4 values
44 values
5 values
17 values
30 values
Female Inflation
Breast Inflation
Tabitha timidly closed the door behind her. It slid into place with a shuddering metal 'clunk,' which echoed throughout the small, brightly lit room. Three of its walls were blank, but the fourth had a large mirror, which Tabitha would bet her life was actually a one-way window. In the center stood a dais, about waist high, upon which rested a patch of fabric. "So, I just, take off my shirt and put this on, right?" she asked, desperately trying to hide her nervousness. She suspected she failed. "And your bra," came the voice over some unseen PA. "Don't want it digging into you when the process starts." "And I can take it off at any time? I don't want to get too big . . . have a sore back." she explained as she slowly made her way over to the garment. "You'll gain size but no mass . . . the process will actually make you lighter as you will displace more . . ." the voice stopped itself. "Yes, you can stop any time, and no, they won't be heavier." Tabitha didn't really understand, but made her way to the garment regardless. Gingerly, she took it the surprisingly heavy fabric into her hands and unfolded it. "How, how does it work?" she asked. "The prototype has micro-emitters worked into it that . . . listen, it just works, we've tested it before." The shirt was Brobdingnagian; at least triple or quadruple XL. Men's size XL. Setting the crumpled shirt back on the dais, she turned so that her back was to the 'mirror' and began to take off her shirt. It wasn't that she was vain, and she wasn't that unattractive, she just wished she had a breast size slightly larger. For an instant she felt like stopping, like terminating the test and leaving. That it was vain of her to want larger breasts, that it was stupid. But the treatment was free, and like the man said, what did she have to loose? She finished removing her bra and let it hit the floor. Then, with much trepidation, she reached behind her for the elephantine shirt . . . and donned it. It was enormous on her, easily dwarfing her smallish frame. The 'short' sleeves fell past her elbows and the shirt ended near her knees. The hole for the neck alone was so large that it she could almost fit through it. Gently, to avoid any 'fashion disasters,' she swayed herself around, so that the gentlemen behind the mirror could see. "So when does it-ooh!" There was a slight tingling sensation in her chest, like someone had poured carbonated soda down her chest. At first it was rather unpleasant, but any discomfort subsided almost instantly Scared of what horrors she might see, of her own body mutating, she reluctantly gave a glance down to her chest. Nothing. But then she felt it. The shirt around her was shifting, ever so slightly. Riding higher as the intensity in her chest grew slightly more pronounced. "How do you feel?" came the voice over the PA. In a trance, Tabitha managed 'weird' whilst checking the growth of her chest. The first bit of visual evidence came small. Like she had padded her bra with a couple sheets of tissue paper. But they were GROWING. And, Tabitha thought, growing faster. After a time, Tabitha did not know how long, she estimated she had gained half a cup size, growing from a slightly-larger-than-normal A cup to something in the realm of a B. She reached for the hem of the shirt. But then it happened. A feeling exploded in her chest, like being wrapped in the biggest, softest, fuzziest blanket in the world. No, no it was better than that. It was like the essence of that feeling, the essence of happiness and contentment was liquid, and was being poured into her. Her body quivered for a moment, her knees went weak. She was. . . she was the happiest she had ever been. She was alive! For the first time in her life she was warm, and content, and happy, and ALIVE! Her bust's growth had exploded along with these new feelings, quickly surpassing a size B and making short work of C. Somewhere, in the back of her mind, she knew she should take the shirt off, but that might end the feeling! And besides, it was fun to watch her breasts grow. It was fascinating watching them inflate, as they searched for more and more room under the shirt that suddenly seemed a lot smaller now. Forcing out, moving around, drawing up more cloth, rounding, CHANGING. And then they moved in a different way. Still growing, but now moving UPWARDS. The were no longer resting on her torso but . . . moving, FLOATING. The hoisted themselves up, obstructing her view, and Tabitha couldn't help but giggle. The shirt was beginning to strain now, she felt that it had run out of slack but didn't care. On a whim she fulled down the front of her shirt, which acted like a tether, drawing them back to earth. Then she let them go and they immediately flew up to her face, with much more fore than they had before, bopping her on the nose. And Tabitha laughed like she hadn't since she was a child. "Get in there, she's going to ruin it!" came some voice from somewhere, but Tabitha didn't care, she was having too much fun. The shirt was really stretching now, she could feel the back of it desperately trying to hold together from the irresistible force of her pneumatic orbs. Creases formed across the fabric, which hardened and straightened into lines of force that dug into her, tying to find some way to encompass her enormousness. Her ever-growing chest started distorting, seeking freedom through the collar or through any means, really, but always up; and ever bigger. She felt something, some slack in the shirt behind her. Just a tiny bit, a small little burp that gave her breasts a millisecond of unimpeded expansion. And then another, and then another. And finally the entire seem gave, shredding the shirt in half, the force of her burgeoning spheres threw it off of her . . . and threw her upwards. The men rushed in too late. The only thing in the room now was a ruined prototype shirt and a girl with massive breasts, breasts that were trying to urge her body skyward. "Heya, you guys got a bigger one?" she asked playfully, skittering across the floor on her tippy toes.
Female Inflation
Inflatable Clothing
Melody never felt like this before, at least, not in the waking world. She could feel herself grow and luxuriated in the knowledge that her power over men, already substantial and honed to a fine point, was about to be exponentially enhanced. The hiss of air slowed and stopped but the snug sensation of her chest, confined in the strong layers of clothing made her smile to herself. She would be unstoppable with breasts this size. Then the plug was let out of her world. Her dive buddy pressed the purge button and the buoyancy jacket deflated. The sensation of huge, air filled breasts protruding from her chest left her in a smooth whoosh, leaving her substantial lady bumps unchanged. Melody returned from her reverie to find her buddy waiting for the corresponding equipment check. She masked her disappointment that she was not sporting the be all and end all of boobs and allowed her enthusiasm for the dive return, but knew she would give up the sport if it were the price of personal floatation devices that would gain the attention of any breast worshipping man or woman she came across. After diving, debriefing and grabbing a quick meal, melody returned to her motel suite for an alleged early night. She packed her dive gear in its bag and set about running a relaxing bath. While the water ran, she thought over her recent epiphany, that inflating her buoyancy jacket would finally give her the sensation she had been seeking since puberty awoke her interest in ballooning feminine appendages. It seemed so real, so immediate, she entirely forgot she was at sea. The instructor's instructions were ignored and for the few moments the sensation lasted, she was in heaven. She owned the world. Apart from the pleasure she imagined would come from larger, rounder, bouncier breasts, she craved the attention and worship they would bring her. Her breasts already attracted admiring glances and flattering overtures. Bigger could only mean better. Melody had an idea. She didn't resist it for a second and unpacked her dive gear, carrying the jacket, hoses and a tank into the en-suite. The bath was ready and she dropped her robe as she stepped in. The regulator was attached to the tank, the jacket was attached to the hose and trussed into place over her breasts. Melody lay back in the hot water and closed her eyes, savouring the anticipation. Her hand grasped the control and gently depressed the inflate button. The hiss of air expanding from the tank began quietly but the sensation of her breasts expanding was immediate. In her mind's eye she could see them pushing forward and out, stretching her clothes in the fight to be free and on display to all the world. She pressed the button more firmly and the expansion surged. Her excitement at being in control of her body and power was escalating. She felt the constricting jacket fight to hold her in. The tiny voice in her mind asserting that it was a tactile illusion caused by tightening clothing was told to take a hike. She pressed the button hard and the racing gas whooshed down the hose and into her chest. She writhed gently on the floor of the tub but found she made less and less contact with each movement. Praise be, her breasts were so big they made her float. She knew things were reaching an impasse. She heard Velcro strain to hold, felt the crushing pressure of her breasts/the jacket pushing against her ribs. The moment was almost over but disappointment was tempered by the idea that she could repeat the performance until the hot water or the air ran out. A last gasp of air phutted into the jacket and she released the button. Melody floated serenely at the surface of the water, her smile wide as she contemplated life as an inflatable sex goddess. A thought passed fleetingly. What if it was a wish come true. What if she opened her eyes to find breast flesh straining to escape from every gap in the jacket. Would she inflate herself beyond the boundary she had reached? Would she go for broke and blow herself up to within a gasp of popping? Damn straight she would. She'd blow herself up to fill the room, the house, the yard. She'd try helium and become her own lighter than air transport. She'd blow herself up in public, on TV and on the net. People would worship her and her inflatable assets everywhere she went. And she would blow herself up in private to be the balloon love doll of any man she chose. She savoured the thought for a long time and opened her eyes.
Female Inflation
Full Body Inflation
It had been a long day, but it was finally over. Kayla was happy. John was going to take her out on a date tonight. The day had gone on for what seemed like hours, but it had finally come to an end. Kayla had just finished getting ready, when John pulled up. John gave a honk on the horn. "Come on Kayla! Let's roll!" he called. Kayla came running out to join John. "Hop in" said John, and Kayla did so. In a matter of moments the two were off. After cruising around town for a little bit, John pulled into the local Taco Bell. Kayla couldn't help but feel a little let down. John exited the car, followed closely behind by Kayla. They stepped in, and headed for the ordering line. After several people orders their food, it finally got to the couple. "Hi, I'd like 2 burritos and a large soda. How about you K?" said John. Kayla, who seemed kind of distant and unaware, replied "Whatever hun." "Make that four burritos and two drinks." John said to the cashier. The cashier rang up the sale, and handed the receipt to John. After a minute or two, a tray was brought to the front, containing the burritos and the cups. "John, I'll be right back, I gotta use the rest-room" said Kayla to her boy-friend. Kayla went off to the bathrooms, and John got the sodas. He filled up the sodas, and went and got a seat. John waited for a few minutes, and then he had an idea. He ran over to the concessions, grabbed some salt, and then walked back to his seat. He tore open a pack of salt, and put it in Kayla's drink. John and Kayla were always playing practical jokes on each other, and this was no exception. He had just finished righting Kayla's drink, when Kayla found the table and sat down. "Thanks for getting everything in order" said Kayla to John. "No prob K." replied. Kayla and John then proceeded to chow down. The burritos were somewhat dry, so Kayla took a sip of her drink. To John's amazement, Kayla said nothing about the salt. Instead she said "Geez, is it hot in here, or is it just me?" She then drained half her soda. She ate the rest of her food, and then finished off her soda. "I'll be right back" she told John. Kayla went over to the soda machine, and filled it up. She drank a cup full. Filled it back up, then went back to sit with John. John went into a long rant about how imports are better then Amrican cars, Kayla sipping her soda all throughout the talk. She rather quickly drained the soda. "John, I'll be right back" said Kayla, interrupting John. She went back to the soda machine, filled it and drank it twice, then retuned to John. John was still talking about import cars, when Kayla noticed something, her belly was sticking out. Her belt was cutting into her stomach, so she undid her belt. Kayla was still incredibly thirsty, so she quickly drained her cup again. She got up, interrupting John again, and went over to the soda machine. She had filled and drained her cup there, when a crazy idea crossed her mind. Kayla positioned herself just right. She latched her mouth onto the Code-Red soda tap, and turned it on. The soda flowed. But no matter how much she drank, it just wouldn't satisfy her thirst. But Kayla drank on. Her stomach was quickly spreading outward, her hips and but getting noticeably larger as well. A family had realized what was happening. They came over and asked Kayla what she was doing, Kayla tried to answer, but couldn't through the gush of soda poring down her throat. Kayla was getting too big for her jeans. She kept growing, until RRIIIPPP, and her jeans tore off her. The family was shocked at what happened. They tried to pull Kayla off the tap, but it was impossible. Kayla's jaw was clamped on very tightly. Kayla was freaking now. Her breasts were beginning to obstruct her vision. She no longer had arms, only elbows and hands. Same with her legs. The shirt Kayla had worn was beginning to develop a large tear in the side. But the soda continued to pour forth from the tap. Her shirt fell off her body with a large RRIIIPPP. Since the soda happened to be red, Kayla was also turning a rather dark shade of red. The inflating continued, and it wasn't long before Kayla turned completely spherical. Her jaw unlocked, and she turned herself upright. Kayla's arms and legs had all but disappeared. Only her hands and feet remained. Her stomach had spread out in all directions, turning Kayla completely spherical, except for her boobs. They were the size of car tires. Her nipples were swollen, pulsating at the pressure they were containing. John was beginning to grow worried. He turned the corner, only to find his girlfriend. "Kayla, what the..." he began, but was too awestruck to finish. Kayla gave a feeble wave of her hand and said "Hi Hun!". He didn't say anything, only looked around. He saw the soda dripping down her front, and became overcome with emotion. John crossed over to his girl-friend, and put an ear to her stomach. He could hear the fizzing of the soda. Suddenly a vindictive thought entered John's mind. He pushed Kayla over. "Hun, what was that for?" asked Kayla. She didn't have time to answer. She began expanding outward in all directions. Kayla let out a moan. This was a turn-on for her. The pressure was intense, and she was enjoying every minute of it. Suddenly, the inflation stopped. Kayla was now incredibly wide. Her breast almost touched the ceiling, as they rested on Kayla's massive stomach. Kayla's breast began leaking after this. Out from her nipples poured tons of soda fizz. She continued leaking fizz for five minutes, slowly deflating all the while. Eventually, Kayla turned back to her pre-inflation size. Kayla stood there, red and naked, as John tried to explain what happened. John grabbed Kayla, and left. The manager was furious at the mess Kayla had made, and wanted them to clean it all up. They ran out to John's car, and drove off. John handed Kayla a blanket to keep some of her dignity intact. "Hun, why did you push me down back there?" asked Kayla, out of the blue. John pondered for a minute, then answered "I dunno hun, I just felt like doing it." After a little driving, John pulled into Kayla's driveway. It seemed Kayla's parents weren't home. They ran inside, and went down to Kayla's room. "Hun, what are we gonna do? I'm all red! What will my parents say!" she said to John. "Personally, I say we tell them that Kayla is a large red sphere," said John, as he reached over and poked Kayla in the belly. The effects were immediate, Kayla began inflating this time. Unluckily for Kayla, she got even bigger this time. She quickly grew to the size of a shed, with breasts as big as shrubs. She was actually pressed against the wall and ceilings, she had gotten so big. As quickly as the inflation happened, she deflated at the same speed, spraying soda fizz all over the floor. Kayla punched John hard on the shoulder. "Don't do that again!" she yelled. "Why? It sounded like you enjoyed it." said John with a smile on his face. "No way!" lied Kayla, unsure if her predicament was even possible. "We'll see that" said John, poking his girlfriend again. Kayla grew slowly this time, which allowed time for Kayla to run outside. She had made it outside when she tripped on a small rock. She fell over on to her stomach. Her arms and legs were too much gone, and she couldn't get up. John came running out the door. He just laughed a somewhat vindictive laugh. Kayla just kept on inflating. When she finally stopped growing, she was bigger then the house. John just kept laughing. Kayla waited and waited for the de-flation to begin, but it never did. Kayla layed there, awestruck that she wasn't deflating, and lovingly at her newfound size. Kayla felt somewhat turned-on at the thought of being this big. John was as well, but he didn't let it show. Instead he displayed a mix of puzzlement and fear. "Kayla! You're huge!" he screamed, looking around for Kayla's head. He saw a foot and one hand, but couldn't find her head. After a little looking John finally found Kayla's head. He didn't have time to celebrate, however. Precisely at that moment, Kayla's parents had pulled into the driveway. Kayla's dad quickly exited the car. He ran over to John and asked "What the HECK is this red thing on my lawn?". John sheepishly replied "Umm, this is your daughter, sir." He pointed at Kayla's head. Head hung low, Kayla said "Hello father." Kayla's mom, who had just exited the car, fainted on the spot. Kayla's dad, face red with fury, grabbed John by the scrum of his neck, and dragged him into the house. Kayla's father dragged John into the house, and deposited him on the spot. "WHAT THE HECK IS WRONG WITH MY DAUGHTER!" he screamed. John sang like a canary, telling Kayla's dad every last detail. Kayla's dad had calmed down by the time John finished, but he said not a word. Twice, he looked at John and tried to say something, but then went back to staring out the window. Kayla was fine. She loved being large and immobile. She loved having breasts the size of her old bedroom. Kayla's parents had to hire a tutor to teach Kayla. John kept going steady with Kayla. The eventually married and had 3 baby girls. The girls turned out okay, they just turned into blueberries in times of great distress.
Female Inflation
Full Body Inflation
Natalie wasn't the brightest bulb on the Christmas tree, but she was a freakishly talented masseuse. Her massages could reduce the most tightly wound person to an almost coma-like state of relaxation. Which is where I was right now. Flat on my back, lying naked on a massage table. Natalie's strong yet supple hands kneaded the last iota of tension out of my head and neck. Natalie whispered in my right ear, almost apologetically, "All done. Time to get up. Easy, though. Don't move too fast." With a reluctant sigh, I slowly opened my eyelids. I rolled slightly to my right and propped myself up on my right elbow. Relaxed as I was, this seemed to take considerable effort. Natalie smiled. She moved behind me, gently cradled my neck and back with her hands, and helped me sit up. I swung my legs so they were hanging off the side of the table. Natalie went to fetch my robe. She helped me put on the soft cotton robe and led me over to a large reclining leather chair. Two large green oxygen bottles flanked each side of it. I sat down on the chair and stretched out. I curiously studied the oxygen bottle next to me. Each bottle had a hose running from it, to some sort of small mechanical device. Another hose led out of the device and ended attached to a mask. What were these things doing here? As if reading my mind, Natalie explained: "This is something new we're trying. After the massage we have you breath pure oxygen for awhile. It helps purge the remaining toxins out of your body, and it perks you up a bit too. That way you leave here refreshed, but not logy." "Sounds good to me," I grinned lazily. "Hook me up sweetie." Natalie looked at the bottles and scrunched her face up in an expression of profound deep thought. Or what passed for deep thought in her shambolic mind. "Let's see, Maggie said I should use...the left one?" She grabbed the mask that was hanging to my left. She gently placed it over my nose and mouth, and carefully stretched the elastic strap over my head. "Its not too tight is it? It should be snug, but not tight." I gave her a little thumbs-up to let her know it was just right. "Okie-dokie, now we just crack open the valve a little..." a soft hissing sound came from the tank. Cool, dry oxygen flowed into me. Natalie leaned over to me. "Are you getting any oxygen?" she asked. I gave her a short nod to confirm I was. She patted me on the arm and smiled. "Good. You just rest awhile. I'll be back later to check up on you." She turned and left the room, quietly closing the door behind her. I closed my eyes and breathed deeply. I felt sooo good and sooo relaxed. I drifted off into a light snooze... An odd pressure inside my chest awakened me. How long had I been asleep? I opened my eyes and was surprised to find myself staring at two enormous fleshy orbs that had blossomed out of my robe. Were those...were those my boobs??? I tried to grab them with my hands, but couldn't. My arms, which had previously been laying in my lap, now stuck straight out of my sides. The loose sleeves of the robe were now stretched tightly around my arms. They looked four times their normal circumference. I tried to bend them, but the skin was stretched so tight this proved impossible. I tried to sit up, but my whole body had gone rigid. What was happening to me??? A stretchy squeeking noise made me look to my front again. I could actually see my flesh stretch as my boobs expanded. It had to be the oxygen! It was inflating me like a balloon! I had to get this mask off of me! But my arms wouldn't bend enough so I could pull off the mask. The oxygen bottle was tantalizingly close to my left hand. Maybe I could yank the hose from the nozzle. I tried to grasp the hose with my hand, but my now puffy fingers refused to clentch. After a few more awkward lunges I managed to hook the hose between my index finger and thumb. Okay, hopefully that will work, I thought. I tried to twist to the right as much as my stiff, inflated body would allow. The hose remained stubbornly attached, but the oxygen cylinder rocked crazily. It wasn't secured to anything. It tilted towards the recliner, paused for just a second at an impossible angle, and then continued it's forward motion. The valve handle on top of the cylinder smacked into the recliner and spun further open as the cylinder fell to the floor. The soft hissing sound from the tank grew into a loud roar. A greater volume of oxygen rushed into me. I could feel my tummy and butt start to expand to accomodate the increased flow. "Help!" I shrieked. "Help! Natalie! Somebody! I'm...I'm blowing up! Oh God, somebody please help me!" My ill thought out plan caused me to inflate rapidly. My torso quickly became round and grew at an alarming rate. It relentlessly incorporated my limbs into it's expanding volume. The sleeves on my robe split at the seams and fell away from me. I felt myself expand up and away from the chair. I flapped my hands and feet in a futile gesture, as if that would stop what was happening to me. The door opened and I heard Natalie's chirpy voice say, "So how are you...EEEEKKKK! OH MY GAWWWDDD!" "Natalie!" I screamed, "Get this thing off of me! Natalie? NATALIE!" The soft pitter-patter of feet told me Natalie was beating a hasty retreat back down the hall. "YOU DIZZY BITCH! COME BACK HERE!" I yelled. My body made ominous creaking, groaning noises as it grew. Soon my neck merged with my globe-like body, my chin now resting on top of my ever inflating flesh. My impossibly stretched skin was as taught as a snare drum. I realized that if the cylinder didn't run out of oxygen soon, I was going to pop! Soon I heard another voice coming down the hall. It belonged to Maggie, the owner of the spa. "Natalie! Stop babbling! You're not making any sense! What do you mean she's..." Her sudden gasp let me know she had entered the room. This time I heard urgent footsteps, followed by the metallic squeaking sounds of an oxygen valve being shut. Thank God, somebody with a brain has finally showed up, I thought. Maggie started to scold Natalie. "I told you not to use this one! The regulator is broke! It won't allow people to exhale!" "But you told me to use the one on the left," Natalie pouted. Maggie let out a long, exasperated sigh. "Not her left. Your left. As you are looking at it." "Oh," Natalie said simply. I felt a hand patting the side of my enormously round body. "Lisa? Honey? Can you hear me?" Maggie asked. "Of course I can," I said, sharply. I felt a finger poking me. "Ooooohhhh, she's like a big beachball," Natalie said in wonder. "Natalie! Stop that!" snapped Maggie. "Lisa? I'm so sorry. Don't worry, we'll fix this. You'll be as good as new, I swear!" "I damn well better be," I growled. "Natalie, I'll be back in a bit. Close the door and don't let anyone in here but me, understand?" "Yes, Maggie. I swear I didn't mean to..." Maggie cut her off. "We'll talk about this later. Lisa? I'll be back in a jiff. You're gonna be OK." I heard the door shut. Now there was just me and Natalie left in the room. My previous panic had subsided, now that I knew I wasn't going to explode. My tight skin felt all tingly for some reason. Pleasantly tingly. "Lisa? Um...sorry, okay? Please don't be mad at me. I didn't know something like this could happen. I mean, how could I?" Its hard to stay angry at an innocent free spirit like Natalie. She may be ditzy, but she's incapable of malice or ill-will. "Its alright, Natalie. I know you didn't do this on purpose." Strangely, my post-massage warm and fuzzy feeling was returning. Only it had an odd, effervescent undercurrent to it. I couldn't believe it. Was I starting to enjoy being a human balloon? These peculiar feelings started to coalesce into a familiar sensation. I was on the cusp of a powerful climax. Teetering on the edge, but not quite going over. "Oh, my..." Unfortunately, Maggie returned before I could explore these wonderful feelings further. Her solution to this problem was to connect a vacuum pump to...*ahem*...a very private part of my anatomy. Slowly I began to deflate. I worried that I would end up covered in stretch marks, but happily that didn't happen. As Maggie had promised, I returned to my normal self. Although I was glad to be back, part of me missed being a Lisa-balloon. I got dressed and Maggie ushered me back to the lobby, bombarding me with profuse apologies the entire way. She refunded my money, and then gave me coupons for free spa treatments. I fixed Maggie with a withering stare. "Maggie, there's only one way in hell I'll ever come back here," I said icily. Maggie gulped. I paused and slowly smiled. "Get me a bigger room...and replace the oxygen with helium."
Female Inflation
Belly Inflation
The operation had been an easy one, or at least it should have been but Agent 009, Ceira Sage, knew she had been set up as soon as the guards burst through the door. She had managed to get off two rounds killing one of the Inflators men but the other four simply overpowered her. Groggily she opened her eyes to see two armed guards, one very well dressed and handsome man in his mid thirties and to find herself tied down to a chair and her feet bound. The well dressed man sat easily on the edge of his desk next to a large air tank with a slender tube wrap about it. "Why were you here Miss...?" Ceira was silent. "Please tell would do well for you to speak." "I got lost." He chuckled at the brave, yet sarcastic reply. "Why were you armed?" "Girls gotta protect herself." The well dressed man was getting agitated and that made Ceira smile. "Do you know what these documents are woman," he said holding up the nuclear plans she was sent to steal? "Directions to make the biggest box car in the world...or plans for a nuclear powered inflation device; either one works." Now he was pissed. He stood and began unraveling the tube to the air tank. Holding before his dark eyes threatening he put it on her lower lip. "Who do you work for?" " you really expect me to talk?" "No Miss...I expect you to POP!" Agent 009 just gave him a shit eaters' grin. "Fuck yo...uummh!" The well dressed man shoved the tube down her throat. Ceira tried to bite down but it was too late and soon she could feel the tube in her belly. He turned on the valve to the air tank and Ceira groaned as she felt the air begin to pump into her belly. The man walked behind his desk and sat down, poured himself a glass of wine and kicked back to enjoy the show. Ceira panted as her belly, now full of gas began to swell, taking on a slightly rounded shape; very different from her fit and trim self. The pressure was building and she was becoming very uncomfortable as her tummy grew, rapidly inflating before her eyes; now the beautiful agent looked as if she carried and basketball beneath her tight dress or was eight months pregnant. With her hands tied she could not even attempt to sooth her ever stretching flesh which now stretched and creaked audibly with fullness. Ceira grimaced as her poor, over burdened belly pulled her dress to its limits and the garment became shear over the distended orb of her too big waist. She heard the seams creak and tear and moaned as her hugely, swollen gut tore through her dress and she could see her creamy flesh; deep pink stretch marks marring the taunt, bloated sphere. It hurt so badly, and Ceira whimpered as her now pregnant with dectuplets sized belly ballooned before her; her belly button red and the mass over her stomach quaking and quivering with fullness. She was too full, her belly too tight and she heard the grumble as her gravidity reached its limit. Pleadingly she looked to the man, Ceiras' tied hands could now stroke her taunt sides and as much as it hurt she could feel herself on the verge of the biggest and messiest orgasm of her life. He just smiled and mouthed the word "POP". Too much, too full, too big was all Ceira Sage, Agent 009, could think as her belly creaked loudly, unable to grow anymore. With one last, pitiful whimper and then a deep orgasmic moan Ceiras' poor belly burst open as she came; gore and reddish mist peppering the room. The Inflator just smiled. They never learned.
deflation, floating, fly away, magic
Female Inflation
Breast Inflation, Full Body Inflation
Ugh it's such a mess down here!" a young man muttered. He looked to be in his early thirties, but was starting to show signs of gray hair on his small moustache. He set down this rather thick, but aged, book. It scattered dust all over when he set it on the pedestal. "I really have to clean out my basement." He told himself. This man's name is Gerald Shaper and he is a magician of sorts. Many people consider him crazy, but he can easily prove his word. Unlike the stereotypical magician he doesn't wear robes or cloaks and carry around wands and such. He prefers a nice Italian suit. He has only one daughter and his wife is always away on business or something. His marriage isn't to stable since she doesn't believe in magic. "Dad, I'm home!" he heard his daughter Tiffany shout from upstairs. She wasn't too keen on magic herself either. Of course, Tiffany was what her generation might refer to as an "air-head". "How was your day?" Gerald asked her as he ascended the stairs. "Wasn't that bad. Someone told me I was a ditz. I don't think I'm a ditz. Do you think I'm a ditz, daddy?" she asked him with this look in her eyes like a naïve puppy might give you. "Well...OH, I forgot to mention this, but I'm going to be attending a little gathering with some of my friends tonight so you'll be on your own I'm afraid." He said glad you could change the subject. "Sure...I'll survive." "And please don't go into the basement. And whatever you do..." "Don't read that big book of spells, especially those that have some pages missing or have text that is illegible. You've told this to me a billion times dad! It's not like some stupid words are going to hurt me." She said in a mocking tone. "Young lady, those 'words' carry a lot of power behind them. Do not mistake them for some childish babble." He said before grabbing his hat and walking through the door. A couple hours passed by with Tiffany eating her dinner and watching boring television programs, but she soon got bored. Even chatting online with her friends started to drag on. "That's it! It's his fault for mentioning the book to me. I hadn't thought about until she said something. A little peek couldn't hurt." She said bouncing downstairs. If you hadn't guessed by this time Tiffany has long blonde hair, very pretty green eyes, and fairly decent curves. She wasn't voluptuous, but she could still attract the boys with a few jumps or showing them her talent for touching her elbows behind her back. Once down into the basement she turned on the lights and spotted the book sitting peacefully atop a very nicely carved oak pedestal. "Dad takes this magic crap WAY too seriously." She laughed before opening up the pages. She randomly stopped on one page and read it out loud to herself. "To call forth speak in a soft tone: arched-here." She read. She said the words softly and a small pen flew towards her hand, but she was too shocked to catch it. "What the hell? This place is so old it must have fallen off of a shelf or something." She turned a few pages and read another spell. "To illuminate hold your hands in front like so and chant: eris-no-illus!" Again she followed the instructions and this brilliant light formed in her hands. Like before this shocked her and she jumped back as the light exploded into a fireball on the floor. Lucky for Tiffany, nothing caught on fire. "Did that just happen?" she asked nobody in particular. She walked over to where the fireball hit the floor and felt the cement. It was still a little hot, but it was quickly cooling down. "Does this mean that what my father says about magic is true?" she asks herself with a look of shock in her now wide eyes. This new found magic seems to dazzle Tiffany and she quickly goes searching for more spells to use. "Wow, this stuff is amazing! My dad sure was holding out on me!" she said triumphantly wearing some jewels and diamonds that she managed to conjure up with help form the book. She then found a page that caught her eye. It read "y expansion." The text before the "y" is smudged and she can't make heads or tails of what it could have said. "Dad did warn me about spells that I couldn't read, but perhaps this could expand how much of this stuff I could carry. I'd be so popular with all this jewelry! Now what do I need?" Gerald was busy discussing various things with a group dressed in a similar fashion to him, but they looked a little older. Like him, these men all practiced magic. "Has you daughter found that book of yours?" one of them asked. "No, but knowing Tiffany I'm sure she'll get curious. I just hope she doesn't burn the house down when I get home." He said in a serious manner. "You should really hide those things Gerald." "This one is tricky." Tiffany said scratching her head in frustration. "I need my own hair? Ick." She said plucking a strand from her head. "Ouch! This spell better be worth it." Close to an hour passed by and she had collected everything she needed. "Mix all ingredients into a small beaker and stir for roughly two minutes." She repeated to herself. "The liquid should turn gray and emit a gray smoke from the surface." She had a small amount of the liquid in this beaker she managed to find, about one mouthful. "I guess I drink this now. Here goes." She said pouring the liquid she created into her mouth and swallowed. "Tastes kinda funny. It tickles a little." She giggled as she felt it hit her stomach. Meanwhile, Gerald suddenly sits up straight with a look of concern in his eyes. "I must go. Something has happened." He told his friends. They didn't ask any questions. They probably figured Tiffany did something foolish with his spell book. Tiffany stood down in the basement waiting for something to happen. "This was a bogus spell! Nothing is happening." She stomped a foot on the floor and it caused her breasts to wobble slightly, but she noticed that they wobbled more than usual. Upon closer inspection they were bigger and rounder than before. "What?" she spoke silently running her hands over her chest and felt it pushing out against her hands. "They're getting bigger?" For once, she was correct. Her breasts were in fact growing larger by the second. She soon looked back and noticed her butt was following closely. "What's happening? What kind of spell did I cast?" she said running her hands on her growing rear now. By now her breasts were well past D cups and her butt looked like someone shoved two basketballs into her skirt. "Well on second thought, I could totally pick up more boys with these things." She said smiling while bouncing her ballooning chest up and down and giving her ass a nice smack. But she didn't notice that her growth was not stopping. Minutes later she felt her tummy start to puff out. A nice belly began to poke out from under her light blue shirt. Her thighs, arms, and just about the rest of her were also starting to grow by this time. She now looked very plump, not fat, just like she put on about fifteen to twenty pounds, but she wasn't any heavier though. "Oh my God! I'm blowing up like a balloon! Isn't this going to stop?" she shouted to herself. Nobody would be able to hear her from her basement since it was deep under the foundation of her house. "I have to get help! Before I get so big I pop." Her eyes went wide when she heard herself say the word "pop" because she now became afraid of what might happen to her. Still growing further, she turned around and began to wobble her way to the stairs, her massive breasts and butt bouncing and jiggling with every clumsy step. Now the staircase wasn't very wide so it didn't accommodate very well to a girl that was her size and still getting bigger. She was trying to wedge between the railings to get up but her midsection was so big that it soon became impossible. "Come on!" she said grabbing the railings and pulling as hard as she could. Soon the railings broke apart from her expansion and she fell backwards suddenly down about five stairs. She bounced on her back like a balloon would and lightly hit the ground again looking up at the ceiling. Her arms were so puffed she could barely move them, and her body was so huge that it was impossible for her to even place her arms by her sides. "I'm such a blimp! I'm getting to big! I gotta let the air out, or whatever I'm filling with!" she shouted to herself. She suddenly got a look of discomfort on her face from the fact that her butt had blown up so much that her pink underwear was giving her a great big wedgie to match her giant backside. What happened next truly shocked Tiffany. She suddenly didn't feel the cold basement floor on her exposed tummy any longer. She was being lifted off the floor and floating in the air! "Oh no! I'm floating! Am I filling with helium?" she said as her voice had changed an octave or two. "My voice!" she squeaked. She waved her arms as best she could to try and "swim" around the basement to find something. "I gotta let the air outta me! Maybe if I poke, bad idea." She said dismissing the thought of puncturing herself with a sharp object. She was almost round in her body, had enormous breasts blocking her view, had huge limbs, and a giant ass. She was transforming into a Macy's Parade Balloon! "Someone help!" she shouted as she heard footsteps come down the stairs. "I thought I told you not to tamper with my spell book!" Gerald's voice sounded. "Daddy! Please let the air out!" she squeaked ever louder than before, still expanding. Her skin was now starting to look shiny like a balloon, and she was even sounding like one too. Gerald grabbed her light blue shirt, almost ready to burst apart at the seams, and brought her over to him. His eyes glowed a ghostly white and he muttered "Altrack mohead besa!" before letting her go. Nothing was happening. "Hey! Do something!" Tiffany squeaked again but this time she felt something within her happen. "What's going on?" she said before everything she was inflated with came shooting out of her mouth with incredible force! She sailed around the small basement deflating like an over inflated balloon with its mouth untied until she finally smacked into a wall. "Ouch!" she said nursing the back of her head. "I told you not to dabble with anything! She what happens when you go messing with spells you don't understand, or fully know about! You're lucky I sensed the use of magic here or else you'd have inflated to about the size of this basement and had something poke you hard enough to make you explode." He said, but quickly got that look of concern on his face. "I'm sorry." She said starting to cry. "Well are you alright at least?" he asked her helping her to her feet. "Yes. That's the last time I'm using that spell." She said. "Actually, it seems you may have learned something from your little reading. If you're willing I could show you how to master everything in that book." Gerald said smiling softly. "That sounds like fun! But what's up with that last spell? Why would anyone want to blow up like a balloon?" Tiffany said fixing her underwear that was still up the crack of her deflated ass. "That spell is really a defensive spell or one people use as pranks. If done properly you could stop after a certain time and use it to travel or use it on someone else. I've tried to get your mother to use it, but she never accepts the drinks I serve her that are gray." He chuckled. "Daddy, I don't need to hear that." She told him drying her eyes. A few weeks have passed since Tiffany misused Gerald's spell book and she has actually learned a few tricks herself. Oh, and she has practically mastered that "y expansion" spell. She would always study her books while floating over the pages, blimped up enough where she wouldn't float away completely. She used it to even enhance her figure too. She would just have to remember to apply it daily, since it was permanent. What brought on this sudden urge to inflate? A few days after her inflation she managed to find a few websites and Internet groups into this sort of deal. She kept trying to pass off to everyone that she could inflate herself like a balloon. "Yeah right! Just get out of here with that! We know we're abnormal, but nobody can really do what you say!" someone replied. "If only they knew." She said sitting in her chair. Her body plump enough where she was wedged comfortably in it with her belly bulging out in front with FF sized breasts resting on top. She clicked the Submit button and smiled.
blowkiss, deflation, floating
Female Inflation
Full Body Inflation
As the sun began to set over Hanagawa castle, the servants and guards within began to make preparations for the soon-to-come festivities. Chefs prepared the delicious foods and appetizers, barrels of sake were being rolled around, decorations were being put up, and guards were being put up on alert around the castle. Two guards were standing guard near the gate, their purpose was to not only guard the entrance but greet the invited guests. "I must have angered Lord Hanzo pretty badly when I stumbled in on his reading time. I don't wanna' do this crap." stewed the tall and burly guard. "I didn't really do anything myself, but I still got put out here." said the smaller and thinner guard next to the big guy. "Well even if we did screw up or not, the last thing I want to do tonight is have anything to do with that lil' spoiled brat's birthday." "Yeah, Kazuko is a bit like that, she looks pretty good though." "Don't let looks fool you man. I've quickly learned that you just can't trust any women with pretty faces." Suddenly both the guards caught view of an old man and a huge round blue floating orb coming out of the woods in the distance. The old fellow walked with a somewhat limping gait, and was hunched a bit over in his posture, but he looked cheery and upbeat. The large shiny blue orb he held, tethered by a thin rope grasped by his hand made the mouths of the guards drop. It was at least fifteen feet in diameter, and what shocked the guards even more was that it wasn't making the little frail man float away. "Good lord old man! That balloon is huge!" "Indeed it is! This is Hanagawa castle I presume?" "Yes, and what is your business here?" "I am Mori. This balloon is for the little girl's party today, what is her name? I forgot." "Lord Hanzo's daughter, Kazuko." corrected the tall guard. "Oh yes. May I please enter and deliver this balloon?" "Only if you can show us proper documentation." ordered the smaller guard. "Oh, oh yes. That's what the paper in my jacket is." Mori reached his wrinkled and delicate hand into his robe flap, shifted it around a bit, and then brought it out grabbing a folded-up piece of paper. He then gave it to the small guard who unfolded it, took a look at it, and nodded his head approvingly. "Okay, you can come in." "Thank you." Mori slightly bowed to the guards with gratitude and then shuffled through the entrance of the gate. The huge balloon's top brushed against the top of the gate's arch and a faint dull groan could be heard. "Hey, what was that?" said the tall guard. The old man stopped and turned his head towards him slightly. "Oh it's just the rubber on the balloon. It's so tight and stretched; the rubber makes those funny sounds all the time." explained the old man. "Okay, sorry to stop you. Carry on." The old man nodded and continued on his way. He walked towards the large open doors of the main hall of the castle to deposit the balloon inside. "See what I told you? That girl is spoiled rotten as hell. Look at the gifts Lord Hanzo gives her!" grumbled the tall guard. "I'll be she pops the thing too once she gets a hold of it." "Heh, I wouldn't want to be around that thing if it goes off!" Mori waddled through the doors of the main hall, still towing the immense balloon along. He looked around and observed all the servants setting up the party decorations along the walls. In front there was a stage where a troupe of famed dancers was practicing their routine for when the party starts. Mori wondered where he could stick the balloon out of sight until it was time for it to get presented to Kazuko so he walked up to a servant adjusting a banner on the wall near him. "Excuse me kind sir. I have a balloon here as a present for Lord Hanzo's daughter. Where can I put it?" The servant lifted his arm and pointed his finger to the front of the room where a tall sliding screen was. "That's the room where we're storing all the presents. You should be able to fit that huge thing in there, just let it float up to the ceiling." "Thank you, I will." Mori walked towards the screen and slid it open. He looked up at the dark ceiling to make sure there were no sharp objects pointing out that could rupture the delicate balloon. His eyes didn't find anything hazardous so he just reached his hand out and let the large balloon float gently up to the ceiling. He then quietly closed the screen door and walked towards the exit. Inside the immense dark closet the smooth and shiny blue balloon just quietly and serenely floated carelessly along the top of the ceiling. A closer look at the surface of the balloon revealed that there were some small and unobtrusive dimples. There were five of them in total, two on the bottom, and three on the top. From within of the bottom dimples the string dangled out. Everything was quiet, but suddenly the large balloon began to creak and shake. At first it was subtle, but the shaking grew greater and the balloon made louder rubbery sounds. Suddenly from the dimple where the string was; what looked like a puffy little foot with the string tied around it emerged from the little tiny depression. It wiggled and shook around a bit as the other foot shot from the dimple next to it. Now there were two comical little feet wiggling around on the bottom of the immense rubber gas-filled orb. Then from one of the dimples on the top of the orb emerged a little hand. Almost immediately after the hand came out of the dimple, the other dimple on the other side of the balloon's top sprung out. Finally at the very top of the vaguely humanoid-looking sphere, a little tuft of healthy and shiny jet-black hair emerged, sprouted a bit, and quickly the head of Kamiko shot out. Her cheeks were all puffed up from the pressure and her brow was literally drenched with sweat from having to bury her head within her warm inflated body. She slowly opened her eyes, blinked a few times, and began to silently gasp for breath. "Oh God, I'm so glad I don't have to hide my limbs anymore! I was boiling alive in there." The exhausted Kamiko thought. For the past week she had learned from Tomoko how to pull her head and limbs into her fully-inflated body and hide them from view. It was probably the hardest thing for her to learn yet as a Fuusenkunoichi, but it was worth it. She had sneaked into the heavily-guarded fortress without anyone noticing. "I can't believe I could hold my breath that long." Kamiko marveled in thought at her astonishing achievement. "Someone might come by soon, so I should deflate and find Kazuko." Kamiko closed her eyes, concentrated, and began to let the air out of her. It hissed out with barely a sound at an astonishing rate. Within five seconds all the gas was out of her and she was back to her normal stature. She stretched her arms and legs quickly and then went up to the sliding door. She looked through the small crack between the door and the frame to see if anyone was outside. In the main hall the servants will still preparing the decorations for the big party. "Damn! I can't go out there! Yet I can't stay around here. Maybe there's another way out. Kamiko looked around the closet, eyeing all the extravagant gifts which were lying around. "Geez, this girl's father is filthy rich." As she examined the gifts, she looked upwards and immediately spotted what looked like a hatch in the ceiling. "Aha! I can get out through there! I wish I had my grappling arrow and sword. I couldn't bring with me because I would have popped if I tried to absorb those things into my body, along with my hands." Kamiko stewed silently, trying to think of a way to get up to the door in the ceiling. Her eyes lit up as the idea came into her mind. "Well, looks like I'm going to blow myself up again." Kamiko spread her arms and legs out and she began to suck in air slowly. Her body gradually ballooned out, bulging and slightly creaking. Suddenly she began to shift the air from her belly into her buttocks. Both butt cheeks began to expand slowly and surely, looking like two lumps of dough rising at a rapid rate. After a few seconds her butt was approximately the size of a pair of bean bag chairs squished together. She placed her hands upon her gargantuan butt and grinned under her tight rubbery face mask. "Hee hee, how funny." Kamiko's grin then disappeared as she sprung her attention back to the issue at hand. She tilted her head up again and eyed the door on the ceiling right above her. She then jumped up into the air, lifted her knees up, and landed right on her inflated hindquarters. They squished against the ground and immediately Kamiko was propelled upwards towards the ceiling. She flew at least halfway up until she slowed down again and began to fall back down to the floor. She kept her body steady, still positioning her huge gluteus maximus towards the ground. It impacted the ground again, making a tight hollow bouncing sound, and she flew back up to the ceiling. She reached her arms upwards as the door on top came towards her. As she began to slow to a stop in midair again, her fingers contacted the edges of the frame and immediately she plunged them through the crack between the door and the fame. She grabbed tight and held onto the frames, she was now where she wanted to be. "Now to get rid of this huge rump." Kamiko shifted the air inside her buttocks towards her midsection again, bulging it out. Then she let the air from her belly escape out her mouth, giving her body normal human proportions again. "Okay, now that I'm up here, I'd better see what's in the room above. Kamiko pulled herself upwards and let the top of her head touch the door above her. Then she pushed upwards a bit more and looked through the opening that she created. It was dark above her head as well; it looked like another closet similar to the one below her but much smaller. She looked to the front and saw what looked like a screen door. To the left and to the right were cabinets that contained a bunch of clothes, mostly kimonos, all of them very expensive and gaudy. As her arms began to get strained and tired from supporting her body, Kamiko quickly slid her head backwards and tilted the door to the other side. She turned her head and scanned the back for anything suspicious. All she saw were more cabinets. "Good, the coast is clear." Kamiko thought. Gradually and slowly she lifted herself upwards, pushing the door out of the way. Despite the shaking and protests of her already-taxed arm muscles, she had to keep her ascent steady so that the door on her head wouldn't fall down and make a noise. For about a few seconds she struggled and pulled until her hips were level with the floor above her. She edged them backwards and sat down, relieved that she was now on stable ground and her arms didn't have to experience more pain. Kamiko shook her arms a bit to loosen them up, then she pulled her legs up, grabbed the door, and slowly pulled it over the opening and closed it up gently. "Phew, I'm glad that's over" Kamiko wiped her sweaty brow as she stood up on her feet and tiptoed over to the screen door in front of her. Carefully and quietly she opened the door a crack and looked into the room outside. On the other edge she caught sight of a young girl about her age, lying down on a colorful tatami mat taking a nap. "Ah! That must be that rich girl Kazuko!" Kamiko narrowed her eyes in satisfaction. She looked at the girl's face and saw the makeup on it. She had red blushes painted onto her white snowy face. She had what looked like red eyeliner painted onto her eyelids; it was a dark crimson color. Kazuko's hair was done up fancily, with long ornate golden pins holding her long and smooth jet-black locks into tight ordered rolls. Kamiko grimaced at what looked more like a geisha with bad fashion sense rather than a nobleman's daughter. She twisted her face in disgust even more at her green and red kimono with gold trim. "Ugh, this girl needs some fashion sense smacked into her!" Kazuko turned a bit on her back and groaned. Suddenly the door to the front of the room began to open. Kamiko quickly closed the closet door and put her ear up against it to hear what was going on inside. "Kazuko-chan. Wake up my dear." chided a deep voice within. It was Lord Hanzo. "Papa, I'm a little tired." Kazuko yawned as she opened her eyes and stretched her arms out." "I know dear, but I think you've gotten enough rest for today. The servants have finished the party preparations downstairs and we're ready to start the party. The guests are beginning to arrive." "Oh okay. As long as I get to see my lovely presents." grinned the spoiled girl. "And there are plenty of them, just get yourself read so that we can start greeting our guests. Especially Lord Taro, I want to impress him the most, especially since he has made all this possible." "Fine, fine daddy. Let me fix my makeup a little." "Okay sweetheart, don't take too long." "Hmph." Kazuko pouted as she got up and stretched out again. Lord Hanzo walked towards the front door and closed it behind him as he left. Kazuko walked towards her closet to grab something. "I need a little bit more eyeliner so I can wow the boys." Before she could reach the edge of the door to open it, it quickly slid open and before she could gasp a pair of lips attached themselves to hers. Her eyes bulged out in shock she saw the fierce girl in a blue bodysuit in front of her begin to blow air down her gullet. Down below in the main hall, Lord Hanzo was conversing with the guests that had arrived to celebrate his daughter's birthday. As he was chatting with a pair of friends that came from up north, a tall grey-haired man with a long sinewy beard approached him from behind. Lord Hanzo suddenly halted his animated conversation with his friends and turned around to look at the dark presence that had entered his personal space. As he glanced upon the fierce grey eyes of Lord Taro, Lord Hanzo's brow lifted up in happiness and he immediately kneeled down on the ground and bowed graciously towards him. "Oh Master Taro, what a pleasure it is to have you here!" "Hanzo, please. There's no need to act this submissive in this environment. This is your daughter's birthday afterall." "Whatever you say Master Taro, how was your journey?" "It was good. Nothing bothered me along the way, except my worries." "Oh, I heard about what happened to Lady Komoda a while back. Strange, wasn't it?" "It was not strange at all to me. I am very familiar with how she met her fate." "Is that so? I heard her fortress was totally obliterated. Granted it was a rickety old place, but still whatever destroyed it used great force." "Indeed, but it is a force that I am aware of. And I used to know someone who could exert it upon Lady Komoda's forces." "Who might that be?" "Someone who I expelled from the kingdom shortly after we took over: One of Hideyoshi's aides. She was a fierce spirit, and I know she had something to do with it. It was none other than..." Before Lord Taro could finish his sentence, the large door of the closet at the end of the room began to slide open. Everyone looked towards the entrance that had just opened up. "Ah, they must be bringing the gifts for your daughter out Hanzo." Commented ... "But, they're supposed to bring them out after she has come down. What is going one?' As Hanzo spoke something appeared at the entrance to the closet. At the edge of the door a little head peeked out of the side to look at the audience. It was Kazuko, but something was wrong. Her cheeks were comically puffed-out to the size of baseballs. "K...Kazuko!?" Hanzo's eyes bugged out of his sockets as he caught a glimpse of his hapless daughter's bloated face. Kazuko's eyes had a look of both embarrassment and fear within them. Behind her head was what looked like a gigantic round red and green orb with a v-shaped flesh-colored spot right below her head. It began to roll outside the door. Hanzo and everyone else in the room quickly realized that the orb behind Kazuko's body was none other than her body! Indeed her once-slim petite figure had been transformed into a huge flesh balloon that was at least twenty feet in diameter. She scrunched her eyes in shame as her huge blimpy body rolled outside. It was amazing that her gaudy kimono could stretch and cover her massive taut sphere of a body. Little tiny hands and feet wiggled goofily and futilely around in their respective places on Kazuko's balloon body like the now vestigial limbs they were. The bottom of the kimono could only cover down to her bellybutton, leaving her pale round naked underside exposed. As Kazuko's mammoth girth cleared the doorway, a normal-sized black ponytail-haired girl wearing what looked like a skin-tight blue bodysuit that covered her body from toe to nose was pushing the helpless girl towards the front of the audience. The guards started to rush towards the intruder but when they saw that she was holding a knife dangerously close to the inflated Kazuko's underside they quickly stopped and backed off. As this spectacle occurred, all Hanzo could do was gape in fear at the horrible predicament that his daughter had gotten into. Lord Taro however narrowed his eyes and focused on Kamiko. The audience in the room was completely silent, except for a few muted whispers. In a few moments, Kamiko had pushed the rounded Kazuko onto the stage in front of the huge audience, right onto her back, with her pointy bellybutton poking towards the ceiling. After she was done pushing, Kamiko jumped into the air and landed right on top of Kazuko's globe of a body. "Lord Hanzo, please listen!" Kamiko yelled out. "It has come to attention that your daughter is shall we say, quite privileged. She has not only extravagant gifts but also many key comforts and beautiful clothes. She might enjoy them, but does she or you, Lord Hanzo, realize who does not enjoy these luxuries? While many people in this land starve and toil the soil, you leech off their earnings and take it to feed your own families and friends while leaving the vast majority of the people in poverty! This is a selfish deed that shall not go unpunished and the example that I will soon make of you, Lord Hanzo, and your spoiled daughter here will show that the power you have gotten from Lord Taro can be weakened!" The audience gasped as the ninja girl on top of the deformed Kazuko bent down, placed her lips onto her exposed navel, and puffed her cheeks out to blow some air into it. Quickly Kamiko got back up, slid down off the side of Kazuko, ran into the closet, and shut the door behind her. "Guards! Don't let her get away!" screamed the infuriated Lord Hanzo at the top of his lungs. The guards in the audience began to rush towards the closet but a low grumbling sound from inside the bloated Kazuko quickly distracted them." "Wha... What is happening!?" gasped Lord Hanzo as he saw his victim of a daughter start to expand even more. "Master Taro!" Hanzo turned to the side to try and find Lord Taro, but he was gone. He quickly looked towards the front to see his frightened and flustered daughter scream muffled shrieks from behind her billowed-up cheeks. Her body was ballooning bigger, and bigger, and bigger! It was making suspicious creaking noises as her ultra-tight skin began to reach critical mass. "She's going to explode!" Someone in the audience screamed out. Others began to panic as Kazuko's now-humongous body pressed against the tall ceiling, began to shake and then... ...A loud high-pitched hiss broke out. Her navel had blown out and now was letting all the tightly-compressed air inside her escape. It was at first just a slight gust, but then the air escaping her turned into a hurricane wind force that blasted the ceiling above the heads of the audience into the sky. The pagoda they were in blew its top like a volcano spewing its internal matter into the night sky. Planks of wood and other various debris rocketed into the starry night. The audience within the halls was blown out the main door, shot out like water in a squirt gun. A minute later after the carnage ended, Lord Hanzo laid face down on the cool dirt in front of his face. He slowly got up and turned his head back to see what happened. The huge castle which had used to belong to him was not nothing more than a few planks of wood sticking out of the ground and random rubble strewn about the area. However this didn't nearly bother him as much as the thought of what had happened to his dear Kazuko. He quickly got up on his feet and began stumbling towards what used to be the entrance of the main hall. Careful not to step on the other people who had been knocked out by the blast, he ran through the two vertical planks that used to be part of the frame for the hall's entrance and suddenly he came to a stop with a look of horror on his face. In front of him he saw Kazuko; her body was no longer an inflated orb, but now a flat sheet-like substance that covered at least area twenty square feet on the ground. Her once-smooth skin was now just a rubbery sheet on the ground with a torn and stretched kimono covering her limp pancake-like body. He ran towards where her head was. Kazuko's eyes were closed, but she was breathing. She opened her eyes, looked at her father and mumbled out... "D... Daddy?" Lord Hanzo's eyes rolled back into his head and he fell backwards and fainted. Lord Taro strolled along the outskirts of the castle's rubble. He observed the guests and guards getting up, rubbing their heads, and recovering after surviving the gigantic blast. His thumb and index finger massaged his chin as he reflected upon the grand spectacle that had taken place. Then he looked towards the woods and spotted a lone blue figure running towards the forest; it was Kamiko. Lord Taro quickly turned around, spotted a group of guards that had just come to their senses. "Guards! I have spotted the assassin, after her!" barked Taro. The guards shook their heads, looked towards the direction where Lord Taro was pointing, and they immediately began to pursue Kamiko with their swords drawn. As Kamiko ran towards the forest she looked backwards and saw the guards rapidly gaining on her. "Shoot, they saw me. I'll try and lose them in the forest." Kamiko thought as she ran swiftly into the entrance of the forest. "Quicker men! Quicker! We'll lose her in there!" shouted the guard at the front of the pack. The group of angered men entered the forest, but much to their dismay they could not see Kamiko in front of them. "Damn! We lost her!" A bearded guard shouted. "Look around the bushes and trees! Ninjas always like to hide around in them! Start searching! Lord Taro will reward us if we capture her, dead or alive!" The pack of four men split up and began searching through the bushes and looking up into the trees. A couple of them sliced their katanas through the bushes, trimming them as if they were made of Styrofoam. A bearded guard wandering near a tree looked upwards to see if anything was up there, but before he could get a good look a pair of blue shiny arms wrapped themselves tightly around his neck. Then they began to expand and bulge up like dry sponges in water, cutting of any chance of air entering the hapless guard's windpipe or for any sound to escape his mouth. Just a mere few moments later, one of the other guards searching near the bearded guard's spot heard a dull thump. He ran over to the area where he heard the noise and found the guard on the ground, suffocated. "Holy shi..." Just before the guard could finish his exclamation, this time a pair of smooth yet toned legs dropped down and its thighs grasped the guard's neck. They ballooned up like plumping sausages and made the guard join his friend. Five minutes later the two other guards began to search near the vicinity where the two other guards had been searching for the fugitive ninja girl. While walking by a tree, one of them tripped over something on the ground. "Hey get up you clutz! We need to find tha... Oh no." The guard's mouth dropped to the ground when he saw that his comrade had fallen right over the lifeless bodies of the two other guards. He looked up into the tree but all he could see were the crescent moon beams seeping through the canopy. Back at the ruins of the castle, Lord Hanzo squatted on the ground beside the stretched-out flat body of his daughter crying furiously. Lord Taro approached the once-proud weeping man and tapped on his back. The devastated Hanzo turned around, looked up into the eyes of Taro, and knelt down to the ground in front of him. "Please tell me you found her. Please tell me you found and killed the witch who did this to my daughter!" "Unfortunately the answer is no. In fact she killed two of your guards while she got away." "Oh God I'll kill her! I'll kill her and anyone associated with her! How could she or anyone do this horrible thing to my sweet special daughter?" "I have to admit, I'm impressed that Tomoko has learned so many new tricks." grinned Taro. "T... Tomoko!? She, she's still..." "She has always been around. She has been around ever since we took over, and now she has sent us a little greeting." Lord Taro's grin melted into a grim stare as a looked up into the night sky and pondered the events that had just transpired. Back at the old temple in the middle of the bamboo forest, Tomoko sat in front of the standing Kamiko, debriefing her on her mission. "...And you recited the speech as well?" questioned Tomoko. "Every single word." replied Kamiko. "Ahhhh good, good. Now Lord Taro has finally discovered our presence, now all we need to do is get our message out to the people and soon we might be able to move onto bigger things." Tomoko smiled and closed her eyes for a short bit to reflect. Kamiko pulled her mask down and began to speak." "Sensei, I just ruined that girl's body using my abilities. I know she profited off of her father's oppression of the people, but why did she have to suffer for it?" Tomoko opened her eyes and cleared her throat. She looked up at Kamiko and saw eyes of confidence and fierceness, yet also of compassion and hope. "Her father is already suffering. In fact, he is probably suffering more than she is right now. Plus he lost his castle during the process so I imagine it is a huge shock to him. He treats that spoiled little girl as if she was made of gold. Hmph." "She did seem like a brat, but was that really enough of a reason to do such an extreme thing to her?" Kamiko's brow was furrowed with both anger yet uncertainty. She had never questioned her teacher's motives so critically before. "Besides the fact that I saw her palanquin run a little boy off the road, down a hill, and into a rock that broke his leg, and all she did was look backwards, and then shrug off the whole incident as if it were nothing. Yes, I guess she didn't deserve what she got. In fact, maybe you should have popped her!" Kamiko just stared at her irate teacher. Sweat began to bead out of the pores on her forehead. "I know you might have compassion for many human beings, despite their flaws. But sometimes certain people do not deserve any at all, because they show no compassion towards others. Maybe now that girl will understand what its like to be disabled, or wounded." Tomoko looked back down and closed her eyes. Kamiko sat down in front of her and stared into her Zen-like state. She was looking at an enigma of a woman, not just because of her abilities and power, but because of her character. Was she insane, or was she a guardian of justice? Kamiko felt inclined to believe the latter. Besides, trying to bring peace into the world was never a clean job.
Female Inflation
Full Body Inflation
"I can be bigger than that!" shouted Huff. She grinned and inhaled, resting her hands on her sides as she looked down to watch her waist slowly expand. A hissing noise began to rise from within her as her torso expanded outward with all the sounds of a child's balloon. Her waist quickly widened as the surge of growth shot from her tummy into her thighs and butt, working its way into her extremities. Her blue rubber suit expanded with her as she began to slowly round. Puff had different plans. She inhaled as deeply as she could. "I can beat that!" she howled, as a gust suddenly filled her and she ballooned outwards in all directions. Her red rubber suit groaned and complained as her body suddenly tested the limits of its seams. Within moments she was already totally round, with only her hands, head and feet visible. She wiggled her hands and feet frantically as her inflation suddenly died down to a crawl. Huff grinned as her inflation continued. Her entire body swelled but maintained a human shape, unlike her sister, who now resembled a giant tomato. Her arms and legs widened and widened. She appeared as though she were some gigantic, latex clad, circus fat lady, gaining spontaneously. Even her hands and feet puffed up a bit as she continued her growth. She slowly ran her hands over her widening sides, pressing in hard to make herself squeak like a balloon. Her rubbery body gave to her pressure and her hands sank deep into her sides, forcing air into other parts of her body and suddenly expanding them. An evil glare came into her eye as she glanced over at Puff, who had barely grown any more. "We're just gettin' started kiddo.."
helium, high school, infidelity, teacher
Female Inflation
Full Body Inflation
The Hubbell Research Group had been a frantic hive of activity for several weeks. Five years was a long time to be idle, and the staff was straining to handle the volume of leads that Barney was producing. But even with so much work to be done, nobody commented when Jack came in on Friday morning with his usual stack of tabloids. "Hey Barney." "Hey Jack." "The Dog Boy got engaged to the Turtle Girl," he said, flipping through The Snoop. "I'm certain that will be a fascinating wedding registry. Anything in the headlines jump out at you?" "Nothing this week. How are the matrix thingies coming along?" Barney didn't even bother to groan. He'd come to accept that he and Jack were simply different tools for performing different tasks. "The 'matrix thingies' are coming along pretty well. Good but not great. We've got lots of breadth, but very little depth." Jack furrowed his brow. "I'm not big on the technical stuff, but isn't that exactly what the demographic correlation matrix is supposed to do?" Barney smirked. While it was in his own best interests for people to understand exactly how brilliant he was, Jack was quite good at hiding the extent of his intelligence. It didn't seem that he was doing it deliberately. It came too naturally. There were only a few professions where such a skill was valuable. And formerly being of one of those professions, Barney knew better than to inquire. When Jack was ready, he would offer. "Yes, but it seems you're one of the few who understands the nature of this tool. Even I can't tell you exactly what it's doing, except that it's doing what Hubbell told me it ought to." The calculations combined genealogy, birth locations, residence history, and even a bit of numerology and astrology. Barney's contributions had gone to tuning the weights of various factors to enhance accuracy. "But I can't tell you how valuable it's been to have the Roth case to back test against." Dinah walked in carrying a manila envelope. "Jack, I've got a job for you." He set down his tabloid. "Hit me." "Here's the case file I just got from Unit One. They're trying to dig up more detailed information on this subject, but they're coming up blank." Barney looked up, frowning. "Is there something wrong with data I provided?" Jack grunted. "I'm sure your data's fine. I bet Walter's just got his head--" He caught Dinah's glare. "--buried in paperwork." Walter was the head of Unit One, and Barney's old supervisor. The circumstances of their parting ways had never been explained, and Jack had never asked. Jack opened the envelope and skimmed Molly Ashton's dossier. "They want to get a tech close to her, but they need a lot more digging into her personal life," Dinah said. Jack whistled as he got to the pictures. "I can imagine why a tech would want to get close. I'll fly out and see what I can do." All he needed was a disguise and a chance to strike up conversation. The best way to get information from people was to ask. You just had to know how to phrase the question. On Friday morning Jack had been in the office flipping through tabloids. On Monday afternoon he had a full report on Molly Ashton delivered to Unit One's office. Walter was reviewing the report with Jack over the phone. He was impressed by Jack's analysis, but he didn't care for the conclusion. RECRUITMENT PROBABILITY: LOW "We've got a lot more data on her, but the original determination still stands. Continue surveillance, get a technician on the ground and insert. Watch, learn and try to determine if she's actually Gifted." "But you don't think she'd make a good agent?" Walter asked. "She'd make an extraordinary agent. And it's the sort of work that would appeal to her. But she's not going to leave her life behind to work as a professional balloon." "Thank you Jack. This is good work." Walter leaned back in his chair and groaned. Another lead, another dead end. He'd barely survived Hubbell's house cleaning years ago; most of his colleagues had gotten the axe. Unit Three was almost entirely new staff, and they were doing an excellent job showing just how useless his years of experience were. "I bet Barney's sending me the crap leads, hoarding the good ones for the Unit Three hotshots," he grumbled. Barney had never cared for his methods. Hubbell had banned some of his more controversial tactics, but merely frowned on others. He wanted results, and Walter's ability to deliver those results was what had kept him around. "You're not the only one with hotshots at your disposal." Walter had never gotten accustomed to taking no for an answer, so he turned to the report to find a way to change it into a yes. He'd only read the summary. The full report went on for many, many pages. Jack had managed to unearth a surprising number of intimate details about about Molly's life. He even managed to get a good deal of information about her boyfriend, right down to the medication he was taking. This piqued Walter's interest, since Molly Ashton was married. Jack hadn't mentioned the affair in his report summary. There was no reason to, it was irrelevant to the conclusions. But it was of great interest to Walter. "There, that's what I need." He worked through the night combing over every detail and formulating a plan. In the morning, he met with Samuel. Samuel walked in. "You called, sir?" "Sam, I want to bring you in on the Ashton case." Sam was confused. "I thought Richard was still doing recon on that one. He's scheduled to go on site in a few weeks." Sam was a high-end technician. He used to be a covert agent for the CIA, but his ethics were a bit too flexible even for them. There were always better uses for his time than doing basic surveillance work, and Walter had come up with just such a use. "He is." Walter handed him the Ashton report along with his own notes. "Which means you have a few weeks to make this happen. And make sure that it never happened. Regardless of whether you succeed, neither Richard nor anyone else can ever know you were there." "Got it, boss." Samuel took the folder and left. Ms. Ashton walked through the classroom handing out stapled packets of paper. "Alright everyone, here are the instructions for today's lab. You should have all of the required equipment at your stations, you'll find the chemicals set out on the table in the back. Please observe standard precautions, and let's not dally. While you're doing that, I'll be prepping a very special surprise demonstration. It's quite spectacular and more than a little dangerous. There is a small risk of an explosion occurring, so I'll have to ask you all to keep a safe distance. But believe me, you won't have any trouble seeing this reaction from your work benches." She smiled as her students murmured excitedly. She was fond of dazzling her students with loud bangs and bursts of flame. Other teachers frowned upon her methods, but she'd been remarkably good at keeping students engaged. Of course, Molly Ashton's teaching style wasn't the only thing that drew disapproving glares, nor was it the only thing that kept the students engaged. The beautiful blonde had drawn her fair share of longing gazes from students and faculty alike. She'd been told on numerous occasions to tone down her wardrobe, and she'd complied up to a point. Her sharply tailored blouses and skirts didn't show off her voluptuous figure, but did little to hide her curves either. She paused at one of the lab stations. "Here you go, Donald," she chirped. "We covered this reaction last session, just remember our lessons and you should be fine." Donald was a remarkably bright boy, but for some reason he had trouble grasping chemistry. Ms. Ashton had been tutoring him after school to help him along, and he'd made a great deal of progress. "Thanks, Ms. Ashton," he said meekly. He was small, quiet, and still quite shy around her in spite of, or perhaps even because of, the one on one time they'd spent together. She gave him a warm smile, and he quickly looked away. Donald's friend Lori nudged him as Ms. Ashton moved on. "I think she likes you, Donald." "Stop it," Donald replied, blushing. Like every other boy in the class, he dreamed of getting something more than academic attention from Ms. Ashton, but would never admit it aloud. Lori was teasing him, but deep down was pleased by the thought; she loved Ms. Ashton. Lori was a rather plain redhead and would have been entirely unremarkable had puberty not hit with a vengeance her freshman year. Now as a senior she was often the target of jokes and abuse because of her unusually large bust, surpassing even Ms. Ashton in size. Ms. Ashton had apparently had similar experiences when she was in high school, so the two had bonded instantly. Lori was also one of the students that she'd chosen for mentoring. Lori didn't really need help with chemistry as she was quite brilliant. But Ms. Ashton had helped her in so many other ways. She'd inspired Lori to be more confident. Once she'd taught Lori to embrace and treasure her endowments, be they mental or physical, Lori was better able to make use of her talents and excel in the classroom. Lori idolized her, and dreamed of one day being able to wield the kind of power that Ms. Ashton had over most of the males she met. Samuel glanced down at his watch has he loaded a pair of tanks onto the dolly. Timing was crucial, so he had to keep his cool. Luckily, cool was Samuel's specialty. He attached a hose to one of the tanks and coiled it around the valve. He took a deep breath and pushed the dolly into the main school building, towards Chemistry Lab #2. There was a problem, but it was a minor one. Ms. Ashton could have easily made it go away by just signing on the dotted line, but she'd been having a rough week and was having far too much fun flirting with the delivery man. He was several years younger than herself, and had that clean-cut, fresh-faced look that she loved so. And he was one of the few people she'd ever seen who actually looked good in those silly shorts. "Listen, um," she glanced at his name tag, "Malcolm. I ordered carbon dioxide for today's lesson, and it should have arrived yesterday. This is a chemistry class, I can't even imagine what possible use I could have for helium." She was about to explain that helium is an inert gas, but realized her teaching tendency was of little use here. "Please ma'am, just sign for the tanks," he said, feigning annoyance. He was enjoying her drawing out the conflict as well. He was looking right past the clipboard at her impressive cleavage. Her blue silk blouse was just slightly too small for her disproportionately large bust, and her buttons were strained. "Clearly it's not your mistake, but they're already ordered and paid for and I get in trouble if a delivery gets rejected." She pursed her full lips in a thoughtful pout, returning his leering gaze. "But if I sign for these, how will I get my CO2?" While Malcolm assumed that she wouldn't have been nearly so brazen had her class not been largely distracted, he did briefly wonder how anybody thought it was a good idea to let such a woman anywhere near hormone-laden high schoolers. It just made his job easier. "How bout this? I'll just leave the tanks for now. You give me a number I can reach you at, and I'll call you once we figure out what happened to your shipment. I'll bring your tanks, and we can swap." He flashed a smile, and Ms. Ashton giggled. "Alright." There would be no demonstration today it seemed. She wrote a brief message on his pad. "That second one's my cell number," she said with a wink. Matthew came in just in time to see the end of their flirty exchange. The delivery man was looking over his shoulder back at Ms. Ashton when he bumped into Matt on his way out. "Whoah, sorry kid, didn't see ya there. I was a bit distracted." He gave Matt a knowing nudge. "Damn, they didn't make teachers like that at my high school." "Probably not," Matt said, trying to laugh to cover his simmering rage. Ms. Ashton was bent over her desk, her breasts squeezed tightly into her blouse. She was a goddess. All of the boys in school fantasized about her, but he was the only one who'd ever gotten beyond the fantasy. At least that was what Matt had thought before today. "Man, look at those tits. They're so huge, it's like she's got a coupla balloons under there." He suddenly caught himself. "Sorry dude, I should be more professional." "That's alright, we've all thought about it," Matt replied distantly. Sheesh, this guy can't be more than a few years older than I am. He looked at Malcolm and couldn't help but notice the resemblance between the two of them. He glanced down at the man's clipboard and saw that Ms. Ashton had signed not just her name, but her phone number as well. "Cool, man, have a good one." Malcolm left the lab whistling. Matthew walked up to the front of the classroom. She didn't see him approach. He tapped her shoulder gently. "Molly," he said, his voice low. She jumped. "Matthew," she hissed, "you can't call me that in front of other students. Or ever again. What are you doing here? You're not even in this class." She glanced about nervously to see if anyone was paying attention to them. "I got your note," he said. "How can you do this to me?" They stood close to each other and kept their voices quiet. As long as he didn't make a scene, he was as good as invisible. Most of the students were far too busy setting up test tubes and measuring out chemicals. Those few who were paying any attention to the front of the room tended to focus on Ms. Ashton rather than him. "Principal Tate suspects there's something going on. We have to end it." "I'm eighteen, there's nothing illegal about it." Molly's tone and countenance grew stern. "Matthew, you're a student, and I'm a teacher. A married teacher. If this gets out, I'll lose my job, my teaching credentials, and probably my husband." "But I love you," Matt pleaded. "You're young," Molly said, sounding almost motherly. "You'll find someone else, I'm certain of it. Someone you can actually be with." While you're banging the deliveryman? Matthew grew frantic as the finality of things set in. "I'll tell," he said. "I'll tell everyone. Then it'll all be out, and it won't matter because nobody'll be able to do anything about it." Molly's patience ran out. "So what?" she hissed between clenched teeth. "You'll say you've been screwing the chemistry teacher. I'll deny it, I'll say you're just some lovestruck kid with an overactive imagination. You don't have any proof, it'll be your word against mine. Nobody will believe that I deigned to seduce a little boy like you. And right now I'm seriously questioning why I ever did." She stood firm and stood tall, her posture accentuating her provocative figure. Matt gazed at her longingly, remember their early flirtations, that first kiss, his fumbling explorations of her delightful flesh. He began to tremble as he was overwhelmed by grief and rage. "Molly--" "It's over," she snapped, returning to her class notes. "Now get out before this gets any messier than it has to be." Matt turned away, fighting back tears. His face turned bright red as he noticed several students glancing warily in his direction and whispering to each other. They knew something was going on. I have to get outta here. He was about to leave when he saw the tanks. Shiny, new, and freshly filled by the looks of the gauges. One of them even had a hose already attached. The feeling of peace was as sudden as it was strange. Matt's hands were steady, his face calm, the pounding in his chest eased. Unspeakable thoughts took root in his mind, but he found them relaxing. He'd decided to take action. A moment ago he was helpless. A moment ago he was a victim. A moment from now he would be neither; she would be both. Molly looked up at the loud hissing noise to see that Matt had opened the valve on one of the tanks. "What on earth are you doing?" she asked, incredulous. "This." He grabbed her and shoved the hose deep down her throat. The effect was immediate; her belly rapidly filled with gas, resembling full pregnancy in mere moments. Her blouse came untucked and bulged over the waistband of her skirt. "Mmmmrrgh!" Molly's shriek was muffled by the hose. Several buttons on her blouse popped open and her gut surged forth. She grabbed the hose with both hands and tried to pull it out, but Matthew grabbed her wrists and held them in place. He was too strong, she couldn't move. Her eyes grew wide as she felt the pressure build inside, her belly growing firm and stiff. By now, many of the students had noticed what was going on at the front of the classroom. "Wow," Lori marveled. "Looks like Ms. Ashton has one hell of a demonstration planned." But while Lori and the others were focused on just how huge Ms. Ashton had swelled, Donald saw the interaction between her and Matt, the terror in her eyes. "I -- I don't think she planned this," he said uneasily, fear bubbling up his spine. Matt noticed that he and Molly were now the focus of attention. With so many students around, one of them was bound to make an attempt at being a hero. He'd fix that. Not relaxing a bit on his grip on Molly and the hose, he turned to the class and grinned. "You might wanna get outta here," he shouted. "There's gonna be one hell of a bang when she blows!" For a moment the entire class was stunned into silence. The only sounds were the hissing of the tank and Molly's muffled cries for help. She tried to make eye contact, spur someone into action, but it was no use. Stephanie was the trigger. Like everyone else, she realized what was happening, what was about to happen, and she cracked. "Oh my God, she's gonna explode!" Matt's announcement had had the desired effect. In a clamor of screams and dropping lab equipment, those few students who weren't rooted in place by fright made a mass, panicked, chaotic flight towards the exit. I'm gonna die, Molly thought, looking on hopelessly as her students fled. She knew it didn't take all that much to rupture a person's internal organs, and the high pressure tanks would easily do it if she couldn't get the hose out in the next few seconds. The mounting pain of being so forcibly stretched made each second seem like an eternity. Just as Molly felt her consciousness retreating from the increasing agony, she felt something shift inside her. It was an odd sensation, as though she'd stretched beyond some critical point. She felt something inside her give; the excruciating pain subsided and the sense of pressure suddenly receded. For a moment she assumed that she was exploding, but the truth was only slightly less frightening. Her body shuddered, then rushed outward. "Mmmrghff!" she groaned as her back arched and she lost her grip on the hose. Her skirt split down the front and fell to the ground, the swelling spreading outward from her belly into her extremities. Matt looked on with a mixture of annoyance and amazement as her breasts plumped up with gas. "You make a better balloon than I thought you would," he sneered. The remaining buttons on her blouse popped off in rapid succession, her exposed bosom straining against the confines of her bra. Molly struggled to get her hands back onto the hose but was thwarted by her continued expansion. Her arms swelled up, growing plump and stiff. They stuck out straight from her body and she could no longer bend them. Her hips widened and her thighs grew thicker, forcing her to widen her stance. Her stockings hissed and popped as her growing legs ripped them apart. Her bra had held on admirably, cinching into her bloated form, but the hooks finally conceded with a loud snap and left the garment hanging limp on her chest. Molly's entire body was inflating, and she grew bigger and rounder with each passing moment. Molly's mind was torn between fear and disbelief. Her skin was pulled tight, her body pumped up into a near spherical shape. Everything she knew told her that what was happening was impossible, that she should have been torn apart. She wondered what could make such a transformation possible and, more importantly, at what point it would stop. But the flow of helium was relentless, and she blew up bigger and bigger. Her huge breasts, once her dominating feature, were stretched out into wide domes across her chest. Each passing moment left her looking less like a woman and more like an overinflated toy. She could just barely see over her own swollen cheeks. Matt's face was twisted in rage. "Come on, pop! Pop, dammit!" Molly scanned the classroom, eyes pleading for help, desperately hoping that someone would do something, anything to save her. A few students still stood frozen at their benches but the rest were all clamoring in a frantic mass at the door as they tried to flee the imminent explosion. It was hopeless. I can't take any more. Please, just let this be over quick. Ms. Ashton was nearly completely round, her taut skin flushing pink as it strained against the pressure. Matt grinned with wicked glee. His face fell as the hissing subsided. The tank was empty. "Dammit!" But his frustration quickly faded; he still had another tank. He grabbed it and dragged it towards Molly. He was about to hook up the hose to the second tank when he noticed two security guards trying to force their way through the logjam of fleeing students to get into the classroom. He angrily yanked the hose from Molly's mouth. "Matt, security's here. It's over." She was finally able to speak and tried to sound firm and commanding, but her voice was shaking. "I guess that means we're both outta time," he replied. "Don't worry, Molly, this won't take long." He grabbed a beaker from the nearest work bench and smashed the end of it. "No," she gasped. "Sorry, Molly, it's too late for second chances." He picked up the business card from her desk. "Maybe I should call Malcolm and thank him for making this possible." "Matthew, please!" Molly sobbed, her eyes locked on the jagged remains of the beaker in Matt's hand. "Please, don't do this! I'm begging you!" "I begged you, and it didn't work. But you were right about one thing. This is going to be a lot messier than it has to be," he smirked, raising the beaker. "Hey!" Matt turned towards the sudden outburst behind him. The last thing he saw was a brass plaque engraved with the words "MOLLY ASHTON, TEACHER of the YEAR". Then darkness. "I -- I can't believe I just did that," Donald gasped. His hands were shaking. He'd never hit anything that hard in his life. He dropped the trophy and stood staring at Matt's crumpled, unconscious body. Molly started weeping with relief. "Thank you, Donald. Thank you." The guards finally forced their way to the front of the classroom. They stared at Molly in disbelief. Her body was a enormous, swollen parody of its natural self. "Holy crap," one gasped. Lori rushed forward carrying one of the lab's fire blankets. "Stop gawking and do something!" she snapped at them as she tried to give Ms. Ashton at least a little bit of coverage. "Don't worry, Mrs. Ashton. You're going to be alright." Lori looked over Molly's unbelievably distended body, took her best guess as to roughly where her shoulder was, and placed a reassuring hand there to try to console her. She had to stifle a gasp at how firm Molly was; her skin felt like the surface of a volleyball. "Help me," Molly said, clearly struggling to get the words out through lips that were many times their normal size. "I feel like I'm gonna burst." Lori struggled to come up with something encouraging to say, but came up blank. Molly's skin was frighteningly taut, not yielding in the slightest to Lori's touch. Lori found herself agreeing with Ms. Ashton's evaluation; she really did feel like she could explode at any moment. One of the guards was putting handcuffs on Matt in case he woke up. The other was calling for emergency assistance. "The ambulance is on its way," he said. "What the hell happened in here?" "Matt, he took the hose, and he, he," Donald stammered gesturing to Molly and the spent helium tank. Molly clenched her eyes shut as her belly trembled with an ominous rumble. Her body quivered, expanding ever so slightly while emitting a tortured groan. "Shit, she's gonna blow!" The guards slowly stepped back. "We have to clear the room, son. It's not safe for us to be in here." The officer grabbed Donald by the shoulder and pushed him toward the door. "You've got to get out of here," Molly sobbed. "No! I can't leave you like this!" Donald shouted. "Donald," Lori snapped, "just what do you intend to do? She's right, we have to go." She turned to Molly. "I'm so sorry, Ms. Ashton." A slow, soft creaking filled the air as Molly's skin strained, failed slightly and swelled again. "I know. Now go, hurry!" Samuel had been gone for ten days. Walter had heard nothing from him, but that was to be expected. He knew something must have happened when he got a call from Richard, the lead technician on the case. "She's gone, sir." Richard was shaken. "Excuse me?" "They evacuated the entire school yesterday. There was a gas leak in the chemistry lab, but no mention of anyone getting hurt. Ashton wasn't there the next day, and nobody's talking about it. She's just gone, they disappeared her. My guess is someone discovered she was sleeping with a student, and they decided a major event would be good cover for making her go away." "Any idea where she is?" Walter asked. "None yet." "Keep me posted, Richard. This woman was an excellent prospect, I don't want to lose track of her." Samuel returned later that day to give his report in person. There would be no paperwork for this one. He described what had happened to Molly in as much detail as he himself knew. He'd put as much distance as possible between himself and the school once he'd left. "If it turned out that she wasn't actually Gifted, then the outcome would have been -- unfortunate," Samuel said. "As it is, Matt was able to blow her up much larger than I expected. I'd assumed that somebody would stop him more quickly, but he was much better at crowd control than I gave him credit for. If one of the students hadn't acted, then gifted or not Molly would have exploded." "Yes, this operation was inherently risky. But your performance was extraordinary. Any news of the aftermath?" Walter asked. "It seems there are some very influential people on the school's Board of Trustees. The whole story's been buried. They made up some story about a gas leak in the chemistry lab to get everyone off campus. They knocked out a wall and got Ms. Ashton out after dark. All of the students involved have been warned not to discuss the matter." "And how is Ms. Ashton doing?" Walter's interest seemed far more clinical than sympathetic. "She's been relocated to a clinic that specializes in unconventional ailments. The doctors are stumped as to how they should treat her. Apparently she's under an enormous amount of pressure and there's still a chance she could blow." Sam didn't seem too worried. "Her life is in shambles now. With her affair exposed, her husband is divorcing her and her career is over. Assuming she survives, she'll be a prime candidate for recruitment." "And since this is our case, I'll be first in line to be her handler. Excellent." Walter agreed with Jack's assessment that Molly would make an extraordinary agent. With her working for Unit One, his position in the organization would be quite secure. "We need to make sure she remains receptive to recruitment. It's unlikely she'll be able return to any semblance of a normal life, but she's resourceful enough that she might surprise us." "Yes, sir." It irritated Walter that he had to be so secretive. Hubbell should have realized long ago that sane and happy people didn't sign up to be agents. You had to be desperate or crazy. Making people crazy was difficult, but making them desperate was easy if you knew which buttons to push. And if he had to destroy a prospect's life to make her an agent, then so be it. Walter leaned back in his chair and permitted himself a satisfied sigh. He'd taken Molly Ashton from "low probability" to "prime candidate" in less than two weeks. "Walter's back in business," he said to himself smugly. "And the rest of HRG had best stand up and take notice."
Female Inflation
Inflatable Clothing
The flat was dark, dank, and the curtains were drawn, the light shining through just a crack to illuminate the mess. It was strewn with empty coffee cups, half empty cider cans, various women's magazines, general letters and papers, and old takeaway boxes. Against a wall was a battered chesterfield brown leather sofa with an old blanket on it. A ginger tabby cat laid curled up on the window sill. Keys rattled in the lock to the flat and Jane Watson pushed the door open, pushing aside several days worth of post and free newspapers. "Holmes." she called. The blanket on the chesterfield sofa shifted and moaned.
explode, magic, Prose that Blows 7 – Not So Final Fantasy (2011), Prose that Blows Winner: Most Original Story, Prose that Blows Winner: Sexiest Story
Female Inflation, Male Inflation
Full Body Inflation
Irina was only halfway through a mug of mead when Cerys ran into the inn and to Irina's side. Irina sighed. "What did you do?" "Nothing!" Irina gave her a sharp look. "I told you I don't want to draw attention while we're travelling." "No, really!" Cerys said. "I was just looking around the outpost and some men yelled at me!" "Why are you worried? You're indestructible." "They're scary! Oh no, here they come!" The three men told an age-old story with their young faces and exaggerated movements. "We're away from home for the first time, we've discovered hard liquor, and we don't know our limits." "There she is!" said one of them, pointing at Cerys. "Save me!" Cerys hid behind Irina. The innkeeper reached under the bar and came up with a cudgel. Irina caught the innkeeper's eye and shook her head, then stood to face the men. "Why ya runnin'?" said one of the men, red-faced. "We just wanna give ya a drink." Irina sighed. Well, Cerys did stand out. She couldn't blame her for getting noticed. "Why don't you guys-erk!" Cerys was poking Irina under her shirt. The growth from each touch wasn't enough for anyone to notice. "Stop it!" Irina hissed. Cerys whispered, "just making you look intimidating." "We're not talkin' to you," said another drunkard. He was holding a jug. "Hey, this one's cute too." said the third, who was shirtless. "Le'ss havvem both drink wi' us." Cerys put her hand up the back of Irina's shirt. Irina swatted it away, but now her belly was bulging out of her clothes. "Nah," said red-face, "too fat." Irina muttered, "stop it before it happens again!" "Maybe we don't wanna stop, lady," said Jug. "C'mon," said no-shirt, "we'll giv'ya a drink, you giv'us a kiss." The three of them laughed, not noticing both of Cerys's arms wrapped around Irina's belly. "You idiot!" yelled Irina as her body bulged in all directions. "Who ya callin an--wha?!" Jug looked up to see Irina surging forward. He instinctively swung the jug at her. Clumsy as it was, it put Irina on her back, on top of Cerys. "Get out from there before--aaah!" Her yell hit a high pitch. She clapped both her hands to her mouth. The swelling was accelerating. Dumbfounded as they were, it didn't take the men long to notice the bar emptying. They made it outside just ahead of the wall of flesh. Cerys wriggled out the door, from under the flesh that filled it. Most of the crowd was standing well back, over in the town's main intersection, but the three drunkards weren't far outside. "Whass' happening?" said red-face. Upstairs, the shutters were popping open as flesh bulged out of them. Cerys took an unconcerned look at the scene. "It's kinda complicated... if I put too much magic stuff into people they have naughty thoughts, and that makes more magic stuff." "Uh... when's she gonna stop?" said no-shirt. The last shutter opened, a comically large nipple poking out of it. "And weren't you scared of us a minute ago?" muttered red-face. "She won't. She'll get bigger and bigger until boom!" "What?! You mean she'll explode?" The walls were cracking and buckling outwards now. "Nono, she'll have an orgasm." "Oooh... heheheh." The drunkards leered. Most of the buidling had fallen away from Irina's body. She still had both hands over her mouth, but her now-freed legs were thrashing around. "THEN she'll explode." "What?!" "It's all right. She'll go back to normal." "What about us?!" "Oh, the explosion isn't dangerous." "Oh." "It'll just scatter magic stuff around." "What?!" "Don't worry, it dissipates quick." "Oh." "Unless there's a person around to absorb it." "WHAT?!" "Nnnnaa!" Irina's hands weren't enough to keep her silent. The three drunkards turned to run, but only tripped over themselves. There was a BOOM and a flash of light. When it cleared, the huge shape of Irina was gone, and in its place were the three men, taking up just as much space between them. It took them several solid seconds of hollering to realize that nothing else seemed to be happening. "Uh, beggin' yer pardon, miss," one of them said. Cerys wasn't sure which was which any more; they were all quite red in the face, the jug was sitting on the ground, and none of them was wearing a shirt, or anything else for that matter. "But aren't we gonna, uh..." "It's all the booze." said Cerys. "It'll take you guys a minute to feel it, and you'll have to get really big before you go off." "What? Please, we've learned our lesson, okay? We'll leave you alone! We won't ever bother anyone again! Just make it stop!" "Oh, that's the fun part. You can't stop it, you can only delay it. But hey, there is some good news. Do you know what a refractory period is?" "Uh, no?" "Well, it means after you blow, you're going to have a little more time than Irina to run for it. Oh hey, looks like it's starting for you guys. Have fun!" She wandered off towards the watching crowd, ignoring the protests behind her. One of the men in the crowd looked uncertainly from her to the growing men. He tried to step back as she approached, but the crowd was too thick behind him. "Uh... you're a sorceress, right?" he asked. "Something like that." "You were just teaching those drunks a lesson, right? We're safe over here, right?" Cerys looked over her shoulder, and turned back with a smile. "Right now, none of you are close enough to them to get affected when they explode." "Oh. Good." The crowd relaxed at the news that they could safely watch the spectacle. Some even jeered at the drunks. Irina emerged from the rubble of the inn, unsteady on her legs and trying to cover her body with the remains of her skirt. But when she looked up and saw the three men, she let the cloth fall away as she set off on a dead sprint down the road, towards the gate out of town. "Uh... she's sure running a long way," said the man. Cerys shrugged. "Well, wouldn't you after what happened?" "But it's wilderness out there, why's she going so far?" Cerys didn't get a chance to respond before one of the drunks exploded. The crowd yelled, almost a cheer. When the glare faded, only one man was left lying naked in the middle of the street, back to normal. "Where'd they go?" someone asked. In the distance, another of the men, now much larger, fell from the sky and landed on top of the forest. "Where's the other one?" said someone else. Only a few members of the crowd thought to look up in time to see last of the drunkards landing on top of them. He wasn't heavy enough to do anything but rest lightly on top of the mob, but that didn't stop everyone from trying to escape. And he had, unfortunately, landed upright. "Stop moving around down there!" he yelled. "Stop it! You're all gonna, you're gonnaaagh--" BOOM. The intersection was filled with a pile of naked, bloated, screaming people. The now-normal-sized drunk had rolled down the pile and was unconscious, face-down in the the road. Cerys surveyed the results. No one was actually growing, but the situation had everyone pretty much hysterical. Something needed to be done. Cerys cupped her hands and shouted to be heard over the yelling. "HEY! LISTEN UP! You're all too small for it to get to you. You'll start shrinking in a few minutes." That seemed to calm the crowd a bit. Cerys continued, "As long as none of you really like the idea of getting bigger and bigger..." The pile shifted. "...every part of you getting stretched and tight..." The pile was starting to rise and spread. "...towering above everyone else..." The people towards the top were sent rolling down, a few of them burying the drunk just as he was starting to get back to his feet. "...being so huge you can see for miles..." A growing young woman was emerging from the pile. She had her eyes closed tight and her mouth in a grimace, fighting against inevitability. "Oh hey," said Cerys. "I guess someone does!" Everyone started shouting at once. "Isn't that one of the barmaids?" "What are you doing? Stop it!" "Stop growing!" "I'm trying!" yelled the barmaid. "See, that's what I love about you humans and your morals," said Cerys, not that anyone could hear as the barmaid loomed larger and larger over the intersection and the general panic resumed. "If you'd just let yourself go while you're still small, it'd hardly be a problem at all. But you fight it and try to hold back, and so..." The barmaid barely made a sound. Just a sudden squirm, a sharp breath, and she exploded. And then it was raining round, swelling bodies all over the town. Some cried out in fear, some cried out in surprise... and some cried out for other reasons, barely touching the ground before they themselves exploded. Cerys strolled out of town, admiring her work. The sun was going down by the time she found Irina hiding in a bush, well outside of town. Every so often there was another distant explosion, and more yells. The chain reaction was slowing as people spread out, but it had a while to go. Irina glared. "I never should have let you out of that magic circle. I don't know why I let you travel with me." Cerys grinned. "Then tell me to go away." Irina didn't meet her eyes. "No?" said Cerys, walking forward. "There's no one around, and no one's going to notice another boom tonight. Unless you're going to ask me not to touch you?" Irina said nothing. "See? You wouldn't have any fun without me," said Cerys, and gave Irina a big hug.
breast expansion, floating, helium, latex suit, lift, sweater
Female Inflation
Hourglass Inflation, Inflatable Clothing
A chilled breeze brushed along the pale-albino girl's cheeks. Her short, tomboyish brown hair tussled in the winter winds. The hair on the back of her neck perked up. Fall leaves brushed along the side-walk with a gentle scrape, it followed in the wind of the afternoon while Maya pulled herself along. She wasn't a big fan of these long, tedious walks that seemed to last a lifetime from her College to home where she still lived with her mother and father, which was a chore on its own – regardless of the actual 'chores' she was given. A soft rustle emitted from under her left arm, she held the wrapped present close to her hip. Harley – her best friend – tossed the thing right at Maya and shouted 'Happy Birthday!' before bolting off to his school bus, and before Maya could even question him the bus doors shut, and he was off. Fast forward ten minutes to now, she was just as curious about the package as she was to Harley's actions. Her birthday wasn't until that Friday, and by the looks of the present, it was either an ugly sweater for Christmas or a lot of socks. At least if it were socks, they could be used for stuffing. The insecurities she held were few and far between, but by far the most disappointing part of Maya's look was her figure – to which the 'popular' girls teased her with 'Pancake tits' almost every day she went in. All Maya could do when the insults started flying was pretend she didn't care. It's not her fault she didn't develop any breasts. Screw genes. What's wrong with small breasts anyway? Cue another 10 minutes of walking, and Maya had completed her trek home. She threw herself through the doorway and gave a monotonous "I'm home." down the hallway, before she took an immediate trotting pace up the stairs and ignored her parents' response. Maya took her bag by the handle and threw it into the agape door to her bedroom before she followed suit, throwing the gift Harley had given her onto the floor next to her bed. Maya spun on the spot, fell backwards onto her bed and flopped onto it with a whoosh. Displeased, she ran her hands up from her hips onto her belly, across her midriff and onto the flat humps of her chest. It bothered her more than she'd care to think about. A flat body was never as exciting as a plump, full one. Maya closed her eyes and pictured herself in front of a full body mirror. Sleek, sexy, plump legs hugged by her tight hosiery, accompanied by a tube skirt. Plump, large breasts straining the buttons of her blouse. She could see her perky nipples poke through, willing to make the boys beg for a feel. If only. She thought. If only... The ring of Maya's phone awoke her – she pulled herself up from her bed and rubbed her eyes and assumed she had just fallen asleep. She leant over and lifted her phone from the edge of her bed, unlocking it and looking to the text message sent to her; 17:32 – Harley: "Did you try the suit on yet?" Maya cocked a brow at the message, a suit? What did Harley buy her? She tacked away on the touchpad of her phone and replied. 17:50 – Maya: "Suit? What suit?" Maya waited for a reply... but didn't get one. Curious, she hopped up off her bed, retrieved the discarded present from the side and tossed it up onto her bed, sitting down next to it. She then ripped into the packaging, tore past the pretty, pink wrapping paper and badly-taped seams to find a white-ish material inside of a plastic bag. There was no label, only the package and a blue bottle of liquid at the very bottom. She stood and spread the contents of the bag out onto the bed; A clear latex suit with a bottle of lubricant. Maya gave a plain "Are you kidding me" expression, the suit felt like the tense latex you'd find on a balloon, it was an enticing texture that got her blood flowing. She made the sheepish decision to put the suit on, if not to amuse Harley but to sate the arousing idea of wearing something so tight. She stripped out of her jeans, shirt and underwear, leaving her naked. She pinched the edges of the suit and lifted it up, looking at how she was meant to get in – the only possible way would be to slide in through the neck. The suit looked tight as well. It had seams along specific regions of the body, and a nozzle along the lower half of the front. Maya laid the suit back down and got to work with the bottle of lubricant, applying a thin layer to her entire body from the neck down. Her body shone in the light of her room. She wasted no time, she brought the suit down to her leg and lifted it into the corresponding leg hole, she could feel the tight latex slide up her leg which sent a shiver up her spine. She slotted her foot into the foot of the suit, as they covered them. She then did the exact same for her other leg, stretching the neck-hole wide to fit herself into, a pleasant surprise. Next – she began to wiggle and pull the suit up her thighs over her hips, leaning down to push her arms into the arm slots, and then lifting up, causing the suit to strain and pop into place over her shoulders. The tense latex giving her a wicked wedgie, and grinding hard, up against her sensitive ladyhood. Maya's hands went into the gloves of the suit, and at that point the nozzle on the hip sprung up, erecting from her body. She looked like a shiny balloon with the suit on, squeezing and tensing against every inch of her body from the neck down. She stroked her hands along her belly, feeling the somewhat sticky texture of the latex rub. Taking a little stride, she began to emit squeaks as the latex rubbed up against any other latex it came in contact with. Each movement tightened one part of her body, and another – every action made the suit tighten at one area or another, enough to give her a moist feeling in-between her legs. "Maya!" her mother called. "Your dinner is ready! Come down, sweetheart!" Crap, crap, crap! Maya had just went through the struggle of getting into the suit, she had no idea how to get out of it in any decent time. She couldn't go down naked. Maya scrambled to her clothing drawer and acquired a pair of thermal opaque pantyhose, winter ones, a fluttery skirt and a big, poofy sweater to cover her torso. She looked at her hands, the latex blended with her skin quite well and gave off minimal shine – it'd have to do. She took herself out of her bedroom and went downstairs, the sound of her squeaky body subdued. Maya took herself down the stairs with a very slow, light pace. She placed one foot down over the other in an awkward fashion, trying to avoid any contact with the latex suit under her clothes – there is no way she could explain wearing a skintight bodysuit to her parents, let alone the bodysuit in question being a gift from a friend (A status she was beginning to question with Harley). By the time she reached the bottom of the stairs, she had already exhausted most of her effort trying not to squeak. Of all the problems to have, squeaking was one on her list right now. With a careful stride to the kitchen, she had made it to the dinner table, pulling the chair out and wriggling in to sit down, to which the suit tensed up – a lot – giving her an even tighter wedgie and bringing the entire suit a few notches tighter than before. The taut latex stretched from her new sitting position and she could feel the latex trying to pull her legs up in a desperate attempt to alleviate the tension. A soundless squeak emitted from her while she sat hunched. Her father looked over at Maya with a questionable glance. "Are you okay, sweetie?" he began and ruffed his ridiculous mustache. "You seem... tense." "No. I'm fine, Dad." She replied with a smile and raising her shoulders a bit more. The heels of her feet pulled off the ground as the suit drew even tighter under her clothes. The threat of the suit breaking open grew. She leaned forward against the table, keeping her smile. "What's for dinner?" Maya continued. Maya had bloated herself with how fast she ate her dinner, she couldn't tell if the suit was just tighter than she thought or if her belly was bigger than before. In any case – she was off like a rocket to the stairs. As she passed the cupboard under the stairs the nozzle she had tucked away under the waist of her skirt had popped out, and it caught along the wall. She stopped and looked down at it, giving a few tugs. She then looked up to the cupboard, spying a small silver canister at the bottom. With a careful grip, she opened the door. At her feet was a canister of helium while was purposed for her upcoming birthday party for the balloons. Maya glanced at her nozzle and at the helium tank, then it clicked. She lifted the tank up out of the cupboard and closed the door, scurrying away upstairs. Her mind swimming with ideas as she reached the top, scurried into her room. Maya put the tank into her bedroom, then went into the bathroom right outside her door and hunted out a strip of plumbing tube which was just about the right size for her nozzle. Courtesy of her Dads attempts at 'personal plumbing'. She took it into her bedroom and plopped her kit down next to the helium tank. Just a little bit. Maya thought to herself, biting her lip with an eager nip at the mere thought, a hidden kink she knew nothing about. Maya plugged one end of the tube into the helium tanks nozzle, securing it with some tape she had in her room from her arts and crafts project, and did the same to the nozzle sticking out under her longer sweater. She pulled the sweater down over the now secure nozzle on her hip and huffed. She closed her windows and blinds, turned her light on and bend over to the helium tank, her body squeaking from the strain, arousing her further. By this point she had a little puddle in her suit. She turned the valve open, and a silent hiss rose into earshot. Maya yipped out, the sudden chill breeze of the cold gas filled the nozzle of her suit, protesting a little before beginning to flow with a more natural fluency. The inner tubing of the suit brought the gas up. A snug tug began to draw around Maya's back. Beneath the sweater Maya had two vague bumps began to press out against her sweater, rounding out into soft A cups. With a swift motion, she brought her hands up to her billowing bust, the suit formed out her figure with an appealig shape. Her fingers began to spread outward as her hands became smaller in comparison to her bust, a soft stretching sound filling the air as she grew bigger. Maya's breasts bloated from an A to a perky, prominent C-D cup, which pulled her sweater upwards from the new attained asset size. She couldn't help but give the latex a good squeeze, rub and play. Her chest began to slow down on bloating, and her stomach was starting to fill with the gas. The waistband of Maya's skirt was beginning to stretch outward before just pinging down lower on her waist. The gas didn't direct there much longer – finding it's destination – the helium began to flare her hips outward, giving her a plumper, wider appearance. The hem of the skirt she wore began to rise higher up on her, flaring outward from her new assets. Maya's thighs followed suit – the pantyhose beginning to drag along the inflating latex and growing taut over her body. She looked down and behind her, watching as her calves bloated too, giving her a sexy, curvy appearance. The fun didn't end there – her butt began to push outward, she could feel the tension across her pussy, grinding and arousing her further. Her rump filled out to match her hips and thighs, closing the gap in between her legs – the pantyhose helped to them look real. She squeed with joy, feeling the tense clothing all over as she had a synthesized figure.She went from boring to voluptuous in moments, sporting a wicked hourglass figure that made her jealous of herself. Maya's heels began to feel less in touch with the ground, she could feel a prominent tug upward as she filled out further, like a harness pulling her upward. As she reached down to turn the gas off she was hindered by her new tight curves, although managing to turn the helium off, she was involuntarily pulled up, squealing as her heels took off the ground just a slight. She looked up, her mind racing with excitement, heart beating. Maya pulled off the hose and steadied herself, holding her now perky, gas filled breasts in her hands. She ran her fingers around where her nipples would be, then propped her hands on top of her floaty, bloated cleavage. Despite it being the suit. She still felt an immense pressure built up inside of her. Maya took a deep breath and then took a careful hop, to her surprise she floated with a weightless drift into the air, her new buoyancy pulling her up. Maya swung her legs, grinding the chill pantyhose together. After a few moments she reached the ceiling fan in her room, her back-end beginning to pull upwards which made her drift into a horizontal position. A moment of serenity washed over Maya, looking down over her room while she drifted in the air like a happy helium balloon. Untethered by gravity. She felt free, clear, like she was superior. According to her curves however, she was. She drifted back down on top of her bed, in front of her full view mirror. She looked at herself in awe, the curves looked so real under her clothing. She couldn't tell the difference. She gazed into the mirror and took a few poses, squeezing her arms against the sides of her bloated balloon tits, making it look like she had some massive sweater puppies tucked away under there. Maya ran her hands down the sides of her body with a sensual rub, teasing the fabric of her clothing, tugging and leaning over to accentuate her tight body even more. Her poor sweater looked several sizes smaller than it was when she bought it, her pantyhose looked strained and tight, threads holding on for dear life. She wiggled her feet, enjoying the tightness her movements brought. Maya grabbed her phone and flicked the camera on, snapping a picture and sending it to Harley while mid-air. She got a quick response; 18:59 – Harley: "Holy hell! You look great! But are you floating off the ground? Did you use helium?" As Maya was typing out her response, her phone ran out of battery. She shrugged, tossing the phone aside and shuffling off her bed and tip-toeing to the tank and hose. She'd re-attach the nozzle to her suit, and open the valve. Her suit gave one final creak before the helium cut out with an abrupt hiss, it had stopped. As it did, Maya's feet began to lose contact with the ground... she swung her legs about a little, the balls of her feet leaving the ground, and then her toes. She'd drift upward buoyant, curvy, and sexy. She gave out a happy squeal, unable to contain her excitement. She could hear her pantyhose ripping down the sides, about to blow off. She held her breath which made her rise faster until her massive E cup tits bumped against the ceiling, her now even massive sweater puppies testing the strength of the threads of her sweater. And to top it all off, her skirt wasn't covering her thick hips and thighs. Instead of waiting for the suit to do the ripping, Maya began to strip her clothes off, pulling her sweater off to reveal the shiny, latex breasts that had grown from the suit. Looking down she could see into her pantyhose, her normal, flat body wriggling free inside the cold gas chamber of the suit. She'd work her skirt off and peel her pantyhose off too, leaving her in the clear latex suit. Maya reached for the nozzle, opening the valve to let all the gas out. Instead, she felt a sudden rush of cold air hit her gut. She looked down. Maya's body began to bloat and form, for real. Her skin tugged out. Breasts formed in a quick flash and filled the room in the suit out, matching it's inflated curvature. The latex suit became skintight again, all the gas that was in the suit was now inside her. She was still floating free, and not a moment later the suit snapped and fell apart, the tight latex falling down to the floor around her. Leaving the now curvy, tight balloon girl to float in the air. She tested her breasts with a finger, feeling their real, taut sensitivity. Although... she was pinned to the ceiling. "Maya? Darling? Are you okay?" Her mother called from downstairs. "Harley is here, he seemed quite worried..."
giantess, hand pump
Female Inflation
Full Body Inflation
Anna didn't have to be a mind reader to know that something was wrong with Molly. For the past few days she had been distracted and listless, often staring into space when she should have been working. Even on their days off she spent time on the balcony, looking out towards the sea and sighing wistfully to herself. She also didn't need to be a mind reader to know what that something was."Come on," Anna said. "Tell me."Molly glanced over her shoulder before sighing and turning back towards the water. "Tell you what?""Who is he?" She put her hands on her hips. "It's obvious you're in love."She smiled longingly. "He's amazing. He's tall, strong...""Yeah?""Confident..."Anna nodded. "Okay.""Scaly, breathes atomic fire...""...what?""Maybe a metaphor of some sort, there's so many layers to him that-""Hold it." As Molly turned to face her, Anna continued. "You're in love with Agrodon.""Yeah." She smiled wistfully. "He's great, isn't he?""He's a thousand feet tall and rises out of the ocean to wreak havoc.""He's hot, though.""Why can't you be normal and just lust after that fish guy from The Shape of Water?""I'm not going to settle," Molly shot back, folding her arms across her chest.Anna made a circle with the finger and thumb of one hand, balling her other hand into a fist and bumping them together. "I can think of at least one problem you'd run into, and that's assuming you could even get his attention.""I know, but he's just..." She sighed deeply, running a hand through her hair. "If only I could be with him on his level, you know?"Anna eyed her friend, resolve slipping away despite her better judgment. Molly was eccentric, there was no doubting that, but there was genuine longing in her actions. Even if her choice in men was highly questionable, she deserved a shot at love; everybody did. The least Anna could do was help her out."I probably shouldn't be doing this," Anna said, "but I have a plan. Change into something stretchy and meet me outside." Behind the apartment complex was a small park, left in a half-finished state when the building's owner ran low on funds. There were no trees, only partially paved paths, and the closest thing to a pond was a slight recess that got swampy during heavy rains. It was open and flat, however, which was all that Anna wanted from it."This isn't going to work," Molly said.Anna set the bike pump down, letting the long, coiled hose on her shoulder slide off to the ground. "...and yet you still changed and followed me out here," she retorted, gesturing to Molly's biking shorts and sports bra."Yeah, well..." She scratched the back of her head sheepishly. "I guess I really -want- it to work. Donny's not going to dick himself, you know?"She gave her a look as she stooped, picking up the end of the hose. "'Donny.' You're calling him Donny now." Shaking her head, she plugged the nozzle into Molly's navel before moving to the pump. "I hope this is worth it," she muttered, before pushing down on the handle.Molly recoiled in wide-eyed shock as there was a sudden pressure against her navel that quickly gave way to what felt like all the muscles in her body stretching on their own, and her line of sight shot up a foot. Anna raised the handle and pressed it down again and the sensation repeated, her vision rising higher. Her mouth moved wordlessly, and by the time she got the words out she was tall enough that Anna only came up to her waist. "Woah! Hold it!"Anna froze, looking up at her. "Is something wrong?""I..." She looked herself over, patting herself down. She -felt- normal, though her skin had a faint sheen to it that reminded her of a balloon, and there was a slight paunch to her stomach that wasn't there before. Despite being twice its normal size, her outfit seemed to be handling its new scale perfectly fine. "...I can't believe this is working." Glancing around, she added, "everything looks so different from up here.""Should I keep going?""Uh, yeah? I guess."As Anna resumed pumping, Molly's growth showed no signs of slowing. If anything, she seemed to be gaining height faster as time went on, watching as the windows of the surrounding apartment blocks went by. The air that had been affecting only her belly spread elsewhere, giving her a spare tire around her waist and thicker forearms and thighs, and a hissing sound gradually became audible with each pump and fit of growth. As her head cleared the roofs of the five-story building found herself instinctively hunching over, hiding from view.Anna paused again to pick up the pump and step away from her, barely coming up to her mid-thigh. "Why are you so worried people are going to see you?" she shouted up at her."I dunno, I just feel... weird being this big.""Just think of it-" She rolled her eyes, muttering "I can't believe I'm saying this," under her breath before shouting again, continuing to pump. "Just think of it as getting closer to Agrodon.""That's true," Molly replied. Her body grew yards at a time, and she found herself moving her feet together in order to stay in the center of an increasingly confining space. "You know, this is actually kind of nice." She grinned as the curve of her body rose up beneath her breasts up to her neck and to the sides, going from pear-shaped to egg-shaped. "This must be what Donny feels like.""You mean being big," Anna said."Well, yeah." She continued rising up, the apartment roofs below her waist. Going unnoticed was now an utter impossibility, if not from her size then from the loud hisses that punctuated each burst of air, and several pedestrians and cars had stopped to gawk at her. However, her prior concern had quickly melted away as she watched the world grow smaller around her, the attention she was getting growing more and more insignificant as the shore came into view. Had the pneumatic giantess thought to look behind her she would have noticed that she had outgrown the skyscrapers in the business district, now being the most dominant feature of the skyline.As Molly grew to such a scale that the five-story apartment merely reached her ankles, a siren began to sound. Far beneath her in shadow of her belly, Anna stopped pumping, tugging on hose and causing it to slip free with surprising ease before cupping her hands and shouting upward. "Molly! Agrodon's coming!"While Anna was too small and too quiet to hear, Molly still understood what was happening. She looked down, finding her body in the way, then pivoted her hips to the side and craned her neck for a clear view of her home and the surroundings before gingerly raising a foot over the roofs of the buildings, putting it down in the middle of a nearby parking lot. Despite being entirely filled with air she had an impressive weight to her, and deep cracks formed in the asphalt as several cars crumpled painlessly underfoot.She stepped from lot to major intersection to lot, more concerned that she would trip and fall over a building than destroy them. A ten-minute drive through traffic to the beach was covered in a dozen steps, her heel coming down through the boardwalk as her toes touched the water. Molly paused to adjust her outfit and fix her hair before laying down across the beach, backside taking out another swath of boardwalk and part of a tiki bar. Putting on her most coquettish look, she rested her head on her hand and looked out towards the ocean.In the distance the water frothed and churned, waves tumbling towards the shore before the sea parted, revealing a high spiny crest, and beneath it the head of Agrodon. He let out a mighty roar as he surfaced, headed towards the city before the sight of something - or rather, someone - as large as he was gave him pause.Molly winked. "Hey, hot stuff. Instead of smashing downtown, why don't you smash me instead?"Agrodon paused in thought before speaking, his voice a perfectly enunciated baritone. "Is this a metaphor for how mankind has embraced atomic power and used once-destructive technologies for the betterment of civilization?"She smiled. "Baby, if it's you? I'll be a metaphor for -anything-."
bondage, magic, muscles, warlock, witch
Male Inflation
Full Body Inflation
The Great White Witch was hung from the wall by a sickly red dark magic. Her long red hair falling in front of her face. Her brilliant white suit now sullied with dust and scuffs. A smell of ashes and brimstone hung in the air. Her grey eyes fluttered open, still woozy from the force of The Abominable Warlock's energy beam throwing her against the wall. Menacingly, The Warlock cloaked in black and red, skulked towards her, his eyes furious glowing Rubies and his platinum locks trailing behind him. "No, this can't be the end!" She wept aloud. "Everyone was counting on me!" "You irreparable weakling." The Abominable Warlock snarled and cast his wand towards her. "The "Great" White Witch, a witch-for-hire was sent to destroy me?" The powerful magic binding her tightened around her thin wrists and ankles, her long neck and her trim waist. She choked and coughed. Her marble and diamond Staff of Eternal Power too far away and her body too frail to fight the toxic spell. "To think they sent an insignificant service girl to defeat me!" He growled. "Insulting!" His thunderous rage released torrents of blood-red lighting ripping through The Great White Witch's veins and she let out a stifled scream. "Now for the main event, before I unleash my incredible power unto this world and everything beyond it, I shall drain you of your magic, to see how "great" you really are..." His voice boomed. "No..." She whimpered. Using his powers of levitation, His Cypress Wood Wand of Death floated before the hapless witch. A thick smog twirled at his feet as he rose in the air. A bubble of white light began to burst forth from the defenceless girl's pounding heart. In a flash, the light became a striking beam, tainted by crackles of the dark red lightning, traveling through the dark magic wand to The Abominable Warlock's heaving chest. Quickly, the magic was absorbed by him. He panted as wave after wave of The Great White Witch's light coursed through his body. His leather jacket creaked and the buckles strained. The choker around his neck bust open as his neck begun to grow thick. "My my, what have we here?" He chortled as the buckles around his chest finally snapped off with a resounding ping. "Turns out your magic isn't as weak as I thought it was, still not enough to defeat me though..." He laughed, his voice growing deeper and more ominous. His burgeoning biceps and deltoids soon burst his jacket to shreds, leaving him completely bare chested and continuing to bulk up. His thighs split holes into his jeans. The chain clasps holding his cloak over his widening shoulders snapped and scattered the metal links towards the Great White Witch's face, one of them hitting her in the buck teeth. As if the power drainage wasn't punishment enough. The Warlock let out a low, cackling laugh. He drew in closer and took her chin in his hand. "Colour me impressed Miss. White! Usually my victims have turned to dust by now... No matter." He let go of her chin and backed away. "You're only getting weaker, whereas I will only grow more powerful and no insolent man or beast alive shall stop me!" He flexed his stocked-up biceps but to his surprise, felt another bulbous swell of power, emanating from below. He darted his now-white shining eyes down towards his stomach, his washboard abs seemed to have pumped-up into a wash-tub and now a little basketball-sized tummy had started to stick out from his disappearing waistline. He gasped and looked on in disgust. The Great White Witch couldn't help but snicker. "What's wrong? Is my magic a little too much to handle for THE Abominable Warlock?" "Of course not!" He snapped before awkwardly trying to turn to see his expanding backside. Starting at his already full tummy, his torso blimped outwards. His leather belt exploding apart. His muscular thighs now rounding out into becoming generous hips. His strong, mountainous shoulders and arms now engorged so thick and wide, he could only hold them outwards like a starfish. Slowly, but surely, the all-encompassing magic continued to swell inside of him. "What's Happening!?" The Warlock grunted, his face no longer visible over the gargantuan ever-growing belly. "Of course!" The Great White Witch cried, triumphant. "My MBUD! That's why The Magic Council chose me!" "Your what?" The Warlock panted, feeling a tight strain stretch across his troubled, ten foot wide tummy. "Y'know Magic Build Up Disorder?" She said, wriggling free of the abominable dark magic binds as the Warlock's energy was superseded by her own. "It's usually only affects Fairies, but since I'm Half-Fae, I suffer the ill effect of ballooning up like a Bullfrog if I stop using my magic for an hour, that's why my shop is open 24/7 and I never sleep." "Then... all I... all I have to do... is use this magic to... to... TO DESTROY YOU!" The Warlock grunted and panted, struggling to move his arms or jerk his head to see around his bulbous form. "Ah! Ah! Ah!" The Great White Witch cackled. She floated up and perched herself on the giant mound-of-Mage that used to be The Abominable Warlock's svelte waist. The power-syphoning connection now severed as The Great White Witch waggled The Cypress Wood Wand of Death in her delicate hands, in front of his eyes. The Abominable Warlock flinched. Scared for what was to come, staying wary of that pointed wand and the high heels of her curly-toed white boots. Anything could pop him. He definitely felt like he'd hit his limit as his belly button pulled tight and popped out like a giant wart. His breath shallow. "My my... Colour ME impressed Mr. Warlock... most Fae would have exploded into pixie dust by now..." She snickered, flashing her cute little buck teeth. "Please have mercy..." Warlock pleaded, shifting uncomfortably under the ginger witch's bony elbows digging into his elasticated skin. "I'm sorry Voluminous One, but it's out of my hands; my energy has overtaken yours, true, but I can't control it from outside of your body." She shrugged. "If only you hadn't knocked my staff out of my hand, you could have shrunk yourself down with it..." She furrowed her lovely, sleek red-haired brows into an intimidating, scheming glare and pointed the sharp wand towards his puffed up chest. "Popping you would be the kindest thing..." "NO! NO! NO! Please! Look at me! You've won! The Staff can't be that far away! Please! I beg you!" He panicked, his body squeaking as he flitted and darted his head back and forth. His face turned into blind shock and horror as gaseous rumble and a tickling sensation spread up the walls inside his ballooned body. "Sorry. The Hours up." The Great White Witch shrugged. "Gotta-go!" She jumped from the floating expanding blimp and scattered toward her Staff of Eternal Power that was sticking out of a patch of rubble. As this distressed bloated body trembled and groaned, she made a dive for the staff and aimed it toward the crying, over-taxed Warlock. The Voluminous Warlock's cheeks begun to swell with what tasted like sugar continuously multiplying and fizzing inside him. One loud pop and The Great White Witch created a protective shield around herself and waited patiently for the catastrophic spray of iridescent white glitter to pass. She brought down her shield and solemnly made her way toward the Warlock's decapitated head. She tapped the crystalline diamond topper of her staff against his forehead and the Pixie dust around it engulfed the head and in a puff of smoke had transformed him into a miniature Sprite that The Great White Witch hastily captured into a bubble. "What the...?" The tiny Sprite sighed with relief. "I thought I was a goner!" "You were but what kind of Witch-For-Hire would I be if I didn't help anyone?" She scoffed. "OH THANK YOU! Thank you! You truly are gr-" "I wasn't helping you; there's a lot of people out there that you hurt and I'm helping to retribute them to by keeping you alive to face justice." She said, rather coldly. "Oh..." "Now now, chin up." Her voice returning to her characteristic warmth. "Be a good little sprite and I might just blow you back up to your old size..." "I think I'm done with being blown up for one day..." He sighed, defeated.
balloon, Prose that Blows 3 - All Hallow’s Eve (2010), Prose that Blows Runner-Up: Best Story, Prose that Blows Runner-Up: Most Disturbing Story, voodoo
Female Inflation
Full Body Inflation
The cardboard sign read "Haunted House" in black magic marker with an arrow pointing down the street. It was nearing 10 o'clock; our bags sagged from so much free candy and our limbs were sore. A haunted house adventure sounded like a perfect ending to Halloween. We mustered the strength to hurry and resisted temptations to continue begging houses for candy. Orange and purple lights strung along its walls shone through the artificial fog belching from concealed machines. Spooky sounds and eerie music emanated from the open door; strobe lights illuminated the entrance. A hideous scarecrow sat in a porch swing, a bowl of candy in its lap with a sign pinned to it reading, "Enter at your own risk." We looted the scarecrow's candy before heading inside. The walls were draped in black cloth to hide whatever dividers the owners used to guide guests through their homemade maze. The strobe made the corridor dreamlike and hazy, though perhaps it was the lateness of hour or the overwhelming smell of fresh paint. We passed hideous reenactments, rubber-masked monstrosities, and dummies that may or may not have moved as we traversed the maze until we happened upon a narrow staircase. Fog curled up the steps. Something somewhere banged loudly and we yelped and giggled and whispered to one another. We held hands as we descended. The maze continued into the unfinished, unheated cellar. Mist, dim lighting and more black cloth obscured the standard fare basement junk while creepier items like rusting tools and disused dolls were left out to Halloweenify the atmosphere. The maze stopped at an area clear of junk. A red curtain was hung before a stage made from plywood spray painted black. A note in orange paint stated, "Sit down for a trick; go up for a treat." Before the stage sat metal folding chairs; behind it was the staircase going upstairs. The moment we sat, the curtain was drawn back by a bearded man dressed less like a magician and more like villain from a silent film. He led out a blonde woman wearing the hat, bustier and stockings of a burlesque dancer. With a bow, they began. The show consisted of card tricks, interlocking rings, and disappearing acts before the magician announced that he and his beautiful assistant would begin their finale. "This only works once." From his sleeve, the magician produced a black balloon not unlike the sort found anywhere party supplies are sold. He waved his hands, whispered magical gibberish, put it to his lips, and blew. We could hear the sound of air stretching rubber, but the black balloon remained limp. The assistant gave a rapturous laugh, drawing our attention to her and, subsequently, her chest. Once a modest handful, pushed and pressed together by the top, swelled into a mammoth pair threatening to delve into the realm of immodesty. Feigning frustration at the balloon's malfunction, the magician cast it aside and blew into another withdrawn from his sleeve. The air pressure once more was directed to his lovely assistant. She giggled madly as the curvature of her hips and thighs grew to exaggerated proportions, tearing her garter belt. She turned to give us a glimpse of her massive backside, mooning us in the process for she knew not that it outgrew her ruffled black skirt and pulled a vanishing act on her panties. A third balloon made his assistant's belly bulge out from beneath her bustier, snapping open its fasteners. The assistant's amusement at her predicament was unchanged as she explored the shelf of her buttocks and the dome of her stomach. The magician's face was purple from effort when the third balloon finally inflated. A previously hidden white Jolly Roger appeared on its surface. As the balloon billowed, so did the gorgeous assistant. Her stockings tore. All that protected her modesty was the final snap of her bustier. The stage creaked under her weight. The magician handed us two umbrellas from behind his back. When we opened them, he withdrew a pin from his hat and menaced his assistant; she was unfazed. When he put the tip of the pin to the balloon, we shielded ourselves. After the loud sound and accompanying splash, we peeked out from behind our umbrellas to find the red curtain drawn. In confused elation, we went upstairs to find caramel apples awaited us. On our way home, I found something chewy in my apple. It was a black balloon. When I blew into it...
butterfly, transformation
Female Inflation
I waited nervously in the waiting room. I drummed my fingers together. It was a nervous tick of mine. My heart was beating faster. A million thoughts whizzed through my head. What if this works? How will my life change? Do I want it to change? "Kayley Choan?" My heart skipped a few dozen beats. I stood up. "Dr. Williams will see you now." I gulped as I entered his office. He was sitting behind his desk, talking on the phone with someone. He was mid to late 30s, with brown hair and glasses. When he saw me, he smiled. He seemed nice enough. "I'll call you back." He said to whoever was on the other line. He stood up to shake my hand. "You must be Kayley. I'm Michael." "Nice to meet you." I squeaked. We sat down. "I assume from your lack of references that no one knows you're here." "I just...wasn't sure if this was going to work." I stammered. "Don't worry. You'll learn to trust me. My methods always produce results." I sighed in relief. I was that much closer to my dream. "So what can I do for you?" He asked. "I want to be able to fly." I got straight to the point. Michael raised his eyebrows. "Well now," He said. "That seems doable." I almost burst with excitement. I leapt out of my seat. "Really? You can do that for me?" "Absolutely." He smiled. I thanked him about a million times. After all the contract signing, I went home to pack my bags. Michael visited my parents and told them that I was going to a "special" college. He even had a brochure whipped up. They totally bought it. I moved into the campus and got a super fancy apartment. "I want my students to receive maximum comfort." Michael had said. I chilled out for a few days and got to know my surroundings. Then it was time for the injection. We were in Michael's lab as he prepared the cocktail. "And this will make me fly?" I asked as he injected me. "There will be some side effects first, but eventually, you will fly." I smiled. DAY 1 When I woke up the next morning, the first thing that gripped me was how hungry I was. My belly was rumbling so loudly, I'm shocked it didn't wake up the whole campus. I dressed hurriedly and rushed down to the cafeteria, where Michael was waiting for me. "How are we feeling today?" He asked. "Starving." I responded. "I figured. Which is why I brought this." He motioned to a mile high stack of pancakes in front of me, topped with a pillar of butter and a river of syrup. "Dig in." He said simply. I seized the knife and fork and wolfed down the top of the stack. It was so delicious; I could've eaten it forever. Three hours later, and the entire stack of fifty-three pancakes was in my swollen belly. I belched a loud belch and didn't even excuse myself. I was too content to care about manners. "That was amazing." I moaned happily. "Care for some bacon?" Michael handed me a plate of about a hundred sticks of bacon. I greedily shoved the plate in my mouth. Even after that, I was still hungry, so Michael tempted me with a whole ham, a box of Oreos, and five hot fudge sundaes. I ate all of it. By the time I was done, I realized that it was ten o'clock at night. I had spent the whole day eating. And yet... I still wasn't satisfied. But, anyway, I felt tired, so I decided to turn in. As I left my seat, I noticed something. My ass, once admittedly small, had expanded to fill up the very large seat. I had a little trouble getting out of the seat. Oh well, I thought. Maybe it was a side effect. But as I got back to the apartment and undressed myself, I noticed that I was looking a little pudgier than normal. In fact, my belly was hanging over my panties. I thought nothing of it and went to bed, my tummy still growling. DAY 2 The next morning, I was hungrier than ever. There was a knock on my door. "Come in." I called, too lazy to get out of bed. The door opened and Michael entered, trailing a load of carts behind him, each one loaded with silver trays. I started to drool. "I thought yesterday was rather wasted at the cafeteria, so I thought I'd let you eat in today." He lifted the tops off of the platters revealing plate after plate of delicious food. My eyes widened in awe. "Enjoy." Michael bowed to me as if I were some sort of goddess. "Michael," I stood up and showed him my enlarged body in my underwear. "Do I look fat to you?" Michael hardly registered me. "Not fat, just chubby." He closed the door as he left. Chubby. I can live with that. I started to dig in. Pound after pound of delicious food entered my body. Waiters and waitresses came in to switch out the food every once in a while. I decided to take a break after the fifth hour of my feast. I showered and tried to dress, but my jeans wouldn't fit. Although, I briefly got a pair on before the button burst off. All that fit me were my sweats. I knew something was wrong. I waddled down to Michael's office and entered. "What's happening to me?" I asked innocently. Michael looked up at me and his mouth fell open in shock. "Don't try to schmooze me up, I know I'm fat." I admitted pathetically. Michael bit his lip. Then he retrieved a book from his desk and handed it to me. I took it. It was The Very Hungry Caterpillar. "I suggest that you study that." He said as he handed me a box filled to the brim with gooey chocolate chip cookies. "As well as this." "GIMMEE!" I screamed and began munching on my way back to my room. I barely glanced at the book. I was too busy seeing how many Hershey's bars I could fit into my mouth. (Ten, by the way.) As I started to drift off, more waiters entered with more plates of food. I suddenly forgot why I was here in the first place as I continued gorging. DAY 3 Michael entered. "How's my little eater today?" "Little?" After last night's extravaganza, my body had grown beyond recognition. I was nothing but a giant ball of fat in my living room. My clothes exploded off me a few hours ago, so I was totally naked, my beach ball sized breasts swinging free. My arms and legs and neck had dissolved into my fat, so I had a tiny head, tiny hands, and tiny feet sticking out of my mass. I took up the entire living room in space. Michael was ecstatic. "My my, you've grown into a beautiful balloon!" "Beautiful?" I demanded. "You call this beautiful? I'm too fat to move! How can I ever be expected to fly?" "Don't worry. You will." "How? I'm nothing but a ball of fat!" "No, you're just a very hungry caterpillar." "I am hungry..." I realized. "Which is why I brought this." Michael handed me a slice of my favorite pizza: Onions, peppers and sausage. I started to drool again. As the slice inched closer and closer to my mouth, I finally regained my self-control. "No!" I said firmly. "I control my body. Not the other way around! I'm not going to eat this perfectly delicious slice of heavenly..." Too late. In no time, the entire slice of pizza was stuffed in my puffy cheeks. I chewed for what seemed like ages, soaking in the heavenly flavor. As I swallowed, the strangest feeling hit my belly. It took me a while to recognize it. It was the feeling of being full. My skin tightened and I started to jiggle violently. My body was too big for my skin. I was going to explode. "I think I'm full now." I said before my world went blank. DAY 4 My eyes snapped open. All I could see was the inside of the strange mass that encased my head. I couldn't feel my body, only my face. It was silent as a tomb. "Hello?" I called out. Then I saw a silhouette on the outside of the mass. It knocked on the mass, emitting a hollow sound. "Hello." "Michael? Where am I? I thought I exploded." "Far from it. You merely outgrew your skin. Your body wrapped itself in a cocoon. Your metamorphosis is going to be quite something. And to answer your question, you're currently hanging form a tree in the garden." 'I can't feel my body!" I cried out. "You will soon." Michael said as he left. I then sat in my cocoon for what felt like forever. Then I felt it. The wonderful feeling of my metamorphosis. I moaned happily as feeling returned to my arms, my legs. I can't describe how good my transformation felt. Then it stopped. DAY 5 Cracks started to appear in my cocoon. The cracks spread and spread. Since I had feeling in my arms again, I could press on the wall of my cocoon and try to get out. It didn't budge at first, but I applied more pressure and finally, it burst open. I winced as the sun hit my eyes. As my eyes adjusted, I saw Michael standing in front of me in the garden, just like he said. I slowly stepped out of my cocoon. The grass felt wonderful on my bare feet. Cool air caressed my naked body. "Would you like to see what you look like?" Michael didn't wait for me to answer. He positioned a floor length mirror in front of me so I could see my new body. I gasped in surprise when I first saw myself. My head was the same, but the rest of me was beautiful. It looked like someone had posted my head on a supermodel's body. I was taller and more slender. My arms and legs were long and thin, yet muscular. My breasts were larger and you could poke your eye out on my large nipples. Then I noticed them. The large, beautiful wings sticking out from my back. I froze when I saw them. They were yellow with black spots all over them. The pattern was mesmerizing. It didn't take me long to realize that I had control over them and I flapped them a few times. I turned around to see my back. The pattern was even more beautiful on the back. I also got a glimpse of my perfect backside. My ass was bigger than normal, but not in a fat sense. In a "Damn, look at her butt!" sense. "Now do you understand?" Michael began. "You had to become a hungry caterpillar before you could become a beautiful butterfly." "A beautiful butterfly." I repeated in wonder. "I am beautiful." "Would you like to give your new body a test drive?" I nodded furiously. I knew exactly what to do. Using my new, powerful legs, I kicked off the ground and flew into the air. Then I let my wings do the work. Before long, I was up in the air doing 360s and spins. I glided through the garden and whooshed past Michael. "WHEEEEEE!!!!!" I cried out to the sky. I couldn't believe it. I was flying. I climbed higher, into the clouds. I reached out and touched the clouds. I even flew past a plane and waved high to a little girl looking out the window. I was well aware that I was probably giving that little girl a complex, but I didn't care. I was too happy in the sky.
