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Faroese translation
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Monaco is, however, right on the heels of the Faroe Islands.
Monako er tó beint í hølunum á Føroyum.
According to a recent survey, 38 percent of the parents asked do not intend to let their children - between five and 11 years old - be vaccinated for corona. 41 percent intend to, while 21 percent have not taken a position.
Sambært einari nýggjari kanning, so ætla 38 prosent av teimum spurdu foreldrum ikki at lata børn síni – millum fimm og 11 ár – koppsetast fyri koronum. 41 prosent ætla meðan 21 prosent ikki hava tikið støðu.
- It is extremely important for the club that we play ourselves into the cup final.
– Tað hevur øgiliga stóran týdning fyri felagið, at vit spæla okkum í steypafinaluna.
The deep-sea vessel Borgarin has landed 1200 tons of herring, which they have fished in Faroese waters, for the deep-sea company Faroe Pelagic in Kollafirði.
Uppsjóvarskipið Borgarin hevur landað 1200 tons av sild, sum teir hava fiskað í føroyskum sjógvi, til uppsjóvarvirkið Faroe Pelagic í Kollafirði.
What is missing are more male teachers who can share their life experiences with boys and girls.
Tað, sum manglar, eru fleiri mannligir lærarar, sum kunnu geva dreingjum og gentum burtur av sínum lívsroyndum.
This is a special Faroese initiative with an exhibition and sale of local quality handicrafts: Clay, wood, glass, iron, textiles and good food products from Faroese villages.
Talan er um serføroyskt tiltak við framsýning og sølu av staðbundnum dygdarhandverki: Leir, træ, glas, jarn, klæði og góður matvørur frá føroysku bygdunum.
The concept of hotdog and bread is brilliant
Konseptið við pylsu og breyð er genialt
Although Nepomniachtchi is not the favorite, but rather the underdog, he might just be the right one to knock Carlsen off the throne.
Hóast Nepomniachtchi ikki er favorittur, men heldur “ the underdog”, so er hann kanska júst hin rætti at skumpa Carlsen av trónuni.
when the language diminishes and fades
nær minkar og fánar málið
Imagine a major event happening in your country
Hugsa tær at ein stór hending er í tínum landi
The last time was in the memorable final in 2018, when B36, who played nine against 11 in the last moments, after a contest and penalty shootout, won a total of 7-6 against the neighbors from HB.
Seinast var í minniligu finaluni í 2018, tá B36, sum seinastu løtuna spældi níggju móti 11, eftir umdyst og brotssparkskapping, vann samanlagt 7-6 á grannunum úr HB.
The celebration of the oystercatcher is a holiday for hope, and then, over 70 years ago in the midst of World War II, there was indeed also reason to have hope for better times.
Grækarismessuhald er ein hátíðardagur fyri vónini, og tá, fyri yvir 70 árum síðani mitt undir 2. veraldarbardaga, var sanniliga eisini orsøk at hava vón um betri tíðir.
Last week, the city council in Klaksvík approved the financial plan for 2022. The main elements of the financial plan are projects that are already underway. The city council specifically has a desire for these to be completed, so they can benefit the citizens. In the harbor and work areas, the city council has also made room for other work, including boat shelters in Árnafirði, the boat area in Borðoyarvík, a marketplace, and a boat club house.
Í síðstu viku samtykti býráðið í Klaksvík fíggjarætlanina fyri 2022. Tað sum í høvuðsheitinum myndar fíggjarætlanina eru verkætlanir, sum longu eru í gongd. Býráðið hevur nevnliga eitt ynski um at hesar vera gjørdar lidnar, so tær kunnu koma borgarunum tilgóðar. Á havn- og vinnuøkinum hevur býráðið tó eisini gjørt pláss fyri øðrum arbeiði, har nevnast kann bátahylur í Árnafirði, bátaøkið á Borðoyarvík, sølutorg og bátafelagshús.
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Approximately 60 coaches took the opportunity to participate in the course with the experienced Danish coach Troels Bech, which FSF organized last Saturday.
Umleið 60 venjarar nýttu høvið at taka lut á skeiðnum hjá roynda danska venjaranum Troels Bech, sum FSF skipaði fyri seinasta leygardag.
There they had prepared themselves and arranged most of the songs.
Har høvdu tey fyrireikað seg og lagt til rættis flestu sangirnar.
And yet, both she who has written, she who performs, and we who watch, know that you have to live with the devil.
