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⌀ |
Rammus,the Armordillo | | | health: Health675+94, resource: Mana310+33, health regen: Health regen. (per 5s)8+0.55, resource regen: Mana regen. (per 5s)7.85+0.5, armor: Armor40+5.5, attack damage: Attack damage55+2.75, attack speed: Base AS0.656, gameplay radius: Gameplay radius65, selection radius: Selection radius120, release: 2009-07-10, changed: V13.22, role: Vanguard, position: Jungle, rangetype: Melee, adaptivetype: Physical, cost: 1350|585 | Missing section(s):
RammusTitlesAlias(es)The ArmordilloCharacteristicsSpeciesUnknown(PossiblyBaccai)Pronoun(s)He/HimTimelineBorn:Earlier than 3400 BNWeapon(s)Spiked ShellPersonal statusStatusAlivePlace of originUnknown(PossiblyShurima; Ancient Times)Current residenceShurima(No Fixed Abode)Professional statusOccupation(s)RoamerRegion(s)Shurima
• Born:Earlier than 3400 BN
Personal status
Place of origin
Current residence
Professional status
Idolized by many, dismissed by some, mystifying to all, the curious being,Rammus, is an enigma. Protected by aSpiked Shell, Rammus inspires increasingly disparate theories on his origin wherever he goes - from demigod, to sacred oracle, to a mere beast transformed by magic. Whatever the truth may be, Rammus keeps his own counsel and stops for no one as he roams the desert.
• 1Background
• 2Appearance
• 3Personality
• 4Abilities
• 5Relations
• 6Read More6.1Biography6.2Starring Champion6.3Mentioned Champion6.4Alternate Universes
• 7Trivia
• 8Change log
• 9References
• 10See also
• 6.1Biography
• 6.2Starring Champion
• 6.3Mentioned Champion
• 6.4Alternate Universes
Rammus' appearance is a mixture of a real life armadillo and a tortoise, with spiked red and silver colored leather straps used as some sort of clothing. His spiked shell has a brown earthy texture to its carapace, with additional golden reliefs at its edges. His plastron is of a light flesh color while his limbs and head are of a green (with a scaly texture). His eyes have been seen to glow ether red or yellow.
Rammus has a calm demeanor, approaching situations in a relaxed state and rarely talks. He shows up randomly should any Shurimans be in trouble and rescue them from said trouble, its unknown why he does this however.
• Unknown Being:Rammus is a mysterious being that no one knows anything about, possessing many strange powers.Immortality:Rammus has lived for millennia.Superhuman Strength:Rammus is incredibly strong.Increased Durability:When hidden in his carapace, Rammus is incredibly durable.Rolling Speed:By rolling himself, Rammus can go at great speeds.
• Immortality:Rammus has lived for millennia.
• Superhuman Strength:Rammus is incredibly strong.
• Increased Durability:When hidden in his carapace, Rammus is incredibly durable.
• Rolling Speed:By rolling himself, Rammus can go at great speeds.
Rammus has no relationships with other characters
Read More
The Armordillo
ByRayla Heide
Starring Champion
Short Story • 4 Minute Read
Caravan North
ByRayla Heide
Ojan's knife whittled the edge of the ironwood into a soft curve. As an eight-year-old, he wasn't the most practiced craftsman; his wood block was just starting to resemble something round and spiky.
Mentioned Champion
Short Story
The Shuttered Manse
ByGraham McNeill
She felt the thief coming closer with every careful step he took.
Alternate Universes
Clash of Fates
Starring:Alistar,Amumu,Anivia,Annie,Ashe,Cho'Gath,Evelynn,Jax,Karthus,Kayle,Master Yi,Nunu,Rammus,Ryze,Singed,Sivir,Soraka,Teemo,Twisted Fate,Warwick,Willump,Zilean
Journal of Justice
ByInstitute of War
Formare veneficum est formare fatum.
Starring:Akali,Alistar,Amumu,Anivia,Annie,Ashe,Blitzcrank,Brand,Cassiopeia,Cho'Gath,Corki,Darius,Dr. Mundo,Evelynn,Ezreal,Fiddlesticks,Gangplank,Garen,Gragas,Heimerdinger,Irelia,Janna,Jarvan IV,Jax,Karma,Karthus,Kassadin,Katarina,Kayle,Kennen,Kog'Maw,Lee Sin,Leona,Lissandra,Lux,Malzahar,Maokai,Master Yi,Mordekaiser,Morgana,Nasus,Nidalee,Nocturne,Nunu,Olaf,Pantheon,Poppy,Rammus,Renekton,Riven,Rumble,Ryze,Sejuani,Shaco,Shen,Singed,Sion,Sivir,Skarner,Sona,Soraka,Swain,Talon,Taric,Teemo,Tibbers,Tristana,Trundle,Tryndamere,Twisted Fate,Twitch,Udyr,Urgot,Veigar,Vladimir,Warwick,Willump,Wukong,Xin Zhao,Yorick,Zilean
Academy Adventures: Series 2
ByGutter Rat
Mentioned:Amumu,Anivia,Annie,Ashe,Aurelion Sol,Braum,Caitlyn,Cho'Gath,Dr. Mundo,Draven,Elise,Ezreal,Fiddlesticks,Fizz,Galio,Gnar,Heimerdinger,Janna,Jhin,Jinx,Kog'Maw,Lulu,Lux,Malphite,Malzahar,Miss Fortune,Nami,Nasus,Olaf,Poppy,Rakan,Rammus,Rek'Sai,Riven,Rumble,Ryze,Shaco,Singed,Sona,Soraka,Syndra,Taliyah,Talon,Taric,Teemo,Thresh,Tibbers,Tristana,Twitch,Urgot,Varus,Veigar,Volibear,Warwick,Wukong,Xayah,Yasuo,Yorick,Zac,Zed,Ziggs,Zyra
Academy Adventures: Series 3
ByGutter Rat
The Tale of the Poro King
By Numerous creators
Starring: N/A
Mentioned:Aatrox,Akali,Ashe,Aurelion Sol,Azir,Braum,Caitlyn,Cho'Gath,Darius,Diana,Draven,Ezreal,Gnar,Illaoi,Janna,Jarvan IV,Jayce,Kai'Sa,Karma,Karthus,Katarina,Kayle,Kayn,Kennen,Kha'Zix,Lee Sin,Leona,Lulu,Lux,Malzahar,Miss Fortune,Nunu,Ornn,Pantheon,Pyke,Rammus,Rek'Sai,Rhaast,Ryze,Sejuani,Shen,Sion,Sivir,Soraka,Sylas,Syndra,Taliyah,Talon,Taric,Thresh,Tristana,Trundle,Udyr,Vi,Volibear,Willump,Yasuo,Zed,Ziggs,Zoe
• Rammus is at least 6000 years old, having myths and legends about him dating back as the early days of the Shuriman Empire.
• It is hinted inK'Sante's interaction withRammusthat he may be aBaccai, though it's not yet been confirmed whether what K'Sante said is true or not.
Change log[]
See also[] | Name: Spiked Shell, Description: Innate: Rammus' basic attacks deal 10 (+ 10% armor) bonus magic damage on-hit , increased to 15 (+ 15% armor) during Defensive Ball Curl ., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputPassive', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'parries': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Spiked Shellapplies tostructures.']} | Name: Powerball, Description: Active: Rammus channels for up to 6 seconds to roll into a ball, gaining 25% − 39. 17 % (based on level) bonus total movement speed per second over the duration, up to a maximum of 150% − 235% (based on level) . Powerball can be recast after 1 second within the duration, and does so automatically afterwards or when interrupted . Rammus stops rolling upon colliding with an enemy, dealing magic damage to all nearby enemies and knocking them back 125 units, though not through terrain. Enemies hit are then stunned and revealed for 0. 4 seconds, as well as slowed for 1 second. Magic Damage: 80 / 110 / 140 / 170 / 200 (+ 100% AP) Slow: 40 / 50 / 60 / 70 / 80% Recast: Rammus ends Powerball ., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputAuto', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Map-Specific Differences', "The initial cast and the manual recast count as ability activations for the purposes of on-cast effects such asSpellbladeand triggeringForce Pulse'spassive.If the ability is not manually recasted, the secondary effect will trigger without being considered as an ability activation.", 'If the ability is not manually recasted, the secondary effect will trigger without being considered as an ability activation.', 'Thebonusmovement speedstacks multiplicativelywith other sources of movement speed boosts.', 'Powerballwill still collide with enemies ifRammusisghosted.', "For the purpose of moving closer to an enemy when right clicking them,Powerballalso reducesRammus'attack range「\xa0to 0\xa0」「\xa0by 125\xa0」for the duration.Regardless of this, duringPowerballRammuswill also always attempt to path towards his target's center instead.", "Regardless of this, duringPowerballRammuswill also always attempt to path towards his target's center instead.", 'Rammuswill ignoreunit collisionfor the purpose of pathfinding duringPowerball.PENDING FOR TEST:Rammus isghosted.', 'PENDING FOR TEST:Rammus isghosted.', 'Powerballis not amovement channel, and so will not beinterruptedbyrootandground.', 'Displacement immunitywill also resist the application of thestun.', 'The following table refers for interactions whileRammusischanneling:', 'Death', 'Cast-inhibiting effects', 'Bonus movement speed changed to50% − 75% (based on level).', 'AP ratio changed to150% AP.', 'Cooldown changed to 11 / 9.5/ 8 / 6.5/ 5 seconds.']} | Name: Defensive Ball Curl, Description: Active: Rammus enters a defensive stance for 6 seconds, gaining bonus armor and bonus magic resistance . While active, enemies that use a basic attack on-hit against Rammus are dealt magic damage equal to Spiked Shell's bonus damage. Bonus Armor: 40 (+ 35 / 45 / 55 / 65 / 75% total armor) Bonus Magic Resistance: 10 (+ 30 / 35 / 40 / 45 / 50% total magic resistance) Rammus' basic attacks extend the remaining duration of Defensive Ball Curl by 0. 4 seconds, up to a maximum of 4 additional seconds. Defensive Ball Curl can be recast after 1 second within the duration, and does so automatically upon casting Powerball . Recast: Rammus ends Defensive Ball Curl ., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputAuto', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'Not Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Map-Specific Differences', "The initial cast counts as an ability activation for the purposes of on-cast effects such asSpellbladeand triggeringForce Pulse'spassive.Deactivating the ability manually does not.", 'Deactivating the ability manually does not.', 'Defensive Ball Curlends immediately ifPowerballis cast.', "Defensive Ball Curlwill return damage from attacks and/or abilities that applyon-hit effects(Mystic Shot) as well as fromRunaan's Hurricane'sWind's Fury(will not return damage fromturrets,H-28G Evolution Turret, orJack in the Box).", "The resistance scaling will factor from all sources, includingDefensive Ball Curl'sflat bonus. This will recalculate over the duration.", 'Theslowis reduced byslow resist.', 'Armor ratio changed to60 / 70 / 80 / 90 / 100%totalarmor.', 'Magic resistance ratio changed to40 / 45 / 50 / 55 / 60%totalmagic resistance.']} | Name: Frenzying Taunt, Description: Active: Rammus taunts the target enemy champion or monster for a duration and gains bonus attack speed for the same duration. Taunt Duration: 1. 2 / 1. 4 / 1. 6 / 1. 8 / 2 Bonus Attack Speed Duration: 1. 2 / 1. 4 / 1. 6 / 1. 8 / 2 Bonus Attack Speed: 20 / 25 / 30 / 35 / 40% The duration of the bonus attack speed continuously refreshes during Powerball , Defensive Ball Curl and Soaring Slam ., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputUnit', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Map-Specific Differences', 'Frenzying Taunt, despite being usable onmonsters, does not force them to attackRammus. He does not draw aggro since the ability does not deal damage.', 'The bonus attack speed duration is separate from thetauntduration.', 'If the target becomesuntargetable,dies, or is too far away or no longer insightduring the cast time, this ability will cancel but does not go oncooldownnor pay its cost (if applicable).', 'Taunt and bonus attack speed duration changed to 1.6/ 1.8/ 2 / 2.2/ 2.4seconds.']} | Name: Soaring Slam, Description: Active: Rammus leaps to the target location with immunity to crowd control . Upon arrival, he creates an impact that deals magic damage to nearby enemies and slows them for 1. 5 seconds. The impact deals increased damage at the epicenter if Soaring Slam was cast further than 800 units, capped at 1700 units with 50% increased damage. Magic Damage: 100 / 175 / 250 (+ 60% AP) Center Increased Damage: 150 / 262. 5 / 375 (+ 90% AP) Slow: 15 / 17. 5 / 20% If Soaring Slam was cast during Powerball , enemies within the epicenter are also knocked up for 0. 75 seconds and are dealt Powerball's damage. Powerball will not collide with enemies during the dash, and its channel will be maintained for the dash and end afterwards. Center Minimum Damage: 100 / 175 / 250 (+ 60% AP) (+ 100 / 130 / 160 / 190 / 220 (+ 100% AP) ) Center Maximum Damage: 150 / 262. 5 / 375 (+ 90% AP) (+ 100 / 130 / 160 / 190 / 220 (+ 100% AP) ) The impact causes 3 aftershocks to burst from the area over 3. 5 seconds, each one dealing magic damage to enemies within and applying the initial slow , which stacks up to 4 times. Magic Damage per Hit: 20 / 30 / 40 (+ 10% AP) Total Magic Damage: 60 / 90 / 120 (+ 30% AP) Maximum Slow: 60 / 70 / 80% Soaring Slam's damage affects structures and is doubled against turrets . Soaring Slam will cast at max range if cast beyond that., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputLocation', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'See Notes', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Map-Specific Differences', 'Appliesarea damagefor the impact andpersistent area damagefor the aftershocks.', 'Spell shieldwill block the impact (including withPowerball) but not each aftershock.', 'Rammusis required to have had at least461.5movement speedaverageover the last second to be able to castSoaring Slamfurther than its minimum cast range and thereby deal the increased center damage.The maximum increased center damage is reachable onceRammushas had at least1307.69movement speedaveragefor the past second.', 'The maximum increased center damage is reachable onceRammushas had at least1307.69movement speedaveragefor the past second.', 'Soaring Slamwill not impact nor generate aftershocks if the dash is interrupted.', 'The following table refers for interactions whileRammusis dashing:', 'Death', 'AP ratio changed to100% AP.', 'Cooldown changed to 40 seconds.']} | Rammuspossibly plays on English verbram& Latin masculine suffix-us.
His dance references the back spin, abreakdance move.A side-by-side comparison can be seenhere.
Theward skinArmordillo Wardreferences him.
It is possible for Rammus to reach approximately 3104armorin an "ideal" scenario. Details can be seenhere.
In theV1.0.0.115April Fools' Daypatch, he was jokingly listed to receive a skin called"Rammurf", referencingUrf.
Out of all the champions in the game, Rammus has gone the longest without an update to his base splash art up until2016. |
Rek'Sai,the Void Burrower | | | health: Health600+99, resource: ResourceN/A, health regen: Health regen. (per 5s)7.5+0.65, resource regen: Secondary BarRage(100), armor: Armor36+4.95, attack damage: Attack damage58+3, attack speed: Base AS0.667, gameplay radius: Gameplay radius65, selection radius: Selection radius100, release: 2014-12-11, changed: V13.19, role: Diver, position: Jungle, rangetype: Melee, adaptivetype: Physical, cost: 4800|880 | Games
Rek'SaiMainCurrentTitlesNickname(s)Sand MotherBeast of motherly instinctAlias(es)The Void BurrowerThe Terror BeneathScourge of the DesertCharacteristicsSpeciesXer'SaiPronoun(s)She/HerTimelineBorn:Earlier than 2000 BNWeapon(s)ClawsFangsTailPersonal statusStatusAlivePlace of originRuneterra(PossiblyShurima)Current residenceSai Kahleek,ShurimaFamilyWatcher(Creators)Xer'Sai(Children)Professional statusOccupation(s)Xer'Sai QueenWatcher's ServantRegion(s)VoidRelated character(s)SkarnerYuumiBookKai'SaTaliyah
• Main
• Current
• Sand Mother
• Beast of motherly instinct
• The Void Burrower
• The Terror Beneath
• Scourge of the Desert
• Born:Earlier than 2000 BN
• Claws
• Fangs
• Tail
Personal status
Place of origin
Current residence
• Watcher(Creators)
• Xer'Sai(Children)
Professional status
• Xer'Sai Queen
• Watcher's Servant
Related character(s)
An apex predator,Rek'Saiis a mercilessVoid-spawn that tunnels beneath the ground to ambush and devour unsuspecting prey. Her insatiable hunger has laid waste to entire regions of the once-great empire ofShurima—merchants, traders, even armed caravans, will go hundreds of miles out of their way to avoid her and her offspring's hunting grounds. All know that once Rek'Sai is seen on the horizon, death from below is all but guaranteed.
• 1Background1.1Early life1.2Contemporary history1.3Recent events1.3.1Scourge of the Desert1.3.2Sai Kahleek1.3.3Hollowspun
• 2Appearance
• 3Personality
• 4Relations4.1Other Voidborn4.2Yuumi&Book4.3Kai'Sa&Taliyah
• 5Read More5.1Biography5.2Starring Champion5.3Mentioned Champion5.4Alternate Universes
• 6Trivia
• 7Change log
• 8References
• 9See also
• 1.1Early life
• 1.2Contemporary history
• 1.3Recent events1.3.1Scourge of the Desert1.3.2Sai Kahleek1.3.3Hollowspun
• 1.3.1Scourge of the Desert
• 1.3.2Sai Kahleek
• 1.3.3Hollowspun
• 4.1Other Voidborn
• 4.2Yuumi&Book
• 4.3Kai'Sa&Taliyah
• 5.1Biography
• 5.2Starring Champion
• 5.3Mentioned Champion
• 5.4Alternate Universes
Early life[]
Rek'Sai originated in theVoid, as the queen of theXer'Sai. Thousands of years ago, she enteredRuneterrathrough a portal toShurima, where she and the Xer'Sai made a home within the sands, claiming parts of the region as their hunting territory and hunting anyone they found. Alongside her brood, Rek'Sai devoured thousands of people in the desert, causing the Shurimans to fear her as a bringer of death.
Contemporary history[]
Recent events[]
Scourge of the Desert[]
Rek'Sai was targeted by aNoxianhunting team attended by Aelon, a noble who intended to capture her to use in the Noxian arenas. Initially arrogant and eager to pursue her for the sake of glory, he began to humble to the Shuriman residents over time and listened to their stories of Rek'Sai. But after witnessing the destruction Rek'Sai and her brood were capable of, Aelon began to doubt his faith in the hunt. Aelon's mind was scarred by witnessing Rek'Sai's carnage firsthand, seeing her as death incarnate. While he survived the encounter thanks to his Shuriman companions' warnings, the traumatic experience caused Aelon to become disillusioned with Noxus' values, making him decide to leave the empire.
Sai Kahleek[]
Rek'Sai's territory in theSai Kahleekwas visited by six Shuriman teenagers and their camel. As they discussed the myths about Rek'Sai they had heard about, they heard a bell alarming them of something coming from behind them. The boys felt a jolt of Void energy before seeing their camel die within seconds. Disturbed, they tried to tiptoe towards the black rocks nearby, but the rocks moved further away.
They eventually came across a gigantic tunnel made by Rek'Sai herself, and decided to go into the tunnel in hope of finding water. Suddenly, Rek'Sai leapt out from the burrow and killed Xalee by crushing his spine with her fangs. The boys' leader, Shahib, instructed them to duck before Rek'Sai dragged Kall into her burrow. They managed to escape from the burrow but Rek'Sai followed them out, lunging at Jaheje but missing. She burrowed into the sand and knocked the group's youngest member VezKah into the air, killing him upon landing. Rek'Sai chased the remaining boys into the valley, cornering them and leaving them no choice but to run straight ahead. When Caleeb was too exhausted to continue, Rek'Sai killed him too. After witnessing a portal directly leading to the Void, the Xer'Sai's true home, Shahib encouraged Jaheje to escape and tell the story, offering to sacrifice himself to Rek'Sai as a distraction. After seeing Shahib's body getting desecrated by Rek'Sai, Jaheje broke down in tears from all the trauma he went through.
Reaching theRenek Riveras the only survivor of the group, Jaheje told his story. Few believed him at first, but many eventually realized that Jaheje was right upon witnessing the truth of the Sai Kahleek. He taught the other cast-off boys of Shurima how to survive the Sai Kahleek, warning them of Rek'Sai.
Rek'Sai is a colossal Xer'Sai with a purple body armored with an exoskeleton of blue plates. Her body shape is scorpion-like with four insectoid legs, two gigantic forelegs with four claws each, and a barbed tail. She has four sharp upper teeth with two fleshy mandibles on either side of her mouth in place of a lower jaw. She has a shark-like fin on her back which glows with Void energy when she senses her prey.
Rek'Sai is a primitive, animalistic predator who only communicates through roars and chitters. Her main drive is to burrow through the Shuriman desert and savagely consume every lesser being she senses. She has a motherly care towards her brood and wants to protect them fromBel'Veth, whom mentions that theWatchersdid not originally create her with these instincts.
Rek'Sai,Cho'Gath,Kha'Zix,Kog'Maw, andVel'Kozeach belong to different member species of the collective known as theVoidborn. Rek'Sai is the queen of her Voidborn species (the Xer'Sai) as well as the largest among their number. Rek'Sai came toShurimafromthe Voidmillennia ago (legend has it she's been around since beforeAzir'stime) making her one of the Voidborn who have dwelt the longest onRuneterra(she has spent all this time building a portal to the Void, using the life essence of her victims as fuel to open it). Rek'Sai isnot as sapientas the other Voidborn champions (she is to them what a dangerous animal is to humans).
Rek'Sai attackedYuumiandBookwhen they were looking for Norra in Shurima.
Rek'Sai and herXer'SaiattackedKai'SaandTaliyahas they soughtXolana mythical paradise inSai Kahleek.
Read More
The Void Burrower
ByOdin Austin Shafer
Starring Champion
Short Story • 9 Minute Read
Sai Kahleek (Short Story)
ByOdin Austin Shafer
Six boys and a camel, and the boys were cheaper to replace. Some were orphans and escaped slaves, but most were off casts — teenagers abandoned by families too poor to keep them. When Shahib offered him the work, Jaheje hadn't eaten in days.
Scourge of the Desert
By Numerous creators
The Call
For the fallen. For the deserted. For the downtrodden. And for those who will rise again.
The Terror Beneath
Traders whisper stories of a beast below Shurima's sands. They say she stalks the caravans that dare cross her domain. They say she hunts those that run, and kills those that fight. But what if the stories aren't simple stories? What if they're true?
Mentioned Champion
Ezreal's Field Notes
ByMatthew Dunn
Who needs a map?
Short Story
ByDana Luery Shaw
Kai’Sa peers out from the mouth of the tunnel and feels like she’s standing at the edge of the world.
Rise of the Underworlds (Video)
Theirs are the names frantically whispered by scoundrels and swindlers. They come from below—the sea, the sands, the city—and wherever they surface, the legends follow.
The Magical Cat
ByRayla Heide
Alternate Universes
Music Video
By Numerous creators
Since its inception, Worlds has grown and evolved. Each unbelievable play and phenomenal match created moments and memories that will never be forgotten. In these iconic moments, players and teams reached for something incredible within themselves and brought it to life on the Summoner’s Rift...
Starring:Aatrox,Ahri,Alistar,Anivia,Annie,Ashe,Brand,Caitlyn,Darius,Draven,Elise,Ezreal,Gnar,Janna,Jax,Jayce,Jinx,Kassadin,Katarina,Kennen,Kha'Zix,Lulu,Orianna,Rek'Sai,Rengar,Rumble,Ryze,Shen,Sivir,Tahm Kench,Teemo,Twisted Fate,Yasuo,Ziggs
Academy Adventures: Series 1
ByGutter Rat
Mentioned:Akali,Amumu,Anivia,Azir,Bard,Blitzcrank,Braum,Cho'Gath,Elise,Ezreal,Fiddlesticks,Fiora,Gnar,Heimerdinger,Ivern,Jhin,Jinx,Karthus,Kog'Maw,Lulu,Lux,Malzahar,Miss Fortune,Nidalee,Olaf,Poppy,Rek'Sai,Renekton,Rumble,Ryze,Shaco,Shen,Sion,Sona,Soraka,Talon,Taric,Teemo,Tristana,Trundle,Twitch,Urgot,Varus,Veigar,Vel'Koz,Vi,Yorick,Zed,Ziggs,Zyra
Academy Adventures: Series 2
ByGutter Rat
Mentioned:Amumu,Anivia,Annie,Ashe,Aurelion Sol,Braum,Caitlyn,Cho'Gath,Dr. Mundo,Draven,Elise,Ezreal,Fiddlesticks,Fizz,Galio,Gnar,Heimerdinger,Janna,Jhin,Jinx,Kog'Maw,Lulu,Lux,Malphite,Malzahar,Miss Fortune,Nami,Nasus,Olaf,Poppy,Rakan,Rammus,Rek'Sai,Riven,Rumble,Ryze,Shaco,Singed,Sona,Soraka,Syndra,Taliyah,Talon,Taric,Teemo,Thresh,Tibbers,Tristana,Twitch,Urgot,Varus,Veigar,Volibear,Warwick,Wukong,Xayah,Yasuo,Yorick,Zac,Zed,Ziggs,Zyra
Academy Adventures: Series 3
ByGutter Rat
The Tale of the Poro King
By Numerous creators
Starring: N/A
Mentioned:Aatrox,Akali,Ashe,Aurelion Sol,Azir,Braum,Caitlyn,Cho'Gath,Darius,Diana,Draven,Ezreal,Gnar,Illaoi,Janna,Jarvan IV,Jayce,Kai'Sa,Karma,Karthus,Katarina,Kayle,Kayn,Kennen,Kha'Zix,Lee Sin,Leona,Lulu,Lux,Malzahar,Miss Fortune,Nunu,Ornn,Pantheon,Pyke,Rammus,Rek'Sai,Rhaast,Ryze,Sejuani,Shen,Sion,Sivir,Soraka,Sylas,Syndra,Taliyah,Talon,Taric,Thresh,Tristana,Trundle,Udyr,Vi,Volibear,Willump,Yasuo,Zed,Ziggs,Zoe
Change log[]
See also[] | Name: Fury of the Xer'Sai, Description: Innate: Rek'Sai basic attacks and ability hits generate 25 Fury . After 8 seconds of being out of combat , she loses 20 Fury per second. Prey Seeker will not generate Fury against non- champions . When Rek'Sai becomes Burrowed , she consumes her current Fury over 3 seconds to heal for up to 10 (+ 2% − 10% (based on level) maximum health) at 100 Fury , stopping once fully consumed or she reaches full health . If she starts generating Fury while Burrowed , the consumption occurs after 5 seconds., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputPassive', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Furybar changes fromYellowtoRedwhen full.', "WhenRek'Saiautomatically consumesFurywhileBurrowed(no transformation), the healing buff will refresh every second while she has/maintains over25 Fury.(bug)This causes the healing to last 6 seconds at100 Fury."]} | Name: Queen's Wrath, Description: Active: Rek'Sai empowers her next three basic attacks within 3 seconds to have a 0. 25 -second cast time and deal bonus physical damage to the target and surrounding enemies. The damage to the primary target is affected by critical strike modifiers. Bonus Physical Damage: 30 / 35 / 40 / 45 / 50% AD Total Bonus Physical Damage: 90 / 105 / 120 / 135 / 150% AD Queen's Wrath resets Rek'Sai's basic attack timer., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputAuto', 'damage_type': 'Physical', 'parries': 'Missing', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Damage to the primary target appliesproc damageand damage to secondary targets appliesdefault damage.', "Queen's Wrath'sbonus damage applies againststructures.", "Basic attacks refresh the duration ofQueen's Wrath.", "There is a brief delay between each attack ofQueen's Furyafter the attack's cast time elapses.IfRek'Saihas more than1.4attack speed, she can cancel this delay to perform the next attack quicker. This does not occur if she isattacking automatically.", "IfRek'Saihas more than1.4attack speed, she can cancel this delay to perform the next attack quicker. This does not occur if she isattacking automatically.", "Queen's Wrath'senhanced attacks still applyon-hitandon-attackeffects andlife stealto the primary target.", 'Whendodged, the damage dealt to the primary target is nullified; however, damage to any secondary targets still occurs.', "PENDING FOR TEST::Queen's Wrathinteractions withblockingandblindingeffects.", "If the primary target becomesuntargetable,dies, or is too far away or no longer insightduring the empowered attack's cast time, it is cancelled but not consumed."]} | Name: Burrow, Description: Active: Rek'Sai becomes Burrowed , reducing her attack range to 75 and her sight radius to 250 units while gaining access to her Burrowed abilities. She also becomes ghosted and gains 5 / 10 / 15 (based on level) bonus movement speed , as well as Tremor Sense . Tremor Sense: Rek'Sai and her allies gain obscured vision of nearby enemy units that are moving every second. Once Burrow has been learned, Rek'Sai automatically becomes Burrowed upon completing a Recall channel or respawning . Link ▶️ Champion detection alert., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputAuto', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', "Burrowdoes not count as an ability activation for the purposes of on-cast effects such asSpellbladeand triggeringForce Pulse'spassive.", "Enemies detected byTremor Senseare displayed as rings on the ground. Champions display larger rings andRek'Saiwill react to this detection.", "Visible enemies will not be detected by Tremor Sense. Enemies standing still whileRek'Saiis nearby are insensible byTremor Sense."]} | Name: Furious Bite, Description: Active: Rek'Sai bites the target enemy, dealing physical damage . Physical Damage: 5 / 10 / 15 / 20 / 25 (+ 70% AD) At maximum Fury , Furious Bite's damage is doubled and converted to true damage . True Damage: 10 / 20 / 30 / 40 / 50 (+ 140% AD), {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputUnit', 'damage_type': 'Physical damage/True damage', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'If the target becomesuntargetable,dies, or is too far away or no longer insightduring the cast time, this ability will cancel but does not go oncooldownnor pay its cost (if applicable).']} | Name: Prey Seeker, Description: Active: Rek'Sai fires a void bolt in the target direction that detonates on the first enemy hit, dealing physical damage to all nearby enemies and revealing them for 5 seconds. Physical Damage: 60 / 95 / 130 / 165 / 200 (+ 50% bonus AD) (+ 70% AP), {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputDirection', 'damage_type': 'Physical', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'This ability will cast from wherever the caster is at the end of the cast time.', "Prey Seeker'seffect radius is centered around the location of the missile as it collides."]} | Rek'Sai is the first femaleVoidbornreleased.
Rek'Sai is the firstfighterchampion released without a secondary role.
Rek'Sai's design was greatly influenced[2]by the canceled championOmen.Just like withCho'Gath,Malphite,Nautilus, andSkarner, Rek'Sai's in-game size is smaller thanin-universe(she isestimatedto be as large as a 'smallT. rex,mammoth,whale shark, large but not huge').
Rek'Sai had her game assets reused for severalfeatured game modes.She was given a retexture and features as a monster called the "Grumpy Burrow Monster" (along with its huge variant) inInvasion.Her animations were reused for theAnchortail,Brightcore, andRhinodonmonsters inOdyssey: Extraction. |
Rell,the Iron Maiden,Darkrider, DarkSupport | | | health: Health610+104, resource: Mana350+45, health regen: Health regen. (per 5s)7.5+0.85, resource regen: Mana regen. (per 5s)6+0.35, armor: Armor36+4.2, attack damage: Attack damage55+3, attack speed: Base AS0.625, gameplay radius: Gameplay radius65, selection radius: Selection radius120, release: 2020-12-10, changed: V13.23, role: Vanguard, position: JungleSupport, rangetype: Melee, adaptivetype: Magic, cost: 4800|880 | Games
RellMainArmoredTitlesAlias(es)The Iron MaidenCharacteristicsSpeciesHuman(Magical;Magically Altered)Pronoun(s)She/HerTimelineBorn:980 ANWeapon(s)FerromancyMetal LanceIron SteedPersonal statusStatusAlivePlace of originNoxusCurrent residenceNoxus(No Fixed Abode)FamilyUnnamed FatherUnnamed MotherProfessional statusOccupation(s)FugitiveDefenderStudentLiving WeaponRegion(s)NoxusRelated character(s)LeBlancSamiraMordekaiser
• Main
• Armored
• Born:980 AN
• Ferromancy
• Metal Lance
• Iron Steed
Personal status
Place of origin
Current residence
• Unnamed Father
• Unnamed Mother
Professional status
• Fugitive
• Defender
• Student
• Living Weapon
Related character(s)
The product of brutal experimentation at the hands of theBlack Rose,Rellis a defiant, living weapon determined to toppleNoxus. Her childhood was one of misery and horror, enduring unspeakable procedures to perfect and weaponize her magical control over metal... until she made a violent escape, killing many of her captors in the process. Now branded as a criminal, Rell attacks Noxian soldiers on sight as she searches for survivors of her old “academy”, defending the meek while delivering merciless death to her former instructors.
• 1Background1.1Early Life1.1.1Black Rose Academy1.2Modern History1.2.1Life as a Fugitive1.3Recent events
• 2Appearance
• 3Personality
• 4Abilities
• 5Relations5.1Black Rose5.1.1LeBlanc5.2Parents5.3Null5.4Samira5.5Mordekaiser
• 6Read More6.1Biography6.2Starring Champion6.3Mentioned Champion6.4Alternate Universes
• 7Trivia
• 8Change log
• 9References
• 10See also
• 1.1Early Life1.1.1Black Rose Academy
• 1.2Modern History1.2.1Life as a Fugitive
• 1.3Recent events
• 1.1.1Black Rose Academy
• 1.2.1Life as a Fugitive
• 5.1Black Rose5.1.1LeBlanc
• 5.2Parents
• 5.3Null
• 5.4Samira
• 5.5Mordekaiser
• 5.1.1LeBlanc
• 6.1Biography
• 6.2Starring Champion
• 6.3Mentioned Champion
• 6.4Alternate Universes
Early Life[]
Born inNoxus, Rell's father was a military footsoldier while her mother was an heir to a now fallen noble house, causing Rell's childhood to lack the usual gilded upbringing that other noble children have in Noxus. At a young age, Rell's innate magic sparked; an ability calledferrmoancythat allows her to manipulate metal. Because of the uniqueness and rarity of this power, Rell's parents saw an opportunity to regain influence within the Noxian nobility and attempted to apprentice Rell with many powerful mages in hopes of getting Rell promoted as a magical elite within the Noxian military. Though the apprenticeships failed, the sorceressLeBlanctook notice of the young girl's magic abilities and visited her parents, striking a deal with them to enroll Rell within an academy run by theBlack Rose.
Black Rose Academy[]
Rell was enrolled into the Roseguard Academy[1], a boarding school for mages, hidden far away from the Noxian capital. Rell became the star pupil of her school and was visited by her parents on rare occasions, who expressed how proud they were of her. At the age of eight, Rell was forced into her first sparring match against one of her classmates, defeating him easily. While her sparring opponent was never seen again, the academy's staff painfully grafted a magical sigil onto Rell's skin, amplifying her magic. Rell trained within the academy for years and honed her skill in using her magic with martial combat, growing powerful with every sparring match she won and every sigil applied to Rell's skin. Overtime, most of the other students came to fear their turn to fight against her, with some even growing to hate her. One particular student, a boy named Gabriel who had the power to shape dirt into tiny fauna, actually befriended Rell and often comforted her as she recovered from the academy's abuse. Unfortunately, he would be instructed to combat against Rell next, forcing her to fight her only friend as he disappeared soon after, fueling her rage against the academy.[2]
After a particularly barbaric duel on her sixteenth birthday, Rell became up with her mysteriously brutal training. She tore through the academy's guards and faculty to venture into a forbidden wing of the school, discovering the academy's horrifying truth-that her classmates had beenNullified. The students, now called Null, were emotionless, mindless husks that had their magic forcibly extracted from their bodies and turned into the same magic sigils that branded Rell's body. Rell then confronted the academy's headmistress only to discover that it was her own mother, who ensured that everything she did was for Rell's own sake.
In a fit of rage, Rell unleashed her full power and destroyed the school, ripping the building apart and using the metal to form her impenetrable suit of black armor. Bursting through the door with a lance and steed she constructed with her powers, she killed most of the staff and freed as many classmates as possible.
Modern History[]
Life as a Fugitive[]
A Noxian wanted poster calling for Rell's capture.
Many classmates, including the Null children, fled after Rell's violent escape. In a bid to conceal the horrific acts that occurred within the academy, the Black Rose swiftly embarked on a mission to recapture the Null and eliminate any trace of the institution. Moreover, their utmost priority was the retrieval of their most valuable asset—Rell herself—who the Black Rose named a notorious fugitive and a threat to the empire. Plastered across Noxus, an array of wanted posters depicted Rell as a formidable criminal, with most Noxian soldiers seeing any mission to apprehend her as a death sentence. Promising substantial rewards to those capable of apprehending her, the posters advised individuals to deliver her to the nearest empire building marked with a signature Black Rose.[3]
Rell has emerged as a self-proclaimed defender of the meek and a violent insurgent, leading a relentless rebellion against both the Black Rose and the Noxian government. Because of the empire's willful disregard of the horrors that happened within the academy, she rides valiantly through the streets of Noxus atop her formidable iron steed and consumed with hatred against the entire nation. Her sole focus now is to dismantle the very foundations upon which Noxus stands and rescuing any survivors of the academy, most notably the Null.
Recent events[]
A warband in the outskirts of Noxus, lead by a former instructor of the academy named Instructor Lukas, managed to locate Rell and attempted to detain her. Aminotaursoldier knocked Rell unconscious by tossing a boulder at her, but she woke up soon after and formed her metal steed from raw ore out of the ground. Rell easily killed the entire warband in a whirlwind of metallic shards and grabbed Lukas, who revealed that Gabriel, Rell's Nullified friend from the academy, was located at the nearby camp. Rell instantly crushed him to death and rode towards the camp to free Gabriel.
Rell standing above Gabriel's gravestone, which she decorated with crude metal statues of animals in his honor.
Unfortunately, once at the hidden camp, Rell found Gabriel's malnourished corpse, as the Black Rose's warbands usually neglect the Null once they're detained. Pained by the discovery, Rell buried his body and created a gravestone out of metal, using her powers to decorate it with crude animal statues in his honor.[2]
At some point, a compound near the coastal settlement ofQualthalain the southern jungles managed to successfully detain Rell and at least one Null. Fortunately, Rell managed to escape by tearing her cell and the compound apart, leaving a mess of metallic shards and a hole leading into the jungles, presumably escaping alongside whatever Null was imprisoned there as well.[4]
Rell is a dark-skinned teenage girl with yellow eyes and bright blonde hair with some highlights of yellow. She typically wears a light suit of armor with leather pads on the shoulders, hips and knees. Her left hand has a torn arm sleeve with leather padding, while her right arm is sleeveless and covered in pieces of metal branding her with magical sigils. She wields her metal lance in her right hand and makes it glow a deep orange-yellow whenever she heats it up. Her mount is a metal construct shaped into the form of a horse thanks to her ferromancy magic.
When Rell leaps off of her mount, she reshapes it into an even heavier set of metal armor that goes over her current outfit. Her heavy metal armor has a massive chest plate, knee guards, pieces of metal floating at the sides of her legs and a huge, spiked shoulder guard on her left shoulder.
Rell is impulsive, restless and aggressive. Her trauma at the Black Rose's academy, combined with her young age, has made her vengeful and misanthropic, having a distrustful attitude towards most people and feeling no hesitation to kill anyone that threatens her or whoever she's protecting. She feels pure hatred for the Black Rose and all of Noxus, blaming them for tall the atrocities she witnessed in the academy and expressing her hatred for everything about her nation, ranging from the politics to the people and even to the very land itself. In spite of this, she's very passionate about rescuing and protecting any of her surviving classmates from the academy, most notably the Null whom she feels deep guilt over. Though Rell struggles with connecting and socializing with most people due to her temper and distrust, she's shown to be capable of romantic feelings and has been easily flustered by both males and females she's attracted to.
• Magical Physiology:Rell was born with natural magic abilities and has trained them since childhood with the most talented instructors in the Black Rose academy. Her abilities could eventually grow more as she expands her knowledge of magic and hones her skills in it.Sigil Magic:Due to the experimentations of the Black Rose within the academy, Rell has been branded with sigils made of magical energy extracted from her own classmates. These sigils, once branded on Rell's skin, enhance her magic even further and instantly give her further strength and control of her abilities.Ferromancy:Rell possesses the ability to manipulate metal, an incredibly strong power rarely seen in Runeterra. Having been trained by the Black Rose since childhood, she is capable of ripping ore straight from the ground, superheating metal, twisting it into different shapes and even crushing opponents with their own armor. She has shown capability of even tearing down entire buildings with her powers, as she did with the academy once she escaped.Metal Mount and Armor:Rell has such control over her ability that she is capable of manipulating metal into the shape of her signature steed that she rides across Noxus, stomping on and crushing anyone in her way. Along with that, she can use this same arrangement of metal pieces to form an impenetrable suit of black armor around herself.
• Lance Proficiency:Rell is skilled in the use of her blunt lance which she forms out of her metal magic. In close combat she almost exclusively uses her lance, which she is capable of superheating in order to strike with even more force.
• Combat Mastery:Thanks to years of training within the academy and many brutal sparring matches against her classmates, Rell is incredibly tough and resilient in combat. By utilizing her magical abilities, she is capable of striking with immense force and running down opponents easily.
• Sigil Magic:Due to the experimentations of the Black Rose within the academy, Rell has been branded with sigils made of magical energy extracted from her own classmates. These sigils, once branded on Rell's skin, enhance her magic even further and instantly give her further strength and control of her abilities.
• Ferromancy:Rell possesses the ability to manipulate metal, an incredibly strong power rarely seen in Runeterra. Having been trained by the Black Rose since childhood, she is capable of ripping ore straight from the ground, superheating metal, twisting it into different shapes and even crushing opponents with their own armor. She has shown capability of even tearing down entire buildings with her powers, as she did with the academy once she escaped.Metal Mount and Armor:Rell has such control over her ability that she is capable of manipulating metal into the shape of her signature steed that she rides across Noxus, stomping on and crushing anyone in her way. Along with that, she can use this same arrangement of metal pieces to form an impenetrable suit of black armor around herself.
• Metal Mount and Armor:Rell has such control over her ability that she is capable of manipulating metal into the shape of her signature steed that she rides across Noxus, stomping on and crushing anyone in her way. Along with that, she can use this same arrangement of metal pieces to form an impenetrable suit of black armor around herself.
Black Rose[]
The Black Rose were the organization that initially took Rell in to the Roseguard Academy under the guise of training her to be an elite in Noxus's army. However, Rell eventually realized the horrific truth of their experiments on her and the other classmates in the academy, such as their experimentation with sigil magic that turned most of Rell's classmates into the Null.
Rell has a deep hatred towards the Black Rose, and all of Noxus for that matter, because of what they did to her and her classmates within the academy. Now, as she rides across Noxus, she hunts down any remaining faculty that survived her escape and is set on brutally killing any of the Black Rose she manages to find. In response, the Black Rose have made many efforts to try and detain Rell, sending all manners ofbounty huntersto capture her for their plans in stopping the menacingMordekaiser.
LeBlanc is the one who initially took notice to Rell's particular mastery with metal magic. After visiting Rell's parents, she offered a deal with them to take Rell into the academy and train her to be the Black Rose's living weapon, promising to make Rell an elite in the Noxian army and granting their noble house more political power in Noxus.
Though she hasn't personally encountered Rell since her escape, she is most likely responsible for the many efforts to detain her.
Rell's father was a Noxian footsoldier while her mother was the heiress to a noble house that has since fallen from grace. Though technically nobles, Rell's family didn't enjoy the lavish lives that other members of the Noxian nobility would have due to their lowered political power, causing Rell to often be frustrated. Once she showed her magical talent in ferromancy, Rell's parents instantly saw an opportunity to return their noble house to greatness and convinced Rell to try and hone her magical abilities and eventually become an elite within the Noxian army. Though most of their apprenticeships failed, LeBlanc approached the couple and offered a deal to take her under the Black Rose academy, turning Rell into a living super weapon and in exchange granting their noble house more power. While Rell trained in the academy, her parents would seldom visit her but would always express how proud they were of their daughter despite the brutal treatment Rell faced while training in the academy.
Once Rell escaped on her sixteenth birthday, she discovered that the horrific experiments with the Null and sigil magic had been the orders of her own mother, who had been the headmistress of the academy this entire time. Now, Rell has a vicious hatred for her parents, but most particularly her mother, as she often mocks her mother's saying-"excellence is measured in sacrifice."
All the Null are the product of the Black Rose's experiments with sigil magic, with each of them being a former classmate of Rell's that she was forced to fight. Once defeated, these kids would have their magic forcefully extracted from their bodies and placed into a sigil, branded into Rell's skin.
Because of the guilt she feels for the experiments and because she personally knew these Null kids in the past, Rell is dedicated to finding and freeing these Null before the Black Rose can detain and hide them away. One particular Null named Gabriel was a dear friend of Rell, but she unfortunately found him dead in an encampment on her quest to find and save him.
Rell and Samira have not met, but Samira is very aware of her due to the fact that she has gone on many missions to locate and detain Rell under the orders of her bossCaptain Indari, who is secretly working alongside LeBlanc.
Most recently, Samira was sent on a mission to retrieve Rell from containment in a compound nearQualthala, but had arrived too late as Rell already escaped alongside the Null. Despite this, Samira is incredibly intrigued by Rell, unaware of the truth behind Rell's origins.
Rell is completely unaware of Mordekaiser and has never met him, but her training with the Black Rose is the product of their plans to turn her into the perfect 'living weapon' to use against Mordekaiser as a contingency once he returns to the physical realm. This is most likely due to her particularly rare and powerful ability to manipulate metal, which is what Mordekaiser's physical, armored body is mostly made of.
Read More
The Iron Maiden
ByJared Rosen,David Slagle
Starring Champion
The Iron Maiden (Video)
An armored metalmancer fights back against those who betrayed her.
Short Story
The Second Grave
ByJared Rosen
Rell thought about the Null often.
Mentioned:Boram Darkwill
Mentioned Champion
Short Story
Daredevil Impulse
ByMichael Luo
The weapons shop looked grimy—just the way Samira liked it.
Alternate Universes
Another Sky
ByJared Rosen,Taylor Dinwiddie,Ty Sheedlo
As a new generation of Star Guardians prepares to fight back the forces of chaos, rising star Akali finds herself wracked with doubt. Does she have what it takes to be a Star Guardian? Or will the darkness she senses inside spell doom for her and her friends?
Mentioned:Ahri,Akshan,Ezreal,Gwen,Jinx,Lux,Miss Fortune,Rakan,Xayah
Short Story
Battle Queen Crests
ByCat Manning,Jared Rosen
To be a Battle Queen is to see with open eyes. As you complete Keystone Crest Missions, you’ll be rewarded with a story of nobility.
Music Video
Everything Goes On
ByPorter Robinson
Together with some familiar faces, a new generation of Star Guardians ascend to battle a looming threat. But even when confronted with eternal darkness, their hope burns brighter than fear.
Mentioned:Ahri,Lux,Miss Fortune
Shadow of a Doubt
Star Guardians have a brilliant light, but some stagger in the darkness. Can Akali escape her own nightmares?
• Rell was first mentioned inSamira'sstory,Daredevil Impulse, prior to her reveal.
• Rell is 16 years old as mentioned in her biography (as of 996 AN).
• Rell is implied by her voice lines and multiple Rioters to be bisexual.
• The academy that Rell went to is unknown, but according to the flavor of the card1Ravenbloom Conservatory, it might be called Roseguard Academy.
• As revealed in her lorelive Q&A:Rell's parents come from very different parts of Runeterra, making her biracial.Rell is half black.[5]Rell shapes her mount as a horse instead of a basilisk as a form of rebellion againstNoxus' military system.Rell's horse does not have a name. However, in theStar Guardianuniverse, Rell's horse is named "Sebastien". It is up to interpretation as to whether Rell's horse is named as such in other universes.Her armor is partly extracted from the ground, partly from other people's gear, so it sometimes has steel, pig iron, and various other alloys depending on what's available.Rell's power is largely not electromagnetic based. At the moment, it's unlikely that she is capable of pulling metal from inside others' bodies.Rell likely does not have knowledge ofMordekaiser. Her connection to the Iron Revenant was kept secret during production to enforce this speculation.Currently Morderkaiser has not given attention to Rell yet either.Rell could defeatMordekaiser'sphysical metal form, since he's not aware of her or her power, but he could just retreat to the death realm to reform, likely without a metal armor.While there is no concrete answer on whether Rell's power works onDemaciansteel, it can be inferred that should a Demacian group of soldiers try to fight Rell, they will fail miserably and swiftly.
• Rell's parents come from very different parts of Runeterra, making her biracial.Rell is half black.[5]
• Rell shapes her mount as a horse instead of a basilisk as a form of rebellion againstNoxus' military system.Rell's horse does not have a name. However, in theStar Guardianuniverse, Rell's horse is named "Sebastien". It is up to interpretation as to whether Rell's horse is named as such in other universes.
• Her armor is partly extracted from the ground, partly from other people's gear, so it sometimes has steel, pig iron, and various other alloys depending on what's available.
• Rell's power is largely not electromagnetic based. At the moment, it's unlikely that she is capable of pulling metal from inside others' bodies.
• Rell likely does not have knowledge ofMordekaiser. Her connection to the Iron Revenant was kept secret during production to enforce this speculation.Currently Morderkaiser has not given attention to Rell yet either.
• Rell could defeatMordekaiser'sphysical metal form, since he's not aware of her or her power, but he could just retreat to the death realm to reform, likely without a metal armor.
• While there is no concrete answer on whether Rell's power works onDemaciansteel, it can be inferred that should a Demacian group of soldiers try to fight Rell, they will fail miserably and swiftly.
• Rell is half black.[5]
• Rell's horse does not have a name. However, in theStar Guardianuniverse, Rell's horse is named "Sebastien". It is up to interpretation as to whether Rell's horse is named as such in other universes.
• Currently Morderkaiser has not given attention to Rell yet either.
Change log[]
See also[] | Name: Break the Mold, Description: Innate: Rell's basic attacks and abilities against non- minions reduce the target's armor and magic resistance by 2% for 5 seconds, refreshing on subsequent hits and stacking up to 5 times for a maximum of 10% reduction. Rell gains bonus armor and bonus magic resistance equal to the sum resistances reduced from all afflicted enemies. Break the Mold will reduce the target's armor and magic resistance by a minimum of 0. 8 − 2 (based on level) . Rell's attack windup is reduced 「 by 0% − 7. 14 % (based on level) . 」 「 to 0. 336 − 0. 312 (based on level) seconds (with 0% bonus attack speed). 」, {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputPassive', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'Not Blocked', 'parries': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'The attacks do not affectstructures.']} | Name: Shattering Strike, Description: Active: Rell thrusts her lance in the target direction, lunging forward 100 units and completely destroying damage-mitigating shields of enemies hit before dealing magic damage and stunning them for 0. 75 seconds. Magic Damage: 60 / 100 / 140 / 180 / 220 (+ 60% AP) Shattering Strike deals bonus damage against monsters . Bonus Monster Damage: 170 / 245 / 320 / 395 / 470 Total Monster Damage: 230 / 345 / 460 / 575 / 690 (+ 60% AP), {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputDirection', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'This ability will cast from wherever the caster is at the end of the cast time.', 'Rellislocked outof moving, attacking, and casting any other ability for 0.35seconds afterShattering Strikeis cast.']} | Name: Ferromancy: Crash Down, Description: Active: Rell becomes Dismounted and leaps to the target location over the cast time, granting herself a shield that lasts until destroyed or casting Ferromancy: Mount Up . Upon arrival, she deals magic damage to nearby enemies and knocks them up for 1 second. She will continue sliding forward another 320 units over 0. 5 seconds , though not through terrain, affecting further enemies along her path. Shield Strength: 15 / 40 / 65 / 90 / 110 (+ 12% of maximum health) Magic Damage: 60 / 90 / 120 / 150 / 180 (+ 60% AP) Ferromancy: Crash Down deals bonus damage against monsters . Bonus Monster Damage: 125 / 150 / 175 / 200 / 225 Total Monster Damage: 185 / 240 / 295 / 350 / 405 (+ 60% AP) While Rell is Dismounted , she can cast Ferromancy: Mount Up . Upon completing a Recall channel or respawning, Rell will automatically revert to Mounted form without casting the ability and reset Ferromancy: Mount Up's cooldown . This ability can be cast only while Rell is Mounted . Rell can cast Magnet Storm during the dash, and is not considered to be dismounted until after the leap ends. Ferromancy: Crash Down will cast at max range if cast beyond that. Link ▶️ "Armoring up!", {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputLocation', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'parries': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Ferromancy: Crash Down Details', 'Ferromancy: Mount Up Details', 'Rellslidesbetween 250 and 350 units in testing, depending on how far the spell was targeted. It is not known where this is intended.', 'IfRelldashes before a wall on the map, the slide will cover a shorter distance to the terrain over the same time, moving slower.PENDING FOR TEST:Interaction with player-made walls.', 'PENDING FOR TEST:Interaction with player-made walls.', 'The following table refers for interactions whileRellis dashing/in cast time:', 'Death', 'Rellwill always respawn and start the game as mounted.', 'The basic attack reset is not considered one forHail of Blades.', 'Rellcan use the empowered attack even whilegroundedorrooted.', "Thedashcan beknocked downbut the attack's effects will still be applied.", 'The movement speed reduction is a negative bonus, not aslow, and is thus not reduced byslow resist.', 'Displacement immunitywill not resist the application of thestun.', "If the target becomesuntargetable,dies, or is too far away or no longer insightduring the empowered attack's cast time, it is cancelled but not consumed.", 'Hide', 'Details', 'No additional details.', 'Hide', 'Details', 'This ability will cast from wherever the caster is at the end of the cast time.', 'Magnet Stormwillnotdrag units that are:Dashing.Being displaced (e.g. byairborneeffects or via abilities such asImpale).Attached.Displacement immune.Immune to crowd control.', 'Dashing.', 'Being displaced (e.g. byairborneeffects or via abilities such asImpale).', 'Attached.', 'Displacement immune.', 'Immune to crowd control.', 'Spell shieldwill block the initialpullbut not the dragging effect.', 'Magnet StormBug Fix:Casting the ability in combination withFerromancy: Crash Downno longer sometimes causes the kinematics drag effect ofMagnet Stormto interrupt enemy channeled abilities.', 'Bug Fix:Casting the ability in combination withFerromancy: Crash Downno longer sometimes causes the kinematics drag effect ofMagnet Stormto interrupt enemy channeled abilities.', 'Full TiltBonus movement speed reduced to 12 / 14 / 16 / 18 / 20% from 15 / 17.5/ 20 / 22.5/ 25%.Increased bonus movement speed reduced to 24 / 28 / 32 / 36 / 40% from 30 / 35 / 40 / 45 / 50%.', 'Bonus movement speed reduced to 12 / 14 / 16 / 18 / 20% from 15 / 17.5/ 20 / 22.5/ 25%.Increased bonus movement speed reduced to 24 / 28 / 32 / 36 / 40% from 30 / 35 / 40 / 45 / 50%.', 'Increased bonus movement speed reduced to 24 / 28 / 32 / 36 / 40% from 30 / 35 / 40 / 45 / 50%.', 'Break the MoldBug Fix:Shattering Strike,Ferromancy: Crash Down,Ferromancy: Mount Up, andMagnet Stormno longer apply the resistances reduction before their damage.', 'Bug Fix:Shattering Strike,Ferromancy: Crash Down,Ferromancy: Mount Up, andMagnet Stormno longer apply the resistances reduction before their damage.', 'Shattering StrikeBug Fix:Targeting direction now remains absolute during the cast.', 'Bug Fix:Targeting direction now remains absolute during the cast.', 'Ferromancy: Mount UpEmpowered attack dash speed has been increased.Bug Fix:Now properly applies the bonus damage to epic monsters at all times.Bug Fix:Empowered attack no longer sometimes fails to trigger against theRift Scuttler.Bug Fix:Empowered attack now properly deals its damage to monsters.', 'Empowered attack dash speed has been increased.', 'Bug Fix:Now properly applies the bonus damage to epic monsters at all times.', 'Bug Fix:Empowered attack no longer sometimes fails to trigger against theRift Scuttler.', 'Bug Fix:Empowered attack now properly deals its damage to monsters.', "Full TiltBug Fix:Now properly calculatesBreak the Mold'sresistances reduction for all stacks rather than excluding one of them.", "Bug Fix:Now properly calculatesBreak the Mold'sresistances reduction for all stacks rather than excluding one of them.", 'StatsBase armor reduced to 36 from 39.', 'Base armor reduced to 36 from 39.', 'Break the MoldResistance steal per stack reduced to 2% from 3%.Minimum resistance steal reduced to0.8− 2 (based on level)from1.25− 3 (based on level).', 'Resistance steal per stack reduced to 2% from 3%.', 'Minimum resistance steal reduced to0.8− 2 (based on level)from1.25− 3 (based on level).', 'StatsBase health regeneration reduced to 7.5from 8.5.Base magic resistance reduced to 30 from 32.Magic resistance growth reduced to 1.85from 2.05.', 'Base health regeneration reduced to 7.5from 8.5.', 'Base magic resistance reduced to 30 from 32.', 'Magic resistance growth reduced to 1.85from 2.05.', 'Shattering StrikeBonus monster damage increased to 170 / 245 / 320 / 395 / 470 from 150 / 220 / 290 / 360 / 430.', 'Bonus monster damage increased to 170 / 245 / 320 / 395 / 470 from 150 / 220 / 290 / 360 / 430.', 'Ferromancy: Crash DownBase shield reduced to 15 / 40 / 65 / 90 / 110 from 35 / 60 / 85 / 110 / 135.', 'Base shield reduced to 15 / 40 / 65 / 90 / 110 from 35 / 60 / 85 / 110 / 135.', 'Ferromancy: Mount UpBonus attack speed changed to 30% at all ranks from 15 / 20 / 25 / 30 / 35%.', 'Bonus attack speed changed to 30% at all ranks from 15 / 20 / 25 / 30 / 35%.', 'Full TiltBonus monster damage increased to 120 / 165 / 210 / 255 / 300 from 100 / 145 / 190 / 235 / 280.', 'Bonus monster damage increased to 120 / 165 / 210 / 255 / 300 from 100 / 145 / 190 / 235 / 280.', 'GeneralDefault adaptive force changed to ability power from attack damage.Bug Fix:Critical strike on-hit VFX now properly lines up with her weapon while dismounted.', 'Default adaptive force changed to ability power from attack damage.', 'Bug Fix:Critical strike on-hit VFX now properly lines up with her weapon while dismounted.', 'Break the MoldBug Fix:Can no longer extend passive stacks from the same target.', 'Bug Fix:Can no longer extend passive stacks from the same target.', 'Shattering StrikeCast time reduced to 0.4seconds from 0.5.Base damage reduced to 60 / 100 / 140 / 180 / 220 from 70 / 110 / 150 / 190 / 230.Damage against monsters reduced to 100% from 300%.New Effect:Now deals 150 / 220 / 290 / 360 / 430 bonus damage against monsters.Bug Fix:No longer changes its targeting direction from usingFlash.', 'Cast time reduced to 0.4seconds from 0.5.', 'Base damage reduced to 60 / 100 / 140 / 180 / 220 from 70 / 110 / 150 / 190 / 230.', 'Damage against monsters reduced to 100% from 300%.', 'New Effect:Now deals 150 / 220 / 290 / 360 / 430 bonus damage against monsters.', 'Bug Fix:No longer changes its targeting direction from usingFlash.', 'Ferromancy: Crash DownBase damage reduced to 60 / 90 / 120 / 150 / 180 from 70 / 100 / 130 / 160 / 190.Damage against monsters reduced to 100% from 300%.New Effect:Now deals 125 / 150 / 175 / 200 / 225 bonus damage against monsters.Bug Fix:Now properly functions even while affected by crowd control.Bug Fix:Several visual issues no longer occur from spawning as dismounted.Bug Fix:Can no longer skip the animation from castingFull Tilt.', 'Base damage reduced to 60 / 90 / 120 / 150 / 180 from 70 / 100 / 130 / 160 / 190.', 'Damage against monsters reduced to 100% from 300%.', 'New Effect:Now deals 125 / 150 / 175 / 200 / 225 bonus damage against monsters.', 'Bug Fix:Now properly functions even while affected by crowd control.', 'Bug Fix:Several visual issues no longer occur from spawning as dismounted.', 'Bug Fix:Can no longer skip the animation from castingFull Tilt.', 'Ferromancy: Mount UpDamage against monsters reduced to 100% from 300%.New Effect:Now deals 55 / 110 / 165 / 220 / 275 bonus damage against monsters.Bug Fix:Now properly functions even while affected by crowd control.', 'Damage against monsters reduced to 100% from 300%.', 'New Effect:Now deals 55 / 110 / 165 / 220 / 275 bonus damage against monsters.', 'Bug Fix:Now properly functions even while affected by crowd control.', "Full TiltBase damage reduced to 25 / 35 / 45 / 55 / 65 from 35 / 50 / 65 / 80 / 95.Health ratio reduced to3% of target'smaximumhealthfrom4%.New Effect:Health ratio is now capped at 150 against monsters.Damage against monsters reduced to 100% from 250%.New Effect:Now deals 100 / 145 / 190 / 235 / 280 bonus damage against monsters.Bug Fix:Now properly functions even while affected by crowd control.Bug Fix:No longer has animation issues during the cast.", 'Base damage reduced to 25 / 35 / 45 / 55 / 65 from 35 / 50 / 65 / 80 / 95.', "Health ratio reduced to3% of target'smaximumhealthfrom4%.", 'New Effect:Health ratio is now capped at 150 against monsters.', 'Damage against monsters reduced to 100% from 250%.', 'New Effect:Now deals 100 / 145 / 190 / 235 / 280 bonus damage against monsters.', 'Bug Fix:Now properly functions even while affected by crowd control.', 'Bug Fix:No longer has animation issues during the cast.', 'StatsBase health regeneration increased to 8.5from 7.Health regeneration growth increased to 0.85from 0.55.Base armor increased to 39 from 32.Armor growth increased to 4.2from 3.Magic resistance growth increased to 2.05from 1.', 'Base health regeneration increased to 8.5from 7.', 'Health regeneration growth increased to 0.85from 0.55.', 'Base armor increased to 39 from 32.', 'Armor growth increased to 4.2from 3.', 'Magic resistance growth increased to 2.05from 1.', 'Break the MoldResistance steal per stack increased to 3% from 2.5%.', 'Resistance steal per stack increased to 3% from 2.5%.', 'Shattering StrikeBase damage increased to 70 / 110 / 150 / 190 / 230 from 60 / 95 / 130 / 165 / 200.AP ratio increased to60% APfrom50% AP.Damage against monsters increased to 300% from 250%.', 'Base damage increased to 70 / 110 / 150 / 190 / 230 from 60 / 95 / 130 / 165 / 200.', 'AP ratio increased to60% APfrom50% AP.', 'Damage against monsters increased to 300% from 250%.', 'Ferromancy: Crash DownBase shield increased to 35 / 60 / 85 / 110 / 135 from 30 / 55 / 80 / 105 / 130.Shield health ratio increased to12%maximumhealthfrom10%.Knock up duration increased to 1 second from 0.75.Damage against monsters increased to 300% from 250%.', 'Base shield increased to 35 / 60 / 85 / 110 / 135 from 30 / 55 / 80 / 105 / 130.', 'Shield health ratio increased to12%maximumhealthfrom10%.', 'Knock up duration increased to 1 second from 0.75.', 'Damage against monsters increased to 300% from 250%.', 'Ferromancy: Mount UpSelf-slow reduced to 10% from 15%.Damage against monsters increased to 300% from 250%.', 'Self-slow reduced to 10% from 15%.', 'Damage against monsters increased to 300% from 250%.', "Full TiltBase damage increased to 35 / 50 / 65 / 80 / 95 from 25 / 35 / 45 / 55 / 65.AP ratio increased to50% APfrom30% AP.Health ratio increased to4% of target'smaximumhealthat all ranks from2 / 2.5/ 3 / 3.5/ 4%.", 'Base damage increased to 35 / 50 / 65 / 80 / 95 from 25 / 35 / 45 / 55 / 65.', 'AP ratio increased to50% APfrom30% AP.', "Health ratio increased to4% of target'smaximumhealthat all ranks from2 / 2.5/ 3 / 3.5/ 4%.", 'GeneralUpdated ability icons.Bug Fix:Walk animation no longer freezes when continuously transitioning from the walk animation to the idle animation.', 'Updated ability icons.', 'Bug Fix:Walk animation no longer freezes when continuously transitioning from the walk animation to the idle animation.', 'StatsBase attack speed increased to 0.625from 0.55.Attack speed ratio increased to 0.625from 0.55.Attack speed growth reduced to 1.5% from 2%.Armor growth reduced to 3 from 4.2.Magic resistance growth reduced to 1 from 2.05.Base movement speed reduced to 330 from 335.', 'Base attack speed increased to 0.625from 0.55.', 'Attack speed ratio increased to 0.625from 0.55.', 'Attack speed growth reduced to 1.5% from 2%.', 'Armor growth reduced to 3 from 4.2.', 'Magic resistance growth reduced to 1 from 2.05.', 'Base movement speed reduced to 330 from 335.', "Break the MoldResistance steal reduced to 2.5% from 10%.Minimum resistance reduction reduced to1.25− 3 (based on level)from5 − 12 (based on level).Duration increased to 5 seconds from 4.Removed:No longer steals0.5/ 1.25/ 2 (based on level)resistances from minions.New Effect:Resistance steal now stacks up to 5 times per target.New Effect:Abilities now apply one stack per target.New Effect:Gained resistances remain for the full duration even if a target dies.Removed:No longer deals8 − 16 (based on level)bonusmagic damage on-hit andBreak the Mold'sbonusdamage is increased equal to the sum resistances reduced from the target.Removed:Damaging a new enemy champion no longer refreshes duration on all targets.", 'Resistance steal reduced to 2.5% from 10%.', 'Minimum resistance reduction reduced to1.25− 3 (based on level)from5 − 12 (based on level).', 'Duration increased to 5 seconds from 4.', 'Removed:No longer steals0.5/ 1.25/ 2 (based on level)resistances from minions.', 'New Effect:Resistance steal now stacks up to 5 times per target.', 'New Effect:Abilities now apply one stack per target.', 'New Effect:Gained resistances remain for the full duration even if a target dies.', "Removed:No longer deals8 − 16 (based on level)bonusmagic damage on-hit andBreak the Mold'sbonusdamage is increased equal to the sum resistances reduced from the target.", 'Removed:Damaging a new enemy champion no longer refreshes duration on all targets.', 'Shattering StrikeBase damage reduced to 60 / 95 / 130 / 165 / 200 from 70 / 115 / 160 / 205 / 250.Damage against monsters increased to 250% from 100%.Cast time increased to 0.5seconds from 0.35.Forward range reduced to 520 units from 685.Backward range increased to 220 units from 150.Cooldown increased to 11 / 10.5/ 10 / 9.5/ 9 seconds from 9 / 8 / 7 / 6 / 5.New Effect:Now stuns targets hit for 0.75seconds.New Effect:Nowlungesforward 100 units when casting.Does not count as a movement spell.Removed:Damage is no longer reduced to 50% against targets beyond the first.Removed:No longer heals herself or an ally tethered withAttract and Repelfor 10 / 15 / 20 / 25 / 30(+ 30% AP)(+ 4% ofmissinghealth)per champion hit.', 'Base damage reduced to 60 / 95 / 130 / 165 / 200 from 70 / 115 / 160 / 205 / 250.', 'Damage against monsters increased to 250% from 100%.', 'Cast time increased to 0.5seconds from 0.35.', 'Forward range reduced to 520 units from 685.', 'Backward range increased to 220 units from 150.', 'Cooldown increased to 11 / 10.5/ 10 / 9.5/ 9 seconds from 9 / 8 / 7 / 6 / 5.', 'New Effect:Now stuns targets hit for 0.75seconds.', 'New Effect:Nowlungesforward 100 units when casting.Does not count as a movement spell.', 'Does not count as a movement spell.', 'Removed:Damage is no longer reduced to 50% against targets beyond the first.', 'Removed:No longer heals herself or an ally tethered withAttract and Repelfor 10 / 15 / 20 / 25 / 30(+ 30% AP)(+ 4% ofmissinghealth)per champion hit.', 'Ferromancy: Crash DownRemoved:WhileRellisMounted, no longer gains5% − 15% (based on level)bonusmovement speed, which is only20% − 40% (based on level)as effective for 3 seconds when she takes damage from non-minionsand is removed for 4 seconds when she becomesimmobilizedorpolymorphed.Damage against monsters increased to 250% from 100%.Base damage reduced to 70 / 100 / 130 / 160 / 190 from 70 / 105 / 140 / 175 / 210.Base shield reduced to 30 / 55 / 80 / 105 / 130 from 35 / 60 / 85 / 110 / 135.Shield health ratio reduced to10%maximumhealthfrom12%.Slide distance reduced to 320 units from 375.Effect radius reduced to 180 units from 200.Dash range reduced to 400 units from 500.Knock up duration reduced to 0.75seconds from 1.', 'Removed:WhileRellisMounted, no longer gains5% − 15% (based on level)bonusmovement speed, which is only20% − 40% (based on level)as effective for 3 seconds when she takes damage from non-minionsand is removed for 4 seconds when she becomesimmobilizedorpolymorphed.', 'Damage against monsters increased to 250% from 100%.', 'Base damage reduced to 70 / 100 / 130 / 160 / 190 from 70 / 105 / 140 / 175 / 210.', 'Base shield reduced to 30 / 55 / 80 / 105 / 130 from 35 / 60 / 85 / 110 / 135.', 'Shield health ratio reduced to10%maximumhealthfrom12%.', 'Slide distance reduced to 320 units from 375.', 'Effect radius reduced to 180 units from 200.', 'Dash range reduced to 400 units from 500.', 'Knock up duration reduced to 0.75seconds from 1.', 'Ferromancy: Mount UpNew Effect:Now passively grants her15 / 20 / 25 / 30 / 35%bonusattack speedand 75bonusattack range while dismounted.New Effect:Now reduces her movement speed by 15% while dismounted.Bonus resistances increased to 12% from 10%.Removed:Base movement speed is no longer modified to 280 while dismounted.Removed:Movement speed is no longer capped at290 − 400 (based on level)while dismounted.Damage against monsters increased to 250% from 100%.New Effect:Active now grants 30%bonusmovement speed decaying over 2 seconds.Removed:Active no longer grants 15%bonusmovement speed for 3.5seconds, increased to 25 / 30 / 35 / 40 / 45% while moving towards enemychampions.', 'New Effect:Now passively grants her15 / 20 / 25 / 30 / 35%bonusattack speedand 75bonusattack range while dismounted.', 'New Effect:Now reduces her movement speed by 15% while dismounted.', 'Bonus resistances increased to 12% from 10%.', 'Removed:Base movement speed is no longer modified to 280 while dismounted.', 'Removed:Movement speed is no longer capped at290 − 400 (based on level)while dismounted.', 'Damage against monsters increased to 250% from 100%.', 'New Effect:Active now grants 30%bonusmovement speed decaying over 2 seconds.', 'Removed:Active no longer grants 15%bonusmovement speed for 3.5seconds, increased to 25 / 30 / 35 / 40 / 45% while moving towards enemychampions.', "Full Tilt- New ECost:40 mana.Cooldown:15 seconds.Range:1200 units.Passive - Mounted Alacrity:Rellgains5 − 50 (based on level)bonusmovement speed, reduced to 50% effectiveness while in combat.Active:Rellpowers up herself and the target allied champion for 3 seconds, both gainingbonusmovement speed that ramps up to 15 / 17.5/ 20 / 22.5/ 25% over the first 2 seconds, doubled to 30 / 35 / 40 / 45 / 50% while moving towards enemies or an empowered ally within 1200 units. Additionally,Rell'snext basic attack orShattering Strikewithin 5 seconds creates an explosion in a 300 unit radius, dealing 25 / 35 / 45 / 55 / 65(+ 30% AP)(+ 2 / 2.5/ 3 / 3.5/ 4% of target'smaximumhealth)magic damage, increased to 250% against monsters.", 'Cost:40 mana.', 'Cooldown:15 seconds.', 'Range:1200 units.', 'Passive - Mounted Alacrity:Rellgains5 − 50 (based on level)bonusmovement speed, reduced to 50% effectiveness while in combat.', "Active:Rellpowers up herself and the target allied champion for 3 seconds, both gainingbonusmovement speed that ramps up to 15 / 17.5/ 20 / 22.5/ 25% over the first 2 seconds, doubled to 30 / 35 / 40 / 45 / 50% while moving towards enemies or an empowered ally within 1200 units. Additionally,Rell'snext basic attack orShattering Strikewithin 5 seconds creates an explosion in a 300 unit radius, dealing 25 / 35 / 45 / 55 / 65(+ 30% AP)(+ 2 / 2.5/ 3 / 3.5/ 4% of target'smaximumhealth)magic damage, increased to 250% against monsters.", "Rell's lance is featured in thepromotional artfor Preseason 2021 Mythic Forge as a reveal teaser.", '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', 'Ao Shin', 'Avasha', 'Averdrian', 'CeeCee', 'Cyborg Cowboy', 'Eagle Rider', 'Gavid', 'Husk', 'Iron Engineer', 'Ivan', 'Omen', 'Priscilla', 'Rob Blackblade', 'Seth', 'Tabu', 'Tiki', 'Urf', 'Well', "↑Rell's profile"]} | Name: Full Tilt, Description: Passive - Mounted Alacrity: Rell gains 5 − 50 (based on level) bonus movement speed , reduced 「 by 50% 」 「 to 2. 5 − 25 (based on level) 」 while in combat. Active: Rell powers up herself and the target allied champion for 3 seconds, both gaining bonus movement speed that ramps up from 50% of its initial value over the first 2 seconds. The movement speed is increased while moving within 1200 units of the empowered ally or an enemy. Initial Bonus Movement Speed: 6 / 7. 5 / 9 / 10. 5 / 12% Initial Increased Bonus Movement Speed: 12 / 15 / 18 / 21 / 24% Bonus Movement Speed: 12 / 15 / 18 / 21 / 24% Increased Bonus Movement Speed: 24 / 30 / 36 / 42 / 48% Additionally, Rell's next basic attack or Shattering Strike within 5 seconds creates an explosion that deals bonus magic damage . The damage based on the target's health ratio is capped at 150 against monsters. Bonus Magic Damage: 25 / 35 / 45 / 55 / 65 (+ 50% AP) (+ 3% of target's maximum health) Full Tilt deals bonus damage against monsters . Bonus Monster Damage: 120 / 165 / 210 / 255 / 300 Total Monster Damage: 145 / 200 / 255 / 310 / 365 (+ 50% AP) (+ 3% of target's maximum health) If cast without a valid target, or self-cast , Full Tilt will automatically target the closest allied champion in range., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputUnit/Auto', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'No additional details.']} | Name: Magnet Storm, Description: Active: Rell erupts with magnetic fury, pulling nearby enemies inward . She then creates a gravitational field around her for the next 2 seconds that deals magic damage every 0. 25 seconds to nearby enemies and drags them towards her. Magic Damage Per Tick: 15 / 25 / 35 (+ 13. 75 % AP) Total Magic Damage: 120 / 200 / 280 (+ 110% AP) Link ▶️ "Nobody leaves!", {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputAuto', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'See Notes', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'This ability will cast from wherever the caster is at the end of the cast time.', 'Magnet Stormwillnotdrag units that are:Dashing.Being displaced (e.g. byairborneeffects or via abilities such asImpale).Attached.Displacement immune.Immune to crowd control.', 'Dashing.', 'Being displaced (e.g. byairborneeffects or via abilities such asImpale).', 'Attached.', 'Displacement immune.', 'Immune to crowd control.', 'Spell shieldwill block the initialpullbut not the dragging effect.']} | Rell's lance is featured in thepromotional artfor Preseason 2021 Mythic Forge as a reveal teaser. |
Renata Glasc,the Chem-Baroness,Renata | | | health: Health545+94, resource: Mana350+50, health regen: Health regen. (per 5s)5.5+0.55, resource regen: Mana regen. (per 5s)11.5+0.5, armor: Armor27+4.7, attack damage: Attack damage49+3, attack speed: Base AS0.625, gameplay radius: Gameplay radius65, selection radius: Selection radius100, release: 2022-02-17, changed: V13.22, role: Enchanter, position: Support, rangetype: Ranged, adaptivetype: Magic, cost: 6300|975 | Games
Renata GlascMainUnmaskedTitlesReal nameRenata GlascAlias(es)The Chem-BaronessCharacteristicsSpeciesHuman(Chemically Altered)Pronoun(s)She/HerTimelineBorn:946 AN - 951 ANWeapon(s)Chemtech FormulaHandgunChemtech-Augmented Prosthetic ArmChemtech DecanterPersonal statusStatusAlivePlace of originZaunCurrent residenceZaunFamilyUnnamed Father†Unnamed Mother†Professional statusOccupation(s)Chem-BaronessFounder of Glasc IndustriesRegion(s)ZaunFaction(s)Glasc IndustriesRelated character(s)CamilleViktorEkkoSamiraZeri
Renata Glasc
• Main
• Unmasked
Real name
• The Chem-Baroness
• Born:946 AN - 951 AN
• Chemtech Formula
• Handgun
• Chemtech-Augmented Prosthetic Arm
• Chemtech Decanter
Personal status
Place of origin
Current residence
• Unnamed Father†
• Unnamed Mother†
Professional status
• Chem-Baroness
• Founder of Glasc Industries
Related character(s)
Renata Glasc rose from the ashes of her childhood home with nothing but her name and her parents’ alchemical research. In the decades since, she has becomeZaun’swealthiest chem-baron, a business magnate who built her power by tying everyone’s interests to her own. Work with her, and be rewarded beyond measure. Work against her, and live to regret it. But everyone comes to her side, eventually.
• 1Background1.1Early Life
• 2Appearance
• 3Personality
• 4Abilities
• 5Relations5.1Unnamed Parents5.2Camille5.3Viktor5.4Ekko5.5Samira5.6Wencher Spindlaw5.7Zeri5.8Elodat's Family
• 6Read More6.1Biography6.2Starring Champion6.3Mentioned Champion
• 7Trivia
• 8Change log
• 9References
• 10See also
• 1.1Early Life
• 5.1Unnamed Parents
• 5.2Camille
• 5.3Viktor
• 5.4Ekko
• 5.5Samira
• 5.6Wencher Spindlaw
• 5.7Zeri
• 5.8Elodat's Family
• 6.1Biography
• 6.2Starring Champion
• 6.3Mentioned Champion
Early Life[]
Renata was born in the city of Zaun, her parents were brilliant alchemists who used their knowledge to make medicine, but they had a big heart that even rejected the money they were given, Renata got used to going to bed hungry because of it.
When she was old enough Renata was finally able to join the family business, but she was not as skilled in alchemy as her parents were, but her ambition prompted her to start charging higher class Zaunites.
He proudly gave the money he had earned to his parents, but instead of using it to live more comfortably, they used it to finance research into a new medicine that could prolong life.In Piltover, the leaders of the most powerful clans found out about the Glasc family's experiments and, not wanting a threat, they paid some vigilantes to kill them.
That same night Renata woke up suddenly to the screams of pain and fear from her parents, because they had set fire to their house around her. Renata tried to save them but lost an arm in the process.When the fire was extinguished, Renata was the only survivor, with only her parents' investigation in her hand.
Renata Glasc is a middle aged, lean, and brown skinned woman. Her hair is black with strains of grey showing. Her eye colors are chemically altered and have a pink and purple hue. Her most notable features are her breather mask that she often wears and an elegantly designed chemtech-augmented left arm infused withchemicals. She wears an expensive white suit, with many intricate patterns and accessories.
Renata Glasc is a cunning and ruthless woman, determinated to achieve her goals no matter what, having build her convictions on her past and doing anything to achieve her goals. Having survived the brutality of Zaun's streets, Renata decided to never again be put down.
Unlike other chembarons, Renata prefers to avoid violence, and instead resorts to manipulation, convincing others to do her bidding and satisfy her desires by tying their interest together, thus putting them in debt towards her. To manipulate the masses, she oftens feigns benevolence, taking advantage of crisis and tragedies to make herself a savior.
The trauma from her loss has made her deeply resentful of the idea of charity, deeming it foolish. She has a particular hatred towardsJannafor not helping her family when she was young.
• Alchemist:While not as skilled as her parents, Renata has proven to be a talented alchemist in her own way. She was able to synthesize perfume concoctions from various chemicals with desired side-effects.
• Entrepreneurship:Renata is a talented businesswoman, able to make secure lucrative deals in both Piltover and Zaun. She amasses considerable wealth through her business ventures, including her perfume company, Glasc Industries.
• Gun Proficiency:Renata is sometimes seen using a pistol which she has holstered on her whenever she ventures out in Zaun.
• Leader:Renata is a competent leader. Feared and respected amongst Zaunites, she would do whatever was necessary to ensure her visions came to pass.
Unnamed Parents[]
Renata held a grudge towards her parents for leaving the family in poverty when she was young. After they died, she looked down on her parents' methods of charity and dedicated herself to becoming successful to prove them wrong. However, underneath she still genuinely loves her parents and laments their deaths, wanting revenge on the ones which were involved.
Camille was among the Piltovan nobles responsible for the deaths of Renata's parents in 967 AN.
After being expelled from the University of Piltover and returning back to Zaun, Renata would be responsible for funding Viktor's augment research.
Ekko's parents, Wyeth and Inna, were forced to work in terrible working conditions under Renata's orders.
Renata funded the gunsmiths responsible for selling Samira her guns.
Wencher Spindlaw[]
Renata with her cunning was able to turn Chem-Baron Spindlaw to her side to do her dirty work.
Zeri is a frequent nuisance to Renata, often sabotaging her operations throughout Zaun.
Elodat's Family[]
Elodat began working for Renata since she was twelve, and since then became one of Renata's most reliable devisers, with her providing Elodat's family with funds and jobs. After Renata demonstrated her Decanter in the Vesella Novelty Gala, she let Elodat visit her family after the demonstration.[1]She also had no problem with Elodat's brother having a same-sex relationship with his male fiancé.[2]
Read More
The Chem-Baroness
ByDana Luery Shaw
Starring:Renata Glasc
Starring Champion
Short Story
Right On Time
ByDana Luery Shaw
Renata Glasc’s heels click angrily against the marble floors on her way to the front door.
Starring:Renata Glasc
Mentioned Champion
ByDouble Stallion Games
Rewind the Past, Control the Future - Explore and traverse through the spectacular city of Zaun as Ekko, a young inventor with an ingenious device to manipulate time, in this story-driven action platformer. Play as a young Ekko and realize the full potential of one of League’s fan-favorite Champions.
Starring:Aximander,Camille,Chadd,Corin Reveck,Corina Veraza,Drake Poingdestre,Ekko,Elie,Inna,Jinx,Lem,Red,Rungs,Vale Poingdestre,Warwick,Wyeth,Zarkon Poingdestre
Mentioned:Ashlesh,Azir,Blitzcrank,Darius,Dr. Mundo,Eramis,Evil Kay,Farron,Fiddlesticks,Janna,Jayce,Kay,Nasus,Orianna,Renata Glasc,Seraphine,Shomi,Singed,Twitch,Urgot,Vi,Viktor,Zac,Zeri,Ziggs
Short Story
The Unexpected Spark
ByMichael Luo
"I can’t accept this,"
Mentioned:Inna,Renata Glasc,Wyeth
• Renata Glasc utilizes a variety of chemicals developed by her parents as opposed to shimmer.[3]
• Her name is Latin in origin and means Reborn (Renatus is the original latin name).[4]
• Zaun'sfaction icon is based on the Glasc family crest.[5]
• Renata Glasc'sand her position in theRuneterra Primeuniverse bear a striking resemblance toSilco'sand his position in theArcaneuniverse. Both are the main rulers of their cities who result in brutal measures to achieve their goals of toppling the supremacy and dependency of Piltover. In fact, Silco served as inspiration for Renata.[6]While Silco is seen to useshimmer, the name of Renata's purple substance was never mentioned.
• While Silco is seen to useshimmer, the name of Renata's purple substance was never mentioned.
Change log[]
See also[] | Name: Leverage, Description: Innate: Renata's basic attacks are empowered to apply a mark that lasts 6 seconds, refreshes on subsequent hits and expires when attacking a new enemy. If the enemy was unmarked, the attack also deals bonus magic damage equal to 1% − 2% (based on level) (+ 2% per 100 AP) of the target's maximum health . Allied champions' damaging attacks and abilities against a marked target will consume the mark to deal additional bonus magic damage equal to 1% − 2% (based on level) (+ 2% per 100 AP) of the target's maximum health . Leverage's damage is capped at 150 against monsters ., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputPassive', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'See Notes', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', "Spell shieldwill not block the mark's application.PENDING FOR TEST:: Interaction with mark consumption", 'PENDING FOR TEST:: Interaction with mark consumption']} | Name: Handshake, Description: Active: Renata fires a hook in the target direction that deals magic damage to the first enemy hit and roots them for 1 second, during which they are revealed . If the root was applied, Renata forms a tether between her and the target for the same duration, causing Renata to become unable to declare attacks and have her movement speed reduced by 30% . Magic Damage: 80 / 125 / 170 / 215 / 260 (+ 80% AP) Handshake can be recast while the tether is active. Recast: Renata breaks the tether to knock the target in the target direction, though not through terrain, dealing the same damage to enemies they pass through. If the thrown target is a champion , all secondary targets hit are stunned for 0. 5 seconds., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputDirection', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'See Notes', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Appliesspell damageto the primary target andarea damageto secondary targets.', "Handshake'sinteraction between its tether and root:If the root is not applied, neither is the tether.The tether's duration lasts the same as the root duration, even if it is modified bytenacity.If the root is removed, the tether is as well, but not vice versa.", 'If the root is not applied, neither is the tether.', "The tether's duration lasts the same as the root duration, even if it is modified bytenacity.", 'If the root is removed, the tether is as well, but not vice versa.', "Spell shieldwill block the hook but not the recast's effects as the primary target.As a secondary target, the recast's effects will be blocked.", "As a secondary target, the recast's effects will be blocked.", 'Renatamay still move while the hook is in flight.Her facing direction is locked towards the target direction of the hook.', 'Her facing direction is locked towards the target direction of the hook.', "While the target is hooked,Renata'sfacing direction is considered to be in their direction and not in the one she is moving.", 'Themovement speedreduction stacks additively with othermovement speedbonuses.It is a negative bonus, not aslow, and is thus not reduced byslow resist.', 'It is a negative bonus, not aslow, and is thus not reduced byslow resist.', 'This ability will cast from wherever the caster is at the start of the cast time.']} | Name: Bailout, Description: Active: Renata infuses herself or the target allied champion with a chemtech formula for 5 seconds, granting the target bonus attack speed in addition to bonus movement speed while they are facing nearby visible enemy champions and minions, both increasing in effectiveness by 100% over the duration. Bailout's duration resets whenever the target scores a takedown against an enemy champion within 6 seconds of damaging them. Bonus Attack Speed: 10 / 15 / 20 / 25 / 30% (+ 1% per 100 AP) Maximum Bonus Attack Speed: 20 / 30 / 40 / 50 / 60% (+ 2% per 100 AP) Bonus Movement Speed: 10 / 12. 5 / 15 / 17. 5 / 20% (+ 1% per 100 AP) Maximum Bonus Movement Speed: 20 / 25 / 30 / 35 / 40% (+ 2% per 100 AP) If the target takes fatal damage while Bailout is active, they are restored to 100% of their maximum health but suffer a true damage burn equal to 10% of their maximum health every 0. 264 seconds until they die from reaching 0 health, during which Bailout's duration resets every 0. 25 seconds. This effect may occur only once per application of Bailout while the target already has the buff and is not burning. During this time, if they score a takedown against an enemy champion within 6 seconds of damaging them, the burn is stopped prematurely and their current health is set to 20% of their maximum health . " Fight or die! " Link ▶️ "Prove your worth!", {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputUnit', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', "Damage taken in excess of the fatal damage taken does not apply to the target's health after it was restored.", "The self-damage taken is consideredraw damageand is calculated based on the target'smaximumhealth at the time of taking lethal damage.", "Bailout'sbonuses will not reset in effectiveness if its duration is refreshed.", 'Bailouttakes priority over allresurrectionandzombie stateeffects.', 'Bailoutwill stop refreshing its duration while the target is burning after 250 seconds have elapsed.', 'Bailoutcannot be used onclonesnorzombie stateunits.', 'If the target takes fatal damage duringBailout, upon destroying a turret while being targeted by it, they will receive their own shutdown instead of being executed.(bug)The target will only receive the bonus gold and will gain a kill on the leaderboard.', 'The target will only receive the bonus gold and will gain a kill on the leaderboard.']} | Name: Loyalty Program, Description: Active: Renata sends out chemtech rockets from either side of her that instantly strike targets around her. After 0. 429 seconds they converge and travel to the target location as a single missile, striking targets along its path and exploding upon reaching the target location. Renata and allies struck are granted a shield for 3 seconds and enemies struck are dealt magic damage and slowed by 30% for 2 seconds. Magic Damage: 65 / 95 / 125 / 155 / 185 (+ 55% AP) Shield Strength: 50 / 65 / 80 / 95 / 110 (+ 50% AP) Loyalty Program will cast at max range if cast beyond that., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputLocation', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'See Notes', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Spell shieldwill block either the rockets while they are in-flight or their explosion.', 'This ability will cast from wherever the caster is at the start of the cast time.']} | Name: Hostile Takeover, Description: Active: Renata launches a cloud of potent chemicals that travels in the target direction, granting sight of its surroundings. Enemy champions and minions hit become berserk for a duration. Berserk Duration: 1. 25 / 1. 75 / 2. 25 Berserked units gain 100% bonus attack speed and 25% increased size . Within their targeting radius, they prioritize attacking the closest unit by the following categories in descending order: Their allied champions Allied non-champions Allied wards Enemy units (including monsters ) Link ▶️ "You work for me now!", {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputDirection', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Tips & Tricks', 'This ability will cast from wherever the caster is at the end of the cast time.', 'Typically, any enemies killed that directly result fromBerserkare credited toRenata Glasc.', 'Berserkedenemies that useSmiteto execute monsters will gain kill credit, notRenata.']} | All of Renata's abilities are references to real-world financial terms.Leveragedfinance is the use of an above-normal amount of debt, as opposed to equity or cash, to finance the purchase of investment assets.Handshakeis the famous accordance social act between two negotiators.Bailoutis when a business, an individual, or a government provides money and/or resources (also known as a capital injection) to a failing company.Loyalty Programis a marketing strategy designed to encourage customers to continue to shop at or use the services of a business associated with the program.Hostile Takeoveroccurs when an acquiring company attempts to take over a target company against the wishes of the target company's management. |
Renekton,the Butcher of the Sands | | | health: Health660+111, resource: ResourceN/A, health regen: Health regen. (per 5s)8+0.75, resource regen: Secondary BarFury(100), armor: Armor35+5.2, attack damage: Attack damage69+4.15, attack speed: Base AS0.665, gameplay radius: Gameplay radius80, selection radius: Selection radius125, release: 2011-01-18, changed: V13.19, role: Diver, position: TopMiddle, rangetype: Melee, adaptivetype: Physical, cost: 4800|880 | Games
RenektonTitlesAlias(es)The Butcher of the SandsGatekeeper of ShurimaCaptain RenektonCharacteristicsSpeciesGod-WarriorHumanPronoun(s)He/HimTimelineBorn:2900 BN - 2800 BNWeapon(s)Crescent AxeBlood MagicPersonal statusStatusAlivePlace of originShurima City,Shurima(Ancient Times)Current residenceSai,ShurimaFamilyNasus(Brother)Professional statusOccupation(s)ButcherWarriorAscended HeroGeneralGuardianWar-CaptainRegion(s)ShurimaRelated character(s)NasusAatroxRhaastVarusJaxAzirXerathCassiopeiaSivir
• The Butcher of the Sands
• Gatekeeper of Shurima
• Captain Renekton
• God-Warrior
• Human
• Born:2900 BN - 2800 BN
Blood Magic
Personal status
Place of origin
Current residence
Professional status
• Butcher
• Warrior
• Ascended Hero
• General
• Guardian
• War-Captain
Related character(s)
Renektonis a terrifying,rage-fueledAscendedbeing from the scorched deserts ofShurima. Once, he was his empire's most esteemed warrior, leading the armies of Shurima to countless victories. However, after the empire'sfall, Renekton was entombed beneath the sands, and slowly, as the world turned and changed, he succumbed to insanity. Now free once more, he is utterly consumed with finding and killing his brother,Nasus, who he blames, in his madness, for the centuries he spent in darkness.
• 1Background1.1Early childhood - early Adulthood1.2Shuriman Army1.3Post assentation1.4Greatest sacrifice1.5Time in the tomb of the Emperor's1.6Returning to the surface1.7With teeth1.8Empire of ascended
• 2Appearance
• 3Personality
• 4Abilities
• 5Relations5.1Nasus5.2Azir5.3Xerath5.4Sivir5.5Darkin
• 6Read More6.1Biography6.2Starring Champion6.3Mentioned Champion6.4Alternate Universes
• 7Trivia
• 8Change log
• 9References
• 10See also
• 1.1Early childhood - early Adulthood
• 1.2Shuriman Army
• 1.3Post assentation
• 1.4Greatest sacrifice
• 1.5Time in the tomb of the Emperor's
• 1.6Returning to the surface
• 1.7With teeth
• 1.8Empire of ascended
• 5.1Nasus
• 5.2Azir
• 5.3Xerath
• 5.4Sivir
• 5.5Darkin
• 6.1Biography
• 6.2Starring Champion
• 6.3Mentioned Champion
• 6.4Alternate Universes
Early childhood - early Adulthood[]
As a child, Renekton was a fearless fighter, often engaging in street fights out of pride and enjoyment. Although his older brotherNasusdisapproved of his behavior, Renekton continued to fight and fight, completely ignoring his brother's thoughts.
Later on in life, when Nasus left to join the prestigious Collegium of the Sun, he concerned about his brother getting killed by the fights he constantly getting himself into with them grew bigger as days passed. Eventually, he was able to help him enter into the shuriman army, though he was underage.
Shuriman Army[]
In the army, Renekton found a new purpose and fought in numerous battles with the help of his brute strength and Nasus's strategic planning, including in the battle ofZurettawhere he single handedly fought 1 to 10 and won, successfully held off until Nasus and his reinforcements intervened. He earned the title of Gatekeeper of Shurima after the act.
As he serves the army for many decades, he earned a reputation for himself, with the aiming to be stronger than any other living entities and even outpower theGod-Warriors, but inside that battle-scarred body lies a caring heart and a place for his brother Nasus. When he learned of his brother's impending death due to a curse, he immediately rushed toThe Sun Disc, where Nasus lay barely alive. To save his brother's life, Renekton carried him up the stairs of The Sun Disc, knowing that the process would likely obliterate him. Despite his unworthiness thoughts, Renekton's sacrifice led to the ascension of both brothers, with Renekton becoming a powerful crocodile.
Post assentation[]
With his new powers, Renekton continued to lead the Shuriman army to victory for centuries, becoming an unstoppable force topping the power of his old-self, following Shurima's footsteps in every victorious battle. Though as the centuries went on, many believe his mortality was lost when he stepped into the light.
WhenNashramaewas captured and put under the law of Shurima, the crocodile beast went rampage and destroyed the grand library, completely annihilated it during the siege of the place. Nasus, hearing this, arrived at the scene to confront Renekton, causing his bloodlust dissipated under his brother's stern gaze and he turned away in shame.
Greatest sacrifice[]
During the battle ofIcathia, Renekton fought alongsideAatrox,Nasus, and several other Ascended beings. However, things took a turn for the worse when theVoidwas unleashed during the battle , inflicting the dangerousVoidbornupon them.
Around the same time,Azir's ascension was sabotaged byXerath, who killed him and stole his power. When the brothers learned of this, they hurried back to the capital. However, upon their return a few days later, Xerath had absorbed so much energy that he had become nothing but solid energy himself, making him the most dangerous[1]Baccaiever unleashed.
In an effort to contain Xerath's power, the brothers managed to trap him within a sarcophagus but it wasn't easy-Xerath retaliates; it took a while for the duos to force him down the tomb of the empire's. Renekton then ordered Nasus to seal the tomb, knowing that he himself would be trapped there with Xerath for eternity. With a heavy heart, Nasus carried out Renekton's order and sealed the tomb, leaving the two trapped in the darkness forever.
Time in the tomb of the Emperor's[]
Trapped within the tomb, Renekton continued to battle Xerath in the darkness. However, as centuries passed, the isolation and the unending battle took a toll on Renekton's mind and willpower, causing him to slowly lose his grip on sanity. Xerath, taking advantage of Renekton's weakened state, began to poison his mind and twist his thoughts.
Renekton soon became convinced that Nasus, his own brother, had been jealous of his power and had taken pleasure in locking him in the tomb with Xerath. This delusion only served to fuel Renekton's anger and despair, leading him to lash out at Nasus whenever he thought of him.
Returning to the surface[]
In the year 989 AN,Sivir, a treasure hunter hired byCassiopeia, ventured into the tomb in search of riches. However, Cassiopeia betrayed Sivir and inadvertently released both Renekton and Xerath from their imprisonment.
Upon his release, Renekton, driven by the scent of his brother, immediately set out to find Nasus. However, he soon discovered that the world he knew eons ago had changed drastically, as he now wandered a desert landscape vastly different from the one he remembered. He wandered across the familiar scorching desert of Shurima he once known, and continued his search with a single-minded focus.
With teeth[]
As Renekton searched the desert for his brother, he stumbled upon a group of sandtrawlers led by Sai-Surtha's. Upon discovering the group's latest victim, Uksem Heartsplitter, Renekton demanded to know the whereabouts of his brother. Instead of answering his question, Sai-Surtha's challenged Renekton to a duel.
Even when being haunted by memories of Xerath's power, Renekton emerged victorious from the battle, though he was sliced into pieces before re-forging himself and throwing the sandtrawler's body into the jaws of a nearby predator. Turning his attention to the remaining members of the group, Renekton confrontedRaz Bloodmane, who suggested that Nasus might be found near the cliffs of Azuma.
Choosing to spare Raz's life, Renekton left the group behind and continued his search for Nasus.
Empire of ascended[]
*warning, the next section is based on information found within LOR, take this section with a grain of salt.*
While searching for Nasus, Renekton encountered a sand runner who had been sent by Azir to collect a medallion from the Sandthrasher's cavern. Cornering the runner near a sand spire after escaping theBloodthirsty Marauder, Renekton attempted to take the medallion, but the runner managed to escape by dodging Renekton's axe and triggering a cave-in.
Later on, Renekton joined forces with the Sandthrashers and found a tower where Nasus was being held. However, upon seeing his brother, Renekton was consumed by the poison thoughts that Xerath had implanted in his mind eons ago. He crashed into the wall and found himself in theChamber of Renewalwith both Nasus and the sand runner from earlier.
In a fit of rage, Renekton attacked Nasus, allowing the scout to use the portal that Nasus had just gone through to escape. As the battle between the two brothers continued, they both grew to gigantic size, towering over everyone else. The outcome of the battle and their fates afterward remain unknown.
Renekton is a hulking monstrosity, being bipedal like a human but with the head of a crocodile. His body is covered in scales, green in the back and pale tan in the front. His beady, yellow-orange eyes seem to glow with pure rage. Each limb has only four digits, all with sharp, black claws. He has a long, crocodilian tail.
He generally wears only a few pieces of armor, silver and intricately crafted, on his head, shoulders, neck, forearms, and shins. Aside from this, he only wears a faded greenish-brown loin cloth. His weapon of choice is a massive crescent-shaped ax.
Even when Renekton was still a noble warrior, he has always had a violent side, liking to get into fights as a result of his hotheaded and unpredictable nature. When Renekton became an Ascended, he sometimes embraced his animalistic side while in battle, destroying entire cities in ways that shocked even those who saw him as a hero. While he was renowned for his cruelty and ruthlessness in battle, Renekton was still good at heart and cared deeply for his brother Nasus, even willing to sacrifice himself to save him, but these traits left Renekton vulnerable to Xerath's influence in the millennia they were locked away, and ultimately became Renekton's defining traits in his insanity.
While Nasus believes his brother is truly gone, some remain hopeful that the old Ascended hero could one day reclaim his old humanity to defeat his new, tyrannical master.
• God-Warrior: Renekton Is an Ascsended, Bless by the power of the sun directed In the sun disk.Immortallity: They do not need to eat, sleep, or anything a normal Mortal would need to do to survive.God-like strength: Even before Ascending, Renekton was a powerful warrior.
• Immortallity: They do not need to eat, sleep, or anything a normal Mortal would need to do to survive.
• God-like strength: Even before Ascending, Renekton was a powerful warrior.
• Blood magicRenekton Is able to use blood magic to Heal himself from almost any wound, as seen in his duel against Sai-Surtha and Him holdingXerathAt bay for so long.He also Able to Increases his size tenfold by using blood magic, seen in his ultimate.
• Combat ability'sRenekton was a ruthless warrior, slicing and deicing with his crescent ax, He also was the one who taught Azir in combat.
• Renekton Is able to use blood magic to Heal himself from almost any wound, as seen in his duel against Sai-Surtha and Him holdingXerathAt bay for so long.
• He also Able to Increases his size tenfold by using blood magic, seen in his ultimate.
• Renekton was a ruthless warrior, slicing and deicing with his crescent ax, He also was the one who taught Azir in combat.
Nasus is the older brother of Renekton and became Ascended at the same time as him. While Nasus planned the battles, Renekton was the one to win the battles. When Xerath forced his Ascension, both Renekton and Nasus went to stop him and were the only two God-Warriors there. After a fierce battle, Renekton ordered Nasus to close the Tomb of the Emperors.
Renekton respects Azir and willingly serves him. Azir hopes that it would help him remember what he had forgotten. Renekton also trained Azir in the ways of combat.
Renekton spent eons battling Xerath within the tomb of the emporers. During this time, Xerath manipulated his slowing breaking mind to make him hate Nasus.Saikhal, Xerath's birthplace, was conquered by Renekton. Xerath was likely taken as a child slave at that time.
Sivir's interference allowed Renekton to escape the Tomb of the Emperors.
Aatrox,Varus,Rhaast,Xolaani,Anaakca,baalkux,horazi,ibaaros,Joraal,Naafiri,Naganeka,Praa,Styraatu, andTarroshwere all part of Host ofGod-Warriors, and all servedShurimatogether with Renekton.
Read More
The Butcher of the Sands
ByAnthony Reynolds Lenné
Starring Champion
Short Story • 4 Minute Read
Darkness Renews
ByGraham McNeill
Am I a god?
Descent into the Tomb
Scroll after scroll in Noxian libraries chronicle the power buried within Shurima. Now Cassiopeia thinks she's found the key. Learn how the saga began.
Empires of the Ascended (Video)
A buried empire. A brother’s betrayal. A relic that could change everything.
Fall of the Empire
By Numerous creators
Short Story
With Teeth
ByGraham McNeill
Firewood was precious in the desert, but the blackened ruins of Vekaura offered a plentiful supply of charred timbers to hurl on bonfires.
Mentioned Champion
Short Story • 36 Minute Read
ByGraham McNeill
Taliyah had almost forgotten how much she'd missed the furnace heat of Shurima – the sweat and crush of hundreds of people pushing, cursing, haggling and speaking with such passion and speed that outsiders often thought they were fighting.
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Dark Kin
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Varus followed a river running through the desert. Its water was gritty, but drinkable. The new body he had wrought to bear his bow was beautiful, fast and strong, but it came with the weaknesses of flesh. It hungered. It thirsted.
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ByRyan Verniere
Nasus walked at night, unwilling to face the sun. The boy followed in his wake.
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Sai Kahleek (Short Story)
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Six boys and a camel, and the boys were cheaper to replace. Some were orphans and escaped slaves, but most were off casts — teenagers abandoned by families too poor to keep them. When Shahib offered him the work, Jaheje hadn't eaten in days.
The Battle Mistress
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The Curator of the Sands
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The Emperor of the Sands
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For the first time Khari could remember, flowers grew on the street leading from the town square to the Cut.
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Where Icathia Once Stood
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Alternate Universes
Journal of Justice
ByInstitute of War
Formare veneficum est formare fatum.
Starring:Akali,Alistar,Amumu,Anivia,Annie,Ashe,Blitzcrank,Brand,Cassiopeia,Cho'Gath,Corki,Darius,Dr. Mundo,Evelynn,Ezreal,Fiddlesticks,Gangplank,Garen,Gragas,Heimerdinger,Irelia,Janna,Jarvan IV,Jax,Karma,Karthus,Kassadin,Katarina,Kayle,Kennen,Kog'Maw,Lee Sin,Leona,Lissandra,Lux,Malzahar,Maokai,Master Yi,Mordekaiser,Morgana,Nasus,Nidalee,Nocturne,Nunu,Olaf,Pantheon,Poppy,Rammus,Renekton,Riven,Rumble,Ryze,Sejuani,Shaco,Shen,Singed,Sion,Sivir,Skarner,Sona,Soraka,Swain,Talon,Taric,Teemo,Tibbers,Tristana,Trundle,Tryndamere,Twisted Fate,Twitch,Udyr,Urgot,Veigar,Vladimir,Warwick,Willump,Wukong,Xin Zhao,Yorick,Zilean
ByInstitute of War
The truest opponent lies within.
Starring:Boram Darkwill,Brand,Caitlyn,Cassiopeia,Galio,Graves,Irelia,Jarvan IV,Karma,LeBlanc,Lee Sin,Leona,Lux,Maokai,Miss Fortune,Nocturne,Orianna,Renekton,Riven,Rumble,Ryze,Skarner,Sona,Swain,Talon,Trundle,Urgot,Varus,Vayne,Vladimir,Wukong,Xerath,Xin Zhao,Yorick
Academy Adventures: Series 1
ByGutter Rat
Mentioned:Akali,Amumu,Anivia,Azir,Bard,Blitzcrank,Braum,Cho'Gath,Elise,Ezreal,Fiddlesticks,Fiora,Gnar,Heimerdinger,Ivern,Jhin,Jinx,Karthus,Kog'Maw,Lulu,Lux,Malzahar,Miss Fortune,Nidalee,Olaf,Poppy,Rek'Sai,Renekton,Rumble,Ryze,Shaco,Shen,Sion,Sona,Soraka,Talon,Taric,Teemo,Tristana,Trundle,Twitch,Urgot,Varus,Veigar,Vel'Koz,Vi,Yorick,Zed,Ziggs,Zyra
Academy Adventures: Series 3
ByGutter Rat
Olaf vs Everything: Series 2
ByTom Barton
Mentioned:Ahri,Aurelion Sol,Brand,Cassiopeia,Cho'Gath,Darius,Dr. Mundo,Ekko,Gnar,Illaoi,Karthus,Kog'Maw,Lee Sin,Nagakabouros,Ornn,Renekton,Skarner,Teemo,Tryndamere,Urgot,Vel'Koz,Vi,Viktor,Vladimir,Warwick,Zyra
Punches and Plants: Series 1
Mentioned:Ahri,Alistar,Annie,Ashe,Blitzcrank,Brand,Braum,Caitlyn,Darius,Diana,Dr. Mundo,Ekko,Evelynn,Ezreal,Gangplank,Garen,Gnar,Gragas,Graves,Heimerdinger,Janna,Jinx,Karma,Katarina,Leona,Lucian,Malzahar,Miss Fortune,Nami,Nasus,Nunu,Quinn,Renekton,Rumble,Ryze,Sejuani,Sivir,Sona,Soraka,Tahm Kench,Taliyah,Taric,Teemo,Tibbers,Trundle,Tryndamere,Twisted Fate,Twitch,Valor,Varus,Vel'Koz,Vladimir,Volibear,Warwick,Willump,Wukong,Zac,Ziggs
Punches and Plants: Series 2
Mentioned:Aatrox,Ahri,Alistar,Amumu,Annie,Aurelion Sol,Azir,Bard,Blitzcrank,Caitlyn,Cho'Gath,Diana,Draven,Ekko,Ezreal,Fizz,Galio,Gnar,Graves,Heimerdinger,Jayce,Kha'Zix,Kog'Maw,Leona,Lucian,Lux,Malphite,Maokai,Miss Fortune,Nasus,Nautilus,Nidalee,Olaf,Orianna,Poppy,Quinn,Rakan,Renekton,Riven,Rumble,Shaco,Taric,Teemo,Tibbers,Tristana,Trundle,Udyr,Valor,Vel'Koz,Viktor,Volibear,Warwick,Wukong,Xayah,Xin Zhao,Yasuo,Ziggs
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As the 2013 League of Legends World Championship final draws near, we showcase the biggest heroes in esports from around the world. Many teams fell by the wayside in epic battles, and now only two remain: Korea's SK Telecom T1 and China's Royal Club. Who will rise?
