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53,800 | Title: "Kids' Poems (Grades K)", Content: nan |
53,801 | Title: Self-Directed Writers: The Third Essential Element in the Writing Workshop, Content: Leah Mermelstein is an internationally recognized literacy consultant who specializes in K-5 Reading and Writing Workshop. She is the President and CEO of Read-Write-Connect, INC. She is also the author of Reading/Writing Connections in the K-2 Classroom, (Allyn & Bacon), Don't Forget to Share (Heinemann) and the co-author of Launching the Writing Workshop (with Lucy Calkins) (Heinemann). She recently wrote an article about the power of Write Aloud, which can be found here. She also blogs at For the past 13 years, she has worked as a literacy consultant first, at Teachers College Reading and Writing Project with Lucy Calkins and now independently. She works with schools, districts, educational organizations, as well as universities to help teachers, coaches, and principals grow in their understanding of how to teach reading and writing to elementary students. While working with schools, she utilizes many methods of staff development such as demonstration, coaching, study groups, and institutes to name just a few. Her passions include weeklong summer institutes, keynote speeches, writing with teachers, as well as working collaboratively with districts and other organizations to pinpoint strengths and needs. |
53,802 | Title: Good to Great Teaching: Focusing on the Literacy Work that Matters, Content: Mary Howard is the author of the Heinemann titles Good to Great Teaching, RTI from All Sides and Moving Forward with RTI. A "teacher's teacher," she's been an educator for almost four decades. Mary combines extensive experiences as a special education, Title I, and Reading Recovery teacher with continued in-school support as a reading consultant and literacy coach. She understands the realities of today's classroom and supports teachers across the country in creating high-quality literacy experiences for every child. |
53,803 | Title: Common Core for the Not-So-Common Learner, Grades K-5: English Language Arts Strategies, Content: "No stone was left unturned in this text. All the best researchers and practitioners are included in this clear, succinct guide which unpacks the Standards and gives outstanding suggestions for best literacy practice. Each anchor standard in all five domains is fully explained with practical, engaging activities that can add fun and learning to any classroom. Readers will feel supported and energized for the challenges ahead, with a toolkit for meeting the needs of all learners."(Elizabeth Gennosa, English/AIS Teacher 2012-09-19)"Here's a resource that will make your teaching life easier and support those learners in your classroom who worry you the most. This book is full of great strategies based on research and aligned with the Common Core. Strategies at your fingertips to provide you with less stress and worry, plus you will have students who are meeting with success."(Dolores Hennessy, Reading Specialist 2012-09-19)"This book provides timely, practical assistance for addressing the needs of our unique learners during this time of rigorous standards-based instruction. One can use these samples and ideas immediately in his/her K-5 classroom!"(Catherine Alaimo Stickney, Director of Curriculum, Instruction and Assessment 2012-09-19)"Here's a book that can help teachers and administrators alike to meet the pressing need we all have to increase our repertoire of practical, research-supported strategies, if we are to enablealllearners to meet the challenging requirements embedded in the new Common Core Standards. Dove and Honigsfeld's book is timely and immensely user friendly. We will absolutely not be able to "do" the Common Core on our own;Common Core for the Not-So-Common Learner, Grades K-5will serve us well as a partner in enhancing our professional practice in ways that will support all of our students, not just those who have been targeted as high needs."(Joan Daly-Lewis, President 2012-10-15)"Andrea and Maria have the unique gift of interpreting the research and translating into action for teachers. In this book, they outline in easy to understand language the instructional practices teachers need to engage in when implementing the Common Core with the 'not so common learners'. They have takenCollaborationto a new level of understanding for teachers who teach the 'not so common learner' and who want to take their English Learners to high levels of critical thinking and language development in the implementation of the Common Core."(Maria Montalvo-Balbed, Program Director for ELL Programs 2012-10-15)"The strength of this book is in its organization. It not only addresses the key shifts of the Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts and Literacy, but is organized to the level of the anchor standards, which are further broken down into strand-specific sets. It doesn’t just talk about the Standards, but rather offers essential solutions to K-5 teachers on how to achieve them with diverse learners. Finally, a how-to book that is worth its weight in gold!"(Susan Lafond, NBCT, ESL teacher, Advocate 2012-11-07)"Though this book focuses on implementing the CORE standards with diverse learners, it really extends beyond to promote a schoolwide 'growth mindset' for an inclusive and collaborative service delivery model - a model which sees ELLs and other at-risk learners for what they can do with instructional support. This is a very practical handbook for elementary teachers and schools."(Virginia P. Rojas, ASCD Faculty 2012-11-07)"If you want to know how to help the diverse learners in your classroom meet the Common Core Standards,Common Core for the Not-So-Common Learneris a must-read book."(Judie Haynes, co-author of The Essential Guide for Educating Beginning English Learners 2012-11-12) |
53,804 | Title: Mastering the Mechanics: Grades K-1: Ready-to-Use Lessons for Modeled, Guided, and Independent Editing, Content: Linda Hoyt, M.A., is a thirty-year veteran classroom teacher, reading specialist, Title I teacher, Title I Coordinator, staff developer, and curriculum developer. Her special love is creating environments where fiction and nonfiction literacy thrive and children are empowered as readers, thinkers, and decision makers. She is currently working as a full-time author and consulting teacher supporting staff development in districts across the country. Linda has written numerous professional books and video programs, including Revisit, Reflect, Retell; Snapshots;Make It Real: Strategies for Success with Informational Texts; Spotlight on Comprehension; Navigating Informational Texts; Comprehension Strategies; Guided Reading Grades 3-6; and, Literacy Lessons for Interactive Read Aloud.Teresa Therriault, M.A., has worked for more than thirty years as a special needs, classroom, talented and gifted, and Title 1 teacher in elementary and middle schools. In addition, she has been a literacy facilitator and District Language Arts Specialist. She has contributed materials and chapters to numerous books and resources. She works across the states as a Literacy Consultant. |
53,805 | Title: My Quick Writes For INSIDE WRITING, Content: Donald H. Graves was involved in writing research for decades. His books Writing: Teachers & Children at Work (Heinemann, 1983) and A Fresh Look at Writing (Heinemann, 1994) are bestsellers throughout the English-speaking world and have revolutionized the way writing is taught in schools. Don was a teacher, school principal, and language supervisor, education director, and a director of language in bilingual, ESL, and special programs. He has also been a codirector of an undergraduate urban teacher preparation program and a professor of an early childhood program. He was Professor Emeritus at the University of New Hampshire. Donald H. Graves 9.11.1930 - 9.28.2010 Heinemann is deeply saddened by the news that Donald Graves has passed away. We, and the entire field, have lost a giant and one of our greatest friends. Our thoughts and prayers are with his widow, Betty, their family, and the many friends he made in his long career. We are honored to have been Don's publishing partner for more than three decades and over more than a dozen books-to have watched his research and vision become not only a classroom reality but the core of our publishing philosophy. His influence is so vast that we will meet him again and again on the pages of every book and resource we publish. His spirit pervades each of our books-in the conviction that children want to write and read if given the chance; in the flourishing of the workshop model of instruction that he pioneered; and in his abiding faith in teachers' ability to make sound instructional decisions. Don touched so many teachers' lives with his smile, his unflagging encouragement, and his generosity of spirit. We hope you will take a brief moment to remember how he touched your life. Watch a recent interview with Don » Remembering how Don touched your life » The Donald Graves memorial fund » Eight Children Teach Donald Graves Nine pencils break the surface of awareness, jutting into the air, slanted back like yellow, orange-tipped shark fins, entering chartless white, exploring hazy depths. Nine voices search a scent, suddenly lurch, lose the line, pause, pick it up again, and move from cloudy, roiling waters of new thought through warm currents of reception, straits of questioning, and tidal imbalances on to a clear, precise sea of meaning. - Tom Romano (Language Arts, 62,2 (Feb.) 1985: 142As a professional development coordinator for the Conway, New Hampshire, School District, Penny Kittle acts as a K-12 literacy coach and directs new-teacher mentoring. In addition, she teaches writing at Conway's Kennett High School and in the Summer Literacy Institutes at the University of New Hampshire. Penny is the author and coauthor of numerous books with Heinemann including Book Love: Developing Depth, Stamina, and Passion in Adolescent Readers; Children Want to Write (coauthored with Thomas Newkirk); Write Beside Them: Risk, Voice, and Clarity in High School Writing, which won the 2009 James N. Britton Award from NCTE; The Greatest Catch, and Public Teaching. Penny coauthored two books with Donald H. Graves - Inside Writing and Quick Writes. As an in-demand Heinemann Professional Development Provider Penny delivers PD workshops, webinars, and on-site seminars and consulting services nationwide. Please join us in congratulating Penny Kittle for her 2009 NCTE Britton Award for Write Beside Them! Click here to learn more about her award. Penny's students make a statement about how student choice in reading has affected them, click here to watch the video. |
53,806 | Title: Launch a Primary Writing Workshop: Getting Started with Units of Study for Primary Writing, Grades K-2, Content: Lucy Calkins is the author of the popular firsthand classroom materials Units of Study for Teaching Writing series and the Units of Study for Teaching Reading, Grades 3-5 series. Most recently, Lucy has published a common core workshop curriculum, Units of Study in Opinion, Information, and Narrative Writing, Grades K - 5. In addition, Lucy is the author or coauthor of numerous foundational professional texts with Heinemann, including Pathways to the Common Core;The Art of Teaching Writing; and One to One. She is also the author of The Art of Teaching Reading. She is the Founding Director of the Teachers College Reading and Writing Project at Columbia University's Teachers College. For more than twenty-five years, the Project has been both a think tank - developing state of the art teaching methods - and a provider of professional development. In these capacities, the Project has supported hundreds of thousands of educators. As the leader of this world renowned organization, Lucy works closely with policy-makers, superintendents, district leaders and school principals to instigate and sustain school-wide and system-wide educational reforms. But above all, Lucy works closely with teachers and with their classrooms full of wise and wonderful children. Lucy is also the Richard Robinson Professor of Children's Literature at Teachers College, where she leads the Literacy Specialist program. Lucy and her husband John are the parents of two sons, Miles and Evan. |
53,807 | Title: Best Practices in Writing Instruction, Second Edition, Content: nan |
53,808 | Title: Teaching Word Recognition, First Edition: Effective Strategies for Students with Learning Difficulties (What Works for Special-Needs Learners), Content: nan |
53,809 | Title: Discovering Statistics Using SAS, Content: Andy Field is Professor of Child Psychopathology at the University of Sussex. He has published over 70 research papers, 27 book chapters, and 17 books mostly on child emotional development and statistics. He is the founding editor of the Journal of Experimental Psychopathology and has been an associate editor and editorial board member for the British Journal of Mathematical and Statistical Psychology, Cognition and Emotion, Clinical Child and Family Psychology Review and Research Synthesis Methods. His ability to make statistics accessible and fun has been recognized with local and national teaching awards (University of Sussex, 2001; the British Psychological Society, 2007), a prestigious UK National Teaching Fellowship (2010), and the British Psychological Society book award (2006). He adores cats, and loves to listen to and play very heavy music. He lives in Brighton with his wonderful wife Zoë and Fuzzy the cat. |
53,810 | Title: Wonderful Words: Poems About Reading, Writing, Speaking, and Listening, Content: Grade 1-5--This colorfully illustrated compilation presents 15 poems that show the power of words. The authors include Eve Merriam, Pat Mora, David McCord, Nikki Grimes, and Carl Sandburg. All of the selections are excellent, and provide examples of different types of poetry. The gouache illustrations are unusual, combining folk art with more abstract images. The colors are bold and bright, and used in unique and unexpected ways (e.g., skin is blue, palm trees are pink). The simple page designs nicely incorporate the text into each picture. The paintings reflect the content and messages of the poems they accompany, and will enhance their meaning. With some adult encouragement, this book would be appealing to most children, and could be used for poetry lessons.--Corrina Austin, Locke's Public School, St. Thomas, Ontario, CanadaCopyright © Reed Business Information, a division of Reed Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. |
53,811 | Title: Phonics They Use: Words for Reading and Writing, Content: Patricia M. CunninghamPhonics They Use, 5/e From highly respected scholar Pat Cunningham, this enduring best seller offers a coherent collection of practical activities that provide a framework for teaching phonics. The fifth edition of this esteemed book seamlessly weaves together the complex, varied strategic approaches needed to help students develop reading and spelling skills. Pat’s balanced reading program incorporates a broad spectrum of methods for meeting the needs of individual students. New activities and strategies emphasize that what matters is not how much phonics students know but what theyactually usefor decoding a new word, for reading and spelling, and for writing. “This text is an excellent teaching and learning tool for all teachers in the field. [Pat] is obviously aware of the problems facing classroom teachers [and] thoroughly understands students and their reading development.” –Christine Frazer, teacher, Henry P. Fieler Elementary, Merrillville, IN “No matter what age or level you teach, you will know all of the activities to make successful readers and writers!”–Christine Eaton, founder, Little Learners Early Childhood Center, Olathe, KS Patricia M. Cunninghamis the author ofBeyond Retelling,Classrooms That Work,Schools That Work, and theMaking Wordsseries, all published by Allyn & Bacon, as well as a professor of education at Wake Forest University. She has over 30 years of experience in various elementary grades and with remedial reading and has served as a curriculum coordinator and director of reading. Pat promotes literacy for all children through her Four Blocks® workshops and staff development sessions with educators. |
