Title: Handbook of Writing Research, Content: nan
Title: Pathways to the Common Core: Accelerating Achievement, Content: I love Pathways to the Common Core! The way it explains how the standards work will correct many misconceptions and go a long way toward changing literacy instruction for the better, a primary intent of the standards. It will help people know how to read the standards, and will help teachers see how they already address this new view of comprehension and what more they need to do. This book is an amazing reference for any teacher working to accelerate student achievement, and it is a must-read for those facing the challenge levels of the Common Core State Standards.---Sally Hampton,member of the writing team for the Common Core ELA standards and member of the Pearson Foundation curriculum design teamWith piercing insights, Calkins, Ehrenworth, and Lehman dive deep into the CCSS to debunk myths, extract meaning, and provide needed guidance for each and every standard. Pathways to the Common Core is a necessity for the principal, curriculum leader, professional developer, and teacher seeking a thorough analysis of the standards from which to launch an informed approach to this critical initiative.---Dr. Heidi Hayes Jacobs,author, consultant, and director of the Curriculum 21 ProjectTeachers across the country yearn for a road map to navigate the Common Core State Standards. Search no more. Pathways to the Common Core is the CCSS GPS. The authors do a thorough, extensive analysis of every aspect of the ELA CCSS. Pathways charts a course for effective, thoughtful teaching and top-notch student learning. I was blown away by this smart, artful, enthralling book.---Stephanie Harvey,educator and co-author of the Comprehension Toolkit seriesWhile acknowledging the ambivalence swirling around the Common Core State Standards, Pathways to the Common Core takes a proactive stance, encouraging us to scrutinize the standards carefully and accept the challenge to raise expectations for all children s literacy learning. It reminds us that it is up to schools and districts to decide how to implement the standards and choose our own way forward.---Ellin Keene,consultant and author of Talk About UnderstandingI began reading Pathways to the Common Core in my favorite chair, music playing, dinner cooking on the stove. I ll just read a couple of chapters, I thought. I finished the book hours later, sitting at my desk, a legal pad filled with notes of all I had learned, and hungry for conversation with colleagues (and for dinner that had long-ago burned). Pathways to the Common Core sets you on a path for thinking more deeply about the standards, for teaching more inventively with the standards, and for helping students achieve the goals of the standards.---Kylene Beers,consultant and author of When Kids Can t ReadThe success of the Common Core State Standards will depend largely on how teachers implement them and whether they are able to resist narrow interpretations that could lead to increased failure rates and achievement gaps. In the hands of informed teachers the standards could promote deeper thinking and higher classroom performance. Read Pathways to the Common Core and be informed. --Tom Corcoran,Co-director of CPRE, Teachers CollegeThe Common Core State Standards are here and, as with any new initiative, there are the inevitable questions and concerns, debate and discontent. Pathways to the Common Core does not take sides; rather, the authors acknowledge the range of opinions swarming around the CCSS and wisely focus their energy on making sense of the standards. They provide a clear examination of what is and isn t stated and then invite us to seize this opportunity to reflect on our practice and to become co-constructors of the --Terrence P. Carter,Ph.D., Curriculum & Instruction Department, Academy for Urban School Leadership, National Teachers Academy, ChicagoThe Common Core State Standards are here and, as with any new initiative, there are the inevitable questions and concerns, debate and discontent. Pathways to the Common Core does not take sides; rather, the authors acknowledge the range of opinions swarming around the CCSS and wisely focus their energy on making sense of the standards. They provide a clear examination of what is and isn t stated and then invite us to seize this opportunity to reflect on our practice and to become co-constructors of the future of instruction and curriculum. Let s take up that challenge.---Lester L. Laminack,author, educator, consultantCalkins, Ehrenworth, and Lehman have taken up the challenge of the Common Core standards in a most valuable way. Pathways to the Common Core provides a context for teachers and administrators to advance productive instructional strategies while offering the critical language and logic needed to stand up to unfortunate interpretations and nonsense.---Peter Johnston,Professor, The University at AlbanyPathways to the Common Core invites teachers and principals to welcome the Common Core standards and take them seriously, while recognizing them as a substantial challenge to business as usual. It offers wise advice on how to move ahead, building on strength and engaging the entire school community in a joint effort of continuous improvement. The authors know no one yet has all the answers for reaching such ambitious goals, and suggest deep suspicion of anyone who claims otherwise. It is must reading for responsible educators, and it wouldn't hurt if policymakers took a look as well.