Starring: N/A
Mentioned:Blitzcrank,Brand,Caitlyn,Corki,Elise,Ezreal,Gragas,Janna,Jarvan IV,Jayce,Kennen,Kha'Zix,Lee Sin,Lux,Malphite,Mordekaiser,Orianna,Renekton,Ryze,Shen,Thresh,Twisted Fate,Vayne,Zac,Zed
Music Video
By Numerous creators
The battle begins, and sixteen teams across the globe are fighting towards one goal – to win the League of Legends World Championship.
Starring: N/A
• Renekton is the younger brother of Nasus, being born over 3796 years ago.Nasusfought alongside Setaka for 3 centuries before she died in the battle of Icathia, which happened around 2500 BN.They both ascended around the same time, and are some of the later ascended.
• Renek was one of the nations that belonged to the ancientShurimaEmpire and was possibly located somewhere near theRenek River. The siblings may have originated from here and Renekton may have been named after it.
• As it took several days for nasus and Renekton to run fromIcathiatothe Sun disc, It to be assumed that the normal ascention Ritual take a while, andXerathkept it going far longer than was normal (hence his body now being of arcana magic)
• Renekton is having a big struggle of trying to regain his sanity, but constantly slipping back and forth between lucidity and utter madness.His humanity is still in there, just somewhere deep down, and maybe he could come back, but only with the right motivation.
• Nasusfought alongside Setaka for 3 centuries before she died in the battle of Icathia, which happened around 2500 BN.
• They both ascended around the same time, and are some of the later ascended.
• His humanity is still in there, just somewhere deep down, and maybe he could come back, but only with the right motivation.
Change log[]
See also[] | Name: Reign of Anger, Description: Innate: Renekton's basic attacks generate 5 Fury . After 12 seconds of being out of combat , he loses 1 Fury every 0. 25 seconds. While Renekton has at least 50 Fury , his next basic ability consumes 50 Fury to become empowered with an additional effect. Empowered abilities do not generate Fury . Renekton generates 50% bonus Fury from all sources while below 50% of his maximum health ., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputPassive', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', "Renektongenerates Fury by collectingHealth RelicsonHowling Abyss(interacts withReign of Anger'sbonus generation)."]} | Name: Cull the Meek, Description: Active: Renekton cleaves around himself, dealing physical damage to nearby enemies and healing himself for each enemy hit, up to a cap. Physical Damage: 60 / 90 / 120 / 150 / 180 (+ 100% bonus AD) Enhanced Damage: 90 / 135 / 180 / 225 / 270 (+ 140% bonus AD) Healing Cap: 50 / 75 / 100 / 125 / 150 Enhanced Healing Cap: 200 / 300 / 400 / 500 / 600 Non-Champion Healing: 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 (+ 2% bonus AD) Enhanced Non-Champion Healing: 6 / 9 / 12 / 15 / 18 (+ 6% bonus AD) Against champions , the healing is increased. Champion Healing: 12 / 18 / 24 / 30 / 36 (+ 15% bonus AD) Enhanced Champion Healing: 36 / 54 / 72 / 90 / 108 (+ 45% bonus AD) Renekton generates 2. 5 Fury for each non-champion hit and 10 Fury for each champion hit, with the Fury generated per cast capped at 30 . Reign of Anger Bonus: Cull the Meek has increased damage, tripled total healing, and a quadrupled healing cap. Renekton cannot basic attack nor cast Slice , Dice , or Dominus for 0. 25 seconds after Cull the Meek's activation., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputAuto', 'damage_type': 'Physical', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', "Healing modifiers such asSpirit VisageandGrievous Woundstake effect afterCull the Meek'shealing cap."]} | Name: Ruthless Predator, Description: Active: Renekton empowers his next basic attack within 7 seconds to have a 0. 2 -second cast time , gain 50 bonus range and strike the target twice, dealing modified physical damage and stunning them for 0. 75 seconds. Each strike applies on-hit effects at 100% effectiveness and generates Fury . Hitting an enemy champion generates 10 bonus Fury . Total Physical Damage: 10 / 40 / 70 / 100 / 130 (+ 150% AD) Physical Damage Per Hit: 5 / 20 / 35 / 50 / 65 (+ 75% AD) Reign of Anger Bonus: Renekton instead strikes 3 times, completely destroying damage-mitigating shields on the target upon the first strike, as well as increasing the stun duration to 1. 5 seconds. Total Physical Damage: 15 / 60 / 105 / 150 / 195 (+ 225% AD) Ruthless Predator resets Renekton's basic attack timer. After Ruthless Predator's standard and empowered attack cast time, Renekton cannot move nor cast Cull the Meek , Slice , nor Dice for 0. 528 seconds ., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputAuto', 'damage_type': 'Physical', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'parries': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Map-Specific Differences', 'The basic attack cancritically strikeas normal (the modified damage cannot).', "If the target becomesuntargetableordiesduring the empowered attack's cast time, it is cancelled but not consumed.", 'The empowered attack will not trigger againststructures.', 'Cooldown changed to 18 / 16 / 14 / 12 / 10 seconds.']} | Name: Slice, Description: Active: Renekton dashes a fixed distance in the target direction, dealing physical damage to enemies he passes through. Physical Damage: 40 / 70 / 100 / 130 / 160 (+ 90% bonus AD) If Renekton hits an enemy, he can cast Dice within the next 4 seconds., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputDirection', 'damage_type': 'Physical', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Slice Details', 'Dice Details', 'No additional details.', 'No additional details.', 'Hide', 'Details', "Dominus'range increase does not stack withRuthless Predator.", "Dominus'cooldownis not refunded ifRenektondiesduring the cast animation.", "Dominus'bonus health gain does not interact withSpirit VisageorGrievous Wounds.RenektonretainsDominus'bonus health (if not over his normal maximum) once the duration ends.", "RenektonretainsDominus'bonus health (if not over his normal maximum) once the duration ends.", 'StatsBase magic resistance reduced to 28 from 32.', 'Base magic resistance reduced to 28 from 32.', 'SliceCooldown reduced to 16 / 15 / 14 / 13 / 12 seconds from 18 / 17 / 16 / 15 / 14.', 'Cooldown reduced to 16 / 15 / 14 / 13 / 12 seconds from 18 / 17 / 16 / 15 / 14.', 'DominusCooldown reduced to 120 / 100 / 80 seconds from 120 at all ranks.Base damage per tick increased to 30 / 60 / 90 from 25 / 50 / 75.', 'Cooldown reduced to 120 / 100 / 80 seconds from 120 at all ranks.', 'Base damage per tick increased to 30 / 60 / 90 from 25 / 50 / 75.', 'Cull the MeekBase damage reduced to 60 / 90 / 120 / 150 / 180 from 65 / 100 / 135 / 170 / 205.Empowered base damage reduced to 90 / 135 / 180 / 225 / 270 from 100 / 150 / 200 / 250 / 300.Bonus AD ratio increased to100%bonusADfrom80%.Empowered bonus AD ratio increased to140%bonusADfrom120%.', 'Base damage reduced to 60 / 90 / 120 / 150 / 180 from 65 / 100 / 135 / 170 / 205.Empowered base damage reduced to 90 / 135 / 180 / 225 / 270 from 100 / 150 / 200 / 250 / 300.', 'Empowered base damage reduced to 90 / 135 / 180 / 225 / 270 from 100 / 150 / 200 / 250 / 300.', 'Bonus AD ratio increased to100%bonusADfrom80%.Empowered bonus AD ratio increased to140%bonusADfrom120%.', 'Empowered bonus AD ratio increased to140%bonusADfrom120%.', 'Ruthless PredatorTypo in the tooltip fixed.', 'Typo in the tooltip fixed.', 'DominusNew Effect:Damage now scales off of5%bonusADper tick.', 'New Effect:Damage now scales off of5%bonusADper tick.', 'Cull the MeekCooldown reduced to 7 seconds from 8.Champion base heal increased to 12 / 18 / 24 / 30 / 36 from 10 / 14 / 18 / 22 / 26.Empowered champion base heal increased to 36 / 54 / 72 / 90 / 108 from 30 / 42 / 54 / 66 / 78.', 'Cooldown reduced to 7 seconds from 8.', 'Champion base heal increased to 12 / 18 / 24 / 30 / 36 from 10 / 14 / 18 / 22 / 26.', 'Empowered champion base heal increased to 36 / 54 / 72 / 90 / 108 from 30 / 42 / 54 / 66 / 78.', 'StatsBase health increased to 660 from 590.Health growth increased to 111 from 97.Armor growth increased to 5.2from 4.Magic resistance growth increased to 2.05from 1.25.', 'Base health increased to 660 from 590.', 'Health growth increased to 111 from 97.', 'Armor growth increased to 5.2from 4.', 'Magic resistance growth increased to 2.05from 1.25.', 'Cull the MeekHeal bonus AD ratio reduced to2%bonusADfrom3%.Empowered heal bonus AD ratio reduced to6%bonusADfrom9%.Champion base heal reduced to 10 / 14 / 18 / 22 / 26 from 12 / 18 / 24 / 30 / 36.Champion heal bonus AD ratio reduced to15%bonusADfrom16%.Empowered champion base heal reduced to 30 / 42 / 54 / 66 / 78 from 36 / 54 / 72 / 90 / 108.Empowered champion heal bonus AD ratio reduced to45%bonusADfrom48%.', 'Heal bonus AD ratio reduced to2%bonusADfrom3%.', 'Empowered heal bonus AD ratio reduced to6%bonusADfrom9%.', 'Champion base heal reduced to 10 / 14 / 18 / 22 / 26 from 12 / 18 / 24 / 30 / 36.', 'Champion heal bonus AD ratio reduced to15%bonusADfrom16%.', 'Empowered champion base heal reduced to 30 / 42 / 54 / 66 / 78 from 36 / 54 / 72 / 90 / 108.', 'Empowered champion heal bonus AD ratio reduced to45%bonusADfrom48%.', 'StatsHealth growth increased to 97 from 92.Attack damage growth increased to 4.15from 3.75.', 'Health growth increased to 97 from 92.', 'Attack damage growth increased to 4.15from 3.75.', 'Ruthless PredatorBase damage per hit increased to 5 / 20 / 35 / 50 / 65 from 5 / 15 / 25 / 35 / 45.Unempowered total base damage increased to 10 / 40 / 70 / 100 / 130 from 10 / 30 / 50 / 70 / 90.Empowered total base damage increased to 15 / 60 / 105 / 150 / 195 from 15 / 45 / 75 / 105 / 135.Cooldown changed to 16 / 14 / 12 / 10 / 8 seconds from 13 / 12 / 11 / 10 / 9.', 'Base damage per hit increased to 5 / 20 / 35 / 50 / 65 from 5 / 15 / 25 / 35 / 45.Unempowered total base damage increased to 10 / 40 / 70 / 100 / 130 from 10 / 30 / 50 / 70 / 90.Empowered total base damage increased to 15 / 60 / 105 / 150 / 195 from 15 / 45 / 75 / 105 / 135.', 'Unempowered total base damage increased to 10 / 40 / 70 / 100 / 130 from 10 / 30 / 50 / 70 / 90.', 'Empowered total base damage increased to 15 / 60 / 105 / 150 / 195 from 15 / 45 / 75 / 105 / 135.', 'Cooldown changed to 16 / 14 / 12 / 10 / 8 seconds from 13 / 12 / 11 / 10 / 9.', 'DominusBase damage per tick increased to 25 / 50 / 75 from 20 / 40 / 60.', 'Base damage per tick increased to 25 / 50 / 75 from 20 / 40 / 60.', 'Ruthless PredatorEmpowered stun duration increased to 1.5seconds from 1.Empowered self-lock out duration increased to 0.525seconds from 0.375.', 'Empowered stun duration increased to 1.5seconds from 1.', 'Empowered self-lock out duration increased to 0.525seconds from 0.375.', 'StatsBase health increased to 590 from 575.Health growth increased to 92 from 87.', 'Base health increased to 590 from 575.', 'Health growth increased to 92 from 87.', 'Ruthless PredatorEmpowered self-lockout duration reduced to 0.375seconds from 0.525.Cast animation time reduced.', 'Empowered self-lockout duration reduced to 0.375seconds from 0.525.', 'Cast animation time reduced.', 'Ruthless PredatorEmpowered stun duration reduced to 1 second from 1.5.Empowered self-lockout duration reduced to 0.52seconds from 0.75.', 'Empowered stun duration reduced to 1 second from 1.5.', 'Empowered self-lockout duration reduced to 0.52seconds from 0.75.', 'PROJECT: RenektonBug Fix:Fixed VFX bugs.', 'Bug Fix:Fixed VFX bugs.', 'Cull the MeekNon-champion base heal reduced to 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 from 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7.Non-champion heal bonus AD ratio reduced to3%bonusADfrom4%.Empowered non-champion base heal reduced to 6 / 9 / 12 / 15 / 18 from 9 / 12 / 15 / 18 / 21.Empowered non-champion heal bonus AD ratio reduced to9%bonusADfrom12%.', 'Non-champion base heal reduced to 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 from 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7.', 'Non-champion heal bonus AD ratio reduced to3%bonusADfrom4%.', 'Empowered non-champion base heal reduced to 6 / 9 / 12 / 15 / 18 from 9 / 12 / 15 / 18 / 21.', 'Empowered non-champion heal bonus AD ratio reduced to9%bonusADfrom12%.', 'DominusBonus health reduced to 250 / 400 / 550 from 250 / 500 / 750.', 'Bonus health reduced to 250 / 400 / 550 from 250 / 500 / 750.', 'Cull the MeekBase heal against non-champions reduced to 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 from 3 / 4.5/ 6 / 7.5/ 9.Empowered base heal against non-champions reduced to 9 / 12 / 15 / 18 / 21 from 9 / 13.5/ 18 / 22.5/ 27.', 'Base heal against non-champions reduced to 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 from 3 / 4.5/ 6 / 7.5/ 9.Empowered base heal against non-champions reduced to 9 / 12 / 15 / 18 / 21 from 9 / 13.5/ 18 / 22.5/ 27.', 'Empowered base heal against non-champions reduced to 9 / 12 / 15 / 18 / 21 from 9 / 13.5/ 18 / 22.5/ 27.', 'Ruthless PredatorUndocumented:Each hit is now distinct for the purposes of e.g.Electrocute.', 'Undocumented:Each hit is now distinct for the purposes of e.g.Electrocute.', 'StatsBase magic resistance reduced to 32 from 32.1.', 'Base magic resistance reduced to 32 from 32.1.', "GeneralBug Fix:Renekton's Death VO is readded to his sound bank.", "Bug Fix:Renekton's Death VO is readded to his sound bank.", 'Reign of AngerBug Fix:Now properly gains increased passive Rage generation as well as Rage gained from castingDominuswhenbelow 50% of hismaximumhealth.', 'Bug Fix:Now properly gains increased passive Rage generation as well as Rage gained from castingDominuswhenbelow 50% of hismaximumhealth.', 'DominusBug Fix:No longer continues to damage nearby enemies while the champion is in a revive state (like fromGuardian Angel).', 'Bug Fix:No longer continues to damage nearby enemies while the champion is in a revive state (like fromGuardian Angel).', "GeneralNew voice lines from Ascension added.Undocumented:Renekton's death VO is removed from his sound bank.", "New voice lines from Ascension added.Undocumented:Renekton's death VO is removed from his sound bank.", "Undocumented:Renekton's death VO is removed from his sound bank.", 'GeneralRecommended items updated.', 'Recommended items updated.', "Slice and DiceBug Fix:No longer plays its on-hit audio if it doesn't hit anything.", "Bug Fix:No longer plays its on-hit audio if it doesn't hit anything.", 'Ruthless PredatorNew Effect:When empowered with50 Fury, destroys existing shields on the target before applying the damage and stun.', 'New Effect:When empowered with50 Fury, destroys existing shields on the target before applying the damage and stun.', 'GeneralNew sound effects.', 'New sound effects.', 'Reign of AngerMade his growl cleaner and the cast punchier.', 'Made his growl cleaner and the cast punchier.', 'Cull the MeekEmphasize the blade sounds when it hits on the target.', 'Emphasize the blade sounds when it hits on the target.', 'Ruthless PredatorAdded more "shwing" and cleaned up the sounds.', 'Added more "shwing" and cleaned up the sounds.', 'Slice and DiceMade punchier.', 'Made punchier.', 'DominusAdded more debris sounds and cleaned up on unnecessary sounds.', 'Added more debris sounds and cleaned up on unnecessary sounds.', 'StatsBase health increased to 575 from 572.16.Attack speed growth increased to 2.75% from 2.65%.Armor growth increased to 4 from 3.8.', 'Base health increased to 575 from 572.16.', 'Attack speed growth increased to 2.75% from 2.65%.', 'Armor growth increased to 4 from 3.8.', 'Cull the MeekBase healing against champions increased to 12 / 18 / 24 / 30 / 36 from 9 / 13.5/ 18 / 22.5/ 27.Base fury-enhanced champion healing increased to 36 / 54 / 72 / 90 / 108 from 27 / 40.5/ 54 / 67.5/ 81.Fury-enhanced healing cap increased to 200 / 300 / 400 / 500 / 600 from 150 / 225 / 300 / 375 / 450.Healing against champions AD ratio increased to16%bonusADfrom12%Fury-enhanced champion healing AD ratio increased to48%bonusADfrom36%.', 'Base healing against champions increased to 12 / 18 / 24 / 30 / 36 from 9 / 13.5/ 18 / 22.5/ 27.', 'Base fury-enhanced champion healing increased to 36 / 54 / 72 / 90 / 108 from 27 / 40.5/ 54 / 67.5/ 81.', 'Fury-enhanced healing cap increased to 200 / 300 / 400 / 500 / 600 from 150 / 225 / 300 / 375 / 450.', 'Healing against champions AD ratio increased to16%bonusADfrom12%', 'Fury-enhanced champion healing AD ratio increased to48%bonusADfrom36%.', 'Ruthless PredatorBug Fix:Can once again use abilities quickly afterRuthless Predator, cancelling their animation.', 'Bug Fix:Can once again use abilities quickly afterRuthless Predator, cancelling their animation.', 'Ruthless PredatorBug Fix:Animation no longer breaks when he casts it while not on fullConquerorstacks.', 'Bug Fix:Animation no longer breaks when he casts it while not on fullConquerorstacks.', 'DominusNew Effect:Now triggers effects that are triggered by DoT AoE abilities.', 'New Effect:Now triggers effects that are triggered by DoT AoE abilities.', 'DiceNew Effect:Ability icon border now shows the remaining time to recast the ability.', 'New Effect:Ability icon border now shows the remaining time to recast the ability.', 'DominusNew Effect:Ability icon HUD now shows the remaining duration of the ability.', 'New Effect:Ability icon HUD now shows the remaining duration of the ability.', 'GeneralUpdated sound and visual effects.New basic attack hit VFX.', 'Updated sound and visual effects.', 'New basic attack hit VFX.', 'Reign of AngerGlowing hand VFX are more clear when empowered.Eyes now glow red as well.', 'Glowing hand VFX are more clear when empowered.', 'Eyes now glow red as well.', 'Cull the MeekVFX more clearly indicate area of effect, scaling withDominus.', 'VFX more clearly indicate area of effect, scaling withDominus.', 'Ruthless PredatorMostly unchanged.', 'Mostly unchanged.', 'Slice and DiceVFX cleaned up; ground sand added.Empowered cast VFX are much clearer.', 'VFX cleaned up; ground sand added.', 'Empowered cast VFX are much clearer.', 'DominusNew sandstorm and range indicator VFX.Dragonflies changed to scarabs.Outback and Prehistoric use base VFX. Galactic and Bloodfury use recolored base VFX. Rune Wars, Scorched Earth, Pool Party, SKT T1, and Renektoy have unique ult effects.', 'New sandstorm and range indicator VFX.', 'Dragonflies changed to scarabs.', 'Outback and Prehistoric use base VFX. Galactic and Bloodfury use recolored base VFX. Rune Wars, Scorched Earth, Pool Party, SKT T1, and Renektoy have unique ult effects.', 'Pool Party RenektonandSKT T1 RenektonCull the MeekUnempowered casts are recolored.', 'Cull the MeekUnempowered casts are recolored.', 'Unempowered casts are recolored.', 'Slice and DiceFury-enhanced base damage increased to 70 / 115 / 160 / 205 / 250 from 60 / 105 / 150 / 195 / 240.Fury-enhanced armor reduction increased to25 / 27.5/ 30 / 32.5/ 35% armorfrom15 / 20 / 25 / 30 / 35%.', 'Fury-enhanced base damage increased to 70 / 115 / 160 / 205 / 250 from 60 / 105 / 150 / 195 / 240.', 'Fury-enhanced armor reduction increased to25 / 27.5/ 30 / 32.5/ 35% armorfrom15 / 20 / 25 / 30 / 35%.', 'RenektoyBug Fix:Seams have been minimized on his chromas when on lower graphics settings.', 'Bug Fix:Seams have been minimized on his chromas when on lower graphics settings.', 'Reign of AngerBug Fix:Fixed a bug where his abilities failed to grant him the correct amount of Fury when initiating combat.', 'Bug Fix:Fixed a bug where his abilities failed to grant him the correct amount of Fury when initiating combat.', 'Cull the MeekBase damage increased to 65 / 100 / 135 / 170 / 205 from 65 / 95 / 125 / 155 / 185.Empowered base damage increased to 100 / 150 / 200 / 250 / 300 from 95 / 140 / 185 / 230 / 275.', 'Base damage increased to 65 / 100 / 135 / 170 / 205 from 65 / 95 / 125 / 155 / 185.', 'Empowered base damage increased to 100 / 150 / 200 / 250 / 300 from 95 / 140 / 185 / 230 / 275.', 'StatsBase health regeneration increased to 8 from 7.96.', 'Base health regeneration increased to 8 from 7.96.', 'StatsBase attack damage increased to 69 from 66.Attack damage growth increased to 3.75from 3.1.', 'Base attack damage increased to 69 from 66.', 'Attack damage growth increased to 3.75from 3.1.', 'GeneralNew ability icons.', 'New ability icons.', 'StatsBase attack damage increased to 66 from 58.328.Base armor increased to 35 from 25.584.', 'Base attack damage increased to 66 from 58.328.', 'Base armor increased to 35 from 25.584.', 'Cull the MeekBase damage increased to 65 / 95 / 125 / 155 / 185 from 60 / 90 / 120 / 150 / 180.Empowered damage increased to 95 / 140 / 185 / 230 / 275 from 90 / 135 / 180 / 225 / 270.', 'Base damage increased to 65 / 95 / 125 / 155 / 185 from 60 / 90 / 120 / 150 / 180.', 'Empowered damage increased to 95 / 140 / 185 / 230 / 275 from 90 / 135 / 180 / 225 / 270.', 'SliceandDiceBase damage increased to 40 / 70 / 100 / 130 / 160 from 30 / 60 / 90 / 120 / 150.Enhanced damage increased to 55 / 100 / 145 / 190 / 235 from 45 / 90 / 135 / 180 / 225.', 'Base damage increased to 40 / 70 / 100 / 130 / 160 from 30 / 60 / 90 / 120 / 150.', 'Enhanced damage increased to 55 / 100 / 145 / 190 / 235 from 45 / 90 / 135 / 180 / 225.', 'Scorched Earth RenektonCull the MeekBug Fix:No longer has missing ember VFX when using it with 50+ fury.', 'Cull the MeekBug Fix:No longer has missing ember VFX when using it with 50+ fury.', 'Bug Fix:No longer has missing ember VFX when using it with 50+ fury.', "GeneralOnce again ignores inputs during his ability's cast times.Various buffs and timers tracked in the buff bar (ex. remaining time to castDice) are no longer tracked on their respective ability icons.", "Once again ignores inputs during his ability's cast times.", 'Various buffs and timers tracked in the buff bar (ex. remaining time to castDice) are no longer tracked on their respective ability icons.', 'Reign of AngerFirst attack when (re)entering combat no longer grants the full 5 Fury.', 'First attack when (re)entering combat no longer grants the full 5 Fury.', "Cull the MeekRange no longer scales with all size-modifying effects.Re-added a bug where it wasn't hitting invisible units.Re-added a bug where he could basic attack at the same time asCull the Meek'sdamage was dealt.", 'Range no longer scales with all size-modifying effects.', "Re-added a bug where it wasn't hitting invisible units.", "Re-added a bug where he could basic attack at the same time asCull the Meek'sdamage was dealt.", "Ruthless PredatorRe-added a bug whereRuthless Predator'slockout time was shorter than intended (0.525seconds instead of 0.75).Fury-empowered casts once again generate Fury.Re-added a bug where, when castingRuthless Predatorand queueing eitherCull the MeekorDicewhile at 100 Fury, the queued ability would sometimes not be empowered or consume Fury.", "Re-added a bug whereRuthless Predator'slockout time was shorter than intended (0.525seconds instead of 0.75).", 'Fury-empowered casts once again generate Fury.', 'Re-added a bug where, when castingRuthless Predatorand queueing eitherCull the MeekorDicewhile at 100 Fury, the queued ability would sometimes not be empowered or consume Fury.', "Slice and DiceRe-added a timing issue that could inconsistently causeSlice and Diceto not hit enemiesRenektonpasses through.Re-added a bug whereSlice and Dice'sranges were shorter than intended (400 instead of 450).Re-added a bug whereSlice and Dice'sdash speeds were slower than intended (650 instead of 750).", 'Re-added a timing issue that could inconsistently causeSlice and Diceto not hit enemiesRenektonpasses through.', "Re-added a bug whereSlice and Dice'sranges were shorter than intended (400 instead of 450).", "Re-added a bug whereSlice and Dice'sdash speeds were slower than intended (650 instead of 750).", 'DominusOnce again deals an extra tick of damage on-cast.', 'Once again deals an extra tick of damage on-cast.', "Ruthless PredatorBug Fix:Fixed a bug whereRuthless Predator'slockout time was shorter than intended (0.525seconds instead of 0.75).Bug Fix:Fury-empowered casts no longer generate Fury.Bug Fix:Fixed a bug where, when castingRuthless Predatorand queueing eitherCull the MeekorDicewhile at 100 Fury, the queued ability would sometimes not be empowered or consume Fury.", "Bug Fix:Fixed a bug whereRuthless Predator'slockout time was shorter than intended (0.525seconds instead of 0.75).", 'Bug Fix:Fury-empowered casts no longer generate Fury.', 'Bug Fix:Fixed a bug where, when castingRuthless Predatorand queueing eitherCull the MeekorDicewhile at 100 Fury, the queued ability would sometimes not be empowered or consume Fury.', "Slice and DiceBug Fix:Fixed a bug whereSlice and Dice'sranges were shorter than intended (400 instead of 450).Bug Fix:Fixed a bug whereSlice and Dice'sdash speeds were slower than intended (650 instead of 750).", "Bug Fix:Fixed a bug whereSlice and Dice'sranges were shorter than intended (400 instead of 450).", "Bug Fix:Fixed a bug whereSlice and Dice'sdash speeds were slower than intended (650 instead of 750).", "GeneralNo longer ignores inputs during his ability's cast times. Once an ability has completed, he'll move on to the next queued action.Various buffs and timers tracked in the buff bar (ex. remaining time to castDice) are now tracked on their respective ability icons instead.", "No longer ignores inputs during his ability's cast times. Once an ability has completed, he'll move on to the next queued action.", 'Various buffs and timers tracked in the buff bar (ex. remaining time to castDice) are now tracked on their respective ability icons instead.', 'Reign of AngerBug Fix:First attack when (re)entering combat now properly grants the full 5 Fury.', 'Bug Fix:First attack when (re)entering combat now properly grants the full 5 Fury.', "Cull the MeekBug Fix:Range now properly scales with all size-modifying effects, not justDominus.Bug Fix:Fixed a bug where it wasn't hitting invisible units.Bug Fix:Fixed a bug where he could basic attack at the same time asCull the Meek'sdamage was dealt.", 'Bug Fix:Range now properly scales with all size-modifying effects, not justDominus.', "Bug Fix:Fixed a bug where it wasn't hitting invisible units.", "Bug Fix:Fixed a bug where he could basic attack at the same time asCull the Meek'sdamage was dealt.", 'Slice and DiceBug Fix:Fixed a timing issue that could inconsistently causeSlice and Diceto not hit enemiesRenektonpasses through.', 'Bug Fix:Fixed a timing issue that could inconsistently causeSlice and Diceto not hit enemiesRenektonpasses through.', 'DominusBug Fix:No longer deals an extra tick of damage on-cast.', 'Bug Fix:No longer deals an extra tick of damage on-cast.', 'DominusDamage per second increased to 40 / 80 / 120 from 30 / 60 / 120.New Effect:Grants 20 fury upon activation.', 'Damage per second increased to 40 / 80 / 120 from 30 / 60 / 120.', 'New Effect:Grants 20 fury upon activation.', 'GeneralNew splash artwork forGalactic Renekton.', 'New splash artwork forGalactic Renekton.', 'Ruthless PredatorBug Fix:Occasionally fizzling.', 'Bug Fix:Occasionally fizzling.', 'SliceNew Effect:Generates Fury for each unit hit (2 for non-champions, 10 for champions)', 'New Effect:Generates Fury for each unit hit (2 for non-champions, 10 for champions)', 'DiceFury per non-champion hit reduced to 2 from 2.5.', 'Fury per non-champion hit reduced to 2 from 2.5.', 'DominusBonus health changed to 250 / 500 / 750 from 200 / 400 / 800.', 'Bonus health changed to 250 / 500 / 750 from 200 / 400 / 800.', 'Ruthless PredatorBug Fix:Targets hit not being stunned if theyFlashduring cast time.', 'Bug Fix:Targets hit not being stunned if theyFlashduring cast time.', 'Ruthless PredatorNew Effect:Enhanced attack gains 50 bonus range.Cast time when Fury-enhanced reduced to 0.5seconds from 0.75.', 'New Effect:Enhanced attack gains 50 bonus range.', 'Cast time when Fury-enhanced reduced to 0.5seconds from 0.75.', 'DominusBug Fix:Taking up to 0.25seconds to grant the bonus health.', 'Bug Fix:Taking up to 0.25seconds to grant the bonus health.', 'Reign of AngerFury decay rate increased to 4 per second from 2.', 'Fury decay rate increased to 4 per second from 2.', 'Cull the MeekRemoved:Healing being affected by armor.Non-champion healing changed to 3 / 4.5/ 6 / 7.5/ 9(+ 4% bonus AD)from 5% of damage dealt.Fury-enhanced Non-champion healing changed to 9 / 13.5/ 18 / 22.5/ 27(+ 12%bonusAD)from 10% of damage dealt.Champion healing changed to 9 / 13.5/ 18 / 22.5/ 27(+ 12%bonusAD)from 20% of damage dealt.Fury-enhanced champion healing changed to 27 / 40.5/ 54 / 67.5/ 81(+ 36%bonusAD)from 40% of damage dealt.Healing cap unchanged.Fury per non-champion hit reduced to 2.5from 5.Fury per champion hit increased to 10 from 5.', 'Removed:Healing being affected by armor.', 'Non-champion healing changed to 3 / 4.5/ 6 / 7.5/ 9(+ 4% bonus AD)from 5% of damage dealt.', 'Fury-enhanced Non-champion healing changed to 9 / 13.5/ 18 / 22.5/ 27(+ 12%bonusAD)from 10% of damage dealt.', 'Champion healing changed to 9 / 13.5/ 18 / 22.5/ 27(+ 12%bonusAD)from 20% of damage dealt.', 'Fury-enhanced champion healing changed to 27 / 40.5/ 54 / 67.5/ 81(+ 36%bonusAD)from 40% of damage dealt.', 'Healing cap unchanged.', 'Fury per non-champion hit reduced to 2.5from 5.', 'Fury per champion hit increased to 10 from 5.', 'Ruthless PredatorNew Effect:Generates 10 bonus Fury when hitting champions.', 'New Effect:Generates 10 bonus Fury when hitting champions.', 'DiceNew Effect:Generates Fury for each unit hit (2.5for non-champions, 10 for champions)', 'New Effect:Generates Fury for each unit hit (2.5for non-champions, 10 for champions)', 'GeneralModel and texture upgrade to all skins.New splash artwork forOriginal Renekton.New voice over, including special quotes for Ascension.New lore.', 'Model and texture upgrade to all skins.', 'New splash artwork forOriginal Renekton.', 'New voice over, including special quotes for Ascension.', 'New lore.', 'StatsBase armor increased to 19.2from 15.2.', 'Base armor increased to 19.2from 15.2.', 'DominusBonus health changed to 200 / 400 / 800 from 300 / 450 / 600.Damage per second changed to 30 / 60 / 120 from 40 / 70 / 100.', 'Bonus health changed to 200 / 400 / 800 from 300 / 450 / 600.', 'Damage per second changed to 30 / 60 / 120 from 40 / 70 / 100.', 'Twisted TreelineDominusBonus health reduced to 200 / 350 / 500 from 300 / 450 / 600.Damage per second reduced to 30 / 60 / 90 from 40 / 70 / 100.', 'DominusBonus health reduced to 200 / 350 / 500 from 300 / 450 / 600.Damage per second reduced to 30 / 60 / 90 from 40 / 70 / 100.', 'Bonus health reduced to 200 / 350 / 500 from 300 / 450 / 600.', 'Damage per second reduced to 30 / 60 / 90 from 40 / 70 / 100.', 'Ruthless PredatorBug Fix:Each hit being unable to critically strikeNew Effect:First hit can critically strike', 'Bug Fix:Each hit being unable to critically strike', 'New Effect:First hit can critically strike', 'SliceBug Fix:Renekton not being able to castDicewhen hitting minions he does not have sight of.', 'Bug Fix:Renekton not being able to castDicewhen hitting minions he does not have sight of.', 'StatsMovement speed increased to 345 from 320.', 'Movement speed increased to 345 from 320.', 'DiceRemoved:Fury armor reduction affectingDragon.', 'Removed:Fury armor reduction affectingDragon.', 'DiceFury armor reduction increased to 15 / 20 / 25 / 30 / 35% from 15 / 17.5/ 20 / 22.5/ 25%.', 'Fury armor reduction increased to 15 / 20 / 25 / 30 / 35% from 15 / 17.5/ 20 / 22.5/ 25%.', 'GeneralNew splash artwork forBloodfury Renekton. Splash artwork forOriginal Renektonupdated to the Chinese art.', 'New splash artwork forBloodfury Renekton. Splash artwork forOriginal Renektonupdated to the Chinese art.', 'Cull the MeekNew Effect:Fury-enhanced swipe trail is red.', 'New Effect:Fury-enhanced swipe trail is red.', "DiceBug Fix:Fury armor reduction only affecting the target's base armor rather than the intended total amount.", "Bug Fix:Fury armor reduction only affecting the target's base armor rather than the intended total amount.", 'GeneralBug Fix:Renekton not generating Fury when attacking a target affected by a shield.', 'Bug Fix:Renekton not generating Fury when attacking a target affected by a shield.', 'Cull the MeekRemoved:Shields reducing healing when absorbing damage dealt.', 'Removed:Shields reducing healing when absorbing damage dealt.', 'Cull the MeekHealing reduced to 5% from 7.5%.Fury-enhanced healing reduced to 10% from 15%.', 'Healing reduced to 5% from 7.5%.', 'Fury-enhanced healing reduced to 10% from 15%.', 'Slice/DiceBase damage reduced to 30 / 60 / 90 / 120 / 150 from 45 / 75 / 105 / 135 / 165.AD ratio increased to(+ 90%bonusAD)from(+ 60%bonusAD)Cooldown changed to 18 / 17 / 16 / 15 / 14 seconds from 20 / 18 / 16 / 14 / 12.', 'Base damage reduced to 30 / 60 / 90 / 120 / 150 from 45 / 75 / 105 / 135 / 165.', 'AD ratio increased to(+ 90%bonusAD)from(+ 60%bonusAD)', 'Cooldown changed to 18 / 17 / 16 / 15 / 14 seconds from 20 / 18 / 16 / 14 / 12.', 'DominusBase damage reduced to 40 / 70 / 100 from 50 / 75 / 100.', 'Base damage reduced to 40 / 70 / 100 from 50 / 75 / 100.', 'Slice/DiceBug Fix:Renekton following pre-cast movement commands and walking backwards post-cast.', 'Bug Fix:Renekton following pre-cast movement commands and walking backwards post-cast.', 'GeneralBug Fix:Renekton gaining bonus attack damage from missing health.', 'Bug Fix:Renekton gaining bonus attack damage from missing health.', 'StatsBase health increased to 513 from 508.Health per level increased to 87 from 82.Base armor increased to 19 from 17.2.Armor per level increased to 3.8from 3.2.', 'Base health increased to 513 from 508.', 'Health per level increased to 87 from 82.', 'Base armor increased to 19 from 17.2.', 'Armor per level increased to 3.8from 3.2.', 'Cull the MeekBase damage increased to 60 / 90 / 120 / 150 / 180 from 40 / 70 / 100 / 130 / 160.AD ratio increased to(+ 80%bonusAD)from(+ 60%bonusAD)Healing reduced to 7.5% from 10%.Champion healing increased to 300% from 200%.Cooldown reduced to 8 seconds at all ranks from 12 / 11 / 10 / 9 / 8.', 'Base damage increased to 60 / 90 / 120 / 150 / 180 from 40 / 70 / 100 / 130 / 160.', 'AD ratio increased to(+ 80%bonusAD)from(+ 60%bonusAD)', 'Healing reduced to 7.5% from 10%.', 'Champion healing increased to 300% from 200%.', 'Cooldown reduced to 8 seconds at all ranks from 12 / 11 / 10 / 9 / 8.', 'Ruthless PredatorCooldown reduced to 13 / 12 / 11 / 10 / 9 seconds from 14 / 13 / 12 / 11 / 10.', 'Cooldown reduced to 13 / 12 / 11 / 10 / 9 seconds from 14 / 13 / 12 / 11 / 10.', 'DiceFury armor reduction changed to 15 / 17.5/ 20 / 22.5/ 25% from a flat 10 / 15 / 20 / 25 / 30.', 'Fury armor reduction changed to 15 / 17.5/ 20 / 22.5/ 25% from a flat 10 / 15 / 20 / 25 / 30.', 'Added', "Renekton isvoicedbyPatrick Seitz.Kog'Mawand pre- voice updateLucianare also voiced by the same voice actor.", "Kog'Mawand pre- voice updateLucianare also voiced by the same voice actor.", "Renekton's title used to be 'the Eater of Souls' (was changed to the current one after his sneak peek).", 'InLegends of Runeterra, he clarifies himself as a crocodile, and not an alligator.When he closes his jaw you can see his upper and lower teeth, alligators would only show top teeth due to a strong overbite.Crocodiles are much more aggressive than alligators, andRenektonhas a literal rage meter.[2]', 'When he closes his jaw you can see his upper and lower teeth, alligators would only show top teeth due to a strong overbite.', 'Crocodiles are much more aggressive than alligators, andRenektonhas a literal rage meter.[2]', "Cull the Meekused to be called 'Tyrant's Reach' (was changed for unknown reasons when his Champion Spotlight was released).", "Renekton's Art Spotlight is the only one not to show his Classic skin (showsOutbackinstead).", 'Renekton -Nasusis one of seven pairs of sibling champions (the others beingCassiopeia-Katarina,Kayle-Morgana,Garen-Lux,Yasuo-Yone,Darius-Draven, andVi-Jinx).Though not a pair,Anivia,Ornn, andVolibearare also siblings.', 'Though not a pair,Anivia,Ornn, andVolibearare also siblings.', "SliceandDicereferencethe eponymous expression.The motion Renekton performs when using the abilities references the'death roll'.Slice'soriginal icon resemblesAce in the Hole's.", "The motion Renekton performs when using the abilities references the'death roll'.", "Slice'soriginal icon resemblesAce in the Hole's.", 'Dominuscomes from the Romantitle, fromdomus"home, house", thus "Household\'s Master" (cf. Greekdespotes,Despoina, &Demeter).DominusandFury of the Sandsboth granting almost the same effects references Renekton andNasus\' brotherhood.', "DominusandFury of the Sandsboth granting almost the same effects references Renekton andNasus' brotherhood.", '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', 'Ao Shin', 'Avasha', 'Averdrian', 'CeeCee', 'Cyborg Cowboy', 'Eagle Rider', 'Gavid', 'Husk', 'Iron Engineer', 'Ivan', 'Omen', 'Priscilla', 'Rob Blackblade', 'Seth', 'Tabu', 'Tiki', 'Urf', 'Well', "↑Renekton's profile", '↑FeralPony on Renekton being a crocodile']} | Name: Dominus, Description: Active: Renekton empowers himself for 15 seconds, gaining bonus health , 20% increased size , 25 bonus attack range , and 20 Fury , as well as increasing Cull the Meek's effect radius. Bonus Health: 250 / 400 / 550 During this time, he deals magic damage every 0. 5 seconds to nearby enemies and generates 5 Fury per second, up to a maximum of 75 Fury . Magic Damage Per Tick: 30 / 60 / 90 (+ 5% bonus AD) (+ 5% AP) Total Magic Damage: 900 / 1800 / 2700 (+ 150% bonus AD) (+ 150% AP) Link ▶️ "I will tear the world asunder!", {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputAuto', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'Not Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', "Dominus'range increase does not stack withRuthless Predator.", "Dominus'cooldownis not refunded ifRenektondiesduring the cast animation.", "Dominus'bonus health gain does not interact withSpirit VisageorGrievous Wounds.RenektonretainsDominus'bonus health (if not over his normal maximum) once the duration ends.", "RenektonretainsDominus'bonus health (if not over his normal maximum) once the duration ends."]} | Renekton isvoicedbyPatrick Seitz.Kog'Mawand pre- voice updateLucianare also voiced by the same voice actor.
Renekton's title used to be 'the Eater of Souls' (was changed to the current one after his sneak peek).
InLegends of Runeterra, he clarifies himself as a crocodile, and not an alligator.When he closes his jaw you can see his upper and lower teeth, alligators would only show top teeth due to a strong overbite.Crocodiles are much more aggressive than alligators, andRenektonhas a literal rage meter.[2]
Cull the Meekused to be called 'Tyrant's Reach' (was changed for unknown reasons when his Champion Spotlight was released).
Renekton's Art Spotlight is the only one not to show his Classic skin (showsOutbackinstead).
Renekton -Nasusis one of seven pairs of sibling champions (the others beingCassiopeia-Katarina,Kayle-Morgana,Garen-Lux,Yasuo-Yone,Darius-Draven, andVi-Jinx).Though not a pair,Anivia,Ornn, andVolibearare also siblings.
SliceandDicereferencethe eponymous expression.The motion Renekton performs when using the abilities references the'death roll'.Slice'soriginal icon resemblesAce in the Hole's.
Dominuscomes from the Romantitle, fromdomus"home, house", thus "Household's Master" (cf. Greekdespotes,Despoina, &Demeter).DominusandFury of the Sandsboth granting almost the same effects references Renekton andNasus' brotherhood. |
Rengar,the Pridestalker | | | health: Health620+104, resource: ResourceN/A, health regen: Health regen. (per 5s)6+0.5, resource regen: Secondary BarFerocity(4), armor: Armor34+4.2, attack damage: Attack damage68+3, attack speed: Base AS0.667, gameplay radius: Gameplay radius65, selection radius: Selection radius70, release: 2012-08-21, changed: V13.15, role: AssassinDiver, position: TopJungle, rangetype: Melee, adaptivetype: Physical, cost: 4800|880 | Missing section(s):
RengarCurrentHunterSentinelYoungTitlesNickname(s)RengoBig dagger catAlias(es)The PridestalkerCharacteristicsSpeciesKiilashPronoun(s)He/HimTimelineBorn:Earlier than 816 ANWeapon(s)Kirai SaberArm BladesBolasRelic Stone KnivesPersonal statusStatusAlivePlace of originKiilash Village,Shuriman JungleCurrent residenceUnknown(No Fixed Abode)FamilyPonjaf†(Father)Professional statusOccupation(s)Trophy HunterHunterSentinel of LightRegion(s)IxtalFaction(s)VastayaSentinels of LightRelated character(s)Kha'ZixNidaleeQiyanaViegoLucianSennaAkshanDianaGravesIreliaOlafPykeRivenVayneGwen
• Current
• Hunter
• Sentinel
• Young
• Rengo
• Big dagger cat
• Born:Earlier than 816 AN
• Kirai Saber
• Arm Blades
• Bolas
• Relic Stone Knives
Personal status
Place of origin
Current residence
Professional status
• Trophy Hunter
• Hunter
• Sentinel of Light
• Vastaya
• Sentinels of Light
Related character(s)
Rengaris a ferociousvastayantrophy hunter who lives for the thrill of tracking down and killing dangerous creatures. He scours theworldfor the most fearsome beasts he can find, especially seeking any trace ofKha'Zix,the voidcreature who scratched out his eye. Rengar stalks his prey neither for food nor glory, but for the sheer beauty of the pursuit.
• 1Background1.1Early life1.2Sentinels of Light
• 2Appearance
• 3Personality
• 4Abilities
• 5Relations5.1Kha'Zix5.2Sentinels of Light
• 6Read More6.1Biography6.2Starring Champion6.3Mentioned Champion6.4Alternate Universes
• 7Trivia
• 8Change log
• 9References
• 10See also
• 1.1Early life
• 1.2Sentinels of Light
• 5.1Kha'Zix
• 5.2Sentinels of Light
• 6.1Biography
• 6.2Starring Champion
• 6.3Mentioned Champion
• 6.4Alternate Universes
Early life[]
Rengar hails from a tribe of Shuriman vastaya known as the Kiilash, whose society venerated the honor and glory of the hunt. Rengar was born the runt of the litter to the tribe's chieftain, Ponjaf. Ponjaf believed Rengar's diminutive size would make him a worthless hunter. He ignored his child, assuming the runt would starve to death.
Eventually, the young Rengar fled the camp, ashamed that he had disappointed his father. He subsisted on grubs and plants for weeks until, one day, he was nearly killed by a legendary human hunter named Markon. Upon seeing Rengar's state, he took pity on the creature and let it live. Besides, this was no mighty vastayan warrior worthy of Markon's blade.
Rengar spent months following Markon, feeding off the corpses the hunter left behind. He still hoped to one day rejoin his tribe, and so took great care in observing how Markon took down his quarries.
After some time, Markon grew sick of the pathetic Kiilash following him around. He put a knife to Rengar's throat and informed him that the only way to be a hunter was to hunt. He tossed Rengar the blade and kicked him down a ravine, where he was forced to make his first kill to survive.
From then on, Rengar spent years pushing himself almost to breaking point. He scoured Shurima for the most powerful and dangerous prey. Though he would never be as big as other Kiilash, Rengar was determined to be twice as ferocious. Over time, instead of coming back to his camp each time with fresh scars, he began to come back with trophies. He polished a sandhawk's skull to a sheen; he braided the teeth of a shrieker into his hair.
Then, when he decided the time had come, Rengar returned to his tribe, ready to be accepted as a true hunter.
Ponjaf scoffed at Rengar and his trophies. He decreed that only by bringing back the head of the elusive and legendary Void-abomination known as Kha'Zix would Rengar be welcomed back into the tribe.
Blinded by his eagerness, Rengar allowed this cunning beast to get the drop on him. The Void creature ripped out one of Rengar's eyes and escaped. Furious and defeated, Rengar admitted his failure to Ponjaf. As expected, his father chastised him.
But as Ponjaf spoke, Rengar noticed all the trophies adorning his father's hut were dusty and old. The chieftain had not hunted anything in a long time—he had likely sent Rengar after Kha'Zix because he was too afraid to do it himself.
Rengar interrupted his father and called him a coward. Many Kiilash were blessed with strong bodies or comfortable homes. Rengar, conversely, was born facing death. He had taught himself how to hunt, and had the trophies and scars to prove it. Even his own bloody eye socket was a trophy: proof that though Rengar was born with disadvantages, he never gave up.
Rengar leapt onto his father and gutted him from neck to belly. The fiercest hunters of the tribe crowned him with flame-roses, marking him as their new chieftain.
But Rengar didn't need his village's acceptance. All he needed was adrenaline pumping through his veins as he chased down his prey. He left the village, without even pausing to take a trophy from what was left of Ponjaf—his father was not a kill worthy of remembering. Instead, he set off determined to find and slay the Void creature that had tried to blind him.
Not to satisfy the Kiilash, but to satisfy himself.
Sentinels of Light[]
Rengar's as fierce as they come as well as brave, he lives for the hunt and the thrill of it and he roams the land seeking worthy opponents or prey that can put up a fight, those he kills, he puts on display in his trophy collection. but while he is savage he is incredibly intelligent, much to that of a patient predator, he studies his prey for strengths and weaknesses and then start hunting.
• Vastayan Physiology:Rengar is a Vastaya, an ancient race of demi-humans changed by the magic of the Spirit World. The connection to the Spirit World increased their longevity so they can live for centuries, and granted them powerful magic. The Vastaya are divided into several different tribes, each one defined by an specific animal. Rengar is a Kiilash, a type of leonine Vastaya.Enhanced Strength:Rengar is extremely strong, easily capable of killing a man in seconds.Enhanced Speed:Rengar's speed is far greater than that of a normal human.Enhanced Agility:Rengar's agility and body cordination allow him to move in ways that others couldn't. He can jump from branch to branch at frightening speed.
• Enhanced Strength:Rengar is extremely strong, easily capable of killing a man in seconds.
• Enhanced Speed:Rengar's speed is far greater than that of a normal human.
• Enhanced Agility:Rengar's agility and body cordination allow him to move in ways that others couldn't. He can jump from branch to branch at frightening speed.
Having fought and lost an eye as well as almost his life, Rengar seesKha'Zixas the ultimate prey and wants to hunt him down and mounthis headon his den as the ultimatehunting trophy.
Sentinels of Light[]
Rengar was saved byLucianand a Sentinel Rookie when theSentinels of Lightcame to the jungles Ixtal in search of a fetter, he would later join them in order to huntViegoto prove that he was still an apex predator.
Read More
The Pridestalker
ByAnthony Burch
Starring Champion
Short Story
ByIan St. Martin
“As it has adapted, now so must I. For I will have my kill.”
Short Story • 4 Minute Read
ByAnthony Burch
A predator feasting on fear. A hunter without any. Only one will make it out of this alive.
Rise of the Sentinels
ByJohn O'Bryan
Black Mist pours across Runeterra, enthralling its champions and shrouding the continent in darkness. If the last Sentinels are going to save Runeterra, they're going to need all the help they can get. And that meansyouRookie!
Starring:Akshan,Diana,Draven,Graves,Gwen,Irelia,Isolde,Karma,Lucian,Miss Fortune,Olaf,Pantheon,Pyke,Rengar,Riven,Senna,Shyvana,Thresh,Vayne,Vex,Viego,Yorick
Mentioned Champion
Short Story
An Intimate Evening at Oyster Bill's
ByJared Rosen
You will know joy...
Mentioned:Ashlesh,Rengar,Senna,Tahm Kench,Viego
The Voidreaver
By Unknown Author
Alternate Universes
A New Dawn
Day breaks over a landscape consecrated by blood and steel. A battle begins as a new dawn rises.
Cats Versus Dogs (Video)
This April Fools’, leave it all on the show floor.
Music Video
By Numerous creators
Since its inception, Worlds has grown and evolved. Each unbelievable play and phenomenal match created moments and memories that will never be forgotten. In these iconic moments, players and teams reached for something incredible within themselves and brought it to life on the Summoner’s Rift...
Starring:Aatrox,Ahri,Alistar,Anivia,Annie,Ashe,Brand,Caitlyn,Darius,Draven,Elise,Ezreal,Gnar,Janna,Jax,Jayce,Jinx,Kassadin,Katarina,Kennen,Kha'Zix,Lulu,Orianna,Rek'Sai,Rengar,Rumble,Ryze,Shen,Sivir,Tahm Kench,Teemo,Twisted Fate,Yasuo,Ziggs
Playtime with Gnar: Series 1
ByRachel J. Corey
Mentioned:Amumu,Cassiopeia,Cho'Gath,Darius,Draven,Karthus,Kha'Zix,Lee Sin,Leona,Malzahar,Nocturne,Nunu,Rengar,Twisted Fate,Willump
• Rengarbelongs to theVastayarace and tribe known as the Kiilash, which is named after Kiila, a Vastayashai'rei hero during the war against a race of titans from the sky. They are the Vastaya inhabitants ofShurima.The Kiilash apparently believe that seeing ayordleduring a hunt is a good omen that the hunt will be successful.
• During the events ofAdaptation,Rengarlost his left eye toKha'Zix. Before that he had a pair of blue eyes.
• HisKirai Saberpreviously belonged to Markon, his former hunting mentor.
• He may be a few hundred years old.[1]
• The Hunter Huntedwas originally written fromRengar'spoint of view; however, with the later established timeline and map settings, the hunter from the story is unlikely to still be him.[2]
• The Kiilash apparently believe that seeing ayordleduring a hunt is a good omen that the hunt will be successful.
Change log[]
See also[] | Name: Unseen Predator, Description: Innate: Rengar generates 1 Ferocity upon casting a basic ability or using Savagery's first attack. At 4 Ferocity , his next basic ability consumes them all to become empowered with an additional effect and grant him an additional cast along with 30 / 40 / 50% (based on level) bonus movement speed for 1. 5 seconds. Reaching 4 Ferocity with Savagery or Bola Strike locks them from use for 0. 1 seconds before and after casting. All Ferocity is lost after 10 seconds of being out of combat . Innate: While in brush , Rengar gains Unseen Predator . Unseen Predator: Rengar's basic attacks have massively increased range and cause him to leap to the target's location, attacking the target upon arrival and landing closer than his normal melee range. This generates 1 Ferocity if Rengar had 0 Ferocity at one point. Unseen Predator lingers for 0. 35 seconds upon exiting brush but is lost immediately if Rengar casts Flash or Hexflash to do so. Rengar can cast any of his abilities during the dash. Innate - Bonetooth Necklace: Scoring a takedown against an enemy champion within 3 seconds of damaging them grants Rengar a Trophy , once per unique champion and up to 5. An additional Trophy is made available through the event The Hunt is On! with the Head of Kha'Zix . Trophies grant bonus attack damage equal to 1% − 36% (based on Trophies) bonus AD . Link ▶️ "Spoils of the hunt!", {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputPassive', 'parries': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Rengarwill not leap to targets already in his normalbasic attackrange.', 'Whilegroundedorrooted,Rengarloses the enhancedattack rangefromUnseen Predator.', 'Rengarwill only leap to a target if his basic attack timer has been refreshed (if not so he will not automatically attempt to path towards his target, despite them being within leap range).', 'OnlyFlashandHexflashinstantly endUnseen Predator. Other effects (i.eTeleport) will still cause the buff to linger upon leavingbrush.', 'Rengarcan freely use anyabilities,summoner spells, oritem activeswhile leaping.Using adashorblinkability will interrupt the leap.', 'Using adashorblinkability will interrupt the leap.', "The leap's attack will have no effect if the target dies or becomesuntargetable.Savagery'sempowered attack will always be consumed.", "The attack from the leap will:Notgo off if the dash was interrupted.Go off at the end of the dash even if its normal destination is obstructed by boundaries he cannot cross (e.g. terrain,The Hextech Ultimatum).Go off regardless of distance the enemy travels away fromRengar'soriginal location.Go off even ifRengarlosessightof the target.", 'Notgo off if the dash was interrupted.', 'Go off at the end of the dash even if its normal destination is obstructed by boundaries he cannot cross (e.g. terrain,The Hextech Ultimatum).', "Go off regardless of distance the enemy travels away fromRengar'soriginal location.", 'Go off even ifRengarlosessightof the target.', "Rapid Firecannon'sandSavagery'sbonusranges are lost after 0.25seconds upon gainingUnseen Predator, and are re-gained after 0.25seconds upon losingUnseen Predator.", 'Rengarhas a resource bar that indicates how muchFerocityhe currently has.', "Bonetooth Necklaceuses different icons corresponding to the number of stacks acquired:1 Stack:2 Stacks:3 Stacks:4 Stacks:5 Stacks:6th Stack:Head of Kha'Zix", '1 Stack:', '2 Stacks:', '3 Stacks:', '4 Stacks:', '5 Stacks:', "6th Stack:Head of Kha'Zix"]} | Name: Savagery, Description: Active: Rengar empowers his next two basic attacks within 3 seconds to gain 40% bonus attack speed . His first attack has an uncancellable windup , gains 25 bonus range , and deals bonus physical damage , reduced by 40% against structures . The attack's damage will critically strike and is increased by 0% − 31. 25 % (based on critical strike chance) . Bonus Physical Damage : 30 / 60 / 90 / 120 / 150 (+ 0 / 5 / 10 / 15 / 20% AD) Ferocity Bonus: Savagery's damage is modified. Rengar gains 50% − 101% (based on level) bonus attack speed for 5 seconds. Empowered Bonus Damage: 30 − 235 (based on level) (+ 40% AD) Savagery resets Rengar's basic attack timer., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputAuto', 'damage_type': 'Physical', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'parries': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Map-Specific Differences', "Savagery'sempowered attack is not consumed byjungle plants.", 'The enhanced attack applies otheron-hiteffects as well aslife stealas normal (the bonus damage cannot).', 'Base damage changed to 40 / 80 / 120 / 160 / 200.', 'AD ratio changed to5 / 10 / 15 / 20 / 25% AD.', 'Empowered AD ratio changed to55% AD.']} | Name: Battle Roar, Description: Passive: Rengar stores 50% of the post-mitigation damage he has taken in the last 1. 5 seconds as grey health on his health bar , increased to 100% of damage taken from monsters . Active: Rengar roars, dealing magic damage to nearby enemies and 65 − 130 (based on level) bonus magic damage to monsters , and consuming his grey health to heal for the same amount. Magic Damage: 50 / 80 / 110 / 140 / 170 (+ 80% AP) Ferocity Bonus: Battle Roar's damage is modified. Rengar cleanses himself from all crowd control . Empowered Damage: 50 − 220 (based on level) (+ 80% AP), {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputAuto', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Tips & Tricks', 'Map-Specific Differences', 'Grey healthwill not be consumed upon castingBattle Roardespite visually appearing so. It will only ever expire after its duration ends.', 'IfRengaruses bothBattle Roarand its empowered version in quick succession he will heal for 100% of the damage he received in the last few seconds.', 'Base damage changed to 60 / 100 / 140 / 180 / 220.', 'AP ratio changed to95% AP.', 'Grey health stored changed to 60%.']} | Name: Bola Strike, Description: Active: Rengar throws a bola in the target direction that deals physical damage to the first enemy hit and slows them for 1. 75 seconds, as well as revealing them for 2 seconds and granting sight of a 150-unit radius around them for the same duration. Physical Damage: 55 / 100 / 145 / 190 / 235 (+ 80% bonus AD) Slow: 30 / 45 / 60 / 75 / 90% Ferocity Bonus: Bola Strike's damage is modified. The target is rooted instead of slowed . Empowered Damage: 50 − 305 (based on level) (+ 80% bonus AD) Link ▶️ "Easy prey.", {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputDirection', 'damage_type': 'Physical', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', "IfRengarcastsSavageryand/orBattle RoarduringBola Strike'scast time, he will buffer them and cast them whenBola Strikecompletes.", 'This ability will cast from wherever the caster is at the end of the cast time.']} | Name: Thrill of the Hunt, Description: Passive: Rengar also gains Unseen Predator while camouflaged from any source. Active: Rengar prowls for a duration, gaining bonus movement speed . After a 2-second delay, he also becomes camouflaged . Duration: 12 / 16 / 20 Bonus Movement Speed: 40 / 50 / 60% During this time, Rengar will detect the nearest enemy champion in range, revealing and gaining sight of a 100-unit radius around them. Enemies detected are revealed for the remaining full duration. The nearest detected enemy within 1600 range is also marked, alerting all of their allies within 1200 range about Rengar's presence. Rengar's next basic attack within normal attack range against any enemy or with Unseen Predator to the marked enemy deals 50% AD bonus physical damage and inflicts armor reduction for 4 seconds. Armor Reduction: 12 / 18 / 24 Attacking or casting abilities , other than Savagery , ends Thrill of the Hunt immediately. Link ▶️ Detection alert. Link ▶️ Presence alert., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputAuto', 'damage_type': 'Physical', 'spell_shield': 'Not Blocked', 'parries': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Map-Specific Differences', "Thrill of the Hunt'sduration starts on-cast.", 'The armor reduction appliesafterthe attack.', 'Thetrue sightreveal on the target stays until the leap finishes.', 'Rengardiscerns a distinctheart beatinstead of the usualtrue sightindicator. This indicator will be removed when out of range, but the target will remain revealed.', 'Thrill of the Hunthas an indicator that appears above the target(s) when Rengar is nearby. Some skins have a unique indicator.', 'Bonus movement speed changed to 50 / 70 / 90%.', 'Cooldown changed to 80 / 70 / 60 seconds.']} | Bonetooth Necklaceis the first item to feature multiple names and icons.It was first discovered via an erroneous update for the game's official website's items page.The Hunt is On!between Rengar andKha'ZixreferencesAlien vs. Predator.
Rengar's dance references the traditionalMāoriHakawarriordance, specificallyKa Mate.A side-by-side comparison can be seenhere.He shares this dance withPyke.
Rengar is one of ten champions to reference another one in-game (the others beingAatrox,Graves,Jinx,Kha'Zix,Quinn,Renekton,Vi,Volibear, andZed).
Unseen Predator,Prowl,Headshotare a few of the innates that interact with brush.
Thrill of the Hunt'sexclamation pointappearing over enemies' heads referencesMetal Gear Solid. |
Riven,the Exile,Konte Riven | | | health: Health630+100, resource: ResourceN/A, health regen: Health regen. (per 5s)8.5+0.5, resource regen: Resource regen.N/A, armor: Armor33+4.4, attack damage: Attack damage64+3, attack speed: Base AS0.625, gameplay radius: Gameplay radius65, selection radius: Selection radius130, release: 2011-09-14, changed: V13.23, role: Skirmisher, position: TopMiddle, rangetype: Melee, adaptivetype: Physical, cost: 4800|880 | Games
RivenCurrentArmored 1Armored 2FarmerReckonerSentinelTeen 1Teen 2YoungTitlesReal nameRiven Konte(Adopted Surname)Nickname(s)Dyeda(Ionian: 'Daughter')Little sisterRivButcherAlias(es)The ExileCaptain RivenButcher of the BayCharacteristicsSpeciesHumanPronoun(s)She/HerTimelineBorn:966 AN - 971 ANWeapon(s)Runic BladeRelic Stone SwordPersonal statusStatusAlivePlace of originTrevale,NoxusCurrent residenceNoxus Prime,NoxusFamilyUnnamed Father†Unnamed Mother†Asa Konte(Adopted Father)Shava Konte†(Adopted Mother)Arrel Konte(Adoptive Sister)Marit Konte†(Adoptive Sister)Teneff Konte(Adoptive Sister)Unnamed Adoptive Brothers†Professional statusOccupation(s)FarmerGuardian of IoniaReckonerSentinel of LightWandererNoxian CaptainSoldierRegion(s)IoniaNoxusFaction(s)ReckonersSentinels of LightRelated character(s)Boram DarkwillSingedYasuoLeBlancDravenViegoLucianSennaAkshanGravesGwenOlafIreliaVayneDianaPykeRengar
• Current
• Armored 1
• Armored 2
• Farmer
• Reckoner
• Sentinel
• Teen 1
• Teen 2
• Young
Real name
• Dyeda(Ionian: 'Daughter')
• Little sister
• Riv
• Butcher
• The Exile
• Captain Riven
• Butcher of the Bay
• Born:966 AN - 971 AN
• Runic Blade
• Relic Stone Sword
Personal status
Place of origin
Current residence
• Unnamed Father†
• Unnamed Mother†
• Asa Konte(Adopted Father)
• Shava Konte†(Adopted Mother)
• Arrel Konte(Adoptive Sister)
• Marit Konte†(Adoptive Sister)
• Teneff Konte(Adoptive Sister)
• Unnamed Adoptive Brothers†
Professional status
• Farmer
• Guardian of Ionia
• Reckoner
• Sentinel of Light
• Wanderer
• Noxian Captain
• Soldier
• Ionia
• Noxus
• Reckoners
• Sentinels of Light
Related character(s)
Once a swordmaster in the warhosts ofNoxus,Rivenrose through the ranks on the strength of her conviction and brutal efficiency, and was rewarded with a legendary runic blade and a warband of her own. However, on theIonianfront, Riven's faith in her nation was tested and ultimately broken. She severed all ties to the empire, seeking to find her place in a shattered world, even as rumors abounded that Noxus had been reforged. Now forced to return in chains, she faces the judgment of her former homeland...
• 1Background1.1Early life1.2Contemporary history1.3Recent events
• 2Personality
• 3Appearance
• 4Relations4.1Singed4.2Yasuo4.3LeBlanc4.4Her Battlesisters4.5Draven4.6Sentinels of Light
• 5Read More5.1Biography5.2Starring Champion5.3Mentioned Champion5.4Alternate Universes
• 6Trivia
• 7Change log
• 8References
• 9See also
• 1.1Early life
• 1.2Contemporary history
• 1.3Recent events
• 4.1Singed
• 4.2Yasuo
• 4.3LeBlanc
• 4.4Her Battlesisters
• 4.5Draven
• 4.6Sentinels of Light
• 5.1Biography
• 5.2Starring Champion
• 5.3Mentioned Champion
• 5.4Alternate Universes
Early life[]
Riven was born on a farm in the coastal farming village ofTrevale, inNoxus. Her father had been a soldier, slain in battle and her own mother was said to not survived the birth, leaving young Riven to work the farms as an orphan. Working a farm wasn't her lifelong goal, however. She longed for more. Inspired by warband conscriptors that would frequent Trevale, she would eventually join the Fury Company and pledge her strength to the Noxian Empire. Alongside her sisters- and brothers- in arms, whose bonds were forged in the heat of battle, a bond she saw as unbreakable, Riven thrived.
Despite her youth, Riven proved to be a natural soldier. Years of working at the farm made her strong, and in turn, allow her to master the weight of a longsword so much taller and heavier than herself. So strong was her dedication, that it got her noticed byBoram Darkwill, the emperor of Noxus, who bestowed Riven her own massive runic blade, said to be enchanted by a certainpale sorceressin his court.
Not long after, Riven and her warband would sail for Ionia, intended to take part of the long planned Noxus-led occupation. The war dragged, and it became clear that Ionia would not kneel. Fury Company was eventually assigned to escort another warband, through the embattled Navori Province. The warband's leader, a commander by the name of Emystan, had just commissioned weapons from a Zaunite alchymist, and was eager to test them out. Riven had been glad to put her life on the Altar of the Noxian Empire across countless campaigns, but the something had been off about this one. The soldiers, the weapons' purpose, something was off. It made Riven uneasy.
This campaign, much like the others, was met with strong resistance. It was the land itself fighting back. Stranded on a muddy landslide during a rainstorm, the Ionian resistance saw an opportunity. Seeing the opposition, Riven called Emystan for backup. It would be the last Captain Riven would ever do.
A flaming arrow, flown from the ridgeside, embedded itself into the wagon. Riven had instinctively drawn her sword, but it wasn't enough to protect anyone but herself. Chemical flames burst from the wagon, engulfing Noxian and Ionian alike, leaving them to suffer a slow agonizing death. Saved from the toxic mist by the magic in her Runeblade, Riven could only watch in horror as both family and foe slowly choked to death on the poisonous fumes. There she realized the high cost of the war bent not on expanding Noxus's borders or spreading its ideals, but one of complete and utter annihilation. One of complete utter betrayal and atrocity.
Memories of the event would only come to Riven later in nightmares, but the impact was enough. Disgusted with the betrayal, Riven had come to hate the blade that saved her life, her final tie to Noxus. Seeking the assistance of a windblade master, Riven would have it shattered, but even that failed to bring her peace. She wandered the Ionian countryside, deciding exile was a better price for someone who'd wrought as much damage as she.
Contemporary history[]
Eventually, her travels would return her to the village where she'd broken the sword. There, she would be taken in by a pair of Ionian farmers, distraught over the loss of their own sons, but unwilling to live in the past and fully ready to embrace the future. Once she'd regain her health, Riven would help them in the fields until one day Ionian soldiers came for her. Then, she learned that the master she'd sought help for to destroy her blade had perished, and that in seeing her blade, the Ionian soldiers have new evidence as to who might have done it.
Now dragged to court, Riven faced trail for the murder of Elder Souma, whom she currently had no true recollection of ever meeting. After being bombarded with questions, Riven's blade, the Runesword she had sought to destroy and now laid in pieces sans one, was brought out. The final piece, found embedded in the corpse of Elder Souma, was slotted back into the weapon and revived the deactivated weapon and her memories. Riven was in fact, she revealed, the one who killed Elder Souma.
That night she was made to stay in the trail room, to await her sentence. A hooded man, who'd had approached her the day before prior to her arrest, came to her. There, he revealed himself to beYasuo, Elder Souma's apprentice, who'd been tasked to guard the elder but had left to fight in theNoxian Invasion. He'd return to his village to his master dead, his village attacked, and first and foremost had been accused of Souma's murder. Now seeking vengeance, he challenged Riven to a fight, to which she agreed.
The battle was on then.
Only stopping when Riven's Runic blade, activated but still very much in pieces, slid and a piece shot out, the piece flying in the direction of Riven's adoptive father, Asa Konte, who'd had come to Riven to free her from her chains. It would've killed him were it not for Yasuo's windwall, stopping right as it was about to embed itself onto the old man's neck. There it was where Riven understood, that they both could not escape their pasts, but can embrace change. When the magistrate returned, Riven was ready to face her sentence. The council, seeing as no longer wishing for additional bloodshed, had sentenced her to years of servitude in the farms around the village, starting that of the Kontes. Riven, now reforged somewhat, agreed.
Recent events[]
In the later years, Riven was caught and she was forced to fight as a Reckoning in the Reckoner’s Arena, which is run by Darius’s brother, Draven. She later helped Lucian, Senna, and Vayne escape during the harrowing in Noxus and temporarily joined the Sentinels of Light to atone for her sins. Her whereabouts after the events of the Sentinels of Light were unknown, possibly she returned to Kontes’s farm.
She was ruthless and efficient as a warrior, but her true strength lay in her conviction. She entered battles without any trace of doubt in her mind: no ethical pause, no fear of death. She is a determined and fiercely devoted individual with internal discipline.
Riven is a tall woman with an athletic build, tanned skin, dark golden eyes, and platinum white hair tied up in a bow.
She usually wears a two-part white dress, as well as bandages on her right arm and she has parts of black armor that covers her shoulder, left leg, and a metal glove on her left hand.
Riven was aNoxiansoldier sent toIoniaduring the empire's invasion. A traumatic experience during the campaign involvingSinged'schemicals caused her to question her devotion and sever her ties to Noxus, wandering ever since.Singedwas approached by aNoxianmilitary commander named Emystan, who Riven's unit was assigned to escort, to help her break the bitter stalemate of the war inIonia. When Riven called to Emystan for support during a battle, both sides were annihilated by the chemicals he created. Seeing the approval of slaughter of the innocent caused by Singed and Emystan also madeQuilletta Varngrew more disillusioned by the empire's ambitions, which led to her rebel against the empire and the events ofDarius'comicBlood of Noxus.
Yasuosuspected Riven of being the one who killed Elder Souma, whom Yasuo was supposed to protect ("Wait, thattechnique... huh","Huh,threeswift strikes... ","Anotherwindblade?","Who taught youthat?") Riven eventually confessed to unintentionally killing Elder Souma: desperate to erase her past as a Noxian invader and killer, Riven begged the elderlywind-master to shatter her runic blade, which was the past's memento. Souma succeeded, yet a stray shard struck his neck, killing him.
The confession absolved Yasuo of murder, yet not of his personal guilt of abandoning his post that led to Souma's accidental death and him having to kill multiple brethen in self-defense, includinghis own brother. Yasuo's presence or absence making a difference was highlighted during Riven's trial, when he focused the Wind Technique on Riven's sword as Souma would have, and the shard that killed his master nearly did the same to Asa Konte, Riven's adopted father. This time, Yasuo was able to stop the shard before it could cause any harm.
Her blade was enchanted byLeBlanc, who is seemingly trying to take it back.
Her Battlesisters[]
Riven's sisters in war Arrel, Marit and Teneff were tasked with and succeeded in bringing her back toNoxus, where she was sentenced to life in theFleshing Arena. The group leader, Tifalenji, was sent by LeBlanc to retrieve the blade. She was angry when she found out it was broken (and LeBlanc will possibly be, too).
Dravenfinds her a worthy opponent when she was forced to fight in his arena.
Sentinels of Light[]
Riven helped theSentinels of Lightescape from Reckoner's Arena and would later join them in their fight againstViego'sRuination. Riven was initially rebuked byIrelia, due to her past actions during the Noxian Invasion, but eventually gained her respect during their time together as Sentinels of Light.
Read More
The Exile
ByAriel Lawrence
Mentioned:Boram Darkwill,LeBlanc,Singed
Starring Champion
Music Video
By Numerous creators
A deadly masterpiece unfolds. A lone resistance made whole. A chance to come alive.
Short Story • 11 Minute Read
Confessions of a Broken Blade: Part 1
ByAriel Lawrence
In the wake of war between Noxus and Ionia, Riven is accused of a heinous crime.
Short Story • 14 Minute Read
Confessions of a Broken Blade: Part 2
ByAriel Lawrence
Riven stands trial for the murder of Yasuo's master. New evidence is revealed, a broken blade.
Short Story • 9 Minute Read
Confessions of a Broken Blade: Part 3
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As the trial concludes, Riven must finally face the horrors of her past.
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Black Mist pours across Runeterra, enthralling its champions and shrouding the continent in darkness. If the last Sentinels are going to save Runeterra, they're going to need all the help they can get. And that meansyouRookie!
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Steadfast Heart: Issue 4
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Steadfast Heart: Issue 6
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Ruined King
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Mentioned:Ashe,Elise,Fiddlesticks,Fizz,Gwen,Hecarim,Isolde,Ivern,Janna,Jarvan IV,Kalista,Ledros,Lucian,Nagakabouros,Nautilus,Olaf,Ornn,Rhasa,Riven,Senna,Swain,Tahm Kench,Taliyah,Twisted Fate,Udyr,Volibear,Yone,Yorick,Zed
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Sisterhood of War Part 2: The Unquiet Dead
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Alternate Universes
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Starring:Ahri,Blitzcrank,Braum,Caitlyn,Ekko,Miss Fortune,Ornn,Riven,Yasuo,Zed,Zoe
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Transform your destiny.
Journal of Justice
ByInstitute of War
Formare veneficum est formare fatum.
Starring:Akali,Alistar,Amumu,Anivia,Annie,Ashe,Blitzcrank,Brand,Cassiopeia,Cho'Gath,Corki,Darius,Dr. Mundo,Evelynn,Ezreal,Fiddlesticks,Gangplank,Garen,Gragas,Heimerdinger,Irelia,Janna,Jarvan IV,Jax,Karma,Karthus,Kassadin,Katarina,Kayle,Kennen,Kog'Maw,Lee Sin,Leona,Lissandra,Lux,Malzahar,Maokai,Master Yi,Mordekaiser,Morgana,Nasus,Nidalee,Nocturne,Nunu,Olaf,Pantheon,Poppy,Rammus,Renekton,Riven,Rumble,Ryze,Sejuani,Shaco,Shen,Singed,Sion,Sivir,Skarner,Sona,Soraka,Swain,Talon,Taric,Teemo,Tibbers,Tristana,Trundle,Tryndamere,Twisted Fate,Twitch,Udyr,Urgot,Veigar,Vladimir,Warwick,Willump,Wukong,Xin Zhao,Yorick,Zilean
ByInstitute of War
The truest opponent lies within.
Starring:Boram Darkwill,Brand,Caitlyn,Cassiopeia,Galio,Graves,Irelia,Jarvan IV,Karma,LeBlanc,Lee Sin,Leona,Lux,Maokai,Miss Fortune,Nocturne,Orianna,Renekton,Riven,Rumble,Ryze,Skarner,Sona,Swain,Talon,Trundle,Urgot,Varus,Vayne,Vladimir,Wukong,Xerath,Xin Zhao,Yorick
Unto Darkness, Unto Light
ByAriel Lawrence
Academy Adventures: Series 2
ByGutter Rat
Mentioned:Amumu,Anivia,Annie,Ashe,Aurelion Sol,Braum,Caitlyn,Cho'Gath,Dr. Mundo,Draven,Elise,Ezreal,Fiddlesticks,Fizz,Galio,Gnar,Heimerdinger,Janna,Jhin,Jinx,Kog'Maw,Lulu,Lux,Malphite,Malzahar,Miss Fortune,Nami,Nasus,Olaf,Poppy,Rakan,Rammus,Rek'Sai,Riven,Rumble,Ryze,Shaco,Singed,Sona,Soraka,Syndra,Taliyah,Talon,Taric,Teemo,Thresh,Tibbers,Tristana,Twitch,Urgot,Varus,Veigar,Volibear,Warwick,Wukong,Xayah,Yasuo,Yorick,Zac,Zed,Ziggs,Zyra
Immortal Journey Cinematic
Mentioned:Irelia,Jax,Master Yi,Nami,Riven
Mac Client Available
Starring:Dr. Mundo
Mentioned:Amumu,Ashe,Caitlyn,Ezreal,Fizz,Gragas,Graves,Katarina,Master Yi,Miss Fortune,Mordekaiser,Orianna,Riven,Ryze,Singed,Soraka,Viktor,Zac,Ziggs
Punches and Plants: Series 2
Mentioned:Aatrox,Ahri,Alistar,Amumu,Annie,Aurelion Sol,Azir,Bard,Blitzcrank,Caitlyn,Cho'Gath,Diana,Draven,Ekko,Ezreal,Fizz,Galio,Gnar,Graves,Heimerdinger,Jayce,Kha'Zix,Kog'Maw,Leona,Lucian,Lux,Malphite,Maokai,Miss Fortune,Nasus,Nautilus,Nidalee,Olaf,Orianna,Poppy,Quinn,Rakan,Renekton,Riven,Rumble,Shaco,Taric,Teemo,Tibbers,Tristana,Trundle,Udyr,Valor,Vel'Koz,Viktor,Volibear,Warwick,Wukong,Xayah,Xin Zhao,Yasuo,Ziggs
Music Video
By Numerous creators
Reaching the peak takes more than skill. Only those with the ambition to RISE above all others will know its height.
Starring: N/A
Mentioned:Akali,Ashe,Braum,Darius,Ekko,Ezreal,Fiora,Garen,Gnar,Jarvan IV,Jax,Jinx,Kalista,Kennen,Kha'Zix,Leona,Lux,Master Yi,Olaf,Poppy,Rakan,Riven,Ryze,Sejuani,Swain,Taliyah,Thresh,Tryndamere,Vayne,Xayah,Yasuo,Zed,Ziggs
Music Video
By Numerous creators
The battle begins, and sixteen teams across the globe are fighting towards one goal – to win the League of Legends World Championship.
Starring: N/A
• The bandages she wears are there to hide the permanent scars she obtained from Zaunite chem-tech explosives during the Invasion of Ionia.
• Riven'sKi Burst, is one of the fighting ways of a combat technique known as Ki.Shenalso uses one of the techniques, theKi Barrier.Broken WingsandBlade of the Exilealso have similar effects toYasuoandYone'swind technique.However, this may be mostly due to the magic of her blade.
• Riven was imprisoned and forced to fight in the Reckoners Arena, when she was extradited back to Noxus. She would eventually escape the arena with the help of the Sentinels of Light.
• However, this may be mostly due to the magic of her blade.
• Riven'sthemeis that of an exile who still believes in her homeland's ideals and wishes to fight for them while restoring the trueNoxianway.
• Riven's initialbackstoryhad her being a 'gooder than good'Demacianwho was exiled for helping Noxian refugees escape persecution (her current one wasinspiredbySeta SōjirōfromRurouni Kenshinand might be referencingAragornfromLord of the Ringsand/orMeetra SurikfromStar Wars Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords).
Change log[]
See also[] | Name: Runic Blade, Description: Innate: Riven's ability casts generate a stack of Charge for 6 seconds, refreshing on subsequent casts and stacking up to 3 times. Riven's basic attacks are empowered to each consume a stack to deal bonus physical damage equal to 30% − 60% (based on level) AD , reduced to 「 50% 」 「 15% − 30% (based on level) AD . 」 against structures . The bonus damage is affected by critical strike modifiers and applies life steal at 100% effectiveness., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputPassive', 'damage_type': 'Physical', 'parries': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', "Runic Blade'sduration also refreshes whenRivenconsumes a stack.", 'The empowered attack will not trigger againstwards.']} | Name: Broken Wings, Description: Active: Riven can activate Broken Wings three times before the ability goes on cooldown, with a 0. 3125 -second static cooldown between casts. If Riven does not recast the ability within 4 seconds of the previous cast, it goes on cooldown. Riven slashes with her sword for each of the three casts, dealing physical damage to enemies struck within an area, resetting her basic attack timer, and ordering her to basic attack the target of Broken Wings if there are any. Physical Damage: 15 / 35 / 55 / 75 / 95 (+ 50 / 55 / 60 / 65 / 70% AD) Total Physical Damage: 45 / 105 / 165 / 225 / 285 (+ 150 / 165 / 180 / 195 / 210% AD) First Cast: Riven dashes up to 225 units towards the target enemy or in the direction she is currently facing, striking enemies in the target area 100 units away. This cast cannot cross terrain. Second Cast: Riven mimics the first cast's effects. Third Cast: Riven mimics the first cast's effects in a larger area while also knocking back enemies hit 75 units over 0. 5 seconds. This cast can cross terrain., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputUnit/Auto', 'damage_type': 'Physical', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', "Each cast counts as a single ability activation for the purposes of on-cast effects such asSpellbladeand triggeringForce Pulse'spassive.", 'The basic attack reset is not considered one forHail of Blades.', 'Moving after usingBroken Wingsallows Riven to do other actions faster.', 'TheThird CastpreventsRivenfrom using basic attacks and abilities for longer than the other 2 casts.', 'TheThird Castmay have an extended dash range when crossing terrain.']} | Name: Ki Burst, Description: Active: Riven emits a flash of runic energy before the cast time, dealing physical damage to nearby enemies and stunning them for 0. 75 seconds. Physical Damage: 65 / 95 / 125 / 155 / 185 (+ 100% bonus AD), {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputAuto', 'damage_type': 'Physical', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Rivenis briefly unable to basic attack after the cast time.', 'Broken Wingsmay be cast whilebasic attackingbriefly after castingKi Burst.(bug)']} | Name: Valor, Description: Active: Riven dashes to the target location, though not through terrain, while granting herself a shield for 1. 5 seconds. Shield Strength: 80 / 105 / 130 / 155 / 180 (+ 110% bonus AD) Riven can cast any of her abilities during the dash. Valor will cast at max range if cast beyond that., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputLocation', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', "Broken Wingsmay be cast duringKi BurstorBlade of the Exilecast times if they're used at the end or briefly after the dash.(bug)"]} | Name: Blade of the Exile, Description: Active: Riven empowers her blade for 15 seconds, gaining 25% AD bonus attack damage , 75 bonus attack range , and increased range on Broken Wings and Ki Burst . After 0. 5 seconds, she can cast Wind Slash within the duration. Link ▶️ "I am awakened.", {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputAuto', 'damage_type': 'Physical', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Blade of the Exile Details', 'Wind Slash Details', 'All bonuses are gained after 0.5seconds of the ability starting its cast.Thebonusattack damageamount is factored upon cast, and does not change.', 'Thebonusattack damageamount is factored upon cast, and does not change.', "IfRivenhas a basic attack buffered before the end ofBlade of the Exile'scast time, the buffered basic attack will start 0.33seconds after the end of the cast time.The delay will not apply to basic attack commands input afterBlade of the Exile'scast time.", "The delay will not apply to basic attack commands input afterBlade of the Exile'scast time.", "Wind Slashcounts as an ability activation for the purposes of on-cast effects such asSpellbladeand triggeringForce Pulse'spassive.", 'This ability will cast from wherever the caster is at the end of the cast time.', "Wind Slash'swave is made up of three individual missiles spread in a cone.Each enemy can be damaged by only one missile.", 'Each enemy can be damaged by only one missile.', 'IfWind Slashhits an enemy whileRivenis not visible, it will briefly grantsightof the area around her to enemies.', "IfRivenhas a basic attack buffered before the end ofWind Slash'scast time, the buffered basic attack will start 0.528seconds after the end of the cast time.The delay is not applied if a basic attack command is input after the cast time.", 'The delay is not applied if a basic attack command is input after the cast time.', 'Broken WingsAD ratio increased to50 / 55 / 60 / 65 / 70% ADfrom45 / 50 / 55 / 60 / 65% AD.', 'AD ratio increased to50 / 55 / 60 / 65 / 70% ADfrom45 / 50 / 55 / 60 / 65% AD.', 'Blade of the ExileBonus attack damage increased to25% ADfrom20% AD.', 'Bonus attack damage increased to25% ADfrom20% AD.', 'Reignited Worlds 2012 RivenSkin renamed toReignited Worlds 2012 RivenfromWorlds 2016 Riven.', 'Skin renamed toReignited Worlds 2012 RivenfromWorlds 2016 Riven.', 'Worlds 2012 RivenSkin renamed toWorlds 2012 RivenfromChampionship Riven.', 'Skin renamed toWorlds 2012 RivenfromChampionship Riven.', 'Reignited Worlds 2012 RivenSkin renamed toWorlds 2016 RivenfromChampionship Riven 2016.', 'Skin renamed toWorlds 2016 RivenfromChampionship Riven 2016.', 'Runic BladeAD ratio increased to30% − 60% (based on level)ADfrom30% − 60% (based on level)AD.Now scales linearly.New Effect:Now applies bonus damage against structures at 50% effectiveness.New Effect:Stacks now display on health bar for the player.', 'AD ratio increased to30% − 60% (based on level)ADfrom30% − 60% (based on level)AD.Now scales linearly.', 'New Effect:Now applies bonus damage against structures at 50% effectiveness.', 'New Effect:Stacks now display on health bar for the player.', 'StatsBase health increased to 630 from 560.Health growth increased to 100 from 86.Armor growth increased to 4.4from 3.2.Magic resistance growth increased to 2.05from 1.25.', 'Base health increased to 630 from 560.', 'Health growth increased to 100 from 86.', 'Armor growth increased to 4.4from 3.2.', 'Magic resistance growth increased to 2.05from 1.25.', 'ValorBase shield reduced to 80 / 105 / 130 / 155 / 180 from 85 / 115 / 145 / 175 / 205.Shield bonus AD ratio reduced to110%bonusADfrom120%.', 'Base shield reduced to 80 / 105 / 130 / 155 / 180 from 85 / 115 / 145 / 175 / 205.', 'Shield bonus AD ratio reduced to110%bonusADfrom120%.', 'Ki BurstBase damage increased to 65 / 95 / 125 / 155 / 185 from 55 / 85 / 115 / 145 / 175.', 'Base damage increased to 65 / 95 / 125 / 155 / 185 from 55 / 85 / 115 / 145 / 175.', 'ValorBonus AD ratio increased to120%bonusADfrom100%.', 'Bonus AD ratio increased to120%bonusADfrom100%.', 'ValorBase shield reduced to 85 / 115 / 145 / 175 / 205 from 95 / 125 / 155 / 185 / 215.', 'Base shield reduced to 85 / 115 / 145 / 175 / 205 from 95 / 125 / 155 / 185 / 215.', 'ValorCooldown reduced to 10 / 9 / 8 / 7 / 6 seconds from 12 / 11 / 10 / 9 / 8.', 'Cooldown reduced to 10 / 9 / 8 / 7 / 6 seconds from 12 / 11 / 10 / 9 / 8.', 'StatsBase magic resistance reduced to 32 from 32.1.', 'Base magic resistance reduced to 32 from 32.1.', 'Broken WingsBug Fix:Casting it from Fog of War while hovering her cursor over an enemy champion or minion, she and the small area around her will no longer by revealed by the enemy team.', 'Bug Fix:Casting it from Fog of War while hovering her cursor over an enemy champion or minion, she and the small area around her will no longer by revealed by the enemy team.', 'ValorBug Fix:Casting it from Fog of War while hovering her cursor over an enemy champion or minion, she and the small area around her will no longer by revealed by the enemy team.', 'Bug Fix:Casting it from Fog of War while hovering her cursor over an enemy champion or minion, she and the small area around her will no longer by revealed by the enemy team.', 'Runic BladeBug Fix:When at three stacks the duration now properly resets when one stack is used.', 'Bug Fix:When at three stacks the duration now properly resets when one stack is used.', 'Runic BladeAD ratio increased to30% − 60% (based on level)ADfrom25% − 50% (based on level)AD.', 'AD ratio increased to30% − 60% (based on level)ADfrom25% − 50% (based on level)AD.', 'Broken WingsBug Fix:Tooltip has been corrected to remove the attack speed gain.', 'Bug Fix:Tooltip has been corrected to remove the attack speed gain.', 'Broken WingsBug Fix:Now properly activatesConquerorand give her four stacks of the rune when quickly used twice on the same target.', 'Bug Fix:Now properly activatesConquerorand give her four stacks of the rune when quickly used twice on the same target.', 'StatsBase health increased to 560 from 558.48.Base health regeneration increased to 8.5from 7.', 'Base health increased to 560 from 558.48.', 'Base health regeneration increased to 8.5from 7.', 'GeneralRecommended items updated.', 'Recommended items updated.', 'Broken WingsCooldown increased to 13 seconds from 12.', 'Cooldown increased to 13 seconds from 12.', 'ValorCooldown reduced to 12 / 11 / 10 / 9 / 8 seconds from 14 / 13 / 12 / 11 / 10.', 'Cooldown reduced to 12 / 11 / 10 / 9 / 8 seconds from 14 / 13 / 12 / 11 / 10.', 'Broken WingsCooldown increased to 12 seconds at all ranks from 12 / 11.5/ 11 / 10.5/ 10.', 'Cooldown increased to 12 seconds at all ranks from 12 / 11.5/ 11 / 10.5/ 10.', 'Broken WingsCooldown reduced to 12 / 11.5/ 11 / 10.5/ 10 seconds from 13 at all ranks.', 'Cooldown reduced to 12 / 11.5/ 11 / 10.5/ 10 seconds from 13 at all ranks.', 'ValorCooldown increased to 14 / 13 / 12 / 11 / 10 seconds from 10 / 9 / 8 / 7 / 6.', 'Cooldown increased to 14 / 13 / 12 / 11 / 10 seconds from 10 / 9 / 8 / 7 / 6.', 'GeneralUpdated visual effects.Basic attack visual noise reduced.', 'Updated visual effects.', 'Basic attack visual noise reduced.', 'Runic BladeSword and hand now glow instead of creating a green energy ball with rune trails on top of her hand.', 'Sword and hand now glow instead of creating a green energy ball with rune trails on top of her hand.', 'Broken WingsVFX updated to be less noise and unique per cast.Ground damage VFX added to indicate area of effect.', 'VFX updated to be less noise and unique per cast.', 'Ground damage VFX added to indicate area of effect.', 'Ki BurstVFX updated to reduce visual noise on the ground symbol and better indicate area of effect.', 'VFX updated to reduce visual noise on the ground symbol and better indicate area of effect.', 'ValorDash and shield VFX updated.Shield runes changed to be the pieces of her sword.', 'Dash and shield VFX updated.', 'Shield runes changed to be the pieces of her sword.', 'Blade of the ExileBuff VFX surrounding her cleaned upStronger buff VFX added to her sword.Other ability VFX properly indicates increased area of effect while R is active.', 'Buff VFX surrounding her cleaned up', 'Stronger buff VFX added to her sword.', 'Other ability VFX properly indicates increased area of effect while R is active.', 'Wind SlashVFX is clearer and now appears as a single strike.', 'VFX is clearer and now appears as a single strike.', 'Battle Bunny RivenVFX recolored orange.E shield runes are carrots.', 'VFX recolored orange.', 'E shield runes are carrots.', 'Dragonblade RivenHas skin-specific smokey/firey VFX.Passive VFX is a flame ring around her hand.E shield runes are dragon crests.', 'Has skin-specific smokey/firey VFX.', 'Passive VFX is a flame ring around her hand.', 'E shield runes are dragon crests.', 'Wind SlashNew Effect:Ability icon border now shows the remaining time to recast the ability.', 'New Effect:Ability icon border now shows the remaining time to recast the ability.', 'StatsBase health regeneration increased to 7 from 5.5.', 'Base health regeneration increased to 7 from 5.5.', 'Blade of the ExileCooldown reduced to 120 / 90 / 60 seconds from 130 / 95 / 60.', 'Cooldown reduced to 120 / 90 / 60 seconds from 130 / 95 / 60.', 'Dragonblade RivenValorBug Fix:Trail is no longer invisible on lower graphics settings.', 'ValorBug Fix:Trail is no longer invisible on lower graphics settings.', 'Bug Fix:Trail is no longer invisible on lower graphics settings.', 'StatsBase health regeneration increased to 5.5from 5.34.', 'Base health regeneration increased to 5.5from 5.34.', 'Broken WingsBase damage increased to 15 / 35 / 55 / 75 / 95 from 10 / 30 / 50 / 70 / 90.AD ratio increased to45 / 50 / 55 / 60 / 65% ADfrom40 / 45 / 50 / 55 / 60% AD.', 'Base damage increased to 15 / 35 / 55 / 75 / 95 from 10 / 30 / 50 / 70 / 90.', 'AD ratio increased to45 / 50 / 55 / 60 / 65% ADfrom40 / 45 / 50 / 55 / 60% AD.', 'StatsBase attack damage increased to 64 from 56.04.Base armor increased to 33 from 24.376.', 'Base attack damage increased to 64 from 56.04.', 'Base armor increased to 33 from 24.376.', 'Runic BladeRune charge duration increased to 6 seconds from 5.', 'Rune charge duration increased to 6 seconds from 5.', 'Ki BurstBase damage increased to 55 / 85 / 115 / 145 / 175 from 50 / 80 / 110 / 140 / 170.', 'Base damage increased to 55 / 85 / 115 / 145 / 175 from 50 / 80 / 110 / 140 / 170.', 'ValorShield strength increased to 95 / 125 / 155 / 185 / 215 from 90 / 120 / 150 / 180 / 210.', 'Shield strength increased to 95 / 125 / 155 / 185 / 215 from 90 / 120 / 150 / 180 / 210.', 'Broken WingsBug Fix:Can no longer both pop a spell shield and deal damage in specific circumstances.', 'Bug Fix:Can no longer both pop a spell shield and deal damage in specific circumstances.', 'GeneralBug Fix:During her joke animation, her fingers no longer clip through her sword.', 'Bug Fix:During her joke animation, her fingers no longer clip through her sword.', 'Runic BladeRemoved:On-hit effect procing against wards.', 'Removed:On-hit effect procing against wards.', 'Dawnbringer RivenKi BurstBug Fix:No longer causes otherRivensin the same game to stealKi BurstSFX.', 'Ki BurstBug Fix:No longer causes otherRivensin the same game to stealKi BurstSFX.', 'Bug Fix:No longer causes otherRivensin the same game to stealKi BurstSFX.', 'Dawnbringer RivenBug Fix:Fixed special borders being cut off at the bottom during loading screen.', 'Bug Fix:Fixed special borders being cut off at the bottom during loading screen.', 'Broken WingsBug Fix:Casting it too quickly after one another no longer prevents unit targeting from working properly on casts beyond the first.', 'Bug Fix:Casting it too quickly after one another no longer prevents unit targeting from working properly on casts beyond the first.', "GeneralNew Effect:Runic Blade'sbuff duration,Broken Wings'recast window, andBlade of the Exile'sbuff duration are now tracked as timers overlaid above their ability icons, rather than via buff bar icons.", "New Effect:Runic Blade'sbuff duration,Broken Wings'recast window, andBlade of the Exile'sbuff duration are now tracked as timers overlaid above their ability icons, rather than via buff bar icons.", 'Runic BladeNew Effect:Stacks are now tracked below her health bar and are only visible toRiven.', 'New Effect:Stacks are now tracked below her health bar and are only visible toRiven.', "Broken WingsThe timing around whenRivenbecomes able to animation cancel Q casts, as well as how long she has to animation cancel, have both been made more consistent.New Effect:Can no longer joke, taunt, or laugh duringBroken Wings'sanimations.New Effect:Can more reliably target units on high-latency environments.Bug Fix:Fixed a bug where the knockback onBroken Wings'sthird cast ended sooner than intended if it interrupted a different displacement effect or if the target collided with terrain.", 'The timing around whenRivenbecomes able to animation cancel Q casts, as well as how long she has to animation cancel, have both been made more consistent.', "New Effect:Can no longer joke, taunt, or laugh duringBroken Wings'sanimations.", 'New Effect:Can more reliably target units on high-latency environments.', "Bug Fix:Fixed a bug where the knockback onBroken Wings'sthird cast ended sooner than intended if it interrupted a different displacement effect or if the target collided with terrain.", "ValorBug Fix:Fixed a bug where spell queueing sometimes didn't properly work when castingValorduringBroken Wings'animation.", "Bug Fix:Fixed a bug where spell queueing sometimes didn't properly work when castingValorduringBroken Wings'animation.", 'ValorBug Fix:Riven being able to cancel crowd control applied by displacements.', 'Bug Fix:Riven being able to cancel crowd control applied by displacements.', 'Broken WingsBug Fix:Third cast not allowing Riven to go through walls ifValoris active.', 'Bug Fix:Third cast not allowing Riven to go through walls ifValoris active.', 'Battle Bunny RivenBroken WingsBug Fix:Missing sound effects.Wind SlashBug Fix:Missing sound effects.', 'Broken WingsBug Fix:Missing sound effects.', 'Bug Fix:Missing sound effects.', 'Wind SlashBug Fix:Missing sound effects.', 'Bug Fix:Missing sound effects.', "Worlds 2012 RivenBroken WingsBug Fix:Third cast's custom blue on-hit particles being replaced with Classic's green ones.Wind SlashBug Fix:Custom blue on-hit particles being replaced with Classic's green ones.", "Broken WingsBug Fix:Third cast's custom blue on-hit particles being replaced with Classic's green ones.", "Bug Fix:Third cast's custom blue on-hit particles being replaced with Classic's green ones.", "Wind SlashBug Fix:Custom blue on-hit particles being replaced with Classic's green ones.", "Bug Fix:Custom blue on-hit particles being replaced with Classic's green ones.", 'Wind SlashMinimum base damage increased to 100 / 150 / 200 from 80 / 120 / 160.Maximum base damage increased to 300 / 450 / 600 from 240 / 360 / 480.', 'Minimum base damage increased to 100 / 150 / 200 from 80 / 120 / 160.', 'Maximum base damage increased to 300 / 450 / 600 from 240 / 360 / 480.', 'GeneralSplash artwork forCrimson Elite Rivenupdated to the Chinese art.', 'Splash artwork forCrimson Elite Rivenupdated to the Chinese art.', 'Runic BladeBonus damage increased to25 − 50 (based on level)% ADfrom20 − 50 (based on level)% AD.', 'Bonus damage increased to25 − 50 (based on level)% ADfrom20 − 50 (based on level)% AD.', 'StatsBase health regeneration increased to 5.34from 3.34.', 'Base health regeneration increased to 5.34from 3.34.', 'Broken WingsBug Fix:Third cast sometimes failing to get Riven through terrain she is supposed to be able to cross.', 'Bug Fix:Third cast sometimes failing to get Riven through terrain she is supposed to be able to cross.', 'Blade of the ExileCooldown increased to 130 / 95 / 60 seconds from 110 / 85 / 50.', 'Cooldown increased to 130 / 95 / 60 seconds from 110 / 85 / 50.', 'Broken WingsBug Fix:Cooldown being incorrectly reset at the end if Riven performed certain actions between casts.', 'Bug Fix:Cooldown being incorrectly reset at the end if Riven performed certain actions between casts.', 'GeneralBase movement speed reduced to 340 from 345.', 'Base movement speed reduced to 340 from 345.', 'Wind SlashProjectile speed reduced to 1600 from 2200.', 'Projectile speed reduced to 1600 from 2200.', 'StatsBase armor increased to 19 from 15.', 'Base armor increased to 19 from 15.', 'StatsBase health regeneration reduced to 2.5from 5.', 'Base health regeneration reduced to 2.5from 5.', 'ValorShield strength increased to 90 / 120 / 150 / 180 / 210 from 70 / 100 / 130 / 160 / 190.', 'Shield strength increased to 90 / 120 / 150 / 180 / 210 from 70 / 100 / 130 / 160 / 190.', 'StatsBase attack damage reduced to 51 from 54.Attack damage per level increased to 3 from 2.75.', 'Base attack damage reduced to 51 from 54.', 'Attack damage per level increased to 3 from 2.75.', 'Broken WingsDamage per cast changed to 10 / 30 / 50 / 70 / 90(+ 40 / 45 / 50 / 55 / 60% AD)from 30 / 55 / 80 / 105 / 130(+ 70%bonusAD)', 'Damage per cast changed to 10 / 30 / 50 / 70 / 90(+ 40 / 45 / 50 / 55 / 60% AD)from 30 / 55 / 80 / 105 / 130(+ 70%bonusAD)', 'ValorShield duration reduced to 1.5seconds from 2.5.', 'Shield duration reduced to 1.5seconds from 2.5.', 'GeneralNew running animation.', 'New running animation.', 'GeneralNew splash artwork forOriginal Riven.', 'New splash artwork forOriginal Riven.', "Broken WingsNew Effect:Third cast allows Riven to go through some terrain when positioned accordingly.Third cast's displacement changed to knockup from knockback.", 'New Effect:Third cast allows Riven to go through some terrain when positioned accordingly.', "Third cast's displacement changed to knockup from knockback.", "Wind SlashBug Fix:Riven being able to cast a second time after usingZhonya's Hourglass.", "Bug Fix:Riven being able to cast a second time after usingZhonya's Hourglass.", 'Runic BladeBonus damage changed to15 − 45 (based on level)% ADfrom5 − 15 (based on level)(+ 50%bonusAD).(Undocumented) bonus damage increased to20 − 50 (based on level)% ADfrom15 − 45 (based on level)% AD.', 'Bonus damage changed to15 − 45 (based on level)% ADfrom5 − 15 (based on level)(+ 50%bonusAD).', '(Undocumented) bonus damage increased to20 − 50 (based on level)% ADfrom15 − 45 (based on level)% AD.', 'Broken WingsBug Fix:Splash damage being incorrectly applied ifValorwas cast too recently.', 'Bug Fix:Splash damage being incorrectly applied ifValorwas cast too recently.', 'StatsBase health regeneration reduced to 6 from 10.4.Health regeneration per level reduced to 0.5from 0.9.', 'Base health regeneration reduced to 6 from 10.4.', 'Health regeneration per level reduced to 0.5from 0.9.', 'ValorShield strength increased to 70 / 100 / 130 / 160 / 190 from 60 / 90 / 120 / 150 / 180.', 'Shield strength increased to 70 / 100 / 130 / 160 / 190 from 60 / 90 / 120 / 150 / 180.', 'Blade of the ExileNew Effect:Targeting cone is attached to Riven.Cooldown increased to 110 / 80 / 50 seconds from 75 / 60 / 45.', 'New Effect:Targeting cone is attached to Riven.', 'Cooldown increased to 110 / 80 / 50 seconds from 75 / 60 / 45.', 'StatsMovement speed increased to 345 from 320.', 'Movement speed increased to 345 from 320.', 'Broken WingsNew Effect:Movement commands issued within dash range are canceled to prevent Riven from automatically walking backwards.', 'New Effect:Movement commands issued within dash range are canceled to prevent Riven from automatically walking backwards.', 'Broken WingsBug Fix:Riven being unable to move during the third cast.', 'Bug Fix:Riven being unable to move during the third cast.', 'Blade of the ExileNew Effect:Allied ultimate HUD indicator remains green untilWind Slashis used.', 'New Effect:Allied ultimate HUD indicator remains green untilWind Slashis used.', 'StatsMovement speed reduced to 320 from 325.Base health regeneration reduced to 10.4from 12.Health regeneration per level reduced to 0.9from 1.', 'Movement speed reduced to 320 from 325.', 'Base health regeneration reduced to 10.4from 12.', 'Health regeneration per level reduced to 0.9from 1.', 'Broken WingsBase damage increased to 30 / 55 / 80 / 105 / 130 from 30 / 50 / 70 / 90 / 110.', 'Base damage increased to 30 / 55 / 80 / 105 / 130 from 30 / 50 / 70 / 90 / 110.', 'Ki BurstBase damage reduced to 50 / 80 / 110 / 140 / 170 from 50 / 90 / 130 / 170 / 210.', 'Base damage reduced to 50 / 80 / 110 / 140 / 170 from 50 / 90 / 130 / 170 / 210.', 'Blade of the ExileNew Effect:Tooltip displays the exact20% ADvalue gained as bonus attack damage while active.', 'New Effect:Tooltip displays the exact20% ADvalue gained as bonus attack damage while active.', "GeneralBug Fix:Riven stopping her movement after being issued certain commands.Bug Fix:Riven's hitbox radius being incorrectly calculated.", 'Bug Fix:Riven stopping her movement after being issued certain commands.', "Bug Fix:Riven's hitbox radius being incorrectly calculated.", 'Broken WingsBug Fix:Temporarily leaving unpathable killed minions behind.', 'Bug Fix:Temporarily leaving unpathable killed minions behind.', 'Ki BurstBug Fix:Temporarily leaving unpathable killed minions behind.', 'Bug Fix:Temporarily leaving unpathable killed minions behind.', 'Broken WingsNew Effect:Counts as an attack command when used to lock onto a target.Duration of minion collision ignoring after third cast slightly increased.', 'New Effect:Counts as an attack command when used to lock onto a target.', 'Duration of minion collision ignoring after third cast slightly increased.', 'StatsAttack speed per level increased to 3.5% from 2.9%.Base armor increased to 15 from 12.', 'Attack speed per level increased to 3.5% from 2.9%.', 'Base armor increased to 15 from 12.', 'Broken WingsAD ratio increased to70% bonus ADfrom60% bonus AD.', 'AD ratio increased to70% bonus ADfrom60% bonus AD.', 'Ki BurstCast time reduced to 0.25seconds from 0.5.', 'Cast time reduced to 0.25seconds from 0.5.', 'ValorBase shield strength increased to 60 / 90 / 120 / 150 / 180 from 40 / 70 / 100 / 130 / 160.Cooldown reduced to 10 / 9 / 8 / 7 / 6 seconds from 11 / 10 / 9 / 8 / 7.', 'Base shield strength increased to 60 / 90 / 120 / 150 / 180 from 40 / 70 / 100 / 130 / 160.', 'Cooldown reduced to 10 / 9 / 8 / 7 / 6 seconds from 11 / 10 / 9 / 8 / 7.', 'Wind SlashCast time reduced to 0.25seconds from 0.5.Projectile speed increased to 2200 from 2000.', 'Cast time reduced to 0.25seconds from 0.5.', 'Projectile speed increased to 2200 from 2000.', 'Added', 'Rivenis one of 20 champions without a singleability powerratio on any ability:Aatrox,Camille,Darius,Dr. Mundo,Draven,Garen,Kayn,Kled,Naafiri,Nilah,Olaf,Pyke,Samira,Sett,Talon,Urgot,Xayah,Yone, andZed.', "Riven's dance resembles theWater Dance of BraavosfromGame of Thrones.", "Runic Bladeused to be called 'Art of War' (can be seen in Riven'sChampion Spotlight) whileKi Burstused to be called 'Ki Shout'.[2]", 'During development she was simply calledMarthorExile.', 'Rivenis the past participle of English verbto rive"split or tear apart violently".[3]Riven, theExilemight be referencingMyst.', 'Riven, theExilemight be referencingMyst.', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', 'Ao Shin', 'Avasha', 'Averdrian', 'CeeCee', 'Cyborg Cowboy', 'Eagle Rider', 'Gavid', 'Husk', 'Iron Engineer', 'Ivan', 'Omen', 'Priscilla', 'Rob Blackblade', 'Seth', 'Tabu', 'Tiki', 'Urf', 'Well', "↑Riven's profile", '↑Riven: Champion Spotlight | Gameplay - League of Legends', '↑G. Kroonen,Etymological Dictionary of Proto-Germanic, p. 412']} | Rivenis one of 20 champions without a singleability powerratio on any ability:Aatrox,Camille,Darius,Dr. Mundo,Draven,Garen,Kayn,Kled,Naafiri,Nilah,Olaf,Pyke,Samira,Sett,Talon,Urgot,Xayah,Yone, andZed.