Female Inflation
Full Body Inflation
UNDISCOLSED LOCATION Hidden away from prying eyes, the pair of masked men went over their insidious plot. Time and time again, their target had eluded them, but this new plot was unlike anything attempted before. "Are you certain this shall work?" the first asked. "Indeed, our operative is in place and has the additive prepared." His underling told him, "She'll have to eat sooner or later and when she does, that traitor will not survive this time." ZACH ISLAND It was another sunny day on Zach Island, and both Tina and Kasumi were taking full advantage by lying back and sunbathing. They were just having an idle conversation, when they noticed it was getting close to noon. "Well," Tina said, "it'll probably be a while before the others get back, so what do you say we grab a bite?" "Sure." Kasumi said, sitting up, "Does Chinese sound good?" Tina nodded. "I'm actually in the mood for Chinese food." Both Tina and Kasumi went to their rooms to change. Tina came out in a tank top, cut off denim shorts, and flipflops. Kasumi wore her pink T-shirt with the "Team NINJA" logo on it, black spandex pants, and tennis shoes. It wasn't formalwear, but then again, this wasn't a formal lunch. Once they got seated, they began to enjoy their lunch. Kasumi had the sweet and sour pork while Tina had garlic chicken. Kasumi certainly was hungry, by the time Tina was halfway done with her food; she was already on her second helping. She then had a third, but only ate one quarter of it. "I better get back to my room now; I'm feeling sort of stuffed. It must be from all this Chinese food." Kasumi then reached down and rubbed her stomach. "That's the last time I scarf down so much sweet and sour pork. It makes me feel bloated." Kasumi was beginning to slide her chair back when she noticed her pants began to feel tight. "Yeesh! I didn't think I ate that much. Wha? Wha-what's going on?!" She looked down. Her thighs were beginning to fill out her pants. She stood up in disbelief and took a few steps backward. Suddenly her stomach felt very stuffed and full. "Oh, I feel so full!" she moaned, "What's happening?" Tina exclaimed, "What do you mean? You do look a bit tubby, have you gained a little weight?" Kasumi slowly began to expand as she stood. Her stomach puffed up like an enormous marshmallow, and was just as soft. Tina was stricken with panic to see her friend blow up like this, and she cautiously felt the softness of her bulging belly. Kasumi's spandex pants, already skin tight, ballooned up with her thighs as they were being pumped up. Her volume was rapidly increasing, and Tina became worried. "My god, Kasumi! What's going on?! Are you going to burst?" "I don't know!" she cried, "Please help me, Tina! I'm becoming too large!" Kasumi then tired to walk, but only managed to waddle. Her stomach was now pushing out through the bottom of her shirt. The "Team NINJA" logo was being stretched so wide by her expanding breasts that the lettering was starting to split and peel off the shirt. Kasumi's butt was so distended that she nearly lost her balance and fell over. The strain was becoming overwhelming when her bloating stopped. Kasumi was standing there motionless, relieved from the increasing stress. However, her inflation suddenly resumed, much faster this time. Her cheeks puffed up along with the rest of her. Soon it spread to where her arms straightened out and her shoulders, swollen enormously, touched up against her neck. Kasumi then felt her thighs stretch to their limits, ready to bust her pants wide open. Her shirt and pants began to tear at the seams. Part of Kasumi's pants blew open, slightly exposing her stretched panties. "Oh, so big," she groaned, "I keep growing and I can barely move at all! Am I going to explode?" Slowly, but just noticeably, the inflation had finally ceased. She was now a large, sphere with a head, hands, and feet. Thankfully her clothes had held out, but were at their limit. She felt light, almost like a balloon that she had now transformed into. It was at the moment that Ayane, Lisa, Helena, Christie, Lie Fang, and Hitomi entered and they all gasped at the sight of Kasumi. "Holy cow." Lisa said, gawking. "What happened here?" Tina shrugged. "I don't know." She explained, "We just got done eating and she just ballooned up." Lie Fang and Lisa walked up and poked Kasumi's marshmallow soft belly. "Stop that." Kasumi growled, "You might pop me." "So, you two ate lunch, and then she puffed up just like that?" Lie Fang asked. "Yes." Tina nodded, "But how do we get her back to normal?" "What can we do?" Ayane replied. "I know, let's stick her with a pin!" Christie exclaimed, only resulting in a frightened expression on Kasumi's face and harsh glares from the others. "I have an idea, come with me." Helena said, beckoning everyone to follow her. "Wait, what about Kasumi?" Hitomi asked, "She's too big to move on her own." "You, Christie, and Ayane roll her." Helena directed, "The rest of us will lead the way." Hitomi, Christie and Ayane did as they were instructed, carefully shifting Kasumi over to her side so her head wouldn't get rolled over and over as they pushed her. Needless to say, Kasumi's face had blushed red, both from the embarrassment of everyone seeing her and now being treated like an oversized beach ball. However, she sort of liked it. She was rolled out, trailing behind Helena, Tina, and Lisa and Lie Fang. After fifteen minutes and raiding four medicine cabinets, the girls took Kasumi to the Grand Ballroom and stood her up straight. "Okay," Helena said, "Alka Seltzer, Gas-X, and Midol." She broke open the capsules and grinded the tablets and then put the medicines into one large jug of water and mixed it all together. Soon the mixture fizzed and bubbled. "You sure this'll work?" Tina asked. "I certainly hope so." Helena muttered and she stepped to Kasumi. "Here, drink this." Obviously Kasumi had to have help drinking down the mixture. She opened her mouth and gulped the liquid down. It was bitter, but if it worked, it'd all be worth it. She drank the last drop and smacked her lips. "So, feel any different?" Hitomi asked. "Uh, no." Kasumi answered, "I'm still-" She stopped. "Wait, something's happening." A gurgling sound inside her was just audible but grew as the concoction went to work. Kasumi could feel the pressure inside her begin to decrease and felt herself shrinking. In the same manner in which she inflated, only in reverse, her body returned to normal. Her balloon shaped figure deflated in a manner of minutes and everyone breathed a sigh of relief. After taking her back to her room, Kasumi quickly changed into some fresh clothes and returned to the hall where everyone waited for her. "You okay now?" Tina asked. "Yeah, it was scary for a moment, but now that I really think about it, it was kinda fun." Kasumi grinned. Everyone giggled and rolled their eyes. "Say, who's up for some volleyball?" Christie asked. "Me!" Everyone exclaimed in unison and rushed down to the beach. Down at the beach, Tina, Kasumi, Christie, and Lie Fang formed one team, while Helena, Lisa, Hitomi, and Ayane formed the other. Tina was about to serve, when a thought struck her. "Hey Kasumi," she said, "do you have any idea why you inflated after eating? Was it some kind of allergic reaction or something?" Kasumi shrugged. "I don't know." She replied, "One thing for sure, I won't eat sweet and sour pork again for a while."
Female Inflation
It was a warm Sunday evening, with the sun about to set over Abbie's small but cosy countryside cottage. There she sat in the living room, with a piping hot aromatic cup of tea by the fireplace. Even though she felt as sick as a dog, she was so comfortable she was about to fall asleep, but before she could nod off she heard a rustling and clanging at her front door. Abbie yawned and stretched out of her hibernating position, and got up to walk slowly over to the entrance to investigate. A small parcel caught her eye beside the door. That's odd, she thought, surely no one would deliver mail on a Sunday, especially at a time like this. A bright, sparkly label was placed on the parcel reading "FREE SAMPLE! Try our Blueberry extract chewable miracle pills! Cures any cold or flu in an instant!" Abbie felt slightly curious at this point, but still got back to her cosy living room to relax. Abbie was lying down on her premium leather sofa whilst watching some reality garbage on TV. "We'll be right back after these messages!" the obnoxious TV voiceover said. "Well that's just great." Abbie thought to herself. She was now bored out of her skull for the next few minutes. Her eyes swayed across the luxurious room, from the patterned ceiling to the oak coffee table, and that's when the mysterious parcel caught her eye. Her curiosity has now undoubtedly got the better of her as she opened the parcel, after all she was coming down with quite a cold. At the very bottom there were two deep blue pills in a small silver packet. She opened the shiny packaging lazily, yet in anticipation as to what these miracle pills could really do. She had a good stare at these pills, and placed both in her mouth. Her lips smacked from left to right noisily as she chewed away on these pills. A rich, full-bodied blueberry taste instantly hit her taste buds like an explosion of flavour. Abbie's eyes lit up as she thought to herself "Wow, now this was worth getting up for!" Each chew made a wave of intense blueberry-ness that she savoured so much. She didn't want to stop; the flavour was taking control of her, luring her in like a siren's call. "It must be working now, I feel better already!" she thought. She picked up her mirror to see if she looked any better but as soon as she caught a glimpse, she jolted her eyes to see if she saw it right the first time. A deep blue colour, identical to the pill was flowing visibly on her once rosy cheeks. Abbie's eyebrows raised, and she plucked up the courage to speak out. "Am I going delusional?" Unfortunately, this was all too real as the more she stared at herself in the mirror, the more blue splotches appeared around her face, from her forehead to her chin. With no hesitation, she had a root around in the parcel to see if there was any catch to these miracle pills. A small print on the inside read "WARNING: Do not take any more than one pill per day!" Her heart sunk as the floodgate of bad thoughts opened and filled her head. She lost control of her grip and dropped the mirror, smashing it on the imported rug. The bright blue colour travelled all across her face, and down her arms. Abbie's jaw dropped; she looked down her shirt to see that her torso was now completely blue. "W-what the hell is this..." she stuttered. She was now blue all over. Before she could say anything else about what was happening, her stomach growled and churned. She slowly and softly placed her hand on it, only to feel her stomach expand outwards. Her hand darted away from her abdomen as soon as she felt this expansion occur. She was filling up with this miracle blueberry extract like a water balloon! The liquid was now travelling to her hips, creating a spherical shape in the middle of her body. Abbie was now without a doubt confused and scared, frantically poking and rubbing her belly trying to make it stop. A sudden rush of juice sloshed through her thighs as her exposed blue belly dropped down from under her pyjama top. Abbie screamed at the sheer sight of this. The pressure of the juice increased until the now purple-ish, round area of skin around her narrow, tall innie belly button felt hard to the touch, a contrast to the rest of her jiggly body. Abbie felt mortified, as she was a very dignified and modest woman, who would never flaunt her stomach off for the world to see. Even though she was becoming more blueberry than human, she kept on chewing for this addictive flavour. It added pleasure to this horrifying experience. With one great chew, the juice flowed through Abbie down to her rear end. She nearly stumbled over and had to regain her balance from the sheer weight of the juice swelling up in her derriere. It shook like gelatine in her stretchy low cut pyjama bottoms. "Thank goodness they didn't rip!" She thought. This was now just embarrassing for Abbie, but still she kept chewing like there was no tomorrow. The spherical shape in the middle of Abbie's blue body was increasing in size, coming down to her feet, until they were buried in what used to be her pelvis. She felt like she was growing taller as she was now balancing on her own inflating crotch. Abbie was panicking and moaning, feeling her body inflate with her own swollen hands and become more and more rounder by the minute, so she chewed again and again and again for that relieving flavour. The more regret she felt, the more she inflated. The juice was now flowing at a rapid rate, making it puff up her cheeks and her chest as the spherical shape grew bigger and bigger until it sucked in Abbie's arms and even her neck as she grows taller and taller. Her clothes were stretching to their limit as several of her buttons on her pyjama top burst off. After minutes of endless expansion in her body, she couldn't grow any taller. She was now touching the ceiling; Abbie herself is now essentially a giant blueberry. She couldn't look down because her haid was buried in her ginormous 10 ft body, neither could she tuck her pyjama top back down to hide her belly that she hid away from everyone. She felt extremely uncomfortable as she could barely fit in her own living room. She was blue, she was round, she was regretful. In the end, no one ever knows what happened to Abbie afterwards but I presume it's a happy ending. No one knows who delivered or made the free sample either.
revenge, slime
Female Inflation
Full Body Inflation
Maria Luke and Susan Fitzpatrick were the two top scientists of their fields. For almost ten years they had worked side by side and developed a handful of great scientific discoveries. Maria was much prettier than Susan and much taller. Susan couldn't help but feel like she was the sidekick in their discoveries even though both of their names were on their reports. Maria was more popular with the other scientists of the university that they worked at. Almost every aspect about Maria's life seemed to dwarf that of Susan's. Susan attempted to free her mind of this uncontrollable jealousy but she found herself lose in the thought of outdoing Maria at something great one day. Susan was giving such a chance one fateful day. The dean of the university approached both Maria and Susan one work day."I know that you both are very busy so I'll make this brief. The university has been hit pretty hard recently with expansions to the campus and the professor strike we had last April. I know this will come a devastating news to you both as this university has been your home for years," said the dean. She looked at Susan and Maria nervously. "It has come down to my ultimate decision to cut your staff in half," said the dean finally. "Half?" asked Susan. "There are only two of us, ma'am," explained Maria. "Yes, I'm saying that one of your next month will no longer work here," stated the dean. "What?" asked Maria and Susan in unison. "I know that you have a long history of discoveries together but we simply can't afford to have you both on with us any longer," said the dean, not showing a lot of emotion."Which one of us is getting fired?" asked Maria."You are both such great scientist that I only see it fair to let your last experiment determine who will remain employed here," said the dean. The dean explained to them both that there was recently a strange substance obtained on a faraway island. The next week workers brought it to Maria and Susan and they first gazed upon the red gel. They were briefed on what the first scientists had found out about the substance which was very little. It wasn't harmful but it was very resistant to pressure and heat. They later received an email from the dean explaining that she wanted them both to find out as much as possible about the new substance. From that moment on, Maria and Susan's partnership died. Each passing day made their friendship worse. They started to hide their notes from each other then they locked up everything they were experimenting with. They didn't trust the other when they took a bathroom break and locked everything up each time they left their workstations. The lunch breaks they used to enjoy together was torn apart as they only took lunches together to watch each other. The tension mounted each day till Maria and Susan were verbally bitter to each other. The end of the month grew near and Maria was watching Susan like a hawk."You looking for a new job yet" asked Maria coldly. "So I can give you advice?" answered Susan. "Clever, but you're not more clever than I. This job is mine, mine!" Maria raised her voice. "Whatever you say," huffed Susan. Their workstations made them face their backs to each other. Maria spun around and stared angrily at Susan's back. Susan was busy pouring different liquids on the sample of gel she had at her workstation. Maria fumed, she didn't want her partner to best her. She turned to her own workstation and spotted a vial of highly dangerous acid that was supposed to be handled with the greatest of care. Which Susan was busy with her back turned Maria switched Susan's next vial of liquid with the dangerous acid. Maria stepped back and watched as Susan took the vial and dabbed a bit of acid on the gel. The gel reacted and Susan was startled. It began to bubble rapidly and before Susan could take a step back it exploded and over Susan's face and abdomen. A vapor rose from Susan as she screamed in pain. Maria snapped out of her furious trance and realized she had just put her partner's life in danger. Maria pulled on Susan's shoulder to look at her front as she did she was scared at what she saw. Susan's face and body began to melt all over at a surprising rate. Susan reached for Maria for help but her arms and hands fell to pieces. In just a few moments her body and clothing turned liquid and ran down the drain on the floor.Maria was left alone in the lab in terror at what she had just did. She wanted to tell someone but she didn't want to go to prison for murder. Instead she just ignored it. Days later, the authorities asked around the lab about her disappearance. As days went on Maria tried her best to put the image of her melting friend in the back of her head. She wanted to experiment on the red gel more to find answers to what had happened but the workers from before came and took the remaining samples of the red gel. A month had passed since Susan melted and Maria was alone late one night in the lab working on a new experiment all by herself when she felt like someone was watching her. "I bet you thought you won, huh?" asked a familiar voice to Maria. Maria looked up from her work and tried to place the voice with a face in her head. "Thought you could just get rid of me and take it all," continued the voice. Maria slowly turned to a startling surprise. A large goo was in the middle of the lab. It was not there when Maria had entered hours before. "What the hell is that?" asked Maria aloud as she peered into the partly transparent ooze. It took her a moment to realize it was in the shape of a human, complete with a face. "You look as if you have already forgotten me," said the ooze, its lips moving with its words. "What is this... how?" Maria was astounded by the vista of this standing goo. "It's me you twit! Susan the woman you murdered a month ago!" yelled the slime humanoid. Maria took a shaky step away from the ooze, "No, that can't be." "Why? Because you know you killed me?" asked Susan. She crossed her arms and frowned at Maria, just as angry at her as when she was human and working with Maria. "What happened to you?" asked Maria. "Well, you remember the red gel we were working on and how it would resist just about anything it came in contact with. I had found out that it would actually absorb some of the molecules of whatever was around it so it could instantly adapt to it. I theorize that when I poured that acid on the gel it was fighting back, when I got some on me it considered me a threat as well. It went into overdrive and devoured the threat. In absorbing my body it copied my brain, all my intellect and consciousness. Even as far to copy my personality, emotions and memories. Although, I technically died to the gel, it copied me and I live on AS the gel. To me, I haven't conscious missed a beat. I remember the melting into the drain and how day after day I lived on as a liquid. I had to teach my new body to solidify so that I could crawl back up the pipe and try to live on. I've mastered my gelatinous form to the point that I came become as solid as flesh or as loose as water," explain Susan. She demonstrated with her entire body, melting into a red puddle then forming back into a human shape. "Thanks but I haven't forgotten you taking away my humanity. I believe a bit of payback is in order," smiled Susan. Maria's heart sank as Susan slide across the floor so smoothly. "Wait, what are you going to do?" asked Maria, more scared than she had ever been before. Susan didn't answer, instead a red puddle formed at her feet and flowed across the floor to Maria. Susan cleverly distracted Maria by making her arms stretch out farther than humanly possible and waved them around. "Maybe I'll wrap these long, strong arms around you and squeeze the air out of you," laughed Susan. Maria meeped at the thought of having the life squeezed from her. In her scared stupor Maria didn't notice the growing pool of red liquid around her feet. In a blink of an eye, the gel reached up to her waist and became stiff. Maria's legs were completely held in place and she looked down in monstrous terror. "Oh my God, get it off me!" yelled Maria. "Why? We are going to have such a swell time together. You know it's been a month since I seen you. Have you been skipping the gym lately, your butt is getting big," chuckled Susan with a devilish grin. The gel flowed around Maria's black slacks and into her ass, filling it up. Maria's eyes never opened so wide with surprise before. "What are you doing to me?" she demained. "Nothing, don't blame me for you getting lazy when I left," smiled Susan, still approaching Maria. The back of Maria's pants grew very tight as her ass started to round out to a highly fake looking backside. "If I knew Kim Kardashian was going to stop by I would have prettied up," laughed Susan. Though Maria's ass swelled bigger than that of any celebrity. When Susan came in arm's length of Maria she desperately swag out, fists flying. Susan slide back and laughed aloud, "Oh you want a fight? Let's fight, busty." The gel in Maria's ass sickenly squirmed inside her up to her chest. Each of her breasts pushed outward filling her button up shirt and lab coat. Maria looked down in a 'not-so-disappointed' surprise. "Come on!" yelled Susan who bobbed and weaved like a boxer. The gel still held Maria in place so Susan could freely punch Maria repeatedly in the tits. Maria tried to defend her swelling melons as Susan tenderized them. Buttons popped as her lady lumps grew to the size of basketballs. Maria could no longer protect her engorged chest and Susan had fun inflicting pain on her victim. "Stop please," whined Maria. Susan didn't respond to her request at all. "Stop! Please my breasts they MFFF-!!!" Maria screams for help are muffled by a stream of gel into her mouth. "Through the lips and over the tongue, watch out belly because here I come!" sang Susan, using her arm like a hose in Maria's mouth. Maria tried to pull the arm out but it was so dense on the outside. On the inside of the arm however the gel flowed freely into Maria. Her cheeks expanded to take in Susan's body. Maria flailed her arms in vain as she was pumped full of red gel, more and more. As Susan had commanded, the gel pushed into Maria's stomach and tested the band of the black slacks. Two arms formed on Susan's body and ripped open the lab coat so she could watch her partner expand. Maria was helpless and could only feel with her hands just how big her gut was pushing out to be. She tried to look past her abyssal cleavage but it was to no avail. Maria's belly stretched out to resemble a pregnant woman before Susan retracted her arm from Maria's mouth. "What am I do? Why am I putting in all this work? I guess even in this form I can be absentminded," Susan talked to herself. With her mouth free, Maria said, "Please Susan, no more. I'm getting so big and full." Susan broke from her concentration to stare at Maria menacingly, "You haven't seen the worst of it yet." Susan lean in to Maria and was just inches from her face. "You want to know what the worst of it is?" asked Susan to a shaky Maria. Maria wanted to ask but fear had a grasp on her vocal box at the moment. Slowly Susan whispered, "I can expand my gel at will." Susan jumped back and laughed. She pulled far away from Maria to watch the show. Maria however didn't know what she meant till her stomach started to bubble. Susan jumped on the surface of her old workstation and kicked her legs happily at the sight of Maria fattening up once again. Susan released Maria's legs as there was no use holding her anymore. Maria stared in horror at her tits that wobbled as they sprung back to life. "Maria, you were always so full of yourself," joked Susan. Maria put her hands on her ass that rose behind her, filling out to the size before... and beyond. "Oh God please, make it all stop, please!" screamed Maria, strangely thinking she can push her swelling body back into itself and failing. "Looks like that bloated ego of yours got away from you," laughed Susan, enjoying every moment of Maria's growth. The band on the black slacks gave out and all the buttons on her white button up bursted. Susan bit her gelenius lip in anticipation and decided to make Maria's expansion increase in speed. Maria's arms flapped uselessly like a fat chicken as her whole body blew up larger. Every piece of clothing ripped off to reveal more and more Maria. Susan jumped down off her workstation and approached the much larger Maria. Susan gave Maria's belly an unnecessary prod to check the pressure inside her. "Well, it has been a blast extracting my revenge on you, but I'm afraid this is going to be an explosive exit for me," Susan laughed. Maria cried as her body was fattening too fast for her to think. Her cheeks had filled with gel so much she couldn't reply. All she could manage to do was expand and expand. "Maria, this is the end of -."Suddenly all Maria saw was floor in front of her and a voice called out, "Maria, are you still working?" Maria quickly looked at her body, she was still naked but her body was back to normal size. She didn't have time to think. "Yeah, I'm here," Maria called out. She turned to where Susan was standing but nothing was there now. "Where are you ?" asked the woman at the door. "I dropped something, I'm over here on the floor. I got it though!" Maria called out. From where she was crouched, the workstation blocked the sight of Maria so the person couldn't see that she was naked. "I'm staying over late to do some paperwork if you need anything I'll be in my office," said the woman. Maria then recognized the voice to be the dean. The dean shut the door as she left, leaving Maria all alone. Maria stood and looked at her body. "What happened?" she asked herself aloud. "Did I just dream it all? Am I going crazy? It felt so real..." trailed off Maria as she made her way to the storage closet and found a small size pair of scrubs to wear. Now dressed, Maria went to the ladies room to wash her face. The ice cold water felt good on her flat, non-inflated face. For a moment she found peace till the stall behind her toilet had flushed. Out walked Susan, as real as before. "Hello again, I bet you thought you were just crazy, huh?" asked Susan in an unsettlingly casual way. Susan walked to the sink beside Maria and pretended to wash her gel hands. "What happened back there?" asked Maria. "As much as I wanted you busted, I didn't want to get you busted," smiled Susan. "I came up with a much greater revenge than killing you. It seems much more appropriate to just ruin your life," grinned Susan. Maria's fear returned as Susan turned to stare right at her. "You killed me over a job so it's only fair that with the money you can't enjoy anything, like clothing. You'll never wear expensive clothes or even bras for that matter because of these puppies," Susan pointed to Maria's chest. Maria's C-cup breasts shook for a moment then expanded in her scrub top. Maria watched in the mirror how her tit pushed up, revealing a bit of cleavage in the V-neck of the scrubs. As the top got too tight and started to strain, they kept growing larger. Not until the fabric was ruined did they stop expanding. "I'll never let you be comfortable again, every time you sit whether it be a stool, chair, couch, or hot tub! I'm going to make your booty widen so much you can help but get stuck every time," a small smile broke across Susan's face. Maria wanted to pull her pants off in time but her backside beat her to it. Each butt cheek rose up like large loaves of bread in her pants, pulling them tight then straining the fabric to a skin-tight pull. Maria tried to balance herself but she looked like an overinflated bimbo doll, her ass and tits full of gel. "Relationships? You can forget those as well. If you were even lucky enough to like a guy that loves fat women, I'll make you fatter!" Susan rose her voice in a joyous rage. Maria's arms, thighs, and stomach pushed out and she pulled on her replacement clothing at all angles. "Everything you love in this world you have to leave behind. If you ever met one of your family, I'll enter their bodies and make you watch as I blew them up till they explode. For you taking away everything in my life," commanded Susan. Once Maria's scrub bottoms blew off she fell to her fat knees in front of Susan and said the most unexpected thing, "I deserve this." The swelling ceased at once and Susan's face relaxed and was taken very much aback. "What did you say?" asked Susan softly. As tears poured out of Maria she said, "It's all my fault! I killed you and lost the best thing in my life. There hasn't been a day that I haven' fought sleep to remove the image of you melting in front of me. I wish upon wish that I could change it but I can't! I have to live without you and I just can't enjoy anything anymore anyway. This job go between us and killed the one lasting thing I enjoyed. Not science or the pay... being with you." Susan felt a sudden, intense feeling of guilt. "You miss me?" asked Susan, a subtle gel tear on her face. Maria wiped the tears from her face with her fattened hands. She felt her body shrink slowly as the gel compressed within her. Susan helped Maria back to her feet and when she returned to normal size they hugged. They embrace each other for a long moment then pulled back to look at each other. "Why did this job destroy us?" asked Susan. "Because someone HAD to make that decision," said Maria hatefully. Susan's face lit up with a grand idea. "I was getting revenge on the wrong person, come on! We gotta see the dean one last time. Susan followed Maria into the storage room. Maria was about to pick up another set of small scrubs but Susan threw her a pair. Maria unfoled the large pair of 4X scrubs, "I didn't even know they came this big." "I bet you didn't know you came that big, either," laughed Susan. "So you're coming with?" "I got to give the big boss woman my resignation," smiled Susan. Maria put on the saggy clothes and just as Susan was about to enter Maria, Maria stopped her. "Wait, can I eat you?" asked Maria. Susan looked confused, "You want to eat me? Why?" "I don't know it'd be fun, I know I can't get full on you," grinned Maria. "Oh you can get very full on me," winked Susan. "You know what I mean," Maria quickly grabbed Susan and pulled her in for an explosive kiss. Susan literally melted and as she did Maria started slurping her up. With each mouthful Susan's body appeared to become more and more emicaterated, with the removal of her gel. On the other hand, Maria's body filled out all over. By the time she had completely devoured Susan, Maria still wasn't big enough to fill the clothing. She leaned forward and poked her fat belly, "Think you could give me a boost, old friend?" Softly her body fattened and fattened till it fit perfectly. "Just a bit more, I want these clothes to be too small," laughed Maria, enjoying her new-found girth. A size or two bigger she grew till her belly hung under her scrub top a bit. Her tits and ass were crammed in those 4X clothes so tightly but she could still walk, or waddle no less. As Maria sloshed through the buildings, Susan happily played inside her friend. "Can you hear me?" said Susan inside Maria's ears. "Yeah, that's much better than that mumbling through my belly you were doing," Maria was never so happy. Maria made her way to the dean's office and swag the door open. To her surprise she had trouble with the doorframe. Susan giggled in Maria's ear because she had widened her hips on purpose. Maria sloshed into the office to the dean with her jaw on the floor, "Maria Luke?" "In the flesh... and lots of it!" laughed Maria. "W-what happened to you?" the dean's eyes scanned her body. "You know how Christmas break makes you gain a few pounds," Maria laughed and slapped her fat belly. Susan made her belly grow in front of the dean. "Look I'm growing every minute," laughed Maria. The dean thought they were both mad, with Maria's sudden and intense weight gain and her manic laughing. "How can I um, help you?" nervously asked the dean. "The thing is," Maria sat on the edge of the dean's desk and it screamed with creaks, "nearly two months ago you told me that it was ultimately your decision that there be only one scientist between Susan and me. I just wanted to ask, is that true? Was it you and only you, that made that decision." "Yes, and I'm sorry about Susan's disappearance. I had no way of knowing -" "That's right, you had no way of knowing but you tried to tear us apart anyway!" yelled Maria. "I didn't do it to tear anyone apart I -" "Yes, you did!" yelled Maria. "Ms. Luke, please don't inter-" "I'll do as I damn well please! I'll do you one better, I'll let Susan talk to you," smiled Maria. "Where is she?" asked the dean, who was soon answered. Maria lifted her scrub top to show off her fat belly and at the navel poured out a red gel. "What the -!" the dean wheeled her chair back away from Maria. In just moments Susan completely exited Maria, leaving her thin again. Susan formed and stared at her former boss. "Look at me!" yelled Susan. "Look at what your decision did to me... did to us!" "I-I-I didn't - I... I" the dean stumbled over her words. "I've come here to say I'm going to take my job and shove it... DOWN YOUR THROAT!" Susan's arms shot over the desk and like a long red hose, pushed into the dean's mouth. "I would have said something like, I'm quitting and if you don't like it you can EAT IT!" laughed Maria as she acted it out. "That's pretty good, oh look at our BIG boss lady," Susan's attention returned to the dean who's butt had swollen in her chair and she couldn't stand. The dean's brown skirt expanded in the seat with her rear end. "Looks like the campus is having one more EXPANSION!" laughed Maria. "Working here makes you just SWELL with pride huh?" asked Susan. The dean tried her best to pull her huge ass out of the chair but couldn't. "You know what they said about desk jobs, it all goes straight to your ass," smiled Maria. "You were always such a cheapskate, always ordering everything in bulk. Is it because you like BULK!" asked Susan, strengthening the stream of gel into the dean. Her belly pushes out under her tan blouse. "Typical for your boss to steal your work. I had to bloated belly look first," laughed Maria. The dean couldn't understand how this all was funny, she was in complete horror at her growth and couldn't move. "I think I see that swelling of pride, Susan. Look at her boobs!" Maria was red in the face from laughing. Susan changed the flow to increase the dean's chest. Filling out and tearing the flowery blouse. Maria leaded over to look at the dean's ass. It was spilling from each side of the desk chair. "You bring such ASSets to this campus, boss," giggled Maria. "Do you want to do the honors, friend?" asked Susan. "Of course, let's break this puppy wide open," said Maria who walked over to the seated dean. Susan cut off the arm to the dean's mouth. "No more, please!" begging the dean. Maria playfully spun the fattened boss in her chair before stopping it to stare her in the face. "You remember the hit song that put Katy Perry on the map?" asked Maria. The dean stared up at her with no answer. "Let me give you a hint," said Maria, leaning in and kiss the dean on the lips. The gel that was still in Maria expanded and poured from her mouth into the dean's. Maria held her tight in a kiss as the dean's butt ballooned farther until the chair broke. Maria laughingly fell onto her bloated boss but kept the kissing and expansion going. "Ooooooo! Making out with your employee, you're going to get BUSTED!" joked Susan as she walked around desk for a better look. The dean tried to push Maria off but her chest and belly make Maria hard to reach. When the dean got big enough that Maria was no longer covering her belly button, Susan jumped into the dean to double her rate of expansion. Maria smiled as she felt the dean's cheeks expand and push against her own. Every little detail about the dean's body expanded greatly till she was a half a size bigger than Maria was when she thought she was gonna pop. Every piece of clothing tore off of her and even jewelry bursted off at her growth. She got so big it scooted her desk forward. Maria broke from the kiss at the right moment to act like a cowgirl on her boss before she violently exploded. It flung Maria in a title wave of red gel against the wall. Later when Susan pulled herself together there was nothing left of the dean. "That was some serious payback huh?" asked Maria. "I don't imagine a lot of employees pop their bosses when they quit," laughed Susan. Susan got back into Maria, making her clothes fit too tight again. "You know I can compress myself inside you. You could very well walk around normally," said Susan. "No, I like it this way. I know you're always with me and it's like I'm warmly hugging you always," explained Maria.
Female Inflation
Full Body Inflation
Kamiko's eyelids gradually creaked open, allowing enough of the morning light to hit her eyeballs so that her waking retinas could adjust comfortably. Her serene and beautiful brown eyes stared up at the dusty red ceiling that sheltered her and Tomoko. Most of the time, Tomoko-sensei would walk right up to the slumbering Kamiko and clap her hands repeatedly to wake her, but this time she would not have to bother wasting energy. Before she got up, Kamiko stretched and yawned, slightly contorting and splaying her shiny blue body across the tatami mat that she slept on. It might seem strange to an outside visitor that Kamiko wore her skintight blue rubber suit almost all the time, but the temple got cold, and the suit helped keep her adequately warm. Plus she felt sort of attached to her strange garb, like she had developed some sort of slight rubber fetish, but she still would not mind wearing a good comfy kimono once in a while. Tomoko slid open the screen door of Kamiko's small room, it made a loud scratching noise. Kamiko looked towards her teacher. "Well, you are up early again Kamiko!" Tomoko happily exclaimed. "Yeah, I think I'm getting used to the early-morning routine now." Kamiko stood up and scratched her back. "You used to be a farm girl, I would expect you to already get up a little early, right?" "Yeah, but being a fuusenkunoichi is a lot different from being a farmer." "That's true. Anyways, I have breakfast ready my dear, would you kindly join me?" "Of course Tomoko-sensei. I have nowhere to go but here." giggled Kamiko. "Hmmm, maybe I should have rephrased that question, since you thought it was a nice little joke." bluntly replied Tomoko. "Sorry Tomoko-sensei. It's just that you talk so formally, like a court lady would." "Yes, you are right. I should really lighten up my language." "Oh no! I wasn't suggesting anything..." "Do not worry Kamiko. You are not the only one learning around here." confided the ex-noble-woman. Tomoko and Kamiko sat down near the front door of the Temple to eat breakfast. It was a beautiful day outside so both the girls decided to eat outside to enjoy it, rather than inside. There was a white wooden container between them both. "Wow, It's so clear outside, and bright!" gleamed Kamiko. "Yes, that was a good idea there Kamiko. We need to get out more often to enjoy the outdoors when we have leisure time." Kamiko paused a moments and took a couple whiffs of herself. She scrunched up her face a bit. "Oof, I really need to clean myself! I've been getting so tinky and sweaty under this rubber suit!" "You do know why you wear that suit, right Kamiko?" "Er, it keeps my body together when my body stretches?" "Well, yes. But it also keeps your body very warm. When you have a warm body, it helps heat up the air that's strapped inside your body. The ki that your body harnesses and utilizes heats up the air, and in return the tight rubber of the suit helps keep all that air in. You could say you are sort of a, hot air balloon of some kind." "Wow, I never thought of it that way." "Well, everything needs a reason for how they function. "There is a stream near here, about north. Do you want to clean yourself up there?" Tomoko asked. "Yes please. I'm really stinky right now." "Heh heh, you are a ripe young girl. And I suppose you need some good food to keep yourself fresh." Tomoko opened the lid to the container, it was filled almost to the brim with a red pasty mass. Kamiko eyes lit up with glee. "Wow! Red Bean Paste! Is it sweet?" "The merchant I bought it from said it was reasonably so. Sweet enough, but not extremely so." "Good enough for me!" Tomoko only had about a third of the paste, she was not extremely hungry so she let Kamiko have the rest. Kamiko wanted to wolf it all down, but she didn't want to make a rude scene in front of Tomoko-sensei so she ate it gracefully, leaving none left after five minutes of eating. Kamiko laid on her back, rubbing her belly with content. "That is the best red bean I have eaten sensei." she complimented. "Thank you my dear. The man I got it from is a good friend of mine." "He's a good cook too!" "Also he puts extra fiber into the paste, just to make it healthy as well as tasty." added Tomoko. Just as Tomoko finished that sentence, Kamiko let out a slight "Oop!" and started rubbing her stomach. "Sensei, I feel like I'm blowing up, but I'm not sucking in air!" noted the startled Kamiko. "Uh oh. Maybe he put a bit too much fiber in this batch." Replied Tomoko. Kamiko's stomach began to slowly and gradually bulge outwards. After about a minute she looked like she was a few months pregnant. "Ummm, I'm used to inflating, but I'm not controlling this sensei!" "No worries dear. You just seem to have a bad case of gas here. You will not get very big." "Uggghh, I shouldn't have eaten it so quickly." groaned Kamiko. Her belly now looked like it was at full term and still growing, her limbs too were beginning to bulge slightly. "Um, sensei, am I going to float?" "No, like I said, you will not get big enough." Kamiko's body continued to stretch and balloon, her arms and hands plumped into soft squeaky masses. Her cheeks also began to slightly bulge in unison with her body and limbs. After a couple more minutes, Kamiko's accidental little expansion finally stopped. She stood up straight, but she was comically bloated like someone had stuck an air pump into her and inflated her like a life raft. Tomoko stood up and walked behind the bulgy Kamiko. She took a good look at her backside and noticed the large globular nature of her bulbous butt-cheeks, all blue and shiny, glistening in the calm morning sun. "My, you are a little more curvy here especially!" joked the amused Tomoko." "You're mean sensei!" pouted the blushing balloon girl. "Oh let me have fun my sweet little pufferfish! You look cute!" giggled Tomoko. Kamiko continued to blush with both embarrassment and amusement. "Well Kamiko, the only way you can deflate yourself is by letting all that gas. However, let me tell you, I do not want you stinking up my temple so go out to that stream and do your business there!" Tomoko pointed towards the north part of the clearing where the bamboo forest stood. "Fine sensei. It'll take me a while to get there since I don't really feel like inflating myself any more right now." "It is your choice dear." Kamiko began to walk, but with a funny waddling motion that a penguin would make. As she moved her puffy arms rubbed against her tight rubbery body and her bloated thighs grazed each other, creating a barrage of dull squeaky balloon noises. Her butt-cheeks in particular made a nice loud squeak each time they squeezed together with each step. "Do not forget to disguise yourself Kamiko-chan!" Shouted Tomoko as Kamiko began to near the edge of the clearing. Upon hearing her mentor's command she pulled the rubbery mask molded onto her suit's neck, hiked it up, and slipped it over her mouth. After about forty-five minutes of squeaky waddling, Kamiko finally spotted a small clearing. Within was a pristine and clear meter-wide creek that flowed through the dark ground. She moved out into the clearing and stared at the calm mini-river in front of her, it looked good enough to bathe in a bit. The sound it emitted soothed Kamiko's nerves, since they had been tested from forty-five minutes of nonstop squeaking. "Finally, I can give myself a good washing, but I need to get all this gas out of me. That bean paste really bloated me good." Kamiko pondered. "I just hope nobody is going to hear the huge farts that I am about to let off. They'd probably even wake Amaterasu since she's slumbering now." Kamiko looked around her, just to check if anyone was around; there was nothing. She squatted down slightly and bent over as much as she could. Her face scrunched up as she strained her bowls and then the next thing she heard was an earth-shattering... "FLUUUUUUUURRRRRRRRBBBBBBBPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPT!" As the humongous blast of flatulence burst forth from Kamiko's ballooned and vibrating butt. It slightly expanded her suit a bit, flew upwards, and exited out of the opening of her mask. She caught a slight whiff of her own expelled gas and furrowed her brow in disgust. Kamiko let out a little "Poo!" and reached her hand up to her nose and pinched it. Quickly, Kamiko pulled down her mask and stretched it open a bit in order to allow the second round of gas to escape more efficiently. Also she looked down and noticed that she was half the size that she used to be, and she could probably get herself back to her normal physical form with another big fart. She clenched her right forefinger and thumb even firmer over her nostrils, grunted, and then let loose with a big fat... "POOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOFFFFFFFFFFFFFSSSSSSSsssssssst!" Her black shiny ponytail flew upwards like a wolf's tail in a hurricane as the second burst of gas flew from her bowels. Kamiko's once bulged-up body had quickly shrunken back into her normal athletic and slim build. Just as she stood up straight again, still reeling after the blast, Kamiko let a tiny little squeak of excess gas slip through her buttocks. "Excuse me." she meekly and jokingly whispered. A kilometer away, Tomoko sat contently on the steps of the temple as she stared towards the north, trying to picture the spectacle that just happened with Kamiko. "Like I said before, she is a ripe little girl." she confidently wisecracked to herself. Kamiko stood hip-deep in the water that passed through the middle of the stream. She had slipped off her stinky rubber suit and began to wash it out. In order to give it a good rinse, Kamiko stretched the opening of the suit up and allowed the creek's current to fill it up with water. After giving it a reasonable fill, Kamiko closed up the neck, and sloshed the water inside around for a good five minutes, and then she dumped it all out with a sploosh. She repeated this process a couple of times and then let the suit sit on a wet rock nearby to dry. After cleansing her suit, Kamiko began to splash water all over herself and rub her shiny tanned nude body. First she rubbed her breasts with a couple quick circular motions, jiggling them about, then she rubbed her thighs, belly, buttocks, and other crevices on her beautiful and slightly muscled body. She felt really refreshed and cleansed, especially after all the work that she had done during the past week. After fifteen minutes of vigorous bathing and rinsing, Kamiko finished up by washing her hair. She undid the blue rubber band that held her ponytail and allowed her hair to droop straight down. Then Kamiko squatted down into the crisp water and let her hair hang down into the stream, put her hands to her head, and rinsed her hair out good for a minute. Finally she stood straight up and headed back to dry land. She shook her entire body by swishing her hips and chest around to allow all the excess water droplets that clung to her smooth skin to fly off. Kamiko then grabbed hold of her hair and wrung it out, allowing streams of water to trickle from its silky strands and onto the ground below. "Ooohhhh, that felt great." Kamiko thought to herself. Just before Kamiko reached down to pick up her special rubber suit, she stopped and swiveled her head slowly around, left and right, checking to see if anyone might be watching her. The last thing she wanted was somebody watching her dress. Tomoko wanted Kamiko to keep a very low profile and this meant having limited contact with people of the outside world. After looking around for a few seconds Kamiko saw nothing. She grabbed her slinky blue suit and walked over to a group of trees to hide behind and change. Homare walked with his trademark swagger through the damp and cool bamboo forest. He liked to swivel his shoulders towards the left and right as he strode confidently along his own path. The young man lifted his right arm and brushed his scraggly black hair as he contemplated his current location within the forest. Like many others that walked through, Homare felt a bit lost and confused. "Hmmph, that's the last time I listen to Benten for possible shortcuts. This place is hopeless to get out of!" he stewed to himself. "Lessee, I walked straight into the forest and just continued straight into it, but then there was that time I tripped on the rock and... Ah hell! I got up and went the wrong direction! Crap!" The frustrated Homare spied a little rock on the ground and kicked it in anger. He then put both his hands under his belt and kept walking straight ahead with a gloomy look on his face. After a few minutes of solemn strolling, Homare's ears perked up to the sound of a trickling creek. "Hey, there's some flowing water near here, maybe it can guide me out of this damn forest!" He lifted his feet to jog towards the sound, and a half a minute later he came across the stream. It simmered with silver light reflected off of the early afternoon sun rays peeking through the stalks of the bamboo high above. "All right! I can finally get somewhere now!" Immediately he began to follow the stream in the direction that the current flowed. He did this for a minute or two until he began to feel a bit tired. He stopped and knelt down beside the shore of the creek. "I need some water before I go on. I haven't had a drink all day." he thought. Homare cupped his hands and dipped them into the frigid water. He brought the water in his palms closer to his lip, but he stopped short and listened. He heard what sounded like the rustling of a group of small bamboo stalks. Looking back up in front of him, he saw a group of bamboo stalks in front of him rustling around a bit, somebody was behind them. Quickly, Homare stood up and stared at the animated stalks and let the cool water drop out of his hands. He put his fists in front of him and took a fighting stance. Steadily he stood perched in a state of alertness, waiting for the hidden person or animal to emerge. A lone drop of sweat trickled down from Homare's forehead and across his right cheek. Finally after almost a minute of tense waiting, the figure emerged from the bamboo. It was a somewhat tall girl, five foot five in height and with an athletic build. She wore a sleek and shiny skintight dark blue bodysuit with molded-in feet, gloves, and a mask that hid her petite jaw from view. A black bandanna with kanji in the middle of it adorned her forehead; Homare could not read them from this distance. Kamiko's face looked at the ground and lifted her arms above her head, tying her shiny black hair into a ponytail with a thick blue rubber band. After she fastened it into place she looked up and jumped back in shock, gasping at the young man crouched into a fighting stance on the other side of the creek. He slowly stood out of the stance, but kept his hands balled up into fists straight out in front of his face. "Who are you!?" Kamiko yelled. "What are you?" Homare sneered. "I, I, I'm just getting dressed" Kamiko muttered. "Well, I'm lost." Homare unclenched his fists and put his arms at his sides. He looked silently at Kamiko and lifted an eyebrow her strange ninja attire. She blushed at his analytical gaze. "I have to admit, that's a strange yet very sexy outfit you've got there girl." grinned Homare. "Please! I'm not an object to look at!" "Sorry, but I've never seen a girl wear that strange thing before. What are you, a traveling performer?" asked Homare. "Er, well, I guess you could say that." Kamiko blushed even more and scratched her head. "You look a little lost too girl." "Actually, I know my way around here..." Kamiko did not want to reveal that she lived around the forest. Tomoko forbade her to make any mention of where she lived. "Really? Well would you mind lending me a hand? I'm pulling my hair out by the roots figuring out how to get out if this place." Kamiko stood quiet for a second, wondering if she should really help this stranger out, but he seemed pretty trustworthy. "Are you a thief or a bandit of any sort?" Kamiko asked. "Er, well, if I have done any thieving or banditry, I've been pretty lousy at it. Hah hah!" Homare giggled at his little joke. Kamiko gave a few faint giggles herself. "Hmmm, I see no harm in helping you out but all I ask for you in return is that you mention to no one that you saw me here." "Sounds like a good trade off. Especially since it doesn't involve me paying you something, or, er, 'doing' something." "Okay, in that case here is what I want you to do. Lay down on the ground belly-first and grab my ankles." "What!?" Gasped Homare "What are you going to do, fly like a birdie and have me hang onto your talons?" he joked. "Pretty much." Kamiko replied. "Er, seriously, you can fly? I'm not in the mood of playing your strange circus pranks." Homare started feeling suspicious about Kamiko. "If you want to get out of here, just follow what I saw, no questions asked." "All right, fine." Homare ran towards the stream, jumped across it, and ran towards Kamiko. He stopped, laid down on his stomach, and grabbed her ankles. "My they're dainty." he complemented. "They won't be for long." smiled Kamiko. After speaking, Kamiko began to breath in and out a few times, taking deep breaths with each heave of her lungs. Homare just looked straight ahead and waited. Finally Kamiko began to inhale a huge quantity of air. Her body began to expand and round out like it would under a typical inflation. Homare looked up and his eyes almost jumped out of his sockets in surprise. "Ahhhhh! What the hell are you doing to yourself!?" "Don't let go! Just keep grasping my dainty little ankles!" "You sure aren't looking too dainty yourself right now!" "Kamiko keep expanding her shiny and smooth blue body, growing larger and rounder with each second. Homare kept grasping her ankles as hard as he could. They began to plump and fill with air, Homare could feel the air pushing his fingers further and further away from each other, but yet he still managed to dig them into the ballooning rubber surface and keep a good hold. "You're not going to explode on me, are you girl?" "I've done this so many times, just keep holding on!" Kamiko was now reaching twenty feet in diameter. Homare did not see a slim and athletic girl anymore but instead a large round blue blimp that obscured his vision. He felt her taut body suddenly warm up and that is when she began to lift into the air. "Yaahhhhhhgh! You really are flying!" screamed the shocked Homare. Kamiko began to lift further and further into the air. Homare's hung down vertically, still hanging on to the ballooning girl's ankles as his own left the ground. He kicked his legs around slightly as he took off into flight with Kamiko. "Don't kick around! I need stability!" "Sorry!" By this time Kamiko had stopped inflating and both she and the frightened Homare began to reach the surface of the bamboo forest canopy. Just a brief moment later they had both ascended at least twenty feet above the canopy and Kamiko stopped her vertical climb. Then she turned her huge body a full one-hundred and eighty degrees around and started to fly forwards. "Since you seem to be trying to get northeast I can take you that direction and drop you off and the other side. Next time, please don't go through the forest, its way too easy to get lost." shouted Kamiko. "Uh, I'm not going to fall, r-right?" stuttered the uneasy Homare. "Just don't let your grip get quaky and everything should be fine." hollered Kamiko. It was tough to let her voice be heard to Homare on the other side of her huge round body, so she did the best she could to project it towards him at maximum volume. Homare calmed his nerves down and tried to enjoy the smooth ride. "Wow, I'll bet not many people have seen a sight like this." he observed. "Well, I see everything from this height practically everyday. It gets dull after a while." "I can't imagine, really!" Homare kept rotating his head slowly, looking at the panoramic view of the world that he had, almost one-hundred feet from the ground. In the distance ahead was a huge mountain with a snow-capped peak and at its base was a few cluttered groups of rice paddies. Behind him he could almost see the slight glimmer of the sunlight bouncing off the ocean waves. They were both lucky to have caught such magnificent view on such a clear and bright day. "We sort of had an informal meeting there, what's your name?" asked Homare. Kamiko didn't say anything back for a few seconds. Tomoko told her not to give away her identity in any way. Quickly Kamiko tried to come up with a fake name in her mind. "Can you hear me?" cried Homare. "It's, er, Minako! I'm Minako!" replied Kamiko. "Minako eh? Cute name. Despite the fact that most of the Minakos I've met aren't! You're the prettiest one of the bunch I have met!" "You're not trying to flatter me, aren't you?" "No serious, you have to see the gals to believe me." "Well, I'm certain they're a lot skinnier than me." "Hey, you look like a fit gal, well, before you blow yourself up." "Yeah, my ability doesn't really do wonders to my figure." "By the way, my name is Homare. I'm the wiseguy of my group." "Your group?" "Er, of friends, yeah." Kamiko could tell that Homare himself had a few secrets to hide from that last comment. She began to feel a little more comfortable in regards to how she perceived him since she had to put on his act. "So Minako." Homare spoke up. "I imagine you have some sort of wacky teacher who teaches you how to turn into a balloon and all." "Er, yeah, you could say that. But he's gone unfortunately. He passed away a few months ago." "Sorry to hear about that." "He was a great teacher; he made sure I put on the best show available for the people to see." "You know, that's funny, because I don't ever remember anybody talking about a show where a guy or girl could inflate themselves." "We tend to play in a very limited area." "Ah, I see." Suddenly Homare felt himself and Kamiko drop downwards a bit. She was starting to descend. Homare looked ahead and instead of a massive sea of bamboo underneath him was now a dry golden field of grass. "So this is the end of the ride?" "Yup. Keep your feet down and hold on, it might be a bumpy landing." Homare tried to position himself in a good landing position as Kamiko approached the ground. Just as his feet were about to touch the ground he let go of Kamiko's feet, fell forwards onto his stomach, and then quickly got back up. He dusted himself off with his hands and looked up to see Kamiko flying upwards again. She turned around back towards the direction from which she and Homare had come and began to fly back over the forest. "Hey thanks Minako! Hope to see your act sometime!" "You're welcome!" Kamiko then strained her face a bit to accelerate herself, and flew over the towering bamboo stalks and disappeared. "The guys are right; you do meet some weird folks in the forest." Homare rubbed his head and then walked away.
competition, demolition, pump
Female Inflation
Full Body Inflation
Meanwhile at Natalie's house........ "Are you sure about this Natalie. What if we pop?" "What are you, chicken?" "NO! Just concerned is all." "Well then lets do this already. My new air compressor is waiting in my room for us. Lets go." Natalie and Kristie raced to her room. They've always had a small rivalry between them ever since they've met. Competing with one another over anything they could. The door to Natalie's room burst open with a kick from Natalie. "Ha, I won!" "No fair Nat. You pushed me back there." "Nah uh." "Uh huh." "Nah uh." "Uh-holy crap what is that!?" "Nah......oh. It's the air compressor." ^_^ "Jesus it's big!" "I know I found it online for cheap. Isn't it great?" "Gee, I don't know Nat. Maybe we shouldn't-" "Buk, buk, bwaaaaak! Chicken." "I'm not a chicken. I'm just afraid you won't be able to handle losing is all." "Ha now that's funny. I do this every night. I'll get way bigger than you can imagine." "Oh yea, lets just see about that then shall we?" "Okay, lets do it then." Natalie walked over to the air compressor. It was as big as the desk next to it. It was able to connect to multiple hoses so Natalie just inserted the two she got. She handed Kristie one while keeping the other for herself. "So, now what?" "Now we put it in." "Put it in where?" "Oh that's right your new to this. goes in our......uh......butts....." "Our WHAT!?" "Calm down it's not so bad. It feels kinda nice actually. Look I'll put mine in first then I'll help you. You do it like this." Natalie pulled her jeans and panties down to her knees exposing her butt. She took the hose and know. She pulled her pants back up and buttoned them. "You see it's easy." "Hmmmm......I don't know." "Here I'll help." Natalie walked over to Kristie, spun her around, pushed her over, and pulled down her short shorts. Then she inserted hose A into slot B. "EEEP!" "There that was easy right?" "Sort of....." Kristie pulled up her shorts and rubbed her butt. "Shouldn't you take your shirt off and wear a bikini top like me?" "No thanks. I like the feeling of my clothes getting tight as I blow up." "Ha whatever. It'll just constrain you and I'll end up bigger." "Alright let's see if you can put your money where your mouth is and get bloatin. Whoever becomes the biggest wins. Also if you take the hose out before I do then I win." Finally Natalie turned on the machine. It made a whirling noise and started to shake. Soon the hoses came to life as air flowed through. Natalie was getting excited. "Mmmmmm, I love this part." Kristie didn't see it at first, but Natalie's stomach started to grow by a few inches. Kristie couldn't feel anything and thought her hose was busted. "Hey did you cheat and tamper with my hose?" Natalie snapping out of her pleasure looked at Kristie. She still looked the same. "No way. I'm not a cheat you know that." "Your right you've never cheated before. What's wrong then? AAAAHHHHH!" *FWOOOOMP* Kristie's belly shot out a foot in front of her. She stumbled back against Natalie's dresser. Knocking over the pictures and other items that were there. "Whoa. Your huge Kristie. Hey wait your bigger than me now!" "Ha, see I'm just better at inflating than you are." "Oh yea?" Natalie cranked the compressor up a few notches. Her belly filling up faster. Getting to basketball size and more. Kristie wasn't growing at the rate of Natalie which started to make her nervous. "Looks like I'm catching up." "Shut up. It just takes a bit to get goin." Bigger and bigger Natalie grew. Her belly ballooned to 3 feet all around until the button on her jeans blew off and ricocheted off of Kristie's belly. "Ow! Watch were your pointin your buttons next time." "Hehe sorry." Kristie noticed not only was her belly growing, but so were her thighs. They strained the legs of her short shorts, cutting into the puffy legs. She rubbed them up and down. Her butt cheeks stretched the back of her shorts. Almost like it was sucking them up into her growing butt crack. Natalie watched her friend as she blew out all over. Enjoying the show while feeling her own bloated body. Her tight shirt was slowly riding up inch by inch. Exposing her bare belly to Kristie. You could see her panties coming out of her opened jeans. Being stretched by her bloated crotch and pushing through more. She looked back and noticed quite a bit of ass cleavage looking back up at her. She was spilling out of the tight jeans she wore. Finally realizing the ripping noises that were coming from her. Her puffy legs were bursting at the seams of her jeans. Her thighs were 3 feet in diameter and bursting out of her pants. Natalie just smiled and looked at Kristie. "Oooohhhh. Isn't this fun? I'm getting completely huge!" "Heh, yea this is kinda fun, but I'm way bigger than you." "Ha, we'll see about that." The girls continued to blow up. Growing and growing and growing. Ballooning out of their own clothes. Kristie's nipples started to peak out of her bikini top while Natalie's shirt was straining to keep it together on her own breasts. *THWIIIIP* Suddenly the bikini top shot off across the room and landed on Natalie's belly. It slowly slid down the front and plopped on the floor. "Whooo. They're gettin mighty big aren't they." "Ha look who's talkin. Your shirt is about to burst just like you." "Haha, very funny." *RIIIIIIIIIP* "Natalie's shirt ripped from the neck down allowing her breasts to push through and be free. With the sudden force of her breasts Natalie stumbled back onto her bed. Her ass made the landing more bouncy. She felt more comfortable sitting while she inflated. Kristie started to feel a bit tired and tried to sit down on the floor. It was a bit awkward, but she managed. As she was going down her shorts ripped in half pretty fast and hit the floor before her cheeks did. Their arms also inflated. Making it hard to move them. "Man were gettin pretty big. You sure you don't want to give up yet?" "Nah, I'll go on forever if I have to." Just as Natalie's belly reached 7 feet she felt something cold rub against it. She didn't know what it was or could see much in front of her, but as her belly continued to push against it she soon figured out what it was. It was the nob on the compressor that controls air flow. Since she was to the left of the nob her belly turned it to the right, sending it to full blast. Kristie and Natalie felt the sudden increase of air flow. They started to blow up much quicker than before. "Natalie? What's happening?" "Um, I think my belly turned the air compressor on full blast. Hehe......." "WHAT!?" Kristie ballooned more and more. Growing up and out. Her butt raised her off the ground and towards the ceiling. Her belly pushed forward and met Natalie's. Her breasts bloated into her face making her head tilt back. "NATALIE DO SOMETHING!" Natalie tried reaching the hose in her bum, but couldn't. Her arms were too stiff and puffy. "Uh, I can't." Natalie swelled out immensely. What was left of her jeans dug into her bloated legs. Her panties tightening into her ass and lady parts. The lips of her lady parts were extremely puffy and was outlined perfectly by her undies. *FWOOOMP* Her belly button became an outie. My god her belly was huge. It was taking up half of the room by now. Pushing Natalie up against the head board of her bed. Her head hit the ceiling with a thud. From this height she could see Kristie again, but what she saw was amazing. Kristie was now just two huge naked breasts and a massive 10 foot belly with bloated legs on either side. She couldn't see Kristie's head which was behind the behemoth tits. *FIIISSSSSS* FIIIIISSSS* Air was shooting out of her nipples. *PPPFFFT* *PFFFFTT* Natalie could feel air squeaking out of her butt. "Can you hear me Kristie?" "MMMPHHHH!" "I'll take that as a yes." It was right then that Natalie felt it. She was reaching her limits. The pressure in her body was growing as she pushed against the walls and Kristie. Less and less space became available in Natalie's room to grow and she couldn't stop the inflation. More and more packed it got in Natalie's room. Squishing against each other and the room. Tighter and tighter it felt. Natalie's head sinking into her body as it pressed against the ceiling. "Ugh.....I'm.....going to...beat....YOU-MMMMMMMM!" The room started to creak or was it their bodies? Squeaks and creaks were coming from Natalie's room. Their bodies were beginning to come out of the room. Luckily Natalie's window was opened so that her body had somewhere to go. From outside a huge boob was pushing out of the window. You could see Kristie's belly peaking through the sides of the door as it pushed it out making it bend and flex. Bigger and bigger they got. Tighter and tighter they became. Until then.........*rumble* *KABOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM* Pieces of wood and furniture flew everywhere. A huge chunk of her house was missing where her bedroom used to be. Her dresser and half of her bed was floating in the pool. Pieces of wood and clothes laid in the ruin of her bedroom. The air compressor still intact though.
burp, pills
Female Inflation
Full Body Inflation
Carry awoke with a strong groggy feeling overwhelming her. She couldn't remember exactly what had happened before she passed out. She was at a frat party with the rest of her sorority, and she recalls her leader being the first to follow one of the frat boys into the basement. They closed the doors and then...Then... From then its all just a haze. Carry got herself up on her feet and looked around. The room was medium large, with a small bed behind her, and an entertainment center in front of her. To her left was a doorway and a closed door. There were heaps of torn clothes scattered about the floor. She noticed a camera on the entertainment center with the red record light gleaming. As she quizzically examined the camera she noticed a note and an empty bottle of pills laying next to the camera. The note read "Just a little present from us boys in balloon house! Most of your sorority including your leader have already shown us their acting talents in our little film here. Now it's your turn! Good luck, babe!" Carry picked up the bottle, it read "inflation pills *WARNING - Pills are meant to be used for gastric cleansing, if used for other purposes pills may have fatal effects!*" This was all just way too weird for Carry. She looked into the camera, and screamed into the lens with all of her might and anger. "Let me out of here jerks!" She snapped. "I don't know what you are pulling but I don't like it and my father is a lawyer and he will sue!.." she paused midsentence as a pain and bloated feeling swept across her stomach. She looked down and sure enough her stomach was starting to bloat out. The pressure inside building and building. She tried pushing down on the tight skin until she looked normal again, but every time she stopped pushing down her belly sprang back again. With every breath she took she began to bloat out more and more. Shocked and worried she frantically looked about the room for a way of getting out of this scrape. The door! She started to run to the door but then tripped as her thighs suddenly began to inflate out and rub against each other. Her jeans were beginning to strain against her internal pressure that built with every breath of air that she took in. "Oooh *puff* *puff* gotta get to the door!.. UGH!" she exclaimed as her jeans reached their critical volume and were suffocating her slowly. She tried crawling but her breasts had grown considerably as well, and were dragging on the floor slowing her progress to freedom. Slowly and surely she made her way to the door, but with every passing second she could feel her body grow tighter and tauter. Before she made it to the door, she took a moment to examine herself. She felt her body with the hands. "Belly really getting tight." She calmly noted. "Chest is beginning to rise from my top and obstruct my view. Butt..." her voiced strained from a flood of more internal pressure. "Ass is feeling filled to the brim!" She tried to raise herself up, but her ass was touching both sides of the wall and she was slowly getting stuck in the entryway. She put both hands on the sides of the walls and attempted to push herself forward that way. As she strained and looked down, just over her belly she noticed something. Clothing. Leather clothing, torn in a pile on the floor here in the entry way. "The leader was wearing leader" she reflected. Her leader must have been here, in this similar predicament, but she got fully stuck in the entry way and... exploded! Carry's reaction to this was to get out of the entry way. She put one hand on her bloated butt and one on the wall and pushed with both. With a groan of stress from Carry and a squeak as her super tight jean covered ass scraped along the wall, Carry freed herself and was back in the middle of the room. Back at square one. Carry examined herself once more. Her chest was ripping apart her shirt now and was almost completely in her face. Belly is *UGH* extremely tight but somehow still growing. The jeans are EXTREMELY TIGHT but still holding ou-. WIth a loud pop the button on the front of the jeans gave way and the rest of her pants began to give way, each seem popping, then tearing, then flying off onto the ground. Carry now felt the bare flesh of her legs, they felt like over filled balloons! In complete desperation she pushed in on herself in all directions trying to expel the air somehow. It was no use though, she just kept filling up. A new creaking noise came, but this time from her own skin. It was her fat butt bloating out from behind her. She focused all her pushing attention on her backside now which creaked and strained with every push, and every push became harder for her as the skin got tighter and tighter. Then her stomach let out a loud groan. She focused her hands back on her stomach, and just like her backside the pushing could do nothing against the growth and the skin just became tighter and would give less and less with each push. Her breasts now completely in her face she was forced to lean back because of the strain on her back. Almost completely spherical, she was at her wits end when she decided to give one last try at pushing out the air with her hands. She held both her arms our at full length then with as much force as possible punched her gut. She let out a large belch and she felt the pressure subside a little. "That's the ticket!" She exclaimed in joy. She even felt so reassured that instead of repeating the exercise she gloated out loud to the camera. "Haha, I beat your game boys!" After this little taunt she outstretched her arms again for another whack at her belly. She was in position and tried to let loose. But it failed! She couldn't move her arms, what happened?! A look of concern and worry flashed across her face. She looked at her arms to see what was wrong, and to her horror, she found that her arms had begun to fill out now and turn into plump cylinders against her will. She must not have noticed that her body filled up completely while she was gloating before and the inflation moved into her arms. "Damn!" she cursed her situation. She began to feel her arms fill to the brim as well. She watched as the inflation moved into her wrists, then her hand, then her fingers until all of them were so plump and taught that she couldn't even wiggle them anymore. She opened her mouth to scream as it was her last resort... Foiled again! Her lips bloated out into fat red bulbs until they were forced shut. She closed her eyes as her face started to slowly fill out. Her cheeks bloated out first, and after they reached the limit the rest of her head bloated a bit, almost loosing its shape into a sphere like the rest of her body. The inflation seemed to stop. There she sat like a big giant balloon laying helplessly on her back. At least she was safe, she thought to herself as she felt swet form on her bloated body. Then she felt her internal pressure that was already incredible grow suddenly, and her whole body shook. She opened her eyes to see her entire sphere body grow suddenly. Just a few inches, but the strain was so great the it caused loud stretching noises and made Carry wince in pain. Then her body reverted back to the old sphere. Then, as if in rhythm, her body bloated out once more only this time it got a few inches bigger than the last time. She lay there pulsating, hoping against hope that what she knew was going to happen next wasn't going to happen. Again she grew, even bigger this time, Carry felt it bad. "Gnna pp gnna pohp GNNA PP!" is all she could manage to mumble through her swollen shut lips. Another pulse went through her. She swelled out again, but this time didn't stop. A few more inches and her body begain to shake uncontrollably. "UGHHHHH!" TUUU MCHH PRSSSSRRRR!!" *KABOOM*. Two boys entered the room carrying another sorority girl. "She'll be awake and ready to go soon." Said one as he placed her. "That last one almost figured it out." Said the other. "Yeah, much better than the leather girl, who almost broke the door when she exploded so close to it!" They laughed heartily. Just then the girl began to stir. "Lets move it, its almost showtime!" "I can't wait!"
Prose that Blows 11 - It's All About the Feels, Prose that Blows Winner: Best Depiction of a Negative Emotion, Prose that Blows Winner: Least Sympathetic Inflatee
Female Inflation
Full Body Inflation
She could not stop reading. Without a doubt, it was the worst book she had ever read. Its characters were stupid and juvenile in their execution. The sentence structure and wording bore all the refinement of crude oil: black, monotonous, and stinky. An erotic novel of pervasive popularity, yet containing not a single line that brought her carnal pleasure. Rather than forge a white hot yearning in her loins that was the author's overtly obvious intent, it only forged a white hot rage that sat heavily within her entire being. She turned the pages of the softcover tome in as ungentle a manner as she dared. Her contempt for the "literature" within her hands was palpable: a passive aggressive rage within her fingertips wishing to destroy the pages before they destroyed her psyche. Still, she pressed on, absorbing every word, every sentence and paragraph, allowing the cathartic hate to build and build... So enthralled by the train wreck set in print in her hands, she barely noticed as her bust shifted within her t-shirt. With each turn of the page, with each word read and analyzed, her chest broadened. With every poorly worded line of dialog, her cleavage deepened. Had she bothered to wear a bra this evening, it would have surely pinched something horrible before being rendered scrap. However, the reader was well versed in the effects of poor prose upon her body. This was not her first hate read. Not even half way through the text, and the seams of her purple shirt groaned and snapped, pushed to their very limit in containing her ire-swelled mammaries; the hem of her garment pulled free from the waistband of her stretchy grey slacks. ...and build... The skin of her belly began to stretch to accommodate the boiling hate. The internal monolog of the vapid heroine served as the catalyst for the swelling. It defied logic and reason. It defied sanity. The airy bubbleheadedness of the protagonist brought airy, bubbly distress to the reader's waistline. Unconsciously, she spread her legs to make room for her not-so-gravid swell, her piercing green eyes never once leaving the page. ...and build... Faster and faster she read. Bigger and bigger she grew. Thighs and bottom grew in unison, filling the seat of her couch with gaseous choler. The legs of her trousers grew taught with hate-filled flesh, while her black cotton undies were rent at the seams by the swell of her waistline. Threads screamed in torture as she screamed internally at the many times dammed book. It was just so bad, but it just felt so good! To rage at this piece of literary garbage, to look at the ill dialog of its unlikeable characters with daggers so well deserved, was cathartic. She hated the book, but she loved to hate it; the extent of her hate made clear by her ever-increasing girth. ...and build... Seams ripped open like zippers, the tatters of her shirt now hanging from her neck. Were she so inclined to peel her eyes away from her book, she would have seen an expanse of cleavage so vast she could have easily hid an entire library of poorly-written erotica within it. The button on her slacks finally gave up its valiant effort to keep her gut contained, and was sent hurtling across the room as its stitches snapped. Her pants peeled away from her, forced down her legs by her expanding bottom. ...until... It was only when her swollen fingers fumbled with the pages did she notice how far gone she was. Everything below her neck had swollen with rage. Her breasts had grown well beyond head-sized. Her torso had completely rounded like a small weather balloon, so tight with pressure that her bellybutton had turned from an innie to an outie. Her bottom and thighs had become so immense that the love seat she sat upon was more an armchair to her. It was when she was forced to nestle the tome within her cleavage that she heard the ominous noises from her body for the first time: the low, enraged hiss of inflation, the deep, fierce bubbling of emotion, and the angry creaking of overtaxed flesh. She was angry, and in her anger she felt great! She felt powerful and sure in her rage. She felt a pleasant taughtness and pressure within her body, like the buildup to a great, satisfying ending (something she was sure her book would fail to deliver). Although, if she were completely honest with herself, she also felt perhaps just a little too... *Creak* *Groan* Before she could even contemplate what those angry noises could mean, her belly split open with a thunderous pop. ... Her flat form rested upon the couch as the tatters of her shirt and pants fell from the air. Naked and empty, splayed out very much like the remains of a burst balloon. Indeed, with the great tear in her torso and the loss of her rage-manifested gas, that was what she was at that moment: a burst balloon. It would take hours for the tear to mend and her form to flesh back out. It would be hours before she could pick back up the delightfully horrible book that laid on the deflated remains of her thighs and continue her rage read. Until then, her unconscious mind busied itself with a delightful dream; a dream borne of bad prose and rage.
candy, couple, kiss
Female Inflation, Male Inflation
Full Body Inflation
Johnny and Emma were a couple. They loved each other and couldn't keep thier hands off each other. Johnny was a fine country lad, strong, handsome, 18, and slim. Emma was a hot city girl, curvy, sexy, 17, and had nice breasts. They were inseparable, and were almost never seen apart. Both of them had a soft spot, a weakness: sweets. When they were together, there was always something sugary between them. It had its affects: a little puffing up, but nothing to bad. Just a little glow, but niether of them cared; they weren't dating each other only for their bodies. When The Candy Shop opened, how could resist checking it out. They walked in and saw the most amazing arragment of candies and chocolates. There was fudge, chocolate bars, licorice of all flavors (even English), chocolate covered fruits and nuts, brittle of any type, just everything. Johnny and Emma were like kids in a candy...that doesn't work here. Never mind that, but you know what I mean, eyes lit up with the most shiny joy. They jumped from display to display, grabbing this and that to fulfill their joyous desire and wonder. When they had at least two or six pieces of every thing, they went to the counter. "Good day, these...1, 2, 3, 6 boxes all for you today?" the man at the counter asked. "We good today babe?" Johnny glanced around. "What about these?" Emma pointed to a display on the counter. "Those are special candies my dear. Much more expensive. Anywhere from 5 to 10 more dollars." "What types are there?" Johnny spun the display. "For you, I'd suggest the balloon chews. Very light and airy," the man chuckled. "We'll take one and split the pieces," Johnny payed the man, and the two left. In the car ride to Johnny's house (because Johnny's parents were away and his brothers were too), the couple started on the boxes. After they arrived, they'd eaten one box. They went in and sat down on the couch. Johnny pulled out the balloon chews and read it. "'Balloon chews, garentied to lift up your day, contains blah blah blah, has ten pieces, WARNING: DO NOT CONSUME MORE THEN ONE PIECE AT A TIME.' Huh, wanna try?" "Sure, you get five, I'll get five." "Allright," Johnny delt the pieces and they popped all five in at the same time. "Thrawberry," Johnny said through the pieces. "Mine'th different," Emma moved closer. "What ith it?" Johnny moved closer. "Why don't you find out?" Emma pit her forehead on Johnny's. Johnny moved in and kissed her. "Lier, it'th thrawberry." He locked lips again for much longer. Let's take a moment describe somethings, like attire. Johnny was wearing jeans and a tee shirt that was one size to small. Emma was wearing a short blouse that didn't cover her midsection, and showed a little cleavage at the top. She also wore short shorts that came down to her upper mid thigh. Now that that's outa the way: let's continue. Emma pushed Johnny over and stayed liplocked, laying on top of him. She felt Johnny's stomach touch hers, and she stopped. "What'th the matter?" Johnny asked, slightly uncomfortablely. He shallowed the candy. "I feel...a little...bloated is all." Emma shallowed her candy as well. "Huh, so do I, no matter right?" Johnny pulled himself up to Emma lips. She kissed him and they stared making out again, the bloated feeling growing stronger. Johnny felt the pressure rising inside him. Little did they realize thief stomachs puffing up. Johnny's belly poked out from his all ready small tee, and Emma's gut looked swollen. As their bellied swelled, Emma was rising higher. They strained to keep kissing, till Emma's mouth left his. "We're swelling up," Johnny panted a little. "Yeah, stand up." Emma got up off Johnny, and both of them looked at each other. Johnny's gut was sticking out from under his shirt, and his belt strained. Emma's stomach was about the same size, and her belt looked ready to-POW! Emma's belt exploded off. Her shorts' button popped off and hit Johnny's expanding body. Her zipper also unzipped. Johnny grabbed her and again they hugged kissed. "Betcha...I'll be...bigger," Johnny said between breaths. "In your...dreams...loverboy!" Johnny's belt popped off, then his button and zipper followed. Now thier sides started expanding. Johnny's shirt started to rip at the seams, Emma's blouse tightened. Their thighs and butts started filling up too. Johnny's jeans tore across the top, and Emma's shorts ripped up the middle. Their bellies touched and pushed them away from each other, their thighs started rubbing togeather, pushing their own legs apart. Johnny's shirt ripped apart and left him without a shirt, Emma's shoulders started broadening too. Their stomachs were at least two feet in depth, and three feet in width. Their arms couldn't hold each other anymore, and went to their sides, well...kind of; they were more diagonal and were rising up. Their back started rounding out, making them more spherical. Emma's boobs also started inflating, tearing her blouse in the middle. They stared pushed apart from each other and their feet slid backwards, causing them to move lower. They slipped and kicked their feet out, landing on their bellies. Johnny's pants ripped apart, leaving him in his boxers, Emma's short tore into two and slid off. Emma's blouse's staps snapped, but her blouse stayed on. Their arms continued to rise up and soon they formed a T. Their legs and arms started to shrink into their growing guts. Emma's blouse tore down the middle, and her bra strained to contain her. They were now perfect spheres, well Emma was sort of one, her boobs were still there. Johnny clenched his fists from the pressure that was building; Emma's bra started to rip and Johnny's boxers too. The swelled bigger and bigger, till they filled the room, then Emma opened her eyes and saw their skin: it was getting more and more translucent. Johnny's was less so, but Emma was smaller before. She started to push air into Johnny, making him swell bigger. He reached the ceiling, and pushed against it. Once their skin was the same, Emma stopped blowing. They reached max capacity and then Johnny and Emma opened their eyes, tears forming as they realized what they'd done. POW!! They both exploded.
Male Inflation
Other Inflation
After some visible hesitation, Sheila has made her mind. - Phil, just, do me a favor, stop pursuing me. She said, - You are good friend, cute boy, but, - What but? - You aren't my type, you see. - And whats wrong? - Some girls like skinny guys, I don't. Get some press and shoulders. Well, that doesn't matter, it would be better for us to remain friends. At that point Phil had to say something, but he hadn't figured what exactly. Further discussion was about pets, bbq on weekend and other harmless things. Later in the "Venice" bar: - So, you failed miserably. - Yep. Probably, next time... - Forget it, man, you see, she likes strong men. Not only physique, but the will too. Just, keep running, fooling around her, and she'll see you're complete jerk. Get some self-respect, there are lots of gals, you see, man. - But I need Sheila... - And longer you abase yourself, smaller your chances are. By the way she is stupid, thinks she's queen. Blah, she is wasting her chance with you, five years later she'll regret. However, she has a point: go get pumped. It wouldn't hurt. - And then Sheila... - Forget about Sheila, dude. You are going to get muscles for your own sake, not to please her. Lets drink for it. For Selfsufficiency! And they drank. Too much that evening. On the plus side, Robin succeeded in distracting Phil, at least a bit. Thats what Phil managed to recall about Friday on Saturday morning. His heart-ache was deafened by head-ache, sunbeams, piercing eyelids, made him stand up and stagger towards nearest source of water. Phil complied to demands of his arid throat: water, what a bliss, the One, inventor of watter-supply-system, be praised! Last nights thoughts about going to gym were discarded completely: Firstly Phil felt so bad, perspective of adding extra strain of lifting chunks of metal seemed horrible. Secondly, he'd no doubt look very stupid, among bodybuilders. Thirdly closest known gym was rather expensive. He gulped yet another mouthful of water and solution came. Swimming is good for muscular growth too, its cheaper as long as decent beach is near, and its pleasant. He got short breakfast consisting of things tolerated by sick stomach, took towel, swims, sunglasses. Not that he planned to sunbath a lot, just hide from annoying daylight. Finally, door slammed shut, separating clutter in Phils apartment from its rightful owner. Not being in driving condition Phil took a bus heading to farthest possible beach: Cape Salzbank. In addition to relatively clear waters, lack of crowd and beautiful scenery, it offered two more hours of sleep. ... he was an athlete with bulging biceps, triceps, bulging triceps, bulging everything, performing some unimaginable somersaults, flips, bathing in amazed sights of hundreds of women around, throwing himself into air was so easy, as if ... at that point Phil awaken, bus has reached destination, everybody was asked to leave. Gentle breeze brought scent of salt water, seaweed and understanding of life not-so-badness. Few passengers descended to narrow twisted trail leading to stripe of wet pebbles, with several blobs of intensively colored sunshades. - I'm here to get some meat on my bones, lets ah reach that tiny rock in the distance, it will be my first objective. I'll do my best to get there ASAP, for best effect. - Phil promised to himself. - And Roby was right, there are others, worth attention. Linda and Sue, girls from neighborhood were also there, two hundred meters ahead. They had some guy with them, but he was not worth attention. Staring at them, made headache fade, as well as image of unreachable Sheila. Not surprising, Phil stumbled, losing balance and attracting looks. He immediately started to settle on the place, assuming 'everything goes as planned' face. Not wasting any more time, Phil dived into soothing salt water, previously selected rock looked farther now, it took dozen minutes to reach it no less. So he got there panting heavily, with building pleasant fatigue in his hands. Top of tiny isle was flat and inviting to rest. Crystal water revealed distant ocean bottom and shoals of silvery fishes, sun reflections were hypnotizing, wind gentle, sun dried drops of water on Phils skin. Atop of all this place looked miraculous. Slowly rhythmic splashes of waves and blinks of sun made Phil see second dream in this morning. This time dream haven't swept him away. Everything was normal except voice. - Hey. Why are you here? - Resting a bit, before going back to the shore, do you mind? - Not really, just what point in coming here and then returning? - Oh, its a long story. In a few words, I want to get pumped up a bit. - Pumped up? Interesting, is there any reason for it. - I need it for self respect and girls like it. - Really? Never heard it. I've quited long ago, though your wish is such an uncommon one. So I herebe grant it. - Wish, who are you? - That is not important. Oh, almost forgot, sorry I have to go. Good luck and take care Some random cloud covered sun, making sun blinks halt their fuss, Phil shivered and woke up. Strangely headache has passed completely, as well as muscular pain. He glanced at his hands: to his surprise hands were already visibly bigger thanks to biceps, and delta. How could it be after meager half an hour of training? Then Phil noticed other muscles on legs, hips, torso increasing at barely noticeable rate. Also, body hair started to vanish. - Is it weird allergic reaction, or am I still dreaming? - He thought, At that point Phil has recalled his recent dream in a sudden flash. Whom was I speaking to? Given eerie things already happening, idea of supernatural entity didn't seem that weird. Genie? Faerie? Extraterrestrial intelligence? Or simple schizophrenia? In the meantime change progressed, Phil already had a figure of amateur bodybuilder. Hair on the head only, scar left by ablation of appendix had vanished too, Swims looking at least one size less than ok for his new body, cleaving into his flesh. Last, but not least he felt a lot lighter. - That Creature, how could he, or she, take words "pumped up" literally? Typical genie humor - That thought was interrupted by strong sensation in Phils back on the waistline level. He carefully touched something protruding from his back, it was hard to identify, but an uncomforting idea already settled into his mind. There was one simple way to check insanely irrational theory, that Phil had. He descended to water and stepped into waves. Ocean repulsed his limb, as if it was Dead sea instead of Pacific ocean. Or as if insanely irrational theory was right, he become inflatable, keeping consciousness and mobility of normal man. Suddenly backward trip become problem. His new condition must be concealed at all costs, and guy floating on the water surface would, no doubt, attract attention. After some pondering, Phil decided to stay at the isle until night, and pray for wind to be calm. What he'll do next? How to compensate absence of weight? Is there some food that will be ok for him? How to cheat against medical tests? Avoid sharp objects? Can this magic 'benefactor' be found again, to take that damn wish back? Geenie refused to contact again, gods of weather were deaf to prayers and wind started to strenthen, threatening to throw Phill into the sea. Things were becoming really sour, when Linda and airmatress with Sue aboard appeared, closing to Phils isle. Was this particular twist of fortune good or bad remained to be seen. It was probably too late for escaping, so Phil spent remaining time looking at girls: Linda is slender, even skinny, curly blonde, with cute nose and full lips, swimming easily and occasionally diving. Sue is redhead, somewhat plump, with attractive curves, magnetic green eyes (not seen from the distance, Phil just new her eyes are green). Girls were discussing something, looking at Phil from time to time. In the close vicinity of isle, Linda has turned back to the shore, while Sue approached. - Hi, Sue. Nice look, as always. - Hey, handsome, I've seen you before, didn't I? Are you ... - Phil, college, parties of Jack and Julie Faulers. - Oh, and we are neighbors, right? - Absolutely. - Whatsup? - I'm fine, just ... - Really ok? You are sitting here for a second hour in the raw. - Yeah, sunbathing. I don't mind a little company. Once she landed - In the matter of fact, I have some problem here. Eh I don't know how to explain... - And you look rather odd, I mean you look great, but still something. - Just look. Phil finally decided. He stepped on the water. - Ohmy! You are walking on the water! But how? Next wave has swept Phil and he flapped on the water flatly. - Wow, are you that light? And that thing on your back. it looks exactly like airplug on my airbed. Amazing. How did you do that? - Well, I don't know. And thats no trick, Sue. Something has really happened to me. Sorry for drawing you into my problems. - No. I'm already curious. Tell me. - There is nothing special to tell, I was ok three hours ago. And now I'm, I'm Inflatable! Sue poked him with her index finger, first lightly, then with more dedication. Though Phils skin was taut, it has given to pressure, allowing her finger to sink for at least centimeter. - Carefull! - What? - You have nails. - Aha. Do you think, I can puncture you that way? - I just don't know Sue fantasized for a second or two about it. - We can figure that later. - First I have to reach shore somehow. Without attracting attention, and Sue, promise me. This my ... condition is secret. I fear, I can end as lab rat, or in some secret prison. If information about it leaks to media. - Oh, I understand. I'll be silent, of course. And thats why you can not just swim to the coast. Yes. Everybody will notice. - Yes, thats problem. I intended to wait till night, and then. - But I can help you! - Your airmatress? - No, I'm afraid to swim without it for a long distance. But.. - What? - Your airplug, it seems to be of same size as one on the airbed, so my pump is likely to match your - What are you talking about?! - Everything will be ok, relax. - No! Then Sue has quickly reached the plug, and moment later pulled it. POP and audible hissing sound followed. Either shock, or moral restrictions against fighting women, or both made Phill just listen to hissing of air rushing out of his pneumatic body for five seconds, his formerly bulging athletic body, chest, press, legs, everything had lost pressure and taut, he weekly protested - Please, stop it. - I'll reinflate you, I promise. Now he shriveled a bit more, being smaller then his former skinny self. After that long delay he finally tried to wrestle, reach plug. But Sue was holding it firmly, hissing just become louder. Phil was losing his strength rapidly, his hands were almost flat, deflation slowing again. Sue embraced his limp crumpling body, pressing and folding Phils legs. Air rushed again, inflating his upper part for a short time. - Sorry, I've just wanted to see that, and this is amazing, I'll inflate you back soon. Then Phil felt asleep, as his chest and head become crumpled and finally flat in Sues hands. She rolled him tightly, took his swims and returned to airbed and headed to shore.
clothes bursting, competition, hourglass, latex, poker, Prose that Blows Runner-Up: Best Scene of Clothing Destruction, Prose that Blows Runner-Up: Best Story, Prose that Blows Winner: Most Creative Choice of Clothing, Prose that Blows X: We're Dedicated Swallowers of Fashion, snaps, underground
Female Inflation
Breast Inflation, Butt Inflation, Full Body Inflation, Hourglass Inflation
"Shuffle up and deal!" The voice boomed over unseen loudspeakers. Sara couldn't see a crowd through the darkness -- all she could see was the table in front of her, the disembodied, metallic arms of the dealer, and the blonde sitting across from her -- but she had to assume there was a silent audience. As cards sailed across the table, the harsh reality hit Sara: She had to win. All the elements of this event -- underground gambling, inflation fetish porn, pay-per-view events -- had existed for years, but at some point in the mid 21st century, everything merged. The game was Texas Hold 'Em, and the stakes were high. The winner got $5,000,000 -- not a fortune in today's economy, but the answer to a lot of Sara's problems. The loser...well, the loser would walk away from the table shaped a bit differently, assuming she could walk at all. The hoses that slithered out from the tanks in the darkness would ensure that. Sara faced her opponent -- a blonde girl who she knew only as Emma. She looked to be in her mid-20s, and she wore a red version of Sara's blue tournament outfit. The outfit made Sara feel like a cross between a dominatrix and a flight attendant: a jacket, blouse, and skirt combo made out of latex, held together with snaps along all the seams. The nefarious hose stuck straight out from her navel, connected to a rigid restraining belt; it was apparently important for the audience to see the point of entry. Sara glanced at her stack of 100,000 chips, then nodded to Emma, silently wishing her opponent good luck. Emma did not return it. Game on. Sara peeked at her hand to reveal a queen and a ten, both hearts. The flop didn't look promising -- king of diamonds, jack of hearts, eight of spades -- but at least there was another heart. Emma bet 20,000 without hesitating. Sara didn't feel that confident in her cards, but in heads-up poker, aggression is rewarded. Sara quickly called with 20,000 chips of her own. The hose connected to Sara's belly button immediately went taut, causing her to gasp. She felt the air being pumped into her, fighting against the clamp around her waist, being forced into her chest and hips. The tiny microphones all around her seat picked up the stretching sounds of the latex, as well as the small grunt she'd tried to suppress. Sara expected the pressure to raise both literally and figuratively as the tournament progressed, but was surprised when the first few snaps on her jacket gave way, revealing some cleavage peeking out of the stretched blouse underneath. The heavy latex was now even warmer and tighter around Sara's body, and her seat felt like it had more padding. She knew it wasn't the chair. Emma watched Sara's discomfort with a thin smile, happy to see her opponent unsettled. Since their bets were equal, Emma had been pumped up with roughly a third of her tank as well, but she remained focused, despite the stretching and creaking sounds coming from her own outfit. The turn brought the king of hearts. Sara perked up; she now had a straight, and a potential flush. She couldn't get a read on Emma -- trip kings? another straight? -- but poker is as much a game of will as it is of skill. Unless she wanted to be naked and inflated -- and maybe even pop in front of thousands of poker perverts -- Sara knew she had to push her advantage. "40,000," she announced. Sara gasped as her hose went taut. In just a few seconds, the remaining snaps from her jacket popped open, fluttering to the ground as individual panels. Sara saw her breasts jut out in front of her, two squashed spheres trying to press their way through the blouse's thick white rubber, and felt her hips press hard against the fasteners of her bulging skirt, popping two open on each side. The bet was to Emma, who would have to call, raise, or fold. Sara hoped the next blast from her opponent's hose would rattle her a bit. Instead, Emma only said two words: "All in." The invisible crowd suddenly erupted in a cheer, and Sara could hear Emma's hose hiss from across the table. Emma ran her hands gently along the sides of her expanding breasts, which were now visibly pressing against the surprisingly unyielding blouse, and Sara heard her moan not with discomfort but with pleasure. Was she really enjoying this? Emma's skirt couldn't take any more of the pressure, practically exploding off -- which gave her the opportunity to clutch at the swelling flesh of her thighs and hips. "All in!" shouted the announcer. Emma now tenuously held the entire contents of her tank, having committed to the largest possible bet. Sara felt overfilled at her current state, but she had a king-high straight -- she wasn't going to fold this much power. With a gulp, Sara said, "I call." Sara winced as a torrent of pressurized air was invaded her. Her stomach bulged against the restraining belt, while the snaps at her hips blew apart in rapid succession as the intense pressure in her thighs overwhelmed her skirt. Her overstretched blouse begin to tremble, and she felt the top two clasps on her blouse pop as her breasts inflated rounder and rounder, revealing spherical cleavage. she wasn't sure if there would be enough clothing left to keep her together. As Sara felt herself reaching her limit, the robotic arm flipped the fifth and final card. Ace of hearts. Amazingly, Sara had landed an unbeatable royal flush. Sara's airflow reversed instantly; she gasped as the hose now deflated her as rapidly as it had pumped her up. The spotlight over her head dimmed, and Sara realized what was about to happen. Emma's hissing grew stronger and louder as the crowd began to chant. "All in! All in!" The heavy-duty clasps on the blouse could not withstand the force of Emma's bulging breasts; the snaps down the front of her blouse sounded like machine gun fire as they popped off in rapid succession. Emma squealed as the loose latex skidded over her erect nipples; she could barely reach around her ballooned breasts to touch them -- and when she did, she squealed again. She was writhing with pleasure now. The deep, hollow hissing that emanated from within Emma was being amplified throughout the room, and the crowd couldn't get enough. "All in! All in!" The final snaps of Emma's blouse exploded apart, the panels of latex fluttering to the floor. Her hips and crotch had grown visibly taut; even the restraining belt creaked from the pressure on her swelling midsection. Emma's whole body began to vibrate, which only seemed to thrill her more. Sara didn't want to watch, but she couldn't look away. To her surprise, she locked eyes with the ominously full Emma from across the room. Her opponent silently mouthed two final words: "I won."
female, inflationlover90, popping, shrinking, water balloon fight, water inflation
Female Inflation
Breast Inflation, Butt Inflation, Full Body Inflation, Hourglass Inflation
The sun was high on this summer day in South Jersey and Katie was busy lounging in her back yard by her pool, as she was seen on every other day. She had sported a tiny, baby blue bikini top and matching bottom as she soaked in the sun, waiting for her friends to get there. Katie could be described as pretty, standing at 5'7 with B cup breasts and an ample bottom with a flat, athletic stomach. Her straight brunette hair hung down to her shoulders with her big sunglasses blocking her particularly beautiful blue eyes. Katie had just gotten fully settled in when she received a text from her friend Kelsey saying that they were out front and with a smile, she hopped up and walked to the side gate. "Hey guys! Come on out back!" Katie said gesturing for her friends to come in. First to walk back was Kelsey, a short blonde girl with B cups and a similar, yet seemingly shrunken build than Katie. She smiled and immediately ran over to the poolside dipping her feet in. Her black bikini didn't stand out too much, though that was to be expected with Kelsey. Following her was Jess, a black haired bombshell with D cup breasts and a well rounded ass. Though she had a minor potbelly, that didn't take away from her sheer sexiness. Even her bikini added on to her already wonderful build, sporting a bombshell Victoria's Secret push-up leopard top, with black thong-like bottoms. "Hey babe!" She said, kissing her on the cheek and rushing to grab an open chair to work on her already bronze skin. "Hey girlies!" Another familiar, unmistakably squeaky voice arose from beyond the gate. Katie turned and by instinct, looked down only to get an eyeful of stunning, DD breasts, showing major cleavage from an entirely too small red bikini. "Oh wow, hey Sammy! Couldn't keep the girls contained just once?" Katie asked with a laugh. Sammy returned a sly grin, "Come on Katie you know you gotta flaunt what you got," she said, making a grab at Katie's breasts. Katie recoiled and smacked Sammy's, though not ultimately impressive, still nice ass as she walked by, holding the gate for the last girl. Alicia, the chubbiest of those in the group, stood around 5'3 with a shapely ass, thick thighs, a bit of a gut, and matching D cup breasts. Her hair was a dark brown, curly down to just above her shoulders. "Hey Alicia!" Katie said, embracing the girl. "Hey Katie! Let's get this party started right!?" Alicia said smiling in her dark blue, sexy one piece. After several hours just floating about in the pool, Kelsey decided it was about time to make this get together a little more exciting. "Ok this is getting really boring. Katie, do you have any like... water balloons or something? I feel lazy just sitting around." Katie lifted up her over sized sunglasses and said, "Yeah of course they are under the sink." Sammy suddenly shot out of her float, "You guys start filling those babies up! I'm gonna go get something from my car really fast!" And with that, Sammy ran out of the back gate towards her car. All of the other girls dried off slightly as Katie entered her house and pulled out a bag of multicolored balloons. Emerging from her house, she saw the other girls giddily pulling out the hose from the side of the house. Each darted towards Katie, nearly knocking her over and taking a handful of balloons from the bag. They filled each to at least a handful a piece and tied them off. The large bucket quickly was completely filled with water balloons by the time Sammy came back in through the gate carrying what appeared to be an energy shot. "What is that stuff supposed to be?" Jess said, taking the clear 5 oz bottle away from Sammy. "Yeah it just looks like water to me," Alicia peeped up. Sammy bolted forward and snatched the bottle back. "Oh this isn't just any kind of water, it's got a special chemical inside it, specifically designed to... well make things interesting in this little game," Sammy said with a little devious smirk on her face, "Now before we start one of us has to drink this stuff, how about it girls? Rock, paper, scissors?" Sammy held up the bottle for all to see and each girl nodded in agreement and curiosity. The girls arranged themselves in a circle and chanted "Rock, paper, scissors, shoot!" The first round resulted with Katie, Alicia and Sammy playing paper while both Kelsey and Jess played rock. Kelsey and Jess turned to face each other, only to result in Kelsey playing scissors and Jess playing rock. "Damn it! I wanted to watch first... what does this stuff do anyway?" Kelsey said picking up the bottle and taking the cap off. "Oh you will see any second, just drink it!" Sammy said impatiently. "Alright... here goes nothing." Kelsey said, putting the bottle up to her puckered lips and taking the shot. "Tastes like... water... well that's boring! Couldn't even give it a fla..." Kelsey began before her eyes bolted down and her hands shot to her stomach which began to make a sloshing sound. "What's that noise?" Alicia said coming close to Kelsey's tight belly. "Yeah there wasn't that much in there but... guys I feel funny." Kelsey said with a hint of worry in her voice. She looked down at her arms, which took on a glossier look. She grabbed a piece of skin and pulled and was shocked as it pulled at least 3 inches away from her body. Just as she was about to say something her belly surged forward, causing her to stumble slightly and hit Alicia in the face with her suddenly huge belly. "Oh my God!" shouted Katie as Kelsey's belly surged past the size of a woman 9 months pregnant, her belly sloshing and gurgling as it bellowed forward with incredible speed. "Sammy what the hell did you do to me!?" Kelsey said pushing on her belly, only causing the water inside her to displace to her breasts and ass. The more she pushed, the bigger her breasts got, quickly surging out to M cups and her ass quickly surpassing Serena Williams size. Her hips and thighs quickly surged outwards, resembling tree trunks coming out of two overstuffed beanbag chairs. Sammy stepped forward and picked Alicia up before jiggling Kelsey's continuously swelling belly, "I told you this is gonna make the game a lot more interesting! You're gonna be one of the water balloons and whoever gets hit by you becomes the next one!" she said with a little too much excitement in her voice. "Are you insane?!" Kelsey screamed as her bathing suit merged into her breasts and ass which also merged into the sphere that was now her body, "I don't want to be a bal-umph!" She said as her lips and cheeks plumped up, her hands and feet merging into her balloon body, as did her head. "Wow..." Alicia said with her jaw dropped, a very common look among the girls now. Kelsey's eyes bolted towards each of the girls as her body began to shrink down until she was the same size as the other balloons in the barrel. Sammy stepped forward and picked up the Kelsey balloon and placed her into the bucket, ignoring the tiny squeaks of protest coming from her little mouth. "Told you it would make things interesting! Whoever gets hit by Kelsey will become a balloon just like her and the last one of us standing obviously is the winner." Each of the girls glanced around to each other, "I don't know Sammy..." Alicia said timidly. "Oh, don't be such a baby!" Sammy said picking up a balloon and tossing it at Alicia, causing it to explode on contact, drenching her with water. Alicia squealed and braced herself for expansion before realizing that it must not have been Kelsey. "You bitch it's on!" she said grabbing a balloon and hurling it at Sammy. Each of the girls grabbed balloons and began running around the yard, giggling and surprisingly having fun, even with the threat of becoming human water balloons looming over their heads. Jess leapt over a chair and pegged Sammy right in the ass. "Ow! You little bitch!" Sammy said playfully, tossing a tan and black colored balloon right towards Jess. The Kelsey balloon let out a tiny, high pitched squeak as she made contact with Jess's large breasts before erupting into a strangely large amount of latex shards raining around the girls. Jess immediately got covered in an absurd amount of liquid and felt the effects immediately. "Oh shit..." she said before her D cup breasts surged forward to G cups in a matter of seconds. "Oh by the way... the transformation isn't the same for everyone..." Sammy said watching Jess stumble around, cupping her growing breasts in her petite hands as they push her fingers apart. "Wow guys this... oh god... this feels really good." Jess said, playing with her nipples while she could still reach around her growing breasts. With another surge, her body lurched forward and propelled her to the ground. Jess let out a slight eek as her breasts hit the concrete, but instead of popping, her breasts shrank instantly and all the water rushed to her ass, snapping off her bottoms as the two orbs began to grow. "What... the hell is... oh god yeah I don't care, someone flip me back over! I like the boobs more!" Jess said, unable to get up. The three remaining girls flipped her over and again the water rushed back to her breasts, already enough to keep her on the ground. Then, her stomach, legs, ass and arms seemed to begin to deflate, getting sucked into her enormous breasts. Letting out several moans, Jess's head sank into her cleavage and vanished with the rest of her body, into her breasts. Her tits seemed to almost morph together, maintaining the shape and definition of the cleavage, but becoming one balloon as that too shrank down. Sammy rushed forward again and placed her in the bucket. "Fair is fair right?" Again, the game commenced, each girl now excited to be the cause of the other to blow up. Each one looking to cause Jess to explode and hopefully finish her pleasurable ride. Alicia was the most defensive out of the girls, hiding behind chairs and pool toys to avoid being blown up. "Bring it on girls!" Alicia said. Katie and Sammy just looked at each and other smiled with understanding. "Let's flank her, Sammy said, clearly holding up the small breasts that were Jess in her palm. Katie smiled; charging to the right of the chair Alicia was hiding behind and nailing her with a balloon, causing Alicia to retaliate throwing one herself. This gave Sammy the perfect opportunity to rush forward and toss the breasts at Alicia. The girls could've sworn they heard an orgasm as Jess exploded into tiny pieces, drenching Alicia as her face dropped. "Figures right, just go ahead and make the chubby one even bigger!" Alicia complained as she felt a tingling throughout her body. She was even different than the others, her body seeming to get puffier all around, but focusing mostly on the belly. She began to shrink immediately as her minorly swelling body sank into her center, making that round out as she got smaller. "This is so cool!" Alicia said, her voice changing in pitch as she got smaller and smaller. Before they knew it, Alicia was nothing more than a tiny belly balloon, with a small belly button in the center. "Looks like it's just me and you now" Katie said deviously to Sammy. "Not for long!" Sammy said lunging at Alicia. Katie pounced on top of her as the wrestling match for the balloon commenced. Each of the girls tumbled around on the group, fighting for control as their bathing suits got snapped off in the confusion. Katie eventually got the upperhand and tried to force the balloon from Sammy's grip. "Give it to me!" Katie said. "Not in your life!" Sammy strainfully said before the balloon burst in her grip, drenching Sammy in the water. "Damn... Looks like you win Katie; be gentle" Sammy said with a wink as her DD breasts swelled out. Katie decided to stay on top of her for the ride, her breasts quickly pressed up against hers, forcing Katie into the air as Sammy's belly attempted to catch up. Quickly progressing to 3 feet, her breasts and belly sloshed as Katie wiggled around, listening to Sammy's moans of approval. Her ass began to force Sammy into an upright position as it too joined in on the growth. Katie wiggled forward and sank into her expanding cleavage and placed a gentle kiss on Sammy's lips, "It's been fun," Katie said, feeling her friend begin to round out and shrink down. "Do whatever you want with me," Sammy said before her lips puffed up and her body began to sink in on itself until there was nothing but a voluptuous balloon left under Katie's flat stomach. She stood up, picking up the Sammy balloon and tossing it back and forth to herself. "What the hell am I gonna do now... All my friends are little shards of latex on the ground and I've got the house to myself... Well if you can't beat 'em join 'em!" Katie said, lifting Sammy over her head and squeezing the balloon to the point of bursting, raining down the strange liquid and shards of her best friend down on her. Katie looked down and noticed her B cups slowly swelling out to C's and soon after D's. "Thank god, I've been dying for some nice curves" she said, cupping her breasts and shaking them in her hands, the liquid sloshing back and forth. Her ass and thighs began to bulge outward, giving Katie an hourglass figure to die for before her claves swelled and even her feet gave a nice little bulge. Katie noticed that with every inch she grew out, she also grew up. Soon standing at 7 ft. tall, Katie's body now puffed out in every direction. Faster and faster she grew, soon passing 8ft... 9... 10... Her body rounding out and tensing up. "Oh god yes, faster, bigger, man Jess was right this feels amazing! Bigger... bigger!!! BIGGER!!!" Katie said as she reached her limits and exploded all over the lawn, flesh colored bits raining from the sky, drenching her surrounding houses, and overflowing her pool.
Female Inflation
Inflatable Clothing
Claire makes the best of a bad situation when her job requires her to wear a special mascot suit. I walked into the cool air conditioned reception room, people barely noticed me and I weaved silently through the crowds. I caught a set of eyes on me, looking over I saw Gloria glaring at me. Gloria was tall and slim and could have been a model. She didn't mince words and she obviously thought the world of herself. I shrugged it off and smiled as I carried on over to my desk. Pulling up my chair ready for another exciting day. I was working as an assistant at an event, my job was to make sure people knew where they had to be and when they had to be there. It wasn't very glamorous people didn't care who I was, but the assistant manager helped me pass my time. It was all about banking and accounting and stuff we didn't understand. He, Robbie worked at a company called City Events and regularly helped run these sort of events, but for me it was my first time and maybe the last depending on how things went. Our overall boss was James, who ran City Events. He'd inherited the company from his father, who took early retirement, James was pretty laid back. Gloria on the other hand was the client and wanted everything to be perfect and wouldn't mind who she upset to get it so. When I first met Robbie and James at the interview I chatted away in the interview room. I was trying to impress James as he was the boss, but I couldn't help looking at Robbie. Drawing my eyes back to James as he asked about my experience, I blagged my way through. We stood up to finish and when Robbie stood up my eyes were drawn to his muscular body and confident smile. His eyes seemed to study me intently and I worried if my dress showed my plump belly. A few days later I started the job, Robbie showed me the ropes and soon I was chatting to boring accountant after boring accountant. It was a 5 day event, and it soon felt like I'd been there for longer. If I was struggling Robbie put his hand on my shoulder in a reassuring manner and I'd soon feel loads better. James had a way with the ladies and I could see he quite fancied Gloria. He would follow her round like a puppy dog, making sure her every whim was catered for. She didn't seem too bothered by him, and it was obvious she could have her pick of the men there. I then noticed that Gloria kept looking over at Robbie. Of all the men at the event, she wanted the same man I did. I had no chance she was the perfect woman, tall, slim, blonde and I was short and plump. But then Robbie came over and sat on my desk, sharing a joke. I made him laugh out loud and I saw Gloria looking over. I touched Robbie on his shoulder and he laughed some more. But we were broken up by some people wanting to be shown how to get to a lecture room. Later on in the toilet I bumped into Gloria. "Well Claire, you seem to be doing a good job" she said coolly. "Thanks" I answered back. "So you and Robbie, you've known him long?" "It's the first time we've worked together." "Oh" she said smiled. "Well that's good." She preened herself in the mirror for a few seconds, smoothing her manicured hands down her slender figure. As her arms slid off she looked at me with a pitying look. "Do you think Robbie likes fat women?" She smiled menacingly and I felt my cheeks blush. Looking me once over again, she walked off swinging her tight little hips as she went. I took a few deep breaths and tried to get the redness down in my cheeks. Then attempted to smooth down the mess that is my hair in the mirror. I smiled at myself, I can't win them all, though it would be at least nice to win one. I went back out to my desk. Sitting there bored the day whizzed by, I noticed Gloria eying me up a few times, and wondered if I'd done something wrong. Why was she being like this? At the end of the day James came over and I spoke with him to see if he thought I'd done anything wrong. He said "Don't worry, she likes the attention, if you steal it she doesn't like it. But it's too bad for her, you're doing a good job." I went home feeling happy. I relaxed thinking about the gorgeous Robbie, but sad he'd never choose me over her. The next day was the final day and I got in early, I couldn't believe it was nearly over. James caught me and smiled. "Claire, just the person I need to see!" "Have I done something wrong?" "No, not at all. But everyone knows there way around all ready." "Oh" I said puzzled. "But we have another job for you to do. Follow me." He began to walk along the corridor, I was momently startled when I saw Robbie walking towards us. "What is it?" I asked slightly worried. James smiled at me, a cheeky but friendly smile. "We need you to wear a mascot suit." "A Mascot suit?" said Robbie as he joined us "What kind of mascot suit?" James sighed "Gloria never managed to hire someone to put on a mascot suit, Claire's the only one who isn't busy." I groaned hoping I could get out of it. "Who will she be a mascot for?" asked Robbie. "Fat Cat Accounting," said James. "Fat Cat Accounting? So she'll be dressed as a ca.t" said Robbie amused. "Yeah a fat cat," said James. "I don't want to do it," I said embarrassed. I was happier in the boring Job. "Go on," said Robbie "It'll be fun." He looked me in the eyes and I couldn't say no to him, I nodded my head before I could stop myself. "So she'll be wearing a cat suit I guess, but what about the fat bit?" asked Robbie as he put his hand on my belly and gave a gentle squeeze. "Do you think she's fat enough?" James laughed. "Well that's just it, it's an inflatable cat suit, we'll have to blow her up until she's big enough!" Robbie couldn't help laughing he gave my belly another squeeze and looked me in the eye "How about that, you in an inflatable suit!, you're going to be huge!" Despite my protests, they lead me off to a small room and I could see the costume laid out. Not very cat like, a black rubber suit with a tail, and a separate head mask to put on afterwards. The pump was laid down next to it. James handed me the suit. "Go put this on, Robbie can inflate you as I'm busy." "Nice one," grinned Robbie as he studied my body. "Gloria will have to come and make sure you're big enough," said James as he left. I slipped into the bathroom to put the suit on. Taking off my nice trousers and top I slipped my legs into the rubber suit. It felt tight against my skin. I pulled it up as much as I could and struggled to get my arms in the sleeves. I spent 5 minutes still struggling and I couldn't get in on properly. Eventually Robbie knocked on the door. "Do you need a hand in there?" he asked. "Yes" I said embarrassed "The suit is too small." "Or you're too big," he said as he let himself in. He studied me for about 20 seconds from my plump belly through to the undone zip at the back. "You are a big girl," he said gently. "Were the cakes at the conference that good, you seem to be getting quite a belly." "No," I said blushing. "Maybe they made this suit for skinny girls like Gloria." "Don't worry," he said. "Breathe in tight and I'll do it up for you." I breathed in as much as I could and held my breath and still he struggled. I felt him panting against my neck. I looked up and saw us reflected in the mirror. The tight black suit shined in the bathroom light, highlighting every curve of my body. His hand crept again onto my belly and I held his. His eyes met mine in the mirror for just a second. "Don't worry," he said. "I'll pull your belly in and the suit should fit." "I just won't be able to breathe." "Once the suit is inflated you should have more space to breathe." He pulled my belly in, panting as he did so. Holding me tight he slid the zip up. As it reached the top he held me for what felt like seconds. He looked up to me and then released his hand to admire his work. "Thats great, now we should pump you up." "I'm not sure about this," I said nervously. "Don't worry you look great, I can't wait to see what you look like all blown up." We went back to the main room and Robbie picked up the pump. "I'm going to make you so big, you'll love it." He inserted the end of the pump into the suit, and smoothed his hand down my front. "Here goes," he said as his hands reached back to the pump. He looked at me as he did the first firm pump and then another. I felt the tickling sensation of air in the suit, but couldn't see my size changing. He increased the speed of his pumping and I noticed my belly began to protrude. His hand gently touched my belly. "Look at that, you're getting fatter, how does it feel?" "Like I don't want to do this. I don't want to walk around in an inflatable suit." "Don't worry, you'll look great." He resumed pumping and soon my belly began to arch outwards. The rubber creaked as it began to stretch. Soon I was rounding out quite well and I began to like how he watched me as I swelled up. It was him making me this fat, this big. It seemed the bigger I got the happier he was. He again couldn't help himself touching my bloated belly. "You're getting huge, you look pregnant." He touched around my belly. "I wonder how big you can get, I wonder how fat I can make you" He started pumping faster now, the air tickled me and I couldn't help laughing as I got fatter and fatter. The suit seemed to creak more and more and I wondered if I could get much bigger. I laughed at him as he desperately tried to get as much air into the suit as possible. That's when Gloria and James came in. "We've come to see if you're fat enough" growled Gloria "And, you are pretty fat. What do you think James?" "She's huge, do you want her that big?" "I want her bigger, fatter, rounder" Laughed Gloria. Robbie looked from Gloria's slim body to me in my bloated suit. "So Robbie" cooed Gloria "What do you think to my outfit, doesn't it show off how slim I am, how nice my body is? I look so slim next to Claire" Robbie looked at her embarrassed. She did a winning smile at him and when he looked down a bitchy face to me. She definitely did not like me. "Pump her up more," she ordered. "She's not fat enough yet, keep blowing her up until the suit can't take it." She left in a huff and Robbie began pumping away keenly, I was very round by now like a beach ball, but his pumps were firm and unrelenting. James looked at me, taking in my new figure. "You're huge Claire" he said "I'm sorry I never realized you'd get this big, I hope that you can walk in it okay" James left apologetically, though I didn't mind, I was loving watching Robbie pump me up. He again touched my belly, this time measuring me with his hands. He smiled at me. "You look so good like this." "Keep pumping" I said. "I don't think the suit can get that much bigger" he said as he began to pump again. I began to swell up more and more, the tickling, the look off disbelief and pleasure on Robbie's face, I was enjoying myself. The creak began to creak louder and louder. Suddenly he stopped. He looked sad. "That it, you're as big as you can go," he said. "We don't want to pop you." I looked down at myself disappointed I wouldn't get any bigger, but pleased by how huge I was. Robbie picked up the cats head mask and put it on me. Soon I had their logo stuck on the front of me and was taken down the corridor to meet people. I had to stand at the front and wave and then a group photo with all the accountants. I then hung around a bit, mainly to be prodded. All this time Robbie stayed by my side, to make sure I didn't trip up. People kept trying to touch the suit but he didn't let them too much. Now and again I noticed Gloria giving me dirty looks, jealous over my attention from Robbie. Eventually we were back in the room together. I took off the mask and smiled at Robbie as I picked up the pump. "I'm sure there's room for more in there." Robbie smiled as he took the pump. Now that I was so keen to be inflated bigger, he wasn't going to complain.
floating, implants
Female Inflation
Breast Inflation
And then, at the table, it happened. A soft hissing, and she jerked back in her seat. "What's wrong?" I asked. "It's...something...I feel strange." I thought I saw a ripple under her dress. She adjusted her bra and was satisfied with it; I could still hear the hiss. Then I saw it -- a slight swelling by her right arm, for sure, near the bustline. I could tell she felt it, whatever it was -- it wasn't my imagination. I could see a visible change -- her chest was bigger than before. And it was growing. Slowly, but definitely, her breasts were expanding before my eyes. "Help me," she said, trying in vain to cover what was happening. A few people at the other table noticed what was going on; they must have heard the hissing. "It's the implants," she said, horrified. "Something's wrong!" Hissing! It was air, it had to be -- from the breast augmentation she had. They told us the inflatable implants were safe, but as I sat watching, her chest was swelling up like a balloon. I didn't have time to postulate why. Larger and larger she grew, still slowly, straining her blouse. A crowd began to murmur about the woman and the hissing sound. She was panicking now, in awe of her own body. Her breasts continued to inflate, steadily ballooning bigger and bigger. Pow! A button burst forth from her dress. Someone shouted for a doctor...another yelled "She's blowing up like a balloon!" She screamed when she heard this, and her dress exploded another button. The hissing was louder now, her chest expanding still larger. She had swollen from a C to a double-D in just a few minutes! I tried to rip part of her dress, but she wouldn't let me get near. Incredible cleavage was in plain view by now, her distended breasts pushing into each other and inflating further. Pow! A button sailed across the room. I heard the stitches from her dress slowly pop and rip, one by one, as her chest ballooned. She had reached beyond an F by now, and was almost in hysterics. She wriggled free of her torn dress and watched in horror as her breasts expanded, pumped with air, with no way to stop them. "She'll pop!" "She's getting bigger!" "She'll burst!" cried the crowd. Her sports bra held on as long as it could, before it too tore from the pressure, stitch by stitch. She tried to hide her swollen, distended breasts to no avail. She gripped her chair, as if looking for an anchor...and sure enough, she needed one. She began to float! "Oh God, no!" she screamed, as the hissing grew louder. I grabbed her and held her down, pushing myself onto her over-inflated chest. "The pressure...relieve the pressure," she moaned, barely conscious. "How?" I cried, amazed at the sight of her enormous balloons. "Do it!" she gasped, as if the overabundance of air was causing her to suffocate. I put my lips to her nipples, and tried to suck the air out. It was no use. Her chest had expanded to unimaginable proportions by that time...she was too big. She was blowing up too fast, and her swollen breasts weren't showing any signs of stopping. The only thing that kept her conscious was the manic scream of the crowd. How much further could she stretch before the inevitable? How big could she get? When would she explode? When would she pop?
floating, helium, husband, married, wife
Female Inflation, Male Inflation
Breast Inflation, Butt Inflation
The day was like any other day, warm, sunny and blue. Bob was returning home from work at his usual 6pm. He worked like most others, nine-to-five and had a commute. Bob was an average guy with a wife and two kids; the quintessential husband, father. Normally he comes home, goes to the bedroom and changes out of his work clothes and gets ready to eat dinner with the family. The typical night is dinner, some TV watching, fishing the internet and going to bed. Repeat these five days a week, plus weekends and life is pretty much like "Leave it to Beaver". Mary, Bob's wife, is a smart outgoing woman who loves her family and likes taking care of the house. She too works, but odd hours. Sometimes she gets up early, sometimes late, but is always there for the family. This night she had made plans... Bob had always had a secret fantasy, he dreamt of floating in mid-air: having his body inflated like in many of the stories he read on the internet. He also fantasized about his wife enjoying the same passion; being herself inflated and floating mid-air. Of course, being a rather straight guy he couldn't act out on these desires. He believed that physics prevented this kind of fantasy from coming true. His wife is also a straight thinker and practical. Her beliefs were grounded in the growing of the family and loving her husband just as he was back to her. Arriving home is always a high point of his day. Parking the car, he got out and walked the drive way to the front door. Something seemed....well different. There was a familiar odor coming from the house as he opened the door and took off his coat; it a rubbery, latex odor. Bob hung his coat on the rack and said, "Hi honey. What smells weird?" Mary, replied, "I'm not sure what you're talking about honey, I don't smell anything". Bob said, "It smells like a balloon store". Mary kept quiet then said, "Just come upstairs and you'll understand". Bob turned and climbed the stairs, and came to a very slow stop on the stairs as his eyes peered into the living room. He gazed into the room, coming to a slow stop at the top of the stairs and could not believe what he was seeing. There in the middle of the living room was his wife. Not just his wife, but a color coated wife. Her long dark hair hung down towards the floor, legs horizontal, her arms extended in a kind V shape. She was wearing nothing but a number of balloons attached somehow to her body. Every part of her, save her head, was covered by balloons; her body floating above the floor at eye level. Supporting her in mid-air were the swaying, squeaking multicolored balloons. Bob's jaw dropped. He thought, "OMG my wife is fulfilling my fantasy". Mary's face was looking sultry and mischievous. She was motioning for Bob to come to her. As she was making a come-here motion the balloons waved across her body and she rose slightly then descended back to Bob's eye level. He was stunned and speechless. He stood at the top of the stairs, with an ear-to-ear grin on his face. Slowly he walked towards his wife his pulse racing and his head throbbing at the thought of her encased in balloon. As he got to her, he leaned over, taking her face in his hands, pulled her weightlessly towards himself and gave her a very passionate kiss. Mary returned the kiss and wrapped her balloon arms around his neck. She floated stretched outwards, legs and body even with the floor. She was feeling flush and warm especially in the never region. Being encased in the balloons was a new experience for her. Bob was overcome by the emotions he was feeling and reached behind her bottom and gently guided her body down towards him. She wrapped her legs around waist as the balloons on her chest protested the extra pressure of the embrace. Her legs were floating upwards and slid up his body ending up under his armpits. As she clung to him, he could feel his weight drop to almost nothing as the pull of the (what he assumed was helium) filled balloons lifted them both upwards; his feet on their tippy-toes. He felt like a stiff breeze would loft the two of them into the air. Bob left the embrace as Mary returned to her horizontal position in front of him. He said, "Mary, what's this all about? You're beautiful to begin with, but the balloons and the floating are amazing! How did you do this?" Mary looked at Bob with a gleam in her eye and said, "I've known for a while about your fantasy and thought tonight I'd go thru with this. So I went down to the magic store, and discussed how to do this with the owner, Max. Max told me about a special gas that has twice the lifting power of helium and came in a little pill. It's called 'Felium'; for female helium. He gave me some special balloons that adhere to human skin, so I put a pill into each one, placed the balloons all over my body and here I float!" Bob asked, "What was it like?" "Well at first not much happened." Mary said, "The balloons hung on my body limp as can be. I thought, 'I've been ripped off.' Then the first balloons began inflating. My chest, arms, back and butt began to feel light and kind of weird. I was pulled upwards and couldn't keep my arms down. I slowly rose onto my toes and my hands rose above my head. Next, my leg balloons began to hiss and inflate. Shortly after that my toes left the ground and I started floating, vertical, like standing up. Then my legs began pulling upwards to a horizontal position. The next thing I know, I in the air and floating like you see me." She continued, "I might have made one slight mistake. I placed two balloons between my legs as Max said to do. He told me to place three tablets into these balloons and something special will happen. He didn't say what to expect. As these balloons began to inflate, first one then the next entered me from below my never place. The next thing I knew, my breasts, belly and butt began to inflate inside me. I could feel my breast raising and pulling me up, soon I was heading towards the ceiling. I then felt my butt expand and it felt like I had two beach balls inside my butt cheeks. I was pinned to the ceiling. As I "lay" on the ceiling, I felt a new expansion; my tummy began to expand. It further pushed me onto the ceiling. I was stuck. I thought to myself, 'What have I done and what will Bob think?' Then something weird happened, my boobs, butt and tummy all deflated and I floated down to where I am now." As she described the experience, Bob marveled at the amazing sight of the colorful balloons, his wife floating in front of him and the fact that all this was actually happening. Mary for her part was enjoying the bliss of weightlessness and the fact that she was feeling like a human balloon. It made her want Bob to enjoy the feeling too. "Bob", said Mary, "I want you to do something for us." "What's that?" asked Bob with a very curious voice, almost squeaky and quivering in anticipation of what was next. "I want you to pull me down and give me a balloon massage then I will do the rest", said Mary. Bob said, "I'll have to get out of my work clothes and float you upstairs to the bed room." With that, Bob grabbed Mary's waist as the balloons he displaced squeaked in protest. She was very light, like carrying a bouquet of balloons. (Well she was a human balloon now) She was east to move up the stairs. As he entered the bedroom, he let her go and she drifted over the bed. She was splayed just inches over it as Bob change into his night clothes. She didn't have to change because she already had her night clothes on; balloons. Soon enough, Bob had his night clothes on; a pair of loose fitting spandex underwear and T-shirt. Crawling under her floating body, Bob pulled her down. The balloons touched his skin first and he found them both rising off the bed, leg first. Mary's leg balloons were very strong in their lift factor. Both of their legs were off the bed and in the air. Bob's back was still touching the bed but his and her legs were pointing upwards. They were floating embraced in each other's arms; like a balloon that has lost some it's lifting power. Their bodies were chest to chest, it was kind of awkward. Bob could feel the strong pull of her entwined legs. He pulled her down further and entered her. He was hard pressed to keep her down on him. The pressure pulling him up was very strong and he had to really pull her down to work the magic. Mary said between kisses, "Honey, I have something to tell you." "Yes", said Bob. "I am going to do something that will amaze you", she said. "What's that?" queried Bob "This..." Mary commented With that, Bob saw the balloons covering Mary, one-by-one, start to detach from her body and float to the ceiling. Each time one rose, they could hear a hollow "thunk" sound as the balloon hit the ceiling. As the balloons left her body, she began to sink onto Bob's chest. He could feel her ever increasing weight on him. Soon all the balloons had left Mary's body covered the ceiling. Multiple colors fluttered above them; pinks, blues, reds and purple balloons littered the roof. He was ready for her and as the last of the balloons fled her body, she sank on top of him and their love was strong. As the intimate love took place, something took hold of Bob. He felt something he hadn't felt before, tightness in his chest. While kissing Mary, Bob could feel his chest begin to rise up. At first it was just two small bumps; barely noticeable. Then he noticed, with a start, that they were growing faster as if he had a pair of woman's breast. He also felt as though he was having a hard time keeping his back on the bed. Mary questioned, "Do you like the experience?" Bob sat up and said, "Mary, what's going on? Am I growing boobs?!" Mary said, "Remember what I said about the two balloons entering me and my inflation? Well when I returned to normal, the felium spread throughout my body and I absorbed it. Now that you're in me, I can transfer it to you and you will get to experience what I felt!" "Felium, you said that before. What's that?" said Bill. "It's a gas, twice a buoyant as helium, but affects men and women differently", said Mary "How is this possible?" asked Bob. Mary smiled a childish grin, pushed Bob back on the bed and laid her weight on him and began to enjoy Bob's attributes inside her. While she was, shall we say, enjoying herself, she could feel the gas escaping her and entering Bob. His chest continued to expand as Mary indulged herself in the pleasure of rubbing her lips on his expanding mams. Bob could feel his chest wanting to pull him upwards, but Mary's weight now forced him down. Soon the pull became too much for either of them and Bob was forced to sit upright. He could feel his butt wanting to leave the bed, but it didn't. He bounced on the bed with a lightness he'd never felt before. Mary took her legs and wrapped them around Bob's waist. Still joined together, Bob said, "Mary I don't know how much longer I can sit here. I'm very light." Mary just pulled his face towards hers and kissed him gently, "Honey, this is just getting started!" Bob's chest was now the size of two beach balls and pulling him upwards. Mary pushed him down again and continued to engage him. Soon Bob felt something new happening. His butt was beginning to push Mary upwards. He left the embrace and felt his backside. It too had started to inflate. Mary reached around too and pressed Bob's hands into the expanding flesh. "I like what I'm feeling!" cooed Mary into Bob's ear, "It's invigorating and making me really get turned on!!" Bob for his part was getting wrapped up in the sensations he was feeling. With Mary's weight on him and his behind pushing him into her even further, Bob felt like he was about to start lifting them both off the bed. As he grew, he felt the touch of the bed soften. The more he grew, the less and less he could feel the bed beneath them. Soon, Bob wasn't feeling the bed on his back anymore. As he felt below them, he discovered a space under their bodies. He was floating horizontal with Mary on top of him. Mary was oblivious to this fact. Her eyes closed, she gently kissed him on the lips and indulged herself in the pleasures she was feeling. Entwining her legs around Bob's, she wrapped her arms around his chest (which caused Bob's "breasts" to spread around her slender body) and said"Honey, our bed is up there" as she pointed to the balloons covering the ceiling. After saying that Bob, felt nothing but air beneath him as the two slowly continued to rise. It wasn't a fast rise, but a slow drift. Mary's felium was slowly and steadily entering Bob. Bob was moaning in pleasure and increasing in size. Soon his legs joined in the inflation. This allowed Mary to unlace her legs and lay still on top of Bob; like a pool float Bob supported her. They soon found themselves pinned to the top of the bedroom. Felium was no longer flowing into Bob. Mary's back touched the ceiling as Bob's lift forced him deeper into her. He was her only means of staying aloft. Mary now said, "Do you like what I've done?" Bob just moaned with pleasure. He had never dreamt this would or could happen. Mary then said, "We're not done honey. I think I over filled you. I'm pinned to the ceiling against the balloons. While it feels great, I think I'm going to take some of it back." Bob could feel a reversal of the flow of felium. Soon Mary's chest was beginning to grow and as it did Bob's began to decrease in size. She moaned and the felium entered her. As she took back some of the gas they began to feel less pressure against the ceiling and began to sink downwards. After a little more transfer, Mary's hips, butt, and legs began to expand as Bob continued to deflate slightly. Both were slowly floating back towards the bed when the transfer stopped. Mary embraced Bob and he in turn placed his arms gently around her waist. They were floating in the middle of their bedroom; not touching the ceiling or the floor. As the night wore on and the excitement, love making and floating continued, they gradually drifted off to a peaceful sleep. In the morning, the sun shone thru the window and they found themselves on the bed under the covers. Bob woke first and turned to Mary. Shaking her gently he said "Mary....Mary...wake up!" With groggy, sleep filled eyes, Mary said "Was that all real, we're on the bed. I guess the felium wore off over night". Bob looked up at the ceiling expecting to see a sea of balloons, but none were there. Mary too looked at the ceiling and asked "Where are the balloons?" Uncovering the sheets, Bob looked Mary and saw her covered in brightly colored deflated balloons. Mary looked at herself and said to Bob "Wanna go again? That's when they both could hear a slight hissing...........
balloon, demolition, floating, helium, magic, revenge, The Brush, voodoo
Female Inflation
Full Body Inflation
Bad luck was one thing. Being an artist, Beverly knew that the random whims of fate often had serious consequences on those upon whom they fell. Just as a lucky break might send her soaring into fame, bad luck could condemn her to die poor and obscure. She took those chances willingly. But what had happened to Beverly was more than just bad luck. The ugly fact of reality was that the art community, artists, buyers, and gallery owners, were predominantly male. This meant that a woman's chances for success were often inappropriately affected by how attractive she was. Beverly was no showstopper by any means, but she'd thought of herself as being reasonably attractive. Beverly had been on her way to a reasonably prosperous career. Then things started happening. First she put on weight. She didn't change her diet, and she still exercised regularly, but it seemed like she put on forty pounds almost overnight. She'd actually had to miss a show because she could no longer zip up any of the dresses that would have fit just fine the night before. Then streaks of gray began to appear in her jet black hair. Then wrinkles. It was like she was being accelerated towards middle age. "You're bound to start losing your youthful looks as you age," the doctor had told her. "But I'm only twenty-eight!" she'd wailed. It all came together last year when she saw Kathy at one of many gallery events. Beverly's jaw dropped, and the first thing that popped into her head was, "Those have got to be implants!" Beverly and Kathy had gone to the same art school, and had been fiercely competitive. Kathy had been quite pretty then, but now she was a knockout. She grown out her blonde hair, and her provocative curves were doing an admirable job filling the tight black dress she'd worn. Somehow, she'd transformed herself into a goddess, drawing far more attention to herself, and thus her artwork. She tossed Beverly a condescending smile, then proceeded to ignore her. Though she knew it was completely irrational, Beverly was convinced there was a connection. She felt like Kathy had somehow sucked the beauty from her and absorbed it into herself. It took many long months of sneaking and snooping, and she'd scarcely believed the truth when she finally discovered it. And she was even more shocked to discover that Kathy hadn't even finished with her yet... Kathy strode around her studio, humming merrily to herself. She was dressed quite casually, as she usually was when she painted, in black stretch pants with an oversized blue sweater. She often painted wearing much less, but later that day some workmen were coming to install a new security system. There had been a break-in last night, but luckily it appeared that the thief hadn't had time to take anything. Kathy was quite proud of herself. In just over a year, she'd gone from being Kathy, Just Another Starving Artist, to Katherine Hayes, Up and Coming Art Visionary. When she'd acquired the brush, the first thing she did was paint a picture of her ideal self. She'd been skeptical about its mythical powers, but became a believer when just a few seconds after the last strokes had dried, her body changed; her clothes were suddenly looser around the waist, and tighter around the bust. She was worried about where she'd get the money for new clothes, but then she painted a picture of a rather expensively dressed man bidding on one of her paintings. Now she had her own house on a hill, complete with her own private studio. But she wouldn't be selling today's painting. She'd finally grown tired of toying with Beverly, and was going to put the finishing touches on a scene of her falling into the path of an oncoming truck. She'd just picked up the brush when there was a knock on the door. Who on earth could that be? She set the brush down and went to answer it. It was Beverly! She was wearing of those frumpy dresses that she frequented now, and was carrying very unstylishly oversized purse. "How the hell did you get in here?" "Please, Kathy --" "Katherine," she said, icily. "I'm sorry. Katherine. It's just I remember you from school, and you're so successful, I thought I might get your opinion on a painting I've done." She had a pleading, pathetic look in her eyes. Poor girl, Kathy thought with a smile. She'll be out of her misery soon, I'll humor her. "Okay, come in." Beverly shuffled in and set her purse down on the ground. A puzzled look came over Kathy's face as she saw her reach into the bag and pull out a balloon. "What the heck is that?" Beverly looked up innocently and held out the balloon for her to see. "Why, it's you." Indeed, painted on the balloon in intricate detail was Kathy's image. "It's-- different," she said, raising an eyebrow. Beverly reached one hand back into her purse and ever so carefully turned the knob on the tiny tank she'd smuggled in, then pinched the end of the hose that was attached to it. "Well, I was trying to capture your own extraordinary style in a new medium. But I couldn't quite get it right, something was missing. I wanted to really get into your frame of mind, so last night I sneaked in here and borrowed your brush." Kathy's face paled at Beverly's grin, her lips forming into an astonished 'o'. She spoke slowly. "Beverly, what are you going to do with that?" "This." She quickly put the mouth of the balloon to the hose and let the gas rush in. The limp balloon quickly perked up and began to swell, stretching Kathy's image across its surface. "No!" Kathy gasped. Suddenly, she felt a massive surge of pressure fill her entire body as she began to slowly balloon out. At first, just her curves plumped up. Her bosom expanded, straining against her sweater, as her hips tested the strength of her pants. For the first few seconds of inflation, Kathy resembled an overly buxom doll inflated far past what its designers intended. "Beverly stop this now!" she snapped sternly. Beverly ignored her, a bemused grin coming over her face as Kathy's arms and legs fattened up. Then her beautifully firm and flat stomach began to bulge out resembling pregnancy then obesity, and then further until there could be no mistaking that Kathy was now just a balloon being inflated. Her huge thighs pushed her legs apart as her sweater rode up exposing her navel. And still Beverly filled her, and Kathy grew larger and larger. Her clothes stretched with her, staying wrapped around her form despite being pulled far past what was possible. "What the hell!?" She began to rise up off the ground up towards the high vaulted studio ceiling. She was just an enormous blue and black beach ball with comically dainty hands and feet. Her pale distended flesh peeked out between the gaps of her tortured sweater. She struggled against her inflation only making her wobble a bit in the air. Finally, Beverly turned off the gas. "I think you should stay up there a bit" she said as she tied off the balloon. It was only a bit larger than her head, but Kathy had expanded to over ten feet across. "And I think I'll take this brush, too." Beverly left, humming merrily to herself. Just before stepping into her car she let the balloon go, watching for a moment as it took off into the sky. Then she drove off, pondering what she would paint first... Kathy was stuck in the air, fuming with rage. How dare she! Well the workmen will arrive this evening, I'll find a way to get down I'll get that brush back and then that sneaky little bitch will just wish I'd made that truck run over her -- what?! For Kathy felt pressure building up inside the massive orb of her body once again. Slowly steadily, she swelled more and more. Soon she touched the floor and ceiling, knocking over canvases and paints as she grew, filling up the space in the studio. Her drum-taut skin began to quiver from the strain, shuddering as her clothes began to give, buttons shooting off of the sweater as she burst from it, pants splitting at every seam, then finally -- One of her neighbors immediately called the fire department, worried that Miss Katherine Hayes might have been hurt in the explosion that had destroyed her studio. This was my second bursting story, and looking back on it now it appears I was getting a bit more comfortable with the ideas. The Stargazer has very little warning that something is amiss and ends with an offscreen pop. In this one, the seeds get planted early on, and there's a fairly clear lead up to the catastrophic end as well as a brief reference to the aftermath. In The Stargazer, I was a bit squeamish about putting in any detail of the actual bursting. In The Brush I cut away at boom because I wanted to do something beside put in a boom in all caps with multiple exclamation points.