53,812 | Title: Square Cat, Content: PreSchool-Grade 1—Playing off the square peg in the round hole theme, this title gently packs a powerful message about self-acceptance and friendship. Eula, a square cat, laments the difficulties she faces in a world of round cats. When she tips over, it's difficult to get up. Living in a city surrounded by square buildings renders her invisible. Circle skirts or outfits with stripes are a "fashion don't" on a square cat, and trying to "make it work" is not an option. Her round feline friends, Patsy and Maude, try to help sad Eula get her "purr" back. After a makeover including round hoop earrings, a beehive hat, rouge painted on her cheeks, and a doughnut party, Eula falls again, get the picture. Her friends put themselves into square boxes and show her the possibilities and upside of living the square-cat life. Ink and bright watercolor illustrations using basic shapes with simple and engaging facial expressions steal the show. Schoonmaker uses the shapes of these clever cats' mouths, eyes, and eyebrows to communicate their emotions. Eula changes from skeptical, to happy, to confident. The support of loving friends and her experience figuring out how to "make it work" for herself are the catalysts. Plentiful white space is used to help the colorful blue, orange, and yellow cats pop off the page. This delightful book with its spare and simple text is perfect for storytime or sharing one-on-one.—Anne Beier, Clifton Public Library, NJ(c) Copyright 2011.  Library Journals LLC, a wholly owned subsidiary of Media Source, Inc. No redistribution permitted. |
53,813 | Title: Learning to Write and Loving It! Preschool-Kindergarten, Content: “This book is a first of its kind - full of ideas for developmentally appropriate writing activities teachers can immediately use in the classroom - a terrific resource.”(Susan B. Neuman, Professor 2011-02-02)"I was impressed with the abundance of real-life examples of classroom instruction. The inclusion of many lessons, lists of resources and references to technology, make this book very user friendly."(Iris Goldberg, Director of Early Childhood 2011-02-14)“This book is extremely useful as an effective resource for any teacher of young children! It provides the necessary rationale, resources and tools to help young children write effectively, purposefully and enjoyably!”(Julie Frederick, Kindergarten Teacher 2011-02-14)"This book carefully explains all the steps to creating a rich and varied writing experience for young children.The author has successfully consolidated years of research by well-known authors and presented it in a well-organized and useful manner."(Carol Aymar, Kindergarten Teacher 2011-02-14)“This is a must-read for any kindergarten teacher who wants to foster writing in the classroom. It combines all the training (and more) that I have had in the last three years—all in one organized source. I can't wait to get my copy and share with my team!”(Dorothea Flanagan, Kindergarten Teacher 2011-02-14)“Learning to Write and Loving Itoffers a comprehensive review of current research on early writing instruction compiled to provide practical strategies including technology tips to develop writers in your classroom. A must-have writing resource for early childhood teachers!”(Sue Haas, Kindergarten Teacher 2011-02-14)”Learning to Write and Loving Itis an uniquely amazing book for the busy preschool and kindergarten teacher. Finally, a well-organized book focused on using early writing development research and best practice that I can use in my classroom and share with my students' families.”(Renee Ponce Nealon, Kindergarten Teacher 2011-02-14)"InLearning to Write and Loving It!Miriam Trehearne does it all. She gives teachers the research and philosophical ground on which to stand, and shares scores of practical, classroom-based ideas to engage our youngest learners in developmentally appropriate emergent writing experiences. This is a why-to and a how-to resource not to be missed."(Sharon Taberski, Author and Consultant 2011-03-28)"Miriam Trehearne offers a panoramic view of teaching writing to young children. This comprehensive book will serve as a practical and inspirational clearinghouse for new and experienced educators who are determined to support young learners as they begin to draw, label, list, record, retell, invent, instruct, and share the stories of their lives."(Shelley Harwayne, Educational Consultant and Author 2011-03-16) |
53,814 | Title: Teaching Real-Life Nonfiction Reading Skills in the K-1 Classroom: High-Interest Lessons and Activities That Teach Essential Nonfiction Reading Strategies and Meet the Common Core State Standards, Content: Barbara S. Pinto has worked as a teacher of early childhood education and held other educational functions for the past thirty years. She has taught pre-school, Kindergarten, first and second grade, with the bulk of the experience in Grade One. For the past eight years, she has been a Literacy Coach, mentor and educational consultant. She has co-written curricula materials for the NYC Department of Education, and worked at Random House School Division. Teachers College Reading and Writing Project was a large part of her training, and she contributed to ‘think tanks’ and taught summer institutes there. Barbara resides in NYC with her husband, where she raised two sons who still live in the Metropolitan area. |
53,815 | Title: "Using Picture Books to Teach 8 Essential Literary Elements: An Annotated Bibliography of More Than 100 Books With Model Lessons to Deepen Students' Comprehension (Teaching Resources)", Content: nan |
53,816 | Title: Reading Power: Teaching Students to Think While They Read, Content: Adrienne Gear is a literacy mentor in the Vancouver School District who works with teachers and students on reading and writing initiatives and school-wide reading comprehension programmes. A classroom teacher for almost twenty years, she has taught at all primary levels and has experience in library and second language learning. Reading Power evolved from five years of experience in many classrooms in Adrienne's school and has led to workshop presentations throughout Canada. |
53,817 | Title: Informative Assessment: Formative Assessment to Improve Math Achievement, Grades K-6, Content: Jeane M. Joyner is a research associate in the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science at Meredith College. A former elementary mathematics consultant and a classroom assessment consultant with the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction, Joyner has taught preschool through college courses. She is the coauthor of Dynamic Classroom Assessment.Mari Muri consults with schools in Connecticut through PIMMS at Wesleyan University. She was a math specialist with the Connecticut Department of Education and currently serves on several math-related boards of directors. |
53,818 | Title: Inquiry into Math, Science & Technology for Teaching Young Children, Content: It [this text] gives one of the best theoretical explanations of how young children think. It is easy to read and has lots of science and math ideas ready to use in your classroom.This research-based text, containing practical methods to guide and support professional decisions, will provide students with many valuable opportunities to support inquiry-based learning in the areas of math, science, and technology.The greatest strength [of this text] is the author's philosophy on how teachers should plan and also how children best learn…through active exploration and at their own pace…giving children choices and teaching them how to teach themselves. |
53,819 | Title: "Teaching Number: Advancing Children's Skills and Strategies (Math Recovery)", Content: Dr Robert J. (Bob) Wrightholds Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees in mathematics from the University of Queensland (Australia) and a doctoral degree in mathematics education from the University of Georgia. He is an adjunct professor in mathematics education at Southern Cross University in New South Wales. Bob is an internationally recognized leader in assessment and instruction relating to children’s early arithmetical knowledge and strategies, publishing four books, and many articles and papers in this field. His work over the last 20 years has included the development of the Mathematics Recovery Program which focuses on providing specialist training for teachers to advance the numeracy levels of young children assessed as low-attainers. In Australia and New Zealand, Ireland, the UK, the USA, Canada, Mexico and elsewhere, this program has been implemented widely and applied extensively to classroom teaching and to average and able learners as well as low-attainers. He has conducted several research projects funded by the Australian Research Council including the most recent project focusing on assessment and intervention in the early arithmetical learning of low-attaining 8–10-year-olds.Garry Stangerhas had a wide-ranging involvement in primary, secondary and tertiary education in Australia. He has held positions of Head Teacher, Deputy Principal and Principal, and has been a Mathematics Consultant with the New South Wales Department of Education. He has also taught in schools in the USA. He has worked with Robert Wright on the Mathematics Recovery project since its inception in 1992 and has been involved in the development of the Count Me In Too early numeracy project. His last project before finally retiring was working with Jenny Bednall, Head of Junior School, Trinity South and the thirty teachers at the Trinity College schools in South Australia. Jim Martlandis a member of the International Board of Mathematics Recovery and Founder of the Mathematics Recovery Council (UK and Ireland). He was a Senior Fellow in the Department of Education at the University of Liverpool. In his long career in education he has held headships in primary and middle schools and was Director of Primary Initial Teacher Training. In all the posts he continued to teach and pursue research in primary mathematics. His current work is with local education authorities in the UK and Canada, delivering professional development courses on assessing children’s difficulties in numeracy and designing and evaluating teaching interventions. |
53,820 | Title: Igniting a Passion for Reading: Successful Strategies for Building Lifetime Readers, Content: When teaching reading, American classrooms often focus exclusively on skills instruction. But how can you teach the “how” without the “why?”  In his new book, Igniting a Passion for Reading, Steve Layne shows teachers how to develop readers who are not only motivated to read great books, but also love reading in its own right. Packed with practical ways to engage and inspire readers from kindergarten through high school, this book is a “must-have” on every teacher’s professional book shelf.Well-known for his children’s books, young adult novels, and keynote speeches across the nation and around the world, Steve, aka Dr. Read, offers teachers everywhere a plan for engaging even the most reluctant reader. From read-alouds to creating reading lounges to author visits and so much more, this book will help schools create a vibrant reading culture. The book also includes reminiscences from many of today’s well-known children’s and young adult authors—Mem Fox,  Sharon Draper, Steven Kellogg, Candace Fleming, Eric Rohman, Neal Shusterman, and Joan Bauer—about  the teacher who ignited their passion for reading.Written with humor, grace, and poignancy, Igniting a Passion for Reading will have a profound effect on the teaching of reading in our nation’s schools. |
53,821 | Title: Making and Writing Words: Grades 3-6 (Four-Blocks Literacy Model), Content: The resource of this page are from nationally renowned author, researcher, and presenter Timothy Rasinski. They provide many strategies for improving fluency. Dr. Timothy Rasinski, Kent State University worked with Teacher Created Materials' and Shell Educational Publishings' curriculum team to use the best, scientifically based research findings to guide the development of this reading resource.--This text refers to theRing-boundedition. |
53,822 | Title: How To Reach And Teach Children with ADD / ADHD: Practical Techniques, Strategies, and Interventions, Content: "It is both a pleasure and a privilege to provide this strong and unequivocal endorsement of so informative and consumer-friendly a book as this one. Grounded in the latest science of ADHD, filled with exceptionally detailed advice . . . parents and educators will find this book to be exceptionally useful in raising a successful ADHD child."--Russell A. Barkley, Ph.D., professor of psychiatry, Medical University of South Carolina, and author,Taking Charge of ADHD"For over a decade, Sandra Rief’sHow to Reach and Teach Children with ADD/ADHDhas been the most definitive and user-friendly ‘go-to’ guide for teachers and parents eager to help children with ADHD succeed in school, home, and life overall. Now updated with the latest research findings from the last ten years, this book outstrips even the original. Unlike so many other volumes, this book is hands-on, well-organized, extremely readable, and full of the kind of wise, practical advice that only comes from someone who has been there (and continues to be there!) helping teachers, parents, children, and youth struggling with ADHD. I especially like the focus on different ages, school settings, and subjects. My highest recommendation for this book, and my greatest praise for Sandra making this invaluable resource available!"--Peter S. Jensen, M.D., director, Center for the Advancement of Children’s Mental Health and Ruane Professor of Child Psychiatry at Columbia University"Sandra Rief is one of the most astute as well as compassionate voices in the world about ADHD. She really gets it, and this book will give you what she gets. A wonderful contribution and valuable, practical resource for all teachers, parents, and clinicians."--Edward Hallowell, M.D., author,When Your Worry About the Child You Loveand coauthor, Driven to Distraction"This valuable resource should be at every teacher’s fingertips! Sandra Rief offers current research-based strategies and information on ADHD that are a must read for every educator."--Ellen Stantus, special education director, Davis School District, Farmington, Utah"This book not only addresses the latest research on this neuro-biological difference, but goes further by offering creative strategies for home and school in order to help these students reach their full potential. As always, Sandra Rief fills her book with what to do about it."--Jill Murphy, special educator, ADHD life skills and academic coach, ADD Resources Parent Support, and mother of two children with ADD/ADHD, Bonney Lake, Washington |
53,823 | Title: Teaching the Common Core Speaking and Listening Standards: Strategies and Digital Tools, Content: Kristen Swanson is currently an adjunct professor for DeSales University in their instructional technology M.Ed program. Kristen also helps teachers design meaningful, interactive curriculum at the local and national level. In addition to her experience as an educator, Kristen is also passionate about meaningful professional learning. She serves on the board of the Edcamp Foundation, a nonprofit organization designed to facilitate local, grassroots professional development. She has shared her ideas and expertise at the ASCD conference, TEDxPhiladelphiaEd, and Educon. She has also been published in academic journals, includingLiteracy Learning: The Middle YearsandThe Journal of Reading, Writing, and Literacy. |
