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Aatrox,the Darkin Blade
health: Health650+114, resource: ResourceN/A, health regen: Health regen. (per 5s)3+1, resource regen: Resource regen.N/A, armor: Armor38+4.45, attack damage: Attack damage60+5, attack speed: Base AS0.651, gameplay radius: Gameplay radius65, selection radius: Selection radius135, release: 2013-06-13, changed: V13.20, role: Juggernaut, position: Top, rangetype: Melee, adaptivetype: Physical, cost: 4800|880
Games AatroxMainWingedTitlesNickname(s)BrotherBrotherThe Blade of IcathiaAlias(es)The Darkin BladeDeathbringerWorld EnderGod KillerCharacteristicsSpeciesDarkinGod-WarriorHumanPronoun(s)He/HimTimelineBorn:5000 BN - 3400 BNWeapon(s)The Darkin BladeHemomancyWorld Ender FormPersonal statusStatusAlivePlace of originShurima(Ancient Times)Current residenceUnknown(No Fixed Abode)Professional statusOccupation(s)Darkin WarmongerShuriman GuardianRegion(s)RuneterraShurimaFaction(s)DarkinRelated character(s)NaafiriRhaastVarusAzirZoePantheonTryndamereKayleKaynRyzeXolaaniMihira Aatrox • Main • Winged Titles Nickname(s) • Brother • Brother • The Blade of Icathia Alias(es) • The Darkin Blade • Deathbringer • World Ender • God Killer Characteristics Species • Darkin • God-Warrior • Human Pronoun(s) Timeline • Born:5000 BN - 3400 BN Weapon(s) • The Darkin Blade • Hemomancy • World Ender Form Personal status Status Place of origin Current residence Professional status Occupation(s) • Darkin Warmonger • Shuriman Guardian Region(s) • Runeterra • Shurima Faction(s) Related character(s) Once honored defenders ofShurimaagainst the Void,Aatroxand his brethren would eventually become an even greater threat toRuneterra, and were defeated only by cunning mortal sorcery. But after centuries of imprisonment,Aatroxwas the first to find freedom once more, corrupting and transforming those foolish enough to try and wield the magical weapon that contained his essence. Now with stolen flesh, he walks Runeterra in a brutal approximation of his previous form, seeking an apocalyptic and long overdue vengeance. Contents • 1Background1.1Early Life1.1.1Ascension1.1.2Icathian Uprising1.1.3The Great Darkin War1.2Modern History1.2.1Host Bodies1.2.2Killing the Aspect of War1.2.3Reaving in the North1.3Recent Events1.3.1Xolaani Returns • 2Appearance • 3Personality • 4Abilities • 5Relations5.1Darkin5.1.1Rhaast5.1.2Varus5.1.3Naafiri5.1.4Xolaani5.2Aspects5.2.1Pantheon5.2.2Zoe5.2.3MihiraandKayle5.3Ryze5.4Tryndamere • 6Read More6.1Biography6.2Starring Champion6.3Mentioned Champion6.4Alternate Universes • 7Trivia • 8Change log • 9References • 10See also • 1.1Early Life1.1.1Ascension1.1.2Icathian Uprising1.1.3The Great Darkin War • 1.2Modern History1.2.1Host Bodies1.2.2Killing the Aspect of War1.2.3Reaving in the North • 1.3Recent Events1.3.1Xolaani Returns • 1.1.1Ascension • 1.1.2Icathian Uprising • 1.1.3The Great Darkin War • 1.2.1Host Bodies • 1.2.2Killing the Aspect of War • 1.2.3Reaving in the North • 1.3.1Xolaani Returns • 5.1Darkin5.1.1Rhaast5.1.2Varus5.1.3Naafiri5.1.4Xolaani • 5.2Aspects5.2.1Pantheon5.2.2Zoe5.2.3MihiraandKayle • 5.3Ryze • 5.4Tryndamere • 5.1.1Rhaast • 5.1.2Varus • 5.1.3Naafiri • 5.1.4Xolaani • 5.2.1Pantheon • 5.2.2Zoe • 5.2.3MihiraandKayle • 6.1Biography • 6.2Starring Champion • 6.3Mentioned Champion • 6.4Alternate Universes Background[] Early Life[] As a mortal, Aatrox was born and raised inShurimaat the height of its power. He eventually became a champion of the empire, being honored for his service as a strong warrior. During this time, he had served it for all his life. He was a noble warrior and would not hesitate to fight alongside his fellow soldiers in battle. Ascension[] Aatrox was one of the first to be granted the gift ofAscensionin the ancient times of Shurima, a rite that was reserved for those near the end of their life.[1]Once he was Ascended, Aatrox was granted a heightened role within the military as a member of the Ascended Host. As one of the most powerful of the Ascended, Aatrox fought and even killedSpirit Godsand other powerful beings.[2] Icathian Uprising[] WhenIcathiarebelled against the emperor, the Ascended hero Setaka requested that Aatrox aid her in fighting them back alongside the rest of the Ascended Host. Answering the call with no hesitation, he helped drive back theVoidwhen the Icathians tried weaponizing it, an event that deeply scarred his mind and lead to the loss of his wings. The Great Darkin War[] Aatrox standing among his fellow Darkin,VarusandRhaast After theShuriman Empire felldue to the sudden death of emperorAzir, the Ascended renamed themselvesSunbornand clashed with each other due to the lack of leadership and purpose. Their battle brought so much devastation that the mortals eventually began to call these SunbornDarkin, an old Shuriman word which most closely translated to 'The Fallen.' During the war, Aatrox was an honored general who commanded several other Darkin to his side in an attempt to unify them again. It's implied that Aatrox was one of five notably powerful Darkin that fought side by side during the war and sought to bring ruin to the entire world once reunited. These Darkin include Aatrox himself,Rhaast,Varus,Naafiriand an unknown fifth Darkin.[3] Ryzewitnessing a vision of the Darkin War, seeing the moment where Aatrox andXolaanibegan their violent conflict. Aatrox had a particular rivalry withXolaani, who utilized her talents in blood magic to puppeteer the bodies of the other Darkin to her will in an attempt to end the war.[4]Horiffied by this, Aatrox named Xolaani a coward for her methods and honed a deep, violent hatred for her.[5] Fearing for the fate of Runeterra, theCelestial beingsofTargonintervened as the5Aspect of War, also known asPantheon, rallied mortals to fight back against the Darkin while Myisha theAspect of Twilighttaught mortals how to imprison the Darkin within their own weapons. Aatrox fought against Pantheon with an army of his own, ultimately losing and becoming deceived as he became one of the first Darkin to become imprisoned. Trapped within his sword in a torturous existence, Aatrox continued to hopelessly reach out of his prison in agony. Modern History[] Host Bodies[] Eventually, an unknown mortal man fled a battle and, out of desperation to defend himself, tried to wield Aatrox's sword. Using hemomancy, Aatrox quickly took over this human's body and reformed it as close to his original Ascended form as possible. Fearing that this body was too weak to withstand his Darkin essence, Aatrox looked toward a city caught in the middle of a chaotic battle and planned to slaughter as many mortals as possible and repurpose their corpses to strengthen his new form.[6] Aatrox possessed many men and women over the years, learning how to take over a body instantly and feast on his enemies' flesh. Aatrox travelled the world in search of a way to return to his Ascended form but realized that there was no escape from his prison and despaired. With that, Aatrox grew desperate and decided that since he cannot truly free himself from the blade, he would instead end all of existence including himself in a terrible cataclysm. Marching with a new purpose, Aatrox brought war and death wherever he went, hoping to create a battle apocalyptic enough to bring oblivion to everything. Killing the Aspect of War[] On his quest to achieve oblivion and enact vengeance against the Aspects that trapped him, Aatrox travelled toMount Targonand terrorized armies of barbarians on his way there, driving them into Targonian lands. Seeking to reach the mountain's summit, Aatrox faced off against Pantheon and confronted him in a battle in the skies. Aatrox achieved what was thought impossible and stabbed his sword through Pantheon's chest, wounding him so deeply that he carved the constellation of War out of the cosmos, essentially killing the Aspect. Only the Aspect's hostAtreusremained, spitting in Aatrox's face as he sneered and left him to die to his wounds. Eventually, a fully recovered Atreus returned and stood between Aatrox and an army of barbarians, wielding the now fallen Aspect's dulled spear and shield. Aatrox mocked Atreus for being foolish enough to face him without the powers of Pantheon and fought him, casting Atreus down to his knees. Before striking the killing blow, Atreus managed to awaken the residual celestial power within himself and reignited the powers of Pantheon, leaping into the air and severing Aatrox's sword arm and defeating him.[7] Reaving in the North[] Aatrox eventually gained a new host and began a rampage in the northern parts ofValoran, such as theFreljord.[8]One night, Aatrox flew across a snowstorm and appeared beforeTryndamere'sclan, who mistook the Darkin for their horned god the8Iron Boar. As some of the tribespeople began to kneel and pray, Aatrox immediately began to slaughter them as Tryndamere looked on in horror before raising his blade and attempting to strike. Aatrox swatted the barbarian aside and nearly beat him to death, speaking archaic words and laughing maniacally as he succumbed to his wounds.[9] Recent Events[] Xolaani Returns[] Aatrox in an apocalyptic battle againstXolaani, withKayleattempting to intervene. After Xolaani achieved a3hostinIonia, Aatrox was able to sense her reawakening from continents away.[10]Aatrox's hatred for Xolaani burned so deeply that he planned to wage a final war against her to bring him oblivion, rallying the rest of the Darkin to join him in Icathia to battle Xolaani.[11] In Icathia, he faced off against an empowered7Xolaaniand battled her alongside the other Darkin. However, some of them fell victim to her hemomancy and fought Aatrox against their will.[12]Mihira, the Aspect of Justice, sensed the cataclysmic battle between the two and descended down to Runeterra with her daughterKayleto intervene. Kayle and Aatrox fought one another while Xolaani somehow managed to use hemomancy to bend even Mihira to her will, seemingly fusing with the7Aspect. Though the outcome is unclear, its most likely thatRyze, who accompanied Kayle on her mission to intervene, decided to utilize aWorld Runeto completely neutralize the catastrophe.[13] Appearance[] Aatrox's consciousness is imprisoned within his sword; a large red blade with sharp spikes and black organic platting that mimics steel. In the center of the blade close to the handle is Aatrox's beating heart, which constantly pulsates with his life force. In his physical form, Aatrox is incredibly large, standing taller than most mortals and capable of increasing his size by repurposing the bodies of his fallen enemies. His skin is a deep red that gets brighter around his chest and he has organic armor covering various parts of his body including his right arm, back, legs, and head. The armor shell on his head forms a helmet with two horns and on his back are two large wings with fleshy membranes that he often grows to raise himself from the ground and intimidate people. It is unknown what Aatrox looked like in his Ascended form, however it is known that he looked similar to his current form with giant golden wings and shimmering armor. Personality[] As anAscended, Aatrox was known as an incredibly noble warrior who was loyal to theShuriman Empireas he didn't hesitate to aid his fellow Ascended during theIcathian Uprising. After facing the horrors of theVoid, Aatrox's mind was horribly scarred and he was forever changed by what he faced during the war, seemingly losing his noble nature. During theGreat Darkin War, Aatrox grew violent and mad from the lack of leadership and purpose. He began disregarded mortal life completely, either seeing them as beneath him or simply as soldiers for his armies. Though he was a ruthless and vicious warrior, he still held a sense of comradery with his fellow Darkin, being an honored general among them. Aatrox had an intense sense of hatred for his enemies, especially those he considers cowards or traitors. After years trapped in a torturous existence within his sword, Aatrox now speaks vicious rage and constant vindication against life itself, loathing his existence and how far he has fallen from glory.[14]Aatrox has grown so desperate to end his suffering that he is more than wiling to commit all kinds of atrocities to achieve a proper end, uncaring of who he kills or destroys in the process. Aatrox has a passion for warfare and battle, constantly taunting enemies and going on tangents about the oblivion he wishes to achieve. Despite this, Aatrox can also speak poetically, especially when reminiscing on his current form and the pain of his existence. Abilities[] • Darkin Physiology:Aatrox is a Darkin, originally one of the manyAscendedGod-Warriors of Shurima in ancient times trapped within a weapon. As a Darkin, Aatrox has immense physical strength, gigantic size and access to some celestial magics.Immortality:Because his consciousness is trapped within his indestructibleDarkin Blade, Aatrox is immune to aging and dying as there is no known way to permanently kill him.World Ender Form:Once Aatrox consumes enough bodies, he can empower his physical form and grow even larger in size and stature to an almost gargantuan scale.Winged Flight:In his World Ender form, Aatrox grows giant wings made of a fleshy membrane. These wings are capable of flight but also grant Aatrox a more imposing appearance over his enemies. • Hemomancy:Like most Darkin, Aatrox utilizeshemomancyto manipulate the flesh and blood of mortals for his own purposes. Hemomancy allows Aatrox to both possess and transform the body of any mortal that wields him, reshaping their flesh to create a physical form that resembles his formerly Ascended body. Once he possesses a body, Aatrox can consume the blood and flesh of his victims through his sword, empowering and healing his current host body. • Great-Sword Proficiency:Aatrox is trained in the use of a great-sword in combat, having wielded a powerful blade countless times into battle which he almost exclusively wielded in combat.Darkin Blade:Aatrox continues to wield his great-sword, now being known as the Darkin Blade. This sword is capable of killing other Darkin,Spirit GodsandCelestials. Most notably, Aatrox managed to kill5Pantheonby striking him so hard that he was able to personally carve the constellation of War itself out of the cosmos. • Leadership:Though Aatrox is infamous for his vicious and violent nature even among the other Darkin, he has shown capability to rally armies together even as an Ascended in the past. In doing so, Aatrox can drive entire armies into a mad bloodlust to sate his desire for a cataclysmic battle. • Immortality:Because his consciousness is trapped within his indestructibleDarkin Blade, Aatrox is immune to aging and dying as there is no known way to permanently kill him. • World Ender Form:Once Aatrox consumes enough bodies, he can empower his physical form and grow even larger in size and stature to an almost gargantuan scale.Winged Flight:In his World Ender form, Aatrox grows giant wings made of a fleshy membrane. These wings are capable of flight but also grant Aatrox a more imposing appearance over his enemies. • Winged Flight:In his World Ender form, Aatrox grows giant wings made of a fleshy membrane. These wings are capable of flight but also grant Aatrox a more imposing appearance over his enemies. • Darkin Blade:Aatrox continues to wield his great-sword, now being known as the Darkin Blade. This sword is capable of killing other Darkin,Spirit GodsandCelestials. Most notably, Aatrox managed to kill5Pantheonby striking him so hard that he was able to personally carve the constellation of War itself out of the cosmos. Relations[] Darkin[] Aatrox regards most of his fellow Darkin as his brothers and sisters at arms, being honored among them when he acted as their general during thewar. Though he participated in the war and most likely has slain some Darkin in the past, he deeply respects those that remained loyal to him prior to being imprisoned, regarding some of them as old friends and sympathizing with their imprisonment, promising them freedom by joining him on his quest for oblivion. Most recently, Aatrox has rallied most of his Darkin allies to gather in Icathia for a final battle againstXolaani.[11] The Darkin that Aatrox rallied includes his honored captainJoraal, one of his soldiers namedTaarosh, his old friendsPraa,Baalkux,Anaakca,Horazi,NaganekaandStyraatu. Aside from them, Aatrox is implied to be one of five Darkin said to bring ruin to the whole world once they reunite, further implying that they all fought side by side during the war. Though not united, these Darkin are Aatrox himself,Rhaast,Varus,Naafiriand an unknown fifth Darkin.[3] Rhaast[] Rhaast is regarded as Aatrox's brother, being one of the five Darkin said to have fought alongside Aatrox during the war and destined to reunite and bring ruin to the world. Aatrox does not give Rhaast much respect, as he has yet to fully possesses his current hostShieda Kaynand even criticizes his weapon of choice. Varus[] Varus considers Aatrox his brother and is one of the five Darkin said to have fought alongside him during the war, destined to reunite and bring ruin to the world. Though the two share a desire the bring oblivion to the world, Aatrox considers Varus weak and unbecoming of a Darkin, claiming that he has become too human and succumbing to his mortal emotions, such as his need for revenge. It's implied there was some 'memo' given to Varus by Aatrox which explained that Varus had to use two A's in his name, officially naming him "Vaarus." However, Varus thought the memo was absurd and refused to comply, angering and offending Aatrox. Naafiri[] Naafiri is one of the five Darkin said to have fought alongside Aatrox during the war, destined to reunite and bring ruin to the world. Because of her eager quest to reunite the rest of the Darkin together, she urges Aatrox to 'focus his rage' and join her in her reunion. Along with that, she actually considers Aatrox stubborn, likely referring to his headstrong mission to bring oblivion to the world. Xolaani[] Aatrox and Xolaani faced off against each other during theGreat Darkin War, as Aatrox disagreed with her methods in utilizing her hemomancy talents to manipulate and control all things, including her fellow Darkin.[4]He saw this as a horrifying and cowardly tactic, considering Xolaani a coward and honing a deep hatred for her. In his rage against Xolaani, Aatrox spent years destroying her statues and removing all influence she had. Aatrox's hatred for Xolaani ran so deep that he was capable of sensing her reawakening from continents away, rallying the rest of the Darkin to gather in Icathia and face her in a cataclysmic final battle.[10]When fighting in Icathia, Xolaani managed to use her abilities on some of his Darkin allies, forcing them to fight him against their will. Though the conclusion of the battle isn't clear, it's most likely thatRyzeused aWorld Runeto neutralize the catastrophe and prevent total oblivion. Aspects[] Aatrox has a deep hatred towardsTargonand the Aspects, as they were the ones who ultimately betrayed and imprisoned the Darkin, with Aatrox being the first. At one point, Aatrox sought to enact revenge against the Aspects themselves and possibly achieve oblivion by reaching the summit ofMount Targon, but was ultimately stopped by the5Aspect of War. Pantheon[] When the Aspects first began to intervene in the Darkin War, the5Aspect of Warwas sent out to rally armies to fight back against them. Seeing this, Aatrox fought back with an army of his own, clashing in brutal warfare against the Aspect and his mortal armies. In the end, Aatrox was ultimately deceived by theAspect of Twilightand imprisoned within his sword. Due to this, Aatrox considers Pantheon's battle against him as treachery, calling him a fiend and a betrayer for what he did. Many years later, Aatrox sought to reach the peak of Mount Targon and met Pantheon in battle, fighting him in the skies before driving his blade so deeply through him that he carved the constallation of War out of the cosmos, effectively killing the Aspect. When all that remained was the mortal hostAtreus, Aatrox sneered and left him to die to his wounds. Soon after, Atreus recovered and fought Aatrox a second time, managing to reignite the constellation of War with his own mortal will and gaining the residual powers of the Aspect. Pantheon severed Aatrox's sword arm and ultimately defeated the Darkin. The two of them continue holding antagonism and animosity for one another long after their battle and wish to destroy one another once and for all one day, with Aatrox wishing to achieve true oblivion and Pantheon seeking to fight against all gods meddling with mortal affairs, including the Darkin.[7] Zoe[] The Aspect of Twilight is the one responsible for teaching the mortals how to imprison the Darkin within their weapons, starting with Aatrox being the first. The Aspect's host at the time, a girl named Myisha, was the one who orchestrated the process in the first place and was deeply hated by the rest of the Darkin for what she did. Though Zoe herself was not responsible for imprisoning the Darkin, Aatrox still holds a disdain for the Aspect no matter who is the current host. Out of all the Aspects, Aatrox wants to kill and torture the Aspect of Twilight the most for what she did, claiming that killing her a thousand times still wouldn't be enough to express his anger towards her. MihiraandKayle[] During his battle againstXolaani, the Aspect of Justice and her daughter Kayle descended down to Icathia to intervene and end the cataclysmic fight. Aatrox fought off Kayle in battle and taunts her with her heritage, claiming she is not worthy of ascending to godhood. Ryze[] Ryze accompanied Kayle when she and her mother travelled to Icathia to intervene in Aatrox's final war against Xolaani. After meditating on the major events of Runeterra's history, Ryze ultimately decided to use aWorld Runeto neutralize the cataclysm, narrowly avoiding oblivion. Tryndamere[] Aatrox was responsible for decimating most of Tryndamere's tribe after they mistook him as8the Iron Boar. Though Tryndamere tried to attack Aatrox for slaughtering his clan, Aatrox swatted him away and beat him nearly to death, speaking archaic words and laughing as he slowly bled to death before miraculously waking up, fully revived by a mysterious power activated by his rage. Tryndamere is deeply scarred by visions of Aatrox laughing maniacally as he slaughtered his people, deeply hating him for what he did. It's heavily implied that Aatrox intends to make Tryndamere his next host body, possibly even being the one who granted him his mysterious abilities after he nearly beat him to death.