4 values
44 values
5 values
17 values
30 values
Female Inflation
Full Body Inflation
Lin tossed the vegetables in the wok and turned the stove on high. 'Add a quick pour of extra-virgin olive oil, and stir,' she thought. 'Don't use too much, oil's still oil. Not healthy to have a lot in there.' Lin sighed and ran a hand down her slender hips. 'It's such an effort to stay this thin, especially with Chris. I mean, I love him, but for crying out loud, you'd think he's trying to get me fat!' A sizzle from the wok caught her attention and she continued to stir the vegetables. 'Every time he cooks it seems I gain a pound or two...' she thought, glancing at her reflection in the steel refrigerator. She was pretty, no doubt about that, with her long black hair and almond eyes. She may not have many curves, but she wasn't fat, so that had to count for something. With another toss of the wok, the veggies were cooked to perfection, and quickly poured into a bowl as she smelled it. "Mmm..." she said to herself. "Tasty and healthy. Gonna need it...Chris is cooking tomorrow." Lin set the bowl on the table and went back to get something to drink. She absentmindedly ran her hands over her hips, but stopped when she felt something. Namely, her hips. She looked down in confusion, but it was true. Her hips were sticking out a bit. She gave them a gently push, and felt softness. Lin looked down in confusion. "What...I know I haven't gained that much..." She felt her hips, but it was true. Where there used to be toned muscle and hard bone, she could feel a soft layer. That was impossible though, just this morning she was as thin as she always was. She stuck a hand inside her pants, just in case it was something in the cloth, but no. Her hand felt the warm softness of her hips. Her pants were a bit tighter as well, she could feel it as she pulled her hand out. Lin took a deep breath and tried to calm down. "It's just a little bit. I can lose this in no time." She gave her hips another squeeze, but stopped in shock. Even as she felt her hips, an even stranger sensation was being felt. As she pushed her hands into her soft hips, she could feel them pushing back. . Slowly but surely, her hips were getting bigger. With her hands on her sides, she could feel the warmth flowing against her hands, swelling outwards. "Oh god...this can't be good..." Earlier that day... Chris walked down the street, his mind wandering. Tomorrow was his day to cook, and he wanted something good. Lin was a fan of his cooking he could tell, but she was always reluctant to eat it, saying how it would go right to her hips, and she didn't want to gain weight. 'I've told her tons of times, I don't care how much she weighs, but she doesn't listen...' Chris thought to himself. He actually liked bigger girls, girls with some fat and curves on them, but when he met Lin, all that seemed to not matter. He still didn't really mind, but...well, if she gained a few pounds from his cooking, he wasn't going to complain. There was a good store on the corner that sold lots of good food that she liked, maybe tomorrow he'd hit on something that she would eat without feeling guilty and going off to work out for a hour. Chris turned the corner, lost in thought and crashed into someone with a tinkle of glass. "Oh geeze, I'm sorry!" Chris looked at the short girl. She was Hispanic by the look of her, with long, curly, black hair, and she had several large bags in her arms. "I wasn't watching where I was going; I hope that I didn't break anything?" "Sounds like you might have. But it's ok, if you do me a huge favor?" She said with a sweet smile. "Um...what's that?" "Can you hold this bag? I need to take it into my store, and it's hard to hold all this stuff." "Oh, sure, no problem." Chris took the heavy cloth bag and followed the girl down the sidewalk, and into the shop. "Just put it down over there," the girl said, nodding at a corner. "Miranda'll get it later." "Oh sure..." Chris put the bag down and looked around the shop for the first time. It was interesting to say the least...Weird knickknacks, bottles with colored liquids, quite a few books and pieces of jewelry were on the shelves. "Wow...what is this place?" "It's a magic store! Spastic Magic's the name." "What, like, card tricks and whatnot?" The girl laughed, "No, not quite like that. Here, I'll tell you what. You didn't break anything, so for payment for helping me carry that bag, take this." The girl vanished into the back room, and returned in a moment carrying a small green statue, about a foot high. It was a very nicely carved image of an oriental dragon, standing on its hind feet and looking into an orb. "Oh wow...that's really pretty." The girl nodded, a grin on her face. "Yep, it's nice. It grants wishes. Well, sort only really works once per day and it's a bit literal...but it works fairly well." Chris laughed, "Wishes? It's not going to be like a monkey's paw or anything like that, is it?" "Oh no! It's totally safe. Any problems, just come back and we'll get everything fixed. Here's our card." The girl handed him a business card which Chris pocketed with a grin as the girl wrapped up the statue and put it in a bag. "Alright...well, Thank you very much for the statue, and I hope your store's doing well!" "Oh it is. We had a rough start, but we're doing fine now. My name's Julia by the way." "I'm Chris. Pleasure to meet you Julia, Take care." Chris walked out the door with a grin on his face. 'Weird people...' he thought. 'That thing is probably some kinda plastic, but still, looked nice. Granting wishes though, that's just weird. I wish Lin was bigger, but eh...maybe that new recipe'll work.' Later once more... Back at their apartment, Lin was beginning to panic. "This can't be happening, it has to be a dream or something...that's it, I must have fallen asleep...I can't be swelling up like this!" But if it was a dream, it was the most realistic she had ever experienced. To make matters worse, it was starting to spread. The warmth and filling sensation was moving upwards, to her belly, what she had worked so hard to keep flat and toned, now beginning to grow soft. She could see it, a gentle dome, lifting her shirt up and poking out. Her soft belly grew slowly, like bread dough, slowly pushing against her pants, flowing over in a muffin top. Lin pressed against it, trying, in some desperate way, to squeeze it back down, but it kept on swelling, bulging against her hands, her pudgy potbelly squishing around her fingers. Her hips were filling those pants as well, and as her thighs swelled, she could feel her pants getting tighter, constricting her legs. It was starting to get hard to move, and her pants were starting to get painful. "God...gotta get these off...before I'm cut in half!" Lin gasped as a sudden growth surge had her pants let out a creak. She tried to unbutton them, but the pressure of her belly was just too high to get them undone. Her swelling body solved the problem for itself though, when with a pop and a ping, her button broke and flew across the room. Her belly swelled forward, like it was happy to be released from the tight prison, and Lin looked down, words failing her as her feet were slowly being blocked from view. It wasn't just her belly either; her chest was beginning to swell. There was a line of cleavage that she had never seen before as her boobs swelled outwards against her t-shirt, stretching it and squeezing her new tits together. Lin gave her growing chest a poke, and sucked in a little gasp of pleasure. They jiggled softly after her poke, her nipples rubbing against the fabric of her t-shirt. A tearing sound snapped her out of her pleasure, and she looked down, or tried to. Her boobs were the size of grapefruits and swelling rapidly, like a pair of flesh colored water balloons, huge and heavy. Lin wasn't sure how much longer her small shirt could hold on. Already the pressure of her growing tits was pushing against her chest, making it hard to breathe; every breath seemed to make her shirt give out creaking noises. Louder pops were heard on her next breath, and Lin could feel cool air flowing into her shirt from the ripped seams. Lin tried to feel the seams, but every movement caused more ripping, until with a sigh, Lin flexed her chest, the ruined garment tearing open and hanging on only by the collar. Frowning, she pulled it over her head with a loud rip and tossed it onto the floor. Lin wrapped her arms around herself in an attempt to cover her chest, now the size of cantaloupes and still swelling slowly. Her pants were starting to get uncomfortably tight, her thighs and hips stretching the cloth to skin tightness. They were so tight she could barely move her legs, and had to walk in a shuffling waddle. "I've gotta sit down, try to get these off..." Lin waddled to the couch, and tried to sit, but a loud rip froze her. She clasps her hands to her butt, and felt the rip in the cloth, groaning as the tearing sound continued, her huge soft ass pushing open the rip wider. Cursing under her breath she grabbed at the tear and pulled, ripping it open at the seams. Lin's butt squeezed out and she sat down to struggle out of her pants. It seemed impossible to get the pants off in one piece, her thighs had to be twice their old size. Lin grimaced, and tried to pull them off, wiggling on the couch like a snake trying to shed its old skin. Lin hissed though her clenched teeth, "Damn it, move!" Her pants were stuck on the curve of her enormous butt, squishing down the fat and slowly inching downwards. With an almost audible pop, they finally overcame the curve of her ass, and Lin could peel the skintight pants off. She tossed them aside and lay back on the couch. "I've gotta think this though...this is just impossible." Lin prodded the huge dome of her stomach, the size of a beachball. It felt real, warm and slightly squishy. The view was being blocked by her breasts, though, if she watched them carefully she could still see them swelling. She could feel her panic rising as she grew, her body getting rounder and heavier with every passing moment. She couldn't even imagine what she looked like now, a cartoon or something, some kind of over inflated balloon girl, all boobs and belly and butt. "I have to stop growing sometime...I mean..." Lin gave a nervous laugh. "I can't keep on growing, right?" "Lin? I'm home! You here?" Lin's miserable thoughts about her swelling body were brought down to earth with crashing speed as she heard Chris's voice. A million thoughts ran though her head, 'He's gonna leave me, I'm huge, What am I going to do, Go away, Help me, I don't know what's happening!' as she tried to stand. Her new weight made it difficult though, and her new center of gravity made it hard to not fall over. 'Just one foot in front of the other...I can't even see my feet!' Lin thought, the sound of Chris struggling with the door and the slam that told her he was inside, just a few steps away. "Own!" Lin yelped as she stepped on something hard, and jerked her foot back. The quick movement overbalanced her, and with a cry, she fell forward with a loud thud. "Lin? Was that you? Are you ok?" The concern in Chris's voice made a part of Lin smile, but it was overshadowed by her struggles to stand. 'Gotta hide...' she thought, 'I can't let him see me like this!' "Lin? Are you...what...Lin? that you?" Chris's shocked voice came, as Lin looked up, red with embarrassment and anger. "Yes it's me, now help me up! Get me over to the couch, I don't think I can move much..." A few minutes had past by, and Lin was sitting on the couch, wrapped in a bed sheet that Chris couldn't help noticing was getting harder to cover her. "And then you came home, and I fell..." Lin sniffed, a few tears rolling down her face. "And now you'll want to break up or something cause I'm so huge and fat, I don't know what happened, please Chris, help me..." "Lin, come on..." Chris reached over and took her hand gently. "You know I'd never leave you. I don't care if you're a hundred pounds or five hundred. I just wish I knew why bigger..." A guilty look passed over Chris's face as he thought back in the day. "What was that? I know that look Chris!" Lin's eyes narrowed, the high spirits and hot emotions that had attracted Chris in the first place surfacing. "That's your guilt look! What do you know?" "Nothing! I mean...It's not possible, no, there's gotta be another explanation." "Look at me!" Lin shouted, throwing the bed sheet open revealing her huge body. It defied description, but the words that you would use would be round. Her belly was the largest part of her by far, sticking out far enough that she couldn't even reach her arms halfway along it. Lin's breasts were resting on top, the size of beachballs, resting on the massive dome of her stomach. "I'm huge! I can feel myself still getting bigger, so don't tell me about impossible!" "It's..." Chris sighed and walked out of the room, returning with a paper bag. "It's this." He took out the wrapped package and handed it to Lin. "I got it an hour or so ago. I ran into this girl, and I thought I broke something she was carrying. Anywho, long story short, I helped her carry some bags and she gave me that in thanks. She said it granted wishes." "That's impossible, you can't grant wishes!" "I know! But it's just that...after I got it..." Chris looked down, blushing. "I wished that you were bigger." "You...YOU did this? This is your fault?" Lin's eyes blazed with anger as she slapped her round belly, although it was rapidly becoming her round body. "Why? Were you trying to fatten me up so I'd stay with you? Or was it some kinda weird....thing? How could you do this to me? Look at me! I'm so ugly!" Lin covered her face with her hands and began to weep, huge sobs coming from her. Chris went to her, his face a picture of sorrow, and pulled her hands away from her face. "Mmm..No! Don't look at Mmph!" Lin's voice was cut off as Chris leaned in and kissed her, wrapping his arms around her slowly growing body, kissing her deeply and as best he knew how. After what seemed like hours, Chris broke free and gave Lin a sheepish grin. She was staring at him in a daze. "That...You haven't kissed me like that in a while..." "I just wanted to prove to you, I don't care what size you are. I'm sorry that I did this to you, but we'll fix it, I promise. I love you." Lin blushed for a moment, but narrowed her eyes again. "Don't think this gets you off the hook! We're gonna have a talk after this is over. Why did you want me this big? I mean...I'm huge!" "I didn't! I was thinking maybe five or ten pounds, that's it. I don't know why you're this big." "Well, what did you wish for?" Lin rolled her eyes, "I can't believe this...Wishing for things, some magic statue..." Chris laughed, "Well, I've got some good evidence that it's true." He playfully poked Lin's massive breast, which made her let out a little gasp. "I'm sorry sweetie, did that hurt?" Lin shook her head, a blush forming on her plump face. "No no, it's fine. Just...don't do it again." Chris nodded, "Alright sweetie." He picked up the statue and held it, thinking. "Alright, I think you just wish." He cleared his throat and held it up. "I wish Lin was back to normal size." Lowering the statue he raised an eyebrow at Lin. "Anything?" "No...I'm still growing! I can feel it...Sweetie, it's getting hard to move, it's like my arms are filling too..." Chris could see it clearly, he had barely taken his eyes off of Lin's growing form since he got home. Her arms were plumping out and it almost seemed her belly was swelling downwards, almost absorbing her thighs into her rounding body. "That's all I did, why isn't it working..." "Did the girl say anything else?" Lin sounded panicky, her arms were sticking out from her sides, she could still bend them in, but if she relaxed, the almost sprung back out, sticking out at her sides. "I don't think so...Wait, she said that it was only good once a day...and that it was...let me think...Oh, it was literal. Ahh, that's it." Chris nodded and placed the statue carefully on a shelf. "It must of not understood what I wished, and just started making you bigger without any specifics." "Tomorrow? I'm gonna be growing like this till tomorrow? There has to be some way to undo this, I'm getting past fat!" Lin tried to pat her belly, but could only vaguely bend her arms as her body was slowly absorbing her limbs. "If I get any bigger I'll have to be rolled around! Do you remember the shop? Maybe you can go back and get something to fix it?" "Oh, that's right!" Chris dug in his pocket and pulled out the business card. "She gave me this, I'll call the shop." The phone rang, and Chris gave Lin a reassuring smile. "Don't worry sweetie, I'm sure they can fix it." "Hello, you've reached Spastic Magic. I'm sorry, but our store is now closed. If it's a magic emergency, remain calm. Nothing that you have purchased today will hurt you. If someone has floated away, press one. If someone has grown to over fifteen feet tall, press two. If you need an emergency magical repair, press three. If a magical item has gotten out of control, press four. If you have stolen something and wish to return it, press five. If your problem is not on this list, please call back tomorrow, you are in no immediate danger. Thank you for your purchase!" Chris hesitated for a moment, and pressed three. There was a pause, and then a chipper music began. "I'm on hold sweetie...don't worry." "Well, hurry..."Lin said, her arms sticking out, almost absorbed to the elbows. "And help me up, I'll sit on the floor, this couch feels like it's about to break." Chris grabbed Lin's hand, and with quite a bit of effort, pulled her down off the couch where she landed with a plomp, and sending ripples through her body. "Ohh...geeze..." Lin took a deep breath and closed her eyes as the ripples settled. "You ok? That was a bit of a bump..." "Oh yah...I'm..."Lin giggled, "I'm great." Gently biting her lip, Lin thought, 'Looks like there's one good thing so far...' "Ok sweetie...Ah!" The phone stopped it's cherry music and a voice came on the line. "Hello, this is Mandy, How can I help you?" "Hi Mandy, My name's Chris. I've got a bit of a problem..." "Alright, I need the name of the item, the actual problem, and any other information that you can think of that may help us." "Um...Alright, I don't know the name of the item. A girl...Julie I think her name was, she gave it to me for helping her carry some bags." "Julia! Right, she said that she gave you the Statue of Eternal Bliss. Is everything alright with it?" Chris glanced and Lin, sitting on the floor slowly rounding out as she grew. ", there's a rather big problem." Chris quickly told her what was going on. "And now, well, she's not stopping, and we're getting worried." "Alright, let me talk to her, if you please?" "Alright, one sec..." Chris walked to Lin and held the phone against her head, leaning on her rounded body. "Hello?" Lin said, trying to focus as Chris leaned on her body. "Hi miss! Alright, first, let me tell you that you're in no danger. You won't pop, you won't die, and you'll be perfectly fine, alright? Nothing's going to happen to you." "Alright....You're sure?" "Positive. Now, the wishing power won't work again until tomorrow, and we can't stop it. The spell will have to run it's course." "Run its course? Do you have any idea how huge I am? If I keep growing like this, I'll be enormous! I'll break our house!" "Oh no, you'll stop once you get full. You'll be round, but the wish should finish then. Now, we can't stop it or turn you back till tomorrow, so just try to relax! It sounds like you've got a good guy with you, try to enjoy it a bit." Mandy laughed and lowered her voice in a conspiratorial whisper. "From what I've heard, a cuddle when you're that size is amazing. From your breathing, sounds like he's leaning on you right now, huh?" "Umm...hehe, yah..." Lin blushed, and licked her lips. "Are you sure you can't stop it?" "Yep, don't worry though. Tomorrow, make the wish, and you'll be fine. And remember, if you ever want any other spells, potions or magic, we've got something for everyone! We open tomorrow at nine. Thanks for calling!" The phone clicked as the girl hung up and Lin sighed. "Chris? She hung up..." "What'd she say?" Chris took the phone from her ear and tossed it on the couch, still leaning on Lin's expansive side. "Um..." Lin blushed a little and looked away, "Just that I'll be ok, I won't pop or anything. I'll stop growing when I get full." She wiggled her hands and her feet, still a bit mobile, craning her neck around, she could see her wrists were free, but she was more distracted by her butt. She could feel it on the ground, gently pushing into the floor as she swelled. But at the same time, she could feel her feet on the floor, the pressure shifting from her feet to her ass. Lin let out a little squeak as her feet left the ground, she could only touch it with her toes, and even that was lifting up, until her feet were totally off the ground, her feet pulled into little dimples on her round sides. "What's wrong? You made a noise..." " feet left the ground...I can feel my thigh with my toes! Ohh, this is weird..." Chris took Lin's hand and leaned up, giving her kiss. "Do you think you're still growing?" "I...think so. It's kinda hard to tell." Lin laughed nervously. "I guess I'm full..." "Alright sweetie, you want anything? Something to drink, a blanket or anything?" "No...I'm ok." Lin wiggled her fingers, and licked her lips. "I could go for another one of those nice kisses though..." she said with a sheepish grin. Chris smiled and pulled Lin forward as she let out a little coo of pleasure and wrapped his arms around her as best he could, kissing her again. The next morning... Julia looked up as the bell above the door tinkled and Chris walked in, looking rather tired. "Oh hey, you're the guy from yesterday! You called; did you get the problem you were having solved?" Chris looked rather embarrassed and gave a slight grin. "Well...sort of. That statue is rather literal. The next morning I asked it to make Lin lighter, and well...she's stuck on the ceiling." Julia laughed and shook her head, "Well, is she inside? Can't have her floating away..."
Female Inflation
Full Body Inflation
Faye was hot. It was that simple. No one who met her could deny it. She had dark brown hair splashed with red, which was usually worn loose down her back just below her shoulder blades. Green eyes that sparkled brightly when she was talking just above full pouting highly kissable lips. She was slim and well toned, regularly at the gym working out. It was partly to show off her body though. She loved the glances not only men, but women also gave her as she strode in to the gym. It might be good to mention her less attractive side too. Faye liked to argue and fight quite frequently having slanging matches with whoever was unfortunate to be nearby. Her fiends, sick of her attitude would warn her she would drop herself in it one day, she didn't listen of course. Today Faye was itching for an argument, no reason really. She had an audience though; well the others were gawping at her on the treadmill. She loved it. Wearing her tight red Lycra two-piece. The top cut low enough to display some entrancing cleavage of her 34D breasts, her midriff looked flat and she proudly showed it off as often as she could. The Lycra clung to her shapely ass perfectly stopping near the top of her thighs showing her shapely pins. Despite all this her petite 5'4" frame was full of anger, which exploded regularly, but in this case on the worst possible victim. Wendy knew she wasn't amazing, but she worked hard to stay fit, not fat to anyone's eye just a little pudgy, however the girl was confident in herself, as any person who knows magic usually is. So when she accidentally knocked Faye's towel off the rail, she didn't run and hide, but slowly picked up the towel and turned to be confronted by Faye. "Watch my stuff fatass," hissed Faye pleased to have a person to pick on. "Sorry it was an accident" said Wendy sighing as she knew what was happening so did the others in the gym who seemed to close around the pair wanting to see the altercation now they are not going to be involved. "Yeah well with a blubbery body like that you cause a lot of 'accidents'" smirked Faye. Despite herself Wendy was getting angry she could feel her thoughts turn to some rather nasty spells one in particular surfaced and forced itself to the edge of her tongue. "Look I said sorry ok" "Why don't you just waddle away you stupid fat-" Faye stopped dead as Wendy put her hands over Faye's mouth and uttered some strange words when she was finished she stepped back. "Piece of advice" Wendy said quietly "watch your mouth and your temper from now wont you?" with that she stalked over to a rowing machine and began to work. "What did you say to me you bitch?" Faye yelled her voice returning after the shock. Immediately Faye felt a rumble in her stomach and she looked down to see her stomach push out a little her boobs seemed to grow a little too. Faye looked up her face red with anger. "You cow what the hell did you do to me I'm going to make your life a complete misery you bitch-" Again she felt the rumble and felt her stomach push out, her boobs pushed together and her ass seemed to feel bigger too "Your dead you hear me I'm gonna sort you out you wont be walking when I'm done with you" As she was talking her body seemed to grow. Her breasts were pushing tightly and she felt her stomach push out over her shorts, her thighs puffed up a little too. Looking at her puffed up body she heard Wendy "I'd calm down and shut up if I were you, go home and relax" Furious Faye stared daggers then walked to the door but couldn't resist on more shot. "You dumbass witch bitch I'll get you back and you will be sorry" Her entire body seemed to fill she gave a shriek as her boobs puffed up to EE before stopping she felt her thighs touch and rub as she left the room. Wanting to leave fast she buttoned up her blouse noticing how it was tighter now she pulled on a black matching skirt that came to just above her knee she could feel her ass against the fabric. She pulled on her stilettos and put her red leather belt on without thinking. She snarled as she readjusted her belt to a larger size to accommodate her puffed stomach. She looked in the mirror and saw her usually svelte figure seemed quite cumbersome, Anger boiled up in her body and before she could think she screamed loudly before giving a full line of expletives directed at Wendy. She fell silent suddenly as her stomach growled loudly. Faye looked on in to the mirror in shock as her clothes began to grow tight her stomach stretched out and her skin was becoming visible between the buttons. As her boobs shifted under her top she was aware of the lycra stretching to accommodate her now GG breasts. PING A button flew off her blouse and another exposing her now basketball sized stomach. Her thighs were pushed together tightly in her dress and her hands explored her ass as it swelled and pulled her skirt tighter. A gasp escaped her lips as her waist began to grow and the belt was pulled tightly cinching round her body. Her skirt began to split as the stress of her growing skin became too much. The seam popped and ran up to mid thigh. Faye was panicking and trying to remove her belt but it would not budge, she gritted her teeth as it cut into her. She realized her arms were plumping up now and they were becoming hard to move properly The growth finally stopped and Faye tried to step forward, she heard along tear and her skirt fell apart allowing her to see the extent of the inflation on her lower half. With the red shorts riding up her ass. Embarrassed and angry she waddled slowly as her legs were too large to walk well. Now Faye was getting stares from those outside but not for the usual reason. She was about to attempt getting in her car when Wendy walked up to her. "Look its simple just be nice and you'll deflate" Faye tried to spin round but only managed an awkward turn fire in her eyes and her anger putting her on autopilot "I will explode before I apologize to you bitch!" she yelled Wendy locked eyes with her "So be it" she hissed and again grabbed Faye and chanted before walking away "You got your wish enjoy it!" called Wendy as she left "Goddamn her When I get her I'm gonna OWWWWW!" She squealed as her body exploded out the belt flew off and Faye looked in fear as her stomach started to merge with her waist and hips. Her blouse finally shredded and her volleyball breasts were giving the sports top a bad time. Slowly her body filled out and her middle began to look more spherical. Her tree trunk legs and arms were slowly absorbed into her body. Soon she was a ball with stiletto heels hands and a head "I don't want to explode stop these please don't letmmmmmm......" Her voice cut off as her cheeks and lips inflated red stretch marks appeared around her body as her eyes, half closed with pressure pleaded for help. A creaking noise A muffled scream An explosion The end of a bad temper
chemical, floating
Female Inflation
Breast Inflation, Butt Inflation, Full Body Inflation
Amanda runs a brush through her long brunette hair in front of the mirror as she gets ready for work. "Damn I look good, too bad it goes to waste in an office job that makes me wear such unflattering clothing." she says while pressing her hands to her skirt and smoothing out the wrinkles. She takes a few more minutes just gazing at herself in the mirror, how her black button-down blouse stays snug to her figure, but doesn't show off her chest. She turns around to look at her ass in the mirror and sighs. The skirt makes her look flat in the butt, much flatter than she really is. "At least my bra and undies are sexy...." she says in a almost depressed tone. She is about to bend down to get her briefcase when she hears her doorbell ring a few times and goes downstairs to see who could possible want to see her right now. She opens the door and just stands speechless. "What is there something in my teeth and Amanda have you lost weight or is that business suit just too tight? Are you gonna invite me in or just stare at my beauty all day?" Amanda's close red-headed friend Jessica stands there and she looks just as impressive as ever. Her outfit is simple but manages to flatter her buxom figure extremely well. She has on a tight pair of blue jeans that seem almost skin tight at how well they show off her grand tush. She is also wearing a green v-neck shirt that shows enough cleavage to look sexy without making her look like a tramp. "Oh right right, I'm sorry. I just haven't seen you in awhile and you took me by surprise is all. We can chat for a little, but I do have to get to work soon. Not the best job, but it puts bread on the table." Amanda leads Jessica into the living room and they both sit down on her couch then just look at each other for a moment. "I brought you a present, do you want to see what it is?" Jessica says after shaking the gift wrapped box she has in her hands. Amanda was so taken by her beauty she didn't even notice Jessica was holding something. Jessica hands it to Amanda and she tears the paper open before holding the bottle out in front of her. "HourGas? Didn't you scrap this project awhile ago after too many customer complaints?" "Officially yes, but I made this bottle just for you and filled it with my very own special formula. It is more potent than the original and I removed some of the flaws from the first batch. Go ahead on try it on." Amanda peers down at the strange bottle in her hands, it looks a lot like an air freshener, she takes in a deep breath to prepare herself then sprays her chest. "Oh...oh my, it feels so nice. I can feel my breasts grow larger and start to feel stuffed inside my top." Jessica and Amanda both watch as her breasts grow from a modest B to a delicious D cup, popping off the top two buttons of her blouse in the process. "Not so bad now was it? Like I said it is a bit more potent and..." Amanda zones out from Jessica's explanation as she feels how plush and full her breasts are. With an excited grin on her face she then sprays her ass and the area around her thighs. "This feels so fantastic! My butt is getting fatter as my hips widen and plump out, I can even feel my thighs thicken inside my pantyhose." Amanda exclaims and in her excitement she drops the can of HourGas and begins to feel up her bigger body. Her ass went from a small toned posterior to a large bubble butt stuffed inside her skirt that feels tighter and tighter by the second. Her thighs feel fuller and plumper as they strain inside the pantyhose and start to tear along the side a little. The sides of her skirt tearing ever so slightly too from her enormous butt and bulgy midsection. "This feels so GOOD! I want some more!" Amanda reaches down to pick up the can and accidentally sprays Jessica around the belly. "HEY! Watch what you are doing, this was supposed" Jessica stops mid-sentence in fear as she sees her belly fill out like a balloon and rise outward showing her cute bellybutton. She looks six months pregnant only with none of the heaviness. "Oh *giggle* I'm sorry Jess, I just am so excited and my finger slipped. You are starting to look pretty hot though..." Amanda says before biting down on her lower lip and stifling a small moan, between her own full body and how Jessica has started to grow, she is in pure bliss. "A little more won't hurt right?" Amanda says as she sprays the HourGas up and down both Jessica's and her own body, to her surprise it lets out an empty sounding hiss a lot sooner than she expected. "Wha...what did you do?!? There was enough in there to *hic* make someone as large as the Goodyear blimp!!!" Jessica yells in horror over what her friend had just unleashed. "Um...oops? Oh Jess...I...I feel sorta fat now, like stuffed *hic* inside my clothing and stuff. Looks like you are too *giggle*" Before Jessica can say anything she feels herself round out and plumpen inside her clothing. Her trim rear pulling her jeans taut as her whole lower body decides to inflate at once. Jessica's jeans seem to be growing with her only remaining very snug while showing off her wide curves. "Amanda help! I feel stuffed tight inside these pants, I don't think I can get them off. Oh no, I forgot the HourGas makes your clothes more *hic* rubbery so they can grow to contain your balloony body" "That can't be so *hic* bad, I mean just look at how cute you are turning out to be." Amanda says with a giggle as she presses against Jessica, smooshing their bloated bodies together and start to hear a very light hiss coming from their clothes, like balloons being filled with helium and inflating. The buttons on Amanda's blouse keep popping off and expose her cleavage that seems to be overflowing out of her bra that struggles to contain them. Jessica makes little shrieks as she feels herself grow fuller and rounder inside her clothes and a few moments later it dawns on her she feels....lighter too. "Amanda look! We are rising into the air, the HourGas has turned us into human balloons!!!" Amanda looks down and sees the two of them have started to float up off the ground and head towards the ceiling. She doesn't seem to care as she grabs Jessica's pudgy waist to pull herself in closer and press their plump inflated lips together for a strong kiss. Both of their bodies begin to round out more now, their hips and waists looking smoother and less defined like beach balls. The only places that really stay toned and defined are their limbs even if they are a tad puffed up. Jessica begins to let out muffled moans as they kiss, she can see they are still rising in the air as paintings and pictures on the wall get lower and lower from her viewpoint. The one thing keeping her from freaking out is her balloony friend that is growing larger and sharing in her pleasure. Jessica starts to squeeze and rub Amanda's tight inflated body, feeling how the clothes just seem to hold all the flesh in rather than drape over it like they should. Amanda is really going at it with Jessica, pressing her lips firm against Jessica and pulling her in as tight as their equally bloated bodies allow, when she hits her head on something. "Ow, what was...oh. Jessica we hit the ceiling, does that mean we are done growing now?" "I'm afraid not, it is called HourGas for a reason, after an hour is up we will slowly deflate and sink towards the floor like normal." "But Jessica....its only been about 20 minutes" Amanda says as she tries to bend her inflated arm over to look at her wristwatch. Jessica says with a sigh, "Then we better make the most of it my puffy friend." Jessica fumbles to bring their round bodies together, they have for the most part stopped growing and now fully resemble beach balls, only with very inflated tits. They can hardly move or bend their limbs and can only really turn their necks side to side. Fully rounded and remaining stuffed inside their ever so tight clothes, Amanda and Jessica just float there in pure inflated bliss for forty more minutes, that is until Jessica takes a a 2nd can out of her bag once they fully deflate to have a little more fun with Amanda.
floating, inflation, spherical, TF
Female Inflation
Full Body Inflation
Prg gazed in awe at the planet that filled the view from his cockpit. Water, in at least three of the fourteen known states of matter. Plant life. And that's just what he could see with his own borp. Turning his attention to his scan readouts, he also found the planet teeming with life in numerous forms. Countless structures made of alloys and composite materials dotted the landscape in varying densities. There were even thousands of artificial satellites in orbit. Not just life, but intelligent life! With primitive spacefaring capabilities!The life of a planetary surveyor was one of boredom and monotony. Prg catalogued tens of thousands of planets - almost always lifeless rocks or uninteresting balls of gas - every glumk, and this glumk was no exception. He was also grossly under quota for finding planets such as the one staring him right in the fleeb.There was just one problem. Prg glanced at his chronometer and made an expression that most closely approximated a human frown. It would take him about a hundred zytugs to complete his scans, then about thirty zytugs to get back to his home planet, ten zytugs to download his logs and clock out of work, and another five zytugs to get home. "I'm going to be late for flarg," he said to himself in a language that did not at all resemble English. "Again. Klrda will never let me hear the end of it." Prg could already hear his wife's droning about how she works hard at home all glumk to have flarg ready when he gets home and he's always late and never calls and then just lazes around watching grax until he goes to bed and never spends any quality time with her.That weighed heavily on Prg's mind. But... this planet! He hadn't found a planet like this in at least a couple of aeqs. Reaching a decision, Prg rattled off a quick message to Klrda (he could at least extend her that courtesy), then dusted off the controls to his biological testing suite and began moving into a lower orbit to better study the planet's life forms, making sure to avoid the satellites in orbit. At least he'd finally have something good to take back to the boss.--The moving image of a three-camera sitcom abruptly froze, became pixelated, then was replaced with a black screen and the words "WEAK OR NO SIGNAL."Alyssa groaned. "Not again," she muttered in a language quite unlike Prg's - English, in fact."What?" Katie called back, also in English, from another room."The dish just cut out again.""It can't be raining, can it?" Katie said. "I mean, the sun was shining a minute ago.""No rain," Alyssa grumbled. She got up from her recliner, walked to the patio door, and looked out. About 30 feet away, on a pole in the middle of the yard, the two roommates' satellite dish pointed to the wild blue yonder. And yet, instead of transmitting $60 per month worth of high-definition programming, it was transmitting $60 per month worth of nothing. One could easily obtain such nothing for free simply by not owning a TV at all."Isn't this like the third time it's cut out today?" Katie asked."At least.""Well, good thing I'm leaving town for a few days." Katie appeared in the living room with a suitcase and garment bag. "I gotta go catch my flight."Alyssa smiled, then walked over to Katie and hugged her. "Have fun. Hopefully you'll be able to watch your DVR'ed shows when you get back.""Yeah, you'd better get that thing fixed." Katie smirked, then shuffled her way out the front door.Alyssa turned back toward the patio door and put her hands on her hips. "Maybe it's something simple," she thought, walking toward the door. Stepping out into the warmth of the late spring day, she followed the coax cable from the side of the house out to the dish. Everything looked okay, and the cable was snugly connected to the dish. She reached up to fiddle with the connection.Then her body fell apart.It only took a split second for Alyssa's limbs and head to separate from her torso. There wasn't even any pain to get her attention. Her trunk hit the ground, bouncing her head a couple of feet forward while her body tipped backward. Before she realized what had happened she was staring at a pile of her body parts, her torso face-up surrounded by her arms and legs while her head rested in the grass, surrounded by her long brown hair. There was no blood or anything at her shoulders or in the leg holes of her shorts, just smooth skin."Oh my God!" she screamed. "What the hell?!" Alyssa instinctively flailed her arms and the arms on the ground did the same, flopping around like fish. She then noticed that her chest was heaving up and down within her halter top, still responding to her breathing. Alyssa realized that she could still feel - and move - her body, even if it was in six different pieces. "Somebody help me!" she shouted.Then, in the blink of an eye, Alyssa's body reassembled, all of the separate parts quickly snapping back and reattaching where they were supposed to be. Now laying on her back in the grass, she scrambled to get off the ground, frantically checking herself over with her hands as she stood. It felt like nothing had happened at all. She massaged the base of her neck. "What "In that instant her body dissolved into water and splashed toward the ground, her clothes falling loosely - and damply - to the ground. Alyssa could no longer see, hear, or move, but she could feel the majority of her body absorbing into the soil while some of her remained in her soaked clothing. Tiny ants crawled on top of her. A worm wiggled its way through her thigh. She could even feel herself begin to evaporate away slightly under the sun's warm rays.After what felt like an eternity, Alyssa suddenly found herself back to normal again, this time nude and standing upright with her now-dry clothes underfoot. Alyssa yelped and reached to cover her groin and breasts, frantically looking around to see if anyone in a neighboring house was watching. She almost wished someone were. She randomly noticed that her hair was dry, and realized that she was somehow surprised by that.She reached down to pick up her clothes, but a bright orange flash filled her field of vision as her body spontaneously combusted and turned to smoldering ash. Her sight and hearing were gone again, but she could feel the embers of her body being carried on a light breeze, some settling into her yard while others were swept away.And then she was back to normal again, still nude, still covering herself as best as possible. "What is happening to me?!??!" Alyssa screamed, as if whoever or whatever was causing this would hear her. A gentle breeze was the universe's only reply.Furious and scared, Alyssa bent over and pulled up her panties. When she bent over again to reach for her halter top, she wasn't able to bend as far. Her stomach was in the way. In just a few seconds her trim abdomen looked as if she had swallowed a basketball, and it was growing before her very eyes. Ignoring whatever modesty she had intended for her breasts, she reached down with both hands and clutched her rounded midriff, feeling it grow, stretching her fingers apart. It felt light and was painless. After another few seconds she caught a glimpse of her reflection in the patio's sliding glass door. She was larger than any pregnant woman she had ever remembered seeing, and it wasn't especially close.The door! Alyssa tried waddling toward it but understandably had trouble. When she had made it a few wobbly steps the rest of her body began to grow. Plump legs rubbed against one another, further complicated her gait; rapidly swelling breasts obscured her view of her stomach (not a small feat, she realized, given her unbelievable new waist size). Her panties dug in between the globes of her enlarged buttocks; she reached plump arms down to try to mitigate the discomfort this caused but could not tug the waistband far enough to get them off.Alyssa's legs spread apart as she grew, becoming unable to move them at all. Her arms, similarly, stuck out to her sides. She had only made it halfway to the house. Breathing hard from the effort to move her body, she cried for help again but not as loud, doubting it would do any good. Her hips flared out, panties finally snapping as her body widened from side to side to match her dimensions from front to back. Alyssa found that she couldn't bend her knees or elbows; from what she could see, she didn't even have knees or elbows, just puffy, conical arms and legs.Her feet slid further apart along the grass as she grew, her body seeking a rounder shape all over. Her view was still dominated by her colossal breasts, tight domes of flesh that stood out dramatically from her rounded chest. She realized that she was very warm, almost uncomfortably so. She figured it must have been because there was so much more of her to soak up the sun's heat.Another faint breeze kicked up. Alyssa, with her decreasing density, caught it like a sail, gently rolling to one side. But as she felt her body pitch she felt the grass fall away beneath her. Realizing she was floating, she half-yelled, half-whimpered. "No! I don't want to float away!" She felt her long, flowing hair drag along the top of her rounded shoulders and back as she rotated in midair. Her body fell gently, making a slight "bloomp" sound as she bounced off terra firma for the last time, then rising two feet off the ground, then three, then five, then ten. She instinctively tried to reach out and grab the roof, but it was no use. She had nothing to reach with; she could no longer feel her arms.The wind nudged her still-growing body sideways, causing her to drift over the neighbor's yard, the wind better able to grab hold of Alyssa and carry her away as she rose higher. She felt herself growing faster, her body beginning to reshape her breasts. As her body spun on its axes, she would occasionally catch glimpses of the ground below. She was very high up, and rising fast. The air was cooler up here but she still felt quite warm inside, a dichotomy that she decided was strangely comforting, a sensation that soothed and calmed her.When Alyssa's breasts finally stretched out to the point of flattening, her body had become her own horizon. She had no way of knowing exactly how huge she was; she only knew that everything she had left - her hands, her feet, her vagina - felt so, so very far away. Despite this, and an unusual sensation of pressure building inside of her, she felt like she could continue like this for some time. When she mentally asked herself how she knew that, she failed to come up with an adequate answer. As her body claimed her neck, her tight skin swelling up around her head, she simply decided that since she had already grown this big, why couldn't she keep swelling up? The air was starting to get pretty thin; at the right angle Alyssa could see the curvature of the earth. Her brunette hair whipped about her face and slapped against her tight surface; Alyssa thought she sounded like a snare drum in a jazz trio. The pressure continued building inside her, becoming first mildly annoying, then slightly uncomfortable. Alyssa began to hear her heartbeat in her ears. She felt her hands and feet ball up, then she felt nothing from them. Something was happening behind her head; she realized her body had begun absorbing it. The pressure pushed against her face and throat from within, making her feel an urge to gag. She felt a dull, throbbing pain creep across her circumference somewhere in the distance... across her distance. She wished the pressure would just go away so she could relax again. But maybe she was wrong. Maybe she couldn't do this forever.A deafening boom proved that Alyssa was indeed wrong. Or right, depending on the timeframe upon which you judge her assumptions.--Prg grunted, then sighed. He knew not every species in the galaxy could be bloomped, but it was a rare occasion indeed when a planet had such an infinitesimal success rate. In testing one sample from each of the hundreds of thousands of species he found on the planet, only one biped species (the dominant intelligent race, he surmised) and a select few water-borne species tolerated it to any acceptable standard.The success rate was too low, though. With a gesture most closely resembling a human shrug, he summarized his report on the planet as "More evolution needed; reassess in 15,000 aeqs." He then closed the file, shut down his testing suite, and moved to a higher orbit before spinning up his Flurpf drive. As was the case at the end of most glumks, a disappointed boss and disaffected wife awaited him.Maybe he would have more luck tomorrow.
shrinking, spherical
Female Inflation
Full Body Inflation
Brooke hated having to get out bed this early in the morning. Unfortunately, it was the only way to make sure her plan was set in place without Laura, her fast asleep girlfriend, from noticing. After she took a moment to glare at the alarm clock in contempt, she got out of bed. Taking a moment to grab her notebook, she took a seat, and wrote a message with the pen that was next to it. Happy Birthday, Babe! I just went out to buy us some hot chocolate, and you looked so tired last night, I didn't have the heart to wake you up. I'll be back ASAP!! I know how much you like to snoop, so you're allowed to open ONLY the present in the red box before I get back.I know that one's been killing you since you weren't able to open it during Christmas. Be sure to pull the ribbon first! It's very fragile.Love you!Brooke <3 With that, Brooke painstakingly placed her notebook on her pillow, and started tiptoeing down the stairs, making sure to step on the sides of the stairs so they wouldn't creak. The room was made visible by the moonlight shining through the windows frosted by winter's grasp.Once she made her way down the stairs, Brooke sneaked on through to the Kitchen. As she reached in to the cabinet to find her pill, she spied Laura's laptop out of the corner of her eye. Brooke to a moment to chuckle to herself. Laura had taken the time to not make sure that laptop had closed all the way, or if she didn't feel the need to sate her curiosity, she highly doubted that this would be happening. Finally, she took in the Christmas tree in the living room next to her. It's soft, warm glow called to her, and Brooke made her way to the table in the middle of the room.Reaching underneath the table that lay in the middle of the room, she found the gas pellet taped to the top.Now that she had everything she needed, she made her way to the fated red box. She picked up the box and its lid, and walked toward an open space, away from the tree and table.The box was easily the biggest of the bunch, tall enough to reach her knees, and wide enough for her to step inside the box. Which is exactly what she did.Very carefully, Brooke placed the gas pellet so it rested on the ribbon on the inside. Brooke took a moment to place the lid on her head, and acknowledged how silly this image seemed. With the anticipation reaching its peak, she took a breath to ease her nerves. This was for Laura, she needed to remember that. And with that, she swallowed the pill.She kept her eyes on the tree, but as she planned, her reference point seemed to be getting farther away from her. Unconsciously, Brooke readjusted her bra, feeling its fit become looser. The ornaments that were at her eye level was now a few inches above her.Her heart started to race as the faced the notion that was actually happening. She was really shrinking!! Her t-shirt was becoming more and more like a dress, as she felt herself becoming smaller. Time passed, and her clothes fell off of her body. The lid, which at first had felt essentially weightless, now was a heavy burden for her head.Brooke grabbed one last look at the Christmas tree, the plastic facsimile looking more like a Redwood to the diminutive girl. Finally, she shrank so much that the lid covered the top of the box, and Brooke was left in darkness as the pill's effect stopped, leaving the lid just out of arm's reach. With one last sigh, she laid against the cardboard floor, and stared at where the gas pellet would be. Step one was complete! Now the ball was in Laura's court, whether she knew it or not. In the meantime, she bundled herself up in a nice cocoon with her gargantuan t-shirt, and intended to catch up on some much-needed sleep.A few hours later, Brooke was awoken from by a faraway rumbling.She briefly wondered where she was, when the rumbling felt stronger, and more frequent. She suddenly realized the rumblings were in fact Laura's footsteps. She was clearly excited, given how fast the steps seemed to be coming toward her. She braced herself as best she could for what she knew what was coming. To Laura's credit, she was trying her best to be gentle as she rotated the box, and Brooke only slammed into the walls a few times. Slowly she was put down, and the friction of fabric being pulled signaled that the ribbon was being pulled, and Brooke scampered away from the middle of the box. No longer being held up, the gas pellet fell to the ground, and snapped open, with a small puff of pink gas pouring out. Brooke quickly inhaled as much as possible, and as a result, kickstarted phase two.Brooke felt a wave of goosebumps go through her body, when all of a sudden, she started feeling bloated. Sure enough, when she looked down, her belly protruded out from under her, so much so it was covering her feet from view! Soon after, her torso joined in the process. Even when she knew that this was supposed to happen, Brooke remained distressed, and was fruitlessly trying to push it back in. She kept on trying until, to her dread, her arms started getting pushed to their sides.While she still could, Brooke waddled within the box so that she would be facing Laura.And not too soon, as her torso started pushing her legs outward. She suppressed a moan as she her arms and legs were sucked in to her body, she didn't wan't to risk lowering the surprise. As her wrists and ankles were finally sucked in, Brooke tried not to fall, and be stuck on her back (At least, not yet). Brooke's body ran out of room as she became spherical, but her growth wasn't done yet. In a pace that she was unprepared for. Brooke's body started taking up ever more space in the box. Just as her eyeline had changed when she shrank, Brooke's eyeline started rising as she grew (though what she could actually see outside of her mass was shrinking in turn.) She whimpered as she felt her body push against her box's walls. The pressure mounted to the point where Brooke was worried she would pop, but with a BANG, she busted out of her present box. Unrestricted, her body's growth made up for lost time, until she was eye to her with her lover. Laura was, as predicted, blushing, and speechless. Brooke smirked as she took in her surprise as Laura realizing her deep dark secret had been found out. Hell, Laura seemed just as unable to move as Brooke was. After a small silence passed, Brooke flapped her useless hands, and put on her most sultry voice. "Happy Birthday, Babe. Ready to play with your new toy?"
balloon, blowup doll, wishing
Female Inflation
Breast Inflation, Full Body Inflation
Tina stares at the magic coin, gently rubs it with her thumb, and makes a wish. "I wish to inflate into a big, round balloon." A hissing sounds, the pressure builds, and a soft creaking sounds as her belly begins to push outward. Excitedly she rubs her hands across her swelling belly and it squeaks softly. She can't stop herself from smiling as the pressure builds in her and she stretches bigger than nine months pregnant. Tina finds her walk hindered as her legs plump slightly and her breasts stretch larger. She moans as her breasts squeak past volleyball size and sensations flood into her mind. "Mmm boobies." Looking in the mirror, Tina watches as her butt swells larger and rounder. Her up arms plump with air and she gently swats her inflated rear and it issues a hollow thumb. "Ghetto booty." Tina feels herself grow tighter as her back swells outward and merges with her large butt. A creaking sounds as Tina's sides swell outward and she watches in the mirror as her swelling belly merges with her inflated sides. Her belly swells upward as her breast slowly grow larger. She finds she can't move her over pumped inflated legs and struggles to bend her arms to reach her belly. Her belly squeaks softly as she gently rubs her hands on it and the swelling sphere of her torso begins to merge with her inflating breasts. She moans as she squeezes her inflated belly and her arms creak as they puff up. The pressure increases and she moans as it becomes more difficult to keep her hands touching her swelling belly. The magic coin feels cold against her balloon belly and slowly the air pressure in her arms pull her hands away from her belly. Tina watches as her breasts are stretched flat against her inflating sphere body and her legs and arms are absorbed into it to the elbows and knees. The pressure increases as her body groans larger and slowly engulfs the rest of her arms, legs, and neck. Her sphere body reaches her wrists and ankles, groaning loudly as pressure builds and very slowly swells larger. "I'm huge." Tina's chin touches the taut curve of her sphere balloon body and it creaks in angry protest. A troubling thought hits her and she slowly rubs the magic coin intending to make another wish. Several loud thumps sound as her hands and feet are stretched suddenly flat against her sphere body and the coin falls to the floor. "Shit!" She moans as her body groans angrily and she fears bursting is very near. Tina's expansion slows to a crawl, gets even slower, and completely stops expanding. "Oh God...." The groaning grows louder, the pressure increases, and she closes her eyes. Suddenly the pressure stops increasing and slowly Tina opens her eyes. Soft creaks sound as she takes shallow breathes and dares not breathe deeper for fear of popping. Feeling impossibly tight and full, Tina stares into the mirror at her sphere body with her head atop it. She smiles at her reflection, having got her wish, and a sadness lurks in her eyes as she struggles with the reality of being a totally helpless balloon. She struggles with feelings of panic as she tries to enjoy the blissful sensations of being full and tight while staring into the mirror. Sometime later, a soft squeak sounds as one of Tina's friends, Stacy, gently prods her balloon body with a finger and she moans. Tina watches as Stacy looks down at the magic coin in her hand and to Tina's balloon body trying to process the sight before her and the explanation she was given. Stacy looks at her plump four foot figure in the mirror, standing next to the balloon body of her friend, and gently prods the tight balloon friend again with her finger. Soft squeaks fill the room again and Stacy looks down at the magic coin in her hand. She rubs it and makes a wish. "I wish I was taller." Slowly a strange sensation overcomes her and her body stretches upward. Stacy smiles as she watches her reflection change in the mirror and she reaches seven foot tall. "Holy shit! It works!" Tina laughs, "I told you it would." Stacy smiles as she rubs the coin again, "I wish I was skinny." A tightening pulls across Stacy as her potbelly sucks in and her figure slims. She rubs her newly flat stomach, "Wow." She rubs the coin again and wishes, "I wish I had long red hair." Stacy watches as her bowl cut brown hair turns a shiny bright red, stretches back into a ponytail, and drops down to her small butt. Frowning at her small rump, she rubs the coin, and wishes ,"I wish my butt was bigger." A pressure builds in her butt and her checks swell outward and round out. She slaps her new rear as she studies it in the mirror, "Nice." Tina smirks, "Are you almost done?" Stacy laughs, "I'm off to a good start." She stares down at her b-cup breasts, rubs the coin, and wishes, "I wish my boobs were bigger." A pressure builds in her chest and like balloons inflating her breasts rise up off her chest to an f-cup size. Stacy notes how they defy gravity and shakes them back and forth. She smiles as her left hand squeezes a boob and looks over at Tina. "Well, what do you think?" Tina smiles, "You're kinda looking like a fetish porn star." Stacy laughs, "Yeah I could start a website." She begins rubbing the coin again and wishes, "I wish I had a sexy rubber outfit." The sounds of rubber freaking fills the air as her clothes change and reform. A low cut blue rubber jumpsuit with thigh high black rubber boots takes shape on her and she rubs the coin again. "I wish I had elf ears." She feels a tugging on her ears and she watches their points stretch upwards. Stacy studies her figure and smiles, "Hmmm." She rubs the coin and wishes, "I wish my hips were a little wider." Her hips swell outward and the sounds of her rubber clothes stretching fill the room. She looks at her reflection and smiles, "Time to rock my boyfriend's world." Tina's body creaks and squeaks as Stacy pushes on her balloon body and smiles, "Alright I'm going to go have some fun. Don't pop." "I'll be here." Sometime later, Stacy returns with her boyfriend Mark and she's still wearing her blue rubber jump suit. Mark gently poke Tina's sphere body and it squeaks loudly. Mark laughs, "That's unbelievable." Stacy picks up the magic coin and rubs it. "I wish my breasts were bigger." Like two balloons inflating on her chest, her breasts swell to the size of basketballs and she turns to her boyfriend. Her breasts bounce gently with every step towards him, "Are these more to your liking, baby?" Mark squeezes her newly enlarge boobs and takes the magic coin into his hands. Stacy moans as he squeezes her boobs and he tucks the coin into his shirt pocket. Stacy watches as Mark unbuckles his pants, "Oh yeah, baby." The pants drops to the floor and confusion spreads across her face as Mark turns away and walks toward Stacy. "Baby, what are you doing?" "I've always wanted to do a living blowup doll." Stacy bounces over to him, "Baby, what are you doing? I made myself look this way for you." "I've always wanted to do a blowup doll. Don't worry." Stacy slips the coin out of his shirt pocket and rubs it. "I wish I was a living blowup doll." A creaking and squeaking sounds as Stacy becomes inflatable and a valve pops out where her belly button was. "I'm your blowup doll now, baby." Mark smiles as her as he takes the coin back and squeaks sound as he squeezes her. Dropping the coin into his pocket, he tugs open the valve on Stacy's belly and she moans as air rushes out of her. He watches as her basketball size breasts shrink away and he turns away from her. Stacy moans as she feels herself growing weak and the air rushing out of her. She watches in shock as Mark walks away from her, "Baby? Baby, I'm your dream girl. Don't cheat on me." Mark laughs as he strokes his hard member and rolls Tina backward for access. "She's a balloon and you're a blowup doll. I can't cheat on you. You're not human anymore." The words are heart breaking to Stacy as she continues to deflate and a rubber squeak sounds as her boyfriend's member enters Tina. Rapid squeaks and groans fill the room and silent tears stream down Stacy's rubber face. Slowly she returns her valve to its place, stopping her deflation, and in her half deflated form on the floor she watches her boyfriend cheat on her with her roommate. Tina cries out in ecstasy and Mark groans shorty there after. A loud squeak with mild wet pop sounds as he slides his member out of a Tina and walks over to the window. Tina gasps, "Oh....oh god. I'm sorry, Stacy." Mark laughs, "There's nothing to be sorry about." Stacy glares at him from her spot on the floor and he takes out the magic coin. He gently rubs the coin, "I wish I was a vampire." His skin turns icy pale white, long black hair falls down around his shoulders, and his teeth elongate. He smiles, showing his fangs and feeling power flowing through him. The sun feels warm against his flesh and he smiles as he looks at his place hands. Smoke slowly rises from his skin and shock fills him as pain assaults his mind. "Oh shit!" Flames rise up on his skin and he turns away from the window. "Oh fuck!" Mark doesn't make it far and is quickly reduced to a pile of ash on the floor. Stacy glares at the pile of ash on the floor, "It serves you right asshole." Slowly, she brings her thumb to her mouth, takes a deep breath, and blows into her thumb. Warm air swirls into her filling her and she repeats this process until her body is filled out to her previous deflated proportions. Stacy strides over to the ash pile, her basketball size breasts bouncing, and she retrieves the magic coin from the ash pile. She rubs the coin, "I wish I was unpoppable." A creaking sounds across her body, she strides over to a nearby table, and picks up a pair of scissors. With a quick stab at her left basketball size boob, a loud squeak sounds, but she doesn't pop. She smiles, "It looks like I can't pop. This is going to be interesting."
Prose that Blows 2 - Summer Fun (2010)
Female Inflation
Full Body Inflation
White sands, sparkling ocean, a lovely, new, gray, one-piece swimsuit to show off. It sounded like the ideal way for Sonya to spend her vacation away from home. All she needed now was a refreshing beverage to beat the blistering heat. She left her beach spot consisting of her plush blanket and striped umbrella and made her way to the nearest vending machine. Upon approaching the machine, her curiosity was beckoned when two particular choices of cola among the list of selections caught her eye. Beach Ball Cola and Diet Beach Ball Cola, neither of which she had ever heard of before. "Must be the product of a smaller company around here", she convinced herself. She could've gone with a brand of beverage she was familiar with but the Diet Beach Ball Cola was the only low fat choice of soda the machine offered and she didn't want to ruin her figure and render her new swimwear useless anytime soon. With a buzz and a metallic clank, the device responded to it's customer's choice and dispensed a frosty aluminum can, it's contents slightly stirred by it's movement from inside the machine. On the container was a label sporting the name of the drink and a picture of a pink and white beach ball. Taking the beverage and popping open it's top, Sonya was greeted by a rather persistent hissing sound. She waited for the soda to fizzle out and the sound to subside before sampling a sip but the hole in the metallic container continued to whisper away. With the sun's harsh heat reminding her why she got the soda in the first place, she finally urged herself to put the noisy can to her lips. "Wow", she thought as a fizzy, fruity taste sensation swirled through her mouth. This is pretty sweet for a diet soda. She contently tossed aside her suspicions and began to drink the rest of the beverage, tilting it higher to get to the last ounce. "Ahhh", she sighed with a hint of satisfaction as she pried herself away from the empty soda can and prepared to dispose of it. "Maybe I can enjoy some time at the beach now without any more problems." Walking back to her spot on the beach, her movement began to slow upon experiencing a strange rumbling in her stomach. The dynamic bubbling nature of the soda seemed to be as constant as ever and she felt the need to burp it off. Unfortunately, she couldn't seem to conjure up one, almost as if the pressure within her refused to budge. Trying her best to ignore her sudden bloating, she pressed onward. Unfortunately for Sonya, she couldn't neglect her condition for long. She was forced to stop a few steps shy of her beach blanket and bend over as the pressure got intense and she couldn't ignore it any longer. She attempted to give her abdomen a comforting stroke but something intercepted, namely her own stomach. Glancing down in sheer surprise, her shock instantly doubled when she found her own belly protruding outward, inflating like a balloon. "What kind of crazy soda is this?", She shrieked. Her stomach continued to significantly swell but she soon realized it wasn't the only part of her doing so. Her chest and bosom were bloating vigorously, her cup size climbing rapidly and testing the top of her bathing suit. Meanwhile, her backside and buttocks boasted forth to buff out her out from behind. She became robustly rounder with every passing second as her body gave in to the carbonating cola, her midsection spreading to a larger degree and taking the rest of her with it. Her arms and legs were no longer hers to control, having transformed into severely puffy appendages that wouldn't bend. "Help!", she tried to call out but with minimal success. Her cheeks were puffed and no amount of exhaling would deflate them and clarify her pleas. As she grew, her view diminished, the distant ocean horizon merged with the skies now being replaced by the outline of her gray-clad ballooning bulk. Her limbs had diminished altogether, having been overtaken by her outrageous orb of a body, along with her rest of her petite physique. Thankfully her bathing suit held together but it had been stretched out immensely, leaving four large empty holes occupied only by her bare bloated flesh and a hand or a foot sticking out at it's center. All she could do was lay helplessly in the sand on her ballooned bottom, hoping someone would find her. "My goodness, a voice came from nearby", giving Sonia a glimmer of hope. "What a large woman you are." "Help me", Sonia cried softly to the stranger. "So big." "I take it you had yourself a refreshing beverage recently, didn't you?" The person spoke. "You needn't worry. When you drink Beach Ball Cola, the unpleasant swelling is only temporary. You'll deflate sooner or later." The statement was music to Sonia's ears who yearned for her former shape. "But in the meantime, how would you like to help me make some big bucks for a little side business of mine?" Before Sonya could even muster a reply, she felt two hands pressing into her side and soon discovered herself being rolled to another section of the beach. Later that day, Sonya found herself in group of beach farers blown to the same hapless size as her, none of whom looked particularly pleased with their situation. In front of her was a large sign sporting the same logo she saw on the can earlier reading "Mega Beach Balls, rent one today for only $10". Looking at the blimpish beach occupants she was piled with and then taking a glance at herself, a single thought crossed her mind. "I should've spent my vacation at the ski resort instead."
Female Inflation
Belly Inflation, Breast Inflation, Full Body Inflation
Hello my name is Jessica, those of you from England may of already heard about me, as the story of the most embarrassing day of my life made the local press!! It all started as a friends vacation, 3 of us had just graduated from college and decided we all deserved a holiday before we got jobs. There was Mandy, she was about 5'8" tall, slim, some would say pretty, she has brown hair and big brown eyes so I guess they aren't far wrong. Brad who was trying to get with Mandy, he was your typical college footballer, he didn't need to worry about a job, rich parents saw to that, even the women fell at his feet, although he really only had eyes for Mandy, oh and me, we dated for about 4 months, only when I ended it with Brad did he show any interest in Mandy. Then there was me, well I'm 28 also, I have blonde hair and blue eyes, all my life I've been an 'it' girl, and that was topped off by being crowned prom queen! I'm a cheerleader obviously! and I hope to go into dancing now I've graduated. I'm 5'6" tall and due to years of training, I have a very athletic build. "We should go to Paris" says Mandy "No!!!" Brad and I both shout together "I'm not playing gooseberry in the most romantic city in the world" I add "How about Australia?" I ask "Maybe.." Says Brad "Nope" adds Mandy sounding like a spoilt brat "Its too hot!!" We carried on looking through brochures, "How about England?" Said Brad We all agreed on it and started looking at what was about. We eventually settled on a holiday camp, which had individual apartments, and a complex that had bowling, cinemas and a massive swimming pool. We arrived at the camp and found our villa, that night the 3 of us went to check out the on site night club, as we went through the amusements there was a rude English family, you know the sort 6 kids running around out of control, loud and didn't look like they had seen a bath in weeks! "Great! We pick the same week as that lot!" I said giving them a look of disgust. I think the mother must of seen it as she turned her nose up at me, and muttered what looked like, 'blonde bimbo' at me! "Relax" said Mandy "We are here to enjoy ourselves, ignore them" she said trying to avoid an argument Thankfully a lovely looking man came over and asked the family to calm down, he was gorgeous, dark hair designer stubble and you could see he takes care of himself. I tried to follow him and get him to buy me a drink but he just vanished. We went of to the nightclub and had one hell of a night, loads of alcohol and plenty of dancing, I got a lot of attention from the men in the room, probably as I was wearing one of the skimpiest outfits I own, the stretch Fabric hung to my curves beautifully. But the one guy I was hoping to see was not there, before we knew it, it was 3am and time to head back to the villa. The next morning I woke up and felt fine so decided to go swimming, I asked the other 2 who were very Hung over, they said they may join me later on, I packed my swimming costume and a towel and headed to the pools. I got to the changing rooms and slid myself into the suit I looked at myself in the mirror, I had to admit I enjoyed wearing swimwear, something about tight lycra gave me a thrill, today I had gone for a one piece, that was bright red, very similar to the ones on baywatch. As I walked through to the pool I could see a massive slide to my left, it had a vertical drop at the start and then it ran around the whole room about 15 feet in the air, it used blow up rafts to carry the people around and ended up in the main pool. Unfortunately the queue was nearly as long as the ride so I opted to give it a while before going on that! I found a hot tub and jumped into it, I must of laid there for hours, until I realised it was getting very busy in the pool, ergh dam I'll never get on that rise now I thought, but if I don't go now I'll be waiting til midnight. I joined the the back of the line and to my horror there were those brats from last night!! All 6 of them and of course, they were acting up! The dad was there too and I could feel his eyes leering at my behind! After what felt like days I was near the front of the queue I could see where we boarded the rafts, then I smiled as I saw the man from last night, he must of been a lifeguard and was helping people onto the rafts, " I look forward to him man handling me" I whispered to myself. I could also see that the rafts were being pulled up by a winch, then there was an air compressor which the lifeguard was using to make the rafts the desired pressure. The brats started to get impatient and were pushing and shoving trying to get to the front, "Do you mind!!" I huffed Finally I was at the front and was getting the lifeguard to help me as much as I could when: "Our turn!!!" Shouts one of the kids All 6 of the brats pushed passed the lifeguard and I, knocking us both over which in turn brought all of the kids down on top of us, as I fell to the floor I felt a sharp pain in my mid section. I battled to get everyone off of me, it actually felt like the space I was trapped in was getting smaller! Then one of the children confirmed why! "She's inflating!!!" Everyone jumped off me and took a step back, even the gorgeous lifeguard! I looked down and could see I was impaled on the nozzle of the compressor! I could feel the air rushing into me and tried to pull myself off but it was all happening so fast and I couldn't find anything to hold onto! I lowered my head to try and see the nozzle but my view was quickly being filled with cleavage, I never had massive boobs so the improvement wasn't so bad! However my breasts continued to inflate, soon they were the size of basket balls, and testing the lycra of my swimsuit! Everyone was just staring at me silent, I was so embarrassed and could feel myself blushing, soon I felt my belly start to expand, I was laying on my front over the compressor so I couldn't really see it, I knew however that it was getting big as I was starting to be lifted of the floor, I went from a trim firm stomach to that which resembled a woman who's 9 months pregnant! And It had only been around 10 seconds!! Finally someone done something, the dad of the brats who put me in this situation pulled on my shoulder, I was so round and of balance that I rolled off my front onto my back! For the first time I could see what I looked like, well I could see 2 massive globes in front of me that stood about 10 inches from my chest, and above them stood the summit of my belly! The compressor continued to pump me up, the lifeguard finally acted! He was trying to pull the nozzle from my belly but it was no use! I could now feel my backside start to inflate, I was also trying to pull myself free, until my arms grew stiff, I could feel my legs doing the same and I started to be forced into a star shape! "Omg I can't believe this is happening" was all I could say and think My arms and legs quickly turned into cones and then disappeared into my body, I was now just a globe with a head and 2 massive breasts I was amazed the swimsuit had held on, the pressure was getting intense and now even my cheeks puffed up, making me speechless. As I thrashed around trying to prevent myself exploding I saw my mates! Brad looked horrified but Mandy looked like she was actually enjoying this! The torrent of air stopped! Another lifeguard saw what was happening and turned the power off, once the pressure of all that air had gone, the nozzle came out of my skin easily, a small puff followed it but that then stopped, I laid there! A massive ball in silence, I felt so humiliated I wanted the ground to swallow me up!! The silence was broken by the eldest brat: "We should ride her down the flume!!" I couldn't believe what I was hearing! As if it wasn't embarrassing enough to be turned into a human balloon! Now they wanted to use me as a raft!! Before I knew it! I was thrown into the water and 3 kids jumped on me! They kicked off and hung on as I floated around the flume, flapping my hands and feet trying to stop! I then spent the rest of the day as these kids pool toy! And once I knew I wasn't going to burst I actually started enjoying going around the slides! It took about 3 days for me to deflate, I won't explain how the air came out, the whole ordeal was embarrassing enough. But then about 2 weeks later when I was back in America I got a phone call asking for an interview from the raft girl!! Turned out I was now famous for what happened! Not exactly the attention I wanted, but it'll do!
Cooking Show, fat, gas, humiliation
Female Inflation
Full Body Inflation, Stuffing
"E-excuse me..." Valerie covered her mouth, shocked at the loud belch she had just let loose. The effects of her near constant snacking on stage had a visual and audible effect. She had to pause the show for a bit to adjust her top to cover her bulging stomach, the camera gliding about the set hoping not to catch her wide frame in full. Most of the audience was silent - they had expected this from her by now.It wasn't always this way, of course. When she was hired, Valerie Valentina was just robust enough: plump in a way that the Cooking Network could congratulate themselves on body diversity, but zaftig in a manner that still attracted a very wide audience. She was bubbly, friendly and just a bit coy. Everyone loved her.Except me, of course.I had accepted a job here a decade ago in hopes of getting my foot in the door. I was a tireless gopher, an unappreciated assistant and finally, a put-upon stage manager. I had assumed that I would finally get my time as a host once a new time slot opened up."We need someone a bit more...perky." They said. "We already have a snippy, sarcastic persona."So I keyed some cars and got over it...for a while. Working with Valerie has only made me hate her more though. I can't stand her curly black hair, her perfect skin, those full lips, that 90-minute hourglass figure, her constantly friendly and earnestly optimistic personality....ugh!She had to go, and I'd be the woman to take her down.It was as easy as pie. And brownies, as well as several sorts of cakes. I'm an accomplished chef as well you know - and not-so-little miss Valentina didn't get so provocatively bulgy by snacking on celery sticks.Cannolis on her desk. Macarons in the dressing room. A cookie bouquet for each and every occasion. I kept track of rest of the crew's tastes and even their allergies to make sure Valerie had most of it for herself. Thanks to my scheming, the pretty cooking show host had swollen to a ridiculous size in just a few months; soft, olive colored girth oozed into view, even in her carefully chosen outfit. Watching her move around the set was a real delight for me, even if it was truly cringe worthy display for anyone who had been a fan of the bloated tick. Her saucy little walk was a burdened waddle now, massive hips and bulging love handles causing mishaps among her increasingly cramped set. Even this meander was straining her a little, her round face dotted with just a bit of visible perspiration.She was an embarrassment to the network at this point - no amount of high counter-tops or careful camera work could hide her explosive form. Cutting away at just the right time to avoid getting a close up of a tear on her pencil skirt or of one of her ponderous limbs jiggling with the slightest movement was testing the patience of the camera crew. The network executives are gnashing their teeth trying to deal with this fleshy eyesore - but I've decided that Valerie will go out with a real bang, if you catch my drift.I just spiked her pre-show water with something a little special. The host had a habit of munching on whatever she was cooking during the show anyway, so I imagine people will assume that her constant gluttony had finally caught up with her.Another burp, this one alarmingly loud. Valerie was bright red now, as that belch had shattered what remained of her dignity on top of a few eardrums. She worriedly placed her hands on her soft belly, massaging it a bit. Her sagging, flabby paunch responded with a nauseating gurgle. There was a sharp cry of dismay as she began to swell all at once, the seams and buttons on her clothing bursting open and popping off as the soft, doughy woman began to rapidly bloat outwards like a sweaty parade float."H-Help! Help me please!' She whimpered, but a brassy fart drowned out her cries for help as the audience bellowed in laughter. Another rumble came from her drum tight gut, ushering in another bout of growth - leaving her naked, bloating like a tick and expelling gas from both ends on stage. Still she grew! I had to stifle a maniacal laugh as everyone else began to move away from the living bomb that was devastating the set with her explosive girth. I watched with glee as her formerly lovely face distorted alongside her sad joke of a body, cheeks growing so puffy her eyes were narrowed into a squint.I pull out my phone to get a few pictures as she looks at me in what I figure is disbelief of my cruel amusement. It'd be nice to savor, but even I know when the getting is good - another loud rumble comes from the blimpy mess and I take cover.The *Technical Difficulties* graphic popped up on screens around the country, but a loud, wet pop could still be heard fairly clearly.
celebrity, floating, fly away, helium
Female Inflation
Full Body Inflation
Cassandra couldn't deny that she was obsessed. When she first saw Scarlett Johansson in "Lost in Translation", she bought a DVD of every other movie she had been in. She even bought the SpongeBob SquarePants movie just to hear her voice. She had subscribed to Internet fansites, and even started one of her own. And now her obsession had driven her to move to Hollywood, join a babysitting agency specializing in celebrities, and screw her way into her supervisor's favor until he assigned Cassie her dream job. She didn't even care that he was taking more than his usual share of her pay. Her friends didn't understand, but Miss Johansson had... changed Cassandra. She had been a normal girl with normal sexual drives before her fixation, but since then, she had lost all desire for boys. She was now only attracted to girls who resembled Scarlett. Cassie was too ashamed of this to go to a psychiatrist; the only outlet she saw was to get as close to Scarlett as she could. She felt like she'd literally explode if she couldn't be near her. The entertainment world was shocked when Miss Johansson, a single woman, had become pregnant by sperm from an unknown donor. She denied she was a man-hater, stating that she was waiting for the one she would spend her life with, and didn't want to wait to have a child. Nevertheless, the prevailing gossip was that Scarlett was a lesbian. Although this was Cassandra's only hope of ever having a relationship with Scarlett, it still made her livid to read some of what those gossip magazines and opinion columnists had to say. Scarlett was there when the agency introduced Cassandra to her daughter, Cheyenne, age 3. Cheyenne had immediately taken to Cassie, who for her part could do little but stand there and gawp at Miss Johansson's beauty. Fortunately, Scarlett had put this down to standard celebrity infatuation, and just blew her off. Since then, to her dismay, Cassie had barely seen Scarlett, dealing mostly with her agent. One day, Cassandra was called over to take care of Cheyenne while Miss Johansson was attending a charity event. Since it was so hot, Cassie decided to take her swimming in Scarlett's private pool. Unfortunately, she didn't know how to swim, and while water wings were fine for Cheyenne, they weren't a graceful option for an adult. Searching the area for a floatation device of some sort, she only came up with a black rubber inner tube which looked like a relic from the fifties. Still, it would do to keep her from drowning. She would have to inflate it first, though. It took only a minute of trying to force air into the tiny valve for her to realize that there was no way she could blow it up herself. She didn't own a bicycle, and hence she didn't have a hand pump. Pondering the situation for a moment, Cassie remembered that Miss Johansson had recently hosted a pool party catered with lots of balloons. In the clutter of the party's aftermath, the caterers had accidentally left behind one of their helium tanks. It was a cylindrical model, almost as tall as she was, with a large vertical nozzle on top for balloons, and a long hose ending in a smaller nozzle for inflatable toys of various types. The company would come by later in the week to pick it up, but they'd never miss a little extra helium, would they? The tank rested in a wheeled hand cart, so Cassie was easily able to move it poolside. The tube's valve was so small that the hose's nozzle barely fit, but she forced it in, and with a turn of the valve handle inflation slowly commenced. To make sure the inner tube didn't float away, Cassandra stepped into it, and sat at the pool's edge, dangling her legs in the water, and listening to the hiss of the tank as she waited for the floater to come up to size. As she sat there, Cassandra considered her relationship with Miss Johansson. Scarlett had been cold and distant at first, but she seemed to be warming to her somewhat recently. Cassie was grateful she was a girl; she had the opportunity to do things no man would have the chance to. Just before leaving for today's event, Scarlett had asked her to zip up the back of her dress. Maybe this meant she'd be asked to unzip it when she got back... Cassie was so busy daydreaming that she didn't notice Cheyenne getting bored and looking for something to play with. Zeroing in on the helium tank, she noticed the brightly-colored handle on top. Cheyenne was an active toddler, and had little difficulty climbing to the top of the hand cart. But when she reached for the tank, she lost her footing and fell, pulling the handle fully open before her weight snapped it off. Cassandra's reverie was suddenly interrupted by bawling behind her. "Cheyenne, are you okay?!" Quickly getting to her feet, she ran to where the child was laying on the ground. After a quick inspection, she turned out to just have a scraped knee, nothing serious. More troubling was the damage to the helium tank; Cassie groaned inwardly as she examined the broken handle. That would be coming out of Miss Johansson's deposit. And with no way to shut off the tank, all the helium would escape, which would be even MORE expensive... Cassie knew she was responsible for any damage Cheyenne inflicted while under her care, but she was barely making ends meet as it was! Distraught over her situation, Cassie didn't notice that the tank's hissing had increased in volume until she felt a pressure around her waist. Glancing downward, she discovered that in her distracted state, she had let the inner tube overinflate, and its inward expansion had encircled her in a solid grip. She reached behind her to the valve on the tube's underside, but the nozzle was jammed in tight, and at this awkward angle she didn't have enough leverage to pull it out. Getting worried now, she pressed down on the tube as hard as she could -- and her arms slipped down the inside of the ring, getting pinned to her sides. She struggled to free them, but to no avail; she was trapped in a rubber prison which was getting tighter by the second. Cheyenne had forgotten her fall a few moments ago, and found Cassandra's situation hilarious. "Hehehehehe! Cassie you stuck!" "This is *NOT* funny, Cheyenne!" And indeed it wasn't: the old inner tube had thick walls, and she was worried that she'd be deafened when it finally popped, or even cut in half if the pressure continued to mount. In desperation, she ran to the end of her slack, but the nozzle wedged in the valve stopped her short. She strained to take another step, but couldn't break free of her tether. In a fit of impatience, she tried leaping forward -- and shrieked in fright as her buoyant bondage carried her a dozen feet into the air! With the hose still firmly attached, Cassie was drawn into a backward arc before landing hard on her butt. *RIP* "OoF!" Cassie grunted as she came down. As she shook off her disorientation, she noticed that she was experiencing a certain sensation she hadn't felt since her supervisor had assigned her this job, and also one that she had never experienced at all: the pressure from outside was being answered from within. She suddenly realized that she had landed right smack on the helium tank, and the nozzle had ripped through her bikini bottom -- and kept going. It was now pumping that damned helium directly into her! With the top nozzle active, the flow from the hose seemed to have ceased, so one of her problems was temporarily on hold. But if she didn't stop inflating quickly, she would burst something more precious to her than an old inner tube. Yet no matter what she tried, she couldn't get loose. Her arms were still bound and useless. She scrabbled against the tank with her legs, but her wet feet found no purchase on the smooth metal. She leaned backwards, but the buoyant inner tube counterbalanced enough of her weight to keep her from falling off. She wiggled her hips, trying to give the gas a way to escape, but the rubber nozzle's surface was designed to grip a balloon's neck, and now it had a tenacious hold on her burgeoning backside. "Cassie, your butt get big!" "Grrrr, I know, I KNOW!" As her lower body approached its capacity for expansion, her growth began to slow, and the tension mounted. Cassie winced in fear at the groans and creaks emanating from her ass and thighs. Just when she thought she couldn't take any more, the pressure of her rear against the top of the tank finally popped the nozzle out of her. But Cassie's momentary relief quickly turned to fright as she pitched backwards. Scrunching her eyes shut, she prepared for the mother of all headaches -- but when it didn't come, she opened them, and saw to her horror that instead of falling to the deck, she was slowly rising into the air! "YAAAAAAAAAY! Cassie, you a balloon!" "HEEEEEEEEELP ME CHEYENNE!" Her ascent was lethargic at first, but with the inner tube once again inflating, she slowly began to accelerate. When she reached the end of her fifteen-foot tether, the sudden jolt pulled the nozzle loose with a sickening *pop*. Cassandra never figured out exactly how it happened. As she swung around, she had gasped in fear, and somehow she must have sucked the free end of the hose down her throat. When the disorientation passed, she found herself biting down on it for dear life, the only thing keeping her from being lost to the sky. But her lifeline came with a price; for the maddening flow of helium continued unabated, blowing up her lithe body like a rubber inner tube. Her belly swelled, rising up on her torso as its downward expansion was checked by her restraint. Her burgeoning breasts overflowed the cups of her bikini top, their protruding nipples tenting the fabric until it snapped open in front. Cassie was at least grateful that Cheyenne was distracted chasing a butterfly around the pool deck, saving her the indignity of exposing herself in front of (or above) a child. But her gratitude turned to terror, as she saw the helium tank wobble in its cart! As the cylinder slowly began to rise, Cheyenne noticed what was going on and ran over. "I hold you down, Cassie!" There were carrying handles on the end of the tank, and she grabbed hold of them as it lost contact with the ground. Cassandra tried to scream at her to let go, save herself, but only muffled grunts emerged from her obstructed throat and clenched teeth. And as the last of the helium trickled into Cassie, Cheyenne's feet lost contact with the ground, and she was carried away, giggling and squealing with delight, on a lazy afternoon breeze. As she gained altitude and drifted from the suburbs to downtown L.A., Cassandra began to despair of ever coming back to Earth in one piece. Fortunately for her, the hot midday sun beat down on the black inner tube, heating the helium inside and causing it to expand until the rubber finally reached its limit. The attendees of Scarlett's outdoor charity event were startled when they heard a loud *BOOM*, followed by a shower of black rubber shards. Looking up, they saw what appeared to be a large pink balloon slowly descending toward them. As it drew closer, they saw the helium tank dangling from its tether, and then the small child dangling from the tank. For a few moments, everyone was speechless at this unusual sight, but when Scarlett finally recognized Cheyenne and shrieked in fright, all hell broke loose. Fighting her way to the center of the crowd gathered under the tank, she snatched her daughter off the tank as soon as she got within reach. Photographers immediately began snapping pictures of the relieved mother and daughter. Cassandra would have screamed if she had her mouth free. With her ballast gone, she was rising again, and she knew she would have to release the tank and deflate quickly, before she gained too much altitude. But Scarlett, sweet Scarlett, was still directly underneath her, and everyone was too wrapped up in that little brat to notice the damsel in distress right above them. If she let go now, the tank would land right on her head. She tried to grab the hose, but her inflated arms were too turgid to reach around. And the breeze that had carried her here had chosen this moment to die down, so she remained dead-centered over Scarlett even as she continued to float away. It was her or Scarlett! What to do, what to do... In the end, the decision was made for her. The perfume wafting up from the crowd tickled Cassandra's nose until she couldn't hold back a sneeze any longer. As the hose fell out of her throat, the helium in her body finally found an exit. Cassie didn't hear the clang of the tank landing on Scarlett's head; the torrential rush of gas from her mouth sent her spiraling away into the distance. It took hours for the fire department to reach Cassie where she was hanging from a horizontal flagpole on the side of a skyscraper. Hanging upwards, that is: her swollen backside held shut the only way the helium in her ass and thighs could escape, and though she grunted and groaned, squeezed and strained, and contorted her legs into every conceivable position, still the gas found no release. Far below her, she was certain she could make out the shapes of news vans, and cameras with telephoto lenses filming her predicament for the nightly news. Finally, she had been hauled down, and after one final indignity she was grounded and back on her feet again. Cassandra spent a week in jail, awaiting trial on charges of child endangerment. She was relieved to learn that Cheyenne had not been hurt. Scarlett, however, had suffered a minor concussion, and would have to bow out of her current film production. At the end of the week, the district attorney's office reluctantly concluded that the case was too bizarre to try, and Cassie was released. When she finally made it to her apartment, her last paycheck and the restraining order were waiting for her. Scarlett retrieved a bottle of Perrier from the fridge and walked out the back door to the pool. Her doctor had ordered her not to do any work while she recovered, which meant leaving Cheyenne with a day care center. She didn't trust babysitters after her experience with that creepy girl who had taken her daughter for an airborne joyride. Now that she thought about it, the girl had clearly been infatuated with her; it was obvious from the way she had behaved whenever Scarlett was around. That would explain why her underwear drawer always seemed to have been rummaged through, and why she was always there when Scarlett needed help getting dressed or undressed. And the inflation incident -- she must have been pleasuring herself with the helium tank, and lost control of the situation! Certainly the explanation she had given the police defied all probability. At least with a restraining order, if that pervert ever showed her face in front of her again, she'd be doing hard time. Cassandra watched through a hole in the pool fence as Scarlett lazed in the lounge chair and greedily guzzled the expensive bottled water. If that heartbreaking harlot thought she had gotten the better of her, she had another thing coming. Early that morning, Cassie had snuck into the catering company and, using a special high-pressure helium tank, had super-carbonated a bottle of water. She had then broken into Scarlett's house and dumped out the Perrier bottle in the fridge, replacing it with the doctored water. Any moment now, the fun should be starting... Scarlett snapped to attention as she noticed that, although she had been laying perfectly still, her thighs had started to touch for some reason. As she repositioned her legs, trying to get more comfortable, she felt her bikini bottom shifting around on her backside. A gurgling sensation in her stomach brought her hands to her abdomen, where she felt a growing pressure begin to distend her flat belly. Looking down at her body, she was alarmed to see her breasts pushing against her top, peeking out at her from under the fabric. Sneaking around to the gate, Cassie used a zip tie to bind it shut. By the time that hussy figured out what was happening, she would be too light to have enough leverage to force it open. And with the gate closed, the only way past the fence, was up...
kiss, women inflating men
Male Inflation
Full Body Inflation
The school building was nearly empty when Jason was excused from detention. On his way past his locker he noticed two figures standing alone in the gym. One was Scott, a kid from his algebra class, and the other was Alyssa Walker, a beautiful (if quiet and strange) young brunette with, Jason recalled, terrific green eyes and a luring smile. Alyssa stood with her back to Jason, which suited him fine, as he got to examine her blue jeans, so tight they hugged every curve and crevice from her hips to her ankles. Scott stood quietly in front of her, as if waiting for something. Then Alyssa wrapped her arms around Scott's neck and gave him a long, passionate kiss. Jason shook his head at the scene. Lucky bastard, he thought. He watched as Alyssa pulled away from Scott and whispered something to him that Jason didn't catch. She took several steps back, and soon Jason learned why. Scott's body began inflate! Jason staggered back and blinked to check his eyesight. But indeed, Scott was chest, and soon his whole body, began to puff up bigger and bigger like a balloon! What's more, neither Scott nor Alyssa seemed particularly surprised. Jason could only watch in stunned amazement as Scott swelled bigger. And fuller. And rounder. His clothes began to rip and shred as he burst through them, growing and expanding until he looked like a giant human peach! Jason looked at Alyssa. She just smiled as Scott grew bigger ... and bigger ... and bigger! He looked more like a balloon now then ever, having distended so much and stretched so thin that Jason could almost look right through him. He thought briefly about running for help. But how do you stop someone from inflating like a balloon? Besides, Scott was way too big--he HAD to burst soon! Help would come too late. And despite himself, Jason couldn't turn away. He was fascinated as this human beach ball swelled and swelled and swelled so big that he would have dwarfed a hot-air balloon! There was a slight squeaking noise just before The Inevitable happened. Jason covered his ears when Scott reached the breaking point and POPPED! Scattered remnants of the exploded balloon-man were scattered about the gym. Jason stood agape at the empty spot where he had just watched another human being burst. And had not done a thing about it. His attention now turned to Alyssa, who was already watching him. He had so many questions. Why? How? What's going on? But he stood silent. Then Alyssa gestured him to come inside the gym. She tilted her head in a "come-hither" look. Jason couldn't believe it! Did she actually think he was going to let her pop him? He thought again about running away. He had to report this murder ... or was it assisted suicide? Scott certainly hadn't complained. In fact, now that Jason thought about it, he seemed happy. The image replayed in Jason's mind again and again. Scott's swelling, expanding. Growing. Inflating. And bursting. Jason stepped inside the gym and walked dutifully toward Alyssa. Nothing mattered now. Not his studies. Not his family, friends, future. Nothing mattered but Alyssa's kiss. And to inflate. To get bigger. To burst. She wrapped her arms around Jason's neck and gave him a long, passionate kiss. Then she drew back and whispered, "Goodbye." And then it happened. He felt himself grow hollow inside as his chest and torso began expanding like a balloon. In moments, he was as round as a ball, and getting bigger... and bigger... and bigger. Alyssa waved at him and turned away. He realized that she had seen enough men burst; it was no longer even interesting to her. Perhaps she spotted another target outside the gym. Jason could no longer tell, because he had swollen so big that he could barely see past his bloated abdomen. Soon he was as big as Scott had been when he had burst. But Jason kept growing. And growing. Did Alyssa's kiss affect them different ways? Was it something about them? He didn't know or care. He just closed his eyes and wondered how big he would get before he exploded. Bigger than the gym? Bigger than the school? Bigger than a mountain?! He heard a slight squeak and smiled as he waited for The Inevitable...
Female Inflation
Olivia was a young girl living by herself in a small apartment. She has blonde hair and green eyes. She has a bit of a potbelly that isn't too noticeable to anyone except her. She stood in the middle of her living room. She held a stripe of gum with a blue tint. Olivia was a Wonka fan, and always wanted to be full of juice like Violet Beauregarde from the movie. Olivia had purchased it from a strange vender on the street who had promised her that it was the real deal gum. Although she pondered long and hard of how just it may work and how she may get the juice out of her if it did work. Pacing back and forth staring at the gum as she closed the blind and locked the door, just in case. It was now or never as she saw that it was dark out which was perfect because she didn't want anyone to see her. Then it occurred to her that she wanted something a little better to wear rather then her PJ's and bra. Then Olivia went to her room and went through some clothes. She had been saving a homemade blue pantsuit that was made for Halloween some years ago. Then she had applied a wide red leather belt to make herself look identical to Violet. It was quite snug, and she wondered what would become of it. Olivia returned to the living room and moved the couch so it wouldn't get in the way of her growth. Her stomach was going crazy with butterflies as she had anticipated this moment for a very long time. She popped the gum into her mouth as she was struck with a sudden burst of flavor. "Tomato soup! Just like in the movie, and it does feel like its running down my throat!" Olivia thought to herself. She chewed and chewed with delight as the soup warmed her stomach. She held her waist in sheer pleasure. With each passing moment the flavor of the gum got more intense. She could taste the next flavor coming.... "Roast Beef! Mmm this is so good, oh boy, I can't wait for the next course!" Olivia chewed faster so she could get to her last course, barely paying attention to taste of the 2nd course. Just then the moment she waited for had arrived. The taste of juicy blueberries filled her. "Blueberry pie! Oh my god this taste so good, I gotta go check the mirror." She walked over to a mirror she had in the living room, her skin had grown noticeably darker as it continued to become bluer and bluer. A grin came across Olivia's face as her face was now completely violet. She walked back toward the middle of the room, her movements felt heavy and her belly felt a little bloated. She looked down at herself, the inside of her stomach felt very weird, as though she just drank too much water. Just then she felt her belly tighten and begin to swell outward. Her belt pulled snug was now a little too tight on her swelling midsection. Her arms were raised 90 degrees as the swelling began to push them up. The juice began to go elsewhere was the belt was begging to cut into her, making the juice inside he go to other parts of her body. Her arms got bigger and so did her legs. The juices also went into her back The buttons on her homemade pantsuit were now sticking out. Olivia felt so good becoming bigger, the belt, which would have been painful for some, made her feel so good. The belt was begging to give way, even though she didn't want it to, the fabric of the leather belt had met its end. *POP* The belt went flying across the living room allowing her body to expand freely without any confines. Olivia noticed she was expanding rather slowly. She could now move her arms without the belt; she moved her blue hands across every inch of her body she could touch. As much as she wanted to finger herself she knew she couldn't reach down there even if she wanted to. Her belly was now at least a foot in front of her, her legs was plumping up at about the same rate as her arms. Olivia could still taste the blueberries in her mouth. She waddled over to the mirror to see what she looked like. Each movement was a little awkward and she found it hard to keep her balance. Olivia loved feeling every part of her body slosh from side to side. When she arrived at the mirror, she smiled to see her new expanding form. Olivia kept her arms at her sides and prodded her huge belly; she felt an odd sense of pressure as her finger sunk into her stomach. Her arms were starting to be forced upward as her body was becoming a little spherical. She moved her legs to stand straddle to keep her balance. She watched herself in the mirror grow bigger and bigger with the passing minutes. At this time her arms were begging to be sucked into her midsection. And in unison her legs were becoming sucked in as well. Olivia bit her lip as the pressure made her so hot. Her legs and arms were sucked into her expanding form as her chest began to push against her chin. She was nothing but a head, arms, and feet. Olivia felt herself stop swelling. She spun around in the mirror to see her new self. The juice settled as she came back to facing the mirror. Olivia could have sworn she looked just like Violet Beauregarde. Although she did feel a tad sick she ignored it as she walked around a bit, feeling the juice sway from side to side with each movement. She flapped her hands to imitate the famous scene from the movie. When all of a sudden she felt the pressure begin to build again. Olivia gasped because she thought that she would stop after she had obtained the oval shape that she desired. Her whole body was growing at a slow rate was she was becoming bigger in width and height. Her crotch had pushed so far down that her feet were begging to go off the ground. She tried to see what was going on but her vision was being blocked by her enormous belly. The pressure inside of her was so intense. Her body began to rock back and forth as the juice began to make her off balance and Olivia felt herself falling backwards and then forwards. She didn't know where she was gonna land but she hoped her growing wouldn't last much longer. The middle of Olivia's costume was begging to split across the middle and let her midsection show through. The buttons running down her shirt were starting to strain to hold on; the fabric began to tear in some places. Olivia looked up and saw the ceiling was coming closer and closer with each passing moment. The pressure was taking its toll on her mentally as she started to cry a bit, the blue tears ran down her face. She tasted one with her tongue and began to cry harder as it tasted like blueberries. The juice inside of her was rushing around like a torrent inside her spherical body. Olivia couldn't see around her to see how big she was in width but she took up most of the room by now. At last the growing was slowing down as Olivia's head came within two or three feet of the ceiling. The juice inside her enormous body settled. She felt that if she would begin swelling she may explode....she couldn't swell forever. She moved her hands around erratically trying to feel every part of her. This isn't what she had in mind. Olivia turned her head from side to side to see how far she had gotten. A tingling feeling came across her face as the juice flooded her cheeks, making her look like a chipmunk. Her plump cheeks now rested on her chest. Her insides were nothing but blueberry juice. She could feel the inside of her skin was backed by gallons upon gallons of juice. Just then the gurgling sounds from within her picked up and started to grow louder. Olivia feared what would happen next. Her body couldn't stand another drop of juice. Olivia's body began to grow outward in width. She gasped as the swelling picked up. The gold buttons on her costume began to pop off in quick secession. The threads of the material started to rip apart. After a few minutes her clothes all fell off and she was left there naked. She didn't enjoy being a giant naked blueberry and she started to try and move her body in an attempt to get a look at herself. But because of her unbalanced body she fell backwards. She rolled from side to side on her back until she settled. Olivia could see herself in the mirror now. Her spherical shape continued to swell and swell as her body began to quiver and shake due to the pressure and tension... She bit her plump lip in anticipation. BOOM!!!! Blueberry juice flooded Olivia's apartment.
chemical, Prose that Blows 5 - Taboo (2011)
Female Inflation
Full Body Inflation
Karen carefully crept into her office suite carrying a bottle of experimental reverse-diffusion formula she swiped from the lab. The reasonable action would've been to simply ask the scientists to hand it over, seeing how she was in charge of the business and she funded the research with her own fortune but Karen wanted to make things more interesting. The more preparation and testing the lab put into this, the more the excitement started to diminish. She wanted to use the formula on herself, preferably away from any isolated room or scientific environment. Pressing down on the container's spray nozzle, a steady stream of dense mist appeared which Karen directed towards her own body, showering her entire torso along with the dark knee-high formal dress she wore. Ooh, she shivered, dropping the container at her feet and kneeling down to the floor. A powerful chill was coursing through her body. Whether it was the formula taking effect or her own anxiety overpowering her she wasn't sure but either way, the thrill was definitely there. She was suddenly shaken by a tremendous surge pushing her entire body outward, nearly causing her to lose her balance. Eagerly glancing over her frame, she found no supposed signs of the change she desired. Had she not used enough formula to get the results she yearned for or was the fruit of the research ultimately a dud? Her questions were brought to an abrupt stop when another wave of pressure took her by surprise. The formula was still in effect it turned out and this time she noticed some results. Her attire had gotten slightly tighter around her midsection and her chest seemed a little rounder and fuller than she last remembered. Yes!, she squealed with delight before being shaken about by another surge, propelling her onto her somewhat bouncier backside. The spray was in full effect now and her body was unrelenting to pump up to greater dimensions, each rapid burst of pressure filling her out a little further, accompanied by an overwhelmed but ecstatic gasp from Karen herself. She had wanted this for years but never was she expecting to get so much excitement out of the experience. The sides of her dress were tearing apart as her stomach breached its tiny satin confines, leaving solely her undergarments to cover her protruding hips and buttocks if only minimally, but her diminishing attire was of little concern to her in her present bliss. She soon found herself lying on her side to make room for her burgeoning belly and rear, all the while clutching at her bowling-ball sized breasts, kicking frantically, and hoping for more. She was certain nothing would spoil her fun tonight, at least until she heard the door to her office open, forcing her out of her stupor to angle her head and move her body to see the uninvited guest over her vast yet cumbersome curves. "So this is where the formula went", he spoke, noting the newly transformed Karen and the bottle next to her. It was Zeke, one of the leading scientists who made the reverse-diffusion formula. "I-I can expla... ooooohhhhh", Karen tried to reply before being cut off by another boost of pressure. Deep down, she knew there was nothing to explain though. She couldn't fool anyone at this point, especially given the lack of concentration in her present state. "Oh, I understand completely", Zeke responded, "you helped fund our project but not for the noble intentions of science you claimed. You had a dream that seemed impossible, even with a vast fortune at your disposal." "Y-You don't know... how much I wanted this", Karen groaned happily. "Oh but I do know", Zeke rebutted." In fact, you could say I started this research for the exact same reason." To Karen's surprise, Zeke pulled out another bottle of formula out of his pocket and brought it up to her. "Would you like a second dose?", he asked with a sly smile. She smiled back eagerly. Things were about to get a whole lot more exciting.
blueberry inflation, full body inflation, popping
Female Inflation
Afina picked up the wide, red sash and tied it loosely around her waist. Glancing in the mirror at contrast between her sash and the drape of her royal blue silk pajamas, she had barely a moment to reflect before there was a knock on her apartment door. Stepping lightly across the room, she opened the door wide to the sight of her friend, Livia, holding up an unopened bottle of wine. "What's the emergency, Fina?" Livia was already across the threshold and in the apartment kitchen, digging around for a corkscrew then pulling down two glasses from the cabinet. "I kicked him out, Liv" confided Fina, closing the door quietly, "I had enough of Bill so I ended it. He's already mostly packed and gone. This is the last of his stuff." Fina motioned to a few boxes and bags stacked neatly by the door. Liv paused for a moment, exhaling slowly. She tugged the cork out of the wine bottle with a 'pop!' and poured two equally full glasses. "I've never really thought he was good for you," Liv admitted, "Honestly, I'm happy you kicked him out." "Really?" Fina was surprised by Liv's statement. Liv handed her one of the glasses and took a sip from the other. "Yeah," Liv hesitated, "I think he's been cheating on you for quite some time now." Fina's countenance went from surprise to shock. "What do you mean?" she asked, voice shaking a little, "Who was he cheating with?" "I don't know who," Liv said after a moment, "But I wasn't the only one to think he was cheating. Apparently there were more than a few stories circulating around." Fina's face grew red, a mixture of anger and embarrassment. "I had no idea, I didn't think..." her voice trailed off, "I-this doesn't make this any easier." Fina stared off into the distance and took a large drink from her glass. Liv looked at the rapidly depleting glass in Fina's hand. She set her own glass down then got up to retrieve the bottle left on the kitchen counter. As Liv crossed the room, she instinctively eyed the few remaining belonging waiting to be picked up by Bill. Returning, Liv refilled Fina's glass and set the bottle down on the coffee table. She returned to Bill's belongings, her curiosity piqued, and began casually poking through the contents. After a moment, Liv lifted a small Chinese puzzle box and turned it over in her hands, examining its smooth lacquered surfaces. "Fina, what's this?" Liv asked. Fina looked up, eyeing the wooden box in Liv's hand. "I don't know," responded Fina, "I've never seen it before." Liv tried shaking the puzzle box. Even from where she was, Fina could hear something small banging around inside. Liv walked back over to the couch, feeling the edges and lines of the puzzle box. As she sat down, Liv got the first portion moved with a quiet but satisfying 'click!' "Here, you try," insisted Liv, "You're much better at these kinds of things." She handed the puzzle box to Fina, who set her glass down and began fiddling with the edges. Two more pieces slid in succession, each with a slight 'click!' As Fina sought the next piece, Liv chimed in with a "try there!" and another segment clicked into place. The two made quick work of the remaining parts, and soon the last slid into place. It glided smoothly with a loud 'click!', and revealed the hollow inside that had eluded them thus far. "Finito!" Liv declared triumphantly, trying to peer into the puzzle box. Fina turned the box over and dumped the contents into her open palm. A look of mild disappointment crossed her face when she saw only a small strip of gum and a folded piece of paper. "That's all...?" Fina said, somewhat dissatisfied. Liv nonchalantly took the piece of paper and unfolded it, reading the short message printed thereon. "Do not chew," Liv recited. Perplexed, she flipped the paper over and over, looking at the back and the front to see if she was missing something. Liv snorted in derision at this underwhelming turn of events. "I wonder why not?" Fina pondered, trying to make sense of all of it. She held the strip of gum up for a closer look, although it imparted no more information upon her. "Go ahead, try it," Liv goaded, "its gum. Its gum and your stupid ex-boyfriend stuck it in a box, and why? Who knows...we should've just smashed the box to open it. Would've served his cheating ass right." Thinking about all that Bill did to her, now more so than ever she was increasingly sure Liv was right and that he had cheated on her. Fina lifted the gum, firmed her resolve, and popped it into her mouth, chewing vigorously. Liv hesitated a moment, unsure of whether pushing Fina into this small act of defiance was a good idea. "Wait...are you sure you want to do that?" Liv recanted, wavering slightly. Fina sighed in disgust. She chewed on, wondering what all of the fuss was about. Fina was on the verge of calling the whole thing a load of crap when she paused, a quizzical look crossing her face. "What's it taste like?" Liv inquired, seeing her friend's expression change. "Madness! Its tomato soup! It doesn't taste like tomato soup, it IS tomato soup!" a bewildered Fina exclaimed, "It's hot and creamy! I can actually feel it running down my throat! It's delicious!" Fina's jaw worked up and down as her eyes closed, savoring the rich tastes. Stunned, Liv looked on, growing more and more intrigued. "And every chew gets better and better!" Fina proclaimed excitedly, "Mmmm...this sure is great soup!" She opened her eyes, halting her dissertation. "Hey, the second course is coming up!" Fina resumed her descriptive, "Roast beef and a baked potato! Mmmm!" she cooed. "What's for dessert, Fina?" Liv jokingly laughed Fina's expression revealed the gum was changing flavor yet again. "Dessert? Here it comes...," Fina blurted out enthusiastically, "Blueberry pie and cream! It's the most marvelous blueberry pie I've ever tasted!" Ever so gradually, Fina's elated face turned from healthy pink to a deepening shade of blue. Soon her flesh closely matched the hue of her royal blue pajamas, making her look the same color from the tip of her head to the toes on her bare feet. "Holy shit! What's happening to your face!?!" Liv spit out, unable to mask her growing concern. "Hold on a second," Liv continued, oblivious to her change, "Lemme finish..." "Yeah, but your face is turning blue!" the urgency grew in Liv's voice, "Afina, you're turning a deep shade of blue!" "What are you talking about?" Fina asked quizzically as she registered the growing alarm in Liv's voice. She broke out of her reverie and rushed over to the wall-mounted mirror to find her skin a dark cerulean color. Not just her face, but her neck, her arms, her legs...all of her body, completely. A peculiar expression crossed Fina's already panicked face as her hands went instinctively to her belly. Her midsection began to bulge and widen, pulling the sash taut around her waist. "Afina! What are you doing now!?" pressed Liv, eyes wide, "You're blowing up!" Fina's expansion extended outward to her arms and legs, forcing her to stand spread-eagle. "I feel funny," Fina proclaimed, dumbstruck as she gaped at her burgeoning waistline. Overstrained, Fina's sash burst open, releasing her rapidly expanding midriff. "I'm not surprised...," Liv muttered under her breath, almost sotto voce. Fina gawked at her expanding girth, arms stuck out and legs spread wide. "What's happening!?!" she exclaimed. "You're blowing up like a balloon!" Liv responded louder, increasingly concerned. Liv tentatively reached out and hesitantly poked Fina in the middle of her distended belly, testing the increasing firmness. "Livia, do something! Call a doctor!" Fina demanded. "Should I stick you with a pin?" Liv offered, at a loss for how to respond to the still-growing sphere of her friend. "I'll POP!" Afina yelled, her eyes wide with alarm. By now, Fina looked down in desperation at her swelling body, rounding out at the waist. "Help!" howled Fina, looking to Liv, "You've got to let the air out of me quick!" Fina paused, slightly cocking her head to the side, ear turned towards Afina's belly. A look of realization spread across her face. "There's no air in there...that's juice!" Liv pronounced. "Juice?!" cried Fina, her outburst a mixture of continued disbelief and growing panic. She looked down at the expanding sphere of her body and whimpered loudly. Fina tried to place her hands on her rotund torso, feeling the welling fullness and increasing pressure. "Help me! I'm still filling up!" Fina wailed. "I...I don't know what to do," Liv responded, eyes wide, "Can you fit through the door...?" Afina awkwardly waddled a few steps to face the door, then shuffled back to face Livia. Her girth was already wider than the doorframe. "I can't let anyone see like this! I'm a blimp!" she sobbed, looking down at her bloated body again, "And I'm getting bigger! It's not stopping!" "You're not slowing down," exclaimed Liv, wringing her hands, "Oh my God, you're not slowing down!" "OhmyGodohmyGodohmyGod!" Fina bawled, echoing Livia's statement, "I feel so full..." Livia cautiously reached out one hand and placed it flat on Afina's body, feeling the building pressure within while Fina flapped her hands fruitlessly. "I feel so big!" Afina reiterated, "I'm blowing up like a balloon!" Livia, withdrew her hand slowly, realizing: " a blueberry!" "Huh? What?" Afina looked up at Liv, confused. "You're blowing up like a blueberry!" Liv stated louder in a matter-of-fact tone, although her voice was a little shaky. She walked partially around Afina's circumference, surveying her friend, "Apparently it went wrong when you came to the dessert...apparently." Afina was mostly ignoring Livia at this point, succumbing to shock. She began making gasping sounds of desperation, "I'm swelling up! My whole body!" She began breathing rapidly, panicking. She looked Livia in the eyes, scared. "This is Bill's fault! He did this!" she said, then louder, "Get my phone! Call him! Quick!" As Afina grew fuller with each passing moment, Livia spied the cell phone and scooped it up, rapidly scrolling through the address book. "I can't find it! I can't find Bill's number!" Livia said when she reached the bottom of the address book. Afina's eyes grew wide. "I...I deleted it! I was so mad and I deleted his contact from my cell phone!" Afina blubbered, "I can't remember it!" She stared down at her body again, pressing her palms flat against her body, crying out desperately, "Oh my God!" Livia tossed the phone aside, then hesitated before reaching out again and feeling the pressure building up in Afina. Liv felt less and less give in the giant blue globe before her. Afina tilted her head back, screwed her eyes shut and clenched her hands into fist, "This isn't happening! This isn't happening! This isn't happening!" She opened her eyes and looked down at herself, realizing she was still round and getting even rounder. Livia, hands still on Afina's body, glanced from Afina's swollen waist to her eyes and back: "Your skin is stretching so tight!" Afina groaned in desperation, "I feel like I'm going to explode!" Livia felt an intense tightness in Afina, and became aware that Afina's inflation had slowed, though the creaking sounds emanating from within were getting louder. Livia half drew her hands back, looking Afina in her tear-filled eyes. Afina cried out, "I can't take much more!" as the stretching sounds increased. Livia took half a step back, away from Afina. Frantic, Afina wept, "No! No! No!" She flapped her hands, trying to shuffle around but unable to move. She was so full, her body was pressing up against the underside of her chin, making it hard for her to speak. Afina's head, hands and feet were all that were barely left, and she was having a hard time seeing over her own body. The stretching sound was very loud now, like the skin of a balloon that had been filled too much. Livia, hands still in front of her, took another step backward, then another, never taking her eyes off of Afina's spherical form. Four or five paces back, Livia turned and ducked around the corner and out of sight into the relative safety of the kitchen. The stretching sounds reached a crescendo as Afina's body quivered. Afina's muffled scream pierced the air as her body shuddered, then swelled quickly past her limits like an over-inflated balloon. Her scream cut short as the blueberry burst, wetly splattering juice all over the room. Replaced by an intermittent wet, dripping sound, the silence afterward was deafening. After a moment, Livia timidly stepped out of the kitchen, slowly looking around at the resulting sopping blue devastation. She stood up straight as the horrified expression drained from her face. Livia pulled out her cell phone, pressed a number on speed-dial, and put the phone to her ear. After a brief moment, Livia's mouth curled into a slight grin. "'s me," she purred, "Yeah, we can be together now, no more sneaking around." After a pause, Livia declared, "Yup, just like we figured...she couldn't resist. Okay, baby, see you in a bit."
demon, succubus
Female Inflation
Full Body Inflation
The gentleman leaned back in his chair, staring intently at the paper in front of him as he attempted to decipher the meaning of the patterns it bore. It was a puzzle that had eluded him for far too long, but after careful consideration and study he felt he understood it enough to try his hand at deciphering it. "Oh, I see," he muttered. "If the one goes here..." He entered a "1" in one of the boxes on the paper. "...then the seven would go... here. I think I'm starting to get the hang of this." That it was a difficult puzzle does not mean that it was an important one. Still, his sudden acquisition of vast amounts of wealth enabled him to fritter away his time with such pursuits, often in the comfort of his vast study. One pre-stocked with shelves upon shelves of books, no less - they had come with the house - though he hadn't bothered to look through them after the first few had come up as either obscure tomes on sorcery and the occult or formulaic best-sellers that were hollowed out and used to conceal what he assumed was pornography. No accounting for taste, he supposed. Still, even if their content was questionable they added a certain ambiance to the room. Suddenly his attention was drawn from his puzzle by the scent of sulfur and brimstone and, his curiosity piqued, he looked over his shoulder to try and discern the source. Standing in the entrance of the room was a svelte, maroon-skinned women with raven-black hair that cascaded down her back, impish yellow eyes and two small horns protruding from her forehead. She slowly strode towards him, stiletto thigh-high leather boots clicking against the tile floor, her ample chest jiggling far more than it had any right to underneath the thin black leather band that passed for a top, and her rounded hips swaying far more than they had any right to in the black thong that passed for a bottom. Stopping in the center of the room, she rested one hand on her hip and gave him a wry smirk. "Derek Stenam, I presume?" He stood up, turning his pencil over in his hands as he eyed her with bemusement. "I know what you are." "Then you know why I'm here." "I shan't go quietly, you realize." "Ooh," she cooed, "I -love- it when they play hard to get." "So you'll deign to to rob me of my mortal soul by forcing yourself on me?" "Force myself on you?" She let out a haughty laugh. "We know what each and every human lusts for, and nothing is sweeter than having them give into their sins. I won't -force- myself on you, for when I'm done, you'll be -begging- for me." With that she inhaled sharply, her smooth abs quickly filling out into a small paunch. Smiling at the man's bemused expression the succubus continued to inhale, her belly rising up and out as it filled with air. As she progressed past "plump" into "pregnant" the succubus paced in a small circle before him to give him a view from all sides. Still drawing the same breath, her stomach bobbed ever so slightly with her every move as she continued to swell. Finally she brought her inflation to a halt and reached around the front of her belly, barely managing to lace her fingers together over her navel. Cradling it, she gave him a come-hither stare. "Well?" "I must confess," the man said, nonplussed, "that is an interesting trick." The briefest flicker of dismay crossed the succubus' face and, resting her hands on her hips, she regarded him with interest. "Strong-willed, are we? Or perhaps merely... indulgent. No matter, I'll have you yet." She inhaled again, more forcefully this time. Her belly continued to swell, growing out as well as sideways as the sides of her torso began to round out, and her hips and backside rapidly ballooned, almost in an attempt to make up for lost time. Her leather boots let out a creak moments before the laces near the top gave with a series of "pop-pop-pop"s, pushed open by her swelling thighs, and the strings of her thong snapped under the growing assault of her hips before falling to the floor. Eventually the succubus stopped inhaling and let out a sigh, cradling the large, swollen protrusion her stomach had become with no small sense of pride. She turned around and bent over, her navel inches from the floor, and thrust her beachball-sized ass out in the man's direction. Swaying her plumped hips back and forth, she looked over her shoulder at him as she licked her index finger in a blatantly suggestive manner. He pointed to her thong. "I believe you've lost something." She looked at him in confusion before standing up resolutely, resting her hands on the sides of her three foot hips. Furrowing her brow in concentration, she took another, even deeper breath and reached forward, attempting to press her gut in as much as she could. While it still continued to fill, albeit more slowly, the air inside her moved to other parts of her body: Her back began to round out, slowly joining with a butt large enough to seat two people. Her thighs, each now as wide as her svelte body was formerly, continued to thicken and tear her boots apart, forcing her to stand spread-legged or risk falling over. The succubus' breath slowed, and she struggled to pull in air. Her backside, thighs and belly trembled for a bit before puffing outward with a hollow "bloompf," merging and taking on a more rounded shape nearly four feet across but strangely leaving her upper torso untouched. Her inhalations resumed unabated as she continued to grow up and out, gaining inches in a matter of seconds until she finally saw fit to stop, her upper torso perched atop a globular belly as wide as the succubus formerly was tall. She balanced precariously upon two conical legs that jutted out of the bottom of the sphere, her boots' laces pushed apart halfway down her shins. "Oh dear," she said, "I seem to be... -exposed-. Whatever shall I do?" "Might I suggest investing in clothing with more give? I hear spandex works wonders." The succubus' right eye twitched a few times as she stared at him blankly before her face screwed up in a mask of rage. "I -will- have you yet, mortal!" Her mouth opened unnaturally wide as she sucked a torrent of air down her gullet, her body creaking as it swelled outward at an alarming rate. As she grew higher and rounder her legs thickened with her, slowly being absorbed into her sides. Her boots strained to contain her growth before the stitches gave up the fight, breaking apart and falling to the ground. As she crested eight feet she continued sucking in air through gritted teeth, jaw clenched and brow furrowed from the effort. She felt her feet leave the floor as the underside of her belly lifted her up, the last of her legs joined the rest of her rounded mass soon after. Still she grew larger. Nine feet, then ten, then eleven... her ruined boots and thong had long since disappeared beneath her, pressing uncomfortably into her underside. The succubus knew she was approaching her limits, but her wounded pride wouldn't let her admit defeat. She struggled to pull in a last few breaths, only stopping when the top of her head brushed against the ceiling. She looked down at the man as seductively as she could manage, running a finger along the side of her expanded expanse. Her face, shoulders, arms and breasts were only slightly rounder and fuller, but all that remained of the rest of her body below that was a taut, shiny, crimson orb that towered over the man, with two plump feet protruding from indentations on her sides. "So now that I've pumped myself up," she said, her belly gently creaking with each breath she took, "how 'bout giving me a few pumps of your own?" The man considered this for a second. "No thank you." "How are you doing this?!" she demanded. "Doing what, pray tell?" he casually replied. "Resisting -me!-" she huffed. "My charms should have been-" Her gut let out a loud groan, and she reached down to gently massage it with her hands, cringing. "No doubt you would have enamored others," he said, gesturing with the pencil in his hands "even without your... unusual display. But you've made three errors today, I'm afraid. First, believing that I would become consumed by lust simply because you demonstrate some paraphilia-related talent is, quite honestly, the dumbest plan I've ever seen." "...what?" "Secondly, you have me confused with the previous owner of the house." "What?" "...and finally," he continued, placing the tip of the pencil against her inflated gut, "I'm gay." "WHAT?!" The man gave her a gentle poke with the pencil. The succubus' eyes went wide, and with a deafening bang she exploded in a shower of rubbery maroon scraps, the tatters gently floating around the room before settling to the ground. He scanned the debris of the supernatural seductress before sighing and leaving the room, returning shortly thereafter with a dustpan and broom, and set about cleaning up what was left of the demonic seductress. "But if it's any consolation," he continued, "he didn't give me a forwarding address either." Fifteen minutes and one full dustpan later, he crossed the room to a bookshelf near his desk. He ran his fingers across the spines of the tomes, settling on one that looked particularly out of place. Giving it a gentle tug the shelves beside it retracted and slid apart, and the study was filled with a cacophony of screams, cries, pleas and inarticulate rage. Behind the shelves was a positively massive room, filled with dozens of succubi that came before. Some were locked within impenetrable glass cubes full to the brim with water, bound and hung from the ceiling in networks of ropes and straps, shrunk to mere inches in height and stuck in glass jars or sealed within stone. Still others were immobilized by their own bodies, either so fattened that they could scarcely move, attached to breasts, bellies or butts that towered over their heads or weighed down with members the size of tree trunks. All were immobilized, and all by their own power. Ignoring the noise around him, the man crossed the room to a bin labeled "inflation scraps," half-filled with red, rubbery bits. He emptied the dustpan into it, turned, and left, not giving the other denizens of the chamber a second thought. As the shelves closed behind him, he shook his head. "Mister Stenam has a -lot- to answer for..."