53,824 | Title: Wounded by School: Recapturing the Joy in Learning and Standing Up to Old School Culture, Content: Kirsten Olson's book is refreshingly unlike the general run of sludge I associate with writing about pedagogy: It seems to be entirely free of the familiar platitudes which replace thought when we read about school matters, is scrubbed clean of pretentious jargon, and offers up the twists and turns of Olson's analysis and citations with beautiful clarity. I can't imagine anyone not being better for reading this book Twice! --John Taylor Gatto, Author,Dumbing Us DownKirsten Olson portrays the realities of modern schooling more vividly and convincingly than anyone since the prophetic school critic John Holt. Through her sensitive interviewing and insightful analysis, Olson demonstrates exactly why this obsolete industrial-age institution is damaging to authentic human development. Policymakers, administrators and parents who have largely ignored the impassioned pleas of critics, homeschoolers and alternative educators for the past forty years need to read Wounded by School because this time they'll get it. We need to replace industrial schooling with more genuinely caring and humane ways of teaching, and Olson clearly shows us why and how to do it. --Ron Miller, Editor,Education RevolutionMagazineKirsten Olson portrays the realities of modern schooling more vividly and convincingly than anyone since the prophetic school critic John Holt. Through her sensitive interviewing and insightful analysis, Olson demonstrates exactly why this obsolete industrial-age institution is damaging to authentic human development. Policymakers, administrators and parents who have largely ignored the impassioned pleas of critics, homeschoolers and alternative educators for the past forty years need to read Wounded by School because this time they'll get it. We need to replace industrial schooling with more genuinely caring and humane ways of teaching, and Olson clearly shows us why and how to do it. --Ron Miller, Editor,Education RevolutionMagazineKirsten Olson portrays the realities of modern schooling more vividly and convincingly than anyone since the prophetic school critic John Holt. Through her sensitive interviewing and insightful analysis, Olson demonstrates exactly why this obsolete industrial-age institution is damaging to authentic human development. Policymakers, administrators and parents who have largely ignored the impassioned pleas of critics, homeschoolers and alternative educators for the past forty years need to read Wounded by School because this time they'll get it. We need to replace industrial schooling with more genuinely caring and humane ways of teaching, and Olson clearly shows us why and how to do it. --Ron Miller, Editor,Education RevolutionMagazine |
53,825 | Title: "Action Research: An Educational Leader's Guide to School Improvement", Content: Jeffrey Glanz,Professor at Yeshiva University |
53,826 | Title: About Teaching Mathematics, 3rd Edition, Grades K-8: A K-8 Resource, Content: This book is a great resource for teachers. It provides essential information to help teachers understand how children learn mathematics. This book is a nice companion to NCTM s Principles and Standards for School Mathematics. It also gives background information and student activities that go hand in hand with Principles and Standards. I read the first edition of Burns s book many years ago, but I still find it to be energizing because it speaks to the soul of teachers who believe that mathematics is more than 2 + 3 = 5. Author Marilyn Burns is synonymous with problem solving. She has been, and continues to be, a leader in the world of mathematics. The book is divided into four parts: Raising the Issues, Problem-Solving Activities in the Strands, Teaching Arithmetic, and Mathematical Discussions. A bibliography, blackline masters, and a list of activities compliment this book. Each part contains a great deal of information and numerous activities for kindergarten through eighth grade. It is a true teacher s resource. Part 1's background information helps readers better understand mathematics education. It is very insightful and makes valuable suggestions for answering tough questions concerning the how of mathematics, such as how mathematics is being taught compared with how it was once taught. Part 3 includes a section on extending multiplication and division that was not in the first edition. Part 4 is entirely new and not to be missed. The activities presented in this book require the students to use the NCTM s Process Standards. Some classic problem-solving activities can be found, such as If a = $.01, b = $.02, . . . , what is the value of your name? and the classic handshake problem. The first-year teacher or the veteran teacher can find this book to be beneficial. The activities are not grade specific because they can be used in different grades. Learning is an ongoing process for both students and teachers, and this book will help both groups learn more about mathematics. I highly recommend it to teachers. --Review by Mary Lou Damjanovich from Teaching Children Mathematics, by the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM). Reprinted with permission from Teaching Children Mathematics. |
53,827 | Title: Understanding Youth: Adolescent Development for Educators, Content: An excellent resource for educators, parents, and any adult who seks to understand adolescents and the turbulence and confusion that often affects young people during this period of their lives. A poignant, insightful, and practical analysis. --Pedro Noguera, Professor, New York UniversityNakkula and Toshalis organize what we have learned about the development of young people some of whom are presented in a series of individual portraits and chart ways that we can best serve them. --Theodore R. Sizer, Founder, Coalition of Essential SchoolsUnderstanding Youth really does understand youth! It is essential reading, especially for those who work with adolescents in challenging circumstances. --Nancy Hoffman Director, Early College High School, Initiative, Jobs for the Future |
53,828 | Title: "Getting Ahead in a Just-Gettin'-By World: Building Your Resources for a Better Life", Content: This Getting Ahead Class was Written Specifically for Me I received an email from one of our clients who completed Getting Ahead. I thought you might appreciate her comments, so I m passing them along (with her permission, of course): Anyway, here are a few of my thoughts. I have learned that not having the solution to the problems facing me, and asking for help, was not admitting failure or giving up control. I knew where I needed to be, but I didn't know how to get there. The Getting Ahead course has shown me areas of my life where I have sabotaged obtaining my goals without even realizing it. BCOC has given me the support and encouragement I need to admit that I can't fix everything overnight, that it s okay to say no or to take a step back and breathe, and that accepting help does not make me a less of a person. I have learned so much in these classes that I never learned in high school, college, or even 34 years of living. I think this is a class that should be taught to everyone. Not only did I learn why certain choices I made affected aspects of my life that I would have never connected, it also taught me how others view me and how to change that view to my benefit. I can t begin to stress how strongly I feel these classes will benefit anyone who takes them. I left many nights amazed at what I d learned and how it seemed obvious that this class was written specifically for me. After I read these comments, all I could say was, WOW! I hope you find these words just as encouraging as I did. It is so energizing for me to facilitate Getting Ahead and provide training in Bridges Out of Poverty. So far, I have presented the Bridges Out of Poverty training to approximately 75 people in our county; future training dates have been scheduled. Thank you for providing such great material. You have provided a whole new perspective, giving meaning to the work that I do. I can t thank you enough! --Tammy B. Schoonover, ACSW, LSW, Circles of Opportunity Director, Quakertown, PA 18951 |
53,829 | Title: nan, Content: Everyone knows that adolescence is tough, but with the advance of technology, teenagers today - especially girls - are redefining what's -fair in love and war on the social battlefield. Diane Sawyer reports on how cell phones, digital cameras and personal websites combine in new ways that seems to encourage and amplify the meanness of teenage behavior. From invading privacy and spreading gossip to humiliating one another, some teens have reached new heights of ruthlessness.This product is manufactured on demand using DVD-R recordable media.'s standard return policy will apply. |
53,830 | Title: Lighting Their Fires: How Parents and Teachers Can Raise Extraordinary Kids in a Mixed-up, Muddled-up, Shook-up World (Esquith, Rafe (Non-Fiction)), Content: In his follow-up to Teach Like Your Hair's on Fire, elementary school teacher Esquith focuses on financially disadvantaged but scholastically ambitious fifth-graders from Hobart Elementary School, located in the middle of a critically poor Los Angeles neighborhood. Directed primarily at parents, educators and administrators, this volume offers anecdotes and suggestions for inspiring and encouraging each child to live up to his or her tremendous promise. Framed by the story of a Dodgers baseball game to which he brings a small group of students, Esquith notes the values of his students in contrast to many of the adult ticket-holders: punctuality, focus, confidence, selflessness, humility, and others. He then probes the meaning of each value, like the way being on time reflects a belief in control over one's destiny, as well as a sense of responsibility. Celebrating his young students' everyday accomplishments, Esquith outlines the struggles and stakes that face them all, while making teaching (and learning) look easy.Copyright © Reed Business Information, a division of Reed Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.--This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title. |
53,831 | Title: Active for Life: Developmentally Appropriate Movement Programs for Young Children, Content: Stephen Sanders, EdD, is the chair of the department of health and physical education at the Tennessee Technological University in Cookeville, Tennessee. Dr. Sanders was also an associate professor at the University of Memphis and Auburn University. He began his career teaching physical education in middle and high schools in Indiana and Georgia. He also was the president and owner of the Children’s Movement Center in Marietta, Georgia, a preschool physical education program for children 6 months to 6 years of age, with an enrollment of 1,500 children.Dr. Sanders has consulted and published extensively on preschool movement programs. He was the editor of the Journal of Teaching Elementary Physical Education (TEPE) for three years as well as the Preschool Section managing editor for PE Central, a prominent Web site for physical education teachers. He is a member of the American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance and the National Association for the Education of Young Children. |
53,832 | Title: Strategies for Addressing Behavior Problems in the Classroom (6th Edition), Content: This practical book provides an in-depth look at specific behaviors and the strategies employed for addressing each behavior. This revision places school-based interventions in the context of positive behavioral support, a view embraced by practitioners and supported by research. It continues to promote collaboration between other agencies and families, along with better coordination of treatment options to create effective services and intervention in education.--This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title. |
53,833 | Title: Children With Special Needs in Early Childhood Settings, Content: Abuse/Neglect. AIDS . Allergies. Amputations/Born Without Limbs. Anaphylactic Reaction. Arthritis. Asperger's Syndrome (Disorder). Aspirin Reaction. Asthma. Attention Deficit/Hyperactive Disorder. Augmentative Communication Systems. Autism Spectrum Disorder. Behavioral/Social/Emotional Problems. Brain Trauma. Cerebral Palsy Childhood Disintegrative Disorder. Cleft Lip and Palate. Cri du Chat. Cultural Influences on Behavior. Curvature of the Spine. Cystic Fibrosis. Diabetes (Juvenile Diabetes). Down Syndrome. Elective/Selective Mutism. Emotional Problems. English as Second Language/English with a Dialect. Epilepsy. Failure to Thrive. Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS)/ Fetal Alcohol Effect (FAE) /Maternal Substance Abuse. Food Intolerance. Fetal Alcohol Effect (FAE). Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS). Fragile X Syndrome. Gifted (Intellectually Gifted and Talented). Hearing Impairment. Heart Abnormalities. Hemophilia. HIV-AIDS. Hydrocephalus. Hypoglycemia. Intellectual Disabilities. Kidney and Bladder Disorders. Lead Poisoning. Learning Disabilities. Leukemia. Maternal Substance Abuse. Mental Retardation. Motor Problems (Gross and Fine). Muscular Dystrophy. Nutritional Deficiencies. Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD). Pervasive Developmental Disorder Not Otherwise Specified. Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). Prader Willi Syndrome. Prematurity/ Preterm. Rett Syndrome (Disorder). Sensory Integration Dysfunction. Shunting. Sickle Cell Anemia. Social Problems. Speech and Language Problems. Spina Bifida. Tics. Tourette Syndrome (Disorder) and Behavioral Tics. Traumatic Brain Injuries. Visual Impairment. |
53,834 | Title: Beyond Discipline: From Compliance to Community, Content: Alfie Kohn is the author of many other books about education and human behavior, including Punished by Rewards, The Schools Our Children Deserve, and Unconditional Parenting. |
53,835 | Title: Applied Behavior Analysis for Teachers (9th Edition), Content: For over 30 years, the author team of Alberto and Troutman has written a technically sound, systematically organized and highly-readable text for students of applied behavior analysis, behavior management, and behavior modification courses. The text continues its tradition of aiding students in their understanding of the core concepts of applied behavior analysis, how to apply these concepts in the classroom, and to use the tools and methods appropriately and ethically. Scholarly and empirically based, this market-leading text gives students what they need to understand using the principles and practices of applied behavior analysis in the classroom in a friendly, accessible–even fun–manner. New to the ninth edition: Substantially revised text:Research citations no longer interrupt the flow of the text and are gathered together at the ends of paragraphs. The complexity of the language itself has also been revised for greater accessibility.Additional examples of and applications for diverse general education inclusive classroom:Clinical examples have been deleted and the chapter-ending discussion questions have been revised.Updated information about using applied behavior analysis with students with Autism Spectrum Disorders.Additional information on positive behavioral supportReordered chapters:The former chapter 12, Responsible Use of Applied Behavior Analysis Procedures, has become chapter 2 which better emphasizes the importance of applying procedures ethically.Chapter 9 (former Chapter 8) has been heavily revised:The concept of punishment is acknowledged to be controversial and the multiplicity of viewpoints is addressed. |
53,836 | Title: Special Education in Contemporary Society, 4e - Media Edition: An Introduction to Exceptionality, Content: "I have reviewed several other texts in this area and continue to find the Gargiulo text to be the best suited for my purposes. The depth and breadth of coverage as well as the treatment of teaching and instructional issues as only a part of the overall content makes this text perfect for a course which enrolls students from majors both in education and without." (Jennifer Lancaster)"I plan on using the book as long as it is available...I am enjoying teaching this class for the first time in 5 years because of this book!" (Teresa Gardner)"I chose this book, as I liked the focus of not only the disability itself, but good person-first narratives, and good teaching ideas of how to support students with disabilities." (Julie Alexandrin) |
53,837 | Title: Introduction to Educational Research: A Critical Thinking Approach, Content: “The Suter text has a critical thinking approach that engages students and makes the topics meaningful and connected.” (David K Pugalee)“I would very likely recommend this textbook to colleagues. I will also consider adopting this textbook for my course. I like the readability of the text as well as the examples given by the author to help the reader understand the topics.” (Tracy Walker)“. . . the explanations of statistical procedures, examples of real research projects and their problems, and the chapter-end application exercises are so well done.” (Pamela Murphy) |
53,838 | Title: Is Everyone Really Equal? An Introduction to Key Concepts in Social Justice Education (Multicultural Education) (Multicultural Education Series), Content: Ozlem Sensoyis an assistant professor of education at Simon Fraser Unviersity, Burnaby, BC.Robin DiAngelois an assistant professor of education at Westfield State University, Westfield, Massachusetts. |