---Fritz Mosher,Senior Research Consultant, Consortium for Policy Research in Education and the Center for Continuous Instructional ImprovementI love it when I sit down to view a table of contents and end up reading the whole book. Pathways to the Common Core is the most useful unpacking of the Common Core State Standards available to date. Lucy, Mary, and Chris help us understand what the standards emphasize and how this emphasis might lead us down different paths of instruction than we ve taken before. With generous wisdom and experience, they help us keep one eye on rigor and the other on meaningful reading and writing.---Gretchen Owocki,Ph.D., Director, Reading and Writing Clinic, Saginaw Valley State UniversitySome of our most valuable resources in supporting a child s journey toward college and career readiness are the teachers who propel that journey. If the standards specify what every child needs to know and be able to do to be college or career ready, then Pathways to the Common Core specifies what every educator needs to know and be able to do to implement the ELA standards effectively.---Meghan Berry,CPS, K 5 Writing Content Lead, Office of Reading and Language Arts, ChicagoWhile the standards may be daunting and technical, I am inspired by the way Pathways to the Common Core eases the reader through the concerns we all feel and supports us as we come together to take an honest look at our instructional practices and create systems that will accelerate student achievement. This book is encouraging and supportive; I feel prepared to roll up my sleeves and get to work alongside my staff. --Liz Tetreault,Principal, Port Salerno Elementary School, FLCombining research, experience, and common sense, Pathways to the Common Core is a GPS providing step-by-step navigation through the new Common Core standards. It is a must-read for teachers, administrators, and instructional leaders looking to effectively implement the standards.---Dr. Tom Bulla,Director of Elementary Education, Union County Public Schools, NCPathways to the Common Core is a road map for school leaders and teachers looking to navigate the bends and twists encountered in implementing the Common Core State Standards. It is the perfect blend of instructional theory and classroom practice. This book has already become my most important resource.---Christine Capaci,Principal, West Windsor Plainsboro Regional School District, Village School, NJIf after reading, rereading, and discussing the CCSS you continue to grapple with how they change or support current practices in your district, school, or classroom, read Pathways to the Common Core. Follow Lucy, Mary, and Christopher s critical examination of the standards and you will be empowered to approach curricular alignment with richer perspective, clearer purpose, and greater confidence.---Rochelle DeMuccio,Coordinator ELA and Reading, Half Hollow Hills Schools, NYAt last a book that inspires educators to raise their sights above the politics of the Common Core and focus instead on the unprecedented opportunity these new standards create. Loaded with practical examples, Pathways to the Common Core provides detailed explanations of the standards and thoughtful considerations for implementation. It will propel educators toward the rigorous, ambitious teaching that can truly accelerate student achievement.---Dr. Erin McGurk,Director of Educational Services, Ellington Public Schools, CTLucy, Mary, and Christopher take us on an intellectual journey inside the Common Core State Standards, pausing to examine each standard with the eyes of teachers in real classrooms. Brilliant and accessible, Pathways to the Common Core gives a voice to our profession and invites us to reflect on the Common Core State Standards as an opportunity for collaboration and celebration.---Lydia Bellino,Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum and Instruction, Cold Spring Harbor Central School District, NYOnce again Lucy and the Reading & Writing Project blaze a trail for us all this time as we enter the new terrain of the Common Core. Pathways to the Common Core helps teachers recognize that this work is not new; rather, it takes what we have already been doing and provides a road map for ways to make the work deeper and more rigorous.---Phyllis Harrington,Ed.D., Superintendent, Oyster Bay East Norwich Central School District, NYLucy, Mary, and Chris have decrypted the CCSS. Pathways to the Common Core is a must-have addition to every educator s library.---Vincent M. Iturralde,Principal, Tarkington School of Excellence, ChicagoEngaging and intriguing, Pathways to the Common Core reads like a novel. You won t want to put it down.---Sheila R. Cole,Ed.D, Principal, Franklin School, NJPathways to the Common Core is not a love letter to the CCSS; instead, it is a critical dissection of the standards focusing on what they include, what they marginalize, what is neglected, and what is ineffective. It shows what the standards look like in practice. --Terrence P. Carter,Ph.D., Curriculum & Instruction Department, Academy for Urban School Leadership, National Teachers Academy, Chicago
Title: Chart Sense: Common Sense Charts to Teach 3-8 Informational Text and Literature, Content: nan
Title: Decisive: How to Make Better Choices in Life and Work, Content: nan