Female Inflation
Full Body Inflation
June was perfect weather for a ride down the creek in a tube. It was hot and humid, making it a perfect day to be in the water. Sara took the bus down to the Chatahoochie River and walked down the concrete steps to the shack that used to be the local bait shop. Now days it was a tube shop, where you could blow up your tube, patch a leak, or just kick back with a coke and watch the idiots. Sara opened the door. "Hey Randy," Sara called out. Randy, Sara boyfriend, turned around smiled. Due to their high school class schedule and Randy's after school job, they had hardly seen each other through the school year. Now they had the opportunity to rekindle a little summer romance when the shop closed. "Hello Sara," he replied, "Come to cool off?" Sara nodded and shifted her toe as though she were at the beach, as she repressed a giggle she had been hiding since she left the house this morning. "What?" "I have a surprise for you, Randy," Sara replied, "I have been waiting all year to show you, too." She turned around with her back to him and slowly pulled off her oversized T-shirt. Randy saw that Sara was wearing a new bikini; the straps were a deep emerald green, his favorite color. Sara turned back around with her shirt hiding her front. Randy remembered how skinny she was at the beginning of the school year; but when she slowly lowered her shirt to reveal what her top contained; Randy's jaw hit the counter. "I take it you like?" Sara smiled as she took Randy's hands and placed them on the soft mounds that had grown there over the year. At this hour, most of the regulars were at the foot of the river, so they had a modicum of privacy. "Thirty-six double D, all for you, and then some," she said, "I'm still growing, I may wind up an E by the end of summer." Randy's eyes widened as Sara planted a sudden kiss on his lips. By the time the blood returned to his brain, Sara was on the other side of the room getting a can of soda out of a barrel of ice. "Umm," Randy stammered, "I got something for you. Remember last year all the trouble you had getting your tube inflated." A look of discomfort passed over Sara's face; she had gotten more than a dozen splinters in her knees when she tried to use the compressor outside to blow up the big inner tube. It sucked royally having the fragments taken out of her knees at the hospital, and by the time they were done, it was too dark to ride on the water. "I immediately thought of you when this came out." Randy set a big cube shaped box on the counter. He opened the top reveal a box full of lime green spandex. "It's the latest thing," Randy explained, "You wear the tube like a pair of suspenders while your are blowing it up; and after it's full the straps leave you hands free to hold on to your cooler and other stuff." Randy unfolded it and pulled the hole over Sara's head. "I got the biggest one they had," Randy said, "I remember how you like to ride those big tubes." Sara leaned over the counter to hug her boyfriend, and then went out the door to use the air hose. Sara looked for the tube's nipple and found that it was right in front of her. She unscrewed the cap, picked up the hose, and started to fill up her tube. Randy was right; she did like big inner tubes; but not just for riding. She loved how it felt when wore the tube while it was inflating. After it was full, she would add a few more pounds of pressure to the tube just so it's hug would be just that much tighter. And with her new tube, her hands were free to hug the tube back rather than just holding it up. As the ring began to take shape, Sara decided to adjust the straps to let the tube ride a bit lower. Slowly the hole in the ring became snug around her trim belly and she began to feel the wonderful 'hug' of rubber and spandex. Sara sighed as the hug grew tighter and tighter but now it was time to hit the water. She turned and started running for the end of the dock and as Sara was about to leap off of the end, she was stopped by a sudden tug. Sara looked down to see the air hose trailing back to the compressor. As she started to reach down, she noticed that the feel of the 'hug' was different. Oh it felt pretty much the same as before, but now it was all over her, not just around her middle. Sara definitely liked this feeling better, so she sat down on the end of the dock to enjoy it for a bit. It was a wonderful feeling in fact; like being hugged by one of your aunts, the one who got really big because her hobby was baking. Sara's middle felt it the best, but her boobs felt really well too, and her shoulders. It was like her whole body knew what she wanted to feel and was making it possible, at least for this afternoon. Then with out really realizing she did it, Sara closed her eyes and started to daydream. As Randy started to restock the barrel of ice with drinks, he noticed that Sara had left her cooler in front of the counter. He picked up the icebox by its handle and set it on the counter. If he were lucky, Sara would still be filling up her tube. Randy ducked out the door and saw Sara sitting out on the end of the dock in her tube. As he walked out to the end of the dock, Randy saw the tube shift as though something was lifting it up. A bulge of green began to peek out of the bottom. Was the tube defective, did it have a blister? Slowly the bulge grew bigger revealing a patch of white on either side. As he got closer to the end of the dock, he realized that it wasn't the tube that was inflating, it was Sara's butt. Randy dropped the cooler and ran to the end of the dock. When he got there, he found that the air hose inside the ring of the tube. Randy boosted himself on top of Sara's tube to find that not just her bottom was inflating. Her breasts were also swelling; they had nearly doubled in size at this point. Sara's eyes were closed as though she had fallen asleep. Randy grabbed her shoulder and gave it a gentle shake. "Sara, wake up," he said, "If you don't you're going to explode." "Huh?" Sara said dreamily, "Wha's going on?" Her eyes widened suddenly as she saw what was happening to her breasts. "What's happening to me?" "I don't know," Randy answered, "But I think it will help if I get this tube off of you." Randy slid off of the inner tube and reached underneath to try and find the filler stem. As his fingers wrapped around it, Randy pressed down on the valve and began to let the air out. As the air escaped from the float, Sara felt the sensation in her middle redouble. "Randy, what's going on?" she asked. "My stomach feels kind of weird." Randy looked over the top of the tube. As the air escaped from the pontoon, the pressure in Sara's middle redoubled, causing her to swell like a balloon. "Randy, I can't see what's happening," she said, "My boobs are too big." As the last of the air escaped the inner tube, Randy could see cause of Sara's dilemma. The air hose was in her belly button, and the round part of the jack was wedged in pretty good. As Randy slipped the tube over Sara's head, her belly surged forward and Sara fell in the river. Randy was about to reach out to keep her from floating downstream; then he realized that the air hose took care of that job. Sara, however, was not out of danger yet. Her breasts, belly, and bottom were still swelling. Randy was still considering what he should do when he heard the motor on the compressor kick in. More air was the last thing they wanted right now. Randy dashed back over to the shop and found the plug for the compressor. He grabbed hold of the thick cord and pulled the plug out of the socket. With the motor off, Randy could hear the metallic hiss of the air escaping the tank. Randy remembered that these older compressors had a release valve for when you were through with the machine and wanted to release the excess pressure; but where was it? As he frantically searched for the valve, he heard the sound of the last few pounds of pressure leave the machine. When he realized that there hadn't been a loud bang he realized that everything would be all right. Sara had pulled herself back onto the dock with the hose; she was truly a sight to see. Her thighs were as big as hams and her arms were just as big. Her bottom looked like a pair of beachball stuffed in a green duffel bag. Sara's breasts had swelled to three times their original size and her belly...her belly was big enough to carry three people down the river with out getting their feet wet. "Are you alright?" he asked. "Well, I'm not freaking out," Sara said as she put her hand on her now immense, "My body's been blown up out of proportion and I haven really gotten to cool off yet; but yeah, I'm alright." "Okay..." Randy walked over and with a little effort pulled the hose out of Sara's navel. With a soft pop, her inney became an outie; and she stayed inflated. It was like her belly button was acting like a tire stem and keeping all the air in. "Would you..." Sara began. Without letting her finish, Randy said: "Sure," and pressed on her navel. As a gust of air blew his hair back, Sara stepped away from him. "No," she said, "I meant would you plug the compressor back in and fill me up the rest of the way?" "Are you serious?" Randy burst out. "Quite," Sara replied. She squeezed her belly letting her hands sink into the soft flesh. "I'm only about half-full," she said, "and it's no fun going down the creek in a half-empty tube." "Are you serious?"asked Randy aghast. Sara nodded. "Don't you have a lunch hour coming up; well, you could join me," she said, "Just float down on my belly with you on my back. You could wear those cut-offs with the button fly." Sara pulled him a bit closer. "Without your underwear," she whispered softly into his ear. Randy turned beet red at the thought of what Sara was suggesting. "Then later we can see if we can play with these," she said patting her huge bosom, "With out this getting in the way." Sara rubbed her belly. "And if we can't," she said as she pulled Randy even closer "Well there are always other things we can try." In a flash, she stripped off her top and began to smother Randy within her cleavage. "Right?" Randy was hardly in a position to answer.
card game
Female Inflation
Full Body Inflation
"Round 2 begins now!" And with that, the convention hall was filled with the sound of soft cardboard and plastic sleeves rustling against each other as hundreds upon hundreds of players drew their opening hands. Her hand for this particular game was nothing to write home about, not enough to end on the most ideal board in the world, but enough to certainly get her combo going. Her opponent had a confident smirk on his face. He had won the dice roll, and obviously he'd drawn the ideal hand to create a nigh-unbreakable first turn board; one that could both grant his own monsters protection from destruction, as well as disable the disruptive effects of any of hers. But the modern going-second hand has plenty of ways around this. "Ok, main phase, I activate the effect of Vision Hero Faris in my hand, which lets me discard Elemental Hero Shadow Mist from my hand to special summon i-" He stopped, halted in his tracks by what the high pitched noise of what sounded like gas escaping, cutting through the ambient chatter and shuffling of the games happening around them. He stared forward, watching his opponent look up from her cards as her concentrated, concerned expression changed to one of smug satisfaction. The noise seemed to be emanating from her, and more concerning was the fact that she either didn't notice or didn't seem to care, meeting his gaze dead on as the fabric of her shirt seemed to shift around her torso. "...One~" He thought about calling the judges for a second, unsure if this was some kind of bizarre attempt to psych him out, but ultimately decided to continue with his turn. He'd spent a good chunk of money putting this deck together and he was gonna get some use out of it, slightly-concerning-noises be damned. "Faris lets me put a Vision Hero in my spell and trap zone on summon, so play Vision Hero Increase, and then I use Increase's effect to tribute Faris and special summon both it and a Vision hero from my deck. When Vyon is special summoned, that lets me-" That smug smile spread across her face once again as that same hissing noise began to ring out once again. She fought to suppress a fit of giggling as she watched his face first switch to anger at his focus being newly disrupted, before very quickly switching to wide eyed astonishment as he realised what was actually happening. Slowly, the shifting fabric around her torso pulled taut before slowly beginning to ride up as her belly bulged outwards and pushed it aside. Her boobs made short work of picking up the additional slack as they too rounded out and began to grow, resting gently atop her now beach ball sized belly. She sighed to herself, closing her eyes in a brief moment of satisfaction as she idly stroked her belly with her free hand, before resuming eye contact with her now stunned opponent. "...Two... and three~" It was at this point that her opponent's eyes once again widened in shock, but this time not at the bizarre spectacle before him, far from it. He had finally realised the purpose behind it all, and his brain instantly began moving at a thousand miles an hour. If he kept summoning monsters, she could use Nibiru, the Primal Being to wipe his board instantly and render his entire combo worthless. "But Nibiru's only just come out, how does she have it? And why would she be playing it in the main deck? I could stop my combo and avoid it, but all I have are two 1k attack monsters with no protection and no negates, but if I keep going I'll lose it all. Unless she's bluffing??? What the hell do I do????"All these thoughts and more rushed around in his head. Gone was the rehearsed complacency of setting up a first turn combo, now it was panic mode. Nevertheless, he couldn't end on a board like this. He had to press on, even if her smug gaze and inflated torso were one hell of a distraction. "Vyon's effect lets me send a Hero from the deck to the graveyard, so I send Destiny Hero Malicious, who I can then banish to special summon another malicious. Then, I link him and Increase away in order to summon Xtra Hero Cross Crusader." She began rubbing her belly once again as her inflation resumed, feeling her shirt begin to pull taut once again as her boobs came closer and closer to running out of space. Down below, she could also feel the swelling spread to the lower half of her body. Her butt and thighs began to stretch out across her chair, the pressure against her tight jeans feeling much more immediate than anywhere in her torso. "Four... and five~" She could have stopped here, the only condition for Nibiru's effect is that the opponent special summons 5 monsters during the turn you intend to activate it, but she'd only be taking out the combo pieces, and not any of the boss monsters he intended to end his turn on. Besides, she was having far too much fun to end this quite yet~. Her opponent, for his part, was now fully aware of just how much he was pushing his luck by continuing to play on with Nibiru's condition met "Cross Crusader lets me summon a Destiny Hero from the graveyard as well as tribute a Destiny Hero to search a Hero with a different name, so I summon back Malicious, tribute him to search Destiny Hero Plasma, and then banish him to search my third Malicious from my graveyard." "Six and seven~" She was starting to have trouble seeing the playing field over her own gargantuan belly and boobs, and she could feel the soft crackling of fibers popping in both her shirt and her jeans beginning to lose the fight against her increasingly pneumatic body. Other nearby players began to turn around, having either been distracted by the myriad of noises coming from her inflated body or noticing the entire fiasco in their peripheral vision. None of this was of concern to her. As far as she was concerned, the game was entirely in her favour. "I then normal summon Elemental Hero Solid Soldier, who lets me bring out another Hero from my hand on summon, so I also special summon Elemental Hero Stratos." "Eight and nine~" The swelling had now fully spread all across her body, her arms and legs beginning to be forced outwards by the internal pressure. She didn't even have the range of motion to be able to look at her own cards. The rest of her body beginning to inflate combined with the sheer size of her belly, which by now had gone beyond any commonplace spherical object that could be used as a comparison, was causing her to begin to take the form of one giant sphere. Still, she held on, relishing the feeling of being this huge and the anticipation of waiting for the perfect opportunity to waste as many of her opponent's resources as possible. "I then banish Faris using Vyon's other effect to search Polymerisation, and use it to fuse Solid Soldier and Stratos into Vision Hero Adoration, and then Solid Soldier's other effect lets me special summon another Hero from the graveyard, so I summon Shadow Mist and use its effect to add Mask Change to my hand." "Ten... and eleven..." There was a sudden, muffled *POP* as her jeans and shirt finally threw in the towel, leaving her as a perfectly round blimp in nothing but her bra and panties. It was only at this point that he finally began to show concern. She may have felt a momentary sense of relief as the constraints of the garments were instantaneously lifted from her, but this relief didn't last for very long as she gradually came to the realisation that she didn't have much more room left in her. "Cmonnnnnn, just a little longer..." she thought to herself, as if she was willing her body to find some more stretch from somewhere deep down in her very soul. "I then use Mask Change on Shadow Mist to send it to the graveyard and summon Masked Hero Dark Law from my extra deck." "...Twelve..." The hissing sound coming from her body was now starting to be overtaken by an ominous creaking. This was it. She was at her limit. Attempting to get any bigger from here would be wholly uncharted territory. And yet, in spite of everything, she held on. She knew she could go for a more efficient play if she found it in herself to hold on for juuuuuuuuuust a little bit longer. "Then, I tribute Vyon, Malicious and Cross Crusader to special summon Destiny Hero Plasma from my hand." "Thirteen." This was it. This was her moment. She felt every inch of her skin practically screaming in desperation as her body tried to take this last bit of air that was being pumped into her. If she could just withstand this; withstand the stretching that was setting her senses alight, withstand the near deafening creaking coming from all around her, then she could turn this game around. "...I activate Nibir-" She wasn't entirely sure what happened next. Obviously she could put 2 and 2 together and realise the progression of events, but the sheer thunderous noise and physical sensation of it all was so instantaneously overwhelming that she was barely conscious of what was happening in the moment. When she finally came to her senses she was lying on the floor, slumped back against her chair and mostly back to normal save for the fact that she was in nothing but her underwear. The immediate scene in front of her was like something out of a newsreel following a riot. The table has been flipped upside down, her opponent was crouched behind another table, having seemingly dove for cover, and almost the entire floor in front of her was littered with cards with even more still fluttering around in the air above her. In contrast to the chattering and shuffling that formed the ambiance of the room at the start of the game, the entire hall had gone dead silent and was turned in her direction, staring in shock and awe at what had just unfolded. She stared back at them, unable to stop herself from giggling a little bit at the entire situation. "Well, I broke the board didn't I?"
Female Inflation
Hourglass Inflation
"Control, this is the lab. We have a problem." The administrator frowned and stabbed the intercom button. "I don't like problems." "I know," replied the intercom nervously. "But we're seeing some unexpected results from batch A23 on subjects. Please, check the cam feed on 14...right away." The administrator swiveled to the desk monitor with a grunting sigh. The screen flickered to life, and audio followed. The observation room had just one occupant: a female form in the standard-issue black lycra skinsuit, blonde hair, face too far from the camera to see — but the silver belt was plainly visible. The microphones detected a hissing, interrupted only by a wheezing. Both were coming from the subject. The young woman on the screen clutched at her midsection, gasping for breath in small moans. Her hips began to flare below her sensor belt; her chest began to grow. The administrator's eyes flicked to the digital overlay in the corner of the monitor. Green numbers began to climb: 27. 31. 37. The blonde clutched at her swelling form in disbelief; she was clearly not prepared for this. A stretching sound was faintly audible as her breasts and hips rounded further, forming an exaggerated hourglass. The hissing increased as the numbers turned yellow. 43. 47. 51. "Somebody help me!" cried the subject, banging at the one-way mirror. "Jesus, I'm blowing up!" And she was. Her breasts and hips had hit cartoonish proportions, rounded and taut. The spandex continued to stretch, but the belt cinched her mercilessly. The hissing had deepened further, and the numbers climbed into an angry red: 67. 71. 73. An out-of-breath lab assistant suddenly burst into the room, gripping a clipboard and a walkie-talkie. "Did you see that? Are you watching?" he asked in a panic. The administrator didn't look away from the monitor, where the sobbing blonde dared not touch her own inflated body. The lycra pulsed and shimmered, reflecting the room lights with every invisible pump. The red digits would not relent: 83. 91. 97...and flashing. "Ma'am?" asked the assistant nervously. "What do we do?" The adminstrator raised an eyebrow. "We do nothing," she replied, staring through the frightened scientist with steely blue eyes. "These results are not 'unexpected'....and I fail to see a problem."
Female Inflation
Breast Inflation
The glass hit the bar with a muffled thunk and a bit of foam slid down the side as Nadia placed the pint of bitter in front of the patron. He didn't even look up at her as she placed it, instead, he just kept his head down as he drew the glass closer to himself. Long greasy locks of hair hung limply down in front of his face, obscuring it from view. He didn't look around much while he drank his beer, choosing to study his rapidly diminishing beverage and listen to the angry thumping music that came from the bar's stage. Nobody paid him any mind as this bar was frequented by the usual batch of misfits, trench coat wearing nerds, vampire wannabes, and anyone else who never felt the need to visit a club or sports bar. When he was finished with his beer, he looked up for Nadia. She was at the other end of the bar where he could see her black leather skirt, ripped and faded Slipknot shirt, and beat up fishnet stockings. After they made eye contact, she thudded over in her scuffed combat boots. He pulled his wallet out of his trench coat pocket and put a twenty on the bar. "I'll have another, and have something for yourself," he said with a nervous smile. She took his glass and put a fresh one under the tap. After pulling the handle, the amber liquid pooled into the glass and she pulled out a bottle of tequila. Before the beer glass was full, she had already poured herself a shot and pulled out the beer bottle that she appeared to be nursing all evening. She set the pint glass in front of him, lifted the shot glass with the usual toast of the bar, and tossed it back. Almost immediately, she put the beer bottle to her lips and appeared to take a chaser swig. As she went to take the 20 from the counter, he looked up at her, taking in her dyed black hair and black lipstick. For a second, the two of them looked at each other before she looked away. "It wasn't very nice of you to spit out that shot. You should learn to be a better hostess." He promptly got up to head to the door, shoving past the other patrons before exiting. His beer left untouched. She cleared it away and began wiping down the counter. As she fell into her quick, circular motions, she was surprised to feel her chest moving in a similar motion. She immediately stood up. Normally she didn't have to confine her pale white breasts as there wasn't enough there to cause discomfort. Besides, she usually got better tips when she went without a bra. She scanned the patrons and nobody was looking at her, the usual patrons were watching the act on the stage or trying to score with whatever sweet thing wandered in to the bar alone. She felt suddenly full and turned away from the patrons as she let loose with a little burp. It tasted faintly of the bitter that the greasy trench coater had been drinking. She began arranging the bottles of liqour and was surprised when she went to reach across to move a bottle, her arm bumped up against her boob. Nadia looked down and then snuck a peek down her shirt to confirm what she saw. Her chest was indeed bigger. Not only that, but they felt cold through the fabric of her shirt. There was another beer belch and she felt a bit of liquid sloshing behind her nipples. Nadia was the only bartender on for another half hour and decided to wait it out. The usual patrons were looking at her, definitely enjoying the view of her breasts straining against the t-shirt fabric. A young woman stopped mid sentence to follow her hopeful companion's gaze. She set her drink on the table and left after she figured out that he was just ogling the bartender. Nadia's skin was beginning to feel tight and stretched as her breasts neared the size of cantaloupes. Everyone stared as her cold nipples poked out against the fabric and expanded out to be 1/4" in diameter. The guys began ordering more drinks and she tried to busy herself with the incoming orders, but as she was handing the first drink to the patron, she felt another belch welling up. Nadia abandoned the bar as the seams of the t-shirt began popping and holes began growing under her armpits, revealing pale skin that hadn't seen the sun in years. After locking herself in the bathroom, she looked at herself in the mirror. That belch burst forth and she felt even more liquid slosh inside of her strained breasts. Her nipples stuck out an inch from her breasts even with the compression from her tight shirt. She touched one and felt cold liquid gush up against the fabric and then begin to spread down. There was a bit of foam that slid down the black cloth as well. The greaseball's words about being a better hostess came back to her as she realized that beer was gushing out of her nipple. Nadia turned on the faucets and splashed some cold water on her face, trying to come to grips with what was happening. The holes under her armpits widened as her breasts began filling with more liquid. With a final rip, the garment was forever ruined and she stripped it off. Revealing her growing breasts that jutted out and nipples half the length of her pinky, but just as wide around. She cupped her breasts and felt the cold liquid inside before moving up to her nipples. As soon as she began massaging them, they opened up and began pouring amber streams into the sink. The smell that came up was unmistakable and confirmed it: her breasts were filling with beer. The more liquid that poured out, the bigger her breasts got. When Nadia realized this, she pulled her hands away, stopping the stimulation, but not the twin streams. Instead, the pressure behind her nipples only increased and her skin felt tighter and colder. After a few moments, her breasts began to rest on the porcelin of the sink, which to her surprise felt warm against her cold breasts. Nadia's shoulders and back began to ache and she moved back towards a stall, her breasts holding gallons of beer and still spraying the aromatic liquid across the floor. Twenty minutes later, Nadia's coworker showed up and unlocked the bathroom door. Inside, he found beer all over the floor of the bathroom and a ripped slipknot shirt on the sink. As he looked around, he found Nadia sitting on a toilet, two keg sized breasts resting in her lap. She looked up at him, her expression blank before saying "Can I get you a beer?"
floating, magic
Female Inflation
Full Body Inflation
"Your going to regret EVER crossing me you whale thighed bimbo!" Rayla screamed as lighting flew from her fingertips. "Your just still holding a grudge over the fact that I took that eye of yours!" Eeza remarked as she gracefully flipped in the air dodging the assault. The woods shook violently with each action, people in the village below could only help but wonder what could be causing the disturbance. Little did they know that such actions were caused by nothing more than two women locked in a bitter rivalry. On one end of the battle is Eeza, princess of a barbarian tribe. Not just any tribe of barbarians though, she comes from a tribe of beasts. Part human, part fox. Although not covered in fur her skin was a bright shade of orange and her face was complimented by an elongated muzzle and two large pointy ears. Dressed in a strange type of battle garb consisting of a black one piece body suit which covered her body from neck down. Her gloved hands clutched the hilts of both of her daggers and the sun shone off of her steel headband which was partly covered by her long black hair. "Besides it's not like you didn't deserve it!" You were always messing around with that stupid magic of yours, jealous of me because I actually decided to try and be athletic when we were kids!" Eeza shouted pointing at her long time rival. Rayla was not the kind of girl to be trifled with, born with a short temper which just continued to get worse and worse as time went on she was someone to watch out for. Her eye fixed on her opponent she smirked as she reached underneath her loose magicians robe. "Stupid magic?" Rayla laughed, which caused a look of confusion to wash over of Eeza's face as she raised her daggers up ready to defend. "When I'm through with'll see just how much magic can do compared to your barbaric ways!" She shrieked as you removed a strange blue orb out from underneath or robe and threw it towards Eeza. Never one to be caught off guard Eeza cut the orb completely in half with one of her daggers with ease. The two halves simply hit the ground seemingly unaffected by it's destruction save for being cut in half. "What the hell was that suppose to do?! You resorting to just throwing your junk at me?" Eeza questioned with an annoyed tone to her voice. Rayla began to giggle a bit...then she got a little louder, soon she was laughing so loud it began to echo through the forest. "What are yo-" Eeza was cut off by the sudden burst of smoke in her face, the two orbs began spraying out a weird blue colored smoke the began to surround her. She started coughing and accidentally inhaling most of the smoke as she attempted to wave it away from her. After it finally settled she glared at Rayla, her eyes tearing a bit from it. "I didn't think you had gotten so cheap Ray! I mean come on smoke screens? You didn't even use it right! Eeza exclaimed attempting to wipe the tears from her eyes. Eeza noticed Rayla simply watching her, trying to contain her laughter. Suddenly Eeza felt her entire body convulse. "What the?!" Eeza screamed as she suddenly felt a strange bloated feeling starting to swell up inside her. She turned her head and began to notice the lower part of her bodysuit starting to stretch a bit. After a few second she began to realize, it wasn't her suit, it was her body! Her butt started swelling up and stretching the fabric of her suit, she could feel her legs starting to thicken and stiffen. She then started to feel the same feeling towards her abdomen and while breaking out in a cold sweat looked down past her breasts to her belly, which sure enough was starting to expand as well. In a matter of moments she went from looking slightly bloated to full blown pregnant. Her normally loose fitting belt was now stretched tight across her expanded gut. She noticed the strange sensation spreading throughout her entire body. Her arms went stiff and began to follow her thighs in the process. "W...what kind of trick is this?!" Eeza screamed, wincing at the feeling of her suit starting to ride up her still ballooning buttocks. The suit was quite revealing before, showing off just about every curve along her body. Now it did nothing but amplify her expansion. "A little trick some fairies I studied under, you would be surprised how devious they can be." Rayla said with a sinister smirk across her lips. "It's funny, you always were quite a blow hard, now I guess it's alllll coming back to you! Il bet you'll make a lovely mode of transportation once you fill out." Eeza winced more as the inflation continued. She felt the sensation yet again and sure enough, her breasts perked up and began to swell outwards like two balloons. By now she looked pretty ridiculous, her belly extened about 4 feet in front of her while her ass stuck out 4 feet back. Her breasts went from C's now to DD's! Even her face began to look a little puffy as her cheeks puffed outwards. "Il..Il...Il get you..for...this!!!" Eeza tried to say through her puffed cheeks as she tried to get closer to Rayla. She couldn't even grasp her daggers anymore and she was reduced to simply waddling. She continued her hopeless endeavor but stopped as soon as she heard a tearing noise from behind her. She attempted to turn her head around but found it quite difficult with her arms and her cheeks blocking her. Sure enough...her suit began to rip. Right above each cheek towards her hips two tears started and inched along with each passing second. A bit more of her orange skin could be seen as each got bigger. Eeza then heard a loud pop and switched her attention in front of her, she could barely see over her ballooning breasts but it was obvious to her. Her belt had had enough and broke apart, with it out of the way nothing was there to suppress the inflation. Her legs and arms started to meld into her body, give her a much more spherical shape. Eeza winced more as she started to hear more tearing sounds, she could see them starting to form on her breasts, inching a long, she could feel it a long her stomach because she could feel the wind brushing along it. Just then she remembered her backside... "" she whined. A colossal tearing sound could be heard as her suit completely burst apart, what little fabric left falling off with nothing to keep it from doing so. She flailed her comically small hands and feet as she started to fall backwards. She landed on her butt which caused her to bounce a bit as soon as she hit the ground. The only clothing she had left was her underwear. What used to be a normal pair of dark blue panties now stretch tight along her body, wedged in between her butt cheeks like a thong and her matching bra which was stretched to its limits, barely covering her enormous breasts. She had become a giant orange balloon with massive breasts and tiny, useless little arms and legs. Her torturous expansion finally ceased as she heard... "Oh..oh my gods this is too great!" Rayla finally spoke, wiping tears from her eyes from laughing so much. "The great and powerful barbarian princess Eeza! Now reduced to nothing more than a big helpless blimp!" She said as she walked over towards her. "Il get you for this!" Eeza said from between her puffed cheeks. "Oh silly dimwitted barbarian bimbo, what can you do? Take a look at yourself! That once powerful strong body is all but useless to you now." Rayla said as she took out a rope. "Now I can finally get some use out of this little rivalry of ours." She said as she tied the rope around Eeza's ankle, or what was left of it anyway. "What are you planning to do? It's not like I flo-" Eeza was cut off yet again by the sudden weightless feeling in her body. She slowly started to lift off the ground like a balloon being set free. "I forgot to mention the final effects of that smoke I used on you. Sorry!" Rayla said smiling devilishly. Eeza floated helplessly at the mercy of the fiendish one-eyed mage. No chance for to her escape, her body was completely spherical save for her breasts and butt and what little of her arms and legs were left. "Now...let's head back to my place, I have some great ideas for how to use you..." Rayla's maniacal laugh caused a cold sweat to rush over Eeza as she started carrying her new inflatable toy home...
Female Inflation
Full Body Inflation
"And the Nobel Prize for achievements in the world of Science goes to... Dr. Franz Josef for his research in the field of etymology." "Thank you. Thank you! You like me! You really like me!" Dr. Josef said as the crowd chanted his name. However that chant, immediately changed to that of his android assistant EFX. He awoke with a start to see EFX standing over him. "What is it you bag o' bolts? Couldn't you see that I was dreaming?" He hollered. "Sorry to bother you, sir." EFX said with her programmed-to-be-seductive-sounding voice. "But we have intruders in the labs. I figured I should ask you what should be done with them." "Oh interesting. Who are they?" Josef said with an evil glint in his eye. "2 young women. It almost appears as if they are snooping around." She said seductively worried. "Excellent. We need 2 human subjects for phase one of the Ultra Bee testing. Release a few treated bees from the main hive." He laughed evilly. "As you wish." EFX said transmitting a signal. Dr. Josef watched a security camera as his 2 unsuspecting test subjects walked into his laboratory. * Their names were Sophia and Elli. Just 2 typical college students investigating the weird abandoned lab on the University's Campus. Dark and dingy, huge with 6 floors, all open in a large rotunda, it wasn't a place either girl would usually spend their time. As a matter of fact, the only reason they were there was because this was part of their Sorority-of-choice's hazing ritual. This year, the freshmen's assignment was to find out what caused the eerie green lights in this laboratory at midnight each night, even though it was still only about 9:30. "I can't believe we're actually doing this! This is so creepy!!" Sophia said. She had long dark hair pulled back in a short ponytail. About 5'11 and 122 lbs., she was one of the lankiest girls on campus, almost looking emaciated. But with her out-going personality, it wasn't hard for her to get a date. As a matter of fact, in her green spring dress, she was supposed to go on a date with her boyfriend, Rodge' in an hour. "It won't be that bad. It's probably just a bum or someone that's been sleeping here. All I know is that whatever it is, it's nothing to get an aneurysm over." Said Elli. She was very athletic and adventurous. Her parents were world travelers and she joined them on a lot of trips. She had big dark eyes and blonde hair so short that if you looked at the back of her head, you'd think she was a guy. She was in a tank top and wearing daisy dukes because of the heat that day, a bit hot for Early October. "Well if we find something bad, you're kicking its ass, Elli." Sophia laughed, sweeping the room with her flashlight. "Okay then." Elli agreed. They flanked the room with their lights. "Hey, do you here that buzzing sound?" Elli asked, partially out of curiosity, partially out of trying to scare the living crap out of Sophia. "Shit! Bianca told me that there was a hive of bees or hornets or something here. I don't want to get stung! Let's hurry up and find what's causing that light!" Sophia said, trying to pinpoint the buzzing. She was suddenly shocked by a loud bang. Elli had smashed a bee with her flashlight. "Sorry, didn't mean to make you jump." She chuckled. The light had gone out in her flashlight and wasn't coming back on. "Oh great, my flashlight's dead!" Elli said. "What else can go wrong?" Sophia asked, only to hear the buzzing sound get louder. She turned her flashlight to the back wall. Brownish yellow pillars and walls seemed to move. Looking closer, the moving was bees, thousands and thousands of bees. "Oh Fu...OOWWWWW!!!" Sophia was about to shout, but suddenly felt a sharp sting in the back of her neck. "I got stung! You know what, fuck this sorority shit! I'm out of here!" She said. She was out-going, but was also admittedly a quitter. "Oh come on, Soph'! I thought we were in this together" For some reason, Elli had stopped. "What's the matter?" Sophia asked, her back turned to leave, her hand on the back of her neck. Elli grit her teeth. She tried not to make any sudden movements. "There's a bee on my cheek." She grimaced. Sophia raised the flashlight into Elli's face as Elli raised her hand to slap the bee. Slowly. The crack of her smacking her face echoed through the lab. "Ow! Shit! It stung me after all that anyway!" With that, a flipped switch could be heard and lights flickered on throughout the entire lab. "Who's there?" Sophia asked, thinking once they found out, they could leave. There was no answer, but they could see the bees heading back to the vent shaft that was their hive. "They're retreating!" Elli laughed, but her sting made it hurt to talk a little. Touching it, it wasn't swollen like other bee stings usually are, it was just very red. She took her mind immediately off the sting when she heard clapping come from a staircase in the corner of the lab. She looked up to see a funny old man with a cane being followed by what looked to be a female silver version of C3PO. " "Who the hell are you?" "HaHaHa! For 36 years! I was the head of this University's Biology department. Some said my genius was far too great for this minute campus, but still, I stayed, accepting under-appreciation for my gift. All the under-appreciation... it drove me insane." "That's great but really who the hell are you?" Elli asked. "And if you're a Bio Professor, why do you have a robot?" Sophia added. "My name is Dr. Josef and that's none of your business! You have come across my secret laboratory. I was working my revenge for the world when you suddenly 2 popped by. I'm glad you showed up, actually. I needed test subjects!" "You aren't going to test shit out on us!!" Sophia shouted, turning to leave. "Au contraire. I've already started." He laughed evilly. "What do you mean?" Asked Elli rather calmly. Sophia slowed turned her neck back to them. "Your bee stings. They were the test." "What? Are you making killer bees? We lived, you're bees aren't killers yet, keep working on it, we're leaving!" Sophia said arrogantly, she continued on walking. "Ha! The bees weren't supposed to kill you, girl. You'll see the stings' true effects in a minute or so, give or take." "I think not!" Sophia said, getting to the door. But with every step closer, she seemed to slow, until about 10 feet from the door she stopped and fell to her knees. Slouched over she began to pant a little. "Feel...out of breath! What's happening?" she gasped feeling a little bit of a twinge deep down in her abdomen. "Well now. I told you you'd see it's true effects!" Dr. Josef laughed. "What's happening to... me?" Sophia asked, frightened that the sting would cause her to suffocate. "Why...Can't I... breathe?" Josef walked down the stairs and bent over to face Sophia. "You were stung by no ordinary killer bee." Josef laughed. "Those were my very own genetically engineered Ultra bees. Instead of the weak toxin most bees hold in their stingers, the Ultra bee has a special formula." He stood over Sophia facing Elli. "This formula heads straight to the endocrine system and releases a hormone that causes very rapid growth in the stingee!" "In Laymen's... terms?" Sophia gasped from under him. "It makes the hormones in your body run rampant!" He explained. "Thus making your entire body begin to blow up like a balloon!" He cackled evilly. (Dramatic "dun-dun-duuuuuuuuun") "You mean she's swelling up?" Elli asked horrified. "Correct. And I believe soon, you do the very same!" He continued to laugh. "Errrggh... Pressure... building up! Help Me!" Sophia screamed, rolling onto her back, her hands clenching her thin as-a-rod stomach. Elli watched and started to run to help but suddenly felt a sharp, stinging sensation herself. She fell backwards and landed in a half sitting position supported by her arms. Her breathing started to get very heavy but her attention was drawn towards Sophia's painful screams. "Aaaiiieeeee!!! What's... happening to me?" Sophia painfully winced. She looked down at her stomach. She felt like she had eaten an entire Thanksgiving feast on her own, but she hadn't. She looked up at the doctor, giving him a frightened wheezing glance. The doctor only laughed at her evilly. She looked back down. Now she was sporting a belly that made her look 3 months pregnant, growing steadily. "I'm blowing up like a blimp! Somebody stop this! Quick!" The dress was a little tight to begin with, but now, Sophia realized that it was so tight, it was what was causing her to wheeze like this. She had to get out of it and quick. Just then, it seemed like she was raising from the ground. From her lying position, it seemed like her back was arching towards the ceiling for some reason. She looked down at herself. Her tummy wasn't the only thing swelling now. It, along with her hips and ass seemed to be making a perfect sphere around her as they inflated more and more with what felt like a heavy, sloushy fluid. "Help!" She wheezed! "Quick! I can't stop... swelling! Poke me with a pin...... Fast!!!" "I'd... like to!" screamed Elli. Sophia looked over. Elli was just as large, though sitting up. Her complete midsection became a huge growing globe, billowing out rapidly from all directions. She frantically tried to struggle with the buttons on her shorts. "What are we swelling with?" she struggled to ask. "And how big will we get?" Sophia added, trying to push her tummy down, but realizing it was futile because of the pressure. The doc's laughter ceased momentarily. "It's just your own bodily fluids. Mostly it's water that's filling you up like that." He said to Elli. "As for how much, I really don't have an idea. My target is for you to grow until you look like you're really, really pregnant." He started his sadistic laughter again. "Don't worry. You 2 are my first guinea pigs! You'll always hold a special place in my heart. If you don't explode, I'll make sure EFX here takes good care of you!" His laughing became more rampant. "Explode? But I got a date in 45 minutes!" Sophia screamed. "My dear! Even if you were able to go, do you think your boyfriend would be attracted to you in such a blimpish state?" The doctor's laughing got louder and louder. Sophia looked down at herself again. She looked as though she was just about to deliver 2 bouncing baby twins at any second. But she was swollen in all directions, not only in front of her. With each breath, she could feel it harder to move her arms and legs, mobility being lost to accommodate her growing mass. That's when her dress tore at the seams, falling to shreds on the floor around her. She was naked except for panties wedged deep with in her expansive mass and 2 sandals hanging off her feet. She rolled over onto her belly again, feeling the water swishing around inside her like a giant water balloon. She could feel herself gently raising off the ground as the fluid volume within her grew and grew. Her circumference was about 9 feet and steadily growing. She looked over at Elli to see if she was experiencing the same. "Look at me! I'm becoming a huge fat-ass!" she screamed. "Please!" She then pleaded, "stop this! I may just burst wide open!" "Incredible!" The doc said astonished. "You 2 are growing far beyond my expectations. All the better, I guess!" His laughter seemed like it was getting hard on his old, tired throat so he toned it down but was just as boisterous. Elli was just as large as Sophia was. Her daisy dukes' and her tank top, bursting at the seams, growing further and further apart, making her belly billow out words on all sides. Sophia watched as the ball of Elli's torso started to reach her limbs. Her torso had become a giant sphere, lying on her back. From her kneecap to her ankle and from her elbow to her wrist were cone-shaped. The buttons on her shorts formed valleys holding back flesh and began to pop off like bullets from a gun one by one. "Get them off!" Elli screamed whiningly. She was in no position to get them, her billowing figure in her way. Josef pointed to it and EFX walked to her, slowly pulling off her pants just as the last button shot off. The waistline was stretched to just about Elli's girth and there were holes through the seams. The Doc went into an uproar when he saw Elli's panties pulled so tight and so far up they looked like a G-string. "You're not gonna get...away with...this!" She struggled, feeling a last few, strong surges go through her body. With that, the swelling finally stopped. Both girls were easily about 12 feet around, filled with their own bodily fluids. The doctor was very happy with his exceeded expectations. "W-w-w-w-w-w-a-t.......errrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!" Sophia moaned. "Excuse me?" asked the doctor. "Thirsty!" Elli groaned "Oh! You two are thirsty! You need water!" he said gladly. "I didn't foresee this! EFX! Help me move these poor girls over to the sinks immediately!" "Yes sir!" she said, rolling Sophia up to her feet. "Unnngggh!" Sophia moaned. She could just barely reach the ground with her tippy-toes past her swollen body. EFX tried to get her to waddle, but Sophia was too incoherent. "Water!!!" she moaned, rolling back onto her tummy again, her body bobbing like a gently dropped water balloon. "Well!" the doctor started. "They're obviously too big to get over on their own. I guess we'll just have to roll them!" he said trying not to laugh. He walked around the swollen blimp that was Sophia. "On 3! 1, 2, 3!" With that, Sophia was rolled out of Elli's sight. Elli heard what sounded like ocean waves as they rolled her. "Good! Now we just have to get your friend over her as well!" The Doctor and his android approached Elli, walking around her. She was coherent enough to understand what was going on around her but wasn't able to do a thing. She was so thirsty that the water was on her mind above all else. She let out a deep, unwavering groan when the doctor and EFX rolled her on her side, heading towards what looked like a row of giant lab basins. "Easy, Girl!" laughed Josef. "Just a few more and you'll be able to drink!" But each roll made the fluid in her body slosh around uncomfortably. She could only think how horrible her situation was. So big, so huge that she had to be rolled like some kind of gigantic fat slob. Would she ever recover? Just then, she rolled over a crack in the floor and the discomfort came back to her, the harsh, sloshing feeling. She was greatly relieved when they finally reached the basins. "Need...water...bad!" Elli struggled to say. Josef walked around her and to the sinks. "I understand! But please! Be patient, my robust beauty! It'll only be a second!" He turned away. "Now we just need something so you 2 can reach!" he said, scanning his surroundings. "A-ha!" He said, opening a cabinet and pulling out 2 rubber garden hoses. He attached one to a faucet and ran it to Sophia's mouth. With the hose sticking out of her mouth, Sophia's moans became slightly muffled. He then took the other hose and attached it to another faucet, running it to Elli's mouth. "EFX! Turn on the water!" The android reached over to both sinks and turned the knobs. Cold water was being pumped through the hoses and directly into each girl's mouth. Sophia's moans seemed to turn into one long, muffled, pleasurable giggle. Swallow after swallow, the water slowly satisfied her thirst. Elli did the same. The water satisfied her thirst, tickling her throat with a cool sensation. She felt almost as though she couldn't possibly drink enough, like there would always be room for more. She laughed, sucking heavily on the hose. It was almost orgasmic for her. She was completely forgetting the predicament she was in. "They should be alright like that." She could hear Josef say in the midst of all her pleasure. "It's not like they could get very far, they can hardly move. I'll come back and check on them in about a half hour." "But Doctor" EFX started. "EFX! Look at them! They're happy as big, fat clams! They'll be fine!" He said. "If you say so." EFX said. Elli could hear them go upstairs, clanking on the metal steps. The doctor was right. Elli was so big she couldn't even think of moving. She was just hoping someone would come along, besides the doctor, and help her and Sophia out of there. But then she realized. The sorority said they'd only send out a search party if they weren't back by dawn, and even then, she didn't know if they were just joking or not! She and Sophia would be trapped there for at least the night. Her eyes began to tear up. Meanwhile, up in the lab's loft, Josef was writing down every detail of what had happened. He didn't forget one detail and was happy about how the growth exceeded his expectations. Just as he was finishing up, he heard 2 loud bangs downstairs. EFX looked out the door of the loft and into the lab. She gasped. The Doctor came running to see her. "Oh, those poor girls!" said EFX. Josef got a clear view. "Shit!!!" he shouted echoing throughout the lab. In front of him was a very shocking sight. Both girls, still slurping on their hoses, had begun inflating again. This time it was the water they were drinking. The bangs were their belly buttons. Their belly's filled with so much pressure, they shot out, making the sound of bullets out of a gun. Josef and EFX quickly ran down the stairs. Each girl had to be about 16 feet around. "Quickly! Pull the hose out of her mouth!" Josef shouted, pointing over to Sophia. Josef pulled out Elli's tube. Elli knew she was swelling, but she was so thirsty it didn't matter. She was drowning out her fears in the water. Being like this was torture and the water was the only relief. "Still drink!" she moaned. Her body was now a complete sphere. The only things that stood between her and total roundness were her head, hands and feet. They thrashed heavily as she continued to demand a drink, making her whole body quake with water. "I know you need it! But look what it's doing to you!" he shouted. He looked over quickly to see about EFX and Sophia. "Just yank it out! If you let her explode, I swear I'll make you wipe her off the walls!" Josef warned. "No......So...phia...don't...let...her......explode!" Elli struggled. "We won't!" Josef assured, watching EFX just then pull the hose out of Sophia's mouth. "Why? I...need......drink!" Sophia cried strainingly. "Sorry, ma'am." Said EFX. "Awaiting next order, sir!" she turned off the faucets. "Uh...Oh dammit!" he said frustrated. "What do you think we should do?" "Personally, sir" She started. "I think you need some rest." "Alright. Let's get them to their feet first...I mean their... you know what I mean!" he said frustrated. Sophia was first, the doctor and EFX each grabbing a side. It was harder than it looked. Sophia had the consistency of a rubbery, pressurized soccer ball. Rolling her so her 'ass' leaned against a desk, she continued to moan for more water. "Drink I...need!" she strained. "I'm afraid you've had a little too much already!" The doc laughed, patting her, relieved that they were able to roll her up like they did. "Now you're next, my dear!" he said peering down at Elli. They grabbed her. The sensations of fingers being poked into Elli's massively inflated sides made her grimace in pain. "!" she struggled. "What?" he asked surprised she was still with it. "'re...lab...toy......liv-liv-living...being-ing!" she gasped. "Won'!" The doctor stared stupefied that this girl could still know what was going on around her. Then he laughed. "Who the hell is going to find you here? You must admit it was very stupid coming here!" Elli could just sigh and agree with him on that one. "Last...soro...rity...I...j-j-join!" She said quietly, making the doctor laugh a little. "" "Well I don't know. I never thought anybody would get this big. I made the venom far too potent. It should wear off, eventually, but I'll just eject you with the venom again then anyhow." He laughed, patting her side with his hand. This was a major discomfort for Elli again, but he felt compelled to do it. "Don't worry!" He continued. "I'll make sure that EFX takes good care of you 2 though. Hey if you promise to behave, maybe after I take over the world, I can try to find a way to deflate you 2! Wouldn't that be nice?" "Can' this!" "Oh?" he asked toyfully. "And why not?" "Bees?" She laughed. "Armies...wear......rep-ellent!" this made the doctor laugh. "Oh come now, dear! It won't be that easy! Why, I have over 3 million bees in the vents of this building alone. And that number increases by 50% every month! They can also adapt easily to any environment as well, even the Arctic regions. Oh, and I've calculated that only about 0.001% will be immune to it, and they'll probably be too busy caring for the others." "" "That's right you replusive cow!" he laughed evilly. "Then the world is mine for the taking. I have already injected myself with the only antidote. I'm immune to the bees' effects. By the time the rest of humanity gets such a cure, they'll all be fat, miserable slobs like you!" He stopped laughing to yawn. "I'm sorry. I'm afraid I'm terribly exhausted. I will see you tomorrow when I awake!" he said, slowly making his way up the stairs. "Goodnight! Sleep tight!" he mused. Elli watched him walk out of her sight and clang up the stairs. Elli sat there quietly, in no shape to sleep. She could see EFX down in the corner of her eye watching over her and Sophia. "W-W-WA-W-WAT-ER!!!" Sophia blurbbled commandingly. "I'm sorry ma'am but in your current state, receiving excess water could make you reach critical mass at a rapid rate. I believe you shall just have to fight off your thirst." EFX said, not realizing her words were having no effect on the swollen Sophia. "Water...need" Sophia said again. "I'm sorry ma'am but in your current state, receiving excess water could make you reach critical mass at a rapid rate. I believe you shall just have to fight off your thirst." EFX said, repeating herself. "Water-r......n-n-neeeeed...Now!!!" Sophia quaked, her body started to bob a little with anger. "Water!!!" "No ma'am I'm simply afraid that I can't!" EFX insisted. "I will not allow you to explode." Sophia moaned and groaned unearthly. She needed a drink bad. " WATER WATERW- WATERWATER WATER WATER!!" She chanted in one long moan. It was loud and started to annoy Elli who frowned and started rocking her spherical body back and forth trying to relax herself. The swishing water wasn't as uncomfortable now, actually now it was more soothing. She tried blocking out Sophia's chanting but it was getting steadily louder. Then Elli heard a door slam open from the top of the stairs. It was Doctor Josef. "Dammit! I can't sleep. EFX! Shut her up some how! If she keeps this up, someone might hear her!" he shouted crankily. Elli couldn't see him but could tell that he probably looked pretty pissed. "But how shall I shut her up, sir?" EFX asked with her seductive voice. The doctor sighed with frustration. "You know... I could really care less right about now!" he let out another sigh. "I dunno, just stick the hose back in her again... let her explode for all I care!" He walked back into his loft, slamming the door behind him. Elli feared that her friend would pop, but was more concerned to see if she could have water now too. "Water!" Sophia groaned happily. She was more than willing to open her mouth to let EFX stick the nozzle in. The android was just about to turn on the faucet when Elli moaned. "Nooooo.........fair!" she said with a gasp for air. "I suppose you would like some water as well! Okay." The android plugged the nozzle into Elli's mouth. She walked over and both girls waited eagerly. Turning on the hoses again, the cool sensation of water trickled down their throats. They both moaned with delight. Elli continued rocking herself again happily. On her 12th rock or so, she wasn't paying attention and rolled back onto her belly. This made her giggle a little to herself. She didn't mind what position she was in, as long as she was able to drink. From her position facing the floor, Elli gently began rocking herself back and forth again. It seemed like nothing else mattered. She then nodded off to sleep. * The next thing she knew, the nozzle was wrestled out of her mouth, startling her. She groggily came to, slowly remembering what had happened. She opened her eyes as much as she could, her puffy cheeks blocking some of her view. At first glance, it was like she was looking at the room from about 20 feet off the ground. She saw the doctor on a ladder holding the hose as water continued to shoot out. "Bluuuuunnnnnnggggh!" she moaned. The doctor was relieved to see her coming around. "w-w-w-wh-h-h-ha-a-at-t-t...... h-h-ha-a-ap-p-pp-p-pened?" She moaned strangely. She then could feel her body again, her hands and feet seeming further away than before. "Oh I'm glad you're still able to come around! You feel asleep with the hose in your mouth last night! Your size completely doubled! At least! It's incredible! I thought you would have exploded long before but I guess I calculated wrong. It looks like you can drink as much water as you want and not bust! How do you feel?" "S-s-s-sofie?" "Oh, your friend? She's in the same state as you, though more euphoric, I guess it's her coping method. I don't bet you'll be able to turn your head to see her. She's to your left though, safe, sound and moaning." The doctor pointed. But Elli was unable to see her pal. She and Elli made two immense water-filled globes in the middle of the lab's rotunda. Sophia, still leaning on her ass, was still as incoherent as the night before and gently bobbed side to side a little. "H-h-how...B-b-b-b-big-g?" Elli asked gasping. "32 feet, Doctor!" It sounded like EFX, but Elli couldn't make out where she was until she felt the pain of a constricting tape measure. "32 feet around?" he gasped looking at EFX, then Elli. "That's amazing! You 2 are the biggest human beings ever I wager! How do you feel though?" "T-th-th-th-r-r-r-r-i-sty!" She moaned a bit painfully. "Thirsty?" The doctor asked in shock. "Still? You drank for the past 12 hours straight! Look at you! 32 feet around! I don't think you'll explode but why would you want to put all that excess pressure on your body?" He rubbed what used to be her shoulder, but now only part of the sphere. "Th-r-isty!" She whispered. "Fine! I'll let you drink. I just don't get why your thirst is so insatiable!" He said, plugging her puckered lips with the rubber hose. "EFX! I think Sophia over there would still like to drink as well." "Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaahhhhhhh!!!" She moaned happily. "But sir? Do you think that's wise? She may reach critical mass and explode!" EFX argued with her always-seductive voice. "They've grown this much! I don't think a little more will kill them. Just let them drink!" Josef hollered, angry about being second-guessed. "As you wish, Sir!" EFX said, cramming the hose between Sophia's puffy cheeks. She hopped off the ladder that led to Sophia's face and walked around her massive body to turn on the hose. The doctor was immediately running up to his loft to record what happened into his journal. He heard the water squeak on just as he shut the door. "Mmmmph...hmmmmph......hmhmhmhmhmhm!" Elli moaned. She could feel the water trickling down her throat again, adding pressure and pushing her sides further out. Would she always be this thirsty like this? How much would she grow? Her thoughts ran rampant. She cocked her head forward, towards the wall. Somehow, it looked as it was coming at her. "... And they are still constantly drinking, making them bigger and rounder by the seco..." Josef read as he wrote, but then was interrupted by a loud crash from downstairs. He screamed for EFX. Then something seemed to be pressing against the translucent glass window of the loft that looked out onto the lab. He walked out and almost had a heart attack at what he saw. It was Elli. The faucet she was on was known to be very loose and must have slipped, allowing more and more water to be pumped into her system. She must have been about 45 feet around and had taken out the next floor of the Rotunda. But that wasn't what was troubling her. It was her head. She was swelling so much that her head was being pressed against the wall where the basins were on. EFX tried pulling on the hose but it was stuck and only jarred the faucet even looser, pumping more water into her. The Doctor rushed down to help. "Take...cover, sir! I believe... she's gonna blow!" EFX said, struggling. "Roll her onto her back quickly! It's the only way!" He screamed. "Okay!" EFX agreed, pressing against the massive globe of water. All Elli could feel, besides her head being squashed against the far wall, were a bunch of tiny things poking her were her tits used to be. They kept feeling stronger and stronger but she couldn't see what it was for her head was being crushed against the wall, her body where her shoulders were inflating around where she was. This pressed her head more and more into her water-filled globe and made her feel like exploding. Then she was shocked when she heard somebody from under her muffle something to her. "Elli! Rock back and forth some! It might set you free." "O-o-o-oooKkkkay!!!!" She murmured and began shaking her lower extremities vigorously, trying to gain enough momentum to roll onto her back. She shook and shook, feeling her body bob and the poking sensations beneath her. Then with one strong push, she popped out of her wedge and landed back on her back, crashing thru a big metal desk behind her. "We did it!" Josef and EFX celebrated with relief. "Th-h-an-k You!" Elli murmured again, still swelling out with water. "Oh shit! EFX! Turn the water down! Quick! She's getting too big too fast" "Yes sir!" she said, spinning the faucet knob so the once fire-hose pressure in her throat got suppressed to a mere trickle again, followed by her inflating. Elli moaned with pleasure again, safe once again. She took in a deep, relieving flare from her nostrils. "We're terribly sorry, Elli. It's just that faucet. It's been loose like that ever since I came here!" He said frustratedly. Her gigantic globe blocking the view of him. "Iz...o-o-kay." She murmured into space. The doctor thought back. He couldn't believe that he thought they were big before, after they first started to grow, but now... they were truly immense blobs. He thought about his conquest. The bees would work. Those who were even remotely able to manage to get around would be so overcome by thirst. They'd be forced to just sit there and drink. He walked over to Sophia, now a quite bit smaller than Elli, but still growing. He put his hand against her side, displacing some of the water in her. It made her moan a little. "It's truly hard to believe that you 2 were once just 2 young, beautiful healthy women!" he chuckled to both of them. Elli could just hear him over the sound of the water being pumped into her. Neither knew about Sophia. The last coherent things she's babbled were when she wanted the water. "You've grown so much... exceeding all of my expectations! It's quite incredible!" " be......n-n-ormal-l...a-a-a-again!" Elli squealed while trying to suck on the hose. These past hours had been almost surreal to her. "I understand. But it's your own fault! You came here in the first place. I just needed test subjects." He yelled, walking back over to Elli, leaning against her massive belly. This displaced the water in her too, even more so. It made her tremble as pressure added in other places, making her drop her hose. "Hey! You poor thing!" laughed the doc, picking up the ladder and putting it near her face. He climbed up and replugged the hose. "You just keep on drinking. It'll soothe you. Besides... I want to see just how big you'll get!" * It had almost been a week since the hazing. Bianca, one of the heads of the sorority, was starting to feel guilty since no one had seen hide nor hair of Sophia or Elli since. The worst thing was that now, the cops were beginning to look into it as well. Fearing the shut down of the sorority, Bianca decided to investigate the old lab on her own. It was a dark windy night. The moon was full but Bianca carried a flashlight anyway. She crept up the hill to the old laboratory. The bolt from the door, as well as the bolt cutter the girls had used were both on the still ground. Bianca placed her hand against the door, but it swung open almost as if she had kicked it, producing a loud creak that echoed thru the main hall. Moonlight crept a quarter of the way into the room with her. What was really strange was that Bianca, though never being inside the building, knew it had a huge glass rotunda ceiling. The moonlight should have at least been shining down thru but it wasn't. So she turned her flashlight on. With the initial spark... she saw Sophia... or what had become of her. "Holy shit!!! Sophie? Is that you?" She gasped. There was no response, but she walked closer. She saw Sophia's head with puffed up cheeks and a hose sticking out of her mouth and it seemed to be sticking out of a wall of flesh. Bianca circled her with the flashlight. She must have been 125 feet around at the very least! On her left, she was seemingly growing alongside something. Bianca turned her flashlight over to it. "!" She screamed. "Elli? Is that you? What happened? You're totally huge!" She walked closer. Elli, was at least semi-conscious and nodded her head up when Bianca said her name. She was even bigger than Sophia, about a good 150 feet around. It seemed that the more she drank, the more she was able to hold. Bianca walked up to her. "You poor things! What on Earth happened? You're gigantic!" She said with disbelief, pulling out the hose in Elli's mouth. "W-w-w-w-w-w-w-w-w-w-w-wa-a-a-a-at-t-te-e-e-e-e-e-er-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-ggghhhhhh!" She moaned. "What?" Wow! You can still talk?" Bianca said. "Tell me! What happened to you?" "!!!!" She moaned, knowing she probably wasn't getting it back. "I'm sorry I can't understand you. Don't worry, I'm going to get you out of her...somehow." She said. "N-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-no-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o....." Moaned Elli. "!" "I can't understand you, Elli. But I'm gonna try to help yo OW!!!! SHIT!!!! I just got stung by something." She said, covering her arm. She took her hand off and gave it a good look. "Ow! Jesus! That looks like it's gonna be one nasty sting!!!
magic, Prose that Blows 11 - It's All About the Feels, voodoo
Female Inflation
Full Body Inflation
She could already feel the difference. Before, the car had been a separate entity, something she drove, under her command. Now they were together, one thing. She was three-quarters machine and one-quarter woman. Before she was sleek, with a runner's body and suggestive curves. Now she was downright aerodynamic, with a three-liter engine giving her the kick she needed to really move. Kate had second thoughts about the spell. Mixing magic and technology was risky. It wasn't technically against the rules of the race – but that might have been because the refs didn't think anyone would be so bold, or so foolish. The rounds of disappointing practice, too many laps missing target times, had left her no choice. She needed this. The pistol fired. Kate's tires were already spinning at the perfect rate as she released her brake, her soft rubber soles gripping the track and launching her off the line. Her breath steamed out her exhaust pipes, feeding her hungry engine as she rocketed ahead. Thanks to the sorcery, she didn't have to think about pushing pedals. She was the car. She zoomed up through the positions. The third-place car tried to move over, a clumsy attempt to block her. She effortlessly meshed her gears in a ratio her old ignition software would have never allowed, and screamed into #3. She knew her tolerances better than any instruction manual; she could feel the turning of her cams and the wonderful boom-boom-boom of internal combustion through her whole body. The front two cars would be harder to beat. The lead car had a famous driver. In her past life, he had been her rival, perhaps her better. Now he was the inconsequential insides to a poorly-controlled competitor. As she neared the second car, she felt hungry. Her stomach ached with emptiness, her feet sore. The pit entrance beckoned; she pulled aside. Kate rolled to a stop by her crew. The enchantment faded into the background with her deceleration, leaving her only human. The hunger subsided; her stomach had an energy bar in it. Kate's team approached in their usual efficient way. Her fingers drummed on the wheel as they filled up tires and ran a fuel hose. "You were really scooting! Everything okay?" Evan, the pit mechanic, asked her while vacuuming an intake. "Just high stakes," Kate replied. As she responded she realized she felt a bit bloated, the light satiation of her belly replaced by a heavy liquid feeling. Her chest felt puffy and taut in a distinctly feminine way. There was no time to think about nerves or monthly calendars. Evan waved her through. As she rolled out of the pit, she was again a beautiful creature of metal and fire, her explosive heartbeat chewing the wind. Overtaking the cars that hadn't stopped was easy, and Kate was again in third. Jockeying for position with the second-place car was harder. The other driver was very skilled, and even working until her forehead was hot with oily sweat, Kate was unable to push her way past. She again felt tired and hungry, and pulled back into the pit. The moment she stopped, she was again human. The emptiness in her gas tank was replaced by fullness in her stomach. She felt completely stuffed. "You need a tire change," Evan's voice said from beside her, "you still okay?" Kate paused a moment before responding, "Yeah, go." The techs pulled the tires off quickly while the fuel line did its business. Kate felt awful. She looked at her belly, the source of most of her discomfort, and was surprised to find it visibly straining at her suit. She was distended in the abdomen, and the sensation become more pronounced by the moment. Her eyes widened as she watched her breasts deploy like airbags, instantly expanding from their previous modest size to two voluptuous heaves on her upper body. Her suit zipper shot downward, exposing pale, taut skin which rose up toward Kate's chin. Kate looked up from the distressing sight and saw the pit team placing new, fresh tires on the car. Freshly inflated tires. Inflated. "Oh, shit," she swore under her breath. It was decision time; she could get out of the car, could break the spell. But that would mean losing. She'd already delayed too long. She was precious seconds late pulling out. There was no real choice to make: Kate knew she was a winner. Winners didn't quit. She felt inside herself for her ambition, her true drive, and it told her to push the pedal to the floor. She did, and was again a steel dragon blurring past the stands. Within moments she was back behind the second-place car. Rounding a curve, there was a gap. It was too small for comfort, but Kate knew she could fit. She went for it, edging between the second-place car and the sidewall. She needed this win. She would do anything. As Kate passed the car, she felt a strange bump. Her front wheels slipped. Distantly she felt a sensation in her human body's breasts; her arm jostled them on its way to turn her wheel. Her front end skidded in slow motion. Frantically she tried to correct, but her human arms just kept banging into the overblown tits. The car tumbled end over end in a jumble of pain and screeching metal. Next thing Kate knew, she was being dragged from the wreckage of her roll cage. She felt a distant warmth and realized her engine compartment was on fire. She moved her bleary head as medics carried her and saw, beyond her own enlarged breasts and pregnant-looking belly, ten million of the owners' dollars in a smoking wreck. There was a 'whoomph' as the wreckage exploded outwards in a ball of firey expanding gas. Kate was dimly aware of pressure and the sound of tearing fabric, as her pink flesh rose... The next day's headline read "ENSORCELLED DRIVER SURVIVES CRASH. CONDITION REMAINS SERIOUS". The photos amused many.
Female Inflation
Breast Inflation, Butt Inflation, Full Body Inflation, Hourglass Inflation
The city of Crystalgate had always held the tale of the Black Witch. A woman that generations ago kidnapped dozens of young women but only the heaviest of the city's women. The tale goes that she ate them all or stole their youth. The tale itself isn't too false, there was a sleeping menace just outside the city and was just awakening. In an abandon fort a mile down the road from Crystalgate, the Black Witch awoke. She rubbed her eyes and rose from the dirt floor of her enormous chamber. Her frame was slender and her hair jet black. She looked young and extremely beautiful as her eyes glowed a soft purple with the flowing energy in her. The large chamber door pulled up, opening the chamber to the remained of the abandon fort. She swept through the fort with magically ease, her black dress flowing freely on her small frame. She pushed against the fort's entrance and through squinted eyes, looked upon the world once more. "I am so hungry," she muttered through a bitten lip. In the city of Crystalgate the following day, a young woman was practicing sword fighting with her older, male mentor. "You've improved so much over this past year, Maldelya," said Uldrin, her mentor. "I can't take all the credit, I have the best teacher in the world," said Maldelya modestly. Uldrin blushed and lowered his sword, "Only you can make this old man blush anymore." "You think I'm ready to put my skills to go use?" asked Maldelya eagerly. "You don't need me to tell you when you're ready," smiled Uldrin, sheathing his sword. Maldelya had always dreamt of becoming a great warrior, fighting the nasty beasts of the world and saving lives. Although filled the brim with ambition, Maldelya's world wasn't filled with nasty enough beasts for her liking. The moment of Uldrin and Maldelya was broken but the sight of a scared man sprinting as fast as he legs could carry him. The man fell to his knees in exhaustion not too far from where Uldrin was standing. "What's the matter, boy?" asked Uldrin, approaching the kneeled man. "The... Black... Witch has... returned..." struggled the man between twitching breathes. Maldelya's initial reaction was the laugh at the man because she told the tale of the witch was hogwash. Her humor was stunted by Uldrin's expression. "He must be mad, right?" asked Maldelya. Uldrin wandered about as if blinded as he looked for somewhere to sit. He plopped down onto a barrel and stared at the ground. "Uldrin, are you ok?" asked Maldelya. "No... this is terrible news," his voice had changed into a monotone and expressionless voice. "The Black Witch isn't real," smirked Maldelya, not so sure anymore. "Yes... yes, the witch is very real. I was a boy when she was last visited. She took my older sister because she was heavier than the other girls. The Black Witch is the reason I took up the sword," explained Uldrin. "Then this is your time to get revenge then," said Maldelya. "No, I'm far too old and weak to fight her. Years ago, I thought that she would return and I'd be a prime age and strength to fight her. I had no idea she'd take this long to return, foolish old man," Uldrin kicked himself. "I'll defeat her for you!" Maldelya raised her sword with astounding prime. "No, she will take you along with all the other girls. You must wait and watch if you want to defeat her. Follow her to her lair and wait for a moment of weakness. Then you must muster all of your strength and strike her down once and for all," said Uldrin, still in a state of shock.In the dead of night every day the witch would take a girl. Maldelya found it very hard to predict where the witch would strike next. That was until Maldelya found a girl that was much larger than the other girls in the city. It saddened Maldelya that she had to let this very curvaceous girl be kidnapped for her to slay the witch. After three weeks of staying up late each night outside the victim's house, the witch showed up. Maldelya could hardly see the woman in all black in the dead of night but she could hear her song. The Black Witch hummed a spell that called out for the curvaceous girl inside the house. Maldelya wanted to run out and strike down the witch but she listened to her mentor and waited. The girl opened the front door and casually approached the witch. Maldelya couldn't understand why she would do that. When the girl got to the witch, the witch planted a kiss on her lips and the large girl melted into a puddle. Maldelya was horrified by this sight. She couldn't imagine what power she had that a simple kiss could make you melt. Suddenly, the witch and puddle vanished. Maldelya ran out to where they were standing in hope of a sign of where they went off to but found no clues. Maldelya started to lose hope in catching the witch as the horror stories of families' daughters gone missing spread like wildfire through Crystalgate. After a week of waiting each night, Maldelya was going to return to her mentor and tell him of her failure. The night before she had planned on going to Uldrin, she saw Kalmia the curvaceous girl the witch had melted with a kiss. "Kalmia!" Maldelya called out to the girl. Kalmia just kept her face forward and seemed to be walking to someone else's house. Maldelya quietly watched as Kalmia magically unlocked the door and entered the dark house. Moments later Kalmia exited the house with a large sack full of something. Maldelya followed the bewitched girl out of the city and a mile down the road to an abandon fort. Along the way Maldelya saw other girls carrying large sacks over their shoulders and walking to the fort completely quiet. All the tranced girls poured into the fort with Maldelya shortly behind them. Maldelya stood at the entrance of the fort and looked down at the girls on the lower landing. On very long tables the girls emptied the sacks onto it and tons of food fell out. Maldelya couldn't understand why they needed that much food. They filled the four long tables with food enough for a king's feast. Without warning the girls all change color. Their skin, hair and faces turn into a slime that is formed in the shape they once were. They varied in color and Maldelya marveled over them for the wonderous moment. All at once, they suddenly take handfuls of the food and plunge it into themselves. It only took a few seconds for the slime of the girls to break down the food and bulk them up. Maldelya's jaw hung low as over thirty girls stuffed her slimy bellies and grew before her. They didn't fatten like a normal human, their breasts and hips expanded greatly. After all the food was devoured the skin of the slime girls returned and they were all naked. No clothing could contain their chest and backsides as they all lined up and faced the opposite corridor of Maldelya. Maldelya spotted another way into the neck room that looked to be on the next floor, she crept over to look into the next chamber. In the next chamber, the Black Witch stood in the middle of a chamber large enough to hold two dragons. "Enter my beauties and come praise your queen," called out the witch. The group of girls circled the Black Witch and their girth made the witch look even smaller. Maldelya planned her descent as the witch beckoned the girls directly in front of her. Two girls wobbled to her and she smiled at them, "For my two largest minions I give you first honors. Kiss my feet." The two girls kneeled and struggled to push their faces down to the floor, their large breasts pushing them back. As the kiss connected with the top of her witch's feet, their lips attached. The witch gazed upon herself and laughed aloud, the two girls changed back into slime and slowly shrank. On the other hand, the witch's figure started to balloon. The black dress pulled tight in the front and back with her figure growing more and more hourglass. When the two girls had been completely absorbed the witch's breasts were the size of beach balls and a rear to match. The dress magically held on but looked as if magic couldn't save it for what was coming. "Come my pretties, give your wonderful queen a kiss," she seductively said. Maldelya got to where she was directly behind the expanding witch and waited for a sign of weakness. One by one the girls approached the witch and kissed her. When they did, she sucked them into her mouth and swallowed them down. The breasts and ass of the witch kept growing, bigger and bigger. Once they had reached an unreal size and tremendous weight, the frame of the witch grew. The witch barely thickened by the girls, she just grew taller and wider, scaling bigger and bigger. This of course made the black dress explode off her growing body. After ten girls and the witch had to be on her hands and knees like the first two slime girls. Then Maldelya saw her moment of weakness she was waiting for. Because the chest of the witch had swollen so greatly, she struggle to stretch out her neck to kiss the remaining slime girls. Maldelya climbed down the stairs and snuck up behind the swollen witch. She raise her sword and came down on the neck of the witch. The blade cut through the witch faster than Maldelya had expected and she stumbled. It felt like a sword through running water. However, because she had grown, the neck of the witch was too thick to cut at once. The cut neck pulled back together and the witch turned to look at Maldelya. She raised her sword again and the witch grabbed the sword with her bare hand and threw it across the room. No blood came from the witch's hand as she used it again to pick Maldelya up and throw her the opposite side of the chamber. The witch sat up on her fat ass, breasts sloshing to a stop with slime. "Who are you and why did you think you could simply decapitate me?" asked the witch, waving her remaining girls to come to her. The girls then hugged the sides of the witch and dissolved into her. Maldelya bravely got to her feet and gazed upon the bloating witch. "My name is Maldelya, I'm here to avenge the people of Crystalgate and Uldrin," said Maldelya boldly. The huge witch smiled at her, "You say that as if I'm supposed to be frightened by it." "You should," said Maldelya walking around the chamber to where her sword lay. "And what did you have in mind? You going to cut off my head? Maybe you should pop me, look at how fat I am," laughed the witch, he immense chest jumping with each chuckle. She suddenly stopped laughing and felt her belly which was not growing. "What's wrong, eat something that didn't agree with you?" joked Maldelya as she neared her weapon. "No, I just got extra girls this time to see what would happen. This is new," the witch patted her chubby belly, "I like it." The rest of the girls poured into her but her belly didn't get any larger, still very dwarfed under her chest. With her height at sitting at twenty-five feet, her breasts and butt cheeks were like small shacks. "It looks like you're the only one left to eat," laughed the witch. "You have to kiss me then feed me, I'll die before then!" yelled Maldelya, grabbing her sword and holding it up to the witch. "You are quite the observate one, I think you deserve to see my true form," said the witch. She snapped her fingers and she turned purple and transparent, like the slime girls she absorbed. A massive slime form with humongous breasts sat before Maldelya. "I am the Slime Queen," said the witch. The slime queen reached out her hand to Maldelya, who cut at it. The blade was very ineffective and she dropped it as the large hand scooped her up and held her close to the slime queen's face. "I could kiss you and eat you but I'm already full. No need for dessert after two desserts, right? How about I change things up, feed you then kiss you?" laughed the slime queen. "There's no food, how could you feed -" Maldelya was interupted by the large pinkie finger of the slime queen, plunging into her mouth. She tried to pull the finger out but her hands passed through the finger like jelly. "Eat up, dear. Mommy wants her baby to grow up big and strong," the slime queen joked as slime poured into Maldelya's mouth. Maldelya tried to fight it but the slime pushed its way into her stomach. The slime queen's slime however didn't taste badly, it was very, very sweet. "You know a century ago they used to call me the Honey Nymph because I was so sweet," smiled the slime queen. The iron breastplate of Maldelya's was pushing forward as her belly filled out. She tried to reach behind her to untie it but the leather lace grew too tight. "Aww, is the poor turtle getting too big for her shell. Don't worry it'll burst off soon and your soft interior will be exposed for me," said the slime queen. With the same hand that was filling up Maldelya, she used her index finger to tickle the stomach of the moving breastplate. Soon the laces snapped and the plate fell off. The slime queen grew wide eyed at Maldelya's new midsection. "Look who is getting greedy on the honey," snickered the slime queen. Maldelya blushed heavily and tried to swat the slime queen's wondering finger off her swelling belly. "It takes some training to get the slime to go where you want it," the slime queen's eyes bounced from Maldelya to her own chest and back to Maldelya. "I know you want it to change its position, huh?" asked the slime queen. Maldelya twitched at the new sensation of slime pouring into her breasts. The slime queen watched closely as Maldelya's shirt pulled tight against her budding boobs. "Looks like you should have wore something looser before coming to defeat me," said the slime queen. "Let's fix you up with a soft seat as well," the slime queen bit the side of her lip to hold in another chuckle. Maldelya's pants filled out with her ass as the honey-like slime forced its way into her. She never felt so full in her life and wanted this expansion to stop. She panicked and waved her arms for the slime queen to stop. "What's wrong, little one? Not fast enough, ok I'll fix that," grinned the slime queen. She forced her ring finger into Maldelya's mouth as well. With the flow doubled, Maldelya's body really set off in new directions. Her breasts blimped out like watermellons, bursting her shirt. Ass followed suit and destroyed her pants. Her thighs joined in the ballooning party and ripped her pants all the way down to her calves, who later joined in. Maldelya's arms plumped up and rose to her sides. She felt completely stuffed but the slime kept pushing in. Her skin began to creak like strained wood but the slime queen found joy in this. "Oh my, you really can hold your slime. I don't want to burst you know. You are a very worthy adversary and I want you to live. So what do you say? Will you become a slime girl? Oh let me pull my fingers out," said the slime queen. Maldelya wanted to massage her throbbing jaw when the witch pulled her fingers out but her fullness made that impossible to reach anything. "I rather die!" yelled Maldelya pass swollen cheeks. "The fat slug doesn't want to play? Look at it this way, I can keep filling you up till you explode. In doing that I lose nothing, the slime inside you comes back to me and your trip here was completely pointless. Or you could kiss me willingly and become your own slime girl, taking in the slime I gave you.You can then come back in fifty-years and fight me again. What do you say?" the slime queen smiled at the fattened girl. "Pucker up because when I see you again I'm going to slay you once and for all," Maldelya said bravely. The slime queen lowered her great head and puckered up her lips. Maldelya rocked forward to plant a kiss on the slime queen's lips. A strange tingling ran through her body. She looked down at her swollen rack and watched her skin change from flesh to green slime. "That a girl, now go on. Your queen has to get her beauty rest," said the slime queen. She balled up Maldelya and rolled her with one hand toward the large open chamber door. She left a slime trail behind as she rolled off her belly and back and out the door. The door lowered behind her and she watched as the huge slime queen yawned then curled up (as best she could) to go to sleep. Maldelya was left in the first room, full and round and slimy. She could only plot her revenge as she gradually shrank down.
first person, floating
Female Inflation
Breast Inflation, Full Body Inflation
It was a sunny day and I was inside writing my tenth inflation to post on the internet. Once I had finish writing the story, I began to proof read it and when I got to the inflation part I couldn't believe how bad it was. So I ripped it up and threw it into the trash with my other thousand attempts. "I just can't get it." I thought to myself. "I can't make the inflation seem real." I turned and looked at the clock and which read ten o'clock. " Oh well I will do it in the morning, but man I wish I could inflated and then I could really write the feels of being inflated into my stories, but I know that will never happen." Then I fell asleep. The next morning I awoke and went downstairs to get the newspaper and when I opened to door I discovered a box that was addressed to me. "I don't remember ordering anything?" I said to myself. I picked up the box and brought it inside. Then I ran upstairs to get changed and work on my story. Hours passed and then suddenly I hear a knocking at the door. I got up and opened the door and their stood my friends Kim and Rachel with sleeping bags. "We're here for your sleepover." Kim said. "What sleep over?" I asked. "You know the sleep over you planed a few days ago." Rachel said. "Oh!" I replied suddenly remembering the sleep over. "You can leave your stuff in the living room that's where we will spend the night." The girls throw there stuff on the floor and the party began, I went into the kitchen to open the box and inside the box was four six-pack cases of some bottled drink. On the label it read BalloonaSprite. "BalloonaSprite I've never heard of it." I pulled out one of the bottles and put the rest of the case in the frig and I began to walk back to meet the girls. As I walked I began to read the label and it read. "For Indoor use and wear loose clothing. One full serving for best results." "What is this some kind of joke?" I thought to myself, but I check to see what I was wearing. I was wearing a loose fitting blue blouse and a pair of white sweatpants which were kind of loose to. When I got into the living room I sat on the couch and watched the movie that the girls had already start with out me. As I watch the movie I drank down the whole bottle of BalloonaSprite. I didn't know what to expect, but the taste was wonderful and light. Then suddenly I began to feel gassy and my blouse began to become tighter. I looked down and I was shocked to discover the two lumps that suddenly appeared on my chest. "What's happening to me?" I thought as the lumps quickly became mounds and began to round out under the fabric of the blouse. "Jenn, your breasts they're growing!" Katie said pointing. I didn't answer, I just watched as my breasts grew larger and larger thinking to myself. "It feels strange and wonderful at the same time." Then my blouse's neckline began separate exposing the skin of my chest. The girls all gasped audibly as they realized what was happening. "Were they....inflating?" Kim said. A sense of joy came over me and hearing the reaction I began to smile and I continued to look down at my swelling chest. As the inflation continued, the blouse's fabric began moving across the surface of the mounds, separating the blouse's neckline enough to reveal my newfound cleavage beneath. Then feeling soon became intoxicing. "This feels wonderful!" I said stroking my new cleavage lightly with my fingertips. Then I wrapped my forearms around the sides of each and I interlaced my fingers, hugging myself as my elbows were slowly pushed out by the inflation. When I did this, I could hear a little squeak as each breast rubbed against the other. I giggled. Soon, my expanding chest had gotten so big that I could no longer hold my hands together. As I unlocked my fingers, my hands sprang apart. I now had the most impressive cleavage that anyone had ever seen. Then I moved my hands away to seen what would happen and suddenly to my amazement, each breast bobbled upward. Then suddenly my hips started to swell outward and then I felt a funny push for behind slowly pushing my off the couch. I turned the best I could behind me, but I saw nothing, but I could fell my pants tightening across my bottom. I put my hands to my butt and I discovered that I had expanded there as well! My butt had pumped up a very noticeable several inches and it pushed me away from the couch. My butt was actually large enough now that I could twist around and see it. Soon after my swelling thighs were pushing my legs apart, making my knees press together. Once the inflation ceased I stood up and bouncing up on my toes, I was amazed at how weightless I felt. "Wow! I feel so light on my feet, like I'm going to float away" I said in amazement. I explored my new body, sliding my hands between my breasts and ribcage. They actually did feel like balloons. They weren't tight, but instead were soft. My hips felt enormous as they flared out from my tiny waist. The girls were still speechless, but just when I thought it was all over, my belly started inflating. I could believe how fast it was going. It was inflating like a big balloon. My belly continued to swell and soon I couldn't see my feet, my whole midsection had filled up, bulging out between my blouse and my tights. Then I began to fell light on my feet. Then suddenly I realized that I was no longer touching the floor. Slowly I was rising off the ground and began my trip up two stories to the living room ceiling with my belly still growing. "This is wonderful!" I yelled. "I'm a giant parade balloon!" I continued upward, waving my hands in the air to maneuver myself around. I held onto my bulging midsection as my belly filled more and more. When I finally got to the ceiling my belly was gigantic I couldn't even get my hands a third of the way around my body. "What happened to you?" Katie yelled from the floor below. "I don't know, but it's wonderful you have to try it!" I yelled in replied. The girls didn't answer. "Would you toss up my note book I have to write the so I remember!" "When will you come down?" Kim yelled. "I never want to come down. I want to be like this forever!!" I yelled. "Will then we will join you, but how did you get this way?" Katie asked. "There's a case of drinks in the frig. All you have to do is drink one." I explained. After the girl drank there bottle, and inflated we left the confines of the house and traveled to world.
floating, pills, Prose that Blows 8 - Epilogue, Prose that Blows Runner-Up: Sexiest Story
Female Inflation
Full Body Inflation
"And over the loop and back again and... there!" Emily smiled with pride at her handiwork, tugging at the silk string she just tied to Tanya's golden belly-button ring. "You're sure that's secure?" Tanya asked hesitantly. She couldn't see what her friend was doing. She couldn't see over the curve of her beach-ball sized boobs at all, for that matter. She'd spent the last day bobbing against a hastily erected tarp-tent Emily erected outside her apartment, pondering her new condition. Tanya could wiggle her arms and legs, but her limbs were all but useless; pushed to the sides of her body by the proud orbs of her boobs, ass, and belly. She couldn't even touch her hands together over her bust anymore. The most she'd been able to do was drum her fingers against the taut, slightly translucent skin of her hollow boobs, shuddering at the reverberations. Eighteen hours of helplessness had done much to emphasize just how different Tanya's life would be. She could barely move, and she was afraid of wriggling too much and escaping the awning, floating off to kiss the sky and pop into a shower of inert confetti like her friends had last night. She was acutely aware of how obscene she looked, and knew that even if she could find clothing that would fit her, she'd need someone else to put it on. But most shocking of all had been the realization that she'd never touch her cute pussy ever again. She'd need someone to rig a system of mirrors just to see her womanhood, but touching it with her fingers was most definitely, and forever, beyond her grasp. "You'll be fine!" Emily chirped, giving the string a quick tug. Tanya blushed as she felt herself pulled down, the pressure of her bellybutton pulling delightfully against the lift of her buoyant body. She could feel drops of excitement gather along her forever-distant womanhood, and blushed as she was let out from under the tarp. "C'mon, let's go for a walk. The park's lovely this time of year, and you seem awfully down for a balloon." Emily began moving, all but skipping down the sidewalk like an excited schoolgirl with a new balloon... albeit an obscene, wriggling, nude balloon. "It's just... everything is so different now... I never really expected this... I mean, if I were going to deflate, I'd be back to normal by now, wouldn't I? I'll probably be like this forever!" "Yup!" Emily chirped happily, three feet below Tanya's tethered navel. "Those pills last night were some heavy-duty stuff. Really expensive too. I bet the girl who brought them popped herself so she wouldn't have to deal with the finance plan." Tanya shuddered, though whether from dread or excitement she couldn't tell. Images of last night's rave rushed through her mind. The woman in a latex catsuit handing out pink pills... the girls whose boobs, buts, and bellies began to swell... the giddy laughing and rubbing as her friends ballooned into sensual, ridiculous proportions... the glee as they began to float above the dance floor... the sheer erotic thrill of becoming floating spherical objects of womanly delight... and the look of blissful exultation on Susan's face as she popped, her rapturous cry lasting longer than she did, showering the dance floor with the confetti of her rubbery form. One by one all the girls and guys who took the inflation pills popped... But Tanya didn't. Maybe she didn't take enough pills, or maybe she was just naturally resilient, but she spent the rest of the night bobbing against the ceiling, wriggling helplessly as people danced below her. "What's wrong, I thought you liked inflation? Isn't being a balloon a dream of yours?" The pair had arrived at the local park, a pleasant green vista with some rolling hills and lovely trees. It was full of people going about their business, but Tanya was keenly aware of how many stopped to goggle at her very generous, very exposed form. "Well... I always liked the idea... but I never thought I'd actually do it! And I never thought I'd end up like this! I can barely move now! It... well, it does feel good, but what can I do as a balloon? Just float around all day?" Tanya sighed; she never liked working much, but she already missed simply doing things. How tedious could her life be if she was just anchored under an awning day in and day out? "Actually, I've been thinking about a couple things you could do for employment. Susan had a tech-support job at Industritech, so we now for a fact they're hiring now. They'd give you a headset, anchor you to a cubicle, and you'd earn a living talking to people over the phone." Tanya winced, recalling Suzie blowing up above the rave, throwing up the horns with her tiny looking hands , an exultant expression on her youthful face. She remembered Susan popping with more than a twinge of envy; things were certainly simpler for her. "Or... if that's not your thing, you could always rent yourself out to advertisers." "Huh?" "Well... you sell yourself by the hour to businesses, they hang banners on you and then tie you down by intersections. You do get a lot of stares as an inflated balloon woman. You could stand to make some money from all those eyeballs." "That... could be fun..." Tanya mused as Emily took a seat, tying Tanya's string to a bench by a copse of trees. A sudden breeze sent Tanya bobbling in the air. She felt something brush against the tight dome of her belly. "Eep!" she squealed, startled by a surge of sensation and fear "Oops, here..." Emily quickly pulled down on the string, drawing Tanya down and away from the branches that had almost popped her. Still flushed with excitement, Tanya's eyes darted around, trying to see what else could turn her into a sprinkling of girl-confetti. Was that boy over the hill hiding a slingshot in his pocket? Was that songbird with the pointy beak eyeing her? "This... this is awful... now I have to worry about everything popping me! A stick, a bird, a pebble... what do you do when almost everything can... can make you stop being a person?" They were both quiet for a minute, close together on and above the bench. Finally, Emily spoke, "Well... someday you're going to pop. That's the long and short of it, I'm afraid. Could be years from now, could be tomorrow, but... things don't have end there..." Emily opened her purse and coyly pulled out a rubber phallus, about twelve inches long. Tanya's eyes lit up as she viewed the toy... it was magnificent, almost alive with some sort of sexual energy... and oddly familiar. "I picked up as many pieces as I could find, and had a friend do a little work on them. Say hello to Susan, and some good bits of a few of the other girls. She's still in there, although she's not as mobile as you... but I think she'll enjoy her new life in our sock-drawer. And I promise, when you pop, I'll add you to her... I promise you'll see lots of use!" A guilty smile crept onto Tanya's face as she imagined the possibilities. For the first time, her new life seemed more fun than scary. After all, with Emily's artful hands, what was the worst that could happen? It might even be fun.
floating, helium, kiss, self inflation, superhero
Female Inflation
Full Body Inflation
"It won't work," I squeaked. "Yes it will. You always say that, " Lynn admonished me, in her high-pitched voice. "Because it always doesn't work," I pointed out. If you had walked into our dorm room and found myself and my roommate, Lynn both of us pumped up with enough helium to have our figures bulging with gas and our extra-large bodies floating and bouncing against the ceiling, you might find that odd. I know I would. Funny thing about being a helium-filled blimp though, if you think about it critically, which I'll admit Lynn was much better at than I was, all the floating was was like gravity in reverse. Rather than being pressed against the floor, we were pressed against the ceiling. So, it stood to reason that one could, with a little coordination, stand upside-down on the ceiling. The two problems with this was that the coordination required was a little hard to come by when our arms, legs and waists were fattened with gas, making us less flexible and coordinated than normal, and when we did lose our upside down balance and "fell" to the ceiling, we tended to bounce for a while on our overinflated curves. Doing all this while upside down was even more disorienting. Nevertheless, Lynn was standing on the ceiling while I was sitting on the ceiling, my legs spread some to allow the bulge of my inflated belly to rest easy, my arms behind my body to keep me from "falling" flat against the ceiling. Since we had the top floor, we had the vaulted ceilings, but at the edges of the room, the ceiling was still the standard eight feet. It was at the edge of the room that Lynn now stood, her plump arms extended over her head, pointing towards the floor. Which left her fingertips about eight inches from the floor. She let her arms "drop" as best as she could. Our inflated sides didn't really let our arms hang normally. "Waitasec," she grinned, snapping her fingers, "You're still super strong right?" "Super strong and super sized. How does that help?" "Throw me at my desk." "I beg your pardon?" "I have a plan to get us down from here, but I need to get to my desk first," she explained in her helium-voice. Despite the hours that we had spend floating on the ceiling, neither of us could quite get over the absurdity of our condition and the sound of our voices still made us grin at each other. "but be careful not to throw me too hard, I'm just as buoyant as you are so I don't weigh anything. Don't throw me through the ceiling or anything." "Floor," I corrected. "Fine, floor. Can you do it?" I, very carefully, stood up on the ceiling, looked "up" at the floor, "I'd rather not throw you." I put my hands on the curvy spread of her hips and lifted her "up" towards the floor. Lynn easily gained the "height" she needed and her palms pressed against the floor, "Yes!" she squeaked, "Push me over to my desk!" She caught hold of the edge of her desk and "hung" there as I let go of her. I couldn't help but giggle a bit at the sight of her holding onto her desk, her inflated body, pulling her towards the ceiling. Upside down, Lynn rummaged through her desk drawers, finally exclaiming a squeaky "Ah ha!" and clamping a length of hose in her teeth. Then she made her was, hand over hand to the open sink and vanity. Hanging onto the faucet, she affixed one end of the hose to the faucet, put the other in her mouth and opened up the tap. "That's your plan?" In reply, Lynn opened the tap all the way, gulping down the water. I watched skeptically until after a moment, her body had lost altitude. Another minute and she was floating on more of a horizontal plane than a vertical. Another minute and she was able to get her feet under her and stand normally. Or at least as normally as she could given her size. She spun the tap closed, took the hose out of her mouth and smiled up at me, "Ballast. Want some?" I had to admit, it appeared to work pretty well, she was definitely standing, and while I had no idea how much water she had gulped down, she didn't appear to have gotten any larger. We being rather overinflated lately, this was pretty important to me. Three minutes later Lynn closed the tap once again and I took the hose from my mouth. It appeared to have worked fine, My feet were touching the ground, but I still definitely felt only a fraction of my normal weight. We were both quite light on our feet. And best of all, I hadn't swelled up any with all the water I'd taken on as ballast. We were still inflated and still had our helium-voices, but solid ground restored my confidence immensely. "OK I admit, that was pretty slick. I certainly thought we'd have expanded from all that water though," I remarked, running my hands over my normally bulging figure. Gosh I was getting used to being this fat! "You will learn to recognize my genius over time," Lynn said smugly, as we both moved across the room... ...And stopped dead. I pressed my hands on my inflated belly a few times, listening to the swirl of water inside me. Then I shook my wide hips, making the swirl louder. I sighed, "Great, now we slosh when we walk!" "Oh, picky picky. Look we aren't any bigger, we don't sag or jiggle, we just slosh a little. It's better than being on the ceiling isn't it?" I grunted squeakily, conceding the point. "Fine then. Now we have our footing, I don't know about you, but after spending a day floating on the ceiling, I could use a meal." It took me a moment, "You don't mean want to go this?" "Sure, why not?" I gaped at her, "Because we're blown up like balloons?" "'Manda, we can't hide in here forever. Besides, two gorgeous girls like us...we might start a new fashion trend." I sighed, "I doubt inflation is going to take off as a new look. And speaking of looks, if we are going out perhaps you should give some thought to yours?" Lynn looked down at her expanded figure. When she pumped up with helium, she had burst out of her clothes, leaving her inflated proportions bulging out of a pair of white panties and a t shirt, made skimpy by her extra-large breasts. She bent towards the clothes we had selected for our new sizes, finding some gray stretch pants and a super large T shirt. After a bit or wriggling, and some help from me, we managed to make the pants live up to the "stretch" in their name as we stuffed her bulging body into the pants. The super large T shirt, once it was filled up with Lynn's chest and torso was a respectable T shirt still, tight on her but the hem came just past her waist. It would be nice to say we slid out of the dorm, but the truth is we waddled and sloshed out. I discovered that we could cut down on the sloshing our water filled bodies would make if we held onto our bloated bellies. Thank god Lynn caved to my suggestion of us wearing scarves and sunglasses to try to conceal our identity. I'd personally rather have worn overcoats as well, but we couldn't find any that would fit us. So we waddled and sloshed out to the parking lot, our faces concealed, though few people really seemed to notice, but those that did I was very aware of. Almost all of them girls, some of them larger than my inflated size, some slimmer, gawking at our size or puffing their cheeks out and waddling themselves in mockery of us. I have to say, that didn't make me feel good but what really rained on my parade was my car. I had a slightly ratty, but cute MGB. As cute as it was, there was no way either of us could fit into my car, not with us looking like emergency airbags. Lynn waddled forward, undoubtedly looking for a way to tear the doors off or something, when I grabbed her hand and tugged her in the direction of one of the taxicabs that loitered among the campus. The cabbie saw us coming (we were probably hard to miss) and he stepped over and opened the back door for us. "You ladies need a taxi?" And because fate hates me, the cabbie just had to be cute. One of those dark Mediterranean types but with a really nice smile that flashed so often I could just tell he had a good sense of humor. Which I lacked just then, "Yes please," I could have smacked myself, my voice was still high pitched from the helium! I sounded like a chipmunk! I sighed internally, resigning myself to the embarrassment of further conversation when Lynn chirped up. "Can you take us down to restaurant row, we've been on a crash diet and we're practical wasting away." The smile flashed back on, obviously appreciating Lynn's self-depreciating sense of humor, "Of course. you know, when I saw you two I thought 'those girls look as if they could use a few meals'." Lynn carefully stuffed herself into the back seat, while I went around the other side and attempted to stuff myself into the space she had left. The cabbie closed the door on her side, while I pressed up against her. We both took a lot more space than before. Our wide hips and thighs squished up against each other. Our gas-padded rear ends lifted us higher in the passenger compartment. Riding with our legs closed made out bloated bellied puff up in front of us, which pushed our extra large, extra round breasts right up in our faces. Then somewhere in all that, we needed to fit our plump arms in. Somehow we managed, although it took my super strength to close the door behind me, and we totally filled the back seat of that cab. Through it all, the driver never lost his expression of good-natured humor, "Are you ladies ok back there?" Lynn was removing her scarf and sunglasses and prompting me to do the same, "Just fine," she squeaked, smiling at him in the rear view mirror. "Do you girls go to school here, or are you just visiting?" He asked the rear view mirror, looking at me. "Visiting/Yes," We both answered, me lying. Lynn nudged me as much as she could packed in like she was. "Don't mind Amanda, she's just grumpy because she got fat." I couldn't believe her! "You got fat too," I accused. "Oh I know, but I'm not grumpy about it," Then speaking to the cabbie, "See we're really rather trim, but we sorta inflated two days ago." "Really, inflated? Like balloons?" "Yep, that's why we're so big." "And the squeaky voices?" he mused. I found myself answering "Because we're inflated with helium." "Ah, well that explains that," he said turning his smile on me, making me blush. "He likes you," Lynn squeaky-whispered. "Oh be quiet, I'm like twice his size." But I managed to grin out the window. When the cabbie dropped us off, he hopped out to open my door for me, probably getting a wicked bruise on his leg as the door burst open as I bulged out of it. Luckily I wasn't stuck and he offered me his hand to help me out. He held onto my hand as all my bulging curves sorted themselves out. His hand was very warm. "Thanks," I squeaked, grimacing ruefully at my voice. "No problem, if you need a ride back..." he produced his business card. Lynn waddled over to our side of the car, "heh, sorry..." She peered at the card, "Nick, but I don't think she even has enough room in those tights for a business card," She handed him a few bills, "see you around though." I looked at the card in my hand, at Lynn and at Nick the cabbie. Then I put the car in one place I still did have some room, down my shirt in the great cleavage of my over-inflated breasts, "Thanks, see you 'round." I waddled off after Lynn. "See you 'round," I heard him say softly. I looked up at the restraunt Lynn had stopped in front of, "Oh you can't be serious." "Why not, its a sure thing that with the waitresses, no one will be looking at us. Besides, I like their crab legs. And didn't you tell me that they offered you a job?" I patted my full, gassy belly stretching my spandex tights then looked up at the Hooters sign, "Well that won't happen tonight, unless they want to fly me over a football game." We waddled in and were seated almost immediately and a trim, leggy waitress dressed in the required tight T-shirt and tighter orange shorts introduced herself to us as Angela, and took our order for double crab legs and a pitcher of beer. After the food arrived we munched along and chatted, mostly about our continued amazement at our big inflated bodies. Having downed the major portion of the pitcher, Lynn excused herself for the ladies room, and as she waddled to the back of the building, I spied one of the waitresses chatting with a few of her co-workers, who nudged her friends and pointed Lynn out to them. Then she puffed out her cheeks and held out her arms to indicate Lynn's girth. OK, maybe I was still in a bad mood, and I had a fair bit of beer in me as well, but that made me mad! I was off my stool and on my way to her when I saw our waitress confront the mocking waitress. Angela was obviously giving the mean one, who I was close enough now to read the name tag on her well-filled T-shirt, Brooke, a finger wagging. "Don't you see how little of a person that makes you when you do things like that?" Angela was scolding Brooke. "I think I can help you be a bigger person, Brooke," I growled in my squeaky helium-voice. I took Brooke by her arms and kissed her full on the mouth. A little part of me knew that if I hadn't been so mad, that this might be fun, because Kerry was, like most Hooter's girls, very attractive and very well built. She was almost as tall as me, with large breasts, a trim waist, and a pleasant amount of padding below the waist that gave her a well-rounded rear and full hips, shapely legs and just a tiny cute little tummy. I had plans for that tummy. I was prepared to use my super strength to hold on to her for the kiss, but she totally took me by surprise when she held onto me! She pressed her trim body against my inflated and bloated body, first resisting my kiss then, returning it deeper. With my arms wrapped around her, I could feel her body start to swell in my embrace. I felt her waist thicken with the gas I was pumping into her, and I knew the tight orange shorts were drawing tighter as her hips spread out wide, and her bottom filled out the seat of her shorts, then over filled them, her shorts riding up higher as her butt pumped up with helium, then bulging out of the bottom of her shorts. It was when her waist began pressing on my deflating, but still inflated belly that I released her to view my handiwork. As miraculous as her expanding body was, it was very obvious that the cute little swell of her tummy was filling out the front of her shorts, bulging, then straining against the elastic waistband of the trademark tight orange shorts. Soon her waist had bulged out into a noticeable potbelly. Soon after that, her tummy was rounding out enough that it was pushing up her tight t-shirt. Her eyes as wide as saucers, Brooke, dropped her hands to clutch at her stomach as she bulged and filled with gas, "Oh," she squeaked, her voice high pitched from the helium bloating her, "Oh my belly, look at me I...I'm getting so fat! My belly's blowing up like a balloon!" Her hands were pressing into her ballooning middle, trying to press the gas out of her. Her hands were sinking slightly into her gas-filled waistline, but all her strength couldn't match the pressure puffing her up. No matter how hard she pressed down on herself, her bloated belly just bounced back up to shape. The rest of her body had stopped swelling after she had expanded four or five inches, but her belly was still growing. She sat back on a bar stool, sitting higher and bouncing lightly on her inflated bottom, her fattening stomach pushing her plump thighs apart. Brooke held onto her belly as she ballooned up through pregnant-sized until she looked as if she had swallowed a beach ball. Her friends were gathered around her, marveling at her new super sized figure. I looked around for Angela to thank her but she had vanished during the commotion Myself, I had slimmed down considerably, probably half the size I was before, which still made me the fattest girl around, although Brooke definitely had me beat in belly size. I mean I was fat, but she was a blimp. Though seeing Lynn emerge from the restroom reminded me that I was now actually only the second-fattest girl in here. Oddly though, Lynn was arm and arm with our waitress Angela. As they neared me I could see that Lynn was barely brushing the floor with her feet as she walked. Angela was anchoring her, for some reason Lynn wasn't ballasted any longer and was positively buoyant. "'Manda? You got skinny-," Checked herself, "-er." Then she spied the inflated hooters girl, "Oh, what have you done?" "She had it coming. She's lucky she only got a big belly, I should have made her into a parade float. But what happened to you, why are you floating?" I asked, taking the arm opposite Angela. Lynn blushed. That was something. I'd never seen her do that, she took a great deal, including being inflated, in stride. "Ah, well, it seems that when I went to the bathroom, I lost my ballast. It would have been tricky getting out of there if it hadn't been for Angela here." She nodded to the girl opposite me. "After I saw you , uh, handle Brooke, I thought I had better check on your friend. I'm glad I was able to help." "Barely," Lynn added, smiling at the waitress, "She barely masses enough to keep me ground side." This explanation was given as we hustled Lynn's buoyant body out the Hooters and onto the street. After my little...well, big...demonstration in there a quick escape was called for. I looked over at Angela, "Can you hold her for a sec?" "Sure," she nodded, "Providing there aren't any heavy winds or anything." I reached inside my substantial cleavage, looking for the business card of Nick the cabbie. While slimmer, I was still so busty that I couldn't find the card. Frustrated I put my hands at the bottom of my bust line and sorta squished my big chest upwards. The card popped up between my breasts like a charm. I snapped it up then looked at Lynn and my own bloated figures in our tight clothes, without a cell phone. "I have a phone in my apron," Angela said, turning a hip towards me so I could reach her phone, "I figured in all that Lycra, neither of you could be hiding a phone," she added. I plucked the phone from her, dialed the number and arranged for the bat-mobile to pick us up. "Hello?" "Nick? I need a ride from the Hooters." "Yes? Is this Amanda, the pretty inflated girl?" I was surprised, "Yes, uh, how did you know it was me?" "Well, partially because of your high-pitched voice, but mostly because I'm parked right in front of the Hooters." I looked up and saw him leaning against the cab, all of fifteen feet away, talking on the cell phone, looking right at me, "Oh, right, well we need a ride." I closed the cell phone as he came within speaking distance, "could you get the door and maybe help Angela with my friend?" Both of which he gallantly did. He only paused a moment when he realized he wouldn't have to hold Lynn up, as he did with most drunks, but hold her down long enough for him and Angela to stuff Lynn into the cab. "Thanks for all your help," I told the slim waitress. "No problem, you looked like you needed it. And don't worry about your bill, I'll settle it." Our bill, I had totally forgot! Nick, sitting behind the wheel, scooted over to the passenger side window and waved me down to him. When I bent over to the window, "The tab will come out of her pocket," he informed me. "Oh," I said softly to myself, then louder as I realized it more fully, "Oh!" I called back to her, "Angie...come her for a sec," she obeyed, "I'm really sorry about our bill...and maybe this will help you make it up." I kissed her. Something I had noticed when I blew Brooke up. I had wanted her to inflate, but I really wanted her belly to inflate and her inflation was mostly localized. Angela's brown eyes went wide and she put her hands to her waist as her figure puffed up like an inch around, giving her some full soft curves. I could hear her uniform shift around, tightening on her slightly expanding body. Then her eyes got even larger and her hands went up to her chest. The tight Hooters t-shirt was was bulging around the 'H' and the 's' as her chest began to inflate. She watched her feet disappear as her breasts filled up and out, filling out front and lifting up as well as widening as her cup size increased, and increased again...and again! The pressure building up in her bra tightened her shirt around her chest, making the lines of her over-stuffed bra visible. She lightly touched the sides of her inflated breasts as if she were afraid she'd burst, "I'm so... big," she breathed in a slightly high-pitched voice. "I thought this might increase the size of your tips, and make up for your helping us." "And I'm so light." "Angela your breasts are pumped full of helium, that's why you're so big and so light, and your voice is a little squeaky. You won't need a bra as long as you're inflated, but I don't know how long it will last," then I gave her a friendly kiss on the cheek, "Take care," and with that I stepped into the cab, leaving the extra-busty hooters girl at the curb, looking down at her new figure. I looked up at the burning building, very conscious of the need to do something. I mean, that's what superpowers were for right? "Looks as if they have it mostly under control," Lynn murmured next to me, as we watched a fireman stepping off the ladder truck with a sooty and singed young boy in his arms. While obviously just plucked from a burning building, the youngster seemed less than happy at his rescue or rescuers. In fact he looked to be having some sort of fit as he writhed, howled and hit the firemen and nearby EMT's. Lynn and I glanced at each other and stepped closer, our curiosity aroused. We managed to make our way almost to the ambulance where EMT's were trying to calm the screaming boy. Then we were able to make out what he was wailing about, he was repeating the same word over and over, "Cookie!" Lynn frowned at me, shrugged, not understanding, "Cookie?" "You never had a pet did you?" I pushed my way through the circle of emergency personnel surrounding the boy. Amid their angry exclamations at me, I grabbed the boy's face and pulled him to look right at me and asked in a voice so forceful it was almost angry, "What is Cookie?" "My dog!" he wailed. "Where does he like to hide?" "I dunno!" I couldn't get any more out of him, at that moment a hand clasped firmly around my bicep and pulled me from the child and his entourage. I was dragged back a few yards before I was able to whirl on my assailant. I wasn't really surprised that it was a police officer, the badge on the neck chain, gave it away on the plainclothes officer. I admit I was a little surprised that it was a female officer. She had quite a grip on me, and I had a few inches on her as well. "Behind the barricade please Miss." "Oh don't 'Miss' me, you can't be that much older than I am," I snapped, but slunk back behind the barricade. "I'm going up there," I told Lynn as she caught up with me on the civilian side of the barricade. "Well of course you are. Come on," she dragged me off to an alley, one arm pulling me, the other arm had some bundle tucked under it. We turned the corner of the alley, away from prying eyes and she revealed the secret of her burden. It was the bright yellow of a fireman's oxygen tank. She set it on the pavement with a hollow, metallic clink, "I pinched it from one of their trucks while you were making such a lovely distraction." "Oh you're brilliant!" "True. Now get out of those clothes before you burst out of them." Given my condition, I had of late taken to wearing spandex leotard under my street clothes. I peeled down to the white leotard and retained my high heeled boots. "Gee, you're even starting to look like a super heroine." "I feel sorta silly," I complained, looking down at myself. Lynn handed me the mask, "Well you're probably about to feel quite a bit sillier once you're pumped up," Suddenly she smacked a palm to her forehead, "D'oh! You don't have a mask! you have to have a mask, if you go out there everyone will know who you are!" Inspiration hit me for a change, "Not if they aren't looking at my face." I took the mask from her, settled it over my mouth and nose and spun the valve open. Since the Hooters incident, I had been working on focusing my expansion; as I concentrated, I felt the top of my leotard grow tighter as I grew bigger. I was only inflating my chest, my breasts filling with the gas, getting larger and rounder, my cleavage bulging in the neckline. As I swelled, I could feel the spandex stretching to accommodate my extra large bust line, and stretching pretty thin too. By the time I closed the valve my breasts bulged out in front and to the sides. I was pretty sure I was big enough that my breasts would be visible if my back were turned. "Wow," Lynn breathed, "I mean, we were that busty last week, but it's different to see it without the rest of you pumped up. But you're right, no one will be looking at your face. Are you sure you're big enough?" I patted my inflated breasts, "I'm already awkward as it is, if I get much bigger I might not be any use at all. Besides, it's already getting a little snug in this outfit and I still have other things I need to pump up." With that I opened the valve again, concentrating. I had since learned that my super strength was in proportion to...well, my proportions. If I needed super strength in my arms for example, the more I inflated my arms, the stronger I get. Immediately, I knew I'd need my legs more developed to allow me to leap up to the apartment. I directed the gas filling me to where I needed it. My legs began to expand, my thighs plumped up so they touched, then pressed together, my calves bulging. I adjusted my stance allowing my legs room to swell. Knowing that a lot of the power of our lower bodies isn't just in the legs, I let my hips spread out as well, feeling my center of gravity change as I got wider. I also pumped my butt up some, the leotard tightening around my inflating posterior. My rear end was developing so much that I was bulging out the bottom of my leotard, the tight spandex garment had raised up as I expanded around it. It wasn't like I was wearing a thong or anything, but I had managed to get a good amount of my extra padded tush bulging out of my costume. "Wow," Lynn breathed again, "Now you do look like a super heroine. Hang on," she hefted the air tank up and held the straps so I could get my arms through it, "You might need this in there." "Good idea," I said, donning the tank. Lynn gave me a thumbs up and I trotted out of the alley, my inflated proportions bouncing. My inflated legs and rear vaulted me easily over the police line where I landed among the various emergency personnel. Even during a building fire, my inflated figure managed to get enough gasps, whistles and catcalls to make me blush. "Hey!" The lady plainclothes cop who ousted me earlier was on her way towards me. I quickly flicked the valve on my tank open and took a few deep pulls on the oxygen, feeling my arms and shoulders plump up and fill with the gas, making my upper body super strong as well. My arms, in the white spandex sleeves were filling up like gassy sausages. I closed the valve, gauged the four storey distance I was planning to jump, crouched, feeling the constriction in my fat legs from the gas filling them, then straightened my legs and sprung! It was amazing, I soared! In fact I overshot by twenty feet. It seemed like I hung in the air until I could choose my access point, then I descended towards the wall of the window I had seen the boy taken from. I drew back my arm and punched the wall as I hit, using all the super strength my pumped-up chest, arms and shoulders had to offer. It was enough, I hit the wall like a train, blasting brick, studs and drywall all over the room I had entered. The place was well ablaze, I could feel the heat, but I was unharmed by it. Likewise for the smoke, I knew there wasn't enough air in here for a normal person to breathe, but I was functioning normally. The room I had crashed into seemed to be a living room or den. I could see the kitchen off to my left and a hallway at the far end of the room. I took a guess that the dog would be in the boy's room, I started across the living room to the hallway. Halfway across the living room, I started to feel a little odd, a little full. I mean when I'm inflated I'm very aware of how full I am, I checked the valve on my tank to make certain it was closed, but I already knew I wasn't pulling any more volume from it. A few steps from the hallway and I definitely felt bloated, my costume was tighter on me. I put my hands on my waist and I could feel the definite swell of my belly...oh! I was getting fatter! What was happening to me, why was I blowing up like this? And it wasn't just my belly, even the parts I had inflated earlier were plumping up too. My breasts were bigger than basketballs and my hips were widely padded now. Oh! Dumb me, I wasn't inflating, I was expanding! The heat was making the air in me expand. I needed to act fast or in a few moments I might grow too big to fit in the hallway. I pressed forward in the blazing hot, smoky hallway, my arms brushing the walls looking for doors. My right hand brushed a door frame, I turned and shoved with both, now a little overinflated, arms. The door blew back off its hinges and fell on the floor. Have to be careful about that, I was still looking for friendlies in here. The smoke made it hard to see, but I was pretty sure there were sports pennants smoldering on the walls. This could be a boys room. I stepped in...or tried to. I hit the door frame and bounced back, the air I was pumped full of had expanded sufficiently that my hips were too wide to fit through the door. I couldn't even squish my hips down enough to let me pass. I tried to turn sideways and squeeze into the room, but that was even worse. My bulging, overinflated expanding bust and bottom stuck out so far in front and back that I didn't have a chance. Squaring my round shoulders, I faced the doorway once more, and took one very deliberate and forceful step forward. My mighty legs and bottom, powered by the gas I was full of, pushed me right through the wall and into the bedroom, wearing the door frame and part of the wall which I shook off. "Cookie," I called, then whistled. Nothing. Where would I hide if I were a dog? I wished I knew what kind of dog it was, its size would limit the places it could hide. Heh, I put my hands on the softly creaking spandex covering my slowly expanding breasts. My size might limit the places I could look. The first place that came to mind was under the bed. It took a little doing for me to bend my big bulky body enough that I could kneel down and peek under the bed. I had blown up enough that my movement was getting difficult. I could still walk, or waddle well enough, but bending or leaning over was difficult. I couldn't just bend at the waist, my belly was far too full for that. So I knelt down and sat on my heels, though I was sitting much higher than normal from the new extra round bottom I had. Then I had to use one hand to press down on my chest because when I lowered myself my belly and chest went 'whoomp' and pushed my chest into my face. So holding my large breasts down with one arm, I leaned on the other to look under the bed, then grabbed the under edge of the bed and lifted the bed effortlessly. Nope, no dog there. Rather than stand clumsily, I bounced down on my inflated bottom and sprang into the air and landed lightly on my feet in front of the closet. I tore the door right off the hinges. Holding the door by the knob, I looked for a place to put it, then decided to drop it on top of the door I had knocked in. Rather than kneel down again to search the bottom of the closet, I widened my stance to allow my full belly room to let me bend at the hips. I quickly pawed through the closet, getting a little worried now, it was hotter and smokier than when I entered, and I was still expanding, I could feel the straps of the air tank starting to dig into my inflated shoulders. Finding nothing in the closet I was ready to leave this room and search elsewhere, when just as I was on my way out, I heard a tiny whine. I whirled, searching the smoky room with my eyes, then I waddled over the place I didn't check, the bed itself. I pulled pillows and covers off and found Cookie burrowed under the bedding. The little golden cocker spaniel puppy looked up at me. He seemed to be all big eyes, ears and paws, all out of proportion to the rest of his body. "Heh I know the feeling. C'mere boy, we're going out." The magic word 'out' was enough for him to jump to his feet and wag his stubby tail. I gathered cookie up and tucked him against my padded hip with an arm. Sheltering the puppy with my inflated body I turned a shoulder into the wall and crashed through it, emerging into the kitchen. These super powers were pretty fun, crashing through walls and stuff. Once in the kitchen I could see the hole in the wall I made with my entrance. I dashed for it as fast as my plump legs would carry me. Reaching the hole, I leaped out into fresh clean air, and dropped four floors to the wet pavement below. Remembering my own experiences with puppies I quickly put Cookie down, where he immediately piddled. Then, ignoring the crowd, the emergency personnel and the newsies I strode (not really, I was so pumped up I was still waddling) over to the little boy and handed the puppy over. "Close call?" I turned, it was the lady cop, "Yeah, things were getting a little tight in there." She eyed the bulges in my tight costume, noting the difference in my figure before I went in and the much rounder shape I was in now, "So I see. You think you could come down to the station and make a statement?" "Building on fire, dog safe, statement over," I didn't necessarily dislike her as such, but I had no interest at all in cooperating with the authorities. "I can be a lot more compelling you know," she warned me. I smiled at her, "You can try," I said, then sprung into the air, vaulting the buildings in the next block, leaving the fuming detective and the scene behind me. Lynn met me at the opposite end of the same alley I had originally changed in where we hugged triumphantly and both did a little happy dance at my debut as a super heroine. "You were so cool!" Lynn cried, then stepped back from me, "and you're so big, and warm too." "It was amazing, I was like crashing through stuff!" "Leaping tall buildings in a single bound!" "Isolating my inflation for specific results worked perfectly!" She eyed me, "Apparently you expand in heat," she said, patting my fattened belly. "Yeah, can we get to the van? I'm feeling a little conspicuous here." "I took the liberty of bringing it around once you went in, gosh you're huge." We trotted to the MPV waiting at the end of the alley. Lynn opened the side door and I was a little too bulky to climb in, so I sat in the side door and Lynn rolled me inside. She climbed behind the wheel, started the engine and we rolled off. "Turn on the AC, full blast, I need to vent some of this heat." I managed to haul myself into the back bench seat. By the time I managed to get into a comfortable sitting position I could already feel the cold AC slimming down my heat-expanded body. I could also feel the acceleration pushing me back into the rear bench seat, "Are we in a hurry?" "I'd like to catch the news and get you under wraps. Even deflated from your body cooling, you're still pretty big. Big enough to attract attention, especially with your chest all," she paused to mime her hands out in Freon of her chest to indicate a large bust size, "pumped up like two balloons." "Oh really?" "Well I'll keep our speed down since I'm sure you couldn't get a seat belt over your chest," she grinned, "then again, it's not like you'd hit the dashboard. you're practically your own airbag." I had lost most of the heat-induced volume so I was able to stand in the van and step into the front, squeezing my extra-padded hips past Lynn, lifting up the arm on the passenger seat, and bouncing down onto my inflated bottom. I looked down at myself, how high I was sitting in the seat and how far my extra-inflated chest stuck out. Then I waited for us to hit a red light. "You know," I pointed out, "you're in more danger because you aren't even wearing a seat belt." Lynn looked down, then looked over at me when I tapped her on the shoulder. She jumped a little when she turned to look at me and found my face an inch from hers. "Boo," I said. She grimaced, "Manda, I was only teasing. You know, having a little fun?" She looked down at her blouse, "C'mon, have a heart, I'm not really dressed to get bigger, I don't have anything stretchy on. If you blow me up I'll burst every seam and pop every button I have.!" I relented, taking my seat again, "Well ok, you're safe, for now. though the way things have been going lately, you may want to think about keeping a costume handy." "Me? I'm not the superheroine here? I stay with the van, I'm like, Q branch or something." She pulled the van into our dorm lot, turned off the engine and climbed out of the driver's seat to look out of each window, "The coast is pretty clear, I think we'll be good as long as we don't attract any attention." I spun my seat to face her, "Oh good, as long as we don't attract any attention," I said sarcastically, gesturing down at myself, "I'm wearing high heeled boots and a cape with what is in effect a one-piece white swimsuit, and my bustline alone in said swimsuit happens to be inflated to like sixty inches. I can't help but attract attention genius!" Lynn tossed me a nylon bag, "I'm glad you're finally recognizing my gifts. Put that on." I opened the bag finding a pair of extra large grey yoga pants and a super extra large white t shirt with the Hooters logo on it. "It's a gift from Angela. It's the largest Hooters shirt there is, she had some custom made for her, and thought we could use some too." I pulled the shirt over my inflated chest, my ballooned breasts still making the shirt a little snug around the bust. Then I stuffed my super-sized curves into the yoga pants which stretched to my girth, but still did little to conceal that I was a super inflated girl in spandex. "And this," Lynn said, holding up an extra large raincoat. Don't cinch the belt, just do up the buttons and let it drape on you, it should make you look a little bulkier in the middle." It did. We managed to sneak back into our dorm rooms in plain sight. Once safely home, I ditched the coat and shirt and my boots and cape, while Lynn found the news and changed into a more comfortable workout pants and t shirt as well. We watched the news coverage of my first adventure over skim milk and Snickerdoodles. "I look fat," I complined. "Nah, you're just big-boned." Lynn said getting up to put the milk carton and cookies back in and on the dorm fridge. I noticed when she walked she had to keep her running pants from sliding off her hips. "Well the camera adds ten pounds," I said defensively. "Exactly how many cameras are on you do you think?" She asked, grinning. "Are those the same pants I wore when we were blimped up?" Meaning when we were filled with enough helium to make us float. "Yeah, they're a little stretched out since then. Hmm maybe I should have given them to you to wear, gah!" The last was from the surpise kiss I had planted on her. Lynn looked down at herself, her hips were swelling up and she quickly grew wide enough that her pants wouldn't slip off of her. Along with her hips expanding, I could tell her pants were growing tighter around her as her rear ballooned up, giving her, like myself, an obviously inflated bottom. "Oh, if I had know I was going to get so big there I would have worn either a thong or much bigger underwear. 'Manda look at me! I'm getting so big, oh I feel go gassy!" She pressed her hands into her bulging, padded curves, her thighs had plumped up and her belly was bulging with the gas hissing inside her. In moments her stomach was full and tight, and the gas spread around her, making her sides bulge and round out until her inflating torso pressed up against her arms, lifting them slightly. She raised up in her seat on the couch from the gas plumpening her bottom, until she bounced on her inflated backside like she was sitting on an air cushion. The couch had grown a little snug for the two of us, our bloated figures rather squished, but the company felt good. Being the only inflated girl in the room was a lot like being the only person who came to a party in costume. So the solidarity of Lynn goading me into blowing her up was appreciated. Not that she didn't have her own agenda as well. As she settled back into the couch, wrapping her arms around her taut full midsection I could sense as well as see the contentment coming from her as she held onto her gassy, curvy body. It was annoyingly similar to the sense of contentment I felt as I leaned back, wrapping my arms around my bloated figure and waited for Leno's monologue to start. Epilogue: "C'mon, just a little." "No, I'm not an appliance. Besides you look fine." Lynn pouted, "I don't want to look 'fine', I want to look 'wow'. Maybe even have someone ask for my phone number. It ain't easy getting noticed hanging out with you, y'know." "Ok," I caved, "Come over here by the mirror." Lynn and I stood in front of the closet mirror. First I opened the button and fly of my jeans. Then I took a little bottle of compressed air, put it to my mouth and opened the valve. I didn't need to do anything fancy with the air, so I just let it go to my middle, my belly rounding and swelling with the gas. My open jeans were pushed down at the waist by my bulging potbelly. Then I kissed Lynn, taking the gas from my belly and pushing it into her. Her breasts filled up, her cleavage deepening in her now-tight spaghetti-strapped top. I watched over her shoulder as her bottom and hips spread out, filling up her jeans until they were skin tight on her full curves. When I thought she was full enough and her clothes were full enough I broke the kiss to let her inspect her new figure. She wasn't obviously inflated, but she was definately stacked. "Awesome! Perfect! C'mon let's go!" "Hang on a sec, I'm still a little plump here," I stuffed my slightly inflated belly into my pants and buttoned them. I actually looked a little full, but not fat or anything. "We're only going out for coffee." "Yes but its a beautiful sunny day for it, and there might be guys there and that cute cabbie might be hanging around..." she leered at me. "Oh well," I feigned nonchalance, then took the bottle and sucked down some more air, my breasts pushed out against my top as I filled up. Again, not obviously inflated, but certainly stacked. We trotted our enhanced figures down a few blocks off campus to the local cafe, taking seats on the patio to drink our coffee and people watch. A perfectly normal, mundane weekend afternoon, with a pair of perfectly normal, mundane (albeit well-built) college girls. Naturally it couldn't last. The patio railing next to our table shook as the young boy slammed into it. "Thank you! Thank you!" he was me. I looked at Lynn, and her face had gone white, eyes wide, she whispered, "Woof." I looked at the young boy again, it was indeed the child whose dog I had saved. It was sweet and all, but he was a little noisy about it all. Then it hit me, he knew that the slim college girl drinking an Americana was also the inflated superheroine. We watched the boy's parents catch up with him. "It figures," Lynn muttered, "The only person who wouldn't have been looking at a 60 inch bust is a nine year old. We may have to kill him." The parents were naturally apologetic, explaining the ordeal of the fire and Cookie's rescue. They weren't sure why little Timmy though I was the superheroine, because in their words, "You obviously aren't nearly big enough to be the superhero, why you'd have to blow yourself up to two or three times your size." So the parents managed to seperate Timmy from the railing while I was able to give him a wink and mouth, "You're welcome," without anyone noticing. Watching the family walk away, Lynn asked, "Well hero, does that brighten your day?" I smiled, "As a matter of fact, yes, it does." "Good then you're ready for this," Lynn nodded towards another table at the cafe, just a few yards from us, where in sweats, sneakers and an Ipod, the lady detective that had got in my way at the fire was nursing a smoothie and a magazine, but both were momentarily forgotten as she stared at us. Me. When she noticed me noticing her, she smiled and raised her smoothie. I smiled back, without humor and returned the gesture with my coffee. Oh, Pooh.