Og tó, so vita bæði hon, sum skrivað hevur, hon sum framførir, og vit sum hyggja, at tú noyðist at liva við djevlinum.
The Faroese saithe stock is relatively well off and the size of the spawning stock is above the marks where protective measures are necessary.
Føroyski upsastovnurin er toluliga væl fyri og støddin á gýtingarstovninum er oman fyri tey mørk, har verjandi tiltøk eru neyðug.
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The previous match ended in a draw 2-2, and the Runavík Vikings therefore have a better starting position before the next match, which will be in Runavík on Monday at 18:00.
Fyrri dysturin endaði við javnleiki 2-2, og hava runavíkingar tískil eitt betri útgangsstøði undan seinna dystinum, sum verður í Runavík mánadagin klokkan 18:00.
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The equipment needs to be updated, in addition to the desire to equip the area with play equipment, so that children and families can enjoy the area more, and so that the city center has another offer for the families with children in the municipality.
Útgerðin treingir til at verða dagførd, umframt at ynski er um at uppraðfesta økið við spælireiðskapi, soleiðis at børn og familjur í størri mun kunnu fáa gleði av økinum, og soleiðis at miðbýurin hevur enn eitt tilboð til barnafamiljurnar í kommununi.
First and foremost, this performance was marked by the fact that the one who had delivered the material knew what she was talking about.
Fyrst og fremst var hendan framførslan merkt av, at tann, ið hevði leverað tilfarið, visti, hvat hon tosaði um.
Where did the rebellion go?
Hvar bleiv uppreisturin av?
At the next event of Ocean Cluster Faroes, which will be on Wednesday, December 1 at 2 pm at the Boat Museum in Leirvík, the topic will be how we can better utilize data from ships in fishing and research fields
Á næsta tiltakinum hjá Ocean Cluster Faroes, sum verður mikudagin 1. desember kl. 14 á Bátasavninum í Leirvík, verður evnið, hvussu vit betri kunnu gagnnýta data frá skipum í fiskiskapi og granskingarhøpi
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Bright Friday in Fuglafjørður
Bjartur fríggjadagur í Fuglafirði
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The teenagers were all around 15-16 years old.
Unglingarnir vóru allir um 15-16 ára aldur.
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Low prices and good offers make it possible for savvy consumers to make a killing this month - if the events keep their promises.
Lágir prísir og góð tilboð gera tað gjørligt hjá tilvitandi brúkarum at gera kvett henda mánaðin – um átøkini halda tað, tey lova.
We are fifty thousand people in the Faroe Islands
Vit eru hálvtrýss túsund fólk í Føroyum
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A video track has also been made for the song, and it has been taken care of by Allan Korsager Davidsen. The video track can be seen above.
Eitt sjónbandalag er eisini gjørt til sangin, og tað hevur Allan Korsager Davidsen tikið sær av. Sjónbandalagið sæst omanfyri.
The second main story - about the millions that were transferred to the Faroe Islands - comes in the broadcast news at noon.
Onnur høvuðssøgan – um milliónirnar, sum vórðu fluttar til Føroya – kemur í útvarpstíðindini á middegi.
Two other teams have also won the first three matches. These are Monaco and Cyprus, but they have had somewhat easier opposition than the Faroe Islands in the first rounds. All the teams have six match points for three victories, but Monaco and Cyprus have 10 board points and the Faroe Islands 9½.
Tvey onnur lið hava eisini vunnið fyrstu tríggjar dystirnar. Hesi eru Monako og Kýpros, men tey hava havt heldur lættari mótstøðu enn Føroyar í fyrstu umførunum. Øll liðini hava seks dystarstig fyri tríggjar sigrar, men Monako og Kýprós hava 10 borðstig og Føroyar 9½.
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The meeting was arranged after 27 refugees drowned yesterday in their attempt to cross the English Channel, writes Reuters.
Fundurin varð fingin í lag eftir at 27 flóttar í gjár druknaðu í royndini at koma yvir Ermasund, skrivar Reuters.
First a boom and then a prohibition sign
Fyrst ein bummur og so eitt forboðsskelti
I noticed it the moment I walked into the bookstore.
Eg varnaðist hana í somu løtu, eg kom inn í bókhandilin.
These horses have lived in isolation for the last 60 years. They have never been in a horse stable, their hooves have never been clipped, and their teeth have never been brushed. The horses are in incredibly good physical condition, but they are somewhat smaller than other Icelandic horses.