[9] Read More Biography Biography The Darkin Blade ByOdin Austin Shafer Starring:Aatrox Mentioned:Pantheon,Zoe Starring Champion Short Story • 3 Minute Read The Cage ByOdin Austin Shafer Darkness. Starring:Aatrox Video World Ender Death and dust choke the air as a shadow takes shape. It is more ancient and evil than war. And it is growing. Starring:Aatrox Mentioned Champion Biography The Barbarian King ByAriel Lawrence Starring:Tryndamere Mentioned:Aatrox,Ashe Game The Mageseeker ByDigital Sun In the kingdom of Demacia, the Mageseekers hold the power to oppress magic-using citizens in the name of public order–by inducting and indoctrinating them, locking them away, or driving them into hiding. Play as Sylas, a spell-stealing mage who has just broken free of his unjust captivity at the Mageseekers’ hands. Wielding the chains that once bound you, you must liberate your homeland from tyranny, one Mageseeker at a time. Starring:Aidan,Eldred,Garen,Gideon,Hesbeth,Jarvan IV,Kara,Killan,Leilani,Lux,Morgana,Rayn,Rukko,Shyvana,Sylas,Wisteria,Yops Mentioned:Aatrox,Anden Mayne,Dalin,Dominick,Evelynn,Falden,Fiddlesticks,Fizz,Galio,Jaredan,Jarvan III,Katarina,Kayle,LeBlanc,Mihira,Naafiri,Nocturne,Rhaast,Ryze,Sion,Tianna,Varus Biography The Unbreakable Spear ByDavid Slagle Starring:Pantheon Mentioned:Aatrox,Iula,Leona Short Story • 25 Minute Read Twilight of the Gods ByGraham McNeill They came to a dead city in the mountain's shadow under cover of night. Starring:Naganeka,Zoe Mentioned:Aatrox,Azir,Nasus,Rhaast,Varus Short Story • 22 Minute Read Where Icathia Once Stood ByGraham McNeill My name is Axamuk Var-Choi Kohari Icath'or. Starring:Jax Mentioned:Aatrox,Kayn,Nasus,Renekton,Rhaast,Varus,Zilean Alternate Universes Short Story An ancient mystery in Runeterra ByExplorer Ezreal Starring:Aatrox,Ezreal Mentioned:Jayce,Lux,Twisted Fate Music Video IGNITE By Numerous creators Since its inception, Worlds has grown and evolved. Each unbelievable play and phenomenal match created moments and memories that will never be forgotten. In these iconic moments, players and teams reached for something incredible within themselves and brought it to life on the Summoner’s Rift... Starring:Aatrox,Ahri,Alistar,Anivia,Annie,Ashe,Brand,Caitlyn,Darius,Draven,Elise,Ezreal,Gnar,Janna,Jax,Jayce,Jinx,Kassadin,Katarina,Kennen,Kha'Zix,Lulu,Orianna,Rek'Sai,Rengar,Rumble,Ryze,Shen,Sivir,Tahm Kench,Teemo,Twisted Fate,Yasuo,Ziggs Video Never Surrender Inspired by the triumphant return of Gordon Hayward, Tryndamere main and superstar NBA small forward. It's On. Starring:Aatrox,Tryndamere Comic Olaf vs Everything: Series 1 ByTom Barton Starring:Olaf Mentioned:Aatrox,Bristle,Draven,Garen,Illaoi,Malphite,Nagakabouros,Quinn,Ryze,Sejuani,Trundle,Tryndamere,Valor,Warwick Comic Punches and Plants: Series 2 ByRisu Starring:Vi,Zyra Mentioned:Aatrox,Ahri,Alistar,Amumu,Annie,Aurelion Sol,Azir,Bard,Blitzcrank,Caitlyn,Cho'Gath,Diana,Draven,Ekko,Ezreal,Fizz,Galio,Gnar,Graves,Heimerdinger,Jayce,Kha'Zix,Kog'Maw,Leona,Lucian,Lux,Malphite,Maokai,Miss Fortune,Nasus,Nautilus,Nidalee,Olaf,Orianna,Poppy,Quinn,Rakan,Renekton,Riven,Rumble,Shaco,Taric,Teemo,Tibbers,Tristana,Trundle,Udyr,Valor,Vel'Koz,Viktor,Volibear,Warwick,Wukong,Xayah,Xin Zhao,Yasuo,Ziggs Video Represent 13 regional champions will compete at the 2019 Mid-Season Invitational, but there can be only one winner. Who will lift the trophy? Who will represent? Starring: N/A Mentioned:Aatrox,Aurelion Sol,Darius,Garen,Kayn,Leona,Poppy Comic The Tale of the Poro King By Numerous creators Starring: N/A Mentioned:Aatrox,Akali,Ashe,Aurelion Sol,Azir,Braum,Caitlyn,Cho'Gath,Darius,Diana,Draven,Ezreal,Gnar,Illaoi,Janna,Jarvan IV,Jayce,Kai'Sa,Karma,Karthus,Katarina,Kayle,Kayn,Kennen,Kha'Zix,Lee Sin,Leona,Lulu,Lux,Malzahar,Miss Fortune,Nunu,Ornn,Pantheon,Pyke,Rammus,Rek'Sai,Rhaast,Ryze,Sejuani,Shen,Sion,Sivir,Soraka,Sylas,Syndra,Taliyah,Talon,Taric,Thresh,Tristana,Trundle,Udyr,Vi,Volibear,Willump,Yasuo,Zed,Ziggs,Zoe Short Story Trial of the Masks ByJared Rosen Imagine the world as a mirror Starring:Sivir Mentioned:Aatrox,Pyke Trivia[] • Aatrox is between 4396 – 5996 years old, being one of the first Shurimans to become anAscended. • While it was never stated what manner of creature Aatrox took the form of in the past, it was known to be winged and likely something of noble character. • It's possibleIllaoi'sgod,Nagakabouros, could free or kill Aatrox's human soul and allow it to return to the cosmos. However, it's complicated since the celestial concept Aatrox merged with and gained his ascended power from has been trapped or deleted from existence, meaning the ideal he represented ceased to exist when he was trapped. Because of this, humans can't comprehend or remember what Aatrox was an avatar of previously.[15] • Aatrox was one of the most powerful Ascended. Before his imprisonment, Aatrox had fought and killed spirit gods (avatars likeOrnn), other celestial empowered beings and possibly other Darkin. Later, he killed5The Aspect of Warhimself.[2] • Aatrox has spent the most time imprisoned due to the fact that he was the first. Because of this, the magic used to imprison him was botched and likely damaged him in the process, causing his shattered mind and torturous existence. By the time the mages had imprisonedVarus, they'd perfected the process a little more. • Demonblade Tryndameremay be representative of a "what if" scenario where Aatrox completely claims Tryndamere as his host. Change log[] "Some fight for honor, some fight for glory. It matters only that you fight."-Aatrox "Some fight for honor, some fight for glory. It matters only that you fight."-Aatrox References[] See also[]
Name: Deathbringer Stance, Description: Innate: Periodically, Aatrox empowers his next basic attack to gain 50 bonus range and deal bonus magic damage equal to 4% − 12% (based on level) of the target's maximum health , capped at 100 against monsters . Aatrox heals for 80% of the post-mitigation bonus damage dealt, reduced to 25% against minions . Whenever Aatrox hits at least one enemy champion or large monster with a basic attack on-hit or an ability , the cooldown of Deathbringer Stance is reduced by 2 seconds, modified to 4 if he hits with the Sweetspot of The Darkin Blade ., STATIC COOLDOWN: STATICCOOLDOWN:24 − 12 (based on level), {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputPassive', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'Not Blocked', 'parries': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Video', 'Aatroxwill assume stance when an enemy champion is in range ofInfernal Chains.PressingCTRL + 5switches stances controllably.', 'PressingCTRL + 5switches stances controllably.', "IfDeathbringer Stancebecomes available during a standard attack's windup, it will not be consumed or trigger thebonusdamage.", "Even if the ability hit isspell shieldedDeathbringer Stance'scooldown will still be reduced.", 'This ability goes on cooldown on death and refreshes upon respawn.', 'The empowered attack will not trigger againststructuresandwards.']}
Name: The Darkin Blade, Description: Aatrox can activate The Darkin Blade three times before the ability goes on cooldown, with a 1-second static cooldown between casts. If Aatrox does not recast the ability within 4 seconds of the previous cast, it goes on cooldown. Active: Aatrox performs a strike with his greatsword for each of the three casts, dealing physical damage to enemies hit within an area. Enemies hit within a Sweetspot of the area take 60% bonus damage and also knocked up for 0. 25 seconds. Each subsequent cast increases The Darkin Blade's damage by 25%. First Cast: Aatrox's first strike affects a 625 × 180-unit rectangular area in the target direction, with him centered on the back line and the Sweetspot at the farthest edge. First Cast Damage: 10 / 25 / 40 / 55 / 70 (+ 60 / 67. 5 / 75 / 82. 5 / 90% AD) First Sweetspot Damage: 16 / 40 / 64 / 88 / 112 (+ 96 / 108 / 120 / 132 / 144% AD) Second Cast: Aatrox's second strike affects a trapezoidal area in the target direction, with the Sweetspot at the farthest edge. The hitbox begins 100-units behind Aatrox and extends 475-units in front of him, measuring between 300 and 500-units wide from behind to in front. Second Cast Damage: 12. 5 / 31. 25 / 50 / 68. 75 / 87. 5 (+ 75 / 84. 375 / 93. 75 / 103. 125 / 112. 5 % AD) Second Sweetspot Damage: 20 / 50 / 80 / 110 / 140 (+ 120 / 135 / 150 / 165 / 180% AD) Third Cast: Aatrox's third strike affects a 300-radius circular area centered on a target location that is 200 units in front of him, with a 180-radius Sweetspot within. Third Cast Damage: 15 / 37. 5 / 60 / 82. 5 / 105 (+ 90 / 101. 25 / 112. 5 / 123. 75 / 135% AD) Third Sweetspot Damage: 24 / 60 / 96 / 132 / 168 (+ 144 / 162 / 180 / 198 / 216% AD) The Darkin Blade deals 55 / 60 / 65 / 70% (based on level) damage against minions , and the knock up duration from hitting the Sweetspot is doubled to 0. 5 seconds against monsters . Maximum Non-Minion Damage: 60 / 150 / 240 / 330 / 420 (+ 360 / 405 / 450 / 495 / 540% AD), {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputDirection', 'damage_type': 'Physical', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Video', 'The highlighted areas denote the sweetspot - enemies are affected where the two areas overlap (Seeedge rangeandcenter range).The first and second casts function like any point-blank AOE (i.e. an effect centered on the caster). An enemy is considered to be hit by the ability based onedge range- i.e. if any part of yourgameplay radiusis within the hitbox, you are affected.', "The third cast, as well as theSweetspotfor the first and second cast, function likeground-targetedabilities. An enemy is considered to be hit by the ability based oncenter range- i.e. an enemy's center has to be within the hitbox to be affected.", "As implied by the previous point, theSweetspotfor the first and second cast is implemented as separateareas of effectto the main component of the ability. Enemies must be within both areas to trigger the bonus damage,knock upandDeathbringer Stance'scooldown reduction.The 'target gets hit' SFX plays whenever an enemy is within theSweetspot- meaning it is possible to trigger the sound effect without affecting an enemy.", "The 'target gets hit' SFX plays whenever an enemy is within theSweetspot- meaning it is possible to trigger the sound effect without affecting an enemy.", "Each cast counts as an ability activation for the purposes of on-cast effects such asSpellbladeand triggeringForce Pulse'spassive.", "The hitbox andAatrox'smodel are fixed to the initial target direction.Aatrox'sfacing-direction, for effects such asPetrifying Gaze, is the direction he is moving, and not the direction the model is facing.", "Aatrox'sfacing-direction, for effects such asPetrifying Gaze, is the direction he is moving, and not the direction the model is facing.", 'All damage modifiersstack multiplicatively.', "There's a small period of time in which Aatrox can't declare basic attacks after castingThe Darkin Blade.(bug)", 'This ability will cast from wherever the caster is at the end of the cast time.', 'Death']}
Name: Infernal Chains, Description: Active: Aatrox sends a chain in the target direction that deals magic damage to the first enemy hit, doubled against minions , and slowing them for 1. 5 seconds. Magic Damage: 30 / 40 / 50 / 60 / 70 (+ 40% AD) Minion Damage: 60 / 80 / 100 / 120 / 140 (+ 80% AD) Slow: 25 / 27. 5 / 30 / 32. 5 / 35% If this hits an enemy champion or large monster , a tether is formed between the target and the ground beneath them for 1. 5 seconds, during which they are revealed . If the tether is not broken by the end of its duration, the target is dealt the same magic damage again and pulled to the center of the area. Total Damage: 60 / 80 / 100 / 120 / 140 (+ 80% AD), {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputDirection', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'See Notes', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Tips & Tricks', 'Video', "The impact area is oriented relative toAatrox'sposition when the projectile hits, not where the projectile originated from.", "The location that the target is dragged to is not at the target's original location, but slightly closer towardsAatrox'sposition when the zone expires.", "There's a small delay in checking if the target is in or outside theInfernal Chainsarea. Because of this it is still possible to drag the target if they leave the zone at the last instant.", "Spell shieldwill block the chain's application and initial damage but not the aftereffects of one already applied.", 'This ability will cast from wherever the caster is at the end of the cast time.', 'To succesfully escape when moving in a straight line away fromAatroxrequires at least628 movement speed.']}
Name: Umbral Dash, Description: Passive: Aatrox heals for a portion of the non- persistent post-mitigation damage he deals against enemy champions, increased during World Ender . Healing: 18 / 19. 5 / 21 / 22. 5 / 24% World Ender Increased Healing: 20 / 24 / 28 / 32 / 36% Active: Aatrox dashes in the target direction. Umbral Dash resets Aatrox's basic attack timer and can be cast during his other abilities without cancelling them and vice versa., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputLocation', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Map-Specific Differences', 'Video', 'Thedashdistance can be extended to up-to 500 units when targeting across terrain. It will only extend for the distance needed to cross the wall.This may upscale his dash speed so that the dash takes the same total time as the standard maximum-range dash.', 'This may upscale his dash speed so that the dash takes the same total time as the standard maximum-range dash.', 'IfUmbral Dashis cast in the same directionAatroxis moving, he will be unable to buffer commands that require him to move.(bug)', "Aatrox'smodel darkens for 1.5seconds upon castingUmbral Dash, which is a remnant from a buff he received before it got removed.", 'Healing changed to 20 / 23 / 26 / 29 / 32%.', 'World Enderhealing changed to 24 / 29 / 34 / 39 / 44%.', 'Recharge changed to 22 / 19 / 16 / 13 / 10 seconds.']}
Name: World Ender, Description: Active: Aatrox unleashes his true form for 10 seconds, fearing nearby enemy minions and monsters for 3 seconds, during which they are gradually slowed by up to 99% over the duration. He also gains ghosting and bonus movement speed that decays by 10% of the current bonus every 0. 25 seconds, lasting until World Ender has ended. Bonus Movement Speed: 60 / 80 / 100% Whenever Aatrox scores a champion takedown , he extends the duration by 5 seconds and becomes unleashed again. During World Ender , Aatrox gains bonus attack damage and 5% increased size , and receives increased self-healing from all sources. Bonus Attack Damage: 20 / 32. 5 / 45% AD Increased Healing: 25 / 35 / 45% Link ▶️ "Fight! Or be forgotten!", {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputAuto', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Map-Specific Differences', 'Video', 'His resource bar indicates the remaining duration ofWorld Ender.', "World Enderpersists throughresurrectioneffects.World Ender'shealing amplification applies to the health gained by resurrecting.", "World Ender'shealing amplification applies to the health gained by resurrecting.", 'World Enderwill cast from whereverAatroxis at the end of the cast time.', "CastingWorld Enderwhile it is still active rendersAatrox'swings invisible and removes the timer on the resource bar.(bug)This is possible viaAxiom Arc'sorPractice Tool'scooldown reduction or by going on a very long killing spree.", "This is possible viaAxiom Arc'sorPractice Tool'scooldown reduction or by going on a very long killing spree.", 'Increased healing changed to 30 / 45 / 60%.']}
Out-of-universe,Aatroxis a word play on Latinatrox"fierce, savage, cruel" in turn fromater"dull black, dark", from rootPIE*h₂eh₁ter-"fire";[2]All of these reference theDarkinweapon's physical manifestation and demonic nature (punning ondark kin), varioushistorical fire-based weapons, thescorched earthstrategy, and his 'war as an artform' philosophy. Latinatroxgives rise to Anglo-Frenchatrocity. Aatrox,Dr. Mundo,Mordekaiser,Vladimir, andZacare the only champions that use their ownhealthas a resource forabilities. Enemies hit byMassacrewill leave a blood trail between themselves and Aatrox that he will rapidly absorb (this is a remaining visual effect from PBE testing, where Aatrox would gain attack speed based on how many enemies had been hit byMassacre, that was recycled inV5.6). Aatrox can still use emotes duringBlood Well'srevive. Sterak's Gageis speculated to have beenAatrox'smissing left arm glove. Its passive was also coincidentally similar to Aatrox's. Prior to his rework, on the statement "This champion needs an update", players ranked Aatrox 5th in NA; 4th in BR; 3rd in KR and 14th in CN. He ranked 4th overall.[3]
Ahri,the Nine-Tailed Fox
health: Health590+96, resource: Mana418+25, health regen: Health regen. (per 5s)2.5+0.6, resource regen: Mana regen. (per 5s)8+0.8, armor: Armor21+4.7, attack damage: Attack damage53+3, attack speed: Base AS0.668, gameplay radius: Gameplay radius65, selection radius: Selection radius100, release: 2011-12-14, changed: V13.22, role: Burst, position: Middle, rangetype: Ranged, adaptivetype: Magic, cost: 3150|790
Games AhriMainCasual 1Casual 2Casual 3Casual 4Casual 5HoodedTitlesNickname(s)Little FoxAlias(es)The Nine-Tailed FoxThe Gatekeeper(The Spirit in Ionian mythology that may have been partly influenced by Ahri)CharacteristicsSpeciesVesaniPronoun(s)She/HerTimelineBorn:25 BN - 816 ANWeapon(s)Spirit MagicSoul DevouringCharmPersonal statusStatusAlivePlace of originIoniaCurrent residenceShadow Isles(No Fixed Abode)FamilyUnnamed Lover†(Former Spouse)Professional statusOccupation(s)Soul DevourerTravelling Protector of LifeRegion(s)IoniaFaction(s)VastayaRelated character(s)LilliaWukongYasuoBraumIllaoiMiss FortunePykeMaokaiNecritViegoThreshGangplank Ahri • Main • Casual 1 • Casual 2 • Casual 3 • Casual 4 • Casual 5 • Hooded Titles Nickname(s) Alias(es) • The Nine-Tailed Fox • The Gatekeeper(The Spirit in Ionian mythology that may have been partly influenced by Ahri) Characteristics Species Pronoun(s) Timeline • Born:25 BN - 816 AN Weapon(s) • Spirit Magic • Soul Devouring • Charm Personal status Status Place of origin Current residence Family • Unnamed Lover†(Former Spouse) Professional status Occupation(s) • Soul Devourer • Travelling Protector of Life Region(s) Faction(s) Related character(s) Innately connected to the magic of the spirit realm,Ahriis a mysterious fox-likevastayain search of her place in the world. Having become a somewhat reluctant and empathetic predator since entering mortal society, she prefers to manipulate her prey's emotions before partaking of theirlife essence—receiving flashes of memory and insight from each soul she consumes. Contents • 1Background1.1Early Life1.1.1The Garden of Forgetting1.2Modern History1.2.1Omikayalan1.2.2Ymelo's Sunstones1.2.3Spirit Blossom Festival1.3Recent Events1.3.1Arrival in Bilgewater1.3.2The Shadow Isles1.3.3Cleansing Maokai's Roots1.3.4Facing Thresh1.3.5Return of the Ruined King1.3.6Shipwrecked1.3.7The Vesani Vault1.3.8Battle Against Viego • 2Appearance • 3Personality • 4Abilities • 5Relations5.1Humans5.1.1Dead Lover5.1.2Hirin5.2The Gardener5.3Ymelo5.4Vesani5.5Crew of the Charming Lady5.5.1Sarah Fortune5.5.2Braum5.5.3Illaoi5.5.4Pyke5.5.5Yasuo5.6Viego5.7Thresh5.8Malik5.9Gangplank5.10Maokai • 6Trivia • 7Read More7.1Biography7.2Starring Champion7.3Mentioned Champion7.4Alternate Universes • 8Change log • 9References • 10See also • 1.1Early Life1.1.1The Garden of Forgetting • 1.2Modern History1.2.1Omikayalan1.2.2Ymelo's Sunstones1.2.3Spirit Blossom Festival • 1.3Recent Events1.3.1Arrival in Bilgewater1.3.2The Shadow Isles1.3.3Cleansing Maokai's Roots1.3.4Facing Thresh1.3.5Return of the Ruined King1.3.6Shipwrecked1.3.7The Vesani Vault1.3.8Battle Against Viego • 1.1.1The Garden of Forgetting • 1.2.1Omikayalan • 1.2.2Ymelo's Sunstones • 1.2.3Spirit Blossom Festival • 1.3.1Arrival in Bilgewater • 1.3.2The Shadow Isles • 1.3.3Cleansing Maokai's Roots • 1.3.4Facing Thresh • 1.3.5Return of the Ruined King • 1.3.6Shipwrecked • 1.3.7The Vesani Vault • 1.3.8Battle Against Viego • 5.1Humans5.1.1Dead Lover5.1.2Hirin • 5.2The Gardener • 5.3Ymelo • 5.4Vesani • 5.5Crew of the Charming Lady5.5.1Sarah Fortune5.5.2Braum5.5.3Illaoi5.5.4Pyke5.5.5Yasuo • 5.6Viego • 5.7Thresh • 5.8Malik • 5.9Gangplank • 5.10Maokai • 5.1.1Dead Lover • 5.1.2Hirin • 5.5.1Sarah Fortune • 5.5.2Braum • 5.5.3Illaoi • 5.5.4Pyke • 5.5.5Yasuo • 7.1Biography • 7.2Starring Champion • 7.3Mentioned Champion • 7.4Alternate Universes Background[] Early Life[] Ahri's earliest memories are of her growing up among a pack of icefoxes in northernShon-Xan. Though her true origins are unknown even to her, she was accepted by the pack and considered one of them. Ahri's pair of sunstones perfectly aligned with each other. Though she was avastaya, she had no knowledge of her tribe except for a pair of sunstones she carried her entire life. Living in the wild among the icefoxes, Ahri began to feel her vastayan abilities surface as she found she was capable of channeling theSpirit Realmwithin herself, gaining the ability to enhance her in reflexes and control the emotions of her prey. A drawing of Ahri when she was found bathing by thePiltovanexplorer Eduard Santangelo.