Title: Financing Education in a Climate of Change (10th Edition), Content: Financing Education in a Climate of Change, 10/eVern Brimley, Jr., Brigham Young UniversityRulon R. Garfield, Brigham Young University This practical, easy-to-read book is both scholarly and engaging. It appeals to a diverse audience of students, educational leaders, parents, and legislators. School finance is an evolving topic and this text, now in its Tenth Edition, continues to cover all current trends to provide readers with a firm knowledge of educational finance policies and issues that administrators need to understand. It serves as an excellent reference for both practitioners and academics. New to this Edition:Information about theNo Child Left Behind law (NCLB)as it relates to school finance is addressed throughout the text with a more comprehensive description of federalism and its ramifications to NCLB as it encroaches on local control and state responsibility.Addresses the importance ofsafety and securityin an effective school environment (Ch. 14).Thoroughly explains the concept of"weighting"to provide school leaders with a working knowledge of how to finance special education students responsibly (Chs. 3 & 4).Covers new issues dealing with school choice – vouchers, tax credits, charter schools; Explores increased interest in adequacy, economics, and federalism (Chs. 1, 2, & 8)Demonstrates the impact of the courts on public schools, keeping users well informed on the court's influence on finance policy in education. The Tenth Edition examines the enhanced focus on the shift from equity to adequacy and the controversy centered on different perceptions of state constitutional language (Chs. 9 & 10).Places new emphasis on duties of school and district level administrators, providing information relating to the new Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB) requirements and reporting procedures – Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR) and other practical background for both practicing and future principals and district leaders (Chs. 6 & 13).The Tenth Edition reviews the historical periods of school finance and describes a new sixth state (Ch. 7).Here’s What Your Colleagues Are Saying:“I have used the text for several years and have found it an excellent choice for my course.” Marilyn Hirth, Ball State University “The text does a remarkable job of presenting the topic and explaining the various elements that detail and develop the topic and does not overstate the point to boredom or statistical analysis unnecessary for building level administrators.”Joseph Herbert Torres, New Mexico State University
Title: The Secrets and Simple Truths of High-Performing School Cultures, Content: Cathy J.Lassiterhas 29 years of experience as a school principal, central office administrator, and educational consultant. She lives in Chesapeake, VA.
Title: Open, Content: OPEN is a revelation. With an engaging wit and a clear mind Dave Price cast a penetrating light on how the new dynamics of digital culture are transforming not only how we work and play but how we think, feel and learn. He writes with a sharp sense of social history and theory. But he argues too from deep practical experience as an artist, parent and noted leader in educational change. From every perspective 'Open' will open your mind to some of the real implications of digital technologies for how we live and learn in the 21st century. --Sir Ken Robinson, world-leading expert on education and creativityThere a lots of books about learning, but there are hardly any that manage to put the coming education revolution in a context that makes sense both emotionally and economically. OPEN is a tour de force that is by turns inspiring, shocking, highly entertaining, but above all practical. David Price combines the rare skill of understanding an institution without being institutionalised - a maverick thinker who can, through force of reason and humour coupled with long experience, make the job of re-booting education a fun one. He's just the kind of revolutionary the new world needs - one who's influence comes from putting the power to change things directly into your hands. --Mark Stevenson, author of 'An Optimist's Tour of the Future'
Title: Authentic Learning Experiences: A Real-World Approach to Project-Based Learning, Content: "WithAuthentic Learning Experiences, Dayna Laur has outlined a realistic model for creating dynamic classrooms that will prepare students with the skills, critical thinking and problem solving that will prepare them for their lives. Use this book to experiment and connect with other teachers to transform your classrooms."—Holly Jobe, President of ISTE"This book pushes you beyond the traditional mode of teaching to one that truly engages students in relevant, authentic life experiences. The examples of Authentic Learning Experiences are inspiring. As a peer coach in my district, I wanted to share the content and examples with many of my colleagues from various levels and contents."—Erica Ringelspaugh, Adams-Friendship High School, WI"With the advent of the Common Core Standards, educators are constantly looking for valuable resources for the classroom that create authentic learning experiences. This resource provides the background information, explanation, and justification for those authentic learning experiences and additionally addresses the Common Core aspect. The examples provided are outstanding. I appreciated the chapter regarding the "Outside Audience," particularly because it seems to be an area that is overlooked. I also appreciate the information regarding research! My district struggles with authentic research opportunities and this resource provides justification and sound ideas."—Kim Wagner, Traughber Jr. High, IL