floating, transformation
Female Inflation
Full Body Inflation
"This is such bullshit."Tia was the very definition of "statuesque," standing just over six feet and fantastically fit. Though as head of the college cheerleading team she would have to be, as well as a competent and firm, yet compassionate leader. At the moment her firmness was coming to the fore."Tia," one of the other cheerleaders said, "we drew straws. You lost."Worth mentioning is that the cheer team consistently maintained a minimum 3.0 GPA average, and Tia in particular had a 3.8 and built working Stirling engines in her spare time. So spare me your outrage, please."What's even the point of parades?" Tia retorted, folding her arms defiantly across her chest. "It's a bunch of people walking in front of other people when nobody even wants to be there.""True," another said, "but we've done it for the past thirty-three years and the Dean isn't about to stop now... and, you -did- lose."Tia scowled, hoping that by being imposing and defiant she could somehow bend reality to get her out of the situation she was in. She failed. "Fine," she sighed, uncrossing her arms. "Let's get this over with."One approached her with a large aerosol can, pulling off the plastic top before spraying her down. The substance was thick and clammy, soaking into her outfit and coating her skin. Tia grimaced as her clothes stuck to her, layers of the spray building up. "I hope this is worth-" She stopped, sputtering and blinking as the other cheerleader brought the can up to head level, covering her face and hair before stepping away. "Was that really necessary?!"She checked the can. "It says to cover everything so... yes. Make sure you keep your arms and legs spread."Tia did as she was told, shifting her stance and keeping her arms away from her sides. The clamminess faded, replaced by an unpleasant stickiness; she wiggled her fingers and toes to keep them from attaching to one another but that only seemed to make it worse. Rolling her shoulders, she noted a gradual stiffness in her body that spread to her limbs, making them harder to move. With no small amount of effort she managed to turn her head briefly, looking down at one arm to see the details and blemishes on her fading away as it took on a uniform color with an unnatural hue and sheen - not her skin tone, but a rubbery facsimile of it. Her fingers stuck together and, somehow, she felt her clothing no longer touching her skin. She tried moving a part of her body, any part, and none of it responded; she couldn't even blink, and any hopes of speaking disappeared when the corners of her mouth turned up in a wide grin and stuck that way. There was a quiet series of squeaks and creaks, and she was suddenly overcome by a bout of light-headedness, feeling her body very slowly tip backwards before someone effortlessly caught her.What she could only assume, others could plainly see: Tia was now a balloon, her cheerleading uniform printed on her rubbery body just as surely as her cheerful expression. Much to her dismay.As Tia contemplated the choices which lead her to this point, the others set about securing ropes around her ankles and wrists, ensuring that the loops could slide freely. She wondered what for, up until someone rolled a large tank of helium into view.Oh no, she thought. No, no, no no no...One of them uncoiled the hose, turning the knob on the tank a few times before giving the nozzle a tap, being rewarded with a burst of gas. She plugged it into Tia's navel, and Tia heard a hissing resonating inside of her as every part of her body began to stretch, her line of sight rising higher. The others watched her with a mixture of emotions as she grew to double her normal height, then turned their heads skyward as she felt her feet leave the ground.I'm floating? This is kind of nice, I- no, I shouldn't be... what was I thinking about, again?The cheerleaders took hold of the ropes as she ascended, pulling her into a face-down position overhead as the hose still piped gas into her. Every part of Tia swelled with helium, round and full but still human in shape even as she increasingly dwarfed them in size.So much gas, but more is coming in. So big. So... floaty.One of them looked up at Tia before turning to another. "How much bigger does she need to be?"The second checked the back of the aerosol can. "It says the average person takes an entire tank, so we'll let it drain before we walk her to the parade site."Parade? Parade sounds fun. Don't know what it is, but sounds fun.A gentle breeze buffeted her body, limbs swaying as she reached her full inflated size, longer than two cars put together. Her fit figure had been reduced to a series of bulging curves, her smile a foot wide. Her thoughts circled in a mantra - "fun, floating, floating, fun" - as the last of the helium filled her; the tank emptied and they trailed off, and were then no more.A cheerleader gave the hose a tug, freeing the nozzle from Tia's navel. Looking up at her she asked, "you think she's mad with us?"Another shrugged. "She -did- lose, and if she's worried about being embarrassed I don't think anyone is going to make the connection." She waved. "Come on, this stupid tradition isn't going to do itself."
floating, helium
Female Inflation
Breast Inflation, Butt Inflation
Gavin knew he shouldn't complain. With the economy in its current state, he was lucky to be able to find a summer job, and it wasn't unusual for parents to require their kids to work as a condition of car and party privileges. He just wished he could have found something in the IT field, as opposed to making balloon animals for snot-nosed kids. The pay was lousy, the costume and makeup were hot and heavy, the locker room smelled terrible, and every popped balloon meant a crying child and an irate parent yelling in his face. Worst of all, the work was just dull and unchallenging. Nothing interesting ever happened. Well, almost nothing. To his left he spotted a pretty young woman with long blonde hair approaching with toddler in tow. Her tight white shirt nicely presented her pert breasts, and her blue jeans clung tightly to her lithe, shapely legs. Since their was no formal "line" as such, she just stood to his left and waited her turn. She turned around and squatted down to wipe a spot off her young son's overalls. Bending at the hips pulled the back of her waistband away from her body, and Gavin found conclusive proof that she wasn't wearing panties. "Ya mind making my kid a rabbit, buddy?" Gavin snapped to attention and reflexively pulled out a balloon from his hip pouch. From his early childhood, he vaguely remembered carnival clowns struggling with squeaky valves on helium tanks and then trying to fit a tiny, floppy long balloon on a furiously hissing nozzle, every time a request came in. This tank, on the other hand, was state-of-the-art. There was no valve on the tank itself. Instead, the hose ended in a black silicone nozzle about two inches long, with a bulge at the base. After sliding on the balloon, he held it in place with his right thumb and forefinger while simultaneously applying pressure to the squeeze bulb. When the balloon was filled, he gave the hose a tug with his left hand, and the slick nozzle squirted out of the balloon's mouth, while his right thumb and finger sealed the opening so he could tie it. The only minor inconvenience was that since he needed both hands to tie and shape the balloon, he had to retrieve the hose from the side of the tank after every request. Otherwise, his job couldn't have been easier -- or more boring. He was eager to get another eyeful of the woman, so he squeezed the nozzle a little too hard, overfilling the balloon, and the excess pressure ejected the nozzle from between his fingers. Kendra was tending to her son's clothes when she felt something fall down the back of her jeans. Startled, she stood up, and immediately experienced the strangest sensation she had ever felt. A feeling of pressure, like gas but more insistent, bloomed through her abdomen. As she tried to comprehend what was happening to her, she also became aware that her snug jeans had somehow become positively skin-tight around the hips. She still felt something down the back of her pants, and her questing hands found a hose... like the one that teenage clown had been using. Quickly putting two and two together, she grabbed it with both hands and yanked upward. It didn't even budge. Although the nozzle itself was slippery, she had taken in several inches of the hose, and her ballooned buttocks held the textured-plastic surface in an iron grip, squeezing the squeeze bulb harder than it had ever been before. Frantic now, Kendra focused her attention on the front of her jeans and tried to open her fly. Unfortunately, her waist and crotch had also expanded from the pressure, and her jeans closed with a hook, not a button. Every second took her further from being able to exert the necessary pressure to pull open her pants. Gavin was struggling to shape the overfilled balloon without popping it and getting chewed out by yet another irate customer. Finally, he decided to just toss it and fill another one properly. He blindly reached back to where he had been accustomed to find the hose, and felt only the side of the helium tank. Looking behind him, he noticed several things at once. First, the woman who had been tending to her son's clothes was now struggling with her own. Second, her lower body had expanded from shapely to downright voluptuous, with rounded hips, substantial thighs, and a bubble butt, and her jeans had drawn in to hug every curve. Finally, the hose to the helium tank had lodged down the back of her pants. Gavin quickly ran over and yanked on the hose. This got Kendra's attention. "Turn off the valve!", she yelled. "There is no valve!", Gavin replied. Desperately, he grabbed the hose in both hands and kinked it, trying to cut off the flow of gas. This worked for about half a second before the built-up pressure forced the hose out of his hands. Kendra suddenly became aware of a new development. A sudden tugging sensation on her shoulders prompted her to glance downward and notice that the expansion had found another outlet. "Oh, no!" Quickly, she reached back under her shirt, but it was too late -- her expanding breasts had locked the hooks in place. She hoped that her bra would at least give out quickly, but it was not to be; her sizable and sensitive breasts required a lot of support, and the double-reinforced full-coverage brasserie she had chosen could probably have stood up to a couple of bowling balls. She grunted in distress as the tenacious garment dug into her back and sides. Gavin thought better of trying to undo the girl's jeans, and decided to have another go at extracting the hose. Gripping it firmly in both hands, he pulled upwards with all his might. What happened next surprised both of them. Instead of budging the hose, which was locked tighter than ever, Gavin actually lifted Kendra off the ground. He knew that despite all his efforts at the gym, he was nowhere near strong enough to lift a grown woman. He also realized that he had precious little time to end this situation gracefully. Although, now that he could handle this woman, there was a new option available to him. Running around to Kendra's front, he grabbed her by her ankles and pulled backwards. "Wh-what are you...", she protested, but Gavin pulled until the hose was taut, and then kept pulling. As he pulled, he took stock of Kendra's condition. Her crotch pressed at the front of her jeans, and her thighs had bulged to the point that, despite being spread, they touched for several inches. Her basketball-sized bosom was still locked in a death struggle with a bra that showed no signs of giving up. With one more mighty tug, Kendra's rear released its grip on the hose. Startled by the suddenness, Gavin stumbled backwards, arms flailing, and landing on his back knocked the wind out of him, causing him to release Kendra's feet. She tumbled upwards, flipping end over end, for a moment, but air resistance brought her to a stop about fifteen feet above the ground, and her body righted itself. For a few agonizing seconds, she hovered in place. Then, ever so slowly, she began to rise. "HHHHHHHHHHHEEEEEEEEEEELLLLLLLLPPPPPPP MMMMMMMMMEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!", she screamed, drifting away, already beyond reach, still fumbling with her jeans. Gavin was fired the next morning. His questions about the woman's fate were met with hard, cold glares from his supervisors, and he was advised not to make inquiries or speak to the media if he ever wanted a job in the county again. Fortunately, the economy had taken an upturn while he was wasting his summer making balloon giraffes, and he found he had several opportunities to pick from, including a cushy tech-support job paying $20 an hour. His parents were therefore rather surprised when he turned them down, instead taking a job at a gas station filling tires for full-service customers. When they asked, he explained that working for minimum wage had "expanded his horizons" and given him a new, higher view on the world.
floating, superhero
Female Inflation
Full Body Inflation
Zephyr has vanished. Without her heroic presence, Turgidia fell into a period of despair. The Inflatrix's attacks went unchecked and unhindered: not even the police force dared to raise a hand against the city's cruel mistress. This complacency served only to embolden the villainess; the daylight hours were no longer sanctuary for the female inhabitants. Truth be told, there were no safe havens remaining within city limits. As a group of unsuspecting young women are about to find out, the Inflatrix can strike anywhere and at anytime... "Oh my god!" Amanda exclaimed. Having spent the greater part of her day working out at the local gym, the business woman expected to take a refreshing cool shower before going home. Upon opening the glass door leading into the bath, however, she was greeted by a blast of hot steam and severely diminished visibilty. Only the sound of running water confirmed that the girl had not wandered into a sauna by mistake. All the same, the heavy mist made it impossible to see where she was going. "Anyone else in here? Hellooo...?" "Mmmph!" It was faint, but a muffled cry came from somewhere nearby. Against her better judgement, Amanda took a cautionary step into the showers. It was far too dark, and the girl fumbled around for the lightswitch as the doors slid shut behind her. "Somebody hit the lights, jeeze!" Amanda's brunette hair was matted against her back and face just from the humidity. Despite wearing a two-piece bikini, one hand kept the towel wrapped around her body while the other was outstretched and feeling ahead for the walls or shower heads. "Can't see a frikkin' thing huh?" Her hand met with something soft. Recoiling, she became redfaced with embarassment. "I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to grope you!" she apologized and thanked the stars that people could not see her reddening face. Amanda too two steps to the right before bumping into something larger yet familiar. "Holy shit! Give a girl some room..ruh-ruh-ruh...." She shoved the unknown shape weakly, a flood of light abruptly illuminating the room and shining truth on the situation. Before her was an impossibly bloated woman, spherical and flapping her hands helplessly. Frantically, her eyes darted across the room and saw that it was full of similarly swollen women. Instinctually, she opened her mouth to shriek but something clasping over her lips silenced her. "Shh..." The Inflatrix whispered, her cool breath tickling Amanda's ears. With swift precision, she removed a round object from her belt and reached down the back of her victim's bikini bottom. "..the rest of the balloons need company." Anette purred, pushing the device up the girl's rear and eliciting a muffled squeal of discomfort. A quick poke to Amanda's navel caused her body to billow out as if a full body airbag deployed inside of her. In under five seconds, the business woman was nothing but a buoyant balloon bobbing against the dozen others crammed into the shower. Shrugging off the angry, fearful glares of her balloony victims, the villainess sauntered to the exit. "Helvete..." she muttered, running her fingers through her hair with a grimace. Her golden locks were tangled and disheveled from the steamy atmosphere for the cramped shower. Sliding the doors open, she walked over to the nearest blimp-girl and shoved out into the locker room. One by one, the pneumatic babes were tossed out of the shower and into plain view of three stunned females preparing for their own showers. One stared expectantly at the open portal while the remaining couple hid behind pillars. "Um, like...what's going on here?" The busty blackhaired girl closest to the door nonchalantly glanced at the parade of blimps drifting overhead. "You're supposed to go to the gym to work out and lose weight, not, like, get all big and fat like you idiots-Hey, like, get out of my face!" she sputtered, the Amanda-balloon flying into her field of vision. She flailed her arms and shoved the brunette away intime to see a black-clad figure standing in the doorway. In one hand was a brush, but in the other was the inflat-o-ray aimed at the ravenlocked idiot. "They're not fat, you moron," the Inflatrix growled. She opened fire, nearly missing the first woman when the brush caught a knot in her hair. "Ow!". The girl dropped her the towel wrapped around her torso and clutched her belly, the villainess quickly aiming at the two women partially concealed by the pillars. A cacaphony of groans filled the room as their once fit and trim figures ballooned into comical characatures of their former selves before becoming perfect balloon spheres. The villainess paused to finish brushing her hair before grabbing Amanda down from the ceiling and departing from the locker room. "Make a sound and you'll go out with a bang, girlie." Anette whispered hushedly. She stuck her head out into the hall and glanced both ways before stepping out. Her plan had worked as far as she was concerned. Her shower room ambush had thinned the number of able bodied girls in the rest of the gym. Locating the nearest exit, she pushed the door open and then immediately shoved Amanda outside. "Ah, much better..." the villainess sighed contently, the buoyant forces in the balloon's body rocketting her up, up, and away into the sky. Her attentions now turned to the lengthy hallway and the search for more future-balloonies resumed. Anette paused at each door to scope the room's occupants through the window. ", men and more men." she huffed. A female voice barking orders echoed down the hall and it attracted the villainess like an RFC Sopwith Camel to a zeppelin. Locating the target location, she found the door to be ajar and took the liberty of peeking poking her head inside. The class room was full of spandex clad women doing yoga; for a moment, Anette thought that she had died and ascended to heaven. Upon closer inspection, however, she found that the majority of the occupants appeared to be pregnant. "Ma'am..? Do you need help finding a certain class?" The instructor called out to Anette. It was fortunate that only her head was visible lest she cause an unneccesary panic. "Oh,! I'm just...uh...looking for somebody!" The Inflatrix quickly backed away from and darted past the door. There's got to be someone else around here! Those girls are...already ballooned!" she growled, not quite willing to admit that even she could not bring herself to test the inflatoray's effects on a delicate, advanced pregnancy." "I'll keep them in mind as a last resort!" A sign hanging overhead indicated that the aerobic training room could be found to the right. There were bound to be more potential victims within. Peeping through the small window on the door, a wicked smile appeared on the villainess' face; only one exit, and no less then a dozen girls occupied the treadmills and excercise bikes within. Yanking the door open, she made her grand entrance and was immediately identified by one of the females. "Oh god, it's the Inflatrix! RUN FOR YOUR WAISTLINES!" The shriek brought anarchy to the gym. Exercise bikes were toppled as the users leaped off and frantically searched for a means of escape. Girls shoved each other against walls and trampled one another until they collectively piled against the wall farthest from the Inflatrix. Only a single woman, large breasted and blond, continued to jog on a treadmill. All eyes were on her . "Oh nononono! Is she still behind me?!" The woman inquired loudly, glancing back and crying out when she noticed the puzzled villainess only a few feet behind her. "NOOOO!!! I don't wanna be a balloon...gotta get away!" she screeched and broke into a sprint, feet pounding the treadmill's track. " she for real?" Anette looked over at the writhing mass of horrified women. One of them relaxed and shrugged at the Inflatrix, while others appeared to be equally confused. Despite the awkward silence, the bubblehead continued to 'flee', huffing and puffing desperately. For a full minute, everyone, including the villainess, watched the bubblehead smack herself in the face with her own breasts as she ran. "Oh, enough of this!" Anette rolled her eyes and zapped the girl right in her ass. The resulting shriek could have startled a banshee, and everyone in the room covered their ears. "No! NOO! I..can't...inflate! I'm not a balloon...I'm NOT A BALLOON!" Clearly very stupid and very much in denial, the ballooning young idiot whimpered and whined. Her runspeed slowed as her thighs swelled, squeaking as they rubbed together. The spandex outfit held together splendidly as the bimbo's increasingly spherical middle enveloped her limbs. "Must...keep...running-waaaaaaah!!!" Her sphere-bottom made contact with the high-speed belt, launching the girl backwards into Anette's open arms and nearly toppling the villain. "Morons like you give perfect blonds like me a bad name!" Anette flipped the girl around until they were face to face, the balloon clearly frightened. " name's Tracy and that's-" the daft girl said "Charming. Enjoy your flight." The Inflatrix interrupted, turning to leave the room and it's remaining occupants behind. A sense of relief washed over the women; they had encountered the dreaded Inflatrix and escaped with their waistlines in tact. They watched the villainess shove the blimpy idiot through the door, and as the duo vanished a soft hissing noise caught their attention. One girl looked down and screamed. The blue grenade beeped three times rapidly before detonating in a cloud of pink gas. It was fortunate that the poor girls were wearing spandex as their bodies ballooned, their cries of despair reaching Anette's ears down the hall, and she smirked happily. "I don't know who's dumber, you..." she conversed with the balloon she firmly clutched. "..or those imbeciles who thought they'd get off so easily! Hahahaha--ulp" she said, her laughter cutting off in sudden amazement. Out of the corner of her eye, she caught sight of a redheaded woman inside of the weight training room. Rather, the two melons attached to the woman's chest attracted the villainess' attention. Each was the size of a small beach ball, and this was a woman that had yet to be zapped with the inflatoray. The titanic tits surged outward with each repetition the girl performed on the butterfly machine, and she was simply incapable of pushing the handles any closer together lest her breasts get pinched. "Oh my god..."Anette swallowed hard, abandoning her plans of sending the ignoramus in her clutches to the sky. Instead, she began backing into the room. "I, um..need you to watch the door for me. Think you can do that bubblehead?" she whispered to the balloon and wedged her into the doorway, effectively blocking the exit. Meanwhile, the redheaded girl ceased excercising and hopped off of the machine, staring curiously at the newcomer and her ballooned companion. "What ya got there?" The busty young lady successfully surprised Anette, who spun around in alarm and made a reach for the gun lodged between her breasts. She stopped herself short of drawing the device out when her eyes made contact with the girl's chest orbs. "Um..Hi?" There was no response from the tall, wide-eyed bombshell. She just stared with blank eyes. The huge-busted girl wore a purple leotard with a white sports bra over it, apparently to cover what the spandex garment could not. Then, unexpectedly, the blond deftly reached forward and honked the redhead's left breast. Finding the texture of the distended breast to be much like a squishy stress-ball, the Inflatrix squeezed again in disbelief and awe. The redhead's cheeks slowly meandered through varying intensities of pink. "What do you think you're doing?!" the girl yelled and grabbed Anette by the arm. "Just sampling the goods, of cour--ahhhh!" Anette's protest was interrupted by a display of technique from her hopeful victim. The villainess found herself landing on her flawless derierre after being thrown by the cardinal locked beauty. A shadow loomed over the Inflatrix as she rubbed her rear. She looked up and noticed the woman's breasts directly overhead and the gym ID card dangling between the two boobs. The name jumped out at Anette; this judo wielding girl was named Katrina. "Nice move, girlie..." The Inflatrix admitted. "No squeezing the melons, lady!" Katrina crossed her arms beneath her prodigious bosom, tapping her foot expectantly. "Well...what do you got to say for yourself?" she demanded, arching an eyebrow when she noticed her rude adversary reach into her own bosom. "You know what they say about bringing boobs to a gun fight, girlie!" Anette exclaimed with a chilling cackle, retrieving the inflatoray from its cushiony cleavage-holster and pulling the trigger point blank before her target could react. Katrina staggered as the bright crimson beam scored a direct hit. She gasped for breath and scowled at the Inflatrix, the villainess quickly getting to her feet. Katrina's anger quickly faded, and was replaced with worry. "I...I feel funny..." Katrina groaned. Her midsection felt bloated, and her skin tingled cooly. Holding a hand up to her face, she uttered a gasp when the digits puffed up with faint, audible popping noises. The girl's body emitted a rubbery, dull hissing sound that brought a cruel smile to her assailant's face. "H-huhnff...burrrrp!" Katrina covered her mouth and whimpered, her face flushing with crimson. "W-what's happening to me? What did you do?!" Katrina seethed, glaring threateningly at the villainess, who was at this point laughing triumphantly. "Oh, nothing much my dear. You're just blowing up like a big weather balloon...with two smaller weather balloons attached to you!" The Inflatrix beamed giddily. W-what?! You can't be serious...!" Katrina exclaimed, holding her stomach. Her slim waistline was noisily expanding between her palms into a parody of its former self, forcing her hands apart. The girl's belly appeared to go through the stages of pregnancy until it literally fwoomped into an enormous sphere. Her bulging middle pushed the girl's breasts up to her face. Katrina's thighs squeaked against one another as she waddled forward, Anette placing a hand on one of the turgid young woman's immense tits and pushing her backward "Hey!" The redhead squealed. Katrina toppled and landed on her swollen ass, bouncing twice before coming to rest. The flesh of her arms and legs rippled as the lighter-than-air gas filled her limbs, causing them to stick out to the sides and depriving the girl of what little mobility she still possessed. "Hrrrmph?!" Glancing down, Katrina noticed two very alarming sights: Her lips had swollen up as if she'd been stung by a bee, and perhaps more frightening was the fact that she was beginning to feel much, much lighter. She could now see the top of the Inflatrix's head, and the wicked grin on her face. "Still in denial, cutie balloonie?" Anette inquired mockingly. A loud, tortured groaning emanated from the blimped Katrina, the villainess glancing at her ray-gun. "Don't tell me I had it set to black again..." she muttered, fiddling with the touch interface until an earsplitting snap reverberating off of the walls. The sports bra that had kept the balloon's assets in line ripped apart with an agonizing tearing noise, Katrina's face turning an even deeper shade of carmine. The titanic orbs surged out, nearly smacking the Inflatrix in the face. Anette smacked the balloon on the side and sent her spinning through the air. "Oh, thank goodness you didn't explode!" she sounded genuinely relieved. Katrina could only bob there as the villainess sauntered up to her and took firm hold of her left breast. "Honk, honk! Want to try throwing me around now, blimp?" she taunted. "Mmmph...mmmm!" Katrina's form ceased to hiss like a toy balloon on a helium spigot. She wanted to throw the blond off of a cliff, but while the mind was willing, the flesh was round. Anette continued to grasp and knead the balloon's breasts, lost in her own little world. Katrina could only weather the villain's advances, biting back the fierce arousal that had displaced the fear of bursting. She dreamed of being inflated like a helpless balloon, but the circumstances of this reality frightened Katrina; this wasn't just her breasts swelling, she was a blimp! In spite of the nervous tension, the pleasurable pressure that stretched her taut, creaking body in every direction was almost too sensual to bear. "You are going to fetch quite the sum on the black market..." The Inflatrix cooed, giving the right boob a playful squeeze. She reached to the front of her suit and tugged at the zipper. "...and I'm sure your future owner won't mind if the merchandise is a little...used." she moaned, staring Katrina in the eye. Anette barely managed to get her zipper halfway down before she was interrupted by a commotion outside. Police sirens, lots of them. She shoved her prize away and ran to the nearest window. "..Motherfuckers!" the villainess cursed in an emotion laden tone, watching no less than a dozen squad cars pile into the gym's parking lot, soon joined by a SWAT van. Anette looked over at Katrina, contemplating if she could satisfy herself in under forty-five seconds but quickly dispelled such crass notions. "You are a VERY lucky balloon...but mark my words, I never forget a pair of tits!" Wagging her finger in Katrina's face, she left her prize behind and made a break for the door, punching the idiot-balloon out of the doorway and sprinting down the hall. "I have to get back to the showers!" Anette thought to herself as she heard the cops breaking in somewhere in gym complex. Locating the women's locker room, she quickly located the gymbag she had stashed underneath a bench in preparation for this assault and removed from it a pair of gym shorts, tank top, sports bra and running shoes. "We know you're in there somewhere, Inflatrix! Come out with your hands up!" From outside came a megaphone enhanced voice. Anette frantically peeled the elastrix armor off and slipped on her work out apparel. Stuffing her gear into the sack, she hastily pulled her hair into a loose ponytail. She did not have much time as she put her glasses on and zipped the gymbag shut. Giving herself a quick lookover in a nearby mirror, she took a deep breath and casually exitted the locker room. The entire complex was crawling with police officers, and miraculously the villainess managed to make it into the next hall before attracting the attention of a rather stocky male cop. "Ma'am! Stop right there!" He yelled at Anette, placing one hand firmly on his holstered five-seven. She did as instructed, and faced the lawman. "What's the trouble, officer?" She asked calmly, wiping sweat off of her cheek with a small towel. "We received a call that the Inflatrix was in this gym. Can I see some identification?" He inquired. Anette complied, reaching into her pocket and removing her ID card, as well as several hundred dollar bills, handing the items to the officer. He looked over the card while shoving the lucre into his pockets. "Everything checks out here. I will escort you directly to your vehicle Anette...I mean, Miss Helsdottir." The officer smiled and motioned to the nearest exit. Anette made for the exit but paused just next to the cop. "Next time, try stalling them a little longer Jebidiah...I wasn't finished yet!" She whispered, the crooked officer following her sheepishly as she passed through one of the makeshift checkpoints the department had set up at every exit. Out of the corner of her eye, Anette saw the SWAT team loading several of her victims into one of the vans. Two more officers nodded at Jebidiah and his ward as the villainess was escorted to her black sedan. "So...where are you hittin' next?" Jebidiah asked, giving Anette a knowing look as she got into the driver's seat. "Mmm..." she mused and tapped a finger to her chin. "I think the university is having cheerleader try outs this weekend. I'll go show them how to lift their teams spirit, I think." Anette grinned and shared a chuckle with her pocket policeman, hitting the ignition. "We'll start spreadin' the word that you're gonna hit another night club...good luck!" Jebidiah jokingly saluted the Inflatrix as she turned her car on and drove out of the parking lot unopposed, escaping the scene of the crime with the help of the police force dedicated to protecting Turgidia City from her antics... Several hours later, at Turgidia Police Department's Headquarters... "Oh, my! When's the baby due?" A buxom police clerk asked the ravenlocked woman standing before her counter. The girl rubbed her tummy absently. "Uh, any day now!" She exclaimed after a moment, handing her ID-card to the clerk. "Okay...Miss Heidi Berg. Who are you here to pick up?" The officer inquired, returning the card and smiling at Heidi. "Katrina Meadows. Is she okay?" Heidi asked, her worry intensified when the clerk remained silent and walked through the double doors behind the counter. Five agonizing minutes passed before the officer returned. In her hands was still very inflated Katrina. "K-Kat....?" Heidi went wide eyed, her face instantly turning a bright shade of pink. "Listen: I'm going to tie her tether securely around your wrist. Make sure she doesn't get loose , alright sweetie?" The clerk instructed, taking Heidi's right hand and tying the line into a double knot around the wrist. Katrina bobbed, eyes glancing away from her friend shyly. "Huhuh...p-pretty sure the c-chances of that are slim to none, officer" Heidi replied, her lips quivering. "Did Hanukkah come early this year?!" she thought, struggling very hard to keep her glee from becoming obvious. Thanking the clerk, she nearly skipped out of the station. Once she was certain that nobody was watching, she tugged Katrina down by the tether, holding her body using both hands spread wide, unabashedly nuzzled Katrina's midsection and giggled, "W-well, well, well, looks like s-someone had a very f-full day! L-let's get you home and you c-can tell me all about it, Katrina-balloon!" Katrina turned beet red as her friend resumed tugging her along. If she was interpreting Heidi's blushing grin correctly, there would not be much talking tonight...
Female Inflation
Full Body Inflation
"Do you like it?" Miyamoto Hideo was one of the best fugu chefs in the country! He was so good he had started to make a franchise out of it and became extremely rich. He was the President and CEO of the Puffy Fish corporation. He figured he had the perfect life! "Mmmmmm, father!" smiled his daughter Megumi with a mouthful. She was a knockout! After winning about a dozen beauty contests hands down, she was on her way to becoming one of Japan's hottest supermodels. She could literally have any man she wanted. She looked up at her father with her gorgeous brown eyes, her medium length, reddish brown dyed hair brushing her shoulders. "This is the best I've ever tasted!" Her father Hideo laughed with his big thunderous voice. "Good!!! I prepared it special for you!" he laughed. She hadn't a clue. You see Hideo was a proud man and was of a high social status. His company had been growing like crazy lately and was starting to look into spreading internationally. With his company going public soon he was under a lot of stress. Then he heard that Megumi had taken a liking to a lowly busboy at his restaurant! He knew that if word got out, he'd be the laughing stock of the Japanese upper class. He had to stop her, anyway he could! Also, Puffy Fish's board of directors told him that his chain of restaurants could really use a corporate mascot. So he formulated a plan to kill two birds with one stone, or blowfish as the case may be. He waited until the night the two lovebirds were planning on running away together to get married! He told Megumi he wanted to cook her a special dish, acting as though he didn't know. Megumi, having just came out of the bath, looked as though she was in a bit of a hurry. Yet she figured she'd better try to appease him so it didn't seem like anything was wrong. She continued to scarf it, faster than anything she'd ever eaten before because A) she was in a hurry and B) it was literally the best she'd ever tasted. Her father just laughed evilly every once in a while when she let out an appeased full-mouthed moan. She looked up with a pleasant smile and swallowed. "Aren't you hungry, father?" asked Megumi, pulling her hair back in a ponytail. "Oh... no... this is special! Just for you!" he smirked. Megumi eventually finished and Hideo watched with a leery eye. "How... was it?" "It was great!" smiled Megumi. "It really filled me up!" she said, rubbing middle. Hideo watched as Megumi started to look funny. "What did you do different this time?" The joy slowly leaving her voice after feeling how full she felt. She put on weight easily and she barely ever stuffed herself like this! She knew she'd regret this on the gym's treadmill! "My little Megumi..." smiled the chef as he smirked. "I know about you and Koji, that disgusting little wretch of a busboy!" Megumi gasped in fear. "So I decided to try something a little different!" "Father?" asked a petrified Megumi. One thought popped into her head and terrified her. She leaned back onto her palms, and started to crawl out from under the table she was kneeling under. Suddenly she felt the fullness in her stomach start to build up. "You... poisoned me?" "Oh! Heavens no, my dear daughter! I'm a chef, not a murderer! But us Fugu chefs? We have our secrets!" he laughed. Megumi tried to sit up but stopped when she felt something extremely heavy building up inside her. "Do you know how a blowfish fends off its attackers?" asked Hideo with a smirk. "By... puffing up..." she said, half paying attention half worried about what was happening to her. "Exactly, my dear." Laughed Hideo with his arms folded and scratching his beard. "What you just ate, in such a frenzy I might add, was a meal prepared with the organ responsible for making the blowfish puff up. Which means..." "I'm puffing up!!!" screamed Megumi, looking down at a bulge forming under her kimono. She rolled onto her side into almost a fetal position and started to moan as the pressure continued to mount inside her sharply. "Exactly." Smiled Hideo. "Now, my dear daughter. I know you've always dreamed of being a model!" Megumi was in tears now as the bulge grew larger, making her start to look as if she was pregnant. "So I was thinking. My fugu chain could really use a spokes-model. Interested?" Megumi rolled onto her hands and knees and slowly pushed herself onto her feet. She didn't answer her father, too concerned with what the fugu was doing to her. She stood up, looking as though she was in her twentieth week of pregnancy. "What am I filling with?" she cried looking down as her tummy bulged out more. "Why, air of course, dear!" said Hideo with a big smile. To him this was a sweet revenge for her threatening to embarrass him. Megumi took deep pants and tried to push in her belly, anything to get some of the air out. It was all in vain though. The poor girl continued to swell larger. Now the growth was spreading to other parts of her body. Megumi's once extremely trim ass was now becoming just visibly plumper under the kimono, pulling the knot tighter and tighter. This spread into her hips and thighs as well, as the girth of each leg looked to have double above the kneecap. She panicked when suddenly her chest seemed a little tight. She turned to her father as her breasts started to swell. "Father! Stop this! I beg you!" she pleaded. Hideo's incessant laughter came to a halt and his voice became very stern. "You left me no choice. You were going to embarrass me horribly in front of the public!" he said, with his lips bent specially for an angry tone. "So for that, I'm going to embarrass you worse than you've ever imagined!" Megumi continued to cry, as she started to look like an extremely exaggerated hourglass, the sash of her kimono cutting deep into her middle. She tried to loosen it but it was just too damn tight! "How much... will I...?" "Puff up?" asked Hideo with a chuckle. "That all depends really! I didn't expect you to grow much larger than you are now. But you show no signs of stopping there, dear daughter!" Megumi bawled louder, when suddenly she realized... "Call..." she whimpered, turning to look at the phone. "What?" asked Hideo. Megumi took a step but due to the growth it looked more like an awkward shuffle. "No!" he jumped as she started making her way to the phone. Hideo jumped up, flipping the low table. He ran as Megumi waddled the best she could. By now her belly looked as though it was carrying a baby in its ninth month and her other parts continued to plump up, making her look as if she was kind of fat, only without the folds. "Must... reach..." She moaned, starting to tire. Hideo threw his arms around her to grab her. The tighter he squeezed, the more air it displaced inside her, making her wince from excess pressure. Suddenly the sash to the kimono snapped! Hideo jumped and pulled the plug on the phone out the wall socket. Megumi had stopped and looked down at herself. Without the sash, her kimono opened up and it became truly visible how much she'd grown! Her breasts and hips were starting to round out into her ever-expanding belly. "Father... you... are..." "What?" smiled Hideo, recovering from his anger with a large grin spread across his face. "A... dog-bastard!" Megumi screamed. "Need a... pin! Poke... me! Let... air... out!!! Before I... POP!!!" Hideo just laughed. "Sorry, dear. I can't help you there. I'm nothing more than a dog-bastard." Hideo smirked. "And besides, I like watching you puff up, helplessly, restlessly trying to make it stop!" Megumi slowly dropped, sitting on her swollen ankles. "Well it'll stop on its own, where that includes you bursting or not!" he smirked. "I'm going... to burst?" cried Megumi. "Probably not... figured I should scare you a little though!" laughed Hideo. Megumi was continuing to puff up with short little swells. She continued to round out as Hideo took out a cell phone from in his kimono and walked away as it speed-dialed. "Imori? Hideo here." He spoke. "Yeah. The mascot's ready to be picked up! Ha-Ha. Yeah! You were right! Have the boys bring the truck around back in about ten minutes. Okay." The phone beeped off. "Don't worry, Megumi. We're going to take real good care of you!" Megumi collapsed onto her swollen side as her limbs became nothing more than soft cone shaped mockeries of what they once were. Her entire torso now, from under her chin to her crotch was just one large ball with an open kimono covering only her arms. She rolled her massive girth onto her back, or at least what used to be her back before it rounded out from expanding. She took deep puffs and tried, the best she could, to push in her sides, trying anyway she could to get the air out of her. But it wasn't going anywhere! She continued to swell up larger and larger. Her round torso puffed forward and started to assimilate her cone shape limbs. In seconds her body had swollen up to her elbows and just a little above her kneecaps. Every once in a while, she'd kick a fit and frantically shake her hands and feet with the little power she had left. And during those spurts of bloated aggression, Hideo would only laugh. "I'm... so big!" she moaned. "Father...? How... could you?" she said, even her cheeks starting to look a little puffy but with her eyes wide in disbelief. Her father only smirked. "You must listen to me and do as I say or else!" he threatened. "There's a truck coming to pick you up and we're bringing you into the city for your makeup and fittings. You have a busy night ahead of you my dear!" laughed the large brutish man. Megumi didn't know what he meant. Was he going to still have her model or something? At this size? He was going to try and embarrass her! "No! No... father... mustn't go out... in public... like this...I'm... HUGE!!!" she panted. Hideo smirked, not answering. The growth began to slow down a little. In all the commotion, Megumi hadn't realized. In the space of about 20 seconds, her body had finally stopped its inflation and had swollen a little past her wrists, her hands poking out of a tiny divot in her massive, perfectly round side. The same went for her feet. Hideo rolled her up into what would look like a standing position but Megumi's feet no longer touched the ground! Even on tippy-toes. She cried helplessly as she looked out the backdoors, luckily for her it was a double-door. A large freight truck like the one her father's company used to transport supplies and food from store to store, backed up right against the door. To thuggish men hopped out and came inside. There, helplessly 'stood' Megumi, completely naked and swollen to her limits. The two men stared in disbelief as they prepared her to roll. "Easy!" warned Hideo. She might be a blimp but she's still my daughter! And besides! She's our new mascot!" 'Mascot?' Thought Megumi in a panic. 'oh no' She frantically flapped her hands and feet when suddenly she felt the men's hands gently push into her, trying to make her roll! They were rolling her around like a huge ball! First onto her side so she wasn't rolling over her own head and then just a few practice pushes to see if she was stable. "Wow!" said the one. "A lot lighter than I thought!" "What's she filled with?" the other asked Hideo. "Ordinary, everyday air! She literally is nothing more than a big puffy Balloon Girl!" He laughed. "Didn't expect her to get this big though! Only really bulgy! Now she's a flippin' blimp!" And with that the men rolled her out the back doors with a laugh. With each turn she got dizzy. There was a slight drop from the back door step and the impact made her wince a little. "EASY!" reminded Hideo. They continued and she felt the cold walkway tickling her body in a ring motion as she rolled. As they reached the back of the truck, the two men looked at each other and smiled. They bent down, reaching under her. They started to lift! She weighed the exact same and they hadn't expected her to be so light! They placed her on the back of the truck and rolled her on, her taut skin still throbbing from pressure. Her body shook with each heartbeat, scared with what they were going to do with her! The one man shut the steel door as Megumi saw Hideo stepping out in a business suit he had on under his kimono and heading towards the front of the truck. With the door shut it was pitch black and Megumi went into a depressed swollen oblivion. The next couple hours were a blur for Megumi. She remembered the truck stopping and the door opening at a large warehouse. The men rolled her outside and her father joined them in lowering her to the ground safely. One shut the door and then they again started to roll Megumi. She was starting to get super dizzy and everything was blurry from not being able to reach her eyes to wipe the tears out. Hideo walked alongside as they entered a large open garage door. Inside was a large group of people from her father's company that she could just recognize though it seemed they could hardly recognize her. There was another group to the side of them. Hideo pointed and the two men rolled Megumi to them. Hideo talked with the people at his company and then talked to the main guy, who looked like your typical fashion designer, makeup, all around fruity guy. "We were thinking something traditional! Like a kimono and geisha makeup or something!" "Right away, sir!" said the man with a flap of his hand downward. His face was in a bit of shock from the initial view of the girl but he saw his chance to literally, do something big. Megumi could hardly remember them whipping her off to wardrobe and trying numerous things on her and then being rolled up for makeup. Hideo watched it all with the group from his company as the makeup people did their work. Displaying his happiness with a huge grin, Hideo chuckled. "You always wanted to be a model! Here's your chance!" The very next day, Koji stepped off the crowded commuter train towards work a bit depressed. Megumi hadn't met with him the prior night and he thought she probably realized that he was nothing more than a lowly busboy and was probably looking for someone else, more her 'type.' He left the station and turned the corner towards the restaurant as he saw Hideo in front leading a massive crane. Koji was in a state of shock. "Oh! Koji!" said Hideo with exuberance. "You've been promoted." He put his arm around the scrawny boy. "Since you love my daughter so much, it'll be your new job to care for all of her needs! Busy job! In her condition, she's rather helpless!" The two looked up over the entrance of the restaurant as the crane slowly lowered a massive ball onto a huge platform. Koji could make out little feet wiggling out under what looked like an XXXXXL kimono, large panties covering the bottom of the ball. The kimono, draped around, and as big as it was, still looking like it was going to bust at the seams, had two little dainty hands poking out at the sides. Then at the top was Megumi's face with puffy cheeks and Geisha make up and wig on. "Is that...?" started Koji. "Never mess with me, boy." Advised Hideo with an angry tone as he stepped away. And ever since, Miyamoto Megumi has been the corporate mascot for her father's company. Fusen-Chan, the puffy balloon girl! She appears at every grand opening of a Puffy Fish. When the restaurant opened its first overseas restaurant in Los Angeles, Megumi was flown in on a special cargo plane to make an appearance. She even appeared in an ad campaign with TV commercials. There would always be a hungry person standing somewhere. A construction worker at a site. A female nurse on duty. A kid after a soccer game in a park. They'd complain about how they were starving and suddenly Megumi would be pushed in front of the camera, unwillingly of course and as she rolled by the person would have their arms full with yummy seafood goodness from Puffy Fish! But most of the time, Megumi was positioned high atop the original Puffy Fish's entrance. There was a pull over canopy for when it rained and she'd get a new XXXXXL kimono everyday. In the winter, when it got cold, she had to be watched very closely, for fear of the air inside her expanding and stretching her already tight-as-a-drum skin. She was absolutely miserable. Helplessly rolling around over the restaurant's entrance. She was no more than a living, swollen store display. Models were never treated this poorly. At least her man, Koji is always loyally by her side. And Hideo? Hideo became the richest man in all of Japan. Eventually, they even added his favorite dish to the menu. "The Puffy Girl Special" Of course the patrons had to sign a waiver before hand though. Puffy Fish wouldn't be held responsible for adverse side effects!
Female Inflation
Breast Inflation, Full Body Inflation
It was a typical day at high school for a young girl named Jennifer. She had everything that a teenage would ever desire, a cute body with flowing brown hair and a sexy smile, an open personality, popularity, and she actually wasn't as dumbas a board, like most stereotypical popular girls. But most of all she had something every young girl would want, a large set of breasts. It was this that would lead to a sudden change in her everyday routine. The day began as normal, she had to sit through all of her classes. Usually she was exicted to be with her friends, but today the day was dragging horribly, and it felt like everything was in slow motion. Finally after four boring hours of classes, the lunch bell rang and she rushed down to the cafeteria. She got in line and got her food. Shesaw the last milk in the crate and quickly grabbed it, but not known to her, was the lunchladies forgot to remove it from a crate of contaminated milk. She went upstairs and sat with all of her friends Sarah, Kelly, and Katie. They started gossiping about the cutest guys in school, and who they should take to the next dance. They were Jennifer's best friends and she always liked to talk to them about personal things, and guys was always on their minds. Sarah was a blonde who, while not quite as pretty looking as Jennifer was the only one who had bigger breasts than she did. Her massive 42DD's, almost E cupped breasts caught everyone's attention, and when Sarah wanted attention, she tried to show off her breasts. Jennifer had secretly wanted to have bigger, bouncier tits then Sarah, but ever since Sarah was in middle school she had breasts, while Jennifer didn't start growing until late junior high. Kelly and Katie were both great looking young women, but had smaller breasts. Still many guys wanted them. She quickly started eating, and then opened the milk and started drinking, when she was about halfway through, she noticed the horrible taste of the milk and almost gagged on it. "What the hell is wrong with this stuff? It tastes like puke!!!" she screamed. She went to the vending machine and got a soda and finished her lunch. Little did she know that the hormone contamination and the medication she was taking would form a compound that would cause a problem of 'ballooned" magnitude. She went through the rest of her classes and continued the daily routine. As the day came to a halt, she had noticed she had a stomachache, probably from that stupid crappy milk. She thought that it would subside normally, anyways, she was looking forward to pom practice with her friends. BRRINNGG!! Finally, the bell rang and everyone bolted out of the classrooms. Jennifer quickly made her way to the locker room, she was so excited that she wanted to go get ready early. Jennifer quickly removed her school clothes and placed them in her gym locker, took off her normal bra and got out her strapless bra that she used for pom-pom practice. She stood and admired her beautiful, firm 38D's in the mirror. She had been popular all through junior high, but she had fallen behind in development in comparison to her friends. But in high school, she quickly filled out and ballooned passed all of her friends, 38D breasts for a 16 year old was pretty good. She toyed with her nipples and giggled, she loved flirting with the guys, and sticking out her chest often attracted them. She put on her strapless bra, and then got into her pom uniform, they practiced in their red body suits with the school logo printed across the chest. She was happy, for most of the poms had considerably smaller breasts, while her large breasts stuck the school logo out considerably, stretching it and making the guys gawk at her even more. She still had that stomach ache from lunch, and it was getting worse, so she decided to take a couple of Tums, maybe that would help. There was still 30 minutes until pom practice began, so she got out her discman and listened to some music until the rest of the team arrived. She was a new member of the poms, so she didn't know the dance routines as well as the others, but the first couple of weeks would be spent on learning the new dances and getting to know the new members of the team. She already had a couple friends that had been on the team for a couple of years, so it would be easier. They practiced very hard for about a half hour, but Jennifer was feeling worse, her stomach growled and hurt with waves of pain that caused her to cringe. She ignored it, thinking it was just the Tums working, but after awhile, she began to feel bloated, and oddly enough, her nipples and aerolae had a burning sensation to them, making them feel puffy and swollen. "May I be excused, I don't feel so well," Jennifer grunted in pain. She quickly ran to the bathroom near the gym, her breasts and stomach numb with a fiery pain. When she got to the bathroom, she leaned over and puked in the toilet, gagging. But, her stomach still hurt, and she doubled over in pain, moaning. Then, it happened... A faint hiss, not too loud began to sound. She got up and looked around, but could not see where it was coming from. She began to notice her bra tightening up and shocked, looked into the mirror. She looked for awhile, her breasts were blowing up, they were getting bigger. She stared in horror as they began to "inflate" up in front of her. They were now nearing a DD cup, maybe even bigger, her body suit began to stretch as they ballooned up. Panic entered her mind, she grabbed them and squeezed, trying to deflate them. They felt extremely light, for even as they were ballooning out, they were not getting heavier, but lighter. It wasn't working, the air wasn't coming out. They were blowing up even faster now, her bra was digging into her sides and her breasts were now about the size of small cantaloupes. What to do? The pom practice was still going on, but she couldn't go back. She peaked out of the bathroom, careful not to expose her swelling mammaries. The coast was clear, she decided to make a run for it and get as far away as possible. She bolted out of the bathroom and sprinted to the nearest exit, her breasts bouncing and heaving with each step. Luckily nobody was there to see, her breasts were now the size of basketballs, her bra was straining and creaking to try and hold her steadily ballooning breasts. She ran and ran until she was about two miles away from the school, until she collapsed, exhausted. Then the hissing stopped. She looked at herself and couldn't believe it! Her breasts were now the size of small beach balls inside her pom uniform Her nipples had stuck out two inches from her body, poking out of the body suit. The school logo had been stretched across her body suit, luckily it was still holding up nicely. Her bra was beginning to really hurt, so she decided to take it off. She reached back and pulled on the zipper to open her body suit, but shortly down it stopped suddenly, she yanked and yanked but it was stuck, some of the teeth were broken! She couldn't get out!! All of a sudden a pang of pain hit her and the hissing started anew. Overwhelmed with panic, she tore and pulled at the zipper, but it would not budge. She frantically tore at her bra strap, but without the zipper down, it couldn't be undone. She screamed in pain as her breasts, now inflating even faster, passed beach ball size and continued to grow. The only way to get her bra off was to force it off, so she arched her back, grabbed her swelling breasts and pushed. She grimaced and screamed as the stitches of the bra came undone one by one. Finally, the bra tore and dropped to the bottom of her suit. She was now free from the pain, but was horrified. The hissing increased and her body was beginning to fill as well. Her stomach was inflating and plumping out, and her breasts continued to balloon outwards. She screamed, her voice raising several octaves until it was unable to be heard. The body suit stretched as her swelling posterior was beginning to catch up with her breasts. The material was beginning to tighten and stretch apart as she continued to inflate with a giant balloon. An unexpected gust of wind came along and knocked her over on her back. She struggled and wiggled, trying to get up, but she couldn't, her body was just too swollen. Her breasts and body continued filling, her breasts were now the size of small weather balloons. By now the body suit was too its limits, the logo was now a whole seven feet across and stretched by her ballooning breasts and stomach. SCCCRRRIPPP!!! The suit couldn't take anymore and tore right down the middle, and the twin spheres of breast flesh jumped free from their previous containment. Now unrestricted her breasts ballooned immensely, adding several inches every minute. Her body was continuing to inflate, until the body suit shredded into nothingness. All of this was too much for Jennifer, who quickly was knocked unconscious. Her limp body shuddered and pulsated as it continued inflating. Her billowing breasts were blowing up faster and were now the size of small hot air balloons. She continued blowing up like a large balloon, and it looked like there was no signs of stopping.
coke, inflation, mentos
Female Inflation
Belly Inflation
I took one more look at my un-inflated body in the mirror. Today was the day. I was finally going to bloat bigger than I had ever before! I grabbed the three packs of mento's that I had bought before and swallowed them all. Then I took my bottle of diet coke and chugged the whole thing until I felt a strong tingling in my stomach."Yes!" I put my hands on my pudgy belly, feeling it start to inflate under my fingers.Then I heard a knock at the door.Shit, who is it!? No one was supposed to be here! I buttoned up my shirt and walked out."Hello? Sarah, are you in there?" my friend Lillian said from outside,"We're supposed to be working on our project for science class."Science class. That was what I was forgetting earlier! I went over and opened up the door."Hi, Lilly..." I said, stating to feel a tightness in my belly,"Listen, I not feeling very well today, maybe we can reschedule for tomorrow?" "Oh, sure thing!" she replied,"But I've started to work on the poster a little bit, and I want to show you what I've done so you aren't to behind, that ok with you?"Ok," I said. WHAT! That was not ok! This shirt was baggy ten seconds ago! Now I can feel the top of my stomach stretching the first button.She walked in and put her half-made poster on my kitchen table,"Ok, so I've put the essay you wrote up on the right, and... Did you do something?""What?" I said, trying to play it cool."You look different somehow," she said, looking me over, then centering on my growing belly,"No offense, but did you gain weight?" "Why? Does this short look tight to you," It certainly felt tight. In a few minutes the buttons would have all been a treasured memory, along with my dignity."Yeah, maybe that's it," she said, looking back at the poster,"Now if we...""I... Need to get something!" I said, turning around just before the first button popped off."Ok... Are you sure you want to do this, if you need rest I can go?" "Um, I'll get my phone and take a picture of it when I get back," I said, walking into my room, no longer able to see my feet.I threw open the door. What was I thinking! I had this one chance to inflate like in the stories, but I had to screw it up! I thew on a hoody that concealed my belly pretty well. But as I was leaving, I saw the other bottle of Diet Coke and the last pack of mento's. I don't know what it was, but the though off inflating in front of Lillian so fast was so sexy I couldn't help myself. I ate the mento's and chugged down the coke, and instantly felt my belly expanding two times as fast. One look at me and you would've though that I was pregnant with twins. And it wouldn't stop! The seams on the zipper burst off, leaving only the strained remaining buttons of the shirt to cover me up."Hey Sarah, is everything alright?" Lillian asked, opening the door just in time to see my buttons pop off."Hey..." I said, stifling a burp."Oh. My. God. What the hell is going on!?" "It's a... Long story."
balloon, belly and boobs, floating
Female Inflation, Male Inflation
Belly Inflation, Breast Inflation, Butt Inflation, Full Body Inflation
I awoke to the sound of wind and rain, and in my still half asleep state I was thinking that being out on an open beach was no place to be with the intensity of the sounds. I was thinking that the wind was sure to blow the small shelter of my propped up boat away very quickly. But as I struggled more to consciousness I realized that I was barely feeling any of the wind I was hearing, and reaching out I felt no rain on my arm in spite of the sound of it. This realization helped to bring me more out of the very deep sleep I must have been in, and I opened my eyes to find myself staring at the underside of a high thatched roof. The lighting was dim, and as my eyes adjusted I could see through window openings near me that it was a gray and rainy day outside the structure I found myself in. Several candles burned near me, and as I began to sit up I saw a woman get up from nearby and come towards me. This caused me to close my eyes and shake my head vigorously from side to side to clear it, as the woman now at my side was the fattest woman I had ever seen. I suddenly remembered the last things that had happened before this moment, and looking around me, I realized that I was obviously no longer on the beach where I had last been having a conversation with Jeremy Brandon. I remembered thinking that Jeremy was quite fat by my western standards, but this woman was clearly bigger than he was. The first and most obvious thing that was most mind blowing to me were her enormous breasts. She was wearing a skirt like dress that had suspender like straps that came up from the waist, and crossed between her huge breasts and looped over her shoulders. Nothing covered those magnificent tits, and they stuck straight out from her chest with no support at all. In spite of my befuddled mental state at that moment, other parts of my anatomy were reacting to this view. I shook my head again in an effort to further clear my mind. The woman saw my staring and smiled at me. Then I did a mental zoom out of the scene and looked at her more completely. She had long, lustrous, dark hair and equally dark eyes, and a beautiful smile. In her hand she held a cup and offered it to me. "You must be thirsty by now," she said. I took the cup, and after realizing that it was just water, I drank gratefully. "I know you must have many questions," she said then. I nodded at this, still sipping from the cup. "I can tell you that the decision was made to bring you here only after you indicated to Jeremy that you were prepared to see about how life was here on this island, and that we decided to bring you here as we did because we knew of this storm that was coming, and it would not have been good to leave you where you were for a storm like this. These long and intense storms come up during this season of the year, and we thought you would be safer here once you decided to not remain on the beach." Now that my head was clearing more rapidly I was able to appreciate the simple honesty of her words, and now as I sipped at the water I looked around at my surroundings. I was in a large hut of sorts, the window openings were of normal size, and I looked out to see that the roofing had low eaves to provide an awning like effect over the windows and door opening which was easily six feet wide, but covered with a drape like hanging to keep out the wind and rain. Remembering the size of Jeremy Brandon and looking at the woman before me, suddenly the width of the doorway didn't surprise me. I now took more time to look more carefully at her. She had a beautiful face and an enormous body, for a moment I thought that she could be a major attraction in a circus. At first the size of her massive breasts had caught all my attention, but now I saw that beneath her breasts she had a huge round belly that easily would have supported her breasts had they not stuck straight out from her chest by themselves. With curiosity I noticed that she had a very short neck, and both her arms and legs seemed to be foreshortened, with her upper arms and legs seeming to be almost half their length as though they were absorbed into her body. In spite of this and her size, she seemed to move with no difficulty as she took my cup and waddled over to refill it from a small barrel against the wall. As she turned I saw that her roundness went all the way around, although she had a massive womanly ass that had a shape of its own in spite of her body's generally round shape. "I am Bimma, daughter of Kubar," she told me then as she gave me a second cup of water. "We thought it would not be good for you to wake up alone in these unfamiliar surroundings." "For that I am appreciative," I responded, "my name is Steven Flinton, and I am happy to meet you Bimma." She smiled at me again, and I was again struck by how very attractive she was in spite of her enormous size. "So how long have I been asleep?" I asked then as I suddenly noticed that nature was making a very urgent call. "This evening will mark the third evening since you were brought here," she responded very matter of factly. Three days!!! My brain was now fully awake, and I was on my feet. Bimma smiled again and guided me to a back door of the hut. She drew back the drape and pointed to a small structure by itself away from many other nearby huts I now noticed. I didn't need any further direction, and went out into the rain to visit the small structure of obvious purpose. On my return, Bimma offered me a towel, and I noticed that there were three newcomers in the hut. As I dried off from the rain, Jeremy Brandon stepped forward. "Good to see you awake Mr. Flinton, we never know how long someone is going to sleep when they first come here, but it did allow us to get you here with a minimum of difficulty," he said to me. "Allow me to introduce you to Kubar, he is the father of Bimma who has been looking after you, and also the village shaman, and this other gentleman is Numassa the village chief." I nodded at the two new men in my acquaintance while I tried to sort out in my head if my eyes were playing tricks on me, Jeremy Brandon looked bigger than I remembered him on the beach now three evenings ago. The other two men were equally massive, and like Bimma, their arms and legs were foreshortened halfway down their upper portions. Surprisingly, they were actually larger than Bimma, and had breast development to rival any silicon enhanced stripper I had ever seen where I came from. Even so, as a female, Bimma's boobs were much bigger. As a biochemist I knew there were hormonal conditions that would make men's breasts enlarge, so I had to wonder if that was endemic to this island. If so, it was likely that it was part of what made everyone I had seen so far such large people. I guessed that this was one of the many questions I would have to find answers to as I went along, since Jeremy had told me that I was effectively stuck here for a while. The man who identified himself as the village chief now stepped forward and offered his hand to me. "We are honored to welcome you here to the western village," he said, "and as the chief I would invite you to dinner at my home this evening." Just noticing now that I was very hungry after 3 days of sleeping I smiled and shook his hand. "I would be honored to join you for dinner," I responded, wondering what the local diet must be like. It obviously wasn't lacking in calories judging by what I had seen so far. I looked out the window then to see if anyone was visible, but while I saw many structures, some with lighting inside, the heavy rain was keeping everyone inside. The shaman, Kubar, saw me looking and seemed to read my mind. "This is the rainy season," he said, "the storms sweep in and it can rain for several days at a time. We are able to predict their arrival, but it is difficult to know how long they will last. Since we knew this one was coming it is good that you decided to embrace life here when you did. It would have been very unpleasant for you were you still on the beach." "I guess then I should say thank you for your foresight. Jeremy told me that all newcomers are offered entry into life here. Has anyone ever refused?" Numassa gave a short laugh. "It has been known to happen in the history of this place, but in the end, due to our isolation here, it became a necessity if you want to live comfortably here, and there is no memory of anyone ever regretting it. Some have even left, but all have returned." "There is something to be said for the quality of life here," put in Jeremy. "Well, no one here looks under fed from what I have seen so far," I responded. Bimma and the three men suddenly laughed out loud at that statement. "You are certainly correct in that no one goes hungry here, but there is much you will yet learn about life here. As Jeremy has probably told you already, adjusting yourself to living in our culture is going to require that you have a very open mind," Numassa told me once he got his amusement under control. "I will send for you soon when we have made ready dinner." With that Numassa and Kubar left the hut and I watched them waddle off through the rain. Jeremy then sat down on the wide bench next to where Bimma was sitting. "So what would you like to ask first? I can answer some questions now, but some you should probably save until you have seen things here first, as some answers will be quite apparent on your observation," he said. I thought that one over for a moment as I sat down on the pontoon of my boat in the middle of the room and looked at my watch. It seemed to have stopped, so this instigated my first question: "You said it was noticed when I first arrived here, and I know I have been sleeping a lot, so I have lost track of time. The computer in my portable lab here can tell me this, but do you know how long I have been here by now?" "Very good question," Jeremy answered, "and yes, you have been here two weeks today." TWO WEEKS! My mind ran over the events since my arrival here, and I could not account for the passage of two weeks. "The excessive sleeping you have been experiencing is the result of your body's adjustments to the native foods here which you began eating shortly following your arrival." Turning that one over in my mind I wasn't surprised. As a biochemist I knew that the body often had unusual reactions to the introduction of changes in what was normal for it. This seemed a bit extreme, but I had been through some serious events since I had left my old life behind. As I was thinking my eyes had once again moved back to Bimma's enormous boobs, and she smiled suddenly as she saw me staring. I jerked my eyes away as she laughed suddenly, and Jeremy laughed as he caught what had happened. "Yes, they are quite spectacular, aren't they?" he asked with a grin on his face. "But you will find that there is much to gawk at here in that regard, so the novelty will probably wear off before too long. It is probably good that this storm came in when it did as it limits your exposure to people too quickly. I was the victim of quite a bit of sensory overload when I first came here. Consider it to be just another aspect of adjusting to your new life." While I was thinking that one over Bimma came over to me with a towel and a bar of what turned out to be soap. "While it is still raining you may want to wash up outside before you are a guest at the table of Numassa," she told me then. In spite of the rain, it was still warm enough that this seemed like a good idea, so I stepped out the back once again, draped the towel over a sheltered window ledge, and stripped down. I hadn't actually had anything like a real shower with soap in weeks, so it actually felt quite good. As I was drying off under the eave I noticed that the clothes I had been wearing actually smelled pretty rank, so I thought about how I could clean them up since my supply of clean clothing was very limited. I was thinking on this as I wrapped the towel around myself and went back in. Bimma was waiting for me and must have guessed my thoughts as she handed me a one piece garment that I realized was like the one she and everyone I had seen so far was wearing. It was a fuzzy sort of material, quite soft, and very stretchy. It was actually a skirt like thing with a wide strap running front to back through the crotch, and very stretchy shoulder straps. Mine was a medium brown color, while Bimma's was a bright red, and Jeremy's was light blue. "These are a very practical sort of dress here," she told me, "we do of course have other clothes for special occasions, but since it is always warm here, these work best for everyday wear." Slipping into it was easy enough, and it did have a comfortable feel against my skin. I was surprised at how elastic the material was as I stretched the shoulder straps over my head to cross them across my chest and back. Bimma looked me over for a moment and nodded her approval. The rain had by then slowed to a drizzle, and she and Jeremy led me through the doorway and across the compound. I looked around me as we walked barefoot and saw that all the various structures were built very large, and all had the very wide doorways. The few people we saw were all equally as large or larger than Jeremy and Bimma,(were there no normal sized people here?), and they looked curiously at me as we passed. This gave me more to think about as we walked, but decided to follow Jeremy's advice about observing life here before I asked more questions. We arrived at the home of Numassa a moment later and were ushered in by a woman that introduced herself as the wife of Numassa. By now I didn't stare at the huge breasts that seemed to precede the woman as she stepped forward and took my hand. She had a cheery smile and introduced herself as Lisha, and pulled me inside telling me how pleased and honored she was to have me to come and eat at the table of her family for my first meal in the village. I was a bit taken aback by the effusiveness of her greeting, and it must have showed. "Please understand Steven," said Jeremy then, "hospitality is a very big part of the culture here. Try to relax. There is very little to want for here, and the people are quite naturally very generous by nature. By coming here and having your first meal here you are giving a great honor. I know, since I was the honored guest 12 years ago. I know that coming from a similar world as you that it is hard to give up on caution when meeting new people, but be assured that no one here has any ulterior motives about them other than to make you feel welcome." Again I had to consider the words before I did then relax a bit and smiled at the wife of the chief. "Thank you for the kind invitation to allow me to eat with your family," I told her. Like everyone else I had encountered, the wife of Numassa was huge and round, and her bare breasts thrust proudly out from her chest, easily the size of volleyballs, riding atop her immense belly. She pulled me further into the house toward the back where Numassa sat at a large table with a number of other equally large people. Numassa rose and took my hand and guided me to a seat next to him, and Bimma seated herself next to me on the other side. "Welcome to my home and my table," he said then. "Thank you," I responded. Jeremy had seated himself across from me, next to another woman he introduced as his wife Shara, and introduced two others as Yuri, and his wife Bincy who was clearly the largest person at the table. She laughed and shook my hand and told me that she had enjoyed being part of the team that had brought me here. This made me wonder just how that had happened as I remembered my explorations then, and remembered also that it seemed that penetrating deeper into the island seemed almost impossible to me at the time. More questions for later I decided. Several children then came in and seated themselves at the table laughing and talking. Unlike everyone else however, the children were of normal size. I thought that maybe things weren't so unusual at that moment. Kubar arrived a moment later, and introduced me to his wife Urshi who, like all the women was massively busty, but by now I wasn't finding myself so inclined to gawk. Bimma next to me giggled a bit and squeezed my hand almost like she knew what I was thinking. Numassa poured out drink for all the adults, and toasted me, the newest arrival to the village. It was a variant of the alcoholic drink that Jeremy had given me on the beach, not quite so sweet, but the presence of the alcohol in it was more obvious. It warmed all the way down my throat, and I found myself relaxing more. Lisha then brought in steaming bowls and set them before everyone. The bowls contained a type of fish stew with some vegetables I recognized, and some I didn't, but it was seasoned well, and very tasty. I must have been hungrier than I had thought as I ate 4 bowls, and this seemed to make Lisha very happy. "You must regain your strength after all you have been through," she told me happily. After the dinner I was called on to tell of my life before I came here, and the circumstances that had brought me here, which took me a while. Everyone was very curious about my specialty of employment and with some help from Jeremy I explained about being a biochemist, and about my portable analysis lab. The idea that so much could be learned by studying the chemical differences between people was very interesting to them. I found it surprising that it all seemed to make so much sense to them and said so. Again, Jeremy felt inclined to answer to this. "Steven, you have to understand that the people here don't live in a vacuum. We do have contact with the outside world, but it is a mitigated contact. Everyone here knows how to read and write, and we teach our children the basic skills all children learn in school. We also have many others on this island that came from the outside world and brought knowledge with them. We even do some trading with a few ships that come rarely, but they do come. We have books, and we even have electricity in some places courtesy of trading for solar panels. Whenever someone new like yourself comes, especially with some advanced scientific knowledge, they become a new source of information for us, as you now are." By now I was feeling quite relaxed full of food and drink, and what he said made perfect sense to me. So I smiled and apologized for being presumptuous. Kubar laughed at that. "No worries," he said, "we have to remember too that when someone new comes it takes a bit of adjustment for us as well. Obviously we have ways and a life here that is very different than anything anywhere else in the world. Every time we hear more stories of the world outside it makes us appreciate our lives here even more. Tomorrow we will talk more. By then you will have your thoughts more clear so we can answer your questions which you surely have." I nodded at this as a huge yawn came out of me. "You need to sleep again," Bimma told me, "soon your body will be adjusted to life here and this being tired so much will fade." "Does this happen to everybody?" I asked. "To us new arrivals it does," responded Jeremy. "During my first month here I probably slept away over two weeks. Natives obviously become acclimated to life here from birth." I nodded at this, yawning again. Bimma took my arm and led me out. We didn't seem to be going in the right direction, and when I said this she told me I was to stay tonight in her family's home. "Your small boat was fine for the time it was needful for you to sleep in, but that need is past and you should sleep more comfortably at my home," she said as we entered yet another very large hut like structure. She showed me to a room where there hung a hammock large enough to hold three or four people. She gave me a pillow and a blanket and helped me settle in, and with a quick kiss on my cheek and a smile she left the room. Bimma walked to the back of the house where Kubar and Urshi now were relaxing with another cup of the liquor served at the dinner. Kubar looked up at her as she entered. "He is asleep?" he asked. Bimma nodded. "I am very surprised though, he must have so many questions, and yet he seems to just be observing and taking everything he sees at face value." "Perhaps his very scientific mind is in some form of denial about his observations," Urshi suggested. "It is very obvious that we people here are quite unusual." "He has no idea yet just how unusual," said Bimma with a smile. "He will surely sleep for another two or three days this time," said Kubar. "I must talk to Jeremy and some others about how to approach explaining what is going to happen to him. He could be a great asset here, but he must accept the changes that are happening to him as he really has no choice now. But perhaps Jeremy can discuss it with some others that have come here with medical knowledge and present it to him in a way he can accept more easily. It is good that you are looking after him Bimma." "It is no trouble father. Actually I think I rather like him," Bimma said with a smile. "That is nice dear," said Urshi then, "we may not have to marry you off to another village after all." Bimma blushed and laughed feeling herself involuntarily begin to enlarge. "I think I shall sleep in the upper level tonight," she announced. "Probably a good idea dear. Such thoughts as you are having seem to be affecting your self control," Urshi said with a smile. Without another word Bimma waddled to the next room that had no ceiling and closed her eyes. Seeming to take a deep breath she began to enlarge bigger and rounder. Her arms and legs further disappeared into the growing roundness of her body. Her breasts grew ever more round and enormous, as did her gigantic ass. Slowly she felt the weight of her feet on the floor diminish, and after another moment her feet left the floor as she drifted upward into the upper level of the house. No furnishings were present up here. Only soft mats on the floor for when one descended while sleeping, and some ropes strung up high to help one maneuver into a good spot for sleeping. She often had wondered why people lost their pressure and descended while sleeping. It was rare to actually stay aloft for an entire sleep, but as she pulled herself over to a spot in the middle of the room she inflated herself yet more so maybe she would wake up still in the air. It was considered a good sign when that happened she thought with a smile as she fell asleep herself. Kubar watched his youngest daughter as she left the room and looked over at his wife. Urshi met his gaze steadily and she said: "Yes?" "Being a bit suggestive with Bimma, don't you think?" "I didn't think so," Urshi replied. "Only pointing out that I am aware that she finds our new arrival interesting." VI The rain stopped during the night, and the morning was bright and sunny. In the house of Kubar Steven Flinton continued to sleep in spite of the light coming in the window opening. Bimma had awakened happily noting that while she was now no longer against the ceiling of the sleeping room, she was still buoyant enough in the air that she was still drifting in the large sleeping space and had not awakened on the sleeping mats. She made a conscious effort to slowly release a bit more gas from her body as she rolled a bit in the air to grab a hanging rope to pull herself over to the opening in the floor. She released more of her internal pressure and slowly descended to the floor below. Urshi was awake below in the kitchen area and a pot of tea sat on the iron stove with a small fire going within. She looked up as Bimma came in and poured her a cup of tea. " I thought you might sleep all day daughter," she said with a smile. "Did I sleep so long then?" asked Bimma looking out the window to get a sense of time. "Not so very late, but you have been awake early often lately." "I guess I was feeling more comfortable to be sleeping home again, and it helped knowing that Steven was sleeping here instead of in the communal storage hut." "I have already looked in on him for you," Urshi said then, "and he is deep in his sleep of change. I expect he will sleep at least another day or two. I remember when Jeremy arrived, he also slept so long." "Where is father?" Bimma asked then. "He went to find Jeremy. They are going to Sky village to talk to two others from the outer world that now make their home there. One was a doctor so your father thought that maybe he might be able to help Jeremy explain the phenomenon of why we are so different here. The winds are favorable so he didn't want to waste time on it." Bimma nodded at that as she sipped her tea. Sky village was the one village on the island that was at a higher elevation than their own West village, and one of the two that by virtue of its location never had to welcome newcomers for being located nearer to the center of the island. The arrivals her mother spoke of must have found themselves at Sky village through marriage since family ties were the most common reason for people to move from one village to another. Marriage from one village to another was often a reason to improve ties between different communities. As the daughter of the West village shaman Bimma was well aware of the politics that could influence her own choices of a future mate. Being as she was also a very beautiful woman also had made her the subject of much attention when she had gone to other villages on occasion. At the same time it bothered her that she seldom saw any of her three older sisters because of such marriages. "Are the winds favorable for them to fly there?" she asked then. "It seems so this morning, but Kubar was uncertain if the winds would take them all the way," her mother responded, "if you are feeling restless there are some transports being prepared. Bincy said something last night about wanting to be one of the balloons for the goods we are sending to Lagoon village." "Knowing Bincy that is probably a heavy load so she can get a big as possible," Bimma said with a chuckle. "But I think I am going to stay around to keep an eye on Steven." "So it is Steven now is it?" asked her mother with a smile. "Well I don't think he would mind me calling him by his first name," came back Bimma blushing again. "So you think maybe you like this new arrival so much so quickly?" asked Urshi then. "I think he is different enough from the men I have met so far to be more interesting, and he is not so arrogant as some of the men I have been introduced to in some of the other villages," said Bimma. "But don't worry too much yet mother, I think I have to see how well he is able to take to life here, but any incentive he may need to help him I plan on offering it." "Well you do have some impressive incentives about you," said her mother then as she gave one of Bimma's huge breasts a squeeze as she stepped around her daughter. A stifled laugh escaped Bimma then as she tried not to spray a mouthful of tea on the floor. Urshi laughed out loud at that. In the other room Steven Flinton slept on deeply, unaware of the changes that were occurring in his body. Miles away and several hundred feet in the air Jeremy and Kubar, both well inflated and tethered together by a line tied to each of their arms, were being carried on the wind toward the middle of the island where several very eroded volcanic mountains merged together. In the flattened area hundreds of feet further up were the fertile areas where Sky village was located. "We may get lucky and get carried close enough that they may see us," called Kubar. Jeremy nodded at this. The wind was carrying them along at maybe 10 miles an hour he guessed, and he was just enjoying floating along for now. If it turned out that they actually might get carried over Sky village, then the people there would make provision for them. It sometimes got tricky here however, as inflating more to get the altitude needed to get up to the village also put one at the mercy of the often stronger winds the higher you got. But for now it seemed that the winds were favoring them. The view from up here was wonderful he thought, and he actually didn't mind that the wind was tending to spin them a bit. To the south he could just make out Lagoon village. It was a fine day for a flight he thought. All too soon however, they realized that they were going to be carried south of the peaks of Sky village, and so regretfully they began to deflate in an effort to come down as close as possible to the base of the volcanic mountains. As they descended Jeremy looked back toward West village and saw the transport that he knew was bound for Lagoon village rising up in the air miles behind them. The winds were going to be almost perfect for where they were going today he thought, although the transport platforms wouldn't move as fast, so likely they were going to get a much longer flight than he and Kubar got to enjoy. He wondered briefly as they lost more altitude if Bincy got her wish for a heavy transport since she loved getting herself as big as she could. They came down in the open perimeter at the south of the mountains base, and walked the distance around until they came to an open area with an almost sheer cliff face reaching up toward the sky. From somewhere above there hung stout ropes which they tied to themselves, and then began to re-inflate slowly to rise up the cliff. Although it had become quite natural for him by now, Jeremy still wondered about this ability to inflate himself at will with no need for external help. He knew he could blow himself up mostly with air simply by an act that began with a very deep breath, but being able to willfully become inflated with lighter than air gas was a riddle about this ability that he had not been able to come up with a good explanation for. He hoped one or both of the men they were coming to see might have had some thoughts on it since he had seen them last. Steven Flinton was likely to start searching for his own answers if they weren't able to answer some of his questions. Going carefully up the cliff face with the help of the guide ropes seemed to take forever, but as they neared the top they saw several faces looking down at them from the top. In a moment they felt the ropes tighten and they were pulled up much more quickly than the progress they had been making. Shortly they were pulled up over the edge and pulled down to the much higher ground by several men. Kubar and Jeremy exchanged greetings with the men as they again gave up the gas that made them buoyant in the air. "So Kubar, what brings the shaman of West village to make the trip here?" inquired one of the men. "We have a new arrival in our village," responded Kubar, "and before the changes that are happening to him are complete we needed to speak to James Linton and Michael Granger, as we hoped that they might be able to give us some insights that may help us to make his adjustment easier. He is a scientist, and so is likely to have a lot of questions that they may have better answers for than we do." The men nodded at this, and led them down a path toward Sky village. Jeremy had only been to Sky village once before, and then it was as part of a transport team. The fertile volcanic soil here and the lack of small nuisance animals made Sky village the agricultural center of the island. All villages had gardens, but here growing vegetables was refined to an art form. Jeremy looked out on well planted areas that created the primary coin for trade from here. The men led Kubar and Jeremy to the house of Dalmar, the shaman of Sky village as it was an expected courtesy for such equals to exchange greetings and purpose first. Dalmar greeted them happily, and ushered them into his home where they settled onto benches while his wife poured tea for them. He listened attentively as Kubar introduced Jeremy and explained the reason for their visit, and after a moment called his son from the back of the house, and sent him to find the men they wanted. "So you will take dinner with us and spend the night," said Dalmar. "The winds will not shift to the west before tomorrow I can assure you." "We would be pleased and honored," answered Kubar. Shortly after the two men arrived at the home of Dalmar. Jeremy had met James Linton before, and remembered that he was an American that had been a doctor before his arrival here, and had heard that he had come here to Sky village because of an injured child. While here he had met and married one of the daughters of the village chief, and so now made his home here. Michael Granger he knew only as a name mentioned to him as he was another arrival from the world outside. He shook hands with the two and they sat down to tea. "So Dr. Linton, how is life here at Sky treating you?" inquired Jeremy. James Linton laughed at that. "I expect living anywhere on this island would add years to one's life just due to the low stress level, but since I married Tooma I can honestly say that life has never been better." Kubar then explained to the men why they had come to see them, and the nature of their new arrival, and the likely need for better explanations than they had. "It is true that myself and James have discussed this at length," Michael Granger began, "but while we are somewhat comfortable with what we believe to be the cause of this unusual adaptation, we have no means of proving it." "Yes, this is true," said James then, "and what sort of scientist is this Flinton fellow?" "He is a biochemist," answered Jeremy, "and it might interest you to know that he washed up on our western shore with a portable computerized biochemical analysis unit that seems to have survived the trauma of arriving here in a storm." Granger and Linton suddenly exchanged a look of surprise, and the excitement on their faces was obvious. "This fellow and his specialty and equipment may be just what we need to prove or disprove our theory," James said excitedly while Michael nodded in agreement. "As a biologist this peculiarity has been of particular curiosity to me," Michael said then. "And while we all learned the dogma that explains the when and why the people here gained this power of self-inflation, it is such an amazing adaptation that the how has been nagging me since I became a balloon myself." Jeremy and Kubar talked long into the afternoon and evening with Dalmar, Linton, and Granger, and arrangements were made for them to come to West village in several weeks. Kubar thought it wise to wait for Steven Flinton to finish the process that was happening to him, and to become acquainted with the central reality of life here before they met. The caveat of meeting them and being part of helping them understand it might well ease any misgivings he might have. It also crossed his mind that having Bimma take an interest in him as she had might do even more to help the process. He smiled to himself at this thought. Bimma was his youngest daughter, and the idea of marrying her off to the son of a chief of another village did not sit well with him. The following morning, as Dalmar had predicted, the winds had shifted to the west, and so Kubar and Jeremy took their leave thanking Dalmar for his hospitality. They were shown to the western edge of the village and once again with a long tether joining them at an arm they inflated and rose up and away from Sky village. Of a necessity to get away from the mountain they were much higher, and so much larger this time. They kept their higher altitude as the wind carried them west. Once again Jeremy just enjoyed the feeling of drifting along in the air. VII I felt myself regaining consciousness slowly. I was aware that I was warm and comfortable, and felt a bit dizzy. I opened my eyes to see light coming in the window and remembered Bimma putting me to bed here after the dinner at the home of Numassa. I wondered how long I had been asleep this time as I became aware of bodily needs that would get me on my feet before long. I felt rather strange as I got myself sitting up, but this seemed to dissipate as my head cleared. I didn't know if there was a closer privy, but I went for the one I knew behind the hut where I had been staying. It seemed to be around dawn as the light was still dim, but coming from the east, and I didn't see anyone as I took my walk behind the hut where my remaining possessions were right where I remembered them. I returned quietly to the hammock and wondered where Bimma was. Laying back down I found her in my mind as I pulled the blanket back over me. She was a beautiful woman although enormously fat I thought. But, it seemed like everyone here was enormously fat I reminded myself. And, unless I was planning on becoming a monk, I might want to get used to the idea that any sex here was going to be with a fat woman. As I turned this over in my mind, the thought of Bimma's gigantic tits intruded in my head then, and I found that in spite of what I thought might be attractive, some parts of me certainly were affected by those breasts, and her other supremely womanly curves. So what was it about here that everyone was so damned fat? I would have bet anything that Jeremy Brandon hadn't arrived here the way he was now. Everyone seemed healthy and happy, so I thought I could rule out some disease, but there must be some very high calorie content in some of the local food to make people as big as they are here. By now I was pretty confident that the obviousness of this anomaly was part of what Jeremy had expected me to observe. I remembered that the children at Numassa's house had appeared pretty normal for kids. Maybe it is something that starts at puberty? Another thought that nagged at the back of my brain was the way people here moved. In spite of their large size, and their foreshortened legs, they moved easily and quickly. I had seen very heavy people in my life, I had a very fat great aunt that had left me and my cousin her house and an inheritance, and she moved in a way that could almost be described as ponderously. Aunt Fanny could never have moved like the people here did, and these people were bigger than she was. I thought then of my cousin Laura, or Loona as she liked to be called by her alternate personality. She would have fit in here just fine being almost as fat as Aunt Fanny was. She was my closest living relative and I wondered how she was doing just now in her business as an inflatable clown doing kids parties. I had to smile to myself as I remembered her showing me her inflatable clown outfit, and helping her inflate it with helium the first time. How I laughed as she waddled around the living room looking like an enormous beach ball I thought with a smile. But, it made her happy, and she seemed to be building a nice side business out of it, so as the closest thing to a sister I had I hoped she was doing well with it, and that she wasn't worrying about me. In fact, I wondered if anyone had reported me missing at all by now? At that thought, I slipped back into sleep, still thinking of my fat cousin Loona. When I awoke again the sunlight was lighting the room completely, and I was actually too warm under the blanket. Oddly I was still thinking of my cousin as I lay there with my eyes still closed. I would have to talk to Jeremy or Kubar about if people here ever communicated with the outside world at all by way of the infrequent visits by ships. With that thought I opened my eyes and swung into a sitting position. Bimma was sitting right in front of me and as usual my eyes went immediately to her volleyball sized breasts. She was smiling at me as I jerked my eyes up to her face. "So you have rejoined us again from the world of dreams," she said with a bigger smile. "Actually I was up earlier to attend to my needs but decided to sleep a bit longer," I answered. "Well, you must be hungry and thirsty, so let us go get something to eat," she said taking me by the hand and leading me to an area of the house that was one big room with an area of the corner set up as a kitchen. Urshi was there and smiled as we entered. "So good to see you up again Mr. Flinton," she said as she put a cup of tea before me. I smiled at her as I sipped my tea. "I think we can skip the Mr. Flinton formality," I told her, "please call me Steven." "Very well then, please call me Urshi," she replied as she waddled about the kitchen fixing something near the stove which I couldn't see due to her vast size blocking the view. After a moment she placed bowls of what appeared to be a hot cereal in front of Bimma and myself. A small jar on the table contained a sweet syrup unlike anything I recognized, but it went very well with the cereal. Bimma told me it was a variant of an oat like grain that grew here, and it was quite tasty. "So we have the day to ourselves Steven," said Bimma then. "What would you like to do?" After a moment of thought I asked: "How long did I sleep this time?" "You have been asleep for almost four days." "Which means I have been here at the village for a week, and yet I haven't seen anything here. So I think I would like to walk around and see life here." I looked over at Urshi then, and she was nodding. I noticed then what a very attractive woman she was as well, obviously Bimma had inherited her mother's beauty. "I think this is a very good idea," said Urshi then, "seeing life here will better help you to fit in as a member of the community. Of course Bimma will show you around." Having Bimma nearby was becoming so natural, that a brief thought of wondering what it would be like if she weren't around was somehow disturbing to me. So it was that after we finished our tea Bimma again took my hand and led me out into the village. Since all the structures were built so large to accommodate the inhabitants, I was surprised to see how much larger the village was than I had a first realized. All the homes appeared well kept and had gardens around them. I remarked on how neat and orderly all that I saw appeared. "Of course you must realize Steven, that there is not the pressures here you have in the world you came from. People here tend to the needs of family and friends, and in the villages there is a communal spirit. Every home you see has been built with the help of the whole village. When a new home is built there is always a celebration with many gifts as a new home or the rebuilding of an old one means the start of a new family here. Attending to the basic needs of the community comes right after seeing to the needs of one's family. So naturally we make time to keep the surroundings nice as it benefits everyone. Beyond that we do have some occupations which yield things that enable us to trade with other villages, and even with the occasional ships that stop here." That reminded me suddenly of my earlier thoughts about my cousin and if she had received any word about my not turning up where I was supposed to be. "How often do the ships come, and where do they come to here on the island?" I asked. Bimma showed some surprise at my intensity. "Ships can only come to Lagoon village or South village," she told me, "no other points on the island are accessible, and even those places require the ships to anchor at sea and send in small boats to shore. Why is this so important to you? Do you wish to leave so soon before you see how life can be here?" Bimma seemed equally intense in her response, and her dark eyes were filled with concern which surprised me a bit. So I explained carefully to her about my cousin that was like my sister, and my concern about her worrying about me if word reached her that I may have been lost at sea. Bimma relaxed then, and asked me about Laura, or Loona as I explained was what she liked to be called. So as we walked about the village I told her about my family and how Loona and I had grown up very close, and about how we were the favorite niece and nephew of our great Aunt Fanny, and how Aunt Fanny had been such a big woman, and how Loona was a lot like her. Since Bimma was so easy to talk to I even told her about how Loona had a business as a clown dressed like a human balloon. This seemed to interest Bimma very much and she asked a lot about what Loona was like, and about her inflatable suit. "So you love your cousin very much," she said then. "Of course, she was, or is the only close family I have, and I would like very much to get some sort of communication to her to let her know I am alright," I answered. Bimma relaxed more then. "There is a way to send letters from here," she told me, "the people in Lagoon and South villages have arrangements with a few of the ship crews that come here. It requires trading to enable it, but I believe that they pass letters to the crews for some exchange of value, and when the crews are in ports where such letters can be mailed, they do so. But, it often takes weeks or even months before such letters find their way to the people concerned." "How far are these villages?" I asked. "We don't think about distance as you do, so maybe you should ask Jeremy that question," she answered, "but it depends on the travel conditions too. South village is the farther, but if conditions are right the trip can be made in hours, other times it can take days." Hours to days? This seemed a bit strange to me. Even allowing for the oddity of the terrain on this volcanic island, the place wasn't that big of a land mass. I thought that maybe getting through the more overgrown areas might take such a time, especially for such big people here, but how could a two day trip be reduced to hours? Bimma smiled at me. "Tell me more about your old life and your cousin Loona," she asked. So we walked on about the village and I found myself telling Bimma most anything she asked. I told her about how my Aunt had left Loona and myself her house and an inheritance which I used to go back to school to finish my degree, and how Loona and I had redone the house for both of us, and made the rooms and doorways extra wide because of Loona being as large a woman as she was. I told her that part of the house was mine and that is where all of my old life that remained was, but that for the most part it was Loona's house. Bimma was curious about Loona having a business as a clown, and this was a bit hard for me to explain. She understood about a funny outfit and making people laugh, but the idea of it being a business and something to make money from seemed very strange to her. "So you have been around very large women in your life?" she asked me suddenly. "It seems so," I answered, "although my family is not very large, but my great Aunt and my cousin were certainly the closest family I ever had, and they both were big fat women." "What did you think about your cousin and her idea with the inflatable suit?" Bimma asked me almost shyly. "What do you mean?" I asked. "Did you like the idea?" "Actually it surprised me when she told me about it, but Loona had a balloon fetish since she was a child. We were very close you know, so we didn't have any secrets. But when she said she was launching a business as Balloona the clown, and said she liked being called Loona better than Laura, even I was surprised. I even helped her out in the beginning when I had time, and it seemed that she was happiest when she was wearing that inflatable suit and doing her clown act and making people laugh, so I guess I came to like what she was doing since it was making her so happy, and she was making a good business of it." We had by now come to a cleared area and sat down on a wide bench at one side of it. The day was warm and sunny, and Bimma was looking at me with a strange smile on her face. "So what are you thinking now Bimma?" I asked. "I am thinking Steven, that you may adjust to life here more easily than I first thought," she answered still with that smile on her lips. "How do you mean that?" "You said your cousin Loona was a big fat woman." To this I nodded, not understanding where she was going. "Do you love her?" Bimma prodded. "Of course I love her, I told you she is like my sister," I answered still perplexed. "But did you think she was an attractive woman?" Bimma pressed. Still a bit confused, I thought of my cousin and nodded. "Of course she is attractive," I answered then, "she is smart and a good person, and yes, she is a very pretty woman, just like you are." Bimma smiled more at me then. "Look at me Steven, you think I am pretty?" "Absolutely I think you are more than pretty," I answered with no hesitation. "Am I as fat as your cousin?" she asked then. Now I did hesitate as I looked Bimma over. Her ass had to be close to four feet wide, and I suddenly realized why all the benches I had seen here were so very wide. Her fat round belly rode out over her fat thighs and as she was sitting down that belly pushed her huge tits up to her chin. She continued to look straight at me with no hint of embarrassment as I looked her over. "Actually you are larger than she is," I responded after a moment. "As large as when she wears her special suit?" she asked. "No, but why is that of such an interest to you?" I was confused again. Bimma got up from the bench then and walked to the middle of the clearing still with that smile on her face. "We have been slowly explaining to you about the differences of life here," she began, "and you are the first new arrival here that I have ever met, so I cannot really imagine what it is like for you to see our life and not be curious about the differences here. What are your thoughts so far?" "It seems like a friendly and peaceful place here, and I understand so far about the local attitude about wanting to keep it that way, and not be involved with the outside world if you can avoid it," I answered. Bimma then gave me a frustrated look. "Are you deliberately avoiding the obvious?" she asked then. "You tell me what large fat women your aunt and cousin are, and then admit to me that I am fatter still, but are you afraid of offending me? Obviously I am huge by what you are used to, everyone here is!" she ended with some exasperation. "Well of course I have been wondering about the fact that everyone here seems to be so fat," I responded, "but everyone seems healthy and happy, so while I have been curious, it didn't seem polite to bring it up really," I ended with a touch of embarrassment. Bimma walked over to me then and put her arms around me and pulled me into her massive belly and tits. "I really like you Steven, and I want you to be able to be comfortable with life here," she told me looking right into my eyes. At that moment there seemed like no better idea than putting my arms around her and giving her a long kiss. "Now was that so hard?" she asked with a big smile. I stepped back from her and returned her smile. "OK, so why is everyone here so fat?" I asked. "Because things here have made the people here different than the rest of the world," she said. Now it seemed my turn to feel some exasperation. "Different how?" "We are like your cousin, only I think she would want to be like us," Bimma answered. Now I was confused again, and it must have showed on my face. Bimma laughed then and walked back to the center of the clearing. "Watch," she said. I stood there with my arms folded and watched as Bimma turned to face me. She raised her arms out to her sides and looked straight at me, and seemed to be taking in a deep breath. For a moment I wasn't sure what she was doing, but as I watched I suddenly noticed that her already ultra-large boobs and belly were expanding outward. The look on my face must have been priceless as she laughed and continued to enlarge. Her sides bulged out as she became bigger and rounder. By now she had no neck and I could just see her face between the inflating globes that were her breasts being pushed up by her belly. More surprising still was that as her legs and arms were being absorbed into her body she was actually growing taller as well. How was this possible? I asked myself as a moment later Bimma's feet left the ground. She seemed to hover for a moment a foot or two off the ground, then continued to rise almost majestically up into the air. I tracked her progress as she continued upward and only then did I notice that a huge net had been spread across the tops of the trees easily over 100 feet up by my estimation, and in a moment I saw that Bimma had come to rest up against the underside of the net. Her laughter drifted down to me as I saw she was horizontal, and so could see me just fine. "Is this different enough for you?" she called down to me. I was speechless. In fact at that moment I began to question my sanity, or if I might possibly still be asleep back on that beach. This was an anomaly right out of a science fiction story I thought. An instant later it occurred to me that she had said "the people here", and that had to mean that everyone here was like her. A lot of things seemed to start clicking into place at that moment. In as much as it defied my understanding of the world, what I was seeing, and the fact that everyone here was like this, was the only way some of the questions I had already asked myself could be answered. I looked up at Bimma again drifting a hundred or more feet above me and shook my head to clear it. "No Steven, you are not seeing things," she called down. I really had no response at that moment, I could only stand there and look up at her. Bimma laughed again, and after a few minutes slowly began to descend. As I watched her size gradually lessened as she seemed to deflate and drift slowly back to the ground. As she came down I watched as her legs gradually began to reappear from the roundness of her body. She attempted to land on her feet, but seemed not to be able to make the maneuver, and so came down on her fat round belly and boobs. She continued to become smaller to where she began trying to right herself. At that point I went over and took her arm and pulled her to her feet. She seemed much lighter than my mind told me she should be for such a large woman, and she was still smiling at me as she got on her feet. "Of course the gas in us does make us lighter," she said as though reading my mind. Still amazed, it took me a moment to respond. "So everyone here goes about in a partially self-inflated state?" I asked, still incredulous. "Yes we do," she responded still smiling. "It does make life more interesting at times. The gas does make us lighter, but of course the tradeoff is the size of us. But, we are well adjusted to it all, and the ability to fly as we do is very exhilarating. Come with me now, I have more to show you." She took my hand again and waddled toward the opposite side of the clearing to another path. She was still larger than before, and so held my arm to steady herself more. Again I could not help by gawk at her now even larger breasts that easily exceeded the size of basketballs. Bimma seemed not to notice as we proceeded on the path which moved steadily upward. We arrived in yet another open clearing that afforded a view of the entire village from the east side. Several people were here looking up at the sky to the south. "Look," said Bimma pointing. I looked and saw a large, strangely shaped object moving in our direction across the sky. "I saw this from up high in the clearing," Bimma said then, "it will help your understanding." As I watched the object coming closer it appeared to be a large rectangular shape suspended from a number of larger spherical ones. I had a suspicion at that moment, but kept quiet as I watched. Within minutes the object began descending as it approached where we were. As they got closer the people that were already there stepped out further into the clearing with ropes in their hands. The rectangular platform dropped lower still and the men and women there threw up the ropes with hooks on the ends to snag the platform, and then tied the ends to anchoring points in the ground. The platform lost its forward motion, and the balloons above began becoming smaller still, and the platform settled slowly to the ground. Once again I didn't know what to say as I watched the balloons above the platform become smaller still and regain a somewhat human appearance. Unlike Bimma earlier, these people had been hugely inflated to lift whatever was on that platform, and I wouldn't have believed it unless I had actually seen them return to human form as I did. One of the balloons regained her feet and noticed us. She waddled over towards us waving. "Hi Bimma! Hi Mr. Flinton!" she greeted us enthusiastically with a big smile. I recognized her then, but Bimma responded: "Hi Bincy, how was the flight?" "It was wonderful, the sky is so clear, and I had to get absolutely ginormous to help lift that transport," Bincy answered happily, "we left early and even so we were up for hours. I just love flights like this was." Bincy turned then and bounced away. I could not help but stare as she kicked off a bit with her feet and landed on her fat ass, and somehow tilted herself forward and quite literally bounced across the ground to the side of the clearing and down the path into the village. Bimma watched me staring and laughed again. "Yes, this ability of ours does have many possibilities that sometimes make up for the limitations of our size. But I will admit that Bincy seems to enjoy being a balloon more than most anyone you may meet here." "How does she manage to keep control of how she bounces as she goes down that hill?" I asked still amazed as I watched Bincy bouncing 20 or 30 feet at at a time. "It does take practice, but obviously her size and gas in her slows her movement through the air, and if it appears to her that she is going off in a bad direction she can inflate herself quickly enough that she won't land in a bad spot. It is something we all learn and play at a lot when we the ability first shows itself in us. Mostly the youngest of us play at bouncing, but Bincy won't ever grow up," Bimma finished with a laugh. Again I didn't know what to say, but I thought again of my cousin Loona and Bimma's assertion that she would like it here as Bimma again took my arm and led me down the path back the way we had come. My head was full of thoughts as we walked along. We returned to the clearing and again sat on the bench. "I know how this must be quite a shock to your mind Steven," began Bimma, "and I know it is my fault in that I made the decision to put it in front of you this way, but I hope you are not angry with me." I sat there quietly then, looking at the ground. I didn't know quite what to say about everything that I had seen since this day had begun, so I just thought about it all for the moment. The idea of being angry with Bimma really was a non-starter, she really felt she was doing the right thing by me. The truth was that this was the nature of the world here even if I was finding it hard to wrap my mind around it, but what I had seen was in defiance of my knowledge of human physiology. Again I wondered if I wasn't having a very weird dream, and was going to wake up somewhere else. But if what was happening to me was real, then it had not been an unpleasant experience so far; strange, yes, unpleasant, no. I looked again at Bimma who sat quietly next to me with a look of concern on her face, and realized that I did not want to hurt her feelings in any way. If she was a dream, she was the best dream I had ever had. So I got up then and stood in front of her. She looked up at me and still said nothing. So I leaned into her and again gave her a long kiss which she returned passionately. During that kiss yet another thought intruded into my brain: Jeremy Brandon had been like me when he arrived here, and now it seemed he was a balloon himself..........................the kiss ended and I stepped back looking Bimma in the eyes. "I could not be angry with you Bimma," I began, "but you are right that there has been a lot for me to process this day. I am feeling very good about being with you, and I hope that you are not only staying with me until I start to fit in here." Bimma smiled that shy smile again. "So you would like to spend more of your time with me?" she asked. "Yes, I think I would like that, I think I would not feel so comfortable without you around. I think I need you near me to help me understand and work through finding my place here. Do you think Kubar would be alright with that?" "It was my Father's wish that I look after you when you first arrived," she answered slowly. "I do not think he will mind if I continue in that role, but if we become close.........." "If we become close?" I prodded. "You must remember Steven, I am the youngest daughter of the village shaman, and I am a spoiled brat, so I need a lot of attention," she told me with a smile and a look of mischief about her. I leaned in then and kissed her longer than before. "Will that do for attention for the moment?" I asked. "I think we may have to consider how we will discuss this with my father before long." She answered. "But, he seems to like you, and he recognizes your value here, and he has been making arrangements for you to meet with people that he hopes will help you cope better with the unusual nature of life here. There is a doctor and a biologist from the outside world that are here, but live in a different village, and they have ideas about our unusual nature here." "Interesting. What about your Mother?" "My Mother likes you already," Bimma answered with a smile. "You and Urshi have talked about this?" I asked. "Mothers always know what is going on with their daughters," came back Bimma, "she is actually the one who called me out on it." "I should have guessed such," I said then as Bimma took my hand and we began the walk back toward the main village. Then I asked the question that had been nagging me: "So, when does this happen to me?" "I don't know," she answered slowly. "You should probably ask Jeremy as he is the only other one here that wasn't born this way. But I do know that it will happen." "How are you so sure?" "Because that is why you sleep so much and then are so hungry on awakening. Father says that there are changes that began happening to you when you got here." "What causes these changes?" "I don't know, but I know that every newcomer here changes to become like us." She answered. "It doesn't seem to affect children," I said then. "No, children are not affected until they start to become adults, I don't know why this is either. For me I was 15 or so when it first happened. Boys seem to take a little longer. That is the time when we are still kids becoming adults, and becoming a balloon is a rite of passage. That is when being a balloon is like becoming a plaything, but even as adults we don't deny the fun and enjoyment that can come with it." By now we were coming back into the central area of the village. Bimma turned to me again and said: "Are you sure you aren't angry with me?" I wanted to give her another hug and a kiss, but there were other people walking about, so I just smiled and told her: "Since the shock is now wearing off, it is now easy for me to say no, I am not angry, but I am a bit concerned. You decided to do this on your own, didn't you?" She nodded. "So I do hope your Father isn't angry, as he and Numassa seem to like to be in control of things." She smiled at me then, "he may be annoyed with me, but remember what I told you? I am the youngest daughter of Kubar, and I am a spoiled brat!" I laughed at that as we entered their home. Urshi was there and looked at us shrewdly. "You told him, or more likely showed him, didn't you?" accused Urshi to Bimma. "Yes Mother, it seemed to me like a good idea. We couldn't be out walking around without him seeing things that were going to seem too unusual. Showing him seemed to be the best way I thought, now he can get on with growing accustomed to life here." "Please don't be angry with Bimma," I said then to Urshi. "She was as kind and careful about it as she could be. I was the difficult one about letting her explain and show me about people here." "Kubar is meeting now with Numassa about some things," said Urshi then. "Perhaps you might want to wash up before dinner. I am sure he will want to discuss things with you at greater length now that you understand things better about life here." So Bimma again took my hand and led me to a place outside the village where a stream flowed. At one place a small dam had been built and while water flowed over the dam, the stream had widened there and proved to be deep enough to come up to my chest as I waded in. I turned and looked behind me to see Bimma still on the shore losing yet more of her size. "This is one activity that requires giving up our balloon form," she said as I looked at her curiously. "It is hard to get washed up if all you do is float." That was something that hadn't occurred to me, and I was quite surprised as I watched her deflate more and more. Finally she looked down at herself and walked toward the water. She looked at me then and laughed as the surprise must have been evident on my face. Bimma was still incredibly voluptuous with full breasts and a wide womanly ass, but she was a shadow of her former size. "Yes, we can return to a somewhat normal size when need be," she told me as she waded into the water. "Getting clean without standing in the rain is one reason." "For what other reasons do you give up your balloon form?" I asked. "The villagers in Lagoon and South village make a point to appear normal when people come ashore from visiting ships so as not to cause problems, and there are some jobs and chores here for which being inflated is just not convenient. But most people prefer to be at least partially inflated most of the time. Now please wash my back," she finished handing me the soap. A mutually pleasurable washing session later we waded to the shore and toweled off. Running my hand over my face I wondered if Kubar had a razor I could use. As I was thinking this I watched as Bimma slipped her native skirt back on, closed her eyes and after a moment enlarged to what I thought of as her normal size. It really was amazing I thought to see what were probably DD breasts go to probably a size that would require a custom bra maker. Not that any bra was needed here as they stuck straight out proudly in defiance of gravity. I guessed that if Bimma was the size she now was without her special ability her weight would be easily over 400. VIII When we got back to the home of Kubar Urshi was waiting outside for us. "Your father wants to speak to you Bimma," she said with an arch look. "Alone," she finished placing a hand on my arm. Bimma stiffened a bit, but turned and walked into the house resolutely. Urshi turned to regard me for a moment. "So, my daughter acquainted you with the central reality of our life here," she said. I nodded, but said nothing. "My daughter seems to be quite fond of you," Urshi went on, "but you are a new arrival here and have much to see yet." "So what is your concern?" I asked. "It is important to her that you come to appreciate our life here, and as her mother I am naturally concerned with her happiness. So I am concerned that if you are becoming fond of her as well that you are honest in your intentions. It is well known that you are here and a new arrival from the world outside, and as such you are something of a novelty, and many women here would be interested in you, even from other villages. We know of the concept of the gene pool here, and as the novelty of a new arrival combined with this concept you have a status that you probably do not appreciate. Many women on this island would take an interest in you. In fact you would be receiving more attention here in this village but for Kubar and Numassa. Having Bimma keeping you close keeps unwanted attention away as the daughter of Kubar is not to be trifled with." Urshi finished. "I was unaware that I was such a novelty," I answered. "Did Jeremy Brandon not tell you of his wife?" she asked. "Of course I met her, Shara was her name, was it not?" "Yes, Shara is a lovely woman, and she and Jeremy are very happy together. But understand that she was but one of many women that took an interest in him. As you might expect the village chiefs and shamans do wield some degree of authority here, most often it has to do with just sorting out local disagreements, but other times it has to do with cementing ties between families and other villages. By your world understanding this may be very simplistic, but it can be very serious here in our small world. While it was always Jeremy's choice, there were a number of women that took an interest in him. Shara is the second daughter of the shaman of South village, and it gives a certain status there that she and Jeremy married. As I believe he told you, new arrivals here are unusual. You saw a transport arriving today I understand?" Word moves quickly in these villages I thought as I nodded to Urshi. "These transports are not only how we move goods from place to place here, but also news of other villages move easily this way. Since often once the winds carry a transport and its people to a place, often they must stay there until the winds are favorable for a return. This has been the way here for centuries, and hospitality is always extended to a transport crew. During this time naturally people exchange news and gossip. Your arrival here was known about the island within a week." "Urshi, why are you telling me all this?" I asked. "Because this is also part of you becoming part of our unique culture. Obviously we have made our unique ability as human balloons work as an integral part of it, but these less overt things I tell you now are equally a part of how life is here. Life here is as you see it, mostly happy and without many difficult demands, but like anyplace there is an underside." "So there is some politics involved too?" I said with some surprise. "Of course there is politics," Urshi replied. "Life here is very community based, but we know we are a larger community as a small island nation. I have four daughters, but I am lucky if I see any of the others but Bimma once a year. They have all been married to other villages to improve relations." I was a bit taken aback by this confession from Urshi. "If Bimma had not been with me since my arrival here I don't think I would be coping nearly as well as I am," I said then, "she has been more important to me than anything even in this short time. I would not want to think that she would go away somewhere that I would not see her again." "Then perhaps you and she might discuss what you have just learned from me and see what thoughts the both of you arrive at," suggested Urshi. Just then Bimma came out of the house to tell us that dinner was ready. It was just the four of us at the dinner table, and at first there was little conversation. Kubar paid attention to his food, and while Bimma reached under the table to squeeze my hand a few times, she too said little. I suspected her father was not happy with her deciding to take matters into her own hands in her demonstration to me. When we finished eating Kubar poured drink for us and sat back looking at me. "So, Bimma has shown you the main difference between us and the outside world," he said finally. "She did," I answered, "and now that I am over the shock, I am glad it was she that did show me. I think I can appreciate that you may have been trying to be easy with me about it and so lessen the shock, but something so outside of my understanding of the possible just would have been difficult any way it came at me I think." Kubar grunted at this, still looking me in the eye. "I have arranged for some men also from the outside world, but with knowledge of medicine and biology to come here, as we suspect that you are not likely to take the unusual nature of this at face value." Oddly, this had not occurred to me. It seemed to me for a moment that I had forgotten all my training, and my life as a biochemist was long ago and far away. I thought for a moment before it occurred to me to ask: "So investigating this won't violate any cultural taboos here?" Kubar laughed a short laugh at that. "Maybe hundreds of years ago it might have, but as Jeremy told you: we don't live in a vacuum here, and we do take an interest in what goes on outside of our small island. In truth, many people have ideas and thoughts on our peculiarity, but until your arrival no means existed where we might actually understand it. So if you can help us understand ourselves better it would be a good thing." Bimma finally smiled at me, and reached across the table now to take my hand. "I would love to learn anything I can if you will be looking into it," she told me. I smiled back at her. "So you would like to become a lab assistant?" "The winds will be favorable tomorrow," Kubar said then, "so I expect the men I told you of will arrive here sometime in the afternoon. I must go and tell Jeremy." With that he got up and left the house. Bimma poured more drink for us, and led me out of the house. The evening was warm, but this time of year the sun was setting earlier. We sat down on the bench in front of the house and just held hands for a time. "Your Father was not happy with you for your show and tell with me today," I said. Bimma laughed at that. "Show and tell? What an interesting way to put it." "It seemed to sum it up well I thought," I replied. "Yes it did, and yes, Father was not happy with me, but he does not stay angry with his youngest daughter for long." "Your mother told me that she has four daughters." "Yes, my older sisters, all married off to other villages. I do not get to see them often. They have not come here in a while, and lately there have not been transports to any of the places they are. I could just go I suppose, but while flying is always a pleasure, it is not often a good idea to fly alone." "I guess I can understand that," I said. "But where are they?" "Ayesha, the oldest, is married to the oldest son of the chief of North village, Trina, the next, is married to the son of the shaman of East village, and Quona, the one to whom I am closest is married to the son of the shaman of Deep Valley village. I miss them very much." "How are these things arranged?" I asked then. "Unfortunately we children of chiefs and shamans have a higher profile than most here," she answered slowly. "There are some others of prominence too, some crafts people create very unique things that are much sought after, and so gain status, and marriages from one village to another make for closer ties. No one forces someone into a marriage, but the circumstances of our parents often limit our choices. I have avoided this so far as I am not satisfied with any of the men that have been in my realm of choices. I don't really want to leave West village either, but the children of Numassa are much too young for me." I turned that over in my mind before deciding to take the plunge. "Bimma, if I wanted to marry you, what do you think your father's reaction would be?" Bimma turned to look at me with her eyes open incredibly wide, for a moment she just stared at me with her mouth open. All I could do was to stare back into those big dark eyes. "So I guess his reaction wouldn't be that positive," I said then. A squeal of protest came from her then. "You want to marry me?" she squeaked, her voice up an octave or two. "Bimma, I didn't talk about this at dinner the other night, but what made me find myself here, or what made me agree to join the expedition that ended up with my being here, was the ending of another bad relationship. I was disgusted with life and wanted to get away from it all. It seems that in coming here that is exactly what I did, and finding you might be the best thing that ever happened to me. I don't dare not to take this chance because I think that if you were to go away it would affect me deeply, and I don't want to have that happen and spend a lot of my life after wondering what might have happened if I didn't ask." As someone that was well grounded in science, I wasn't used to giving speeches like this, but this all just came out of me at once, and in the silence that followed I realized I wasn't the least bit sorry about it. To further emphasize it, I got on my knee in front of her thinking that it was hard to keep looking up into her eyes with her enormous boobs in the way, but I did my best. "So would you consider marrying me?" I asked then thinking about what Urshi had told me about my novelty, and being very grateful for it. "Consider it?" she squeaked again. "How could I say no?" She pulled me up into her fat boobs and belly with her arms around me and gave me a long kiss. As I looked over her shoulder I saw Urshi standing in the doorway with a smile on her face.
deflation, floating, fly away, Halloween, helium, pump, tank
Female Inflation
Full Body Inflation
Miranda walked eagerly down the street, the brisk October wind blowing through her long, deep red hair. She breathed in the air, sending small chills through her body, bringing a beautiful smile to her face. She loved the autumn; the cold-but-not-too-cold air, the change of color amongst the flora, the wonderful smell of pumpkin spice everywhere you go, and, of course, the anticipation of the holiday season, which would start tonight! Indeed, the stars had aligned to ensure this night as the best night ever. Miranda was a senior in high school, eighteen years old. Seeing as this was her last year of high school, she wanted to take every opportunity to make some kick-ass memories. Her best friend, Aubrey, was in agreement, which led to her organizing a huge Halloween party at her house. Aubrey's parents were cool with the idea, and graciously offered their house as a venue. Finally, to top off this convergence of perfection, Halloween was on a Friday, which makes everything feel just that much better. It was 5:34 p.m. when Miranda arrived at Aubrey's. She took a moment to admire the house, as Aubrey had decked it out with Halloween decorations in order to win the annual decoration contest. The side yard was covered with faux spider web with several large, black, garland-laced spiders propped in it. The front was covered with headstones, a plastic severed limbs sporadically placed amongst the "graves". In the upstairs windows were silhouettes of monsters, staring menacingly into the yard. Purple and orange lights laced the borders of the house, sound systems were discretely placed in the shrubs to project creepy sounds, and lastly, on the left side of the yard, was a large black cauldron. Curious, Miranda walked over to the seemingly out of place cauldron. It was rather large and spherical, probably three feet in diameter. Miranda looked inside to find it empty, with only a fog machine resting at the bottom. "Pretty cool looking, huh?" Miranda let out a short gasp. She hadn't heard Aubrey creep up behind her. "Jesus, Aubrey! Don't do that!" Miranda chuckled and gave Aubrey a light playful slap on her arm, eliciting a laugh from her. "Sorry, wasn't trying to scare you! Not yet, anyway..." she ended this statement with a creepy giggle. "Oh stop it!" the two laughed a little more, then Miranda continued. "Aubrey, your house looks amazing! You should win the contest for sure!" Aubrey's smile dropped slightly. "Well, I should, but this throws everything off," she said, pointing at the empty cauldron. Miranda became puzzled. "Why, what's wrong with it?" Without answering, Aubrey took Miranda's hand and led her to the garage. Upon entering, Aubrey pointed to a heap of black cloth on the floor. Miranda could spy a few other colors amidst the blackness. "That is what's wrong," Miranda continued, "That's supposed to be a big inflatable witch. I was going to tether it down behind that cauldron, make it look like she's brewing a potion, but the stupid thing is busted!" Miranda lifted a part of the empty witch, showing Miranda a large hole. "It came out of the box like this, I can't fix it, and I don't have time to return it and get a new one, and I don't have anything else to put in the yard, so there will be a big empty space and I won't win the contest." Miranda chuckled slightly. "You put a lot of thought into this! Now if you could only be that focused for school!" Aubrey returned the chuckle. "This is different though! This is important! The winner of the contest gets a $250 gift card to use anywhere!" Miranda whistled in admiration. "There must be some way we can salvage this, right?" "No, there really isn't. I've thought of everything, but nothing will..." her voice trailed off and her eyes widened. "Aubrey? You think of something?" "Miranda, what costume are you wearing to the party tonight?" "Oh, you'll love it! I'm going as a witch! I designed and made the costume myself, its totes cute, just wait until you—" "Miranda you could be the balloon!" Silence. "Um...what?" "Miranda, you could be the balloon I need!" Miranda just stared at her friend until a smile slowly crept over her face and she busted out laughing. "Aubrey, what are you talking about? That's ridiculous!" "No really! You get dressed up, we put makeup on you so no one can tell, I blow you up, tether you down firmly outside, and we wait for the contest judges to arrive." Miranda slowed her laughter. "Aubrey, that sounds crazy. And embarrassing! You can't expect me to be okay with being inflated like a balloon. I mean, just think if—" "I'll split the winnings with you 50/50." Miranda thought for a moment. "What if we don't win?" Aubrey thought for a moment, ran inside to grab her purse, and then returned. "If we don't win I'll give you..." she paused to count her money, "$31.68." "Hm...I don't know..." "And two free coffee coupons." "Sold." A short while later, Miranda was dressed up in her costume. She wore a tube top that covered her whole torso, yet still showing a decent amount of cleavage, almost like a corset. It was black, with a spider web design on it. She also wore a deep purple skirt that went down to just over her knees, and beneath that she was wearing orange and black striped thigh-high stockings with black high-heeled boots. On her arms were fingerless gloves that stretched to her elbow with an alternating purple and black stripe pattern. Over all of this was a black coat, covered with light sparkles. The coat was left opened in the front, went down to the back of her knees, and the sleeves travelled halfway down her forearms. Lastly, she wore a classic witch hat with a crooked point, and had a round elastic strap on the inside, to keep it on her head. Though it wasn't part of her original costume, Miranda also had any visible skin painted green, so she would be harder to recognize. The thought crossed her mind, all their high school friends coming over and immediately knowing the big balloon in Aubrey's yard was actually her. She blushed beneath her green paint and tried to shake off the notion. "Aubrey, are you sure this will be safe?" "Of course," Aubrey said over her shoulder. She was busy cutting the air valve off of the balloon. "You will only be out there for half an hour max, I'll bring you right back in, no one will notice." "I know, but..." Aubrey stood up, valve in her hand and walked over to her friend and placed her free hand on Miranda's shoulder. "Miranda, I won't let anything happen to you. I promise! You'll be fine!" Miranda nodded, feeling better from the reassurance. "So, how do we do this?" "Right. First, lift your shirt." Miranda obeyed, lifting her costume enough to reveal her slender stomach. "This might be a bit uncomfortable," Aubrey said as she inserted the valve into Miranda's belly button. Miranda yelped as she felt a pinching pain in her stomach, but it quickly subsided. She looked down and saw the valve protruding from her belly. "Will this stay put?" Miranda asked. "Dunno. But this will," Aubrey replied, producing a roll of duct tape. After applying four strips of tape to the valve, Aubrey retrieved the air compressor. She plugged it into the wall and placed the tube on the valve. "I'm going to start it slow, and I'm not going to make you too big. If something hurts or you feel uncomfortable, tell me and I'll stop the pump. You ready?" Miranda's stomach swirled with a mixture of fear, excitement and embarrassment. No, she wasn't truly ready to become a balloon, but that gift card... "Yes, hit it." Aubrey did and the compressor hummed to life. Miranda gasped as she felt the cool torrent flow into her belly. She looked down and saw her stomach rise and fall with her short breaths, and watched in amazement as it rose more and fell less. Her belly was slowly becoming dome-shaped, reminding her of those videos where a woman takes a picture each day of her pregnancy and compiles them all into a time-lapse. She felt her face redden again as she poked her expanding stomach. It felt soft and empty, but she could feel the emptiness grow inside her, slowly stretching her skin. As her torso was ballooning out, she felt her posture stiffen. Her back began inflating too, elongating her body and giving it an almost football shape. Her stomach had reached the diameter of a fully pregnant woman, but the dome aspect of her body made that hard to tell. Miranda squeaked suddenly as she felt her breasts shift within her shirt. Her cleavage began to deepen as her tits started to fill with air. "That's awesome! I should have done this to myself!" Aubrey said with regards to her friends growing bosom. "Sorry Miranda, but we're short on time, I gotta bump this thing up a notch," she continued as the machine hummed even louder, forcing more air into Miranda's body. Miranda blushed even harder as her curves became more eccentuated. Her sides, once concave, were now becoming convex as her body continued to grow. She could now feel her arms and legs start to plump up, making them somewhat stiff. She could now feel her entire body stretching, inflating, blowing up. She moved her arms, trying to discover her new movement range. They felt stiff and hard to move, but she could manage. She couldn't reach far across her bloated form though, and it was becoming difficult to keep her arms from flying out to her sides. Aubrey finally cut the machine off when she felt Miranda was sufficiently full. Her body was perfectly spherical, but she was pretty round, probably three feet in diameter at her widest point. Her breasts had jumped from a B-cup to a DD-cup. Her legs and arms had plumped up a good bit, her thighs rubbed together with a soft rubbery squeak and her arms stuck out to the sides, but had a slightly downward angle. Aubrey didn't want to completely immobilize her after all. "Wow, that costume sure can stretch! How do you feel Miranda? You okay?" "I feel like a balloon," Miranda replied with a chuckle, "but call me crazy, this actually feels kind of...good!" Aubrey smiled. "Good! I'll try it out later! But for now, we gotta get you outside!" Aubrey tied a rope around both of Miranda's ankles, grabbed two stakes and a hammer, then hoisted her inflated friend and walked outside. The wind had picked up a bit, but Miranda was fine with this. She loved the autumn wind, and she tolerated cold temperatures better than a lot of people. As she enjoyed the breeze, Aubrey tied the ropes to the stakes and hammered them into the ground. Miranda looked down slightly to see she was in front of the cauldron, which seemed to be smaller than before. She figured the air inside her must have distended her body and made her a bit taller. "Okay Miranda, just hold still, the judges should be here in about twenty minutes. I have to go put some finishing touches on the interior and put my costume on, and I'll be right back." Aubrey turned around and went inside the house. Miranda, now alone, decided to just enjoy the weather. The wind battered her inflated form, making her bob in the wind a bit, bouncing off the ground as her tethers pulled her back. She smiled, imagining the shopping spree she would have with her share of the winnings, and realizing that this was actually a really good idea. Then Aubrey's dad walked outside. Miranda froze upon seeing him. He was surveying the house, giving all the decorations a final glance to ensure perfection, when his eyes fell on Miranda. "Hmm...thought that thing was bigger last year." He walked over and gave Miranda a poke in the belly. "Well that's why! Aubrey barely filled it at all! I can fix that," he said as he walked to the garage. "Oh no!" Miranda thought. "What if he makes me too big? Will I pop? I don't want to pop! Aubrey help me!" Miranda considered just revealing herself, but she was too embarrassed to do so. She saw him returning, so she just decided to let it happen, and if she felt like she couldn't take it, she would speak up. Aubrey's dad felt around Miranda's stomach as he searched for the valve, bringing a new level of embarrassment. Good thing she was wearing green makeup! He finally found the valve, stuck the hose in, turned on the air flow, and Miranda began to inflate just like last before. Only it wasn't like before. The air felt colder, and the air flow felt stronger. She kept herself from panicking, but it was difficult as she felt her body expanding again. Her body became more spherical and her limbs more stiff as the pressure mounted inside her. Her breasts her ballooning before her eyes, becoming more and more full with air until they blocked Aubrey's dad from view, but something was strange, her tits seemed to be pulling her upward... She nearly gasped out loud when she finally realized he was filling her with helium! She felt her feet slightly rise off the ground. Right as she was about to lose her nerve and cry out for him to stop, the air flow ceased, and she felt a slight tug as the hose was removed from her belly. "There! Much better! Looks much better when it floats like that!" With that, he picked up the helium tank and walked off humming a tune to himself. She could barely see him over the horizon of her chest. She was so full! She could only barely move her arms, which now stuck straight out to her sides, and her legs stuck out rigid beneath her. She could feel how big her thighs had gotten, especially when they squeaked against each other. Her boobs had to be beach ball sized, while the rest of her body was spherical, probably six feet in diameter. The wind had picked up even more now, battering against her helpless, inflated body. She felt so embarrassed and scared, she wanted Aubrey to come out and deflate her already, but that's when she saw the contest judges a little ways down the street. They would arrive soon! Her ordeal was almost over. She sighed with relief. But perhaps too soon. Just then, a few neighborhood kids emerged from the house next door. They were eager to start trick-or-treating, but since it was too early still, they decided to play tag in the yard. This wouldn't have been a problem, except that the kid who was "it" chased another kid a little too close to Miranda. The kid, not watching where he was going, tripped over one of her tethers. The stake was uprooted, and her body rose into the air a little more as the gases inside her fought to lift her away. As her body shifted, the wind suddenly gusted hard, blowing Miranda's body around. This too wouldn't have been a problem, but one tether was not strong enough to hold this buoyant balloon girl down. The second tether also uprooted. Miranda panicked, but still overcome by embarrassment of her balloon body, she only managed to let out a soft "Help me!" But no one heard her. She bounced down the street, being carried away by the wind, rendered helpless by the pressurized air inside her. Luckily, there was not enough helium inside her to lift her straight into the air, but as she floated down the street, she was terrified that she would hit a sharp tree branch and pop like any other balloon would. She didn't, but we she did run into was much worse. A group of teenage males was walking down the street, getting ready to scare little kids, when they see this giant balloon decoration bounce towards them. One of the guys lunges out and grabs one of the ropes, still tied to her leg. "Whoa! Look at the size of this thing!" "Damn, she's huge!" "That's a shame. Someone lost their decoration." Miranda's heart skipped a beat as she heard the last voice and suddenly realized she was now prisoner to her fourteen year old brother, Trip, and his shithead friends. "We should return this witch to where she belongs," Trip said to his friends. "Yeah. Or, we could see just how much this bitch can take before she freakin' explodes!" Miranda whimpered softly as the boys all cheered with approval. The boys took their new toy to a nearby house, which Miranda assumed belonged to one of them. "Brad, you still have that tank we found?" "Yeah, I'll grab it." Miranda tried to think of what to do, when she felt one of them tug her downward. She put on a blank face as her spherical body was turned around to meet the face of one of the boys. The boy stared at her for a second or two. "Hey guys, come here." Miranda fought hard not to make the terrified sound she wanted to as the boys gathered around her. "Doesn't she kinda look like Trip's sister?" The chorus of agreement was cut short by Trip, as he pushed her out of the boy's grasp. "I swear guys, if I have to hear much more about how much you guys want to bang my sister..." Despite her predicament, she felt very relieved to hear her brother stick up for her. "Dude, we can't help that your sister is freakin' hot!" "I would tap that." "Isn't she at a Halloween party tonight? What kind of slutty costume is she wearing?" "I'd love to see that." "ENOUGH!" Trip roared and the others fell silent. Just then, Brad returned with the aforementioned tank. He pulled Miranda down, and rolled her over to find the valve and stuck the hose in it. "Hit it Trip!" Trip turned on the helium tank, which to Miranda's dismay was much larger than the last one. She felt the gas fight its way inside her. Her skin squeaked and creaked as it stretched to accommodate its new occupants. Miranda was at wit's end. She was about to be popped by her brother like an overinflated balloon, but she couldn't say anything, as she didn't want her helpless balloon body to be at the mercy of horny shithead teenagers. She could feel her arms and legs tightening as they were absorbed by her blimping body. Her tits ballooned bigger as well, completely blocking her view. She rose high into the air now, being anchored by the hose in her stomach. Her skin stretched even more and began to make threatening creaking noises. She was nearly a perfect sphere with two massive tits, each the size of exercise balls. They were still contained by her costume, but they bounced together slightly, making rubbery squeaks and tympanic, hollow booms that reverberated within her inflating body. The pressure was becoming too great, when suddenly, she felt the valve loosen and heard a high pitched whine. Her body stopped expanding, and even slightly deflating! "Aw lame!" "Piece of shit!" "Hang on guys, I got some gorilla tape!" Miranda tried flexing her stomach, trying to force more air out, but it was no use! They were still going to pop her! At least, that's what she thought, until one of the guys spoke once more. "Seriously Trip, your sister is hot." "THAT"S IT!" Trip yelled and tackled his perverted friend. They fell to the ground and bumped into the helium tank, which fell over. Miranda was yanked downward, but began to ascend again, except now the hose came loose. She began to float away. The helium pulled her up, higher and higher into the October sky. The wind blew her this way and that, with her still hopeless to stop it. The valve was still loose though, and she could feel the air slowly escaping. Soon, she would drift safely back to Earth. All was well. Miranda relaxed, and enjoyed the view she had of the sky. She even took a moment to enjoy the feeling of being inflated. All the danger aside, she decided she sort of liked the feeling of being inflated. She enjoyed her time as a balloon girl, and thought that maybe she should try this again sometime... But her calm thoughts were cut short, as the hissing come from her stomach became more intense. Suddenly, she felt herself inflating even more! She had drifted so high, now the atmospheric pressure was blimping her body up! The pressure within her mounted as it tried to find a way to escape its confines. Her body inflated and stretched even bigger, finally consuming her arms and legs. Her body continued to swell, she was now a ball nearly eight feet in diameter and inflating bigger by the second! It may have been the sparce atmosphere, but Miranda ceased panicking. She, at some level, accepted her fate. She decided to enjoy her last moments. She cooed lightly as she felt her helpless body expand more, completely at the mercy of the air inside her. She gasped as she became aware of her size, her huge, glorious, inflated body. Her body creaked, the pressure mounted, and she whispered, "I wish I could inflate at least one more time." Miranda moaned loudly and there was a loud, sharp pop. But, Miranda quickly became aware that she would live on to realize her wish. The valve gave up to her internal pressure and shot out of her belly. The air surged out of her and she was carried away, back down to Earth... Aubrey was in tears. She was sure her friend was gone forever, and it was her stupid idea that did it. How could she live with this? Should she turn herself in? Oh, Miranda... "Uh, Miss? Is everything okay?" The judges had arrived and were attempting to comfort her. "Well, I... I... may have..." She was about to break down again when she heard a distant scream. She and the judges looked up and saw a witch, holding a tree branch as a broomstick, soar over the house, circle twice, then fly away. "Wow! That was amazing!" "Best display I've seen tonight!" "I think we've found a winner!" Aubrey paid no attention to this as she ran off after her friend. Miranda finally landed in a few bushes a block away from Aubrey's house. She got up, shook the leaves off and stood up. She checked herself all over, seeing if there were any side effects of her massive inflation. Finding none, she happily started walking back to Aubrey's. Halfway there, Aubrey caught up to her and gave her a massive hug. "Miranda! Thank God! I'm so sorry, I thought some took you, or you popped, or... I'm so sorry Miranda!" Aubrey was on the verge of tears, but Miranda consoled her. "It's okay Aubrey, I'm fine. Believe it or not, I had fun!" "You did?" "Yeah actually, it feels kind of nice being a balloon!" "Really?" "Yeah! But you'll find out soon enough!" Aubrey looked puzzled, eliciting a laugh from Miranda. "After all, you owe me now, and I want to win the Christmas decoration contest!"