[1] Ahri often watched humans from afar for years until she found one wounded by a stray arrow. Ahri found she could feel his life force seeping away and followed her predatorial instincts, absorbing his spiritual essence and feasting on his memories, emotions and knowledge on human language. As she grew closer to the fringes ofIoniansociety, Ahri became addicted to feeding off of the spiritual essence of mortals, becoming drunk on their emotions and stolen memories. Eventually Ahri saw memories depicting how humans perceived her; a terrifying monster. Distressed by this, Ahri tried to stop from feeding on mortal essence but realized her powers slowly faded if she did, deciding to fully embrace her nature as a monster. One day, Ahri met an artist who, instead of running away from her in fear, actually offered his own essence in exchange for her love. For the first time, Ahri felt genuine happiness without having to feed on spiritual essence and the two fell in love. Though Ahri pleaded that she was too monstrous for him, the artist explained that he loved her wholly despite her monstrous nature. The two would often sit by a lake at the edge of Ionia, as Ahri blissfully watched her lover paint pictures of flowers. Unfortunately, Ahri lost control of her ravenous instincts one day and completely drained her lover, killing him. Ahri despaired over this and mourned the loss of the first and only person she truly loved, retreating further even from society. The Garden of Forgetting[] Ahri at theGarden of Forgettingattempting to use a snow lily flower to remove her traumatic memories of her dead lover. Grief stricken over the loss of her lover, Ahri retreated from society and travelled to theGarden of Forgetting. Here, she wished to erase all the troubled memories she stole during her time as a predator, especially those of her dead lover. Here she met a mysterious old woman tending to the garden. Ahri recognized this woman as the garden's caretaker, known by names such as the Eater of Secrets, the Forgotten or the Witch Gardener. Ahri referred to her asIghilya,the Ionian word for "great grandmother," and begged her to show her how to forget the painful memories of her lover. The Gardener warned her that forgetting these memories was a worse fate, but reluctantly agreed to help Ahri, handing her a budding snow lily and instructing her to breath into the flower and think of the memory she wanted to get rid of. The flower, while trying to consume the memory, caused Ahri to relive the death of her lover through painful visions, making Ahri realize that she didn't want to lose these memories of her beloved as removing them was far worse than living with the pain. Attempting to pull away, Ahri felt suffocated by the unnatural perfumes of the snow lily and saw hallucinogenic visions appear as a result of it. After hallucinating in the garden, she regained her senses as the Gardener stood above her, asking her if she managed to keep the memory before the flower took hold. Ahri explained that she did, despite it seeming cloudy, as the Gardener quietly urged Ahri to leave the garden before it takes her, as it did with many others who visited it before. As dark vines and snow lilies began to overgrow and cover the exits out of the garden, Ahri managed to escape with her vastayan reflexes and decided that she would from now on live from her past pains and experiences rather than regret and attempt to forget them.[2] Modern History[] Omikayalan[] Wishing to find a solution to control her abilities and her predatory instincts, Ahri became consumed with learning more about her origins and her mysterious vastayan tribe. Her travels through Ionia eventually lead her toOmikayalan, the once sacred grove of the God-Willow; a legendary and magical tree that had been cut down thousands of years ago. Ahri at the grove ofOmikayalan, unknowingly being followed by the vastayan lord4Himon'she There she met several spiritual creatures that protected3a God-Willow sapling, including vastayan lords such as4Himon'she,5Gai'sh,5the Tail-Cloak Matriarchand a mighty fox spirit named6Sai'nen Thousand-Tailed. Here, Ahri learned to embrace her wild vastayan nature, continuing her search for her lost tribe and leaving the sacred grove. Ymelo's Sunstones[] On her search for her lost tribe, Ahri travelled to an Ionian market, taking in the new environment. A fortune teller named Hirin approached Ahri and recognized her twin sunstones as the work of a talented artisan named Ymelo. Curious, as these sunstones were her only link to her lost tribe, Ahri asked the fortune teller more details about Ymelo as the two conversed in her caravan. Offering Ahri tea, Hirin proceeded to tell Ahri what she knew about Ymelo, explaining how he was a master sculptor known for collecting fossilized lizard eggs and carving them into intricate shapes. Ahri's sunstones were a very particular beauty to Hirin, as she explained that his stones were typically built to be small pieces fitting into a larger sculpture. As the conversation went on, Hirin pulled out a hunting knife and revealed that she slipped a paralysis potion into Ahri's tea, leaving Ahri unable to move or pounce as her limbs completely froze. Hirin sought to cut off one of Ahri's tails, as they are a useful ingredient for her potions and seen as extremely valuable. Despite being paralyzed, Ahri managed to use her soul-devouring abilities to steal essence from Hirin and make herself strong enough to move again. Enraged, Ahri began to devour Hirin's essence, seeing flashes of her memories and witnessing the hardships she faced in life. Empathizing with the fortune teller, Ahri decided to spare her life, devouring the memories of their encounter and leaving Hirin to forget what just happened. Ahri then left the market with a new lead to follow on her quest; the craftsman Ymelo.[3] Spirit Blossom Festival[] At some point, Ahri found more clues about Ymelo that required her to travel to the pirate cityBilgewater. In order to do so however, Ahri realized that she needed a bodyguard to escort her overseas. Travelling toWeh'leduring aSpirit Blossomfestival, Ahri found her self at a local teahouse in search of anybody willing to act as her protecting in Bilgewater. Overhearing a conversation aboutNoxianwarriors living in the village, Ahri became curious and asked where she can find a mighty warrior like these Noxians to serve as her guard. Paskoma, the teahouse's owner, immediately denied Ahri and refused to allow anybody dangerous to stay in her house, insisting that Ahri leave if she intends to bring in a warrior. Ahri didn't want to stay at a different teahouse and agreed to respect Paskoma's wishes before disappearing into her room. During the first night of the Spirit Blossom festival, a massive feast was hosted at the teahouse as even Ahri decided to join in on the festivities. During the dinner, Ahri talked with Paskoma's granddaughter Satokka, who mistook Ahri's fox-like appearance as a costume ofthe Gatekeeper; a mythological Ionian spirit known for guiding the dead souls during the festival. The two got in a heated discussed over Ionian culture and mythology, most notably about a spirit namedthe Taker. As Paskoma's spouse Ituren began to serve desert to the teahouse guests, Ahri used hermind altering abilitiesto convince him to let warriors in the teahouse.[4] At some point, Ahri metYasuo; a lone swordsman in search of a purpose outside of Ionia. They both wanted to find things outside of their homeland, so Ahri managed to persuade Yasuo into accompanying her to Bilgewater, officially hiring him as her bodyguard. Though the two set sail and traveled together, Ahri kept her vastayan nature and identity a secret from Yasuo.[5] Recent Events[] Arrival in Bilgewater[] As the two finally arrived in the pirate city, Ahri traveled to a black market and spoke to one of their vendors. Asking about her tribe, now knowing them as theVesani, Ahri learned that a Vesani sunstone was recently purchased by a member of theJagged Hooksnamed Malik, who was headed towards Grey Harbor. Overtime though, Yasuo grew more frustrated as Ahri refused to explain her mission and reveal her true nature to him. Deciding to search for the pirate tomorrow, the two stayed the night at a local tavern where Yasuo finally deduced Ahri's true nature as a vastaya as she revealed her mission to him. That night, after having a nightmare of her former lover, Ahri feared the same thing would happen to Yasuo and left for Grey Harbor alone, managing to track down and interrogate one of the Jagged Hooks. Here, she discovered that the pirate kingGangplankactually took the sunstone and set off for theShadow Isles. The Shadow Isles[] In pursuit of the sunstone, Ahri traveled to the Shadow Isles by herself, leaving her cloak behind in the forst. Here, she encountered and befriended the nature spiritMaokai, who explained his origins as a spirit that once helped theBlessed Islesflourish with life before theRuination of Helia. Searching for Gangplank, Maokai revealed that he actually allied himself with the wicked wraithThresh, using his artifacts to stir the mist and causing it to form impenetrable walls and weaken Maokai by infecting his roots within the Vesani vaults below the isles, who she discovered had traveled to the Blessed Isles long before the Ruination. Ahri along the rest of the crew of the Charming Lady, consisting of her bodyguard Yasuo,Illaoi, their captainSarah Fortune,PykeandBraum. Yasuo arrived on the Shadow Isles as part of the crew of the Charming Lady, accompanied byBraum,Illaoi,Pykeand their captainSarah Fortune. The group faced off against a threatened Maokai before Ahri intervened, clearing the air and explaining the situation that Maokai shared with her. As the crew also wanted to find Gangplank, they realized he would most likely be in Thresh's fortress which was being protected by walls of the Black Mist. Ahri planned on heading to one of the Vesani vaults in search of more evidence, but the others insisted on accompanying her to cleanse Maokai's roots to which she reluctantly agreed. Cleansing Maokai's Roots[] The crew pushed back the Black Mist infesting the vault while Ahri slowly gained more knowledge and clues about her ancestors, discovering that they had a deep connection to the Shadow Isles and created technology based around preserving memories. Though they managed to cleanse Maokai's roots, he would regain his strength slowly and remained too weak to immediately help clear out the mist. Instead, the group planned to travel to a an undersea temple of theBuhruas Maokai gave Illaoi one of his seeds to be blessed by her godNagakabouros, allowing him to quickly restore his grove and clear out the mist. After Pyke managed to locate the deep undersea temple and Illaoi convinced the Buhru serpent callers to tame the sea monsters guarding it, the crew traveled into the undersea temple and found a place to purify the seed of the Black Mist and bless it. Ahri, using her powers to aid in the process, nearly lost control of herself due to the Black Mist corruption within the seed before regaining her sanity. With the seed now successfully blessed, the crew sailed back to the Shadow Isles to return it to Maokai. On their way to Maokai's grove, the crew met an undead shade namedNecrit, revealed to be the former advisor ofViego, the Ruined King ofCamavor. Necrit explains and reveals the true, unknown origins of the Shadow Isles and how it was formed by the broken heart of Viego after the tragic death of his wifeIsolde. Finally, Necrit warned the crew that Thresh's grand plan is to use artifacts of power to reawaken Viego from the mist before bidding them farewell and urging them to stop Thresh's ritual. Facing Thresh[] With Maokai reinvigorated by the purified seed, he managed to clear out the walls of mist and expose Thresh's fortress, allowing the crew to enter. Inside Thresh's Library of Agony, Ahri found Thresh's collection of Vesani artifacts, as well as Gangplank's sunstone which she discovered was a vessel used to contain memories. However, the sunstone seemed depleted and drained with only some residual memories of her ancestors. Wishing to examine it more, Ahri took the sunstone for safekeeping. The crew eventually manage to find Thresh and defeat him in battle, returning him to the Black Mist. Return of the Ruined King[] Now searching for Gangplank, the crew travelled to the heart of the Shadow Isles hoping to stop him but arrive too late, as Gangplank has already reawakened Viego. Though he attempted to capture Viego within a Buhru artifact, he fails and becomespossessedby the Ruined King as he flies towards Bilgewater alongside a violentHarrowingin search of hisdead wife's crown. Forced to fight the crew under Viego's control, Gangplank was defeated and imprisoned on Sarah Fortune's ship. Meanwhile, Ahri managed to sense something lingering in the Black Mist and receieved visions of Viego's discarded memories, seeing the negative parts of his marriage and learning the truth; that his love for his wife was not as pure as he tells himself. Shipwrecked[] In order to pursue Viego, Yasuo volunteered to channel the wind into the sails and Ahri empowered him with her own magic. While Illaoi interrogates Gangplank for a way to defeat Viego, he reveals that the discarded memories discovered by Ahri would most likely be capable of weakening Viego enough to be defeated. Though they managed to reach Viego, he sends out a gale of Black Mist, shipwrecking the crew on a mysterious island with mystical winds. Here, Yasuo became haunted by visions of his past and confronted a shadow resembling hisdead brother. Seeing Yasuo's past play in action, Ahri began to empathize with him and shared her own grief over her dead lover, allowing him to defeat the shadow and overcome his past. The ship is eventually repaired, allowing them to make it back to Bilgewater in time to prepare them for Viego's Harrowing. The Vesani Vault[] The crew make a plan to have Ahri weaken Viego with his own discarded memories and imprison him within Gangplank's Buhru amulet, but it had been corrupted and damaged in the fight. Learning about an ancient Buhru forge located underneath the Shadow Isles, the crew plan to take the amulet there to have it repaired. Once they land at the Shadow Isles, they are once again confronted by Necrit, who revealed that the forge is located inside a Vesani vault with more evidence of Ahri's ancestors. Inside the vault, Ahri channeled the memories within her twin sunstones and learned that her people were a nomadic tribe of vastaya that specialized in studying magic relating to memories. Their nomadic lifestyle brought them to the Blessed Isles, where they became allies with the city of Helia and began to study the ethereal Hallowed Mist that once protected the isles, learning to harness its power to enchant golems, technologies and other artifacts such as Ahri's sunstones. The Vesani however became victims of the terribleRuination of Heliathat ultimately created the Shadow Isles. After finding a facility capable of transferring memories into sunstones, Ahri planned to transfer all the research preserved by her Vesani ancestors into a sunstone and finally achieve the answers she had been looking for. However, she is eventually forced to make a decision; should she use the sunstone as a vessel to hold the memories of her people or to house Viego's discarded memories as a means to weaken him? Ahri, knowing what's at stake for the world, chose to store Viego's memories, causing the memories of her ancestors to fade away. Despairing over the loss, Ahri was suddenly faced with a memory of her dead lover, who forgave her for what she did. He explained that her memories will always be with her, but that it's more important to allow yourself to create new memories rather than dwell on old ones. He urges Ahri to keep fighting and to help save the world before finally fading away as Ahri thanks him for the closure. As the crew managed to find the Buhru forge underneath the vault, Ahri joined the rest of the group as they bore their souls before Nagakabouros herself, battling the goddess's avatar and being found worthy of her help as the goddess cleanses the amulet. Battle Against Viego[] Now back at Bilgewater, the crew finally battled the Ruined King while Ahri, wielding the sunstone containing his discarded memories, used her magic to weaken Viego, forcing him to remember the twisted parts of his love for Isolde. Once beaten, Ahri hit him with more of his memories, forcing him to relive his death when an angered wraith of Isolde killed him at the Blessed Isles. While distracted, Sarah Fortune used the opportunity to imprison Viego within the amulet. Though he nearly corrupted her soul and tempted her to follow him in the process, she was ultimately successful as the Ruined King was finally banished. With the battle over, Ahri celebrated with her new friends at the Baron's Rest tavern, where each member of the group talked about their future plans now that Viego had been defeated. Ahri revealed that she plans on returning to the Shadow Isles, wishing to see what else she can learn from her ancestors and dedicating herself to living in their footsteps by bringing life and new memories to the world.[6] Appearance[] Ahri is an attractive femaleVesaniof medium stature with pale skin and long black hair down to her back tied in a braid with two long strands sticking out on the sides in her face. Her eyes are golden yellow with slit-shaped pupils and her cheeks have red, whisker-like marks on them. Due to her vastayan nature, she has black fox ears atop her head, long claws for nails and nine white fox tails. She usually wears a white dress with red and gold details as well as trinkets such as three purple tassels. At times, usually when hiding her vastayan nature among society to stop from unwanted attention, Ahri wears a giant white hooded cloak to shield not only her face but also her nine white tails. Personality[] Ahri started out as very savage and impulsive, growing up in the wilds away from civilization and becoming obsessed with consuming the spiritual essence of mortals. As she devoured more souls, she began to feel the emotions of her victims and became more empathetic and reluctant to continue her hunts. After the death of her lover, Ahri became consumed with regret and guilt, completely ashamed of herVesaninature and distancing herself completely from society, only ever interacting with people to feast on their essence and sate her hunger. Ahri's pain grew so large that she simply wanted to forget all the painful memories, but ultimately decided that these memories were too valuable to let go of learned to carry her memories with her, no matter how painful they are. Though deceivingly old and wise with the knowledge of the many memories she had consumed over the years, Ahri carries a youthful demeanor with a witty, mischievous and even flirty attitude. Although she remains somewhat moody and impulsive, sometimes losing control of her ravenous hunger, she has become incredibly empathetic with her abilities to consume emotions, even empathizing with those that would wish her harm. After choosing to cleanse the memories of her ancestors from her sunstones, Ahri found closure with her past and now lives to uphold the wisdoms of the Vesani by looking towards the future and allowing herself to make new memories instead of dwelling on her old ones. Abilities[] • Vastayan Physiology:Ahri is a vastaya, an ancient race of demi-humans changed by magic of theSpirit Realm. This connection to the Spirit Realm has increased their longevity and granted them powerful magics, allowing them to live for centuries. Ahri is a member of the Vesani tribe of vastaya; vulpine vastaya that resemble snow foxes.Enhanced Speed:Because of Ahri's foxlike features, she is naturally faster and more agile than an average human. Along with that, Ahri can channel spirit magic into herself to enhance her reflexes and even allow her to fly swiftly in the air.Sharp Claws:Ahri's nails are incredibly sharp and capable of scratching thanks to her Vesani nature.Soul Feeding:The Vesani have the ability to absorb the spiritual essence of others, which includes one's memories, emotions and their very life force. When Ahri does this, she experiences these emotions and memories as if they were her own, feeding a ravenous hunger she has for human experiences. Though she used to lose control of her hunger for spiritual essence, she has grown more in tune with her nature and has learned to control it.Spirit Magic: Ahri has a powerful connection to the Spirit Realm, allowing her to sense things within it and manipulate its energies to an extent. She can use this energy in a variety of ways, such as communing withSpiritsor empowering the spiritual magic of allies.Spirit Fire Manipulation:Ahri can condense raw spiritual energy into different shapes, particularly in the form of magical blue flames. Ahri can send out these flames to damage enemies or condense them into apowerful orbthat she uses as a weapon.Mind Manipulation:Ahri has the ability to manipulate the minds of others by accessing their emotions through the Spirit Realm. With this, she can hypnotize others into following her commands or lure them to her with her charms. Along with that, Ahri can connect to the minds of others and sense their emotions. • Enhanced Speed:Because of Ahri's foxlike features, she is naturally faster and more agile than an average human. Along with that, Ahri can channel spirit magic into herself to enhance her reflexes and even allow her to fly swiftly in the air. • Sharp Claws:Ahri's nails are incredibly sharp and capable of scratching thanks to her Vesani nature. • Soul Feeding:The Vesani have the ability to absorb the spiritual essence of others, which includes one's memories, emotions and their very life force. When Ahri does this, she experiences these emotions and memories as if they were her own, feeding a ravenous hunger she has for human experiences. Though she used to lose control of her hunger for spiritual essence, she has grown more in tune with her nature and has learned to control