fantasy, squeeze, trap, witch
Female Inflation
Full Body Inflation
My paws remain steady in spite of my stress. One can never be too careful with Puffshroom Spores - one false move and you're a mess on the wall with no glory to speak off. The position and application needs to be perfect. I am finished not a moment too soon; my sharp ears pick up the sound of soft foot steps against the labyrinth floor. I find myself an alcove just before torchlight overtakes the darkness I had just been standing in.I peer out from my hiding spot and confirm that I have two targets today. First one: fair skinned. Weird Tattoos. Pointed ears. Long-ish brown hair. Thin. Green outfit with lots of stripes, short pants and long stockings. Pointy wide brimmed hat. Fancy Stick. My guess, elf, witch or other offensive magic user. Probably pretty good, since she'd have to get past the goblins in section 1 to get here and there isn't a scratch on her.Second one. Olive complexion. Short, plum colored hair. Flowing white robes and hood make it hard to discern her build, but my guess is at least a bit chubby given her walk. Unarmed. Assumption; human, white mage or other healing magic user. This adds the possibility that she might be an excellent supporter rather than the former being a powerful mage. Maybe both.As a kobold trapsmith, I am the second line of defense for the Infinite Dungeon. If I perform well today, I will receive a biscuit and a chance that my next spawning will be as a bugbear. I cannot tell you how I long I've desired the height required to reach the highest shelves of the pantry.The elf is in front. She is eager, grinning. She turns to her companion. "Don't worry Nila, I'm not paying to to get yourself into any trouble. You can hang back a bit if you like.""I suppose Selona...still, I'd be more cautious. Even the monsters of the 1st level are still dangerous."The elf is Selona and the human Nila. No fur, stupid names - is there anything pleasant about these surface dwellers?My heart skips a beat as Selona passes over the threshold of my carefully laid trap. Bare feat press down against the spores, causing a pop noise that sends a purplish cloud of them flying into the air. Her smile vanishes as a strange feeling washes over her body, her stride falls into a stumble when she realizes it's not a momentary sensation. She catches herself against the wall, taking a heaving breath, one she regrets instantly.She stares in horror as her hand, still braced against the wall, begins to puff like rising bread. Her slender fingers becoming thick and full, like sausages. She lets out a rather shrill cry as she looks down to see that both her hands, and then her arms - are rapidly increasing in size."O-oh crap! What's happening!?" Her lean and toned arms give way to worthless puffiness as she screams. The increasing girth creeps along her figure, and soon her uncovered stomach goes from flat to bulging, distorting the little tattoo around her navel. Selona's eyes and mouth open wide as she turns to see her once slender hips and posterior widening so drastically that her confident stride from before has devolved into an encumbered waddle."Selona!?" Nila shouts to her companion. I worry for a moment until I recall that the Puffshroom's poison is entirely mundane and healing magics should have little effect. Also, the healer's cowardice seems to work in my favor: she's hesitating. "W-what should I do!?""J-just stay back...!" She cries out pitifully, eyes darting wildly to find a way out, or perhaps whoever is responsible. Her gaze meets mine - I was careless. Still, Selona's situation rapidly worsens. Her clumsy waddling finds her swollen back-end and increasingly wide waist scraping against the walls - sweat begins to pour down her face, a symptom of the extra effort it takes to move her ponderous body as well as the nervous fear that is overtaking her. A snap cuts through the air as her belt gives way, tears appearing in her stockings. Any part of clothing that remains is in sad tatters.She attempts a desperate dash towards me, only to find her fattened legs kicking a bit in the air. The lost momentum causes her staff to slip from her puffy fingers. To her horror she realizes she's gotten so large that she is wedged inside the hallway - her athleticism and magic prowess rendered worthless. She whimpers there, defeated, looking a bit like a child's ball stuck in a vice. I stare up at her in awe. Never in my life have I felt so unthreatened by someone so large. She tilts her puffy face down enough to glare at me, angry tears streaming down her now rounded cheeks.As much as I want to savor this moment, I've got a job to do. I step exactly two steps back, and one to the right, my paw hitting a very particular pressure plate. A loud, mechanical whirring sound suddenly dominates the area. I can hear Nila attempting to shout over it with no avail. I step back again, chortling a bit to myself. Selona has a moment to look stupefied before she realizes what's happening. The walls of the hall she is stuck in are closing in."NO! NO! DON'T YOU DAAAREE!" She shouts before the rapidly displacing air from her cinched body causes her face to swell comically, making it impossible for her to talk. Her figure becomes even more distorted as she is squeezed, individual features begin to vanish as she turns into a absurdly strained mass of bulges. I chicken out at the last minute and turn away right before a loud popping noise heralds the end, her hat fluttering gently to my feet. I scoop it up and dash off, ready to present my trophy to my commander. "Huh...AAAH!" Selona shot up in bed, face drenched in sweat. After a moment she looks down at her slender hands and flat stomach. "I..I'm OK! And I'm not huge!" She leaps out of bed with a victorious grin on her face. I throw a towel at her."You're also naked." I sigh, penning a few more things on the itemized bill I'm working on."Oh...right." She wraps the towel around herself to reclaim a bit of modesty. "But how Nila? I'm pretty sure I...well...""Exploded. Like rotten fruit." Selona gives me a disgusted look. I shrug. "Anyway I just had to find a...well, lets just say you hired me to make sure you came back in one piece and I did my job."She begins to thank me and I thrust the bill in her face. Her eyes widen in horror and shock."Look Selona, Resurrection spells are not cheap, especially when the body isn't any where near intact. This is the lowest I can charge you.""But how am I going to pay this!?" She shouts, growing pale when she realizes what I'm going to say."Oh...a couple more trips to the Infinite Dungeon might do it." It takes all I can not to giggle. Beware the kobolds on the first floor!
Female Inflation
Full Body Inflation
Hailie Adams was a short, skinny blonde girl who's life never seemed to turn out so well. The only thing that she could do remotely well was inhale... and inhale, and inhale. When she was little she found out while playing with her friends that she could hold her breath very long. This was due to the fact that she could pull in an unreal amount of air. As a bored child, she practiced this inhaling till she started to expand. It didn't hurt so she would blow herself up at night, bigger and bigger each night. By the time she graduated she could fill her bedroom with ease, although never tried because of all the things of hers that would break. It didn't hit her till she had a close encounter with the super villain, Brillibrain. He was an evil mastermind with telepathic abilities. Her ability to expand started to make sense, she was a super hero. It took her a long time to get in contact with a hero but she received info that there was going to be a private tryout in an abandon warehouse outside of town. She put on some of her cheapest clothes and an extra pair because she knew she was going to burst out of them to show up her skills. After packing up her exchange of clothing and driving to the warehouse she saw that she wasn't the only one trying out. There was a crowd of about twenty people all with different powers waiting outside. Deep in Hailie's stomach, anxiety was building and she started to think she wasn't up for it. She stepped out of her car and took in a very deep breath before turning around. She ran into a man with a large brown trenchcoat on. "Oh, I'm sorry sir. I wasn't..." Hailie was apologizing but she recognized the man. She had saw his face on the news before, he was Professor Frost. He had the ability to freeze things around himself. "It's fine, I wasn't looking where I was going either. You trying out today?" asked Frost. "Y-yes. I'm sorry, I've never met a hero before," mumbled Hailie nervously. He casually rolled his eyes and popped the collar on his coat, "I wish everyone could be a calm about it as you. I got to wear this so I don't get mobbed by that group over there." "I guess they want you to sign them autographs onto everything, right?" asked Hailie. "Like you wouldn't believe," answered Frost. "What kind of power do you have by the way?" asked Frost, giving the crowd behind him a quick glaze to make sure they still don't see him. "I um, I c-can inflate," Hailie felt her face grow hot with embarrassment. This was the first time in her life that she had told anyone and it was just a difficult as she had imagined. "Oh, it's been a very long time since we've seen an inflater. I used to have a good friend who was once a hero," said Frost, digging into his trench coat pockets. He pulled out a beautiful yet large silver necklace with a round jade in it. "She wore this for luck, I however have no more use for it. It'd be my honor to hand it off to you," said Frost. "Oh my," said Hailie. "Are you sure you can part with it?" asked Hailie. Professor Frost set the necklace on top of the clothes Hailie was holding and nudged her on the arm, "It's yours now, kid. Wear it to the tryouts, maybe it will give you the luck you need to join. I gotta get back in there, bring down the house, kid." Frost walked pass Hailie. Hailie then queued up in the line outside the warehouse. Just moments later the hero Ultra Girl, an alien that looked human, came out to talk to the group. "Everyone come inside and you will be divided into groups," said Ultra Girl. Inside the warehouse, Hailie could see that the building had once seen better days. There was a huge hole in the center of the ceiling that let a lot of light in. Pyraflame, a flame conjurer, walked to each one of them and asked what there power was. "What's your power, dear?" asked Pyraflame to Hailie. He was dressed in a robe that had flames on it. "I can um... grow," mumbled Hailie quietly as if not wanting the others to hear. "Size changers over there," Pyraflame pointed to a group of five men. "No, I blow up, I inflate..." Hailie added. Pyraflame raised an eyebrow, "You have elastic skin?" "I guess, yes," answered Hailie."Oh, well you're in your own group ask Ultra Girl for a suit," smiled Pyraflame before going to the next girl behind Hailie. Hailie carried her clothes over to Ultra Girl, who supervisored the sorting of people. "Ultra girl," Hailie said. "Yes, ma'am?" Ultra Girl looked at Hailie. Hailie's spine trickled with fear and her stomach lurched with intimidation. "Pyrofire said I -" "His name is Pyraflame," corrected Ultra Girl a bit loudly. "Yes, Pyraflame said I need a suit," Hailie avoided eye contact with the hero. "What kind of suit do you need?" asked Ultra Girl. Hailie's face brightened with embarrassment. "He said I need a suit because I have elastic skin," answered Hailie. "Oh, go into this room here," Ultra Girl pointed to the room behind her, "and I'll fetch you a suit." Hailie walked into the large room alone and set her clothing on a chair that solitarily stood in the room. Ultra Girl came in with a bright pink suit and handed it to Hailie. "It will fit very loosely so when you get it on, push the big silver button on the belt buckle and it will do the rest for you," Ultra Girl said in a bored tone. When she finally left, Hailie slipped the suit on. She thought that her bra straps and underwear might show through the suit so she took them off. The pink and silver suit fit very loosly like it was four sizes too big. Once she had zipped it up she pushed the button on the belt buckle. Like someone had hooked it to a vacuum, the suit pulled skin tight onto her body. Unknown to Hailie, it was so tight that if you looked close enough you could see her nipples. Hailie frowned at her two pairs of clothes she had to leave behind. She took up the necklace that Professor Frost gave her and put it on. When she entered the main room of the warehouse again she got some looks by all the guys but she didn't know the wiser. One by one the people would approach the heroes, who sat at a long table like judges, and told them what their power was and demonstrated it. It was eventually Hailie's turn and she bit her lip as she approached. "My name is Hailie and I can... inflate," it took all of her courage to say this to everyone. "How do you think your inflation can help us fight crime?" asked Gearbox, the team's inventor. It had never crossed her mind to think about how she could so she had to think of something quickly. "I could be used as a raft for drowning people or an air mattress for rescuing people from a burning building," answered Hailie. Gearbox nodded in approval then Ultra Girl said, "Demonstrate how you inflate for us." "I just inhale like this," said Hailie. She opened her mouth wide and sucked in more than a lungful of air. She noticed the eyes of the heroes look at her harder so she thought see was impressing them. She keep inhaling for them. "Hailie," said Ultra Girl, "are your breasts the only things on your body that inflate?" Hailie felt as though she could die with embarrassment. She looked down to see that her body was going and two large basket balls were in her suit. Pyraflame laughed, "Sure, we could call her Double Bubble." The group of people laughed loudly at Hailie, who was determined to change this. Although, the more she inhaled the larger her bust expanded. "It's not that bad, last year all I girl could do was inflate her butt," said Professor Frost, now dressed in his hero suit. The nerves of Hailie must have been playing with her because just then each cheek started to take in air. Laughter erupted again at Hailie's swelling ass. "Hailie that is quite enough, we can not use your hourglass inflating skills to fight crime," said Ultra Girl. Hailie closed her eyes and rubbed the necklace, which started to glow. "What is that?" asked Gearbox, leaning forward to look at the necklace. Suddenly, Hailie started to inhale without trying. She tried to stop but couldn't control herself. Her tits and ass blew up bigger and bigger as the crowd laughed more. "Hailie that is enough! We don't appreciate you wasting our time with this shameful display of power," said Ultra Girl. Hailie thought it must be the suit making her pull in more and more air. Then her belly starts to push out and the heroes watch closer. "I think she's got the hang of it. She was probably nervous," mentioned Professor Frost. Hailie relaxed a bit as she expanded bigger and bigger for everyone. "I think with some training you'll do just fine, we'll let you know if we even need you on our team, Hailie. You can stop inhaling now," said Ultra Girl. Hailie wanted to stop but she couldn't. Her abdomen was rounding out more and more. Her breasts and butt melted into the abdomen giving her a perfectly spherical shape. She felt her arms and legs start to get pulled into her abdomen. One of the tryouts joked, "You're turning violet Violet." More laughter rang out in the abandon warehouse. "Is something wrong?" asked Pyraflame. Hailie waved her hands for help as her blimping midsection eat all the way up to her elbows now. She was nearing the size of a diesel truck when all the tryouts started to get scared. "That necklace, I've seen something like that before," mentioned Gearbox. "Hailie, stop or will we be forced to make you stop!" yelled Ultra Girl as she began to fly in front of Hailie. "I'm taking out the necklace!" said Pyraflame. A straight, thin blast of fire shot from his fingers and stopped a foot or two from the necklace. It revealed a massive force field around the swelling Hailie. "The tryouts are in danger, Gearbox led them all away!" yelled Professor Frost. Gearbox and all the tryouts exited the warehouse behind Hailie. Hailie fought to keep her limbs from being pulled into her body and to shut her mouth but neither worked. Looking like a giant Kirby as her pink and silver suit expanded with her, bigger and bigger. The heroes spread around the blimping girl and struggled to stop the rapid expansion. Professor Frost shot ice trying to seal her in a orb of ice but Hailie swelled too quickly and broke through it. "I know how to stop this," said Ultra Girl proudly. She flew up to Hailie's face and came closer to her. Ultra Girl's body pushed through the expanding force field till they were face to face. "I gotta create an outflow of air in her," explained Ultra Girl. She started to inhale just like Hailie. Hailie was glad to see that a plan was in order to stop her immense inflation. She watched Ultra Girl balloon up with air as she pulled her lips closer to Hailie's. Ultra Girl was attempting to trick the necklace around Hailie's neck to start blowing instead. Suddenly the suction pulls Ultra Girl to Hailie for a great kiss. The other heroes watch helplessly as Ultra Girl deflates. Even when she had all the new air pulled out her body thinned and thinned. Hailie feared for Ultra Girl so she tried her hardest to stop the sucking. It paid off, for a split second she stopped just long enough for a severely deflated Ultra Girl to fall to the floor like a deflated balloon. Soon the heroes found themselves between Hailie and the outer walls of the warehouse. She had ate up the 6400 square foot warehouse room in only a few minutes and was still swelling. The heroes tried to fight as the force field wore off and they were being squashed by the girth of Hailie's body. Tighter and tighter the heroes were pressed to the walls as Hailie's round body consumed the entire room. Her head popped out the hole in the roof so even after she had filled the warehouse she was pulling in more air. The structure of the building started to buckle like a tight shirt on Hailie's enormous body. It creaked and crumpled as the pressure started to build alarmingly in Hailie. She wished she could stop inhaling, that the nightmare would end. The creaking just louder and louder for blocks it could be heard. Followed by an explosion only seconded by a bomb in noise. With Hailie exploding so did the warehouse and the crushed heroes. Across town and at a very good viewpoint of the exploding warehouse sat Professor Frost. He pushed a button on his belt and revealed that it was none other than Brillibrain in disguise. "You really brought down the house, kid," he said to himself.
Female Inflation
"Urbanville Welcomes the World's Largest Banana Spilt!" The banners hung unmoving in the stagnant afternoon heat but proclaimed their message loudly all the same, spread over every doorway, pinned on every wall, stretched between any handy pair of vaguely upright objects. Fliers and flags and fresh-printed postcards all bore the same pronouncement, offered up with an eye-rending exuberance unique to those privileged designers without the time for trivialities like color wheels or spellcheck. All across the town beneath their listless droop there was a buzz of activity; musicians struck up a blaring cacophony of dress rehearsals, handymen swarmed their jury-rigged creations like oily ants, small-time politicians prowled the crowded sidewalks like baby-kissing sharks. And amongst it all, unnoticed, a sigh of sweet relief. The cool, dry air inside the deserted garage was like a little breath of heaven against Rachel's skin. She turned furtively back towards the open doorframe, lips curling in a half-smile, and pushed it gently shut. Complete freedom, at least until someone with uncharacteristic wisdom went searching and somehow found her there, which would be quite a while yet. She could even tie the door shut with one of those stupid banners if she really wanted to, and that sort of deviously complex obstacle might hold them off for decades. Just getting a drink, that was a good one. There was a bridge in New York she should try donating for the squad's next fundraiser. Of course it wasn't, she thought, stepping under a pair of dusty sunbeams that provided the only light in the spacious room, like she couldn't use one. A drink, that is, not a bridge. Some nice cold water would hit the spot, or maybe something with a bit more kick. She wiped the sweat off her forehead and slid unceremoniously to the ground in the shadow of some unknown machinery. Whose idea was it to make the uniforms black, anyways? They cut a nice line, she had to admit, with their shining silver accents and whatnot, but on days like this they could make a mirror out of spandex and she'd still be risking her life to heatstroke for the great payoff of cheering for something stupid. Even her dumb shoes were black. She peeled them off unceremoniously, almost spitefully, wriggling her toes in their tight white socks and massaging the soles of her feet. Much better. She gave another long, heartfelt sigh and let her head fall back against the cold metal backing her. She laid back contentedly, eyes growing accustomed to the gloom as they darted about, taking in the details of the room around her. Much of it was uninspiring - drab walls, dark stains, and machinery she had no clue how to operate. Above her was a grooved track of some sort and before her the other end of the rectangular arch she was sitting inside. Clinging near the far end of the track was an assembly of tubes and motors clustered around a downward-facing nozzle, a little pool of white on the ground beneath. Intrigued, she traced the various feeds with her eyes; some lead to a stand of dull metal tanks on the floor, others to a shiny, towering container set with a small window clouded by thick white liquid. The whole setup seemed vaguely familiar. Spying a shelf above her head, she groped blindly at it in vague hope of some further identifier. Her clue came crashing down with a clatter that sent her heart skittering. Leaning forward, she peered around nervously, but there was absolutely nobody to be seen and nobody to be heard, barring the shouts and cheers that drifted in from the celebration outside. She let out a little laugh at the thought – that was the reason she'd slipped away in the first place, or part of it at least. Couldn't hear your own conversation over the cheering and yelling and trumpeting and the mayor shouting for the Smiths because they had a baby, didn't they? It was entirely possible, she mused, to do pretty much anything she wanted in there, and nobody would be the wiser. That thought in mind, Rachel picked up the matte grey box that had caused her such consternation. It was obviously some sort of jury-rigged remote control; one button sported the word "Test" beneath it in block labeling letters, others bearing the descriptors "Fore," "Aft," and "Start/Stop." A dial with "Hi" and "Lo" was set off to one side, and "Dispenser 0" stretched across the top of the device. It all made sense. World's Largest Banana Split. Or Spilt, if you were a literal-minded person. But anyways, the whipped cream had to get on there somehow, hadn't it? There was no small talk about the stunning ingenuity of the overly-complicated solution, though the pictures she'd seen bore quite a bit more polish. And this was number zero – a prototype, then? More importantly – she eyed the little puddle on the floor – did it all work? There was only one way to find out. Her heart rate picked up slightly with mingling anticipation and irrational fear of discovery, finger tracing the various buttons and settling on "Test." She depressed it and there was a small delay, then a whirr and a hiss and a small jet of whipped cream spattered onto the floor. Excellent. The "Fore" button sent the assembly clicking noisily against the far support, but "Aft" brought it obediently towards her. Another run of "Test" and cream piled onto her finger, spilling over the edge as she brought it to her mouth. It was, despite her expectations, thick and heavy, cool and sweet. Again she hovered over the button, but, well, there wasn't anyone around to judge her, was there? She moved the dispenser again, stopping when it hung about at forehead height a few inches in front of her face. With a mischievous giggle she closed her lips around the nozzle and hit the button once more. Her reward came swiftly, filling her entire mouth with the sweet substance. What had seemed like a tiny shot from the world's largest topping sprayer was in fact a voluminous jet, enough to pack her cheeks and fill every crevice in between. She hummed in satisfaction as she swallowed it all down, leaning back and licking her lips. That, she thought, was the kind of service a girl could get used to – fast, direct, and marvelously satisfying. And the whole deal was better, if she had to quantify it, by about a hundred jillion times than standing out some stupid celebration. One solitary white drip trickled down the nozzle, catching her rapt attention. Eagerly she leaned forward, sticking out her tongue to catch it before it fell. And as long as she was being responsible about it all, there might be more little drips to come, right? That wouldn't do. She closed her mouth on it again, reached down blindly and tapped the button. Again the jet of cream issued forth with an audible hiss, filling up the available space in her mouth and pressing gently outwards. This time, however, there was no sudden cut-off. It kept flowing, pouring in until she had no choice but to make room for more, swallowing down one mouthful, two, five. Another half a dozen swallows and she felt out the switch again, tapping it back into the off position. What a terrible accident that was, pressing the wrong button like that. A girl could get in trouble that way. She couldn't help but giggle as she clicked the dial two notches over. Her stomach felt full and tight already, but she hadn't had her fill. And besides, what was a little bit of trouble if not a whole lot of excitement? The dial clicked two more. A muffled "Mmmph!" fought its way through thick, sweet cream pushing down her throat. The rush this time was huge, far larger than she anticipated. So large, in fact, that she was helpless to gulp it all down in time; it crammed her mouth, inflated her cheeks, sprayed out in little jets as her lips struggled to contain it. She fingered the shutoff on the remote control but jerked her hand away as if burned. Where was the fun in that? She sat up a little straighter, pursed her lips a little tighter, slid the nozzle further in toward the back of her throat. Determinedly she captured it all, let it pour into her, felt it gushing into her stomach. It filled her up, radiating a wonderful, relaxing coolness from the core of her body. She softly groaned for simple pleasure, for the delicious, never-ending flow of all the whipped cream she could ever want, for the gradual tightening of spandex over her swelling midsection, for the unbelievable relief from the blistering heat that pooled so exquisitely inside her. She panted as she broke away, shutting off the jet and sliding her hands up and down her body. She was so tight and round and smooth, her own gentle touch nothing short of amazing. Her bulging belly compressed softly under her palms, pressing gently outwards like a balloon packed with wonderful, thick foam. She glanced downwards at it, eyes fixating with a sudden shock. It looked as if she'd swallowed a beach ball, or two or even three. And yet... she massaged herself, reveling in the slosh of filling inside her. It wasn't enough. Wasn't nearly enough. She wanted so much more, to test the limits of her uniform and keep on going, to pack her stomach right to bursting, to pump herself up like giant, greedy tick. In her fantasy she could feel her skin go tight, hear her fingers play her belly like a drum, feel herself swell and swell and pant and groan against the surging pressure, let it build and overwhelm her tight-packed body until she trembled and squeaked and couldn't hold it any more and finally, POP! She attacked the nozzle like a starving girl, slamming the button on the control with soaring anticipation. Each click of the dial brought a new challenge, a knife-edge struggle to contain the freshening flow. Every passing second was a new pleasure, another gallon of delicious, delicious filling for the cream puff of a cheerleader. Her belly was enormous now, hands barely touching around it as she hugged herself, legs sprawling outward to make room. She was so unbelievably full, but she couldn't quit now, not until she'd taken everything the pump had to offer. Raising the remote out in front of her, she squinted at the dial – it wasn't even turned halfway! A sense of fierce competition rose within her, mingling with ravenous, lustful hunger. There was only one reasonable response. Click. Her bloated stomach brushed the floor. It was bracingly cold against her bare, stretched skin but she welcomed its touch, reveled in the ceaseless expansion that brought them into contact. Click. Her outfit could barely hold her any more. Everywhere it constricted like a snake, trying valiantly to rein her in, the sound of snapping threads punctuated the hiss of flowing cream. Click. She shivered with pleasure and pressure, kicking out involuntarily, socks sliding over the smooth floor. Click, click, click. Her face flushed red with exertion, with growing strain as the endless rushing jet increased the pressure inside her body. She pursed her lips with all her might, desperate not to let a single drop escape. Click. Her uniform was unbearably tight, stretching to its limit and creaking with the strain, or was that just her skin? Click. She was so close now, so tantalizingly close, driving herself crazy with her own teasing. How many more notches remained? How much bigger could the jet possibly get? She pondered a moment, and then... Clickclickclickclickclick. The ratcheting noise blurred into one short zip as Rachel buried the needle on the remote control. The dispenser was roaring like a jet engine now, her body trembling to contain its bounty. Sweat beaded on her temples, cheeks glowing rosy red, stomach filling out at record pace. A series of crackling snaps ran down the seams of her outfit, moments away from failure. Her body was so tight, so dangerously packed, but a new tantalizing challenge held her caution hostage. She was going to burst out of her uniform, watch it pop and rip itself off her body and then sit back and savor her victory. "Urbanville Welcomes World's Largest Cheerleader." She liked the sound of that. Liked it almost as much as the rubbery keening that pierced the air, the last gasp of tight-stretched spandex. Any moment now. She screwed her eyes in concentration, willed her stomach to hold more and more, to stretch out against the fabric. Waves of pressure build inside her. Any moment now. Her body vibrated with exertion and excitement. The blast of cream was like a firehose, stuffing her tighter, fuller. Any moment now. She groaned with the effort of holding herself together, tears shimmering in the corners of her eyes. The smallest rip appeared along her belly. She pushed herself outward, swelling visibly. The rip widened and then- RIIIII-BOOM Rachel's outfit tore itself to shreds, scraps of black and silver riding outwards on a tidal wave of sweet white foam as the overtaxed cheerleader detonated like a bomb.
cheerleader, competition, inhale, self inflation
Female Inflation
Full Body Inflation
"Mierda," moaned Morrena, when she learned that their luck was about to get worse. Strutting proudly like peacocks on their recent victory, three other cheerleaders, dressed in matching red cheerleader outfits, approached the seated blue-dressed trio. "Well, lookie here," said Despina, the tall cheerleader leading the red team. "Three of the loser putas sitting in Loserville." "Just leave us alone," pleaded Alinea from the blue team. "Oh, you don't tell US what to do, conchuda!" said Tanesha from the red team. "Maybe I'll just slap that pendeja mouth shut!" "We're not looking for a fight," said the blue-skirted Chimera. "Yeah, we could tell from the way your team played," laughed red-skirted Rafaella. Morrena frowned. "Is there ANYONE here whose name doesn't end with an 'A'?" "Mine doesn't!" shouted a male voice. "FUCK OFF, MIKE!" all the cheerleaders shouted en masse. Mike, whose casual stalking of the cheerleaders finally caught up with him, quickly bolted from his perch around the corner. "Now," said Despina, leaning over Morrena, "if you just wanna kiss my sweaty little feet, we'll be on our way, and we won't have to humiliate you sopas any further." "You don't need to be such a mocosa," Morrena countered. "You won, fine. We don't need your bragging." "No me importa dos cojones," said Despina. "You're going to do it or else!" "Or else what?" Despina grinned an evil grin. "I challenge you to an inflate-off." Alinea and Chimera looked wide-eyed at Morrena. Trying to out-inflate Despina was rumoured to be impossible. And all other cheerleaders who tried burst for their efforts. But between the sweltering heat, their painful recent loss at the high school game, and Despina's taunting, Morrena was no longer thinking straight. "Bring it on, bruja!" The red team looked at each other and began giggling, the thought of Morrena's bursting already on their wicked Latina minds. Chimera whispered harshly into Morrena's ear. "Are you loca?! You could pop!" Morrena swallowed, but she couldn't back down now. The pride of her whole team counted on her now. To back out would be even greater shame than popping like a balloon. "Back up, chicas!" said Despina to her crew, and they spread out into the deserted, dusty street. "I'm going to need plenty of room!" With that, Despina took a huge breath, and her figure plumped out all over, her revealing outfit spreading out thinner as her body grew larger in all directions, billowing out like the balloon that she had become. She smirked at Morrena as she puffed upward and outward into a huge ball shape. Finally, she relaxed, coming to rest as a giant ball in the street, about as big as a truck. Tanesha and Rafaella clapped and "whoo"-ed at their friend's first inflationary overture. "Your turn, chupaverga!" she taunted Morrena. The blue team huddled around Morrena. "Don't do this!" Chimera tried to plead again. "You can't win! You'll burst!" "I have to," said Morrena nervously. "I'm not going to let that toto push us around any more!" "Just don't get baited into blowing harder than you need to," advised Alinea. "You know most of the girls that Despina popped? They didn't pop because they couldn't get bigger than her. The problem is that they started hyperventilating and they couldn't control their inflation. I've seen girls get three, maybe four times as big as Despina, but they popped because they couldn't stop themselves." "I'll remember," said Morrena, but she still sounded nervous. "Are we going to wait till next Navidad?" shouted the ball-shaped Despina. "Get on with it, asquerosa!" "¡Dios! ¿Vas a callarte?" Morrena shouted back, hoping that, even if she did pop, she wouldn't have to hear Despina's non-stop gloating all the time. The blue team stepped back and gave Morrena room. Morrena took a huge breath, and with a sudden surge, swelled her formerly svelte, young, tanned body into a giant orb. Her outfit stretched out across her round midsection, straining but holding tight, as cheerleader outfits had to be designed very durable since cheerleaders took to inflation contests. Morrena's puffy cheeks pushed out as she forced herself to inflate even larger than the modestly impressed Despina. "Bueno," Despina murmured, with sinister satisfaction. She wanted that crica to get huge before she popped. It would be hilarious. With a deep breath, and with uncomfortable ease, Despina puffed herself up again, growing, growing, growing until she surpassed Morrena's size, becoming the size of a small house. Morrena gently followed suit. "Easy, easy, easy," she thought to herself, gently blowing herself up, and up, and up. Now her giant bloated frame was bigger than Despina's. Despina showed no sign of concern. With another puff, she surged larger, now higher than any tree that could be found. Her round balloon body trembled from the sudden excess of girth, but she held steady. Morrena panted. She was out of breath already. But she focused, laboured her breathing, and took another gulp of air. And she inflated bigger, stretching further into the street, further into the sky. Her rounded backside was now nearly touching the building behind her--a building that she was close to surpassing in size. "Ooooh, ready to pop, peridida?" Despina asked, watching Morrena's body wobble from the strain. "You look soooo tight. Yes, I think you'll BURST before too long." "Don't listen to her, Morrena!" Chimera shouted. "She's trying to psyche you out!" It was working: Morrena was clearly nervous, her round, taut body shimmering in the fading sunlight, almost gossamer from being stretched so thin. Despina just smiled. And then she blew. She surged bigger, eclipsing Morrena and covering her with her growing shadow. She expanded and expanded, finally coming to a stop when she was bigger than Morrena. Bigger than the largest parade balloon ever made in Texas. Morrena literally gasped at Despina's size. "What's the matter, libertina?" Despina asked her. "Afraid you'll burst?! You should be. Yes, just one more breath, and--BANG! One less puta jamona filling the streets." "F-f-fat?" Morrena stuttered. "Did you just call me fat?" "Well, look at you," said Despina. "You've always had las nalgas grandes. And NOW look how big your ass is! You're going to explode, verdad? Si. And those breasts. Such melones gigantes. You look fit to burst! I can't wait! Take another breath, caída! Do it! I WANT you to blow yourself bigger! I WANT you to try to be bigger than me! I WANT to watch you pop like the balloon bitch you are! Do it! Do it! DO IT!!" The red team chanted mockingly at Morrena. "Puta jamona, going to burst! Burst, burst, BURST!" Morrena was effectively spooked. Desperately, she took another breath. "Easy, Morrena!" Alinea called out. "Don't blow too hard! Don't--!" Morrena wheezed as she inhaled one more time. And then her eyes shot open as her body shot outward, faster and stronger than she had intended, more forcefully than she could contain. "Uh! Uh! Uhhhhhhh!!" She was inflating out of control. "Noooo!" Chimera and Alinea cried from below. Despina started laughing, even as Morrena outgrew her, knowing that Morrena wouldn't be so big for very long. Pretty soon, she'd be nothing but shrapnel! "St-stop laughing, b-b-bitch!" Morrena panted, wobbling as she struggled in vain to control her rapidly inflating body. "I'm going to POP! It's not funny!" "Depends on your viewpoint, I guess!" said Despina, whose bloated neck kept her from looking up as Morrena blew bigger, ever approaching the overinflation point, getting closer to the inevitable conclusion... closer... closer... On the ground, Alinea snatched the gaping Chimera by the arm. "C'mon! Duck and cover! She's going to blow!" Hearing those words brought it all home to Morrena, whose inflation actually increased as she breathed harder, losing any semblence of control. "Uh! Ah! Ah! Uhhhhh!!" she kept crying. Despina just smirked as she braced for the upcoming explosion, but the smiles fell off the faces of the red team. Rafaella turned to Tanesha. "Um... Do we really want to be here when she goes boom?" "Not likely, amiga!" said Tanesha, and the two red-hot, red-team cheerleaders bolted away as fast as their long, slender, athletic legs could carry them. "Ooooooooo...!!" Morrena kept crying up to the cielos. "Adios, amiga!" Despina taunted her. "Vaya con Dios!" If residents had looked out their windows at that moment, they would have seen a huge, tan balloon, dressed in a light blue tarp, surging heavenward, exceeding the tallest building in town, surpassing the largest water tower, becoming the biggest balloon the Lone Star state had to offer... And then they would have seen a flash as the balloon burst, scattering blue threads to the dry Texas air. Despina rocked with laughter. Her ears hurt like el diablo, but it was worth it. She never got tired of watching her bullied victims pop. As the boom echoed into the treeless, desert surroundings, Alinea and Chimera stepped out of their hiding places. Wordlessly, they approached the giant ballooned form of Despina. "Aw, poor conchitas!" Despina called down at them. "Looks like I popped your globa! Pardoneme, por favor!" And then she laughed again. "Yes," said Chimera coldly. "So sad that both of you lost control and popped." Despina's laugh petered out. "What are you saying, puta?" The blue team looked at each other and smiled. "Well," said Alinea, "we saw it happen: You challenged Morrena to an inflate-off, and you both overextended yourself. ¡Que triste!" "What?!" Despina said, and gulped. "You're bluffing! No one's going to believe that!" "Who's going to argue?" asked Chimera. "Your friends have long gone. It's just our word against yours... and soon, it'll be just OUR word." Despina was too big to see anything but the rooftops and the increasingly starry sky. "Rafaella?! Tanesha?!" "How are your nails, Chimera?" asked Alinea. "Muy agudos," Chimera said proudly. "Very sharp, indeed." "Shall we?" "We shall." Despina felt two sharp objects stick into her bloated, fragile abdomen. "NOOOOOO!!!" ¡EXPLOTAR!
karma, office, soda
Male Inflation
Full Body Inflation
Matt and Cindy had always had a difficult working relationship. Cindy was a blonde, stout, middle aged, single mom of two kids. While Matt was a young, light brown haired, tall, athletically built 20 something that seemed to do nothing around the office. Nothing that is except make noise and distract Cindy. Cindy would try to do her work but it was difficult as Matt loved his soda and as a result belched a lot. Burping was something Matt knew Cindy hated so he would do it on purpose and he wasn't subtle about it. The amount of times Cindy would turn around to see Matt beaming at her smugly, his blue eyes twinkling behind his black framed glasses. One day, Cindy had had enough and went to her bosses to complain about Matt's behaviour, but they did nothing, which wasn't a surprise to Cindy as Matt was friends with one of the higher up's kids or some bull shit like that. The only choice Cindy had left was to bring in a pair of headphones and try to drown out the sound of Matt's annoyingness. For a couple of days Matt tried to annoy Cindy, not just to kill his boredom but in hopes that she would quit and they could replace her with someone hotter to look at it. For hours he'd sit staring at his computer monitor, scratching at his brown stubbly chin thinking of ways to push Cindy to breaking point. However, no matter what Matt did nothing was getting passed Cindy's headphones so he decided to up his game. Going onto Google Matt begun looking for the fizziest sodas he could find that could be delivered overnight. All it would take is the right loud burp for Cindy to snap and the bosses to fire her, Matt thought smugly to himself as he finally came across a large canned drink called Steigern Soda. Steigern Soda was some new German drink which hadn't yet passed FDA approval in America but was still available online, apparently its release was being held up due to the amount of gas it caused consumers to produce which was all Matt needed to read. Promptly ordering some cans, Matt stretched back in his chair, folding his arms behind his head as he shot Cindy a triumphant smirk. The next day Matt sauntered into the office, late as usual, but unusually said a hello to Cindy, which made her immediately suspicious even though it was one of the most insincere Hellos she'd received in her life. Getting to his desk Matt's eyes widened with joy as he saw a box sitting there and he knew immediately it was his new foreign soda. Having a quick look around the cubicles that weaved around the office space Matt was pleased to see it was just him and Cindy. So he could belch as loud and long as he liked from this new drink with no witnesses to back Cindy up for his behaviour. Matt was so excited he was almost certain he'd given himself a boner by the time he sat at his desk and opened his delivery. As Matt had hoped his saviour from Cindy, his Steigern Soda had arrived. Grabbing one of the tall, blue cans Matt tried to read the ingredients and labelling on the side but it was all in German so he shrugged, pulled the aluminium tab and opened the can up. Taking a deep swig of the soda, Matt licked his lips savouring the surprisingly nice flavour of the drink. Matt's eyes widened with joy and surprise as he felt the bubbles of the soda build up inside him already and with a grin he let out a loud belch. Cindy listening to her head phones, still managed to her the burp and supressed a flinch at the sound. I'm not going to let that little punk get to me, Cindy thought to herself turning up her music and getting back to work. Matt watching Cindy, scowled at the lack of a reaction and so took another swill of the soda which soon resulted in another louder belch that felt like it shook the chair he sat on. Cindy couldn't completely supress a shudder at the reverberating belch but didn't react apart from turning up her music further. Matt was getting seriously frustrated so sculled the rest of the drink and had just opened another when his stomach rumbled, hissed and churned. Scrunching up his eyes Matt rested his hands on his stomach as he felt a huge well of pressure bloom. Massaging his gut and leaning back in his chair Matt tried to relieve the pressure but nothing was working. At last Matt could feel the gasses moving in him, the pressure shifting and he opened his mouth to allow a roar of a belch to escape but the pressure didn't go away. The pressure only seemed worse and he could've sworn he felt his flat abdomen push seriously far out against his hands. Opening his eyes Matt couldn't believe his once proud, four pack was sticking out like a beer gut. With a rumble the pressure welled up within him and he watched the bulge beneath his blue polo shirt grow. Rather than a cry of surprise Matt let out another belch as his shirt untucked itself from his ivory pants as his belly continued to balloon. Again Cindy simply ignored Matt and turned her music up even further, though she was disgusted by the quickening successions of Matt's burps. Cindy couldn't hear over her the music and Matt's burps the sounds of his chair groaning, Matt's moans of discomfort, his whimpers or the creaking of his clothing as he continued to swell up and up and up. With each belch Matt grew, his belly stretched out in front of him onto his desk like he had swallowed a beach ball, his taut polo pushed up around his pecs by his swelling middle. With another belch, Matt's eyes widened further as he was dropped out of his chair onto his butt on the floor, as his back and chest begun to round out. Pushing him out of his chair becoming spherical with his sizeable belly. Pathetically, belching with each movement, Matt tried to right himself knowing with each swelling moment he was getting larger. Matt could not only feel his legs raising higher from the carpeted floor, but he could feel his pants straining around them, his butt, his crotch which he realized were all also swelling. Just like his arms and neck which were being choked by his polo. His once toned, forearms and biceps loosing definition as they bloated wider with each burp. Matt tried to supress the burps, he even went so far as to call out to Cindy for help becoming desperate. Though he went silent, his face reddening as his struggling clothing finally gave out and burst off his body. His belt rocketing across the room and making a clang as the buckle smacked into a filing cabinet. The shreds of his pants' legs being scraped free as his legs were dragged against the edge of the desk before lifted onto it by his swelling middle, which now seemed to be swallowing his overblown limbs. Matt was just a helpless, swelling, belching ball of flesh now that was rapidly filling his cubicle space. A series of fwoomps barely audible over his groaning, his moaning and his belching, sounded as his limbs were absorbed by his middle. Matt's stubbled jaw now scrapped and prickled against what was either his neck or his pecs as his head sunk down. No longer able to move his head Matt was forced to look at Cindy as he continued to belch and balloon. Cindy had turned up her music as loud as it could go and she could still faintly hear Matt's billowing belch's. She needed to get up and walk away otherwise she was really going to get mad. Grabbing her mug to make herself a cup of coffee, Cindy turned around only to stop dead in her tracks as she looked at the giant, lightly haired ball of a man that was slowly ballooning out of his cubicle behind her. "Please... *belch* help me.... *belch*" Matt pleaded, his cubicle walls jostling with each burp and bulge of his body. Cindy stepping forward rubbed what was Matt's pec the fuzz of his chest hair on the taut swollen skin helping her come to grips this wasn't some joke Matt was playing. He really was swelling up like a balloon. "Bitch.... *belch*.... Don't feel me.... *belch*.... Up... help me! *belch*" Matt grunted, feeling the well of pressure that was stretching his entire body being compounded by the pressure of being wedged inside his cubicle. "How did you get like this?" puzzled Cindy, taking a step back as with the last belch, Matt's globular body begun to bow out the walls of his cubicle and loom over her. "The soda... *belch*... I got it... *belch* to piss you off... *belch*... now help me for fucks sake!" ordered Matt. Cindy calmly looking at the overblown jerk, went around behind the cubicle. "Hey, what are you doing back there? *belch*" Matt demanded only to get his answer a moment later when Cindy returned holding a can of the evil soda. "This soda?" Cindy asked "Yes how thick are you?" growled Matt, supressing a long, low burp that rumbled through his body and the still empty office. Cindy stared at the helpless young man who had tormented her ever since he'd arrived and shrugged, it was time for a change. Matt's eyes widened and his pathetic, helpless hands and feet flapped desperately to keep Cindy back as she forced more soda down Matt's throat. "Oh no..." Matt moaned instantly feeling the pressure inside him becoming a hurricane that was making his overblown body feeling excruciatingly tight. A hissing, gurgling, fizzing sounded just like a fuse that had been lit inside Matt to the two office workers. "Bye Matt." Shrugged Cindy walking out of the office into the tea room. Wide eyed and panicking Matt tried to roll free as if it could do him any good. In a matter of moments the surging swelling that accompanied his burps had his rotund figure pressed between the floor and the ceiling. Wedged Matt could feel the gasses within him seeking somewhere else to go eventually finding his sac which had only been mildly inflated to become grossly taut and distended. He felt his balls and his cock swell up his sides until they too were pushing at the roof. Matt then felt himself pushing out of his cubicle becoming more balloon shaped than spherical as his inflation sort a way to continue. Bigger and bigger Matt got, spreading him helplessly across the office. Cindy could hear the rumble of Matt's belches but she also knew from her kids' birthday parties the sounds of an overblown balloon that was about to pop as Matt's body groaned with the strain. With one last mighty burp, Matt realized he wasn't swelling in size anymore it was just the pressure in him that was growing beyond what he could handle. I'm not going to pop, I'm not going to pop, I'm not going to pop Matt thought to himself trying to ignore the shuddering of his over inflated body which probably matched his over inflated ego now. For a moment Matt felt his body calm, the tension ease and he thought he'd won when one little *urp* escaped his lips and his body surged in one last heave before BANG there was no more Matt. He'd been so overblown there wasn't a trace except for the scraps of his clothing. Cindy returning to her desk eyed off the remaining cans of the strange soda Matt had ordered, and wondered, as she sipped her coffee, how many other co-workers she could get rid of.
balloon, bouyant, floating, helium, science
Female Inflation
She had checked into CVTech's long stay dormitory earlier that afternoon and was sitting on the edge of the bed, perusing some of the educational material that the recruiter had left in the suite for her. "Imagine never having to fear drowning in a shipwreck or from cramps while swimming" read the copy in the pamphlet she was holding. "Imagine jumping from a burning building or a damaged airplane and landing gently on your feet."RescuFlate was a revolutionary concept envisioned by several of CVT's top scientists. So talented was the team that they increasingly thought of themselves less as scientists, doctors, and engineers but more as artists and magicians. They had even self-titled the group with the whimsical code name of "The Magic Factory". With these guys on the job, not only was RescuFlate possible, it was a sure-fire moneymaker. With a knock on the open door, she looked up from her light reading."Hi" said a woman standing in the doorway. "You must be Sandra." The woman looked down at the clipboard in her hand to verify the room and name, bouncing on her heels as she did. Then, stepping forward with an outstretched hand said "I'm Pam. Pleased to meet you."Sandra stood and offered her palm in return and the two exchanged pleasantries as they shook hands. Other than the white lab coat with a pocket protector, Pam looked like some kind of flunky intern with her faded jeans, tennis shoes, and t-shirt. A brief conversation, however, revealed Pam to be not just on the team, but one of RescuFlate's primary developers and, in fact, was in charge of the testing program. "Roger says you handled the interview pretty well. We've had a few volunteers run home screaming after having the details of the program revealed to them.""I'll bet."Pam chucklesnorted, smiled disarmingly, and pushed her falling glasses back up on the bridge of her nose. "Well, it is a bit of an odd concept.""I keep thinking it's some kind of practical joke and I'm being set-up." Sandra confessed."No joke - I promise." Pam smiled wider and bounced on her heals again, clutching the clipboard to her chest. "How about a tour of 'The Magic Factory'?"
body inflation, spherical
Female Inflation
Full Body Inflation
The hissing sound grew more insistent. She continued to look around for the source, but no matter where she went through the house, the sound never changed in volume; it seemed to be following her around.She began to see if the sound was coming from behind the refrigerator, when her belly seemed to brush the countertop too soon. She wasn't that close to it, was she?She looked down and saw her shirt was pushed out and bunched up a little. She also saw something that resembled a pale, flesh colored ball sticking out from below the folds."What the...?"She pulled her shirt up and saw... No, that can't be right. She blinked and rubbed her eyes to clear them and looked again.Her belly was sticking out, egg-shaped, the skin sloping outwards from below her chest, peaking at just below her navel before sloping back down to her legs.The hissing sound was issuing forth from her swollen belly. She gingerly put a hand on the crown. She gasped and pulled her hand away in shock. It really was her belly!As she looked at it in disbelief, the sides of the "egg" that was her belly were slowly bowing out sideways and protruding even more front ways.She took off her shirt and looked at herself in the mirror. Her belly was almost entirely round now.She clasped her hands and attempted in vain to push her belly back in, but her hands only met soft resistance. She could feel her belly slowly pushing her hands apart."I... I got to call someone..."She picked up the phone and began to dial 911, but gasped and dropped the phone as the fat rolls at her waist that she had since her early 20s suddenly pulled open like...Like the folds of an air mattress pulling out! She was inflating; the hissing sound was air entering her belly...somehow.Her waist and sides were now bowing out as her belly continued to swell from the air. Forgetting about the phone call to 911, she thought about how to possibly stop the air from entering her body.Her swimming pool was an above ground style and she was short enough to fully submerge if she kneeled down in the bottom.As she moved through the house to the back door, she could feel the skin of her belly pulling taut where her legs met her inflating abdomen whenever a leg moved behind her.As she got to the back door, she felt the skin of her belly beginning to brush the bottom of her breasts.Quickly entering the comparatively icy water in an attempt to find out where the air was entering her and stop it, she attempted to kneel.However, she found that submerging was tricky. She had forgotten that air was more buoyant than water and her belly kept trying to stay above the surface of the water.Her body threatened to tip over several times and the exertion from simply trying to stay upright was wreaking havoc on her skin. It was pulling tight in many different places as she tried to keep herself vertical.Finally, she grabbed at the walls of the pool to steady herself. She now resembled a full term pregnant woman."This was a stupid idea," she berated herself. But she couldn't mentally upbraid herself for long as a new sensation crept into consciousness: Her bra was starting to feel tight in the cups...The sound of hissing filled her ears. The air was now filling her breasts! She had to get out of the pool. The ladder was on the opposite side.She didn't dare cross straight through the pool; she had a vision of her becoming stuck floating on her back, inflating out of control, unable to summon help.She sidled along the edge, feeling her breasts pushing against her bra.Her feet threatened to kick out from under her. She felt herself lifting slightly, her feet refusing to stay firmly planted on the pool floor.Somehow she made it to the ladder. She turned quickly to ascend the ladder and her feet kicked out from under her a final time, her body quickly floating horizontally in the pool.She held onto the ladder for dear life, feeling the bra tug angrily at her inflating breasts.She pulled herself closer to the ladder and found she was unable to get her legs to the rungs. No! She pulled hard against the poles and found she was able to get some leverage.She wedged her inflating form between the two poles and inched her way up. Finally, she was out of the pool and, with a wet pop, freed herself from the ladder. Any bigger and she would've been stuck between the poles.That was probably the stupidest thing she's ever done.Save the berating for later, she told herself. 911.No, that'd be too slow and they wouldn't believe her anyway. The hospital. It was only five miles away. She could still make it.She ran through the house to collect her keys. Thankfully, she kept them in a bowl on a cabinet next to the front door. In her rush, however, she knocked the bowl off and the keys fell behind the cabinet.She cursed under her breath and tried to move the cabinet. Her belly, however, now was the size of an overinflated beach ball and her breasts bulged painfully against the straps of her bra.She couldn't get leverage facing the cabinet with her body inflating like this. She turned to the side and shoved with all her might. She moved the cabinet just enough to reach the keys. Or so she thought.She knelt down and tried to reach for the keys with her left arm. This caused her to push her inflated breasts against the cabinet. Her right arm suddenly stuck straight out from her body. Gasping, she looked and saw her right arm was bigger. No!She jammed herself against the cabinet and was able to reach the keys. As she locked the door, she noticed it was becoming harder to bend her legs and arms.She could still make it.She waddled towards the car. About halfway there, her bra straps burst and, free from their confinement, lurched forward. She shrieked, partly in surprise bit mostly out of terror. Her clothes were bursting off her.She made sure that the seat was far enough back to reach the pedals and got in. Her belly now reached her knees sitting down and her breasts sat at the bottom of her vision. The waistband of her sweatpants were elastic, but it had been pulled to its absolute limit trying to contain her body.Pulling out, she began to drive to the hospital.She could feel her legs inflating now. Slowly, she felt herself rising in the seat, but her breasts also moved up higher in her field of vision. Her shirt slid off her breasts and bunched around her armpits. The waistband of her sweatpants slid off her belly and into her lap, exposing the full globe of her belly and the seat of her panties dove between the inflated globes of her rear end.Her legs and arms kept wanting to pull her into a starfish shape, but she held on to the steering wheel with a death grip and her now very large legs had become wedged underneath the dash. The waistband of her panties dug into her skin.The hospital was only a couple miles away now. She could-- her right am suddenly snapped out. She tried to pull it back to the wheel but she didn't have enough strength to bend it back. She'd have to leave it there and drive with one hand. The seams in her shirt sleeves gave up the ghost with a horrible ripping sound, leaving the shirt bunched up around her neck. This allowed the skin on her arm to suddenly billow larger, becoming conical. With a ripping sound followed by a sudden slight deflation of her upper body and simultaneous sudden inflation of her legs and rear, her panties gave way. Her upper body, however,soon returned to its previous size and continues to swell.Finally, just a mile away. There was a sharp left turn ahead and just a short drive through the woods and she'd be there. They could fix this, couldn't they?Rounding the sharp curve at high speed, she felt her right arm press against the passenger seat as inertia pushed her to the right on her arm, her skin bulging at the sudden compression. She used this opportunity, where her arm suddenly bent, to regrab the wheel. It was a good thing, too, because her left arm suddenly tried to snap out. The bulging was all her sweatpants needed. As if unzipping, the seams ruptured.The door prevented her left arm for star fishing, but it caused her to be tilted even more sideways. Her belly was now passed her knees and pressing into the steering wheel. She could feel the wheel rubbing her skin.And now, she was there. The emergency room.She didn't even bother finding a parking space and just parked at the doors.She couldn't reach the door release! Her arms refused to bend that way. So close!She felt herself begin to push forward as her back began inflating. The cone that her right arm had become was widening. The concave angle that normally makes up the armpit was growing less concave. If she couldn't get out of the car soon ...Her bloated body ballooned hard against the door enveloping her left arm between her breast and belly. Her head was now more or less center between the steering wheel and seat, her inflated back pushed hard against the seat, her inflated belly pushing against the steering wheel. Her arms swelled uselessly at her sides, causing her to tilt more. She felt the top of her legs push against the underside of the dash and bulge over the bottom of the steering wheel, the back of her legs against the floor.Suddenly, her belly pressed against the horn and the horn blew long and steady. That should get someone's attention.And it did. A nurse came out to see who was making all the racket.She couldn't breathe. If only she could reach the seat back release...But, it was not to be. Her left arm was firmly wedged between her breast and belly.Suddenly, the steering wheel popped upwards; thankfully she had a steering wheel that tilts. Her body ballooned up to fill the new gap.Soon, she was aware of a bunch of people around her car. Her belly stuck out crudely, pushing into the steering wheel, nearly consuming it, pushing hard against the horn. Her overinflated breasts were now seated upon the growing sphere of her torso and growing inexorably towards the windshield and ceiling.The car door opened and, free from its confinement, her left arm ballooned out straight with a fwoomp sound. "Help me," she squeaked, her voice sounding like she had breathed helium. Was she filling with helium? Why didn't she float, then?She became aware that people were shouting, pulling her left hand, but she couldn't hear them over the hissing sound.She felt herself slide toward the open door. She couldn't bend to assist. Someone had entered the car from the passenger side and was pushing her head down and into her cleavage. Her skin felt tight and balloon like.Her head, amazingly, cleared the door opening and somehow, the assembled team was able to yank her out of the car with the sound of a hollow squeaking sound.They helped push her to her feet and the were shouting at her, but she couldn't understand what they were saying over the hiss that filled her ears, filled her.She was standing, kind of, outside the emergency room. She stood, looking like an overinflated starfish; her conical arms and legs pulled into an X shape with a sphere in the middle.She attempted to waddle but her widening conical legs were forced further apart by her expanding body, what used to be her crotch was being pushed down toward the ground. The perimeter of her arms and legs were becoming one with the sphere.By the time she got into the emergency room, her body forced her feet off the ground; what used to be the inside portions of her legs now on the cold tile floor.She felt someone push on her and, for a brief moment, she was disoriented. She was on her back. Her arms and legs, what were left of them, consisted of just bulges on the sphere she had become. At the end of the bulges, hands and feet flapped uselessly in the air. They seemed to be pushing her with relative ease. Was the air--the helium?-- inside her making her lighter? Would so much helium fill her body that she was take flight? Hundreds of feet in the air, the air pressure was lower and caused many helium balloons to... No, she was inside. That wouldn't happen. She felt skin begin to pull at her wrists and ankles; the bulges that used to be her arms and legs flattening smooth against the sphere.As she was rolled through the hall, she felt her fingers and toes stiffening, her feet and hands beginning to balloon as well. She felt her palms inflate under her swollen fingers, like she was wearing inflating rubber gloves.She was stopped in a room. Her body had forced itself up to her chin, pushing her head backwards.The back of her neck was being pulled onto the growing sphere. Her hands and feet were nothing more than a bulge with five slight bulges at the end of each.The hissing sound filled the room. She was now looking upside down at a wall, feeling the skin of her chin pulled onto the sphere. She was entirely round now, a sphere six feet in diameter with only slight protrusions where her fingers and toes were.She heard someone wheel something into the room. She attempted to speak "Help... mrpfh..." Her mouth was forced shut by the increasing pressure. Her cheeks puffed out briefly, causing her lips to involuntarily pucker, before being subsumed by the sphere.Her head was gone. She was now only a face on a sphere. She felt something cold rubbed on what used to be her belly.The ball that she had become was growing larger, tighter. The surface area of the floor she was in contact with began to shrink, the circumference lessening as the ball she became tightened, growing even more spherical. Her eyes were forced shut by the growing pressure. She felt the floor under her begin shifting, sliding. Was she becoming buoyant in the air or were they moving her? She couldn't feel their hands anymore.Then she felt a pinprick.She had been jabbed. The hissing sound grew more intense but the pressure began to reduce. Papers flew everywhere in a sudden wind that began to blow.She felt the pressure lessen more and she suddenly had a chin again and she began to feel more of the floor again.She was deflating. Someone had stuck her with a pin and she didn't pop. She could bend her fingers again. She could feel the palms of her hands shrink back to normal.Within 15 minutes, she could stand on her own two feet and 30 minutes later, she was, more or less, back to normal. Her skin hung around her like a deflated beach ball.They assured her that plastic surgery could help remove the excess skin. What they wanted to know is how it happened. She didn't have an answer. They had patched the hole with five stitches and a bandage. They placed her in an observation room to prep her for plastic surgery.The hissing sound, however, did not go away. Soon, she felt her belly begin to push back out again, the excess skin began rising around her, billowing up slowly but surely. She pushed the call button and began to weep.
Female Inflation
Breast Inflation
I had just gotten back to my appartment and I was ready to give up. School was killing me, those popular bimbos were complaining about me, and my friend was being a bipolar asshole. I decided to go straight to my computer and look two things up. Now, before I tell you anymore, let me tell you three of my favorite things to do while 'stationed' at my computer: Video games, drink iced tea, and satisfy my 'thirst' for inflation. Body Inflation to be exact. I had stumbled upon this when I was around 17. I was bored so I looked up round on deviant art and I had found a comic where a girl inflates her boobs but by the the time I was done, I was wet beyond compare. "Okaay..... www.youtub... lesse 'ere.... bambi blaze... new taylor made clip....huh... the wishing well. hmm, whatever got nothing to loose but time here." I proceeded to watch the video and it claimed if you made a wish and tossed a quarter into a 44 oz cup of water, 4 wishes of mine would come true. Now, normally, I would only shrug it off as a way to get veiws, but I acctually DID it! " Comon theres gotta be a speedway cup or shell cup I could use some here!"..... "Here we go!" I poured water in the cup until it was filled to the brim. I got my wallet out and threw a quarter in from the tv area to the counter "For three!" I joked as a I approached the cup. I stared in and decided to wish aloud "make my boobs grow huge!" I said. I looked down, hoping to see growth. Nothing. No titastical body for me. All of a sudden, I felt a jolt in my chest and looked down. "Oh no fucking way..." I started to see my tits grow. B, C , D, DD. I was starting to feel my shirt straining. "shit my fucking shirt" I whined. I was a 'Super Lucky' person because I was wearing my flannel shirt that day. *POP POP POP* "Crap! These F sized Monsters are going to tear through my whole wardrobe!" Just then and there I figured out a way to get a better wardrobe. "I wish for an expensive wardrobe that fits me." Just as soon as that happened, I heard a crash from in my room and I ran to check if my wish came true. Just as I predicted there were expensive designer clothes filled the shelves such with expanded chest areas! "This is just perfect!" "I'll become way more popular than that bitch Danielle!.... Ooh and all the boys... Lets get that dream ass that all girls want!" I rushed into the kitchen area and approached the cup but this time it emmited a faint glow. "Give me an ass the size of basket balls!" I decided to make this one extra fun and I sat on the loveseat. "WHOALY SHIT" I screamed as my ass exploded in size and I almost hit my chandilier. I got up and squished my asscheecks. "ooh... OOH its soo squishy" I exclaimed.' The next day at school I was struting my stuff like there was no tommorow. At my locker, the hottest guy, Drake inviteed me to his summer party! Yeah. Thats the party of the year that only the hottest, most popular girls and guys get invited too. "wow.... Mandy... you're looking pretty nice... would you like to be my guest of honor at my rave this summer?" He said. "Wa-wait but isn't danielle your guest of honor?" "Hmm? Oh Naah she has other things to do." I could obviously tell that he didn't invite her yet... OR ANYONE!! I was so excited that rushed to my bipolar friend Nora, boobs bouncing the whole way. "NORAA!" I exclaimed "Hmm? Oh Mandy you certainly look... different"she said with a quizzical ook on her face "Yeasurewhateverbutguesswhat? I'm the guest of honor at DRAKE'S summer party!" I exclaimed. "That's.... FUCKING AWESOME!" she shouted. "you- nee-" "NORA! GO STRAIGHT TO THE PRINCIPLE'S OFFICE. NOW! WE DON'T USE SLURS HERE" a teacher yelled "no slurs my ass grumble" The rest of the day... no week went by in a flash and we were outta school for 3 months I decided to find an outfit in my wardrobe and found a nice tight, revealing dress. "Perfect" I said. then I looked for some food but then I saw the cup in my kitchen. "I still have one wish right?" I decided to save it but I knew I could make more. The day had arrived and I got dresssed and put a small bikini with a thong type bottom. When I got there, Drake was there and he announced I had arrived "The guest of honor, Mandy has arrived!" Half the guys were just clapping and admiring my tits. nautral. Drake escorted me to his room and locked the door. "What are we doing?" I asked "We're going to have a WILD ride tonight baby. Just you me and your rocking hot tits and ass." he said "I am so ready" I said undressing my self in nothing but a bikini. "Oh yeah... let me see those tits of yours" he said as he took off my bra. "Now take this" he said handing me a tube "Put it in your mouth and lets watch the water flow into your tits" he said "Oh bigger tits? Oh Please" I said . I Pushed him to the ground and let my boobs hang in his face. "Lets play the game of suspension" I said before I turned on the water. "My boobs hang low and we see how long it takes for it to reach your face and see how long it takes for you to come out hmm?" I asked. "Yes oh yes! I want to see.... no feel those boobs on my tounghe!" He shouted. Soon my boobs were J cups then L cups then M. They were touching his face and all of a sudden I felt something shoot up on my knees. Mission accomplished. I started to bounce and I felt him sucking and fondling my boobs. They were becoming so big that I could just balance on them. I orgasamed so loud when he bit my grape sized nipples. After about an hour of this we dressed but it was a struggle for me because they were just so heavy, but they are still really big. To this day I'm still seeing seeing drake and it serious but there's... one problem. ~~
Male Inflation
Belly Inflation
Log 45-1: Transmitting on... Hour 1: Tuesday evening This is Professor Thomas James and this is the first entry of my soda experiment with test subject number 103. He is a male student from the local college and accepted the ad from the newspaper to be paid for testing out the company's new soda. The subject is about 5'10?? and is of average weight and body fat. This will be the first hour of him testing out the soda but only in a small dose The subject, which I will name Matt, has taken a liking to the soda and asked for some more. One of my assistants gave him some more in the cup but within a few minutes he was yearning for more soda. It is truly amazing that he has taken a liking to the soda so fast and wanting more so quickly. The soda is based on carbonated preservatives and blueberry powder mix that of what was told to be done from Willy Wonka's company... Hour 5: Tuesday night It has been 5 hours since Matt has drank the soda and he is still drinking yet more soda. I've noticed the tightness in his mid-section via his shirt bulging slightly. I figured that it was the carbonation of the drink building up in him, which he will burp out eventually so I put no thought on it until later when he started to burp a few times and nothing changed in the bulge. It only grew bigger like a slow inflating balloon. We have left him several one liters of the soda and still he continues to drink it all. It is quite amazing how he stores it all without feeling full or satisfied. Hour 10: Tuesday late night /Wednesday Morning It is the tenth hour of our experiment and he still able to chug down the soda by the liter. A moment ago his shirt burst open, buttons and all, due to all the build up soda in his mid-section. He has also grown out of his pants and is no longer clothed but naked and inflating like a human balloon. Many of the assistants here were alarmed over the sight of it but no one went into the testing lab to stop the process from continuing. Instead, they carted in a keg size container of the soda and attached it to Matt's mouth to continue the inflation! They left the pump on all night and we left the camera on in the lab to document the whole experience. I have to admit that I was pretty turned on by the whole event and stayed at the lab jerking off to his round-ballooned size as it increased. Shit! I got to remember to edit that... Hour 15: Wednesday morning I came in early this morning before any of the assistants come in for the day. I was in awe and amazement to see the subject, Matt, double the size he was when he started out in Hour one of the experiment. I went into the lab to see the subject's size close up. I nearly came in my pants over the shear size of his body being overly inflated to the point of bursting. But that was when I noticed it; the keg that was feeding him was empty. But yet he was still increasing in size! I figured the carbonated bubbles in all that soda that Matt has drunk over the hours has finally caught up with him. I'm going back to the lab to see about doing something about his size... Hour 20: Wednesday afternoon This is lab assistant number 12 logging in the entry that Dr. James was supposed to. The assistants came in to view the process of the subject's size that we found out by playing back the log entries Dr. James called him Matt. But when we arrived to the lab, the window was completely black and the door was locked from the inside. We played back the videotape for the lab and we witnessed what happened to Matt and Dr. James: Begin tape playback sequence: Dr. James: Alright Matt, time to see how big you can really get. With this needle full of compressed and concentrated syrup that is part of the soda, we should see some huge results now. Dr. James hopped on top of Matt as he remain swollen and incoherent of what is going on since he has long passed out over his ballooned size. Dr. James sticks the needle in Matt's belly and instantly the ballooned body began to swell up rapidly. All the videotape sound can pick up is Dr. James moaning in pleasure over the growing size of Matt's gut underneath him and the hissing of the ballooned body enlarging at an alarming rate. Dr. James: Oh my god! What have I done???? HE'LL EXPLOS... The screen goes black as a sudden pop stopped what Dr. James was going to say. End playback.
bound, cheerleader, revenge
Female Inflation
Full Body Inflation
"One more thing before everyone goes home." The words rang out to every corner of the gym. Amy wasn't tall, but her presence filled the room. She was fit and compact, with tight curves, short hair, and a bubbly personality. Any observer would put her down as the obvious leader, the girl with the body of a gymnast and the voice of a cheer captain. "Heather and I would like to announce our third squad captain!" Jordyn's heart rose. She was tall where Amy was short, slender where her best friend and captain was powerful, not quite as loud but just as enthusiastic. She swept back her bangs, shaking out her long, light brown hair. She had to look good for the announcement – not that she ever didn't. Even if Amy had the technical skill, the strength and the voice, Jordyn did have her squarely beaten in the looks department. If Amy was best described as cute, Jordyn was nothing less than sexy. And popular, of course, and rich. All things considered, if she wasn't a shoe-in for the third position, she didn't know who was. "Ready?" Amy asked, looking to her co-captain, who nodded. "Congratulations..." "Kaylee!" they shouted in unison, throwing their arms into the air. A cheer went up, and the girl in question bounced to the front of the group, squealing with joy. "Hooray," Jordyn spat, forcing her mouth into a smile as tears forced their way out of the corners of her eyes. She turned, slipping quickly and quietly out the gym doors, staggering over to lean against the outside of the building. She tried to stem the tide of emotion, attempted to calm herself, but the tears flowed freely. The thought of the other girls coming out and seeing her in such a state only made things worse. A flash of anger stabbed through her. Amy. It was all Amy's fault. If she hadn't decided to betray her... "Jordyn?" Speak of the devil. "Oh, Jordyn, I'm so sorry..." Jordyn whipped her head around to stare down at Amy. "Really? That's it? That's all you have to say about picking that talentless bitch over me?" "Jordyn, please! We both had to agree, and-" "And so you agreed on Kaylee." "I did everything I could, promise! Please, just come hang with me today. I don't have anywhere else to be. We can just chill if you want. I just don't want you to be upset." Jordyn filled her lungs to spit some half-formed obscenity in return, but a tantalizing thought arrested her halfway through. She felt the corners of her mouth twitch with a suppressed smile. "Oh, alright." "Hooray! I have to finish talking with the captains real quick, but then we can go. Ten minutes tops, I promise!" "Don't worry. I have some... stuff I need to gather up, anyways." "Deal!" Amy stood on tiptoes, squeezing Jordyn in a quick hug before running off in a hurry. One Amy had gone, disappearing around the corner in a flash of white and blue, Jordyn bent down to the bag she'd left behind. With a cursory glance to make sure the area was clear, she slipped the water bottle quickly out and carried the bottle, as well as her own bag, to her car. Diving into the interior, she rummaged urgently through her glovebox until the crinkle of foil met her ears. She pulled it out – a battered foil sheet of sleeping pills, useful for when she was away and felt a particularly bad bout of her usual insomnia coming on. She popped a couple out and dropped them in Amy's water bottle, which she shook, hoping silently that "ten minutes tops" would be long enough for them to fully dissolve. Her bag she tossed unceremoniously into the back seat, lugging out a similar, if much heavier, one to replace it. With that done, she stood up, straightened her skirt, and went back to wait for Amy. True to her word, it was only minutes later that she came jogging out. "Ready to go?" "Ready as you are. Oh, and you dropped your water bottle." "Thanks," Amy said, catching the bottle, draining the remainder in a couple swigs and making a face. "Gee, this plastic makes everything taste terrible. You'd think after all we spend on these uniforms and stuff, we could at least afford to get bottles that didn't taste like a chemistry lab faucet." Jordyn simply smiled in response. They walked through the door, slipping their shoes off and stowing them in the corner. Amy yawned audibly and shook her head against the sudden sleepiness creeping over her. "Ugh, I'm sorry, I guess I just put a lot into practice today..." "Nah, it's been a long day. Let's just relax for a bit. Race you there! They laughed, dashing up the stairs, dumping their bags at the entrance to Amy's room and leaping onto the bed. Amy hit first, bouncing briefly before lying back and stretching out like a cat, still in uniform, a brilliant white with silver-trimmed navy blue accents. Jordyn let her bag down more softly, but jumped just as energetically, nearly launching Amy over the side on impact. They shared a laugh, then both lay back, staring at the ceiling. "Jordyn?" Amy ventured softly. "Yeah?" "Can you forgive me? Sorry if you don't want to talk right now, it's just-" "No, it's fine. It's fine." Jordyn stretched out her hand, slipping it under Amy's shoulders and wrapping her arm around her. Amy rolled inwards, looking over at Jordyn, who threw out her other arm, pulling her quickly into a tight hug. Amy let out a soft sigh as she returned the favor, holding Jordyn in her own tight embrace. "There's another thing, though," she whispered apprehensively, burying her head in Jordyn's shoulder. "When Heather didn't take my first suggestion, I... I brought up Kaylee's name. I'm so sorry." Anger flashed through Jordyn, hotter than ever before. "It's ok," she said curtly, dropping her voice to a matching whisper to hide the quaver in it. "I'll deal with it." Amy relaxed, squeezing Jordyn again, snuggling up to her, feeling Jordyn's silky skin as their legs slid over each other. "I knew you could," she said as her eyelids drew together. Jordyn reciprocated her soft affection, running her hand up and down her back in smooth strokes, pressing their warm cheeks together, stroking the smooth fabric of her uniform while Amy drifted slowly out of consciousness. The gentle rocking of her body slowed and then abated, her breathing falling into a slow, easy rhythm. "Amy," Jordyn called softly after a short while. "Amy?" she ventured, more loudly. "Amy!" Her sleeping captain lay still in response. Jordyn licked her lips, breaking into a grin as excitement thrilled through her. She pushed herself carefully out of Amy's embrace, letting her roll back into a face-up position. Standing up and shaking the dizziness from behind her eyes, Jordyn retrieved her bag, unzipping it and surveying the contents. Compressed air tank, check. Tape, check. Hose, check. Handcuffs, check, check, check, check. She fitted the hose to the tank and walked around the bed, fastening one cuff over each bedpost. Leaning in, she reached out, grasped Amy's leg, and slid it slowly outwards until she could fasten the cuff around her bare ankle with a sharp click. Amy didn't stir. Jordyn's grin returned as she dragged the remaining leg outwards and secured it in kind. Heart racing with excitement, she hefted the air tank onto the bed, laying it to rest between Amy's widespread legs. Taking the nozzle of the hose in one hand, Jordyn climbed gingerly onto the bed, stretching out on top of her sleeping captain. She reached up, grabbing Amy's wrists, pulling her arms over her head and locking them into the remaining cuffs. Each soft click sent a growing thrill of excitement through her; the setup was complete, any missteps averted. It was smooth sailing from there until the finale. Jordyn nuzzled Amy's cheek, taking in the gentle draft of her victim's breathing on her skin. She kissed her experimentally, felt her squirm beneath her, stirring but not waking. "Amy!" she called. "Amy, wake up!" Louder this time. "Captain Amy!" She ran her fingers up and down her sides, tickling her ribs. Amy shook gently, giggling in her sleep, then awoke to the sound of her own laughter. She blinked lazily a few times, fighting to clear her head of sleep, moving to stretch but finding with shock that banished all tiredness from her mind that she was already sprawled in a giant X, stretched so tightly she had barely an inch of give. Staring up at Jordyn, who was now sitting fully erect, she could see a red rubber hose in her hands and a high-pressure tank between her legs. "Jordyn, wha-" "Shhh. I thought we'd have a little fun together. You know how much air there is packed in here?" Her fingernails rapped against the tank. "How tightly it all squeezes outwards? Don't you just want to drink it all in? Let it pump you up like a tight little spandex balloon, fill you up from your nose down to your cute little toes until you want to burst?" She giggled, tracing the nozzle in a slow, winding path up Amy's stomach. "'Cause I do. I'm sure you can handle it, captain." Amy had no response but to shake her head weakly, holding her mouth tightly shut as the nozzle played over her lips. "Aw, I thought you were my friend. You don't want to take away my fun, do you? Open up!" Jordyn ran her hands up and down Amy's sides, producing peals of laughter. "Oh! Hahaha! Wait! Don-mmmph!" Jordyn plunged the hose into Amy's mouth, smoothing down a strip of tape to bind her lips securely together. She smiled down, gripping the valve of the tank tightly. "Very good. Now, are you ready for it? I know I'm just bursting with excitement." "Three..." "Two..." PSSSHHHHT "MMMMN!" The hose jumped as a jet of compressed air traveled along its length, shooting into Amy's mouth. She tried to contain it, cheeks growing rapidly rounder and redder, flushing with combined exertion and embarrassment. Within moments, however, that battle was lost. The ramping pressure forced its way through, trickling down her throat in a stream that quickly became a torrent. The cuffs dug into Amy's ankles as she tried to kick out in protest, toes curling and body vibrating as the air gushed into her. A deep, low whoosh sounded as the jet of air echoed inside her, reverberating as it pushed out more and more powerfully. Her chest rose as if she were taking one deep, interrupted breath, and her stomach followed suit. She rattled helplessly at her bonds, cheeks flushing brilliant red from exertion and embarrassment, but produced only the clink of chains and a mocking smile from Jordyn, who started giggling, clapping her hands and falling into a familiar rhythm. "One, two, three, four, pump up Amy more and more! Five, six, seven, eight, just how big can she inflate?" She'd never been more embarrassed in her life. As if being inflated like a life raft against her will wasn't bad enough, Jordyn was clearly taking some obscene pleasure in her every discomfort. All pretensions of fighting her expansion were gone now as pressure began permeating every part of her body, pushing tortuously outwards from her chest into her arms and legs. She was just a balloon on a nozzle now, and Jordyn was in full control. "Fill up Amy, never stop, pump her up until she pops!" A feeling of dread crept into her stomach. Surely Jordyn was just teasing her, milking the situation for all it was worth. Doing and saying everything she could to increase her humiliation. But it was impossible to ignore the endless rush of air pouring into her, the growing tightness of her body, the cuffs chaining her so helplessly to her bed. There was only one logical conclusion if things kept up, and Jordyn didn't seem intent on stopping any time soon. "Captain Amy's filling fast, how much longer can she last?" Her stomach rose before her, tight and white and round. Every inch of her body was pushing outwards now, from her forehead down to her toes. She felt like she'd eaten a Thanksgiving dinner by herself and topped it off with another for good measure, and the hose in her mouth was force-feeding her more and more and more. A soft snapping noise reached her ears over the blaring hiss of compressed air, and then another. "Watch her pressure rising steady, 'til she bursts into confetti!" Her uniform was unbearably tight now, stretched to the limit to contain her burgeoning frame. The sound of snapping threads grew into a chorus as her expansion began to slow, but her internal pressure shot through the roof. Her breasts were bound painfully tight, skirt tense over swollen thighs, belly taut as a trampoline. She began to tremble, tears running down her cheeks. A faint stretching noise began to sound. "Amy needs her own zip code, any more and she'll explode!" Jordyn would be proven right any second now. The groaning of strained spandex grew louder, breaking threads bleeding together to sound like one, long rip... CRACK Her uniform exploded off of her, tearing up to her sleeves, shreds of spandex falling around her like snow as her stomach surged upwards. Another stretching, tearing noise filled the air, and CRACK Her skirt gave way. She was totally exposed now, clothed only in her bra and panties, the tattered remains of her sleeves, the socks on her wriggling feet. Jordyn giggled, tracing one finger over Amy's chest, down her swollen stomach, onto the valve of the tank. She twisted it, cutting off the flow of air with a soft hiss and smiling down at Amy. "I think you've learned your lesson by now, don't you?" Relief flooded through her. Her expensive uniform was in tatters, and she didn't know how long it would be until someone found her, or what would happen when they deflated her. Jordyn's revenge had been more than disproportionate, but the only thing that mattered was that she was safe now, that she didn't have to find out what happened when Jordyn took it all the way, pushed her ever further until something had to give. She nodded frantically in response. "Ah, that's what I thought." Jordyn's smile waxed warm for a second before melting into a theatrical frown. "Then again, I don't know if I can trust you anymore. Are you sure you don't need a bit of extra... filling in? Be honest." Amy shook her head desperately as relief turned to uneasiness. She didn't need to play another of Jordyn's games. She tried to say as much, but the only thing that came out was a muffled "Mmmph!" Jordyn stifled a laugh. "What was that, Amy? I couldn't hear you." "Mmmnph?" "Hmm, I know things are a little... tight for you right now," Jordyn said, drumming her fingers on the taut skin of Amy's stomach. "We'll make this simple. 'Mmmph' means 'Yes' and 'No' means 'No.'" "Mmmmph! Hmmn!" Jordyn's smile turned wicked. "Oh, you do want more, then?" "Hmmn-mmn! Hmmn-mmn!" She sighed wistfully. "Well, if you insist..." She opened the valve of the tank, releasing a new rush of pressure that shot into Amy's bulging cheeks. Amy tried to scream, but the torrent of air crammed it right back down her throat. Jordyn leaned forward, kissing her victim passionately on one swollen cheek. "I'd love to stay and watch," she said, rolling off the bed and striding toward the door, "But I'm not a fan of fireworks." She strode across the carpet, pausing suddenly as she reached the doorframe and turning back for one last look at her quickly-inflating victim. "Oh, and one more thing..." "...Have a blast!" Amy's stomach rose unbidden, free from the restraints of her uniform. Her thighs ballooned, breasts pushing ever outward and upward, giant rips coursing up the remains of her sleeves as her arms swelled like sausages. Completely helpless, she could only watch in horror as the hose in her mouth pumped her up bigger and bigger, tighter and tighter. She was so full, so impossibly full, but growing ever fuller, creaking faintly like an overstuffed balloon as she trembled with the effort of holding herself together. She was still growing larger by the second, but now she was fighting for every inch. Her internal pressure skyrocketed, her rate of expansion beginning to slow again. A loud groan sounded, and a jolt of realization and dread spiked through her. Her uniform had slowed its expansion too, creaking and groaning and growing ever tighter, just before... Tears filled Amy's eyes as she marshaled all her strength, trying to stop the inevitable. She wasn't going to let herself burst, to let herself go in such a spectacularly humiliating way, to give Jordyn her sick satisfaction. But the hose in her mouth had other ideas. She grunted with effort, shivering as a thrill of tightness rippled through her. It rebounded, abated, returned with a vengeance. No, she though desperately, please... But there was nothing she could do. From her sweating forehead to her curling toes, a thousand pounds of pressure forced every inch of her body outwards. Her skin stretched tight as a drum, creaking ominously, growing louder and louder as she was pumped helplessly full. She trembled, body shaking, wrists and ankles straining against their bonds, screaming a muffled "MMMMMMNPH!" as she lost control entirely, ballooning suddenly outwards and exploding with an earth-shaking roar.
dream, fairy, force feeding, magic
Female Inflation
Full Body Inflation
It's a cold October night in the middle of suburban nowhere. Egg-crate apartments and midrange homes speckle the sprawl. A smallish figure, April, ascends the red-orange rust that crawls up the aging brick building like ivy on a mountain. Warmly glowing walking lamps throw hard shadows through the guardrails on either side and draw shark cuts into the branches below."Forty three, fourty two, fourty one."Key in hand. Door open. Slide in.She closed the door softly, locked it, and leaned against the wall of her darkened apartment. She slid to the ground and sighed deeply. A stiff wind answered back."What a shit day," she said to no one in particular. "So he's bored with me. Fuck him." The unfortunate part of non-relationships is they go as quickly as they come, and usually as a function of how fast they cum. Despite his comments about it being a simple matter of interest, her thoughts distorted his words -- making them oddly cutting and painful. She had been a big girl in high school, or a big girl for most of her life, at that. After starting college, she shaped up her attitude, her habits, and her diet. Dropping 60 lbs in two years was a point of pride for her, but the residual ridicule from students and teachers alike was too deeply embedded to be shed. Words, however harmless, were more scars on her light-figure. She had little in the way of pudge, and nothing in the way of fat. Her breasts were boring, her hips equally so. She had, as she herself called it, a butt. Nothing more or less was appropriate.In the distant corner of her darkened studio, a lime green flash popped into being. Her thoughts, formally consumed by self-depreciation, shifted to the more pressing concern. A green spark could be a hallucination or, were she the fortunate type, nothing more than an electrical fire. Turning on the lights did not diminish the glow. The glow seemed to compensate for it and grow brighter. She had set herself on getting closer, but the idea became moot when the glow instead rose up and came to visit her. What was once a glow was, in fact, a tiny green fairy with a decidedly pudgy stature."Well shit. Hallucinations it is.""And a good evening to you too, my dear," said the fairy. "My name is Zoey. You can call me Zoe. Or Z. If you call me anything shorter I expect you won't make any sounds.""Why couldn't it have been fire? Insurance money would go a long way to redecorating.""I'm here to provide you with some life advice and something of a gift," continued Zoey."Maybe the fire could burn alive, too. That would be a nice way to cap off the evening."Zoey shocked April in the forehead with a tiny tazer. April's nervous system seized and she toppled over to the left."Are you paying attention now? Stupendous!" Zoey returned the tazer to her tiny fairy purse, and April stopped twitching."I'm here to resolve your situation. You're preoccupied. Haplessly enamored with the idea of slenderness. So helplessly involved are you, that it is to the detriment of your life. There's nothing wrong with being healthy, but you my dear sacrifice your all for a silly ideal. Tininess is a means to getting laid, dear, not a goal in and of itself. Your hapless plotting and calorie counting makes you a particularly difficult date. Compounding matters: you're much more flatting as a fluffy girl than the teeny one you are now."April's shock (both literal and metaphorical) wore off as the reality (or realness) of the situation solidified. "You're what?""I'm resolving your situation. I'm going to give you back your figure." Zoey picked a wand our of her purse. April's eyes widened. "Now hold on a sec. I'm not one to turn away help--" And Zoey discharged her enchanted stick into April's body.April stopped. The flash of light left a bit of an after-image, but she seemed otherwise normal. A lengthy, awkward silence sat between them. April made a slow circle around the fat glowing fairy, noting that her pants would bind up ever so slightly when she walked. She stopped and groped herself. Nothing huge, but her thighs were slightly larger. The fairy perched herself on the end of the kitchen counter and took out popcorn and a soda."Oh you're real fucking funny," offered a discontent April. Her weight gain intensified slightly and her thighs pulled tight inside her size 6 jeans. Her butt pushed back against the fabric of her pants as her mound thickened and tightened, pushing forward on the crotch. Her panties started to dig into her swelling flesh. Her marginally underwhelming breasts filled her bra to its breaking point, then overflowed into her shirt. Her belly went from tight to taught to pudgy to flabby to big to bloated to inflated to pregnant to huge in a matter of seconds. Her body fattened to the point of painfullness, pulling her undergarments to their breaking points. First to go was her brassier. Her fat breasts tearing the front-hooks apart. Her arms thickened and pulled the broken bra to pieces. Her shirt pulled up around her expanding girth and her belly ballooned out, filling up her love handles on the sides. Her thighs swelled everywhere, thickening and tearing the outside of her pants.April stood shuddering at the immensity of her body. Her breathing was shallow and her heart was beating hard in her chest. She was gravid beyond her capacity for comprehension. Her weight had increased nine-fold, growing from a teeny 80 pound five foot nothing to a corpulent 720 pound balloon of fat. She rotated her hips, the closest thing she could do to taking a step, and toppled forward. She bulged and her clothing burst. She laid, swoolen, naked, shocked, and disturbed. Zoey laughed heartily. Wickedly. "You think this is funny?" asked April, in an irritable pout. "April, dear--""Don't call me dear.""Sorry dear, but it is hilarious. You're just going to have to trust me when I say it's for your own good," said Zoey, then continued on with her laughing.April's irritation grew into a horrid, twisted anger. A fundamental, carnal instinct rose up. Years of effort undone by this fat little fly. Tears welled up in her eyes as she struggled to her feet. She bounded step after kludging step towards the pixy, who was still too consumed with her over-exaggerated laughter to notice or care. April grabber Zoey around the waist as tight as her fleshy hands would permit. "You fucking. Fuck." "FUCK YOU, YOU FUCKING FUCK. DO YOU KNOW HOW LONG IT TOOK ME? HOW MUCH I SACRIFICED ONLY TO HAVE YOU BLOAT ME BACK TO THIS?" She chucked the fairy at the wall with as much force as she could impart. Not much, but enough to thoroughly irritate Zoey. "Why did I say 'fucking fuck'? That makes no sense."Zoey stood and dusted herself off. "Ohhh ho ho, dear. Slapping about fairies is not a good idea! You think you're big now. How about a backache to accompany your heft?" Zoey twiddled her wand at April. Her ample, fat breasts grew again. They filled and ballooned, swelling well past inhuman size into the bizarre. April toppled forward again, though this time fully cushioned by her gigantic chest. She must have weighted a half-ton. Again she grew. Her body filled and ripened. Her breasts engorged with milk. "You're going to have to milk those things a few times a day if you don't want to get so big you pop."April didn't seem to hear. "Ooooh, I'm a fucking fairy I'm so goddamned helpful and merciful. What is your fucking disfunction?" Zoey flew in close, getting right into April's face. "Are you hearing me numbskull? I. Am. Trying. To He--" April grabber Zoey and, with a not insignificant pleasure, buried Zoey's face in her breast tissue. Zoey's mouth, once open to speak was now filled with April's nipple."Milk them? I think I will." Zoey's eyes widened and April leaned forward onto her mammoth breasts. Zoey's figure filled up like a water balloon, filling her hips and thighs. Her belly widened as April's milk streamed into her with no signs of stopping. Her midriff filled and widened, forming a teardrop shape with her lower body. April continued, undetered by Zoey's rapidly increasing girth. Her right breast ran dry, but didn't seem to be any smaller. She dropped Zoey, whose tiny wings could no longer keep her immense gut airborne. She flopped to the ground. "Hey now. You think I'm finished? I'm barely half done!" April shifted herself onto her butt, legs spread, belly bulging between them, and picked up her tiny balloon person. She pressed Zoey against her left breast as though she were nursing and squeezed again. Zoey grew outwards beyond pregnancy or obesity. Her fat body stretched and distorted to accompany the huge volume of fluid, expanding everywhere until she could expand no more. "Don't stop now! You've still got plenty of room," remarked April. Zoey mumbled against her nipple. "What is it?""You're making a mistake. This is not a good idea.""So was filling me up." said April, and returned to her force feeding. Zoey's pear shape had distended into nearly spherical, her breasts, hands, and feet forming mounds where her skin hadn't stretched. Bigger and bigger grew the pixy as the countless gallons of milk flowed in. Her body (aided by her considerable flab) attempted to stretch and compensate. Unfortunately, her body could take no more. The pixy took on a deep red color and grew with one more huge throb before erupting in a shower of milk and fairy dust.April sat astonished at her inhumanity, partially expecting to wake up. She heard the sound of whispering, as from a great distance. "I warned you."She felt her stomach turn. Her body started to swell again, ballooning in all directions and unrestrained by her clothing. Bigger and bigger she grew, taking on the rounded shape of the fairy she offed. Her body touched the ceiling and floor, but still she fattened. Her cheecks puffed full and her fat billowed out around her, soon obscuring her vision. Her breathing became more labored. Her body was throbbing as it expanded. She heard an audible stretching and felt her hands balloon into sausages. Like her little friend, she surged outwards, filling her studio with flesh, then tore apart in a messy splash of fat and bodily fluids.==="So that was your dream?" Zoey asked April, mouth slightly open in disturbed acceptance."You asked. I just said it was weird, but you were all, 'nuuu i must hearz it'. Your fault, not mine." She finished her iced coffee."That's fucked up.""Yah. Pretty fucked up.""Let's go see Iron Man.""Hells yeah."And the two meandered off.