Female Inflation
Belly Inflation
It all worked very easily. Elodie dragged her fingertips across the rubber buttons on the remote. It all worked smoothly, the system having been perfected and reperfected over decades and much like how one eventually figured out the immaculate way to fix the cogs of a clock, someone had figured out how to perfect this. The remote. Elodie positioned herself onto the sofa, her body easing into the crisp fabric. She wore nothing but an old bikini - black, and plain - that she wouldn't mind ruining. Everything was tingling within her, even before the process began. Her breathing quickened, the hairs on her arms stood up and her skin prickled. She wanted it, needed it, craved it more than air or life itself. She pressed a green button on the remote. A tank, to her left, spurred to life. She heard a slight hissing noise, and felt it within her almost instantly. It was exhilarating, it was right; it was what drove her mad. It was air. Filling inside of her. She always grew anxious in the very beginning. It wasn't happening fast enough - it never happened fast enough. All she wanted was to feel full, to feel light and whole. She could feel the air rushing into her body from the tube, connected to the tank and her. But it wasn't happening fast enough. She pressed her hands against her smooth mid-section, whining from how flat it was. Tossing a few strands of her black hair behind her ears, she spread her legs a little more and shut her eyes. "Enjoy the moment, Elly," she had to tell herself. "Enjoy it. Enjoy the process of becoming full." She pressed on her stomach again and finally felt some pressure. Moaning slightly, she spread her legs more and looked down at her body. Past the mountain range of two breasts, goosebumped with excitement, Elodie saw her flat stomach begin to bulge. She always thought, at first, that it was a trick of her mind. It couldn't be that easy, not really, her simple dreams couldn't be met that easily. But it did. Her body began to fill with the air. She looked slightly pregnant at first. Her bulge was modest and she rubbed it with her hands, feeling how taut her skin was, how full she felt. She wanted more. She pressed an upward arrow on the remote a few times, gasping at the sudden rush of air into her. It was going fast now. The air forced its way into her. Her stomach stretched and stretched. She spread her legs more to accommodate the girth, feeling a growing tingle in her crotch. She appeared very pregnant now - overdue, even. Her stomach continued to grow, her skin having been prepared for years for this one moment. More and more, she grew. Her stomach became a beach ball, her skin so taught it reddened a little. Her hands rubbed against it. Elodie leaned her head back as the tingle in her crotch grew. This was all too much, all too overwhelming for just one woman to handle. Her stomach covered her lap, and she felt so light as the air continued to fill. Fill. Inflate. Swell. She grew, her moans turning into whimpers and gasps. She wanted more, needed more and she pressed the up arrow on the remote more. Her mind became consumed with "more!" and she obeyed with "up, up, up!" Filling, inflating.
hose in navel, water, women inflating men
Male Inflation
Full Body Inflation
She moved through the water with an angel's grace, her form as lithe and honed as her body. She spoke little, yet her presence parted crowds as easily as the waves. Many approached her, yet all found her cold and distant, turned down time and again by the same phrase."Your body is only seventy percent water. I could never put you before swimming."He stared at her. "What does that mean?""Exactly as it sounds." She scaled the ladder, water dripping down her one-piece swimsuit as she exited the pool. "Water is my first love, and this pool-" She made a sweeping gesture as she walked past him. "-is one point four two eight five seven times you by volume. By asking me out, you are valuing yourself, at minimum, one point four two eight five eight times more highly than you should."His mouth moved wordlessly for a second as he began to trail after her. "I'm not asking you to give up swimming, I'm just asking you out on a date.""I understand that. My answer is still no."He held his hands out pleadingly, wracking his brain for something that he could say to change her mind, before stopping and letting his arms fall to his sides in defeat. "Please, I'll do anything."She stopped abruptly, still facing away from him. "Anything.""Yeah, anything."She turned her head, looking intently at him over her shoulder. "Anything," she repeated, interest creeping into her voice.He nodded vigorously. "Just name it."Wordlessly, she took him by the wrist and lead him around the edge of the pool towards the opposite wall. It was just enough time for the silence to grow awkward; he debated filling it with small talk before realizing that it would probably only make things -more- awkward, and so resigned himself to waiting until they reached their destination.She let go of his hand a few paces from the wall, and he stopped while she continued on towards a faucet attached to a coil of hose. She picked up the hose and opened the faucet, causing a steady stream of water to pour from the nozzle onto the tile floor as she returned to him. "If you are attempting to compete with swimming for my affections," she began, "the simplest solution would be to decrease the ratio by increasing the denominator."He blinked. "I... don't understand?""Allow me to demonstrate." With that, she thrust the end of the hose forward, wedging it firmly into his navel.He recoiled, suddenly aware of a rising feeling of pressure and weight. He clutched at his growing stomach with one hand, attempting to pull the hose free with the other only to find it stuck fast. Staring in shock, he watched as he quickly grew a beer gut that continued to grow, jutting out in front of him. The pressure began to spread lower, and he glanced down to see that his hips, too, were rapidly widening. "What's going on?!""As I said, I'm increasing the denominator."His thighs brushed against each other as his legs doubled and tripled in girth, the water filling them out into thick, soft pillars. Behind him his backside kept pace, his swim tights stretching to contain him as he grew increasingly pear-shaped. "I'm filling with water?!""Yes, as I said. It's almost as if you have no understanding of basic algebra."As his stomach swelled down to his knees he grasped it as best he could, hands sinking into his sides as he tried to lift it to keep from falling forward. As he did, though, the water inside of him shifted, pushing his hips out another several inches. His center of balance thrown off, he fell backwards, wobbling and audibly sloshing as his butt hit the ground.Coming to rest he felt the pressure in his upper body rise, and his hands flew to his chest in time for him to feel it fill, fingers spreading as it grew. It quickly worked its way up down his sides and up his shoulders, then down his arms; he was helpless to stop it as he watched the last parts of his body take on a rounded fatness that kept growing without pause. As his stomach continued to fill with gallons of water he stared pleadingly at her; despite the fact that he was sitting down, his ass was so large that he was eye-to-eye with her. "Turn it off. Please."She leaned forward, elbows pressing into his stomach as she held her head in her hands. "Why?"He felt his stomach brush against his shins as his arms were slowly forced out to his sides. "I'm getting too full!""So?"His legs and arms swelled around his wrists and ankles. "'So?' I'm going to... to...""Going to pop?" She reached down with one hand, wedging the hose more deeply into his navel; as she returned to her position he became aware of a faint yet slowly rising pressure from deep inside him, pushing his skin out in all directions. "Not yet you aren't."
floating, Prose that Blows 3 - All Hallow’s Eve (2010), Prose that Blows Runner-Up: Best Story, Prose that Blows Runner-Up: Sexiest Story
Female Inflation
Full Body Inflation
Naomi and Cassandra glanced around the lab, shutting the door behind them. "I told you it'd be empty!" Cassandra ran a hand through her long black hair and gave Naomi a grin. "Relax, we know what we're doing. Besides, it's a surprise." Naomi grinned, her short auburn hair framing her round face and sighed. "Touché. Let's get to work then." A few hours later, the two of them powered down the machines. "Ahh, success..." Cassandra said, peering though the observation window. Naomi nodded, grinning. "A whole bag of candy...Compressed, refined, and centralized into one piece." "They are gonna love this stuff at the Halloween party! You suck on it all night and a constant taste of candy, different flavors, Mmm..." Cassandra smiled. "Ready for the big test?" Naomi nodded and opened the machine's hatch, pulling out two hard spheres. "Here ya go. Hope this is good." Naomi took a deep breath, popping it into her mouth. "I don't...Oh my god!" Naomi turned to Cassandra, already sucking on her candy like mad, smiling and nodding. "Amazing! The flavor's changing...Wow! They'll going to love us for this!" "Mmmph, I know! It's really flowing with flavor..." Cassandra's cheeks budged comically for a moment until she swallowed hard. She looked at Naomi with a horrified expression. "What's wrong?" Naomi's own piece suddenly let out a burst of sweet liquid and she reflexively swallowed, looking back at Cassandra, eyes wide. "Cassie...I swallowed it." "Me too...just happened so fast." "Well...don't worry, I'm sure nothing...Ohh..." Naomi put her hands on her waist, feeling her belly. She could feel it bubbling, pushing lightly against her hands. "I can feel it!" "Me too! It's so heavy..." Cassandra squished her formerly flat belly, now plumping against her pants, pushing apart the buttons of her shirt slightly. "Something's wrong...Even if we ate all that candy ourselves, we wouldn't be this big." "I know, I know! I don't know what's going on...I feel so full..." Naomi's shirt was being pulled up by her stomach. Pushing her hands against herself, she could feel fizzing in her belly. Looking down, she got another shock. "Cassie! It's spreading! My chest, it's bigger!" "But...that's impossible! The candy's in your stomach!" "The impossible's happened twice...Look at shouldn't have cleavage, but your top's gonna burst!" Cassandra looked down with a squeak. "Ngh...My pants feel tighter too!" "Same here...It keeps fizzing...well, everywhere..." Naomi said, face flushed. Her embarrassment was cut short as a popping sound came from Cassandra, her buttons giving way. Her impressive cleavage broke free of her overstrained bra, her butt overwhelming her pants with a jiggle. "Crap! What are we gonna do?" "I...I don't know Cassie...I just feel so strange...kinda...light..." With another tearing noise, Naomi's clothes caught up with Cassandra's. Her shirt split open and all but exploded off of her round, firm frame as another tear formed in her pants, her thighs bulging through the hole. "We gotta get to a hospital or something before we..." Naomi quickly shut her mouth, but the scared look in Cassandra's eyes meant she had the same thought. Naomi began to waddle towards the door, her swelling legs and tight pants making it hard to move, but when she went to take another step, she couldn't feel the ground beneath her foot. Looking down as best she could, she couldn't see anything past the huge curve of her massive chest and belly. "Cassie, I think I'm caughhhaaAAA!" Naomi began to fall forward gently, her body rotating as she hovered, Cassandra looking on in shock. "You...You're floating!" Awkwardly trying to walk, she looked up at her close friend, Naomi's pants tearing away, and her body swelling rounder as she hit the ceiling with a dull thud. "Cassie! Help me! I'm too big to move!" "Just relax, I'll get you out of here, I promise!" Cassandra sat back to think, but her new size was too much. Her seat quickly snapped, dropping her onto the ground with a thud. "Oh no...Too heavy...I can't get up!" Cassandra tried to maneuver her feet to walk to the door, but she began to lose contact until she couldn't reach anymore. "I can't move Naomi!" "I can see...your feet aren't even touching the ground. You're just a big ball with boobs!" "So're you!" Naomi tried to smile, "At least I have a better view...You seem to be leaking. I think it stopped." "Oh thank goodness...Are we going to shrink again?" "We should...But not for a while. You think they make costumes in our size?"
balloon, floating, helium, Katrina's Balloons, magic, voodoo
Female Inflation
Breast Inflation, Full Body Inflation
Katrina walked down the street, happily humming a tune to herself that was accompanied by a slight, knowing smile. She was a striking young woman of average height, with long reddish locks and brilliant green eyes. In spite of this, her most noticeable features were her breasts. They began high on her chest and blossomed forth into swollen, rounded mounds that commanded the majority of her torso, and the immediate airspace surrounding her frame. Each step she took caused them to sway back and forth hypnotically under a physics all their own as Katrina proceeded on her way not heading anywhere in particular, just walking, looking for anything interesting. The downtown area had a lot of new stores and shops that had sprung up, but nothing in the new places seemed interesting to Katrina. Turning the corner, she saw one shop that looked somewhat interesting. It was a few doors down from the corner, but Katrina could read the large sign that hung over the door, "Spathic Magic". Katrina walked down the street to that store, and entered, the bell over the door ringing softly. There was a short, pale dark haired girl standing behind the counter. She was shorter than Katrina, probably only 5", but her chest size was massive, especially on her small frame. "Welcome to Spathic Magic!" she said, looking up. "How are you..." She trailed off as she saw Katrina's massive breasts each the size of a basketball, squeezed into her tank top. "Wow...Um, sorry, I mean, how are you doing today?" she said, blushing slightly, taking her gaze away from Katrina's breasts, and looking her in the face. Katrina giggled, and said, "It's alright, besides, you've got some nice assets yourself! But anywho, I'm doing great, It's a beautiful day, nice and warm. I hate cold weather, you wouldn't believe how hard it is to find a coat that fits." The dark haired girl laughed and said, "Well, that's true. I'm Miranda by the way." "I'm Katrina! It's really nice to meet you." Kat smiled and leaned on the counter, her massive breasts resting on the glass. "So, I'm looking for something fun, what kinda stuff do you guys have here?" Miranda laughed and said, "Well, we certainly have fun things, lets see what i can dig up..." Miranda ducked behind the counter, and Kat could hear her scuffling around, moving boxes and mumbling to herself. ", she'd look good with cat ears and a tail, but!" Miranda stood up, with a small balloon in her hand. "Here you go! I'll bet you'll have lots of fun with this." Katrina laughed, "A balloon? Well, those are fun, I don't suppose you have more?" Miranda shook her head. "Sorry, we've just got the one, but trust me, I'll bet you'll have tons of fun with this." Kat smiled and said, "Ok, how much?" "No charge, but here's our card, if you have fun with it, be sure to tell your friends and come back again!" "Thanks!" Katrina said, and she tossed the balloon in her purse. "Bye Miranda! I'll see you later!" "Bye Katrina, take care!" Miranda waved at Katrina as she left the shop. Katrina continued walking down the street. As she walked down the sidewalk, something glinting in the sunlight caught her eye. She looked down, and she saw a oddly shaped coin laying on the sidewalk. Katrina bent down and picked it up, with a little bit of difficulty, she loved her chest, but it did get in the way sometimes. The coin was a unusual one, made of some kind of heavy, shiny metal, with a hole in the center. It had strange designs along the sides and edges. Katrina had never seen anything like it before, and she walked down the street, looking at it closely. "Hmm...never seen a coin like this before." she said to herself. "It's really pretty though, maybe one of my friends'll know what it is." She slipped it into her pocket, when she felt a piece of paper in her pocket. Katrina groaned. "Damn, I forgot, That list of stuff for the party tonight. I need to hurry..." Katrina looked at her watch. "Great, the party starts in 2 hours, I wish i had more time..." Katrina turned around and began jogging back to her car, as fast as her bouncing cleavage would let her. As she was running, her cell phone rang, and she quickly pulled it out and answered it. "Hello?...Oh, hi Amy!...Really? Heh, well, that's lucky, I forgot to buy the stuff until just now, an extra hour'll be just what i need. See you tonight!" Katrina hung up her cell phone and sighed in relief. "That was lucky, just what i needed." Katrina walked at a more leisurely and less bouncy pace back to her car, and quickly drove off. She got to the store soon after that. The parking lot was crowded, but as Katrina drove through the isle, a car pulled out in front of her, almost right in front of the entrance. "Wow, lucky!" Katrina said, as she pulled in, and walked into the store. She walked though the isles, getting the various party supplies, and ignoring the various cat calls, wolf whistles, and marriage propositions. She carefully wheeled her full cart back to the front of the store and sighed again. The lines for the checkouts were all huge, and moving very slowly. "Great...I wish another line would open..." Katrina looked over the lines, and saw a store employee walking towards the unoccupied cash register right in front of her. Katrina moved next to the register, as the casher walked up, and started checking out her purchases. "Wow, third time lucky, today's really my day!" She piled her bags back into the cart, and walked out to her car, loaded them up, and began to drive home. She got home very quickly, it seemed that every red light she came up to turned green, and she cruised towards her home in record time. She walked up the path to her porch carrying her bags, and opened the door. Her cat Cecil purred and brushed up against her legs. "Hey Cecil, I'm home!" She walked into the kitchen and laid out the party supplies, the various bottles of alcohol, chips and other snacks. Katrina tossed her purse on the couch, and stretched. Her cat jumped up on her lap and curled up, purring. Katrina flipped on her TV, and started up a DVD of Mystery Science Theater. About a hour later, the doorbell rang, and Katrina got up, her cat jumping to the ground. She turned off the TV and walked over to the door, opening it. "Hi everyone! Come on in!" Katrina's friends, Sara, Naomi, and Alice walked in the door, laughing and joking. Julie, Katrina's best friend, walked in last, giving Katrina a hug. "It's good to see you Kat! How's things?" "Oh, it's been great today, heh, I've had the most amazing luck, I got a great spot at the store, didn't have to wait in long lines, awesome day." Julie laughed and said, "Lucky you, now come on, lets get this party started." The two of them went into the living room, where the other girls had already broken out the alcohol, and were busy making drinks. "Come on Kat!" Alice called out, "I'm mixing a new drink I think you'd like, I call it, 'Juicy Melons'." Katrina laughed and said, "Melons? I haven't been that small for a long while." About a hour later, the party was in full swing, and all the girls had been drinking more than their fair share. Katrina was probably in the lead, but not by much. "Ok girls, hold on, I'll be right back" Katrina got to her feet shakily, and walked off towards the bathroom. "Hey Kat!" Sara yelled out, "Can I have some gum?" "Sure!" Katrina yelled back, "It's in my purse, it should be somewhere..." Sara grabbed Katrina's purse, and started digging though it. "Where is it...Ah!" She pulled out a pack of gum, and put a piece on her mouth. "Hm...what else have you got in here Kat....what's this?" Sara pulled out a balloon, and giggled. "Ohh, a balloon! Now if we had two, I could be just like Kat!" The other girls all laughed and Julie said, "Blow that one up, I'll try to find another one, hehe, we'll say that you suddenly grew huge breasts!" Sara laughed and blew a breath into the balloon, as it inflated slightly. As she did, Katrina let out a loud yell, and ran out of the bathroom, clutching her chest tightly. "Kat, what's wrong, did you spring a leak?" Julie said, giggling. "No, i grew bigger!" Katrina said, with a look of joy on her face. "I was standing in front of the mirror, wishing I was bigger and I grew! Don't you see? It's this coin!" Katrina held up the small coin that she had found that day. "All today, I've been getting wishes and I didn't even know it! I'm gonna get even bigger!" With that, Katrina held the coin up and with a drunken laugh, said, "I wish I was twice as big as I am now!" Katrina closed her eyes, a look of joy on her face, as she waited. After a few seconds, she opened one eye. "Is anything happening?" Julie looked at Katrina with a laugh, "Of course not! Magic's not real, come on, sit down." Katrina looked at the coin with a stunned look on her face . "But...but, I did grow! I swear, my boobs grew bigger! They shrunk back down, but they were bigger I swear!" Katrina sat down heavily on the couch, her breasts bouncing up and down. "It was true..." She said, pouting, her arms crossed under her massive breasts. "Ohh, don't worry Kat!" Sara said, giggling. "I'll blow up this balloon, you can stuff it in your shirt, and then you'll be twice as big as you are now anyway!" Sara picked up the balloon, and with a deep breath, blew into the balloon, and it started inflating. As Sara blew into the balloon, Katrina let out another cry, as did Julie. "Kat! grew!" "I know!" Katrina said, "It's just like in the bathroom!" Julie looked at Sara, who was staring at Katrina's larger breasts in shock, still holding the balloon up to her mouth. "Sara, blow into that balloon again!" Julie said. Sara blew into the balloon more, and as she slowly inflated it, she could see Katrina's breasts swelling gently. There was a creaking noise, and Sara could see Katrina's pants growing tighter, as her butt and thighs began to swell as well. Sara was so shocked, the balloon slipped out, and flew across the room. As it did, Katrina's inflated body shrunk down to her old size. "That's it!" Julie said, "When you blow into that balloon, you grow! Where'd you get that balloon Kat?" Katrina was looking down at her chest in shock, and looked up at Julie, shaking her head to try to organize her drink addled mind. " was downtown, some kind of magic store...She said I would have fun with that. She gave me the card of the shop..." Julie walked over and picked up the balloon off the ground, and with a laugh, said, "Well, she was right!" With that, she took a deep breath, and blew hard into the balloon. Katrina let out a cry of shock, as her breasts began to inflate, growing larger and larger. Katrina squeezed her breasts together, feeling them swell, stretching her tank top. Her formerly lose pants began to grow tighter, her thighs and butt inflating, filling out the pants, and raising her off the couch a little. "Oh wow! Julie! I'm huge! Look at me, I'm bigger! Keep blowing I want to be huge!" Julie gave Katrina a smile, and said, "Bigger, eh? Ok, you've got it." Julie stood up and quickly ran to the closet, and started digging though it. "Julie? What are you doing? Don't stop! I want to be bigger!" Katrina got up and tried to see what was going on, but her new breasts and hips made it difficult to walk. "Sit your inflated butt back down Kat, I'm coming." Julie came out of the closet, pulling a small tank out. She then attached the balloon to the nozzle and grinned at Katrina. "Lets see if we can make those boobs lighter, I know you're always saying how heavy they are!" Katrina looked confused, and looked at the tank. "What do you...Is that HeilOHH!" Katrina's breasts swelled out as Julie twisted the nozzle, and the balloon began to fill up. Katrina's breasts swelled more, and Katrina let out a happy shout as they grew, stretching her tank top more and more. Katrina's belly began to swell out as well, lifting up the bottom of her tank top. There was a slight ripping sound, as her breasts began to rip free of her stretched tank top, when with a loud tearing, her two breasts bounced free, sticking straight out, bobbing against each other. Katrina let out a eep of embarrassment and blushed, trying to cover her breasts with her hands, but she could barely reach around them now. There was another tearing sound, as a large rip appeared in the side of her pants. "Ohh, no, I loved these pants!" She reached down, feeling the inflated flesh bulging out from the tear, as it moved down, when with a pop, her pants tore off, and her body began to swell even more. Katrina's belly swelled as well, gently growing out, swelling bigger and bigger, as her breasts floated up, blocking her view. "Ohh, I feel so light!" Katrina jumped to her feet, and due to her helium filled body, she moved up into the air a few feet, and then gently back down. Katrina let out a giggle, and said, "I can fly! I'm a balloon! Bigger! I'll be the biggest girl ever!" She jumped up again, harder this time, and she managed to touch the twelve foot high celling before falling back down. Her body kept on swelling, her arms and legs began to puff up as well, growing thicker and larger. Her belly was swelling more and more, as her body began to get rounder. Alice was looking at Katrina in shock, and she turned to Julie and said, "Um...Julie, that's enough...she's getting huge! She's rounding out all over!" Julie giggled, and said, "Nope, she wants to be bigger, and she's going to be huge!" Katrina looked at her body, and her swelling arms. They were getting harder and harder to move, as they got larger and thicker. "Wow, I didn't know I'd ever be able to get this big!" Katrina laughed, as she tried to walk, but her legs were almost totally absorbed into her body, so she could only move at a slow waddle. Katrina let out a giggle, but her giggle stopped, as her arms began to be absorbed into her body. She moved her hands against her body, and looked over at Julie, who was still inflating the balloon, with a huge grin on her face. "Um, Julie? I think that's enough...any bigger and I'll float away!" Katrina let out a weak laugh, which turned into a cry of surprise as her feet gently left the ground and she started to gently float upwards. "Eeep! Julie! I'm floating! Um...and it's getting a little tight...Julie?" Katrina's huge inflated body gently bumped up against the celling, and she looked down at Julie, who was sitting by the tank, looking at Katrina in amazement, with a huge smile on her face. "Julie? Come on! It's getting really tight...come on! Ohh...I'm getting really full..." There was a soft creaking noise from Katrina's huge body, and she let out a cry, "Julie! I'm creaking no more! I'm gonna POP!" As she said that, there was a loud explosion, and Katrina let out a scream. Katrina closed her eyes tight, and waited for her explosion, but nothing happened. There was no more creaking, and there was no more growth. Her body felt extremely tight all over, but the swelling had stopped. "Julie? Hello?" Katrina opened one eye, and looked down at Julie, looking up at Katrina. "Julie? What happened?" Julie shook her head, and breathed a sigh of amazement. "'re so huge Kat..." "I know, but that's not important, what happened? How do I get down?" Kat said, a note of panic in her voice. Julie looked at the remains of the balloon laying on the floor, and back up guiltily at Katrina. ", popped. Before, when you let the air out, you'd deflate, but I guess if it can't." Katrina looked down in shock, and cried out, "Well, then what am I gonna do? I can't be a balloon forever!" Katrina sniffed, and looked down at Julie. "Don't worry Kat!" Julie said, "You had that card, lets see what it says..." Julie picked up the torn remains of Katrina's pants, and got the card from one of the pockets. "It says, 'Spathic Magic. Magic, Enhancements and More. If there are any problems with your magical item, call 555-6243 twenty four hours a day. No problem I'll call them up, and explain, they'll tell us what to do." Julie walked to the phone, and dialed. After a few rings, a girl picked up the phone. "Hello Spathic Magic, how may I help you?" Julie quickly explained what happened, how Katrina was a huge ball with a massive pair of breasts, floating against the celling. "Ok, I understand. Give me your address and I'll be right over, we'll get her fixed in no time." Julie gave Katrina's address, and the girl on the phone said she would be there in about 10 minutes. Julie thanked the girl, and hung up, then explained to Katrina what was going on. Katrina sighed in relief, and tried to get comfortable. "This was scary, but at the beginning it was kind of fun." She giggled a little bit, still feeling the effects of the alcohol. "This is kinda comfy as well, it's like being on a big bubble." Julie laughed and said, "I hate to break it to you Kat, but you ARE a big bubble!" Julie started laughing hard, and so did Katrina. The five girls then relaxed a little, trying to kill time until the girl from the magic shop arrived. After a few minutes, the doorbell rang, and Julie hopped up and ran to the door. She opened it, and a short Hispanic girl stood there, with a bag over her shoulder. "Hi, is this the place that called about the magic problem?" Julie nodded, and said, "Thanks for coming over, I'm Julie." "Nice to meet you, I'm Julia. So, where is she? Not outside I hope?" Julie closed the door behind Julia and said, "She's in the living room...Um..Did you say outside? I'm a bit tipsy..." Julia grinned and said, "I have something for that if you want to sober up in a hurry, but yes, that girl was outside, she floated up, up, and away. That was a hectic night, took well over a hour to find her. She was almost fifty miles away, got caught in a crosswind, who knows where she would of ended up...that could have been bad..." Julia walked into the living room and looked up at Katrina. "Hello, I'm Julia, what's your name?" she said, smiling warmly. "I'm Katrina, I'd shake your hand, but I'm rather stuck at the moment." Katrina said, laughing slightly. "You? Stuck?" Julia laughed, "This is nothing, now if you were growing taller and taller, until you were almost 50 feet tall, and were stuck inside of a football stadium, Then you'd be stuck. That was a interesting case." Julia laughed to herself, and put her bag on the table. "Lets see here...a dispell should do the trick, it was a simple reflection spell that we put on the balloon, when it inflated, you inflated." Katrina got a worried look on her face, and said, "But, the balloon popped, why didn't I pop?" "Simple," Julia said, "A failsafe I put on all the enchantments, if the object is destroyed, the spell instantly stops where it was. As soon as it popped you stopped growing, but you don't need to worry about popping, you could be four or five times your size before you ever had to start worrying, and even then, with the right spells, you'd never pop. Hmm..."Julia dug around in her bag, and pulled out a number of small vials and pouches. She also pulled out a small bowl, and began to mix, chanting softly. The bowl began to smoke, and a sweet smell rose from the ingredients. "Ok, now, all you have to do is inhale the smoke, and you'll be all set!" Julia lifted the bowl up as close to Katrina's head as she could, and Katrina began to inhale the smoke. "Ohh, it smells nice." Katrina said. "How long do I, Ohh! What's happening?" Katrina's voice had suddenly become very high pitched, and she giggled, "I sound funny, what's going on?" Julia laughed and said, "All that helium had to come out somewhere, I assume you'd prefer that route, rather than the other way?" Katrina giggled and said, "Oh yeah, this way is fine." Katrina's body began to deflate slowly, but faster as she drifted down off the celling, and could inhale the smoke closer to the source. After a few minutes, Katrina inhaled a last lungful, and felt the last bits of helium leave her body. "Thank you Julia, I'm glad that's over with." Julia began to pack up her bag and smiled. "No problem! I'm glad to help you out. Just be sure to tell your friends about the shop, and we don't only have magic balloons, we have all sorts of potions and charms." Julia zipped closed her bag, and stood up. "Well, take care you girls! I hope to see you in the shop sometime." With that she walked out of the front door, and back to her car. Katrina ran back to her room to put on some new clothes, and joined the other girls downstairs, where they were buzzing about the possibilities of getting magical enhancements to their bodies. "Ok girls," Katrina said, as she flopped on the couch in exhaustion. "It's late, and I for one am tired. Being blown up like a huge balloon'll do that to you" Katrina laughed, and said, "lets hit the sack. We'll discuss our magical plans in the morning. Night!" the girls laid back in their sleeping bags, and one by one drifted off to sleep, visions of themselves changing their bodies dancing in their heads. The next few days went by without much incident, the girls all woke up with bad hangovers, and they had forgotten much of what happened the night before. Julie was sitting at home, idly flipping though channels, when her phone rang. "Hello?" Julie said, and Katrina's voice came over the phone, giggling. "Hi Julie! How's things?" "Hi Kat! Things are going pretty well, just relaxing bored mainly." Julie sighed. Katrina let out a laugh, and said, "Well, I think I can fix that, do you remember what happened a few days ago at the party?" Julie said nervously, ", not really, those drinks were pretty powerful. I remember something about a balloon, and a hell of a hangover the next day, but not much else, why?" Katrina laughed again, and said, "Well, maybe this'll refresh your memory, and don't worry, I won't let the balloon pop!" Julie looked at the phone in confusion, and said, "What?" A slight hissing noise could be heard over the phone, and Julie said, "What's that Katrina?" Katrina giggled and said, "Oh, you'll see!" and hung up. Julie looked at the phone again in confusion, and sighed, hanging back up the phone. "Wonder what she was talking about...Ug...I feel bloated..."Julie looked down at her stomach, and let out a gasp, as she saw her breasts slowly swelling, stretching her t-shirt, as they grew bigger and bigger.
corset, self inflation, The Corset
Female Inflation
Breast Inflation, Butt Inflation, Hourglass Inflation
There are times when even the most self-assured person feels like an idiot. For Amanda, this was that moment. She looked at herself in the mirror. Staring back was a young woman wearing black briefs, nude pantyhose, and a red shoulder-strap corset, with a ridiculous hose sticking out of the top. The corset didn't fit right, or at least it didn't yet. The hose was to take care of that once she started pumping air into the outfit. The promised result: a more pleasing hourglass shape, undetectable from normal support garments when worn under clothing, and the perfect solution for tomorrow night's class reunion "second prom." Once and for all, she'd be able to retire the dreaded high-school nickname "Mousy Mandy." Well, supposedly. Would this really work? She felt stupid for even trying. But desperate times called for desperate products made of rubber and spandex, and since she'd repeatedly talked herself out of permanent surgical means of self-improvement, it had come to this. All alone in the privacy of her room, door locked, gazing into the all-too-truthful mirror, she figured she had no reason not to give it a go. She squeezed the bulb experimentally. Nothing happened. She squeezed a few more times. Bupkis. Stupid, she thought. But then, she felt it – the corset felt tighter. The air she'd pumped into the outfit had started to find its place, firming up the thin chambers where the steel stays would normally be. Oh, I get it, she thought – air pressure will keep it in line. With renewed hope, she pumped a few more fistfuls of air in. Now the corset started to take shape, and that shape was an hourglass. As she pumped, the predetermined curves became apparent, tracing a racy concave arc from bust to hips. She felt the inside of the corset push against her stomach, cinching her middle while redistributing everything above or below. The bust cups themselves began to blow up, lifting her increasingly visible breasts up even further. It hadn't taken long before she did have a killer hourglass. She reached for her dress – a black floor-length gown, dusted with gold sparkles – and, with amusing difficulty, slipped it over her head. With a little adjustment, it was the shape she'd hoped she'd be able to create – stunning curves, a prominent bustline, and a flared hip that put Pamela and Marilyn in their places. No sign of mice. This was perfect. Well, almost perfect. The corset was doing a fantastic job – with the midsection squeezing in on her, she wasn't going to be able to do much bending over – but it showed too much hip, not enough bust. With a slight frown, Amanda slid out of the dress and, hugging her inflated hips with one arm, encouraged the air to head north as she gave the bulb another squeeze. She didn't see a difference, but she felt one – her midsection found itself even more constrained. A few more pumps made pretty much all the areas inflate equally. She was starting to look a little cartoonish. So close, she thought, but better learn how to do it right. She pressed the release valve on the bulb to deflate and start again. No such luck. The air was staying put. She gave the hose a tug, then a few more sharper pulls. She heard a THOK from inside the pressurized corset – the hose had apparently been pulled free from its connector. But as Amanda tried to pull it out the top, she felt the hose catch on something – there wasn't much room to move in there, after all. She couldn't reach in from the bottom; it was too tight. She'd managed to trap herself in her own clothing! And why hadn't the thing deflated when the hose popped off? So...she shimmied. Like an idiot, she thought, realizing she was right after all, that this would never work. She wriggled her midsection around, rolling her stomach muscles around, sucking in as much as she could, hoping to free the trapped hose. All it did was tickle her belly button; she could sense the end of the hose but couldn't reach it, couldn't move it anywhere. She felt like a moron, writhing in front of the mirror, hoping to create just enough space to pull the blasted thing out. Then she felt...something else. The hose had apparently gotten jammed, but it felt had gotten stuck in her navel. It tickled her, but it would not be moved. The hose wouldn't come outta her innie. Exasperated, Amanda squeezed the bulb. Amazingly, the corset swelled. Well, it looked like the corset swelled...but she thought it felt more like she was swelling. The tube had lodged itself in her belly button; was this even possible? She pumped again; same feeling. Looking for proof, she quickly pumped four or five times in a row, and there was no mistaking it. She felt electric sensations throughout her midsection; she felt her hips widen a little. She saw her breasts grow. She stopped and stared. She didn't know what to think, other than one thing: Damn, that felt good. The corset was now less an undergarment and more a bondage outfit; she had managed to imprison herself in a crimson hourglass, then increase the pressure from inside. She was stuck in the garment; she couldn't unfasten it, she couldn't move within it. All she could do was pump...and that, she could not deny, felt enjoyable. The teasing erotic thoughts began to take over. This won't last forever, she realized – not the feelings, but not the garment itself. If it wouldn't let go willingly, she'd force it off. She squeezed several fistfuls of air down the tube. The sensations returned; her midsection tingled and tried to expand. She was blowing herself up, and it thrilled her – air forcing its way through her torso, into her cartoonish hips, deepening her increasingly impressive cleavage. The feeling of pressure – from inside her body and from the imprisoning, inflated corset – drove her completely crazy. Prom? Reunion? Fuck it. She pumped. And pumped. And PUMPED! Her body swelled accordingly. Rounder and rounder she grew, waist constrained while her chest – not the corset cups, but her actual breasts – rose higher, looking like nothing so much as swelling balloons. Her hips flared out sharply beneath the corset, plumping up as her rear grew rounder. Even her thighs began to thicken, pushing her black panties up as they inflated apace. And it felt fantastic! Every squeeze of the bulb tickled her belly, sending shocks of pleasure straight down. She felt her belly try to swell, but it was tight – constrained by the merciless corset, which was already stretched tight from the pressure. The air displaced above and below, pumping her to a more outrageous hourglass than she'd ever seen. Harder, she thought. Faster. Bigger. MORE. She wanted the corset to explode. If anything looked like it was going to explode, it was Amanda. She was pumping furiously now, cursing the tiny bulb for not sending more air down the narrow tube, eager to pop the corset straight off. Her breasts engulfed her upper torso, straining at the shoulder straps that pressed down on her bulging chest from above. With only a few stitches of warning, the straps blasted off, unable to contain the intensity. Ah, she thought, gasping – progress! She switched hands and pumped with renewed vigor. Her bottom ballooned out behind her, leading to giant curved hips down to conical thighs. Even her belly had started to show some rounding as the corset creaked – the pressure was immense! As she saw the spandex snap its stitching and heard the rubber stretch with deepening groans, she knew she would soon be free. She was going to make this corset blow! Amanda was winded; it was hard to breathe, and she was overexcited. She paused, panting, to look in the mirror. She could barely see over the twin balloons that were her breasts, noting that they echoed her overinflated hips and bottom. Even her belly had swelled ominously, as the corset struggled to keep her curves in check. It was failing, but it had not failed. Not yet. "," Amanda puffed, aware that the next intensely orgasmic pumps would be the last of her incredible experience. " go out...with a bang." Gathering all her remaining strength, Amanda pumped the bulb as many times as she could before blacking out. There was a mighty explosion.
blueberry, gum
Female Inflation
Abigail ran up to the front door of her friends' house. "I'm Late!" she thought in her head. She rang the door bell, moments later she heard footsteps from behind the door. The door flung open, standing there was her friend Gabby with nothing but a green shirt and her panties on. "We were starting to think you weren't gonna show." Gabby said with a smirk, "Come in, everyone else is already here." Abigail walked in and the two proceeded to the living room. Four other girls sat in the room, Samantha, Alexis, Jillian, and Lucy. "Look who finialy decided to show up!" Gabby said as they walked in the room. "Great, she's finally here." Samantha said while getting up. "Now what are we going to do?" Jillian asked. Gabby glanced over to Alexis, she nodded. "What is there something you two didn't tell us?" Abigail asked. Alexis stood up "Yeah, my uncle bought me this new gum! It's from some foreign country!" Jillian stood up "I don't like the sound of foreign gum..." she said with apparent nervousness in her voice "What if it was tampered with?" "Relax." Alexis said "It used to be made in America but then they shipped it overseas for some unknown reason. " Alexis tore the package open "If you guys are too much of pansies to do eat any, then I will show you its safe!" She took a piece of gum out and began to chew. "Mmmmmm... Blueberry flavored." They all stood around Alexis "Well ya' see you sissies! Nothing happened!" "Well...Alright." Samantha said as she took a piece. All of the girls were sitting around chewing there gum and talking. "It's amazing!" Abigail said "We have been chewing this stuff for almost a half an hour and it still has its full flavor." Alexis looked around "You see! It's perfectly fine, and hey ya found a new type of gum ya like!" Suddenly Alexis began to clench her stomach. Gabby looked over at her. "Hey, what's wrong?" She asked "You feeling alright?" Alexis stood up "Yeah. Some sickness has been running through my family. I'm going to head to the restroom." Alexis walked to the upstairs bathroom and entered. She locked the door behind her and went over and sat on the edge of the bathtub. "Oh god, what's wrong with me?" she mumbled. She then felt a strange sensation in her stomach, she looked down. Her whole stomach was blue. Her eyes widened "What's happening to me?" she pulled out the gum package and began to read the back. "Warning: Do not chew gum for more than fifteen minutes. Unwanted side-effects may occur after fifteen minutes of exposure." Alexis gasped, she looked down at herself. Her whole body was blue. Alexis came running down the stairs. "Hey what was... OH MY GOD!" Gabby shouted when she saw Alexis. "What the hell happened to you?" Abigail asked. "I don't know!" Alexis shouted "Uh-Oh..." Alexis said "Guys' I don't feel so good..." "What's happening to you?" Samantha asked. Alexis looked down at herself, she noticed that her stomach was beginning to swell. "Ohhhh..." Alexis moaned. Her body began to swell rapidly. "What do we do?!" Jillian asked. "Uhh...Jill... Look at your hand..." Gabby said. Jillian looked down and screamed, her whole forearm was blue. "What's going on?!" she cried. "Ohhhh..." Alexis moaned again, she was now sitting on the ground, she looked like she was about three hundred pounds. "Come on!" Gabby said "We need to get her outside, if she keeps growing she's gonna end up breaking things!" The five girls all got behind Alexis and began to roll her outside. Alexis barely fit through the back door. "What do we do?" Samantha asked. "Hey..." Jillian mumbled "I'm starting to feel funny." Jillian began to swell to. "Oh-no, not you to!" Gabby said. Alexis began to make odd noises, some sort of blue liquid began to leak out of Alexis. Samantha walked over and stuck er finger in the liquid. "EEWWWW... Sam! What are you doing?" Abigail asked. Samantha sniffed her finger, then stuck it in her mouth. "Just as I thought..." she said "Blueberry juice." Alexis began to mumble something. Gabby ran over "What is it?" she asked. "It's the gum..." Alexis said, then KABOOM! Blueberry juice shot all over the backyard. Jillian screamed, as she was already looking quite chunky. "NOOO! This can't be happening! Alexis just popped, and the same thing is happening to me! I don't want to explode!" Jillian began to cry. Gabby went over, her arms were turning blue. "It's ok Jill, we're gonna be fine you hear?" Samantha and Abigail both looked at Gabby. "Ok listen up." Gabby whispered to them "Right before Alexis exploded she told me it was the gum. So basically we are all screwed. I'm open to suggestions on what to do." Abigail peered around Gabby, who was looking bluer by the moment, to look at Jillian. She was weeping in the yard, and she looked like a sumo wrestler. Gabby was now all blue at this point, sweat was beginning to run down her head. Gabby went and sat down by Jillian. Jillian was huge, her arms and legs were overtaken by her body. Gabby hugged her blueberry of a friend, she began to cry "It's ok Jillian, it's ok." Gabby had begun swelling up but she didn't seem to care. Juice began to leak out of Jillian, then KABOOM! Gabby flew back and began to cry. "What next?" she said as blueberry tears flowed down her face. "Uh-oh..." Samantha said "It's happening to me now." Abigail looked over at Samantha, her legs were blue and it was creeping down her arm. "Guys what should I do?!" Abigail asked "MMMPHHH!" Gabby said as her head was almost covered by her swollen body. Samantha stood up, she was beginning to look like she was pregnant "Listen, we are all basically doomed." She said "Gabby is about to end up like Jillian and Alexis, I'm starting to fill up, And Abigail, you are starting to turn blue." Abigail looked at herself, Her whole stomach was blue. The two looked over at Gabby, the blue liquid was beginning to leak out of her as well. "Look away." Samantha said. Both girls turned their heads. KABOOM! The two looked back, and there was no Gabby. The whole yard was covered in blueberry juice now. Samantha's legs gave out under all of the weight. "Well this is going to be a fabulous surprise for Gabby's parents when they get home. Abigail could feel the juices in her stomach. Samantha looked over at Abigail "So long." She said. Samantha began to swell at a rapid rate. Abigail backed up. KABOOM! Abigail walked over to where Gabby once sat. She sat down "Great." She thought to herself. She could feel the juices flow through her entire body. "Well on the bright side, for at least a minute I will have bigger boobs than Alexis." Abigail could feel her body stretching, she was at her limit. "This actually doesn't feel half bad." Abigail thought. She could feel the juice leaking out of her. "Well shit..." she thought.
hypnosis, m/m, permanent
Male Inflation
Full Body Inflation
"Hey Billy." Rob greeted his flatmate with a sigh. "Move up, you're taking up all the sofa." Billy huffed and budged over to let his friend sit down. "Where have you been?" "My hypnotherapy class." "You're still going to that?" Billy took a swig of beer. "Thought you were going to give up?" "It beats sitting around here with you, wearing... what is that?" "A dragon onsie. What does it look like?" "Yeah. It beats that." "What did you try to learn tonight?" "Just some theory. It's supposed to help you relax by making you feel like you're floating. You're supposed to feel like a balloon free in the air... but I couldn't get it to work." "Huh. That sounds nice. I could do with some relaxation after the day I've had." "Are you volunteering to be my test subject?" Rob laughed. "Sure, why not!? What's the worst that could happen?" "Okay!" Rob grabbed his pendulum watch from his pocket, and moved to stand in front of Billy. Carefully, he started swinging it from side to side. "Relax... just let go... You're feeling so sleepy... Very sleepy..." Billy giggled, and Rob shushed him "No, no... just listen to my voice... watch the pendulum... feel yourself surrendering... I'm going to count down from ten... and with every step, you're going to slowly give your control over to me..." Billy didn't really believe Rob could hypnotise anyone, let alone him. But he was willing to humour his friend. In fact, he hoped to pretend to be under Rob's spell, then play a trick on him. He'd shout 'Boo!' or stick his tongue out and make him laugh... "Ten. You're feeling your body relaxing. Nine. You're letting yourself become more suggestible to my voice." The watch moved back and forth across Billy's vision. Rob's voice was so soothing. He'd had a long day... The colours of the room started to blur and spin... All he could see was the watch... "Five. Everything feels so far away... Four. Your body is mine to control now..." Without even realising it, Billy surrendered to the warm, calming voice. He trusted him. He needed him... The watched faded into a swirl of light. "One. You're going to do everything I say. Zero. You're under." Rob gazed at his flatmate. His eyes were glazed and a faint, vacant smile tugged at his lips. Perfect! He'd never had a candidate so fully under his control before! Hastily, he grabbed his textbook. "You feel your body becoming lighter. Just a little... your arms begin to float as your worries drift away..." Billy mindlessly obeyed, his hands hovering. "You are lighter than air... more like a balloon than a man... a balloon on a string, light and free... Round and so happy and cheerful and full to bursting and calm..." In his mind, Billy agreed. 'Yes... I am a balloon... a round, light balloon..." Inside Billy's dragon onsie, his body agreed too. Unnoticed by either man, he pushed his knees apart as his belly started to grow. "You're swelling up. All your troubles are gone and you're filling with the lightest air..." At that moment, Rob saw his roommate's widening girth. His hips were widening and his thighs too, slowly but surely. He couldn't believe it – his teacher had said it was possible, but only by the most skilled of hypnotists. He couldn't stop now! "Rounder and rounder... all over your body is filling with air... you love being inflated like a balloon, don't you?" "I love being inflated like a balloon." Billy's monotone response excited Rob even more. He could see his friend's chest was swelling now. Too big to fit on the sofa, Billy fell with a bump onto the floor, his legs outstretched to accommodate his growing size. "You want to be huge, Billy. You want to keep on swelling with air." "I want to keep on swelling with air." "You will, Billy! You won't stop!" Rob watched as his friend grew more and more spherical, his arms and legs disappearing as his body grew. Dropping his textbook, the amateur couldn't help but laugh in amazement as the onsie started to rip, the zip snapping with a loud twang. "Keep growing... You're still filling with air... You are a balloon..." "I am a balloon." Now, only Billy's swollen hands, feet and head protruded from his huge round body. His skin was stretched tight, and the pressure was making the man rock helplessly back and forth in time with the pendulum. "When you are as big as you can possibly get, you must stop inflating. But only when you can't get any bigger." Rob almost whispered. Billy groaned with tension. "I... cannot.... Inflate... any... more." "Then stop. You feel yourself waking up, Billy. I'm going to count up from zero to ten, and you're going to wake up with me. Zero. One. Two." Billy started to feel his fingers and toes again faintly. "Three. Four. Five." He was aware of the pendulum swinging, slower and slower as the colours in his vision faded. "Six, Seven, Eight." God, what had happened? He felt light and weak and... "Nine. Ten." "Ta-dah!" Rob proudly motioned at his flatmate. Billy struggled, but could only wriggle his fingers helplessly. "What have you done to me?!" "Made you as light and free as a balloon, of course!" "How?! Deflate me now! I feel like I'm going to burst!" "Yeah! I got you as big as I possibly could *without* you bursting!" "Very funny! Now I'm serious! Get me back to normal!" "Calm down, let's see what it says in the textbook." Deflating If you are extremely lucky and notice any signs of actual swelling in the subject, it is essential that you implant a deflation trigger word during the inflation process. Without this, deflation will not be possible. "Well, what's the trigger word, Rob?" Billy struggled pathetically, rocking on his new girth. "I... forgot." "No." "I didn't implant one." "What do you mean!" "I got excited! And I just... forgot to do it..." "So... I'm stuck like this... for good?" "...Yeah." Billy stared at his new body and whimpered.
floating, helium, remote controlled
Female Inflation
Full Body Inflation
The afternoon was a bit of a blur. The police had been called and the school was soon overrun by yellow jacketed scene of crime officers, forensics teams and the mass media clamouring to get a story to go with the bizarre events that unfolded just after lunchtime. Katie and Leanna had both spent the last hour and a half walking around in a daze, being questioned by serious looking men and comforted by well meaning policewomen; they were in shock, after all they had just witnessed a popular young maths teacher pump up like a balloon and explode like one too. In reality however the girls' shock was more to do with fear of being caught than with horror and sorrow at the unreality of it all. A few minutes earlier one of the fire crew brought in to help search through the wreckage of the former Miss Calland had discovered a small pellet and recognised it immediately as a compressed helium pellet of the type used to minimise fire risk in tanker fires. The police had quickly moved to the conclusion that there was an accompanying remote control somewhere and were looking for suspects in a murder inquiry. They had also caught Sam eyeing them suspiciously and were worried that she would mention the weight loss cakes. The carrier bag of remotes had been hidden away as soon as they could inside a vaulting horse in the school gym and the girls were now wondering how they could destroy all evidence of the connection between the cakes and the pellets without exploding any more of their classmates. 'Once the girls are inflated then they are helpless, like Miss Calland was just floating there unable to speak' Leanna said, with a tone of unease. 'If we can get the girls who ate the cakes on their own then we could inflate them, they wouldn't be able to call for help and we could then just take them somewhere out of the way and keep them prisoner.' Katie was, for once, the voice of reason; Leanna was overly panicked at what she had been party to, but Katie was more than aware of the power afforded to her by the remotes and had calmed down somewhat. 'It's a nice idea' she replied, 'but with two major flaws: firstly we don't know where the line is between the girl simply floating up and her popping; secondly we can't just keep them prisoner forever, they would know it was us when we took them away and once deflated they would give us away'. 'OK' Leanna said, resignedly, 'but we have to do something, maybe we just have to 'pop them off' as it were, one by one. I mean none of the girls who ate the cakes were particularly friends with us, they were all those shallow bitches like Sam, full of themselves. Let's fill them with something they can't contain so easily, I'm sure you wouldn't mind seeing Joanne, or Kirsty, or Kaori blimped up, and would you really miss Harriet if she just... burst?' Leanna blurted the last word out a bit too loudly and Katie had to peer out of the ladies toilets into the corridor to see if anyone had heard. Fortunately the girls had taken refuge in the gym building, on the opposite side of the school to the maths department where they had blown Miss Calland up, and everyone was still down that end, so the gym was completely deserted. 'Sounds like we have no choice' Katie replied, hanging her head at the thought of being a serial killer 'I suppose we'd best try and find Sam first, she knows the most, but you can be the one with the remote this time' 'No!' Leanna snapped, 'you got us into this, so you can get us out. Besides, you are the one with the experience of inflating girls so you'll know when to stop inflating her. I'd run the risk of overinflating her and then she'd go bang before we could get her somewhere out of earshot of the school'. Katie sighed; it looked like she was going to have a lot on her conscience by the end of the day, and then crept out of the toilets into the abandoned hallway. The two girls made for the gymnasium, where they opened the top of the vaulting horse and Katie climbed in and searched the carrier bag inside for the remote labelled 'Sam'. Once they had it they ran out of the room, leaving the rest of the remotes still hidden. Katie hid the remote under her blouse and they walked as calmly as possible outside and down the line of school buildings towards where everyone else was. They entered the main building walked among the milling people, looking just as terrified as they were, which in the eyes of everyone else, was understandable. Katie noticed Sam alone inside the nurse's room sat on the gurney at the far side of the room, looking scared, still rubbing her swollen abdomen. 'In here' she whispered and disappeared into the room grabbing and pulling Leanna along with her. Inside the room, the two girls stood over Sam, who looked up inquisitively at them. 'What do you want?' she asked nervously. 'We just wanted to check you were OK' Katie replied, sounding genuinely concerned. 'Er, well I'm feeling a bit bloated' Sam said, sounding shaky, and rubbing her distended stomach, 'it's been like this since I had one of your cakes.' 'Ah', interrupted Leanna, 'that's what we wanted to see you about; you weren't planning on telling anyone about those cakes were you?' 'Well, of course I was' Sam squeaked crossly, 'If it has anything to do with what happened to Miss Calland, then I should tell the nurse right away!' Katie nodded towards Leanna, who nodded back before walking over to the door, dropping the latch and drawing the black curtains on the door's little window. Katie then stepped towards Sam and lifted her leg over, straddling the petrified looking girl and sitting on her lap. Katie, shifted to gain comfort but also made Sam look even more uncomfortable, then, suddenly she felt herself smile, the power she had over Sam exciting her. She leaned towards Sam who stared at her open eyed, before flinching away. 'We can assure you, you won't be telling anyone' Katie said, menacingly under her breath as she removed the remote from her blouse and held it in front of Sam's face, letting the girl see the label 'Sam' before pressing the green button. There was a hissing as Sam's already bulging stomach blew out, quickly doubling then tripling in size, making her look nine months pregnant. In a sequence of pops, four buttons burst off Sam's blouse; her eyes became wide as billboards and her mouth shaped into a little O. 'Ohmygod I'm blowing up like a balloon!' Sam shrieked, causing Leanna, still stood by the door to jump and peek through the curtains. Katie quickly leaned over the bloated girl's belly, rapidly expanding between her legs and put her hands over Sam's mouth, reducing her distressed shrieks to a muffle. As Sam kicked her legs frantically and her abdomen rounded out pushing her back in the reclining chair, Katie struggled to reach over it to keep Sam muffled, but it became easier as her stomach reached three feet in diameter when Sam's butt and thighs decided to join in the fun. Sam's rear visibly widened, pumping up beneath Katie and lifting her upwards so that she could lean over the balloon girl's stomach with more ease, and the pressure inside her made her legs more turgid, reducing her kicking to a gentle bouncing. Katie's initial remorse had lightened and she was enjoying herself again as she turned to Leanna and laughed as she bounced up and down on her human space hopper. 'Be careful' Leanna reminded Katie 'Don't let her get too big in here, we have to get her out of the fire exit yet, and if she explodes in here half the building will hear it, she's looking pretty taut.' Sam was indeed becoming quite tightly blown up, and her whole body was now becoming bigger and rounder as it pumped full of helium in similar fashion to Miss Calland. The seams of her trousers began to burst off, and with a ripping sound they tore halfway down her sides. Katie felt Sam's cheeks puff out underneath her hand and removed it, allowing Sam to make useless little mmmphs and pmmphs. She used her free hand to stroke Sam's left breast as her bust too began inflating like two balloons. Katie felt Sam's nipples between her fingers becoming hard underneath the stretched cotton as the flesh underneath bulged ever outwards and upwards, while Sam watched, wide eyed and helpless. Katie smoothed both hands from Sam's breasts around and underneath the swollen orbs around the girl's sides where the fabric was pulled tight. She rubbed her hands down Sam's curved sides until they reached her plump hips, squeezed them together, feeling the inflated girl's buoyancy and hearing her straining flesh creaking she gave Sam a mischievous little wink. At that moment, Sam, looking like a blimp taking flight, lifted clear from the seat hovering just above the seat. Katie gripped the fabric of Sam's torn trousers and slid down and off her, onto the floor. The release of weight caused Sam to bob upwards. Leanna walked over with a length of bandage she had removed from a first aid kit and tied it around Sam's ankle. 'We have to get you out of here now puffy' she said and walked around Sam's big round body, giving the end of the bandage a little tug causing Sam to spin around to so that her feet were pointing towards the fire exit, with a clunk Sam's head knocked a desklamp off a desk, she let out a muffled squeak as if to say ouch. Katie pushed open the fire exit and Leanna walked out of it, pulling Sam behind her like a giant party balloon. Sam bumped against the sides of the door as Leanna tried to pull her out and became stuck, so Katie had to get behind her and push her out of the door. Katie and Leanna took the inflated Sam from the back of the nurse's room out behind the main buildings of the school where they wouldn't be seen. Leanna dragged Sam behind her who bobbed around in the wind, like a helium balloon, looking scared and helpless. They came to a spot behind the sports hall fire exit where they decided they could leave Sam while they went and continued their inflating spree. Leanna bent down holding her end of the bandage and tied the end to a metal support in the ground, usually used for setting up the cricket nets. She pulled on the bandage to bring Sam down to her level and Katie grabbed her with both hands as though bringing in a blimp to land, pulling her towards her so that she could look straight into Sam's dinner-plate sized eyes. 'We'll just leave you floating around here for a bit while we take care of something' she taunted Sam, 'remember, If you try to escape...' Katie held the remote in front of Sam's face and with a cruel smile pressed the green button briefly. Sam winced as with a short hiss she felt a little more helium released into her body. Katie put the remote back into her pocket and let go of Sam so she bobbed up for a couple of metres until the bandage became taut, stopping her rise so that she just floated helplessly watching as Katie and Leanna ducked into the fire exit which they had left open before. Inside the sports hall Katie and Leanna could see in another corner Kaori, Jennifer and Penny practicing circuit training, three more of the bimbos who had swallowed the pellets; news of Miss Calland's incident hadn't reached them yet. Quickly Katie and Leanna ducked behind the vaulting horse and watched the girls, in their sweats limbering up at the start of the circuit. 'We'll have to blow them up before they make it round to us' Leanna whispered and then carefully lifted the lid, partly off the horse to reach in for the carrier bag. Meanwhile, one of the girls Kaori, an Asian girl had started a light jog in their direction. When she had the remotes for the three girls she gave them to Katie who pressed Kaori's green button. The girls watched as Kaori stopped jogging and moaned slightly as she held her crotch. It appeared that the pellet had moved further down her body and her tight training belt was preventing the gas from moving further up, because the girls could only see Kaori's crotch and ass inflating. Kaori doubled up as though she had a stitch and then bend backwards, pushing forwards her bloating crotch. She placed her hands on her ass cheeks as they bulged behind her and rubbed them as they strained her leather training shorts. Then she realised what was going on and hysteria immediately ensued. 'Oh my God, I'm blowing up like a balloon!' Kaori screamed towards the other girls, who ran over to see. Kaori's shorts pumped up like a rubber ring around her. 'Why are your shorts blowing up?' enquired Penny, a sweet petite girl with mousey brown hair wearing a leotard. 'It's not my shorts' Kaori gasped 'It's me!' as she squeezed her legs together and wrapped her arms round her expanding waist, trying to contain the pressure. A button burst off Kaori's shorts, revealing her silk panties inflating beneath, it was obvious that Kaori herself was the one swelling up as her bare legs were also plumpening up as the helium spread downwards. Still though, her belt held tight and prevented her upper body from joining in the fun. 'Ooooh' she moaned 'I feel like an explosion waiting to happen!' Katie reached for the remotes for Penny and Jennifer and placed them all on the floor so that she could press all the green buttons at once. Penny shrieked 'Yeeeek, It's happening to me too' as the helium inflated her tiny figure more rapidly than anyone else so that her whole body quickly barrelled out. Kaori's lower body now looked like a pair of blimps, meeting at the top in an impossibly stretched leather band with two round orbs where her bum was, while her belt still held firm. Jennifer, a tall, dark haired girl was inflating belly first, like the others, holding her hands on her belly as it protruded further and further outwards before her thighs and backside began inflating too. 'What's happening?' Jennifer screamed, 'Why are we all getting fat? Will we go pop?' Jennifer held on to a scared Penny, who was quickly becoming balloon shaped as the helium filled out all parts of her small body. Then there was a loud bang and Jennifer and Penny quickly turned to see that Kaori's belt had burst off her and her upper body was whooshing outwards like an inflating airbag. Kaori squealed as her breasts blew up into her face muffling her and her arms pinged out at right angles as her whole body became turgid and immobile. She lost her balance and fell backwards; remaining straight, she bounced onto her back and lay there helpless, eyes wide making muffled umphs as her body continued to pressurise and rise like a bag of popcorn in a microwave. It was Penny though, the lightest of the three girls who was the first to contain enough helium to lift of the floor. 'I'm floating!' she gasped 'It's helium we're filling with!' The girls all watched as Penny slowly rose off the ground and bobbed about in the air. Penny was about 5 feet into the air when Leanna suddenly realised they had a problem. 'Katie stop!' she said, a little bit too loudly 'If she floats up to the ceiling we'll never get her down!' 'Oh shit!', Katie responded and immediately took her finger off Penny's remote as Leanna abandoned their hiding position and ran frantically over to Penny's almost spherical form as it rose through the air. Leanna grabbed a skipping rope on the way, but by the time she got to Penny the balloon girl was out of reach and even when Leanna jumped into the air, she couldn't reach Penny. Katie came out of hiding, still with the other two remotes but the four girls could only watch as Penny drifted up towards the high sports hall ceiling. Kaori and Jennifer were still inflating but Kaori was lying on her back and saw neither Katie nor Leanna. Jennifer was now inflated all over, and was losing mobility. 'What's going on?' Jennifer barked 'Do you two clowns have anything to do with this?' 'We put helium pellets in those cakes' Leanna replied as she watched Penny bump off the ceiling, there was no hope of getting her down. Kaori who was aware of events now that Leanna was speaking wobbled about helplessly before starting to rise off the floor herself. This time Leanna wasn't going to let a girl float out of reach and tied a skipping rope around the alarmed girl's ankle, letting her float up at the end of it so she was upright and could see everything. Jennifer was now too pumped up to move properly and could only waddle angrily towards Katie fuming through puffed out cheeks. 'Mmmph, You won't get away with this, when I'm deflated I'll get you ppmph!' It was no use though, and as Jennifer widened she became rooted to the spot and unable to speak at all; only watching herself bloat though horrified eyes. When Katie heard the first creaks and moans coming from Kaori's body she stopped blowing her up. With Jennifer, her sports bra burst at the front with a pop underneath her tightly stretched t-shirt as her breasts burgeoned forth. Then she too bobbed upwards until the tension of the skipping rope Leanna had tied round her waist stopped her so she was floating on her back. Katie stopped inflating her too. 'So, what shall we do about Penny?' Leanna asked as she held both inflated girls' tethers as though she had won them at a fair, 'We'll never get her down.' Katie thought about this for a while before turning to Leanna. 'Well there's no-one else about I don't think; I guess we'll have to give Kaori and Jennifer here a demonstration of what we plan to do to them all, then we'll have to get out quick before anyone else hears the explosion.' At the mention of the word 'explosion' Penny's eyes widened with terror and the other two girls began bobbing around frantically at the end of their tethers. Katie took out the remote labelled 'Penny' and hovered her finger over the red button, looking menacingly at the stricken Penny on the ceiling before pressing the green button. 'No quick exit for you Penny' she said with a malicious glee, 'this one's being such an overinflated little bitch'. Penny's eyes widened more than ever possible, as with a hiss the ball shaped girl began increasing slowly in diameter, making a series of high pitch squeaking noises and flapping her hands and feet uselessly as her two friends below struggled and made muffled screams. The high squeak morphed into a low groaning and creaking noise which tapered out with a KABOOOOM! The girls watched as Penny blew up into a shower of leotard shreds and scraps of other pieces of clothing. Penny's trainers fell to the ground too; one of them bouncing off Kaori's pumped up stomach, causing Kaori to flinch and the pellet clattered noisily to the ground. Quickly, Katie got the carrier bag with the remotes and gathered up the shreds of Penny's clothing, her trainers and the pellet, putting them into the bag so that the girls left no evidence of the exploded girl. Then they headed to the fire exit, Leanna pulling the 'balloons' down under the doorframe and outside where Sam still floated at the end of the bandage. The expression on Sam's face said she had heard the explosion, and she watched as Kaori and Jennifer were tied down either side of her, so the three expanded girls were now left bumping gently off each other as they swayed in the gentle spring breeze. Katie and Leanna made sure the fire exit for the sports hall was locked before heading off over a field and out of the school grounds to find the other girls they had to inflate.
Female Inflation
Breast Inflation
Carrey runs into trouble during her morning jog. Huf. Huf. Huf. Huf. Carrey breathed in time as she jogged through the scenic park. It was early in the morning; the sun was only just rising. Carrey liked to jog at this time because there was nobody around to bother her. Also, the air was cooler around this time of day, and she got to see the sunrise. Another big consideration that she had was that there weren't any men to stare at her as she went by. Carrey was a beautiful woman of about 25, but she was a shy beauty. She liked to hide her radiance with a lack of makeup and conservative clothing, in order to appear more professional. The last thing she wanted was to portray an image that she was making her way based on looks alone. Carrey believed that it was this mentality that had gotten her so far in the business world. She was now a manager in an auditing firm, and was making an excellent salary for someone just getting out of college. Already her tuition debts were well on their way to being paid. However, in having this lifestyle she sacrificed the other aspect of a young woman's life: the dating scene. Carrey had little time for dating or men when she was so busy with trying to make a good impression at her company by working overtime and never taking vacations. She wasn't lonely yet, but later in life she would be. One of the benefits of her lucrative job was that she could buy things. One of those things which she was able to buy was the iPod which was around her neck. It bounced around her chest in time with Carrey's pace, occasionally knocking into one of her perky B-cup breasts. The iPod is of particular significance because it prevented Carrey from hearing a certain hissing sound which began about halfway through the second paragraph of this story. Had she heard the hissing, Carrey might have ascertained what was going on in enough time to run for help. However, because of the music playing in her ears (Kelly Clarkson), she remained blissfully unaware of the fact that, at the moment, her breasts were growing. Carrey's breasts were now growing steadily, and had been for almost two minutes. They had already surpassed their earlier described B-cup size, and were now well on their way to becoming D-cups. Carrey did not notice this expansion for two reasons. The first is that she was wearing a stretchy spandex sport bra, which was designed to be "one size fits all". The second reason is that her breasts weren't weighing her down as they might have been at that size. They were being filled with magical air, helium to be precise, and their lightness meant that she couldn't feel the extra mass. So Carrey jogged on, her breasts expanding larger, filling her lower field of vision. However, because she was concentrating on the path ahead of her, she still didn't notice. By this time, the helium in her breasts (which were now the size of cantaloupes) was beginning to affect her jogging, but it was imperceptible. Now, normally this much helium wouldn't do anything to lift a person, but this was magical helium. It still wasn't doing much, but if Carrey had been paying attention, she would have noticed that it was getting easier to jog as her weight was being reduced. She jogged on, oblivious. Suddenly, though, the song she had been listening to ended, and the iPod did something useful. Using its wonderful shuffle capability, it switched to a song that Carrey didn't care for. It wasn't that she put music that she didn't like on her iPod; she just had some songs that she liked better than others. So she flicked her gaze downward, intending to grab the iPod and change the song. But in looking downward, she saw the several inches of bosom that were not supposed to be there. With a gasp of surprise and confusion, Carrey tripped and fell. However, her balloon-like breasts were helpful in this situation because not only did they break her fall, they bounced her back up again in a comical way. Not expecting the trip or the bounce, Carrey fell backwards with a huf and landed on her shapely butt. "What the hell..." said Carrey, now sitting on the stone path, befuddled. Her boobs were enormous! She tentatively placed a hand on each breast and felt them. They felt strange...rubbery somehow. It was as if somebody had replaced her boobs with balloons without her knowing. They were now the size of honeydew melons, and, though she wasn't aware yet, still growing. Carrey pushed into her breasts, feeling less resistance than usual. They had about the same consistency of balloons. When she took her hands off, they instantly sprang back to their former shape. It was then that she noticed that her iPod was still playing. She took the earbuds out and could now hear the hissing. At first she thought it was a snake or something, and looked around her for any sign of one, but didn't see any. Then she put two and two together, and looked back at her breasts. She turned her head and warily bent her neck to her chest. The hissing got louder. It was coming from her! "I'm...growing?" asked Carrey rhetorically. At this point her sport bra had reached its limit for stretchiness and was beginning to dig into her skin. Carrey was snapped back to reality by the pain, and became suddenly aware that she needed to get some help. Her breasts were growing larger, and showed no signs of stopping. This wasn't normal. I need to see a doctor, she thought. She got up, and suddenly became aware of the contents of her breasts as she practically floated into a standing position. Barely any effort was required. Carrey paused again and inspected this new development. Her breasts weren't heavy at all, she realized. In fact, they seemed to be filled with air. Carrey experimentally stood up on her tiptoes and experienced a feeling of near weightlessness as she remained on her tiptoes without even trying. She had never been able to do that. My boobs are growing, and now they're lighter than air? The world's gone mad! Carrey snapped out of it when another jolt of pain from her pinching bra hit her. I have to see a doctor NOW, she thought frantically. She was getting lighter...what if she floated away? She began to run for the nearest building, if just to be indoors if she flew away. But alas, it was too late, as Carrey began to discover as she ran. Her breasts were now the size of basketballs, and were seriously affecting her pace. Each stride she took became longer and longer, until she found herself in the air for two full seconds before coming down. Carrey was getting dangerously close to floating away, and she knew it. She began to look around for a tether of any kind, if just to hold herself steady while she waited for help. She spotted a bench nearby and started walking towards it, not wanting to let her feet leave to ground. Taking long, purposeful strides, Carrey made her way towards the bench which was only twenty feet away. Her breasts were now the size of beachballs, and her bra was emitting ripping sounds as her expansion overtook their capacity. Halfway through her journey, Carrey's feet started to lose contact with the ground. She was pulled up onto her tiptoes by her weightlessness. She got the feeling that she was going to float away at any moment. At the same time, her bra suddenly gave out, and her breasts exploded out of their confinement, now naked for the world to see. Carrey would have been embarrassed if she wasn't so fixated on reaching the bench. She was traveling on her tiptoes, holding her arms out for balance. Her headway was very slow, and she was getting lighter all the while. With only five feet to go, Carrey's left foot lost contact with the ground. She was now only connected to the earth by her right toe. She wasn't going to make it. She began to panic. "Oohhh goodd somebody help me! HELP ME!" she screamed at the top of her lungs. At that moment, her right foot lifted off as well, and Carrey was officially floating. "HEEELLPP!!" she cried frantically. She was floating away, and there wasn't anything she could do to stop it. Since her source of weightlessness was in her breasts, they Carrey was pulled into a position where she couldn't face downward. As she was pulled into that position, her iPod fell from her neck, clattering to the sidewalk below. Carrey was now 20 feet above the ground, with breasts the size of yoga balls. She was rapidly ascending, screaming for help all the way. Actually, several people had heard her by now and were running towards the source of the screams. But by the time they got there, they only found a tattered bra and a broken iPod. Carrey had stopped screaming now and had accepted her fate. So this is how I'm going to die, she thought bitterly. And I can't even enjoy the view. All her attention was directed upwards since that was the only place she could look. She was getting cold. Suddenly she noticed a shape inside the cloud she was heading towards. It was the same color, but it was moving differently. It was a blimp! And she was directly underneath it. She floated closer to the floating airship, and began to see how large it was. It was massive. Bigger than the Hindenburg. It also didn't seem to have any propellers, yet it moved against the wind. As Carrey floated closer to it, suddenly a hatch opened up at the bottom. She was headed directly for it. It was almost as if the blimp was anticipating her arrival. Unable to control her ascent, Carrey could only watch in awe as she floated up into the airship, and hear the hatch close behind her.
floating, Raising Spirits
Female Inflation
Full Body Inflation
Annie and Tasha sat in the small auditorium, grumbling under their breath. "Remind me again why we're wasting our time here?" Annie whispered. " least we're getting paid for it." "Whatever...this place sucks..." Annie leaned back as far as she could in the uncomfortable chairs, and tried to listen. "You'll feel more energetic, more bounce to your step, and you'll feel better about yourself! With just a week of my new meditation and all natural herbal supplements, you'll be a whole new person!" "Yah, a poorer one..." Annie whispered to Tasha, who giggled and put her hand over her mouth, blushing. "You're gonna get us in trouble!" Tasha hissed, trying to stop giggling. But she had to agree. This whole thing was stupid, it was that new manager at the office. She was all into homeopathic medicine, the power of crystals, and a lot of other nonsense as far as Tasha was concerned. The two of them had been chosen, like it was some kind of honor, to be sent to this place. On the plus side, it was a day off work, and paid as well. The downside was that they had been sitting here for the past two hours, with fifty other women listening to the girl in the stage talk about how wonderful and great her new placebo was. People would believe anything these days...Tasha became aware that it was suddenly a bit quiet in the auditorium, and she shook her head to bring herself back to reality. The girl on stage was staring at her in an expectant way, as were a lot of the audience. Tasha nudged Annie who was engrossed in some game on her cell phone, and looked around. "As I was saying," the speaker said, "I was looking for some people to show my wonderful treatment, and since you two seem to be a pair of Doubting Thomasines, I figured that you would be the best to show it off! Come on up!" Tasha felt the blush coming to her cheeks, and glanced to Annie, who was trying to shrink down into her chair. "Should we go up there?" Annie whispered. Tasha looked at the expectant audience and sighed. "I guess so. Let's go..." The two of them got up and walked down the row of chairs towards the stage. "Glad to have you up here!" the speaker said, her bright perfect smile almost dazzling the pair of them. "Now, you just follow my assistants over there, they'll get you ready, and then you'll see how well my new system works!" Annie and Tasha let themselves be lead offstage by two girls, and brought to two small dressing rooms. "Just change into the clothes in there, and we'll bring you back out, don't worry, you'll love it! I know I did!" Annie smiled stiffly, and walked into the room. It was nice, as dressing rooms went. Just a few hooks and a bench. Folded up neatly on the bench was a pile of clothes. No, she corrected herself, only one clothes, a bodysuit to be specific. It was made out of some kinda stretchy spandex stuff, but it felt nice. With a shrug, she quickly pulled off her clothes, and slid into the bodysuit. It took a bit of doing, as it was all one piece. She had to crawl in through the neck, and pull it up over herself. It was snug, and a nice purple color. It fit alright, not too tight, but enough to show off her curves, what few she had. She had always been slender, but the past few years had been kind, in a way. She had put on weight at the office, but most of it went straight to her hips and chest. Maybe a bit too much to her hips, but she was alright with it. Annie opened up the door and walked out, grinning self consciously. "Ohhh, you look great!" One of the assistants gushed. "It really looks good on you!" "Hehe, thanks..." Annie looked at herself in the mirror and ran a hand down her side. "Tasha? You ready yet?" "Almost...It's a bit small..." Tasha walked out in a dark blue bodysuit. And she was right, it was too small. Or Tasha was too big. "Damn girl!" Annie laughed. "Where've you been hiding those things?" Tasha blushed and self consciously adjusted the top of her clothes. "I dunno..." she mumbled. "How big are they anywho?" Annie said, grinning at her friend's embarrassment. "Umm...last time I checked, 40 DD." Tasha said, a slight grin on her face. "Dang! I never knew that." "Well, you'd be amazed what a well-fitted shirt and a good bra can do...We better get out there, thank goodness there's no guys." The two of them walked back on stage, to a bit of applause. There was already a large padded mat laid out, and the speaker was standing there in a similar bodysuit with a huge smile on her face. "You two look great! We're ready to begin. First, drink this. It's my special herbal blend, all natural, totally harmless. It'll help relax you." Annie looked at the brownish green liquid and took a sniff. It smelled alright, a bit earthy, but she'd drank worse things at juice bars. She took a sip and glanced at Tasha. "It's not bad..." She quickly swallowed the rest, a slight grimace on her face. "Ok you two, now, the fun part! Sit on the pad, and follow my lead." They sat down in what Annie cynically thought of as the traditional meditation position, and closed their eyes. "Now, I want both of you to take a deep breath...inhale slowly, and then slowly let it out..." They did these breathing exercises for a short while, and after a few minutes Annie had to admit she was feeling more relaxed and calm. Her suit was feeling a bit tight, but that was probably her imagination. "Ahh, I can see it's working!" the voice of the speaker said. "How do you two feel?" "Pretty calm actually." Annie said. "Yah, same here. My suit feels a bit tight though." Tasha said, shuffling slightly. "Don't worry, that's definitely normal! But your suits have a lot of give, so you'll be fine." "Huh? What do you mean, that's normal?" Annie felt a slight gurgle from her stomach. "Well, it's normal for this!" The speaker was still transmitting cheerfulness in the megawatt range, but there was a hint of uncertainty. "What do you mean, this?" Annie felt another gurgle and reached down to feel her stomach. Her eyes snapped open when her hand hit a soft wall, much sooner than she had thought. "What in the..." her words trailed off as she looked down. Her purple suit was bulged outwards, what looked like a basketball was down her front. She wordlessly poked the bulge and felt belly. "How...what..." "What's going on AnnieeEEE!" Tasha's question turned into a cry of surprise as she looked down at herself. Her boobs seemed to be getting bigger before her eyes, and her belly was keeping pace quite nicely. "What's happening to me?" "Now, don't panic! This is all normal. Just try to relax." The speaker said. "Normal? I'm blowing up like a balloon! What's happening?" Annie said, squeezing her belly, feeling the pressure and feeling herself rising off the ground slightly as her butt began to swell. "Well, how do you feel? Still calm?" "Calm? How could I feel calm!" "Well, are you? You should still be calm." Annie looked at the speaker in shock, and then tried to think about how she felt. The shock was still there, but it was rapidly fading, as a sense of calmness rose up. "Umm...well, maybe a little. How big am I going to get?" "Oh, quite a bit! Don't worry, this is just the first stage! Kinda a warning shot if you will." "Ohh..." Tasha said, both hands squeezed on her belly. "I feel funny..." With a yelp of surprise, she started to swell faster. It looked like someone had hooked her up to an air tank, the way her boobs were growing. "Hmm...she must have a very quick metabolism. You'll be feeling that way in just a minute..." "Feel what way?" Annie said, in a shocked voice as she watched her friend grow like a balloon. Her belly was already the size of a large beachball, and her boobs were squeezed together in her bodysuit, they had to be the size of basketballs, if not bigger. " tummy..." Annie pressed her hands to her stomach and felt a violent gurgling. With another cry, she felt her belly surge outwards, pushing her hands apart as it swelled. She could feel the pressure inside of her, forcing her boobs outward, swelling her butt as she grew. She could even feel it filling her arms and legs, as they began to straighten out from her sitting position. The pressure wasn't dying down either, it kept on increasing, and seemingly making her grow faster. She risked a glance over at Annie, and couldn't believe her eyes. She was a bloated parody of herself, like an overinflated balloon, her belly sticking out in front of her, at least three feet around, and her massive breasts barely held in by the bodysuit. Her arms were huge as well, and she was visibly having problems moving them. Tasha cried out again, as she tried to walk forward, but her body was too big to do more than slowly waddle. She was even having problems with that, when she suddenly left the ground. "I'm floating! Help me! Get me down!" Tasha cried, but everyone was just watching in mute amazement as her arms and legs begin to be enveloped by her body. She was rapidly becoming more spherelike, save for her boobs, which still jutted out in front of her, like massive balloons, more than two feet across. With a yelp, Tasha stopped, or at least hit the ceiling, looking down over the crowd. Annie realized at this moment that her feet were no longer touching the ground. She screamed as well, but the movements of her arms only caused her to rotate, her body slowly twisting, until she was face down over the crowd. She felt a bump on her butt, or at least where it used to be, and felt her arms get sucked into her massive body. She looked down over the crowd, and to the speaker who was looking at them with a smile. "Now, just relax! You'll just feel the tension and stress pouring out of you. How are you feeling?" Annie looked down at the smiling face, and thought for a moment. "Um...pretty good actually...this is kinda comfortable." "'s a bit weird," Tasha looked down as best she could. "Ok, VERY weird, but it's like being on a huge air-mattress. All comfort and warm." Tasha giggled and flapped her hands. "Looks like we'll be recommending this to our boss." The speaker's face lit up. "Hey, thanks! For that, I'll give you guys a free three month supply of the Herbal drink!" "Um...say..." Annie said, trying to wiggle herself into a new position. "What would happen if you drank more than a glassful of the stuff?" "Well, you'd get bigger, depending on how much you drank, you've gotta be careful to just drink one serving." "So, if I drank two, I'd get twice as big?" "Well, yes! So be careful! If you drink too much, you could get really really huge! You'll shrink down in about 2 hours though, so don't worry!" Tasha leaned over to Annie as best she could and whispered, "Why did you ask that?" "Well, you know Tammy?" "From the office? Yah, she always steals stuff out of the Fridge...." "After we get back, she won't be able to say it wasn't her!" Annie said with a laugh, and closed her eyes. It really was rather relaxing.
Female Inflation
Breast Inflation
Lizzie floats on the lake. Elizabeth Stanton was sprawled idly across her rubber dinghy on the lake. It was hot. On a midsummer afternoon like this in Cape Cod, it was about as hot as it gets in New England. Lizzie was alone on the lake, which actually wasn't even a lake. It was a kettle pond, formed by a glacier thousands of years ago. There were many such ponds on the Cape, but this one was more secluded than the rest. There were few houses that had access to it. It wasn't a large pond at all, and it was almost perfectly circular. It was fed by an underground spring, and was consequently cooler and fresher than most ponds. It also wasn't filled with pond scum, and the water was so clear you could see to the bottom in ten feet of water on a sunny, cloudless day like this. Lizzie felt the sweat trickle down her face as the sun beat down relentlessly on her and her small inflatable yellow raft. She reached into the water over the side and splashed some on herself to keep cool. The feeling was incredibly refreshing. The raft belonged to her family, which was currently at the beach with the rest of the summer tourists. Lizzie, sick of the multitudinous crowds, had opted to stay here and bask in the sun by herself. Now she was probably the only one around for miles. Everyone else was at the beach. This was a great idea, she thought to herself. Lizzie suddenly felt a soft bump as the dinghy collided with a rock that jutted from the water. She had let the warm Cape breeze carry her to the edge of the pond, and now was in the shallows again. She sluggishly sat up and began to slowly paddle back out to the center of the pond. Ripples slowly spread out from the moving raft into the lake, disturbing the still water. She felt as if she was the only person in the world at that moment, and it wasn't a bad feeling. Upon reaching the center of the lake, Lizzie again reclined across the raft, offering her body to the sun. If the sun were a man, it would have enjoyed the view. Lizzie's body was hard to ignore. She was slim and fit, and her features were well proportioned; that is to say, she had a beautiful bod. Her face was equally angelic, and her blond hair looked like it came straight out of a shampoo ad. Her smooth, taught skin barely burned in the hot sun, courtesy of Hispanic genetics handed down from her mother's side. Instead, she got a perfect, even tan, which accentuated her already attractive features. For Lizzie, life was good. All of a sudden, the silence of the lake (apart from the cicadas in the woods at the edge) was pierced by a new sound; a soft hiss of air. Lizzie heard the sound and sat up, thinking perhaps the raft had sprung a leak. It wouldn't be the end of the world if the boat sunk – she could easily swim back to shore – but it would put a damper on her day. She moved around the boat, trying to listen for the place where the hiss was coming from. However, the noise remained even wherever she moved. It didn't change in pitch or in volume. Confused, she checked again, but there didn't seem to be any one place where the sound was coming from. That was strange. It sounded close by, but where could it come from if not from the raft? As she pondered this, Lizzie felt the straps of her string bikini digging into her shoulders. She looked down, momentarily distracted from the noise by the discomfort. What she saw was equally as confusing as the unidentified sound. It seemed that her boobs were bulging out of the top. She adjusted it, but it didn't do much. Her breasts seemed too large for the top no matter what she did for it. I could have sworn this fit this morning. What was stranger even than that was that, as Lizzie watched, her top seemed to be...moving. She left it alone for a bit and watched it, all the while the hissing sound in the background. And as she watched, her top did indeed move, but not of its own accord; it seemed her breasts were pushing it outward. Along with this sight came the feeling of the top getting even tighter. "What the hell..." said Lizzie, and rightfully so, for it seemed to her that her breasts were, against all laws of reality, growing before her eyes. Lizzie placed a tentative hand on each breast and cupped it. Both were noticeably larger than the C-cups they had been earlier. Already they were more than a handful each. And the growth wasn't stopping. In addition to this, Lizzie also noticed two other things: 1. that her boobs felt strangely rubbery and 2. That the hissing sound continued all this time. She began to wonder is the sound was not coming from the raft, but from her. As in, her breasts were growing like to balloons attached to helium tanks, and making the appropriate sounds. Am I...inflating? She thought in wonder. This thought was suddenly interrupted by another: she was in the middle of a lake, and there was nobody to help her with her predicament, whatever it was. Also, she didn't want any neighbors to find her in this state. She picked up the paddle and began to row towards the shore, with some urgency, as the growth had not slowed down. Unfortunately, she discovered something else about this strange situation: her breasts were so large that it was becoming hard to paddle. They were already at least the size of grapefruits, and she had to change her paddling style to compensate. Her bikini top, not designed to stretch to any degree, was fighting a losing battle with Lizzie's expanding bust. Her breastflesh bulged around the sides of the fabric and the interconnecting strings. Small rips started to appear in the straps, and were helped along by Lizzie's paddling motions. As they expanded past cantaloupe size, suddenly one strap gave up. The garment fell to the side, and Lizzie looked down as her growing boobs became naked and visible to the world. Fortunately for her, there was nobody around. But that also meant nobody could help her. Lizzie's paddling began to become more frantic. She was only 50 yards from shore, but her progress was being slowed by her boobs, in that she had to reach around them to paddle. Because of this, she only got the tip of the paddle in. As she rowed it closer to shore, Lizzie suddenly became aware of a peculiar sensation, one of...lightness. She had noticed that her massive bust wasn't weighing her down at all, but now she realized that it was doing just the opposite. It seemed to make her feel lighter, almost as if it were filled with helium. "Oh God!" Lizzie screamed, as she realized that that was exactly what was happening. All this time, her boobs were growing steadily larger. They pushed outwards without any regard for the laws of physics and reality. Fortunately, Lizzie felt no pain. Her skin seemed to have infinite stretchiness, and the air that filled her didn't hurt her. In fact, if she had stopped to simply feel its effects, the sensation would have been champagne bubbling inside her chest. But she was too scared and confused to enjoy it. Against her will, her breasts expanded, without explanation. They had soon surpassed the size of regulation volleyballs, sticking prominently out from her chest like they were balloons attached to some hidden brace. That was an accurate description, as they were basically just balloons, being filled with air from an unknown source. The effect was that they created cleavage without any top, and they were almost perfect spheres. Meanwhile, her strokes became more and more irregular. She had to reach under her massive bosom in order to paddle, and it was by no means easy. She was barely moving at all now, but the intensity of her paddling proceeded to splash water everywhere. There was now only about 25 yards separating her and the shore. About the length of a swimming pool. Lizzie was desperate to get to the shore before she grew unable to move at all. Also, at the back of her mind, was a question which she was afraid to ask: What if I float away? Sick with panic, Lizzie abandoned her futile efforts to paddle to shore. She wasn't moving fast enough. So, instead, she jumped into the water to swim to shore, which she instantly realized was a bad idea. Being as they were filled with air, and helium at that, her boobs floated on top of the water like twin beachballs, which they were approximating in size. And because they were attached to Lizzie's chest, they severely limited her vision and maneuverability in the water. She tried to get on top of them, but their buoyancy made her simply flip around in the water. She reemerged sputtering and decided that she would just have to swim differently. Doing an awkward front crawl movement, Lizzie slowly made her way to the shore. As if whatever was causing this phenomenon had sensed her proximity to shore, and didn't like it, the wind suddenly started to pick up. No mere ocean breeze anymore, this wind hit Lizzie with a powerful force, pushing her towards the center of the lake. She felt as her movement towards the shore slowed, then stopped. Even as she continued paddling, the wind was pushing her enough to make her movements futile. It didn't help that her inflated boobs (now larger than yoga balls) were acting like sails. Lizzie panicked even more, and paddled with renewed vigor. She couldn't see where the shore was over her massive mammaries, but she knew that she was close. Her feet reached downwards into the water, searching for sand to stand on. Finally, with only 10 yards to go, Lizzie found solid ground with a tiptoe. However, as soon as she found it, she lost it again. It was then that Lizzie realized just how light her breasts were becoming. Her feet had lost contact with the ground because she was becoming lighter. She had to continue swim so that she could find shallower water, as she was higher in the water than usual. But even as she thrashed desperately, Lizzie felt the waterline moving slowly down her back as she became higher and higher in the water. She was fighting a losing battle with her boobs, which had now expanded nearly to the size of beanbag chairs. Lizzie's efforts got her into some very shallow water, and she almost made it, despite the wind and her inflating breasts. She reached waist-deep water and her feet found strong purchases on the ground. Pushing her legs and using her arms, she waded through the water as fast as she could; reaching the knee-deep water, until a particularly strong burst of wind suddenly surged into her. This time, it forcibly pushed her several yards into the pond, and now there was no going back. Because Lizzie was still knee-deep in water, even though it was waist-high. "NOOO!!" Lizzie shouted aloud as her legs were ever so slowly lifted out of the water, and the shoreline receded before her eyes. She thrashed her legs and screamed and tried to swim through the air back to land, to safety, but to no avail. She was helpless as the wind plucked her from the pond like a beautiful water lily albeit one that had weather-balloon sized breasts. For a brief moment, actually, the soles of Lizzie's feet were the only parts of her body touching the water, and for a few second she was literally walking on water. Then the moment was gone, and Elizabeth Stanton ascended into the sky.
Female Inflation
Full Body Inflation
It had come, the long awaited event, 5:00 pm on Friday. Chemist Luke Osmond looked up at the clock and immediately got ready to depart. He entered the restroom to change out of his lab clothes. His brother David, and Megan, David's girlfriend, pulled up outside the lab and entered the lab. "Hey, Mike!" David shouted, "Are you here?" "Yeah! I'll be out in a minute!" Mike yelled from the restroom. Mike, David, and Megan had planned to go clubbing as they always did on Friday nights. David wore his favorite neon red shirt and kakis, while Megan wore a bright yellow long sleeved shirt and black slacks. It had hot that day (102 degrees F), and Megan was thirsty and hadn't any chance of getting a drink. She spotted a bottle of what appeared to a soft drink. She went over to the table, picked up the bottle and unscrewed the cap. David looked over to her. "You sure that's all right?" he asked, "I mean, we are in a chemistry lab." "Oh, I'm sure Mike wouldn't leave anything dangerous out." Megan replied, "And besides, my throat's almost dry." She put the bottle to her lips and gulped down all of the liquid. It tasted sweet but something told her there was something else to it. It was then Mike had come out of the restroom and saw the empty bottle in Megan's hand. "Oh my god!" Mike said, "Please tell you didn't drink that." "Why's that?" Megan asked, "I thought it was a soft drink." "Well, it wasn't." Mike said, concerned. "If it's not a soft drink, then what was it?" David asked. "A new chemical. I dubbed it LT-22." Mike told them, "I created it about three weeks ago by pure accident. At first I thought it was useless, but I later found out it could do things." "What things?" Megan asked, almost fearing the answer. "If it comes into contact with any form of acid, it produces a gas." Mike said. "So what, she's going to feel bloated?" David said. "Possible, or worse." Mike stated. It was then things started to happen. Megan heard a gurgling sound and felt pressure inside her stomach. It sounded like someone had mixed cola and pop rock together. She dropped the bottle and grasped her belly. Mike and David heard the sound too and in a few seconds saw the results. "What's happening?" Megan asked as she felt the pressure increase. Her flat stomach began to bulge out, resembling pregnancy, then obesity, and then the gas began to spread. Soon, she saw her breasts starting to enlarge, and felt her bra starting to tighten. "Oh, god! I'm blowing up like a balloon!" she shouted. Her thighs, butt, and legs started to swell, as did her arms. Her body continued to plump and she looked like a balloon doll that had been pumped up too much. Her breasts now were like two beach balls, her butt grew even more, straining her belt and her legs pressed against her slacks, making them resemble an inner tube being blown up. Her arms shot upward from the inflation and her shirt tried to hold together. Mike and David watched in horror as Megan's body became more and more inflated. "You have to do something before she pops!" David shouted, grabbing Mike's shirt. "Like what? Even if I give her something else, there's no telling what effect it might have." Mike said, "For all we know, it could increase the inflation." "Stop arguing and help me!!" Megan scream as her belt snapped, allowing her now bulge of a stomach to expand even more. Her breast were now enormous, and one button on her shirt shot off, narrowly missing David and smashing another vial. Her butt and thighs began to tear her slacks at the seams, exposing inflated flesh. Finally, her shirt stretch well beyond its limits ripped and burst open. Her bra had somehow managed to keep hold, but it cut into Megan's side. She moaned from the pain, both from the bra and the inflation. Even her cheeks started to puff up. "What the hell?" Megan said as she started to rise off the ground. She floated to the ceiling, and still her mass grew. "How much bigger will she get?" "Will it stop?" Megan's taut skin was near its limits. She moaned more at the thought of what would happen. "I'm so full." she thought, "I'm going to burst." Suddenly she felt a surge of gas travel up from her stomach and she let out the loudest "BUURRRRRPP!!" She felt less pressure and had shrunk down a bit. It was then Mike knew what to do. "Megan, just keep burping." he said, "Do that, and you'll be back to normal. Megan kept burping for the next two minutes. With each one she felt the pressure decrease more and she started to shrink back down her normal size. Soon, her body had returned to its normal proportions. After receiving a change of clothes, she and David helped Mike dispose of all the remaning bottles of LT-22. None of them noticed a single bottle had managed to roll out the window and into a cooler below. "There that's the last of it." Mike said as he poured out the last (or so he thought) bottle. Afterwards they all go into David's car and headed home, having an eventful evening already. Back at the cooler, four girls had been playing basketball. One of them, Heather, went to the cooler, reached in while throwing the ball back, and pulled the bottle of LT-22 out. She unscrewed the lid and took a sallow. It tasted sweet, but Heather could tell there was something else to it.....
chemical, lab, women inflating men
Male Inflation
Full Body Inflation
Professor Beth Maiden could have been a model, with her long legs, slender body, and pert, golden breasts. Yet instead she chose the fields of biochemistry and psychology. Along the way, she met many a man who was intimidated by her vast intellect, and it instilled in her a contempt for the male gender, which she usually suppressed well. She stood behind the plexiglass in her long, white labcoat, her gorgeous brown eyes covered by her large, prominent glasses, and her hair tied in a ponytail behind her, which did nothing to disguise her obvious sexuality, so it defies explanation as to why women even try this. Behind her were several young med students, all female, all inexplicably intelligent for their young college-aged years. A petite blonde snapped her bubble gum, a gorgeous redhead twirled her pen in her fingers, and a dutiful brunette took notes as Professor Maiden continued. "As you can see in our experiment chamber, we have a subject tied to a chair in front of the large movie screen." Indeed, a man of indeterminate age sat as Beth described him: Tied to a chair, sitting in front of a large, blank screen. He was dressed only in a white jumpsuit, the purpose of which was unclear to him. But when a hot young professor asks you to participate in an experiment that involves her tying him up, he couldn't refuse. "Now," Beth began again, "after we've injected him with the formula I described to you--and by the way, there will be a test on that--watch what happens when we show him these pictures." Suddenly, in the test chamber, the male subject looked up at the movie screen, which had just become filled with the image of Jessica Simpson in her Daisy Duke shorts. "Mmmm," the subject grunted, who fixed his eyes closely on the screen. And then his eyes widened as he heard a hissing sound. He looked down to see his body plumping up. The collection of intelligent females looked on from the observation booth. The young blonde giggled. "Tee hee! He's getting fatter!" "Shhh," Beth gently reprimanded, and they continued to watch. The subject looked down at his bloating body, his arms and legs all plumped up, his chest expanded, his white jumpsuit stretched out in front of him as he seemed to be getting fatter, just as the blonde had pointed out. He squirmed in his chair a little, the cloth ropes pressing tighter into his wrists as his arms inflated. His chair got increasingly snug as his torso and backside took up more space in the chair. But soon, the hissing died down and the subject stopped growing, yet sitting full and fat in his chair. Beth turned to her attractive students. "As you can see, the inflation was triggered by the sexually stimulating image. Watch again, please." She pressed a button on the console in front of her. And in front of the subject, the movie screen changed from Jessica Simpson's shorts to the back of Jennifer Lopez's tight leather pants. "Mmmm!" the subject mumbled, his pleasurable groan mixing in with the hissing sound, which had begun again in earnest. His body plumped up further, as if gaining weight in every part of his body, yet he seemed lighter, like an inflatable doll. He squirmed a little more, but seldom did he take his eyes off J. Lo's ass, even as he inflated larger and larger. But, as it did before, the hissing and the bloating eventually faded, and he sighed as he watched the screen. "Note that the initial shock of the subject's expansion has faded," Beth pointed out to her hot rookie scientists. "Even as he struggles to accept that his body is inflating against his will, he continues to view the sexually stimulating image. Watch again, please." She pressed another button. J. Lo's ass was immediately replaced by a giant shot of Heidi Klum's bounteous cleavage. The subject sighed again, and his body once again swelled, creaking as it struggled against his bonds, until--SNAP! His pudgy arms broke free of the flimsy cloth shackles. CRACKLE! The chair creaked under him as it was pushed apart by his expanding figure. POP! Like a cork, he popped out of his chair, pushed out by his expansion, until he bounced gently on the floor in front of the giant screen. He was free of his confines, but now he was so ball-shaped that he could no longer move. However, as he stared at those magnificent German breasts, he didn't seem to want to leave. Eventually, the subject's inflation slowed, and the hissing stopped. The blonde giggled again. "Look! He's a balloon ball!" "Shhh!" Beth reminded her. "Note that the subject is still apparently more concerned with the sexual images than his inflation. Watch his reaction as we continue." So Beth pressed the button again, and on the screen was Eva Longoria in a bikini. The subject sighed, the hissing re-commenced, and his inflation began anew. The white jumpsuit hugged his body as he blew up like a balloon, stretching the suit tighter and tighter, his own skin getting equally taut as he filled up more and more. This time, he didn't even look at his growing, globular body. The hissing was only background noise as he stared at that fun-sized Latina beauty. He swelled for several more seconds, before slowly, ever so slowly, coming to a stop. The blonde couldn't hold it in any longer. She burst out laughing. "Oh, Gawd! He's so big! Can we go in there and bounce him?" The redhead looked at her, rolled her eyes, and blew another bubble. Beth ignored the remark. "We shall continue. Please keep note of the subject's reaction." She pressed another button. Next on screen was Kate Beckinsale in her tight leather Underworld outfit. Then came a shot of Jessica Biel's butt in the tight jeans she wore in Texas Chainsaw Massacre. Then came Marion Raven in her revealing, low-cut leather jacket. [What do you mean, "Who's Marion Raven?" She's going to be huge someday, so shut up. Anyway...] With each picture, the subject grew larger, filling out like a human balloon, becoming rounder as the last of his human shape was replaced by ever-expanding roundness, his arms and legs completely disappearing, his head, hands and feet still visible but noticeably bloated. All the while, the hissing sound accompanied the sight of the large, white balloon ball getting ever bigger and bigger and bigger... "Is he going to pop?!" the blonde called out. If Beth smiled at the remark, she quickly repressed it. "Just keep watching and see." The back of Halle Berry's Catwoman outfit. Alyssa Milano surrounded by balloons. The underside of Anna Kournikova's tennis skirt. Jessica Alba's "Invisible Woman" tights. All the while, the subject grew, and grew, and grew some more. He was rapidly filling up the experiment chamber, becoming as large as an elephant, ... a mack truck... a small house. The hissing grew louder, the white jumpsuit became increasingly taut. Squeaking noises echoed off the far walls, although it was unclear if they were coming from the suit or the subject's body. "Ooooh, he can't get much bigger!" said the blonde. "It's going to happen, I can feel it! I can feel the big bang coming!" No one said anything. The brunette had stopped taking notes, to look amazedly at the giant balloon inflating in the chamber. The redhead stopped chewing her gum. Beth gave perhaps the faintest glimmer of a smirk. Shakira's hips. The subject grew. Scarlett Johansson's perfect breasts. He grew. Stacy Keibler's legs and ass. He grew! Lindsay Lohan, Danica Patrick, Rachel Bilson, Maria Sharapova, Jennifer Love Hewitt! He grew, and he grew and he GREW...!! The blonde's mouth fell open as she stared wide-eyed in ecstatic anticipation. The squeaks came more frequently, getting louder and louder, competing with the hissing sound coming from the subject's round, almost completely circular body, which trembled slightly as more and more air seemed to be magically packed inside it. Tighter and tighter the jumpsuit stretched to contain him. He was so large, so unbelievably huge, little more than a giant, shiny white balloon that kept stretching into space. The hissing reached a higher and higher pitch as he neared what had to be his fullest capacity... "MMMMPHH!" The dreamy expression fell from the subject's face, as he tore his eyes off the Sports Illustrated swimsuit model Marissa Miller and looked around to see just how big he had gotten. All he could see around him was a white, curved surface, which he realized was the horizon of his planet-shaped body. He could still see the movie screen in front of him, but as if finally recognizing what was causing his inflation, he closed his eyes tightly, saving him from what could possibly have been a lethal dose of Britney Spears. The observing beauties watched in silence as the subject's body, so tight and gigantic, finally stopped its unprecedented growth. The redhead shrugged, blew a bubble, and popped it on her lovely nose. "He'!" the blonde sputtered out. "Come with me, class," said Beth, and she led the students from the booth and into the testing chamber. There they stood in front of the only human balloon they'd ever seen, which also happened to be the biggest balloon any of them had personally witnessed. Beth drew a remote from her pocket, and clicked it at the screen, which promptly went blank. "It's all right, sir," said Beth. "The experiment is over." Gingerly, the subject's left eye opened. There was no light coming from the screen in his peripheral vision, so he gingerly opened his other eye and looked around. Once again, he sighed, but this time it was in relief, and not in sexual gratification. "Thank God!" he said. And then Beth flung open her labcoat to reveal that she wore nothing underneath. Just her perfect, lean, athletic, golden-tanned body with breasts that defied gravity. "Mmmm!" The subject moaned, the dreamy expression coming over his face, seemingly oblivious to the returning sounds of hissing, of squeaking, of a giant balloon being inflated beyond its limits. All his attention was fixated on Beth's beautiful, shapely, curvaceous, flawless naked body. And he got bigger... and bigger... and just ever so slightly bigger...!! When suddenly-- BOOOOOMMMMM!!!! "Whoo-HOO!" screamed the blonde, clapping. Beth casually brushed off pieces of white jumpsuit from the shoulder of her labcoat, which she closed up again before turning to her students. "Now, class, what have we learned from this?" The brunette gingerly raised her hand. "That sexual gratification in males often supersedes the survival instinct?" "No," said Beth flatly. The redhead raised her index finger. "That men are stupid?" "Better," said Beth, grinning. The blonde raised her hand high over her head, supporting her arm with her opposite hand. "Oh! Oh! Oh! I got it!" "Yes?" asked Beth. The blonde beamed. "We've learned that girls are smarter than boys, and we should prove it again by getting dozens more to pop like balloons for us!" "That's correct," said Beth, as a big smile spread across her lovely face. "That's an 'A' for you, missy!" "Misty," the blonde corrected her, but Beth was already busy bringing in the next subject.
curse, floating, magic, Prose that Blows 9 - Here I Come to Save the Day, Prose that Blows Runner-Up: Best Story, thief
Female Inflation
Full Body Inflation
Alisa could have had the easy life. Almost as soon as she could walk, she'd been trained as an acrobat in her family's circus. It was long, hard work for little reward, but she accepted it as her calling and put all her heart into it. Then, when she was 12, a lottery ticket bought on a whim made the family instant multi-millionaires. Almost overnight, her parents shut down the circus and retired to a life of luxury. But Alisa knew she'd never be happy with everything just handed to her on a platter, and after a few months of "retirement", she ran away from home. It was hard living, but Alisa stuck through it, supporting herself with a combination of odd jobs and petty theft. Soon enough, her talents were noticed by a gang of bank and museum robbers. With her lanky, athletic build, gymnastic prowess, formidable flexibility, and quick intellect, she could sneak or squeeze past any guard or security system in her way. It wasn't long before the skills of this teenage girl exceeded those of grown men twice her age. Realizing that her team was only holding her back, Alisa set out on her own, seeking out ever more valuable treasures. By the time she was 18, she'd amassed a fortune to put her parents' to shame. And as her abilities grew, so did her scrawny physique blossom into a shapely hourglass figure. Alisa's latest target was the "Eye of Helios", a mysterious crystal from ancient times. She'd already wormed her way into the museum's basement and reprogrammed most of the sensors, but the pressure-sensitive floor was totally inaccessible. No matter — there was a skylight almost right over the gem that she could easily crack open. After lowering herself down a rope almost to floor level, it was only a matter of swinging back and forth until she made it to the case. While on a job, Alisa always wore a black PVC catsuit that covered everything from the shoulders down, except the tops of her breasts. It gave her plenty of freedom of movement, had no loose fabric to snag on things, and was nice and inconspicuous in the dark. The only disadvantage was the lack of pockets; anything she wanted to take with her had to be stuffed in her cleavage. But that was space enough for a light job like this. The glass cutter came out, and after a few seconds the golf-ball-sized gem went in. Another job done, she started hauling herself back up the rope. About ten feet up, Alisa started feeling oddly stiff. For some reason, her arms weren't bending as easily as they used to. She put it down to overexertion and kept climbing. But a few seconds later, she noticed her catsuit slowly tightening around her upper body. Glancing down at herself, she was taken aback by what she saw: her bosom had swollen to over double its normal size! For a while, she just gaped at her chest as it continued to grow, before realizing that she had to get out of this building while she still could. When she was halfway up the rope, Alisa had to stop — her ballooning breasts were squeezing the gem between them, and the pinching sensation was getting intolerable. Gripping the rope firmly in her left hand, she snaked the other one into her ever-expanding canyon of cleavage. After some squirming and shoving, she managed to encircle the crystal in her thumb and forefinger. But when she tried to pull out, Alisa found her hand was stuck. The PVC of her catsuit was shiny and slick, but the hands and feet were textured for traction and grip, and her compressed chest had clamped down hard on its contents. Try as she might to extract herself, Alisa was hopelessly ensnared in her own booby trap. In her struggle, she lost her grip on the gem, and it slipped down the front of her suit, coming to rest around her midsection. Exasperated, Alisa decided to resume climbing. With one hand out of action, her progress was slow, but she was still on track to make it out by morning. About three-quarters of the way to the skylight, she noticed something odd about the way the rope was rubbing against her stomach. Craning her neck around her cleavage, she was shocked to discover that her belly was also blowing up! Alisa redoubled her efforts, but her bloating body had used up what little slack the tight suit had to offer, and the constricting material was really interfering with her movement. Raising her arm above her shoulders was a struggle against increasing resistance. Her legs, packed like overstuffed sausages into overstretched PVC, were getting harder and harder to bend, and her ascent slowed to a ponderous crawl. Still, she should have enough time to flee the scene before the guards came. Suddenly, the rope slipped from between her legs. Alisa stifled a scream as she held on for dear life with her one free hand, dangling precariously over an eighty-foot drop. She realized she'd never get her feet back on her lifeline while it was draped over her protruding abdomen. Calling upon all her childhood lessons, she swung the rope behind her, catching it between her textured feet. Her grip was somewhat secure again, and she resumed her climb, but between the awkward position and her lack of flexibility, she was proceeding at a snail's pace. At this rate, she'd only escape by the skin of her teeth. At long last, Alisa made it to the ceiling, and her head emerged from the skylight. One final obstacle awaited her, though — her belly wouldn't quite clear the edge. The Eye of Helios had lodged at the apex of its curve, sticking out like the navel of a pregnant woman, and it was this protrusion that had snagged. Alisa pushed herself as hard as she could, and felt the gem slip over her sweat-slick skin, down towards her nether regions. With her remaining strength, she pulled herself up onto the roof, collapsing on her back in a state of total exhaustion. This was where they'd find her, Alisa realized. She didn't have the energy left to run, if she could even move in her constricted state. They wouldn't even have to throw her in a cell — she was already inextricably trapped in her own personal PVC prison; they'd just have to cut her out of it when her sentence was up. This had to be the Eye's fault. Alisa realized her body had blown up wherever it had touched her bare skin. Even now, she felt her butt and thighs expanding as the trapped crystal pressed against her crotch. For months, she had lusted after that jewel, and now she only wanted to get it away from herself. As the first rays of sun beat down on her, Alisa felt a strange warmth. Her eyes flew open in shock as she felt her back pull away from the roof. Looking over her shoulder, she saw the ground receding from her, inch by inch. Frantically, she cast about for something to grab onto, but it was no use. Her latest inflation had stretched her suit to its limit; from her fingers to her toes, she was stiff as a board. All Alisa could do was scream for help that would never come, as she floated ever so slowly up into the colorful dawn sky.
Female Inflation
Full Body Inflation
Three years have passed and Maldelya sit on the end of her bed and writes in her journal. I can't believe it has been three whole years since I went to the general's castle to steal food. Oh now times have changed. Back then I didn't know much about Loursan and thought he was an evil man bent on killing me. The first time he brought me to this hideout, he told everyone to leave me alone. Then I thought it was because I was one of the rare females to actually be part of Loursan's gang. Seeing him jump onto his battered throne for the first time and realizing that he was the leader of an underground organization... We started off so sour but over these past three years he has been more and more warm to me. Sometimes, I stare at him lost in what he is telling me. Even though I do HAVE to work for him it really isn't that bad. He's not an evil man, he is just a man on a mission. One for which he needs someone or 'something' like me. Tomorrow my mission is to ask some local patrons of a tavern about a certain, Bortol. The only other instructions that Loursan gave me were to not bring up his name no matter what. That seems fairly easy, especially for a slime girl. All the gang doesn't know that I'm a monster. I hate to think what would happen if they ever did. I hope that my mission is successful, maybe I could get Loursan to read the tomes of slime magic for me. I never got the nerve to bring it up before but I think now we are close enough. I should ask him tonight. Maldelya put down her quill and took her journal with her to the floor. She kneeled down and lifted a loose floorboard. Quickly, she stashed the journal then left her room. Upon shutting the door and wheeling around she bumped into Pharna. "Oh, excuse me," Pharna said. She was a short woman who always seemed to smile at Maldelya especially strange. Maldelya tried her best to avoid her at all cost, she knew that the women of the gang were far more unpredictable than the men. "I'm sorry, I wasn't looking where I was going," apologized Maldelya. She wanted to quickly move along but Pharna started up a conversation. "Big mission tomorrow huh?" asked Pharna. "It's just a simple information shake down," replied Maldelya, looking over Pharna. "You need any help?" asked Pharna. "No, I'm fine," replied Maldelya quickly. "You always go alone, are you really good or really luck?" asked Pharna. "Both!" barked Maldelya, taking Pharna by the shoulders. Maldelya moved Pharna to one side and quickly walked away. She didn't even look back to see if Pharna was following her. Maldelya entered Loursan's chambers and saw him resting his feet on his desk. The desk was packed to capacity with maps, charts and various scrolls. "Oh, my dear Maldy. What can I do for you this evening?" asked Loursan in a low, smooth tone. "Remember when I told you I had to learn abilities?" asked Maldelya walking around the desk to be standing right in front of Loursan. "I think I know where this is going," replied Loursan, licking his upper lip. "I have a collection of books in my old hideout that explain them but I can't read them. You being a wizard maybe you could help me read them so I could grow more powerful," mentioned Maldelya. Loursan's expression slid off his face, "Oh! Sure, I could probably make it out but why would I want to make you more powerful? You want to overthrow me?" "I could do that at anytime, I'm here because..." Maldelya blushed heavily as she couldn't believe she had said that much. If she had a heart, it would have been beating so hard because she had dreamed of being with Loursan. Behind all his passion for dismay and overthrowing the kingdom, he was a fair and great man. "You can't get away from me. You know what? If you're successful at this little task tomorrow I'll read some of those books for you. Sound fair?" asked Loursan. As he brushed his hand through his slightly glowing blonde hair, Maldelya was distracted. "Oh, yes! Fair, thank you!" said Maldelya in an awkwardly high pitch. The next day Maldelya set out for the tavern, "The Blue Spotted Pony?" Maldelya couldn't believe the name from the description she received from Loursan days before. It was known for housing some of the dirtiest of criminals and thugs. She pushed the heavy wooden door open and entered the establishment. It only took a few moments for the tavern to quiet up and to stare at Maldelya as if she were the only one of her kind. For a moment, she wondered if her slime form was showing but it wasn't. She was instructed to look for the big, idiot with the facial scar but he came to her. "Are you lost, milady?" asked a thug that smelled terribly sour. "Of course not, I'm here to speak with you," answered Maldelya, wishing she could hold her nose. Being a slime girl however she didn't smell through her nose, her entire body could be used to detect scents. This made the presence of the man even worse. "Get out of here! You're too much of a dandelion to need to do business with me," huffed the man. The man jumped a bit because when he looked down he saw that she had her sword to his neck and he didn't even notice. "Still too much of a flower, stinky?" asked Maldelya. "Let's talk," he said while turning away from Maldelya and leading her to a table almost perfectly in the middle of the tavern. Maldelya sat down on one end and the man at the other. "What can I help you with?" asked the man. "I'm looking for Bortol," stated Maldelya. It was almost as if the room violently shifted an inch in one direction. Everyone around Maldelya was suddenly startled by her statement. Everyone save for the man sitting directly in front of her. His expression remained intact as he asked, "How about we play a game? If you win then I'll give you some information, how about it?" Heads seemed to turn to her and she started to feel uneasy. Being a slime girl had it's ways of exposing itself. "What kind of game?" asked Maldelya. The man called out to another man across the bar to bring drinks. The man followed his orders and brought four tall flagons of ale. The stinky man separated the drinks in half. "A drinking game, huh? You want to get me drunk?" asked Maldelya, glad she didn't have to anything else. "That's the plan, if you can hold your drink and not pass out - you'll get your information. If you take in too much then I guess we'll have our way with you," explained the man calmly. "You're such a charming man," Maldelya said and they both tapped flagons together before starting. She didn't have to pour it down her throat to absorb it but she did to look human. She thought this was going to be a piece of cake until her belly started to bubble funny after the first drink. "Is something wrong? You can't be feeling it yet," said the man at Maldelya awkward expression. Under her tunic, her belly started to push outward. Luckily for her the table was hiding her belly. Suddenly, things didn't look so easy with this drinking game. She focused as hard as she could so that the expansion would only affect her stomach and it worked. After the second drink her belly looked like she had ate two large meals. The stinky man finished his then called for more and four more flagons were set down. Maldelya looked into the mugs with much worry, "How much am I going to have to drink?" she thought to herself. After those two flagons her belly doubled it's last size and she appeared to be fully pregnant. She sat very close to the table to hide her bulging belly under the table. A man in a hood walked around them and whispered something into the ear of the stinky man. His eyes looked more seriously at Maldelya. "I think you've had enough to get some info. I know of Bortol but he is not here if that's what you want. Do you mind answering one of my questions now?" asked the man, as he got to his feet. "What do you want to know?" asked Maldelya. The man walked to the left side of the table and grabbed the lip of the table, with all his strength he flipped the table over and the whole tavern could see her belly. "When did drinking with a woman make her instantly pregnant?" he asked loudly. The entire bar looked at her stomach and Maldelya failed to hide it under her tight tunic tail. She got to her feet and the man had his sword out and pointed at her belly. "What are you? You are obviously NOT human, are you a demon? A succubus!" he raised his voice. Maldelya heard all around her the patrons of the tavern draw their weapons. "I'm not a demon, ok I'm a slime person but there's no need to -" Maldelya was interrupted by the man sinking a sword into her huge belly. It didn't hurt but it freaked out everyone watching. Her belly jiggled as he removed his sword and looked scared. "What?" he asked. "Just tell me where I can find Bortol and I'll leave," Maldelya said to the entire tavern. "The hell with this, I ain't getting my soul sucked out by some demon!" yelled a different man. As he ran to her with his sword drawn, he spilled the ale in his other hand on her by accident. Maldelya ignored the stabs of his sword as she tried to brush the ale off. The stinky man watched as Maldelya grow a little more from the ale. "Oh, I see. You don't actually like the ale do you? Hey barkeep, drinks all around on me!" he yelled out. "Why the hell would you want to drink at a time like this?" asked the man who was stills taking swings at Maldelya who stood still. "She gets fatter from ale touching her, you idiot. Everyone, it's time to share your drinks with her!" the stinky man yelled out. Maldelya suddenly didn't feel so confident. Before she could run she felt herself being splashed at every side by ale. Her slime absorbed it at the touch and she started to bloat. Her stomach pushed out bigger, bursting the bottom of her tunic and then her tunic filled with breasts. When the patrons saw her chest grow it seemed like the spilling ale was more directed at her boobs. "Stop this please, no more! I'll leave!" she cried out. The guys formed a tight circle around her and held her in as the others poured ale onto her. Her leather pants grow skin tight as each butt cheek ballooned up. She couldn't believe how fast the drinks were being handed out as it seemed like a constant and endless waterfall of ale onto her skin. Her breasts finally destroyed her top and two large, nude breasts wobbled out. The guys cheered at the site of her chest. "I got an idea!" yelled a man in the back. Two men stepped forward out of the group and took Maldelya by the arms. The circle broke open for a man rolling a keg over to Maldelya. "Oh no, they're going to empty it on me directly!" she thought to herself. She attempted to kick the men holding her but her big belly made that very difficult and she couldn't put much strength into it. The man wheeled the keg all the way over to Maldelya, then he sat it upright. He use the hilt of his sword to knock the tap off of it completely. A large hole was now in the top of the keg. He picked up the keg and forced the keg against Maldelya's belly, with the hole matching up with her belly button. The top of the keg sank into her belly and her slime feed on the ale it contained. There was no more need of pouring ale on her now because the keg bloated her massively. Before long the man released the keg that pulled into Maldelya, it's bulk adding to hers. "Answer me this, fat slime. Why did you need to know where Bortol was?" asked the stinky man from earlier. "I can't tell you," Maldelya moaned out as fear gripped her heart. Her skin was growing very tight and she could feel there was still more ale in the keg within her. "Someone sent you didn't they?" asked the man looking much more concerned. "Yes, they did," Maldelya answered, looking down at the massive cleavage of her two heavy breasts. The circle of men had to loosen to hold her body in the middle as she widened evermore. Every part of her body expanded down to her feet and every part of clothing could do nothing but burst off. Before long she was completely nude and almost full. "Who sent you?" asked the man again. "I can't tell you," replied Maldelya through swollen cheeks. "Tell me or I'll stick another keg in you!" demanded the stinky man. "Loursan, ok?" yells Maldelya. "Oh no!" yells the man. The men around her shattered like ants and turned over tables on their way out of the tavern. Maldelya tried her best to reach into herself to get the keg out but she couldn't. Now all alone, she still expanded bigger. She couldn't believe how huge she had gotten, her body wide enough to overflow two dinner tables. She had become too big and heavy to move. She suddenly heard footsteps in the room. "Wow, you cleared them all out and look at you. You get your fill?" asked a familiar voice. Maldelya could see a familiar set of glowing blonde hair from over her belly. "Loursan?" she asked desperately. "You got it! Thanks for the distraction," Loursan said. He set up a table and chair and sat. Finally the ale in the keg within Maldelya was empty and she stopped swelling. "Distraction? I didn't find the location of Bortol for you, I failed," said Maldelya, tears welling in her eyes. She felt Loursan's hands on her bloated side, "Don't beat yourself up for getting so big. You were perfect. I didn't need you to find out where he was, you were just a distraction for me," explained Loursan. "How?" asked Maldelya, reaching out her head to look for him. "I knew Bortol would be here and that he would be guarded so I needed you to distract all the men. I knew that the men couldn't hurt you but I didn't think about the ale making you blow up. Damn, you can hold your liquor," laughed Loursan. Maldelya felt very uncomfortable with Loursan patting her swollen tummy. "So you don't care that I told them you sent me?" asked Maldelya. She heard his chuckles come to a sudden stop. "Loursan?" asked Maldelya, still waiting for an answer. "You were not to tell them of me, what part of that didn't you get?" asked Loursan, in a much more serious tone. "What does it matter?" asked Maldelya, starting to feel vulnerable. "What does it matter? Everything! I can't have these men running off and telling others about what I'm up to. It's bad enough that I let Bortol go. I honestly thought more of you, stupid slime girl," muttered Loursan. Maldelya began to cry, "I'm sorry, they threatened to pop me. What was I supposed to do?" Loursan stood and picked up a flagon and walked over to the bar. Maldelya couldn't see him fill up his flagon and walk over to her. "Deal with it," he said coldly as he began to pour ale on her. Once more her body began to expand all over. "No, please stop! I can't hold anymore, I'm going to burst!" begged Maldelya. "You can't burst, you idiot! Don't you see, it's all in your mind as long as you don't think that you have a limit you won't have one!" yelled Loursan at her as he emptied the flagon on her. Maldelya pressed her eyes shut as hard as she could to focus. As hard as she tried, the fear swelled inside her like the slime. Her skin pulled tighter than she had ever experienced before. Loursan took his anger out on her by refilling the flagon and pouring more onto her. She kept growing until she was much larger than she had ever been and was crying through his tightly swollen face. "Please, no more please. I'm sorry, I'll do anything for you just no more!" she begged. Loursan wasn't much of a drinker so he had to empty the rest of the flagon he had.
Female Inflation
Full Body Inflation
Traci was a charming young woman, full of optimism, endowed with good looks, and utterly lacking in intelligence. Her natural expression was one of thoughtful introspection, a person preoccupied with their inner world. This lead others to believe that therein lied a wise soul, up until they made the fatal mistake of asked her what she was thinking about or, more likely, she spoke up on her own, wondering aloud if Alaska was real.In an attempt to curb her behavior her parents began giving her gum to chew. She took to it, and it became a habit and interest that lingered to the present day, which found her in the college library studying, or what passed for it with her. Within earshot three of her peers were having a conversation and, distracted, she couldn't help but listen in."I was thinking of going out tonight and getting Five Guys," the first said."You too?" the second asked. "That's usually what I do most of my Friday nights.""Well, great! Maybe we can go out to eat together."The second looked perplexed for a brief moment. " OH! Right, right, of course, I'd love to have dinner with you!"A third rolled her eyes. "I don't know how you can stand the food there. It's like, nine hundred calories per burger.""It's good!" the first exclaimed."It's unhealthy. You are what you eat, you know."Gears in Traci's head slowly began to turn and, after a few seconds, she swallowed her gum. Traci's diet underwent a radical change after that: Bubble gum-flavored Peeps, broccoli, soda, various other similarly-flavored foodstuffs, more gum itself, and strawberry milkshakes, which weren't quite the same but she assumed that the color was close enough. Several weeks later she noticed that her skin was definitely pinker, although a wiser soul would have realized that it was the result of too much time in the sun. Regardless, she was encouraged, and decided to step up her efforts.She pushed the door of her dorm room open with her shoulder, entering and closing it behind her with her foot. In her hands were two bags, one with three boxes of bubble gum, the other with a large bottle of liquid antacid. Gum and milkshakes didn't sit too well in her stomach together, so she hoped drinking it would make her less nauseous. Besides, it was pink too.Emptying the bags, she took a seat on the bed and sliced open the plastic around her purchases with a pair of scissors. Setting them aside on her dresser, she tore into the gum, shoving pieces into her mouth and chewing for a bit before swallowing and following it with a chaser of antacid. Traci was not the wisest of people, and in a way her body was smarter than her, immediately informing her of the inedibility of her meal. Still, she was nothing if not determined, and she pressed on.As she finished the first box she noticed that she no longer felt full. It wasn't that she was suddenly hungry; it was more that the contents of her stomach and, in a way, her stomach itself were no longer an issue. As she no longer felt the least bit ill she took this as a good omen, and she pulled open the cardboard on another box and continued to dig in.Partway through the second box her clothing began to feel clingy. The closest she could think of is how they stuck to her body when she was sweating heavily, but she was inside and relaxed, so that definitely wasn't the problem. As she polished off the box it had gotten to the point where she couldn't ignore it any longer and, standing, she began to remove her clothes.What she thought was "clingy" turned out to be "sticky." As she pulled up her shirt the bunched-up folds seemed to adhere to the underside of her breasts, and removing her pants took far longer than expected when the fabric kept getting stuck to her legs. Her socks and underwear were as good as glued to her, forcing her to roll them up to take them off. Once she was done, however, she was rather pleased with herself, and sat back down to her meal, completely oblivious to the absurdity of her sitting naked in her room eating gum and drinking antacid.The monotony began to get to Traci and she laid back on the bed, popping pieces of gum into her mouth every so often. Her mind wandered to this and that, and nothing of consequence or depth. It was relaxing, and gradually became more so as the bed began to press less heavily against her spine, hips, and shoulders, eventually reaching the point where she didn't feel it at all.As she reached for more gum her hands brushed against the bottom of the package, fingertips dragging as they adhered ever so slightly to the cardboard. Dismayed, she sat up to look, only to freeze and gape at her hands. Her arms - no, her entire body - was a pale pink, exactly the same texture and color as-"Gum!" she exclaimed. Jumping to her feet, she bounced around in giddy glee, solid curls of pink hair bobbing on her head. "I did it, I did it! I turned into gum! That girl was right after all!" She laughed. "Boy, I bet those other girls are sorry they didn't listen to her. They probably turned into gross greasy hamburgers by now."She pursed her lips and blew, and a perfect bubble of gum formed. She smiled to herself and was about to blow into it again, but stopped when she felt a part of her body brush against her lips, and a pocket of air in the same. She deflated the bubble, taking it back into her mouth, and as she chewed the wad of gum shrank and disappeared. "Wow, weird. But kind of cool!"Traci took a deep breath, putting her lips together before blowing. She expected a large bubble to form, and one did, in a way; her lips were pressed too tightly and the air stayed in her, causing her body to swell out around her waist, creating a spare tire around her midsection. Bewildered, she gave it a poke. Her body was soft, but there was a good amount of give beneath it. She inhaled and blew again, watching as her belly surged out another foot, and smiled. "Hey, -I- can be the bubble! This is -way- better than being a hamburger!"Filled with newfound joy she began huffing and puffing, growing rounder. Her belly grew larger before spreading up and down, creating a wide curve from below her breasts to between her legs. Another blow and it rose up beneath her breasts, pulling them flat across her surface. Laughing, she did a swan dive to the floor, bouncing and bobbing on a body inflated to the size of an exercise ball. Squeezing her sides with her arms and knees she continued filling herself with air, rising higher in the middle of the room as her back and butt gradually became a single smooth curve.She went to move her hands and feet, only managing to wiggle her toes and raise her fingers a fraction of an inch. The rest was stuck fast against her sides, the pressure and growth having melded it all together. Traci was worried, but only for a moment, concluding that the more gum that was in her belly, the larger the bubble she could make. Besides, she could figure out what to do about it later.Thus she continued to grow, taking up more of her room. Bit by bit her limbs were absorbed by her belly, sinking into them and gradually becoming raised, faint contours before disappearing entirely. Rather strangely, she felt her fingers and limbs pressing against herself, but as they melded with the rest of her they almost seemed to flip, and she felt not her body but the air around her. Someone else might have thought about this and how it related to further changes they were undergoing, but Traci chose not to loom on at all, instead focusing on continuing to blow herself up.By the time her limbs disappeared her head began to sink in, at first being drawn in to the neck, then the ears, then finally leaving her as a translucent pink bubble with eyes, a nose, and pursed lips, still puffing away. What was her back was pressed against the ceiling, what was her belly was spread across the floor, and what were her limbs and sides continued their spread outward, taking up more and more of the room as she grew thinner.Behind her, she grew over the edge of the dresser, coming ever closer to the discarded pair of scissors. The bubble of her membrane-like skin loomed ominously as it crept towards them in time with her breathing. She gave one last puff, filling out a fraction of an inch, and the tip of the scissors poked against the gossamer gum of her body.Traci's eyes went wide, and without much fanfare, she quietly popped.