53,839 | Title: Possible Lives: The Promise of Public Education in America, Content: After spending four years visiting public schools throughout the U.S., Rose presents stories of the dedicated teachers and inspired classrooms he encountered.Copyright 1996 Reed Business Information, Inc. |
53,840 | Title: Spectacular Things Happen Along the Way: Lessons from an Urban Classroom (Teaching for Social Justice), Content: ''Brian Schultz offers an important account of a social action project that includes both a vision and concrete strategies for teachers to consider... Most surely, the story can help teachers realize the value of placing student needs and interests at the center of the curriculum.... Even teachers who enter the field committed to teaching for social justice can struggle to envision how their progressive values should impact their teaching. Spectacular Things Happen Along the Way might help. Schultz and the students successfully navigated an accountability driven system so to develop an empowering, as opposed to oppressive, school experience. ... Schultz's narrative shows how students can simultaneously develop activist and subject-specific academic skills prioritized in most educational systems today. His work with his students can stand as a model of the social reconstructionist curriculum orientation, as he shows us how children can be taught to believe in and build a better world. ... Schultz offers an important contribution to literature on the civic engagement of youth.'' -- Schools: Studies in Education''This book is more than just a recounting of a very interesting year in the classroom. ... Schultz realized that in order to engage his students in their own learning, he also needed to find ways to empower them. [Schultz] demonstrated that project-based learning can be an effective way of students learning important skills. ... This book from Schultz has a lot to offer us all as we consider how to make the educational experience we offer our children truly productive. Read the book, then ponder it.'' -- DailyKos''A compelling narrative of multicultural uplift that prospective teachers will embrace and find deeply engaging as they ponder their own trajectory into the classroom.'' Educational Studies''Schultz emphasizes how his young students, forgotten by many, were learning how to produce change and were creating their own education in the process. ... Schultz does describe the way that teachers can utilize ideas that are based in democracy and progressivism, even if their entire curriculum cannot become like his. ... The gap between theory and practice remains, yet Schultz is able to show how these two parts of education do not necessarily need to be adversaries, and how inclusion of student voices can work to connect broad ideas and concrete action.'' --Education and Urban Society''Sometimes we need an outside voice to tap us on the shoulder and say: 'Snap out of it!' Brian Schultz's ''Spectacular Things Happen Along the Way'' does just that. It also sheds valuable light on the necessity for teachers, administrators, parents and policy-makers to tear themselves free from acquiescing to the often suffocating inertia of standardized education. Not every class or every teacher is capable of such a complete break from standard classroom experiences. However, there is much to be gained from Schultz's example of the possibilities of student-directed (rather than textbook-directed) learning, assessment via portfolio building (rather than high-stakes test scores) and collaborative project work (rather than teaching to the test).'' --The Huffington Post''Education books such as Spectacular Things Happen Along the Way: Lessons from an Urban Classroom are 'rare.' Writings that trouble prevailing non-critical constructions, that give a true sense of what it is like to teach in an urban school, and that portray African Americans as achievers (other than on athletic fields) are rare. Finding a book where readers can almost feel what it is like to be there as a witness and where the theoretical and methodological approaches to intellectual inquiry are connected to the cultural, political and personal is indeed unusual. Schultz's book attempts to get to the root of the is" -- Journal --The Midwest Book Review''Education books such as Spectacular Things Happen Along the Way: Lessons from an Urban Classroom are 'rare.' Writings that trouble prevailing non-critical constructions, that give a true sense of what it is like to teach in an urban school, and that portray African Americans as achievers (other than on athletic fields) are rare. Finding a book where readers can almost feel what it is like to be there as a witness and where the theoretical and methodological approaches to intellectual inquiry are connected to the cultural, political and personal is indeed unusual. Schultz's book attempts to get to the root of the is" -- Journal of Educational Controversy, Winter 2008, Vol. 3, No. 1"Spectacular Things Happen Along the Way follows Brian Schultz as he teaches an inner city class something far more valuable than academics -- determination and a feeling of self worth. An inspired and inspiring tale sure to give hope in the next generation ensues."--The Midwest Book Review''Brian Schultz offers an important account of a social action project that includes both a vision and concrete strategies for teachers to consider... Most surely, the story can help teachers realize the value of placing student needs and interests at the center of the curriculum.... Even teachers who enter the field committed to teaching for social justice can struggle to envision how their progressive values should impact their teaching. Spectacular Things Happen Along the Way might help. Schultz and the students successfully navigated an accountability driven system so to develop an empowering, as opposed to oppressive, school experience. ... Schultz's narrative shows how students can simultaneously develop activist and subject-specific academic skills prioritized in most educational systems today. His work with his students can stand as a model of the social reconstructionist curriculum orientation, as he shows us how children can be taught to believe in and build a better world. ... Schultz offers an important contribution to literature on the civic engagement of youth.'' -- Schools: Studies in Education''This book is more than just a recounting of a very interesting year in the classroom. ... Schultz realized that in order to engage his students in their own learning, he also needed to find ways to empower them. [Schultz] demonstrated that project-based learning can be an effective way of students learning important skills. ... This book from Schultz has a lot to offer us all as we consider how to make the educational experience we offer our children truly productive. Read the book, then ponder it.'' -- DailyKos''A compelling narrative of multicultural uplift that prospective teachers will embrace and find deeply engaging as they ponder their own trajectory into the classroom.'' Educational Studies''Schultz emphasizes how his young students, forgotten by many, were learning how to produce change and were creating their own education in the process. ... Schultz does describe the way that teachers can utilize ideas that are based in democracy and progressivism, even if their entire curriculum cannot become like his. ... The gap between theory and practice remains, yet Schultz is able to show how these two parts of education do not necessarily need to be adversaries, and how inclusion of student voices can work to connect broad ideas and concrete action.'' --Education and Urban Society''Sometimes we need an outside voice to tap us on the shoulder and say: 'Snap out of it!' Brian Schultz's ''Spectacular Things Happen Along the Way'' does just that. It also sheds valuable light on the necessity for teachers, administrators, parents and policy-makers to tear themselves free from acquiescing to the often suffocating inertia of standardized education. Not every class or every teacher is capable of such a complete break from standard classroom experiences. However, there is much to be gained from Schultz's example of the possibilities of student-directed (rather than textbook-directed) learning, assessment via portfolio building (rather than high-stakes test scores) and collaborative project work (rather than teaching to the test).'' --The Huffington Post<br /><br />''Education books such as Spectacular Things Happen Along the Way: Lessons from an Urban Classroom are 'rare.' Writings that trouble prevailing non-critical constructions, that give a true sense of what it is like to teach in an urban school, and that portray African Americans as achievers (other than on athletic fields) are rare. Finding a book where readers can almost feel what it is like to be there as a witness and where the theoretical and methodological approaches to intellectual inquiry are connected to the cultural, political and personal is indeed unusual. Schultz's book attempts to get to the root of the is --The Midwest Book Review |
53,841 | Title: How People Learn: Brain, Mind, Experience, and School: Expanded Edition, Content: "...this book provides all educators with an excellent framework for understanding conceptual changes in the science of learning..." --Teaching and Learning in Medicine, Summer 2001"How People Learn is an important book, which may, in time, become a classic.” --Education, Communication and Information, Spring 2001"The findings [in this book] are significant and should be discussed at the highest levels in educational practice." --Network, April 2001...exciting new research about the mind and the brain... --Curriculum Administrator |
53,842 | Title: "A Taxonomy for Learning, Teaching, and Assessing: A Revision of Bloom's Taxonomy of Educational Objectives, Complete Edition", Content: This revision of Bloom's taxonomy is designed to help teachers understand and implement standards-based curriculums. Cognitive psychologists, curriculum specialists, teacher educators, and researchers have developed a two-dimensional framework, focusing on knowledge and cognitive processes. In combination, these two define what students are expected to learn in school. Like no other book, it explores curriculums from three unique perspectives-cognitive psychologists (learning emphasis), curriculum specialists and teacher educators (C&I; emphasis), and measurement and assessment experts (assessment emphasis). This "Professional Edition" includes an additional section ("The Taxonomy in Perspective,") which is not available in the "Revisited for Teachers" edition of the book. Educators, or others interested in Educational Psychology. |
53,843 | Title: Failure Is Not an Option: 6 Principles That Advance Student Achievement in Highly Effective Schools, Content: For our children, for our future: failure is never an option! |
53,844 | Title: On Becoming a Leader, Content: nan |
53,845 | Title: Making Technology Standards Work for You, Second Edition: A Guide to the NETS-A for School Administrators with Self-Assessment Activities, Content: Susan Brooks-Young has been involved in the field of instructional technology since 1979. Before establishing her own consulting firm, she was a teacher, site administrator, and technology specialist at a county office of education. |
53,846 | Title: Making Thinking Visible: How to Promote Engagement, Understanding, and Independence for All Learners, Content: Over the last 12 years we have had the pleasure of working with schools, museums, and organizations all over the world.  As we shared our research and classroom tested ideas about how to make thinking visible, be it in a classroom or with a group of adult learners,  people kept asking us where they could read more about them.  How could they learn more about how others were using them?  How could they ensure that they and their students weren't just using the thinking routines as activities?  To answer those questions we put together this book with help from educators around the world.Since its debut, the response has been overwhelming.  We've been getting emails and facebook comments ( about how people have used the book and more importantly how the ideas are transforming learning both in and out of classrooms.  As teachers have started using the ideas, parents have begun to request more information on how they too can use the routines with their children to support their thinking and learning.  This has lead to the creation of some great applications for parents.  At a time when teaching for the test is the order of the day, it is so inspiring to see the thirst from students, parents, and teachers for deep learning, critical and creative thinking, and true engagement in the learning process. |
53,847 | Title: Comprehensive Classroom Management: Creating Communities of Support and Solving Problems (9th Edition), Content: nan |
53,848 | Title: Integrating Differentiated Instruction & Understanding by Design: Connecting Content and Kids, Content: Teachers struggle every day to bring quality instruction to their students. Beset by lists of content standards and accompanying "high-stakes" accountability tests, many educators sense that both teaching and learning have been redirected in ways that are potentially impoverishing for those who teach and those who learn. Educators need a model that acknowledges the centrality of standards but also ensures that students truly understand content and can apply it in meaningful ways. For many educators, Understanding by Design addresses that need. Simultaneously, teachers find it increasingly difficult to ignore the diversity of the learners who populate the classrooms. Few teachers find their work effective or satisfying when they simply "serve up" a curriculum - even an elegant one - to students with no regard for their varied learning needs. For many educators, Differentiated Instruction offers a framework for addressing learner variance as a critical component of instructional planning. In this book the two models converge, providing readers fresh perspectives on two of the greatest contemporary challenges for educators: crafting powerful curriculum in a standards-dominated era and ensuring academic success for the full spectrum of learners. Each model strengthens the other. Understanding by Design is predominantly a curriculum design model that focuses on what we teach, and how we teach. Carol Ann Tomlinson and Jay McTighe show you how to use the principles of backward design and differentiation together to craft lesson plans that will teach essential knowledge and skills for the full spectrum of learners. Connecting content and kids in meaningful ways is what teachers strive to do every day. In tandem, UbD and DI help educators meet that goal by providing structures, tools, and guidance for developing curriculum and instruction that bring to students the best of what we know about effective teaching and learning.--This text refers to an alternatePaperbackedition. |