Riven's dance resembles theWater Dance of BraavosfromGame of Thrones.
Runic Bladeused to be called 'Art of War' (can be seen in Riven'sChampion Spotlight) whileKi Burstused to be called 'Ki Shout'.[2]
During development she was simply calledMarthorExile.
Rivenis the past participle of English verbto rive"split or tear apart violently".[3]Riven, theExilemight be referencingMyst. |
Rumble,the Mechanized Menace | | | health: Health625+105, resource: ResourceN/A, health regen: Health regen. (per 5s)7+0.6, resource regen: Secondary BarHeat(150), armor: Armor36+4.7, attack damage: Attack damage61+3.2, attack speed: Base AS0.644, gameplay radius: Gameplay radius80, selection radius: Selection radius165, release: 2011-04-26, changed: V13.22, role: Battlemage, position: TopJungleMiddle, rangetype: Melee, adaptivetype: Magic, cost: 4800|880 | InDev Update - Champs, Lore & More, Laura 'poisonpixxi' DeYoung, Head of IP Creative for Riot Games, elaborated on their new approach to narrative cohesiveness by ironing out any inconsistencies that have sprung up over the years.
This article contains information that conflicts with this new narrative and will most likely be changed/moved in the following year(s).
RumbleMainCurrentTitlesNickname(s)ObujanAlias(es)The Mechanized MenaceDean RumbleCharacteristicsSpeciesYordlePronoun(s)He/HimTimelineBorn:UnknownWeapon(s)Tristy(Mechanized Junkyard Suit)FlamespitterScrap ShieldElectro HarpoonThe EqualizerPersonal statusStatusAlivePlace of originBandle CityCurrent residenceBandle CityProfessional statusOccupation(s)InventorMechanicBandle City's DefenderRumble's Intense Training of Programmable Lab Suits' Founder and DeanMecha-Arena FighterRegion(s)Bandle CityRelated character(s)TristanaZiggsHeimerdingerTeemoVeigar
• Main
• Current
• The Mechanized Menace
• Dean Rumble
• Born:Unknown
• Tristy(Mechanized Junkyard Suit)
• Flamespitter
• Scrap Shield
• Electro Harpoon
• The Equalizer
Personal status
Place of origin
Current residence
Professional status
• Inventor
• Mechanic
• Bandle City's Defender
• Rumble's Intense Training of Programmable Lab Suits' Founder and Dean
• Mecha-Arena Fighter
Related character(s)
Rumbleis a young inventor with a temper. Using nothing more than his own two hands and a heap of scrap, the feistyyordleconstructed a colossal mech suit outfitted with an arsenal of electrified harpoons and incendiary rockets. Though others may scoff and sneer at his junkyard creations, Rumble doesn't mind—after all, he's the one with the flamespitter.
• 1Background1.1Early Life1.2Shuriman Trash
• 2Appearance
• 3Personality
• 4Abilities
• 5Relations5.1Heimerdinger5.2Tristana
• 6Read More6.1Biography6.2Starring Champion6.3Mentioned Champion6.4Alternate Universes
• 7Trivia
• 8Change log
• 9References
• 10See also
• 1.1Early Life
• 1.2Shuriman Trash
• 5.1Heimerdinger
• 5.2Tristana
• 6.1Biography
• 6.2Starring Champion
• 6.3Mentioned Champion
• 6.4Alternate Universes
Early Life[]
Born inBandle City, Rumble was bullied by his fellow yordles when he was younger, making him irritable and scrappy. He found solace in tinkering using discarded junk in the junkyard.
Rumble's teachers recommended him to go toHeimerdinger's Yordle Academy of Science and Progress inPiltover, but Rumble rejected it, seeing Heimerdinger and his staff as sellouts for wasting the potential of yordle technology for humans. However, this did not stop him from trying to greet Heimerdinger's human students whom had travelled to Bandle City. Unfortunately for him, the interaction culminated in him getting beaten up and hearing how much of an embarrassment he was to "enlightened" yordles like Heimerdinger. The next day, Rumble left Bandle City for several months. He returned with his mech Tristy, that he had constructed from scavenged junk, eager to show what yordle technology was capable of.
Shuriman Trash[]
Disguising himself as an elderly merchant, Rumble visitedNashramae,Shurimato purchase wares from the other merchants. His cart was bumped into by a Shuriman cripple named Anaktu, whom was being bullied by the governor's stepson Kesu Rance and his friends. Initially indifferent towards Anaktu, Rumble took offense when Kesu began insulting him as well. He walked to his stall to activate Tristy in order to intimidate the bullies, but the mech began to malfunction, causing the bullies to attack the mech and taunt Rumble. Anaktu grabbed a mace from Rumble's stall to defend him, before swinging it at the bullies. As Kesu was about to attack him, Rumble came to Anaktu's defense with anelectrified harpoon. Warming up to Anaktu, Rumble invited him to ride on his mech, letting him activate theflamespitterand inviting him to watch hisEqualizerfire its rockets, barring off Kesu's escape route. Anaktu asked Kesu why he was bullying him, with the latter confessing he wanted to impress his Noxian father. With Rumble's glamour expiring, the yordle threatened Kesu with a harpoon, demanding him to apologize to him. Kesu tried to apologise for his bullying, but Rumble told him that he disrespected junk and how it had so much potential. After Kesu dumbfoundedly apologized, Rumble decided to return to Bandle City. Anaktu offered to return his mace, but Rumble let him keep it out of respect towards his appreciation of junk.
Rumble disguises himself as a travelling merchant. He wears a cape and vest with short sleeves. He wears very large boots which disappear beneath his vest. Like most maleYordles, he is covered in fur.
Because he was bullied by others, it made him irritable, resourceful and scrappy, and make him build a mech so that no one would look down on him again.
• Yordle Physiology:Rumble is a Yordle, a being coming from theSpirit Realmand possesses several abilities natural of his species.Immortality:Being spiritual beings, Yordles don't age the same way as normal humans, and they can't normally die.Yordle Magic:Just like anyYordle, Rumble is capable of performing yordle magic, which he utilizes in tandem with his skills as an inventor.
• Immortality:Being spiritual beings, Yordles don't age the same way as normal humans, and they can't normally die.
• Yordle Magic:Just like anyYordle, Rumble is capable of performing yordle magic, which he utilizes in tandem with his skills as an inventor.
Rumble is a resourcefulyordlemechanic who is convincedBandle Citycan be (if not is already) more technologically advanced than human nations (especiallyPiltover, whereHeimerdinger'sold out')
To prove that he is more technologically advanced than human nations, he built himself a mechanized suit from junkyard scrap (namedTristyafter the one he has a crush on).
Read More
The Mechanized Menace
By [[]]
Starring Champion
Short Story
Shuriman Trash
ByAmanda Jeffrey
So I was walking through this little plaza off the library district in Nashramae—super dusty, flagstones older than empires, and usually pretty quiet.
Mentioned Champion
Short Story • 3 Minute Read
From The Journal Of Professor Cecil B. Heimerdinger
By Unknown Author
Alternate Universes
Music Video
By Numerous creators
Since its inception, Worlds has grown and evolved. Each unbelievable play and phenomenal match created moments and memories that will never be forgotten. In these iconic moments, players and teams reached for something incredible within themselves and brought it to life on the Summoner’s Rift...
Starring:Aatrox,Ahri,Alistar,Anivia,Annie,Ashe,Brand,Caitlyn,Darius,Draven,Elise,Ezreal,Gnar,Janna,Jax,Jayce,Jinx,Kassadin,Katarina,Kennen,Kha'Zix,Lulu,Orianna,Rek'Sai,Rengar,Rumble,Ryze,Shen,Sivir,Tahm Kench,Teemo,Twisted Fate,Yasuo,Ziggs
Journal of Justice
ByInstitute of War
Formare veneficum est formare fatum.
Starring:Akali,Alistar,Amumu,Anivia,Annie,Ashe,Blitzcrank,Brand,Cassiopeia,Cho'Gath,Corki,Darius,Dr. Mundo,Evelynn,Ezreal,Fiddlesticks,Gangplank,Garen,Gragas,Heimerdinger,Irelia,Janna,Jarvan IV,Jax,Karma,Karthus,Kassadin,Katarina,Kayle,Kennen,Kog'Maw,Lee Sin,Leona,Lissandra,Lux,Malzahar,Maokai,Master Yi,Mordekaiser,Morgana,Nasus,Nidalee,Nocturne,Nunu,Olaf,Pantheon,Poppy,Rammus,Renekton,Riven,Rumble,Ryze,Sejuani,Shaco,Shen,Singed,Sion,Sivir,Skarner,Sona,Soraka,Swain,Talon,Taric,Teemo,Tibbers,Tristana,Trundle,Tryndamere,Twisted Fate,Twitch,Udyr,Urgot,Veigar,Vladimir,Warwick,Willump,Wukong,Xin Zhao,Yorick,Zilean
ByInstitute of War
The truest opponent lies within.
Starring:Boram Darkwill,Brand,Caitlyn,Cassiopeia,Galio,Graves,Irelia,Jarvan IV,Karma,LeBlanc,Lee Sin,Leona,Lux,Maokai,Miss Fortune,Nocturne,Orianna,Renekton,Riven,Rumble,Ryze,Skarner,Sona,Swain,Talon,Trundle,Urgot,Varus,Vayne,Vladimir,Wukong,Xerath,Xin Zhao,Yorick
Academy Adventures: Series 1
ByGutter Rat
Mentioned:Akali,Amumu,Anivia,Azir,Bard,Blitzcrank,Braum,Cho'Gath,Elise,Ezreal,Fiddlesticks,Fiora,Gnar,Heimerdinger,Ivern,Jhin,Jinx,Karthus,Kog'Maw,Lulu,Lux,Malzahar,Miss Fortune,Nidalee,Olaf,Poppy,Rek'Sai,Renekton,Rumble,Ryze,Shaco,Shen,Sion,Sona,Soraka,Talon,Taric,Teemo,Tristana,Trundle,Twitch,Urgot,Varus,Veigar,Vel'Koz,Vi,Yorick,Zed,Ziggs,Zyra
Academy Adventures: Series 2
ByGutter Rat
Mentioned:Amumu,Anivia,Annie,Ashe,Aurelion Sol,Braum,Caitlyn,Cho'Gath,Dr. Mundo,Draven,Elise,Ezreal,Fiddlesticks,Fizz,Galio,Gnar,Heimerdinger,Janna,Jhin,Jinx,Kog'Maw,Lulu,Lux,Malphite,Malzahar,Miss Fortune,Nami,Nasus,Olaf,Poppy,Rakan,Rammus,Rek'Sai,Riven,Rumble,Ryze,Shaco,Singed,Sona,Soraka,Syndra,Taliyah,Talon,Taric,Teemo,Thresh,Tibbers,Tristana,Twitch,Urgot,Varus,Veigar,Volibear,Warwick,Wukong,Xayah,Yasuo,Yorick,Zac,Zed,Ziggs,Zyra
Academy Adventures: Series 3
ByGutter Rat
Music Video
Pentakill II: Grasp of the Undying
No one shreds like the undead.
Punches and Plants: Series 1
Mentioned:Ahri,Alistar,Annie,Ashe,Blitzcrank,Brand,Braum,Caitlyn,Darius,Diana,Dr. Mundo,Ekko,Evelynn,Ezreal,Gangplank,Garen,Gnar,Gragas,Graves,Heimerdinger,Janna,Jinx,Karma,Katarina,Leona,Lucian,Malzahar,Miss Fortune,Nami,Nasus,Nunu,Quinn,Renekton,Rumble,Ryze,Sejuani,Sivir,Sona,Soraka,Tahm Kench,Taliyah,Taric,Teemo,Tibbers,Trundle,Tryndamere,Twisted Fate,Twitch,Valor,Varus,Vel'Koz,Vladimir,Volibear,Warwick,Willump,Wukong,Zac,Ziggs
Punches and Plants: Series 2
Mentioned:Aatrox,Ahri,Alistar,Amumu,Annie,Aurelion Sol,Azir,Bard,Blitzcrank,Caitlyn,Cho'Gath,Diana,Draven,Ekko,Ezreal,Fizz,Galio,Gnar,Graves,Heimerdinger,Jayce,Kha'Zix,Kog'Maw,Leona,Lucian,Lux,Malphite,Maokai,Miss Fortune,Nasus,Nautilus,Nidalee,Olaf,Orianna,Poppy,Quinn,Rakan,Renekton,Riven,Rumble,Shaco,Taric,Teemo,Tibbers,Tristana,Trundle,Udyr,Valor,Vel'Koz,Viktor,Volibear,Warwick,Wukong,Xayah,Xin Zhao,Yasuo,Ziggs
Change log[]
See also[] | Name: Junkyard Titan, Description: Innate: Rumble's basic ability casts generate Heat , which refreshes on subsequent casts and decays by 10 Heat per second after not using any basic ability within 4 seconds or The Equalizer within 2 seconds. Rumble's mech enters the Danger Zone when at or above 50 Heat , and becomes Overheated while at 150 Heat . Danger Zone: Rumble's mech enters the Danger Zone , empowering his basic abilities. Overheated: Rumble's mech becomes Overheated , disabling his abilities as his Heat decays back down to 0 over 4 seconds. During this time, he gains 50% − 130% (based on level) bonus attack speed and empowers his basic attacks to deal 5 − 40 (based on level) (+ 25% AP) (+ 6% of the target's maximum health) bonus magic damage on-hit . The damage based on the target's health ratio is capped at 65 − 150 (based on level) against monsters ., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputPassive', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'parries': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Map-Specific Differences', 'WhileRumbleisoverheating, aSilencedicon will appear above him to signify he cannot castabilities. This is visible to all units.', 'The attacks do not deal thebonusdamage againststructures.', 'No longer disables his abilities.', 'No Danger Zone bonuses.']} | Name: Flamespitter, Description: Active: Rumble generates 20 Heat to activate his flamethrower for 3 seconds, dealing magic damage every 0. 25 seconds to enemies hit in a frontal cone, reduced against minions . Total Magic Damage: 135 / 150 / 165 / 180 / 195 (+ 110% AP) (+ 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10% of target's maximum health) Magic Damage Per Tick: 11. 25 / 12. 5 / 13. 75 / 15 / 16. 25 (+ 9. 17 % AP) (+ 0. 5 / 0. 583 / 0. 667 / 0. 75 / 0. 833 % of target's maximum health) Modified Minion Damage: 55 / 60 / 65 / 70 / 75% Total Minion Damage: 74. 25 / 90 / 107. 25 / 126 / 146. 25 (+ 60. 5 / 66 / 71. 5 / 77 / 82. 5 % AP) (+ 3. 3 / 4. 2 / 5. 2 / 6. 3 / 7. 5 % of target's maximum health) Minion Damage Per Tick: 6. 188 / 7. 5 / 8. 938 / 10. 5 / 12. 188 (+ 5. 042 / 5. 5 / 5. 958 / 6. 417 / 6. 875 % AP) (+ 0. 275 / 0. 35 / 0. 433 / 0. 525 / 0. 625 % of target's maximum health) Danger Zone Bonus: Flamespitter's damage is increased by 50%. Total Enhanced Damage: 202. 5 / 225 / 247. 5 / 270 / 292. 5 (+ 165% AP) (+ 9 / 10. 5 / 12 / 13. 5 / 15% of target's maximum health) Enhanced Damage Per Tick: 16. 875 / 18. 75 / 20. 625 / 22. 5 / 24. 375 (+ 13. 75 % AP) (+ 0. 75 / 0. 875 / 1 / 1. 125 / 1. 25 % of target's maximum health) Total Enhanced Minion Damage: 111. 375 / 135 / 160. 875 / 189 / 219. 375 (+ 90. 75 / 99 / 107. 25 / 115. 5 / 123. 75 % AP) (+ 4. 95 / 6. 3 / 7. 8 / 9. 45 / 11. 25 % of target's maximum health) Minion Damage Per Tick: 9. 2813 / 11. 25 / 13. 4063 / 15. 75 / 18. 2813 (+ 7. 5625 / 8. 25 / 8. 9375 / 9. 625 / 10. 3125 % AP) (+ 0. 4125 / 0. 525 / 0. 65 / 0. 7875 / 0. 9375 % of target's maximum health) Flamespitter's damage based on the target's health ratio against monsters is capped at 65 − 300 (based on level) ., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputAuto', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'Not Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Rumblewill instantly turn to face the cursor if he is not moving whenFlamespitteris cast.']} | Name: Scrap Shield, Description: Active: Rumble generates 20 Heat to grant himself a shield for 1. 5 seconds. Shield Strength: 25 / 55 / 85 / 115 / 145 (+ 25% AP) (+ 4% of maximum health) Rumble also gains bonus movement speed for 1 to 1. 32 seconds. Bonus Movement Speed: 10 / 15 / 20 / 25 / 30% Danger Zone Bonus: Scrap Shield's shield strength and bonus movement speed are increased in effectiveness by 50%. Enhanced Shield Strength: 37. 5 / 82. 5 / 127. 5 / 172. 5 / 217. 5 (+ 37. 5 % AP) (+ 6% of maximum health) Enhanced Bonus Movement Speed: 15 / 22. 5 / 30 / 37. 5 / 45%, {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputAuto', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'The movement speed buff is supposed to last for 1 second, but due to a bug may last0.264secondslonger.Like most buffs, the stat bonus is already only gained at the next stat update (every0.264seconds). Despite this, the duration still inconsistent.', 'Like most buffs, the stat bonus is already only gained at the next stat update (every0.264seconds). Despite this, the duration still inconsistent.']} | Name: Electro Harpoon, Description: Active: Rumble generates 20 Heat to shoot a harpoon in the target direction that deals magic damage to the first enemy hit, inflicting them with magic resistance reduction for 4 seconds and slowing them for 2 seconds. These effects stack additively with multiple harpoons, refreshing their duration and stacking up to 2 times. Magic Damage: 60 / 85 / 110 / 135 / 160 (+ 40% AP) Total Magic Damage: 120 / 170 / 220 / 270 / 320 (+ 80% AP) Magic Resistance Reduction: 12 / 14 / 16 / 18 / 20% Total MR Reduction: 24 / 28 / 32 / 36 / 40% Slow: 15 / 20 / 25 / 30 / 35% Total Slow: 30 / 40 / 50 / 60 / 70% Rumble periodically stocks an Electro Harpoon charge, up to a maximum of 2. Danger Zone Bonus: Electro Harpoon's effects are increased by 50%. Enhanced Damage: 90 / 127. 5 / 165 / 202. 5 / 240 (+ 60% AP) Total Enhanced Damage: 180 / 255 / 330 / 405 / 480 (+ 120% AP) Enhanced Magic Resistance Reduction: 18 / 21 / 24 / 27 / 30% Total Enhanced MR Reduction: 36 / 42 / 48 / 54 / 60% Enhanced Slow: 22. 5 / 30 / 37. 5 / 45 / 52. 5 % Total Enhanced Slow: 45 / 60 / 75 / 90 / 105% If Rumble casts Electro Harpoon before his mech becomes Overheated , he may still use another charge within 3 seconds of the initial cast., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputDirection', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Map-Specific Differences', 'IfRumblelands a Harpoon on a target that already has a stack of magic resistance reduction while inDanger Zone, it will increase the reduction from this first stack to the enhanced amount, as well.', 'A buff with the magic resistance reduction tooltip is applied tominionsandpets, but their magic resistance is unaffected byElectro Harpoon.(bug)', 'EachElectro Harpooncast triggersSpellbladeand stacksForce Pulse.', "Electro Harpoon'smissile will fail to fire ifRumbleissuppressedduring the cast time.(bug)", 'This ability will cast from wherever the caster is at the end of the cast time.', 'Rumblestocks anElectro Harpooncharge before the ability is even learned.', 'Slow no longer stacks.*']} | Name: The Equalizer, Description: Active: Rumble deploys a barrage of rockets along the target path that land in a line over 0. 75 seconds, creating a field of fire for 4. 5 seconds after the last rocket lands. Enemies struck by the impact or within the field are marked as Burning for 1 second, which deals magic damage every 0. 5 seconds, slows by 35%, and refreshes continuously while in the area. Magic Damage Per Tick: 70 / 105 / 140 (+ 17. 5 % AP) Minimum Magic Damage: 140 / 210 / 280 (+ 35% AP) Maximum Magic Damage: 700 / 1050 / 1400 (+ 175% AP), {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputVector', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'Not Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'A static target standing where the missiles first impact may take an extra tick of damage (11 ticks), while a static target standing at the end of the trail may take one fewer tick (9 ticks).(bug)', "The Equalizer'shitbox consists of a row of rockets with a circular damage hitbox each. The radius of each is 205 units, and rockets drop at a distance of 180 units between one another whenThe Equalizeris cast.The missile that manages the rockets being deployed starts 150 units behind the target vector origin, and thus drops the first rocket at 30 units in front of the cast vector origin after0.132seconds.The rockets are intended to not deal damage for the first 0.25seconds. Due to a bug, this becomes 0.25-0.5seconds 'at random'.If Rumble dies whileThe Equalizeris just cast, this buff will be removed by death and the area of effect will start dealing damage sooner.(bug)", 'The missile that manages the rockets being deployed starts 150 units behind the target vector origin, and thus drops the first rocket at 30 units in front of the cast vector origin after0.132seconds.', "The rockets are intended to not deal damage for the first 0.25seconds. Due to a bug, this becomes 0.25-0.5seconds 'at random'.If Rumble dies whileThe Equalizeris just cast, this buff will be removed by death and the area of effect will start dealing damage sooner.(bug)", 'If Rumble dies whileThe Equalizeris just cast, this buff will be removed by death and the area of effect will start dealing damage sooner.(bug)']} | Rumble,Corki, andKledare the only yordles with a mount (Tristy,ROFL Copter, andSkaarl, respectively)
Rumble,Bard,Blitzcrank,Caitlyn,Lissandra,Pyke,Sion,Varus,Vi,Viego,Xerath, andZiggsare the only champions who can apply crowd control on themselves.
Until the release ofCafe Cuties Rumble, both Rumble and all of his skins have been released on April. |
Ryze,the Rune Mage | | | health: Health645+124, resource: Mana300+70, health regen: Health regen. (per 5s)8+0.8, resource regen: Mana regen. (per 5s)8+1, armor: Armor22+4.2, attack damage: Attack damage58+3, attack speed: Base AS0.658, gameplay radius: Gameplay radius65, selection radius: Selection radius120, release: 2009-02-21, changed: V13.22, role: Battlemage, position: TopMiddle, rangetype: Ranged, adaptivetype: Magic, cost: 4800|260 | InDev Update - Champs, Lore & More, Laura 'poisonpixxi' DeYoung, Head of IP Creative for Riot Games, elaborated on their new approach to narrative cohesiveness by ironing out any inconsistencies that have sprung up over the years.
This article contains information that conflicts with this new narrative and will most likely be changed/moved in the following year(s).
RyzeMainPresentWinterYoung 1Young 2TitlesAlias(es)The Rune MageYoungCharacteristicsSpeciesHuman(Magical;Magically Altered)Pronoun(s)He/HimTimelineBorn:75 BN - 50 BNWeapon(s)Rune MagicPersonal statusStatusAlivePlace of originKhom(Medieval Times)Current residenceUnknown(No Fixed Abode)Professional statusOccupation(s)ArchmageNomadGuardian of RuneterraRegion(s)RuneterraRelated character(s)BrandEvelynnMiss FortuneTrundleSonaNasusGalioMalzaharKalistaThreshAatroxKayleXolaani
• Main
• Present
• Winter
• Young 1
• Young 2
• The Rune Mage
• Young
• Born:75 BN - 50 BN
Personal status
Place of origin
Current residence
Professional status
• Archmage
• Nomad
• Guardian of Runeterra
Related character(s)
Widely considered one of the most adept sorcerers onRuneterra,Ryzeis an ancient, hard-bitten archmage with an impossibly heavy burden to bear. Armed with immense arcane power and a boundless constitution, he tirelessly hunts for World Runes — fragments of the raw magic that once shaped the world from nothingness. He must retrieve these artifacts before they fall into the wrong hands, for Ryze understands the horrors they could unleash on Runeterra.
• 1Background1.1Early life1.2Recent events
• 2Appearance
• 3Personality
• 4Abilities
• 5Relations5.1Brand5.2Tyrus of Helia5.3Nasus5.4Miss Fortune5.5Sona5.6Trundle
• 6Read More6.1Biography6.2Starring Champion6.3Mentioned Champion6.4Alternate Universes
• 7Trivia
• 8Change log
• 9References
• 10See also
• 1.1Early life
• 1.2Recent events
• 5.1Brand
• 5.2Tyrus of Helia
• 5.3Nasus
• 5.4Miss Fortune
• 5.5Sona
• 5.6Trundle
• 6.1Biography
• 6.2Starring Champion
• 6.3Mentioned Champion
• 6.4Alternate Universes
Early life[]
Born in Noxii terratories which would later becomeNoxus, in the village ofKhom, Ryze was a young mage apprentice to Master Tyrus ofHelia, a member of a order tasked with gathering and protecting the most dangerous artifacts ofRuneterra.
As time passed, Ryze would sometimes overhear Tyrus discussing something known as aWorld Rune, a collection of shards that held unbelievable power, but would hush himself if Tyrus ever spotted Ryze listening in. Though Tyrus tried his best to keep it hidden, word eventually got out about the World Runes and paranoia started to spread throughout Runeterra over how these World Runes could be used as weapons. Tyrus and Ryze travelled aroundValorantrying to calm people down but the situation only grew more dire. Eventually though, the first shot was fired in what would later be known as theRune Wars, in Noxii, Ryze's old home. Tyrus and Ryze tried and failed to hold a parley in Khom, but had no choice but to flee to the hills and when they looked back to Khom, nothing remained of Ryze's birthplace but a giant hole.
War raged across Runeterra, Ryze wanted to pick a side and help but Tyrus stopped him, Tyrus wanted to guide the world back towards peace, not bring it further into ruin. But the Rune Wars kept going, and Tyrus grew more and more distant. Eventually it got to a point where Ryze had to confront Tyrus, where he noticed Tyrus had come into possesion of two World Runes. A big argument insued, Tyrus argued that he needed the World Runes to stop the people, that there was no other way to stop the war. Ryze no longer saw Tyrus as his mentor, he was now just another man fallen to the temptation of the World Runes, and so Ryze mustered all the magic he was able to and2killed him.
Soon after, the Rune Wars ended, with the greatest civilizations all but having destroyed eachother. Ryze realised that as long as any World Runes were unsecured, this could happen again. He decided then that he alone would take on the burden of gathering all the World Runes and storing them away for good, vowing never to fall into temptation like his old master Tyrus.
Recent events[]
A battle raged inShurima, between thedarkinAatroxandXolaani, one which threatened to end all of Runeterra. As Ryze traveled, a3winged beingappreared from the skies with a plea for help, Ryze recognized the messenger and realised it could only have come fromKayleherself. Kayle's mother and the Aspect of Justice,Mihira, had descended from the heavens to join the fight, but had fallen to Xolaani and been7absorbed. As Ryze arrived at the battle, Kayle explained that Ryze alone had the power to stop the battle, by using the World Runes. Ryze hesitated, unsure wether it was right for him to act and with the World Runes no less. Ryze meditated on the history of Runeterra and ultimately came to the conclusion that Runeterra was worthy to be saved, and activated the World Runes, defeating Aatrox and Xolaani.
Ryze is a old man with violet skin due to prolonged contact with the World Runes. His body is full of tattoos in runic styles. He is bald but has a scrappy black beard, tied togheter at the end with a hair ring. Ryze is shirtless except for a a leather shoulderguard with a sash holding it togheter. A giant scroll is attached to his back, held there by the leather sash. He wears fairly detailess, loose, dark blue pants with high leather boots. Around his waist he wears a leather belt with a book tied to it.
Ryze has become tired, longing for the day when all of this is over. Always in a hurry to get anything done as fast as possible. He tends to come across as quite rude, though argues its becouse he has better things to be doing. Though he is tired, he is steadfast in his goal and will get it done no matter what cost, even if that cost is the life of his friend or the death of a village. Their deaths are nothing compared to what the World Runes could bring. Ryze has a strong control over his emotions, though he often gets mad, he never loses himself in an emotion. The only emotion he cannot control is hope, an emotion he tries desperately to get rid off, but always manages to influence him.
• Master Sorcerer: Ryze can harness powerful magic capable of creating blasts of energy, energy constructs such as a cage, and is capable of teleportation from one place to another. He also has an extensive knowledge of the arcane and the nature of magic itself. He's noted as having a high amount of magical strength, to the point of being called a magical being rather than a mage.Rune Magic: Runes are Ryze's signature magic.
• Magically Altered: Ryze's body has been altered by prolonged contact with the World Runes, giving him a greatly increased lifespan.
• Rune Magic: Runes are Ryze's signature magic.
Kegan Rodhe, as he was known before he became Brand, was previously Ryze's apprentice, saved by Ryze from freezing to death in the harshFreljordiancold. Ryze saw potential in Kegan and attempted to teach him to control his latent magical abilites. Kegan and Ryze both often became frustrated with eachother, but still held compassion for eachother.
Though as Ryze neared the true goal of his journey, to one of the World Runes, Kegan fell to the temptation of the World Rune and Ryze was too late to stop him. Kegan's body and soul was burned away by the World Rune's power and what was left was the entity known as Brand. Brand now hunts down further World Runes and is constantly at odds with Ryze on his mission. Eventually, Ryze and Brand would meet in Shurima in theCity of Gardens, in search of another World Rune, where Ryze would trap Brand beneath the sands, where he remains for now.
Tyrus of Helia[]
Tyrus was Ryze's old master, member of a secret order tasked with storing and protecting the most dangerous of artifacts across Runeterra. Tyrus would later fall into the temptation of the World Runes, and Ryze was forced to kill him.
Long before Shurima rose again from the sands, Ryze and the Ascended scholar Nasus delved into the ruinedWorld Rune Archivesbeneath theGreat Saiin search of a World Rune.
Miss Fortune[]
During a shootout between Miss Fortune and a rival captain’s crew, Ryze got caught in their conflict and helped her out.
Sona traveled with Ryze to theHirana MonasteryinIoniaafter the Noxian invasion and together fought theNavori Brotherhoodwho ambushed them.
Ryze once came face to face with Trundle and hisTrollswhile traveling through the Freljord.
Read More
The Rune Mage
ByJohn O'Bryan
Starring Champion
Short Story • 5 Minute Read
An Old Friend
ByJohn O'Bryan
Ryze would have been cold if his body wasn't simmering with nervous energy. With all that weighed on him that day, the harsh Freljordian elements scarcely seemed to have an effect. Neither was he daunted by the distant howl of a hungry ice troll. He had come to do a job. Not one he relished, but one that had to be done, and one he could no longer avoid.
Call of Power
Ryze scours Runeterra for fragments of a forgotten past, each step bringing him closer to incredible power—and terrible ruin.
Mentioned:Miss Fortune,Nasus,Sona,Trundle
Short Story • 32 Minute Read
From the Ashes
ByAaron Dembski-Bowden
I can't do it.
Short Story
Ruination (Novel)
ByAnthony Reynolds Lenné
Camavor is a brutal land with a bloody legacy. Where the empire’s knights go, slaughter follows. Kalista seeks to change that. When her young and narcissistic uncle, Viego, becomes king she vows to temper his destructive instincts as his loyal confidant, advisor, and military general. But her plans are thwarted when an assassin’s poisoned blade strikes Viego’s wife, Isolde, afflicting her with a malady for which there is no cure. As Isolde’s condition worsens, Viego descends into madness and grief, threatening to drag Camavor down with him. Kalisa makes a desperate gambit to save the kingdom: She searches for the long-lost Blessed Isles, rumored to hold the queen’s salvation if only Kalista can find them. But corruption grows in the Blessed Isle’s capital, where a vengeful warden seeks to ensnare Kalista in his cruel machinations. She will be forced to choose between her loyalty to Viego and doing what she knows is right–for even in the face of utter darkness, one noble act can shine a light that saves the world.
The Burning Lands
ByAaron Dembski-Bowden,Anthony Reynolds Lenné
Legends speak of an ageless mage with violet skin.
Mentioned Champion
The Burning Vengeance
ByAriel Lawrence,Laurie Goulding
Short Story
The Echoes Left Behind
ByAnthony Reynolds Lenné
Blood pooled beneath him, bright crimson against pristine white stone. His sword lay nearby, its blade broken. His killers stood around him, shadows on the periphery, but he saw nothing except her.
The Mageseeker
ByDigital Sun
In the kingdom of Demacia, the Mageseekers hold the power to oppress magic-using citizens in the name of public order–by inducting and indoctrinating them, locking them away, or driving them into hiding. Play as Sylas, a spell-stealing mage who has just broken free of his unjust captivity at the Mageseekers’ hands. Wielding the chains that once bound you, you must liberate your homeland from tyranny, one Mageseeker at a time.
Starring:Aidan,Eldred,Garen,Gideon,Hesbeth,Jarvan IV,Kara,Killan,Leilani,Lux,Morgana,Rayn,Rukko,Shyvana,Sylas,Wisteria,Yops
Mentioned:Aatrox,Anden Mayne,Dalin,Dominick,Evelynn,Falden,Fiddlesticks,Fizz,Galio,Jaredan,Jarvan III,Katarina,Kayle,LeBlanc,Mihira,Naafiri,Nocturne,Rhaast,Ryze,Sion,Tianna,Varus
Alternate Universes
A Twist of Fate
The battle seems decided... until there is a Twist of Fate.
Starring:Annie,Fiddlesticks,Garen,Katarina,Nocturne,Ryze,Tryndamere,Twisted Fate
Clash of Fates
Starring:Alistar,Amumu,Anivia,Annie,Ashe,Cho'Gath,Evelynn,Jax,Karthus,Kayle,Master Yi,Nunu,Rammus,Ryze,Singed,Sivir,Soraka,Teemo,Twisted Fate,Warwick,Willump,Zilean
Dominion (Video)
Starring:Cassiopeia,Irelia,Jarvan IV,Lux,Malphite,Miss Fortune,Mordekaiser,Ryze,Swain,Teemo
Music Video
By Numerous creators
Since its inception, Worlds has grown and evolved. Each unbelievable play and phenomenal match created moments and memories that will never be forgotten. In these iconic moments, players and teams reached for something incredible within themselves and brought it to life on the Summoner’s Rift...
Starring:Aatrox,Ahri,Alistar,Anivia,Annie,Ashe,Brand,Caitlyn,Darius,Draven,Elise,Ezreal,Gnar,Janna,Jax,Jayce,Jinx,Kassadin,Katarina,Kennen,Kha'Zix,Lulu,Orianna,Rek'Sai,Rengar,Rumble,Ryze,Shen,Sivir,Tahm Kench,Teemo,Twisted Fate,Yasuo,Ziggs
Journal of Justice
ByInstitute of War
Formare veneficum est formare fatum.
Starring:Akali,Alistar,Amumu,Anivia,Annie,Ashe,Blitzcrank,Brand,Cassiopeia,Cho'Gath,Corki,Darius,Dr. Mundo,Evelynn,Ezreal,Fiddlesticks,Gangplank,Garen,Gragas,Heimerdinger,Irelia,Janna,Jarvan IV,Jax,Karma,Karthus,Kassadin,Katarina,Kayle,Kennen,Kog'Maw,Lee Sin,Leona,Lissandra,Lux,Malzahar,Maokai,Master Yi,Mordekaiser,Morgana,Nasus,Nidalee,Nocturne,Nunu,Olaf,Pantheon,Poppy,Rammus,Renekton,Riven,Rumble,Ryze,Sejuani,Shaco,Shen,Singed,Sion,Sivir,Skarner,Sona,Soraka,Swain,Talon,Taric,Teemo,Tibbers,Tristana,Trundle,Tryndamere,Twisted Fate,Twitch,Udyr,Urgot,Veigar,Vladimir,Warwick,Willump,Wukong,Xin Zhao,Yorick,Zilean
Short Story
Journey to Thy Golden Mustache!
ByInstitute of War
The truest opponent lies within.
Starring:Boram Darkwill,Brand,Caitlyn,Cassiopeia,Galio,Graves,Irelia,Jarvan IV,Karma,LeBlanc,Lee Sin,Leona,Lux,Maokai,Miss Fortune,Nocturne,Orianna,Renekton,Riven,Rumble,Ryze,Skarner,Sona,Swain,Talon,Trundle,Urgot,Varus,Vayne,Vladimir,Wukong,Xerath,Xin Zhao,Yorick
Make History
In this battle of regions, one will conquer all others to make history.
Starring:Alistar,Ashe,Azir,Bard,Brand,Caitlyn,Cassiopeia,Elise,Evelynn,Janna,Karma,LeBlanc,Lee Sin,Lucian,Morgana,Nautilus,Orianna,Pyke,Ryze
Ryze's 10-Year Realm Warp
Greetings, Summoners. Let me take you on a trip through the last ten years of League.
Welcome to League of Legends
Starring:Alistar,Ashe,Cho'Gath,Katarina,Kayle,Master Yi,Morgana,Nasus,Ryze,Warwick
Academy Adventures: Series 1
ByGutter Rat
Mentioned:Akali,Amumu,Anivia,Azir,Bard,Blitzcrank,Braum,Cho'Gath,Elise,Ezreal,Fiddlesticks,Fiora,Gnar,Heimerdinger,Ivern,Jhin,Jinx,Karthus,Kog'Maw,Lulu,Lux,Malzahar,Miss Fortune,Nidalee,Olaf,Poppy,Rek'Sai,Renekton,Rumble,Ryze,Shaco,Shen,Sion,Sona,Soraka,Talon,Taric,Teemo,Tristana,Trundle,Twitch,Urgot,Varus,Veigar,Vel'Koz,Vi,Yorick,Zed,Ziggs,Zyra
Academy Adventures: Series 2
ByGutter Rat
Mentioned:Amumu,Anivia,Annie,Ashe,Aurelion Sol,Braum,Caitlyn,Cho'Gath,Dr. Mundo,Draven,Elise,Ezreal,Fiddlesticks,Fizz,Galio,Gnar,Heimerdinger,Janna,Jhin,Jinx,Kog'Maw,Lulu,Lux,Malphite,Malzahar,Miss Fortune,Nami,Nasus,Olaf,Poppy,Rakan,Rammus,Rek'Sai,Riven,Rumble,Ryze,Shaco,Singed,Sona,Soraka,Syndra,Taliyah,Talon,Taric,Teemo,Thresh,Tibbers,Tristana,Twitch,Urgot,Varus,Veigar,Volibear,Warwick,Wukong,Xayah,Yasuo,Yorick,Zac,Zed,Ziggs,Zyra
Academy Adventures: Series 3
ByGutter Rat
Crystal Quest: Series 1
Mentioned:Anivia,Ashe,Braum,Bristle,Caitlyn,Camille,Elise,Ezreal,Garen,Gragas,Graves,Heimerdinger,Illaoi,Ivern,Katarina,Kled,Lee Sin,Leona,Lissandra,Lucian,Nami,Olaf,Poppy,Ryze,Senna,Singed,Skaarl,Taliyah,Taric,Teemo,Tryndamere,Twisted Fate,Veigar,Vi,Zac
Mac Client Available
Starring:Dr. Mundo
Mentioned:Amumu,Ashe,Caitlyn,Ezreal,Fizz,Gragas,Graves,Katarina,Master Yi,Miss Fortune,Mordekaiser,Orianna,Riven,Ryze,Singed,Soraka,Viktor,Zac,Ziggs
Olaf vs Everything: Series 1
ByTom Barton
Punches and Plants: Series 1
Mentioned:Ahri,Alistar,Annie,Ashe,Blitzcrank,Brand,Braum,Caitlyn,Darius,Diana,Dr. Mundo,Ekko,Evelynn,Ezreal,Gangplank,Garen,Gnar,Gragas,Graves,Heimerdinger,Janna,Jinx,Karma,Katarina,Leona,Lucian,Malzahar,Miss Fortune,Nami,Nasus,Nunu,Quinn,Renekton,Rumble,Ryze,Sejuani,Sivir,Sona,Soraka,Tahm Kench,Taliyah,Taric,Teemo,Tibbers,Trundle,Tryndamere,Twisted Fate,Twitch,Valor,Varus,Vel'Koz,Vladimir,Volibear,Warwick,Willump,Wukong,Zac,Ziggs
Music Video
By Numerous creators
Reaching the peak takes more than skill. Only those with the ambition to RISE above all others will know its height.
Starring: N/A
Mentioned:Akali,Ashe,Braum,Darius,Ekko,Ezreal,Fiora,Garen,Gnar,Jarvan IV,Jax,Jinx,Kalista,Kennen,Kha'Zix,Leona,Lux,Master Yi,Olaf,Poppy,Rakan,Riven,Ryze,Sejuani,Swain,Taliyah,Thresh,Tryndamere,Vayne,Xayah,Yasuo,Zed,Ziggs
Road to the Cup
As the 2013 League of Legends World Championship final draws near, we showcase the biggest heroes in esports from around the world. Many teams fell by the wayside in epic battles, and now only two remain: Korea's SK Telecom T1 and China's Royal Club. Who will rise?
Starring: N/A
Mentioned:Blitzcrank,Brand,Caitlyn,Corki,Elise,Ezreal,Gragas,Janna,Jarvan IV,Jayce,Kennen,Kha'Zix,Lee Sin,Lux,Malphite,Mordekaiser,Orianna,Renekton,Ryze,Shen,Thresh,Twisted Fate,Vayne,Zac,Zed
The Tale of the Poro King
By Numerous creators
Starring: N/A
Mentioned:Aatrox,Akali,Ashe,Aurelion Sol,Azir,Braum,Caitlyn,Cho'Gath,Darius,Diana,Draven,Ezreal,Gnar,Illaoi,Janna,Jarvan IV,Jayce,Kai'Sa,Karma,Karthus,Katarina,Kayle,Kayn,Kennen,Kha'Zix,Lee Sin,Leona,Lulu,Lux,Malzahar,Miss Fortune,Nunu,Ornn,Pantheon,Pyke,Rammus,Rek'Sai,Rhaast,Ryze,Sejuani,Shen,Sion,Sivir,Soraka,Sylas,Syndra,Taliyah,Talon,Taric,Thresh,Tristana,Trundle,Udyr,Vi,Volibear,Willump,Yasuo,Zed,Ziggs,Zoe
Music Video
By Numerous creators
The battle begins, and sixteen teams across the globe are fighting towards one goal – to win the League of Legends World Championship.
Starring: N/A
• Ryze is between 1025 and 1080 years old, born at some point before theRuination.
• His master, Tyrus of Helia, was from theBlessed Isles' capital ofHelia
Change log[]
See also[] | Name: Arcane Mastery, Description: Innate: Ryze increases his maximum mana by (10% per 100 AP) ., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputPassive', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'The increase in maximum mana differenciates betweenbaseandbonusmana, similar toOvergrowth. The product base off ofbasemana doesnotcount as bonus mana.', "WithRabadon's Deathcap, a total of (40% AP)ability powerand (14% AP)%maximummanais gained.", "Arcane Masterytogether withDemonic Embraceand any converter ofmanatohealth(Winter's Approach,Fimbulwinteror theU.R.F. buff) create arecursive stat loop:ability powergivingmanagivinghealthgivingability powerand so on."]} | Name: Overload, Description: Passive: Ryze's other basic ability casts reset Overload's cooldown and charge a Rune stack for 4 seconds, refreshing on subsequent casts and stacking up to 2 times. Active: Ryze unleashes a runic blast in the target direction that deals magic damage to the first enemy hit and consumes all Rune stacks. Magic Damage: 70 / 90 / 110 / 130 / 150 (+ 55% AP) (+ 2% bonus mana) If Ryze consumed 2 stacks, he gains bonus movement speed for 2 seconds. Bonus Movement Speed: 28 / 32 / 36 / 40 / 44% Flux Bonus: Overload deals 10 / 40 / 70 / 100% (based on Realm Warp's Rank) increased damage and spreads to surrounding Fluxed enemies., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputDirection', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Overloadcan be buffered 0.5seconds before it comes off cooldown.', "Overloadcan be buffered while casting eitherSpell FluxorRune Prisonto cast immediately after the previous spell's cast time.", 'Appliesspell damageto the primary target andarea damageto secondary targets affected byFlux.', 'This ability will cast from wherever the caster is at the start of the cast time.']} | Name: Rune Prison, Description: Active: Ryze seizes the target enemy, dealing magic damage and slowing them by 35% for 1. 5 seconds. Magic Damage: 80 / 110 / 140 / 170 / 200 (+ 70% AP) (+ 4% bonus mana) Flux Bonus: The target is rooted instead of slowed ., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputUnit', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Rune Prisoncan be buffered 0.5seconds before it comes off cooldown.', 'If the target becomesuntargetable,dies, or is too far away or no longer insightduring the cast time, this ability will cancel but does not go oncooldownnor pay its cost (if applicable).']} | Name: Spell Flux, Description: Active: Ryze projects an orb upon the target enemy that deals magic damage . The target and surrounding enemies are also marked with Flux for 4 seconds. Ryze's basic abilities against Flux targets consume the mark to become empowered with an additional effect. Magic Damage: 60 / 90 / 120 / 150 / 180 (+ 50% AP) (+ 2% bonus mana) Flux Bonus: Spell Flux spreads farther., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputUnit', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', "Spell Flux'ssecond cast on a target will apply a newFluxdebuff as well as triggering the previous one (effectively refreshing the duration).", "PENDING FOR TEST:bounce rangeto-edge orto-center?Game data notes additional range checks of 400 (bounce range) and 500 (Q damage bounce range) against 'large' enemies.", "Game data notes additional range checks of 400 (bounce range) and 500 (Q damage bounce range) against 'large' enemies.", 'Spell Fluxcan be buffered 0.5seconds before it comes off cooldown.', 'If the target becomesuntargetable,dies, or is too far away or no longer insightduring the cast time, this ability will cancel but does not go oncooldownnor pay its cost (if applicable).']} | Name: Realm Warp, Description: Passive: Overload's Flux empowered damage is increased. Bonus Overload Damage: 40 / 70 / 100% Active: Ryze channels for 2 seconds to open a portal beneath him, marking the target location as its destination and gaining sight of the area. Ryze is able to act while channeling, but the portal will cancel if he is interrupted . Upon completion, Ryze and allied units within will blink to the location and become rooted , disarmed , silenced and untargetable for 0. 75 seconds. Realm Warp will cast at max range if cast beyond that. Link ▶️ "Come. The runes beckon.", {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputLocation', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Realm Warpwill try to predict whether an ally is trying to run out of it or not and will not teleport allies that are very near the edge and move click outside of it.', "Blinked units retain the same relative positions to one another upon arrival.If nochampionsbut one or moreminionsare teleported,Realm Warpwill not teleport the minion closest to its center, and furthermoreshuffles the positions of the other teleported minions.(bug)If a champion is present, the innermost minion is teleported on top the outermost champion's new position, and the remaining minions are teleported to their proper intended positions.(bug)", "If nochampionsbut one or moreminionsare teleported,Realm Warpwill not teleport the minion closest to its center, and furthermoreshuffles the positions of the other teleported minions.(bug)If a champion is present, the innermost minion is teleported on top the outermost champion's new position, and the remaining minions are teleported to their proper intended positions.(bug)", "If a champion is present, the innermost minion is teleported on top the outermost champion's new position, and the remaining minions are teleported to their proper intended positions.(bug)", 'Realm Warpwill teleport allies even if they are in azombie state, areuntargetable, or are affected bycrowd control.', "Realm Warpwill not teleport allies that are using an ability that preloadsUnstoppableForceMarkeror are being affected by another ally'sRealm Warpfirst.", 'Realm Warpwill still teleport an alliedRift Heraldthat is winding up its leap.', "Realm Warphas various interactions withchanneledabilities that are being performed by an ally. Some channels will prevent their caster from being teleported and others will not.For channels that do not prevent the teleport,Realm Warpwill specifically not apply itssilenceto the caster.Cast times will not prevent the teleport.The following channels will prevent the teleport:Caitlyn'sAce in the HoleGalio'sHero's EntranceKayn'sUmbral TrespassJhin'sCurtain CallWarwick'sJaws of the BeastXerath'sRite of the ArcaneRecall/Empowered RecallTeleport/Unleashed Teleport", 'For channels that do not prevent the teleport,Realm Warpwill specifically not apply itssilenceto the caster.', 'Cast times will not prevent the teleport.', "The following channels will prevent the teleport:Caitlyn'sAce in the HoleGalio'sHero's EntranceKayn'sUmbral TrespassJhin'sCurtain CallWarwick'sJaws of the BeastXerath'sRite of the ArcaneRecall/Empowered RecallTeleport/Unleashed Teleport", "Caitlyn'sAce in the Hole", "Galio'sHero's Entrance", "Kayn'sUmbral Trespass", "Jhin'sCurtain Call", "Warwick'sJaws of the Beast", "Xerath'sRite of the Arcane", 'Recall/Empowered Recall', 'Teleport/Unleashed Teleport', 'The following table refers for interactions whileRyzeischanneling:', 'Death, unless protected byResurrection', 'Grounding effects', 'Immobilizing effects', 'Cast-inhibiting effects']} | His name comes fromRiot Games'sCEOBrandon 'Ryze' Beck'salias.
Ryze was one of the original playable characters in the theSummoner's RiftBattle Training tutorial, along withAsheandGaren.
Ryze was the first champion to have 9 skins.He was also the first to have 2Harrowingones (Zombiein 2010,Piratein 2012).The other champion is Katarina (Kitty CatandDeath Sworn).Hecarimhas 2Harrowing skinsbut hisReaperskin did not come inHarrowingevent.
His giant scroll can be seen behind an overturned chair in the trailer for the game's Mac version.While the scroll is supposedly indestructibleNocturnerips it apart it in 'A Twist of Fate'.Yet later on the scroll is whole again but whether it is capable of self-repairing is uncertain.
Ryze was deemed as having next to no counterplay inUltra Rapid Fire(2014 edition) and was disabled in non-custom games. |
Samira,the Desert Rose | | | health: Health630+108, resource: Mana349+38, health regen: Health regen. (per 5s)3.25+0.55, resource regen: Mana regen. (per 5s)8.2+0.7, armor: Armor26+4.7, attack damage: Attack damage57+3.3, attack speed: Base AS0.658, gameplay radius: Gameplay radius65, selection radius: Selection radius100, release: 2020-09-21, changed: V13.23, role: Marksman, position: Bottom, rangetype: Ranged, adaptivetype: Physical, cost: 3150|790 | Games
SamiraTitlesNickname(s)Sam8GirlAlias(es)The Desert RoseCharacteristicsSpeciesHumanPronoun(s)She/HerTimelineBorn:964 AN[1]Weapon(s)Blaze & ThornVanquishPersonal statusStatusAlivePlace of originAmakra,ShurimaCurrent residenceNoxusFamilyUnnamed MotherUnnamed FatherProfessional statusOccupation(s)MercenaryAdventurerStreet PerformerRegion(s)ShurimaNoxusRelated character(s)DariusJackLeBlancRellSett
• Sam
• 8Girl
• Born:964 AN
• Blaze & Thorn
• Vanquish
Personal status
Place of origin
Current residence
• Unnamed Mother
• Unnamed Father
Professional status
• Mercenary
• Adventurer
• Street Performer
• Shurima
• Noxus
Related character(s)
Samirastares death in the eye with unyielding confidence, seeking thrill wherever she goes. After herShurimanhome was destroyed as a child, Samira found her true calling inNoxus, where she built a reputation as a stylish daredevil taking on dangerous missions of the highest caliber. Wielding black-powder pistols and a custom-engineered blade, Samira thrives in life-or-death circumstances, eliminating any who stand in her way with flash and flair.
• 1Background1.1Early life1.2Contemporary history1.3Recent events
• 2Apperance
• 3Personality
• 4Abilities
• 5Relations5.1Parents5.2Xerath5.3Captain Indari5.4LanaLanaandMiel5.5LeBlanc5.6Rell5.7Darius
• 6Read More6.1Biography6.2Starring Champion6.3Alternate Universes
• 7Trivia
• 8Change log
• 9References
• 10See also
• 11References
• 1.1Early life
• 1.2Contemporary history
• 1.3Recent events
• 5.1Parents
• 5.2Xerath
• 5.3Captain Indari
• 5.4LanaLanaandMiel
• 5.5LeBlanc
• 5.6Rell
• 5.7Darius
• 6.1Biography
• 6.2Starring Champion
• 6.3Alternate Universes
Early life[]
Samira was born in the city of Amakra in Shurima, she lived together with her parents and worked with them as street artists, they dazzled, captivated and amazed the spectators, which Samira loved, but she was worried about her parents, who although they saw how happy their daughter was, they wished she had a much more comfortable life than theirs.
Before Samira turned fourteen Amakra was attacked by a group of bandits, who captured and sacrificed people in honor of an ancient wizard, Samira hid with her parents and later they escaped from the city and arrived at Bel'zhun a Noxian refuge.
Contemporary history[]
Samira, determined to prove that she was not afraid of danger, enlisted in a Noxian battalion led by6Captain Indari, who, seeing Samira's bubbly and impulsive personality, made her give her a place in her battalion, proving to be an excellent member.On Indari's orders, Samira traveled to the Rokkun plain to dismantle a separatist group, however the fortress in which they were based exploded, full of emotion Samira entered the fortress while it was falling apart, suffering a permanent wound to her left eye. Samira rescued Indari, who was seriously injured, losing sensation in her legs. Indari was forced to disband her battalion, after which Samira returned to Amakra.
Samira tried to live a quiet life together with her parents, but being still for a long time made her too anxious until she finally understood that she could not continue with that kind of life.
Recent events[]
Samira returned to Noxus and looked for Indari, thinking that she would understand her more than anyone, Samira proposed a new collaboration to Indari and that is that she would be in charge of looking for mercenary jobs so that Samira would take them, she accepted although fearing for her disciple.
So little by little Samira's reputation rose more and more to such an extent that she was known, feared and respected both in Shurima and in Noxus, she traveled with the whole world fulfilling each job that Indari gave her, jumping into adventure.
Samira is a beautiful woman with tanned skin, she has an athletic and voluptuous physique, a round face with a mole on the right side of her lip, thick lips, wears an eyepatch over her right eye and her left eye is emerald green. Long black hair which she wears braided in a French braid that falls over her right shoulder on which she has woven golden jewels.
She has a slightly revealing uniform of red and black colors with leather boots, a short skirt and a short t-shirt that reveals her abdomen as well as several tattoos on her left arm.
Samira is quite a stubborn and impulsive woman, determined to show that she is not afraid of danger, enjoying the adrenaline rush that it caused her, despite everything she cared a lot about her parents wishing they were safe.
• Swordsmanship: Samira proved to be very skilled with the use of the sword.
• Marksmanship: Samira is excellent in the use of firearms, being able to use two pistols at the same time.
• Acrobatics: Samira is an extremely talented acrobat, being able to perform acrobatics in the air being able to combine her sword and pistol attacks with her jumps and pirouettes.
Samira performed in street performances alongside her parents when she was young. While she enjoyed performing, they wished her to live a more stable life. When her family immigrated to Noxus, she had to support her injured parents by herself but struggled to make ends meet. After becoming a mercenary, Samira told her parents about her tattoos and impressive feats. Samira is close to her mother, recalling the stories and advice she gave her when she was young.
Samira was forced to evacuate Amakra after it was attacked by Xerath's followers, and harbors a resentment towards him for his followers' destruction of her hometown.
Captain Indari[]
Indari was impressed with Samira's bravery and commissioned her to be part of her own private warband. When Indari was caught in an explosion that severely wounded her, Samira risked her life to rescue her at the cost of her own eye. Despite Indari's shame towards her own failure, Samira knew that she understood her desire for thrills more than anybody and proposed to work with her again. Indari now supports Samira behind the scenes by providing her with mercenary work and takes pride in Samira's and determination though she can get frustrated at her recklessness causing trouble, though she has actually been conspiring withLeBlancwithout Samira's knowledge.
Samira obtained her guns from Lani and Miel, two Noxian gunsmiths.
LeBlanc sees Samira as an important factor in her plans to take over Noxus, so she indirectly manipulates Samira through Indari into carrying out her missions to benefit her own goals.
Samira was unknowingly sent to find Rell under LeBlanc's instruction, by proxy of Indari.
Samira once fought Darius when he was under the influence of the Ruination caused byViego.
Read More
The Desert Rose
ByMichael Luo
Starring Champion
Short Story
Daredevil Impulse
ByMichael Luo
The weapons shop looked grimy—just the way Samira liked it.
Ruination (Video)
A king returns. All he touches turns to ruin.
Alternate Universes
Choncc Dome
ByTy Sheedlo,Taylor Dinwiddie,Isa Mari De Leon,Elyse Lemoine
Just because the Tournament of Souls is all about 1v1 combat doesn't mean you have to train alone! That's why Choncc has gathered some of the greatest Soul Fighters under one roof—er… dome. So choose a champ and start gettin'swole, Choncc-style!
Music Video
Coming Alive
ByNumerous Creators
In the fight of a lifetime, you may get knocked down. But never knocked out.
Tournament of Souls
ByTaylor Dinwiddie,Ty Sheedlo
Play League of Legends to build Samira's reputation and style on your competition at the Tournament of Souls! Face off against the strongest soul fighters in a series of fierce 1v1 matches to help Samira chase down her biggest bounty yet and fulfill her SOUL'S DESIRE!
No war stays hidden for long.
Starring:Ezreal,Master Yi,Shen,Sona,Vi
• Samira is 32 years old as of 996 AN (she was born around 964 AN).[2]She lost her eye in a secessionist uprising in theRokrund Plainsthat is the same uprising inThe Black Powder Plot, which happened around 991 AN.[3]
• Her favorite fruit is pomegranate.[4]
• Samira is an homage to "character-action" games like Devil May Cry and Bayonetta.
• She lost her eye in a secessionist uprising in theRokrund Plainsthat is the same uprising inThe Black Powder Plot, which happened around 991 AN.[3]
Change log[]
See also[]
References[] | Name: Daredevil Impulse, Description: Innate: Samira's damaging basic attacks and abilities against at least one enemy champion different from the previous damaging hit made against champions generate a stack of Style for 6 seconds, refreshing on subsequent hits and stacking up to 6 times. Style: For each stack, Samira gains 2 / 2. 5 / 3 / 3. 5 % (based on level) bonus movement speed , up to a maximum of 12 / 15 / 18 / 21% (based on level) . At maximum stacks, Samira can cast Inferno Trigger . Innate: Samira's basic attacks against targets in 200 range use her blade, becoming non-projectile . Blade attacks post-hit, Blade Whirl , Wild Rush , and the slash and explosives of Flair deal 2 − 19 (based on level) (+ 3. 5 % − 10. 5 % (based on level) AD) bonus magic damage , increased by 0% − 100% (based on target's missing health) . Samira's basic attack against an immobilized target is empowered to have an uncancellable windup and deal the attack's damage over 6 strikes in 0. 5 seconds. If the target is a monster or is airborne , the attack also knocks them up for 0. 5 seconds. Samira will dash into her attack range of the target if they are nearby, though not through terrain. The empowered attack resets Samira's basic attack timer, is affected by critical strike modifiers, applies on-hit effects only once, and cannot occur on the same target more than once every few seconds., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputPassive', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'See Notes', 'parries': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'The stack count is represented by the gradesto the left of herhealth barforSamiraherself, and a stack counter underneath the bar that is visible to all players.', "The empowered attack can trigger onimmobilizesfrom both ally and enemy sources.Those applied by theneutralteam (e.g.Dragon'sinitial knock back)canbe targeted.It cannot trigger against enemies knockedairborneby aBlast Conetriggered by anyone.(bug)", "Those applied by theneutralteam (e.g.Dragon'sinitial knock back)canbe targeted.", 'It cannot trigger against enemies knockedairborneby aBlast Conetriggered by anyone.(bug)', "The empowered attack's interaction withimmunities to crowd control:Itwill nottrigger againstcrowd control immuneanddisplacement immunetargets.The knock up will be resisted byRiposte, but the ability does not trigger its on-immobilizationeffect.(bug)", 'Itwill nottrigger againstcrowd control immuneanddisplacement immunetargets.The knock up will be resisted byRiposte, but the ability does not trigger its on-immobilizationeffect.(bug)', 'The knock up will be resisted byRiposte, but the ability does not trigger its on-immobilizationeffect.(bug)', 'The empowered attack will not apply the knock up againstsuspendedenemies.', 'The empowered attack will only apply the knock up if the target is stillimmobilizedorairborneupon being hit. It will not apply if they are no longer disabled when hit.', 'The empowered attack cannot be used against a target with aspell shield.', 'The application of the knock up can occur on any of the missiles of the empowered attack if it had not already occurred on the first missile.A missile that is parried byRiposteor isdodged,blocked, or missed whileSamiraisblindedcannotapply the knock up.', 'A missile that is parried byRiposteor isdodged,blocked, or missed whileSamiraisblindedcannotapply the knock up.', 'Whilegroundedorrooted,Samiracannotdashinto range to use the empowered attack. She can only use it if her target is within herattack rangewhile under this condition.', 'The on-target cooldown will apply even if the empowered attack is parried.', 'The empowered attack rollscritical strikefor each shot of the flurry.', 'Thebonusmagic damagedealt with the blade isdefault damage. The empowered attack is first 1 instance ofbasic damageand then 5 instances ofdefault damage.The attacks do not deal thebonusdamage againststructures.', 'The attacks do not deal thebonusdamage againststructures.', 'The empowered attack is unaffected byattack speedmodifiers.', "Guinsoo's Rageblade'sPhantom HitandRunaan's Hurricane'sbolts will not apply thebonusmagic damage, since it is a hit effect of specifically the melee attack casts.", 'Attacks with the gun and blade do not count as different attacks for stackingStyle.', 'Basic attacks using the blade are still classified asranged.', "The melee attack's range condition is unaffected byattack rangemodifiers (e.g.Rapid Firecannon).Blade range is calculated edge-to-edge just like basic attack ranges are, hence bothSamiragaining bonussizeor her target increases the total distance at whichSamiracan attack them with the blade.", 'Blade range is calculated edge-to-edge just like basic attack ranges are, hence bothSamiragaining bonussizeor her target increases the total distance at whichSamiracan attack them with the blade.', 'Since theknock uprequires an exterior source toimmobilizethe enemy,Aftershockwill be swapped withGrasp of the UndyingforSamiraat the start of the game.', "SinceInferno Trigger'scooldown is static,Ultimate Hunterwill be swapped withTreasure HunterforSamiraat the start of the game.", 'Abilities blocked byspell shieldswill still grantSamiraStylestacks.', 'Samirastill gainsStylestacks from damaging attacks and abilities landed againstclones.']} | Name: Flair, Description: Active: Samira fires a shot in the target direction that deals physical damage to the first enemy hit. Physical Damage: 0 / 5 / 10 / 15 / 20 (+ 85 / 95 / 105 / 115 / 125% AD) If a targetable enemy is in front of Samira at the time of cast, she will instead slash with her blade in a cone, dealing the same damage to enemies hit. If Flair is cast during Wild Rush , Samira deploys explosives in her wake that detonate upon the end of the dash, dealing the same damage to enemies hit. Flair can critically strike for (25% + 45% ) bonus physical damage and will apply life steal at 66. 6 % effectiveness., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputDirection', 'damage_type': 'Physical', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', "Appliesspell damageon the shot andarea damageon the slash and explosives.Life stealwill always benefit from the damage dealt at 66.6% effectiveness and does not take into account of the ability'sspell effects, whereas on the other hand foromnivampdoes, and it will modify thehealingaccordingly.", "Life stealwill always benefit from the damage dealt at 66.6% effectiveness and does not take into account of the ability'sspell effects, whereas on the other hand foromnivampdoes, and it will modify thehealingaccordingly.", "Flair'sshot against an enemy champion will aggro nearby enemy minions.", 'Flaircan be cast duringWild Rusheven ifBlade WhirlorInferno Triggerare active.', 'The slash and explosives roll theircritical strikeagainst each target individually.', 'The shot and the slash do not count as different abilities for stackingStyle.', "Samira'snext attack after usingFlairwill occasionally come out faster.(bug)", "Samiracan useWild RushduringFlair'scast time.", 'This ability will cast from wherever the caster is at the end of the cast time.Flairwill fire or slash from whereverSamirais at the end of the cast time.Samirawill always slash in her facing direction, and she will turn to face the target direction only once at the start of the cast time.', 'Flairwill fire or slash from whereverSamirais at the end of the cast time.Samirawill always slash in her facing direction, and she will turn to face the target direction only once at the start of the cast time.', 'Samirawill always slash in her facing direction, and she will turn to face the target direction only once at the start of the cast time.', 'Flaircan be buffered 0.5seconds before it comes off cooldown.', 'Only the shot will be destroyed byprojectile-interceptingeffects.', "The explosive placement is illustrated inWild Rushregardless of whetherFlairis available.The VFX always covers the the full dash's distance even ifWild Rushis interrupted mid-dash.", "The VFX always covers the the full dash's distance even ifWild Rushis interrupted mid-dash."]} | Name: Blade Whirl, Description: Active: Samira spins her blade over 0. 75 seconds, destroying all hostile non- turret projectiles within the area for the duration. Samira slashes twice during Blade Whirl , each one dealing physical damage to all nearby enemies. The first slash occurs immediately and the second one occurs after the duration. Physical Damage: 20 / 35 / 50 / 65 / 80 (+ 80% bonus AD) Total Physical Damage: 40 / 70 / 100 / 130 / 160 (+ 160% bonus AD) Samira cannot attack nor cast Flair during Blade Whirl. Casting Inferno Trigger will end Blade Whirl early. Link ▶️ "Don't think so.", {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputAuto', 'damage_type': 'Physical', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Tips & Tricks', 'Spell shieldwill block the damage from one slash.', "While the ability has a cast time - the cast time has no effect on the ability's usability. All effects begin immediately andSamiracan move throughout.", 'Blade Whirlcan be buffered 0.5seconds before it comes off cooldown.', 'Both slashes count as the same ability for stackingStyle.', 'The effect ending early includes the second slash not being performed, if applicable.', 'Enteringstasiswill also endBlade Whirlearly.Other item actives and channelingTeleportorRecallwillnotend the effect early.', 'Other item actives and channelingTeleportorRecallwillnotend the effect early.', 'Samiracan ignore the lockout forFlairand basic attacks if she usesWild Rushand queues upFlairand/or a basic attack at the start of it.(bug)', 'Flaircannot be directly cast during this ability, but can still occur through theWild Rush+Flairinteraction.']} | Name: Wild Rush, Description: Active: Samira dashes a fixed distance in the direction of the target enemy or enemy structure , dealing magic damage to enemies she passes through. She also gains bonus attack speed for 3 seconds. Magic Damage: 50 / 60 / 70 / 80 / 90 (+ 20% bonus AD) Bonus Attack Speed: 20 / 25 / 30 / 35 / 40% Scoring a takedown against an enemy champion within 3 seconds of damaging them resets Wild Rush's cooldown . Flair and Inferno Trigger can be cast during the dash. Casting Blade Whirl will buffer it to cast at the end of the dash., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputUnit', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Samiragains the attack speed buff at the start of the dash, and it lasts for 3 seconds from that point on.', 'Wild Rushdoes not deal its damage to turrets.', 'Wild Rushprioritizes targeting champions over turrets.', 'Wild Rushcan be buffered 0.5seconds before it comes off cooldown.', 'Inferno Triggerwill be buffered to cast at the end of the dash ifFlairwas cast during the dash.', 'CastingFlashduringWild Rushwill interrupt the dash but deal damage to nearby enemies at the location.IfFlairwas cast during this time, an explosive will also be placed at that location.', 'IfFlairwas cast during this time, an explosive will also be placed at that location.', 'Wild Rushwill also reset ifSamirakills or gets assist credit on aclonethat dies (to hostiles).(bug)']} | Name: Inferno Trigger, Description: Active: Samira unleashes a torrent of shots for 2. 277 seconds , reducing her movement speed by 30% and rapidly shooting at nearby enemies over 2. 013 seconds at sporadic times in 0. 2 -second intervals each, dealing physical damage with each shot, reduced by 75% against minions . Physical Damage Per Shot: 5 / 15 / 25 (+ 50% AD) Total Physical Damage: 50 / 150 / 250 (+ 500% AD) Minion Damage Per Shot: 1. 25 / 3. 75 / 6. 25 (+ 12. 5 % AD) Total Minion Damage: 12. 5 / 37. 5 / 62. 5 (+ 125% AD) Each shot can critically strike for (75% + 45% ) bonus physical damage and applies life steal at 50% effectiveness. A nearby visible enemy is required to cast this ability, and targets do not have to be visible to be shot at. Style stacks are consumed at the end of the effect. Samira cannot attack nor cast Flair and Blade Whirl during Inferno Trigger, but she can still move. Inferno Trigger will end prematurely by all forms of cast-inhibiting crowd control as well as disarm . Link ▶️ "Showtime!", STATIC COOLDOWN: STATICCOOLDOWN:5, {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputAuto', 'damage_type': 'Physical', 'spell_shield': 'See Notes', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Map-Specific Differences', "Samira'sfacing direction remains as it had been or, if she is moving, towards that direction duringInferno Trigger.", 'Themovement speedreduction stacks additively with othermovement speedbonuses.It is a negative bonus, not aslow, and is thus not reduced byslow resist.', 'It is a negative bonus, not aslow, and is thus not reduced byslow resist.', "Inferno Trigger'sarea of effect is fixed aroundSamira.", 'Spell shieldwill block the damage of one shot.', 'Inferno Triggerwill not end if there are no enemies that remain in range.', 'Inferno Triggercan be buffered 0.5seconds before it becomes unsealed or off cooldown.', "The bottom of theplayer'sscreen will have a fiery visual effect whileSamirais atSrank andInferno Triggerhas at least one rank.", "Galeforce'sCloudburstcan be used duringInferno Trigger.", 'Base damage per tick changed to 5 / 10 / 15.']} | Samira was accidentally pushed toPBEprior to the supposed reveal.
Samirais one of 20 champions without a singleability powerratio on any ability:Aatrox,Camille,Darius,Dr. Mundo,Draven,Garen,Kayn,Kled,Naafiri,Nilah,Olaf,Pyke,Riven,Sett,Talon,Urgot,Xayah,Yone, andZed.
Unlike conventionalemotes, Samira'sTaunthas mechanical functions. It creates a coin skillshot that, if Samira has1to spare, deals 1 damage and gives1to enemy champions.[2]It also automatically aims towards dead enemy champions in range.[3]
Samiracomes from either SanskritSamīraसमीर "wind, breeze, air"[4]or Arabic سميرةSāmira"night-companion, nighttalker", feminine active participle of سَمَرَsamara"to spend the night".[5]
Samira's movement animations change form depending on whether her recent attack used the gun or blade.
The blocking animation ofBlade Whirlhas Samira explicitly shoot every single incoming projectile.[6]
Samira was teased ingame with theStyle: Rank Sloot item earnable in patchV10.17. It wasawardedby scoring a takedown after fighting in a manner likeDaredevil Impulse.
If players look at theDaredevil Impulsestacks in the slot, it will show "Why are you looking? Go style on your enemies!" |
Sejuani,Fury of the North | | | health: Health630+114, resource: Mana400+40, health regen: Health regen. (per 5s)8.5+1, resource regen: Mana regen. (per 5s)7+0.7, armor: Armor34+5.45, attack damage: Attack damage66+4, attack speed: Base AS0.688, gameplay radius: Gameplay radius80, selection radius: Selection radius140, release: 2012-01-17, changed: V13.15, role: Vanguard, position: Jungle, rangetype: Melee, adaptivetype: Magic, cost: 450|260 | Games
SejuaniMainPresentTeenTitlesAlias(es)The Fury of the NorthThe Winter's WrathIncarnation of SeryldaWarmotherCharacteristicsSpeciesHuman(Iceborn)Pronoun(s)She/HerTimelineBorn:973 ANWeapon(s)Winter's WrathFrost ArmorSeeker's ArmguardPersonal statusStatusAlivePlace of originFreljordCurrent residenceFreljordFamilyUnnamed Father(Father)Udyr(Oathfather)Kalkia†(Mother)Hejian†(Grandmother)Unnamed Bloodsworn(Spouses)Ashe(Estranged Battlesister)Serylda†(Potential Previous Incarnation)Pet(s)BristleProfessional statusOccupation(s)Tribal Leader (Warmother)Region(s)FreljordFaction(s)Winter's ClawRelated character(s)BristleUdyrOlafVolibearAsheTryndamereLissandraAniviaTrundleOrnnVrynnaSylas
• Main
• Present
• Teen
• The Fury of the North
• The Winter's Wrath
• Incarnation of Serylda
• Warmother
• Born:973 AN
• Winter's Wrath
• Frost Armor
• Seeker's Armguard
Personal status
Place of origin
Current residence
• Unnamed Father(Father)
• Udyr(Oathfather)
• Kalkia†(Mother)
• Hejian†(Grandmother)
• Unnamed Bloodsworn(Spouses)
• Ashe(Estranged Battlesister)
• Serylda†(Potential Previous Incarnation)
Professional status
Related character(s)
Sejuaniis the brutal, unforgivingIcebornwarmother of theWinter's Claw, one of the most feared tribes of theFreljord. Her people's survival is a constant, desperate battle against the elements, forcing them to raidNoxians,Demacians, andAvarosansalike to survive the harsh winters. Sejuani herself spearheads the most dangerous of these attacks from the saddle of her drüvask boarBristle, using her True Ice flail to freeze and shatter her enemies.
• 1Background1.1Early Life1.2Recent events
• 2Appearance
• 3Personality
• 4Abilities
• 5Relations5.1Asheand theAvarosan5.2Bristle5.3Udyr5.4Volibearand theUrsine5.5Lissandraand theFrostguard5.6Olaf
• 6Read More6.1Biography6.2Starring Champion6.3Mentioned Champion6.4Alternate Universes
• 7Trivia
• 8Change log
• 9References
• 10See also
• 1.1Early Life
• 1.2Recent events
• 5.1Asheand theAvarosan
• 5.2Bristle
• 5.3Udyr
• 5.4Volibearand theUrsine
• 5.5Lissandraand theFrostguard
• 5.6Olaf
• 6.1Biography
• 6.2Starring Champion
• 6.3Mentioned Champion
• 6.4Alternate Universes
Early Life[]
Sejuani was born of aFreljordpolitical marrige, daughter of the Warmother of theWinter's Claw, Kalkia. But her mother would quickly abandon the role of Warmother, instead pursuing another man she had her eyes on, leaving the tribe in chaos. Instead, Sejuani was raised by her Grandmother Heijan, a cold and uncaring mother figure who's expectations Sejuani could never seem to meet.
The Winter's Claw was left poor from the neglect of Kalkia, but during a visit to theAvarosan, Sejuani saw how well people could have it under a competent warmother. During her visit, Sejuani was taken in by the famous warrior and warmother, Grena, who Sejuani learned had once bested Kalkia in a duel, an act that earned Sejuani's adoration. It was also here she met with Grena's only daughter,Ashe, who became Sejuani's best and only friend. Though things quickly turned sour as Grena started to openly question Heijan's treatment of Sejuani, an act which infuriated Heijan. Heijan cut all ties with the Avarosan and started expanding into the surrounding tribes, which only further weakened the Winter's Claw.
Word reached Kalkia about the failiures of the Winter's Claw, which brought her return where she proclaimed herself Warmother again. Sejuani was enraged by her mother's return and started secretly plotting to overthrow her and become the new warmother.
During an expedition, Sejuani once more met with Ashe, who was starving and alone inUrsinelands after theFrostguardhad destroyed the rest of the Avarosan. Sejuani took pitty on her old friend and brought her back to the Winter's Claw, an act which the new warmother and theFrostguarddid not take kindly. Sejuani told Ashe about her plan to overthrow Kalkia and asked for Ashe's help, to which she agreed and they both swore and oath, making them Battlesisters. Though this friendship was short lived, for unbeknownst to Ashe; Sejuani's plan involved raiding and destroying the neighbouring tribe, the Ebrataal Tribe, to steal their supplies. Ashe did not approve of this raid and the two former battlesisters were now sworn enemies.
After Ashe's betrayal, Sejuani completed another raid agaisnt aNoxusWarship, hoping it would be enough to rally the tribes in support of Sejuani. During this raid, Sejuani freedBristlefrom the ship's slaughterhouse, who would become her most royal steed. This raid proved enough, and Sejuani returned back to the Winter's Claw to challange her mother to a duel, an act which was extremely taboo. Sejuani won decisively, killing her mother in the process.
Sejuani was now the new warmother and did not waste a second, she immediately began raiding and absorbing nearby tribes while also throwing out the Frostguard. Sejuani had taken the Winter's Claw from the brink of collapse and ruin, and had turned it into the most feared and brutal tribe of the Freljord.
Recent events[]
The Freljord is currently undergoing the harshest winter in living memory, and the Winter's Claw are starving becouse of it. Sejuani, after returning from a failed hunting mission, found herself at a loss of what to do. Thats when a old man from a village she destroyed requested to speak with her. The old man should have starved weeks ago and Sejuani was intrigued over how he was still alilve, where he mentioned that he had eaten from theCauldron of Ornn, a legendary artifact with the ability to fully feed anyone who eats from it for, leaving them full for several weeks. But the Cauldron had been stolen by theVolibearand is deep in Ursine territory. Sejuani decided to take a gamble, believing the old mans story, and is now on anexpeditioninto Ursine lands to steal the Cauldron, joined byOlaf, in hopes that it will be able to save her starving people.
Sejuani is a athletic, pale woman with white hair tied up into a bun and a large scar vertically across her nose. She wears a mix of furs and metal armor, decorated with blue crystals. Over her head she wears a metal helmet with two blue crystal horns on either side, one of which has been broken off almost entirely. As a weapon she wield theWinter's Wrath.
Sejuani is cold and brutal to her enemies, showing no mercy, but a caring warmother to her tribe. Sejuani believes that community is strenght and is the only way to survive the Freljord. She holds the traditions of Freljord as truth and sees anyone who chooses to abandon their nomadic ways as a traitor and an enemy.
• Iceborn: Sejuani has a rare magical alteration from birth, giving her a strong resistance to the cold of theFreljordand allowing her to wield True Ice.True Ice: Sejuani is capable of using True Ice. Magical, unmeltable ice.
• True Ice: Sejuani is capable of using True Ice. Magical, unmeltable ice.
Asheand theAvarosan[]
Sejuani and Ashe were once childhood friends but were seperated when Ashe's mother offended Sejuani's grandmother, Heijan, over how she was raising Sejuani. Years later, Sejuani found Ashe starving inUrsinelands after theFrostguardannihilated the rest of her tribe. Sejuani and Ashe became battlesisters the next day, but had a falling out during a raid against the Ebrataal Tribe, a raid which Ashe did not approve of.
Sejuani now considers Ashe and her new tribe an enemy to the Winters Claw and a traitor to the Spirit of the Freljord. She views her peacekeeping and agricultural ways as a complete betrayl to Grena, Ashes mother who Sejuani respected, and to her legacy.
Sejuani's loyalDrüvasksteed who was freed from aNoxianwarship during a raid by the Winters Claw and named by Sejuani after the texture of its hide. Even in the most tense of situations, grooming Bristle's hair always seems to calms Sejuani down.
Udyr has been Sejuani's father figure in her actual father's absence. Even through his strange behavior, Sejuani has a deep rooted respect for him and his struggles, and will not tolerate any disrespect towards him. When Sejuani became warmother, Udyr acted as a trusted advisor for the new warmother.
Volibearand theUrsine[]
Sejuani has worked togheter with the Ursine in the past, performing an summoning ritual with the help of Udyr. Sejuani considered the Ursine kin of the Winter's Claw, matching eachothers with their savagery, though she still has a deep rooted fear for the Volibear and his corruption. Recently Sejuani has set off on a expedition into Ursine terratory to stealOrnn's Cauldron, originally stolen by the Ursine, in hope it would feed her people.
Lissandraand theFrostguard[]
Sejuani views the Frostguard in a very negative light, seeing them as nothing more than a slow poison, destroying the Freljord.
Olaf once fought against the Winter's Claw, seeking a good death, which ultimately ended in Sejuani and Olaf battling eachother. It seemed Sejuani and Olaf were equally strong and as the battle neared a standstill, Sejuani offered Olaf to fight for the Winter's Claw where he would surely come across a good death, which he gladly accepted.
Read More
The Winter's Wrath
ByOdin Austin Shafer
Starring Champion
Short Story
A Death Knot
ByOdin Austin Shafer
Sejuani slammed the axe into the tree's trunk.
Short Story
Dead of Winter
ByGraham McNeill
Even from a distance, Sejuani could see the mammoth was dying.
Short Story
Silence for the Damned
ByOdin Austin Shafer
Across the frozen river, the distant, glowing lights promised warmth and food. Udyr imagined a hearth fire crackling inside one of the city's homes. Around the fire, bedding furs rested, prickling with warmth.
The Call
For the fallen. For the deserted. For the downtrodden. And for those who will rise again.
Warmother: Issue 3
ByOdin Austin Shafer,Nina Vakueva
Weak and starving, Ashe finds herself utterly alone, until an unexpected ally bursts into action.
Warmother: Issue 4
ByOdin Austin Shafer,Nina Vakueva
The series conclusion! Taken in by the Winter's Claw, Ashe may have found hope for her future...
Mentioned Champion
The Berserker
By Unknown Author
The Frost Archer
ByOdin Austin Shafer
The Ice Witch
ByAriel Lawrence
The Spirit Walker
ByDana Luery Shaw
Mentioned:Kalkia,Lee Sin,Sejuani
Alternate Universes
Short Story
Attack of the Demon Poros
Be Your Best Santa
Santa Draven, Ambitious Elf Jinx, and Snow Fawn Poppy step up to help Santa Braum with this year’s Snowdown festivities. But with Jinx and Draven at the frontlines, the celebrations could easily snowball into shenanigans!
Crystal Quest: Series 1
Mentioned:Anivia,Ashe,Braum,Bristle,Caitlyn,Camille,Elise,Ezreal,Garen,Gragas,Graves,Heimerdinger,Illaoi,Ivern,Katarina,Kled,Lee Sin,Leona,Lissandra,Lucian,Nami,Olaf,Poppy,Ryze,Senna,Singed,Skaarl,Taliyah,Taric,Teemo,Tryndamere,Twisted Fate,Veigar,Vi,Zac
Crystal Quest: Series 2
Enter the Freljord
Enter the Freljord
Fortune Favors the Lucky
Join Firecracker Sejuani, Firecracker Vayne, Lunar Wraith Sylas, and Coin Emperor Tahm Kench in celebrating the Year of the Pig!
Starring:Sejuani,Sylas,Tahm Kench,Vayne
Journal of Justice
ByInstitute of War
Formare veneficum est formare fatum.
Starring:Akali,Alistar,Amumu,Anivia,Annie,Ashe,Blitzcrank,Brand,Cassiopeia,Cho'Gath,Corki,Darius,Dr. Mundo,Evelynn,Ezreal,Fiddlesticks,Gangplank,Garen,Gragas,Heimerdinger,Irelia,Janna,Jarvan IV,Jax,Karma,Karthus,Kassadin,Katarina,Kayle,Kennen,Kog'Maw,Lee Sin,Leona,Lissandra,Lux,Malzahar,Maokai,Master Yi,Mordekaiser,Morgana,Nasus,Nidalee,Nocturne,Nunu,Olaf,Pantheon,Poppy,Rammus,Renekton,Riven,Rumble,Ryze,Sejuani,Shaco,Shen,Singed,Sion,Sivir,Skarner,Sona,Soraka,Swain,Talon,Taric,Teemo,Tibbers,Tristana,Trundle,Tryndamere,Twisted Fate,Twitch,Udyr,Urgot,Veigar,Vladimir,Warwick,Willump,Wukong,Xin Zhao,Yorick,Zilean
Almost Home
Five unlikely friends band together to discover that home isn’t just a place—it’s a feeling.
Starring:Diana,Sett,Teemo,Tristana,Xin Zhao
Olaf vs Everything: Series 1
ByTom Barton
Punches and Plants: Series 1
Mentioned:Ahri,Alistar,Annie,Ashe,Blitzcrank,Brand,Braum,Caitlyn,Darius,Diana,Dr. Mundo,Ekko,Evelynn,Ezreal,Gangplank,Garen,Gnar,Gragas,Graves,Heimerdinger,Janna,Jinx,Karma,Katarina,Leona,Lucian,Malzahar,Miss Fortune,Nami,Nasus,Nunu,Quinn,Renekton,Rumble,Ryze,Sejuani,Sivir,Sona,Soraka,Tahm Kench,Taliyah,Taric,Teemo,Tibbers,Trundle,Tryndamere,Twisted Fate,Twitch,Valor,Varus,Vel'Koz,Vladimir,Volibear,Warwick,Willump,Wukong,Zac,Ziggs
Music Video
By Numerous creators
Reaching the peak takes more than skill. Only those with the ambition to RISE above all others will know its height.
Starring: N/A
Mentioned:Akali,Ashe,Braum,Darius,Ekko,Ezreal,Fiora,Garen,Gnar,Jarvan IV,Jax,Jinx,Kalista,Kennen,Kha'Zix,Leona,Lux,Master Yi,Olaf,Poppy,Rakan,Riven,Ryze,Sejuani,Swain,Taliyah,Thresh,Tryndamere,Vayne,Xayah,Yasuo,Zed,Ziggs
The Seeker's Tale
ByChristina Norman
Mentioned:Ashe,Aurelion Sol,Sejuani,Xerath
The Tale of the Poro King
By Numerous creators
Starring: N/A
Mentioned:Aatrox,Akali,Ashe,Aurelion Sol,Azir,Braum,Caitlyn,Cho'Gath,Darius,Diana,Draven,Ezreal,Gnar,Illaoi,Janna,Jarvan IV,Jayce,Kai'Sa,Karma,Karthus,Katarina,Kayle,Kayn,Kennen,Kha'Zix,Lee Sin,Leona,Lulu,Lux,Malzahar,Miss Fortune,Nunu,Ornn,Pantheon,Pyke,Rammus,Rek'Sai,Rhaast,Ryze,Sejuani,Shen,Sion,Sivir,Soraka,Sylas,Syndra,Taliyah,Talon,Taric,Thresh,Tristana,Trundle,Udyr,Vi,Volibear,Willump,Yasuo,Zed,Ziggs,Zoe
Change log[]
See also[] | Name: Fury of the North, Description: Innate - Icebreaker: Enemies stunned by Sejuani are marked Frozen for the disable's duration. Sejuani's next basic attack or ability against a Frozen enemy will consume the mark to deal bonus magic damage equal to 10% of their maximum health , capped at 250 against epic monsters. Innate - Frost Armor: Sejuani gains Frost Armor , which lingers for 3 seconds after taking damage from enemy champions or monsters . She restores it after 12 − 6 (based on level) seconds without taking damage from them. Frost Armor: Sejuani gains slow immunity , cripple immunity , 10 (+ 50% bonus armor) bonus armor , and 10 (+ 50% bonus magic resistance) bonus magic resistance ., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputPassive', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'Missing', 'parries': 'Missing', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Map-Specific Differences', 'GainingFrost Armordoes not remove any pre-existingslowsorcripples.', 'Icebreakerwill not trigger if the basic attack isblocked.', "PENDING FOR TEST::Icebreaker'sinteractions withdodgingandblindingeffects via basic attack.", 'PENDING FOR TEST::Spell shieldinteraction withIcebreaker.', "Damage health ratio changed to12% of target'smaximumhealth."]} | Name: Arctic Assault, Description: Active: Bristle dashes to the target location until he collides with an enemy champion , dealing magic damage to enemies he passes through and knocking them up for 0. 5 seconds. Magic Damage: 90 / 140 / 190 / 240 / 290 (+ 60% AP) Sejuani can cast any of her abilities during the dash. Arctic Assault will cast at max range if cast beyond that. Link ▶️ "Stampede!", {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputLocation', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Map-Specific Differences', 'Champions will slightly beknocked back, whileminionsandmonsterswill instead be slightlypulledfor a fixed distance.', 'Arctic Assaultcannotknockenemies over terrain.', 'CastingFlashduringArctic Assaultwill end the dash and affect enemies at the new location.', 'Upon colliding with an enemychampion, Sejuani willattackthem.', 'Base damage changed to 110 / 170 / 230 / 290 / 350.', 'AP ratio changed to110% AP.', 'Cooldown changed to 17 / 15.5/ 14 / 12.5/ 11 seconds.']} | Name: Winter's Wrath, Description: Active: After 0. 25 seconds into the cast time, Sejuani swings her flail in a cone in the target direction that deals physical damage to enemies hit and knocks back minions and monsters hit. Physical Damage: 10 / 15 / 20 / 25 / 30 (+ 20% AP) (+ 2% of her maximum health) After the cast time, Sejuani lashes out with her flail in a line in the same direction, dealing physical damage to enemies hit and slowing them by 75% for 0. 25 seconds. Physical Damage: 20 / 60 / 100 / 140 / 180 (+ 60% AP) (+ 6% of her maximum health) Total Physical Damage: 30 / 75 / 120 / 165 / 210 (+ 80% AP) (+ 8% of her maximum health) Sejuani can move during Winter's Wrath's cast time., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputDirection', 'damage_type': 'Physical', 'spell_shield': 'See Notes', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Spell shieldswill block only a single instance of damage - either the swing or the lash.', "This ability will cast from wherever the caster is at the end of the cast time.Both swings will strike in the cast direction, but the second swing will do so fromSejuani'slocation at the end of the cast time.", "Both swings will strike in the cast direction, but the second swing will do so fromSejuani'slocation at the end of the cast time."]} | Name: Permafrost, Description: Passive: Winter's Wrath and both Sejuani's and nearby allied melee champions' attacks on-hit apply stacks of Frost to enemy champions , medium or large monsters , and large minions for 5 seconds, refreshing on subsequent applications and stacking up to 4 times, though not applying if the target is Frozen . Enemies hit by Permafrost or Glacial Prison's bola have all of their Frost stacks consumed. Enemy champions cannot be affected by Frost for 8 seconds after having it consumed. Sejuani can cast Permafrost against an enemy with 4 stacks. Active: Sejuani hurls a trap at the visible enemy with 4 stacks of Frost closest to the cursor, which deals magic damage , displaces them slightly, and stuns them for 1 second Magic Damage: 55 / 105 / 155 / 205 / 255 (+ 60% AP) Permafrost resets Sejuani's basic attack timer., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputUnit', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'parries': 'Missing', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Map-Specific Differences', "Permafrost'stargeting prioritizes champions within 50 of cursor, then non-champions within 50 of cursor, then champions within 350 of cursor, then closest unit to cursor within 2500 (this only applies if there is no target directly under the cursor).", 'Froststacks will not be applied if the basic attack isblocked.', "PENDING FOR TEST::Permafrost'sstack application interaction withparryingeffects (dodge,blind).", 'If the target becomesuntargetable,dies, or is too far away or no longer insightduring the cast time, this ability will cancel but still go oncooldownand pay its cost.(bug)', 'Champion Frost immunity changed to 5 seconds.']} | Name: Glacial Prison, Description: Active: Sejuani throws an ice bola in the target direction that stops upon hitting an enemy champion, dealing magic damage and stunning them for 1 second. Magic Damage: 125 / 150 / 175 (+ 40% AP) If the bola travels over 400 units, it becomes empowered to detonate upon reaching maximum range or hitting an enemy champion, dealing increased damage and stunning for 1. 5 seconds instead. For the same duration, a frost storm is created that slows enemies within by 30% and grants sight of the area in a smaller radius. Increased Damage: 200 / 300 / 400 (+ 80% AP) Afterwards, the storm shatters to deal magic damage to enemies hit and slow them by 80% for 1 second, as well as revealing them and granting sight of the area for 0. 5 seconds. Magic Damage: 200 / 300 / 400 (+ 80% AP) The enemy hit by the bola is not affected by the storm's effects. Link ▶️ "A gift from the Freljord!", {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputDirection', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'See Notes', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Map-Specific Differences', 'Appliesspell damageto the primary target andarea damageto secondary targets in the ice storm.', 'Spell shieldswill block only a single instance of damage.', 'This ability will cast from wherever the caster is at the end of the cast time.', 'Both areas of effect will be centered on the first champion struck, not at the location the missile collided with them.', 'Cooldown changed to 80 / 70 / 60 seconds.']} | Her name resembles that of RomanequestrianSejanus'; from theonymSeia, Roman goddess of sown seeds,[2]from Proto-Indo-European*seh₁-.[3]Her direct ancestorSerylda'sname comes from two Germanic roots:*sarwo"armor, equipment" and*hildiz"fight, battle".
Bristlemight beinspiredby the boarGullinburstifromNorse mythology.
She is referenced inAssassin's Creed Valhalla.[4]
Sejuani is currently the champion with the shortest time between their initial release and a full visual game play update, at 1 year and 3 months. |
Senna,the Redeemer | | | health: Health530+89, resource: Mana350+45, health regen: Health regen. (per 5s)3.5+0.55, resource regen: Mana regen. (per 5s)11.5+0.7, armor: Armor28+4.7, attack damage: Attack damage50+0, attack speed: Base AS0.625, gameplay radius: Gameplay radius65, selection radius: Selection radius115, release: 2019-11-10, changed: V13.22, role: MarksmanEnchanter, position: Support, rangetype: Ranged, adaptivetype: Physical, cost: 3150|790, attack range: 600 | Games
SennaMainWraithLanternHumanYoungTitlesReal nameSenna AbaruAlias(es)The RedeemerSentinel of LightCharacteristicsSpeciesUndead/Wraith(formerlyHuman)Pronoun(s)She/HerTimelineBorn:961 AN - 966 ANWeapon(s)Relic CannonThe Black MistMist FormLight PistolPersonal statusStatusUndeadPlace of originUnnamed Island, OutsideDemaciaCurrent residenceUnknown(No Fixed Abode)FamilyLucian(Spouse)Urias†(Father-in-law)Professional statusOccupation(s)Undead HunterSentinel of LightRegion(s)Blessed IslesFaction(s)Sentinels of LightRelated character(s)LucianThreshHecarimViegoAkshanGwenVayneGravesOlafIreliaRivenDianaPykeRengar
• Main
• Wraith
• Lantern
• Human
• Young
Real name
• The Redeemer
• Sentinel of Light
• Undead/Wraith(formerlyHuman)
• Born:961 AN - 966 AN
• Relic Cannon
• The Black Mist
• Mist Form
• Light Pistol
Personal status
Place of origin
Current residence
• Lucian(Spouse)
• Urias†(Father-in-law)
Professional status
• Undead Hunter
• Sentinel of Light
• Blessed Isles
Related character(s)
Cursed from childhood to be haunted by the supernatural Black Mist,Sennajoined a sacred order known as theSentinels of Light, and fiercely fought back—only to be killed: her soul imprisoned in a lantern by the cruel wraithThresh. But refusing to lose hope, within the lantern Senna learned to use the Mist, and reemerged to new life, forever changed. Now wielding darkness along with light, Senna seeks to end the Black Mist by turning it against itself—with every blast of her relic weapon, redeeming the souls lost within.
• 1Background1.1Early life1.2Freedom1.3Return of the Ruined King
• 2Appearance
• 3Personality
• 4Abilities
• 5Relations5.1Lucian5.2Thresh5.3Viego5.4Gwen5.5Sentinels of Light5.6Akshan
• 6Read More6.1Biography6.2Starring Champion6.3Mentioned Champion6.4Alternate Universes
• 7Trivia
• 8Change log
• 9References
• 10See also
• 1.1Early life
• 1.2Freedom
• 1.3Return of the Ruined King
• 5.1Lucian
• 5.2Thresh
• 5.3Viego
• 5.4Gwen
• 5.5Sentinels of Light
• 5.6Akshan
• 6.1Biography
• 6.2Starring Champion
• 6.3Mentioned Champion
• 6.4Alternate Universes
Early life[]
Senna was born on a small island off the coast of Demacia. As a girl, she found a shipwreck, washed ashore, and attempted to explore it. As she did so, a spark of life entered her, and she sensed the Black Mist reaching out to trap her. Senna and her village survived the Harrowing which visited them after, thanks to a Sentinel of Light named Urias. But after the encounter, it seemed that the Mist haunted Senna, following wherever she went. Urias took her under his wing, and started training her to fight back. Senna learned to keep others at arm's length, for anyone she let get near was always hurt when the Black Mist found her.
When Urias was slain by wraiths which had followed her, Senna reluctantly travelled to Demacia, to inform his family. There, she met his son Lucian, who accompanied her to Urias' parting vigil. To Senna's surprise, Lucian managed to fire his father's gun, when more of the undead attacked them. As she trained him to become a Sentinel, she also fell in love.
Lucian, however, became obsessed with "curing" Senna of her curse. That obsession led them to a forgotten crypt where they fought Thresh, the Chain Warden. So close to discovering a cure, Lucian refused to retreat... and Senna took Thresh's hook to save him. Her soul was dragged into Thresh's lantern, and Lucian would spend several years trying to free her.
For months, Senna was unable to come to terms with her own terms. Gradually, she learned how to draw the Black Mist to her, away from others. She freed as many souls as she could, including lost Sentinels from whom she learned that she wasn't cursed with death, but with an abundance of life. She learned that the master of the Mist searched for what she possessed. Sometimes, she was even able to rally the souls within to rebel against Thresh.
As Lucian drove his pistol into Thresh's lantern, Senna escaped, shrouded in death and wielding a cannon made from other Sentinels' relic weapons. She used it to protect Lucian from Thresh's attack and then she sent Thresh flying, immediately afterwards the souls of the lantern were beginning to be absorbed again and she began to drag Senna as well. But Lucian managed to quickly reach her to hug her to avoid the flashlight would absorb it again.
Return of the Ruined King[]
Senna is portrayed as a tall, toned and curvaceous black woman, her hair is long black tied with dreadlocks falling to one side, as a child her eyes were hazel brown, but when exposed to the magical mist her eyes changed color to bright spectral green.
She wears tight-fitting black and grayish light armor that covers her entire body and always wears a white caped hood with gold trim on her head, possibly a sentinel garment since it carries a pin with the faction's crest.
Senna is a brave and quite determined girl, having been constantly running away from the black mist had made her become quite a hardened and distant person, but she started to be more open after she met Lucian.
After being freed and resurrected she acquired an ideology that life needs death as much as death needs life, since then she has dedicated herself to helping the wraith find peace.
• Wraith Physiology:As a child, Senna was bonded to a fetter ofIsolde'ssoul, blessing her with life but also cursing her by attracting the Black Mist of theShadow Isles. Because of this curse, Senna's soul managed to survive insideThresh'slantern, having been capable of communicating with the other souls. As a wraith, Senna can manifest her form into one that resembles her human body, but she is capable of transforming into acloud of Black Mistat will.Black Mist Manipulation:Thanks to her curse, Senna is capable of manipulating the Black Mist to an extent, granting her near-perfect control over it and the souls trapped within it. This has allowed her to manifest her own form at will, commune with the dead andcleansesouls influenced by the Black Mist. In order to cleanse these souls, Senna willingly takes the mist into her own body, protected from its influence thanks to her curse, and firing the mist out asglobulesandbolts of darkness.
• Relic Cannon Proficiency:Senna wields a massive cannon forged from the relic stones of now deceasedSentinelsshe encountered within Thresh's lantern. Senna can wield this massive weapon with ease, capable of firing out bolts of combineddarkness and light combined, damaging her enemies as well as healing and protecting her allies. Just like all Sentinel weapons, the relic stones in Senna's cannon are designed to specifically hurt undead wraiths of the Shadow Isles.
• Undead Hunting Mastery:Having trained as a Sentinel since childhood, Senna is extremely well versed in hunting theUndead, particularly the wraiths of the Shadow Isles. Not only is she well versed on their natural weaknesses, but she has a particular talent in being able to free their souls from the Black Mist.
• Leadership:As the current captain of the new generation of Sentinels, Senna is an extremely competent leader, having been able to recruit several new Sentinels duringViego'sglobal ruination.
• Black Mist Manipulation:Thanks to her curse, Senna is capable of manipulating the Black Mist to an extent, granting her near-perfect control over it and the souls trapped within it. This has allowed her to manifest her own form at will, commune with the dead andcleansesouls influenced by the Black Mist. In order to cleanse these souls, Senna willingly takes the mist into her own body, protected from its influence thanks to her curse, and firing the mist out asglobulesandbolts of darkness.
Senna metLucianto deliver the news of his father's death and traveled with him to take part in Urias' parting vigil. The two would eventually fall in love and she would train him to become a Sentinel of Light.
Due to her connection to the Black Mist, Senna was aware ofThreshand his torture before eventually meeting him. He claimed her soul when she tried to save Lucian. Luciantraveledto Bilgewater in pursuit of theHarrowingto locate Thresh. It was then he found out Senna's soul is trapped inside the Chain Warden'slantern. Lucian continued to pursue the Mist to free her and finallysucceeded, though he did not expect her to come back to life. After the events ofRise of the Sentinels, Lucian and Senna continue their quest to stopThresh, now that he is unbound from the Shadow Isles.
After Senna was freed, the couple's main goal was to stopViegoand the Black Mist.ViegofoughtLucianandSennato reclaim the fragmentIsolde'ssoul within her, and partially removed.
Gwenallied herself with Lucian and Senna to aid the Sentinels of Light and oppose Viego. Both her and Gwen contain fragments ofIsolde'ssoul.
Sentinels of Light[]
Lucian and Senna recruited multiple Sentinels of Light to aid them against Viego, including:Diana,Graves,Irelia,Olaf,Pyke,Rengar,Riven, andVayne.
Senna disapproves ofAkshan'smultiple Sentinel code violations.
Read More
The Redeemer
ByDavid Slagle
Starring Champion
Absolution (Cinematic)
Two souls entwined by fate. One life for the other’s freedom.
Before Dawn
In the darkest night, a new Sentinel rises.
Dark Passage
This ends now.
Short Story
ByPhillip Vargas
Lucian sat on a hilltop beneath the shadow of a large banyan tree and scanned the valley below.
Short Story
Hunter of Shadows
ByAnthony Reynolds Lenné
They came at Lucian in a blur of shadow, lunging at him with insubstantial talons and ancient, rusted blades.
Short Story
ByPhillip Vargas
Senna woke with a gasp, her breath pluming in the frigid night.
Rise of the Sentinels
ByJohn O'Bryan
Black Mist pours across Runeterra, enthralling its champions and shrouding the continent in darkness. If the last Sentinels are going to save Runeterra, they're going to need all the help they can get. And that meansyouRookie!
Starring:Akshan,Diana,Draven,Graves,Gwen,Irelia,Isolde,Karma,Lucian,Miss Fortune,Olaf,Pantheon,Pyke,Rengar,Riven,Senna,Shyvana,Thresh,Vayne,Vex,Viego,Yorick
Ruination (Video)
A king returns. All he touches turns to ruin.
Shadow's Embrace
Those trapped in darkness need light the most.
Steadfast Heart: Issue 1
ByIan St. Martin
Separated by a millennium, personal tragedy draws Viego and Lucian to islands shrouded in mist and mystery.
Steadfast Heart: Issue 2
ByIan St. Martin
Viego and Lucian grapple with losing the loves of their lives. Will either find peace, or only ruin?
Steadfast Heart: Issue 3
ByIan St. Martin
As Ruination spreads across Runeterra, the Sentinels begin a quest for allies.
Steadfast Heart: Issue 4
ByIan St. Martin
Tension brews as the Sentinels recruit more allies and prepare to take on the Ruined King. Can this motley crew win this fight?
The Climb
Take the first step and begin your climb.
Starring:Blitzcrank,Ekko,Illaoi,Lucian,Miss Fortune,Senna,Taliyah,Thresh,Xerath,Yasuo
Short Story
The Voices of the Dead
ByDavid Slagle
There's a saying on my island. “Only through stealing our breath can the wind speak.” You want me to describe the Black Mist that greeted me when I first arrived in the Ionian village, hood raised, relic cannon on my back?
Mentioned Champion
Short Story
An Intimate Evening at Oyster Bill's
ByJared Rosen
You will know joy...
Mentioned:Ashlesh,Rengar,Senna,Tahm Kench,Viego
Beyond the Bandlewood (Video)
In this episode, Ava’s on a mission to prove herself… but she’ll need a little help.
Ruined King
ByAirship Syndicate
Rise Against Ruin - Unite a party of League of Legends Champions, explore Bilgewater and set sail for the Shadow Isles to uncover the secrets of the deadly Black Mist in this immersive turn-based RPG.
Starring:Ahri,Braum,Gangplank,Illaoi,Maokai,Miss Fortune,Necrit,Pyke,Rafen,Thresh,Viego,Yasuo
Mentioned:Ashe,Elise,Fiddlesticks,Fizz,Gwen,Hecarim,Isolde,Ivern,Janna,Jarvan IV,Kalista,Ledros,Lucian,Nagakabouros,Nautilus,Olaf,Ornn,Rhasa,Riven,Senna,Swain,Tahm Kench,Taliyah,Twisted Fate,Udyr,Volibear,Yone,Yorick,Zed
Short Story • 51 Minute Read
Shadow and Fortune: Chapter Four
ByGraham McNeill
She is not Dead, Strange Bedfellows, In Motion Again
Starring:Hecarim,Illaoi,Lucian,Miss Fortune,Olaf,Rafen,Thresh
Short Story • 51 Minute Read
Shadow and Fortune: Chapter One
ByGraham McNeill
Blood on the Streets, Glory in Death, Down to the Bearded Lady/nThe Butcher Blades had hung the Jackdaw from a rusted marlinspike through his jawbone and left him for the quayside scavengers. This was the seventeenth murdered ganger the hooded man had seen tonight.