Female Inflation
Belly Inflation, Full Body Inflation
I thought I could pass my lunch hour quietly on a bench on the downtown outdoor mall. I watched a female clown street performer making balloon animals and handing them out to children and adults. Watching the balloons swell up and round out from the gas tanks and then being twisted into animals under her deft hands. I smiled in sympathy, I knew very well what it was like to be inflated. I was in a good shape right now, my figure only a little enhanced by my powers. I'd been developing the habit of staying a little inflated, partially to maintain a certain degree of invulnerability and super strength, but mostly out of vanity. Still smiling, now more at myself, I checked my watch for my remaining time left on lunch, and frowned when I saw the hands still in the same place they were when I left the office. No, I didn't have more lunchtime available, my watch battery had died. Lucky for me there was a jeweler across the square. I could get it replaced and get back to the office in no time. I crossed the street, then the square, into the jeweler's shop. It was almost empty, just myself and the sales girl. I guess there wasn't much of a lunch rush at jewelers. I handed over my stopped watch, and explained my needs. A moment later with a felt pad, under the watch and a tiny tool in her hand, she had the back open and was replacing the battery. She had just snapped the cover back in place when the door chimed with a new customer. "Be with you in just a..." I looked behind me to see what had caused the sales girl to pause. The lady clown street performer had just entered the shop, with her bouquet of balloons bobbing above her head. She has short, swept, green hair and the white face makeup with a balloon and tether over each eye, looking as if the balloons were floating up from her dark red mouth. Her outfit was motley green and purple tights with a cute little purple jacket. "...moment," the sales girl finished. Then she buffed my watch, handed it back to me and moved towards the register to ring me up. The clown and her balloons walked right up to the counter near where we were standing, plucked two balloons out of her bouquet and, holding one in each hand, squeezed them until they popped, one right in my face, the other in the shop girl's face. I inadvertently got a lung full of whatever the balloon was filled with. Naturally, my clothes began to get tighter. Looking at the shop girl, from the bewildered expression on her face and her hands pressing to her middle in her dark blouse and skirt, I was pretty sure we were in a similar state. I felt my tummy bulge, tightening the waistband of my skirt. My hands found my belly growing in my clothes. The shop girl was pressing her hands against her bulging waistline as she inflated. I admit I was doing the same. I wasn't really used to being blown up by someone else. Like mirror images the shop girl and I bloated with gas, our waists thickened in front and to the sides. Our hips widened and filled out growing to meet the new swells in our waists as we fattened up with gas. "W...what's happening to us...I'm getting so fat!" The shop girl's voice had taken on a noticeably higher pitch. I was getting just as fat. It was really our bellies that were affected, my blimped up belly was poking out over the straining waistband of my skirt and pushing out against my blouse, causing it to ride up in my new belly and gap at the buttons from the pressure inside me. I had already grown big enough to be awkward. Whit our skirts tightening around us, we both reached behind ourselves to unzip our skirts and hopefully gain a few inches of slack. With the sides of our torsos rounded out so much it was basically impossible for us to reach the constraining zippers. I turned clumsily, presenting my bottom and my skirt's zipper to the shop girl, "Do mine!" My voice had become even more high-pitched than hers. I felt her hand tug at the zipper and it release, sliding off my gas-filled hips. I took no time to relish the freedom of my bare legs before I performed the same service for the shop girl, opening her straining zipper and letting her pumped up hips push the skirt down her nyloned legs. In moments we both looked like half-undressed female beach balls. I had my costume on under my street clothes, but with my blouse still on it appeared as if my belly was bulging in my panties, just like the shop girl, full and bloated with gas. The suddenness of my expansion, and the full roundness I had attained took me a little by surprise. I wasn't even thinking about my voice, and I was about ready to turn the tables on the clown lady when I got one more surprise...I began to float. Across the counter, the shop girl was being lifted slowly into the air, her feet dangling beneath her, by the buoyancy of her own inflated belly. "Ohhh," I moaned, squeakliy, cradling my overinflated belly as my ballooned body rose helplessly in the air. The clown lady smiled, "Excellent," surprisingly, in her shapely frame, her voice sounded just as helium pitched as ours. She reached forward and snagged the blouse of the floating shop girl and pulled her easily across the counter, patting her ballooned belly as if appraising her fullness. "My," the clown said, "You have become quite the blimp..." "Rachel," the shop girl supplied. "...Rachel. You can call me Squeaky. Tell me Rach, how do you feel right now?" "Uhh...fat. Bloated, gassy. I feel like a blimp." "Rach, you are a blimp. Do you like being this fat Rach?" Squeaky patted her bloated sides. "No." "Of course not, your boyfriend probably won't like your new ballooned figure either huh?" "No." "I can make you slim again, but I want you to do something for me." "What?" Squeaky towed the inflated girl around the counter as if she were a balloon, which of course she was. "I want you to open the safe, so I can steal a few things." "No way!" Rachael sqeaked defiantly. "Rach, here's how it works, you either open the safe, I rob you, and I deflate you. Or I blow you up so big and fat you'll be a ball with head hands and feet. I'll roll your super inflated body against the safe...oh did I mention you'll be pumped full of hydrogen? I'll roll you against the safe and blow it, and you. I know your vault is insured, is your figure?" Rachael nodded and was pulled down into reach of the vault by Squeaky. With them distracted by the vault, I checked my clearance, found myself floating within arms reach of the ceiling. I pushed down a little, so I dropped towards the ground, and snagged my purse off the counter. Floating back up, I immediately found my costume mask. I wasn't much good as a heroine in my overly buoyant condition, but if I could summon help to ballast me, I might be able to eventually do something other than float here. I unfolded my mask, put it on, and turned on the radio, "Bubbles," I hissed, "Come in Bubbles, I'm in trouble." A long few moments before her voice came into my ear, "What's up ATG, whats with your voice?" "Code Goodyear," Meaning I was forcibly inflated, and floating, as opposed to code Michelin which was forcibly inflated without floating. "Roger, out." "Right, that should do," Squeaky said, standing up heavily from the vault She'd been unloading the contents into a padded pocket in the waist of her costume. This allowed her hands freedom, but she had stuffed her outfit with so much loot that the padded pocket bulged roundly in front of her. Her belly wasn't near my size, but she was not only looking much fatter, the weight of the precious stones and metals must have been considerable, judging from the heft of her new stomach and the heavy careful way she was walking she had gained a lot of extra weight. Squeaky put her hand on her own round belly, "Whew, I feel stuffed," she laughed, mocking our inflated bodies, "I seem to have gained some extra weight...who knew carrots would be so fattening?" Rachel and I both groaned at the pun. "You won't get away with this Squeaky," I said. Squeaky laughed in her high-pitched voice, "Sorry blimpy, but judging from the shape of your figure and the shape of my figure," she patted her loot-filled paunch, "I'm already getting away with it." "You're too heavy to escape, you'll never make it." Squeaky started to reply then looked at my face closely. I was still wearing my mask! She grabbed my floating body and pushed my blouse up over my distended stomach, revealing not normal underwear, but the straining white spandex of my costume. "Oh my God, is this for real? I rob a place where Airtankgirl happens to be shopping! Oh this is too rich! Think you're going to stop me hero?" I shook my head, holding my inflated belly, "I'm not in any shape to stop you. Some other time." My squeaky voice didn't help my delivery any. "Mmm hmm, I wonder if I shouldn't just blow you up right now for good measure. Its not often one has a genuine super heroine helpless. Nah, I think it will be more fun with you around. Besides, compared to you, I look skinny! Well for the moment at least." Squeaky the clown undid the buttons of her jacket, then pulled one more balloon in front of her own face and popped it, inhaling the gas. Over her bulging midriff, her breasts swelled up like balloons, filling up the top of her costume, pushing aside the lapels of her short jacket. Her breasts continued to inflate, straining the seams of her costume, the curves of her chest growing larger and fuller, until she couldn't reach her arms around the bulging spandex swell of her bust. Her feet rose from the floor as her costume creaked to contain her. I could tell though that while we were floating helplessly, she was hovering in control. "Wait! What about us?" Rachel squeaked. The clown laughed, "You'll deflate eventually, but for the moment, get used to being fat!" The inflated lady clown took up her bouquet, hefted her bulging stomach full of loot, opened the door and flew out. "Swell," I sighed squeakily. A short time later Bubbles burst in the jewelry shop door, in mask and costume, looking for a fight. "Relax, she got away." I squeaked. Bubbles smiled a little at my voice. She reached up to me, pulling my buoyant body down to earth. I unbuttoned my blouse and took it off, exposing my costume, while Bubbled affixed a few dive weights to the back of my utility belt. I was still light on me feet, but I could walk. Bubbles also tugged Rachel to the ground and handed her a couple of dive weights to ballast her. "Bubbles, can you get my street clothes and purse," I pointed to where they were piled on the floor, "I'm a little too full to bend." "I'll say," my sidekick and best friend said, retrieving my secret identity, "You've really gotten big." Make that ex-best friend. "Let's get you out of here, the cops and press were right on my tail." Bubbles tossed a business card on the counter, "That's our number, if you need any help or have any questions about being inflated." My rounded out body brushed the edges of the door frame of the shop, and I was instantly surrounded by flashing cameras and microphones. "There she is!" "Wow, look at the size of her!" "Airtankgirl, did you battle another supervillan?" "Look over here...great!" I held up my hands, "Sorry guys, there was a fight, I lost. But we plan on pursuing this criminal to the best of our ability." "Bubbles," one reporter shouted, "I notice you aren't nearly as pumped up as Airtankgirl, why is that?" "I showed up after the action. Airtankgirl had already borne the brunt of the attack, now if you'll excuse us, we need to let some of the air out of her, and get after this villain." One advantage of my new size is it was very easy to move the newsies out of the way with my belly. Once comfortably back in our secret base, I settled my expanded bulk onto a sofa and allowed Bubbles to debrief me about the robbery and our new villianess, Squeaky. "Well she sounds like a hoot." "Watch out for her, whatever the gas is that she uses, its potent," I patted my bulging belly, "And it apparently has no reaction to my powers." "What?" "Look at me, I'm all belly. I've been trying to pull some of it into my chest or bottom, and it's not working. Nor am I possessed of any more super strength or invulnerability than I did from the little air I already had in me." "If it isn't reacting to your powers, I wonder if you can kiss it out?" "No telling yet. Oh! I need to call work and let them know I won't be back in today." "What's your excuse?" "Same as always: I have a bad gas attack." "You know, now that you're rich, you could quit work." "I want the experience for my resume. Though, if I don't deflate soon, It'll make going to work impossible. The news picked us up right away. Everyone will know how big Airtankgirl got, and if the traditionally sleek and sexy Amanda Migliore shows up at work blown up like a balloon, my secret identity is through." "Well," Bubbles said, sitting down next to me and resting a hand on my bloated belly, "If you don't deflate soon, and judging from what Squeaky said, I doubt you will, you have an even bigger problem," When I looked blankly at her, she added, "Dinner. Your parents." My heart nearly stopped, "Oh no! That's tonight! What am I going to do? I can't let them see me like this!" "Well you can't cancel either. You've cancelled like four times. If you bail again, they'll disown you." "But I'm a blimp!" Bubbles laughed, "Believe me hon, I know. We'll think of something." "We?" "Like I'm going to miss one of your Mom's dinners? Your Mom's a good cook." I looked at her knowingly. Bubbles held up her hands, "Hang on there hero, you know I'm willing to bloat up as much as the next girl, but I have a date after dinner, and I'd like to show up in good shape." "I wonder if Angie or Brooke has any room to spare in their figures?" "I don't know, I think they've both been seeing some new guys, they may not be up to expanding just yet." "Apparently I need to get a boyfriend so I can use that excuse too." I groused squeakily. "Its not from lack of candidates, there's Nick-" "Hey who are you seeing tonight?" I asked. Lynn blushed in spite of herself, "Remember that hunky steward-" "Sven? You're seeing Sven tonight! Perfect, you know the first thing he's going to wonder when he sees you is where all the rest of you is. If any boyfriend is inflation-friendly, its Sven." "Hmmm," Lynn looked down at her spandex covered midsection. She slapped her palms against her flat belly, "Heck, what are friends for? Lets see if it works." One kiss later, we knew it did. The black tights of her costume bulged in the middle as she bloated with half of the gas in me. As her costume creaked from the pressure building inside her, she squished her hands over her ballooning belly. "Oh 'Manda, I...oh," she staggered as her center of gravity changed with her expanding middle, "I think I better sit down while I finish bloating up." She plumped herself down on the couch, opening her legs enough to make room for her swelling belly. "Thanks, Lynn, you're a real pal. Not every girl would volunteer to blimp up like that for a friend." I was feeling better already, my costume was still tight, but I could reach around my waist now, I was only barely buoyant even without the weights, and my voice was closer to a normal timbre. "Wow, I'm all belly," Bubbles marveled at her new shape. "Yeah and you're only half the size I was." "Wow, you must have felt stuffed. I feel really bloated right now." "Actually I still feel really bloated, it must be part of the effect of Squeaky's gas, we don't acclimate to it." "Well," Bubbles held out her hand for me to haul her up from the couch, she having grown too big to stand on her own. I helped her up where we compared our bulging costumes, "Ok, I took that one for you, now what's our cover story to explain our shape?" "Ah hah, I have a cunning plan..." Lynn and I waddled up the walk to my parent's house. I was in tan stretch slacks and a black top, while Lynn was in an other pair of tan stretch slacks, but with a pink fuzzy sweater over a buttoned shirt. Most of the clothes were courtesy of our cache of Victoria Secrets loot clothing. "Thanks for driving," I said. "Well I had to, your belly was too big for you to steer your car. By the way I want to go on record as saying that I think this is fraught with peril." "Duly noted. Here goes," I knocked on the door, and opened it, sticking my head in, "Hello?" I heard my Mom's voice from the kitchen, "Manda honey is that you, come in you silly girl, this is still your house even if you have a dorm room." Luckily I was positive that the hubbub over mine and Lynn's bellies would divert any arguments over me having moved out of the dorm. Steeling myself I stepped inside the house, Lynn close behind me. "God's Holy Trousers!" That would be my Dad. "Brenda, get out here!" He called back to the kitchen, from which my Mom shot out like a missile. Once she got a look at her daughter she locked on. Alerted by the ruckus, my younger brother peeked in and started laughing immediately. "'Manda," My Mom started, "Look at you! You're huge!" "Mrs. Migliore, its not what you think-" Lynn tried. "Jesus and all the Saints, they're both pregnant!" I had had enough. "We. Are. Not. Pregnant!" I bellowed. In the brief lull I hastily explained, "We're in a Sociology lab where we have to wear a balloon inflated in our clothes to, uh, understand the chore of pregnancy," I tapped Lynn's belly with a hollow BUUUM, "See, they are just balloons." My parents sagged in relief, "Oh thank heavens, well, get out of those things, you look ridiculous anyway all blown up like that. Dinner will be ready in a jiff." "We can't. That's the whole point. They're one use only, if we take them off they'll deflate, and then we flunk." Mom shrugged, "Oh well if its for class, that's ok then. But seriously though, you girls are so big! I don't think I was that size with any of you." "Well this isn't an exact science," Lynn said. "Make yourself comfortable, I need to start plating things up. 'Manda would you set the table for me?" "Sure Mom," I was stopped on my way to the dining room by my little brother. "Hey Amanda, you look swell," he smirked. Little brothers are all alike. "Uh huh, like I haven't heard that before." "Hi Mike," Lynn said from behind me as I moved past my brother. Please understand a few things. I love my family, even if they can be a bit of a handfull. I even love Mike, despite himself. I'm the oldest of three: me, age twenty, Monica age eighteen, and Mike at sixteen. It wasn't easy growing up in this family because, while I don't really go on about it, my entire family is, well, really good-looking in face and figure. Dad had all the distinguished good looks that came with age, Mom had been a Miss USA contestant of our state when she was my age, and still looked it. If you'll recall from my first tale, I was a very late bloomer. Despite this, they all still loved me regardless of my appearance. Well, when you're the ugly duckling in a flock, that sort of devotion means a lot to you. Mike eyed Lynn up and down, "Hi Lynn, wanna play some PS?" Another thing to mention, is that my little brother is a typical sixteen year-old and both Lynn and myself were positive he had a crush on my roomate. Though I had to admit I was a little surprised to see it manifested today, with Lynn's extra girth. "If it'll get me out of setting the table, you bet! Not so fast though," she called out to him as he raced to the living room, "I'm a little slower right now." She held her swollen belly, waddling after him. I went into the dining room where a pile of silverware and flatware sat on the table. I picked up the plates and waddles around the table setting the places, then repeated it with the silverware. It was only when I had to place the butter dish, condiments and light the candles that I had problems. My stomach was so big that I couldn't reach the interior of the table. I tried turning sideways, when my Dad stepped in and took the things from me and placed them in the center of the table. I realized, he'd watched me the whole time, "I thought you could use a hand in your, ah, condition." Wow, he was just as embarrassed at me being fat as I was at being fat in front of them, "Thanks Dad. What I could really use is a girdle I think." The lame joke broke the mood, and he smiled and hugged me around my round inflated belly, "You're still my little girl, ok well, so you aren't so little right now." I smiled up at him while patting my bulging sides, "Does this mean you're going to tease me about my figure all night?" He considered, "Good chance of it." When we finished that chore, I found Lynn and Mike playing Katamari something or another. Lynn was sunk back into the sofa, her game controller resting on her expanded waistline. She looked up over her stomach as I came in, "Hey, Mike was just telling me how cool his classmates find our local superheroine." "Huh?" "Airtankgirl, you know, Airtankgirl." "Oh yeah, I think I saw something on her on the news. She looked a little bloated." Mike leapt to the defense, "Dude that's her power! She's supposed to be that big!" "Yeah," Lynn shot me a look of mocking reproach, "Don't you know anything. Apparently the hefty heroine has wholly captivated a large part of the 11th grade. There's a fan club, how about that?" "I think I need to sit down." I dropped onto the sofa next to my roomate who was far too gleeful at my expense, and spread my hands on my inflated belly, "I don't feel well." "Must be gas," Lynn smiled at me. Dad called us in for dinner, Mike was on his feet in an instant, being perpetually hungry. Lynn and I were a little less mobile. In fact, we were both entirely unable to stand up. We struggled under our full bloated bellies for a moment before Lynn snapped her fingers at Mike. "A hand here please?" My brother took her hand, and with a grunt, hauled her upright. At any other time, I am certain he would have enjoyed mocking my being too fat to stand up on my own, but Lynn's presence and her similar condition to mine made him a little more human. The two of them hauled my fattened body upright and Lynn and myself waddled into dinner. Sitting in the chairs wasn't nearly as much as a committment as a sofa, but Lynn and I swiftly discovered that our round, inflated bellies kept us quite a distance from the table itself. So far, that w e had to try to lean forward with our relatively uninflated torsos to get close to the table. Exchanging a sheepish glance, we realized that while this pumped up, we weren't especially bendable. Our bloated bodies kept us at almost arm's length from the table, which meant even farther than that from the actual food. Dad looked at us with pity, "Would you girls like some sort of bib?" he asked, seeing our awkwardness at the table. "It oughta be a good way for her to loose some of that weight, if she can't eat, she won't get any fatter." Mike chimed in. I was about to tear his arms off, when Lynn just looked at him with big eyes and her hands on her round belly as if to conceal it, then she let her lower lip quiver. My brother is such a jellyfish, he was immediately trying to explain that while I was fat and bloated, Lynn was just as attractive as ever. Mom stood up, waving her husband back down, "Let me see what I can come up with. Jake, get rid of the soup and carve the roast will you dear." She left the table, walking upstairs into the bedrooms, rather than in the kitchen, where I thought a bib might be. "Where's Monica?" I asked my Dad about my sister. "She's at a friends house working on her science fair project, she's been in a bit of a snit lately. She coloured her hair the other day without permission, and its been a little..." Dad looked up as he was serving, when Mom came back into the room. One of the things that everyone who ever met Brenda agrees on is that she is the most gracious person in the world. There is nothing she wouldn't do to make a guest feel at ease. My Mom stood there with three towels in one hand, the other hand was on the large, fat round belly she had somehow managed to gain in the minutes she was gone. My Mom...MY Mom, was fat. "...fat." Dad finished weakly. "Close your mouth Jake, and not one single peep out of you mister," this last was directed at my brother. She handed out a towel to Lynn and I, while keeping the third for herself as she waddled clumsily over to her chair. She sat rather gracelessly, her big stomach plumping up as she sat. "Brenda?" My Dad gasped. "Yes?" She responded archly, resting her hands on her large plush stomach, "Oh breathe, Jake, its just a few bedroom pillows stuffed into my stirrup pants." She patted her bulging midriff, "I have to admit, I'm impressed at you girls going through with this class project. I've only been stuffed up for a few minutes and I already feel awkward and I know I'm not that big..." "Yes you are," my Dad said softly. Mom pretended not to hear it, "Its ok girls, as loud as both my darling husband and my son can be, they are also big weenies who won't dare mention how fat either of you, let alone how big I suddenly find myself." "I love you Mom." She tried to reach forward to pat my hand, but her new swollen figure prevented that, "I know. Pass the carrots." Dinner was wonderful. The guys didn't utter a peep, Mom was charming in her own stuffed way, and the food was typically fantastic. A half hour later, we poor college girls were leaning back in our chairs, groaning over our doubly-stuffed bellies. Not only were we bloated with gas, but in the presence of good home cooking, Lynn and I both sorta lost control, gorging ourselves. Lynn rubbed her full round stomach, "Ooo Mrs M, that was fabu, but I may never walk again." "No wonder they're so fat," Mike muttered to himself. "Thank you Jacquline, if there was ever a chance we girls had to pack it in, this is it. Dessert?" I clutched my overstuffed belly, "God no Mom, I'll burst." "Suit yourself," she said calmly digging into the tort. Lynn, not wanting to seem rude, helped herself to a slice that was only barely smaller than the one Mom took. While they filled up any empty space left in them, I looked down at my bulging middle, feeling the gassy hollowness of my belly until I realized they were speaking to me. "Huh?" My mom smiled, "I asked you what you had learned being this big." "Uh, its better to be skinny?" Eventually Mike drifted back to his PS, Dad disappeared upstairs, and Mom, Lynn and myself were waddling to the front door. Not only were we stuffed with food, but Mom had packed up all the leftovers in tupperware for us to live off at school. We hugged awkwardly, both our bulging stomachs, mine filled with gas and hers with pillows, flattened against each other. She hugged Lynn too, with similar awkwardness. Lynn stopped me just in time from kissing my Mom goodbye. That would have been horrible. "You girls be careful going home." "We'll be ok," Lynn patted her full belly, "We have our own airbags." Mom patted her own bulging waist, "I have to admit I'll be glad to get rid of this, though I don't know how skinny I'll be under it all, I'm stuffed," She said with a grin. We both waddled off to Lynn's MPV , awkwardly climbed into the seats, which were set as far back as possible. We looked at each other, and we both fumbled with the buttons to our pants, undoing the waist to let our stuffed and bloated bellies bulge out of our tight pants. We both gasped in relief. "Let's get back to our place and into our costumes." Lynn looked at me, "Are you expecting trouble?" "No, its just that I figure our costumes will be the only clothes that fit us well in the shape we're in." Lynn burped, "I see your point." Upon reaching our secret hideout, which Lynn insisted on referring to as 'the Fatcave', we immediately shed our too-tight street clothes in exchange for our also tight, but manageable spandex costumes. I rubbed the shiny white dome of my spandex-clad belly, while Bubbles patted her bulging waistline in her black spandex tights while she puttered around the lab. "I want to run a few more tests on us to see if I can get any kind of data on how long we'll be blown up like this." I looked at my teammate, "Your costume?" Lynn had changed her costume slightly. she had replaced the one-piece with a two piece, like a sports bra and briefs. The lower waistband of the briefs emphasized how fat her inflated belly was as she bulged over them. She looked down at herself, "I like it." "You're barely in it." "Oh speaking of barely dressed, I need to get moving, I still have a date tonight." She looked down at her discarded street clothes, and I could tell she wasn't liking the thought of stuffing herself back into them. Instead, she plucked a large raincoat from a peg on the wall and belted it around her rotund figure. "Have fun, tell Sven I said hi." "Uh, maybe next time he's in town, I could see if he has a friend?" "No thanks, despite my current size, I don't need pity dates." "No...but one date might be nice." "Scram." Long after Lynn closed the door behind her, I sat thinking, until I made a decision and dialed a number from my mask radio from memory. I sat, drumming my fingers on my inflated belly until I got an answer. "Hello?" "Hi's Amanda." The kitchen door to my house opened. "Monica, I set some leftovers in the oven for you baby," my Mom called down from upstairs, "You just missed your sister," Monica walked over to the living room window, facing the front of the house. She tugged the knit cap off her head and brushed her hand through her short, swept, green hair. "It's ok Mom, I'll catch her later."
Female Inflation
Full Body Inflation
Well, I'm off, she said. She had just gotten off the bus, and was on her way to the first day teaching her kindergarten class. She just got out of school, she told me on the bus. I could barely keep my eyes off the girl, she was beautiful. She could have said anything and I think I would have listened. Never saw her eyes, though. She was wearing those fading kind of sun glasses, they covered them up pretty good. Her orange brown hair was tied back behind her head, the sun was glaring off her hair through the window of the bus. Her tight black blouse showed off her body rather well, and I was well taken by her. God, she was beautiful. She had a long black skirt, too, with tan floral patterns on it, and just plain old sandles. She was a picture, this one. She had her bag all ready to go, she was so excited! I was too, but I didn't let on. We stepped off the bus together, on the island where she taught. Big green field right in front of us, classic Victorian houses all around. Her paychecks must have been huge, well, when she started getting them anyway. It was her first day. Anyway, I let her go first, the gentlemen I am, and some kids were there to meet her, and a smile ran across her lightly freckled face, she looked so pretty in the sun. She chatted with them a while and they walked hand in hand towards the school, disappearing from sight. That was the last I thought I'd see of her, didn't even get her number. But I would see her again soon. A few minutes later, I was just sitting in the gazebo in the field, watching the waves crash on the beach a little ways out, and it got foggy. But I like fog, so I just sat there waiting for her to get out, so I could get her number and then be off. The fog lasted hours, and finally, I gave up and started home. But before I got to the street, I noticed that one of the smaller concrete buildings brimming the field surrounded by such classy houses, the door was opening, and a hissing sound came from it. I looked inside from about thirty feet back, and just saw a large shape moving around, a big round shape. Looked kind of like an enormous olive, about eight feet tall. I kept my distance, being a little nervous, when I saw the thing rolling towards me, ever so slowly. It looked like midgets were pushing the big round thing, whatever it was. It was getting a little darker from the fog, and it was late afternoon, I had no idea what the thing was. It was huge and black, and almost completely round. Still having no idea, I got a little closer, it still rolling foot by foot farther into the field, the doors having closed to where it came from. In the dim sunlight that barely made it through the fog, I could see two little nubs facing me, and what looked like a zipper? I could barely tell, but as it rolled closer and closer, I could see the nubs were little black shoes, and the zipper went up a ragged piece of cloth to about the midpoint of the sphere, and I saw a big slightly bulging patch of the sphere, it was flesh colored, and had the huge divot of what looked like a belly button in it, what the hell? "Please let it not be her, please let it not be her, please let it not be-" As the head on this enormous girl rolled around to face me, I saw her sunglasses, her silken hair, her now round cheeks and pursed little lips. I couldn't believe what happened, until the children sprang little bat wings and ran cackling, back into the building they came from. Clearly not kindergarteners, but I couldn't do anything about them now. They were gone, and they had done this to her, I didn't even know what it was. I walked up to her, she was still. Deathly still. I thought she must have died during her transformation, and they were getting rid of the remains. I placed my hands against her huge round belly, her skin warm and tight, yet jiggly and soft to the touch. Not jiggly so much as, you ever wrap a water balloon in a towel? Kind of like that. But she was dead, she had to be. She had become just a big ball of what felt like water, her skin being the rubber of a balloon it felt. She had literally blown up like a balloon, and she looked so delicate. Far more delicate than before when she was just a pretty girl sitting across from me on the bus. But now here she was, no more than a beach ball with hands, feet, and her rounded head no top. And no life left in her. My fingers slid slowly down her tummy, when I felt a surge of pressure. Her heart was still beating? But I couldn't feel anything in there when I had touched her body, it was just her clothes, her skin, and then whatever had filled her. No organs, nothing that would let her live through such a procedure. Maybe her heart was just so strained now that she was so big. How else was she supposed to get her blood around such a huge body? I could feel her heart beat every couple of seconds, for it was so small. She must have needed a heart at least the size of a football. I rubbed her again, her skin pressing in against my fingers, and I looked up to see her lips trembling three feet above me. I could barely see that she was trying to speak, but I had no way of even telling what she was saying. Her lungs must have been squished up inside her long ago. Taking my chances and trying not to pop the poor thing, I took her by one limp hand, and rolled her slowly down to where her head and mine would be at the same level. Her feet pointed at the ground behind her, her waistline round and turgid like an equator on a globe, far below us. The fabric was so tight on her, she must have been feeling very embarrassed, if she was even aware enough to know what had happened to her. I looked at her face, the tears having stained her puffy cheeks hours ago, now having dried. I wondered why she had stopped crying, when I saw her lips move. She was mumbling something. I bent in closer to hear her, and in her beautiful warm voice, she could only get out a few words. "Kill... me..." I stepped back in shock at this huge blimp of a girl I had wanted to be with only a few hours ago. Now she wanted me to pop her, ending her misery. She was still growing, I could see it. Her cheeks plumpened slightly while I dwelled on whether or not I could utterly destroy her, even if it was what she wanted. Her brown sunglasses fell to the ground and broke, considering the height they had to fall from. I looked into her brown tear stained eyes, only being half open and having lost all hope. I could not imagine how she felt. Her cheeks were pink, whether she realized it or not. She was so embarrassed. "Please..." I walked up to her and hugged what I could of her head, though her gigantic body of course got in the way. Her hands were on either side of where her neck would have been, spaced out about 4 feet in either direction. The fabric was wrinkled and stretched to its limit. I wondered for a moment how it must have looked as her body was inflated as it was, by those "children". Her breasts must have swollen greatly, her tummy barely hoisting them up. Probably far more embarrassing having gigantic tits and especially the cold of that day? I'm not surprised she wanted to be popped. All the filthy hands of those little creatures touching her as she lay helpless in the warehouse, not knowing what was happening to her body. Her breasts large and supple, her nipples probably itching to tear through the fabric. Her legs swollen inside her skirt, stretching the material, her hips flaring out in every direction. She must have been helpless and tight. Ripening like a piece of fruit. I was practically going to pop her without noticing until the poor thing mumbled a little more, but I knew what she was saying. "Are you sure? I can't do what you ask of me, but you don't want help? I'm sure we could get-" But her hugely swollen head shook back and forth slowly but sternly. She did not want help in anything but what she had said. "And you know what's going to happen if I just let you get too bi-" And she nodded just as slowly, her eyes half closed still. The sun was reflecting off her delicate skin and eyes, they looked amber. I think she must have known how absolutely messy this was going to get before too long. All either of us could do was sit there and wait, but she kept pleading. "Please... ...Pop me... I'm so ripe..." But I had to tell her I could not. We'd just have to wait. I went to watch the spectacle of this beautiful young woman from the safety of the gazebo. If it could handle a little rain, I think it could stand up to what was coming. It's a shame though, she was so beautiful. But now because of those brats she had wanted to help, she was no more than a huge ball of flesh, and what I assumed was water, waiting to explode. I could hear her skin stretching at this point, nothing was going to save her. I went over and looked into her eyes, a bit of sweat dripping down her face, she panted a little. It was pitiful, I wiped off her face and kissed her once on the lips, and said good bye. I walked back to the shelter and watched. She was pulsating, now. So much for her first day teaching children how to read and write. Dammit, she was so excited too! She had just gotten out of college, barely 23 years old. She'd left her parents home, barely enough money to get by, just to help these kids. I wonder what her parents would say if they say their daughter had become a water balloon, begging to be popped in a horrible mess just to end her misery. But that was all over with now. She didn't have more then five minutes left of her life. Each second she bulged about an inch bigger, the skin stretching to its limits. She was like a damn water balloon, being filled by a kid who wants to see it get too big and pop all over his feet. I could see the little imps on the roof of the building clapping and watching the poor girls last few minutes. I'm surprised one of them didn't swoop down and take her head off, the bastards. They probably would have laughed and danced in the rain that followed. But back to the girl, she was huge. Nine feet tall, her skeleton must have broken a long time ago, probably half of her pain. I could barely hear her mumble her death wishes, the creaking of her skin overpowered everything else. Urgency and despair were both in her voice and the air itself. She was done. And I never even knew her name. The crescendo of one very long and high pitched stretching sound came to an end, and she screamed in pain. I saw her mouth open wide, but I turned around when the rush of air blew past me, a splattering pop filling the air. The wind died down, and in front of me, on the other side of the gazebo, red rain fell from the sky. A crimson shower stained the green field. I could feel droplets hitting me in the back, as well. As if this weren't bad enough, I saw some red chunks falling to the ground as well. Bits of bone and flesh plopped to the ground, a flap of her skirt fluttered into a little puddle of her in front of me. She was gone. A little round eyeball bounced off the ground as well. Nothing could have been left of her. I picked up the cracked and red stained sunglasses that had been on her pretty face not five minutes ago. I turned around, and a huge dent in the ground remained where she had stood. Stood is a strong word. She had simply sat there, waiting for this moment with what would have been lust had she been more able to express it. The small crater was filled with her leftovers, the grass was scarred and torn up for a few feet around, but overall, she was gone. All I could hear for a few minutes after the deafening bang of that poor young woman, was the cackling of those imps that had done this to her. They were delighted.
huge, inhale
Male Inflation
Full Body Inflation
"So, you're into getting big?"I stopped in midstep on the beach, not expecting anyone to sneak up on me and ask questions. Turning, I saw a redhead in a bikini top and jean shorts standing behind me with a sly look. "Sorry?"She made a sweeping gesture, indicating the green, black and grey bodysuit that covered everything but my hands, feet and head. "Your outfit. Either that or you're a surfer, and I don't see a board.""Oh, yeah. Why, are..." I paused, looking for the right phrase. Asking people outright if they could blow themselves up wasn't rude, per se, just kind of tactless. "Do you... do it?"She laughed, pointing to her flat chest. "If I did, do you think I'd go around like this? No, I'm just fascinated by it, that's all." She approached me, gently resting one hand on my shoulder. "You know, I saw you carrying around that blimp cabin. That's quite a size you reached.""Well, I don't want to brag, but-""But let's say you did.""What?""Let's say you wanted to brag and show off." She gave me a coy look. "To me. To a fan."I had fans?"How big can you get?"I licked my lips, looking around at the rest of the beach. The area I was in was nearly empty, with only a few stalls and the boardwalk in the distance. After a moment of thought I made a motion for her to back up and, after one final look to see if the area was clear, I drew in deepest breath I could muster.My growth was nothing short of explosive. I billowed out in all directions, the sudden influx of air turning my body round and reducing my limbs to domes with hands and feet at the ends. The force of my transformation shoved me off the ground and launched me into the air before I floated lazily back down belly-first.The woman chuckled to herself, taking a few steps back to give me room. A few seconds later she realized that I was going to need far more than a few steps, and she turned and quickly walked away, gesturing to the boardwalk nearby. As I continued to pack yards on my waistline she climbed the stairs, trailing one hand along the railing until coming to a stop across from my head. There, she leaned on the rail, resting her chin on her hand and watching me grow with a bemused expression, a stark contrast to the awed looks of the few people around her. She wanted to see how big I could get; who was I to deny her?By now I had to have been at least five stories high and gaining, sucking down breath with enough force to set flags and loose cloth in motion. I was starting to run out of room ahead of me and could already feel a building brush against my side. I focused on the air inside me, trying to grow up as well as out. As my face neared hers my stomach left the ground and I slowly lifted into the air, hovering several yards above her. I slowly rotated to face her, still wide-mouthed and pulling in a torrent of air.She laughed and gestured with both hands. "Back up a little!" she shouted. "I want to take a good look at you!"I drifted up and back towards the ocean, adding yards to my waistline by the second. One hundred feet, one fifty, two hundred... as I grew bigger I grew faster, and as I grew faster I grew bigger. By now the rush of air was rolling through my body, rumbling deep and loudly enough to be heard from the ground. I watched my shadow spread across the beach, eclipsing the boardwalk, the shops, the beachgoers, and in the center of it all, the redhead still watching me.By now I was far larger than even the largest blimp, breathing in with enough force to cause loose papers to swirl into the air and fly towards me. Not wanting to cause damage to the beach I began to slowly roll backwards in the air, my head rising higher as I turned right-side up. I watched as, in the distance, the town slowly came into view, spread out before me. There were still a few buildings larger than me, but they wouldn't be for long.As I turned, more of the town came into view, but as I grew and kept turning it slowly began to disappear, covered by the curve of my chest. By the time I had righted myself in the air it had long vanished over the horizon of my body, leaving me with nothing but the clouds, the sky, and my own swollen form.With nothing to distract me, I grew, sucking in a torrent of air. I grew, feeling my skin stretch and pull to contain it. I grew, listening to the creaks and the rush of wind. I grew, ever larger, ever wider, at an unimaginable speed, with a waistline that could only be measured in thousands of feet.Suddenly I was alerted to a new noise - a faint ripping sound - and I looked down to see a tear form at the neck of my suit, running down and disappearing from my view. I felt it pull away from my chest, then my navel, then the rest of my body. Stretched too far, it tore apart and fell off, leaving me nude as I floated in the air like a flesh-toned moon. By now, though, I was too large to care about things like modesty.My body rumbled and groaned loudly as I filled myself with air at an unbelievable rate, stretching my titanic form ever larger, but I could tell I was approaching my limit. As the tension rose I slowed my intake to a stop, pausing for a few seconds before returning to normal, albeit strained breathing. Not a moment too soon, too; I could hear the rubbery creaking of my skin and feel it throbbing as it barely contained the incredible pressure inside of me, constantly shifting and pushing out in all directions as it sought release. Even though I had pushed my limits countless times before, now that the rush was wearing off I was starting to feel a little worried. It's hard not to when your entire body telling you that you've gone too far, gotten too big, taken in too much.But I had done it. She wanted to see how big I could get, and she got her answer.Of course, I couldn't exactly see her. My view was equal parts sky and me, stretching off hundreds of feet into the distance before curving out of view. I would have rotated down to face her again, but as slightly overinflated as I was, I couldn't move too well. That was even assuming I didn't scare her off by blowing myself up to such a gargantuan degree. I haven't met anyone who could even get close to how big I can get.In the distance, I saw Shania float over my horizon in her blue and white suit. It was impossible to tell how big she was in proportion to me, but judging from the scale of her head to her body she only looked about ten feet across. As she drew close she blew out the air in her body and walked the rest of the way to my head. Her feet felt miniscule as she approached, and as she stopped and leaned over me I could see she didn't even sink into my drum-tight skin."Geez, listen to you. You sound like you're going to explode.""I'll be fine," I grunted, only able to speak in short huffs. "I just-" I winced as a wave of pressure rolled through me, and my body let out a long, deep groan of protest. "I just need some... time to stretch out. You know... how it is.""Oh, I know. But what I -don't- know is what it's like to be floating above the beach blocking out the sun and scaring people in town when they look out their window and see a mile-wide balloon hovering around."I had a rough idea of how large I was, but hearing a concrete figure from Shania was nothing short of awe-inspiring. All this tension, all this air compressed inside of me... I wiggled my toes, trying to wrap my head around them being a mile away. "Am I really... that big?""I've flown a mile before. Trust me, you're that big.""Huh. Last year I was only... half that." I smiled up at Shania, but she continued to glare at me. It doesn't matter how big you are, when someone is looking down at you, you -feel- small."What if you exploded? It would be like a bomb going off.""I'm not... going to explode." My body let out another loud pneumatic moan, and she gave me a dubious look before sighing."Look, I know you're all about pushing your limits, but you need to do it someplace where you're not going to roll over anyone or anything. Besides, that woman you were talking to?""Yes?""She left a long time ago."I would have shrugged if I still had shoulders. She -was- cute, but nothing worth obsessing over. "Oh well."Shania sat down next to my head. "So how long are you going to be like this?""Until my body... adjusts to the pressure. Maybe... an hour. You don't need... to stay if... you don't want to.""Nah, I'll keep you company.""Thanks.""Hey, what are friends for?"
Female Inflation
Full Body Inflation
Heather got dressed in her pink sweater and blue jeans and went down to the library. She didn't seem like the reading type, but when she arrived, she saw something that sparked her interest. The book Heather got was red with blue sparkly gems on the front. She checked it out and began to read on her way back home. "Once there way this young beautiful girl who loved to read. She would read anything that had text in it or on it....Sounds like me." Heather giggled silently to herself. "One day she found a strange book and began to read it. In it, there were these strange words: Expanda, growther, largea balloonea, expaflation, bursplosion..." Heather returned home as she continued to read into her room. "Soon, the girl felt sleepy and fell asleep. Little did the girl know was that this book was magic and when she woke up...she had changed! The young girl was a round ball, like a balloon! Not only that, but she could feel that she was growing. The girl was inflating! She could feel that something much like air was entering her body. She kept getting bigger and bigger and bigger... Heather was starting to get tired, so she fell onto her bed and began to drift off to sleep without finishing the book...As she slept, something was happening to her body Later, as Heather awoke, something seemed off to her. "Man...I feel bloated...Is it that time of the month already?" She tried getting up, but had a little difficulty... "Something's not right here..." she said aloud. She felt strange...Heather looked down at herself and was shocked at what she saw. A large ball shape in her pink sweater. She lifted it slightly and saw that her belly was rounder! Her belly made her look like she had swallowed a watermelon whole. "What happened to me?!" she said, completely baffled and slightly scared. "How did this...." However, she paused as she waited and began to feel something... "Wait...I think I'm getting bigger...." Heather paused again and saw that her stomach was getting rounder. Her sides were beginning to bulge out, giving her a look of love handles. "Oh my god...What's happening to me!? It feels like air inside of me..." Heather said as she felt her stomach and felt that there was something inside, but not fat or liquid, but indeed air. "It feels like I'm touching a balloon..." Heather tried to push her stomach in, but no good. She kept swelling, the stitching in her sweater beginning to stretch out more. Her jeans were beginning to feel tighter as well... "I think I AM A balloon!" "Wait a sec...this is just like the character in the..." PING! Heather temporarily stopped as she felt her pants button pop off of her. "...Book! I need to find out what happens! Maybe that'll cure me!" Unfortunately, the book went missing under Heather's bed. Even more unfortunate for Heather, she could barely look down at this point. "Ah, I feel full...already. Need to find that spell book..." Heather began to look around, but was growing steadily larger, the button on her pants already popped off, and the zipper beginning to unzip itself. "Oh! These pants feel so tight..." Trying as best as she could to get past her rounder belly, Heather reached down as much as she could to try and remove her blue jeans and were barely able to get them off before they were ruined even more. Heather continued to try to maneuver around her room, but she was beginning to have trouble moving. "Ooh....I feel like a blimp...I need to get that book and FAST!" However, her arms were beginning to sink into her steadily growing belly. Heather panicked as she had a feeling her legs were next and can only tell what might happen? Heather had a feeling she couldn't keep growing forever... Soon, Heather's sweater was stretched to capacity, but she didn't bother taking it off, knowing she couldn't. "It's no use...I don't think I can move much longer..." Thankfully, Heather spotted the book under her bed. "How am I going to get it. I can't bend down and I'm almost too big to move..." she bent down as much as she could, but her swelling belly was making it harder to bend fully and her knees were bending into it, causing Heather some discomfort... "Ah, I think I got it..." she reached with her hand and got the book. She did her best to get back up, but soon, her booty was being absorbed into her belly, making Heather nothing more than a balloon with legs and a head. Heather was just barely able to get back up... "I need to hurry..." Heather moaned as she flipped through the pages. "My belly is starting to get tight....I feel so much pressure....Feels like I'm going to burst any minute...." She found where she left off and read. "The girl was beginning to reach her limits as she grew. It felt as it she might pop. Hoping there was a answer in the book, she tried to finish it... "Her legs were beginning to be absorbed into her body..." Heather felt her once svelte legs swell up and become part of her body... "What was left of her arms shrank into her body as well..." Heather saw her arms disappear. She tilted to the side and turned the page with her hand... "Her body kept expanding and expanding more and more, getting rounder and.....rounder...ooooohhh oh......." Heather was stretched to her limits and began to hear a strange sound; it was like a rubber balloon stretching to it's limits. She flipped through the last few pages... "Oh...." Heather felt her neck shrinking as her head was sunk into her body...she flipped to the end of the book. "The girl was nothing more than a giant balloon and about to explode...She desperately hoped the ending would deflate her but all it did was cause her to... Heather decided not to read the ending. "Maybe if I don't read that last word, I won't.....pop...."But Heather knew it didn't matter. She could feel her belly shake and hear it stretch like rubber that couldn't stretch anymore, so she just decided to end the story... "All it did was cause her to burst..." POP!!!!
floating, hydrogen
Female Inflation
Full Body Inflation
Exadyne Fuel Systems had selected the most inhospitable patch of desert available for its test facility. This served two purposes. First, they had to be sure that the new automobiles would be able to operate under extreme conditions. Second, someone would have to be both highly motivated and certifiably insane to try to spy on the test runs. Most days the track sat idle. But on this day, a small team had been sent out to perform high speed road tests on several of the new vehicles. Larry was just returning from a one hundred mile run in the Zelectra, a battery-powered electric. The car was eerily quiet as it rolled up to the facility's huge garage, emitting only a soft hum. "Nice run," Carol called out to Larry as he exited the vehicle. "Yeah, but I really did some damage on those last few miles. The number three motor is shot. The heat's just killing her." Larry was their best test driver, and looked the part. Tall, lean and chiseled, he was handsome enough to make it into Exadyne's marketing materials. He was a bit too brash for Carol's liking, personally. But professionally he was the best, and he worked well with the team. Most of the team, that is. "I'm sure you'll get blamed for it." Carol tossed him a bottle of water from the cooler, taking one for herself and pressing it against her forehead. It was a hundred and ten degrees in the shade, and they had to spend most of the day simmering in it. "Just a word of warning, Princess Lauren's in a mood today." If it had been anyone else, Carol would have blamed it on the heat. There was no air conditioning at the test facility, just some fans. They had several large coolers full of ice and drinks, enough to last them all day. But a few hours on the sun-baked desert floor was usually enough to frazzle everyone's nerves. But that wasn't the case with Lauren. They all knew full well that she wouldn't become any more agreeable once they got back to the office. "Speak of the devil and she appears," Larry muttered. Lauren descended from the observation deck. While Carol had gone with "desert casual" shorts and t-shirt for the day's testing, Lauren's attire was a bit less modest. Her snugly fitting skirt was far too short to be considered business-like, though it probably helped her keep cool. But apparently it wasn't helping enough; she'd been progressively opening more buttons on her short-sleeved blouse as the day went on. Lauren had a slender figure overall, but she possessed a bosom that was slightly too large for her frame, and tended to wear bras slightly too small for her bosom. Said bosom and brassiere were on prominent display and jiggling quite impressively as Lauren made long, determined strides towards Carol and Larry. "You broke my car," she snapped. Strictly speaking, it wasn't her car. However, she was overseeing the day's testing. Larry held up his hands. "Those motors still aren't cut out for desert driving. Take it up with engineering." "Ease up on damn the accelerator, and maybe you won't burn out the coils." She folded her arms across her chest. The accentuating effect this had on her cleavage wasn't lost on Larry. "Maybe, but do you really think Joe Driver's gonna be light on the pedal when he's out on the road in the middle of nowhere on a hot day? You pay me to find these problems on the test track so Joe doesn't find 'em on the road." Noticing his wandering gaze, Lauren snapped her fingers in front of his nose. "Hey asshole, I'm up here. Jimmy's already got Helios prepped and ready for the next run. Try not to fuck this one up, it's even more expensive than Zelectra." Larry gritted his teeth, but held his tongue. He took a long drink and set off toward the solar-powered test vehicle. Lauren pulled up a chair next to the Zelectra. "Damn, could it be any hotter out here?" Carol was focused on Larry and the shimmering, beetle-shaped form of the Helios as it left the garage. "Actually, yes, it could. We're nowhere near the record temperature for this spot. If you think this is bad, next month it'll be--" Her words were abruptly halted by the sight of Lauren undoing her few remaining buttons and tossing her blouse over the back of her chair. "What?" she said in response to Carol's glare of disapproval. She donned her sunglasses, opened a soda, and made herself comfortable. "Do you really think that's appropriate?" Carol asked. "I know we're in the middle of nowhere, but there are still people around." "Whatever," Lauren replied dismissively, stretching out her legs and kicking off her high heels. "Helios isn't the fastest of cars, it'll be over an hour before Larry gets back. Those solar panels are crap. And Jimmy's still fiddling with the GZ2 around back. It'll be just us girls here for a while. It's too freakin' hot out here, and I'm gonna stay cool." Lauren seemed to hold a privileged position in Exadyne's management. Carol didn't know what her connections were, but she got away with just about anything. And today that included lounging about clad only in her lacy black bra and overly brief skirt. Carol let out an annoyed grunt and turned her attention to the numbers from Zelectra's run. After a few minutes had passed, she heard the low rumble of a vehicle pulling into the garage. Jimmy had arrived with the GZ2, a rather conventional looking hatchback with an entirely unconventional engine. "Uh, Lauren," she said, but quickly realized her boss wasn't paying attention. Jimmy was a quiet, stocky mechanic with a timid manner and brilliant mind for cars. He stepped out of the GZ2 with clipboard in hand, adjusting his thick-framed glasses as he focused on his maintenance report. "Hey Lauren, I've run the diagnostics and given the GZ2 a clean bill of health. All she needs is a fill up and she'll be ready to oh my goodness!" he exclaimed, finally noticing Lauren's semi-nude state. "Yes?" Lauren sipped her soda, acting as though nothing were amiss. "Um, yes, I've re-tuned the transmission to compensate for the, uh, the decreased transfer efficiency" he stammered. "Jimmy?" Lauren said, holding a hand at chest level and pointing a finger upward. "I'm up here. My breasts don't have an opinion on your maintenance report, so there's no point in talking to them." Jimmy's face flushed beet red. "Um, oh God, I'm sorry Lauren, I didn't mean to--" Lauren sniffed and turned away. "I swear, you'd think you'd never seen a pair of boobs before. Of course, knowing you, that could very well be the case." Jimmy's lips moved, but no sound came out. After several fruitless attempts at forming words, he turned and ran away. Lauren smiled, satisfied. Carol scowled. "That was really mean, Lauren. Jimmy's a nice guy. You know how shy he is, and I'm sure he wasn't expecting to run across a half naked woman in the garage." "If he really was a nice guy, then he wouldn't stare. He's not a gentleman, he's just another perv. Besides, he's probably off wanking in some dark corner right now. I bet I made his day. But since he's not here, you're gonna have to make sure the GZ2's gassed up and ready to go by the time Larry gets back." "You're unbelievable!" Carol shouted. "You're prancing around shirtless, practically falling out of your bra, and bitching out anyone who happens to look! It's rude, inconsiderate, and unprofessional. For Pete's sake, we're on the job here. Cover up!" She turned away and fetched the filling hose for the GZ2, Exadyne's first hydrogen-powered vehicle. The name had never made any sense to her. It was the first model in its line. There was no GZ1. But she wasn't in charge of naming the cars, and that was probably for the best. Lauren seemed to have ignored her rant for the most part. She looked down at her nearly bare torso. "I've been thinking about getting implants. I think I'm a decent size now, but men seem to like them big these days." Do you honestly expect me to care? "Great," Carol said, "you can have even bigger excuses to abuse guys who stare at you." Carol was fuming. Did this woman even know the meaning of shame? "Is that why you're so much nicer to Larry than I am? Because you don't have any excuses?" Carol suppressed the urge to scream. She was desperately trying to keep her simmering rage from boiling over. She took a long drink from her water bottle, draining it. "Just keep your cool, Carol," she whispered to herself. "You can't afford to lose it while handling flammable, high pressure gas." She made a mental note to get more water as soon as she finished gassing up the GZ2. She had to stay hydrated if she was to have any chance of keeping her wits about her, and she hadn't been drinking enough. "If you don't respond, maybe she'll just shut up." "I keep hearing you should always go a size or two bigger than you think you want. Lots of women regret not going big enough," Lauren continued. She squeezed her breasts together, experimenting with what it might be like to have a bit more bulge in her bust. "What do you think, should I get them enlarged?" Carol's jaw clenched, but she managed a relaxed tone. "Yes." Lauren did a double take. "You were actually listening? You really think I should go bigger?" she asked incredulously. "Yes," Carol snapped, yanking the hose from the GZ2. "I think you should go bigger. I think you should go much, much bigger and I think you should do it right now." Lauren was about to ask Carol what the hell she was talking about, but she only got as far as "Wha" before Carol stuffed the hose into her throat, pushing her back in her seat. Lauren froze in disbelief as her flat stomach instantly billowed out like a giant bubble as it filled with compressed hydrogen. "Nnnnnngh!" She struggled to push Carol away, but her whole body swelled up too quickly for her to fight effectively. In mere moments, her breasts overflowed her brassiere and spilled out of it, while her arms inflated to the point of uselessness. Even in her rage, Carol was fascinated by the sight of Lauren's buttocks filling out to the point where the chair began to break. The swelling continued down the length of her legs, splitting her skirt open like it was paper. "I didn't think you could show much more skin, but I guess I was wrong," Carol said. Lauren grew bigger and rounder, her limbs sticking straight out from the ever-expanding balloon that her torso had become. Carol could just barely make out Lauren's terrified eyes through the dark tint of her sunglasses. She was silently pleading for Carol to stop, but all she could do was struggle weakly and make a few soft, plaintive squeaks of distress. When Lauren had inflated to the point of complete immobility, Carol let go of the hose and stepped back to admire her work in progress. Lauren grew almost completely round, her tanned skin stretched like rubber, taut and shiny under the desert sun. It wasn't until that point that Carol even considered the possibility that Lauren might burst. As the expanding, quivering globe that was Lauren's body towered over her, Carol contemplated whether she'd be inconvenienced by that outcome. The gas reached out to overwhelm Lauren's furthest extremities and the last indications that she was anything but a giant balloon were the tiny hands and feet protruding from her massive orb of a body. And even these were plumping up to comical proportions. "Maybe you've had enough," Carol mused. Lauren nodded stiffly but vigorously as her sunglasses were pushed up by her increasingly puffy cheeks. Carol noticed that Lauren's shape was barely pressed in at all at the point where her belly touched the ground. "Or maybe you should go a little bit bigger." Lauren shook her head. The motion was even more stiff this time as each passing moment robbed her of a little bit of her remaining mobility. Her face had filled out so much that she was unrecognizable. "Just a little bit more," Carol taunted. The combination of buoyancy and pressure inside Lauren made her body almost perfectly spherical. She was just barely touching the ground. Lauren was only able to muster up a soft whimper as her lips started to swell up around the hose. The gas was quickly running out of places to fill, and Lauren could guess what the ultimate result of that would be. "Alright, I guess you've had enough." Carol shut off the gas and pulled the hose from Lauren's mouth. "You crazy bitch!" Lauren shrieked in a high-pitched voice. "What have you done to me?" "That should be pretty obvious," Carol said. "I'm floating!" And indeed she was. She had become so light that the slight added weight of the hose had been the only thing holding her down. Lauren was ever so slowly lifting up from the ground. Her ascent stopped as she hit the edge of garage door. She teetered precariously at the entrance, halfway between floating up to the garage's high ceiling and being lost to the wild blue yonder. "You were right," Carol said as she reached out and plucked Lauren's sunglasses from her face. "I'm so glad I went a size or two bigger than I originally intended." "Don't just stand there, you useless bimbo! Help me!" "Oh, I'm more than happy to help you out." Lauren's eyes grew wide with shock as Carol shoved her out of the garage and she rose up into the sky. "No! Don't! I'll fucking kill you if you don't get me down from here! I'll have your head for this!" Lauren's curses and threats continued unabated, but faded in volume as she steadily rose higher and the desert winds carried her away. "Aaah," She sighed blissfully, feeling relaxed on the job for the first time in a very long time. She put on Lauren's shades and grabbed another bottle of water from the cooler. The chair was ruined, so she reclined on the hood of the Zelectra. Far off in the distance, she saw a glint of sunlight reflecting off of the Helios' solar panels. Jimmy returned, shuffling out from behind the garage with his eyes downcast. "Hi Jimmy," Carol said, waving cheerfully. "Have a drink." "Sure," Jimmy said, though it was clear that he was still quite flustered. He looked around, and his gaze fell warily on the shattered chair and the shredded clothing around it. "Where'd she go?" "Oh, Lauren?" Carol quipped, imitating Lauren's imperious tone and pointing a finger skyward. "She's up there." He just nodded, assumed she was talking about the observation deck, and set about refueling the GZ2. "I'm sure she has a good view of the action." "I'm sure she does." Jimmy found Carol's grin to be slightly disconcerting, but he didn't ask what was so amusing. He was adjusting the tank pressure when he was startled by a distant bang followed by its rumbling echoes. "What the hell was that?" Carol hadn't even sat up. "Don't worry. It was probably just the car backfiring." Jimmy wasn't at all reassured. "Um, Carol, the Helios is solar-powered. It can't backfire." "Oh well," she said with a shrug. "It must have been something else then."
Female Inflation
Roy and Cindy were on a tour of their local candy factory. It was part of a contest held at their high school. The candy factory owner, Dr. Barry, had wanted to boost sales locally and he could think of no better way than to get his name in the local news by inviting twenty kids from the local high school (Barry was very devoted to all things local) to come and visit the factory and sample some of his latest and as yet not released candies. It just so happened that both Roy and Cindy won. The funny thing about this was they were currently dating and had both won by sheer chance. (Unless you listen to Monica, the head cheerleader who insists they somehow rigged it, but then she always had been jealous she couldn't have Roy). Both school goers were thrilled because they were nearing the end of their senior year and they saw this as a great way to end the year and their high school adventure. And if you don't accept that, hell, it was still a free day off school. The tour was nearing its end and Barry wanted to go out with a bang. He had decided that the last room he would lead the entourage through would be his invention room. He figured, what more interesting place could there be in the factory than the room where all his famous candies were born. The kids would even get to see some things that he was still currently working on perfecting for the public. You see, Barry hadn't fallen into the trap of modern day dullness. The only difference he could see between all the candy bars made were some had nuts and caramel, and some just had nuts. Now this may be particularly exciting for some, especially if you love caramel, but not for Barry. He wanted to make revolutionary candies. Candies that would make people see all other candy boring in comparison to his own. Therefore, many of his inventions were highly irregular, even dangerous, and should never be toyed with without his express permission. At least that was what Roy was listening to Barry drone on about as they wandered through the invention room. As far as Roy could tell, it was nothing special. Just large metal contraptions that probably did something boring. He looked over and noticed Cindy not listening. In fact, he liked to notice her a lot, considering she was a beautiful woman with sandy blonde hair and a curvy figure. He wasn't looking as much lately though. She used to be fairly plump with a large butt and boobs, but unfortunately, she had lately been on a diet craze and lost all her extra weight. Most of his friends thought it was a change for the better, but Roy had liked her larger. This day she was wearing a slightly loose pair of soft blue jeans with a sky blue belt, and a light blue button up blouse over a white tank top. Hey Cindy," he whispered, "maybe you should be listening to Barry's warnings." "O please, I'm sure it's nothing," she whispered back as she smacked on her gum. That was another thing that had changed. Ever since she started losing weight, all Cindy did was chew gum. She was obsessed. 'The chewing takes my mind off eating' Cindy would say every time he brought up how annoying the constant gum chewing was. Roy looked back to Barry, annoyed with his girlfriend and her stubborn attitude. He was just trying to make sure she didn't cause trouble. Despite his efforts, she usually did. They had just arrived at a large new machine. "This is our most wonderful invention yet," said the factory owner Dr. Barry to the fidgety group. "Someone press the button to start it up." No one made a motion to move. "Alas, I'll do it myself," and with that Barry eagerly pressed a large red button. The machine instantly whirled into motion creating what everyone expected to be a candy marvel. There were buzzes, beeps, and rotating mechanical wonders. Roy nudged Cindy, "This might be interesting huh?" "Eh, probably just another Candy I can't eat because it'll cause me to balloon up." Mr. Barry reached into a landing chute and pulled out what appeared to be a small blue blob. "Does anyone know what this is," Barry questioned. Her interests suddenly perked, Cindy Spoke up. "It looks like gum," she declared. "Wrong," he said with a wry smile, "it's the most fantastic gum soon to be known to man." "What's so fantastic about it," Cindy questioned with her curiosity growing by the moment. "Why it's a three course meal. Soup, a main course, and dessert. When this is perfected, we will produce a whole line of meals that people will be able to enjoy just by chewing on a stick of gum." Many of the gathered students, many in high level classes such as gym and sewing, started to question Mr. Barry's sanity. However, while he was turned to them defending himself and his self-proclaimed gum, Cindy quickly seized the opportunity to snatch the gum from Barry's extended hand. "Sounds like the perfect thing for me," Cindy declared wanting to be the first the try this wondrous new invention. 'Also,' she thought to herself, 'I can eat an entire simulated meal with none of the calories.' The future diet possibilities were amazing to contemplate. Before she could savor her new found prize, Barry immediately shouted out a warning. "I wouldn't do that if I were you, I really wouldn't. That gum hasn't been fully perfected." Cindy could only smile as she swallowed her old gum (which she was conveniently prone to do) and stuck the blob in her mouth. "Then I'll perfect it for you." "No, you don't understand," Barry tried to impose, "that gum has some severe side effects that still need to be worked out." Cindy was too wrapped up in her excitement to even listen or care now though. Barry sighed, and decided that he had tried to warn her and she would be getting her just desserts now. Quite literally. As Cindy started to chew Roy tried to stop her also, but Cindy just pulled away and told him she could do what she wanted. "This gum is marvelous. It tastes just like chicken noodle soup. O my, now it's changing. Fried chicken and peas! It tastes as though I'm eating the real thing." As the others watched Cindy with curiosity Roy could only wonder about the side effects Barry had tried to caution her about. "Here comes dessert. Blueberry pie!! My absolute favorite!! And this has to be the best blueberry pie I have ever had times ten." Cindy was practically moaning with pleasure now. Then something funny started to happen. Cindy's fingers started turning a faint blue color and the blue started spreading up her arms. "What is happening to her Barry," Roy asked worried. Barry casually answered, "I told her not the have the gum, now she's in for a big surprise. Don't worry though, it won't be that severe." When Roy looked back the blue color had spread all through Cindy's skin and she was starting to notice that something was wrong. She was just getting over seeing her faintly blue skin when Roy noticed something himself. Her small breasts seemed a little larger. He looked closer and realized that they were still growing. Cindy seemed to realize this about the same time and cried out. "O my god, what's happening to my boobs. They feel so funny." "They're growing," Roy said, starting to enjoy the side effects. Cindy could feel the pressure in her breasts increasing and there was a large tingling feeling. Her bra started to tighten and she could feel her boobs starting to push into her bra more and more. Her shirt also started tightening. "What have you done to me Barry?" "Don't worry," Barry assured, "this always happens at the dessert. All you have to do is spit out the gum and this will stop." "I can't spit out the gum," Cindy said frantically noticing the buttons on the top part of her shirt begin to strain. Barry sighed, "Well, I think you probably should consider it. You don't want this to go any further." "I can't spit it out because I swallowed it. I thought the flavor was about up and I always swallow my gum when I'm done with it." Barry looked horrified. "How could you swallow the gum!! I can't believe you did that. This is not good, not good at all." By this time Cindy's breasts were in the range of DD. The top button on her blue blouse finally couldn't hold any longer and popped off with a clang. "Well, this isn't that bad. All your side effects seem to do is give me larger breasts. I've always wanted to be fuller up top. I just hope this blue tint to my skin fades." "And what happens when your breasts start getting to full," Barry questioned. Cindy looked up with a confused gaze. "What do you mean?" Suddenly a second button burst off her shirt and Cindy's growing cleavage became more apparent. Her white tank top was now visible and it looked incredibly strained. Roy noticed Amy almost looked a little bluer now. That was when Cindy started to feel the tingling feeling spread. "O my, I feel so funny!" Suddenly, Cindy's thighs started to grow rounder. "What are you doing now Cindy?" someone shouted. "Help me, my legs are getting fatter. Ooo, it feels so weird. I can feel them growing rounder." Barry looked worried, "We need to get that gum out of her quick. We need to get it out of her before this can spread anymore. None of my workers are answering my call though." Cindy could only stare helplessly as all the wrinkles in her jeans smoothed over as her legs grew into them. Then her thighs started pushing into her jeans, growing rounder by the second. Everyone was surprised by a ting sound, until they realized another button had popped off her shirt completely exposing Cindy's enormous breasts stuffed inside her bra and tank top. The blue hue had grown stronger and could be seen through the tank top. "Ahhh, my boobs are still growing too." "Your legs are quickly catching up though," Roy said pleased, started to get very turned on. And it was true. The inside of Cindy's thighs finally got round enough to touch each other. Cindy, realizing this, spread her legs apart some not wanting her thighs to touch because that was an indication of how fat they were becoming. However, her legs just started pumping up faster and one could really see just how thick they were becoming. Then they too slowed down in their growth, but were still slowly growing like her boobs. In her moment of reprieve Cindy got angry. "Look at what you did to me," Cindy shouted at Barry moving toward him. As she walked, she waddled slightly with her round thighs rubbing and her boobs moving up and down. "You brought this on yourself, but it's only just begun. Like I said, we need to get that gum out of you fast." Cindy continued moving toward Barry and Roy got a view of her backside which now seemed a little puffy. She suddenly stopped and grabbed her butt. Roy could see her hands moving outward and Cindy could feel the odd sensation of her butt checks growing into her hands. "Oh no, not my butt now too. What's happening to me? My whole body is getting huge." Her butt started widening more and more. Her rear end passed the point of curvy and continued rounding out. Her butt was getting really plump now and started pushing into the seat of her jeans. Even her belt started feeling a little tight. "I have to get out of here," she cried in her panicked state. Cindy started to walk away, but slower and slower. Her thighs were still growing and were quite round by now. As she walked away her butt continued to grow and began to sway more with each step. Her panty lines became very pronounced as her jeans grew even tighter and started to creak a little. Suddenly there was a loud snap. Cindy jumped and realized her extremely tight bra had finally broke to her cantaloupe sized breasts. "Somebody help me, I don't know what is happening to me. I'm filling up." "Like a balloon," Roy added. "Like a blueberry," Barry corrected. "This is all your fault, Barry," she pouted. "Oh no, that feeling is growing again. Roy, stop this" But it was too late and her hips started to flare out. "Ooooo, I'm getting fat everywhere. Stop this!" Cindy tried holding her hips in but it was no use and they just continued growing. Her butt was still growing rounder by the second and her hips tightened her belt even more. Cindy's arms started to push out due to her hips enlarging outwards further and further. Cindy now had a very pronounced hourglass figure as her hips slowed down and the funny feeling started to grow again. She was helpless as her stomach started to poof out. Her shirt grew tight and her stomach pushed into the crotch of her jeans. Her butt and hips were still growing underneath her ever tightening belt. Cindy spread her legs out again as her legs plumped up even more. "Uhhh, my belt hurts so much," she moaned. One by one the bottom buttons on her shirt blew off like a gun firing. Her tank top was stretched over her growing midsection. Her blue belly button started to poke out from under her tank top and grow over her belt. Her crotch filled even more. Her belt started groaning and finally burst off with a loud bang. Her midsection gave one final shove into the button of her incredibly tight jeans and the inflation suddenly ceased. "Look at me, I'm so fat. I am about really to burst out of my clothes. OOOOOO, that feeling is growing so big now." "Oh no," Barry said, "the final push." "Huh, what do yo..." but Cindy never finished her statement. Suddenly her whole body began to swell again. "Ahhh, help me, my whole body is getting fatter." "Barry," someone yelled, "someone has to get that air out of her quick." Barry answered: "there's no air in there, it's juice. She's blowing up into a huge blueberry." As he said this Cindy's jeans button popped open and her stomach pushed down her zipper. The front of her teal panties were clad to the crotch section. Her tank top started to rip. "I'm getting too big, if this swelling doesn't stop, I'm going to pop." Her beach ball size butt checks finally split the seat of her pants with a large rip. Her teal panties glistening spread over her huge derriere. Right after this her boobs gave a large push forward and burst the last of her tank top. The seams of her jeans gave a final protest as her thighs blew apart the rest of her jeans. Eventually Cindy was standing in just her panties and she was getting rounder by the second. Her butt gave a large swelling thrust and her panties exploded off. Her body deepened to a deep blue and her legs started growing together as even her arms and cheeks filled out. Cindy finished rounding out until she was a blue sphere with a head. Her body started to pulsate with pressure. "Mhhhmm," she mumbled through her large checks. "Barry," Roy screamed, "do something." Just as he said this the workers finally arrived with the device to get the gum out of Cindy. And not a moment too soon. Barry had Cindy rolled to the de-juicing room where she was promptly squeezed. However, even in that short amount of time, some of the juice had been transformed to fat and she was still quite plump after it all. Cindy decided to give up on diets and gum.
blimp, floating, helium
Female Inflation
Full Body Inflation
I was attending college out of state. Away from home for the first time, just a little bird stretching her wings. Of course the down side to that was that I was away from my family and friends. I was alone in a strange place, without any familiar faces. So I was glad when I was befriended by Leslie and Cindy. We just seemed to click. Before too long we were thick as thieves, always together whenever our schedules allowed. One day they told me they had a shared interest in ballooning, and asked me if I would like to go with them on a balloon ride. College is all about new experiences, isn't it? So I readily agreed. I met up with them out in a rural area. The place looked like an abandoned old farm. We walked over to a rickety old barn. Behind it was indeed a large wicker basket, just like hot air balloonists use. "Cindy, can you go get a helium tank out of the barn? I have to make sure Leslie is all good to go." "Okie-dokie," chirped Cindy as she flounced into the barn. Debra bent over into the basket and came back up with four ropes. Each one had a loop at the end. "Okay, now I just need to slip these over your wrists and ankles," she said. I smirked. "You're afraid I might fall out or something?" "Something like that, yeah," she responded vaguely as she placed one loop over my left hand. With a firm tug on the rope, the loop closed firmly around my wrist. She repeated the procedure with my other wrist and both ankles. "I may never have flown in a balloon before, but don't you think four tethers is going a little overboard on safety? I'm not that clumsy." Debra grinned as she cinched down the last loop. "Trust me. Four is definitely the way to go." Cindy returned pushing a helium bottle on a hand truck as Debra made sure the ropes were secure. A long hose was hooked up to the bottle, which Cindy had wrapped around her shoulder. With a shrug, she let it fall to the ground. "Boy, its tough moving these things! Next time I get the easy job," Cindy pouted. "Bitch, bitch, bitch..." Debra mumbled as she grabbed the free end of the hose and then moved to turn the tap on the helium tank. "So, um, where's the balloon?" I asked. Debra walked over to me. I could hear the helium hissing out of the hose she was carrying. She smiled and cupped my chin with her free hand. "Why, you're going to be the balloon, silly!" she said brightly. "What do...umph!" My question was choked off as Debra rammed the hose into my mouth, all the way to the back of my throat. I could feel the cool helium rushing into me. I was momentarily stunned at this bizarre turn. When I regained my wits a few seconds later, I went to pull the hose out of my mouth. Debra had anticipated this and held on tightly to the ropes on my wrists to prevent me from moving my arms. "Now, now. No backing out now. We can't go on a balloon ride without our balloon can we?" Debra cooed sweetly. I felt stiff all over. Pressure was building in my chest. I glanced down and was dumbfounded to see my boobs start to grow. My bra was growing uncomfortably tight. Debra had noticed this too. "Ah, there we go! You're inflating nicely. Don't have to hold on to these anymore," she said and let go of the ropes. Seizing this opportunity, I tried to grab the hose, but my arms starfished out from my sides like they had a mind of their own. I couldn't bend them anymore. I couldn't even flex my fingers, either. This couldn't be happening! My rapidly swelling breasts overgrew my bra. I could feel boobflesh spilling out over and underneath. Compressed cleavage was being pushed up into my face. The pain was unbearable! "Oh, gee, maybe we should have told her to remove her bra first," Cindy said. "And ruin the surprise? Not on your life!" laughed Debra. My breasts were by now truly enormous. Easily the size of beachballs. The only thing my bra was covering were my aerolas. A slow ripping sound of tearing elastic told me relief was on the way. With a final loud pop, by brazzier failed completely. My massive boobs proudly burst forth with such force that they popped all of the buttons off my blouse at once. "Awesome!" gaped Cindy. "This is so much better than getting undressed first! Next time I'm going to inflate with my clothes on!" "That'll get real expensive real quick," opined Debra. Free of their fabric prison, my boobs seemed content to stop their rediculous expansion. But a rubbery, squeeking noise from my rear told me things weren't done yet. "Booty time!" squealed Cindy. My buttcheeks were inflating. My already tight shorts wouldn't hold this expanding mass for long. In no time the button on the waistband popped off, and the zipper zipped down on its own. That didn't provide enough relief, and soon I felt my shorts ripping and shredding, unable to contain my expanding ass. The strips of fabric fell off of me. Just my overly stretched panties covered me, but I could tell it wouldn't last long. It was slowly turning into a thong as my butt grew and grew. As if feeling left out on the fun, now my belly started to inflate. My taut skin stretched and groaned to accomodate the building helium pressure within me. I grew light on my feet, and then suddenly I was floating. "And we have liftoff!" chortled Debra. I kept on expanding, growing more spherical each second. My overtaxed panties were giving me the mother of all wedgies. They simultaneously ripped apart at the crotch and the waist, and fell off of me. I rose higher in the air. My inflating torso merged with my gigantic ass. My circumference consumed my limbs up to the elbows and knees. A tug on my limbs let me know I had reached the limit of the ropes. I was pretty sure I was facing up, but my ballooning cleavage blocked my view. "Oh, she's almost ready," said Cindy. "No she's not," Debra said. "Go get another tank." "But why?" asked Cindy. "Because this time we're both going to be in the basket," explained Debra. "Twice the weight, so we'll need twice the lift. Thus, we need another helium tank." "But...can she hold that much?" "We'll find out. Go on, this tank is pretty much played out." Debra was right. The helium flow was starting to slacken. I wasn't growing as fast. Soon though, I heard another helium tank being wheeled underneath me. I felt the flow into me stop. After a brief pause, the sound of a tap squeaking open told me they weren't done inflating me yet. Helium roared into me with a renewed vengeance. "Wow, she looks so beautiful," gushed Cindy. "Do I look like that when you inflate me?" "Pretty much," replied Debra. "Although I don't think your boobs get quite as big." "I've got awesome tits!" "Oh, quit pouting. I'm only teasing. Get in the basket, we don't want her floating away without us." The rubbery squeaking sound of my skin stretching grew markedly louder as I inflated faster with the new tank. My expanding body consumed my limbs and neck. Then, impossibly, I kept growing. My hands and feet were enveloped by flesh. I was a giant pink orb with two outrageous breasts, each one a quarter the size of my inflated body. Only four dimples where the ropes attached marred my perfectly smooth surface. My skin was stretched tighter than a snare drum. I could hear it creaking and groaning, desperately trying to contain the massive pressure inside me. I didn't think I could hold it anymore...was I...was I going to explode? "! She's enormous!" Cindy exclaimed. "Debs, you simply must blow me up that large next time!" "I really don't think you're a two-tank kind of girl. Untie that ballast, will you? I think she's big enough." The hose slowly pulled out of my mouth. Just in time, I thought, before I popped. I felt myself start to rise again. A gentle, cool breeze washed over my taught skin, propelling me to who-knows-where. I tried to scream some invective at Cindy and Debra, but all that came out was a helium-induced high pitched *squeak*. "Oh, be quiet Leslie," Debra shushed. "We don't want you deflating just yet. This ride is just getting started." From far below me, I heard a voice shout: "Hey, you two! Who're you flying today?" "Leslie!" Cindy yelled back. "Isn't she gorgeous?" "Amazing! I didn't think she had that much volume in her! she changing colors?" I could hear Cindy giggling. "I think she's blushing! Isn't it cute?" It was true; I was so embarassed. The whole county was going to see me naked...and inflated.
Inflation Olympics
Female Inflation
Belly Inflation, Breast Inflation, Full Body Inflation
Sarah collapsed back into her office chair as she returned from lunch. She hadn't had as long to eat as she usually liked, but her editor, Ted, had made it clear earlier that he had a new story that he wanted her to get started with. Anxious to find out what it was, she picked up her phone and dialed her voice mail."Hey, Sarah, it's Ted. I'm not really sure what to make of this, but this morning I got a call from downtown. Supposedly some local group is holding a sort of privately-run Olympics this month, starting today. This is the first I've heard about it, and they wouldn't really give me any details about the program over the phone. I would have written it off as some sort of publicity stunt... some bozo trying to get media coverage... except they said that they were giving coverage of the events to us, exclusively. I apologize in advance if this turns out to be a waste of time, but I'd like you to at least go check it out. The address they gave me was '134 E. Redwood Drive, at the intersection of Redwood and Lake, downtown. So when you get back from lunch, could you please head down there and see what is going on? Thanks. Bye."Click.Sighing, Sarah hung up the phone and began to gather her things. She slid her micro-cassette recorder into the pocket of her slacks, and grabbed her clipboard. She snatched a mechanical pencil out of her "you don't have to be crazy to work here, but it helps," mug, and shook it to make sure there was still lead in it. Satisfied by the rattle of the lead inside, she tucked it into her pocket as well. She grabbed her car keys and headed for the door, pausing only to briefly run her fingers through her auburn hair at the mirror on the back of her office door. She also gave an exaggerated grin to the mirror, checking to make sure that no remnants of her lunch were still in her teeth. Finding everything in satisfactory order, she headed down to the parking garage.She found the address without incident, but she was a little bewildered. The lot matching the address was occupied by a large concrete and aluminum structure that seemed to be more akin to a warehouse than any sort of sports arena. There were several cars in the parking lot, and they covered quite the range of vehicles. There were a few sedans in various states of repair, one jeep at the edge of the lot, a few fairly large sports-utility-vehicles, and surprisingly, two limousines. Sarah got out of her car, and walked to the front of the building hesitantly. There was a door there, but it was locked, and no one responded to her knocking. Not quite ready to give up yet, she decided to check around back. If there was no way to get in back there, she'd just call Ted back and report that it looked like this was a prank call.She rounded the back of the building after a long walk, and began to look for an alternative exit. As she walked along the side of the building, she passed a concrete partition and saw another door, but it was very oddly constructed. The door was painted green like the front door had been, but this door was almost square, about seven feet on a side, rather than the standard narrow rectangle like the front entrance. Even more oddly, the handle of the door was set directly in the center of the door, rather than offset to be opposite of the hinges like normal. A white plastic sign reading "locker room," hung at eye-level on the door.Well, a locker room sounded promising. The front door being locked was rather odd, but perhaps they weren't officially open yet. Sarah decided that she'd give it a try. She grabbed the handle of the square door, and found that it pushed easily open into a concrete hallway that continued a few dozen feet forward and then made a ninety-degree turn off to the right. Rather cold air conditioning flooded out into her face. She stepped inside and shut the door behind her, as it didn't seem to want to close by itself. She heard a number of distant female voices coming through the bend in the hallway, several women in conversation with each other. Hopefully someone that could relay her to whoever was in charge of this event, Sarah thought.She began walking towards the bend in the hallway, but she hadn't gone more than ten feet before her right foot caught the lip of a crack in the concrete, causing her to stumble and fall to the ground. Her clipboard clattered to the ground a few feet in front of her. She mentally reprimanded herself with an internal cry of "Klutz!" Wincing at the pain in her knees from the fall, she crawled forward and retrieved the clipboard. She looked back toward the crack that had spilled her, and noticed that her pencil had come out of her pocket. She climbed to her feet and walked back over to the crack in the concrete that had gotten the best of her, and retrieved her pencil. She stood there for a moment, facing the door she had just come through, while she brushed herself off and regained her dignity."Excuse me?" said a contralto female voice behind Sarah."Oh, sorry," began Sarah, as she stepped to the side and started to turn, "I tripped, I was j...OH MY GOD!" she suddenly shrieked, saucer-eyed, as she got a look at her companion. The woman was, without exception, the widest human being that Sarah had ever seen. She was Sarah's height, and her face was thin, but below her neck, the woman began to... bulge. Her huge breasts rose from a swollen torso that was very nearly as wide as the woman was tall. Her thighs, shoulders, and upper arms were vastly distended, sausage-like. Her thighs descended into hugely swollen calves and then into incongruously normal ankles. Her thick upper arms narrowed into slightly-plumped forearms and graceful, normal hands with very well-trimmed fingernails bearing splashes of pink polish. All of her immense curves had somehow been stuffed into a giant grey unitard. The woman had brown eyes and eyebrows, but her ponytailed-hair had been dyed bright red. She jumped in response to Sarah's shriek.Sarah could do nothing but gape. Recovering from her own shock, the woman smiled and shook her head ruefully. "Sorry about surprising you, hun," the swollen redhead apologized. "I heard you trip, and I wanted to make sure you were okay. You're the reporter, right?""Bu-uh-h-h? Huh?" Sarah stammered."You're the reporter, right?" the woman tried again, speaking more slowly this time. "Sarah Alders, from Valley Sports?""Uh... Y, yes I am," Sarah finally managed. She was beginning to get a grip on herself again. "I-I'm sorry I stared, I just wasn't expecting..." she began. The woman's rich laughter cut her off suddenly."Quite all right! Like I said, I was coming to make sure you hadn't hurt yourself... I hadn't been thinking about how you were going to react to my appearance," the woman grinned. She stepped to turned her immense body sideways and offered her hand to Sarah. "I'm Laurie, nice to meet you." Laurie's body, now in profile, almost made Sarah go into hysterics again.. the woman was almost as deep as she was wide! Quavering, Sarah took her hand timidly and carefully shook it. Laurie grinned at her again, and chuckled "you don't have to look so nervous!" She pressed in with her fingers on various places on her bloated body, dimpling the unitard as she pushed inwards. "This is all just helium," Laurie explained."Uh... what?" Sarah asked blankly. Laurie laughed again."Geez... I'm not going about this very well. I had it all rehearsed how I was going to explain things... and then you tripped, and I managed to forget all about it," Laurie sighed. "Tell you what... why don't you come have a seat over here, on one of this benches, and I'll try and start over and get this explanation done right," suggested Laurie."Okay," Sarah conceded, glad to be on familiar ground again. As Laurie took a hand to Sarah's back to guide her over to where the locker room benches were, she spied the mechanical pencil still clutched in Sarah's hand from when she had picked it up off the floor."Oh, um... why don't you give that pencil to me, for right now?" Laurie requested. "We've never had any accidents here at the arena, and we certainly don't want any today... and definitely not any involving me!" Laurie laughed. She held out a hand to receive the implement, slightly anxiously."What?" Sarah asked yet again. She was beginning to think she was losing her mind. "Oh." Giving in, she surrendered the pencil to Laurie."This way, please," she called as she walked over towards a pair of benches beside a row of lockers. As she walked, Sarah went wide-eyed yet again; Laurie was just as huge from behind as from the front. Each buttock had to be at least a foot-and-half across. In motion, Laurie's gigantic backside beneath the unitard was like watching two cats fight in slow motion inside a sack. She had a rolling sort of stride, almost a waddle; Laurie didn't walk like she was heavy, just like she was too round for walking to be an easy task. As she passed a small green trash bin, she flicked the pencil into the trash receptacle."Hey, my pencil!" Sarah called. She didn't know what was going on, but she at least knew that she needed something to write with."I'll get you a wax-tip pencil instead," Laurie volunteered. She paused for a moment, and cryptically added, "They're safer." She showed Sarah to a bench, left briefly, and then returned with a new pencil that held colored wax rather than graphite for her. Laurie handed the pencil to the seated Sarah and then sat on the bench herself. She filled almost all of it, even though it would normally have been able to seat four people comfortably. Sarah squeezed as close to the armrest as she could, to avoid being squished against Laurie's body. "Okay!" Laurie said. "The explanation!" Laurie closed her mouth, and Sarah could see Laurie's jaw and tongue working at something that appeared to be at the base of her teeth, like she was trying to get at a particle of food that was wedged there. Abruptly, a torrent of wind flooded from Laurie's mouth, and she was replaced by a very trim version of her former cartoon-like physique, more compact than Sarah herself. Her unitard still fit her as snugly as it had before. Sarah let out yet another shriek of terror. "Ah.... much better," Laurie sighed."Please tell me what is going on," Sarah pleaded."Sorry about that," the-now-normal-sized-Laurie apologized. "This is how I meant to meet you," she explained as she gestured at her now-trim figure. She looked fit, and there was nothing at all alarming about her current body. "I was working out when I heard you come in and I started to deflate, but then I heard you fall and ran to see if you were okay without thinking. I'm sorry to have startled you," Laurie added. She tucked a strand of red hair behind an ear."But... what..." Sarah stammered."I know, I know, I'm getting to that, just let me talk," Laurie promised. She pursed her lips in thought. "Okay, here we go. You know the athletic event that you were sent to cover?" Laurie asked."Yes," Sarah agreed."That was it, right there," Laurie said. "This event is a contest of inflation," Laurie said with a grin. "We all come here every few months to compete, and see who's the best at various things. We see who can get the biggest, who can hold the gas in the longest, who can inflate the most quickly, things like that," Laurie explained. Sarah just stared at her.Finally, Sarah asked, "Why?"Laurie shrugged her now-slender shoulders and said, "Why do anything? Why do people play any of the games that they do? It's fun, it's exciting, it's challenging, and it's certainly competitive." She leaned back against the backrest of the bench and smiled. "Frankly, it's pretty hard to come up with a new idea these days, and for all of us here, this was something new and exciting.""I.... see," Sarah said a last. She could mentally still see Laurie's incredibly distended former figure filling the entire bench to capacity. It was hard to imagine that this was the same woman! Now that her initial surprise had largely passed, she could at least try and cling to a shred of professionalism. "Okay," Sarah began, withdrawing the tape recorder from her pocket and readying her clipboard, "So, um, Laurie... tell me, what do you enjoy most about this... uh, sport?" Sarah depressed the record button on the recorder, and heard the tape spindles begin to spin. Laurie bit her lip and thought about it."Well, for me, I really like the competitiveness of it. Also, I think it feels REALLY cool to inflate... well, like you just saw. You feel so stuffed, but there's also a sense of snugness and contentment. I can't speak for everyone, but that's what I like about it," Laurie said."I see," Sarah said, who didn't see at all. She began writing on her clipboard, laying out an outline to organize things, in addition to the recording. "Well... one thing that I'm still in the dark about, is how is this even possible? How can the human body even possibly stretch like that?" Sarah asked. Laurie's ballooned-body was still present in her mind's eye. Laurie nodded."It can't, not normally anyways," Laurie said, considering. "I don't personally understand it all that well. Some of my friends can explain it better... you can meet them later," she added. "Anyways, I'll try and explain it as best I can for now," Laurie offered. "Basically, skin is composed of two components, collagen and elastin. Collagen is a rigid protein that gives skin its structure, and elastin is a flexible protein that gives skin its flexibility. The thing that prevents skin from stretching too far is that eventually the collagen framework tears. ""So... what, somehow you've gotten rid of this collagen frame?" Sarah asked, now genuinely curious."No, it's not that simple," Laurie said, with a negative shake of her head. "With no collagen, skin is wrinkly. There's nothing that gives it a defined shape to return to," she said. "When we're competing or training, we take special pills. What they do, over the course of a couple of months, is cause new skin cells to make something other than collagen and elastin," Laurie explained. "It's called 'helical elastin.' It's a protein that has some properties of collagen and elastin both. Normally it is fairly rigid, but when enough external pressure is applied to it, it will stretch, and it will snap back when the pressure is released. Under enough pressure, it is a couple dozen times more flexible than elastin, and when not under pressure it is rigid like collagen," Laurie continued. "So basically, my skin is different from yours right now," Laurie added."Weird," Sarah observed."At first, yeah... it feels a little different too, but I've gotten used to it," Laurie said."Okay... so how do you actually inflate?" Sarah asked."Oh... there's nothing too terribly complicated about that," Laurie said. She leaned towards Sarah and opened her mouth wide. When Sarah looked in, she lifted her tongue back towards the roof of her mouth. Under her tongue, Sarah spied a tiny black opening. "I just take a hose of compressed gas into my mouth, press my tongue tightly against the back of my mouth so the gas doesn't go down my throat, and the gas goes down into that opening instead. I had this surgically put in when I first got into the sport. Most people have a similar sort of system," Laurie explained."So... uh, where does that go?" Sarah asked."All over," Laurie said with a smile. "The main tube breaks up into a couple of smaller ones, and it takes the gas to various areas in my body. As long as I'm taking the pills, I just safely stretch along with the gas flowing into me!""What gas do you use?" Sarah wondered."Helium, like I said before," Laurie said. "Helium is safe because it doesn't react with the body at all, air or whatever would. We can't take in enough of it to float, though," Laurie chuckled. "Well... I can't, anyway," she added cryptically."So how do you deflate when you want to let the helium out?" Sarah asked, continuing to make notes on her clipboard while the recorder ran."A certain tongue motion opens and closes the valve in the tube," Laurie answered. "When the valve opens, the pressure of my skin trying to snap back just blows all the gas out at once. It's really a rush," Laurie said."I noticed," Sarah said dryly, but with a bit of a smile she couldn't quite suppress. This was definitely bizarre, but it was bizarre enough to be interesting! "Okay, so the big question... why did you invite me here today? How come you want this report done?" Sarah asked."Well," Laurie began, considering. "We want to share this with people. When you enjoy something as much as we enjoy this, you want to give other people a taste of the fun as well," Laurie said. She seemed to be thinking for a moment, and then smiled to herself. "We only asked your magazine to cover it exclusively for two reasons: you cover a lot of extreme sports already, and if we only invited one magazine to cover the events this month, there wouldn't be much chance of things getting out of hand and turning into a media circus," Laurie finished. "We want to be taken seriously, not made fun of." She turned and looked at Sarah, "Will you do this story for us?"Sarah thought about it for a second before answering. At the very least, this would be a new experience...Sarah grinned and said, "Sure, Laurie! You're right about one thing... my magazine does cover a lot of extreme sports... but I think that you and your friends are about to turn the extreme sport world upside down!"Laurie said, "Great! Come on, I'll take you to meet some of my friends... they're going to be thrilled, too. After that, I'll show you what it's like when I get really round! You just caught me halfway there when you came in, after all!"Sarah gulped.Laurie grinned at her reaction. "Welcome to the Inflation Olympics, Sarah!"
birthday, realistic, romantic, tracksuit
Female Inflation
Belly Inflation
I finally decided I'd had enough when I opened the wardrobe and found it empty. Martin was already sailing pretty close to the wind. Then one of the mates he'd brought back from the pub said something like, "'Ere Jo, I 'ear you wanna be Martin's blowup dolly but 'e's no' into it," followed by loud male laughter. I felt so stupid for trusting Martin with my secrets. The rest of the evening I spent locked in the bathroom, where there was at least a steady supply of tissues. Someone pounded on the door at one point but it turned out to be a prelude to him going out the front and using the drain. I hope he got arrested. It had been so hard to tell him too. We were lying in bed one night after he'd relieved himself on me – it's not accurate to call it making love – and I thought, "well Josephine, it's now or never," screwed my courage up into a tight ball and blurted it out: "Martinigetoffonbeinginflated!" His only response was "Yew wot? Well thass jus' STEWPID!". With that sentence, he'd taken that ball of courage and kicked it into the wheelybin. Looking back, I don't know why I didn't just throw him out then and there, but like the idiot I was back then, all I did was turn over and try to fall asleep. I didn't even kick him out of bed. He'd never liked my taste in clothes. He always wanted me to look either really girly in flowery dresses and lacy things or ridiculously smart with suit jackets, shoulderpads and pinstripes. Not too much though, because one thing he didn't like was for me to wear the trousers. Neither image was me at all, but I suppose I thought I'd never get another boyfriend so I put up with it. I started looking forward to times when he wasn't around so I could slouch around the place in my favourites, jogging bottoms and sweatshirts. I've always liked that sort of stuff because it's neither formal nor feminine. I'd even become a Pilates instructor partly so I could spend my days in tracksuits. Anyway, one Friday I got up to go to work, opened the wardrobe and all my sweats, tracksuits and hoodies, all the comfy and, for my work, practical, were gone. It didn't take me long to work out what he'd done. There was no scene because he wasn't there at the time. I just had the locks changed and returned his favour by throwing out his side of the wardrobe too. I put it in binliners outside and it happened to be the day they collected the rubbish. Oh dear. Having spent the day in a pencil skirt and blouse trying to demonstrate exercises to people, I snook back home. Martin tried to text me all day, rang me incessantly and posted notes through the door, but pretty soon he seemed to take the hint and stayed out of my life. The next few days were a bit odd. It was a week until payday so I spent a lot of time wearing the old dresses he'd bought me, though I did manage to borrow a couple of things from friends. To be honest, it was at least interesting to see how people treated me with a different image but to pull that off you have to feel comfortable in what you're wearing and that I couldn't do. How was I supposed to teach in a suit jacket and a narrow skirt? I'm not one for avoiding rebound decisions. I prefer just to jump straight back in and honestly, I've never found I paid for it later (what do you mean Martin was a bad decision? Sh.) Well, this time was no different. What happened was, I went out to buy a couple of cheap tracksuits for work and noticed the bloke behind the counter almost immediately. The way he folded my items and placed them in the back was a bit strange. Clearly he was trying to be a good till clerk but there was something almost loving about it. Creepy in anyone else, I'm sure, but somehow in him it wasn't. Also, the way he looked was really something else. In a good way. A really good way. When I finally got paid, I wasted no time in going straight back down to the shop, this time going to the more expensive racks, and buying five really quite nice new tracksuits, one for every day of the week. Retail therapy, but with more than one ulterior motive. I spent ages in the changing rooms mixing and matching, checking myself out in the mirror, then gathered up all five from the hangers, marched up to the counter and presented – yes! The same guy! - with my card. It wasn't cheap but luckily he used it as an excuse to start chatting. "You really like tracksuits don't you?" Try to be cool. "Yeah, well my EX-boyfriend chucked all my old ones out and I need them for work. I'm a Pilates teacher." "Oh yes? I'm quite into yoga myself. But not champagne!" I laughed for rather too long. "Oh, that's a shame, 'cause I like pina colada". "My favourite!" I decided to go for it. "Maybe you could join me for one after you knock off?" He seemed briefly tongue-tied, then: "Tell you what. Meet me at the Blue Bull at 7 this evening." "OK! Look forward to it! I'm Jo by the way." "My name's Paul. See you later!" So there I sat, obsessively checking the time at 6:57 pm that evening, alone at the bar at the Blue Bull. He turned up on the dot at 7 and it went on from there. Whereas the past few days had been a bit odd, the next few weeks were a blissful blur. He was so amazingly different from Martin that it was hard to believe they were even the same species. Paul was so much more considerate, generous and he was a good listener, everything I wanted in a man. He also turned out to have a pretty serious sportswear fetish, to the extent that he'd specifically chosen to work in that shop because – get this – he liked the exact kind of tracksuits I had bought. In a way he was underachieving because it turned out he had a doctorate in exercise physiology and he'd lied about his qualifications, or at least not mentioned the degree-level stuff, so he wouldn't be promoted out of reach of his beloved sportswear. He'd been a bit shy about telling me all this and despite being rather drunk for courage's sake, he was still shaking a bit when he told me, and I missed an opportunity there, overcome as I was by his cuteness in that state, to tell him mine like he'd told me his. How I did it in the end was that one night before he arrived, I wrote it all down on a piece of paper and put it in an envelope, then when I went out in the morning before he got up, I left it on the kitchen table with his name on it. It was the day before my birthday. The working day was difficult to get through because I kept wondering how he'd react but managed to escape into my students' needs and the sheer physical activity involved. By the time I came back, I was the one who was shaking. I could hardly get my key in the lock. I swung the door to the flat open – and all my fears evaporated with the scene in front of me. There he was, smiling at the table with a bucket of champagne and two glasses. I left my worries behind me in the corridor and slammed the door on them. "I've got you two birthday presents, but first, why don't we have a little celebration?" He popped the champagne and poured it into the glasses. Given his pay, this was more than a little expense for him. I'm not a big one for alcohol, so I have to admit I got somewhat sozzled somewhat speedily, as, it seemed, did he. Then there was wine, all on an empty stomach. I asked him about food but he was all mysterious and smiley about it, so I left it. A few hours later, we made our way into the bedroom. There on the bed was a painstakingly wrapped parcel, labelled "OPEN ME NOW". "That's just the first of two", Paul said, giving that enigmatic smile. I picked it up. It was a bit floppy. Tearing at the corner rewarded me with a smooth, black, finely woven stretch of fabric. Could it be? I ripped off the rest of the paper and, yes! The nicest tracksuit I had ever seen lay inside. Everything about it was right. On impulse, I kissed and hugged Paul. "You've got it one hundred percent right, darling! You must be telepathic!" "Well, go on then, try it on." "Let me look at it first." I lifted up the bundle. The bottoms unfolded themselves down as I did so. They were tapered towards the ankles and a fairly snug fit when I pulled them on, though not skintight. I didn't bother with the drawstring. Paul stroked my thigh enticingly, feeling my smoothly, cosily, tightly cotton-lycra encased legs. Then I picked the jacket up. Black like the trousers, it had a broad white stripe on each sleeve like them too. I pushed my arms through and Paul turned to me, pulling the sides of the white plastic coil zip together before gently and doggedly zipping me up to my chin. The slider made its inexorable journey over the slight curve of my belly, then between my breasts. It pulled them together, sealing me into the tracksuit, finally coming to a rest just below my mouth. I playfully licked it and jangled it with my lips, and smiled at Paul, who hugged me. We felt the fabric press into me between our bodies as he glided against the soft constriction of the top and trousers. The sensation between our legs indicated that we were both enjoying my present. After a short while, I stood up from the bed. "Let me see myself." Walking over to the wardrobe mirror, I saw my slim, muscular form outlined sexily in figure-hugging black, the white zip and stripes emphasising my curves. I unzipped the jacket to breast level, leaving the zip pull to dangle beckoningly mid-cleavage. Paul reached round me from behind and took the slider in his hand, zipping and unzipping me slightly. It would be thrillingly easy for him just to unzip me and access any part of me, or to zip me up and compress me sensually in this tight, sexy, smooth outfit. The bedroom lights glinted off the lycra, highlighting my breasts and stomach. The fastener was pulled up to the top of my breastbone and the zip collar folded down. Then he stroked the whole length of my body with both hands. "Just stand there and admire yourself while I get your other present." "Ooh, what is it?" "Putting on that tracksuit for me means a lot and I owe you for it. I've got a surprise for you and I think you might like it. Don't turn round yet though." "OK." Paul had a lot of balls taking the risk of buying me clothes, and even more for taking a chance on whatever it was he had in mind. I loved the way I looked in the sportswear. It really showed off my body's best features. I jogged on the spot, watching my muscles flex and extend as my breasts lifted and fell gently, the zip dangling and jangling between. "Time to lie on the bed now, Jo. On your front and close your eyes." I got down onto the bed and propped myself up on my elbows, glancing briefly down at my zip-bisected bust before I shut my eyes. There was a clunk as Paul dragged something out of the wardrobe. I moved my head. "Now, now! No peeking. Actually, could you maybe draw your knees up a bit under yourself?" Once I did that, Paul caressed my lower back, buttocks and legs, rubbing them through the tight trousers before slowly rolling them down slightly to expose my other cleavage. I felt a tug at my right ankle as he started to feed something up my leg before pulling it out from the lowered waistband. In a single movement he splayed my buttocks and inserted something cold and small between them. I let out an involuntary squeak. "You can pull up the bottoms now and turn onto your back." I shifted round. What had he stuck into me? I could feel something heavy pulling on whatever it was from the other end, but it stayed in place. Paul climbed on to the double bed, resting his hand on mine. I felt his breath on my face but not the weight of his body. "Open your eyes". I did so to be rewarded with a close up of his to-die-for face looking me straight in the eyes. "Question for you Jo. What's your wildest sexual fantasy? What would you like to have done to you more than anything else in the world?" I blushed. "Um, er, well, you know", I muttered sheepishly. He smiled broadly, showing his perfect teeth. "Ah, but I want you to tell me. Come on, don't be shy." I giggled. "Trust me Jo, it'll be fine." "OK". I took a deep breath and blurted it all out in one go. "I want to be blown up like a balloon with air until I'm really inflated and ready to burst! I want to be so bloated and big and round with gas that I'm straining at the seams and feel like I'm gonna pop any second!" "Sounds good to me. Can you guess what I'm going to do to you now?" "Um, yes?" I managed to get out. "Guess what's at the other end of that tube." "Er, a – pump?" "Right you are. And do you want to guess what I'm going to do now?" "Um...use it?" "Better than that. Let me show you." He raised his other hand. It had a T-shaped handle in it and I glanced over the side of the bed. There was a rather large, manually-operated pump with a barrel about the size and shape of a scuba cylinder. A hose led from its base, round the foot of the bed and up my trouser leg. Paul slid off me sideways. "Hold your breath", he exclaimed, which I did. He pinched my nose shut and took a deep breath, clamped his lips to mine, kissed me and started blowing steadily into me, emptying his lungs and simultaneously pushing down on the pump handle. He was blowing me up and pumping me up at the same time. I felt the air filling my belly from both ends, gurgling its way in, cold at the bottom, warm at the top, and it just kept coming, surging into me relentlessly, pushing me out excitingly and scarily, making me bigger, rounder and more bloated at every moment. When would it end? This was just mindblowing. I felt the skin of my stomach pushing out against the tightening zip and waistband like some thick, fleshy bladder, and it was pushing up and down too. Just as I started to wonder how much more air I'd be able to take, he stopped and took away his mouth, clamping his hand over my lips. He was panting a little. "Don't burp. There's more to come, just need to get my breath back. How do you feel?" "Like you've – wow! - blown me up like a balloon!" I was struggling to stop the gurgles inside me turning into belches and it was quite difficult to breathe, as I had to push down against the pressure within. When he'd said "there's more to come", it was quite possibly the most exciting statement I had ever heard. "When?" I asked. "When what?" "When are you going to blow me up more?" "Hold on. You need to wait a few minutes for all that air to go down properly and make more space I can fill. For now, let's just take some time to appreciate how nice and round I've made you." With that, he ran a finger down the zip curving over my belly. The box at the end of the fastener was facing my feet. Then he stroked splayed hands across my ample midriff as it twitched tautly to the touch. My stomach emitted another bubbling noise. I looked down at myself. My feet were hidden beyond the smooth bulge of my pumped up belly. My knees were invisible unless I bent them, something I was loath to do in case I farted. I wanted to retain as much of his precious air as I could. A metallic tang filled my mouth, as Paul made an appropriate clang by patting my front, reminding me of a spacehopper. The thrill of being like one of those big, roundly-filled toys made me wet. And this was just the beginning. Paul spoke again. "I'll do it twice more. You're only a third of the way through. All the gas in this piston" - he pulled up the plunger - "will be inside you in a few moments. As will all the air I can hold in my lungs. Ready?" "You bet!" "OK" He took another deep breath, hand poised on the pump handle. I could hardly wait for the next huge gulp of air to bloat me even bigger. For a second time, he placed his lips on mine and blew while slowly sliding the plunger downwards. Even more air crammed into me as the pitch of the gurgling rose like fizz filling a glass. A prickling, stretching feeling ensued as my ever-gassier insides elbowed apart my flanks and arched my back by pushing up, down and out all at once. The urge to fart and burp grew with me, quickly becoming irresistable. Just as Paul's lungs emptied, both took over and I belched long and loudly back into him, just as a blowback pushed the pump handle back up. He simply let the air refill his lungs as I felt my belly slacken, then blew it straight back in while pressing down the handle again and wedging it under the bed. I went back to my former tautness. I took a breath before Paul clamped a hand over my mouth and nose. "Steady now," he reminded me before lifting it again. I felt huge now. The pressures were similarly enormous. A strong but unsatisfiable urge to break wind was accompanied by a need to burp, but I wouldn't let myself. The air burbled up but, against all my instincts, I kept gulping it back down into my tense, tightly rounded abdomen beneath the straining teeth of the zip. I'd broken out in a sweat. "It's really hard to keep it all in, Paul." He smiled. "Ah, but if any of that comes out, I'm going to have to punish you, am I not?", he replied playfully. I took another glance down at myself. It was getting hard to move now. If anyone else could see me, they'd definitely think I was pregnant. My breasts, though slightly lifted by my arched back, were resting against my dome of a belly. I rubbed it with my hands. The skin felt paper thin even with the extra layer of the track top. I was dizzy with what had happened. Paul was actually inflating me with air just as I had always wanted someone to do. The only thing was, I had to fight to keep it all down. I was getting flushed and my eyes were watering with the effort. Nor could I risk trying to sit up, but then in my current state that would in any case have been a major undertaking. "Are you going to have another go now?" I asked tentatively, wondering how much more I'd be able to take. "Yes, I think you could cope with just one more Jo, don't you?" Wow again. I already felt full to bursting, but considering what a strain it was to hold it in, it would surely only take a moment to deflate myself. I nodded gratefully. "Oh yes! Yes please!" "OK, but we're still going to have to wait a little while for your body to make room, you know?" I listened for a moment to the delicate tinkles my stomach rumbles had become. This was so weird and so hot. I loved the smooth curve outlined by the lower half of my zip, my bulges outwards and most of all, the feeling that I was ready to pop. "You're my big balloon now. I'm going to blow you up even bigger in a minute. I just want to appreciate how vast and distended you are, you human space hopper. That's all air inside you." "I know Paul, I can feel it." I could feel every teaspoonful of wind blowing me out. This was taking me onto another plane. He unzipped me to where my breasts pressed against that hemisphere, reached inside my jacket and started stroking my nipples. It was almost too much. Things slid against each other for the first time as I panted shallowly, the best I could do, so stuffed with gas as I was. My sides ached and a slight twinge accompanied my every movement. I wondered how much more I could safely take. It was thrillingly scary. Pretty soon, I was ready again. He pulled up the zip. My mouth was dry and steel-flavoured. Now he was going to finish me off, and I was still constantly having to push down my wind. How would I be able to contain it when he was done? He grabbed the pump from under the bed and lifted the handle. This time, despite my explosively flatulent condition, nothing came out. He took the final deep breath. This was it! Could I really hold any more? Was it safe? A dull throbbing emanated from my insides and the sportswear and my skin were powerfully stretched now. Only one way to find out, and I could always burp and fart my way out of it as soon as I wanted, I thought. Our lips met and he started to blow and plunge for the last time. The air gushed in at both ends and as I blew up, I couldn't stop my eyes from bulging and my limbs from flailing as I swelled...swelled...swelled... My torso was rising still higher before my eyes. Then it started to tingle, then went numb. The last few seconds of inflating was quite frightening but I could do nothing to warn Paul because he just kept blowing. Would I really be able to take all this? Would something inside me tear? Then he stopped. This time, the urges to fart and belch had completely gone. There was simply a sharp stabbing feeling near the nozzle and another right in my middle. I looked down at myself again. I was now, in my own eyes, a huge roly-poly woman, bulging out like I was about to give birth to air triplets. But it was odd, somehow different. More than ever, my skin was pulled tight and my jacket and trousers pressed into me, the zip grooving my front and digging into my flesh at the bottom, the waist elastic of my trousers about to snap like an overextended rubber band, but I wasn't getting anything much from the globe my digestive system had become – no sounds, movement or griping, just an uncanny numbness and silence. Outside that region, there was a lot going on, such as an ache in my chest, a flutter in my throat and a great difficulty in breathing. It was actually welcome to feel this way. I felt light and airy, but it was also rather strange. "What does it feel like?" "I feel – sort of – floaty and – high." My voice sounded weird too, oddly resonant and strangled sounding, and my hearing was odd, like I was in an aircraft or had a cold with all the bass missing. "I feel – really – big and round – but airy – and light – too." It was exhausting to talk. "Does it hurt?" I shook my head to save my breath. "Can't feel much. Numb – inside." Then I realised something. "Paul?" "Yes darling?" "Can't burp." I'd just realised I was making no effort at all to keep the air in. Then I had another thought. "Pull tube – out?" "OK". He reached round and gently slid out the nozzle from between my buttocks. A tiny "pfut" of air came out like a little bubble, then nothing. I opened my mouth and just about managed to squeeze out a tiny "ep" sound from my stomach, then nothing. "Paul!" I heard the note of panic in my voice, "I'm stuck – like this!" I hadn't any breath to put the emotion I felt into what I was saying. "Can't get – air out!" Worried, he reached up to the top of the mound I had become and pressed down. My sides bulged out until I thought they were going to split, and my chest contents were rammed upwards but the air stayed inside me. "Oh my God, we can't get the air out of you!" I started to think I was going to be stuck as a human balloon forever. How was I going to eat or drink if I was 100% full of air all the time? For that matter, could I even move. In the meantime, I was getting tired of even trying to talk, so I decided to whisper. "We have to think about this!", we said and whispered in unison. That would probably be easier for him, in his less spherical state. I found my unprecedented degree of bloatedness distracting and it also seemed to be clouding how well I could think. Paul broke the pregnant pause. "What do you think happened, Jo?" "Um...dunno." It was getting harder to think things through. My lips and tongue seemed swollen and everything was a bit nebulous. Also, amid the panic I was in contradictory throes of ecstasy of having my deepest wish granted. At the back of my mind, the prospect of not making it was tempered by the exhilarating fact that I had literally been inflated like a balloon. In a way I could die happy now I'd got here. That thought beckoned me enticingly into a dangerous area where I didn't even want the air to come out. The only thing which brought me back was how much I cared for the person who got me into the condition in the first place. That prospect brought clarity with it. How could I wish my death on him? How would he explain my body if I did burst? How would he cope with seeing his beloved explode before his eyes, knowing it was his doing? Nope! Not gonna happen. Got to find an answer. A plan began to form in my addled brain. I gestured weakly with my left arm and he put his ear to my mouth. "Maybe you could lie on me." "I can't do that!" His tone was shocked. "What if you – didn't – er- what if you popped?" Again the siren song tempted me. I might really and truly burst. Also, the thing was, I had the best excuse ever for it. It was kill or cure. Laying on me and making me into a human whoopee cushion would just be funny, but if I literally exploded – I couldn't believe I was entertaining it as a real possibility – that would at least be the ultimate rush, even if – well, I preferred not to look at it from his perspective for the time being. "It's just the risk we have to take. Just do it." Paul shifted himself between my legs, then looked at me over my huge semicircle of a waist. "Ready?" "Ready," I nodded. He threw himself forward onto me,lifted his legs off the bed, letting his full weight press down on me. I was glad about what I felt going on between his own legs. My sides bulged out again and I felt like something had to give any moment, but nothing came of it. He bounced up and down on top of me for a while, but only managed to knock the breath out of my lungs. He rolled off before I started to turn blue. "Maybe I can sit you up." I gave a sort of strangled giggle, then caught my breath. "Ha! I'll believe that when I see it." Even so, I took his hand. Pulling it succeeded in rolling me onto the floor. The air gave a further idle threat to leave and a more alarming threat to make me burst as I bulged out at the sides again. Paul rocked me sideways until I rolled onto my side. "Try drawing your legs up" was Paul's next suggestion. Pneumatic obesity made this more than a bit difficult and I had to pant "help me..." followed by " it". He shifted my thighs over, triggering a sudden shooting twitch along the path of the zip. I squeaked, then lifted my free arm over and hoisted myself onto my front, knees underneath. I seesawed up and down before the pressure inside me pushed me up a little, and I was finally able to get into a kneeling position. Another bubble rose into my chest and lodged there. I was now bulging out further than ever under the weight of my upper body and still equally afraid and excited that I might just pop. The middle of the zip was folded between my chest and belly, stiffly brushing the base of my sternum and the fabric of my jacket was performing some kind of impromptu pencil test, wedged between the two halves of my body. I was dizzy and it was even harder to breathe. "I've had another idea", said Paul. He reached under the hem of my jacket and felt along my front, then sighed. "Nope. I was hoping the drawstrings were still there but they've disappeared inside." He went over to the wardrobe and rummaged around until he pulled out a red belt, which he wrapped round my waist. I looked dubiously at the glinting metal. "Careful...really...aching...not much...more...I can take." That left me out of breath. I wondered what would happen if the buckle accidentally dug into me. I really felt it could just pop me. He tightened the belt, cinching my waist, but yet again all that happened was the bubbles moved away and I stopped being able to breathe. "Rest please...tired now." "Sure, fine." My field of vision was full of swirling patterns. We stroked my front and we marvelled at my amazing curves. I still felt mental and physical twinges, of the strain and confusion about wanting to stay like this, and to burst, and to find a way to deflate. I couldn't see most of my thighs from here. My hands came to rest at the ten and two o'clock abdominal positions. I chuckled, triggering a minuscule twitch. I was definitely too big to get behind a steering wheel now. "How much do more do you think I'd be able to take in?" I whispered. "Are you serious? I'm amazed you're still OK even now." "Well, I wasn't, but..." I'd had another idea. "Do you think you could get me..." Even whispering was a struggle now. "...back on the bed?" I was definitely starting to feel fainter, dizzier and weaker. I had to find a solution quickly before I passed out. Paul shook his head and smiled, "Unlikely." "OK, I stand up then?" I wondered if this was wise, considering how close I felt to losing consciousness as it was, but I still reached out to him. He stood, leant towards me and ran his arms up to my shoulders before pulling under my arms. "It's weird you being so big and so light at the same time!" Together, we gradually manoeuvred me erect. I took a couple of waddling, swaying steps with feet I was only just able to feel through a haze of pins and needles. Thank God they weren't real. I wasn't that light, I thought, just light for my size. I was by no means buoyant. I collapsed backwards onto the bed. Have to keep the idea clear in my head. I didn't know how much longer I had. Mustering all my strength and nous, I took a shallow breath and whispered again. "I know what's happened. The air won't come out because it's squeezing my stomach and the other end shut. I don't feel windy or gassy. There's an answer, but you won't like it." "No, go on, just tell me!" "Promise me you'll do it." "OK, anything to get you back to normal. All that air can't be doing you any good." I lifted my hand and stroked his cheek, smiling. "Oh, believe me, it is." "You have to build the pressure in me and keep it high to get the air out, so it holds me open. So blow into me again and hold your breath out, and it'll come out of me and go into you." "Oh!" His eyes shone. "So I have to gulp the air down myself?" "Uh-huh." "Let's get to it then." Unhesitatingly, he climbed back onto me and again my sides squished out. It was going to be quite a ride for both of us, and we weren't sure if we'd both reach the end. He squeezed my hand. "I love you Jo." "I love you too, Paul." Our eyes met as he took another deep breath and pressed his lips to mine. His cheeks puffed out before I opened my mouth to his and mine flared out too. I wondered briefly how it would feel, what would happen and most of all, if something would give. I was relieved it was my idea and that if it went wrong, he had every reason not to blame himself. He pinched my nose and blew like he'd never blown before. My cramped stomach protested as it filled with his exhalation, my bloated innards pushing back hard, resisting the invasion. My belly stretched even more, bulging out sideways under his weight, though it even lifted him slightly. What a pair of lungs he must have! Then something gave. Had something ripped inside me? Was this it? No! A deafening gurgling rumble erupted from inside me and an almighty "BUUUUUURRRRPP!" rose through my stomach, up my throat, bulged out my cheeks and surged into Paul. It filled his lungs, his stomach, then beyond. He flopped off me and I felt him starting to bloat up beside me. He reached up and pressed down on my stomach, emptying me and filling him. Finally, he let go of me and lay beside me, patting his own bloated belly while I burped and farted like anything. Finally it was calm. I ached a little and was still slightly gassy, but that was nothing compared to Paul. He was hugely round now. Was that how I'd looked just now? I was astonished at what could happen to a human body. "Feeling all right dear?" I asked. "Uh...yeah..." His voice was deeper and more resonant, just as mine had been. "Just feeling a bit...", he took a breath "...full!" After that experience, we've never quite taken it so far again. Our stomachs ached a little for a couple of days and it took ages to pass all the wind, but there was no harm done, amazingly. We still have the memories though, and boy do we ever use those! We talk about what would've happened if he'd done it an extra time, and it blows our minds as well as everything else. Sometimes things work better in the imagination. Be careful what you wish for.
magic, tattoo, water
Female Inflation
Belly Inflation
Joanna made her way down the street toward the tattoo parlour hurriedly, unable to wait for whatever bauble or trinket she desired today. The enormous burden and magnitude of her gargantuan stomach didn't slow her down at all thanks to the effects of the weightlessness tattoo located on the lower left hand side of her belly, although the size and scale of it certainly disrupted the traffic on the sidewalk, as she made her way through the Saturday morning throngs of shoppers she smashed them aside with the vast bulk of her abdomen. She finally reached the door to the tattoo parlour, gathered herself for a moment, and then began the arduous task of forcing her way in through the door. Alicia turned as the bell jangled, and rolled her eyes at the sound of splintering wood and breaking glass. She waved her hand in feeble protest as Joanna demolished the entrance to her shop, her titanic belly making short work of the door frame as it squeezed its way ponderously through the small space, closely followed by Joanna. "So sorry Alicia, I had another idea." "I suppose I could fit you in now, it'll be a while before anyone else ventures in here with the door in that state. You know where to go." Joanna made her way through the curtain at the back into the space behind. Slowly she undid the clasps holding the front of her gigantic white shirt closed, and let it slide open, revealing the vast bloated swell of her stomach. She shivered in the slight draught that came from the ram raided doorway to the shop; chuckling to herself at the impromptu piece of DIY she had performed. Turning to the mirrors at the far end of the workshop, she admired the immensity of her curves, the cold white flesh of her midriff looking luminous in the low light of the workshop. She drew herself up, turning this way and that, catching a glimpse of her firm, wide hips and shapely buttocks here, a snatch of her black bra containing her large, pert breasts as they lay snugly encased within. The tiny edge of her black thong stuck over the waistband of her black pants, dipping over her curves. Alicia entered the space, and looked disapprovingly at Joanna's vain posturing. "Remember about what I warned you of; don't get too full of yourself Joanna." "Yeah yeah, just admiring YOUR handiwork! Come on, do your stuff." Alicia looked resentful for a moment, before dipping into the bag hung from her belt and withdrawing a handful of the mystic black powder. Once again, as always, she knelt in front of Joanna's flawlessly smooth and ivory white stomach, her eyes just level with the tiny hollow of her belly button, before raising her hand to her lips and blowing hard into the tiny amount of powder in her hand. As the powder touched Joanna's stomach, it spread in strange spidery patterns all over the surface of her stomach, adhering to it in complex shapes which when finished formed words and phrases. Alicia stood up and stepped back, looking over the surface of Joanna's stomach with a critical eye. The Olympian abdomen which she gazed upon was covered on literally every single available surface with Alicia's tiny, neat handwriting, all over her belly the words read out like the wish list of the most demanding of socialites. Here was here modelling contract, there her expensive coat, there, there and some more round there were the expensive shoes she desired, her private plane and the spot on Roberta Carlisle's talk show. Alicia turned her head this way and that, looking in vain for a spare inch or two to fit another demand on. She found no such space, and promptly informed Joanna of such. "I beg your pardon?" "There's no more space on your stomach." "Well then I can make some!" Joanna drew herself up proudly in front of the tiny tattooist. She puffed out her stomach as big as she could to emphasise its mighty dimensions, when all at once a loud, deep gurgle ran through her distended gut. Joanna didn't seem to care, though a worried look ran over Alicia's face "I doubt it Joanna. You're already much bigger than you're supposed to be. Too much more, and it'll be too much for the enchantments." Joanna looked incensed. She slapped her hands to the sides of her belly in defiant anger, wincing slightly as her vast orb of a gut whined loudly in protest of her actions. "I'll tell what I can and cannot do! How dare you speak to me like this, you're just some stupid little witch, waving your arms and doing your silly little spells. I'm Joanna Clarke, and I'm a star, and I'll tell you what to do, you little maggot, or I'll crush you like one, do you understand?" Joanna leaned forward menacingly, allowing her vast bulk to bump Alicia backwards roughly, nearly knocking the poor girl flat. "Get me a fucking hose, you worm." Alicia returned directly with the hose, which she plugged in to a tap over the sink. Joanna barged her aside impatiently, grabbing the hose from her with her thick hands and stuffed it into her mouth. She jammed on the faucet, and arched her back with one hand, holding the hose in her mouth with the other. The tap gave a gurgle of protest before a gush of cool water fed through the hose, flowing into Joanna's mouth. Joanna swallowed deeply as her mouth filled with water, taking deeper and deeper gulps of the fluid, urging it down into her monstrously distended gut. Her belly began to fill slowly with the fluid; a liquid sloshing sound could be heard from somewhere deep inside of her colossal stomach as the water filled her stomach. Joanna took more and more gulps of the water, her stomach began to grow, slowly but surely her silhouette was increasing. Alicia watched in muted horror as Joanna drank more and more of the water, drinking deep and long on the hose stuck in her mouth. Her stomach had grown several inches by now, the skin beginning to grow less matte as it was stretched by this sudden influx of content. Joanna drank, more and more, willing herself to grow big enough to contain her own demands. She stopped the hand at her back sliding round the front to her bulbous stomach. She rubbed thoughtfully at a single spot on her flank, before her eyes widened and her hand shot to the faucet, scrabbling at it to turn it off. She wrenched the hose from her lips and gasped, dropping it as both hands shot down to her stomach. Her face tilted slowly downwards to study the surface of her grotesque ocean of a stomach, her hands pensively rubbing the sides to help relieve the massive pressure within her. She turned slowly to Alicia, leaning backwards against the counter top, and spoke. "Can you see a space yet?" Alicia looked on in stunned silence. How could this be? Joanna stood in all her immense glory, before taking a few strides to the tattooing chair in the centre of the room and collapsing gratefully into it. She stretched out, her hands circulating over the already overstuffed surface of her gravid orb of a gut. "Why did you stop?" "I got a pain inside, over on my side." Alicia cautiously approached the swollen starlet, all the while her stomach issuing sloshing growling complaints. She laid a cautious ear to the churning ocean of fluid inside her, listening to the bellowing roars of her insides. All of a sudden, the sound built. Joanna screamed in pain, and Alicia jumped back in fright "What, what is it?!" "My belly, it hurts!" Joanna sounded pitiful; her hands couldn't reach far enough to indicate where the pain was. But she didn't need to. As Alicia watched, tiny red marks began to creep along the sides of her heaving girth like tiny red slashes. "You have stretch marks" Joanna wailed in anger, clutching her belly in anger as the elasticity of her skin reached its limit. The tiny red marks spread across the lower curve of her stomach, and as they went they split apart the words that formed the demands tattooed on Joanna's massive gut. The words split soundlessly, and as they did they evaporated in tiny puffs of black smoke, leaving nothing more than the white skin and the angry red of her stretch marks as they did so. Her clothes began to puff out of existence with them, the enchantments governing them broken with the disappearing of her demands, leaving Joanna clad in nothing more than the black bra and the increasingly tiny looking black thong, nestling underneath the immense swell of her groaning, sloshing midriff, caught between the writhing tangle of her wide thighs. Slowly the red slashes crept further and further up her shuddering gurgling, sloshing mountain of a gut, before they entirely encircled the tiny hole of her navel. Alicia looked on aghast. Joanna was shaking and sweating in fear as her belly betrayed her, holding on for all her might to the roaring goliath of her own body. She screamed in pain, before in a final heartbeat the skin over the apex of her stomach gave out under the pressure and the stretch marks obliterated the final rule. "I will never pop." Her stomach shook as if an earthquake was happening inside. Joanna clutched at her stomach in fear and agony, screaming out against her own vanity and pride. Alicia covered her face as she awaited the inevitable. But it never came. Joanna opened her eyes and looked on in triumph at the gargantuan mass of her own body as it rippled and gurgled loudly to itself, but otherwise, it remained as it was. She shifted her bulk ever so slightly to look at Alicia, her gut groaning ominously in protest. "Get the powder, I want it all back." Alicia looked on in muted horror at the vast distended leviathan that lay churning and gurgling like some prehistoric monster in her tattooist's chair. "I'm not sure I want to..." Joanna went red with rage. "Since when is it up to you, you miserable little shit. Get that fucking needle going on my belly NOW!" The words trickled into Alicia's head and an idea formed. This had gone far further than she had hoped, and as such there was only one way to stop it. She drew her tattooist's gun from her apron pocket, and approached the immense form facing her. Joanna's breath came ragged and laboured from the hideous weight of her own bulk, which was threatening to crush the very life out of her. Deep red marks crisscrossed the surface of the otherwise ivory white dome, the tiny navel atop it seeming insignificant and out of place, lost in the great roaring ocean of red and white around it. "Do it." Joanna arched her back to stick out her belly. The surface trembled and gurgled with its own insane dimensions. It wasn't possible. And it shouldn't be possible. Joanna soothed her massive stomach while Alicia prepared the needles, unable to reach even half way around herself. Alicia leant over her; needle poised in one hand, and rubbed the other appreciatively over the surface. It was taught and hard, almost unyielding to the touch. Rather like a balloon. She raised the needle over her head. Joanna's eyes widened. Alicia became aware of screaming, but she blocked it out as she brought the needle down sharply, right atop the bloated orb of Joanna's belly. The needle sank into the tight flesh of Joanna's stomach a quarter inch below her navel. Joanna squealed in agony for only a moment, before with a titanic roar she exploded, the immense pressure of her stomach exploding outwards violently, carrying Alicia out through the front of the shop and across the street, hitting the opposite wall with a loud smack, before falling lifeless to the floor. Passersby crowded in to see the source of the explosion which had pretty much gutted the building, finding amidst the large quantities of internal organs and assorted viscera Joanna Clarke, still laying in the tattooists chair elegantly as if posed for a magazine in just her tiny black thong and bra, a look of dignified surprise on her face as she stares down at the gaping crimson crater her exploding stomach left in her body. "It was bound to happen sooner or later" one observer whispers. "It'll be a while before there's another one what big."
Female Inflation
Full Body Inflation
The door swung open to vague swearing and mumbling as Thomas walked in, a large box in his arms. "Lisa! I'm back!" he said, as he kicked the door closed, and walked into the front room of the apartment. "Dang that thing's heavy..." he said as he put the box down with a thud. "Oh god...what did you get?" Lisa walked into the room, with an exasperated expression on her face. She brushed some of her hair, dyed an interesting greenish blue that always reminded Thomas of the ocean, out of her eyes, and put her hands on her hips. She was wearing lose pajama pants and a tank top, slightly tight against her slight frame. "It's nothing sweetie! Don't worry!" "The last time you said that you brought home a computer from 1950, you tried to learn how to use punch cards!" "I got rid of that!" Thomas said, an embarrassed grin on his face. "Yah, once you found that thing that used Vacuum tubes and we ran out of space in the closet." "Look, it's nothing! I don't even know what this thing is." "You don't? Where'd you get it?" "A shop in that refurbished area, I think it was called Spastic Magic. They said they found this in the back, they actually paid ME to take it!" Lisa sat down on the couch and looked into the box. "What is it anywho?" "Not sure...It's got an old monitor, and a keyboard, it's some sort of computer." With a bit of effort, he pulled out the monitor and keyboard, plugging in the cables. "Man, I've never seen a keyboard like this a lot of weird keys and buttons. Ok, I'll go plug it in." Thomas took the power cord and walked to the wall, glancing back at Lisa. "You might want to take a step back...dunno how old it is, and it might fail, rather...dramatically." Lisa sighed and took a step behind the couch, ducking down. "If this does blow up, I am going to be very annoyed at you..." "Relax! Probably nothing'll happen...Here it goes..." There was a whir as Thomas plugged in the computer, and a soft clicking was heard. Thomas looked around the table at the monitor and grinned. "See? It's fine!" He sat down on the floor in front of the computer and looked at the screen. "So what is it?" Lisa said, leaning over the couch. "No idea...I've never seen anything like this before...Looks like there's some kinda document editor, maybe some other stuff I'll fiddle with it." Lisa sighed and climbed over the couch, landing horizontally. "Didn't you have some other work to do? You've been putting it off..." "'re right...that story contest..." Thomas was amazed sometimes at his good luck in a girlfriend. He met Lisa randomly, and they had clicked like neither of them had believed. Even when he brought out his secret fetish, inflation, she wasn't fazed; in fact, she seemed to enjoy reading about it. "Don't worry, I'll do some rough drafts on this, it'll give me a chance to see how it works." Lisa laughed and climbed off the couch. "Whatever you want sweetie, I'll be in the kitchen, let me know when you get done, I want to read it!" "Whatever you say!" Thomas leaned back against the couch and thought for a moment, resting his hands on the unfamiliar keyboard. "Ok, let's see..." he murmured to himself as he began to type. The clattering of the keyboard, invented before they worried about noise began to fill the apartment. Lisa grinned to herself and looked around the kitchen. It sounded like he was on a roll; she'd seen him write a whole story in a few hours when he was properly motivated. She took a small carton of ice cream out of the freezer taking a big spoonful while she was looking for a bowl. Lisa absentmindedly pulled on her pajama bottoms, they were feeling tighter tonight for some reason...maybe she should pass on the ice cream tonight. But she'd been lucky so far; ever since she started dating Thomas she must have gained five pounds. Luckily, it had all gone into her hips and chest, so maybe a bit more ice cream wasn't a bad idea. Lisa put down the spoon and got a bowl, but when she looked down to get the ice cream, she stopped, staring in shock. Her tank top, normally a bit lose, was stretching outwards slightly. 'I know I haven't gained that much...' Lisa thought as she poked her chest, but stopped as she saw them bulge slightly. She saw her chest rising and falling with each breath, but it seemed that her breasts had stopped falling, and were just rising with every breath. A tightness in her waist made her look down, and she could see her lose pajama pants beginning to get tight. She could actually see herself swelling moment by moment, her shirt pushing outwards as her pants filled. She put her hands on her swelling hips, feeling them slowly push against her hands as they grew, a soft warmth like a pillow or a warm balloon. Lisa looked at herself as best she could, her swelling form beginning to block her view as she tried to calm down and think. 'What's happening to me? I'm blowing up like some kinda balloon! How is this even possible?' There was a slight gurgle from her body as she felt her belly begin to swell outwards, pushing her pajama's down. It was hard to see beyond her breasts, swelled to almost basketball size, but between her cleavage, she could see her belly beginning to stick out. "Crap crap crap, I gotta get outta here!" Waddling as fast as she could, which wasn't that impressive, her legs were beginning to get stiff and hard to bend, she went to the living room, and saw Thomas writing away, engrossed in his story. "Grr...Thomas! Help!" He didn't turn around though, and Lisa could see his music player sitting next to him, blanking out her cries for help. It was getting a lot harder to walk, Lisa had to slowly rotate herself on one foot at a time as she grew more, her legs being absorbed into her body as her belly swelled, growing rounder. It had to be sticking out a few feet by now, she could see it clearly over her breasts, somehow still being held in by her straining tank top. They had to be a foot across each, being pushed up by her swelling body, blocking her vision as they swelled. Her arms were being absorbed as well, sticking out, barely able to bend and the elbow as she swelled. She took another step towards Thomas, but her left foot never touched the ground. With a yelp of surprise, she began to drift upwards, rotating slowly, until her back touched the ceiling with a bump, causing Lisa to let out a slight gasp. "Oh...that felt good...I mean..." Lisa shook her head and tried to move, but all she could do was wiggle her hands and feet as she grew rounder. "Crap! I can't move, and Thomas can't hear me..." With a jerk of her hands and feet, she managed to push herself downward a few inches, but she just bounced against the ceiling again, with another hollow thud and another gasp of pleasure. "Mm...I better stop that, I might get to like it..." Not that she could do anything else, the lift was getting worse, as she could feel her body pressing into the ceiling. The pressure was starting to increase as well, Lisa could feel her hands and feet sinking into the divots of her round body, as she felt her skin begin to get tight. "Crap...I hope this stops soon...I'm getting full..." The feeling of pressure didn't seem to be stopping though, just rising, slowly growing as her skin grew tighter. "Thomas! Help me! Turn around you moron!" Lisa was starting to get worried, she could hear her skin beginning to make creaking noises, and the pressure was getting high, she could feel it. She was definitely out of room, and if this didn't stop soon...Lisa shook her head again, trying not to think about what would happen to her, and took a deep breath, her body creaking alarmingly. "Thomas!" "Hmm?" He said, not looking up from the keyboard. "Just a second sweetie, I'm almost done! I think you'll like this one, it's your favorite kind of ending!" 'My favorite kind of ending, what does...' Lisa thought and her eyes widened as she realized what he was talking about. Her favorite endings were when the girl popped! "No! No popping!" Lisa cried out, but it was starting to get hard to talk as her body swelled up against her head, pushing against her chin. "Almost done sweetie! Hope you like it!" Thomas said cheerfully as he typed. Lisa just let out a murmur as the pressure rose, and the creaking of her body filled her ears. With a surge of pleasure through her body, she let out a cry and popped, a boom going through the apartment. Thomas looked up, confused, and turned around to Lisa, lying on the couch in a daze. "You hear something sweetie?" "Umm...what?" "Guess it was nothing, a car or something. Anywho, I'm all done! I hope you like it, I'll go type it up for real, any changes you want, just yell!" "Right sweetie..." Lisa watched Thomas walk towards the office, and sat up groggily. 'Did that really happen?' she thought to herself as she slid off the couch and sat in front of the computer, glancing over the green letters. "Wait a second..." Lisa said under her breath as she read. "This is what happened to me! That's impossible..." She took a breath and tried to focus. "Ok, little test...." Pressing enter a few times to clear some space, she paused for a second, and typed, "Lisa's breasts increased a cup size." As soon as the period had been typed, Lisa felt a warmth in her chest, and she saw her boobs swell gently, and stop, pushing against her tank top. "Oh my..." she said, lifting her new boobs in her hands, squeezing them together to see the cleavage. "Hey Thomas! I think we might keep this old thing! Seems to work pretty well!" Lisa said with a grin as she typed in another line and felt her hips swell slightly. "Works very well indeed..."
bike pump, floating, huge
Male Inflation
Full Body Inflation
The young woman was confident, the young man nervous. She, tall, red-haired and freckled in a crop top, jeans, and sandals with a duffel bag over her shoulder; he, a tanned brunet, in deep blue swim pants, being lead along by her by a long leash connected to a collar. They did, naturally, draw attention from others in the park, if not when they appeared than when they stopped, in the middle of the widest expanse of grass.As he stood in place, uneasily glancing around and looking as if he would rather be elsewhere, she took a knee and put her bag on the ground. She drew out a hammer and a barbed metal stake, driving it into the ground and giving it a few tugs to ensure it would hold before securing the grip of the leash on the end. Replacing them, she then took out what looked like a large bicycle pump with an assortment of cylinders, tubes, and dials on the sides, and a long hose. Uncoiling the hose she stood, plugged the end of it into his mouth without protest before taking a few steps back and setting the pump on the ground. "Just remember," she said. "You lost that bet, and it was your idea." With that she began to pump.A look of genuine shock crossed his face as his cheeks puffed out, followed shortly by the rest of his body. His belly bulged, his backside rounded out, and his limbs grew thick. He patted down his body as his pecs rose up, not believing what was happening until, searching for room, his limbs widened and straightened out, leaving him teetering in a starfish pose until they were absorbed by his body, leaving him round but for vague curves where his belly and limbs were.By now he was starting to draw attention, and he glanced to either side as best as he could. People were staring and pointing at him, watching as she pumped away, each surge of pressure punctuating another fit of growth. He watched as his view rose higher, looking over his swollen chest at her as she filled him with air until she disappeared from view. He was over double her height in a matter of moments, when moments before he didn't believe that he could be inflated. But another feeling came to the fore, as he felt his backside leave the ground.He was floating.There was a brief moment of panic as he flapped his hands and feet, followed by a gentle tug around his neck as he rotated downward, finding himself staring down at her. She smiled, giving a casual wave before fiddling with the dials on the pump. "You don't think I'd let you float away, do you?" she asked, before resuming her pumping.She had to have done something to the pump because now the flow of air was more intense. He was growing faster, stretching out in pulses. After a few pumps his hands and feet grew stiff, and he heard a series of muffled "pop"s as his fingers and toes swelled up, followed by lower, deeper "pop"s as his hands and feet rounded out. Shortly thereafter his slender nose grew round, and he felt the collar tighten before stretching to a more comfortable fit as she almost imperceptibly started growing smaller. In reality, his head and extremities were starting to grow larger, almost but not quite keeping pace with the rest of him as she worked the pump, body swelling to contain the air.By now she had a small crowd of about a dozen people around her, looking up at him with a mixture of emotions: Awe, fear, confusion, and one who kept blushing whenever he made eye contact with her. He felt their eyes on him, and his rounded cheeks reddened.When she paused to adjust the pump one young woman leaned in towards her, "how big is he?"She looked up, scanning his spherical form. "About fifty feet, I'd say. The same size as most hot air balloons."A hot air balloon, he thought. I'm the size of a hot air balloon?"Can he- I mean, does he get bigger?""Oh, definitely." She smiled up at him. Behind them the blushing girl fidgeted as she took up the pump once more.As she quickly pressed the plunger down he could hear his body creak as it suddenly swelled. He could almost feel how much larger he was compared to before, and he barely had time to collect his thoughts before a second came, and a third, her arms moving quickly as she rapidly pumped away. In his mind's eye he tried picturing how big he was, a half-tan half-blue sphere looming over the park, hundreds of feet around and growing by leaps and bounds. He was impossible to ignore, with a small crowd beneath him and who knew how many more out of view, looking up at him, completely swollen and at her mercy, maybe not even realizing that it was a person. The thought wouldn't leave his mind, and despite himself he felt his body grow elsewhere, the "whoosh" of air, the creaking of skin, and the stretching of fabric as his manhood dramatically ballooned.Just as he felt his growth from the pumping begin to slow she stopped again, adjusting the device as she fielded a few questions. Yes, he was getting quite large, perhaps five or six hundred feet across. Yes, she would like to see what it looked like from another angle; a smartphone exchanged hands, and one impressed "hmm" later she held it up for him to see. There he was, floating low to the ground, rounded backside in the air, eclipsing several city blocks. He went viral, apparently.Then the blushing girl asked a question he had been trying not to think about. "What if he pops?"She laughed, dismissing the question with a gesture. He wasn't reassured by that in the least, but his lips were so big and plump that the hose was stuck fast, so he could do little but look on as she worked the pump again. The sudden increase in pressure was overwhelming, and he grew steadily at a fantastic rate, his body letting out one long series of squeaks and creaks. One of the crowd surrounding him held another smartphone up via selfie stick for him to watch himself as he doubled in size, then tripled, then kept on growing. The curve of his stomach barely missed the top of an office building as he gradually overshadowed the financial district, his sides encroaching on uptown and downtown at once. Even though his head, hands, and feet were inflated and growing, they still looked small on him compared to the mountainous scale the rest of him was at. The sole exception was between his legs, or where it would be when he was normal size. There were probably hundreds of thousands of eyes on him, the strange sight that he was, but stranger still was that deep down, he almost enjoyed it.She stopped pumping when he had broken through the clouds, but the air inside of him was still in motion, causing his body to let out low groans as it constantly shifted. At first he was worried that she might increase the pressure yet again, but was relieved when she simply tugged the hose from between his lips. "Well," she said with an air of finality, "you sure filled up well." Reaching into her pocket, she pulled out a small medal with "Kings of Poverty 2017" stamped on it. "I'm actually one of the top twenty players of Akatsuki Blitzkampf."He blinked in disbelief."Yeah. So next time, think twice before you decide to make money matches 'interesting.'"
clothes bursting, clothes ripping, female inflation, hourglass, lust, tight clothes
Female Inflation, Male Inflation
Breast Inflation, Butt Inflation, Full Body Inflation, Hourglass Inflation
After endless months of sexual tension between is, one thing is clear: we're both way too into the flirting to consummate things. So we talk instead. First, I hear you confess your fantasy to me. To your surprise, I then confess virtually the same wish in turn, for I too would like to be blown apart orgasmically. After all, what better end could there be? No, it's definitely better this way. The only questions that remain for us involve the means and the timing. So we discuss. The pact is sealed when we conclude that pure lust is the most enjoyable method for swelling each other, caused by nothing but some good old fashioned ego stroking. Also, and perhaps inevitably, we decide that it should be a contest. The winner will know their taunting and titillation were so hot that they caused their partner's detonation... just before their own erotic end. So we prepare, and then meet. You're stunning in a fashionable red satiny shirt with tiny sleeves that cup just above your toned upper arms. Below, you wear a pair of jet black capri-cut jeggings, the better to show your shapely calves in wraparound stiletto sandals. Sure, the fabric could be called stretchy, but the way you're poured into the outfit leaves little extra volume. I'm a little more circumspect, showing up in my best suit and tie. The cut is exquisite and the colors are sharp and clean. "Nice, but isn't that a little formal?" You ask. I just smirk and shrug. "This seems like the time to wear my best, after all. I won't get another. I do like what you wore; it shows off that lovely bottom of yours." You blush and feel a sudden swell of pride, and a certain flushing warmth deep within yourself. And that's how you know it's begun, as you feel yourself stretch a bit in all directions at once. "Nice opener," You say as you flash a wicked smile. "Maybe you should come over here and grab a handful while you can." The tease hits home; you know I've been eyeing your ass for months. You're rewarded with an audible wooshing sound from me, followed by a gentle creaking as I grow just a bit bigger. I pause for a moment. "I'd like to, but at the size you're at now I'd need more than both my hands, and then what have I got left but my mouth?" That remark brings a sudden vivid fantasy into your imagination. You can feel the tension ratchet up this time as your inflation presses you up against the confines of your clothing. The pressure hits in all the right places and for a moment you can't see straight. Eventually, your head clears, and you look at yourself. Your thighs, and breasts have grown turgid and increased in circumference... and sensitivity. You hold out an arm and see that it's grown equally shapely. You smile at your sudden ripening, and an answer forms. "Well, it'd be about time you actually did something useful with your mouth. Keep talking like that and I might just hike these pants down and bend over." Then you blow me a kiss. You see my lips form a visible "oh" and hear a low, almost inaudible moan. I tug at my tie and flush as my volume increases, my chest girth increasing, and the fabric of my blouse parting behind its buttons. As soon as my creaking stops I begin to pull at the tie and pop the buttons one by one. You start to protest. "No fair! The clothing is supposed to get *tight*..." I just hold up a hand as my suit coat and pants slide to the floor, and my last buttons pop of their own accord, one pinging off of the wall. It's then you see the shiny black vinyl that covers my body neck to navel to ankles. A zentai suit. Despite my increasing rotundness, the suit hugs me revealingly in strategic portions of my anatomy. You're forced to admit that this isn't a bad stunt, and that you're mouth has suddenly gone dry. And then you find yourself licking your lip as a heat begins to build in you again amd you feel yourself start to increase. "Keep it together." You mutter to yourself. Gathering your wits, you glance up and down at me with bedroom eyes. With a suddenly husky voice you declare, "Well, if I'd known you were this kinky I'd have just worn my bodystocking. Only I wanted to enjoy all this and it doesn't have a crotch to get tight and rub against me. So... maybe I can borrow yours to rub against?" You cock your hip toward me as you finish. That does it. You see me bite my lip as my eyes close. This time I quiver as the swelling overtakes me, and you watch me grow outward by inches. Slowly, my expansion peters out, but I'm still left trembling, returning your stare. And you know you have me. You half strut, half waddle toward me. It's gotten a lot harder to move. I say nothing as you approach, only eying you intensely. "Nothing to say, huh? I mean, that must have sounded good, because you look about ready to blow, baby. Maybe I should give you a goodbye kiss?" You cock your head, then start to lean in with pouting lips. We're only separated by inches, and you can hear a great stretching sound from me, like a party balloon or maybe a raft getting pumped up. Then you dart your hand out. Physical contact was definitely against the rules... but at a time like this rules are made to be broken. Besides, you can tell I'm into this. So, you run your hand between my beer-keg thigs in one long, luxurious stroking motion. Time slows to a singular moment, just long enough for you to hear me say: "God you're hawt." I sound equal parts turned on and resigned. You'd describe the roar that ensues as I burst into a million little pieces as deafening... if it weren't for all the ringing in your ears. The concussion knocks you back into the nearest wall. When you finally open your eyes, you see little tan and black fragments of me raining down. Then, you feel it building and building in you. Triumph. Pride. Pressure. Pleasure. Like you've never felt before. You won. You blew me apart. You're the sexiest one. When it all hits it's like a glorious bomb in your nerve endings. All of them. You know can't get much bigger in your outfit, and you feel your top and leggings binding up against your drum-tight skin, quivering for a moment around you. You finally feel the straps of your sandals cutting into you. It's great. You know you're swelling and recall the pact. There's a ripping, slpitting sound, and your heart stops for a split second as you wonder if it's your end. Then you realize your clothes are falling away, and you're liberated. You feel cool air on your skin, and the sensation is amazing. The breeze makes your nethers twinge and then you finally let go with the bliss. You hear a voice say "God I'm hawt," and realize it's yours. You're enjoying yourself so much, you almost don't notice that rumbling. It kind of sounds like far off thunder. But you shrug, because you're having too good a time to think abou...
