviinescenceIn various branches of industry, the methods of the defect detectionby luminescence became widespread; they permit detecting the minutestcracks and defects on the surface of industrial products.
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The superiorityof the luminescence method over the others consists of its versatility;the luminescence methods can be applied to parts made of any material, orof any shape and size, regardless of the type and quality of the surfacemachining.There exist several methods of defect detection by luminescence. most widespread of then consists of the following procedures.
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be investigatt4 should be first washed in benzine in order to remove anygreaes the part has been 4ried, its mixLure (for exmple, a solution consisting of kerosene, bensine, former oil and a dye of (,10-15 win.) will penetrate into all pores and defect. of the uruface.from its surface. Any slag shou.ld be recoved by sanding.
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Any slag shou.ld be recoved by sanding. Aftersurface should be covered by a luminescenteroe-golden defectole) which within a short tim.ans-t TheThe part to-92- the mixture should be washed away by a iater stream for 5 - 10 sec-Next, onds. The part dried out by a n+reaa of hot air, its surface sprirkled i0 tha desicated, thoroughly ground silica gel (3032) which vill absorb thesolution which got into the oraekes, and bind vith the surface tightly.
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Thenthe silica gel should be removed by shaking the part, and blowing; it willstay o1ly inside the cracks where it then illuminated with ultra-viclet rays, cracks will be distizretly visible on the 4ark background.remains moist. When the object isthe luminescing sones around th'It has been ascertained by Karyakin, that theThe above technique allows detecting cracks up to 1 px. deep. The ob-servation is quite easy as the luminescing strip is usually about 10 timeswider than the crack itself.
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silica gel will not start radiating iediately but after a certain delaycalled the "detection period." The detection period depends on the depth"h" of the crack, and varies from 30 seconds (deep cracks) up to V0 ainuteos,p deep).
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By measuring the time "t" until the lmnescent(small cracks, ~ strip will becom visible, and the #strip width 1, 212, a and b) one can quite accurately determine the depth h and the natureof the crack an the surface of the investigated part.from the curvas (figureIDFigxre 212. a- Width 1 of the fluorescirg atrip as a funotic..a of theb- Detection period t as a function of the crack depth h.crack depth hi4* -f -. -Frigur 213.
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-Frigur 213. Pletur, of detail with cracks invisible to hmn ey* detectedby luminescence.-93- Figure 213 showns a part on whose surface, ty reans of luminescence, werc do-tected cracks invisible to a human eye. * In a smiliau way, one can detect through cracks in pipes and othertubular surfaces. For this purpose, their inner surface should be coverrdwith a luminescent composition.
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After having subjected their outer sur-face to ultra-violet rays, on the dark background of the detail$ all thethrough cracks and dafects will be distinctly visibile. IAnother method of detection is applicable cnly to products made ofmaterial with magnetic propertiea (steel, cast iron). This method ismodification of that,of the defect detection where pulverized magnet isbeing used. Te part to be investigated should be covered with a magne'tcsuspension consisting of crocus and a luminescent mineral oil.
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A magneticthe part. After the electric current has beenfield should be induced in cut, the most intensive residual magnetic fields will form on the surfacedefects.
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As a recult, the luminescent magnetic suspension will settlealong the crack edges, and will become visible when illuminated with ultra-violet rays.in they are using substances (for example, trichloroethylene) with an intensive red or orange-redtheDetection of defects by luminescence plays an important role in radio-manufacturing industry when masa controlling the vacuum devices forleakage.
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For this purpose, orange-red II luminescence whose color will exclude the chance of false alarm consideringthat the glass itself, or its chance ingredients, produce a more short-waveradiance. A degreased and cleansed specimen should be m.mersed into a lumi-nescent solution which due to capillary forces will, through the leaks,the solution should be washed away frompenetrate into the device. Next, the device surface with pure trichloroethylene, and the device illuminatedwith ultra-violet rays.
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The radiance of the luminofore which remained onthe inner surfoce of the device will indicate the leaking place. By hold-!ng the specimen in smeller leaks (Table 41).the solution for longer tire, we c&n detect also thelumogenTable 41Nbgnitude of the detected leak as a function of the hoiding time of5secimen in solution _ -Holding time Minimum size of the 4 tete mercury coluin. ce/s.c.) leakage (in mo.
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ce/s.c.) leakage (in mo. of.. ...... ..Minutes sours --I0-310 - O 54 Several days --- I0-6 -0_94- When investigating the products made c' z-my, t(cid:127)err:i c.;, i',nz:..-. ,they are making use of the differencp of :iruid a11o:pt:',. etc., porous surface and that vith cracks. tion, into which the product is being imcerb-a, the material's pores.
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When the-material ala'orbs the liquid, particles wll concentrate in radiance will is being widely used as a quality cont:-ol of the high-voltage insulators.are usually nuch 1iArer t?.snthe lIninescrntPdgen. "here7i'oe abovc nethmearri. es susp. ?nd-d in tn- ',oreveal the defects in the product rurface. the, cra:k ePi settle along its The ;There are known also other VaiatiO3s Of the defect uetection (cid:127):,luminescence.
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