53,849 | Title: Oh, Yeah?!: Putting Argument to Work Both in School and Out (Exceeding the Common Core State Standards), Content: Michael Smith is coauthor with Jeffrey Wilhelm and Michael Smith of Get It Done!; Oh, Yeah?!; and So, What's the Story?. Michael, a professor in Temple University's College of Education, joined the ranks of college teachers after 11 years of teaching high school English. He has won awards for his teaching at both the high school and college levels. His research focuses on understanding how experienced readers read and talk about texts as well as what motivates adolescents' reading and writing out of school. He uses that understanding to think about how to devise more effective and engaging reading and writing instruction for adolescents in school. Michael has cowritten or coedited three other Heinemann books, Going with the Flow; Reflective Teaching, Reflective Learning; and "Reading Don't Fix No Chevys". For Chevys he and coauthor Jeff Wilhelm received the NCTE David H. Russell Award for Distinguished Research in the Teaching of English. When he's not working, Michael's likely to be watching or talking about sports, reading, or playing with his granddaughter.Jeffrey Wilhelm is coauthor with Michael Smith and James Fredricksen of Get It Done!; Oh, Yeah?!; and So, What's the Story?. Jeff has cowritten or coedited four other Heinemann books, Going with the Flow, "Reading Don't Fix No Chevys", Strategic Reading, and Imagining to Learn. For Chevys he and coauthor Jeff Wilhelm received the NCTE David H. Russell Award for Distinguished Research in the Teaching of English. Jeff is an internationally-known teacher, author, and presenter. He is driven by a desire to help teachers to help their students to more powerful literacy and compassionate, democratic living. What he most wants for teachers to get out of his work is motivation, a vital passion and impulse to continue experimenting and learning about teaching, as well as ways to frame instruction so it is meaningful and compelling to students. A classroom teacher for fifteen years, Jeff is currently Professor of English Education at Boise State University. He works in local schools as part of a Virtual Professional Development Site Network sponsored by the Boise State Writing Project, and regularly teaches middle and high school students. He is the founding director of the Maine Writing Project and the Boise State Writing Project. He has authored or coauthored numerous books and articles about literacy teaching and learning. In addition to the Russell award, his "You Gotta BE the Book" won the NCTE Promising Research Award. Jeff has worked on numerous materials and software programs for students including Scholastic's e21 and ReadAbout, and has edited a series of 100 books for reluctant readers entitled The Ten. Jeff enjoys speaking, presenting, working with students and schools. He is currently researching how students read and engage with non-traditional texts like video game narratives, manga, horror, fantasy, etc. as well as the effects of inquiry teaching on teachers, students, and learning. Jeff grew up on a small strawberry farm in Northeastern Ohio. He loved the Hardy Boys as a boy, and has continued to love reading ever since, progressing through Hermann Hesse, John Steinbeck, and James Baldwin as literary mentors. In high school he was named a Harrier All-American for cross-country and track. He was then a two-time Small College All-American in Cross-country. He has competed Internationally in cross country, track, and nordic skiing. He now enjoys marathon nordic skiing and whitewater kayaking.Jim Fredricksen is coauthor with Jeffrey Wilhelm and Michael Smith of Get It Done!; Oh, Yeah?!; and So, What's the Story?. He has spent his career listening to and learning from his students about the choices they make - as young people, as athletes, as members of their communities, and especially as readers and as writers. This began in Fairfield, Ohio, and then in his hometown of St. Charles, Illinois where he taught middle school students and coached both middle and high school student athletes. More recently, he has worked with pre-service and in-service teachers in making their pedagogical decisions visible to themselves and to others - first at Michigan State University and currently at Boise State University, the Boise State Writing Project, and the National Writing Project. Jim's interest in helping people pursue their own interests - and in listening to the choices people make in pursuing those interests - reflect Jim's belief in the power of curiosity and creativity, in the pleasure that can be found in uncertainty, and the hope that comes from learning with others. |
53,850 | Title: YELL-Oh Girls! Emerging Voices Explore Culture, Identity, and Growing Up Asian American, Content: Coming of age as an Asian-American girl in the largely white reaches of upstate New York, editor Nam writes that she began to "make sense of the contradictions of being Asian, American, and a girl" through writing, as did many of the young women whose stories, essays, poems and letters she's compiled in this vibrant, much-needed anthology. Though Nam received hundreds of contributions, the collection includes only 80 brief selections (most are under three pages) by budding writers between 15 and 22 years of age, from all over the country. Nam presents the pieces according to theme with helpful background information and analyses of the works, and ends each section with a "Mentor Piece" by an established Asian-American writer on her own coming-of-age (these include essays by Lois-Ann Yamanaka and Helen Zia). The real stars in this collection, however, are girls like high school senior Rona Luo, who waxes lyrical about the "last time I saw my father chow" (cook with a wok). Other essays discuss body image, interracial friendship and dating, adoption, "model minority" stereotypes, Asian-American feminist activism, sexuality, language and white boys' "Asian fetish." Nam regrets that her youth was filled with silence on the subject of being young and Asian-American. Thanks to this fine collection of writings, future generations of Asian-American girls need not feel so isolated. (Aug.)Forecast: Though the book will appeal to young Asian-American women, the writers' focus on the tough work of establishing identity will make it relevant to young women of all ethnic backgrounds. Essential for high school libraries.Copyright 2001 Cahners Business Information, Inc. |
53,851 | Title: So What Do They Really Know?: Assessment That Informs Teaching and Learning, Content: InSo What Do They Really Know?Cris Tovani explores the complex issue of monitoring, assessing, and grading students' thinking and performance with fairness and fidelity. Like all teachers, Cris struggles to balance her student-centered instruction with school system mandates. Her recommendations are realistic and practical; she understands that what isn't manageable isn't sustainable.Cris describes the systems and structure she uses in her own classroom and shows teachers how to use assessments to monitor student growth and provide targeted feedback that enables students to master content goals. She also shares ways to bring students into the assessment cycle so they can monitor their own learning, maximizing motivation and engagement.So What Do They Really Know?includes a wealth of information:Lessons from Cris's classroomTemplates showing how teachers can use the workshop model to assess and differentiate instructionStudent work, including samples from linguistically diverse learners, struggling readers, and college-bound seniorsAnchor charts of student thinkingIdeas on how to give feedbackGuidelines that explain how conferring is different from monitoringSuggestions for assessing learning and differentiating instruction during conferencesAdvice for managing ongoing assessmentCris's willingness to share her own struggles continues to be a hallmark of her work. Teachers will recognize their own students and the challenges they face as they join Cris on the journey to figure out how to raise student achievement. |
53,852 | Title: Teaching Adolescent Writers, Content: Kerry Gallagher is also a teacher with twenty one years of high school teaching experience behind him. He is currently a full-time teacher at Magnolia High School in Anaheim, California |
53,853 | Title: The New American High School, Content: Secondary school education is one of this nation's most important social mechanisms.At their best, high schools are models of democracy, providers of the intellectual and moral equipment for young people to survive and prosper in our culture. But the sad fact is that the design of the beloved high school as we know it has run its course, no longer serving youth as well as it once did. The key question facing the current generation is: What can be done? And what should a trulynewsecondary school look like? What will make it new? What from the past should remain supported and in place? InThe New American High School, Ted Sizer, one of the country's most respected educator reformers, takes on fifteen of the key issues facing our high schools today and offers practical suggestions for positive change.In these pages, Sizer discusses the question of student differences, arguing that, to teach different children well without categorizing them unfairly, you must be able to know them, and you cannot know each student well if the class is too large. He tackles the issue of time and suggests that schools might better operate on a twelve-month basis, with students and staff rotating in and out, allowing some "vacation" for rest and the recharging of intellectual batteries, a pattern that conforms with most of the working world. In addition, he deals with the issues of choice, the language of schooling, courses, and other critical topics.Our task, says Sizer, is to give a new shape to the ways that adolescents learn and thus the manner in which we teach them. And, as he concludes, "Our work is worthy, essential to an orderly, optimistic democracy. Let us persist with it."Praise forThe New American High School"If you do not know educator Theodore Sizer or his ideas, this book provides a splendid introduction. And if you did know Ted and his writings, you will be enriched by his reflections in this volume—his most personal book."—Howard Gardner, Hobbs Professor of Cognition and Education, Harvard Graduate School of Education"At the very end of his career and life, Ted Sizer calls out to us again to pay attention to the education of our young people. He reminds us that to settle for the status quo reduces our future as well as theirs."—Patricia A. Wasley,CEO, Teaching Channel"Ted Sizer's voice, as always, is disarmingly provocative—sensitive to our stress but astonished too by our continuing lack of imagination. He proves himself here to be not just the best education writer of the late twentieth century but of the early twenty-first century too."—Joseph P. McDonald, professor of teaching and learning, New York University"Like John Dewey, Ted Sizer was a philosopher, a historian, and above all a practitioner. Anyone with a serious interest in understanding and shaping the educational landscape of the twenty-first century must heed Sizer's wisdom, uniquely grounded in his experiences as a teacher, a parent, a professor, a graduate school dean, a principal, and the visionary leader of a national reform movement."—Lori Chajet, PhD, codirector, College Access: Research & Action, CUNY Graduate Center |
53,854 | Title: Brain Rules: 12 Principles for Surviving and Thriving at Work, Home, and School, Content: Multitasking is the great buzz word in business today, but as developmental molecular biologist Medina tells readers in a chapter on attention, the brain can really only focus on one thing at a time. This alone is the best argument for not talking on your cellphone while driving. Medina (The Genetic Inferno) presents readers with a basket containing an even dozen good principles on how the brain works and how we can use them to our benefit at home and work. The author says our visual sense trumps all other senses, so pump up those PowerPoint presentations with graphics. The author says that we don't sleep to give our brain a rest—studies show our neurons firing furiously away while the rest of the body is catching a few z's. While our brain indeed loses cells as we age, it compensates so that we continue to be able to learn well into our golden years. Many of these findings and minutiae will be familiar to science buffs, but the author employs an appealing style, with suggestions on how to apply his principles, which should engage all readers. DVD not seen byPW.(Mar.)Copyright © Reed Business Information, a division of Reed Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.--This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title. |
53,855 | Title: Will Standards Save Public Education, Content: "...Meier argues against centralized standards with a clarity and force, [setting] a high standard for the seven contributors to this volume." --Boston Magazine |
53,856 | Title: Educational Research: Fundamentals for the Consumer (6th Edition), Content: Educational Research: Fundamentals for the Consumer, Sixth EditionJames H. McMillan “Our faculty reviewed all the available texts in the field and feltEducational Researchbest fit our needs. We teach this course to a wide variety of students in a variety of majors (counseling, physical education, curriculum and instruction, educational administration, etc.) and it did the best job of providing for all these individual needs.”–Steve Neill, Emporia State University “I think the features add a nice element and are helpful for students to better understand the text. I direct students to the research articles and use some of the charts and tables in my lectures."–Anastasia Elder, Mississippi State University Designed to help students become intelligent consumers of educational research, the sixth edition of this text introduces basic research principles to those who may later use research in their work. The author utilizes aids to facilitate student learning, including chapter learning objectives, concept maps, study questions, and more than 150 examples from published articles, including full-length articles. New features in this edition include the following:NEW! Chapter 11 onmixed-method designsprovides more detail about these increasingly popular designs.NEW! Chapter 12 onaction researchprovides more guidelines for students to conduct action research.NEW! Learning objectives at the beginning of all chapters help to orient and focus students on important concepts and principles.Includes 150 examples and exerpts from published articles representing more than 50 different journals to illustrate the range of current thinking.Revised Chapter 1, which discusses the nature of research consistent withScientific Research in Education.Expanded treatment ofqualitative data analysisin response to instructors' needs.Includes more detail aboutresearch ethics.Examples and excerpts from published articles representing more than 50 different journals to illustrate the range of current thinking. |
53,857 | Title: Curriculum Leadership: Readings for Developing Quality Educational Programs (10th Edition) (New 2013 Curriculum & Instruction Titles), Content: A premier collection of high-quality articles from leading voices in education, curriculum planning, and development. Curriculum Leadership: Readings for Developing Quality Educational Programs, 10/ecombines high-quality articles with cases that illustrate pre-K through high school curriculum development in action. Featuring 72 articles from historic greats and current leaders, this book balances seminal works with contemporary perspectives. New to this edition are 38 recently published articles spotlighting technology, Common Core State Standards, high-stakes testing, and assessment. Each chapter is filled with background theory, articles, case studies and essays that show school leaders how to plan quality educational programs. Features include:Offers a collection of 72 articles on curriculum leadership—that tackle the bases for curriculum leadership; developing, implementing, and evaluating curriculum; and curriculum leadership in action.Includes seminal articles by historic greats in education and development—such as John Dewey, William Heard Kilpatrick, William Bagley, Robert M. Hutchins, Erik Erikson, Lawrence Kohlberg, and more!Introduces contemporary perspectives by current leaders in education and development—such as Charlotte Danielson,Howard Gardner, Carol Ann Tomlinson, and more!Opens each chapter with focus questions and background theory—so readers can access the prerequisite knowledge for each chapter quickly.Presents practitioner-authored case studies throughout Part III (A Case Study in Curriculum Implementation)—to illustrate the complexities of institutional and system-wide curriculum implementation.Ends each chapter with essays authored by curriculum leaders (Leader's Voices—Putting Theory into Practice)—so readers see how theory relates to practice.Includes instructional aides to facilitate understanding and application:Learning ActivitiesCritical ThinkingApplication ActivitiesField ExperiencesInternet Activities Also from Forrest W. Parkay, Glen J. Hass and/ Eric J. Anctil: 0137158386 - Curriculum Leadership: Readings for Developing Quality Educational Programs, 9/e - ©2010 Also from Forrest W. Parkay: 013286259X - Becoming a Teacher Plus MyEducationLab with Pearson eText, 9/e - ©2013 0205424228 - Social Foundations for Becoming a Teacher, 1/e - ©2006 |