Starring:Lucian,Miss Fortune,Olaf,Rafen
Short Story • 51 Minute Read
Shadow and Fortune: Chapter Three
ByGraham McNeill
The Purifier, City of the Dead, Sanctuary
Starring:Hecarim,Lucian,Miss Fortune,Olaf,Rafen,Thresh
Short Story • 51 Minute Read
Shadow and Fortune: Chapter Two
ByGraham McNeill
Something Stupid, The Red Shroud, The Shadow of War
Starring:Lucian,Miss Fortune,Olaf,Rafen
Mentioned:Hecarim,Morgana,Senna,Tahm Kench,Thresh
Shadows and Reflections
By Numerous creators
The Purifier Remembers
Steadfast Heart: Issue 5
ByIan St. Martin
Senna trains the new Sentinels of Light, as Lucian searches for the wielder of a legendary weapon in Shurima. Meanwhile, the Ruined King gains allies of his own.
The Chain Warden
ByAnthony Reynolds Lenné
The Purifier
ByDevon Giehl
Alternate Universes
Another Sky: Wild Rift Edition
ByTy Sheedlo
Join the Star Guardians as they fight for the future by saving a ghost from their past!
Starring:Ahri,Miss Fortune,Orianna,Rakan,Senna,Seraphine,Xayah
Virtual hip-hop group True Damage was born when K/DA's lead rapper Akali sought to bring together the distinct talents of Ekko, Senna, Qiyana, and Yasuo in an ambitious, genre-defying collaboration.
Music Video
Everything Goes On
ByPorter Robinson
Together with some familiar faces, a new generation of Star Guardians ascend to battle a looming threat. But even when confronted with eternal darkness, their hope burns brighter than fear.
Mentioned:Ahri,Lux,Miss Fortune
Music Video
ByTrue Damage
Mentioned:Ahri,Azir,Book,Camille,Corki,Jinx,Kayn,Kindred,LeBlanc,Lucian,Pyke,Rhaast,Tahm Kench,Teemo,Thresh,Twitch,Yuumi
New Dreams
The school year comes and goes, but we’ll share these memories forever.
Star-Crossed: Clockwork
ByJared Rosen,Callie Miller
Xayah grapples with what it means to be a leader, but her latest Star Guardian recruit may be the rational, logical antidote to her angst and axiety.
Mentioned:Ahri,Miss Fortune,Rakan
Star-Crossed: Convince Me
ByJared Rosen,Callie Miller
Xayah travels to a new planet to enlist the help of a seasoned Star Guardian with a big gun and, secretly, a bigger heart.
Mentioned:Ahri,Miss Fortune
Star-Crossed: Embrace
ByJared Rosen,Callie Miller
Final showdown! The Guardians have played all their cards, but something in Xayah tells her to keep fighting—she’ll find a way to redeem Rakan or die (again) trying.
Starring:Ahri,Akali,Kai'Sa,Miss Fortune,Orianna,Rakan,Senna,Seraphine,Xayah
Star-Crossed: Hope
ByJared Rosen,Callie Miller
Months later, some familiar faces from Xayah’s past appear during the heat of battle. Her team may be stronger than ever, but what if Rakan doesn’t want to be saved?
Starring:Ahri,Miss Fortune,Orianna,Rakan,Senna,Seraphine,Xayah
Star-Crossed: Shine So Bright
ByJared Rosen,Callie Miller
Xayah's search for Star Guardian allies brings her to, of all places, a concert in the park. Is this bubbly popstar with a penchant for glitter the teammates she's been looking for?
Short Story
The Man with the Grinning Shadow
ByJared Rosen
“You the marshal?”
Crystal Quest: Series 1
Mentioned:Anivia,Ashe,Braum,Bristle,Caitlyn,Camille,Elise,Ezreal,Garen,Gragas,Graves,Heimerdinger,Illaoi,Ivern,Katarina,Kled,Lee Sin,Leona,Lissandra,Lucian,Nami,Olaf,Poppy,Ryze,Senna,Singed,Skaarl,Taliyah,Taric,Teemo,Tryndamere,Twisted Fate,Veigar,Vi,Zac
Harmonies: Issue 1
ByMichael Yichao
In a difficult moment during a recording secession, Akali reassures a nervous Seraphine that K/DA's bonds run deep.
Short Story
The Stranger on the Road
ByRiver Jaffe
The road from Tenacity to Progress was a flat, barren thing, unspooling across miles and miles of cactus country from one edge of the sky to the other.
Mentioned:Ashe,Katarina,Leona,Mordekaiser,Senna,Tahm Kench,Twitch,Varus
• Senna's cannon has two barrels which can fire either darkness or light. The light barrel can heal.[1]The cannon Senna wields was forged insideThresh'slantern, made from the weapons of the fallen. While imprisoned, Senna freed the souls of her fellow Sentinels of Light and collected the relic stones they left behind.[2]
• Senna was born on an island close toDemacia, but is not Demacian herself.[3]
• Senna andLucianaren't affiliated with any region due to the Sentinels of Light being independent and agnostic towards any other region.[4]
• Senna can manipulate the Black Mist due to her curse, and manifests herself into what she looked like when she was human.[5]
• Her "curse" is due to her connection with Isolde,Viego'swife. The Black Mist is drawn to Senna, as Viego seeks to take Isolde back.
• One ofLucian'sguns belonged to her before she was imprisoned byThresh.
• The cannon Senna wields was forged insideThresh'slantern, made from the weapons of the fallen. While imprisoned, Senna freed the souls of her fellow Sentinels of Light and collected the relic stones they left behind.[2]
Change log[]
See also[] | Name: Basic Attack, Description: Basic Attack: Senna blasts the target with her relic cannon that uses a non-projectile beam, dealing 100% AD physical damage and applying on-hit and on-attack effects. Senna has an attack ratio of 0. 4 , meaning she only gains 「 + 0. 4 attack speed per 100% bonus attack speed . 」 「 64% of the attack speed she would gain if her attack speed ratio was the same as her base attack speed. 」 Additionally, Senna's base attack windup is reduced 「 to 31. 25 % − 21. 875 % (based on level) , 」 「 by 0% − 30% (based on level) , 」 but is only reduced by 60% of the expected value given attack speed bonuses., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputUnit', 'damage_type': 'Physical', 'parries': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'At level 18, only with the per levelbonusattack speed,Sennawill have0.897attack speed, and will take0.297secondsto perform an attack compared to0.528secondsat level 1.']} | Name: Absolution, Description: Innate - Weakened Soul : Senna's basic attacks on-hit and ability hits against enemy champions apply a stack of Mist for 4 seconds, modified to 0. 75 seconds if Senna starts winding up a basic attack on them, and limited to once per target per cast. Subsequent hits will collect Mist and deal bonus physical damage equal to 1% − 10% (based on level) of target's current health and rendering the target immune to further Mist infliction for a few seconds. This damage applies life steal at 100% effectiveness. Enemies that die near Senna may spawn a Mist Wraith from their corpse. A Mist Wraith lasts 8 seconds and Senna can basic attack or hit it with Piercing Darkness or Dawning Shadow to kill them instantly, granting her 8 and collecting their Mist . Enemy champions and large monsters will spawn a Mist Wraith . Epic monsters will spawn 2 Mist Wraiths . Minions and lesser monsters that Senna kills have a 8. 3 % chance to spawn a Mist Wraith . Large minions that Senna does not kill will spawn a Mist Wraith , while lesser minions and lesser monsters that Senna does not kill have a 28% chance to spawn. Mist : For each stack of Mist , Senna gains 0. 75 bonus attack damage . For every 20 stacks, she also gains 20 bonus attack range and 10% critical strike chance , capped at 100% critical strike chance . Additionally, 35% of the generated excess critical strike chance is converted into life steal . Innate - Relic Cannon : Senna's basic attacks on-hit deal 20% AD bonus physical damage and grant her 10 / 15 / 20% (based on level) of the target's movement speed as bonus movement speed for 0. 5 seconds. This damage applies life steal at 100% effectiveness., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputPassive', 'spell_shield': 'Not Blocked', 'parries': 'See Notes', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Map-Specific Differences', 'Video', "DespiteSennadealing 1 damage toMist Wraiths, attacking them will calculate theattack's damage(includingcritical strikemodifiers) and anyon-hiteffects for the purposes oflife stealanddraineffects.", "Relic Cannonis only applied if the attack deals more than 0 damage.Hence, it is not applied if the target isinvulnerableorSenna'sbasic attack'sattack damageis reduced to 0 or below.", "Hence, it is not applied if the target isinvulnerableorSenna'sbasic attack'sattack damageis reduced to 0 or below.", "Dealing 0 damage is valid for marking and collectingMistfrom champions, but dealing no damage at all is not.Hence,Sennacan mark and collect frominvulnerableenemies.Dodgeprevents marking and collecting aMistviaSenna'sbasic attacks andPiercing Darkness.PENDING FOR TEST::Mistinteraction withblockandblind.", 'Hence,Sennacan mark and collect frominvulnerableenemies.', "Dodgeprevents marking and collecting aMistviaSenna'sbasic attacks andPiercing Darkness.", 'PENDING FOR TEST::Mistinteraction withblockandblind.', 'Nunu & Willumpspawn a wraith each.', 'Enemies will not see newly spawned wraiths whileSennais not visible.', 'Minionsexecuted by allies withSpoils of Warhave a 4.166% chance to spawn wraiths.', 'A wraith can be hit byCosmic Bindingand it will interact with it the same way minions or monsters interact with Cosmic Binding but it will not take damage.', 'Mist Wraithhas a spawn animation, but is targetable immediately.', 'Mist Wraithgrants a small amount ofsightaround itself.', "Runaan's Hurricanesecondary bolts will ignoreMist Wraiths.", 'Attacking aMist Wraithwill not consume energized stacks, but you can benefit from the range increase ofRapid Firecannonwhen collecting wraiths.', 'Excludingthe range increase and the bonus shielding onDawning Shadow, one stack ofMistis worth approximately44.55(+8fromMist Wraithpickup),32.8125if the critical chance is converted to life steal. The bonuses have a gross value of46.25(32.8125with life steal).0.75ADis worth26.25\u202c.0.5%critical strike chanceis worth20.Absolutionreduces its efficiency by 8.5%, making the value18.3.0.175%life stealis worth ≈6.5625.', '0.75ADis worth26.25\u202c.', '0.5%critical strike chanceis worth20.Absolutionreduces its efficiency by 8.5%, making the value18.3.0.175%life stealis worth ≈6.5625.', '0.175%life stealis worth ≈6.5625.', "The bonus on-hit damage doesnotapply an additional stack ofBlack Cleaver'sCarveto offsetSenna'slow attack speed.(bug)", 'Wraiths are not shared.', 'Weakened Souldebuff application is individually tracked and does not interact among multiple users.', 'New Effect:Gains 6.25Miststacks per round.']} | Name: Piercing Darkness, Description: Active: Senna fires a spectral laser in the direction of the target unit, healing herself and allied champions hit, and dealing physical damage to enemies hit in a thinner line. Enemies hit are slowed by 15% (+ 10% per 100 bonus AD) (+ 6% per 100 AP) for a duration. The damage against champions applies life steal at 100% effectiveness. Healing: 40 / 50 / 60 / 70 / 80 (+ 30% bonus AD) (+ 40% AP) (+ 1. 6 per 1 Lethality) Physical Damage: 30 / 60 / 90 / 120 / 150 (+ 50% bonus AD) Slow Duration: 1 / 1. 25 / 1. 5 / 1. 75 / 2 Upon being hit, enemy turrets , wards , jungle plants , Mist Wraiths and any other attack-interactive units are considered basic attacked once , while champions and turrets * are applied on-hit effects at 100% effectiveness. Piercing Darkness' current cooldown is reduced by 1 second on-hit ., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputUnit', 'damage_type': 'Physical', 'spell_shield': 'See Notes', 'parries': 'Missing', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Video', 'Piercing Darknessalso applies moston-attackeffects to one enemy champion struck, and ocassionally to two.(bug)Hail of Bladeswill spend a stack on hitting a champion withPiercing Darknessbut only ifHail of Bladeswas activated first by an auto-attack.', 'Hail of Bladeswill spend a stack on hitting a champion withPiercing Darknessbut only ifHail of Bladeswas activated first by an auto-attack.', "Piercing Darkness'cast time is always 80% of the caster's attack windup time.BecauseSenna'swindup percent scales down with levels but her windup time also only scales with 60% attack speed, the precise numbers get complicated quickly.At base attack speed and level 1,Senna'sattack windup is 0.5seconds.ReducingSenna'sattack speed viaattack speed reductionsalso increasesPiercing Darkness'cast time by 60% of the fraction.Piercing Darkness'cast time reduction per level via her own windup-per-level-reduction mirrorsLucian'sPiercing Light'scast time values.", "BecauseSenna'swindup percent scales down with levels but her windup time also only scales with 60% attack speed, the precise numbers get complicated quickly.", "At base attack speed and level 1,Senna'sattack windup is 0.5seconds.", "ReducingSenna'sattack speed viaattack speed reductionsalso increasesPiercing Darkness'cast time by 60% of the fraction.", "Piercing Darkness'cast time reduction per level via her own windup-per-level-reduction mirrorsLucian'sPiercing Light'scast time values.", 'Sennacan generally target anything that is not either explicitlyuntargetableor herself.Valid targets include anything that can be targeted by a basic attack from someone.', 'Valid targets include anything that can be targeted by a basic attack from someone.', 'Piercing Darknesswill attempt to lead the target if it is moving but does not adjust further during cast time (enemies can dodge the laser if they change their position by a sufficient amount during the cast time).It leads by (up-to?) 80 units.', 'It leads by (up-to?) 80 units.', 'On-hit effects are applied in order of struck units\' spawn IDs. This matters for effects that are consumed on-hit (e.g.Duskblade of Draktharr,Spellblade), which are applied to the target with the lowestSpawn ID."Spawn ID" is an unofficial abbreviation to describe the spawn order for all units at the beginning of games, below are some examples.IfSennatargets an enemy champion but hits at least one more enemy champion simultaneously,Press the Attack\'sfirst stack will be applied to that target. If no champion was targeted, it will default to the champion with the lowest Spawn ID out of the ones struck by the ability. Whether the effect stacks up on a champion or not when multiple enemy champions are stuck also depends on Spawn ID.IfPiercing Darknessstruck an enemy champion and turret simultaneously, withRapid Firecannonfully charged, the passive effect will most likely proc on the turret since towers are often spawned before champions.', '"Spawn ID" is an unofficial abbreviation to describe the spawn order for all units at the beginning of games, below are some examples.', "IfSennatargets an enemy champion but hits at least one more enemy champion simultaneously,Press the Attack'sfirst stack will be applied to that target. If no champion was targeted, it will default to the champion with the lowest Spawn ID out of the ones struck by the ability. Whether the effect stacks up on a champion or not when multiple enemy champions are stuck also depends on Spawn ID.", 'IfPiercing Darknessstruck an enemy champion and turret simultaneously, withRapid Firecannonfully charged, the passive effect will most likely proc on the turret since towers are often spawned before champions.', "For on-attack effects, they are also applied in order of struck units' spawn IDs. However, there are some specific on-attack effects that will apply to both the target ofPiercing Darknessand the target with the lowestSpawn IDif the two unit is not identical.(bug)Confirmed cases:Energizedeffects are stacked 2 stacksSpectral Waltzare granted 2 stacksPENDING FOR TEST:", 'Energizedeffects are stacked 2 stacks', 'Spectral Waltzare granted 2 stacks', 'PENDING FOR TEST:', 'Spell shieldwill not prevent on-hit effects from being applied.', 'PENDING FOR TEST::Piercing Darknessinteraction withdodging,blocking, andblindingeffects.']} | Name: Last Embrace, Description: Active: Senna throws a globule of Black Mist in the target direction that deals physical damage to the first enemy hit and attaches to them for 1 second. Physical Damage: 70 / 115 / 160 / 205 / 250 (+ 70% bonus AD) After the duration or when the target dies, the Black Mist spreads out of the target, rooting them and surrounding enemies for a few seconds. Root Duration: 1 / 1. 25 / 1. 5 / 1. 75 / 2, {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputDirection', 'damage_type': 'Physical', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Video', 'Last Embracewill notrootthe primary target if they areuntargetable.', 'This ability will cast from wherever the caster is at the end of the cast time.']} | Name: Curse of the Black Mist, Description: Active: Senna surrounds herself with an aura of mist and gains camouflage for a duration. If Senna breaks the camouflage , she regains it after 1. 75 seconds without performing actions that break stealth . Effect Duration: 6 / 6. 5 / 7 / 7. 5 / 8 Allied champions who enter the mist gain Wraith Form for a duration equal to the remaining duration. Wraith Form: Gain camouflage . Enemies will have obscured vision of camouflaged Wraiths moving outside of the mist. Wraith Form can be regained if lost by breaking the camouflage after 1. 75 seconds without performing actions that break stealth. Wraith Form ends immediately upon Senna's death . Senna and allies camouflaged by Curse of the Black Mist also gain 20% (+ 5% per 100 AP) bonus movement speed . Link ▶️ "Shadows catch the fallen...", {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputAuto', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Video', 'Sennacan move while casting.', 'Allies affected by theCurse of the Blast Mistaura receive a buff calledCloak of Mist.', 'Obscured units appear asWraiths, hence the name. The wraith model does not distinguish which champion is obscured.On themini-map, obscured champions will be displayed as wraith icons instead of champion icons to the enemy team.', 'On themini-map, obscured champions will be displayed as wraith icons instead of champion icons to the enemy team.', "In-game, the 'Cloak of Mist' buff grants camouflage and the 'Wraith Form' buff obscures the unit and grants movement speed. However, 'Cloak of Mist' has the unspecified effect of negating the obscuring effects of 'Wraith Form' (i.e. the unit is not a wraith while inside the mist); the unit has the bonus movement speed even when they are not a wraith (e.g. inside the mist or an enemy is nearby); and 'Wraith Form' also grants the functionality of camouflage (i.e. the unit is treated as a camouflaged unit with regards toTrue Sight,Control Wards, and enemychampions).Given this overly complex interaction between the two buffs granted as well as the overlapping effects, it is easier to describe the effects as a single buff that is modified in specific circumstances rather than trying to establish a new game mechanic.Sennalikewise has her aura buff and the 'Wraith Form' buff, but her 'Wraith Form' does not share gameplay functionality with other allies benefiting from Wraith Form. ForSenna, the appearance of being a wraith is a form-swap while camouflaged (similar toEvelynn'sDemon Shade).Sennawill remain in her wraith form when she is detected so long as the camouflage effect isn't broken, and her wraith's appearance is very distinct from other wraiths.", 'Given this overly complex interaction between the two buffs granted as well as the overlapping effects, it is easier to describe the effects as a single buff that is modified in specific circumstances rather than trying to establish a new game mechanic.', "Sennalikewise has her aura buff and the 'Wraith Form' buff, but her 'Wraith Form' does not share gameplay functionality with other allies benefiting from Wraith Form. ForSenna, the appearance of being a wraith is a form-swap while camouflaged (similar toEvelynn'sDemon Shade).Sennawill remain in her wraith form when she is detected so long as the camouflage effect isn't broken, and her wraith's appearance is very distinct from other wraiths.", "Allied champions who enter the mist and havestealthof their own will still gain theWraith Formbuff but they will not grantobscured visionof themselves to the enemy while out of the mist nor will they appear as aWraith.Allies who have their owncamouflageand also haveWraith Formwill be revealed to enemies from their stealth's detection range, notWraith Form's.", "Allies who have their owncamouflageand also haveWraith Formwill be revealed to enemies from their stealth's detection range, notWraith Form's.", 'Curse of the Black Mistwill not activate ifSennaentersresurrectionduring the cast time.', 'Wraith Formwill not be granted to allies that are in azombie stateor arechanneling. It will be granted to allies even if they areuntargetable.']} | Sennais one of 14 champions that have an ability that infinitely stacks an effect:Aurelion Sol,Bard,Bel'Veth,Cho'Gath,Draven,Kindred,Nasus,Shyvana,Sion,Swain,Sylas,Thresh, andVeigar.In Senna's case,Absolutioninfinitely stacks herattack damage, range, lifesteal and the shield ofDawning Shadow.
Senna is an example of a champion that was present in the lore before they were developed into a playable champion: appearing as a recurring character inLucian'sstory since his release. Another example isLissandra, who appeared in theJournal of Justice.She is also part of the alternative universes ofHigh NoonandPROJECTwithout having any belonging skins before her release.
Senna is the second champion that cannot increase a stat through leveling up, afterThreshand hisarmor. In her case, it isattack damagebecause of her passive,Absolution.
If Senna andThreshare played on opposing teams, aquestwill trigger. This in-game quest consists in one killing the other to earn the opposing champion's stack of souls.[2]
Senna has among one of the longest attack frames in game, at 0.5seconds, while most champions are between 0.2and 0.3seconds.[3]
Her name comes from Arabic سناءSanāʼ"brightness, sublimity",[4]from roots-n-y(>Sin"moon" &seneh"burning bush").[5] |
Seraphine,the Starry-Eyed Songstress | | | health: Health570+90, resource: Mana360+50, health regen: Health regen. (per 5s)6.5+0.6, resource regen: Mana regen. (per 5s)11.5+0.4, armor: Armor26+4.2, attack damage: Attack damage55+3, attack speed: Base AS0.669, gameplay radius: Gameplay radius65, selection radius: Selection radius120, release: 2020-10-29, changed: V13.22, role: BurstEnchanter, position: MiddleBottomSupport, rangetype: Ranged, adaptivetype: Magic, cost: 3150|790 | InDev Update - Champs, Lore & More, Laura 'poisonpixxi' DeYoung, Head of IP Creative for Riot Games, elaborated on their new approach to narrative cohesiveness by ironing out any inconsistencies that have sprung up over the years.
This article contains information that conflicts with this new narrative and will most likely be changed/moved in the following year(s).
SeraphineMainCasualTitlesNickname(s)Sera3Ser-BearSongbirdTraitorAlias(es)The Starry-Eyed SongstressCharacteristicsSpeciesHuman(Magical)Pronoun(s)She/HerTimelineBorn:979 AN[1]Weapon(s)Empathetic Sound MagicHextech Music PlatformHexcoustic GuitarPersonal statusStatusAlivePlace of originPiltoverCurrent residencePiltoverFamily3Unnamed FatherUnnamed MotherPet(s)1AcornProfessional statusOccupation(s)MusicianSingerPerformerRegion(s)PiltoverZaunRelated character(s)EkkoSkarner
• Main
• Casual
• Sera
• 3Ser-Bear
• Songbird
• Traitor
• Born:979 AN
• Empathetic Sound Magic
• Hextech Music Platform
• Hexcoustic Guitar
Personal status
Place of origin
Current residence
• 3Unnamed Father
• Unnamed Mother
• 1Acorn
Professional status
• Musician
• Singer
• Performer
• Piltover
• Zaun
Related character(s)
Born inPiltovertoZauniteparents, Seraphine can hear the souls of others—the world sings to her, and she sings back. Though these sounds overwhelmed her in her youth, she now draws on them for inspiration, turning the chaos into a symphony. She performs for the sister cities to remind their citizens that they’re not alone, that they’re stronger together, and that, in her eyes, their potential is limitless.
• 1Background1.1Early Life1.2Concerts in Zaun
• 2Appearance
• 3Personality
• 4Abilities
• 5Relations5.1Brackern5.2Caitlyn5.31Acorn5.43Acoustician5.5Millie5.6Scratch
• 6Read More6.1Biography6.2Starring Champion6.3Mentioned Champion6.4Alternate Universes
• 7Trivia
• 8Change log
• 9References
• 10See also
• 11References
• 1.1Early Life
• 1.2Concerts in Zaun
• 5.1Brackern
• 5.2Caitlyn
• 5.31Acorn
• 5.43Acoustician
• 5.5Millie
• 5.6Scratch
• 6.1Biography
• 6.2Starring Champion
• 6.3Mentioned Champion
• 6.4Alternate Universes
Early Life[]
As a young girl, Seraphine developed a passion for music of all kinds. This passion only grew after her Mother's departure, leaving just her and her father in their Piltovian home. As she grew older Seraphine began to develop her magical powers, however her power was so strong that she quickly began to feel overwhelmed and could not hear herself which caused her to begin trying to repress them. Her father, seeing the anguish his daughter was going through, created special hearing aids that would help her stabilize her powers. Seraphine's subtle updates to her stage and "secret" underground trips to Zaun continued throughout her adolescent years, as she grew even more involved with the antics of the war, finding her place in the conflict. Soon it became evident that her father was both aware and proud of her musical antics, seeing his previous dream of sharing his songs with the world in his daughter.
Concerts in Zaun[]
At some point, Seraphine met Acorn, her chipmunk companion (otherwise known as "the Hextechnician"), who began accompanying her on her undisclosed trips underground. Seraphine's father began helping her with her equipment, touching up her guitar after long concerts, while she focused on making her disguise as flashy as possible.
Seraphine slowly began building her reputation throughout Zaun, performing soulful concerts and attracting large groups of its citizens, who were dazed and intrigued by her colorful, powerful songs. She actively began competing with other popular performers underground, including the infamous Zaun Diva, Scratch, both impressed with the other's musical capabilities.
Seraphine is a beautiful pale-skinned young woman with bright blue sapphire eyes and dyed bright pink hair tipped with dark violet that reaches her knees. She wears bright pink lipstick makeup and a light blue star painted on her right cheek.
Her attire is a mix of Piltovan and Zaunite aesthetics with an added visual flair for her theatrical performances. She wears a brown garb over a leather blue shirt, with leather gloves and a matching leather blue skirt with leather boots.
Seraphine is a warm, friendly person and very fond of music, when she was a child she liked to play in her parents' workshop when her magic power grew she became somewhat withdrawn as she heard many voices and could not hear herself, her parents created some special hearing aids for her that helped her control that power.
When she came down to the city of Zaun, she was overcome with many emotions, most of them negative due to Piltover's contempt for Zaun. When she sang for the first time at the border of the two cities, she proudly saw how the people of both cities lived in harmony, so she set herself a goal that through her music she would unite the two neighboring cities.
• Magical Physiology: Seraphine was born with the magical ability to hear the emotions and souls of others, an ability that might grow the more she trains and expands her knowledge about magic. Due to her initial attempt to suppress her abilities rather than embrace them, she isn't formally trained in her magic but utilizes it nonetheless for her performances.Empathetic Sound Magic:Seraphine can magically hear the emotions of others through an intense form of empathy, allowing her to hear the true thoughts and emotions of an individual. Her hearing is so intense and acute that she initially had to use a dampening device to keep from hearing the discordant emotions of the entirety ofPiltoverandZauncombined. Eventually, Seraphine began to embrace her magic and is now capable of hearing the thoughts, feelings and memories of entire crowds. Along with that, she can create her own music to influence others' emotions, most notably singing songs of unity and compassion.Sound Projection: Seraphine can manipulate sound waves and use them to create concentrated magical energy which she uses to launch energy beams or shape it to create energy shields. Although she does not like violence, she does not hesitate to use her powers to defend herself.
• Musical Mastery:Seraphine is extremely musically talented, having a magnificent and beautiful voice along with skill in playing several instruments such as her custom-made hexcoustic guitar.
• Hextech Music Platform:Seraphine often performs on top of her custom made Hextech musical platform as a stage. This device was crafted after Seraphine dismantled her hearing dampener, choosing to embrace her magic as her parents created the platform stage as a Hextech amplifier of her powers, allowing her to more fully hear the thoughts and feelings of people as well as amplify her own magical music. Though she isn't very combative, Seraphine can also use her platform to produce powerful soundwaves.
• Empathetic Sound Magic:Seraphine can magically hear the emotions of others through an intense form of empathy, allowing her to hear the true thoughts and emotions of an individual. Her hearing is so intense and acute that she initially had to use a dampening device to keep from hearing the discordant emotions of the entirety ofPiltoverandZauncombined. Eventually, Seraphine began to embrace her magic and is now capable of hearing the thoughts, feelings and memories of entire crowds. Along with that, she can create her own music to influence others' emotions, most notably singing songs of unity and compassion.
• Sound Projection: Seraphine can manipulate sound waves and use them to create concentrated magical energy which she uses to launch energy beams or shape it to create energy shields. Although she does not like violence, she does not hesitate to use her powers to defend herself.
Seraphine understands thebrackerns' singing language to an extent thanks to her magical hearing, therefore she comprehends the song from the hextech crystal in her platform. She'd probably be the only human able to communicate well withSkarner. However, she does not know that they seek help, and they do enjoy her songs of togetherness.
Caitlyn is an adoring fan of Seraphine's singing performance.
Acorn is Seraphine's pet squirrel whom often acts as her companion. Acorn is believed by Seraphine's fans to be the heart of her idol operation, but in truth he is often disobedient and uncontrollable, to her annoyance.
Being an acoustician, Seraphine's father gave her a hextech device to dampen her acute magical hearing. Proud of Seraphine's idol career, he supports her performances even if she withholds details from him and even allowed her to perform in the Undercity.
Millie is one of Seraphine's biggest fans and the leader of her fan club. While she is too shy to engage in conversation before leaving, Seraphine still enjoys talking with Millie.
Scratch has a friendly rivalry towards Seraphine, with both having enjoyment performing together. Judging by her flustered reaction when Acoustician tells her Seraphine talks about her a lot, Scratch's feelings toward Seraphine may be greater than just simple friendship.
Read More
The Starry-Eyed Songstress
ByDaniel Couts
Starring Champion
Short Story
Standing Room Only
ByDaniel Couts
Zaun and Piltover sing to one another.
Mentioned Champion
ByDouble Stallion Games
Rewind the Past, Control the Future - Explore and traverse through the spectacular city of Zaun as Ekko, a young inventor with an ingenious device to manipulate time, in this story-driven action platformer. Play as a young Ekko and realize the full potential of one of League’s fan-favorite Champions.
Starring:Aximander,Camille,Chadd,Corin Reveck,Corina Veraza,Drake Poingdestre,Ekko,Elie,Inna,Jinx,Lem,Red,Rungs,Vale Poingdestre,Warwick,Wyeth,Zarkon Poingdestre
Mentioned:Ashlesh,Azir,Blitzcrank,Darius,Dr. Mundo,Eramis,Evil Kay,Farron,Fiddlesticks,Janna,Jayce,Kay,Nasus,Orianna,Renata Glasc,Seraphine,Shomi,Singed,Twitch,Urgot,Vi,Viktor,Zac,Zeri,Ziggs
Alternate Universes
Music Video
Another Sky: Wild Rift Edition
ByTy Sheedlo
Join the Star Guardians as they fight for the future by saving a ghost from their past!
Starring:Ahri,Miss Fortune,Orianna,Rakan,Senna,Seraphine,Xayah
Music Video
Everything Goes On
ByPorter Robinson
Together with some familiar faces, a new generation of Star Guardians ascend to battle a looming threat. But even when confronted with eternal darkness, their hope burns brighter than fear.
Mentioned:Ahri,Lux,Miss Fortune
Harmonies: Issue 1
ByMichael Yichao
In a difficult moment during a recording secession, Akali reassures a nervous Seraphine that K/DA's bonds run deep.
Harmonies: Issue 2
ByMichael Yichao
Seraphine navigates a life-changing moment as she embraces her dream becoming reality.
Mentioned:Ezreal,Janna,Jinx,Lulu,Lux,Miss Fortune,Poppy,Soraka,Syndra,Volibear,Yasuo
Harmonies: Issue 4
ByMichael Yichao
Kai'Sa dances through life, finding her way to present moment as a part of K/DA.
Harmonies: Issue 5
ByMichael Yichao
Ahri reflects on the long road that led to her forming K/DA: breaking old bonds while establishing new ties, navigating the flood of attention (and expectation) following their initial success, and looking forward to their bright future.
New Dreams
The school year comes and goes, but we’ll share these memories forever.
Sharp: Issue 1
ByMichael Yichao
Learn more about K/DA and their upcoming ALL OUT EP in this very special edition of SHARP magazine.Read through over 16 dedicated pages about Ahri, Evelynn, Kai’Sa and Akali, and how the pop group sensation renewed their ambitions since the launch of their electric 2018 debut single, POP/STARS. Discover how K/DA staged their comeback with THE BADDEST, the first song of their new and long-awaited EP, and meet Seraphine, their talented new collaborator.This special edition of SHARP also includes a special quiz to prove to yourself and your friend that you are a real BLADE!
Star-Crossed: Clockwork
ByJared Rosen,Callie Miller
Xayah grapples with what it means to be a leader, but her latest Star Guardian recruit may be the rational, logical antidote to her angst and axiety.
Mentioned:Ahri,Miss Fortune,Rakan
Star-Crossed: Embrace
ByJared Rosen,Callie Miller
Final showdown! The Guardians have played all their cards, but something in Xayah tells her to keep fighting—she’ll find a way to redeem Rakan or die (again) trying.
Starring:Ahri,Akali,Kai'Sa,Miss Fortune,Orianna,Rakan,Senna,Seraphine,Xayah
Star-Crossed: Hope
ByJared Rosen,Callie Miller
Months later, some familiar faces from Xayah’s past appear during the heat of battle. Her team may be stronger than ever, but what if Rakan doesn’t want to be saved?
Starring:Ahri,Miss Fortune,Orianna,Rakan,Senna,Seraphine,Xayah
Star-Crossed: Shine So Bright
ByJared Rosen,Callie Miller
Xayah's search for Star Guardian allies brings her to, of all places, a concert in the park. Is this bubbly popstar with a penchant for glitter the teammates she's been looking for?
• Seraphine's magical hearing allows her to understand thebrackerns' singing language, becoming the first person with the ability to hear them in hextech crystals. However, she's only capable to communicate with one in particular, her own crystal, as result of their deep connection over the years.[2]Hercolor storyimplies she's only able to hear it when Piltover and Zaun's songs are in harmony.Despite being the first person to achieve this goal in universe, the first champion known to hear the brackern's soul song wasJayce.Her biography got tweaked shortly after revealed due to player response to clear up doubts about her characterization. Some of her quotes, especially those about brackern and hextech lore, got some players confused about Seraphine's nature and were removed from her voiceover to avoid misleading connotations.[3]According to RiotJag, Seraphine was never meant to know the true identity of the entity inside the crystals and these quotes were designed only for player immersion ingame.[4]
• The song she performs in her color story is implied to beher own champion theme.[5]Champion themes are what Sera would hear when near them, but whatever version she performs would be a fan cover, different from official themes.[6]
• Stage Presence'sdouble cast represents a technological overcharge of her stage.[7]
• Seraphine's spells are her sound and voice amplified, her basic attacks come from the sound waves of her fingers snapping.[8]
• Seraphine is 17 in 996 AN, according to Riot Reav3.[1]
• Seraphine haschromesthesia, a perceptual phenomenon in which auditory stimulation leads to visual experience, being able to see colors and shapes in sounds.
• Seraphine's favorite flavor of ice cream is cotton candy.[9]
• Despite being the first person to achieve this goal in universe, the first champion known to hear the brackern's soul song wasJayce.
• Her biography got tweaked shortly after revealed due to player response to clear up doubts about her characterization. Some of her quotes, especially those about brackern and hextech lore, got some players confused about Seraphine's nature and were removed from her voiceover to avoid misleading connotations.[3]According to RiotJag, Seraphine was never meant to know the true identity of the entity inside the crystals and these quotes were designed only for player immersion ingame.[4]
• Champion themes are what Sera would hear when near them, but whatever version she performs would be a fan cover, different from official themes.[6]
Change log[]
See also[]
References[] | Name: Stage Presence, Description: Innate - Echo: Seraphine basic abilities generate a stack of Echo , stacking up to 2 times. At 2 stacks, Seraphine's next basic ability casts an additional time for 1 mana after a 0. 033 seconds delay, consuming all Echo stacks after the cast time of the second cast. Seraphine gains maximum stacks of Echo when the game starts and upon respawning . Innate - Harmony: Seraphine's ability casts grant a Note to herself and nearby allied champions that lasts 6 seconds, refreshes on subsequent Notes and stacks up to 4 times on each unit. While any amount of Notes are active, Seraphine's next basic attack is empowered to have an uncancellable windup , gain 25 bonus attack range per Note , and fire all Notes at the target, with each one dealing 5 / 10 / 18 / 30 (based on level) (+ 5% AP) magic damage , reduced by 75% for Notes from allies and increased by 200% against minions ., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputPassive', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'Not Blocked', 'parries': 'Bypass', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Video', "Echo'sstacks are represented by a stack counter underneathSeraphine'shealth bar.", "Seraphine'sbasic abilities alternate their icons between 3 different ones each, depending on the current amount of stacks she has.", 'The additional cast must complete forEchostacks to be consumed; if the cast time does not finish or does not begin at all, or if the ability fails to cast when there is not enoughmana,Seraphinewill keep her stacks.', 'The additional cast does not affect thecooldownof the mimicked ability.', 'The additional cast counts as a separatecast instancefor the purpose of e.g.ElectrocuteorConqueror.', 'Against minions, eachNotefromSeraphinedeals12 / 24 / 42 / 72 (based on level)(+18 / 21 / 24 / 27% (based on level)AP)magic damageand each note from allies deals3 / 6 / 10.5/ 18 (based on level)(+4.5/ 5.25/ 6 / 6.75% (based on level)AP)magic damage.', 'Against non-minions, eachNotefromSeraphinedeals normal damage and each note from allies deals1 / 2 / 3.5/ 6 (based on level)(+1.5/ 1.75/ 2 / 2.25% (based on level)AP)magic damage.', 'Notesorbit at a radius of 100 from the center of their holder and they fire from this location.', 'The empowered attack cancritically strike.', 'The empowered attack will not trigger againstwards.', 'Notesare fired one after another with a short delay.', 'Seraphinecan grantNotesto more than 4 allied champions.', 'HarmonydoesnotgrantNotestoclones.', 'HarmonygrantsNoteseven if the ally isuntargetable.', 'TheNoteswill fire from allies regardless of how far they are away fromSeraphine.', 'Seraphinegains a faint blue attack range indicator when there areNotespresent.', 'Notesdo not discharge when attackingwards, allowingSeraphineto attack them from increased range multiple times.', 'Seraphine, while alive, will play music if there is at least one ally champion nearby.This is audible toSeraphineand all allied champions that are in range ofHarmony, indicative of if they can receive aNoteor not.', 'This is audible toSeraphineand all allied champions that are in range ofHarmony, indicative of if they can receive aNoteor not.']} | Name: High Note, Description: Active: Seraphine hurls a soundwave to the target location that quickly expands in a radius upon arrival, dealing magic damage to enemies within the area, increased by 0% − 50% (based on target's missing health) . Magic Damage: 55 / 80 / 105 / 130 / 155 (+ 50% AP) Increased Damage: 82. 5 / 120 / 157. 5 / 195 / 232. 5 (+ 75% AP) High Note will cast at max range if cast beyond that. Link ▶️ "This one's for you!", {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputLocation', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Video', 'High Noteuses a modified icon for thesecond andthird stack ofStage Presence.', 'The maximum damage ofHigh Noteuses acosmetic critical strike.', 'High Notewill fire from whereverSeraphineis at the end of the cast time.', 'The impact delay depends solely on the missile speed. It is 0 seconds to 0.75seconds (after end of cast time) within the standard cast radius, but can be increased further bySeraphinebeing moved away from the cast location during the cast time.', "PENDING FOR TEST:The area of effect is covered via expansion in several rings (similar toFrozen Tomb'sarea of effect) and targets can only be hit once.", 'The range indicator for the target range has a radius of 950 units, but the center ofHigh Notecan only be cast up to 900 units. The area indicator shows the proper 350 are of effect radius and cast location.']} | Name: Surround Sound, Description: Active: Seraphine grants a shield to herself and nearby allied champions for 2. 5 seconds. For the same duration, she also gains 20% (+ 4% per 100 AP) decaying bonus movement speed and grants allies 8% (+ 1. 6 % per 100 AP) bonus movement speed . Shield Strength: 50 / 75 / 100 / 125 / 150 (+ 20% AP) If Seraphine already had a shield at the time of cast, Surround Sound will pulse after the duration, healing herself and nearby allied champions, increased for each ally . Heal Per Ally: 3 / 3. 5 / 4 / 4. 5 / 5% of target's missing health Surround Sound's effects can stack up to 2 times. Link ▶️ "Harmonize!", {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputAuto', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Video', 'Surround Sounduses a modified icon for thesecond andthird stack ofStage Presence.', 'All effects are gained at the start of the cast time.', 'Seraphinecan move during the cast time.', "Surround Sound'sshieldbuff can have up to 2 stacks, for a total of 200% shield strength at a time.Most shields in the game can only have one stack, refreshing their shield strength when reapplied.PENDING FOR TEST:StackingType", 'Most shields in the game can only have one stack, refreshing their shield strength when reapplied.', 'PENDING FOR TEST:StackingType', 'Surround Soundwill empower from anyshieldthatSeraphinehas. It does not have to be sourced fromSurround Sound.', 'CastingSurround Soundduring the 2.5-second delay refreshes the delay.', 'Thehealaffectsclonesand counts them for increasing themissinghealth percentage.', "A large indicator similar toRedemption'ssignals the heal area of effect and delay.", 'The heal will be canceled and the indicator disappears whenSeraphinedies.', 'The heal occurs instantly onSeraphineand all nearby allied champions once the delay ends.There is a missile that flows through all allied champions which can be blocked byWind Wall. The heal is unaffected by this.', 'There is a missile that flows through all allied champions which can be blocked byWind Wall. The heal is unaffected by this.', 'Surround Soundwill affectuntargetableallies.']} | Name: Beat Drop, Description: Active: Seraphine fires a heavy soundwave in the target direction that deals magic damage to enemies hit and slows them by 99% for 1. 25 seconds. Magic Damage: 60 / 95 / 130 / 165 / 200 (+ 35% AP) Enemies that are already slowed are also rooted for the same duration. Enemies that are immobilized or grounded are also stunned for the same duration. Link ▶️ "Feel that reverb!", {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputDirection', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Tips & Tricks', 'Video', 'Beat Dropwill only be empowered fromslows,immobilizes, andgroundingeffects applied by herself or her allies.', 'Beat Dropuses a modified icon for thesecond andthird stack ofStage Presence.', 'Beat Dropmay still be empowered even if the disable ends shortly after the ability hits.', 'Therootand thestuncannot apply at the same time.The root will only apply if the target isslowedand notimmobilizedorgrounded.The stun will apply as normal; it does not consider if the target isslowed.The root will be overridden by the stun if the target is hit byBeat Dropagain while they were rooted by it.', 'The root will only apply if the target isslowedand notimmobilizedorgrounded.The stun will apply as normal; it does not consider if the target isslowed.', 'The stun will apply as normal; it does not consider if the target isslowed.', 'The root will be overridden by the stun if the target is hit byBeat Dropagain while they were rooted by it.', 'A quarter note will appear next to an enemychampionwhile they areslowedand two quarter notes tied will appear if they areimmobilizedorgrounded.This indicates ifBeat Dropwill apply an additionalcrowd controleffect if it strikes the target.', 'This indicates ifBeat Dropwill apply an additionalcrowd controleffect if it strikes the target.', 'This ability will cast from wherever the caster is at the end of the cast time.', 'ThecharmfromEncore, which is animmobilize, can trigger thestunfromBeat Drop.', "Beat Drop'sadditional effects will always trigger after the application ofothercrowd controleffects when applied at the same time (e.g. theslowfromRylai's Crystal Scepterwill always apply beforeBeat Drop, thus therootwill always be triggered)."]} | Name: Encore, Description: Active: Seraphine projects a captivating force in the target direction that deals magic damage to enemies hit, charms them, during which they are revealed , and slows them by 40% for a duration, increasing by 15% every 0. 25 seconds over the duration up to 99%. Magic Damage: 150 / 200 / 250 (+ 60% AP) Disable Duration: 1. 25 / 1. 5 / 1. 75 Encore's projectile resets its remaining travel distance whenever it hits an allied or enemy champion , excluding Seraphine . Allied champions hit gain 4 Notes . Link ▶️ Activation alert., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputDirection', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Video', 'Encorehas two cast times. Both last 0.5seconds. The wave will always project after the first cast time, and the second cast time only serves as alock outforSeraphine.Seraphinecannot buffer casts during the first cast time, but she may do so during the second cast time.', 'Seraphinecannot buffer casts during the first cast time, but she may do so during the second cast time.', "Clonesalso count forEncore'sextension.", 'Encorewill not extend on enemy champions that areuntargetable, but will do so for allied champions.', 'Spell shieldwill also preventEncorefrom extending.', "This ability will cast from wherever the caster is at the end of the cast time.Encorefires fromSeraphine'slocation at the end of the initial cast time.", "Encorefires fromSeraphine'slocation at the end of the initial cast time.", 'There is no limit as to how many times the wave can extend.', 'EachEncorecast cannot extend from the samechampionmore than once.PENDING FOR TEST::Champions that died, clearing marker buffs', 'PENDING FOR TEST::Champions that died, clearing marker buffs']} | Her joke animation is a reference toDance Dance Revolution.
Seraphine's Champion Spotlight on theLeague of LegendsYouTube channel garnered the most dislikes for any champion, with 138k (68%) dislikes before the platform make these numbers private (circa Nov 2021). However, it remained the third most liked spotlight behindSettandYasuo.Her spotlight received the most dislikes in Korea, with roughly 93% dislikes.
Seraphine is the first champion to be simultaneously released inLeague of LegendsandWild Rift. |
Sett,the Boss | | | health: Health670+114, resource: ResourceN/A, health regen: Health regen. (per 5s)7+0.5, resource regen: Secondary BarGrit, armor: Armor33+5.2, attack damage: Attack damage60+4, attack speed: Base AS0.625, gameplay radius: Gameplay radius65, selection radius: Selection radius100, release: 2020-01-14, changed: V13.17, role: Juggernaut, position: TopSupport, rangetype: Melee, adaptivetype: Physical, cost: 1350|585 | Missing section(s):
SettTitlesReal nameSettrighNickname(s)8BoyAlias(es)The BossThe Half-BeastThe Champion of QayanviThe Beast-Man BastardThe Beast-Boy BastardCharacteristicsSpeciesHuman(Magical;VastayanAncestery)Pronoun(s)He/HimTimelineBorn:968 AN - 972 ANWeapon(s)FistsMartial ArtsBrass KnucklesVastayan MagicPersonal statusStatusAlivePlace of originNavori,IoniaCurrent residenceNavori,IoniaFamily8Unnamed Father*Unnamed MotherProfessional statusOccupation(s)Crime BossPit FighterRegion(s)IoniaFaction(s)VastayaRelated character(s)AlistarDravenJackSamira
Real name
• 8Boy
• The Boss
• The Half-Beast
• The Champion of Qayanvi
• The Beast-Man Bastard
• The Beast-Boy Bastard
• Born:968 AN - 972 AN
• Fists
• Martial Arts
• Brass Knuckles
• Vastayan Magic
Personal status
Place of origin
Current residence
• 8Unnamed Father*
• Unnamed Mother
Professional status
• Crime Boss
• Pit Fighter
Related character(s)
A leader ofIonia’sgrowing criminal underworld,Settrose to prominence in the wake of the war withNoxus. Though he began as a humble challenger in the fighting pits ofNavori, he quickly gained notoriety for his savage strength, and his ability to take seemingly endless amounts of punishment. After fighting his way through the ranks of local combatants, Sett muscled to the top, seizing control of the pits he once fought in.
• 1Background1.1Early life1.2Recent events
• 2Appearance
• 3Personality
• 4Abilities
• 5Relations5.1Unnamed Mother5.2Unnamed Father (presumably8The Old Timer)
• 6Read More6.1Biography6.2Starring Champion6.3Alternate Universes
• 7Trivia
• 8Change log
• 9References
• 10See also
• 1.1Early life
• 1.2Recent events
• 5.1Unnamed Mother
• 5.2Unnamed Father (presumably8The Old Timer)
• 6.1Biography
• 6.2Starring Champion
• 6.3Alternate Universes
Early life[]
Settrigh, or Sett as he would be known, was born inNavori,Ioniato a vastayan mother and human father out of wedlock, being a crossbreed of the two races. Due to his hybrid blood and being a bastard child, Sett was an outcast among his peers and his parents were ostracized by their respective races. Those who bullied Sett were intimidated by his father's reputation as a pit fighter inNoxus, but when his father went missing, the bullies spared Sett no mercy. He was constantly beaten up and insulted, being called the "Beast-Boy Bastard". Eventually, Sett had enough of the bullying and began to fight back by punching them into submission. His fights became so notorious that the news reached his mother, who warned him not to go to the pits where his father had fought.
One night, Sett snuck to a local pit while his mother was asleep, and witnessed the battles conducted between numerous fighters as Noxian soldiers in the audience cheered with bloodlust. At the end of the event, Sett asked the staff if they knew his father, and they told him that he had left to fight in pits across other parts of Runeterra to seek greater fortune.
Recent events[]
Sett is a tall and muscular man with maroon hair and light tan skin. On his head he has two animal ears, a trait that he shares with his mother, and a scar on his nose.
• Vastayan Physiology:Sett is a the son of a vastayan woman and a human man, granting him a unique nature. It's unknown how much of his vastayan heritage he carries within him.Kinetic Absorption:Sett can absorb the energy created by attacks thrown at him to strengthen himself, storing that energy to enhance his physical skills to better defeat his foes. Once he absorbs the energy, he can them release it in his attacks, creating destructive waves of energy through his punches easily devastating all his foes nearby.Magical Pulling:Sett can "pull" others towards him, immobilizing and rendering them defenceless.
• Kinetic Absorption:Sett can absorb the energy created by attacks thrown at him to strengthen himself, storing that energy to enhance his physical skills to better defeat his foes. Once he absorbs the energy, he can them release it in his attacks, creating destructive waves of energy through his punches easily devastating all his foes nearby.
• Magical Pulling:Sett can "pull" others towards him, immobilizing and rendering them defenceless.
Unnamed Mother[]
Sett loves his mother more than anything and dedicates all of his goals to supporting her and making her proud of him, to repay her for raising him in the past. He gives her gifts and money that he earned from his illegal activities while lying to keep them secret from her, though he feels guilty for doing so. Even while away from her, Sett tends to display affection towards his mother in private, and gets angered when someone makes fun of her.
Unnamed Father (presumably8The Old Timer)[]
Sett barely knew his father due to him leaving the family when he was still a child, so he was curious to meet him. When he found out that his father had abandoned his family to seek fortune in other parts of the world, he grew to hate his father and aspired to fight against him one day.
Though not confirmed,8The Old Timeris implied to be Sett's father, due to having a personal rivalry towards Sett and knowing many details about his past.
Read More
The Boss
ByJohn O'Bryan
Starring Champion
Short Story
Big Head, Bad News
ByJohn O'Bryan
“Who's watchin' the till?” I ask.
Alternate Universes
Almost Home
Five unlikely friends band together to discover that home isn’t just a place—it’s a feeling.
Starring:Diana,Sett,Teemo,Tristana,Xin Zhao
Ao Shin's Adventure
Every little dragon has a destiny.
Starring:Aurelion Sol,Azir,Jinx,Sett,Teemo,Veigar,Yuumi
Choncc Dome
ByTy Sheedlo,Taylor Dinwiddie,Isa Mari De Leon,Elyse Lemoine
Just because the Tournament of Souls is all about 1v1 combat doesn't mean you have to train alone! That's why Choncc has gathered some of the greatest Soul Fighters under one roof—er… dome. So choose a champ and start gettin'swole, Choncc-style!
Music Video
breakout starsHEARTSTEEL is a band. kayn, ezreal, sett, yone, k’sante, and aphelios are in it. “PARANOIA” features BAEKHYUN, tobi lou, ØZI, and Cal Scruby
Short Story
Riot's virtual artist HEARTSTEEL will surpass K/DA
ByPark Ji-yoon,Ha Ye-jin
Witness the debut of 'HEARTSTEEL', which will capture your heart once you see it.
Tournament of Souls
ByTaylor Dinwiddie,Ty Sheedlo
Play League of Legends to build Samira's reputation and style on your competition at the Tournament of Souls! Face off against the strongest soul fighters in a series of fierce 1v1 matches to help Samira chase down her biggest bounty yet and fulfill her SOUL'S DESIRE!
Wandering Spirits
Maybe this is the year. Sett leaves home once again to find his akana father, the Spirit of Abandonment. Will the spirits along the path lead him away? Or will he finally find the way back to his mother?
Mentioned:Master Yi,Syndra,Tristana
Music Video
Coming Alive
ByNumerous Creators
In the fight of a lifetime, you may get knocked down. But never knocked out.
• His real name is Settrigh.
• Sett is in his mid to late 20s[1]Unlike the otherVastayanchampions we know of, all of whom are at least 180 years old (includingNeeko),[2]Settis under 30 years old.[3]
• Sett mostly relies onbrute forcewithkinetic energyanda small amount of Vastayan magicin combat.[4][5]
• Sett's parents fell in love before the Noxian occupation of Ionia.[6]
• Sett and his mother's tribe are Vastayanwolverines.[7]His furry ears are similar to anotherVastaya,Ahri; however, real-life wolverines' ears have more rounded tips than foxes'.
• Unlike the otherVastayanchampions we know of, all of whom are at least 180 years old (includingNeeko),[2]Settis under 30 years old.[3]
• His furry ears are similar to anotherVastaya,Ahri; however, real-life wolverines' ears have more rounded tips than foxes'.
Change log[]
See also[] | Name: Pit Grit, Description: Innate - Heart of the Half-Beast: Sett regenerates 「 an additional 0. 15 / 0. 5 / 1 / 2 (based on level) health per second for every 5% of his missing health . 」 「 up-to 2. 85 / 9. 5 / 19 / 38 (based on level) health per second (maximum reached at 95% missing health ). 」 Innate - Heavy Hands: Sett's basic attacks alternate between his Left Punch and a Right Punch on-attack . Sett begins attacking with his Left Punch , and will reset back to it after 2 seconds of not performing a Right Punch . Sett's Right Punch is empowered to gain 50 bonus range (unless Knuckle Down is active), attack at 8 times the Left Punch's attack speed , and deal 5 − 90 (based on level) (+ 55% bonus AD) bonus physical damage ., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputPassive', 'damage_type': 'Physical', 'parries': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', "TheRight Punchdoes not grantbonusattack speed, rather its windup is sped up and fixed at「\xa012.5% of aLeft Punch'swindup time.\xa0」「\xa0800% of aLeft Punch'swindup speed.\xa0」The windup is still affected bycripplesand attack speed buffs that were not already active for the previousLeft Punch's.", "The windup is still affected bycripplesand attack speed buffs that were not already active for the previousLeft Punch's.", 'The bonus physical damage from theRight Punchbenefits fromlife steal.']} | Name: Knuckle Down, Description: Active: Sett empowers his next two basic attacks within 5 seconds to gain 50 bonus range and deal bonus physical damage , capped at 400 total damage of each attack against monsters . (bug) Bonus Physical Damage: 10 / 20 / 30 / 40 / 50 (+ 1% (+ 1 / 1. 5 / 2 / 2. 5 / 3% per 100 AD) of target's maximum health) Total Bonus Physical Damage: 20 / 40 / 60 / 80 / 100 (+ 2% (+ 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6% per 100 AD) of target's maximum health) For 1. 5 seconds, Sett also gains 30% bonus movement speed while facing visible enemy champions within 2000 units. Knuckle Down resets Sett's basic attack timer. The empowered attacks are guaranteed to be a Left Punch followed by a Right Punch , resetting Sett's current Pit Grit state (if applicable) and ignoring the usual time-out period for a follow-up Right Punch ., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputAuto', 'damage_type': 'Physical', 'spell_shield': 'Not Blocked', 'parries': 'See Notes', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'The bonus movement speed buff is namedLooking For a Fight.', 'Knuckle Downcan bedodged,blockedor missed whileSettisblinded.', "Due to the way the damage cap againstmonstersis implemented,Knuckle Downmay deal less damage to monsters at high amounts ofADthanSett'sbasic attacks.(bug)If the attackcritically strikes, the capped damage will.", 'If the attackcritically strikes, the capped damage will.']} | Name: Haymaker, Description: Passive: Sett stores 100% of post-mitigation damage taken as Grit on his resource bar, up to 50% of his maximum health . Each instance of stored Grit decays by 30% every second after 4 seconds. Active: Sett immediately grants himself a shield equal to his expended Grit for 3 seconds, decaying after 0. 75 seconds, and charges up a strike over the cast time. After the cast time, he unleashes a blast in a cone in the target direction that deals physical damage to enemies hit; those hit in a center line are dealt true damage instead. Damage: 80 / 100 / 120 / 140 / 160 (+ 25% (+ 25% per 100 bonus AD) of expended Grit ), {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputDirection', 'damage_type': 'Physical damage/True damage', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', "PENDING FOR TEST:Trapezoid effect hitbox geometry values, backwards range (true damage rectangle does NOT start at 0 distance from Sett; doesn'T have as much reach backwards while still being edge range).", 'The shield is created immediately and will decay after the blast delay.The buff for the shield is namedDown But Not Out.', 'The buff for the shield is namedDown But Not Out.', 'Settdoes not storeGritfrom damage that was mitigated byshields.', 'This ability will cast from wherever the caster is at the end of the cast time.', 'Settwill turn towards the target direction at the start of the cast time.', 'Settwill glow when attaining 90%Grit. CastingHaymakerat this amount has a different visual and audio effect.']} | Name: Facebreaker, Description: Active: Sett pulls in enemies at his front and back along the target direction, dealing physical damage and slowing them by 70% for 0. 5 seconds. Physical Damage: 50 / 70 / 90 / 110 / 130 (+ 60% AD) If Facebreaker affects at least one enemy on each side, all enemies are stunned for 1 second upon landing. Sett is unable to move or attack for 0. 25 seconds after Facebreaker's cast time. Link ▶️ "Facebreaker!", {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputDirection', 'damage_type': 'Physical', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Settwill afterwards attempt to basic attack the closest target picked up byFacebreaker, prioritising champions and prioritising those in front of him.', 'IfFacebreakerdoes not hit an enemy,Haymakeris also unable to be cast for 0.25seconds after the cast time.', "Targets will be pulled towardsSett'slocation in a straight line and rebound to 150 units from him back in the same line.", "Thespell indicatoris slightly shorter than the actual hitbox' rectangle length, and slightly wider than the width (note that the effects are edge-range from the hitbox rectangle).", 'If targets on either opposite side are protected byspell shields,Facebreakerwill notstun.', 'This ability will cast from wherever the caster is at the end of the cast time.', 'Death, unless protected byResurrection']} | Name: The Show Stopper, Description: Active: Sett suppresses and reveals the target enemy champion while dashing with displacement immunity to their location and attaching them to himself upon arrival. He leaps another 600 units in the same direction to slam the target into the ground, creating a massive shockwave and quickly sliding forward 250 units beyond the impact. Enemies within the epicenter take physical damage , and other enemies hit by the shockwave take physical damage that is reduced by up to 75% based on proximity. All targets hit are slowed by 99% for 1 second. Physical Damage: 200 / 300 / 400 (+ 120% bonus AD) (+ 40 / 50 / 60% of primary target's bonus health) Reduced Damage: 50 / 75 / 100 (+ 30% bonus AD) (+ 10 / 12. 5 / 15% of primary target's bonus health) The dash will end and create the impact prematurely upon encountering terrain that cannot be dashed through, whether by distance or invalid space. Link ▶️ "This is gonna hurt!", {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputUnit', 'damage_type': 'Physical', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Map-Specific Differences', "At maximum cast range and if the dash is not shortened due to terrain inSett'sway,The Show Stopper'smovement takes 1.5seconds, causing the slamwithin 1.23seconds.", 'Settwill dash fromThe Show Stoppereven if the target resists theattachmentor detaches from him, which can be done so by negating or removing thesuppression. This includes if the target:Has aspell shield.Iscrowd control immuneordisplacement immune.Uses acleansingeffect, either before or after the attachment.Diesor entersresurrection.IsDevoured.', 'Has aspell shield.', 'Iscrowd control immuneordisplacement immune.', 'Uses acleansingeffect, either before or after the attachment.', 'Diesor entersresurrection.', 'IsDevoured.', 'Settwill only attach the target to him if they are still suppressed upon his arrival.', 'If the dash is interrupted, the target will be detached fromSettand the suppression will end immediately.IfSettentersresurrectionthe moment before the attachment,Settwill continue to perform the dash.(bug)', 'IfSettentersresurrectionthe moment before the attachment,Settwill continue to perform the dash.(bug)', "If the target isuntargetableuponSett'sarrival, he will stop the dash immediately.", "If the target is 2000 or more units away beforeSett'sarrival, he will not attach them to him. Thesuppressionwill last 5 seconds in this case.(bug)", 'The "crater" VFX originates from the target\'s landing, which inaccurately illustrates the damage\'s area of effect (from Sett).(bug)', 'Damage againstScuttle Racer, lootTeemo, lootVeigar, and practice dummy is now based off the champion with the mostbonushealthon the enemy team.']} | Settis one of 20 champions without a singleability powerratio on any ability:Aatrox,Camille,Darius,Dr. Mundo,Draven,Garen,Kayn,Kled,Naafiri,Nilah,Olaf,Pyke,Riven,Samira,Talon,Urgot,Xayah,Yone, andZed.
Rapidly using Sett'sdanceincreases how fast he does his sit ups rather than restarting the animation.[2]
Sett was teased ingame with theSett's Calling Cardloot item earnable in patchV9.24. It wasawardedby "Impressing Sett" (scoring first blood in PvP games) and openable from January 14, 2020. The card contained a Sett Champion Permanent. |
Shaco,the Demon Jester | | | health: Health630+99, resource: Mana297+40, health regen: Health regen. (per 5s)8.5+0.55, resource regen: Mana regen. (per 5s)6+0.45, armor: Armor30+4, attack damage: Attack damage63+3, attack speed: Base AS0.694, gameplay radius: Gameplay radius65, selection radius: Selection radius135, release: 2009-10-10, changed: V13.16, role: Assassin, position: JungleSupport, rangetype: Melee, adaptivetype: Physical, cost: 3150|790 | Games
ShacoTitlesAlias(es)The Demon JesterCharacteristicsSpeciesSpirit(Marionette)Pronoun(s)He/HimTimelineBorn:UnknownWeapon(s)Poisoned Dual ShivsJacks in the BoxesHallucinationPersonal statusStatusAlivePlace of originUnknownCurrent residenceUnknown(No Fixed Abode)Professional statusOccupation(s)Homicidal JesterToyRegion(s)RuneterraRelated character(s)FiddlesticksNocturne
• Born:Unknown
• Poisoned Dual Shivs
• Jacks in the Boxes
• Hallucination
Personal status
Place of origin
Current residence
Professional status
• Homicidal Jester
• Toy
Related character(s)
Crafted long ago as a plaything for a lonely prince, the enchanted marionette Shaco now delights in murder and mayhem. Corrupted by dark magic and the loss of his beloved charge, the once-kind puppet finds pleasure only in the misery of the poor souls he torments. He uses toys and simple tricks to deadly effect, finding the results of his bloody “games” hilarious—and for those who hear a dark chuckle in the dead of night, the Demon Jester may have marked them as his next plaything.
• 1Background1.1Early Life1.2Corruption and Sentience
• 2Appearance
• 3Personality
• 4Abilities
• 5Relations
• 6Read More6.1Biography6.2Starring Champion6.3Alternate Universes
• 7Trivia
• 8Change log
• 9References
• 10See also
• 1.1Early Life
• 1.2Corruption and Sentience
• 6.1Biography
• 6.2Starring Champion
• 6.3Alternate Universes
Early Life[]
Shaco was once a toy made for a young prince.
Corruption and Sentience[]
At some point, the prince that owned Shaco died, and through dark magic and corruption caused by the death of his owner, Shaco gained sentience. Soon, he started killing people and delighting in their pain. Shaco became a highly sought after fugitive by authorities due to his high number of crimes, and he is now a widely known criminal with no one knowing his origins or the motives behind his crimes.
Shaco dons the outfit of a jester with checkered pants, gold buttons, and spiked shoulderplates. He has pale skin, a disproportionately wide smile, and eyes with no pupils.
Shaco is an insane individual, committing atrocities just because he feels like it. He delights in others' pain and often finds what he does funny. There is no real motive to his crimes, although it is possible that he only does these things to entertain himself.
• Daggers:Shaco carries two poisoned dual shivs with him, making him able to stab his enemies and slowly eat away at those who survive.
• Invisibility:Shaco can turn invisible at will, making him able to hide from enemies and pull off unexpected attacks.
• Cloning:Shaco is able to make a clone of himself and control it, confusing enemies and making him able to attack his enemies with his clone as well.
Shaco has no known relations with any existing or known characters.
Read More
The Demon Jester
Starring Champion
Alternate Universes
Music Video
Coming Alive
ByNumerous Creators
In the fight of a lifetime, you may get knocked down. But never knocked out.
Journal of Justice
ByInstitute of War
Formare veneficum est formare fatum.
Starring:Akali,Alistar,Amumu,Anivia,Annie,Ashe,Blitzcrank,Brand,Cassiopeia,Cho'Gath,Corki,Darius,Dr. Mundo,Evelynn,Ezreal,Fiddlesticks,Gangplank,Garen,Gragas,Heimerdinger,Irelia,Janna,Jarvan IV,Jax,Karma,Karthus,Kassadin,Katarina,Kayle,Kennen,Kog'Maw,Lee Sin,Leona,Lissandra,Lux,Malzahar,Maokai,Master Yi,Mordekaiser,Morgana,Nasus,Nidalee,Nocturne,Nunu,Olaf,Pantheon,Poppy,Rammus,Renekton,Riven,Rumble,Ryze,Sejuani,Shaco,Shen,Singed,Sion,Sivir,Skarner,Sona,Soraka,Swain,Talon,Taric,Teemo,Tibbers,Tristana,Trundle,Tryndamere,Twisted Fate,Twitch,Udyr,Urgot,Veigar,Vladimir,Warwick,Willump,Wukong,Xin Zhao,Yorick,Zilean
The Unlikely Companions
Join Zoe and Kog'Maw as they journey through a magical world and confront the dark wizard, Shaco.
Tournament of Souls
ByTaylor Dinwiddie,Ty Sheedlo
Play League of Legends to build Samira's reputation and style on your competition at the Tournament of Souls! Face off against the strongest soul fighters in a series of fierce 1v1 matches to help Samira chase down her biggest bounty yet and fulfill her SOUL'S DESIRE!
Academy Adventures: Series 1
ByGutter Rat
Mentioned:Akali,Amumu,Anivia,Azir,Bard,Blitzcrank,Braum,Cho'Gath,Elise,Ezreal,Fiddlesticks,Fiora,Gnar,Heimerdinger,Ivern,Jhin,Jinx,Karthus,Kog'Maw,Lulu,Lux,Malzahar,Miss Fortune,Nidalee,Olaf,Poppy,Rek'Sai,Renekton,Rumble,Ryze,Shaco,Shen,Sion,Sona,Soraka,Talon,Taric,Teemo,Tristana,Trundle,Twitch,Urgot,Varus,Veigar,Vel'Koz,Vi,Yorick,Zed,Ziggs,Zyra
Academy Adventures: Series 2
ByGutter Rat
Mentioned:Amumu,Anivia,Annie,Ashe,Aurelion Sol,Braum,Caitlyn,Cho'Gath,Dr. Mundo,Draven,Elise,Ezreal,Fiddlesticks,Fizz,Galio,Gnar,Heimerdinger,Janna,Jhin,Jinx,Kog'Maw,Lulu,Lux,Malphite,Malzahar,Miss Fortune,Nami,Nasus,Olaf,Poppy,Rakan,Rammus,Rek'Sai,Riven,Rumble,Ryze,Shaco,Singed,Sona,Soraka,Syndra,Taliyah,Talon,Taric,Teemo,Thresh,Tibbers,Tristana,Twitch,Urgot,Varus,Veigar,Volibear,Warwick,Wukong,Xayah,Yasuo,Yorick,Zac,Zed,Ziggs,Zyra
Academy Adventures: Series 3
ByGutter Rat
Punches and Plants: Series 2
Mentioned:Aatrox,Ahri,Alistar,Amumu,Annie,Aurelion Sol,Azir,Bard,Blitzcrank,Caitlyn,Cho'Gath,Diana,Draven,Ekko,Ezreal,Fizz,Galio,Gnar,Graves,Heimerdinger,Jayce,Kha'Zix,Kog'Maw,Leona,Lucian,Lux,Malphite,Maokai,Miss Fortune,Nasus,Nautilus,Nidalee,Olaf,Orianna,Poppy,Quinn,Rakan,Renekton,Riven,Rumble,Shaco,Taric,Teemo,Tibbers,Tristana,Trundle,Udyr,Valor,Vel'Koz,Viktor,Volibear,Warwick,Wukong,Xayah,Xin Zhao,Yasuo,Ziggs
The Roadtrip
ByCassie Parkes,Marvin Clifford
Mentioned:Ahri,Ashe,Azir,Bard,Braum,Darius,Fiddlesticks,Garen,Gnar,Gragas,Graves,Irelia,Jinx,Kalista,Katarina,Kog'Maw,Lee Sin,Lulu,Master Yi,Nami,Poppy,Rakan,Shaco,Sona,Swain,Taric,Teemo,Twisted Fate,Varus,Xayah,Yasuo,Zilean
• While his title is "The Demon Jester", Shaco is not a demon.[1]
Change log[]
See also[] | Name: Backstab, Description: Innate: Shaco's basic attacks are empowered to deal 20 − 35 (based on level) (+ 25% bonus AD) bonus physical damage when hitting an enemy from behind. Backstab is affected by critical strike modifiers. Deceive and Two-Shiv Poison have additional effects when they hit an enemy from behind., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputPassive', 'damage_type': 'Physical', 'spell_shield': 'Not Blocked', 'parries': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', "Backstab'sbonus damage adds to the damage instance of the original basic attack.", 'The attacks do not deal thebonusdamage againststructures.']} | Name: Deceive, Description: Active: Shaco becomes invisible for a duration, and after a 0. 125 -second delay, he blinks to the target location. Invisibility Duration: 2. 5 / 2. 75 / 3 / 3. 25 / 3. 5 Deceive's invisibility breaks when Shaco uses a basic attack or casts Two-Shiv Poison , but not from casting Jack in the Box or Hallucinate . After breaking the invisibility, Shaco empowers his next basic attack within 0. 25 seconds to deal bonus physical damage , which is affected by critical strike modifiers. Bonus Physical Damage: 25 / 35 / 45 / 55 / 65 (+ 60% bonus AD) Backstab Bonus: The attack will critically strike for (55% + 45% ) bonus physical damage . Deceive will cast at max range if cast beyond that., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputLocation', 'damage_type': 'Physical', 'parries': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Map-Specific Differences', "Deceive'sbonus damage adds directly to the damage instance of the basic attack.", 'Now affected by -30 ability haste.']} | Name: Jack in the Box, Description: Active: Shaco summons a box at the target location that becomes stealthed after arming over 2 seconds, lasting for up to 40 (+ 10% AP) seconds. The box is invulnerable and untargetable to enemies while stealthed. The box will spring out upon enemy contact, fearing nearby enemies and reducing their movement speed for 2 seconds, modified against champions , who are also rooted for 0. 5 seconds. Enemy champions have their movement speed set to a static 100 , reduced to a static 60 for non-champions. Champion Disable Duration: 0. 5 / 0. 75 / 1 / 1. 25 / 1. 5 Once sprung, the box will remain for 5 seconds, during which it will automatically fire at nearby visible enemies every 0. 5 seconds, dealing magic damage with each attack. If the box attacks only one target, it deals increased damage. Boxes deal bonus magic damage to monsters and 50% reduced damage to structures . Magic Damage: 10 / 15 / 20 / 25 / 30 (+ 12% AP) Increased Damage: 25 / 40 / 55 / 70 / 85 (+ 18% AP) Bonus Monster Damage: 10 / 20 / 30 / 40 / 50 Total Monster Damage: 20 / 35 / 50 / 65 / 80 (+ 12% AP) Increased Monster Damage: 35 / 60 / 85 / 110 / 135 (+ 18% AP) See Pets for more details about boxes., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputLocation', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Map-Specific Differences', 'Thefleestarts at the same time as theroot, but since the target cannot move whilerootedthe effective duration of thefleeis reduced by theroot.', 'Static movement speedcannot be modified (e.g. withslow resistorbonusmovement speed).This effect can be negated if the target isslow-immune.', 'This effect can be negated if the target isslow-immune.', 'The box isuntargetableandinvulnerableso long as it is instealth. Effects that revealstealthed trapswill render the box targetable and vulnerable while it can be seen.', 'Limited to 6Boxesactive.', 'Limited to 6Boxesactive.', 'Fear duration changed to 0.5.']} | Name: Two-Shiv Poison, Description: Passive: Shaco's basic attacks slow enemies for 2 seconds while Two-Shiv Poison is not on cooldown. Slow: 20 / 22. 5 / 25 / 27. 5 / 30% Active: Shaco throws a dagger at the target enemy that deals magic damage , increased by 50% if they are below 30% of their maximum health , and slows them for 3 seconds. Magic Damage: 70 / 95 / 120 / 145 / 170 (+ 80% bonus AD) (+ 60% AP) Increased Damage: 105 / 142. 5 / 180 / 217. 5 / 255 (+ 120% bonus AD) (+ 90% AP) Slow: 20 / 22. 5 / 25 / 27. 5 / 30% Backstab Bonus: The dagger deals an additional 15 − 50 (based on level) (+ 10% AP) bonus magic damage , increased to 22. 5 − 75 (based on level) (+ 15% AP) if the target is below 30% of their maximum health ., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputUnit', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', "Shacoreplicates the last attack animation he performed forTwo-Shiv Poison'sanimation.", 'If the target becomesuntargetable,dies, or is too far away or no longer insightduring the cast time, this ability will cancel but does not go oncooldownnor pay its cost (if applicable).']} | Name: Hallucinate, Description: Active: Shaco vanishes for 0. 5 seconds and blinks in the target direction while creating a clone of himself that is summoned in the opposite direction , remaining within control range of him as a controllable clone for up to 18 seconds. Hallucinate can be recast at any time while the clone is alive, and can be used while affected by cast-inhibiting crowd control . Recast: Shaco commands the clone to move to the target location. The clone will explode upon dying or expiring to deal magic damage to nearby enemies and deploy three mini-boxes that activate instantly, fearing nearby enemies for 1 second. Magic Damage: 150 / 225 / 300 (+ 70% AP) The boxes possess Jack in the Box's effects, except they have a doubled, but shared health , and deal modified magic damage with each attack, increased when attacking a single unit. Modified Magic Damage: 10 / 20 / 30 (+ 10% AP) Increased Modified Damage: 25 / 50 / 75 (+ 15% AP) See Pets for more details about Shaco's clone., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputDirection', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Shacoand theHallucinationwill face each other the moment of their appearance.', 'The explosion and theboxesapplyarea damage, while the clone dealspet damage.', 'Hallucinatewill cast from whereverShacois at the end of the cast time.', 'The clone will automatically begin attacking the nearest enemy whenShacodies, unless it loses vision of the target.', 'The clone will always spawn in the opposite direction of the cursor.IfDeceiveandHallucinateare used in quick succession, the clone will spawn in the direction of the cursor instead.', 'IfDeceiveandHallucinateare used in quick succession, the clone will spawn in the direction of the cursor instead.']} | ERROR:Shaco's eyes are mistakenly colored purple on his uncentered splash art, Loading screen, Square, and Circle assets. They are supposed to be blue, as shown in his model, newest emotes, Illustration and Champie icons, centered splash art, and old splash art.
Shaco is one of a few champions to have multiple textures in one skin. When he usesHallucinate, his clone will be of a different colour palette which can only be seen by Shaco and his allies. To the opposing team, the two Shacos look exactly the same, including copies of any externalbuffsanditemeffects active at the moment the clone is spawned (Prior to patchV5.22, clones did not duplicate external buff/active item effect particles).Four other champions with this feature areLeBlanc(viaMirror Image),Wukong's(viaWarrior Trickster),Nasus(viaFury of the Sands) andMalphite(viaGranite ShieldandThunderclap).
Shaco's dance referencesThe Worm, abreakdance move.A side-by-side comparison can be seenhere.
Shacomight be referencing theHarlequinCrestfromDiablo.
It's possible that many aspects of Shaco's champion design, such as his appearance, his laugh and his "manic killer clown" persona were inspired byKefka PalazzofromFinal Fantasy VI.
The nameShacois ananagramfor the word 'chaos' (mentioned in theJournal of Justice- Issue 13: 10 Questions with Shaco), befitting his penchant for it.
There was a rework concept that turned Shaco into aprojectilebut hitting aWind Wallin this form would remove him from the game.[2] |
Shen,the Eye of Twilight | | | health: Health610+99, resource: Energy400+0, health regen: Health regen. (per 5s)8.5+0.75, resource regen: Energy regen. (per 5s)50, armor: Armor34+4.2, attack damage: Attack damage60+3, attack speed: Base AS0.751, gameplay radius: Gameplay radius65, selection radius: Selection radius100, release: 2010-03-24, changed: V13.20, role: Warden, position: TopSupport, rangetype: Melee, adaptivetype: Physical, cost: 3150|790 | Missing section(s):
MainPresentArmoredDisguiseTeen 1Teen 2YoungTitlesAlias(es)Eye of TwilightMaster ShenCharacteristicsSpeciesHuman(Magical)Pronoun(s)He/HimTimelineBorn:961 AN - 966 ANWeapon(s)Ionian Steel SaberSpirit BladeVorpal BladePersonal statusStatusAlivePlace of originTemple of Thanjuul,IoniaCurrent residenceTemple of Koeshin,IoniaFamilyKusho†(Father)Unnamed MotherZed(Adopted Brother)Althon†(Cousin)Yevnai(Ex-Fiancé)Professional statusOccupation(s)Interplanar GuardianPrimary Leader of theKinkou OrderRegion(s)IoniaFaction(s)Kinkou OrderRelated character(s)KushoZedJhinKennenAkaliKayn
• Main
• Present
• Armored
• Disguise
• Teen 1
• Teen 2
• Young
• Eye of Twilight
• Master Shen
• Born:961 AN - 966 AN
• Ionian Steel Saber
• Spirit Blade
• Vorpal Blade
Personal status
Place of origin
Current residence
• Kusho†(Father)
• Unnamed Mother
• Zed(Adopted Brother)
• Althon†(Cousin)
• Yevnai(Ex-Fiancé)
Professional status
• Interplanar Guardian
• Primary Leader of theKinkou Order
Related character(s)
Among the secretive,Ionianwarriors known as theKinkou,Shenserves as their leader, the Eye of Twilight. He longs to remain free from the confusion of emotion, prejudice, and ego, and walks the unseen path of dispassionate judgment between the spirit realm and the physical world. Tasked with enforcing the equilibrium between them, Shen wields blades of steel and arcane energy against any who would threaten it.
• 1Background1.1Early life1.2Recent events
• 2Appearance
• 3Personality
• 4Abilities
• 5Relations5.1Kinkou5.2Zed5.3Yevnai
• 6Read More6.1Biography6.2Starring Champion6.3Mentioned Champion6.4Alternate Universes
• 7Trivia
• 8Change log
• 9References
• 10See also
• 1.1Early life
• 1.2Recent events
• 5.1Kinkou
• 5.2Zed
• 5.3Yevnai
• 6.1Biography
• 6.2Starring Champion
• 6.3Mentioned Champion
• 6.4Alternate Universes
Early life[]
Shen was the son of Master Kusho, the previous Eye of Twilight of the Kinkou, whose role was to maintain the equilibrium between the spirit and physical realms. As Shen grew up, he was a good student when it came to learning the Kinkou teachings such asPruning the Tree,Coursing the Sun, andWatching the Stars, and he was also able to make decisions dispassionately and without prejudice.
When Zed (then known as Govos) was invited into the Kinkou order, Shen was initially much stronger than the newcomer. But Zed was a fast learner and his abilities soon rivaled Shen, but he lacked Shen’s dispassion. Yet they grew up as brothers.
At one point, Kusho, Shen, and Zed set out to hunt down the Golden Demon, a murderer who had plagued the province of Zhyun. When they captured the Golden Demon, it turned out to be Jihn, a stagehand from a traveling theater. Shen was ready to accept his father’s wish to imprison the murderer while Zed wanted to get revenge by killing him instead.
Recent events[]
• Spiritualist:Shen has a deep connection to the Spirit Realm, created through meditation and spiritual practices, allowing him to sense the influences of the Spirit Realm, and use it's magic for several purposes. Shen carries the Role of the Eye of Twilight, and wields the powers that comes with it.Transitory State:As the bridge between the Material and Spirit Worlds, Shen can shift from the Physical Realm to the Spiritual and vice-versa at will. This allows him to teleport to other's places at will, whether to avoid injuries or to aid his allies.Spirit Sign:Shen's spiritual connections allow him to see spiritual forces.
• Transitory State:As the bridge between the Material and Spirit Worlds, Shen can shift from the Physical Realm to the Spiritual and vice-versa at will. This allows him to teleport to other's places at will, whether to avoid injuries or to aid his allies.
• Spirit Sign:Shen's spiritual connections allow him to see spiritual forces.
Shen leads the survivingKinkouwhich has a great conflict of interest withZed'sOrder of Shadow and its defiance of Ionia's sacred balance.Kennenremains by his side whileAkaliwent rogue. She andShenparted on neutral terms. Neither hates the other but both disapprove of the other's methods.[1]AfterAkaliandZedmade their choice, Shen is starting to doubt whether the old way still works.
Shen andZedare childhood friends and used to consider each other as brother beforeZed"murdered" Master Kusho. Master Kusho, Shen, and Zed were responsible for capturing and imprisoningKhada Jhin, but were traumatised by the Golden Demon's actions in the process. Later on, when Jhin was set free again, Zed sought out Shen in order to inform him about Jhin's reappearance and to team up with him to stop him. Shen, despite still wishing to avenge his father's death, accepted the truce for the greater good. The duo later saved a capturedAkalifromJhinand caught him. Shen is torn between killing Zed to avenge his father Kusho (the Kinkou's previous master and wielder of thespirit blade) and enforcing equilibrium with the spirit realm (his duty takes priority, but he won't hesitate if given the chance). Zed could have revealed the truth about Kusho to Shen but then decided it was better for Shen to be disillusioned with Zed than to be disillusioned with his own father. That's probably not fair, and maybe Shen has a right to know. But Zed is flawed... and blinded by his need to feel he's worthy and honorable.[2]
Shen was arranged to be married to Yevnai but the engagement was called off afterZed"killed" Master Kusho.Zedand Yevnai were at one point secretly in a relationship even when forbidden by Master Kusho, unknown to Shen though he possibly suspected it.[3]
Read More
The Eye of Twilight
ByMichael Luo
Starring Champion
Short Story
The Bow, and the Kunai
ByJoey Yu
The air of southern Shon-Xan was rife with raw magic.
The Lesson
Akali learns an important lesson from her former Kinkou master, Shen, when they encounter a young woodcutter upsetting the balance of Ionia.
Short Story
The Man with the Steel Cane
ByOdin Austin Shafer
Short Story • 4 Minute Read
True Neutral
ByJohn O'Bryan
It was no tempest. It was a spirit' said the fisherman, still rattled by the shipwreck he'd barely survived two nights ago. The man told of his fishing vessel being sunk by a creature, large as a house and quick as the wind.
Zed: Issue 1
ByOdin Austin Shafer,Edgar Salazar,Lorenzo Ruggiero,Chris O'Halloran
Zed is lured back to a village where he and Shen once encountered a great evil, a brutal killer from their past resurfaces: the magically gifted psychopath Khada Jhin!
Zed: Issue 2
ByOdin Austin Shafer,Edgar Salazar,Lorenzo Ruggiero,Chris O'Halloran
Zed is under attack from all sides! He and his band of assassins are ambushed by the twisted Khada Jhin! In order to survive, Zed will be forced to confront his past sins and seek the aid of his most bitter enemy--the Eye of Twilight, Shen!
Zed: Issue 3
ByOdin Austin Shafer,Edgar Salazar,Lorenzo Ruggiero,Chris O'Halloran
In order to survive, Zed will be forced to confront his past sins and seek the aid of his most bitter enemy--the Eye of Twilight, Shen!
Zed: Issue 4
ByOdin Austin Shafer,Edgar Salazar,Lorenzo Ruggiero,Chris O'Halloran
Khada Jhin's master plan comes together in a most explosive and deadly manner! But even if Zed and Shen survive, they might just kill one another! Only one will be left standing by the end of this issue!
Zed: Issue 5
ByOdin Austin Shafer,Edgar Salazar,Lorenzo Ruggiero,Chris O'Halloran
Zed has been captured and is at the mercy of his most bitter enemy--and once most trusted friend--Shen! Meanwhile Akali sets out on her own in search of the deadly Jhin--a journey that may lead her to her own doom! But what is Jhin's endgame?
Zed: Issue 6
ByOdin Austin Shafer,Edgar Salazar,Lorenzo Ruggiero,Chris O'Halloran
It's all led to this: Zed and Shen, united in a final battle with the psychopathic murderer Khada Jhin! And the life of the captive Akali hangs in the balance! Then--Shen and Zed's greatest enemy will stand revealed…and you'll never guess who it is! Shocking secrets about the past AND the present will be unveiled…and whoever survives will be left to pick up the pieces!
Mentioned Champion
Short Story
Between Light and Shadows
ByJoey Yu
Kennen had not slowed since setting off from the Great Temple of Koeshin.
Short Story
Leaving Weh'le
ByMichael McCarthy
“Ah— Hey! Bo'lii!” I cry out. “Cut me a little deep, don't you think?”
Tales of Runeterra
Starring: N/A
Mentioned:Akali,Braum,Corki,Darius,Diana,Ekko,Fiora,Garen,Graves,Heimerdinger,Jinx,Leona,Lulu,Miss Fortune,Shen,Teemo,Thresh,Tristana,Twisted Fate
The Heart of the Tempest
ByIan St. Martin
The Master of Shadows
ByMichael Luo,Ariel Lawrence
The Rogue Assassin
ByMichael McCarthy
The Virtuoso
ByOdin Austin Shafer,Ian St. Martin
Alternate Universes
Music Video
By Numerous creators
Since its inception, Worlds has grown and evolved. Each unbelievable play and phenomenal match created moments and memories that will never be forgotten. In these iconic moments, players and teams reached for something incredible within themselves and brought it to life on the Summoner’s Rift...
Starring:Aatrox,Ahri,Alistar,Anivia,Annie,Ashe,Brand,Caitlyn,Darius,Draven,Elise,Ezreal,Gnar,Janna,Jax,Jayce,Jinx,Kassadin,Katarina,Kennen,Kha'Zix,Lulu,Orianna,Rek'Sai,Rengar,Rumble,Ryze,Shen,Sivir,Tahm Kench,Teemo,Twisted Fate,Yasuo,Ziggs
Journal of Justice
ByInstitute of War
Formare veneficum est formare fatum.
Starring:Akali,Alistar,Amumu,Anivia,Annie,Ashe,Blitzcrank,Brand,Cassiopeia,Cho'Gath,Corki,Darius,Dr. Mundo,Evelynn,Ezreal,Fiddlesticks,Gangplank,Garen,Gragas,Heimerdinger,Irelia,Janna,Jarvan IV,Jax,Karma,Karthus,Kassadin,Katarina,Kayle,Kennen,Kog'Maw,Lee Sin,Leona,Lissandra,Lux,Malzahar,Maokai,Master Yi,Mordekaiser,Morgana,Nasus,Nidalee,Nocturne,Nunu,Olaf,Pantheon,Poppy,Rammus,Renekton,Riven,Rumble,Ryze,Sejuani,Shaco,Shen,Singed,Sion,Sivir,Skarner,Sona,Soraka,Swain,Talon,Taric,Teemo,Tibbers,Tristana,Trundle,Tryndamere,Twisted Fate,Twitch,Udyr,Urgot,Veigar,Vladimir,Warwick,Willump,Wukong,Xin Zhao,Yorick,Zilean
No war stays hidden for long.
Starring:Ezreal,Master Yi,Shen,Sona,Vi
Academy Adventures: Series 1
ByGutter Rat
Mentioned:Akali,Amumu,Anivia,Azir,Bard,Blitzcrank,Braum,Cho'Gath,Elise,Ezreal,Fiddlesticks,Fiora,Gnar,Heimerdinger,Ivern,Jhin,Jinx,Karthus,Kog'Maw,Lulu,Lux,Malzahar,Miss Fortune,Nidalee,Olaf,Poppy,Rek'Sai,Renekton,Rumble,Ryze,Shaco,Shen,Sion,Sona,Soraka,Talon,Taric,Teemo,Tristana,Trundle,Twitch,Urgot,Varus,Veigar,Vel'Koz,Vi,Yorick,Zed,Ziggs,Zyra
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As the 2013 League of Legends World Championship final draws near, we showcase the biggest heroes in esports from around the world. Many teams fell by the wayside in epic battles, and now only two remain: Korea's SK Telecom T1 and China's Royal Club. Who will rise?
Starring: N/A
Mentioned:Blitzcrank,Brand,Caitlyn,Corki,Elise,Ezreal,Gragas,Janna,Jarvan IV,Jayce,Kennen,Kha'Zix,Lee Sin,Lux,Malphite,Mordekaiser,Orianna,Renekton,Ryze,Shen,Thresh,Twisted Fate,Vayne,Zac,Zed
The Tale of the Poro King
By Numerous creators
Starring: N/A
Mentioned:Aatrox,Akali,Ashe,Aurelion Sol,Azir,Braum,Caitlyn,Cho'Gath,Darius,Diana,Draven,Ezreal,Gnar,Illaoi,Janna,Jarvan IV,Jayce,Kai'Sa,Karma,Karthus,Katarina,Kayle,Kayn,Kennen,Kha'Zix,Lee Sin,Leona,Lulu,Lux,Malzahar,Miss Fortune,Nunu,Ornn,Pantheon,Pyke,Rammus,Rek'Sai,Rhaast,Ryze,Sejuani,Shen,Sion,Sivir,Soraka,Sylas,Syndra,Taliyah,Talon,Taric,Thresh,Tristana,Trundle,Udyr,Vi,Volibear,Willump,Yasuo,Zed,Ziggs,Zoe
Music Video
Worlds Collide
By Numerous creators
Two teams have risen above their peers. Ten warriors have laid claim to the Summoner’s Cup. Five champions will etch their names in history.
Starring: N/A
• Shenmeans spirit, holy, or deity;[4]from Mandarinshén[ʂə̃n˧˥] 神 <OC*m-lin.[5]
• The Eye of Twilightis the title for the leader of theKinkou Order, entrusted with the sacred duty of Watching the Stars - exercising judgment untainted by prejudice.Ioniaconsiders twilight as a time of when dark and light are in balance.
• Zedwas originally considered for the titleThe Eye of Twilightbefore he left the Order, which forced Shen to take it.Shen wanted to leave theKinkou Orderto defendIoniafromNoxusduring the first invasion but chose to stay mostly because ofZedleaving the order.[6]
• He uses 2 blades: the Spirit blade to cut the spirits and the steel saber to cut the living.The spirit blade has a vessel on his back that only comes off when he attacks. He can separate the blades power for his shield without moving the vessel.
• He is between 33– 35 years old.He was the same age as present dayAkali(or around 19 years old) when he first caughtJhin.
• Shen'sKi Barrier, previously known asKi Strike, is one of the fighting ways of a combat technique known as Ki.Rivenalso seems to have mastered the technique ofKi Burst.
• Ioniaconsiders twilight as a time of when dark and light are in balance.
• Shen wanted to leave theKinkou Orderto defendIoniafromNoxusduring the first invasion but chose to stay mostly because ofZedleaving the order.[6]
• The spirit blade has a vessel on his back that only comes off when he attacks. He can separate the blades power for his shield without moving the vessel.
• He was the same age as present dayAkali(or around 19 years old) when he first caughtJhin.
Change log[]
See also[] | Name: Ki Barrier, Description: Innate: After completing an ability's effects, Shen grants himself a shield for 50 − 101 (based on level) (+ 12% bonus health) for 2. 5 seconds. If Shen affects at least one other champion with an ability, Ki Barrier's cooldown is reduced by 4 − 7. 5 (based on level) seconds. Shen manifests a Spirit Blade that he can control with Twilight Assault and Spirit's Refuge ., STATIC COOLDOWN: STATICCOOLDOWN:10, {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputPassive', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'TheSpirit Bladespawns withShen, teleports closer to him if he gets too far away, and instantly blinks to him if he uses any globalblink(Teleport,Recall, orStand United). It will also dissappear ifShendies and reappear uponrespawning.', 'Enemies see an arrow pointing fromShento the location of hisSpirit Bladeeven if it is not visible.', 'Twilight Assaultwill grant the shield if theSpirit BladereachesShen. If it is stopped, no shield is granted. It will grant the cooldown reduction upon hitting an enemy champion.', "Spirit's Refugewill grant the shield and/or the cooldown reduction after the protective zone disappears. It does not need to block attacks to trigger the cooldown reduction, just touch an ally champion at any point of the duration.", 'Shadow Dashwill grant the shield when the dash ends. It will grant the cooldown reduction upon hitting an enemy champion.If the dash isinterrupted, the shield will instead be received the moment thecrowd controlsource is applied, before damage calculation (if any).', 'If the dash isinterrupted, the shield will instead be received the moment thecrowd controlsource is applied, before damage calculation (if any).', 'Stand Unitedwill give the shield and/or the cooldown reduction upon completing the channel.']} | Name: Twilight Assault, Description: Active: Shen recalls his Spirit Blade to his location. Enemy champions hit are slowed for the next 2 seconds while moving away from Shen . Slow: 15 / 20 / 25 / 30 / 35% Once it arrives, Shen empowers his next 3 basic attacks within 8 seconds to gain 75 bonus range and deal bonus magic damage . Bonus Magic Damage: 10 − 40 (based on level) (+ 2 / 2. 5 / 3 / 3. 5 / 4% (+ 1. 5 % per 100 AP) of target's maximum health) Total Magic Damage: 30 − 120 (based on level) (+ 6 / 7. 5 / 9 / 10. 5 / 12% (+ 4. 5 % per 100 AP) of target's maximum health) If the Spirit Blade hit at least one enemy champion during the travel, the empowerment is enhanced to deal increased bonus magic damage and additionally grant Shen 50% bonus attack speed . Increased Bonus Damage: 10 − 40 (based on level) (+ 4 / 4. 5 / 5 / 5. 5 / 6% (+ 2% per 100 AP) of target's maximum health) Total Increased Damage: 30 − 120 (based on level) (+ 12 / 13. 5 / 15 / 16. 5 / 18% (+ 6% per 100 AP) of target's maximum health) Empowered attacks against monsters deal 100% bonus damage, but their total damage is capped. Maximum Monster Damage: 120 / 140 / 160 / 180 / 200, {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputAuto', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'parries': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'TheSpirit Bladewill stop in place upon colliding withWind WallorUnbreakable. If this occurs,Shenwill not receive the empowered attacks.', "When it is called, theSpirit Bladealso checks for units which'sgameplay radiusit overlaps which (equal to a0 radius check) before flying off, allowing it to hit enemies whose center is behind the missile origin.", 'The empowered attack will not trigger againststructuresnorwards.']} | Name: Spirit's Refuge, Description: Active: Shen primes his Spirit Blade , creating an area around it. After 2 seconds, or when Shen or an allied champion enters the area, the Spirit Blade generates a protective zone for 1. 75 seconds, blocking all non- turret basic attacks that hit Shen or allied champions in the area., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputAuto', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', "Spirit's Refuge'sprotective zone can be moved while active ifShenusesTwilight Assault.", "Spirit's Refugecannot be ranked up atLevel1.", "Spirit's Refugewill also block damage from all abilities that usebasic damage(Lunge,Mystic Shot,Steel Tempest)."]} | Name: Shadow Dash, Description: Passive: Dealing damage with Twilight Assault or Shadow Dash restores 30 / 40 / 50 (based on level) energy . Active: Shen dashes to the target location, dealing physical damage to enemy champions and monsters he passes through and taunting them for 1. 5 seconds. Physical Damage: 60 / 85 / 110 / 135 / 160 (+ 15% bonus health) Twilight Assault and Spirit's Refuge can be cast during the dash. Shadow Dash will cast at max range if cast beyond that., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputLocation', 'damage_type': 'Physical', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', "CastingFlashduringShadow Dashwill end the dash prematurely, but the end-of-dash collision check will hit enemies at theblink'slocation still.This still cannot affect the same enemy more than once.", 'This still cannot affect the same enemy more than once.', 'The energy restore fromShadow Dashmay only occur once.']} | Name: Stand United, Description: Active: Shen channels for 3 seconds and granting a shield to the target allied champion at the time of cast for up to 5 seconds, increased by 0% − 60% (based on target's missing health) . Minimum Shield Strength: 130 / 290 / 450 (+ 135% AP) (+ 16% bonus health) Maximum Shield Strength: 208 / 464 / 720 (+ 216% AP) (+ 25. 6 % bonus health) Upon completing the channel, Shen and his Spirit Blade blink to the target ally's location, placed between them and the nearest enemy champion. Shen also destroys any projectiles targeting him at the time of completion., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputUnit', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', "Due to several character stats needing to be recalculated each time a character spawns, castingStand Unitedimmediately upon respawning will cause its cooldown to be unaffected by ability haste, and the shielding will not be increased byShen'sability power, but will be increased by hisbonusmaximum health.(bug)", 'Stand Unitedcan target allies via themini mapor on their portraits or by using theF2 - F5keys (none of this can be done ifShenis affected bynearsightor his target isuntargetable).', 'Shenwill turn to face towards his target ally at the start of the channel.If the target isstealthed, enemies could, in theory, use this to estimate their location.', 'If the target isstealthed, enemies could, in theory, use this to estimate their location.', "Shenwill channel so long as his target is alive (even if the granted shield is broken). If his target dies, the channel is canceled andStand Unitedgoes on full cooldown.InterruptingStand United'schannel will not remove the shield prematurely.", "InterruptingStand United'schannel will not remove the shield prematurely.", "The target's screen will glow purple to telegraph thatShenhas targeted them withStand United.It will change back when the channel ends.", 'It will change back when the channel ends.', 'Shen finds the nearest visible enemy champion within 2000 range from the ally or the nearest invisible champion within 600 range to place himself 175 units from his ally towards that enemy.', 'The following table refers for interactions whileShenischanneling:', 'Death', 'Grounding effects', 'Immobilizing effects', 'Cast-inhibiting effects']} | Shenis written 慎shèn[ʂə̃n˥˩] "caution" in Chinese localization.
Shen was the first champion to use energy as a resource for abilities.
Before the release ofPulsefire Shen, neither him norZedreveal their faces in any of their skins, unlikeAkali(All-star,Nurse,Blood Moon) andKennen(Karate,M.D.). However, Shen has never revealed his full face in any skin.
Shen's dance referencesTai chi24-form.A side-by-side comparison can be seenhere.
Shen is the first dark-themed Ionian champion, beforeVarus,Syndra,Zed,Jhin,Xayah, &Kayn(Noxian-born).
Shen,Pantheon, andTwisted Fatewere the first to have a global-range teleport ability.After the other two's were heavily changed Shen remained the only one left with such an ability untilRek'Saiwas released.Rek'Saiwould then later lose her global-range teleport capabilities as well.
Shen used to gain the'Law of Inverse Ninja Strength'cosmeticEaster eggdebuff ("This unit is a flippin' ninja!"-"Ninjas are more effective when they work alone. For every Ninja on your team beyond yourself, you lose 1 health.") when he,Akali,Kennen, and/orZedfound themselves on the same team. It was removed inV3.14for unknown reasons. |
Shyvana,the Half-Dragon | | | health: Health665+104, resource: ResourceN/A, health regen: Health regen. (per 5s)8.5+0.8, resource regen: Secondary BarFury(100), armor: Armor38+4.55, attack damage: Attack damage66+3, attack speed: Base AS0.658, gameplay radius: Gameplay radius65, selection radius: Selection radius100, release: 2011-11-01, changed: V13.16, role: Juggernaut, position: TopJungle, rangetype: Melee, adaptivetype: Physical, cost: 3150|790 | Games
ShyvanaHumanTransformingDragonRuinedRuined DragonTitlesNickname(s)AnaAnaFilthy wyrmAlias(es)The Half-DragonDragonguard ShyvanaThe Chained OneCharacteristicsSpeciesTerrestrial Dragon(Magically Altered)Pronoun(s)She/HerTimelineBorn:966 AN - 971 ANWeapon(s)Fire MagicDragon FormPersonal statusStatusAlivePlace of originPiltoverCurrent residenceDemacia(No Fixed Abode)FamilyUnnamed Adopted Father†Yvva†(Mother)9Unnamed Brother*Professional statusOccupation(s)DragonguardWandererRegion(s)DemaciaFaction(s)DragonguardRelated character(s)Jarvan IVGalioXin ZhaoPoppySonaViegoSylas
• Human
• Transforming
• Dragon
• Ruined
• Ruined Dragon
• Ana
• Ana
• Filthy wyrm
• The Half-Dragon
• Dragonguard Shyvana
• The Chained One
• Born:966 AN - 971 AN
• Fire Magic
• Dragon Form
Personal status
Place of origin
Current residence
• Unnamed Adopted Father†
• Yvva†(Mother)
• 9Unnamed Brother*
Professional status
• Dragonguard
• Wanderer
Related character(s)
Shyvanais a creature with pure elemental magic blazing in her heart. Though she most often appears humanoid, she can take her true form when necessary—that of a fearsome dragon, incinerating her foes with fiery breath. Having saved the life of the crown princeJarvan IV, Shyvana now serves uneasily in his royal guard, struggling to find acceptance among the suspicious people ofDemacia.
• 1Background1.1Early life1.2Contemporary history1.3Recent events
• 2Appearance
• 3Personality
• 4Abilities
• 5Relations5.1Jarvan IV5.2Dragonguard5.3Mageseekers5.4Sentinels of Light
• 6Read More6.1Biography6.2Starring Champion6.3Mentioned Champion6.4Alternate Universes
• 7Trivia
• 8Change log
• 9References
• 10See also
• 1.1Early life
• 1.2Contemporary history
• 1.3Recent events
• 5.1Jarvan IV
• 5.2Dragonguard
• 5.3Mageseekers
• 5.4Sentinels of Light
• 6.1Biography
• 6.2Starring Champion
• 6.3Mentioned Champion
• 6.4Alternate Universes
Early life[]
Shyvana was born from Yvva, a powerful fire dragon. Prior to hatching, her egg was captured by a mage, and Yvva could not get it back. The mage kept the egg, and it hatched, but instead of being born as a baby dragon, Shyvana was born as a human with unnatural, pale blue skin. The mage grew fond of the little girl and decided to raise her as his daughter in secret. As Shyvana grew, she discovered more and more of her latent abilities. The mage did everything he could to help her control budding draconic magic and, by her adolescence, she was able to transform between her human form and that of a powerful dragon at will.
Contemporary history[]
Yvva, who had a psychic connection with her daughter, managed to track her down. In her rage, she burned down the entire town Shyvana called home. Shyvana hid amidst some ruins, watching helplessly as her mother rained fire from above. The mage himself did not escape the flames. Shyvana watched on as he succumbed to the inferno and, when her mother was finished, she came out of hiding, retrieved his charred corpse, and gave him a simple burial. She mourned her once-captor turned adoptive father—slain by her very mother—alone.
Fearful that her mother might return, Shyvana took to living on the move, never staying in the same place twice. One day, wandering through a forest, she picked up the aroma of fresh, human blood among the scent of trees and fauna. Following her nose, she found a wounded warrior on the verge of death. Transforming into her draconic form, she took the unconscious man to Wrenwall castle, saving his life. There, she found that this man was none other than PrinceJarvanIV, sole son and heir apparent to the throne of Demacia. The soldiers of the castle looked upon Shyvana with disgust because of her magical nature, but for her valor in saving the prince, she was treated with respect. She would later reflect that her time spent there was the most serene time of her life.
However, serenity never lasts and, in her peace, Shyvana had forgotten her pursuer. Yvva found her there, among the Demacians, and Shyvana knew what would surely follow. The soldiers quickly sent the civilians inside the fortress to protect them and, knowing her mother's quarry was her alone, Shyvana prepared to flee. Prince Jarvan intercepted Shyvana's attempted escape, forcing the half-dragon to tearfully tell him the truth: This dragon was none other than her mother, and so long as Shyvana herself was here, both him and his people were in danger. Jarvan, never having forgotten the kindness Shyvana had showed him by saving his life, swore then that he would never abandon her, nor allow her to face her mother alone. Moved, Shyvana accepted the offer of aid, and prepared to face Yvva with the might of Demacia by her side.
As Yvva appeared on the horizon, the castle archers began distracting her with arrows. She sprayed a burst of fire on the castle in retaliation, heavily wounding the archer line. Just as she let her guard down, Shyvana sprinted out of the palace and leapt into the air, transformed into dragon in mid-flight. Shyvana and Yvva fought a fierce and gruesome battle. Shyvana had never used her abilities in such a way before. Remembering the people she was protecting, and those who were hurt protecting her, Shyvana grabbed her mother's head, and broke Yvva's neck on a castle wall, closing the battle.
Following the confrontation with her mother, Prince Jarvan IV honored Shyvana's bravery, and asked whether she would journey with him to Demacia proper. Shyvana wholeheartedly accepted. Though Shyvana was afraid that she would be distrusted due to her nature, these proved to be unfounded: The people of Demacia welcomed her as a hero, and Prince Jarvan offered her a place within the elite group known as the Dragonguard, so she might protect this land from other dangerous dragons like Yvva.
Recent events[]
During the rebellion of the magicians, Jarvan confrontedSylas. The two had an arduous battle, and Sylas nearly bested the prince, but, just before Sylas could finish the job, Shyvana descended from the sky and disrupted the battle, prepared to honor her role as Dragonguard.
Sylas faced the two of them, and a fierce fight ensued. A furious Shyvana implored Jarvan to withdraw, and, trusting her judgment, he listened. With the prince out of the way, Shyvana was free to transform into her draconic form, ready to crush Sylas once and for all. But she underestimated the Kingslayer, and he bested her. Wounded, she reverted to her human form and plummeted to the ground. Sylas moved in for the kill, and Prince Jarvan intercepted him, risking his own life to protect not merely a guard, not merely a woman, but a being of pure magic. Quick on the uptake, Sylas noted their connection, and accused the crown prince of hypocrisy. While Sylas rotted in prison for his magic, the prince had fallen in love with a being composed of it. Seeing how injured his opponents were, Sylas once again moved in to kill Jarvan, but Shyvana, with what forces she still possessed, conjured a circle of fire around the two of them, cutting Sylas off. In the end, Sylas had no choice but to flee, but not before swearing that he would kill the prince and his beloved dragon. Slipping into unconsciousness, Shyvana collapsed into Jarvan's arms.
Following the battle, Shyvana had no choice but to leave Demacia due to the countless rules against wizards and magical beings. As he once had, Jarvan tried to convince her not to leave, and she suggested that they leave together, and start a new life. He told her what she already knew: He couldn't do it. Before she left, she implored him not to allow his father's ruthlessness to pass on to the kingdom Jarvan would rule, but Jarvan told her that it was too late for that. With a sad smile, she replied that no transformation lasts forever, and wished him good luck. She then jumped from the castle tower and, assuming draconic form, flew away from the castle, though, perhaps, never too far.
After Jarvan disbanded theMageseekers, Shyvana is seen returning from the horizon, finally free to come home.
Shyvana is portrayed as a slender woman with pale blue skin, black hair tied in a ponytail with two strands braided over her shoulders, and blue eyes with slit pupils which glow fiery red when she's enraged. She wears red and gold colored armor which covers her head, arms and legs. In her monstrous form, she turns into a medium-sized red and gray dragon.
Despite being half dragon, Shyvana possesses human emotions because she was raised among them. She is loyal, kind, and helpful to all who show her affection, but she is not without a rather fiery temperament, when provoked.