Female Inflation
Full Body Inflation
The main entrance to the hospital flew open and the paramedics rushed in pushing along a gurney, on which was lying a young woman in a dressing gown with a heavily distended abdomen, groaning and moaning loudly. The junior doctor sat by the reception desk jumped to their assistance and ran along with the gurney as it was pushed along the long white corridors. 'Is she ectopic, not fully dilated? How far apart are her contractions?' the junior fired questions at the paramedics anxious to project an impression of professionalism. 'Oh, No' one of the paramedics replied as the others checked her blood pressure and guided the gurney left and right through the hallways leading towards the operating theatres . 'She's not pregnant' he said, 'that's gas in there... we don't know how it started but it doesn't appear to have stopped going in there... she's still inflating!' The junior looked at the woman; she was young and pretty with neck length blonde hair and green eyes, casting her eyes down the girl's body she saw her abdomen was indeed growing bigger underneath the light cotton gown. The girl moaned as she rubbed her hands over her ballooning stomach and briefly looked the junior in the eyes with an expression of pure horror readable in her eyes, the rest of her face hidden beneath the rising mound of her abdomen. At that moment an experienced doctor arrived on the scene looking like he had rushed over as a matter of urgency. 'So this is the inflating girl?' he asked the paramedic, gasping, who nodded sternly 'We have no idea how the gas is inflating her, what it is or where it's coming from' the paramedic shouted. The junior watched as the stricken girl's belly grew far beyond the size which would be the upper limit for a pregnant woman. The doctor took the girl's hand and she switched her fraught gaze to him as he tried to reassure her. 'Don't worry' he said with a confident, paternal tone 'you're in safe hands now, we'll get to the bottom of this', but when he looked back towards the junior his expression betrayed an apprehension and disbelief of his own. 'I don't feel so certain' the girl replied, her voice soft and trembling, 'I can feel it building inside me like a pressure' she paused, 'I feel like... I'm going to explode!' The doctor looked increasingly concerned as she mentioned this; the girl's eyes widened and she lifted her arms to rub her stomach as it visibly expanded. 'ooooh' she moaned, closing her eyes. The junior watched as the girl's stomach growled and swelled up beneath her dressing gown, untying the rope around her middle and allowing the straining fabric of her undergarments to become visible, stretched around the orb of her midriff. 'It's spreading to other parts of my body!', she groaned in exasperation. The junior, doctor and paramedics all backed off, sensing something impending in her fear, and watched aghast as, with a deep rumbling, the bloating moved up the girl's torso, making her egg shaped before her breasts began inflating like two balloons pushing out at the fluffy fabric of her gown. All the time her whole body blew up like a blimp, bigger and bigger. She looked round frantically at the terrified retreating physicians as her breasts swelled up to her face, forcing her to crane her neck to see over them. Her hands and her feet in their fluffy slippers twitched with fear as she watched the inflation spread down her limbs, forcing them straight until her whole body was pumping up like an overinflated parade balloon and rumbling ominously. 'We've got to get out of here!' the doctor shouted, 'get the patients out first and block the doors with anything you can' he commanded, cueing the paramedics and any other staff in the vicinity to go into panic, running this way and that, gathering up other patients in gurneys and wheelchairs, surrounding the expanding woman in a scene of pandemonium, of which she was clearly aware and frightened that no-one was trying to help her. 'Come on!' bellowed the doctor to the junior as he held the last door open, the other surrounding doors blocked with beds and furniture with, petrified faces pressed to the windows. But the junior was frozen, as if entranced. She gingerly walked forward towards the helpless woman and looked her in the eyes. 'Do you know how this happened to you' she enquired gently. The girl just stared back, before trying to say something 'mmph... phhmph' she grunted, her cheeks puffed up with the gas, making it impossible for her to speak. 'Six...' she managed to squeeze out... 'six', before she closed her eyes tightly, as if preparing for her explosive fate.' 'Hurry up, you have to come now!' the doctor shouted again. The junior looked up at the mass of the girl's tightly inflated body, what skin was visible looked shiny and taut and she could hear a low creaking sound as the girl's body tried in vain to hold out against the mounting pressure within. 'Sorry' she whispered softly, to the girl, whose eyes were still tightly closed, before taking off her stethoscope and placing it over the girl's ears to block out the cacophony of groans and creaks generated by her straining flesh, stroking a hand over the smooth tight surface of her belly and running to join the doctor at the doorway. She glanced back to see the girl lying, arms and legs outstretched with her feet towards the door and her whole body bloating slightly as it strained and creaking horribly; before the doctor slammed the door and an orderly shoved a gurney across it. The junior closed her eyes and instinctively cowered away from the door. There was a brief moment that seemed to last an eternity before the building reverberated with a loud boom which shook the air and seemed to fill the entire world. The junior heard the sounds of other people screaming and shouting and the glass shattering behind her, before being showered with small lumps of broken safety glass and knocked to the floor by the force of the gurney which had been blocking the door hitting her in the back. She lay there motionless, as the echo of the initial explosion died down, before opening her eyes and looking up from the floor. She saw some people picking themselves up from the ground, others on their feet were staring over her head with a look of fear, their hands to their mouths in horror. Stretching down the corridor away from her was the glass from the door's window, blown out by the force of the blast. Trembling, she pulled herself to her feet with the help of the doctor who was beside her, before slowly turning to face the spot where only a moment ago the girl had been filling most of the corridor. The scene in the corridor wasn't as grim as she had expected; there was nothing to suggest the girl's presence except for tattered remains of her dressing gown. The air was thick and smoky and through the clearing smoke she could see the gurney on which the girl had lain, broken in two with the two halves laying a few metres apart on the floor. As she pushed the door open she felt it swinging and noticed the top hinge had been broken, but there was something trapped beneath it, making it stiff to open. She looked round and saw it was one of the girl's fluffy slippers. It was early morning and the girl had probably been preparing for bed when she started to swell up. The rest of the corridor was carnage, notice boards knocked from the wall; light fittings hanging loose and sparking wildly; windows blown out and other people venturing out from the other rooms surrounding it, looking tattered and bloodied like survivors of an earthquake. She bent down and fished through the debris until she found her stethoscope, blown several metres down the hallway in the blast. Standing back up again she looked towards the doctor who was coming towards her. 'I think this is a matter for the police' he said.
clothes bursting, floating, Prose that Blows Runner-Up: Best Scene of Clothing Destruction, Prose that Blows X: We're Dedicated Swallowers of Fashion
Female Inflation
Full Body Inflation
"Urg. *burp*."The dead silence of the small abode is punctuated by the moans, groans, and various emissions of its single occupant. Light shines through the windows, the sun greeting sleepyheads the world over to a joyous Saturday. Jessica, however, is having none of it, shielding her face with the blue down comforter clutched in her right. It's no use, of course. She's fully conscious and full of aches and pains. It's time to get up, get to the kitchen, and take something.Throwing back the blankets, she slowly swings her swollen legs over the side of the bed, and gingerly brings her feet to the floor. Her left hand pushes her upright, while her right gently rubs her balloon-like belly through her flannel nightshirt, buttons straining against an oversized wearer. Head hung forward, tangled locks of brown hair cascading across drained face and filled bosom, Jessica begins her bouncy waddle to the kitchen.Left, right, left, right, went the mantra in her head, feet following in time. Her arms she holds out at her sides for balance. Bounce and swing, bounce and swing, the light pad of bare feet against wooden floor. Creaks and strains emanated from her overtaxed clothing, seams threatening to give way, the light slosh of fluid within her underlining the audible symphony. Bounce and swing, bounce and swing, *gurgle* and *creak*, her belly perks and swells ever so slightly, but it is enough. Both feet are off the ground now as Jessica slowly rises, silent save for a hollow *tunk* as bottom button of her shirt lets go, gassy girth taking up the slack."Whoa! *burp*."The gas comes up and she goes down, barely having cleared an inch or three. She resumes her buoyant march without missing a beat. Left, right, left, right. Arms move in carefully to comfort the raging swell of flesh, a gentle rub against uncomfortable fullness. The button is reset, barely hiding a thing, but providing comfort nonetheless.She takes a break at the verge of the kitchen, running her hands over her impressive thighs, smoothing out some nonexistent wrinkles in her skin-tight sleeping bottoms. She bounces to the other side, past the sink full of soiled dishes. She saunters up to the step stool before the spice and medicine cabinet, then merely pushes it away with the side of her foot. Opening the door, she spies the small glass container of candied ginger, an ingredient used only once and left to languish on the topmost shelf. Closing her eyes, Jessica readies herself for this one flight of fancy, crouches, and...*rip*Blush quickly comes to Jessica's countenance. Still crouched, a hand moves about her backside, revealing a gaping hole and overtaxed underwear. An annoyed pout leaves her nostrils, as she returns to the task at hand. Arms move back to her sides, as she quickly springs back upright and feet leave the floor. The air pushes back, slowing her forced accent, yet she still drifts within distance of the tiny spice jar. Her left grabs the shelf for stability, and her right grabs her prize. Ginger secured, Jessica lets herself drift back down to the tiled floor.The table was already spread with the things Jessica needed: saltines for sustenance, ibuprofen for her head, simethicone to try and coax out the gas, the newly acquired ginger to settle her stomach, and both a pitcher and a glass of water to wash it all down. She sits before the modest offerings, inflated rear and thighs providing a cushion against the wooden chair. With stomach still slightly achy with pressure, the ginger goes first, the sweet taste a welcome break from the dry crackers. With pills taken and water consumed, Jessica notes her stomach is much more at ease. It's still under pressure, but not uncomfortably so. Hands begin to poke and prod her belly, pain abating and curiosity unfolding. Experimentally, she presses down with both hands, hoping to force release.Pressure builds with the press, and Jessica feels the gas displace. The two halves of her bottom expand out the hole in her pants and into her seat. Her legs swell and stiffen, knees pneumatically locked. Her bosom ballooning beneath her blouse, buttons straining, flesh further peaking through the gaps. Even her arms receive the gas, sleeves tightening with false muscle.Jessica relents, and her previous proportions return, belly ballooning once more. "Should have known," she muttered under her breath. She pushes herself away from the table, then stops at the telltale gurgle.Fizzing and hissing meets her ears as the pressure begins to build once again. The weight of her body lessening in her seat, Jessica quickly grabs the sides of her chair. It does not take long for her swelling stomach to be restrained by cloth, and soon her shirt resumes its taxed utterances. One by one the buttons burst open, bottom to top, following the curve of her gassy girth. Breasts fill with unwanted lightness, bursting yet more buttons, until they hang bare above her rounded stomach, resistant of gravity's touch. Jessica's shirt now hangs loosely about her, a single button at her collar holding it on, and yet, even without the restricting shirt, the pressure keeps building.The material of her pants groans in protest as thighs and legs swell with gas. Jessica's legs once again lock straight in front of her, hanging parallel to the ground. The tear in her bottoms widens as her bottom widens, proud flesh on display for an audience of none, thank goodness. The seams along her legs begin to give out, bubbles of skin pushing out between taught threads. Gas filled hips squirt out the top of her constraining waistline, creating a monstrous muffin-top that would strike fear in even the most fashion unconscious.Swelling sides begin to threaten her grip, belly becoming wrap around, forcing her arms away from their purchase on the chair. Arms refill and add to the struggle. Like her pants, the seams in her sleeves split, bubblegum-like protuberances of skin poking out. Undeniable lightness now pervades her and continues to fill her, the chair tipping back on its two hind legs, lifted and balanced by the inverted pendulum Jessica has become. In the end, Jessica's exertion is her own undoing, as sweaty hands no longer find purchase on polished wood.She is much fuller than when she went airborne in the hallway. Jessica's rise is quick, clearing a foot in a second or two, the chair clattering to the ground below her. A few seconds more, and she is pressed against the ceiling, her belly's gurgling abating. Breasts and stomach rub against the textured plaster, giving Jessica a rather boring view. By the time she has rolled herself around, looking down upon the table, the swelling has stopped, and all that can be heard is the gentle sloshing of her stomach once again.Clothing hanging about her trunk, pants and sleeves drawn tight against her body, there was nothing else she could do but sigh."This is what I get for playing fast and loose with expiration dates," she said, eyes darting to the garbage can, an empty can of beans perched on top."*burp*."
first person, floating
Female Inflation
Breast Inflation, Butt Inflation
I can hardly believe I finally found some time to get away from the hustle and bustle of the city and spend a day on the beach. I love the sun, the sand, and the sound of the ocean waves rolling up onto shore. I'm going to make the most of this. The pavement's warm on the bottom of my feet. I smile at the boys as I stroll across the parking lot to the sand. My nice-sized 38C breasts jiggle scrumptiously in my tiny bikini top. My round ass shimmies in my bikini bottoms. I can already feel the sun on my skin, making it all warm and tingly. On the beach, in the warm sand, I unfurl my beach blanket and plop down on the soft fabric. Opening the little beach duffle bag I had brought, I dig for the bottle of suntan lotion, and my hand finds it. Hmm? It does't feel like the right shape. I pull the little bottle out and realized I've brought the wrong container--in fact, it's one I don't even recognize. It reads: Oil 2000 - For the BIGGEST results! Funny, I couldn't figure out where I had acquired this stuff. But it's obviously made for sunning, and why else would it be in my beach bag? I pop the top and squirt some of the clear liquid out into the palm of my hand. I smile at a young hunk, rubbing the oil over my upper chest then over my exposed breast flesh. My skin tingles as the oil smooths over it, and I giggle, feeling my nipples pop up as if hit by a cool breeze. I keep my eyes on the young guy as I raise the bottle up to squeeze a little more on my chest. "OH!" I exclaim, as the cap pops off and the oil pours out all over my breasts and the surrounding blanket. I rub myself down until I was a shimmering greased-up cute little piggy. Laying back, I relax. I set the bottle aside, not noticing the little warning label on the side that reads: Warning! Only a teaspoon of oil needed for the BIGGEST results. Isquirm on my blanket. The sun's hot, and the warm rays shine down on my exposed skin. Mmmmmm, it was sooo nice. My skin tingles, absorbing the warmth. Mmmmm. I feel so comfortable, so happy. I felt... I feel odd. I feel a prickly sensation in my chest. Placing my hands on my breasts without thinking much of it--MMMmmmmmm so soft and nice--wait! Something feels wrong. I sit up and looked down. NO!! This isn't right, is it? My skin feels so funny...rubbery, but so soft. I poke a finger against the upper part of my right breast. Oh my! This can't be right. It seems swollen. This can't be right. Mmmmm, my skin feels funny. Tight, like something is pressing out from within. I feel...pressure? What is happening?! The pressure within makes my skin tingle, makes it prickly. I take a deep breath. Oh!! This can't be right! My breasts push outward, the strings of my bikini top become tight against my shoulders and back. This isn't right! I look around to see if anyone is watching. Good, no one has noticed. I cup my breasts. Wow! So much for going home and trying to fit into my regular C-cup brassieres. I must be at least a D-cup now. Maybe DD. What do I do? I shiver, which makes my chest sway heavily. I am tingly all over...but instead of goosebumps...OH MY! There is renewed pressure from within against my breasts. What's happening? My bikini top is getting tighter on me. This can't be good. This can't be right! I stand up and almost fall back to the sand. I feel dizzy, head swimming, thoughts fuzzy and wavy. Tingling all over and...the pressure inside me, in my chest. It's getting stronger! "OooooHH!" I squeak as my boobs jump and in that quake they push out further. Skin stretching. Bikini strings digging into flesh. Boob flesh bulging from the soft cups of the bikini top. This can't be happening! But it is! Noooo! People are starting to notice my way. I blush. This is so embarrassing. Why here? Why now? What's going on? I didn't want this here! I gasp as my skin tingles and stretches as it balloons in my chest region. I must have 50 inch boobies now. More tingles. Oooh! Make that...60 inch boobies. Wow! My bikini top is struggling to contain my blossoming bust. Wait! What's that? There is a strange feeling in my...BOTTOM! Oh no! I feel something happening in my bikini bottoms. My ass! My sweet round little ass! No, this can't be! I can feel the material of the suit creep between my butt cheeks. No!! Not this! I slap my hands to my tingling butt. Ooh! It's completely saturated with the oil. I glance down at my blanket. The whole area where I was laying is dark and wet looking. Great! I've been basting in the stuff. Just then my suit bottom gets really tight around my hips and crotch. The back patch of cloth disappears between my immense ass cheeks before I can even blink. This is not going to be good! People are really noticing now. The tingling is more intense in my breasts again. No, in my little tush! No, my breasts! The pressure is strong but....warm. I feel fuzzy and warm all over. I think...I think I like this feeling. My bikini top is getting more and more stretched as my boobies push out. I raise my hands and run them over and over my big round expanses. Mmmmmm, so warm. So nice. My nipples poke up the size of shot glasses. I must have at least a 80 inch bust. My poor suit! Good thing it is stretchy fabric. But, gosh, it must have its limits. People are staring. This is so embarrassing! Me just standing here and getting bigger. I wish they'd stop staring. It's not my fault, is it? Is it my fault that I am getting bigger, body blowing up like it has balloons within? I want to tell them to quit staring at my huge bulging breasts and immense fattening little ass. Quit staring at me like I am some sort of ballooning fattening plump little girl. It's not my fault! Hoping to hide in the waves, I skip down to the ocean. Each little leap in the sand brings me a few inches off the ground. I skip and skip and my bulging bottom and beachball-sized breasts do a little jump with me. Ooh! That last skip took me a foot off the ground. My growth isn't making me heavier but...LIGHTER!! Oh gosh! I seem to be becoming a balloon...or least certain parts of me are inflating! I take one little step as I reach the surf. I gasp in astonishment as I really raise into the air. I float up, spinning and tumbling like a beachball, growing bigger and bigger all the while. I land with a light splash in the cool water. I am on my back, though my lower body is propped up from my bottom getting so big. I rise and fall with the waves and I see the seagulls flying by and looking at me. I'm sure all the people on the beach are doing the same thing. My suit tightens to its limits with my swelling bosoms. I feel the strings loosen behind my back and slip off, sliding up under my arms that I press to my sides. My bottoms grow tighter until they hurt and I fear it will come undone, springing from my ballooning cheeks like a rubberband. But then, the tingling sensations fade and I am left floating there like a big round female-shaped air mattress. I let the bikini top do what it may and it hangs there on top of my massive bosoms. The little bit of fabric covering my fat nipples flaps in the warm breeze, teasing my already aroused teats. "Mmmmmmm," I moan as the rolling waves rock me to sleep. I could float out here forever. I trust the waves and gentle breeze will bring me back to shore. Thoughts begin to fade to dreamland as I rock on my humongus bottom with my towering breasts, like flesh-colored moons, sticking up before me. My last thoughts as I drift into dreams are how I can possibly get back into my little car if I don't shrink down--and also if that young hunk on the beach likes his beachbunnies BIG.
science, scientist
Female Inflation
Breast Inflation
Science provides the world with all too many wonders. From medicine to techonolgy, whatever it is, humanity prospers. Yet not every piece of technology gets the stamp of approval. Some technology barely even sees the light of day whether because its ineffective, or what it provides is not seen as "useful" to the common folk. This reality strikes the ideas of many aspiring scientists, who pour their all into their experiments. Once such scientist was Rose. With all her learning and success she never expected that her pride and joy, the "Universal You", would be shot down by the uppers in the scientific community. So what if the preliminary tests resulted in subjects having to be rolled out of the testing rooms. This boon to modern society was made to give people whatever look they wanted. They could alter their hair, their height, their weight, anything! If anything the experiments revealed it was that the machine had no limits on what it could do for a human. With a determined grin strecthing her lips she stepped onto the platform, centering herself. She had to pull some pretty big strings in order to get her device set up in this stadium, but it was worth every cent. Looking around she knew that after she was done, there was no way those snobby suits could deny what her machine could do. No amount of cover up could possibly cover her up. Taking a deep breath, she locked her eyes on the machine that rested just off the platform: a series of computers and power cables that were all attached in one way or another to a large robotic arm. At the end of this robot arm was what looked like a small satelite dish, with reflective plates lining the interior. Solidly gripping the remote in her hand, she exhaled and readied herself. With the press of a button, Rose felt something invisible bombmarding her. It was a wave of incredible warmth that while potent, lasted only a few seconds, leaving her entire body tingling. She had the chance to collect her breath, but it wasn't before she felt something building in her chest. Her gaze locked onto her cleavage, and in that moment her breasts suddenly bulged from within her blouse, straining her once form fitting bra. Her gasp was sharp and her hands shot to clutch her bosom, now so incredible sensitive. Amazement and uncertainty filled her eyes, yet before she could say another word, the tingling sensation renewed itself. Again her bust billowed forth, and this time, her clothes could not keep up. The clasp of her bra immediately gave way under the growing flesh, and buttons shot every which way from her now destroyed blouse. The incredible amount of fresh weight unbalanced the female scientist as she struggled to stay standing. Her knees wobbled, doing their best to keep her still, but it was only a matter of seconds before another wave of tingles struck her. If she weren't so focused on staying on her feet, she could have possibly heard the sound of air being displaced by her massive breasts. Bursting forth in a leap of growth larger than the previous surges, Rose found herself now on the floor of the platform, unable to stand up. During the fall, her hands braced her from falling too hard and by accident, her thumb slipped, hitting the button again. The robotic arm sounded out mechanically, adjusting the satelite directly at the fallen scientist. Unable to get away, she was overwhelmed once more with the rays from the machine, a now arousing stinging sensation blanketing her body. Although her experiment was quickly spiraling out of control, Rose felt hotness take her, and she couldn't help but grasp the breasts which held her to the ground, squeezing them, massaging them. She felt the fractions of seconds pass by as the new sensations roared, accompanied by her bosom expanding further all around her. They were like warm bean bags who's tenderness sent her reeling. Growing larger and larger by the moment, she bucked her legs with enough strength to roll the rest of her body on top of her swelling assets. The rays cumulative effects doubled and doubled again, and in short time she was lightly balancing atop two titan orbs of flesh that completely obscured the 10-by-10 platform she previously stood on. It was in this moment that she knew that she was in for the long haul, but despite this, Rose barely batted an eye once she saw her mighty fleshy mounds overtake her machine. Mechanical crunching was softly heard over the horizon of her bust, but with flush cheeks and a gaping mouth, it was clear she no longer cared. If fact, she couldn't help but giggle as the world shrunk around her. Higher her swelling breasts took her: 10 feet, 15 feet, 25 feet! The sheer circumfrence of her two breasts together would overcome even monster trucks. Based on sensations she gathered from her breasts, she was now growing well and on into the stands. At this point, even the Superbowl couldn't not out shine the spectacle which was Rose. Growth was now a steady pace, gaining yards of height by the minute. Looking up, the sky widened, and soon enough, she had a birds eye view of the city. Her massive self was new skyscraper within the statium, feeling the warmth of the mid-day's sun upon all of her stretched skin. Towering hundreds of feet in the air, Rose gained a sense that her growth had slowed, and with a quick glance she realized that her bust had filled probably every contour of the inner stadium. Just then her senses began to slowly return to her, and while for a moment she had a look of dismay upon her face, it quickly disappeared, a warm smile replacing it. Gazing out across the city, she let out a soft chuckle as distant sirens closed in. There'd be no easy way to explain what she had done to herself, yet she knew what she'd say if anyone asked why she did it:"For science!"
Female Inflation
Full Body Inflation
Cindy checked her watch as she rushed for the big red doors of the gym. She could already hear the thumping of the bass from inside. That meant one thing...she was late yet again. She opened the doors slowly and peeked in to see if anyone would notice her arrival. Just as her head peered around the door the music stopped and all the girls turned to look at the door. "Late usual Cindy!" shouted Brooke, who was sitting in the bleachers observing the new dance routine. Cindy winced and quickly headed for the locker rooms to change, keeping her head down to avoid embarassment. "Wait a second Cindy, here..the new uniforms," said Brooke as she tossed a colorful shrink wrapped bundle to Cindy. Cindy paused a second, raised her eyebrows, and rushed to the locker room. Inside she quickly broke into the package and examined the contents. It was the new uniforms the dance team had ordered last week. The team had decided on an entirely new look and one that stretched the very limits of the dress code for the school. The uniform appeared to be a shiny red spandex halter top with the school logo emblazoned upon it. The bottom was blue spandex pants with a matching white belt. Thick white mid-calf socks and new asic cheerleading shoes completed the package. Cindy grinned as she slipped into the uniform. It fit like a glove, skin-tight, exactly as she had wanted it to. Every curve was amplified by the tight shiny fabric and she loved it. She rushed back to the court and stopped by a mirror for a second to observe herself. Perfect. After practice Jolie announced that she and several others were planning a party that night at her house for just the team members. Cindy was excited at the prospect since she was new to the team and had barely gotten to know the rest of the girls. This would be a perfect opportunity to bond with the others she thought and she hurried home to change and shower. Later that night Cindy arrived at Jolie's house and knocked on the door. Erica answered it with a smile and invited her in. The rest of the girls were sitting around a table and appeared to be in the process of drinking themselves into a stupor. Some form of drinking game had just begun and Cindy was about to be the next victim she realized. Jolie explained through alcoholic giggles that her parents were away for the weekend and they had found not only a bottle of spiced rum but some Everclear as well. Hardly a dent had been made in the bottles and several of the girls were already red faced and rolling around on the floor giggling. Cindy wondered if she really wanted to participate in this little game. "Hey, lets play I Never," shouted one girl. "Its where you tell if you did or didn't do something, or something like that, I think, maybe, um, I don't know." "Ok, sure," said Jolie. "Don't guess it'd hurt anything." "Ok, I um...never have I had sex....with more than one guy," said Jolie. Her confession was followed by giggles and a murmured "yeah right." She took a shot of the Everclear and rum and passed the glass to Brooke as her eyes began to glaze over and a silly grin crossed her face. "Hmmm...never have I had sex with another woman," Brooke whispered as she turned the glass up and quaffed the liquor. She slammed the glass down and raised one eyebrow in a wicked gesture with an equally sly grin. The other girls stared at her in silence for a moment and then took their turns. They knew better. Brooke was lying. It was soon Cindy's turn and by the time the glass had reached her she was already sufficiently tipsy. Her chubby cheeks had become rosy and the warmth had spread over her to such a degree that the entire world was absolutely wonderful like some great fuzzy bunny. She smiled a sincere smile and before taking her turn addressed her new best friends. "I just want ya'll to know I love ya'll, ok?" she said in her Louisiana accent as she downed the shot. "Oh yeah..uh..I have never blown myself up like a ballon before..ha," she giggled as she passed the glass, smiling all the time with her big southern smile. A hush fell over the other girls and their eyes widened. "What did you just say?" interrupted Brooke. Cindy, even in her drunken state realized that she had let her tongue slip. She reflexively covered her mouth and promptly quit smiling. " know..haven't ever inflated..." she murmured as she puffed her cheeks to illustrate her point. Astonished looks came over the other girls as her statement sunk in. According to the rules of this sarcastic reversal game, Cindy was stating she could inflate. "You mean you can blow up like a blimp?" questioned Erica. But as soon as the last word escaped her mouth the table was violently overturned with a loud hissing noise not unlike a lifeboat inflating. The girls fell backwards and screamed at the sudden disturbance but were suddenly calmed when they realized what had just happened. The lifeboat just happened to be Cindy. There she sat, round as a balloon. Her arms hung from her sides and she patted them against her a she turned her head to look around. "See, like this here, " she stated calmly. The others were too overcome with shock to react but Brooke was soon the first to speak. She got up and walked over to Cindy, examining her as she circled around her. Cindy simply smiled and blinked her eyes. It then became obvious that Brooke's mind was at work. Her brow began to raise, signaling that mischevious deeds were brewing in her head like a storm on the horizon. "Can you do this whenever you want?" she asked as she slowly ran her hand over Cindy's blimped body. "Yeah, sure I can," replied Cindy. "I can get alot bigger too. See?" She suddenly began to expand again but at a slower rate. Miraculously her clothes stayed on but the skirt and silk shirt seemed strained to their limit. As she slowly began to fill the living room Brooke stood and watched with the others. "Ladies, we're going to win the dance competition this year. Here's our special effect."
blowkiss, first person, humiliation
Female Inflation, Male Inflation
Breast Inflation, Full Body Inflation, Other Inflation
I was new to the class and although I was feeling awfully nervous and unsure, it was a wonderful day for me the moment I entered the classroom, for I saw one of the most beautiful girls in the whole world. She had dark blonde hair and green eyes and lips like Angelina Jolie. I spotted her the minute I entered and I caught her attention right away too. Several other girls were standing around her and I immediately realized that they were making fun of her. What seemed most unfair was that they kept calling this beautiful girl "frog face". Even though I knew this might make me unpopular with most of the class, I decided to help "frog face" out. I told them to leave her alone and that she looked better than all of them together. They were confused as to who I was, so they didn't respond right away. Then the first of them started laughing and chanting "he loves frog face", but another girl came over and told them to get lost and apparently, they respected her, for they left the three of us to ourselves. "Hey, thanks... I was hoping they'd have forgotten over summer, but apparently not. What's your name?" – "Jamie. I'm in your class now..." The other girl spoke up: "That was cool of you to help Elizabeth. Those jerks just don't know that it stopped being funny like years ago..." Suddenly, the bell rang and it was time for our first lesson. Over the course of the day, I spent the lessons thinking about Elizabeth and the situation with the others making fun of her; during the breaks, I hung out with her and her friend, who I learned was called Victoria. I thought about why they liked to call her "frog face" and I had to admit that she did slightly resemble a frog because of the ways her eyes bulged out just a bit and because of the shape of her head. But still, if she looked like a frog, then she looked like a beautiful one. I knew I was in love. A few weeks later, I no longer felt awkward in the class; the others had started accepting me quite soon and none of the girls was upset about me having stood up for Elizabeth. I still hung out with her and Victoria most of the time, but I also started getting to know some of the other people in the class better. One girl I had a chance to talk to particularly frequent because we lived nearby and often walked home together. Her name was Michelle and she wasn't unattractive either, to say the least. I don't want you getting the wrong impression about me, though – I'd say Elizabeth was the girl I was most interested in... but you can't help noticing other girls, can you? The funny thing is, it was Michelle who would bring Elizabeth and me closer together. It all started on our way home from school one afternoon. Out of routine, Michelle referred to Elizabeth as "frog face" again. I asked her why she kept calling her that. "Oh right, you actually came to her defense on your first day... I know, it's not fair... but we never meant any harm. I mean, if she hadn't done that thing with her cheeks, we would never have thought of it." I was confused. "What do you mean? What about her cheeks? I thought you were just saying it because she kinda looks like a frog..." Michelle laughed. "See... you think she looks like a frog too! But anyway... no one told you? Oh... this is a classic story... can't believe you haven't heard about it! We were decorating the classroom once and a couple of us were busy blowing up some balloons. It wasn't easy... you know what it's like with some balloons... you just can't start blowing them up. Well, Elizabeth was having some real problems as well. Suddenly, one of us – I forget who – points at her face and calls out something like 'Elizabeth's got a frog face!' and that was all it took..." I didn't fully understand. "You mean just because she had puffy cheeks or something, you..." Michelle interrupted me: "No, no, no... we're not just talking puffy cheeks – her cheeks were inflated! It looked like her face was half-inflated – just like with some frogs... I swear, you should have seen her! Priceless. Anyway, she never was able to shake off that moniker." Michelle laughed and I laughed along a little bit, but my mind was somewhere far off. I was busy trying to figure out a way to see what Michelle had described. I managed to walk home along with Elizabeth the next week. Victoria hadn't been at school and I arranged with Elizabeth to study Math together. As we were walking towards her house, I started talking about how we'd first gotten to know each other. My mouth was completely dry, I was so excited. Elizabeth was laughing. "Guess I do look like a frog..." – "No, frogs aren't that good-looking." – "Thanks." We both laughed and I think I detected a touch of red in Elizabeth's face as well, not only in mine. – "...and I really like your cheeks." She fell silent. I had screwed up. We arrived at her house in silence and I was actually disappointed when I realized that we were gonna be alone at her house because her mother was out. I had hoped for a nice little chat with her Mom that would have helped forget the embarrassing situation from before. Instead, we sat in her room on the floor with the Math book lying open in front of us and basically, we did the homework separately. Suddenly, a big, wet tear dropped down onto the open page of the book. I put my arm around Elizabeth and asked her what was the matter. She didn't answer me right away, but then she finally wiped away the tears and looked at me. "Do you really think I'm attractive... I've been told that I look like a frog forever, over and over again..." – "No, I really think you're..." She kept talking, though. "It happened every time I thought I'd found new friends in a new school. I'd forget about it, sometimes, but then that thing with my cheeks happens... and you know, it doesn't go away right away... God, it's so embarrassing!" I didn't know what to say, so I began padding her back to soothe her. "The only two people who haven't made fun of me so far are you and Victoria. Victoria's never said a word about it... and I appreciate that. But now you come along and I know that you'll turn on me the moment you see my inflated cheeks... I know it will happen one day... it's inevitable." "I'll never turn on you... I don't even know what you mean..." I began stroking her head gently. She stopped crying. "You'll laugh at me... you'll try not to, but you'll laugh. I know it. In your mind, this image will be too strong... whenever you'll look at me, you'll see me with my inflated cheeks... in your mind, I'll be 'frog face' too then, you'll be no different from the rest..." The crying had begun again, but I spoke to her in a quiet, calming voice: "Test me, right now." "What?" – "Blow up your cheeks... you can see how I react. If I laugh, I will leave and I won't bother you again... but trust me, I will stay." Elizabeth didn't agree immediately, but then she whispered: "I really like you... please don't laugh..." and with that, she took a deep breath, closed her mouth and blew up her cheeks. I didn't laugh. I just grew stiff. I practically threw myself at Elizabeth and kissed her while I kept touching her inflated cheeks. She was even more beautiful now. Elizabeth was confused, but happy and we kissed passionately. I began to take her close off and strip down myself as well. I laid down on top of her and pressed my lips against hers, but then as our mouths opened, I exhaled into her again. Her cheeks swelled up even bigger. "Oh...," Elizabeth moaned, "I've never gotten this big before... I must look ridiculous." She may have looked ridiculous to a lot of people – it looked like she had stuck two inflated balloons in her mouth – but to me, this was heaven. "It's too much... it kinda hurts... you gotta try and push the air out of me again..." – "Are you sure it'll work?" – "I've never really tried... I've always had to wait till the air leaves by itself... but this time, I really need to lose the air again..." I pressed her cheeks together and I felt them decrease between my hands. At the same time, though, I could see her breasts blowing up! "Oh my God... what's happening to me," Elizabeth cried. My hormones took over. I blew into her mouth again and pressed the air out of her cheeks again and again so that her boobs would get bigger. Elizabeth was somehow helpless. She only managed to mutter a few words between my breaths: "Stop blowing me up! I'm not your blow-up doll! I'm not a balloon! What's happening to me?" Suddenly, I felt someone grab me from behind and knock me to the floor. It was Victoria. She kicked me in the stomach and it really hurt. My erection even went back a bit. Still, all I had to do was look over towards Elizabeth who was lying on her bed with two massive beach balls sticking from her body. Victoria's vicious kick reminded me of the seriousness of the situation. "What the hell do you think you're doing?" I couldn't really breathe, much less answer. Victoria was awfully strong for a girl. I felt her hold me up in a full nelson. I was too exhausted to fight back and I wouldn't have hit her anyway. But those things weren't going through my mind at all... I was actually enjoying this just a little bit, I had to admit. Elizabeth had gotten up and walked over to me angrily with her huge boobs bouncing up and down like basket balls. I expected a kick where it hurts the most, or at least a slap, but she grabbed my head with both hands and pressed her mouth against mine again. Then she started blowing. Now I tried to break free. I felt the air rushing into me and it wasn't too pleasant. But Victoria and Elizabeth were too strong. It was no use. I was being blown up like a balloon by the two girls and I really mean like a balloon. I didn't grow any breasts, or suddenly get an inflated dick... I became a round, rubber ball. Soon, Victoria let go of me. She didn't need to hold me anymore and a bit later, she wouldn't have been able to anyway, for I was losing my arms inside me huge inflating body. Elizabeth had powerful lungs after all – although I did notice her cheeks were slightly puffed up again. "Frog face is inflating me," was all I could think of again and again. When only my head was left, she stopped and looked at me for a few moments, not saying a word. I felt too inflated to speak. But in my mind, I kept thinking: "Play with me, play with me, play with me..." "You did turn on me... of course not like I expected... but you are no better than the rest." She gave me a quick slap that sent me bouncing away and against the wall. I noticed that Victoria was gone, but I didn't bother to think about why she'd left. Being tossed around like a balloon was getting me all excited again. "I did it because I love you." Elizabeth hadn't expected that response, I could tell. She thought about it for a moment, but then she mocked me: "I did it because I love you... puh-lease... I just blew you up like a balloon because of how much you 'loved' me." She picked me up and bounced me on the floor several times, before rolling me over a bit. Then Elizabeth climbed onto me; she lay on top of me and looked directly into my eyes. "You wanted to humiliate me again... but now it's time for me to humiliate someone." It felt so good to feel her body pressed onto mine; it was so sexy to be stretched to the sides by her body. I felt her breasts on my inflated skin and even though they were back to normal size, it was turning me on a whole lot. Suddenly, I heard voices from downstairs and Elizabeth got off me again. The door opened and in came Victoria and Michelle, who burst into laughter immediately. "What's this? A balloon-boy?" Elizabeth laughed. "Yes, this is balloon-boy." She picked me up and tossed me to Michelle, who caught me with ease. Victoria began taking pictures as the two girls tossed me back and forth. Soon, everyone at school would be making fun of me... I was feeling pretty humiliated already... but I decided to enjoy being played with like a balloon as long as it lasted. The next day, I had deflated back to normal and managed to block out everything on my way to school. But the minute I arrived, everybody looked at me, pointed and laughed. "Balloon boy, balloon boy" half the class was chanting and I could see most kids looking at the pictures of me as a balloon-toy. The situation wasn't sexy at all anymore. I wanted to find some bizarre pleasure in being called a balloon boy in public, but it wasn't possible. It felt as if I was shrinking and everyone around me was laughing and calling me "balloon boy". Elizabeth, Victoria and Michelle, who had spread the story around most effectively, were laughing so loudly and I hated to admit that they looked beautiful. I was so embarrassed and the feeling of shrinking returned. Suddenly, I realized that I was indeed shrinking down to balloon-size. I could see Elizabeth, who looked huge, walk up to me and pick me up. No one was calling her "frog face" anymore... they were just chanting: "Blow him up, Elizabeth! Blow him up, Elizabeth!" Elizabeth smiled. I was up close to the lips I had always desired and felt them hold my small rubbery body tight softly. Her cheeks blew up before my body inflated and it looked beautiful – I could hear the class cheer; they weren't mocking her, they were thrilled by her unique ability and cheered for Elizabeth to inflate me. My body ballooned out and I was face to face with beautiful Elizabeth. She winked at me as she took me from her mouth and tied a knot in my lips. The class cheered loudly and I felt helpless and embarrassed. The bell rang and the lesson started. The teachers didn't give much thought to why Elizabeth was carrying a balloon around that day and they didn't seem to care too much about my absence. After school, I felt Elizabeth untie the knot and somehow turn me back to normal. I thanked her for turning me back, hoping she'd forgive me; I didn't feel I was in the position to be angry at her for humiliating me. "I'm sorry, Elizabeth... but, hey, isn't it great that the class doesn't care about you being a kind of 'frog face'?" Elizabeth laughed and I leaned forward to kiss her, which she allowed. Then she moved close to my ear and whispered: "And you know what will keep them from laughing at me...? You will, balloon boy!" She puffed up her cheeks a bit, blew me a kiss and walked away and I knew that it wasn't the last time that I'd get blown up and humiliated in front of everyone by that beautiful "frog face".
blow kiss, date, hose in mouth
Female Inflation
Belly Inflation, Breast Inflation, Butt Inflation
There's a problem of finding likeminded people in desolate, rural areas such as mine. So I, like many young teenagers at that age, often took to the internet joining a small community here or there sharing interests. One such interest caught my attention, body inflation. I eyed the term quizzically wondering just what the hell it was before clicking. Needless to say, it stuck in my mind for a long while afterwards. One such community that tailored to that specific interest, introduced me to another user, Jasmine. I'd heard of people meeting online through forums and whatnot and figured what was there to lose. We'd been in contact ever since I first broke the ice. Several years had passed and, in a drunken stupor, sent a message asking if she would care for a date. The following morning I rediscovered the message to my horror and cursed my stupid self. So imagine my surprise when she actually said "yes". My heart had stopped for several moments before I realized what had happened and danced giddily across the room like a school kid once Summer vacation began. Any such elation at that moment was now replaced with a new emotion, anxiety... And lots of it. It had never crossed my mind that this was the first time I would be meeting a fellow community member in person, in a city I've never been nonetheless. How would she react? Was she even a girl, how should I repsond if it was a man?! Hundreds of questions were racing through my head, clouding any better judgement that should have prevented such encounters. I cast the throughs from my mind and checked my wristwatch, counting the seconds before our prearranged time. Seeing how futile it was to worry, I tried to relax and took in my surroundings. I was unfamiliar with the city and left quite an impression. Dozens of cars clogged the roads, hundreds of people walking to and fro, buildings as tall as the heavens. It was nthing like the small farm propery. It was all so impressive, I almost didn't notice the young woman asking my name to strangers. She had just apologized and turned my way when I got my first glimpse of her face. She had half of her long brown hair tied up into a neat braid that flowed down her opposite shoulder, the remaining hair on her left side flowing gently along the curve of her face. Warm brown eyes glittered against the sunlight. She had full pink lips that looked soft to the touch, as were her rosy cheeks. Her skin had been touched by the sun, giving her an almost exotic appearance. We had locked eyes before she approached, I turned to face her. She seemed hesitant for a moment before stopping a foot away. "Alex?" She asked once more, her cheeks warming. Despite the nervous lump in my throat, I replied in kind with a smile, "Yes. Jasmine?" Her lips parted in a toothy grin and she tiled her head slightly. "I was afraid you might have bugged out, you always were so nervous online." She teased. "Likewise. I'm just glad your not a computer." She pouted and crossed her arms as in defiance. "As you can see, I'm clearly not a computer! I'm 100% woman." "Are you sure," I asked, leaning over as if looking at her ear, "I think I see some wires coming out of your ears." She laughed and gave me a playful shove. "Shut up! Your such a dork, cowboy." "Guilty as charged." We both fell into a short silence, jsut grinning at each other like idiots. I didn't mind though, it gave me a good opportunity to look her over, which in hindsight was probably not the most gentlemanly thing to do. In any case, I was dumbstruck by her beauty. Far exceeding any expectations. She had on an forest green short sleeved jacket that was left unbuttoned revealing the tight black shirt beneath. Her breasts were fairly large and had been squeezed into it and cut low enough to display a moderate amount of cleavage. She had long slender legs tucked into a pair of leather pants, which clung tightly to her well padded rear. To finish off the ensemble was a pair of short black combat boots and a wooden necklace that nearly disappeared into her chest. She must have noticed my gaze wander and gave me a sly grin. She placed her hands on her hips and crossed her legs. "Do you like what you see cowboy?" I felt my face redden and I quickly looked around, anywhere else but her. She waited expectantly for my reaction, I could feel her eyes scrutinizing every detail of my face. "Y-yes miss. My apologies." Her sly grin spread even wider. "There's no need to apologize, just remember I'm a lady." She looked me over, making it a point that I notice her actions. She hummed to herself and acted as if she were deep in thought, touching a finger to her chin. After a quiet show of it, she looked back into my eyes. "Your not so bad yourself," she half turned and gave me a wink, "for a Bean stalk." "Ouch, right in the feels." Her grin never left her face. "Shall we be going cowboy?" I nodded, trying to hide me embarassment to no avail. I stepped in line beside her and we made our way off into the bustling city. Any lingering anxiety was left behind with the young boys who ogled her and their mothers who gave us dirty looks. Jasmine, having far better knowledge of the city, had choosen the place for our evening outing. It was a quaint little resteraunt in the downtown area. It was sparesely decorated with ornate crystal chandeliers, burgandy red drapes hung down over the windows, and the walls were a dull gold that reflected the warm glow of the candles laid out on each table. I was, however, more distracted by the abundance of artificial plants. Unfortunately for my guide, she failed to see the issue. We sat opposite each other, talking about our personal lives, past dates and so on. It was nice filling in the blanks that we had not revealed to each other through our weekly correspondance. Jasmine had told me that she was studying to become a pharaseutical tech. As she explained the details of her studies I was lost in the depths of her eyes. A small smile never left my face, despite not understanding any of the chemisty she was talking about. Eventually the conversation came to a slow crawl after our meal had arrived. After poking at her salad with a fork for some time, scanning it over and over again, she looked up at me from the green vegetation. She cupped her chin in her hands. "Alex, can I ask you a question?" "Of course." I replied, cutting into the fillett of fish. "Why did you ask me on this date? Surely there are other girls much closer to your farm." I blinked in surprise unsunre how to respond. Telling her I sent it whilst drunk is probably not the best idea. So I pat my lip with a napkin wondering how to respond. "I feel more comfortable with you than anyone else in my neck of the woods." Her eye twitched at the foreign vernacular, but pressed on nonetheless. "All that roleplay sex online probably has something to do with that." She commented coyly. "Perhaps so," I replied calmy. We had gathered a couple odd stares from nearby couples, I did my best to ignore them, "you were very open with your interests." She shrugged and poked at her salad, "I never thought that I would be meeting you in person." "And yet here we are." "Indeed. It makes things much easier." I blinked. "Easier?" A small mischevious grin spread across her face as she leaned closer. I could see a great deal into her blouse, but did my best to avoid staring. "Remember my little trick in our first session?" I thought for a moment before blushing beet red. Our first session was a particularly heated one. I won't spill the exact details, but she had a particular fondness for growing her feminine curves beyond normalcy. Also something to do with rope... "Y-yes, how could I forget?" She glanced around seeing if anyone was eavesdropping into our conversation. Not that it would make a difference. She bit her lip and looked as if considering something very important. Naturally this aroused my curiousity. "Let's just say that session isn't entirely fiction." I was silent for a moment unsure where she was going with this, but I played along with it. When in doubt, just roll with the dice. "How so?" "I can make myself bigger." She replied, eyes scanning my reaction like before. "Bigger?" "Yes." I leaned back and tapped my fingers together deep in thought. She looked anxious, holding her hands under the table, I could only assume she was wringing them together nervously seeing her shirt shifting with each movement. It was so strange to see her becoming all shy like this. It was kind of cute. "Alright then, can you prove it?" I taunted, a small smirk on my lips. She was surprised by the reaction and hesitated. She cleared her throat. "What? Right now?" "Sure." I countered, "Let's see what you can do." Her eyes darted around the room, resting every so often on my own. Her face was turning more red by the minute and she shifted uncomfortably in her seat. I had started to regret my choice of words when finally she leaned in towards me and muttered, "O-okay. Let's go somewhere else first." So we did just that. She took me by the hand and led the way to her apartment. It was a small place, but more than sufficient for housing a single person. She hurriedly closed the door behind herself and sat us down on the couch in her living room/kitchen. She sat in silence, wringing her hands in her lap, biting her lower lip as she had in the resteraunt. It seemed odd that such a girl who would reveal her deepest desires to some stranger on the internet would become an anxious wreck, then again at least then you have anyonmousity. I found this shy side of her a little arousing. I placed a hand on hers, her eyes meeting mine. I asked her what she was so nervous about. "Its, not easy to do this. We've practically just met!" Well, she's not wrong there. I nodded and squeezed her hands reassuringly. "You don't need to it if your not comfortable." "No, no," she shook her head, brown strands of hair falling onto her face, "I want to do this." She took a long deep breath and exhaled. She quietly unfastened her necklace and cast aside her green jacket, letting them both fall in a heap behind the couch. She untied and removed the small black band from her braid and shook it out, letting her hair fall in long chocolate curls down her back. She must have been pleased as she made a small nervous smile. "Ready?" She asked. I made a small nod and waited to see what she would do. She took another long deep breath like before, but didn't exhale. She repeated this gesture again, and again. I arched an eyebrow quizzically before she paused. She tilted her head again and had a look of concern "Your not... Going to freaking out, right?" "I'll admit," I began, "it is a little unnerving. Are you alright though?" She nodded and the shy smile grew a little more. "Promise you won't run?" "I pinkie swears." I held up my pinkie for emphasis, a childish gesture. She giggled and knocked into me playfully. "Your such a dork." Relieving some of the stress was a good idea. She continued to take long deep breaths. It was then that I noticed what was happening. Her stomach had started to bulge out slightly and was growing larged with every breath. It was mesmerizing watching as it continued to bulge out. She stopped after a short time and huffed. She shifted unconfortably. "Oof, forgot to unbutton my pants." She had managed to unbutton her leather pants with no small effort, but was having difficulty with the zipper which had become stuck. She cursed under her breath. I volunteered to be of assistance to which she gratefully accepted. After jiggling it a little the zipper was free and I zipped it down, revealing a small amount of black lacy panties underneath. I blushed deep red looking away. She grinned as she often did. "I wore these just for you, you know." Satisfied with the sweet openess she continued to inhale. Before long her stomach had bulged out greatly, as if she were several months pregnant. She shifted her position several times to get comfortable with her growing abdomen. As it had begun to fill her lap, she looked at me pleadingly. "Do you mind if I lie across your lap?" "No, no at all." She grinned mischeviously and moved herself atop my lap, resting her head on the armrest. She looked up at me and rubbed her swollen stomach which had begun to creep out from underneath her black shirt revealing soft tan colored flesh. She inhaled more and more, her black shirt rising up away from the ever growing ball of flesh. She had begun rubbing it as she inhaled cooing with pleasure. She must have felt the hard on, eliciting a small yelp. She cupped my face with her soft hands and muttered seductively, "Blow into me." "Eh, beg pardon?" I asked, dumbfounded. "Blow into me! Like a balloon!" She replied enthusiastically. Admittedly I was a bit hesitant, giving how large her stomach had already become. Yet, she was happy enough to have someone here with her. Perhaps she was self concious about it and wanted to show it specifically to me. The least I could do is accept her request. I took a deep breath before kissing her and blowing as I would a balloon. Her cheeks puffed up slightly and she moaned, arching her back. I blew as much as I could before releasing her. She gazed up at me with sparkling brown eyes and smiled ear to ear. "That was incredible. I've never had anyone do that before." I smiled and placed a hand on the dome of her stomach, which by this point was resembling a mother with twins at nine months, not the air filled mass it really was. She gasped at the touch and pulled me back down for another kiss. She greedily explored my mouth and I hers, rubbing her stomach in circular motions. She broke away again and was breathing very hard, her breasts rising and falling almost threatening to fall out of her black top. Her eyes were filled with lust eagerly expecting more. After several times blowing into her I was getting pretty light headed. That was when she made another surprise, producing a small hose from beneath the couch. I looked at it questioningly before she winked and stuck it in her mouth. No words had to be said. I began to hear the steady sound of air hissing. She greedily sucked and gulped in as much air as she could, her belly steadily rising bigger and bigger. Her belly groaned as it had reached the size of a yoga ball, its growth slowing to a crawl. Her black shirt had rolled up completely only hiding the bottom of her ample breasts. She removed the hose and sighed contently blushing a deep red. "Oh...God I'm so full." She moaned, breathing heavily. "That you are. Are you sure your okay?" "Never better! Its so... Just a little more." Before I could stop her she latched back down on the hose. Her stomach had stopped growing and I began to wonder if the air tank, or wherever the air was coming from, was empty or busted. That's when I noticed her breasts begin to swell. My gaze was locked onto her cleavage as her breasts bulged from within. Her once form fitting bra was becoming too small and her breasts were pouring up and out of it. Jasmine giggled to herself as it burgeoned forth, her bra and tight shirt creaking under the growing pressure. They could not keep up the fight. The clasp of her bra gave way with a louch SNAP and the seams of her shirt tore apart. Her flesh poured out everywhere and Jasmine had started squirming, moaning with pleasure. The incredible amount of flesh made no difference in weight as I finally noted. Her breasts grew to incredible proportions and was rubbing her chin. She moved her hands away from her stomach to tear away the last remnants of her shirt and bra clinging desperately to her air engorged tits. Unencumbered by any clothing, her breasts grew to a size of beach balls before slowling to a stop. Jasmine removed the hose once more and looked at me expectantly. "So... Do you... believe me now?" I didn't respond, by voice anyhow. I kissed her long and deep, running my hands along the curve of her breasts. She moaned and began rubbing them herself in small circles. She broke away from the kiss. "Yes! Rub my breasts cowboy! Oh god yes!" She cried out, squirming with every movement. I believe anyone in my position would have complied. Running my hands over the expanses of flesh, she had stuck hose back into her moouth. Unlike her belly or breasts I felt her growing in another location. Even if I didn't feel it, I sure as heck heard it. Her leather pants were creaking as her ass grew in size. The pants stretched impossibly tight. She tried to see what was hindering the growth, but her gigantic breasts blocked out anything below. Jasmine tried to push them down to now avail. Flesh began to mushroom over the waistband before stitches of her pants gave in. There was a loud creak and a series of soft pops. All at once the seams burst apart and her pants blew apart off her hips. Her hips and ass quickly grew in proportion to rival her breasts. Her panties, amazingly or unfortunately, remained intact and had stretched impossibly wide becoming an inadvertant thong. She removed the hose and tossed it aside almost breathless. Her breasts and belly heaved with each breath. Her flesh jiggled everywhich way. "Holy heck... I'm so big." She breathed, rubbing herself all over with her eyes closed. I stopped rubbing her for a moment to cup her face in my hands. Her eyes fluttered open slowly and she gazed at me dreamily. The all too sly grin spread across revealing her pearly whites. Her eyes that particular sparkle as before when we first met. "Do you like what you see cowboy?" A smile, spread ear to ear, crossed my face. "Yes miss." She closed an eye and reached for something beneath the couch. I was rather curious to see what else she had hidden beneath this couch, or why these things were even down there to begin with. My eyes widened as a familiar memory arose. A coil of rope. She giggled and said in a deep seductive tone, "This is just the beginning cowboy."
floating, music, Prose that Blows 11 - It's All About the Feels, Prose that Blows Winner: Best Depiction of a Positive Emotion, Prose that Blows Winner: Most Original Interpretation of the Theme
Female Inflation
Full Body Inflation
"Thanks again for lettin' me use your space" AnDJrea's voice echoed through the warehouse-turned-nightclub as she finished hooking up the last few power cords into her equipment. The lithe teen looked like a DJ booth had exploded on her. Dyed green hair that ended in two very long pigtails, a sleeveless black-and-neon-green vest with an assortment of buttons, and a green skirt. Her neon legwarmers completed the look. "It really helps to have a space like this so I can hear how the music will sound in the end," she continued. "For you? No problem!" replied the middle-aged, professional looking businesswoman in the back of the club, bringing in the last of the boxes in from the van. "Your songs always make my customers dance, no matter which DJ is playing them." "Thanks," AnDJrea took the last box from the club owner and set it down. She began rummaging through the records and CDs in it, looking for inspiration. "Now listen," the owner said. "I've got to do an advertising spot with the radio station, but I trust you to not steal anything. Now, my people come in and start setting up around four because we open around six. That's as much time as I can give you today." "That's more than fair. Hopefully, today's all it'll take," sighed AnDJrea. "Great." The businesswoman turned to leave. "Love your stuff, hope you get inspired past that musician's block!" she shouted as she walked out of the club. AnDJrea turned back to her equipment and started getting everything turned on. She hadn't had any luck in the past three months with a new remix, and she really needed the cash. But the inspiration wasn't coming. Rather half-heartedly she grabbed some sound files off her computer and just started experimenting. Dubstep, techno remixes, classical music through some filters, she cycled through them all. AnDJrea guessed it was about three-thirty and she still had nothing. She didn't know how much longer she could mooch off clubs for free testing areas; she NEEDED something new. In frustration, she just put in some new stuff she'd heard on the radio and listened to it, trying to hear the possibilities. The second song made her pause. Some nice midtempo soul song, but it was surprisingly upbeat and just made a body feel. . . good. She replayed it. Soul wasn't perfect for a techno remix, but something about the song just made her want to clap along. She tried putting a filter over it. No, wrong one; ruined it. A new filter. Something better, possibilities were opening up. Put a second filter over the first. No, that filter was bad too. A new second filter. Change it up at the chorus. Yes, things were getting better. AnDJrea closed her eyes and just let the beat of her new song wash over her. This was something new. Infusing. It wasn't just music, it infected the body. Lifted you up. It's almost if it framed the world in a silver lining. Showed you all the good and fun and lightness in the world in just a bar of music. It was just missing a little something. A finishing touch. Maybe a backbeat drum. Eyes still closed, AnDJrea's hand lazily drifted across her soundboard, but accidentally bumped something. A nob turned, a switch flipped, a button pressed. It didn't matter. The room came alive with sound. This new song washed over her like a wave of pure enjoyment. It suffused her body, resonated within her. It was almost as if it was an electric blanket you could curl underneath on a cold, crisp morning. It was a dip in a refreshing pool on a hot summer's day. It was the feeling of first love, and the wonderment of being a kid again, all at the same time. Somewhere in the back of her mind, AnDJrea felt her clothes shifting. Her hands floated down to her midsection, and she could feel her belly filling out. Deep down, some part of her told her that this was something off-kilter, but the music was so good, and she was in such a positive mood, that she simply smiled and giggled like a schoolchild. Why wouldn't I be growing? This music, it fills you! She opened her eyes to see that wasn't just her midsection. Her breasts were larger, her arms, the music was infusing every part of her being. She heard the end of the song coming up and reached over, hitting the continuous loop button. Instantly the four hard, starting notes hit, and a new rush accompanied each one. Her body grew bigger on each beat; AnDJrea couldn't contain herself anymore. She jumped from her chair, trying to dance. Closing her eyes again so she could feel the music, she wobbled back and forth, gyrating and clapping along with her inflated arms. She could feel her body taking on more and more of the music. She allowed it, invited it inside her. More and more. Raising her spirits. Raising her emotions. Raising . . . her. She started bouncing and skipping in her dance, each jump sending her slightly higher. Each one lingering in the air for slightly longer. Each one perfectly timed to come down on the right beat so she could bounce or skip again. Higher and higher, longer and longer in the air. Until she didn't need to come down anymore. She eventually felt some small pressure against her back as the music pounded both within and without her. She slowly opened her eyes to an unfamiliar scene. In the daze of the music, it took her a minute to realize that she had floated up to the ceiling. She just closed her eyes and contently hugged herself; letting the awe-inspiring nature of the music take her. Below, faintly, she heard the owner of the club. "AnDJrea? I'm back! Are you. . . oh my, that's quite . . . ooh!"
Female Inflation
Full Body Inflation
She was the best of the best of the best. The first female to graduate head of her class with honors from the top military academy in the US, she also excelled in athletics. Mastering various styles of hand-to-hand combat, she was as deadly bare-fisted as she was with a rifle. That's why the task of finding one of the world's most vicious terrorists and high-ranking commander of the criminal Black Dragon clan – Kano – was up to Sonya Blade. Tracking Kano down to an underground martial arts tournament, Sonya fought valiantly to capture this criminal and bring him to justice. She failed. One of the world's top agents, Sonya Blade, was captured. Because of her skill and knowledge, a recon group was immediately sent to find her. Enter Jax, perhaps Sonya's only equal. Freeing her from the treacherous Shao Khan, the duo fought side by side to bring down this ruthless ruler of the Outworld. Jax and Sonya entered the Outworld tournament in hopes of saving Earth from eminent doom. The two were fighting their way up the tournament's ladder, but soon Jax fell under the hands of Sub-Zero. With a quick blast of frost, Zub-Zero froze Jax in place and shattered him into a thousand crystalline pieces. She would get her revenge! Sonya needed to capture, no, KILL Kano. But something happened that would change all this, a beautiful princess by the name of Kitana. Sonya thought Kano would destroy this cocky sex-doll for sure, but Kitana's beauty hid her true mystic power. After a bloody battle, Kitana pecked Kano on the check with a small kiss. Screaming, Kano grew to a height of 10 feet, then 15, then 20, stretching vertically until his body tore apart. No! That was HER kill. It was supposed to be Sonya Blade who brought down Kano, avenging Jax's death! If it was the last thing she would do, Sonya Blade would face Kitana and destroy her... Inside a darkened chamber, deep within a stone temple, two figures spoke against candlelight. A damp chill filled the murky complex, death was in the air. "So, young warrior, you wish to challenge Kitana in the next tournament?" the old man said, slowly stroking his mustache. "Yes." Sonya spoke with a bit of arrogance, "I owe a debt to a friend. Revenge was taken from me, and I seek to earn it back. Any means necessary." "You know, this battle may mean certain death..." "Any means necessary." Sonya interrupted. "I see you have courage, character, and determination. Attributes of a fine warrior indeed. I sense many things coming from you, Sonya." "So you don't foresee my death then? I won't be stretched tall till I rip apart like Kano?" The old man was oddly quiet, closing his eyes. Sonya did not speak as he was in deep meditation. The old man gave a small chuckle, opening his eyes and staring into Sonya's, "No, I do not see you being ripped apart vertically by Kitana's evil magic. This Kano, was he a friend of yours?" Sonya's eyes gleamed with hope and anger at the old man's words. Rushing to conclusions she shouted, "He was not a friend! But I thank you for your guidance, Shang Tsung." Bowing graciously, Sonya walked away, preparing for her battle for revenge. Her battle to destroy Kitana, the one that took her prize, her mission, away from her. Shang Tsung's white teeth shone through an evil grin as Sonya walked away. The spectators in Shao Khan's chamber cheered as blows were exchanged, thousands of people standing in their seats, throwing down bets, cheering on their favorite fighter. Music played by a few monks filled the arena with drums, strings, and horns. Those unlucky ticket holders seated behind columns had left their places, almost falling over the guard rails trying to get a peek at the great catfight. In the middle of the gold and rouge palace were two fighters, battling on a massive, grey, stone surface carved to look like a Yin-Yan. "Ug!" Kitana's lungs were emptied as Sonya gave her a fierce jab to the stomach. She leaned forward, almost coughing up blood. Her black pony tail whipped around as she jumped backwards, changing fighting stances. "Let's go goldilocks!" Sonya stepped back, adjusting her white sports bra – how embarrassing that in her greatest strike her assets almost went flying loose! The crowd cheered as Sonya stuck her chest out, finally setting everything straight. Almost confident in her victory, Sonya stared angrily across the arena at the blue-latex clad princess fighting her. No, not a princess – but a ninja. Shao Khan stood up in his throne, addressing everyone present. Through his white-skull mask he shouted, "Round Three! Fight!" Kitana bolted forward, her large legs pumping hard as she charged Sonya. Sonya finally understood – though beautiful and slim, Kitana's power lay in her legs. They were large, toned, and incredibly strong. A quick kick sent Sonya tumbling backwards, falling to the floor. "Give up or be defeated, woman." Kitana commanded, "I am fighting to retake the throne, and I will NOT be stopped!". She adjusted her black belt, also reaching back to adjust a slight wedgie caused by her blue one-piece. The crowd went wild. "I am going to defeat you, defeat your father, and stop this senseless tournament!" Sonya rose to her feet, brushed some dirt off of her black military pants, and began walking forwards, "I have been told the outcome of this tournament. You cannot defeat fate!" Only a few feet away from Kitana, Sonya could see the fear in her eyes. Sweat dripped from her forehead, her black ball cap soaked. Breaking out a few secrets, Sonya let loose a burst of energy hidden in a device inside her black gloves. "Die!!!" She had let loose a deciding blow to win the match. But Kitana ducked- doing a sweep, which took out Sonya's feet. Kitana dodged the energy blast, standing there unharmed as Sonya fell to the ground, blonde ponytail whipping around as her head smacked the floor. Slowly Sonya rose to her feet, a bit dizzy and confused. "Wha-?" Sonya mumbled, everyone in the audience now completely quiet. It was as if everyone was frozen in place, completely motionless – even the monks stopped playing their instruments All eyes were focused on the two fighters, waiting for the match's outcome. It was as if a spotlight were singling them out. Shao Khan stood yet again in his throne, "Finish Her!" A few monks in the back began beating on drums, intense music filling the arena. Looking away from the monks, Sonya saw Kitana inches away, her blue face mask removed. Leaning forwards, Kitana grabbed Sonya by the shoulder, her soft lips pressed against Sonya's cheek. With a loud smooch, Kitana let Sonya go and took a few steps backwards cautiously. There was an evil smirk on Kitana's face, Sonya very confused. Has Shang Tsung lied to her? She could only think of Kano growing taller, stretched high until he tore apart. The drums beat louder, speeding up their tempo. Everyone began whispering. Sonya looked around worridly, all eyes fixated on her. She looked over and saw Shang Tsung, grinning from ear to ear. Sweating from anxiety, Sonya wiped her forehead. Then it hit her. Her belt feeling a bit snug, Sonya looked down in horror. A small gurgle was heard at first, eminating from her gut. A thin layer of fat seemed to cover her entire body. The gurgling got louder, and a stuffed sensation filled her body. Her sports bra looked a bit taught, and her belly bulged out softly over her belt. Suddenly she began swelling rapidly, her body bloating with fat. Losing slack, her pants soon became form fitting as her legs thickened. "Uh-O!" Kitana said, admiring her work. Sonya's belly seemed to be swelling the fastest, becoming taught as it was gorged with fat. She felt utterly horrible, bloated, her clothes too tight. She began to panic, not knowing what to do. She was America's best fighter, not a pig! After a few seconds it looked like she had gained 50 pounds. Sonya was moaning as fat spilled over the sides of her pants. What was happening? How could she stop it? Thoughts raced through her head, clouded by the feeling of being pumped full like some balloon. Her ass stuck out behind her comically, rounding down into thick thighs. Kitana stepped forward, poking a finger in Sonya's belly. She was firm, her finger only sinking in an inch or so. "How do you feel, dear?" Kitana said sadistically. She was obviously getting some sick pleasure from watching Sonya unable to control her growing body. " bitch..." was all Sonya moaned as she continued swelling. She looked 100 pounds fatter, her clothes were dangerously stretched over her body. With a deep snap, her belt busted loose, her pants unbuttoning, unzippering, pushing apart in a 'V' by her fattening belly. Slowly Kitana walked backwards, looking Sonya in the eyes. Her wide hips swayed with each step, though now dwarfed by Sonya's. "You can't fight it. You're hopeless. You're my piggy now." Sonya's white sports bra, shiny and stretched taught, creaked as her chest swelled. Two giants globes of flesh, resting on top of a massive stomach. The gurgling continued, and soon Sonya looked to be 350 lbs. Sonya wanted help, she needed help. She was so uncomfortable. Her bloating did not stop – it only slowed down a great deal. Shang Tsung stroked his mustache. Slowly Sonya tried walking out of the arena, but her swollen body and tight outfit prevented any real movement. Her belly swayed back and forth in front of her and she slowly waddled a few steps here and there. Moaning, she tried to speak through fat lips and fat cheeks, "" Thirty seconds ago she was a slim, attractive woman, only now a sad 500lb joke. "Aw, she's so cute!" Kitana joked. The crowd let out a quick cheer in agreement. Turning around to face Kitana, Sonya's fat body was now a parody of a human being. Slowly, slowly, slowly she grew, her body overloaded with pressure. Terror and helplessness filled her eyes as she pleaded for help, "Kitana.....uhhh....make it.....stop...." Now totally unable to move, her body was jiggling as she reached 600lbs. Kitana adjust her belt, still stepping backwards, "This fight got me hungry..." and she rubbed her belly. The thought of food got her sick. Sonya's face was bloated with fat, unable to speak. She could only moan and grunt as the pressure increased. She needed to get rid of this, get rid of this horridly full feeling, this bloated sensation. She grunted louder, but there was nothing she could do. The pressure only got worse. "Guhhhhhh......." Sonya's arms flailed helplessly in the air, her fat thighs trembling. Her knee-high combat boots began to squeak as her calves tried to fatten. She tried to make a fist, but her hands were too plump. Her clothes now bursting at the seams, allowing fat to spill out slightly, were drenched in sweat. Shao Khan stood up, monks still beating drums wildly. He shouted "Kitana Wins!" Sonya's eyes lit up, she wasn't dead yet! What was going on? But then she realized – she stopped getting larger, but the gurgling increased. Shao Kahn pointed to the two combatants, "Flawless victory!" Sonya was near 700lbs, her body quivering and pulsating, no longer able to grow. Her eyes squinted shut, and she gritted her teeth. Her massive belly, sticking out in front of her, wiggled from side to side. Her final words, induced by extreme bloating and internal pressure, were a simple "Guuuuuhhhhhhhh......" As the last pounds of fat were packed inside Sonya's once slim frame, she burst. Shao Kahn spoke, "Fatality."
Female Inflation
Breast Inflation, Butt Inflation
Ally got off the Stairmaster and grabbed her towel. She mopped the sweat from her neck and face, then went over to the nautilus machines. Ally drew a few glances from the men in the club, but not as many as she would have liked. She knew why, too. Although she was in very good shape, her figure was very much on the slender end of the spectrum. Her chest was barely an A-cup, her butt was as flat as a tabletop, and there was only a slight hint of flare to her hips. She was no Kate Moss, but to Ally, who would rather be in the Anna Nicole Smith range, she may as well have been. She looked like the typical fashion model. As it was, Ally was a fashion model. She figured as long as she couldn't do anything about her figure (which she couldn't, as she had tried), she might as well use it to her advantage. If Calvin Klein and Francois Girbaud wanted to pay a stick woman like her a six figure salary to wear their overpriced clothes, Ally wasn't about to stand in their way. The machines Ally preferred to use were the Kaiser machines, which used hydraulic air pressure for resistance. She sat down on the seated fly machine, the first station in her routine. This particular machine had foot pedals to adjust the resistance, and, since it was currently at zero, Ally pressed down on one of them to increase the resistance. She heard the hissing of the air move through the hoses of the machine, but the needle on the pressure gauge didn't move. She frowned a puzzled frown as she watched the gauge, wondering when it would start to move. Ally then noticed a pressure in her chest. She looked down and what she saw made her jaw fall open in amazement. She had breasts! They looked to be a bit bigger than a B-cup. As shocking as that was, Ally was even more shocked to discover that they were getting bigger! In the short time since she first looked down, they had moved into the C-cup range. As Ally sat, staring at her growing breasts and wondering what was going on, the sound of the air in the hoses of the exercise machine broke her trance. She remembered seeing the needle on the pressure gauge being stuck on zero, looked at it once again to see that it still hadn't moved, and, in a flash of enlightenment, speculated that maybe the air from the machine was somehow inflating her breasts, although she had no idea how that could be happening. Regardless, she took her foot off the pedal and watched her breasts to see what effect this would have. As the hissing stopped, so did the growth in Ally's breasts, but not before they had reached what looked to be a very full D-cup. It was difficult to estimate their size, as the snug fit of her leotard squished them into her chest. Whatever size they were, they were a far cry from what they had been just fifteen seconds earlier. Ally continued to stare at them, breathless with excitement. She still had no clue what had just happened, or how, but it was a dream come true. She noticed that although they felt full on her chest, they didn't feel nearly as heavy as she would have expected them to. She surmised that if they had, in fact, been filled with air, they wouldn't be very heavy. She wondered if they would move or feel like real breasts. She shook her chest, causing them to jiggle ever so slightly. They didn't seem to shimmy quite as much as breasts that large should - though the snug fitting Spandex of her leotard may have had something to do with it - but Ally was glad to see that they didn't behave like balloons, as she was worried they might. Wanting to know how they felt, but not wanting to look like a pervert, Ally rubbed her left breast with the side of her right hand, as though she were scratching an itch. She discovered, to her happiness, that they felt soft and fleshy, as though they were completely natural. An idea began to form in Ally's head. She was on the chest fly machine, which was designed to build a bigger chest, and somehow the air from the machine had found its way inside her chest, inflating it. Would any other machines have the same effect? She decided to find out, but first, she wanted she'd make her breasts just a little bit bigger, so she pressed down on the pedal once again. As before, the air hissed through the hoses, and her breasts began to grow. When they looked to be a DD-cup, Ally took her foot off the pedal, and both the hissing and the growth ceased. Ally wanted to see if she could add some fullness to her hips, so she went over to the hip machine, which worked the outer thigh muscles. This machine had buttons on the handgrips, rather than foot pedals, to adjust the resistance. She sat down and took hold of the handgrips. Watching her hips anxiously, she pressed the button to increase the air pressure. She heard the air hissing through the hoses, felt a pressure in her hips and thighs, and, to her delight, saw them begin to fill out under her Spandex tights. Again, Ally had no idea how this was happening, but she was elated that it was. When it looked as though her hips were about three inches wider on either side, she took her thumb off the button, stopping the air flow and her growth. Ally observed that the growth hadn't merely made her hips wider on the outside; her thighs had become proportionately fuller all around. Ally rubbed her hands along her hips. Whereas before her hands would have followed an almost straight line from her waist to her knees, they now traced a delightful curve out and away from her waist - still a wasp-like 23 inches - before rounding back in above her knees. What's more, they felt soft, but not fat. Ally got off the machine and went over to the mirrored wall to check herself out. As she walked, she noticed for the first time that her peripheral vision wasn't used to seeing such a large bust on her chest. Instinctively, she looked down, even though she knew what was there. She smiled to herself; her new chest was going to take some getting used to, but she didn't mind. As she looked herself over in the mirror, Ally noted with satisfaction that the extra inches in her hips and thighs didn't make her look fat. Instead, they made her look voluptuous. Except for one thing: her butt. Despite the added curves in her hips, her butt was still flat. Ally decided that she would have to remedy that problem, so she went over to the leg curl machine, figuring that would do the trick. Ally got on the machine, laying down on her stomach. Her chest, which before today had always been as flat as the padded bench she was lying on, now was pushed away by her breasts, which were squished between the bench and her body. Ally loved how it felt as her large, soft breasts were pressed tightly against her chest, so she raised her chest off the bench and lowered it back down again, pretending to adjust herself on the bench. She did that a second time, enjoying the feeling, then grabbed the handgrips and prepared to do away with her flat behind. Ally was glad that this machine was near a mirror. Otherwise, laying on her stomach, she wouldn't have been able to see her butt, and would have had to guess at how much bigger it was getting. She didn't want a flat butt, but she didn't want it too big, either. For the first time, Ally wondered if trying to decrease the resistance in whatever machine she was on would cause the corresponding part of her body to become smaller. She decided to find out. First things first, however. Watching her butt carefully in the mirror, Ally pressed the button on the handgrip. The hissing started, as did a now familiar pressure, this time in her butt. Ally watched as her butt began to grow. It only took a few seconds until it was the size she wanted it to be, and Ally took her thumb off the button, again stopping the hissing of the air and the growth of her body. Ally got off the leg curl machine. She took a moment to sit down, wanting to see what it would feel like. Her butt felt a bit cushiony, as though there were a down comforter between her and the bench she was sitting on. Smiling, she got up and walked to the mirror for a closer look. She had judged the size perfectly; her butt was nice and round and sexy, a perfect complement to her full, curvaceous hips. Ally was amazed at how different her body had become. Curves that had once been nonexistent were now plentiful. Ally went back to the leg curl machine to find out if she could decrease the size of her various body parts. She got on, watched her butt in the mirror, and pressed the button on the other handgrip, the one that decreased the resistance. The hissing began, but lasted only about a second. In that second, Ally watched her butt completely deflate back to its former flatness. She was a bit surprised at how quickly it had happened, but decided that it made sense; it's quicker and easier to deflate something than it is to inflate it. She pressed down on the other button, and the hissing began. She felt the pressure in her butt once again, and watched as it grew back to the size she had made it earlier. Smiling, Ally realized she wouldn't be able to use the Kaiser machines for her workout anymore, but that was no big loss. They had already given her the body she had always dreamed of, and besides, there were other machines she could use. Ally decided to skip the rest of her workout and go home. As she walked toward the locker room, she passed the abdominal machine. She smiled as she considered making her stomach bigger. The feeling she had gotten as she increased various parts of her body had been somewhat addicting, and she found herself wondering what it would be like to have a beachball-sized stomach - at least for a little while - without it being fat and saggy and gross, and without having to carry so much weight around. She noticed that despite the inches she had added to her body, she felt as though she were only a few pounds heavier. The club was a bit crowded, however, and, while no one had seemed to notice what she was doing so far, what she was considering would probably attract too much attention. She decided to wait for another time, when the club was less crowded. Ally grabbed her purse out of her locker, then went over to the sink. As she washed her hands, she admired her figure in the mirror. She went to grab a paper towel, but the dispenser was empty. Ally frowned at the thought of having to use the hot air hand dryer. She often wondered what engineering school dropout invented that miracle of modern technology. She punched the square metal button and held her hands underneath the nozzle. The high-pitched, jumbo jet whine pierced the air, but no air came out of the nozzle. As the pressure Ally had felt back on the exercise machines started once more - in her breasts, hips, thighs, and butt, all at once - she was overcome with a dreadful sense of deja vu. Her eyes went wide as she looked at her reflection in the mirror to see that not only were all those parts of her body growing larger, but at a faster rate than they had previously. Panicked, she grabbed her purse and ran for one of the bathroom stalls. By the time she had shut the door behind her, her breasts were already slightly large than volleyballs, her hips were about three inches wider on either side, and her butt, which had grown fuller and rounder, looked as though she had split a basketball in half and stuck it in inside her tights. And she was still growing! As the wail of the hand dryer continued, Ally wondered how much longer it would be before it shut off, and how much bigger she would get. She was thankful she was wearing Spandex, as she watched her body continue to grow. She wondered if everything that caused a flow of pressurized air would have this effect on her, and she hoped that the exercise machines would be able to reverse the effect, since there was no reverse button on the hand dryer. She didn't want to think about what she would do if she couldn't get her body back to the way it had been. Barely audible above the sound of the hand dryer, Ally could hear the faint rustle of the Spandex as it stretched to accommodate her continually increasing curves. After what seemed like an eternity, the hand dryer finally shut off. By that time, however, her breasts had grown to the size of basketballs, her hips had grown another five inches wider on either side, and her butt looked like two halves of a beachball inside her tights. At their widest point, her thighs were each as big around as a basketball. As she looked at her lower body - which was hard to do with her massive breasts in the way - she saw that she still didn't look fat, just huge. Her hipline, however, looked as though it would measure a full five feet around. Her bustline appeared to be about 60 inches, as well. Between her bust and her hips, her 23 inch waist would have to look pencil-like in comparison. Ally had no idea how her leotard and tights had stretched so much without ripping, but she doubted they could have taken much more. If it weren't for her leotard, her tights would probably have slid down over her butt. The bad news was that the back of her leotard had bunched together and was wedged between her gigantic butt cheeks, causing a bit of discomfort. Despite the concern she felt over the possibility of being stuck this way, her super-curvaceous body gave Ally a measure of enjoyment. After being pretty much a stick woman all her life, it was nice to have a voluptuous figure, even if, at the present moment, it was more comical than natural looking. Ally ran her hands over her body, rubbing and pinching and squeezing to see what it felt like. Amazingly, it still felt completely natural. As firm and round as her breasts were, they were still soft and fleshy. Although she couldn't see them, Ally noticed when she felt her nipples that they had grown to the size of wine corks, and her aureolae had grown to the size of compact discs. Her hips, thighs, and butt felt fleshy, but firm, like they did when she was 13, before she lost that womanly layer of baby fat and acquired the thin, boyish physique she had as an adult. If, as Ally desperately hoped, there was a way to reverse what had just happened, she decided that it would be a lot of fun experimenting with her body. When she came out of her reverie, Ally realized that there was no way she could go back out into the health club without everyone noticing her. She had to, however, if she wanted to find out whether or not the exercise machines could reverse the effects of what had just happened. She decided to make a break for it. If she moved quickly and tried to act as natural as possible, she might draw less attention than if she tried to sneak around without anyone seeing her. With her hand on the door latch, Ally tried to calm herself, then, in one quick motion, opened the latch and the door, and darted out into the locker room. And almost ran headlong into one of the cleaning staff. When Ally had ducked into the stall, she had been the only one in the locker room. Over the din of the hand dryer, she must not have heard the other woman come in. Doing a quick sidestep to avoid her, Ally tripped on an electrical cord that hadn't been there earlier. As she fell, she saw what it was attached to: a vacuum cleaner. Instinctively, Ally put her arms out to brace her fall, and, by some amazing coincidence, hit the power switch on the handle of the vacuum cleaner. It roared to life as it toppled to the ground next to Ally. The locker room employee quickly came to Ally's side. "Oh my god, are you o..." her voice trailed off as her gaze moved from Ally's face to her body. Ally, after confirming that she hadn't hurt herself - her extra curves must have helped cushion her fall - looked up at the woman by her side, then followed her gaze down to her own body. Her eyes went wide and then a relieved smile spread across her face as she watched her mammoth curves getting smaller. Then, as if noticing the sound of the vacuum cleaner for the first time, she glanced over at it, and the connection was made in her mind. If the hand dryer, designed to force air out, had increased the size of her body, it made sense - at least, as much sense as any of this made - that the vacuum cleaner, designed to suck air in, would have the opposite effect of decreasing the size of her body. "What in the world?" the locker room employee wondered aloud as she watched Ally's body shrink, rather quickly, back to its former skinny self. Ally reached over and turned the vacuum cleaner off, then picked herself up off the floor. "Thanks," she told the locker room employee with a smile, then picked up her purse and went back out into the health club. The locker room employee could only stare at her, dumbfounded. As she walked, Ally noticed that her leotard and tights didn't fit quite as snugly, after having been stretched out so much. She wasn't concerned, however; she could easily remedy that situation. As far as Ally could tell, any device that either forced air from one place to another had an effect on her body, which meant that there were a number of things she could experiment with. Her smile grew wider as she thought of the different things she planned to do to her body...
Female Inflation
Chelsea was bored. No-one was going to pick her up for two hours, She glanced in her full length mirror and viewed herself "2 hours picking this out and they are going to be late?" she moaned. She was wearing her dark brown hair short to just above her shoulders. Leaning back on her desk she smiles at her short tartan skirt and strappy white top, so close it looked like a slip or night shirt, accentuating her breasts, she pouted and stuck out a hip for effect. "Not bad" she muttered, as her hand bumped into something on her desk. "What? gum? I didn't buy any gum." she looked puzzled at the appearance of the little packet. She looked closer. "Blueberry. Hmm Well it never hurts to freshen your breath before you leave" She smiled and unwrapped the cube, popping it in her mouth. The flavour was intense from the moment she bit on it, like whole blueberries bursting on her tongue, she closed her eyes as she chewed more... Chelsea stared wide eyed in shock at the mirror, gone was the lithe girl ready to go out for a night on the town, in her place a huge sphere of blue, Gripped tightly by straining cloth, She had watched in disbelief as her body had changed to this enormous globe before her eyes, her reflection showing a mix between surprise and fear. She flapped her chubby hands, all that remained as her arms slowly shrunk into her body. Her feet on tip toe as her round body rocked her back and forth. Somehow here skirt was clinging on, despite riding up like a belt exposing skin tight panties, Her top riding a little over her stomach showing an amazing stretchiness as it was holding her heaving breasts in with some previously unknown strength almost every breath she took the seemed to swell a little more causing the material to creak ominously. Her belly button visible on her taught belly as she had become more spherical. Chelsea groaned "I'm wider then I was tall, why cant I just pop and get it over with?" as she felt more juice fill her Her head protruded just enough for her hair to touch her body, as she had swollen her head was drawn down so her neck was seemingly gone. "I need to pop" she mumbled through gritted teeth, "please please just let me burst, its to...much ... pressure I pop!" A small tear escaped her eye smelling of blueberries, and she winced feeling another surge of growth slowly lifting her feet from the ground, her lower half now touching the ground, lifting her making her a nearly perfect sphere. Her cheeks filled further and even her lips swelling and plumping, making her eyes spring wide in worry "mmmph hapnin" she grunted as the pressure made it harder and harder to talk.She could feel the mobility in her fingers and toes leaving now as even they filled rigid. "Help!" she moaned through tight full lips "I'm too big.... need... to pop." almost in answer, her phone rang , her head turning a little as she realised a chance had occurred, she tried to stand on tip toes but her feet missed the floor, "no please I need to... no.. can't ...move" she panicked. Chelsea's answer phone beeped "Chelsea? You there its Jane" "" panted Chelsea in desperation, knowing that she could not be heard "I think she went into town already" she heard Jane say to others. "Ok babes we will see your sexy ass in town met you in O' Niels" Chelsea squealed "please just... pop now... no more" as the phone cut off her hopes fading fast, another surge and she felt her skirt and top tighten further as she grew."wanna...pop...too...full..." She knew that she needed help or she may pop. "Phone ... help" she gasped and attempted to shift, but her weight unbalanced her making her tip forward, slowly "noooo" she wailed Her eyes widened as she felt a prick in her side as she slowly fell on to her belly, She remembered she had left her heels off and near her for when she was ready to go. One must be pointing up, as she realised this she slowly tipped forward further. Eyes wide, Flapping frantically, Chelsea tried to right herself "No nonononon" she tried to shout but her lips were to plump to let her shout loud. The point felt sharp as she leaned harder on it, deeper, pushing into her thinly stretched top like a needle on a balloon, "Please help me someone!" she whispered as the spike finally pierced her top resting now on her drum tight skin as she fell further forward onto the sharp heel. "Please!" she moaned "Help... I ... Don't...want to..." She was cut off by a huge BOOM!
Female Inflation
Full Body Inflation
Annie giggled as she ran up the stairs to her attic bedroom, the flat package that had just arrived tucked under her arm. Unable to contain her excitement, he closed the door behind her, and tossed the box onto her bed, before running to her closet and pulling out a tall helium tank. She was able to acquire this prized possession from her party shop job. The pay was crap and her boss was an ass, but she didn't care. She was able to be surrounded by the one thing she loved most: Balloons. Annie had always had this obsession, since the first time she laid eyes on a balloon. She would always beg her parents to buy her bags and bags of balloons, and she would spend hours blowing them up, letting them bounce around her room before popping them, or saving them for later. As she grew older, and soon entered high school, she quickly found the cheap balloons of her childhood didn't cut it anymore. She wanted to be the balloon, not just play with them. Desperate to see what it felt like, she would shove balloons down into a silk nightgown, much too big on her, and lay out, pretending it was her that was all blown up and puffy. The party shop was a blessing in disguise. They had huge balloons used for art projects and outdoor parties that she could not wait to get her hands on. Blowing one of those under her night gown caused it to rip into shreds. That had been a fun night. But no, even those weren't enough after a while. She /had/ to know what it felt like. She just...she just had to.That was when she found the suit. It was sold by this rather cheery plump woman, who was oh so happy to sell Annie the suit. Annie couldn't give the money over fast enough, as the claim was that 'you would feel just like a balloon in no time!'Annie set the tank down next to the desk, before rushing back over to pull out her box of balloons she still kept for parties and such. "First...a little decoration." She said with a small smile to the empty room. Her room was pink, with the rafters of the ceiling exposed above her. Her carpet was a brown shag, left over from the people who lived here before. She had pasted flowers on the wall, as well as painted bunches of balloons all over the place, floating high up into the brown ceiling. She had her bed in one corner and a small desk at the end of her bed. Her bookshelf sat across from her bed, and of course, her closet again the far wall, which held more than just clothing inside. She set her box down, before pulling out a smaller helium tank, suitable for the balloons. The large tank was for the suit, and for her, for later...Sitting down on the floor, she pulled out a simple red balloon. She placed the neck over the valve, before tilting the nozzle just enough to let the air flow through. It bloated up in no time, becoming a nice round orb that bounced between Annie's fingers. Licking her lips, she brought it up to her mouth to breath in a bit of the helium. She giggled, "Won't be long now till I can join you, little one." She said, her voice squeaking with the helium. She tied off the neck, and let it float up high into her ceiling. "Now for the rest of you." She said, looking back into her box. One after another, the balloons of all different colors were inflated, and let go to float up to the ceiling. By the time she emptied the box of all but a few balloons, her ceiling was filled to the brim with the latex orbs, making soft squeaking sounds as they adjusted to their new space. Annie stood up, and looked at what she'd created. It looked magical, and she wanted desperately to join them. "But first, a few friends." She said, picking up one of the jumbo sized balloons. These would stay on the ground, with her. She moved the smaller tank under her desk, before walking over with her three pink balloons to the air compressor she'd snatched from the garage. Her father never found it, and ended up buying a new one, leaving her with this amazing object. Maybe she could test the suit with it sometime. She giggled, keeping that idea for later.Flipping on the switch to get the air going, she placed the neck of the first large pink balloon over the nozzle, quickly watching it fill up with air, getting bigger and bigger with every moment. Annie brought it to her stomach, putting a hand over it to act like it was her own belly."Mmm...I almost can't wait..." She sighed, looking down at the stretching pink of the balloon, wishing desperately she was it right now. It quickly grew out of her reach, and she was forced to stand back as it ballooned bigger, squeaking with the air that was forced into it. It quickly touched the ground, and continued to expand, stretching towards the sky. Annie gave it a gently press, seeing how much more it could take. Her hand gave into the latex easily, showing that it had much more to go. Soon, it was even taller than her, quickly taking up a small part of the room. Before it could touch the balloons stuck on the ceiling, she shut off the air, and tied the neck tight, making sure no air would escape. "This is going to be...wonderful." She sighed, picking up the others. When Annie was finally done, she had three large balloons in her room with her, each one bigger than the last. The final one she got a bit carried away with, it now wedged up against the other balloons. She walked among them, running her hand over the smooth, tight surface of the balloon. Brushing her hair out of her face, she sat down on the bed, ready to start. She looked up again, seeing the three others almost trapping her in. It gave her just the space in the middle to try this suit out. She tore into the brown box, pulling out the soft white box labeled, "Madam Rosemary's." on the outside. Annie pulled the lid off, and pushed the tissue paper aside to reveal a soft pink suit, nestled in pink tissue. She lifted it up, noting the soft smell of bubble gum, not latex. It was smooth, and almost matted in color. The suit was rather large, much larger than Annie would have thought. Was it supposed to be skin tight? She shrugged, and pulled out a small card, mapping out instructions. Annie began reading. "Hello, and thank you for your purchase of Madam Rosemary's newest Balloon Suit! There are a few steps you need to take before you begin. First, please remove all clothing items, including any bras, boxers, panties, or other items, as these will interfere with the inflation process.' It read. Annie quickly striped down to nothing, her body open to the room. She was a petite thing, almost doll-like in stature. She picked up the card again to read."Next, stretch the neck of the suit out, stepping inside carefully. The black sealants should be tight around your wrists, ankles, and neck. This will insure no air escapes during inflation.' Annie picked the suit up, and very carefully, she stretched the neck out, allowing her to step inside. She pulled the suit up to her neck, before putting her arms and legs into the appropriate holes. Now that it was on, she saw just how baggy it felt on her. If it wasn't for the sealants keeping the cool air out, she would fell rather exposed. The suit fell over her hands, and draped down far enough to cover her feet up. Near her belly button, she saw a small black hole, likely where the hose would go. Close to her face was a small valve, like one that was on a beach ball. Could she blow herself up that way as well?She reached over, and read the card.'Now, the fun begins! First, place your hose from whatever tank you are using to balloon with. On your right side, there is a button. When pressed, this button seals the suit to your body, preparing you for the final step.' Annie took a deep breath, and pulled over the tank to the middle of the three giant balloons. She placed the hose into the hole, before gently pushing the button. With a sudden rush, the suit became tight against her skin, but looked all wrinkly. in the process. Some parts had stuck together, making her look like she was in a vacuum sealed bag. She noticed the hose was sticking straight out of her stomach, and when she went to move it, it felt as though it had lodged itself into her belly button, which was...rather strange. 'Hurray! You've made it to the final step. There are two ways to start inflating. One way is to use whatever tank you have plugged into you, and the other is to use the small valve next to your mouth. Whenever you're ready, go ahead and turn on the valve of the tank you're using, or start blowing into the valve. Don't worry, you don't have to pinch it like a beach ball. Good luck, and thanks again!" The card said. Annie shook her head, and set the card down on her desk. She couldn't believe what she was about to do! The valve looked like a rather interesting way to start. She moved it over to her mouth, took a deep breath, and started to blow. A hissing sound starting echoing inside the suit as the air flowed from Annie's lungs into...her body?! She put a hand on her stomach, feeling it swell up like a beach ball!"Woah!" Annie let the valve fall to the side, and as she did, the air slowly hissed back out. "Oh. Guess I have to keep going." She took another deep breath, and blew into the valve again, feeling her belly begin to puff up and out again. She smiled, and put a hand over the her growing belly. With another gasp, she blew into the suit hard, causing her chest to balloon up as well, rising up to block her vision. "Mmmm!" She mumbled with a smile. Her breasts were filling up with her air along with her stomach now! She couldn't reach over her stomach at this point, and she knew she could go further! Annie took breath after breath, her face going red after puffing into her suit so much. Her arms and legs had become puffy at this point, and she couldn't bend them to feel her stomach. She closed off the valve with the small plug attached to the side, keeping the air inside. She took a few deep breaths, taking in her new size. "Wow... I-I really did it..." She sighed, still reeling from her change in shape. "I'm a balloon!" She cried, bouncing against her new friends. "Hello there! I told you I would join you." She said with a smile. She licked her lips. Maybe...she could get bigger..."Oh, I must get bigger! I can't stay this small!" She waddled over to the tank, and after moving to get her hand to the valve, she twisted the small knob on the top of the tank. "Oh!" With a gasp, her already filled body surged out, the hissing sound returning. Annie flapped her arms with glee, feeling the cold helium fill her body out bigger and bigger..."I'm so big! I'm so...full..." She moaned, feeling her chest start to rub up against the sides of the balloons. Her skin was now one with the suit, so she could feel the rubber squeak against the latex of the other balloons. Every feeling was electric, sending Annie reeling. She tipped over, leaving her laying on her enormous belly.Soon enough, her arms and legs had been absorbed, leaving only her arms and legs sticking out of her massive balloon of a body. "Oh...this feels soo good! But..." She looked around for a moment, before she felt her body come and bump her in the chin. "H-How do I stop?!" She squeaked, her voice suddenly getting higher. She watched (and felt) her balloon friends start to press into her as they pushed against the wall, the room getting smaller around her. She flapped her hands, before they to became filled with air, puffing up like small balloons themselves. "Help! Help me--Mmmph! Mmhmph!" Annie tried to shout, but her lips swelled up as well as her cheeks, keeping her from speaking further. Her chest squeaked as well, coming up to cover the rest of her view. Her body was swelling around her, making her head sink into her body. A single tear trickled down her face, before she felt herself surge one last time...before....BANG!
Prose that Blows 2 - Summer Fun (2010), Prose that Blows Runner-Up: Most Original Story, Prose that Blows Winner: Best Story
Female Inflation
Full Body Inflation
"Two Puffers coming up!" Sofia smiled as she cooked. Get the dough, inject the filling, deep fry, listen to the ooohs as the filling puffed up, spray powered sugar and another heart attack ready to go. As the family walked off she leaned forward and sighed. The job wasn't horrible, but working an amusement park food stand was not a career. She never got bored at any rate; people seemed to love those fried dough balls, although Sofia suspected they liked seeing them puff up more then the taste. She had tried them and blarg, probably gained weight just by being near the fryers. Not that she ever had to worry much about that, her figure was slender without having to try, while her Hispanic roots gave her some slight curves. - "Sofia!" Snapped out of her daze, she jumped back, hitting her butt on the counter's edge. "Um, yes sir?" she quavered, trying to ignore the pain and her glaring boss. "Don't just sit there! Say the script, get people in line and buying!" Sofia's shoulders slumped, a bit distracted by a worrying tingle from her hips. "I feel so dumb when I do that, and besides, lots of people come here..." "Doesn't matter, if you're not selling then you should be calling out!" his eyes moved up and down her body. "And you know we have limit on employees eating the merchandise!" "But...I don't eat any!" Sofia was worried now; she must have hit a nerve. It felt like her whole torso had fallen asleep. "Remember, you only get one uniform for free, if you outgrow that, it'll be coming out of your pay!" Her boss said as he walked away. - As soon as he was out of sight, Sofia twisted around to look at herself and let out a whimper as she saw the filling injector jammed into her hip, pumping away as her butt swelled, filling her pants. Looking down, her chest was definitely sticking out more, not to mention her belly, formerly flat was now sticking out with a small round dome. "Crap! What's happening to me?" Yanking out the injector, Sofia tried to calm down. It could be worse, her butt looked good and a few extra cup sizes were always welcome...Sofia was shaken out of her worry by another group of customers arriving at the stand. Adjusting her tight clothing as best she could, she put on a smile. - Later, Sofia was dripping. It had to be 110 degrees in this booth and getting hotter. Leaning back to get another drink of water, she felt something press against her butt. Looking back, her butt was squishing against the counter, and her pants seemed tighter than before. Sofia twisted back to the customer, glanced down at the register, and paused. Her cleavage was stretching forward, blocking off some the counter from view. "Oh no..." She could see her cleavage slowly growing outwards, her buttons beginning to pull apart and strain. Glancing up at the customer, a guy staring at her growing cleavage as well, she quickly shouted out that the stand was closed, and shut the window, pulling down the blinds. Alone in the hot and cramped room Sofia tried to stay calm, which was proved to be difficult as a button from her shirt pinged off, and pain from her waist said that her pants were going to be next. She couldn't just leave, she was ready to burst out of her clothes, but if she stayed, she'd keep getting bigger. A second ping made the decision for her as her pants button burst off, her huge body swelling and stretching the stitching of her clothes with a creaking noise. "Can't leave now...have to wait till the park's closed." Her body kept swelling as she waited, buttons bursting off with regularity, her massive thighs tearing open her pants as she grew, until just her stretched bra and panties covering the mass of curves that she had become. It was hard to walk, but Sofia paced as best she could, wobbling back and forth, her body squishing against the counters, the filling inside of her wobbling softly. Glancing at a window, she let out a sob as she saw her reflection; her body was a massive cartoony image of a woman, round, huge breasts, a massive jiggling butt and fat, wiggling arms and legs. Looking at the clock, it was only 20 minutes till the park closed for the night, figure another hour for the rest of the employees to go home, then a waddle back to her car...Thank god she had a roomy one. If she had a compact, she didn't know what she would've done. - A hour later, Sofia couldn't wait any longer. It was getting harder and harder to move, sometimes she could swear she felt her body touch the ground when she took a waddling step, and if she outgrew her feet...that was just unthinkable. Opening the double doors in the back and squeezing through, she waddled away, her body wiggling softly with every step. "At least it's cooler now. I'm not swelling anymore, just have to get to my car, get home and hope that this will...go away somehow." Her murmuring turned to a cry as she stepped on something, her foot slipping from under her and her new body tilted backwards, hitting the ground with a thud. Her round body lay in the moonlight, wiggling from side to side as she desperately tried to upright herself. Groaning in defeat, Sofia stopped struggling and tried to calm down. Someone would be here in the morning, then...She'd get taken somewhere and this would get worked out. "At least I stopped..." Sofia's one bright side came crashing down as she felt the hot asphalt beneath her warming her round body, the filling inside of her beginning to swell again. "I hate this job...I wonder if I can get workers comp for turning into a puffball..."
clown, floating, superheroes
Female Inflation
Belly Inflation, Breast Inflation, Butt Inflation, Full Body Inflation
It is a fairly typical day in Goodhaven. The city was blessed with good weather and clear skies, as usual. But something diabolical was lurking at the nearby circus... Under the big top, a clown known as The Ballooner was being told off by her boss, the pompous ringmaster. "No, you fool," The ringmaster, a stuffy man said in a conceited voice. "You are done here. Your last act sent the audience running for the hills! You are bad for business. I'm afraid I must ask you to pack your things and leave at once." But the clown only sneered. "My dear ringmaster, you are acting a bit big for your britches. I think it's only fair that you should look the part." She removed her large, mustard-colored glove and poked the ringmaster in his slightly large belly. With a slight hiss, the blustery man filled with air, inflating just like a balloon. He groaned slightly as he swelled, his arms, legs and head sticking out ludicrously. Somehow, his clothes stretched to cover his growing girth. Just when the now-giant ringmaster thought it couldn't get any worse, he began to float! His feet left the ground and he drifted towards the top of the tent. With a wicked cackle, the clown ran around the circus and added them to her collection. The blonde trapeze girls clung to their ropes as their spherical bodies threatened to carry them away. The sword swallower now shied away from his weapons as well as he could with his stubby legs. The fattest woman in the world now took up even more space than usual. Even the lion floated around the inside of the tent, trying to run toward the offensive clown. Grinning at her handy work, the clown then turned and left the tent, turning her sinister eyes toward Goodhaven. Within hours, dozens of innocent citizens floated around the skies, trying to keep from floating away. Will there be anyone brave enough to fight such a wretched villain?! With that, a call goes out to the Mighty Heroines! STRONG WOMAN! A mechanic- tall, blonde, and muscular. Can easily lift cars with one hand! When she gets the call, she tears off her oil-stained overalls to reveal a skintight red suit with long sleeves and no legs, a thick, golden belt, and a light blue cape. Her gleaming white boots climb up her legs, ending at her knees. An "H" is emblazoned across her chest. With a scream of "Yahoo!", she leaps into flight, accidentally creating a giant crater in the asphalt. CUCKOO WOMAN! A dizzy, very cute blonde woman, the owner of a pet shop. She's feeding her beloved birds when the call comes. She flounces across the shop, leaping up into a cuckoo clock. It squawks and screeches, alarming all the other birds. After several moments of struggling, she emerges in her uniform. It too is red, but covers her from head to toe, with the lower part of her face and eyes showing. She also has a blue cape and emblazoned "H." Her cute little butt plays host to a collection of bright yellow flowers. She cries out, "Eh, cuckoo, cuckoo!" and flaps her arms frantically to stay in the air. TORNADO WOMAN! Tornado Woman is a meteorologist, and as she looks out the window, she sees the call. Tornado Woman is a short brunette, and the moment she is needed, she whips up into a windy vortex, her pencil skirt and blouse flying across the room. When the dust clears, she stands triumphantly in her uniform- just like Cuckoo Woman's, but light blue, with red boots, gloves, and a red cape. She shouts "Whee!" and a tornado flies out the window. ROPE WOMAN! Down on the docks stands Rope Woman, a sailor. She is very tall, red-haired, and very thin. As she ties a boat to the dock, the call arrives. After whipping around to see, she vanishes into her naval uniform. It dances around for moment, then Rope Woman reveals herself. She is made entirely of rope, except for her head. Unlike the other Heroines, her only uniform is her bright red ball cap and blue cape. "Gung-ho!" She yells as she takes to the air. AND.... DIAPER WOMAN! A baby girl in a crib sits sucking on a bottle of milk. Her head is covered in a thick layer of reddish-brown hair, and she wears a red and blue one-z. A commotion arises outside, one she recognizes instantly. She pulls the cover of the crib up and, moments later, Diaper Woman is revealed! She's now wearing a blue cape in addition to her one-z. She takes a swig from her bottle and takes to the sky, calling out "Up and away!" The mayor met the Mighty Heroines in the air. She didn't really have a choice. The smartly dressed, young red-head was currently floating fifty feet above her office. As this woman had inflated, her belt got pushed up just under her chest. Somehow it prevented the mayor's chest and arms from inflating. Unfortunately, the same could not be said for everything else. It looked like her arms, head and bust had been stuck onto a Volkswagon, which had then been crammed into her gray pinstriped pants. Her tiny feet kicked at one end as her crossed arms sat on her bulging stomach. "Things are getting worse," She said as the Mighty Heroines flew up to meet her. "This villain has inflated most of the town. I'm lucky Mindy tied us down before the clown broke into my office." She indicated the phone cord tied around her foot and, several feet below her, her bloated secretary. Mindy was of Asian descent, meaning she was normally tiny. But right now, the young secretary resembled a hot air balloon, stuffed into a frilly lime-green blouse and black pencil skirt. As she rotated and spotted the Heroines, she pushed her thick glasses up her nose and waved with difficulty. "You know the drill, Heroines. Stop this madwoman before I have to add several dozen sizes to my wardrobe." With a nod, the Heroines bravely zoomed into the town and out of sight. As they flew away, the mayor hiccupped. She felt herself expand a little more. She rolled over with difficulty to see Mindy also hiccup. The secretary swelled even more visibly, adding at least five more feet to her diameter. Cuckoo Woman was the first to land (somewhat painfully) right in front of the Ballooner. The dizzy blonde rose awkwardly and faced the clown. "Your days of ballooning the town are at an end!" The woman shouted, putting her hands in the "put-'em-up" position. "Let's see what you got!" The clown smiled in mock innocence. "Why, I'm just an innocent clown! I just do tricks!" Cuckoo Woman lowered her hands cautiously. "Let me show you my favorite!" And before she could move, the clown reached out and patted Cuckoo Woman's stomach. "Cuckoo Woman, get away!" Strong Woman cried, but it was too late. Cuckoo Woman noticed a strange tightness in her costume and looked down. Her normally tiny tummy was now bulging like a puffer fish, and continuing to grow. She felt the same in her perky backside, which was currently billowing out like a hot air balloon. "Whoa!" Cuckoo Woman cried as, very suddenly, her giant breasts were pushed into her face. Within moments, the slender heroine was reduced (or rather, enlarged) into a feathered ball with scrawny arms, kicking feet and a blonde head sticking out. "Mighty Heroines?" The clown giggled, clapping gleefully. "I'm about to have a Mighty Balloon collection!" "You won't get away with this!" Cuckoo Woman cried out, her voice muffled by her own body. Still giggling, The Ballooner walked over to Cuckoo Woman and easily lifted her massive body in one hand. She then took a string and tied it around the Heroine's foot. Cuckoo Woman now floated over The Ballooner's head, writhing hopelessly. "Who will be next?" "I'll send that fiend flying!" Shouted Tornado Woman. "Whee!" She spun into a giant twister, which quickly devoured the Ballooner and her victim. The other three Heroines watched excitedly as they heard punches landing. Their excitement soon turned to horror as the tornado vanished. Tornado Woman had gotten herself tangled in Cuckoo Woman's string. "Sorry, Tornado Woman..." Cuckoo Woman said. "Sorry, Cuckoo Woman..." said Tornado Woman. The Ballooner laughed and reached out, patting Tornado Woman's stomach. The short woman swelled quickly, her short body growing into a blue ball. She waved her shrinking arms and kicked her chubby legs until only hands and feet remained. The Ballooner tied a string to her foot as well, adding a blue balloon to her collection. "We have to distract her!" Diaper Woman said. "Rope Woman, while I distract her, you tie her up, the Strong Woman can grab her and take her off to jail!" "Got it!" The other two said. "Hey!" Diaper Woman called, waving her chubby little arms. "Show me a magic trick, clown!" The Ballooner paused to consider. "Well ok then! But first, I need a volunteer." A skinny woman walked down the street at just the wrong moment as the clown reached out and grabbed her upper arm. "Hey! What gives?" The tan, athletic brunette complained. She wore a bright green tank top and gray running shorts, her long hair tied back out of her face. The clown let the two strings go (But the inflated Heroines bobbed in place) and pulled a salt shaker out of her obnoxious plaid vest. "Just ordinary table salt! But in the hands of The Ballooner-" She threw the powder all over the girl. There was a pause when suddenly, she began to plump up. Her toned stomach bulged suddenly, followed by her butt and chest. Her thighs widened and her arms grew round. The girl screamed out, her hands at her face. "-Tada! Now she's a balloon too! Hahahahahaha!" "Now, Rope Woman!" Diaper Woman shrieked as the athlete continued to swell. She looked like an overfilled yoga ball with bright green and gray clothes painted on her taut, tan flesh. Her arms and legs had all but disappeared, and her wide eyes looked frantically at her body. The woman made of rope burst from the bushes, tying a knot around the Ballooner's ankle. Several moments later, the clown was completely tied up. The hot air athlete began to float away, still expanding. The small moon floated towards some scaffolding and she held on for dear life. With The Ballooner incapacitated, Strong Woman jumped from the bushes and picked the clown up. "Ha-HA, we got you now!" "Oh, have you?" The clown laughed, poking Rope Woman with her fingers. Suddenly, Rope Woman began to unravel, pulling away from the clown like a long, thin balloon. Strong Woman stepped back as her 30-foot-long counterpart waved in the air. "I LOVE balloon animals!" She grabbed Rope Woman and, in a cartoony cloud, engulfed Strong Woman. When the smoke cleared, Rope Woman had been tied in a complicated knot around Strong Woman. "My favorite is called the knot! HAHAHAHAHAHA!" "Sorry, Strong Woman." Rope Woman apologized. "Aww, now it's just one!" The clown cried. "Playtime is almost over. It's been fun, but you'll complete my collection!" As the clown advanced threateningly, Diaper Woman noticed the salt shaker abandoned on the ground. She snatched it and hid it behind her back, with the bottle. "Before you inflate me," Diaper Woman said. "Have a drink. It'll make you feel better." "I just might!" The greedy clown laughed. "What a good girl, sharing her things!" The Ballooner took the bottle and chugged it down. With a smack of the lips, she tossed it aside. Her painted face spasmed almost instantly. She stomped her feet like a child, yelling, "No no no! It isn't fair!" Her baggy clown costume was baggy no longer- the clown's expanding form filled it quite nicely. Her hands and feet were absorbed as she grew bigger and bigger, outsizing even the biggest of her creations. The clown began to float away, spinning end over end. Her head as soon absorbed into her globe of a body. Her yells of "No!" could still be heard, muffled and angry. Soon the sky was filled with gaudy plaid cloth. A rumble filled the Heroines' ears, and with a final "No!" the clown exploded. Golden powder rained down from The Ballooner's body, landing on everyone. To their delight, the Heroines deflated, returning (almost) to their regular sizes. "Let's go talk to the mayor!" Diaper Woman cried. The Heroines agreed and, with their individual yells, they took off towards town hall. "Congratulations, Heroines!" The mayor said happily from behind her desk. "The Ballooner got a taste of her own medicine and the city has been deflated!" "Well gosh, mayor, don't thank us!" Cuckoo Woman said, her body still hosting exaggerated curves. "It's our job!" The women nodded and filed out, preparing to return to their regular lives. The door closed behind them and, with a sigh, the mayor hefted herself to her feet. It took a lot of effort because, unlike the rest of town, the mayor hadn't deflated as well. Everything down to her stomach returned to normal. Unfortunately, her rear was still enormous- both cheeks resembled giant, overfilled yoga balls. She didn't even need a chair to sit at her desk. The mayor waddled over to the door and opened it again, allowing Mindy to enter. The poor secretary was still very inflated. Her arms and legs were slender as they had been before, but everything in-between was still enormous. She looked like an inflatable Christmas lawn ornament with normal arms and legs sticking out. "I don't think the Heroines even noticed the door is ten feet wider now," Mindy said, placing her tiny hands on her giant hips. "I love those ladies, but they are all a bit slow." The mayor also placed her hands on her hips. "Mindy, get my tailor on the phone. We've got a lot of work to do." "I might get used to this," Mindy said absently, running her hands up and down her round body as she waddled out the door. High above the city, the athlete remains. Unlike the rest of the city, she is still inflated. Part of the scaffolding caught all the powder destined for her. The brunette looks ready to cry when her body shudders. The hissing audible, the inflating resumes. Eyes wide, she looks down at the ground. "Uh-oh..."