Title: Teach with Your Strengths: How Great Teachers Inspire Their Students, Content: Defying the orthodoxy that teachers, to be more well rounded, should work to strengthen their weaknesses, this book, drawing on research by the Gallup Organization, maintains that great teachers are those who teach with their greatest talents and abilities. But how does one identify those talents, and how do teachers apply them day-to-day in the classroom? Liesveld and Miller use the Gallup research and interviews with teachers to define important characteristics of teacher strengths: creating flexible structure, showing emotion, and sharing control with students. Early chapters define talents as deeply ingrained personality aspects. Strengths are based on these talents but can be developed with a combination of skill and knowledge. Later chapters direct readers to a Web site to use the Clifton StrengthsFinder assessment. The authors then describe the 34 varieties of talent measured by the test and suggest how to use them to increase teacher effectiveness. Though the book is directed at teachers and relies heavily on assessment testing, it offers basic strategies that would be of interest to parents as well.Vanessa BushCopyright © American Library Association. All rights reserved
Title: Common Core Mathematics in a PLC at Work: Grades 3 - 5, Content: This book is an invaluable resource for grade 3-5 teachers as they implement the Common Core State Standards for mathematics. The impressive team of authors has produced a rich set of collaborative team tasks to guide groups of teachers in thoughtful discussions of mathematical content and practices, instructional design, assessment, and differentiation. --Jane F. Schielack, Associate Dean for Assessment and PreK 12 Education, College of Science, Texas A&M; UniversityCommon Core Mathematics in a PLC at Work, Grades 3-5 is a rich, research-based resource for teachers and school mathematics leaders struggling to implement the Common Core State Standards for Mathematics. The authors provide a practical guide for working with colleagues to understand the Standards for Mathematical Content and the Standards for Mathematical Practice at each grade level. Kanold et al. have developed a must-have resource that will support implementation of the instructional shifts that are necessary to realize the promise of the CCSS for mathematics. As the Common Core states, 'It is time to recognize that standards are not just promises to our children, but promises we intend to keep.' --Diana L. Kasbaum, President, Association of State Supervisors of MathematicsCommon Core Mathematics in a PLC at Work, Grades 3-5 is a rich, research-based resource for teachers and school mathematics leaders struggling to implement the Common Core State Standards for Mathematics. The authors provide a practical guide for working with colleagues to understand the Standards for Mathematical Content and the Standards for Mathematical Practice at each grade level. Kanold et al. have developed a must-have resource that will support implementation of the instructional shifts that are necessary to realize the promise of the CCSS for mathematics. As the Common Core states, 'It is time to recognize that standards are not just promises to our children, but promises we intend to keep.' --Diana L. Kasbaum, President, Association of State Supervisors of MathematicsCommon Core Mathematics in a PLC at Work, Grades 3-5 is a rich, research-based resource for teachers and school mathematics leaders struggling to implement the Common Core State Standards for Mathematics. The authors provide a practical guide for working with colleagues to understand the Standards for Mathematical Content and the Standards for Mathematical Practice at each grade level. Kanold et al. have developed a must-have resource that will support implementation of the instructional shifts that are necessary to realize the promise of the CCSS for mathematics. As the Common Core states, 'It is time to recognize that standards are not just promises to our children, but promises we intend to keep.' --Diana L. Kasbaum, President, Association of State Supervisors of MathematicsCommon Core Mathematics in a PLC at Work, Grades 3-5 is a rich, research-based resource for teachers and school mathematics leaders struggling to implement the Common Core State Standards for Mathematics. The authors provide a practical guide for working with colleagues to understand the Standards for Mathematical Content and the Standards for Mathematical Practice at each grade level. Kanold et al. have developed a must-have resource that will support implementation of the instructional shifts that are necessary to realize the promise of the CCSS for mathematics. As the Common Core states, 'It is time to recognize that standards are not just promises to our children, but promises we intend to keep.' --Diana L. Kasbaum, President, Association of State Supervisors of Mathematics
Title: So, You Want to Become a National Board Certified Teacher? A Handbook of Teacher Tips for Successfully Completing the NBPTS Certification, Revised, Expanded & Updated Edition, Content: Jerry Parks earned B.S., M.A., & Ed.S. degrees in education from Eastern Kentucky University, and completed graduate work at the University of Kentucky. He became a Nationally Board Certified Teacher in 2002. He is a regular speaker at National Middle School Association conferences, and is currently department chairman and instructor of social studies at Georgetown Middle School in Georgetown, Kentucky. Feel free to contact Jerry with any questions, concerns, or comments about this book at: [email protected], or [email protected]. Parks has also published two other books. His first, With Joseph in the University of Adversity: The Mizraim Principles is based on principles from the life of Joseph the Hebrew in the Old Testament. His second book, Teacher Under Construction: Things I Wish I?d Known, is a handbook to help new middle school teachers in their first year of teaching.