Hesi rossini hava livið avbyrgd tey seinastu 60 árini. Tey hava ongantíð verið í rossafjósi, hógvarnir eru ongantíð blivnir kliptir og tenninar eru heldur ongantíð bustaðar. Rossini eru ógviliga væl fyri kropsliga, men eru nakað smærri enn onnur íslendsk ross.
Here history and future met
Her møttust søga og framtíð
Tina í Dali Wagner, who represented the Faroe Islands, considers this invitation to be a recognition of the burgeoning Faroese film industry:
Tina í Dali Wagner, sum umboðaði Føroyar, heldur hesa innbjóðing vera eina viðurkenning av spírandi føroysku filmsvinnuni:
In the late seventies and early eighties, weightlifting was widely practiced in the club Bragdið.
Seinast í sjeyti- og tíðliga í áttatiárunum bleiv vektlyfting tó nógv íðkað í felagnum Bragdið.
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There is no longer free school choice in the Tórshavn municipality
Nú er ikki longur frítt skúlaval í Tórshavnar kommunu
The event is free
Tiltakið er ókeypis
Interesting title
Áhugavert heiti
It was not about organized competitions, but for example there was a demonstration competition against Icelanders in 1985.
Talan var ikki um skipaðar kappingar, men t.d var ein uppvísningskapping var ímóti íslendingum í 1985.
Source: Brynhild Thomsen/University of the Faroe Islands/Research Council
Kelda: Brynhild Thomsen/Fróðskaparsetur Føroya/Granskingarráðið
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Tomorrow there is another double round on the schedule.
Í morgin er aftur tvíumfar á skránni.
The boxes for the purpose can be obtained from Fiskaaling at tel. 47 47 47 or write to [email protected].
Bjálvarnir til endamálið fáast frá Fiskaaling á tel. 47 47 47 ella skriva til [email protected].
The regular extra general meeting at SEV was this morning, where the financial plan for the coming year was approved.
Regluligi eykaaðalfundurin hjá SEV var fyrrapartin, har fíggjarætlanin fyri komandi ár varð samtykt.
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“The system will be simpler and more manageable than the system today with twelve different committees. It can quickly adapt to new needs and new areas of responsibility can more easily be added to the Complaints Office. The most important thing is that the quality of the handling will be at least as good as it is today,” says Bárður á Steig Nielsen, Prime Minister.
“Skipanin verður einfaldari og liðiligari enn skipanin í dag við tólv ymiskum nevndum. Hon kann skjótari lagast til nýggjan tørv og nýggj málsøki kunnu lættari leggjast til Kærustovnin. Tað týdningarmesta er, at dygdin á viðgerðini verður minst líka góð, sum hon er í dag,” sigur Bárður á Steig Nielsen, løgmaður.
Landsverk is currently working to get the trailer back up. It is expected that the work can take several hours, as the trailer is fully loaded, and large work crews must drive around Eiðisskarð to come to help.
Landsverk arbeiðir í løtuni við at fáa trailaran upp aftur. Væntað verður, at arbeiðið kann taka nakrar tímar, tí trailarin er fult lastaður, og stór arbeiðsamboð mugu koyra um Eiðisskarð fyri at koma til hjálpar.
But as I understand it, the majority of the countries are Eastern European, and that often doesn't suit our style of play.
Men sum eg skilji, so er meginpartin av londunum eysturevropeisk, og tað passar ofta illa til okkara spælistíl.
The main character sees them and understands their beauty
Høvuðspersónurin sær teir og skilur teirra vakurleika
We try to be visible both here at home in the Faroe Islands, but also abroad, says Tina í Dali Wagner.
Vit royna at vera sjónlig bæði her heima í Føroyum, men eisini uttanlands, sigur Tina í Dali Wagner.
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Omicron was first announced to the World Health Organization, WHO a week ago - November 24, but the variant had already arrived in Europe before that.
Omikron varð fyrst fráboðað Heimsheilsustovninum, WHO fyri einari viku síðani – 24. november, men frábrigdið var longu komið til Evropa áðrenn tað.
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The first Christmas tree will be lit this afternoon at 4 pm in Tvøroyri.
Fyrsta jólatræið verður tendrað seinnapartin klokkan 16 á Tvøroyri.