it. • Spirit Magic: Ahri has a powerful connection to the Spirit Realm, allowing her to sense things within it and manipulate its energies to an extent. She can use this energy in a variety of ways, such as communing withSpiritsor empowering the spiritual magic of allies.Spirit Fire Manipulation:Ahri can condense raw spiritual energy into different shapes, particularly in the form of magical blue flames. Ahri can send out these flames to damage enemies or condense them into apowerful orbthat she uses as a weapon.Mind Manipulation:Ahri has the ability to manipulate the minds of others by accessing their emotions through the Spirit Realm. With this, she can hypnotize others into following her commands or lure them to her with her charms. Along with that, Ahri can connect to the minds of others and sense their emotions. • Spirit Fire Manipulation:Ahri can condense raw spiritual energy into different shapes, particularly in the form of magical blue flames. Ahri can send out these flames to damage enemies or condense them into apowerful orbthat she uses as a weapon. • Mind Manipulation:Ahri has the ability to manipulate the minds of others by accessing their emotions through the Spirit Realm. With this, she can hypnotize others into following her commands or lure them to her with her charms. Along with that, Ahri can connect to the minds of others and sense their emotions. Relations[] Humans[] Since childhood, Ahri has observed human civilization from afar until she encountered a hunter dying from a stray arrow. Curiously sensing his fading life force, Ahri got her first taste of spiritual essence and absorbed the man's memories, gaining all his knowledge and experiences. Since then, Ahri hunted down human prey for years, drunkenly drinking their essence and learning to manipulate them with her charms. She slowly felt a sense of regret as she grew empathetic from absorbing human emotions, eventually seeing how they perceived her as a monstrous fox demon. Despite this, Ahri accepted her monstrous nature and continued to feast on human essence. It wasn't until she met her first and only love, a human artist, that she began to feel true sympathy for humans and decided to completely Now, after befriendingYasuoand the rest ofSarah Fortune'screw, she feels a deep sense of empathy and sympathy or her prey, sparing them from her hunger by learning to control it. Dead Lover[] Years ago, Ahri fell in love with a human artist who remains as her first and only true love. Unlike the rest of Ahri's prey, the artist was the first person to willingly offer his essence to Ahri in exchange for her love, to which she agreed. From there, she felt true happiness for the first time as the two would often lay in a lake at the edge of Ionia. Unfortunately, Ahri lost control of her hunger one day and accidentally drained her lover completely, thoroughly killing him. For years Ahri lived in constant regret over the death of her lover and attempted to remove the memories of him entirely at theGarden of Forgetting. In the process though, Ahri realized that her memories of her lover were too valuable to simply let go of and decided to live with them, no matter how painful it is to remember. Ahri finally found closure with the death of her lover when she cleansed the memories of her ancestors from the sunstones at theBuhruforge. In the process of this, Ahri sorrowed over the loss of the memories of her ancestors but was confronted with a memory of her lover, who urged Ahri to fight for the future and told her to live life to create new memories instead of dwelling on her old ones. This interaction defined Ahri, allowing her to live as she does now, as a protector of life in the same vein as her Vesani ancestors. Hirin[] Hirin was a fortune teller that Ahri encountered in anIonianmarket during her search for clues about her long-lost vastayan tribe. The fortune teller recognized Ahri's mysterious set of twin sunstones as the work of Ymelo, which intrigued Ahri as she agreed to enter her caravan for tea and to discuss more about her stones. Hirin revealed everything she knew about Ymelo to Ahri, before pulling out a hunting knife and revealing that she had put a paralysis potion in Ahri's cup of tea. Wishing to cut off one of her tails as an ingredient for her potions, Ahri managed to absorb enough of Hirin's essence to regain her strength and defend herself. Though she was furious at the betrayal, she looked into Hirin's memories and hardships in life, deciding to spare her life and leaving her without any memory of their encounter, essentially making her forget Ahri completely. The Gardener[] The Gardener is the mysterious caretaker of theGarden of Forgetting, also known asIghilyaby Ahri. The Gardener seems to be a person with some magical affinity rumored to be a witch of some sorts and offered Ahri guidance when she arrived to the garden with regret and sorrows over her dead lover. Though Ahri desperately begged the Gardener to help her forget these painful memories, she was reluctant to help her and urged her to live life with the pain and attempting to convince her that forgetting is much worse than living with the pain. As Ahri was in the process of feeding her memories to a snow lily given to her by the Gardener, she finally took her advice and refused to forget, believing that her memories of her lover were too valuable to forget. When the garden attempted to trap Ahri for interrupting the process, the Gardener quietly warned Ahri to leave before it was too late, allowing her to escape. Ymelo[] Ymelo is the famed sculptor said to have created Ahri's twin sunstones as well as many others. Though who his true origins are unknown, he's famed across the world for his ability to carve ancient fossilized eggs into intricate shapes and often creates small artifacts as pieces of larger sculptors. After learning of Ymelo, Ahri found clues leading her to Bilgewater, where she confronted a vendor at a black market and tried finding another of his sculptors, which the vendor sold to Malik of theJagged Hooks. Vesani[] The Vesani are Ahri's long-lost vastayan tribe. Since her childhood, Ahri was completely unaware of their existence and lived lost and
Name: Essence Theft, Description: Innate: Ahri generates a stack of Essence Fragment whenever she kills a minion or monster . At 9 stacks, she consumes them to heal herself for 35 − 95 (based on level) (+ 20% AP) . Additionally, whenever Ahri scores a champion takedown within 3 seconds of damaging them, she consumes their essence to heal herself for 75 − 165 (based on level) (+ 30% AP) ., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputPassive', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Video', 'No additional details.']}
Name: Orb of Deception, Description: Active: Ahri sends her orb in the target direction that deals magic damage to enemies hit. At maximum range, the orb homes back to her to deal the same in true damage to enemies hit. Damage Per Pass: 40 / 65 / 90 / 115 / 140 (+ 45% AP) Total Mixed Damage: 80 / 130 / 180 / 230 / 280 (+ 90% AP) Enemies can be hit only once per pass., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputDirection', 'damage_type': 'Magic/True', 'spell_shield': 'See Notes', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Video', "Orb of Deceptionwill hit additional units around the return point in a small circle when the orb turns around.This applies both to the initial and return missile's damage, but the initial missile only deals damage if the unit was not hit by it already.", "This applies both to the initial and return missile's damage, but the initial missile only deals damage if the unit was not hit by it already.", 'Each pass of the projectile can only damage an enemy once.', 'IfAhridies while the orb is out, the orb will visually disappear but continue to deal damage and return toAhri.(bug)', 'This ability will cast from wherever the caster is at the end of the cast time.']}
Name: Fox-Fire, Description: Active: Ahri gains 40% bonus movement speed that decays over 2 seconds and conjures three flames which orbit her clockwise for up to 2. 5 seconds. After 0. 25 seconds, each flame targets a visible enemy, or after 0. 4 seconds targets the closest visible enemy in range, dealing magic damage . The damage is doubled against minions below 20% maximum health . Magic Damage: 50 / 75 / 100 / 125 / 150 (+ 30% AP) Increased Minion Damage: 100 / 150 / 200 / 250 / 300 (+ 60% AP) Subsequent flames on a single target deal 30% damage. Additional Magic Damage: 15 / 22. 5 / 30 / 37. 5 / 45 (+ 9% AP) Total Single Target Damage: 80 / 120 / 160 / 200 / 240 (+ 48% AP) Flames prioritize enemy champions hit by Charm , then enemy champions , then minions that would die to Fox-Fire's damage, and then the target of Ahri's last basic attack within 3 seconds., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputAuto', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Video', 'Each missile ofFox-Firehas its own shorter non-priority range.', 'Any unusedFox-Fireswill fizzle upon death.']}
Name: Charm, Description: Active: Ahri blows forth a kiss in the target direction that deals magic damage to the first enemy hit, knocking them down and charming and slowing them by 65% for a duration. Magic Damage: 80 / 110 / 140 / 170 / 200 (+ 60% AP) Disable Duration: 1. 2 / 1. 4 / 1. 6 / 1. 8 / 2, {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputDirection', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Video', 'Charmis able toslowtargets otherwiseimmune to slowsuponcharmingthem.(bug)', 'This ability will cast from wherever the caster is at the end of the cast time.']}
Name: Spirit Rush, Description: Active: Ahri dashes to the target location and then fires essence bolts to up to 3 nearby visible enemies, each dealing magic damage . Spirit Rush can be recast twice more within 15 seconds of the activation at no additional cost, with a 1-second static cooldown between casts. Consuming a champion's essence with Essence Theft while Spirit Rush is active extends the recast duration by and up to 10 seconds, and grants an additional recast, storing up to 3 recasts at a time. Magic Damage: 60 / 90 / 120 (+ 35% AP) Recast: Ahri mimics the first cast's effects. Spirit Rush's recast duration will persist even after having used all recasts. Fox-Fire can be cast during the dash. Spirit Rush will cast at max range if cast beyond that., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputLocation', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Video', "Each cast counts as an ability activation for the purposes of on-cast effects such asSpellbladeand triggeringForce Pulse'spassive.", 'Spirit Rushusesquick castby default.', "There's a slight delay before a champion gains vision of the fog of war once inside it. Because of this, ifAhridashes into it, it is possible thatSpirit Rushwill not target any enemy in range.", 'The bolts do not fire ifAhridies whiledashing, unless she was saved byresurrection.The bolts will fire if the dash isinterruptedby other means.', 'The bolts will fire if the dash isinterruptedby other means.']}
Ahri's dance references “RunDevilRun” byGirls' Generation. The first icon forSpirit Rush'sdisplays Ahri without fox ears, which harkens to the time she didn't have them. Some of her older models, such asOriginal AhriandMidnight Ahri, lack whiskers ingame. Ahri아리could've been shortened from '아리땁다'Arittabda, from stative verbal stemaritta(b)-"be beautiful" & verbal suffix-da. For "The most visually appealing champion in League", Ahri's visual appeal is statistically ranked 1st among men, and 2nd among women (second toJinx).[2] Ahri's Series 1Eternalsmake the following references:LDRrefernces theeponymous acronymthat stands for "long-distance relationship" and the large distance covered fromSpirit Rush'smultiple dashes.On the Reboundreferences theeponymous phraseassociated with unhappy relationships and the literal rebound ofOrb of Deception'sprojectile.
Akali,the Rogue Assassin,Akali Jhomen Tethi
health: Health570+119, resource: Energy200+0, health regen: Health regen. (per 5s)9+0.9, resource regen: Energy regen. (per 5s)50, armor: Armor23+4.7, attack damage: Attack damage62+3.3, attack speed: Base AS0.625, gameplay radius: Gameplay radius65, selection radius: Selection radius100, release: 2010-05-11, changed: V13.16, role: Assassin, position: TopMiddle, rangetype: Melee, adaptivetype: Physical, cost: 3150|790
Games AkaliMainArmoredDisguiseTitlesReal nameAkali Jhomen TethiNickname(s)Little LeafAlias(es)The Rogue AssassinThe Fist of ShadowCharacteristicsSpeciesHumanPronoun(s)She/HerTimelineBorn:977 ANWeapon(s)KamaKunaiShurikenSmoke BombPersonal statusStatusAlivePlace of originTemple of Thanjuul,IoniaCurrent residenceIonia(No Fixed Abode)FamilyTahno Jhomen Tethi†(Father)Mayym Jhomen Tethi(Mother)Professional statusOccupation(s)Kinkou OrderLeaderVigilanteRegion(s)IoniaFaction(s)Kinkou OrderRelated character(s)KennenShenZedKaynJhinIreliaSionYasuoKarma Akali • Main • Armored • Disguise Titles Real name Nickname(s) • Little Leaf Alias(es) • The Rogue Assassin • The Fist of Shadow Characteristics Species Pronoun(s) Timeline • Born:977 AN Weapon(s) • Kama • Kunai • Shuriken • Smoke Bomb Personal status Status Place of origin Current residence Family • Tahno Jhomen Tethi†(Father) • Mayym Jhomen Tethi(Mother) Professional status Occupation(s) • Kinkou OrderLeader • Vigilante Region(s) Faction(s) Related character(s) Abandoning theKinkou Orderand her title of the Fist of Shadow,Akalinow strikes alone, ready to be the deadly weapon her people need. Though she holds onto all she learned from her master Shen, she has pledged to defendIoniafrom its enemies, one kill at a time. Akali may strike in silence, but her message will be heard loud and clear: fear the assassin with no master. Contents • 1Background1.1Early Life1.1.1Shadow Order Attack1.1.2Rebuilding the Kinkou Order1.1.3Encounter with the Navori Brotherhood1.1.4Becoming the Fist of Shadow1.1.5Leaving the Kinkou Order1.2Modern History1.2.1The Councilman in Weh'le1.2.2Reunion with Shen1.2.3Search for Zed1.2.4Capturing Khada Jhin1.2.5The Second Noxian Invasion • 2Appearance • 3Personality • 4Abilities • 5Relations5.1Kinkou Order5.2Zed5.3Kayn5.4Jhin5.5Irelia,Karma&Yasuo • 6Read More6.1Biography6.2Starring Champion6.3Mentioned Champion6.4Alternate Universes • 7Trivia • 8Change log • 9References • 10See also • 1.1Early Life1.1.1Shadow Order Attack1.1.2Rebuilding the Kinkou Order1.1.3Encounter with the Navori Brotherhood1.1.4Becoming the Fist of Shadow1.1.5Leaving the Kinkou Order • 1.2Modern History1.2.1The Councilman in Weh'le1.2.2Reunion with Shen1.2.3Search for Zed1.2.4Capturing Khada Jhin1.2.5The Second Noxian Invasion • 1.1.1Shadow Order Attack • 1.1.2Rebuilding the Kinkou Order • 1.1.3Encounter with the Navori Brotherhood • 1.1.4Becoming the Fist of Shadow • 1.1.5Leaving the Kinkou Order • 1.2.1The Councilman in Weh'le • 1.2.2Reunion with Shen • 1.2.3Search for Zed • 1.2.4Capturing Khada Jhin • 1.2.5The Second Noxian Invasion • 5.1Kinkou Order • 5.2Zed • 5.3Kayn • 5.4Jhin • 5.5Irelia,Karma&Yasuo • 6.1Biography • 6.2Starring Champion • 6.3Mentioned Champion • 6.4Alternate Universes Background[] Early Life[] Akali was born within theKinkou Order, daughter to Tahno and Maymm Jhomen Tethi. Maymm was the renownedFist of Shadowand one of the Kinkou leaders in charge of preserving the delicatespiritualbalance ofIonia. As a child, Akali's parents would often be called off on their duties, leaving her under the care of other Kinkou masters such asMaster KushoorKennen. When in the care of Kennen, Akali would be taught many shuriken techniques and honed her skills in speed and agility. Being a prodigy, Akali showed great promise as a member of the Kinkou Order and woult often train alongside Master Kusho's son and appointed successorShen. Shadow Order Attack[] During theNoxian Invasion of Ionia, Master Kusho's adopted son and former studentZedreturned to the order after having left to participate in the war. With an army of his own followers, Zed planned to enact a violent takeover of the Kinkou Order and seemingly killed Master Kusho, transforming the Kinkou into theShadow Order. Zed and his acolytes proceeded to kill the remaining Kinkou, including Akali's father Tahno. Luckily, Akali fled to a long-abandoned temple in the eastern mountains alongside a small group of other Kinkou consisting of her mother Maymm, Kennen and the newEye of Twilight, Shen. Rebuilding the Kinkou Order[] In the mountains, Shen began rebuilding the Kinkou Order by returning to its three fundamental philosophes: the pure impartiality ofWatching the Stars, the passage of judgment inCoursing the Sun, and the elimination of imbalance byPruning the Tree.As Fist of Shadow, Maymm's duty was in Pruning the Tree, training Akali and several other neophytes to become assassins that would kill those that would threaten the balance. By the age of nine, Akali became close friends with another neophyte name Faey, Maymm's young apprentice and possible successor. Though Akali was skilled, she was often impatient and rambunctious, often causing trouble for Faey and the neophytes due to being the youngest of them. Encounter with the Navori Brotherhood[] Akali's friend and fellow neophyte Faey, firing arrows and attempting to free her friends. While training and playing games, Akali and the rest of the neophytes encountered a band of warriors from theNavori Brotherhood, an Ionian nationalist faction formed in the aftermath of the Noxian invasion currently searching for people to forcefully recruit into their army. Akali and the group of neophytes hid in the trees, not wanting to lead the brotherhood back to their Kinkou temple. Using a variety of tricks and traps, they managed to scare the warriors away by convincing them that the forest was cursed. In the process, the group accidentally angered a corrupted nature spirit that began rampaging and entrapping the neophytes in vines. Faey quickly tried freeing them while Akali helped, against Faey's orders, by hastily running circles around the spirit, distracting it. While Akali dragged some of the neophytes to safety, Faey was suddenly struck by the spirit and fell to the ground, becoming gravely injured and breaking her leg. At that moment, Maymm, Shen and Kennen arrived just in time to dispel the spirit and save the children. Back at the temple, Akali was praised by her fellow students for her speed in saving them. When Faey woke up, she realized the severity of her injuries as she was missing a leg and unable to walk. When Akali tried to comfort her, Faey snapped at Akali, blaming her and angered by the fact that she disobeyed her orders. Hearing her distrss, Maymm enetered the room and comforted Faey, vowing to find a way to heal Faey's leg and allow her to walk again so she can fight alongside her as her apprentice once again. Akali, overhearing the conversation, saw the kindness Maymm harbored for Faey and tearfully walked off.[1] Becoming the Fist of Shadow[] At the age of fourteen, Akali formally entered her Kinkou training, determined to eventually succeed her mother in becoming the new Fist of Shadow. Though she possessed no magical talents like the other acolytes who would fill her role, she proved her worth of the title by sheer skill. Soon, Maymm stepped down from her role as Fist of Shadow and focused on mentoring the other neophytes, officially granting Akali the title as her successor. Leaving the Kinkou Order[] As the Noxian Invasion ended and the Shadow Order reached an uneasy accord with the Kinkou, Akali slowly saw the suffering her people still endured. She began to question her purpose as the Fist of Shadow and whether or not she was truly fulfilling her duties inPruning the Tree. Shen would constantly urge restraint, teaching her meditation techniques and mantras to tame her spirit. However, Akali believed Shen was holding her back, constantly arguing and defying him as she took down Ionia's enemies in her own way. Finally growing sick of Shen's views on Ionia's balance, Akali insulted the entire order by declaring their impotence, claiming their lack of action in favor of spiritual balance has lead to more Ionians suffering in the Material Realm. Akali officially left order, discarding her title as Fist of Shadow, while Shen let her go without arguing. Shen believed that this was a path that Akali must walk alone with hopes of her returning to the order one day, though he knows that is a decision only she can make herself. Modern History[] Now living as an independent assassin, free from the restraints of the Kinkou Order's teachings, Akali lived as a vigilante, traversing the urban underground of Ionia and killing those that cause her people harm. The Councilman in Weh'le[] In the coastal village ofWeh'le, a hidden phantom port with mystical properties, Akali went on a mission to assassinate a councilman fromPuboewho had sold out his own people to Noxian invaders in exchange for gold and safe passage through. She visited her tattoo artist Bo'lii, avastayanartist who ran a tavern in the port. While drawing a tattoo of a dragon on her back, the Puboe councilman walked into Bo'lii's tavern accompanied by three guards. Akali planned to kill them on the spot, but Bo'lii urged her to do her business outside of his tavern this time, to which she agreed. Once outside, Akali approached and killed the councilman's guards by hiding in asmoke cloudand firing severalkunaisbefore finally killing the councilman himself.