Title: Building a Professional Learning Community at Work: A Guide to the First Year, Content: Graham and Ferriter set out to restore the faith of educators that their efforts can have a significant impact on student achievement. They weave a story that is both refreshingly candid and powerfully compelling. [They] write with the honesty and insight that can only be acquired through direct experience. One of the most common questions we hear from educators who become willing to implement the PLC concept in their own schools is, But where do we start? Graham and Ferriter have answered that question, very specifically, in this powerful book. It is a wonderful contribution to the literature on Professional Learning Communities at Work, and we highly recommend it to educators at all levels. --From the Foreword by Richard and Rebecca DuFour
Title: Schools That Change: Evidence-Based Improvement and Effective Change Leadership, Content: "The author uses the individual school stories to tie educational research to the actual plan. Anyone interested in change can use it as a very clear road map to success!"(A. Joanne Cockrell, Retired Principal 2006-10-27)"Lew Smith has identified eight incredible stories of change. This is a testament to the abilities of incredible people with an uncommon vision."(Rob Carroll, Principal 2006-11-08)"In a thorough review of the literature, Smith describes both the beauty and the challenge of change. The messages and the lessons learned are grounded in the stories of real schools and the paths they took to work their way up to become high-performing schools. These stories will resonate with school leaders everywhere, particularly urban educators. The book is a great contribution to the field and is needed now more than ever."(Beverly L. Hall, Superintendent 2006-12-15)"Provides every school with many valuable strategies to consider.”(W. Norton Grubb, David Gardner Chair in Higher Education 2007-01-12)"An engaging, practitioner-friendly examination of successful school improvement from inside the school. Smith provides eight vivid portraits of schools that were once failing but that have subsequently pulled themselves together and improved dramatically. By blending theories of change with the policies and practices that have facilitated success across a variety of educational contexts, this text provides both instruction and hope to educators, parents, policy makers, and aspiring school leaders. It should be on the short list of required reading for all school stakeholders."(Stephen L. Jacobson, Professor and Associate Dean 2007-01-24)"This book vividly illuminates the incredible power of leadership as the key factor in turning schools around. The stories from the eight featured schools provide us with a bold and unvarnished account of the courage and tenacity of principals and teacher leaders who won’t accept the 'status quo' when that means accepting unsafe schools, failures in student learning, and policies that thwart effective instruction. This book will be incredibly useful for discussions among practicing and future educational leaders."(Kyla L. Wahlstrom, Director)“Schools that Changecaptures that rare combination of intellectual rigor, challenging vision, and the passion. I have been eagerly awaiting this book to share with our Board and with all of our educators. Beyond the mechanistic change processes that are observed all too often, Lew helps us locate the work squarely where it resides; in the messy, organic world of human organizations where leaders must understand and work though the change essentials ofcontext, capacity and conversations.In addition, by telling the stories of courageous school leaders, who have led schools of all sizes and levels throughout the United States, Lew has written a singular work that not only teaches …. it inspires and informs all of us who dream of sustained excellence in our schoolsthat yes – it can be done!”(Duane Brothers, superintendent and CEO)“A rich guide for educators interested in nuts-and-bolts tools and resources to support the journey from low to high performance. Lew Smith has powerfully captured the lessons learned in his magnificently colorful portraits of eight schools selected for the National School Change Award. Practitioners will findSchools that Changeto be wonderfully grounded in evidenced-based research and documented best practice."(Larry Leverett, Executive Director 2007-05-11)“At last, a book that provides practical guidance by focusing on schools that have improved.Schools That Changeoffers sound insights from experienced educators on what it takes to create the schools we need to educate America's children.”(Pedro Noguera, Director, Metropolitan Center for Urban Education 2007-05-10)"Smith's book captures real school change where it counts most: in schools and classrooms, and for children, teachers, and communities. A must-read!"(Bruce Cooper, Professor of Educational Leadership)“Provides an in-depth investigation of schools in different regions of the country that have made dramatic improvement in student achievement. The opportunity to share and learn from these promising practices offers practitioners a valuable repertoire for implementation.”(Gerald N. Tirozzi, Executive Director)“Schools have shown themselves to be gifted and talented at resisting and subverting change. Lew Smith hands to us the keys to the storehouse of insights about how schools changed…really changed.”(Roland Barth, Founder, The Principals' Center, Harvard University 2007-05-17)“Lew Smith has written about how eight schools have changed from schools of mediocrity to schools of excellence. He presents practical suggestions on how to accomplish the same results through the essential elements of context, capacity, and conversation. The book has a scholarly foundation, but has a practical focus reflecting the author’s own experiences as a successful high school principal.”