I tried a few times to bring it up, but just got tangled up in tools with telephoto lenses and I don't know what, so I gave up.
Eg royndi nakrar ferðir at taka tað fram, men varð bara hird til viks av tólum við telelinsum og eg veit ikki hvat, so eg gav upp.
one does not know exactly what light is about
ein veit ikki heilt hvat ljós talan er um
In this way, Janus should have had a successful life.
Í so máta átti Janus at havt eitt eydnusamt lív.
In 2019, the utilization was 62 percent.
Í 2019 var nýtslustigið 62 prosent.
Making a new dish is like writing a poem or a story
At gera ein nýggjan rætt er sum at yrkja eina yrking ella skriva eina søgu
It depends on the eye that sees
Tað veldst um eygað ið sær
The program was good, there were works by many known composers
Skráin var góð har vóru verk hjá nógvum kendum tónleikaskaldum
A fake one.
Ei dáni í.
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Students in Vágur are preparing a big Christmas event
Næmingar í Vági fyrireika stórt jólatiltak
and she starts looking for answers as to who this woman is
og hon fer at leita eftir svarum upp á hvør hendan kvinnan er
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The Israeli Prime Minister, Naftali Bennett says, that the ban will be in effect for 14 days. It is expected to take effect at midnight
Ísraelski forsætisráðharrin, Naftali Bennett sigur, at forboðið skal vera galdandi í 14 dagar. Tað fer væntandi í gildi á midnátt.
The advice is based on the latest stock assessments of these fish stocks.
Ráðgevingin byggir á nýggjastu stovnsmetingarnar av hesum fiskastovnum.
This was in connection with the restaurant guide, called White Guide Denmark, unveiling its list of the best restaurants in the Danish kingdom.
Tað var í sambandi við at matstovuguidin, kallað White Guide Denmark, avdúkaði sín lista yvir bestu matstovurnar í danska kongsríkinum.
Høgni Egilstoft Nielsen, who had 2386 rating points before the competition started, brings home 11 points.
Høgni Egilstoft Nielsen, sum 2386 ratingstig áðrenn kappingin byrjaði, fær 11 stig heim við sær.
The Borgarin went back to herring fishing after the ship had landed.
Borgarin fór aftur á sildaveiðu tá ið skipið hevði landað.
that he gets a brain injury and is never the same again
at hann fær ein heilaskaða og verður ikki tann sami aftur
It was well played
Hann var væl spældur
Parents died from small children
Foreldur doyðu frá smáum børnum
Comment on the news about “Congo Hold-up” in KvF 22. November
Viðmerking til tíðindini um “Congo Hold-up” í KvF 22. november
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NSÍ - NSÍ (Monday, November 29, 6:00 PM)
NSÍ - NSÍ (Mánadagin 29. november, 18:00)
Tórður Thomsen came in and became decisive by saving three penalty kicks, and now it is clear that B36 and NSÍ will fight for the cup and about two million on Saturday, and that the finalists of the last two years are out.
Tórður Thomsen kom inn og gjørdist avgerandi við at bjarga trimum brotssørkum, og nú er greitt, at B36 og NSÍ skulu harvið stríðast um steyp og útvið tvær milliónir leygardagin, og at finalistarnir seinastu tvey árini eru úti.
The Faroe Islands have a full score and are in third place in the competition after Monaco and Cyprus, which have more board points.
Føroyar hava fult stigatal og liggja á triðja plássi í kappingini eftir Monako og Kýpros, sum hava fleiri borðstig.
It is not as if to say that writing conquers a student.
Tað er ikki sum at siga tað at skriva sigur ein næmingur
Both girls and boys.
Bæði gentu og drong.
Suddenly I was looking over at the wall
Knappliga var mær hyggjandi yvir á veggin
This is the eighteenth edition by the publisher HEMLIÐ, which publishes world classics in Faroese translation.
Hetta er átjanda útgávan hjá forlagnum HEMLIÐ, ið gevur út heimsklassikarar í føroyskari týðing.
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The car that was supposed to drive him away from the explosion was out of order
Bilurin, ið skuldi koyra hann burtur frá brestinum, var í ólagið
In the end, it is decided which sheep are respectively no. 1, 2 and 3 in each of the categories: Young rams, winter-old rams, and older rams.