Female Inflation
Full Body Inflation
Jana is enjoying her sucker so much, she doesn't realize what it's doing to her at first. Jana unwrapped the orange sucker and wrapped her encompassing lips around them. She swirled it around her mouth with her tongue where she finally trapped it between her left cheek and her tongue. She let her saliva eat away at the confection as she sat back in her chair. Professor Peterman was rambling on and on about the many different types of fungal growths in the human body when she felt a gentle tug on her pants. She looked down the side at her black pants and sighed. She took out the sucker and gave it a detached glance. As she adjusted herself in her chair, she noticed that something was out of whack. "My seat seems smaller," she thought. "Maybe I shouldn't order extra cheese on my pizzas anymore." She ran her right hand down the curve of her buttocks down to her legs. "I don't feel any different." She let out another sigh and continued to daydream. As she stared up at the neon light, she put the sticky lollipop back into her mouth. Again, she felt the same tug, as if her thighs were expanding underneath the material. When she glanced down, she actually noticed that her thighs were getting bigger. She removed her glasses and looked down over her scarf. Her thighs were really blowing up! She took out the sucker and padded her sides. They seemed plumper. What was going on? "Professor," she said, raising her hand. "And so... yes, Jana. Do you have a question?" The whole class turned her direction. Afraid that everybody would notice her extra baggage, she looked down self-conciously. "May I be excused for a moment, I need to use the ladies' room." "Fine, fine, go right ahead. Now, as I was saying, the molecular make-up of athlete's foot is..." Once in the bathroom, Jana inspected it to ensure she was alone, then she locked the door. She examined herself in the mirror. She was barely 20, and it showed. Her face was young looking and smooth. Her hair was done up lazily with a chopstick. Her eyes were hazel and hidden behind sleek black glasses. She wore a brown and green striped sweater rolled up at the sleeves with a matching scarf wrapped around her neck. Black pants lead the way for thick soled shoes. She kicked off her shoes and unzipped her pants. She noticed that her thighs were looking abnormally thicker. She bit the bottom of her lip as she examined her buttocks. They were much rounder and thicker than before. Did she suddenly gain weight? Can such a thing possibly happen, that one will gain weight suddenly? It appears that her butt was growing even as she watched it. She bit down on the sucker absently and chipped off a piece. She crunched it up and swallowed it. Suddenly, her butt surged forward, stretching the fabric of her panties. Her thighs began to touch, and even her breasts felt heavier. She nearly jumped out of her skin when she saw the sudden flesh flare. Even her flat stomach felt a wee bit pudgy. "It's the sucker!" she said out loud. To test her theory, she sucked hard on the sucker, watching her body. She noticed gradual growth as she swallowed. She bit off another hunk, munched and swallowed, and her ass blew up again. This intrigued her. How was this scientifically possible? There was no way in this world that a sucker could cause her body to expand, without an allergic reaction. That's it! Was she allergic to the chemicals in the sucker? All these and more bounced around in her head. She rubbed her newly rounded buttocks, running her hands up and down her curves. She actually liked her new body. She was tired of being a Plain Jane with slight curves, she was now a full-fledged Zaftig woman. Her bra was cutting into her newly shaped breasts, and her tiny pooch hung over her panties. As for her panties, they wedged themselves between her cheeks. "Phenomenal," she said. She sucked more, and then dared to bite into it. She felt her molar stick when she found the center. There was a cherry-tasting gum in the center. She sucked her way to the center, and by the time that happened, her rear was the size of two basketballs. Her tummy became a belly, and her breasts were now soft-ball sized. She chewed up the gum and began to blow a bubble. As the bubble expanded, so did she. At such a rate that she didn't enjoy. Her butt swelled up like a balloon, along with her thighs. Her belly jutted out, lifting up her sweater. Her breasts grew tight against her sweater. She tried to suck the bubble back in, but it burst. Jana's eyes grew wide, and so did she. She swelled up at an amazing rate, swelling up. Her buttocks touched the back of the wall, and her belly bloated out in front. Her panties snapped, and her sweater rose up to her swelling breasts. She clutched her fattening belly as she felt herself grow faster. Each ass cheek was the size of a beach ball, her belly looked like an over-inflated basket ball, and her breasts were bigger than cantaloupes. Her body emitted a strange stretching sound, like a balloon inflated too big. Suddenly, somebody knocked and a voice was heard. "Hey, hurry up in there, I'll be late for class!" The sounds in Jana's body grew louder, and she reached her limit. With a horrible popping sound and a scream, Jana exploded into tiny bits. The force rattled the door, jimmying the lock open. The girl pushed open the door, and her scream echoed along with Jana's down the hallway. The loud sound woke Jana with a start. The girl sitting next to her gave her a dazed look and snickered. Jana felt along the sides of her legs and patted her tummy. She was normal again. Was it all a dream? She sat back in her chair, letting her lollipop dangle out of her mouth, when she felt a tug at her pant legs.
floating, tech
Female Inflation
Breast Inflation, Full Body Inflation
Sarah walked quickly home to her apartment from her college, glancing over her shoulder, making sure she wasn't being followed by Sophia and her little gang of sluts. Sarah was worried a bit more than usual, because she had had a bad day, and Sophia had been on the receiving end of her accidents. Just 5 minutes after she got to school, she had accidentally tripped in the hallway, spilling her soda all over Sophia's new outfit, soaking her. Sarah quickly apologized, as Sophia had a huge cruel streak and was a queen sized bitch, and a vengeful one at that. Sophia looked furious, and screamed a curse in Sarah's direction, and strutted off. Later that day, in chemistry, Sarah accidentally mixed the wrong combination of chemicals, and the mix exploded in a sticky mass. Sarah, fortunately saw what was happening, and ducked, but Sophia was too busy flirting with one of the jocks with more testosterone than brain cells, and was hit with it, covering her hair and back with the goop. Sophia turned around, eyes blazing at Sarah, uttering monosyllabic threats, she was so mad. She then screamed, shoved the jock out of the way, and stalked out of the room. Sarah was definitely watching her step now; she didn't need Sophia doing something really cruel to her. She had heard stories, about how one girl tried to make moves on her boyfriend of the week, Sophia got a hold of some permanent blue dye, and manages to drench the poor girl in it. It took almost 6 months for the blue tint to come out of her skin. So, when she left for the day, she took the side entrance, to avoid Sophia, and her little gang, made up of 3 girls who were possibly bigger sluts than her. Cassandra, an slimly built Asian girl, who was well known for trading sexual favors to guys for doing papers, homework, and other assignments. Naomi was a blond haired, big breasted bitch, to the core. She was extremely flirty, and sluty, and never kept a boy friend for longer than week, or until she found someone who had a better car, boat, or apartment. And the last girl, Chrissie, was best described as Sophia's sadistic friend. She was the one who came up with the idea for the blue dye, and that was one of her kindlier ideas. So, when she stepped outside, she quickly walked around the building, looking behind her, seeing if Sophia was anywhere around. Unfortunately, she was looking behind her so much, that she missed the scaffolding, and the ladder, where the college was painting a mural for the football team. She ran right into it, and the impact knocked over a large bucket of industrial paint, and it pored down, right on Sophia, and her gang, coating all of them in a bright green color. Sarah saw this, and with a horrified look on her face, turned and ran the other way, back towards her apartment. Sarah turned down an alley, and suddenly stopped. Sophia was standing there, leaning against a wall, her arms crossed, and looking at Sarah furiously, or as furious as someone with a bright green tint can look. Sarah quickly turned around, but two of her other flunkies were standing there, also bright green. Sarah backed away from then slowly, giving a small smile. "Um...Hi guys...Listen, about the whole paint thing, It was an accident, I really didn't mean it...And the goop on your hair, Sophia, that was an accident too, and the soda..." Sarah stopped in the middle of the alley, flanked by Sophia and her comrades. Sophia said, "Sarah that is your name, right? Anyway, have you heard anything about my father's research?" Sarah gave Sophia a confused look and said, "My father works with yours as a researcher at the big lab downtown...most everyone living here works there...but I haven't heard anything about what they're working on...". "Well, I'll tell you, it's actually quite exciting. He is developing nanomachines, microscopic devices that can do just about anything. I've seen some of the amazing things that they can do, and now, so are you." With that, Sophia took out a small device that looked a little like a tazer. "What do you mean? And what are you going to do with that?" Sophia smiled. "This is a nano-injection device, slightly modified, of course, to have a bit more range." With that, Sophia raised the device, and fired it at Sarah. Sarah shouted from the pain of the needles striking her, but then became silent, as a strange feeling began to spread over her body. "What are you going to do to me?" Sarah whimpered as the cold, itchy feeling came over her entire body. Sophia laughed and pulled a hose out of her backpack. "Well, these nanites are very unique, I programmed them myself. And they have a number of effects. First, they freeze up your arms and legs, so you can't move. Next, they have an interesting effect on your skin. They make it very, very stretchy." Sophia attached the hose to a nearby faucet, and laughed cruelly. "Let's see how you look with a few hundred gallons of water in your fat body!" Sarah opened her mouth and began to yell, but as soon as she did, Sophia jammed the hose in her mouth, and twisted the nozzle on. Sarah's eyes widened as she felt the water begin to pour in. She quickly tried to spit the hose out, but it was stuck in her mouth somehow. Sophia saw her struggling with the hose, and laughed. "Oh, you're trying to spit the hose out? Well, it's coated with Nanite glue; it's not coming unstuck till I give the order, so drink up!" Sarah shook her head, and tried not to swallow any of the water pouring into her mouth. But the water pressure was too much for her, and the water forced its way down her throat. She tried to move, and pull out the hose, but Sarah's eyes widened, as she felt the pressure begin to build up in her body. She glanced down, and gave a shriek, as much as she could through the hose. Her belly and breasts were bigger! She could defiantly see that they were bigger than they had been earlier, and as she watched, she could see them begin to swell out more and more. Sarah's eyes looked around frantically, trying to find a way to escape being blown up like a big water balloon. But the other girls just stood around her, laughing, and poking her growing form. Sarah looked down again, and her breasts were now straining her formerly tight top. She could see the cloth stretching out, and her breasts growing bigger and bigger. She saw a rip beginning to form, and with a loud tearing sound, her top fell off, revealing her growing breasts and body to the world. Sarah's breasts were now the size of basketballs, and she could see her belly sticking out, almost 2 feet. Sophia came up to Sarah, and laughed. "You're gonna be the biggest titted girl around! All that beautiful breast meat, you'll be so big, you won't be able to move!" Sophia poked Sarah's breasts, causing Sarah to let a slight moan. But the pleasure was cut short when Sarah felt her pants begin to cut into her hips. She turned her head around, and saw with horror that her butt was beginning to swell as well! She stood there, helpless, as she saw her butt grow bigger and bigger, until her lose pants were now skin tight. She saw the seams in the pants beginning to give away, and with another loud tear, Sarah's pants burst away from her bloated form. Sarah was now silently crying, giving pleading looks at the girls to make it stop. But the girls just stood around and laughed. Sarah felt the cool water pushing her body bigger and bigger, her breasts were now blocking her belly entirely, but she could feel her breasts resting on top of it. Sarah also began to feel her arms beginning to swell up, as well as her thighs. She tried to struggle, but her arms were inflating with all the rest of her. She felt herself growing rounder and rounder, as her massive body began to envelop her legs, and arms. Sarah felt her body envelop her arms and legs entirely, and she felt her body resting like an overfilled water balloon on the alley floor. Sarah had just about given up hope, when she heard a voice from one end of the alley. Sarah saw Sophia and the girls look back, and start to run off, but not before giving Sarah a big push, making the water slosh around inside of her. Sarah could barely see through her tears, but she saw the figure turn off the water. She quickly blinked her eyes, and saw a tall thin guy standing before her, mouth agape. He reched up, and tried to pull out the hose, but it was stuck fast. He then unhooked the hose from the source, and said, "Sarah? Is that you?" Sarah blinked, and spoke hollowly through the hose. "Yes, It's me...*sniff* Look what they did to me! I'll never be normal again!" Sarah then began crying again, her wails coming through the hose. The guy looked up at Sarah and said, "Come on, don't worry, I'll help you, somehow..." Sarah sniffed and gave a small smile. "Thank you...but why would you want to help a huge blob like me?" The guy looked a little hurt, and said, "Don't you recognize me? It's Tom, from school..." Sarah peered down, and a bigger smile came over her face. "Oh Tom, It's good to see you. But how can you help me? The hose is stuck in with nanite glue, it'll never come out!" "Nanites...hmm..." Tom said. "Well, this is very fortunate for you. My father is heading the research at the lab, and I've been helping him out a bit. I know how to override the nanites...Hold on a moment..." Tom reached into his backpack, and pulled out a long, wand-like device, and moved it around the hose, and Sarah's mouth. "Ok, almost got it...There!" With that word the hose dropped out of her mouth, and fell onto the ground. "Oh, thank you Tom! But what are you going to do now, I'm still a huge ballooned freak!" Sarah lets out another wail, and starts sniffing. Tom scratched his head. "Well, I'm not really sure...We might try squeezing it out...but that may take a while, or...there is another way...much quicker, but you may not like it..." Sarah said, "I don't care what it is! Just get me back to normal, Please Tom!" Tom sighed and said, "Ok, hold on a moment. Here's what I'm going to do, I'm going to milk the water out." Sarah gets a strange look on her face. "Milk? You mean, through my breasts?" Tom nodded, and says, "Sort of...I'm going to force the water to your breasts, and it should just pour out. The only problem is you're going to be getting a lot of stimuation to that sensitive area...It may be painful or pleasurable...Is that alright?" Sarah quickly nodded, and says, "Ok, do it." Tom nodded and takes out a small computer, and hooks the wand up to it. He then starts waving the wand all over Sarah's bloated form, and starts typing in the computer. Tom then looks up and says, "Ok, ready?" Sarah gives a nod, and braces herself. Tom hits the activate command, and Sarah lets out a gasp. Her breasts quickly begin to swell bigger and bigger, quickly passing up beach ball sized, growing to 2 feet, 3, 4 feet in diameter. The rest of her body is beginning to shrink, and as it does, Sarah's breasts grow bigger and bigger. Within 30 seconds, her body is back to normal, but her breasts are easily 5 feet across, each. Sarah is letting out a slight moan, and says, "Ohh...That...that felt good...." Tom looks up at Sarah's gigantic breasts, and coughs. "Are you ready for the next step?" Sarah, still wiggling a little from the intense sensation, nodded. Tom then pushed the other button, and Sarah lets out a moan, which turns into a yell of pleasure. Her nipples begin to trickle water out, and as Sarah's pleasure rose, the water continued to pour out, until it was like a fountain, gallons pouring, out, and Sarah crying out in pleasure. In almost no time, her breasts shrunk down to basketball sized, and Sarah was lying on the ground painting. "Ohh...that was sooo good...." She shakily gets up, and looks down. She lets out a yelp, and quickly covers her naked self. Tom quickly turns away, and says, "Um...I think I have some clothes in my backpack..." Tom reaches in and pulls out a pair of his gym shorts and shirt. "Here." Tom tosses them behind his back to Sarah. She quickly pulls them on, and says, "Ok, you can turn around." Tom turns around, and sees Sarah with basketball sized breasts stretching the cloth of his T-shirt. Tom stares at Sarah's huge breasts, and then looks up, "Sorry...So...What exactly happened to you?" Sarah sighs, and says, "Lets not talk here...Lets go to your place...its closer, and I need to sit down..." Tom nods, and walks to his apartment, Sarah following. After walking for a few minutes, they arrive. Tom sat over at a worktable, and Sarah plopped on a couch. "Well, here's the whole story..." Sarah then tells the story to Tom, while Tom nods, and glances at her bouncing breasts every few seconds. "And that's it. One more question though..." Sarah lifts her two big breasts up in her hands, and says, "As you've been noticing throughout my story, I'm a bit bigger than I was this morning. Care to explain?" Tom gives a laugh, and fixes his eyes on Sarah's face. "Well, your body probably absorbed the water into your system, and since your breasts had the most water, they absorbed the most. Your whole body is probably a little bit bigger." Sarah drops her breasts down, making them shake and jiggle. "Well, that's not too bad...It could be worse." Sarah then stood up, and started to pace the room. She suddenly stopped, and went over to the worktable. "Tom, I need your help. I have to get back at them! I mean, she humiliated me, and left me there to be a bloated overfilled water balloon! I don't know what would have happened if you hadn't come along, Sophia probably would have inflated me till I popped! I need to get back at her, but I need your help." Sarah sat on a chair near the workbench, resting her large breasts on the table. "Please Tom?" Tom stared at Sarah's huge melons lying on the table, and stammers, "Um...of course, that was very dangerous, they could have really hurt you...but...I would like something in return..." Sarah smiles, and rests her arms on top of her breasts, squishing them out. "Of course! What would you like?" Tom gave a little smile, and looks away, and then says, "I want a date with you." Sarah gave Tom a surprised look, and says, "A date? That's all? I thought you would want sex or something like that..." "No, no...nothing like that, that quickly...I've had a crush on you for a long time, and I actually was going to your house this afternoon to ask you out." Sarah smiles and says, "Well, Tom, if it's a date you want, then a date you'll have. And afterwards...Who knows!" Sarah laughed, making her breasts jiggle under her shirt. "So," Sarah says, "How do we start?" "Well, my idea is to get them, the way they got you. You have the nanites, they can be duplicated easily, and then, we just inject them, and tada! They're ours!" Sarah let out a giggle, and says, "Ok, Let's get started." Over the next few days, Tom followed Sophia and her harem around, trying to get some information as to where they would be together next. Sarah, however, skipped classes, to make Sophia believe that she was still bloated up. After two days, they had a break. Tom overheard them talking about a get together they were having, and all the girls would be there. It was perfect for the two of them to extract their revenge on Sophia. On the night of the party, everything was ready. Tom and Sarah walked to Sophia's gigantic house, and stood outside, waiting. Sarah stretched her arms up, pulling her sweater tight over her breasts. "So any sign of the pizza guy?" Tom glanced over at her breasts, and said, "No, not yet, nothing..." Sarah giggled and said, "I like how I can reduce you to monosyllables just by pushing my chest out." Tom laughed, and said, "Well, you could do that before, just by smiling at me." Sarah smiled, "Really?" she said. Tom nodded, and suddenly looked up. "Here he comes! Quickly, get over by the gate." Sarah jumped up, and ran over to the houses door, and took of her sweater, revealing a tight white tank top that barely contained her breasts. If you looked closely, as Tom was, you could see the dents in her nipples poking through her shirt, and just a little bit of areola. The pizza guy, came up the steps, and froze in his tracks. Sarah gave a huge giggle, and said, "Oh yay! Pizza's here! Yum, I've been waiting so long." Sarah ran a hand down the side of her right breast. "It's so hot out here...Well, here's your money, Thanks for coming!" Sarah handed him some cash, which he pocketed dumbly, and walked backwards to his car, then jumped in, and drove off. Tom quickly came up grinning. "Well, I think you about gave him a heart attack. Ok, open it up..." Sarah opened the box, and Tom quickly sprayed the special nanite solution all over it. Tom then closed the box, and stood by the door, while Sarah hid across the street. Tom rang the bell, and one of Sophia's henchwomen opened the door. "Oh good! Pizza's here. Here ya go..." She paid Tom, and then took the box into the house. Tom walked down the steps, and met Sarah across the street. "Well, that went better than expected. She's a lousy tipper though; I only got 2 bucks." Sarah sat down on the curb and said, "Well, now what?" "Now, we wait...We'll wait about 15 minutes, and then peek in the window to see if they've eaten it. If they have, then we move in, and have some fun with em." Sarah giggled and leaned over onto Tom, her head resting on his shoulder. "So...What kind of date did you have in mind?" Tom put an arm over her shoulder, "I dunno...Something fun...Maybe dinner and a movie, maybe go to a nice dinner, and walk around, a boat ride, I don't know..." Sarah gave a little laugh. "A boat ride? Want me to see your dingy?" Tom laughs, and says, "Well, it is a very nice one. It's long, and stable. You might like riding on it." "I'll bet I would." Sarah laughed. She then looked up at the stars. "It's very beautiful, isn't it?" Tom looked up, and replied, "Yes, it really is...Not as beautiful as you though." Sarah laughed, and said, "You need better lines. But you get an A for effort." "Well, at least I've got that." Tom said, and checked his watch. "Bout 5 more minutes, then we go check on them." Sarah smiled and said, "I can't wait to see the look on their faces...especially Sophia..." Sarah stood up, and started walking up and down the street. She then grumbles, and plopped down again, causing her breasts to bounce slightly. "Can we go over there now?" Tom glanced at her quivering breasts and coughed. "Well, I guess we can take a look. Come on." They quickly cross the street, and sneak around to the back, where a small window looks down on the basement. In it, Sophia, and the girls are all sitting on a couch, dressed in t-shirts, talking, they're all eating pizza, and drinking soda, and talking. Tom grins, and says, "Well, they took the bait. Now, we move in..." Tom and Sarah quickly went to the alley, and picked up a large box. They then moved across the street, and slowly opened the door. They could hear the voices of the girls in the basement, and quietly moved down the hall to the stairway. Tom gently put the box down, and took out my small computer. "Ok, this should freeze them up, much like you were, and make them stretchy, like you." Tom entered in a few commands, and the voices of the girls suddenly stop. Then after a few seconds, they start up again, but this time, their voices are panicky, saying, "What's wrong?" "I feel weird!" and "I can't move my arms!" Tom looks at Sarah and smiles. "Well, I guess it's working," He says. "Come on." Tom then picks up the box, and proceeds down the stairs, hearing the voices stop. At the bottom of the steps, Tom looks at the girls, all of them sitting upright, frozen in place. Sophia turns her head around as much as she can, and spits out, "Who the hell are you? And why are you in my house?" Tom smiles, and says "I'm no one. But I think you may recognize her." Tom gestures to Sarah, coming down the stairs with a nasty grin on her face. "Hi Sophia. Remember me?" Sophia's eyes widen, and she turns pale. "Um...You're...Sarah, right? Um...You look good...looks like the blowing up did your body good huh?" Sophia gave a weak laugh, and looks from Sarah to Tom. "What are you going to do to us?" Sarah walks over to Sophia and smiles. "Well, don't you know that the best side dish to revenge is irony? We're going to do to you what you did to me. Tom? Bring that box over here..." Tom smiled and put the box on the table in front of the girls. Sarah giggled, and pulled out a small helium tank and a split hose. "Let's see...who to puff up first...Ah! You, You're Cassandra, right?" The girl gave a frightened nod. "Well, you're the first one up. Now...We'll give you a little enhancement..." Sarah pulls up her lose shirt, and quickly sticks the hoses over her nipples Cassandra gives a little gasp, and says "Please...I don't want to be huge like you were..." Sarah laughs and says, "Oh, You'll be huge, but not like me." Sarah then twists the nozzle of the tank on. Cassandra gives a little gasp, which starts to turn into a slight moan. Her formerly small breasts were beginning to swell up, pushing her shirt up. Her breasts were growing steadily, now at C cup, then D cup. Her shirt was not beginning to get a bit tight, as her breasts grow into cantaloupe sized. Cassandra is stating to breathe heavier now, watching her breasts swell. Her breasts are now at volleyball size, and they are beginning to squeeze out of the top of her shirt. With a slight ripping noise, a tear forms in the neckline, and slowly rips the shirt open, revealing Cassandra's huge breasts. Her breasts are not jiggley like normal breasts; these seem to be pulling up slightly, like balloons. Sarah reaches over and poked Cassandra's breasts, making them bounce like balloons. "Well, you're just a balloon breasted girl, aren't you? Let's see if we can make you float!" Sarah turns the nozzle up to the max, and Cassandra gives a little cry of pleasure. Her breasts quickly swell bigger and bigger, growing to beach ball sized, and bigger. Cassandra's back is starting to be lifted out of the couch, as her breasts pulled her up. Her breasts are now almost 3 feet in diameter each, and with another cry of pleasure, Cassandra was lifted onto her feet, and then, slowly, lifted up into the air, until her breasts hit the ceiling, her feet about a foot off the ground. Sarah laughs, and turned off the gas jerking the hoses off of Cassandra's nipples, with another cry of pleasure from Cassandra. Sarah giggled, and pulled Cassandra down a little and let her go, causing her to cry out in pleasure again as her breasts hit the ceiling. Sarah then turned towards the remaining 3 girls, and said, "Ok girls, who's next? You! You're Naomi, right? So, tell me, those breasts...Are they fake?" Sarah lets out a laugh, and says, "You're too top-heavy; you need to get balanced out! But with what...What do you think Tom?" Tom laughs, and says, "Well, I did pick up some of that instant Jell-O. It hardens in minutes, without refrigeration." Sarah smiles and says "Perfect! Give her ass the right amount of wiggle. We need a big tub...Ah!" Sarah grabs a large plastic tub that had a bunch of 2-liter sodas and ice, and dumps it out. "Hmm, These sodas may come in handy...Tom, Be a dear, and attach the hose to that sink faucet?" Tom nods, and attaches it to the mini bar sink, and turns it on, slowly filling the tub with water. Sarah then gets the packets of instant Jell-O, and pours it in, making a sweet smelling red liquid. Sarah tastes a little of it and smiles "Mmm, strawberry!" Sarah goes to the box and pulls out a pump. "Now, we put one hose in the delicious Jell-O, and the other..." Sarah moves over to Naomi, and lifts up her shirt, and Naomi lets out a yell. "Goes right up your butt!" Sarah lets out a laugh, and goes over to the pump. "Here comes!" Sarah then clicked on the pump, and Naomi let out a yell, and the thick liquid started to pour into her. Naomi gasped and looked down, as she felt her previously slim butt begin to puff out. It grew slowly, and soon, it was a nice little heart shape, round and firm. But as the pressure built, it grew bigger and bigger, slowly pushing her up, bit by bit out of her seat. Soon, her butt was swelling like balloons, and was almost as big. Suddenly, there was a snap, and her panties popped off, and fell to one side. She saw the growth spreading as well, filling out her hips, and thighs, making them swell bigger and bigger. Soon, she was being lifted almost a foot off of her seat, as her butt kept swelling. Her ass was almost 3 feet wide, and her thighs were almost 2 feet around. Naomi hadn't said a word the entire time, except for a few whimpers, as she grew bigger and bigger. Soon, it was like she was sitting on two giant beach balls, and her thighs were like pool toys. With a slight gurgling, Sarah laughed, and shut off the pump. "That's all of it! Now, we wait, and you'll have the best butt in the world!" Sarah waited for a few minutes, poking and shaking Naomi's huge butt, until she said, "Done! Just feel that quivering flesh!" Sarah grabbed Naomi's butt with both hands, and gave it a huge shake. As she did, Naomi let out a cry of pleasure, as her whole bottom shook like Jell-O for almost a minute. Naomi let out a whimper, and sat still, trying not to shake her body, and cause more waves of pleasure to go through her. "That was a good one! But I think you'll do better Chrissie! Hand me that hose will you Tom?" Tom grinned, and handed Sarah a hose with a funnel on the end. "We are gonna give you the biggest belly in the world, or maybe not! We'll see how good you can lie still. Now, open up!" Sarah forced Chrissie's mouth open, and stuck one end in her mouth. "Tom, will you hand me all those soda bottles?" Tom grinned and handed her the 5 bottles. Sarah opened one, and put it over the funnel. "Down the hatch!" she laughed, as she poured the bottle down her throat. After that, she did the next one, and the next one, until all 6 had been drunk. Chrissie now had a largish belly on her, but nothing huge. It was about a 5 month pregnant size. Sarah laughed and said, "Now, Chrissie, we're gonna shake you up!" Laughing, she reached down, and started shaking Chrissie. As she did, a dull sound became audible, and Chrissie looked down in horror as her belly began to swell up. She let out a whimper, and then a slight moan and the fear turned into pleasure. She gasped as her belly swelled like a balloon, and soon, it was almost the size of a beach ball. IT slowed down then, but Chrissie let out a moan of pleasure, and looked up at Sarah. "Well, this is where the fun starts! I'll let you be able to walk, but if you shake too much, then boom! You'll puff up so big; you won't be able to fit through the door!" Sarah then went to the computer, and typed in a command. Chrissie seemed to relax, and put a hand up on her huge belly. He gave a little shiver of pleasure, as she did, and she slowly got up. She carefully walked around the couch, but the new weight was too much, and she fell, landing right on her belly. She let out a moan of pleasure, as the bubbling sound became louder, and she rolled over and began to rub her growing belly. It ballooned out bigger, and bigger, growing to 3 feet across, then 4. It keeps growing till Chrissie can barely reach around it, and then it begins to slow down. Chrissie let out a moan, and started rubbing her belly again, lying on her back, lost in the pleasure. Sarah laughs, and says "I think she's gonna be out of it for a while. This leaves us with you, Sophia..." Sarah walks over to Sophia and stands in front of her, a look of anger on her face. "What to do with you...You left me in the alley, to get bigger and bigger, until what? I was a round ball? Well, Sophia, I think that's what we're going to do with you...Tom, dearest, hand me that hose, will you?" Tom smiles and hands her the hose connected to the faucet. Sarah smiles, and shoves the hose in her mouth, and says, "Turn it on, Tom." Tom grins, and spins the handle on. Sophia's eyes get big, and with a murmur of anger, the water begins to flow into her. Sophia swells faster than the other girls, her belly quickly grows bigger and bigger. Soon, it is almost a foot across, and as it grows, the swelling spreads to her breasts. Her ample breasts are now swelling rapidly, beginning to press and stretch the fabric of her t-shirt. She lets out a strangled yell of anger, as the fabric rips open, releasing her breasts causing them to bounce on her giant belly. Sophia lets out a moan, as they continue to grow. They swelled bigger and bigger, growing to basketball size. Sarah then walked over and gave one of the breasts a pat, making it quiver. Sophia lets out a small moan, as they keep growing, bigger and bigger. Soon, they are beach ball sized, and a tiny trickle of water is dripping out of her nipples. She lets out another murmur, as she looks down, and sees her butt beginning to swell as well. She looks at Sarah with a look of fury, and tries to spit out the hose, the water, anything to make the growth stop. Sophia's belly is now almost 4 feet wide, and beginning to swell up the rest of her body. Her arms begin to plump up, as do her legs. Her breasts are now the size of beach balls, and are still rapidly growing. Sophia lets out a muffles yell, as she slips off the couch, and falls to the floor, causing her whole body to shake. Sophia's eyes close, and she lets out a groan of pleasure. She continued to swell, her arms and legs beginning to be enveloped in her swelling mass. Her body grew, swelling outwards, growing bigger and bigger. Soon, her feet and hands are the only things left, sticking out of her body. With that, Sarah tells Tom to shut off the water. The water stops, and Sarah pulls the hose out of Sophia's mouth. "How could you!" Sophia yells. "Look at me! I'm a huge freak!" Sophia starts to cry, tears streaming down her swelled up face. "Oh, please! Don't give me that. You had it coming! After what you did to me and the rest of the girls at school, I went easy on you. You're just lucky I didn't make you bigger!" Sarah then turned around, and walked over to the computer, and gave the girls back their movement. "In a few hours, maybe, you'll leak enough to move, but I wouldn't be too hopeful. See you later!" Sarah and Tom walked out, with Sophia and the other girls screaming shouts of revenge. The two of them walked out of the house, and back down the street. "Well, Now that you've gotten your revenge, How about that date?" Sarah looks at Tom and laughs, giving him a kiss on the cheek. "Certainly, wherever you like. And afterwards, I can show you some tricks I learned that I can do with the stretchy skin." Sarah laughed, and they walked back to home together.
Female Inflation
Blueberry, Breast Inflation, Full Body Inflation
56-year-old Chester Thompson sat back in his chair in the empty board room and puffed on his cigar. He should have seen it coming. He threw the packet of legal papers onto the desk in front of him. Another class action lawsuit. He should have seen it coming. When Chester had founded Gentech thirty years ago, his goals had been simple -- bring cutting edge scientific progress to the people. He'd even made the company logo "Expanding America's Future." Bringing high tech and innovative products to the common man and woman had made him a fortune. Then everything started to go wrong. It all began back in 1986 with the fruit gum fiasco. FruitplosionTM had been an ingenious product. Fruit flavored gum that actually contained incredibly highly concentrated fruit juice. It was sure to be a big hit. The advertising guys even came up with a great slogan --"A glass of juice in every bite!" The first flavor they'd produced had been blueberry. As an advertising gimmick, they'd hauled a whole truck load of FruitplosionTM to one of the local middle schools, giving each of the kids their own free pack during a specially orchestrated school assembly. Chester walked over to the bar and poured himself a generous glass of bourbon. The sight of all those poor teenagers swelling up and rolling around the gymnasium like gigantic round blueberries still made him wince. Chester took a deep drink and walked back to the desk holding his drink, as he stared out into the night. They'd barely made it through that one. All the kids were successfully de-juiced with few problems --having blue skin even became a fad for awhile. The cash settlement of course had been humongous, but they'd managed to keep it all hush-hush and out of the papers. They'd been damn lucky. They'd actually drawn straws to see if they should have started with watermelon instead. He shuddered at the thought of what could have happened. Sitting down, Chester puffed on his cigar. He'd shut down the candy lab himself after that --no more candy, no more problems right? Wrong. It was in the cosmetics division. When was it? Oh yes, back in 1995. Gentech released it's naturopathic breast cream -- BEautifulTM. It had been one of their greatest success. Just a few dabs of the moderately pricey cream and any woman could have the bosom of her dreams. Chester's personal secretary Zahn, had been one of the first to try it out. Her transformation had been nothing short of miraculous. A beautiful face, being only 22 years old, 5 foot 2 inches tall, having a nice slim body, being Polynesian, and her constant flirtations made Zahn more than a little tempting.(He'd always preferred women with a darker complexion --no idea why he just did.) But, after 22 tears of marriage, it'd take more than a pretty face and a cute figure to make him stray. The morning Zahn came into work after trying out the BEautifulTM cream had been one of the most astounding points in Chester's adult life. Everything had been business as usual -- until she'd turned around and faced him with those newly huge 48 inch melons. He'd nailed her that afternoon in his office. Who could resist? In fact Chester's "dictation" meetings with Zahn quickly became a daily event. Of course then there were the problems with the cream. Gentech didn't start getting any complaints for about a month -- then everything went wrong. Reports started coming in --outlandish stories about sudden, incredible breast enlargement. The board of directors figured it had to be some sort of scam or prank and dismissed the claims. Chester remembered the first time he'd witnessed the problem first hand. He'd been watching the evening news, when suddenly, the perky young blonde newscaster literally exploded out of her bra and blouse -- right on the air. Her newly mammoth breasts sitting out on the newsdesk swollen as big and as round as beachballs. He'd almost had a coronary right there and then. Chester puffed on his cigar. Even Zahn had been effected -- her already enormous breasts ballooning up to 78 inches and a UUU cup. (Not that her vastly expanded bustline bothered him -or her as it turned out. In fact it added greatly to their lovemaking.) He remembered the lab boy's excuses -- something about unforeseen effects when mixed with greater levels of hormones during a woman's cycle. The whole thing quickly became a global epidemic. Everywhere, women were suddenly, rapidly developing incredibly huge bustlines -- one woman in Jamaica had nearly died when her breasts suddenly expanded up to the size of beanbag chairs while she was driving. But all in all, Gentech had been lucky this time too. Only about half the women that had used BEautifulTM filed suit -- a good percentage turned out, really enjoyed their newly found hyper-buxomness. Still it had been costly. Both for Gentech and for himself. The discovery of one of Zahn's tent sized brassieres quickly ended his marriage. It didn't bother him too much though, they still had their regular "dictation" meetings and as a single man, they no longer had to sneak around --Which was extremely difficult with a woman with breasts so big they needed their own zip code. Turning back to the desk, he gathered the semi- scattered legal packet. This, though was the worst. How could they have guessed? How could anyone? After the BEautifulTM incidents, it was decided that Gentech would only produce items that had been thoroughly tested. The first such product had been ThinFemmeTM. The stuff was miraculous. Two tablets a day, and you not only lost all unnecessary body fat, but you kept it off. After years of testing, they'd released the stuff six months ago-- and already they'd been having problems keeping up with demands. Then one night, about a week ago, the Lab Boys all herded into his office and insisted that ThinFemmeTM be taken off the market immediately. Chester had just begun to explain that that was impossible when one of the Lab Boys produced a video tape. It was a local news show about a small beauty contest a local radio station had been holding. Chester remembered distinctly. He was losing his temper --but the Lab Boys told him to be patient and watch. Obviously all the contestants had all used BEautifulTM -- there wasn't a cup size smaller than a G in the bunch. Of course Chester had gotten used to this since the original problem years ago. Then the Lab Boys that had produced the tape explained that there was an inactive ingredient in BEautifulTM that reacted with the ThinFemmeTM. Almost on cue, something started to happen on the video tape. At first, Chester thought it was just the girl's breasts that were enlarging. Then one after one, the girl's dresses began to tighten, then to split as first their bellies, then their whole bodies swelled up and expanded. Within a minute, every contestant looked pregnant with triplets. Within two minutes, the pregnant-looking top-heavy girls' bodies began taking on a rounder shape. By the end of five minutes, every big breasted beauty had bloated up into a complete sphere-- with only heads, hands, feet, nipples and popped belly buttons to tell you that they were women. Chester remembered staring in disbelief at the 50 unfortunate swollen girls rolling freely about the stage-- like a giant game of billiards with pink, brown and golden fleshtone balls-- each 15 feet across. He hadn't been able to turn on a TV since. There were reports everywhere of women suddenly blowing up into spheres. Even poor Zahn had swollen up-- right in his office while preparing for "dictation". Chester'd only left his office for a minute, but when he got back, his whole office was filled with the immense shiny taut brown sphere that was Zahn. He'd almost put his eye out walking into the protrusion of her belly button. It'd taken him an hour to calm her down. They'd literally had to rip out the outside wall to get her out --That was why he was in the board room now. Chester puffed on his cigar, now almost gone. This morning he'd received the first of the lawsuits. Gentech's lawyers had informed him that the amount of money they stood to lose made the tobacco settlements look like bus fare. Standing up, he looked out the windows, watching as a team of paramedics rolled an immense pink sphere/woman up onto the back of a flatbed truck next to another even bigger one. That would be Virginia from accounting, he thought to himself. She'd begun to swell up only a few hours ago. Poor thing... she was supposed to get married on Saturday --now she was just a great big pink balloon. Realistically, what were they going to do? Roll her down the aisle? He could just hear the minister.. "and do you take this sphere to be your lawfully wedded wife?" This was a going to be bad. Christ, that other girl on the truck was nearly 30 feet across!! Shutting the blinds, Chester sat back down and lit another cigar. The worst part of all of this, was that they still hadn't figured a way to deflate the women yet. Zahn, Virginia, and all the others were just being transported to a local stadium --which was quickly filling up, as were similar stadiums, parks and warehouse around the country (That reminded him, it was almost visiting hour and he had to get some flowers for Zahn.) There was a glimmer of hope though, Chester thought. The Lab Boys had recently perfected a new fertility wonder drug -- Testing showed that was almost impossible for a woman using it not to get pregnant --if this proved true, perhaps they could recoup their losses -- reproductive medicine was after all, a booming business! In fact, Chester thought, the lab boys should be getting the results back from the first tests any day now...
floating, helium, water
Female Inflation
Belly Inflation, Breast Inflation, Full Body Inflation
"Dementia! Come here! I want to show you something!" "What do you want? I'm busy!" "I just wanted to show you a project I've been working on." "What are you up to this time?" "You won't believe me if I tell you. Here, let me demonstrate." "What's this? It looks like an ordinary locket." "Go ahead. Put it on." "I don't have time for this. You know I'm still getting ready for the Halloween party tonight." Dementia had been working on a devil costume and was wearing bright red long-underwear and a thick black belt. "It'll just take a few minutes...I promise." Ordinarily, Dementia wasn't interested in her sister's hobby, but for the first time in months her sister was genuinely enthused about something. Besides, she had an awful earache and was looking for an excuse to take a break. "Okay okay." "Wear the locket next to your skin." Dementia put the chain on over her head and let the locket slide down the front of her costume. Her sister began to tap away at one of her many computer terminals. Various pieces of strange looking equipment made whirring noises as they powered up. Dementia crossed her arms and stood impatiently tapping her right foot. For the next two minutes her sister did nothing but look back and forth at her and the computer screen. She wore a large grin that widened every time she turned back to look at Dementia. Finally, Dementia had had enough. "Well...are you going to do something or not?" Her sister couldn't help herself any longer and burst out laughing, "Bahahaha...Oooh!...I'm sorry Dee Dee. Just one more thing. Could you please have a seat on that stool over there?" Dementia was upset. She desperately needed to get her costume done in time for her party later that night. Some friends from college were coming over, and she was trying to think of something that would make this party special, so that no one would ever forget it. Not only was her sister delaying her progress with this nonsense, but that obscene snickering was driving her nuts. Dementia angrily stomped over to the stool and flopped down on top of it, but something wasn't right. She felt the hard wood of the stool hit her ass much sooner than it should have. "What the..." Before she could begin to ponder why her seat wasn't feeling right, she realized that for some reason her butt didn't even want to stay put where she placed it on the stool. Her rear slid off the edge and she hit the floor, where the situation became even more bizarre - for when she landed, instead of a THUD, she heard a hollow sound as if she had landed on top of a rubber ball. In fact, she even bounced several inches above the floor after impact and continued into a series of small diminishing bounces until her body finally settled down. "What the hell is going on here?!" Dementia thought maybe someone had stuck something underneath her as she was about to sit down, but looking back she saw that whatever she sat on was actually INSIDE her costume. It appeared that two buttock-shaped 12 inch party balloons had spontaneously inflated inside her outfit. "But how?" she thought. Then, reaching back to grab hold of the balloons she realized, "Oh my God!" Dementia quickly rose to her feet and began pushing and pulling and kneading the balloons with her hands, trying to work them out of her long-johns, but they were firmly attached. There was no denying what they were. "My butt! What have you done to me?!" "Isn't it great?!" She seemed totally oblivious to her sister's panic as Dementia gripped at her swollen rear, apparently trying to squeeze out whatever was in them. Since she was using her good thermal underwear as a costume, she had neglected to wear anything underneath it, and her swollen buttocks were bulging out of the backflap, threatening to pop the two buttons holding it up. "Using this equipment, I can control the shape of your body! For example, I can make your legs match your bottom." Before Dementia could shout "No!" her hips widened so that her bulbous butt didn't look quite so outlandish in comparison as both her legs ballooned to matching proportions, audibly hissing as they were pumped full of...something. Her thighs each were at least 30" around. Even standing with her feet far apart, her inner thighs still touched each other. "You see, it makes you pull various gases out of the air and into your body. So basically, you can have any shape you want by inflating yourself like a balloon!" Dementia's sister watched as she, still slightly panic stricken, moved her hands from the thick belt where her still narrow waist was. Not really looking, or wanting to look, her hands explored her inflated lower body. Her sister had gone too far this time. "I'd better kill her now before any more damage is done." She found walking difficult, however, as she attempted to approach and strangle her sister. Being full of air, it seemed her legs did not want to bend at the knees, and she was forced to pivot her hips to move one leg forward and then the other. "With my invention, I can inflate any part of your body..." In the middle of her sentence, she noticed Dementia teetering on one leg, and paused for a second. As with her butt, Dementia felt the ground a lot sooner than she should have as she fell forward, only this time she actually saw her breasts rapidly inflate to the size of basketballs - like her legs, audibly hissing - just in time to break her fall. Her hands instinctively grabbed at them. They squeaked loudly in protest as they rubbed together. The sound startled Dementia and her hands instantly shot away. Her bust held her at an acute angle with the floor, her wide hips stopping her from rolling over onto one side or the other. "I can still kill her if I can make it over there," thought Dementia, and with new determination she began clawing at the carpet, dragging her inflated body inches closer to her sister, who was still totally oblivious to her escalating rage. It was difficult going for Dementia since her breasts held her almost too high to reach the floor. But she made steady progress, her breasts squeaking all the while. Her sister continued "...In fact, I can even inflate all of your body at once." The going got even rougher as Dementia realized her arms would no longer bend at her elbows. In a few seconds she could do little more than stiffly hold her arms straight out at her sides. Her torso inflated slightly as well, her large belt restricting her waist. She was beginning to look like some sort of overly voluptuous parade balloon. This apparently gave her sister an idea. To Dementia's horror, the hissing continued. Within a couple of minutes her arms, legs, and hips expanded about an extra foot in circumference and her breasts grew to the size of large beach balls. "Stop! Stop! Whoa! What's happening?!" Dementia cried as her body slowly rose and came to settle, hovering about five feet above the floor. Her body had somehow absorbed light gases from the air. The sight of Dementia all puffed up and floating several feet above the ground was impressive enough to finally make her sister realize how bizarre this scene was. She walked around the balloon girl, poking her here and there - her finger sinking into her sisters puffy breasts and then her puffy legs. At every touch, her sister would groan, "Stop that! Let me down!" and kick her swollen legs a little. She got down on her hands and knees and crawled underneath Dementia. Rolling over onto her back, she got an amazing view. She imagined that she was a tiny parade watcher looking up at her gigantic inflated sister. Appropriately, the air-conditioner clicked on at this moment, blowing Dementia slowly across the room. Meanwhile, Dementia's eyes darted back and forth searching for her sister. She was still whimpering and squeaking, "Get me down!" every once in a while. Her arms waved as much as she could move them, her hands grasping at air. "It only takes one hand to choke someone," she thought, "if only she'd walk past my arm she'd be a dead woman." Unfortunately, Dementia's arm waving had the effect of turning her torso a couple of inches, which invited her left breast to seek a higher altitude. Eventually its upward lift was enough to flip her over so that she was looking up at the ceiling. This development startled her and she somehow found the strength to kick her legs and wave her arms wildly. "Let me down from here! Make me normal again! Get the air out!" Her sister was still in a trance, feeling the wonder of what her invention could do. That trance was broken by uncontrollable laughter, however, since Dementia's over-enthusiastic kicking caused her over-inflated ass to burst out of the back flap of her over-stretched long underwear. The sight of Dementia's enormous buttocks bulging out at her was so hilarious that tears came to her eyes and she pounded the floor and kicked her feet as she laughed. But at last, Dementia got her revenge after all. For some reason, at that moment, she spontaneously deflated - hovering in mid air for a second like a cartoon character before the inevitable fall. Her sister's laughter ceased abruptly as the bare ass she had found so amusing a moment ago came crashing down on top of her along with its owner. As her sister lay on the ground coughing, Dementia sprang to her feet - her hands exploring her body to make sure that she was back to normal. "What the hell did you do to me?!" "Cough cough...I told you already...cough...I used this equipment to inflate you." "But how?" "You see the locket I gave you?" Dementia lifted the locket up and looked at it. She watched as her sister lifted the chain around her own neck, revealing a locket identical to hers. "That," pointing at Dementia's locket, "is the receiver and this," pointing at her own locket, "is the transmitter." As her sister continued, Dementia quickly removed the cause of all her trouble. "This locket reads my thoughts. I just imagine what I want your body to do, and it sends a signal to..." "The other locket?" Dementia interrupted. "No, to the equipment. The equipment then sends a signal to the locket that you are wearing, which in turn, tells your body what to do." "That's amazing! But you could've warned me before testing the thing out on me!" "Well, I originally planned to test it on myself, but I figured, hey, why should I embarrass and humiliate myself when I have you to pick on," she said with a sly grin. Dementia wasn't amused. "You're the essence of evil, Demoniaca!" Her sister's sly grin slowly faded into sputtering and slobbering. Dementia wished she could take back her words. Her sister looked as if she was about to do a scene from the exorcist - head spinning, projectile vomiting, all while spewing obscenities. None of this happened, but the display that followed was equally menacing, if not more so. Demoniaca clenched her fists so tightly her fingernails drew blood from her palms. Her whole body trembled, a breeze from nowhere whipping her thin black hair around as if it had a life of its own. Her teeth were clenched so tightly it looked as if they might crack. She seemed to be straining when her mouth finally did open and she managed to bellow in deep piercing tones, "I TOLD YOU NEVER TO CALL ME THAT!!!!!" Demoniaca reached her bloody hands toward her sister's neck, but then withdrew them and placed them against her temples as if she was trying to stop horns from sprouting. "I've got to get out of here before I do something you will regret!" She rushed past Dementia grabbing her coat. She turned as she opened the front door, "...and if you touch my equipment it'll be HELL to pay!" "I...I..." SLAM! "I'm sorry, Grimaldi." Dementia was genuinely concerned. It wasn't good to be on Grimaldi's bad side. She had learned that on a number of occasions. And calling her by her first name could mean a fate worse than death. But still, she wished she could teach her a lesson - teach her that she can't always have her way. Then she thought about the machine. "I know! I could smash this thing to bits! This'll be the last time she turns me into a balloon!" She grabbed the first handy blunt object - a steam iron - and raised it high above her head. Just as she was about to bring it down, a sparkle caught her eye. It was Grimaldi's locket. She then looked down at her own locket and thought for a second, "I wonder what would happen if I wore both lockets?" She set the iron aside and slid the chain of the transmitter locket over her head. DING DONG! "Shit! They're here!" She felt a chill and realized her butt was still out, and there were no buttons to close her back flap. "What am I gonna do?" She went through her sister's closet and found a shiny red catsuit, apparently made of some sort of stretchy lycra material. She couldn't find a zipper on it, so she tried to yank it off the hanger. She kept pulling at the thing, stretching it all the way across the room until finally it slid off the hanger and smacked her in the face. "Ow!" she said rubbing her nose, "This must be some sort of prototype outfit for victims of that inflation machine." DING DONG! Well, at least it's the right color. Dementia slipped it on with little problem and it fit as if it was molded for her body. She then put on her devil horns and her black belt and went to greet her guests. "Hi!" "Took ya long enough. Where's the beer?" "Hi Cindy...Muffy...Spud...the rest of you." Cindy, Muffy, and Spud were really the only people she had invited from her school, Podunk College in West Bejeezus. Cindy was dressed as the Toxic Avenger. Muffy was dressed as Sgt. Kabukiman, NYPD. Spud was dressed like an Amway representative. The rest of the people didn't really matter to Dementia. "Please come in. The kegs are on the balcony." The four friends were nearly trampled as the crowd stampeded to the balcony. "You guys come with me. I have something to show you." They went back to Grimaldi's room. "What the hell is all of this?" "This is one hell of a party game, that's what this is." "What does it do?" "Well, if I can get it to work I'll show you." Dementia sat at the terminal and switched it on. Various pieces of equipment began to power up one by one. Finally the machine spoke. "Give name for voice-print analysis." "Uh oh...Um...Grimaldi Decant." "Analyzing..." the computer suddenly took a more friendly tone, "Hello Grimaldi...your Shaper program is now ready." "Whew!" "Hey how did you do that? I mean, fake your sister's voice?" "I didn't fake it. It IS my sister's voice. We're identical in every way, remember? Besides, it's a really crappy security program. I could've cracked it if it hadn't let me in." She would rather not have, however. No telling what booby traps Grimaldi had put in the system. "So now what?" Dementia thought for a while, trying to come up with a suitable demonstration. Surely wearing both lockets would give her control of her own body, but what would she do with that power -- more importantly, how could she spice up her party with it. She then got an idea. But would it work in the next room? "I wonder what the range on this thing is?" She thought to herself. "Maximum range: a radius of 66.338 miles." "Wow," she thought, "this thing really does read minds." "Let's all go to the next room. I'll demonstrate there." When they walked over there, they found a group of people bobbing for apples. She approached the tub and waved everyone aside. She then unbuckled her belt, got down on her hands and knees and plunged her head deep into the water. Slowly, a hush fell over the crowd as they watched her belly begin to bulge. Soon the only sounds in the room were the loud gulps from Dementia as gallons of water poured into her stomach. It hung beneath her, audibly sloshing as she shifted positions to follow the rapidly falling surface of the water in the tub. At first, it looked like she was going through a rapid pregnancy, her bloated belly passing through all the stages within seconds - but soon it far surpassed the gut of a woman nine months pregnant. Because of the position she was in, her stomach quickly reached the floor and began to spread in all directions. As she neared the bottom of the tub she simply flopped down on top if it, bouncing and wobbling as waves passed through her. When she reached the bottom there was an enormous slurping, and then a sound like a vacuum cleaner choking as she sucked down the apples that were left over. After some effort, she managed to push herself back to a sitting position, with her enormous stomach resting on the floor between her widespread legs. Dementia had drunk 30 gallons of water. She scanned the shocked expressions of the crowd, and held her throat as a loud gurgling sound came through her bulging abdomen. She silently picked out a few targets and proceeded to projectile belch whole apples at them. "Ow!" "Ouch!" "Ow! Hey!" "Sorry, Cindy." Everyone still seemed to be astonished and completely at a loss for words. Before them was a little red devil with an enormous belly full of water. Dementia squeezed at the sides of her stomach and started some enormous waves going back and forth as she thought about her situation. "This is a disaster. I didn't want them all to go blank like this. I've got to do something. And how am I gonna get this water out of me?" She thought for a while more, then it hit her. She concentrated her thoughts, and felt the water begin to leave her stomach. Gasps came from the crowd once again as suddenly, her breasts began to swell. Slowly, her stomach shrank as her bust siphoned the water from it. Dementia moved her hands from her stomach to her breasts. They were now as big as the balloons she'd put out for the party, and they were steadily growing. She put her hands underneath them. Her belly supported her bust for a while, but as it diminished, the new weight on her chest was slowly dragging her upper body downward. Her hands sunk deeply into them, trying to support the weight of her bloated bosom as her breasts grew larger than basketballs. As her stomach faded away, she closed her legs together and brought her knees up to support her breasts. When she felt the last few drops of water trickle into them, they were each almost as large as bean-bag chairs. In fact, aside from the sloshing sound and the occasional wave that went through them, the bright red outfit made them look very much like bean-bag chairs. Dementia then carefully planned her next move. With her breasts propped up on her thighs, she reached forward and aimed each of her nipples at a couple members of her audience. Then she thought to herself, "Okay...Purge!" To their amazement, two small streams of water shot through the fabric over Dementia's nipples and began to soak various unsuspecting party goers. "Wow, I feel like a human squirt gun!" thought Dementia as she proceeded to drench various people in the crowd. Eventually, the crowd decided to take the nearest exit as an escape route, the glass doors leading to her patio. "Trying to get away eh?" When Dementia had drained her breasts enough that she could stand up again, she proceeded to chase various guests around her house, giggling as she drenched them and their costumes. She stopped laughing, however, when she realized that she could no longer find anyone. "What the hell? They all LEFT? I can't believe it! This is awful! My party is ruined!" She pouted, moping around her living room as the last few drops of water trickled from her breasts. She noticed that one of her breasts was bigger than the other, so she pounded on her chest, coughed up an apple, and then proceeded to cry. "Dementia?" Dementia looked up. It was Cindy, Muffy, and Spud. "Bitchin' party, Dee Dee!" "Huh?" "Your sister's invention rocks! Don't worry, we didn't even really know those other people anyway. Hey, what else can you do with that thing? Can we give it a try?" Maybe her party hadn't been such a disaster after all. "I'm afraid I'm the only one that can use it. It's designed for my sister. The only reason it works on me is 'cause we're twins." "Well, the night is still young. Let's go out and see what this thing can really do!" Dementia's outfit was completely soaked, so she tried to grab a coat as her three friends dragged her outside, but all she managed to get hold of was her thick black belt. The first place they visited was a bar. Spud was a bartender there, so she talked the bartender on duty into taking a couple of hours off. They called everyone over to watch as Dementia stood behind the bar, guzzling beer from a hose. At first the people were simply amazed that she could drink so much without taking a breath, but many dropped their glasses in shock when they saw where all that beer was going. As beer poured from the tap, through the hose, and down her throat, Dementia's breasts began to fill up. "This is so much fun!" thought Dementia, as she held her breasts up with her hands and began to dance seductively. When they became as large as volleyballs, she alternately raised and lowered them as if she were juggling. The crowd cheered her on. Their eyes focused on the jiggling breasts of the bright red devil. Spud turned up the tap, and a minute later her breasts were large enough to set on the counter in front of her, each of them larger than beach balls. Spud took this opportunity to move around to counter to the front and held a mug underneath one of Dementia's breasts and tweaked a nipple. "Hey!" She soon got the idea and released the beer from inside her until Spud let go of the nipple. "Attention everyone! Come and try our Red Devil beer! Milked fresh from our own naughty demon! Just remember to fill your mugs from both tits!" Dementia's breasts sloshed violently as a dozen men rushed to her nipples, all of them stealing a grope as they filled their mugs. "I'm a human beer cow!" thought Dementia. Her breasts continued to fill slowly, even though hoards of thirsty perverts were draining gallons from her within minutes. Several men tried to hit on her, but she couldn't speak with all the swallowing she was doing. Eventually the crowd settled, and Spud turned the tap off. By then, her breasts were each slightly larger than bean-bag chairs. She tried to hug them, but they were wider than her armspan. Since her bust was resting on the counter, the huge red mass filled her entire view. She imagined that her nipples reached well beyond the opposite side of the countertop. The only way she knew to release beer was the sensation of someone grabbing her nipples on the other side. For 45 minutes, she simply sat leaning against her immense bosom, giving beer whenever someone gave her a squeeze. Apparently she wasn't immune to the alcohol's effects, however. Whenever a man would hit on her from the other side of the counter, she'd take a deep breath, shout "Moo!" and squirt whoever happened to be standing there. After an hour, she heard the police come in, mumbling something about an ordinance, and that alcohol can't be served in the presence of nudity. She heard Spud say something about there being no nudity, just huge tits. Then the police said something about being thirsty, and that they were now off duty. A few seconds later she felt a tug at her nipples and gave a good squirt. Halfway through the second hour, Dementia was beginning to get bored. Her boobs had been drained down to the size of beach balls, so she decided to go around serving people at the tables. Her already damp outfit now stunk of beer, but she was having fun playing a waitress/human keg. Her breasts sloshed violently with every step, and she had to support them with her arms just so she didn't topple over. Everything was going fine, however, until a small earthquake hit. She managed to stay on her feet, staggering back and forth, making several men happy by clobbering them with her huge bust. She seemed okay after the tremors stopped, but then she noticed a fizzing sound coming from inside her. As her arms began to move apart she realized the carbonation in the beer was inflating her breasts. They continued inflating until they were the same size they had been when they were sitting on the bar. Thankfully, they weren't as heavy, but she had two enormous red balloons looming in front of her. Since they were just full of foam and no beer, her friends let the other bar tender go back on duty and squeezed Dementia out of the double doors and drained her outside in the parking lot. Then Muffy had an idea. The three girls took their balloon buddy to the mall, which always had various activities for children on Halloween. They talked Dementia into playing a joke on a friendly clown who was blowing up helium balloons for children. Dementia removed her belt and then the four girls approached the clown. "Excuse me, Miss! What happens if something gets stuck in there?" "In where?" The clown asked confused. "In here!" Dementia stuck her finger into the nozzle of the clown's helium tank. "Oh no! I'm stuck! Get me out!" The clown tugged. "It won't budge!" "Well maybe it'll pop out if you turn the air on." The clown did as Muffy suggested, then the three girls backed away, giggling. A crowd of children began to gather around, watching as Dementia's arm filled with air. The helium spread across her chest to her other arm and then into her hips, butt and legs. Dementia looked terrified, but she was doing her best not to burst out laughing. Her body puffed up the way it had when her sister inflated her, but soon her waist began to bulge out as well. As her feet left the ground, her torso continued to inflate until it was as round as a ball, engulfing her arms out to her elbows and her legs down to her knees. The clown simply watched in shock, her mouth gaping open. Muffy then turned off the helium. With her spherical torso and her puffy arms and legs stiffly sticking out, Dementia looked sort of like a big inflated four-fingered glove. She maintained her look of terror as Cindy tied a ribbon around her foot and the trio carried her out of the mall. The clown still stood in the same position, mouth gaping. Kids were tugging at her sleeves, begging for a balloon like the one she gave to those girls. They took Dementia into the parking lot and she deflated herself. They rolled on the ground laughing hysterically - the women were still drunk from the scene at the bar. Cindy came up with a new plan for mischief, so they piled into her car and went back to Dementia's neighborhood. The four of them decided to go trick-or-treating. They stopped at the first house and yelled, "Trick or treat!" The old lady opened the door and gave them a nice large amount of candy which, to her surprise, Dementia gulped down right in front of her, wrappers and all. "More please!" The confused old woman went back inside her house and slammed the door. They did a similar performance at several houses - each time Dementia's gut was a little bit bigger. Eventually, her stomach was as large as it had been at the party, and she could no longer stand up. Her friends were having too much fun to stop, however, and rolled her to a couple more houses before loading her into the car and driving back to her house. Her friends went inside, trying to figure out a way to get her through the door. As Dementia lay on her back in the middle of her lawn, she heard small footsteps approaching. "Hey lady, you have a big belly." She looked up at the trick-or-treater, "Yes, I do." "I bet you can't eat all this candy though." The child held up a large sack. She'd made an impressive haul for the night. "Yep, I can eat it all." "Na'uh!" "Can too." "Let me see then!" She proceeded to dump her bag of candy into Dementia's mouth. She easily gulped down the entire bag, adding a few more pounds to the contents of her stuffed stomach. "Wow! How'd you do that?" Dementia couldn't answer. She was feeling the full effects of the alcohol she'd consumed earlier, and had passed out completely. She didn't even notice when a group of kids gathered around her - and she didn't feel the garden hose being shoved into her mouth. Spud came out and was puzzled by what she saw. Several children had gathered around what appeared to be a bright red Volkswagen parked on the lawn. As she chased the children away, she saw what they had been watching. "Dee Dee! What did they do to you?" She yanked the end of the hose out of Dementia's mouth and then began pushing against her enormous belly, which completely covered her body except for her head. Pushing on her stomach turned out not to be such a good idea as she spewed wet candy all over the front yard. They put her belt back on and dragged her to the back of her house. In an attempt to revive Dementia, her friends threw her into her backyard pool. It worked. "What the hell? Are you guys trying to drown me?" "Hey, you're awake aren't you? Now get out of the pool so we can think of another way to have fun with your sister's invention." Dementia was nearly to the edge of the pool when she suddenly stopped. Her breasts were trying to float to the surface. In fact, when she stopped swimming, they did just that. She didn't even need to tread water to stay afloat. "Dementia! Stop playing around and get over here!" "I'm not playing around! My breasts just inflated by themselves!" As she spoke she heard a faint hissing, and they inflated a little more, now bigger than melons and easily holding her afloat. She swam to the edge and pulled herself out. "Muffy! Go get the notebook computer out of the other room. It's linked with my sister's system." Muffy did as she was told, but when she got back, Dementia's breasts were bigger than volleyballs. Her friends looked over her shoulder as she tapped away at the keyboard. "Oh no!" she shouted, slamming the notebook computer shut. Just then, as she explored the program, her breasts had another growth spurt and inflated to the size of beach balls - startling her friends and making them back up. "What?! What's wrong?" They were on the verge of panic. "It's the lockets! I shouldn't have gotten them wet! They're malfunctioning!" They inflated again until they were bigger than bean bag chairs, forcing her friends to back away even more. Their bottoms were level with her knees and she could barely see over the top of her air-filled bust. "OOWW! There's something wrong!" "No kidding!" "No! I feels different. It's like my breasts are inflating, but the skin isn't stretching enough. I think...I think I'm going to explode!" Her breasts rapidly inflated again, only this time, it didn't seem that they were going to stop. "Ow! It hurts! Help me!" Dementia's body disappeared behind her breasts as the enormous balloons swelled toward the three women. They were backed against the wall with the enormous breasts rapidly approaching them. They imagined what the scene would look like - Dementia exploding, blood and gore flying everywhere. Her pals decided it was time to make a hasty retreat. They ran around the house and piled into their car, listening for an explosion as they drove away. Meanwhile, Dementia's breasts had stopped. "Suckers!" They quickly deflated back to normal. "I never thought I'd get rid of those three!" They had caused enough trouble for one night, so she had decided to scare them away. "I guess I'd better clean up everything before Grimmy gets back," said Dementia as she turned to go into the house. "I'd be in deep shit if she found out that I had...GASP!" As Dementia opened the door, she saw her sister standing there, hands bandaged, arms folded, tapping her foot. "Grimaldi! I...uh...I can explain!" Her sister stepped outside. Dementia backed away. "No need to explain. In fact, I'm happy with what you've done. You've tested my invention in ways that I would never have thought of. I must say, the thing you did to that poor clown was very rude - although you probably boosted her business." "You..." "That's right. I saw everything. You see, there's some details about my invention that I forgot to tell you." Grimaldi pulled out a small pocket computer. Dementia looked at it, and realized that the images from her own eyes were somehow projected onto the little screen. "But how..." "You see, Dementia, one night when you had taken sleeping pills, I came into your room and surgically inserted an implant behind your right ear." Dementia tugged at her earlobe. It felt sore. "It allows my computer to see everything you see. It also acts as a receiver for this," said Grimaldi, punching some buttons on the pocket computer. Slowly, Dementia's breasts began to inflate once again. In fact, she could feel her entire body swelling very gradually. She snatched off the receiver locket but it had no effect. "That won't do you any good. It's just an ordinary locket. So is the other one. The real receiver is inside your head, and the real transmitter is this little control unit. Up until now, you've been able to control your body using your implant, but I've just switched off that particular function." Dementia thought about making a lunging grab for the minicomputer, but instantly her bust, arms, hips, butt, and legs swelled an extra 10 inches in circumference. "I wouldn't try anything if I were you. It'll only make you inflate faster." "What are you going to do with me?" "Hmm..." Grimaldi tried to think of a fitting punishment for her sister. "I think grounding you for a day should be sufficient." "Whew!" thought Dementia, "that's not bad at all." "You are not permitted to leave this house for 24 hours. If you do, each of your breasts will inflate to a circumference equal to the distance you are from the house." "That's horrible!" "Yes it is. Especially since you happen to be standing thirteen feet away from the door right now." "What? Oh no!" With a loud hissing sound, each of Dementia's breasts each bulged out to a diameter of four feet. They tugged upward on her body with tremendous force, making her lose her balance and stumble even farther away from the house. "This isn't fair! Make it stop, Grimmy! Help!" Soon Dementia's feet left the ground and she rose higher and higher into the sky. Her breasts growing larger and larger until, finally, she disappeared into the night sky. A minute later the torn remains of a red outfit fluttered to the ground at Grimaldi's feet. "I wonder where she'll end up," thought Grimaldi. "The range on this control is 200 feet, and beyond that she will stay the size she is until her chip burns out...Oh well. I never liked her anyway." She tossed the minicomputer into the pool. "No point keeping up this hobby now that my guinea pig is gone. Maybe I can find another toy to play with."
deflation, floating, helium
Female Inflation
Full Body Inflation
Lane slammed the door shut behind her, locking it and biting her lip with excitement. She had finally convinced her friend Carrie to let her in the backroom of the party supply store where Carrie worked. "You know I could get my ass fired for this," Carrie warned her. "I'm not gonna tell anyone. Besides, it'll be worth it, trust me," Lane replied, rushing to the other side of the room. Carrie looked around the dull, lifeless room she and her friend were standing in. There was nothing special about it, at least from what Carrie could see. The walls were a drab grey, lined with boxes upon boxes labeled with various scribbled words such as NAPKINS, PAPER PLATES, CUPS, BALLOONS, and other party-related items. And, on the right-hand wall of the room, there was a lone, dirty window that looked as if it hadn't been used in at least a few years. "What the hell's so great about coming back here, anyway?" Lane was working her way through a maze of even more cardboard boxes, apparently trying to reach something somewhere along the back wall. "You guys keep all your stuff back here, right?" she said as if she hadn't heard her friend. Carrie shrugged. "I guess," she replied, "I don't really know. I've only been working here a few weeks. What exactly are you--" "Found it!" Lane exclaimed, now hidden behind the piles of boxes. Carrie waited a few seconds as her friend emerged, dragging a large metal tank and a long, tangled rubber hose behind her. "Yeah, so what?" Carrie said indifferently, "It's just helium...we got like two other tanks in the store. If all you wanted was some free balloons I could've got 'em for you...we didn't have to risk coming back here." Lane propped up the tank with a satisfied grunt. "I know," she said, unraveling the hose, "I don't want balloons." Carrie noticed the hose. "What's the hose for, anyway? And if you don't want balloons then what's the point in getting helium?" Lane continued unraveling, as Carrie finally cracked a smile. "Don't tell me," she said with a chuckle, " wanna suck some up and make your voice all squeaky, right?" Lane stopped for a minute, glancing over at Carrie with a smirk. Carrie's smile dropped into a look of disbelief. "You're kidding me...right?" Carrie saw no sign of her friend confirming this. "I was joking. Hell, if you wanted to do that I would've just filled one up and not tied it for you." Lane rose to her feet, smiling. "That wouldn't be enough," she said, somewhat tickled with how Carrie was reacting to this. Carrie's look of worry vanished. "All right, let's put it back," she said passively, as if she were ending some sort of drawn-out prank. "Come on...before they catch me back here." Carrie was clearly in denial of what exactly was going on...she refused to believe that her friend actually wanted to fill herself with helium. Lane had finished unraveling the hose and was now fastening it to the valve on the tank, the other end clasped firmly in her hand. "Wait a still gotta see what I'm gonna do." Lane took the end of the hose that was in her hand and plunked it deep into her mouth, resting her other hand on the tank's squeeze valve. Carrie was still in denial, but now had a sick feeling that Lane was serious. Nevertheless, she decided to play along with her friend's game. "Okay, Lane..." she sighed, "What're you gonna do?" Carrie folded her arms impatiently, with a bored look on her face to hide the anxiety bubbling inside of her. Within seconds, though, Carrie's expression switched to a gawk, her eyes wide and her mouth hanging open. No sooner had Lane squeezed her hand down on the valve that a sharp hissing sound emitted from the tank. Lane's cheeks rapidly swelled up like miniature airbags as the gas rushed through her mouth and down her throat. Carrie's arms slowly unfolded, her face frozen in shock. She watched in disbelief as Lane stood in front of her, gradually inflating like a human balloon. "Wha...what in the..." Carrie could hardly speak at the sight of her expanding friend. Lane's once-fit figure was becoming rounder by the minute; Her boobs had each grown to about the size of her head, pushing her shoulder-length, bleach-blonde hair to the back of her neck. Her stomach, which had never before shown the slightest hint of a bulge, was now nearly the size of a beach ball, pushing her already tight-fitting black t-shirt up to her inflated chest. The seams of her jeans were trying their hardest to sustain her rapidly growing body, until finally both the buckle on her belt and the button on her jeans gave a loud "PING!", making way for her rotund stomach and butt to fill out even more. Carrie was paralyzed with a mixture of fear and curiosity of how this could even be happening. She managed to slowly step backward as Lane's ever-growing body stretched out further and further, until she was roughly the size (and shape) of a weather balloon. "Th-this..." Carrie said breathlessly, " can--" But Carrie cut herself off in mid-sentence with a loud gasp as she noticed something else about her ballooning friend...Lane was beginning to lift up off the ground. Carrie looked up and noticed a ceiling fan, set on full power and spinning rapidly. Afraid that one of the fan blades would smack Lane in the head, Carrie frantically searched for an "off" switch on the wall. But this was to no avail, and Lane was rising higher and higher up off the ground. In an instant, as if it had never been there, Carrie's state of panic disappeared, and she darted across the room to help her friend. Despite her admirable ambition, though, Carrie was fairly short, and only managed to grab hold of Lane's shoelaces. Carrie felt Lane's body bob up and down, tethered only by Carrie's body weight. While it was enough to keep Lane from floating upward, Carrie's body was still very small...and due to her slim figure, she didn't weigh very much. Carrie felt her feet lift up slightly each time Lane bobbed upward, but she continued holding on to her friend's shoelaces for dear life. "'s okay!" Carrie looked around for the high-pitched voice that had just called out her name, but only when she looked up did she realize who it was. Lane was smiling down at her, her cheeks still bulging as if she were holding her breath, and the hissing rubber hose clasped tightly in her hand. "What do you mean 'okay'?" Carrie retorted, remaining firm in her grasp, "You're about to get knocked out." Lane reached out a swollen arm and tugged on the hose, demonstrating the strength of its hold. "Don't worry," she said in the same comical, high voice, "this'll keep me down." Carrie, still very perplexed, loosened her grip and let her friend drift in midair. Lane's round body floated around as if it were in slow motion, occasionally bobbing slightly when the hose ran out of slack. "How are you still able to talk, anyway?" Carrie questioned, trying to make whatever sense she could of this surreal situation. "I mean, shouldn't that make, or something?" Lane made a vague smirk beneath her puffy face. "Not if you know how to control it." "Hmm," Carrie said indifferently. She walked around her hovering friend, as if trying to make sure it wasn't some sort of illusion. "'re saying you can just let it out whenever you feel like it?" she asked, now showing a faint hint of interest. All of a sudden, Carrie felt a huge gust of wind nearly knock her off her feet. Lane was no longer hovering above her, but now shooting aimlessly around the room like a released balloon. Carrie jumped back as Lane's deflating body nearly ran smack into her, inadvertently causing Lane to crash into a pile of disorganized cardboard boxes. Carrie gasped and ran over to where Lane had landed, unceremoniously tossing boxes every which way, until she found Lane lying among the crushed cardboard with a satisfied smile on her face. "Yeah," Lane belatedly replied to Carrie's question, "I'd say so." Carrie shook her head, smiled, and helped Lane to her feet. "Come on," she said, acting as if nothing had occurred, "I gotta get back." "Wait," Lane said, awkwardly holding up her button-less jeans. She reached down for the hose laying on the floor--which was still rapidly spewing helium--and held it up, beaming at Carrie. At first Carrie just scowled, not quite aware of what Lane was getting at...but her expression soon fell serious. "No," she said declaratively, " way." "Aww, come oooonnn!" Lane playfully insisted. "Nuh-uh." "Pleeease?" "Forget it." "It's fun though!" Carrie began walking toward the door. "I'm sure it is. But we're gonna get in trouble if we stay back here any longer." She turned back to face Lane. "Come on, let's g--" PLUNK! The next thing Carrie knew, the hose was deep inside her mouth, slowly filling her entire body with helium. Lane stood in front of her, holding the hose firmly in place and trying hard not to giggle. Carrie instinctively attempted to pull the hose out, but the gas had inflated her arms surprisingly fast, making it extremely difficult to move. Realizing that it was no longer necessary, Lane let go of the hose, standing back as her friend gradually pumped up bigger and bigger. "This is unreal..." Carrie thought to herself, "I'm blowing up, a balloon..." It wasn't long before Carrie had reached the size Lane had at her peak, and she had even gone a little further until the constant hissing of the tank suddenly ceased. Lane turned to the tank, noticing that the gas level was at "E". "Damn, Carrie," Lane chuckled, "you sucked it dry." Carrie couldn't say a word. Her mouth was obstructed with the rubber hose, which she was still unable to reach. Lane circled around her friend, grinning with satisfaction at how big she had gotten. Unlike Lane, however, Carrie's body wasn't used to being filled with so much gas, and the pressure started to become more and more apparent, until finally... PFFTT!! There was a long, awkward moment of silence...and then Lane burst into hysterical laughter. "Heh ha-you..." She stammered, almost crying from laughing so hard, " juh-ha ha ha...just...FARTED!" "Great..." Carrie thought to herself, her puffy face now a deep shade of pink, " if being blown up wasn't humiliating enough..." Lane was hunched over, her arms wrapped around her stomach as her laughter continued to consume her. Staggering backward a little, Lane stumbled upon the rubber hose that trailed from the tank to Carrie's mouth. Already a little disoriented from laughing so much, Lane lost her balance and tripped over the hose, causing it to be yanked right out of Carrie's mouth. Just as Carrie was caught off-guard with Lane's blowback, Lane found herself dodging and ducking as Carrie flew around the room in random directions as well. But just as Carrie was beginning to return to her normal size, Lane accidentally drifted into Carrie's line of fire. Smashing into Lane from behind, Carrie knocked them both into the tanks and stacks of boxes that lined the back wall, breaking most of the boxes open and scattering their contents all over the floor. They both got to their feet, a little shaken from the impact...and then there was a sharp knock on the door they originally entered through. "What the hell's goin' on back there?" a muffled voice bellowed, "Carrie? That you in there?" "Dammit," Carrie muttered, her heart now in her throat. "Who is that?" Lane asked, even though she already had a pretty good idea. "My boss," Carrie replied, looking around at what a disaster they had turned the room into, "I'm so screwed." Just then, a faint metallic sound could be heard as one of the helium tanks they crashed into rolled over and came to a halt just in front of where the two girls stood. The pounding on the door continued. "Hey!" the voice shouted, now a little more agitated, "Open the damn door!" While Carrie stood with a sick look on her face, Lane looked around for anything they could use to get out of the sticky situation they were in. She searched the entire room, and nearly gave up until she noticed the dirty window on the right-hand wall. "Got it," she whispered, running back over to Carrie. "Help me get this out that window," Lane instructed, pointing at the helium tank that had rolled in front of them, "We're gonna get outta here." Carrie looked at the vast view of the city, amazed at just how small it seemed to her at that point. She then laid on her back, looking up at the even vaster blue sky. It was incredible how far away everything seemed to her now, when earlier that day she had worried so much about the very same things. "So, what now?" Lane called up to her, in a familiar sort of high-pitched voice. "Don't know," Carrie replied, resting on the rubbery surface of Lane's wide, expanded stomach, "...but I should probably start looking for a new job."
Female Inflation
Breast Inflation, Hourglass Inflation
"There you go, Susie," the Doctor said. "Those new implants have a computer chip inside that will prevent an overinfluction of saline and oxygen, thus helping you retain perfect health." "Thank you, Doctor," Susie said, cupping her new E-sized breasts in her hands. She hugged the Doctor, giving him a faceful of her eye-popping cleavage. "No, thank you," said the Doctor. "We've been wanting to test these computerized implants for a long time. You're the only person who wanted to try them." "Only me?" Susie asked. "Yes. Everyone else felt that they didn't want a computer chip inside their bodies," the Doctor explained. "Their loss," Susie grinned, squeezing her tits. Still grinning like a bimbo, she skipped out of the Doctor's office, her boobs bouncing from side to side. Once she was gone, the Doctor said to himself, "Of course, what she doesn't know, and probably never will, is that I've completely remodeled her entire body. The circuits I implanted in her body will ensure that she keeps those particular proportions: her large breasts, impossibly thin waist, and big, curvy ass will provide me with a blueprint for how my future patients will look." He then went to his lab to study the transmissions already being sent from the circuits implanted in Susie's hooters, abdomen, and buttocks. As time went on, Susie discovered the other "improvements" the Doctor had made and began wearing skimpier, tighter clothes that drove men to their knees when they saw her. In the summer, she was rarely seen wearing a top that went below her ribcage. She flaunted every curve, every millimeter of her lean, sexy body, and she was damn proud of it. Even in the winter, she wore skintight snowsuits which accentuated her perfect body. In December 1999, 6 years after the implants had been installed, Susie decided to throw a millennium party and invited only guys. Her female friends understood perfectly. "Hell, if we had bodies like that, we'd only invite guys to our parties, too," they said. New Year's Eve was a remarkably warm night, so Susie wore one of her "baggy shirts", which didn't even completely cover her wondrous orbs, and a miniskirt. At 8 PM, her guests began to arrive. The first was Frank, one of Susie's neighbors and her closest friend. After Susie's operation, Frank had been spending more and more time at her house. No one knew exactly what they did during those long visits, but everyone shared the same theory: Frank and Susie would have sex every time Frank visited. Now, as Frank stepped through Susie's threshold, he gazed and drooled at the sight of Susie's curves squeezed into her way-too-small outfit. "Susie, you look even hotter than you did yesterday," he eventually managed to say. "Speaking of hot," Susie said in her sexiest voice, "if I weren't having this party, we could really turn up the heat." She pressed her curvy body against Frank's chest, then quickly backed away as the next guest approached. Across town, the Doctor sat in his laboratory, sound asleep. He had no life whatsoever, so he spent all his time monitoring the microchips implanted in Susie's body, making sure nothing went wrong. Suddenly, he was rudely awakened by his computer's blaring alarm. Punching in a few commands, he saw why the alarm had gone off. "Oh no!" he cried. "The circuits -- they aren't Y2K compliant! When they go haywire in 5 minutes, there's no telling what damage the saline/oxygen overinfluction will cause!" He grabbed his coat and rushed off, hoping to deactivate the chips in time. (Yeah, like that's gonna happen in a BE story!) "5...4...3...2..." Susie and her guests counted down the seconds to midnight. They were all excited, mainly because Susie had promised to rip off her shirt at the stroke of midnight. "...1! Happy New Year!" they shouted. Grabbing the collar of her shirt, Susie ripped off the garment, exposing the red and blue bra underneath. Then she tore that apart, her naked tits showing in all their glory. The smile she wore flickered for a second as a small electric surge jolted through her torso. But she quickly dismissed it and spent the night having her breasts rubbed by the guys. The next morning, Susie awoke and found herself looking at two-foot wall of blanket sticking up where her chest was. Throwing off her covers, she saw that her breasts were protruding two feet away from her chest and were as erect as a pair of action figures. "Oh my God! I'm huge!" Racing to her full-length mirror, Susie's jaw dropped open at the grossly exaggerated curves her body now sported. Below her breasts was an impossibly small waist, followed by a remarkable combination of hips and buttocks that flared out about a foot on each side. Susie winced as another shock raced through her body. The shock was followed by a slight tingling, and as Susie looked on, her tits swelled to comical sizes, and her ass inflated like a double balloon. The amazing breasts grew until they were pressed tight against the full-length mirror. Stepping back several feet, Susie looked at her incredible body. The enormous boobs she now held with both hands were inexpressibly gigantic, as was her bottom, which looked like someone had placed an overinflated beach ball between her legs and waist, now inexplicably small, small and thin as a pencil, almost. Yet, Susie was not horrified by her freakishly proportioned body. Instead, she was jumping for joy, her mams bouncing in every direction. Her revelry was cut short by the doorbell. That must be Frank, Susie thought excitedly. Wait'll he gets a load of the new and improved me! But it wasn't Frank; it was the Doctor. "Susie...the chips...not compliant..." he said breathlessly. As he stopped to catch his breath, he noticed Susie's overabundant hourglass figure. "I see you've already discovered that," he murmured, hypnotized by Susie's jiggling bosom. "Yeah, I'm enthralled and everything, but why are my boobs and ass growing, while my waist is shrinking out of existence?" "Well, Susie," the Doctor began, "the computer chips I implanted in your body are not Y2K compliant. At midnight last night, the chips went haywire, so to speak, and caused an overinfluction of saline and oxygen, with the oxygen outweighing the saline 72.8 to 27.2, thus causing your curves to increase enormously every time you experience a small electric shock going through your body..." He continued droning on for hours, as scientists tend to do. During his boring lecture, Susie went through three more "growth spurts." By the time he had concluded his talking, Susie had a bust beyond all possible definition, an ass bigger than a dumptruck, and a waist less than 4 inches around, thus pinning her to the floor with the weight of her mighty curves. "Well, I see you're having a hard time getting up, so I'll deactivate the chip in your waist before it gets so small you snap in two." He pulled out a device from thin air and pressed a button. Susie felt a slight jolt in her midsection which faded quickly. "Bye," the Doctor said, making his exit. Susie lay struggling on the floor for 10 minutes until Frank arrived. Upon sighting the enormous pile of flesh that was Susie, he stood completely rigid, and I mean completely! "Well, don't just stand there, man!" Susie shouted. "Get me into bed, and let the fun commence!" A broad grin split her face as the most powerful shock yet rocked her bulging body. A rumbling filled the air as the roof of Susie's house lifted slightly off it supports. Those who looked closely noticed the roof seemed to be held in mid-air by what appeared to be an enormous butt. Shortly afterwards, Frank moved in with Susie, and every day, loud moans could be heard from inside the house, as the roof continued to raise higher and higher into the sky...
Male Inflation
Full Body Inflation
One of the few things Riley liked about working at the Gold Crown Club was the bathroom. He'd tended bar at many venues where the bathroom would qualify as a circle of hell. He wouldn't call the GCC a high-end establishment, but David made sure the bathrooms were always impeccably clean. Riley appreciated that. What he appreciated less was how some of the other patrons showed their appreciation. He walked in just in time to see a well-muscled man with a chiseled jaw and expensive blazer eagerly snorting cocaine from the enthusiastically bulging cleavage of his buxom blonde companion. She smiled mischievously, winked and mouthed, "Hi there," as Riley walked past on his way to the urinals. The man didn't notice; his face was buried in her boobs. He looked away awkwardly. He was quite certain the cherub-cheeked girl wasn't old enough to be in the club, and he had doubts as to whether she was even an adult. That was one of the things he hated about the Gold Crown Club. Just about any pretty girl with a fake ID could get in, and David looked the other way. And the GCC's clientele knew this. Which led to another thing he hated about the GCC. As he stood there answering nature's call, he heard the couple stagger into a stall and close the door. He'd witnessed more bathroom sex at this club than at any other he worked at. He finished his business and washed his hands. He could easily hear their moans from their makeout session over the sound of the running water and the muffled music coming from outside. He wanted to get out quickly before things progressed. Kaitlin playfully shoved Grant onto the toilet and peeled off his blazer. She licked her lips at the sight of his full-sleeve tribal tattoo. "Nice ink," she murmured before kissing him. She unbuckled his belt while he lifted her dress up over her hips. Then he stopped. "What's wrong, baby?" she asked. "You feeling okay?" "I dunno. I feel weird." He looked slightly dazed, swaying a bit. "Well you just did a whole buttload of blow," she giggled. "Don't think that's it, Katy. I feel — what the fuck?" He felt as much as heard a low hiss rising within him. "What's that sound?" Kaitlin asked, worried. Grant's breathing quickened, but she could still hear the hiss over his rapid, alarmed inhalations. "It's — it's me!" he cried out. He felt a surge of pressure and looked down to see his stomach bulge forward. His shirt lifted, his buttons pulling taut before snapping off one by one as his six-pack rapidly ballooned into a keg. "What's happening to you!" "I don't know!" His arms and legs followed suit, straining the fabric of his clothes. He looked back to her, eyes wide with panic. Frozen in place, Kaitlin trembled as she saw his face puffing up. "Get help!" he shouted. "I feel like I'm gonna mmmrrrrph!" His lips were too swollen to allow his words to escape. Kaitlin, however, suffered no such speech impediment. She screamed. "What's going on in there?" Riley called out. He saw the door open inward just a few inches before slamming back shut. "Mrrmmph! Hrrnnnf!" came the muffled cries from inside the stall, accompanied by the screech of rending cloth and a strange gurgling hiss. "Help!" Kaitlin shouted. She'd gotten down onto the floor and was trying to scramble out under the stall door. Riley grabbed one of her flailing arms and pulled her clear. She staggered to her feet, her heaving bosom spilling out the front of her dress. "What the hell's going on?" "Something's wrong with Grant!" she wailed, sobbing. "He's blowing up!" "What do you mean?" Riley asked, confused. His question was answered by a creaking of overtaxed metal, followed by the stall door being blasted open by an enormous flesh-colored bubble. Riley was struck dumb by the sight before him. Impossible though it might be, Katy was right; Grant was blowing up. Riley could see the puffed-up face atop the swollen mass of a body that had overfilled the stall. The side walls buckled, then collapsed. Having broken free of those constraints, the distending form surged into the adjacent stalls and was swiftly filling the restroom. "Hrrrrmph!" came the terrified cry from the quivering, swelling balloon. Puffy hands flapped frantically from indentations on the surface of the ball. His tattoo was stretched and distorted across his increasingly taut surface. Katy gave a horrified shriek as she ran from the restroom as quickly as her platform heels allowed, stumbling along the way. Riley snapped out of his trance quickly reached for his phone. "911, please state your emergency." "I'm at the Gold Crown Club. We need an ambulance here now!" Riley stepped aside to avoid being pressed into the sinks. "Sir, please tell me what's wrong. Is somebody hurt?" Grant's screams were steadily increasing in volume, pitch, and urgency as he grew ever larger. "Just send someone!" he shouted into his phone. Paul, one of the bouncers, rushed in as Riley was making his way toward the exist. "What's with all the commotion — holy shit!" He'd arrived just in time to see Grant's swollen head disappear, his ballooning body having filled the bathroom from floor to ceiling. The gurgling from deep within him turned into a rumble, his overstretched skin flushing pink. "We need to get outta here," Riley said, his voice shaking. "I don't think he's gonna stop." Grant tried to shout a protest as loudly as he could, but the sound was almost completely muffled by his massive bulk. Paul merely nodded. They emerged to find a small crowd gathered around a hysterical Katy. She was babbling incoherently while a woman held her hand and tried to calm her. "We have to get these people back," Riley called out to Paul. The two of them were trying to herd the crowd away when an explosion shook the building and fractured the bathroom door. The music stopped and the club fell silent for a moment. Then all hell broke loose. "I wish I had more for you, Ms. Tylor," Detective Warren said. "I chase ghosts for a living," June said. "If you had more, then there'd be no reason for me to be involved." June was poring over the case files. "All three cases involved men consuming cocaine shortly before..." He couldn't bring himself to say it. "Inflating," June finished for him. "I know, it's hard to believe. Which means it'll be even harder for you to believe that this isn't even the weirdest case I've taken on." Warren briefly considered asking for elaboration, but quickly decided that he didn't want to know. "But do you think that's the connection?" He asked. "There's a rumor going around that the new dealer in town is selling bad product. Could tainted drugs do this?" "It's possible, but I doubt it," she replied. "Something feels off here. I'm certain something other than cocaine connects these men." Over the years, June had learned to trust her gut during her investigations. Reason and logic often failed. "The creepiest thing? They just vanish. All Mr. Crowe left behind was his torn clothes and a demolished bathroom." That was the truly tragic part. June had seen it far too many times. With such an impossible situation before them and no scapegoat to hold accountable, the authorities would always try to bury the incident. They'd craft a cover story to explain the blast, Grant Crowe would be reported missing at some point, and his case would never be solved. There would be no closure for his family or friends. June sat bolt upright. "How did you identify him?" "Riley gave us a description, and we had his clothes. We had to go through a lot of pictures and videos from other club-goers that evening, but eventually we were able to piece together who he was." June was certain the detective's choice of words was unintentional, and tried to shrug off the dark implications. "And the one before Crowe?" "That was easy. He needed an ID and a credit card to check in to his hotel room." "And what about the first one?" "He exploded in his dorm room. His roommate came back from a party that night, but he never did. We assumed it was him." June smacked her hand to her forehead. Of course the police wouldn't think anything of it; they'd never seen anything like this before. But she should have caught it immediately. "Okay, what about this case? What information do we have on the girl?" "Not much. Her name is Katy. She bolted after the explosion. She was most likely underage and high on drugs, so it's understandable that she wouldn't want to wait around for the police to show up." June sighed. "We need to find her. We need answers, and I suspect she has some."
Female Inflation
Full Body Inflation
Kamiko was a girl without any family or friends to speak of. She had silky long black hair tied into a long elegant ponytail and had a slightly muscular yet busty build. She was taken into custody at birth by a rice farmer and raised as one of his own children. His name was Yoshiyuki. He was a kind man who was never married, but he always took in orphans not only to have them work on the fields and help him, but just to feel the joy of raising young people into great adults. He had at least seven young girls working for him, ranging from the ages of 11 to 22. Kamiko was the oldest one. All of them were given food, drink, and a place to sleep, and they all adored Yoshiyuki as a father. Unfortunately tragedy struck on day where Yoshiyuki fell ill and died. His girls tried to nurse him back to health, but the disease was too powerful, even for a strong hardworking man like Yoshiyuki. All the girls were saddened by his death, but they tried to keep the rice fields running. Unfortunately the weather was bad during the rice harvesting season and the crops did not grow as expected. The failure of the crops grew so bad that the girls had no choice but to sell the rice fields. They managed to get adequate money since the man who bought the fields from them felt he could do something with them of good value, so the girls split up the money and went their own ways to find opportunity. Kamiko had always been interested in martial arts. She tried to learn from strangers walking on the roads near the fields, and even tried to join a few dojos. Unfortunately the work on the farm prevented her from pursuing any form of martial arts. She was saddened by the death of good old Yoshiyuki, but she also knew she had an opportunity to finally do what she wanted to. She tried many dojos for various martial arts, but unfortunately many of them turned her down, many on the basis of her being a girl. Some that did accept girls were just too full to accept any more students. Angered by the sexism and limited opportunities she started traveling towards Nara, through a bamboo forest. While shifting through the long sturdy trunks of bamboo, she came across an old abandoned shrine. It looked livable, and she needed a bit of rest before she got to Nara. "I heard that there were some dojos taking women students in. I could hurry, but I don't to tire myself out. They might want me to do some exercises to prove myself to them and I don't want to disappoint them.", she thought. She lay down on the hard dusty floor within the large hall of the shrine and wrapped the blanket around herself that she carried with her. "Funny, this place looks somewhat well kept, despite being abandoned. Oh well, it must have been deserted recently.", she observed. Shortly thereafter she went to sleep. When she woke up, she had quite a surprise waiting for her. A middle-aged woman was looking at her straight in the face as she woke up. She was wearing a white robe and red hakama. She sort of looked like a Shinto priestess, but her long jet black, long regally styled hair and somewhat fierce looks suggested otherwise. "Wha, what!? Who are you?" Kamiko exclaimed. The woman drew a katana out of a sheath within her robe and planted the tip neatly under her chin. "Any wrong moves or words, and I'll plunge this blade through you. What are you doing here?" "I, I..." Kamiko stuttered. Frightened that the crazy woman ronin could kill her in a heart beat. "Look, just answer my questions and I won't hurt you..." "Okay, I, I, I just came to rest for the night." "What are you doing around this dojo?" "D, D, Dojo!? This is a dojo!?" "Yes, unofficially you could say. But it is of no importance to you." "Actually, it, it is." "What?" The elegant lady exclaimed. "I'm going to Nara to look for a dojo to train at. I want to learn how to fight." "Is that so? Pah! Good luck! You'll never find any openings there!" "But, I heard they were taking women there!" "Hmph! They have a bunch of chauvinist swine there! Just like anywhere else! I imagine you have been turned down many times, just for having breasts and a curvy figure!" "Yes." The woman drew back her sword. "Well, you are not going to find many opportunities in Nara, if not anywhere else in the land. Maybe you should try your chances here." "Here? What do you teach?" "I teach a special martial art. One that only I know and practice, and nobody else knows it." "R, really? How special is it?" Kamiko inquired. "Oh it is a amazing art which I have devised. And it looks like I have found my first pupil." "Is that so? Nobody else has taken your offer?" "Well, I actually have had young girls much like you come by, who were eager to learn. But unfortunately they were not up to it. They did not like what it involved." "Is it a tough art?" "You could say that. But I have confidence that one you learn it and see its advantages, you can learn to like it and use its strengths to your advantage. Despite what it may do to you." "I am willing to take on this challenge." "Really? Hmmph! All the other girls said that, and they went back to their mommies, crying like babies." "Well, what could make them hate this art so much?" "How about I show you. Here, let me get something for you to put on." The lady went into another room to fetch something. Kamiko just sat there on the hard wooden floor bewildered at what was going on. She was excited that this woman had an art to teach her, but she was unsure what it was. The lady returned with a strange shiny blue garment. It looked rubbery and thin while dangling in her arms. "Here, go into a room and put this on." "These are clothes? They look strange." "You need to wear them for what you're about to learn. The power of my technique is something that ordinary clothes cannot endure." "Well, I might as well try it on. I hope they are not too embarrassing to wear." "Nobody said that you had to be a fashion queen in order to be a kunoichi" "Kunoichi? You going to make me a lady ninja?" Perkily remarked Kamiko. "Yes, a 'type' of kunoichi. Now go and change!" Kamiko went into a room on the far end of the dojo to change. After a few minutes she came out. She was wearing a dark blue skin-tight bodysuit that covered her entire body except for her head. It had a slight shiny luster and looked rubbery. "My this is a strange garment. It sort of feels like rubber, like balloon rubber." "Ah, that is the point! Now here comes the next step." The lady took out a small round spherical pill the size of a penny. "Swallow this please." "You're not trying to poison me, are you!? "For goodness sake, no! Quit worrying and just swallow it. You are not going to get poisoned!" "Okay." Kamiko looked at the pill with a suspicious look on her face, but she decided that it looked innocuous enough to eat so she popped it into her mouth and swallowed it whole. "Very good" A few moments passed, Kamiko did not feel any different. "Is something supposed to happen?" She remarked "It takes a minute, it should happen right around now." Replied the lady. Kamiko suddenly grunted and twitched a bit. She felt this strange feeling in her stomach. "You, you did poison me!" "No I didn't! Those are the effects you should feel!" "What, what is happening to me?" Cried the despaired Kamiko. "Just relax." Replied the woman. She noticed that the feeling in her stomach felt like a growing pressure, as if something was building up inside her. Sort of like how she would get gas from eating too many sweet beans. "I'm filling up with something inside me! Is this power? Strength, what?" "No, just gas." "What!?" Kamiko then noticed that her belly had started to distend, and the sound coming within was a slight hissing sound. "I'm, blowing up like a balloon!" "That is the point, yes." "But why?" Kamiko's stomach swelled to the size of a 7-month pregnant woman. Then the gas within started distributing to her arms and legs, causing them to swell up. "Well, this is what my method of martial arts entails." "Being a balloon!? Please stop! I feel like I'm going to pop soon!" "You will not! Do not worry!" Kamiko's body had already swelled to well-rounded proportions. Her arms and legs were about as thick as large logs and her midsection had already ballooned to the size of a large beach ball. Her breasts grew as well, being the size of basketballs perched upon her expanding belly, but they were beginning to be absorbed into her inflating body. Her hands and feet had puffed up too, and her cheeks started to look blown up as well. "No! Noooo! I need help!" Kamiko started to waddle around, her legs, arms, and butt-cheeks squeaking like taut latex balloons being rubbed together. She felt really embarrassed at her bloated appearance. Her appendages were being absorbed even further into her expanding girth, making it almost impossible to move. Even her bloated hands could hardly close normally. "Quit panicking! The tight rubber suit you are wearing will keep you in one piece! It allows you to inflate like this!" "But why!? Why must you inflate me like this?" "This is the test! To see if you are ready for this!" Kamiko then realized that no matter how horrific she might look being turned into a human balloon, she had to show this lady that she could handle it. She had not seen many opportunities with any of the major dojos she has visited, and this might be her only chance to learn something. No matter how weird it might be. "I'll show you! I can handle being a balloon!" "Well, show me then!" Finally, Kamiko's expanding body finally absorbed her arms and legs to the point of them being totally useless. They were now just flipper-like appendages poking out from her sides, her feet did not even touch the ground anymore. Her mammoth round balloon of a bottom was the only thing that touched the ground. She could only slightly flap her bloated and squeaky arms up and down, with her puffy hands opened permanently. The lady admired how the once slim girl was taking her transmogrification into a large gaseous mass better than the other girls who stepped up to the challenge. Patches of pink blush appeared on poor Kamiko's puffed-up cheeks. "Mmmmmmph! Cambt! Sbaeek!" "No need to my balloon girl. You're doing fine for now." Finally the hissing sound slowly stopped and Kamiko was now fully inflated. She was at least twelve feet wide and tall. She looked just like a round blue shiny balloon with four stubby protrusions that were once her legs and arms. Each hand and foot looked like mini-balloons inflated to one foot in diameter with five little round plump fingers or toes. Her cheeks were blown-up to about four inches in diameter each, and her breasts were just two large domes sitting on top of her large spherical body in front of her face. On her back you could see a short, slight crevice, her butt-cheeks were mostly absorbed into her spherical body, but a bit of her cleavage was still intact. The morning sunlight in the room made her have a slight shiny luster like a big heavy latex balloon. "Ahhh, looks like you are full now my dear." The lady proudly confided. Kamiko felt horrible, but she was willing to endure this humiliating treatment to reach her goal of being taught a fighting style. "So, do you think you want to go on with this? And learn the mystical art of the Fuusenkunoichi?" She thought a couple minutes, really wondering if she wanted to do this. Blow herself up like a child's balloon for her profession. But she could tell by the seriousness in the lady's eyes that there was some sort of strange fighting art in her method, and she was willing to find out. "Mi shallbfb." She muffled out. "Ahhh, looks like I've finally found a girl adventurous enough to learn what I have to teach! And I thought all girls these days were sissies! Ah hah hahh hah hah!" "So, how sfhall I defrabte myselb?" "How shall you deflate yourself? Well, that comes with what I'm about to teach you! But first you'll have to learn how use your inflated body to your advantage! Kamiko felt a shroud of despair fall over her. This was not going to be easy.
Inflation Olympics
Female Inflation
Belly Inflation, Breast Inflation, Butt Inflation, Full Body Inflation
Sarah chuckled at that. "Inflation Olympics, huh?" Laurie smiled happily."Okay, so maybe it isn't the best name ever, but I think it adequately describes things," Laurie reasoned. "Believe me, Sarah, the competition here is every bit as intense as at the actual Olympics," Laurie added soberly. The redhead brightened then and continued, "BUT. Since this is such a small event compared to the Olympics, you have a chance to get to know people, and make some real friends!" Sarah nodded. By way of explanation Laurie added, "As a matter of fact, I've met all my best friends here at the Inflation Olympics." She giggled then and quipped, "The fact that we come here every couple of months to balloon ourselves to huge proportions is entirely coincidental!" Sarah shook her head and smiled."I'm still not quite sure I understand the appeal of that, but I'll take your word for it I guess!" Sarah said. "So anyway, what about the friends that you mentioned earlier? When do I get to meet them?"Laurie looked at her watch and replied, "Well, you're here a few hours early... most people probably won't get here for another couple of hours. One of my friends is here already though, I caught a ride with her today. We both started at the Inflation Olympics the same month of the same year, and we were both really nervous, So I guess it's only natural that we got to be pals. She's really funny." Laurie rose from the bench and said, "C'mon, I'll take you to go meet her." Her brow furrowed for a moment and she added, "Oh! um...""What's the matter?" asked Sarah."Well," Laurie began, "Sandy - that's her name - Sandy and I do completely different sets of inflation events, and I just wanted to warn you in advance so you wouldn't freak out.""What do you mean?" Sarah asked. "Why would I freak out?""Just by your reaction to me when you walked in. Listen... most of the events that I do are called 'mobility events.' I get inflated, but the object of most of the events that I do is to do various tasks, like running. Those sort of events are scored based on an average of how inflated you are, AND how long it takes you to finish the event. So usually you only want to be a little bit more inflated than I was when you first saw me to do those events, or you're too swollen to do well," Laurie explained."Okay," said Sarah. "Where does the part that you wanted to warn me about come in?""Well, those are the events I do. Sandy's events... well, the object of most of the events that she competes in is to get BIG," Laurie said, emphasizing the last word."Um... like how big?" asked Sarah. She wondered how anyone could possibly be bigger than Laurie had been when she had first walked in."REALLY. BIG," Laurie said. "Her type of events are called 'max volume' events. I'm just telling you in advance. She was relaxing, inflated, in the sauna room when I left her. If she's still inflated, I'm just warning you to be prepared for her appearance," Laurie warned."Okay," Sarah said. Again the thought crossed her mind that no one could be all that much bigger than Laurie had been... surely Laurie was exaggerating slightly."Okay!" Laurie said with a smile. "Sorry for the gloom and doom, I just wanted you to be prepared!" The pair then left the locker room and entered a winding hallway with concrete walls and a checkerboard-tiled floor. In time, Laurie led Sarah into a large communal bathroom, again with a large square door."Is that you, Laurie?" a cheerful female voice called, from across the bathroom from behind a closed door labeled 'Sauna.' The door lay perpendicular to Sarah's line of sight."Yep! Sarah, the reporter from Valley Sports is here! You wanna come out and meet her, or are you busy?" Laurie called back."Sure, just give me a second!" the voice replied. Sarah heard the shuffling of footsteps then, and the door across the bathroom opened, with the doorway in profile to Sarah's vision. Abruptly, two fleshtone spheres swaddled in white towel were thrust into the doorway. The spheres were easily two feet in diameter. The same voice grunted."Oh my God... please tell me those aren't boobs," Sarah thought. At least, she thought she thought it... she sure hoped she hadn't said it. In any case, Laurie didn't say anything."Ugh," the voice said. "What's the point of giving us the double wide bathroom door if the sauna door is only normal size""Need some help?" Laurie asked."Nah...I'" the voice grunted. On the word "bit," the owner of the two spheres burst through the doorway and into the bathroom. She threw up her arms in the air and yelled, "Ta-daaaa! I made it!"Sarah let out a very, very small squeak. Laurie hadn't been exaggerating at all. This woman was simply GIGANTIC. Those blimp-like breasts ballooned from her round, swollen torso. Slightly cone-shaped limbs tapered down to delicate hands and feet that looked ludicrously inappropriate on the woman's distended frame. The woman's chin nestled into root of her own cleavage, and the tops of her breasts were approximately level with the woman's nose. Her face also looked out of place, though not quite so inappropriate as her hands and feet. Her face was trim, with light brown eyes, and framed by wet, honey-colored bangs. Most of the woman's hair was wrapped up in a towel, and she had somehow managed to find a GIANT towel that wrapped completely around her torso, covering her from chest to knees. She was quite tall, around six feet, though it was hard to judge properly with her hugely ballooned body. Most of her height existed in her very long legs, though they too were swollen with enough gas to make judgment difficult.Laurie didn't notice Sarah's squeak. "Hey Sandy! Enjoy the sauna?"Sandy shrugged as she closed the sauna door, an almost obscene gesture on her hugely-inflated frame. "Eh, it was okay I guess. I would have rather had a shower, but... uh, I couldn't fit into the stall. I like the other arena across town better." Laurie nodded. At this point, Sandy turned back to the two of them and noticed Sarah. "Oh, hi there!" She said brightly. "You're the, right?"Sarah could only nod. Sandy walked over to Sarah and Laurie confidently. Despite her ballooned endowments being confined within the enormous towel, mental images of bouncing beachballs leaped unbidden to Sarah's mind. Sarah wondered again where on earth she managed to even find that towel... it was like a tarp made of cotton!"It's a blanket," Sandy said with a smile that flashed bright-white teeth."Huh?" said Sarah, roused from her stupor. Sandy adjusted the 'towel' slightly."Everyone always wonders where I found a towel this big at. It's really a blanket. It doesn't absorb water all that well, but it works well enough I guess," Sandy said. She suddenly turned, and raised her right hand to her forehead in a mock swoon. "Besides... a woman of my unique figure must be prepared to improvise!" She spun back towards Sarah and Laurie, causing Sarah to involuntarily yelp and duck backwards from the bustline that was suddenly aimed back at her. "And what about you?" Sandy said to Laurie."Hmm? What about me?" Laurie asked. Sandy turned to one side so that she could actually approach within three feet of Laurie, and poked Laurie twice in the stomach, above the belly button."You've sprung a leak, hun! I thought you wanted to be stretched out for your events today, especially the relay!" Sandy admonished."Oh, yeah," Laurie said. "I just deflated for a bit... I'm afraid I surprised Sarah at the door, and my figure gave her a bit of a scare...""OOPS!" Sandy said. She looked back at Sarah apologetically. "I'm sorry, Sarah... I forgot... I must have made you uncomfortable too...""Um... no, not really," Sarah said. Sandy's body was very intimidating, but in retrospect, she did seem to be nice. "I was just taken by surprise a little bit. Laurie did try to warn me though... she said you were going to be really big, but I guess I thought she was exaggerating." Sandy laughed and then shined a smile at Sarah through the valley of her cleavage."Oh, this is NOTHING. If you want to see big, watch me during the events. I'm just warming myself up, stretching out, right now," Sandy advised. "I've gotten in the habit of taking a hot shower while inflated a little a bit, before the events... it always seems to give me just a little bit more stretch. Couldn't do it today - y'know - not being able to fit into the shower stall at this particular arena while inflated, but the sauna helped a little bit." Sandy yawned and stretched. She pointed accusingly at Laurie and said, "And speaking of stretching out, you'd best go balloon up again... if you're not stretched and relaxed, you're not going to be very happy during that 400 meter relay this afternoon." Laurie stuck her tongue out at Sandy and both of them laughed at some shared joke."Well, Sarah, Sandy's right... I do need to get prepared... can I leave you with her for a minute?" Laurie asked."Yes, I guess she seems harmless enough," Sarah observed with a wry smile. Laurie laughed and waved as she walked out of the bathroom."Want to go sit down?" Sandy asked. "It's going to take her a little while, and we don't really have much to do for while anyway.""Sure thing," Sarah said."There're a few benches out in the hallway... I'll meet you there in just a second. I need to go throw some clothes on real quick," Sandy said, jerking her thumbs in the direction of a duffel back in the corner. Sarah nodded, and then took a seat out in the hallway. After a few moments, she heard the duffel unzip, followed by the noise of fabric on skin, and grunts of exertion. Sarah reflected that when you're inflated into a human balloon, it must be very hard to dress yourself. She briefly wondered why Sandy didn't deflate to dress, but she remembered what Sandy had said about stretching out, and figured she was probably holding to some sort of regimen.Shortly, Sandy arrived in the hallway wearing a huge Lycra unitard similar to Laurie's, except it was blue-green in hue and had leggings as opposed to the shorts of Laurie's unitard. She carried two tubes of Lycra or neoprene with her. "All done!" She said with a smile.She waddled over to the bench Sarah sat on with careful and deliberate steps of her vastly inflated body and gently eased herself into the bench. Sarah again fought off a wave of claustrophobia as she was trapped between the armrest of the bench and Sandy's hugely ballooned side."Oof. These benches get smaller every day," Sandy said. She gave a conspirational wink to Sarah. "But it might be me that's getting bigger." She smiled wistfully and added, "I remember back when I first started... back then I never even dreamed I'd be able to get this big one day." She grinned and craned her neck to look down at her immensely distended body before also adding, "And now... well, now, being this big doesn't even make me feel full! I get bigger than this just for fun at home sometimes." She handed the two tubes of Lycra to Sarah, who took them, despite being confused. "Could you help me with those please?" Sandy asked politely."Um... sure, what do you need?" Sarah asked. She was getting over her fear of Sandy. She came on sort of strong, but she really did seem to be nice."I need to put those sleeves on my arms so that they aren't so inflated. Normally it wouldn't matter for my events, but I'm in Laurie's relay group today, and I need easy use of my arms... we're trying something new." Sandy said. She held her arms out, resting her elbows on the tops of either inflated breast."Sure, " Sarah said. She started helping Sandy tug the black sleeves of Lycra onto either arm, slimming them considerably. "So what's this about a relay?" she asked."It's one of Laurie's favorite events," Sandy said. "Basically, it's a regular four-person relay race, 400 meters in length total." She giggled as Sarah finally managed to pull one of the sleeves all the way up to her shoulder, slimming Sandy's arm, but ballooning the accompanying breast on the same side even further. "The catch," Sandy said, "is that they don't do the relay with batons that are handed off. They do it with helium that is handed off! It's so fun to watch." Sandy explained. In the distance down the hall, a vague hissing noise issued forth. Sarah thought it might be Laurie reinflating herself. Sandy grinned and shouted, "Woooo! Pack in that helium!""Umm... I'm not sure I get it," Sarah said ignoring Sandy's outburst, as she started to tug the other sleeve onto Sandy's bare arm."Simple! The first person on the team, the one who starts off running, balloons herself as much as she can with helium, and takes off running to where the second teammate is. When she gets to the second teammate, she blows as much of her helium as she can into the second teammate. Then that teammate starts running to the third person, and blows as much of the helium into them as she can, and so on," Sandy said."Oh, I get it!" Sarah said. Heck, it almost seemed sort of cute, and it certainly fit the spirit of the games as she understood them."The problem," Sandy added, "is that you can never blow more than half of your helium into your teammate.""Huh? How come," Sarah asked, as she finally tugged the other sleeve up to Sandy's shoulder. Both of Sandy's arms were almost normal sized now, but both breasts had distended ever further. She sat back on the bench beside Sandy."It's because of the pressure... if both of you have the same amount of gas inside you, you can't push anymore in because the pressure inside both of you is already equal," Sandy said, as she tried to scoot over to make more room for Sarah."Oh... I see, that makes sense." Sarah said. "So why is how much helium you get into the next teammate such a big deal?""That's how the event is scored," Sandy said, as she adjusted the cuff on one of the sleeves that Sarah had help her put on. "The total score for your team is how much helium the last person has in them, divided by how long it took you to complete the race. So it's to your advantage to get as much into them as possible, but also to complete the race as quickly as possible," Sandy explained."Oh, okay," Sarah said. That was a neat little scoring system. "So where do you come in? You said you were helping Laurie with it." Sandy nodded."Well, my specialty is getting BIIIG, like Laurie told you." Sandy gently drummed a little nonsense rhythmic beat on her hugely inflated bosom with her palms while she talked. "I almost never do these track-and-field sort of events. But... since you can never finish the race with more than one-eighth of the helium the first teammate in the relay inhaled, it's really important that the first person take in a lot of it, even at the expense of some speed. What Laurie wants me to do for her squad is be the first person in the relay.""So you're going to take in a lot of helium so that the four of you get off to a good start?" Sarah asked, thinking she understood."Yep!" Sandy agreed. "I'm going to get EEEE-normous. It's going to take me a long time to waddle 100 meters after I'm really inflated, but we're hoping that the extra helium is going to win out over the lost time in the scoring."So who's the second teammate in the relay going to be?" Sarah asked."Laurie," Sandy said. "She's usually first, but I can hold a lot more than she can, so for this experimental run I'm going first. If this works out, I might help her team out with the relay on a permanent basis. At any rate, it's going to be a lot of fun!" Sandy said with a grin. "Her being second was the main reason I was concerned about her being stretched out well... she's going to be really hard-pressed to hold all the helium I'm going to blow into her, even if it's just half what I've got. I don't want to sound like I'm bragging or anything, that's just what my specialty is. Likewise, she's a lot faster at running while inflated than I am." Sandy explained."Right, I understand," Sarah said as she nodded. Laurie waddled around the corner of the hallway just then, swollen back into the distended shape her body had been in earlier."Woo! Looking nice and round," Sandy cheered appreciatively. "I brought Skinny up to speed on the details of the relay race," Sandy said with a wink at Sarah."Oh, good," the now-ballooned Laurie said. "Well, since I'm now stretching out nicely in preparation for my coming overinflation at Sandy's hands, shall we go see if the other two ladies are here yet?""Sounds like a plan to me!" Sandy said."I'd like to meet them, too," Sarah said, smiling."It's settled, then!" Laurie said. She took Sandy by the hands, and pulled her up from the bench. Sandy pushed herself up with her hugely-inflated legs, and the two crashed together in a bizarrely inflated parody of two football players. Their inflated bodies cushioned the shock nicely, and they bounced apart. They both laughed, and even Sarah smiled."Let's go, kids!" Laurie said, as she turned to lead them back to the locker room.
lab inflation
Female Inflation, Male Inflation
Full Body Inflation
"Hey there Adam!" chirped Tiffany, as she bounced into the lab and spotted the tall, lanky form of Adam at his work station. However, Adam was silent and Tiffany taking a longer inspection noticed that Adam had his head phones in while he was mixing some vials of chemicals so he had undoubtedly not heard her. Tiffany allowed a devilish smirk as she realized Adam wasn't even probably aware that she had even joined him in the lab.Sneaking over behind Adam, Tiffany yelled boo! And jostled Adam, which made the dork yelp in alarm the vials of chemical he had in his hands spilling over him and hitting the floor, even splashing Tiffany. "Shit Tiffany look at what you made me do!" cursed Adam, whirling around on Tiffany his dark eyes glowering down on her short, curvey form. "I'm sorry..." mumbled Tiffany, playing with a lock of her curly red hair, while she made apologetic eyes up at Adam, knowing full well he couldn't resist that look. She had to suppress a smirk as she could tell Adam was struggling between his anger and his arousal over her. Tiffany knew, she had messed up though, the two of them had only been working at the lab for a short amount of time and that they needed to clean the mess up quick and ditch their dirtied lab coats before anyone higher up noticed and scolded them. "Come on lets get this and ourselves cleaned." Cooed Tiffany, putting a soft, placating hand on Adam's lanky arm. "Alright," groaned Adam, running a hand through his black hair while a goofy grimace swept across his face.Truthfully Adam was glad to turn away from Tiffany as her touch just made the boner in his pants throb that much harder. Grabbing some paper towels the duo started cleaning, thankful that since the pair always came to work early they knew they had some time to clean the lab up before anyone else arrived. Squatting down, Adam tried to focus on cleaning up the goo that sloshed down the cabinets and the floor about him, while Tiffany worked on the splatters that had traveled further away, but he couldn't help shooting glances over at Tiffany checking out her cleavage as she was one her hands and knees, which kept his cock aching, but also he was tingling. "All tingly...." Adam murmured realizing that the sensation was building up through his body, making him shift uncomfortably in his squatted position."I often have that effect on guys." Winked back Tiffany playfully, which again distracted Adam, feeling his face flush"No not like that, i think i'm having a reaction to those chemicals i dropped." Groaned Adam in annoyance, rubbing at his chest and stomach which were now beginning to ache. Adjusting once again in his squatting position Adam tried to relieve his discomfort and keep cleaning but his face only burnt more as his embarrassment grew with a loud rip. Tiffany immediately looked up from her cleaning at the sound, looking for the source. Adam froze thankful for his lab coat as it had been the arse of his pants that had blown out. Adam's embarrassment however, turned to fear as with a creak and growing rip he noticed the legs of his pants were splitting as his legs and arms ballooned. "Oh shit!" cried Adam jumping to his feet."What?" Tiffany asked in alarm also jumping to her feet, only to get her answer immediately as Adam whirled around, hands clawing over his chest and stomach as his formerly flat stomach protruded and his chest barreled, creating pockets of pale flesh between his buttons as his shirt was stretched further and further out by his ballooning body. "What's happening?" moaned Adam, embarrassed as his shirt blew open along with the front of his pants, exposing by his distended briefs, the outline of his still half hard cock clearly visible and Tiffany's gaze immediately locking onto it. "I don't know." Rebuked Tiffany in awe, coming closer to poke and prod Adam much to his annoyance as with every moan he ballooned out more and more. Tiffany pinched at the ballooning flesh, noticing it was having less and less give as it swelled just like a balloon. "Don't do that, help me!" grunted Adam as his back rounded out and he felt his arms lifting as his body was rounding out more and more. His sleeves and pants ripping further apart as his limbs bulged into great conical shapes. Adam's brown eyes flew wide as he felt his legs widening and sinking into his sphere of a body and he realized in a matter of moments he wasn't going to be able to walk. Despite this Adam tried to move and only made Tiffany jump with a start and step aside as Adam pitched forward, thankful that his lab coat still hung on, covering his arse as his overtaxed jocks tore free, allowing the cold tile surface to embrace his crotch. "Oh wow," giggled Tiffany, as Adam's expansion seemed to slow and ease leaving the young male scientist helplessly flapping his hands and feet in the middle of the lab. Walking around Adam's globe, Tiffany noted how almost spherical Adam had become, poking, prodding noticing how taut his body felt underneath her touch. "What are you doing? Careful with your nails?" gritted Adam in frustration as Tiffany seemed to be enjoying this as she felt him up. His face once again going red as he felt his cock struggle to swell against his bulbous belly and cool floor. "Taking notes of course, this is quite incredible." Smirked Tiffany, testing Adam's sensitivity by rubbing a hand up and down the part of the sphere which was formerly Adam's thigh, feeling his body shudder and tighten beneath her caress. "Stop that!" grimaced Adam, trying to move but barely managing to make his spherical body jostle, much to Tiffany's delight and his embarrassment as his lab coat fell away leaving him completely naked before her. Seeing Adam now completely naked finally made Tiffany snap out of her awe as she realized how swollen Adam was and how bad it would look if someone else walked into the lab. "I guess we should try to get you down." Bemoaned Tiffany, planting her hands on Adam's side and ignoring his protest rolled him over to his work bench so he could help her figure out how to reverse what had happened to him. She couldn't deny she rather enjoyed rolling Adam around like a big helpless ball, she really wished to keep him like this for a while longer but she knew better. Tiffany also knew she'd need help as sure she was smart but Adam's work bench was covered in notes and beakers filled with various chemicals making it impossible for anyone else to decipher what he was doing."Alright, so what did you use?" Tiffany asked eyes still scanning the messy bench"I used...." Adam's voice turned into a gritted moan as with a quivering shudder his circumference swelled outwards and upwards"Oh my god, you're swelling again!" exclaimed Tiffany in awe and shock, inspecting Adam wondering why he was swelling again when she noticed the patch of chemicals, just as Adam saw the trail that had been made as his body had been rolled through the patch on the floor Tiffany had failed to clean up. "You bitch you did this on purpose." Hissed Adam as the pressure inside him grew more intense each shudder feeling like a deep tissue massage as his body tried to stretch more and more. Adam could only helplessly wiggle his fingers and toes, he couldn't even move his head anymore as his neck swelled then sunk into his orbicular body. "I got to get you out of here," muttered Tiffany watching Adam grow bigger and bigger, the peak of his sphere now taller than she was and still growing.Walking behind Adam, Tiffany put both hands on his shuddering, stretching body and begun to push, rolling him towards the doors she hoped Adam could still fit through. Tiffany knew there were some big storage rooms no one ever used and never visited on the floor they were on, so she figured if she could just roll Adam into one of those rooms before anyone saw him she could buy some time to undo this. Though she wondered how much more Adam could take as his groans became louder and not just from his mouth, his body was now groaning and it felt so taut beneath Tiffany's palms. It soon even begun to become more of a struggle to roll Adam as Tiffany saw Adam's expanding sides brushing the benches on his sides, slowly wedging him. "Hurry.." panted Adam, face scrunched tight fearful of what would happen if he kept swelling wedged between the two benches. Luckily Tiffany managed to roll the mounting man free of the benches and both felt elation as the doors rapidly approached. However, their hopes were dashed as with a squeaking groan Adam only made it half way out the doors until he was wedged stuck his body still inflating."Get me out here!" Adam growled, feeling his body warping as his middle was constricted by the door frame, forcing his body to swell outwards into the hall and back into the lab, the cool surface of the floor doing nothing to ease the heat that was welling up inside Adam along with each shuddering, swelling moment of pressure. "I'm trying!" yelled back Tiffany, abandoning simply pushing Adam's bulk and resorting to taking running charges into him, but with each retreat to take a run up she could see Adam was only more massive than the last time, by her third attempt to ram him she saw that he completely filled the door, his ballooning bottom end distending out and around the door, his feet fruitlessly squirming for purchase. "Wow..." Tiffany muttered to herself, she'd never thought Adam would get so huge and he was still swelling. "Tiffany... what are you.... doing?" grunted Adam, unsure whether she could hear him over his groaning body, as with horror he felt his black hair brush the wall opposite the door and he realized how hugely swollen he had become. Tiffany was frozen in place, unable to make out Adam's muffled cries and pleas, she could only watch as the groaning creaking wall of flesh pressed into the benches nearest the door and begun to lift the panels of the ceiling when the groans switched gears and became rumbles. The rumbles building upon one another with each shuddering wave of size that forced Adam to swell bigger and bigger and bigger and bigger. His body impossibility tight from the pressure raging inside him and being constricted on multiple fronts, Adam even begun to panic he was going to be suffocated under his own bulk as his head hit the wall and was being pushed down into his body. A torrent of terrible thoughts raced through Adam's mind, what if he could never get back to normal? Could the building withstand his growth or would he eventually burst free? Would he ever stop swelling this time? Or what if he swelled too big and popped? The last thought of popping reverberating through his mind as the pressure became immeasurable and his body struggled for space to swell. "Tiffany you bitch!" Adam cursed with sudden realization he was at his limit, hoping she at least heard that before with a tremendous BOOOOOOOOOMMMM Adam was gone. Tiffany suddenly found herself dazed and looking at the ceiling. It took her a moment to realize the force of the blimp sized Adam popping had blown her off her feet. Propping herself up on her hands, Tiffany looked at the slightly warped door where Adam had been wedged noticing that not a trace of Adam had been left in the blast. It made her tingle, it had actually been really hot to watch, but with a moan that surprisingly escaped her lips, Tiffany realized the tingle was more than just between her legs. Looking down Tiffany saw her breasts and belly ballooning now pulling the buttons tight. Wide eyed Tiffany looked down and realized she had been blown back into a puddle of the ooze that had made Adam swell to bursting point....