(Frank J. Macchiarola, President, St. Francis College 2007-05-10)"Makes powerful connections that bridge research, policy, and practice, enabling those in the field to make decisions to effect systemic improvement of teaching and learning in America’s schools. It is refreshing to have a timely book that not only makes the case for change and improvement, but also provides evidence on how to do it effectively."(Thomas W. Payzant, Professor of Practice 2007-06-29)"Schools do change. Some schools, however, take the initiative and look for a better way to serve their constituencies. Lew Smith has given us a revealing and important glimpse of some of these remarkable schools."(Ted Sizer, Chairman Emeritus)“Smith’s book offers educators a variety of inspiring examples of schools that beat the odds and improved teaching and learning. Smith thinks like a designer rather than a problem solver. Problem solvers concentrate on eliminating things—problems—while designers focus on creating things—in this case, exciting new learning environments. For my money, the hopes of our neediest young people are better vested in the dynamics of designers than the predicaments of problem solvers.”(Daniel L. Duke, Professor and Research Director, Partnership for Leaders in Education 2007-05-10)"Lew Smith makes it clear that schools in the most desperate of situations have been able to find hope and success through change initiated by courageous leaders using strategies based on commitment to improve the status quo, caring, and trust. I hope others will avail themselves of opportunities to gain inspiration from the change stories told in this book."(Grayson Noley, Chair of Educational Leadership and Policy Studies 2007-05-10)"School principals and aspiring school administrators looking for real-world school change will find this book among their most trusted resources. This book reveals the challenges of successful school change and provides a recipe for how to become an intelligent leader for complex decision making."(Benjamin O. Canada, Associate Executive Director 2007-06-27)"Schools That Changeintegrates equal parts passion and intellect. A well-crafted contribution to the literature on successful reform—a sophisticated and nuanced book that should be read with care."(From the Foreword by Michael Fullan 2007-06-29)"Lew Smith's patient attention to developing a framework that captures the dimensions of successful school improvement has paid off handsomely. Both researchers and school administrators will gain insight into the theory and art of change leadership. More importantly, readers will come away with many ideas about how to create the conditions that Smith identifies as critical to substantive change for teachers, students, and families."(Karen Seashore Louis, Rodney S. Wallace Professor 2007-11-05)“Gives rich, engaging, and often inspiring glimpses into the stories of eight American schools that went from horrendous to excellent. The book could provide an effective scaffold for personal reflection or serve as a source book for a masters program in educational administration.”(Education Canada, Summer 2008, Vol. 48(3) 2008-11-19)
Title: Ethical Leadership, Content: "Jerry Starratt's deeply felt book helps leaders explore their own humanity and humane responsibilities to others while working in contemporary school settings."—Eric Bredo, professor and coordinator, Social Foundations Program, Department of Leadership, Foundations and Policy, University of Virginia"This book provides a brilliant fusion of the philosophical and the practical in analyzing the ethical and moral dimensions of educational leadership. The foundational ethics of authenticity, responsible and presence provides a new and very creative framework for the practice of moral leadership. A must read."—Patrick Duignan, foundation chair in education leadership, director, Research Center in Educational Leadership, Australian Catholic University
Title: Data Wise, Revised and Expanded Edition: A Step-by-Step Guide to Using Assessment Results to Improve Teaching and Learning, Content: Schools that embrace the Data Wise process exemplify the value that true school transformation happens from within the school, not from outside. Systemic, sustainable improvement in student performance is assured when a school makes Data Wise a part of its culture. From a district perspective, supporting our schools in their work with Data Wise is time well spent. --Kathy Rollo, executive director, leadership and professional development, Lubbock Independent School District, Texas This book provides a great variety of useful ideas and tools for analyzing student achievement data. It serves as an important and significant resource for school leaders in utilizing data to improve instruction and student achievement. --Gerald N. Tirozzi, former executive director, National Association of Secondary School Principals