Female Inflation
Hourglass Inflation
It turned out a lonely, stormy evening outside and within the Pneumatown aquatic recreation center it'd be no different. Beyond the tinted windows that normally let in sunlight from outside, the world was dark and gray. Thick clouds obstructed the sky and lightning flashed in the distance as heavy rains had just started coming down. They pelted on those windows as heavy droplets, creating a loud pattering that'd be the only sound in the otherwise empty indoor pool area. Within, empty waterslides remained dormant while still waters softly flustered and an abundance of Pooltoys lay stacked up haphazardly in a corner. There was a certain air of desolation about the place and it was just because closing hours were nigh and the weather was less than ideal for some pool fun. Evidently all this was not enough to stop one particular young swimmer from attending the pool at merely a half-hour prior to closing time. The silence of the pool zone had been broken by her clapping footsteps made of sandals, breaking through the absent droning of pouring rain outside. A pair of nostrils belonging to a cute little button nose had whiffed faintly, taking in the aroma of the pool being the pungent combination of Chlorine and latex mixed together. Delicately pointed and lengthy ears perked curiously, much as the pair of baby blue eyes widened in awe of the place, completed by a smooth little mouth curved up into a delighted beaming smile. She was, undoubtedly, an Elf; that much was clear not only in her ears or the sweet elegance of her face, but the tenderly proportioned curves of her lithe young body fitted into a swimsuit that matched the color of her eyes. It was like some hybrid between a one-piece and a bikini, the thong and top held to the body by latex strips with a particularly thick one bridging the gap across her belly from her lush bosoms to her perfect Y-shaped groin smacked between two succulent thighs. Even if she didn't have that much body, what existed would be perfectly sculpted to what was expected of Elven physical beauty. So flaunting along, at a lightweight pace set across hard and damp ceramic tiles, the young Elf eyed her environment with all the wonder of a child. This was weird, and could only have come from one who'd never seen a public pool before. Yet, now that it was empty, and not noisy and smelly with a hundred men, women and children, the waters looked pure and actually habitable for a creature as high-class as an Elf. Maybe that was the reason for her delight as she'd flounce over the pool's edge and beam at her reflection in the water, before extending a delicately small foot therein to test the temperature. The touch sent a ripple over the rather still and wobbling water, and caused her to giggle; clapping her hands together once. Then so, with an eager grin, the young Elf again extended herself, preparing to step into the pool, but- Tweet! A shrill whistle-chirp had interrupted her, causing her to blink and gape around just to wind up laying eyes on its source. "Yo! Might wanna wait 'til a Lifeguard's on duty, lady!" a chipper young man's voice chirped over the droning and babbling of water inside the building and out. Coming from the same direction as the whistle, the girl's eyes locked upon the fair form of a young man strutting out towards her from the Lifeguard's room in the center of the pool complex. He was wearing a skintight red top and pair of shorts used for swimming, where a pure white cross indicated his status as a Lifeguard. Clear blue eyes under a mop of fluffy blonde hair greeted her along with a happy smile that seemed to warm up the day around them. This had to be the lifeguard in question and he looked pleased despite the presence of a swimmer in the pool so close to closing hours. "Oh!" The young Elf snapped to, whisking to face him and clasping her hands together in a show of grace; "Good evening, sir Lifeguard!" She'd returned the warm greeting with one of her own, and a cheerful grin to match. "I am Lena, of the forest," she'd explain, her words clear as crystal and delicately feminine, yet awkwardly enunciated. "I've come to your pool of swimming, to partake in your teachings on the art of life guarding." The young male's expression loosened, to a completely blank look composed of utter confusion. His lips pursed up, his brows raised and he'd blinked once, maybe twice. "What?" was the most he could say, before skewing those eyes and peeling the lips back into a confused grimace. It took him a good minute to process just what the Elf was saying, when he translated it in asking, "You want to become a lifeguard?" The eager, warm nod he got had confirmed it, and loosened up his composure to return to a bright smile. "Well..." Considering her swimsuit, with the cross notified upon her breast matching his own, "I see you already got your uniform, so you must've passed the entrance exams already! But, lady," he then huffed, beginning to protest lightly, "couldn't you have picked a better time to come in? We're literally a half-hour away from closing." "Oh?" Lena the Elf hummed, blinking her bright blues questioningly as she stood rooted in place; hands delicately hovering around her hips and legs set together to form a straight line of the body. But then realizing her error and the awkwardness of the situation had the young elf's expression drooping, "Oh my..." while she'd murmur her worry and turn her eyes to the tiled floor. "I have erred, for I have not foreseen that this building would have hours of operation." So then, she heaved a quiet sigh and began to step away, announcing "I relinquish my request, sir Lifeguard; forgive me of my trespass, I beg." Evidently Lena sure talked in a fancy manner and it was hard for the far-more-casual boy to translate, into "English, please!" Even though he did find it rather amusing. A big grin stayed on his face, though, as he'd draw close and stop the Elven girl in her retreat, where he reassured her; "Don't worry 'bout it; I can't give you a formal swim lesson but if you'd like to just swim around," he invited her by extending a smooth arm unto the pool beyond, "be my guest!" Twas enough to put cheer and mirth back into Lena's face, as she'd perk back up and stare questioningly into the boy's face. She murmured, "You speak the truth?" Before her eyes followed his arm to the pool and with the confirmation made in a nod- the girl simply exploded in a show of sheer happiness. "I thank you, sir lifeguard!" would be her cheer, completed when the blonde beauty threw herself at the boy and wrapped her soft, slender arms around his waist! His slender and streamlined chest had faintly puffed out where he drew in a surprised gasp, his arms frozen at his hips and his eyes locked down at her. Yet his surprise had been lost on the girl, as she'd be beaming warmly up into his face and her eyes began sparkling with joy. "I have always desired to swim in this pool, with these beautiful water clothes granted me! You have provided me my joy, and so I thank you!" But here the boy was, paralyzed by Lena's sheer proximity, as such would be the closest it ever would be what with her slender figure smushed up against his. Had she no concept of personal space or propriety? Not that the Lifeguard minded too much; after all, she was cute! So he weakly smiled, heaving a chuckle of the same, and being unsure of what else to do had managed an awkward but sound pat upon her back; "No problem." It was enough to get Lena to separate from him, at least; her body receding before she lingered in place with a mirthful smile on her face and her hands pleasurably clasped together. "My name's Bleu," he'd mention, placing his hands on his hips; "I'd shake your hand but I guess among Elves, a hug is greeting aplenty, ey?" The mention, concerning her hug, had put momentary doubt in Lena's eyes as she'd purse her lips and widen them. Her cheeks very faintly reddened, "Ah," and she drew in a breath as if to explain but words came out far later than she'd wanted. "Forgive me," she asked instead, bowing in her overtly-formal and apologetic manner, "I could not contain my excitement, of being granted access to your pool of swimming on this evening of dour weather. My knowledge of human customs is peculiar," she humbly explained, straightening up again with a worried pout to her face, "And I hope earnestly that I have not offended you with my closeness." "Hah!" The boy Bleu had to grin; she was so innocent and sincere, it was adorable. "Don't worry about it," he granted instead, reassuring her by a boyish, careless grin; "Nothing wrong with a hug, I'd say; I like to get up close and squeeze people myself, every now and again." Whether or not that was true, it was just to comfort Lena. In of that he flicked his hand to the pool again and went on, "But please; go, enjoy yourself! I'll be watching over you." A smile surely enough had returned to Lena's face and she affirmed, "Guarding my life, as a Lifeguard should." Then so, merrily had the young Elven maiden turned aside and hopped into the water as she'd been doing before Bleu interrupted her. She seemed all too happy to be therein, surrounded with cleaned and filtered water that she'd merrily splash about her. Her giggles were heard rupturing through the pool area even as Bleu stepped away and traced the edge. He was happy, seeing as Lena was already having such a good time, and just for her- since there was no one else around anyway- he'd go and pluck out some of the best pooltoys from the pile and throw them into the pool with her. They plopped onto the surface and bobbled voluminously, their airy forms comfortably settled thereupon like the floaties they were, and with their presence Lena had rejoiced. "Thank you, Sir Bleu!" "No problem!" The boy called back, laughing even, while he looked on and observed the Elf's almost child-like infatuation with the pool, the water and especially the Pooltoys. The water around her was shallow, barely up to her hips, so the pooltoys were allowed to be in there without being a safety hazard like what applied to many other public pools. Not to mention this town was far more lenient than most when it came to having objects in the pool. That was all part of why Bleu worked there instead of at any other town. In that he left Lena to enjoy herself, while he went and made his rounds to ensure everything else was sound for the night. The young Lifeguard saw fit to leave his junior be, for the time being; after all, she was a lifeguard too. How could she drown or get into any trouble, in shallow water, at closing time? It was easy for Lena to wade around in the shallow water, and her slim body sifted perfectly throughout by delicate strokes of slight limbs. Her slick blue swimsuit, of a similar material to the soft and squashy pooltoys around her, had a way of melting and shifting with her body in every move it made. More so, with her wet and milky flesh, it chirped and whined when rubbed up against the body of one such toy when she hugged it; she adored the sound. One could say, for such a slim Elf, she enjoyed and loved big, poofy things like these and took her time cuddling into each one. Soothingly she stroked their beautiful, smooth and glossy bodies, whispering to them as if they were animals of the forest. She listened to their soft squeaks of response, and felt their delicate latex flesh bulge and yield under her thin fingers. Most delightful of all, was Lena's swimsuit; the fact that it was made of the very same glossy, stretchy and supple material as the pooltoys only accentuated her joy of wearing it on her body. When she stroked the waters, it stroked her in a blanket of silk that tickled her and made her smile. She could never have gotten tired of constantly feeling this silken caress; at least, not until she started feeling like a pooltoy herself. That at least had to be the closest summary to what the young lady started feeling, deep inside, the longer she remained in the pool water. To be exact, what young Lena first noticed was a certain tightness, a certain pressure, building up inside of her like a painless cramp and she'd have thought that perhaps she had been in the water too long or eaten too soon beforehand. Her expression lowered to one of mild concern but still she swam, pushing and pulling through the waters with her spry limbs though they felt increasingly tight by the second. No ordinary cramp could have been felt throughout her entire body as she was feeling right then and there and it caused a silken whine to muffle out of her mouth. For greater cause of concern would be that her milky, silky flesh was looking increasingly like the materials described as it; appearing paler than usual, a pure white, even under the water. The young lady stopped, remaining half-crouched to keep her body under the water, and looked therein just to run one of her hands along the wrist, feeling tight and pressurized more than the water would normally have caused. Her fingers slid along the skin which felt unusually smooth- sensitive, too, while she'd be overrun with static tingles of pleasure from her own touch. Not only did her wrist feel abnormally soft, but her fingertips as well; like grinding silk together on silk, soft even for Elf flesh. This made no sense, however, for even as this wasn't necessarily a bad thing, turning pure white and becoming ultra sensitive and softer than ever before was cause for concern! More so would be the fact that, before her eyes, her slender wrist was plumping up and widening faintly- or was that just the water's illusion? It was well enough to worry Lena, who'd responded by standing up promptly and getting her upper half out of the water. She confirmed, by gazing down at her extended arms in anticipation, that her skin was unusually pale; a crystal snow white, and seeming about as smooth and glossy as the pooltoys surrounding her. "Oh my," she murmured, speculating on this anomaly with an uncertainty on how to feel, especially with the rhetorical question of "Am I- becoming that which I hold so dear? But there's no way, I-..." But there it was, as shown by her slick and elegantly-jointed fingers pillowing up with whatever fine musculature had once composed her arms- and her legs! While still under the water, it was clear that they too had become pure-white and glossy like a pooltoy, overcome by the same pillowing effect expected of something full of air instead of flesh. It'd be on that note, Lena realized with a faint gasp, that her feet were leaving the floor of the pool; her whole body, pulled up by an inexplicable force coming from the pressure within her! Sandwiched between the internal pressure and the water pressure, her skin tingled and she'd have reached down to feel her thighs right before her very feet slipped out from under her. Lena released a surprised yelp, and in an instant her gaze flung skyward and to the ceiling, to the dull gray skies and the windowed ceiling keeping the rains off of her. The next thing she knew, she was on her back; floating on the water like the pooltoys around her, and its cool lick flicking at her underside. Surprised, the young Elf had retaliated by craning her neck and flexing her abdominals, which tickled as they lost their tone and became a pillowy-smooth surface kept still under the latex strip. Sitting up she'd become aware of mounting pressure and stretching sensation in her hips, in her legs, and her eyes and hands alike fell to it- just to find, with her shock and awe, that they were expanding. The poor young Elf, without reason or explanation, was in fact blowing up and turning into a pooltoy. She watched, awe-struck, as the slender form of her hips and thighs was lost to this pillowy, un-elf-like swell comparable only to a blow-up doll while feeling her own skin extend and expand under the building cushion that could only have been air expanding underneath. Her once-slim and delicate fingertips turned into airy digits had probed and fondled anxiously, squashing her hips under her fingers; trying to push it back down! But it resisted her; the air inside her body shoved back, bulging around her hands uselessly with soft, doming swells that were undefeatable. Lena was growing a pair of plump, full and ripe legs more akin to that of a Succubus, but at the same time her breasts were rising to match. They'd been small, reasonably proportioned and just large enough to catch eyes- but before Lena's own, they too swelled up, rounded over, and began to rise in front of her. Lena drew in a gasp, her eyes of baby blue bugging wide, and she snapped her hands off of her expanding hips just to grab two big handfuls of this new bust. Many a girl probably would have been delighted, to see her breasts growing big like this, but Lena knew no such depravity in seeing the appeal of a larger body. To an elf, such assets could only get in the way and her breasts were really growing to the point they blotted out her view of her lap, and the increasingly-lush creases of her groin where swelling legs met her waistline. Her breasts were swelling and rounding like literal balloons, because they were literal balloons, out beyond the normal coverage of her once-modest neckline; becoming a vast and long line of pure-white and glistening cleavage that she was far from used to. Deep inside her expanding air-filled chest, Lena's heart was beating a mile a minute and her jaw was fast dropping in horror of her revelation; the fact she was a balloon and not an Elf. How did this happen? She wondered on it, even while- to her utmost relief- the pressure and the stretching had stopped just as suddenly as it'd started. The end result, as the girl found out, was a vast pillowy hourglass of a body instead of the perfect little hourglass she was used to; her legs, swollen up into ripe and thick airy things thick enough to put any woman to shame, and a pair of breasts like softballs that matched. Inside her, the air stood static; tingling against her flesh turned to latex, quivering and squeaking with the subtlest move she made. Lena let go of her breasts, and the silky cleavage rubbing against itself gave off a tender series of whines and chirps- she couldn't believe her ears. Reflexively she snapped her arms up and clamped her palms over them, only to give off more grinding wails of stretching latex in the process. She couldn't believe it, simply enough; her heart-rate was maddening now as much as her poor, innocent young mind knowing nothing of the reason or purpose of this transformation. There she'd be, sitting upon the water, her body bloated into an inflated hourglass that extended beyond the limits of her taxed swimsuit in voluminous curves. So then had moments passed, while the Elf Balloon sat in shock of herself. But after that initial internal panic wore off, it turned physical as she then tried to move again, taking her hands off of her ears just to try and lean over onto the water. It was as if she thought she could just dive back in and paddle to the edge of the pool, but for her- no such luck. She was, naturally, full of air and the reaction she got was her thighs grinding together while she toppled uselessly over and so consequently her overblown breasts squashed into the water's surface. The elf yelped, as she bounced on those bosoms once or twice, before coming to settle on the rustling water that pushed her gently up and down in its motions. Then after coming to terms with that shock and awe, realizing she floated just like the pooltoys, the Elf struggled- next just trying to paw at the water and propel herself to shore somehow. For a girl with no weight and no mass to her air-filled body, this was harder than it looked as it mostly had the girl flapping her palms and legs uselessly into the water. She did nothing but nudge and jostle herself, inadvertently slapping her legs with her hands on occasion while making a water angel upon her belly; as a result sending pleasant vibrations through her airy figure that had her whine and groan like the latex she was made of. She needed help- where was Bleu? The other young blonde Lifeguard; he had to be somewhere around here, right? So pushing herself up again from the water,coming up sprawled thereupon and straddling in failure, the balloon elf peeked around- yet could not sight her companion. "Bleu?" She came to cry out, trying not to let her fear and panic show in her quavering voice, "Fly unto me; I seek your aid! Bleu!" Surely enough, Bleu did show up. But, by that time- as he'd gone on an extended coffee break that took a good fifteen out of their total thirty minutes- Lena had already found her way to the edge of the pool. Truly as he'd not been expecting his youthful trainee to have turned into a balloon, he was not looking for the pure-white elf pooltoy seated by the pool's edge. Lena had been busying herself, fussing over her once-perfect figure through palming and pushing at it vainly and watching her own flesh bulge and swell out in response. Just as well she attempted to take off her swimsuit, perhaps blaming it for her transformation; but with how rotund her breasts and hips had become, it was impossible. The straps she tugged had the rest of the suit bulging and hugging into her figure, where the slick and sticky swollen latex insistently clung together. Trying to strip her suit was futile and so was attempting to deflate, as the air seemed perpetually trapped inside her. The boy had evidently not been paying attention, searching instead for the blonde head and milky skin and not the hourglassed balloon elf sitting right by his path. He walked right past her, and it wasn't until Lena turned her head over her shoulder, gasped, and called his name "Bleu, here!" that he'd actually noticed. His eyes turned down, met the pair of wide, frightened blue eyes staring back into his, belonging to a familiar young feminine face, and his eyes must have popped out of his skull in reaction. "Whuh-?!" the boy lifeguard exclaimed, dropping the mug of Coffee he had in his hand just to be staring at the poor, balloonified girl- "Lena?!" and almost choked on his own spit with the sudden realization. "Lena, what-?" he'd begun but never truly finished, as his eyes skeptically traced up and down her figure of ludicrous feminine curves, and reacting instead with no words drawn from his dry, agape maw. "I do not know," the girl moaned sadly, having clasped her own breasts and crushed them in her hands, just to have them create a starfish indentation around the fingers; "I was swimming, and then I felt floaty, and then I turned white, then I became this...!" Now evidently unused to having a body this buxom and unaware of its alluring nature, she presented her overblown breasts and plumped hips to the stunned boy; "I'm a balloon, Bleu...! What do we do?" So would be her sighing question, looking to the youth for support and aid in her time of need. Fortunately, Bleu was not exactly a huge pervert but he was a boy regardless, and seeing a girl with such swollen assets- in fact a balloon at that- had him quite unsure himself of how to feel. Yet his reddening face and flustered dilating eyes spoke for him when they laid upon the rotundity, the plushness, of the air-filled figure Lena sported. On top of that he did calm down, and he asked the same of Lena when her murmured "It's okay, Lena," and thus knelt down beside the distraught young Elf. "You've, balloonified, I think, but..." As if it were of any consolation to her, "It happens all the time, okay? People have just been... doing that, lately- turning into balloons, I mean. You wouldn't be the first one," he softly reassured, extending a hand to lay upon her shoulder- and subtly squish into the airy flesh from there- "But you won't be the last, either." "What?" Lena peeped, blinking her expressively wide and wondrous blue eyes where her expression dropped from fear to concern, then curiosity. "I'm not the only balloon? Then... what is being done about this? What can I do about this?" She, most affected of all between them at least, well, "I'm a balloon, I..." So staring down at her body with deep worry in those eyes, her voice cracked with concern; "I don't think I can simply go home and live my life like this... Is there no cure?" The look of hope she'd given to Bleu was enough to melt his heart, to make him want to hug and squeeze her- but that was probably just her balloony appeal melting his mind. Bleu resisted, just enough to meekly, if bashfully, smile and take Lena's hand to squeeze reassuringly. "I wouldn't worry about it, Lena," He hummed as warmly as he could, "Because if being in the water triggered this change, I'm sure that drying off will reverse it." But as much as he couldn't simply have left the poor girl to her own devices, and since it was high time for him to close down the pool, he had to be a gentleman and kindly offer, "Want me to take you home?" The feeble, worried nod he got from Lena had him nodding gently in return, and so had given the poor girl one last bout of reassurance by patting her airy head. "Okay... Go ahead to my car, and I'll see you there after I'm done closing up. You can't miss it," he said, so using his hand on hers to pull her up to her feet, "It's the baby-blue car, same color as your eyes." Somehow that might have been interpreted as a flirt, what with the similarity in how his hand was holding hers, and Lena sheepishly smiled; her pale white cheeks becoming quietly redder while she found herself managing to beam back into his own baby blue eyes. "Thank you, Sir Bleu," she did graciously say, feeling just a bit calmer about her situation and very grateful- very grateful indeed- that her new friend seemed to know what'd happened and what would fix it. As such, the young lass turned balloon would turn around and step, upon wobbly feet between swollen thighs, to leave the pool and go change into normal clothes. Truth be told, Lena could not get that swimsuit off of her, no matter how she tried; not with her own body getting in the way. As such she opted to put her regular clothes on over it, and as such had slipped them on- or tried to. The skinny jeans that'd once been relatively flush to her body would now bulge, and barely cooperate, with her voluminous new hips. Trying to pull them on, grunting and moaning her exertion throughout, bore little fruit as her plump, round butt cheeks and hips bulged over the hem. To her fluster, she managed to get those jeans on only by struggling and wriggling her butt, stifling her ears to the loud protests and creaks her body gave off in response; just how they fit after that was a mystery since she had more leg than the jeans had capacity. It turned out, all that air once being in her hips and legs had gone straight up into her breasts and- dare she consider- her belly. Standing topless in the locker rooms revealed that as the chill air bit at her exposed white flesh. She'd have felt momentarily around her waist, where her breasts blocked vision, and found out- by the swell of belly now dominating her waistline- that all that air had gone straight to it. Lena dreaded to look in the mirror, knowing she looked like some bloated, immensely pregnant girl, and shut the mental image out just to grab her silk blouse. Thank goodness, this garment was reasonably stretchy given the material, and its sensitive fibers felt good against her sensitive latex skin. Managing to push her arms into their respective sockets was a slight struggle, given there were somewhat puffier than normal, but the blouse was made to flow and so they fit skintight therein. For that same reason she didn't struggle with buttoning down the blouse as much as she'd thought it'd be, but chose to do so from the top down. First was to cram her overblown breasts into her blouse somehow and she did so by pulling the sides furiously, squeezing her bloated bosoms underneath. It was a struggle, like forcing a balloon into a set of clothes- which was literally all this act was- but her breasts compressed down just enough for her to seal the first button. The next, as given her puffy hands gliding down the front, was a bit more difficult as she scraped them against her bosoms and struggled to get the button into the socket. Holding her breath obviously didn't work, as every such heave made her breasts expand and moan into her already-tight blouse, so she tried exhaling instead- and it mercifully went down, just enough for her to work down the rest of the buttons. So dexterously even for a balloon had she pushed her body down enough to seal up her blouse. The end result, well, Lena really wished she'd not been vain enough to peruse in the mirror. Peeping therein she saw her own reflexion, of a very flushed-faced young Elf with her skin turned completely white, even her hair, with an immensely bloated body far too poofy to be considered even human. A vast butt and thighs were squeezed into skinny jeans, which made her upper body look absolutely bloated as her waistline poured voluminously over the hem of the pants more like a balloon than any form of pregnancy, and overstuffed breasts just as much stuffed into the top of the blouse even as the whole body forced gaping holes in between the buttons. She looked more like a blow-up doll stuffed into a set of clothes, than a girl at this point. So the natural response to such a sight had been a drawn-out sigh, that made her overinflated body heave and groan as she did, where her hands self-consciously probed up and down her distended waistline that'd once been a flat belly. Lena really was, just a big balloon at this point. Being dejected with that revelation had the snow-white Elf turned and shuffled aside to get out of the building and to Bleu's car; even then her swollen thighs grinded against one another to resemble more a waddle than a walk, and her own body ruffled and creaked inside her clothes that once fit perfectly. Once Lena stepped out of the recreation center and into the rain, she knew she was in trouble. More or less, anyway, considering that being made of rubber meant she clearly couldn't catch cold. Nonetheless it was only natural that she'd not want her clothing wet, overtaxed as it was over her bloated figure, and so- clutching her arms around her bloated midsection to steady it- the girl rushed out and into the rain, towards the baby-blue car that Bleu had spoken of! In her jeans, her swollen and sensitive thighs had rubbed and ground up against one another as well as upon the denim, which was abraded her legs' sensitive rubber. The clumsy side-to-side twisting of expanded and tightly-kept hips caused a bouncing, jostling motion in Lena's upper body that had her belly swaying in a like motion and her breasts- bouncing and bobbing even in her tight blouse. The pressure was real, grinding up against her body from the outside with every move, and even then she could swear that- as she got wet- the swelling internal pressure was returning as well. There was no way Lena wanted to bloat up into a parade float parody of herself, not when she'd already had her slick and slender Elven figure mocked into this balloony aberration. As such she quickened the pace, huffing and yiping softly under the downpour even while her bouncing breasts, jostled by her swaying belly, jumped up in her face and obstructed her vision. She knew she'd made it, when inadvertently her expanded beachball of a belly had bulged and shoved up into the window of Bleu's car and sent air shoving elsewhere into the girl- making her top two buttons swell up and pop clean off! Her cleavage spilled out of her blouse, two voluminous melons half-exposed to open air and rain even if the white silk being wet had become semi-transparent. So embarrassed was she, now looking like some kind of bloated flirt, that she bemoaned her ballooned body with a low groan and gave it up. This didn't stop her from desperately seeking out the handle to the car door and pulling it, fumbling for some kind of trigger that'd make it open. Mercifully the car was unlocked, and the door came open enough for the swollen Elf to come and bulge around it- before slipping in. Her rotund butt, kept tightly in denim to a firm, bouncy composition, bunched up into the chair and she waved her whole body from side to side just to extend her arm, grab the door from the inside, and slam it shut- blocking out the pouring rain and leaving her in the quiet safety of the car. From there she heaved and panted, easing back into the car seat's plush embrace, while hugging her arms around her overblown belly and staring up into the sky beyond and above. She made it, thank goodness, but she was a balloon. That fact would not escape Lena, as she'd taken to glimpsing down into the deep, dark expanse of her exposed bustline and instantly regretted it. Vast, shiny tracts of boob, open and swollen flirtatiously beyond the coverage of her blouse, even bulging up over the sides, in a way that she could not possibly re-seal. She gave up on that right away, and took to quietly waiting; listening to her breathing and the creaking it created in her body, of softly-expanding and contracting silken rubberflesh. The churning croak of latex pushing in and out, pressure mounting and easing against her clothes, was enough to temporarily relax the distraught Elf who'd turned her thoughts back to her lifeguard. At least she'd get a ride home... Surely enough, Bleu did come and he arrived with the urgency and swiftness that put the bloated Elf at ease. She'd definitely be home soon, and knew it to be true while the boy climbed into the driver's seat beside her and slammed the door shut in the same rushed sense as she. Momentarily glancing at her, and her at him, had a certain dryness forming in his throat and a flush to his face with that same dilated wideness to his eyes, like a little boy staring at something he adored. Lena huffed, staring back at him; her own face quite red, in as embarrassing as this was- but did sheepishly smile. "S-stop gazing upon me as you are," she timidly requested, "You seem as if... you... actually like me all blown up like this..." "Ah!" Bleu snapped to attention when she'd said such words, and his face couldn't have been redder, "No!" and he denied it in a huge fluster just to shoot his eyes forward again. "It-it's not that, it's... uh..." But instead of finishing his response he'd fumbled with the keys in the ignition, and turned the car on. Cool air flushed into the interior of the vehicle to contrast the muggy warmth outside, and the blonde heaved a sigh while wiping some of his soaked bangs out of his face. "Nevermind, it-it's nothing," he stammered, in case the Elf were still staring at him, and like that had proceeded to drive along. "Show me to where you live." So had their trip began, driving across the raining streets of Pneumatown and into the forested inland beyond as Lena directed. Normally Pneumatown was a beachside town but it did have its share of wilderness growing just beyond its borders. Fortunately given its small size, Bleu didn't have to drive far to take Lena out to her house which would be located in a rural neighborhood. "You live in the country?" He'd assume, as they'd be driving through country roads along a forested terrain, past rural houses and to an unsure destination. "How's it like?" Being in a cool car, and satisfied with the fact she wasn't still inflating like a balloon, Lena had time to calm down in spite of having this huge crevice in front of her being her own body. She meekly smiled, glimpsing aside at him over the expansive bosoms, and nodded though her chin pushed into them amidst it. "It's nice," the girl began timidly as explaining that "It can be boring and lonely sometimes, but the air is fresh and the people are nice and I run a quaint little homestead with a small farm. It's been given to me by my family so, I can't easily just leave it and live in the city. The city's nice too," she did add, looking forward again and directing his turns, "as it has all these people, and stores, and it's all just so wonderful. But I am as they say, socially awkward, so communicating with your kin may be difficult at times." "Bwuh," Bleu chuckled, as to that latter part where he'd crack a grin, "Don't worry about that too much; you're not uncouth, as on the contrary you're- pretty darn eloquent for someone out in the country! Maybe too much so for people's taste as they're used to crude and casual talk. I guess it's just because you're an Elf?" Not to get on her about her species but, it all added up; living in a forest, close to nature, talking like a noble and with flamboyant terms... Lena actually took it pretty well, softly laughing as a warmth of such echoed through her airy body in a dull, passive thrum to match the patter of rain on the hood of the car. "Well, yes, I... yes," she confessed softly so, to beam aside at him with a warm red returning to her cheeks, "I understand, my speech is strange to your ears, but it pleases me that you feel that way." Although that'd have to be it from her, before she fell quiet for the rest of the trip. Funny as it'd been, the way they met, she thought that just maybe, she liked him; he was cute, after all; a genuinely sweet human. But their time together evidently had come to an end just as brisk as their meeting when the car trip pulled up into a paved driveway amidst a grove of trees. Here she directed him, unto a forest cottage home of surprisingly modern effect in spite of its rustic appearance. It was of that Tudor style of plastered stone and wood, surrounded by a lush yard where fruit trees grew alongside farm plants, and wild animals seemingly roamed freely and without fear- even of the incoming car. Bleu was just as amazed by all this as Lena had been concerning the pool; his eyes drinking in the rural sight with a dry, dropped jaw and his hands absently handling the steering wheel. By the time he parked, close to the front door, it'd stopped raining evidently and just as well the storm in Lena's mind had come to a close. She could step out of the car bearing a general familiarity with her bloated body, and even while comfortably holding arms around her rotund waist to keep it in check, she bowed to get her head into view of the window and sheepishly grinned at the boy inside. "Thank you for taking me home safely," she murmured graciously, and yet with a curious cock of her head she dared ask, "Would you... like to come inside?" There was no way Bleu was going to be shy about such an offer into such a wondrous place, and he nodded eagerly just to show his enthusiasm; "Darn right, I would; thanks!" Quick like a wink and hot like a flash the boy was out of the car and standing beside it, and staring out at the property from beside its balloonified owner. His eyes were wide and dilated with joy similar to that which he seemed to have experienced when he laid them upon Lena's bloated body while he couldn't keep from murmuring that "This place, is amazing...!" and he scantly even noticed, the puffy air-filled palm and digits that worked their way into his own. Instead he turned his gleeful eyes to the beaming Elf who'd only flush timidly in response to his wonder, and ask "You really have it good!" Of this the ballooned beauty could mostly shake and bob her head in modesty, flouncing it about her pillowy breasts jutting up like balloons in her face. "Kindness naturally given is kindness naturally restored," she said absently, as if there were some deeper meaning behind it. Then, lifting her head to beam warmly into Bleu's face, with a look on her own that could have been affection, she squeezed his hand in hers and stepped forward; squeaking and grinding in swollen jeans. "Let's go inside; stay as long as you need to." According to such had Bleu yielded just as succulently as Lena's waistline under her free hand, as the two stepped up onto the front patio and into the house. Plants naturally grew through holes in the floorboards and over the railing, instead of in pots; this only seemed natural, as an Elf's touch. Twas where nature just naturally coincided and entwined with what was man-made. As they passed through the door, Bleu naturally went first as Lena beckoned- perhaps for good reason, as she'd wound up stopping abruptly in the middle of it. She'd blinked, "Mnh-" and softly grunted, likewise following up with a soft forward tug. Yet she was greeted by a hollow puffing noise, a muffled squeak, as evidently her belly had gotten caught in the doorway. "Uh... Bleu?" Her eyes turned pleadingly to the boy, who was still perusing the cool, dry and comfortable interior of the house; a foyer with a plush carpet and rustic furniture combined with warm incandescent lightning and mystical paintings of yore. "Help?" The insistence, however, had caught the boy's attention and had him turn around to address his Elven friend- finding her in quite the predicament indeed. The maiden, swollen and bleached white, whined pitifully as she'd be wriggling her waist from side to side, grinding her swollen bloused belly up against the doorframe, as she whined "I'm too big... to fit into my own house..." Granted the doorway had been made expressly for her slender elven body without bearing in mind the concept that she could wind up bloated one day. There was a certain shame and disgrace to that, as she'd be sighing and trying to compress her belly, just to fit through- but her overtaxed clothes with their constriction would not allow it. Of course Bleu had to rush to Lena's aid, apologizing "Oh, I'm so sorry!" where he'd hurry up and only naturally wrap arms around the girl with intent to grip and pull her. This wound up looking, and feeling, more intimate than he meant when his face came very, very close to the maiden's own and her bulbous, exposed cleavage came bulging up into his taut chest with a compressed belly drumming on him. Realizing what he'd done, a flustered look of embarrassment crossed his young face and yet- it was confused, for what else could he do? Lena was giving him the same look, the same rosy cheeks and the same helpless expression. "I'm sorry," he awkwardly apologized, but given the needy pout the Elf was giving him- there was no other choice. So he tightened his grip on the balloon girl, until his arms sank into the expanse of her swollen back, and he pulled- with all his might. Lena's belly fought the door frame, bulging around it both inside and out, with all the pneumatic force of the trapped balloon that she was. Locked with her in an all too intimate embrace, squeezing her like one reuniting with a lost love, Bleu groaned and struggled to plant his feet upon the frame. He even had to twist her from side to side a little if it meant getting her out, although the girl did whimper and whine with her swollen waist grinding and squealing into the tight frame. Still at the end of it, she came through with a soft, airy pop and yet- given his stance- Bleu wasn't ready for it. He fell over backwards instead, taking Lena with him- and she fell on top of him. What the young lifeguard felt next was the girl's pliant and yet lightweight rubbery body flushing upon his front and the plush carpeted floor at his back; sandwiching him between a pillow and a soft place. He found himself in nary the hurry to leave, when he thought about how cozy it was; Lena still inherently holding her arms around him, straddled upon his body despite her bulbous beachball belly getting in the way. She was panting softly from the exertion it took to withstand all that pressure and struggling, her face flushed and staring into his own of listless stupor. But then Bleu snapped to and realized what he was doing, on the floor, with the Elf, and her breasts widely on display in front of him, and he jolted- his face lighting up like a crimson Christmas light. "Oh my gosh-" he yelped, and spontaneously squirmed just to sit up even as the Elf clung to him, "I'm so sorry!" That wasn't proper at all, and he was ashamed of himself, thinking for sure he'd leave the good graces of his lovely young hostess. But Lena, holding on to his chest with her delicate puffy hands, didn't seem to mind; while flushing, she was beaming meekly at him and with apparent amusement and joy in her face. "All is well, my dear sir Bleu," she did manage to say, if while struggling to kick her legs up under her and stand along with him, "Twas an accident and little more; you needn't be ashamed. So now..." She bemused, taking her eyes off of the flustering boy just to stare around the room, "That I am now a balloon, and shall have a hard time moving around my house... whatever shall I do? Do you know if I'll deflate?" While his mind came back into focus, Bleu managed to shake aside his shame and embarrassment just to feebly nod, "Yeah," much as he'd seen it happen only sometimes before. "It's getting late," he managed to say, huffing while glancing at his watch, "and I really shouldn't stay here with you. Go on to bed and I think, you'll be fine when morning comes. Just uh..." His eyes traveled momentarily downward, not to stare into the gaping,tempting chasm of Lena's breasts but at the blue swimsuit still visible under her blouse. "If and when you deflate to a more manageable size, get that swimsuit off." Such was his instruction, before he redirected his attention to his eyes- much as the girl was wondering what he was staring at. "Where did you get it?" Lena answered the question, pertaining to her swimsuit- inherently the cause of her bloating- with dubious knowledge. Her eyes became distant and her expression blank, wherefore she was trying but, "I cannot... remember." She'd blinked once, twice, three times, and so had her tone turned to a worried whimper; "How could this be? I recall donning this swimsuit earlier this evening and coming unto the pool of swimming to take swimming lessons with it, but... I cannot recollect how I attained it." By that knowledge had Bleu gritted his teeth, and let off a soft huff. "Well..." He breathed, taking his eyes off of her for a moment just to anxiously scrub a hand through his dense blonde hair, "I guess we'll never know why you went poof..." That and Lena's probable future being unknown, the youth would look upon her glistening white expanse of a form with worry in his eyes. "Are you going to be okay from here?" Lena nodded, but absolute confidence was lacking in her eyes where she honestly murmured that "I'm not sure..." Staring down, seeing only the extent of her bust and the horizon of her belly within a stretched blouse, the Elf would be concerned that, perhaps, this was permanent. By that notion she turned a pleading look to her lifeguard savior, and so quietly requested, "Bleu," with her soft hands- even more silky than they'd been when made of flesh- came to grasp around his own. "Would you kindly stay overnight?" Much as he did not actually know this girl, Bleu nonetheless felt responsible for her ballooning- somehow. Yet seeing how sincerely she stared, with her bright blues wide in worry and her soft skin seeming so delicate, so poppable, he drew reason for concern. That's how he let her hands sink around his own, and clasped his free hand over them with a solemn shake; "Alright," he'd grant quietly so, drawing the Elf's puffy hands into his chest; "I'll hang around at least until the morning but I have to go back to work tomorrow- doubtless, so do you. You may have to go as a pooltoy," would be his fair warning, "If- you don't turn back into an Elf overnight at least..." "That's okay," Lena softly said, as a smile gracefully returned to her young and pale face; "I feel safe with a sir lifeguard protecting me. We'll see what tomorrow's sun brings, Bleu. Come," she granted then, using that grip on his hands to pull him deeper into the house, "Would you like something to eat?" So was how it'd been, that being drawn together by an inexplicable ballooning had the Lifeguards, young and old, come to know one another under strange circumstances.
explosion, popping, women inflating men
Male Inflation
Full Body Inflation
Cora looked over the men that had answered their brochures. "Sheesh, Tiffany, did they ever answer! 'Experimental ski thereapy for men, only obese need apply.' There must be a dozen!" "That's good,' answered Tiffany. "Fun times to be had by all...for a little while" She smiled mischievously as Cora leaned over and kissed her breifly. "We've left 'refreshments' out for our guests--" "Same as we left for those gals?" "The very same. Oh, except for one guy that arrived early, he has a special variant of the 'Boom' serum." "Variant how?" "You'll see! It's a surprise. Now, go make our guests confortable and tell them anything they hear will be charges being set off to prevent avalanches." Taking their 'friend' Brad by the hand, the girls' eye roamed all over his form. A rather tubby 250 pounds, Brad had been guzzling the 'microbrew' given him by the quart, and his belly showed it. Strangely enough, he didn't feel any need to urinate. While Brad was a bit puzzled by the black rubber longjohns the gals privided for him, he had to admit that they kept him rather warm outdorrs...and the way the hands roamed over his body didn't hurt either. "So what are the three of us going to be doing?" he asked. "Oh, we're kind of into fireworks, and we'd though you could help us set off some charge to keep the slopes clear, trigger some mini-avalanches. You know," Tiffany said with a wink as her hands rubbed his belly, "...make things go boom. Did you polish off all the beer we gave you?" "Every drop," he said as he rubbed his belly. "Makes me feel a bit gassy, but I took your advice and didn't try any strenuous activity." "Good," Said Cora. She knelt in front of him, took as much of his belly his she could with both hands...and proceeded to swiftly to head butt his gut as hard as she could, rubbing her face into his massive warmth. "OH!" he cried out as a terribly loud hissing sound, nearly a roar suddenly came from his belly as it suddenly surged forth, growing in size as the hissing grew in volume. As a horrible gassy sensation struck him he realized that he was completely unable to 'expel' any of the gas. "Oh, don't worry, silly boy," Tiffany said as her lips descended on the growing orb of his body. "The beer we gave you merely broke down some chemical bonds and put them back together like long rubber molecules; there'll be no pain and no lasting long-term efffects." As he grew bigger, creaks and groans started to come from his longjohns, the buttons straining as diamonds of flesh emerged, his belly straining to break free. A loud BANG! is heard as the center-most button gives up the fight and leaves, exposing a goodly amount of his belly. Tiffany and Cora slowly unzipped the fronts of their ski suits, lust in their eyes. "Mmmmm..." he moaned as the girls fell on him, their lips and teeth all over his body, driving him crazy as he grew his belly grew to a satiny orb some eight feet around. "Um, just how are you going to get all this gas out of me? It seems I can't, um, get rid of it." "Silly boy, your body will get rid of it sure enough, don't worry," Cora said, sharing a wink with Tiffany. Moaning with arousal, Tiffany ran over and planted kisses all over the exposed taut flesh as button after button gave way. Brad groaned with delight as his belly forced its way out of the confines of the suit, buttons snapping off with loud reports while Cora ran naked swollen breasts over his exposed skin. "Damn, this is so wierd, but it kinda feels so good," he said, his limbs swollen massively but still encased within the suit. "But girls, I don't think I can get any bigger unless I, um, get rid of some of this gas. You know what that means," he siad sheepishly. "Don't worry, we told you before, your body will get rid of the gas in its own good time," Tiffany sang out as she shared aother wink with Cora. "Here, have another beer," Cora said, pouring said 'beer' down his throat. His limbs horribly bloated, Tiffany pushed him over against a tree, the better to appreciate the growth of his body as it bloated up some twenty feet across, terrible stretch marks all over the smoothness of his belly. "Mmmmm, so tight, to firm, so smooth...tell me Tiff, how much longer until he explodes?" asked Cora, running a nail down his body, then followed up by running her tongue into his navel. "Judging by the strecth marks, not too much longer," Tiffany said, her voice low with arousal. "We'll want to stand back a bit, the gases inside violently react upon contact with air." "Explode? I'm going to explode?!," Brad cried out. "Certainly, sweetie," said Tiffany. "We told you, your body will get rid of the gas in its own good time," she said as she and Cora both climbed onto him, agitating the contents of the liquid inside him and causing his internal pressure to rise. "You wouldn't want to be like this forever, eh?" As Tiffany dug in her heels and rocked his body, Cora started gently jumping up and down on him, their efforts causing his pressure to increase further...further...and further! His belly swelling terribly dome-like, it creaked and groaned ominously, the stretch marks widening, until it looked like they were abouit to join. Tiffany called out, "Time we take cover, my pretty bomb!" and ran for some nearby rocks. "Time we were gone, my sweet Belly-Boy. We'll be looking forward to the fireworks real soon," Cora cooed before she dismounted, her ass briefly brushing his face before she left. Brad whimpered as his body grew, the internal pressure hammering away at his skin, his belly forcing its way forward, outward, an invitation to an explosion. As the terrible lethal pressure mounted inside him, his overtaut body creaked loudly, his belly the size of a small house as his limbs swelled into futile sausage-uselessness, his belly wobbling and trembling. Tiffany and Cora giggled. "Look at him, the poor boy, all blown up and nowhere to go!" said Cora. Think he'll last much longer?" "Nope, he's fucked. Just look at his stretch marks," said Tiffany. Even as she spoke, the dark brown stretch marks on his belly kept getting darker and wider as his body kept trembling. It was just as well Brad couldn't see what his belly was doing; The two women groaned audibly as his stretch marks finallly came together, meeting, then started to turn pink. Then an angry pink. And then, slowly started to turn an angry sunburn red. "You cruel bitches, I hope you both get what's coming to you," he impotently cried, his body rapidly heading towards its final destination. It happened. His body started to pulsate in rhythm as Tiffany counted down:"Five...four...three...two..." her voice died off as the loud hissing sound from his body died away. Silence. In front of them was a giant orb of what used to be a man, a balloon-bomb, brought to the brink of explosion by them, trembling. "Ngngngng! I've done it! I'm not gonna go boom after all," Brad creid out in relief, making only small laughs to keep is body's pressure from increasing. "I'm gonna..." Hey Brad," yelled Cora. "Catch!" Looking down, Brad was (barely) able to see Cora pack up an iceball. With a windup worthy of a major league baseball pitcher, she took deliberate aim and threw, straight into Brad's swollen gut. It took him straight in the navel. The hissing began again. Brad felt his internal pressure start to increase. As the pulsating reached its crescendo, Tiffany and Cora watched in mounting anticipation, waiting for his body to reach its climax. It came. Brad cried out a loud, "!" For just a brief moment before they reflexively ducked behind their cover, they had a brief image of a line of Y-shaped line yellow fire appear on his belly before a tremendous BOOOOOM! roared over them, drenching them in sound and wind. Looking up, they saw the snow come down in the distance and laughed. "Well, it can't be said we didn't give him what he wanted. Let's go see to our other guests," said Tiffany as the two ladies mounted their snowmobile and drove away the the ski lodge.
infidelity, magic, revenge
Female Inflation, Male Inflation
Full Body Inflation
How do you know that your lover truly loves you? How can you tell if you can trust your lover with your life? David and Tara suddenly find themselves in a desperate situation where they must quickly come up with the answer those questions. "Mmm, that was incredible," Tara purred as she snuggled up against her lover's chest. They were both covered in a sheen of perspiration from their passionate romp. "Yes, it was," David sighed, caressing her cheek. "Yes, you are." He gazed out at the waves crashing on the beach outside their window. "And just think, now we can start every day like this." "The first day of the rest of our lives." She kissed him. "Let's go swimming today." "Great idea. I'll go fix up some drinks." Tara adjusted her bikini and wrapped her sheer sarong around her hips. She jumped as she heard a crash from the next room. "Oh my god, what are you doing here?" came the cry from the living room. Startled, Tara rushed out. The tray lay on the floor at David's feet where he'd dropped it, a pair of pina coladas spilled on the the carpet. "What's going on he--" She stopped as she saw Karissa sitting on the couch. "Hello there Tara," she chirped merrily, waving. "I just decided to drop in to see how my bastard husband and his whore of a mistress were doing." "Tara, go back into the bedroom. I'll deal with this," David said. Tara took a step back, but Karissa held up a hand to indicate she shouldn't. "No Tara, stay. We have things to discuss." With a grin and a softy uttered incantation she set her spell in motion. "I really think you two should-- oh!" Tara gasped as she felt a sharp pressure in her chest, accompanied by a soft hissing noise. She looked down to see her bikini-clad bosom swelling. "David, what's happening? I'm getting bigger!" "Karissa, stop it!" David barked. "Don't you give me orders, you self-important gas bag!" she spat back at him. As if her insult were a command, at her words David's belly hissed and bulged out as he too began to slowly inflate. "Don't even think about running," she said, seeing him eye the door. "I've prepared well for this confrontation, and if either of you leaves this room I assure you you'll regret it." David exchanged panicked looks as they both continued to fill with gas. Tara was growing more voluptuous, her hips and thighs joining her breasts in expanding. David was inflating all over, his well-muscled torso and limbs plumping up into soft swells. "Karissa, this is pointless. It's over between us, and nothing your witchcraft can do will change that." "Witchcraft?" Tara squeaked. "You never told me you were married to a witch!" "No, I doubt he ever did," Karissa said. "But he did tell you he was married. But that didn't keep you from pursuing him, it didn't keep you from sleeping with him, and it didn't keep you from running off with him to this tropical paradise, leaving me with nothing! I pledged my life to you, David, I gave up everything, I gave you everything, and you repaid me by taking up with the first nubile young slut! I gave you fifteen years, and you threw it all away!" She was screaming now, having long since abandoned decorum and embraced her rage. She paused a moment to calm herself. "It doesn't matter now, what's done is done. You're right, David, my magic won't do a thing to change your betrayal. Human emotions are immune to even the greatest of enchantments, so it would be pointless to use them to try to win you back. While my spells can't change the content of your heart, they can reveal it if cleverly applied." Both David and Tara felt the room chill as a sinister grin came over Karissa's face. "How the hell is turning me into a blowup doll going to tell you anything about what's in out hearts?" She was absurdly full-figured now, her expanding breasts bulging far outside the confines of the skimpy triangles of her bikini as her backside was testing the strength of the fabric that enclosed it. "That will quickly become clear," she replied, reaching into her pocket. She set two pills on the coffee table, one bright orange, the other sparkling blue. "When is this going to stop?" David pleaded. His muscles had swollen to such an immense size, he appeared as a caricature of a bodybuilder. "It won't," Karissa replied, emotion completely absent from her tone. "I've cursed you both, and you'll keep on blowing up until you both burst." She paused as Tara let out a muffled cry of alarm. "But one of you will make it out in one piece." "No!" David shouted. "You can't do this!" "I already have, my dear. Here's how this is going to work. As I've learned the hard way from entrusting my soul to David's treacherous heart, love is about sacrifice. We're going to find out how much the two of you truly love each other. There are two pills on the table. Tara's going to swallow one of them. She doesn't have to, and I'm not going to force her, but if she doesn't then the spell will continue to pump you up until you both burst." She looked directly into Tara's eyes. "One of those pills will gather the magic and focus it entirely on you. David will deflate and be able to go on with his miserable life, but your own woes will be multiplied and you'll keep getting bigger until you explode. The other one will disperse the curse that I've placed on you, but it will transfer to David, and he'll be the one to go boom." "That's it?" Tara squealed. "My life's going to be decided by a freaking coin toss?" "Of course not," Karissa said. "Before I leave I'm going to tell David which pill will pop you. He'll have to decide whether or not he loves you enough to sacrifice himself for you. He sure as hell doesn't love me that much, but since he chose to destroy me to be with you he just might love you that much. But then, maybe he doesn't. He'll tell you which pill is which, and then you get to decide whether you want to sacrifice yourself for him. Of course, he could always lie hoping to trick you. He's good at that, you know." She let out a malevolent giggle. "Karissa, please, we can work this out!" David pleaded. "It's already worked out, sweetkins." She leaned in close to David and whispered into his ear. He clenched his face in agony as the weight of the decision facing him came down upon his spirit. Karissa blew him a kiss as she walked to the door. "Ta-ta! Have fun making your choice. And make it quickly, before she's too big to reach the pills." And with that, she left. Tara gazed at David, tears welling up in her terrified eyes. Her breasts were bulging up towards her chin, and her bikini was letting out sharp pops as stitches began to fail. "So which one is it, David? Which one of those is going to blow me up?" David trembled as he made his choice. "Tara, you know I love you." After all they'd been through, Tara couldn't be certain that he loved her, that he truly loved her. He'd spoken the same words to Karissa, and she'd believed him as well. "And I love you, David," she answered. David was wracked by doubt as he listened to Tara's words. Could he put his life in her hands? But as his body filled and we was losing his mobility, he realized he had to decide now. "The orange one. Karissa said the orange one would make you explode." Tara nodded, holding back sobs. Her turgid legs forced her to waddle stiffly as she approached the table and reached for the pills... Karissa drove only a short ways from the beach house before pulling over to wait. It was only a few minutes, but they seemed to stretch out for eternity. Finally, a sharp bang rang out, echoing down the beach and startling the birds into fleeing from the nearby trees. Karissa smiled and started the car, never looking back.
belly, breasts, giantess, lesbians, magic, Mermaids, self-inflation, thighs
Female Inflation
Belly Inflation, Breast Inflation
Shelly and Piper kicked off their shoes as they stepped in through the doors of their beach home, with their arms full of shopping bags. Shelly was practically bubbling with excitement at the Spa and High Tea day they were gonna put together for their 3rd year anniversary. Piper was swollen with joy too, but only because she loved her teeny, skinny-mini little girlfriend so much it made her heart hurt. She put her heavy bags down on the table and whilst Shelly was facing the counter, she snuck up behind her and hugged her, lifting her high off the ground, causing her to squeal and giggle. Shelly wriggled in her arms to face her and slipped out and almost headbutt the DD cups that were filling up Piper's crewneck tee. "Careful! You don't want to bruise my weapons of mass seduction before we have our nice bath together!" Piper chuckled, placing a kiss on her forehead. "Hah! That's what you get for startling me!" She teased, being squeezed into a tight, cosy hug. Piper leaned over to whisper in her ear. "Why don't you get the bath started and I'll put the shopping away and come join you in a bit?" "But we haven't made those mini salmon and cream cheese sandwiches that you like so much." Shelly Whimpered. "We can make them together after; I've got something to show you..." Shelly ran them a warm hot bath and added a seaweed and witch hazel bath bomb to the mix. She unbuttoned her autumnal cardigan and slipped out of her sweet, floral dress. She sat on the edge of the bath, wondering whether to wait for Piper to come in, so that she could strip tease her, but when she looked down at her pretty itty teacup B cups in her white, daisy patterned bralette, she didn't really think they were worth anything to get excited about. Maybe it would be better if I left the strip teasing for the thick amazon babe, she thought. She stripped off and lay down in the sudsy bath. The door creaked open, and Piper jokily sang "When the shopping's away, the lovers will play!" Shelly giggled, before looking at her through her long eyelashes and held out a dark, tanned short leg from the bath. "I'm not gonna let you in until I get a strip tease." "Oh, you ask so much of me, mistress..." Piper smiled and looked at her little girlfriend with hooded, bedroom eyes and flicked a tress from her short, blonde curls out of her face. She unclipped her earring and flicked it into the sink with a ping. She pulled off her grey camouflage jacket as Shelly waited in anticipation. Her tight t-shirt was pulled above her head and her boobs jiggled as she bounced up and down to wriggle it free. She bent down (Giving Shelly an even better angle to ogle her cleavage...) and slowly pulled down and stepped out of her yellow chinos. She stood to show her full, towering, inverted triangle figure, in all it's glory, in a matching set of silky dark teal lingerie. Which she proceeded to strip off and throw at Shelly's face! Piper climbed into the crowded corner bath, (Fishing out her soaked knickers) and slid down beside her elfin minx. Shelly scooted up to her and rested her head on her shoulder and was embraced into a hug. "Do you remember that time you almost drowned?" Piper piped up suddenly. "That's a pretty random question to bring up..." Shelly laughed, awkwardly. "Well... Do you remember telling me about waking up to long blonde hair tickling your nose and seeing a chest covered in pink scales?" The bathwater started to foam up and whirl around Piper, bubbles began to float in the air. Shelly felt her legs become a bit squashed as Piper's thighs expanded against her. Piper's hair grew longer and her body was dappled with glistening, Magenta scales as a ginormous tail fluke emerged from out of the bath water and slapped down onto the bathroom floor below. Shelly's mouth hung open. "Surprise! I'm the mermaid who saved you from drowning all those years ago! Happy Anniversary!" Piper cheered, though her expression seemed nervous. "But How?" Shelly squealed, looking down the side of the bath at the glorious tailfin. "You don't like it?" Piper asked, shyly. "No, it's not that... I didn't even know mermaids existed and how does all this tail fit in your lovely legs?" She stared down at Piper. "And did your already enormous boobs get even bigger?" "Oh yeah, I shrink them down in my human form; as it turns out, having a big pair of 'floatation devices' around your neck is a bit cumbersome on land." An awkward pause. "Can I hold them?" Shelly asked, all red cheeked and coy. "Go ahead, I just grew a tail but you want to investigate a few more inches?" "You know me," She said, cupping the twins. "I'm a boob woman, If I cared about tails, I wouldn't be a lesbian, you're scales feel really silky soft by the way." "Thanks, I kept them well moisturised." "What size are these things?" "I'm not sure, I never got them measured because Y'know... it's hard to get to a boutique with no feet." She said, heaving her heavy tail up and waggling it. "So, if mermaids can shrink down a size... does that mean they can also grow up a size?" Shelly raised one eyebrow, suggestively. Piper waggled her brows. "Want to have a little fun?" Back in the kitchen after drying off and getting changed, Piper (now back to her human self) sat at the dining table in her lilac joggers with matching crop top, while Shelly cut triangle sandwiches on the counter in a fluffy yellow dressing gown, her hair in a wrap. "So, you need food to change shape?" "Kind of, I can change without it but..." Piper patted her breasts. "...I going to need the extra mass." "I wish I could make my boobs huge." Shelly moped, bringing the teapot and tray to the table. "I like your little boobs though; they don't get in the way when I hug you." Piper mumbled, her mouth already full. "Now..." "Wait! Wait! let me get a measuring tape, Let's see how big your mermaid boobs really are!" After grabbing what she needed, she perched herself on Piper's lap and measured her band and cup size. "You're about... 38DD as a human, but as a mermaid..." Shelly sat back on to the table as Piper looked down at her breasts and relaxed with a sigh. Her breasts bulged forward at first, then started to round out, pushed together by the confines of the bra. She filled the sweetheart neckline of her top and it started to creak as she still blossomed even more. Shelly bit her lip with excitement. As the elastic around her chest started to strain, she stopped growing. "Phew! I've been holding these puppies back for years!" She sighed with relief and cupped her bosom. "Let's see" Shelly cooed. She wriggled with happiness as she perched herself back onto her girlfriend's thigh and wrapped the tape around her. "40F!" She squealed with delight. "Huh... I was a lot smaller that I thought." She said, giving one a squeeze. "How big did you think you'd be?" "At least a G-cup." "Well..." Shelly said, with a wink. "Get busy growing." "Hold on tight..." Piper chuckled. Piper held Shelly's hands against her humongous, swelling boobs. They felt like water balloons, overflowing under a tap. Soft, spongey and weighted, still holding their round shape as they rose up. Shelly gasped as the hem of Piper's top lifted away from her body. She kept growing still. Piper huffed as the lilac bra squeezed her. Her engorged boobs heaving over the neckline. Shelly let go and backed up to the kitchen table, leaning back away from the straining top, fit to bursting. "Maybe we should get you out of that top before you pop..." She tensed up. With a resounding crack, the straps snapped and the sides' seams began to split. Unsupported, gravity pulled her enormous boobs forwards and they landed with a hefty thud on the table. "Careful sweetie, you're a bit off balance now!" Shelly cried. She tried to steady her, heaving up her not-so-fun-anymore-bags from behind. "Whoa... that's why I shrink them while on land." She grunted, rubbing her sore boobs. "Oh jeez! This is hurting my back already..." "I must say, you do look a bit... out of proportion right now, specially with the wobbling and swaying to keep your balance." Shelly hummed, concerned and sat back on Piper's lap to prop up these monster boobs. "Well, Let's see if we can do anything about that..." Piper smiled, clearly scheming. Her thighs and hips abruptly swelled up. It took Shelly by surprise as these new birthing thighs pushed her up just over Piper's massive shelf of a bust. Her chin just resting above her deep cleavage. "Oof! All this blowing up like a pufferfish is making me hungry again." She puffed out a sigh, leaning back in her chair and rubbing her belly. "Shrink back down to size if you want and I'll make us some more food." Shelly said, patting her girlfriend's bouncing chest. Piper grunted and clenched her body before looking quite troubled. "Uh...Ooops." "What Ooops?" "They won't deflate..." She cringed, pushing her inflated bosoms together. "I might have spent up my metamorphosis powers for now..." "Oh Gosh!" Shelly Gasped. "Would feeding you up some more help?" "I don't want to grow any bigger!" She cried; her dark eyes almost as wide as the stretched-out bubbles in her torn up sports bra. "What if I prick you with a pin?" Shelly panicked. "Nononono!" Piper said, quickly. "I'm not full of air! It's Blubber! You'll just hurt my boobs!" "Blubber? You mean like a whale?" Shelly question, an eyebrow perched. "Well I am a marine mammal; it gets cold in the sea." She shrugged. "My powers just control how much of it my body has, I can only use them so much though; I'll be right as rain after a nap." She shifted in her chair before letting out another sigh. "Ummm...I can't move. Help." The chair screeched across the wooden floor as poor Shelly dragged a heavily fattened up Piper into the bedroom to rest. Her widened girth just barely made it passed the doorframe. After a couple hours of heaving her into bed, unpeeling the dregs of her destroyed bra and tight joggers off of her bloated form and making her a hot water bottle for her back, Shelly managed to get some dinner on the stove. She made sweet chilli linguine with courgettes and prawns and brought it into the bedroom on a tray. Piper was squashed into a t-shirt that used to fit baggily on her. Her boobs had finally deflated a little but were still stuck out like atomic warheads. She was resting against the headboard, struggling to read a book over her weapons of mass clothes destruction. "I couldn't sleep very well; I managed to force them down but can only go to about an H cup..." Piper moaned. "I'm sorry..." Shelly said, placing the tray on Piper's lap. "It's not your fault, Buttons." Piper stroked Shelly's brown bob. "I should have taken it a bit slower, my powers are funny like this..." She took a bite out of her food and swallowed, before looking shocked for a moment... "Is there prawns in this?" "Yes, why?" Piper gulped. "I'm allergic to prawns." "OH GOD! Piper I'm so sorry! Do you need me to call a doctor?" Shelly Squealed. "No... Mermaids' Allergies aren't like that..." Piper begun to breath heavy. Piper's face and chest immediately started to turn white and her hair and the tops of her arms turned black. She pushed the plate away, lifted her top and struggled to see her belly. It was white too, with patches of black up the sides. A black and white tail fluke suddenly popped out from under the covers, expanding outwards, about to outgrow the bedframe. "I mean, we do get a bit of swelling but..." Her stomach bellowed loudly and begun to puff out. at first it only looked like she had finished the whole plate of pasta, then it started to rise like a bread loaf in an oven, before looking like a huge, overgrown watermelon. "Long story short I'm turning into a Merwhale, Were-whale, whatever. Now, by the looks of the size of my tail, I'm not gonna turn into a cute little beluga either!" Piper freaked out. "We've got to get you into the water before you outgrow the house!" Shelly screamed. "Help me up, I'll try to drag myself out, don't forget to grease the doors, or I'll definitely get stuck." Piper panted. Shelly pulled at Piper's hand and tried to heave her up, but her swelling belly refusing to bend forward was making it a difficult task, so instead she tried to roll her like a sausage, but her wide spanning tail kept getting caught. As time was getting away from them, Piper's waistline kept disappearing. Her tummy moaned again and surged forward; she looked like she'd swallowed an exercise ball. "It's no use! We're gonna have to call the firemen or seaside rescue or something!" Shelly squealed. "As much as I don't want the whole world knowing I'm a mermaid, you might be right..." Piper huffed. Piper's body was now catching up with the rest of her, her tail, now looking more like a whale's tail was stretching and bloating out, even as it was crammed against the door. She was turning into a giant; her big bulbous stomach still dominating her frame and her breasts started to balloon up again. This time, completely out of her control! The bed's legs gave way under her huge weight and dust was starting to fly up as the foundation of the building got wobbly. Shelly begun to sob in fear, Piper's tail now completely blocked off the exit and both their phones were in the kitchen! Piper picked up Shelly in her giant hand and put her over her heart and covered her with both hands to protect her from the collapsing ceiling. "It'll be alright." Piper soothed her. A final swell of growth bust through the walls and rubble piled down on top of them. Lucky for them, it was high tide and getting dark when their house on stilts collapsed under Piper's exploding girth. She managed to backpaddle out to sea, to hide before anyone saw the 26ft long, voluptuous, pregnant-looking mermaid. Shelly looked up from hiding under Piper's hand and found herself in the ocean, sat atop Piper's colossal mounds as she drifted, effortlessly on her back. "Are you okay, Button?" Piper asked, sweetly. "I'm fine, just a bit cold, are you okay? Your poor belly..." Shelly cried, looking at the huge white stomach just bobbing in the waves. "It's alright, I only grew to the size of a Minke Whale this time; the first time I had shrimp, I ballooned to about the size of a Humpback whale, warts and all and my tummy and boobs blew up twice as big as this!" Piper laughed. "I'll start to return to my old self again in a couple days." "So shrimp messes with you metamorphic powers, huh?" "Yeah, funny story: I managed to accidentally eat it during our second date, I was gonna explode out of the sushi restaurant, so that's why I legged it..." "Yeah, I do remember that, I didn't hear back from you for a while and thought you didn't like me..." Shelly whimpered. "I could never feel anything but love for you Buttons." Piper cooed softly, placing a giant finger under her chin. "Besides I couldn't get to a phone... my big fat butt had expanded to the size of a Pilot Whale and I was beached behind an alleyway feeding off scraps people threw away..." "I wish you'd told me sooner." Shelly said, cuddling up to Piper's Hand. "Sorry Sweetie, I just needed to be careful, Mermaids have been a strict secret of the ocean for so long, it's hard to know who to trust it with, but after everything we've been through... I think I can trust you to keep it." Piper smiled and lifted Shelly to her giant lips to give her a kiss. "Careful! You'll swallow me!" Shelly laughed. "It is tempting, I am still hungry..." Piper teased, slapping her great, white stomach. Under the cover of nightfall, Piper returned Shelly to the safety of the beach. She would be staying at her mother's, now that the beach house was destroyed. A quick wave goodbye and Piper returned back to the darkened ocean. Shelly shed a tear, on that moonlit beach, her heart hurting for her Mermaid's safe return. "
Female Inflation
Belly Inflation, Stuffing
She was alone finally, and she knew where the candy stash was hidden. After waiting patiently for everyone to leave, the whole storage closet was fair game. So she sat herself down and got ready to feast. "30 some odd pounds of candy should be enough to get a good sugar high", she thought; little did she know what she was getting into. The first couple bites were quite easy; 5 pounds went down like nothing. It happened so quickly, the sugar rush started to hit. The candy sat like a pit in her stomach, but it didn't matter; all she could think of was more. Shoveling handfuls of candy in her mouth, she started to feel full. She barely noticed the bloating though, it was nothing compared to the immense head rush from the sugar. She hit 10 pounds, 15 pounds, 20 pounds; she felt unstoppable. Now her tee shirt had become skin tight, and her pants had ripped a good while ago. Her growing belly had stated to push her thighs apart, as it had grown too big to sit comfortably in place. It looked more like a party balloon than a body part. Alas, this was no time to stop; she still had 10 more pounds to finish. Pound 25 was a struggle; she was starting to feel the consequences of such intense consumption. Her settling belly was red with stretch marks as it was well past any safe limit. At the size of an overinflated beach ball, she could no longer see her feet. She was so close though; she had to finish now. More candy flew, as she approached completion. Now she could feel the pain through the sugar rush. But it still didn't matter. She was so close; it had to be the last pound. Things starting moving slower, as pushing anymore candy into such an overfilled stomach seemed near impossible. She felt mind numbingly tight, but ignored all warnings. She kept going until all 30 pounds were consumed. Victory was hers, the problem; she was trapped under her own weight. With 30 pounds of candy inside, her belly closely resembled an exercise ball. The other problem, digestion. She started to feel sick as the pressure naturally increased inside her. She noticed some ginger ale by her side. "That always settled my stomach before!" she thought, so she grabbed it and started drinking. Unfortunately for her, the carbonation moved things along quite quickly. She only grew a bit more before her belly stopped stretching, the pressure didn't stop building though. Huge stretch marks circumnavigated her body, her belly ready to burst. She let out one last gasp before the inevitable. Some sugar rush.
Male Inflation
Full Body Inflation
Frank stood alone in his new office long after everyone had gone home. He stood by the window, allowing the full moon to illuminate the otherwise darkened room. The office was huge and spacious--an extravagant waste of space, in Frank's mind. But it was the reward for his promotion. As he looked over the city, he heard his office door open. Alicia Kyle walked in, carrying a bottle of champagne and two glasses. The company "babe," Alicia was a tall, well-sculptured woman, her long black hair and coffee-colored skin allowing her to blend with the darkness. "I thought everyone'd gone home," Frank admitted as she crossed the wide distance toward him. "I just thought we'd celebrate your promotion," she said in her soft, sultry, often musical voice. She set the glasses on his desk and popped the cork on the bottle. Frank shifted his eyes about guiltily. "Uh, that's... really nice of you. Look, I know you were in line for this promotion--and if it had been up to me, you would have gotten it. You're the one who deserves it." "I know," she said lightly, filling his glass. Thinking she was joking, Frank laughed. He picked up his glass and swallowed the drink quickly. Alicia leaned against his desk, looking at him expectantly. "Not bad," he admitted. "What was that stuff?" "Something my mother brought over from Africa," she said. "She was a witch, if you believe in that sort of thing." "A witch? Actually, no, I find that hard to swallow." "But you did swallow it." She smirked. "It has an interesting kick to it. I find women have no reaction to it, but men get a little... bloated." "Bloated?" Frank looked curiously at her, not liking the direction the conversation was going. And then his stomach began to grumble. He looked down, just in time to see it suddenly bulging forward, as if a balloon were being inflated under his shirt. "Oh my god!" he exclaimed, looking back up at Alicia, who merely smiled at him. "What did you do to me?" She didn't reply immediately, as her attention was drawn to his bloating body. His stomach continued to expand, pushing free of his shirt as it bulged farther and farther outward. Too stunned to do anything but watch, Frank saw his body was puffing out all over--his arms and legs filling up as if he were an inflatable doll. Soon the rest of his body followed, stretching out as his body grew rounder and more ball-shaped. When he finally accepted what was happening to him, he lunged for the telephone, turning sideways because his chubby arms could no longer bend at the elbow. "Ah ah AH!" Alicia said, pushing the phone away. Frank then tried to run for the door, but he didn't get far. His body had inflated so big and so fast that he took only a few steps before his legs were so stubby that he couldn't even move. He continued to puff up like a globe in every direction. Trying to run, he only wobbled a bit before falling on his rounded backside. He was unable to get up, unable to move. All he could do was watch himself inflate. "Help me!" he begged Alicia, who merely watched with amusement as he grew and grew. "I can't," she said simply. "There's no cure for this." "Oh, god!" he repeated, his body swelling bigger and bigger with no sign of slowing down. "When will it stop? How big am I going to get?!" Alicia spoke slowly. "Pret-ty bi-ig." A wide smile lit up her face. "Why? Why are you doing this to me?" He could no longer see how big he was getting. But as his shredded suit tore off him, he could guess that he was getting really, really big. "Because I can," she answered. "You said it yourself: I deserved that promotion. I don't know if I was passed up because I'm a woman or because I'm black, or maybe both. Doesn't matter--I'll have it out with our esteemed CEO later. After you pop." "P-pop?! I'm going to pop?" His rate of growth slowed, but the pressure still swelled inside him. "It's possible," she sang. "Please don't! I'll give you anything! I can get you money! I--I'll resign so you can have my job!" His speech was punctuated with rubbery squeaking noises emanating from his ballooning body. "You don't have to give me anything," she said. "I take what I want." The next few moments felt like hours as Frank inflated, the squeaking noises getting louder and louder. The pressure grew more intense as his body puffed up bigger... bigger... bigger... ever closer to the limits of his elasticity. He began to accept the fact that he was going to burst like an over-inflated balloon. But then, as suddenly as it began, the swelling stopped. Frank waited tensely, expecting every breath to be his last. But the squeaking had stopped too, and it slowly sunk in that he was no longer getting bigger. A few seconds later, he broke the silence. "A--Alicia?" "Right here," she said, appearing at his side. She put her arms around his swollen body, as if admiring his inflated size, or perhaps the feeling out how close he was to bursting. Cautiously, Frank asked, "Does this mean I'm not going to pop?" Alicia tossed her head back with laughter. "Oh, man!" she said. "You are one funny, inflated cracker!" With that, she picked up his round, spherical form as she would a beach ball and tossed him playfully in the air. Frank could only watch as the ground shot away from him. Soon gravity caught up to him, and he drifted back down to Alicia like a child's balloon. For that was now exactly what he was: Alicia's toy balloon. Alicia caught him as he fell before throwing him back up in the air again. This time she threw him even higher--and then higher again. Each time he came down, she threw him harder, and she laughed excitedly as she had her fun. Frank could only watch with trepidation. Finally she threw Frank so high that his inflated body lightly touched the ceiling of his expansive office. And as he drifted back down, the moonlight sparkled upon something in Alicia's outstretched hand. It was a pin. A small pin, but to Frank, it may as well have been a sword. He tried to flap his stubby hands and feet in a desperate attempt to keep himself airborne. But nothing could stop his ... "falling." (Sorry.) All he received for his efforts were some amused giggles from Alicia, laughing at his predicament and futile attempts to escape the inevitable. Resigned to his fate, Frank drifted farther downward. Alicia's wide, beautiful smile was the last thing he saw before his tight, thin skin touched the top of the pin-- Alicia put her feet up on her new desk, which she inherited following the sudden disappearance of her predecessor. She knew she had to be well-rested for her appointment with the CEO later that day ...
demolition, hose in navel, revenge, water
Female Inflation
Full Body Inflation
Shannon's eyes fluttered as she slowly regained consciousness, then snapped open as she felt the rope tying her wrists together. She looked up to find herself sitting on a chair in an empty garage, with Tanya looming over her. "Tanya?! What's going on?"Tanya gave her a malicious grin. "What's going on is... REVENGE!"A beat.Shannon blinked. "Fooooooor...?""For revenge!""No, I understood that part. I'm asking what you're getting revenge for.""You don't -know?!-" she scoffed, looking as if Shannon had murdered her family. Shannon was fairly sure she didn't. "That makes it even worse!""Riiiiiight. Look, maybe if you untie me we can talk about-""Oh, that's exactly what you -want- me to do, isn't it? Well now -I'm- in charge!" She held up a length of hose with an odd nozzle at the end, waving it for emphasis.Shannon's gaze went back and forth between the hose and Tanya. "What are you planning on doing with that, exactly?""I'm going to enact the first step in my revenge..." In one quick motion Tanya thrust the nozzle deeply into Shannon's navel. "This!"Just as she was about to ask what Tanya was hoping to accomplish an odd sensation ran through her abdomen, as if she was pushing out her stomach without trying. She looked down and recoiled in shock as she her belly began to fill and swell, growing larger by the second.Struggling, Shannon worked against the ropes on her wrists, trying to free herself before she grew too large. With a bit of effort she slipped the knot open and, with a grunt, forced herself into a standing position. By now her gut was larger than any pregnancy and still growing, but as she stood the water inside of her spread around to her sides and back, quickly becoming the world's largest muffin top.As Tanya watched with an expression of sadistic glee, Shannon grasped the hose and tried to pull it loose. It was stuck fast and only in her hands for a few seconds, however, and she quickly grew too round to reach. Noticing Tanya's leer, she reached for her with outstretched arms. "Tanya! Turn off the water or so help me-"Tanya scoffed. "You're in no position to make demands of the person you WRONGED!"Growling, Shannon headed towards Tanya, but she found herself weighed down by the growing volume of water inside of her. As she staggered towards her, her legs swelled, first filling her pants, then stretching them, then tearing them at the seams. As the remnants of her pants fell to the ground her shoes began to bulge, creaking before being forced apart by her growing feet. Shannon tried to take another step but only managed to rock side to side, pinned in place by her own body.As the amount of water in her body grew larger, the level rose higher. The stitches on her shirt popped as her shoulders swelled, the growth spreading down her arms until they resembled sausages. Her breasts hung heavy off her rounded frame, growing larger until finally breaking free of her shirt and bra, leaving her naked.Her body was almost entirely belly, with barrel-like limbs and enormous breasts. As Tanya opened the garage door, Shannon thought she looked shorter, but then another thought hit her; she looked up, noting the ceiling was closer than it was a minute ago, and confirmed it: She was growing taller.She looked back down in time to see the door slam closed, and as she wondered where Tanya was headed the pressure in her stomach increased suddenly. It spread throughout her body, and to her horror she realized that Tanya had turned up the flow. Every inch of her skin began to push outward as she grew rounder and higher, taking up more and more space.Her head brushed against the ceiling before being forced to the side, and her shoulders swelled up around it like rising dough. Her belly touched the door, her hips and ass the walls, and as she continued to fill she pushed out in all directions. Shannon grunted as the pressure mounted, completely immobilized by her own bloated flesh and helpless to stop the onslaught of water still being pumped into her.Over the sound of churning water, Shannon gradually grew aware of an angry, insistent creaking that was slowly growing louder, and she hoped it wasn't her. Outside Tanya paced impatiently in the driveway, staring angrily at the garage. She checked her watch, tapped her foot, paced again, stopped to check her watch, and was about to start pacing once more when she heard something: The cracking of wood and groaning of bending metal.Her lips split into a wide grin as she watched with glee as the garage began to deform. Siding bent and fell off the sides with a clatter. The door buckled outward. Timber splintered and broke as the walls and flat roof of the garage bulged before finally giving up the ghost, exploding apart as a flesh-toned water balloon swelled out of the wreckage, limbs bloating up and shrinking back down as the fluid inside surged about in its newfound freedom. As it sloshed and swayed the hose popped free, and Tanya looked on in sadistic glee as it finally came to rest.Shannon towered over the wreckage of the structure, standing on legs that took up the width of the garage and so thick that they covered up most of her massively swollen feet, leaving only her puffy toes exposed. Her back, belly and ass had merged into a single bubble pulled into a teardrop shape by her sheer weight, flaring out at her waist before tapering up to a thinner yet still massive size. Resting on the shelf of her stomach were her breasts, full, round and blocking most of her sight, and above them were her arms, thick as barrels and forced to her sides. Even her shoulders had swelled up around her neck, holding her puffy-cheeked head still. Every inch of her felt swollen and tight, bloated beyond comprehension."Whatever it is I did," Shannon said in what she hoped was Tanya's general direction, "you can add 'ruined a perfectly good garage' to it.""The garage isn't relevant!" Tanya huffed. "Now then, the final-""Could you speak up? I can't hear you.""The final step in my revenge..." She shouted, pulling out a pin. " this!"A beat."I said, 'the final step in my revenge is this!'""I can't even -see- you, you moron. How am I supposed to see whatever it is you're doing down there!""It's a pin, you idiot! A pin! Now that you're a human water balloon, I'm going to pop you!""In case you weren't paying attention, I just broke through your house. I'm surrounded by broken wood and pieces of metal. One more pointy object isn't going to do much."Tanya let out a sinister laugh as she walked over the collapsed garage door. "'Isn't going to do much,' is it? How about when I do THIS!" With that, she jabbed the pin into her leg."Ow!"Noting the lack of a watery explosion, she gave her another jab."Ouch! Stop that!""What is this?" She stared at the needle as if it were Shannon's co-conspirator. "Does this piece of crap even have a point?" She poked her finger with it to see if it was still sharp, and with a loud bang she promptly burst into a shower of rubbery scraps.Shannon blinked. "Well. I wasn't expecting that."From somewhere out of view she heard a man shout, "hello there!""Hello?" she shouted back."I couldn't help but notice what just happened.""You mean the part where I was filled up with so much water I exploded out of a building?""Yes, it was quite hard to miss.""I can see how something like that would be hard to miss." She paused. "Is this the part where you reveal that I satisfy some sort of fetish for you and we go off arm in arm into the sunset?""I hope so. You see, ever since I was a child I dreamed of being smothered under an ass the size of-"Shannon rolled her eyes. "Ugh. Never mind."With a grunt she raised one foot and took a step forward. The ground trembled as her body shook and shuddered with the sound of sloshing water, and she stepped through the wreckage, past the pile of bits on the lawn, and began the ponderous walk home.
chemical, women inflating men
Male Inflation
Full Body Inflation
"Hand over the purse, lady." It's a gruff voice out of the night, a threatening bark that leads me to gasp and start involuntarily even though I've come down this forbidding road intentionally in a quest for my unusual brand of fun. It's an adrenaline shot through my whole body, like boiling water through my veins. It's time. I hug my purse protectively closer to my rib, and slowly revolve to face my assailant. He's there in the yawning shadows between the two dim streetlights, the knife edge a gleaming ribbon in the dark."No," I say, smiling as I recover from the surprise. "No, I don't think so." He's quite cute, in a rough fashion. Broad shoulders, nice jawline. His close-cropped hair doesn't obscure the particulars of his handsome face. His eyes are pools of onyx, hooded from the streetlight by his brows, but I've seen enough. I greatly desire to ruin his waistline. I taunt him a little, to get things rolling. "Maybe you should come take it from me?"He repeats himself more loudly. I'm bemused, perhaps he thinks I didn't hear him the first time. "Hand it over! Nice and simple. You don't want to get hurt, now." He takes a step forward, lunging at the strap of the bag. With my free hand, I whip the canister out of my pocket and let him have it with a big, juicy shot of the Balloon Spray. He reflexively snaps his eyes shut and tries to ward the spray off with his arms as I sluice the oily liquid across his head and neck. He grunts like he's been slugged in the tummy as I move the spray south across his chest and waist, soaking his shirt. There's a harsh medical smell, like spearmint and rubbing alcohol. His tummy begins to bulge. There's a hollow, hissing, rubbery echo from inside him. He emits a strangled, gagging sound, stumbling backwards as he gropes at his growing belly in futility. He's mine, now. I let the can of Balloon Spray fall from my fingers absently, awed by the sight before me."Oh god, YES," I moan in ecstatic obsession. No matter how many times I watch this, it never fails to send an electric, sensual elation through me. It just feels so very right, watching them blow up into helpless balloons.He widens, becoming more of himself. As the relentless filling of his tummy continues, his shirt begins to ride higher upon that sensual swell of belly. He looks at his tummy in shock, struggling with his malfunctioning clothing and paunch as if he can somehow divorce himself from this thing that is happening to him. The knife slips from his chubbying hands and falls to the sidewalk, narrowly skating past his fattening side. As he wordlessly voices his discomfort, his surging middle begins to overwhelm his figure and his limbs begin to inflate. Clasps burst. Buttons fail. In the end, a laden, near-nude balloon of a man develops before my eyes. The pressure inside him must be astounding; his virility stands out as the turkey thermometer of his fullness. He squirms in helpless exertion, unable to even achieve proper purchase on the ground. Now, he's perfect. Watching his globular, unleashed waist growing air-fat in the gleam of the streetlight has awakened a whole host of sinful thoughts in my mind, dark desires skittering from the darkest recesses of my psyche. The things I suddenly find myself musing about doing to him shock even me, but there's no time. No time. Someone could come along at any moment, and thus I must be necessarily brief. I roll him backwards, right off his feet, his bare tummy aimed at the moon.As he goes over backwards, he groans, curses and bleats at me, a tumult of demands flung in my direction. I laugh at him and hug myself to his fat, spherical body. Throwing my arms wide, I grope and squeeze as much of the helpless blimp of a man as I can reach. The resilience of his skin beneath my questing palms screams about the heady quantities of pressurized gas gooshing about within him. "Men are balloons," I reply, chuckling as I squeeze him. "It's what you're for. You just deserve it a little more than most."He moans as I caress his fat, tumescent curves. I'm not sure if it's from his discomfort or arousal at being so infinitely full. Either way, his sounds are the ultimate ambrosia to my ears. I kiss his belly, long and deeply, fighting the nagging urge to giggle as the faint fuzz on his belly tickles my nose. In that moment, feeling his air-filled tummy alive and taut beneath my lips, my fantasies are truly fulfilled. I've done this to him. I made him this way. As I press against his body, he interrupts my reverie and struggles to speak with a diaphragm stretched a hundred times too wide. I stand back up, gazing at his fantastic middle. "Please," he groans, "the pressure, I'm so full, it's too much! It's too much!" "I can fix that for you." Mmm, he's so big. My expression becomes a dark grin, full of mischief and peril. I begin to reach for him with one bold finger outstretched like a descending judgment. The feverish rush of my overwhelming arousal will allow nothing less. He's there waiting for me, provocative, ripe, ready, the too-tight skin of his spherical body utterly inviting and golden in the yellow streetlight above. His eyes go wide with horror as he realizes my intent: one quick poke into that taut, vulnerable sphere of his gargantuan tummy. Happy to oblige.
breast expansion, breast inflation, floating, helium, mental
Female Inflation
Breast Inflation
"Sounds like our neighbors are out for a swim," Gretchen Lipshitz said, accepting a glass of iced tea from her husband. She took a quick sip of the drink and stretched, enjoying the lazy weekend sun from under her tinted glasses and wide-brimmed sunhat. John, a middle-aged balding man, set down the day's copy of the LA Times and plopped into another chaise lounge chair next to his wife with a grunt. Skipping the sections of local news and national politics, he went right for the financials. The international stock markets were down all week, and his brokerage had taken quite a beating in the stock and futures markets. He barely registered what Gretchen had said to him until she repeated her statement, expecting a response. "It's about time they got some use out of that pool," he snapped distractedly. Their neighbors, a young couple with no kids, had moved in about a year ago into the exclusive Thousand Oaks area subdivision. John and Gretchen had met them when they first purchased the property. The man was a medical doctor, maybe even a plastic surgeon if John remembered right, and the wife was some sort of fashion designer. The tranquility level of the neighborhood had begun to be disturbed not long after, as the new couple set about immediately adding onto their house with what looked like an artist's studio off the back yard, and the installation of a swimming pool. Construction had finally been completed two weeks before, and now the Lipshitzs could finally enjoy some peace and quiet in their own backyard, next to their own pool without the work noise for next door. The two sat in the sun, sipping their tea, listening to the splashing and laughing of the couple next door. Gretchen, only a year younger than John, stretched again; her long legs sticking out of a modest green tankini rubbing lightly against each other. She gazed at her husband and cringed, seeing that he was again wearing those awful blue board shorts that were a size too small for his middle-aged physique. His moderate gut slopped over the tops of the squeezing swim trunks, exaggerating its size. But, according to him, he worn them because that's what all the young studs are wearing, and he never backed down from a fashion challenge. He didn't see her roll her eyes in disgust, or simply ignored what he knew she was thinking. The excited playfulness next door ebbed. Gretchen, ever the nosy neighbor who loved to spread the latest juicy gossip to the other rich ladies in the area, perked up and listened more closely as the splashing became more rhythmic, with the occasional moan of pleasure from over the wall. "I think they're at it again," she whispered, but John was again not paying attention. When her husband didn't respond, she threw her sunglasses at him, bouncing them off his balding dome. He turned angrily to her, but she placed a finger over her lips to signal him to be quiet while pointing toward the wall that separated the two house's yards. "I think they're having sex in their pool again." John had been waiting for this. He had caught the couple next door fooling around in their pool last week, and what he had seen didn't make sense. So he had waited for it to happen again, so he could try to prove what he had seen was not a trick of the eye on the water or that he was delusional. So he got up, setting down his newspaper, and quietly began to track back to his house. "This is scandalous," Gretchen said, "and I can't wait to tell the girls! Where are you going?" "Bathroom," he mumbled, quickening his pace. His too-tight swim trunks made it difficult to move with much speed, but he didn't want to pass this opportunity to catch them in the act. "Alright, but come right back, you hear?" Gretchen called out. "And bring the rest of the pitcher of iced tea when you do." He waved to her dismissively as he entered the house. Scrambling up the stairs as quickly as his shorts would allow, John dashed into his bedroom. He grabbed his expensive digital camera with the telephoto lens, maneuvered to window closest to the border wall, and pulled the curtains partially shut. He had been in this same spot last week, and had noticed that a small break in the trees along the wall allowed him to see into his neighbor's yard, overlooking their new pool. And what he had seen was beyond description. He had happened to glance through the break just at the right time to see Michael and Suzie Wilkes walk up to the edge of their pool, pull off their clothes, and jump naked into the water. John had sat there in the light to the setting sun and watched as the couple began making boisterous love in the waves. That hadn't bothered him; he had kinda enjoyed it at first. But what happened next was what he wanted to view again, and record this time, so that his wife wouldn't think him crazy when he finally told her about it. As the couple's sexual romp had become more vigorous, John had thought he had seen Suzie's breasts begin to grow. And not just grow a little; her chest had inflated like a pair of beachballs. And the bigger she got, the higher her boobs pointed. It even looked like Michael was having to hold onto her, because she was rising out of the water, attached to a pair of skin blimps that threatened to pull her skyward. Suzie, throughout all of this growth, had thrashed and moaned like she was enjoying this immensely. John had watched dumbfounded as Suzie's breasts ballooned so big that it looked like she was almost floating out of and above the surface of the water, and was going to take her husband airborne with her. Finally, Michael must have finished and ceased pumping into her, because she suddenly started shrinking, and slowly settled back into the surf as her breasts deflated. John had sat speechless as the two gathered up their clothing and had gone back inside their home. Now he wanted to catch them in the act, and record the act to show his wife later. Michael stood in the cool water, Suzie's arms wrapped around his neck as he ground his hips into her. "Harder," she whispering into his ear. "I'm about ready to go up." That was their catch phrase to let him know when she was ready to be inflated. Michael slammed into her rhythmically, causing her to jolt with each impact. She smiled, loving the friction of the action, and knowing that even though she was light in the water, once she was blown up a bit, she was even easier for him to handle if she was floating slightly. And the inflation usually put her over the edge into a very satisfying orgasm. "Okay," she said between thrusts, "give me the helium." John couldn't hear what was being said, but the camera that was focused closely on the couple picked up the first hint of expansion. But he was so entranced but his neighbors' lovemaking that he didn't notice what was happening in his own backyard. Gretchen sat, a devious smile crossing her lips while listening to the Wilkes' pleasure each other on the other side of the wall. Her iced tea glass was sweating in her hand, and the moans from next door actually turning her on slightly. She set the glass down on the table to her right, closing her eyes, and placed both hands on her breasts, cupping and stroking them gently like she always asked John to do to her. Her nipples tingled under her swimsuit top, those tingles descending into her loins and causing impure thoughts to spring into her head. Touching her tits more aggressively, kneading them like a baker with bread dough, it took a moment before she noticed the change. Her breasts began to grow, expanding within her grasp, soon spilling out of her hands before she noticed that she had more there to play with. The breeze through the trees muted the slight hissing sound that emanated from her chest as the inflation began and increased rapidly. When she felt something nudge her chin, she opened her eyes, expecting to find John to be standing over her. Instead what she discovered was two huge mounds of flesh that were pushing out of the top of her green tankini, beginning already to strain the fabric. "What the..." Gretchen exclaimed as boobs continued to rise, spilling out in all directions of the inadequate swimsuit that was digging into her flesh. She pulled the restricting straps off of her shoulders, and her tits bounced free. Mouth agape, she reached with both hands and tried to push back the growth, but her breasts continued to inflated outward and upward, soon rising up into her face and blinding her. "John!" she screamed. "Something's happening out here! I need you!" Mr. Lipshitz was a little preoccupied at the time, as Suzie's breast blimps were now big enough to start lifting both she and Michael out of the water. He was still fiddling with the camera, making sure that it was still recording, and didn't hear his wife's panicked screams. Within seconds, Gretchen's boobs had grown passed the size of basketballs. As they approached the diameter of beachballs, she felt the first hint of upward lift. Her chest balloons started to pull her skyward, her nipples pointed straight at the clouds, and the only thing within reach that she could grab for ballast was the wire table that her tea glass rested on. "Help!" she screamed as her finger clamped onto the edge of the table and bobbled it. Her glass crashed to the poolside concrete. The lightweight table halted her ascent, but only temporarily. Too soon her buoyancy overcame the added weight, and she again began to gain altitude. "Did you hear something?" Suzie stopped bucking. She was hovering, her feet the only part of her still in the water. Michael had a hold of her hips, his face planted into her nether region, keeping her from floating away as he pleasured her. Weather balloon-sized tits threatened to send her flying if he let go too soon. There was the sound of breaking glass, followed but another crash. They both heard a woman scream, the panicked tone scaling up in timber. Both turned toward the sound just in time to see a woman, their neighbor, wearing a green swimsuit, slowly rise above the height of their barrier fence, attached to a pair of overinflated tits. "Oh shit!" Suzie stammered. "You inflated her too. Get her down!" Michael, still holding onto his floating wife, closed his eyes, exhaled, and sent out a general mental command. He heard a high-pitched squeal in response, similar to the sound of balloon that has sprung a small leak, and he felt Suzie begin to deflate and descend, settling both of them back into the water. Gretchen was twenty feet up in the air, and a slight breeze had pushed her into the Wilkes' yard, when she slowly began to drop back to the ground. Michael and Suzie jumped out of the pool and threw on bathrobes as Gretchen lightly touched down in their yard. The older woman tried to speed up the process by pushing in on her breasts with her hands, trying to stuff her balloons back into her tankini top to no avail. "I don't know what happened," she babbled, trying to cover her still slightly inflated breast with her hand for modesty around the unfamiliar people. "I was just sitting in my chair next door when pfffffffttttttttt! I blew up like a pair of balloons!" Suzie looked at Michael with a slight smile, realizing that Gretchen hadn't known that they were the cause of her inflation. When she was floating, she had landed with her back to them, so Gretchen may have not noticed that Suzie had also been blown up. Unfortunately, John had seen it all and had recorded it in all of its digital glory. And he came sprinting into his neighbor's backyard to rescue his inflated wife, only to find Gretchen grounded and talking to the perpetrators. His wife's swollen breasts were almost back to her original B-cups when he arrived. "Alright, how did you do it?" John demanded. "I know you did it, because you made your wife blow up and float too." Michael and Suzie looked askance at each other suspiciously. "You saw?" the doctor asked. "Everything, and got it recorded on video too. So don't try to deny anything," the stock broker huffed. "What did you do to my wife?" "It wasn't supposed to happen to your wife," Michael explained. "Only mine. But somehow my control slipped, and your wife was too close and caught some of the slippage." "Is it biological, chemical, pharmaceutical, what?" John pressed. "How did you do it?" All eyes were on Michael. "If I tell you, then you must keep it a secret," he begged. "I will pay anything to keep this under wraps." "Anything?" "What did you have in mind?" Suzie asked him. Gretchen placed a reassuring hand on John's arm. "How about this?" she said to her husband, then turned to the two others. "How about you blow me back up?" she said suggestively, placing her hands back onto her puffy boobs. "I've always wanted to be bigger, and I know he's always wanted the same thing, but without implants and surgery. And certainly not so big that I am floating like a helium balloon! But make them permanently big, as big as I want." Michael shrugged. "Done." Gretchen felt a tingle in her nipples as her breasts began to expand again. John's fingers clicked a few keystrokes on his computer, the keyboard illuminated in the glow of the display monitor in the dark room. Gretchen had gone to bed, having to learn to adjust her sleeping positions due to her new extra-large air-filled chest protrusions. He had placed the memory card from the camera into his computer, and now was watching the recorded events of the day for the fifth time. He had turned the camera when he first heard his wife scream, and caught her as she started to float up and away. He was fascinated by what he had caught on video, but hesitated with decision to share it with the world. He had loaded the video, and all he needed to do to post it to YouTube was press the 'Enter' key. His finger floated above the key, waiting for the mind to choose what to do next.
women inflating men
Male Inflation
Full Body Inflation
There was a loud "pop" and a giggle, and Severin knew that one of his fellow prisoners had just exploded. Severin bobbed at the end of his string, looking straight ahead—all he could do without a neck to turn his gaze—and seeing the terrified expressions of the balloons adjacent to him. All around him, both inside his field of vision and outside, were other human balloons: once men, now inflated versions of themselves. To the casual observer, they appeared as latex toys, with the barest of human features to indicate their former shapes. There were perhaps a score of them remaining. There had been more, but their beautiful captor had burst them. Like toy balloons. And each time, she gave a musical but unsettling giggle. Misery loves company, Severin thought bitterly. But his helpless fellow balloons only reminded him of his failure at everything in life. He had failed in his dream of becoming an actor. He failed at being a husband (twice). So when he was approached in the pub by this gorgeous Korean woman, he should have known he was being set up as a failure again. She introduced herself as "Jane Hannah," but soon admitted this was merely an Anglicised version of her Korean name, Jin Hana. Voluptuous, leggy, and having the deepest, biggest green eyes he'd ever seen, Severin foolishly allowed himself to think his life's luck had changed. He remembered making clumsy, awkward conversation with a woman who, he knew, would ordinarily never give him a second glance. He remembered having a drink, then two or three. Then he remembered her smiling at him as the world turned sideways. He didn't remember passing out on the table, nor how he got into this large storeroom, filled with other balloon-men who couldn't resist Hana's undeniable charm. It infuriated him. Not that she had betrayed him, or turned him into a balloon. That, he figured, was the price he had to pay for being a failure. No, he was infuriated that there were others. So many others! She would burst them all—this he knew for certain. He could either see or hear her taking sadistic pleasure each time she claimed another victim. She taunted them, toyed with them, laughed at their utter helplessness. She'd tease them with her pointed fingernail, running it over their tight, taut skin that would, moments later, explode into unrecognisable fragments. He could face being burst by this woman. He never would have guessed that his existence would end this way, but he could face it. It would almost be a relief. But...she probably wouldn't even remember him! She had so many balloons, and she had probably popped many before him. How would she remember his name, his face? She wouldn't. She couldn't. He was just one balloon among many. Not even significant enough to warrant a memory of his passing. He'd seen it happen: During his days of captivity—he wasn't sure how long, but it had been at least a few—he watched or heard her burst several of her toys en masse, each popping in quick succession. Each balloon had a face—and to each face was a name, a story. And then they were no more. That would be Severin's fate, and he trembled in unreleased frustration, so much that he thought he might burst of his own volition. To her, as to the rest of the world, he was insignificant. As he contemplated this for another innumerable hour, Hana grabbed another one of her balloon victims, holding him in front of her like a trophy she'd won at a fair. "How about you, balloon-boy?" she cooed at her prisoner. "Are you ready to go bang for me?" The balloon, like all the countless balloons before him, was unable to speak. So any memorable last words were also a vain hope. All the "balloon-boy" could do was stare back at his captor with a pleading look in his comically wide eyes. She traced her pointed fingernail along his globular surface. For several agonising seconds, she glided her fingernail over his fragile skin, occasionally looking him in the eyes and giving him a mocking smile. Her fingernail slowly, imperceptively pushed into the balloon's midsection. The other balloons could only watch and wait. They couldn't turn away. They couldn't cover their ears. The suspense...was BANG! Even though they were expecting it, the explosion still made every balloon wince and tremble in surprise or fear. The sound was immediately followed by Hana's gleeful laugh, a laugh that would ordinarily make men smile but now carried an air of sinister foreboding. Severin watched Hana's bounteous chest heave with laughter. He had no fear at that moment, just a deep, unquenchable pining. At least she paid him some attention before she popped him, he thought. Maybe she would give the same to me. Maybe she'd look me in the eye. Acknowledge me. A moment after the thought entered his head, he watched as Hana thrust her fingernail into another balloon, causing him to go BANG! And then she popped another. BANG! And another! BANG! Severin realised that she was on another popping spree. He'd seen it before: She'd work herself into a frenzy and pop several balloons at once. Worse...the bangs were closer and closer to him. Three balloons to his right: BANG! Two balloons: BANG! The balloon directly beside him: BANG! She was now so close that he could smell her perfume. When he popped, would he feel her fingernail, or would it be too quick? Would it hurt when she pierced his skin? Would he feel himself burst? All he knew is that he wasn't the first balloon, and he probably wouldn't be the last. He was just one balloon. A balloon that would be burst into fragments, which would comingle with all the others on the storeroom floor. An insignificant balloon, facing an insignificant extinction. didn't come. Hana had stopped short just before reaching Severin. Her popping frenzy had ended...for the moment. She turned away, and Severin was blessed with the view of her perfectly round, tightly packaged ass as she walked away from him. He was both relieved that she had spared him, yet disturbed that his torture had only been prolonged. He floated there, taking in the sight of several other bobbing balloon-men around him. And then Jin Hana came back into view. She was carrying a small, electric air pump. To his surprise, he found himself praying it was for him. Hana's hand came toward him. Me, me, ME! But her hand passed right by him, grabbing a balloon from behind him. Severin was bounced out of the way as she pulled the other one forward, pushing Severin aside like he was a passing nuisance. She smiled evilly at the balloon she held. "I think you could be much bigger," she told him, though it was clear that he could not. As Severin watched in silent suffering, Hana tied her toy to the nozzle and turned on the pump. The loud buzz of the engine filled the room as the air filled her balloon. Hana smiled brightly. The balloon-man grew larger, swelling up much tighter. She put her hand on him to feel his expansion under her palm. "Getting bigger," she murmured, barely audible over the pump's engine, though Severin could hear her perfectly. Again, there was a long, extended moment where Severin could only watch until... BANG! Hana's balloon exploded in front of her. She reached for another balloon. Again, it wasn't Severin, who could only inwardly moan. He watched as balloon after balloon burst in front of him, either from her nails, or from being overinflated by her pump, or squeezed against her bosom. Severin's internal agony was excruciating. But why did it matter? Shouldn't he be glad he's not the next victim? Maybe he'd survive long enough for help to arrive. Maybe she'd ignore him for days, and by that time— Jin Hana grabbed his string and pulled him closer. Finally, he thought. As she placed him on her electric pump, the full weight of his predicament flooded into him, like the air that was now stretching his already-taut body. So this is it, he thought. Just another balloon for her to burst. Not the first nor last, just another unmemorable balloon among many. She looked at him and smiled as he grew bigger. He looked back at her. For that blissful moment, he'd have her full attention. She would notice him. And as final images go, her flawless face was a pleasant final view. As he grew larger, his midsection pressed against her full breasts. He allowed himself a moment of ecstasy to blend with his fear, and then overpower it. Paradoxically, as grew fuller and closer to his imminent bursting, his fear subsided, replaced by a sense of acceptance and contentment. He felt her place her hands on him as he expanded beneath her touch. She felt his skin stretching and stretching, growing tighter and thinner... He looked into her beautiful face. Inwardly he pleaded, Remember me! I'm not just another balloon! I matter! Just then, he heard a jingle from behind Hana, who turned her head and pulled out a cell phone from her back pocket. No! Are you kidding me?! "Well, hi!" Hana exclaimed into her phone. "I haven't heard from you for a while!" She paused. "No, I'm not really doing anything important right now." Nothing important?! Severin silently screamed. You're about to pop me! Put down the phone and watch! But his silent pleas went only to the back of Hana's head as she continued to talk into her phone. The pump hummed on, pouring more air into Severin's fragile, shaking balloon body. Stop the pump! Hana giggled in response to something from the phone. Her head was still turned. Notice me! "Oh, you have to tell me all about that!" Hana told her friend. Turn around! Please! The pump hummed on. Severin felt himself reach his absolute limit, but the air kept flooding into him. It was going to happen. He could feel it. Soon. Very soon! Hana laughed again into the phone. Please look at— BANG! Hana let out a surprised yelp and turned around to see the last of the balloon fragments hit the floor, her air pump shooting air into the vacant, empty space above it. "Sorry," Hana apologized to her phone. "Forgot what I was doing. You were saying...?"
floating, helium, second person
Female Inflation
Belly Inflation, Breast Inflation, Butt Inflation, Full Body Inflation
You arrived at school, early as always and pushed your way through the rabble of people getting off the school bus and headed towards the sixth form block. Outside of the sixth form block was standing Claire Simpson, on her own as she had no friends. You felt sorry for her as the reason no-one like her was simply because she was a bit skinny and flat chested, which was a shame, as you thought she was quite gorgeous. She was petite, with slender frame and light brown hair, perfectly straight and parted in the middle, about shoulder length. You usually spoke to her to cheer her up and decided that would be the case today, as she looked miserable. "Hi" you said, as you know no better way to start a conversation "What's up?" "Everyone's blanked me", she replied "I wish had a fuller figure and big breasts, I only want to be noticed". A solitary tear rolled down her cheek, you wiped it off. You wished there was some way to help her, but of course that's impossible. Then the bell rang and you both went to lesson, you never saw her after that, but you thought long and hard about what she'd said. After school you went to the local October fun fair, still thinking about it. There was a man giving out balloons filled with helium, You watched as the balloons were inflated stretching and rising. Then, you had a brainwave. After the fair had ended, you went to find the man and asked if he had any spare helum, he did, but you had to fork out a tenner for it, however you felt it was worth it. The next day, at school you told Claire to make sure her folks were out so you could come round with a suprise for her. "I suppose" she said, "What sort of surprise is it?" Trying to remain as cryptic as possible, you replied "It's the present of your dreams, you know, that thing you've always wanted". She seemed sceptical but assured you that her folks would be out. You arrived later that evening with the helium. Claire answered the door, looking lke such a hottie in her pajamas. "My Dad's still at work and Mum's at a PTA meeting, we're alone till midnight" she said. She then stared at the helium with a worried look in her eyes. "Is that it?" she said. "Yep" you said, as you followed her up into her room. Once there you asked her to pull her pajama bottoms down a bit. She obliged, showing you just the top of her bare arse. You told her that she would enjoy the result and may get a bit of a kick out of the first bit too. "Why, what are you going to do?" she asked nervously. "Inflate you" you replied, "to give you a fuller figure" With that you gently but firmly put the end of the hose in her arse, and gently patted it. "Ready?" you asked. "I'll try anything" she said and pulled her bottoms back up. You went to the helum and turned the valve on a bit. There was a hissing sound, a bit like a balloon inflating, followed by a bubbling sound from inside Claire. Then Claire's bum began to bulge slightly, becoming more pert and pushing outwards and upwards. Claire's eyes widened and she tentatively felt her expanding bottom. You gave it a gentle slap. " That's more like it" you said. By now her bum was as big as two ballons and stretching her pajamas, she was having to pull on the top of her pajama bottoms to keep them from getting pulled down. Then her belly began to bloat and swelled slightly. "This isn't exactly the kind of figure I wanted" said Claire, rubbing her bulging stomach and then grasping her voluptuos behind with both hands, "You're just blowing me up like a balloon". Her midriff continued to blow out as she waited for an answer. There was a stretching sound as her stomach began to strech her pajamas and rise, you said nothing, you had never seen anything so sexy in your life. By now Claire's arse was well pumped up, like two beachballs wobbling beneath her pajamas. Her belly was also full of the gas, and she was still ballooning. A smile of pleasure spread across Claire's face. "I never thought that being pumped up would feel so nice" she said. You went and patted her bum, it was bouncy with the gas. "Or so sexy" you replied. Claire's inflated bum and stomach were now as big as over inflated beachballs, and her pajamas were really starting to stretch. Then her breasts began to expand, and rose because of the helium, to about a DD cup. Claire giggled and rubbed them. "I love this" she said, "give me more". You obliged and turned up the pressure. Her breasts bulged up to the size of footballs, then beachballs and her belly was the size of one of those huge balls that physiotherapists use. Her bum was the size of two! Then Claire began to rise off the floor, her giggling stopped. "Am I going to float away?" she asked, "or worse, I could explode, go bang, really blow up!!" Her breasts, belly and bottom countinued to swell up, stretching her pajamas. The rest of her body and legs and arms began to inflate now and she was firm because of the pressure. She was floating about a foot from the floor, and had pumped up to such a size that she took up most of the small room. Her breasts were now about 3 feet wide each and the rest of her body was almost spherical. "I guess we could call you compressed air Claire now" you retorted "Just shut up and get me down!" she shouted, she was getting panicky. You tried to turn the valve off, but it was stuck! She continued to inflate, getting bigger and bigger. Her legs and arms were outstretched and inflated and her stomach was bulging forwards, her bum was still swelling and blowing up and her breasts were still billowing up with all the gas. Her body began rumbling. "Too... much... gas!" she just managed to scream, "I'm gonna burst, gonna blow!" Then you heard a squeaky farting noise as some gas began to escape through Claire's arse and nipples, accompanied by a pained stretching noise. "This is it" she just managed to say "I'm going to blow!".She closed her eyes tight and screwed her face up, her eyes then suddenly widened, "nnnngh!". Next thing there was a tremendous deep BOOM!! and you were thrown back off your feet by a blast of hot air. The glass in the window was blown out and most of the stuff in the room was blown back. The smoke cleared and you looked around. It looked like a bomb had hit and shreds of clothing were scattered around the room. The helium tank was lying on the floor still hissing with helium and Claire's slippers were standing in tatters in the midddle of the room. You gasped in astonishment at what you had done. Then you heard the front door open and a shout. "Claire, darling, we're back"!
chemical, water
Female Inflation
Julia loved the smell. The moist air entered her nasal cavity and somehow made her forget all about the huge painting project she had looming over her. Five self-portraits due in two days. She absorbed the scent once more. She crushed her rippling reflection, spewing water across her jeans. She wished she could just make it go away, so she wouldn't have to stare at it for several hours that evening. Her converse were waterlogged now. She didn't mind. The wind picked up a bit. Nipples poked out defiantly beneath a sky blue hello kitty tee-shirt. Hoping no one had noticed, Julie zipped up her gray hoodie and continued down the walkway. Her messenger bag, full of sketchbooks, clanged abrasively with the sound of about twenty key chains. She was used to it. She picked a leaf out of her brownish hair. Her belt buckled clanged around quite a bit as well. It was her favorite belt, nice and wide and red, so serenity would have to be sacrificed. Hardly anyone was walking around campus today anyway. The science building came into view. She twirled her hair around and whistled as she sheepishly made her way up the stairs. No one was in the lobby. Even the help desk lay vacant. Everyone was somewhere else. She considered giving up and getting started on her paintings, but then she saw a poster. The poster had the same font and colors as the ad she saw in the student newspaper that morning. All the ad requested was some constructive criticism on a new potential patent for the university. It also promised free gum. Julia loves gum. More than the smell after a rainstorm. She made her way down a flickering fluorescent hallway. Another sign directed her down a flight of stairs. Her key chains echoed in the deserted stairwell. The following hallway would have been devoid of energy if it weren't for a beam of light emanating from an open door about halfway down on the right. A bespectacled girl poked her head out. "Finally! Oh thank you, thank you! Would you believe I've been down here for four hours and you're only the second taker? Where does everyone go on the weekends?" She returned to her burrow. Julia reached the door. The room was a rather cramped lab space. All manner of chemistry gizmo twirled and bubbled on the central table. Julia saw it as a great thing to paint. "You know, you should really turn some lights on in this place. I almost turned around and left!" "Hmm...maybe. Anyway, my name's Claire. I just want some feedback on a new food item the university is considering patenting. Just be seated right now. I've got to fill out a few forms..." Claire scribbled feverishly onto a huge ledger. Julia took the opportunity to do a few sketches of Claire's lab equipment. "Allergies?" "Nope." "Good, good. I think we may start now." Claire got up and opened up a little Tupperware container. She brought out what appeared to be a blue brownie. "What we have here is an energy-bar like item that serves a water supplement. Are you thirsty right now?" "Yeah, actually." Julia licked her lips. "Alright, try to think about how thirsty you are while eating the product. Also, consider texture, flavor, and overall satisfaction. Here's the questionnaire." Claire put the clipboard on her lap and brought the little blue pastry to her mouth. Julia took an indulgent bite. It was clearly blueberry. The texture was surprisingly juicy. She began scribbling away at the questionnaire. Claire hovered around anxiously, taking her own notes. Just as Julia swallowed, she realized she wasn't thirsty at all anymore. She felt like she'd drank a bottle of aquifina. She noted that. "Wow, that pretty remarkable actually! Its like I was eating it, but also drinking it! How in the world did you do that?" Julia popped her fingers in her mouth. "I wish I could tell you, its like, so ingenious! Buuuut...not until the patent goes through. Anyway, that's it, all done! Here's your consolidation, its basically a gum version of what you just tried." Claire handed Julie a small clear plastic vial. Inside were several sticks of blue powdered gum. "Thanks then! If you need any more guinea pigs, I'm in Xavier Hall. I'm a sophomore." Julia packed up her stuff and left the science hall far faster than she entered. As she descended the front steps back into the pleasant smell, she felt a little funny. Her stomach growled, and warm, euphoric feeling emanated from her stomach. She stopped and bent over a little, but it passed quickly. Her mind quickly turned to the huge amount of work ahead of her. At least the gum might keep her awake longer these next two nights. She heard thunder off in the distance. It began to drizzle slightly. As she crossed the soccer field, she felt strange again. It was almost like feeling queasy, except it was warm and positive. She almost lost her balance as well. She patted her belly. Once again it subsided, although more reluctantly. Squirrels ran after each other on the quad in the distance. They took cover in a tree as the rain picked up a bit. Her hair was getting soaked. She put up her hoodie and retracted her hands. A flash of lightning. Julia appreciated her decision to buy a waterproof bag. If only her sweater and jeans were the same. She entered the quad. Thunder. The storm was about 10 miles away. Her shoes were soaked due to puddles upon the pavement. This time she teetered onto one foot. The feeling in her belly was much more intense than before. She clutched her stomach and bent over. She closed her eyes and waited for it to pass, but it just wasn't happening. She thought she'd have to lie down when she got home. The strange warm feeling would not subside. Looking down, she saw her distorted refection staring back at her. Between dark gray storm clouds, a gray hood, and two strands of soaked brown hair was her face, completely blue. She screamed and jumped backwards. It wasn't graceful. Her butt was now completely soaked. She looked at her hands. They too were the same dull blue, the same blue she had seen on the brownie thing. She got herself upright again. "That' weird!" She was more fascinated than panicked. Her skin was now a very pretty color after all. She made to return to the science hall, just as the rain really picked up again. She ran about five feet before noticing the sloshing sensation in her belly, like she had drank a large amount of water. She hopped a few times. She could hear a large amount of some liquid throwing itself against the walls of her belly. Could it be she felt it, growing? She unzipped her hoodie despite the rain and brought her hands to her middle. Julia had never been that fat. She had gained several pounds freshman year due to poor eating habits, but she stayed in relatively good shape. Her stomach had never been this convex before though. It was downright voluminous. She could see the darker blue of her middle poking out below her light blue shirt. The shirt steadily got soaked, adhering itself to Julia's growing form. "What the fuck is happening to me!?!" She brought her hands to her belly and tried to push in. It wouldn't budge. In fact, she could feel her belly pressing against her hands with more force than she possessed. The belly had stretched her jeans' waistline to the limit. Julia could feel the pressure building up inside her. Despite the warmth that still filled her, it wasn't pleasant. She desperately tried to undo her fly button, but the pants her too tight. Her wet fingers couldn't grip the cool metal either. It was becoming a bit painful. "Ngggggh!" Julia moaned. Rather unceremoniously, the fly button popped off and the zipper went down. It was such a relief. Her blue belly settled itself over her new, lower waistline. "God, I look pregnant!" She familiarized herself with her new contours. Had her breasts gotten bigger as well, or did it just seem that way because her t-shirt was wet? She examined them. They pushed slowly and steadily against her palms. Another flash of lightning. Julia heard a ripping sound from behind her. It was the seat of her jeans. Why did that have to happen? These were her favorite. She reached back and felt her buttocks. She gasped. That definitely wasn't her ass. Under the wet denim were what felt like two oversized water balloons. Thunder. The storm was 7 miles away. "Please, stop! Oh my god, oh my god!" Julia's hands went to her belt buckle. The bright red belt was made of stretchy rubber, but Julia's belly had already stretched it to its limits. Discomfort overcame her once again. The tension of the belt made it impossible to take off. Julia removed her hoodie. She once again tried to compact her burgeoning belly, but to no avail. She then flapped her arms up and down nervously. "Oh my god, oh my god! Belt, oh the belt! Nggggh!" She stood there for a few seconds as liquid continued to build up within her. SNAP. The belt was launched off a couple yards into the quad. Julia gasped. Her belly bounced around at its now total liberation. Julia tried to curb its growth again, her arms couldn't reach far enough to get within a foot of her belly button. Her jeans ripped down the sides. They barely held on by a few seams. "Why in hell did I eat that thing? Oh why, oh why! I actually answer someone's want-ad, and this is what I get? Me turning into some kind of blimp?!?" She was clearly upset. The rain was really pouring now. Water dripped from the point of her nose down into the blue abyss her cleavage. Her bust was now stretching the collar of her completely saturated shirt. They were like two big azure balloons beneath a clear blue sky. Her cerulean tummy bobbed up and down as she made an attempt to walk back to science hall. Her steps were slow and awkward. She was so heavy with juice she had trouble keeping her balance. Her thighs had blown up so that they rubbed up against each other with each step. The squeaking noise was clearly audible despite the white noise of the rain. Eventually she had to stop, exhausted from moving her now massive frame just a short distance. No only that but pressure was one again mounting , this time in her lower half. Another flash. Another rip. She squealed. Julia's jeans fell away from her butt and thighs like a banana peel. Much more blue was revealed, as well as the red of her soaked panties. What was left of her pants were around her ankles. It was now impossible to walk without falling over. The thigh expansion was also forcing Julia's feet farther and farther apart. Her arms had started to fill as well, making it impossible for them to stay at her sides. Thunder. The storm was almost upon her. "Please, someone! Help me! I-I'm....I'm blowing up! Like a balloon!" yelled Julia. Even if there was anyone around, they wouldn't have heard her over the din of the rain. Julia stood there, belly twice the size of a beach ball, just feeling herself grow larger. The rain poured down upon her expanding form. Her panties were really riding up her crotch now. One might have mistaken them for a thong. The bottom of Julia's giant blue breasts peaked out from underneath her strained hello kitty shirt. Hello kitty was stretched horizontally almost beyond recognition. They were almost pushed up beyond her chin, making it impossible for her to see the ground several feet in front of her. She considered her thighs and arms starting to bloat and suddenly realized what was going to happen next. Her body would become spherical soon, with her two giant azure mammary glands hanging off. She couldn't bend her knees or elbows anymore due to her turgidity. "Help meeeeee, pleeeeeeease!" She called again, "I don't want to be a balloon!" She cried once more. She stood there for several minutes, straining to see someone coming to her aid through the rain. It was just her, the gurgling noises from within her belly, and the sound of the rain against her enormous form. No one came. A feeling of helpless overcame her. She began to softly cry. Forks of lightning a mile of two away. A terrific bang. Almost in sync, Julia's panties snapped off behind her. It was enough of a relief for her to stop crying. Her shirt ripped at the two side seams. Her blue breasts bounced around in victory against their oppressor. Julia realized herself completely naked. But what could she do? She was almost completely round. She moaned in defeat. There was no point resisting now. She closed her eyes and flapped her stubby hands in frustration. The rain was pouring harder than ever now. Julia's vaginal area made contact with the cold, wet ground, causing her to squeal in discomfort. She knew she was nearly spherical, despite not being able to see much of anything except for her own two giant blue globes and the dark clouds overhead. She flapped her hands and feet around, just to assure herself that she could still move something. Then it occurred to her. She was about to become rounded, and she had been standing on an angled path. It happened before she knew it. Her feet no longer touched the ground. Julia was now just a seven foot wide cerulean sphere with a pretty brunettes head, two little hands, two pink converse high tops, and two beach ball sized breasts sticking out. To her horror, Julia began to roll onto her back. "Wooooooooaaaah! Help me! Ooomph..." She flapped her hands and feet around helplessly as she was brought to look straight up at the sky. Looking up at the raindrops gave her the impression of zooming through space. Ironic since she was completely immobile. She focused on the water hitting every inch of her taunt blue skin. The warmth that had been in her belly since she was a thin, productive art student minutes earlier was starting to dull. Perhaps that meant she was done? It wasn't much of a consolation. It also meant she was feeling a little cold, being naked in the heavy rain of early October.