53,858 | Title: Reading to Learn in the Content Areas, Content: "An outstanding resource for students that models best practices in its organization and design.""The READING TO LEARN IN THE CONTENT AREAS text is a prized possession for my teachers . . . it is easy to read, offers good examples for them to use in their classrooms and they really like and continue to use the PAR lesson format as it benefits their students.""Overall, I think this is one of the best books on the market. My students and I really appreciate the plethora of examples across the disciplines and the PAR reference guide to help them locate them. . . . I tell [colleagues] that the book is theoretically sound and it contains examples to which students can relate.""I have been a fan of this text for many years. It seems to improve with every edition. Its greatest strengths are its in-depth topic coverage, range of activity examples (drawn from real classrooms), and integration of the PAR Lesson Framework."--This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title. |
53,859 | Title: Philosophical Conversations, Content: “Robert M. Martin’s book will be invaluable for undergraduate teaching. The dialogues present a wide range of philosophical debates clearly and interestingly, quickly clearing up common but uninteresting mistakes, while exploring the issues and leaving them open for further discussion.” (Peter J. King)“An excellent introduction to philosophy. Packed with key ideas and theories; clear and engaging; well-organised. Its conversations succeed as conceptual interplay, showing how philosophical debates arise and develop.” (Stephen Hetherington)“The best new introductory philosophy text in decades! It covers the central issues in both analytic and continental philosophy, presenting arguments and counter-arguments so that readers can see why philosophic debate can be so thrilling.” (Sheldon Wein) |
53,860 | Title: "Rip Van Winkle's Neighbors: The Transformation of Rural Society in the Hudson River Valley, 1720-1850 (Suny Series, An American Region: Studies in the Hudson Valley)", Content: Although Rip Van Winkle was a fictional character, his community in the mid-Hudson Valley of New York State was very real. Thomas S. Wermuth's book shows that the popular view of Hudson Valley farmers as self-sufficient, independent, and free of governmental authority is as fictional as the character of Rip Van Winkle himself. In fact these mid-Hudson farmers lived in villages where economic practices and behavior were regulated by civil authorities as well as neighborhood concerns, and where acquisitive practices that were believed to endanger the public good were forbidden.Based on extensive research into previously unused town records and commercial accounts, this book challenges the belief that the early valley was a capitalist society, arguing that the beliefs and practices associated with modern capitalism developed slowly and unevenly, and were not always welcomed by valley families. |
53,861 | Title: Literacy for the 21st Century Plus NEW MyEducationLab with Video-Enhanced Pearson eText -- Access Card Package (6th Edition) (Books by Gail Tompkins), Content: [if gte mso 9]> <xml> Normal 0 false false false MicrosoftInternetExplorer4 </xml> <![endif]"Our university has been usingLiteracy for the 21stCenturysince 2001. Students purchase this text during their sophomore year. When they return to our university after graduation to earn a master’s degree and reading specialist certification, most still have their copies ofLiteracy for the 21stCenturyand they report that they use it often in their classroom teaching." -[if gte mso 9]> <xml> Normal 0 false false false MicrosoftInternetExplorer4 </xml> <![endif]Helen Hoffner, Ed.D.,[if gte mso 9]> <xml> Normal 0 false false false MicrosoftInternetExplorer4 </xml> <![endif]HolyFamily University" excellent resource to use for reviewing language arts content as well as introducing pedagogy. It is easily accessible to students and contains current, relevant information that is well supported by theory and research in the field." -[if gte mso 9]> <xml> Normal 0 false false false MicrosoftInternetExplorer4 </xml> <![endif]Angela Madden,[if gte mso 9]> <xml> Normal 0 false false false MicrosoftInternetExplorer4 </xml> <![endif]Eastern Kentucky University[if gte mso 9]> <xml> </xml> <![endif][if !mso]> <![endif][if gte mso 10]> <![endif][if gte mso 9]> <xml> </xml> <![endif][if gte mso 10]> <![endif][if gte mso 9]> <xml> </xml> <![endif][if gte mso 10]> <![endif][if gte mso 9]> <xml> </xml> <![endif][if !mso]> <![endif][if gte mso 10]> <![endif][if gte mso 9]> <xml> </xml> <![endif][if gte mso 10]> <![endif][if gte mso 9]> <xml> </xml> <![endif][if gte mso 10]> <![endif] |
53,862 | Title: What Great Teachers Do Differently: 14 Things That Matter Most, Content: One of the nation’s leading authorities on motivation, teacher leadership, and principal effectiveness, Todd Whitaker is a former middle and high school teacher and principal, now a professor at Indiana State University. |
53,863 | Title: Teaching to Change the World, Content: Lauren Andersonis Assistant Professor at the University of Southern California’s Rossier School of Education. She is coauthor ofMaking a Difference: Developing Meaningful Careers in Education.Jeannie Oakesis Director of Educational Opportunity and Scholarship at the Ford Foundation, following a 20-year career at UCLA where she was Presidential Professor in Educational Equity. She is author of the influential book,Keeping Track: How Schools Structure Inequality.Winner of the 2013AERA Social Justice in Education AwardMartin Lipton,an education writer and consultant, and has taught in public schools for 31 years. He is coauthor with Jeannie Oakes ofMaking the Best of School.Jamy Stillmanis Assistant Professor at the University of Southern California’s Rossier School of Education. Her research interests include the preparation of teachers to serve historically marginalized populations. |
53,864 | Title: Teaching To Change The World, Content: Teaching to Change the Worldreceives Critics Choice Award.The American Educational Studies Association (AESA) has awarded Teaching to Change the World its Critics Choice Award. AESA is comprised of college and university professors who teach and research in the field of education. Its role is to provide a cross-disciplinary forum for the discussion of broad policy issues relating to education. ABOUT THE BOOKTeaching to Change the Worldargues that a hopeful, democratic future depends on whether all students experience academic rigor and social justice in school. This book is used widely as a college text for Introduction to Education, Social foundations of Education, and Multicultural Education courses. However, the authors groundbreaking approach, engaging prose, and devastating directness will guide the general reader to a far deeper understanding of how they can and why they must argue for rigorous WHAT OTHERS ARE SAYING ABOUT THE BOOK: The overall approach, its organization, coverage, and inviting and readable level, is spectacular. It is a work of love and respect for all who selflessly enter the field of education and who will live, learn, and teach in the next millennium. Rudolfo Chavez, Chavez, New Mexico State University I actually felt relieved while reading it because it consolidated contemporary educational history while attending to important past roots and new branches. I think the argument itself-to teach for both academic rigor and social justiceis profoundly important and admirably done here. This book stands alone in my mind. It is more comprehensive than the books Ive read on multiculturalism, on caring, on classroom discipline. . .The fact that these arguments are gathered in one place is wonderful and extremely helpful. Patricia A. Wasley, Dean of the Graduate School, Bank Street College of Education Its treatment of the most recent theories regarding human development and learning, combined with historical-to-present analysis of schooling in this country is unique. [Oakes and Lipton} challenge the reader to make sense of why school/education is the way it is. Eugene Garcia, Dean of the School of Education, University of California, Berkeley--This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title. |
53,865 | Title: Teaching English Language Learners in Career and Technical Education Programs (Teaching English Language Learners Across the Curriculum), Content: Victor M. Hernández-Gantes is Associate Professor in the Department of Adult, Career, and Higher Education, University of South Florida. William Blank is Professor in the Department of Adult, Career, and Higher Education, University of South Florida. |
53,866 | Title: Reframing Organizations: Artistry, Choice, and Leadership, Content: Lee G. Bolmanholds the Marion Bloch/Missouri Chair in Leadership at the Bloch School of Business and Public Administration at the University of Missouri-Kansas City. He consults worldwide to corporations, public agencies, universities, and schools. In addition to his many books with Terry Deal, he is also coauthor ofReframing Academic Leadershipwith Joan V. Gallos.Terrence E. Dealleft active university life as the Irving R. Melbo Clinical Professor of the University of Southern California's Rossier School of Education. He is the coauthor of twenty-three books, including the bestsellingCorporate Cultures(with A. A. Kennedy, 1982) andManaging the Hidden Organization(with W. A. Jenkins, 1994).Bolman and Deal are also coauthors ofLeading with Soul(now in its third edition),Wizard and Warrior, and their forthcoming book,Reframing Leadership(also from Wiley). |
53,867 | Title: Community: The Structure of Belonging, Content: Praise for Peter Block'sCommunity: The Structure of Belonging"From the person who gave us the best book written on business stewardship comes the best book on how to transform the places where we live, work, and play into authentic, effective communities. Some of Peter Block's conclusions may surprise you, but this compelling book is a must for all who love the places we call home enough to rethink our approach to building and maintaining community."--Dennis Bakke, CEO, Imagine Schools, Cofounder and CEO Emeritus, AES Corporation, and author of Joy at Work"Every earnest public servant, every volunteer, every disillusioned citizen, every civic leader, and every community activist or businessperson who truly want to make their communities better should read this book. It can serve as a guide or manual, butCommunityat its heart is a book of questions, and Peter gently and persistently reminds us that we are the answers."--James Keene, President, Alliance for Innovation and Western Director, International City/County Management Association"In this wonderfully practical book, Peter Block defines the nature of a community with manageable dimensions, creative directions, and hopeful possibilities. His methods lead us to a restoration of the joy of a genuine common life."--John McKnight, Professor of Education and Social Policy, and Codirector, Asset-Based Community Development Institute, Northwestern University"Peter Block clearly identifies the essential ingredients, qualities, questions, atmosphere. and actions needed to create and build vital communities filled with possibility, generosity, accountability, and deep engagement. Outstanding in its relevance, practicality, and clarity."--Angeles Arrien, PhD, cultural anthropologist and author ofThe Second Half of Life: Opening the Eight Gates of Wisdom"This book is more than practical advice on execution of theory; it is a spiritual primer for the building up of community and transforming hope that we so desperately need in today's world. Peter has touched us once again in that place we call `soul'".--Clint Kemp, Founding Pastor, New Providence Community Church"Peter's work has become the cornerstone of how our police department has developed over the years. What we have pleasantly discovered is that the more our capacity grows to work in partnership with each other, the more our capacity to serve our community is enhanced."--Michael Butler, Chief of Police, Longmont, Colorado"After being engaged for many years with transformations in the U.S., Latin America, and Africa, it is exciting to find a practical and deep methodology that integrates great ideas and points at new applications. Peter's book is critical for anyone concerned about reenergizing the quality of life in our workplaces and in our communities."--Steve Zaffron, CEO, the Vanto Group, a Landmark Education Company |
53,868 | Title: Winning at Collective Bargaining: Strategies Everyone Can Live With, Content: ...a resource that superintendents will find invaluable....provide(s) practical insights.... (The School Administrator) |
53,869 | Title: Action Research for School Leaders (Allyn & Bacon Educational Leadership), Content: This authoritative, action-oriented resource gives current and future school leaders the knowledge and research skills they need to improve schools by increasing student achievement. The focus on building-level action research gives readers technical background and skills for reading and critiquing educational research, methods for applying current research and research methods, and a framework for conducting their own building-level action research for ongoing building improvement. Based on the belief that an effective school leader is one who constantly demonstrates to staff the importance of research to the school community, the authors show how to: Get teachers and staff onboard,motivated, and empowered. Learn through examplehow others have worked to improved building and education in general. Develop the skills leaders needin their efforts to improve schools. Understand the different typesor levels of action research. Use a team approach to building-level action,use the action research team to dig deeply into the school’s data and identify gaps that need to be addressed, and use the research to incorporate past research into the analysis process. Examine and critiquecorrelational and survey research. Determine the role that the elements of qualitative researchcan play in the action research team’s efforts. Collect additional self-report datafrom teachers, staff, and other stakeholders in the school building by using tools such as surveys. Learn to work collaborativelywith the action research team. Implement the programor plan with fidelity. Gather both formative and summative datathroughout the action research process. Get a framework for using the logic modelas a tool for reflection on the efforts of the leader and the team. Learn from informative case studiesthat depict the actions of building administrators and school leaders using the five-step action research process presented in the book—adapt and apply those experiences to the reader’s particular school situation. (Chapters 14 through 17) |
53,870 | Title: If You Were Alliteration (Word Fun), Content: When Trisha Speed Shaskan was a girl, she wanted to become a superhero. Her mother gave her a Wonder Woman costume. Her dad crafted her a tiara and bracelets out of metal to match. Trisha imagined she could fight evil, fly an invisible airplane, and get anyone to tell the truth. While she didn’t grow up to be Wonder Woman, she still uses her imagination to write stories and to teach creative writing. Trisha has taught creative writing to children and adults for thirteen years. She has published 26 books for children, and more are forthcoming. She has an MFA in creative writing from Minnesota State University, Mankato. Trisha currently lives in Minneapolis with her husband, Stephen, and their cat, Eartha, named after Eartha Kitt, famous for her role as Catwoman.Sara Gray graduated with a BFA in illustration and design from the Minneapolis College of Art and Design. She has worked as a freelance illustrator for Picture Window Books, Mpls/St. Paul Magazine, and Minnesota Parent Magazine. The Word Fun series that Sara worked on with Picture Window Books won the AEP Distinguished Achievement Award and the American Graphic Design Award. Sara currently works at Manhattan Toy Company as a product designer for Manhattan Toy's doll, plush, and puppet lines. Her illustrations also appear on Manhattan Toy's packaging for their Cirque du Soleil product line. |