Title: Preventing Bullying and School Violence, Content: Twemlow and Sacco s important book takes a major step toward clarifying our understanding of the school violence that plagues our society and what can be done to reduce the harm. This work offers a readable, well crafted examination of the range and complexity of the problem, the interconnections among family-school-community, role of mental health and medical professionals. They also offer a number of critical elements to the solution, including: an understanding of the bullying process, role of the community, identifying at-risk children, therapeutic mentoring, the concept of wellness, and other pragmatic intervention strategies. The tone is authoritative and practical, but always with a nuanced understanding of this complex phenomenon. School administrators, teachers, mental health professionals, and all those interested in improving the safety of our schools and communities for children should read this book and take it s lessons to heart. --B. Christopher Frueh, Ph.D., Professor of Psychology and Chair of the Division of Social Sciences, University of Hawaii, Hilo, HI, Director of Clinical Research, The Menninger Clinic, Houston, TX, Adjunct Professor of Psychiatry, Baylor College of MedicinBully-victim behavior is a public health crisis. Twemlow and Sacco have long been two of the nation s leading bully prevention researchers and practitioners. This book is a must read for mental health professionals who are invested in being helpful and essential change agents in making our schools safer, more supportive and engaging and helpfully challenging: the foundation for school and life success. This is a wise and practically helpful guide! --Jonathan Cohen, Ph.D., President, National School Climate Center: Educating Minds and Hearts Because the Three Rs are Not Enough; Adjunct Professor in Psychology and Education, Teachers College, Columbia UniversityDrs. Twemlow and Sacco have made an outstanding contribution to our appreciation of the phenomena of bullying and approaches to intervention. Their conceptualizations and practical applications for action will go a long way to improving the health and well-being of all children. --Steven Marans, MSW, Ph.D., Harris Professor of Child Psychiatry, Professor of Psychiatry Director, National Center for Children Exposed to Violence/Childhood Violent Trauma Center, Yale University School of Medicine
Title: Developing Multicultural Counseling Competence: A Systems Approach (2nd Edition) (Erford), Content: nan
Title: "They Say / I Say": The Moves That Matter in Academic Writing (Third Edition), Content: “Demystifies academic argumentation.” (Patricia Bizzell, College of the Holy Cross)“This book demystifies rhetorical moves, tricks of the trade that many students are unsure about. It’s reasonable, helpful, nicely written . . . and hey, it’s true. I would have found it immensely helpful myself in high school and college.” (Mike Rose, University of California, Los Angeles)“The best tribute to“They Say / I Say”I’ve heard is this, from a student: “This is one book I’m not selling back to the bookstore.” Nods all around the room. The students love this book.” (Christine Ross, Quinnipiac University)“The argument of this book is important—that there are “moves” to academic writing . . . and that knowledge of them can be generative. The template format is a good way to teach and demystify the moves that matter. I like this book a lot.” (David Bartholomae, University of Pittsburgh)“A brilliant book. . . . It’s like a membership card in the academic club.” (Eileen Seifert, DePaul University)“Students need to walk a fine line between their work and that of others, and this book helps them walk that line, providing specific methods and techniques for introducing, explaining, and integrating other voices with their own ideas.” (Libby Miles, University of Rhode Island)“This book uncovers the rhetorical conventions that transcend disciplinary boundaries, so that even freshmen, newcomers to the academy, are immediately able to join in the conversation.” (Margaret Weaver, Missouri State University)
Title: Human Resource Leadership for Effective Schools (5th Edition), Content: Human Resource Leadership for Effective Schools, 5/EJohn T. Seyfarth   “I have used each edition since the very first one … I consider this text the most comprehensive (and best overall) on the subject of HR in the field. Each chapter is very substantial in content, relevant, complete, and current.”–Ernest Noack, Western New Mexico University “Overall, the book is student-friendly, well written, and factually correct.  The concepts covered are up-to-date and well organized …. The text closely aligns with the ELCC standards that are generally covered in the personnel course.  The on-line resources for each chapter are a nice feature that the instructor can use to promote additional study by the students.”–Michael Cunningham, Marshall University  Now in its fifth edition,Human Resource Leadership for Effective Schoolsemphasizes the relationship of school HR management to positive outcomes for student learning. This research-based text addresses the effects of human resource decisions on human achievement. Seyfarth also discusses ISLLC standards and the impact of HR practice in schools with site-based management, and presents practical applications throughout. New features in this edition include: ·          Coverage of key issues, such as mandated use of standardized tests for assessing school performance, applicants with disabilities, professional development programs, and mentoring. ·          Discussion of the requirements of No Child Left Behind (NCLB) to employ highly qualified teachers in all classrooms and the implications of this mandate. ·          Discussion of new standards for selecting and evaluating teachers (INTASC and PRAXIS III) and school leaders (ISLLC) in light of increased emphasis on accountability. ·          Updated chapters on Legal Issues (Ch. 11) and Collective Bargaining (Ch. 12) reflect current issues such as constitutional protections for employees and sexual harassment in schools. ·          Educational Leadership website contains additional resources:
Title: Self-theories: Their Role in Motivation, Personality, and Development (Essays in Social Psychology), Content: Based on extensive research with children and young adults, this book examines adaptive and maladaptive cognitive-motivational patterns and shows how these patterns originate in people's self theories; their consequences for one's achievment, social relationships, and emotional well-being; thier consequences for society; and the experiences that create these cognitive-motivational patterns. --Resources inEducationWhat we have here is no ordinary scholarly psychology volume. Ever so rarely, we are offered a psychology book that is so beautifully written, lucidly organized, and elegant in its description of ideas... I see many uses for this wonderful volume. Instead of having to put together a rather large stack of reprints to introduce students to her groundbreaking work, I now can refer them to something far better -- the author's view of how her work has developed over the years. --Journal of Socialand Clinical Psychology[This book] describes pathbreaking research in a style that is accessible to many audiences. It calls into question some of the most widely-held beliefs . . . about effective practices for maximizing children's self-confidence and learning. --Deborah Stipek,UCLAThe book is central to basic issues in social, personality, and developmental psychology. Indeed, it is like a guided tour through the scenic terrain of Carol's fascinating program of research. The writing is lively and engaging and the organization is unusually clear. The examples are well-chosen and intuitively compelling; they are easy to relate to our own lives and to the people that we know. -- Diane N. Ruble,New YorkUniversity[This book] is simply among the best book in psychology I've read during the past year or two. It's superb. . . I could hardly put [it] down. --Robert J. Sternberg,Yale UniversityThe book is central to basic issues in social, personality, and developmental psychology. Indeed, it is like a guided tour through the scenic terrain of Carol's fascinating program of research. The writing is lively and engaging and the organization is unusually clear. The examples are well-chosen and intuitively compelling; they are easy to relate to our own lives and to the people that we know. -- Diane N. Ruble, New York University[T]his is an important book addressing fundamental problems of enduring interest. [W]e thinkSelf-Theoriesshould be read by anyone with a serious interest in children's motivation, academic achievement or social development. -- Human DevelopmentThis book does a great deal to undo the damage done by psychology books which have emphasised the importance of intelligence and of fixed stages which pupils and students cannot move out of, or work beyond... The contents of this delightful affirming book should be known to every teacher and every pupil, and most of all to every teacher trainer. -- David Turner, University of Glamorgan. -- Book Review
Title: Distributed Leadership, Content: “We all know how important leadership is to school improvement. What we haven’t been able to understand, until this book, is how leadership practice ‘stretched across multiple people’ can actually accomplish this improvement.”-- SUSAN H. FUHRMAN, dean and George and Diane Weiss Professor of Education, University of Pennsylvania Graduate School of Education, and chair, Management Committee, Consortium for Policy Research in Education “Grounded in the work of real schools and their many leaders, this concise and cogent analysis gives practical meaning to Spillane’s oft-cited—yet rarely understood—theory of distributed leadership. It is an essential guide for all those intent on improving their schools.”-- SUSAN MOORE JOHNSON, Porzheimer Professor of Teaching and Learning,HarvardGraduateSchoolof Education “The most important ‘street level’ look to date at a topic at the very center of effective leadership for twenty-first century schools—by the nation’s foremost expert on distributed leadership.”-- JOSEPH MURPHY, professor of education and associate dean, Department of Leadership, Policy, and Organization,VanderbiltUniversity 
Title: American Public School Law, Content: "Kern Alexander was the lead author of this text when it was first published in 1969 under the title of Public School Law and has either authored or co-authored all subsequent editions. Dr. Alexander is a widely published author in the fields of education law and finance. He served as Professor of Educational Administration at the University of Florida for nearly two decades, and later as University Distinguished Professor at Virginia Tech. He has been President of Western Kentucky University and Murray State University, Kentucky, and is currently Professor of Educational Administration at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign. He continues to take an active role throughout the United States in litigation involving equity in school finance."--This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.
Title: The Leadership Challenge: How to Make Extraordinary Things Happen in Organizations, Content: nan
Title: Data Analysis for Continuous School Improvement, Content: Solve your school's problems by using data.This book shows you how to:• replace hunches and hypotheses with facts• identify the root causes of problems• measure progress toward comprehensive schoolwide improvement• effectively gather and use data to make better decisionsWith clear and concrete examples from schools, "Data Analysis for Comprehensive Schoolwide Improvement" shows you how to:• clarify what data are important• use and analyze data• communicate and report resultsThis book enables you to find and use the following types of data:• demographics• attendance/enrollment• drop-out/graduation rates• assessments of current teaching practices• teachers', students', administrators', & parents' perceptions of the learning environment
Title: Leadership for Equity and Excellence: Creating High-Achievement Classrooms, Schools, and Districts, Content: "It brings into focus the many aspects of equity and equality in one source. It makes an excellent base for some meaningful discussion of these issues by those working with aspiring educator leaders, as well as those already in the field."(Deborah A. Drugan, Principal)