assassination, blowkiss, crush, ninja
Female Inflation
Full Body Inflation, Stuffing
Sara and Alice crawled through the ventilation ducts of the Corporate high rise just outside of Section G. It was where the overseer of the Company kept watch and ran all the affairs of Section G from. But unfortunately for him, a contract had been put out on his life by an anonymous group. And the mercenary ninja group the two young women belonged to was intent on collecting the rather sizable sum. Alice was in front, and Sara was trying hard to look anywhere but at Alice's ass. Alice insisted on dressing the sexy, mysterious female ninja role to the hilt. She wore a tight, one-piece latex leotard, with her gear belt slung low around her hips. The bottom was revealing at the best of times; in her current position, it was nearly indecent. Her outfit was completed by knee-length boots with kneepads; elbow-length fingerless gloves; and a mask over the lower half of her face. Her long blonde hair was tied behind her head, and the kusarigama (chained scythe) that hung at her hip was a formidable weapon. By comparison, Sara dressed rather conservatively. She wore slightly baggy cargo pants, constricted at the bottom by soft leather boots. Her gear belt was cinched tightly around her waist, which was exposed up to the halter top she wore. She also sported fingerless gloves, but no mask. And her blue hair was tied in girlish pigtails. They belied her deadliness though, as was evidenced by the vicious clawed gauntlets she wore on the back of her belt. "So, that can't be comfortable, can it?" Sara asked, trying to sound less annoyed than she was; and failing. "What are you talking about?" Alice asked her, looking back over her shoulder. "That damn unitard, I can see so much of your ass I feel like I should buy you dinner after we're done here." Alice laughed out loud, "You get used to it." She said, and continued crawling. "I'll tell you what, next time you can be in-" Her statement was cut off with a surprised shout as the bottom of the vent-shaft gave way beneath her. "Alice!" Sara called, and then she too was screaming as the ducts collapsed beneath her as well. Alice pulled out her kusarigama, and whipped it outwards, wrapping the end around a nearby pipe. She reached out for Sara, who grabbed onto her, and then they were jerked to a halt as the chain reached its limit. They swung slowly to a stop, and then looked at each other, breathing heavily. "Wow, that was close." Alice said, looking down. "Yeah, no kidding." Sara said, and then looked down as well. They were hanging a couple hundred feet above some maintenance catwalks; much too far to fall. "Shit." Alice said, then looked up. "Here, Sara, see if you can climb the chain, and get to the pipe." Sara nodded and began to reach upwards, when the pipe let out a loud creaking noise. "Uh oh." Sara said. The pipe creaked again, and the two felt themselves lower as the pipe began to bend. "I don't think it's gonna hold!" Alice yelled. Sara looked around for anything they could do, mentally inventorying her gear belt. The pipe creaked loudly again, and Alice began repeating: "Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit" when an idea popped into Sara's head. She reached into her belt and pulled out all of her Ninja-Vanish smoke bombs. "Alice," she said, "just trust me on this." Alice gave her a quizzical look, then Sara pulled down Alice's mask and shoved all of her smoke bombs into Alice's mouth. Alice's eyes widened, and Sara held her mouth closed. "Trust me!" she cried as the pipe creaked again. "Swallow them! Quickly!" Alice gave her an unsure look with her eyes, and then swallowed them in a series of awkward gulps. She continued staring at Sara as the pipe creaked, and Sara prayed silently for her idea to work. Smoke was coming out of Alice's nostrils, and at first that was the only indication that anything was happening. And then, her stomach began to bulge outwards. "Mmmph!?" Alice said, looking down at her swelling stomach, then up at Sara. "Trust me," Sara said again, "we need something soft to land on, right?" She asked her, and Alice just stared back, the unsure look still in her eyes. Meanwhile, the swelling had spread to her hips, and then her thighs. Her butt bubbled outwards, pulling the back of her unitard fully into a thong. Her breasts pushed forwards, and Sara had to grip at her unitard to keep from falling off. Her legs were pushed apart by her bloated thighs, and her shoulders and arms began to swell as well. "Mmmphmm?" Alice asked, and Sara looked back into her eyes. "Just hold on a little longer." Sara told her. The pipe was creaking constantly now, the noise growing in volume and pitch. And it was visibly obvious that it was bending. Alice looked like a parade-balloon version of herself, and her arms were forced out to the sides by the pressure, making Sara's grip even more tenuous. "Mmmphmmph?!" she asked again. "Let's hope you're big enough." Sara told her, and then looked up at the pipe, "because I think we're about out of time!" Alice looked up as well, watching as the pipe cracked, blowing steam out into the air. She moaned quietly into Sara's hand, as the swelling was starting to become uncomfortable; and then the pipe finally broke in half, blasting steam from both sides out into the air. "MMMMMMMMMMMMMM!!!" Alice screamed as she fell, but Sara was overtaken with concentration. She was focused on keeping her hand over Alice's mouth, so she'd still be soft enough to provide a landing pad; as well as angling her blimp of a partner below her. "Brace yourself!" She yelled, as the ground rapidly approached. "Mmmm!" Alice yelled back, her eyes looking past Sara. Furrowing her brows, Sara looked over her shoulder, and realized what Alice was looking at. "The scythe!" she yelled. It was falling right above them, the long blade deadly enough to be a concern even under normal circumstances. But now that one of them was as big and helpless as an over-inflated love-doll, it seemed like certain doom falling from above. Sara looked from her hand over Alice's mouth to the handle of the kusarigama in Alice's hand, and made her choice. She let go of Alice, and lunged for the handle. Smoke began to billow from Alice's mouth, and Sara reached the handle with just enough time to swing the chain before the two hit the catwalk. Alice landed with what Sara would later swear was a "boing" noise, and then Sara crashed down on top of her. Although Alice was a huge blimp, it still hurt like hell for both of them. The smoke was forced out of Alice in a torrent, and Sara covered her head for fear of the scythe. With a "clang", the blade lodged itself in a hole in the metal grate less than a foot from the two kunoichi. Sara breathed a sigh of relief as she stared at the scythe. She could feel Alice's middle shrinking and hardening beneath her, and smoke was clouding the air. She looked over at Alice. Her eyes were closed as the smoke was rushing out of her mouth, but she seemed otherwise unharmed. With another sigh, Sara rose to her feet and began kneading Alice's bloated body until all the smoke had left her. Alice lay on the ground for a second, her hands on her stomach, coughing. When she finished, she looked up at Sara. "Alright, now you really owe me dinner." She said, and Sara laughed. She helped Alice to her feet. "Oh man," Alice said, leaning against a guard-rail, "I need a minute to relax. What the hell made you think of blowing me up like that, anyway?" Sara blushed and stepped back, stammering slightly, "Oh, uh, I don't know, it's just something I heard of once, somewhere..." Alice gave her a funny look. "Whatever, just gimme a sec to catch my breath and we'll be on our way." The two kunoichi made their way silently up through the maintenance section at the bottom of the building, it was the only way to access the building from Section G besides the front door. Unfortunately, because of this it was also heavily guarded. The two had to use all their wits to avoid the numerous traps and robotic guards stationed in the underground. They made it to the ground floor with no problem, and from there on the building looked like any other office building. But it also meant heightened security; with live guards. The two stuck to the shadows, showing just how skilled they were at their profession. The Corporate building was sixteen stories tall, and they made it through seven without ever leaving a trace of their passing. It was on the seventh floor however, that the trouble began. Alice and Sara were crossing a well-lit hallway, when a guard patrol came by. Alice was able to dive into the shadows in time, but Sara caught the toe of her boot in between floor tiles, and fell flat on her face. "Hey, what's that?!" One of the guards called, and they tensed for combat. Alice's kusarigama flashed out of the darkness, impaling the first guard's throat. Sara quickly regained her feet, and sent two shuriken at the second guard. Alice leapt into the light, pulling the kusarigama from the first guard's neck by its chain, and swinging it around at the third. He began to fire his rifle at her, but it was too late, the scythe hit him square in the chest, and sent him toppling to the floor with a scream. Sara pulled another shuriken and aimed at the fourth guard, but hesitated for just a moment as she saw he was screaming into his radio. "FULL ALERT! FULL ALERT! WE HAVE MULTIPLE-" and then he was cut off as Sara's shuriken landed between his eyes. "Shit." Alice said. "Yeah." Sara responded. Alice reeled in her kusarigama. "Damn, we must be slowing down." She said. Sara walked up behind her, placing her hands inside her claws, and pulling them to her sides. "Maybe," she said, smiling viciously at Alice; "I guess we'll have to get back into practice." The next eight floors were a whirlwind of blood and bullets and severed limbs. The two women cut their way through the guard forces with an unearthly ease. They left hallways littered with the dead, and offices smashed inwards by gunfire and flying bodies. Finally, they emerged onto the fourteenth floor to find it empty. They cautiously proceeded, their weapons and clothing stained with blood, shocked at the sudden end to the action. But the floor was completely deserted, and they proceed up to floor fifteen with trepidation. What they found was almost the entire floor cleared out into one huge room. And in the middle of it, an Asian woman in a deep blue kimono with a red obi sat peacefully. "Ah, ladies, so kind of you to join me." The woman said. "Who are you?" Alice asked. The woman smiled and bowed. "Pardon me, my name is Violet." The woman said. "I am Mr. Franklin's most personal bodyguard." Sara and Alice looked at each other, then back at Violet. "You?" Sara asked. Violet smiled again. "Indeed." She said. "Well then Violet," Alice said, beginning to swing her kusarigama on its chain. "I hate to do this, but it looks like we're gonna have to kill you." Violet giggled, covering her mouth. "No, I do not think you will." She said, and rose to her feet. She undid her obi, and then dropped her kimono to the floor. Beneath it she wore only a tiny, deep-blue string bikini. Sara snorted. Violet looked up at them, and for once her calm façade shattered. Pure rage showed on her face, as; in a blur; she shot across the room and hit Sara in the solar plexus with an open palm. With an "Oof!" Sara went flying backwards, before Alice could react, Violet turned and hit her with the same move. The two impacted against the walls, and rose to their knees slowly, clutching at their stomachs. "Oh God." Sara moaned. Violet giggled again, putting a hand up to cover her mouth. Sara opened her mouth to say something else, but stopped as she felt something odd. She looked down to confirm it, and saw that her stomach was indeed swelling out beneath her hand! "Oh my God, I'm, blowing up!" Sara yelled, having to cradle her stomach in both hands now. "I'm blowing up again!" Alice yelled, faced with a similar plight. "What did you do to us?" Sara asked, looking up at Violet. Violet smiled at them. "It's an ancient technique passed through my family for generations." She said, shifting her weight to one leg and putting her hands on her hips. "That attack focuses all my Chi energy; and forces it into you, causing your body to grow." Violet tossed her hair casually. "And now all I have to do is focus, and you two will simply burst, like overfilled balloons." "Oh man," Alice whined, "what is it about today?" She asked, prompting a quizzical look from Violet. "I don't know," Sara said, getting to her feet. "But I don't plan on popping anytime soon." She readied her claws and rushed Violet. The two women fought for a moment, but Sara couldn't lay a hand on Violet, and she hit Sara in the stomach again, sending her back against the wall. "Foolish little girl." Violet said, and focused, causing Sara's body to swell outwards. She tried to regain her feet, but couldn't move with her body so bloated. Her hips were bloating outwards, as were her thighs; her breasts swelled out before her, making her look like a parade balloon. "Ugh, I'm getting so big!" Sara moaned. "You leave her alone!" Alice called, leaping forward and swinging her kusarigama at Violet. Alice was a little faster than Sara, but Violet was still faster than both of them. She dodged all of her attacks, and eventually grabbed her in a bear-hug, pinning her arms to her sides. Alice struggled, but it was no use, Violet grinned at her, and Alice felt her body swelling once more. Her breasts pushed forward, her arms swelled like sausages, and her stomach pushed out even further against Violet's lithe body. Behind her, her butt pushed outwards, pulling her unitard into a thong again. Her thighs bloated, and even her face began to puff up. "Oh God." She moaned. "You make such a pretty balloon." Violet told her. "What?" Alice asked, confused. Violet simply giggled again, and released Alice. As she did, her body made a spread-eagled pose as she filled with Violet's Chi. She fell onto her back and bounced slightly, as if filled with air. Violet stepped back, watching her with her arms crossed over her chest as Alice continued to swell. Her stomach was becoming huge and globular, giving her whole body a rounded shape. "Oooh," Alice moaned, "I'm getting so big..." "Yes, you are." Violet said, her eyes wide as she watched Alice intently. Alice continued to bloat outwards, her leotard creaking as she swelled. Her straining belt popped off of her, and her stomach bulged outwards with a "fwoomp" noise. Violet moaned quietly in the back of her throat as Alice began to look like a ball with arms, legs, and breasts. "Ooooh," Alice moaned again, "Sara, help me!" she yelled, looking over at her partner. Sara had been laying there quietly, enthralled at the sight of Alice inflating like a balloon, but as Alice cried out, she snapped back to reality. "Oh, right." She said, and tried to move. But it was nearly impossible, even though she was much smaller than Alice, she was still too big. "Damnit!" Sara cursed. "Sara, come on..." Alice yelled, getting worried. Violet simply giggled. Alice was rounding out all over now, her limbs becoming shortened cones, and her breasts becoming little more than bumps off of her ball-like body. Violet sauntered over and ran a hand along Alice's enormous tummy, which was so large it reached up to Violet's chest. "Mmm, you're getting so big now..." Violet said softly. "What is wrong with you?" Alice yelled. Violet shrugged, "Is it wrong to enjoy my work?" She asked. Alice didn't have a response, she just grunted in frustration as she got bigger and bigger. Sara was also grunting and cursing as she tried desperately to reach her gear belt. Even using all of her strength, she could only just barely cause her arms to move. Meanwhile, Violet leaned forward and rubbed herself against Alice's swelling form. "Most of my balloons are ugly mercenaries, or dirty little thieves." Violet said, "I haven't had a balloon as sexy as you in a long time." She licked her lips as she stared over Alice's huge body and into her eyes. "Oh God, I'm gonna get popped by a pervert." Alice said to herself. "Sara, Goddamnit-!" she yelled. "Shut up, I'm trying!" Sara yelled back. She was getting increasingly frustrated, she tried sitting up, she tried rolling, she tried pushing against the wall and using that to push her arm down, but it was no use. She was completely immobilized. "Fuck!" she yelled. "I'm sorry Alice, there's nothing I can do!" She yelled, looking over at her partner. Alice looked back at her. "Goddamnit." Alice said again, and looked up into the grinning face of Violet. "You bitch." Alice told her. Violet made a 'tsk' noise and ran her fingernails along Alice's stomach. "That's not very nice." Violet told her. Alice was completely round now, just a ball with a head, hands, and feet. She had stopped swelling, but she could feel the pressure building inside of her. "Mmm," Violet moaned. "You're just about ready to burst..." she closed her eyes and hugged Alice's huge body, putting a leg up against one of her sides and grinding her hips. "You freak!" Alice yelled, groaning as her body began to pulsate. "Be nice." Violet said softly, and then leaned down and kissed Alice's stomach, and with that; KABOOM, Alice burst. Sara closed her eyes and gritted her teeth, and Violet simply stood in place, luxuriating in the energies that rushed out of Alice's body. As the air in the room settled, Violet leaned her head back and inhaled deeply. "Ooh, that felt good." she moaned. She opened her eyes and looked over at Sara. "And I have one more beautiful balloon to go." She giggled happily. Oh shit. Sara thought to herself as she wiggled her limbs again, trying to think of a way out of her fate. Violet began to saunter over to her, and she began to swell. "Oh," Sara moaned. "Oh, oh," Violet was getting closer, "Oh yes..." Sara moaned, and Violet paused. "Oh, make me bigger, make me huge..." Sara said, and looked pleadingly at Violet. Violet's eyes lit up and her smile seemed to broaden from ear to ear. The rate of Sara's expansion doubled, and Sara groaned. "You want to be my balloon?" Violet asked her, approaching and rubbing a hand along her stomach. "Yes." Sara said. "Do you want to burst for me?" Violet asked, her eyes gleaming. Sara looked up at her, and bit her lip, then nodded. Violet closed her eyes and moaned, and Sara began to swell even faster. "Kiss me, balloon." Violet said, and leaned down to kiss Sara. Sara kissed her back, and as she did, she made her mind go blank. She focused only on feeling, not thought. She searched herself for a feeling that was foreign, that did not belong; and found it, and when she did, she focused on pushing it out of herself. Out of her body, and into the body of the woman who was passionately kissing her. Violet made a "mmph" sound, and backed away from Sara, clutching at her throat. As she did, Sara began to shrink. Violet looked at her angrily, and tried to make her swell again, but as she did; her own stomach pushed out above her bikini bottoms. "You tricked me!" Violet screamed. "No." Sara said, looking at her sadly. "I just can't let you burst me." Violet screamed again and began walking towards Sara. Right as she reached her, Sara just barely regained her mobility. She kicked her bloated legs out, causing Violet to jump back, then she regained her feet. "Come on," Sara said, keeping back and staying defensive. "All this time making balloons, and you never wondered what it would feel like to be one yourself?" Violet rushed forward, and Sara leapt to the side, not even trying to fight with her. "You've never wondered what it would feel like? All that energy pushing out from within, your body getting bigger and bigger and bigger..." Violet paused, getting a wistful look on her face, before she shook her head and advanced on Sara again. Sara jumped backwards, dodging as Violet began moving, keeping ahead of her by several feet. "Don't you want to be so big, so beautiful, so round?" Sara asked. Violet slowed for a moment, her head bowed, and then her stomach swelled outwards. Her hips and thighs widened, as did her breasts. "S...stop it!" she stammered, beginning to rush at Sara again, but with her bigger body, she was slowing down. Violet rushed in, and Sara diverted her arm, grabbing her around the small of her back, and rubbing her belly with her other hand. "Mmm, you're getting so round." She said. Violet paused, breathing heavily, and then she began to expand against Sara's hand. "That's it." Sara said softly, rubbing her hand along Violet's swelling middle. "You're going to be so big." Violet shook her head, but she continued to swell. "No." she said, "You're supposed to be big." Her arms and legs pushed apart now, her breasts puffing up into Sara's face. "You're supposed to be the balloon, not me." Violet said, looking at Sara for the first time. "Shhh." Sara said, putting a finger over Violet's lips. "It's your turn now. You can be as big as you want." Violet looked into her eyes. "As big as I want?" She asked quietly. Sara nodded, and Violet's eyes glazed over. Her body began to expand faster, and Sara stepped back. She stood and watched Violet blow herself up for a moment, and then she walked past her to a door in the back of the room. As she walked through it, Violet was moaning: "I'm going to be the biggest, the biggest balloon ever!" And then Sara closed the door. She paused a moment and took a deep breath, shaking the events that had taken place in the room off, and then she proceeded to the private elevator that was beyond the hall. She pressed the call button, and stepped inside as the doors opened. She pressed the button, and as the doors closed, she heard a bang echoing up to her from Violet's room. The elevator doors opened into an enormous, elegant office. A large desk with several monitors and phones; and covered in paperwork dominated the room. Behind it, the walls were enormous floor-to-ceiling windows that showed the night sky, and a large private heliport. The overseer of Section G stood at the windows, staring nervously out at the heliport. He was a thin, harried, balding man in a rumpled suit. He fidgeted nervously, and kept putting his hands to the windows. "Where the hell is that damn helicopter?" He muttered to himself. "It won't be in time." Sara said confidently, stepping out of the elevator. The overseer turned to face her, and his face cracked into a terrified smile. "Hello there." He said. "You must be my assassin." He smoothed his tie and adopted a confident stance that was belied by the terrified look on his face. "Where's your partner?" he asked casually. Sara strode out of the elevator towards him, tightening her grip on her claws. "She won't be joining us." Sara said testily. "Ah," the overseer said. "So then Violet..." Sara shook her head. "She won't be joining us either." The overseer nodded. "I understand the bounty placed on my head is quite the large sum." He said, taking a few casual steps towards his desk. "I can double it." Sara shook her head and raised one of her claws. "No deal, and stop moving." The overseer paused and looked at her, nodding calmly. "I see." He looked up at her and opened his mouth to speak, then broke into a run away from her. Sara lunged and swung with her claws, but she only caught the back of his suit jacket. She leapt up onto the desk and leapt after him, but he dived out of the way at the last second. He regained his feet and, cursing all the while, slithered through a door in the opposite wall. Sara leapt after him again and cut into the door with her claws. She kicked it inward, sending the pieces flying through the room. The overseer stood at the opposite end of the room, staring at her in fright over a large table. The table was filled with food of all kinds, kept well prepared and heated by servants and the warming plates the dishes rested upon. Sara began to advance on the frightened overseer, when the smell of the food hit her nostrils. "Oh," she said, pausing. She began to walk forward again, but couldn't focus. The food just smelled so good... She stopped, shaking her head to try and clear it. What the hell is wrong with me? she thought to herself. Her stomach rumbled loudly. The food smelled better than any she'd ever encountered before, and all of a sudden she was starving. The overseer, cowering against the wall, took a back seat next to her absolute need to eat. Sara dropped her claws to the floor, and walked hesitantly to the food. The overseer forgotten, she pulled a leg off of a roast chicken, and bit greedily into it. From his place against the wall, the overseer started laughing. Sara dug into the food, devouring it as if she hadn't eaten in weeks. "It worked." The overseer said incredulously. Sara continued to wolf down the food, gasping between bites as she noticed her body starting to swell again. "Oh." She gasped between bites, and cursed to herself. "What's going on?" she asked the overseer, continuing to shovel food into her mouth. The overseer laughed again and straightened his tie. He walked over and casually took a seat at the head of the table. Sara was still eating, her stomach bulging forward as she piled on weight. Her breasts swelled against her top, and her hips and thighs bulged outwards, pulling her formerly baggy cargo pants tight. "It was an idea of Violet's." The overseer said. "It's a special recipe The Company invented, to her specifications. Quite genius really." Sara was looking genuinely fat now, and moved down the table as all the food within reach had been devoured. "What are you talking about?" she asked, her mouth full, food staining her chubby cheeks. "Food that smells so good, no one can resist. I," he pointed to his nose, "and everyone else here take the antidote, so it doesn't affect us." Sara's gear belt burst off of her swelling gut, the button to her pants landing on the opposite side of the table. The seat of her pants tore open, revealing her underwear, which was pulling tight against her fattening ass. "And it's so incredibly fattening," the overseer continued, "that you'll eat it until you become too fat to move." The overseer laughed to himself. "Pretty hard to assassinate someone when you're just an enormous blob of fat." Sara shook her head and cursed to herself as her enormous breasts ripped open her top. Her arms were getting so flabby it was hard for her to keep reaching for the food, and her knees were buckling under the weight she was piling on. Her stomach hung down in front of her, almost to her knees now, pushing her further away from the table. "You bastard." She said. The overseer just shrugged to himself. "You're here to murder me in cold blood, who are you to talk?" He retorted. Sara shook her head and tried to stop herself, she tried to think of Alice, of her group; of anything to make herself stop eating, but she couldn't. She kept shoveling more and more food into her fattening mouth, and only getting fatter and fatter. Even her fingers were getting plump now, making it hard to grip the food. Her hips pushed out further than her shoulders, and her cargo pants ripped to shreds against the onslaught that was her fattening thighs. Her stomach was nearly touching the ground now, and her legs finally gave out under her weight. She fell to the floor with a loud "thud", and reached out for the table like a greedy child. "No!" she cried when she realized she couldn't reach it. She continued to fatten for a moment as the food digested. Her stomach pushed out in front of her, and her hips pushed out to the sides. She looked like an enormous blob now, and her chins had gotten so big that they were resting on the tops of her gargantuan breasts. She had become completely immobile. The overseer chuckled calmly to himself, his fear dissipated. "Well, I guess that settles that." He said. He rose to his feet, and walked around the table to Sara. "I guess all that remains is to call the cleanup crew. I'll make sure you get plenty of food in jail, fatso." He said condescendingly, patting the side of her titanic stomach. Sara just stared at him, her eyes blazing with rage. As the overseer passed behind her, she planted both her feet on the floor, and with all her strength, shoved. She fell backwards, her huge body shifting like water. "NO!" the overseer screamed, and then Sara's bulk landed on top of him. There was a crunching noise, and Sara felt him struggling beneath her. Her fat jiggled as he tried to push her off, and then his struggles slowed, growing weaker. Finally, they stopped. "Motherfucker." Sara said, shifting her fat again for emphasis. The smell of the food was still driving her crazy, but there was nothing she could do about it. She reached down and felt along the floor for her gear belt, and found it, slinging it onto her stomach. She went through it and grabbed her radio. She pulled it out and put it to her ear. "Caffeine?" She said, after a moment of static, a voice said: "Roger, receiving." "This is Kittychan." Sara said. "Whiterabbit didn't make it, but mission accomplished." After a pause, the voice on the other end replied: "Understood, what's your location?" Sara looked around. "Trapped in the executive suite, and I'm gonna need a lot of help getting out of here." Static for a moment, and then: "Roger, need to punch out?" "Negative." Sara responded. "Just need to do some, uh, heavy lifting. I've put on a bit of weight..."
deflation, giantess, hand pump
Female Inflation
Full Body Inflation
Julia pouted. "It's not fair. I get all ready to go out..." The tomboyish girl gestured to herself, dressed in a tank top, jacket, sandals, skirt and bike shorts. "...and they tell me that I can't because of some 'alleged incident.'""'Alleged incident?'" Charlotte asked."Something about another lab on campus exploding," she said dismissively."Weren't you working in that lab at the time?""No, I arrived just as it happened, but because I've got a 'reputation'-" She paused to make air quotes with her fingers. "-the Dean thought I was responsible and put me on Quadruple Not Even Making It A Secret Probation."The redhead looked out the window of Julia's room. "That explains the tank.""I didn't even know gravel could burn like that." She sighed. "So I'm not going to be able to go upstate with you.""You've snuck out before, haven't you? Why not now?""Guard dogs.""The campus has- ...of course it does. It has a tank, why -wouldn't- it have guard dogs?" She rolled her eyes, thinking over their predicament. A moment later she glanced at the door, biting her lower lip, before looking back at Julia. "I can get you out of here, but you have to trust me.""If you're going to call in a helicopter from your family, don't bother. I think they have a jet as well.""No, it's not a helicopter. Just... turn around, and trust me."Julia shrugged, turning her back to Charlotte. "If you can teleport or something, that's fine. I promise I won't try to weaponize you."Charlotte rubbed her hands together, flexed her fingers and, in one smooth motion, slid both her hands under Julia's shirt, gently pressing the index finger of one hand into her navel while pinching one of her nipples with the other, causing a hissing sound to emanate from somewhere inside Julia.Julia let out a yelp of surprise, squirming in her friend's grasp. As she flailed her arms in an effort to get free she felt herself growing weaker, the small amount of movement becoming strangely tiring. Stranger still, even with Charlotte's hands up her shirt, it was beginning to feel loose; not just that, but her skirt and sandals as well. "What... are you...""Shh, don't worry. Just trust me."The strength left her limbs, and she fell forward only to find herself held up in Charlotte's arms. She watched as she grew flatter and thinner, her head hanging lower as she drooped more and more, until eventually the hissing faded away. Her task done, Charlotte laid the flattened, deflated Julia out on her bed. If anyone else were around to see her, they might have mistaken her for a very realistic inflatable doll, an observation not too far from the truth."Okay," Charlotte said, "I think I can smuggle you out of here now." Taking her feet, she gently rolled up her legs, then her arms, then her body and head. Picking up the log-shaped mass of her friend, she placed Julia in her bag and, with one last look out the window, exited the room and headed for the front door. Several hours later, Charlotte entered her family's manor, breezing through the halls before exiting through one of the back doors onto the rear lawn. Opening her bag she gently lifted Julia out, placing her on the grass before unrolling her and smoothing her out. Charlotte lifted Julia's limbs, turning them over to ensure that she hadn't been punctured during the trip, before walking away and retrieving the large tire pump from the side of the building. Returning, Charlotte plugged the nozzle into Julia's navel and, after a reassurring nod towards Julia, began to pump.Julia's stomach rose up before flattening out, the air flowing into her limbs and head. The overwhelming weariness began to fade as her arms and legs grew thicker, twitching as she attempted to move them. She slowly raised her head as it began to round out, looking down at herself with a combination of awe and confusion as she returned to normal.Charlotte gave the hose a tug, pulling it out of Julia's navel before setting the pump aside. Reaching down, she pulled her friend up to her feet. "Sorry if that scared you," she said."That's an intriguing trick you have," Julia said. "Some prior warning would have helped, but I don't think I would have believed you even if you told me.""You're okay, right?""I'm fine," Julia said, adjusting her clothing, "but my skirt is a bit snug.""There might be a little more in you than there should be.""You..." She paused, prodding her midsection as she searched for the right words. "You overfilled me?""It'll work its way out.""People can -be- overfilled?"Charlotte hesitated. "Julia, if you're upset-""No, I'm not upset, I'm just..." Gears began to turn in her head, and she glanced at the pump before looking around, trying to seem inconspicuous. "Is it alright if I stay out here for a bit to clear my head? After all, I was deflated, rolled up for two hours and returned to normal with a bike pump. It's a... it's a bit much to take in at once."Charlotte nodded. "Just holler when you come back in," she said, walking for the back door.Julia returned her nod, watching as the door closed behind Charlotte and she disappeared into the interior of the manor. She waited patiently for a few seconds, watching through the windows for Charlotte to come back into view, before her gaze shot directly to the pump. She snatched it up with both hands and strode several yards to the side, out of view of the largest windows. Setting it down on the grass, she plugged the nozzle into her navel and, without a moment's hesitation, pushed down on the handle.Before, the sensation of air entering her was like her strength returning, tired limbs gaining the ability to move after hard labor. Now that she was back to normal it felt different, like a faint, gentle push from inside her that spread across her entire body, filling her with power. A greedy smile spread across her lips; she didn't know how or why, but she knew she had to have more.The discovery sent her into a frenzy of pumping, causing her body to quickly grow. Her stomach puffed out into a small pot belly, rapidly developing into a muffin top before spreading up and down to encompass the rest of her torso; stretched beyond their limits her skirt and jacket tore apart, falling to the ground. Her hands and feet grew plump, keeping in scale with her thickening limbs as she continued to piston the pump's handle up and down in front of her. Her breasts, while still relatively small, rapidly outgrew the confines of her bra, causing it to strain before breaking open; taking one hand off the pump, Julia reached down the front of her tank top to fish it out before tossing it to the side. Even her head was not untouched as her cheeks grew fuller and her nose rounder.With a soft "piff" the hose popped out of Julia's navel, and it took a few seconds before she realized what had happened. She stepped off the pump, picking it up and idly noting how much smaller and lighter it felt. Realization setting in, she turned towards the manor to inspect her reflection in the windows, only to discover that she wasn't merely rounder, she was -taller- as well: Normally five and a half feet, she had grown to nearly eight in a short span of time. The reason the hose had fallen out was because it simply couldn't reach.Julia plugged it back in, picking up the pump and holding it in both hands as she admired her barrel-shaped body and plump limbs, all round curves that defied gravity. By some miracle her bike shorts and tank top remained intact, though the latter was more of a bikini top than a shirt at this point. She resumed pumping, watching herself grow larger and more powerful, unconcerned with whether or not her clothing would hold. After all, she reasoned, who would be in a position to tell her what to wear now? Elsewhere inside the manor, Charlotte was beginning to wonder what was keeping Julia. It hadn't been that long - only a few minutes - and Julia wasn't normally one to get worked up over strange occurrences, though that may have been because she was normally at the center of them. Still, it was worth checking up on her.She opened the door to one of the manor's side rooms, reasoning that she could get a good view of Julia from the third floor. As Julia's eyes met hers, Charlotte realized that she was right, though not in the way she expected.Charlotte charged for one of the windows, threw it open and gaped down at her friend. If she was inflatable doll before, now she was a parade float, a rotund caricature of a woman two and a half stories tall. Despite her sheer enormity her shorts and top still held on, and despite her scale she still continued to work the tire pump connected to her navel, holding either end with her thumb and forefinger. The sight would have been comical had it not involved her friend transforming herself into a giantess in her own backyard. "Julia, what...?"Julia smiled. "I decided to try out a new look.""You're... you're huge!""Yes! I'm enormous! I'm all-powerful!" She let go of the pump, letting it dangle from her navel as she cupped her chest, fat sacks of air big enough for Charlotte to sleep on. "I have boobs!""You have a case of megalomania!"She scowled, leaning in as far as she could manage with her swollen body. "Megalomania? Is that any way to speak to your new -goddess-?" She took a breath and blew out a gust of air, sending Charlotte tumbling to the floor before smirking at her display of power and turning away."Julia!" Charlotte shouted, climbing back to her feet. "You need to stop! Julia!" Her shouts fell on deaf ears, however, as Julia waddled off, returning to her pumping. "Terrific," she muttered, "she's drunk on power -again-."Charlotte folded her arms across her chest, tapping her foot on the floor as she thought. A moment later her eyes lit up and she sprinted out of the room and down the hallway, heading towards the garage. Entering, she slapped the button on the wall, raising the garage door and letting light spill in. She scanned the room before finding the object of her search tucked between two shelves: A heavy air compressor.She took hold of the handles and, grunting, dragged it outside, pausing briefly to catch her breath. Uncoiling the long hose, she looked at it nervously before inserting it into her navel, reaching over, and turning the switch to "High." Julia struggled to work the pump with her fattened fingers, cursing under her breath as it slipped out of her navel and from her hands. She stooped, groping blindly along the ground beneath her belly in an attempt to locate it again. While she had continued to grow since Charlotte had so rudely interrupted her, she wasn't big enough to inspire sufficient awe for her tastes. She was, however, bloated enough to make picking the pump back up a near-impossibility."Lose something?""Yes, the blasted pump fell out and-" Julia stopped, whirling to face the voice as fast as she could manage.Standing near the manor was Charlotte, three stories tall and inflated head to toe, her limbs as round and thick and her body as full and globular as Julia's. She was also completely nude, a fact she was keenly aware of judging from the deep blush across her freckled, puffed-up cheeks. Pausing to adjust the hose wrapped around her wrist, Charlotte put her hands on where her hips would normally have been, trying to look intimidating despite herself. She had to admit to herself that it did feel good: As ridiculous as it was to inflate herself into a thirty-foot-tall walking blimp, there was an amazing sense of power in being able to look down on everything around you, and her strength matched her size despite her body being full of air. She also felt clumsier; her body wobbled with every step, throwing off her sense of balance ever so slightly she moved."Julia," Charlotte said sternly. "You're getting out of hand.""You can't order me around!" Julia shouted, pointing to herself with her thumb. "I'm too big to be stopped!""That's what your mom said when they tried to ban her from the buffet."She scoffed. "How juvenile. Soon, I'll have the awe and respect I deserve.""How? By painting 'Goodyear' across your ass?"Julia balled her fists, glaring daggers at Charlotte. "...fine. We'll do this your way."The turgid titanesses stared at each other across the field, eyes locked, before letting out a battle cry and charging the other, fists raised and ready to strike. The two met, colliding belly-first with enough force to make the manor's windows shake, bouncing away from each other as their punches met empty air. Julia managed to keep her balance after the impact, landing safely while Charlotte teetered on one foot, waving her arms frantically before regaining her footing.They met again, locking hands as they leaned into the other. Teeth grit, their breasts and bellies compressed together as each attempted to overpower her foe. They dug furrows into the ground with their feet as they pushed with all the strength they had, unwilling to give an inch.Suddenly Julia's foot slipped, and she faltered briefly. It was only a split-second, but it was opportunity that Charlotte had to take advantage of. With a scream she shoved Julia away before belly-bumping her for good measure, knocking her onto her back. Undoing the hose around her wrist, she jumped into the air, bouncing as she landed spread-legged atop the curve of Julia's body, just below her navel.Julia reached towards Charlotte, trying to grab her but unable to find purchase on her gut. Despite now having to overcome both her bulk and Charlotte's to get up, Julia couldn't help but be amused. "What are you trying to do? -Press- all the air out of me?"Charlotte didn't reply, instead plunging one end of the hose into Julia's navel, raising the other end to her lips, and blowing as hard as she could.Julia stared at Charlotte through the canyon between her breasts, completely bewildered, before laughing uproariously. "Oh, Charlotte. If you wanted to help me, all you had to do was say so!" She let her arms drop, still chuckling as she grew taller, spreading up and down across the grass. She hadn't been blowing that long, but the difference in size was slowly making itself apparent. "Oh, this is so much faster! Who needs that tiny pump when I have you around?" Julia put her arms behind her head. "How big do you think I am now? Thirty-five feet? Forty? You know, I might need an eager minion such as yourself to get me up to size if I ever need to shrink down again. Of course, they could just make a throne in my size, but-"She stopped. Something was wrong. The gentle push from before was becoming a stronger, more insistent pressure. Her breasts and body were growing larger, but she didn't feel herself growing taller. Still mounted atop the curve of her stomach and still blowing, Charlotte gave Julia a knowing look."No!" Julia reached out towards Charlotte, attempting to knock her away. She watched as her arms took on a conical shape, each swing coming up short by a larger and larger distance, until she was struggling to merely raise them a scant few degrees. Soon they grew still, and she grasped feebly with her hands until they, too, inflated into immobility. Her legs met a similar fate as she kicked them, thickening outward into stiff cones and robbing her of any chance of standing or escaping. Even her head was not immune: Her neck and face swelled out, ballooning her cheeks and forcing her to squint as she alternately pleaded and cursed at Charlotte, until finally the air pursed her fattened lips into an "o."Completely helpless, Julia could do nothing but watch as the steadily shrinking Charlotte blew more air into her. Her body and breasts grew larger and rounder, dominating her field of view as the sensation of stretching skin grew smaller before fading away, leaving her with nothing but pressure. With no more room to grow it began to mount, pushing up against Charlotte and out in all directions. Through her massive lips she forced out, "...s... top... pl... ease..." but Charlotte was too distant to hear.Julia's body creaked as it struggled to contain the titanic volume of air blown into her. There was a groan from deep inside of her gut, then another, and another. Her skin began to tremble as the groaning began again and didn't stop, steadily rising in volume. Her body throbbed before surging outward, finding brief respite from the pressure before exploding in a deafening bang.The force of Julia popping threw Charlotte into the air amidst a whirlwind of rubbery, flesh-toned material. She flapped her arms, attempting to maneuver as she fell back down, landing belly-first on the ground and bouncing a few times before coming to rest. At twelve feet tall she still had some air in her, but the massively overstretched tank top and bicycle shorts spread across the back lawn were a testament to how much her friend dwarfed her in size.Charlotte blew out the rest of the air, rapidly shrinking down to normal before looking to and fro at the scraps floating down around her. She looked up just in time to have a particularly large big fall on her face, and she pulled it off to discover that it was a sheepish-looking Julia, flat as she was before and naked as Charlotte was currently.She frowned. "A 'goddess,' huh?" Shaking her head, Charlotte slung her deflated friend over her shoulder and began her walk back to the manor. "I think I know why they bought that tank."
Female Inflation
BB stopped and listened - and heard only the wind and the birds. Her group went too far away. She was lost. BB took a decent inhale. The air was brewed on herbs and fresh apples. She observed landscape lit by the sun. Golden field of buckwheat, a road curving around deserted apple garden. A village of log houses, a ribbon of birches mapping the bed of unseen river, hills and rocks on the other side to the horizon. The wristwatch showed 3 pm. The garden spanned to the turn towards the village, branches were bowing under the weight of saffron fruits. BB threw a few into her backpack and bit one - to fully taste the apple flavour. Her tummy gave a gurgle, and she started turning blue. Again she'll swell full - why her allergy always shows up so inconveniently? "Well, they call me Blimpberry for a reason - thought BB. - That's who I am". After the turn one road became three. To the left there was a farm - scoops of forage dispenser, autodrinkers, a few white buildings and a dome of energy station. Straight asphalt road went through the village. BB directed her plumping frame to the right. The right road was just a wide trail lost in the hills. BB took off the shoes and knitted them to her backpack. Alone... Completely alone - an exotic, impossible luxury. Vacation start was worthwhile. She put her blue foot into the warm sand and drowned to the ankle - she was gaining weight. BB looked around, finished the apple, righted the backpack and waddled straight to the river. Tearing and cutting her way through the fragrant bushes she might have changed direction - she waddled with widening hips for quite long, and still didn't see the river. The sun pierced the embroidery of bright green leaves. BB was making stops on the glades. The weight was showing itself - BB made efforts to step. Well, she wanted freedom - she's got it all... She noticed dark gray tops of the woody hills on the other side, followed that way and soon saw the river. She liked the place at once, a perfect location to wait while she will be a ball of juice. She took the backpack off and around her growing buttocks, and started unpacking her medication. The bank was wild and very convenient. If she stays here, her immobility won't be a problem. The protection is all around - a rocky cape to one side, bushes to the other. Fluffy treetops covered half of the sky. Unfortunately there was no beach. Instead soft grass carpet led right into the water. She will find the sand tomorrow, near the rocky cape. Or on the islands - the river had a whole archipelago of tiny sandy islands. The closest one had high bare hills. BB chose the meds and punctured the blue skin. A tiny bead of juice appeared when she was wiping the blue dot with spirit. She felt herself full but still was able to stand upright. She listened to all messages in the wristwatch, sent her coordinates, planned a few routes to the camping for the morning and took the watch off. She felt herself - the allergic currents under her tender skin were filling her at a steady rate. Orange sun hang low above the bare hills of the island and dark thickness of high forest. BB felt big and heavy. Returning to the backpack, BB accurately placed everything on the grass. She installed a tent just in case, unwrapped a sleeping bag, put an axe and a spade near the packages of clothing and food - and returned to her meds. She browsed through them and chose another one, more powerful. Not a big deal - she can handle this. She imagined how she will enjoy the view of stars while being a berry so totally full of juice, closed her eyes and smiled. Rolling her heaving sides, she looked at the grey surface of river island and saw a small cloud on the horizon. BB took the axe and headed to the bushes. After quarter an hour the fireplace was ready. BB protected it with ditches for rainwater and lit the wood. Nothing except the cloud spelled trouble. The sun hid in the treetops, the shadow of the hilly island spanned the river, and the water became black. BB watched the river in the light of the day and rested herself on the grass. She felt herself, recalling how to cope with her new weight and balance. It was a hard struggle. Her hands didn't meet on her belly anymore, and the juice was pressing her into the grass. She enjoyed the feel though, and workout made her sweat in sweet sticky blue. BB didn't notice how azure palette of evening sky doubled by waters faded. The cloud was approaching - heavy as BB, full of liquid and thunder. There was no wind. BB rolled herself on the grass a bit spraying juice, listening to heavy sloshing inside and getting larger and more spherical. At one time she rubbed her nether over some log - and that made her come violently. She enjoyed that, but noted the lack of control. She voiced a few more words to the watch somewhere in the grass and noticed how her voice changed - it was difficult to form words. Little device understood the command from the third attempt and opened a call. Dave was sweet and attentive as usual. BB had trouble explaining her situation, but Dave understood everything from the way she spoke. They agreed that if BB won't come to the camping by morning, Dave will lead her friends and they will find her by the signal of the wristwatch. After telling about group's adventures Dave ended the call. A smoke of pine and lavender was rising from the fire to the height of the second floor where BB's head was by now. She enjoyed the weight and size her blueberry form gave her. She was getting completely full. The pressure was immense. Fading twilight was hiding the shapes. BB tried to look more intently into the forest and tipped forward and to the side. She cursed, but decided she doesn't want to spend the night upside down so she tumbled - and ended up in the warm water, looking at the bushes. Curious fish were poking her gently. The fire was burning joyfully, gloss surface of the tent reflected the flame. And around it there were wild cats... BB looked at them, they looked at her. There were seven of them - a whole pride of those large forest cats were hosted spaciously on the grass. Hot fire and a huge berry in the water didn't impress them much. The cats - large, with thick hide, something between a domestic cat and a lion - were laying still, expecting something. BB thought she's dreaming. One cat, the largest and with a small mane, slowly got up and advanced the water. BB was watching intently from her height how the beast was drinking. The first lightning came down, followed by mellow rumbling of thunder. The bushes screamed terribly, cracked, whooped and whistled. The leader satisfied its thirst. It approached one of the larger branches near the fire and started rubbing it delightfully. The branch shook. BB made a few awkward steps from the shore with whatever bloated feet she had. The lion glanced lightheartedly at the berry, turned away and walked to the shore. The lonely pride was playing. Two young females were rolling and squatting trying to divide a backpack equally. Young males were more fond of a sleeping bag. One of them entered a tent and started searching an exit - out of pure curiosity. Fragile frame fell and researcher went jumping in fear among its mates. An elderly cat granted it a heavy slap. The leader strained its spine in embarrassment, bent his heavy head to the grass and delivered a powerful scream. The bushes went silent. The pride also stopped. The leader turned head back to the water and gave a short cry. The pride also repeated it. The bushes answered in sorrowful screams. The cats walked into the water. BB signed, and flapped whatever was left of her fingers. She rolled herself over the head - warm water getting into the mouth and mixing with juice. Without looking she knew the cats were swimming towards her. She was heading towards the island slowly, in a series of rolls, tumbles and flaps. Her fragile skin was all she had for the night. When her head was above the water she heard shrill cries in the bushes...
accident, floating, hose in mouth
Female Inflation
Breast Inflation, Full Body Inflation
When I heard the bell on the door jingle, my first thought was that I had a real live customer- which would have been my first in three weeks- and that I might actually make the rent on the figure salon that month. But the slim girl who came bustling into my otherwise empty figure salon in the middle of an otherwise empty afternoon turned out to be Denise, and she looked like she was on a mission. "Hey Denise, what's up with you?" I asked. She plunked her shoulder bag down on the counter in front of me and started digging around inside it. "Look at this!" she exclaimed, waving a sheet of newsprint in the air and then spreading it out on the counter for me to read. It was the business page from yesterday's local rag with a headline that read, "Playboy Club Set To Open". I had seen it too, and given it about five seconds of top-of-mind awareness before using it to escort the coffee grounds and a grapefruit rind into the trash earlier that morning. The delusional joker who was energetically transforming a croaked shoe store franchise downtown into an "exclusive gentleman's club" just 5 blocks away from my figure salon had bought himself some cheap advertising by announcing he would pay one hundred dollars an hour to the first buxom young greeter applicant with a fifty-inch bust. Yeah, right. "What's that got to do with us, D?" I asked, sliding the paper aside. "I don't have the waist for a job there, and you don't have the boobs." Which was true. However much I might have needed some way to pay the bills, I am a big girl, with curves in places where your typical Playboy Bunny wouldn't even have places. Denise, on the other hand, had the build all right but she was simply too shy in the top end to fill the bill. She leaned over to me and got serious. "Tricia..." she started, drilling me with those big blue eyes of hers, "you are in the boob business, aren't you? You could do a job on me, couldn't you? I'd even pay you for it!" Which was partly true. I was indeed in the figure-enhancement field (ok ok, call it the "boob business" if you want) but there was no way I or anyone else with an inflation pump in their back room could change a 34A into a 50-whatever without making the rest of her look like me in the process, and Denise knew it. And on top of that, I knew she was just as broke as I was. "Listen, girl... If I put you on that surplus anesthesia pump of mine and blew you up that big, you'd be too fat to get through the door, much less waddle five blocks down Second Street to hand in your application without wetting yourself. Give it up! Fifty inches? Come on- that article is just a cheap publicity stunt. Even if I had a genuine bunnypump I couldn't do it without giving you an ass like mine. Plus you're as broke as me." She paused a beat or two, but didn't break eye contact. Her hand went back down into her bag and she lowered her lashes and murmured, "Are you ready for this?" In the shank of an otherwise dead afternoon, I was ready for anything she could pull out of that bag of hers- or so I thought. But I was wrong. With a dramatic flourish, she exclaimed, "Ta-daaa!" and produced from the depths of it a bright green cylinder of... diving rescue gas, single-use size, all pretty and shiny and new and with an intact safety seal on the neck of it. Holy shit. Diving rescue gas was the favored drug of the sorority set. A single-use bottle of that contained enough pressurized fun to make a midnight bedroom full of giggling rich girls as dumb, numb, and fluffy as a flock of fattened sheep. It had a street value of a couple hundred dollars and the Cosmetology Board would yank my ticket in a heartbeat if they ever found out I had any of it in my salon. That stuff was dangerous. "Denise, you dumb ditz!" I yelled. "Get that stuff outta here! You want me to lose my license?" She slipped it back into her bag with a sly grin and replied, "What would you say if I told you I have twenty-six more just like it in the trunk of my car?" Holy holy shit. "I'd say you were out of your mind! They'll throw you in jail for just huffing the stuff at someone else's party! Where the hell did you get that stuff, anyway?" Denise lowered her voice and said, "Close up shop for a bit, Tricia. I have a business proposition to talk over with you- in the back room, where it's... private." "Oh God, all right" I said nervously, and hurried over to flip the sign on the front door to show back at 3:30. Anything to get her and that handbag of hers out of sight. We went down the corridor to the cozy little room where I kept my inflation equipment and went inside. The muzak system was playing one of my old Barry White disco beat tapes and I reached up to the shelf to shut it off. Stupid stuff. Who was it told me that the clients like to listen to that garbage while getting pumped up a bit for a nice jazzy weekend? And me, desperate enough to believe it would help my business... I closed the door and Denise sat down on the recliner and pulled the gas cylinder out of her bag again. She started talking fast. "The swim club where I work weekends just went through their annual safety inspection, and they pulled all the rescue gas cylinders that were more than a year old. Every one of them. Something about the valves maybe not working right all the time? So they installed brand new ones in all the first-aid stations and the safety boxes in the pools and I watched them put the old ones in the dumpster out back. My car was parked right next to it, can you imagine? After closing time I pulled them all out of the trash and put them in the trunk. Only took a minute." She sat there with the cylinder in her lap, drumming her nails on it, her eyes nervous but expectant. "Lot of money in that trunk of yours, D" I said. "Or a lot of jail time if you get caught with that stuff." She got serious and lowered her voice still more and leaned forward in earnest. "I'm not going to sell it, Tricia. That Playboy club- I'm serious. I, that is, we... are going to use it- I mean, I need your help to..." She trailed off. The room was silent except for the air conditioning and the occasional truck driving by on the street, one way five blocks south and past the new Gentleman's Club. I started catching on. Denise really, really wanted that Playboy greeter gig- and for a hundred bucks an hour just to stand around in the foyer with a coy smile while sporting a fifty-inch bustline in a bunny costume, who wouldn't? But for that she needed a certain sort of help, which is what brought her to me. True, I was good enough with that second-hand, ex-operating room anesthesia pump and respirator that I could put more than just a few extra inches almost anywhere the client wanted, but what she wanted... no way. However, anyone who watched the human ballooning event at the Inflation Olympics last month also knew about the magic that could be worked through the creative use of a different sort of inflation gas. Gas that was rumored in some circles to be, well, not unlike that contained in the shiny green bottle now resting in her lap, and all its brethren hidden in the trunk of her rusty Toyota. "Denise, I know you could blow your boobs up big as beach balls with balloon gas, but it isn't the same thing as rescue gas. That stuff is drugged to make you limp and it's got far too much helium in it and-" Denise interrupted, pointing to the closet where my machine was stored. "Your pump can do blends, right? Well, can't you just screw the rescue gas bottle in instead of the helium and thin it down with oxygen so I won't pass out while you are filling me up... please? And... and... look what I've already got." She pulled from her bag a bright pink satin bunny costume, complete with a little cotton fluff bunny tail and bunny ears on a headband. "I slit out the seams in the bust to hold really big boobs and tightened the elastic in the waist so my belly and butt won't blow up too much, see?" She held the costume up in front of me. She had done a careful job. The strapless cups in it were gigantic and stiff with reinforcement ribs. "And, and, I've got these fishnet stockings that are really sewn out of super-tight spandex so my thighs won't fill up either and... don't you think this would work? ...please could we maybe try?" It was amazing. Denise had really thought all this out. She planned it, worked at it... but how could she have got this scheme put together so quickly after finding the gas bottles? Unless... "Uh... Denise... who told the inspectors about the gas bottles? About the valves not always working right?" The room stayed silent a bit too long. Another truck drove by. Clutching the bottle to her chest, Denise squeezed her eyes shut and started to cry, rocking the bottle back and forth. "It's not just the hundred dollars an hour," she sobbed. "And I only wanted one bottle, just one to take home with me that night... I had no idea they'd throw all of them out... I wanted..." she sobbed. "I always wanted... to be... b-b-big. Like... like... you. Only... only..." I sat down next to her and wrapped her up in a very large hug. Fortunately for Denise, I'm built for that sort of thing. I squeezed her pretty firmly and held her head against my chest and felt her tears drop down my front. Poor girl. She sobbed for a while and I reached out for a Kleenex and dabbed up the wet. "D...D...D... here you go, girl. Here you go. It's OK. It's OK." I held on to her. She really is a slender little thing, and I kissed her wet cheek because at the moment, that was what I was there for. "It's OK." We drew apart and seeing as her mascara had started to run I did some more work on her with another kleenex and I said, "You know, I've never worked with balloon gas before, or rescue gas for that matter... I've heard it's dangerous stuff, you need training to use it safely. I'd be afraid of doing something wrong, girl... like giving you too much gas, or not enough oxygen, or blowing you up too big... I wouldn't want to hurt you..." "But... but you'll help me? We can try, can't we? I'll... I'll be able to tell you if everything's going OK while you are pumping me up. I can signal if I need more air, or if I'm getting too much. And when to stop- see, there's no elastic in the cups, so when they're full my boobs will stop getting bigger and you can shut off the pump in time..." We were both silent for a bit. I held her hands in my lap. Then she sighed and said, "I trust you, Tricia. Please... help me. Use the gas- make me big. Fifty inches big. Just like you. OK?" "OK, fifty inches big. Just like me, your best friend. OK." With that, we set to work. While I opened the closet and wheeled out the anesthesia machine on its black rubber casters, Denise stripped down and climbed into the bunny suit and stockings. It was a very snug fit on her everywhere except her bust, as advertised, and when done she climbed onto the recliner and snuggled down into the cushions, all ready to go. She explained more of her plan as I plugged the machine in and switched out the gas cylinders. "That rescue gas is worth a lot more if we use it to get me that job instead of selling it to the sorority bitches. I figure one bottle will be good for at least three inflations, if the only things we are blowing up are my breasts... and if a shift at the club runs like four or maybe six hours, I'll still be big enough by quitting time to meet and greet the guests, so that's about fifteen hundred bucks a bottle. You get half." Holy shit. My take for 78 inflations could be as much as twenty thousand dollars. I could pay the lease a year in advance and still have enough working capital left over to replace that damn pump with something that wasn't an ugly, dangerous antique from the Eisenhower era. Maybe do a little advertising too. "OK Denise, let's not get too far ahead of ourselves here," I said. "I still have to figure out how to blow up your boobs without suffocating you, or turning you into a girl blimp that won't fit through the doors of the Playboy club." She turned to look at me, those perky bunny ears bouncing about a little. "I trust you, Tricia. Just do your best. I know you can do it without hurting me." Yeah, well. This was going to be tricky. "I think we'd better use a strap-on mouthpiece and nose clip, that's better at holding pressure than either a mask or a full-face respirator. We'll use a soft breathing bag with it to make it a little less stressful for you, OK?" "Sure," she replied, but I could tell she was starting to get a little worried about all this because her eyes never left the big, pale-green console of the anesthesia respirator which now lurked right next to her recliner. I was by then sitting on my little rolling stool in front of the control panel; with all its bright chrome valve handles, indicator lights, control levers and pressure gauges, it was a distinctly sinister-looking machine and more than one of my clients from the last year had remarked on how creepy its noises were once it was on and running. The console itself chugged, clicked, hissed and squeaked rhythmically, and the noises transmitted by the breathing hose sounded like someone blowing up a huge air mattress. And it was both tireless and insistent: once I had it set, the client could not fight the pump. No matter how hard she tried, it would have its way, and though she might struggle, she would nonetheless inflate. This could be more than a bit uncomfortable, which was why I normally used it with a rubber breathing bag to smooth out the pressure and give the girl on the receiving end of the hose a little slack. (How did I know all this? Simple. While learning how to work the machine, I tested it on myself and discovered all sorts of stuff and had more than a few close calls- either getting so big I could hardly reach the shutoff valve, nearly passing out from too much helium, or struggling to get the face mask latches to snap loose after the pump quit cold in the middle of a belly job and left me with no air to breathe. And yes, I did wet myself several times in the process, but not one of my clients so far had suffered that indignity.) I reached over with the air hose and mouthpiece and straps and gently put the plug in her mouth and cinched the straps down around her blonde head. She gazed up at me trustingly and in response I patted her cheek. For the moment I left the nose clip off so she could still breathe normally while I got the machine adjusted for her weight, lung capacity, and whatnot. The creased black rubber bag protruding from one side of the mouthpiece swelled and shrank slightly as she breathed in and out. We were almost ready. "Wait a minute, D. I just thought of something- isn't this gas supposed to make you float as you inflate? You'll rise right out of this chair unless we have some way of holding you down." She nodded and said "uh-huh" into the mouthpiece. I went back to the closet and pulled out some spare rubber mask straps and tied her wrists and ankles as gently as I could to the arms and foot extensions of the recliner. She wiggled around a bit to test the straps and get comfortable. They seemed to hold OK. "Denise, I'm going to put your nose clip on and give you just a little squirt of gas to begin with, so you can feel what it will be like once I start the pump and you begin to fill up." With the nose clip on, the only air she would be getting would be what the pump delivered, and keeping her conscious and relatively comfortable would be entirely my responsibility from that point on. I pressed the TEST button down, and a burst of gas mixture coursed through the hose and into her lungs. The hose coiled about, the breathing bag suddenly inflated into a black sphere, and Denise's chest rose. She gasped and swallowed and with her cheeks distended, she looked at the rubber balloon inches from her face and then at me. She was scared now. I released the button, and with the pressure off she exhaled into the mouthpiece. I patted her hand. "Are you OK with that?" I asked, realizing that I would have to take things slowly and as gently as I could, seeing as how this was her first time on the pump. She nodded Yes which I knew wasn't true- she was just being brave- but she had placed her trust in me, and it was time for us to start. Pump ON, pressure UP, cycle START, watch her chest and tummy. Air in the tummy. Back off on INHALE DURATION. Better. Lungs full at the peak of the pump cycle? Yes, good, lock it there and hold for three seconds and... OFF. Breast growth? Yes. Reset and switch to PROGRAM/AUTO and monitor growth and respiration. The pump went to work. With each pump cycle, her belly rose briefly but the elastic in her costume fought it and held tight. I could see her little teacup titties swelling up as the pump pushed the gas mixture into her mouthpiece. Her eyelashes fluttered and sagged a bit and she moaned- too much nitrous? More oxygen and a little more pressure. Yes. Alert again, she looked imploringly up at me and I reached out to squeeze her hand. "You're doing just fine, Denise- try to relax and inhale when the machine wants you to, OK?" "Uh-huh," she replied, between gasps and grunts. After a minute of this she sported as fine a pair of D-cup numbers as you could please, but the cups in her suit were many sizes bigger than this and we kept at it. By now I knew from firsthand experience that she could not only feel her breasts stretching out, she could actually see them herself, rising up bigger and rounder with each inhalation that the machine administered. Her swollen breasts crowded each other on her narrow chest and I realized that she would now enjoy the utterly new sensation of them actually touching and pressing softly up against one another as they continued to fill out the top half of her suit. Per its program, the pump was slowly ramping up the pressure and hold duration of each inhalation while simultaneously decreasing the exhalation window. More and more gas entered her body. Denise's brow became furrowed and her gasps and grunts grew steadily more emphatic and labored. Good! She was in time with the pump, working with it, bearing down on each cycle like a pro as her bustline continued to expand, inch by inch. At that moment it began to look as though we would actually make 50 inches by the time we had used up about a third of the rescue gas in the cylinder that fed the mixing pumps, but to my shock and dismay there came the sound of someone knocking insistently on the glass door of the salon. Suzette. I had completely forgotten about Suzette, one of Denise's co-workers from the pool, who had breathlessly called in for an urgent last-minute appointment the afternoon before. For 3:30 today. Oh My God. I was totally stuck. I quickly got up off the stool as the knocking continued out in the reception room. "Denise, I gotta answer the door, I'll be right back in a minute, OK?" Denise didn't look up. She was transfixed by the sight of her own gigantic boobs. They were just at the point when the nipples atop each swollen mountain of fat were starting to tickle against the inner surface of the cups in her suit- another new sensation for her to experience. Her thighs and belly were fattened up and the elastic material covering them was stretched very tightly. Then, just as I realized that I had neglected to lock the front door, I heard the knocking stop- and the door bash open against the stop. "Tricia? Tricia! Are you in here? Tricia!!" It was Suzette, all one hundred and eighty pounds of unstoppable Suzette, and she was excited about something. Quick footsteps across the linoleum and then that bimbo was banging away on the round silver bell on the countertop next to the telephone, ding ding ding ding! "TRICIA!!" "Dammit Suzette, I'm right here but I've got an emergency in the pump room, you gotta give me just a second-" "No no Trish, I've got something to show you-" "NOT NOW, SUZE! I- Back in the pump room, I knew Denise's nipples would now be chafing against the constraints of the cups and unless I could dispose of this dumbass Suzette, Denise's costume would be completely full, leaving her unable to breathe until I could turn off the pump. Or her costume burst. One or the other... "YES NOW, TRISH!" yelled Suzette, flushed in the face from her rush and dancing in her high heels to block my way back to the pump room. "Look at this newspaper article- there's a PLAYBOY CLUB opening and they-" "GET OUT OF MY WAY!" I yelled, as she pulled a familiar green bottle from out of her little pink knapsack and waved it in front of my face. Muffled squeals of panic came from behind the closed door to the pump room, loud enough to distract Suzette for just long enough for me to knock her to one side. I dashed for the door and Suzette came after me with her tank of rescue gas and newspaper clipping. I fumbled with the door knob. More desperate squeals, then four sharp popping noises in quick succession. The straps. They broke! Meanwhile Suzette was babbling away like a maniac and stamping her foot on the linoleum, "I know what's going on in there and why!! I want you to blow me up just as big as Denise or else I'll report you to-" I crashed the door open and tumbled into the room just as the overtaxed seams on Denise's silly costume burst and with a muffled FWHOOOOMP her body suddenly blimped out into a sphere and she rose right out of the recliner and came to rest quivering against the ceiling. Tatters of overstretched pink spandex flew everywhere and Denise's fuzzy little bunny ears fell out of the air and landed askew right on top of Suzette's head. I jerked the pump's power cord out of the wall and the pump lapsed into silence. The gauge on the rescue gas bottle now read EMPTY. Denise had been blown up like a helpless balloon with a full charge. The only sounds now were Denise's muffled cries and grunts. The mouthpiece held fast and her breathing bag was grossly blown up into a dangerously thin beach ball. I reached over to get my hands on the air hose and pull the poor girl down off the light fixtures. Suzette stood there with her mouth agape and Denise's bunny ears drooping down on her forehead, her precious bottle of pilfered rescue gas in one hand and another hot pink bunny costume hanging half out of her knapsack. Presently, she said, "Well OK, not quite as big as Denise..."
Male Inflation
Full Body Inflation
Nic was all alone. All alone in a big house. The only entertainment in this big house was the TV and the computer. He was house-sitting for a family that was away for the week, and that family was due back the next day. The job was easy, just be at the house and take care of the place, so needless to say, he was kind of bored. What he wanted to be doing was his girlfriend, but she lived in the next city over, and couldn't dive yet. Any time that worked for them would be taken up by driving to see each other. He just wanted to see his girlfriend like most other 18 year olds. This night was like the others in the week, just lay on the couch and watch TV. He was wearing a pair of blue jeans that fit just around his waist, and a plain tee to lounge around in. After a few shows he got bored of TV, and went over to the computer. He opened up a browser and then an incognito window. He typed in "body inflation", then clicked on images. This was his little turn on that no one else knew. Just seeing one image of a ballooning person gave him a hard on. After a while of indulgence, he decided to go to bed. He stood up and went into the living room. He stopped in the door way and his jaw hit the floor. What he saw was beyond any comprehension in the moment. There was a girl floating in the middle of the room. She ws pale and dressed in rags. She had no legs or arms, and a ghostly light flowed around her. She looked at Nic. "Hello," the girl said. "Hi?" Nic responded. "How are you?" "Fine?" Nic was quite perplexed by this polite ghost. "Well?" "Well what?" "Aren't you going to ask me anything?" "Like what?" "Who I am or was? What I'm doing here?" "Ok, what are you doing here?" "I've been watching you this past week and I've decided that you're a nice enough little boy. You deserve something special. A lovely night of sweet sensation." "You're going to bring Bonnie here?" "No, I'm going to do what you've wanted to happen to you, your deepest fleshly desire." "What's that?" "You like balloons don't you?" "You're me?" "Yes," the girl disappeared. "Where'd you go?" Nic walked into the living room. He stood there very confused. Suddenly, he felt his whole body tingle. The feeling was strange, and unlike anything he ever felt. Then, he felt air in him. The feeling of air increased. His stomach started to grow. Nic put his hand on it and felt his belly inflate. "I'm swelling up! Hey! Girl! Where'd you go?" It grew and swelled with every second. His shirt couldn't conceal it, as it swelled out from uder it. His pants fill with his gut. Then he felt his thighs and butt fill with air, and push against his restraining pants. His chest now pushed outward and swelled against his shirt. "This feels so good, but how do I know you won't pop me?" His legs pushed against each other and his stance widened. He rubbed his torso and felt his ballooning self. His shirt tore at his belly, and his pants button shot off. His flesh poked through his jeans as they tore. His arms inflated and stuck out to the sides. "Hello? I don't know how much more I can take!" His shirt ripped off him and left his torso exposed. His back rounded out and he became more spherical. His belly started to engulf his arms and legs. His pants ripped and left him in his underwear. Nic was now a perfect sphere with hands, feet and a head. "Girl? Hello? I think I'm as full as I can get! Hemo? Ir? Ey? Iehme merph!" Nic's lips, hands, and feet plumped up. His fingers and toes turned to sausages, and he couldn't speak anymore. His body continued to swell. "Hello there, big boy," the girl reappeared and floated right in front of Nic's face. "Mmm! Mmmm!" Nic's hands and feet disapeared into his massive body, and his underwear ripped off him. "Really? It's that good?" "MMM! Mmmmm!" Nic's head slowly shrank in to his body. His skin started to turn pink, then red as the pressure rose inside him. "You know, I should tell you why. I saw you looking at all these pictures of people ballooning up, and decided you shouldn't be left out." "Mmmmmm! Mmm mm m mm m!" Nic's whole head was now egulfed and he couldn't hear anything any more. His body stopped getting bigger, and he felt like he was going to pop at any second now. "Let's see how loud this will be. I've been wondering about that." Nic's body groaned uder the stress. He moaned and grunted under the surmounting pressure. Then it all gave way and a loud BANG was heard. The fruniture in the room was blown backwards, the paintings fell, and the walls cracked. The girl wasn't affected. She floated there and saw the result of her chaos. "He was a nice boy, but was so loud left a mess of this room. Come on back now," She disappeared and Nic reappeared. "AAAHHH!!! I'm...back? I'm back! I'm back! I'm not a million peices! Girl? Ghosty girl?" Nic looked around and saw no one. He was alone.
trap, water
Female Inflation
Full Body Inflation
"You sure this is the correct tomb?" My assistant, Georgia asks me. We both stand in front of a four hundred year old tomb to a Wakellium chieftain. "The hieroglyphs here talk about Marmaren the great Wakellium chieftain." I point to my left, shifting my weight because of the pack of supplies on my back. Staring at the skulls on pikes, Georgia is overcome with fear, "Maybe we shouldn't go in there, it could collapse on us or have deadly traps." "I'm standing right here. I've been there a dozen of Wakellium tombs, they'd traps are primitive at best. I can spot them from here," I boast. Georgia and I enter the tomb's wide stone entrance, with torches in hand. As the light of the flames dances across the light brown ancient stones, we reveal more hieroglyphs. "The Wakelliums believed in a goddess of water that gave life to the world?" Georgia asks me. "Yes, Wakelless - Mother Earth is other words. Although, they believed that the world was used to be completely covered in water and that ground was evil. Formed from the sins of all people. That's why they were obsessed with water," I explain. I suddenly stop Georgia so I can let her listen. Deep in the tomb there is a light sound of water dripping. "All of their tombs that make in underground caverns with lots of water movement. This is one of the highest of the Wakelliums so his cavern should be something that blows the others out of the water... no pun intended," I chuckle. We both continue on into the deep tomb, as we proceed we notice the rocks become darker when we get deeper into the earth. We soon come to a large circular door that seems to have been closed for a few centuries. "Any traps?" Georgia asks with a nervous gulp. "Well the thing about the Wakelliums," I hold a torch near the door and look it up and down for a latch, "they never were very good weapon makers. That's why they were pushed into extinction by other tribes of warriors. The only tool they had was the water they coveted so much." I find the latch and pull it back and step back rapidly. A pile of wood falls from the ceiling in front of me, would've landed on me. "See, that would have scratched me at best." I mock as I kick the ancient wood at our feet. I open the door and I'm stunned by the sight of the tomb. This tomb is much larger than any other I have seen. On three of the cavern walls there are mini waterfalls and small holes in the ceiling that shine in a small amount of light. The light shines on the water and flicks across this forty by forty foot tomb. "It's beautiful," Georgia expresses with a open jaw. I hold my torch up and look around for more faulty traps but spot none. "It's funny how they used to torture their prisoners. They used to force feed them water if you could believe that. The larger your crime or sin the more water you can to consume. For some villagers their stomachs ruptured and they died, they just believed that was Wakelless killing them for a moral sin." With my little eye I spot a gem incrusted headdress setting on the sarcophagus. I walk up a step stone incline and stand before the majestic sarcophagus of Marmaren. "Check this out," I say as I walk towards it. Suddenly the ground beneath my feet crumbles and I fall a foot into some wet sand. This is more than just coincidence, it's a real trap. I reach out and grab the headdress, "Catch!" I say as I chuck the artifact at Georgia. She securely catches it and runs to me, "What's happening?" "I think -!" As I turn my head while talking I'm met with a long rope-like hose in my mouth. I grab hold of it and try to move it but I can't, it's jammed good in my mouth. Because of how I'm standing and I can't move my legs I'm stuck with it in my mouth. Suddenly my cheeks balloon up with water, a great flow of water pours into me through the hose. I'm forced to swallow each gulp and I don't know how much I can hold. Georgia stands, dumbfounded, behind me and watches. I wave my arms to signal her to help but she seems too scared to move. My belt starts to feel really tight due to my stomach swelling with water. Soon it bursts and my pants get pushed down. The buttons on my shirt pop one by one as my breasts start to fill with water too, going from a mere B cup to the size of basketballs. I feel her hands on my bloated sides as she inspects me. "How can you hold so much water?" she asks as she walks around to where I can see her. I try to motion her with my eyes towards the hose in my mouth. She grabs my chest and stomach that bloat out in all directions as water forces itself into me. My shirt, backpack, and brassiere soon burst off. Followed by my shorts as my butt helps round my back out. Bigger and rounder I get as the water flow stays constant. "You're rounding out like a huge ball Ms. Jones," she laughs as she plays with my belly button that just popped out as my belly is getting so full. She's right though, I feel my arms and legs sinking into my huge, round mass. I start to feel full of water but suddenly I feel my legs pull up out of the sand. Because of my ball-like form it has pulled out my anchor. I'm surprised at Georgia's reaction to all this as she gives me a nice pat on the belly and walks around behind me and towards the entrance. The water sloshes heavily in me and my weight makes me slowly roll backwards towards Georgia. The incline I walked up to get here works with my huge sphere-like body. I roll down the ramp and at Georgia fast. She lets out a yelp at my rolling six foot wide water balloon body as I roll towards her. She sprints just in time to get through the doorway and my tremendous speed is suddenly stopped as I get wedged in the doorway of the tomb. My legs hanging behind me and my hands and head sticking out facing a rather happy looking assistant. I groan and try to push my hugely water logged body through the doorway but I'm far to large to get out of this cavern. I hold my arms out to Georgia for help with the broken hose still stuck in my mouth. "I bet you want me to get the water out of you? Well I'm sure if we wait the water will come out of you eventually," she pats me on the head if I were a frightened child. "Maybe you could help me push it out?" Georgia shows me a wick grin as she gets down on her knees beside my beach ball chest. She pushes into both my breasts with all her strength. The water is pushed from my chest into my body, my face bloats up and my arms and hands fill to their limits as she holds my boobs in. I try to tell her to stop but all I get out are moans and groans. "Not working is it Ms. Jones? But it does make you look cuter." She releases my chest and my two breasts surge out like two beach balls on front of me. My arms and face deflate to the size they were previously. Georgia stands up and takes a few steps back to look me over. "You know it's funny, you wanted to get this headdress," she holds it up flaunting it, "so you could be big and famous. But it looks like I'm the one that's going to get famous from it. Although, you did seem to get big from it, really really big." She jokes as she gives my round body a poke. "That's right Ms. Jones, I'm taking the headress and all will know of how I ventured here and retrieved it. At first I thought the trap would kill you like a normal person. Although, this is much more interesting. I still need to get rid of you though," Georgia says as she looks around. I gulp in fear as she looks around for something to finish me. A sharp stick could pop me or she could strangle me. She looks at some water running down the wall of the cave. She gives me that wicked smile again and I cringe. She takes the broken end of the hose and stuffs it in the wall, the water flows down the hose again and into my mouth. I try not to drink it but I must. "Now that's a good girl," Georgia giggles at me and pokes my cheeks that are full of water now. She casually puts the headdress in her pack and walks away with a cute wave as I feel the walls of the cavern start to crumble from my expansion. I know that if I survive this, I'll make sure I get my revenge.
accident, accidental inflation, burst, bursting, date gone wrong, first person, helium, hose in butt, pop, popping, rp-based, second person
Female Inflation
Belly Inflation, Full Body Inflation
I sit on the floor, casually lounging as I fill yet another balloon. There's still several hours before the party, so I haven't gotten dressed yet; I'm wearing a simple pair of panties and a form-fitting white tanktop. I sigh. "Man, who knew blowing balloons would take so long?" I lament, turning to you. You're sitting on a chair in jeans and a white t-shirt, using a pump to fill the balloons. "Well, it's a good thing we have this pump. It could be a lot slower," you note, with a smirk. I pout. "Well, I suppose. Still, next time we should just buy them, I guess." "Keep pouting and see what that gets you!" you say, with a roll of your eyes. "Besides, we're almost done." I snicker. "Geez, cranky. Why don't we take a break or something? I'm BORED." "Hmm..." You pause, I hear mischievousness enter your voice. "I have an idea. Close your eyes and no peaking." I perk up. "Yeah? Well, that sounds fun." Obligingly and with a smile, I close my eyes. I don't peak. Unbeknownst to me, you take a hose and dip it into some glue. I squeak in surprise when I feel you hook two fingers against the back of my panties and then rapidly press something into my back-end. I gasp as I hear your feet pattering away, with no explanation of what you literally just shoved into my ass. "W-woah! Holy crap! A little warning next time!" "But then it wouldn't be a surprise!" you snicker, sounding totally pleased with yourself. I can hear an odd tsssskkk sound, and I start to feel slightly bloated. I twist around, and can feel you just shoved one of the helium tubes up my ass. My eyes go wide. "Y-you're inflating me?!" You chortle to yourself. "Nice prank, huh? Surprise!" I moan, feeling my belly begin to round out. I lift my tanktop to show the beginning of my bulging belly. "G-geez, if you wanted kids, you should have just told me!" I tease with a giggle. Still, I'm only joking because I'm so nervous! This is weird! I look up to see you blushing with a suspicious bulge in your pants. "I find it hot," you admit, with a nervous but hopeful laugh. Biting your lip, you then turn the pomp up a notch. My back arches as I feel the air rush into me faster. I gasp, rubbing my belly. I'm still small, but I feel so FULL. " have like one of those..." I search for the word, my voice stammering from the surprise of all this. "B-balloon fetishes?" "Yup, but more like inflation fetish," you inform, sounding so casual that it makes tingles go across my body. I'm not sure if they're good tingles or bad tingles, but they certainly feel interesting. I moan as my belly rounds out so that I look modestly pregnant. "W-what's that?" I gasp. Your eyes rake up and down me, loving everything you see happening. "Well, that a person likes to inflate someone else or they themselves like to be inflated." I try to breath evenly and slowly as my belly grows still rounder. I lose the pregnant look; instead of the soft, sloping teardrop of a pregnancy, my belly becomes hard and very round, my waist entirely disappearing in the swell. "How long have you w-wanted to do this to me?" "For a while now," you admit. The bulge in your pants becomes more obvious, but you at least have the courtesy to only watch without invitation to touch. I can't help but laugh. "E-enjoying the show?" I reach over to try to grab your hand and put it on my swelling belly. "F-feel. I'm getting...uhhhhn...r-really full." Indeed, I am. My flesh has little give, and my belly is substantially bigger than the balloons around me. And yet I still grow. "Wow, so fucking hot, feeling your tight, hot skin stretch," you admit, you breathing becoming labored with lust. Yet you also notice my skin is becoming TOO tight, and that I begin to actively wiggle with discomfort. "Maybe I should turn it off now," you realize, some guilt coming into your voice. "Y-yeah...ohhhh...definitely too full!" I admit. My belly has grown big enough that I can't sit normally; the bottom of my belly scrapes the ground. I lean back onto my elbows, trying to give myself more room. "Okay...give me a sec..." Your run over to the air tank, twisting it with force. But then it breaks off in your hand. You stare at it numbly for a moment before whispering: "Oh...oh, shit." "W-what?!" I squeak desperately, too swollen to be able to turn and look. My belly creaks, and then I realize something even more unsettling is happening: my ass and breasts have begun to swell too. "O-oh, god! I'm swelling everywhere!" "Uh..." you breath in numb shock, but then you hold the broken off nob where I can see it. "Oh my god! You can't pull it out?! I...ohhh..this is....ugh." I moan, arching my back. It's a good thing I was already barely dressed, because my tanktop is just barely hold on. "P-pull the tube out!" You try to pull tube but all I feel is an unsettling tug on my backend. As I moan loudly, you seem dumbfounded as to hy you can't pull it out. huh?? "What? What?! Why won't it come out?" I cry. I'm panicking now. My belly is large enough I can barely wrap my arms fully around it. You bite you lip, sounding horrified with yourself. "Um...I used just a...little glue to keep it from coming out. I used the one on the desk. J-just a second!" I hear you rapidly running to the desk, and then I hear your tone fall. "Oh fuck... its super glue," you whisper, completely horrified. I begin to moan, too shocked and panicky to form words. I rock back and forth to try to sooth the feeling of unbearable tightness. "I'm..soooo...full..." I moan. You run over, gasping in panic, and try to try pull the hose out of me. But it won't budge. My body creaks, and I moan again. My entire body has become puffy and swollen, but my gargantuan belly dwarfs the rest. "I-is this what you wanted all along? To pop me like a huge, s-swollen balloon?"I accuse, not knowing what to think. " it wasn't supposed to go this far..." you promise, and I believe you. As I look into your eyes, I know you want to save me. So I watch you as you then lift up, and ferociously kick the tank to try to disable it. Unfortunately, the kicks just succeed into putting the pump into an even higher setting. "Ohhh....OHHH!" I half-moan, half-scream as my body surges. "I'm going to explode, I'm going to explode!" You kick the tank, horrified and scared, but it does nothing. "I'm so sorry..." you admit, watching me grow ever larger. I wiggle and moan, able to do little else as I swell into a massive flesh-balloon. I reach out a puffy hand to you, trying to pull you over. "F-feel me..." I moan, only half in my right mind. The rest of my body swells, but it first has to pass through my belly...and my belly is very nearly out of room. You brush your hand over my belly, feeling my explosively tight skin. Just like a balloon..." you note in awe, despite yourself. My flesh is hard and hot, flushed from the strain. "Can't...hold...m-much...more...." I gasp. The inflation of my belly has slowed, but hasn't stopped. The air rushes into the rest of my body, but not fast enough. Still, the swelling reaches every part of me, including my cheeks. It makes it harder to talk. My flesh pulses dangerously under your touch, swelling by an inch then contracting again as my belly tries desperately to stay in one piece. But it's a battle I'm obviously losing. You lean in to kiss my puffy, inflating lips. It an oddly reassuring action. "My sexy balloon...I've done everything I can," you whisper against my lips. "Is there one last thing you want from me?" Even though I just asked you to come closer, I now realize something much, much more explosive is about to happen. "R-run!" I gasp loudly. The pulsing of my body becomes faster and wilder. My belly creaks and groans. "So so tight...tightening, tightening..." I ramble between gasps. I surely only have moments left. Fortunately, you run out the door and down the street getting as far away as you can. My end comes with a resounding BOOM! Its a good thing you went far, because the force of my explosion blows out the windows of our apartment, and even busts the door out of it's frame. As you hear the massive blowout, you turn back to the look at the aftermath of my explosion. "Next time...make sure it's not super glue, you idiot..." you mutter to yourself.
competition, inhale
Female Inflation, Male Inflation
Full Body Inflation
WHAP! The rolled-up newspaper struck the top of Ogden's head, hard enough to muss his hair. Although not painful, it caused him to jolt upright in his chair, and he spun around to see his "girlfriend"—and he used that term loosely—standing over him with her usual look of contempt. Simone wore her impossibly tight dress, showing off her curvy bum, while her cut-off blouse exposed her flat, soft belly. Her wavy blond hair draped across her shoulders, surrounding her elegant, oval face that sported big blue eyes, a lightly freckled nose, and full pink lips. She must be going out, Ogden correctly concluded. She never dressed up that nicely for him, even on their "date nights." Such nights always involved heavy spending on Ogden's part, and seldom resulted in physical contact. "I need $200," she told him, the implication being that it should be his $200. "I can't afford it," he said honestly. THWACK! The newspaper struck his head—again, not painful, but enough to make him involuntarily wince. "Shut up, Ogden," she said, as if telling a dog to sit. "I need $200." Knowing from experience that resistance was futile, he pulled out his wallet and counted his last $172 until his next pay cheque. "I only have—" Simone snatched the wallet from his hands, took out every bill, and tossed the empty wallet back in his lap, as if the thought of accidentally touching him sickened her. "That'll do." She walked toward the door, and Ogden ached as he watched her behind as she walked away, her hips having the sexiest swagger he'd ever seen. He became painfully aware of little she had allowed him to grope that fabulous bum. She suddenly spun around, forcing him to lift his eyes upward. "And clean this pig sty up before I get back," she ordered. "I'm not coming back to a hell hole. Otherwise, I'm going to spend the night at my cousin's." He knew what "spend the night at her cousin's" meant. It meant that she'd find another guy in a pub somewhere and go home with him. It wouldn't be the first time. Unfortunately, Simone knew that she could find other men, but Ogden would never find another Simone. This put her in charge of their relationship, and they both knew it. She only stayed as long as Ogden was stupid enough to rack up her enormous debts. She had him by the balls, and she was putting the squeeze on him. She opened the door to the flat, but turned around again. "Oh, and I need to charge another $300 to you credit card. And could you make dinner, just in case I decide not to eat out?" "What do mean, 'in case' you decide—?" "Thanks. Bye." The door closed, and Simone was already on the internet with her phone, making another purchase with his credit card number. Ogden gritted his teeth and fumed in impotent rage. How much debt was this woman going to jack up before she finally left him for another man, anyway? Oh well, he thought, and sighed. At least he was alone now, to deal with the throbbing erection that Simone had left him. He unzipped his trousers and dropped them around his knees, and began thinking about Simone's sexy swagger. Seconds later, he heard keys opening the lock on the door to his flat. "Bollix!" he shouted, struggling to get his pants on. He knew exactly who was entering: Diana, his landlord, who felt she had the right to invade his flat anytime she chose. Ogden stood up, reaching for his trousers, but lost his balance and pitched forward, his bare arse sticking up in the air just as Diana walked in. "Oh, God! What the hell?!" Diana exclaimed, as if Ogden was publicly mooning her, instead of being caught by a rude harpy who entered other people's homes without even knocking. "What are you doing?!" Red-faced from both shame and fury, Ogden scooped himself back into decency. Diana finally made the connection, and she burst out laughing. The laughter continued well after Ogden had composed himself, and it took several seconds for a teary-eyed Diana to ask, "Don't you have a girlfriend for that?" "What do you want?!" he demanded. Ogden was almost tempted to go ahead and finish the job that Diana had interrupted, because she was also a beautiful—if undeniably amoral and manipulative—woman. Ogden had once heard the word "mastur-hate," referring to the act of pleasuring oneself to a person whom you simultaneously despised. Diana definitely fit into that category. But she also had a hypnotically large chest, one that currently stretched her grey blouse to its limits. The dark-skinned brunette was leggy, lean, and tall—so tall that she had a couple inches over Ogden. Just as Diana Prince was Wonder Woman, he privately referred to this Diana as "Wonder Tits." He couldn't wait for her to leave—not just because he couldn't stand her, but because he wanted desperately to check out her ass in the tight blue jeans she wore. "I need $200," she told him. "Join the club," he shot back, rolling his eyes. Then the full weight of her statement hit him. "Wait, what? What the hell for? I just paid the rent!" "Well, I'm raising it." "You can't do that!" "According to the lease you signed, I can," Diana said imperiously. He gritted his teeth. He had, in fact, signed more than he intended, as he'd been hypnotised by Diana's enormous rack at the time. "You can't get blood from a stone." "But I'm still going to squeeze it pretty hard," she gloated. "Also, your electrical isn't up to code. I need you to fix that by week's end." "Can I fix it so you can't turn it off all the time?" he asked, recalling the most recent incident, when she'd shut off his power for having his music turned up too loud. It was on "four." "And I need you to re-carpet the hallway floor." "Oh come on! So I'm the carpet man?!" "And re-plaster the bathroom ceiling." He spat out an expletive. She looked at him with a mixture of disbelief and amusement. It seemed that she was surprised that he talked back to her, but almost as she had wanted him to, perhaps wanting a reason to evict him. "Just for that," she said, "you can also clean the gutters around the building." "What?!" He cursed again involuntarily, before his hand slapped his mouth shut. "And now you can fix the cracks in the cement steps," she told him, smirking. "You want to keep going? Cuz I got plenty more." Unable to trust himself not to speak, and knowing that he couldn't make Diana leave, Ogden bolted from his own flat, racing down the stairs before running out the rear entrance. He stood on the grass in the open air. He paused to drink in the sunshine, absorb the scenery, and to just...breathe. He'd recently purchased a book on relaxation and breathing techniques. Simone had joked at the time that Ogden "would need a book to learn how to breathe," but he'd been practising nonetheless. He needed it to deal with the pressure the two women in his life had been putting on him. Let's see if I remember how to do this, he thought. Is it "exhale, inhale"? No, wait. He closed his eyes, thought happy thoughts—including Simone's backside and Diana's chest—and took a deep breath. He held it for several moments. Then he exhaled. Already he felt lighter, like a great weight had been removed from him. Another deep breath. He held it. Exhaled. Deeeeeep breath. Held it— He heard a woman's gasp. He opened his eyes. Diana stood there, agape. And...she was shorter. Ogden stood and blinked for a moment. She didn't appear to be standing in a hole, and yet, she was now shorter than he. That's when he realised that she wasn't shorter: He was a few inches taller. And quite a few inches wider. He tried to look down at his body, but his chin literally bounced off the top of his chest. His body had somehow plumped up, puffing out like a parade balloon version of himself. He raised his arms, now thicker yet inexplicably lighter, and saw that he had become a literal stuffed shirt. His protruding chest blocked the view of his feet; but by gently rocking, he could tell that they were plumped up, too—including his feet, whose stuffiness had given him those extra inches of height. Eyes widened to their fullest, Ogden was shocked speechless. He tried blowing out a few times. Puff! Puff! Puff! Nothing. He was still the same height and girth. Oh my God, I really AM a fuck-up! he thought. I can't even BREATHE right! "How. The Hell. Did you DO that?!" Diana uttered meticulously. Oh, yeah. Diana was still there. Apparently she had followed him outside—that is, of bloody course she did. Now he'd never hear the end of this! He looked even more ridiculous than he felt, and he braced for her mocking, her teasing, her laughter. But...there was no sound. Just the awe on her face. Not noticing Ogden's own amazement, Diana gingerly touched his skin. Ogden inwardly admitted that it felt pretty good. Then she gave his plump arm a pinch. "You feel like rubber," Diana said, almost to herself. "Did you mean to do that?" Ogden's eyes darted a little. "Um, of course! I just wanted to show you that things are going to be different around here—Shorty!" Almost—but just almost—imperceptibly, Diana was taken aback. She quickly regained her composure. "Oh, please," she said, her voice revealing both contempt and trepidation. "You puff yourself up a little and think you're in charge?" Ogden smiled. "Oh, no," he admitted. "But what if I puff myself up a lot?" Deeeeeeeep breath. Deeeeeeep breath! The buttons shot off Ogden's shirt with such rapidity that Diana had to duck for cover. Ogden felt the cool air on his stretching skin as he broke free from the rapidly shredding shirt. His trousers tore at a slightly slower rate, but they too could not hold back his expanding form. Soon his ragged tennis shoes also gave out, his swollen feet bursting the sorry things apart. None of this mattered to the nearly naked Ogden. What mattered is that Diana was even smaller to him now. He felt larger not only physically but spiritually. He swelled with confidence as much as oxygen. By the time his breath abated, he was now head and shoulders above the gaping Diana. His midsection was almost completely ball-shaped, held up by his tree-stump-sized legs. His engorged arms stuck out at angles, looking less like appendages and more like cylindrical balloons. "What's that, Tiny?!" Ogden shouted down to Diana. "I can't hear you over how awesome I am!" Now Diana was getting annoyed. "Don't over-inflate your ego!" she warned him. "You've always been a loser! Now you're just a bigger loser!" "Wanna say that to my face?" Ogden asked. "Oh, wait! You can't! Cuz you're too short to even reach my face!" Diana crossed her arms and tilted her head. "Say one more short joke, fat guy. One more." Ogden nodded, his bloated neck making a soft, rubbery squeak as he did so. "You're right. I apologise. You're not short." Then he took yet another loooooong, deep breath. And he inflated even larger. This time, Diana was forced back a step, as Ogden's billowing midsection came bloating at her. His stuffy arms and legs grew shorter as his body became more and more spherical. He smirked down at her as he swelled another several meters into the air. "You are, in fact," he boasted, "downright miniscule!" Then he did something he had never done before in his life: He laughed victoriously. He'd had so few victories in his life; but here he was, towering over a woman who had only minutes before been crushing the life out of him. He'd never need to feel small around her again. "That's it," Diana said. "Whatever boys can do, girls can do better!" And then she took several short warm-up breaths, before puffing out her cheeks and blowing. Fwooomp! Her already-oversized breasts instantly doubled in size, ripping open her blouse and stretching her bra to its limits. Diana staggered back a little in surprise, taking in her new super-voluptuous figure. "Well!" she exclaimed. "That was unexpected!" "Not what she had in mind, folks!" Ogden joked. Undeterred, Diana inhaled again. This time, she stuck her thumb in her mouth and blew. She closed her eyes from the strain as her cheeks puffed out to their fullest. Several tense seconds passed before... FWOOOMP! Her belly shot out from under her enormous breasts, surpassing them in circumference in just an instant. Diana smiled grandly. "Oh, yes." She beamed up at Ogden, the smile now gone from his face. Then she inhaled again. This time, her entire body swelled, just like Ogden's had previously. Her arms and legs puffed up, her midsection ballooned, and she kept eye contact with Ogden as she began to swell...and swell...and swell. Ogden gulped, his apprehension growing along with the grinning Diana, who kept filling up like a hot-air balloon. He knew her personality: She would not be outdone. He'd be the small one yet again. That thought countered any pleasure he may have had from the sound of Diana tearing through her jeans, revealing only her over-taxed knickers. Diana's smile grew closer as she rose higher and higher into the air. Maybe she'll get so big that she pops, Ogden thought, but he knew that would be too good to be true. And it was. It took only a few more seconds for Diana to inflate to Ogden's size...and then she inflated just a little more, once more looking down on her pathetic tenant. "Now, puny balloon," she taunted him, "how about doing those gutters?" Ogden inwardly fumed. He couldn't go back to be lorded over by her again—he just couldn't! He was happy for that one brief moment, and she found a way to take even that from him. So he inhaled again. One deeeeeeep breath. Anticipating that move, Diana also took a deep breath, and they both inflated even larger. In seconds, both were now more balloon than human, their midsections now just giant, ever-expanding balls. With every puff, Ogden got bigger; but Diana easily followed, smiling as she easily kept pace with him. She won't stop till one of us bursts! Ogden thought. He went to take another breath...and realised that Diana had stopped. She was looking past Ogden and downward. Unfortunately for Ogden, he no longer had a neck to turn his head, so he could only speculate at what she was looking at. And that's when he heard a familiar voice. "What the hell are you two doing?!" Simone had come back early, for whatever reason—Perhaps for the sole purpose of watching my humiliation, Ogden theorised. He might have felt shame, if he could feel anything other than the intense, overwhelming air pressure inside of him. Simone stood there a while, hands on her hips, taking in the scene of her boyfriend inflating with another woman. (Is that cheating? Hard to say.) Both Ogden and Diana looked like weather balloons, each big enough to fill a room. "Is this some freakish kinky thing?!" Simone asked the bloated pair. Ogden's and Diana's eyes met. Diana peered back over at Simone. "Uh, he started it." Several tense moments passed as Simone scowled. "Well, I'm going to finish it!" And then Simone took a deeeeep breath... Then she stopped. "Bullshit," Simone said to herself. "I like this outfit." Ogden heard Simone stripping off her clothes behind him, and he winced in frustration at not being able to watch. She removed her tight skirt, unbuttoned her blouse, and dropped them onto the ground next to her high heels. She stood on the grass in only her knickers, her glorious, fit body glimmering in the sunlight. Then she took a deeeeeep breath... Simone swelled up immediately, her body turning large and balloonish in instants. Ogden heard the sound of his girlfriend inflating and frowned. Before today, nobody could inflate. Suddenly he learns to do something, and now everybody is doing it, and without even as much practice as he had. Ogden's eyes widened again as he watched Simone's shadow grow and grow. He could tell that Simone had already reached his size. And based on the impressed look on Diana's face, Simone was quickly surpassing her, as well. "Now," Simone called down to the enormous, yet smaller, balloon people, "are we done here?! Cuz I think it's time for you tiny bitches to do my laundry! They've probably got grass stains because of you two!" "Tiny bitch?" Diana repeated. "I'll show you who's a tiny bitch, Bitch!" With that, Diana blew and blew, surging in growth again, matching Simone's size in seconds. "Yeah, it's you!" Simone taunted. She blew herself up even more. Ogden sat dazed between the two giant, inflating women. This was definitely trouble: Both Simone and Diana had inflated egos, and it was a classic case of "immovable object" meeting "irresistible force." He couldn't see their competition even coming to a draw. The only way it could possibly end is if one of them bursts. Despite himself, the thought actually made Ogden smile. Whom should he root to pop? The woman who was spending him to death, or the one who was working him to death? But it soon became clear that Ogden had a more...pressing...problem. Simone and Diana had inflated to the size of parade balloons—and their bodies began to bump into Ogden. As the highly competitive pair of balloons continued to expand, hurling insults at each other all the while, he realised that being between them was not the safest place to be. "I'll watch you burst, bitch!" said Simone. She puffed and puffed. "When?" asked Diana. "After you blow yourself sky high?" She blew and blew. Meanwhile, their bodies pressed Ogden from both front and back, increasing the already immense pressure his body was under. The air in his body was being squeezed into his head and lower body, causing him to bulge out dangerously, top and bottom. "What's the matter, Diana?" Simone taunted her, slightly breathless. "Are you about to explode?" "Anytime you want to pop, go ahead!" Diana wheezed. The women got bigger...and bigger...and bigger, pressing into Ogden, making him bulge out more and more and more, until— "Enough!" Ogden gasped. The women turned their eyes downward, as if suddenly remembering Ogden was there. "You want to see big?!" Ogden asked them. "I mean, you want to see really, really reeeeealy BIG?!" He opened his mouth as wide as he could, and sucked in air like a vacuum. His body surged in all directions, giving both Diana and Simone a mighty shove as he pushed through their taut balloon bellies. He grew so big that he forced the two female balloons to slide backward to make room for his expansion. "How's this?!" he cried out. "Big enough? No?! Well, I'm just getting started!" Before the women could regroup, he swelled again, this time with twice the intensity, fueled by frustration and humiliation. He finally matched the women in size, and soon blew past them. "I'll be bigger than a house!" he said, before puffing himself up even larger. Puffffff! "I'll be bigger than mountain!" Puffffff!! "I'LL BE BIGGER THAN THE WORLD!" And he swelled and swelled, bloating upward into the sky...until he heard a loud, rubbery squeak emanating from his body. "Or just as big as this, here," he said, stopping suddenly. "This is pretty big, too." And he was: He was so large he could see over the tops of buildings. Not bigger than the world...but he wasn't that stupid. His skin was tight that it creaked from the strain, stretched so thin that he was as transparent as a toy balloon. If he'd tried to get bigger, he'd definitely pop. But he didn't need to get any bigger. Maybe they could get as big as he was; but if he couldn't get any bigger, they couldn't, either. Let 'em try till they pop! At least he'd be done with the both of them. As if with one mind, the women both smiled evilly. And then they inflated themselves even more. At first, Ogden fooled himself into thinking he was safe: They'd reach their limits and stop, or they'd keep going and pop. Either way, he wins. It was not the first time today he deluded himself, but it looked like the last. Because Simone and Diana had no difficulty catching up to Ogden's size, and soon they were both even greater. Because they both had to be the best. Ogden's lost all hope and accepted his loss: These women beat him. He couldn't get any bigger without bursting, and he was so inflated that he couldn't move, even if the women weren't once again pinning his body firmly in place. All he could do was watch helplessly as the women got bigger and bigger still. Watch as they smiled down at him, secure in their superiority over him. He felt the pressure build and build inside him as the two women pushed into him harder and harder. He heard them giggle. He heard his body squeak loudly in protest. His body again bulged out dangerously, this time with no end in sight. The squeaks grew louder, as did the women's laughter. And the much pressure...continued to build and build and build into an increasingly confined space. And as their beautiful, sexy round bodies pressed into him, squeezing him tighter and tighter, Ogden just looked into those mountains of swelling flesh, and seeing past them into oblivion... BOOM!! Windows rattled for blocks when he burst between the two women, his detonation also causing their giant bodies to bounce and shake. The women shrieked in a combination of surprise and delight. The sound echoed into the horizon, and a small gap now separated the women where Ogden had been obliterated. Across the vast span of their circular bodies, their eyes met. Their eyebrows furrowed, but the evil smiles remained in place. And then they each took another deeeeeeep breath...
blowkiss, inhale
Female Inflation, Male Inflation
Full Body Inflation
They say every man has a special talent. Mine isn't that useful, but at least it's unique.I took a few deep breaths to prepare, looking myself over in a full-length mirror. There was no shortage of old sweatshirts and sweatpants in second-hand clothing stores, and I made sure to stock up when I could. They were kept in a box away from prying eyes when not in use, and when I was finished with them I buried them at the bottom of the trash can to hide the evidence. I didn't need them, but they did make the whole experience better. At least, I thought so.Opening my mouth wide I took a deep breath, slowly at first, pulling in air without stopping. Immediately I began to fill out my sweatshirt, the cloth pulling against my chest and stomach. My navel poked out from beneath the hem as I continued to inflate, my belly pushing out before spreading out into a spare tire around my waist. My shoulders and ass began to swell, and my back rounded out to join them.I patted my stomach, feeling the sleeves of my sweatshirt grow snug as my arms grew thicker. A second later my legs joined in, hips stretching the tired elastic of the waistband as they filled with air. My hands and feet came last, the bony digits swelling out into smooth curves.I stopped inhaling and paused to look myself over in the mirror. Before I was unremarkable and average, but now I was soft and puffy, large but not heavy. I loved the tension and fullness, being so big and buoyant, and I felt myself stiffen and grow hard.I took another deep breath, adding a few inches to my waistline and some more thickness all over. My sleeves and pant legs began to grow tight, and I grinned, flexing. I hadn't just gotten bigger around; I had gained two or three inches of height as well. I knew it was just air, but it was hard not to feel powerful."Ahem."It was hard to feel powerful when your girlfriend came back early from her visit with her friends to discover you doing your best impression of a blimp, though.She leaned against the door frame, red hair framing a smug smile. "Well, well, well. What have we here?"As soon as the words left my mouth I realized how dumb they were. "It's not what it looks like!""Oh really." She stepped forward and poked me in the stomach, her finger sinking in. "Because it looks like some really crazy shit to me."At this point I was too preoccupied trying to defend my pride to try and deflate. "I can explain-""Outside, Michelin," she said, pointing towards the back door before stepping aside.Despite my size I suddenly felt very small. I waddled to the door, trying to pass through only to wedge my stomach between the frames. I struggled for a bit to free myself until she shoved me through with a foot to my ass, and I stumbled forward, bouncing off a wall before regaining my balance.I looked back at her and she gestured for me to keep walking, smiling at my clumsiness. I waddled on, hoping for the ground to open up so I could fall in and hide forever. Our backyard was big and empty, surrounded by a fence and dense forest, but as I stood outside I felt like the whole world was watching me. The only person who was, though, was my girlfriend, staring at me with a blank expression on her face some yards away."So," she began. "You like blowing yourself up?"My cheeks were burning. Doing it is one thing, but admitting it is a lot harder."Answer me. Do you like blowing yourself up?""...yes.""Does being a balloon turn you on?"I couldn't meet her eyes. Despite being caught red-handed I was still erect."I can tell you like it. Does this turn you on?""Yes." I practically had to force the words out. If she was trying to humiliate me, she was doing a good job of it."Can you get bigger?""Yes." What was she getting at, I wondered?She nodded slowly, watching me, then started to inhale and didn't stop. I stared in shock as her her flat chest quickly grew into two globes the size of her head and her stomach swelled out, pushing her t-shirt up and out of way as her midsection grew rounder. Her backside ballooned, the stitches giving on her shorts as her thighs thickened, followed by her arms and the rest of her legs. In less than ten seconds she was just as big and full as I was. She sighed contentedly as a faint blush spread across her cheeks. Noticing my dumbfounded look she asked, "what's the matter, balloon boy? I thought you said could get bigger?"That was all I needed. Smiling in relief, I took the deepest breath I could, my sweats stretching as my body swelled all over, my limbs thickening and my torso losing definition. The sweats strained before tearing apart, falling to the ground and leaving me nude in front of her.My girlfriend nodded, satisfied, before joining in. Her breasts grew, straining her shirt before ripping it down the center and bouncing free atop her ever-growing stomach. A second later her backside tore her shorts apart, her panties holding on for a moment longer before they too ripped and fell away.The interrogation had become a competition, the two of us taking in air and forcing ourselves rounder. Our bodies were nothing but belly, balanced on legs that grew wider and shorter by the second. I loved being so full and so huge, and judging from her blissful expression, so did she.I felt the curve of my backside brush against the grass the moment before my feet left the ground. I waved my arms around as they gradually lost mobility, swelling into wide hemispheres on my sides. Across from me my girlfriend looked over the canyon formed by her cleavage and waved, open-mouthed. All the air that would have gone into her arms must be going into her breasts. Lucky her.A gust of wind blew from behind, causing me to sway before slowly rolling onto my stomach. My breath caught in my throat and I stopped, trying to suck in more air but to no avail. I had reached my limit.In front of me was the wide curve of my girlfriend's body, taut and full. Her navel, normally an outie, had swollen out into a grapefruit-sized bubble. As I marveled at her she shouted, "hey! Did you stop!""Yeah! Did you?""Yuh-huh. This is as big as I can get on my own." Her navel bobbed and she slowly rocked back and forth, and after some effort she rolled forward with a grunt. Her titanic breasts dragged across my back, shoulders and chest, my head passing through a yard of cleavage before I came nose-to-nose to her, glowing with exertion and with a dreamy smile plastered on her face. "Hi there.""Hi.""We're huge.""Yeah."She licked her lips, trying to think of something to say. "God, I'm horny.""I know," I laughed.She gently put her arms around my neck, and I turned my head as I leaned in as best I could. Our lips met, my eyes closed, and she pulled me in, giving me a deep, long kiss.Then my eyes shot open as she suddenly tightened her grip and -blew-.I could feel the pressure building in me before my body stretched to accompany it, skin pulsing outward before finally growing steadily. I was growing out of control, the air pushing into me, searching for whatever space it could find. The last curves of my limbs were pulled flat, my hands and feet swelling into balls before being absorbed by my body, leaving me a near-perfect sphere, gigantic and still growing.I watched helpless as she blew into me, her own body shrinking in my shadow, her breath warm and fierce, hissing as it raged inside me. My body vibrated as it reached a limit I never knew I had, letting out a pneumatic "tak-tak-tak," and my cheeks and lips swelled up, pursing shut. She pulled back, still plump and full of air. "I guess you won."I couldn't think straight, there was so much so much pressure, so tight, so full, so hard, so huge, so helpless, so powerful, I wanted her to fuck me, pop me, blow me, roll me, pump me, ride me-She leaned in and kissed me again, pushing the last of her air into me. My body squeaked as it shifted around, barely large enough to hold it. I tried to blow it out, but could only manage a series of tiny puffs. She laughed, running a finger down my side. "But don't let it get to your head, balloon boy. I won't let you win a second time."
Female Inflation
Full Body Inflation
Sadie had followed her friends into the health centre to get out of the heat of the Arabian midday sun, she wasn't much into fitness herself though, she was only eighteen, and didn't feel she needed to worry about her health yet, she had come on holiday along with her family to relax, swim in the pool and get a sun tan. The tanning had been going well and her skin had a fair bronze sheen to it, but the heat and humidity of the Red Sea quickly overwhelmed her, leaving her thirsty and tired. Inside the health centre, the friends she had made, guys and girls around her age, checked into the gym for a work out, Sadie was far too tired for any of that. "Are you not coming in?" inquired Angela, a 19 year old brunette girl from Norfolk Sadie had met on her first night. "No" Sadie gasped and hung out her tongue to show how tired she was, "There's a Jacuzzi through here, and it's air conditioned, I think I'll go and try that." "Fair enough" replied Angela cheerfully as she followed the other three into the gym, "We'll probably join you after half an hour, just a quick work out for us." With that she let the glass double doors close behind her. Alone, Sadie walked across the marble reception area to the double doors marked, "Jacuzzi'. On the wall next to the doors was a thermostat like switch with a sign above it reading "Jacuzzi Power, to save electricity always switch the Jacuzzi off when not in use', it was switched off, indicating there was nobody in, Sadie switched it on. The health centre was quite empty today, as one would expect at 3pm in such hot weather and Sadie emerged into the cool, clean air of the Jacuzzi room and saw that indeed she was the only one there. The room was small and circular, with a Jacuzzi big enough for maybe ten people in the centre and a wood panelled floor around it with a width of about three metres. The walls were mirrored except for the glass door she had just come through and a wooden door on the other side marked "Changing rooms" Sadie wouldn't need the changing rooms as she was already wearing a vivid pink bikini, with white trim, the colour simultaneously gentle and vibrant, highlighting both the soft, suppleness of Sadie's body beneath and the vigour of her youth. Sadie did indeed look younger than her years and was always getting IDed in bars and clubs; she had a light girlish build, short, slender but not skinny, enough of a layer of fat just to be soft. Also soft were her facial features; pale blue eyes which sparkled with youth, plush pink lips in a slight broad smile, turned up at the corners and with a little overbite and auburn hair, tied back in a ponytail with the sides curling just past her ears in a slight bob. She stepped into the bubbling water, down the steps on one side of the Jacuzzi, closing her eyes and smiling at the cooling relief she felt on her sun-hit legs, then her bottom, back and shoulders as she descended into the middle of the Jacuzzi, where the water came up to her neck. The bubbles felt nice and massaging as they stroked up her body, round it's gentle contours, collecting under her bottom and breast before overflowing, spilling round and up the rest of her, like small human hands, soothing and tickling her, causing her to smile contentedly and keep her eyes closed, so quiet and peaceful in there. Sadie lifted her feet from the bottom of the Jacuzzi and felt her buoyancy, enhanced by the bubbles beneath her, wiggling her hands and legs under the water she manoeuvred round until she had her back to the shelf she could sit on and splashed a bit, giggling as she sailed back through the water till, with a bump, her bottom landed on the shelf. She assumed a seated position, but because she was only small, the water came up to just under her mouth and she felt the bubbles trying to float her back to the surface. As she wriggled around trying to sit on the shelf her bum moved right over one of the jets of air. She smiled at the feeling of the massaging bubbles, tickling her rear and resolved to try and sit directly on it. She pushed with her hands on the underside of the ledge running round the Jacuzzi and forced her bottom down onto the jet, giggling as she felt the bubbles pummelling her ass, collecting and then spilling out from under her, up her back, or through her legs and up in front of her. She closed her legs tight to try and contain them, deciding that the feeling was very pleasurable, she pushed harder with her hands, till her small, but round and plush posterior was right on top of the jet. She felt the jet forcing bubbles and cold water up between her buttocks, reaching parts that she didn't normally feel. Then the bubbles stopped coming round and she heard a FFFFF sound and felt her bikini bottom lift away from her skin; and when she looked down she saw it inflating, billowing like a parachute as the bubbles of air were being forced though by the jet and getting trapped inside it. When it stood a couple of inches from her crotch she left it pushing up, trying to float and tugging at her waistband and bikini line. She saw the extra air being forced into it fizzing through the fabric and rising up in little bubbles to the surface. She giggled at the sight of her inflated crotch and pushed it down to force the air out. But nothing. Sadie pushed her bikini bottom down to deflate it but as it deflated no bubbles escaped, where could the air have gone? Then with a FFFFF her crotch inflated again, but something was different. She didn't feel her bikini lifting off her skin, her crotch felt tingly and the bubbling of the jet against her bottom seemed to be coming from deeper within her. She pushed down on her bikini bottom again but instead of feeling soft and billowy it felt taut and springy, and she could feel the pushing of her hands on her skin. Sadie opened her eyes and mouth wide with astonishment, then worry. The air wasn't going into her bikini, it was going into her body! Her crotch inflated past the point at which it had stopped before, blowing up like a beach ball. Sadie could feel it tugging her upwards but she was sit sat firm on the jet, even when Sadie pushed with her feet on the floor of the Jacuzzi. It seemed that Sadie's bottom was stuck to the jet nozzle by some kind of suction, but the jet wasn't just sucking it was blowing too, and it was her body that it was blowing into. She splashed and writhed around in the water but to no effect. Sadie's crotch, was now big enough to be containing a volleyball and she could feel her butt inflating like two balloons, stuck fast over the jet so that as she struggled she bounced around on it like she was sitting on a big balloon. Her thighs, hips and stomach were also filling with air. The air inside her was migrating to the upward side of her body, especially her abdomen and she could feel it pushing up trying to lift her, so that she was lying on her back, arched upwards towards her inflating stomach, which held the greatest volume of air, bloated to the size of a bean bag, about a metre across. Then with a whoosh, her abdomen lifted out of the water, like a submarine surfacing. The water rushed off it down the sides, revealing her glistening wet, tanned flesh and the front of her waistline, her pink bikini, looking shiny, and stretched. She bobbed around in the bubbles on the surface of the water while, underneath, her ass, inflated to the size of a pair of physio balls bounced her around, this way and that, but remaining stuck to the jet. Sadie was feeling a panic like never before; she stopped the useless struggling to catch her breath, feeling the cool water lapping over her bloated abdomen and the underwater bubbles rolling round her vast bottom. "HEEEELP!" she screamed. She had to admit, the air being forced into her felt slightly pleasurable, and she got a little tingle when she ran her hands over her round, blimped crotch, but she wasn't in the mood for pleasure, she was more worried about what would happen if the air was continuously pumped into her for the 20 more minutes before her friends got in. She felt her breasts starting to fill with air as well, like two buoys, tugging her chest and head upwards until the most rounded part of her was her stomach, halfway between her waistline and her shoulders, rising out of the water so she looked like a huge wet blimp, rounded like an oval, like the shape of a blimp, but with her legs and arms flapping around in the water and her breasts surging forwards on their own, her nipples over two feet from her shoulders and tugging on her bikini top straps. Her expanding body was pushing her head up against the ledge behind her and her breasts were inflating into her face so that she could not see over them and her mouth was muffled into her cleavage, she tried to shout for help again. "MFFFFF!" She was muffled by her breasts and could feel the air bubbling through her cleavage when she tried to scream, her mouth was partly underwater and she worried she would drown or be suffocated by her breasts if the bloating wasn't stopped soon. Sadie stared up at the ceiling, it like the walls was mirrored, and she could see her reflection, a huge round balloon, floating in the water and still blowing up, her bikini bottom stretched over her tautly inflated abdomen, and the cups of her bikini top looking like tenting trying to hold down a pair of weather balloons which were inflating beneath, her nipples standing out on the top like cherries on top of a rising soufflé. Sadie felt her upper arms and calves swelling up, and then the air spread further along her limbs so that her whole body apart from her hands, feet and head was being inflated. Sadie watched herself inflate for a moment, her whole body filling out like a bouncy castle, her whole body going FFFFF as the air rushed in through her bottom. She felt the bubbles ticking her ass as they floated up inside her and felt the incredible tightness of her skin. She calmed slightly, watching herself as she took up half the Jacuzzi with her enormous body. As her mind wandered she thought she could feel herself getting tauter and tauter, like she was nearing her limits of growth. "What would happen then?" she thought, panic setting in again. She imagined she might burst, even though her head was pretty squashed up between the ledge and her weather balloon breasts, and they were still expanding, now at fully inflated weather balloon size, they didn't seem to be squashing her further, so she wouldn't suffocate or drown. But there could only be so much her body could be inflated before she would go pop, maybe another five minutes, she was only a small girl and she was now, upwards of thirty times her original volume. It would be another five minutes before her friends came through, so she might be saved, or she might explode first, as she floated there in the Jacuzzi. For now all she could do was wait, and feel her whole body bloating up and feel the tickling of all the bubbles against her skin and listen to the bubbling noise and the FFFFF noise of her expanding body. At that moment, the receptionist from the main entrance walked in, she could see in the mirror, but not over the rounded bloat of her body. He stopped in his tracks, she couldn't see his facial expression from her, elevated viewpoint on the ceiling, but his brain must have told him exactly what was causing her to be swelling up in the Jacuzzi like this because he immediately turned and rushed through the door. Seconds later she felt the bubbling stop, all over her the tickling stopped, and the bubbles of the jet under her bum stopped and she stopped tingling, and she stopped inflating; but she wasn't deflating either, and she was still stuck. The receptionist's head appeared round the door and he spoke, sounding panicked. "I'll just go ring for help... er.... Don't move" Though without seeing his face she hadn't imagined his panic, though he must have opened the door to be confronted by this huge mass of swelling tanned flesh and stretched pink bikini, a panicking sight by any standards. He disappeared and closed the door behind him. Sadie, felt relaxed, she wasn't going to explode after all, he must have stopped her just in time, because she felt so incredible high pressured and tight, all over. She smiled, it was actually rather pleasurable to just be floating here, taking up so much of the pool, inflated like a pool toy; Sadie felt a kind of sexual buzz, and closed her eyes and smiled to herself. Bliss. Angela and the other three, one girl and two boys, emerged from the gym, hot and sweaty after their half hour work out. In the foyer the receptionist was on the phone, his back to the room, muttering and sounding flustered. The door to the Jacuzzi was opposite the one they had just come out of, a glass double door, but most of the centre of the glass was obscured with posters. "Sadie said she'd be in the Jacuzzi" Angela said to the others. "I hope it's cool in there" said one of the boys, "I'm boiling" They walked over to the Jacuzzi door, there was a thermostat next to it with a sign above it that read "Jacuzzi Power, to save electricity always switch the Jacuzzi off when not in use" the Jacuzzi was switched off, odd, Angela thought, Sadie must've left. She switched it on. In quick succession, from inside the room they all heard a woman gasp, a short pained creaking sound and a moan, suddenly BANG! They all jumped, this was followed by the inside of the glass being splashed with water. "What the fuck was that?" said one of the girls, Angela opened the glass door and saw the Jacuzzi, only half full of water, the rest it appeared being sprayed around the room, everything was soaked. The surface of the water was rippling and very bubbly. Floating above the shelf on the far side of the Jacuzzi was the back half of a pink bikini bottom. The other half was nowhere to be seen but there were shreds of pink fabric everywhere, scattered around the floor, stuck to glass, mirrors. Angela thought she was right about one thing though, Sadie had left.
Female Inflation
Full Body Inflation
The couple sat in the doctor's office. Mike and Tammy had come to Dr. Alexander's office after being referred there by their normal physician. Supposedly, there was a new type of treatment for Tammy's diabetes that would prevent Tammy from needing to deal with insulin shots anymore, or keep such close track of her blood sugar. "Well, it's quite simple conceptually," Dr. Alexander began. "In the specific type of diabetes that you have, Tammy, the gene that people normally have that is responsible for creation of insulin in the pancreas does not function properly. What we do, then, is to take a healthy version of that gene, and insert it in to your genetic code. After a few weeks, as new cells gradually replace the current ones, your pancreas will gradually begin to produce it's own insulin." To Tammy, that sounded wonderful....after a lifetime of insulin shots and having to watch her blood sugar levels like a would be heavenly to finally be free of that. "That sounds great," she agreed. "There is one thing I didn't understand though...why does this pamphlet about the procedure have this picture of a pufferfish on it?" She tapped at the cartoon rendering of a smiling inflated blowfish on the cover of the pamphlet. Dr. Alexander chuckled and replied, "Ah...that was just the pharmaceutical industry's tip of a hat to our little benefactor from the sea. They're used quite frequently in works relating to genetics and gene therapy. Of all vertebrates, or animals with backbones, pufferfish have one of the shortest genetic codes. Smaller genetic codes make the genes easier to study, and specific sequences like the insulin genes easier to find. Much easier, for example, than using human DNA. It is going to be many years before we can completely map out the human genome and figure out where all the relevant genes happen to be." Tammy nodded. "But are there any side-effects to this treatment? I mean, I'd like to be diabetes-free....but, the devil I know versus the devil I don't, and all that...?" she wondered, biting her lip. Dr. Alexander shook his head. "No long term ones. We use a carrier virus to insert the genetic changes into your body, so for one or two days you may experience flu-like symptoms. After that, you will notice no side-effects at all. Aside from no longer needing your insulin shots, of course." Tammy nodded, satisfied. The doctor rose and added, "Well, if you have no other questions, take some time to think it over. If you decide that this is for you, just call my receptionist and have her set up an appointment." Tammy looked to her husband. Mike nodded back at her. "Whatever you want," Mike said. Tammy nodded, and looked back to the doctor. "Actually...I've thought about it enough, I think. I'm ready." The doctor's eyebrows rose, surprised. "Really? Well then, give me just a moment. I'll go prep the injection," he offered. He left the office, pulling the door quietly closed behind him. Tammy smiled towards Mike. "After this is over, in a few weeks....I'm going to go get a big box of those really soft and sugary glazed donuts you like...and eat them all," Tammy vowed, referring to Mike's favored brand of treat. "Hah...careful sweetie...there's probably enough sugar in a box of those to kill even a non-diabetic..." Mike observed. Tammy grinned and slipped her right arm through his left, reaching down to hold his hand. He gave her hand a squeeze in response. Just then the door to the office opened, and Dr. Alexander entered bearing a tray. He set the tray down on the counter, and picked up a tiny cloth swab and a bottle of alcohol. "All set?" he asked. In response, Tammy nodded and rolled up her shirt sleeve. The doctor moistened the cloth with the alcohol, and quickly wiped a patch of her upper arm with it. He picked up a tiny syringe off of the tray and uncapped it. He slid the needle into her upper arm and depressed the plunger with a practiced hand. "And...there...we...go," he stated, removing the syringe from her arm on the syllable, 'go.' "All done," he smiled. "Thank you very much, Doctor," Tammy said, rolling her shirt sleeve back down. "My pleasure," he replied. "On the way out, why don't you make an appointment with the receptionist to come back in in a few weeks, and we'll see where we are at that point? Feel free to call me anytime if you have any questions. Tammy stood up and nodded. Both she and Mike took turns shaking the Doctor's hand. "Make sure to give the receptionist your medical insurance information, as well," he added. "Flu-like symptoms," turned out to have been a massive understatement. Tammy had spent most of the next day in bed miserable, but she was thankfully feeling somewhat better by day two, Thursday. Even though she was feeling better, she was still resolved to spend most of the day in bed resting. She rolled over onto her right side, and saw Mike leave the closet, noosing himself into a necktie in preparation for work. "Okay, hun...running late. I'll see you tonight...give me a call if you need anything," he said. He bent over the bed and gave her a peck on the forehead. "Need anything before I go?" "Nah, I'm fine. I'll get up in a bit and go get something to eat...I'm much better today," she observed. He nodded, and ran from the room. A few seconds later, Tammy heard the garage door opening, and Mike's car pulling out of the garage. "A few minutes...." she continued with a yawn, before dropping off again. When she woke up again, she was positively famished. Consulting the clock, she saw that it was well past lunchtime. With a groggy yawn, she decided that it was now or never. She lurched out of bed, and tugged a sweater from her closet over herself. Resolving to abate this hunger situation, Tammy stumbled into the kitchen and began a few preparations. After mixing some canned tuna fish and Miracle Whip, she placed a cutting board on the island in the center of the kitchen and began to diligently chop a stalk of celery for some tuna salad. As she chopped automatically, she looked out the window and scanned the goings-on of the neighborhood. Intent on watching some delivery men carrying a new plush leather sofa into the house of the neighbors opposite them, Tammy didn't notice when she ran out of celery stalk. The sharp knife came down and across the inside tip of her thumb. "Ouch! Shi..." she began, but before she could finish her curse she let out an "Hi-YURP!" as her diaphragm was rocked by an enormous hiccup. Coughing slightly in the aftermath, she examined her bleeding hand. She quickly withdrew a bandaid from the cabinet by the oven and placed it over the shallow cut. Wincing slightly, she returned to her work. She dumped the celery into the bowl with the tuna salad, and quickly mixed them together before spreading some onto two slices of bread. However, as she was about to take a bite, she realized that she didn't feel hungry fact, she felt quite...bloated? A little confused, she wrapped some Saran-wrap over the plate containing the sandwich and the bowl of remaining tuna salad. Placing both in the refrigerator, she went to go lie back down again. Her appetite always had been somewhat fickle when she was sick... After a few hours of fitful sleep, Tammy woke up again. She still felt oddly bloated, but decided she needed to get up for good, or else she was going to lose this entire second day as well. She didn't have a shower yesterday or this morning, and the fact that she had been sick and sweating was not helping. Rising from the bed, she walked into the bathroom and turned the shower on to let the water warm up. Meanwhile, she dropped a bath towel onto the floor in front of the shower door and then removed the sweater she had put on earlier along with her underwear. She let out a huge leonine yawn, and stepped into the shower and under the stream of warm water. The warmth felt really good on her body, sore from being ill from the gene therapy carrier virus. She started to duck her head under the shower to wash her hair, but a black shape caught her attention at the corner of her eye, on the wall of the shower. Turning her head toward the shape, she let out a yelp as she spied the biggest wolf-spider she had ever seen on the wall of the shower, one foot from her. Her yelp choked on itself, as her diaphragm contracted just like it had earlier, strangling the yelp into an even more loud hiccuping "HI-YURP!!" that echoed off of the walls of the bathroom. Suddenly, the shower seemed abruptly to be far too small for her. She felt vastly bloated...She could feel one wall of the shower on either side of her bloated stomach, and her front was pressed tightly against the wall beneath the shower head. She was huge! "What's happening to me?" she squealed with dismay. The spray of water on her now-swollen stomach sounded like rain on a tin roof. She forced her way out of the shower in panic, away from the spider and somehow conceptually away from what was happening to her, her sides forcing through the suddenly too-tiny shower door with a "pop!" "HI-YURP!" came another huge hiccup; Tammy could feel the stretching of her skin as she suddenly swelled even larger. She stumbled out of the bathroom and back into the bedroom. "What HI-YURP...'oing on!?" With each hiccup, her waistline swelled even more, and she could feel every inch of its progression. The phone; she had to get to the phone. Hiccuping and swelling, she stumbled towards the phone. She grabbed it up and frantically dialed a nine on the base of the phone while holding the handset. She reached for the one, but the going seemed to be a little slower this time...Tammy's limbs were swelling now, too, and it was harder to reach. "HI-YURP, HI-YURP." Tammy felt her side begin to press into the wall by the phone. She strained and reached to hit the one key on the phone, trying to fight past the tension in her inflating body. She managed to press it once, but just as she was going to press it a second time, she inadvertently dropped the handset from her other hand. "Dammit! HI-YURP, HI-YURP!" she hiccuped. She turned back to hit the one key once again...but it was now just out of reach-she had swelled too large. "Oh no," she breathed. From the handset down on the floor came a computerized monotone voice. "Your call can not be completed as dialed. Please hang up and try again." Mike pulled his car into the garage. He shut the engine off, and then walked into the house from the adjoining door. "Honey? I'm home," he called. No response. "She must be sleeping," he said to himself. He loosened his tie with one hand, and walked towards the bedroom. He walked in and kicked his shoes off beside the door. Straightening up to look at the bed, he gave out a yell. His briefcase dropped to the carpet. "Wha...?" he began. Tammy was there beside the bed. The phone was off its hook down on the floor. Her entire body was swollen into an enormous sphere, a little less than five feet in diameter. Only her hands, feet, and head were still visible, along with subtle bulges from the main sphere where her breasts should have been. Her skin was picking up a white highlight from the lamp beside the bed, like a taut sheet of rubber would. She looked at him from eyes that seemed surprisingly calm, given her condition. She spoke to him with muffled speech, from between plumpened lips and cheeks, "Hi, honey. I think I might have gotten more pufferfish genes than just the ones to make insulin...Could you be a dear and call the doctor for me?" Mike stammered incomprehensibly and rushed to his wife's side. "Are you okay? Are you in pain?" he finally managed to get out. "I'm fine. Just call the doctor...and um....don't do anything to, uh...surprise me. It's tight enough in here, already."