• Unique Dragon Physiology:Shyvana was born from a dragon's egg, and hatched in a humanoid form. The reason for this is unknown. Her mysterious nature granted her many powers.Draconic Transformation:Shyvana can change shape from her humanoid form to her draconic form at will.Superhuman Strength: Shyvana is much stronger than a normal human, easly able to defeat foes far larger than her.Superhuman Durability:Shyvana's durability far exceeds that of a normal human, allowing her to withstand attacks that would kill a normal human.Flight:In her dragon form, Shyvana gains a par of wings that allow her to fly at high speeds.Fire Magic:In her human form, Shyvana can channel fire to embolden her physical attacks, or to send fireballs at her enemies. In her dragon form, her very breath can unleash a powerful inferno, scorching all who would oppose her..
• Draconic Transformation:Shyvana can change shape from her humanoid form to her draconic form at will.
• Superhuman Strength: Shyvana is much stronger than a normal human, easly able to defeat foes far larger than her.
• Superhuman Durability:Shyvana's durability far exceeds that of a normal human, allowing her to withstand attacks that would kill a normal human.
• Flight:In her dragon form, Shyvana gains a par of wings that allow her to fly at high speeds.
• Fire Magic:In her human form, Shyvana can channel fire to embolden her physical attacks, or to send fireballs at her enemies. In her dragon form, her very breath can unleash a powerful inferno, scorching all who would oppose her..
Jarvan IV[]
Jarvan IV was saved byShyvanaafter escaping from the Noxian capture and later helped her in slaying her mother, Yvva, and, out of gratitude, she earned a spot in the Demacian Elite Guard. InLux comics, it was revealed Jarvan loved someone that wasn't so different from the mages. That person may be Shyvana herself.
She would later join theDragonguard, a special branch of the Demacian military tasked in defending Demacian lands from dragons. While some are close to Shyvana and trust her, others are skeptical due to her nature.
After Jarvan III's death and the crackdown on mages instituted byJarvan IV, Shyvana was also imprisoned by theMageseekers. It's not stated how much of a direct hand Jarvan may have had in this. Shyvana waspossessedbyViegoafter his awakening and terrorized the Demacian army, but she partly acts on her own accord due to her disillusionment with Demacia after her imprisonment.
Sentinels of Light[]
Vayneclaims that Shyvana is a monster, so she distrusted her even before she was possessed. AfterLucianandSennaarrived and helped Vayne knock Ruined Shyvana out, Vayne was prepared to kill her until Senna intervened.Sennadetermined that Shyvana's true self is still within her. AfterViegowas defeated, Shyvana was freed along with the other champions from his control and returned to her normal self.
Read More
The Half-Dragon
ByRayla Heide
Mentioned:Jarvan III,Jarvan IV
Starring Champion
Before Dawn
In the darkest night, a new Sentinel rises.
Rise of the Sentinels
ByJohn O'Bryan
Black Mist pours across Runeterra, enthralling its champions and shrouding the continent in darkness. If the last Sentinels are going to save Runeterra, they're going to need all the help they can get. And that meansyouRookie!
Starring:Akshan,Diana,Draven,Graves,Gwen,Irelia,Isolde,Karma,Lucian,Miss Fortune,Olaf,Pantheon,Pyke,Rengar,Riven,Senna,Shyvana,Thresh,Vayne,Vex,Viego,Yorick
The Mageseeker
ByDigital Sun
In the kingdom of Demacia, the Mageseekers hold the power to oppress magic-using citizens in the name of public order–by inducting and indoctrinating them, locking them away, or driving them into hiding. Play as Sylas, a spell-stealing mage who has just broken free of his unjust captivity at the Mageseekers’ hands. Wielding the chains that once bound you, you must liberate your homeland from tyranny, one Mageseeker at a time.
Starring:Aidan,Eldred,Garen,Gideon,Hesbeth,Jarvan IV,Kara,Killan,Leilani,Lux,Morgana,Rayn,Rukko,Shyvana,Sylas,Wisteria,Yops
Mentioned:Aatrox,Anden Mayne,Dalin,Dominick,Evelynn,Falden,Fiddlesticks,Fizz,Galio,Jaredan,Jarvan III,Katarina,Kayle,LeBlanc,Mihira,Naafiri,Nocturne,Rhaast,Ryze,Sion,Tianna,Varus
Short Story • 4 Minute Read
The Winged Beast
ByRayla Heide
The duty of a Demacian. The savagery of a dragon. Her enemies don't stand a chance.
Mentioned Champion
Short Story • 28 Minute Read
For Demacia
ByGraham McNeill
In a town plagued by nightmares, can even the best and bravest of Demacia bring back the light?
Mentioned:Jarvan IV,Morgana,Shyvana
Lux: Issue 4
ByJohn O'Bryan,Billy Tan,Haining,Gadson,John Roshell
Sylas' master plan is revealed! But is it too late for a guilt-ridden Lux to turn the tide?
Starring:Garen,Jarvan III,Jarvan IV,Lux,Sylas,Tianna
The Exemplar of Demacia
ByRayla Heide
Starring:Jarvan IV
Mentioned:Garen,Jarvan III,Shyvana,Sion,Tianna,Xin Zhao
Alternate Universes
Monuments of Power
Seek what makes you strong.
Starring:Shyvana,Soraka,Tahm Kench
• Shyvana is a human-dragon half-breed who was inducted intoDemacia'selite guard after partnering with PrinceJarvan IVto slay her father's murderer. She is seen with a mixture of respect and fear amongst the people.Shyvana gets along best withXin Zhao(afterJarvan IV) whileGarendisapprovesof her lack of discipline and self-control.Shyvana is prone to fits of rage, withGaliobeing the one (if not the only) capable ofcalmingher.
• Shyvana gets along best withXin Zhao(afterJarvan IV) whileGarendisapprovesof her lack of discipline and self-control.
• Shyvana is prone to fits of rage, withGaliobeing the one (if not the only) capable ofcalmingher.
Change log[]
See also[] | Name: Fury of the Dragonborn, Description: Innate: Shyvana gains 5 bonus armor and 5 bonus magic resistance , which are each increased by 5 for every elemental drake and Elder Dragon her team slays. Additionally, Shyvana deals 20% increased damage to Dragons ., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputPassive', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Map-Specific Differences', "Fury of the Dragonborn'sincreased damage modifier toDragonsdoes not affecttrue damage.", "Alternate Innate:Shyvanagains1bonusarmor,1bonusmagic resistance, and0.05bonusFury regenerationwhenever a siege or a canon minion dies within 1400 units range of her, or when she is healed by a health relic's area of effect on the enemy's side of the map.She will not gain bonuses if she is dead, even if in range.", 'She will not gain bonuses if she is dead, even if in range.', 'Alternate Innate:Shyvanagains2bonusarmor,2bonusmagic resistanceand0.05bonusFury regenerationwhenever she or her allies kill nearby epic monsters, jungle monsters, andRift Scuttler.', 'New Effect:Gain 5bonusarmorandbonusmagic resistanceper round.']} | Name: Twin Bite, Description: Active: Shyvana empowers her next basic attack within 6 seconds to gain 25 bonus range , deal 100% AD (+ 35% AP) physical damage , and cause her to strike again after 0. 25 seconds to deal bonus physical damage . The second strike applies on-hit and on-attack effects at 100% effectiveness and is affected by critical strike modifiers. Bonus Physical Damage: 20 / 40 / 60 / 80 / 100% AD (+ 25% AP) After consuming the empowered attack, her next two basic attacks within 5 seconds gain bonus attack speed Bonus Attack Speed: 40 / 45 / 50 / 55 / 60% Basic attacks reduce Twin Bite's current cooldown by 0. 5 seconds on-hit . Dragon Form Bonus: Shyvana attacks enemies in a cone in front of her and applies the second strike to enemies surrounding the primary target. Both the attack and the strike occur at the same time and each of them apply Twin Strike's respective effects to all targets hit, with the exception of the second strike not applying on-attack effects and being unable to critically strike . The attack is affected by critical strike modifiers, applies on-hit effects to enemies hit, and triggers on-attack effects against only the primary target. Additionally, Twin Bite's empowered attack has an uncancellable windup . Twin Bite resets Shyvana's basic attack timer., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputAuto', 'damage_type': 'Physical', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'parries': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', "Dragon Form'sTwin Bitecannot applyTiamat'sCleaveon each target hit because ofCleave'sinternal 0.05seconds interval during which it cannot be applied on a different target.", "Dragon Form'sTwin Biteonly applies the attack to enemies that would be hit by the second strike.", "InDragon Form, Both strikes belong to the samecast instance. InHuman Form, they don't.", 'Since the second strike applies after the ability goes on cooldown, it will reduce its own cooldown.', 'Unlike moston-hiteffects, the one reducing the cooldown ofTwin Bitealso triggers againststructures.', 'InDragon Form,Twin Biteconsumes an additional stack ofHail of Blades.(bug)']} | Name: Burnout, Description: Active: Shyvana surrounds herself in flames for 3 seconds, gaining decaying bonus movement speed and dealing magic damage every 0. 5 seconds to nearby enemies. Bonus Movement Speed: 30 / 35 / 40 / 45 / 50% (+ 8% per 100 AP) Bonus Movement Speed Decay: 4. 5 / 5. 25 / 6 / 6. 75 / 7. 5 % Magic Damage Per Tick: 10 / 15 / 20 / 25 / 30 (+ 10% bonus AD) During this time, Shyvana's basic attacks deal bonus magic damage on-hit to surrounding enemies and extend the duration of Burnout by 1 second, which can occur up to 4 times for a total of 4 additional seconds. Bonus Magic Damage: 5 / 7 / 9 / 11 / 13 (+ 5% bonus AD) Dragon Form Bonus: Burnout's radius increases, scaling with Dragon's Descent's rank., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputAuto', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'Not Blocked', 'parries': 'Missing', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Magic damageon-hit can be dodged withdodgingeffects.', "PENDING FOR TEST::Magic damageon-hit's interactions withblockingandblindingeffects."]} | Name: Flame Breath, Description: Active: Shyvana unleashes a fireball in the target direction that stops upon hitting an enemy champion , dealing magic damage to all enemies hit and marking them for 5 seconds. Magic Damage: 60 / 100 / 140 / 180 / 220 (+ 40% AD) (+ 90% AP) Shyvana's basic attacks against marked enemies are empowered to deal bonus magic damage on-hit equal to 3% (+ 1% per 100 bonus AD) of the target's maximum health , capped at 150 against monsters. Dragon Form Bonus: The fireball explodes upon hitting an enemy champion or reaching the target location, dealing increased magic damage and creating a scorched field for 4 seconds. Enemies within the field are marked once and dealt 30 − 60 (based on level) (+ 5% AD) (+ 10% AP) magic damage every 0. 5 seconds. Increased Damage: 75 − 135 (based on level) (+ 60 / 100 / 140 / 180 / 220) (+ 70% AD) (+ 120% AP) Flame Breath while in Dragon Form will cast at max range if cast beyond that., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputDirection/Location', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'parries': 'Missing', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Map-Specific Differences', 'The fireball appliesarea damageand theon-hiteffect against marked targets dealsproc damage.InDragon Form, the fiery explosion appliesarea damageand the burning scorch dealspersistent area damageto all enemies within the area of effect.', 'InDragon Form, the fiery explosion appliesarea damageand the burning scorch dealspersistent area damageto all enemies within the area of effect.', 'InDragon Form, both areas of effect will be centered on the first champion struck, not at the location the missile collided with them.', 'This ability will cast from wherever the caster is at the end of the cast time.', 'InDragon Form, the visual mark will not be applied to non-champions, but the debuff will still be applied for gameplay purposes.(bug)', 'Magic damageon-hit can be dodged bydodgingeffects.', "PENDING FOR TEST::Magic damageon-hit's interactions withblockingandblindingeffects.", 'Explosion base damage increased to75 − 195 (based on level)']} | Name: Dragon's Descent, Description: Passive - Fury: Dragon's Descent requires 100 Fury to be cast. Shyvana generates Fury per second while alive and in Human form and 2 Fury per basic attack on-hit in either form. Shyvana gains 100 Fury upon learning Dragon's Descent . Fury Generation per Second: 1 / 1. 5 / 2 Active: Shyvana transforms into Dragon Form and dashes with displacement immunity to the target location, dealing magic damage to enemies she passes through and carrying them alongside her. Magic Damage: 150 / 250 / 350 (+ 130% AP) Dragon Form : Shyvana gains bonus health , bonus attack range , and increased size . Her abilities are also empowered to apply an additional effect. She maintains Dragon Form at a recurring cost of Fury , returning to Human Form once all Fury has been depleted. Bonus Health: 150 / 250 / 350 Bonus Range: 50 / 65 / 80 Size Increase: 0 / 8. 5 / 16% Dragon's Descent will cast at max range if cast beyond that. Link ▶️ "Behold my true form!", {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputLocation', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', "Dragon Descent'sdisplacement immunitybegins from the start of the cast time.", "Dragon's Descenthas a 100 / 66.67/ 50 seconds effective cooldown when not attacking and not dead.", 'Death, unless protected byResurrection']} | Shyvanais one of 14 champions that have an ability that infinitely stacks an effect:Aurelion Sol,Bard,Bel'Veth,Cho'Gath,Draven,Kindred,Nasus,Senna,Sion,Swain,Sylas,Thresh, andVeigar.In Shyvana's case,Fury of the Dragonborninfinitely stacks herarmorandmagic resistance.
Shyvana isvoicedbyKaren Strassman.Cassiopeia,FioraandZyraare also voiced by the same voice actress.
Shyvana's dance referencesRIVERbyAKB48.A side-by-side comparison can be seenhere.
Her name derives from Irish GaelicSiobhán[ˈʃɪwaːn̪ˠ], Anglicized asShevaunorShivaun:
Dragon's Descentis the only non-toggle ability in-game without a cooldown.Shyvana's resource was misnamed 'Dragon's Blood' in her champion preview.Shyvana's dragon form resembles awyvern.
Shyvana,Elise,Gnar,Nidalee, andSwainare the only champions with a transformation ability.
Shyvana was the first champion sinceKog'Mawto not feature a League Judgement after they were discontinued (exceptVarus). |
Singed,the Mad Chemist | | | health: Health650+99, resource: Mana330+45, health regen: Health regen. (per 5s)9.5+0.55, resource regen: Mana regen. (per 5s)7.5+0.55, armor: Armor34+4.7, attack damage: Attack damage63+3.4, attack speed: Base AS0.625, gameplay radius: Gameplay radius65, selection radius: Selection radius135, release: 2009-04-18, changed: V13.22, role: Specialist, position: TopJungleMiddle, rangetype: Melee, adaptivetype: Magic, cost: 4800|260 | InDev Update - Champs, Lore & More, Laura 'poisonpixxi' DeYoung, Head of IP Creative for Riot Games, elaborated on their new approach to narrative cohesiveness by ironing out any inconsistencies that have sprung up over the years.
This article contains information that conflicts with this new narrative and will most likely be changed/moved in the following year(s).
SingedMainCasualTitlesAlias(es)The Mad ChemistCharacteristicsSpeciesHuman(Chemically Altered)Pronoun(s)He/HimTimelineBorn:876 AN - 916 ANWeapon(s)Empowered BulwarkPoison GasMega AdhesiveInsanity PotionPersonal statusStatusAlivePlace of originPiltoverCurrent residenceZaunProfessional statusOccupation(s)ScientistAlchemistRegion(s)ZaunPiltoverRelated character(s)WarwickDr. MundoIreliaRivenMaster Yi
• Main
• Casual
• Born:876 AN - 916 AN
• Empowered Bulwark
• Poison Gas
• Mega Adhesive
• Insanity Potion
Personal status
Place of origin
Current residence
Professional status
• Scientist
• Alchemist
• Zaun
• Piltover
Related character(s)
Singedis aZaunitescientist of unmatched intellect, who has devoted his life to pushing the boundaries of knowledge—with no price, even his own sanity, too high to pay. Is there a method to his madness? His concoctions rarely fail, but it appears to many that Singed has lost all sense of humanity, leaving a toxic trail of misery and terror in his wake.
• 1Background1.1Early Life1.2Ionian Involvement1.3Experimenting on Warwick1.4The Host
• 2Appearance
• 3Personality
• 4Abilities
• 5Relations5.1Warwick5.2IoniaandNoxus5.3Hadri Spillwether and Palo
• 6Read More6.1Biography6.2Starring Champion6.3Mentioned Champion6.4Alternate Universes
• 7Trivia
• 8Change log
• 9References
• 10See also
• 1.1Early Life
• 1.2Ionian Involvement
• 1.3Experimenting on Warwick
• 1.4The Host
• 5.1Warwick
• 5.2IoniaandNoxus
• 5.3Hadri Spillwether and Palo
• 6.1Biography
• 6.2Starring Champion
• 6.3Mentioned Champion
• 6.4Alternate Universes
Early Life[]
Singed began his life as an ordinary man inPiltover. As a child, he showed advanced intellect and curiosity being fascinated with the natural world. Eventually, he would be accepted into the University of Piltover, where he would conduct groundbreaking research. However, he was not recognized for this research, as he was a vocal critic of hextech, which his colleagues ridiculed him for. Eventually, he would lose all funding for his research and move toZaun. There, he would make money from his inventions, which covered a wide range of uses. He would also begin to chemically augment himself, allowing him to work for days without needing to rest. His ingenuity gained him recognition in Zaun and soon attracted the attention of theNoxianempire.
Ionian Involvement[]
After years of doing smaller projects for the empire, Singed was approached by a Noxian military commander Emystan, who contracted the alchymist to help her break the stalemate of the war inIonia. She gave him an offer that would bring him considerably more funds for his continued research.
Putting aside all other concerns, Singed poured all of his intellect, knowledge, and experience into the synthesis of this new weapon. The result of his efforts was an alchemical fire that was unstable and volatile. When it was finally unleashed in Ionia against the enemies of Noxus, it burned hot enough to fracture stone, and tainted the earth around it with dense, metallic poisons so completely that almost nothing could grow there. Even Emystan’s own allies were appalled, though not quite enough to name her and Singed as war criminals.
With the funds procured from this venture, Singed was able to considerably expand his Zaunite laboratory with new equipment.
Experimenting on Warwick[]
Singed kidnapped a gangster who he named Subject #1088, whom wanted to reform his life after retiring from crime. For years, he subjected him to many torturous experiments by augmenting chemtech upgrades on him while he was fully conscious, since Singed believed that pain was the catalyst to immortality. After implementing the chemtech pump onto Warwick's body, he turned hostile and started to attack Singed, but after the two struggled for a while Warwick succumbed to his injuries. Disappointed in his experiment's failure, Singed disposed of Warwick's body, but the latter came back to life as a chimera and escaped during the night. Singed woke up from the noise and found the damage inflicted upon his lab. He decided to find a new lab, but also start investigating Warwick so he could start the next phase of his experiment.
The Host[]
Singed kidnapped two men named Hadri Spillwether and Palo, codenaming them Thinker and Breaker respectively, trapping them in a glass cage and performing inhumane surgeries on them (implanting a parasite into Hadri's chest and augmenting Palo with pneumatochem-muscular enhancements) while recording his experiment using a recording device. He interrogated Hadri on all of the details of his life, and when he was unable to answer or refused, Singed blasted him with cold sump water. When Hadri tried to empathize with Singed by telling him about his son Locke, Singed told Hadri that he had no family and he begged him for a cure for his illness, but would be reduced to nothing as he wouldn't comply. He then told Hadri to latch onto Palo to join the parasite. When Hadri stood up to his captor, he deemed him uncooperative and turned the water valve to full strength before leaving, intending to flood the lab to drown the two subjects.
Hadri and Palo cooperated to escape the lab, but the parasite attached to Palo as Singed had intended, causing the two subjects to have their minds linked. After being confronted by followers of Viktor, they came face to face with Singed, who tested Hadri to see if his mind was still intact, threatening to shoot them with a tranquilizer gun if they didn't comply. When he was unable to get the results he wanted, Singed believed that they were a failure and provoked them into chasing him, gradually weakening them with his poisonous gas. As they fell down on the verge of death, Hadri recognized the professor as Singed back when he was in Piltover, and Singed told Hadri that he was Thinker Four and he'd fared much better than Thinker Two (implying he'd done similar experiments before). He then walked away, leaving Hadri and Palo to die in despair.
Not much is known about how Singed looked like when he was young. However, throughout most of his life, he was a tall, lanky, and pale man. He has a permanent facial scar on one side of his face (some depictions show his right side being damaged, while others his left side). Eventually Singed would start wearing additional bandages to hide the facial scars inflicted byWarwick.
Singed is a cruel, heartless scientist with no regard for his victims, performing depraved experiments on his test subjects for the belief that they would become superior beings, while subjecting them to physical and mental suffering with no remorse and seeing them as nothing more than lesser creatures or objects to experiment on. He is a perfectionist who doesn't like when people fail his high standards, and feels nothing but disappointment when they die.
• Chemically Enhanced Physiology:Thanks to countless experiments on himself, Singed posses physical abilities far above that of a normal human.Enhanced Durability:Singed can endure much more damage than a normal human. In Arcane, he was blasted with a massive explosion of Shimmer and, although he received some heavy scars, he doesn't to have any kind of loss of function with his physical capabilities.Enhanced Immunity:Singed is immune to the effects of many of his toxic poisons, allowing him to freely use them without concern towards his health.Enhanced Speed:Singed can run at much faster speeds than that of a normal human.Enhanced Strength:Singed is far stronger than a normal human, especially one his age. He is able to carry his massive shield on one hand, massive bottle on his back, and heavy armor without issue, running and attacking with speed and precision.
• Enhanced Durability:Singed can endure much more damage than a normal human. In Arcane, he was blasted with a massive explosion of Shimmer and, although he received some heavy scars, he doesn't to have any kind of loss of function with his physical capabilities.
• Enhanced Immunity:Singed is immune to the effects of many of his toxic poisons, allowing him to freely use them without concern towards his health.
• Enhanced Speed:Singed can run at much faster speeds than that of a normal human.
• Enhanced Strength:Singed is far stronger than a normal human, especially one his age. He is able to carry his massive shield on one hand, massive bottle on his back, and heavy armor without issue, running and attacking with speed and precision.
As Singed forced Warwick into being a test subject for one of his unethical experiments, it can be assumed that Warwick hates him more than anything. Given that Singed also showed no remorse towards Warwick as he subjected the latter to many brutal procedures, it can also be assumed that he sees Warwick not as a living organism, but as an object to be researched and studied.
Singed helped Noxus invade Ionia by giving them a toxic substance that Noxus used to kill their enemies and raze their land. This would affect many people, includingRiven, who was scarred from the sight of the substance being used on others,IreliaandKarma, whose forces were killed by the substance, andMaster Yi, whose village was razed by the substance.
Hadri Spillwether and Palo[]
Singed saw Hadri and Palo as nothing more than test subjects, showing no empathy toward them as he cruelly experimented on them and disciplining them by blasting them with cold sump water for failing his standards. When Hadri tried to empathize with him, Singed mocked him and told Hadri that he owed him after begging him to cure his illness, but promised that he wouldn't die. Once Hadri stood up to him, Singed began to flood the lab to drown them so he could dispose of them and start over. When they escaped, Singed asked them if they knew him and when he was unable to answer, Singed believed them to be mindless vegetables and deemed the experiment a failure. Once Hadri finally remembered who Singed was, he told him that he'd done better as a Thinker test subject than his second Thinker before he and Palo died.
Read More
The Mad Chemist
ByIan St. Martin
Starring Champion
Arcane (TV Series)
Every legend has a beginning.
Starring:Aero,Amara,Ambessa,Babette,Benzo,Billingsworth,Bolbok,Caitlyn,Cassandra,Chross,Claggor,Deckard,Ekko,Elora,Finn,Gorgeous Man,Grayson,Harold,Heimerdinger,Hoskel,Huck,Jayce,Jericho,Jinx,Jules,Lock,Marcus,Margot,Mel,Mylo,Pim,Ren,Renni,Salo,Sevika,Shoola,Silco,Singed,Sky,Smeech,Thieram,Tobias,Vander,Verne,Vi,Viktor,Ximena
Short Story • 4 Minute Read
Engineering the Nightmare
ByPhillip Vargas
Procured a cutthroat hiding among the populace and feigning civility. Only a disciplined eye could recognize the beast within, yearning for release. How could I refuse? For what is my work if not an attempt to reveal life's hidden truths through science? It required two doses to subdue him. Impressively resilient. A necessary quality to survive the grand catalyst of pain and provoke the transmutation. The metamorphosis will reshape the man into a chimeric predator, and all of Zaun will be its hunting grounds.
Short Story
The Host
ByAmanda Jeffrey
I’m going to die.
Mentioned Champion
Blood of Noxus
ByGraham McNeill
In all Runeterra, there is no army more feared than that of the Noxian empire. In all Noxus, there is no soldier more respected than Darius. Of all the commandments that have kept Noxus strong, one rule stands above all others: Loyalty is everything.
Starring:Darius,Draven,Invetia Varn,Quilletta Varn,Tamara
ByDouble Stallion Games
Rewind the Past, Control the Future - Explore and traverse through the spectacular city of Zaun as Ekko, a young inventor with an ingenious device to manipulate time, in this story-driven action platformer. Play as a young Ekko and realize the full potential of one of League’s fan-favorite Champions.
Starring:Aximander,Camille,Chadd,Corin Reveck,Corina Veraza,Drake Poingdestre,Ekko,Elie,Inna,Jinx,Lem,Red,Rungs,Vale Poingdestre,Warwick,Wyeth,Zarkon Poingdestre
Mentioned:Ashlesh,Azir,Blitzcrank,Darius,Dr. Mundo,Eramis,Evil Kay,Farron,Fiddlesticks,Janna,Jayce,Kay,Nasus,Orianna,Renata Glasc,Seraphine,Shomi,Singed,Twitch,Urgot,Vi,Viktor,Zac,Zeri,Ziggs
Eye of the Beast
Short Story
Sisterhood of War Part 2: The Unquiet Dead
ByIan St. Martin
She cannot breathe.
The Exile
ByAriel Lawrence
Mentioned:Boram Darkwill,LeBlanc,Singed
The Uncaged Wrath of Zaun
ByDavid Slagle
Alternate Universes
A Snowdown Snowtale
The Poro King sends a young poro on an urgent mission: find the one with the magnificent mustache to save Snowdown!
Clash of Fates
Starring:Alistar,Amumu,Anivia,Annie,Ashe,Cho'Gath,Evelynn,Jax,Karthus,Kayle,Master Yi,Nunu,Rammus,Ryze,Singed,Sivir,Soraka,Teemo,Twisted Fate,Warwick,Willump,Zilean
Journal of Justice
ByInstitute of War
Formare veneficum est formare fatum.
Starring:Akali,Alistar,Amumu,Anivia,Annie,Ashe,Blitzcrank,Brand,Cassiopeia,Cho'Gath,Corki,Darius,Dr. Mundo,Evelynn,Ezreal,Fiddlesticks,Gangplank,Garen,Gragas,Heimerdinger,Irelia,Janna,Jarvan IV,Jax,Karma,Karthus,Kassadin,Katarina,Kayle,Kennen,Kog'Maw,Lee Sin,Leona,Lissandra,Lux,Malzahar,Maokai,Master Yi,Mordekaiser,Morgana,Nasus,Nidalee,Nocturne,Nunu,Olaf,Pantheon,Poppy,Rammus,Renekton,Riven,Rumble,Ryze,Sejuani,Shaco,Shen,Singed,Sion,Sivir,Skarner,Sona,Soraka,Swain,Talon,Taric,Teemo,Tibbers,Tristana,Trundle,Tryndamere,Twisted Fate,Twitch,Udyr,Urgot,Veigar,Vladimir,Warwick,Willump,Wukong,Xin Zhao,Yorick,Zilean
Academy Adventures: Series 2
ByGutter Rat
Mentioned:Amumu,Anivia,Annie,Ashe,Aurelion Sol,Braum,Caitlyn,Cho'Gath,Dr. Mundo,Draven,Elise,Ezreal,Fiddlesticks,Fizz,Galio,Gnar,Heimerdinger,Janna,Jhin,Jinx,Kog'Maw,Lulu,Lux,Malphite,Malzahar,Miss Fortune,Nami,Nasus,Olaf,Poppy,Rakan,Rammus,Rek'Sai,Riven,Rumble,Ryze,Shaco,Singed,Sona,Soraka,Syndra,Taliyah,Talon,Taric,Teemo,Thresh,Tibbers,Tristana,Twitch,Urgot,Varus,Veigar,Volibear,Warwick,Wukong,Xayah,Yasuo,Yorick,Zac,Zed,Ziggs,Zyra
Academy Adventures: Series 3
ByGutter Rat
Crystal Quest: Series 1
Mentioned:Anivia,Ashe,Braum,Bristle,Caitlyn,Camille,Elise,Ezreal,Garen,Gragas,Graves,Heimerdinger,Illaoi,Ivern,Katarina,Kled,Lee Sin,Leona,Lissandra,Lucian,Nami,Olaf,Poppy,Ryze,Senna,Singed,Skaarl,Taliyah,Taric,Teemo,Tryndamere,Twisted Fate,Veigar,Vi,Zac
Mac Client Available
Starring:Dr. Mundo
Mentioned:Amumu,Ashe,Caitlyn,Ezreal,Fizz,Gragas,Graves,Katarina,Master Yi,Miss Fortune,Mordekaiser,Orianna,Riven,Ryze,Singed,Soraka,Viktor,Zac,Ziggs
The Shadows Beckon
ByAnthony Reynolds Lenné
Swift and lethal, Evelynn is one of the most deadly - and expensive - assassins in all of Runeterra. Able to merge with shadows at will, she patiently stalks her prey, waiting for the right moment to strike. While Evelynn is clearly not entirely human, and her heritage remains unclear, it is believed that she hails from the Shadow Isles - though her link with that tortured realm remains shrouded in mystery.
• Singed's lore shares some similarities with the real-life chemistFritz Haber. Haber, like Singed, was an unabashed proponent of chemical warfare who created many deadly gasses used on the battlefields of WWI. There are also further similarities in the ethical implications of both their work.
• Being present during the first discovery of hextech, he is most likely over 100 years old. His research helps him prolong his life span significantly and he is now trying to gain immortality.
• Singed's bio quote,"My deadliest dose shall bear my patron's name!"is a reference to a line fromThe Devil's Dictionaryby Ambrose Bierce:"My deadliest drug shall bear my patron's name!", referring to Mercury.
• Singed was approached by aNoxianmilitary commander named Emystan to help her break the bitter stalemate of the war inIonia.Singed is responsible for creating the poisons that decimatedRiven'swarband andMaster Yi'sWujuvillage.Seeing the approval of slaughter of the innocent caused by Singed and Emystan also madeQuilletta Varngrew more disillusioned by the empire's ambitions, which led to her rebel against the empire and the events ofDarius'comicBlood of Noxus.
• InEvelynn'spre-rework storyThe Shadows Beckon, the Vigilnauts that guard Chem-Baron Saito Takeda were augmented by Singed himself.
• Singed is responsible for creating the poisons that decimatedRiven'swarband andMaster Yi'sWujuvillage.
• Seeing the approval of slaughter of the innocent caused by Singed and Emystan also madeQuilletta Varngrew more disillusioned by the empire's ambitions, which led to her rebel against the empire and the events ofDarius'comicBlood of Noxus.
Change log[]
See also[] | Name: Noxious Slipstream, Description: Innate: Whenever Singed moves near a champion , he gains a stack of Noxious Slipstream for 2 seconds, refreshing on subsequent passes and stacking up to 25 times. Noxious Slipstream: For each stack, Singed gains 25% bonus movement speed , up to a maximum of 625% . This effect cannot occur on the same target more than once every few seconds., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputPassive', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'No additional details.']} | Name: Poison Trail, Description: Toggle: Singed continually creates a toxic cloud in his wake that lingers for 3. 25 seconds. The cloud inflicts poison to enemies within, and resets the duration every 0. 5 seconds while they remain. poison : The target takes magic damage every 0. 25 seconds over 2 seconds. Subsequent inflictions refresh the duration. Magic Damage per Tick: 5 / 7. 5 / 10 / 12. 5 / 15 (+ 11. 25 % AP) Total Magic Damage: 40 / 60 / 80 / 100 / 120 (+ 90% AP), STATIC COOLDOWN: STATICCOOLDOWN:1, {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputAuto', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Map-Specific Differences', "Toggle abilities do not count as ability activations for the purposes of on-cast effects such asSpellbladeand triggeringForce Pulse'spassive.", 'The clouds check for enemy targets in the area immediately upon being spawned. After a 0.25-0.5second delay, they check every 0.25seconds again until they fade.Targets already with the DoT can have the debuff refreshed only every 0.5seconds.Due to the inconsistent offset between the first and future ticks is it possible for a static target to miss out on one refresh of the debuff, equal to 3 ticks of damage.', 'Targets already with the DoT can have the debuff refreshed only every 0.5seconds.', 'Due to the inconsistent offset between the first and future ticks is it possible for a static target to miss out on one refresh of the debuff, equal to 3 ticks of damage.', 'IfSingedhas moved less than 90 units since spawning the last poison cloud, it will spawn 35 units in front of him. They also only spawn every 1 second in this case.WhenSingedis moving faster than that, the poison clouds spawn more frequently and on top of himself.', 'WhenSingedis moving faster than that, the poison clouds spawn more frequently and on top of himself.', 'Poison Trailstacks with one another.']} | Name: Mega Adhesive, Description: Active: Singed spills a potent adhesive that lands at the target location after 0. 375 seconds, creating a field for 3 seconds that grounds enemies within and slows them. Slow: 50 / 55 / 60 / 65 / 70%, {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputLocation', 'spell_shield': 'Not Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', "The delay between the cast and the slow field being estabilished is inconsistent, due to a bug with tick rates.(bug)Karthus'Lay WasteandDefile'sticks beyond the first andZac'sLet's Bounce!have similar issues.", "Karthus'Lay WasteandDefile'sticks beyond the first andZac'sLet's Bounce!have similar issues.", 'The goo missile is VFX only, to convey which location Singed threw the adhesive at. It has a fixed travel time but is independent from when the zone is established. It is not destructible by effects such asWind Wall.', 'Mega Adhesivecan becleansedand resisted bycrowd control immunity, providing immunity to the persistent area of effect if the target stays within the area.Leaving the area and entering back inside applies thegroundregardless.', 'Leaving the area and entering back inside applies thegroundregardless.', 'Singedrevealshimself to enemies briefly on-cast from fog of war if enemy targets are in the target area ofMega Adhesive.(bug)']} | Name: Fling, Description: Active: Singed flings the target enemy 550 units over himself, dealing magic damage , capped against minions and monsters . Magic Damage: 50 / 60 / 70 / 80 / 90 (+ 6 / 6. 5 / 7 / 7. 5 / 8% of target's maximum health) (+ 60% AP) Maximum Non-Champion Damage: 350 / 360 / 370 / 380 / 390 (+ 60% AP) If the target lands on Mega Adhesive , they are rooted for a duration. Root Duration: 1 / 1. 25 / 1. 5 / 1. 75 / 2, {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputUnit', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Tips & Tricks', 'Flingcan throw enemies over walls (circumstances permitting).', 'Slow-immuneenemies will not berootedwhenflungintoMega Adhesive.', 'Flingis special cased to notflingWarwickwhileSingedissuppressedbyInfinite Duressafter the cast time.', 'If the target becomesuntargetable,dies, or is too far away or no longer insightduring the cast time, this ability will cancel but does not go oncooldownnor pay its cost (if applicable).', 'Singedmay successfully issue a basic attack against the target ofFlingwhile it is mid-air.']} | Name: Insanity Potion, Description: Active: Singed empowers himself for 25 seconds with ability power , bonus armor , bonus magic resistance , bonus movement speed , bonus health regeneration , and bonus mana regeneration . Bonus Stats: 30 / 65 / 100 Regeneration per Second: 6 / 13 / 20 Total Regeneration: 150 / 325 / 500 During this time, Poison Trail additionally applies Grievous Wounds for 1 second, which refreshes every 0. 25 seconds while the poison persists., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputAuto', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'No additional notes.']} | Singed was one of the first six champions designed, together withAnnie,Lee Sin,Sion,Sivir, andTwisted Fate.[2][3]Coincidentally, Singed is ananagramfor the word design, befitting his history of being one of the earliest designed champions.
Singed was one of the champions chosen for theNoxianpool available during theIonia vs. Noxus match. He was one of the selected champions.
Singed's dance referencesWill Smith's"Jump on It"dance fromThe Fresh Prince of Bel-Air.A side-by-side comparison can be seenhere.He shared this dance withKaylebefore the latter's rework, though hers includes the beginning of the dance.
Even thoughPoison Trail'scloud appears to expand as it fades, the area affected by the poison does not actually increase.
Singed is one of the few champions with a special interaction between hisemotesand his ability set, asFlingautomatically causes him to laugh.
Although Singed holds hisshieldin his left hand in the default splash art, every other skin shows it in his right hand; Singed holds his shield in his right hand in all the in-game models.
A bottle of Singed's poison can be seen leaking in the Mac Launch preview video.
Singed's bald figure, red and green color motifs, and his large boots make him resembleSigmafrom the Mega Man/Rockman X series. |
Sion,The Undead Juggernaut | | | health: Health655+87, resource: Mana400+52, health regen: Health regen. (per 5s)7.5+0.8, resource regen: Mana regen. (per 5s)8+0.6, armor: Armor32+4.2, attack damage: Attack damage68+4, attack speed: Base AS0.679, gameplay radius: Gameplay radius80, selection radius: Selection radius125, release: 2009-02-21, changed: V13.9, role: Vanguard, position: Top, rangetype: Melee, adaptivetype: Physical, cost: 1350|585 | Missing section(s):
SionMainUndeadHumanTitlesAlias(es)The Undead JuggernautGeneral SionCharacteristicsSpeciesRevenantHumanPronoun(s)He/HimTimelineBorn:818 AN - 875 ANWeapon(s)ChopperSoul FurnaceBlood MagicPersonal statusStatusUndeadPlace of originNoxus(Medieval times)Current residenceNoxusProfessional statusOccupation(s)Undead WeaponGeneralRegion(s)NoxusRelated character(s)SwainJarvan IVGalioVayneUrgotKatarinaIreliaAkaliKarmaKennenYasuo
• Main
• Undead
• Human
• The Undead Juggernaut
• General Sion
• Revenant
• Human
• Born:818 AN - 875 AN
• Chopper
• Soul Furnace
• Blood Magic
Personal status
Place of origin
Current residence
Professional status
• Undead Weapon
• General
Related character(s)
A brutal warlord from a bygone era,Sionwas revered inNoxusfor choking the life out of a Demacian king with his bare hands—but, denied the peace of death, he was resurrected to serve his empire once more. His indiscriminate slaughter claims all who stand in his way, regardless of allegiance, proving he has retained little of his former humanity. With crude armor bolted onto his rotten flesh, Sion continues to charge into battle with reckless abandon, struggling to remember his true self between the swings of his mighty axe.
• 1Background
• 2Appearance
• 3Personality
• 4Abilities
• 5Relations5.1Black Rose5.2Swain
• 6Read More6.1Biography6.2Starring Champion6.3Mentioned Champion6.4Alternate Universes
• 7Trivia
• 8Change log
• 9References
• 10See also
• 5.1Black Rose
• 5.2Swain
• 6.1Biography
• 6.2Starring Champion
• 6.3Mentioned Champion
• 6.4Alternate Universes
In life, Sion was the last of a proud warrior culture that defined earlyNoxus. He made his name as theHand of Noxus, an unstoppable general in the campaign for the empire's outward expansion. Finally, he met his end in a battle with King Jarvan I ofDemacia, with both men killing each other.
Half a century later, Sion was reanimated by hemomancers of theBlack Rose. Dark magic empowered his body but clouded his mind, turning him into an unstoppable killing machine, feared all the more by the enemies of Noxus. Now, he remains locked away in the tomb beneath a statue of himself, always ready to be deployed when the Grand General sees fit.
Sion was already a brutishly large man in life, but in undeath, he is a towering behemoth. His scarred, gray, hairless skin is held together with dark metal plates. He has glowing red eyes and a similarly glowing furnace of dark magic in his gut. The crown of Jarvan I serves as his jaw, and a dagger protruding from the back of his skull resembles a pony tail, with a long, red ribbon flowing from the hilt.
Sion wears heavy metal plates and tattered leather armor. He has one pauldron and one gauntlet on his left side, an enormous metal belt with brown pants leading to a metal boot on the right foot and a metal peg leg on the left.
He carries a massive two-handed ax, dull and worn.
In life, Sion was a feared warrior, known not for strategic wit but for ruthless effectiveness. Always pressing forward, he swore oaths to his ancestors to never take a backwards step in battle.
After his reanimation, Sion became a creature of pure rage and bloodlust. His mind broken, he remembers only fragments of his past life. Now, all knows is that he is a vessel of death and destruction, showing no discernment between friend and foe.
Sion's raw, hulking strength is unmatched. He is able to rip buildings apart with his bare hands. He is also extremely durable, being virtually unkillable thanks to the dark magic that sustains him.
Black Rose[]
In life, Sion was theHand of Noxus. Sion was resurrected at the order of theBlack Rose, likely byLeBlancherself withVladimirbeing one of the main people in charge.
OnceSwainoverthrewBoram Darkwill(thus becoming the new Grand General) he learned of Sion's existence and plotted to use him as his own weapon. Sion was used in the second Noxian invasion ofIoniawhere he fought the resistance led byIreliawho was assisted byKarma,Akali,KennenandYasuo.
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The Undead Juggernaut
ByAnthony Reynolds Lenné
Mentioned:Boram Darkwill,Swain
Starring Champion
Music Video
By Numerous creators
A deadly masterpiece unfolds. A lone resistance made whole. A chance to come alive.
Short Story • 3 Minute Read
In The Mind of Madness
ByRandy Begel
Mentioned:Boram Darkwill,Swain
Mentioned Champion
Beyond the Bandlewood (Video)
In this episode, Ava’s on a mission to prove herself… but she’ll need a little help.
The Exemplar of Demacia
ByRayla Heide
Starring:Jarvan IV
Mentioned:Garen,Jarvan III,Shyvana,Sion,Tianna,Xin Zhao
The Mageseeker
ByDigital Sun
In the kingdom of Demacia, the Mageseekers hold the power to oppress magic-using citizens in the name of public order–by inducting and indoctrinating them, locking them away, or driving them into hiding. Play as Sylas, a spell-stealing mage who has just broken free of his unjust captivity at the Mageseekers’ hands. Wielding the chains that once bound you, you must liberate your homeland from tyranny, one Mageseeker at a time.
Starring:Aidan,Eldred,Garen,Gideon,Hesbeth,Jarvan IV,Kara,Killan,Leilani,Lux,Morgana,Rayn,Rukko,Shyvana,Sylas,Wisteria,Yops
Mentioned:Aatrox,Anden Mayne,Dalin,Dominick,Evelynn,Falden,Fiddlesticks,Fizz,Galio,Jaredan,Jarvan III,Katarina,Kayle,LeBlanc,Mihira,Naafiri,Nocturne,Rhaast,Ryze,Sion,Tianna,Varus
Alternate Universes
Journal of Justice
ByInstitute of War
Formare veneficum est formare fatum.
Starring:Akali,Alistar,Amumu,Anivia,Annie,Ashe,Blitzcrank,Brand,Cassiopeia,Cho'Gath,Corki,Darius,Dr. Mundo,Evelynn,Ezreal,Fiddlesticks,Gangplank,Garen,Gragas,Heimerdinger,Irelia,Janna,Jarvan IV,Jax,Karma,Karthus,Kassadin,Katarina,Kayle,Kennen,Kog'Maw,Lee Sin,Leona,Lissandra,Lux,Malzahar,Maokai,Master Yi,Mordekaiser,Morgana,Nasus,Nidalee,Nocturne,Nunu,Olaf,Pantheon,Poppy,Rammus,Renekton,Riven,Rumble,Ryze,Sejuani,Shaco,Shen,Singed,Sion,Sivir,Skarner,Sona,Soraka,Swain,Talon,Taric,Teemo,Tibbers,Tristana,Trundle,Tryndamere,Twisted Fate,Twitch,Udyr,Urgot,Veigar,Vladimir,Warwick,Willump,Wukong,Xin Zhao,Yorick,Zilean
By Numerous creators
Mentioned:Boram Darkwill,Elise,Jarvan IV,Vladimir
Academy Adventures: Series 1
ByGutter Rat
Mentioned:Akali,Amumu,Anivia,Azir,Bard,Blitzcrank,Braum,Cho'Gath,Elise,Ezreal,Fiddlesticks,Fiora,Gnar,Heimerdinger,Ivern,Jhin,Jinx,Karthus,Kog'Maw,Lulu,Lux,Malzahar,Miss Fortune,Nidalee,Olaf,Poppy,Rek'Sai,Renekton,Rumble,Ryze,Shaco,Shen,Sion,Sona,Soraka,Talon,Taric,Teemo,Tristana,Trundle,Twitch,Urgot,Varus,Veigar,Vel'Koz,Vi,Yorick,Zed,Ziggs,Zyra
The Tale of the Poro King
By Numerous creators
Starring: N/A
Mentioned:Aatrox,Akali,Ashe,Aurelion Sol,Azir,Braum,Caitlyn,Cho'Gath,Darius,Diana,Draven,Ezreal,Gnar,Illaoi,Janna,Jarvan IV,Jayce,Kai'Sa,Karma,Karthus,Katarina,Kayle,Kayn,Kennen,Kha'Zix,Lee Sin,Leona,Lulu,Lux,Malzahar,Miss Fortune,Nunu,Ornn,Pantheon,Pyke,Rammus,Rek'Sai,Rhaast,Ryze,Sejuani,Shen,Sion,Sivir,Soraka,Sylas,Syndra,Taliyah,Talon,Taric,Thresh,Tristana,Trundle,Udyr,Vi,Volibear,Willump,Yasuo,Zed,Ziggs,Zoe
• Sion was probably not human in life - but a slightly larger humanoid race.[1]
• In theold lore,Vladimirconducted the blood ritual that restored Sion's mind (using a ritual knife coated inJarvan IV'sblood, likely obtained when the Exemplar was captured andLeBlancimpersonated him to avoid Demacia's suspicion)As a result of this 're-resurrection' Sion is stuck in an amnesiac limbo. He remembers Boram warning him aboutravens, but his undeath clouds his thoughts and makes him over-revel in slaughter.
• As a result of this 're-resurrection' Sion is stuck in an amnesiac limbo. He remembers Boram warning him aboutravens, but his undeath clouds his thoughts and makes him over-revel in slaughter.
Change log[]
See also[] | Name: Glory in Death, Description: Innate: Upon taking fatal damage , Sion enters stasis for 1. 5 seconds to reanimate into a frenzy, restoring 100% of his maximum health but losing 2. 3 − 24. 4 (based on level) health every 0. 264 seconds , increasing by 「 70% of the base value 」 「 1. 61 − 17. 08 (based on level) 」 per subsequent tick. Sion's health regeneration and any healing (except life steal) he receives during this time is 0% effective . Sion can only move and use his basic attacks and item actives , and empowers himself with the following effects: 1. 75 attack speed minimum and maximum 100% life steal Deals bonus physical damage on-hit equal to 10% of the target's maximum health , capped at 75 against non-champions Ghosting One cast of Death Surge , which replaces all of his abilities Sion's damage to structures is reduced to 40% under the effects of Glory in Death ., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputPassive', 'damage_type': 'Physical', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'parries': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Glory in Death Details', 'Death Surge Details', "Sion'sdeath timer starts when he dies and not whenGlory in Deathends.IfSionlives longer than what his death timer lasts for, he will not revive untilGlory in Deathhas ended. When it ends, he instantly revives. This may result in some odd interactions and bugs at times.", 'IfSionlives longer than what his death timer lasts for, he will not revive untilGlory in Deathhas ended. When it ends, he instantly revives. This may result in some odd interactions and bugs at times.', "The effect that healsSionback to full health at the start ofGlory in Deathcannot be modified byhealing reductionsand does not count towards the 'Damage Healed' statistic at the end of game lobby.", 'The health loss is unaffected byInvulnerability.', 'Glory in Deathhas a capped 60 seconds duration. If the player manages to survive for so long,Siondies instantly, regardless of his current health.', 'The healing modifier duringGlory in Deathreduces all incoming healing, it does not matter if they are sourced fromSionhimself or an ally. This does not affect life steal.This healing modifier stacks additively withSpirit Visageand does not stack with heal and shield power.This means that purchasingSpirit VisageenablesSionto have regeneration and use healing effects at 25% effectiveness, and the life steal gained will be increased to 125% as expected.', 'This healing modifier stacks additively withSpirit Visageand does not stack with heal and shield power.', 'This means that purchasingSpirit VisageenablesSionto have regeneration and use healing effects at 25% effectiveness, and the life steal gained will be increased to 125% as expected.', "Thefixedattack speed is achieved by lowering and increasing the maximum and minimum attack speed to1.75, respectively.This also means that it's unaffected by other attack speed modifiers for the duration, such as bonus attack speed orcripples.However,Hail of Blades, which allows for the normal attack speed cap (2.5) to be surpassed, will also break this limit. This means that while it is active,Sionmay exceed his1.75cap, but cannot fall below it.This does not apply toLethal Tempo.WhenHail of Bladesends, the attack speed cap will revert to2.5and not to1.75, howeverSionstill can't fall below1.75.", "This also means that it's unaffected by other attack speed modifiers for the duration, such as bonus attack speed orcripples.", "However,Hail of Blades, which allows for the normal attack speed cap (2.5) to be surpassed, will also break this limit. This means that while it is active,Sionmay exceed his1.75cap, but cannot fall below it.This does not apply toLethal Tempo.WhenHail of Bladesends, the attack speed cap will revert to2.5and not to1.75, howeverSionstill can't fall below1.75.", 'This does not apply toLethal Tempo.', "WhenHail of Bladesends, the attack speed cap will revert to2.5and not to1.75, howeverSionstill can't fall below1.75.", 'Someitempassives do not persist through death and will be lost for the initial few seconds ofGlory in Death.', 'The bonus on-hit damage granted byGlory in Deathis unaffected by life steal, but is applied against structrures that are not turrets.However, it can be applied against structures that are not turrets.(bug)', 'However, it can be applied against structures that are not turrets.(bug)', "The reduction of damage against structures includesSion'sattacks as well as on-hit effects that can be applied to structures, such asDemolish,Titanic Hydraand the magic damage based onAPconversion based onadaptive force.It even includestrue damagefrom sources such asElixir of Sorcery.(bug)", 'It even includestrue damagefrom sources such asElixir of Sorcery.(bug)', "Sion, duringGlory in Death, will not lose health while being carried byFate's Call.", 'Glory in Deathdoes not trigger onclonesofSion, such as withTest of Spirit.', "Glory in Death'suntargetabilityfrom thestasisdoes notdestroyin-flightprojectiles.Projectiles created whileSionis in the zombie form will still travel to him even after he dies.", 'Projectiles created whileSionis in the zombie form will still travel to him even after he dies.', "Upon death, the current cooldowns ofSion'ssummoner spells are increased to 4 seconds. Afterwards, he is still unable to use them until he respawns.However, it is possible for another lock-out effect to unlock them when their duration ends (excludingcrowd controlwith the exception ofstasis).", 'However, it is possible for another lock-out effect to unlock them when their duration ends (excludingcrowd controlwith the exception ofstasis).', 'AfterGlory in Deathends, the corpse ofSionwill retainunit collisiondespite being dead on the ground.', 'Buffs from jungle monsters thatSionacquired duringGlory in Deathwill not be lost when the duration ends. (Crest of Cinders,Crest of Insight)', 'By surviving for the full duration of 60 seconds,Sionwill have suffered41.8k − 443.7k (based on level)in health costs.', 'Sioncan also heal fromspell vamp, althought the stat is currently unobtainable and it would be also unusable duringGlory in Death, since there would be no available abilities that would apply it.', 'Even though its visuals are present,Dark Harvestcan never be gained fromSionunder the effect ofGlory in Death.', "At the start ofGlory in Death,Sion'smanadrops to 0, but hismana regenerationwill remain in effect.", 'Zombie states trigger upon takinglethal damage.Raw damageeffects will not prevent zombie states from triggering.', 'Raw damageeffects will not prevent zombie states from triggering.', 'Allresurrectioneffects will take precedence over effects that reanimate as a zombie.', 'A champion that enters a zombie state will start their death timer upon triggering the effect.', "Most buffs and debuffs will be lost upon transitioning into a zombie state.Those that persist through death, such asBrand'sBlaze, will remain.Undisplayed marker buffs, such as those imposed byVeigar'sEvent HorizonandViktor'sGravity Fieldto prevent being affected multiple times by the same effect, will be lost.(bug)This does not apply when transitioning from one zombie state to another zombie state.(bug)", "Those that persist through death, such asBrand'sBlaze, will remain.", "Undisplayed marker buffs, such as those imposed byVeigar'sEvent HorizonandViktor'sGravity Fieldto prevent being affected multiple times by the same effect, will be lost.(bug)", 'This does not apply when transitioning from one zombie state to another zombie state.(bug)', "Units within a zombie state cannot:UseRecallorCorrupting Potion/Refillable Potion.Activateresurrectioneffects.TakeDark Passage,Catapult, orgates.Pick up theEye of the Herald.Be targeted by the following:BailoutChronoshiftUmbral Trespass.Be affected by the following:Curse of the Black MistFear Beyond Death'schain missileTest of Spirit'sinitial missileLamb's RespiteRealm of DeathFountainhealth restore", 'UseRecallorCorrupting Potion/Refillable Potion.', 'Activateresurrectioneffects.', 'TakeDark Passage,Catapult, orgates.', 'Pick up theEye of the Herald.', 'Be targeted by the following:BailoutChronoshiftUmbral Trespass.', 'Bailout', 'Chronoshift', 'Umbral Trespass.', "Be affected by the following:Curse of the Black MistFear Beyond Death'schain missileTest of Spirit'sinitial missileLamb's RespiteRealm of DeathFountainhealth restore", 'Curse of the Black Mist', "Fear Beyond Death'schain missile", "Test of Spirit'sinitial missile", "Lamb's Respite", 'Realm of Death', 'Fountainhealth restore', 'Death Surgewill grant the bonus movement speed after a brief delay.The buff is intended to grant 75% decaying movement speed, but instead grants 67% movement speed decaying with -8% per stat update.Precisely this leaves him at0% − 0% (based on time passed)bonus movement speed.', 'The buff is intended to grant 75% decaying movement speed, but instead grants 67% movement speed decaying with -8% per stat update.Precisely this leaves him at0% − 0% (based on time passed)bonus movement speed.', 'Precisely this leaves him at0% − 0% (based on time passed)bonus movement speed.', 'Death Surgehas a shared cooldown across each ability key, regardless of which key is used to activate it. Thus, activatingDeath Surgewith any ability key will put the others on cooldown.', "Death Surge'scooldown resets upon death.", "Death Surge'scooldown is affected byability hasteand thus the ability is technically able to be used up to twice during a single instance ofGlory in Death, but this isn't practical.Death Surgeis not affected byUltimate Hunter, even if cast from the ultimate ability slot.Despite showing the cooldown being reduced,Death Surgein the ultimate ability slot will be not reduced byAxiom Arc'sFluxontakedown.(bug)Death Surge'scooldown is not reduced byNavori Quickblades'Deft Strike.", 'Death Surgeis not affected byUltimate Hunter, even if cast from the ultimate ability slot.', "Despite showing the cooldown being reduced,Death Surgein the ultimate ability slot will be not reduced byAxiom Arc'sFluxontakedown.(bug)", "Death Surge'scooldown is not reduced byNavori Quickblades'Deft Strike.", 'Hide', 'Details', 'Map-Specific Differences', 'Correction:The in-game description incorrectly states that the AD ratio is45 / 57.5/ 70 / 82.5/ 95% AD, increased up to135 / 172.5/ 210 / 247.5/ 285% ADbased on channel time.', 'Sionhimself remainslocked outof all actions for 0.25seconds when releasingDecimating Smash.Soul Furnacecan be cast during this time, butRoar of the SlayerandUnstoppable Onslaughtcannot and neither will they be buffered.', 'Soul Furnacecan be cast during this time, butRoar of the SlayerandUnstoppable Onslaughtcannot and neither will they be buffered.', 'Displacement immunitywill also resist the application of thestun.', 'Since thestunduration is longer than theairborneduration, and both start at the same time,Tenacityis still fully effective againstDecimating Smashup to a cap.This virtual cap is 60%-55.5%Tenacitybased on channel time beyond 1 second. Every value below this cap will lower the CC duration with no diminished returns.', 'This virtual cap is 60%-55.5%Tenacitybased on channel time beyond 1 second. Every value below this cap will lower the CC duration with no diminished returns.', 'A flash of the axe and change in brightness of the indicator on the ground indicates when the 1 second time frame is reached.', 'The damage ofDecimating Smashis calculated when it is released. GainingADor upgrading the ability during its channel will update the damage of the coming hit.Even though thecooldownstarts when the ability is released, it will not be changed by gaining or losingAH, or upgrading the ability, during the cast time.', 'Even though thecooldownstarts when the ability is released, it will not be changed by gaining or losingAH, or upgrading the ability, during the cast time.', "The indicator is visible to the enemy only if theyseeSionhimself.If the channel is released before 1 second, enemies may see a particle at the far end of the hitbox, if it itself isn't outside of theirvision.If the channel is released after 1 second, the only remaining indication is the visual effects and audio that plays on any units the spell strikes (these play on-target), provided the enemy does havevisionon those.", "If the channel is released before 1 second, enemies may see a particle at the far end of the hitbox, if it itself isn't outside of theirvision.", 'If the channel is released after 1 second, the only remaining indication is the visual effects and audio that plays on any units the spell strikes (these play on-target), provided the enemy does havevisionon those.', "Forced movement without astuncomponent (or the stun beingcleansedpreviously) will not stopSionfrom starting or continuing to channel. Its direction will not change withSion'stravel, however the location will update with him.The location of the indicator updates at thebeginningof the ability, at1 secondand atrelease.", 'The location of the indicator updates at thebeginningof the ability, at1 secondand atrelease.', 'The indicator of the ability is slightly shorter at its front than the hitbox of the ability is forOriginal Sion,Mecha Zero Sionand related skins and chromas, while onWorldbreaker Sion, the indicator is slightly thinner at the front than the hitbox is, instead.', 'The following table refers for interactions whileSionischanneling:', 'Death', 'Cast-inhibiting effects', 'Minimum base damage changed to 65 / 85 / 105 / 125 / 145.', 'Minimum AD ratio changed to60 / 70 / 80 / 90 / 100% AD.', 'Maximum base damage changed to 130 / 195 / 260 / 325 / 390.', 'Maximum AD ratio changed to180 / 210 / 240 / 270 / 300% AD.', 'Base stun duration changed to 1.75seconds.', 'Hide', 'Details', 'Map-Specific Differences', 'A buff icon in the HUD will show the current shield strength, so that the player can better calculate the timing of the second cast.The initial shown value does not interact withshield strength modifiers. Whenever the shield takes damage, it updates to the proper current shield amount, however.', 'The initial shown value does not interact withshield strength modifiers. Whenever the shield takes damage, it updates to the proper current shield amount, however.', "The initial cast counts as an ability activation for the purposes of on-cast effects such asSpellbladeand triggeringForce Pulse'spassive.Detonating the ability manually does not.", 'Detonating the ability manually does not.', "Gaining or losing AP or health, or ranking up the skill while the shield is active will not change its shield value but it will change the damage of the shield's detonation.", 'ThecooldownofSoul Furnacebegins once the shield is removed.Gaining or losingability hastebetween the first cast and breaking of the shield will affect the resuming cooldown accordingly.', 'Gaining or losingability hastebetween the first cast and breaking of the shield will affect the resuming cooldown accordingly.', 'Soul Furnacealso automatically detonates ifSionis killed without the shield being destroyed, e.g. by dying to theNexus Obelisk,even ifSion could not have detonated it manually yet.', "Soul Furnace'sbonus health can be obtained by any ofSion'sdamage sources (basic attacks, abilities, summoner spells, item actives).This does not includelast hitstransferred toSionartificially, through effects such asSpoils of War.If thegold efficiencyof aRuby Crystalis considered 100%, eachlast hitortakedownafterSoul Furnacehas been learned can be considered worth an extra10.6or40g.", 'This does not includelast hitstransferred toSionartificially, through effects such asSpoils of War.', 'If thegold efficiencyof aRuby Crystalis considered 100%, eachlast hitortakedownafterSoul Furnacehas been learned can be considered worth an extra10.6or40g.', 'Sionmust learnSoul Furnacebefore he can stack up its passive.', 'Siondoes not gain bonus health from units that enterresurrectionon-death.', 'Killing the following unit types grantsSion15bonushealth:Champions(killsandassists)Large minionsandlarge monsters(including both summoned and pitRift Herald)Large pets- ExplicitlyTibbers,DaisyandThe Maiden', 'Champions(killsandassists)', 'Large minionsandlarge monsters(including both summoned and pitRift Herald)', 'Large pets- ExplicitlyTibbers,DaisyandThe Maiden', 'Killing the following unit types grantsSion4bonushealth:Minionsandsmall monstersWardsand otherchampion summoned units(e.g.Noxious Trap,Powder Keg,Dark Procession)Allpets, with the exceptions of those listed above and belowClones', 'Minionsandsmall monsters', 'Wardsand otherchampion summoned units(e.g.Noxious Trap,Powder Keg,Dark Procession)', 'Allpets, with the exceptions of those listed above and below', 'Clones', "Killing the following unit types grantsSionnobonushealth:Turrets(includingSun Disk) and otherstructuresJungle plants(destroying which does not grant kill credit).Units destroyed by 'trampling' such asZyra'sseeds,Zac'sgooorRek'Sai'stunnels.", 'Turrets(includingSun Disk) and otherstructures', 'Jungle plants(destroying which does not grant kill credit).', "Units destroyed by 'trampling' such asZyra'sseeds,Zac'sgooorRek'Sai'stunnels.", 'On-unit-kill bonus health doubled.(On-takedownbonus health unchanged).', '(On-takedownbonus health unchanged).', 'Bonus health per champion takedown changed to 45.', 'New Effect:Gains 100bonushealthper round.', 'Hide', 'Details', 'Map-Specific Differences', "Minions or monsters that are flung away are immune to minion damage and take their damage once they are stopped if they would die toRoar of the Slayer'sdamage, by either colliding with terrain, reaching the end of their trajectory, or having their displacement interrupted.", 'Unlike the intial single-targetprojectile, a thrown minion or monster is not blocked byWind WallorUnbreakable.', 'Gaining or losingAP, or upgrading the ability while its projectile is traveling will change its damage for every future hit. This applies to both the intial single-target projectile, as well as the minion-projectile.', 'This ability will cast from wherever the caster is at the end of the cast time.', 'Base damage changed to 80 / 135 / 190 / 245 / 300.', 'AP ratio changed to80% AP.', 'Armor reduction changed to 40%.', 'Slow strength changed to 55 / 60 / 65 / 70 / 75%.', 'Hide', 'Details', 'Map-Specific Differences', 'WhenSioncastsUnstoppable Onslaughta global warning can be heard.', 'Unstoppable Onslaughtdoes not apply the knock up nor stun to enemies from slamming on collision with terrain.', 'Unstoppable Onslaughtdoes notknock upnon-champions hit by the charge.(bug)', 'Unstoppable Onslaughtcan be activated twiceorheld down and released onbothnormal cast and quick cast. There is no other difference between normal cast and quick cast for this ability, either.', 'The initial cast counts as an ability activation for the purposes of on-cast effects such asSpellblade.The recast does not.', 'The recast does not.', 'An enemy can only be affected byUnstoppable Onslaughtonce every 1 second.', "After reaching maximum damage and stun duration (at 3 seconds)Sionwill transition from using hishasteanimation to his uniquechargingone.Reaching the threshold onMecha Zero Sionchanges his particle effects instead, most notably the 'Boosters' behind the vehicle.The turning angle is not based on time and can easily be seen in practice when aSionchargesin-place due to bugs.", "Reaching the threshold onMecha Zero Sionchanges his particle effects instead, most notably the 'Boosters' behind the vehicle.", 'The turning angle is not based on time and can easily be seen in practice when aSionchargesin-place due to bugs.', "Sion'smovement speed gains during the charge are unaffected bymovement speed caps. Effects that would increase or decrease his movement speed do not affect him as well.Nami'sSurging Tidesis the only known effect that can affectSion'smovement speedduring thechargeand that can place him above the normal MS value. However, without further multipliers, surpassing the950 movement speedcap will requireNamito have over2150 ability power.", "Nami'sSurging Tidesis the only known effect that can affectSion'smovement speedduring thechargeand that can place him above the normal MS value. However, without further multipliers, surpassing the950 movement speedcap will requireNamito have over2150 ability power.", "Siondoes not always crash with terrain immediately upon touching it, enabling the player to turn beyond his maximum turning angle.Casting the ability at point blank of a terrain will most often automatically change thecharge'sdirection.This is not usually possible with player-generated terrain.", "Casting the ability at point blank of a terrain will most often automatically change thecharge'sdirection.", 'This is not usually possible with player-generated terrain.', 'Unstoppable Onslaughtcannotchargethrough but canleapoverplayer-generated terrain.', 'Sionloses thecrowd control immunityafter finishing theleap.', "Sionis not immune to analliedBard'sTempered Fateif it hitsSionduring the 0.05-second delay before he starts the channel, he will not resist the effect and will initiate theslamimmediately while instasis.(bug)", 'Unstoppable Onslaughtcannot strike the same non-champion twice in less than 1 second.', 'Even though thecooldownofUnstoppable Onslaughtstarts at the end of the effect, gaining or losingability haste, or upgrading the ability during the effect, will not change the resuming cooldown.', 'Removingtheairbornebefore 0.5seconds willnotprevent thestunfrom being applied.', 'Displacement immunitywill also resist the application of thestun.', "Sioncan occasionally castUnstoppable Onslaughtwhilerooted. In this case, he will stand in place until the root's debuff duration ends. During this time, the damage, stun duration and movement speed granted by the ability will still ramp up, and enemies that come into contact with him will be affected by the collision normally.(bug)A similar case allows him to cast it during crowd control that would disable it. However, the channel would be interrupted almost immediately, and he will initiate the leap as well.", 'A similar case allows him to cast it during crowd control that would disable it. However, the channel would be interrupted almost immediately, and he will initiate the leap as well.', "Fate's Calldeferment ofUnstoppable Onslaughtwill still allowSionto leap forward at the end of the channel.", 'Moving the cursor onto HUD elements (e.gmini map/ champion portraits) doesnotjeopardize the cast and steering ofUnstoppable Onslaught. The targeting will act as if the ground was targeted below the display element.', "PENDING FOR TEST:The distance betweenSion'scenter and the center of the groundslamscales slightly with movement speed. This is suspected because running into a wall within half a second ofchargetime after starting at multiple thousands of movement speed shows a considerable difference, however this could also be due to a bug.", "PENDING FOR TEST:Theleapappears to always have the same speed regardless ofSion's, at roughly 750.", 'The following table refers for interactions whileSionischanneling:', 'Death', "IfUnstoppable Onslaught'schannel is interrupted despite the immunity to crowd control orDecimating Smashis cast within 0.25seconds after starting the charge, it will also initiate the leap. If the channel ends due to collision or death, there is noleapand the effect occurs immediately.", 'Minimum base damage changed to 250 / 500 / 750.', 'Maximum base damage changed to 700 / 1400 / 2100.', 'Glory in DeathBase health cost per tick increased to2.3− 24.4(based on level)from2 − 19 (based on level).', 'Base health cost per tick increased to2.3− 24.4(based on level)from2 − 19 (based on level).', 'Unstoppable OnslaughtBug Fix:Crowd control immunity now properly resists allied crowd control as well.', 'Bug Fix:Crowd control immunity now properly resists allied crowd control as well.', 'StatsBase health increased to 655 from 615.', 'Base health increased to 655 from 615.', 'Decimating SmashMaximum base damage increased to 90 / 155 / 220 / 285 / 350 from 70 / 135 / 200 / 265 / 330.', 'Maximum base damage increased to 90 / 155 / 220 / 285 / 350 from 70 / 135 / 200 / 265 / 330.', 'StatsBase mana increased to 400 from 330.Mana growth increased to 52 from 42.', 'Base mana increased to 400 from 330.', 'Mana growth increased to 52 from 42.', 'Decimating SmashMinimum base damage increased to 40 / 60 / 80 / 100 / 120 from 30 / 50 / 70 / 90 / 110.Maximum base damage unchanged.', 'Minimum base damage increased to 40 / 60 / 80 / 100 / 120 from 30 / 50 / 70 / 90 / 110.Maximum base damage unchanged.', 'Maximum base damage unchanged.', "Unstoppable OnslaughtBug Fix:Fixed an oversight where the server would still accept attack commands to alterSion'sotherwise-restricted movement.This fixes an exploit where cheaters could deliberately input these orders through their means to fully controlSion'smovement.", "Bug Fix:Fixed an oversight where the server would still accept attack commands to alterSion'sotherwise-restricted movement.This fixes an exploit where cheaters could deliberately input these orders through their means to fully controlSion'smovement.", "This fixes an exploit where cheaters could deliberately input these orders through their means to fully controlSion'smovement.", 'GeneralBug Fix:No longer becomes unable to attack for 0.25seconds shortly after entering champion combat.', 'Bug Fix:No longer becomes unable to attack for 0.25seconds shortly after entering champion combat.', 'Decimating SmashBug Fix:No longer preventsSoul Furnaceand itsrecastfrom being cast for a brief moment after releasing the charge.', 'Bug Fix:No longer preventsSoul Furnaceand itsrecastfrom being cast for a brief moment after releasing the charge.', 'Roar of the SlayerBug Fix:No longer locks Sion out of attacking, moving and casting movement spells for up-to 0.25seconds after the missile is fired.This fixes several bugs where non-crowd control effects that prevent Sion from attacking or moving (e.g.Decimating Smash,Teleport) were having those disables ignored for 0.25seconds after the disable fromRoar of the Slayerwore off.Moving duringDecimating Smashfor this reason cancelled the channel.', 'Bug Fix:No longer locks Sion out of attacking, moving and casting movement spells for up-to 0.25seconds after the missile is fired.This fixes several bugs where non-crowd control effects that prevent Sion from attacking or moving (e.g.Decimating Smash,Teleport) were having those disables ignored for 0.25seconds after the disable fromRoar of the Slayerwore off.Moving duringDecimating Smashfor this reason cancelled the channel.', 'This fixes several bugs where non-crowd control effects that prevent Sion from attacking or moving (e.g.Decimating Smash,Teleport) were having those disables ignored for 0.25seconds after the disable fromRoar of the Slayerwore off.Moving duringDecimating Smashfor this reason cancelled the channel.', 'Moving duringDecimating Smashfor this reason cancelled the channel.', "Unstoppable OnslaughtBug Fix:Stunduration is no longer0.75− 1.75(based on channel time)seconds instead of the normal0.25− 1.75(based on channel time)when colliding withthe recast leap.Bug Fix:Fixed an oversight where the server would still accept attack move commands to alterSion'sotherwise-restricted movement.This fixes an exploit where cheaters could deliberately input these orders through their means to fully controlSion'smovement.Delayed attack move packets can thus also no longer changeSion'smovement duringUnstoppable Onslaughta single time.", 'Bug Fix:Stunduration is no longer0.75− 1.75(based on channel time)seconds instead of the normal0.25− 1.75(based on channel time)when colliding withthe recast leap.', "Bug Fix:Fixed an oversight where the server would still accept attack move commands to alterSion'sotherwise-restricted movement.This fixes an exploit where cheaters could deliberately input these orders through their means to fully controlSion'smovement.Delayed attack move packets can thus also no longer changeSion'smovement duringUnstoppable Onslaughta single time.", "This fixes an exploit where cheaters could deliberately input these orders through their means to fully controlSion'smovement.", "Delayed attack move packets can thus also no longer changeSion'smovement duringUnstoppable Onslaughta single time.", "Glory in DeathBug Fix:Corpse is no longer an obstacle to other units' pathing.", "Bug Fix:Corpse is no longer an obstacle to other units' pathing.", 'StatsBase health increased to 615 from 545.Health growth increased to 87 from 73.Armor growth increased to 4.2from 3.Magic resistance growth increased to 2.05from 1.25.', 'Base health increased to 615 from 545.', 'Health growth increased to 87 from 73.', 'Armor growth increased to 4.2from 3.', 'Magic resistance growth increased to 2.05from 1.25.', 'Soul FurnaceShield health ratio reduced to8 / 9 / 10 / 11 / 12%maximumhealthfrom10 / 11 / 12 / 13 / 14%.', 'Shield health ratio reduced to8 / 9 / 10 / 11 / 12%maximumhealthfrom10 / 11 / 12 / 13 / 14%.', 'Roar of the SlayerBug Fix:Can no longer knockbackRift Herald.This includes the player-summonedRift Heraldwhich is otherwise not immune to CC.(bug)', 'Bug Fix:Can no longer knockbackRift Herald.This includes the player-summonedRift Heraldwhich is otherwise not immune to CC.(bug)', 'This includes the player-summonedRift Heraldwhich is otherwise not immune to CC.(bug)', "Glory in DeathBug Fix:Fixed a bug where he wasn't dealing reduced damage against structures despite displaying the correct numbers.", "Bug Fix:Fixed a bug where he wasn't dealing reduced damage against structures despite displaying the correct numbers.", 'Glory in DeathNew Effect:Damage against structures is now reduced to 40% damage while in zombie form.This includes attacks as well as on-hit effects that can be applied to structures, such asDemolish,Titanic Hydraand the magic damage based onAPconversion based onadaptive force.This includestrue damagefrom sources such asElixir of Sorcery.(bug)', 'New Effect:Damage against structures is now reduced to 40% damage while in zombie form.This includes attacks as well as on-hit effects that can be applied to structures, such asDemolish,Titanic Hydraand the magic damage based onAPconversion based onadaptive force.This includestrue damagefrom sources such asElixir of Sorcery.(bug)', 'This includes attacks as well as on-hit effects that can be applied to structures, such asDemolish,Titanic Hydraand the magic damage based onAPconversion based onadaptive force.', 'This includestrue damagefrom sources such asElixir of Sorcery.(bug)', 'Roar of the SlayerBug Fix:Tooltip now displays the proper duration of the armor reduction debuff.', 'Bug Fix:Tooltip now displays the proper duration of the armor reduction debuff.', 'Glory in DeathBug Fix:Enemy champions that deal lethal damage to trigger the zombie state are no longer considered to deal damage to the source when the effect ends.', 'Bug Fix:Enemy champions that deal lethal damage to trigger the zombie state are no longer considered to deal damage to the source when the effect ends.', 'Soul FurnaceShield health ratio increased to10 / 11 / 12 / 13 / 14%maximumhealthfrom8 / 9 / 10 / 11 / 12%.', 'Shield health ratio increased to10 / 11 / 12 / 13 / 14%maximumhealthfrom8 / 9 / 10 / 11 / 12%.', 'Decimating SmashUndocumented/Bug Fix:Tooltip no longer incorrectly uses a higher AD ratio on ranks 2-5 of the damage calculation.', 'Undocumented/Bug Fix:Tooltip no longer incorrectly uses a higher AD ratio on ranks 2-5 of the damage calculation.', "Soul FurnaceUndocumented/Bug Fix:Tooltip no longer incorrectly factors inSion'smaximum health as bonus damage on the recast's damage calculation.", "Undocumented/Bug Fix:Tooltip no longer incorrectly factors inSion'smaximum health as bonus damage on the recast's damage calculation.", 'Soul FurnaceShield strength increased to 60 / 85 / 110 / 135 / 160 from 50 / 75 / 100 / 125 / 150.', 'Shield strength increased to 60 / 85 / 110 / 135 / 160 from 50 / 75 / 100 / 125 / 150.', "Glory in DeathBug Fix:Sterak's Gage'sLifeline no longer refreshes its readiness upon death, which caused it to always trigger again duringGlory in Deatheven if on cooldown.", "Bug Fix:Sterak's Gage'sLifeline no longer refreshes its readiness upon death, which caused it to always trigger again duringGlory in Deatheven if on cooldown.", "Glory in DeathBug Fix:Fixed a bug where the respawnedSioncould be knocked back to his previous location by certain abilities, ifGlory in Deathlasted longer than his death timer's duration.Dr. Mundo'sBlunt Force Traumano longer pulls a vanishedSionfrom his respawn location.Urgot'sDisdainno lo | Name: Decimating Smash, Description: Active: Sion charges for up to 2 seconds to increase Decimating Smash's range over an area, knock up duration, stun duration, and damage every 0. 25 seconds, which has up to a maximum bonus for the base damage and up to a 200% bonus for the scaling damage. Maximum Base Damage Increase: 125 / 158. 33 / 175 / 185 / 191. 67 % Minimum Physical Damage: 40 / 60 / 80 / 100 / 120 (+ 45 / 52. 5 / 60 / 67. 5 / 75% AD) Maximum Physical Damage: 90 / 155 / 220 / 285 / 350 (+ 135 / 157. 5 / 180 / 202. 5 / 225% AD) Decimating Smash can be recast within the duration, and does so automatically afterwards. If the charge is interrupted , Decimating Smash is placed on a 2-second cooldown. Recast: Sion flails his axe in the target direction, dealing physical damage to enemies hit and slowing them by 50% for 0. 25 seconds. Decimating Smash deals 150% damage against monsters and 60% damage against minions . Minimum Monster Damage: 60 / 90 / 120 / 150 / 180 (+ 67. 5 / 78. 75 / 90 / 101. 25 / 112. 5 % AD) Maximum Monster Damage: 135 / 232. 5 / 330 / 427. 5 / 525 (+ 202. 5 / 236. 25 / 270 / 303. 75 / 337. 5 % AD) Minimum Minion Damage: 24 / 36 / 48 / 60 / 72 (+ 27 / 31. 5 / 36 / 40. 5 / 45% AD) Maximum Minion Damage: 54 / 93 / 132 / 171 / 210 (+ 81 / 94. 5 / 108 / 121. 5 / 135% AD) If Decimating Smash was charged for at least 1 second, Sion instead slams his axe down in the target direction, dealing physical damage to enemies hit, knocking them up for 0. 5 − 1 (based on channel time) seconds, and stunning them for 1. 25 − 2. 25 (based on channel time) seconds., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputDirection', 'damage_type': 'Physical', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Map-Specific Differences', 'Correction:The in-game description incorrectly states that the AD ratio is45 / 57.5/ 70 / 82.5/ 95% AD, increased up to135 / 172.5/ 210 / 247.5/ 285% ADbased on channel time.', 'Sionhimself remainslocked outof all actions for 0.25seconds when releasingDecimating Smash.Soul Furnacecan be cast during this time, butRoar of the SlayerandUnstoppable Onslaughtcannot and neither will they be buffered.', 'Soul Furnacecan be cast during this time, butRoar of the SlayerandUnstoppable Onslaughtcannot and neither will they be buffered.', 'Displacement immunitywill also resist the application of thestun.', 'Since thestunduration is longer than theairborneduration, and both start at the same time,Tenacityis still fully effective againstDecimating Smashup to a cap.This virtual cap is 60%-55.5%Tenacitybased on channel time beyond 1 second. Every value below this cap will lower the CC duration with no diminished returns.', 'This virtual cap is 60%-55.5%Tenacitybased on channel time beyond 1 second. Every value below this cap will lower the CC duration with no diminished returns.', 'A flash of the axe and change in brightness of the indicator on the ground indicates when the 1 second time frame is reached.', 'The damage ofDecimating Smashis calculated when it is released. GainingADor upgrading the ability during its channel will update the damage of the coming hit.Even though thecooldownstarts when the ability is released, it will not be changed by gaining or losingAH, or upgrading the ability, during the cast time.', 'Even though thecooldownstarts when the ability is released, it will not be changed by gaining or losingAH, or upgrading the ability, during the cast time.', "The indicator is visible to the enemy only if theyseeSionhimself.If the channel is released before 1 second, enemies may see a particle at the far end of the hitbox, if it itself isn't outside of theirvision.If the channel is released after 1 second, the only remaining indication is the visual effects and audio that plays on any units the spell strikes (these play on-target), provided the enemy does havevisionon those.", "If the channel is released before 1 second, enemies may see a particle at the far end of the hitbox, if it itself isn't outside of theirvision.", 'If the channel is released after 1 second, the only remaining indication is the visual effects and audio that plays on any units the spell strikes (these play on-target), provided the enemy does havevisionon those.', "Forced movement without astuncomponent (or the stun beingcleansedpreviously) will not stopSionfrom starting or continuing to channel. Its direction will not change withSion'stravel, however the location will update with him.The location of the indicator updates at thebeginningof the ability, at1 secondand atrelease.", 'The location of the indicator updates at thebeginningof the ability, at1 secondand atrelease.', 'The indicator of the ability is slightly shorter at its front than the hitbox of the ability is forOriginal Sion,Mecha Zero Sionand related skins and chromas, while onWorldbreaker Sion, the indicator is slightly thinner at the front than the hitbox is, instead.', 'The following table refers for interactions whileSionischanneling:', 'Death', 'Cast-inhibiting effects', 'Minimum base damage changed to 65 / 85 / 105 / 125 / 145.', 'Minimum AD ratio changed to60 / 70 / 80 / 90 / 100% AD.', 'Maximum base damage changed to 130 / 195 / 260 / 325 / 390.', 'Maximum AD ratio changed to180 / 210 / 240 / 270 / 300% AD.', 'Base stun duration changed to 1.75seconds.']} | Name: Soul Furnace, Description: Passive: Sion gains 4 bonus health whenever he kills an enemy , increased to 15 for large enemies and takedowns against enemy champions . Active: Sion grants himself a shield that lasts for up to 6 seconds. Soul Furnace can be recast after 3 seconds while the shield holds, and does so automatically at the end of the duration. Shield Strength: 60 / 85 / 110 / 135 / 160 (+ 40% AP) (+ 8 / 9 / 10 / 11 / 12% maximum health) Recast: Sion consumes the shield to deal magic damage to nearby enemies, capped at 400 against minions and monsters . Magic Damage: 40 / 65 / 90 / 115 / 140 (+ 40% AP) (+ 10 / 11 / 12 / 13 / 14% of target's maximum health) Both of Soul Furnace's casts can be activated during Sion's other abilities., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputAuto', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Map-Specific Differences', 'A buff icon in the HUD will show the current shield strength, so that the player can better calculate the timing of the second cast.The initial shown value does not interact withshield strength modifiers. Whenever the shield takes damage, it updates to the proper current shield amount, however.', 'The initial shown value does not interact withshield strength modifiers. Whenever the shield takes damage, it updates to the proper current shield amount, however.', "The initial cast counts as an ability activation for the purposes of on-cast effects such asSpellbladeand triggeringForce Pulse'spassive.Detonating the ability manually does not.", 'Detonating the ability manually does not.', "Gaining or losing AP or health, or ranking up the skill while the shield is active will not change its shield value but it will change the damage of the shield's detonation.", 'ThecooldownofSoul Furnacebegins once the shield is removed.Gaining or losingability hastebetween the first cast and breaking of the shield will affect the resuming cooldown accordingly.', 'Gaining or losingability hastebetween the first cast and breaking of the shield will affect the resuming cooldown accordingly.', 'Soul Furnacealso automatically detonates ifSionis killed without the shield being destroyed, e.g. by dying to theNexus Obelisk,even ifSion could not have detonated it manually yet.', "Soul Furnace'sbonus health can be obtained by any ofSion'sdamage sources (basic attacks, abilities, summoner spells, item actives).This does not includelast hitstransferred toSionartificially, through effects such asSpoils of War.If thegold efficiencyof aRuby Crystalis considered 100%, eachlast hitortakedownafterSoul Furnacehas been learned can be considered worth an extra10.6or40g.", 'This does not includelast hitstransferred toSionartificially, through effects such asSpoils of War.', 'If thegold efficiencyof aRuby Crystalis considered 100%, eachlast hitortakedownafterSoul Furnacehas been learned can be considered worth an extra10.6or40g.', 'Sionmust learnSoul Furnacebefore he can stack up its passive.', 'Siondoes not gain bonus health from units that enterresurrectionon-death.', 'Killing the following unit types grantsSion15bonushealth:Champions(killsandassists)Large minionsandlarge monsters(including both summoned and pitRift Herald)Large pets- ExplicitlyTibbers,DaisyandThe Maiden', 'Champions(killsandassists)', 'Large minionsandlarge monsters(including both summoned and pitRift Herald)', 'Large pets- ExplicitlyTibbers,DaisyandThe Maiden', 'Killing the following unit types grantsSion4bonushealth:Minionsandsmall monstersWardsand otherchampion summoned units(e.g.Noxious Trap,Powder Keg,Dark Procession)Allpets, with the exceptions of those listed above and belowClones', 'Minionsandsmall monsters', 'Wardsand otherchampion summoned units(e.g.Noxious Trap,Powder Keg,Dark Procession)', 'Allpets, with the exceptions of those listed above and below', 'Clones', "Killing the following unit types grantsSionnobonushealth:Turrets(includingSun Disk) and otherstructuresJungle plants(destroying which does not grant kill credit).Units destroyed by 'trampling' such asZyra'sseeds,Zac'sgooorRek'Sai'stunnels.", 'Turrets(includingSun Disk) and otherstructures', 'Jungle plants(destroying which does not grant kill credit).', "Units destroyed by 'trampling' such asZyra'sseeds,Zac'sgooorRek'Sai'stunnels.", 'On-unit-kill bonus health doubled.(On-takedownbonus health unchanged).', '(On-takedownbonus health unchanged).', 'Bonus health per champion takedown changed to 45.', 'New Effect:Gains 100bonushealthper round.']} | Name: Roar of the Slayer, Description: Active: Sion bellows a shockwave in the target direction that deals magic damage to the first enemy hit, slows them for 2. 5 seconds and inflicts them with 20% armor reduction for 4 seconds. Magic Damage: 65 / 100 / 135 / 170 / 205 (+ 55% AP) Slow: 40 / 45 / 50 / 55 / 60% If the target is a minion or non-epic monster , they are also stunned for 0. 75 seconds and knocked back for up to 1350 units further, though not through terrain, applying Roar of the Slayer's effects to enemies they pass through as well as briefly granting sight of the area around their trajectory., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputDirection', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Map-Specific Differences', "Minions or monsters that are flung away are immune to minion damage and take their damage once they are stopped if they would die toRoar of the Slayer'sdamage, by either colliding with terrain, reaching the end of their trajectory, or having their displacement interrupted.", 'Unlike the intial single-targetprojectile, a thrown minion or monster is not blocked byWind WallorUnbreakable.', 'Gaining or losingAP, or upgrading the ability while its projectile is traveling will change its damage for every future hit. This applies to both the intial single-target projectile, as well as the minion-projectile.', 'This ability will cast from wherever the caster is at the end of the cast time.', 'Base damage changed to 80 / 135 / 190 / 245 / 300.', 'AP ratio changed to80% AP.', 'Armor reduction changed to 40%.', 'Slow strength changed to 55 / 60 / 65 / 70 / 75%.']} | Name: Unstoppable Onslaught, Description: Active: Sion becomes immune to crowd control and ghosted and, after a brief delay , charges forward in the direction of the cursor for up to 8 seconds, during which he is able to steer at a slow turn rate while automatically navigating his movement. Unstoppable Onslaught can be recast after 0. 4 seconds during the channel. The charge ramps up Sion's movement speed at the time of cast by 40 movement speed every 0. 1 seconds, up to 950 total movement speed . At the end of the charge's duration, Sion leaps forward 300 units, landing after 0. 55 seconds and slamming the ground beneath him. Sion will stop upon colliding with an enemy champion or terrain during the charge, ending Unstoppable Onslaught with a slam. Crashing into terrain stuns Sion for 0. 5 seconds. Enemies hit by Sion's charge are dealt physical damage . The base damage increases by 0% − 166. 67 % (based on channel time) and the scaling increases by 0% − 100% (based on channel time) . Minimum Physical Damage: 150 / 300 / 450 (+ 40% bonus AD) Maximum Physical Damage: 400 / 800 / 1200 (+ 80% bonus AD) Enemies, including turrets , hit by the slam are dealt the same damage and are slowed for 3 seconds. Enemies in a smaller radius are also pulled towards Sion over 0. 5 seconds and become stunned after a brief delay for 0. 25 − 1. 75 (based on channel time) seconds. Slow: 40 / 45 / 50% Recast: Sion stops charging, causing him to leap forward and slam the ground beneath him as if Unstoppable Onslaught had reached the end of its duration. Link ▶️ "Chaaaaaaaarge!" Link ▶️ Charge alert., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputDirection/Auto', 'damage_type': 'Physical', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Map-Specific Differences', 'WhenSioncastsUnstoppable Onslaughta global warning can be heard.', 'Unstoppable Onslaughtdoes not apply the knock up nor stun to enemies from slamming on collision with terrain.', 'Unstoppable Onslaughtdoes notknock upnon-champions hit by the charge.(bug)', 'Unstoppable Onslaughtcan be activated twiceorheld down and released onbothnormal cast and quick cast. There is no other difference between normal cast and quick cast for this ability, either.', 'The initial cast counts as an ability activation for the purposes of on-cast effects such asSpellblade.The recast does not.', 'The recast does not.', 'An enemy can only be affected byUnstoppable Onslaughtonce every 1 second.', "After reaching maximum damage and stun duration (at 3 seconds)Sionwill transition from using hishasteanimation to his uniquechargingone.Reaching the threshold onMecha Zero Sionchanges his particle effects instead, most notably the 'Boosters' behind the vehicle.The turning angle is not based on time and can easily be seen in practice when aSionchargesin-place due to bugs.", "Reaching the threshold onMecha Zero Sionchanges his particle effects instead, most notably the 'Boosters' behind the vehicle.", 'The turning angle is not based on time and can easily be seen in practice when aSionchargesin-place due to bugs.', "Sion'smovement speed gains during the charge are unaffected bymovement speed caps. Effects that would increase or decrease his movement speed do not affect him as well.Nami'sSurging Tidesis the only known effect that can affectSion'smovement speedduring thechargeand that can place him above the normal MS value. However, without further multipliers, surpassing the950 movement speedcap will requireNamito have over2150 ability power.", "Nami'sSurging Tidesis the only known effect that can affectSion'smovement speedduring thechargeand that can place him above the normal MS value. However, without further multipliers, surpassing the950 movement speedcap will requireNamito have over2150 ability power.", "Siondoes not always crash with terrain immediately upon touching it, enabling the player to turn beyond his maximum turning angle.Casting the ability at point blank of a terrain will most often automatically change thecharge'sdirection.This is not usually possible with player-generated terrain.", "Casting the ability at point blank of a terrain will most often automatically change thecharge'sdirection.", 'This is not usually possible with player-generated terrain.', 'Unstoppable Onslaughtcannotchargethrough but canleapoverplayer-generated terrain.', 'Sionloses thecrowd control immunityafter finishing theleap.', "Sionis not immune to analliedBard'sTempered Fateif it hitsSionduring the 0.05-second delay before he starts the channel, he will not resist the effect and will initiate theslamimmediately while instasis.(bug)", 'Unstoppable Onslaughtcannot strike the same non-champion twice in less than 1 second.', 'Even though thecooldownofUnstoppable Onslaughtstarts at the end of the effect, gaining or losingability haste, or upgrading the ability during the effect, will not change the resuming cooldown.', 'Removingtheairbornebefore 0.5seconds willnotprevent thestunfrom being applied.', 'Displacement immunitywill also resist the application of thestun.', "Sioncan occasionally castUnstoppable Onslaughtwhilerooted. In this case, he will stand in place until the root's debuff duration ends. During this time, the damage, stun duration and movement speed granted by the ability will still ramp up, and enemies that come into contact with him will be affected by the collision normally.(bug)A similar case allows him to cast it during crowd control that would disable it. However, the channel would be interrupted almost immediately, and he will initiate the leap as well.", 'A similar case allows him to cast it during crowd control that would disable it. However, the channel would be interrupted almost immediately, and he will initiate the leap as well.', "Fate's Calldeferment ofUnstoppable Onslaughtwill still allowSionto leap forward at the end of the channel.", 'Moving the cursor onto HUD elements (e.gmini map/ champion portraits) doesnotjeopardize the cast and steering ofUnstoppable Onslaught. The targeting will act as if the ground was targeted below the display element.', "PENDING FOR TEST:The distance betweenSion'scenter and the center of the groundslamscales slightly with movement speed. This is suspected because running into a wall within half a second ofchargetime after starting at multiple thousands of movement speed shows a considerable difference, however this could also be due to a bug.", "PENDING FOR TEST:Theleapappears to always have the same speed regardless ofSion's, at roughly 750.", 'The following table refers for interactions whileSionischanneling:', 'Death', "IfUnstoppable Onslaught'schannel is interrupted despite the immunity to crowd control orDecimating Smashis cast within 0.25seconds after starting the charge, it will also initiate the leap. If the channel ends due to collision or death, there is noleapand the effect occurs immediately.", 'Minimum base damage changed to 250 / 500 / 750.', 'Maximum base damage changed to 700 / 1400 / 2100.']} | When permanenthealthstacking was added toEnragein theMay 9, 2009 Patch, Sion became the first champion to have an ability that could infinitely stack an effect.
Sion was one of the first six champions designed, together withAnnie,Lee Sin,Singed,Sivir, andTwisted Fate.[2][3]Of these, he was however the first and only one to recieve afull relaunchafter his initial release, completely remaking the original appearance and gameplay. |
Sivir,the Battle Mistress | | | health: Health600+104, resource: Mana340+45, health regen: Health regen. (per 5s)3.25+0.55, resource regen: Mana regen. (per 5s)6+0.8, armor: Armor26+4.45, attack damage: Attack damage58+2.5, attack speed: Base AS0.625, gameplay radius: Gameplay radius65, selection radius: Selection radius115, release: 2009-02-21, changed: V13.12, role: Marksman, position: Bottom, rangetype: Ranged, adaptivetype: Physical, cost: 450|260 | Games
SivirMainCurrent 1Current 2TitlesNickname(s)Sivunas Alahair(Prophecy Title)My Greatest GranddaughterLittle WarriorGirlAlias(es)The Bringer of Rains(Prophecy Title)The Battle MistressPrincess SivirCharacteristicsSpeciesHumanPronoun(s)She/HerTimelineBorn:966 AN - 971 ANWeapon(s)7Chalicar6RicochetPersonal statusStatusAlivePlace of originShurimaCurrent residenceShurima(No Fixed Abode)FamilyUnnamed Family†Omah Azir(Ancestor)Professional statusOccupation(s)MercenaryFortune hunterShurima's HeiressPrincess ofShurimaRegion(s)ShurimaRelated character(s)NasusCassiopeiaAzirXerathRenektonTaliyah
• Main
• Current 1
• Current 2
• Sivunas Alahair(Prophecy Title)
• My Greatest Granddaughter
• Little Warrior
• Girl
• The Bringer of Rains(Prophecy Title)
• The Battle Mistress
• Princess Sivir
• Born:966 AN - 971 AN
• 7Chalicar
• 6Ricochet
Personal status
Place of origin
Current residence
• Unnamed Family†
• Omah Azir(Ancestor)
Professional status
• Mercenary
• Fortune hunter
• Shurima's Heiress
• Princess ofShurima
Related character(s)
Siviris a renowned fortune hunter and mercenary captain who plies her trade in the deserts ofShurima. Armed with her legendary jewelledcrossblade, she has fought and won countless battles for those who can afford her exorbitant price. Known for her fearless resolve and endless ambition, she prides herself on recovering buried treasures from the perilous tombs of Shurima - for a generous bounty. Withancient forces stirring the very bones of Shurima, Sivir finds herself torn between conflicting destinies.
• 1Background1.1Early life1.2Contemporary history
• 2Personality
• 3Appearance
• 4Powers and Abilities
• 5Weapons
• 6Relations6.1Cassiopeia6.2Azir6.3Taliyah6.4Nasus
• 7Read More7.1Biography7.2Starring Champion7.3Mentioned Champion7.4Alternate Universes
• 8Trivia
• 9Change log
• 10References
• 11See also
• 1.1Early life
• 1.2Contemporary history
• 6.1Cassiopeia
• 6.2Azir
• 6.3Taliyah
• 6.4Nasus
• 7.1Biography
• 7.2Starring Champion
• 7.3Mentioned Champion
• 7.4Alternate Universes
Early life[]
Sivir was born in Shurima, her childhood was very hard as her parents were killed by looters and she alone had to grow up on the streets along with other orphans stealing food from local markets and delving into ancient ruins in search of trinkets that she could sell.
Sivir sometimes had to fight with the other children to keep some of the loot they found, but she rarely kept anything, after her so-called friend Mira tricked her and stole it, Sivir swore to herself that no one would ever come back to betray.
When she reached adolescence she became the guide and lackey of a group of mercenaries led by the well-known daughter Siharo, although her skill with weapons led her to become Siharo's sergeant, Sivir realized that she was left with most of the treasures even if they were obtained thanks to Sivir. Sivir gathered her fellow mercenaries and rebelled against Siharo, the two duelled and Sivir emerged victorious, but was unable to kill her mentor and abandoned her in the desert wishing her luck to rebuild her life.
Contemporary history[]
Sivir and her mercenaries earned a great reputation which was known throughout the desert, they accepted any task offered to them if the pay was very good, one day she and her companions were given the task of recovering an ancient relic known as the Chalikar .Accompanied by the buyer's personal guards, Sivir searched for the relic for several months and finally found it, the weapon left Sivir amazed as it was quite magnificent, the captain of the guard told Sivir to give it to her but she refused and with just one movement of the weapon decapitated him and all his followers and Sivir fled with the weapon in hand. Sivir's reputation grew further and she became known beyond the desert, when the Noxian expeditions heard about her, it wasCassiopeiaDu Coteau who was most interested in her exploits and proceeded to hire Sivir to sack the ancient city of Shurima.
Little by little they entered the ruins of the city, several of Sivir's companions died due to the constant traps they found, but Cassiopeia refused to back down, when they reached the great door of a tomb surrounded by ancient statues of guardians and reliefs of the warriors of the past ,Sivir was quite captivated by those beast-headed beings and their great fights against monsters of the underworld, taking advantage of Sivir's distraction. Cassiopeia stabbed Sivir with a dagger in the back causing her to scream in pain and collapse soaking the sand her blood, Cassiopeia took the Chalikar from her dying body to open the door to the tomb, unaware that it unleashed a powerful curse. Near death, Sivir watched as the statue of a giant serpent came to life and proceeded to spray Cassiopeia with his poison.
Sivir took her Chalikar and tried to flee from the tomb, but near the exit life began to leave her body and she fell to the ground, the last thing she heard before she fainted was the roars of maddened Gods being released from the tomb .But surprisingly that was not the end because she opened her eyes and realized that her wounds had healed and in front of her was her savior,Azirthe last emperor of Shurima, he explained to her that Sivir is his descendant and that through his veins runs royal blood. He explained to her that the blood he had spilled had awakened her spirit and he took her to the pool of life where he healed her wounds, Azir later began to complete his ascension and Sivir watched in amazement as he became an Ascended and the ancient Shurima began to rise from the sands, Sivir quickly ran out of the pool and saw how the ancient Shurima returned from the grave, now sivir along withNasusandTaliyah, is preparing to decide whether to embrace the fate they gave him or forge the his on the sands of Shurima.
Sivir is possessed of a mercenaries' code of values and isn't motivated by anything as much as material wealth. Causes, nobility and matter of honor pale in her eyes when compared to the alluring clinking of coin. Shaped by a harsh childhood spent trying to surviving and make a living in the Shuriman Sai while always on the lookout for betrayal, Sivir is inherently a distrustful person. This is evidenced by her being slow to let down her guard around Taliyah even though the Stoneweaver had been the one to rescue Sivir and stitch her wounds after finding her bleeding outside Vekaura. Sivir's pragmatic self-interest plays a large part in why she doesn't embrace her role as Azir's heir, preferring her modest life as a mercenary/fortune hunter while avoiding the destiny seemingly placed before her.
Sivir is a beautiful girl of average height, curvaceous and somewhat toned, she has tan skin, long jet black hair that falls down her back, and shiny blue eyes.
She wears somewhat revealing black and grey clothing, with black boots, gloves, a bra, and a black skirt with gold accents, a white scarf around her neck, and a gold headband with a turquoise jewel in the center.
Powers and Abilities[]
Expert Combatant: Sivir is a fairly skilled and highly skilled fighter.
Chalikar: Sivir possesses a giant chalikar as a weapon. This weapon acts as a boomerang so that she can throw it and immediately return to it afterward.
Cassiopeiahired Sivir to raid ancientShurimanruins and later stabbed her to steal her blade in order to open a tomb.
Sivir wants nothing to do withAzir, for even though he saved her life she doesn't want to owe him anything, let alone assume the responsibility of uniting Shurima which, in her eyes, will always be a lawless, ruthless land. Sivir seems to have descended fromAzir'sillegitimate child whom he was never aware of.Xerathwill hunt her down no matter what, for in her he sees the shackles that still bind him as well as the decadent society that brought him nothing but misery.
Taliyahpromised the Great Weaver to nurse Sivir back to health and to protect her when she was wounded after leaving the newly risenShurimacity.
Nasussees in Sivir the hope of a reborn Shurima and the key to defeatingXerath.
Read More
The Battle Mistress
ByRayla Heide
Starring Champion
Short Story • 36 Minute Read
ByGraham McNeill
Taliyah had almost forgotten how much she'd missed the furnace heat of Shurima – the sweat and crush of hundreds of people pushing, cursing, haggling and speaking with such passion and speed that outsiders often thought they were fighting.
Descent into the Tomb
Scroll after scroll in Noxian libraries chronicle the power buried within Shurima. Now Cassiopeia thinks she's found the key. Learn how the saga began.
Rise of the Ascended
Discover the tale of Ancient Shurima, where the fates of Azir and Siver intertwine.
Short Story • 5 Minute Read
ByOdin Austin Shafer
Sivir's throat felt like it was coated in a layer of broken glass. The cracked flesh of her lips burned. Her eyes refused to focus. I've given them more than enough time to move on.
Mentioned Champion
Short Story • 4 Minute Read
ByAnthony Reynolds Lenné
Azir walked the gold-paved Emperor's Way. The immense statues of Shurima's earliest rulers – his ancestors – watched his progress.
Short Story • 4 Minute Read
Echoes in the Stone
ByAriel Lawrence
Taliyah was outrunning the sandstorm when she first noticed the water. In the beginning, it was faint, just a cool dampness she felt as she lifted the stones from deep beneath the sand. As she drew closer to old Shurima, wet streaks dripped from each new stone as if they were weeping. Taliyah knew the rock had stories to tell as she sped across the desert, but she didn't have time to listen, to hear if they were tears of joy or sadness.
The Butcher of the Sands
ByAnthony Reynolds Lenné
The Emperor of the Sands
ByGraham McNeill
The Magus Ascendant
ByGraham McNeill
The Serpent's Embrace
ByIan St. Martin
Mentioned:Boram Darkwill,Katarina,Marcus Du Couteau,Sivir,Soreana Du Couteau,Swain
Short Story
Water and Shade To You
ByGraham McNeill
For the first time Khari could remember, flowers grew on the street leading from the town square to the Cut.
Alternate Universes
Clash of Fates
Starring:Alistar,Amumu,Anivia,Annie,Ashe,Cho'Gath,Evelynn,Jax,Karthus,Kayle,Master Yi,Nunu,Rammus,Ryze,Singed,Sivir,Soraka,Teemo,Twisted Fate,Warwick,Willump,Zilean
Music Video
By Numerous creators
Since its inception, Worlds has grown and evolved. Each unbelievable play and phenomenal match created moments and memories that will never be forgotten. In these iconic moments, players and teams reached for something incredible within themselves and brought it to life on the Summoner’s Rift...
Starring:Aatrox,Ahri,Alistar,Anivia,Annie,Ashe,Brand,Caitlyn,Darius,Draven,Elise,Ezreal,Gnar,Janna,Jax,Jayce,Jinx,Kassadin,Katarina,Kennen,Kha'Zix,Lulu,Orianna,Rek'Sai,Rengar,Rumble,Ryze,Shen,Sivir,Tahm Kench,Teemo,Twisted Fate,Yasuo,Ziggs
Journal of Justice
ByInstitute of War
Formare veneficum est formare fatum.
Starring:Akali,Alistar,Amumu,Anivia,Annie,Ashe,Blitzcrank,Brand,Cassiopeia,Cho'Gath,Corki,Darius,Dr. Mundo,Evelynn,Ezreal,Fiddlesticks,Gangplank,Garen,Gragas,Heimerdinger,Irelia,Janna,Jarvan IV,Jax,Karma,Karthus,Kassadin,Katarina,Kayle,Kennen,Kog'Maw,Lee Sin,Leona,Lissandra,Lux,Malzahar,Maokai,Master Yi,Mordekaiser,Morgana,Nasus,Nidalee,Nocturne,Nunu,Olaf,Pantheon,Poppy,Rammus,Renekton,Riven,Rumble,Ryze,Sejuani,Shaco,Shen,Singed,Sion,Sivir,Skarner,Sona,Soraka,Swain,Talon,Taric,Teemo,Tibbers,Tristana,Trundle,Tryndamere,Twisted Fate,Twitch,Udyr,Urgot,Veigar,Vladimir,Warwick,Willump,Wukong,Xin Zhao,Yorick,Zilean
Short Story
Trial of the Masks
ByJared Rosen
Imagine the world as a mirror
Academy Adventures: Series 3
ByGutter Rat
Punches and Plants: Series 1
Mentioned:Ahri,Alistar,Annie,Ashe,Blitzcrank,Brand,Braum,Caitlyn,Darius,Diana,Dr. Mundo,Ekko,Evelynn,Ezreal,Gangplank,Garen,Gnar,Gragas,Graves,Heimerdinger,Janna,Jinx,Karma,Katarina,Leona,Lucian,Malzahar,Miss Fortune,Nami,Nasus,Nunu,Quinn,Renekton,Rumble,Ryze,Sejuani,Sivir,Sona,Soraka,Tahm Kench,Taliyah,Taric,Teemo,Tibbers,Trundle,Tryndamere,Twisted Fate,Twitch,Valor,Varus,Vel'Koz,Vladimir,Volibear,Warwick,Willump,Wukong,Zac,Ziggs
The Tale of the Poro King
By Numerous creators
Starring: N/A
Mentioned:Aatrox,Akali,Ashe,Aurelion Sol,Azir,Braum,Caitlyn,Cho'Gath,Darius,Diana,Draven,Ezreal,Gnar,Illaoi,Janna,Jarvan IV,Jayce,Kai'Sa,Karma,Karthus,Katarina,Kayle,Kayn,Kennen,Kha'Zix,Lee Sin,Leona,Lulu,Lux,Malzahar,Miss Fortune,Nunu,Ornn,Pantheon,Pyke,Rammus,Rek'Sai,Rhaast,Ryze,Sejuani,Shen,Sion,Sivir,Soraka,Sylas,Syndra,Taliyah,Talon,Taric,Thresh,Tristana,Trundle,Udyr,Vi,Volibear,Willump,Yasuo,Zed,Ziggs,Zoe
Music Video
Worlds Collide
By Numerous creators
Two teams have risen above their peers. Ten warriors have laid claim to the Summoner’s Cup. Five champions will etch their names in history.
Starring: N/A
• Based on thetimeline of events, Sivir is possibly in her late 20s- early 30s.
• Sivir does honor her mercenary agreements 99% of the time, but she offers her services to the highest bidder. When she found the crossblade weapon, she felt such an unbreakable connection to the blade that its value to her surpassed the money she'd get from the Lord fromNashramae.[1]She does not discriminate working for anyone and killing people including the innocent, so long as she's paid enough to do so.