[2] Reunion with Shen[] Despite being an independent assassin and having left the Kinkou Order, Akali still retained a close relationship with Shen, who continued acting as her mentor. One day, the two came across a Noxian boy in theNavoriprovince cutting wood from aGuardian Tree. While Akali plans to punish the Noxian with brute force, Shen suggests she finds a different approach. As the Noxian loaded up his cart, Akali arrived and broke the wagon's wheels with her shuriken, discovering that the Noxian is actually a young boy to Akali's surprise. As the sap of the Guardian Tree began to flow into a shrine, it awoke its protector; a large stone guardian that slowly walked towards the Noxian boy. By granting Akali his ability to see into theSpirit Realm, he revealed to Akali that the protector was powered by the anger of the forest, seeking to restore balance and avenge the Guardian Tree by killing the Noxian boy. Against Shen's wishes, Akali rushed forward and attacked the protector with little to no effect. While trying to lift the wagon off of the Noxian boy, Akali realized that the only way to restore the balance is if the boy planted a new tree in its place. By taking a seed from a nearby branch, Akali had the boy plant the seed into the ground before Shen used his spiritual powers to instantly grow the seed into a sapling, taming the stone protector. Lifting the wagon off of the boy, Akali gave him a warning not to harm the land as Shen used his powers to grow the sapling into an even larger Guardian Tree, wrapping itself around the shrine guardian.[3] Search for Zed[] InZhyun, Akali got word that Zed recently assassinated the Kinkou master Althon, a cousin of Shen. Finding Shen in the Olgathee Forest killing corrupted spirits, Akali told him the news about master Althon, stating that she knows the town that Zed is staying in and suggesting she and Shen go confront him, which he reluctantly agrees to.[4] Once at a tavern inThonx, the two found out from the innkeeper that Zed had already left and attacked a blossom festival before heading north toShual. Akali suggested they follow him, but Shen stated that he had to travel south to slay demons that have been terrorizing a village. Akali tried to convince Shen to follow her to Shual, but Shen remained dedicated to his duties as the Eye of Twilight, urging his former student not to chase Zed alone. Akali, disregarding Shen's warning, took a boat and sailed down the quickest route to Shual.[5] Akali at aKinkoutemple confronting members of theShadow Order, includingShieda Kayn. Travelling to an inn near the Kinkou temple of Koeshin, Akali found a group of Zed's acolytes disguised as Kinkou, including Zed's apprenticeShieda Kayn. Kayn told Akali that their masters were inside the inn while Akali threatened them by calling a group of Kinkou warriors to defend the temple. Zed then exited the inn followed by Shen, who ordered Akali to let the Shadow Order walk free since Zed declared theCode of Tuonn,an honorable call for temporary peace that allows them to let each other walk free without combat. Akali however wasn't satisfied with just letting Zed go and dashed in to kill him anyway, which Zed easily avoided byshadow shiftingaway while the rest of his acolytes quickly fled the Kinkou temple. Angered by Akali's recklessness, Shen told her never to fight Zed and that he'll fight him alone in the future, officially declaring that the armistice between the Shadow Order and the Kinkou has ended. Shen eventually revealed to Akali what transpired in the inn; Zed came to warn Shen that the serial killerKhada Jhinhad escaped and that he seeks to bring him back to prison. Though Zed wanted to ally with Shen and capture Jhin, Shen refused and insisted on catching Jhin on his own without the help of the Shadow Order, declaring that if he sees Zed interfere then he'll personally kill him and finally settle their scores. Capturing Khada Jhin[] Akali followed Shen as he investigated a trail of intricate clues in search of the murderer Khada Jhin. Shen's investigation eventually lead him to believe that Jhin was working with theKashuri faction, a radical nationalist group with ties to the Navori Brotherhood. This trail lead Shen toNanthee, believing that the village elder was a potential target of Jhin's murder spree. Once at the scene of the crime, Shen stopped Akali from looking at the corpses, stating that she simply isn't ready to see the horrors that Jhin committed.[6][7] Eventually, Jhin's traps activated as dozens of bombs hidden in lanterns across Nanthee began exploding, killing many and causing massive damage to the city. Akali, noticing the explosion from afar, vows to kill Jhin for what he'd done. Noticing a small ship in the distance and deducing that that's where Jhin was escaping, Akali demanded to know where it was headed, learning that it was headed to thePiltover. Deciding to follow Jhin's trail alone, Akali set sail and eventually landed in Piltover. On her search for Jhin, Akali questioned and interrogated many of the locals, which lead her to the undercity ofZaun. In Zaun, she learned that Jhin had been attacking Piltover merchant clans that did business in exporting weapons to Ionia. By questioning the Piltover enforcers, Akali found herself at a theater in the Zaunite neighborhood of Mistfloor, where Jhin was said to have battled with the Ferros clan and theirintelligencer agent.[8] At the theater, Jhin revealed an elaborate trap for Akali, wishing to make her the fourth victim in his disturbing art piece as three piltovans hung from Ionian trees strapped to machines. These machines began firing harpoons at Akali, who narrowly dodged them by tossing asmoke bombbefore being hit unconscious by an explosive blast created byJhin's rifle.[9] Jhin, having anticipated Zed and Shen's arrivals, set a trap by tying Akali up in a tree near a decoy of his. While Jhin tried to kill the two of them with Zaunite machinery, Zed managed to toss ashurikenat Akali, cutting her rope and freeing her from Jhin's trap. While Jhin was ready to fire a shot into Shen's head, Akali burst out of the smoke and punched Jhin to the ground, grabbing his gun and preparing to kill him for his crimes while Shen pleaded for her not to as he needed to bring Jhin to Ionia alive. Before she could kill him, Zed pushed her aside and grabbed Jhin, demanding he tell him how he got out of prison. Jhin simply replied with cryptic riddles, stating that Zed alreadyknewwho freed him before Zed threw Jhin to Shen and Akali's feet, stating that their bargain is done as he quickly fled Zaun.[10] The Second Noxian Invasion[] Akali joining the effort to defendIoniafromNoxusalongsideIrelia,Kennen,KarmaandYasuo. At some point, Noxus began a second incursion of Ionia, sending massive armies accompanied by theundeadjuggernautSion. When the Ionian war heroIreliabegan a resistance, she requested aid at a seaside village and received assistance from Kinkou members lead byAkaliandKennen, the spiritual leaderKarmaand the lone wandererYasuo. During the defense against the Noxian army, Akali targeted Sion and struck him with her kama and smoke bombs before joining Irelia and the rest of the champions in a final charge against the Noxians.[8] Appearance[] Akali is a slender but muscular woman with light skin and red-brown eyes. Her thick black hair is often tussled, tied back in a large, messy bun which flares in every direction. She also has a tattoo of a pale blue dragon among white clouds swirling around her arms and across the backs of her shoulders. Her typical professional attire is various shades of green with brown leather highlights. She wears baggy pants, a crop top, tabi, and a cloth mask that covers her lower face. Personality[] Akali is impatient, explosive and determined, preferring to leave the Kinkou Order rather than betray her own ideals and not fight for his people. It is notable that, despite this, she is still loyal to Ionia, being able to do anything, even to become a murderer, to protect the First Lands and her home. Abilities[] • Assassin Combat Mastery:Akali was trained in the Kinkou Order to be the nextFist of Shadow,the head assassin of the order. Because of this, she is an expert in assassination and stealth combat, capable of knowing how to strike a perfect killing blow from the shadows and get out of danger by hiding in hersmoke shroud.Agility:As an expert assassin, Akali is incredibly agile with a talent in acrobatics and running. Since childhood, Akali has had an exceptional running speed.Weapon Mastery:As part of her training as an assassin, Akali has learned to masterfully wield a large variety of weapons, learning how to use and specialize each one to kill any target.Kama Proficiency:Akali is most comfortable using her kama, a short sickle-like blade she can use to strike enemies. In the past, Akali wieldeddual kamasbut has resorted to using a singular, specialized kama that is connected to a rope, allowing Akali to detach it from its handle and swing it at further distances.Kunai Proficiency:Akali utilizes a collection of kunai daggers, small blades that she can use to either stab up close or toss at a distance. Akali has learned a technique to toss five kunais at the same time, dealing massive damage in a wider area.Shuriken Proficiency:Akali was taught how to use a shuriken byKennen, a Kinkou master most known for wielding shurikens. Training with Kennen has taught Akali how to toss a shuriken from a far distance with great accuracy. • Agility:As an expert assassin, Akali is incredibly agile with a talent in acrobatics and running. Since childhood, Akali has had an exceptional running speed. • Weapon Mastery:As part of her training as an assassin, Akali has learned to masterfully wield a large variety of weapons, learning how to use and specialize each one to kill any target.Kama Proficiency:Akali is most comfortable using her kama, a short sickle-like blade she can use to strike enemies. In the past, Akali wieldeddual kamasbut has resorted to using a singular, specialized kama that is connected to a rope, allowing Akali to detach it from its handle and swing it at further distances.Kunai Proficiency:Akali utilizes a collection of kunai daggers, small blades that she can use to either stab up close or toss at a distance. Akali has learned a technique to toss five kunais at the same time, dealing massive damage in a wider area.Shuriken Proficiency:Akali was taught how to use a shuriken byKennen, a Kinkou master most known for wielding shurikens. Training with Kennen has taught Akali how to toss a shuriken from a far distance with great accuracy. • Kama Proficiency:Akali is most comfortable using her kama, a short sickle-like blade she can use to strike enemies. In the past, Akali wieldeddual kamasbut has resorted to using a singular, specialized kama that is connected to a rope, allowing Akali to detach it from its handle and swing it at further distances. • Kunai Proficiency:Akali utilizes a collection of kunai daggers, small blades that she can use to either stab up close or toss at a distance. Akali has learned a technique to toss five kunais at the same time, dealing massive damage in a wider area. • Shuriken Proficiency:Akali was taught how to use a shuriken byKennen, a Kinkou master most known for wielding shurikens. Training with Kennen has taught Akali how to toss a shuriken from a far distance with great accuracy. Relations[] Kinkou Order[] Akali is currently a ninja gone rogue from theKinkou Order. Although still part of it, she operates outside of its rules and regulations.[11]She andShenparted on neutral terms. Neither hates the other but both disapprove of the other's methods.[12]While growing up in the Kinkou,Kennentrained her and helped her refine her shuriken techniques. Zed[] Zedmight attempt to recruit her for his Order of Shadows. Akali; however, wants him dead since many Kinkou members including her father Tahno were killed by him and his order. Kayn[] Akali andKaynknow each other. He has tried to flirt with her multiple times and Akali finds him hot but too crazy for her taste. Jhin[] Akali temporarily teamed up withShento track downJhinafter they were informed of his escape. She later pursued Jhin toPiltover-Zaunand got captured by him, but was later saved with the help ofShenandZed. Irelia,Karma&Yasuo[] In the secondNoxianinvasion ofIonia,Irelia'scall for help to defend a seaside village from the Noxian army includingSionwas met by Akali,Karma,KennenandYasuowhose arrival turned the tide of the battle. Read More Biography Biography The Rogue Assassin ByMichael McCarthy Starring:Akali Mentioned:Kennen,Kusho,Shen,Zed Starring Champion Music Video Awaken By Numerous creators A deadly masterpiece unfolds. A lone resistance made whole. A chance to come alive. Starring:Akali,Camille,Draven,Irelia,Jhin,Karma,Kennen,Riven,Sion,Yasuo Short Story Leaving Weh'le ByMichael McCarthy “Ah— Hey! Bo'lii!” I cry out. “Cut me a little deep, don't you think?” Starring:Akali Mentioned:Shen Short Story The Bow, and the Kunai ByJoey Yu The air of southern Shon-Xan was rife with raw magic. Starring:Akali,Kennen,Shen Mentioned:Kusho,Zed Video The Lesson Akali learns an important lesson from her former Kinkou master, Shen, when they encounter a young woodcutter upsetting the balance of Ionia. Starring:Akali,Shen Short Story The Man with the Steel Cane ByOdin Austin Shafer Starring:Akali,Jhin,Shen,Zed Video The Rogue Assassin (Video) Starring:Akali Comic Zed: Issue 1 ByOdin Austin Shafer,Edgar Salazar,Lorenzo Ruggiero,Chris O'Halloran Zed is lured back to a village where he and Shen once encountered a great evil, a brutal killer from their past resurfaces: the magically gifted psychopath Khada Jhin! Starring:Akali,Jhin,Kayn,Kusho,Shen,Zed Mentioned:Rhaast Comic Zed: Issue 2 ByOdin Austin Shafer,Edgar Salazar,Lorenzo Ruggiero,Chris O'Halloran Zed is under attack from all sides! He and his band of assassins are ambushed by the twisted Khada Jhin! In order to survive, Zed will be forced to confront his past sins and seek the aid of his most bitter enemy--the Eye of Twilight, Shen! Starring:Akali,Jhin,Kayn,Kusho,Shen,Zed Mentioned:Rhaast Comic Zed: Issue 3 ByOdin Austin Shafer,Edgar Salazar,Lorenzo Ruggiero,Chris O'Halloran In order to survive, Zed will be forced to confront his past sins and seek the aid of his most bitter enemy--the Eye of Twilight, Shen! Starring:Akali,Jhin,Kayn,Kusho,Shen,Zed Mentioned:Rhaast Comic Zed: Issue 4 ByOdin Austin Shafer,Edgar Salazar,Lorenzo Ruggiero,Chris O'Halloran Khada Jhin's master plan comes together in a most explosive and deadly manner! But even if Zed and Shen survive, they might just kill one another! Only one will be left standing by the end of this issue! Starring:Akali,Jhin,Kayn,Kusho,Shen,Zed Mentioned:Rhaast Comic Zed: Issue 5 ByOdin Austin Shafer,Edgar Salazar,Lorenzo Ruggiero,Chris O'Halloran Zed has been captured and is at the mercy of his most bitter enemy--and once most trusted friend--Shen! Meanwhile Akali sets out on her own in search of the deadly Jhin--a journey that may lead her to her own doom! But what is Jhin's endgame? Starring:Akali,Jhin,Kayn,Shen,Zed Mentioned:Camille,Kusho Comic Zed: Issue 6 ByOdin Austin Shafer,Edgar Salazar,Lorenzo Ruggiero,Chris O'Halloran It's all led to this: Zed and Shen, united in a final battle with the psychopathic murderer Khada Jhin! And the life of the captive Akali hangs in the balance! Then--Shen and Zed's greatest enemy will stand revealed…and you'll never guess who it is! Shocking secrets about the past AND the present will be unveiled…and whoever survives will be left to pick up the pieces! Starring:Akali,Jhin,Kayn,Kusho,Shen,Zed Mentioned:Rhaast Mentioned Champion Short Story Between Light and Shadows ByJoey Yu Kennen had not slowed since setting off from the Great Temple of Koeshin. Starring:Kennen Mentioned:Akali,Shen Video Tales of Runeterra Starring: N/A Mentioned:Akali,Braum,Corki,Darius,Diana,Ekko,Fiora,Garen,Graves,Heimerdinger,Jinx,Leona,Lulu,Miss Fortune,Shen,Teemo,Thresh,Tristana,Twisted Fate Biography The Eye of Twilight ByMichael Luo Starring:Shen Mentioned:Akali,Jhin,Kusho,Zed Biography The Heart of the Tempest ByIan St. Martin Starring:Kennen Mentioned:Akali,Kusho,Shen,Zed Alternate Universes Music Video ALL OUT ByK/DA Starring:Ahri,Akali,Evelynn,Kai'Sa,Seraphine Game Another Sky ByJared Rosen,Taylor Dinwiddie,Ty Sheedlo As a new generation of Star Guardians prepares to fight back the forces of chaos, rising star Akali finds herself wracked with doubt. Does she have what it takes to be a Star Guardian? Or will the darkness she senses inside spell doom for her and her friends? Starring:Akali,Ekko,Fiddlesticks,Kai'Sa,Morgana,Nilah,Quinn,Rell,Sona,Syndra,Taliyah,Zoe Mentioned:Ahri,Akshan,Ezreal,Gwen,Jinx,Lux,Miss Fortune,Rakan,Xayah Video Breakout Virtual hip-hop group True Damage was born when K/DA's lead rapper Akali sought to bring together the distinct talents of Ekko, Senna, Qiyana, and Yasuo in an ambitious, genre-defying collaboration. Starring:Akali,Ekko,Qiyana,Senna,Yasuo Music Video Everything Goes On ByPorter Robinson Together with some familiar faces, a new generation of Star Guardians ascend to battle a looming threat. But even when confronted with eternal darkness, their hope burns brighter than fear. Starring:Akali,Ekko,Kai'Sa,Nilah,Orianna,Rakan,Rell,Senna,Seraphine,Sona,Taliyah,Xayah Mentioned:Ahri,Lux,Miss Fortune Music Video GIANTS ByTrue Damage Intro Starring:Akali,Ekko,Qiyana,Senna,Yasuo Mentioned:Ahri,Azir,Book,Camille,Corki,Jinx,Kayn,Kindred,LeBlanc,Lucian,Pyke,Rhaast,Tahm Kench,Teemo,Thresh,Twitch,Yuumi Comic Harmonies: Issue 1 ByMichael Yichao In a difficult moment during a recording secession, Akali reassures a nervous Seraphine that K/DA's bonds run deep. Starring:Ahri,Akali,Evelynn,Kai'Sa,Seraphine,Yasuo Mentioned:Ekko,Ezreal,Graves,Qiyana,Senna Comic Harmonies: Issue 2 ByMichael Yichao Seraphine navigates a life-changing moment as she embraces her dream becoming reality. Starring:Ahri,Akali,Evelynn,Kai'Sa,Seraphine Mentioned:Ezreal,Janna,Jinx,Lulu,Lux,Miss Fortune,Poppy,Soraka,Syndra,Volibear,Yasuo Comic Harmonies: Issue 4 ByMichael Yichao Kai'Sa dances through life, finding her way to present moment as a part of K/DA. Starring:Ahri,Akali,Evelynn,Kai'Sa,Seraphine,Yasuo Mentioned:Kassadin Comic Harmonies: Issue 5 ByMichael Yichao Ahri reflects on the long road that led to her forming K/DA: breaking old bonds while establishing new ties, navigating the flood of attention (and expectation) following their initial success, and looking forward to their bright future. Starring:Ahri,Akali,Evelynn,Kai'Sa,Seraphine,Yasuo Short Story Interview: Inside K/DA ByPopRox,Indu Reddy PopRox chats with K/DA on their style, personal life, and success after POP/STARS. Starring:Ahri,Akali,Evelynn,Kai'Sa Mentioned:Kassadin Entries Journal of Justice ByInstitute of War Formare veneficum est formare fatum. Starring:Akali,Alistar,Amumu,Anivia,Annie,Ashe,Blitzcrank,Brand,Cassiopeia,Cho'Gath,Corki,Darius,Dr. Mundo,Evelynn,Ezreal,Fiddlesticks,Gangplank,Garen,Gragas,Heimerdinger,Irelia,Janna,Jarvan IV,Jax,Karma,Karthus,Kassadin,Katarina,Kayle,Kennen,Kog'Maw,Lee Sin,Leona,Lissandra,Lux,Malzahar,Maokai,Master Yi,Mordekaiser,Morgana,Nasus,Nidalee,Nocturne,Nunu,Olaf,Pantheon,Poppy,Rammus,Renekton,Riven,Rumble,Ryze,Sejuani,Shaco,Shen,Singed,Sion,Sivir,Skarner,Sona,Soraka,Swain,Talon,Taric,Teemo,Tibbers,Tristana,Trundle,Tryndamere,Twisted Fate,Twitch,Udyr,Urgot,Veigar,Vladimir,Warwick,Willump,Wukong,Xin Zhao,Yorick,Zilean Video Outsiders A band of cybernetic castoffs plans to infiltrate The City to destroy the entity that created—and then abandoned—them: the PROJECT Corporation. Starring:Akali,Irelia,Jinx,Pyke Mentioned:Ashe,Lucian,Warwick Music Video POP/STARS ByK/DA Intro Starring:Ahri,Akali,Evelynn,Kai'Sa Mentioned:Lulu Video Shadow of a Doubt Star Guardians have a brilliant light, but some stagger in the darkness. Can Akali escape her own nightmares? Starring:Akali,Morgana Mentioned:Kai'Sa,Quinn,Rell,Taliyah Comic Sharp: Issue 1 ByMichael Yichao Learn more about K/DA and their upcoming ALL OUT EP in this very special edition of SHARP magazine.Read through over 16 dedicated pages about Ahri, Evelynn, Kai’Sa and Akali, and how the pop group sensation renewed their ambitions since the launch of their electric 2018 debut single, POP/STARS. Discover how K/DA staged their comeback with THE BADDEST, the first song of their new and long-awaited EP, and meet Seraphine, their talented new collaborator.This special edition of SHARP also includes a special quiz to prove to yourself and your friend that you are a real BLADE! Starring:Ahri,Akali,Evelynn,Kai'Sa,Seraphine,Yasuo Mentioned:Ivern,Lux Comic Star-Crossed: Embrace ByJared Rosen,Callie Miller Final showdown! The Guardians have played all their cards, but something in Xayah tells her to keep fighting—she’ll find a way to redeem Rakan or die (again) trying. Starring:Ahri,Akali,Kai'Sa,Miss Fortune,Orianna,Rakan,Senna,Seraphine,Xayah Mentioned:Zoe Video The Day Before Snowdown Gather ‘round and hear the story of how Winter Wonder Neeko, Snow Man Yi, Winter Wonder Soraka, and Ice King Mundo saved Snowdown from Ice King Twitch in the Snowdown 2018 event in League of Legends. Starring:Akali,Dr. Mundo,Master Yi,Neeko,Soraka,Twitch Video The Siren's Call It waits. Make the world anew with Coven Nami, Elise, Akali, Syndra, Nilah, and Old God Mordekaiser. Starring:Akali,Elise,Nami,Nilah,Syndra Mentioned:Mordekaiser Short Story Twin Stars ByCat Cheresh Akali could see the stars. Starring:Ahri,Akali,Ezreal,Janna,Jinx,Kai'Sa,Lulu,Lux,Miss Fortune,Neeko,Poppy,Rakan,Soraka,Syndra,Xayah,Zoe Comic Academy Adventures: Series 1 ByGutter Rat Starring:Ahri,Darius,Ekko,Vladimir Mentioned:Akali,Amumu,Anivia,Azir,Bard,Blitzcrank,Braum,Cho'Gath,Elise,Ezreal,Fiddlesticks,Fiora,Gnar,Heimerdinger,Ivern,Jhin,Jinx,Karthus,Kog'Maw,Lulu,Lux,Malzahar,Miss Fortune,Nidalee,Olaf,Poppy,Rek'Sai,Renekton,Rumble,Ryze,Shaco,Shen,Sion,Sona,Soraka,Talon,Taric,Teemo,Tristana,Trundle,Twitch,Urgot,Varus,Veigar,Vel'Koz,Vi,Yorick,Zed,Ziggs,Zyra Comic Academy Adventures: Series 3 ByGutter Rat Starring:Ahri,Darius,Ekko,Vladimir Mentioned:Akali,Amumu,Bard,Blitzcrank,Draven,Elise,Evelynn,Ezreal,Fiddlesticks,Fiora,Fizz,Galio,Gnar,Jayce,Jhin,Kayn,Kog'Maw,LeBlanc,Lulu,Lux,Malzahar,Nasus,Nunu,Poppy,Rakan,Rammus,Rek'Sai,Renekton,Rhaast,Rumble,Ryze,Shaco,Singed,Sivir,Sona,Taliyah,Talon,Teemo,Tristana,Trundle,Twitch,Varus,Veigar,Warwick,Xayah,Zed,Ziggs,Zoe,Zyra Comic Harmonies: Issue 3 ByMichael Yichao A true fan follows the elusive Evelynn's career, leading to a chance encounter that changes everything. Starring:Evelynn Mentioned:Ahri,Akali,Kai'Sa Music Video RISE By Numerous creators Reaching the peak takes more than skill. Only those with the ambition to RISE above all others will know its height. Starring: N/A Mentioned:Akali,Ashe,Braum,Darius,Ekko,Ezreal,Fiora,Garen,Gnar,Jarvan IV,Jax,Jinx,Kalista,Kennen,Kha'Zix,Leona,Lux,Master Yi,Olaf,Poppy,Rakan,Riven,Ryze,Sejuani,Swain,Taliyah,Thresh,Tryndamere,Vayne,Xayah,Yasuo,Zed,Ziggs Short Story Riot's virtual artist HEARTSTE