53,871 | Title: Tunnels, Content: *Starred Review* Positing not just one secret civilization beneath London’s streets but many, this compelling doorstopper debut in a new series (apparently to be called Tunnels) pits two teens digging into the disappearance of one’s father against a subterranean colony kept in Victorian squalor by the advanced science and ominous preaching of a mysterious semireligious body called The Styx. Though a tad slow off the mark, the plot quickly picks up speed as Will and Chester discover chains of inhabited or once-inhabited caverns down below, while enduring both physical and psychological torture in the course of multiple chases, captures, separations, and escapes. After learning the shocking truth about Will’s supposed sister, Rebecca (who may play a larger role in future episodes), the pair, plus a local ally, are last seen hiding aboard a train chugging its way into even deeper unknown realms. The authors add distinctive, vivid touches to the somewhat trendy “towns down below” premise (frequent references to digging, disturbing odors, and dirty clothing), and the murderous, refreshingly competent Styx makes an uncommonly challenging adversary. The illustrations were seen only in placeholder samples, but by all other accounts, this appears to be a very promising series kickoff. Grades 6-9. --John Peters |
53,872 | Title: X-ACTO Teacher Pro Electric Pencil Sharpener with SmartStop, Black (1675), Content: nan |
53,873 | Title: The Wolf Girls: An Unsolved Mystery from History, Content: Another addition to the Unsolved Mystery from History series, The Wolf Girls by Jane Yolen and Heidi Elisabet Yolen Stemple, illus. by Roger Roth, urges readers to act as detectives. The volume presents the evidence, then asks aspiring detectives to evaluate: were two girls brought to an orphanage in India abandoned by their parents or raised by wolves in the wild?Copyright 2001 Cahners Business Information, Inc. |
53,874 | Title: Re-Zoom, Content: Re-Zoom resumes, or more accurately, reprises, the layout and nothing-is-as-it-seems perspective of last season's Zoom. Featuring detailed drawings backpainted on animation cels, this text-free volume opens with a red-on-blue cave painting that, with the turn of a page, becomes a detail on a wristwatch. The next spread reveals that the watch belongs to a young man doing a rubbing of carved hieroglyphs... and so on. To surprise his audience, which may already expect the sequence of pictures to expand to infinity, as in Zoom, Banyai toys not only with spatial relations but with time and with cultural referents: people in 19th-century garb, admiring an image of Napoleon, turn out to be on a movie set; a woman in traditional Japanese dress sports a yellow Walkman. There are nods to the arts as well. A black-and-white Alfred Hitchcock and a blue bodhisattva sit astride a thundering elephant, and a dejected-looking Picasso rides the New York City subway. The finale-which leaves readers in a subway tunnel as the train's red taillights recede-may not be as mindbending as Zoom's outer-space flight, but is nonetheless a clever solution. All ages.Copyright 1995 Reed Business Information, Inc.--This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title. |
53,875 | Title: A Quick Guide to Reviving Disengaged Writers, 5-8 (Workshop Help Desk), Content: Lucy Calkins is the author of the popular firsthand classroom materials Units of Study for Primary Writing and Units of Study for Teaching Writing, Grades 3 - 5, Units of Study for Teaching Reading, Grades 3-5, as well as several companion resources for literacy coaches and principals. In addition, Lucy is the author of numerous foundational professional texts, including The Art of Teaching Writing and One to One. She is the Founding Director of the Teachers College Reading and Writing Project at Columbia University's Teachers College. For more than twenty-five years, the Project has been both a think tank - developing state of the art teaching methods - and a provider of professional development. In these capacities, the Project has supported hundreds of thousands of educators. Lucy is also the Richard Robinson Professor of Children's Literature at Teachers College, where she leads the Literacy Specialist program. Lucy and her husband John are the parents of two sons, Miles and Evan.Christopher Lehman (Twitter: @iChrisLehman) is coauthor of Pathways to the Common Core (with Lucy Calkins and Mary Ehrenworth) and author of Energize Research Reading and Writing and A Quick Guide to Reviving Disengaged Writers. He is a Senior Staff Developer with the Teachers College Reading and Writing Project at Columbia University. Chris teaches and coaches in elementary and secondary classrooms throughout the year, supporting teachers and administrators in developing rigorous and passionate literacy instruction across content areas. His articles have appeared in Voices from the Middle, SmartBrief, Edweek and other popular blogs. He presents regularly at national workshops and conventions. Prior to joining the RWP Chris taught both middle and high school and was a literacy coach.A graduate of UW-Madison, he went on to receive his M.A. in Teaching at NYU and his Ed.M. in Education Leadership at Teachers College, Columbia University. |
53,876 | Title: Whole Novels for the Whole Class: A Student-Centered Approach, Content: Whole Novels for the Whole ClassWhole Novels for the Whole Classis the hands-on resource that teachers can use to help students develop a genuine love of reading and a community in which to practice it. Written by classroom teacher Ariel Sacks, this practical, field-tested book offers a step-by-step guide for implementing a student-centered literature program that promotes critical thinking and literary understanding through the study of novels and other texts. Rather than using novels simply to teach basic literacy skills and comprehension strategies, Sacks'sWhole Novelsmethod approaches literature as art.This unique way into reading and comprehension is designed to align with the Common Core ELA Standards and is filled with tips for implementing whole novel studies in various settings. Using this novel technique can help struggling readers gain the confidence to tackle grade-level novels independently, reluctant students become avid discussers of literature who can powerfully argue their points, and outspoken students discover new channels for their voices in writing.While boosting reading comprehension, the whole novel approach can be successfully integrated into other classroom programs."Yes, yes. To read a well-crafted book requires a leap of faith, losing oneself for a time. And yet we don't practice—much less even encourage—that kind of reading in our schools. Ariel Sacks both makes the argument for doing so and offers the stories we need from classrooms where it's being done."—Deborah Meier, teacher, author, and board member of the Coalition of Essential Schools"Reminiscent of masterworks, Ariel's book is an exquisite blending of the best in literacy theory and classroom practice that could only be written by someone who actually does this every day with real students."—Renee A. Moore, NBCT, English teacher, author, and education blogger |
53,877 | Title: "Real Revision: Authors' Strategies to Share with Student Writers", Content: nan |
53,878 | Title: Happy Like Soccer (A Junior Library Guild Selection), Content: A Junior Library Guild Selection*Starred Review Publisher's Weekly |
53,879 | Title: Inevitable: Mass Customized Learning: Learning in the Age of Empowerment (New Edition), Content: ABOUT THE AUTHORS Charles J. Schwahn has made his professional life a study of leadership and effective organizations. For the past 30 years he has worked with school systems and businesses throughout North America providing consultation on the topics of leadership, change, and future-focused strategic design. His career has placed him in nearly all the critical roles of the education profession, and his last "real" job was as superintendent of the Eagle County School District in Vail, Colorado. Chuck received his doctorate from the University of Massachusetts, where Ken Blanchard of The One-Minute Manager fame was his doctoral chair. Chuck is co-author of Total Leaders: Applying the Best Future-Focused Change Strategies to Education, Total Leaders 2.0: Leading in the Age of Empowerment, and Learning Communities 2.0. Chuck and his wife Genny spend their summers in the Black Hills of South Dakota and winters in the Phoenix area. He can be reached at [email protected].   Beatrice McGarvey has consulted with educators throughout the United States and Canada in the areas of teaching and learning, leadership and organizational development. Her knowledge and experience is a result of the thirty-year career she enjoyed in Maine schools - as a classroom teacher, as a middle school counselor and administrator, and as a district and state leader, including serving as Executive Director of Education for the Portland Public Schools in Portland, Maine and as President of Maine ASCD. Bea received her B.S. and M.Ed. degrees from the University of Southern Maine and is proud to be a Partner in Total Leaders Associates, a Senior Associate at Marzano Research Lab, and a faculty trainer for International ASCD. She is co-author of The Future is Now: Shifts and Trends That are Redefining Organizations, Careers, and Life and Total Leaders: A Leadership Curriculum used by the Pennsylvania Leadership Development Consortium. Her large and growing family of four grandchildren and nineteen nieces and nephews prove Bea's theory that all children are born with an inherent will and motivation to learn. Her mission has been to create learning environments which do not extinguish this natural drive. Bea and her husband Richard spend eight months enjoying the beautiful coast of their native Maine and four months appreciating the desert and mountains of Arizona. She can be reached at [email protected]. |
53,880 | Title: Teaching in the Outdoors (5th Edition), Content: In his foreword to the First Edition, L. B. Sharp, noted pioneer in outdoor education, wrote, "This book,Teaching in the Outdoors,will aid greatly in learning and understanding those segments of the basic school curriculum that exist in the out-of-doors for all subject-matter areas at all grade levels."Teaching in the Outdoorshas withstood the test of time. The book has endured through four previous editions and has become a minor classic in its field. It is the only text dealing with outdoor education, of which we are aware, that has been in print since 1964. The book has been used extensively not only in the United States but throughout the world. The Third Edition was translated and published in Japan; the Fourth Edition, in China.Outdoor education programs, particularly at the elementary and middle school levels, as well as in selected secondary schools, colleges, and universities, are expanding unabated.Teaching in the Outdoorsis designed specifically for pre- and in-service teachers, school administrators, and college and university personnel. Agency and private camp personnel will also find this book useful as a source of program ideas. This text may also point the way for extending the use of summer camp facilities into the school year.The scope of the materials presented here is by no means an exhaustive and exhausting treatment of the field of outdoor education.Teaching in the Outdoorspresents a brief, concise point of view representing our philosophy, derived from our collective experience as outdoor educators. The thoughts, ideas, and information-offered here will, we trust, aid others in helping students and teachers become better acquainted with the use of the outdoors as a laboratory for learning.When the First Edition ofTeaching in the Outdoorsappeared in 1964, computers were not common in either homes or schools, and web sites were unknown. Now that the Information Age has arrived, more sophisticated methods of recording and transmitting information and data are possible. Each year, more and more electronic databases, knowledge maps, and library collections are becoming readily available and accessible to both teachers and students.The Fifth Edition ofTeaching in the Outdoorshas attempted to recognize these electronic information resources by including Educational Resources Information Center (ERIC) references and World Wide Web URLs (Uniform Resource Locators) when appropriate. Welcome to the Information Age, in which students will need opportunities to learn in the outdoors more than ever.D.R.H.W.M.H.E.L.H. |
53,881 | Title: Tips And Tools: The Art of Experiential Group Facilitation, Content: A straightforward and complete overview of facilitation. After one reading I redesigned the focusing and sequencing sections of my own facilitator training. --Steven Simpson, Ph.D., Recreation Management/Therapeutic Recreation UW La Crosse"Jen was an excellent resource --knowledgeable, good presentation with new ideas. She allowed us to share our strengths. Learning the debriefing and sequencing skills was very valuable. This opened my thinking and approach to facilitating. Great connection, resource, ideas, and skill |
53,882 | Title: "The Reflective Educator's Guide to Classroom Research: Learning to Teach and Teaching to Learn Through Practitioner Inquiry", Content: "Like all illuminating teacher inquiry, this book asks relevant and intriguing questions, the very questions teacher researchers ask most often. The authors offer a step-by-step guide to answering those questions, deeply grounded in the work of elementary, middle, and high school teacher researchers."(JoBeth Allen, Professor of Language and Literacy Education 2008-02-14)"Whether you are a preservice, beginning, or veteran teacher or teacher educator, this is the perfect resource for deepening your understanding of teacher inquiry."(Kevin J. Berry, Professional Development Community Site Coordinator, University of Florida 2008-03-04)"Makes classroom-based research understandable and doable as an integral part of teaching. From finding a wondering to developing a research plan to data analysis and sharing findings, the authors support teacher researchers at all levels of experience."(Gail V. Ritchie, Coleader 2008-04-28) |
53,883 | Title: The 9 Rights of Every Writer: A Guide for Teachers, Content: Vicki Spandel has been a writing teacher, journalist, technical writer, and award-winning video producer. In 1984, she coordinated the seventeen-member teacher team that developed the original, widely acclaimed 6-trait model for writing assessment and instruction, a model that has become the basis for her nationally recognized workshops for teachers K-12. Vicki is the author of numerous books and instructional materials for writing teachers and students, including Creating Writers, Fourth Edition (2005), Creating Young Writers (2004), and the Write Traits Classroom Kits for grades 1-8 as well as for advanced levels. |
53,884 | Title: The Cluster Grouping Handbook: A Schoolwide Model: How to Challenge Gifted Students and Improve Achievement for All, Content: nan |
53,885 | Title: Secrets of the Book, Content: nan |
53,886 | Title: Hippo! No, Rhino!, Content: Kindergarten-Grade 2–In a simple scenario, a zookeeper places the wrong sign in front of the rhino pen. Rhino is flabbergasted at the error and tries a variety of means to correct the offending moniker–Hippo. He even attempts, unsuccessfully, to knock down the sign by using one of the tick birds that perches on his back as a dart. Finally, a young boy acknowledges the problem and quickly fixes it. Newman uses watercolor and gouache, along with pencil, ink, marker, and pastel, to create colorful, graphic-style illustrations. There is little text, and most of the story is delivered through the art. Readers will relate to Rhino's frustration and his inability to effect change. The two tick birds on his back add some emotional interest to the tale as they show empathy for his predicament. Even though the plotline is slight, this simple story requires skill on the part of young readers to construct meaning from the pictures. A clever exercise in promoting visual literacy.–Carol L. MacKay, Forestburg School Library, Alberta, CanadaCopyright © Reed Business Information, a division of Reed Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. |
53,887 | Title: Writing to Persuade: Minilessons to Help Students Plan, Draft, and Revise, Grades 3-8, Content: Karen Caine is the author of, Writing to Persuade: Minilessons to Help Students Plan, Draft, and Revise (Heinemann, 2008) and a writing workshop consultant who works with upper elementary, middle, and High School teachers from across the US. Karen taught for 15 years New York City schools before becoming a district staff developer and an instructor at summer institutes such as the Teachers College Reading and Writing Project Summer Institute. She served as the Director of Curriculum at private school in Atlanta and taught in the Masters in Teaching Program at Oglethorpe University. She is a frequent presenter at NCTE, Literacy for All, ASCD, and other national conventions. In her presentations and classroom work, Karen gives teachers practical information and teaching strategies. The majority of her work focuses on: - helping teachers design clear, rigorous, and engaging lessons - teaching teachers how to have strong writing conferences that immediately lift the level of student writing - showing teachers how to help students become better at revising their writing. Karen specializes in working with teachers in informational and opinion writing. |