• Her weapon,the Chalicar, was previously owned by theGod-Warriorqueen Setaka.In the storyTwilight of the Gods, it is revealed thatthe Chalicaris from theCelestial's Kingdomabove Targon's peak.If funnelled, the weapon is able to castPortal Jumpand allows releasing an empowered form ofMoonfallingto reverse theAscensionaway from theDarkin.At the end of the story, the Chalicar had absorbed the - for want of of a better phrase - Darkin DNA essence, which - combined with Ta'anari's heart - would allow humans to craft the weapons tailored to trap the Darkin at a later date.[2]Tomb of Emperors is Shuriman, but the events of the story imbued the Chalicar with a resonance to the Ascended, so it acted as a channel between Sivir and her distant ancestor,Azirwhich allowed her blood to revive him. As the Alchemists of Old said, "Like attracts like...".[3]Based on the description in the story, Sivunas Alahair, who is destined to either destroy or uniteShurima, may be Sivir.
• She does not discriminate working for anyone and killing people including the innocent, so long as she's paid enough to do so.
• In the storyTwilight of the Gods, it is revealed thatthe Chalicaris from theCelestial's Kingdomabove Targon's peak.If funnelled, the weapon is able to castPortal Jumpand allows releasing an empowered form ofMoonfallingto reverse theAscensionaway from theDarkin.At the end of the story, the Chalicar had absorbed the - for want of of a better phrase - Darkin DNA essence, which - combined with Ta'anari's heart - would allow humans to craft the weapons tailored to trap the Darkin at a later date.[2]Tomb of Emperors is Shuriman, but the events of the story imbued the Chalicar with a resonance to the Ascended, so it acted as a channel between Sivir and her distant ancestor,Azirwhich allowed her blood to revive him. As the Alchemists of Old said, "Like attracts like...".[3]Based on the description in the story, Sivunas Alahair, who is destined to either destroy or uniteShurima, may be Sivir.
• If funnelled, the weapon is able to castPortal Jumpand allows releasing an empowered form ofMoonfallingto reverse theAscensionaway from theDarkin.
• At the end of the story, the Chalicar had absorbed the - for want of of a better phrase - Darkin DNA essence, which - combined with Ta'anari's heart - would allow humans to craft the weapons tailored to trap the Darkin at a later date.[2]
• Tomb of Emperors is Shuriman, but the events of the story imbued the Chalicar with a resonance to the Ascended, so it acted as a channel between Sivir and her distant ancestor,Azirwhich allowed her blood to revive him. As the Alchemists of Old said, "Like attracts like...".[3]
• Based on the description in the story, Sivunas Alahair, who is destined to either destroy or uniteShurima, may be Sivir.
Change log[]
See also[] | Name: Fleet of Foot, Description: Innate: Sivir's basic attacks and ability hits against enemy champions grant her 55 − 75 (based on level) bonus movement speed decaying over 1. 5 seconds, refreshing on subsequent hits., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputPassive', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Map-Specific Differences', 'No additional details.', 'Bonus movement speed increased to55 / 60 / 65 / 70 / 75 / 80 (based on level)']} | Name: Boomerang Blade, Description: Active: Sivir hurls her crossblade in the target direction, dealing physical damage to enemies within its path, increased by 0% − 50% (based on critical strike chance) . Physical Damage: 15 / 30 / 45 / 60 / 75 (+ 80 / 85 / 90 / 95 / 100% AD) (+ 60% AP) Boomerang Blade's damage is reduced by 0% − 60% (based on non-champions hit) . Upon reaching maximum range, the crossblade returns to her, resetting the damage modifier and dealing the same damage to enemies on its way back. Minimum Damage: 6 / 12 / 18 / 24 / 30 (+ 32 / 34 / 36 / 38 / 40% AD) (+ 24% AP) Total Maximum Champion Damage: 30 / 60 / 90 / 120 / 150 (+ 160 / 170 / 180 / 190 / 200% AD) (+ 120% AP) Enemies can be hit only once per pass. Link ▶️ "Take this!", {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputDirection', 'damage_type': 'Physical', 'spell_shield': 'See Notes', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Map-Specific Differences', 'Due to the cast time effectively rounding up to full game ticks, at undesturbed game tick interval times the technical minimum cast time is0.198secondsreached at99.8%bonusattack speed.', 'This ability will cast from wherever the caster is at the end of the cast time.', "IfSivirentersstasisduringBoomerang Blade'sinitial flight, it will not return to her.This will also prevent it from dealing damage a second time.", 'This will also prevent it from dealing damage a second time.', 'The damage reduction per unit hit resets back to full damage upon changing direction.', 'Boomerang Bladewill still return toSivireven if she dies before it changes direction.', 'Spell shieldonly blocks one instance of damage.', 'AD ratio changed to90 / 100 / 110 / 120 / 130% AD.']} | Name: Ricochet, Description: Active: Sivir empowers her crossblade for the next 4 seconds, gaining bonus attack speed and causing her basic attacks to bounce to additional surrounding enemies, dealing them physical damage . If the triggering attack critically strikes , the bounces will do so as well. Ricochet deals 65% damage against minions and executes them if they would be left below 15 health . Bonus Attack Speed: 20 / 25 / 30 / 35 / 40% Bounce Damage: 30 / 35 / 40 / 45 / 50% AD Minion Bounce Damage: 19. 5 / 22. 75 / 26 / 29. 25 / 32. 5 % AD Bounces occur only up to 8 times and can target each enemy up to one additional time per empowered attack. They prioritize the nearest new target, then the nearest target if no new targets are available. Ricochet resets Sivir's basic attack timer. The target does not have to be visible to be bounced to., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputAuto', 'damage_type': 'Physical', 'spell_shield': 'Not Blocked', 'parries': 'Missing', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Ricochet-enhanced basic attacks can bounce from structures onto secondary targets but not from nearby units onto structures.', "PENDING FOR TEST::Ricochet'sinteractions withdodging,blocking, andblindingeffects.", "Ricochetdo not apply to additional targets withRunaan's Hurricane."]} | Name: Spell Shield, Description: Active: Sivir gains a spell shield for 1. 5 seconds. Upon successfully blocking a hostile effect, she heals herself and activates Fleet of Foot after 0. 25 seconds. Heal: 60 / 65 / 70 / 75 / 80% AD (+ 50% AP) Link ▶️ "Nice try.", {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputAuto', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', "Spell Shieldwill heal and activateFleet of Footif any effect is blocked. This includes effects such aschampion abilities,item effects,Dragon'sbasic attacks, as well as the abilities ofBaron NashorandRift Herald.", "Spell Shieldwill still block abilities that have already been applied toSivirif the delayed effects of that ability isarea of effect(e.g.Blaze'sexplosion,Chum the Waters, andTime Bomb)."]} | Name: On the Hunt, Description: Active: Sivir gains On the Hunt for a duration and grants it to nearby allied champions for the remaining duration. Buff Duration: 8 / 10 / 12 On the Hunt: Gain bonus movement speed . Bonus Movement Speed: 20 / 25 / 30% While active, Sivir's basic attacks on-attack reduce her basic abilities' current cooldowns by 0. 5 seconds each. Sivir can refresh her duration whenever she scores a takedown against an enemy champion within 3 seconds of damaging them., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputAuto', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'No additional notes.']} | Sivir isvoicedbyRebecca Schweitzer.Original Morganais also voiced by the same voice actress.
Sivir was the first champion to have a 10-point-rating forAbility Power.
In the2009 Official Teaser TrailerforLeague of Legendsas well as in one of theconcept artfor her, Sivir had pink hair.
In theFounding Interns of League of Legends YouTube videouploaded by theRiot GamesChannel, concept art for Sivir was shown to depict her with blonde hair and an overall wildly different design.The moments she appears in the video arehereandhere.
Sivir is the second to feature two 'Champion Spotlights' due to significant gameplay changes (the others beingEzreal,Karma,Katarina, andLee Sin).
Sivir was one of the first six champions designed, together withAnnie,Lee Sin,Singed,Sion, andTwisted Fate.[2][3]
Sivirresembles Latin adjectiveseverus"grim, stern, strict". |
Skarner,the Crystal Vanguard | | | health: Health650+99, resource: Mana320+60, health regen: Health regen. (per 5s)9+0.85, resource regen: Mana regen. (per 5s)7.2+0.45, armor: Armor38+5, attack damage: Attack damage65+4.5, attack speed: Base AS0.625, gameplay radius: Gameplay radius80, selection radius: Selection radius130, release: 2011-08-09, changed: V13.4, role: Diver, position: TopJungle, rangetype: Melee, adaptivetype: Physical, cost: 4800|880 | InDev Update - Champs, Lore & More, Laura 'poisonpixxi' DeYoung, Head of IP Creative for Riot Games, elaborated on their new approach to narrative cohesiveness by ironing out any inconsistencies that have sprung up over the years.
This article contains information that conflicts with this new narrative and will most likely be changed/moved in the following year(s).
Missing section(s):
SkarnerTitlesAlias(es)The Crystal VanguardCharacteristicsSpeciesBrackernPronoun(s)He/HimTimelineBorn:Earlier than 13 BNWeapon(s)Arachia NamestonePincersStingerPersonal statusStatusAlivePlace of originKalamanda,ShurimaCurrent residenceShurima(No Fixed Abode)Professional statusRegion(s)ShurimaFaction(s)BrackernRelated character(s)MalphiteCamilleJayceOriannaRek'SaiSeraphine
• Born:Earlier than 13 BN
• Arachia Namestone
• Pincers
• Stinger
Personal status
Place of origin
Current residence
Professional status
Related character(s)
One of the brackern,Skarneris an immensecrystallinescorpion from a hidden valley inShurima. Known for their great wisdom and deep connection to magic, the brackern’s bodies are fused with powerful life crystals which hold the living thoughts and memories of their ancestors. In an age long past, they entered hibernation to avoid destruction—but recent, threatening events have roused Skarner, and he now strives to protect his dormant kin from those who would harm them.
• 1Background
• 2Appearance
• 3Personality
• 4Abilities
• 5Relations
• 6Read More6.1Biography6.2Starring Champion6.3Alternate Universes
• 7Trivia
• 8Change log
• 9References
• 10See also
• 6.1Biography
• 6.2Starring Champion
• 6.3Alternate Universes
• Brackern Physiology:Skarner is a Brackern, an ancient race of crystal scorpions. The Brackern are formed around the Namestones, powerful gems that were stolen to be used as fuel forHextech. The Brackern possessed immense powers that are still unexplored.Telepathy:The Brackern had a powerful hive that they could use to communicate with eachother. They could also talk with non-Brackern throught their minds, which the human mind interpreted as songs.Superhuman Strength:Skarner possesses immense strength, thanks to his enormous size and mineral body.Superhuman Durability:Because his body is made of minerals, Skarner is pratically indestructable.Energy Manipulation:Skarner can manipulate the power of the crystal in his body for a variety of purposes. He can use it to increase his already amazing physical abilities, like speed or strength, make a shield around his body, or emit powerful rays of energy. These rays of energy can both be used as concussive blasts, or as a way to immobilize and catch enemies.
• Telepathy:The Brackern had a powerful hive that they could use to communicate with eachother. They could also talk with non-Brackern throught their minds, which the human mind interpreted as songs.
• Superhuman Strength:Skarner possesses immense strength, thanks to his enormous size and mineral body.
• Superhuman Durability:Because his body is made of minerals, Skarner is pratically indestructable.
• Energy Manipulation:Skarner can manipulate the power of the crystal in his body for a variety of purposes. He can use it to increase his already amazing physical abilities, like speed or strength, make a shield around his body, or emit powerful rays of energy. These rays of energy can both be used as concussive blasts, or as a way to immobilize and catch enemies.
Read More
The Crystal Vanguard
ByRayla Heide
Starring Champion
Short Story • 5 Minute Read
ByRayla Heide
The softskins broke our slumber of a thousand spins.
Alternate Universes
Journal of Justice
ByInstitute of War
Formare veneficum est formare fatum.
Starring:Akali,Alistar,Amumu,Anivia,Annie,Ashe,Blitzcrank,Brand,Cassiopeia,Cho'Gath,Corki,Darius,Dr. Mundo,Evelynn,Ezreal,Fiddlesticks,Gangplank,Garen,Gragas,Heimerdinger,Irelia,Janna,Jarvan IV,Jax,Karma,Karthus,Kassadin,Katarina,Kayle,Kennen,Kog'Maw,Lee Sin,Leona,Lissandra,Lux,Malzahar,Maokai,Master Yi,Mordekaiser,Morgana,Nasus,Nidalee,Nocturne,Nunu,Olaf,Pantheon,Poppy,Rammus,Renekton,Riven,Rumble,Ryze,Sejuani,Shaco,Shen,Singed,Sion,Sivir,Skarner,Sona,Soraka,Swain,Talon,Taric,Teemo,Tibbers,Tristana,Trundle,Tryndamere,Twisted Fate,Twitch,Udyr,Urgot,Veigar,Vladimir,Warwick,Willump,Wukong,Xin Zhao,Yorick,Zilean
ByInstitute of War
The truest opponent lies within.
Starring:Boram Darkwill,Brand,Caitlyn,Cassiopeia,Galio,Graves,Irelia,Jarvan IV,Karma,LeBlanc,Lee Sin,Leona,Lux,Maokai,Miss Fortune,Nocturne,Orianna,Renekton,Riven,Rumble,Ryze,Skarner,Sona,Swain,Talon,Trundle,Urgot,Varus,Vayne,Vladimir,Wukong,Xerath,Xin Zhao,Yorick
Crystal Quest: Series 2
Olaf vs Everything: Series 2
ByTom Barton
Mentioned:Ahri,Aurelion Sol,Brand,Cassiopeia,Cho'Gath,Darius,Dr. Mundo,Ekko,Gnar,Illaoi,Karthus,Kog'Maw,Lee Sin,Nagakabouros,Ornn,Renekton,Skarner,Teemo,Tryndamere,Urgot,Vel'Koz,Vi,Viktor,Vladimir,Warwick,Zyra
• TheBrackernare VERY old. They've been around far longer than humans, and because of their long life they experience time in a very different way than most other beings.The crystals existed before even the Brackern, who evolved with the life stones' power. The Brackern possibly don't know how to create a new one, so it's possible they could eventually run out of stones if they're all destroyed.Since Skarner has one of the oldest and strongest life stones in existence, he is the most powerful Brackern, but he's not stronger than all of them put together. Also, the consciousness within the stone chose Skarner in particular, not just for his strength but for other qualities like his persistence and courage.
• The Brackern's experience with humans has been steeped in violence. They believe humans caused so many conflicts and forced the Brackern to go into hibernation. Now that humans are exploiting the sleeping Brackern for their crystals, they're not going to become BFFs anytime soon.
• Skarner certainly had trouble communicating with humans. The Brackern use their life stones to communicate telepathically by sending raw emotion, images, and thoughts into each others minds in a kind of melody. That's part of why Brackern without life stones cannot communicate as well with their species. His connection to his fellow Brackern is very nearly unbreakable. Their minds reach out to each other and sing over great distances, even while they are unconscious - for example, they can hear each other's dreamsongs while hibernating. Skarner has never spoken in any other way, so he doesn't understand the human tongue, at least not yet. By the end ofDreamsong, he does learn to understand (and speak) their language of violence. However, it's possible that Skarner could learn to trust a human, though, if they can hear his song or communicate another way.Seraphineis able to hear Brackern soul crystals, and her special interaction with Skarner implies that she is aware of the brackern's existence and Skarner's grief for his kind, so she is possibly the most likely to be able to communicate with him.
• The crystals existed before even the Brackern, who evolved with the life stones' power. The Brackern possibly don't know how to create a new one, so it's possible they could eventually run out of stones if they're all destroyed.Since Skarner has one of the oldest and strongest life stones in existence, he is the most powerful Brackern, but he's not stronger than all of them put together. Also, the consciousness within the stone chose Skarner in particular, not just for his strength but for other qualities like his persistence and courage.
• Since Skarner has one of the oldest and strongest life stones in existence, he is the most powerful Brackern, but he's not stronger than all of them put together. Also, the consciousness within the stone chose Skarner in particular, not just for his strength but for other qualities like his persistence and courage.
• Seraphineis able to hear Brackern soul crystals, and her special interaction with Skarner implies that she is aware of the brackern's existence and Skarner's grief for his kind, so she is possibly the most likely to be able to communicate with him.
Change log[]
See also[] | Name: Crystal Spires, Description: Innate: Skarner's presence spawns 6 Crystal Spires at set points across the battlefield : One beside Baron Nashor's pit One beside Dragon's pit One near each of the camps for Blue Sentinel and Red Brambleback After minions have spawned, a Crystal Spire can be captured by champions by standing on it for 2 seconds, Once captured, the Crystal Spire is owned by the team until contested, and the defending team can stand on the spire to prevent the opposing team from capturing it. Capturing a Crystal Spire grants sight of its radius for 1. 5 seconds and locks it out from capture for 15 seconds. Crystal Spires grant 30 split among its captors, or 15 for a single captor. Skarner gains Crystal Charge while within range of a Crystal Spire controlled by his team, for 1. 25 seconds after triggering Crystal Venom , and for 1. 75 seconds after stinging an enemy champion with Impale . Crystal Charge: Skarner gains 70 − 120 (based on level) bonus movement speed and 43% − 160% (based on level) bonus attack speed and restores 1% maximum mana every 0. 5 seconds. Crystal Spires near buff monsters start the game already captured by the side's respective team., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputPassive', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Map-Specific Differences', "Crystal Charge'sduration refreshes if it was gained by an ability.", "Number ofCrystal Spiresspawned on the battlefield changed to five:One in each brush (with the central one being neutral)One in each team's base (below each inhibitor)", 'One in each brush (with the central one being neutral)', "One in each team's base (below each inhibitor)", 'Crystal Spiresappear at:One nearby each innerturret.One at the center of the map.', 'One nearby each innerturret.', 'One at the center of the map.']} | Name: Crystal Slash, Description: Active: Skarner slashes around himself, dealing physical damage to nearby enemies. If at least one enemy is hit, he becomes charged for 5 seconds, empowering subsequent casts of Crystal Slash to deal bonus magic damage . Physical Damage: 1 / 1. 5 / 2 / 2. 5 / 3% of target's maximum health (+ 20% AD) Bonus Magic Damage: 1 / 1. 5 / 2 / 2. 5 / 3% of target's maximum health (+ 20% AD) (+ 30% AP) Each instance of damage is capped at 200 against epic monsters . Basic attacks reduce Crystal Slash's current cooldown by 0. 25 seconds, increased to 1 second against champions ., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputAuto', 'damage_type': 'Physical damage/Magic damage', 'spell_shield': 'See Notes', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Map-Specific Differences', 'Spell shieldwill block the damage but will not preventSkarnerfrom triggering the bonus effect.', 'Basic attacks against structures will not trigger the cooldown reduction.', 'As already noted, each damage instance is capped on its own, meaning that the maximum possible damage against an epic monster with one cast is 400.', 'In order to hit the cap, the target needs to have at least20000 / 13334 / 10000 / 8000 / 6667 health(without considering the ratios).', 'No longer reduces its cooldown on-hit.*', "Damage health ratio changed to1 / 1.375/ 1.75/ 2.125/ 2.5% of target'smaximumhealth.", 'AP ratio changed to40% AP.']} | Name: Crystalline Exoskeleton, Description: Active: Skarner grants himself a shield for up to 6 seconds, and while it holds, he gains bonus movement speed that doubles over the first 3 seconds. Shield Strength: 9 / 10 / 11 / 12 / 13% maximum health (+ 80% AP) Bonus Movement Speed: 8 / 10 / 12 / 14 / 16% Increased Bonus Movement Speed: 16 / 20 / 24 / 28 / 32%, {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputAuto', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'No additional notes.']} | Name: Fracture, Description: Passive: Every time Skarner triggers Crystal Venom or stings an enemy with Impale , Fracture's current cooldown is reduced by the corresponding base duration of the disable. Active: Skarner launches a blast of crystalline energy in the target direction that deals magic damage to enemies hit, slows them for 2. 5 seconds, and marks them with Crystal Venom for 5 seconds. Magic Damage: 40 / 65 / 90 / 115 / 140 (+ 20% AP) Slow: 30 / 35 / 40 / 45 / 50% Crystal Venom: Skarner's next basic attack against a marked target is empowered to consume the mark to deal bonus physical damage and stun them for 1. 25 seconds. Bonus Physical Damage: 30 / 50 / 70 / 90 / 110, {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputDirection', 'damage_type': 'Magic damage/Physical damage', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'parries': 'See Notes', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Map-Specific Differences', 'Fractureis disabled duringImpale.', 'This ability will cast from wherever the caster is at the start of the cast time.', "Fracture'sprojectile dealsarea damage, while theCrystal Venomon-hit effect dealsproc damage.", "Crystal Venomtriggers even if the attack isblocked(stunapplies), but not if it'sdodgedor he isBlind. The damage of the entire attack is negated in both cases.", 'Stun duration changed to 1 second.']} | Name: Impale, Description: Active: Skarner roots the target enemy champion over the cast time and attempts to impale them with his stinger. Upon impaling the target, he deals 60% AD physical damage plus magic damage and suppresses them for 1. 75 seconds, during which they are revealed and Skarner can drag them with himself. Afterwards, the target takes the same damage again. Magic Damage: 20 / 60 / 100 (+ 50% AP) Total Mixed Damage: 40 / 120 / 200 (+ 120% AD) (+ 100% AP) Impale's drag ignores displacement immunity . Skarner is unable to basic attack, cast Fracture , or use Flash during Impale. Link ▶️ "Feel my sting!", {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputUnit', 'damage_type': 'Physical/Magic', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', "The target will not takeImpale'ssecondary damage if thesuppressionis removed before the duration ends.", 'If the target becomesuntargetable,dies, or is too far away or no longer insightduring the cast time, this ability will cancel but does not go oncooldownnor pay its cost (if applicable).The range cancel distance is 800 units.', 'The range cancel distance is 800 units.', 'Spell shieldwill not block theroot.', 'Impaleis special cased to end prematurely if the target is affected byDevour, both for an ally and enemyTahm Kenchor ifSkarneris teleported byRealm Warp.Impalewill not end prematurely ifSkarnerentersresurrection.', 'Impalewill not end prematurely ifSkarnerentersresurrection.', 'Skarnercannot usegatesduringImpale.', 'WhileImpaleis active, and for the purposes of direction-conditioned abilities, (e.g.Petrifying Gaze,Mocking Shout)Skarneris considered to be facing in the direction he is moving and not the one his model is facing.', 'Impaleapplies a small displacement to the target every 0.25seconds whenever they are not close toSkarner. These displacements donotapplyairborneand are notflagged as displacements, meaning that targets who are notimmuneto thesuppressionare also never immune to the displacement either. As a consequence,displacement immunityfailsto ignore this movement.', 'Death, unless protected byResurrection']} | Skarner was deemed overpowered and obnoxious inUltra Rapid Fire(2014 edition) and was ultimately disabled in non-custom games.
Skarner had his game assets reused for severalfeatured game modes!He was given a retexture and features as a monster called the "Draggy Tail Monster" inInvasion.Skarner is the only unit that was retextured for this mode that isn't aVoidborn.His animations were reused for theCrimson StingerandPetal Clawmonsters inOdyssey: Extraction. |
Sona,Maven of the Strings,Sona Buvelle | | | health: Health550+91, resource: Mana340+45, health regen: Health regen. (per 5s)5.5+0.55, resource regen: Mana regen. (per 5s)11.5+0.4, armor: Armor26+4.2, attack damage: Attack damage49+3, attack speed: Base AS0.644, gameplay radius: Gameplay radius65, selection radius: Selection radius110, release: 2010-09-21, changed: V13.21, role: Enchanter, position: Support, rangetype: Ranged, adaptivetype: Magic, cost: 450|260 | Games
SonaMainCurrentTitlesReal nameSona BuvelleAlias(es)Maven of the StringsDemacian VirtuosoLady SonaCharacteristicsSpeciesHuman(Magical)Pronoun(s)She/HerTimelineBorn:Around 976 ANWeapon(s)EtwahlPersonal statusStatusAlivePlace of originIoniaCurrent residenceDemacia City,DemaciaFamilyUnnamed FatherUnnamed Mother2Barrett Buvelle†(Adopted Father)Lestara Demoisier-Buvelle(Adopted Mother)Kahina Buvelle(Adopted Sister)Professional statusOccupation(s)MusicianVirtuosoRegion(s)DemaciaFaction(s)Buvelle HouseRelated character(s)TaricXin ZhaoRyze
• Main
• Current
Real name
• Maven of the Strings
• Demacian Virtuoso
• Lady Sona
• Born:Around 976 AN
Personal status
Place of origin
Current residence
• Unnamed Father
• Unnamed Mother
• 2Barrett Buvelle†(Adopted Father)
• Lestara Demoisier-Buvelle(Adopted Mother)
• Kahina Buvelle(Adopted Sister)
Professional status
• Musician
• Virtuoso
Related character(s)
Sona is a virtuoso of the stringedetwahl, speaking only through her graceful chords and vibrant arias. Her genteel manner has endeared her to theDemaciannobility, though some speculate her arresting melodies actually emanate magic—a dangerous prospect in the kingdom. Silent to outsiders but understood easily enough by close companions, Sona plucks her harmonies not only to soothe injured allies, but also to strike down unsuspecting enemies.
• 1Background1.1Early Life1.2Contemporary history1.3Recent events
• 2Appearance
• 3Personality
• 4Abilities
• 5Relations5.1Buvelle House5.2Irelia5.3Taric5.4Ryze
• 6Read More6.1Biography6.2Starring Champion6.3Mentioned Champion6.4Alternate Universes
• 7Trivia
• 8Change log
• 9References
• 10See also
• 1.1Early Life
• 1.2Contemporary history
• 1.3Recent events
• 5.1Buvelle House
• 5.2Irelia
• 5.3Taric
• 5.4Ryze
• 6.1Biography
• 6.2Starring Champion
• 6.3Mentioned Champion
• 6.4Alternate Universes
Early Life[]
Sona was left in a monastery as an infant in theIoniaprovince ofGalrin. No other clue about how origins is known besides a mysterious magical instrument that was delivered with her. She has a close relationship with the other children on the monastery as they would seek comfort with her.
She was moved toDemaciawith other children whenNoxusstarted its invasion onIonia, around 985 AN. She was eventually adopted into the Buvelle noble house, who were art patrons of the nation, because they took interest in her musical abilities.
Contemporary history[]
Some years later, around the year 990 AN, her adoptive father was killed in the Battle of theGates of Mourning. The family mourned, so Lestara took Sona back toIonia, so she could understand more of herself.
At some point, Sona would aidRyzeagainst theNavori Brotherhoodso he could gather a World Rune.
When Sona perceived the animosity and disunion that struck the First Lands, she decided that was no place for her inIoniaanymore and she went back toDemaciawith her mother.
Recent events[]
Sona is a slender, pale-skinned woman with long blue hair and yellow at the ends. Her robes is a long, elegant gown with a distinctive palette of blue, dark blue, turquoise and gold. The most characteristic ornaments of her attire are the golden diadem on her head between her hair. She also has anEtwahlthat floats along with her.
Sona is a very graceful and elegant young woman. She best (and primarily) expresses herself through her music (although she also as the ability to express her thoughts and communicate with others via telepathic speech), which is best known for it's melodious nature. This highly reflects her gracious and refined personality. Sona is a very caring and gentle woman who helps out others in need and comforts those in need.
• Magical Bonding:Sona has a special bond with her instrument Etwahl. It seems to possess limited sentience and cannot be removed too far from Sona, as it will teleport back to her. She is also the only person in the world who can play it and can understand it's behavior.Sound Magic:Sona is able to send forth blasts of sound energy and create shields.Empathy Magic:Sona and her instruments are able to tap into people's memories and emotions and play music that will touch people's souls or that have special meaning to them. She is also capable of controlling people's emotions and actions, forcingMageseekersto dance when they were hunting her. She can also heal other with her magic.Synesthesia:Sona is able to see music as a visual stimulus rather than just sonorous.
• Sound Magic:Sona is able to send forth blasts of sound energy and create shields.
• Empathy Magic:Sona and her instruments are able to tap into people's memories and emotions and play music that will touch people's souls or that have special meaning to them. She is also capable of controlling people's emotions and actions, forcingMageseekersto dance when they were hunting her. She can also heal other with her magic.
• Synesthesia:Sona is able to see music as a visual stimulus rather than just sonorous.
Buvelle House[]
Sona is the adoptive daughter of2Lord Barrettand Lady Lestara from House Buvelle, and adopted sister of Kahina. She is very close to all of them, especially her mother Lestara. They also know that she is magical and protect her from theMageseekers.
SonametIreliaat some point when she came back toIonia
She metTaricbefore his exile.
During the events ofCall of Power, Sona traveled withRyzeto theHirana Monasteryafter theNoxianinvasion and fought theNavori Brotherhoodwho ambushed them.
Read More
Maven of the Strings
ByLaurie Goulding
Mentioned:Barrett Buvelle,Jarvan III
Starring Champion
Short Story
Fragile Legacies
ByDana Luery Shaw
I was young and unafraid, heart aflame with the sort of righteousness that cast out all shadows of doubt, on the day I first met Barrett Buvelle.
Starring:Eldred,Jarvan III,Quinn,Sona,Tianna
Mentioned:Barrett Buvelle,Jarvan IV,Kayle,Morgana
Short Story
One Last Show
ByKatie Chironis
That old, familiar smell hit her first.
Mentioned Champion
Call of Power
Ryze scours Runeterra for fragments of a forgotten past, each step bringing him closer to incredible power—and terrible ruin.
Mentioned:Miss Fortune,Nasus,Sona,Trundle
Tellstones: King's Gambit (Video)
Can you play like a champion?
Mentioned:Fiora,Garen,Jarvan IV,Lux,Quinn,Sona,Taric,Valor,Xin Zhao
Short Story • 4 Minute Read
The Curator's Gambit
ByMatthew Dunn
Look, I should be clear—I didn't want anything to do with “the dread lord,” or whoever Januk was talking about. I was just trying to sell this stupid little vial to the guy who asked me to get it for him. Should have been easy.
Alternate Universes
Another Sky
ByJared Rosen,Taylor Dinwiddie,Ty Sheedlo
As a new generation of Star Guardians prepares to fight back the forces of chaos, rising star Akali finds herself wracked with doubt. Does she have what it takes to be a Star Guardian? Or will the darkness she senses inside spell doom for her and her friends?
Mentioned:Ahri,Akshan,Ezreal,Gwen,Jinx,Lux,Miss Fortune,Rakan,Xayah
Music Video
Everything Goes On
ByPorter Robinson
Together with some familiar faces, a new generation of Star Guardians ascend to battle a looming threat. But even when confronted with eternal darkness, their hope burns brighter than fear.
Mentioned:Ahri,Lux,Miss Fortune
Journal of Justice
ByInstitute of War
Formare veneficum est formare fatum.
Starring:Akali,Alistar,Amumu,Anivia,Annie,Ashe,Blitzcrank,Brand,Cassiopeia,Cho'Gath,Corki,Darius,Dr. Mundo,Evelynn,Ezreal,Fiddlesticks,Gangplank,Garen,Gragas,Heimerdinger,Irelia,Janna,Jarvan IV,Jax,Karma,Karthus,Kassadin,Katarina,Kayle,Kennen,Kog'Maw,Lee Sin,Leona,Lissandra,Lux,Malzahar,Maokai,Master Yi,Mordekaiser,Morgana,Nasus,Nidalee,Nocturne,Nunu,Olaf,Pantheon,Poppy,Rammus,Renekton,Riven,Rumble,Ryze,Sejuani,Shaco,Shen,Singed,Sion,Sivir,Skarner,Sona,Soraka,Swain,Talon,Taric,Teemo,Tibbers,Tristana,Trundle,Tryndamere,Twisted Fate,Twitch,Udyr,Urgot,Veigar,Vladimir,Warwick,Willump,Wukong,Xin Zhao,Yorick,Zilean
ByInstitute of War
The truest opponent lies within.
Starring:Boram Darkwill,Brand,Caitlyn,Cassiopeia,Galio,Graves,Irelia,Jarvan IV,Karma,LeBlanc,Lee Sin,Leona,Lux,Maokai,Miss Fortune,Nocturne,Orianna,Renekton,Riven,Rumble,Ryze,Skarner,Sona,Swain,Talon,Trundle,Urgot,Varus,Vayne,Vladimir,Wukong,Xerath,Xin Zhao,Yorick
No war stays hidden for long.
Starring:Ezreal,Master Yi,Shen,Sona,Vi
Music Video
Pentakill II: Grasp of the Undying
No one shreds like the undead.
Music Video
Pentakill III: Lost Chapter
Join Karthus, Mordekaiser, Sona, Yorick, Olaf, and Kayle to do battle with Viego and the Dissonant One, as the future of all Metal hangs in the balance...
Music Video
Pentakill: Smite and Ignite
The era of metal has begun.
Short Story
The Lure
ByDan Abnett
Ordinal Shieda Kayn slings out to the unremarkable edgeworld of Ionan, hot on the trail of a band of millitant Templars. These enemies of the state were clearly looking for something important...but what?
Mentioned:Jarvan IV
Ultimate Concert
Drop the beat in League of Legends with high-energy Kinetic beats, hard-hitting Concussive rhythms and atmospheric Ethereal vibes.
Welcome Aboard
Consider this your invite to join the greatest crew in the galaxy.
Academy Adventures: Series 1
ByGutter Rat
Mentioned:Akali,Amumu,Anivia,Azir,Bard,Blitzcrank,Braum,Cho'Gath,Elise,Ezreal,Fiddlesticks,Fiora,Gnar,Heimerdinger,Ivern,Jhin,Jinx,Karthus,Kog'Maw,Lulu,Lux,Malzahar,Miss Fortune,Nidalee,Olaf,Poppy,Rek'Sai,Renekton,Rumble,Ryze,Shaco,Shen,Sion,Sona,Soraka,Talon,Taric,Teemo,Tristana,Trundle,Twitch,Urgot,Varus,Veigar,Vel'Koz,Vi,Yorick,Zed,Ziggs,Zyra
Academy Adventures: Series 2
ByGutter Rat
Mentioned:Amumu,Anivia,Annie,Ashe,Aurelion Sol,Braum,Caitlyn,Cho'Gath,Dr. Mundo,Draven,Elise,Ezreal,Fiddlesticks,Fizz,Galio,Gnar,Heimerdinger,Janna,Jhin,Jinx,Kog'Maw,Lulu,Lux,Malphite,Malzahar,Miss Fortune,Nami,Nasus,Olaf,Poppy,Rakan,Rammus,Rek'Sai,Riven,Rumble,Ryze,Shaco,Singed,Sona,Soraka,Syndra,Taliyah,Talon,Taric,Teemo,Thresh,Tibbers,Tristana,Twitch,Urgot,Varus,Veigar,Volibear,Warwick,Wukong,Xayah,Yasuo,Yorick,Zac,Zed,Ziggs,Zyra
Academy Adventures: Series 3
ByGutter Rat
Punches and Plants: Series 1
Mentioned:Ahri,Alistar,Annie,Ashe,Blitzcrank,Brand,Braum,Caitlyn,Darius,Diana,Dr. Mundo,Ekko,Evelynn,Ezreal,Gangplank,Garen,Gnar,Gragas,Graves,Heimerdinger,Janna,Jinx,Karma,Katarina,Leona,Lucian,Malzahar,Miss Fortune,Nami,Nasus,Nunu,Quinn,Renekton,Rumble,Ryze,Sejuani,Sivir,Sona,Soraka,Tahm Kench,Taliyah,Taric,Teemo,Tibbers,Trundle,Tryndamere,Twisted Fate,Twitch,Valor,Varus,Vel'Koz,Vladimir,Volibear,Warwick,Willump,Wukong,Zac,Ziggs
The Roadtrip
ByCassie Parkes,Marvin Clifford
Mentioned:Ahri,Ashe,Azir,Bard,Braum,Darius,Fiddlesticks,Garen,Gnar,Gragas,Graves,Irelia,Jinx,Kalista,Katarina,Kog'Maw,Lee Sin,Lulu,Master Yi,Nami,Poppy,Rakan,Shaco,Sona,Swain,Taric,Teemo,Twisted Fate,Varus,Xayah,Yasuo,Zilean
• Sonacomes from Proto-Italic verbal root*swen-"to sound"[1]plus feminine suffix-a*Swen-historically yields Proto-Italic*swenos> Latinsonus> Frenchson> Englishsound.Her titleMavenreferencesher musical skill with her Etwahl.& comes fromYiddish:From Hebrew מֵבִיןmeḇin& מבינהmeḇinah, active participles ofhebin<bān< Semitic rootb-y-n"to separate, to discern";[2]Her instrument's name is based on & pronounced the same as Frenchétoile[etʷal] <PIEroot*h₂sters(> Englishstar)[3]Etwahl's shape is based on the ChineseGuzheng.
• Sona ismute. She communicates with others mostly by using sign language.[4]InRuneterra Legacy, she could communicate toSummoners/playersviatelepathy.
• Sona is possibly in her early - mid 20s.
• HerEtwhalis an ancient magical musical instrument that was made thousand years ago.
• Her adoptive parents led a hunt party that hiredQuinnand her brother Caleb to kill a giant tuskvore. The events led to Caleb's death. Later, Lestara sponsored Quinn to be a knight as a repayment for saving her husband's life.
• Her adoptive father died in the battle of theGates of Mourning, the loss of which led toJarvan IVbeing captured by theNoxianarmy.
• Her adoptive sister Kahina introducedLuxto theIlluminators.
• Jhinsees Sona as an art rival, stating that his form of art leaves longer, more lasting imprints though she doesn't know about him.
• LuxandEzrealare fans of her performance.Swainis also interested in her etwahl and potentially a fan.
• *Swen-historically yields Proto-Italic*swenos> Latinsonus> Frenchson> Englishsound.
• Her titleMavenreferencesher musical skill with her Etwahl.& comes fromYiddish:From Hebrew מֵבִיןmeḇin& מבינהmeḇinah, active participles ofhebin<bān< Semitic rootb-y-n"to separate, to discern";[2]
• Her instrument's name is based on & pronounced the same as Frenchétoile[etʷal] <PIEroot*h₂sters(> Englishstar)[3]Etwahl's shape is based on the ChineseGuzheng.
• From Hebrew מֵבִיןmeḇin& מבינהmeḇinah, active participles ofhebin<bān< Semitic rootb-y-n"to separate, to discern";[2]
• Etwahl's shape is based on the ChineseGuzheng.
• InRuneterra Legacy, she could communicate toSummoners/playersviatelepathy.
Change log[]
See also[] | Name: Power Chord, Description: Innate - Accelerando: Sona generates a stack of Accelerando each time she hits an enemy champion with Hymn of Valor and each time she mitigates sufficient damage or heals damaged allies with Aria of Perseverance , stacking up to 120 times. At maximum stacks, she instead reduces the current cooldown of Crescendo by 1. 5 seconds each time. Accelerando: For each stack, Sona gains 0. 5 basic ability haste , up to 60 at maximum stacks. Innate - Melody: Whenever Sona casts a basic ability , her other basic abilities incur a 0. 5 -second global cooldown and she generates a unique aura for 3 seconds that empowers herself and nearby allied champions. Innate - Power Chord: Sona's basic abilities generate a stack of Power Chord , stacking up to 3 times. At 3 stacks, her next basic attack is empowered to consume them all to have an uncancellable windup , deal 20 − 240 (based on level) (+ 20% AP) bonus magic damage , and apply an additional effect based on the last basic ability she casted: Hymn of Valor - Staccato: Deals 28 − 336 (based on level) (+ 28% AP) modified magic damage . Aria of Perseverance - Diminuendo: Reduces the target's size by 8% and damage dealt by 25% (+ 4% per 100 AP) for 3 seconds. Song of Celerity - Tempo: Slows the target by 50% (+ 4% per 100 AP) for 2 seconds, capped at a maximum of 99%. Gaining Power Chord's empowered attack resets Sona's basic attack timer., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputPassive', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'parries': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Map-Specific Differences', 'Sonahas a stack counter under her health-bar that is not visible to other champions.WhenPower Chordis ready, Sona gains a ring around her. This ring will have a different color depending on the last ability used (blue,greenorpurple).The effect does not change if abilities are used while the projectile is in motion.', 'WhenPower Chordis ready, Sona gains a ring around her. This ring will have a different color depending on the last ability used (blue,greenorpurple).', 'The effect does not change if abilities are used while the projectile is in motion.', 'The triggering attack will apply otheron-hit effectsand cancritically strikeas normal.', "SonaretainsPower Chord'sstacks when enteringresurrection.", 'The empowered attack will trigger but not be consumed nor apply its effects againstwards.', 'Global cooldown set to 0.5seconds.', 'New Effect:Gains 12.5Accelerandostacks per round.']} | Name: Hymn of Valor, Description: Active: Sona sends out bolts of sound to the two nearest visible enemies, prioritizing champions. Each bolt deals magic damage and grants sight of the area around the target for 1 second. Sona gains a stack of Accelerando for each bolt that hits an enemy champion . Magic Damage: 50 / 80 / 110 / 140 / 170 (+ 40% AP) Melody Bonus: Sona and tagged allied champions deal bonus magic damage on their next basic attack within 5 seconds. Bonus Magic Damage: 10 / 15 / 20 / 25 / 30 (+ 20% AP), {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputAuto', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'The sight is granted of the targets on-cast.', 'The empowered attack will trigger but not be consumed againstwards.']} | Name: Aria of Perseverance, Description: Active: Sona heals herself and sends out a tone to heal the most wounded allied champion nearby. Heal: 30 / 45 / 60 / 75 / 90 (+ 15% AP) Melody Bonus: Sona and tagged allied champions are granted a shield for 1. 5 seconds. Shield Strength: 25 / 45 / 65 / 85 / 105 (+ 25% AP) Sona gains a stack of Accelerando whenever she heals a wounded ally or shields a minimum amount of damage for an ally with Aria of Perseverance . Minimum Damage Mitigated: 25 / 45 / 65 / 85 / 105, {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputAuto', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'If no one is injured,Aria of Perseverancewill target the closest allied champion.', 'The projectile ofAria of Perseverancewill follow an ally in stealth but will not reveal them.']} | Name: Song of Celerity, Description: Active: Sona gains 20% (+ 2% per 100 AP) bonus movement speed for 7 seconds. If she takes damage during this time, the duration ends prematurely once or if 3 seconds have elapsed. Melody Bonus: Tagged allied champions gain bonus movement speed for 3 seconds. Bonus Movement Speed: 10 / 11 / 12 / 13 / 14% (+ 2% per 100 AP), {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputAuto', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'To achieve a 99%slowwith the empowered attack viaPower Chord, it would require at least1475 AP.']} | Name: Crescendo, Description: Active: Sona strikes an irresistible chord in the target direction that deals magic damage to enemies hit and stuns them for 1. 5 seconds. Magic Damage: 150 / 250 / 350 (+ 50% AP) Link ▶️ "Crescendo!", {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputDirection', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'This ability will cast from wherever the caster is at the start of the cast time.', 'While stunned byCrescendo, enemies will perform their Dance emote.']} | APower Chordconsists of a double root and the fifth, often heard in rock music.
AHymn(Greek: 'song of praises') isa type of songusually associated to religion.WhileHymn of Valor'saura is active, the game's theme can be heard.
AnAriaisa type of melodyusually associated with operas.
Crescendo(Italian: 'growing') refers tothe amplification of volume in music.In-gameCrescendotriggers both astunand the target(s)' dance emote simultaneously.
Sona was deemed overpowered/obnoxious forUltra Rapid Firein April 2014, and was ultimately disabled in non-custom games.
At one time, Sona held the title of lowest baseArmor(9).
Sona's Deutsch/German title,Die Virtuosin, is the feminine derivative ofJhin'stitle,Der Virtuose.
Enemy champions hit byCrescendowill be forced to dance while they are stunned. |
Soraka,the Starchild | | | health: Health605+88, resource: Mana425+40, health regen: Health regen. (per 5s)2.5+0.5, resource regen: Mana regen. (per 5s)11.5+0.4, armor: Armor32+5, attack damage: Attack damage50+3, attack speed: Base AS0.625, gameplay radius: Gameplay radius65, selection radius: Selection radius110, release: 2009-02-21, changed: V13.17, role: Enchanter, position: Support, rangetype: Ranged, adaptivetype: Magic, cost: 450|260 | Games
SorakaMainCurrentYoungCelestialTitlesNickname(s)The SeerHorned Healer(Name inFreljord)Lilac Skinned Medic(Name inZaun)Seer(Name inIonia)Command the starsChildAlias(es)The StarchildDivineCharacteristicsSpeciesCelestial(Fallen)Pronoun(s)She/HerTimelineBorn:Unknown(Early Universe)Weapon(s)Celestial StaffStar Magic2Healing MagicPersonal statusStatusAlivePlace of originThe Heavens(Before Runeterra)Current residenceAstral Grove,Mount Targon,TargonPet(s)StellacornProfessional statusOccupation(s)SeerTraveling HealerRegion(s)TargonIoniaRelated character(s)AluneApheliosAurelion SolBardDianaKalistaLeonaPantheonTaricTyari
• Main
• Current
• Young
• Celestial
• The Seer
• Horned Healer(Name inFreljord)
• Lilac Skinned Medic(Name inZaun)
• Seer(Name inIonia)
• Command the stars
• Child
• The Starchild
• Divine
• Born:Unknown(Early Universe)
• Celestial Staff
• Star Magic
• 2Healing Magic
Personal status
Place of origin
Current residence
Professional status
• Seer
• Traveling Healer
• Targon
• Ionia
Related character(s)
A wanderer from the celestial dimensions beyondMount Targon,Sorakagave up her immortality to protect the mortal races from their own more violent instincts. She endeavors to spread the virtues of compassion and mercy to everyone she meets—even healing those who would wish harm upon her. And, for allSorakahas seen of this world's struggles, she still believes the people ofRuneterrahave yet to reach their full potential.
• 1Background1.1Early life1.2Contemporary history1.3Recent events1.4Halfway Between the Stars and Earth1.5The Dreaming Pool
• 2Appearance
• 3Personality
• 4Abilities
• 5Relations5.1Aurelion Sol5.2Pantheon5.3Taric5.4ApheliosandAlune5.5Diana5.6Leona5.7Tyari5.810Arbiter of the Peak5.9Ottrani Tribe
• 6Read More6.1Biography6.2Starring Champion6.3Mentioned Champion6.4Alternate Universes
• 7Trivia
• 8See also
• 1.1Early life
• 1.2Contemporary history
• 1.3Recent events
• 1.4Halfway Between the Stars and Earth
• 1.5The Dreaming Pool
• 5.1Aurelion Sol
• 5.2Pantheon
• 5.3Taric
• 5.4ApheliosandAlune
• 5.5Diana
• 5.6Leona
• 5.7Tyari
• 5.810Arbiter of the Peak
• 5.9Ottrani Tribe
• 6.1Biography
• 6.2Starring Champion
• 6.3Mentioned Champion
• 6.4Alternate Universes
Early life[]
As the Starchild and one celestial being,Sorakaand the inhabitants of thecelestial realmwatch the mortal realm and regarded the fledgling races ofRuneterrawith growing concern. The guidance and fates that had been woven into the night sky often went unseen—or worse, were misinterpreted by their simple mortal minds, leading to chaos, uncertainty, and suffering.
No longer able to merely watch, Soraka chose to descend to the mortal realm, determined to untangle the knots in the tapestry of the world.
And so Soraka came to be, and set upon her journey to soothe the mortals she encountered.
Contemporary history[]
Soraka quickly learned the capacity for cruelty that the peoples of Runeterra possessed. Whether on the battlefields of inescapable conflicts, in the seedy underbellies of sprawling cities, or on the frontiers of the untamed wilderness beyond them, there seemed to be no end to the fighting, betrayal, and suffering Soraka witnessed. She watched, helpless, as mortals ignorantly broke the threads of destiny they could have woven together. Their lives were too short, she reasoned. They were simply unable to see the greater patterns, now lost.
But as Soraka lived among them, as one of them, trying to repair what little of the damage she could... something incredible and wholly unforeseen happened.
Soraka noticed a new, unintended design emerging—intertwined, and of a staggering complexity.
Unintended and wild, the mortals were forging new and unknown futures for themselves. From the celestial realm above, it had seemed like pure chaos; but with her new perspective, and blessed by the stars to stand against the erosion of time, Soraka now beheld an almost perfect beauty. Just as mortals had the deepest capacity for cruelty, so too did they possess infinite potential for kindness, and inspiration to rival anything among the stars.
Soraka realized her place was not to repair or replicate the celestial pattern. While a part of her craved the fixed, comforting destinies of the stars, she knew in her heart that static fates could not contain the unbridled, dynamic potential of mortality.
And so her work took on renewed vigor, driven to unlock the untapped possibilities of all she met. Soraka sought now to inspire and guide rather than shepherd, to see what unblazed trails each mortal would discover for themselves in their brief, radiant moment.
Recent events[]
Over the millennia, legends of the Starchild have filtered through all the lands of Runeterra. Some tribes of theFreljordstill speak of a far wanderer, a horned healer who soothed the icy bite of the most brutal winters. In the depths beneathZaun, rumors float of a lilac skinned medic who would purify weary lungs from the ravages of the alchemical Gray. In troubledIonia, the oldest myths of theVastayashai'reirecall a seer who communed with the stars themselves, and called upon their light both to heal the wounded and scorch those who would do further harm to the First Lands.
Currently, Soraka calls the westernmost peaks ofTargon,Astral Groveher home. There she created2Star Springa huge source of healing waters where she watches overan isolated tribeofvastaya, teaching them her healing ways, and tending quietly to her own needs as well as shepherdingStellacorns, alicorn creatures that fall from the celestial realm. They would aid them until maturity when they would send them back to the celestial realm—though what brings her so close to the great mountain, or how long she will stay, only Soraka knows.
Many times, she has watched entire civilizations dance close to the brink of destruction, and she has learned that she cannot save those who do not wish it, nor force them to see what they will not.
All the same, Soraka is determined never to stop trying.
Halfway Between the Stars and Earth[]
Sorakameets a littleRakkorgirl who in the middle of the night was trying to climb the summit ofMount Targonto prove to her family that she was not "weak". Soraka then tells her aboutA young woman with pale hair. Her counterpart,a woman whose face burned as brightly as the sun. Anda warrior with a spear.
“All of these mortals ascended to the peak. But they had chosen that path with all their soul.” She turned to the girl and spoke slowly, taking no delight in her words. “You have not truly chosen the mountain. And Targon will not choose you. You would walk to your death. Don’t do this.”
then calling the girl to warm up and have tea, where she could leave at dawn, not to climb the mountain, but to start over and find a new path in her life.
The Dreaming Pool[]
AVastayanamed Kalan travels toFae'lorCastle, home of Dael'eh Ahira, or the Dreaming Pool, a spiritually magical pool that previously imprisonedSyndra. After an accident, Kalan eventually freedSyndra, Kalan knelt, motionless and silent, as he waited forseerto speak.Sorakatold Kalan aboutFae'lorand their possible future fates.
Currently, Kalan is imprisoned in Dael'eh Ahira, or Lake of Dreams.
Soraka is acelestial beingslender of lilac skinned, long pale blonde hair with a single horn on the forehead, golden eyes and with goat-like legs. She wears simple wanderer outfits with a distinct palette of red, orange and some brown touches, including her cape. The most distinctive ornament on her attire is the1Gemsadornments. It also has a goldenCelestial Staffshaped like a moon at the tip. While having the appearance of theottrani,Sorakaonly took the form of one, with her one horn being a key distinction from thevastayans.
Soraka is a very kind and humble individual, but she is also extremely protective and caring forthose who follow her and who rely on her guidance. She is faithful to her cause in wanting to help those in need and always seeks to help those who seek help.
Despite this, Soraka believes in free will above everything else. Although she offers guidance, the offered must accept being guided and healed for her to be capable of helping. She offers numerous paths to mortals, but only they may choose the way they will walk.
• Celestial Physiology:As acelestial being, Soraka does not have a natural physical body and must create one to enter the physical realm. In this case, she chose the appearance of theottranitribe which she cares for, with her one horn the distinction between her and the vastaya. She also experiences reality in a different manner than mortals and has innate access to celestial magics to use for various purposes.
• Celestial Magic:As a Celestial, Soraka has access to her species' powerful celestial magic, being able to use it for many purposes.Healing Magic:Soraka is able to physically heal individuals. However, doing this brings her pain, as the physical body she fashioned cannot withstand her celestial powers.Star Magic:As a celestial, Soraka is able to control celestial magic in the form ofstarcallsandcelestial zones.Seer:As Soraka does not experience reality in linearity, she is able to predict possible futures for an individual, guiding them in what choices they can take.
• Healing Magic:Soraka is able to physically heal individuals. However, doing this brings her pain, as the physical body she fashioned cannot withstand her celestial powers.
• Star Magic:As a celestial, Soraka is able to control celestial magic in the form ofstarcallsandcelestial zones.
• Seer:As Soraka does not experience reality in linearity, she is able to predict possible futures for an individual, guiding them in what choices they can take.
Aurelion Sol[]
Soraka, being a celestial being, knows about Aurelion Sol and seems to know him personally. While Aurelion sees Soraka as having lowered herself, she disagrees with him and sees beauty in being in the mortal world.
Pantheon once toldSoraka"If only your kind could see what you see, Soraka, they would weep for you as you weep for us."
Soraka refers toPantheonas Warrior with a spear and he refers her as The Seer, Soraka once designed the Pantheon in a constellation of stars.
Taric is quite generous to Soraka, for example, whenSorakatells him "Your star shines brightly." and he replies "There is no one as brilliant as you." Both seem to share the vision of looking to mortals with kindness when Soraka says "This world has great potential". andTaricnods, saying "Each life is uniquely faceted."
Soraka knows the pain of theLunaritwins, but tells them not to feel it. whatAluneconsiders would be to deny her and herbrothertheir existence.
Diana met aCelestialbeing descending from theAstral Grove.Sorakarefers toDianaas the Pale-haired Woman/Sable-haired Girl
Soraka refers toLeonaas Woman whose face burned like the sun
During their climb on top of Mount Targon, Tyari would meetthe starchildwhich would give them assurance for their efforts.
10Arbiter of the Peak[]
Soraka personally knows the Arbiter of the Peak and is on good terms with him.
Soraka watches overan isolated tribeofvastaya, teaching them her healing ways, and tending quietly to her own needs as well as shepherdingstellacorns, alicorn creatures that fall from the celestial realm. She is a mentor to all in the tribe likeIlli,3Hakan,4Lidari, and4Vin.
Read More
The Starchild
ByMichael Yichao
Starring Champion
Short Story
Halfway Between the Stars and Earth
ByKatie Chironis
It was a perfectly good night for a cup of tea. Chilly, certainly, but clear—as crisp a night as frigid Mount Targon ever got, really. Soraka was expecting a visitor. The snow in the stone kettle had already begun to melt over the hearth at the center of her little yurt; as it grew warmer, the room was suffused with the smell of dried tea leaves and sparse mountain herbs.
Short Story
Ruination (Novel)
ByAnthony Reynolds Lenné
Camavor is a brutal land with a bloody legacy. Where the empire’s knights go, slaughter follows. Kalista seeks to change that. When her young and narcissistic uncle, Viego, becomes king she vows to temper his destructive instincts as his loyal confidant, advisor, and military general. But her plans are thwarted when an assassin’s poisoned blade strikes Viego’s wife, Isolde, afflicting her with a malady for which there is no cure. As Isolde’s condition worsens, Viego descends into madness and grief, threatening to drag Camavor down with him. Kalisa makes a desperate gambit to save the kingdom: She searches for the long-lost Blessed Isles, rumored to hold the queen’s salvation if only Kalista can find them. But corruption grows in the Blessed Isle’s capital, where a vengeful warden seeks to ensnare Kalista in his cruel machinations. She will be forced to choose between her loyalty to Viego and doing what she knows is right–for even in the face of utter darkness, one noble act can shine a light that saves the world.
Mentioned Champion
Short Story • 27 Minute Read
The Dreaming Pool
ByAnthony Reynolds Lenné
Short Story • 4 Minute Read
The Spear of Targon
ByAnthony Reynolds Lenné
A lone figure awaited the armed convoy, standing silhouetted against the sun. His heavy cloak and the long plume atop his helm billowed in the hot, dry desert wind. A tall spear was held at his side.
Mentioned:Aurelion Sol,Soraka
Alternate Universes
A New Horizon
A mysterious new team arrives: Star Guardian Ahri, Miss Fortune, Syndra, Soraka, and Ezreal.
Starring:Ahri,Ezreal,Miss Fortune,Soraka,Syndra
Clash of Fates
Starring:Alistar,Amumu,Anivia,Annie,Ashe,Cho'Gath,Evelynn,Jax,Karthus,Kayle,Master Yi,Nunu,Rammus,Ryze,Singed,Sivir,Soraka,Teemo,Twisted Fate,Warwick,Willump,Zilean
Immortal Journey Cinematic
Mentioned:Irelia,Jax,Master Yi,Nami,Riven
Journal of Justice
ByInstitute of War
Formare veneficum est formare fatum.
Starring:Akali,Alistar,Amumu,Anivia,Annie,Ashe,Blitzcrank,Brand,Cassiopeia,Cho'Gath,Corki,Darius,Dr. Mundo,Evelynn,Ezreal,Fiddlesticks,Gangplank,Garen,Gragas,Heimerdinger,Irelia,Janna,Jarvan IV,Jax,Karma,Karthus,Kassadin,Katarina,Kayle,Kennen,Kog'Maw,Lee Sin,Leona,Lissandra,Lux,Malzahar,Maokai,Master Yi,Mordekaiser,Morgana,Nasus,Nidalee,Nocturne,Nunu,Olaf,Pantheon,Poppy,Rammus,Renekton,Riven,Rumble,Ryze,Sejuani,Shaco,Shen,Singed,Sion,Sivir,Skarner,Sona,Soraka,Swain,Talon,Taric,Teemo,Tibbers,Tristana,Trundle,Tryndamere,Twisted Fate,Twitch,Udyr,Urgot,Veigar,Vladimir,Warwick,Willump,Wukong,Xin Zhao,Yorick,Zilean
Monuments of Power
Seek what makes you strong.
Starring:Shyvana,Soraka,Tahm Kench
Short Story
ByAriel Lawrence
A team bonding trip will test Lux's leadership and confidence as the group welcomes new stars during the annual meteor shower.
Starring:Ahri,Ezreal,Janna,Jinx,Lulu,Lux,Miss Fortune,Poppy,Soraka,Syndra
The Day Before Snowdown
Gather ‘round and hear the story of how Winter Wonder Neeko, Snow Man Yi, Winter Wonder Soraka, and Ice King Mundo saved Snowdown from Ice King Twitch in the Snowdown 2018 event in League of Legends.
Starring:Akali,Dr. Mundo,Master Yi,Neeko,Soraka,Twitch
Short Story
The Slumber Party Summoning
ByAriel Lawrence
Okay, I'll admit slamming the door in their faces was a bit of an overreaction.
Starring:Ezreal,Janna,Jinx,Lulu,Lux,Miss Fortune,Poppy,Soraka
Short Story
Twin Stars
ByCat Cheresh
Akali could see the stars.
Starring:Ahri,Akali,Ezreal,Janna,Jinx,Kai'Sa,Lulu,Lux,Miss Fortune,Neeko,Poppy,Rakan,Soraka,Syndra,Xayah,Zoe
Academy Adventures: Series 1
ByGutter Rat
Mentioned:Akali,Amumu,Anivia,Azir,Bard,Blitzcrank,Braum,Cho'Gath,Elise,Ezreal,Fiddlesticks,Fiora,Gnar,Heimerdinger,Ivern,Jhin,Jinx,Karthus,Kog'Maw,Lulu,Lux,Malzahar,Miss Fortune,Nidalee,Olaf,Poppy,Rek'Sai,Renekton,Rumble,Ryze,Shaco,Shen,Sion,Sona,Soraka,Talon,Taric,Teemo,Tristana,Trundle,Twitch,Urgot,Varus,Veigar,Vel'Koz,Vi,Yorick,Zed,Ziggs,Zyra
Academy Adventures: Series 2
ByGutter Rat
Mentioned:Amumu,Anivia,Annie,Ashe,Aurelion Sol,Braum,Caitlyn,Cho'Gath,Dr. Mundo,Draven,Elise,Ezreal,Fiddlesticks,Fizz,Galio,Gnar,Heimerdinger,Janna,Jhin,Jinx,Kog'Maw,Lulu,Lux,Malphite,Malzahar,Miss Fortune,Nami,Nasus,Olaf,Poppy,Rakan,Rammus,Rek'Sai,Riven,Rumble,Ryze,Shaco,Singed,Sona,Soraka,Syndra,Taliyah,Talon,Taric,Teemo,Thresh,Tibbers,Tristana,Twitch,Urgot,Varus,Veigar,Volibear,Warwick,Wukong,Xayah,Yasuo,Yorick,Zac,Zed,Ziggs,Zyra
Harmonies: Issue 2
ByMichael Yichao
Seraphine navigates a life-changing moment as she embraces her dream becoming reality.
Mentioned:Ezreal,Janna,Jinx,Lulu,Lux,Miss Fortune,Poppy,Soraka,Syndra,Volibear,Yasuo
Mac Client Available
Starring:Dr. Mundo
Mentioned:Amumu,Ashe,Caitlyn,Ezreal,Fizz,Gragas,Graves,Katarina,Master Yi,Miss Fortune,Mordekaiser,Orianna,Riven,Ryze,Singed,Soraka,Viktor,Zac,Ziggs
Playtime with Gnar: Series 2
ByRachel J. Corey
Punches and Plants: Series 1
Mentioned:Ahri,Alistar,Annie,Ashe,Blitzcrank,Brand,Braum,Caitlyn,Darius,Diana,Dr. Mundo,Ekko,Evelynn,Ezreal,Gangplank,Garen,Gnar,Gragas,Graves,Heimerdinger,Janna,Jinx,Karma,Katarina,Leona,Lucian,Malzahar,Miss Fortune,Nami,Nasus,Nunu,Quinn,Renekton,Rumble,Ryze,Sejuani,Sivir,Sona,Soraka,Tahm Kench,Taliyah,Taric,Teemo,Tibbers,Trundle,Tryndamere,Twisted Fate,Twitch,Valor,Varus,Vel'Koz,Vladimir,Volibear,Warwick,Willump,Wukong,Zac,Ziggs
The Blade Dancer: Issue 4
The Tale of the Poro King
By Numerous creators
Starring: N/A
Mentioned:Aatrox,Akali,Ashe,Aurelion Sol,Azir,Braum,Caitlyn,Cho'Gath,Darius,Diana,Draven,Ezreal,Gnar,Illaoi,Janna,Jarvan IV,Jayce,Kai'Sa,Karma,Karthus,Katarina,Kayle,Kayn,Kennen,Kha'Zix,Lee Sin,Leona,Lulu,Lux,Malzahar,Miss Fortune,Nunu,Ornn,Pantheon,Pyke,Rammus,Rek'Sai,Rhaast,Ryze,Sejuani,Shen,Sion,Sivir,Soraka,Sylas,Syndra,Taliyah,Talon,Taric,Thresh,Tristana,Trundle,Udyr,Vi,Volibear,Willump,Yasuo,Zed,Ziggs,Zoe
Short Story
The Twilight Star
ByAriel Lawrence
I have too many questions I want to ask her.
Starring:Janna,Jinx,Lulu,Lux,Miss Fortune,Poppy
• Sorakaknows of theBard, and as a Celestial Being, she has deeper ties with him as well.[1]
• Soraka was deceived byWarwickin his attempt to rip her heart out.
• Soraka revived a nearly deceasedIreliaduring theNoxianinvasion ofIonia. She did so by binding her life force to herhiten blades.
• Due toKarthusbeing a being that embodies death and Soraka being a celestial deity of life, they are both rivals; this is reflected in both of their ultimate abilities: Karthus damages all enemy champions, while Soraka heals all ally champions.
See also[] | Name: Salvation, Description: Innate: Soraka gains 70% bonus movement speed while facing nearby allied champions that are below 40% of their maximum health ., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputPassive', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Sorakawill see an arrow indicating the direction in which she can gain the bonus movement speed.']} | Name: Starcall, Description: Active: Soraka calls down a star upon the target location that grants sight of the area before landing after 0. 25 − 1 (based on target range) seconds, dealing magic damage to enemies hit and slowing them by 30% for 1. 5 seconds. Magic Damage: 85 / 120 / 155 / 190 / 225 (+ 35% AP) If this hits at least one enemy champion , the star dust returns to Soraka to grant her Rejuvenation for 2. 5 seconds. While Soraka has Rejuvenation , Astral Infusion will also grant the effects of Rejuvenation to the target ally for the same duration. Rejuvenation : The target heals every 0. 5 seconds and gains bonus movement speed that decays over the duration. Total Heal: 50 / 65 / 80 / 95 / 110 (+ 30% AP) Heal per Tick: 10 / 13 / 16 / 19 / 22 (+ 6% AP) Bonus Movement Speed: 20 / 22. 5 / 25 / 27. 5 / 30%, {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputLocation', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Starcallcounts as hitting even if it gets blocked byspell shield, grantingRejuvenation.', "Yasuo'sWind WallandBraum'sUnbreakablecan block theRejuvenationprojectile.", 'Rejuvenationheals over 12 ticks, with the first 4 each healing for about 15% of the heal, the next 4 ticks for about 5.5% each, and the last 4 for about 4.5% each.', "Rejuvenationwon't be granted toSorakaand she won't be able to make use of the health cost reduction onAstral Infusionuntil the projectile gets to her, but she is able toRejuvenateallies as soon as the target is hit."]} | Name: Astral Infusion, Description: Active: Soraka heals the target allied champion. Heal: 90 / 110 / 130 / 150 / 170 (+ 50% AP) If cast while under Rejuvenation , the health cost will be reduced by a percentage. Health Cost Reduction: 80 / 85 / 90 / 95 / 100% Reduced Health Cost: 2 / 1. 5 / 1 / 0. 5 / 0% of maximum health Astral Infusion cannot be cast if Soraka is below 5% of her maximum health ., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputUnit', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Astral Infusioncan also be targeted on allieddecoys.', "Astral Infusioncan be cast even ifSorakadoesn't have the sufficient amount of health to pay for the health cost while above5% of hermaximumhealth.As with all abilities with health costs,Astral Infusionwill not reduceSoraka'shealth below1.", "As with all abilities with health costs,Astral Infusionwill not reduceSoraka'shealth below1.", 'Spirit Visagewill only increase the health donated to allies if the target ally possesses it, although owning itwillboost the heal thatSorakareceives fromStarcallandWish.', "Astral Infusion'seffects occur before the cast time."]} | Name: Equinox, Description: Active: Soraka creates a celestial zone at the target location that deals magic damage to enemy champions within at the time of cast. The zone then persists for 1. 5 seconds and silences enemies within. Magic Damage: 70 / 95 / 120 / 145 / 170 (+ 40% AP) Afterwards, the zone erupts to deal the same damage to enemy champions within and root them for a duration. Total Magic Damage: 140 / 190 / 240 / 290 / 340 (+ 80% AP) Root Duration: 1 / 1. 25 / 1. 5 / 1. 75 / 2, {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputLocation', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'See Notes', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', "Equinox'ssilenceis removed bycleansesbut does not grant immunity to it; leaving the area and coming back inside applies thesilence debuffregardless.", 'Spell shieldwill not block thesilence.']} | Name: Wish, Description: Active: Soraka calls upon the stars, healing herself and all allied champions, increased by 50% on targets below 40% of their maximum health . Heal: 150 / 250 / 350 (+ 50% AP) Increased Heal: 225 / 375 / 525 (+ 75% AP) Link ▶️ "Stars hear me!", {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputAuto', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', "Due to several character stats needing to be recalculated each time a character spawns, castingWishimmediately upon respawning will cause its cooldown to be unaffected by ability haste, and the healing will not be increased bySoraka'sability power.(bug)", 'Untargetabilitydoes not invalidate the targeting of the heal.', 'Wishwill not creditSorakaforassistingin achampion killif the target ally is at full health.', 'Wishwill apply heal effects (such asSummon Aery) prioritizing targets based on theSpawn ID, which is the order in which units were added to an ongoing game. Forchampions, this is the order they appear in from left to right in the loading screen.', "Wish'seffects occur before the cast time."]} | Out-of-universe,Sorakais theromaji spellingof Japanese空香"celestial fragrance",[2]a reference to Soraka's celestial nature.
Soraka was one of the champions available in the Ionian pool during theIonia vs. Noxus match.Soraka was in the previous match and had apparently performed quite poorly.
In the Mac launch video, there is a banana in the weapons cabinet. This is a homage to Soraka's basic attack particle and horn, the look of which often have been compared to a banana.
Soraka's dance references acommercialfor Chiquita bananas.A side-by-side comparison can be seenhere.
In theUltra Rapid Firegame mode (available inApril 2014), Soraka was deemed overpowered/obnoxious, and was ultimately disabled in non-custom games. However, she was enabled in futureURFandARURFevents.
Wishcould be a reference to the high-level mage spell "Wish" in Dungeons & Dragons. One of the functions of the Wish spell is to heal the entire party, which is very much alike to Soraka's ability.
Theward skinStarcall Wardreferences her.
The cast time ofSoraka'sabilities(exceptEquinox) does not cancel her movement or previous orders.
Soraka is one of four champions who use health as resource for their abilities, the other three beingDr. Mundo,Vladimir,andZac. |
Swain,the Noxian Grand General,Jericho Swain | | | health: Health595+99, resource: Mana468+29, health regen: Health regen. (per 5s)7+0.65, resource regen: Mana regen. (per 5s)8+0.8, armor: Armor26+5.2, attack damage: Attack damage58+2.7, attack speed: Base AS0.625, gameplay radius: Gameplay radius65, selection radius: Selection radius100, release: 2010-10-05, changed: V13.9, role: Battlemage, position: TopMiddleBottomSupport, rangetype: Ranged, adaptivetype: Magic, cost: 3150|790 | Games
SwainMainCurrentDemon 1Demon 2Demon 3Demon 4TitlesReal nameJericho SwainRaum(Demon's name)Alias(es)The Noxian Grand GeneralThe Master TacticianGrand General SwainThe Demon of Secrets(Raum)CharacteristicsSpeciesHuman(Magically Altered)Pronoun(s)He/HimTimelineBorn:946 AN - 951 ANWeapon(s)TransmutationDemonic Magic7The LeviathanPersonal statusStatusAlivePlace of originNoxus Prime,NoxusCurrent residenceNoxus Prime,NoxusFamilyUnnamed Parents†Pet(s)'Beatrice'Professional statusOccupation(s)Trifarix Leader of VisionNoxian Grand GeneralWarlockDemon of Secrets(Raum)Region(s)NoxusFaction(s)TrifarixSwain HouseRelated character(s)FiddlesticksLeBlancDariusJarvan IVGarenGangplankKatarinaDravenVladimirIreliaKledBoram Darkwill
• Main
• Current
• Demon 1
• Demon 2
• Demon 3
• Demon 4
Real name
• Jericho Swain
• Raum(Demon's name)
• The Noxian Grand General
• The Master Tactician
• Grand General Swain
• The Demon of Secrets(Raum)
• Born:946 AN - 951 AN
• Transmutation
• Demonic Magic
• 7The Leviathan
Personal status
Place of origin
Current residence
Professional status
• Trifarix Leader of Vision
• Noxian Grand General
• Warlock
• Demon of Secrets(Raum)
• Trifarix
• Swain House
Related character(s)
Jericho Swainis the visionary ruler ofNoxus, an expansionist nation that reveres only strength. Though he was cast down and debilitated in theIonianwars, his left arm severed, he seized control of the empire with ruthless determination... and a new, demonic hand. Now,Swaincommands from the front lines, marching against a coming darkness that only he can see—in glimpses gathered by shadowy ravens from the corpses all around him. In a swirl of sacrifice and secrets, the greatest secret of all is that the true enemy lies within.
• 1Background1.1Early life1.2Discovery of Raum1.3Establishment of the Trifarix1.4The Black Powder Plot1.5The Delverhold Affair
• 2Appearance
• 3Personality
• 4Abilities
• 5Relations5.1Irelia5.2Darius5.3Draven5.4Katarina5.5Urgot5.6Mordekaiser5.7Gangplank5.8Black Rose5.8.1LeBlanc5.8.2Sion5.9Vladimir
• 6Read More6.1Biography6.2Starring Champion6.3Mentioned Champion6.4Alternate Universes
• 7Trivia
• 8Change log
• 9References
• 10See also
• 1.1Early life
• 1.2Discovery of Raum
• 1.3Establishment of the Trifarix
• 1.4The Black Powder Plot
• 1.5The Delverhold Affair
• 5.1Irelia
• 5.2Darius
• 5.3Draven
• 5.4Katarina
• 5.5Urgot
• 5.6Mordekaiser
• 5.7Gangplank
• 5.8Black Rose5.8.1LeBlanc5.8.2Sion
• 5.9Vladimir
• 5.8.1LeBlanc
• 5.8.2Sion
• 6.1Biography
• 6.2Starring Champion
• 6.3Mentioned Champion
• 6.4Alternate Universes
Early life[]
Jericho Swain was born into an affluentNoxianfamily that had been around shorty after the nation's founding. His noble house was among many that were favored by the emperor of Noxus―Boram Darkwill―having been instrumental in his rise to the throne.
Yet House Swain was also among many that hungered for power, and as such were part of a secret cabal called theBlack Rose. His parents were especially intent on finding some dark power hidden in the depths of theImmortal Bastion, that which eluded discovery for many years as it cackled in the darkness like a raven's caw.
The cabal had aided Darkwill's political rise, but in time he rejected their influence thereafter.LeBlanc, head matriarch of the Black Rose, manipulated Swain as a young nobleman into revealing the Black Rose and executing its most prominent members, including Swain's own parents and Leblanc herself. However, LeBlanc's execution was a deception, and she retreated back into the shadows of Noxus to wait for an opportunity to strike. For exposing the corruption, Swain was granted a commission in the Noxian army, where he would serve for years to come.
Discovery of Raum[]
Swain learned firsthand that the empire's true strength was upheld not by pure Noxian ferocity, but by all its people united in spite of their origins. Nobles and foreign slaves alike were all seen as soldiers on the front lines.
Swain had carved out his career in securing the western borders, as well as expanding intoShurima. But in time, the aging emperor grew more paranoid and unhinged over his own mortality. Fighting wars on too many fronts, lusting over magical relics; greed became the clear motivation of the regime.
During the invasion ofIonia, Darkwill retasked much of the warbands to hunt for artifacts that could extend mortal lifespan, With Swain's forces depleted, it became nearly impossible to engage the enemy. At the Battle of thePlacidium, his troops were overrun in what should have been an ambush. Swain was gravely wounded with his knee shattered and hisarm cut off. On the verge of death, he felt a familiar darkness press upon him again as aravenapproached to feed; but he would not let it take him. Staring into the bird's eyes, he saw a vision of the dark truth: that LeBlanc had seduced Darkwill with promises of extending his life, and had sent Swain to die. It was not the raven that told him this, but something deeper. This was the great power that Swain's parents had been looking for, and now he knew it could be found.
Returning to Noxus, Swain was disgraced and regarded as nothing more than a cripple. Through his fragile state, Swain set about in search of that strange power, that which cackled in the darkness like a raven's caw. What he found was Raum, an ancient entity that preyed on the dying and consumed their secrets. But the man solved a puzzle even the demon did not anticipate: a way to wield its power.
Establishment of the Trifarix[]
Swain had physically restored himself and could use magic to defeat his enemies, along with using Raum to listen to the secrets of the dying. Over the course of many years, Swain amassed power, allies, and elaborate plans to kill Darkwill. In the end, it only took one night to capture the throne. Swain revealed himself to all of Noxus, leaving Darkwill dead and the throne empty. In its place, he established the Trifarix: a council of 3 members to take over the responsibilities of the emperor. Together they embody Noxus' core values, with Swain representing Vision,Dariusexemplifying Might, and The Faceless one embodying Guile. This Council was made so that no one man could rule Noxus, and if one were to divert from the foundations of strength that Noxus was built on, the other two would be able to keep them in check. Moreover, this insurance would counterbalance Swain should he ever befall to demonic corruption.
Swain immediately pulled back the Noxian forces from Darkwill's untenable ventures. He also held conventions detailing his plans for the empire, pardoning the noble houses that swore fealty, and allowing dissenting houses to safely leave the empire. A large part of the dissent was over the new policies that grated traditional power systems such as inherited lordship, personal wealth, and ownership of human property.[1]
Seeing areas of concern abroad and within, Swain sent one of the empire's best assassins in an almost impossible task.[2]Katarinawas assigned to kill theDemaciankingJarvan III, as well as her own fatherMarcus Du Couteau, who has suspected ties with the Black Rose. However, Marcus intercepted the written order and managed to deter her long enough to get close to destroying Swain. The Grand General intervened in the final duel and backfired the implosive weapon to destroy Marcus instead. He then congratulates Katarina on her success and revealed that the assignment was a test to find an assassin that could eliminate Swain in the event that he becomes corrupt.
The Black Powder Plot[]
Secessionists held the mineral-richRokrund Plains, crafting explosives that deterred Noxian forces from advancing. This prompted Swain to visit the campaign generals and discuss strategy. One of these was GeneralBrannin Granth, a secret operative of the Black Rose that plotted to kill Swain. Within the meeting, he proclaimed that the battle was unwinnable without death and revealed an explosive fuse ready to blow. Swain chuckled at the profound suggestion, agreeing that while the soldiers may die anyway, their sacrifice makes way for a greater reinforcement. He then reveals his demon arm and quickly strangles Granth. "Granth and I... we always look for what must be sacrificed in order to win."
The Delverhold Affair[]
Seven years into the Trifarix rule, delegates Oram and Alyssa fromthe Delverholdapproached the council to negociate concessions in response to a local crisis. The mineral export quotas became unsustainable with the dwindling reserves in the Ironspike mines, sinking the people into poverty. Furthermore, Oram argued that their treaty to the empire had been invalidated with the death of the emperor, which permits the Delverhold to extricate from the empire if necessary. While Swain agreed to hear the terms, Darius argued that there was no compelling bargain.
Some days go by, and the delegates attempted to seize and extort the Faceless One for their vote. But in a deceptive trap, Oram is killed by Alyssa and she is quickly captured by the guards. She is brought before the Trifarix, whom were fully aware of the extortion, but recognize her disaffection in the Delverhold. Swain candidly stated that the Trifarix did not want to encourage other provinces to make demands as well. Alyssa said that she knew the Delverhold governor would use the delegates' deaths to justify secession, but returning Delverhold to the kingdom rule would be a grave mistake long-term. She then suggested to become governor herself in order to maintain relations with Noxus. The council agree to the idea and sent a Trifarian entourage with her back to Delverhold to claim office.
Swain is a fair skinned man with long, white hair. He wears black armor, black pants, and a black coat. His left arm was restored with the power of Raum, and consequently glows a shade of red.
Swain is cold and calculating, often seeing people's lives as pieces in a bigger game. He is a master tactician and general, able to predict his enemies' next move with his cunning intellect and win battles swiftly and efficiently. Swain does not often act in his own interests, rather doing whatever is best for Noxus, as he knows that the empire is much more important than him, and he is committed to returning it back to its foundations and making sure that it outlasts him.
• Demonic Bonding:After being defeated in battle, Swain made a pact with Raum, the Demon of Secrets. This granted him several new powers that very few can match.Emotional Feeding:Like other Demons, Raum can feed himself from a specific emotion, in this case, secrets. By absorbing the secrets of others, Raum, and by extension Swain, can sustain themselves for prolonged periods of time. Swain also gains knowledge from these secrets and can use this knowledge for his own benefit.Life Draining:The Secrets that Swain collects come in the form of Soul Fragments. Taking a soul Fragment from someone drains them of their energy and gives it to Swain. By doing so Swain can heal himself and strengthen his powers.Extended Awareness:Swain has heightened senses, meaning that he can perceive and sense things that few else can. He can see things from far away and perceive supernatural powers that no others can notice.Demon Ravens:Swain can summon several demonic Ravens that are connected to his mind. He can use them as a way to gather intelligence and spy on people.Demonic Energy:Swain can manipulate powerful dark energies to his liking. Those dark energies come from Raum, and depend on how strong Raum himself is.Energy blasts:Swain can summon powerful eldritch blasts.Limbs Creation:Swain can create limbs for himself such as hands and wings.
• Emotional Feeding:Like other Demons, Raum can feed himself from a specific emotion, in this case, secrets. By absorbing the secrets of others, Raum, and by extension Swain, can sustain themselves for prolonged periods of time. Swain also gains knowledge from these secrets and can use this knowledge for his own benefit.Life Draining:The Secrets that Swain collects come in the form of Soul Fragments. Taking a soul Fragment from someone drains them of their energy and gives it to Swain. By doing so Swain can heal himself and strengthen his powers.
• Extended Awareness:Swain has heightened senses, meaning that he can perceive and sense things that few else can. He can see things from far away and perceive supernatural powers that no others can notice.Demon Ravens:Swain can summon several demonic Ravens that are connected to his mind. He can use them as a way to gather intelligence and spy on people.
• Demonic Energy:Swain can manipulate powerful dark energies to his liking. Those dark energies come from Raum, and depend on how strong Raum himself is.Energy blasts:Swain can summon powerful eldritch blasts.Limbs Creation:Swain can create limbs for himself such as hands and wings.
• Life Draining:The Secrets that Swain collects come in the form of Soul Fragments. Taking a soul Fragment from someone drains them of their energy and gives it to Swain. By doing so Swain can heal himself and strengthen his powers.
• Demon Ravens:Swain can summon several demonic Ravens that are connected to his mind. He can use them as a way to gather intelligence and spy on people.
• Energy blasts:Swain can summon powerful eldritch blasts.
• Limbs Creation:Swain can create limbs for himself such as hands and wings.
Irelia cut off Swain's left arm during the Battle of the Placidium.
Swain and Darius are two of the three heads of the Trifarix ofNoxus, embodying the Noxian values of Vision and Might respectively, along The Faceless One, who embodies Guile.
When audiences for theReckoning arenaswaned and Draven fell into a drunk stupor, Swain found him and offered him a role in his coup against Boram Darkwill. He became integral to Swain’s plan, killing Darkwill himself. He is considered a close ally by Swain.
Katarina serves as an assassin for the Trifarix council, killing people at their command. It is also hinted that Swain may know what happened to her father.
Urgot was sent away fromNoxustoZaunas a part of Swain's coup, as he was seen as a liability and a potential threat to Swain's plan.
It is likely that Raum worked for Mordekaiser or was used by him, as Swain found Raum in theImmortal Bastion.
Gangplank stole The Leviathan, Swain's personal warship and the head of the Noxian fleet. Because of this, Swain despises Gangplank and wishes to see his demise.
Black Rose[]
Swain has close ties with theBlack Rose. The organization is currently trying to either control Swain or kill him in order to take the throne from him. Swain knows this and is trying to take down the organization, but knows that it is unlikely that he will accomplish this goal.
Swain considers LeBlanc, the head matriarch of the Black Rose, as his rival. Swain and LeBlanc's personal relationship is vague, and they may have been lovers at some point.[3]When Boram Darkwill first took the throne and refused help from the Black Rose, LeBlanc, unbeknownst to Swain, manipulated Swain into revealing the Black Rose and making it look like she was executed and the Black Rose was dead.[4]
Swain obtained Sion from the Black Rose after the organization left Sion in his own tomb for years. Swain now uses him as a living weapon to use against his enemies.
Read More
The Noxian Grand General
ByDavid Slagle
Mentioned:Boram Darkwill,Irelia,LeBlanc
Starring Champion
Katarina: Issue 5
ByScott Hawkes
The kingdom of Demacia is in chaos! While the Great City has its focus on Sylas and his mage rebellion, a cunning, redheaded assassin, Katarina, lurks in the shadows. Focused on executing the most dangerous mission of her life, she hopes to finally live up to her father’s impossible expectations. However, when she is forced to choose between the mission and her own instincts, will she have to betray Noxus’ Master of Assassins?
Starring:Drann,Jaredan,Katarina,Marcus Du Couteau,Swain
Mentioned:Boram Darkwill,Garen,Jarvan III,LeBlanc,Lux,Mordekaiser,Soreana Du Couteau,Sylas,Talon
Noxian Brotherhood
ByJared Rosen
Draven - Another victory for the Glorious Executioner.
Short Story
Proclamation of the Trifarix
ByLaurie Goulding
Citizens of Noxus, I bring word from the capital!
Mentioned:Boram Darkwill
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The Black Powder Plot
ByDavid Slagle
He arrived at the camp only moments before the strategy council was to begin, flanked by a small honor guard, each handpicked from the Trifarian Legion. They remained at the entrance as I watched him approach.
Starring:Brannin Granth,Swain
The Noxian Grand General (Video)
Noxus has endured, because Noxus is strong. But the Grand-General Jericho Swain knows there are many kinds of strength—and the greatest leaders of the next age will be those who can wield them all...
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The Principles of Strength
ByAnthony Reynolds Lenné
My name is Alyssa Roshka Gloriana val-Lokan. For almost two millennia, my ancestors ruled the Delverhold as kings.
Mentioned:Boram Darkwill,Irelia,Kindred
Mentioned Champion
Short Story
At the Edge of the World
ByIan St. Martin
"Seven times,"
Starring: N/A
Short Story • 3 Minute Read
In The Mind of Madness
ByRandy Begel
Mentioned:Boram Darkwill,Swain
Katarina: Issue 1
ByScott Hawkes
The kingdom of Demacia is in chaos! While the Great City has its focus on Sylas and his mage rebellion, a cunning, redheaded assassin, Katarina, lurks in the shadows. Focused on executing the most dangerous mission of her life, she hopes to finally live up to her father’s impossible expectations. However, when she is forced to choose between the mission and her own instincts, will she have to betray Noxus’ Master of Assassins?
Starring:Drann,Katarina,Khogan,Marcus Du Couteau,Rache,Talon
Mentioned:Boram Darkwill,Soreana Du Couteau,Swain
Katarina: Issue 2
ByScott Hawkes
The kingdom of Demacia is in chaos! While the Great City has its focus on Sylas and his mage rebellion, a cunning, redheaded assassin, Katarina, lurks in the shadows. Focused on executing the most dangerous mission of her life, she hopes to finally live up to her father’s impossible expectations. However, when she is forced to choose between the mission and her own instincts, will she have to betray Noxus’ Master of Assassins?
Starring:Arrika,Jarvan III,Katarina,Lux,Marcus Du Couteau
Mentioned:Boram Darkwill,Garen,Soreana Du Couteau,Swain,Sylas,Talon
Katarina: Issue 3
ByScott Hawkes
The kingdom of Demacia is in chaos! While the Great City has its focus on Sylas and his mage rebellion, a cunning, redheaded assassin, Katarina, lurks in the shadows. Focused on executing the most dangerous mission of her life, she hopes to finally live up to her father’s impossible expectations. However, when she is forced to choose between the mission and her own instincts, will she have to betray Noxus’ Master of Assassins?
Mentioned:Arrika,Drann,Jarvan III,Lux,Marcus Du Couteau,Swain,Sylas
Katarina: Issue 4
ByScott Hawkes
The kingdom of Demacia is in chaos! While the Great City has its focus on Sylas and his mage rebellion, a cunning, redheaded assassin, Katarina, lurks in the shadows. Focused on executing the most dangerous mission of her life, she hopes to finally live up to her father’s impossible expectations. However, when she is forced to choose between the mission and her own instincts, will she have to betray Noxus’ Master of Assassins?
Mentioned:Cassiopeia,Jarvan III,Marcus Du Couteau,Rache,Soreana Du Couteau,Swain,Zed
Short Story
Message on a Blade's Edge
ByMichael Yichao
An assassin's blades are but one of her weapons. Know your mark. Know the killing ground. Anything can be a tool to secure the kill.
Ruined King
ByAirship Syndicate
Rise Against Ruin - Unite a party of League of Legends Champions, explore Bilgewater and set sail for the Shadow Isles to uncover the secrets of the deadly Black Mist in this immersive turn-based RPG.
Starring:Ahri,Braum,Gangplank,Illaoi,Maokai,Miss Fortune,Necrit,Pyke,Rafen,Thresh,Viego,Yasuo
Mentioned:Ashe,Elise,Fiddlesticks,Fizz,Gwen,Hecarim,Isolde,Ivern,Janna,Jarvan IV,Kalista,Ledros,Lucian,Nagakabouros,Nautilus,Olaf,Ornn,Rhasa,Riven,Senna,Swain,Tahm Kench,Taliyah,Twisted Fate,Udyr,Volibear,Yone,Yorick,Zed
Short Story
Sisterhood of War Part 1: Old Wounds
ByIan St. Martin
“Is anything you just heard unclear to you?”
The Blade Dancer
ByJohn O'Bryan
The Crimson Reaper
By'Blood Magicks'
The Deceiver
ByDavid Slagle
Mentioned:Boram Darkwill,Mordekaiser,Swain
The Glorious Executioner
ByAnthony Reynolds Lenné
Mentioned:Boram Darkwill,Darius,Swain
The Hand of Noxus
ByAnthony Reynolds Lenné
Mentioned:Boram Darkwill,Draven,Swain
The Restrained Hunger
ByMax Folkman
Mentioned:Boram Darkwill,Swain
The Saltwater Scourge
ByAnthony Reynolds Lenné
Mentioned:Miss Fortune,Swain
The Serpent's Embrace
ByIan St. Martin
Mentioned:Boram Darkwill,Katarina,Marcus Du Couteau,Sivir,Soreana Du Couteau,Swain
Short Story
The Shuttered Manse
ByGraham McNeill
She felt the thief coming closer with every careful step he took.
The Undead Juggernaut
ByAnthony Reynolds Lenné
Mentioned:Boram Darkwill,Swain
Short Story
Thorns of the Black Rose
ByLaurie Goulding
I smile, playing my part. “It is the simplest of things,” I tell him, “to hide in plain sight.”
Starring:Brannin Granth,LeBlanc
Mentioned:Boram Darkwill,Darius,Mordekaiser,Swain
Alternate Universes
Dominion (Video)
Starring:Cassiopeia,Irelia,Jarvan IV,Lux,Malphite,Miss Fortune,Mordekaiser,Ryze,Swain,Teemo
There's nothing like teaming up with your favorite duo partner in League of Legends. Just ask LilyPichu and sleightlymusical. It's On.
Faction Wars
Journal of Justice
ByInstitute of War
Formare veneficum est formare fatum.
Starring:Akali,Alistar,Amumu,Anivia,Annie,Ashe,Blitzcrank,Brand,Cassiopeia,Cho'Gath,Corki,Darius,Dr. Mundo,Evelynn,Ezreal,Fiddlesticks,Gangplank,Garen,Gragas,Heimerdinger,Irelia,Janna,Jarvan IV,Jax,Karma,Karthus,Kassadin,Katarina,Kayle,Kennen,Kog'Maw,Lee Sin,Leona,Lissandra,Lux,Malzahar,Maokai,Master Yi,Mordekaiser,Morgana,Nasus,Nidalee,Nocturne,Nunu,Olaf,Pantheon,Poppy,Rammus,Renekton,Riven,Rumble,Ryze,Sejuani,Shaco,Shen,Singed,Sion,Sivir,Skarner,Sona,Soraka,Swain,Talon,Taric,Teemo,Tibbers,Tristana,Trundle,Tryndamere,Twisted Fate,Twitch,Udyr,Urgot,Veigar,Vladimir,Warwick,Willump,Wukong,Xin Zhao,Yorick,Zilean
ByInstitute of War
The truest opponent lies within.
Starring:Boram Darkwill,Brand,Caitlyn,Cassiopeia,Galio,Graves,Irelia,Jarvan IV,Karma,LeBlanc,Lee Sin,Leona,Lux,Maokai,Miss Fortune,Nocturne,Orianna,Renekton,Riven,Rumble,Ryze,Skarner,Sona,Swain,Talon,Trundle,Urgot,Varus,Vayne,Vladimir,Wukong,Xerath,Xin Zhao,Yorick
By Numerous creators
Mentioned:Boram Darkwill,Elise,Jarvan IV,Vladimir
Music Video
By Numerous creators
Reaching the peak takes more than skill. Only those with the ambition to RISE above all others will know its height.
Starring: N/A
Mentioned:Akali,Ashe,Braum,Darius,Ekko,Ezreal,Fiora,Garen,Gnar,Jarvan IV,Jax,Jinx,Kalista,Kennen,Kha'Zix,Leona,Lux,Master Yi,Olaf,Poppy,Rakan,Riven,Ryze,Sejuani,Swain,Taliyah,Thresh,Tryndamere,Vayne,Xayah,Yasuo,Zed,Ziggs
The Blade Dancer: Issue 3
The Roadtrip
ByCassie Parkes,Marvin Clifford
Mentioned:Ahri,Ashe,Azir,Bard,Braum,Darius,Fiddlesticks,Garen,Gnar,Gragas,Graves,Irelia,Jinx,Kalista,Katarina,Kog'Maw,Lee Sin,Lulu,Master Yi,Nami,Poppy,Rakan,Shaco,Sona,Swain,Taric,Teemo,Twisted Fate,Varus,Xayah,Yasuo,Zilean
Tournament of Souls: Wild Rift Edition
ByKristina Atanasoski
Be careful what you wish for—and what youfightfor. Draven entered the Tournament of Souls to make a name for himself, but when the results don't live up to expectations, it's time for some quiet introspection. ...Aww, who are we kidding?! It's time to double down and carve through the competition! Join Draven on his winding path to glory in the League of Legends: Wild Rift's Soul Fighter Event!
Starring:Draven,Irelia,Nilah,Xin Zhao,Yasuo
• Swain was a member of theThe Black Rose, a dark and mysterious group that controlled Noxus before the rise of the military government. They were thought to no longer exist. However, with the reemergence of their leaderLeBlanc, the Black Rose are working towards getting the organization back into power.
• During the War ofKalamanda,Garenand his Dauntless Vanguard hindered the progress of Swain and his army's advancement at every turn.
• Swain andJarvan IV, have a deep, hate-filled rivalry. He has attempted to kill Jarvan IV on several occasions.It is theorized he fought LeBlanc impersonating Jarvan in order to trigger a war withDemacia.
• Swain is a fan ofSona.
• As a nod to his old lore, Swain has a raven namedBeatrice.[5](< Latinbeatrix"she who gladdens")
• It is theorized he fought LeBlanc impersonating Jarvan in order to trigger a war withDemacia.
• His Demon of Secrets is named Raum as noted byFiddlesticks.[6]In real-life"demonology",Raumis stated to be a Great Earl of Hell, ruling thirty legions of demons. He is depicted as a crow which adopts human form at the request of the conjurer.
• Swain'sTrifarix Councilwas probably based on the RomanTriumvirate, Swain being the Leader of Vision;Possibly based onLatintrifārius"in three parts~places" (cf. Sanskrit cognate त्रिधाtridhā), from PIE*tri-dʰóh₁-.[7]
• TheBlack Powder Plotto assassinate Swain references theGun Powder Plotby English Catholics to blow upKing James Iand theHouse of Lords.
• Swain likes to play avastayanstrategy game called Xa'h, which is similar to chess.[8]
• One of the reasons that the Trifarix was made was because Swain knows that either his demon or his ambitions may potentially overwhelm him and would have to be stopped.[9]
• The six-eyed ravens around him are not actual ravens but rather manifestations of his demonic power.[10]
• As revealed inRell'slive Q&A:Swain has neglected the power vacuums left behind from his motions to dismantle the previous Noxian government. He was very well aware of the Black Rose academy thatRellwas training in, but did not intervene.Swain knows almost all secrets, the ones he has difficulty knowing are those predating Raum (his demon).He knows aboutWorld Runes, but not where they've been hidden byRyze.Swain is aware of most major threats around Runeterra thanks to his crows, but has decided to deal with them later over more intermediate ones.Swain andAurelion Solare tied for most knowledge about the universe,Zoecomes very close.
• In real-life"demonology",Raumis stated to be a Great Earl of Hell, ruling thirty legions of demons. He is depicted as a crow which adopts human form at the request of the conjurer.
• Possibly based onLatintrifārius"in three parts~places" (cf. Sanskrit cognate त्रिधाtridhā), from PIE*tri-dʰóh₁-.[7]
• Swain has neglected the power vacuums left behind from his motions to dismantle the previous Noxian government. He was very well aware of the Black Rose academy thatRellwas training in, but did not intervene.
• Swain knows almost all secrets, the ones he has difficulty knowing are those predating Raum (his demon).
• He knows aboutWorld Runes, but not where they've been hidden byRyze.
• Swain is aware of most major threats around Runeterra thanks to his crows, but has decided to deal with them later over more intermediate ones.
• Swain andAurelion Solare tied for most knowledge about the universe,Zoecomes very close.