Name: Assassin's Mark, Description: Innate: When Akali damages an enemy champion with an ability , she creates a ring around them for 4 seconds, refreshing on subsequent damaging abilities against champions. For 2 seconds, she gains 30 / 40 / 50 / 60% (based on level) bonus movement speed while moving away from the center of the ring. Only one ring may be active at a time. When Akali exits the ring, for 2 seconds, she regains the bonus movement speed while facing nearby enemy champions and becomes empowered with Swinging Kama for 4 seconds, during which she cannot create another ring. Swinging Kama: Akali's next basic attack is empowered to have its range doubled and deal 35 − 182 (based on level) (+ 60% bonus AD) (+ 55% AP) bonus magic damage ., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputPassive', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'Not Blocked', 'parries': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Video', 'Enemies cannot see the ring, but can see the empower effect.', "Swinging Kamagives a staticbonusrange which doesn't change ifAkali'srange changes during it (i.eRapid Firecannon):IfRapid Firecannonfully charges withinSwinging Kama'sduration,Akali'stotal range increases to337.5.IfRapid Firecannonfully charges before gainingSwinging Kama,Akali'stotal range is increased to395.", "IfRapid Firecannonfully charges withinSwinging Kama'sduration,Akali'stotal range increases to337.5.", "IfRapid Firecannonfully charges before gainingSwinging Kama,Akali'stotal range is increased to395.", 'The ring will be created around the last target hit byFive Point Strike.', "The ring's center is offset 120 units away from the enemy's center, towards Akali.", 'The empowered attack can bedodgedandblocked, and will be mitigated byblinds.', 'The empowered attack will trigger but not be consumed nor apply its effects againststructuresandwards.']}
Name: Five Point Strike, Description: Active: Akali unleashes kunais in a cone in the target direction, dealing magic damage to enemies hit. Targets at maximum range are also slowed by 50% for 0. 5 seconds. Magic Damage: 45 / 70 / 95 / 120 / 145 (+ 65% AD) (+ 60% AP), {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputDirection', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Map-Specific Differences', 'Video', 'Five Point Strikewill hit enemies after only0.188/ 0.169/ 0.15/ 0.131(based on level)seconds (75% of cast time) into the cast time.Due toany actions only starting on integer game ticks, the effective cast time rounds up to0.264/ 0.231/ 0.231/ 0.198(based on level)and the hit will occur at0.198/ 0.198/ 0.165/ 0.132(based on level)seconds into it.', 'Due toany actions only starting on integer game ticks, the effective cast time rounds up to0.264/ 0.231/ 0.231/ 0.198(based on level)and the hit will occur at0.198/ 0.198/ 0.165/ 0.132(based on level)seconds into it.', 'This ability will cast from wherever the caster is at the end of the cast time.', 'Base damage changed to 50 / 75 / 100 / 125 / 150.', 'Bonus AD ratio changed to70%bonusAD.', 'AP ratio changed to65% AP.']}
Name: Twilight Shroud, Description: Active: Akali restores 100 energy over 0. 4 seconds and gains bonus movement speed that decays over 2 seconds. She also detonates a smoke bomb a fixed distance away in the target direction, creating a circular shroud that expands over the next 5 seconds into a ring. The shroud does not permeate terrain, and will expand toward nearby enemy champions. While the shroud is active, Akali's maximum energy is increased by 100 . Bonus Movement Speed: 30 / 35 / 40 / 45 / 50% Shroud Duration: 5 / 5. 5 / 6 / 6. 5 / 7 Entering the shroud renders Akali invisible , unless she is dashing . Declaring a basic attack or casting an ability will break the invisibility and prevent Akali from entering it for 1 − 0. 625 (based on minutes) seconds, refreshing on subsequent attacks and casts. The marked section of Twilight Shroud will linger for the mark's duration, even after the shroud ends., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputDirection', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Map-Specific Differences', 'Video', 'Akaliwill also not gain theinvisibilityif she isRecalling.', 'It is possible forAkalito detonate the smoke bomb on the far side of terrain from her current location.', 'The effects are applied before the cast time, andAkalican move during the cast time.', 'Now affected by +30 ability haste.', 'Energy restoration changed to 150.']}
Name: Shuriken Flip, Description: Active: Akali flips backward and, after the cast time, throws a shuriken in the target direction that deals magic damage to the first enemy hit. Magic Damage: 30 / 56. 25 / 82. 5 / 108. 75 / 135 (+ 25. 5 % AD) (+ 36% AP) The shuriken marks and reveals the enemy or the last smoke section hit for 3 seconds, during which Shuriken Flip can be recast to consume the mark. Recast: Akali dashes towards the marked target or smoke section, regardless of distance. Against enemies she deals magic damage upon arrival. Magic Damage: 70 / 131. 25 / 192. 5 / 253. 75 / 315 (+ 59. 5 % AD) (+ 84% AP) Total Magic Damage: 100 / 187. 5 / 275 / 362. 5 / 450 (+ 85% AD) (+ 120% AP) Akali will not flip backwards if she is immobilized or grounded during the cast time. Twilight Shroud and Perfect Execution can be cast during the recast's dash., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputDirection/Auto', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Video', 'Akaliwill track the target if they change locations.She will not stop tracking the target until she reaches them, as there is no maximum tracking distance.', 'She will not stop tracking the target until she reaches them, as there is no maximum tracking distance.', "Both casts count as ability activations for the purposes of on-cast effects such asSpellbladeand triggeringForce Pulse'spassive.", "Shuriken Flipdoes not interruptAkali'sprevious move or attack orders.The recast does.", 'The recast does.', 'Shuriken Flipcannot be recast if the target is notvisibleor isuntargetable.', "Akaliwill be ordered to basic attack the target after the recast's dash ends.", 'Akaliwill dash backwards up-to 400 units in a straight line. This dash can cross terrain if the end point is beyond it. If she would end the dash inside terrain, she will instead look for a location in either direction left or right that is outside of terrain and dash there. If there is no such location, she will dash only up to the wall at her normal speed, ending the dash early.', 'This ability will cast from wherever the caster is at the end of the cast time.The shuriken missile will fire from whereverAkaliis at the end of the cast time (usually mid-dash), but always towards and reaching the location that was 825 units in front of her at the start of cast. The only exception is if she moves viaFlash, in which case the range of the missile is decreased relative to the distance she blinked.', 'The shuriken missile will fire from whereverAkaliis at the end of the cast time (usually mid-dash), but always towards and reaching the location that was 825 units in front of her at the start of cast. The only exception is if she moves viaFlash, in which case the range of the missile is decreased relative to the distance she blinked.', 'Killing an enemy with the shuriken will still mark the last area of theshroudhit.', 'Attempting to castFive Point Strikeduring either dash will buffer it to cast as soon as the dash ends.', 'Death', 'Cast-inhibiting effects']}
Name: Perfect Execution, Description: Active: Akali dashes 750 units in the direction of the target enemy champion , dealing magic damage to enemies she passes through. If this hits an enemy, she flips over them to continue the dash up to the normal range but for at least another 150 units. Magic Damage: 80 / 220 / 360 (+ 50% bonus AD) (+ 30% AP) Perfect Execution can be recast after a 2. 5 -second static cooldown within 10 seconds of the first activation. Recast: Akali dashes 800 units in the target direction, dealing magic damage to enemies she passes through, increased by 0% − 200% (based on target's missing health) . Minimum Magic Damage: 60 / 130 / 200 (+ 30% AP) Maximum Magic Damage: 180 / 390 / 600 (+ 90% AP), {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputUnit/Direction', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Video', "Both casts count as ability activations for the purposes of on-cast effects such asSpellbladeand triggeringForce Pulse'spassive.", 'With the first cast,Akalican dash up to a maximum of 900 units if the first enemy she hit was at the maximum dash range.', "CastingFlashduring either dashes will interrupt them, butAkaliwill deal damage to any enemies she comes in contact with at the new location.Enemies already hit by either ofPerfect Execution'scasts cannot be affected more than once by the same cast.", "Enemies already hit by either ofPerfect Execution'scasts cannot be affected more than once by the same cast.", "Shuriken Flipcan be used during the initial dash if it is cast afterPerfect Execution'scast time finishes."]}
Akali's dance referencedSingle LadiesbyBeyoncé.A side-by-side comparison can be seenhere. Akali was the only energy-based champion to have any associated cost on theirultimate(one Essence of Shadow). Shadow Dancewas going to be a skillshot but became single-targeted instead. Akali used to gain the'Law of Inverse Ninja Strength'cosmeticEaster eggdebuff ("This unit is a flippin' ninja!"-"Ninjas are more effective when they work alone. For every Ninja on your team beyond yourself, you lose 1 health.") when she,Kennen,Shen, and/orZedfound themselves on the same team. It was removed inV3.14for unknown reasons. In theV1.0.0.115April Fools' Daypatch, the following change regarding Akali was jokingly listed:Akali is no longer a ninja.
Akshan,the Rogue Sentinel
health: Health630+107, resource: Mana350+40, health regen: Health regen. (per 5s)3.75+0.65, resource regen: Mana regen. (per 5s)8.2+0.7, armor: Armor26+4.7, attack damage: Attack damage52+3, attack speed: Base AS0.638, gameplay radius: Gameplay radius65, selection radius: Selection radius100, release: 2021-07-22, changed: V13.20, role: MarksmanAssassin, position: TopMiddleBottom, rangetype: Ranged, adaptivetype: Physical, cost: 4800|880
Missing section(s): Games AkshanMainTitlesNickname(s)Shirtless wonderAlias(es)The Rogue SentinelCharacteristicsSpeciesHumanPronoun(s)He/HimTimelineBorn:966 AN - 971 ANWeapon(s)The AbsolverBoomerangGrappling HookPersonal statusStatusAlivePlace of originMarwi,ShurimaCurrent residenceVekaura,ShurimaFamilyShadya†(Mentor)Professional statusOccupation(s)Sentinel of LightRogueVigilanteRegion(s)ShurimaFaction(s)Sentinels of LightRelated character(s)DianaGravesGwenIreliaLucianOlafPykeRengarRivenSennaVayneViego Akshan Titles Nickname(s) • Shirtless wonder Alias(es) Characteristics Species Pronoun(s) Timeline • Born:966 AN - 971 AN Weapon(s) • The Absolver • Boomerang • Grappling Hook Personal status Status Place of origin Current residence Family • Shadya†(Mentor) Professional status Occupation(s) • Sentinel of Light • Rogue • Vigilante Region(s) Faction(s) Related character(s) Raising an eyebrow in the face of danger,Akshanfights evil with dashing charisma, righteous vengeance, and a conspicuous lack of shirts. He is highly skilled in the art ofstealth combat, able to evade the eyes of his enemies and reappear when they least expect him. With a keen sense of justice and alegendary death-reversing weapon, he rights the wrongs ofRuneterra'smany scoundrels while living by his own moral code: "Don't be an ass." Contents • 1Background1.1Early Life1.1.1Life on the Streets1.1.2Sentinel Training1.2Contemporary history1.3Recent events • 2Appearance • 3Personality • 4Abilities • 5Relations • 6Read More6.1Biography6.2Starring Champion6.3Mentioned Champion6.4Alternate Universes • 7Trivia • 8Change log • 9References • 10See also • 1.1Early Life1.1.1Life on the Streets1.1.2Sentinel Training • 1.2Contemporary history • 1.3Recent events • 1.1.1Life on the Streets • 1.1.2Sentinel Training • 6.1Biography • 6.2Starring Champion • 6.3Mentioned Champion • 6.4Alternate Universes Background[] Early Life[] Life on the Streets[] Akshan grew up an orphan in theShurimancity of Marwi, where brutal warlords ruled by subjugating the civilians and taking what they wanted. As a young boy, Akshan refused to let these misdeeds go unnoticed and often intervened at the sight of injustice. This eventually lead to Akshan making enemies with powerful warlords who eventually beat him to near-death, leaving him unconscious and dying on the street. Akshan was soon found by an elderly woman named Shadya, who took him into her home and miraculously nursed him back to health. While staying with the old woman, Akshan discovered Shadya was a member of theSentinels of Light; an ancient order dedicated to protecting the world from horrors ofUndead. Despite his shortcomings as a stubborn and troubled youth, Shadya saw immense potential in Akshan due to his dedication to fighting injustice. Shadya offered to allow Akshan to safely live with her and in exchange he'd dedicate himself to the Sentinels of Light order, which Akshan happily agreed to. Sentinel Training[] Shadya and Akshan formed a fast bond, as Shadya mentored Akshan everything she knew to survive as a solo Sentinel. As Akshan's Sentinel skills grew under Shadya's tutelage, he slowly noticed his mentor growing more distant. When the time came, Shadya finally revealed to her pupil the source of her concern, that aHarrowingwas coming, larger than the world had ever seen with an army of undead from theShadow Isles. Shadya stated that their only hope in defending against this future threat is laid in a collection of ancient Sentinel weapons buried in Shurima's crypts and tombs. However, they would find most of their weapons gone, pilfered by local warlords who sought to unlock their powers for themselves. The Sentinels would try to negotiate the return of their weapons, but to no avail. With time running out, they would have to make do with what they had left. As they took stock of their remaining arsenal, one peculiar relic gun would catch Akshan's eye, but it was quickly snatched away by Shadya, who forbade him from ever using it. This weapon was known as the Absolver, a gun that was enchanted to revive anyone who was recently killed by someone, if it kills its target. Shadya believed that only fate should wield the powers of life and death, but Akshan disagreed, believing that fate needed a little help. Akshan continued to pry for more information about the weapon until Shadya revealed the truth, she had used it to revive the young sentinel. Shadya once wielded the Absolver and slayed Akshan's would-be murderer many years ago, restoring him to life. The revelation would cause Akshan ponder what had made him so worthy of being revived. While Akshan questioned the antiquated rules of his order, Shadya continued to press the warlords to return their weapons, leading to tensions between the two groups. Contemporary history[] Things would come to a head on one tragic day, when Akshan would find Shadya murdered on the streets. After burying her within the sentinel base of Shurima, Akshan would disregard his late-mentor's wishes and armed himself with the Absolver, after making a few modifications. Filled with vengeance, Akshan decides to abandon the sentinel's cause and prepares for a new mission: to avenge his fallen teacher. He now hunts for his mentor's killer, delivering comeuppance to one warlord at a time. Recent events[] The great Harrowing would soon arrive, blanketing the world in Black Mist.Lucianand a Sentinel Rookie would come to the Shuriman Sentinel base in search of the Absolver. The two would encounter Akshan, who explained what had happened to Shadya and his mission to bring her back. Akshan then departed to hunt down another warlord. The two Sentinels followed Akshan to the warlord's compound and watched the Absolver in action. After dispatching the warlord, the trio raced back to the base to see if Shadya was resurrected. When they find her body still lifeless, Lucian tries to recruiting him, but Akshan remains undeterred, and leaves to face another warlord. As the two Sentinels prepare to return to headquarters, they notice thatViegois in the town below, searching for another fetter. As they confront the Ruined King, he unleashes an army of ghouls against them, making short work of the sentinels. As they lay dying, Akshan returns, having had a change of heart, and quickly dispatches the ghouls and takes their bodies back to the base. The two reawaken, realizing they were revived by the Absolver. Finally understanding Shadya's life goal was the sentinel's cause, Akshan finally agrees to join them and returns to Sentinel headquarters.Sennascolds Lucian and the Rookie for leaving in the middle of night for a secret a mission and at Akshan for his dress code violations. Akshan joins the rest the Sentinels andGwenas they mount their final assault against Viego on the Shadow Isles. As Senna draws out Viego, the Sentinels ambush him. Viego quickly turns the tide of the battle and quickly dispatches Senna and Gwen and creates a portal to Camavor and takes the fetters through. Akshan manages to slip through the portal as well and tries to take Viego out with the Absolver, but soon realizes his weapon is ineffective against the Ruined King. However, he is prompted by the recently revived Queen Isolde to shoot her instead, and he fires at the queen, returning her to eternal rest once again. With Isolde gone, Viego begins to weaken and Senna and Gwen are brought back to life. With their combined efforts, they manage to defeat the Ruined King and imprison him with Hallowed Mist. They return to the Shadow Isles and reunite with their allies until they sense another dark presence approaching.Thresharrives and reveals that he is now unbound from the Shadow Isles. He demands one of their souls in exchange for Senna's escaping, or all of their souls if none comply. The Sentinels try to resist him, but he proves too powerful. The Rookie offers their soul to Thresh instead, but as he prepares to harvest soul, the Rookie unleashes their wayfinder and teleports everyone back to headquarters instead. With Viego defeated, Akshan decides to return to Shurima and continue to honor Shadya's legacy. After returning to Shurima, Akshan begins to forget his mentor and tries to find mementos to keep her memory alive. One day he recognizes a peculiar bracelet on the arm of a street urchin, realizing it once belonged to Shadya, he interrogates the child. The young girl reveals that she stole it from one of the warlords, determined to reclaim his master's lost jewelry, Akshan prepares to confront the warlord. Later that night, Akshan sneaks into the warlord's palace and holds him at gunpoint, demanding a confession. The sentinel orders the warlord to admit that he killed Shadya, after finding the rest of her jewelry in his possession, but he refutes the claim and asks what he really wants instead. Taking a second to ponder the question, Akshan realizes he wants peace and executes the warlord. As Akshan walks back to city, his memories of Shadya continue to fade. He knows that she would not have approved of him killing the warlord out of vengeance, but he had done it for himself, yet it did not grant him the peace he desired. Looking towards the bracelets for solace, he notices an inscription on one of them, an old sentinel mantra:"Give all, and all may live."The sentinel suddenly has an epiphany and fires his grappling hook, he swings from building to building until he finds his target, the urchin from yesterday. He finds the young girl sleeping in an alley and wakes her, he then offers her Shadya's remaining bracelets, knowing it is what she would have wanted. Despite parting with the last remnants of his mentor, he now has the peace he was looking for, knowing Shadya would approve. Appearance[] Akshan is an attractive young man with Mediterranean skin, brown eyes, a short beard, and long, dark chocolate brown hair. He mainly wears a cloak with the emblem of the Sentinels of Light, wears no shirt and exposes his bare chest, wears black pants, black boots with gold stripes, and has several Shuriman amulets on his arms and hands. Personality[] (TBA) Abilities[] • Absolver:Akshan wields the Absolver; a legendary weapon of theSentinels of Lightthat has been enchanted with the ability torevivethe dead. The exact method of the Absolver's reviving magic isn't entirely known, but it has been shown to take the life of a killer and restore the lives of their most recent victims. Due to being an invention of the Sentinels, the Absolver is created with their signature relic stones and is capable of harming the undeadwraithsof theShadow Isles. Though initially wielded by Shadya, Akshan has taken up the Absolver and made various modifications to it.Boomerang Proficiency:Akshan has modified the Absolver to include a boomerang attachment, which he can easily detach and throw at long distances before returning to his hand.Grapple Hook Proficiency:Akshan's absolver has been modified to include a grapple hook, allowing him to travel far distances by firing it and swinging from the attached rope. • Rogue Combat Mastery:Akshan has a particularly informal style of combat as a rogue vigilante, utilizing stealth and cunning in combat. This is due to having grown up on the streets as a child as well as his lack of formal training within the Sentinels of Light, aside from his mentor Shadya. • Boomerang Proficiency:Akshan has modified the Absolver to include a boomerang attachment, which he can easily detach and throw at long distances before returning to his hand. • Grapple Hook Proficiency:Akshan's absolver has been modified to include a grapple hook, allowing him to travel far distances by firing it and swinging from the attached rope. Relations[] (TBA) Read More Biography Biography The Rogue Sentinel ByJohn O'Bryan Starring:Akshan Starring Champion Video Absolution (Cinematic) Two souls entwined by fate. One life for the other’s freedom. Starring:Akshan,Graves,Gwen,Isolde,Lucian,Pantheon,Senna,Vayne,Viego Short Story In Search of Things Lost ByJohn O'Bryan Shadya had only been dead a few weeks, and already Akshan could feel all traces of her slipping away. Starring:Akshan Game Rise of the Sentinels ByJohn O'Bryan Black Mist pours across Runeterra, enthralling its champions and shrouding the continent in darkness. If the last Sentinels are going to save Runeterra, they're going to need all the help they can get. And that meansyouRookie! Starring:Akshan,Diana,Draven,Graves,Gwen,Irelia,Isolde,Karma,Lucian,Miss Fortune,Olaf,Pantheon,Pyke,Rengar,Riven,Senna,Shyvana,Thresh,Vayne,Vex,Viego,Yorick Mentioned:Gangplank,Rafen Comic Steadfast Heart: Issue 5 ByIan St. Martin Senna trains the new Sentinels of Light, as Lucian searches for the wielder of a legendary weapon in Shurima. Meanwhile, the Ruined King gains allies of his own. Starring:Akshan,Lucian,Thresh,Viego Mentioned:Isolde,Senna Comic Steadfast Heart: Issue 6 ByIan St. Martin The final showdown between Light and Darkness - the fate of Runeterra lies in the balance! Starring:Akshan,Irelia,Isolde,Lucian,Riven,Thresh,Vayne,Viego Mentioned Champion Short Story The Boys and Bombolini ByJared Rosen There existed, among the multitude of disgusting Bilgewater shipping warehouses filled with rusted knives and arms-length carnivorous rats, one Bilgewater shipping warehouse devoid of such things. Starring:Graves,Twisted Fate Mentioned:Akshan,Gwen,Nilah,Tahm Kench,Vayne,Viego Alternate Universes Game Another Sky ByJared Rosen,Taylor Dinwiddie,Ty Sheedlo As a new generation of Star Guardians prepares to fight back the forces of chaos, rising star Akali finds herself wracked with doubt. Does she have what it takes to be a Star Guardian? Or will the darkness she senses inside spell doom for her and her friends? Starring:Akali,Ekko,Fiddlesticks,Kai'Sa,Morgana,Nilah,Quinn,Rell,Sona,Syndra,Taliyah,Zoe Mentioned:Ahri,Akshan,Ezreal,Gwen,Jinx,Lux,Miss Fortune,Rakan,Xayah Trivia[] Change log[] References[] See also[]