Female Inflation
Full Body Inflation
Joseph sighed as he listlessly clicked through another page of images, head propped up on his hand as he leaned on the desk. The silence and privacy of the dormitory during the weekends left him with ample time to himself, though recently this was often spent on the computer for lack of anything better to do. It wasn't that he didn't like the quiet - it beat being woken up at 3 AM by his dorm mates stumbling in - but rather that the quiet and solitude began to emphasize more and more just how alone he was.A stray breeze blew through the room and he shivered, straightening up in his seat and rubbing his arms to warm himself. Standing, he crossed the room to the window and pushed it shut before drawing the curtains. Strange, he thought; it was so warm outside.Stranger still was the slim, pale, six-inch woman in front of his face as he turned around. "Hello!" she chirped.Joseph let out a yelp of surprise as he stumbled away, smacking the back of his head against the window before falling on his ass. She dove, her dragonfly wings beating as she hovered in front of him. "Oh my! I didn't mean to startle you!"He groaned, rubbing the back of his head. "No, it's okay, I'm..." He trailed off, staring at her as he let his arm drop. "I'm talking to a fairy."She giggled, her wavy, deep green hair cascading down her shoulders. "Oh, don't be silly. I'm not a fairy!"He blinked. "Oh.""I'm a sylph! We're quite different, you know."His mouth hung open for a second as he tried to come up with a reply, not sure of what to say to a sylph. Not that he knew what to say to a fairy, either, but still. "...okay.""You know, you're really cute when you're flustered.""I am?""Yes!" She cupped her cheeks, fidgeting in midair. "Oh, they always tell me I'm too forthright, but I just can't help myself! You see, you're the reason I'm here. It's always so noisy and busy here, so I couldn't explore, but one day when it was quiet I managed to sneak in. I thought it was empty, but then..." The sylph clasped her hands beneath her chin, gazing at Joseph. "I saw you! You were so noble and handsome, and I thought that even if I was human you wouldn't notice someone so plain as I."Joseph took a moment to boggle at the thought of what "attractive" was amongst nymphs if the one in front of him was merely "plain.""But I couldn't content myself with merely watching. I had to take a chance, and so here I am!""That's... that's a story, alright." He climbed back to his feet, the nymph continuing to hover around him."Truly! And now that we have met, we can consummate our relationship!"He stared, hoping it wouldn't be a recurring theme. "Consummate."She nodded."You mean..." He made a circle with his index finger and thumb on one hand, moving the index finger of the other in and out of it.She nodded eagerly, blushing.Joseph looked at his the circle and his finger, then back at her. "I don't think that's possible. I mean, you're kind of... small.""Do not worry," the sylph said. She pirouetted in the air, glittering points of light sparking around her before fading. "With magic, anything is possible!"Just as Joseph opened his mouth to ask if she didn't realize how corny that line sounded, the sylph suddenly shot up an inch before slowly continuing to grow. "You see?" she said. "Size is no barrier to love!""It sure isn't. I guess."The sylph giggled and bobbed in midair, her formerly trim stomach now wobbling from the movement. While she was getting taller, her arms and legs were getting thicker, her breasts larger, and her belly and ass wider at a far more rapid rate. Joseph would have called her plump except that none of her body had any rolls or signs of weight and, as she passed two feet by his reckoning, she quickly surpassed "plump," her torso taking on a rounded shape as her waist disappeared and her breasts were pulled flat.Her wings beat faster as she struggled to stay airborne with her increasing size. She slowly drifted to the ground, only abandoning her attempt at staying aloft once her plump feet touched the carpet. She leaned against the side of the desk with one arm, panting for breath; Joseph couldn't help but notice that despite her stature it was probably thicker than his own. "Well!" she exclaimed. "Maybe I should have landed before I started.""I thought you used magic to fly," Joseph said. He stood up, noting that she was already up to his navel."We do!" She waddled to the center of the room as she spoke, gesturing with wide, conical arms and fattened hands as she spoke. "We harness air currents to fly with magic and use our wings to keep us balanced. I just can't use it to keep me -up- because it's all going -in- me.""In you."She nodded enthusiastically, causing her entire body to jiggle for a second."You're full of air.""-Magic- air," she replied, patting the curve of her belly.He nodded slowly. "Right."The nymph giggled before leaning forward, looking up into his eyes. The top of her stomach pressed into his own, and he could feel it slowly pushing his shirt up as she grew, her rounded face coming closer to his own. "So cool and collected, too! Truly you are-" She leaned back, surprised. "Oh!""What? What is it?"She squeezed her eyes shut. "I think it's..." There was a series of soft "bwoomp"s as her arms and legs swelled up between the joints, gaining definition yet still looking for all the world like two balloons stuck together. "...almost..." A series of "pop"s heralded the growth of her hands and feet as they doubled in size, fingers and toes rounding out. "...done..." Her body shook for a second before surging out another two inches, becoming nearly translucent in the process. "There!" She pirouetted on one foot, a strangely graceful gesture considering her size. "How do I look?"She looked like an over-inflated parody of a woman. The entirety of her body was a sphere that had to be over half her height across, her legs were wider than his body, and her arms and hands were so puffed up as to be nearly useless. Even her head seemed a little full of air. Overall it was like looking at a miniature balloon for an X-rated Thanksgiving parade.Joseph knew better than to say -that-, though. "You look... great!""I knew it! Now come!" She reached out and hooked her arm around his as best she could, her body creaking and groaning ominously as she tried to pull him towards his bed. "It's time to consummate our relationship!"He babbled incomprehensibly for a few seconds as he dug his heels into the carpet, finding her to be remarkably strong despite her bulk. "B- but it, I-""There's no need to be ashamed! Let's..." She turned and hooked another arm around his, giving him a fierce tug. "Go!"The next few moments went by in slow-motion for Joseph: He lost his footing, finding himself being pulled forward by the nymph. He collided with her arm first, and the two of them went sailing to the floor. The nymph landed first, laughing, bouncing into the air before Joseph landed on top of her. There was a loud creak as he sank into her stomach, her skin bulging, and she exploded in a deafening bang.Joseph hit the floor face-first, groaning in pain as he pushed himself up. Noting the nymph's sudden absence he glanced around, only to find that both he and his room were now covered in a glittering golden dust.As he tried and failed repeatedly to understand what just happened in the past five or ten minutes, there was a quiet grunting outside his window, followed by the sound of plastic sliding against rubber. He turned, doing a double-take as he spotted another small, winged woman pushing his window open and climbing through. She put her hands on her hips, letting out a huff of annoyance as she scanned the floor. "Damn it, she did it again." Looking at Joseph, she continued. "Hey, have you seen oh -damn- you are -fiiiiiine-." "Hi, administration? Can you send the campus cleaners to dorm room 727, east building?""Can you tell us the nature of the problem?"Joseph brushed off his shirt, sending a cloud of multicolored glitter into the air. "Don't. Ask."
competition, first person, floating, hydrogen
Female Inflation, Male Inflation
Full Body Inflation
Three days before the race and I was incredibly nervous as I stood with the other unhired racers in a row, hoping to be hired. My black rubber gas suit bore my pressure stat "425" in large proud white letters across my swollen belly as I stood with my hands behind my back. Problem was, so were my other eight competitors, six women and two men. Women had more natural adaptability for this than men did; among men, I was a minor celebrity. The crowds were still milling around as a young debutante—tight sweater, tight jeans--strolled up to me, all hips and lips and boobs. "Been racing long?" she asked, handing me her card—that of a major retailer. I wondered what the logo would look like on me and hesitated, then said to heck with it. "Three years on the medium circuits, two years on the maximum ones. I'm good, haven't burst yet," I said proudly as I thrust my gleaming black belly at her. She ran a finger over my belly, sending sharp shocks through my body. I tried to hide it—after all, I'm a trained professional. Her card said Paula Storm. "Mmmm, doesn't seem like you can hold very much. Can you hold more than her?" as she gestures at Sandy, my closest female competitor with a "366" painted across her belly. Sandy overheard. "I can burst that idiot any day of the week; he's just painted that on to fool you. Watch!" She tethered herself, quickly inserted the hose into her mouth and turned her valves full blast. She quickly got bigger and fuller and within about 30 seconds, was about 12 feet around. The client winked at me. "Tell you what, you match her, I'll hire you for $500,000—beat her and it will be an even $1,000,000." "You're on." Okay Sandy, time for you to find out what it's like to mess with me. Checking my tether, I started the apparatus and quickly clicked the tongue-activated switch three times that fed compressed gas pellets to me. Three pellets arrived in seconds and I quickly swallowed them. This sounded quite risky, as I had no control over the pellets once activated. If I took too much, I can't turn them off—but I was at low inflation point anyway, so no worries. Seconds later, I smiled as the pellets released their compressed hydrogen and I swelled in a lovely manner, the hydrogen ballooning my body out, finding all my lovely nooks and crannies while stress-testing my suit. I rose and looked over to see Sandy eye-to-eye, as it were. I matched her glare for glare. "Satisfied?" "No way," Sandy said around the hose. Sandy was growing quickly, more than halfway to official race height and length. I had to match her, and clicked for two more pellets. Umph, the pressure is feeling real good, and without any motors to take the fuel out, the gas has nowhere to go. I felt my arms and legs swell up and slowly get absorbed into my body until they were mere vestiges. Soon I expanded out to my twenty-five foot length and fifteen-foot girth. Sandy had stopped at a mere twenty feet in length. "Give up, Sandy, you're just embarrassing yourself," as Paula took turns alternately stroking our bellies. Sandy's team gave her a quizzical look. "More pressure," she cried, and her crew kept the pressure on—which meant I had to keep my pressure on. I clicked for another pellet and swelled some more, even though I was already bigger than her. I was already physically bigger than her, but as a female, she can expand to greater limits than most males could. I watched as her crew hooked up two more tanks and put another hose in her mouth. The pellet didn't make me grow much, and I only added another two feet of girth. Soon, I stopped. "Give up, Sandy! You can't win this one!" I guess I didn't sound convincing because Sandy's crew collectively flipped me off and cranked the valves on all tanks full blast. Sandy was quickly expanding, grow—wait, was that a squeak? I looked closer. Sandy was now nearly my size, but her entire form was trembling, she was no longer growing. The crew had stopped and was looking at her with an expectant hush. I looked at Paula. "Looks like you've at least matched her in f—" "Like hell!" Sandy yelled. "More pressure! Break off those valves," she yelled as the crews obeyed her commands. I clicked for two more pellets and swelled some more. Damn. Seven pellets of gas, 70,000 cubic feet of hydrogen in me with nowhere to go. I can only guess what Sandy has in her, but she doesn't sound good. Loud creaks and squeaks were emanating from her form, but my own body just creaked too. Shit, this was it, not only am I going to lose a cool million, but I'm gonna burst too. We had both stopped growing any bigger, our bellies were actually touching, and the effect was rather erotic. With no small amount of fear I clicked for another pellet. Sandy was turning a beautiful shade of red and Sandy could simply turn the hose off whenever she wished, but the pellets would simply empty themselves until...Sandy's form was quite visibly trembling and quaking while my form was starting to vibrate. My crew looked at me as I saw my reflection in a mirror, was stunned by my face's rosy color--Sandy looked me in the eye as I clicked for two more pellets...Suddenly, it was over. Sandy gave a great gasp... I closed my eyes, knowing that my ears were going to be very assaulted... And Sandy blew apart with a near-deafening "BANG!" blowing me back to the end of my tether in a sudden windstorm that knocked everyone else down. Paula came up to me. "You beat her," she cooed. "I guess you and your team are a million dollars richer." I didn't care. I had over 100,000 cubic feet of gas in me. Sandy had made me go to new limits and my poor distended body was pulsing and vibrating. I called to my crew: "Measure me, quick! I don't know how long I can hold this!" "Thirty-five feet, boss," was called out over the sounds of my poor creaking body. "So what happens when you burst?" "Well, the Hindenburg caught fire and burned, but its airbags were low pressure with only 20-30 PSI. We have several hundred PSI in us...we don't burn, we explode." I watched as Sandy gradually reformed. "If we burst through accident or overinflation, we can reform. But if something burning penetrates our hydrogen-filled suits, we explode, we don't regenerate and it is all over." "Oh," she said. "Then why do you do it if you can explode permanently?" "Why does anyone race? The same reason other people get into high-octane fueled cars and drive 200 mph? It's the adrenalin rush. We can stop whenever we want, but we can't come back. We don't hang up the suit, we hand it in and never show our face again." "How much money to pop you then," as she smiled sweetly as she traced a three-inch fingernail over my form. "Well, since I'm floating, not much I can do." The words were barely out when she grabbed the tether and pulled me down, securely anchoring me to the ground. "Crawl on top of me and you can do it for free." She didn't wait but clambered up my swollen belly and started bouncing, sending more shocks throughout me and making my form squeak dangerously. Finally, she slid backwards toward my face, her tight denim-clad butt landing on my face. She whispered to me. "I really like you, and I gonna make you pop now. And I'm gonna pay you handsomely. But after every race, I'm gonna pop you. And someday, I'm gonna make you go boom in a lovely, massive fireball—and I think you'll enjoy it. But for now, you've won. Enjoy the reward." I clicked one more pellet as she clambered up me. She turned to look at me, knowing full well what I had just done as my already shivering body creaked and groaned. She rolled around on my tight bloated belly as I ached for the explosive release she promised. She was as good as her word. The pellet left me at the brink; she winked at me as she traced concentric circles I on my belly with her fingernail—and pushed down... And the last thing I remember for that night was a second deafening BOOOOM! That night I had the dream again... We were seventeen racers nearing Hawaii after a two week-long race. A bare half-hour after sunset, I was inflated to a little short of my maximum pressure, trying to catch up to the others while Asa, my girl, steered me towards the island, trying to catch the better thermals. We had the devil's own work to catch up and we were only about 10 minutes behind the pack. "Well, X, looks like we'll be lucky to get ninth." She banked me over the smaller islands as we started to catch up to the herd. The sea was a beautiful flat sheet of sapphire blue with lush green dots set into it. "More pressue, dear, if we can climb, your pressure increase and we might a power dive and make sixth or seventh." I obediently clicked for two more capsules and relaxed in the resulting surge of growth while Asa steered and basically did the work of the team. As my body creaked and swelled as we climbed. I did some math and then wished I hadn't taken two capsules, as the pressure at 5,000 feet a lot safer than that at 10,000. Granted, we were making good speed as my internal pressure increased while both fuel consumption and the altitude went up, but still... "Oh look, darling! Mt. Kilauea is erupting!" I heard her fumble for the camera as the volcano erupted in a spectacular fashion as I— creeeeeeeeeaaakkk Oh damn. That was me and it didn't sound good. The props sounded like a hive of bumblebees on meth as my body swelled further and further—pressure my body could accept at sea level, it would not accept up here... "Oh wow! It's raining stones." I looked up as Asa cried out. Falling in the night-time sky were hundreds of bright red dots, rapidly getting closer. I put two and two together and didn't like what I came up with... "Uh, Asa," I said when I saw Rana, one of the few solitaire racers, get struck by a rock. It was fast—one second she was there—a shiny black human form some thirty-five feet long, the next moment--a rapidly expanding fireball as a mammoth booom struck us. "Oh hell!" Asa cried as several more explosions appeared in the sky. Several parachutes appeared as riders abandoned their rides to their fates. "I'm sorry, X, but I can't stay with you. I think we're too far in to turn around. I hope you understand," as she rolled off of me, leaving me to continue climbing—without steering or any altitude control. I could stay where I am and hope none of the stones hit me...but if I did get hit, then the 50,000 cubic feet of gas in me goes BOOOM. Or I could try something else. I clicked for four more pellets as fast as I could; as they slipped down my throat, I ironically hoped that my ability to withstand pressure wasn't as great as I thought. My thoughts were interrupted as the pellets released the contents into my belly, filtering throughout my body with exquisite grace and curves. In less than a minute I'll have about 90,000 cubic feet of hydrogen in me. I started to feel better as the motors went into overdrive as the massive internal pressure of my body force-fed the engines their rich fuel, yet as I climbed faster and faster, the outside pressure decreased and my body creaked even more, my arms and legs were even shaking, they cold accept no more gas, my belly, butt, chest—nothing could take it anymore, my tender distended belly acquiring more pressure than it could get rid of, my whole body trembling, my cheeks swelling up... That's when I saw them, a genuine swarm of stones falling my way. Shit shit shit this is it here I go I thought when I felt the familiar tickle: It started across my belly and quickly worked its way both up and down my body, then all the way round to the back, spreading to my limbs...and then with a rather grateful sound, I heard the gas in my body find its joyful and loud liberation from the prison of my form.
Female Inflation
Full Body Inflation
Christina doesn't know what where why who or how, and she hasn't long to find out. Christina woke up to the sound of her alarm clock ringing beside her, drearily she reached across to turn it off and relaxed back into her comfortable double bed. She sighed with pleasure as she felt how cosy she was under her duvet with her loose fitting silk pyjamas. She spread her arms and legs wide to take up the whole bed, closed her eyes and smiled to herself, then she yawned deeply. When Christina yawned she felt something a little different, a gassy feeling in her lower abdomen and a tightening feeling. She moaned slightly with contentment at the snug feeling around her crotch and yawned again. Again she felt in her stomach the gassy stretching feeling. Confused she signed as she ran her hands down her silky smooth body and over her tummy, her hands could confirm that it was a bit on the bloated side. She breathed deeply to sigh again and as she did she felt gassy again and felt her stomach inflate beneath her hands to the size of a balloon. Christina was shocked to feel she was blowing up and could see the bump under the duvet when she looked down the bed. To test the link between her breathing and her stomach inflating she breathed out fully ready to take a really deep breath. This time, as Christina inhaled she saw and felt with a ticklish sensation, her whole abdomen blow out to the size of a fully pregnant woman, stretching tight the silk fabric covering it. As Christina's breathing returned to normal after this exertion she felt a feeling of fullness and pressure within her and she saw with her eyes and felt with her hands her stomach inflate a little more with each breath, like each inhalation was like a pump, pumping her up like an air bed. Christina decided that the best course of action was to hold her breath while she decided what to do; again she took a deep breath. CREEAK... SNAP! Her whole abdomen swelled up even bigger with this breath, bursting a stitch in the top of her pyjama bottoms, so that now she was ridiculously bloated, more than looked normal. It wasn't just her belly that inflated this time either, running her hands in the area around her tummy, Christina could feel that the tops of her legs were swollen too and lifting her bum off the bed and sliding her hands underneath it confirmed that her ass too had plumpened. She ran her hand over the inflated parts of her body feeling the sensations that accompanied being inflated; the straining of her skin, the feeling of pressure inside her that she could only describe as a 'pumped up' feeling, the feeling of panic at something happening to you which you didn't understand, and the sensual feeling of mild arousal that these three feelings combined to give her. Holding her breath wasn't doing a lot to ease the feeling of pressure, in fact it was making it worse; and as beads of sweat appeared on Christina's face from the struggle to hold the air in she felt her whole body tighten again, and with a creaking, straining noise, all parts of her began to blow up, her legs becoming plumper and pressing against each other, her bum pumping up like two balloons, lifting her off her bed and her breasts perking up then rounding out, blocking her view and her arms becoming resistant to movement as the became turgid. CREEAK... POP... BANG! Christina's expanding form caused two buttons to burst from her pyjama bottoms 'Oooh dear, no. I'm blowing up just like a party balloon' Christina gasped as she breathed out and stopped the inflation. She breathed normally again so that her whole body was pumping bigger with each breath, but not as rapidly as when she held her breath. Christina felt fully panicked now, her eyes wide and her face covered in perspiration, she felt faint and her body felt weak and she was struggling to breathe normally with the adrenalin coursing through her veins wanting her to take deeper breaths. With the mobility she had left in her arms, Christina whipped off the duvet which was in any case being lifted off the bed by her puffing up beneath it. She let her arms spring back out to the sides with the pressure in them, and lay there; spread-eagled on the bed, her silk pyjamas partly burst off and stretched over her immense blimp-like form like latex; watching her breasts inflating like balloons into her face and feeling herself shudder, creak and expand with each breath. CREEAK.... creeeak.... GROAN! The high pitched creaks turned to low, ominous groans, and Christina wished she'd only got out of bed and tried to do something about her predicament while she still had the movement in her limbs. Now she was trapped, there was nothing she could do but lie back and wait. But wait for what? How big would she get? Christina could tell by the straining and the groaning of her body that she couldn't take much more pumping. Her fate she came around to; she was being overinflated, and like anything overinflated, be it a balloon or a car tyre, she would explode. 'Why me?' she thought to herself as the gas inside her forced even her cheeks to fill with air, making breathing more difficult and her inflation slower. 'Why did I have to just randomly swell up and burst one morning? Is anyone else suffering the same fate?' These questions, she knew, would forever remain unanswered to her. She didn't even have time to find out why she was inflating; whether it was something she'd eaten, a medical peculiarity or even black magic; she was just here, pumping up like a pool toy, and here she would stay... until... BOOM! A bit of a bummer really she thought; girl wakes up, suddenly starts pumping up like mad, pump up too much and pops like a balloon, and never even finds out why. The sensual feeling returned as her drum tight skin pressed against taut silk. 'I guess it's not a bad way to go out' she thought, 'feels quite nice. I wonder what the explosion will be like.' She found herself wishing she had someone else there to share her bursting with, she just hoped it would be big, and that it wouldn't hurt. GROAN... BANG Another button blew off her pyjamas. It couldn't be long now. Christina decided to hurry the end along and took a deep breath and held it. Immediately, with loud resistant creaking, her body began to expand in all directions, increasing in volume like a sponge filling up. The pressurised hollow sensation building up until Christina suddenly breathed out. She couldn't do it, she didn't want to blow yet. The feeling was too good to just end it, and after all, it would be the end of her, best enjoy it a little more. So Christina just lay there, pulsating, and pumping as she inflated at a steady rate. Then she felt an itch on her nose... she was going to sneeze. No!, she tried to stop it, but it was too late... 'aaaah!' CREEAK! 'AAAHH!' GROAN! 'gasp!' KABOOOOM!
Female Inflation
Full Body Inflation
Sarah sighed, pushing up her lab goggles and looking over at the chemistry lab clock. Pushing her goggles up, she looked over the extensive notes she'd taken during the experiment, rubbed her temples, and retied her ponytail of blue-highlighted black hair. "Wasn't Professor Field supposed to be here like...twenty minutes ago?" She asked. "I think he's got a lecture class..." Her friend Julie replied. Best friend and lab partner all in one, Julie and Sarah had only met a short time ago, but had found they had a lot in common...including their preference of other girls over guys. Julie was an inch or two shorter than Sarah, had a head of shoulder-length auburn hair, and big amber eyes. Sarah personally thought that Julie also had a much bigger chest than she did. Julie had commented once before that she thought Sarah had the best looking hips she'd seen since she turned lesbian. Sarah had spent the week after avoiding direct contact with Julie, unable to make eye contact without blushing at least a little. "Hello, good afternoon, and sorry that I'm late!" Professor Field burst through the door, looking thoroughly disheveled as usual. Professor Field was a nice man, but not the kind of person you wanted to hold a position where promptness was demanded. He reminded Sarah of the Absent Minded Professor from the movie of the same name, but she liked him just the same. "Got carried away in discussion and lost track of the time! So how are my two top students doing today?" "Doing well annnd..." Julie eased a beaker onto a burner stand and turned up the heat. "Finishing Phase Two..." "Mixing Phase Three over here as we speak." Sarah added, stirring a white crystalline powder into a test tube of liquid. "Wonderful! You two are an amazing pair...and so interested in the material!" Julie shot Sarah a knowing look and she smiled. Neither of them had the heart to say that they were only in this extra lab period because the college required each of them to have a certain number of Science credits. They were taking Professor Field's Chemistry class, and Sarah had heard from a friend that the best way to earn bonus points was to take the open lab period that Field watched over. Sarah and Julie were the only two in the class. "All set for Phase Three here." Julie said. "Ok... Just one sec..." Sarah swirled the cloudy contents of the test tube until they became clear. She poured the contents of the test tube very slowly into the slightly bubbling beaker that Julie had placed on the burner. It fizzed a bit, and then began a slow color change to a vibrant blue. "Looks like..." "Phase three is a success!" Julie exclaimed. "Finally" "Very nice ladies, very nice." Professor Field mused, moving his papers to an empty table closer to the lab setup. "Or maybe not..." Sarah took a step back from the beaker as it began to bubble wildly, changing from blue to a dark purple. Julie stared for a second, but almost as quickly as it had happened, the liquid calmed down and returned to its former sapphire blue coloring. "Looks like someone in my Chem 101 class didn't clean out their equipment properly. That came from a little bit of contamination. Doesn't look to have done any harm though." The Professor stood up, inspecting their setup more closely. "It had better not..." Julie hissed. "I'll start work on the next phase then..." Sarah sighed, picking up an empty test tube and turning to the chemicals next to their setup. In a few moments, she'd measured out the necessary chemicals and began swirling them together. Julie continued to watch the burner, but gave a quick little glance as Sarah bent over the table to reach for the eyedropper. With an impish smile and a quick check to make sure Professor Field wasn't looking, she gave Sarah a playful swat on the butt. Sarah gave a soft squeal as she dripped the chemicals into the test tube and playfully back at Julie and stuck her tongue out slightly. Professor Field looked over at Sarah over his glasses. "Hmm?" "Nothing... Just happy to say that Phase Four is all set to go." "Give it here then." Julie took the test tube from Sarah, still smiling slightly and slowly poured its contents into the bubbling blue beaker. It began to fizz wildly, bubbling a thick white steam up into the air. Julie waved her hands through the steam and blinked. "Its not hot at all..." She mused aloud. Sarah took a slight sniff of the steam and cringed back. "Bleh... smells awful though." She thought it was just her disgusted reaction to it that led to the slight tingling sensation in her nose. Without really thinking about it, Julie looked at her left hand, which had begun to tingle just a bit after passing through the heatless steam. Sarah plopped down beside Julie on a lab stool and sighed. "And now we have... Four and a half minutes before Phase Four is all done." "Mm-hmm..." "Don't forget to note down your observations." Professor Field chimed in. Julie was already scribbling down a few notes, but Sarah pushed her notebook out of the way. "I'll note them down after I get rid of this nauseous feeling..." She said softly, pushing her left hand up under her black tee shirt and rubbed her belly softly. She burped quietly, but it just made things worse. Grunting in discomfort, she got up slowly and moved closer to the window. It wasn't that time of month, so where had this sudden nausea come from...? "I need fresh air..." "Sarah, are you feeling ok?" Professor Field walked over and laid a hand on her shoulder. Sarah shook her head. "Do you girls want me to close your setup down and move it to the back? If you're not feeling well Sarah, maybe it would be best if you and Julie finished this tomorrow." Professor Field said, looking from Sarah to Julie. "Professor...I'm not feeling so hot either..." Julie grunted, folding her arms over her stomach. Professor Field turned around with a look of concern for Julie. Sarah let out a soft hiss through her teeth, rubbing her belly harder. It let out an angry gurgle, followed by a sudden and really unpleasant bloated feeling. She took a deep breath of the fresh air coming in through the window...but the bloated feeling didn't go away. In fact, it seemed to get worse, so she tried again. Her hand moved to rub around her middle again, but her belly felt softer, as if she'd put on about twenty pounds. Sarah abruptly realized what might have started this. "P...Professor... Are any of the chemicals we've been using toxic when combined with the others...?" She asked through grit teeth. "Not that I'm aware of..." Professor Field picked up one of their textbooks and began to eye over the list of chemicals. "Even Chem 101's compounds shouldn't react with your and Julie's." Sarah panted softly as the feeling got worse. It seemed to be getting worse with every breath she took. Sarah's eyes suddenly widened as she splayed her hand out against her belly...and felt that every time she inhaled, it got a little bigger. "P...P...Professor... problem over here..." She gasped. Pulling up her shirt, she looked with fear over at Professor Field. He watched with surprise as her belly grew just a tiny bit with every breath she took. Julie stared at Sarah's swelling potbelly, then heard a loud gurgle from her own belly...and felt it start to swell with her breathing. " too..." Julie raised up her blue shirt, showing her swelling belly. Professor Field spun on his heel and stared wide-eyed at her. "I don't know what to say..." Dashing frantically to his books, he began to search through them with a feverish speed. "I'll look for something. Just try to remain calm, breathe slowly, and I'll figure something out." Sarah barely heard him, concentrating on the fear of herself blowing up like a balloon...and what could happen and she panicked. She started to pant in terror, and began to expand faster. Her belly filled out, growing round and full as if she had come to full term in a pregnancy with triplets. It pushed her shirt up her belly until her breasts began to expand as well, filling her tee shirt till it creaked under the pressure of her inflating bosom. Her formerly loose sweatpants rode down under her belly as it grew bigger. Her butt swelled out wider as she blew up. "Sarah!" Julie cried, her own belly starting to look like a pregnancy soon to come to term. "Sarah, you've got to calm down!" "Sarah, I'm looking as fast as I can, I just need you to stay calm. I -will- find a solution." Sarah closed her eyes, working as hard as she could to calm down. She began to breathe more slowly, and her inflation slowed. Her growth slowed down more and more, and Professor Field sighed with relief, resuming his frantic hunt through his books. "O...Ok." Sarah looked down at herself and bit her quivering lower lip. Her little panic fit had blown her up to just under three feet wide: Her inflated butt and bust strained her clothes and even her upper arms looked plumper. Julie moved closer and wrapped a comforting arm around her shoulder. "We'll be ok. Don't worry..." She said, smiling weakly. Sarah looked at Julie's middle and thought briefly of one of her cousins who'd given birth to triplets not that long ago. Julie was bigger around then her cousin had been and her breasts were fuller too. Julie touched Sarah's belly softly. She felt as full and rubbery as the shine on her belly made her look. Something compelled her to try pressing on Sarah's massive middle with her hand. She found that Sarah felt more like a partly filled balloon than she looked as well. Sarah briefly registered the touch to her stretched skin, but when Julie pressed on her gas-filled belly, she felt a bizarrely erotic tingle rush across her skin. It didn't go away when Julie pulled her hand back and met Sarah's gaze. The tingle spread all over her skin, making her shudder with pleasure. Something clicked in Sarah's mind that she never would've thought about otherwise at a time like this... "More..." She whispered softly. "Touch me again..." Blinking in surprise, Julie ran her fingers over Sarah's taut skin again. What surprised her even more was the soft whimper of pleasure that passed Sarah's lips when she did. "Is this really the best time to be thinking about having...ooooh..." Julie was interrupted as Sarah's fingers glided over her belly and around her navel. Julie whimpered up at Sarah and was rewarded with another soft touch. Julie's eyes met Sarah and each saw the other's eyes glazed over with pleasure and lust. Julie suddenly stopped caring about everything around her, a decision Sarah had reached several minutes ago. All she wanted now was MORE...More pleasure, more touches, and more of herself for Sarah to touch. She watched Sarah's face light up when she began to breathe deeper. Julie felt the bizarrely wonderful sensation as she grew bigger. Her belly soon rivaled Sarah's: Her curves began fighting the same battle for freedom from her shirt and pants as Sarah was. Professor Field looked up and gasped, watching his two most promising students blow up like human balloons. He watched Julie blow up to Sarah's size and both of them seem to relish it. "What on earth are you doing Julie?!" He cried. She acted like she didn't even hear him. He could only stare and watch. "Sarah! Julie! What the hell are you doing!?" Sarah leaned in and touched her lips to Julie's. They held each other close and in two deep breaths, there was a loud stereo creak, followed by two 'POP!'s and a storm of blue and black cloth pieces. Strips of Sarah and Julie shirts littered the floor, along with scattered pieces of their bras. Both of them squealed like little schoolgirls and giggled. Julie felt Sarah's belly expanding against hers, her breasts getting bigger as well. With an eager smile, Sarah began to kiss Julie's shiny flesh softly, trailing down her breasts and across her soft full belly. They were swelling in unison, cresting five feet wide at the same time. Julie moaned with delight, bulging several inches ahead of Sarah, who responded by rubbing her own underbelly softly. With a gasp of pleasure, she puffed out to the same size. Professor Field tried to get their attention, but the only noise that he got in reply were more moans, more giggles, and another loud RIP as Sarah and Julie's growth reduced their pants and underwear to little more than a pile of cloth tatters. They slowly transformed from two top chemistry lab students into a pair of six-foot wide living balloons. Julie watched with glee as she blew up, her breasts becoming two massive orbs attached to the already-huge ball of her belly. As Sarah got bigger though, her limbs turned into fat cones, forcing her into a starfish shape, her breasts starting to merge with her sphere of a belly. "Ooooh... Soo big...So fat..." Julie purred. Sarah moaned her agreement, rocking forward and laying on her belly. With her impish smile, Julie rolled onto her belly and locked lips with Sarah in a passionate kiss. Sarah moaned into her mouth, billowing out several inches larger in the process. And idea struck Julie. Letting out a pathetic little whimper, she quietly begged Sarah to touch her again. Sarah rocked herself closer, and gently began to lick across the seven-foot wide sphere of Julie's belly. "More...more...more..." Julie began to pant softly, and Sarah watched her getting bigger. Her arms and legs were useless balloons attached to her massive belly. She cooed softly at each little touch, and with a low moan, reached eight feet across. "I love youuu..." Sarah's eyes widened as she realized what was about to happen. Sarah was about to reply when a loud menacing creak echoed from Julie's taut belly flesh. Julie moaned out loud and smiled wide. Professor Field's mouth dropped open, shaking his head side-to-side, unable to believe his eyes. With an orgasmic cry, Julie's belly gave into the incredible pressure inside it with a sharp, loud BOOOOOOOOOOOOM! that destroyed almost four full shelves of glass test tubes and beakers. The blast rolled Sarah backward across the room, neatly wedging her upright against the wall of windows. She was giggling like a three-year-old that had just watched a balloon pop for the first time. Rubbery flesh-colored bits floated down all over the room. Sarah continued to giggle until her own belly, which had since reached nine feet across and totally swallowed up her limbs, gave the same loud angry creak that Julie's had just a few moments before she burst. Sarah though squealed with glee, flapping her hands. She reminded Professor Field of that scene in Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory where Violet turned into a blueberry. Sarah looked like that, only bigger and still flesh-colored. "Oh no..." "I love you too Julie-balloon!!" Sarah cried out, then let out a loud moan. Still giggling, Sarah's gas-filled belly burst with a much, much louder BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM! The force of the blast was enough to blow out nearly every window on that side of the room, as well as shattering even more glassware. More rubbery shreds littered the room, blowing together from the force of Sarah's explosion. Professor Field sighed, closing his books. "I swear I lose more female lab students to that experiment..." He mused, sweeping the rubbery bits of Sarah and Julie into a heap, and then dumping the heap into a large green 55-gallon drum labeled "Biohazard"...Which was filled almost to the brim with more flesh-colored rubbery pieces.
Female Inflation
Full Body Inflation
There were three distinguishing features about Selinia Morosel. First, she was ravishingly beautiful. Her long, silky auburn hair fell down just past her shoulders, and she had shapely legs that might have been planed to perfect smoothness in the craft halls of the gods. Her body was lithe and slender, and almost seemed too perfect to be animate. Sometimes when she moved after standing still for a moment, people gasped that such a beautiful form could take motion as well. Her trim shoulders and oddly gentle arms were legendary. And her face was such that some artists had cried openly, jealous of it's perfection, when they saw it. The second distinguishing feature about her was that she was devastatingly rich. Still young and three times a widow of multi-millionaires, her accountants struggled just to keep up with counting exactly how much money she had. The third was that her heart was as cold and sharp as polished ice. It was therefore with great dismay, but less surprize, that old Jack discovered that Selinia had purchased the old Hampton place. He had been groundskeeper there for many years, under three generations of Hamptons. He still continued to maintain the grounds, although his only income was a moderately generous trust left to him by the last of the Hamptons. But the house was deserted. Although he took great pride in his work, there was no living occupant to appreciate the care with which he tended the lawns and gardens of the estate. Selinia drove up one day in a cream-colored Porsche, and frowned at Jack as she watched him tending to the sculpted bushes in the front drive. She climbed out of the car in a way that starlets could learn a lot from, then walked toward Jack with a surprizingly easy seductiveness. He stopped working and turned to greet her. "Hello!" he said cheerily. She did not smile back. "All this will have to go," she said. She pulled a cigarette and a gold ligher from her purse, and lit it. Jack furrowed his brow. "I'm sorry, miss?" "Ms.," she said. "And I said all this will have to go. It obscures the view of the front entryway, and when the photographers show up, they'll need all the camera angles they can get. Plus the gate out front needs to be replaced." Jack took off his battered baseball cap and said, "Well Ms., I heard about you buying the house and all, and I thought maybe I could take a position with your staff. I know these grounds pretty well." Then he pursed his lips a bit and said, "But these bushes should stay. It gives some privacy and offers some comfort to...." He stopped when he saw her gaze of complete uncaring fixed upon him. He continued, "Besides, if I'm going to be working for you, I don't think that..." She cut him off. "Who said you'd be working for me?" She turned and walked across the driveway, then climbed the front steps of the entryway. Old Jack crushed his cap in his powerful hands. The house was a steal, Selina thought. It was sitting on property that was bound to be swallowed by the growing suburbs of the growing metropolitan area. For years it had been a country estate, and a quiet curiosity for folks in these parts, but that would change in the next few years. Already the shopping malls and supermarkets were popping up to serve the suburban community. This mansion would soon be in the heart of it. When she tore the old dump down and sold off all the lands, she would make a killing. That night she had a dream that she was walking in the middle of a milling crowd of people. Oddly, she did not find it disturbing. In fact, she gained a sense of enjoyment from their purposelessness. But then, she always had. The next morning, Jack knocked shyly on the door. She did not turn. "How did you get in?" she snapped, not taking her eyes from the papers from the attorney. "Well, Miss.. Ms.... I have the keys from way back..." "I will need those keys." Now she turned, and held her hand out. "They don't belong to you." Jack's eyebrows raised. Then he dug in his pocket and pulled out a ring heavily landen with what seemed a million keys. He held it in his broad, leathered hands and gazed at them. "Well?" Selinia said. Jack nodded and handed the keys to her. At the last minute she said, "Oops!" and the keys fell to the floor. Which a bored sigh, she said, "Pick those up and leave them on the table. And you can see yourself out." She started to walk from the room. "Ms. Morosel... there's something I have to tell you. This place, see, it's a special place." She stopped, and looked at him from under her bangs. "Oh?" "Yes. You see, the Hamptons had such kind hearts that this home became more than just a home for them." "It was more than a home?" her tone was subtly mocking. "No... I mean... not just to them. There were... others...." "Others?" "Yes, ma'am. You see the city being so close, and this being such hard country from way back.... well, there just weren't many places where a spirit could find peace...." "A spirit? You mean like a ghost?" Jack gulped. "Well, now, we never liked to call them...." Now Selinia broke out into a grin that was truly vicious. "Are you telling me my house is haunted, Jack? Oh, my, well, then I'll have to sell it. Would you like to buy it?" Jack gulped and shook his head, "No, ma'am, you don't understand...." "Good bye, Jack," she said. "I will tell the spirits that you miss them. Maybe I'll have them move in with you when I tear this dump down." Jack's face went clear with panic. "Tear it down? But you can't... where will..." Absently, one of his strong hands crept up to his chest. His breathing became labored. "Please, I beg you to..." "Good bye, Jack," said Selina. And then she started laughing openly. That night Selina dreamed of the milling crowd again. Except this time the crowd was more agitated. Some were wailing, some were walking in tight circles. Seeing their distress only exhilarated Selina. She woke up just as the clock was striking midnight. Or at least she thought she was awake. She felt awake. There was a presence in the room. But she was not afraid. There was a pleasant, earthy smell around the room. Then the presence moved closer. Was it a voice that said, "We're all just trying to find peace." She muttered, "Jack?" "Will you help us?" "Why would I?" she murmured. "...only want to find peace..." Then she felt a pair of strong hands, surprizingly gentle, caressing her ankles. The hands drifted softly up the insides of her calves, then to her thighs. Selinia moaned. The presence came to her groin, and then there was a great warmth there. She moaned louder with desire and arousal. The voice came, softly, "...maybe you need to find peace so you can let us find peace...." Selinia moaned impatiently. "Oh, stop using your tongue for talking!" The presence seemed to withdraw. But then it came back, and Selenia felt the warmth again. But then she felt a tug, and sharp pressure. The voice said, "....peace..." and suddenly the pressure built. Then it ended. Selinia sat bolt upright in her bed. Now she was fully awake. When she looked at the clock, it read 2:30. The next morning, she felt oddly bloated. The tiny red dress she was going to wear downtown to the function she was attending wouldn't zip up. She discarded it for a gauzy white dress with a decorated sash for a belt. She kept trying to burp, because she felt bloated and gassy, but could not. Finally she shrugged it off an headed out to her car. Jack the groundskeeper lay face down in the driveway, his hands folded under his chest. When the ambulance crew left, they declared that Jack had died of a heart attack, probably the afternoon before. Selinia wondered if her strange dream -- it must have been a dream -- was somehow related. Then she shook her head and decided that was ridiculous. She put it out of her mind, and attended the function. She mingled with all the right people, gossiped with the perfect sources of information, and laid further plans for the exploitation of the grounds she had bought. Feeling so bloated, she didn't eat anything, so it was no wonder that her stomach kept rumbling and burbling the whole afternoon. When she got home, she nearly burst out of her dress. She was dizzy with hunger and the exertion of meeting with the movers and shakers of the city. She put on a loose robe and went into the kitchen. As she leaned into the refrigerator, a sudden wind stirred up. Something tugged the hem of her gown, and brushed ever so lightly against her leg. She glanced down, but of course there was nothing there. Suddenly there was a moment of pleasure between her legs, and again that odd pressure. And what was that sound that came in just under the sound of the breeze outside? Was it a gently spoken, "peace?" She took a sandwich and a glass of water into the living room. She felt even more bloated now, even waddling a little. When she put the plate and glass down, she smoothed out the cloth on the front of her robe. She could swear her tummy was poking out a bit. Well, that's what aerobics are for, she thought, and she sat in the comfortable leather chair in the living room to eat. As she took her first dainty bite of the sandwich, there was that strange stirring again, and the tug at the hem of her robe. Again the strange wave of pleasure came from between her legs. Then the pressure; but this time she actually felt her stomach push forward. She dropped the sandwich and shot a hand to her groin. What was happening? She stood, and groaned as her tummy pushed forward visibly. She did not understand. She stepped toward the phone, not sure who to call, when there was another stirring. The pressure was sharper this time, as was the pleasure. Again she heard the faint cry "...peace..." She had to loosen the sash on the robe because it was getting too tight. She crouched over, and clamped both hands on her groin. Oddly, she was aroused, and her fingers ended up going a little deeper than she expected. But she faced the room and demanded, "Who is this? What do you want?" Then she felt a slight tingle on her lips. There was a gentle touch, as if a caress. She could see nothing, but the touch was so gentle that she closed her eyes.... There was a pressure in her throat, then she looked down in horror to watch her pert breasts push forward. Her shoulders suddenly felt puffy, too. As she reached up to feel them, there was another burst of pressure between her legs. Now her whole midsection was visibly rounded. "Stop this!" she screamed. But as she drew her next breath, something went down her throat again. Her chest swelled visibly. She clutched her hands over her breasts, and noted how warm and pleasurable it felt to touch them. Something tugged at her robe again, and this time the feeling of warmth and pressure stayed for some time. She felt waves of pressure... one... two... three... four... as her body slowly filled. Her arms and legs were becoming puffy, too. She gasped, but something went down her throat when she did. Her breasts were filling, becoming rounded, pushing out from under the robe. Still the waves of pressure came. She thought, spirits? How many could there be? Enough, apparently, to fill her more. She was becoming rounder by the second, filling and billowing out. She tried to waddle for the door, but her inflated body was too large her her to move effectively. "No!" she screamed, but it did not slow. She grew rounder and rounder, her chest pushing up against her chin, her arms and legs bulging to the ankles and wrists, larger and larger and larger.... At Bob's Gas and Groceries, which was just down the road and had been for ages, Bob leaned back against the front of the store and smelled the fresh country air. There was a sudden boom, from the distance. He looked up. Thunder, maybe? A low-flying jet? He shook his head. Nope. Guess it's just one of those mysteries. He smiled. Then, in the wind, he heard a strangely familiar word.... peace....
balloon, magic
Female Inflation
Belly Inflation, Breast Inflation
Kimberly find herself caught up in the bizarre plans of a mysterious imp. The little man appeared with a crackle of displaced air. His diminutive size quickly became apparent from the surroundings. A mug with the logo "Pacers Rule" stood to his left, coming up almost to his chin. Under his feet was a table that seemed to be the size of a building, at least from his perspective. From most others it would be a well worn end table inhabiting the center of a cluttered bedroom. Pulling a tiny clipboard from under one arm, the small man muttered to himself as he leafed through the pages. "Production's falling way off. This one better be able to deliver. Ah here we are..." Glancing around to familiarize himself, he pointed at the table and snapped his fingers. With the same sound that heralded the small man's arrival, a packet shimmered into view. Labels on the side clearly indicated that it contained gum; a zesty and flavor filled delight if the blurbs were to be believed. It resembled several others on the table down to the last detail. After giving the new one a quick examination, the little man shoved the rest over the edge to fall to the floor below. A sudden key turning in the lock alerted him to the arrival of the room's owner, and he disappeared not a second too soon. The door swung open and a young woman slouched in, tossing her backpack on the bed. Kimberly was tired to say the least. The last three tests had taken a lot out of her and the last one, differential equations, had been a nightmare to study for. Without thinking about it, she scooped up the gum pack. Popping it open with a practiced twist, she placed one piece in her mouth and munched away. Her mother commented with her usual sarcastic wit that it seemed she had raised a daughter that was part cow, but the gum kept her from smoking. Truthfully, Kimberly felt she did chew too much gum, but it was harmless enough. Running fingers through her long blonde hair, she reflected on her outfit. A tight pink sweater over thick tights, it was designed to keep her warm while attracting male interest. The winterfest dance was coming up and she still didn't have a date. With all the study time it wasn't surprising, she reflected ruefully, but someone who looked like her shouldn't have to work so hard at it. Exercise kept her trim, and while she wasn't a model, she had what had been termed "attractive" looks. Kimberly blew a bubble and snapped it between her teeth. The gum made a funny noise, almost a shriek, instead of the usual bang. With a blink of surprise, Kimberly did it again. Yes, the gum did sound different. Almost as though it didn't like to be popped. Grinning at the thought, Kimberly blew a larger bubble. To her surprise, the gum kept expanding. This was a good piece! She had already blown a bubble as big as her head and it was still going. Not wanting to get it on her hair, Kimberly popped it with her finger, causing that strange squeak again. Chewing away, Kimberly turned to toss the gum and get to homework for the next day's exam. For some reason it was hard to get a hold of the wad and she chased it around with her tongue for a bit. Suddenly, with a convulsive jerk, she swallowed it. Now that had been strange, almost as if the gum tried to get her to do that. Naa... Kimberly settled down to work. After a while she started burping absently, getting a rather bloated feeling, almost as though she had eaten too much. Considering her diet, that wasn't the case, but it sure felt like it. Her clothing seemed to be confining somehow, a bit too snug. Hoping she wasn't coming down with the flu during exam week, Kimberly stood up to get a drink. As she did, she noticed something different about her. Glancing down, she took a minute or two to place it. Her chest was bigger. It wasn't a deep breath or anything like that, her chest was definitely bigger. Wearing the thick sweater like she was, she had chosen to go braless for the day. Little showed and what bits there were served only to tantalize the boys. Now she could see that they were perhaps an inch or so larger than they had been, nipples showing up clearly against the cloth. A ripple of fear ran down Kimberly's spine. What sort of feminine problem caused this? She had never heard of such a thing. Putting both hands on her chest, she gave a gentle squeeze. Almost immediately a sensation of pleasure washed through her, emanating from her chest and ending at the base of her back. What was this? Not only was she bigger, she was more sensitive. Perhaps the tests had taken more out of her than she had thought if she had started to hallucinate this. During these thoughts she noticed that she could actually feel them growing under her hands, slowly but with a relentless feeling. Dropping her hands, she glanced into the mirror at her new form. "What's happening to me?" she whispered. Slowly, but with a steady motion, her breasts bulged outward. They didn't droop, but maintained a perky appearance, swelling outward from her chest. Even with all of this, Kimberly didn't start to really become nervous until they had reached the size of volleyballs. By now the nipples had seemingly vanished and it appeared as though two balloons were inflating underneath her sweater. Touching one breast, Kimberly shuddered as the tingle, almost orgasmic in nature, passed through her again. This was starting to scare her, but what could she do about it? The sweater was starting to get uncomfortable as it began to strain at the seams. A quiet hissing became audible to her. After a second or two, she realized it was centered in her chest. "Oh my gosh! I... I'm inflating..." With a leap of logic that only those who ever have been in severe panic would understand, Kimberly suddenly understood what was happening. The gum, upset about being blown up, was returning the favor. She was being blown up! Kimberly clamped down on her chest, trying to force the basketball sized mounds back down to their normal size. An explosion of pleasure ripped through her, and she moaned as climax came upon her in seconds. Awash in a sea of pleasure, she fell to the floor, the next few moments whirling by in a haze. When she came to, her chest was more normal looking, although still swollen abnormally. Embarrassingly enough, her tights were around her ankles and her undies were down. Squeaking with embarrassment, she pulled them back up. Then she noticed the small pink balloon in the room. The little man returned with a bang, making Kimberly squeak again with fright. He glanced at her, then eyed the gleefully bobbing balloon with disgust. "Pretty pathetic there, kid. I expected better of you. As balloon breeding goes, you seem to be a washout." "What?!?" Kimberly managed, finding her voice. "Well, we'll have to try harder, won't we. Get to it, gum!" The little man pointed at her stomach and snapped his fingers. "What's going on here, Urgh!" Kimberly's hands dropped to her stomach as a loud gurgling sound was heard. She moaned again and started a hoarse panting as her stomach churned up a bit. Then, thankfully, the feeling passed. "I demand to know who, or what, you are! I... hey!" Kimberly blinked as the hissing came back, doubling and redoubling in volume. She glanced down and then did a double take as her breasts seemed to leap from her chest. This time they swelled to the limits of the sweater within seconds, pulling everything taught and snug. Even with all the increase it was still all her in there. She could feel herself pressing ever tighter against the confines of the sweater. Surprisingly enough, they didn't feel heavy. If anything, they were light, almost as if she really did have balloons under her shirt. "Make it stop!" Kimberly begged, almost in hysteria. "I don't wanna get any bigger! No... NO!" A new piece had entered the game. The hissing increased again, almost as if Kimberly were connected to an air compressor that had just been turned on high. Her hands flew from her chest to her stomach as it too began to grow. Quickly overtaking her expanding mammaries, it peeked out from under her sweater, pushing down the tights. Kimberly felt as though she had a great burp coming up, but it never quite made it. Larger she swelled, and still larger. Amazed, she stared at herself in the mirror. With a ripping noise the side of her sweater gave, pulling away and revealing her two round breasts, which bobbled about and were bigger than her beanbag. She could feel her stomach and lower torso force her legs into a straddle position. Her hands could no longer go around the vast new paunch. With a yelp, she realized she had left the floor! Her body was filling with something lighter than air and, helpless to prevent it, Kimberly drifted upwards. The same pleasurable sensations were sweeping through her again, clouding her judgment. The terrible feeling of utter helplessness, of being unable to move and only drift in the air, was slowly replaced by one of desire. "Bigger," Kimberly moaned as her arms started to stick straight out. "Bigger!" Her body, eager to oblige, grew even faster. Each breast was now three feet across, nearly covering her face since they were forced upwards by the colossal surface of her stomach, which was now almost the size of her bed. Her legs were at a forty degree angle and could barely move as well. Pumped with gas until she could no longer move, Kimberly felt her stomach touch the bed as her hair brushed the ceiling. Well over ten feet across, she smiled blissfully. "I wanna be bigger!" Images of hot air balloons floated across her mind's eye. "I want to be the biggest." Suddenly, the explosion of pleasure came on again, overwhelming Kimberly. This time she welcomed it, losing herself in its sensations. When she came to, Kimberly felt normal. Sneaking a peak downward, she was pleased, for the most part, to see a normal, abet nude, body in front of her. Perhaps it had been all a dream? The applause of the tiny man on the table disabused her of that idea. "Beautiful. Best one I've seen in years. I've already sent it back home." "You mean... You mean that's all you came for?" Kimberly covered herself as best she could. "Yep. That's it. You're a perfect choice." The little man beamed with delight. "So, this won't happen to me again." Kimberly almost wished it weren't true. The sensations had been very strong. "What? We haven't even started yet. You've got at least fifty to go!" "Oh no!" Kimberly started up, then settled back as her chest started its expansion once again. "Oh! OH! Oh well. At least it feels good." Already with a dreamy expression on her face, Kimberly reached one hand towards the stereo. Just before she floated upward, she flicked it on. The bass to "Pump up the Jam" echoed across the room, a particularly apt choice she thought, just before the pleasure became too intense for thought. Fifty more times... A girl could get to like this.
floating, Prose that Blows 500 (2009), Prose that Blows Runner-Up: Best Expansion Description, Prose that Blows Runner-Up: Best Story, Prose that Blows Winner: Best Method of Expansion
Female Inflation
Full Body Inflation
This just in, a new disease is sweeping the world, more details at eleven. *Click* "Now for our top story. Reports have been poring into hospitals around the world about a strange new affliction affecting females. It has been labeled as "Violet's Disease' by the CDC, and has no known cause. It seems to strike without warning, and runs it's course in mere minutes. The method of infection is unknown as well, as one girl could have the symptoms, but people standing next to her will be unaffected. There are a series of symptoms that do effect all females who have been affected, and the end result is always the same. We now go to Tanya, live from the quarantine zone, the City Stadium." "Thank you Maya. I'm here with Sarah, who was effected a few days ago. As you can see, her size is remarkable. According to measurements, her body is almost 25 feet around. She is not able to talk, as she is a bit distracted by some of the side effects, but she is in no pain, and when I interviewed her earlier today she said, 'It feels better than almost anything I've ever felt.' Sarah was lucky enough to be inside when she was began to show symptoms, so she did not float away like many other girls. Back to you Maya." "Thank you Tayna. And to reiterate, while the response teams have managed to recover all the unlucky girls who have floated into the air, if you begin to show signs of Violet's Disease, get inside as soon as you can, and if no buildings are nearby, try to attach yourself to a stationary object. Remember to watch for WASPS. That's Warmth, Arousal...*cough*...Excuse me...Um...Arousal, Shortness of Breath, Pressure, and finally...Oh my...Swelling." "Pressure is starting to build up in my midsection...It feels warm, like I had a lot of hot tea. I feel a little drunk, to be honest. Hehee...My clothes are getting tight too. Ohh, I feel bouncy...Like I'm a balloon or something. Shirt is getting really tight...whoops! Looks like that blouse isn't as strong as I thought! Mmmm...No wonder those girls were always in such a good mood. My skirt is getting tighter too, ohh...Anywhere I touch, it feels amazing. It's spreading through my whole body now, it's better than anything I've ever felt in my life!" "It's getting very difficult to move my arms and legs now, I can see my body swelling around me...It feels really good! Anne, you've gotta try this, I mean, wow! Oh my! We have liftoff! In more ways than one, believe me...This feels so strange, but so good, just floating up, getting bigger...Mm...Can't move my arms now...looks like my hands are just what's left. I guess this is gonna be my last broadcast for a while, until next time, goodnight everyone! Ohh, bounce me against the ceiling again! Wow..." *Click*
Female Inflation
Full Body Inflation
"I said I wanted LIGHT highlights, bitch!" screamed Barbie at her personal hairdresser, just before she threw a hairbrush into the woman's face. The hairdresser ran out crying, passing Barbie's mother, Candy, on the way out. It was easy to see where Barbie got her looks: Candy, at 35, still had her smoking svelte figure, and had little trouble convincing people she was Barbie's older sister. She still looked good in her skin-tight blue jeans and bulging blouse. Of course, plastic surgery helped in that regard. Barbie clearly had the same fantastic genes--and jeans. Her sultry blond hair and curvaceous 16-year-old body was the bane of older, potential-statutory-rapists everywhere. Her young pert breasts strained at her halter top, her tight white stretch pants virtually painted on her lower body, from her round sensual butt, all the way down her long, finely sculptured legs. She was young, she was gorgeous, ...and she damn well knew it. She also knew that her divorced parents were filthy rich, and as they each vied for her affection during their custody battle, she knew they would each indulge her every whim. Neither parent would deny her a thing. And that's exactly what Barbie deserved, anyway. Candy sighed at her spoiled daughter. "ANOTHER hairdresser gone, dear? That's the third one this week." "So?" Barbie sneered. "Her family was poor, anyway. Can't stand poor people. They depress me." She didn't even turn away from the mirror for an instant as she continued, "How's the planning for my party going?" "Come and have a look, dear," said Candy. And after several minutes of preening in the mirror, Barbie finally deigned to get up and walk downstairs to the living room. There was yet another of Barbie's many personal assistants, Gisselle. She was a tall, leggy woman, who (largely unsuccessfully) disguised her obvious feminine charms with a conservative dress suit and high heels, her hair tied in a ponytail as her big brown eyes were covered by giant, thick glasses, which did nothing to conceal her full, pouty lips and round cheeks. Fortunately, Gisselle intuited that it would not do to dress too provocatively: Barbie was very sensitive to any competition. She stood in the middle of a large pile of balloons, in front of a table with a punch bowl with tall wine glasses and shiny silverware of real silver. "Where's the liquor?" Barbie asked. Gisselle looked to Candy for help, but got none. She cleared her throat nervously and replied, "It's illegal to buy liquor for the purposes of giving it to minors--" Barbie snapped at her mother. "Mo-ooommm! I can't have a party without alcohol! That's so lame!" Candy tried to put her arm on Barbie's shoulder, but it was slapped away. "Look, dear, it's illegal--" "I don't care! I want it! I always get what I want!" "We'll see what I can do," said Candy, giving Gisselle a cold look, as if to say, "You are SO fired for this tomorrow." Barbie, still fuming, looked around at the large pile of balloons. There were many types and colors, all beautiful and fully inflated. Barbie lifted her dainty foot and stomped one random balloon out of existence. "Ha!" she laughed cruelly at the balloon fragments, as if she had just stomped on an annoying underling. Then she looked around with irritation. "I don't see any really big balloons." Candy glanced around at the giant Qualtex balloons all around her. "They seem pretty big to me--" "NO!" Barbie shouted. "I want BIG balloons! BIGGER! I want them so big that they fill the whole room!" Candy looked at her watch. "Well, it's after five, dear. I don't think the balloon shop is open--" "But I want it I want it I WANT IT!!" Barbie jumped up and down, pounding her fists on her legs. Gisselle winced, slightly surprised that her glasses didn't shatter from Barbie's piercing scream. Red-faced from her screaming, Barbie pouted for a moment before her eyes caught the automatic air pump in the corner of the room, surrounded by newly inflated balloons. Barbie's eyes drifted back to her incompetent assistant. Gisselle had unwisely left her top button undone, and Barbie detected a bit of cleavage--beautiful, shapely cleavage. Barbie glanced down at her own bust, which was truly gorgeous. But it had to be at least one cup smaller than Gisselle's magnificent rack. Barbie tilted her head in thought--a rare occasion, to be sure. Gisselle must think she's pretty big, Barbie thought. Well,...let's see just how big she can be. "Mommmm?" Barbie asked with saccharine sweetness, as she always did when she was about to ask for a particularly outlandish request--even if she knew there was no chance it wouldn't be granted. "I want to make Gisselle my balloon!" Candy blinked. "Come again?" "I want a giant balloon for my party," Barbie elucidated. "So take that air hose and pump her up into a balloon!" Gisselle swallowed quietly, looking for Candy for help. "Madam?" "Barbie, I don't even think that's possi--" Barbie began jumping again, her voice even more piercing than before. "But I ALWAYS get what I want! I'm a veritable princess! Make her my balloon! Blow her up! I WANNA SEE HER INFLATE!!" Candy gently steered Gisselle to the air pump. "You heard her, Gisselle. She wants a big balloon, she GETS a big balloon." "But madam--!" "You want to keep this job?" "Well, I need this job very much, but I don't think--" Gisselle was interrupted when Candy stuck the hose in her mouth. "It's just until the party's over, I'm sure," Candy assured her. Gisselle glanced over at Barbie again, who gave Gisselle a little victory smirk. Candy turned on the pump, and Gisselle's round cheeks immediately became more rounded as they pumped full of air. Her eyes shot open, and she was vaguely aware of Barbie's giggling nearby. At first, Gisselle's chest expanded as if she had taken a deep breath and didn't let it out. Her chest continued swelling as her breasts expanded further, tightening the cloth around her dress suit, stretching the seams until she heard buttons begin to pop off, her cleavage becoming more and more exposed as her breasts got larger and larger. "Oooo!" Barbie mocked her. "Gettin' big!" Gisselle was indeed. Her midsection plumped up as Candy kept feeding her air, her tummy and torso plumping up slowly but surely. Gisselle's hand went to her belt that had previously been just for show, but now struggled to keep its position around her expanding waistline. "Hmmph!" she groaned, lifting her arms to signal Candy to stop--(I quit, already!)--but when she looked at her arms, she noticed they were all bloated, and her flapping extremities made her look so ridiculous that Barbie laughed out loud. "Look! She's gettin' bigger! She's get-ting BIG-GERRRRR!" Gisselle heard the last button pop off her jacket, and her chest surged forward, only to snap through the remaining seams of her blouse as well. Her ass and legs were now full, too, making her attempt to escape look especially comical. All the while Candy firmly held one hand on the air pump nozzle, another on the pump in Gisselle's mouth, the sound of the tank suddenly competing with the sounds of tearing clothes and the tight, rubbery squeaks coming from Gisselle's ballooning body. Gisselle closed her eyes and winced as the belt around her waist refused to release her, ever tightening as her inflating body pushed harder and harder against it. But it still resisted, and her body became increasingly hourglass shaped, her round puffy legs below, her puffy upper body, pinched painfully in the middle. Her skin grew tighter, the squeaks got louder, and Candy found herself gradually backing away from the inflatable assistant. "Uh-oh! Look out!" shouted Barbie, sounding far more amused than concerned. "She's gonna blow!" Gisselle winced again, there was another loud squeak, another surge in her growth, when suddenly... Bang! Her belly thrust outward as her belt snapped off, flying somewhere over the punch bowl. "Weee!" Barbie yelled as she clapped with glee. "That was totally awesome!" The sudden pressure release caused Gisselle to fall forward, but her own belly stopped her fall, as she had become so large the only way to move her was to roll her or bounce her like the balloon ball she had become. Her hands and feet, pushed straight outward from her expansion, now looked like nothing more than points on a star. And still Candy held the hose in her mouth, forcing her to become bigger and tighter as the air filled every body part. Gisselle still felt herself growing larger, and Candy was having a harder time reaching her mouth. Finally, Candy released her grip on the hose, but it remained firmly in Gisselle's mouth, pumping her fuller and fuller. "Ha! This is priceless!" Barbie yelped. "Wouldn't it be funny if she just POPPED?" "Hmmmph!" Gisselle protested feebly. All Candy could say was, "If you say so, dear." "Hmmmph?" Gisselle tried to look at Candy as if to ask, "Are you out of your mind?!" but she had no neck to turn her head. She could only look straight forward into the pretty but evil face of that spoiled brat Barbie, who watched Gisselle inflate with that sadistic smirk. What that girl needs is a damn good spanking! How would SHE like to be inflated and humiliated, treated like some toy for a little brat's amusement-- CRASH!! Gisselle's expanding backside--which could now be reasonably considered her lower hemisphere--had just knocked over the dining table, shattering glass, spilling the punch bowl, and creating yet another nightmare for the cleaning lady. [The cleaning lady, by the way, was a staggeringly hot Latina chick who looked uncannily like Eva Longoria. That has nothing to do with this story, but I thought I'd mention it.] "Uh-oh!" Barbie called out. "Someone's getting too big for her britches!" Gisselle could respond only with a pathetic "Grrph!" The air, finding fewer places to go, now filled Gisselle's head, and it puffed up, releasing her hair from her ponytail and allowing it to fall and spread out against her widening globular body. Her glasses were pushed off her bloated face, bouncing once off her rounded front before falling to the carpet. Her clothes were now completely shredded, and the remains of her business suit now in tatters on the floor, along with her torn high heel shoes. As if it were possible, she felt even more vulnerable, now that she was a giant, naked balloon. "Whoo!" Barbie cheered. "Look at her! Nothing but a big, fat balloon! She's blowing up so nice and big!" Gisselle heard air coming in gentle spurts from her mouth, as if it could find no more room inside her and was beginning to look for a way out. Gisselle, already quite nervous, became terrified when she realized that the pressure was still growing inside her--but she was no longer expanding. She had reached her limit. The pressure built and built and built until... The air stopped. Gisselle couldn't see Candy from over her bloated body, but she could still see Barbie's happy face turn into a pout. "What are you doing?" Barbie sneered at her mother. "She's as big as she's going to get, dear," Candy explained. "NO!" Barbie said, stomping her feet. "I want her to fill the whole room!" Gisselle inwardly panicked. She felt so full that she was about to burst--and she wasn't nearly as big as the giant mansion's expansive living room. "I really don't think she can take any more, dear!" Candy insisted. "I think she's just about to burst!" "Mmmph! Mmmmph! Mmmph!" Gisselle agreed, looking pleadingly around for some sign of rational thought in this room. Please please PLEASE stand up to your bratty daughter just this once! "But I want her bigger! And I always get my way! So make her bigger! Blow her up more! I want to see her get bigger! Make her bigger make her bigger MAKE HER BIGGER!!" Gisselle recognized that shriek. It was the shriek that always made Candy cave in. Candy sighed. "Whatever you want, dear." Candy turned on the nozzle once again, but quickly moved her hands to cover her ears. "Mmmmmmm!" Gisselle murmured over the sound of the air tank, the hissing air, the squeaking of her straining elastic body. Below her, the beautiful brat Barbie stood watching her. Her head was cocked playfully to one side, one hand on her lovely hip, the other hand waving her fingers at the swollen Gisselle. She smiled broadly and mouthed the words... Bye bye. Gisselle couldn't stand it. Her body wobbled with impotent, unreleased rage. She hated that bratty girl so much she could EXPLODE--!! Gisselle thought it was impossible: Her body simply could not get any bigger. But for just a brief moment, just a split second, her body surged in growth just once more... And then she exploded with a loud BANG!, showering the room with the remaining fragments of her clothes. Barbie let out another shriek, this time of delight, and she fell into a fit of giggling. She dropped to her knees and threw Gisselle's remnants into the air like confetti. Candy just watched her daughter, pleased that she could make her so happy. Barbie grabbed a clump of Gisselle's shredded business suit and seemed to talk to it. "See? I'm the prettiest, the hottest, the greatest girl ever!" And she was. "And I get everything and anything I want!" And she would. "And it's just what I deserve!" And strangely... it was.
first person, inhale, Prose that Blows 500 (2009), Prose that Blows Runner-Up: Sexiest Story, Prose that Blows Winner: Best Expansion Description, Prose that Blows Winner: Best Character, Prose that Blows Winner: Best Method of Expansion, Prose that Blows Winner: Best Story, Prose that Blows Winner: Best Use of Tension, The Biggest Breath
Female Inflation
Full Body Inflation
I watch them as I slowly lift the balloon to my mouth. Their eyes are glued to me, their faces reflecting their expectations. The girls watch with rapt anticipation, eagerly anticipating my success. The boys are laughing smugly. They don't think I can do it – they don't think that a petite thing like me can possibly fill a balloon of this size in just one breath. Well, I'll show them. They'll see soon enough. I begin to inhale, my chest rising, swelling out as the air rushes in. I can feel it flooding into me, filling me up with its power. I want more – much more. I open my mouth a bit wider, and my intake accelerates. My chest pushes out further, my bra crushing against my breasts as they begin to puff-up. My blouse creaks and tightens about me as my torso expands to fill it, buttons puckering and straining in their fight to hold me in. The boys don't look so confident now, their cocky smiles fading quickly. But I'm just getting started. I'm not at my limit yet – not even close. I can hold more. I won't just blow this balloon up; I'm going to blow it to pieces. My stomach bulges as my torso rounds out under the building pressure. I close my eyes, scowling in concentration as I focus on filling myself with more... more... more air. A sharp pop, followed by several more, signals the surrender and frantic evacuation of my buttons. The clasp on my skirt follows moments later. Finally free, my ballooning body surges outward, and my size doubles. Cool air caresses my smooth, taut skin, sending thrills down my spine. I'm ridiculously swollen. But I'm not full yet – not quite. I can hold more. I can get bigger. I open my mouth wider, sucking in air as fast as my body can take it. My distended frame pulses and grows, my skin tingling as it stretches tighter... tighter... I feel ludicrously engorged. I know I should stop. I have more than enough air for the job, but I can't resist showing off a bit more. I can feel their stares. It's intoxicating. I want more. I'll show them. I can do it. I can get bigger. I know I can. My friends are speaking, but I can't hear them clearly over the wheezing intake of my own breath. I open one eye, but my view is blocked by the immensity of my own impossibly bloated body. I'm enormous – nearly spherical – my skin flushed, straining to contain the pressure welling up inside me. I feel fit to burst, but I'm not giving up – not yet. Just a little more, I think to myself. Just a little... bit... more... My body creaks threateningly under the pressure. My skin - hot and drum-tight - thrums with tension. With swollen arms, I lift the balloon to my mouth, one final gasp of air slipping down my throat as I prepare to... BOOM!
Female Inflation
Full Body Inflation
Jeanne Guilder sat on a bench off the arena's main floor, trying to keep her nerves from getting to her. She looked up at the scoreboard and winced at the numbers looking back down at her. In an improbable turn of events, it all came down to her and she was in a position to win it all. It would take one hell of an effort, but it was within reach just enough that the idea of losing - no longer the slam-dunk certainty that it once was - tied her stomach in knots. And the situation truly was improbable, one in which Jeanne never expected to find herself. A virtual nobody coming out of high school, she was lightly recruited by a handful of schools, her short, petite build deemed inadequate for college competition despite decent results in high school. She was only offered a scholarship by a commuter school two days before signing day when their best player suffered a career-ending injury while training. Jeanne submitted her letter of intent before the school could change its mind. Then the freshman was suddenly thrust into the main rotation when one of the seniors on the team got knocked up by her boyfriend and was medically disqualified for the season. So it was improbable enough that Jeanne Guilder, an inexperienced, overlooked history major who had only been on campus for five months, was a regular contributor at a Division I program like Archer City Municipal University. Even more improbable was ACMU's second place finish in their conference, the school's best ever. Even more improbable was ACMU's unexpected run through the regional and super-regional postseason meets, landing them in the National Championship meet with seven elite schools. ACMU hung in there just enough while the other schools' players suffered from late season fatigue, illness, injury, and inevitably some choking on such a big stage. So, on the third and final day of competition the very last slot went to Archer City, the most improbable of Cinderella stories, with Jeanne the only remaining person on the team left to compete, in fourth place but within striking distance of first. A more seasoned athlete would relish the opportunity and rise to the occasion; Jeanne felt like running to the locker room and throwing up. A loud cheer rose from the stands as the previous contestant was escorted off the floor. Katie Florin, a senior from Regents University, had just single-handedly vaulted her team into the top spot. And what a job she had done, scoring a 48 - tying her own Division 1 record - in her last collegiate competition. The girl had already led Regents to a team championship the previous year, was the three-time defending individual champion, and had likely just sewn up another pair of titles. She had been clutch her entire college career, and she was poised to make a lot of money in the pros. Jeanne watched Katie make her way out of the arena to her team's holding area. She would then shed her Regents red and go get fitted for the customary gold uniform that the individual champion donned for the awards ceremony. The noise from the crowd dulled a bit during the break and Jeanne turned to look down the length of her team's empty bench. Like the girls from Regents, Jeanne's teammates were all in ACMU's holding area watching on closed circuit TV. She wished they were there with her to offer encouragement or advice. Her coach had run off somewhere a couple minutes prior, but not before giving Jeanne the customary pep talk. A referee approached the ACMU bench. "Are you ready?" she asked. Jeanne took a deep breath, sighed, and stood up. "Yes." She removed the tracksuit she had been wearing on top of her team uniform, a rich blue spandex suit that bore a bold white "ARCHER CITY" across the chest and her uniform number 9 on her stomach and back. As the referee led her to the center of the arena, Jeanne again glanced at the scoreboard. The magic number was 40 to tie Katie Florin and Regents, and 41 to win. "I can do 41," she tried to reassure herself. She had achieved 38 in practice a couple of times, but practice is practice, and she had never done better than 33 in real competition. Plus, no one of her physical stature had ever attained 41 in competition before. For that matter, none of her taller, more experienced teammates had either. Katie Florin, on the other hand, could score a 41 with the flu while half-asleep. The Regents section of the crowd was still cheering as if they had already won. The rest of the arena was still buzzing a little, most of the fans happy to root for an underdog if their own team was out of the running. Most women's sports are not well attended, but this being the one sport better suited to women than men, the arena was packed and millions were watching on live TV. Jeanne took her position in the middle of the arena floor. The referee wrapped an elastic band around her waist, then took her position a few feet away. Jeanne took this time to begin focusing. The arena was a bit colder than she was used to, perhaps around 70 degrees. The lights were brighter. Her nose was a little itchy from her allergies. She would have to account for all those things, not to mention the noise from the crowd and her nerves. "Your attention, please," the public address announcer said. "Competing in the final position of the championship round: Jeanne Guilder, Archer City Municipal University. Number nine." The echoes of the booming bass voice hadn't subsided before another cheer rose from the crowd. She looked over to the referee one more time and nodded to acknowledge that she was ready. The referee then turned to the judges' table and gave them a thumbs-up. A series of tones, one second apart, came over the PA. This was it: a ten-second countdown, then fifteen minutes to win the whole shooting match. Jeanne closed her eyes in anticipation and concentration. The last tone was followed loudly by the buzzer. The clock was running. An instant later, Jeanne began absorbing the air around her. In the sport of women's expansion, there were various strategies that could be employed during competition. You could start fast, end fast, or simply proceed at a steady pace. Jeanne switched up her pace throughout her routine but she always started slow; that would leave her the stamina to finish strong. The last five minutes were always the hardest. Jeanne's spandex uniform and the elastic band began stretching around her waist as her stomach swelled up smoothly, approaching the size and shape of a basketball. Jeanne opened her eyes only long enough to see that the scoreboard was still blank, the measuring device around her waist not yet able to properly calculate her size. Still, she could tell that the cold of the arena was slowing her down a bit. 41 feet would be a tall order. The referee stood closer, carefully inspecting Jeanne's midsection as it continued inflating, listening to the sound of the air passing through Jeanne's pores and into her body. Jeanne knew the referee was there but needed to maintain her focus, feeling the perimeter of her stomach gradually push further and further out. Without opening her eyes she gently reached her hands out and tried to bring them together in front of her belly. Finding herself unable, she redirected some of her air intake toward her legs. Inflating those next would give her the lower body stability she needed once her upper body became larger. She repeatedly planted her feet further apart as her legs bulged within the spandex suit, reaching nearly four times their former width before she redirected the air back to her torso. Her breasts and stomach surged outward, the text across her chest stretching in effort to catch up to the greatly distorted "9" just below. Jeanne allowed her back to swell out next, starting at the small of her back and then spreading upward to her shoulder blades. Her back and front were beginning to blend together at her hips, causing her entire torso to begin growing rounder. She opened her eyes again, finding a wide swath of blue spandex covering her breasts and blocking the view of anything below. She glanced at the scoreboard in time to see it light up with its first digit, her midsection (albeit disproportional) now round enough to produce a proper number. In three minutes she had reached five feet wide. Jeanne was a little behind her normal pace, but it was now time to make up for lost time. Closing her eyes once more and concentrating on the air around her, she kicked into high gear, forcing all parts of her body to take on air. Everything began growing in unison, including her as-yet-unaffected arms. She began staggering her feet slightly wider as her legs gradually spread apart once again. She could hear a cheer rise up from the Archer City fans in the stands as the number on the scoreboard began climbing. It was around this time that Jeanne felt hands on the front of her massive stomach. This was normal; the referee was checking her to make sure that she was growing according to regulations. Rampant use of inflation-enhancing drugs had been a huge scandal several years prior and it was now largely up to the referees, themselves former athletes in the sport, to look and feel for signs of illegal drug use. The referee's hands traced various parts of Jeanne's widening body, moving from breasts to back and all points in between, feeling for the tell-tale signs of cheating. Finally she stepped back, signaling that Jeanne was clean. Jeanne's legs had become immobile and her bloated arms stuck out stiffly from her rounding upper body. When she felt her feet leave the floor as her crotch advanced downward, she again accelerated her growth for just a short time, watching the scoreboard hit double digits with ten minutes left. Her arms met the same fate as her now-non-existent legs and seconds later her breasts flattened, leaving Jeanne as a blue spandex ball in the middle of the arena. The giant "9" on her front and back made her resemble a billiard ball despite being the incorrect color for the number. The crowd cheered again. The numbers on the scoreboard steadily ticked up, first eclipsing fifteen feet and then twenty before Jeanne backed off to pace herself. Now growing at just a snail's pace with just seven minutes left, she needed to conserve what little energy she had left during the next four minutes. Then she would make another run at what she hoped would be a big finish. But there was still that defeatist attitude in the back of her mind, reminding her that it would take a Herculean effort just to surpass her own personal best in competition and then another 24% beyond that to win. Worried of getting so close and failing anyway, Jeanne considered the prospect of playing it safe. She still had three years ahead of her, so there was no reason to embarrass herself so early. Sure, most of the team would be graduating and next year would be a rebuilding year, but A rising dull roar from the crowd brought her attention back from her own thoughts. Jeanne's mind had wandered only a couple of minutes as she struggled with her inner dilemma, but in that time she had reached 29 feet. Nearly eight feet in only two minutes while barely trying. Five minutes left. "Oh God," Jeanne thought, "I could actually win this thing." She crossed the 30 foot mark and thought back to the look on Katie Florin's face as they rolled her off of the arena floor just a few minutes ago - tired and spent, but also smug, confident, and business-like all at the same time. The look of a winner, a defending champion who despite her numerous accolades had still left everything on the field to ensure that losing would not be her fault. Jeanne wanted to be like that, and for the first time in her life she began to develop a killer instinct. "I WANT to win this thing." With a little over four minutes to go, Jeanne furrowed her brow and forced herself to give full effort, foregoing all of her previous training. She quickly blew past her competition best, feeling her body absorbing her hands and feet; for most women this didn't happen until around the 40-foot mark but it happened much sooner on Jeanne's smaller frame. The Archer City crowd was beginning to go nuts as the realization dawned on them that Jeanne may actually bring this thing home. Jeanne pushed herself even harder, concentrating as much as she could on taking in more air. 39. Three minutes to go. Jeanne had eclipsed her overall largest achieved in practice and knew she had more left in the tank. 40. Clinching at least a tie of the title, Archer City was guaranteed to go down in the record books. The roar of the crowd rose along with Jeanne. 41. Jubilation. She had done it, with plenty of time to spare. But she didn't want to stop. There was still business to attend to. 42. Jeanne's skin reverberated with the din coming from the stands. 43. Two minutes left. The cheering of the audience turned to gasps as they realized that Jeanne, having locked up the team title, was now gunning for Katie Florin's individual record. 44. The wrist and ankle cuffs of Jeanne's suit, stretched into wide empty circles, began to tear as she exceeded the suit's petite capacity. Pale skin began peeking through slivers of the ripped blue spandex on her sides and toward her shoulders and underside. 45. Jeanne knew she was running out of steam, but she needed to keep going. She would get as close to Katie Florin as she could. 46. One minute left. The noise from the audience had faded back to a dull roar as most fans, even those of other teams, watched in bewilderment. 47. 25 seconds to go. The rips in Jeanne's suit were spreading; the right side had split open from arm to leg, her left arm hole had split open up to her collar, and a third rip was traveling up her stomach from the left leg hole. It looked as if the elastic waistband instrument would be the only thing holding her suit together before too long. Jeanne was exhausted and was trying to blink beads of sweat away from her eyes. The clock was ticking down to the final seconds of her magical upset, but she took a deep breath and made one more push. 48. A mere instant later the buzzer sounded, and the crowd erupted in a cheer that surpassed anything the whole competition had heard that weekend. A huge underdog - and a freshman, at that - had just made history, winning the team competition and tying arguably the best individual player the game had ever seen. By the time Jeanne had gotten her wits about her, she was already being rolled off the floor and the waistband was being removed. She blushed a little when the various hands moving her touched exposed skin in areas her uniform was intended to provide the comfort of modesty. As her head pitched toward the floor she saw the referee and entire table of officials and TV and radio commentators giving her a standing ovation - a huge breach of protocol, but nevertheless warranted in this instance. Fans of other schools were jumping and waving. The enormity of her feat was only beginning to dawn on her. As Jeanne was rolled through the large exit on one side of the arena and into the adjacent team paddocks, her teammates were positioned right at the front to greet her. The girls who had competed two days ago were less than half her size, while those who had competed earlier in the day had barely shrunk at all. Camera operators had been dropped on top of the girls to walk atop them and capture the team moment for the TV audience, but with all of the girls completely immobile instead of hugging and whatever else, the sport did not lend itself to exciting victory celebrations. After a few minutes with her team, an official told her that it was time to go. "To the awards ceremony?" Jeanne asked. "No," the official responded, "to change your uniform." Off in the distance, in the corner of the paddock, was Katie Florin with no other red globes nearby. Then Jeanne understood. A group of team assistants had just finished removing Katie's red uniform when Jeanne was rolled up next to her. The view that Jeanne had at first was not entirely flattering, but from the other side of Katie's body came a voice: "Nice job, kid." Jeanne did not feel comfortable essentially carrying on a conversation with Katie's anatomy, so she waited a few seconds while the tailors began stretching the gold spandex suit over her, rotating her as they went. When Katie's face finally came into view, she simply responded, "Thanks." "How did you figure it out?" Katie asked as she was being squeezed into the champion's uniform. "Figure... what out?" "The secret to unlocking your potential. Most girls never do, much less by your age." Jeanne's brow furrowed. "I didn't know I figured anything out. My mind just wandered while I was resting and I kept growing without even trying." Katie raised an eyebrow. "Give me a break. You did that," motioning with her eyes to Jeanne's body, "without even trying?" "Well... I tried for most of it." Katie chuckled, partially in disbelief and partially out of amusement at how ridiculous that sounded. "Maybe you haven't figured it out after all." "So what's the secret, then?" Jeanne prodded. "Ha," Katie blurted, and then grinned. "Sorry, but that's something everyone has to figure out on their own. But if you're truly this good, you may not need to." Jeanne fell silent, giving herself a moment to allow such high praise to sink in. Katie's brilliant gold uniform was pulled up snugly beside her face - a perfect fit. Meanwhile, the assistants removed the remaining shreds of Jeanne's uniform, causing Jeanne to blush once again, naked in front of the seasoned champion she had just matched. "You ought to get used to this," Katie called out as they rolled her asunder to affix her uniform number 22 to her belly. "Something tells me this won't be the last time you'll be sporting gold." And then the shimmering ball of Katie was rolling away. "See you on the podium," Katie called out. "...and in the League." Archer City never won a second national championship during Jeanne's college career. The talent at other schools began developing and Archer City was not the most attractive destination for top-flight recruits. As improbable as the first championship was, it was even more improbable that Archer City would usher in a new world order in inflation athletics. Jeanne herself, however, developed into a star, going on to win three more individual championships, smashing her and Katie's shared record with a 51 during the first week of competition her sophomore year, and then breaking her own record six more times. Solely because of Jeanne, Archer City was still good enough to attend the national meet each year, never sniffing the podium but always touting the best player. Katie continued developing in the pros as well, setting numerous records in the WPIL and leading her team to two Zeppelin Bowl championships in her first three years. When Jeanne was drafted after graduating college, the two began a friendly rivalry that lasted over a decade and resulted in huge popularity for the league. It was also an expensive rivalry for WPIL teams, requiring their arena height requirements to be increased three times.
floating, helium, To the Top
Female Inflation
Inflatable Clothing
Lina felt a little uneasy about the costume rehearsal, but part of being an actress was putting on a new pair of shoes for every performance, as her teacher back in college liked to repeat to her ad infinitum. That's what being an actress is all about being someone different... As she closed the door behind her and walked into the changing room she grinned as she spotted a sheathed outfit hanging from a nearby rack on wheels. "Ah, so there's my outfit." She thought to herself as she grasped the zipper tab with her index finger and thumb to open up her outfit. Within the black plastic sheath a bright orange glow made Lina squint her eyes. She reached in and pulled out what looked like a rubber bodysuit. She raised her eyebrow in alarm as she analyzed the limp and jiggly reddish-orange mass in her arms. "Okay, what the hell is this?" Lina thought as she studied the strange garment. She let out a sigh and again thought of what her teacher back in college said. "Well I'll just slip into this and look for Mr. Robertson. Maybe he can fill me in on what this thing is for." Tina shrugged her shoulders and walked towards one of the cloistered and dark changing kiosks. After she had shut the latch shut and locked herself in she unzipped her jeans and pulled off her blue tank-top. After a few minutes of grunting and tugging Lina unlatched the door and swung it open. The skin-tight rubber suit clung to every curve and crevice on her body, no skin was exposed anywhere save for her head. Behind her bouncy and smooth locks of red hair hung a hood molded onto the suit itself. "Geez, they could have at least given this suit a zipper." Lina growled as she spotted a large body-length mirror in front of her. Lina blushed and looked curiously at her strange new outfit. "Huh, I sort of look like a Power Ranger in this." Lina remarked as she swiveled her backside towards the mirror and admired her well-rounded and firm buttocks. She admired the tailoring skills the suit displayed. The seams, as few as they were, barely even stood out at all and were virtually invisible. "I don't see what this costume has to do with a fat jolly Church Lady." She smirked while she pressed her palms into the undersides of her breasts. "Well, maybe Robertson will explain all this." Lina then grabbed the hood hanging from the back of her neck and pulled it over her head. She tucked a few tufts of red hair up behind the hood's rim and effectively sealed herself up. "Now to the stage!" posed Lina as she pushed the dressing room door open and marched on out. Alone and confused, Lina looked out towards the empty auditorium of seats and saw nobody. "Okay, I thought Mr. Robertson said he was going to be here at 4:30 PM SHARP." Thinking back on the memo, Lina found it strange that Mr. Robertson would ask her to come on a Sunday afternoon. She began to pace back and forth on the stage as the clock on the wall to her right began tick-tock to 4:45. "I'm giving him FIVE more minutes, then I'm leaving." The increasingly irate young actress snarled to herself. "I'm going to give him a piece of my mind if he thinks he can make me come here for nothing and wear this weird-ass suit!" As she hissed in anger, Lina swept some sweat off of her forehead. "Geez this thing gets hot quick. I'm not going to wear this damn thing for an entire performance if it's going to turn into a steam bath!" "Oh, but shouldn't you get used to it?" A sly and chiding female voice called out from the dark aisles of seats in the theater. "Who's there!?" Lina yelped. She stepped back, startled a bit by the phantom voice that just echoed out of the dark. After a few more paces backwards the overhead lights lit up automatically and illuminated the entire stage in bright white light. Blinded by the burst of brightness Lina squinted her eyes shut and then opened them slowly allowing them to adjust to the light. After a few moments she could see a lone girl sitting in a seat in the front aisle. She was a tall brunette wearing khaki cargo pants and a red sweatshirt. Lina knew her. "Well don't you look all ready for action." mocked the mystery girl. "Aren't you going to rehearse for me?" Lina studied the girl a bit more closely. Her eyes widened in shock as she realized who she was dealing with. "Wait, you're... You're Jessie!" "Nice to see your memory is still working Lina. Now how about giving me some attention for a bit?" Jessie stood up and walked over to the stage steps. She approached the flustered and sweaty Tina. "What the hell do you want!? Don't tell me this is one of your little jealous fits!" Tina clenched both her hands into fists and growled as Jessie approached her. "Jealous? Me? Oh ho ho!" Jessie playfully laughed. "No, I'm just setting things straight. You could say I'm just bringing back a sense of equilibrium to this production." "Hmph, sounds more like you're jealous to me, I won the part for that audition fair and square. I don't care about your damn Shakespearian credentials, if Mr. Robertson knows talent when he sees it..." "He definitely saw it in bed, that's what!" Jessie snapped before Lina could finish speaking. "I saw those cute little photos you decided to snap during that little party you two had that night!" "Errrr, photos? Jessie, don't even think of trying to..." "Oh it's that easy huh? He's a stud and a slut like you thinks you squirm your way into any part you want just by getting into his pants!" Jessie now stood almost nose-to-nose with Lina. The envious brunette glared with rage right into Lina's wide green eyes. Jessie quickly extinguished her anger as she reminded herself of the next part of her plan. "But you do know what I'm going to help you do, Lina." Jessie grinned. Lina just gulped with uncertainty and fear, her naked body slipped and writhed underneath the tight rubbery membrane of her suit. "I'm going to make you aim for the top." Jessie grinned with malice as she took a remote out of one of the large pocket on the right thigh on her pair of cargo pants. She grinned and winked as she held the remote up to Tina's sweaty face and clicked the solitary red button on it. Immediately the theater echoed with a high-pitched hissing noise right after Jessie pressed the remote's button. Lina's eyes grew as wide as dinner plates as she quickly realized the hissing nose was coming from her. She pressed both palms of her hands down into her abdomen and noticed that her suit felt firm and squishy. "What that HELL?" Lina screamed as the suit began to expand at an exponential rate. Her lithe athletic form began to turn into a puffy parody of itself. The orange rubber skin of her outfit squeaked as it stretched to accommodate the growing mass of gas underneath it. "This is the inflatable suit you need to wear in order to make yourself look jolly and fat like that mousy church lady from the play. However with the little modifications I've made, you're going to be a lot more fat and jolly than you expected." Jessie grinned as she watched Lina expand and squeal with shock. Her arms flailed about looking for a valve anywhere on the suit to release the increasing amount of gas inflating her suit but to no avail. As the arms and legs of the suit grew puffier and more rotund by the second, Lina struggled to move her limbs about. Her midsection was now approaching the size and shape of one of a weather balloon. All Lina could do now was shriek with embarrassment and fright as she ballooned up. Jessie grinned with pride and satisfaction as she saw her rival's expansion slow down. Lina now looked like a large orange blimp with dome-like legs and arms. Her puffy little hands and feet wriggled back and forth in futility, unable to do anything but make her look even more ridiculous than she already did. To complicate her predicament even further Lina noticed that her feet were not even touching the ground anymore, she was slowly floating up into the air. "Oh dear God, this is HELIUM!?" "Hmmm, it's amazing how simple the modifications were, my dear Lina." Jessie walked up to the bloated floating Lina and tightly grasped her hand around her right foot as it floated up to her eye-level. Lina was now just a helpless oversized party balloon at the mercy of Jessie. "Please! Let me down! I'll let you have the part! Just deflate me and let me go!" Lina shrieked with fear as she struggled to look beyond the curved horizon of her suit and spot Jessie. Jessie just hummed as she strolled on over to an 'X' taped onto the stage floor. Lina's body within the suit was completely drenched with sweat. She could even hear the pit pat of little droplets of sweat hitting the inside of the suit. The heat emitted from the bright lights not only made her hotter, but made the cavernous interior of her suit feel like a sauna. "Lina, we all need to step into new roles as actresses and transform ourselves into something new." Jessie lectured as she stopped on the 'X' and took another remote from her pocket. She pressed it and up above a large skylight in the ceiling opened up, exposing the bright blue sky above. "Now you're going to play a role that'll bring you all the way to the top." Right at that moment Jessie released her grasp around Lina's ankle and let her float up towards the opening in the ceiling. The ballooned actress' heart began to beat like a machine gun as she floated closer and closer to the skylight. "NOOOOOOOOooooooooo..." Lina screamed as she floated out into the open skylight and up past the roof of the theater. As she floated higher and higher she heard a whirr from below and the sound of two doors closing shut. A green sedan honked twice in the parking lot as the doors unlocked automatically. Jessie walked towards it, holding her keys in her right hand. As she opened the driver side door and climbed in she looked up into the pale blue sky, her eyes caught glimpse of a tiny orange dot that grew fainter and fainter until it disappeared from view. "That girl's going places." Jessie grinned as she buckled her seatbelt, closed the door, turned on the ignition, and drove away.
Female Inflation, Male Inflation
Full Body Inflation
They came to a halt on the high school racing track. Marty was glad they were alone, so the results of the race could be kept quiet. "Beat you again," said Amy, racing past the finish line. "I let you win," Marty panted, slowing to a halt. "Sure," Amy said, barely winded. "Okay, so I'm not as good an athlete," Marty admitted. "But I'm smarter." "Oh, please! I'm straight A's and you're straight B's!" "Look what I discovered in the science lab the other day." With that, Marty puffed up his cheeks. Amy just gave his a quizzical look. And then his midsection blew out in all directions, rounding out as if a balloon were inflating inside his body. Amy just stared as her friend and competitor inflated like a blimp. He stood in front of her, a round, globular version of himself. And then she laughed. He smiled back at her, looking over his spherical midsection. "I guess I do look kind of funny," he admitted. "Oh, it's not that!" she said. "I'm just wondering what took you so long! I learned how to inflate myself a long time ago! And I can get REALLY big!" "Oh, come of it!" he said, but somewhat embarrassingly. She couldn't possibly be serious, could she? "Just watch," she said, and she puffed up her cheeks. With less strain than Marty had done it, Amy ballooned up, her chest and torso blimping up into a larger, rounder shape. She kept on blowing until she was nothing but a huge, round balloon-ball, her head and hands all that were visible upon the growing sphere that used to be her human body. Marty looked helplessly upward as she inflated to twice his size. She finally stopped inflating and looked down at him. "Hello, shorty!" she called mockingly at him. Marty shook off his surprise. "I could be TWICE as big as that!" He puffed and puffed, and again he inflated like a balloon, becoming a huge round ball that swelled until he could see over Amy's head. "I could be bigger than this whole field!" Amy said, and she puffed and puffed and puffed. She swelled larger and larger and LARGER! Their round bodies collided, and she shoved Marty backwards with her expansion, blowing up like a blimp out of control! Soon, in fact, she was bigger than the whole field! "I could be bigger than the whole school!" shouted Marty, and he inflated himself more, puffed himself up bigger, until the school building below was dwarfed by his balloon body. Amy giggled. "I'm just getting started! I'll be bigger than the whole block!" She inflated more, pushing Marty back further as she expanded and grew, toppling over nearby houses as she got impossibly bigger and bigger... and BIGGER! Crowds of people began to peer out their windows, stop their cars, and drop their current activities to gape at the two huge orbs that seemed to threaten to engulf the whole town. And that's precisely what the two human balloons did. "I'll be bigger than the whole town!" Marty cried. "Not if I do it first!" Amy giggled, inflating right along with him. Higher and higher into the sky they inflated. Fuller and fuller they got. They expanded in every direction, quickly growing larger than the city, the county, and all the nearby townships. Marty and Amy hardly noticed, their heads literally up in the clouds. "Bigger than the state!" Marty called out. "Bigger than the whole country!" Amy called back. The two now could no longer make out the ground below. All they saw were their own inflating bodies, that continued to expand unceasingly into the clouds. Never stopping, they inflated so much bigger... bigger... bigger...BIGGER!! "Bigger than the continent!" he cried. "Bigger than an ocean!" she responded. "Bigger than the sky!" They called it out at the same time: "BIGGER THAN THE WORRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRLLLLLLLLLD!!!!!" They both looked up, seeing deep space just above them, the moon seemingly within their grasp! They each inflated bigger, hoping to be the first balloon to be bigger than the Earth! Amy was ahead, inflating just a bit larger than Marty, who wheezed as he struggled to keep up. "Bigger than the world, Amy!" Marty cried out, his voice barely carrying through the sparse atmosphere. "Watch me! WATCH ME GET BIGGER THAN THE WHOLE WORLD!!!" Marty expanded into the heavens above him, until-- BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOMMMMMMMM!!!! A sonic blast shook the planet as Marty finally burst! The sound reverberated across the horizon. Silence ensued. And then Amy laughed. She laughed so hard she thought she might pop herself. Her tight, round body shook ominously as she replayed the events in her mind. "God, was he stupid!" she laughed to himself. "Did he really think he could be bigger than the whole world?! What was he thinking?!" She chuckled again to himself. "Only *I* can be bigger than the world!" And with that she puffed and puffed himself up bigger... bigger... bigger... A shadow passed over the Earth as she eclipsed the sun. She swelled beyond the size of the moon, rapidly doubling in size. Then she doubled in size again, in mere minutes. Blimping out into the vastness of space, pushing her planet-sized form farther into the dark, cold sky, Amy screamed in her head a victory cry that no one could hear but every living thing could see: I'M BIGGER THAN THE WORLD!!!! The planet sized Amy drifted away from Earth, gravity and dark matter buffeting her into an elliptical orbit that continually shifted position as she grew even larger and larger. She looked at the unfiltered white light coming from the sun, whose distance from her decreased as her midsection continued to expand. She smiled. The sun is only, what, a few million times bigger than the Earth? I could be bigger than that, she thought. The sun, after all, was only a medium-sized star. And she could be bigger than a supergiant! So she inflated further into space, outgrowing Saturn and Jupiter as the largest celestial body in the solar system. As she swelled, shortening the distance between her and the nearest star, an atmosphere rapidly formed around her Jovian figure. And as the heat from the solar winds struck her, she began to warm up, causing the gasses inside to her to increase her inflation exponentially. Soundlessly, but with the most rapid expansion of matter since the Big Bang, Amy expanded wider and fuller into space for what must have been days or weeks, but time had lost all meaning to her. Finally, her body began to tremble. But Amy just smiled. She couldn't see how big she'd gotten, but she could feel it, and she just pushed herself even harder, speeding up her inflation as if she could somehow outrun the inevitable result. Again she screamed in her mind her victory cry: BIGGER... THAN... THE SUN!! There was no sound, just a blinding flash of light as Amy went supernova, bursting into molecule-sized space debris.
competition, magic
Female Inflation
Breast Inflation, Butt Inflation, Hourglass Inflation
Madame Dubois poked her head into the dressing room. "Have you seen Donna around? The show's about to begin, and I can't find her anywhere." Vanessa shrugged. "Maybe she overslept," she offered. "Overslept? Overslept! For the Grandenberg account? She'd better be dead if she misses this show!" She left. Vanessa smiled to herself and sat back in a chair in her dressing room and picked up the remote control. Well, it wasn't really her dressing room, but the sudden and suspiciously convenient appearance of several rather large rats had persuaded the rest of Madam Dubois' models to use the main dressing room exclusively. Despite their warnings, Vanessa had told them that privacy during preparation had been one of the keys to her success in the industry. And it was. After all, it wouldn't do to have people inquiring why her hairdresser and makeup artist, Gertrude, had dragged an air tank into the dressing room. She pressed 'play'. The image that came on screen was that of a distinguished, older gentleman in an expensive suit standing outside an extravagant hotel. "Hello, my name is Nicholas Grandenberg, owner of Grandenberg's Hotels, Resorts, and Casinos. Many years ago, when I was planning my first hotel, an architect told me 'Putting up a building that high just isn't possible!' Do you know what I said? 'You're fired.'" The scene shifted to the same man in a flashy, glittery, neon-filled scene outside a Vegas casino. "An accountant once said to me 'Do you really expect to fill a casino this size?' Do you know what I said? You're fired.'" The scene shifted to a fantasy-like poolside scene at a tropical paradise with beautiful tanned people swimming, lounging, and sipping from drinks with little umbrellas in them. "One of my marketing execs once told me 'Six is enough. Another swimming pool won't bring in any more business.' Do you know what I said? You're fired.'" Back at the hotel. "I've spent my life creating fantastic places where people can have fun and relax, never cutting corners, never compromising..." The commercial went on a bit more, but Vanessa had already reviewed enough tapes on Nicholas Grandenberg to know exactly what kind of man he was. Grandenberg, Inc. was looking for woman to use in their next advertising campaign. Mr. Grandenberg was big on doing his own commercials, and when he did use models or spokespersons, he handpicked them himself. And he was very particular. This was why this show was so very important. Apparently Grandenberg avoided using modeling agencies, but had been persuaded this time to allow several organizations the opportunity to present their models to him. So all of the top models from the Dubois Agency had been called in to model swimsuits in a private showing for Mr. Grandenberg and his marketing people. Nobody was being paid for this show, but it was a million dollar contract for the girl who got picked and the Agency got a cut, so Madame Dubois had taken personal interest in this one. Money matters aside, the exposure alone would be incredible: The First Modeling Agency Good Enough for the Great Billionaire Nicholas Grandenberg. And Vanessa had planned on being the First Model Good Enough. She was strikingly beautiful, with deep blue eyes, high delicate cheekbones, and jet black hair. Her lean, slender form was very popular with most of their European customers, but Nicholas was a Texan by birth, and Texans like a little meat on their bones. But Vanessa wasn't known as "The Chameleon" for nothing. Vanessa had a secret. Quite a few in fact. There was a rather reclusive man living out West who, in exchange for a share of her earnings and the occasional sexual favor, kept her supplied with what she needed to keep her competitive edge. You might call him a wizard, of sorts. At any rate, he provided Vanessa with various potions, creams, and other such things that allowed her to make dramatic alterations to her appearance. By studying potential client's past presentations, she could determine their preferences and change herself into whatever she thought they wanted. Her dramatic transformations had amazed those who worked with her, and until recently had made her Madame Dubois' top model. She reached into her purse and pulled out a small bottle. Her supplier had assured her that the fluid inside would make her body elastic in all the right places. She would need a more voluptuous figure in order to get Grandenberg's attention. She had to be curvaceous, but not extremely so; if she was reading Nicholas Grandenberg right, then he loved his buildings above all else. His model had to be attractive, but too big a bust would distract the audience from his beautiful creations, which would probably upset him greatly. The music started outside, meaning the show had begun. No worries, there were quite a few models, and Vanessa was second to last in the show. She would have been third to last, and Madame Dubois probably still thought she was. Donna, the Dubois Agency's newest top model who had been scheduled as a grand finale, was the only one who stood a chance of beating out Vanessa for this assignment. But Vanessa had arranged it so that airhead couldn't possibly make it to the show today. She was almost ready, hair and makeup done, red bikini on. It hung a little loose on her right now, but she wanted to save the final touch for the last moment to ensure that she surprised everyone and held on to her reputation as The Chameleon. She was just about to uncork the bottle when Getrude flew in. "Donna's here!" she gasped. "She's what?!" And just then, Donna rushed into the dressing room. "Make room folks, I don't have much ti-- Where is everybody?" Miraculously, she looked ready to hit the runway, already made up, with her long blonde hair combed out straight and lustrous. And Vanessa just knew that, under that overcoat, she was probably wearing the silver one-piece that would win her the approval of Grandenberg, Inc. Vanessa quickly stood in front of the air tank, pulling a towel to cover it behind her. "There were rats in here. You should probably go to the other dressing ro--" "Nah, back on the farm I saw vermin that'd make your hair go white. A couple o' rats won't bother me, besides, I don't have time. But thanks for lookin' out for me." It took every ounce of Vanessa's self control to keep from showing her rage. Not only would she not be able to keep Donna out of the show, but she wouldn't be able to use her potion until she left. And since Donna was the last model...Damn that little bitch! Donna had joined the agency only six months ago, but had already established herself. She was an innocent, naive farmer's daughter from the midwest, but she had a natural look that was perfect in every way. Golden blonde hair, large blue eyes set in a face that was never touched by a blemish. Measuring 36C-24-36 and almost six feet tall, this farm girl had quickly surpassed Vanessa. She'd tried to sabotage Donna's career on many occasions, but luck seemed to follow that girl around wherever she went. And dumb as she was, she still thought Vanessa was one of her best friends in the business. "You wouldn't believe the time I had gettin here," Donna went on, oblivious. "First, all three elevators were busted so I had to walk down twenty-three floors.." She took off her overcoat, revealing her sleek, shimmering swimsuit and started primping herself. "Then, when I get downstairs, my car won't start. The pay phone in the lobby's broken, so I have to go all the way back upstairs to call a cab. Wouldn't ya know it, my phone's dead too! And I'm all messed up and sweaty from all that running, and I figure I'll never make it here in time to get all dolled up. I was ready cry, cause I was gonna miss the most important show of my life, right? So I go across the hall to borrow their phone, and you won't believe it, but little old Mrs. Binkley used to run a salon! As soon as I told her my story, she got a plan together, said she could get me all done up herself. I showered and changed over there, and Mrs. Binkley called a cab for me. I told her I couldn't go down all those stairs without ruinin my look. Lucky for me, her hubby's one of the maintenance men, so she got him to work on one of the elevators real quick. By the time she was all done with me, Mr. Binkley had an elevator going and I got downstairs just in time to catch my cab. They haven't called for me yet, have they?" "Of course not, you're the last model in the show," Vanessa grumbled. She couldn't change while Donna was there, but even that wouldn't matter in the least unless she could keep Donna from making it into the show. "Oh great! What's that air tank for? We got balloons here?" Vanessa cringed. Then, noticing the silver fabric of Donna's swimsuit, she got an idea. "Hold on a sec, Donna dear." She went over to Gertrude and whispered, "Leave and come back in about ten minutes to call me out. Pretend it's real urgent." She turned back to Donna, her best smile plastered on. "I'm so glad you made it, Donna! The tank is for something very special. It's why I took the dressing room all to myself, I wanted to keep it a secret. But since we're both the best models around here, I guess I can let you in on it. Do you believe in magic, Donna?" "Sure, I guess." Vanessa took out the bottle and explained its effects. "You see, I have it on good authority that Mr. Grandenberg likes his women -- how shall I put it -- well endowed. The bigger, the better, if you know what I mean. The problem is, none of Madame Dubois' models is busty enough to please a man of Mr. Grandenberg's tastes. And since this contract would mean so much to the Agency, and Madame Dubois so very much had her heart set on it, I was willing to try any means necessary to get it for her. I was counting on you showing up, but with you not around I figured I was only possible choice." "I still don't get it. What about the tank?" "That's how the magic works. Once I drink it the potion, I still have to fill myself up somehow. And so..." She gestured to the tank. "And now that both Madame Dubois' most sought-after models are here, we can both do it! Grandenberg is sure to like one of us!" "Do you really think this'll work?" "Of course it will! You've seen me perform miracles almost as spectacular than this, haven't you?" Donna nodded in agreement, remembering the Paris show. "But isn't this kinda like cheating?" Vanessa put her arm around Donna's shoulders. "Donna dear, I'm not doing this for me. If I was, would I be sharing it with you? I get plenty of assignments, I don't need this one, and I really don't care who gets it as long as its one of us. It's just that all the girls would benefit so much if one of us got this contract. The Dubois Agency would get so much publicity, we'd all have more work than we could handle. And Madame Dubois would be so happy. Remember it was her that made you the model you are today. I know it seems a bit underhanded, but wouldn't you do this one little thing, just once, not for yourself but for Madame Dubois?" Donna bit her lip and thought for a moment. "Ok, I'll do it for her." She hugged Vanessa. "I'm so glad to have a friend like you. How does this work?" "I'll go first to show you. I just need you to run the tank. First you drink from this..." She took a gulp of the thick, bitter mixture. "Wait about a minute..." She could feel the tingling as the effect spread through her body. "Then it's time to get pumped up!" She took the hose from the tank and inserted it into her navel. What she didn't mention was that nozzle on the hose had been specially made for this purpose. "Turn on the air. Carefully." "Okaay," Donna said, still a bit wary. She turned the knob on the tank, and the hose stirred a bit as air rushed through it, hissing softly. Vanessa felt the nozzle lodge into place as the air flowed into her. Donna's jaw dropped as she saw Vanessa's hips and bust begin to slowly expand. "Holy cow, it's working!" "Yes," Vanessa said, grinning. Her thighs fleshed out nicely as her hips widened while her stomach and waist were completely unaffected, just as she had been promised. Her modest B cup bosom swelled, becoming fuller and fuller, taking up the slack in her bikini top and beginning to bulge out of it as her breasts approached the size of large grapefruit. Suddenly she started waving her hands frantically. "Stop! Turn it off!" Donna did, and Vanessa's shoulders sagged as her face fell in disappointment. Donna did. "What's wrong?" "I didn't plan well enough," she sighed. "This bikini won't stretch, so if I get any bigger I won't be able to wear it. But I'm still not anywhere near big enough to impress Mr. Grandenberg. And it's the only suit I have!" Her head snapped up as she eyed Donna's suit. "I bet that swimsuit can stretch a lot. You could get huge! Maybe even big enough to win over Grandenberg for us! You still want to try it, right? You're our only hope!" "Sure. Gimme a drink of that stuff." She took a big gulp from the bottle and made a face. "Tastes pretty yucky. Oooh, it tingles, though!" "That means it's working." She waited a bit. "Ready?" She shifted nervously. "Ready." Vanessa slipped the hose in through the back of the swimsuit and inserted the nozzle deep into Donna's navel. Then she turned on the gas. Donna let out a little squeal as the nozzle wedged itself into her belly button. "This feels weird!" Vanessa had remembered that the suit Donna was modeling was designed to be extremely form fitting, but to get the effect the designer had to make it out of a very elastic material. Just like Vanessa, her hips, thighs and breasts were filling out with air, but Donna had a lot more to work with. The suit easily stretched and held to every curve as her legs and buttocks plumped up, gaining bulk. Her breasts inflated as well going from her C cups swelling up and out, until the front of her suit was pulled skin tight across a bosom that had surpassed double D. "Look Vanessa, I'm even bigger than you now!" Donna marveled at her new body. "That's nothing new," she mumbled to herself. "How much more can that suit stretch?" Vanessa asked. Not that she really cared. Donna hooked her thumbs under the shoulder straps and pulled up experimentally. "Oh, this thing's amazing, we got plenty of--" "Good, we need to hurry this up." Vanessa turned the knob some more and the hissing grew louder. Donna's swelling increased in speed. Soon her breasts were approaching the size of twin basketballs, her thighs had nearly doubled in size, and her butt had puffed up so much the back of her swimsuit was riding up like a thong. "You think this is big enough for him?" Donna asked, sounding a bit concerned. Vanessa looked her inflating companion over appraisingly and had to suppress a chuckle. "Oh, you're doing just fine, almost as big as his first wife." Donna raised her eyebrows. "Almost?" "Right about there now. Yeah, rumor has it he left her for his mistress. She had even bigger tits. Come to think of it, I think he dumped her after a while, too." A little smirk leaked out of her. She was making this stuff up as she went along! "Ok, we'll go just a little bit bigger then." Getrude called from outside. "Vanessa, I need you right now!" "Coming, Gertrude." Donna had turned at the sound of the voice, and Vanessa took the opportunity to wedge a nail file under the knob on the air tank. She jerked down abruptly, breaking off the tip. "I'll be right back, Donna, don't go anywhere." Little did the poor girl know that the nozzle was designed to stay in place as long as there was air flowing through it. Vanessa laughed softy when she was clear of the dressing room. "Hurry," Donna called, more than a little concerned now as she felt the pressure begin to build inside her. The suit was holding up remarkably, but she wasn't sure how much more she could take. Her breasts were huge now, bulging out the low cut front of the suit. The pressure of the air inside them had caused her nipples to harden and swell up to several times their normal size. The two plump, prominent bulges stood out from her breasts and poked at the taut cloth of her swimsuit, which was now riding up quite uncomfortably between her enormous buttocks. As the shoulder straps began to dig into her skin, she glanced towards the door looking for Vanessa. Outside she heard the music and Madame Dubois at the microphone announcing the next model. "Presenting the ravishing Raquelle!" Inside she just heard the ominous hissing of the tank. She looked down at her burgeoning, ever-deepening cleavage and decided enough was enough. She'd lost sight of her own nipples beyond the broad horizon of her breasts, her cleavage was only about an inch from her chin, and though she was standing normally, her thighs pressed tightly against each other. "Darn it, big-titted mistress or not, this had better be big enough for old Mr. Grandenberg." She reached for the knob and twisted. It didn't budge. "Uh oh." She tried to pull the hose out, but that too was stuck. "Vanessa!" she called. No response. "Vanessa where are you? I need some help back here!" In the mirror she could see she her body was rapidly becoming an exaggerated parody of a voluptuous female form. The amazing thing was that she as still quite well formed, just enormous. Her calves had swelled just slightly leading up to massive thighs and unbelievably wide hips. Her body then narrowed phenomenally to less than a quarter that width to what, on her present form, seemed to be an impossibly thin waistline. But her slender torso only continued a few inches before being hidden behind two humongous, distended orbs that were straining the silver fabric like overinflated beach balls until it was near the breaking point. And she was still growing, the pressure still building. Donna struggled desperately with the hose and the air tank trying to free herself. "Vanessa, help me!" No response, only the loud music in thebackground, the soft hissing of the rushing air, and then the tight pinging was stitches began give along the sides of the suit. She started to panic as she felt her firm, tight bosom brush against her chin. "Anybody, help me! I'm gonna pop!" Suddenly, the hissing stopped and the hose fell out. The tank was out of air. Donna sighed with relief. "Vanessa must know how to fix this," she said to herself. "Where did she go?" Donna walked towards to doorway, only to realize with dismay that her bust and hips were far too wide for her to pass. She turned sideways and attempted to squeeze through. It was a tight fit, and she had to press her bosom down with all her might, but she managed to get about halfway through. With her boobs pressed down by the doorway, they bulged up alarmingly and came dangerously close to smothering her. Just then she heard Madam Dubois on the microphone: "And now gentlemen, I present to you one of the Agency's top modeling women, the lovely Vanessa!" One more model, then it was Donna's turn! Though she was afraid she might pop her breasts if she put any more force on them, she put forth one final, colossal push, and with a soft cork-like pop she was out of the dressing room. Jiggling quite a bit as she walked, she hurried to get behind the stage. Vanessa reveled in the soft gasps she heard from the men as she entered. Scantily clad in her brightly colored bikini, her new knockout figure drew looks of lusting admiration from the dozen men in seated in the audience. Nicholas Grandenberg was there, cigar and all, and he was smiling with a pleasantly dazed look on his face. His marketing executives seemed to concur. As Vanessa strutted out on the runway, she saw a man next to Mr. Grandenberg whisper to him. It looked like he said, "I think we've found our girl." She smiled her million dollar smile and after a few minutes of strutting and posing returned to the backstage area as Madame Dubois announced the next model. Donna was there to greet her, looking relieved. "Thank God I found you! The hose got stuck, and I got way overinflated." Vanessa couldn't contain her laughter this time. Standing before her was a pumped up, comically overendowed version of the Donna she was accustomed to seeing. "I'm surprised you got out of the dressing room!" Actually, Vanessa had planned on her being to big to get out. "So am I, it was a really tight squeeze. You know how to get the air out, right?" There was a very quick and simple way to deflate, but Vanessa wasn't about to reveal it. "I'm sorry Donna. The magic is very powerful--" "You mean I'm stuck like this forever?" "No, of course not. After a few months, the potion's effects will fade and you'll gradually return back to normal, just like I will." Tears began welling up in her eyes. "I can't model looking like this. I can't go out there!" Vanessa smiled evilly. "No, you can't." Donna blinked her tears away and shook her head in amazement. "You planned this, didn't you? You never wanted me to be able to model for Mr. Grandenberg!" "Oooh, you're a smart one, Donna!" Outside they heard: "And now for our grand finale, I present to you the Dubois Modeling Agency's most elite model, a bright new face in the fashion world. Gentlemen, I present to you the delightful Donna!" Vanessa giggled. "Go ahead Donna, they're playing your song." Donna stomped her foot, sending jiggling tremors throughout her titanic curves. "Momma always taught me that screwin' up is better than givin' up. I'm goin' out there!" Vanessa's jaw dropped as Donna pulled back the curtain and strutted out onto the runway. The reaction was immediate. Gasps of appalled amazement as this ballooned blonde figure, this hyper-voluptuous phenomenon jiggled and bounced her way down the runway. The audience found themselves gawking at her enormous proportions, her incredibly tiny waist, and almost a yard of cleavage that was bursting out the front of a swimsuit that looked as though it might explode off of her at any moment. Madame Dubois was aghast. "Donna! What happened to you?" "What is this?" "This is your most elite model?" "Who is this freak?" Everyone in the audience was responding quite vocally except for Mr. Grandenberg. His chief marketing executive spoke up. "Madame Dubois, you promised us one of the world's finest models, and you show us this blimp girl?" "Please sirs, I apologize--" "She's your greatest model you say, but we can't use her for an ad campaign!" He turned to Mr. Grandenberg. "Look at her, Nick, she's belongs in some twisted porno! There's no way we can consider her, she's just too -- too big!" Nicholas Grandenberg slowly stood, taking a leisurely puff from his cigar. The whole time he never took his eyes of Donna. "Winston," he said. "Yes?" the man responded. "You're fired." "I don't fucking believe it!" Vanessa screamed, throwing the crumpled magazine to the floor. Donna was the centerpiece of the Grandenberg ad campaign, posing as a Las Vegas showgirl at the casinos, in skimpy, custom made swimsuits at the resorts, dressed in lingerie lying seductively on a hotel bed. They used ad lines like "Grandenberg, where we do everything to excess," "Where there's no such thing as too much of a good thing," "Where nobody does bigger better," and so on. Donna had told them that her 'condition' would fade away, so they shot all the ads and all the commercials in three months. And according to Mr. Grandenberg, they'd probably be playing them for years...
catsuit, corset, floating, helium, latex
Female Inflation
Inflatable Clothing
It is New Orleans, the Mardi Gras. Costumed people everywhere. One of them, dressed as Catwoman in a shiny black skintight latex body suit, struts haughtily through the swarming crowds, teetering skillfully on her high heeled boots. The suit is a close duplicate of the one worn by Michelle Pfeiffer in Batman Returns: complete with mask and a shiny black leather corset over the suit. She has an angry look in her eye--the look of a woman who has met an unexpected obstacle, but who knows she will overcome it shortly. As she picks her way through the throng, not a few heads turn and watch her pass. She is stunning. Those lucky enough to be close by when she passes them might even hear the squeak squeak of her powerful lean thighs as she struts by. Though the general public has not been informed about the intimate details of Michelle Pfeiffer's catsuit, THIS particular catsuit has a zipper that starts at the base of the spine just below the corset laces, curves down between the buttocks, and up all the way to the top of the neck. With the corset laced on over top, naturally it would take forever for catwoman to perform her periodic natural functions: she would have to take off the corset and unzip from the front. But fortunately, the zipper is double ended: she can unzip starting from the back and open her profusely sweating privates up to the waist in front, where the front edge of the corset begins. Suddenly, over the din of the partying, she hears a hissing sound. She stops and turns. A few yards away a fat middleaged woman behind a counter at a booth is filling helium balloons from large cylinders and selling them to children. Business is poor at this booth despite the Mardis Gras, but the booth is festooned with helium cylinders and coiled and dangling hoses of all shapes and sizes. Plastered all over the booth are colourful paper and cardboard animal and decorative shapes. In the cluttered shelves behind the counter and under the canvas awning are rows of glue bottles used to attach these figures to the balloons. This is a tradition the balloon woman revives every year in New Orleans. "Do you have any black balloons?" says catwoman, sckritching forward sensuously with her hands on her tightly rubbered hips, "I want one." "Yes, I think I have some buried under the counter here, just a minute," says the woman pleasantly, rummaging under the counter. "There isn't much call for black balloons here, they're considered rather morbid if you don't mind my say . . ." "Yes I do mind," snaps catwoman. Then, examining her steel nails as if wondering who to attack with them next, she adds in a sultry confident voice: "I am displeased with my boyfriend. A black balloon is my sign of warning. When he finds it tied to the doorknob of his apartment, he will know who was there, and that he is in deep trouble." The balloon woman, Agnes, slowly heaves herself up from behind the counter: "I'm sorry miss, I can't seem to find them. I guess we haven't got any." "What? You fool!" Of course you've got some!" cries the impatient customer as she rudely rushes around the end of the counter into the booth and in amongst cylinders and bunches of hoses dangling thickly everywhere from the framework of the canvas awning above. She trips in her haste and bumps forward into a cylinder. Rebounding backwards, she plops onto a chair with a long coil of hose sitting on it. "Shit!" she cries, as she struggles to her feet. "Look at all this junk. No wonder you can't find anything." With shocking arrogance, catwoman then goes to the counter, bends forward, and starts hauling boxes out from behind the counter as the balloon woman looks on helplessly. "Please don't mess up my shop" she says, then notices with alarm that the end of the hose that was on the chair is lodged in the butt of catwoman's suit, just in the small gap above the zipper handle. She must have been a little careless, thinks the balloon woman, and not quite zipped herself up all the way after going to the ladies room. "Oh miss," says the woman with a worried look on her face, "I think you should just check the back of your suit and . . ." but the latexed lady hisses like a cat and pays no attention as she throws various boxes and bags over her shoulder. One small box strikes an open bottle of glue on the shelf behind her and it tips over, starting a sticky puddle on the floor. "Oh my," groans the saleswoman, "you're making a mess" "Be quiet won't you?" catwoman replies. Still bent forward, corset and rubber buttocks straining, she staggers backward dragging a large box out from under the counter. As she proceeds to rummage through its contents, the spilled glue drips onto the bum of her suit, drying quickly and forming a seal between it and the hose. Finally she stands up straight. "Nothing! Time to blow this popsicle stand!" Meanwhile, Agnes, upset by the rudeness of catwoman and distracted by a customer, tries to reorganize the chaos of hoses and valves and cylinders the feline terror has created. Fitting a balloon on a nozzle, she is not sure which valve to turn. She tries first the red valve, then a green one. Yes, here we are, the green one is filling the balloon now. Heavens knows where the red one leads. Unfortunately, in her confusion and upset, she forgets to turn the red valve off. Looking across the thronging street, catwoman spies another balloon booth. This is the booth of one Wendy Birch, a large butch lesbian in overalls. Wendy has a calm and easygoing manner, but with an undertone that lets you know she won't take any shit from anyone. She has been watching the events at her friend's booth, and is now sauntering over to see if she can help her friend out, and also get a better look at the obnoxious babe in the bodysuit. "Do you have any black balloons, then?" asks catwoman impatiently as Wendy approaches. Not one to hurry an answer, Wendy leans on the counter and looks the woman over from head to foot. She is disappointed. From the waist up, catwoman is very lean-- just how Wendy likes 'em. But from the waist down, she seems to be unexpectedly bloated. Funny, Wendy thinks, she didn't seem to be like that when she passed by on the street before. But suddenly, the catlady blinks and stares: "Huh?" she says. "I feel something. . . ." Quickly, her spidery cat-nailed fingers flutter over her hips and thighs. "My suit is inflating!" she says with disbelief. Then her hands find the hose glued into the butt of the suit and she begins to tug on it, causing a squeaky frictional rubber sound. "Can't . . . get . . .the damned thing . . . out!" she grunts through gritted teeth. In the meantime, Wendy has come around into the booth. None of the trapped helium has squeezed beneath the corset, so it is only from the waist down that catwoman has blimped out. At this point, she simply seems to have a very voluptuous lower body, much out of proportion to her lithe upper body. A few people begin to stop and stare. Motioning Agnes away, Wendy pretends to try to turn off the red valve and then pronounces it stuck. Catwoman laughs nervously: "Stuck? It can't be!" She continues to grunt and strain at the hose, making squeaky rubbery sounds of a very embarassing nature. She twists and turns in her unyielding corset, trying to get a look at her swelling behind like a stupid dog chasing its tail. Wendy feels herself starting to get wet. "Do something! Please! I can't be seen like this!" Then for a moment, catwoman looks at Wendy with a pleading look on her face. Wendy replies with a cool possessive expression that says, "you belong to me now, kitty-kat," but her voice says happily, "let me help you dearie." She has catwoman bend forward a little and brace herself with her claws on the counter, facing the increasing number of people who are now beginning to snicker. Wendy plants one large booted foot on catwoman's expanding rubber ass, and with both hands yanks on the hose. This causes catwoman to lurch and stagger on her heels in a most undignified way. "Please hurry," she begs. "Well, that sure isn't going to work," says Wendy, just barely suppressing her laughter and arousal, "we'll just have to cut you out of this foolish corset and then unzip you from the front." She pulls out a sharp knife and begins to cut the laces above the glued-in hose. Each time she cuts though one there is a loud bang or pop and the gathering crowd responds with increased amusement. "What I'll never understand," says Wendy, sawing away at the lacings, "is why a woman would think she's such a big [pop!] deal just because she squeezes her dainty little butt [pop!] into some rubber contraption [pop-bang!] and then prances around on these wobbly stilt boots with her body laced up like a football!" And with that, there is a series of rapid-fire pops and bangs as the corset flies into space to the jeers of the crowd, and the gas in the lower part of the suit immediately billows upwards into the rest of it. Catwoman's fingers leap instantly for the zipper at her throat. But as Wendy has intelligently foreseen, a combination of panic and super-long nails has made it all but impossible for the frantic feline to unzip herself quickly. In a few desperate moments, the window of opportunity is gone as the suit inflates so much that catwoman's elbow's straighten out, forcing her claws away from the zipper. The formerly lithe catwoman now looks like a gross caricature of Mae West. With every passing second she gets bigger and rounder and her now obvious panic increases. "Help! Somebody please help me! I'm stuck in my suit!" The crowd only laughs uproariously at her grasp of the all too obvious. As she calls out pathetically and begins to rise slowly from the ground, Wendy unscrews the hose from the tank. With catwoman now floating 20 feet in the air, tethered only by the hose in Wendy's hand, Wendy takes her new black balloon for a walk across the street to her own booth. The crowd applauds. Wendy then hauls her new toy down (with a wicked, lustful look on her face) and stuffs it into the booth. She cranks the awning down from inside, concealing the both of them from sight. Knowing that the show is over, the crowd then slowly disperses, wandering this way and that for new pleasures at the Mardi Gras. But a few minutes later, not surprisingly, a huge bang ensues. There is then no crowd to witness as the now tender Wendy takes the shocked and humbled face of catwoman and plants a kiss on her forehead. Unclothed now but for her leather boots and a few scraps of rubber, catwoman sinks into the warm and loving nakedness of Wendy's large breasts.