Change log[]
See also[] | Name: Ravenous Flock, Description: Innate: Enemy champions that die will leave behind a Soul Fragment for 16 seconds, which can be collected by Swain after 1 second. Swain's ravens collect nearby Soul Fragments , as well as with Vision of Empire and Nevermove . Soul Fragment: For each stack, Swain gains 12 bonus health . Upon collection, he will heal for 3 / 4 / 5 / 6% (based on level) of his maximum health ., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputPassive', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Map-Specific Differences', 'Video', 'The ravens will only be seen by enemies if they havevisionofSwain.', 'New Effect:Gains 5Soul Fragmentstacks per round.']} | Name: Death's Hand, Description: Active: Swain unleashes five bolts of eldritch power over 0. 264 seconds in a cone in the target direction that deal magic damage to enemies hit. Subsequent bolts against an enemy deal bonus magic damage . Magic Damage: 65 / 85 / 105 / 125 / 145 (+ 40% AP) Bonus Damage Per Bolt: 15 / 25 / 35 / 45 / 55 (+ 10% AP) Total Damage: 125 / 185 / 245 / 305 / 365 (+ 80% AP), {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputDirection', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Video', "Death's Handwill still cast and deal damage ifSwaindies during the cast time.", 'This ability will cast from wherever the caster is at the end of the cast time.', 'The total damage to a single target will be split evenly among each bolt that hits, meaning that hitting with more bolts will deal less damage per hit (but more overall damage).', 'Spell shieldwill block all bolts.']} | Name: Vision of Empire, Description: Active: Swain summons a demonic eye at the target location that grants sight of the area for 2 seconds and explodes after 1. 5 seconds, dealing magic damage to enemies within, halved against minions , and slowing them for 2. 5 seconds. Magic Damage: 80 / 115 / 150 / 185 / 220 (+ 55% AP) Minion Damage: 40 / 57. 5 / 75 / 92. 5 / 110 (+ 27. 5 % AP) Slow: 25 / 35 / 45 / 55 / 65% Enemy champions hit are also revealed for a duration and have a Soul Fragment collected from them. Reveal Duration: 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8, {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputLocation', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'See Notes', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Video', 'Enemychampionsprotected by aspell shielddo not have aSoul Fragmentcollected from them but arerevealedanyway.', 'Vision of Empirewill grantSoul Fragmentsfrom hittingclones.', 'Swainwill not receive theSoul FragmentsifVision of Empirehits enemy champions while he is dead.', 'Vision of Empireis visible and audible to enemies through thefog of war.', 'Hitting an enemy champion withVision of Empirecollects nearbySoul Fragments.']} | Name: Nevermove, Description: Active: Swain launches a demonic wave in the target direction that deals magic damage to enemies hit. Magic Damage: 35 / 70 / 105 / 140 / 175 (+ 25% AP) At maximum range, the wave homes back to Swain and detonates upon the first enemy hit, dealing magic damage to nearby enemies and rooting them for 1. 5 seconds, during which they are revealed . Nevermove can be recast while champions hit are rooted. Magic Damage: 35 / 45 / 55 / 65 / 75 (+ 25% AP) Total Magic Damage: 70 / 115 / 160 / 205 / 250 (+ 50% AP) Recast: Swain pulls the rooted champions over 290 units and collects a Soul Fragment from each of them. If the targets would be brought past Swain , they are instead knocked back the excess distance., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputDirection', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'See Notes', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Video', "Nevermove'smissiles have their speed update to accelerate at specific times by the server. The client applies these speed increases after additional specified delays, while the hitbox behaviour itself only uses the timings noted above.", "Nevermove'srecast can be used during the cast time of other spells.", 'Spell shieldsblock either the pass-through or the detonation, not both.', 'If the root is not applied to or is removed from all champions, the recast does not become available.', 'The pull will interruptchannelsat the very beginning, but does not keep the target stunned for the rest of the movement.Channelscan be started successfully during the pull, provided the previous crowd control does not prevent them still.', 'Channelscan be started successfully during the pull, provided the previous crowd control does not prevent them still.', 'This ability will cast from wherever the caster is at the start of the cast time.', 'if the target champion is rooted by Nevermove but becomes spell-immune before the pull, Swain will not receive a soul fragment on reactivation since the champion cannot be displaced.']} | Name: Demonic Ascension, Description: Active: Swain frees the demon within, gaining Demonic Ascension and generating 50 Demonic Energy . Demonic Ascension is maintained with Demonic Energy , which decays by 5 every 0. 5 seconds, increased to 7. 5 after 5 seconds have elapsed. Swain generates 10 Demonic Energy every 0. 5 seconds while draining from at least one enemy champion , and fully restores it to the maximum of 50 upon scoring a champion takedown . Demonic Ascension: Swain is ghosted and drains the lifeforce of nearby enemies, both dealing magic damage and healing himself each second per target affected. The heal is reduced by 90% against minions and monsters . Nevermove's cooldown is also reduced by 20%. Magic Damage per Tick: 20 / 40 / 60 (+ 10% AP) Heal per Tick: 15 / 27. 5 / 40 (+ 18% AP) Reduced Healing: 1. 5 / 2. 75 / 4 (+ 1. 8 % AP) After 2 seconds, Swain can cast Demonflare , and does so automatically when Demonic Ascension expires. The targets do not have to be visible to be hit by this ability., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputAuto', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'Not Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Demonic Ascension Details', 'Demonflare Details', "Demonflarewill not automatically cast at the end ofDemonic Ascensionif it occurs due toSwain'sdeath.", "Swaincan still move duringDemonic Ascension'scast time.", "Demon Flarecounts as an ability activation for the purposes of on-cast effects such asSpellbladeand triggeringForce Pulse'spassive.", "Demon Flarepasses through champions. Effects likeYasuo'sWind WallandBraum'sUnbreakablewill block the portion of the nova they intercept.", "Swaincan move duringDemonflare'scast time.", 'Demonflarewill fire from whereverSwainis at the end of the cast time.', "Death's HandBase damage increased to 65 / 85 / 105 / 125 / 145 from 60 / 80 / 100 / 120 / 140.Bonus base damage per bolt increased to 15 / 25 / 35 / 45 / 55 from 12 / 22 / 32 / 42 / 52.Maximum base damage increased to 125 / 185 / 245 / 305 / 365 from 108 / 168 / 228 / 288 / 348.AP ratio increased to40% APfrom38% AP.Bonus AP ratio per bolt increased to10% APfrom8% AP.Maximum AP ratio increased to80% APfrom70% AP.", 'Base damage increased to 65 / 85 / 105 / 125 / 145 from 60 / 80 / 100 / 120 / 140.', 'Bonus base damage per bolt increased to 15 / 25 / 35 / 45 / 55 from 12 / 22 / 32 / 42 / 52.Maximum base damage increased to 125 / 185 / 245 / 305 / 365 from 108 / 168 / 228 / 288 / 348.', 'Maximum base damage increased to 125 / 185 / 245 / 305 / 365 from 108 / 168 / 228 / 288 / 348.', 'AP ratio increased to40% APfrom38% AP.', 'Bonus AP ratio per bolt increased to10% APfrom8% AP.Maximum AP ratio increased to80% APfrom70% AP.', 'Maximum AP ratio increased to80% APfrom70% AP.', 'StatsMana growth increased to 29 from 28.5.', 'Mana growth increased to 29 from 28.5.', 'NevermoveBug Fix:Fixed a bug where the recast could pull targets that were instasis.', 'Bug Fix:Fixed a bug where the recast could pull targets that were instasis.', 'GeneralBug Fix:Knocked up/stunned animation is now correctly played.', 'Bug Fix:Knocked up/stunned animation is now correctly played.', 'Ravenous FlockHeal health reduced to3 / 4 / 5 / 6% (based on level)of hismaximumhealthfrom3.5/ 4.5/ 5.5/ 7% (based on level).', 'Heal health reduced to3 / 4 / 5 / 6% (based on level)of hismaximumhealthfrom3.5/ 4.5/ 5.5/ 7% (based on level).', 'Vision of EmpireBase damage reduced to 80 / 115 / 150 / 185 / 220 from 80 / 120 / 160 / 200 / 240.AP ratio reduced to55% APfrom70% AP.', 'Base damage reduced to 80 / 115 / 150 / 185 / 220 from 80 / 120 / 160 / 200 / 240.', 'AP ratio reduced to55% APfrom70% AP.', 'Demonic AscensionBase heal per second reduced to 15 / 27.5/ 40 from 15 / 30 / 45.Heal AP ratio reduced to18% APfrom20% AP.', 'Base heal per second reduced to 15 / 27.5/ 40 from 15 / 30 / 45.', 'Heal AP ratio reduced to18% APfrom20% AP.', 'Demonic AscensionBug Fix:Fixed a bug preventing him from properly ranking the spell.', 'Bug Fix:Fixed a bug preventing him from properly ranking the spell.', 'StatsBase health increased to 595 from 525.Health growth increased to 99 from 85.Armor growth increased to 5.2from 4.Magic resistance growth increased to 1.3from 0.5.', 'Base health increased to 595 from 525.', 'Health growth increased to 99 from 85.', 'Armor growth increased to 5.2from 4.', 'Magic resistance growth increased to 1.3from 0.5.', 'Ravenous FlockHeal health ratio reduced to3.5/ 4.5/ 5.5/ 7% (based on level)of hismaximumhealthfrom4 / 5.5/ 7 / 9% (based on level).', 'Heal health ratio reduced to3.5/ 4.5/ 5.5/ 7% (based on level)of hismaximumhealthfrom4 / 5.5/ 7 / 9% (based on level).', "Demonic AscensionNew Effect:Championtakedownsnow fully restoreDemonic Energy.New Effect:Now automatically castsDemonflarewhenDemonic Ascensionexpires. This will not occur ifDemonic Ascensionends due toSwain'sdeath.Base heal per second reduced to 15 / 30 / 45 from 15 / 40 / 65.Heal AP ratio per second reduced to20% APfrom25% AP.", 'New Effect:Championtakedownsnow fully restoreDemonic Energy.', "New Effect:Now automatically castsDemonflarewhenDemonic Ascensionexpires. This will not occur ifDemonic Ascensionends due toSwain'sdeath.", 'Base heal per second reduced to 15 / 30 / 45 from 15 / 40 / 65.', 'Heal AP ratio per second reduced to20% APfrom25% AP.', 'GeneralBug Fix:Ability descriptions in the "Champion Details" page of the client have now been updated.', 'Bug Fix:Ability descriptions in the "Champion Details" page of the client have now been updated.', 'NevermoveBug Fix:Tooltip now properly mentions that struck champions are revealed.New Effect:Recast can now cast during other cast times instead of having to wait them out via buffering.No longer breaks channels if it can be cast during them, with the standard exception ofRecall.Bug Fix:Can no longer be recast if all champions had removed the root.', 'Bug Fix:Tooltip now properly mentions that struck champions are revealed.', 'New Effect:Recast can now cast during other cast times instead of having to wait them out via buffering.No longer breaks channels if it can be cast during them, with the standard exception ofRecall.', 'No longer breaks channels if it can be cast during them, with the standard exception ofRecall.', 'Bug Fix:Can no longer be recast if all champions had removed the root.', 'StatsBase armor increased to 26 from 23.Base movement speed increased to 330 from 325.', 'Base armor increased to 26 from 23.', 'Base movement speed increased to 330 from 325.', 'Ravenous FlockRemoved Innate - Ravenous:Swaincanperiodicallytarget anearbyimmobilizedenemychampionto rip out aSoul Fragmentfrom them, dealing20 − 105 (based on level)(+ 30% AP)magic damageandpullingthem 290-units towards him over a 0.25-second cast time. If the target would be brought pastSwain, they are insteadknocked backthe excess distance.Swaincannot useRavenouswhile unable to cast abilities.Heal increased to4 / 5.5/ 7 / 9% (based on level)of hismaximumhealthfrom4 / 5.5/ 7% (based on level).Bonus health perSoul Fragmentincreased to 12 from 5.', 'Removed Innate - Ravenous:Swaincanperiodicallytarget anearbyimmobilizedenemychampionto rip out aSoul Fragmentfrom them, dealing20 − 105 (based on level)(+ 30% AP)magic damageandpullingthem 290-units towards him over a 0.25-second cast time. If the target would be brought pastSwain, they are insteadknocked backthe excess distance.Swaincannot useRavenouswhile unable to cast abilities.', 'Heal increased to4 / 5.5/ 7 / 9% (based on level)of hismaximumhealthfrom4 / 5.5/ 7% (based on level).', 'Bonus health perSoul Fragmentincreased to 12 from 5.', "Death's HandCooldown reduced to 7 / 6 / 5 / 4 / 3 seconds from 9 / 7.5/ 6 / 4.5/ 3.Mana cost reduced to 45 / 50 / 55 / 60 / 65 from 65 / 70 / 75 / 80 / 85.Base damage increased to 60 / 80 / 100 / 120 / 140 from 55 / 75 / 95 / 115 / 135.AP ratio reduced to38% APfrom40% AP.Bonus bolt damage changed to 12 / 22 / 32 / 42 / 52(+ 8% AP)from 15 / 20 / 25 / 30 / 35% of bolt's damage.Maximum base damage increased to 108 / 168 / 228 / 288 / 348 from 88 / 147 / 206 / 265 / 324.Maximum AP ratio changed to70% APat all ranks from64 / 72 / 80 / 88 / 96% AP.", 'Cooldown reduced to 7 / 6 / 5 / 4 / 3 seconds from 9 / 7.5/ 6 / 4.5/ 3.', 'Mana cost reduced to 45 / 50 / 55 / 60 / 65 from 65 / 70 / 75 / 80 / 85.', 'Base damage increased to 60 / 80 / 100 / 120 / 140 from 55 / 75 / 95 / 115 / 135.', 'AP ratio reduced to38% APfrom40% AP.', "Bonus bolt damage changed to 12 / 22 / 32 / 42 / 52(+ 8% AP)from 15 / 20 / 25 / 30 / 35% of bolt's damage.Maximum base damage increased to 108 / 168 / 228 / 288 / 348 from 88 / 147 / 206 / 265 / 324.Maximum AP ratio changed to70% APat all ranks from64 / 72 / 80 / 88 / 96% AP.", 'Maximum base damage increased to 108 / 168 / 228 / 288 / 348 from 88 / 147 / 206 / 265 / 324.', 'Maximum AP ratio changed to70% APat all ranks from64 / 72 / 80 / 88 / 96% AP.', 'Vision of EmpireMana cost reduced to 60 / 65 / 70 / 75 / 80 from 70 / 80 / 90 / 100 / 110.New Effect:Pinging the ability now displays all visible enemies within range in chat.', 'Mana cost reduced to 60 / 65 / 70 / 75 / 80 from 70 / 80 / 90 / 100 / 110.', 'New Effect:Pinging the ability now displays all visible enemies within range in chat.', 'NevermoveNew Effect:Can now be recast topullall champions rooted by it, gaining aSoul Fragmentfor each target pulled.If the targets would be brought pastSwain, they are insteadknocked backthe excess distance.If the root is not applied to or is removed from all targets, the recast does not become available.New Effect:Now grantsvisionof all rooted targets.New Effect:Cooldown is now reduced by 20% duringDemonic Ascension.', 'New Effect:Can now be recast topullall champions rooted by it, gaining aSoul Fragmentfor each target pulled.If the targets would be brought pastSwain, they are insteadknocked backthe excess distance.If the root is not applied to or is removed from all targets, the recast does not become available.', 'If the targets would be brought pastSwain, they are insteadknocked backthe excess distance.', 'If the root is not applied to or is removed from all targets, the recast does not become available.', 'New Effect:Now grantsvisionof all rooted targets.', 'New Effect:Cooldown is now reduced by 20% duringDemonic Ascension.', "Demonic AscensionNew Effect:Upon casting,Swaingenerates 50Demonic Energy.Demonic Ascensionlasts as long asSwainhasDemonic Energy, decaying by 5 every 0.5seconds, increased to 7.5after 5 seconds have elapsed.Swaingenerates 10Demonic Energyevery 0.5seconds while draining from at least one enemy champion, up to 50. After 2 seconds, he can recast to useDemonflare.Previous duration: 12 seconds.Recast timer increased to 2 seconds from 0.5seconds.New Effect:CastingDemonflareno longer endsDemonic Ascension'seffects early.Removed:No longer grants125 / 200 / 275bonushealth.Removed:No longer doubles the health gained fromSoul Fragments.Cooldown reduced to 100 / 80 / 60 seconds from 120 at all ranks.Base damage per second reduced to 20 / 40 / 60 from 35 / 50 / 65.Damage AP ratio per second reduced to10% APfrom14.167% AP.Base heal per second changed to 15 / 40 / 65 from 20 / 35 / 50.Heal AP ratio per second increased to25% APfrom16% AP.", 'New Effect:Upon casting,Swaingenerates 50Demonic Energy.Demonic Ascensionlasts as long asSwainhasDemonic Energy, decaying by 5 every 0.5seconds, increased to 7.5after 5 seconds have elapsed.Swaingenerates 10Demonic Energyevery 0.5seconds while draining from at least one enemy champion, up to 50. After 2 seconds, he can recast to useDemonflare.Previous duration: 12 seconds.', 'Previous duration: 12 seconds.', 'Recast timer increased to 2 seconds from 0.5seconds.', "New Effect:CastingDemonflareno longer endsDemonic Ascension'seffects early.", 'Removed:No longer grants125 / 200 / 275bonushealth.', 'Removed:No longer doubles the health gained fromSoul Fragments.', 'Cooldown reduced to 100 / 80 / 60 seconds from 120 at all ranks.', 'Base damage per second reduced to 20 / 40 / 60 from 35 / 50 / 65.', 'Damage AP ratio per second reduced to10% APfrom14.167% AP.', 'Base heal per second changed to 15 / 40 / 65 from 20 / 35 / 50.', 'Heal AP ratio per second increased to25% APfrom16% AP.', 'DemonflareBase damage increased to 150 / 225 / 300 from 100 / 150 / 200.AP ratio increased to60% APfrom50% AP.New Effect:Nowslowsenemies by 60%, decaying over 1.5seconds.New Effect:Can now be cast once duringDemonic Ascensionwithout ending the duration prematurely.Removed:Damage is no longer increased by 37.5% of the health drained duringDemonic Ascension, up to a total damage of 200 / 300 / 400(+ 100% AP).', 'Base damage increased to 150 / 225 / 300 from 100 / 150 / 200.', 'AP ratio increased to60% APfrom50% AP.', 'New Effect:Nowslowsenemies by 60%, decaying over 1.5seconds.', 'New Effect:Can now be cast once duringDemonic Ascensionwithout ending the duration prematurely.', 'Removed:Damage is no longer increased by 37.5% of the health drained duringDemonic Ascension, up to a total damage of 200 / 300 / 400(+ 100% AP).', 'Original SwainBug Fix:Model scale returned to proper size.', 'Bug Fix:Model scale returned to proper size.', 'Crystal Rose SwainBug Fix:Model scale returned to proper size.', 'Bug Fix:Model scale returned to proper size.', 'Original SwainUndocumented:Model scale reduced by 10.81%.(bug)', 'Undocumented:Model scale reduced by 10.81%.(bug)', 'Crystal Rose SwainUndocumented:Model scale reduced by 10.81%.(bug)', 'Undocumented:Model scale reduced by 10.81%.(bug)', 'Tyrant SwainBug Fix:Hitting him triggers more metallic sounds.', 'Bug Fix:Hitting him triggers more metallic sounds.', "Crystal Rose SwainDemonflareBug Fix:Fixed an SFX bug where if he used it and started draining a target's soul, the target would not hear the stereo whisper SFX or the soul drain start SFX.", "DemonflareBug Fix:Fixed an SFX bug where if he used it and started draining a target's soul, the target would not hear the stereo whisper SFX or the soul drain start SFX.", "Bug Fix:Fixed an SFX bug where if he used it and started draining a target's soul, the target would not hear the stereo whisper SFX or the soul drain start SFX.", 'StatsBase armor increased to 23 from 22.72.', 'Base armor increased to 23 from 22.72.', 'StatsBase movement speed reduced to 325 from 335.', 'Base movement speed reduced to 325 from 335.', 'Ravenous FlockCooldown changed to 10 seconds at all levels from12 / 9 / 6 (based on level).New Effect:Cooldown is now affected by cooldown reduction.Removed:No longer restores4 / 5.5/ 7% (based on level)maximummana.Bug Fix:Now requires the target to beimmobilizedby anenemy source.Can no longer pull enemies launched byBlast Conestriggered by themselves or their teammates.Undocumented:Can no longer pull other enemies affected by self-CC or CC from their allies.', 'Cooldown changed to 10 seconds at all levels from12 / 9 / 6 (based on level).', 'New Effect:Cooldown is now affected by cooldown reduction.', 'Removed:No longer restores4 / 5.5/ 7% (based on level)maximummana.', 'Bug Fix:Now requires the target to beimmobilizedby anenemy source.Can no longer pull enemies launched byBlast Conestriggered by themselves or their teammates.Undocumented:Can no longer pull other enemies affected by self-CC or CC from their allies.', 'Can no longer pull enemies launched byBlast Conestriggered by themselves or their teammates.', 'Undocumented:Can no longer pull other enemies affected by self-CC or CC from their allies.', "Death's HandCooldown reduced to 9 / 7.5/ 6 / 4.5/ 3 seconds from 10 / 8.5/ 7 / 5.5/ 4.Angle between bolts reduced to 8 from 10.New Effect:Bolts can now pierce through champions.", 'Cooldown reduced to 9 / 7.5/ 6 / 4.5/ 3 seconds from 10 / 8.5/ 7 / 5.5/ 4.', 'Angle between bolts reduced to 8 from 10.', 'New Effect:Bolts can now pierce through champions.', 'Vision of EmpireRange increased to 5500 / 6000 / 6500 / 7000 / 7500 units from 3500 at all ranks.Base damage reduced to 80 / 120 / 160 / 200 / 240 from 100 / 150 / 200 / 250 / 300.Mana cost reduced to 70 / 80 / 90 / 100 / 110 from 70 / 85 / 100 / 115 / 130.', 'Range increased to 5500 / 6000 / 6500 / 7000 / 7500 units from 3500 at all ranks.', 'Base damage reduced to 80 / 120 / 160 / 200 / 240 from 100 / 150 / 200 / 250 / 300.', 'Mana cost reduced to 70 / 80 / 90 / 100 / 110 from 70 / 85 / 100 / 115 / 130.', 'NevermoveCooldown changed to 10 seconds at all ranks from 13 / 12 / 11 / 10 / 9.Mana cost reduced to 50 at all ranks from 60 / 65 / 70 / 75 / 80.', 'Cooldown changed to 10 seconds at all ranks from 13 / 12 / 11 / 10 / 9.', 'Mana cost reduced to 50 at all ranks from 60 / 65 / 70 / 75 / 80.', 'Demonic AscensionBug Fix:Tooltip in the collection tab has been updated to accurately reflect its latest state.', 'Bug Fix:Tooltip in the collection tab has been updated to accurately reflect its latest state.', 'DemonflareIndicator added to show recast ability timer.', 'Indicator added to show recast ability timer.', 'GeneralRecommended items updated.', 'Recommended items updated.', 'DemonflareBug Fix:Tooltip now displays the correct amount of health drained.', 'Bug Fix:Tooltip now displays the correct amount of health drained.', "Death's HandTarget range increased to 725 from 625.", 'Target range increased to 725 from 625.', 'StatsHealth growth reduced to 85 from 90.Base attack range reduced to 525 from 550.', 'Health growth reduced to 85 from 90.', 'Base attack range reduced to 525 from 550.', 'Ravenous FlockRemoved:No longer stores up to 5Soul Fragmentsto empowerDemonflare.New Effect:Now permanently storesSoul Fragments, increasing hismaximumhealthby 5 for eachSoul Fragmentcollected.New Effect:Collecting aSoul Fragmentnow restores4 / 5.5/ 7% (based on level)of hismaximummana.', 'Removed:No longer stores up to 5Soul Fragmentsto empowerDemonflare.', 'New Effect:Now permanently storesSoul Fragments, increasing hismaximumhealthby 5 for eachSoul Fragmentcollected.', 'New Effect:Collecting aSoul Fragmentnow restores4 / 5.5/ 7% (based on level)of hismaximummana.', "Death's HandRemoved:No longer restores3%maximummanaupon killing a unit.New Effect:Bolts now always pierce through minions and stop on impact with champions.Cooldown increased to 10 / 8.5/ 7 / 5.5/ 4 seconds from 7.5/ 6.25/ 5 / 3.75/ 2.5.Effect radius reduced to 625 units from 725.Angle between bolts increased to 10 from 8.", 'Removed:No longer restores3%maximummanaupon killing a unit.', 'New Effect:Bolts now always pierce through minions and stop on impact with champions.', 'Cooldown increased to 10 / 8.5/ 7 / 5.5/ 4 seconds from 7.5/ 6.25/ 5 / 3.75/ 2.5.', 'Effect radius reduced to 625 units from 725.', 'Angle between bolts increased to 10 from 8.', 'Demonic AscensionNew Effect:Now has a mana cost of 100.Bonus health reduced to 125 / 200 / 275 from 150 / 275 / 400.New Effect:Now doubles the health gained fromSoul Fragmentsfor the duration.Minion and monster healing reduction increased to 90% from 80%.New Effect:Now drains all targets within the radius, including stealthed units.Removed:No longer has a healing threshold of125 / 300 / 450 (based on level)healthto castDemonflare.New Effect:Can now castDemonflareafter draining any amount of health.', 'New Effect:Now has a mana cost of 100.', 'Bonus health reduced to 125 / 200 / 275 from 150 / 275 / 400.', 'New Effect:Now doubles the health gained fromSoul Fragmentsfor the duration.', 'Minion and monster healing reduction increased to 90% from 80%.', 'New Effect:Now drains all targets within the radius, including stealthed units.', 'Removed:No longer has a healing threshold of125 / 300 / 450 (based on level)healthto castDemonflare.', 'New Effect:Can now castDemonflareafter draining any amount of health.', 'DemonflareRemoved:No longer deals 45 / 60 / 75(+ 21% AP)magic damage perSoul Fragmentup to a maximum of 225 / 300 / 375(+ 105% AP).New Effect:Now deals 100 / 150 / 200(+ 50% AP)magic damage plus 37.5% of the amount of health drained duringDemonic Ascension, up to a cap of 200 / 300 / 400(+ 100% AP).', 'Removed:No longer deals 45 / 60 / 75(+ 21% AP)magic damage perSoul Fragmentup to a maximum of 225 / 300 / 375(+ 105% AP).', 'New Effect:Now deals 100 / 150 / 200(+ 50% AP)magic damage plus 37.5% of the amount of health drained duringDemonic Ascension, up to a cap of 200 / 300 / 400(+ 100% AP).', 'Dragon Master SwainBug Fix:Skin-specific VO has been restored.', 'Bug Fix:Skin-specific VO has been restored.', 'DemonflareAP ratio per fragment reduced to21% APfrom27% AP.Maximum AP ratio reduced to105% APfrom135% AP.', 'AP ratio per fragment reduced to21% APfrom27% AP.Maximum AP ratio reduced to105% APfrom135% AP.', 'Maximum AP ratio reduced to105% APfrom135% AP.', 'NevermoveBug Fix:No longer incorrectly deals double damage to epic monsters.', 'Bug Fix:No longer incorrectly deals double damage to epic monsters.', 'StatsBase mana increased to 468 from 374.Mana growth reduced to 28.5from 57.Base mana regeneration increased to 8 from 6.', 'Base mana increased to 468 from 374.', 'Mana growth reduced to 28.5from 57.', 'Base mana regeneration increased to 8 from 6.', 'NevermoveBug Fix:Now only gives one stack forPhase Rushpurposes.', 'Bug Fix:Now only gives one stack forPhase Rushpurposes.', 'Ravenous FlockIcon can now be pinged to show allies the remaining cooldown on the pull.', 'Icon can now be pinged to show allies the remaining cooldown on the pull.', "Death's HandCooldown increased to 7.5/ 6.25/ 5 / 3.75/ 2.5seconds from 5.5/ 4.75/ 4 / 3.25/ 2.5.Base damage reduced to 55 / 75 / 95 / 115 / 135 from 65 / 85 / 105 / 125 / 145.", 'Cooldown increased to 7.5/ 6.25/ 5 / 3.75/ 2.5seconds from 5.5/ 4.75/ 4 / 3.25/ 2.5.', 'Base damage reduced to 55 / 75 / 95 / 115 / 135 from 65 / 85 / 105 / 125 / 145.', 'Tyrant SwainBug Fix:No longer plays his base VO lines after killing an objective.', 'Bug Fix:No longer plays his base VO lines after killing an objective.', "Death's HandCooldown reduced to 5.5/ 4.75/ 4 / 3.25/ 2.5seconds from 7.5/ 6.25/ 5 / 3.75/ 2.5.", 'Cooldown reduced to 5.5/ 4.75/ 4 / 3.25/ 2.5seconds from 7.5/ 6.25/ 5 / 3.75/ 2.5.', 'Vision of EmpireEffect radius increased to 325 from 265.', 'Effect radius increased to 325 from 265.', 'NevermoveRadius increased to 100 from 70.Bug Fix:Fixed a bug whereNevermovewas starting its return a frame too slowly.Bug Fix:Fixed a bug whereNevermovewould sometimes not root its primary target hit by the return portion.', 'Radius increased to 100 from 70.', 'Bug Fix:Fixed a bug whereNevermovewas starting its return a frame too slowly.', 'Bug Fix:Fixed a bug whereNevermovewould sometimes not root its primary target hit by the return portion.', "Demonic AscensionNew Effect:Demon Flarenow passes through champions. Effects likeYasuo'sWind WallandBraum'sUnbreakablestill block the portion of the nova they intercept.Bug Fix:Fixed a bug where his ultimate cooldown indicator was displaying as always available to his allies.", "New Effect:Demon Flarenow passes through champions. Effects likeYasuo'sWind WallandBraum'sUnbreakablestill block the portion of the nova they intercept.", 'Bug Fix:Fixed a bug where his ultimate cooldown indicator was displaying as always available to his allies.', 'Vision of EmpireMana cost reduced to 70 / 85 / 100 / 115 / 130 from 90 / 100 / 110 / 120 / 130.', 'Mana cost reduced to 70 / 85 / 100 / 115 / 130 from 90 / 100 / 110 / 120 / 130.', "Demonic AscensionHeal per second increased to 20 / 35 / 50 from 15 / 30 / 45.New Effect:Cooldown and Soul fragments are fully refunded ifSwaindies during the channel time ofDemonic Ascension.Bug Fix:The Ultimate Hatnow properly reducesDemonic Ascension'scooldown.Health restored require to castDemonflarereduced to125 / 300 / 450 (based on level)from150 / 300 / 450 (based on level).Area of effect starts slightly more in the direction ofSwain'smovement at high movement speeds.Bug Fix:Fixed a bug where he could remain inDemonic Ascensionwhen affected byLulu'sWhimsy.", 'Heal per second increased to 20 / 35 / 50 from 15 / 30 / 45.', 'New Effect:Cooldown and Soul fragments are fully refunded ifSwaindies during the channel time ofDemonic Ascension.', "Bug Fix:The Ultimate Hatnow properly reducesDemonic Ascension'scooldown.", 'Health restored require to castDemonflarereduced to125 / 300 / 450 (based on level)from150 / 300 / 450 (based on level).', "Area of effect starts slightly more in the direction ofSwain'smovement at high movement speeds.", "Bug Fix:Fixed a bug where he could remain inDemonic Ascensionwhen affected byLulu'sWhimsy.", 'GeneralTitle changed tothe Noxian Grand Generalfromthe Master Tactician.Complete visual upgrade across all skins.New splash artwork forOriginal Swain,Northern Front Swain,Bilgewater Swain, andTyrant Swain.New voice over.New lore.', 'Title changed tothe Noxian Grand Generalfromthe Master Tactician.', 'Complete visual upgrade across all skins.', 'New splash artwork forOriginal Swain,Northern Front Swain,Bilgewater Swain, andTyrant Swain.', 'New voice over.', 'New lore.', 'StatsBase attack damage increased to 58 from 52.04.Base health reduced to 525 from 528.Base health regeneration reduced to 7 from 7.842.Attack damage growth reduced to 2.7from 3.Health growth reduced to 90 from 102.Mana growth increased to 57 from 47.Base attack range increased to 550 from 500..', 'Base attack damage increased to 58 from 52.04.', 'Base health reduced to 525 from 528.', 'Base health regeneration reduced to 7 from 7.842.', 'Attack damage growth reduced to 2.7from 3.', 'Health growth reduced to 90 from 102.', 'Mana growth increased to 57 from 47.', 'Base attack range increased to 550 from 500..', 'Ravenous Flock(Innate)Ravenous:Swaincan periodically target a nearbyimmobilizedenemy champion to rip out aSoul Fragmentfrom them, dealing20 − 105 (based on level)(+ 30% AP)magic damage andpullingthem X-units towards him.Flock:Enemy championtakedownsleave aSoul Fragmentbehind.Swainrestores4% / 5.5% / 7% (based on level)maximumhealthwhenever he collects aSoul Fragment, and can store up to 5 at once.Static Cooldown:12 / 9 / 6 (based on level)seconds.', 'Ravenous:Swaincan periodically target a nearbyimmobilizedenemy champion to rip out aSoul Fragmentfrom them, dealing20 − 105 (based on level)(+ 30% AP)magic damage andpullingthem X-units towards him.', 'Flock:Enemy championtakedownsleave aSoul Fragmentbehind.Swainrestores4% / 5.5% / 7% (based on level)maximumhealthwhenever he collects aSoul Fragment, and can store up to 5 at once.', 'Static Cooldown:12 / 9 / 6 (based on level)seconds.', "Death's Hand(Q)Active:Swainunleashes five bolts of eldritch power in the target direction, dealing 65 / 85 / 105 / 125 / 145(+ 40% AP)magic damage to the first enemies they hit. Enemies can intercept multiple bolts, taking 15 / 20 / 25 / 30 / 35%bonusdamage per additional bolt.Bolts that kill their targets continue onward and restore3%maximummana. This can repeat indefinitely until the bolts reach their maximum distance.Mana Cost:65 / 70 / 75 / 80 / 85.Cooldown:7.5/ 6.25/ 5 / 3.75/ 2.5seconds.", 'Active:Swainunleashes five bolts of eldritch power in the target direction, dealing 65 / 85 / 105 / 125 / 145(+ 40% AP)magic damage to the first enemies they hit. Enemies can intercept multiple bolts, taking 15 / 20 / 25 / 30 / 35%bonusdamage per additional bolt.', 'Bolts that kill their targets continue onward and restore3%maximummana. This can repeat indefinitely until the bolts reach their maximum distance.', 'Mana Cost:65 / 70 / 75 / 80 / 85.', 'Cooldown:7.5/ 6.25/ 5 / 3.75/ 2.5seconds.', 'Vision of Empire(W)Active:Swainsummons a demonic eye at the target area thatrevealsit for 2 seconds before exploding, dealing 100 / 150 / 200 / 250 / 300(+ 70% AP)magic damage to all enemies hit, halved against non-champions, andslowingthem by 25 / 35 / 45 / 55 / 65% for 2.5seconds.Enemy champions arerevealedfor 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 seconds and each grantSwainaSoul Fragment.Mana Cost:90 / 100 / 110 / 120 / 130.Cooldown:22 / 21 / 20 / 19 / 18 seconds.', 'Active:Swainsummons a demonic eye at the target area thatrevealsit for 2 seconds before exploding, dealing 100 / 150 / 200 / 250 / 300(+ 70% AP)magic damage to all enemies hit, halved against non-champions, andslowingthem by 25 / 35 / 45 / 55 / 65% for 2.5seconds.', 'Enemy champions arerevealedfor 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 seconds and each grantSwainaSoul Fragment.', 'Mana Cost:90 / 100 / 110 / 120 / 130.', 'Cooldown:22 / 21 / 20 / 19 / 18 seconds.', 'Nevermove(E)Active:Swainlaunches a demonic wave in the target direction, dealing 35 / 70 / 105 / 140 / 175(+ 25% AP)magic damage to enemies it passes through.Upon reaching its maximum distance, the wave returns toSwain, detonating at the first enemy hit, dealing 35 / 45 / 55 / 65 / 75(+ 25% AP)magic damage to all nearby enemies androotingthem for 1.5seconds.Mana Cost:60 / 65 / 70 / 75 / 80.Cooldown:13 / 12 / 11 / 10 / 9 seconds.', 'Active:Swainlaunches a demonic wave in the target direction, dealing 35 / 70 / 105 / 140 / 175(+ 25% AP)magic damage to enemies it passes through.', 'Upon reaching its maximum distance, the wave returns toSwain, detonating at the first enemy hit, dealing 35 / 45 / 55 / 65 / 75(+ 25% AP)magic damage to all nearby enemies androotingthem for 1.5seconds.', 'Mana Cost:60 / 65 / 70 / 75 / 80.', 'Cooldown:13 / 12 / 11 / 10 / 9 seconds.', 'Demonic Ascension(R)Active:Swainfrees the demon within for 12 seconds, gaining 150 / 275 / 400bonushealth.WhileDemonic Ascensionis active,Swaindrains the 3 enemies closest to him, prioritizing champions, dealing 35 / 50 / 65(+ 14.167% AP)magic damage to them each second, andhealinghimself for 15 / 30 / 45(+ 16% AP)health for each enemy hit, reduced by 80% against minions and monsters.After restoring150 / 300 / 450 (based on level)healthwithDemonic Ascension,Swaincan end its effects early to castDemonflare, and automatically does so at the end of its duration.Demonflare:Swainconsumes all of hisSoul Fragments, dealing 45 / 60 / 75(+ 27% AP)magic damage per fragment to all nearby enemies based on their number.Second Cast Cost:AllSoul Fragments.Cooldown:120 seconds.', 'Active:Swainfrees the demon within for 12 seconds, gaining 150 / 275 / 400bonushealth.', 'WhileDemonic Ascensionis active,Swaindrains the 3 enemies closest to him, prioritizing champions, dealing 35 / 50 / 65(+ 14.167% AP)magic damage to them each second, andhealinghimself for 15 / 30 / 45(+ 16% AP)health for each enemy hit, reduced by 80% against minions and monsters.', 'After restoring150 / 300 / 450 (based on level)healthwithDemonic Ascension,Swaincan end its effects early to castDemonflare, and automatically does so at the end of its duration.', 'Demonflare:Swainconsumes all of hisSoul Fragments, dealing 45 / 60 / 75(+ 27% AP)magic damage per fragment to all nearby enemies based on their number.', 'Second Cast Cost:AllSoul Fragments.', 'Cooldown:120 seconds.', 'The name Swain is derived from the Old Norsesveinnfor "boy".', "Swain's raven is named Beatrice.[2]Beatrice can be seen on theCrystal Scar. She will land on the barrier near the Boneyard node for a short time and then fly off.", 'Beatrice can be seen on theCrystal Scar. She will land on the barrier near the Boneyard node for a short time and then fly off.', "Swain'sRavenous Flocktransformation has a similar appearance to Tzeentch's daemon servants, theLords of Change, from the Warhammer franchise.", 'The icon forRavenous Flockis similar to the old one forTides of Blood.', 'TheArt Spotlightforhisfirst splash art is the first one ever released.', 'If Swain dies while castingDecrepify, there will be two Beatrices on the battlefield, one attached to the laser and one on his back when he falls to the ground.', "The ending quote to Swain's background is based on Joseph Heller's novelCatch-22.", 'Inthe League of Legends, Swain was unable to compete in theIonia Versus Noxus Grudge Matchdue to his recent induction into Noxian High Command, thus needing to take time away from the League to put all his affairs in order.', "In the2014version of theUltra Rapid Firefeatured game mode,Ravenous Flockwould toggle-off once its mana cost scaled beyond Swain's maximum mana. This was the only ability affected by the restriction of a champion requiring sufficient maximum mana in order to activate an ability within the game mode.", "Swainis one of 14 champions that have an ability that infinitely stacks an effect:Aurelion Sol,Bard,Bel'Veth,Cho'Gath,Draven,Kindred,Nasus,Senna,Shyvana,Sion,Sylas,Thresh,\xa0andVeigar.In Swain's case,Ravenous Flockinfinitely stacks hishealth.", "In Swain's case,Ravenous Flockinfinitely stacks hishealth.", "Swain'sVision of Empireis the longest ranged basic ability in League of Legends, at 7500 units.It used to tied withComet of LegendbeforeAurelion Sol'sCGU.It used to be the longest limited ranged ability, | The name Swain is derived from the Old Norsesveinnfor "boy".
Swain's raven is named Beatrice.[2]Beatrice can be seen on theCrystal Scar. She will land on the barrier near the Boneyard node for a short time and then fly off.
Swain'sRavenous Flocktransformation has a similar appearance to Tzeentch's daemon servants, theLords of Change, from the Warhammer franchise.
The icon forRavenous Flockis similar to the old one forTides of Blood.
TheArt Spotlightforhisfirst splash art is the first one ever released.
If Swain dies while castingDecrepify, there will be two Beatrices on the battlefield, one attached to the laser and one on his back when he falls to the ground.
The ending quote to Swain's background is based on Joseph Heller's novelCatch-22.
Inthe League of Legends, Swain was unable to compete in theIonia Versus Noxus Grudge Matchdue to his recent induction into Noxian High Command, thus needing to take time away from the League to put all his affairs in order.
In the2014version of theUltra Rapid Firefeatured game mode,Ravenous Flockwould toggle-off once its mana cost scaled beyond Swain's maximum mana. This was the only ability affected by the restriction of a champion requiring sufficient maximum mana in order to activate an ability within the game mode. |
Sylas,the Unshackled | | | health: Health575+129, resource: Mana400+70, health regen: Health regen. (per 5s)9+0.9, resource regen: Mana regen. (per 5s)8+0.8, armor: Armor27+5.2, attack damage: Attack damage61+3, attack speed: Base AS0.645, gameplay radius: Gameplay radius65, selection radius: Selection radius100, release: 2019-01-25, changed: V13.22, role: BurstSkirmisher, position: TopJungleMiddle, rangetype: Melee, adaptivetype: Magic, cost: 3150|790 | Games
SylasFreljord 1Freljord 2Freljord 3ImprisonedTeen 1Teen 2YoungTitlesReal nameSylas of DregbourneNickname(s)TraitorKingslayerKing-KillerNaked Chain ManAlias(es)Vengeance UnchainedThe UnshackledThe Most Dangerous Mage in the LandAdept SylasCharacteristicsSpeciesHuman(Magical)Pronoun(s)He/HimTimelineBorn:966 AN - 971 ANWeapon(s)Petricite RestraintsPetricite ChainsAbsorption MagicSensory MagicPersonal statusStatusAlivePlace of originDregbourne,DemaciaCurrent residenceFreljord(No Fixed Abode)FamilyUnnamed parentsProfessional statusOccupation(s)RevolutionaryMageseekerPrisonerRegion(s)DemaciaFreljordFaction(s)Rebels of ZeffiraWinter's ClawMageseekersRelated character(s)LuxGalioJarvan IVGarenMorganaShyvanaNocturneEldredJarvan IIIVrynna
• Freljord 1
• Freljord 2
• Freljord 3
• Imprisoned
• Teen 1
• Teen 2
• Young
Real name
• Traitor
• Kingslayer
• King-Killer
• Naked Chain Man
• Vengeance Unchained
• The Unshackled
• The Most Dangerous Mage in the Land
• Adept Sylas
• Born:966 AN - 971 AN
• Petricite Restraints
• Petricite Chains
• Absorption Magic
• Sensory Magic
Personal status
Place of origin
Current residence
Professional status
• Revolutionary
• Mageseeker
• Prisoner
• Demacia
• Freljord
• Rebels of Zeffira
• Winter's Claw
• Mageseekers
Related character(s)
Raised in one ofDemacia’slesser quarters,Sylas of Dregbournehas come to symbolize the darker side of theGreat City. As a boy, his ability to root out hidden sorcery caught the attention of the notoriousmageseekers, who eventually imprisoned him for turning those same powers against them. Having now broken free, Sylas lives as a hardened revolutionary, using the magic of those around him to destroy the kingdom he once served… and his band of outcast mage followers seems to grow by the day.
• 1Background1.1Early Life1.2Imprisonment1.3The Birth of the Revolution1.4Rebels of Zeffira1.5Allying with theWinter's Claw
• 2Appearance
• 3Personality
• 4Abilities
• 5Relations5.1Mageseekers5.2Luxanna Crownguard5.3Garen Crownguard5.4Jarvan IV Lightshield5.5Winter's Claw5.6Galio5.7KayleandMorgana
• 6Read More6.1Biography6.2Starring Champion6.3Mentioned Champion6.4Alternate Universes
• 7Trivia
• 8Change log
• 9References
• 10See also
• 1.1Early Life
• 1.2Imprisonment
• 1.3The Birth of the Revolution
• 1.4Rebels of Zeffira
• 1.5Allying with theWinter's Claw
• 5.1Mageseekers
• 5.2Luxanna Crownguard
• 5.3Garen Crownguard
• 5.4Jarvan IV Lightshield
• 5.5Winter's Claw
• 5.6Galio
• 5.7KayleandMorgana
• 6.1Biography
• 6.2Starring Champion
• 6.3Mentioned Champion
• 6.4Alternate Universes
Early Life[]
Sylas of Dregbourne was born inDemacia, where he developed magical abilities at a young age. As per the typical Demacian belief that magic was an affliction, Sylas' parents convinced him to turn himself in to theMageseekers. The Mageseekers took notice of Sylas' ability to sense the magic within people, so they used his power to identify the mages within the city. But Sylas began to notice the prominence of mages living their lives as civilians, having to live with being labeled as criminals by Demacian society, which caused him to doubt his standing within Demacia.
One day, Sylas and his Mageseeker handlers found a young mage girl in the countryside, forced to live in hiding to avoid persecution. Sylas took pity on her due to being so young so he tried to protect her from his handlers, but he accidentally brushed against her skin, causing Sylas to fire her lightning magic uncontrollably, resulting in the deaths of the girl as well as two Mageseekers. Sylas tried to evade the law, but he was labelled as the most dangerous mage alive and when he was caught, he was sentenced to imprisonment for life.
With his hands chained by petricite shackles, Sylas was imprisoned in a Mageseeker compound for fifteen years, growing disillusioned and vengeful towards the kingdom and seeking its downfall. One day,Luxanna Crownguardof theCrownguard Housefound him in the compound and sympathized with him for his plight, with both soon forming a steady bond. While Lux visited Sylas to teach him about the world outside his cell and gave him books to read, and in exchange he taught her how to control her magic. One of the books Sylas recieved wasGalio's blueprint by Durand, where he learned about the true properties of petricite and how it did not nullify magic, but accumulate it until it reached its breaking point. All he needed to do now was touch Lux to absorb her magic into his shackles and break free.
Eventually, the Crownguards found out about Lux's meetings with Sylas, so he was sentenced to public execution by sword. Lux intervened by telling the crowd by advocating for Sylas' rights, but he touched her and unleashed a powerful blast of Lux's magic, killing everyone on scene except Lux.
The Birth of the Revolution[]
Freed from the authorities, Sylas used his powers to destroy the Mageseeker compound and free the imprisoned mages to start a revolution against Demacia for their persecution of mages. He led them to the royal castle to capture7King Jarvan IIIand publicly humiliate him, but to his surprise the king had already been killed before he arrived. His son, PrinceJarvan IV, blamed Sylas and the mages for causing the death of his father, while Sylas decided to humiliate him instead. Sylas tied Jarvan IV to a chair and forced him to eat a rat to reflect the terrible conditions experienced by the prisoners of the compound, but Lux came to stop him, with her magic suppressed after drinking a petricite mixture. She shot a crossbow at Sylas and stabbed him in the foot before releasing Jarvan IV.
TheDauntless Vanguardarrived in time, led by Lux's brotherGaren Crownguard. Lux warned Garen to avoid letting Sylas touch his petricite armaments, so Garen grabbed an axe to strike him. Sylas counterattacked Garen by absorbing the magic of one of his downed allies, but Jarvan IV put him at a chokehold to avenge his father. Sylas was outnumbered by the Demacian army, so he told his allies to retreat into the sewers to escape Demacia. As he began to leave, Lux tried to warn the mages not to follow him, but he told them that there was no need to worry about her because she wouldn't hurt an innocent.
Due to Jarvan IV blaming Sylas' revolution for the death of King Jarvan III, he enforced a zero-tolerance policy towards magic in Demacia, causing innocent mages in Demacia to be sentenced to merciless treatment by the Mageseekers. Out of desperation, some mages planned to flee Demacia to migrate to Sylas' camp so they would be safe.
Rebels of Zeffira[]
Allying with theWinter's Claw[]
(TBA)Sylas teamed up with theWinter's Clawto fight againstGarenand his sister,Lux, as well as other Demacian soldiers. Sylas and his allies were defeated after Lux summonedGalio.
Sylas is an adult man with fair skin, a slim, athletic build, he has shoulder-length black hair, thick eyebrows, black eyes, and a short beard.
He doesn't wear a shirt and leaves his chest exposed, he has broken handcuffs on his neck and hands with broken yellow petricite chains, likewise he also wears gray pants and goes barefoot using bandages on his feet.
Sylas is a ruthless, determined rebel who opposes Demacia's unfair persecution of mages regardless of their intentions. When he was younger, he initially wanted to protect his fellow mages from being harmed by his Mageseeker associates, but after the incident which got him imprisoned, Sylas grew to resent the kingdom after fifteen years of imprisonment. After being freed, he took on the role of a martyr for his fellow mages, inspiring them to join his rebellion. His initial goal was to raze Demacia to the ground, with no prospect of the aftermath. Despite his devotion to his cause, he harboured deep remorse towards his betrayal of Lux.
During his revolution against the Mageseekers, Sylas gradually developed a change of heart thanks to Leilani's influence, letting go of his desire for vengeance and learning to value his fellow rebels, even being more merciful towards his enemies. He was heavily affected by the deaths of the allies that he had lost on the way, striving to become a better leader for their sake. After achieving victory, Sylas split his alliance with the Demacians and started fighting against them again, believing that because the Demacian government would enable an ideology like the Mageseekers to happen, mages would never be truly free until the monarchy is abolished.
• Magical Physiology:Sylas was born with natural magic abilities that can improve as he trains. Though he initially trained under theMageseekers, who weaponized his abilities for their own agendas, he trained and honed his abilities further while in prison.Magic Sight:Sylas was born with the ability to see magic in the form of visual colors, particularly when it emanates off of other mages. Because of this special skill, Sylas was inducted into the Mageseekers at a young age, who weaponized his ability to hunt down mages hiding inDemacia.Magic Absorption & Replication:Sylas has the innate ability to absorb magical energy into himself, allowing him to almost perfectly replicate other magical abilities.[1]Sylas can absorb magic by simply touching another mage, but he can also absorb energy from inherently magical materials, notablypetricitethat has already absorbed residual magic. Sylas's absorption isn't exclusive to mages and he has shown that he's capable of absorbing and mimicking the magical abilities of magical fauna. Though the extent of this ability isn't fully known, it may improve as Sylas learns to absorb other forms of magical energy.Elemental Magic Absorption:Sylas can absorb and replicate almost every form of Elemental magic, such as how he replicatedLux'slight magic.Iceborn Frost Resistance:Sylas is capable of absorbing the innate abilities of theIceborn, perfectly mimicking their resistance to cold temperatures and possibly granting him the ability to wieldTrue Ice.Celestial Magic Absorption:By tapping into the residual magic energies left within ancient petricite structures, Sylas can absorb the Celestial magics ofKayleandMorgana, who have inherent abilities tied to theAspects.
• Blessing of The Veiled Lady:During theGreat Mage Rebellion, Sylas was granted a magical blessing byMorganaherself, granting him some of her abilities and empowering his innate talent to harness other magics.
• Petricite Shackles:In combat, Sylas uses the same petricite shackles that bound him in prison. Using these chains, Sylas can expel magical energies absorbed through the petricite,absorbmagic that touches his chains and strike enemies with intense physical force.
• Magic Sight:Sylas was born with the ability to see magic in the form of visual colors, particularly when it emanates off of other mages. Because of this special skill, Sylas was inducted into the Mageseekers at a young age, who weaponized his ability to hunt down mages hiding inDemacia.
• Magic Absorption & Replication:Sylas has the innate ability to absorb magical energy into himself, allowing him to almost perfectly replicate other magical abilities.[1]Sylas can absorb magic by simply touching another mage, but he can also absorb energy from inherently magical materials, notablypetricitethat has already absorbed residual magic. Sylas's absorption isn't exclusive to mages and he has shown that he's capable of absorbing and mimicking the magical abilities of magical fauna. Though the extent of this ability isn't fully known, it may improve as Sylas learns to absorb other forms of magical energy.Elemental Magic Absorption:Sylas can absorb and replicate almost every form of Elemental magic, such as how he replicatedLux'slight magic.Iceborn Frost Resistance:Sylas is capable of absorbing the innate abilities of theIceborn, perfectly mimicking their resistance to cold temperatures and possibly granting him the ability to wieldTrue Ice.Celestial Magic Absorption:By tapping into the residual magic energies left within ancient petricite structures, Sylas can absorb the Celestial magics ofKayleandMorgana, who have inherent abilities tied to theAspects.
• Elemental Magic Absorption:Sylas can absorb and replicate almost every form of Elemental magic, such as how he replicatedLux'slight magic.
• Iceborn Frost Resistance:Sylas is capable of absorbing the innate abilities of theIceborn, perfectly mimicking their resistance to cold temperatures and possibly granting him the ability to wieldTrue Ice.
• Celestial Magic Absorption:By tapping into the residual magic energies left within ancient petricite structures, Sylas can absorb the Celestial magics ofKayleandMorgana, who have inherent abilities tied to theAspects.
Sylas was abducted by the Mageseekers at a very young age and had his magic detection abilities used to find and capture other mages. After an incident where Sylas ended up killing two mageseekers by accident to protect a little girl, he fled to the wilderness. Eventually he would be caught by the mageseekers and imprisoned for 15 years. He would harbor great resentment of his captors as they would treat him like an animal and barely give him any food.
Luxanna Crownguard[]
Sylas formed a bond withLuxwhile he was imprisoned. In exchange for information of the outside world, he would teach her to control her magic due to magic being outlawed in Demacia. He later manipulated her and used her power to escape. He would eventually make amends with her and come to her aid when the mageseekers attacked her mages settlement. While Lux has not forgotten Sylas' betrayal, she undestands he is more than just murderer.
Garen Crownguard[]
After escaping his execution, Sylas and his followers foughtGaren. He would best him in every fight they had only retreating when Garen's reinforcements arrived.
Jarvan IV Lightshield[]
After escaping his execution, Sylas and his followers almost executedJarvan IVbefore fleeing. He had intended to execute Jarvan III, but then found out that the king was already mysteriously dead in the chamber he and his guard retinue had retreated to.
Winter's Claw[]
Sylas would form an alliance with theWinter's Claw, who later helps him attackDemacia.
Sylas encounteredGaliowho came to aid Lux, Garen, and other Demacian soldiers during this attack on Demacia from the north.
Lux got Durand's original texts, which include Galio's design specs, for Sylas to read. On the mention of the colossus, she states that she "knows" him as if speaking of a person and not as a statue. (She had befriended him when she was 13.)[2]Sylas clearly found her wording odd but occupied with the texts, did not question her about it, apparently not realizing that Durand's wording on Galio meant that absorbing magic allows him to move on his own.
Sylas's own shackles were originally built by Durand, who also designedGalio, to restrain powerful demons likeTahm KenchandEvelynn.
Sylasknows certain truths about thewingedsistersand calls out their power during the events ofLux comics. He also believed the Veiled Lady is an absent deity, not coming to aid to those who pray to her every night. Sylas would eventually meet Morgana and learn that she was one of the Winged Protectors as well as the Veiled Lady. He sought her aid in his war against the mageseekers, but she refused to grant him, seeing consumed by vengeance. After being humbled by Leilani's death, Sylas was willing to give up his revenge and received Morgana's blessing.
Read More
The Unshackled
ByJohn O'Bryan
Starring Champion
Short Story
Demacian Heart
ByPhillip Vargas
Nature made him a mage. The seekers made him a killer.
Lux: Issue 1
ByJohn O'Bryan,Billy Tan,Haining,Gadson,John Roshell
In Demacia, order reigns and magic is forbidden. How will the order be upset when Lux's hidden magic emerges?
Mentioned:Jarvan III,Jarvan IV
Lux: Issue 2
ByJohn O'Bryan,Billy Tan,Haining,Gadson,John Roshell
Struggling to control her growing magic, Lux bluffs her way into the Mageseeker compound.
Starring:Garen,Jarvan IV,Lux,Sylas
Mentioned:Galio,Jarvan III,Morgana,Tianna
Lux: Issue 3
ByJohn O'Bryan,Billy Tan,Haining,Gadson,John Roshell
If saving Sylas means exposing her powers, will Lux dare risk her own future to save a criminal?
Mentioned:Jarvan III,Jarvan IV
Lux: Issue 4
ByJohn O'Bryan,Billy Tan,Haining,Gadson,John Roshell
Sylas' master plan is revealed! But is it too late for a guilt-ridden Lux to turn the tide?
Starring:Garen,Jarvan III,Jarvan IV,Lux,Sylas,Tianna
Lux: Issue 5
ByJohn O'Bryan,Billy Tan,Haining,Gadson,John Roshell
As all mages are hunted down by Prince Jarvan IV and forces led by Garen, Lux must make her ultimate decision!
Starring:Garen,Jarvan IV,Lux,Sylas
Mentioned:Jarvan III
Stand With Sylas
Demacia is built on a lie. All these noble ideals and promises of a brighter future - they were never meant for us. For too long have we mages had to hide in the shadows, and it has cost us everything.It is time we stand up and fight back!
The Mageseeker
ByDigital Sun
In the kingdom of Demacia, the Mageseekers hold the power to oppress magic-using citizens in the name of public order–by inducting and indoctrinating them, locking them away, or driving them into hiding. Play as Sylas, a spell-stealing mage who has just broken free of his unjust captivity at the Mageseekers’ hands. Wielding the chains that once bound you, you must liberate your homeland from tyranny, one Mageseeker at a time.
Starring:Aidan,Eldred,Garen,Gideon,Hesbeth,Jarvan IV,Kara,Killan,Leilani,Lux,Morgana,Rayn,Rukko,Shyvana,Sylas,Wisteria,Yops
Mentioned:Aatrox,Anden Mayne,Dalin,Dominick,Evelynn,Falden,Fiddlesticks,Fizz,Galio,Jaredan,Jarvan III,Katarina,Kayle,LeBlanc,Mihira,Naafiri,Nocturne,Rhaast,Ryze,Sion,Tianna,Varus
Short Story
The Recruit
ByJohn O'Bryan
The sun was at its peak, just high enough to illuminate the exiles' camp hidden deep in the canyon. From the shade of his lean-to, Sylas of Dregbourne waited patiently for his scout to return. At last, he saw her rounding the stone spire at the mouth of the crevasse, leading a wide-eyed young stranger into the camp.
Short Story
The Shackles of Belief
ByAnthony Reynolds Lenné
Thorva, Sister of Frost, hauled on her reins, dragging her hulking drüvask to a halt alongside Scarmother Vrynna of the Winter's Claw.
Music Video
By Numerous creators
Mentioned Champion
Short Story
Garen: First Shield
ByAnthony Reynolds Lenné
The King is dead. Demacia is mourning. And in the eyes of Garen Crownguard, it’s his fault. But can he rise to the challenge when Demacia needs him again? While on a peacetime expedition beyond the borders of Demacia, Garen, Quinn, and the Dauntless Vanguard uncover a plot that threatens to destroy long-standing alliances. As the knight-ranger Quinn tries to get word back to Demacia, Garen and his comrades make a desperate last stand. How long can they last, and at what cost?
Mentioned:Jarvan IV,Lux,Sylas
Katarina: Issue 2
ByScott Hawkes
The kingdom of Demacia is in chaos! While the Great City has its focus on Sylas and his mage rebellion, a cunning, redheaded assassin, Katarina, lurks in the shadows. Focused on executing the most dangerous mission of her life, she hopes to finally live up to her father’s impossible expectations. However, when she is forced to choose between the mission and her own instincts, will she have to betray Noxus’ Master of Assassins?
Starring:Arrika,Jarvan III,Katarina,Lux,Marcus Du Couteau
Mentioned:Boram Darkwill,Garen,Soreana Du Couteau,Swain,Sylas,Talon
Katarina: Issue 3
ByScott Hawkes
The kingdom of Demacia is in chaos! While the Great City has its focus on Sylas and his mage rebellion, a cunning, redheaded assassin, Katarina, lurks in the shadows. Focused on executing the most dangerous mission of her life, she hopes to finally live up to her father’s impossible expectations. However, when she is forced to choose between the mission and her own instincts, will she have to betray Noxus’ Master of Assassins?
Mentioned:Arrika,Drann,Jarvan III,Lux,Marcus Du Couteau,Swain,Sylas
Katarina: Issue 5
ByScott Hawkes
The kingdom of Demacia is in chaos! While the Great City has its focus on Sylas and his mage rebellion, a cunning, redheaded assassin, Katarina, lurks in the shadows. Focused on executing the most dangerous mission of her life, she hopes to finally live up to her father’s impossible expectations. However, when she is forced to choose between the mission and her own instincts, will she have to betray Noxus’ Master of Assassins?
Starring:Drann,Jaredan,Katarina,Marcus Du Couteau,Swain
Mentioned:Boram Darkwill,Garen,Jarvan III,LeBlanc,Lux,Mordekaiser,Soreana Du Couteau,Sylas,Talon
Short Story
Shield of Remembrance
ByAnthony Reynolds Lenné
Quinn ran through the forest, moving softly and swiftly.
The Seneschal of Demacia
ByMichael Luo
Starring:Xin Zhao
Mentioned:Boram Darkwill,Jarvan III,Jarvan IV,Sylas
Short Story
ByAnthony Reynolds Lenné
Why send us all the way out here?
Alternate Universes
Fortune Favors the Lucky
Join Firecracker Sejuani, Firecracker Vayne, Lunar Wraith Sylas, and Coin Emperor Tahm Kench in celebrating the Year of the Pig!
Starring:Sejuani,Sylas,Tahm Kench,Vayne
Almost Home
Five unlikely friends band together to discover that home isn’t just a place—it’s a feeling.
Starring:Diana,Sett,Teemo,Tristana,Xin Zhao
The Tale of the Poro King
By Numerous creators
Starring: N/A
Mentioned:Aatrox,Akali,Ashe,Aurelion Sol,Azir,Braum,Caitlyn,Cho'Gath,Darius,Diana,Draven,Ezreal,Gnar,Illaoi,Janna,Jarvan IV,Jayce,Kai'Sa,Karma,Karthus,Katarina,Kayle,Kayn,Kennen,Kha'Zix,Lee Sin,Leona,Lulu,Lux,Malzahar,Miss Fortune,Nunu,Ornn,Pantheon,Pyke,Rammus,Rek'Sai,Rhaast,Ryze,Sejuani,Shen,Sion,Sivir,Soraka,Sylas,Syndra,Taliyah,Talon,Taric,Thresh,Tristana,Trundle,Udyr,Vi,Volibear,Willump,Yasuo,Zed,Ziggs,Zoe
• Sylas has no last name due to his family being on the lower end of the social spectrum.[3]To be differentiated among others with the same name, they often refer to his name and his place of birth (Sylas of Dregbourne).
• Sylas was always torn between his desire to be a "true" Demacian and his shame for identifying his fellow mages while in service to the Mageseekers.[4]
• Sylas is around his early 30s.[5]
• Despite hating currentDemacia, he has no love forNoxusas well.
• Hisbiographyoriginally stated that his execution was to be hung by the neck, but was changed to a beheading afterLux: Issue 3.
• Sylas' shackles were not designed for human captives. That's why they are so big and caused him to suffer so much, but also what makes them a fearsome weapon in his hands.[6]They are made of Petricite, Demacian Steel and gold.[7]
• The scar on his abdomen is the result of an operation trying to remove his "magic" organ. (There was a short-lived theory that mages had a magic organ somewhere below the liver.)[8]
• Sylas dresses like a prisoner due to being previously incarcerated but continues to do so in order to appeal to the downtrodden masses.[9]Sylas' chains are a symbol of the oppressed.[10]
• On his right arm is the brand that Mageseekers burn into the skin of mages. The other pulsing lines on his arms are intended to be magic pulsing through his veins out into the manacles as they constantly drain his natural magic.[11]
• Sylas is has anarcho-collectivist political views.[12]Like a lot of revolutionaries, he's better at tearing down and has not thought much in the way of practical policy, what a non-hierarchical system would look like on a large scale.[13]
• Sylas does not usually transform whenstealinganother user's magic. Many of his depictions inLeague of Legendsare simply for gameplay reads and visual clarity.[14]
• They are made of Petricite, Demacian Steel and gold.[7]
• Sylas' chains are a symbol of the oppressed.[10]
• Like a lot of revolutionaries, he's better at tearing down and has not thought much in the way of practical policy, what a non-hierarchical system would look like on a large scale.[13]
Change log[]
See also[] | Name: Petricite Burst, Description: Innate: Whenever Sylas casts an ability , he generate a stack of Unshackled for 4 seconds, refreshing on subsequent casts and stacking up to 3 times. While Sylas has stacks, he gains 125% bonus attack speed . Unshackled: Sylas' next basic attack is empowered to consume a stack to whirl his chains around him, which has an uncancellable windup and deals 130% AD (+ 25% AP) magic damage to the primary target and 40% AD (+ 20% AP) magic damage to nearby enemies. Damage to secondary targets executes minions that would be left below 25 health . The empowered attack applies on-hit effects only to the primary target but disables the bonus damage from critical strikes . Ability effects only apply to secondary targets., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputPassive', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'Not Blocked', 'parries': 'See Notes', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Spellbladedamage does not get converted to magic damage, and will deal its damage only to the primary target.', 'Petricite Burstattacks do not add stacks ofPress the Attackto the target.', 'Petricite Burstattacks do not applylife steal.', 'Petricite Burstattacks cancritically strike, but deal no increased damage when they do.', 'Petricite Burstcan bedodged,blocked, or missed whileSylasisblindedas the primary target but not as a secondary target.']} | Name: Chain Lash, Description: Active: Sylas lashes out two chains that converge to the target location and extend beyond it up to a maximum range, dealing magic damage to enemies hit and slowing them for 1. 5 seconds. Magic Damage: 40 / 60 / 80 / 100 / 120 (+ 40% AP) Slow: 15 / 20 / 25 / 30 / 35% After a 0. 6 -second delay, the chains' intersection explodes to deal magic damage to enemies within, reduced by 60% against minions and monsters . Magic Damage: 70 / 125 / 180 / 235 / 290 (+ 90% AP) Non-Champion Damage: 28 / 50 / 72 / 94 / 116 (+ 36% AP) Total Champion Damage: 110 / 185 / 260 / 335 / 410 (+ 130% AP) Total Non-Champion Damage: 68 / 110 / 152 / 194 / 236 (+ 76% AP) Chain Lash will cast at max range if cast beyond that., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputLocation', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', "The detonation's effect radius center is placed at the intersection between the chains from the initial cast, meaning a max range cast can create a detonation that reaches further than the chains do."]} | Name: Kingslayer, Description: Active: Sylas dashes to the front of the target enemy's location then strikes them to deal magic damage . Magic Damage: 70 / 105 / 140 / 175 / 210 (+ 90% AP) If this damages a champion , Sylas is also healed , increased by 0% − 100% (based on his missing health) . Minimum Heal: 20 / 40 / 60 / 80 / 100 (+ 40% AP) Maximum Heal: 40 / 80 / 120 / 160 / 200 (+ 80% AP), {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputUnit', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', "The damage will be dealt if the dash completed uninterrupted, and regardless of how far the target's location is at the end of the dash.Sylaswill heal even if the target champion dies before the dash is completed.The only exception is if the target becomesuntargetable, in which caseKingslayerwill have no effect.", 'Sylaswill heal even if the target champion dies before the dash is completed.', 'The only exception is if the target becomesuntargetable, in which caseKingslayerwill have no effect.', 'Despite being single target,Kingslayerdoes not draw minion aggro.(bug)']} | Name: Abscond, Description: Active: Sylas dashes to the target location. Within 3. 5 seconds, he can cast Abduct after a 0. 2 -second delay from casting Abscond . Kingslayer can be cast during the dash. Abscond will cast at max range if cast beyond that., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputLocation', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Abscond Details', 'Abduct Details', 'No additional details.', "Abductcounts as an ability activation for the purposes of on-cast effects such asSpellbladeand triggeringForce Pulse'spassive.", 'Sylaswill not dash to his target if the chains are blocked byspell shield.', 'The target will be revealed for 2 seconds if the dash is interrupted.', 'Abductwill still apply theknock upif the target isuntargetableby the end of the dash.', 'This ability will cast from wherever the caster is at the start of the cast time.', 'Sylasis unable to perform actions while dashing to the target, and becomes able to again after 0.05seconds of the dash ending.', 'Sylaswill not dash to the target hit if he ischannelingordashingfrom aHijackedability.Abductwill not apply theknock upwhen this happens.If the chains connect before a pre-channel cast time is complete then Sylas will dash to the target and the ability will cancel.', 'Abductwill not apply theknock upwhen this happens.', 'If the chains connect before a pre-channel cast time is complete then Sylas will dash to the target and the ability will cancel.', 'Hide', 'Details', 'Map-Specific Differences', "Petricite Burst'sstack from castingHijackis given afterSylasreceives the Hijacked ability.", "Hijack's per target cooldown is indicated by a ring under recently targetted enemy champions, and is only visible toSylasand each individual enemy.", 'IfSylascastsHijackon aclone, no ultimate is stolen and the ability will be placed on full cooldown.The same does not occur for champions within azombie state.', 'The same does not occur for champions within azombie state.', "Clonesdo not copyHijack'starget cooldown indicator, potentially revealing them toSylas.Neeko'sInherent Glamourdoes not hide her personal cooldown indicator, nor does she copy her allies'.", "Neeko'sInherent Glamourdoes not hide her personal cooldown indicator, nor does she copy her allies'.", 'If the target becomesuntargetable,dies, or is too far away or no longer insightduring the cast time, this ability will cancel but does not go oncooldownnor pay its cost (if applicable).If the same happens when casting an on-target stolen ability, the ability will instead cancel and go on cooldown.', 'If the same happens when casting an on-target stolen ability, the ability will instead cancel and go on cooldown.', "IfHijackis intercepted byBraum'sUnbreakable,Sylaswill gain a copy ofGlacial Fissureinstead and an on-target cooldown will be applied to him.IfBraumhas an on-target cooldown on him (by being previouslyHijacked) upon interception, no ultimate will be stolen.", 'IfBraumhas an on-target cooldown on him (by being previouslyHijacked) upon interception, no ultimate will be stolen.', "Since the copied ability scales based onHijack'srank, abilities can be copied regardless of their rank.", 'Hijackwill copy all components of the ability: their passives and actives as well as recast effects.Hijackwill not trigger the effects of other abilities unless absolutely necessary.', "Shape-shifting ultimates will transformSylasinto the target's alternate form, replacing his basic abilities andbasestats. Namely:Cougar Form,Spider Form,Cannon FormandDragon Form.Dragon's DescenttransformsSylas'mana, intoShyvana'sfury, being able to replenishing it by basic attacking. At the end of the effect,Sylasgains his previous mana.Dragon's Descentdoes not refresh ability cooldowns upon transforming.Spider Formfreezes Sylas' original cooldowns on their current values, causing them to not come off cooldown during Spider Form.(bug)Upon transforming back fromCannon Form, Sylas' next basic attack dealsTransform Mercury Hammer's bonus magic damage and uses his critical strike animation.Transforming intoCannon Formwith more than 2 stacks of Unshackled and then castingHyperchargewill limit its effect until the currently held Unshackled stacks are spent.(bug)Transforming intoCougar Formwith more than 2 stacks of Unshackled and then castingTakedownwill disable Takedown's effect until the buff timer runs out.(bug)Permanent transformations last for ~5 minutes or until toggled off.The alternate abilities of transforming champions will cost mana and scale with the ranks as appropriate for the ability (e.g. ranks in R for Nidalee and ranks in Q/W/E for Jayce/Elise).Upon transforming, aPetricite Burststack will be deducted.Petricite Burststacks will still be gained from abilities cast in alternate forms, but the stacks are gained independently from the normal ones.IfSylashas both normal and transformed stacks,Petricite Burstwill prioritize consumingSylasstacks before the transformed ones.", "Dragon's DescenttransformsSylas'mana, intoShyvana'sfury, being able to replenishing it by basic attacking. At the end of the effect,Sylasgains his previous mana.", "Dragon's Descentdoes not refresh ability cooldowns upon transforming.", "Spider Formfreezes Sylas' original cooldowns on their current values, causing them to not come off cooldown during Spider Form.(bug)", "Upon transforming back fromCannon Form, Sylas' next basic attack dealsTransform Mercury Hammer's bonus magic damage and uses his critical strike animation.", 'Transforming intoCannon Formwith more than 2 stacks of Unshackled and then castingHyperchargewill limit its effect until the currently held Unshackled stacks are spent.(bug)', "Transforming intoCougar Formwith more than 2 stacks of Unshackled and then castingTakedownwill disable Takedown's effect until the buff timer runs out.(bug)", 'Permanent transformations last for ~5 minutes or until toggled off.', 'The alternate abilities of transforming champions will cost mana and scale with the ranks as appropriate for the ability (e.g. ranks in R for Nidalee and ranks in Q/W/E for Jayce/Elise).', 'Upon transforming, aPetricite Burststack will be deducted.', 'Petricite Burststacks will still be gained from abilities cast in alternate forms, but the stacks are gained independently from the normal ones.IfSylashas both normal and transformed stacks,Petricite Burstwill prioritize consumingSylasstacks before the transformed ones.', 'IfSylashas both normal and transformed stacks,Petricite Burstwill prioritize consumingSylasstacks before the transformed ones.', "Ultimates comply withOne for Allrules if an ally is playing the hijacked champion. For example, an alliedDarius'Hemorrhagestacks will increase the damage of the hijackedNoxian Guillotine; or an alliedSyndra'sDark Spherewill add extra damage to hijackedUnleashed Poweras well as producing 3 spheres that she can use.", "Ahri'sSpirit Rush- Does not gainEssence Theft'stakedown effect thus cannot grant additional recasts.", "Akshan'sComeuppance-Sylascan castAbscond, but doing so ends the channel prematurely. IfComeuppanceis cast afterAbductbut before the chains hit a target,Sylasisn't pulled to the target and the channel continues as usual.", "Amumu'sCurse of the Sad Mummy- Does not applyCursed Touch.", "Aphelios'Moonlight Vigil- Based on themain weaponat the moment of steal.Crescendumempowers his basic attacks temporarily.Calibrumdoes not apply marks.Severumgrants a shield if healed while at full health.", 'Crescendumempowers his basic attacks temporarily.', 'Calibrumdoes not apply marks.', 'Severumgrants a shield if healed while at full health.', "Ashe'sEnchanted Crystal Arrow- Does not applyFrost Shotto secondary targets.", "Brand'sPyroclasm- Does not apply stacks ofBlaze.", "Cho'Gath'sFeast- Gains permanentFeaststacks on-kill.", "Corki'sMissile Barrage- Gains max charges.", "Darius'Noxian Guillotine- Does not apply a stack ofHemorrhage. Upon gaining a reset from a Rank 3Noxian Guillotine,Sylascan hold onto the ability for up to 300 seconds.", "Fiora'sGrand Challenge- Gainsmovement speedin the effect and can trigger the area healing, butVitalsdo not deal bonus damage.", "Galio'sHero's Entrance- GivesSylasand alliesShield of Durand'smagicshield, based onKingslayerrank.", "Gangplank'sCannon Barrage- Does not steal cannon upgrades.", "Gnar'sGNAR!- Gains a usable ultimate regardless of cast onMini GnarorMega Gnar.", "Gwen'sNeedlework- Does not applyThousand Cuts.", "Heimerdinger'sUPGRADE!!!-Sylas'sbasic abilities are replaced withHeimerdinger'sempowered abilities. The upgrade buff lasts until the ultimate can be stolen again.", "Illaoi'sLeap of Faith- Does not reducecooldownofKingslayer.", "Irelia'sVanguard's Edge- Applies marks ofBladesurge.", "Jax'sGrandmaster-At-Arms- Applies magic damage on-hit while holding ontoGrandmaster's Might, this effect is lost upon activation.", "Kassadin'sRiftwalk- Only provides one use.", "Kai'Sa'sKiller Instinct-Sylas'basic attacks,Abductand nearby allies'immobilizationsapply stacks ofPlasma, up to 4.Sylasis unable to apply the 5th stack necessary to expunge the stacks.", "Kalista'sFate's Call- Only castable with alink(purchasable in theShopfor0 gold).", "Karma'sMantra-Sylas'basic abilities are replaced withKarma'sempowered abilities, according toSylas'own ability ranks (includingHijackfor Mantra bonuses).", "Katarina'sDeath Lotus- Can be cast without a target.", "Kayn'sUmbral Trespass- Based on current form (Shadow Assassin/Rhaast).", "Kha'Zix'sVoid Assault- Can steal the ability'sevolutionbonus effects.", "Kennen'sSlicing Maelstrom- AppliesMark of the Storm.", "Kled'sChaaaaaaaarge!!!- Does not needmountto cast.", "Kog'Maw'sLiving Artillery- Only provides one use.", "LeBlanc'sMimic- Uses the empowered version ofLeBlanc'slast cast basic ability.Mimic Sigil of Malicedoes not apply its mark. If she has not cast any abilities,Mimic Sigil of Maliceis copied.", "Leona'sSolar Flare- Does not applySunlight.", "Lillia'sLilting Lullaby-Sylas'abilities applyDream-Laden Bough'sdebuff, which does not deal its damage over time.", "Lucian'sThe Culling- Can castAbscondandAbductfreely during the channel.", "Lux'sFinal Spark- Does not applyIllumination.", "Master Yi'sHighlander-Takedownsreduce basic ability cooldowns while holding ontoHighlander, this effect is lost upon activation.", "Mordekaiser'sRealm of Death- Can join thedimensionof outgoing realms if cast in the proper range(does not extend their duration).", "Nasus'Fury of the Sands- Does not reducecooldownofChain Lash.", "Neeko'sInherent Glamour- Always stealsPop Blossom, regardless of the champion Neeko is disguised as.", "Olaf'sRagnarok- Does not grantADbased onSylas'AP, despite the tooltip indicating so.", "Orianna'sCommand: Shockwave- Cast on self without aBall.", "Pantheon'sGrand Starfall- The spear deals damage based onChain Lashrank and scales with46% AP.", "Quinn'sBehind Enemy Lines- Does not castSkystrikeupon attacking an enemy champion. It can be casted manually however.", "Rengar'sThrill of the Hunt-Sylaswill gainUnseen Predatoron his next attack.", "Renekton'sDominus- GrantsSylas20 manaon cast and then5 manaper second (up to75 total manaover the duration).", "Rek'Sai'sVoid Rush-Sylas'attacks against enemy champions will apply amarkwhich can be used to cast the ability.", "Riven'sBlade of the Exile- GrantsADbased onSylas'APon cast and grants him 75bonusattack range for his auto attacks aswell forChain LashandKingslayer.", "Samira'sInferno Trigger- Can use without aGrade.", "Seraphine'sEncore- Allies do not gainNotes.", "Shaco'sHallucinate- Creates aSylasClone that also copiesSylas'stolen ultimate indicator. The clone behaves like aShacoclone, being able toBackstab, applyTwo-Shiv Poison's slow scaling withAbscondrank, and summoningmini-boxesthat deal damage based onHijackrank.", "Shyvana'sDragon's Descent- Has a 200 second base cooldown.", "Skarner'sImpale- Can freely cast abilities during the suppression, but cannot basic attack orFlash.", "Sylas'Hijack- Steals the ability that the enemySylashas stolen. Cannot be targeted if no ability has been stolen.", "Syndra'sUnleashed Power- Throws a minimum of 3spheres, which are left on the ground afterwards and vanish after 6 seconds.", "Talon'sShadow Assault- Does not applyBlade's End.", "Tahm Kench'sDevour-Sylas'basic attacks applyAn Acquired Taste, allowing him to castDevouron enemies.", "Teemo'sNoxious Trap- Gains max charges.", "Tristana'sBuster Shot- Always has 525 cast range asSylasdoes not benefit fromDraw a Bead'sper-level cast range increase.", "Twitch'sSpray and Pray- Gains 300 attack range and his attacks produce missiles that travel 850 range. These attacks are classified asmelee.", "Udyr- StealsWingborne Storm, and can recast toAwakenit. Effects are based onHijack'srank.", "Urgot'sFear Beyond Death- Can castKingslayerduring the recast.", "Varus'Chain of Corruption- Applies stacks ofBlightto targets hit that can be detonated bySylas'other abilities, dealing damage based onKingslayerrank.", "Vayne'sFinal Hour- Gains theADandMSbonuses. Additionally,Sylasgainsinvisibilitywhen he castsChain Lash.", "Vel'Koz'sLife Form Disintegration Ray- Does not applyOrganic Deconstruction.", "Viego'sSovereign's Domination- Always stealsHeartbreaker, regardless of the champion Viego is possessing.", "Viktor'sChaos Storm- Can steal the ability'sevolutionbonus effects.", "Xayah'sFeatherstorm-Feathersdo not interact with an ally or enemyXayah.", "Yasuo'sLast Breath-Critical strikesignore 50% of the target'sbonusarmorafter activation.", "Yuumi'sFinal Chapter- Can freely cast abilities during the channel.", "Zac'sLet's Bounce!- Cannot declare attacks nor use any abilities nor while bouncing.Sylasdoes not createchunks.", "Zeri'sLightning Crash- Can gainOvercharge'seffects and refresh it on basic attacks (even without being charged) and abilities.", "Zed'sDeath Mark-Shadowdoes not mimic abilities but can be reactivated toswapplaces.", 'Enemy ultimate cooldown is refreshed each round.', 'HijackBug Fix:Champion portrait UI for hijacked ultimates now displays the correct character icon to indicated the copied ultimate even if the target was a different champion at the time.', 'Bug Fix:Champion portrait UI for hijacked ultimates now displays the correct character icon to indicated the copied ultimate even if the target was a different champion at the time.', 'StatsBase mana increased to 400 from 310.', 'Base mana increased to 400 from 310.', "AbductBug Fix:Hitting the ability no longer sometimes has the dash destination offset a long distance from the target's location when the immediate area near the target was not pathable (blocked by units or terrain).", "Bug Fix:Hitting the ability no longer sometimes has the dash destination offset a long distance from the target's location when the immediate area near the target was not pathable (blocked by units or terrain).", "HijackBug Fix:No longer sometimes becomes disabled if the caster dies during the cast time of a hijackedWeaver's Wall.Bug Fix:No longer causes a giant wall to appear when using thePROJECT: Sylasskin with specific ultimates.", "Bug Fix:No longer sometimes becomes disabled if the caster dies during the cast time of a hijackedWeaver's Wall.", 'Bug Fix:No longer causes a giant wall to appear when using thePROJECT: Sylasskin with specific ultimates.', "HijackBug Fix:Can now properly castSamira'sInferno Triggerwithout any stacks of herDaredevil Impulse.", "Bug Fix:Can now properly castSamira'sInferno Triggerwithout any stacks of herDaredevil Impulse.", "GeneralBug Fix:Particle types are now properly aligned withBattle Wolf Sylas'body parts.", "Bug Fix:Particle types are now properly aligned withBattle Wolf Sylas'body parts.", "HijackBug Fix:On-target cooldown forTahm Kench'sDevournow properly calculates from its cooldown instead of 0 (the wrapper spell's cooldown), which caused it to use Hijack's minimum target cooldown instead.", "Bug Fix:On-target cooldown forTahm Kench'sDevournow properly calculates from its cooldown instead of 0 (the wrapper spell's cooldown), which caused it to use Hijack's minimum target cooldown instead.", "HijackBug Fix:Now always steals the active effect ofK'Sante'sAll Outand not the recast if the target hadAll Outactive.", "Bug Fix:Now always steals the active effect ofK'Sante'sAll Outand not the recast if the target hadAll Outactive.", 'StatsBase health reduced to 575 from 595.', 'Base health reduced to 575 from 595.', 'Chain LashCooldown increased to 11 / 10 / 9 / 8 / 7 seconds from 10 / 9 / 8 / 7 / 6.', 'Cooldown increased to 11 / 10 / 9 / 8 / 7 seconds from 10 / 9 / 8 / 7 / 6.', "HijackBug Fix:VFX bug when stealing an enemyEkko'sChronobreakwith theStar Guardian EkkoorPrestige Star Guardian Ekkoskin has been fixed.", "Bug Fix:VFX bug when stealing an enemyEkko'sChronobreakwith theStar Guardian EkkoorPrestige Star Guardian Ekkoskin has been fixed.", 'GeneralBug Fix:Knocked up/stunned animation is now correctly played.', 'Bug Fix:Knocked up/stunned animation is now correctly played.', 'HijackBug Fix:Casting a stolenFinal Sparkno longer consumes 100 mana or fails if used while he has less than 100 current mana.', 'Bug Fix:Casting a stolenFinal Sparkno longer consumes 100 mana or fails if used while he has less than 100 current mana.', 'KingslayerMana cost reduced to 50 / 60 / 70 / 80 / 90 from 60 / 70 / 80 / 90 / 100.Minimum heal AP ratio increased to40% APfrom35% AP.Cooldown reduced to 12 / 10.5/ 9 / 7.5/ 6 seconds from 13 / 11.5/ 10 / 8.5/ 7.', 'Mana cost reduced to 50 / 60 / 70 / 80 / 90 from 60 / 70 / 80 / 90 / 100.', 'Minimum heal AP ratio increased to40% APfrom35% AP.', 'Cooldown reduced to 12 / 10.5/ 9 / 7.5/ 6 seconds from 13 / 11.5/ 10 / 8.5/ 7.', 'AbscondCooldown reduced to 13 / 12 / 11 / 10 / 9 seconds from 14 / 13 / 12 / 11 / 10.', 'Cooldown reduced to 13 / 12 / 11 / 10 / 9 seconds from 14 / 13 / 12 / 11 / 10.', 'HijackBug Fix:A hijackedGrand Challengenow properly has its heal scale with AP.', 'Bug Fix:A hijackedGrand Challengenow properly has its heal scale with AP.', 'StatsBase health increased to 595 from 525.Health growth increased to 129 from 115.Armor growth increased to 5.2from 4.Magic resistance growth increased to 2.55from 1.75.', 'Base health increased to 595 from 525.', 'Health growth increased to 129 from 115.', 'Armor growth increased to 5.2from 4.', 'Magic resistance growth increased to 2.55from 1.75.', 'KingslayerMinimum base heal reduced to 20 / 40 / 60 / 80 / 100 from 25 / 50 / 75 / 100 / 125.Minimum heal AP ratio reduced to35% APfrom40% AP.', 'Minimum base heal reduced to 20 / 40 / 60 / 80 / 100 from 25 / 50 / 75 / 100 / 125.', 'Minimum heal AP ratio reduced to35% APfrom40% AP.', 'HijackCooldown reduced to 80 / 55 / 30 seconds from 100 / 70 / 40.', 'Cooldown reduced to 80 / 55 / 30 seconds from 100 / 70 / 40.', "HijackBug Fix:Now properly reverts back toHijackeven after the caster dies withVex'sShadow Surge'srecast being active.", "Bug Fix:Now properly reverts back toHijackeven after the caster dies withVex'sShadow Surge'srecast being active.", "HijackBug Fix:Fixed interactions with stolenLux'sFinal Sparkand stolenMiss Fortune'sBullet Time.", "Bug Fix:Fixed interactions with stolenLux'sFinal Sparkand stolenMiss Fortune'sBullet Time.", "HijackBug Fix:Fixed a bug where he would not get another cast ofVex'sstolenShadow Surgeif the marked target died within the ability's reset window.", "Bug Fix:Fixed a bug where he would not get another cast ofVex'sstolenShadow Surgeif the marked target died within the ability's reset window.", 'StatsBase mana increased to 310 from 280.Base mana regeneration increased to 8 from 7.', 'Base mana increased to 310 from 280.', 'Base mana regeneration increased to 8 from 7.', "HijackBug Fix:Fixed a bug where the cooldown would sometimes not revert correctly if he died while casting a hijacked ultimate.Bug Fix:Fixed several visual bugs that occured when he hijackedGun Goddess Miss Fortune'sBullet Time.", 'Bug Fix:Fixed a bug where the cooldown would sometimes not revert correctly if he died while casting a hijacked ultimate.', "Bug Fix:Fixed several visual bugs that occured when he hijackedGun Goddess Miss Fortune'sBullet Time.", 'Chain LashDetonation base damage increased to 70 / 125 / 180 / 235 / 290 from 60 / 115 / 170 / 225 / 280.Detonation AP ratio increased to90% APfrom80% AP.', 'Detonation base damage increased to 70 / 125 / 180 / 235 / 290 from 60 / 115 / 170 / 225 / 280.', 'Detonation AP ratio increased to90% APfrom80% AP.', 'KingslayerBase heal reduced to 25 / 50 / 75 / 100 / 125 from 30 / 60 / 90 / 120 / 150.Maximum base heal reduced to 50 / 100 / 150 / 200 / 250 from 60 / 120 / 180 / 240 / 300.Heal AP ratio reduced to40% APfrom45% AP.Maximum heal AP ratio reduced to80% APfrom90% AP.', 'Base heal reduced to 25 / 50 / 75 / 100 / 125 from 30 / 60 / 90 / 120 / 150.Maximum base heal reduced to 50 / 100 / 150 / 200 / 250 from 60 / 120 / 180 / 240 / 300.', 'Maximum base heal reduced to 50 / 100 / 150 / 200 / 250 from 60 / 120 / 180 / 240 / 300.', 'Heal AP ratio reduced to40% APfrom45% AP.Maximum heal AP ratio reduced to80% APfrom90% AP.', 'Maximum heal AP ratio reduced to80% APfrom90% AP.', 'HijackBug Fix:HijackingDevournow properly allows Sylas to apply stacks ofAn Acquired Tasteon his basic attacks against enemy champions.', 'Bug Fix:HijackingDevournow properly allows Sylas to apply stacks ofAn Acquired Tasteon his basic attacks against enemy champions.', "HijackBug Fix:No longer keepsRek'Sai'sVoid Rushfor one additional cast.Bug Fix:HijackingJayce'sultimate while he is in Cannon Form once again givesSylasTransform Mercury Cannon, instead ofTransform Mercury Hammer, which would not giveSylasaccess to Jayce's melee abilities when cast, either.", "Bug Fix:No longer keepsRek'Sai'sVoid Rushfor one additional cast.", "Bug Fix:HijackingJayce'sultimate while he is in Cannon Form once again givesSylasTransform Mercury Cannon, instead ofTransform Mercury Hammer, which would not giveSylasaccess to Jayce's melee abilities when cast, either.", 'PROJECT: SylasChromas now use its respective chain colors forChain LashandAbduct.', 'Chromas now use its respective chain colors forChain LashandAbduct.', "Petricite BurstBug Fix:Muramana'sShock now triggers on secondary targets properly.", "Bug Fix:Muramana'sShock now triggers on secondary targets properly.", "Petricite BurstBug Fix:Can no longer gain charges when using certain item actives, such asEverfrost'sGlaciate orGaleforce'sCloudburst.", "Bug Fix:Can no longer gain charges when using certain item actives, such asEverfrost'sGlaciate orGaleforce'sCloudburst.", 'HijackBug Fix:Fixed a bug where stealing an ultimate would removePetricite Burststacks.', 'Bug Fix:Fixed a bug where stealing an ultimate would removePetricite Burststacks.', 'Petricite BurstBonus attack speed increased to 125% from 80%.', 'Bonus attack speed increased to 125% from 80%.', 'KingslayerCooldown reduced to 13 / 11.25/ 9.5/ 7.75/ 6 seconds from 13 / 11.5/ 10 / 8.5/ 7.Mana cost reduced to 60 / 70 / 80 / 90 / 100 from 70 / 80 / 90 / 100 / 110.Heal AP ratio reduced to45% APfrom50% AP.', 'Cooldown reduced to 13 / 11.25/ 9.5/ 7.75/ 6 seconds from 13 / 11.5/ 10 / 8.5/ 7.', 'Mana cost reduced to 60 / 70 / 80 / 90 / 100 from 70 / 80 / 90 / 100 / 110.', 'Heal AP ratio reduced to45% APfrom50% AP.', 'Chain LashMana cost changed to 55 at all ranks from 50 / 55 / 60 / 65 / 70.', 'Mana cost changed to 55 at all ranks from 50 / 55 / 60 / 65 / 70.', 'KingslayerBase damage increased to 70 / 105 / 140 / 175 / 210 from 60 / 95 / 130 / 165 / 200.Damage AP ratio increased to90% APfrom85% AP.', 'Base damage increased to 70 / 105 / 140 / 175 / 210 from 60 / 95 / 130 / 165 / 200.', 'Damage AP ratio increased to90% APfrom85% AP.', "HijackBug Fix:When he hijacksEkko'sChronobreak, he is no longer able to use it twice immediately.", "Bug Fix:When he hijacksEkko'sChronobreak, he is no longer able to use it twice immediately.", 'Petricite BurstBug Fix:Now properly gets kill credit for empowered attacks landed.', 'Bug Fix:Now properly gets kill credit for empowered attacks landed.', 'StatsMana growth increased to 70 from 50.', 'Mana growth increased to 70 from 50.', 'HijackUndocumented:Sylas now loses allPetricite Burststacks upon receiving a new spell viaHijack', 'Undocumented:Sylas now loses allPetricite Burststacks upon receiving a new spell viaHijack', "HijackBug Fix:No longer loses all of his mana after stealingShyvana'sDragon's Descent.", "Bug Fix:No longer loses all of his mana after stealingShyvana'sDragon's Descent.", 'HijackCooldown reduced to 100 / 70 / 40 seconds from 100 / 80 / 60.', 'Cooldown reduced to 100 / 70 / 40 seconds from 100 / 80 / 60.', "HijackBug Fix:No longer keepsElise'sRappeluntil he steals her ultimate again if he dies while casting it.", "Bug Fix:No longer keepsElise'sRappeluntil he steals her ultimate again if he dies while casting it.", "HijackBug Fix:Now permanently gains health and increases in model size from successful kills with a stolenFeastfrom an enemyCho'Gath.", "Bug Fix:Now permanently gains health and increases in model size from successful kills with a stolenFeastfrom an enemyCho'Gath.", "HijackBug Fix:Now properly gains bonus attack speed fromPetricite Burstwhen holdingJax'sGrandmaster's Might.Bug Fix:Fixed a bug where he would not deal damage to all enemies with a stolenKarthus'Requiem.", "Bug Fix:Now properly gains bonus attack speed fromPetricite Burstwhen holdingJax'sGrandmaster's Might.", "Bug Fix:Fixed a bug where he would not deal damage to all enemies with a stolenKarthus'Requiem.", 'HijackBug Fix:Timer for specific champions will no longer show in spectator mode.', 'Bug Fix:Timer for specific champions will no longer show in spectator mode.', "HijackBug Fix:Sylasand allies will now properly gainShield of Durand'smagic damage shield ifSylascastsHero's Entrance.", "Bug Fix:Sylasand allies will now properly gainShield of Durand'smagic damage shield ifSylascastsHero's Entrance.", 'Chain LashLash base damage increased to 40 / 60 / 80 / 100 / 120 from 40 / 55 / 70 / 85 / 100.', 'Lash base damage increased to 40 / 60 / 80 / 100 / 120 from 40 / 55 / 70 / 85 / 100.', 'KingslayerBug Fix:No longer gets another instance ofKingslayerupon hitting a target withAbductwithin 0.5- 2 seconds of theKingslayercast.', 'Bug Fix:No longer gets another instance ofKingslayerupon hitting a target withAbductwithin 0.5- 2 seconds of theKingslayercast.', 'Chain LashBug Fix:Is now properly disabled duringAbductafter casting a stolen ultimate.', 'Bug Fix:Is now properly disabled duringAbductafter casting a stolen ultimate.', "AbductUndocumented:Now applies an instance ofKingslayertoAbduct'starget ifAbductis casted shortly afterKingslayer.", "Undocumented:Now applies an instance ofKingslayertoAbduct'starget ifAbductis casted shortly afterKingslayer.", 'Petricite BurstPrimary target AD ratio increased to130% ADfrom110% AD.Bonus attack speed increased to 80% from 60%.', 'Primary target AD ratio increased to130% ADfrom110% AD.', 'Bonus attack speed increased to 80% from 60%.', 'Chain LashDetonation base damage increased to 60 / 115 / 170 / 225 / 280 from 60 / 105 / 150 / 195 / 240.', 'Detonation base damage increased to 60 / 115 / 170 / 225 / 280 from 60 / 105 / 150 / 195 / 240.', 'KingslayerCooldown reduced to 13 / 11.5/ 10 / 8.5/ 7 seconds from 14 / 12.5/ 11 / 9.5/ 8.', 'Cooldown reduced to 13 / 11.5/ 10 / 8.5/ 7 seconds from 14 / 12.5/ 11 / 9.5/ 8.', 'StatsBase health reduced to 525 from 585.Health growth increased to 115 from 95.Base armor reduced to 27 from 32.Armor growth increased to 4 from 3.Base magic resistance reduced to 32 from 39.Magic resistance growth increased to 1.75from 1.25.', 'Base health reduced to 525 from 585.', 'Health growth increased to 115 from 95.', 'Base armor reduced to 27 from 32.', 'Armor growth increased to 4 from 3.', 'Base magic resistance reduced to 32 from 39.', 'Magic resistance growth increased to 1.75from 1.25.', 'Petricite BurstPrimary target AP ratio increased to25% APfrom20% AP.Effect radius reduced to 300 units from 400.New Effect:Now grants60%bonusattack speedwhile he has a charge.Maximum charges increased to 3 from 2.New Effect:Damage to secondary targets now executes minions below 25 health.', 'Primary target AP ratio increased to25% APfrom20% AP.', 'Effect radius reduced to 300 units from 400.', 'New Effect:Now grants60%bonusattack speedwhile he has a charge.', 'Maximum charges increased to 3 from 2.', 'New Effect:Damage to secondary targets now executes minions below 25 health.', 'Chain LashCooldown increased to 10 / 9 / 8 / 7 / 6 seconds from 9 / 8 / 7 / 6 / 5.Lash base damage reduced to 40 / 55 / 70 / 85 / 100 from 45 / 70 / 95 / 120 / 145.Lash AP ratio reduced to40% APfrom60% AP.Undocumented:Lash slow duration reduced to 1.5seconds from 2.Detonation base damage increased to 60 / 105 / 150 / 195 / 240 from 45 / 70 / 95 / 120 / 145.Detonation AP ratio increased to80% APfrom60% AP.Detonation damage reduction against minions and monsters increased to 60% from 45%.Removed:The detonation no longerslowsfor 22.5/ 30 / 37.5/ 45 / 52.5% for 2 seconds.', 'Cooldown increased to 10 / 9 / 8 / 7 / 6 seconds from 9 / 8 / 7 / 6 / 5.', 'Lash base damage reduced to 40 / 55 / 70 / 85 / 100 from 45 / 70 / 95 / 120 / 145.', 'Lash AP ratio reduced to40% APfrom60% AP.', 'Undocumented:Lash slow duration reduced to 1.5seconds from 2.', 'Detonation base damage increased to 60 / 105 / 150 / 195 / 240 from 45 / 70 / 95 / 120 / 145.', 'Detonation AP ratio increased to80% APfrom60% AP.', 'Detonation damage reduction against minions and monsters increased to 60% from 45%.', 'Removed:The detonation no longerslowsfor 22.5/ 30 / 37.5/ 45 / 52.5% for 2 seconds.', "KingslayerRemoved:No longer resetsSylas'basic attack timer.Damage AP ratio increased to85% APfrom65% AP.Undocumented:Base heal reduced to 30 / 60 / 90 / 120 / 150 from 70 / 90 / 110 / 130 / 150.Cooldown reduced to 14 / 12.5/ 11 / 9.5/ 8 seconds from 14 / 13.5/ 13 / 12.5/ 12.Removed:Damage is no longer increased by 50% against targets below40% of theirmaximumhealth.Removed:Healing is no longer increased by 75% ifSylasis below40% of hismaximumhealth.New Effect:Healing is now increased by0% − 100% (based onSylas'missinghealth).Mana cost increased to 70 / 80 / 90 / 100 / 110 from 40 / 45 / 50 / 55 / 60.", "Removed:No longer resetsSylas'basic attack timer.", 'Damage AP ratio increased to85% APfrom65% AP.', 'Undocumented:Base heal reduced to 30 / 60 / 90 / 120 / 150 from 70 / 90 / 110 / 130 / 150.', 'Cooldown reduced to 14 / 12.5/ 11 / 9.5/ 8 seconds from 14 / 13.5/ 13 / 12.5/ 12.', 'Removed:Damage is no longer increased by 50% against targets below40% of theirmaximumhealth.', 'Removed:Healing is no longer increased by 75% ifSylasis below40% of hismaximumhealth.', "New Effect:Healing is now increased by0% − 100% (based onSylas'missinghealth).", 'Mana cost increased to 70 / 80 / 90 / 100 / 110 from 40 / 45 / 50 / 55 / 60.', "AbscondRemoved:No longer resetsSylas'basic attack timer.Cooldown reduced to 14 / 13 / 12 / 11 / 10 seconds from 14 at all ranks.Removed:No longer shields for 80 / 115 / 150 / 185 / 220(+ 100% AP)against magic damage for 2 seconds upon dashing.", "Removed:No longer resetsSylas'basic attack timer.", 'Cooldown reduced to 14 / 13 / 12 / 11 / 10 seconds from 14 at all ranks.', 'Removed:No longer shields for 80 / 115 / 150 / 185 / 220(+ 100% AP)against magic damage for 2 seconds upon dashing.', 'AbductBase damage increased to 80 / 130 / 180 / 230 / 280 from 70 / 85 / 100 / 115 / 130.AP ratio increased to100% APfrom20% AP.Removed:Can no longer castChain Lashwhile dashing.Lock out after dashing reduced to 0.05seconds from 0.2.Undocumented:Sylascan now basic attack before the chains reach his target.', 'Base damage increased to 80 / 130 / 180 / 230 / 280 from 70 / 85 / 100 / 115 / 130.', 'AP ratio increased to100% APfrom20% AP.', 'Removed:Can no longer castChain Lashwhile dashing.', 'Lock out after dashing reduced to 0.05seconds from 0.2.', 'Undocumented:Sylascan now basic attack before the chains reach his target.', "HijackRemoved:No longer resetsSylas'basic attack timer.", "Removed:No longer resetsSylas'basic attack timer.", "KingslayerUndocumented:Is no longer cancelled byAbduct'sdash.", "Undocumented:Is no longer cancelled byAbduct'sdash.", 'HijackTransformedPetricite Burststacks no longer trigger on-hit effects an additional time.', 'TransformedPetricite Burststacks no longer trigger on-hit effects an additional time.', 'StatsBase health regeneration increased to 9 from 7.Health regeneration growth reduced to 0.9from 1.Base magic resistance increased to 39 from 36.1.', 'Base health regeneration increased to 9 from 7.', 'Health regeneration growth red | Name: Hijack, Description: Active: Sylas launches his chains at the target enemy champion, gaining a copy of their ultimate ability and revealing them for 0. 825 seconds at the start of the cast time. Sylas cannot select the same champion again for a set duration, and can hold the hijacked ultimate for up to 90 seconds, during which he can recast Hijack . Recast: Sylas casts his hijacked ultimate ability at no cost, scaling based on Hijack's rank and his own statistics . Hijacked ultimates and abilities that do not scale with ability power have their attack damage ratios converted to ability power ratios, scaling with 0. 6 % AP per 1% total AD , and 0. 4 % AP per 1% bonus AD respectively. Link ▶️ "What's yours is mine!", {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputUnit', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Map-Specific Differences', "Petricite Burst'sstack from castingHijackis given afterSylasreceives the Hijacked ability.", "Hijack's per target cooldown is indicated by a ring under recently targetted enemy champions, and is only visible toSylasand each individual enemy.", 'IfSylascastsHijackon aclone, no ultimate is stolen and the ability will be placed on full cooldown.The same does not occur for champions within azombie state.', 'The same does not occur for champions within azombie state.', "Clonesdo not copyHijack'starget cooldown indicator, potentially revealing them toSylas.Neeko'sInherent Glamourdoes not hide her personal cooldown indicator, nor does she copy her allies'.", "Neeko'sInherent Glamourdoes not hide her personal cooldown indicator, nor does she copy her allies'.", 'If the target becomesuntargetable,dies, or is too far away or no longer insightduring the cast time, this ability will cancel but does not go oncooldownnor pay its cost (if applicable).If the same happens when casting an on-target stolen ability, the ability will instead cancel and go on cooldown.', 'If the same happens when casting an on-target stolen ability, the ability will instead cancel and go on cooldown.', "IfHijackis intercepted byBraum'sUnbreakable,Sylaswill gain a copy ofGlacial Fissureinstead and an on-target cooldown will be applied to him.IfBraumhas an on-target cooldown on him (by being previouslyHijacked) upon interception, no ultimate will be stolen.", 'IfBraumhas an on-target cooldown on him (by being previouslyHijacked) upon interception, no ultimate will be stolen.', "Since the copied ability scales based onHijack'srank, abilities can be copied regardless of their rank.", 'Hijackwill copy all components of the ability: their passives and actives as well as recast effects.Hijackwill not trigger the effects of other abilities unless absolutely necessary.', "Shape-shifting ultimates will transformSylasinto the target's alternate form, replacing his basic abilities andbasestats. Namely:Cougar Form,Spider Form,Cannon FormandDragon Form.Dragon's DescenttransformsSylas'mana, intoShyvana'sfury, being able to replenishing it by basic attacking. At the end of the effect,Sylasgains his previous mana.Dragon's Descentdoes not refresh ability cooldowns upon transforming.Spider Formfreezes Sylas' original cooldowns on their current values, causing them to not come off cooldown during Spider Form.(bug)Upon transforming back fromCannon Form, Sylas' next basic attack dealsTransform Mercury Hammer's bonus magic damage and uses his critical strike animation.Transforming intoCannon Formwith more than 2 stacks of Unshackled and then castingHyperchargewill limit its effect until the currently held Unshackled stacks are spent.(bug)Transforming intoCougar Formwith more than 2 stacks of Unshackled and then castingTakedownwill disable Takedown's effect until the buff timer runs out.(bug)Permanent transformations last for ~5 minutes or until toggled off.The alternate abilities of transforming champions will cost mana and scale with the ranks as appropriate for the ability (e.g. ranks in R for Nidalee and ranks in Q/W/E for Jayce/Elise).Upon transforming, aPetricite Burststack will be deducted.Petricite Burststacks will still be gained from abilities cast in alternate forms, but the stacks are gained independently from the normal ones.IfSylashas both normal and transformed stacks,Petricite Burstwill prioritize consumingSylasstacks before the transformed ones.", "Dragon's DescenttransformsSylas'mana, intoShyvana'sfury, being able to replenishing it by basic attacking. At the end of the effect,Sylasgains his previous mana.", "Dragon's Descentdoes not refresh ability cooldowns upon transforming.", "Spider Formfreezes Sylas' original cooldowns on their current values, causing them to not come off cooldown during Spider Form.(bug)", "Upon transforming back fromCannon Form, Sylas' next basic attack dealsTransform Mercury Hammer's bonus magic damage and uses his critical strike animation.", 'Transforming intoCannon Formwith more than 2 stacks of Unshackled and then castingHyperchargewill limit its effect until the currently held Unshackled stacks are spent.(bug)', "Transforming intoCougar Formwith more than 2 stacks of Unshackled and then castingTakedownwill disable Takedown's effect until the buff timer runs out.(bug)", 'Permanent transformations last for ~5 minutes or until toggled off.', 'The alternate abilities of transforming champions will cost mana and scale with the ranks as appropriate for the ability (e.g. ranks in R for Nidalee and ranks in Q/W/E for Jayce/Elise).', 'Upon transforming, aPetricite Burststack will be deducted.', 'Petricite Burststacks will still be gained from abilities cast in alternate forms, but the stacks are gained independently from the normal ones.IfSylashas both normal and transformed stacks,Petricite Burstwill prioritize consumingSylasstacks before the transformed ones.', 'IfSylashas both normal and transformed stacks,Petricite Burstwill prioritize consumingSylasstacks before the transformed ones.', "Ultimates comply withOne for Allrules if an ally is playing the hijacked champion. For example, an alliedDarius'Hemorrhagestacks will increase the damage of the hijackedNoxian Guillotine; or an alliedSyndra'sDark Spherewill add extra damage to hijackedUnleashed Poweras well as producing 3 spheres that she can use.", "Ahri'sSpirit Rush- Does not gainEssence Theft'stakedown effect thus cannot grant additional recasts.", "Akshan'sComeuppance-Sylascan castAbscond, but doing so ends the channel prematurely. IfComeuppanceis cast afterAbductbut before the chains hit a target,Sylasisn't pulled to the target and the channel continues as usual.", "Amumu'sCurse of the Sad Mummy- Does not applyCursed Touch.", "Aphelios'Moonlight Vigil- Based on themain weaponat the moment of steal.Crescendumempowers his basic attacks temporarily.Calibrumdoes not apply marks.Severumgrants a shield if healed while at full health.", 'Crescendumempowers his basic attacks temporarily.', 'Calibrumdoes not apply marks.', 'Severumgrants a shield if healed while at full health.', "Ashe'sEnchanted Crystal Arrow- Does not applyFrost Shotto secondary targets.", "Brand'sPyroclasm- Does not apply stacks ofBlaze.", "Cho'Gath'sFeast- Gains permanentFeaststacks on-kill.", "Corki'sMissile Barrage- Gains max charges.", "Darius'Noxian Guillotine- Does not apply a stack ofHemorrhage. Upon gaining a reset from a Rank 3Noxian Guillotine,Sylascan hold onto the ability for up to 300 seconds.", "Fiora'sGrand Challenge- Gainsmovement speedin the effect and can trigger the area healing, butVitalsdo not deal bonus damage.", "Galio'sHero's Entrance- GivesSylasand alliesShield of Durand'smagicshield, based onKingslayerrank.", "Gangplank'sCannon Barrage- Does not steal cannon upgrades.", "Gnar'sGNAR!- Gains a usable ultimate regardless of cast onMini GnarorMega Gnar.", "Gwen'sNeedlework- Does not applyThousand Cuts.", "Heimerdinger'sUPGRADE!!!-Sylas'sbasic abilities are replaced withHeimerdinger'sempowered abilities. The upgrade buff lasts until the ultimate can be stolen again.", "Illaoi'sLeap of Faith- Does not reducecooldownofKingslayer.", "Irelia'sVanguard's Edge- Applies marks ofBladesurge.", "Jax'sGrandmaster-At-Arms- Applies magic damage on-hit while holding ontoGrandmaster's Might, this effect is lost upon activation.", "Kassadin'sRiftwalk- Only provides one use.", "Kai'Sa'sKiller Instinct-Sylas'basic attacks,Abductand nearby allies'immobilizationsapply stacks ofPlasma, up to 4.Sylasis unable to apply the 5th stack necessary to expunge the stacks.", "Kalista'sFate's Call- Only castable with alink(purchasable in theShopfor0 gold).", "Karma'sMantra-Sylas'basic abilities are replaced withKarma'sempowered abilities, according toSylas'own ability ranks (includingHijackfor Mantra bonuses).", "Katarina'sDeath Lotus- Can be cast without a target.", "Kayn'sUmbral Trespass- Based on current form (Shadow Assassin/Rhaast).", "Kha'Zix'sVoid Assault- Can steal the ability'sevolutionbonus effects.", "Kennen'sSlicing Maelstrom- AppliesMark of the Storm.", "Kled'sChaaaaaaaarge!!!- Does not needmountto cast.", "Kog'Maw'sLiving Artillery- Only provides one use.", "LeBlanc'sMimic- Uses the empowered version ofLeBlanc'slast cast basic ability.Mimic Sigil of Malicedoes not apply its mark. If she has not cast any abilities,Mimic Sigil of Maliceis copied.", "Leona'sSolar Flare- Does not applySunlight.", "Lillia'sLilting Lullaby-Sylas'abilities applyDream-Laden Bough'sdebuff, which does not deal its damage over time.", "Lucian'sThe Culling- Can castAbscondandAbductfreely during the channel.", "Lux'sFinal Spark- Does not applyIllumination.", "Master Yi'sHighlander-Takedownsreduce basic ability cooldowns while holding ontoHighlander, this effect is lost upon activation.", "Mordekaiser'sRealm of Death- Can join thedimensionof outgoing realms if cast in the proper range(does not extend their duration).", "Nasus'Fury of the Sands- Does not reducecooldownofChain Lash.", "Neeko'sInherent Glamour- Always stealsPop Blossom, regardless of the champion Neeko is disguised as.", "Olaf'sRagnarok- Does not grantADbased onSylas'AP, despite the tooltip indicating so.", "Orianna'sCommand: Shockwave- Cast on self without aBall.", "Pantheon'sGrand Starfall- The spear deals damage based onChain Lashrank and scales with46% AP.", "Quinn'sBehind Enemy Lines- Does not castSkystrikeupon attacking an enemy champion. It can be casted manually however.", "Rengar'sThrill of the Hunt-Sylaswill gainUnseen Predatoron his next attack.", "Renekton'sDominus- GrantsSylas20 manaon cast and then5 manaper second (up to75 total manaover the duration).", "Rek'Sai'sVoid Rush-Sylas'attacks against enemy champions will apply amarkwhich can be used to cast the ability.", "Riven'sBlade of the Exile- GrantsADbased onSylas'APon cast and grants him 75bonusattack range for his auto attacks aswell forChain LashandKingslayer.", "Samira'sInferno Trigger- Can use without aGrade.", "Seraphine'sEncore- Allies do not gainNotes.", "Shaco'sHallucinate- Creates aSylasClone that also copiesSylas'stolen ultimate indicator. The clone behaves like aShacoclone, being able toBackstab, applyTwo-Shiv Poison's slow scaling withAbscondrank, and summoningmini-boxesthat deal damage based onHijackrank.", "Shyvana'sDragon's Descent- Has a 200 second base cooldown.", "Skarner'sImpale- Can freely cast abilities during the suppression, but cannot basic attack orFlash.", "Sylas'Hijack- Steals the ability that the enemySylashas stolen. Cannot be targeted if no ability has been stolen.", "Syndra'sUnleashed Power- Throws a minimum of 3spheres, which are left on the ground afterwards and vanish after 6 seconds.", "Talon'sShadow Assault- Does not applyBlade's End.", "Tahm Kench'sDevour-Sylas'basic attacks applyAn Acquired Taste, allowing him to castDevouron enemies.", "Teemo'sNoxious Trap- Gains max charges.", "Tristana'sBuster Shot- Always has 525 cast range asSylasdoes not benefit fromDraw a Bead'sper-level cast range increase.", "Twitch'sSpray and Pray- Gains 300 attack range and his attacks produce missiles that travel 850 range. These attacks are classified asmelee.", "Udyr- StealsWingborne Storm, and can recast toAwakenit. Effects are based onHijack'srank.", "Urgot'sFear Beyond Death- Can castKingslayerduring the recast.", "Varus'Chain of Corruption- Applies stacks ofBlightto targets hit that can be detonated bySylas'other abilities, dealing damage based onKingslayerrank.", "Vayne'sFinal Hour- Gains theADandMSbonuses. Additionally,Sylasgainsinvisibilitywhen he castsChain Lash.", "Vel'Koz'sLife Form Disintegration Ray- Does not applyOrganic Deconstruction.", "Viego'sSovereign's Domination- Always stealsHeartbreaker, regardless of the champion Viego is possessing.", "Viktor'sChaos Storm- Can steal the ability'sevolutionbonus effects.", "Xayah'sFeatherstorm-Feathersdo not interact with an ally or enemyXayah.", "Yasuo'sLast Breath-Critical strikesignore 50% of the target'sbonusarmorafter activation.", "Yuumi'sFinal Chapter- Can freely cast abilities during the channel.", "Zac'sLet's Bounce!- Cannot declare attacks nor use any abilities nor while bouncing.Sylasdoes not createchunks.", "Zeri'sLightning Crash- Can gainOvercharge'seffects and refresh it on basic attacks (even without being charged) and abilities.", "Zed'sDeath Mark-Shadowdoes not mimic abilities but can be reactivated toswapplaces.", 'Enemy ultimate cooldown is refreshed each round.']} | Sylasis one of 14 champions that have an ability that infinitely stacks an effect:Aurelion Sol,Bard,Bel'Veth,Cho'Gath,Draven,Kindred,Nasus,Senna,Shyvana,Sion,Swain,Thresh, andVeigar.In Sylas's case,Hijackinfinitely stacks hishealthif he stealsCho'Gath'sFeast.
Sylas is the first champion to have an animation when he cancels hisRecall.[2]
Sylas was the first champion released in 2019. |
Syndra,the Dark Sovereign | | | health: Health563+104, resource: Mana480+40, health regen: Health regen. (per 5s)6.5+0.6, resource regen: Mana regen. (per 5s)8+0.8, armor: Armor25+4.6, attack damage: Attack damage54+2.9, attack speed: Base AS0.658, gameplay radius: Gameplay radius65, selection radius: Selection radius125, release: 2012-09-13, changed: V13.22, role: Burst, position: Middle, rangetype: Ranged, adaptivetype: Magic, cost: 3150|790 | Games
SyndraMainImprisonedTitlesReal nameSyndra(Ionian: Destruction)Alias(es)The Dark SovereignCharacteristicsSpeciesHuman(Magical)Pronoun(s)She/HerTimelineBorn:UnknownWeapon(s)Dark SpheresForce of WillPersonal statusStatusAlivePlace of originNavori,IoniaCurrent residenceFae'lorCastle,Ionia(She may have abandoned the castle[1])FamilyUnnamed Mother†Evard†(Brother)Professional statusOccupation(s)Dark MageRegion(s)IoniaRelated character(s)IreliaKarma
• Main
• Imprisoned
Real name
• Born:Unknown
• Dark Spheres
• Force of Will
Personal status
Place of origin
Current residence
• Unnamed Mother†
• Evard†(Brother)
Professional status
Related character(s)
Syndrais a fearsomeIonianmage with incredible power at her command. As a child, she disturbed the village elders with her reckless and wild magic. She was sent away to be taught greater control, but eventually discovered her supposed mentor was restraining her abilities. Forming her feelings of betrayal and hurt into dark spheres of energy, Syndra has sworn to destroy all who would try to control her.
• 1Background1.1Early life1.2Fae'lor1.3Elevating Faelor's temple
• 2Appearance
• 3Personality
• 4Abilities
• 5Relations5.1Ionians5.2Noxians
• 6Read More6.1Biography6.2Starring Champion6.3Mentioned Champion6.4Alternate Universes
• 7Trivia
• 8Change log
• 9References
• 10See also
• 11References
• 1.1Early life
• 1.2Fae'lor
• 1.3Elevating Faelor's temple
• 5.1Ionians
• 5.2Noxians
• 6.1Biography
• 6.2Starring Champion
• 6.3Mentioned Champion
• 6.4Alternate Universes
Early life[]
Syndra was born in Navori, Ionia, within a small village. She possessed a distracted nature, causing her parents to frequently punish her. Each time she was punished, Syndra sought solace in her secret hideout - the Spectral Willow. There, she confided her sorrows to the tree in cries and whispers, finding refuge in its roots.