Name: Dirty Fighting, Description: Innate: Whenever Akshan uses a basic attack , he fires an additional shot after a delay that deals 50% AD physical damage , increased to 100% AD against minions . If this shot is cancelled, he gains 20 − 75 (based on level) × (1 + 100% bonus attack speed) bonus movement speed decaying over 1 second. The additional shot applies on-hit and on-attack effects at 100% effectiveness and can critically strike for 「 (61. 25 % + 15. 75 % ) AD ( (122. 5 % + 31. 5 % ) AD ) 」 「 70% total critical damage 」 physical damage . Innate: Akshan's basic attacks on-hit and ability hits apply a stack of Dirty Fighting to enemies for 5 seconds, refreshing on subsequent applications and stacking up to 3 times. The third stack against a target consumes them all to deal them 10 − 165 (based on level) (+ 60% AP) bonus magic damage ; if the target is a champion , Akshan will also gain a 40 − 280 (based on level) (+ 35% bonus AD) shield for 2 seconds. The shield may be gained only once every few seconds., STATIC COOLDOWN: STATICCOOLDOWN:16 / 12 / 8 / 4 (based on level), {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputPassive', 'damage_type': 'Physical/Magic', 'spell_shield': 'Not Blocked', 'parries': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Video', 'Appliesbasic damagefor the second shot andproc damagefor the bonus damage.', "The second shot:Is treated as a basic attack.Critically strikes independently from the first shot.Can be cancelled by inputting a different command right after using the first shot.Counts as a separate hit for effects such asElectrocute,Muramana'sShock, andEclipse'sEver Rising Moon.Starts the attack windup's cooldown after it is used, rather than when the first shot is.", 'Is treated as a basic attack.', 'Critically strikes independently from the first shot.', 'Can be cancelled by inputting a different command right after using the first shot.', "Counts as a separate hit for effects such asElectrocute,Muramana'sShock, andEclipse'sEver Rising Moon.", "Starts the attack windup's cooldown after it is used, rather than when the first shot is.", "The attack speed scaling on the movement speed buff includes the bonus attack speed gained fromAkshan'sinnate attack speed growth.At level 18, at minimum it grants 126 decaying movement speed.", 'At level 18, at minimum it grants 126 decaying movement speed.']}
Name: Avengerang, Description: Active: Akshan throws a boomerang in the target direction that briefly grants sight around its trajectory and deals physical damage to enemies hit, revealing them for 1 second and extending its range each time it hits a target. If this hits an enemy champion , Akshan gains bonus movement speed that decays over 1 second. Physical Damage: 5 / 25 / 45 / 65 / 85 (+ 80% AD) Bonus Movement Speed: 20 / 25 / 30 / 35 / 40% (+ 5% per 100 AP) Once the boomerang has passed its original range and has not hit a target in the last 500 units of travelling, it homes back to Akshan and applies the same effects to enemies hit. Total Physical Damage: 10 / 50 / 90 / 130 / 170 (+ 160% AD) Avengerang's deals reduced damage against non-champions. Non-Champion Damage: 40 / 52. 5 / 65 / 77. 5 / 90% Enemies can be hit only once per pass., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputDirection', 'damage_type': 'Physical', 'spell_shield': 'See Notes', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Map-Specific Differences', 'Video', 'Avengerangwill fire from whereverAkshanis at the end of the cast time.', 'Spell shieldwill only block a single hit. They do not prevent the initial throw from extending its range.', 'Base damage changed to 15 / 45 / 75 / 105 / 135.', 'AD ratio changed to100% AD.']}
Name: Going Rogue, Description: Passive: Akshan marks enemy champions that kill allied champions as Scoundrels for 60 seconds. If Akshan scores a takedown against a Scoundrel while alive and within 3 seconds of damaging them, he receives an additional 100 and revives all dead allied champions that they have slain after 1 second. When Akshan claims a Scoundrel's bounty he removes the marks of all other enemies. Scoundrels refresh their mark duration on subsequent kills, and will have their mark removed when they die by any means. Akshan cannot mark enemies as Scoundrels while they are dead. Allies are revived at their summoning platform . Active: Akshan enters camouflage , which lasts indefinitely while he is near terrain or inside brush , and for 2 seconds otherwise. During this time. he can see trails leading toward Scoundrels , and while facing them if they are within 5000 units, he gains bonus mana regeneration equal to 12% of his missing mana as well as bonus movement speed . Bonus Movement Speed: 80 / 90 / 100 / 110 / 120 Going Rogue can be recast after 1 second, and does so automatically after its duration. Attacking or casting abilities ends Going Rogue immediately. Recast: Akshan ends Going Rogue . Link ▶️ "To the shadows... where the scoundrels hide.", {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputAuto', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Map-Specific Differences', 'Video', "Akshancan move duringGoing Rogue'scast time.", 'The mark displays the duration and slay count.Enemy champions that killAkshanwill not be marked asScoundrelsnor increase their slay count.', 'Enemy champions that killAkshanwill not be marked asScoundrelsnor increase their slay count.', "Clonesdo not count for triggeringGoing Rogue'spassive.", "Going Rogue'sbuff refreshes to last indefinitely upon moving near terrain or into brush, and will refresh to 2 seconds after leaving near terrain or brush.", 'Allied champions within azombie stateare revived only after the state ends.', "Akshancan still triggerGoing Rogue'spassive while he is within azombie state.", 'Scoundrel duration reduced to 25 seconds.', 'New Effect:During the events ofBardle Royale,URF Deathmatch, andPrize Fight, allied champions that are revived will respawn at the location of their death and with30%maximumhealth.', 'Scoundrel takedown gold changed to 200.', 'New Effect:Scoundrel takedown gold is also granted to his ally.', 'Revive now spawns ally in the battlefield rather than at the spawn.', 'Ally revive health changed to60%maximumhealth.']}
Name: Heroic Swing, Description: Active: Akshan can activate Heroic Swing three times before the ability goes on cooldown, and can use the third cast only after 0. 5 seconds of the second cast. Akshan may input an attack or movement command to use the second and third casts. First Cast: Akshan fires a hook in the target direction that embeds in the first terrain hit, and enters preparation for up to 2. 125 seconds. Heroic Swing's second cast can be used while the hook is attached. If the hook fails to attach or Akshan is moved or becomes immobilized , grounded , or polymorphed within the duration, the preparation will end prematurely, cancelling Heroic Swing in the process. Second Cast: Akshan swings around the terrain in the target direction, stopping upon colliding with an enemy champion or terrain. While swinging, he rapidly fires at the nearest visible enemy to deal them physical damage and apply on-hit effects at 25% effectiveness per shot. Akshan will be knocked down by any immobilizing or polymorphing crowd control during the dash. Physical Damage per Shot: 25 / 40 / 55 / 70 / 85 (+ 17. 5 % bonus AD) × (1 + 0. 3 per 100% bonus attack speed) Third Cast: Akshan ends the swing by jumping to the target location, though not through terrain, and fires one last shot at a nearby visible enemy. Scoring an enemy champion takedown reduces Heroic Swing's current cooldown to 0. 5 seconds. The shots can critically strike for 「 (57. 5 % + 40. 5 % ) bonus damage 」 「 90% total critical damage 」 and apply life steal at 100% effectiveness. Avengerang and Going Rogue can be cast during the third cast's dash. Comeuppance can be cast at all points during Heroic Swing, though Akshan cannot fire during the swing while it is active. Akshan prioritizes firing at enemy champions with stacks of Dirty Fighting , then those damaged by his targeted spells in the last 4 seconds, then the nearest enemy. Heroic Swing can be cast during Akshan's other abilities., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputDirection/Auto/Location', 'damage_type': 'Physical', 'spell_shield': 'See Notes', 'parries': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Map-Specific Differences', 'Video', 'Akshanwill not stop swinging until his dash is stopped.The swing will end prematurely if the terrain the hook was attached to no longer exists, such asplayer-generated terrain.', 'The swing will end prematurely if the terrain the hook was attached to no longer exists, such asplayer-generated terrain.', 'Akshanwill prioritize firing at enemies he damaged withanyunit-targeted ability or spell within the last 4 seconds, such asComeuppanceorIgnite.', "Heroic Swinggrants a buff toAkshanfor 2 seconds that indicates and determines the first cast's duration.This buff starts as soon as the ability is cast, and lingers for 0.125seconds after it expires.This means the hook can be attached to terrain for longer if it hits it earlier in the duration, and vice versa.IfAkshandashes(excluding second cast's dash) orblinksor becomes affected byimmobilization,ground, orpolymorphin the duration, the buff is removedimmediately, causing the first cast to be lost and cancellingHeroic Swingentirely.", 'This buff starts as soon as the ability is cast, and lingers for 0.125seconds after it expires.This means the hook can be attached to terrain for longer if it hits it earlier in the duration, and vice versa.', 'This means the hook can be attached to terrain for longer if it hits it earlier in the duration, and vice versa.', "IfAkshandashes(excluding second cast's dash) orblinksor becomes affected byimmobilization,ground, orpolymorphin the duration, the buff is removedimmediately, causing the first cast to be lost and cancellingHeroic Swingentirely.", 'Akshanimmediately fires one shot at the beginning of his swing, one shot every0.231secondsduring the swing, and a final shot while dismounting from the swing.The fire rate is not affected byattack speed.', 'The fire rate is not affected byattack speed.', 'Akshancan fire at any targetable enemy unit excludingstructuresandjungle plants.', "OnlyHeroic Swing'sfirst cast is disabled whilegroundedorrooted. The third cast is still usable during those effects.", "Heroic Swing'ssecond and third cast can both be used whilesilenced.", "Takedownsagainstclonesdo not count for resettingHeroic Swing'scooldown.", 'If atakedownis scored whileHeroic Swingis active, the cooldown afterwards will be 0.5seconds.', "Akshanwill attempt to basic attack the target he fired at with the last shot after the third cast's dash ends, if there is no other input given.", 'Each shot generates a stack ofConqueror.', 'Spell shieldwill only block a single shot.', "The attack speed scaling on the damage of the attacks includes the bonus attack speed gained fromAkshan'sinnate attack speed growth.At level 18, each shot at minimum deals 108.36(+ 21.07%bonusAD)physical damage.", 'At level 18, each shot at minimum deals 108.36(+ 21.07%bonusAD)physical damage.', "Despite this ability not applyingon-attackeffects, it does applyNavori Quickblades'Transcendence.(bug)", 'Under certain circumstances, upon attaching the hook to terrain,Akshanwill create a particle on the location permanently.(bug)This particle can be attacked by minions.', 'This particle can be attacked by minions.', 'PENDING FOR TEST:Hook range including lollipop against walls, automated attacks range while swinging, final dash distance and speed.', 'The following table refers for interactions while the hook is attached or in flight:', 'Death', 'Grounding effects', 'Immobilizing effects', 'The following table refers for interactions whileAkshanis swinging:', 'Death', 'Immobilizing effects', 'Attack speed ratio changed to1 + 0.45per 100%bonusattack speed.', 'Bonus AD ratio changed to22.5%bonusAD.']}
Name: Comeuppance, Description: Active: Akshan locks onto the target enemy champion and begins channeling for 2. 5 seconds, revealing them as well as revealing himself. He gradually stores bullets into his weapon over the duration. Maximum Bullets Stored: 5 / 6 / 7 Comeuppance will recast after the duration, or can recast early after 0. 5 seconds. Comeuppance is placed on a 5-second cooldown if the channel is cancelled. Recast: Akshan fires all stored bullets at the target, each briefly granting sight around their trajectory and dealing physical damage to the first enemy hit, increased by 0% − 300% (based on target's missing health) . The shots can hit structures . Minimum Physical Damage per Bullet: 20 / 25 / 30 (+ 10% AD) × (1 + (0. 5 + 0. 225 ) per 100% critical strike chance) Maximum Physical Damage per Bullet: 80 / 100 / 120 (+ 40% AD) × (1 + (0. 5 + 0. 225 ) per 100% critical strike chance) Minimum Charged Physical Damage: 100 / 150 / 210 (+ 50 / 60 / 70% AD) × (1 + (0. 5 + 0. 225 ) per 100% critical strike chance) Damage to target with 67% missing hp: 300 / 450 / 630 (+ 150 / 180 / 210% AD) × (1 + (0. 5 + 0. 225 ) per 100% critical strike chance) Each bullet's damage applies life steal at 100% effectiveness, and executes minions . Akshan can move while channeling Comeuppance. Link ▶️ "Here comes the 'uppance!", {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputUnit', 'damage_type': 'Physical', 'spell_shield': 'See Notes', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Map-Specific Differences', 'Video', "A kill threshold will appear on thehealth barof the target locked onto during the channel, which increases each timeAkshanstores a bullet. If the target'scurrenthealthfalls below the threshold, their health bar will be framed in red.The indicator factors the bonus damage applied byDirty Fightingas well asdamage modifiersand the target's resistances.It also factors the projected increase in the target'smissinghealth, from which each consecutive bullet scales more.It updates dynamically over the channel's duration, reacting to fluctuations of the target's health and damage mitigations.", "The indicator factors the bonus damage applied byDirty Fightingas well asdamage modifiersand the target's resistances.", "It also factors the projected increase in the target'smissinghealth, from which each consecutive bullet scales more.", "It updates dynamically over the channel's duration, reacting to fluctuations of the target's health and damage mitigations.", 'Therevealwill linger for 2 seconds after the channel has ended.', 'Spell shieldwill not prevent the lock-on and will only block a single bullet.', 'Comeuppancewill not go on a reduced cooldown ifAkshandiesduring the channel.', 'Comeuppancewill cancel if the target becomesuntargetableordiesduring the channel.', 'Damage to structuresdoesscale with theirmissinghealth.', 'The following table refers for interactions whileAkshanischanneling:', 'Death', 'Cast-inhibiting effects', 'AD ratio changed to20% AD.']}
His dance references Indian musical videoMalharifrom albumBajirao Mastani.A side-by-side comparison can be seenhere. Akshan is the first champion to be revealed forLeague of Legends,Wild RiftandLegends of Runeterraaround the same time. Akshan is the second of three champions released in 2021 tied toViego'sreturn and a continuation of the Ruined King's story.[2]
Alistar,the Minotaur
health: Health685+120, resource: Mana350+40, health regen: Health regen. (per 5s)8.5+0.85, resource regen: Mana regen. (per 5s)8.5+0.8, armor: Armor47+4.7, attack damage: Attack damage62+3.75, attack speed: Base AS0.625, gameplay radius: Gameplay radius80, selection radius: Selection radius145, release: 2009-02-21, changed: V13.7, role: Vanguard, position: Support, rangetype: Melee, adaptivetype: Magic, cost: 1350|585
Games AlistarTitlesAlias(es)The MinotaurCharacteristicsSpeciesMinotaurPronoun(s)He/HimTimelineBorn:25 BN - 974 ANWeapon(s)HornsFistsPersonal statusStatusAlivePlace of originThe Great BarrierCurrent residenceUnknownProfessional statusOccupation(s)WarriorGladiatorRegion(s)RuneterraFaction(s)MinotaursReckonersRelated character(s)Xin ZhaoSett Alistar Titles Alias(es) Characteristics Species Pronoun(s) Timeline • Born:25 BN - 974 AN Weapon(s) • Horns • Fists Personal status Status Place of origin Current residence Professional status Occupation(s) • Warrior • Gladiator Region(s) Faction(s) • Minotaurs • Reckoners Related character(s) Always a mighty warrior with a fearsome reputation,Alistarseeks revenge for the death of his clan at the hands of theNoxianempire. Though he was enslaved and forced into the life of a gladiator, hisunbreakable willwas what kept him from truly becoming a beast. Now, free of the chains of his former masters, he fights in the name of the downtrodden and the disadvantaged, his rage as much a weapon as his horns, hooves and fists. Contents • 1Background1.1Early Life1.1.1Betrayal1.1.2Life as a Reckoner1.1.3Escape1.2Modern History1.3Recent Events • 2Appearance • 3Personality • 4Abilities • 5Relations5.1Ayelia • 6Read More6.1Biography6.2Starring Champion6.3Alternate Universes • 7Trivia • 8Change log • 9References • 10See also • 1.1Early Life1.1.1Betrayal1.1.2Life as a Reckoner1.1.3Escape • 1.2Modern History • 1.3Recent Events • 1.1.1Betrayal • 1.1.2Life as a Reckoner • 1.1.3Escape • 5.1Ayelia • 6.1Biography • 6.2Starring Champion • 6.3Alternate Universes Background[] Early Life[] Alistar grew up in theMinotaurclans of theGreat Barriermountains. Historically, these Minotaurs protected the overland trade routes toZaun, gaining a fearsome reputation and strong beasts but preferring to to avoidValoran'swider political conflicts. Alistar was known as a noble warrior and respected among all the clans. Despite this, he always urged his kin to forge greater bonds with other races, wishing to reach out to them. Unfortunately, most of civilizations saw Minotaurs as nothing but beasts and monsters, souring their relations with outsiders. Betrayal[] When theNoxian empirecame to the Great Barrier, they requested a parley with representatives from the Minotaur clans. The emissary of Noxus, a matriarch of House Tewain, stated that the empire was preparing to take the eastern coastal city ofBasilichand could not go through with it without the support of the Minotaur clans. While many of the Minotaurs were eager to accept her offer and join Noxus, seeing this as a way to gain power and recognition, Alistar remained skeptical. Having encountered Noxian scouts previously, Alistar knew them to be duplicitous and cunning people, growing incredible distrustful of the potential invaders. Hearing Tewain's call for support from the Minotaurs, Alistar's clan sent him and fifty of their mightiest warriors to personally meet the matriarch and reject her alliance on behalf of the clan. When Alistar arrived to announce his clan's position on the issue, he discovered that most of the larger Minotaur clans had already pledged themselves to Noxus. Now seeing Alistar and his clan as oppositions against the Noxian empire, the clan representatives betrayed Alistar, attacking him and his warriors for their new Noxian masters. In the swift and brutal battle, Alistar managed to kill many of the Noxian soldiers and traitorous Minotaurs, choking the life out of Lady Tewain. Despite this, Alistar and his surviving warriors were captured and relocated to thethe Noxian capital,accused of the crime of inciting rebellion within the empire. Life as a Reckoner[] Cast asReckonersin the arenas of the city, Alistar and his warriors became part of a gruesome, bloodthirsty event called the Fleshing; a twenty-one day festival of non-stop fights within the Reckoners' arenas. Despite telling his warriors to not fight