Prose that Blows 500 (2009), Prose that Blows Winner: Stephen King Award for Most Disturbing Story
Female Inflation
Full Body Inflation
Suellyn gazed at the sky-blue decanter on the table in the cellar, biting her lip as temptation grasped at her with hooked claws. Its rippled label, written in fanciful font, read "Drink Me". The glass was completely smooth; no insignia of its craftsman was present on the bottle. It felt chilled against her skin, as though it had been removed from a freezer. The air was cool in the cellar, but for it to be so cold was mysterious. It was unreasonably light, as if it was empty, yet she felt the liquid slosh inside. She set the carafe down, thoroughly confused by its existence. She was scant moments away from calling down her husband when her willpower was dealt a staggering blow by the sudden onset of cottonmouth. The sound of the stopper being removed from the phial was a symphony to Suellyn. So great had her thirst become that she had no choice but to put the decanter to her lips and drink. Liquid silk coursed down her throat and enveloped her. It was Ambrosia, the nectar of angels, bottled and abandoned in a cellar until Suellyn discovered it. It was a secret treasure for her and her alone. Suellyn drank until the bottle should have run dry. Her stomach began to stretch from the constant stream; despite the feeling of tightness she continued with reckless abandon. Not until the fabric of her dress drew tight around her middle was the bottle thoroughly consumed. She pressed her hand against her full stomach and let out a sigh. She covered a hiccup in her palm and set the bottle down. Where the decanter once stood, two scraps of paper formed an "X". Their edges were rippled, like the label on the bottle. She turned them over and gasped. One scrap read "Don't" and the other featured a drawing of a skull and crossbones. Her stomach churned when the scraps fit perfectly to the label. Then it grumbled. Then it whined. Then it swelled. She leaned against the table and pressed her hand against her raucous belly. She thought that her mind had become disconnected when she felt a push against her hand. Thinking it was simply her breathing, she held her breath. Her stomach yet pushed outward. The rest of her followed. Her body flooded. Liquid gushed from her joints, her glands, her very cells. She became instantaneously colossal – a roiling leviathan of flesh. Her breasts grew dizzyingly cartoonish, her hips and buttocks immeasurable, and her belly was an ocean given flesh. She wobbled, sloshed, and whimpered for help until her balance departed and she toppled over. Drawn by the loud splash, Devon went into the cellar to investigate. From the stairs, he could see Suellyn's hand gripping a bottle on the table. What he could not see was what became of the rest of his wife's body. That was until he saw the sky-blue liquid coating the walls and dripping from the ceiling, and he collapsed.
Female Inflation
Full Body Inflation
Dear Diary, Today, I went through my mail and I found out I was chosen as the winner of a contest. I've never won anything before so it was very exciting for me but it was also confusing. I don't have even the faintest memory of ever signing up for a contest. I suppose the whole thing must've slipped my mind somehow. Nevertheless, I got a superb prize. It was a free coupon for a two-day stay at that new spa and hot springs resort in the mountains. My friends were jealous when they learned what I won. Belle practically begged to let her come with me but I had to kindly tell her no. I think I'll take a break from my work tomorrow and take some time off. After all, I have been pretty busy at the store. Sincerely Amy Vinette, a little overworked Written on the Dog Moon's seventh day Towel in hand, Amy set off down the hall to the hot springs. After having gone through a back message and a lengthy sit in the steam room, she was ready for a long soak in the warm waters for the rest of the evening. Like a lot of women in her family, she had lovely brown eyes to complement her pretty face. Her hair was soft and sunset pink barely passing across her neck with twin bangs that ran down aside her cheeks, topped with a pair of rosebud barrettes clipped behind her ears. It was a rather juvenile look for somebody her age but her hair had been like that ever since she was little and she hadn't been able to part with it. Those who knew her best thought of her as sweet and outgoing with a bit of an inner child to sustain. Even though she could be a little immature at times, she was dedicated and hard working and she had many loving admirers. Amy worked at her family sewing shop, where she made clothing. As the year entered the midst of winter, everybody in her village needed coats, sweaters and gloves to get through the cold weather and since her sisters were married and had families of their own to take care of, she was the one to provide the needed clothing. Amy had been spending late hours into every day working hard to meet their demands and she was long due for a vacation. Luckily, she had been staying at a special spa and hot springs resort secluded in the mountains after having won that strange contest. An old Water Shaman and Medicine Man of the mountains named Elder Rimm Hanomei and his unenthusiastic nephew, Roy had been running the place. Even through they had only opened the spa less than a year ago, the two had been making great sums of money ever since. Somehow, every one of their customers left the doors feeling fully refreshed and ready to brace a new day. But Amy had not yet felt that way. Although she couldn't have been more satisfied with the services so far, she was not fully relaxed. Not only that, but something struck her as odd... Where could everybody else be?, she wondered. Aside from her, there wasn't a trace of a single customer throughout the vacant spa. "Could they all have possibly been out in the hot springs?" Before heading out, Amy put on her white, one-piece swimsuit. It fitted nicely over her trim body while leaving her arms and legs bare. Having worked with clothing before, she took the time beforehand to tailor it herself so it would meet her own measurements perfectly. She had approached the door to the hot springs when suddenly she heard the voice of Roy from behind. "Amy", he called out to her. Amy stopped and turned around. "You're just the person I wanted to see", he said. "My uncle told me to give this to you next time I saw you". He reached into the pocket of his apron and put a small, pink, spherical pill in her hand. "What's this?", she asked upon gazing at the strange item in her palm. "It's one of the complementary air therapy tablets we offer at our resort. My uncle made them himself". "An air therapy tablet?", she questioned, "what does it do?" "Well, It's a secret. I'm not supposed to tell you what it does but I can say that it has powerful healing properties and if you swallow it, it will absolutely change you for the better." Amy took a moment and looked at the pill as she pondered over its mysterious properties. What could it possibly do to help her, she wondered curiously. If it had been made by somebody as smart and powerful as the water shaman himself, it must be good. "Well I suppose I could use a change for the better. I'll give it a try", she said giving in to her curiosity and brushing her hesitation aside. She took the tablet and popped it into her mouth. She took a moment to chew it into smaller bits and then into a fine powder before finally swallowing. It had a bit of a chalky taste to it but even so, it wasn't hard for her to consume. "When does this stuff start to work", she asked as she began to look throughout her body for some sort of result. Roy chuckled. "It doesn't take long for the tablet to take effect. It should happen... pretty soon". Roy's voice began to suddenly stall as if he were holding out for time. "You'll be feeling something... right about..." His words were cut off by a gentle air-like hiss radiating throughout the room. "...Now!", finished Roy. Amy turned her head about, looking about the room for the source of the sound but found nothing. Where is that coming from?, she asked, boosting her voice over the hissing as it grew louder. Roy didn't answer. Instead he turned his head past Amy and began to yell out. Uncle, get another rope!, he shouted to the other end of the hallway. Before Amy could respond to any of the confusion, she suddenly felt her entire body start to shake as some sort of wind-like pressure began to build up within her causing her to drop her towel on the floor next to her. Her arms flew outward and she stood her ground as the feeling became stronger and she was jogged further about as the gentle breeze swaying in her body was growing every second into what seemed like a powerful tornado whirling within her. Amy couldn't believe it any of this. Especially when she figured out that the hissing sound was coming from her. "What's happening to me?", she asked to Roy whom was taking pleasure in watching Amy in her situation. Again he didn't bother to answer her but merely continued to observe eagerly as if he were only moments away from something exciting. She was about to ask again but then she was caught by surprise when she looked down and began to suddenly notice, her breasts had started to perk and expand as the pressure went rising into her upper body. Before her eyes, they pushed the top of her swimsuit forward as they doubled in size and pressed into one another while continuing to grow. Entirely dominated by this sense of force, she took focus off of her overblown chest to realize the rest of her body was swelling out as her belly and back protruded out and her once slender waistline was starting to balloon full circle. "Oh my goodness!", Amy exclaimed," That tablet I took is making me swell up! Roy, please do something, make it stop". "I certainly won't", responded Roy. "You're experiencing my uncle's medicine first-hand. You should be honored. Besides I think you look kind of cute this way" Although Amy had found no honor in being inflated like a balloon, she hadn't been able to respond back when she had found that every trace of her small, diminutive body was fading as she quickly became forcibly blown into a larger shape. Her belly was streaming forward as it inflated with what she was assuming was air and soon her feet were disappearing behind it as it swiftly conquered forth. She turned her head around in astonishment when she suddenly felt her own posterior swelling and bulging out against the back of her bathing suit. She wanted to try and stop it but she was much too preoccupied at the time with supporting her enormous front, which was swelling to the size of a beach ball, hoisting her booming breasts even higher. Her vast waist began to overwhelm her entire body taking hold of her belly and back while plumping out her sides causing her to grow rounder and wider overtime. She had to be at least five feet wide thanks to her newfound, colossal hips distending her further. Her slender legs were plumping to a pair of large pillars that started to separate from one another, as they quickly grew thicker and stubbier. Amy's body was becoming more globular with every passing second she inflated; her gargantuan belly bonding with her upper body. Her swimsuit had suffered as well, the white material fighting to stretch over every inch of the inflating woman. She tried to move her arms about but they were much too hefty, having been inflated full of air and shrunken down to the elbow. Her fat, little legs had been pulled to the opposite ends of her body, where they stood several feet apart from each other. She tried to look at the rest of her inflating body but it was pointless. Her view was obstructed by her basketball-sized breasts, which filled the span of her giant chest, each tugging the fabric of her bathing suit in a separate direction. Unlike her arms and legs, her breasts hadn't succumbed to sinking into her globular body even the slightest bit. At this point, all she could do was stand in place and continue inflating. Attempting anything else was out of her power, but then she felt her feet lift from the floor and slowly she began to go up into the air. As she went soaring, she sent out a scream as she wiggled what little of her arms and legs she had left in a pathetic effort to somehow stop herself from ascending, but it did no good. With a small, slight rebounding, she settled before the ceiling, suspended and unable to escape. Fortunately for Amy, the hissing had stopped when she had been floating off the ground and she noticed that she was no longer inflating but what was she supposed to do now? What was going to happen to her next? "Why have you done this to me?", she asked to Roy, unable to do anything else, "I feel so gigantic". "That's the whole idea.", he answered. "After all, what could be more relaxing and carefree than being a nice, fat balloon blowing in the breeze all day long?", he asked as he brought her down by her ankle and lightly patted what she assumed was her stomach. "Now aren't you glad we signed you up for our contest?" "You... signed me up?" "That's right, Back when my uncle was using his magic to create the hot springs, he offered me the chance to work for him here and I came up with the idea for this little, surprise contest of ours." "I can't believe you would trick people like that!" "Oh come now", Roy argued. "There were people out there who needed an opportunity to relax, not to mention Uncle needed the business and as for me... well personally, I've recently grown fond of larger women. Unfortunately, there were a lot of people who wouldn't be willing to try these tablets if they knew what they did, so really it was this harmless, little, white lie that actually helped out all of us." Roy snickered to himself. "Although I will say that all that money I get is certainly a bonus. One of these days, I might be able to get my own house and retire early. If that ever happens, how would you like to come live with me? I really like you especially when you're all puffed up like this and I think we have a lot in com..." "Ahem!", interrupted a gruff voice from a figure standing in the corridor. It was Elder Rimm carrying a rope in his hands. It had taken Amy a second longer to figure out it was him as her body faced the opposite direction and she was beyond turning around. "Must I remind you, Roy?", the shaman asked his nephew, "This is a place to rest the body and soul, not your own personal dating service." "I'm sorry, Uncle", apologized Roy. "Now if you would kindly stop flirting with our guest long enough, please take her out back and tie her down with the others", Elder Rimm instructed as he handed Roy the rope. "Don't dawdle; we have to tend to our next customer." "Yes uncle", Roy sighed with disappointment. Taking hold of one of her ankles in one hand and holding the rope in the other, Roy proceeded to guide Amy outside to the hot springs. "No, please change me back", Amy pleaded across the hall to the shaman as she was pulled backwards. Rimm paid no mind to her and left his end of the hallway. "Don't worry honey, you'll deflate back to normal eventually just like the others. I guarantee you'll thank us for this later", Roy reassured. "Don't call me honey!", she wailed as she wiggled about in her efforts to escape." I don't like you like that!" Passing through the doors, Amy was taken outside to the hot springs where she discovered her most shocking surprise yet. There were plenty of women outside, ballooned to the same shape and size as she was. Every one of them were floating in the breeze above the hot springs with a rope tied to them to assure they stay down to earth. Similar to Amy, they were all stuck wearing their swimsuits. Some of them whimpered and fidgeted as much as they could, while some of them giggled and bounced about, somehow content with the fact that they were fattened up like balloons. Amy was absolutely astonished upon watching. These are our other customers, said Roy as he attempted to fill in the blanks for Amy. You know, many of them won our contest as well and now they too are being treated to our air therapy. You're going to be out here for a while so you'll have the next several hours to get acquainted with them. Amy moaned as Roy took the rope and prepared to tie her down with the others. Two days later, Amy was sitting in her house writing in her diary, after having been deflated back to normal and feeling better than ever. Near the end of her trip at the hot springs, Elder Rimm and Roy had changed her back (along the other guests) and sent her on her way home. Having settled back into her lifestyle, she started to write about the recent events... Dear Diary, I was a little skeptical to the idea at first but I must admit, there is something really soothing about being blown up like a balloon. Being full of air really did wonders for my body. When I turned back to normal, I couldn't believe how soft my skin felt and how eased up I was. I've never felt so relaxed before in my entire life. In the end, I actually did thank the shaman for what he did to me. He told me I could come back for free again if I bring a friend next time. I think I might do that. After all, I'm certainly not one to let such a good offer go to waste. When I go back, I think I'll ask Belle if she'll want to come with me. She'll be in for a real treat. Sincerely Amy Vinette, pampered and refreshed Written on the Dog Moon's tenth day Amy went to bed and slept soundly throughout the rest of the night. Thanks to Elder Rimm Hanomei, the water shaman of the mountains, she was ready to return to the store tomorrow.
Female Inflation
Inflatable Clothing
My name is Holmes, Sarah Holmes, consulting detective, though admittedly I'm not actually very good at it, oh I solve the case, but more by luck than judgement. This completely true story is about the London Blimp Advertising Company and how I solved the case. It all started about two weeks ago, when my partner in crime as it were, burst through my office door."Watson! Careful, you'll knock over my experiment." I yelled. "A case Holmes! A case! People are, I mean famous people are missing." she gesticulated at me. I looked at her, she was slightly disheveled, by the look of the mud on her boots, she'd been down by the docks, a quick glance at her hair, she'd been very near the water recently, it was black and wet for a start. I go back to my experiment. "Cheese, and marmite Watson, on toast." I mumble at her. "You want me to get some for you?" she replies. "No Watson, it's my experiment, cheese and marmite on toast. It's very tasty, you want some?". She looks at me like I'm not being serious. "OK then... What's this case?" She explained to me that famous people are going missing, and we'd been summoned to the Director of the Greater London Broadcasting Company to find out why.We arrive at the offices by the docks and it's raining, again, now I may have been wrong about where Watson had been previously, maybe it had been raining, and maybe the mud was not from the docks, I look up and think, and spot a shiny round black advertising balloon hovering about 50ft above the office building. "Bounce, Freeview Channel 9 - 10pm" it said in bright pink balloony letters. "Those things are a menace Watson, especially with all the air traffic around here." I moan. "Yes Holmes, but they're the future of advertising apparently, they've been springing up all over."I ponder this briefly, shrug and go into the offices. "Holmes to see the Director" I chirp to the receptionist. She doesn't look like she likes this job at all, the uniform she was wearing was unusual too, kind of a normal skirt suit you'd expect a receptionist to wear, but shiny, skin tight and looked a bit sort of, rubbery. I take a mental note. She huffs and rings up to the Directors office. "Can you go straight up please. Take the lift to the first floor and it's room 101. No, don't do the jokes about room 101 please, I've heard them all before." she says as belligerent as it could sound. We take the lift and Watson and I look at each other deep in thought, probably thinking the same thing about the receptionist's outfit.I knock quietly on the door of room 101 and it swings open slowly. We walk in and are greeted by the sight of a very large glass desk, behind which is a huge leather backed office swivel chair, there's someone obviously in it. The chair turns around and we see the Director. "Ah... Holmes." she says as I quickly take stock of who is in front of me. She's approximately 5'10" judging by where she comes to sitting in the chair, she has red hair, not her natural colour, slim build but curvy hips, she's wearing a similar outfit to the receptionist, and probably has a huge ego. She's got an eye patch over one eye, and a pale complexion and she was snapping her fingers at my face. "Holmes... Holmes..." she says to me "You're staring. My name is Georgina, Director General of GLBC". I shake myself out of it and shake her gloved hand. "Holmes, people are missing. My people. I don't want the police involved yet, which is why I hired you. Your fees are reasonable, and I want to keep this low key, do you understand." she says, quite forcefully, her rubbery outfit was squeaking with her every move. "The uniforms" I say "are quite unusual here.""Yes, we have them especially made for our staff, every one of our staff" she replies. "We tend to get quite a lot of female staff on our station, in fact, they all are female, except some of the stars of our shows of course.""Of course." I nod and take mental notes, looking around the office for any signs of anything unusual. "So can you take me to where some of these disappearances have happened?"She took me to the main studio, it was set up for what looked to be a game show, we looked down from the gallery, across the audience seats to the studio floor. There was a boxing type ring in the middle of the studio floor with two huge cylinders either side with the letters "He" on them."This is for our new game show, it's called Bounce, we just finished a set of rehearsals this afternoon and we're broadcasting live from 10 tonight. I'll let you sit in on the audience if you like." Georgina said. "This is where we last saw Jennifer our Bounce presenter, we were practicing the opening lines for the show tonight she went off to her dressing room and wasn't seen again, then the week before there was one of our late night music show presenters gone missing from her dressing room""We'll need to see the dressing room." I say. Watson went off to have a scout around the studio floor as we went off to the dressing room. Georgina replied "I'll leave you to it for now. I've got business to attend to, we need a new presenter for tonight, the dressing room is number 12, just down the corridor on the left."I look around the dressing room, nothing unusual really, costumes on rails at the back of the room, makeup, a chair, all the usual things. I sit down on the chair and spin it. It's not that comfortable for a chair, something kept digging me in the back. I get up and fumble through the costumes at the back of the room on the rail. They all seem to be made from rubber, and are various colours, red, black, blue, yellow, all look like skin tight one piece suits, they all have zips up the back. They must be for the game show, anyway, so the presenter was getting dressed in here before she disappeared. I drum my fingers on the counter top in front of me, slightly dejected as there wasn't much to go on. I spot a bit of paper put on the mirror.Note to JenniferPut on costume #42 for rehearsal, bell at 1:30pm, don't be late.I check through the costumes, they all seem to be there except numbers 23, 18, and 42. I look through the costumes for something in my size. 12, no, haven't been a 12 for a long time. Size 16, suit #1, says "Prototype" on the label. This will do. If you want to get into the mindset of someone, you have to think like them, dress like them, do what they did. I lock the door and strip down, pick up the cold rubbery suit and pull it up my legs, onto my body, over my boobs and put my arms in, I look over my shoulder at the zip, on the counter there was a length of wire with a hook on the end, that'll do, I attach it and pull up the zipper."Oooh nice" I say slightly too loudly. I'm looking at myself in the mirror, clad from neck to toe in rubbery fabric, my blonde hair makes a nice contrast to the dark suit. I run my hands over my ample looking boobs and down my front. Feels nice and warm now. I slump back into the chair, there's a faint click, I spin it around wondering what to do next.I now hear a slight whirring and faint hissing noise. Huh. I wonder what that is. I feel a slight cold sensation in my back, I can't get up out of the chair, something is holding me back. "Do not be alarmed" a calm voice says from out of nowhere. "It's pretty hard not to be alarmed when you have a disembodied voice telling you not to be alarmed" I shout at nobody in particular."Do not be alarmed, the inflation process will not take long, approximately 2 minutes". The disembodied voice sounded familiar.I look down, my breasts seemed to be growing bigger. Well, not my breasts, the suit's breasts, it didn't matter anyway, something was making me grow bigger. I could see my legs were fattening up too, screw this and screw whoever was doing this. I struggle to try to free myself, but the pressure is getting too much. I put my hands over my stomach, only to find they can't reach each other as that too was seemingly blowing up. I look in the mirror, enormous breasts and a belly pressing upwards, now my arms ping out to the sides with the pressure in the suit. The arms of the chair fold down as does the back. "Final launch sequence" the disembodied voice said."Launch sequence?! WATSON!" I shout. There's another click and the chair releases me. I stagger up and look in the mirror, my arms and legs are rapidly disappearing into my ever expanding torso. I now look like an enormous black shiny beach ball with small arms and legs out of the sides. I can see sticking out of the back, just under the zip is a hose. The hissing grows stronger and I inflate rapidly, my hands and feet are being embedded into the suit now making pits, and the suit is inflating up past my chin."10... 9...." Oh great, a countdown, just fantastic. "6... 5...."The hissing stopped, another click, the best I can do is look upwards at the ceiling now through what is a tunnel of rubber to the roof of the dressing room. I hear another click and I rise off the floor."3... 2... 1" "WAAAATSOOOOON" as I shout the roof above me opens up to reveal the sky outside, it's still raining. I float upwards and feel a slight tug as I'm stopped. "You will not float away" said the voice "You have been tethered for further processing"
Male Inflation
Full Body Inflation
or, "Aesop? Aesop Who?" Once upon a time there lived Roger Thumm, who was generally called "Rog" by acquaintances. But it wasn't out of affection that people used the clipped form of his name. "Rog" was short for "Roger" ... and Roger was, well, just plain short. In fact, "short" doesn't do his condition justice. He was not a midget nor a dwarf. He was tiny, downright doll size at a mere six inches. And it did not make him pleasant to be around, as he was bitter and whiny. Naturally, school was hell, as his size made him prime for bullies, who would kick Rog "accidentally" during gym class. "Sorry, squirt!" one bully would say. "That's the sound he'd make if you stepped on him like a bug," said another. "Squirrrrt!" The only thing Rog had to look forward to was cheerleader practice, where he'd sit and watch the young, nubile bodies dance and gyrate for him. Of particular significance to Rog was Pam Cavanaugh, whose nickname was "The Fox" due to the fact that she was... well, just plain foxy. The short-haired, lithe-figured brunette sat on the bench in front of the stadium bleachers, her lovely legs crossed under her cheerleader skirt as she gazed out on the field. It took weeks of collecting courage, but Rog attempted to strike up a conversation with her. He walked up to the bench where she sat, unable to lift himself up onto the seat beside her. His consolation was that he was able to easily see up her skirt. "Hi, Pam!" he said. Pam, of course, was considerably greater in size, stature, and social standing. So she ignored him. This infuriated the long-frustrated Rog. "I said, Hi, Pam!" She didn't so much as blink. Rog's face turned red with frustration. He deserved more dignity than this! "You think you're so much better than me? Is that it?!" Of course she was better than him, and of course that was it. "You're not that great, you know," Rog lied. "I bet you'd talk to me if I were bigger than you!" No response. "Fine! You think you can ignore me when I'm small? Try ignoring me when I'm bigger than you!" And with that, Rog took a deep breath, and after several moments of strain, his belly puffed out, inflating suddenly like a balloon to a pump. He blew harder and harder, and his body swelled bigger, so big that his midsection became rounder like a ball, his arms forced upwards by the expansion. And still he puffed, filling out like a balloon version of himself, blowing up and out to twice his size. "Look, Pam! Is this big enough?" Pam might have briefly rolled her eyes. If she had, it would have been the only acknowledgment of Rog's existence so far. "How about this?" Rog puffed and puffed and puffed. His body swelled in all directions, becoming a spherical shape that now engulfed most of his arms and legs. Watching to see Pam's expression--and not seeing any change--he kept blowing and blowing and blowing. He blew up to several times his original size, which still only made him about the size of a beach ball. The effort was taking away Rog's breath, and he perhaps realized the truth: He'd never match Pam's size. She was too great. But all he had to do was get big enough so that she couldn't possibly ignore him. And so he blew. And he blew. And blew and blew! Like the beach ball he resembled, he inflated bigger and bigger, so big that he could now actually see above her skirt. He puffed and inflated, inflated and grew, grew and expanded. She had to have noticed him, a big balloon growing at her feet. Yet still she paid no attention to him. "C'mon, Pam, look at me! I'm a huge balloon! I'm getting bigger for you!" Pam sighed, her eyes looking straight ahead. "That does it! I'll make you notice me or I'll try till I pop!" It perhaps wasn't the best laid of plans, but he tried anyway. Despite her towering size, and despite her obvious superiority, Rog continued to seek her attention by blowing himself up bigger. He puffed and he puffed and he puffed, straining to get ever bigger, his puffing sounds starting to be drowned out by some rubbery squeaks coming from his bloated, round body. But Pam kept ignoring him, so he kept puffing, kept getting bigger, kept inflating and inflating... "Pam!" he called out breathlessly. "Please! Look at me! I'll pop if you don't notice me soon! Look! I'm a balloon for you! I'll BURST for you!" As if Pam cared. He took the longest, deepest breath he could. And he inflated once again, getting bigger, bigger, bigger ...! "Look at me! Watch me pop! I'm going to POP for you! I'm going to--!!" Ka-POW!! The sudden loud noise made Pam jump. She turned to look at the shreds of Rog lying in the grass. And, noticing him at last, ... she laughed.
Female Inflation
Aysha soon grew weary of Gabrielle's one-upmanship. Aysha would blow a week's salary on a dress, only to have Gabrielle show up the next day with a pricier one. Aysha would pimp her ride, only to have Gabrielle show up the next day with her new Lexus. Aysha's iPod held a billion tunes. Gabrielle's? A billion and six. It didn't help that Gabrielle got her expensive bling from Aysha's ex-boyfriend, yet another thunder that Gabrielle had stolen from her. In all that time, Aysha merely took it all on the chin; but inside, things were building up, until she thought she might explode. Explode...? An evil smile spread across her full lovely lips. Cheerleader practice ended for another day, and hot atheletic young women scattered in various directions across the football field, leaving Aysha to face Gabrielle's oversized mouth alone. "Girl, did I tell you I beat your SAT score by 25 points?" Gabrielle asked for the seventh time. "About six or seven times," Aysha answered. "Did I tell you I got into Cornell?" "About fifteen times," Aysha said, whose thoughts of her future at UW-Madison did little to ease that wound. "Sure gonna miss you when you're gone, girlfriend." She tried to smile, but it came out more like a smirk. "Oh, you'll still be seeing a lot of me," Gabrielle intoned. "Not around this dump, of course. I'm going to be a model, and everyone's gonna see me. I'm gonna be HUGE." "I don't doubt it," Aysha mumbled. "What's that?" "I want to show you something," said Aysha, pulling a purple pack of gum from her purse. "Girl, are you frontin' me?" "Just watch," said Aysha. "This is a-MAZ-ing." She tore out a piece of gum and tossed it into her mouth, as a confused Gabrielle scrunched her lovely, dark, and prominent nose. "What is that, bubblegum? So what?" Aysha held up a finger. "More'n bubblegum, girl," she said. "Balloon gum. Just wait." Gabrielle watched Aysha chew for a while, until her eyes grew wide. "Girl, your face is messed up!" Indeed, Aysha's face began to change colour. Her nose, then her cheeks, then her forehead, lost their delicate brown shade and morphed into a bright purple. Aysha just nodded and smiled, continuing to chew. She held out her arms, which were also turning purple. Soon her legs followed suit. "Girl, that is WHACK!" said Gabrielle. "Who wants to look like a damn blueberry?" "You haven't seen the best part," said Aysha. "Keep watching." And Gabrielle's jaw dropped as Aysha's thighs suddenly plumped up, and her trunk shot out from the back of her cheerleader skirt. Gabrielle was about to ask "WTF?!" but Aysha's big grin let her know that this was exactly what she wanted to happen. Her waist grew outward, tearing seams in her outfit. Her breasts shot forward, expanding in circumference, ripping her top down the center. Her purple belly bulged like an instant pregnancy. Aysha continued smiling as every part of her body swelled up and bloated. Her stubby fingers could no longer hold the pack of gum, and it fell to the ground. All the while her body kept growing and growing, at first looking hugely fat, but quickly looking more and more like a giant balloon being inflated. Soon her middle was totally ball-shaped, her stubby legs disappearing from view under her billowing midsection. And in moments, she looked like nothing but a giant blueberry with hands, feet, and a smiling pretty face on top. Gabrielle just watched in a mixture of horror and fascination as Aysha continued to grow like a balloon ball, shredding her cheerleader outfit as she rapidly outgrew it, inflating and inflating like a blimp. Only now did Gabrielle become aware of a "whoosh"-ing sound from Aysha, like a balloon being steadily pumped up and up. She stepped back from Aysha, then back again, as she had to make room for Aysha's constant expansion. Gabrielle watched for several more seconds in stunned silence, staggered at the enormous balloon that had been her rival, blowing out to what appeared to be 10 feet wide and 12 feet high, and still growing bigger and bigger... "Girl, you gonna POP!" "Don't be silly," Aysha called down from her overbearing position. "I had only one piece. You think I'd take this gum if I thought I'd explode?" And sure enough, with a foot more growth in every direction, the whooshing quieted, her expansion slowed, and soon she came to a stop, a large but turgid balloon of a cheerleader. "You okay, girl?" Gabrielle asked. "Never better," said Aysha, and she meant it. "It feels wonderful! I feel so big and beautiful! And of course, I'm WAY bigger than you!" Aysha knew exactly how Gabrielle would take that statement. Gabrielle looked at the dropped gum. "What's to stop me from trying some of that stuff myself?" "I wish you could," Aysha said with a feigned sigh. "It really feels good, being so big! But I don't think you could handle being this big. You'd probably pop before you got half this big." "You dissin' me now, girlfriend!" said Gabrielle, picking up the pack of gum. "If you really must try it," Aysha warned, "remember to take just one piece! You couldn't handle more than that!" "Oh, it's ON, now!" said Gabrielle, and she quickly unwrapped every single piece of gum in left in the pack. Aysha stiffled a giggle. So, so predictable. Gabrielle voraciously stuffed the entire pack into her mouth, which she could now barely close in an attempt to chew the enormous amount of gum. Her cheeks plumped up as she made her best attempt. Aysha wished she had a closer view, but she could barely see over her engorged waistline. But she figured she'd get a good view soon enough. And she did. Oh, did she ever. In moments, Gabrielle turned a light purple. Then a dark purple. Then a very, very dark purple. Then her entire body--arms, legs, torso, everything--bloated up all at once. Her eyes shot open in excitement as she saw her purple body filling up. "Mere uh go!" she called out through a muffled mouth full of gum. And off she went. She blew up so fast that her cheerleader outfit practically flew off her in shreds. The whooshing sound was loud and fierce as she inflated like a balloon, surging several feet round, rapdily approaching Aysha's grand size. "Look!" said Gabrielle, swallowing some of the gum whole so she could speak better. "I'm almost as big as you already! And I'm just getting started!" Aysha said nothing but just smiled knowingly. Just keep right on growing, girl, she thought to herself. Gabrielle got bigger and bigger, soon reaching Aysha's size, then surpassing it. "See?" she called out to her now-smaller companion. "I toldja I wouldn't burst! You're just sad to see me get way bigger than your sorry ass! And I can feel myself getting bigger! I'm gonna be huge, I just know it!" "You stupid ho!" Aysha called up to her. "Don't you get it? No one can eat that much gum and not explode! You're going to blow up until you pop!" "Girl, you be lyin'," Gabrielle said, still chewing vigorously. "This feels great! I can't wait to be bigger! Everyone's gonna see me, cuz I'm so great! Ain't no one ever gonna see anyone as big as me!" Indeed, she was now twice the size of Aysha, and still growing rapidly. Aysha watched her rival take up more and more of the field, rising into the sky, a giant, happy blueberry balloon. Soon Gabrielle's belly was pushing against Aysha's bloated form. Already unable to move, Aysha began to wonder how big Gabrille would get--and if she'd burst before Aysha got squashed. "This is so great!" Gabrielle called out to the sky. "I'm so big! SO BIG! And I'm gonna get bigger, I can feel it! I'm gonna be huge! I'm gonna be gigantic! I'm gonna be the biggest thing ever!" All the while, Gabrielle's body took up more and more of the field, pressing harder and harder against Aysha, who moaned as the pressure built from Gabrielle's body pushing against her. Aysha began to bulge on one side, as Gabrielle squeezed into her tighter... tighter... tigher... "You thought you were big, girlfriend?" Gabrielle asked. "You thought you were big?! THIS is big!" Indeed, she was now bigger than a house, bigger than a building, still growing... Aysha moaned louder as she heard squeaking coming from her compressed body. She bulged comically to one side, as her ballooning rival continued squishing her... "Who's big?" Gabrielle called down to Aysha. "WHO'S BIG?!" Aysha's squeaking grew louder as the pressure mounted. "Y-y-you are." "And who's gonna pop?!" Gabrielle shouted. "Who's gonna pop?!" I am!, thought Aysha, who realized that Gabrielle had one-upped her for the last time before... POP!! Aysha burst like a squashed blueberry. "I am the biggest!" Gabrielle shouted to the world as she contined to grow larger, larger, larger. "I am the biggest!! And I'm still gettin' bigger! I'm gonna be so huge, you won't believe it! Just watch me--!!" Had anyone been around to notice it, they would have seen a brief moment, so very brief, as Gabrielle's boasting abruptly halted, her eyes shot open wide as if a sudden, horrifying realization just hit her. As her body grew to its absolute limit, she experienced a rare moment of clarity, just before she exceeded her capacity and knew it was... The End.
Prose that Blows X: We're Dedicated Swallowers of Fashion
Female Inflation
Full Body Inflation
Drenched in the summer heat, fair-goers were having a miserable time at this year's state fair. The humidity made fried foods undesirable, and the attendees were getting impatient waiting for the day's main attraction. This attraction was none other than the State Fair's Wet T-Shirt Contest, a coy event to help certain fair-goers beat the heat while putting on a show for everyone else. In the interest of cooling off, Karin found herself staring at the tented stage for this contest, often glancing over to her friend Shara to see if she was also debating the option. College girls in their 20s, Karin and Shara had been best friends since their freshman year, and today was just another excursion in their ordinary college life. "Contest starts in 15 minutes folks," announced an on-stage judge, "We'll be accepting sign ups right up until the last minute, so get in it for a chance to win it!" After some arguing, the girls decided that they didn't come out to the fair just to let bad weather send them home. So, they nervously approached the stage. "Hi," Karin asked, "where do we sign up for the contest?" "Here," gestured a judge, "just sign this form. Y'know, liability 'n whatnot." After signing the form, they were shown to the dressing area. Neither of the girls had came to the fair with the idea of entering the contest, so they found themselves in a need of a white tee. Not one to back out, Karin decided to deal with wearing one of the dubious "free Ts" the staff made available. Before heading out, she gave herself one look-over in a mirror. The white-T went nice with her jean shorts; giving her the girl-next-door look. "Good enough," she decided. After a few minutes of changing, Shara was ready as well. The white T didn't quite go with her yoga shorts, but if there was one thing Shara had, it was an ass that made yoga shorts look godly. She could make them work with anything. Satisfied, they walked over to the waiting area where the rest of the contestants were standing. There were twenty other contestants, most of whom were college girls much like Karin and Shara. After a short wait, the announcer was beckoning all of the girls on stage, where they were greeted by a sizable crowd. As the crowd cheered, a loud voice boomed "LET'S GET WET!" And with that, sprinklers began to douse the ladies onstage. As the water soaked Karin's skin and clothes, she began to feel queasy. Convinced that stage-fright was making her physically ill, Karin became worried over the sick feeling in her stomach. When she put a hand to her midriff, her hand met a burgeoning potbelly. Karin shrieked in disbelief, looking down to find a large, glistening belly. Her gaze darted over to her friend, where she saw that Shara was also suffering the same problem. As Karin surveyed the stage, she realized all of the women were getting heavier. What started out as a Wet T-Shirt contest was starting to look like a Maternity Fashion show. Karin and Shara were now looking to be in their third trimester of pregnancy. Desperate, Karin attempted to shove her new gut back to its flat state. However, after a few failed attempts, Karin noticed something – it wasn't gas or food that was causing her to bloat... "It's the water!" shouted Karin As if on cue, every girl on stage screamed in a wave of panic. Their ensuing attempts to flee where thwarted by the dozens of pounds they accrued. Between their changing center of mass and the slippery surface of the stage, very few girls escaped the chaos. Karin was one of six women who managed to escape the stage. Taking review of herself, Karin saw that she looked full term and ready to burst. Her white T clung to her pale, gigantic stomach for dear life. The water had made her clothing stick to her skin, and her growth was making it stretch past its limits. Her ass and breats were fuller, but she was mostly okay. That's when Karin turned around to see who was left behind. On stage there were fifteen globular women. Their bodies no longer looked human, instead they looked like giant exercise balls with the faces and limbs of people. As their surface area grew larger, they soaked more and more water, growing ad infinitum. With no chance to move, each girl wailed for help as they wriggled their limbs in vain. Amidst the group, Karin spotted Shara, whose limbs were recessing into her spherical mass. Her white T-shirt had long since torn down the center, fragments of the cloth clinging to where her arms used to be. Her bra had snapped, leaving her top half completely exposed, a shimmering-wet water balloon. The only part of her that wasn't overtaken by the water was her yoga shorts, still holding on in face of certain destruction. The fabric was stretched beyond reason, squeezing Shara with a ferocity that was causing her face to turn red. The pressure was making it hard for her to cry out, but Karin knew that she needed help. With each passing moment, the girls on-stage were growing heavier, making rescue impossible. Karin knew that Shara would be too heavy to move off-stage, but she couldn't just leave Shara behind. So, she walked back into the fray. Approaching the stage, Karin witnessed the increasing severity of the situation. The growth factor of all the girls was reaching exponential amounts. Shreds of white t-shirts were everywhere, with all of the girls having long ago grown past their limitations. Here and there were other articles of clothing, but the final article of resistance was still giving its last battle cry – and those were Shara's yoga shorts. The creaking of the over-stretched fabric grew louder, until finally it reached an apex, followed by a load snap that echoed throughout the fairgrounds. Karin strode forth through the downpour until she hoisted herself on-stage. Circling around Shara, Karin soon found her friend's face. Scrunched in an expression of pressure, Shara was barely recognizable. Hesitantly, Karin touched Shara's side, feeling the tautness of her skin. Gradually, the sounds of creaking and overstretched skin formed a symphony. The loudest sounds were coming from the largest competitor, whose gigantic mass had the unfortunate position of being bombarded by every water outlet. Her size was starting to reach towards the roof of the tent, but the red marks on her skin were a telling sign that she wasn't going to outlast it. In a rising crescendo of groans and creaks, her final moment was one, unexpectedly long silence. And then, BANG. A torrent of water exploded outwards onto the rest of the contestants, causing a chain reaction of bursting that unleashed wave after wave upon Karin and Shara. Karin's growing body exploded through her shirt and ripped through her jeans in seconds. Each wave of water added to the surmounting pressure, until only Karin and Shara were left. Shara was far larger than any of the other girls had grown, nearing 30 feet in diameter, and her body was directly crushing Karin's. In a moment of clarity, Karin wondered if she would burst before Shara. As time slowed, Karin and Shara wailed in unison, accompanied by an orchestra of creaking skin, until their bodies gave out to one titanic BANG.
humor, magic, popping, succubus
Female Inflation
Full Body Inflation
Monique couldn't believe it was working. Who would have thought that a twenty dollar pseudo-pregnancy potion and some bullshitting would have so much mileage in a high school reunion? Her old classmates were noticing for the first time that she actually existed, and some of the ladies were --she couldn't believe it-- actually jealous of her. It was amazing! Just another half hour to go and then everyone will think she has a fiance named Chad and a cozy apartment in Boston! Then she'll have at least twenty years to figure out what to do with her life, get a job, move out of mom and dad's house, start dating, and all that other stuff too. More than enough time, right? She also could have believed someone had swapped her heart for a timpani and lodged it in her throat. This was the final stretch, after all. Everything falls apart in the final stretch. Every. Single. Time. It's like one of the laws of physics or something. Newton's first law of bullshitting: everything goes wrong in the final stretch. The attention is great and all, but why won't they just go bother someone else now? Why did she have to be the center of attention? Why not, like, the event horizon of attention or something? She had no idea how long until her potion would start wearing off, and if she wasn't history before it did she was royally fucked. Monique was also kicking herself for not buying a second potion to make sure her clothes actually fit before going. Her dress was a full body tourniquet, and the neon green color made her feel like a walking lime. Her ass was about as well covered as one would expect in a pornography story, and it wasn't like she could get any of her panties to fit properly and comfortably so she had to go commando. Which of course meant shuffling everywhere like an old lady to keep anyone from getting an easy peek at her crotch. She felt, and to some degree looked, like a camwhore. If she ever wanted to know what a sausage felt like, she sure as hell knew now. She barely managed to stuff her tits inside of her bra this morning. God, why won't they just go away? At this point, she just wanted to go hide in a dark room until this was all over. I mean, being noticed is great, but privacy is a little underrated. "Shit!" And now she was drenched in some stupid redhead's stupid glass of stupid water. Just when it couldn't get any worse. "Did I get you?" The bimbo asked. "Shit, I'm so sorry! Fuck, I knew I shouldn't have worn these heels. I roll my ankles in them all the time!" Monique laughed it off, "It's okay, it happens. No problem!" But she was actually pissed the fuck off. "Hold on, I've got some napkins in my purse." The redhead pulled a baseball sized handful of wrinkly old napkins out of her dime-sized purse and shoved it in Monique's hands. "I'll go to the bathroom and get some paper towels, too!" "No, no, no! No, it's--" And she was gone. Fucking great. The napkins didn't really help much. Rocks were more absorbent than these things. She couldn't uncrumple half of them without ripping them apart. And the constant bombardment of comments from everyone around her didn't exactly dry her clothes any faster. Why won't they go away? Who was that, anyway? She didn't remember any redheads in high school. Certainly no one that looked like her. Drop dead gorgeous face, six feet tall, cannonball breasts, and her hair wasn't just red-- it looked like it was set on fire. Anyone that looked like her, Monique would have remembered. Why did she have so many in the first place? And why are they all from Burger Wiz? Monique uncrumpled the last napkin, which apparently had black streaks on it. "Oh, it's sharpie." Monique's blood froze. Written in big letters was "LIAR LIAR PANTS ON FIRE". "Oh, look at that! Out of napkins, I'm going to, uh-- yeah." Monique shoved her way through her circle of parasites and went so far as to walk to the bathroom, to the butt-clenching terror of her dress. She burst through the door and scanned the line of stalls. Her heels clacked on the white tile floor, driving her crazy with anxiety on her way to the first stall. She pushed the door and peeked in. Empty. What about the second one? Empty. Third? Empty. Fourth? Empty. Fifth? Empty. Aw, hell. Empty. "Where the hell is she?" Just in case she somehow missed her, she checked the stalls again on her way to the door. Empty again, of course. She grabbed a paper towel and wiped herself a little bit drier, taking the opportunity to make funny faces at herself in the mirror in the meantime, as was the habit of someone as desperately lonely as her, and totally normal. Well, at least she told herself that. At least she did manage to look rather attractive in her dress. It really couldn't have worked without her freshly tanned skin, which gave her a deceivingly healthy glow. It was a good thing she took a nap at the beach yesterday. "I'm lucky I tan so good. I walk outside and just-- bam! I couldn't bother to put in the effort if it wasn't so easy." She grabbed another paper towel. "I bet that dumb redhead burns like paper in the summer." "You'd be surprised, actually. My skin holds up pretty well." Her reflection said. Have you ever had the wind knocked out of you? Sort of like how your body feels at the bottom of a roller coaster, where your organs just turn into mashed potatoes in your feet and your brain feels like a water balloon? At the moment, Monique was feeling remarkably similar to that. Her reflection continued, "I mean, I can't tan for the life of me, but that's not worth caring for if I'm honest. Especially when I look ten times better than you." Apparently, Monique had fallen into some lucid dream. Her reflection took on a life of it's own. It's eyes changed from her familiar chestnut brown to a sulphuric yellow while a terrifyingly smug grin unveiled a bandolier of carnivorous canines. Her black hair grew longer before Monique's eyes, while the strands peeled apart like bananas and exposed a disturbingly familiar red color beneath. Hell, it clearly wasn't her reflection anymore. Like wet paint in a rainstorm, her olive skin withered away until it was an albacore white. Wait, is it taller now? Her belly shrank until it was flat and trim, while her breasts got even bigger. Finally, to top it all off, two little horns --which if it weren't for the terrifying circumstances could almost be called cute-- poked out of her hair like a pair of bamboo shoots. "Wait, you-- you're the redhead!" "Wow, really? I had no idea! Anything else you wanna tell me I already know? Oh, I know! Tell me that I'm in a mirror! Go on, do it!" "Uh, y-you're in a--" "Shut up!" The redhead climbed onto the counter and grinned. Her menacing teeth sparkled as she spoke. "I love this part." The redhead slowly pressed her hand on the glass, which bent and deformed around her fingers like gelatin. It snapped back when it got as far as her wrists. She pushed her other arm through, and then her head. It was like watching an actually decent horror film. It wasn't until the redhead was halfway through that Monique made an uncomfortable observation. "Why-- uh, why are you naked?" "Personal preference." The redhead was as far out as her waist, wiggled her butt out, and gracelessly plopped onto the floor. "Oh, damn it! Well, I guess there's no point in a second take." As the readhead climbed back onto the counter to pose like she should have done, Monique rushed for the door and jerked on the handle. "What, you're not stupid enough to think that someone who can crawl out of a fucking mirror world couldn't lock doors, right? Tell me that much." The mirror directly behind the redhead started to fog up. Monique pulled on the door as hard as she could, but it wouldn't budge. "You done yet?" Monique turned around and pressed her back against the door. "I-- Uh, who..." "Who are you, what are you, I'm so scared, blah blah blah. I'll give you the short version: Hi, I'm a demon and my name is Alba, nice to meet you, let's get down to brass tacks." "Uh, O-Our father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy--" Alba recoiled in faux horror. "Oh! Oh, no! She's saying the Lord's Prayer! What ever shall I do? I'm burning! I'm burning!" She burned Monique with her eyes, "You feel stupid, yet? 'Cause if you don't, I could keep going." Alba hopped down from the counter. "Stupidity's cute, ain't it? And let me tell you, you are being --so-- cute right now." Monique backed away as Alba sashayed closer until the electric shock of the cold bathroom wall hit her in the spine. Alba slithered up to Monique in an almost grotesque display of malicious confidence. She put a broiling hand on Monique's distended gut and slipped the other behind the small of her back. Monique began to sweat from the sudden heat coming from Alba's furnace of a body. "And you are so bad at lying that insulting would be a compliment." Her hand glowed briefly, and Monique's belly deflated. "Hey, hey! What's going on? Stop it! What are you doing?!" "Something to piss you off." "I-- Is that all?" "Pfft, like I'd let you off that easy. Babe, we are going to have so much fun!" Alba grabbed Monique's arms and tugged her into a stall. "By the way, if you tell Hilda about any of this, I'll fucking kill you 'till you're dead." "Who's--" "Shut up." Alba half-pushed, half-placed Monique on the toilet, and hastily sat on her lap. Monique was a chemistry set of emotions. Alba took a deep breath, as if to say "let's start over" and then played with Monique's hair. Her other hand was gently placed very high on Monique's thigh. "Babe, you are so utterly and royally screwed, I hope you realize that. I mean, I don't really have a way to justify what I'm going to do to you, but you have a good enough list of sins to call it karma." "What are you talking about?" "Sloth, for one. Besides that, you're a pathological liar, and a bit of a perv to be honest. I mean, just how many times did you steal other girls' underwear in gym class? Forty five, forty six? And you sold a whole bunch of 'em to that kid who turned out to be a sex offender, so the cards aren't really stacked in your favor on this. Sorry!" "Wha- I- H-How do you know that?!" "I'm a fucking demon, do you really need to ask?" Alba's hand glowed as it moved up from Monique's thigh to her stomach. "Tell you what, Let me give you back that 'baby bump' and then some. I'm thinking that I'll put a good ol' curse on you..." Alba moved her fingers in a circle on her belly, "Liquidize all that delicious guilt you're carrying around into a fluid-- and plop it right in your belly!" "Oh, god! Please, don't!" Alba laughed. "I wish I could! No, I'm going to put a neat little conduit in your gut. I mean, it's not as ironic, but you'll fill up with magicks till you burst, so who cares? Like I said, think of it as karma." "Oh, god!" "Exciting, right? I just figured out how to do it, too!" Monique tried to pull herself up, but Alba was deceptively heavy. Evil is an incredibly dense material, after all. Alba laughed at the attempt. "Babe, if I were you --and boy am I glad I'm not-- I would just sit tight and enjoy the ride while it lasts." Something stirred deep inside Monique's abdomen, shifting and moving like an eel. Her stomach, no, her whole body heated up like a fire was kindled and growing in strength. "Toasty, right?" Alba rubbed her hand up to the hem of Monique's dress and dug her dagger-like finger under the cloth. An effortless twitch later, a four inch long rip cascaded up her thigh. Again on the other side, and her dress was utterly ruined. Alba gently grabbed hold of the inner corners of the rips, and with another effortless yank upward, the whole front of Monique's dress was ripped off like a bandaid. "I want a better view." The fiery stirring grew hotter and larger until Monique's whole body was practically cooking. "Am I... glowing?" Monique said. Indeed she was. It was faint, but a definite purple glow emanated from her belly. "Well, look at that, your aura is purple. The more you know." Monique cringed and clenched her teeth. "Poor baby, you have a tummy-ache? Let momma kiss it bye-bye." The purple glow brightened by just a hair, and a faint gurgle from her belly washed a wave of excitement over Alba, and threw Monique into a sea of terror. Her skin tightened all over, and she grunted impulsively. "Come on, it's not that bad." A slight paunch snuck its way forward. Monique glowed just a little brighter. Alba crossed her legs and drummed her fingers on Monique's thigh. "Why is it so slow?" Monique's brain attempted to process what was happening, but made it about halfway through before calling it a day. Alba sprang to her feet and stormed her way to the counter and hopped on. She shifted from position to position, staring at Monique as the poor victim slowly grew. Her entire body was filling simultaneously, and taking it's fucking time while it was at it. Monique's belly grew so slowly it might as well have been really pregnant. Her limbs were clearly stiff, so there was none of the rubbing and exploring that novices typically did, and quite honestly, the pace was so slow it really killed the mood. To sum it up, Alba was totally put off and quite irritated. "Hurry the fuck up, you stupid conduit!" Monique's body was torturously tight, and her limbs slowly straightened outward. It was getting harder to stay seated, especially because her back was pushing against the flusher. "Umm... Excuse me? Miss, uh, demon lady?" Alba sighed and dropped her head into her hands. "It's Alba." "Alba?" "What?" "Can, uh, can you please move me out of the stall? I'm getting stuck." Monique's sides were glancing the stall walls, and she was close to getting trapped. Alba sighed again. "Fine." Alba hopped off the counter and yanked Monique out of the stall, though the remaining space in the bathroom wasn't very promising. At least she was finally getting round. She looked like a distorted Vitruvian woman with her comically round body and outstretched limbs. Alba tried to glean something exciting or erotic from it, but it wasn't really there for her. "How do people find this sexy?" She mumbled. Alba paced around Monique as she grew, like a scientist analyzing some data. Her breasts were bigger, but it wasn't mindblowing. Her ass was in the process of melding into her back, so nothing there. Overall, the sheer rotundity of Monique was underwhelming. Alba grabbed Monique's arms and wiggled them. No, the squeaking wasn't hot either. Alba grumbled and ran a fingernail along Monique's stomach. Sure enough, her skin squealed, as did Monique, in protest. Sure, the terror and misery was hot, but Alba could just as well torture someone without all this stupid waiting around. Alba sighed again. "Well, color me bored." Alba pressed a finger into Monique's skin, bringing the entranced girl back to her senses and screaming for mercy. That was the best one so far, but again with the torture thing. Alba was at a loss. Alba snapped her fingers and a phone appeared in her hand. She punched in some numbers and listened to the ringer. "Yo Hilda. No, I don't care that you're working right now. No, I'm not moving out. No, I'm not-- you know, just shut up, okay? Listen, I'm inflating this chick right now-- shut up! I'm inflating some chick, and I just don't get it. What? What do you mean I 'can't go around inflating people' I'll do whatever I want! Listen, what about it is so sexy to you? No, this is an appropriate phone conversation. Because I said it is. Just answer my question! For fuck's sake, you can't not know! It's your fetish! I don't care that I'm repeating everything you're saying! Fuck you!" Alba hung up the most bewildering conversation Monique had ever witnessed and sighed again. Monique was still growing, and nearly half of her limbs were swallowed up by her body. Her breasts were decently assimilated, and her body looked about five feet across. "Man, that glowing is annoying. How you doing?" Monique attempted a shrug. "Alright, I guess. I'm not really going to explode, am I?" "With any hope, you will. But at this rate, I really don't know." It was amazing how relaxing it was to watch your supposed dominatrix stumble over every possible hurdle to your demise. It could even be called therapeutic. Alba sat on the counter and dejectedly stared at Monique. "You're not scared?" "Well, I know I should be. But I don't really feel like I'm in any danger. I just sort of figure you'll mess it up and I'll be fine." "Fucking fantastic." "Do you want me to act scared?" "...No." "Come on, I could scream a bit, beg for my soul or something?" "Why would I want your crappy soul?" The last bits of Monique's limbs sank into her body, leaving her just a sphere with two hands and feet, with a head on top. She just barely graced the ceiling. "That's not the point-- and could you roll me forward a bit?" Alba shrugged and obliged her request, then hopped back on the counter. "Thanks. Anyway, I could just act scared. Would that make you feel better?" Alba pulled up her legs and wrapped her arms around them. "...I guess, yeah." "Ahem... Oh god! God, help me! Please, someone! I'm so tight! My skin feels like a drum! I-- ah, ah, oh god! I don't know how much bigger I can get! I could burst at any second!" Alba tried to hide the smile growing on her face, but just couldn't help it. "Okay, fine. I feel a little better." "See? That's better." Monique's body pushed against the ceiling and bulged outward. Her skin began to creak. "You know, I actually kind of like the purple glow. It's soothing." "I... guess it looks kind of nice... in a stupid way." "See? I knew you-- liked it. Oh, oh the pressure just kicked up to eleven. Nnng, I thought it was tight before!" "Boy, were you wrong." "I-- ooh, jeez. I uh, I really-- am going to p--op am I?" "Oh yeah." "Is th-there at least... Some-- way I can s-slow it down?" Monique's face was dark red. Her body was groaning all over and the purple glowing was getting brighter and brighter. "Not any slower than it is right now." "Haah-- Have to say, this-- kinda sucks." "I bet." "Mm, I really think this it!" "You really look big." "Nnng, Alba! Please, stop it! I don't-- want to-- Alba! Are you-- even paying attention! I'm doing ev--erything I can here!" Alba sighed again. "Fine. Ha ha ha. You'll meet your doom. I'm evil." The groaning was getting unbearable. "Come-- on! Alba I'm tr--ying to make you feel-- better! The least you could do-- is.. Is...oh, man! Ah! Ow! Ow! Alba, just-- try to at least--" That's the furthest Monique got. Unfortunately, she really did explode, like Alba thought she would. And it was a good and big boom, at least. Not devastating, but pretty loud. Monique's skin was scattered all over the place, and the entire room was filled with a soft purple glow. "Man, that sucked." Alba dejectedly hopped off the counter and sighed before snapping her fingers and vanishing. Seconds later, the curious crowd burst through the door. It was a good thing Alba got out of there when she did, or else would have been quite the explanation to have to give. Especially the part where some people suddenly grew antlers, or turned into toads, or shot fire out of their fingers as the magicks dissipated from the room. Don't worry, it was only temporary.
Male Inflation
Full Body Inflation
I pulled my shirt off, dropping it on the bench in the locker room before unzipping my jeans. Stepping out of them, I messily folded them and placed them on top of my shirt. Just as I had taken off my underwear, though, I heard a voice from the door say, "bet you never thought you'd be getting paid for this."I jumped, fumbling for the pile of clothing before holding it against my crotch in an attempt to hold on what modesty I had left. "Shania!"The tanned and ponytailed young woman stepped into the room, letting the door swing shut behind her. "What? It's not like we haven't seen each other naked before. Or in other compromised positions.""This is the men's locker room!""Like I said, it's not like we haven't seen-""Fine, whatever.""Anyway." She held out a thin grey bundle. "We're going to be wearing something different today."I took the bundle in one hand and let it unfold, trying to hold it up for a better look while still covering myself with the other. After realizing that Shania wasn't about to help me or leave I grumbled and turned away from her, letting the wad of clothes drop. Shania gave a wolf whistle and I shot her a look over my shoulder, taking it in both hands so I could see what it was.We normally wear something like diving suits, but with a little more stretch. Okay, a lot more. This one was different from my normal one, though; for one thing it was grey, and for another it had a logo plastered vertically on either side. "Dynafix?""Yep." Shania gestured to her red suit, the letters "BRF" plastered across her stomach. "We're being sponsored, so we gotta wear the logos.""We've sold out.""Are you complaining?""Hell no. If you're good at something, never do it for free." As we walked across the beach I noticed that it was a bit busier than usual, with a handful of the people wearing suits similar to ours. "This sort of thing happens a lot at this beach, doesn't it?"Beside me, Shania shrugged. "There's just something about it that draws in the weirdos." She trailed away, heading for a large hot air balloon basket. One of the people standing by it handed her a headset, which she put on. "Maybe it's something in the water. Anyway, we'll talk about it later."I waved to her and kept walking across the beach towards my destination: A propeller-driven gondola like you'd see on a blimp with a collection of straps attached to the top. Three guesses as to what - or who - was going to be the blimp.It's weird, being able to become so big but being completely unable to move normally in the process. They say that there's two ways you can feel when you're inflated - powerful or helpless - and you can tell a lot about a person by which one they feel more. The ground crew climbed down off the top of the gondola once the straps were connected to me, and I adjusted my headset and lay down on my stomach, head forward. "Ready?""Ready when you are, Alan."I paused to calm my nerves, then took a deep breath.Air rushed down my throat, quickly filling my lungs before spreading to the rest of my body. My stomach instantly bulged, followed by my butt and chest growing wide and round, then my arms and legs growing thick, dangling down and resting against my stomach. I swelled with air, my belly taking up more of my body as my arms became cone-shaped, sticking out to the sides as they slowly became wider and flatter. I grew as wide as I was tall, then twice that, then three times. I looked down, my chin pressing against the swell of my chest, watching as my line of sight moved forward until I could finally see over the edge of the gondola.By now I was round, or at least as round as I normally get: My body is completely spherical, but there's still curves where my chest would be, and my limbs are flattened half-spheres with my hands and feet sunk into the ends. I'm a little jealous of the folks who can go completely round; they just look more balloon-like to me. I like to think my size makes up for it, though, and at least I don't grow down there unless air is pumped directly into it. Most guys who do need special suits or else things get really uncomfortable.I paused, looking down to see that a small group of people had collected beneath me as I grew. Far beneath me; my head had to be at least four stories up.I winked. "Like what you see?" I shouted.A few of them broke out into laughter while one gave me a thumbs-up."Then you're going to love this," I said, then took another breath.It's a well-known fact with us that the bigger you are, the faster you can grow. I'm not sure how it works - something to do with the two-balloon experiment - but I'm glad it does or else getting to a good size would take way too long.My body let out a long, low creak as it suddenly swelled faster, and I felt my suit and the straps shift and pull across me. A few of the people below me took a step back, worried by the ominous noise, and I watched as they grew further and further away as my head rose higher. I was growing by yards now, filling myself full of air and becoming a true human blimp."Shania," someone said over my headset, "you're all set.""Roger that," Shania replied, then I heard the rush of wind as I watched a red sphere rapidly grow in the distance.Remember what I said earlier when there were two ways you could feel when inflating? For me, when I inflate, I feel powerful. In a matter of minutes I can transform from a normal human being into something absolutely massive and awe-inspiring. My body can stretch and grow to contain an unimaginable amount of air, or water, or helium, making even buildings look tiny by comparison, and every time I grow I stretch a little further and push my limits even farther.I watched Shania bob on her tethers in the difference, puffed up to the size of a hot air balloon; I was still growing to the proper size in the time it took her to start and finish. In my growing shadow, far beneath me, a woman snapped pictures of me with her smartphone. Behind them on the boardwalk a group of college-age girls cheered on two of their topless friends, their beach ball-sized breasts pressed against the other's as they grew. Behind them in a secluded part of the beach a young woman was busy running an air pump, blowing her boyfriend up into a puffy giant. He was large, but I was far larger.The gondola straps began to press into me, but I kept pulling in air until they were snug before stopping. The volume of air in me was immense, and I could feel the pressure pushing out in all directions, but I contained it easily. The only things keeping me from being mistaken for a real blimp were my hands, feet and head, and at my scale they were so small as to be barely noticeable.Over the headset I heard Shania ask, "are you done yet? You look done.""One hundred feet," I replied. "Give or take.""Well, I'm set here. You ready?""Let's go."I heard the chatter of the crew over my headset, and the propellers on the gondola whirred to life. The straps pressed into me as I lifted off, carrying the cabin into the air. In the distance Shania rose up, and together we floated through the skies.
first person, hiccups, inhale
Female Inflation
Full Body Inflation
When I signed up to study ecology, I had visions of visiting exotic biomes. I daydreamed of swimming through Caribbean reefs and discovering a new species of pufferfish or finding a violet poison dart frog in Amazonia. The reality is that you have to go where the money will take you. So there I was, knee-deep in the effluent from Grimesworth Dye Works in a freezing polluted stream, sifting out the red water mites to take them back to the lab and test them for mutated bacteria. This dominated my life, regardless of the season. I was paying my dues for my PhD. Ah well, at least the water was my favourite colour: violet. I would often go home in the evenings with my hands stained heliotrope by the dye and no amount of scrubbing would get it out, so nowadays I just put up with the occasional funny look. Grimesworth Dye Works were concerned about their environmental record and wanted to demonstrate that their dye didn't damage DNA, so they wanted me to look for the microbes, and since I'd specialised in arachnids, it was the Hydrachna mites I used. I also partly sequenced their genomes to look for oxidative damage to the nucleotides. This was also why the water was freezing cold - they ran heat engine dynamos off the temperature differences in the pipe to reclaim the energy so they could say they weren't wasting electricity. At least the weather was nice today. I enjoyed the sun beating down on the back of my wetsuit if nothing else, as I diligently searched for little red dots with eight legs in the water. That was another reason to look on the bright side. I was secretly really attached to that wetsuit. It had taken me quite a while to find a violet one with a front zip. It wasn't exactly feminine but it really made the days more tolerable to know that whereas I might be acquiring who knows what kind of horrendous damage to my skin while standing in a watercourse which stank of cleaning fluid and gave me a sore throat, it gave me an ideal excuse to spend my time with violet neoprene hugging my figure all over. I'd never let that on to anyone though, not even Simon. Ah well, time for lunch. I hoisted myself out of the water into the long grass. I wandered away from the bank and found the clear spot where I usually ate my sandwiches. I just sat on the grass, making a damp patch round myself, but I did wipe my hands first. Probably not a good idea to ingest any of the dye. As I ate, I looked at the sheep in the field across the stream. They were behaving a bit strangely I thought, though my speciality was arachnids, not mammals. They seemed oddly frolicsome and also rather overweight. They also kept hiccuping. Oh yeah, and they were mauve - sorry, forgot to mention that. The midday sun was absolutely baking, so I reluctantly peeled off my wetsuit. I was only wearing a bikini underneath, but I was pretty sure no-one would see. Pretty soon I'd finished my sandwiches, so I gathered up a new set of sample bottles and walked through the grass back to the afternoon grind, draping the suit over my left arm. Just as I was about to get back into it by the waterside, I felt a sharp sting on my ankle and looked down. An Ixodes ricinus - sheep tick to you - was ballooning with my blood. By the time I'd got over the shock, it had dropped off into the undergrowth. It left an itchy red mark which started me worrying about Lyme Disease. I also wondered what it was like to be a tick. They must have an insatiable desire to fill themselves up almost endlessly until they're nearly bursting. I couldn't relate to that at all. Not right then. Making a mental note to have myself tested for Lyme Disease and checking there were no more lurking ticks, I managed to put the incident to the back of my mind, pulled the suit back on, zipped it up and eased myself back into the water. I was just going to have to wait and see what happened, I supposed. I carried on working for a while, then by the end of the afternoon I noticed my heart was hammering. Was that psychosomatic? I didn't remember it as a symptom of the disease. I was also getting thirsty. I shouldn't be monitoring myself so closely or I'd end up talking myself into having something anyway. One thing was clear though: I definitely felt indefinably strange. I decided to knock off for the day. Probably nothing but it's better to be sure. I dried off my bare violet feet and put on a pair of flip-flops, then set off back home. On walking past the field, I noticed the sheep. They were now grotesquely bloated and lying on their backs, still convulsively twitching from time to time. I know it's a funny thing to say about sheep but I got the distinct impression they were giving off some kind of ecstatic vibe connected with their condition. Right, that was it – I was definitely getting delirious if I was starting to think I could read an ungulate mind. Though it had clouded over and cooled a bit, I still felt rather warm. Even the rain which ensued seemed not to help much, apart from rinsing the mud off the neoprene. I imagined the drops hissing as they boiled off my rubbery flanks and unzipped myself to mid-chest level, as far as I dared in public, blew down my front and flapped it a bit. I was really buzzing now, euphoric in fact. The colours around me glowed vividly. Then I started to hiccup. I was ravenous now too and my heart continued to thump vigorously away to its own content. My stomach was rumbling quite excessively – I even saw a couple of passers by look round a couple of times. I realised I was gulping a bit each time I hiccuped, and they were getting stronger. Simon opened my front door and smiled. "Maria Dawson! How're you doing, my glistening rubber-clad violet goddess?" he called, typically indiscreetly and rather too loudly. I blushed and giggled. "Ssssshh! Do you want the whole street knowing what we get up to in the bedroom?" I whispered to him as I stepped over the threshold. We kissed and he toyed with my zip pull. "As it happens, I feel a bit unusual." His face showed concern. "You OK dearest?" I told him about the tick bite. He fussed a bit about getting it checked out and I agreed to 'phone the Health Centre first thing in the morning, which calmed him down a bit. "And I've got the hiccups." "Well, we'll have to do something about that. Hold your breath." I took a deep breath in and held it for a while. I almost got to exhaling completely when I hiccupped again and the end of the breath went down by mistake. It tickled and I giggled again. Then I tried blowing up a balloon. I'd just emptied my lungs into it again when my belly twitched again and I got a blow back all the way out of the balloon into my stomach. "Whoops!" I laughed again, and I remember it passing through my head that it was a bit odd how much I was enjoying having the hiccups. A spicy scent emanated from the kitchen. "What's cooking?" I asked. "Five bean chilli!" "Yay! I can't wait. I'm starving!" Pretty soon, we were sitting round our table for two in the kitchen with a plate piled high with deep red mush. Despite my hiccups, I wolfed the whole lot down in a couple of minutes, though I had to slow down a bit towards the end because I was absolutely stuffing myself. We finished it off with a couple of tall glasses of soda. After Simon entertained me for a couple of minutes by burping the alphabet, we made our way into the bedroom. I was pretty tired by then, so we just had a bit of a cuddle. Oddly, the soda didn't seem to repeat on me at all, and in fact I found I couldn't burp even if I tried. I gradually drifted off to sleep, though to be honest it was made somewhat harder by Simon's frequent farting. Again, despite all the beans that didn't seem to be a problem for me. In fact my whole fundament felt rather tense. I was still feeling rather full from the meal so I lay on my back before I could nod off properly. The last thing I could remember was my hiccups seeming to speed up. I dreamed I was a huge whale swimming through a tropical reef. As the dream went on I broke the surface and turned into an airship, floating through the air, up, up and away. A parrot flew past me squawking "Maria!" "Maria! Maria! Wake up!" I was being poked in the side. Oddly, the finger poking me seemed too high up to be able to make contact with my belly. My eyes snapped open in the dark. There was a dark shadowy mound of some kind outlined against the streetlight-lit curtains. I realised I was hiccupping convulsively fast and needed to fart. I tried to push one out with subtlety by tensing my belly and bearing down, but all that happened was an ache. Then I attempted to lift my head. For some reason I couldn't flex my abdominal muscles. "What's happening?" I realised I was having to pant to talk. I didn't seem to be able to take any deep breaths. "I don't know, something weird's happened to you. Look." Simon turned on the bedside light. I glanced down again. For some reason I seemed to have a cushion on top of my stomach inside my suit. Was this a practical joke? "Er, have you been playing games with me in the night?" "No! I just woke up and you were like that. You look like you're about to give birth!" I lifted a hand up to my zip pull and yanked it down. When I got past my chest, it got stuck because there was a sudden increase in the gradient. Then I realised I could feel my hand resting on top of that mound quite clearly. I moved both hands round my belly and patted it. It rang hollowly and felt tense all over. This was exciting! I hiccupped a couple more times and felt myself involuntarily take a couple more gulps of air. Simon picked up his mobile and stabbed it frantically. "Ambulance please, quickly!" While we waited, Simon zipped me up again and I tried to get myself off my back and sit up. I was so bloated I was expecting to fart and burp as soon as I shifted, but I couldn't. I felt the tension build up but nothing came of it. He managed to give me a big enough shove to shift me onto my side, and then I just rolled easily onto my front. I felt the gas inside me shift outwards and my sides bulged out, but I still couldn't fart or belch at all. I hiccuped again but it did nothing except make me more bloated. Simon pushed me until I was lying across the bed, managed to roll me onto my side, then pulled me up by my arms. I finally struggled into a sitting position, but the roundness of my belly made that really hard. It was pushing my back into an arch and I had to prop myself up against the headboard. The paramedics arrived. "Oh, I see," one of them said, "how far apart are the contractions?" Thinking he meant the hiccups, I replied, "About five seconds." "What? Oh, never mind. We'll have to get you to hospital anyway. Can you walk?" "Yes, I suppose so." My diaphragm twitched again and another gulp slipped in as I stood up with Simon's help. Walking was a bit of a struggle. I had to waddle down the hallway, swaying from side to side as I went, and kept feeling the urge to fart but still couldn't. My sides bulged out a bit more as I swallowed more air. As I lay in the ambulance, I began to feel the urge to take great gasps of air, which I tried to resist due to my bloatedness. Finally, I gave in. I took a huge, convulsive breath in. Then, instead of the expected exhalation, I found myself simply bearing down and breathing out against a closed upper throat into my stomach. There was nothing I could do to stop myself. Then I felt myself take another breath and do the same. I felt even tighter now. "Doing the breathing are you? It must be triplets, surely?" It was difficult to speak against the urge to inhale again. "Wha- what do you mean?" "Well, your babies?" "I'm not pregnant," "Oh! What's happening then?" "I've got the hiccups!" "Uh-huh? You called us out for hiccups?" I couldn't resist another gasp and once again I involuntarily gulped down the air. There was another gurgle from my increasingly rounded midriff. This seemed to have replaced the hiccups and it was happening every time I breathed now. Another gallon of air every few seconds, and still no sign of burping or farting. "Can't – stop – gulping – air." We were now at the hospital. I was wheeled in through the doors of casualty and straight through into a cubicle. I had hicked myself several centimetres fatter by then, but now I was also unable to exhale without pushing it down into my belly. Even so, I had an irresistible urge to do just that. I was trying to restrain myself by holding my breath but that was with a tiny rational sliver of my mind still remaining. It took all my effort to stop the urge to gulp down another whole lungful of air. A doctor spoke. "Hello Ms Dawson, I'm Doctor Baxter. We need to get the wetsuit off you before you give birth" Simon finally spoke up about this. "Er, she's not pregnant." "Ah. OK, what's going on then?" "All that swelling is air. She's inflating like a balloon!" "Oh, you are kidding me. Hold on." She reached over and percussed my abdomen. I emitted a satisfying hollow clang. I noticed a metallic taste in my mouth for the first time. "Oh my God, you're right! Has she by any chance been near the dye factory?" "Yeah, yes, she's doing field research there for her doctorate." "Oh". Dr Baxter looked worried. "What do you mean, 'oh'?" "Um, well, I have a friend who's a vet and I'm afraid the sheep on a nearby farm have a rather unfortunate problem." I suddenly remembered the sheep. All this time I'd been holding my breath and I let go, only to feel my diaphragm push upwards and suck yet another gallon of air down. My front started to sting along the line of my zip and I wasn't sure if it was just pressing into me or I was about to split open. I looked down at my huge round mound of a belly, absolutely full to bursting with wind. And still no farting. How come? "What would that be then?" "Ms Dawson, have you been bitten by a sheep tick?" I was holding my breath out so I could only croak a "ye-e-e-e-e-s". "I see.". She pursed her lips. "I have to tell you something now about the sheep. It's a bit unpleasant." I took another convulsive gasp. If I spoke now, I knew I'd trigger another gulp, so I hazarded a tiny squeak. "What?" That was too much and once again my diaphragm forced itself upward and another lungful went into my belly. My already excitingly tense skin stretched even tighter, straining to contain my ballooning organs. I wasn't sure how long this could carry on or what would happen if it didn't. Dr Baxter was about to tell me though. "There seems to be a mutant spirochaete in their saliva." Despite my vastly inflated condition, I couldn't help pricking up my ears. This was almost my field. With the scrap of breath left in my forcibly emptied lungs I managed to whisper "Borrelia." Dr Baxter smiled enthusiastically, "Yes!" She made proper eye contact with me for the first time. She was warming to her subject. "Yes, it's a species of Borrelia. When a sheep is infected, after a few hours incubation it undergoes several changes. Its metabolic rate speeds up, its anus goes into spasm and it starts to hiccup unstoppably. Each time it empties its lungs, its hiccup opens the sphincter at the top of its stomach and the entire contents of the lungs is drawn into its abdominal organs until its stomach ruptures. Well, in fact it doesn't stop even then. The sheep continues to hiccup and inflates itself until it explodes." Simon stared at her. "Explodes?! So what's the cure?" "Well, generally they just cart them off to the abbatoir before they burst or its a waste of money. I don't remember hearing anything about a cure I'm afraid. We had no idea it affected humans. It's always been assumed it's a variant of bloat." Simon's jaw dropped. For me, it was probably a sign of how far gone I was that I found this news really exciting rather than horrifying. I couldn't wipe the grin off my face. "Oh yes, forgot to mention. One of the symptoms appears to be euphoria. So I don't know if it's any consolation but your girlfriend is probably really happy." She was right there. I croaked "oh yes!" before giving into the urge again. Another five litres in my abdomen made my sides ache and twinge with the added pressure. I stroked my belly wonderingly. How could I be so huge, so round, so inflated? What a wonderful way to go. "But we will try something. Here's a syringe of muscle relaxant." She held up a glistening hypodermic. "Also, we'll intubate her and try to get her deflated. It's a long shot, but..." She raised a vein and injected the drug. As it took effect, I felt myself bulge even further, but by then I was pretty out of it. I couldn't think of much except for my huge ballooning belly and my insatiable desire to bloat myself until I burst. It was weird how strong the urge was. This was something only I knew about. Sheep weren't good at being interviewed. They tried to get the tube in. I knew that as soon as it got into my stomach I would just deflate, so I clamped my jaws shut and turned away my head. Simon pinched my nose and after a struggle, I was forced to open my mouth. I took one final, happy gulp of air in and forced it down into my creaking belly before the tube started going down. Ah well. Nice while it lasted. As gently as they could, they passed the tube into my stomach. What was for me a deafening hiss accompanied by a seemingly endless series of loud gurgles heralded my deflation. Sadly, I watched my belly sag back to its previous boring old skinniness. No prizes for guessing how I felt. The next few hours were pretty unusual. Everybody was clearly very relieved and I just tried to put a brave face on it. I could hardly tell the love of my life how disappointed I was that I hadn't blown myself up like a balloon until I popped rather than spending the rest of my days with him, could I? Luckily, it turned out things weren't quite so bad as I'd thought. I needed pain killers for the ache in my belly and it was a while before I could eat again. The hiccups were permanent and I still swallowed air involuntarily all the time. I found I could burp again, and every couple of hours I had to belch like anything to get all the air out. It was a day or so before I noticed that although I could go to the toilet fairly normally, I couldn't pass wind any more at all. I couldn't sleep well because I had to wake up every few hours to get rid of the air again. After I went home, I stopped bothering to burp myself one night and woke up like a balloon again. We found that a massage gave some relief but it took a long time. Even so, I secretly harboured the fact that I really enjoyed waking up like that. The germs had done something to my brain and it was now quietly my deepest desire. I actually loved being bloated. I used to eat beans and drink soda all the time to make it "worse". I spend the early days with a bit of an outfit problem. I tried my old blouses and jeans on but they weren't much use because if I wasn't careful I'd burst all the buttons off them after a couple of hours and pretty soon I just gave up and threw out my whole wardrobe. I tried loose dresses and long, flowing things but in the mornings they were like tents and by the evening I was often so big they'd rip really easily. After that, I virtually lived in that old favourite, the violet wetsuit. Yes, I got bloated in that too but it would stretch with me and the only problem was the zip cutting into me. When I took it off at bedtime, the teeth left marks all down my front and it looked like I was still wearing it. Speaking of bed, we did find a more efficient solution to the problem of waking up as a zeppelin after a while. Simon was very keen on this solution as it happened. We found that if he had a quickie on top of his bouncy castle of a girlfriend and it was, well, you know, "nice", I'd go down like a whoopie cushion. It was the best way of getting me to deflate. This meant, of course, that faking it would never be an option, but then again, waking up as a human balloon was so orgasmic in itself that we didn't exactly need to try hard. Back to my fashion issue. My solution was to buy loads of lycra, latex, PVC, anything which had a lot of stretch in it. Buttons were right out too - I'm not made of money. The PhD problem was solved too. I gave up the old one and worked with Dr Baxter on the spirochaete. We found there were at least three active compounds in its toxin. One was the euphoric and stimulant, which made a good anti-depressant. A second was the one with the digestive effects, which in smaller doses could be used to stop flatulence and for dysentery. The other one was a respiratory stimulant which was useful for emphysema and asthma. I don't know for sure if people ever combine the drugs. They're certainly not supposed to - each is a contraindication for the two others. One thing I do know though. Recently, I've seen quite a few very happy-looking women who are seemingly heavily pregnant. There are two things about them. One is that they never seem to give birth. They just seem to stay pregnant for a very, very long time. It's been three years now for one of them. They don't walk as if they've gained weight either. Oh yeah, there is one other thing about them. They never fart.
Female Inflation
Full Body Inflation
For most people, one of the pleasures of travelling by train is that you can simply sit back and do nothing. For Kimmy however, there was always more to do on a four hour journey than simply watch the countryside passing by her window, she supressed a naughty smirk as she ran a hand along the side of her thigh, feeling the outline of her phone. It was thrilling to think how many delights that phone contained, that she could lay her hands on at moment's notice. A middle-aged couple sat across from her carefully deploying their packed lunch onto the table, while over the aisle was a youngish gentleman reading a magazine. They had no idea what Kimmy was about to do, just checking text messages probably, or Facebook. These missing moments were always her favourite time to indulge in her secret little pleasure, especially given the public setting. She took the phone out and carefully held it up to her face, making sure that nobody else could see what she was looking at.Kimmy had a fetish, something that turned her on that nobody else knew about. Her secret desire was to be inflated like a balloon, her entire body blown up as though she were hollow and would just expand in all directions if air were to be pumped into her. All fantasy, of course, sadly for Kimmy her longings could never be realised, but it was fun to imagine, especially when surrounded by other people. There was something she loved about the fact that everyone in the train could watch her, small, uninflated exterior blushing ever so slightly, giving only the tiniest hint of the huge blimp girl writhing within, desperate to burst free from her demure cage.The plan was to enjoy a surreptitious session of ogling some pictures of inflated women and imagining each one as herself. To aid her with this, she had built up a small collection of such images where the drawn inflatee bore some resemblance to her; the same fairy-tale blonde hair and magical brown eyes. She opened the browser on her phone and typed in the address of a website where those who had the same fetish could share stories they had written and pictures they had drawn. As it loaded she carefully slid her hand under the table, biting her bottom-lip gently as she imagined her arse and thighs expanding at her touch, before remembering where she was. She blushed slightly as she put her hand on top of the table and attempted to hide a small involuntary smile behind her phone.Unfortunately for Kimmy, the train company had some policy about protecting kids from the evils of porn. Despite having a fast connection, a stern firewall stood between her and her fetish fuel. 'This website has been flagged as adult content' the notice on her screen wagged its finger in admonishment, 'web users are blocked from accessing such content from this location'. She gnashed her teeth in frustration, the train was pulling away from the city now and rows of suburban semis gave way to the familiar blur of high-speed hedgerows, farmhouses and cows that made up most of her journey. She looked back at her phone. No signal. Damn it!Kimmy flushed with unmet sexual desire. It was bad enough she couldn't actually be pumped full of air but being denied a little something to get her going meant she was just going to have to stare out of the window, wishing for the next four hours. The couple over the table from her were busily eating their packed lunch, while the guy across the aisle turned a page of his magazine. Elsewhere in the carriage groups of teenagers laughed without it ever being clear what was so funny, football fans drank cans of beer and recalled previous escapades, most of which seemed to involve drinking an inordinate amount and then flushing someone's head down a public toilet or telling some 'bird' to 'get her tits out', people worked on laptops, watched DVDs or tried to control bored kids. This was going to be hell.Then Kimmy remembered, she had something on her phone already downloaded, that she could look at. There wasn't going to be much choice, and nothing she hadn't gotten her rocks off to many times before, but it was better than nothing. She searched for the dark corner of her phone where she had hidden such things, and brought up a list of files with names like 'inflated girl.jpeg'. Just as she was about to click on one of them, she got the feeling that she was being watched. She glanced up from her phone, accidentally making eye contact with the woman opposite. Blushing slightly she brought her phone back up to her face, she felt exposed, the woman couldn't see the phone's screen, she didn't know what Kimmy was looking at, but somehow Kimmy was worried that it would be seen in her face. It was as though someone could just look at her and say 'there is a girl thinking about herself being inflated, she's looking at pictures of women blowing up like balloons and imagining herself doing the same thing'. Then she became aware of the young woman listening to an iPod in the seat directly behind her. Could she see what was on Kimmy's phone? Kimmy didn't know for sure and tried to contort herself with the phone facing out of the window so that nobody could see it, but now she knew she looked suspicious, and even then, what if people could see in the reflection in the window? Just as all seemed lost, Kimmy remembered she had a story on her phone she hadn't read yet. Reading a story might actually not be such a bad idea, it wouldn't be so embarrassing for her if someone saw over her shoulder; she could just get lost amongst the words and imagine herself inflating. She couldn't remember where she came by the story now, she didn't generally save them to her phone but surely she must have done so at some point. Hopefully, she thought, the story would feature the right kind of scenarios, with the right kind of girl inflating in just the right way. With a click the screen of her phone was filled with text and she started to read.The story didn't have a title; it was about a girl who had an inflation fetish, and who, Kimmy presumed, would soon be inflating herself. It was quite interesting to be reading about a girl who from the beginning had a fetish, 'one of us' Kimmy thought, 'a girl just like me'. Normally stories were written about girls for whom being blown up was some confusing and scary process of which they knew nothing. It turned out as she read the exposition, which had been inelegantly tacked on to the start, that the girl in the story was a girl like Kimmy in more ways than just this. She was described as having long blonde hair, tied back loosely with a few strands hanging free. She had light brown eyes and well-defined, slightly angular features. Kimmy ran her hand along the side of her own face, and wondered why the author had placed so much importance on getting that description in early. It was spooky how perfectly the opening paragraph described Kimmy, and also highly arousing to her when she imagined that everyone who had read this story had done so with the image in their head of a girl who had to be the absolute spit of herself. As she read on more similarities emerged, this girl was also in a public situation, and was also trying hard not to give the game away to the innocent bystanders around her. Kimmy squirmed slightly uncomfortably, again feeling almost as though her thoughts were so strong that everyone else on the carriage could read her mind. By now, the girl in the story was beginning to inflate, and as her tummy filled with air, Kimmy couldn't resist the urge to stroke her hand over her own tummy, secretly untucking one side of her top to slide a finger over her bare flesh.She concentrated as hard as she could on the thought of her own tummy swelling up, so hard in fact she could be forgiven for not noticing a subtle gassy sensation in her abdomen. The further into the story she got, the more her own imagination took control of her, meaning the small moan she let out was completely involuntary. Kimmy's eyes snapped open, she had her hand on her tummy, had just moaned quietly but audibly, and Mr and Mrs Packed Lunch were both looking at her. As this is Britain, no sooner had eye contact been made, than it was broken. Kimmy surmised that they probably thought she had indigestion, this in itself would certainly be quite embarrassing, but a let-off if they didn't assume she was living out some sexual fantasy. She felt her tummy gurgle lightly; it was like there was some pressure deep inside her. Smiling to herself she leant back in her chair and used this feeling to build her fantasy world back up; the story continued and the girl in it grew bigger and rounder, filling up with air. Kimmy enjoyed the descriptions of the sounds the poor girl's body made as the pressure inside her built up; reading it was proving so pleasurable that she was having to stop and close her eyes every few minutes just to let her imagination work. She opened one eye slightly just to peep at the people around her ensuring nobody was looking straight at her before sliding a hand beneath the table for a second time, running it up the inside of her thigh and gently up the crease between her legs, having to bite her tongue to keep herself from moaning aloud again.The 'Kimmy' in the story grew bigger and fatter, creaking and groaning until the pressure inside her was too much to bear then with a gasp and a boom, she exploded. A shiver ran down Kimmy's spine, this was too much for her to bear, and she felt an aching desire to be the girl in the story. Her stomach grumbled again, and Kimmy idly slid her hand upwards and over it. It felt rounder than normal, and that sensation of pressure inside her was somewhat stronger. Opening her eyes she looked down to see it protruding slightly, and pressing her hand on it compressed the bulge she saw, only for the feeling of pressure to increase and her tummy spring back out again. Kimmy didn't know what was happening now, but a voice in her head was telling her that this was a good thing, she was a little bit bloated, that was all, but she could pretend to herself that she was inflating, her belly was being pumped with air just like the girls in the stories she read.As she gently stroked her hand in little circles around the circumference of her ball-shaped abdomen, it made another bubbling sound. She looked up apologetically at the couple opposite, but they either didn't hear, or they heard and didn't want to acknowledge it. Her tummy wasn't half getting big though, and as much as the thought of herself being inflated was tickling her lemons, Kimmy had to contend with the fact that it had always just been a fantasy, a girl blowing up like a human balloon on public transport couldn't be a good thing. Her belly had now swollen to the point that it was stretching her top, making her look like a pregnant woman who hadn't been able to find any suitable maternity clothes.Kimmy continued to bloat up, her abdomen gurgling some more and becoming rounder and tighter with every passing second. If she placed her hand against it she could actually feel her hand being pushed away by the expanding gases inside her; yet even as she felt the panic levels rising, these were matched by her state of arousal, causing her to blush bright red, and pushing her nipples through the light cotton of her top. She rubbed her hand over her crotch even as the space between it and the underside of the table became narrower. Then, suddenly, Mrs Packed Lunch leant across the table and placed her hand on the top of Kimmy's arm."Are you OK my dear" she asked, glancing down at Kimmy's bulging tummy, which was now pushing against the edge of the table. Kimmy just gave her a wide-eyed expression so she continued "you must be due any day now", giving Kimmy a kindly but concerned smile. Kimmy looked down and indeed her belly had plumped up and widened to the point where she did look like she was nine-months pregnant, if not bigger. How had the woman, who saw her before not noticed that Kimmy's size was a new development? She supposed that it wasn't every-day girls just blew up like balloons, and if the woman couldn't remember Kimmy being this big before then she must just assume she'd misremembered."I... I..." Kimmy stammered, again feeling almost as if to speak would be to allow the woman to read her mind, and give away just how arousing it was for her to inflate. Even just having this stranger eyeing up her expanding body and touching her arm was something of an excitement."I'll get someone for you" Mrs Packed-Lunch replied as Kimmy looked down at her body again. Her hips had bulged out to the sides and her leggings felt tight. As she squirmed she could feel that her thighs were more tightly pressed together than they had been; they too were being pumped full of air. It felt as though she were sitting on an inflatable cushion as her bum expanded, spreading out to the sides onto the empty seat beside her and pressing against the wall on the other side. Mr Magazine had also glanced up from his reading material at Kimmy's predicament, causing her to blush again. From his vantage point he could see what Mrs Packed-Lunch could not, he could see Kimmy's bulging thighs and arse stretching her leggings tightly. She knew she would have to get up out of her seat as she could feel that she would soon be wedged in by her voluminous body. Mrs Packed-Lunch had managed to get the attention of the train conductor who was heading down the carriage towards them as Kimmy squeezed herself out of the chair and into the aisle. Now everyone could see just how her bum and thighs had blimped up, along with her hips, which were much more vivaciously curved than before, and almost as wide as the aisle. Her belly was now so big that it was clear she wasn't just heavily pregnant, it was the size of a Pilates ball and bulging out from just beneath her crotch, took up almost the full length of her torso such that her breasts, which themselves looked fuller than before rested on top of her bloated mid-section. Kimmy could hear some chatter from elsewhere in the carriage as people giggled and remarked on this huge blimp-girl blocking the aisle."What's going on here?" came the conductor's voice from behind her."This pregnant lady appeared to be in some difficulty" came the reply, as Mrs Packed lunch eyed Kimmy's bulging body up and down, her mouth slightly agape as she tried to figure out whether Kimmy had always been this large."I'm... not pregnant!" Kimmy squeaked, still scared to speak too loud lest her enthusiasm for her state be heard."You weren't this big before either" Mrs P-L replied, "I'm sure when you sat down opposite me you were just a mere slip of a girl""Y- Yes" Kimmy gasped "I'm... I'm getting bigger!", and true enough as everyone now gazed at her expanding body, she was getting larger and rounder; her hips were now touching the chairs either side of her, her clothes stretched so tight it felt like they could burst off her and her breasts had filled out like two balloons, her nipples still standing proud like little flags of arousal indicating her sexual excitement.She felt a hand against her pumped thigh behind her, just softly groping at her and turned her head to get a look over her shoulder, it was Miss iPod, who had taken an interest in her plight."Don't worry, I won't hurt you" she said, "I'm a student doctor... now we just need to work out what's happening to you.""She's inflating!" remarked the conductor "It's as though she were blowing up like a balloon, an allergic reaction perhaps". Kimmy felt herself glow deep purple as more and more people turned their attentions towards her. She could feel the rumbling still going on deep within her and the pressure inside her was increasing still. She could hear a creaking and popping sound, and a small blast of cold air against her naked buttocks along with some more giggling from behind her. Her shorts had begun to split open. All Kimmy wanted to do was to get out of this situation, she wanted a little bit of privacy, partly to save her from embarrassment, partly so she could let her emotions go and actually enjoy being pumped up, but also because she had started to wonder if she might pop. It seemed that she was going down a very similar route to the girl in the story, and if that were the case, and this was a scenario Kimmy knew all too well from the fantasies she played out in her head and the role-plays she had with guys she met online, she was going to explode, loudly and pleasurably, detonate with a giant bang and that would be the climax of the pleasure that was also building up inside her."I should get out" Kimmy said, blushing uncontrollably, "It'll be alright, I just..." she tried to think of an excuse, but instead just concluded by saying "if I don't get out of here I'll explode!". By now some of the people further down the carriage were convinced Kimmy was playing a huge practical joke."Don't worry" replied Miss iPod. "People don't explode, it may feel like you're burning up right now, but you're not about to pop like a balloon". She was right about the first part. "You just need some anti-histamines or something." Kimmy's body creaked loudly as her bulging hips pressed against the chairs either side of the aisle. She gasped and twisted her body around, hoping that she could fit through sideways. After some struggling she managed to get stuck with her swollen rear pressing against the table, much to the displeasure of the couple sat there. Her crotch surged forward, pressing against the seat that the unfortunate Mr Magazine was sat in. Kimmy grunted softy with the discomfort but as the pressure inside her pulsed, the sensation in her crotch was not altogether unpleasant, especially as she felt a hand on it. The man she had trapped in his seat was pushing back against her mounting flesh."Is this one of those hidden camera shows?" he asked. He continued to rub his hand over Kimmy's crotch, seemingly unaware of what was actually beneath her taut denim shorts. Meanwhile another young lady who had been sat behind him eating a yoghurt reached over and gave her bloated bottom a gentle poke as it began to intrude into her personal space. All this prodding and squeezing from complete strangers, unaware they were touching up a big bloated girl made Kimmy blush and she sank her head into her swollen bosom, hoping to avoid any eye contact and wishing for an end to this."It must be" replied Miss Yoghurt "I saw something on Trigger Happy TV once where a guy wore an inflatable suit in a lift, this must be the same kind of thing." The girl ran her hand down Kimmy's bloated thigh, feeling the firm fabric of her leggings "she's wearing some kind of suit under her clothes, and then there's a cylinder of compressed air somewhere that she's using to blow the suit up.""It's not a joke." Kimmy grunted as her breasts puffed up against her chin and her arms began to rise away from her body "I'm inflating, I'm filling up with air and I think I may go pop at any moment!" Her body creaking loudly gave credence to this claim but still the passengers didn't seem to believe that this was really a girl swelling up. If only her clothes revealed some skin then they could see it was her inflating beneath them and not a suit, but she was headed to an interview for a summer placement and had therefore dressed conservatively, apart from her shorts, which she had planned to change for a pencil-skirt upon arrival. In Kimmy's fantasies, the girl always burst in the end, and now Kimmy was living her own fantasies, it felt fantastic to be honest but she was in two minds about whether she really wanted to explode. She had a good career to look forward to if she got this placement, and swelling up and going bang on a train before getting to the interview would, hurt her chances to put it lightly.As the pulsating gases pumped and pumped inside her she felt her hands swell slightly, stiffening and forcing her to drop her phone, which bounced off her bloated hip with a deep booming sound as though it were hitting a trampoline and landed at the conductor's feet."What's this?" said the conductor, reading from the conclusion of the story open on the screen. "something about an inflating girl, and er... this is erotic fiction!" Kimmy wished she could sink her head into her puffy body as her secret was broadcast to the entire carriage."Woah!" Mrs Yoghurt swiftly withdrew the hand that had been sliding almost lovingly over Kimmy's swollen arse while Mr Magazine's unknowing caressing of Kimmy's bulging crotch slowed a little."So she's done this to herself, and is saying about how she's going to explode, just for her own sexual pleasure" he snapped. "well I feel used". Everyone who had been exploring Kimmy's balloon body backed away from her."We should puncture her suit" the conductor said "she's blocking the aisle and creating a hazard". Kimmy heard more people laughing at her, and commenting about this girl who, in their view had worn an inflatable suit onto a train for her own perverted desires, how selfish of her. She really wished she could explode now, and if the conductor did try and puncture her, with the immense pressure within, that was surely what would happen. Her whole body creaked ominously as she grew bigger and fatter, bulging out into every nook and cranny of the carriage around her and pressing Mr Magazine and the poor Mr and Mrs Packed-Lunch, neither of whom had scolded her against the edges of their seating areas. "Gonna blow" Kimmy tried to cry out, only managing a muffled scream. Miss iPod and Miss Yoghurt were now up off their seats and backing nervously away, while other people decided to run for the exits leaving only those unfortunates that Kimmy had trapped stuck on the carriage with her. Mr Magazine was pushing frantically against Kimmy's crotch, hoping to somehow prevent it from smothering him, but Kimmy knew she would explode before that happened, her body was quivering and every part of her stretched as tight as a drum. With a tearing sound further stitches blew in her clothing, leaving huge holes for her swollen flesh to poke through, and the pitch of her body's creaking deepened further. Kimmy closed her eyes tightly.BOOM!The explosion was deafening to those within earshot, and shattered the windows on the carriage, but it wasn't as messy as everyone feared... or at least as those who realised it wasn't a suit feared. Those that expected to see Kimmy stood there naked when they re-entered the carriage saw only a pair of high-heels in the middle of the aisle, and scraps of denim and cotton scattered over all the tables and chairs. Those who had been trapped were free to get up and survey the wreckage, but no trace of Kimmy was ever found, and nobody would ever believe the story that was told when the police wished to file their missing person's report.