At enda verður so avgjørt, hvørjir seyðir eru ávikavist nr. 1, 2 og 3 í hvørjum av bólkunum: Veðragjólingar, veturgamlir veðrar og eldri veðrar.
but I can say for sure that the film was exceptionally good
men eg kann siga fyri vist at filmurin var framúr góður
Sea current energy is an attempt beyond energy from, for example, sun and wind.
Sjóvarfalsorka er forsøgin fram um orku frá eitt nú sól og vindi.
There is some connection between Christmas stars and delicate orchids.
Okkurt samband er millum jólastjørnur og viðkvæmar orkidéir.
According to Tulio de Oliveira, director of the South African infection institute, the new variant has more than 50 mutations, and undoubtedly the new variant comes from a single patient who has not had any resistance to the virus.
Sambært Tulio de Oliveira, stjóra á Suðurafrikanska smittustovninum, hevur nýggja frábrigdið fleiri enn 50 mutatiónir, og ivaleyst kemur nýggja frábrigdið frá einum einstakum sjúklingi, ið ikki hevur havt nakra mótstøðuføri móti virusinum.
I can clearly see the possibilities for Klaksvík to get even more focus
Eg dugi væl at síggja møguleikarnar fyri at Klaksvíkin fær enn meira fokus
After a while the father has to go and never comes back
Aftaná eina tíð má pápin fara og kemur ongantíð aftur
The tourism industry in the Faroe Islands has, as known, nature at its center, and in recent years there has been general debate about free movement in fields on the one hand and the rights of farmers on the other.
Ferðavinnan í Føroyum hevur sum kunnugt náttúruna í sínum miðdepli, og seinastu árini hevur alment kjak verið um fría gongd í haga øðrumegin og rættindini hjá bóndum hinumegin.
And that in the end we are no one at all
Og at vit at enda ikki eru nakar sum helst
I never intended to do it again
Eg ætlaði annars aldri at gera tað aftur
He first welcomed those who always came, then he welcomed us who were not expected to come
Hann bjóðaði fyrst teimum vælkomnum sum altíð plagdu at koma, síðan bjóðaði hann okkum vælkomnum sum ikki vóru von at koma
In this context, a broadcast about this album will be heard on the radio tonight at 7 o'clock.
Í hesum sambandi verður sending um hesa plátu at hoyra í útvarpinum í kvøld klokkan 19.
The largest investments in 2021 were to complete the Leisure School, subdivision road at Ólavsveg, parking area etc. with the apartments at Kneysum/Heygsveg, cladding of the 1958 school building and remodeling of the Care and Ellis Home in Runavik. These investments are expected to be completed by the turn of the year according to plan.
Størstu í íløgurnar í 2021 vóru at gera Frítíðarskúla lidnan, útstykkingarveg á Ólavsvegi, parkeringsøki v. m. við íbúðirnar á Kneysum/Heygsvegi, klæðing av 1958 skúlabygninginum og umbygging av Røktar- og Ellisheiminum í Runavík. Hesar íløgurnar verða eftir ætlan lidnar um árskiftið.
Commercial Management' is directly commercial operation and management of ships, which the shipping company itself takes care of, and which has nothing to do with. This is also made clear by on its website.
“Commercial Management” er beinleiðis handilsligur rakstur og leiðsla av skipum, sum reiðarí sjálv taka sær av, og sum einki hevur við at gera. Hetta ger eisini greitt á síni heimasíðu.
The other conference was organized by the Language Council
Hin ráðstevnan var skipað av Málráðnum
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The club announces this today.
Hesum boðar felagið frá í dag.
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Now again - as usual - there is the opportunity to follow international women's handball on the television screen.
Nú verður aftur – eins og tað plagar – møguleiki at fylgja altjóða kvinnuhondbólti á sjónvarpsskíggjanum.
Now children between five and 11 years old are being vaccinated for corona in Israel
Nú verða børn millum fimm og 11 ár koppsett fyri koronu í Ísrael
But as it is, I sing
Men sum er syngi eg
Source: Hans Erik Danielsen/
Kelda: Hans Erik Danielsen/
In 2014, it was announced that the band was active again.
Í 2014 varð kunngjørt at bólkurin nú aftur var virkin.
Back to the honorary award - of course it is good to receive an honorary award, it can make people do even more and better work, but this patting oneself on the back does not suit me.
Aftur til heiðurslønina - sjálvandi er tað gott at fáa heiðursløn, tað kann fáa fólk at gera enn meira og betri tilfar, men hetta klapparíið á egið bak hóvar mær ikki.