back and sate the bloodlust these Noxian spectators wanted to see, Alistar became the last of his tribe standing by the end of the festival. Afterwards, Alistar was constantly hated and feared by the Noxians, forced to fight and act like the beast they all assumed he was. Driven to madness, Alistar began to accept the bestial nature these Noxians forced on him, losing memories of his own home with every gruesome kill. One day Ayelia, a servant girl in one of the arenas, visited the infamously savage Reckoner in his cell. He bellowed and charged the bars of his cage, expecting her to fear or goad him like every other visitor he's had, but Ayelia instead treated him with the first act of kindness Alistar had seen in many years. She returned every day and spoke to him with gentle respect until Alistar managed to reply, revealing the true kindness in him that the Noxian spectators never see. Through their many talks, Alistar sympathized with Ayelia as he learned that her homeland, much like Alistar's, was also claimed by Noxus. By seeing Alistar's suffering as an enslaved Reckoner, Ayelia had finally been convinced to leave the city and planned to take Alistar with her. While formulating a plan to escape, Alistar's memories of his home began to return to him, remembering the home he wished to return to instead of the awful betrayal by the other tribes. Escape[] Ayelia brought Alistar the key to his cell, beginning their escape plan. They hurried to a river where a cargo barge awaited them, ready to sail them away from the city. Unfortunately, Noxian agents burst from the shadows just as they boarded and began to attack. Eager to protect his only living friend Ayelia, Alistar hurled himself directly into battle but became, once again, lost in his own rage and bloodlust. Ayelia constantly called out to Alistar to calm him down and escape with her, but he was too blinded by his rage to hear or notice her calls. By the time Alistar had slain the attackers, the cargo boat had already left and Ayelia was missing. Now without the boat, Alistar fled south on foot instead in search of Ayelia, fearing she had been captured or killed. Modern History[] Weeks after Alistar's escape, a political coup lead by the disgraced generalJericho Swainshook the empire to its core, leading to massive reforms in the political structure of Noxus and the culture of the Reckoning arenas. Because of this, the event of Alistar's violent escape from the arenas was mostly forgotten. Recent Events[] Alistar continues to travel alone through Noxian territories as quietly and subtley as he can in fear of being found out for his crimes. In every city, Alistar incites rebellion and fights to protect the people oppressed by the cruel Noxian regime. With every act of kindness he shows the downtrodden of these territories, Alistar hopes to clear the shame he feels from the horrific acts he committed as a Reckoner. In every city Alistar passes through, he asks for Ayelia, continuing his search for the servant girl responsible for freeing him all those years ago. Appearance[] Alistar is a purple skinned Minotaur with blue tufts of hair, blood red eyes, and large white horns atop his head. He is gargantuan and very muscular even byMinotaurstandards, with a notably large torso and giant fists. He wears nothing but a loincloth around his waist and broken chain cuffs around his wrists. Personality[] Alistar is a fighter, and his goal is to fight against Noxus in the name of all he has lost and all those that have lost much too. He is angry, wanting Noxus to fall and inciting rebellion in Noxuian territories. Despite this, Alistar has a kind heart, and is intent on finding Ayelia at all costs, as she was one of the few people who showed kindness to him. Abilities[] • Minotaur Physiology:Minotaursare naturally stronger and larger than most races, renown for their bestial nature and intimidating stature. In addition to immense size and strength, Minotaurs also have massivehornsthat allow them to charge into opponents with immense strength. Alistar in particular is stronger than most Minotaurs, known as a strong and fierce warrior within his tribe. • Gladiatorial Combat Mastery:Alistar had already been a known and fierce warrior within his tribe of minotaurs but became more versed in combat due to his time as an enslavedreckoner. Even as a reckoner, Alistar was feared by the Noxian gladiators as he willingly and brutally fought against anyone Noxus would pit against him. Relations[] Ayelia[] After being captured and turned into aReckonerfor the arenas of the Noxian capital, Ayelia would visit Alistar in his cage every day as the first person to show the tortured and enslavedMinotaurtrue kindness. The two would slowly kindle a true friendship, sympathizing with the fact that both of them had lost their homes to the brutal expansions of the Noxian empire. Ayelia and Alistar eventually hatched an escape plan, managing to escape to a nearby cargo boat. Before they could escape, Noxians discovered the two and caused Alistar to enter a brutal rage in order to protect Ayelia, blindingly fighting them off as she attempted to calm him down and call him to the now sailing boat. By the time Alistar regained his consciuenss, Ayelia was gone along with the boat. Not knowing whether or not she had been killed or captured, Alistar fled southward by foot and, while inciting riots in Noxian territories, continually searches for and asks for Ayelia, intent on finding her. Read More Biography Biography The Minotaur ByLaurie Goulding,Rachel Harrison Starring:Alistar Starring Champion Alternate Universes Video Clash of Fates Starring:Alistar,Amumu,Anivia,Annie,Ashe,Cho'Gath,Evelynn,Jax,Karthus,Kayle,Master Yi,Nunu,Rammus,Ryze,Singed,Sivir,Soraka,Teemo,Twisted Fate,Warwick,Willump,Zilean Music Video IGNITE By Numerous creators Since its inception, Worlds has grown and evolved. Each unbelievable play and phenomenal match created moments and memories that will never be forgotten. In these iconic moments, players and teams reached for something incredible within themselves and brought it to life on the Summoner’s Rift... Starring:Aatrox,Ahri,Alistar,Anivia,Annie,Ashe,Brand,Caitlyn,Darius,Draven,Elise,Ezreal,Gnar,Janna,Jax,Jayce,Jinx,Kassadin,Katarina,Kennen,Kha'Zix,Lulu,Orianna,Rek'Sai,Rengar,Rumble,Ryze,Shen,Sivir,Tahm Kench,Teemo,Twisted Fate,Yasuo,Ziggs Entries Journal of Justice ByInstitute of War Formare veneficum est formare fatum. Starring:Akali,Alistar,Amumu,Anivia,Annie,Ashe,Blitzcrank,Brand,Cassiopeia,Cho'Gath,Corki,Darius,Dr. Mundo,Evelynn,Ezreal,Fiddlesticks,Gangplank,Garen,Gragas,Heimerdinger,Irelia,Janna,Jarvan IV,Jax,Karma,Karthus,Kassadin,Katarina,Kayle,Kennen,Kog'Maw,Lee Sin,Leona,Lissandra,Lux,Malzahar,Maokai,Master Yi,Mordekaiser,Morgana,Nasus,Nidalee,Nocturne,Nunu,Olaf,Pantheon,Poppy,Rammus,Renekton,Riven,Rumble,Ryze,Sejuani,Shaco,Shen,Singed,Sion,Sivir,Skarner,Sona,Soraka,Swain,Talon,Taric,Teemo,Tibbers,Tristana,Trundle,Tryndamere,Twisted Fate,Twitch,Udyr,Urgot,Veigar,Vladimir,Warwick,Willump,Wukong,Xin Zhao,Yorick,Zilean Video Make History In this battle of regions, one will conquer all others to make history. Starring:Alistar,Ashe,Azir,Bard,Brand,Caitlyn,Cassiopeia,Elise,Evelynn,Janna,Karma,LeBlanc,Lee Sin,Lucian,Morgana,Nautilus,Orianna,Pyke,Ryze Video Save the Celebration Honor the past, protect the future. Every year, a beast of legend arrives to threaten the Lunar New Year, and every year, a team of heroes is chosen to stand as guardians over the celebration. Starring:Alistar,Annie,Darius,Fiora,Jarvan IV Short Story The Man with the Grinning Shadow ByJared Rosen “You the marshal?” Starring:Alistar,Karthus,Lucian,Senna,Thresh,Urgot Mentioned:Cassiopeia Video There Will Be Mayhem Starring:Alistar,Aurelion Sol,Braum,Nasus,Nunu,Teemo,Trundle,Volibear,Willump Video Welcome to League of Legends Starring:Alistar,Ashe,Cho'Gath,Katarina,Kayle,Master Yi,Morgana,Nasus,Ryze,Warwick Comic Punches and Plants: Series 1 ByRisu Starring:Vi,Zyra Mentioned:Ahri,Alistar,Annie,Ashe,Blitzcrank,Brand,Braum,Caitlyn,Darius,Diana,Dr. Mundo,Ekko,Evelynn,Ezreal,Gangplank,Garen,Gnar,Gragas,Graves,Heimerdinger,Janna,Jinx,Karma,Katarina,Leona,Lucian,Malzahar,Miss Fortune,Nami,Nasus,Nunu,Quinn,Renekton,Rumble,Ryze,Sejuani,Sivir,Sona,Soraka,Tahm Kench,Taliyah,Taric,Teemo,Tibbers,Trundle,Tryndamere,Twisted Fate,Twitch,Valor,Varus,Vel'Koz,Vladimir,Volibear,Warwick,Willump,Wukong,Zac,Ziggs Comic Punches and Plants: Series 2 ByRisu Starring:Vi,Zyra Mentioned:Aatrox,Ahri,Alistar,Amumu,Annie,Aurelion Sol,Azir,Bard,Blitzcrank,Caitlyn,Cho'Gath,Diana,Draven,Ekko,Ezreal,Fizz,Galio,Gnar,Graves,Heimerdinger,Jayce,Kha'Zix,Kog'Maw,Leona,Lucian,Lux,Malphite,Maokai,Miss Fortune,Nasus,Nautilus,Nidalee,Olaf,Orianna,Poppy,Quinn,Rakan,Renekton,Riven,Rumble,Shaco,Taric,Teemo,Tibbers,Tristana,Trundle,Udyr,Valor,Vel'Koz,Viktor,Volibear,Warwick,Wukong,Xayah,Xin Zhao,Yasuo,Ziggs Music Video Worlds Collide By Numerous creators Two teams have risen above their peers. Ten warriors have laid claim to the Summoner’s Cup. Five champions will etch their names in history. Starring: N/A Mentioned:Ahri,Alistar,Draven,Fizz,Hecarim,Irelia,Kalista,LeBlanc,Nidalee,Shen,Sivir,Thresh,Vi,Viktor Trivia[] • Alistar is one of few champions tied to theReckoningarenas, along withRiven,Xin Zhao, andDraven. Change log[] References[] See also[]
Name: Triumphant Roar, Description: Innate: Alistar generates a stack of Triumph for each enemy champion he stuns or displaces with his abilities , and each time a nearby enemy minion or non-epic monster dies. He generates 7 stacks if a nearby enemy champion or epic monster dies. At 7 stacks, Alistar consumes them all to heal himself for 5% of his maximum health and nearby allied champions for 7% of his maximum health . Triumphant Roar can occur only once every few seconds, though Alistar may still generate stacks before then., STATIC COOLDOWN: STATICCOOLDOWN:3, {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputPassive', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Video', 'IfAlistaris at 7 stacks whenTriumphant Roarcomes off cooldown, he will roar as soon as it elapses.', 'Alistardoes not gain stacks for unsuccessfully trying to applycrowd control, for instance against acrowd control immunetarget.Alistarwill still gain a stack for unsuccessfully trying to knock back a champion protected by aspell shieldwithHeadbutt.(bug)', 'Alistarwill still gain a stack for unsuccessfully trying to knock back a champion protected by aspell shieldwithHeadbutt.(bug)', 'Healing occurs simultaneously forAlistarand his allies.There is a VFX projectile (700 missile speed) that cannot be destroyed byWind Walland is unrelated to the actual heal.', 'There is a VFX projectile (700 missile speed) that cannot be destroyed byWind Walland is unrelated to the actual heal.', 'Alistarloses allTriumphstacks upon dying.']}
Name: Pulverize, Description: Active: Alistar smashes the ground, dealing magic damage to nearby enemies and stunning and knocking them up simultaneously for 1 second. Magic Damage: 60 / 100 / 140 / 180 / 220 (+ 80% AP), {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputAuto', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Video', 'Pulverizecan be buffered duringHeadbuttto cast with reduced cast time when the dash ends.', 'Displacement immunitywill also resist the application of thestun.', 'This ability will cast from wherever the caster is at the end of the cast time.']}
Name: Headbutt, Description: Active: Alistar dashes to the target enemy's location. If they are within 400 units upon arrival, he deals them magic damage and knocks them back 700 units over 0. 5 seconds while also stunning them for 0. 75 seconds. Magic Damage: 55 / 110 / 165 / 220 / 275 (+ 100% AP), {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputUnit', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Tips & Tricks', 'Map-Specific Differences', 'Video', "The dash speed depends on the inverse of the distance to the target:IfAlistar'sradiusoverlaps with his target's, he will dash with1200 speed.IfAlistaris further from his target than the previous condition, he will dash with (1200 \xa0×\xa0 dash distance) / (dash distance - sum of radiuses).At maximum target range, against an enemy with a 65gameplay radius(median of all champions),Alistarwill dash with1544 speed(reaching his target within0.429seconds).Both the lower the dash distance and the largerAlistarand/or his target, the faster the dash becomes; this scales hyperbolically.", "IfAlistar'sradiusoverlaps with his target's, he will dash with1200 speed.", 'IfAlistaris further from his target than the previous condition, he will dash with (1200 \xa0×\xa0 dash distance) / (dash distance - sum of radiuses).At maximum target range, against an enemy with a 65gameplay radius(median of all champions),Alistarwill dash with1544 speed(reaching his target within0.429seconds).Both the lower the dash distance and the largerAlistarand/or his target, the faster the dash becomes; this scales hyperbolically.', 'At maximum target range, against an enemy with a 65gameplay radius(median of all champions),Alistarwill dash with1544 speed(reaching his target within0.429seconds).', 'Both the lower the dash distance and the largerAlistarand/or his target, the faster the dash becomes; this scales hyperbolically.', 'WhenPulverizeis buffered during the dash, the knockback distance is reduced to 200 units.', 'The CC duration of the ability can be reduced by up to 33.33%Tenacity, due to airborne not being reducible while the stun is.', "Theknockbackdirection is in a straight line fromAlistar'soriginal location at start of cast and the enemy whenAlistar'sdash ends.", 'Headbuttcan knock enemies through terrain. Theknockbackstops short on walls that cannot be surpassed but the disable duration is not changed.', "Thespell indicatorfor this ability also displays the direction for the knock back relative toAlistar'sposition.", "Alistar'sattack rangeis reduced「\xa0to -375\xa0」「\xa0by 500\xa0」duringHeadbutt, to prevent him from being able to attack the target when he completes the dash.", 'Displacement immunitywill not resist the application of thestun.', "Headbuttmay be used as a gap-closer toknock upenemies at the target location withPulverize, additionally overridingHeadbutt'sknock back.", 'Stun now ends at the same time the displacement does.', 'Cooldown changed to 17 / 16 / 15 / 14 / 13 seconds.']}
Name: Trample, Description: Active: Alistar tramples the ground around him every 0. 5 seconds over 5 seconds, becoming ghosted and dealing magic damage to nearby enemies. Each time this damages at least one enemy champion, he generates a stack of Trample that lasts for the remaining duration, stacking up to 5 times. Magic Damage Per Tick: 8 / 11 / 14 / 17 / 20 (+ 7% AP) Total Magic Damage: 80 / 110 / 140 / 170 / 200 (+ 70% AP) At 5 stacks, Alistar's next basic attack against a champion within 6 seconds is empowered to deal 20 − 275 (based on level) bonus magic damage and stun the target for 1 second. This will end Trample prematurely., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputAuto', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'See Notes', 'parries': 'See Notes', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Video', 'Trampledealspersistent area damagedamage aroundAlistar, while the bonus damage on the resulting attack isproc damage.', 'Thestunandbonusdamage are blocked byspell shieldsbut the base attack damage is not.', "The on-hit effect is consumed if the attackblocked, but not if it isdodgedor missed whileAlistarisblinded. In all cases, the attack's effects are negated as normal.", "As it is anon-hiteffect, the bonus damage and stun can be applied byGuinsoo's Rageblade'sPhantom Hit."]}
Name: Unbreakable Will, Description: Active: Alistar cleanses himself of all crowd control . For the next 7 seconds, he reduces incoming damage taken. Damage Reduction: 55 / 65 / 75%, {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputAuto', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Map-Specific Differences', 'Video', 'True damagecannot be reduced by any means and will deal full damage toAlistarduringUnbreakable Will.', "Unbreakable Will'smodifier to incoming damage stacks additively withVladimir'sHemoplaguefor a total reduction of 45/55/65%.*", 'Duration reduced to 3.5seconds.*', 'Cooldown changed to 180 / 150 / 120 seconds.']}
Alistar isvoicedbyHarlan Hogan. Alistaris an alternative form ofAlistair, the Anglicized form of Scottish GaelicAlasdair, ultimately from Ancient Greek Ἀλέξανδρος, meaning "Defender": fromPIEroots*h₂lek-"to ward off, to defend" and*h₂nḗr"man"[2] DuringAlpha Test, he was simply called 'Minotaur'. Alistar was deemed overpowered/obnoxious in theUltra Rapid Firegame mode (available in April 2014) and was ultimately disabled in non-custom games. Alistar's Series 1Eternalsmake the following references:By the Hornsreferences the phrasetake the bull by the horns.Indomita-Bullis a pun on the words "indomitable" and "bull".Matadoris another term forbullfighter.
Amumu,the Sad Mummy
"health: Health685+94, resource: Mana285+40, health regen: Health regen. (per 5s)9+0.85, resource re(...TRUNCATED)
"Games\n\nAmumuTitlesAlias(es)The Sad MummyEmperor AmumuPrince AmumuCharacteristicsSpeciesYordlePron(...TRUNCATED)
"Name: Cursed Touch, Description: Innate: Amumu's basic attacks and Curse of the Sad Mummy are empow(...TRUNCATED)
"Name: Bandage Toss, Description: Active: Amumu throws a bandage in the target direction that deals (...TRUNCATED)
"Name: Despair, Description: Toggle: Amumu cries a continuous pool of tears, dealing magic damage ev(...TRUNCATED)
"Name: Tantrum, Description: Passive: Amumu reduces every instance of pre-mitigation physical damage(...TRUNCATED)
"Name: Curse of the Sad Mummy, Description: Active: Amumu entangles nearby enemies in bandages, deal(...TRUNCATED)
"Amumu's original icon forBandage Tossshows him in a pose that referencesSpider-Man's web shooting f(...TRUNCATED)
Anivia,the Cryophoenix
"health: Health550+92, resource: Mana495+45, health regen: Health regen. (per 5s)5.5+0.55, resource (...TRUNCATED)
"Missing section(s):\n\n\n\nGames\n\nAniviaMainCurrentEgg 1Egg 2TitlesAlias(es)The CryophoenixThe Fr(...TRUNCATED)
"Name: Rebirth, Description: Innate: Periodically, upon taking fatal damage , Anivia enters resurrec(...TRUNCATED)
"Name: Flash Frost, Description: Active: Anivia launches a chunk of ice in the target direction that(...TRUNCATED)
"Name: Crystallize, Description: Active: Anivia summons a wall of ice at the target location perpend(...TRUNCATED)
"Name: Frostbite, Description: Passive: Enemies hit by Flash Frost or a fully formed Glacial Storm b(...TRUNCATED)
"Name: Glacial Storm, Description: Active: Anivia calls forth a driving rain of ice and hail at the (...TRUNCATED)
"Anivia's dance references theChicken Dance, a faddance.A side-by-side comparison can be seenhere.Sh(...TRUNCATED)
Annie,the Dark Child,Annie Hastur
"health: Health560+102, resource: Mana418+25, health regen: Health regen. (per 5s)5.5+0.55, resource(...TRUNCATED)
"Games\n\nAnnieMainOriginsCurrent 1Current 2TitlesReal nameAnnie HasturNickname(s)Firefly(Gregori Ha(...TRUNCATED)
"Name: Pyromania, Description: Innate - Pyromania: Annie generates a stack of Pyromania whenever she(...TRUNCATED)
"Name: Disintegrate, Description: Active: Annie hurls a fireball at the target enemy that deals magi(...TRUNCATED)
"Name: Incinerate, Description: Active: Annie releases fire in a cone in the target direction, deali(...TRUNCATED)
"Name: Molten Shield, Description: Active: Annie grants herself or the target allied champion and Ti(...TRUNCATED)
"Name: Summon: Tibbers, Description: Active: Annie summons Tibbers to the target location in a burst(...TRUNCATED)
"Annie was one of the first six champions designed (the others beingLee Sin,Singed,Sion,Sivir, andTw(...TRUNCATED)
Aphelios,the Weapon of the Faithful
"health: Health580+102, resource: Mana348+42, health regen: Health regen. (per 5s)3.25+0.55, resourc(...TRUNCATED)
"Games\n\nApheliosMainCurrentTitlesNickname(s)PhelBrotherAlias(es)The Weapon of the FaithfulThe Hitm(...TRUNCATED)
"Name: The Hitman and the Seer, Description: Innate: Aphelios has access to an arsenal of 5 Moonston(...TRUNCATED)
"Name: Weapons of the Faithful, Description: The active effect of Aphelios' varies based on his curr(...TRUNCATED)
"Name: Calibrum, the Sniper Rifle, Description: Aphelios gains 100 bonus attack range while Calibrum(...TRUNCATED)
"Name: Severum, the Scythe Pistol, Description: Basic attacks with Severum are non-projectile and ha(...TRUNCATED)
"Name: Gravitum, the Gravity Cannon, Description: Basic attacks with Gravitum slow enemies by 30% fo(...TRUNCATED)
"Apheliosmeans \"furthest from the sun\".[2]It comes fromGreek, \"apo\" means \"far apart, away\"[3](...TRUNCATED)
Ashe,the Frost Archer
"health: Health640+101, resource: Mana280+35, health regen: Health regen. (per 5s)3.5+0.55, resource(...TRUNCATED)
"Games\n\nAsheMainCurrentCasualTeen 1Teen 2TitlesAlias(es)The Frost ArcherIncarnation of AvarosaWarm(...TRUNCATED)
"Name: Frost Shot, Description: Innate - Frost Shot: Ashe's basic attacks and ability hits apply Fro(...TRUNCATED)
"Name: Ranger's Focus, Description: Passive: While Ranger's Focus is inactive, Ashe's basic attacks (...TRUNCATED)
"Name: Volley, Description: Active: Ashe shoots a volley of arrows in a cone in the target direction(...TRUNCATED)
"Name: Hawkshot, Description: Active: Ashe sends a hawk spirit toward the target location, granting (...TRUNCATED)
"Name: Enchanted Crystal Arrow, Description: Active: Ashe fires a massive arrow of ice in the target(...TRUNCATED)
"Ashe's dance referencesJ'en Ai Marre!byAlizée.A side by side comparison can be seenhere.\nAshe sha(...TRUNCATED)
End of preview. Expand in Data Studio

This dataset is a scrape from the League of Legends wiki, which contains the most up-to-date version with 166 champions. The data consists of: champion name, champion icon URL, champion wiki URL, stats, biography, passive ability, ability 1, ability 2, ability 3, ability 4, and curiosities.

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