Male Inflation
Full Body Inflation
Brian Little was a small man. Small in size, small in status, and--according to his ex-girlfriend Amanda--small in the sack. As he walked along the boardwalk, he bemoaned his being dumped by her, cursing his luck in general. And then his eye caught a wish-making machine. They were usually worked by mannequins of old gypsy ladies, but this was a little more high tech, with a holographic image of a busty brunette gypsy, hence Brian's attraction. He smiled, thinking of how Tom Hanks got his wish in the film "Big." He shrugged, put a quarter in the slot, and made a wish. "I wish I was big." Nothing happened, of course. It was, after all, a stinkin' amusement device. He scoffed and walked on, reflecting on the injustice that is life. And then he got big. True to form, his wish didn't come true as he had expected. Not being specific as to HOW he would get big... he inflated like a balloon. His body puffed up, making him look not unlike the Pillsbury Doughboy, and with a loud hissing sound, he swelled up even larger. Spectators might have concluded that Brian was wearing an inflatable suit that got out of control, but no: His body was expanding like rubber. It took a moment to get over the initial shock; and Brian began to curse his luck again. He meant "taller," you stupid machine! Maybe he shouldn't have lifted the quote directly from the film. But then... he noticed that he was, in fact, a few feet higher off the ground--not much, but noticeably so. A thin smile crept upon his face, which became broader and broader. "I wish I was bigger!" And just like that--whoosh! His body inflated again, pushing his head higher and higher into the air as his body grew outward in every direction, inflating and inflating until he had reached the size of a weather balloon. "I wish I was bigger!" Puffffffffffff...!! With a surge of air, his pudgy body expanded further, puffing up until he was the size of a hot-air balloon in a Thanksgiving parade. "I wish I was bigger!" And he grew and grew and grew, puffing and squeaking noisily as his size increased, swelling and swelling until he was the size of a blimp. He was now a giant, if an extremely puffy one, and he knew that now he was no longer a little man. He... was... BIG. He took a few steps, his stubby legs and swollen midsection causing him to take long, deliberate steps. It looked like an arrogant swagger--and perhaps it was--but he was so inflated that he could not walk any other way. He knocked down lampposts, traffic lights, mailboxes, and other comparatively small objects as he made his way through the city, causing traffic pile-ups as cars slammed on their brakes to avoid hitting the giant, walking balloon--or avoid being stepped on. Not everyone got clear in time. It was like a scene out of "The Nutty Professor" or "Ghostbusters." Amanda Mackey looked out her window to see the commotion. The tall, slender, platinum blonde bombshell stepped out onto the terrace of her apartment and looked out over the landscape. And her jaw dropped wide open when she saw her ex-boyfriend, Brian Little, waddling toward her apartment building, which was only slightly bigger than he was. A car squished under Brian's feet as he waddled into the parking lot. He saw Amanda on her terrace, which was just under eye-level with him. "Amanda!" he called out to her. "Look at me! You still think I'm too small?!" "Brian! Good God, how did you--what the hell--you're so big--you--Brian!" "As usual, you talk more than you communicate," Brian quipped. "But if you must know, I just made a wish to that wish-machine on the boardwalk! Now look at me! Am I big enough for you now, Amanda? No, I don't think so. I think I'll be bigger than your apartment building!" There was no reason for Amanda to doubt that he could do it, and she made a hasty exit from her apartment and down the emergency stairs. Brian hardly noticed, calling out, "I wish I was bigger!!" And bigger he got. Swelling, swelling, swelling outward, his globe-like waist stretching out further and further, dwarfing the parking lot beneath his growing girth. In less than a minute, he had inflated so big that his belly began pressing against the side of the apartment complex, windows shattering as his body pushed against the walls with increasing pressure. Several stories below, Amanda burst through the emergency exit in time to see the front of the building begin to collapse under the force of Brian's body, which crashed through her apartment as it sought for--and obtained--more and more space with which to expand. In a matter of minutes, Brian's body had inflated so wide, the building was reduced to rubble... and his huge, spherical body now occupied the entire area where the building had been. To Brian, people now looked like ants for him to squash. There were a few buildings still bigger than he was, but they wouldn't be for long. "I wish I was BIGGER!!" And by the time the National Guard arrived, Brian Little was the size of a mountain. And he was by far the biggest thing in city. More buildings crumbled and fell in his wake. People ran helplessly away from the balloon that threatened to engulf the entire city. As soon as his inflation stopped, they could hear him say, "I wish I was bigger! And bigger!! AND BIGGER!!!" And the inflation, and subsequent destruction, would increase and increase. The authorities stood by, though they remained a good distance from the suburbs that Brian had just completely consumed by his expansion. "He'll be bigger than the whole city soon!" said General Grant, looking at a force he was never trained to fight: A human balloon. At that moment, a guard escorted Amanda to the front lines. "This is Amanda Mackey, sir," the guard explained. "She's the, uh, enemy's ex-girlfriend." "How is he doing that? And how do we stop him?" the general asked her. Amanda just smiled devilishly. "Well, general, I found the wish-making machine he used to get bigger. So I made a wish of my own." The general looked at her strangely. "Yeah? It doesn't seem to be working. Your lover-boy's still the size of a small planet!" "Oh, I didn't wish him to get smaller," Amanda said, smirking. "Then, uh, just what DID you wish for?" She began sauntering away, allowing the general to check out her snug-fitting jeans from behind. "Just continue with the evacuation, general," she said. Then she stopped and turned around. "Oh! And, uh, you might want to get some ear plugs." Amanda walked quickly to her car, and as she opened the door, she heard the words she was waiting for, the words she shelled out an entire quarter to hear: "I WISH I WAS BIGGER!!" Brian shouted out the words for the whole city to hear. Everyone was going to know that Brian was the biggest person who ever lived--the world's greatest balloon ever. And he got his wish... unknowingly fulfilling Amanda's wish, as well. Because Brian inflated faster than he had ever had before, his flesh billowing outward as he expanded faster, faster, faster! Getting bigger, bigger, BIGGER! His inflation was more intense than he expected, more than he ever dreamed. His body blew up and out, growing so large that the city was quickly a spot beneath him. Brian could no longer see anything but clouds above him and expanding flesh under him. He didn't know why he was inflating so big so fast, and he didn't care. He wanted to get bigger. He LOVED getting bigger! He was bigger than he ever imagined he could be--and he knew that he might never stop getting bigger, as long as he didn't wish himself to pop. And, of course, he wouldn't do that... ...but Amanda would. She looked over her shoulder, heading out of town as the expanding globe dwarfed over her former hometown. Seeing just how big Brian was getting--she could no longer tell for sure, because his body filled the horizon--she slammed on the gas. Brian was blissfully unaware of this. He was aware of nothing but his inflation. He smiled as he got bigger and bigger, reaching the stratosphere and beyond. When would his inflation stop? he wondered. Maybe it wouldn't. He would keep inflating, getting so huge that he would be bigger than an entire continent! His smile got wider, and so did his circumference. Bigger than a continent? More like bigger than the moon! Or... dare he say it? Dare he think it?... He could be BIGGER THAN THE WHOLE WIDE WORL-- And the planet trembled as Brian Little, the world's biggest balloon, finally burst.
balloon, blowback, celebrity, first person, gum, kiss, water
Female Inflation
Full Body Inflation
It began as just another balloon party with my closest--and most revealingly dressed--friends and acquaintances: Jessica Alba, Jennifer Love Hewitt, Christina Applegate, Britney Spears, Mariah Carey and Mandy Moore. We got together, as we often did, to blow up balloons. Sometimes we'd race to see who could pop them first; other times I'd sit leisurely back and watch these beautiful mouths and sexy lips inflate their balloons larger and larger, as their cheeks rounded out lovingly from the puffing. I'm not above saying that I found the whole scenario a tad arousing. I didn't know at the beginning of this particular balloon party that not everyone would be leaving in one piece. We were having our usual fun, all sitting around the living room, blowing up balloons. Britney was off to one side, puffing on a giant white balloon that was beginning to get as big as her own shapely body. But the rest of us were just sitting around in a loose circle, blowing up balloons at our own pace. At the time, I was keeping an eye on Christina, sitting on the couch in her tight black leather suit, her enticing mouth repeatedly blowing air into a large red balloon, one that was so large it was becoming transparent enough so that I could look through it to stare at her well-displayed cleavage. But it really began when Jennifer Love Hewitt--not the brightest bulb of the bunch, and that's really saying something--was sitting next to me on the floor, wearing a white, low-cut tank top and tight black stretch pants. She had just popped a huge, beautiful yellow balloon when she decided to show us a trick she'd taught herself. "Hey, guys, watch this!" she said. She took a small air pump that we kept around, put the hose between her lovely lips and switched the pump on. Moments later, her tank top began to grow even more snug against her breasts. They were expanding--blowing up like the balloons in our hands. They swelled out farther and farther, her tank top stretching, stretching, stretching to accommodate her ever-growing bust. The other ladies laughed, clapped, or otherwise shouted out their approval: "Oh, man, they're huge!" "They're getting bigger!" "Look at them go!" Jennifer smiled and giggled the best she could, with the air hose still inside her mouth. I watched as her breasts grew and grew, thinking for certain that they would burst free of her top at any moment. Her top held, but for how long? Her breasts just kept getting bigger and bigger and bigger. From the corner of my eye, I could see Jessica, Mandy, and Mariah giving each other a peculiar look, as if they were planning something. There was deviltry afoot. Like a well-oiled machine, they sprung into action. Mariah came up from behind Jennifer and grabbed onto the hose, keeping it solidly in Jennifer's mouth. Jennifer barely had time to react before Jessica and Mandy each leaped forward and hugged one of Jennifer's burgeoning breasts. Their weight kept Jennifer's breasts from expanding further--but Mariah was keeping the hose well in place. The result was that the air, not being able to expand Jennifer's breasts, ...began to expand Jennifer instead. Jennifer's eyes shot wide open when she realized what was happening. Jessica and Mandy kept pushing the air back into her body, which was beginning to puff out all over, like an inflatable doll. She tried to pull out the hose, but Mariah was having none of that. Jennifer's protests came out muffled, as she tried to make herself heard with the hose in her mouth. Meanwhile... her body kept swelling up, puffing up her arms and legs, rounding out her midsection, which grew more and more ball-shaped. The other women just laughed as she kicked her stubby arms and flapped her swollen arms in resistance. But soon, she was too swollen to move. Jessica and Mandy stepped back to admire their handiwork: Jennifer Love Hewitt was now just a round, black-and-white balloon inflating in my living room. And Mariah was not letting go of the hose. So Jennifer kept swelling and swelling, her body expanding in every direction. She still kicked her swollen hands and feet, but she could do little else. Except get bigger. And get bigger. "I know who's going to pop this summer!" Mariah said. "I 'can't hardly wait'!" Christina chimed in from her spot on the couch. Jennifer didn't seem to find the humor, belting out, "Mmm! Mmm! Mmmmm!!" as she grew and grew and grew. Her body began to wobble dangerously, as we sensed the inevitable conclusion. Britney had stopped blowing up her balloon to watch the spectacle. Mariah smiled, still holding the hose in place. Jessica and Christina giggled while Mandy covered her ears. I just watched Jennifer inflate... inflate... inflate... POP!!!! The force of the explosion sprayed us with shards of Jennifer's stretch pants and tank top... but little of Jennifer could be found. How all of this was possible, I can't really say--I'm not a scientist. "Wow," Britney said, exhausting her vocabulary. She then went back to puffing up her giant white balloon. We went back to our own balloons. Christina inflated her red balloon till it popped, and Jessica soon took care of a blue one. Mariah was blowing up a purple one when our attention turned to the dutiful Britney. Her white balloon was truly giant, big enough to walk into with room to spare. It nearly touched the ceiling. Britney kept at it, though, puffing and puffing and puffing. And then I saw a devilish look pass between Jessica and Christina. Something was afoot once again. Britney's eyes were closed, so focused on making her giant balloon even bigger--so she probably didn't even notice Jessica, Christina, and Mandy gathering around her balloon. They looked at each other and I heard Jessica whisper: "On three: one... two... THREE!" They all squeezed the balloon at once... and the air swept out of the giant balloon and right back into Britney. In an instant, the balloon lay spent on the floor--while Britney was a huge round ball, big enough to walk into. How this was possible, I can't really say--I'm not a physicist. Curiously, Britney's clothes also managed to stay intact, though her tight blue jeans now looked painted on her lower hemisphere; the same was true for her pink blouse on her upper hemisphere. And that's exactly what Britney now was: a huge, human sphere. Jessica walked up to the astounded Britney, who let out a surprised squeak. Jessica ran her hand seductively over Britney's round, inflated body, feeling how tight her skin was. Christina was equally mesmerized by Britney's size. "She's so full," she murmured. Then Jessica stepped forward and planted her lips squarely on Britney's mouth, and a long, open-mouthed kiss began between the pop star and the dark-skinned angel. It was a long, wet kiss, as Jessica rubbed her hands over Britney's swollen form. The other women and I stood watching the erotic scene: a woman making out with a balloon. But then something changed. Jessica held Britney's bloated head in her hands, and instead of kissing... she started to blow. She took huge, deep breaths, and puffed them right down Britney's throat. And Britney, as big as she was, got even bigger. And Jessica blew more. And more. Britney inflated bigger. Bigger. Bigger... Unlike Jennifer, Britney didn't struggle. Maybe she accepted her destiny. Or maybe she enjoyed it. I couldn't think of a woman more suited to be a balloon than Britney: She may as well have worn an "Inflate Me" sign around her bounteous chest. And now, she was nothing more than a glorious, wonderful balloon, getting bigger and bigger as Jessica puffed... and puffed... and PUFFED...!! BOOM!!!! Britney burst. A moment of silence passed as we drank in that sweet, sweet moment--the moment we knew we'd never again have to listen to that annoying tripe she calls music. What a beautiful end to an ugly career. Then we all clapped and cheered, returning to blow up more balloons. But after that, things started to get weird. We were having another round of balloon inflation. Mariah had popped her purple one and was working one a pink one. Christina had her mouth around the neck of a pear-shaped yellow balloon, and Jessica around another white one. Mandy was just about to finish an orange one with one... more... puff... BANG! It popped in her hands, and she squealed out her approval. As she sought out another balloon to inflate, I saw a conspiratorial look pass between Christina and Jessica. Things were about to pop, so to speak. Christina extended a pack of gum out to Mandy. "Want some gum, Mandy?" "No, thanks," Mandy said casually. "Oh, but you must!" Christina insisted. "This gum is awesome!" Jessica and Mariah shot each other an amused look. "Oh, all right," said Mandy, and she popped a piece into her mouth. The other women sat watching, practically bursting with anticipation. Mandy sat chewing for a while, seemingly oblivious to the expectant stares she was getting. "Wow, this stuff is great!" Mandy agreed. "This is the best gum ever!" "Isn't it, though?" said Christina. The other ladies stifled a giggle. Finally Mandy wised up. "What's so funny? What's going on?" And then she looked down at herself and noticed her that her skin had turned a bright pink color. "Oh my god! What's happening?" A second later, her belly bulged out like a sudden pregnancy. "What did you do to me?" she asked, as the pink color that swept over her body grew darker--and her body simply grew. Her arms sprawled out to her sides as her body ballooned, growing increasingly rounder and bigger. "I'm blowing up like a balloon!!" "Like bubblegum," Jessica clarified. "Stick her with a pin!" Mariah called out. "She'll pop!" Christina laughed, jumping off the couch and moving away from the expanding Mandy. For Mandy was taking up more and more space, inflating into a globe that grew bigger and bigger and bigger. Her pink body now, in fact, looked exactly as Jessica described: a bubblegum bubble. But it was a bubble like no other: It was now bigger than the couch, and it seemed to be inflating on its own. Her pretty pink head was lifted farther and farther into the air as her swelling body absorbed most of her other humanly features, to be replaced with a growing roundness. Why this was happening to her, I couldn't say--I'm no dietitian. "She's going to blow!" Christina said, diving behind a recliner on the opposite side of the room. Jessica and Mariah likewise sought cover. But I just stood there, watching this fabulous pink bubble grow and grow before my eyes. The beautiful pink ball swelled bigger... bigger... so much bigger...!! POP!!!! And in the next instant, I was covered with a pink goo that smelled overwhelmingly like bubble gum. I'll be honest: It didn't taste bad, either. "Isn't that ironic?" Christina asked. "Mandy Moore was done in by candy! 'Candy,' get it?" "Sheesh, let's lay off the puns, okay?" Jessica asked, curling up her lovely upper lip. The room was a sloppy mess. To my surprise, Mariah offered to help. "Let me get the garden hose," she said. Moments later, she had the hose hooked up to the kitchen sink, prepared to wash down the pink viscosity. "Wait, Mariah," said Jessica. "I think that hose has a leak. Christina and I will fix it." The two women took the hose, and I saw Jessica rub something onto the hose. I couldn't see what, because Christina was blocking the view with her lovely back. But I did catch a devilish look that passed between them. Ohhhh, boy. "Here's the hose back, Mariah," said Christina, extending the hose out to the diva. And as Mariah reached for it, Jessica grabbed her arms and pinned her tight. Christina then shoved the hose into Mariah's mouth. Mariah fought back, and the two women backed off. But the damage was done: Whatever Jessica had smeared on the hose had a powerful adhesive quality, and the hose was now firmly in Mariah's mouth. "Serves you right for what you did to Jennifer," Christina teased Mariah, who still pulled in vain to free the hose from her lips. Jessica laughed at Christina's joke--and then turned the water on full blast. Naturally, Mariah gagged on the water and died. Well, no, actually, she didn't. Sure, that's what you'd THINK would happen when you shove a water hose into someone's throat; but Mariah had to be different. Why she didn't just drown, I can't say--I'm not a doctor. Mariah was wearing some tight white shorts, which now rode up her terrific ass as her lower half filled with water. Her eyes widened as she saw her feet, legs, thighs, and buns swell up as the hose kept filling her. Then her hips and stomach began to fill, stretching out the white T-shirt she was wearing. Stitches began to tear as she rounded out, her arms plumping up as the water reached her neck. Finally, it had no where else to go, so it began expanding her to make room. She grew like a tan water balloon, the sound of gushing water punctuated with sounds of creaking skin. Her swollen arms stuck out at her sides as she bloated up... up... up... Her clothes weren't as elastic as the others, and they began to shred as she rapidly outgrew them. Tiny leaks began to appear in her globular body, spurting out little geysers, but it wasn't enough to relieve the pressure that was building up and building up inside of her. Soon all her clothes had been torn apart by her expanding body, and she stood naked in the center of the room, a large, sloshing globe that kept getting fuller... and fuller... and fuller... until--!! BOOOOOM!!!! We were all caught a little flatfooted when she burst, sending waves of water splashing onto the three of us, soaking us to the skin. Jessica's wet T-shirt now left even less to the imagination than before. "I gotta towel off," Jessica said, and walked off to the bedroom. Christina watched her close the door before she turned to me. "You know what? I think we're next. We're going to have to pop Jessica before she pops one of us." "What do you propose?" I asked. Christina smiled broadly. "Watch this!" She picked up an uninflated balloon and put a quick couple of puffs into it, blowing it up only to about the size of a fist. Then she found her purse and extracted a tube of lipstick, which she applied liberally to that hot, hot mouth. She gave me another smile before she kissed the balloon. I'll admit that seemed like strange behavior at the time. But then, miraculously, the balloon began to inflate--by itself. Christina watched my astonished expression as the balloon grew in her hand, seemingly of its own accord. It grew bigger and bigger, stretching out Christina's kiss-print, never slowing down as it grew more and more transparent. She held the self-inflating balloon out at arm's length as it grew ever nearer its breaking point. It swelled bigger and bigger and bigger and... BANG! It popped in her hand. How a kiss could cause that to happen, I don't know--I'm not a sorcerer. "It's my special lipstick," she told me with a giggle. "And it works just as well on people as it does balloons." She stepped closer and whispered, "Now imagine what it would do to Jessica! When she comes out, you hold her still while I plant her one on the lips... and then watch her POP!" "That--that's horrible!" I said, so aroused that I was creaming my shorts. "Let's do it!" At that moment, Jessica stepped out of the bedroom. She had gotten out of her wet clothes and now stood there in her underwear, her wet hair dripping down her exposed back. I secretly hoped her underwear wouldn't rip too fast: They'd look good on her when she became a human balloon. "Now!" shouted Christina, and I happily wrapped my arms around Jessica Alba's scantily clad body. Christina, in turn, pressed her lips good and tight against Jessica's. The kiss lasted several wonderful seconds. Then Christina stood back from Jessica, and we all heard the sound of something inflating. "Bye bye, Jess!" Christina said, stepping back from her. But Jessica just smiled. The hissing sound wasn't coming from her. It was coming from Christina. The smile gradually faded from Christina's face as she looked down at her black leather suit. It was beginning to stretch tighter across her body as her chest began to expand. That marvelous cleavage became even more prominent as her chest bulged out, her breasts becoming balloons. In a few moments, the rest of her body followed suit, bulging up and filling out. Christina gave a horrified look to Jessica, who sneered, "I thought you might try something funny, so I put on a lipstick of my own--one that has the same effect, plus counteracts any other formula. Don't ask me how it works; I'm not a chemist." (Hey, that's MY line!) "N-n-no!" said Christina, billowing out like a blimp. The black leather made pleasant squeaking sounds as it stretched out, but Christina didn't seem to like the noise quite as well as Jessica and I did. The suit stretched tighter and tighter as she got bigger and bigger, her body inflating until it took that beautiful ball-shape that I love so well. She continued to expand, looking desperately around for help as her arms stuck straight out and her body became larger and rounder. The squeaking became louder as she stretched the suit out farther than it was designed to. She looked pleadingly at me and Jessica. "Help me! I don't wanna burst!" But there wasn't much I could do, even if I could take my eyes off her expanding form. And Jessica was clearly enjoying every second of her inflation. Soon, Christina was just a big, round, black shiny balloon, with little else than her pretty blonde head to indicate that she had ever been a woman. And still she got bigger... and bigger... and bigger... and BIGGER-- BADABOOM!!!! The black leather shrapnel struck me in the face, and Jessica laughed harder. All that remained was me, a wet Jessica Alba in her underwear, and the blast area where Christina Applegate had been. "That," I said, "was The Sweetest Thing." Jessica turned her attention toward me. "I warned you about those puns." I swallowed. "Here's the deal," Jessica began again, shifting gears. "We can go back to our balloon party, and eventually, I'm going to do something that will make you pop. Or..." She puckered up and kissed the air in front of me. "I got enough lipstick on for one more kiss, and we can just cut to the chase. So what do you say? Wanna make out?" She smiled broadly and sinisterly. I paused for a moment to look at those lips. God, those fabulous full lips! Jessica Alba's lips have got to be the most inviting I've seen. But I knew that, if I kissed them, I'd blow up like a balloon until I burst. Of course I kissed her. Why, I can't say--I'm not a psychologist.
floating, magic, Prose that Blows 7 – Not So Final Fantasy (2011)
Female Inflation
Breast Inflation, Butt Inflation, Full Body Inflation
Shalandra waited patiently under the covers, not daring to move a muscle. When at last she heard Mistress begin to snore, she carefully climbed out of bed, threw on a dress, and crept quietly out of the bedroom. As an elf, Shalandra was predisposed to a tall but pencil-thin physique. Back when she lived with her own people, she never gave this a second thought. But as a Magic Academy student, the more she had been exposed to buxom, broad-hipped human females, the less womanly she felt. Shalandra was tired of being a stick figure, and only Mistress' forbidden magic could give her what she needed. The Grimoire of Transformation was laying on the plinth, just where Mistress had left it. Flipping through various shapeshifting and cosmetic spells, Shalandra finally found one that promised to give her an hourglass figure. Seven guttural syllables later, she'd cast the spell and was eagerly awaiting the results. She didn't have to wait long. Within seconds, she felt the fabric of her dress sliding over her nipples. Peering down the neckhole, she watched her flat breasts slowly rounding out. Soon after, she felt her butt and thighs begin to expand. For a while, Shalandra reveled in the blossoming of her body. But as the minutes passed, her elation turned to worry. Just how big was this spell supposed to make her? Her curves had grown completely out of reasonable proportions, and their weight bore down heavily on her delicate elven frame. When she could barely stand, Shalandra decided enough was enough, and flipped to the next page. But her heart sank when she saw that the counterspell was a full page of elaborate syllables! Her first two attempts to cast the counter briefly turned her skin blue and made her dress fall apart in shreds, in that order. Finally, Shalandra got through the spell without any obvious mistakes. To her immense relief, she felt herself getting lighter, and collapsed to the ground, waiting for her body to get back to normal. But even as her excess weight dissipated, her figure didn't seem to shrink an inch. Curiously cupping her engorged breasts, she felt an odd change in their texture, as though they were getting firmer and more resilient. They also seemed to be rising up on her chest. And when she got to her feet, Shalandra found that far from being overweight, she was actually lighter than she'd been when she first cast the spell! Reading over the counterspell once more, Shalandra discovered that in her haste, she'd accidentally pronounced the same line twice, which meant there'd be some sort of "rebound" effect. The only way to fix it would be to recast the counter properly, so she started reciting the syllables slowly, determined not to make another mistake. But when she had almost finished, her swelling bosom rose up into the field of view, obscuring the last few lines. Pressing her breasts back down with both hands, she finished recasting the counter, only to realize to her horror that she'd repeated a line again! Suddenly, Shalandra let out a shriek as she felt her feet leave the ground! She made a quick grab for the plinth, but her fingers only grazed the stone. Her fear turned to panic as the spellbook fell away beneath her, its dense print too distant to read. Her buoyant backside angled her forward, and she came to rest with her back to the ceiling. Her latest miscast had caused her belly to blow up as well. When her curves had no more room to expand, she slowly ballooned into a limbless sphere. Even then, the merciless magic didn't relent, and she blew up ten feet across, then fifteen. As her back pressed against the ceiling, Shalandra wondered whether she'd crash through the roof and be lost to the sky, or simply explode when her body couldn't take the pressure. She closed her eyes, waiting for the magical mischief she'd inflicted on herself to run its course. The next thing she knew, Shalandra was being hauled out of bed by Mistress yelling at her to get her chores done. Knowing better than to ask questions, she got to work, figuring that her magical experiment had just been a bad dream. But when she went to disintegrate yesterday's garbage, she noticed a pile of rags that looked like one of her dresses. Before she could investigate, the trash vaporized into a cloud of glowing particles, floating away in the breeze.
Diva, hourglass, TF
Female Inflation
Hourglass Inflation
Laura sighed, picking at a loose thread in her threadbare sweatpants as she glanced around her spartan apartment. She felt guilty for sighing, because her coach had always told her that feeling sorry for yourself was something losers did to avoid working out. She stifled another sigh and picked up her weights, preparing to sacrifice what remained of her free time to the idol of fitness. Pursuing a college degree while desperately trying to hang on to a scholarship and simultaneously working a retail job to support herself did not leave her much time for anything, but an onslaught of messages from parents and coaches drove her to spend that time working out and maintaining a thin body- she never even indulged with food, eating sad salads in the college cafeteria every day. She felt a little pride in her body, just for the effort it took, but not much- like everything else she owned, it was drab and unassuming. Well, like everything else she owned except the lamp. She had found the lamp on the doorstep outside her apartment complex one day, and on a wild whim had brought it in. Now it sat on one of her gray tables, its gold surface shining amidst the desolation that surrounded it. She knew she should probably pawn it for some extra money, but she liked having one nice thing. Every time she saw it gleam, she was reminded of just how dull her life had become. She stopped, her weightlifting energy gone. She cast her glance around the room and declared:"I hate this." She took a deep breath and decided to let it all out. "I hate not having anything nice and working all the time and exercising and diets and I hate my body."That felt good, she thought. Now back to working out. Wait, where were her weights? Laura realized that she wasn't holding her weights. She figured she must have put them down, but they weren't at her feet either. She looked around her apartment, but couldn't see any trace of them. The lamp caught her eye again- was it shining a little brighter? And was there smoke coming out of it? A plume of smoke was coming from its tip, and growing in volume with every second. Fearing fire, Laura stepped towards the lamp, but the lamp somehow turned towards her, the smoke multiplying into a large cloud and engulfing her. Laura was in the midst of a thick, opaque cloud of smoke, but her lungs felt clear. In fact, her mind felt clear, as if the smoke were effecting it some how. She realized that she should probably douse the lamp, but she realized that she couldn't move- the smoke seemed to be holding her. Before she could panic, she felt a wave of pleasure run through her- her hard-lean body seemed to be relaxing, her muscles unclenching and possibly even fading. Suddenly, she felt sharp bursts of sensation in her hips, butt, and breasts, and a lighter tingle all over her body. The smoke began to reshape her, inflating parts of her like balloons and moulding her like clay. Her flat ass began to balloon outwards, becoming fat, round, and immense. Her hips slid outwards and bulged out, becoming incredibly wide. She felt an electric buzz as even her sex started to puff up slightly. Her stomach expanded slightly, a coating of soft pounds padding her. Her breasts grew several sizes and kept going, inflating until they were almost like round, jiggly beachballs. Her clothes did not tear, but disappeared, vanishing into wisps of nothing. Finally she was left naked in the cloud of smoke, her body now a well-padded extreme hourglass, a paragon of feminine sultriness. She couldn't quite see herself, but she was aware that her breasts now concealed her feet. "What the he-MMMPH!" She tried to yell, but the smoke stifled her and continued to work. Her short mousy brown hair changed, first becoming silky smooth and shiny, then turning platinum blonde. It then lengthened, falling in a curtain over her face before pulling itself up and beginning to arrange itself in a high updo on her head. The hairdo then began to expand like a blonde balloon, becoming ever larger and more voluminous. Her face began to change, too- her lips swelled slightly, and wear covered by red lipstick. Thick makeup arranged itself over her features and her eyelashes extended. Her fingernails and toenails soon became polished red, and her fingernails extended into long glamorous talons. Then the smoke rolled around her body, cradling her pleasurably and thickening. First it formed underwear- a set of frilly white panties and an enormous frilly white bra that held her mammoth breasts. Then a white corset and girdle formed around her waist and tightened itself, making her gasp. The smoke then formed a long white sundress over her body, tight against her wide figure. She felt herself rising as eight inch red heels appeared on her feet. She felt a silken touch on her arms as they were wrapped in white opera gloves, and heard a jingle as jewelry settled on her neck, wrists, and fingers, with two pinpricks as earrings appeared in her ears. She felt as rush of wonderful softness as a fluffy white fox fur wrap appeared on her shoulders and wrapped itself around her, and the smoke guided her gloved hands to stroke it. A white purse tucked itself under her arm, bulging with money and credit cards. Finally, a very wide white sun hat with a fluffy feather in it and a pair of sunglasses appeared on her head, and the smoke began to clear. The reality of her situation began to set in, and Laura was too shocked to shout. She settled for a quiet "what the hell", but found that the words didn't come. She felt a calming presence in her mind, and she felt the surprise and fear she should have felt start to dissipate. Suddenly, her mouth moved without conscious thought. "Well, I'm off to shop now. I say, I really must pick up some things for my new apartment. I just can't wait to get out of this dreadful little place." Laura was shocked, but not as shocked as when her body started to move on its own. With an exaggerated, sashaying waddling strut, she began to head for the door, her ample curves bouncing and jiggling. Laura briefly tried to fight it, but had to admit that this was, after all, what she had always wanted.
curse, first person, water
Female Inflation
Full Body Inflation
It's been three months since I popped Nebraska Jones in the Wakellium tomb and tonight is my big night. My agent has arranged a showing for one of the greatest Wakellium finds in the past thirty years. The headdress of Marmaren the last great chieftain of the Wakellium people. The stage is set and the crowd is ready, I take a last nervous breath before stepping out of the curtain and greeting the audience. I stand at the podium read from my notes. "Good evening everyone, tonight we gather to see the latest artifact from Marmaren's personal tomb. It was three months ago when I -" "We! Found this great artifact!" Yells a voice off to my left from across the stage. I blink widely as a familiar woman approaches me. Her dark brown hair flowing from below her signature brown hat that she removes in honor of the crowd. "What the..." I nearly cuss into the microphone as Nebraska Jones in the flesh comes up to me and hugs me. The crowd applauds at her entrance for she is more renowned than I... for now. I don't know how she survived or got all that water out but she smiles at me widely before talking. "Georgia and I ventured through a treacherous jungle in search for this tomb..." Nebraska continued on as I ground my teeth in anger. How did she get here and why is she ruining it by splitting the credit? She tattles on for a bit longer till she's ready to show off the headdress. She takes the microphone and gestures for me to follow her. The curtain behind us rises and the artifact rest in a clear box container. The crowd 'wows' and the flash of camera's blind us for a moment. Nebraska rambles on more about the Wakellium people as I think of things to do to her backstage after the presentation. "My good friend, Georgia. Would you like to try on the headdress for the crowd?" She asks me. At first I think it's going to make me look like an ass but then I realize I can't do anything to her now. I need to just play along until the time is right. I open the case and turn the headdress around to fit right. I brush the bronze tassels to one side as I slip the pre-dusted artifact onto my head. Again the flash of cameras fire up and I squint my eyes. "One peculiar thing you might not know is that the headdress is in fact cursed," she states. The crowd gasps for the moment, I know that there are no such thing as curses from all my expeditions. "Yes, it is said that Wakelless will embody the wearer and you can tell from the water that pours from their mouth," she turns and looks at me with such an evil look. Just then my mouth opens and a steady flow of water pours out. It spills onto the stage and I close my mouth and seal my lips with my hands. The cameras flash again. "And the body of the wearer swells with the water of Wakelless," Nebraska pokes my belly. Suddenly I feel the water pour down my throat. I try to scream by all that comes out is more water. My only other opinion is to take off the headdress. I yank on it but it's attached to my skull. "Once the wearer puts it on, it can't come out until Wakelless allows it, isn't that right Georgia?" she asks me. I hear laughter in the audience as my belly rounds out under my red dress. With each heavy gulp I'm reminded of how I left Nebraska behind to burst. I grab her arm and try to pled to her to help me. More water splashes out of my mouth. "This curse is real people, this woman is going to keep filling with Wakelless's endless flood of water if you know what's what, you'd get running now before we all drown in this building!" Nebraska yells out. The crowd roars in terror, I hear, "She's gonna blow!" "I don't want to die!" Nebraska puts her hat back on and dashes out behind the curtain. The entire audience runs in fear as they believe the city is about to flood. As the last people runs out I feel my chest start to distend with water. My belly looks like I'm nine months pregnant when I feel hands on my hips. I turn to see Nebraska has returned. "I think they bought it," she chuckles at me. I swing at her to grab her and punch her. With this new weight in my midsection sloshing around, it makes it very difficult. She easily steps away from my growing body. "Easy there, tubby," she pokes my belly again, this time much larger than the last. I stomp my feet as I follow her around the stage, trying to grab her. "I bet you wonder how I survived? Well it was quite simple. Marmaren appeared to me and told me I've held the most water anyone he had ever seen had. He emptied me and told me he'd do anything for me. Of course, I asked for revenge, knowing that Marmaren himself was betrayed by a friend which cost him is life. He wouldn't refuse, so he told me if I could get you to wear the headdress he wore that he'd take care of the rest," Nebraska explains. I slow and hold my back as my breasts have grown heavy, looking more like basketballs now. As I arch my back I feel my butt fill up with water now. My chest and belly wobble freely as they have burst from my red dress, my ass tries to join them. "It feels so good to expand doesn't it? Tell me how it feels, Georgia?" she laughs as when I open my mouth water flows out. "Come on, tell me Georgia," she says playfully as she grabs my belly and shakes it. There is a sickening slosh inside from all the water already in me. "Aww, has Georgia weorgia had to much?" she tilts her head as she talks to me like an infant. I try to push her away but the current size of my bust makes it very difficult. "Well, you still got gallons more to go you know," she smiles devilishly at me. I feel the color in my face fade, I know I can't take too much more of this. I now feel my arms and thighs filling up with water. Waving my swelling arms at Nebraska for help doesn't do a thing but make her grin broader. "Take a seat and relax!" she yells, putting her foot on my belly and kicking me backwards. With a loud, wet thud I hit the wooden floor of the stage and wobble wildly. Now on my back I look up at the lighting that hangs above us and watch her look down at me. "To be honest with you, I didn't want to make you fill till you exploded. That was Marmaren's idea, to finally get revenge on a backstabbing friend is reward enough for him," she sincerely pats my left breast as if to console me. "Be glad that you will be helping Marmaren's spirit finally move on," she makes a crooked smile at me, "but how about I help you out since I can control what that headdress does to you?" I start to hope that she'll come to her senses and make the water go away. "How about I make you pump twice as fast?" she tries to contain a smile. My eyes widen and I try to protest but all I do is gush water all over myself. Then it started, my body started to grow even faster. The pressure in be was building so much. My belly had to be standing at, at least four foot with my chest just behind it. I felt like a whale to her when she laid her hands on me and they feel like a little child's. The water now pushes into my forearms and calves, even into my hands and feet. The cheeks on my face balloon out like a chipmunk. My belly surges up to five and half foot tall as I grow to the size of a pickup truck, so stuffed with water. My skin creaks loudly like a balloon that has just about had it. Bigger and bigger I get, getting ever-closer to exploding. Nebraska leans against my taut skin and looks down into my eyes, "Georgia I wanted to thank you for helping me find the Wakellium tomb, we could have found so many things together but you had to get greedy. Look what all the greed has gotten you. I will miss you," she gives me a sweet kiss on my belly then I hear her walk away. Tighter and tighter I get and I think to myself, "I can't take anymore, I'm going to -" POP!
library, magic
Female Inflation
Full Body Inflation
The door crept open with absolute silence. Not even the complaint of a hinge announced Shelley's entry. A wool-lined outsole of a boot took the first cautious step inside, then her brown cloak was clutched close as she sidled through the gap. She drew her hood back to behold the sight of the ancient library. A long-held breath was finally released from her chest. The two-week journey on the roads and in the wilderness had led her exactly where she wanted to be: wedged at the feet of two mountains, sitting in a copse of timeworn trees, was this structure built mostly out of chiseled rock, and adorned with wood and marble so intricately it had to have been assembled by magic from the gods themselves. She gazed at the aisles of wooden bookcases lined up in a ring, each end facing the outside. The long alleys narrowed in between towards the center of the rotunda, altogether like the symmetrical rays of a cartoon sun. Though the shelves may have seen better days with some missing chips and splinters in them, they held valuable tomes within every inch of space — and some had to be one-of-a-kind. Shelley didn't know where to start. All this encyclopedic knowledge had been sitting here untouched for centuries, supposedly. There was just one magical safety measure that she was repeatedly warned about. Realizing she shouldn't wear her satchel here, she spent a good minute lifting it from her shoulder and over her golden-brown locks. She carefully left it by the door before shuffling further in. Though the floor had been surfaced with smooth stone, it had cracked and shifted in places to expose some soil, and curiously the odd blades of grass and patches of moss dotted the ground. The place had the earthy scent of vegetation mixed with the stuffy smell of old pages. Thank the gods there was not a wooden floorboard in sight. Shelley's bright, hazel eyes plotted out every step, scouring for any loose rocks to avoid as she approached the center, descending a wide stretch of steps. High above, a dome of glass was filtering the natural sunlight, and vines of a pale-looking breed of ivy hung in threads and clusters from the roof supports like hanging baskets. If only she could climb up and gather some to bring it back to her teacher; he could identify anything. Shelley was here for something else. As she entered the aisles, somebody was watching her from the back of a large marble horse statue, the animal reared up in distress. A figure with the appearance of a young woman lay casually against it, chin resting on her hands in white, silken gloves. A blood-red vest was buttoned up over a beige blouse, with a cream-colored, flowing skirt beneath her slim waist. Clear, crystal spectacles with circular frames balanced on her nose, like binoculars peeking out from the bob of blonde hair. She slipped from her perch and began to glide down with scarcely a whisper. Her heels landed on top of a bookshelf softer than a mouse's footfalls, and she strolled along keeping surveillance of Shelley, who was studying the weathered spine of a book. The keeper hopped over her to the next bookcase and stooped down, crawling with a cat-like delicateness towards the girl. And just as she came within inches of Shelley— "Hi!" The shout echoed from just over her shoulder. Shelley flinched, but managed to slowly turn around to come face-to-face with the floating librarian, who regarded her with a spritely smile. "Pardon me, is there something I can help find for you?" Shelley narrowed her eyes at the trick question. The best she could probably do was spell the title in the air with her fingers, but it wasn't worth the effort. The apprentice reached out and laid a hand on the keeper's cheek. Just a little push sent her away. The keeper pouted as she drifted in a straight line into the next section and finally caught herself on a protruding book. She spied the girl who continued perusing as slowly as possible, pausing to bend over or edging forwards on tiptoe, eventually glancing over annoyed at the librarian. In reply, she just showed a little smirk and darted up and over the shelf. When Shelley looked for her it seemed she had vanished. Or so she thought. Shelley was combing through the third aisle when the silence was starting to get her antsy. It wanted to hurry her along, or at least delude her into thinking she was hearing things, other than her breath through her nostrils. "Psst!" Shelley quickly looked up to spot the keeper peering over the shelf with a thin journal dangling between her two fingers. The devilish grin alarmed her. "Catch." She covered her head with her arms as it bounced off her scalp with a flutter of pages. In that instant she scrambled to clutch it against her middle before it hit the ground. Shelley let out a long sigh as she straightened up, shooting the prankster a glare as she put the piece back on the topmost shelf, and then went on her way. The librarian was slightly amused; perhaps the girl hadn't seen or felt the noticeable bit of puffiness in her front. It was worth getting another look. And so the visitor was left to wander some more, allowing her guard to lower as several books about rare flowers were discovered, and eventually passed by. Shelley was diligent though, scanning every cover one by one. She was getting engrossed in the search. As she went around a corner, the keeper reappeared on a path to walk into her. Worse, a heel went into the top of the visitor's foot. Shelley felt like she was stabbed, pinned to the spot; her pretty features screwed up into a frown of pure agony, but still, not a sound came from the apprentice. She shoved the keeper away and lifted up her leg to massage the throbbing spot inside her shoe. Again she tried to communicate her utter frustration with a look. "Geez," came a huff. "What are you, born mute, or infused with steel? You don't even have a weapon to fight me off, huh?" Shelley angrily managed to mouth I'm an herbalist. "Ahh." The keeper nudged up her glasses. She only turned away and walked off again on her clacking heels. Shelley cast an anguished look at the heavens as she regretted telling that to the mischievous figure. There was probably going to another trap waiting just before the book she was probably looking for. But perhaps this was part of the test that Shelley was undergoing, too. No apprentice graduates without a bit of hardship. With that resolve, her shoes were shuffling along again. It must have been several hours when the thought occurred to Shelley that she hadn't seen the keeper in a while. What was more pressing was the fact that she was running out of shelving to look at. Perhaps she missed it and was in for a myriad of anxious periods doubling-back and rechecking. Could it have been stolen? Or were the rumors true that no one left here alive with a book, or that what she was looking for didn't even exist? She heard her stomach growl, convincing her that it was time for a rest. Her legs felt sluggish, or perhaps just thicker as they drew her pants more snugly around the thighs and rear. But then she miraculously saw the first word in the title on the spine. Carved into the wide leather spine it surely was: "Taluna's Completed Guide to Botany"...! How incredible it was that only a few copies of its pages were believed to be scattered around the world and lost to history, that even the scribbled notes of what someone thought they read from this long ago were still treated these days as legendary recipes from the master of the flora herself! And before her here the cover was bulky underneath with what had to be countless more secrets to glean. Overjoyed she immediately went to look at the table of contents, but found both the pages she opened to coated in a sheet of dust. Particles floated up... "Aahh-CHOO!" And she sneezed! Shelley was the epicenter of the loudest sound made in the library in decades. It echoed, reverberated down the aisles and up to the rafters. The ominous energy she created wavered out, and then came right back into her. A tingle built up in her core. Besides dropping the book in fright, she was standing rigid and quickly realized her skin was swelling outwards. She had to calm down, slow her breathing if she could, and push some of her accessories out of the way as they rustled against the unfurling of her form. So silent was she growing that it felt dreamlike, though it was interspersed by her nervous moans as the belt was being pulled taut around her. Shelley squeaked trying to separate the buckle, making it pinch her inflating waist. She gasped when it snapped like a rider's crop, and the rate she was growing suddenly doubled. Shedding what she could, she pushed off her cloak from her back, flumphing into a heap, leaving her in her tan sleeved tunic. Her focus went to her buttons, wrenching them apart from the bottom to save her top from becoming maternity wear. At her feet, the straps of her boots cricked and cracked as they were forced to loosen. When an oval-shaped tear announced itself on her thigh, Shelley tried to shush it, or at least stifle a curse. With ballooning skin escaping from every angle, the girl decided she had to book it for the exit before it was too late. Disregarding her ragged breath as she ran, her belly quivered through the half-open tunic like a feast was swimming inside of her stomach with hardly the weight of food at all. To her shock, the pesky pixie dropped down right in front of her, their middles colliding with a hollow bloomp. "No running in the library!" the keeper grinned and waggled her finger in Shelley's face. Arms seized around her blimping sides and squeezed, slowing the expansion, but by dragging her fingers along, the librarian coaxed out rubbery squeals that incriminated the apprentice further. "And keep your clothes on while you're here! So many naked visitors I've had to deal with over the years..." continued the chiding, ignoring how Shelley squirmed and grunted. "Let's see..." the keeper mused, then suddenly, with a burst of strength, she hoisted and swung Shelley around like a big rubber ball, then shoved her into the bookcase beside her. It caused a thud and a precarious wobble from the shelves, making Shelley swell out into the thin set of hips pinning her in place. "At this rate your legs are going to be too swollen and fat to budge. That'd make you stuck here forever, won't it?" Talon-like fingers clasped onto Shelley's chest, which already strained the buttons apart. A thumb slipped through the diamond gap, prodding between the stiffening, sensitive breasts. "Won't it?" Shelley had no answer, tightly gritting her teeth and whining, pining for the keeper to just let her go. Talking would be a death knell. She didn't want to look down at the figure grinding against her, who also appeared to be shrinking. The belly of hers was taking up so much of her frame, it was forcing her taller. She felt the sides of her back lifting from the shelf behind her as well, as all around her lower body morphed into a spherical shape. "Well, I can't blame you for wanting to stay," the keeper smiled sweetly up at her. "Who doesn't love a good read? And there's enough material here to keep someone busy forever...! By the way, do you still want to read what you've got there?" Shelley watched the anthology get scooped up and it was held before her in earnest. "I've read this one from cover to cover," she carried on while flipping through pages aimlessly. "Taluna was a great documenter and an illustrator. You know she found a way to even transfer the scent of rare flower petals into the pages? Smell!" For a moment, Shelley only saw another pair of greyed dusty pages before her, masking the picture of a fern and the spidery handwriting describing it. It pressed into her face; she inhaled the linty, undeniably moldy aroma, and it made her cough, then sneeze again. The keeper practically cannoned off the surge of growth to the girl's belly just then, eliciting a laugh as she collided with shelf across. The blimping apprentice moaned pitifully as she tried to shift her legs in her fleeting moment of freedom. All that really budged were her shins as she rotated her rumbling globe of a body—what in blazes could be happening to her lower limbs?! Her waddling was the motion that did her trousers in, as the seven-foot tall Shelley became simply too wide to encompass. Her waist, hips and back combined to form one giant, continuous curve for every clothing article below her brassiere to shred into scraps. Her chest was still covered with her tunic clinging to her upper body, but those mounds appeared to be shrinking in proportion from the sheer breadth of her frame. The keeper caught up with ease and firmly shouldered her plaything in the side. Shelley gasped as she struck the shelf, her body so stiff she still rocked it with her apparent weightlessness. "I'm impressed," remarked the librarian with a simpering smile as she leaned back against her front. Her nails played at the hem of the ridiculously stretched, white panties Shelley wore. "One: I don't know how this thing has held up." A twang sounded out as a finger picked at it. "And second, you're still not begging for me to stop. Do you liiiike it?" Immediately each finger began to wriggle, tickling and scritching at Shelley's bloated waist. Muffled, yet wild giggles escaped as the apprentice tucked in her lips to suppress her laughter. Shaking and shuddering, trying as she might to lean away, she was cramped, stuffed against the shelf as the keeper continued her teasing. "Is there something funny to you about breaking the rules of this place...?" came the torturer's urging. Raucous laughter suddenly broke out, loud and unbridled from the apprentice. She could keep it in no longer, ballooning uncontrollably as a result. Threads frayed on her underwear, and her top rolled up to expose the underside of her wide breasts. The librarian beamed as she hovered higher and moved herself out of the way just in time for the visitor to nestle against both sides of the aisle. Wedged there, getting sandwiched across the acres of bare skin exposed on her enormous waist, Shelley started to cry as all her voluntary movement was taken away from her. Though her upper sleeves had survived this long, seams broke around her bloated arms that were stretched out to either side. The keeper clicked her tongue and descended onto Shelley's belly with the carefulness of a lunar landing. The four-inch heels sunk in slightly and were propped right back up on the tense expanse of skin. "Now how are you supposed to even turn a page looking like that?" she chastised. The librarian rocked her foot back and forth, her toes and her heel taking turns to push into the delicate fabric of Shelley's body. Quietly the apprentice whined as both women could hear a few tomes being pushed from their places, dropping like boulders from the shelves. "All you had to do was not make a peep during your time here, but I suppose now you're stuck until you learn your lesson." "Please..." "Ehh?" The keeper glanced down at Shelley, whose desperate, shrill voice escaped from her throat for the first time. Her rosy, puffy cheeks were pouted in defeat, but her speech had the faintness of a violin's highest note. "Let me go... Take away the magic, or something... and I'll never come back... Please." As softly as she spoke, a rumbling grew louder within her innards. "...Ahahaha. You know, there's a truthful saying," the librarian smirked as she leaned down. "..." "Every good book has its climax and conclusion...!" And with that, Shelley heard a groaning that couldn't be coming from her skin. Her eyes widened as she felt the pressure from the shelves ease up on either side. For a harrowing moment, one could hear a pin drop. Crash! Crash! Crash-crash! Crash-crash-crash! Like dominoes falling, the bookcases in their ring around the rotunda began a cacophony, comprised of wood crunching against wood, of leather tomes bouncing and slapping off the stone floor. Shelley glanced wildly about as she rose higher and higher above the collapsing library in her rampant, exponential expansion. So much noise, and it was all her fault! Her eyes squeezed shut as she could feel her frame pulsating, barreling forth despite the beads of sweat on her brow and the worsening strain through her vast stomach. She swelled even as her bottom half pressed over the clutter lying beneath her. Even though gravity had settled most of the din, Shelley was still creaking, groaning, and squealing as her spreading underside chafed against the floor. The keeper, always energetic, was delighted to levitate along Shelley's side and snuggle and cling to her prize, letting her cheek rub and her fingers play against the quivering, drum-tight skin. Though the ceiling neared with its sprawling strands of ivy, she squeezed her eyes closed to the sight of it, teetering there. Growing helplessly too big, but weaker as well, she gave one last grunt of discomfort at the thousands of points of pressure humming throughout her. Shelley went rigid as her massive body shrieked its surrender throughout the entire library. "NnnnoooOOO—!!" BOOOOM! Shelley popped and sent the loose volumes flying from the huge, sudden gust of air. Instead of pages scattering everywhere, only a brown cloak swirled and fluttered in its descent to drape over a toppled bookcase. Silence had settled once again, and the librarian's laughing pierced the air. "Hee hee hee hee! If only they'd all just tell me what they're looking for...! I can't see why not...!" She picked herself up from the fallen shelf she was lying on and stooped for a book at her feet, one of the thousands that had just been misplaced. She smiled at the cover and tucked it under her arm. "Ahhh, I guess I have time to figure it out." Floating just above the sea of tomes, she began the long, spirited search for its neighbors.
Female Inflation
Belly Inflation, Butt Inflation, Full Body Inflation
"You've locked the door, right?" Caroline asked as the cap unscrewed. Marissa watched the blonde warily as she shook the small plastic container and rattled out the pills. They accumulated like bite-size candy, or oval-shaped pearls in a blue bowl, one that Marissa frequently used to cook microwavable ramen in her dorm when she didn't feel like going out. Judy swayed her broad hips as she returned to the upturned laundry basket in the center of the room, a makeshift table for the trio. "Locked up! It's just us..." she gave a bubbly laugh. She straddled the empty desk chair and slid onto it backwards, the wooden legs groaning their complaints as the overweight girl's bottom settled down. Marissa glanced over at Judy and winced at the thought of the chair giving out from underneath her. What did she have to be— two twenty-five, two fifty pounds? Even an apron of her belly oozed under the backrest in the stretchy plum-colored blouse she wore. Marissa liked the other's full, round face, at least, framed by chocolate locks. Judy was certainly built like the hammer thrower she used to be in track and field, the tallest of the trio by a smidge. Caroline was practically Judy's polar opposite and had an athlete's confidence in her physique: trim legs, toned arms, fair blonde hair and an open personality to let men and women alike give her muscles a feel. The pair of them had found familiarity in each other through playing sports in high school. Even so, Marissa fell in between their friendship because her smarts made a group project go off without a hitch, and the circle had been tight ever since. "Marissa, I asked if you're sure your roomie will be out all night," Caroline spoke up, a tad impatient. "Oh! Yeah, yeah, she—" Marissa nodded her head furiously and then pushed the bridge of her glasses back into place. "She's gone. I think her drinking friends will keep her busy, haha..." Caroline's sun-tanned skin and admirably lean figure made it easy to tell which of them used to play softball. Her index finger stirred around the pills, and then she beamed with her perfect teeth as she cracked open a water bottle and started pouring a share into each of the red disposable cups on the basket. "Well, good! I wonder if she'd have wanted to join us too. A party's always better with more company." Marissa gave a small shrug of the shoulders, staring at her crossed legs and the square pillow on the floor she balanced on. "I don't think Kara would've found this as... exciting as we do," she answered softly. "Let her do her own thing, we won't miss her," Caroline replied coolly. "The RAs won't let us have alcohol in the dorms anyway. We're going to have some fun of our own, aren't we?" Marissa bashfully bowed her head at the tomboy's proud expression. She peeked up through the edges of her frames as Judy gave another intoxicatingly carefree laugh and shifted in her seat. "I'm so excited...!" She began kneeling and slipped the waistband of her yoga pants down, allowing the other two to see her stacked hips and the hints of cellulite on her thighs. Navy panties clung tight to her loins as she listed precariously back and forth. "We're swallowing all of them, right?" "As many as we can," came Caroline's confident answer. She picked up her cup and swirled it like a chalice. "This'll be a ride and a half. You ready, Marissa?" At the encouraging look, Marissa's thin arm extended to the bowl and she took a small handful. The coated capsules were as pale as her palm, slightly translucent like a morning fog. In the quiet, the Friday night festivities could be heard starting up a few rooms down with a gently pumping bass. It matched the beat of her heart, the conscious desire to let her body lose control and restraint. She had never tasted a drop of liquor or puffed from a bong, but she was courageous at this moment to let these tablets in her hand take her wherever they wanted, if only because there were two of her best friends about to do the same. "Yeah." "Here we go...!" Caroline slipped a pill onto her tongue and raised her water. "Cheersh...!" Silence fell again as the girls began methodically downing the capsules. "I'm gonna start with four," Judy announced before she took another sip. Marissa had a preference to do everything in multiples of five. "Um..." she began. "I'm doing six," Caroline leaned forward with intent, greedily picking up her pace. "I brought these, after all." Marissa slowed as she wanted to catch the moment she started feeling the changes. She nearly choked on her water as her stomach lurched forward with a sudden bloat and made the fifth pill go down with a hiccup. "Mnnnh, you feel that?" Caroline banged down her cup and flashed a smile. Judy seized up and moaned, dropping her drink on the rug and hiking up her blouse. "My belly grew—" She leaned away in her chair. "It's still growing!" Her paunch briefly pressed into the backrest until she tried to gather it up from below in her hands. A huge meal seemed to wobble about in her grip. Marissa didn't like how irregular it felt at first, whining as she teetered back and lay propped up on her elbows. Her choices of jean shorts and a checkered blouse were poor picks as her belly forced its way through the buttons in its path, the tiny ones in her top separating by the second as Thanksgiving feasts rapidly piled into her frame. The bulge swelled free, giving Marissa a glimpse at her deepening navel. Astonishment reigned as she wriggled and touched her middle for the first time, her skin blimping with a life of its own. Caroline jumped to her feet and whooped, swiftly pulling off her tank over her head. "Hell yes...!" A sturdy dark sports bra remained, but her sculpted stomach had now ballooned out in front. She fingered her natural outie and grinned as she encircled her hands around her globe of even skin tone and perfect spherical shape. "I feel like I'm pregnant!" "You look like it..." Judy groaned as she hefted herself off the chair. Marissa realized the whale of a female had them beat in both width and size already. Judy staggered a step and managed one of her jolly laughs as she rolled up her blouse to expose the lace cups for her fat tits underneath. Her belly's bloating was making the usual sag disappear and get replaced by jutting, uncontrollable proportions. "And you look extra fluffy..." Caroline purred, eyeing the bigger girl with glee. Marissa watched from the floor behind her own quivering mound as the pair sauntered up to each other. Manicured nails sunk into Judy's huge abdomen; their stomachs bumped together with a soft bloomp. "Oh my God, it's so... velvety!" Caroline's gaze lit up as she raked through. "So chubby on top, but I can feel it getting so firm in there!" Firm was definitely the word Marissa would use, too, as she merely stirred and made absent moans while appraising her beachball gut. It was otherworldly to feel, to let her fingertips play and venture to push harder and harder into her supple self. Resilient, confident, she folded her legs and let her narrow thighs compress it, unable to spot her knees beyond. The sides of her shirt began crackling with their stressed seams as her body was forced to broaden and make space. She soon had the underside of two titanic tummies looming over her. "Marissa..." Caroline grinned down. "You need a hand?" They labored to get their hands interlocked around their circumferences. Judy counted. "Two, three... hup!" Marissa sprang up like a buoy breaching from underwater, the air shifting within her as the trio of bodies cozied together. "Can you guys," Marissa kept her mouth covered and the blush on her cheeks at bay. "Feel m-me next?" She let out a shuddering laugh as four hands, twenty individual points of pleasure, immediately descended on her round waist. "Sure! Anything for our little geek!" Caroline replied. "Long as you don't complain it tickles...!" Every touch she received was amplified a thousand-fold. Digits curled in and stroked thin lines of warmth around her core, turning Marissa into a yelping, mewling mess. She twisted to and fro and made her tingling gut shimmy, muscling a rift between the other girls' bodies. Equally they all were verging close to resembling exercise balls, and as Marissa arched her spine back and bayed the loudest so far that evening, they could all hear the rubbery squeak and chafe of their stomachs, the faintest of hisses too as the pills worked their limitless magic. Caroline had to pitch herself forwards to pick at Marissa's belly button some more, her batting arms at full stretch. "We're going to be too big to reach each other soon...!" she lamented. Judy flinched and pulled back with something else to worry about. "My panties are getting really tight...!" Marissa gaped as she witnessed the chair-smothering hips grow even more pronounced. Judy toddled away and gave herself space to glide her hands over the front of her thighs and pat them, her skin rigid and scarcely jiggling. When her rear pivoted around, while the panties rose like a curtain higher up her cheeks, the others could see the impressions of cellulite fading away to burgeoning, swelling smoothness instead. Judy kept it presented as she pawed one of her ripening buttocks, crooning as she could hardly give her flesh a lift. "It's like a freaking shelf..." Caroline teased as she leaned her side against Marissa's front. "I could stack my textbooks on those! Keep shaking it, fatty!" Marissa had been staring transfixed the whole while until a new sensation arrested her attention; her chest and bottom slowly came alive with tingles, like her pressurized belly sprang a leak into new parts of her body. She peeled away from Caroline and wrapped her forearm around her upper half, but she gasped when she felt a cushiony set of curves pushing back, a line of cleavage beneath her chin for the first time. "My boobs?!" "Hold still and let me feel!" Caroline pried away the arm and shamelessly grabbed a handful of the D-cups. The blonde's vast belly spread into the floor as she bent over and widened her stance just to reach across. "They're sensitive!" Marissa squeaked, striking away the other's wrist. "T-Touch yourself instead." With her bra cutting in and her shorts chafing, the girl was being viced by the pair of bands around her goods. "I would if my tits got in on the action," Caroline replied. "Maaaybe I'll just play with Judy's big, juicy butt instead!" And she eagerly closed the gap between the other's enormous frame. Judy cackled as she swung her pear shape around and knocked over the chair, which only clattered into the laundry basket and sent the pills scattering like skittles. Marissa caught her reflection in the mirror on the door. She shrugged off her shirt as it had become an open vest and curiously waddled up to herself, looking wondrously fuller-figured. It was rare that she ever pretended to model, but she indulged in tugging her bra a little higher and twisting her body this way and that, hands teasing through her dark hair. Judy and Caroline explored each other over her shoulder, the latter of which was slightly off her feet, laying on her bed-like belly as she drummed her nails on the panties before her. Marissa blotted them out as she cradled her midsection, raised it and let it brush her breasts to either side, each stiffening with air. Above her grumbling, bare gut's noises came the rip and shear of her denim shorts, fraying into threads off her buttocks. Matching violet underwear valiantly clung on, even as Marissa tested them by bending in and nestling her bust against the panel, her hot exhalation fogging up her visage. Even if her body was mainly in the belly department, her other dimensions were catching up quick. There was a spell where she planted her hands against the portal and let herself grind and squeak. She was interrupted in admiring herself as two ballooned bodies careened into her backside. Curves creaked and groaned as a brief sumo match broke out over who got to take up most of the mirror, with Caroline boldly stepping to the front. Marissa had backed out first, but she remained wedged between the wall and the nearby closet wiggling for more room. "Guys, we have to be careful!" she piped up. "Yeah, 'cause we've got the walking stomach over here..." Judy's chubby, rosy cheeks creased in a smile. "Look who's talking, fatass...!" Caroline shot back, a good-natured swing of her sides causing them all to bunch up together and make the door shudder on its hinges. "No, guys...!" Marissa hissed, shoving against their girth. "If we don't keep it down, our neighbors'll complain..." "Who'll honestly give a shit, Mariss'?" Caroline huffed, her arms looking comically thin as she flexed and thrust her magnificent belly forth. It was abundantly clear it was hoarding every inch of growth; though Caroline stood several feet away from the glass, her navel squished flat against it. "We're so big, we might end up swelling into the hall!" Marissa paled initially at the thought of parading around her bountiful curves in public, if she could even squeeze through the door with her wide waist and chest. Doing this all in such cramped quarters could turn out to be a horrible idea, where they might get hemmed in and stuck if the concrete walls didn't give... "What's that sound?" Caroline asked. There was a brief rumble in the air, like distant thunder, right in the girls' ears. "Judy, quit moaning and hold still for a moment..." But the obese balloon only trembled some more. "It's meee..." Judy squealed, her arms raising out from her extraordinary width. There was a snap as the clasp of her bra broke, but the blouse kept her chest under cover, with the sleeves beginning to bulge as well. The ominous noises rose in volume and climbed in pitch, her giant thighs making her teeter with uncertainty. "Ahhh... Mhhhh! I think I'm getting too tiiight...~" She began to flare outwards faster and faster, intermittent, intensifying puffs causing her skin to complain like taxing rubber. "Huh? Already?" Caroline's playful tone was laced with disbelief. "I thought you'd get to be the biggest." "I knowww..." came the whimpering reply. "But I just can't stretch anymore!" Judy's butt spanned from the floor to a sliver up her back, a pair of arms' lengths across, and her stomach tried desperately to keep pace as it smooshed into the corner of the room. Panting, a drop of sweat visible down her side, she gave a drawn-out grunt as she rotated her rear around, sweeping a collection of Marissa's superhero figures off her desk. The dark-blue panties sank deeper and deeper, a tight-fitting tablecloth-sized garment wringing the blimp of a girl who was too huge in the front and the back. "Hnnnnh, I'm gonna blow...!" Judy exclaimed and tossed back her head. "Someone just give me a good spank! I can't take it anymooore...!" With the other two's bodies huddled together, trapped against Judy's pulsating form, Marissa could barely swing her arms with her breasts pushed back into her face and glasses; she needed relief before she suffocated underneath each of their enormity. Caroline shifted and wound up, pausing before putting all her might into the impact. "Grhh...! Heh, alright you massive cow, here it—!" Thwap! KA-BOOM! The slap across the butt proved to be far too enthusiastic as it set the swollen girl off with the force of a bomb, silencing the constant creaking. Caroline and Marissa were shoved back into the closet and opposite wall and rebounded harmlessly off, settling out sprawled on the floor as they got their breath back, and down flumphed Judy's blouse onto an empty patch a short distance away. The blonde twisted her head around to face Marissa as she reclined on her side, hitching up her gym shorts a little higher. "That... was so amazing! I hope we get larger than her... Way larger." Marissa was inclined to shyly nod her head, squirming on her back while trying to right herself. The rush of all that excitement and pent-up air made her wonder if the very same would happen to her soon, and yet with her breasts and belly bobbling about, a cloud of comfort sitting in her interior, it felt like there was plenty more room to fill. Both girls turned toward the patter of firm knocking against the door. "Hey," another female spoke. "Could you fucking not?" Caroline just regarded the question with a wide, dismissive smile as she inched herself along the floor, brushing the side of her hulking belly as it unfurled towards the bed in the back. Marissa spoke with a hushed voice. "Where are you going?" she asked. She desperately wanted to keep cuddling, feeling each other's frames, soaking up each other's warmth. "I need space..." Caroline replied. "Lots more space!" She scooted herself back into the mini-fridge beneath the window, spreading her legs wide for her stomach. Marissa could barely see the blonde behind it as it towered nearly halfway to the ceiling, its underside squished flat as the better part of the room was being eaten up. "You're—" Marissa gasped as she got her wish for more contact, receiving a nudge on her voluptuous side by the other's gigantic gut. "Such a show-off..." She let herself be shoved along, sliding on her rounded backside as her belly and tits worked to blot out the ceiling light. Her bra hung on, spread to the size of an awning, giving her a sensual squeeze as it cut into her and stole her breath away. Caroline's middle stalled, then she let out a groan as it lurched forward, smothering more furniture in its search for room. A song of tiny squeaks could be heard as her hands rubbed about her waist, some percussion added in as she thumped herself. "Awww, Mariss'..." her voice sounded ever more strained. "Eh-heh... Your roomie's going to be so upset with this mess..." There was a crunch and crumple as the wooden chair met the desk on the side of the room. Marissa herself completely encroached into Kara's space, her tiny head wedged against the drawer of the wardrobe. "T-Too late to care about that... Ahh!" Caroline swept her belly a fraction towards her and made her yip, the behemoth grumbling as it scrunched them both up. "Ahhhhrh...!" A moan came through. "So fu— full! Feels like I'll... pop." Caroline couldn't keep still as Marissa could feel the pressure mounting against her own expanse of skin. The little legs kicked about and the diminutive derriere twitched aimlessly, jostling the creaking stomach. The swells became further spaced apart, but increasingly intense. It took all of Marissa's effort to roll herself over a tad and peek at all the stretched, tan skin, a few stress marks coiling around her waist. The tomboy kept unfurling like a wall closing in. All the internal rumbling approached a fevered pitch again, and Caroline's navel jabbed into the other's body like a large, stiff cork, quivering as it tried to keep closed a shaken bottle of champagne for just a few moments longer. "Can you... massage it at all?" Caroline cried weakly. Marissa sucked in her breath and wiggled her fingers, sandwiched far between her breasts and abdomen. "Nope!" "God damn it..." Caroline giggled feebly. "I can't... believe it looks like you're the most flexible one! I wanted to see you burst, c-'cause I wasn't ready for Judy's..." She leaned back as her belly arced ever forwards, packed beyond belief. "But I'm gonna go out with the biggest bang imaginable..." Her hands, tiny as they were, egged on her growth with little hollow pats against her thinning exterior, its give all but gone. "I'm gonna shock the whole hall, the whole campus, w-with just how massive I am...!" Plastering a fearless grin on her face, Caroline slowly wrapped a set of fingers around the fridge handle at her side and braced herself as her grandiose gut now whined and keened for help. Drum-tight and unable to advance any further, a few final quivers coursed through Caroline as her chest rose and fell with her panting. "Ah— Fuh—" Krrr-krk-krk-krk-krrrrrr— "Haaaaa—!" BANG! Caroline disappeared in the span of a camera flash, and Marissa's proportions went flying forth as a result. There were acres of space now, fresh air to breathe; such sudden changes made the remaining girl a little woozy. Her glasses now sat crooked on her nose, hazily letting her acknowledge how huge she was all over. She wanted to have her turn next, to go out in such a lucid way. But now that she had her own private realm to herself, Marissa felt like trying to take up the entirety of it. There was frantic pulling at the door handle to her west. "What's going on in there!?" someone demanded. "It sounded like an earthquake!" "Get the RA," another, fainter voice chimed in, barely perceptible above the hissing that surrounded her. Marissa hardly had the space to maneuver anymore, or the freedom of her limbs to push herself about. Her thighs were the diameter of tires at their fattest point, her buttocks each big enough to spread across the hood of a car and then some. Try as she might to flounder about and get a better glimpse of her gut and her girls, each continued to angle towards the heavens as she lay tilted. Her arms remained spread and she strained to reach those back behind her, to graze her flaring hips that far surpassed her wingspan. Marissa leaned out her torso just a little more, cooing as she silently begged to keep going, keep growing. She reveled in the rolling grumbles her colossal body let out, heedless to the many smaller things she squashed and crushed. Nothing could stop her, not even the sturdy bedframes; they even gave her already-generous waist a boost to reach the furthest corners of the room. Now that she could perceive all six sides of her cell giving her resistance, it was time to stage a dramatic jailbreak. "M-More..." her voice quivered, just before she buried her face in her cushy chest that was pushed up by her incredible bra straps. "Mmmmm...!!" Ass pressed to the groaning door, stomach continuing to pulsate against the single window, Marissa willed herself to stay strong just a bit longer until she got relief. The panel over the light splintered, much of her skin began to crackle, and perhaps all around her the crumbling sounds were the lines of mortar splitting into fissures. "Ooooh!" At last there was a jangle of glass as her belly punched through a gap, and smooth, taut skin snapped the divider like a twig and bulged out the back of the building. Marissa cried out as she received another hammer blow of pressure, the last, desperate surges of the volumes of air throughout her innards. Up to her eyes in her own tight flesh, she squeezed shut her lids as she quaked and panted and pled that the next incoming bloat would do the demolition she craved... CREEEEAAKKK—BOOOOM! It was Marissa who wound up surrendering first, vanishing in an extravagant explosion, and all the furnishings could finally decompress from wedging against each other. A lamp toppled over and crashed, then came the wardrobe slamming against the floor and joining some featherweight school papers that went wheeling in the air. One of the Resident Assistant's master keys turned inside the lock and the fourteenth push against the door happened to be the charm. "Ah...!" a ponytailed senior stood in shock. "They're... gone. But I swore..." The crowd of other females behind her craned their heads to inspect the aftermath of some discarded clothes, broken property and a gaping window frame, where all the night's boisterous energy had escaped.
first person
Female Inflation
Breast Inflation
My friend Wendy and I sat at a small large round table at a small restaurant in the mall. Wendy was having her usual health plate of sparkling water and a vegetarian sub. I was having pizza, four slices with all the toppings, a chocolate milk and a brownie for dessert. Seated around us were an assortment of mall visitors; a couple old ladies, three young boys at one table, two young mothers with their children and an older guy who was quite intrigued with the newspaper he was reading. I squirmed in my seat a bit as I took a big bite of pizza. Wendy noticed this and became concerned. "Are you okay, Helia?" she asked looking me up and down. At her vantage point all she could see were my head and shoulders and my chest. My chest was the main thing she was looking at. It was hard not to look at it. It was hard not to notice a girl with a 86 inch chest. I set down my piece of pizza and looked over at the three young boys at the table to our left. "I'm fine. It's just that one kid over there is blowing through his straw into his soda and..." I placed my right hand to my right breast and rubbed the giant thing through the yellow sweatshirt I was wearing. "...his bubble blowing is effecting me." "Oh gosh! I didn't know even the sight of someone blowing something up made your...umm...condition kick in," my blond haired friend said looking at my huge breasts. I sighed and felt my bra straps bite a little more into my back and shoulders. My nipples popped up and made prominent bumps in the sweatshirt material. A normal girl you wouldn't notice her nipples emerging but mine were fairly large, like fat ripe grapes ready for pinching. "It's not just the sight of someone blowing something up. Heck, it doesn't usually happen just with someone blowing tiny bubbles," I told my friend as I sat back in my seat as my boobs pushed over the table. They had already been resting on the top of the table like giant beachballs on display...that was why we had gotten a large round accomodate my large round boobs. "Even sounds of things inflating or bubbling make my condition act up." "Should we leave?" "No. I am not going to run away everytime this thing happens to me. If this is my fate to get bigger and bigger then I will live with it...and everyone else will have to live with it too!" I said as the three boys, mainly the kid that was blowing the bubbles in his soda, stopped what they were doing and looked at me. They looked at me and at my huge breasts billowing out of my sweatshirt...and grinned. The kid with the straw leaned over his soda, lips wrapped around the drinking utensil and blew. Huge bubbles formed and popped and bubbled in his glass. I cried out as my boobs ballooned up bigger in my top. "Maybe you shouldn't run away, just get up and walk quickly away before you float away," Wendy said as she wrapped up the remains of her sandwich and my lunch. I held onto my growing boobies and got to my feet. If I got any bigger I wouldn't be able to get out of the door of the little restaurant. The three boys laughed and the other people who were taking notice now were scoffing as I got to the door and opened it. I started through and my giant boobs scraped the edges of the door frame. "Gosh, Helia. It looks like your butt is getting bigger also!" Wendy exclaimed behind me. I squeezed through the door and finally got through, making my way out into the crowded mall. The initial release from the confines of the door sent me stumbling off balance for a moment. In that moment I, with great embarrassment, literally bounced chest first off a number of surprised shoppers. My enormous breasts bounced and jiggled with each nudge against a person. When the superball/boob-bounce episode was over I regained my footing and adjusted my top. The XXXXL sweatshirt was already starting to untuck and rise over my little tummy. I pulled it down as much as I could which really emphasized how big my boobs actually were now. Not being able to do much else I just let it hang where it was. Wendy checked her watch. "Hey! It's almost time for that show at the IMAX!" Wendy wanted to go see a show at the IMAX movie theater in the mall. It was like a regular movie theater sort of except the screen was SUPER HUGE and the seats seemed to hang out in space so you got the full visual effect. I had never been to one and Wendy said it was SUPER KEWL! We got to the IMAX theater. I was happy to see double doors leading into the thing. We went in and waited in line. A lady with her daughter stood in front of us and she kept turning around and looking at me. She kept leaning into her daughters ear and whispering something as she looked at me. Thinking this rude and imagining all the nasty things she was saying about me I stepped forward and mashed my boobs against her back. "Excuse me?!" the lady said. "Don't let your baby grow up to be a Balloon Girl!" I giggled and my huge breasts bounced in my top. The line moved forward. People paid the attendant and headed through the inner doors into the main theater. "What show are we going to see anyway?" I asked my friend as we got to the attendant. His eyes widened at the side of my ultra wide front loads. "Something about airplanes and stuff. They over the Grand Canyon and you really feel like you are flying," she answered. "I don't know about the Grand Canyon but...been there, done that." I giggled again. We got our tickets and went into the main part of the theater. The place was getting guite full of people. A lot of the people lined the top three rows of the long four row theater. Wendy and I moved down to the first row below everyone else where there were decent seats. I couldn't believe how big the screen was. It must have been 60 feet tall and maybe 100 feet wide. The seats were actually kind of cramped. You sat in a cushy seat but seemingly close to the rail in front of you. I took my seat and found my boobs almost reached the rail. Oh well. "Put your headphones on for better sound," Wendy said as everyone else in the place slipped a pair of headphones on their left in a compartment in the seat arm. I plopped the headphones over my ears and sat back as the theater grew dark and the show begin. A great musical score filled my ears as the title of the show filled the screen. THE AGE OF FLIGHT. There was some narration about the history of avionics, showing crude airplanes and other inventions of the earthbound man. "AND ONE OF THE MOST PEACEFUL MEANS OF FLIGHT FOR MODERN MAN HAS BEEN FOUND TO BE..." A shot of a hot air balloon filled the screen. "...THE HOT AIR BALLOON. LET'S WATCH NOW AS THIS AT FIRST FLAT AND LIFELESS INSTRUMENT OF FLIGHT BECOMES A BEAUTIFUL HUGE ROUND INSTRUMENT OF FLIGHT." The screen suddenly showed a group of people blowing up a hot air balloon. The sound blasted through the headphones. I cried out as I felt the sudden burst of myself beginning to inflate. "No! No! No!" I cried as my sweatshirt exploded and my huge breasts burst forth inflating faster than the hot air balloon on screen was inflating. "Oops. I'll go get the usher," Wendy said as she hurriedly moved away from her ballooning girl friend. Such was the life of a Balloon Girl. Such was the life of me...Helia Melonowski.
competition, inhale
Female Inflation
Hourglass Inflation
And so now talk had turned to our former loves, and we giggled as we talked of them. She had talked of the many boys she had dated, once upon a time in high school, and now to the ones that she had dated in college. Her descriptions were quite graphic of one or two, and I could see that she missed several of them, especially their physical dimensions. "So, how about you?" She queried. "What type of girl did you prefer?" I smiled, for I had in all truth had only a few girlfriends, but an idea whirred in my mind. I would make her jealous too. "Oh, my last girlfriend had an incredible body... I mean I like the large, hourglass figure types, and she was enormous!" "Really!?" My date grinned, she seemed inordinately interested and I was puzzled... "Like how big?" "Oh, well..." I thought hard, this could be interesting... "She had some really big thighs and uh... pardon me but quite an impressive chest!" And I noticed that my date was taking deep breaths in a curious fashion, gulping, sucking and drawing in air, and seemingly exhaling none... Stranger still I noticed that her shirt seemed to be drawing tight, it's horizontally striped pattern constricting about her curves. She paused. "Was she as big as this?" Pointing at herself I noticed that she had in fact, grown larger of both hip and bosom! I became excited at her newfound talent... "NO..." I murmured, "larger..." She drew in again, puffing herself up, bigger and bigger. Her shirt stretched further about her, and her skirt began to bulge with her ripening thighs. Her face grew red from the exertion, but at last she stopped and a soft, almost pleasurable groan escaped her lips. "Was... she... this big!" She drew her hands down her sleek torso, caressing breasts grown suddenly enormous, past her still slender waist and over a skirt on the verge of bursting from the size of it's occupant. "No...." I completely lost restraint. "Much, much larger..." She huffed and puffed again, expanding slowly but surely into perhaps the world's most pronounced figure. Hips and thighs bouncing and pulsating as they tested the limit of her skirt, and finally burst the seams. Endless, shiny smooth skin revealed itself, a pair of white panties stretched protestingly across the inviting curves. Her shirt held up well, but stretched as tight as the skin of a balloon, and she whimpered softly, her face beet red in it's effort to contain her air. From between tortured lips she managed to squeeze: "Was your girlfriend this b..." KABOOM!
Female Inflation
Full Body Inflation
The doorbell rang and Sarah jumped up to answer it. Her black hair bounced as she giddily opened the door. Waiting outside were the last of her girlfriends she'd invited over, Tess and Alicia. Tess was a short brunette with big amber eyes, and Alicia, a slightly taller girl with a head of brown hair so dark it was nearly black and vivid green eyes. "Hiya!" Sarah giggled. "C'mon in... Kirra and Julie only got here about ten...fifteen minutes ago." The girls exchanged greetings as they stepped into Sarah's living room. Kirra, a plump blonde friend with big pale blue eyes waved from one end of the couch and Julie, a petite redhead with turquoise-blue eyes waved from the other. Tonight was going to be their playtime. Couple of movies from her DVD collection, snacks...mebbie something a little more entertaining later... A smile crossed Sarah's lips at the thought of that...None of the girls gathered "Walked the straight and narrow" and Sarah knew they all had at least some feelings for each other... Alicia loaded the first movie into the DVD player... Four hours and three DVDs later, the five girls were flopped about the room, gorged on who-knew-how-many snack foods and candies. "Anyone got any ideas what to do next??" Sarah asked idly, staring up at the ceiling. "Game of cards anyone?" Julie asked, having found an old package of playing cards in the drawer of an end table. "Lets make it more interesting than just cards..." Tess mused. "Lesbian strip poker maybe??" The girls laughed. Kirra blinked, then fished around in a bag full of stuff she'd brought. "Maybe Tess is on to something there..." She produced a bottle full of orange pills. "What are those...?" Sarah sat up, staring at the little bottle. "Recreational expansion pills." Kirra replied. She got four confused looks. "They make you inflate. I'd seen an add for them in a magazine somewhere, wondered whether or not they were real, and got a bottle for myself to find out." "Sounds kinky...I like it." Julie giggled. "Ok then. Who's up for some roulette? Get the lowest card in the deal and you have to take one of Kirra's pill...thingies." The girls agreed and helped Sarah move some of the furniture aside so all five of them could gather around a single table. "Do one round now to see about the first dealer. High card gets dealer, then we'll just go clockwise around the table." Sarah said, squeezing between Kirra and Julie. Julie nodded while shuffling the cards. "Dealer's high, Aces are low." She mused, and dealt out the cards facedown. Sarah: King, Kirra: Jack, Tess: 4, Julie: 5, Alicia: 8 "Oook." Sarah gather up the cards and shuffled the deck. Dealing out the next set of cards, she giggled. "Let the games begin..." Sarah: 6, Kirra: Jack, Tess: 8, Julie: Queen, Alicia: 6 "Redeal, redeal..." Alicia smiled. Sarah gather the cards up and chuckled, shuffling and dealing again. Sarah: King, Kirra: Queen, Tess: 5, Julie: 10, Alicia: 10 "Aww... I was hoping dealer would hafta take the first pill..." Tess stood up from the table and took one of the orange pills. Unsure of what was going to happen, she wandered to the middle of the room and swallowed the pill "Here goes nothing..." For the first few seconds, there was nothing. Tess was about to open her mouth and say something when her belly gave a gurgle, then suddenly puffed out almost as if Tess was suddenly nine months pregnant. She raised up her shirt and touched her belly, which was rapidly swelling up. "Ooh... that feels... nice..." She purred. The other girls watched in awe as in a few moments, everything about Tess grew. Her belly and breasts inflated like balloons, her arms and legs plumped up, all the while accompanied by her coos and purrs. Her clothes tore apart and littered the floor as she blew up. As her limbs got fatter, she took on more of a starfish shape, until she was nothing more than a 7' wide ball of flesh with hands, feet, a head, and two ridiculously huge 3' spheres for breasts. "How's that feel...Tess?" Sarah asked in astonishment. "I'm so tight... but it feels sooo amazing. I'm soo...oooh...ooohhh...Ohhhhh..." Tess' moan built up into a cry of pleasure they all knew was her climax, but it was followed only a few seconds later by a loud, sharp BANG! as Tess' belly could hold no more. The four remaining girls stared in amazement as skin-colored rubbery pieces fluttered down all over the room. Watching Tess burst like that had awakened something in the girls and without a second thought or word, Kirra, the next in line, picked up the cards, shuffled, and dealt them out. Sarah: 6, Kirra: 4, Julie: Queen, Alicia: Ace. Alicia looked at the card in her hand and smiled. "Aces low?" The other girls nodded. With a giggle, Alicia dropped her card, picked up a pill, and moved to the same spot Tess had stood in. Happily, she opened wide and swallowed it. She purred with delight as her belly suddenly bulged out. "Here's hoping for at least eight feet..." The girls giggled as they watched Alicia inflate before their eyes. She blew up much the same way Tess did, starting in her belly, then spreading to her breasts, then the rest of her body. Moaning with delight, she rubbed her shiny belly as best she could. As she reached the starfish shape, there was a 'RIIIP' and her clothes joined Tess' bits and her clothes on the floor as well. "How am...oooh... I doing girls??" Alicia cooed. Sarah gave her a thumbs-up. Alicia giggled, watching herself growing. She didn't start turning in a complete sphere though, but instead her breasts merged with her belly into one huge sphere in the middle of four fat conical limbs. Her belly crested 8' wide and she moaned, her whole hugely bloated form shivering as she came. "Yesyesyes...!!!!" KA-BLAM!!!! Giggling with eager glee, Julie grabbed up the cards, shuffled, and dealt them out, even as bits of Alicia drifted down like snowflakes around them. Sarah: King, Kirra: 9, Julie: Two Julie giggled. "Oopsie...looks like I dealt myself a lil orange pill instead of a card." She snatched a pill and had it down her throat before she even got to the middle of the room. There came the familiar gurgle, and Julie squealed with glee as her belly bulged out. She cooed and purred, rubbing and stroking her belly as if to nurture it to grow bigger, which it seemed to do eagerly. "How mean of Alicia... making a lil girl like me have to reach for nine feet..." "You're not exactly little anymore now." Kirra chuckled, pointing at Julie's blimping figure, which was already starting to bulge into her butt and upper arms. "You're right...and I'm gonna beat nine feet across before I pop!!" Julie cried. Sarah and Kirra watched and giggled. In only a few minutes she'd turned into a sphere as big as Tess when she'd blown apart. She was a real sphere though, her breasts little more than slight domes against her expanded bellybody. "So...close... c'mon, don't blow apart...on me now...!" Sarah and Kirra gasped, then applauded. "You did it!" Sarah exclaimed. Sure enough, Julie, the shortest of the original five girls was now a huge ball of quivering rubbery skin that could give at any second. She didn't stop though, and reached 10' across a few seconds later. "I did it!! I'm the bigge...ooohhh!!!" Julie's face suddenly lit up with pleasure on a scale equal to her newfound hugeness. The BOOM! that followed was also on that same scale... "Wow..." Kirra sighed. Sarah smiled. "Thee girls popped... Only two left." Kirra smiled as well. Sarah took the cards, shuffled, and dealt. Sarah: 7...Kirra: 8 A wide smile lit Sarah's face. "Dealer's just seem to have the luck..." She mused, grabbing a pill and moving to 'Ground Zero.' She brushed aside the popped pieces of her friends and their clothes with her foot. Her belly suddenly puffed out several inches. Sarah moaned softly, touching her swelling middle with her fingertips. "This is soo wonderful... oooh..." Kirra moved over and pressed lightly on Sarah's tummy as it began to really distend. It swelled up quickly to pregnant sized and with a small smile, she felt her breasts, thighs, and arms beginning to plump up as her inflation spread out slowly. She relished every second as she inflated. Soon she was reduced to a near-perfect, 7' wide sphere. Her belly gurgled menacingly, her growth slowing, threatening to blow her apart. " yet...Just a little more..." Sarah whimpered softly. Kirra absent-mindedly rubbed her own belly, watching Sarah's grow so close to bursting. A few more moments passed, and Sarah's swelling resumed. It was like watching the fuse on a big cartoon bomb burn down. As she crested 10' wide, Sarah felt herself cum, her whole huge bloated belly wracked with the power of her climax. The moan built in her throat so quickly that it turned silent. "Bigger...bigger..." Kirra suddenly realized she was hoping for her friend to grow even larger. Sarah's spherical form seemed more than happy to comply, but only for another six inches before a loud KA-BOOM! shook the room. Kirra sat in stunned silence for a few moments, watching as Sarah snowed down around the room. She'd gotten her answer at least...these pills were the real deal. She looked at the bottle, noting the fine print on the label... "Note: These pills release double what the closest competitor-brand recreation expansion pill (REPs) releases. NOT FOR USE BY FIRST-TIME INFLATEES!" "Maybe I should try reading the label next time..." She mused aloud. Looking down at the cards, then at the heaps of pieces from her friends' rubbery skin and clothing, a wide smile crossed her lips. Kirra picked up the deck and shuffled it again. "The dealer takes a card...and so does the bottle of pills" She drew a 6 from the deck and laid it on the table: her card. This was followed by her drawing a 9: one for the pill bottle. Her smile widened. "My favorite number, sixty-nine. Gee... looks like I lost too..." Kirra grabbed a pill from the bottle, and then stopped. "Always better to go out with a REAL bang..." Reaching into the bottle again, she pulled out a second pill and swallowed both. She jumped eagerly to the middle of the room, just a second or so ahead of the all-too-familiar gurgle. Kirra squealed when her belly suddenly 'FWOOMP'ed almost a foot, then began to rapidly expand. "Ohh...ooohh...ooooooohhhh..." Panting softly from the intense pleasure building between her legs, she watched herself growing, eagerly rubbing and stroking over her inflating body. Two feet wide. She was inflating twice as fast as any of the other girls had. Kirra also knew she was going to go off with twice as much power...she hoped she would anyway. Her limbs grew fat and cone shaped in a matter of moments: Her breasts disappeared into her expanding belly; becoming vast domes adorned by her painfully erect nipples. The pleasure and the pressure just kept coming...eight feet...nine...ten....eleven feet across... Kirra suddenly felt a twinge, and she knew she'd gone too far too fast. She moaned out loudly, her body wracked once...twice...three times by an incredibly powerful climax. What followed to Kirra's ears was a loud roaring sound like a harsh wind. Had anyone else been there to see what had happened, they would've heard a loud POP!! that cracked the glass of the television, knocked lamps over, and swirled the remnants of five burst girls and their clothes all about the room...
female, floating, inhale, superhero
Female Inflation
Full Body Inflation
There were over ten thousand superbeings on this planet and tonight I was going to become one of them. Tonight I would make my debut as a superheroine. And luckily for me, one of the world's worst was right below me. Looking down over the rooftop I could see two Blackguards alert and prepared for when inevitably some group like The Alliance or Frontier would come knocking. Unfortunately for them, I was going to be their newest dance partner.I gently lowered myself from the side of the building using the firescape. I moved silently until I was just above ground floor, to which I then dropped with a thud. The two Blackguards' heads swiveled to my direction. They saw as I brought myself up and came walking towards them with all the confidence I could muster. I cut an intimidating figure. A completely black bodysuit with no visible eyes or discernible features, a faceless being. A fedora proudly sat on the top of my crown, while a trenchcoat was wrapped around my body. "Mutant Detected." A digitally changed voiced came from one of the Blackguards. "Estimation to be some form of bodily enhancer, but the chances of it being a form transmuter or a tech based fiend are also high." I should've been a little more wary,but I just couldn't.The Blackguard were one of the world's premier superbeing fighting forces. Well, the organization these two were apart of anyways. It appeared the two idiots in front of me were just fodder. If they were more competent guards, they would have shot me the moment I came down. "You both should head home now and forget this entire night." I so gruffly informed them. My voice coming out to be much more deep do to a modular I used. "If not,well I'm just saying both of you will wake up feeling like you were knocked into next Tuesday." The Blackguards looked at each other for a minute, right before they leveled out their guns to fire at me. Thankfully it seemed they weren't equipped with those superbeing killing rifles their superiors handled. Which meant I was free to do the following. Under my black mask, I opened my mouth to generously engulf a large amount of wind. I could see the debris in the alleyway we were in jump up and flow towards me. My mask caught anything that was larger than an air molecule,leaving me gulping down good 'ole oxygen/ hydrogen mix. The Blackguard's were startled of course, which caused one of them to fire off his gun. The bullet traveled out of the barrel, before it wobbled from the vacuum I was causing, and fell to the ground. The Blackguards soon had to deal with their own problems, as they could feel themselves being brought towards me from the suction. Their feet were dragged by an invisible force, until they lost their footing from the ground.Smiling, I cut off my stream of air, right as the two flew towards me. Aiming my both of my fists straight at their heads,I delivered two quick and decisive blows that knocked the Blackguards out. "I gave you both a warning! You should've taken it" I helpfully chimed in. I burped a little, feeling all of the air swirl inside of me. Hopefully I could deal with whomever else these two were with before the side effects for my powers would occur. Reaching into my trench coat, I brought out two plastic cuffs I could use to deal with these fools. After cuffing them, I huffed a little trying as I dragged them. I did my best to hide them if one of their buddies came to look. Feeling confident with my work, I took their weapons and threw them into the dumpster. I did however make sure to take the clip out of each of them, as well as take out the firing pin. I would have to find something to do with them later. "Let's head inside and see what other forces these people brought with them." I whispered to myself. I slowly walked into the dark halls, noting the blasted open door and disabled security system. This place seemed to be some sort of building dedicated to the advancement of Humankind,or in Layman's terms, a lab. Heading down the hallway I could see various chunks of wall that were blasted apart. It was like a battlefield in miniature here. I cursed as I saw that I wasn't dealing with a small unit of Blackguards but a division, which most likely was lead by a commandant. A large,power armor user with a gun that could blow straight through a building. I briefly wondered why such a high leveled personal of the Blackguards was needed right before I saw the one of the defenders of this building. There, on the floor, was a Matter Inc. ARES. Its robotic cyclops head punched through, giving me ample room to see its internal operations. "You guys are attacking one of Matter's facilities?" I wondered aloud. Mr. Matter, one of the world's premier superheroes, was currently having one of his labs under siege.I would've felt a little giddy if it wasn't for the fact it was Blackguard attacking it. I steadied my mind so I could continue forward, but released a quick burp from my mouth. I covered it quickly, blushing under my black bodysuit. I could feel the air inside of me stir. Opening up my trenchcoat a little, I saw my usually firm tummy distend into a small,but noticeable, potbelly. I huffed in frustration, it seemed the side effects were already showing.I couldn't stop now, I had a superhero problem at the moment. So I continued forward to wherever this hallway brought me. Sadly, it seemed to be a wall, and I couldn't exactly get through that. I scratched my head in thought as I saw it, but an idea shot through my mind. Quickly taking a robot head still intact, I brought it forward to the wall. A blue triangle formed in front of me, its light washing over the head with precision.I held my breath, waiting to see what would come. I was rewarded with the walls opening up and the interior of a Hi-tech elevator. I stepped inside, still clutching the robo head, and pressed a button. Tapping my foot slightly, I waited until the doors opened in front of me. Walking out,with the robot head clutched like a weapon, I saw to the side of me the damaged form of what was likely the Blackguards own impromptu-key. I was shaken from my overview of the mechanical thing by a large shockwave. It knocked me off my feet, causing my concentration to stagger. I could feel my stomach puff up like a blowfish as it strained against my trenchcoat. I clutched it in embarrassment, as well as trying to get it to stop. Pushing myself upwards, I headed down this new tunnel I found myself in. It was white,well mostly, large blackned craters from firing dented walls. Oil slicks from robots and debris littered the tunnel. I gently placed the robot head down somewhere in this wreckage so I could continue forwards with my search. I followed the shockwaves, which increased in magnitude, until I arrived at a broken gate of some sort. It could've been made to create a forcefield, it could've just been some kind of steel door, I do not know. Whatever it was, it was slag now, so I did my best to avoid the sharp points. Soon I came upon the place that metal door was supposed to guard. It was a dome shape arena of some sort, with a device I couldn't quite describe sitting proudly in the place's middle. Surrounding a portion of this machine were Blackguard of all level.The only reason they weren't doing whatever they wanted to do with it was because of a group of robots led by a certain somebody. "Give up and we might let you live mutate!" The commandant cried out. The Blackguard's division leader was covered in what I could only describe as a slab of metal carved into a vaguely human shape.His weapon seemingly cooling down from firing at his target. "Fat chance commandant, I don't know what Blackguard wants with my brother's doodad, but I ain't letting you have it. Numbers 32, 54, 35,17, 10, and 23, watch my back!" Mr. Might declared. The robots nodded their cycloptic heads and delivered shots aimed into the crowd of Blackguards surrounding them. I gasped in awe at the sight, quietly thanking my form shrouding mask to give me some sense of privacy. It was Mr. Might, one of Mr. Matter's four siblings, and one of the strongest heroes on Earth. Well he is on a technicality. He could only go that strong for twenty-five minutes and he had to recharge for a day. At the moment, he was probably on the lower end of the strength spectrum. And unfortunately, the commandant could kill him if he had the chance. But if he was fully charged,it was a sight to behold. One time when Iznocke invaded for his fourth takeover, Mr. Might threw a mountain created by his brother at the invader's mothership.That's for another time though. I realigned my thoughts from the hero worship to how I could help said hero survive. I crept into the room, watching as robots fought against ten or so Blackguards by themselves. But even with their might, the robots couldn't stand against all the Blackguards by themselves. Soon the intruders blasted parts of them off, leaving standing twenty or so Blackguards and their commandant. I could see Mr.Might wipe off the sweat from his brow, seemingly getting exhausted from the fight. I wonder what he did the previous few hours ago to tire himself out so much. I pushed that thought away, he needed help here and now, and that didn't mean me standing around. I gracefully, to the best of my abilities anyways, walked towards the group. More focused on Mr. Might then me, I angled myself to utilize my ability to its most perfect form. Limbering myself, I began to activate my power. I began to suck in air like there was no tomorrow. Pieces of robot, Blackguard power armor, or weapons began to fly towards me. While the rest of the Blackguard were preoccupied with what I was doing, Mr. Might wasn't as slack jawed as they were. He dashed forth and tackled the commandant from his feet, though this caused both of them to be sucked towards me. Which also meant the rest of the group were being dragged towards me as well. I jumped backwards, cutting off my windtunnel, causing the hurtling group of men to crash into the floor. Various debirs smacked into their bodies, I could hear the Blackguards grunt in pain from the force.I heard them groaning near my feet, mostly from the aches they had received from their little travel. Mr. Might,meanwhile, was on the floor with the commandant. The commandant's armor was stronger, and larger than Mr. Might. But this wasn't the first time the hero had to deal with a Blackguard commandant. He delivered quick blows to the neck and joints of the armor, revealing weak points in the armor's design. I didn't know what I could do to assist the hero, already I could see the other Blackguards groggily get themselves up. "Hey, doughgirl!" Mr. Might cried out. I don't know if exactly he was making fun of my appearance, until I realized the name was in reference to my expirence. "You see that platform to...the right of me?" He grunted as he fought against the commandant. I turned to look towards the direction, and just as he spoke of, there was the platform."There's a lever that'll deal with these idiots down here. Flip it!." I nodded, giving him a thumbs up. I dashed like a bullet across to the device. Sadly for me, it wasn't as easy as I thought. My condition worsen as I could feel the air press against my skin. My stomach bloated ever so larger. And not helping this was the sound of I don't know how many Blackguards getting up and racing after me. It didn't matter, I just focused on getting to that platform. I reached it soon enough, a ladder was pointed into the floor of the base. Grabbing the first bar, I brought myself higher and higher. My belly smacked against it harshly, but still I ignored my discomfort. Finally I reached the peak of the place, pushing myself upward I clasped the lever and brought it down. A tube rushed downwards onto me and the ladder I traveled upwards collapsed into the wall. The three or so Blackguards, which I now noted, that were climbing up it were dropped harshly onto the floor. I didn't worry too much for them, knowing that their armor could protect their bodies from the fall. A large beep echoed throughout the chamber, causing me to formulate what would happen next.I watched as the entire room turn blue followed by white. I looked down towards the ground to see what happened to my pursuers. They were curled gently on the ground, and for a brief moment I worried that I somehow killed them. My fears were unfounded though, as it appeared their chests were going up and down. The tube around me shot back up and the ladder reappeared. Climbing downwards, I looked across the entire arena. "Thanks for the help, doughgirl!" Mr. Might exclaimed. I was startled from his sudden announcement, but kept steady as not to appear jittery. I wouldn't want to make one of my idols think the one who saved them was a jitterbug, right? I bowed towards him,doing my best to keep my stomach from rolling outside of my coat. A nagging thought raced through my mind and I decided to verbalize it. "Excuse, Mr Might. If I'm allowed to ask, what was that device I had just used?" I questioned. "My Brother's patented 'Mind Pattern Disrupter' a device for all your mental ailments!" He spoke as if he was calling out a commercial. "Use it for insomnia, get rid of stress, or use it when one needs to take down a bunch of mutant hating mooks. Make sure your eyes are protected, so as not to knock yourself!" The man gave me a grin and a laugh. Mr. Might then stretched, allowing me to gape at his muscular form for a bit, right before he offered me his hand. I took it, allowing him to give me a hearty handshake. I felt my stomach jiggle madly inside of my trenchcoat. "So what's your handle, stranger?" "Vacuum." I replied immediately, I had already picked a name for myself, not allowing the media to make their own title for me. "Vacuum." He rolled the tongue around his mouth like fine wine. "Good name; I could see why you picked that moniker for yourself. I am wondering why your here though? This is a secure facility." Internally I screamed in shock at his question. Externally, I kept my voice level. "I saw two Blackguards outside and I couldn't just wait around for the police to arrive. I took the hero's initiative sir,which means it's my job to knock the bad guys to the ground." Mr. Might peered down at me, right before another grin split his face open. He gave a small chuckle and rubbed the side of his head. "That reminds me when my siblings and I were younger. 'We need the police' Matter would say, whenever we saw a crime happening inside of private property. Eventually the 'ole guy finally decided it was better for us to intervene in those affairs." Mr. Might reminisced. "I'm not my brother, truth be told, so don't worry about sticking around and giving your testimony. If it's fine by you, I'll name you as a 'third-party' ally in this entire affair. Just like how Pulsar or Tick-tock were first introduced." "That would work fine by me sir." I replied,doing my best to stay calm. Mr. Might smiled at me before he headed off to deal with his captured Blackguards. "Oh, before I go." I called out to him. "There are two Blackguards tied behind some trash! Their weapons are in the dumpster!" He gave a curt nod at my information. I smiled under my mask and headed off, feeling light on my feet. That's when it struck me. Looking down I saw myself rise softly from the ground. Groaning, I landed down using all my will to keep myself grounded and rushed towards the elevator. My body couldn't contain the wind I had consumed anymore, and my form was slowly bulging with air. I clenched my fist in frustration, waiting as the elevator was traveling up. The doors opened with a click and I dashed forward. My chest bulged and swell, as well as my backside. Pump, pump, pump did my body go. I needed an open space to release all of my air. I passed the destroyed robots, as well as the broken door,hoping I could reach the alleyway soon enough. Sadly, it seemed my own body couldn't keep it together. My ears were filled with the sound of a miniature explosion,I lost the ability to move my hands and feet. All of my frontal vision filled with my enlarged breasts. Blacksuit covered flesh entrapped my neck. My trenchcoat stretched with me thankfully and my fedora was till trapped on my noggin. I rose slowly upwards, feeling the pressure still mounting inside of me. Larger and larger did I grow; by how much I did not know. The alleyway's floor soon became a distant place as I floated upwards, feeling the air swirl inside of me. My skin distended from all of the releasing pressure,bulging cheeks filled my mask. While the blacksuit I wore stretched with me, it still pressed against a part of me that I won't go into great detail about. The pressure mounted harshly, like pop rocks followed by coke, and I could see more and more of my vision filled with my suit covered body. All of me was engorged, a minature tornado raged inside of my own form.I couldn't comprehend how big I was at the moment, but I hoped it wasn't too large. Finally the last of the air inside of me subsided, leaving me a large, black blimp under the mercy of the winds. I hoped that I would deflate before the dawn, that's when all of the flying heroes began to emerge. The wind flipped my head downwards, my groin now showing upwards, allowing me to see Apex City in all of its glory. I was thankfully high enough that none of its light could shine upon me, but still I worried a plane could potentially smack against me. Nothing could help me now accept time, so I settled on replaying my debut as a heroine inside of my mind. "Powers, I'm going to let this one slide. Not even this could ruin my night." I mumbled between air-filled cheeks.
Female Inflation
Katie had spent a long day in work at Chemcorp filing and sorting the documents and was tired as hell. She couldn't wait to get home and call Clive her new man, she had been with him for a month now after ending it with Trev. Trev worked in the company and he had annoyed her with his constant neediness she never had a moment to herself so when she ended it, she was rather surprised at how well he took it. She ran her hand through thick red hair on her head, which ran down to her lower back. Katie entered the house and looked in the mirror as she came in. Smiling to herself, at 5' 10'' she was not too tall and her athletic build was shown through her wardrobe. Today she had a Red Two piece suit. The skirt coming to mid thigh, to show off her pins. A black belt with a silver buckle, an old present from Trev she recalled. And a button down white blouse. She wore this and some stockings (She loved to tease the men at work flashing them in meetings) Black heels completed the look. Turning to the side she looked at her body, nice butt and a good pair of C cup boobs. Smiling she went to the kitchen and got a bottle of water and was walking into the front room when someone jumped on her. Small beams encircled her wrists and ankles as they were loosed from a weapon on the attacker's wrist. Another clamped round her mouth as she hit the couch. Sprawling round she turned to see Trev loom out of the corner. At 6' 4'' Trev stood tall over her his glasses and nerdy look seemed out of place with his muscled body. 'Leave me for CLIVE? Well that won't do. I think your ego got to big. I believe you should join it.' He removed a small pill from his pocket it looked bright blue, and removing the wire for a second forced it into Katie's mouth. Katie tried to spit but her mouth was held tight as the pill dissolved on her tongue. After 2 minutes Trev released the wire on her mouth the pill was gone. 'What have you done to me?' Katie demanded Her hands securely behind her back and feet still bound. 'Nothing major just the last in a failed batch of fruit flavoured pills. All your weekly needs in one tablet. The expulsion rate was a little out though. A weeks food at once. What's wrong? You look a little blue.' 'What?' Katie looked down, blue splotches were visible on her skin slowly spreading over her body turning her bright blue. 'MMM I feel so full what is happening?' Katie began to writhe on the couch as her blue body felt tight and uncomfortable. 'Put on some weight?' smirked Trev as her belly looked a little swollen pulling at her blouse. 'Oh My God!' Katie looked on as her stomach began to stretch out in front of her 'Ow my belt' Katie moved uncomfortably as her belt pinched her. She then started to lift of the seat as her ass began to grow, her blouse buttons started stretching as her boobs filled too. Trev walked over and stood her up. The growth spread down her legs squashing them together as they were bound up. Her Breasts filled more and tightened her blouse so the blue skin showed through. She felt full and uncomfortable as she filled up. Her skirt Rode up her immense thighs showing the tops of her fraying stockings and a glimpse of some white French Knickers 'I think your safe now' Trev said, deactivating the beams, instantly Katie's Arms and Legs sprung out to a star shape as her body filled. A Button on Her blouse blew revealing growing cleavage as she grew. 'My belt hurts' She grunted as it cinched tightly around her waist. Her red jacket began to rip as her body filled it, the shoulders tearing slowly. The bright red skirt now half way over her ass showed up on her skin. Two more buttons popped off showing a stressed and over filled bra, which like the belt seemed to be rather tight. With a huge bang Katie's belt burst and like lightning her stomach surged out to form a globe. Her buttons burst and her skirt snapped off shortly followed by both her jacket and blouse. A creak signalled the beginning of the end for the bra as one by one the stitches broke revealing huge blue breasts, the nipples seemed to have receeded as the skin tightened. Slowly her arms and legs were pulled into the orb as she grew. 'You know taught skin reacts to slightest touches?' inquired Trev as he approached. 'Stay away from mee you moooohhhhhhhhh!' Katie quivered as Trev lightly ran his finger over her globular body. 'No don't do that' she said as he went to do it again. 'Ok' he said and stepped away. Observing her as she uselessly flapped her hands and tried to move her feet 'Wouldn't move those you've still got heels on.' smirked Trev. Terrified Katie looked at him 'I'm still filling when does it stop?' 'It won't. Ever.' He said slowly 'Or till you can't fill any more and you blow' He smiled. Blue tears rolled down Katie's face as she still grew. 'Well see you or not' Trev said as he went to leave 'Oh and on the bright side the bigger you get the more sensitive, so maybe you will brush something and you will enjoy it more huh?' He laughed and left briefly stopping to stroke the now 7 foot blueberry that was Katie. She shuddered and closed her eyes ' I'll scream as soon as you go.' She said loudly. 'No you wont the juice wont let you' He smiled and left. Alone Katie went to scream but felt juice well up in her cheeks and lips blocking her mouth 'MMMPHHHH!' Slowly she grew her underwear finally shredding. At 10 foot she brushed the wall. 'MMMMMMMMMMMMPPPPPPPPPPPHHHHHHHHH!' The power overwhelmed her briefly and her entire body quivered. Slowly she rolled onto her back each part of her shuddering as she moved. Creaks were heard from her body. Unable to grow she was now close to the end. Stuck in rapture she couldn't concentrate though as one rush after another hit her as she rolled. Somewhere her mind yelled and screamed at her but she didn't hear it as she reached her limit at 12 foot across she could take no more. Across the road Mr Johnson heard an explosion. He phoned the ambulance and told them that there had been an explosion at his neighbours and he didn't know if anyone was in.
Female Inflation
Full Body Inflation, Stuffing
Detective Karin Watts surveyed the crime scene. A pretty flashy apartment belonging to supermodel Katie Russell - ex-supermodel now as there wasn't much left of her. Neighbours had reported a loud explosion coming from her apartment and Karin was looking at the aftermath now. A forensics crew were taking photos of broken windows and other damages, as well as pieces of torn clothes littering the place. That seemed to be all that was left of poor Katie. Sure she was a self centred bitch on camera and most probably off camera, thought Karin, but did she really deserve this? "Hey Eddie," she said, approaching one of the men. "anything new to tell me?" "I wish," he replied. "But whoever did this is good. There's no evidence of anyone else being here but supermodels don't just explode on their own. Do they?" "Generally not." Karin muttered, nudging a piece of torn jeans with her foot. "Especially not 3 in the same week. I'm off to lunch, let me know if you find out anything." Minutes later she was sitting down to a big, greasy burger. She'd put on a little weight recently and had started to develop a little belly but dieting could wait. It had been a tough week for Karin so she was going to eat all the comfort food she needed until the case was solved. 3 exploded supermodels and no leads. The only connection was the fact that they were all with the same agency, so logically it could be someone who was turned down. But there were hundreds of rejects and she wouldn't know where to start. She sighed as she realised she might have to resort to tracking all of them down and questioning each one. Just then, her phone rang. "Hello?" "Hey, it's Eddie. We've got a witness! Well not quite, but kinda. You better come over though, you have to see this." She finished off the burger, her third one, and rubbed her stomach. She looked down at it curving outwards, rounder than it had been before. Screw it, she thought, and ordered another one to take with her. Back in the apartment she found a new person waiting with the rest of the crew, a very nervous looking guy in his early 20s with a dv camera round his neck. "Is this him?" "Yeah," said Eddie, smirking slightly. "Ask him how he saw what happened." Karin looked at the boy, who blushed. "Well?" she asked impatiently. "Well... maybe once or twice I... may have spied on her from my room across the street and even... sometimes kinda filmed her." Karin gave him a disapproving look. "Come on!" he whined, "It's Katie Russell! WAS Katie Russell. You would've done the same!" Karin sighed. "Just tell me what you know." "I'll show you." He picked up the camera and turned it on, tilting the little monitor towards Karin who watched the footage. It showed the former model starting to undress, before closing the curtains. Her silhouette could still be seen though. For a few seconds it was just her changing but then suddenly another figure appeared, carrying what looked like the shape of a gas cylinder. They put it down and attacked her. The two struggled until Katie was overpowered. The tube and nozzle were too faint to see through the curtain but it was clear that something was being pushed into Katie's mouth. She struggled in vain as the attacker turned on the gas. Her stomach could clearly be seen to be growing outwards as the air was pumped into her. She tried to pull the nozzle out but it was stuck. "So she was inflated." said Karin, watching Katie's shadow grow. "That's insane." "I'll bet the same thing happened to the other two." said Eddie. They continued watching as Katie gradually rounded out into a huge sphere, her arms waving frantically up and down as she ballooned. The attacker had gone, presumably taking cover. "Wait, you filmed her exploding?" asked Karin in disgust. The boy blushed again. "I was stunned, I didn't know what to do!" he said defensively. "I would've reported this sooner but I didn't want people to know how I found out." They looked back at the screen in time to see the windows shatter as Kate popped. The camera went off shortly after. Karin stared at it. "If anyone needs me, I'll be buried in a pizza." Karin sat in her office, leaning back in her chair with a slice of pizza in one hand and a tv remote in the other. She flicked through channels on a small tv she'd brought in. There wasn't much point going home at the moment as she was always being called in. She lingered on one channel showing some reality show on the new top models. Don't get too comfortable, she thought, you'll probably end up like the last three soon enough. There followed a montage of people who didn't get through. Karin pressed record, just in case. Meanwhile, a few blocks over, Sophie Cartwright had just arrived home. It had been a hard day with all the photoshoots and pampering. She looked in the mirror and flicked back her long blonde hair, giggling. Life was good. Great in fact. It stayed great until a few moments later at least when she saw another woman in the mirror sneaking up on her. She looked round but before she could scream, the end of a fire extinguisher was pushed into her mouth and the handle aqueezed down. Before she could even realise what was happening her stomach was already filling with foam. She tried to pull it out but her attacker was too strong and held it in. Her stomach started to expand and she looked down to see her blue top getting tighter as it struggled to cover her. Her tummy rounded and she put her hands on it, trying to push it back in but the pressure was too much. As she filled her cheeks bloated out. At this point the attacker let go of the end, it was stuck between her cheeks now and no amount of pulling would get it out. Her breasts filled out a bit and her arms started to get pushed out to the sides as she filled up completely, her cut off jeans ripping slightly as her thighs grew wider. Now completely full and with nowhere else to go, the foam continued to blow into her stomach and she watched uselessly as it grew. As Karin finished the last slice of pizza she considered ordering another but before she had the chance, the phone rang. She picked up. "Eddie?" she asked, sleepily. "No," said an unfamiliar female voice. "But you might want to pay Sophie Cartwright a little visit. Her career's been going great. She's going to be HUGE." The woman hung up. Karin jumped up, wide awake now and rushed out the door. Sophie's door flew open as Karin kicked it in. She was holding a gun and ready for action but stopped when she saw what was in there. Sophie Cartwright, hot new supermodel, now an overinflated ball. Her blue top was stretched over the top of her and her jeans were just about hanging on, although they had popped open, but most of her huge belly was exposed. A fire extinguisher was hanging from her mouth, the handle sellotaped down and Karin was alarmed to see she was still growing. "Mmmmmm!" she screamed as best she could. Her cheeks bloated out more. "Hang on." Karin said, approaching her. Her belly button popped out and she creaked loudly. "I'll help..." Before Karin could do anything there was a loud pop and a powdery white spray which engulfed her. "" She finished weakly. Karin stumbled back into her office carrying another stack of pizzas and flopped down into her chair. Still covered in the white powder, she couldn't be bothered to clean it off. The phone rang again. "Speak." "Hello again, Karin. I'm sorry you couldn't help Sophie in time, it must be a pain when your plans blow up in your face." "What do you want?" "I want what they have! I'm just as good! Better! They rejected me for being too nervous! Of course I was nervous with them judging me! Well it's too late for me now but I can still teach all those stick insects a lesson and you'll never stop me in time." She hung up again. "Ugh, screw this." She started on the first pizza and made her way through them. Her stomach grew tighter but she didn't care. She looked down at her belly as it started to poke out from under her brown top. Her pants were getting tight too. One more slice. She started to eat and looked down at her stomach again. She could actually see it growing slightly but shrugged, Better than being a stick insect. She swallowed the last bite and her stomach expanded again slightly, popping the button off her pants. She looked down at it on the floor. "Wait a minute..." She grabbed the phone and dialed. Eddie answered. "Eddie! I need to know something. What do you know about the buttons? "What?" "The victims buttons. They all popped off didn't they?" "Yeah but we couldn't find any of them. They all just dis..." "Thanks." She hung up. She turned on the TV and hooked up the kid's camera to watch the footage of Kate's demise again. After a few rewinds she noticed that the attacker was definitely opening and closing her mouth, as if she was catching something in it. It was a long shot but it might be enough. She turned on the recording of the reality show and looked at the montage of rejects again, all pretty girls but all acting nervously which always resulted in rejection from the judges. One girl kept chewing her hair, another bit her nails. The one that got Karin's attention though was a pretty girl with reddish hair who kept nibbling on the buttons on her clothes. The judges didn't like that and showed her the door, resulting in a slow motion shot of a heartbroken girl's walk of shame. She gave all the other models a dirty look as she left. This was the attacker. Zoe Peterson. Karin rushed into Eddie's office. He looked up. "Are you all white?" he asked. "You look like you've seen a ghost. Hell, you look like a ghost." "Oh this." she said, remembering her powdery shower. "Yeah someone exploded on me. But I know who did it, it's Zoe Peterson! She swallows the buttons!" "Are you sure?" asked Eddie. "Positive. she was rejected and now she's getting her revenge. i have to go and stop her. "Wait, if you're right, you need to go in their properly equipped." Karin sneaked quietly down the hallway, towards Zoe's apartment. Reaching the door, she kicked it open, gun pointed forwards. But there was no one there. She walked cautiously in and looked around, unaware that behind her, Zoe was silently running out into the hall, returning seconds later dragging a fire hose with her. Next thing she knew the gun had been knocked out of her hand. She whirled around to defend herself and was immediately greeted by a hosepipe in the mouth. "Normally I usually target models but for you I'll make a special exception." sneered Zoe. She looked down at Karin's tummy. "You're already getting fat so this wont take long, I guess I should thank you for helping me. I hope you're thirsty." She turned the pressure on and water started to rush into Karin. She immediately started to bloat and her round stomach began to grow. "Did you really think I'd fall for that? I knew you'd come for me. You can't beat me." Karin looked down at her stomach swelling up and tried to pull the hose out but Zoe moved behind her and held it firmly in. "No no no, I think you should drink a bit more. Don't want you getting dehydrated." Karin's cheeks began to bloat out as she filled up with water until the hose was stuck. No going back now. She held her belly, now several times its original size and getting heavy until her legs collapsed under the weight and she had to sit down. She watched the curve of her belly rise in front of her as her top rode up, showing more of her stomach. Her pants made a groaning noise and Zoe eagerly skipped in front of her just in time to catch the button in her mouth as it popped off and swallowed it. "As you may have noticed, it's kinda my thing." she said. "I always swallow my victims buttons. Here's to number fi..." She stopped smiling and held her stomach. Something wasn't right. She was starting to feel bloated. "What did you do to mmmmmmph." she started, before her cheeks filled up with air, cutting her off. Karin reached into her back pocket and pulled out a knife, being careful not to pierce herself. Bursting all over someone's carpet was not how she planned to end her career. She cut through the hose and stopped inflating, giving a great sigh of relief. She swallowed the extra water in her cheeks which returned to normal, and pulled the end of the hose out. By this time, Zoe's stomach had started to swell up making her look pregnant. She clutched it and felt it stretching beneath her fingers and looked up at Karin, who had managed to pull herself to her feet, despite the huge round expanse of her belly. "Just a little something they made for me. It wasn't a button on my pants, it was a compressed air capsule. Thought I might turn the tables on you." "Mmmmph?" squealed Zoe angrily, growing rounder by the second. "Yeah there's enough air in there to... well, you'll find out. Oh, I'd look at your feet one last time while you still can." Zoe looked down and saw them disappear under the curve of her belly. She was now almost as big as Karin and her pants started to grown. Sure enough, the button popped off and Karin caught it. She looked at it for a second. "Here, you have it." she said, pushing it through Zoe's lips, which were tightly sealed by her cheeks. "Your last victim. It's your thing remember?" Zoe was now bigger than Karin and started to lift off the ground as the air built up in her. Her arms were pushed out to the side and she began to creak with the pressure. There wasn't anywhere else for the air to go as it made her belly button pop outwards. She was now huge and taking up most of the room. "Well I better go now so I'll leave you to it. Maybe you should've been a pop star instead." Karin winked at her and left, closing the door behind her. Zoe gave one last angry squeal. Karin heard a very loud pop from inside the apartment, but kept on walking. She liked her new bulbous form and decided to get one last pizza before bed. She knew there would be a lot of paperwork tomorrow. The next morning the forensics crew did their usual thing, although it was more of a clean up than an actual investigation. It was the usual scene, except this time in the middle of the room they found five buttons and an empty capsule. Case closed.