Female Inflation
Breast Inflation
Tony Carlotti wasn't a nice guy, from anyone's viewpoint. He was a high-ranking operative in the local crime syndicate, and had been arrested more times than he could name on multiple charges of racketeering, extortion, and conspiracy to commit murder. It was only his luck that he hadn't been thrown in jail for life. He was a tall, swarthy, ugly sort of guy, looking about forty-five years old. And now, Tony Carlotti was dead. He wasn't the first one to go, either. For the past three years, noted gangsters in the city had been dying under similar circumstances, another one every three or four months. The police were secretly pleased that someone was making their job just a little bit easier, but what the boys in blue didn't much care for were the details. Even the rawest gumshoe could tell you that the circumstances of the deaths were nothing short of baffling. The first odd thing about the deaths-- which were assumed to be murders, by everyone on the force-- was the cause of death itself. In an ordinary gangland killing, you'd usually end up with a corpse containing a few ounces of lead-- the classic cement overshoes aren't as popular as dime paperbacks make them out to be. These days, guns are generally considered to be the quickest, most efficient way to get rid of a nuisance. But these murders weren't ordinary. The mobsters hadn't been killed by bullets, or knife wounds, or anything else you'd expect. The cause of death, as far as anyone could figure out, was suffocation. Not strangling; there weren't any rope burns or finger bruises to suggest it. It was as though the killer had taken the time to hold a pillow over the victims' faces while their brains ran out of oxygen. It's certainly an effective way to kill someone, but not the sort of thing you expect to find in this day and age. The other unusual aspect of the killings was the condition of the room. All of the murders had occurred in the victims' homes, and the surrounding area looked the same each time. The contents of the room had been destroyed, but not in any way as to suggest a robbery. The center of the room was cleared of all objects, and everything the room had contained had been moved to the perimeter. Furniture was often found splintered against the wall. The corpses were invariably up against the wall as well, moved there along with the rest of the room's contents. The doors were found ajar, or at least unlocked, and they were clearly the routes the murderer had used to escape. But that was the only obvious part of this case. Tricia wasn't her real name, of course. Then again, she wasn't really a call-girl, either. But she had to look the part, she thought, as she checked her mascaraed lashes in the mirror, and dabbed one more drop of Chanel No. 5 into her cleavage. Looking the part was all part of her act, and there was no other way to do her duty so effectively. Of course, if she had actually wanted the job, she could have taken it without any trouble at all. At first glance, and even more so at second and third, her legs were easily her best feature. Long and slender, with all the right curves in all the right places, they seemed to climb forever until flaring into statuesque hips below a startlingly narrow waist. Her breasts were fairly small, certainly no more than a B-cup, but they were well-shaped, and perched high on her chest with no need for a bra. She wore a tight black skirt and a brilliant scarlet blouse. The silk blouse had cost her a bundle, but she knew how she looked in it, so it was more than worth the price. With every move she made, the smooth silk brushed against her sensitive nipples, and she couldn't help but delight in the sensation. But this was no time for guilty pleasures, she thought, shaking herself out of her reverie. This was the time for business. She took one last look at her outfit in the full-length mirror, making certain that there were no flaws. If she had to look like a whore, she decided, at least she'd look like a high-class one. She shut the door behind her as she stepped out into the cold night air, and cinched tight the belt of her gray trenchcoat. As she walked down the brightly-lit city street to her nondescript burgundy Saab, she mentally reviewed tonight's "assignment." Her client tonight was Ted Divisio, another convicted gangster. Perhaps he wasn't as high up in their ranks as some of her other targets, but in her business, every little bit helps. Double-checking the address written on a small note-pad, she got in the driver's seat and stuck the key in the ignition. Calmly, she swung out of the tight parking space and pulled into the near-empty street, and drove in silence to her destination. Though there were plenty of spaces closer to the swank apartment building in which her quarry lived, she chose one in the back of the lot. From long experience she knew that it would be best to remain as inconspicuous as possible. As she approached the front set of double doors, she began to flush with anticipation. Even though she had been working in this business so long that she had her act down to a routine, each new job posed brand new dangers. She tried to suppress her excitement as she picked up the inter-building phone. She dialed the number, and waited for a couple of rings until, with a clatter, the receiver was lifted on the other end. The voice came through tinnily. "Yeah?" She smiled as she affected her most sultry tone. "Hi, Ted. It's Tricia. I'm downstairs." There was no further reply. The connection was cut off with a click, and then she heard the sound of the door being buzzed open. Rapidly replacing the receiver, she opened the doors and entered the plush lobby. If she had been here on a pleasure visit, she would have taken time to admire the marble floor, the brilliant potted plants, and the beautiful paintings on the walls, but, she reminded herself, she was here on business. She walked briskly through the lobby to the elevators and pressed the "up" button. The door slid open immediately. Good, she thought, as she entered and pressed the button for the Penthouse. The sooner this was over the better. As the doors closed and the elevator began to rise, she took the time to check her makeup one last time in a small hand mirror from her purse. Her cover needed to be as convincing as it possibly could. When she was satisfied with her condition, she disembarked. She walked down the short hallway, and knocked gently on the door to Divisio's apartment. The knob turned from the inside, and the door swung ajar to reveal Divisio's smiling face. He was a short, unpleasant type, perhaps in his early or mid-fifties. His curly black hair was graying and beginning to thin out on top. His nose was large and bulbous, and loomed over a small, uneven moustache. He wore a purple robe, tied at the waist, which thoroughly failed to make him look like Hugh Hefner. Divisio smiled, revealing yellow teeth. "Come in," he said, staring her up and down like a restaurant menu. When she had entered and taken a seat on an overstuffed sofa, she looked around the apartment. Gangsters make good money, and Divisio clearly subscribed to the philosophy that if one had it, one should flaunt it. An elaborate home theater setup covered one wall, and a well-stocked bar dominated another. Unfortunately, what he didn't have was taste, and he flaunted that even more. The room was filled from wall to wall with tasteless, semi-erotic sculpture. The wallpaper was cream, and waged all-out war with the purple and orange shag carpet. Divisio was all smiles. "Can I get you anything?" he asked, gesturing towards the bar. Her job was a dirty one, but it did have its perks. Free drinks were one of them. "Scotch on the rocks, baby." "Comin' right up!" He dove behind the bar and began puttering around, putting ice in glasses and pouring. When he was through, he returned with the drinks and sat down beside her on the couch, nonchalantly laying his arm around her shoulders. Idly, she wondered how long he'd be able to keep it there. Sure enough, it wasn't more than thirty seconds before he began creeping southward. She let him feel her up-- after all, she was supposed to be a call-girl, and this could even be somewhat enjoyable if he was skilled. Divisio wasn't. He stuck his clammy hand inside her blouse and pawed clumsily around her breasts for a few minutes, in a way that did absolutely nothing for her. Gently, she reached over and pulled his hand away. "Ah, ah, ah," she chided. "There will be plenty of time for that later. Right now, there's something else I want to show you." She stood up, opened her handbag, and withdrew a CD, which she loaded into Divisio's stereo system. She pressed the "play" button, and the room was filled with soft, undulating music. This was the only vital part of the operation-- the music and dancing allowed her to concentrate and focus. As she danced, her mind drifted back to her origins, and how she had ended up in her present situation. She was seven years old at the time. Back then, she was an innocent, pudgy- faced little girl, enjoying her childhood like all children should. Her mother had died of cancer five years before, and she had been raised lovingly by her father ever since. Her father was the kind of man every child deserves. He was tall and handsome, with soft brown hair and blue eyes that sparkled. They didn't have much-- her father ran a struggling clothes store in the less pleasant part of the city-- but whenever he had some income to spare, he would shower it on his beloved daughter. He made sure she had pretty dresses and shoes, and dolls like all the other girls had. Every once in a while, they would take a trip to the zoo or the amusement park, and have a wonderful day just being with each other. Then, one night, while he was sitting in the front of the store counting receipts, and she was playing with dolls off in a corner, there was a knock at the door. He stood up to investigate. When he opened the door, it revealed two nearly identical men. They couldn't have been an inch under six-six, and they must have weighed upwards of three hundred pounds, all of it muscle. They were dressed in tailored suits, but her father didn't have the time or the inclination to admire them. Being only seven years old, she wasn't able to grasp the gravity of the situation, but she could sense that something was wrong. She listened to the conversation, and was able to understand only that the big men wanted money, and her father didn't have any. That was the extent of the pleasantries. From her hiding place in the corner, she watched in horror as the men began to punch her father. They knocked him down, and started kicking him. Terrified, she ran out into the alley and away. She knew that somehow, her life had been changed forever, and that she could never go back to the happy life that she had once known. From that day on, she had been a child of the street. She learned how to steal, and how to protect what she had stolen. She eked out a living, but she was never content with her lot. She wanted more, and who could blame her? She wanted to explore faraway lands, and have glorious adventures that would bring her fame and fortune forever. One day, when she was about eighteen, release came. In an unprecedented feat of courage, she stowed away on a freight cruiser bound for Asia. For weeks she hid in a cramped cargo hold, perpetually terrified that she might be caught. But she made it through the ordeal unnoticed, and was able to disembark while the boxes and pallets were being unloaded. She hiked for months on end through the snowy mountains of western China, with threadbare clothes and only a tattered pair of tennis shoes to protect her feet. She survived by drinking water from snowmelt, and eating what little vegetation could be found along the path. Eventually, emaciated and exhausted, she collapsed. When she came to, she found herself in a temple, surrounded by bald-headed monks in saffron robes. Though she didn't speak their language, and they didn't speak hers, they carefully nursed her back to health. When she recovered fully, she chose to stay on, and participate in their rituals and exercises. The monks welcomed her, and when she expressed a desire to learn the elaborate martial arts that they practiced, they gladly included her. From them, she learned about the secrets of chi, the mystic energy within all living things. More importantly, she learned how to focus her own chi, and accomplish deeds that would otherwise be physically impossible. With an effort of will, she returned to the present. Day-dreaming would do her no good, she knew. She had already been in Divisio's apartment too long, and all she wanted was to get this over with and leave. Unbuttoning her blouse, she stood in the alcove of the door, facing Divisio. Without a word, she shut her eyes and pursed her lips, in an effort of great concentration. Divisio, who had already been drooling from her sensual dance, stared lecherously. Suddenly, Divisio did a double-take. Surely he must have imagined it. But, no, there it was again. Almost imperceptibly, he had seen her breasts swell. As he watched more closely, her formerly B-cup breasts expanded slowly through the cup sizes, until maybe five minutes later, she had an impressive pair of DD jugs hanging off her chest. She opened her eyes, and the growth ceased. Smiling slightly, she asked, "Do you like it?" Divisio was almost too stunned to speak, but he managed to croak out some words. "Yes. Yes! Bigger!" That was all the cue she needed. Throwing her shoulders back, she closed her eyes again. Her breasts expanded even more, this time at a far more rapid rate. In only seconds, they passed out of the alphabet, and became comparable to the size of trash cans. And she didn't stop there. They continued to expand, to the point where they rested on the floor, and still they kept growing. They kept getting bigger and bigger, to the point where Divisio was sure she would explode, but she didn't. And as they grew, the irresistible force began to shove the room's furnishings out of the way, crushing the hideous statuary against the wall. Divisio was caught a glancing blow by a gigantic nipple, and was hurled across the room like nothing more than a rag doll. Still her breasts expanded, and when they rolled over the unconscious gangster, there was no hope for him. At least he died with a smile on his face. When she was sure that Divisio was good and dead, she carefully began the reverse process. Her room-filling breasts slowly shrank, revealing the devastation they had caused during the growth, until they reverted to their original B-cup size. Calmly, she buttoned her blouse, and wrapped her trenchcoat around her shoulders. As she walked out the door, she wondered if some day, she would ever be able to end her one-woman quest to stamp out those monsters who preyed on the innocent. Perhaps, but until that day came, the city needed a vigilante, and she was just the woman to fill that role.
Male Inflation
Full Body Inflation
At first, Joe didn't even notice the gun in Jackie's hand. When he opened his door, his attention, as usual, was drawn to her breasts, the tops of which were casually exposed by her low-cut blouse, which she wore with a light black sweater, matching her tight, tight black stretch pants, which clung desperately (as most men wanted to do) to her perfectly sculptured butt. It was an ass of pure perfection, two flawless half-circles protruding daintily outward, neither too wide or too small, firm enough to crack an egg on, yet smooth enough to use as a pillow. [Okay, that seems like a lot of info on her ass. But it'll come in handy later.] Anyway, back to the gun. Joe finally noticed it, Jackie having finally raised it in front of her chest. Joe finally made eye contact, looking at the pretty, round-faced, pony-tailed blonde in the eye. I mean, Jesus, she was hot. Joe felt himself stiffen, the gun notwithstanding. She was just that fabulous. "Okay, what's with the piece?" Joe finally asked. "You...are a pig." "You came here to tell me that?" "How come you never called me? You said you were gonna call me!" Joe blinked. "Well,... Jackie, to be fair, you just left 20 minutes ago." "Ahhhgh! Men! Always wanting to be reasonable!" That pissed her off. She pointed the gun at Joe's chest and fired. At first, Joe thought it was a joke, and for good reason: The gun looked like a toy, as it had no barrel, just a horn-shaped tip that glowed. He didn't get the joke, but he humored her, so to speak, and chuckled mildly. He stopped chuckling when he noticed that he had just shrunk about a foot. And he kept on shrinking until he was until he was 6 inches tall. [Actually, 5.34 inches, if you want to get ultra-technical.] He looked up at Jackie, now a beautiful, if gigantic, babe. He should have been immediately concerned with his new condition. Would he ever regain his normal size? How did she manage to do this trick? What were her plans? But all he could think of was, "MAN, those breasts are huge! I mean, God, look at them! I could never eat that much breast! That's just WAY too much!" He imagined himself riding snugly in her cleavage, as he could now comfortably fit. [And that's what you'd think, too, if you were 5.34 inches tall... and honest. ] Jackie shook her head. "Christ, are you still staring at my breasts?" "Um... no." She raised her lovely foot, the shadow of her boot looming over him. "I could just squash you like a bug." She giggled at the idea. "And maybe I will. Later." She reached down and picked Joe up in her hand. "And now, little man, you are mine to do as I please. If you ever disobey me, I'll crush you like--What the HELL are you doing?" What he was doing, of course, was yanking on his .5 inch-long schlong. "I can't help it," he said, looking up at her giant face. "This is just getting me hot. You ever see Schoolhouse Rock? I just LOVE that video where--excuse me." He climaxed on her wrist. "Ewwww!" she yelled. "Okay, dude. You're going away for a long time." She put the cork back in the top of the glass bottle, where she had stuck Joe. Then, after thoroughly washing her hands and wrist, she collapsed on her bed. She slept on her stomach, leaving her tight ass in plain view, beckoning Joe like a cliffside to a mountain climber. Joe stared at her ass for nearly an hour, until he was sure Jackie had fallen asleep. "Now to make my escape! Fun is fun, but I won't put up with--Oh, what the hell." He again paused to masturbate. Then he implemented his escape plan. He pushed out the cork from the bottle--he may be small but it was still just a damn cork--and made his way towards Jackie's purse. Then he stopped, turned around, climbed up on the bed and onto the mounds of flesh Jackie called her ass, and promptly masturbated. Then he climbed down and returned to the purse. Inside the purse was Jackie's raygun, and Joe dragged it out into the moonlight to examine it. On the gun were written the words "Small" and "Big." Joe figured--and let's face it, it's a reasonable assumption--that Jackie had used the "Small" setting to shrink him down to 5.34 inches [let's just say 6]. "So!" he reasoned aloud, "If I zap myself with the 'Big' setting, I ought to return to my normal size." So that's what he did. Except the "Big" ray didn't return him to his normal size. It just blew him up like a balloon. He inflated like a toy balloon, his arms shooting out to his sides as his waistline blew outwards, making him look at first just fat, but in a few seconds, he looked like a balloon with hands, feet, and a head. The raygun was still on, but Joe was so puffed up that he couldn't move, even if he still had arms to turn off the ray. So he kept inflating and inflating, growing into the size of a 16" balloon, and soon was about the size of a typical beach ball. And he kept growing, blowing up bigger and bigger. Joe weighed his options: (1) He could wake up Jackie and have her turn off the gun, but that would mean getting caught and being her prisoner again, or (2) he could inflate indefinitely, or until he popped, whichever came first. Sadly, masturbating was out of the question. As he pondered his predicament, he continued to swell and swell and swell. He was now higher than Jackie's bed, and he paused to look down on that fabulously sculptured butt. Well, what else was he going to do while he was thinking? It was a perfectly natural impulse. But he became mesmerized and lost track of his growth. Now a huge balloon several feet in diameter, he filled up a good part of the room, and his skin grew increasingly thinner as it stretched beyond its natural endurance. Had he given it any thought, he might have realized that the pressure he felt was not a spontaneous orgasm, but the feeling of his body approaching the bursting point. But then, the mild hissing from Joe's inflation finally cause Jackie to stir. She raised her head groggily, and seeing a giant balloon about to burst in her bedroom, she went back to sleep. Then her head shot up again. "Holy shit!" She jumped out of bed and grabbed the raygun, shutting it off just as Joe's squeaking body reached his absolute limit. A second later, Jackie estimated, and she would have been cleaning up bits of Joe until next Tuesday. Jackie sighed. "Joe, did you try to use my raygun to return to normal size and escape?" "Um... no." His round, inflated body wobbled. "What am I going to do with you?" she said, exasperated. "No, seriously, what am I going to do with you? I could just make you a little bigger and watch you go... BOOM!" Joe flinched, and she laughed. "Or..." Jackie stepped to her dresser and removed a pin from a nearby pin cushion. She dangled the pin over Joe's elastic skin. Joe could only watch helplessly. He seriously needed an orgasm. "But I won't," she finally decided. "You'd make too much noise and too much of a mess as you are. You want me to make you smaller?" Joe glanced down at his fit-to-burst body. "Yes, please." She zapped him with the "small" ray. But his body didn't deflate. He merely got smaller--still inflated, but now he was back to the size of a beach ball. "Oh, for crying out loud!" he wailed. "What?" she asked. "You thought you'd deflate and return to being 6 inches tall? There's no 'Normal' setting on this gun, Joe. I can inflate you or shrink you. I can't make you taller or thinner." "Could you work on that?" "Nope. It's playtime." She picked Joe up and giggled as she tossed him around the room. For several minutes, she had her way with him, until she sighed tiredly and set him down on the floor. "Okay, fun's over. I need to sit down." "You do that. I'll be right here, not bothering you in the slightest," said Joe. Jackie leaned forward, her beautiful giant face giving him a smirk that to him looked several meters long. "No, I don't think you understand. I'm going to sit down." "Well, like I said, you just--um. Wait a second--" "How much would you guess I weigh?" There was simply no right answer to that question. "Uh, ... 105?" "Good! Then you ought to be able to support me!" And with that, Jackie turned around and set her glorious, shapely behind down on Joe's inflated figure. Joe looked up at the giant object d'art descending down on him, like a 3D Omnimax object in an unusual fetish flick. Her perfect butt easily smothered him, her full weight--she was NOT 105--pressing firmly down on him. Joe knew the pressure on his tight, strained body could easily cause him to burst. But as her round, tight bottom sunk deeply into his ballooned form, all he could think of was, "Thank you, God." "Hey, you're comfortable!" she said, laughing. "Let's bounce!" Her butt lifted off him momentarily, and he managed to get out an "Oboy," before she sat back down on him, more forcefully. And then she bounced again, harder. And then harder. As if in slow motion, Joe watched her ass coming down on him once more like a deity from above. A perfect ass, plus a straining balloon, plus gravity. Joe had always hated physics; but suddenly, as if in a death-bed revelation, science was a beautiful thing. An instant later, Jackie's ass landed hard on the floor, having completely obliterated her bounce-toy.
Female Inflation
Breast Inflation, Butt Inflation, Full Body Inflation
"So...who's this friend of yours?" Cathy squeezed Claire's hand gently as the couple walked down the greater part of London's downtown areas. The two hit it off quite well, and much to both of the girl's amazement, Catherine had enjoyed the pneumatic experience Claire visited upon her. Now matters turned more to business, and the two were off to visit one of Claire's friends to help increase the woman's ability to inflate women. "Her name is Sydnie...she heard about what I've been doing, and she said she could help. I knew she was a bit odd the day I met her, but this is news to me too..." Claire answered as they approached a rather fanciful appearing apartment complex and strolled in the main doors. "She lives in the basement level I believe....rather nice here don't you think?" Claire held fast onto Cathy's hand as her lover nodded. A quick trip down a flight of stairs and the duo found themselves in front of a door without a peephole even. "Sydnie! It's me, Claire!" The brunette called out as she rang the buzzer, the sound of metal clattering to the ground and glass shattered heard afterwards, and shortly a a tall brown-haired woman wearing a bandanna answered them. "O-oh! You're early....come in." Sydnie ushered them inside. Catherine's eyes widened as she took in the sights of the woman's flat. Scrap metal, glass and...rock candy? "Oh my god, I need to have my sweets today!" Cathy blurted out and snatched an oddly glowing crystal from what she imagined was the kitchen counter and munched it down, amidst Sydnie's protest and Claire's cautionary advice. "Yuck...that candy was sickeningly sweet...what do you mean that wasn't candy? What...*BOING-BOING!* *BWOOMPH!* YAAAAAAAAAAHH!!!!" Cathy's face turned red instantly as she placed her hands on her cheeks and screamed. Her breasts had instantly swollen up and destroyed her bra, taking her blouse with it. In addition, much to Claire's delight, her sizable posterior had blown the back of her pants out with the same gusto as her chest. "I tried tellin' ya! These are the crystals I was telling you about Claire...she'll be like that for a while at least...a day or two minimum. Eating them reduces the effects size, but saturates the body with the magic in em'...luckily that was near depleted crystal or you'd be carrying her home on a string!" Sydnie explained to Claire, the two carrying on their own conversation as Catherine explored her new assets, her hands rooming around her small-beach ball sized breasts and her rather lovely bottom. Sydnie walked over to what appeared to be her work table and pulled out a ray gun that made Claire think it came straight out of an old sci-fi film. "This is my inflation-ray pistol...I can set it to affect certain body parts....or set it to turn them into a full balloon! See..." Sydnie continued to explain her gadget as she loaded a glowing crystal into it. She aimed at Claire playfully, the woman throwing her hands up in joking surrender before the gun fired, hitting Claire right in the tits. "Oooof! You...didn't just shoot that thing at me, did you?!" Claire explained, and she received her answer shortly, but not from the giggling Sydnie. An audible hiss began in her bosom, the woman frantically unhooking her bra and panicking slightly. She had never experienced inflation in her own body before, and thoughts about how it would feel like and all sorts of slightly more perverse thoughts filled her mind as the magically generated helium filled her boobs. They stretched and expanded, rising up under her shirt and giving it the appearance of two mountains rising up. "Damn...I should have taken the shirt off too...Urgh!" Claire exclaimed in and increasingly high pitched voice as the barely contained globes pushed up under her chin, and then up into her face shortly, A lengthy ripping noise began within a few moments as the shirt began to tear right at the line between the two helium-hooters. "Oh you have got to be kidding me! You better make sure I don't float off now!" Claire once again yelled at her friend who was too occupied with rolling around on the floor giggling wildly to notice the other woman taking a boob-lead trip to the ceiling. Claire was soon left with the two tattered halves of her shirt on each arm, her tits simply enormous, easily the size of two huge beach balls before the hissing subsided. "Okay...okay...*snort* Hahahaha!...I'm fine now...look at you! I'll reverse it...just give me a second...." Sydnie continued to burst into laughter as Claire kicking her legs and trying to wrap her arms around her gargantuan fleshy-globes in an attempt to cover her exposed nipples. Sydnie fumbled with the dial to set it to reverse when another fit of giggling gripped her...and she lost her grip on the gun. The device fell to the floor and discharged, the laser bouncing and pinging across the room off of any metal surface. Claire narrowly avoided the blast by lifting her leg, and the ray whizzed past Catherine's head before hitting Sydnie square in her ass, the woman jumping up with a yelp. "This isn't going to be good....." Sydnie said, Claire now cackling at her in reprisal. As the woman predicted, her bottom began to squeak and hiss as it started to swell up and inflate. Sydnie made an attempt to slide her shorts off but it was too little....too big, rather, too late. Her buttocks expanded like to oddly shaped orbs competing for space within her tiny shorts, and destroyed the garment utterly within mere seconds. She made a half hearted swipe as a bar on a wall as she felt herself being lifted up by her behind, missing by mere centimeters, her bottom hitting the ceiling with a bouncy whump sound. Within minutes, Sydnie's posterior equaled Claire's tits in size and buoyancy, Claire laughing as Sydnie crossed her arms and huffed, just a little annoyed. "Great...we'll be like this for at least half an hour! Your friend over there is too busy feeling herself up to help...your tits block your view for the most part, and I'm pretty sure by ASS has it's own gravity field now!" Sydnie screamed at Claire who just laughed at her. "It's what you deserve! You ripped one of my favorite shirts!" Claire retorted, the two exchanging half-assed...or in the case of Sydnie, full-assed exchanges of childish insults and playful remarks before a soft, high pitched hissing began to escape from Claire's nipples. She began to giggle uncontrollably and blush much the same as the air flow tickled her and aroused her at the same time. "Oh no...if...the helium is escaping from her nipples...then that means it's gonna escape from my-*SQUEAK* *Pssssshhhrrrrrrrrrt*" Sydnie's face became one of annoyance and humiliation. Her bottom issued forth a noise reminiscent of a toy-balloon having it's end pinched and slowly released in order to deflate it. Her ass cheeks slowly reduced in size, Claire absolutely losing it. She was laughing so hard that she had started gasping for air, clinging to a table top to avoid rolling around after her tits had returned to their...relatively normal size. Sydnie's bottom finished deflating for the most part, her face pure red in embarassment. "What the hell are you laughing at!" Sydnie snapped at Claire, the giggling maniac pointing at the annoyed woman. "Oh, gee...I don't know! You deflated by farting and it sounded like a carnival balloon that had been let go without being tied off! Hahahahahaha!" Claire threw her head back in laughter, Sydnie crossing her arms and narrowing her eyes, looking down right irritated. The pants less woman huffed angrily as Claire simply rolled around laughing at her expense, Sydnie getting a sinister idea. She walked over to Catherine and leaned into the moaning girl's ear. "Hey...stop touching yourself for a second!" Sydnie whispered and grabbed Catherine's hands to stop them from moving. Sydnie whispered into the woman's ear, Cathy's eyes lighting up with the occasional giggle heard. Claire propped herself up on her elbows and tried listening, but could glean nothing from their hushed discussion. Cathy nodded, and with that both women turned to Claire with sinister grins on their faces. "*gulp*...Why are you two staring at me like that?...H-hey! Stay away from me!" Claire shrieked a little as Sydnie procured some rope, a ball-gag and a blind fold, Cathy dashing over and deftly restraining Claire even with her expanded assets. "C-catherine! Let me go! Don't let her-MRMPHGRRRMH!" Claire's protests were cut short as the ball-gag was placed around her head and shoved into her mouth. Sydnie swiftly bound the woman's ankles and wrists together, Catherine letting her go and watching her friendly writhe on the ground, muffled swears escaping the furious woman's mouth. "Shut up! You're gonna be my guinea pig...I've been dying to try this crystal out for a long time now! We need to...relocate you first..." Sydnie yelled at Claire, the bound woman shirking back and whimpering a little. Sydnie disappeared for a moment and returned from her bedroom in a new pair of shorts. "You know that clearing just outside of town...that nice forested one....take her there! I'll get everything else we need....." Sydnie ordered Catherine, who despite her exposed breasts and buttocks, hoisted Catherine over her shoulder slowly and began the short trek to the clearing in question, Sydnie staying behind and pulling out a rather large and pink glowing crystal. "She better put me down! I don't know what sort of perverse idea they have, but I'm not gonna stick around to find out..." Claire thought, squirming rapidly in an attempt to make Catherine drop her. The only result, however, was a powerful smack on her bottom cause the woman to jolt and whimper. Cathy reached the clearing and set Claire down gently on the soft grass, looking around and waiting for Sydnie for a half hour before the more technologically advanced women of the trio appeared riding what looked like a hover dolly. She had a rifle with a crystal slot strapped to her back, and on the dolly sat what appeared to be a basket like those used with hot air balloons. Claire noticed that basket first and foremost... "...I've got a bad feeling about this...a REALLY bad feeling!" Claire yelled in her mind, Sydnie humming a little as she loaded the strange crystal from before into the large blaster. "Okay, Cathy! You see these ropes in the basket...when she starts floating start tying on to each of her wrists and may experience bloating, light headedness....and GAS Claire! Lots of GAS!" Sydnie growled as she aimed the blaster at Claire, the woman trying to squirm away like a worm before the sound of the beam firing and something very warm and pleasant nailing her right in the butt. "FUCK FUCK FUCK! They'" Claire's mind trailed off as the warm sensation took over her body, a rather pleasant tingling feeling accompanying it. Catherine's eyes went wide and she watched her love interest seemingly begin to puff up evenly all over. Claire's tongue hung out a little as she panted, gasping a little as her inflating body pulled her pants and undies tightly against her sensitive flesh. Sydnie walked over and cut the woman's wrist and ankle ties, stepping back and taking notes as this was an experimental crystal type. Claire felt strange. The sensations spreading across her body were...pleasing to her. Her breasts began to swell up beneath her, raising her head up on her very own airy pillows. "Is...this what the girls I turn into balloons...feel? It feels nice...really nice~...." Claire thighs and legs began to puff up hugely, her straining pants finally losing the battle with her expanding butt cheeks as they tore through the back of her clothing eliciting laughs and giggles from the two spectators. Claire's belly gurgled and began hissing, the once flat and tone gut swelling up as if going through the stages of pregnancy and beyond. Her arms began to bloat slowly as her once limp limbs began to blow up like fresh balloons, slowly rising up and forced rigid and immobile. Her arms were forced to the side...and she began to lift off. "Now Cathy! Tie her down to the basket now...she's gonna get MUCH bigger...." Sydnie instructed her willing assistant, Catherine snatching Claire just before she was out of reach and tying each of the four ropes to each one of Claire's ankles and wrists and there she floated as the hissing intensified. The last remnants of her clothing fell into the basket below her in tatters as her belly approached a ridiculously comical size. Claire moaned softly much to her audience's surprise...and delight, Cathy walking over and stroking her lovers bloated bottom. "It'll be alright...she said it wasn't permanent or look so beautiful..." Catherine whispered in Claire's ear, her lover-balloon nodding slowly as her arms and legs began to absorb into her spherical belly, her nipples popping out and her buttocks rubbing and squeaking as they swelled and competed for what little space there was between them. Sydnie smirked a little and removed an object from her pocket, walking behind Claire and shoving a sphere into the woman's bottom. "When we're flying...this remote control and that little ball and shoved up your butt will let me regulate the gas in you if we need to altitude...or need to might be a little uncomfortable, but eh! It's not my butt..." Sydnie giggled mockingly, but Claire did not seem to mind. Her mind was filled with erotic bliss as her arms and legs disappeared, leaving her her hands and feet barely jutting out with their puffy fingers and toes. She continued to expand however, her cheeks puffing up comically. Ten feet in diameter....fifteen...twenty feet... "Oh...god...I need to fart this air out...but...I can't!...It feels so...comfortable...being this big...." Claire thought as her the loud hiss slowed and finally ceased when she had reached thirty-four feet in diameter....a hundred and twelve feet around! She was as big as an actual passenger balloon, Sydnie helping Catherine into the basket before climbing in herself, holding a knife to cut the anchor line. Claire was a perfect sphere, save for the barely noticeable hands and feet sticking out, her globular tits and her head. "Let's give the remove a test...." Sydnie spoke and pressed one of the buttons on the device, eliciting a squeaky poot from the balloon above them, except much louder than Sydnie's own gassy outbursts from before. The woman almost fell out of the basket it laughter, composing herself before cutting the line. They gradually began to lift off, Claire having a rather pleasant view of the country side from her higher eye-line. "It's...working! I don't believe it! This could simplify travel some day! Don't worry Claire..." Sydnie comforted her friend as they began to float higher and higher. They could see over the London skyline...and what a sight it was. Night had begun to settle in and the cloudy horizon shared hues of dark red as the sun began to sink. "Since you've helped me with this...I'll supply you with all the crystals you need after we get back home...but for now, let's enjoy the flight!" Sydnie reached up and rubbed the woman's belly above her, Catherine giving the fleshy globe a soft kiss. Claire didn't mind. The view was nice, and the ballooned feeling was very pleasing to her. She did not care how long they desired to fly around as the balloon and her passengers floated off into the darkening sky. All she knew...was that she loved it.
Female Inflation
There existed a barber shop said to do much more than cut your hair. A hair cuttery and spa, as some put it. It promised a haircut, shampoo, styling, massage, hot tub, and more in just over one hour. Marjory had heard of this place several times before, but never really had reason to go. It sounded expensive and she didn't really want to be let down after spending a fortune for a haircut. But she was needing a haircut soon and this weekend she had a day off right after payday. What's the worst that could happen? She wastes money and only gets a semi decent haircut? At least this way she can say she tried it. Marjory went ahead and called them up and set up an appointment. There was only one time slot left for that day and the person on the phone said that was unusual because they are usually booked at least month in advance. Just how popular is this place? The days pass by and Marjory almost forgot about her appointment. She woke up on Saturday morning and became very grateful that she put everything in her phone. Luckily, there were still four hours until she had to be there, so she got up as slowly as she wanted. This was her day off after all. About an hour till, she looked up the address on her phone and started driving to the location. After about 30 minutes, she arrived. The Berry Barber. There honestly was no way she could miss it. It looked about the size of an elementary school! I was just one floor, but that floor was HUGE. This one building took up the entire block. She drove around for a bit because the parking lot was also packed, but eventually found a spot. On the inside, it looked like an average barber shop. Chairs with people in them getting their hair cut and a waiting room with a front counter between the two. Only this waiting room had a line. To the Waiting room. The main room didn't even look too big. Maybe around 16 chairs. Bigger than usual, sure, but why such a big building? Marjory walked up to the counter and said to the lady "Hello, I'm here for my appointment." The lady at the counter almost immediately looked up and beamed at Marjory. "Ah, of course. And your name?" "Marjory Lee." "Yes, here you are. You seem to be about 20 minutes early, but we may have a room open for you shortly." "A room?" "Ah, you are new here, yes?" "Yes, this is my first time." "Well, in that case, Welcome to the Berry Barber. We first need to know what sort of package you will like. We have the Yellow, Red, Green, or Blue packages to choose from. Of course, with this being your first time, we do offer the "Ripening Pack," which is just the Blue for the price of the Yellow, with some goodies to take home after." Yellow, red, green...? "I'm sorry, what do the colors mean?" "Basically, it's a price scale. Yellow is just a haircut. Red, we add a massage and cleansing. Green has better feeling effects. And Blue, we add a dip into a relaxing hot tub." She then leans in and gestures Marjory to do the same. "We also offer the Blueberry Special and the Blueberry Couples, but those only get offered to females and the couples lets you bring a "friend" along. These are also off of the official menu and take much longer and practically cost a fortune." She leans back out. "So, shall I write you down as the Ripening Pack?" "Uh, sure. That works." "Perfect! Now we have a few forms we will need you to fill out since it's your first time, but after that, you'll be set." Marjory took a look at the forms and glanced them over. "What the-" She thought to herself seeing some of the questions and legal statements. Stuff like, "Would you prefer male or female workers handling you and your bodily fluids?" and "We take pride in our staff not touching customers impolitely unless directly asked," really made her start to question things. After the shock value, it didn't take her long to fill out the form. "Whatever. I'm already here, right?" She thought. As she walked back up to the desk, the woman perked up and said, "Perfect! Now I just need to enter these into the computer and you will be good to go as soon as a room opens. Now I hope the form wasn't too weird or anything. I've seen plenty walk out from the form alone." "It was quite weird. But I figured, I'm here anyway. Why do you need to know this stuff?" "Oh, you'll find that stuff out in a few minutes. I'm just glad you stayed. I'm positive you will enjoy this. Alright, I have everything entered. After tax, that will be $35.73." Goodness. This is what the cheapest costs normally? This had better be good. Marjory paid and was about to sit down when a door in the back opened and a women's voice called "Marjory?" Three women immediately stood up and all began walking toward the door before noticing each other. "Sorry, Marjory Lee?" The other women looked disappointed and walked back to the waiting room only to find their seats taken. Marjory looks around and continues to walk toward the back of the room, past everyone getting a haircut. "Says here it's your first time," the lady says when Marjory reaches her. "Yeah, first time." "Lovely! I'm Charese and I will be your head stylist today. If you want to follow me." Charese walked through the door and Marjory followed. They were brought to a hallway painted several colors with several different fruit all over the walls and doors about 30 feet away from each other. Each door having a color and a corresponding fruit on it. Red doors had a pair of Cherries, Green had a Pear, and Blue had a Blueberry. Looking back, the door they came in was the only yellow door. The ceiling was also easily 30 feet tall. "I'm sure you have many questions, so I will do the obvious thing and start by asking you a few. How did you hear about this place?" "Ads online, mostly. Then a few friends started talking about it. But they would never describe the experience, only recommend it." "Ah, yes. Unfortunately, that is because of company secrets. That form you filled out? It also had a line saying that you will not tell anyone the methods of our company. Don't want our secrets to fall in the wrong hands now would we? Ah, here we are!" Charese stopped at a blue door that looked no different than any of the other blue doors. She opened it and walked in. Marjory looked around and followed. Inside was a small room with hooks, a bench, and towels. There was also a door on the far wall. "We now ask you to remove your clothes unless you brought some to change into. Based on your preferences on your forms, I will wait for you in the next room." Charese left through the next door and waited. Marjory was now alone and still not quite sure to expect. Then she realized that the receptionist mentioned a hot tub. That's probably why. Still, this place seems weird in general. After a bit, Marjory steps through the door wearing nothing but a towel. Inside is a huge room. The walls and ceiling are blue with the floor being a plain white. The room looked like a 30 foot square with a round indent in the center of the floor and a single stylist's workbench decorated how you would expect. It had a mirror, razors, shears, a blow dryer, combs, etc. There were also 4 women in here besides Charese all standing behind her waiting. "Good, you are ready. Any last questions before we begin?" "Plenty, actually. One above the rest: What did I sign up for?" "Well, now that we are here, let me explain. First, these are my helpers. They will mostly be providing the massage and help with other...needs. Next, for the big question. What will we be doing? Simple. We'll be turning you into a blueberry. Temporarily. We used all the questions on your forms to make sure you would get the optimal experience in every way. Once you are as big as you can be, my assistance will roll you into position so that I may cut you hair while they give your giant body a massage. This should relax you enough to expel the juice from your body, reverting you back while the juice will collect in the center of the room and keep it warm so that you may relax in your very own blueberry hot tub while I wash your hair. Anything else you need to know?" Marjory looks around the room with a confused expression on her face. "I think that created more questions than answers. Can we just get started?" "Of course. Now it says here you are afraid of needles. No worries. We just need to get the formula inside you another way. Any preference? Pill, food, drink? Something more intimate?" Marjory's eyes open wide and she blushes as she thinks of the implications of that last option. "Uh...drink will be fine," she answers. "Perfect." Charese turns to tell one of her assistants to fetch the drink, but the assistant had already left. "Even better. Thank you, love," she called to the assistant. Charese turns back to Marjory. "Well, the needle would've been the fastest method, but the drink is probably second in that regard. Don't forget, if you need or wish for any of your preferences on your forms to be changed, just let me know." The assistant returned with a glass full of a blue liquid and hands it to Marjory. "Now the enjoyment can begin. Drink this at your leisure, but do make sure to drink all of it while you can." Marjory took a sip of the drink. It was alright. She could taste the blueberries, but she had never really been one for blueberries. It felt quite good going down her throat. Charese then lead Marjory to the center of the room as Marjory took a larger swig as she started to feel a funny feeling spread across her body. It wasn't a bad feeling. Far from it, it was very relaxing. Marjory had just never felt anything like this. It felt like when warm tea runs down your throat, only it felt like it was starting at her stomach and spreading everywhere. She took a few more drinks from the cup before remembering where she was and that other people were with her. "What is this?" "I'm afraid that's the company secret. We really want to spread the positive effects this can have on the body, but we all know that if this stuff left the facility, somebody would use it incorrectly. In a room that's far too small or on a coworker they don't like. Even the doses need to be perfect for the best effect. It would just be better to keep it here." Charese looked at Marjory's face and smiled. "You may want to finish that drink. Looks like the effects are starting." Marjory looked at what was left of her drink and finished it, frowning that she didn't have more. Charese took the glass from Marjory and handed it to an assistant. Marjory then felt her stomach and remembered that she was just wearing a towel. When she looked down at herself, she saw her shoulders were blue and the color seemed to be spreading down towards her arms and chest. She was shocked, but for a lot less than she thought she would have been. She was just so relaxed by the feeling the drink gave her. "So is the blue normal?" she asked Charese. "Completely. Everything is working normally. And you need not worry, everything that is about to happen to you will be completely reversed before you leave here today," Charese answered. "Now, if you would like to lay down, the floor has a very special padding designed for what will happen to your skin and is very comfortable." Marjory complied and found that Charese was right. This floor was very comfortable. It seemed to give way a little and fit to her form. She watched the blue color spread under her towel then leaned her head back and closed her eyes, feeling the warmth spread over her body. After a few seconds, she was beginning to experience a new feeling. The warmth spreading across her body seemed to be settling in select locations of her body. Not making her warmer, just...well she couldn't really describe it. As if the juice inside her was finding locations to stay, but more juice was collecting than there was room. She opened her eyes and looked over herself again just as the blue was enveloping her toes. She suddenly felt a bit of pressure well up within her throat before Marjory burped. It was a pretty mighty burp that sounded even mightier with the size and echo of the room. This seemed to clear much of the pressure before she looked down and saw herself...growing? "Here we go. The best part. During this phase, you may experience some pulling and stretching of muscles and your skeleton. This is perfectly normal and actually helps to realign your body," Charese explained, noticing the growth beginning. "And do not worry about your burp. Everyone does it. With the juice building up in you, it presses all the non-necessary gasses trapped within you until it all escapes at once." Marjory only half listened as she watched herself inflate, mesmerized on her growing form. It wasn't just her stomach, either. It seemed to be her whole waist and some. Her butt, back, and thighs were getting bigger along with her stomach. Even her breasts were getting larger. She watched as her body unraveled her towel for her, leaving her in just her panties. The floor also seemed to sink a little under her weight. She watched and felt as her arms and legs even began to swell into cones as her panties snapped off, but Marjory didn't seem to care anymore. After a bit, she did begin to feel a tugging on her spine as she seemed to grow in what would have been her height, if she were standing, and soon her spine started denying the movement and began to hurt before a muffled *POP* echoed through the room as her spine got back in place. Marjory didn't even know her spine was unaligned, but she could definitely tell it was back in place now. Not long after that, her arms and legs were fully spread apart until her form was completely round, save for her feet, head, hands, and breasts. But she didn't stop just yet. Her body continued to grow outward another foot or two, rounding her out at 10 feet, leaving her hands and feet in divots of her body, while her head was just about to touch what used to be her neck. Marjory was then starting to feel a strange build up around her breasts and groin area. Not like before with the swelling. This was different, as if the juice was trying to escape. Marjory was conflicted, this whole process felt amazing and relaxing, but she knew others were watching and didn't want to leak in front of them, causing her to tense up. "How are you feeling?" Charese asked. The floor seemed to have sunk enough for Marjory's head to remain roughly head level. "I'm not sure. This is new. I can't move and am filled to the brim with juice, yet this feels nice." "Yes, well you don't seem fully relaxed quite yet. We need to get the juice out of you and there are several ways to do that, but the easiest is for you to relax and let it out. Trust me. You are surrounded by professionals." Charese then motioned for her helpers to reposition the berry girl. Marjory suddenly felt hands along her body as her body began to shift and roll ever so slightly until her head was right next to Charese's station. Charese started running a comb through Marjory's hair and asked "How would you like your hair?" As she asked, the helpers surrounded Marjory's body and began applying slight pressure. "Ignore them. They are just going to be feeling around to prep your body for the juicing and to find the optimal locations, but that's not important. Just focus on talking to me and relax your body. Everything else will happen naturally." Charese also moved a mirror into place above Marjory's line of sight and angled it so that Marjory could see Charese and what she was doing. It took a little bit of difficulty on Marjory's part, but with the help of friendly conversation from Charese, Marjory was able to relax and let the juice flow out of her. The whole time, Charese had kept steady while cutting Marjory's hair. After Charese was done, she messed with some buttons on a tablet and a sink rose directly under Marjory's head and lifted until her neck was pressing against the edge. Her neck. Huh. Marjory hadn't really noticed until now, but she had gotten smaller. Not by much, but she was definitely smaller. "As you seem to have just noticed, this process is very reversible. Now we will let the juice stay on you and fill the floor below you and have that be the basis for your hot tub today. I will also grab some of your juice for your shampoo, which I will be starting momentarily. The nutrients in your juice work wonders on basically every part of the body, but are especially rejuvenating to the hair. And do not worry, as you shrink back to normal size, the sink will also be lowered into the ground as to not cause discomfort. Now, would you care for a hot towel?" Charese asked. "Oh, yes please," Marjory replied, now completely on board with whatever was happening. She watched Charese grab a towel and walk back. "All right, just let me know if this is too hot." Charese put the towel on Marjory's face, covering her forehead down to her chin while leaving and opening for her nose to breath. It was much too hot at first, but Marjory said nothing as she quickly acclimated to it as she felt her body continue to get smaller while the assistants continued to apply pressure in choice areas in order to speed up the process slowly and to get rid of points of tension. "Now I will be letting your hair soak in your juice for a little bit before applying the shampoo." Marjory felt a liquid run through her hair and down her scalp as the sink was filling with what she could only assume was her juice. Charese was then quiet for a few minutes, letting Marjory get smaller before emptying the sink and running water through it before saying "That's actually it. When I said this stuff does wonders for your hair, this is what I meant. It basically works as shampoo, conditioner, color enhancer, and just about anything else you can think of. We will have bottles of this for sale after you are done here, but you will get a gallon as part of the usual blue pack and since this is your ripening pack, we are actually going to be sending you home with two gallons of this miracle juice, but definitely talk to the lovely lady up front on your way out if you think you may need more than two gallons." Marjory couldn't tell at first, but she was almost juiced. Her elbows and knees were beginning to show again and the blue color was fading a little. The floor had sunk in even further, though, collecting the juice and turning into a pool of sorts, so with Marjory floating in her own juice, she could hardly tell that she could move her limbs again. It also didn't help that Marjory was so relaxed, she felt like she could fall asleep at any moment and wouldn't have been surprised if somebody ended up waking her up soon. The sink was finally at floor level and stayed as a headrest as Marjory began sinking the rest of the way into the tub of juice. She eventually felt her feet touch the floor again and looked up. She removed the towel from her face and looked at herself. She was definitely still a pale blue and seemed to still be a ball with full length arms and legs. She began feeling her stomach shrink as she leaned her head back again and just laid there as the juice began to heat up and actually become a hot tub. When Marjory was fully back to her normal size again, Charese waded up to her in the hot tub and said "That concludes your appointment, but you do still do have 15 minutes left of your appointment, so feel free to relax here as long as you want. It is perfectly normal for guests to stay over their time. And the final thing, according to your preferences, you don't mind sharing your hot tub time, so my helpers and I will be joining you until you leave, but you expressed disinterest in worker nudity, so we have our company swimsuits on. Do not forget, we can change these preferences at any time. Also, your take home juice has been cleaned and is waiting for you up front for when you leave." Marjory looked up and indeed saw the five women in white one-pieces with The Berry Barber across the front in big blue letters. She just shook her head and went back to laying back. After about 10 minutes, Marjory got up and the five workers followed closely behind. Charese helped Marjory back to the changing room while the other four stayed back and started draining and cleaning the room while smiling and waving goodbye. While getting changed, she had a small jolt of worry when she could find her panties before remembering that she wore them inside because she didn't quite know what to expect. Now they were destroyed. Oh well. Not like anyone will notice. When she was dressed, she went out and found Charese in the hallway already dressed and ready to take her back to the lobby. On her way back, Marjory made sure to change up some preferences with Charese now that she knew what was actually in store for next time. Right before reaching the yellow door to the lobby, Charese stopped and said, "Now, I'm not supposed to advertise this, but if you ever find yourself in the mood, we also have "Special" Blueberry rooms for one or a couple if you feel like having a nice time as a blueberry be more...intimate." Before even giving Marjory enough time to process the offer, Charese opened the door and practically shoved Marjory through before closing it again. Now with her head held high and her back physically straighter, Marjory walked out of the building with two gallon sized jugs. "Goodness, what an experience. I am definitely coming here again. As soon as I have enough money."
Female Inflation
Breast Inflation, Full Body Inflation
Carrie fought the urge to look at the man that she knew to be staring at her. It was just another creepy guy getting his kicks she guessed. She got it all the time, but never let it get to her. She knew she had what guys wanted, but she used her feminine powers for good. "That'll be three fourteen please," the man behind the counter said. Carrie paid for her soda and left the Quick Stop behind her. It was dreadfully hot out on this July day, and she found herself parched. Before she realized it she had consumed the entire twenty ounce bottle of soda that she had just bought. Her thirst was partially quenched, but at the expense of feeling a bit gassy and somewhat bloated. She continued her walk, feeling the effects of the heat. Sweat had begun to soak her dark hair, and her cleavage where it showed in had tiny droplets speckled across it bountiful surface. As she past by a office building window she caught a glimpse of the man in the dark suit who had been watching her in the quick stop. Beginning to feel uneasy she picked up her pace, grimacing at the cramp the soda was causing her. The man kept pace, and Carrie took up a light jog quickly turning down an alley before realizing her mistake. The ally was a dead end. She wheeled around to face her pursuer, only to find herself alone in the alley. Her heart still racing, she took a few stepts toward the open end of the ally. After a few seconds Carrie laughed nervously to herself. She sighed, only to jump about three feet in the air when she heard his voice. "Looking for me," came his accented voice. Carrie turned around slowly, only to see the man wave his hand in front her face. The world faded into darkness. "Pardon me, are you Lesile?" The red head looked up from her laptop and found herself looking at a tall middle-aged man. "Why yes I am, Mister...?" He let out a short laugh. "Byron Perkins at your service," he said taking her hand. "A pleasure to meet you Mr. Perkins," she motioned for him to sit. "Thank you for coming." He took a seat across from Lesile. "Not at all, and please call me Byron." They sat in the periodicals section of the University Library that Lesile was attending. After witnessing her best-friends demise at the hands of something truly monstrous, she had vowed to seek out and purge the evil from the world. Her search had been fruitless, which ultimately led to another question. How would she stop this man. Of all the research she had done on the occult she had come across Byron Perkins name as a wizard of sorts. Of course the very idea of a "wizard" was scoffed at in the modern would, so was the idea of a warlock. After seeing the things that she had witnessed, Lesile did not dismiss anything. Lesile sized the man up. Nothing outright remarkable about him. He looked like he could be one of her own professors at the university, not a wizard. Byron smiled. "I sense skepticism. Am I not what you pictured." Lesile decided to be frank. "No, I guess you're not." "Well, I left my scepter at home. And my cape is in the cleaners. It is the twenty-first century after all. Magic is a dying art, only practiced by a small few. I assure you I am one of them." Lesile smiled slightly, briefly glancing out the window. When her gaze returned to Byron's she gasped. The man in front of her was about twenty years younger, and more attractive. The eyes had gone from a pale green, to a brilliant blue. "I trust this is proof enough my dear?" All Lesile could do was nod her head. "I'm convinced". "Excellent. Then I suppose we should begin discussing the matters that have brought us together." Carrie's eyes opened slightly, then quickly closed again when the bright light hit them. She was cold, a far cry from the blistering heat that she remember feeling. How long had she been out, and where was she. Her mind raced, and fear began to clench up in her stomach. "Ah, I'm glad you could join me. I thought you'd never wake up." Carrie cringed at the voice. It was the same man who had stalked her through the alley. He closed his eyes, seeming to revel in the anxiety he was causing the young woman. "Who are you?" she asked sheepishly. The man replied we a dreadful laugh. "It is of matter who I am Carrie," he stopped. "You don't mind if I am a bit informal with names. Its just my friendly nature." "What do you want with me," asked Carrie. The man walked around her, seeming to assess her. He smiled at her. "A little while back I picked up a hobby. Well actually its a little more than a hobby. More of a pleasant diversion from my normal routine, something I get great pleasure from. And you Carrie will do nicely." With that he snapped his fingers. Carrie glanced at the man curiously for a second, then began to feel odd. She backed away from the man, and felt a pressure welling up in her chest. She looked down at her cleavage and saw it lose color, turning a creamy white. "What the..."? Her chest slowly began to swell, rising up and out of the neckline of her black dress. Slowly and steadily her breasts got fatter and fuller. She could feel her bra straining underneath, trying to contain the melon sized orbs in. "How, and what...?" she muttered. The man laughed amused at the site. "Its a variation I've been meaning to attempt for quite some time. In terms you can understand, your prodcuing great amounts of milk. I assure you it gets better," he said with a vicious smile. Carrie heard her bra snap, and could hear the stitches of her dress begin to die. The sight of Carrie with her overly abundant assets made it look as though she would topple over at any moment. Suddenly her breasts stopped filling, and Carrie stood there cradling them. Her dress had ridden up on her reveling her shapely thighs and parts of the bloomers she was wearing underneath. "Oh why did you do this," she asked. "The fun's just starting," was the reply. Carrie felt her dress begin to cinch around her hips. She looked down to see that they were flaring out, along with a noticeable thickening of her thighs. She looked overly voluptuous at this point, but the swelling continued. "I'm blowing up," she cried out. She ran her hands down the curves of her body, unable to believe what was happening. Her arms were becoming rigid as they too joined in the inflation. Next her belly fell victim to the filling. She began to burst at the seems of the dress she was wearing, stitches began to rip of one by one until it finally split conveniently down the middle. Creamy white flesh made itself known, revealing the giant semi-spheres still inflating. Her body was now spehircal from the crotch up. Her bloomers stretched amazingly, clinging to the girth of her immense thighs, which now where being engulfed by her massive body. "Oh please stop, the pressure is so intense," she begged. The man's response was to laugh again. Then sigh in content at the fear being generated from his latest vicitm. Carrie's body was now almost a complete sphere. She struggle against the inflation causing her mass to shimmy and jiggle with every small move that she could make. The swelling began to slow as her skin began to tighten, the milk continued to flow inside her. "Oh make it stop before I burst, please," she was panting now. Her body was completely full, any second and she felt her body would just give way to the milk that was filling her. Just when she thought she couldn't take another second of it, the swelling stopped. "That should do it." What stood in the center of the room was no longer a woman. Instead stood a quivering mounds of creamy flesh orb with tiny hands and feat. Her brunette head stuck out on top, her eyes clenched shut. Funny enough her bloomers had miraculously held on albeit stretched super-tight. The dark man approached Carrie smiling at his handy work. "I've outdone myself this time, you are a masterpiece. One more second and I'd be covered in milk," he said gleefully. The was a groan from Carrie. "Oh what have you done to me," she whimpered. The dark man's response was to poke his finger into her giant center, casing a bulge and moan from Carrie. "Stop that," she said. He walked behind her and Carrie tried to keep her gaze with him. Even trying to turn around with a ponderous step that merelly caused a huge shimmy through her body, making her feel as though she'd pop. She then felt the man pulling her down, she tried to keep her balance, but it was useless. She lost her balance and rolled onto her back. She lay there jiggling violently like a dropped water balloon. "Oh be careful. If I jiggle to hard I'll burst," she said helplessly. Once more that insipid laughing. "All in good time my beautiful milk balloon. All in good time. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to retire for the evening. Its been fun though. I'll be back in the morning to check on you if you manage to get through the night without...", he paused smiling,"well anyway. Goodnight my dear." With that Carrie was left in the room all alone. The night had proved to be long and difficult for Carrie. It had been a struggle not to move all night. Any slight movement would cause her to shimmy, and bulge dangerously. During one of the close calls she had she got panicked and could have sworn she swelled slightly. She was dreadfully uncomfortable as her head was suspended off the ground, giving her neck a hell of a kink. Her tight bloomers were not helping matters either, but she took small comfort in keeping some of her modesty intact. She hated being so helpless and fearful due to her predicament. Her thoughts were interrupted by the opening of a door. She clenched up, fearing the man was coming back to finish her off. "Hello, is anyone. Oh my goodness," came a pleasant sounding female voice. Carie could not see the person, but was thankful that it was not the dark man. She heard the distinct sound of high-heels in the room. The woman came into Carries field of vision. She was strikingly beautiful, with blond hair, and radiant green eyes. She had the body of a knock out, and her red dress showed it off nicely. Carrie also noticed the woman's long red fingernails, her sharp red fingernails. "My, my, my, don't you look delicious." The woman said, with what Carrie thought was lust in her voice. She ran the back of her nails down the side of Carrie's plump body. Carrie began to puff in fear, waiting for one of her nails to catch and puncture her side. "Oh your nails, they're so sharp. Be careful...". There was a loud "pluff" as Carrie's bloomers burst off her swollen body causing her to once again jiggle uncontrollably with the milk inside her. Sloshing filled the room, and the woman in red licked her lips. "I guess that means your ready," she said with a smile. "I'm going to have some fun now." Carrie tried to remain still, but was tense with anticipation now that the woman was out of view once more. She heard the door open again and some whispering, then heard something metal being dragged accross the ground. Carrie then heard the sound of the high heels on something metal, then a hand on her belly. Carrie's face went even whiter now that she realized that the woman was climbing on top of her massive body. She felt even more pressure as her body bulged with the weight of the woman, it was sheer torture. The woman on top shifted forward until Carrie could once again see her. She had a big grin on her face. "I've been meaning to try this for awhile now. Sit back and try to enjoy," she said with a sinister laugh. Carries eyes darted from the woman's face as she began to slowly bounce up and down to the high heels that she still wore. "Oh please stop, I'll pop for sure," Carrie pleaded. The woman merely moaned in pleasure, the bouncing increasing in strength. Carrie's body began to squeak in protest, she now bulged dangerously. The woman in red merely continued her ride despite Carrie's fear of the outcome of this. The moans got more intense from both of them. One in torture, the other in pleasure. The woman straddled Carrie, at first avoiding contact between her high heels and Carries gargantuan body. Now she was bucking wildly he high heels starting to brush her sides, causing squeaks like that of an overinflated balloon. Carrie jiggled harder and harder, and she flapped her hands feebly against her sides. She knew that it was only a matter of time before the bouncing or the high heels did her in. "OH,Oh,Oh, its too hard, its too much, your gonna make me burst." The red clad woman bounced harder and harder approaching her climax... The dark man paced a ways down from the room that Carrie lay in. Every now and again he would hear sharp squeals of delight. He was about to check inside the room when there was a loud explosion and a splash. He smiled as the door opened and he caught a view of the room. The walls were covered in milk, and on the floor it was about an inch deep. It flowed out of the room. The woman emerged from the room, barely dazed. Her red dress was soaked in milk, and she licked her fingers. A smile of contentment was on her face. She kissed the dark man on the cheek. "I have some people that would just love to see what you do here my dear brother."
Female Inflation
Belly Inflation, Stuffing
Sarah woke in a dark and unfamiliar room. It was featureless, except for a door at her feet and three massive black windows that dominated the other three walls. She was lying down on a metal table in the center of the room. She tried to sit up, but found her body stuck to the table, with only her arms and legs free to move. The next surprise cam when she realized she was changed from her pajamas into her clothes set out for tommorow, a white croptop and a pair of blue jean short-shorts. Her surprise turned to horror, as she flailed and tried to get up, but despite her efforts, proved useless. She soon calmed herself down and began to more carefully examine her surroundings. On her right side, she found a podium with four buttons on it. They were marked AIR, WATER, and FOOD. Another, more crudely made button, sat aside from the others, and read EXPLANATION. She reached over to the button, paused, and then pushed it down. A televison screen dropped from the ceiling and a face appeared, a face in a black, blank mask. "Hello, Sarah," said the blank face. "How do you know my name?" she asked, slightly scared. "I've been watching you for years," he replied. Her lips tightened, and the man must have noticed, because he said, "Don't worry,I know about your... addiction." "I loved you, Sarah," he said, and that scared her even more. "As I watched you for months and months, I saw what you did on your computer. And soon, I found that I began to enjoy it, and made me love you more." She squirmed, uncomfortable at the subject. "But," he added, "the only thing that lessened my thought of you was that you were willing to watch other people do that thing, and unwilling to do it yourself. So I brought you here." "I brought you here so you can be perfect. Just perfect," he said. "I, uh, modified, your body to make you more perfect. I will explain more tomorrow. But I just hope you know, that I think you'll enjoy this as much as I do." He looked down, and then readressed the screen. "I'll be back tomorrow. Prepare yourself, Sarah. Good night." Then the television flicked off, and then the room went totally dark. Sarah lay there in the dark, horrofied at what was waiting for her in the morining, because she knew exactly what was coming. And the part that scared her the most was that she was actually anticipating it. Sarah was woken suddenly by the shining of a bright light. She struggled once again to sit up, and then calmed. The television screen flickered on, and the man in the mask was there. "Good morning, Sarah. Welcome to day one of our new relationship. As I'm sure you saw yesterday, there are three buttons on the podium to your right, marked AIR, WATER, and FOOD. They will activate a pump, and then, well, you know what happens then. This is how you will recieve all your needs in this form," he said. "The modifications I made to your body are simple. I have altered the acid in your stomach, making it more powerful, but causing it to act slower. This will will keep the substances in your body for longer, and the enhanced acid will prevent you from needing to excrete waste. Your body will now also absorb all liquids taken in, but slowly, so you will not need to urinate, either. Also, I have modifed your skin to be more mallable, and also augmented the capacity of your stomach and bladder, so you can hold more. Now, it is where you take over. You must choose from one of the three buttons. Make your choice. Now enjoy." He paused, and then added, "Because I know I will." Sarah turned to the buttons, but then asked, "What happens if I don't?" Ha, I've got him now! she thought. "Then I will be forced to kill you, and replace you with one of your very few friends." The thought of someone else being this maniac's slave horrofied her even more. She turned back to the buttons, and then pressed down on FOOD, mostly because she was already kind of hungry. There was a grinding sound, and a panel in the ceiling opened, and a long, mechanical arm extended down. She squirmed furiously, trying to escape again, realizing what exactly was about to happen. The mechanical arm a rubber cup at the end, and it attached to her face. There was a hiss, and it became fixed to her face. Then there was a whirring sound, and some of the tubes attached to the arm began to shake and expand as something came down. There was a cool slime in her mouth, a taste she instantly recognized. Chocolate pudding. It was chocolate pudding. It slipped down her esophagus, and there was tugging inside of her belly. It began to fill, swelling up and out a little, and she felt pressure of the weight on the organs in her abdomen. There was a cramping pain in her belly, as she started to fill up. She looked like she was nine months pregnant with triplets, and it just kept coming down her throat. She pushed down on her belly with her hands, and flailed her legs, but that did nothing. Soon the belly swelled up down near her waist, and pushed her legs out to the side. The short-shorts began to strain on her wasit, as it began to expand also, and soon there was a pop as the button flew and hit the door. The white croptop was pushed up to her breasts, revealing her grossly bloated whale of a belly. Her breasts were being pushed from the pressure in her diaphragm, and she tried to scream, but it only allowed more of the thick dessert to slide down into her belly. The shorts were now totally worthless, bursted at the seams. The shirt, which was already small for her, was now making her crease in her now massive stomach. After what seemed to be ages, it stopped, and the arm retracted into the ceiling. She stared in awe in her new overdue-with-sextuplets-belly, rubbing it to relieve some of the pain. There was a creaking sound, and a man walked in and said, " You're quite beautiful, Sarah." This startled her, as she could not see past her man-sized belly. It was so tight, you could see a line running down the middle, as if that would be where she would split in half or burst. The man in the mask walked to one side of her and rubbed her grotesquely bloated stomach with her hand. "It's beautiful," he whisperes, and his voice shook in rapture. He peeled up the bottom of his mask and licked her belly, and her hands recoiled in horror. He regained his composure, and then placed his hand on her swollen abdomen. "Good job," he said, and walked back and slammed the door. He reappeared on the TV screen. There was a pop, and he said, "Go ahead, stand up." She threw her arms up, and she found it lifted her from the table. SHe turned and stood, but stumbled and braced herself on the glass. "It's so heavy," she gasped. She waddled back to the table and rolled her huge belly up into the air. A hissing sound emitted form the table, and she could no longer get up. "I know this will be difficult for you at first," said the man in the mask. "But I'm sure you'll come to enjoy it as much as i enjoyed it. Now, good night, Sarah." He blew her a kiss, and the television went dark, followed by the other lights. That left her there, stroking her now massive belly, and, despite rational thinking, wanting more.
Female Inflation
Full Body Inflation
"Here," the returning detective grunted, tossing the towel across the table. "Thanks," Vanessa replied softly. Her handcuffs were attached to the table; reaching the towel was rather awkward and using it even more so. But she was genuinely grateful for his consideration. At least she could wipe her face, even if her clothes and hair were still soaked. "Ugh." She shuddered, not wanting to think about it. She'd finally triumphed over Donna, but her victory was as messy as it was spectacular. She was so desperate for a shower that going to prison to get one wasn't at all unappealing. And in prison she'd probably be safer from the mob that had gathered in front of the police station. Donna's legions of fans were out for blood. They'd made it abundantly clear that, given the opportunity, they would make their vengeance painful, brutal, and excruciatingly slow. In retrospect, that selfie had been a really bad idea. Vanessa had taken a picture of herself flashing a dazzling smile to the camera while posing cheek to swollen cheek with a frighteningly overinflated Donna. Her face was so puffed up as to be unrecognizable, her skin pulled taut and flushing pink from the pressure she was straining to contain. But for anyone who knew her there was no mistaking Donna's big beautiful blue eyes. In stark contrast to Vanessa's elated expression, which betrayed no alarm at the peril of cozying up to a living bomb, Donna's tearful, wide-eyed look of terror made it clear that she knew all too well how dangerously close she was to bursting. Vanessa had used Donna's phone to take the picture, so she was able to post it to the GrandenbergGirlDonna profile along with a message: Say goodbye to the Grandenberg Girl! #MoreLikeHindenburgGirl #amirite #OhTheHumanity #CoverYourEars #BlondesDontHaveMoreFun #SorryNotSorry That picture went out to over three million followers. When Vanessa last checked, Donna's newsfeed was host to a torrent of rage. News of Vanessa's arrest spread quickly and it didn't take long for protesters to start showing up at the police station. Among them was a group of fans who had arrived with truck full of hydrogen tanks and a flare gun. Definitely not her best idea. Detective Crowe turned on the video camera. "We're recording. We can wait for your attorney to get here, if you'd like." Vanessa groaned. "The first thing Bennett's going to do is tell me to keep my mouth shut. I'm not going to, so waiting for him is a waste of time." "You're sure you want to proceed without the benefit of counsel?" "I'm sure. We both know how this goes. Regardless of whether I talk, I'm going to spend the rest of my life in prison. If I'm lucky." A faint smile crept onto her lips. "But that doesn't matter. It's over. The one thing I have left to do is to make sure that the story is told." "Your story? That's all you care about?" "The story is all I ever cared about." Crowe opened the folder in front of him. "Belladonna Matthews," he said slowly. "Pardon me?" "Her name — " After twenty-seven years working for the LVPD, he thought he'd seen it all. But what Vanessa had done to that poor woman left him at a loss for words. There were dry, sterile, legal terms for Vanessa's crimes, but they all seemed terribly inadequate. "That was her real name. I thought you might want to know." "Bullshit. You're trying to humanize her, hoping to inspire feelings of guilt. But you and I and everyone else knew her as Donna, the Grandenberg Girl. And she was more a blow-up doll than she was a person." "But she was a person that you desperately wanted to be. That is why you were obsessed with her, isn't it?" Crowe asked. That stung. The flash of anger lingered on Vanessa's face for a mere moment, but the detective caught it. "She was a balloon. All balloons eventually shrivel away or burst." Vanessa shrugged. "I just made the decision for for her." "We both know she was far more than that. The crowd outside is proof enough. Donna wasn't just a person, she was an icon, beloved by millions." "Look at all the good it did her. In the end I won and she lost. So go ahead and throw a parade in honor of your icon. Hell, they should make today an official holiday. Every year on March thirty-first they can can dim the lights on the strip to honor Donna's abrupt and unscheduled retirement. You can call it Donna's Day. I'll call it Vanessa's Victory Day." "April first," Crowe said. "Pardon me?" "Today is April first, not March thirty-first." "No, that can't be right. Are you sure?" Despair swept over Vanessa's face, her voice barely a whimper. "Yep," he replied tapping the face of his phone. "No!" Vanessa screamed, abruptly flying into a rage. "You have got to be shitting me! No, no, no!" "What's wrong, Vanessa?" "What's wrong? Everything! Everything is wrong! Every! Fucking! Thing!" She jumped to her feet, but quickly met the limits of her restraints. Pulled off balance, she fell back down. "Whoah there, calm down." "Take these cuffs off me," she said. "You have to let me go." "Sit down, Vanessa. That is not going to happen." An officer entered the interview room. "Take those cuffs off her," he said. "We have to let her go." "Wait, what?" Crowe sputtered. "On whose orders?" "You wouldn't believe me if I told you," he replied. "You'll wanna see this for yourself." A tall, blonde, and impossibly curvaceous woman stood waiting for Vanessa as Crowe led her from interview room. She was accompanied by three mountainous men in suits. "Jiminy Christmas, you're a mess!" Donna exclaimed. One of the mountains stepped forward and draped a blanket around Vanessa's shoulders. "Revenge is a messy business," Vanessa grumbled, glaring at her nemesis. "Well, as usual, your business is a bust." "So you're here to mock me?" "No, I'm here to bring you to Madame Dubois. She'd like to have a few words with you. Okay, and maybe to mock you a little bit." "Great. This day just keeps getting better." Donna's guards led her out behind the station where a limousine was waiting for them. "At least I didn't get blown up this time." "Day's not over yet," Donna said cheerfully.
Female Inflation
Full Body Inflation
"Danny boy... sweetie pie..." Danny, chewing on a shoot of grass, nervously squinted at Darlene through the bright studio lights. "...I slept with Sue." Danny's eyes grew wide and his jaw slackened as the audience began hooting. Tears began to well up in Darlene's eyes. "But I still love you, Danny boy!" she said in her thick southern drawl. "All three of us can be happy together!" Danny rose out of his chair, adjusted his overalls, and pointed an angry yokel finger at Darlene. "Why you [BEEP]! [BEEP][BEEP] " Arms and fingernails began flying and large men with very short necks began lumbering onto the stage before the TV image flickered into blackness, cutting the hullabaloo short. "Hey, what--" Maurice blurted, sitting up in his seat. "You know that's all scripted, right?" Brenda, one of the university's night shift custodians, asked as she entered the break room. "Maybe," Maurice replied. "But after watching shows like this, I like to think I live a better life than them." "Not much better," Brenda muttered under her breath. "Hey! Like you're one to talk, fatass." Brenda waved him off and turned her back, grabbing the coffee pot to make a fresh round. Holding the pot in the sink, she turned the valve on the faucet. The faucet wheezed as she turned the knob, but nothing came out. Brenda raised an eyebrow before scowling. "What the hell? You turned off the water to the sink again, didn't you?" "No," Maurice grunted, "I've found better ways to get under your skin." Brenda knelt to check the shutoff valve underneath the sink. Indeed, it was fully open. "Why does it seem that coffee chooses the days on which it works?" Dean Richards was not exactly a morning person - a character flaw exacerbated by the necessity to wake up at the asscrack of dawn each day. This day was no different. Long before his wife and kids were up, he was already finishing up his daily glance through the morning paper and enjoying a cup of joe. As he put down the newsprint with a satisfied sigh, something at the edge of his vision caught his eye. He stood from the breakfast table and walked over to the counter, where he found a rumpled wrapper sitting next to the coffee maker. Decaf. His wife had used decaf coffee grounds when she set up the coffee maker the night before. "Dammit," he muttered. "Is she trying to kill me?" Without time to make a fresh pot of the real stuff, the dean got dressed for work, kissed his sleeping wife on the cheek, and left the house. As he backed his Jag out of the driveway, his conscious thoughts became dominated with self-aggrandizement. Today was the day he was up for a promotion. If everything went as he expected, he would no longer be merely the Dean of the sciences school, but he would move up to be one of several vice-presidents of the entire university. No longer would it be his job to deal with piddly professors and low-life students. No, he would be dealing directly with the REAL movers and shakers of the university: the fat cat alumni and donors. And he'd get to sleep later! As early as he left in the mornings, the drive to the university was always fairly smooth. However, a mile or so away from his parking space, traffic came to a standstill. "What the hell?" Richards thought, quickly turning around and trying to find an alternate route. Only problem was, all the other routes were equally backed up. He attempted to use his cell phone to call his secretary, but nobody would answer, not even the voicemail. With few other options, he parked his car in a remote lot and walked the rest of the way to his office. After a half mile, all of the roads leading into the campus were blocked off. And then he heard the sound of a helicopter, seemingly in the direction of the science building. But he couldn't see the science building yet, as the huge new fine arts center was still between him and his destination. His pace quickened a little bit as a fire truck passed him on a nearby street, driving in the same direction. Finally he approached the fine arts center in a full-tilt run. As he made his way through it, he saw a group of people collected at windows and doors at the other end of the building. They were all looking and pointing in the direction of Richards' building. Pushing his way through the crowd, he walked through the door and saw what everyone else had seen. The science building was gone. At least, it wasn't standing any longer. In its place was a huge... what the hell WAS that anyway? This huge blob stood taller than the building used to, and surrounding its base was a smattering of bricks, twisted structural steel, slabs of fractured concrete, and chunks of air conditioning ductwork. Looking a little closer, he could also see desks and computers littering the ground around this... thing. Richards sank to his knees. The science building - his shrine, his temple - was in ruins. He allowed himself to fall backward onto the dew-moistened sidewalk. After a moment of staring into the orange sky, he felt a buzz on his leg, accompanied by a muffled jingle. Slowly rolling to the side, he pulled his cell phone from his pocket and dragged it up to his face. It was his secretary, on her cell phone. His ringtone of U2's "Beautiful Day" jammed away, the music no longer dampened by his pocket. Richards winced, thinking, "Fuck you, Bono," as he opened the phone and pressed the TALK button. "Richards," he sighed. "Bill! Are you on campus yet?" his frenzied secretary asked. "Yes," he moaned, now almost writhing on the ground. "Have you seen " "YES, dammit!" He removed the phone from his ear and held it in front of his face as he shouted into it. "For Christ's sake, how could you NOT see it?!? Whatever in God's name IT is, I have definitely seen it!!!" He let his arms fall to the ground for a moment, the phone laying on his chest, before he regained his composure. He heard a couple of nearby students snickering behind him. Breathing out another sigh, he lifted the phone off his chest and returned it to his ear. "Sorry," he said into the phone. "Right," his secretary responded, clearly at least a little put off. "It's just that..." Silence overtook the conversation for several seconds. "What?" Richards interjected. "Well..." his secretary paused again, before finally continuing. "Let's just say that what you're seeing isn't really an 'it', per se." Richards' brow crumpled. "What? What in the hell is that supposed to mean?" "Um... just come to the building and... uh... you'll find out." "Right," he said, and then pressed the button on the phone before snapping it closed. Working up a burst of strength, he unglued himself from the sidewalk and brought himself to a standing position. Three news helicopters now circled the blob like buzzards, preying on what would undoubtedly be today's top story (and tomorrow's, and the next day's, most likely). Gathering his wits, he began his march. His secretary met him halfway. "Come this way," she said, leading Richards around the back of it. Along the way, they had to sidestep the various chunks of shrapnel the building itself had been reduced to. He could only wonder what this thing was, and where it came from. Completing their circumnavigation, he swore he thought he could see a head protruding out from its side. "Nah," Richards thought to himself, "you're going crazy " and then it became obvious that it was, indeed, a head. With hair. And a face... that he recognized. His eyes widened. "DR. BRAND???" Richards exclaimed. "Uh, hey boss," the soon-to-be-former professor responded. "WHAT IN GOD'S NAME HAPPENED?!?" Richards continued, scratching his head. Robin sighed, only able to look back up at Richards with a sheepish grin. Dr. Brand's employment with the university was terminated immediately, for obvious reasons. However, once she announced on the news that evening that she would be donating herself to further study of the incident, numerous researchers from around the world began clamoring for plane tickets to get to her and sign a research contract. Within a week, Robin had agreed to an indefinite contract with Polar BeAr Research, a local startup RandD company, mostly due to their proximity, but also because of their plan for research. They were going to do steady and incremental research, whereas everyone else had wanted to try a bunch of different things at once - something their test subject was not too fond of. Plus, PBR didn't take themselves too seriously (as evidenced by their name) and seemed to have good heads on their shoulders. Transporting Robin off the campus was no easy task, and one that required delicate planning and execution. After scrapping several ideas, PBR finally decided on lifting her out by constructing a huge net out of multiple layers of intertwined bungee cord. Computer simulations indicated that Robin would be safe. They finally built the net, laid it out on the plot of land next to her, and carefully bulldozed her out of the science building ruin and onto the net. Then, it took the strength of ten military helicopters to hoist her off the ground and transport her to the PBR facilities a few miles away. PBR had constructed a makeshift canopy to house her until they could build a facility robust enough for their research. Richards did finally get his promotion, and after a couple of months, he used his new leverage to file a civil suit against Robin for the damage done to the science building. PBR threw the weight of all their assets into the legal battle, forcing them to freeze construction on the new research facility. When it came out in trial that faulty plumbing and poor building upkeep had led to the incident, the university lost any foothold they had on the case, and Robin and PBR won. They then turned around and filed a charge of criminal negligence against the university, claiming "irreparable physical damage done to the plaintiff". Richards and many others were implicated in reallocating maintenance funds into executive benevolence accounts. The trial did not take long, and did not prove favorable for the university and, specifically, Dean Richards, who lost his job and his freedom along with several others. The court also awarded $10 million in damages. With a full bank account and all the red tape finally cleared up, PBR continued work on Robin's building in earnest. However, something about her changed during the trial. She had transformed from the idyllic research-minded scientist into a malcontent martyr out for some twisted form of revenge. Her rhetoric became decreasingly scientific and increasingly political as elections approached, and before long she was an outspoken symbol against research spending in universities. Flurries of reporters, camera crews in tow, descended upon the PBR facility to interview her. PBR caught more than a little negative press from all this, and although they pleaded with her to stop, they could not in good conscience censor her. Her diatribes continued. And suddenly, mere days before that year's general election, it was over. Robin had disappeared. That morning there was no trace of her, just an empty plot of land with a slight indentation formed by her weight. Rumors abounded: some assumed that Robin's political enemies had kidnapped her; some were convinced that PBR themselves had hidden her just to shut her up; and the more morbid types conjectured that she was dead, having succumbed to an inevitable, explosive fate. Nevertheless, PBR, now devoid of their greatest asset, dutifully continued work on the new building, hoping to at least put to use the information they had gleaned from Robin before her disappearance. The biggest problem, though, was that they no longer had any reference subjects. Running low on funding, they were almost forced to cancel the research program, but in a last-ditch effort, they put out a call for volunteers. Miraculously, someone responded. Screams of laughter erupted from the cluster of young women. That is, from all except one of them. "I mean, SERIOUSLY, Anne!" Melissa, shy and somewhat reserved, said impatiently. "Do you REALLY have to share your sexual escapades with us all the time?" Anne, the head research intern, just stood there sporting an evil grin, her hands on her hips. "You wouldn't know a sexual escapade if it smacked you on the ass, Melissa" Erin retorted. "Besides, if you used those boobs of yours to their full potential, you'd be doing the exact same thing as Anne." "That's true," Anne responded. "If only some of us were nearly as lucky as you." "Stop talking about my chest!" Melissa said desperately, blushing and crossing her arms over her generous bust, its size masked by a loose-fitting T-shirt. "C'mon," Tamara prodded, "how big are you anyway? D? Double D?" "At least," Leah teased. Melissa scowled back and crossed her arms tighter, not responding to Anne's inquiry. There was a buzz on the intercom, much to Melissa's relief. "That must be her," Anne said. "I'll be right back. Make sure everything's ready." She bustled out of the control room, leaving the rest of the interns to prepare for the experiment. In a corner, Melissa discreetly punched a few commands into one of the consoles, making sure to do it out of the eye of the others. She took a sip of her chocolate latte and smiled to herself. Jamie Gregory felt like she owed something to the cause. Having been a student under Dr. Brand for three classes and being wary of her treatment leading up to that one fateful night, she had actually developed a friendship with Robin outside of the lecture hall. Their relationship was obviously put on hold somewhat after the incident over a year ago, but she still felt loyal to the rare instructor that bridged the gap between student and friend. Now a senior, Jamie required three experiment credits in order to graduate. Experiments were generally run by graduate students who were supposedly doing legitimate researchMost of the experiment opportunities were lame and only gave one credit, so she had put it off for the last three years. Sitting in front of a computer screen for five hours, looking at pictures, and saying the first thing that came to mind wasn't exactly her idea of a great experiment. Nonetheless, she dutifully checked the science department's bulletin board from time to time, seeing if there was anything that fit her fancy. Cognitive? Boring. Visual? No. Sexual? Definitely not. But one day in the fall, her eyes locked onto a particular posting on the board: "NEEDED: FEMALE SUBJECT EXPERIMENT TYPE: PHYSICAL EXPERIMENTER: PBR CORPORATION CONTACT: ANNE FIELDS, POSTGRADUATE RESEARCH INTERN CREDITS: THREE (3)" Not only did Jamie know of Robin's involvement with PBR, but the experiment knocked out all three credits at once. She took the posting with her, made contact with Anne, and after a couple of weeks they were able to schedule the experiment. The experiment was to take place on a Friday; that way Jamie could spend the weekend recuperating at the PBR facility if it was a success. Anne had told her to wear a swimsuit since she would be getting wet, and Jamie dressed in a tank top and pajama bottoms over it. As she pulled into the facility's parking lot late that afternoon, she noticed it was already mostly deserted as people had abandoned ship for the weekend. The front door was locked, but Jamie pressed the intercom button beside it, just like Anne told her. After a few minutes, Anne finally came to the door and opened it. "Hi Jamie. Anne Fields. Nice to finally meet you." "The same," Jamie replied, shaking Anne's hand. "Come on in," Anne motioned, holding the door open. She led Jamie past the empty receptionist's area and through the quiet hallways of offices. "So what made you want to volunteer for this experiment?" "Well, I took three classes with Dr. Brand, and actually became friends with her after a while. After what happened, and then after she disappeared, I felt like I wanted to do something, you know? So here I am." "Ah yes," Anne said. "I'd only been here for a few weeks when she disappeared, so I didn't get to work with her very much." "I see," Jamie nodded. They turned a corner. "So, you're an intern, right?" "Yep," Anne responded. "And they let you run experiments all by yourself?" "Well, I've got a team of interns with me tonight, but yes, they generally let us work on our own after a while. Great place to work. You should consider it after you graduate." "But on your posting it said you were postgraduate as well?" "I just started grad school this semester. Haven't really thought about a thesis yet, though." They turned another corner and went through some double doors, entering the experiment area. "Well, we think we've found the right formula for the experiment, so hopefully things should go pretty quickly," Anne said as she led Jamie through another door. "And even if the experiment doesn't work, we'll still send you home with your three credits." "That's good to know." They entered one last door, labeled "Laboratory Control", and suddenly Jamie was in the midst of lots of computer screens and control panels. The group of interns in the control room turned to face the door as the pair walked in. "Guys, this is Jamie," Anne announced, Jamie waving sheepishly. "Jamie, this is Tamara, Erin, Leah, Claire, and Melissa." Anne motioned to each as she listed them. "I wanted to make sure we had an all-female staff tonight so that you didn't feel too uncomfortable." "I appreciate that," Jamie said. "Let me show you the lab." Anne led Jamie into the massive laboratory. Brightly lit and impeccably clean, the room seemed to stretch for yards and yards, with the ceiling way above them. In the center of the room, the tile floor turned into a type of round grating with what looked like water nozzles inside it. "This is where you'll stand," Anne pointed to the grating floor. "Underneath here is the applicator chassis, which will apply the chemicals and then the water. You'll hear some loud noises. Those are just the different nozzles rotating into and out of position." "Got it." Anne pointed to Jamie's shirt. "And you're wearing your swimsuit under that?" "Yes," Jamie said, pulling back a shoulder of her tank to reveal a pink strap. "But I think I'd like to keep this on anyway." "That's fine. Whatever you're comfortable with." Anne handed her a pair of goggles. "Are you ready? Need to go to the bathroom or anything?" "No, I went before I came. I'm ready." Anne patted her on the shoulder and turned to leave the lab, closing the door to the control room behind her. Through a set of windows, Jamie could see the people in the control room tapping on keyboards and looking at monitors. A few moments later, Anne's voice came on over the intercom. "Okay, Jamie, we're just about ready to start. Put your goggles on please." Jamie followed the instructions. While she waited, she peeked at the contraption under the floor. It completely encircled her at a radius of about six feet, presumably to provide enough coverage for her entire body. Some nozzles were smaller than others, and all of them were currently aimed downward, parked while not in use. The intercom crackled again. "Here we go. Beginning stage one." Jamie could hear what sounded like water running as the pipes underneath her pressurized. Then the smaller sets of nozzles clunked loudly as they spun up and aimed at Jamie. PSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS. The fine mist of chemicals exploded into the air, sounding almost like a city bus's air brakes releasing excess pressure. Jamie flinched through her goggles. The solution smelled of alcohol and a few other substances she couldn't quite pinpoint. With the chemicals having been applied, the applicator chassis underneath the floor rotated its larger nozzles upward this time, accompanied by another loud sound. After a moment, a tingling sensation began to spread throughout Jamie's skin. "Huh," she said aloud. "Do you feel anything?" Anne asked. "Yeah, the pin-pricking feeling you mentioned," Jamie replied, her brow furrowed. "Okay," Anne said. "We're beginning stage two." Without much warning, the nozzles below began spraying beams of water all over her torso. The water was cold, and she initially yelped and shrunk back, but then straightened herself again after a few seconds. "We should know pretty fast whether this will have any effect or not," Anne called. "Let me know if you feel anything unusual." Jamie was concentrating as hard as she knew how, not really knowing what to expect. So far, the only thing that was really disconcerting to her was that her nipples were rock hard, either from nervousness or the cold water, or both. She felt a little self-conscious, even though she was only in the presence of other women. Nevertheless, she reached down to pull her tank top down a little more, just for modesty's sake. It was then that she noticed her tank no longer quite came down to the waistline of her bottoms. It was just a slight difference, but still noticeable. Jamie tugged at the shirt again, with the same results. As if to confirm what her mind was suggesting, she looked down and noticed a bulge in her abdomen. At about the same time, she began to feel the bikini top tighten slightly. Jamie looked up, almost in a daze. "Oh my God..." "Jamie?" Anne called. "Is something happening?" "It's....." Jamie trailed off as she looked down again, lightly cupping her breasts with her hands as the water pierced her chest. The growth was ever so slight, but she could feel her breasts pushing out further, slowly overfilling her hands. "'s......" Now her bikini bottoms were beginning to feel tight as well. Reaching one hand behind her, she touched her backside a little sooner than she expected to. Her other hand slid down to her midriff, where she found it arcing out a little more than before. "'s....." "Jamie?" Anne asked again. "Is it working?" It was too hard to see from this distance. Jamie's breasts were beginning to bulge out the top of her bikini. Now the drawstring on the waist of her pajama bottoms was beginning to feel snug against her pregnant-sized stomach, which was only half-covered by her shirt now. Not really sure what to think, and almost in a daze, Jamie simply said, "Yes." The control room fell silent as the interns realized that the experiment was a success. "Now that we know what works, we can stop the experiment if you wish." Jamie thought for a minute. It had taken this long to find someone to volunteer. Admittedly, Jamie had only volunteered out of loyalty to her former professor. But even with Robin out of the picture, the experiment needed to be seen through as much as possible, and Jamie would've felt bad backing out now. After all, if one of Dr. Brand's closest students wouldn't be the test subject, who in their right mind would? Jamie looked back down at herself. The water was still pounding her front, but she could only see it blasting her breasts as they were the only things she could see anymore, well over double their normal size by her best estimate. The collar of her tank top began to be pulled down away from her neck, revealing ridiculous cleavage made even more so by the cramped bikini top. The bottom of her shirt had also now crept up to expose her entire stomach, now probably bigger than any pregnant woman had ever had. "Well," Jamie announced, "we can go a little longer, I guess." "Are you sure?" Anne asked. "Well, the water can be drained up to a certain point, correct?" "We believe so. Just let us know when to shut it off." "Right..." Jamie acknowledged. The drawstrings of Jamie's bottoms cinched her waistline uncomfortably, and she reached down to loosen them. She was barely able to reach around her stomach to the bow she had tied in the front, and upon loosening the strings, the pajama bottoms still clung to her midsection. Part of it was because they were soaked, but her swollen ass also had something to do with it. With some effort, Jamie managed to stretch the pants enough to fit around her backside, and they fell to the floor in a sloppy pile. However, the discomfort remained because of the bikini bottoms, and she looked over her shoulder. The conservative pink panties (which matched her conservative pink top) were not quite so conservative anymore, disappearing into a canyon of crack between two huge buttocks and squeezing her harshly all around. Jamie came to the inevitable conclusion that they would only come off by ripping. Her breasts, which were now becoming too big for even her tank top, brought a sign of welcome relief as they finally grew too big for the bikini top. The top ripped in back, the material instantly loosened underneath her stretched tank, and her breasts suddenly surged forward, jiggling their way to a more rounded state for a brief moment. "Okay! I think I'm ready to stop!!" Jamie shouted. Without the bikini top to bear some of the burden, the tank was unable to sustain the sudden expansion by her breasts, ripping the seams and sending both the tank and the bikini falling to the floor. Her breasts jiggled again as they burst through and rested on top of her stomach. The sound of the water striking her body had taken on a different tenor; no longer did it resemble a power-washer against a concrete floor, but rather a deeper, hollower sound as she was able to absorb more. "Shut the water off!" Anne ordered to Claire. She tapped a couple of commands into her console, but the flow still remained as strong as ever. Jamie changed her footing a little as the shift in weight altered her equilibrium. That motion, along with her continued growth, put enough pressure on the bikini bottoms for them to finally snap as well, releasing the pressure on her waist and allowing her stomach, now probably sticking three feet in front of her, to round out some. Jamie, now completely naked, blushed deeply, and tried her best to cover herself with her hands. Instinctively she reached first for her breasts, and could just barely get her hands around to the front of them, where she found the sensitivity of her once-dainty nipples. She could not see them, however, and so she did not know that her efforts were in vain anyway; her small hands covered but a fraction of the widening araeolas. "I'm still getting bigger!!" Jamie exclaimed. She continued to protect her nipples from view (or so she thought) until she felt them grow out of her reach. Her hands then traveled south to guard her crotch, but it was beyond her reach as well. Her options exhaused, her face burning with embarrassment, and not really knowing what else to do, Jamie began to cry. "The computer's not responding!" Claire wailed, tapping repeatedly on the keys. "We need to get her out of there!" Anne barked. "Melissa, see if you can shut the emergency valve! Everyone else, let's try to move her!" Another shift in weight caught Jamie's attention as she began to feel a little more force pulling her backwards. Trying her best to look over her shoulder, she could not see her ass as well as she used to. Her back was filling with water now too, and soon it stuck out as far as her beach ball sized buttocks. Then another odd shift as she felt her stomach and breasts growing wider. Her thighs and calves followed suit, and she had to widen her stance to keep from losing her balance. Through tears in her eyes, Jamie noticed that she could finally see her stomach sticking out from under her breasts. "My God," she thought, "how big must I be? And how ridiculous must I look?" The door to the lab burst open, Melissa the first one through. She had rerouted the water flow around the shutoff valve the day before. If she could make up some bullshit excuse to get around that, she could get back into the control room faster. Anne was the last one out, and tripped on a rolling chair as she darted for the door. Falling to the floor, she picked herself back up, rubbing her elbow. She didn't see that the rolling chair had bumped into a chocolate latte at the edge of one of the consoles, spilling its contents across the adjacent panel. Within seconds, all of the women were drenched as they stood in the water stream, trying to decide how to move Jamie, who continued having to shift her feet as her legs swelled up and grew shorter. As she continued to widen, her arms began to fill with water as well, and as her breasts rose up, so did her arms, sticking out to her sides. "DO SOMETHING!!!" she shouted. All of the women just stood there, reaching toward the blob of flesh and then pulling back tenatively. Some poked at her, then finally put their hands against her, making sure such small actions would not produce an unfortunate result. Jamie felt pressure on her crotch as her feet left the floor completely. As the beverage seeped into the electronics of the control panel, sparks began flying and smoke permeated the control room. The shatterproof windows to the laboratory clouded over. Jamie's body continued to rise as it approached double digits in diameter. She felt her breasts begin to bulge again before they flattened against her rounded body. She couldn't see much, but she could feel them stretch as her expanding surface overtook them. Likewise, far beneath her, she could feel her ass flatten against the floor as her buttocks were similarly stretched across her circumference. In mere moments, the various bulges that had so dominated her figure had all disappeared, her womanly physique now little more than spherical. Her hair rested against the top of her rounded surface, no longer able to dangle as freely as it used to. She tried to move her hands and feet, but found herself to be completely immobile, the streams of water still piercing her skin. The next thing she knew, she was being rolled backward, out of the way of the water, and then rotated around to face the same direction as before. Jamie cried harder as she felt hands touching her in places usually only touched by herself. At least Anne had the forethought to only use female assistants! As bad as this was, she thought she might explode from sheer lunacy if it were men touching her in this fashion. Before long, Anne's face appeared. "Don't worry, Jamie. We'll fix this." Jamie just continued to cry as Anne removed the goggles from her eyes. "The shutoff valve isn't working!" Melissa shouted knowingly after pretending to fudge with it for a few moments. She brushed a few strands of wet brown hair out of her eyes. "I'll go to the utility bunker and shut it off there!" Anne, seeing that Melissa had indeed shut the valve, agreed. "Hurry!" As she turned to leave, the fire protection system kicked in, and the door between the lab and the control room slammed shut. Melissa's eyes grew wide as she saw the thick smoke just beyond the windows of the control room. A moment later, the fire sprinklers high above began spewing gallon after gallon on everyone below. The klaxons of the fire alarm echoed throughout the room. The lights shut off, and everything fell dark, dimly lit by emergency lights. Jamie passed out, the rapidly worsening situation too much to endure. Cascading malfunctions began to sweep through the entire system. There was a loud clunk underneath the floor. The water flow stopped. Everybody fell silent. PSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS. The next thing Anne knew, an elbow clocked her across the forehead, and she fell backward in a daze. There was another thud in the floor, and the streams of water resumed. What followed can only be described as a whirlwind of hairpulling and clawing as the five women standing around fought to seek refuge from the water. In their struggles of self-preservation, they really only ended up in a pile on the floor, each one pinning another down so as to share in their fates. Anne had fallen out of the fray when she was struck. Pulling herself up on her elbows, she waited for the throbbing pain in her head to clear, then quietly observed the spectacle from a distance before backing away, unnoticed and forgotten. The sprinkler coverage throughout the room was pretty dense, but it seemed to be slightly lighter against the walls. There was a lab table there that she could sit under for a time. Crawling under the table and crossing her legs in front of her, Anne scanned the room. The pile of women (which, it should be noted, was already growing noticeably wobblier, even from this distance) did not stray from the middle of the room. The control room door on the wall adjacent to her was locked, possibly irreversibly so for now. The only real option was the ladder leading to the catwalk on the opposite wall, which was separated from Anne by the fracas on the floor and by the unconscious and immense Jamie. Anne dared not venture near the center of the room, out of fear of being drawn into the melee and getting stuck. So, she would have to go along the perimeter of the room, a distance totaling well over 100 feet from her current position. Not wanting to surrender the shelter of the table, she put each hand to a table leg and pushed as she moved along the floor on her knees. The table was quite heavy, having solid oak legs and frame with a stone table top, so Anne was only able to move about a foot at a time. In reality, she was still getting soaked from the sides, but the table was doing some good, at least. Nearing the first corner, she slightly winced in pain as her jeans cut into her waist. Pausing, she sat upright and lifted up her T-shirt, finding her midsection muffin-topping her hip-huggers. "Already?? Dammit!" she thought, surprised at the pace at which her body was changing. "I'd better hurry." She continued to push the table, trying to also push aside the pain her pants were causing her. After another couple of moments, the pain crept down to her knees as well. Her legs were swelling, making them increasingly harder to bend as the denim refused to stretch. Left with little choice, Anne flipped over onto her back and began fumbling with the jeans. After expending considerable effort, she managed to unbutton and unzip the pants, and then slowly peel them down her legs like the skin from a banana. "This is so ridiculous," she thought to herself, pondering the circumstances that necessitated shedding her clothes in such a setting. Satisfied with getting the jeans down around her ankles, she was a little shocked at how thick her slender legs had become. In her seated position, the string of her thong that stretched around her sides disappeared between her bloated thighs and stomach. Returning to her hands and knees to continue her roundabout trek to the ladder, she was stunned into inaction as she caught a glimpse of the other women in the center of the room. They were quickly becoming round like Jamie, and were all in varying stages of immobility. "I guess this table is doing some good after all," Anne thought, thankful that she hadn't quite reached that point yet. Tamara and Claire were nowhere to be seen, possibly behind Jamie. Leah was upright, but with her arms and legs swollen as they were, she was unable to change her position. She had also lost all of her clothing, the remnants of her T-shirt dangling around her neck. Erin was in front of her, lying on her back, her breasts just barely being contained by her polo, stretched far too thin. Her tanned skin shone through the dark fabric. But Melissa was definitely worse off than any of them. She was already much bigger and mostly rotund, her breasts starting and ending the list of her noticeable features. Only an embattled pair of black panties covered any of her body, and even those weren't doing much for her. Her right boob propped her up against Erin's body. All three were trying their best to isolate themselves from one another. "Get your tits off me!" Erin shouted at Melissa. "You're squashing me!" "I would if I could, you fat bitch!" Melissa shouted back, unable to move any part of her. "Fat?? Yeah, YOU'RE one to talk," Leah shouted from above. "What are you now, a quadruple Z?" "Shut up!" As Melissa continued growing, her breasts continued to spread out and flatten, much like Jamie's had. They eventually reached a point where they were too small to hold her up any longer, and Melissa began rolling. "Whoa! I'm falling!" Melissa wailed as her boobs rubbed against Erin's side before rolling free of her. She rolled head over heels for a few feet before bumping into Jamie's huge form and bouncing back. The bounce caused her to momentarily bulge, and that instant increase in pressure was too much for her panties, which sprang off her like a rubber band and shot into Erin's side before falling to the floor. "No, my panties!" she squealed. She continued rolling ponderously backward until she bumped into Leah and came to rest nearly upside down. "Whoa, Mel!" Leah called, getting an uncensored view of Melissa's bloated underside. "You blow-up slut!" "SHUT UP!!!" Melissa screamed from underneath, her face aflame with embarrassment. "Bwahahaha whoa!!" Erin cackled before her breasts burst through her shirt. Anne watched in amazement and amusement at the goings-on in the center of the lab, until her own shirt burst open. While her attention was focused elsewhere, her breasts had rapidly filled up her tiny shirt and ripped the side seams. In her position, her belly and breasts both dangled beneath her, brushing against the floor. She couldn't keep crawling for long, lest she soon resemble a beached whale. And yet, Anne became mesmerized by these new additions. Struggling with her swollen legs, and without really thinking, she got out from under the table and brought herself to a shaky stance. Her belly now poked out a couple of feet in front of her, and her now huge breasts rested wobbily on top. She raised a hand to hold one, feeling its firmness. She had obtained in such dire conditions what she had desired her entire life. "If only I could use these babies in the sack!" Anne thought, giving the boob a gentle squeeze. Of course, then she realized her mistake of exiting the table's underside, and attempted to climb back under, but her fattened legs refused to bend. Desperate, she tried to take a quick step to the side, but forgot about her jeans still around her ankles. The jeans pulled tight as her foot moved, and she toppled sideways, landing harshly on her huge backside. The momentum caused her to roll over onto her stomach, then back onto her back, over and over again. Unable to move her legs, she could only try to stop her rolling by sticking her hands out, but even they barely reached the floor anymore. As she approached the center of the lab, she watched as she rolled past several of her fellow assistants, all of whom were now too helplessly large to do anything but scream at each other. Finally, Anne came to rest next to Jamie, lying on her massive stomach and breasts, no longer able to touch the floor with her hands. Just her luck, too: never mind the fire sprinklers, Anne ended up right on top of the main applicator chassis. It had been 45 minutes, maybe an hour since Anne could move anything other than her head, although she really had no idea exactly how much time had passed. The sprinklers had shut off some time ago, and the ruckus in the lab had died down by this point, as the other women had either shouted themselves hoarse or had passed out due to exhaustion from such. Every now and then she felt what could've been vocal vibrations from another girl touching her, but it was too hard to tell. Enough time had passed for the reality of it all to begin to sink in. Emotionally, Anne was getting past being disturbed about this. Mentally, however, she was still trying to bridge the disconnect between what she had become and what her brain still thought she was. In the same way that amputees often have ghost limbs following surgery, if she tried to make a fist, her brain told her that she was making a fist. Never mind that not even the slightest movement was taking place. It became especially frustrating when Anne felt an itch on her thigh. Instinctively, Anne tried to reach behind to scratch it, and although her brain told her she was scratching her thigh, she became frustrated when she felt no relief. She had to remind herself that 1) she no longer had hands, 2) she no longer had thighs, and 3) even if she did have both, one would be far out of reach of the other. Her work with Dr. Brand, albeit brief, solidified in her mind that this transformation was more or less permanent. They had tried to drain some of the water to see if that would help, but after Dr. Brand complained of skin discomfort, it wasn't attempted again. So, absent any doubts about that, Anne was able to cope with her new body surprisingly well. Obviously, it would require a significant adjustment in all aspects of her life: she would no longer be able to provide for herself much, if at all. Who would care for her? Where would she live? All questions that would need answering. Now, however, there was little she could do but wait until someone found them. Jamie was stirred from sleep by a tickling sensation on her nose. It felt like someone's hair was brushing her face. She opened her eyes to find Anne's face just a few inches from hers. "Hi," Anne said. "Whoa!" Jamie yelped, causing Anne to flinch a little bit. "Sorry, you scared me." "It's okay," Anne assured her. "How do you feel?" "Uncomfortable. And chilly." "Yeah, now that I think about it, warm water probably would've been better." "Well, at least you don't have a billion gallons of wait a minute," Jamie paused, catching a glimpse of something beyond Anne's hair. Moving her head to the side, she found a whole lot more of Anne. "Oh my God! You too??" "All of us," Anne responded. "Murphy's Law." "Wow..." "Pretty sure I'm the biggest too. I ended up right in the water stream." "You mean you're still getting bigger??" "Yeah, I can still feel the water going into my tummy... at least, where my tummy was." "Aren't you afraid you might... you know..." Jamie didn't want to say it. "I think we both know that would've happened by now," Anne interrupted calmly. "Well, aren't you weirded out by this at ALL???" Anne was taking this way too casually, and it was making Jamie uneasy. "Not really. I mean, I was at first; how could you not be? But now I think it's great. This will make a KILLER topic for my graduate thesis!" "WHAT?!" Jamie was dumbstruck at the words she just heard. "But you'll never return to normal!" "'Normal?'" Anne chuckled. "This is way better than 'normal' ever was. I just love being so huge and exotic..." Jamie was too shocked and confused to even respond. Anne was ENJOYING this! "And to be honest," Anne grinned, "it was REALLY hot having huge boobs while it lasted." This personal turn in the conversation now left Jamie too embarrassed to respond this time. "I wonder what sex would feel like now." Anne broke eye contact with Jamie as she daydreamed. "I mean, if it's even possible..." Jamie only blushed in reply. Good question. What if it WAS possible? And if it was, Anne hoped that her pleasure was directly proportional to her size. She mentally transported herself out of her cold, dark confines and into a much more pleasing setting. Anne visualized herself in an open field on a hot summer afternoon, her bare round body bathing in the sun. She was mostly upside down, looking up at herself, with her underside aimed skyward. Her own mass shielded the sun from her eyes. A soft breeze gently whipped her sweat-soaked hair as it dangled below her head. Beads of perspiration, tiny and numerous, graced her vastness, each one lightly tickling her as it rolled down the smooth curve of her moist, taut skin. The warmth of the water within radiated throughout her being, plunging her into a dreamy state. The Anne in the dream revelled in this perfect peace, unable to move and unwilling to even if she could. As the massive orb lay there in its rotund glory, a new sensation caught her attention as a nameless, faceless lover mounted her high above, well out of her own view. Anne gasped as this anonymous admirer began to pleasure her, her body beginning to rock back and forth slightly as her moans of rapture emanated from below. And as her form bobbed and gyrated, consumed in her own ecstasy, a tingle built up in her groin, and after a few minutes... Anne returned from her reverie, finding herself breathing a little heavier. Still inches from her face was Jamie, still uncomfortably silent and still avoiding eye contact. "Sorry," Anne offered, even a little embarrassed herself. Jamie still looked away, her face about to burst into flames. Several awkward minutes passed. Anne pondered her dream once more (albeit silently this time), attempting to flex her vaginal muscles. She couldn't even feel them, much less feel movement. But the muscles in her pelvic floor had to be there and they had to be working, otherwise she (and the others) would just be peeing the water out. That would be a point of observation and further research, to be sure. And it would definitely be going in her thesis. Finally, she grew tired of the silence and spoke up. "Well... any guesses as to how big we are?" "I don't know," Jamie responded. She closed her eyes for a moment and concentrated on her size, waiting to see if a number magically came to her that corresponded with the sensations of being so enormous. Finding none, she opened her eyes again, finding Anne still looking at her. "Might as well be a thousand feet. I feel HUGE." "Yeah, I can relate," Anne chuckled. A few more moments of silence prevailed. "Well, it'll be a while before the next shift comes, so it wouldn't hurt to get to know each other," Anne suggested. "Besides volunteering for bizarre science experiments, what do you like to do?" Jamie hesitated for a moment, again looking away. She was still rather uncomfortable with what had happened to her. And yet Anne was even larger than her and still growing, and she was getting some kinky pleasure out of it! It didn't make sense. She found herself wanting to get to know Anne better, to try to understand why she actually PREFERRED herself this way. Hell, as crazy as it sounded, with Anne's help, maybe Jamie could learn to like it as well. Elsewhere among the blobs of flesh inside the lab, Melissa was being uncomfortably squeezed against a wall, her face squished between two other ladies' bodies. She didn't know who they were, but she considered giving one of the globes a good bite just to relieve the pressure on her. But that could have disastrous effects. Besides, it would all be over soon. It had not been part of the plan for her to get trapped in the lab with everyone else. When she had been approached with the Offer She Couldn't Refuse(tm), the main goal was to inflate everyone... but not necessarily her. Nevertheless, that goal was accomplished, which is all that mattered. With the payout she was getting, even in her blown up state she could live in luxury for the rest of her life. The things people will give up for a dollar amount with a lot of zeroes at the end. "God, I hope this was fucking worth it." The sound of footsteps and rattling casters echoed down a dark hall. A heavy steel door opened and closed, the clanking sound reverberating throughout the hollow chamber. "Dr. Brand? ... Dr. Brand?" a man polled, then flicked a switch. The lights buzzed angrily as they glowed to life. "Dr. Brand?" "What is it?" a woman's groggy voice answered, squinting in the light. "Melissa was successful." The man wheeled a TV cart into view and inserted a tape. The screen played the security camera footage of the PBR laboratory. "Excellent," she replied, blinking her eyes to clear the cobwebs. "Go ahead and send the formula to the party. Then call the feds and give them the green light to move all of those girls here. And tell them to be more God-damn careful this time! I damn near powerwashed the place last time." "Got it." "How's the bank account?" the former professor asked. "The government made the deposit five minutes ago," the man replied. "$24.5 billion. I can picture my mansion in Cancun already." "I'm a Hawaii girl myself. You know I won a hula contest in college?" "I'd pay real money to see you do the hula right now. Grass skirt, coconut bra, the works." "I don't exactly have the moves anymore. What's it worth to you?" "Oh, I dunno. About a billion dollars, I guess." "Make it two and I'll work up a jiggle."
body inflation, magic, tea, witch
Female Inflation
Full Body Inflation
A witch's tea party is a much more complicated affair than your average get together. I don't mean that in an arrogant, "Oh you mundane folk just can't understand the ways of magic" sort of way. I am speaking quite literally: older witches use these gatherings as a way to judge an evaluate their peers on multiple levels. Choice of tea and food, sipping versus slurping, how one crosses their legs; all these things supposedly display hidden truths that the senior practitioners of witchcraft will analyse and discuss with great enthusiasm as soon as the younger ones go home.As an aside, I am a familiar. A robin, specifically. My mistress is out dealing with some demon princeling or something of the sort, so I've been left home to occupy myself in the home she shares with three other witches: Bubblebun (a rounded matriarch with strong feelings about manners), Toggy (angular, finds imporance in presentation) and Fizz (short, very odd). All of them are rapidly approaching middle age and have converted any trepidation over such a milestone with an increased sense of duty when it comes to guiding the next generation.Thus, the current tea party and their current guest, a talented but haughty witch named Clair. She's tall, dark, dynamic - with a winning grin, sharp, short hair and a custom battle witch's garb with knee socks and a cape! A strong start, truly.She's also very robust! From what I understand, she wasn't always quite this big, but lots of activity combined with equal over-consumption took their toll in good time. Thick, powerful limbs, an ample upper and lower half with a (relatively) tapered waist, all mixed with near perfect ratio of muscle and softness. Clair might be called "hourglass shaped" were she even the slightest bit delicate. She's honestly a bit more like a barbell. In spite of her size and energy, she handles herself well at the table. She may have a plate full of snacks and cookies, but she keeps her manners while eating them.Were that all, Bubblebun and the others would likely be satisfied with Clair and send her off, settling to make catty remarks about her figure and eating habits later. But naturally that's not all - Clair's ego was dominating the conversation."...And look, I'm not saying someone else couldn't have handled the Mire Lord, but it would have been a lot worse without me there." Claire slurped the last of the prickleberry tea with a satisfied smirk on her face.The remaining witches stirred uncomfortably for a moment, looking towards one another before all nodding in agreement. Bubblebun stood with an melodramatic flourish, her ample hips nearly knocking over her chair with their sudden motion."Clair! It may surprise you that you have been brought to this tea party to be judged!""Not in the slightest." Claire set her cup down. "I mean, why else to witches even hold these?"Bubblebun stammered as the others proved to be no help. "She's got a point." Fizz added abruptly. Toggs nodded."Be that as it may-" The matronly witch muttered. "It still stands that while it's clear you're a competent and talented mage, you've got a lot to learn when it comes to humility!"Fizz and Toggs both nodded this time around. Clair seemed genuinely amused, her hand already reaching for her staff."Try me you old-" A surge of magical energy slammed into Claire's soft, cookie and tea filled belly. Bubblebun had her wand tucked in her sleeve - that's the sort of slyness you can only get with age."Your ego is rather inflated - and soon your body will be too!" Bubblebun crossed her arms with a smug look on her face. The other older witches actually looked confused. Clair was livid, the magic blast was enough to stagger her but she remained on her feet. The sudden and increasingly loud noises coming from her belly were not enough to deter her."I'll show you, you judgmental old ninny!" She swung her staff about, hurling an arc of magical energy at Bubblebun just as her stomach surged outward, straining a button or two. The gurgle coming from within her only got louder afterwards, causing her to wince in embarrassment and discomfort. Toggs moved forward to cover her ally, deflecting the younger witches assault towards-...towards me, actually! Sorry for the skip there, had to dodge."What the hell Bubblebun?" Toggs shouted at the group's self-proclaimed ring leader. Clair was distracted by her predicament. The spell moved throughout her body with alarming speed, puffing her up all at once. She was retaining her basic shape, just becoming significantly thicker. "You're blowing her up with air?""Well, magical gas technically..." Bubblebun summoned a magical shield to block another counterattack, cued off by growling belch from Clair. Their victim's motions remained strong but stiff, her puffy limbs were clearly getting harder and harder to move. Her retaliation was followed by another bout of growth, a few seams splitting enough to reveal dark, soft, but clearly strained flesh."Well that's traditionalist nonsense! I thought we were going to weigh her down, like so!" Toggs let out a snort and spun her own wand around, sending a spiraling beam straight into Clair's chest. The strong lines in her face suddenly vanished under rounded cheeks and a double chin. Her stomach went from simply bulging to sagging a bit from weight as well. While the gas building within her hadn't vanished, the prideful witch's body was now rapidly accumulating fat as well. "You see, burdened by her own hubris and all that.""You three are crazy!" Clair made increasingly heavy steps towards her attackers, her movement slowly becoming a rather aggressive waddle. The shape the fat was forcing her into was different. Her formerly cinched waist was exploding outwards, much of the added girth accumulating in her midsection. This granted her a sizable paunch and rounded love handles, as well as a significant jiggle to accompany her efforts."Toggs, that's insipid! There is no clear metaphorical connection there, you just want to try out your fat spell!" Bubblebun is furious, causing her to turn away from Clair at a crucial moment. The swelling sorceress seems to realize that conventional movement will not get her anywhere in her increasingly bulky state; she instead strikes the ground with her staff, launching herself like a cannonball with magical force. Her gas bloated, pudge swollen body collides with Bubblebun with a drum like thump, sending both of them crashing to the ground. The matronly witch flails helplessly as most of her form becomes obscured by Clair's increasing girth."How do you like that, huh? Maybe regretting turning me into a ball of lard now-" Clair choked as she was pulled off of Bubblebun by a magical hand generated by Fizz's wand. The tiniest of the trio had finally decided to join in. With a long sigh she looked up at Clair, suspended in mid-air like an over ripe fruit."Well I think we should fill her with liquid, mainly because I don't want either of you to be right." Fizz waggled her wand again. Clair's body switched from gurgling noises to a sloshing sound as a sudden deluge formed within her. The fluid introduced into her seemed to pull downwards and gravitate towards her lower half, each of her tormentors getting a rather candid view as her enlarging bottom nullified the effectiveness of her skirt. Thighs and calves thickened immensely, actually shredding her boots and leaving her comparatively dainty feet and toes waggling in frustration.The magical hand Fizz had created was actually beginning to strain under Clair's weight, eventually depositing her onto the dining room table roughly before vanishing. She made short work of the furniture, crashing down and splaying out on the ground, a bit like a beached whale. The spells affecting her had begun to mix, and she was now filling rapidly with all three things at once. Her robust but defined shape had morphed into a much rounder one - the forces within her were pushing her body outwards in all directions, making her jiggly, globular and incredibly strained. She seemed impossibly large now, dominating at least half the room with her elephantine presence. Grunts and pained whimpering mixed with curses hurled at the three who dared humiliate her like this."Goodness." Bubblebun stared, mouth agape. "She's so big!""Much too big." Toggs placed her hand on her chin. "I don't think she could take another moment of this.""Maybe we should stop the spells then?" Fizz suggested, as if commenting on the weather. All three of them moved to end their magic without a moment to spare.The trio approached Clair cautiously, drawn in by morbid curiosity. Tatters of a once lovely outfit fluttered about. Thick, heavy limbs lay flat against the ground, jutting out of a widened torso and a dark dome of a belly that arced high in the air. Toggs extended a bony finger for a test poke against Clair's waist. She had a very odd consistency to her, with a layer of soft flab stretched across her blimped form, all buoyed by a large amount of fluid. Numerous embarrassing noises responded to the elder's touch, but Clair's shouts had stopped. The billowy witch was so full she seemed afraid to breathe too deeply." you that you see the folly of your ways..." Bubblebun cleared her throat. "We'll be going. Um, we won't mention this to anyone if you don't..."They couldn't see Clair's face, but I fluttered to a vantage point so I could. The fury on it was clear in spite of being comically puffed up. She managed to squeeze a response out through gritted teeth. "I'm going to kill all of you."Fizz had already bailed and Toggs was already halfway out the door. Bubblebun herself only tarried for a moment to issue a final statement. "Well uh, honestly don't try anything until you have a chance to deflate a little, dear. You're just about ready to bust."She exited with a start when Clair let out bubbling snarl. Then followed a moment where she didn't make a sound. Well, except the ones her engorged body was making, but you can't blame her for that, right?That moment didn't last."Those old hags are going to pay...J-just gotta do a counter spell..." Clair's fat arms and pudgy hand extended towards her staff, which was a foot or so away from her. Every inch of her enormous body groaned as she struggled to move. I fly to a higher perch, just in case."C'mon..." She grunts, shifting her weight - the liquid insider her flowing a bit to the side she wriggled, pulling the entirety of her girth with it. She lets out a startled yelp as the motion is out of her control. And you know, it would have been brilliant if that one part of her very expanded belly hadn't manage to land right on top of a broken teacup.During the resulting explosion (I will spare you the details) I can only wonder how I'm going to explain this to my master when she gets back.
Female Inflation
Belly Inflation, Breast Inflation
The very bottom of the sea, at the deepest ressesses of the ocean, is something very few people ever see. Those who are able withstand the depth and pressure would be able to see the vast expanse of the seabed, the large schools of fish and sealife which gather there, and it's sandy surface littered with coral, plantlife, and sadly, an increasing amout of litter and junk, discarded by careless people from the surface. And in this particular part of the ocean, one could even see a young woman swimming along, a dolphin-like tail where her legs would be propelling her through the water. Mako traversed the seabed, her tail lazily moving back and forth as she swam at a relaxed pace, her long dark hair trailing behind her. She hummed a little song to herself as she gazed down at the seabed, scanning the floor for signs of anything interesting to add to the collection she had built up in her little underwater cave. Unlike most other merfolk, Mako had a great interest in the human world, mainly the things they dropped into the ocean. While everyone else declared the humans to be annoying bastards who kept ruining our home, as her father would put it, Mako thought that humans, despite their bad points, were incredibly ingenious and inventive. She had found many odd items from the surface in her time, mostly made of the hard metal material they made their 'boats' out off, but sometimes they were made of other stuff. She had found a tiny white box which produced music, a strange metal whisk thingy which spun when she turned a handle, and so many coloured metal cylinders, with words like 'Coke' and 'Budweiser' on them. She wasn't sure what the names meant, but the cans were so pretty. Right now though, she was not on the hunt for cans, but seashells to make a top out of. She glanced down at her modest bust, and at the makeshift top made out of two seshells and tied together with strong stands of seaweed. Most merfolf never bothered with clothes, but after finding pictures from an old human book depicting human women in something called a 'bikini', she and many of her friends had fashioned their own. Mako quite liked how pretty her top made her feel, she just wished her chest was a bit bigger to make it stand out more.. As she swam over a coral reef, she spotted something in the distance, a large bulky object resting in the sand. Moving closer, she could make out the shape... It was a human ship. The small white yacht had an obvious jagged hole in its hull, indicating that it had hit one of the many large rock formations which littered this part of the ocean. Mako clasped her hands with glee. Sunken ships always contained the most fantastic items. Her father always warned her to stay away from them, claiming them and their cargo to be dangerous. But she'd been searching them for years and never found anything threatening. She moved toward the boat, noting the words on the ship's hull, 'Valasco Inc Scientific Supplies'. Humans always gave these crafts such strange names. She hoped that whoever was steering this boat got to safety before it sunk. Reaching the boat, she manuvered herself through the hole and into the ships hold. The inside of the boat was a tight fit, due to the human furnishings and debris floating around, taking up most of the space, and she had to bend her tail behind her in order to move. She recognised a small sink and a large white box, indicating that this was where the human's prepared their food. She licked her lips. Many times she had found cases of the human's food packed in boxes or cans. She had to swim up to the surface in order to eat it, since a lot of it tended to melt or fall apart once water touched it, but it was worth it since it was all so delicious. She pulled the door of the box open and scouted around for food. There were several glass jars inside, but nothing which looked like food. She then spotted a plastic container on the bottom shelf. She eagerly yanked it out and pried off the lid, letting it float behind her as she studied the contents. The container was full of a lumpy yellow substance, which looked similar to the same substance the 'hostess cakes' she had found in one ship was made of. Oddly, the water didn't seem to be affecting it like it had the cakes. And cakes were nice so maybe this stuff was too.. Tentetively, she took a small glob of the stuff in her fingers and raised it to her mouth. Her eyes shot open wide as she swallowed it. WHatever this stuff was, it was unlike anything she had tasted! It was sweet and buttery on her tongue, and delightfully chewy. The taste was addictive, and she wanted to have more. But first, she needed to get out of here. Holding her cargo tightly, she swam out of the hole again, her tail batting the floating container lid aside. Mako could only read a few words of the human language, and even then she didn't understand what they meant. But if she could, and had taken the time to read the label on the lid, she would have read this: WARNING:Experimental Synthetic Yeast. Due to unstable nature, may expand when warmed. Keep under cool temprature. NOT FIT FOR CONSUMPION!! Mako took a seat on the prow of the boat and placed the container on her lap. She took a full handful of the yeast and ate it in just a few gulps. She couldn't believe how tasty this stuff was, as she took another handfull. The flavour called to her, and before she knew it, she was rapidly shovelling the yeast into her mouth. A voice in her head told her to stop, but it was easily quashed by the desire to keep that taste in her mouth. In just a few scant minutes, she had eaten the entire contents. Letting the container float away, she leaned back and rested on the boat's deck, one hand rubbing her slightly distended stomach. She groaned in both discomfort and delight. She'd never stuffed herself like that before, not even when she'd found those tasty brown blocks called 'chocolate' which had fallen off a container ship once. But this substance.. it had been unlike anything she had ever tasted. She now wished she'd saved some for later.. Ah well, maybe she'd get lucky and find more somewhere. She closed her eyes and let herself relax. Her massive binge had left her quite drowsy, and she felt content to just lay here all day and enjoy the quiet. The water was fairly warm around these parts, and she felt quite cozy as she stretched the length of her tail out. She was about to drift off to sleep when suddenly she felt a strange sensation in her tummy. A strong, churning feeling within her. She thought it was just a stomach ache, but she'd never felt one this strongly before. A dull ache surrounded her tummy, and she groaned as she gently rubbed it, hoping to soothe the pain. As she rubbed her stomach, she couldn't help but notice that it felt a bit more rounded than before... Suddenly, she felt a sharp pain against her breasts, distacting her from the stomach ache. The seashells which made up her top felt like they were pinching her skin. She sat up and looked down at her chest... and gasped in utter shock. Her breasts were bigger. Her once modest mounds had swollen in size, reaching almost a full handfull. They were now too big for her top, and she could see the soft flesh bulging over the shells. The thin seaweed strands were also beginning to cut into her skin. She thought it was some odd reaction to the warm water. But she had never heard of anything like this happening to a mermaid. But as she stared at her breasts, she then realised they were still getting bigger. She could actually see them swell before her eyes, rapidly overflowing the shells. And that wasn't all. Feeling a tightening sensation of the skin of her tail, she looked further down. She could now no longer see past her breasts, so she had to look down her side. Her hips, at the point where her human body ended and her dolphin tail began, were also growing. She placed her hands on them, pressing gently into her grey skin. She could actually feel her skin stretching, and her hands being pushed further away by her expanding hips. Feeling behind her, she could feel her bottom growing rounder and softer too. Suddenly there was a muted SNAP! Startled, she looked down to see her seashell top drifting away from her. The seaweed straps had finally succumbed to the force of her swelling chest, leaving her utterly naked. Instinctively, she crossed her arms over her chest, but realized that they were now too big for her to ever cover completely. She stared at them nervously, watching them slowly inch bigger and wonder if they would ever stop. She was so occupied with her chest, she didn't notice that she was slowly floating upwards, with no movement from her tail propelling her. When she realized the deck of the boat was now further below her, she swam back down. But as soon as she sat down, she was floating up again. She pushed down with her arms, but again she rose without moving at all. And this time, she was rising even faster. Panicing, she grabbed the nearest thing she could to hold her down, which was the metal railing fixed along the boat deck's edge. As she held on tightly, her breasts seemed to float upwards, bobbing gently against her chin. Freeing one arm, she wrapped it around her chest as best she could and held her breasts down. It was then she felt another strange sensation. It was as if her body was being... pulled upwards. Of more specifically, her breasts and bottom were being pulled. It was as if the very water around her was pressing against her, forcing her upward. This feeling felt familiar to her, but she couldn't quite place it... With her bottom beginning to rise, she forced her body down, and managed to wrap her tail around one of the railing supports. This forced her to twist her body so that she was facing the boat's cockpit. She could see her reflection in the cockpit's windows, and she gasped at what she saw. The first thing which came to mind was an odd human pbject she had found once. It was a glass jar filled with sand, but with an extremely narrow middle which allowed the sand to trickle from one side to the other. Looking at her body, Mako realized she was now resembling that jar. The base of her tail and her hips, once trim and slender, now flared out massively to her sides, almost wider than the width of her shoulders. They curved outwards in a large arc before sharply curving back to join her still tiny waist. Turning her body slightly, Mako could also see her bottom, now much larger and rounder and sticking out like a sore thumb. She couldn't imagine how she would be able to swim with a bottom like that slowing her down. And then there was her breasts. Where once she had a decent sized pair which could have filled her hands, each breast was now larger than the biggest pufferfish she had ever seen, and slowly becoming the size of her own head. Normally they would have obscured most of her torso, but because of the strange buoyancy thay had attained, they kept moving upwards towards her chin. It was nearly impossible to keep her free arm wrapped around them to hold them down so she could see herself. Feeling her breasts push against her arm, Mako was frightenly certain that they were still slowly getting bigger. As she witnessed how huge and round her breasts had become, it suddenly hit her, where she had felt this pulling sensation before. It was when she was younger, and had started collecting human treasures. She would sometimes swim up to the surface and poke her head out to see if any passing boats would toss anything out. One time, she had seen a round object fly from a boat and land in front of her. It was a round white thing with black spots all over it, and she had eagerly grabbed it to add to her collection. But when she had swam back down to her home, the ball had resisted her, constantly pulling free from her grip. In the end, she had just let it go, watching it float back up to the surface. That pulling force against the ball.. that was what she felt in her body. Her breasts were somehow becoming like the ball. Her nervousness increased as questions began to flood her mind. Was it that strange food she had eaten which was doing this? How big would she become? And if she floated up, how would she get back down? Her grip tightened around the railing, and her free arm pressed against her breasts harder, willing them to shrink back down. Suddenly, there was a loud gurgling sound, and a jolt of pain in her gut. The strange indigestion in her stomach, which had become a mild dscomfort while her breasts were growing, was now back in force. She moved her free hand to her belly, letting her breasts float and bob around her face. She rubbed her churning gut, trying to ease the discomfort. But as she rubbed, she felt her belly push out against her palm. And as her hand circled around, she could swear her tummy felt more rounded... She felt her belly push out again, and a feeling of dread hit her. With her arm, she pushed her breasts down as far as she could, allowing her to see past them. Immediately, she was met with the sight of the crest of her belly, rising like the sun against the mountains of her breasts. "That's growing too...?" She moaned in disbelief. When would this nightmare end? She tried to hold her burgeoning belly in with her arm, but the force expanding her from within was just too great. She could feel her belly grow larger, until it was easily visible from below her massive breasts. She estimated she was about the same size some of her friends had been when they were about to give birth to their children. But now she was beginning to surpass even those sizes. As she grew rounder, she could feel that pulling, floating sensation again, but this time it surrounded her entire belly. It added to the pull exerted from her breasts and bottom, and as she got larger, it only began to increase. She tightened her grip and wrapped her tail tighter around the railing, to the point where it was beginning to hurt. The upward pull was getting stronger, and she was now using every reserve of strength she had to stay anchored. But it wasn't enough. Her sore tail lost its grip on the railing, and as it unfurled her belly shot upwards, pulling her up with it. As she rose, her grip with her hands caused her to 'swing' until she was upside down. Mako looked down (or was it up now?)at herself. Her massive belly was still growing, almost taking up her entire view of the vast sea above her. If she let go, she would float up there, and then what would happen? Gritting her teeth, she pulled as hard as she could, hoping she lower herself just enough to gain some leverage on the railing. Her arm muscles burned with the strain of holding on, and as her size increased, the strain only became greater. She could feel her grip beginning to falter. She drew on her last reserves of strength, praying to Neptune and anyone who would listen for this to stop. And then, before she even realised it, she lost her grip. The effect was instantanous. Her body shot upwards like a rocket, her belly leading the charge and dragging her along with it. Bubbles rushed past her as watched the seabed get farther and farther away from her. She flapped her arms to try and slow herself down, but it was hopeless. Soon the seabad had vanished from sight, and she was shooting through the emtpy blue space of the ocean. Schools of fish scattered and fled as she barrelled right through their ranks. Nothing could stop her. She could see the shimmering light reflected off the sea's surface getting closer. What would happen if she hit it that this speed? Would she even survive? She covered her face with her arms, bracing herself for whatever would happen when she hit the surface. Closer and closer she got.. In a gigantic explosion of water and spray, she burst out from under the surface, the speed of her ascent actually sending her flying through the air for a few seconds. She felt a bizarre sense of weightlessness, and then fell back into the water with a loud splash. Her eyes were closed, but she could feel she was floating on the water's surface. Seconds passed before she felt brave enought to open her eyes. To her left and right, she could see the waves of the ocean and the cloudy sky above her. And right in front of her, nearly taking up all of her line of sight, was her belly. Again, she was in awe of her size. Her belly was gigantic, stretching out far and wide from her body. In human estimates, it could be described as being four feet wide all around. But despite its size, it floated on the water easily, her belly button rising above the waterline and pointing forward like the prow of a ship. She placed her arms on the firm flesh to try and reach around, but it was just too big. Her movements made her pay notice to her breasts, which sat upon the shelf created by her belly. Each breast was a massive, pale orb larger than her own head, which wobbled slightly as she was buffeted around by the waves against her. Once the shock of seeing her massive girth had passed, she tenetively prodded and rubber her belly. She couldn't feel anything pushing outwards, and that awful groaning in her stomach was gone. She laughed in relief. Whatever had caused this strange reaction had finally stopped. There were still questions in her mind about what had happened, and how she could reverse this. But for now, she had to go back under water before any human's spotted her. She leaned forward to dive under.. Only to end up planting her face inside her vast cleavage. Puzzled, she tried to dive again, but her belly refused to move with the rest of her. She grabbed as much of her belly as she could and tried to push it under, shoving herself against her bulk again and again. But it was to no avail. An idea hit her, maybe she needed more weight on top. Rearing back her body as much as she could, she curled her tail behind her (noticing that her bottom felt a lot plusher) and braced herself.Then with as much force as she could muster, she gave a mighty kick of her tail, enough to send her body flying upwards out of the water. Her belly rolled beneath her as she twisted her body in mid air to fully land on her great gut. She fell onto the massive belly and waited for herself to sink. But she didn't. Her belly continued to float, rocking back and forth as she tried to push it down. After many futile attempts, Mako gave up and let herself fall flat against her belly, her head resting on her breasts. It was a strange and uncomfortable feeling to be floating above the water like this. The wind felt cold on her damp skin, and the constant bobbing against the waves made her stomach queasy. But as least her view wasn't blocked by her massive tummy. Here, she had a perfect, elevated view of the ocean around her. She spotted something in the distance. A round red object with a small spire and a flag sticking out of it, one of many she had seen in this area whenever she surfaced. She recalled overhearing a human once calling it a 'buoy' when she had seen him tossing it over the side. "So this is what a buoy feels like.." She sighed unhappily as she drifted past the buoy. Looking ahead, she could see she was getting closer to a landmass. Father was not going to be happy when she told him about this. If she ever saw him again. As the sun began to set and cast a golden glow over the beach, a young lifeguard unhappily walked across the sand, waiting for his shift to end. Danny scowled as his feet kicked through the sand. He'd been a lifeguard for a week now, and so far it was not turning out like he had imagined. On TV, being a lifeguard involved action and adventure, hanging out with sexy girls in tiny swimsuits, and staring death in the face and laughing. So far, the most action he'd seen was finding a few lost kids and reminding sunbathing old guys to put on some sun cream. And the girls all seemed the same. Skinny, toned, like they had just been dieting for the summer. He'd hardly seen anyone with a nice set of curves. Sighing, he started moving towards his watch tower. There was virtually no one on the beach, maybe he could leave for home a little early... As he crossed a dune, he spotted a strange object near his tower. The shadows cast by the setting sun prevented him from seeing it clearly, but it was big, and round. Maybe it was a beached whale, or a capsized boat which had drifted ashore. Whatever it was, it least it was something interesting to deal with. He jogged toward it. His jog slowed to a walk, and then a dazed staggering as he got closer and the object became clearer to him. But he couldn't believe what his eyes were seeing. It was a gigantic skin coloured orb, almost the same size as his mother's conpact car. And attached to it, laying on top and rocking it back and forth, was a young woman with long dark hair, who seemed completely naked. It seemed she had a grey skirt on, but a closer look revealed it to be a long, fish like tail which flailed about as she moved. Mako had been so focused on trying to somehow move back towards the water, she hadn't noticed Danny run up. But as she cursed the tides for the fifth time that day, she turned and noticed the young man stading by her, his jaw slack and his eyes wide with surprise. Swallowing nervously, Mako put on her sweetest smile, and hoped the few words of human language she had remembered would make sense to him. "Umm... I'm sorry to bother you, but could you give me a push towards the sea?" She asked. "I'm kind of... beached here..."
Female Inflation
Breast Inflation
Mia was walking in the mall one day, when she saw a new store had opened up. It was called Fantasy Body. She went inside and found those, make-your-body-the-way-you want-it stuff. She seen them before on TV. They claimed that you will lose this much weight, or your privates will be better during sex or some other kind of shit. However, a few items caught her eye as being different from the others, which were pills or food. It was a bra. To Mia, it didn't look like it was special in any kind of way, but the tag said "Breast Balloons". She wondered about it and finally bought it with the money she saved up from her allowance and her after-school job. She was 17 and was beautifully shaped from the bust down, not including her breasts. They were only B-cups and she wanted them larger. She took off her shirt and bra and strapped the bra on. She felt the bra. It felt like rubber now, but it didn't before. She took a breath, and her bust went up. She exhaled, and they stayed where they were. She saw her tits growing after a minute and started breathing faster. Her boobs started ballooning from her body at a incredible rate. They were now DD's and were still growing. She squeezed them to try and stop them, but they wouldn't stop. They made the bra stretch out, but it seemed to stretch along with it. They started growing faster, and she now had two beachballs for breasts. Then she felt pressure in her breasts and then her nipples popped out and started inflating. They reached half the size of her ballooned breasts and then she felt more pressure build, and then BANG! She opened her eyes, her breasts were normal again. Around her were the torn remains of the bra. The next day, she returned to the store and found an article that a place had a Bigger Breast Beach Party. She decided to go to it tomorrow. She drove over and found a beach area with a sign that read "Bigger Breast Beach Party here! Don't fall asleep. Just head on down!" She looked down and saw lots of girls lying in beach chairs and on blankets. She headed down with her beach blanket in hand and laid down next to a woman relaxing in a beach chair. She closed her eyes for a minute and then heard a hissing sound. She darted up and looked at her breasts. No. The sound wasn't coming from them. She looked at the woman next to her and saw her breasts slowly inflate under her bikini top. She watched as the woman's breasts slowly ballooned to a DD. The woman took no notice of it because she was asleep. Her bikini stretched to it's limit and then snapped right down the middle. The boobs were now full beachballs towering over her. Then the weirdest thing happened. There was a BANG! And when Mia looked at the woman, there was only pieces of tan rubber and the woman's bikini lying in the chair. She also saw an air hose in the bikini bottom. A woman in a bikini with huge air-filled tits came over with a bucket and scooped the remains in. Mia asked her what happened and she said that the woman fell asleep. The woman walked away and Mia sat down in the chair. She plugged the air hose into her butt and laid back. She felt air rush through her. Her chest started filling with air. She watched as her breasts slowly grew out stretching her bikini. The woman with the bucket came back around and Mia's breasts were volleyballs and were stretching her bikini to the max. Mia was about to get up when the woman asked her if she had her balloon bikini on. Then Mia's bikini snapped and her breasts.........BANG!