53,888 | Title: Classroom Reading Assessments: More Efficient Ways to View and Evaluate Your Readers, Content: Frank Serafini is the author of the Heinemann title Classroom Reading Assessment. He is a leading voice on the reading workshop, whether the topic is implementation, planning, assessment, or comprehension. His passion for the workshop has helped tens of thousands of teachers find more effective and professionally satisfying teaching through Heinemann professional books such as Around the Reading Workshop in 180 Days, Lessons in Comprehension, and The Reading Workshop. Frank is an associate professor of Literacy Education at Arizona State University, and he brings his ideas, experiences, and deep understanding of reading instruction to teachers around the country as a member of Heinemann Professional Development Services. |
53,889 | Title: Journey, Content: Like Sarah, Plain and Tall , for which MacLachlan won the 1986 Newbery Award, this novel concerns a family trying to fill the gaping void left by the loss of a mother. And like that earlier masterpiece, this is a spellbinding tale, lean only in its length. The author's clipped dialogue and meticulously pared-down descriptions convey a deceptive simplicity--there are deep, intricate rumblings beneath the surface calm of MacLachlan's words. When his mother walks out on 11-year-old Journey and his older sister, Cat, the boy refuses to believe she will not return. He listens to the constant clicking of the shutter as his grandfather takes possession of Cat's cast-aside camera, asserting that "sometimes pictures show us what is really there." Journey questions the value of this incessant picture-taking, yet pores through his grandmother's photo album, trying to patch together a fragmented past that is frustratingly out of focus. He hopes that the truth will be found in a box of family photos that his mother left in tiny scraps under her bed. Setting out to piece the pictures back together, Journey finally admits that this dream is as hopeless as his mother's return. It is his grandfather, on whom Journey has taken out much of his anger, who eventually answers the child's most troubling questions. The wise older man assures Journey that he is not to blame for his mama's departure, and shares a truth that is at the heart of the novel: although everything in life--from photographs to families--is not perfect, "things can be good enough." Readers of all ages will find that MacLachlan's emotion-charged novel is far closer to being perfect than to being just "good enough." One turns the last page convinced that Journey's is, indeed, a complete family, and that this is a full and refreshing work. Ages 8-14.Copyright 1991 Reed Business Information, Inc.--This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title. |
53,890 | Title: Striker Jones: Elementary Economics For Elementary Detectives, Second Edition (Volume 1), Content: "Striker Jones: Elementary Economics for Elementary Detectivesis a guide to the simple ideas of economics for younger readers with fun problems to work through. It is a thoughtful delve into economics and short fiction, a top pick for younger readers."- Midwest Book Review"An excellent text for older elementary students beginning to grasp more and more complicated economic concepts. Through its easy flowing narrative with lots of conversational dialogue, children will see that economics affect their daily life far more than they realized!"- Rutgers University Project on Economics and Children"There is no more important subject for young people to be exposed to right now than elementary economics.  Larche has produced a well written primer that illustrates the economic fundamentals clearly, succinctly and with a cool factor that young readers will love. Think young Sherlock Holmes meets Milton Friedman!" - James Larriviere, Ph.D., Professor of Economics at Spring Hill College |
53,891 | Title: Finding the Heart of Nonfiction: Teaching 7 Essential Craft Tools with Mentor Texts, Content: As a writer, a poet, and a founding member of the Teachers College Reading and Writing Project, Georgia Heard continues to bring a poet's ear and a teacher's know-how to every aspect of writing instruction. Her latest books, The Revision Toolbox, Second Edition and Finding the Heart of Nonfiction, take their place alongside essential resources such as the Heinemann titles Writing Toward Home; and Awakening the Heart - which Instructor Magazine called one of its 12 Books Every Teacher Should Read. Georgia is also a member of Heinemann Professional Development Services. At the Teachers College Reading and Writing Project Georgia worked for seven years as Senior Staff Developer in New York City schools. Today she travels the U.S. and the world as a consultant, visiting author, and keynote speaker in school districts and conferences. In addition to her Heinemann professional books, Georgia is the coauthor of Climb Inside a Poem, classroom materials from Heinenann-Firsthand. She is also the author of the professional titles Poetry Lessons to Meet the Common Core Standards and A Place for Wonder as well as children's literature such as Falling Down the Page: A Book of List Poems. |
53,892 | Title: Effective Inclusive Schools: Designing Successful Schoolwide Programs, Content: Effective Inclusive SchoolsA rich, rewarding education is often hard to find for children with disabilities. In the words of one parent, "If you have a typically developing kid, you have a litany of choices; if you have a specially developing child, then you're presented with an option.'' In some schools an anti-disability ethos inadvertently permeates the culture, while other schools hold low expectations for disabled kids by excessively modifying curriculum or segregating students with special needs. These (often unconscious) practices reinforce the view that children with disabilities are inferior and undeserving of an equal education, causing them to leave school unprepared for employment and a rewarding adult life. They also harm nondisabled peers, who often develop negative prejudices about people with disabilities.In this groundbreaking book, Hehir and Katzman focus on the positive: What are our most effective inclusive schools doing? How do their leaders and teachers work together to ensure success for all kids, with or without disabilities? What can other schools do to replicate their success? These portraits of exemplary schools provide a path forward for anyone striving to improve special education services in their classroom, school, or district. Insights shared from teachers, school leaders, parents, and the students themselves will inspire readers to improve education not only for kids with disabilities, but all children.Praise forEffective Inclusive Schools"Finally, a book that cuts to the heart of leadership in schools. Every principal and would-be educational leader in America should read this book."—Terrence E. Deal, coauthor, Reframing Organizations and Shaping School Culture |
53,893 | Title: Reframing Organizations: Artistry, Choice, and Leadership, Content: Become a More Versatile Manager and a More Artistic LeaderIn this third edition of their best-selling classic, authors Lee Bolman and Terrence Deal explain the powerful tool of "reframing." The authors have distilled the organizational literature into a comprehensive approach for looking at situations from more than one angle. Their four frames view organizations as factories, families, jungles, and theaters or temples:The Structural Frame: how to organize and structure groups and teams to get resultsThe Human Resource Frame: how to tailor organizations to satisfy human needs, improve human resource management, and build positive interpersonal and group dynamicsThe Political Frame: how to cope with power and conflict, build coalitions, hone political skills, and deal with internal and external politicsThe Symbolic Frame: how to shape a culture that gives purpose and meaning to work, stage organizational drama for internal and external audiences, and build team spirit through ritual, ceremony, and storyThe core of the book is reframing, a tool for finding new opportunities and options in confusing and troubling organizational situations. The authors show how multiple frames give leaders an edge in decoding organizational complexity. The new edition highlights current developments in organizational and leadership research. It presents new case examples from organizations such as eBay, Enron, Harley-Davidson, the New York City Fire Department, and the U.S. Marine Corps. The book also introduces "Organizational Theory’s Greatest Hits," text boxes that ground the book in the most influential scholarly work. The new edition also offers a rich mix of geographic, cultural, and gender diversity throughout.Includes on-line instructor’s guide available at |
53,894 | Title: Change Your Questions, Change Your Life: 10 Powerful Tools for Life and Work (BK Life (Paperback)), Content: Marilee Adams, Ph.D. is President and Chief Question Officer of the Inquiry Institute, a consultancy and educational center for leadership, individual, team, and organizational effectiveness. She is a professional speaker, executive coach, coach trainer, and facilitator. Her clients include NASA Goddard, Lockheed Martin, the Brookings Institution, the U.S. Departments of the Treasury, Education, and Interior, Federal Executive Institute, Siemens, Wachovia. |
53,895 | Title: "I Read It, but I Don't Get It: Comprehension Strategies for Adolescent Readers", Content: Cris Tovani received her degrees from the University of San Diego and the University of Colorado. She is currently doing national consulting and teaching work and serving as a literacy coach full time at a secondary school |
53,896 | Title: Reading, Writing and Learning in ESL: A Resource Book for Teaching K-12 English Learners (with MyEducationLab) (5th Edition), Content: Reading, Writing, and Learning in ESLGets Better and Better:Tailored for the needs of all English language learners, the fifth edition ofReading, Writing, and Learning in ESLcombines the strengths of the fourth edition with new teaching ideas for differentiated instruction and assessment, vocabulary development, and standards-based curriculum development. This new edition continues to balance comprehensiveness and accessibility, providing a wealth of practical strategies for promoting literacy for English learners in the ESL, bilingual, and general education classrooms. The authors weave authentic vignettes and real-life scenarios into each chapter to illustrate concepts, enhance readability, and make the text user-friendly.Reading, Writing, and Learning in ESLtakes a unique approach by exploring contemporary language acquisition theory as it relates to instruction, and by providing tips and guidelines designed to help teachers motivate and inspire their students. Reviewers Praise the New Edition“The chapter introductions and summaries are clear, concise, and well-written. They are crafted in a way that facilitates comprehension and review of key concepts. The scenarios from teaching situations are outstanding and help to bring a strong applied component to the text.”-Deanna Nisbet, Regent University, Virginia “I do not feel that there are any other texts that compare to this text. There are several others that minimally cover the topics, however, no others provide the coverage and variety of the Peregoy and Boyle.”-Dorothy Craig, Middle Tennessee State University “The summary (with a vignette), suggestions for further reading (annotative bibliography), and activities at the end of each chapter are very appropriate. The practical activities, in particular, raise questions and require students to consider issues outside their immediate classroom.”-John Battenburg, California Polytechnic State University What’s New in the Fifth Edition?A fully updated and revised chapter on effective English learner instruction,including discussion of the 2006 TESOL standards, content-based instruction, and differentiated instruction and assessment (Ch. 3).Classroom examplesshowing how to implementdifferentiated instruction and assessmentfor oral language, emergent literacy, process writing, reading and literature, and content area literacy(Ch. 4-10).A brand-new chapter on vocabulary teaching and learning(Ch. 6), presenting current research and strategies such asvocabulary journals,word cards, andword wheels,with an emphasis on helping students understand and use new words for reading, writing, and subject matter learning.New material onvarieties of Englishspoken around the world as they relate to issues of power and prestige (Ch. 2).Revised sections on teacher, student, and schoolcultures in the classroomas they impact teaching and learning (Ch.1).Newsuggestions for further reading,updated in-class activities, and extension activities for use with the book’s companion website( order this book WITH MyEducationLab, use either ISBN:ISBN-13: 9780205626847ISBN-10: 020562684XTo order this book WITHOUT MyEducationLab use either ISBN:ISBN-13: 9780205593248ISBN-10: 0205593240 |
53,897 | Title: The 5 Languages of Appreciation in the Workplace: Empowering Organizations by Encouraging People, Content: nan |
53,898 | Title: The Greatness Principle: Finding Significance and Joy by Serving Others, Content: We all want to matterDeep inside each of us is a longing, a yearning--for greatness. We want to know the world is different because we have lived. We want to make our mark. We want to be remembered for something beyond average, something great.But how do we get there?In this practical and inspiring book, Nelson Searcy encourages you to take the next step on your journey toward a full, abundant life. As Searcy explains, if you're not serving, you're not growing. He provides the tools you need to get connected--to others, to God, and to your greater purpose--through service.You can be great. You can matter. You can find the purpose and significance you are longing for. Open these pages and find out how.Nelson Searcyis founding pastor of The Journey Church, a multi-site church with locations across New York City and Boca Raton, Florida. Searcy is also the founder of and the author of several books.Jennifer Dykes Hensonis a freelance writer based in New York City. |
53,899 | Title: "First, Break All the Rules: What the World's Greatest Managers Do Differently", Content: Marcus Buckingham and Curt Coffman expose the fallacies of standard management thinking inFirst, Break All the Rules: What the World's Greatest Managers Do Differently. In seven chapters, the two consultants for the Gallup Organization debunk some dearly held notions about management, such as "treat people as you like to be treated"; "people are capable of almost anything"; and "a manager's role is diminishing in today's economy." "Great managers are revolutionaries," the authors write. "This book will take you inside the minds of these managers to explain why they have toppled conventional wisdom and reveal the new truths they have forged in its place."The authors have culled their observations from more than 80,000 interviews conducted by Gallup during the past 25 years. Quoting leaders such as basketball coach Phil Jackson, Buckingham and Coffman outline "four keys" to becoming an excellent manager: Finding the right fit for employees, focusing on strengths of employees, defining the right results, and selecting staff for talent--not just knowledge and skills.First, Break All the Rulesoffers specific techniques for helping people perform better on the job. For instance, the authors show ways to structure a trial period for a new worker and how to create a pay plan that rewards people for their expertise instead of how fast they climb the company ladder. "The point is to focus people toward performance," they write. "The manager is, and should be, totally responsible for this." Written in plain English and well organized, this book tells you exactly how to improve as a supervisor.--Dan Ring |
Subsets and Splits