However, one fateful day, Syndra's brother, Ervad, and his friends discovered her hideout and began taunting her. Despite her efforts to disregard them, one of Ervad's friends threw mud at her, drawing blood and igniting a fierce rage within the young, tormented girl. Three luminous orbs materialized around Syndra, causing the willow tree to wither and Ervad and his friends to flee. Syndra's village, reliant on the willow tree for its magical essence, blamed Syndra's family for its demise, resulting in their eventual exile.
Following their exile from Navori, Syndra and her family traversed Ionia for days until reaching Fae'lor, a renowned magic school of Syndra's time specializing in the taming of wild magic. Faced with limited alternatives, Syndra's parents made the decision for her to remain at the school to refine her magic.
Initially content in her pursuit of magical knowledge, Syndra eventually grew frustrated as she sensed a waning in her abilities over time. She confronted Konigen, her teacher, who then revealed that Syndra's extraordinary magical prowess had compelled him to seal her powers. Shocked by this revelation, Syndra reproached her teacher for this betrayal. Her rage overwhelmed her once more, causing her to unleash a sphere of energy at her teacher, killing him.
Consumed by immense pain and loneliness, Syndra ascended into the sky, summoning three orbs of energy that sapped the spiritual essence of Fae'lor. She unleashed devastation upon the entire island, indiscriminately eliminating anyone in her path. This prompted the intervention of the Spirit of Ionia.
The spirit created a rift in the earth, restraining Syndra with thick vines and pulling her into the crevice. Instead of killing her, however, the spirit submerged Syndra in a mystical pond, casting her into a magic slumber where she would remain for a hundred years,
Elevating Faelor's temple[]
Syndra is a slender woman with fair skin, back-length silvery-white hair, and bright violet eyes.
She wears black purple Ionian armor that reveals her shoulders and legs, black knee socks, and a two-pronged helmet.
As a child Syndra was a very withdrawn girl due to the constant abuse of her family, over time that sadness turned into rage and she just wanted to be left alone.
As an adult, Syndra developed a spiteful and explosive personality because when she didn't like something she caused a magical explosion that destroyed everything, she also had a deep grudge against the Ionians for all the damage they did to her as a child.
• Magical:Syndra was born possessing powerful innate magical abilities that have the potential to strengthen as she hones her skills and deepens her understanding of magic.Dark Energy Manipulation:Syndra possesses an uncommon form of magic. Unlike traditional magic affinities tied to elements likelight,earth, orelectricity, her magic stems and draws power from raw, concentrated emotions. This magic's immense power led Konigen to attempt to suppress it rather than allow Syndra to learn how to control it. Her negativity coalesces into spheres of pure darkness capable of unleashing massive waves of destruction and consuming everything in its path.Telekinesis: Syndra can harness her dark energy to elevate objects, beings, and structures, manipulating them according to her will. Floating effortlessly instead of walking, she can also fly with ease. Notably, she exhibited immense power by lifting the entire temple of Fae'lor and suspending it in the sky through sheer force of will.Spiritual Leeching:Syndra's dark energy strips away the natural spiritual energies of her surroundings, depleting the environment of its spiritual essence. This depletion of spirit magic affectsIonia's landscapes, crucial for their vitality, thus leaving them barren and devoid of life.
• Dark Energy Manipulation:Syndra possesses an uncommon form of magic. Unlike traditional magic affinities tied to elements likelight,earth, orelectricity, her magic stems and draws power from raw, concentrated emotions. This magic's immense power led Konigen to attempt to suppress it rather than allow Syndra to learn how to control it. Her negativity coalesces into spheres of pure darkness capable of unleashing massive waves of destruction and consuming everything in its path.Telekinesis: Syndra can harness her dark energy to elevate objects, beings, and structures, manipulating them according to her will. Floating effortlessly instead of walking, she can also fly with ease. Notably, she exhibited immense power by lifting the entire temple of Fae'lor and suspending it in the sky through sheer force of will.Spiritual Leeching:Syndra's dark energy strips away the natural spiritual energies of her surroundings, depleting the environment of its spiritual essence. This depletion of spirit magic affectsIonia's landscapes, crucial for their vitality, thus leaving them barren and devoid of life.
• Telekinesis: Syndra can harness her dark energy to elevate objects, beings, and structures, manipulating them according to her will. Floating effortlessly instead of walking, she can also fly with ease. Notably, she exhibited immense power by lifting the entire temple of Fae'lor and suspending it in the sky through sheer force of will.
• Spiritual Leeching:Syndra's dark energy strips away the natural spiritual energies of her surroundings, depleting the environment of its spiritual essence. This depletion of spirit magic affectsIonia's landscapes, crucial for their vitality, thus leaving them barren and devoid of life.
Due to her abusive upbringing and being imprisoned for decades in Fae'lor of Ionia, she has grown hateful against allIoniansto an extent that she even approves ofNoxianpresence. However, she has no prior knowledge of Noxus before the events of her release.
Although she seems to thank the Noxians for standing against the people who locked her, she also has little care for them, killing all of the invaders on the fortress and destroying a Noxian warship with a mere glance of her eyes.
Read More
The Dark Sovereign
ByRayla Heide
Starring Champion
Short Story • 27 Minute Read
The Dreaming Pool
ByAnthony Reynolds Lenné
Mentioned Champion
Short Story
Sisterhood of War Part 1: Old Wounds
ByIan St. Martin
“Is anything you just heard unclear to you?”
Alternate Universes
A New Horizon
A mysterious new team arrives: Star Guardian Ahri, Miss Fortune, Syndra, Soraka, and Ezreal.
Starring:Ahri,Ezreal,Miss Fortune,Soraka,Syndra
A Snowdown Snowtale
The Poro King sends a young poro on an urgent mission: find the one with the magnificent mustache to save Snowdown!
Another Sky
ByJared Rosen,Taylor Dinwiddie,Ty Sheedlo
As a new generation of Star Guardians prepares to fight back the forces of chaos, rising star Akali finds herself wracked with doubt. Does she have what it takes to be a Star Guardian? Or will the darkness she senses inside spell doom for her and her friends?
Mentioned:Ahri,Akshan,Ezreal,Gwen,Jinx,Lux,Miss Fortune,Rakan,Xayah
Be Your Best Santa
Santa Draven, Ambitious Elf Jinx, and Snow Fawn Poppy step up to help Santa Braum with this year’s Snowdown festivities. But with Jinx and Draven at the frontlines, the celebrations could easily snowball into shenanigans!
Short Story
ByAriel Lawrence
A team bonding trip will test Lux's leadership and confidence as the group welcomes new stars during the annual meteor shower.
Starring:Ahri,Ezreal,Janna,Jinx,Lulu,Lux,Miss Fortune,Poppy,Soraka,Syndra
The Siren's Call
It waits. Make the world anew with Coven Nami, Elise, Akali, Syndra, Nilah, and Old God Mordekaiser.
Short Story
Twin Stars
ByCat Cheresh
Akali could see the stars.
Starring:Ahri,Akali,Ezreal,Janna,Jinx,Kai'Sa,Lulu,Lux,Miss Fortune,Neeko,Poppy,Rakan,Soraka,Syndra,Xayah,Zoe
Academy Adventures: Series 2
ByGutter Rat
Mentioned:Amumu,Anivia,Annie,Ashe,Aurelion Sol,Braum,Caitlyn,Cho'Gath,Dr. Mundo,Draven,Elise,Ezreal,Fiddlesticks,Fizz,Galio,Gnar,Heimerdinger,Janna,Jhin,Jinx,Kog'Maw,Lulu,Lux,Malphite,Malzahar,Miss Fortune,Nami,Nasus,Olaf,Poppy,Rakan,Rammus,Rek'Sai,Riven,Rumble,Ryze,Shaco,Singed,Sona,Soraka,Syndra,Taliyah,Talon,Taric,Teemo,Thresh,Tibbers,Tristana,Twitch,Urgot,Varus,Veigar,Volibear,Warwick,Wukong,Xayah,Yasuo,Yorick,Zac,Zed,Ziggs,Zyra
Harmonies: Issue 2
ByMichael Yichao
Seraphine navigates a life-changing moment as she embraces her dream becoming reality.
Mentioned:Ezreal,Janna,Jinx,Lulu,Lux,Miss Fortune,Poppy,Soraka,Syndra,Volibear,Yasuo
Short Story
The Slumber Party Summoning
ByAriel Lawrence
Okay, I'll admit slamming the door in their faces was a bit of an overreaction.
Starring:Ezreal,Janna,Jinx,Lulu,Lux,Miss Fortune,Poppy,Soraka
The Tale of the Poro King
By Numerous creators
Starring: N/A
Mentioned:Aatrox,Akali,Ashe,Aurelion Sol,Azir,Braum,Caitlyn,Cho'Gath,Darius,Diana,Draven,Ezreal,Gnar,Illaoi,Janna,Jarvan IV,Jayce,Kai'Sa,Karma,Karthus,Katarina,Kayle,Kayn,Kennen,Kha'Zix,Lee Sin,Leona,Lulu,Lux,Malzahar,Miss Fortune,Nunu,Ornn,Pantheon,Pyke,Rammus,Rek'Sai,Rhaast,Ryze,Sejuani,Shen,Sion,Sivir,Soraka,Sylas,Syndra,Taliyah,Talon,Taric,Thresh,Tristana,Trundle,Udyr,Vi,Volibear,Willump,Yasuo,Zed,Ziggs,Zoe
Short Story
The Twilight Star
ByAriel Lawrence
I have too many questions I want to ask her.
Starring:Janna,Jinx,Lulu,Lux,Miss Fortune,Poppy
Wandering Spirits
Maybe this is the year. Sett leaves home once again to find his akana father, the Spirit of Abandonment. Will the spirits along the path lead him away? Or will he finally find the way back to his mother?
Mentioned:Master Yi,Syndra,Tristana
Syndra, The Dark Sovereign
• Syndra's parents were not magical, but she doesn't know too much of her family history.
• She's essentially attuned to the flows of magic - she can manifest force just by willing it, and she condenses spheres of raw magic from the air. She doesn't fully understand her talents, and up until now, she hasn't cared about their source. If she wants to realize her full potential, she'll have to understand herself.[2]
• Syndra leaches the magic in the environment, ripping out the essence and causing it to fade away. It can likely be attributed to her washing away the natural magics with her own raw spirit magic.The ghost-willow in her lore did not have its magic stolen by Syndra.Syndra's magic is attuned to her emotional state, when intensely negative it became very destructive.
• Based on her lore, she was around her early 20s when she was put inThe Dreaming Pool. Centuries have passed since her sealing (as the Fortress itself has stood for centuries and was built around the temple after it was destroyed.)
• Her headpiece is Ionian in nature, but unlike the crests that other Ionian characters keep behind them, Syndra placed hers front and center, emblematic of her rejection of restraint.It is unclear if this remains relevant in her new lore.
• The word "sovereign" in Syndra's title has a number of meanings. Her story is about asserting control over things that were held from her—her own fate, her magical ability, and her current home and fortress. Sovereign also implies a degree of supremacy, which she believes she has due of her power and her position in the world, literally and symbolically.[3]
• The ghost-willow in her lore did not have its magic stolen by Syndra.Syndra's magic is attuned to her emotional state, when intensely negative it became very destructive.
• Syndra's magic is attuned to her emotional state, when intensely negative it became very destructive.
• It is unclear if this remains relevant in her new lore.
• Though their paths have been different,Zedand Syndra have similar goals. Both believe the 'balance' that has maintained Ionia for so long must crumble for Ionia's people to come into their own and realize their full potential. Syndra might take interest in Zed's power, and given the right circumstances, an alliance between the two could "tip the scales" in Ionia all the more.
• Due to working for the Ionian Elders,Ireliais Syndra's rival.Being an Elder herself,Karmais considered a rival as well.
• Syndra sympathizes withXerathand is intrigued by the power he's obtained, but Xerath would possibly be more interested in her. All of his power is arcane, researched and developed, while Syndra is more instinctive, her approach may succeed at unbinding him where his has failed.
• She is intrigued byAnnieand how a child obtained such powers.
• SyndraprobablythinksVeigaris kind of laughable. If she got past the cutesy yordle exterior, she might see him as a worthy mage.
• Being an Elder herself,Karmais considered a rival as well.
Change log[]
See also[]
References[] | Name: Transcendent, Description: Innate: Syndra collects Splinters of Wrath that enhance each of her abilities based on the number of them collected, stacking up to 120 times. She gains Splinters of Wrath from the following: Dealing two instances of ability damage to an enemy champion within 4 seconds grants 1 / 2 / 3 (based on level) Splinters . This cannot occur on the same target more than once every 8 seconds. Ranking up an ability with any skill points beyond level 1 grants 5 Splinters , up to 85 . Killing a large minion grants 1 Splinter . Collecting a Splinter of Wrath from an enemy restores 20 − 215 (based on level) mana . Splinters of Wrath are brought to Syndra from enemies over 0. 6 seconds. At 120 Splinters of Wrath , Syndra achieves Transcendence , increasing her ability power by 15%. Syndra can collect Splinters of Wrath from enemies even if she is at maximum stacks. These Splinters do not grant any stacks, but will still restore mana for Syndra . Link ▶️ "My potential is limitless!", {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputPassive', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Map-Specific Differences', "Syndra'sabilities gain additional visual effects when they reach theirSplinter of Wraththresholds. Her spells will also gain a red colored tint outlining the VFX.Dark Spherewill cause fractures to appear in the earth when it is used.", 'Dark Spherewill cause fractures to appear in the earth when it is used.', 'New Effect:Gains 10Splinters of Wrathper round.']} | Name: Dark Sphere, Description: Active: Syndra conjures a Dark Sphere at the target location that appears after a 0. 6 -second delay, dealing magic damage to nearby enemies. The Dark Sphere then remains on the ground for 6 seconds. Magic Damage: 75 / 110 / 145 / 180 / 215 (+ 70% AP) Transcendent Bonus: Collecting 40 Splinters of Wrath causes Syndra to periodically stock a Dark Sphere charge, up to a maximum of 2. Dark Sphere will cast at max range if cast beyond that., STATIC COOLDOWN: STATICCOOLDOWN:1.25, {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputLocation', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Dark Spherecan be conjured inside terrain, but cannot be thrown there withForce of Will.', 'There is no limit as to how manyDark Spherescan be active at a time.']} | Name: Force of Will, Description: Active: Syndra grabs the nearest Dark Sphere , enemy minion or non-epic monster within 500 units from the target location, and holds the target for 5 seconds. If a Dark Sphere is grabbed, its duration is refreshed; if a minion or monster is grabbed, it is put in stasis . She prioritizes grabbing the nearest unit, then Dark Spheres . Force of Will can be recast while the target is being held. Recast: Syndra throws the grabbed target towards the target location, granting sight of their surroundings as they fall and dealing magic damage to them and nearby enemies. All targets hit are slowed for 1. 5 seconds. Magic Damage: 70 / 110 / 150 / 190 / 230 (+ 70% AP) Slow: 25 / 30 / 35 / 40 / 45% Transcendent Bonus: Collecting 60 Splinters of Wrath enhances Force of Will to deal 12% (+ 2% per 100 AP) bonus true damage ., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputUnit/Location', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', "The initial cast does not count as an ability activation for the purposes of on-cast effects such asSpellbladeand triggeringForce Pulse'spassive.Detonating the ability manually does.", 'Detonating the ability manually does.', 'If the ability is not recast within the duration,Syndrawill release the unit orDark Spherethat she is holding.', 'Force of Willdoes not destroy in-flightprojectilesfor theminionormonstergrabbed.', 'Force of Willcleansesthe targetminionormonstergrabbed from allcrowd control.', 'Force of Willprevents non-sphere targets from dying when picking them up.', 'Force of Willcannot grab units that are beingTeleportedon.', "Syndracan grabpets, such asShaco'sJack in the Box.", 'CastingTeleportorRecallwill causeSyndrato cancelForce of Willautonomously and drop anything she is holding.', 'Grabbing prioritizesDark Spheres.', "Enemypetsthat passively have an effect on their surroundings will continue to affect the area around them while they are being held. For example,Annie'sTibberswill continue to inflict burn damage on surrounding units while being held.", 'Grabbing aDark Spherewill cause the duration on it to refresh, but only on the first cast, not when it is thrown.', 'Force of Willhas additional effects when targeting theBlue SentinelandRed Brambleback. Throwing the former will refund 10manatoSyndraupon cast and will reduce thecooldownofForce of Willby 1 second, while throwing the latter will apply theCrest of Cindersburn to any affected units in thearea of effect.', "Force of Will'sfirst cast uses amodified icon while it has theTranscendentbonus."]} | Name: Scatter the Weak, Description: Active: Syndra propels a wave of force in a cone in the target direction that deals magic damage to enemies hit and knocks them back for 400 units and up to 800 units away from Syndra based on proximity, though not through terrain. Magic Damage: 75 / 115 / 155 / 195 / 235 (+ 45% AP) Dark Spheres can be knocked back for 950 units and up to 1200 units away from Syndra based on proximity, knocking back enemies they hit over 70 units, though not through terrain. Targets hit are also stunned for 1. 25 seconds, during which they are also revealed , and dealt Scatter the Weak's damage if they were not damaged by the initial cast. Transcendent Bonus: Collecting 80 Splinters of Wrath enhances Scatter the Weak to have an increased scatter angle and slow enemies hit by 70% for 1. 25 seconds starting after the knock back ends or if the target was hit by a pushed Dark Sphere , after the stun has ended., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputDirection', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Scatter the Weakis blocked by the portion ofWind Wallit collides with.Spheresthrown will stop upon colliding with the wall.', 'Spheresspawned at close range of the ability are more likely to be hit.', 'Enemies and spheres will be knocked into the direction directly away fromSyndra, and the knock back has no dispersion.', "Scatter the Weakwill knock backSphereseven farther if they are inside terrain, up until they reach open space. If the terrain they're inside in cannot be surpassed, theSphereswill be knocked in the opposite direction.", 'Scatter the Weakwill delay the expiration of aSphereuntil after it finishes being knocked back.', 'This ability will cast from wherever the caster is at the end of the cast time.', "OnceScatter the Weakhas been learned, an arrow directly in front of everyDark Spherewill appear to signify the direction thespherewill be knocked towards, each one corresponding toSyndra'sposition. This is only visible toSyndra."]} | Name: Unleashed Power, Description: Passive: Dark Sphere gains ability haste. Ability Haste: 10 / 20 / 30 Active: Syndra enters a 0. 264 seconds cast time, creating 3 Dark Spheres and grabbing up to 4 nearby Dark Spheres that were last spawned. Afterwards, the collected Dark Spheres are barraged at the target enemy champion, each dealing magic damage upon hit. Magic Damage per Sphere: 90 / 130 / 170 (+ 17% AP) Minimum Magic Damage: 270 / 390 / 510 (+ 51% AP) Maximum Magic Damage: 630 / 910 / 1190 (+ 119% AP) The Dark Spheres will then remain on the ground for 6 seconds. Transcendent Bonus: Collecting 100 Splinters of Wrath enhances Unleashed Power to execute the target if it would damage them to below 15% of their maximum health ., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputUnit', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'See Notes', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Map-Specific Differences', 'Unleashed PowermakesSyndraenter a brief cast time, but the initial cast is completed instantly. If she dies during this cast time,Unleashed Powerwill still complete the remaining effect.', 'CastingUnleashed Poweron a target that becomesuntargetablewhile thespheresare in flight will not destroy them but cause them to deal no damage instead.', "Spheresalready in flight will still travel ifSyndra'starget dies, but any remainingspherewill not. However, their duration will still get reset.", "ADark Spheresummoned very shortly beforeUnleashed Powerwillbe used as one of the spheres that get thrown.Depending on how manyspheresare on the map and how far away the enemy is upon castingUnleashed Powerit is possible thatSyndrawould conjure thespherebehind her as if she was going to throw it, but she won't.", "Depending on how manyspheresare on the map and how far away the enemy is upon castingUnleashed Powerit is possible thatSyndrawould conjure thespherebehind her as if she was going to throw it, but she won't.", 'Unleashed Powerwill not add aSpherethatSyndrais holding withForce of Will.', 'Spheresthat are being pushed byScatter the Weak(normally ones that were made late during the push) will not get picked up forUnleashed Power.', 'Spell shieldwill only block the damage of a singlesphere.', 'Unleashed Power will graballnearby spheres, regardless of whose they are.The damage is still capped at 7 spheres, which appears to be thefirst7 spheres. Additionally spheres will visually collide with the target but deal no damage.', 'The damage is still capped at 7 spheres, which appears to be thefirst7 spheres. Additionally spheres will visually collide with the target but deal no damage.']} | Syndra is the only champion to directly manipulate minions and neutral monsters to deal damage to other champions, moving them around with her abilities.
Syndra's spheres appear as red instead of blue when on the opposing team. She is the fourth champion to have team perspective based particles, with the third beingDraven, the second beingCassiopeiaand the first beingSinged.On her Atlantean and Snow Day skins, they appear purple to enemy instead.
UsingSyndra'sForce of Willto hit an enemy unit with theRed Bramblebackwill apply the debuff on them. Also, if Syndra throws theBlue Sentinel, she will be refunded 10 mana and the ability's cooldown will be lowered by 1 second.
Syndra is the third of the dark-themed Ionian Champions. The first two beingShen&Varus, followed byZed,Jhin,Xayah, &Kayn.
Syndra's imprisonment under the Dream Pool shares some similarities with the Arthurian lore aboutLady of the Lake; though Syndra herself is the prisoner, not the jailer.
Syndra's dance references thechoreographyfor the songHootbyGirls' Generation(소녀시대: So Nyeo Shi Dae), a popular Korean girl group.A side-by-side comparison can be seenhere.
Syndra was the third champion to have a difficulty rating of 100, the first beingCassiopeia, the second beingOrianna, and the fourth beingDraven. However, her difficulty rating has since fallen to 80. On release, her difficulty rating was 90.
Each of Syndra's abilities gain new graphical details when leveled to max rank. For details, see below in her Skin section.
Syndra is the second champion speculated to beomnipotent, or nearly so. The first one was Xerath.
As seen inthis video, Syndra appears to be able to use the balls from another Syndra.
The fact thatSyndra'sUnleashed Powercan use up to seven balls is possibly a reference toDragon Ball Zas there are seven Dragon Balls.
Syndra is the second of three dark themed champions to have a light themed skin, withVarusbeing the first andAatroxbeing the third.
Syndra apparently derives from Proto-Germanic*sundraz("of/by/for one self"; whence Englishsunder),[2]with possible influence from unrelated Greekσυνδρομήsyndrome.[3]Her brother's name,Evard, likewise combines two Germanic elementsīhwaz"yew" &wardaz"guard".[4] |
Tahm Kench,The River King | | | health: Health640+103, resource: Mana325+50, health regen: Health regen. (per 5s)6.5+0.55, resource regen: Mana regen. (per 5s)8+1, armor: Armor42+4.7, attack damage: Attack damage56+3.2, attack speed: Base AS0.658, gameplay radius: Gameplay radius80, selection radius: Selection radius125, release: 2015-07-09, changed: V13.22, role: Warden, position: TopSupportBottom, rangetype: Melee, adaptivetype: Magic, cost: 4800|880 | Missing section(s):
Tahm KenchMainCurrentTitlesReal nameUnknown(Devoured Gambler's Name)Nickname(s)Ol' TahmTwo-CoatsOld Yawn-BellyAlias(es)The River KingThe Demon of DespairThe Demon of AddictionThe Great WaddlerCharacteristicsSpeciesDemonPronoun(s)He/TheyTimelineBorn:Earlier than 9000 BNWeapon(s)TongueTeethPersonal statusStatusAlivePlace of originSerpentine River,Shuriman Jungle(Ancient Times)Current residenceUnknown(No Fixed Abode)Professional statusOccupation(s)Crossroads DemonDemon of AddictionRegion(s)BilgewaterRuneterraRelated character(s)FiddlesticksEvelynnFizzNautilusJack
Tahm Kench
• Main
• Current
Real name
• Ol' Tahm
• Two-Coats
• Old Yawn-Belly
• The River King
• The Demon of Despair
• The Demon of Addiction
• The Great Waddler
• Born:Earlier than 9000 BN
• Tongue
• Teeth
Personal status
Place of origin
Current residence
Professional status
• Crossroads Demon
• Demon of Addiction
Related character(s)
Known by many names throughout history, the demonTahm Kenchtravels the waterways ofRuneterra, feeding his insatiable appetite with the misery of others. Though he may appear singularly charming and proud, he swaggers through the physical realm like a vagabond in search of unsuspecting prey. His lashing tongue can stun even a heavily armoured warrior from a dozen paces, and to fall into his rumbling belly is to tumble into an abyss from which there is little hope of return.
• 1Background
• 2Appearance
• 3Personality
• 4Abilities
• 5Relations5.1Runeterra5.2Aatrox5.3Evelynn5.4Kalista
• 6Read More6.1Biography6.2Starring Champion6.3Mentioned Champion6.4Alternate Universes
• 7Trivia
• 8Change log
• 9References
• 10See also
• 5.1Runeterra
• 5.2Aatrox
• 5.3Evelynn
• 5.4Kalista
• 6.1Biography
• 6.2Starring Champion
• 6.3Mentioned Champion
• 6.4Alternate Universes
Tahm Kench is a catfish-like humanoid with a large, rotund body, short, stubby limbs, and a tail. His most noticeable feature is his enormous mouth, lined with rows of countless uneven fangs and containing a long, prehensile tongue. He has a thick, mustache-like pair of catfishbarbelson his upper lip. He has shiny green skin, pale in the front with darker green markings across his back. His wide-set eyes are a sinister, solid yellow. He has three clawed fingers on each hand and four clawed toes on each foot. He also has dark red fins on his tail and elbows.
Tahm attempts to dress as a gentleman, though his clothes appear too small for his massive form, particularly the black human-sized top hat which is dwarfed by his oversized head. The hat features a dark red ribbon edge trim and a golden accessory on the side. He also wears a dark maroon dress shirt and what appears to be two overcoats (one brown and the other dark blue) stitched together into one. The sleeves are missing, seemingly unable to fit his bulky arms, but he still wears the detached cuffs on his wrists with additional wrappings on his hands. The clothes are worn and ragged with faded golden buttons. He also wears a gold ring with a green gem on his left index finger and another gold ring on his left barbel.
Tahm Kench is a voracious being that is constantly hungry and craves nothing more than to indulge himself with as much as he can consume. He is cruel and manipulative, taking advantage of those that are vulnerable to make them make deals with him, using an affable façade to trick others into trusting him, using their desires to lure them to their doom.
• Demon Physiology:Kench is a demon, a malevolent spirit that feeds from human emotions. He has no physical form and cannot be harmed by physical weapons (unless it has magical properties). Each demon is linked to a specific emotion, in this case, Tahm Kench feeds from greed and despair.Emotional Feeding:Like other demons, Tahm Kench can feed himself from an specific emotion, in his case, addiction. By absorbing the despair and suffering that comes from addiction, Tahm Kench can sustain himself for prolonged periods of time. Tahm Kench instictively knows what are ones vices.Immortality:So long as vice and addiction exists, Tahm Kench will exist in some form.Form Shift:Like any spirit, Tahm Kench can change his shape depending on peoples emotions.Amphibious:Tahm Kench can breathe underwater.Massive Stomach:Tahm Kench's stomach is massive and can be used to devour everything in sight. He can also use his massive stomach as a way to hold objects of interest, including living beings, for long periods of time.Water Teleportation:Tahm Kench can use water to teleport himself to other places.Wish Granting:By listening to the desires of others and making a deal with them, Tahm Kench can warp reality to a small degree.
• Emotional Feeding:Like other demons, Tahm Kench can feed himself from an specific emotion, in his case, addiction. By absorbing the despair and suffering that comes from addiction, Tahm Kench can sustain himself for prolonged periods of time. Tahm Kench instictively knows what are ones vices.
• Immortality:So long as vice and addiction exists, Tahm Kench will exist in some form.
• Form Shift:Like any spirit, Tahm Kench can change his shape depending on peoples emotions.
• Amphibious:Tahm Kench can breathe underwater.
• Massive Stomach:Tahm Kench's stomach is massive and can be used to devour everything in sight. He can also use his massive stomach as a way to hold objects of interest, including living beings, for long periods of time.
• Water Teleportation:Tahm Kench can use water to teleport himself to other places.
• Wish Granting:By listening to the desires of others and making a deal with them, Tahm Kench can warp reality to a small degree.
Tahm Kenchknowsa lot of champions (both as fellows and adversaries, those who get consumed by their inner demons, and those who overcome them) and allYordleshave encountered him at various times (easy to manipulate when socially outcast, harder when not so).
He seems to be on friendly terms with, or at least respect,Aatrox(Tahm Kench calls him 'brother') given both manipulate mankind (their foibles and their lust for bloodshed, respectively) for personal gain as well as both being timeless entities known across the ages in various names and forms.
Tahm Kench is considered both an equal and a rival byEvelynn, as they are both long-lived demons that feed on human emotion for sustenance, with Tahm Kench preying on greed and the misery of loss, while Evelynn preys on lust and the pain she causes her victims.
Kalistaoccasionally comes after him; however, he is safe from her as he technically did not betray his victims, just followed his contracts.
Read More
The River King
ByOdin Austin Shafer,Ariel Lawrence
Starring:Tahm Kench
Starring Champion
The Gambler's Woe
ByAnthony Reynolds Lenné
My, that's quite the haul ye have, there! Won at the tables, was it? Well, here's to your very good health. Cheers.
Starring:Tahm Kench
The River King (Video)
Desperate times call for desperate measures. I can make you a fine bargain... but you gotta be willing to pay the price.
Starring:Tahm Kench
Mentioned Champion
Short Story
An Intimate Evening at Oyster Bill's
ByJared Rosen
You will know joy...
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Ruined King
ByAirship Syndicate
Rise Against Ruin - Unite a party of League of Legends Champions, explore Bilgewater and set sail for the Shadow Isles to uncover the secrets of the deadly Black Mist in this immersive turn-based RPG.
Starring:Ahri,Braum,Gangplank,Illaoi,Maokai,Miss Fortune,Necrit,Pyke,Rafen,Thresh,Viego,Yasuo
Mentioned:Ashe,Elise,Fiddlesticks,Fizz,Gwen,Hecarim,Isolde,Ivern,Janna,Jarvan IV,Kalista,Ledros,Lucian,Nagakabouros,Nautilus,Olaf,Ornn,Rhasa,Riven,Senna,Swain,Tahm Kench,Taliyah,Twisted Fate,Udyr,Volibear,Yone,Yorick,Zed
Short Story • 51 Minute Read
Shadow and Fortune: Chapter Two
ByGraham McNeill
Something Stupid, The Red Shroud, The Shadow of War
Starring:Lucian,Miss Fortune,Olaf,Rafen
Mentioned:Hecarim,Morgana,Senna,Tahm Kench,Thresh
Short Story
The Boys and Bombolini
ByJared Rosen
There existed, among the multitude of disgusting Bilgewater shipping warehouses filled with rusted knives and arms-length carnivorous rats, one Bilgewater shipping warehouse devoid of such things.
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The Will of the Dead
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Long before she became a Truth Bearer of her people, Illaoi had been an acolyte priestess at a Buhru temple on the coast.
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Alternate Universes
Fortune Favors the Lucky
Join Firecracker Sejuani, Firecracker Vayne, Lunar Wraith Sylas, and Coin Emperor Tahm Kench in celebrating the Year of the Pig!
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Music Video
By Numerous creators
Since its inception, Worlds has grown and evolved. Each unbelievable play and phenomenal match created moments and memories that will never be forgotten. In these iconic moments, players and teams reached for something incredible within themselves and brought it to life on the Summoner’s Rift...
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Monuments of Power
Seek what makes you strong.
Starring:Shyvana,Soraka,Tahm Kench
Music Video
ByTrue Damage
Mentioned:Ahri,Azir,Book,Camille,Corki,Jinx,Kayn,Kindred,LeBlanc,Lucian,Pyke,Rhaast,Tahm Kench,Teemo,Thresh,Twitch,Yuumi
Punches and Plants: Series 1
Mentioned:Ahri,Alistar,Annie,Ashe,Blitzcrank,Brand,Braum,Caitlyn,Darius,Diana,Dr. Mundo,Ekko,Evelynn,Ezreal,Gangplank,Garen,Gnar,Gragas,Graves,Heimerdinger,Janna,Jinx,Karma,Katarina,Leona,Lucian,Malzahar,Miss Fortune,Nami,Nasus,Nunu,Quinn,Renekton,Rumble,Ryze,Sejuani,Sivir,Sona,Soraka,Tahm Kench,Taliyah,Taric,Teemo,Tibbers,Trundle,Tryndamere,Twisted Fate,Twitch,Valor,Varus,Vel'Koz,Vladimir,Volibear,Warwick,Willump,Wukong,Zac,Ziggs
Short Story
The Stranger on the Road
ByRiver Jaffe
The road from Tenacity to Progress was a flat, barren thing, unspooling across miles and miles of cactus country from one edge of the sky to the other.
Mentioned:Ashe,Katarina,Leona,Mordekaiser,Senna,Tahm Kench,Twitch,Varus
• Tahm Kench represents the foibles of mankind, an individual's inner flaws. His name and appearancechangefrom culture to culture, person to person. His current name come froma Bilgewater gamblerwho appears inhis teaser videowhile his in-game appearance is based on how people from Bilgewater see him as he is more culturally important and relevant here. He has no real name, no form of his own, only those he takes.There is aFreljordiandemigod who is suspiciously similar to him, who may be the River King itself or at least shares the same source of energy.[1]Tahm Kench's names, likeAatrox'sbattles, have been carved intoRuneterran historybut he, unlike the Darkin Blade, is too much of a gentleman to make a fuss about it.Tahm Kench refers to himself as a "monstrous siren", referencing chimeric songstresses who sweetly and sorrowfully lulled sailors into underwater dangers, just like Tahm Kench who deceptively brought desperados to short-term pleasantries but would utterly ruin their lives afterwards.
• Tahm can eat whatever he wants, but his specific appetites are only sated when hestrikes a bargain.
• The River King would view the newly flowing rivers inShurimaas a new market opening up for fresh deals with naive mortals.
• There is aFreljordiandemigod who is suspiciously similar to him, who may be the River King itself or at least shares the same source of energy.[1]
• Tahm Kench's names, likeAatrox'sbattles, have been carved intoRuneterran historybut he, unlike the Darkin Blade, is too much of a gentleman to make a fuss about it.
• Tahm Kench refers to himself as a "monstrous siren", referencing chimeric songstresses who sweetly and sorrowfully lulled sailors into underwater dangers, just like Tahm Kench who deceptively brought desperados to short-term pleasantries but would utterly ruin their lives afterwards.
Change log[]
See also[] | Name: An Acquired Taste, Description: Innate: Tahm Kench's basic attacks on-hit and Tongue Lash are empowered to deal 6 − 48 (based on level) ( + 2% AP per 100 bonus health ) (+ 4% of his bonus health) bonus magic damage and apply a stack of An Acquired Taste against enemy champions for 5 seconds, refreshing on subsequent hits and stacking up to 3 times. Stacks expire by one every 0. 67 seconds when the duration ends. Tongue Lash and Devour gain additional effects against enemies with 3 stacks, consuming them all., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputPassive', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'parries': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'The passive bonus damage applies to turrets.']} | Name: Tongue Lash, Description: Active: Tahm Kench lashes his tongue in the target direction that deals magic damage to the first enemy hit and slows them by 50% for 2 seconds. If this hits an enemy champion , Tahm Kench also heals himself. Magic Damage: 80 / 130 / 180 / 230 / 280 (+ 100% AP) (+ 6 − 48 (based on level) ( + 2% AP per 100 bonus health ) (+ 4% bonus health) ) Heal: 10 / 15 / 20 / 25 / 30 (+ 5 / 5. 5 / 6 / 6. 5 / 7% of missing health) An Acquired Taste Bonus: The target is stunned for 1. 5 seconds. Devour can be cast during Tongue Lash at no cost to pull the target to Tahm Kench before swallowing them. Tahm Kench is unable to move, attack, or cast Abyssal Dive or Devour on a different target while his tongue is in flight. Tongue Lash's range and travel speed can be increased by Tahm Kench's size ., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputDirection', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Map-Specific Differences', "Tongue Lash'srange and speed scale 1:1 alongside anysizemodifiers toTahm Kench, but will not be reducedbelowtheir base values if his overall size modifier is smaller than 100%.As the missile range and speed scale simultaneously,Tongue Lashwill always take0.33secondsto reach its maximum range (no matter the cast range).Because of this, increasingTahm Kench'ssize with items such asGargoyle Stoneplateand/orElixir of Ironallows him to hit targets at even the same distance more quickly and giving them less time to dodge.", 'As the missile range and speed scale simultaneously,Tongue Lashwill always take0.33secondsto reach its maximum range (no matter the cast range).', "Because of this, increasingTahm Kench'ssize with items such asGargoyle Stoneplateand/orElixir of Ironallows him to hit targets at even the same distance more quickly and giving them less time to dodge.", "Devourcan be 'queued' at any point duringTongue Lash(including the wind-up animation) and will not go on cooldown ifTahm Kenchfails to hit a valid target withTongue Lash.", "All threeAn Acquired Tastestacks will be consumed even ifTongue Lash'sstunis negated.", 'This ability will cast from wherever the caster is at the start of the cast time.', 'Death, unless protected byResurrection', 'Cooldown increased by 100%.']} | Name: Abyssal Dive, Description: Active: Tahm Kench channels for 1. 35 seconds as he dives into the waters, then blinks to the target location after a 0. 15 -second delay and remains unable to act for 0. 65 seconds after the channel completes. Abyssal Dive grants sight of the area during the channel. Tahm Kench emerges to deal magic damage to nearby enemies, as well as knock up and stun them for 1 second. If this hits at least one enemy champion , 40% of Abyssal Dive's mana cost as well as a percentage of its cooldown are refunded. Magic Damage: 100 / 135 / 170 / 205 / 240 (+ 150% AP) Cooldown Refund: 40 / 42. 5 / 45 / 47. 5 / 50% Enemies can see the indicator for Tahm Kench's destination after he has channeled for 0. 75 seconds. Abyssal Dive will cast at max range if cast beyond that. "Boy, the world's one river, and I'm its king. Ain't no place I ain't been; ain't no place I can't go again.", {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputLocation', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Tahm Kenchisvanished(but does not become untargetable) during the 0.15seconds delay.', 'The following table refers for interactions whileTahm Kenchischanneling:', 'Death', 'Grounding effects', 'Immobilizing effects', 'Cast-inhibiting effects', 'The following table refers for interactions whileTahm Kenchis unable to act:', 'Death']} | Name: Thick Skin, Description: Passive: Tahm Kench stores a portion of the post-mitigation damage he takes as grey health on his health bar , increased while there are at least 2 nearby visible enemy champions either dead or alive. He can store up to 300% of his maximum health . Damage Stored into Grey Health: 13 / 21 / 29 / 37 / 45% Increased Damage Stored into Grey Health: 40 / 42. 5 / 45 / 47. 5 / 50% While Thick Skin is not on cooldown, and after 4 seconds without taking damage, Tahm Kench rapidly consumes his grey health to restore 45% − 100% (based on level) of the amount, healing for 10% of his maximum health every 0. 264 seconds . Active: Tahm Kench converts his current grey health into a shield that lasts for 2. 5 seconds., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputAuto', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Thick Skinshield value andgrey healthpercentage heal are both boosted by effects that increase heal and shield power. This meansTahm Kenchcan technically heal more than the normal amount ofgrey healthand get a shield bigger than his maximum health.At level 18Tahm Kenchwould need 53.8%heal powerto heal for 100% of the damage he takes, reduced to 34.9% withRevitalize, 23.1% withSpirit Visage, and 6.9% with both.', 'At level 18Tahm Kenchwould need 53.8%heal powerto heal for 100% of the damage he takes, reduced to 34.9% withRevitalize, 23.1% withSpirit Visage, and 6.9% with both.', 'Grey healthconverts all post-mitigation damage,Thick Skineffectively grantsTahm Kencha form oftrue damagemitigation.', 'Grey healthcan temporarily exceed 100% of his missing health whenTahm Kenchheals through other meanswith agrey healthbar at 100%. In that case he will keep the highergrey healthvalue for a few moments until it updates and removes the amount that he healed.']} | Name: Devour, Description: Active: Tahm Kench swallows the target champion for up to 3 seconds, rendering them untargetable and displacement immune . Devour can be cast on enemies only with 3 stacks of An Acquired Taste . If the target is an ally, they become unable to act and are granted a shield , which decays in strength by 50 every 0. 25 seconds after they are Regurgitated . Tahm Kench will also gain 40% bonus movement speed for 3 seconds and is unable to cast movement spells besides Abyssal Dive while an ally is swallowed. Shield Strength: 650 / 800 / 950 (+ 150% AP) After 1 second, Tahm Kench can cast Regurgitate within the duration, and automatically does so afterwards. The swallowed ally can also input a movement command to force this cast in the target direction, unless they are immobilized . An Acquired Taste Bonus: The target is suppressed while swallowed. Tahm Kench will also be grounded and slowed by 40% while an enemy is swallowed. If Tahm Kench is performing Abyssal Dive , Regurgitate will not automatically cast until after he finishes., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputUnit', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Devour Details', 'Regurgitate Details', "Devourwill end prematurely under the following circumstances:The enemy targetcleansesthesuppression.Tahm Kenchor his target dies.If he dies during the cast time, the target will be dealtRegurgitate'sdamage.Tahm Kenchentersresurrection.If he enters resurrection during the cast time, the target will be dealtRegurgitate'sdamage.Tahm Kenchor his target enters or leaves theRealm of Death.If the caster of that ability enters the realm, they will beRegurgitatedinstead.", 'The enemy targetcleansesthesuppression.', "Tahm Kenchor his target dies.If he dies during the cast time, the target will be dealtRegurgitate'sdamage.", "If he dies during the cast time, the target will be dealtRegurgitate'sdamage.", "Tahm Kenchentersresurrection.If he enters resurrection during the cast time, the target will be dealtRegurgitate'sdamage.", "If he enters resurrection during the cast time, the target will be dealtRegurgitate'sdamage.", 'Tahm Kenchor his target enters or leaves theRealm of Death.If the caster of that ability enters the realm, they will beRegurgitatedinstead.', 'If the caster of that ability enters the realm, they will beRegurgitatedinstead.', 'Devourcannot be used on allies that arechannelingor using an ability that preloadsUnstoppableForceMarker.', "Devour'sswallow will be resisted by enemies that aredisplacement immune.", 'The target becomesuntargetableanddisplacement immuneon-cast.Enemy targets will becomesuppressedon-cast.If the targetcleansesthe suppression during the cast time they will not be swallowed at the end of the cast time.', 'Enemy targets will becomesuppressedon-cast.If the targetcleansesthe suppression during the cast time they will not be swallowed at the end of the cast time.', 'If the targetcleansesthe suppression during the cast time they will not be swallowed at the end of the cast time.', "Swallowed enemy champions will receive the recast's damage regardless of how they exit.", 'Theself-slowis affected byslow resist.', 'Tahm Kenchcannot usegatesduringDevour.', "Allies can see if this spell is ready next toTahm Kench'shealth bar.", "The swallowed target is not considered to bevanished. They are instead hidden underground to maintain ongoing effects such asSenna'sCurse of the Black Mist.", 'The following table refers for interactions while the target is unable to act:', 'Death', 'Death, unless protected byResurrection', "Regurgitatewill also automatically cast ifTahm Kenchor his target is affected byFate's Callor his target entersresurrection.", 'Tahm Kenchbecomesunable to actfor 0.25seconds upon castingRegurgitate.', 'An Acquired TasteHealth ratio reduced to4%bonushealthfrom5%.', 'Health ratio reduced to4%bonushealthfrom5%.', 'An Acquired TasteBase damage changed to6 − 48 (based on level)from8 − 60 (based on level).Health ratio increased to5%bonushealthfrom3%.', 'Base damage changed to6 − 48 (based on level)from8 − 60 (based on level).', 'Health ratio increased to5%bonushealthfrom3%.', 'Abyssal DiveCooldown refund increased to 40 / 42.5/ 45 / 47.5/ 50% from 40% at all ranks.', 'Cooldown refund increased to 40 / 42.5/ 45 / 47.5/ 50% from 40% at all ranks.', 'Urf KenchandMaster Chef Tahm KenchAn Acquired TasteBug Fix:Special animations when approaching enemies with three stacks of the effect have been restored.', 'An Acquired TasteBug Fix:Special animations when approaching enemies with three stacks of the effect have been restored.', 'Bug Fix:Special animations when approaching enemies with three stacks of the effect have been restored.', "DevourBug Fix:Cast now properly triggersRadiant Virtue'sGuiding Light.", "Bug Fix:Cast now properly triggersRadiant Virtue'sGuiding Light.", "DevourBug Fix:No longer causes an alliedDr. Mundo'sGoes Where He PleasesandMalzahar'sVoid Shiftto be triggered by the ability.", "Bug Fix:No longer causes an alliedDr. Mundo'sGoes Where He PleasesandMalzahar'sVoid Shiftto be triggered by the ability.", 'An Acquired TasteNew Effect:Damage now scales with2% APper 100bonushealth.', 'New Effect:Damage now scales with2% APper 100bonushealth.', 'Tongue LashDamage AP ratio increased to100% APfrom90% AP.Heal health ratio increased to5 / 5.5/ 6 / 6.5/ 7%missinghealthfrom3 / 3.5/ 4 / 4.5/ 5%.', 'Damage AP ratio increased to100% APfrom90% AP.', 'Heal health ratio increased to5 / 5.5/ 6 / 6.5/ 7%missinghealthfrom3 / 3.5/ 4 / 4.5/ 5%.', 'Abyssal DiveAP ratio increased to150% APfrom125% AP.', 'AP ratio increased to150% APfrom125% AP.', 'Thick SkinDamage stored increased to 15 / 23 / 31 / 39 / 47% from 13 / 21 / 29 / 37 / 45%.Damage stored near multiple enemies increased to 42 / 44 / 46 / 48 / 50% from 40 / 42.5/ 45 / 47.5/ 50%.', 'Damage stored increased to 15 / 23 / 31 / 39 / 47% from 13 / 21 / 29 / 37 / 45%.', 'Damage stored near multiple enemies increased to 42 / 44 / 46 / 48 / 50% from 40 / 42.5/ 45 / 47.5/ 50%.', 'DevourRemoved:Shield duration no longer ends after 2.5seconds.New Effect:Shield strength now decays by 50 every 0.25seconds after the target isRegurgitated.', 'Removed:Shield duration no longer ends after 2.5seconds.', 'New Effect:Shield strength now decays by 50 every 0.25seconds after the target isRegurgitated.', 'RegurgitateAP ratio increased to7% per 100 APfrom5% per 100 AP.', 'AP ratio increased to7% per 100 APfrom5% per 100 AP.', 'RegurgitateBug Fix:VFX of some champions will no longer persist for a period of time after being spat out.', 'Bug Fix:VFX of some champions will no longer persist for a period of time after being spat out.', 'Tongue LashAP ratio increased to90% APfrom70% AP.', 'AP ratio increased to90% APfrom70% AP.', 'Abyssal DiveAP ratio increased to125% APfrom100% AP.', 'AP ratio increased to125% APfrom100% AP.', 'Abyssal DiveBug Fix:Knock up can no longer be cleansed from certain conditions.', 'Bug Fix:Knock up can no longer be cleansed from certain conditions.', 'StatsHealth growth reduced to 103 from 109.', 'Health growth reduced to 103 from 109.', 'An Acquired TasteHealth ratio reduced to3%bonushealthfrom4%.', 'Health ratio reduced to3%bonushealthfrom4%.', 'An Acquired TasteHealth ratio increased to4%bonushealthfrom2.5%.', 'Health ratio increased to4%bonushealthfrom2.5%.', 'Tongue LashBase heal increased to 10 / 15 / 20 / 25 / 30 from 10 / 12.5/ 15 / 17.5/ 20.', 'Base heal increased to 10 / 15 / 20 / 25 / 30 from 10 / 12.5/ 15 / 17.5/ 20.', 'DevourBase shield increased to 650 / 800 / 950 from 500 / 700 / 900.', 'Base shield increased to 650 / 800 / 950 from 500 / 700 / 900.', 'StatsBase health increased to 640 from 570.Health growth increased to 109 from 95.Armor growth increased to 4.7from 3.5.Magic resistance growth increased to 2.05from 1.25.', 'Base health increased to 640 from 570.', 'Health growth increased to 109 from 95.', 'Armor growth increased to 4.7from 3.5.', 'Magic resistance growth increased to 2.05from 1.25.', 'Tongue LashBase heal reduced to 10 / 12.5/ 15 / 17.5/ 20 from 10 / 15 / 20 / 25 / 30.Heal health ratio reduced to3 / 3.5/ 4 / 4.5/ 5%missinghealthfrom4 / 4.5/ 5 / 5.5/ 6%.', 'Base heal reduced to 10 / 12.5/ 15 / 17.5/ 20 from 10 / 15 / 20 / 25 / 30.', 'Heal health ratio reduced to3 / 3.5/ 4 / 4.5/ 5%missinghealthfrom4 / 4.5/ 5 / 5.5/ 6%.', 'Thick SkinDamage stored reduced to 13 / 21 / 29 / 37 / 45% from 15 / 25 / 35 / 45 / 55%.Damage stored near multiple enemies reduced to 40 / 42.5/ 45 / 47.5/ 50% from 45 / 50 / 55 / 60 / 65%.', 'Damage stored reduced to 13 / 21 / 29 / 37 / 45% from 15 / 25 / 35 / 45 / 55%.', 'Damage stored near multiple enemies reduced to 40 / 42.5/ 45 / 47.5/ 50% from 45 / 50 / 55 / 60 / 65%.', "DevourBug Fix:If cast on a target right before they stop being affected bySett'sThe Show Stopper, they no longer first reappear at the originalDevourpoint before quickly sliding to the actualRegurgitatedestination.", "Bug Fix:If cast on a target right before they stop being affected bySett'sThe Show Stopper, they no longer first reappear at the originalDevourpoint before quickly sliding to the actualRegurgitatedestination.", 'DevourBug Fix:If the caster used it on an allied champion that was within a brush, the target no longer becomes invisible after being spat out.', 'Bug Fix:If the caster used it on an allied champion that was within a brush, the target no longer becomes invisible after being spat out.', 'DevourRemoved:No longer renders the targetvanishedwhile they are swallowed.It still grants them untargetability.', 'Removed:No longer renders the targetvanishedwhile they are swallowed.It still grants them untargetability.', 'It still grants them untargetability.', 'DevourBug Fix:Can no longer sometimes be cast on enemy champions who had three stacks of anAn Acquired Tastewhich expired but the caster used certain item actives.', 'Bug Fix:Can no longer sometimes be cast on enemy champions who had three stacks of anAn Acquired Tastewhich expired but the caster used certain item actives.', 'Tongue LashSlow increased to 50% from 40%.', 'Slow increased to 50% from 40%.', 'Thick SkinDamage stored as grey health reduced to 15 / 25 / 35 / 45 / 55% from 45 / 50 / 55 / 60 / 65%.New Effect:Damage stored as grey health is now increased to 45 / 50 / 55 / 60 / 65% if he is near at least 2 visible enemy champions (dead or alive).Damage healed increased to45% − 100% (based on level)from30% − 100% (based on level).', 'Damage stored as grey health reduced to 15 / 25 / 35 / 45 / 55% from 45 / 50 / 55 / 60 / 65%.', 'New Effect:Damage stored as grey health is now increased to 45 / 50 / 55 / 60 / 65% if he is near at least 2 visible enemy champions (dead or alive).', 'Damage healed increased to45% − 100% (based on level)from30% − 100% (based on level).', 'DevourBase shield increased to 500 / 700 / 900 from 400 / 500 / 600.Shield AP ratio increased to150% APfrom100% AP.Removed:Devouring an ally no longer slows him by 30 / 20 / 10%.New Effect:Now gains 40% bonus movement for 3 seconds if he devours an ally.', 'Base shield increased to 500 / 700 / 900 from 400 / 500 / 600.', 'Shield AP ratio increased to150% APfrom100% AP.', 'Removed:Devouring an ally no longer slows him by 30 / 20 / 10%.', 'New Effect:Now gains 40% bonus movement for 3 seconds if he devours an ally.', "DevourBug Fix:Fixed a bug where using it on an enemyWukong'sclone grantedTahm Kenchvision of him for the rest of the game.", "Bug Fix:Fixed a bug where using it on an enemyWukong'sclone grantedTahm Kenchvision of him for the rest of the game.", 'DevourBug Fix:Fixed a bug where he would destroy self-targeted missiles.', 'Bug Fix:Fixed a bug where he would destroy self-targeted missiles.', 'DevourBug Fix:Fixed a bug where the ultimate availability HUD indicator was not graying out after his ult was used.', 'Bug Fix:Fixed a bug where the ultimate availability HUD indicator was not graying out after his ult was used.', 'An Acquired TasteBase damage reduced to8 − 60 (based on level)from12 − 60 (based on level).', 'Base damage reduced to8 − 60 (based on level)from12 − 60 (based on level).', 'Tongue LashBase heal reduced to 10 / 15 / 20 / 25 / 30 from 15 / 20 / 25 / 30 / 35.', 'Base heal reduced to 10 / 15 / 20 / 25 / 30 from 15 / 20 / 25 / 30 / 35.', 'An Acquired TasteNew Effect:Now has a base damage of12 − 60 (based on level).Health ratio reduced to2.5%bonushealthfrom2.5%maximumhealth.Previously granted14.25− 54.63(based on level)damage frombasehealth.', 'New Effect:Now has a base damage of12 − 60 (based on level).', 'Health ratio reduced to2.5%bonushealthfrom2.5%maximumhealth.Previously granted14.25− 54.63(based on level)damage frombasehealth.', 'Previously granted14.25− 54.63(based on level)damage frombasehealth.', "Tongue LashNew Effect:Now appliesAn Acquired Taste'sdamage.New Effect:Now has a base heal of 15 / 20 / 25 / 30 / 35.Heal health ratio reduced to4 / 4.5/ 5 / 5.5/ 6%missinghealthfrom6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10%.", "New Effect:Now appliesAn Acquired Taste'sdamage.", 'New Effect:Now has a base heal of 15 / 20 / 25 / 30 / 35.', 'Heal health ratio reduced to4 / 4.5/ 5 / 5.5/ 6%missinghealthfrom6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10%.', 'Abyssal DiveBug Fix:Fixed a bug where its cooldown refund would not scale with ability haste.Cooldown refund increased to 40% from 30%.Mana cost refund increased to 40% from 30%.', 'Bug Fix:Fixed a bug where its cooldown refund would not scale with ability haste.', 'Cooldown refund increased to 40% from 30%.', 'Mana cost refund increased to 40% from 30%.', 'DevourBug Fix:Fixed a bug where he could Devour an enemy without full stacks of An Acquired Taste if he queued the spell before the stacks fell off.Base shield increased to 400 / 500 / 600 from 300 / 450 / 600.Ally self slow reduced to 30 / 20 / 10% from 40 / 25 / 10%.', 'Bug Fix:Fixed a bug where he could Devour an enemy without full stacks of An Acquired Taste if he queued the spell before the stacks fell off.', 'Base shield increased to 400 / 500 / 600 from 300 / 450 / 600.', 'Ally self slow reduced to 30 / 20 / 10% from 40 / 25 / 10%.', 'StatsBase health reduced to 570 from 600.Health growth reduced to 95 from 100.Mana growth increased to 50 from 40.Base armor reduced to 42 from 47.', 'Base health reduced to 570 from 600.', 'Health growth reduced to 95 from 100.', 'Mana growth increased to 50 from 40.', 'Base armor reduced to 42 from 47.', 'An Acquired TasteHealth ratio reduced to2.5%maximumhealthfrom4%.', 'Health ratio reduced to2.5%maximumhealthfrom4%.', "Tongue LashCooldown increased to 7 / 6.5/ 6 / 5.5/ 5 seconds from 5 at all ranks.Mana cost reduced to 50 / 46 / 42 / 38 / 34 from 50 at all ranks.Undocumented:Range reduced to900 from 930.Slow changed to 40% at all ranks from 30 / 40 / 50 / 60 / 70%.Slow duration reduced to 2 seconds from 3.Stun duration reduced to 1.5seconds from 2.New Effect:Now applies a stack ofAn Acquired Tasteagainst champions.Does not applyAn Acquired Taste'sdamage.Hitting champions with 3 stacks still consumes all their stacks to stun them.New Effect:Range and missile speed now scales up with his size.New Effect:Now heals for6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10%missinghealthupon hitting enemy champions.New Effect:Can nowDevourenemy champions with three stacks ofAn Acquired TasteifTongue Lashhits them.Removed:Can no longer activateDevourto eat minions or jungle monsters.", 'Cooldown increased to 7 / 6.5/ 6 / 5.5/ 5 seconds from 5 at all ranks.', 'Mana cost reduced to 50 / 46 / 42 / 38 / 34 from 50 at all ranks.', 'Undocumented:Range reduced to900 from 930.', 'Slow changed to 40% at all ranks from 30 / 40 / 50 / 60 / 70%.', 'Slow duration reduced to 2 seconds from 3.', 'Stun duration reduced to 1.5seconds from 2.', "New Effect:Now applies a stack ofAn Acquired Tasteagainst champions.Does not applyAn Acquired Taste'sdamage.Hitting champions with 3 stacks still consumes all their stacks to stun them.", "Does not applyAn Acquired Taste'sdamage.", 'Hitting champions with 3 stacks still consumes all their stacks to stun them.', 'New Effect:Range and missile speed now scales up with his size.', 'New Effect:Now heals for6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10%missinghealthupon hitting enemy champions.', 'New Effect:Can nowDevourenemy champions with three stacks ofAn Acquired TasteifTongue Lashhits them.', 'Removed:Can no longer activateDevourto eat minions or jungle monsters.', 'Abyssal Dive(W)Swapped withDevour.Renamed toAbyssal DivefromAbyssal Voyage.Active:Tahm Kenchchannelsfor 1.35seconds, and upon completionblinksto the target location after a 0.15-second delay. Upon arrival, he deals 100 / 135 / 170 / 205 / 240(+ 100% AP)magic damage to nearby enemies andknocks them upandstunsthem for 1 second. Hitting at least 1 enemy champion refunds 30% of the cooldown and mana cost.Enemies can see the indicator of this ability after he has channeled for 0.75seconds.Allies may travel withTahmif they areDevoured, but can still exit early at any time.Tahm Kenchisunable to actfor 0.65seconds after the end of the channel.Cooldown:21 / 20 / 19 / 18 / 17 seconds.Mana Cost:60 / 75 / 90 / 105 / 120.Cast Range:1000 / 1050 / 1100 / 1150 / 1200.', 'Swapped withDevour.', 'Renamed toAbyssal DivefromAbyssal Voyage.', 'Active:Tahm Kenchchannelsfor 1.35seconds, and upon completionblinksto the target location after a 0.15-second delay. Upon arrival, he deals 100 / 135 / 170 / 205 / 240(+ 100% AP)magic damage to nearby enemies andknocks them upandstunsthem for 1 second. Hitting at least 1 enemy champion refunds 30% of the cooldown and mana cost.Enemies can see the indicator of this ability after he has channeled for 0.75seconds.Allies may travel withTahmif they areDevoured, but can still exit early at any time.Tahm Kenchisunable to actfor 0.65seconds after the end of the channel.', 'Enemies can see the indicator of this ability after he has channeled for 0.75seconds.', 'Allies may travel withTahmif they areDevoured, but can still exit early at any time.', 'Tahm Kenchisunable to actfor 0.65seconds after the end of the channel.', 'Cooldown:21 / 20 / 19 / 18 / 17 seconds.', 'Mana Cost:60 / 75 / 90 / 105 / 120.', 'Cast Range:1000 / 1050 / 1100 / 1150 / 1200.', 'Thick SkinGrey health timer increased to 4 seconds from 2.5.Shield duration increased to 2.5seconds from 2.New Effect:Grey health is now capped at300%maximumhealth.Healing changed to10%maximumhealthper0.264secondsfrom12 − 209 (based on level)per 0.8seconds.', 'Grey health timer increased to 4 seconds from 2.5.', 'Shield duration increased to 2.5seconds from 2.', 'New Effect:Grey health is now capped at300%maximumhealth.', 'Healing changed to10%maximumhealthper0.264secondsfrom12 − 209 (based on level)per 0.8seconds.', "Devour(R)Swapped withAbyssal Voyage.Active:Tahm Kenchswallows the targetchampionfor up to 3 seconds, rendering themvanishedandunable to act, as well as granting themdisplacement immunityfor the duration.Devourcan be recast after 1 second, and does so automatically at the end of the duration.Devourwill not automatically recast whileTahm Kenchis performingAbyssal Dive, and will instead do so after he has finished.If the target is an ally, they are granted a 300 / 450 / 600(+ 100% AP)shieldfor 2.5seconds, refreshing after being spat out.Allies can exit at will by inputting a movement command, unless they'reimmobilizedor the recast is on cooldown.Tahm Kenchis unable to cast movement spells and isslowedby 40 / 25 / 10% while an ally is swallowed, but may still castAbyssal Dive.Allies can see if this spell is ready next to his health bar.If the target is an enemy, they aresuppressedfor the duration and dealt 100 / 250 / 400(+ 15%(+ 5% per 100 AP)of the target'smaximumhealth)magic damage after being spat out.Devourcan only be cast on enemies with 3 stacks ofAn Acquired Taste, consuming the stacks in the process.Tahm Kenchisgroundedandslowedby 40% while an enemy is swallowed.Recast:Tahm Kenchspitsthe target out in the target direction.Cooldown:120 / 100 / 80 seconds.Mana Cost:100.", 'Swapped withAbyssal Voyage.', "Active:Tahm Kenchswallows the targetchampionfor up to 3 seconds, rendering themvanishedandunable to act, as well as granting themdisplacement immunityfor the duration.Devourcan be recast after 1 second, and does so automatically at the end of the duration.Devourwill not automatically recast whileTahm Kenchis performingAbyssal Dive, and will instead do so after he has finished.If the target is an ally, they are granted a 300 / 450 / 600(+ 100% AP)shieldfor 2.5seconds, refreshing after being spat out.Allies can exit at will by inputting a movement command, unless they'reimmobilizedor the recast is on cooldown.Tahm Kenchis unable to cast movement spells and isslowedby 40 / 25 / 10% while an ally is swallowed, but may still castAbyssal Dive.Allies can see if this spell is ready next to his health bar.If the target is an enemy, they aresuppressedfor the duration and dealt 100 / 250 / 400(+ 15%(+ 5% per 100 AP)of the target'smaximumhealth)magic damage after being spat out.Devourcan only be cast on enemies with 3 stacks ofAn Acquired Taste, consuming the stacks in the process.Tahm Kenchisgroundedandslowedby 40% while an enemy is swallowed.", 'Devourwill not automatically recast whileTahm Kenchis performingAbyssal Dive, and will instead do so after he has finished.', "If the target is an ally, they are granted a 300 / 450 / 600(+ 100% AP)shieldfor 2.5seconds, refreshing after being spat out.Allies can exit at will by inputting a movement command, unless they'reimmobilizedor the recast is on cooldown.Tahm Kenchis unable to cast movement spells and isslowedby 40 / 25 / 10% while an ally is swallowed, but may still castAbyssal Dive.Allies can see if this spell is ready next to his health bar.", "Allies can exit at will by inputting a movement command, unless they'reimmobilizedor the recast is on cooldown.", 'Tahm Kenchis unable to cast movement spells and isslowedby 40 / 25 / 10% while an ally is swallowed, but may still castAbyssal Dive.', 'Allies can see if this spell is ready next to his health bar.', "If the target is an enemy, they aresuppressedfor the duration and dealt 100 / 250 / 400(+ 15%(+ 5% per 100 AP)of the target'smaximumhealth)magic damage after being spat out.Devourcan only be cast on enemies with 3 stacks ofAn Acquired Taste, consuming the stacks in the process.Tahm Kenchisgroundedandslowedby 40% while an enemy is swallowed.", 'Devourcan only be cast on enemies with 3 stacks ofAn Acquired Taste, consuming the stacks in the process.', 'Tahm Kenchisgroundedandslowedby 40% while an enemy is swallowed.', 'Recast:Tahm Kenchspitsthe target out in the target direction.', 'Cooldown:120 / 100 / 80 seconds.', 'Mana Cost:100.', 'StatsBase magic resistance reduced to 32 from 32.1.', 'Base magic resistance reduced to 32 from 32.1.', "Tongue LashBug Fix:Now properly breaksRift Scuttler'sshield when cast withDevour.", "Bug Fix:Now properly breaksRift Scuttler'sshield when cast withDevour.", 'DevourBug Fix:Can no longer swallow faraway targets under certain circumstances.', 'Bug Fix:Can no longer swallow faraway targets under certain circumstances.', 'RegurgitateUndocumented:Spit outmonstersnow take the proper damage again.', 'Undocumented:Spit outmonstersnow take the proper damage again.', 'Thick SkinUndocumented:Now grants theshieldat the start of the cast time again.', 'Undocumented:Now grants theshieldat the start of the cast time again.', 'DevourUndocumented:Can now sucessfully cast when targeted at a location, when cast in combination withTongue Lashand with no target around. May fizzle or successfully devour the last targeted unit.(bug)', 'Undocumented:Can now sucessfully cast when targeted at a location, when cast in combination withTongue Lashand with no target around. May fizzle or successfully devour the last targeted unit.(bug)', 'RegurgitateUndocumented:Spit outmonstersnow take the splash damage, instead of the regurgitate damage.(bug)Undocumented:Now always regurgitates swallowed champions a fixed distance in the target direction rather than to the target location.(bug)', 'Undocumented:Spit outmonstersnow take the splash damage, instead of the regurgitate damage.(bug)', 'Undocumented:Now always regurgitates swallowed champions a fixed distance in the target direction rather than to the target location.(bug)', 'Thick SkinUndocumented:Now grants theshieldat the end of the cast time instead of at the start.(bug)', 'Undocumented:Now grants theshieldat the end of the cast time instead of at the start.(bug)', 'DevourBug Fix:Ally clones will no longer take damage from it.', 'Bug Fix:Ally clones will no longer take damage from it.', 'DevourBug Fix:Cooldown is no longer halved when an allied champion stays inside his mouth for the full duration and no longer appliesAn Acquired Tastedamage twice.', 'Bug Fix:Cooldown is no longer halved when an allied champion stays inside his mouth for the full duration and no longer appliesAn Acquired Tastedamage twice.', 'DevourBug Fix:Now properly spits out allies in front of him.', 'Bug Fix:Now properly spits out allies in front of him.', 'DevourBug Fix:Champions will no longer be in a T-pose for the remainder of the game if they get eaten byDevour.', 'Bug Fix:Champions will no longer be in a T-pose for the remainder of the game if they get eaten byDevour.', 'Thick SkinGrey health healed changed to30% − 100% (based on level)from 75% at all levels.', 'Grey health healed changed to30% − 100% (based on level)from 75% at all levels.', 'Abyssal VoyageBug Fix:Allies on their way to enterAbyssal Voyagewill no longer be stuck whenTahm Kenchis hit by an enemy.', 'Bug Fix:Allies on their way to enterAbyssal Voyagewill no longer be stuck whenTahm Kenchis hit by an enemy.', "DevourBug Fix:When he dies while usingDevouron another unit, that unit's health can now properly go below 1 health.", "Bug Fix:When he dies while usingDevouron another unit, that unit's health can now properly go below 1 health.", 'StatsBase movement speed reduced to 335 from 345.', 'Base movement speed reduced to 335 from 345.', 'Thick SkinShield duration reduced to 2 seconds from 3.', 'Shield duration reduced to 2 seconds from 3.', 'An Acquired TasteHealth ratio increased to4% of hismaximumhealthfrom2.5%.', 'Health ratio increased to4% of hismaximumhealthfrom2.5%.', 'Tongue LashCooldown reduced to 5 seconds at all ranks from 8 / 7.5/ 7 / 6.5/ 6.Slow increased to 30 / 40 / 50 / 60 / 70% from 30 / 35 / 40 / 45 / 50%.', 'Cooldown reduced to 5 seconds at all ranks from 8 / 7.5/ 7 / 6.5/ 6.', 'Slow increased to 30 / 40 / 50 / 60 / 70% from 30 / 35 / 40 / 45 / 50%.', 'An Acquired TasteRemoved:Abilities no longer deal bonus magic damage based on passive stacks.Removed:Abilities no longer applyAn Acquired Tastestacks.Health ratio changed to2.5% of hismaximumhealthat any stack from1.5/ 3 / 4.5% (based on stacks).', 'Removed:Abilities no longer deal bonus magic damage based on passive stacks.', 'Removed:Abilities no longer applyAn Acquired Tastestacks.', 'Health ratio changed to2.5% of hismaximumhealthat any stack from1.5/ 3 / 4.5% (based on stacks).', 'Tongue LashCooldown increased to 8 / 7.5/ 7 / 6.5/ 6 seconds from 8 / 7 / 6 / 5 / 4.Removed:No longer hits enemies in an arc in front of him on cast.New Effect:Now consumes all stacks ofAn Acquired Tasteupon stunning an enemy.Slow reduced to 30 / 35 / 40 / 45 / 50% from 50 / 55 / 60 / 65 / 70%.Slow duration increased to 3 seconds from 2.Stun duration increased to 2 seconds from 1.5.', 'Cooldown increased to 8 / 7.5/ 7 / 6.5/ 6 seconds from 8 / 7 / 6 / 5 / 4.', 'Removed:No longer hits enemies in an arc in front of him on cast.', 'New Effect:Now consumes all stacks ofAn Acquired Tasteupon stunning an enemy.', 'Slow reduced to 30 / 35 / 40 / 45 / 50% from 50 / 55 / 60 / 65 / 70%.', 'Slow duration increased to 3 seconds from 2.', 'Stun duration increased to 2 seconds from 1.5.', 'DevourRemoved:Enemies are no longernearsightedwhen devoured.New Effect:Can now devourBlue SentinelandRed Brambleback.', 'Removed:Enemies are no longernearsightedwhen devoured.', 'New Effect:Can now devourBlue SentinelandRed Brambleback.', "RegurgitateTarget's health ratio changed to11% of target'smaximumhealthat all ranks from9 / 10 / 11 / 12 / 13%.Maximum monster damage changed to 500 at all ranks from 400 / 450 / 500 / 550 / 600.Removed:Enemies are no longer stunned for 0.25seconds after being devoured.", "Target's health ratio changed to11% of target'smaximumhealthat all ranks from9 / 10 / 11 / 12 / 13%.", 'Maximum monster damage changed to 500 at all ranks from 400 / 450 / 500 / 550 / 600.', 'Removed:Enemies are no longer stunned for 0.25seconds after being devoured.', 'Thick SkinDamage stored as grey health reduced to 45 / 50 / 55 / 60 / 65% from 80 / 85 / 90 / 95 / 100%.Grey health healed increased to 75% at all ranks from 20 / 25 / 30 / 35 / 40%.Cooldown reduced to 3 seconds from 6.New Effect:Cooldown now starts on shield destruction or expiration from on cast.', 'Damage stored as grey health reduced to 45 / 50 / 55 / 60 / 65% from 80 / 85 / 90 / 95 / 100%.', 'Grey health healed increased to 75% at all ranks from 20 / 25 / 30 / 35 / 40%.', 'Cooldown reduced to 3 seconds from 6.', 'New Effect:Cooldown now starts on shield destruction or expiration from on cast.', 'DevourBug Fix:Fixed a bug where castingTongue LashduringDevouragainst non-champions would have no mana cost.New Effect:Allies can no longer release themselves fromDevourearly while affected by immobilizing crowd control.', 'Bug Fix:Fixed a bug where castingTongue LashduringDevouragainst non-champions would have no mana cost.', 'New Effect:Allies can no longer release themselves fromDevourearly while affected by immobilizing crowd control.', "RegurgitateChampion regurgitate lockout time after animation reduced to 0.25seconds from 1.Allied champion regurgitate range reduced to 250 units from 400.Regurgitate base damage reduced to 60 / 105 / 150 / 195 / 240 from 100 / 135 / 170 / 205 / 240.Regurgitate health ratio increased to9 / 10 / 11 / 12 / 13% of target'smaximumhealthfrom5 / 7 / 9 / 11 / 13%.", 'Champion regurgitate lockout time after animation reduced to 0.25seconds from 1.', 'Allied champion regurgitate range reduced to 250 units from 400.', 'Regurgitate base damage reduced to 60 / 105 / 150 / 195 / 240 from 100 / 135 / 170 / 205 / 240.', "Regurgitate health ratio increased to9 / 10 / 11 / 12 / 13% of target'smaximumhealthfrom5 / 7 / 9 / 11 / 13%.", 'RegurgitateBug Fix:Tooltip now properly displays its AP ratio.', 'Bug Fix:Tooltip now properly displays its AP ratio.', 'StatsBase health increased to 600 from 540.Health growth reduced to 100 from 102.Base movement speed increased to 345 from 335.', 'Base health increased to 600 from 540.', 'Health growth reduced to 100 from 102.', 'Base movement speed increased to 345 from 335.', 'An Acquired TasteBonus magic damage changed to1.5% of hismaximumhealthat all levels from1.25/ 1.5/ 1.75% (based on level).', 'Bonus magic damage changed to1.5% of hismaximumhealthat all levels from1.25/ 1.5/ 1.75% (based on level).', 'Tongue LashSlow duration increased to 2 seconds from 1.5.Cooldown changed to 8 / 7 / 6 / 5 / 4 seconds from 5 at all ranks.Missile range increased to 900 units from 800.Slow strength increased to 50 / 55 / 60 / 65 / 70% from 30 / 40 / 50 / 60 / 70%.', 'Slow duration increased to 2 seconds from 1.5.', 'Cooldown changed to 8 / 7 / 6 / 5 / 4 seconds from 5 at all ranks.', 'Missile range increased to 900 units from 800.', 'Slow strength increased to 50 / 55 / 60 / 65 / 70% from 30 / 40 / 50 / 60 / 70%.', "DevourNew Effect:Nowslowsfor 95% andgroundsTahm Kenchif he devours an allied champion.New Effect:Now refunds 50% of its mana cost on devouring an enemy.Mana cost increased to 100 from 60.Cooldown changed to 20 seconds at all ranks from 28 / 25 / 22 / 19 / 16.Projectile base damage reduced to 100 / 135 / 170 / 205 / 240 from 100 / 150 / 200 / 250 / 300.Regurgitate damage changed to 100 / 135 / 170 / 205 / 240(+ 5 / 7 / 9 / 11 / 13%(+ 2% per 100 AP)of target'smaximumhealth)from20 / 23 / 26 / 29 / 32%(+ 2% per 100 AP)of target'smaximumhealth.", 'New Effect:Nowslowsfor 95% andgroundsTahm Kenchif he devours an allied champion.', 'New Effect:Now refunds 50% of its mana cost on devouring an enemy.', 'Mana cost increased to 100 from 60.', 'Cooldown changed to 20 seconds at all ranks from 28 / 25 / 22 / 19 / 16.', 'Projectile base damage reduced to 100 / 135 / 170 / 205 / 240 from 100 / 150 / 200 / 250 / 300.', "Regurgitate damage changed to 100 / 135 / 170 / 205 / 240(+ 5 / 7 / 9 / 11 / 13%(+ 2% per 100 AP)of target'smaximumhealth)from20 / 23 / 26 / 29 / 32%(+ 2% per 100 AP)of target'smaximumhealth.", 'Thick SkinPercent of grey health converted into healing increased to 20 / 25 / 30 / 3 | Tahm Kench is one of the few champions who can apply crowd control on themselves (the others beingBlitzcrank,Caitlyn,Lissandra,Rumble,Sion,Varus,Vi,Vel'Koz,Xerath, andZiggs).
At first it was thought the gambler and his bride wereTobiasandEvelynn(Twisted Fate'scards went blank and featured an unknown cursive script in his official champion page; however,Twisted Fateand the originalTahm Kench, whose identity the malevolent River King usurped, are not the same.[2]
Tahm Kench's dance has him play the tune he hums in 'The River King' with his tongue (Rift Scuttlerwill join him if he dances near her).
Tahm Kench's design and playstyle may be loosely based on the Banderhobb, a toad-like creature from the Forgotten Realms universe which kidnaps unsuspecting victims by swallowing them alive and carrying them to its master's lair.
InVALORANTon theAscentmap (Mid Bottom), there is a park bench crafted with his likeness. This is most likely a reference to the "Unbench the Kench" meme. |
Taliyah,the Stoneweaver | | | health: Health550+104, resource: Mana470+30, health regen: Health regen. (per 5s)6.5+0.65, resource regen: Mana regen. (per 5s)8+0.8, armor: Armor18+4.7, attack damage: Attack damage58+3.3, attack speed: Base AS0.658, gameplay radius: Gameplay radius65, selection radius: Selection radius120, release: 2016-05-18, changed: V13.22, role: Battlemage, position: JungleMiddle, rangetype: Ranged, adaptivetype: Magic, cost: 4800|880 | Games
TaliyahMainCasualTitlesReal nameTaliyah of the NasaajNickname(s)Little SparrowAlias(es)The StoneweaverCharacteristicsSpeciesHuman(Magical)Pronoun(s)She/HerTimelineBorn:973 AN[1]Weapon(s)Stone MagicPersonal statusStatusAlivePlace of originNasaaj Village,ShurimaCurrent residenceSai Kahleek,ShurimaFamilyUnnamed FatherUnnamed MotherBabajan(Grandmother)Unnamed Tribe RelativesProfessional statusOccupation(s)WandererStone MageNoxianApprenticeShepherdRegion(s)ShurimaRelated character(s)YasuoAzirNasusSivirXerathKai'SaRek'SaiMalphite
• Main
• Casual
Real name
• Born:973 AN
Personal status
Place of origin
Current residence
• Unnamed Father
• Unnamed Mother
• Babajan(Grandmother)
• Unnamed Tribe Relatives
Professional status
• Wanderer
• Stone Mage
• NoxianApprentice
• Shepherd
Related character(s)
Taliyahis a nomadic mage fromShurima, torn between teenage wonder and adult responsibility. She has crossed nearly all of Valoran on a journey to learn the true nature of her growing powers, though more recently she has returned to protect her tribe. Some have mistaken her compassion for weakness and paid the ultimate price—for beneath Taliyah's youthful demeanor is a will strong enough to move mountains, and a spirit fierce enough to make the earth itself tremble.
• 1Background1.1Early Life1.2Travel to Noxus1.3Mentorship in Ionia1.4Return to Shurima1.5Visit to the Great City1.6Contemporary history1.7Travel to Xolun1.8Xolun
• 2Appearance
• 3Personality
• 4Abilities
• 5Relations5.1Yasuo5.2Omah Azir5.3Sivir5.4NasusandXerath5.5Kai'SaandRek'Sai5.6Malphite
• 6Read More6.1Biography6.2Starring Champion6.3Mentioned Champion6.4Alternate Universes
• 7Trivia
• 8Change log
• 9References
• 10See also
• 1.1Early Life
• 1.2Travel to Noxus
• 1.3Mentorship in Ionia
• 1.4Return to Shurima
• 1.5Visit to the Great City
• 1.6Contemporary history
• 1.7Travel to Xolun
• 1.8Xolun
• 5.1Yasuo
• 5.2Omah Azir
• 5.3Sivir
• 5.4NasusandXerath
• 5.5Kai'SaandRek'Sai
• 5.6Malphite
• 6.1Biography
• 6.2Starring Champion
• 6.3Mentioned Champion
• 6.4Alternate Universes
Early Life
Taliyah was born in the south of Shurima, near the border of Icathia. Her tribe, the Naasaj, were nomadic weavers and herders. Though Taliyah was always taught to appreciate the desert's beauty, she was always most interested in the rock that lay underneath.
After she turned six, Taliyah set off to find a young goat her father - the master shepherd and tribe chief - had placed in her hands. She followed the goatling through the night to a sheer cliff where it had become stuck. The stone of the cliff called to her as she lay a hand upon it, then erupted, bringing both goat and canyon wall down upon her. Her father brought her back to the camp and put her under the care of Babajan, the tribe's grandmother. Days later, she was finally able to explain what had happened, how the stone had called to her, but didn't mention that she had allowed it to fall. Babajan concluded that the Great Weaver watched over Taliyah, telling her parents that there was no reason to worry.
Once a child came of age in the Naasaj tribe, they performed a dance under the full moon - the face of the Great Weaver - to determine what their path in life would be based on their talents, and to apprentice them to a teacher. Taliyah, believing her power to be a curse, watched others use their own skills. When her time to dance finally came, she did not choose to become a weaver like her mother or herder like her father, instead closing her eyes and dancing with the stone. It rose up from the earth in a pillar, evoking startled cries from her kin. Her will broken, the rock crashed to the ground, cutting Taliyah's mother as she rushed to protect her daughter. To Taliyah, this was proof that she was indeed dangerous to everyone around her, and so she ran out into the night.
Her father found her eventually, and Taliyah finally admitted her ability to shape the stone. Instead of being scared or revolted, though, he told her that she needed to face her power, not run from it. She returned to the circle with open eyes. This time, she wove with purpose, creating a memory of those she loved. When it was time for her mentor to stand, the entire tribe did, ready to stand with her. But Taliyah knew that her true teacher was not among them, and so she headed out into the world, promising to learn to control her power.
Travel to Noxus
By now in her mid-teens, Taliyah headed west towardsTargon, drawn towards the mountain by her natural affinity for stone. However, while in northern Shurima, it was a band ofNoxianswho discovered her. They promised her that Noxus celebrated such power, that she would find a teacher there. Raised to be trusting, Taliyah followed them, into the heart of Noxus. The endless political games were claustrophobic to her, until one captain promised to take her toIonia, a place where she could practise her magic freely. But when they docked near a village and she was told to bury the inhabitants in their homes, Taliyah refused, and was tossed overboard to drown, which gave her a lifelong fear of drowning.
Mentorship in Ionia
After escaping the Noxians, Taliyah came acrossYasuo, meditating in a shrine. She accidentally brought down an avalanche upon him, but managed to save him and bring him to a cave. He asked her why she had chosen such a path, causing her to leave the cave in frustration. While outside, Taliyah came face-to-face with an Ionian mountain lion. Learning a lesson from a little bird, Taliyah leaned into her power and crumbled the rock beneath both her and the lion. Yasuo saved her, becoming her unlikely mentor in the process. They had another harrowing encounter when some soldiers found them in an inn, accusing Yasuo of murder. With Taliyah's help, he fended them off and they escaped. Not long afterwards, they parted ways, but not before Yasuo told Taliyah to travel to theFreljord.
Return to Shurima
Taliyah returned to Shurima at around 17 years of age, passing through Bel'zhun and stopping in Vekaura. Outside the city, however, she found a dyingSivir, and decided to help her before going to find her family. While there, an army led byXerathattacked Vekaura, looking for the heir to Azir's lineage - Sivir - in order to kill her.Nasus, who was also looking for Sivir, found them both and gave Sivir an amulet which would keep her hidden from Xerath, before going to fight the rogue Ascended. Taliyah managed to escape Vekaura with Sivir, but also protected Nasus and the survivors of the attack from Xerath's arcane missiles.
Visit to the Great City
While outrunning a sandstorm, Taliyah ended up right outside the Great City of Shurima, which had risen from the sands. She was ushered into the city to escape the sandstorm, which seemed too dangerous to withstand with the old Shuriman traditions. As she rested, she put a hand out to touch a city wall and was suddenly overwhelmed by memories locked within the stone. There was intense pain seared into the rock by tens of thousands of voices, the city's previous citizens. Azir's failed Ascension and Xerath's betrayal had killed all of them, in the same catastrophe which buried the city millennia ago.
Contemporary history
Taliyah spent a while in the desert, travelling with a group of other Shurimans whose families or homes had been destroyed by the Void, including2Rock Hopper,4Desert Naturalistand3Sai Scout. She considered them her new family. Her quest to find her tribe was complicated by the fact that the seasonal waters no longer flowed, so she could no longer predict their location. The group had decided to travel north to Xolun, a place they believed would be a safe haven from the Void.
Travel to Xolun
When she sensed a person travelling underneath the earth, Taliyah resolved to follow and help them if she could. The person turned out to beKai'Sa, who had been tracing a massive tunnel bored into the earth by an unknown voidborn. Taliyah managed to save Kai'Sa from a group of Lamplights, though didn't destroy them, and a pit collapse. They returned to Taliyah's camp to rest and eat, but Kai'Sa left the next day to continue following the tunnel underground, warning that the xer'sai would stop them before they got to Xolun. In fact, their route lay directly above the tunnel, and a little while later it collapsed into a massive pit, taking Samir (the2Rock Hopper) with it. Taliyah got the other travellers to safety before diving in to save Samir. She found him, and helped Kai'Sa defeat the Lamplights using Kai'Sa'sspeedand herminefield of stone. Thanks to the other travelers, all three made it out alive. Kai'Sa was angry with Taliyah for not taking her advice earlier and pointed out that if the tunnel aligned with the route to Xolun, the town was likelyalready destroyed. Taliyah argued that they had managed to defeat the Lamplights together. They decided to try and reclaim Xolun from the Void, and so they parted ways with the group of travelers.
Taliyah and Kai'Sa arrived in Xolun to find the town abandoned and destroyed. They were then attacked by a group of xer'sai, but fended them off before a sinkhole appeared in the ground.Rek'Saiemerged from the pit, and Kai'Sa lured her back underground. This allowed Taliyah to bring the statue of Xolaani, the 'faceless god', over the sinkhole to prevent Rek'Sai from re-emerging.
Taliyah wears a red and gold Ionian coat with long sleeves over her lavender tunic, and a golden crown which keeps her hair in place. This crown was lost or destroyed during her travel to Xolun. She has brown eyes, thick eyebrows, light brown hair tied in a ponytail with two protruding strands braided, fringe, and a wide nose.
Taliyah is a kind, compassionate young woman with a strong will. She is deeply devoted to her homeland and the people in it, dedicating herself to protecting them from both Shuriman and outside threats. Her confidence was bolstered by Yasuo, as he taught her how to control her power over stone. Her Myers-Briggs personality type isENTJ('the Commander').[2]
• Magical:Taliyah was born with natural magical ability, which can grow the more she trains and expand her knowledge about magic. Her powers were originally out of control until she learned with Yasuo how to master them.Earth Magic:Taliyah has a natural affinity for Stone Magic, the magic of the Earth and the elements within it, that allow her to mold the earth with her mind alone. Even as a child, Taliyah had a connection to the rocks around her, collecting and sensing a energy in them. Some years later, with the help of Yasuo, Taliyah's control over the element has grown greatly, allowing her to perform feats of immense power. Having grown up in a tribe of weavers, she moves stone as if she were weaving a tapestry. She can create massive stone structures and walls in an instant,travel quickly using the stone, cause quakes of varying size and even partially collapse mountains. Additionally, she can sense to some extent past events locked within the stone.
• Earth Magic:Taliyah has a natural affinity for Stone Magic, the magic of the Earth and the elements within it, that allow her to mold the earth with her mind alone. Even as a child, Taliyah had a connection to the rocks around her, collecting and sensing a energy in them. Some years later, with the help of Yasuo, Taliyah's control over the element has grown greatly, allowing her to perform feats of immense power. Having grown up in a tribe of weavers, she moves stone as if she were weaving a tapestry. She can create massive stone structures and walls in an instant,travel quickly using the stone, cause quakes of varying size and even partially collapse mountains. Additionally, she can sense to some extent past events locked within the stone.
• Athletic abilities:Taliyah is a skilled dancer, singer and runner.
• Multilingual:Having travelled over much of Shurima and Valoran, Taliyah knows several different languages, including modern Shuriman, conversational and Ur-Noxian, and some Ionian, as well as some ancient Shuriman symbols.
Yasuo became the teacher Taliyah had been looking for, as her people didn't understand her power, and Noxus sought to use her as a weapon. Before parting ways, Taliyah gave Yasuo the thread of handspun Shuriman wool with which he ties his hair back in-game. As an only child, Taliyah sees Yasuo as the older brother she never had.[3]
Omah Azir
Having heard only rumors of both the AncientShurimancapital andAzir'srise from the sands, Taliyah is convinced he is a threat to her family and her homeland when nothing could be further fromthe truth.
On the way to find her family, Taliyah encountered a woundedSivirand nurtured her.
Nasusencountered both of them when looking forSivirinVekaura. Taliyah was at first suspicious of his motives but later came to trust him. WhenXerathand his army came to decimate the place and findSivir,Nasusbought time for Taliyah to help others escape.
After her return to Shurima, Taliyah metKai'Saand they fought the Voidborn together, including some ofRek'Sai'sXer'Sai. Taliyah parted way with the group she travelled with to joinKai'Sain search of the mythical paradise, Xolan.
Read More
The Stoneweaver
ByAriel Lawrence
Starring Champion
Short Story • 36 Minute Read
ByGraham McNeill
Taliyah had almost forgotten how much she'd missed the furnace heat of Shurima – the sweat and crush of hundreds of people pushing, cursing, haggling and speaking with such passion and speed that outsiders often thought they were fighting.
Short Story • 4 Minute Read
Echoes in the Stone
ByAriel Lawrence
Taliyah was outrunning the sandstorm when she first noticed the water. In the beginning, it was faint, just a cool dampness she felt as she lifted the stones from deep beneath the sand. As she drew closer to old Shurima, wet streaks dripped from each new stone as if they were weeping. Taliyah knew the rock had stories to tell as she sped across the desert, but she didn't have time to listen, to hear if they were tears of joy or sadness.
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ByDana Luery Shaw
Kai’Sa peers out from the mouth of the tunnel and feels like she’s standing at the edge of the world.
Short Story • 19 Minute Read
The Bird and the Branch
ByAriel Lawrence
A young stone mage from Shurima encounters an unlikely mentor in the mountains of Ionia.
The Call
For the fallen. For the deserted. For the downtrodden. And for those who will rise again.
The Climb
Take the first step and begin your climb.
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Mentioned Champion
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Orchid's Bloom
ByMichael Yichao
Jing breathed deep.
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ByJared Rosen
“Okay,” Kai’Sa pants...
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Roots of a Poisoned Tree
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Rise Against Ruin - Unite a party of League of Legends Champions, explore Bilgewater and set sail for the Shadow Isles to uncover the secrets of the deadly Black Mist in this immersive turn-based RPG.
Starring:Ahri,Braum,Gangplank,Illaoi,Maokai,Miss Fortune,Necrit,Pyke,Rafen,Thresh,Viego,Yasuo
Mentioned:Ashe,Elise,Fiddlesticks,Fizz,Gwen,Hecarim,Isolde,Ivern,Janna,Jarvan IV,Kalista,Ledros,Lucian,Nagakabouros,Nautilus,Olaf,Ornn,Rhasa,Riven,Senna,Swain,Tahm Kench,Taliyah,Twisted Fate,Udyr,Volibear,Yone,Yorick,Zed
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The Unforgiven
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Alternate Universes
Another Sky
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Music Video
Everything Goes On
ByPorter Robinson
Together with some familiar faces, a new generation of Star Guardians ascend to battle a looming threat. But even when confronted with eternal darkness, their hope burns brighter than fear.
Mentioned:Ahri,Lux,Miss Fortune
Academy Adventures: Series 2
ByGutter Rat
Mentioned:Amumu,Anivia,Annie,Ashe,Aurelion Sol,Braum,Caitlyn,Cho'Gath,Dr. Mundo,Draven,Elise,Ezreal,Fiddlesticks,Fizz,Galio,Gnar,Heimerdinger,Janna,Jhin,Jinx,Kog'Maw,Lulu,Lux,Malphite,Malzahar,Miss Fortune,Nami,Nasus,Olaf,Poppy,Rakan,Rammus,Rek'Sai,Riven,Rumble,Ryze,Shaco,Singed,Sona,Soraka,Syndra,Taliyah,Talon,Taric,Teemo,Thresh,Tibbers,Tristana,Twitch,Urgot,Varus,Veigar,Volibear,Warwick,Wukong,Xayah,Yasuo,Yorick,Zac,Zed,Ziggs,Zyra
Academy Adventures: Series 3
ByGutter Rat
Crystal Quest: Series 1
Mentioned:Anivia,Ashe,Braum,Bristle,Caitlyn,Camille,Elise,Ezreal,Garen,Gragas,Graves,Heimerdinger,Illaoi,Ivern,Katarina,Kled,Lee Sin,Leona,Lissandra,Lucian,Nami,Olaf,Poppy,Ryze,Senna,Singed,Skaarl,Taliyah,Taric,Teemo,Tryndamere,Twisted Fate,Veigar,Vi,Zac
Punches and Plants: Series 1
Mentioned:Ahri,Alistar,Annie,Ashe,Blitzcrank,Brand,Braum,Caitlyn,Darius,Diana,Dr. Mundo,Ekko,Evelynn,Ezreal,Gangplank,Garen,Gnar,Gragas,Graves,Heimerdinger,Janna,Jinx,Karma,Katarina,Leona,Lucian,Malzahar,Miss Fortune,Nami,Nasus,Nunu,Quinn,Renekton,Rumble,Ryze,Sejuani,Sivir,Sona,Soraka,Tahm Kench,Taliyah,Taric,Teemo,Tibbers,Trundle,Tryndamere,Twisted Fate,Twitch,Valor,Varus,Vel'Koz,Vladimir,Volibear,Warwick,Willump,Wukong,Zac,Ziggs
Music Video
By Numerous creators
Reaching the peak takes more than skill. Only those with the ambition to RISE above all others will know its height.
Starring: N/A
Mentioned:Akali,Ashe,Braum,Darius,Ekko,Ezreal,Fiora,Garen,Gnar,Jarvan IV,Jax,Jinx,Kalista,Kennen,Kha'Zix,Leona,Lux,Master Yi,Olaf,Poppy,Rakan,Riven,Ryze,Sejuani,Swain,Taliyah,Thresh,Tryndamere,Vayne,Xayah,Yasuo,Zed,Ziggs
Shadow of a Doubt
Star Guardians have a brilliant light, but some stagger in the darkness. Can Akali escape her own nightmares?
The Tale of the Poro King
By Numerous creators
Starring: N/A
Mentioned:Aatrox,Akali,Ashe,Aurelion Sol,Azir,Braum,Caitlyn,Cho'Gath,Darius,Diana,Draven,Ezreal,Gnar,Illaoi,Janna,Jarvan IV,Jayce,Kai'Sa,Karma,Karthus,Katarina,Kayle,Kayn,Kennen,Kha'Zix,Lee Sin,Leona,Lulu,Lux,Malzahar,Miss Fortune,Nunu,Ornn,Pantheon,Pyke,Rammus,Rek'Sai,Rhaast,Ryze,Sejuani,Shen,Sion,Sivir,Soraka,Sylas,Syndra,Taliyah,Talon,Taric,Thresh,Tristana,Trundle,Udyr,Vi,Volibear,Willump,Yasuo,Zed,Ziggs,Zoe
• Ṭaliyahטַלְיָה (Hebrew: [tˀa'lija:]) means "young ewe",[4]from Proto-West-Semitic*ṭalay-at.[5]In English localizations, her name is pronounced [tɐˈli:ʲɐ:]TaLEEyahwith second syllable stressed[6]like in Hebrew; in other localizations, the stress may fall on different syllables or no syllable is stressed at all.Originally, her name was spelledTaalea.[7]Another inspiration is ArabicTāliyaتَالِيَة ~Tāliyatunتَالِيَةٌ "reciter", feminine active participle of roott-l-w"to recite".[8]
• She's portrayed as being about 16 years old,[9]but several timeline inconsistencies gradually arose after her release and made it clear that she is canonically older than that. Scathlocke has stated that she is 23 as of996 AN.[10][11]She was 6 years old when she became a Stoneweaver.She was likely in her mid teens when she was conscripted byNoxusShe was likely 16 years old during the events ofThe Bird and the Branch.She was likely 17 years old during the events ofBloodline.
• Yasuodubbed her 'Little Sparrow'.
• Her tribe is called theNasaaj, meaning "weaver",[3]from Arabic نَسّاجnassāj< Semiticn-s-k[12]<s-k-k"to weave".[13]Just asSemitesformulate surnames from information about the bearer's progenitors, occupation, or origin, whether ethnic or geographical, Taliyah would most likely introduce herself asTaliyah of the Nasaaj.
• Taliyah's family is part of one of many nomadic tribes that formed after the fall of Ancient Shurima byXerath'shand.
• Taliyah's tribe worships "the Great Weaver," a force of nature said to govern the tapestry of fate and life for every individual.This deity seems to have been inspired byweaving-associated goddesses, such as EgyptianNeith, SemiticAsherah, Indo-Europeantriple fate goddesses, etc.
• ThermalKitten, Taliyah's writer, shared several details about her on the boards:[3]Taliyah stands at about 5'9"/175 cm tall.She is a Virgo. ThermalKitten initially placed her birthday in "mid to late September" but later mentioned it on Twitter as being September 22.[14]She was canonically named after a specific, lavender-colored, five-petaled, star-like flower that grows in the rocky foothills near the Icathian border. It's calledta'liyah,"the rock that flowers."From ThermalKitten on her sexuality: "I think Taliyah is someone who is the midst of finding out who she is and figuring out who you're attracted to is certainly part of that. I'm sure she would find some people more physically attractive than others, but I think the thing that would draw her to someone would be who they are on the inside." In short, Taliyah is still figuring out her sexuality, but personality is more important to her than looks.Her favorite ice cream flavor is rocky road.Her favorite animals are goats, especially fluffy goats.Her favorite color is indigo.Her favorite time of day is dawn.In the real world, she'd enjoy indie/electropop music, Western movies, romance novels, frappucinos, red velvet cake pops, and pineapple and pepperoni pizza. Her favorite subjects in school would be geology, astronomy, and biology. Her favorite Pokémon would be Rockruff.
• DanielZKlein additionally mentioned that Taliyah is left-handed.[15]
• Freljord Taliyahwas originally intended to be her canon appearance in theFreljord.[16]However, due to the reason behind her dramatic appearance changes (contact with True Ice) being unlikely at the moment, the skin is now likely only a nod to her time in the Freljord. As of right now, it does not show up in the client's Freljord set alongsideFreljord Sylaswhich is a canon skin.
• In English localizations, her name is pronounced [tɐˈli:ʲɐ:]TaLEEyahwith second syllable stressed[6]like in Hebrew; in other localizations, the stress may fall on different syllables or no syllable is stressed at all.
• Originally, her name was spelledTaalea.[7]
• Another inspiration is ArabicTāliyaتَالِيَة ~Tāliyatunتَالِيَةٌ "reciter", feminine active participle of roott-l-w"to recite".[8]
• She was 6 years old when she became a Stoneweaver.
• She was likely in her mid teens when she was conscripted byNoxus
• She was likely 16 years old during the events ofThe Bird and the Branch.
• She was likely 17 years old during the events ofBloodline.
• Just asSemitesformulate surnames from information about the bearer's progenitors, occupation, or origin, whether ethnic or geographical, Taliyah would most likely introduce herself asTaliyah of the Nasaaj.
• This deity seems to have been inspired byweaving-associated goddesses, such as EgyptianNeith, SemiticAsherah, Indo-Europeantriple fate goddesses, etc.
• Taliyah stands at about 5'9"/175 cm tall.
• She is a Virgo. ThermalKitten initially placed her birthday in "mid to late September" but later mentioned it on Twitter as being September 22.[14]
• She was canonically named after a specific, lavender-colored, five-petaled, star-like flower that grows in the rocky foothills near the Icathian border. It's calledta'liyah,"the rock that flowers."
• From ThermalKitten on her sexuality: "I think Taliyah is someone who is the midst of finding out who she is and figuring out who you're attracted to is certainly part of that. I'm sure she would find some people more physically attractive than others, but I think the thing that would draw her to someone would be who they are on the inside." In short, Taliyah is still figuring out her sexuality, but personality is more important to her than looks.
• Her favorite ice cream flavor is rocky road.
• Her favorite animals are goats, especially fluffy goats.
• Her favorite color is indigo.
• Her favorite time of day is dawn.
• In the real world, she'd enjoy indie/electropop music, Western movies, romance novels, frappucinos, red velvet cake pops, and pineapple and pepperoni pizza. Her favorite subjects in school would be geology, astronomy, and biology. Her favorite Pokémon would be Rockruff.
Change log
See also | Name: Rock Surfing, Description: Innate: While near terrain , Taliyah gains 10 / 15 / 25 / 40% (based on level) bonus movement speed , which builds up over 1 second while in range for at least 0. 4 seconds, and decays at the same rate once out of range for at least 3 seconds. If Taliyah is casting an ability or enters champion combat , Rock Surfing cannot occur again for a few seconds., STATIC COOLDOWN: STATICCOOLDOWN:2, {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputPassive', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Map-Specific Differences', 'The movement speed builds up and decays linearly (by the same amount in the same interval), 25% of the maximum value every 0.25seconds.', 'Rock Surfingcan interact withplayer-generated terrain.', 'Dealingdefaultorprocdamage does not putRock Surfingon cooldown.', 'Bonus movement speed increased to10% − 95% (based on level).']} | Name: Threaded Volley, Description: Active: Taliyah barrages 5 Stone Shards in the target direction over 1. 5 seconds that each shatter upon the first enemy hit, dealing magic damage to nearby enemies and revealing them for 0. 5 seconds. Subsequent hits deal 40% damage. Magic Damage: 50 / 70 / 90 / 110 / 130 (+ 50% AP) Reduced Damage: 20 / 28 / 36 / 44 / 52 (+ 20% AP) Total Magic Damage: 130 / 182 / 234 / 286 / 338 (+ 130% AP) Taliyah can move and cast other abilities while launching Stone Shards , and is unable to basic attack until she launches the third Stone Shard . Casting Threaded Volley creates a 400-unit area of Worked Ground at Taliyah's cast location that lasts 30 seconds. While on Worked Ground , Threaded Volley's cast consumes the area to become empowered with a new effect, costing 20 mana and having 50% reduced cooldown, though not below 0. 75 seconds. Empowered Active: Taliyah hurls a Boulder that explodes upon the first enemy hit, dealing 190% damage to them and normal damage to nearby enemies, slowing all targets hit for 1. 5 seconds, and revealing them for 0. 5 seconds. Monsters hit are also stunned for 3 seconds. Empowered Damage: 95 / 133 / 171 / 209 / 247 (+ 95% AP) Slow: 20 / 25 / 30 / 35 / 40% Against monsters , Threaded Volley deals 25 (+ 10% AP) bonus magic damage per Stone Shard , and the Boulder deals 47. 5 (+ 19% AP) bonus magic damage against the primary target. This bonus damage is unaffected by the damage modifier from subsequent hits. Link ▶️ "If at first you don't succeed, throw another rock !", {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputDirection', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'See Notes', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Threaded Volleywill continue casting while instasis.', 'The firstStone Shardhit on each target is consideredarea damage, while additional ones of the same cast are consideredpersistent area damage.TheBoulderappliesarea damage.', 'TheBoulderappliesarea damage.', 'The firstStone Shardis launched instantly after the cast time ends, then the second and thirdStone Shardsare both launched over 1 second, and finally the fourth and fifthStone Shardsare both launched over 0.5seconds.', 'Spell shieldonly prevents one instance of damage.']} | Name: Seismic Shove, Description: Active: Taliyah marks the target location and selects a direction. After 0. 792 seconds , a ledge erupts from the area that knocks enemies hit 400 units in the target direction over 1 second., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputVector', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'The delay is measured from the start of the cast, before the cast time.']} | Name: Unraveled Earth, Description: Active: Taliyah scatters a field of 22 stones across the ground in the target direction that deals magic damage to enemies hit while they erupt. The stones then remain for 4 seconds and slow enemies within the area by 20%. Magic Damage: 60 / 105 / 150 / 195 / 240 (+ 60% AP) Enemies that dash or are knocked over a stone will detonate it, taking magic damage and becoming stunned for 0. 75 seconds, increased to 2 seconds if they're a monster , after the movement ends. Detonation Magic Damage: 25 / 45 / 65 / 85 / 105 (+ 30% AP) An enemy can detonate up to 4 stones, but the damage is reduced by 0% − 75% (based on stones detonated) . Unraveled Earth can affect targets only once per cast; the stones will still detonate but not apply their effects. Total Maximum Detonation Damage: 62. 5 / 112. 5 / 162. 5 / 212. 5 / 262. 5 (+ 75% AP) Unraveled Earth deals 175% damage against monsters ., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputDirection', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Unraveled Earthfires 6 rows of stones: the first row has 2 stones, and the rest have 4 each.The stones spawn in rows that cascade in 0.17second intervals.', 'The stones spawn in rows that cascade in 0.17second intervals.', 'Unraveled Earthwill not detonate if the target dashes over the stones while being untargetable.', 'Unraveled Earthwill not detonate against enemies that blink onto the stones.', 'This ability will cast from wherever the caster is at the start of the cast time.']} | Name: Weaver's Wall, Description: Active: Taliyah summons a torrent of spiraling rocks that cascades in the target direction, knocking aside champions hit and erecting a wall of terrain in its wake. The wall lasts for 4 seconds after completion, then slowly disintegrates from its starting point. Taliyah also channels for 1 second, during which Weaver's Wall can be recast and she reveals herself. Recast: Upon completing the channel , Taliyah surfs on the wall as it emerges, revealing herself in the process. After 0. 75 seconds, she may input a movement command to jump off the wall to the target location, and automatically does so upon being immobilized or polymorphed or reaching maximum range. Once the wall has fully formed, Taliyah can recast to destroy the wall instantly. Weaver's Wall is placed on a 3-second static cooldown upon taking champion or turret damage. Link ▶️ "Let's shake things up.", {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputDirection/Auto', 'spell_shield': 'Not Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Thejumpoff distance can be extended to up to 1000 units when targeting across terrain.', "The initial cast counts as an ability activation for the purposes of on-cast effects such asSpellbladeand triggeringForce Pulse'spassive.However neither recasts do.", 'However neither recasts do.', 'Taliyahcan recast to destroy the wall even if she did not surf it or it is in the process of disintegrating.', 'Taliyahalmost always jumps off of the wall to her left from when it reaches maximum range. If she is forced to jump off of the wall, she will do so towards the source that dealt damage or applied the crowd control to her.', "Weaver's Wall, whilechanneling, can be recast whilegroundedbut not whilerooted.", "Wind WallandBlade Whirlwill preventWeaver's Wallfrom summoning any further but does not destroy any initial terrain it spawned. IfTaliyahis surfing during the collision, she immediately becomesstunnedfor 0.25seconds, interrupting the surf.", 'IfTaliyahwould enter terrain and the wall reaches maximum range inside, she is preemptively forced off the wall before entering.The wall can surpass the edges of the map, butTaliyahcannot.', 'The wall can surpass the edges of the map, butTaliyahcannot.', "Dealing damage to a ward or trap does not triggerWeaver's Wall's3-second cooldown.", 'The following table refers for interactions whileTaliyahischanneling:The channel is notinterruptedbygroundandrootdespite being amovement channel.', 'The channel is notinterruptedbygroundandrootdespite being amovement channel.', 'Death', 'Cast-inhibiting effects', 'The following table refers for interactions whileTaliyahissurfing:', 'Damaging effects', 'Death', 'Immobilizing effects']} | |
Talon,the Blade's Shadow,Talon Du Couteau | | | health: Health658+109, resource: Mana400+37, health regen: Health regen. (per 5s)8.5+0.75, resource regen: Mana regen. (per 5s)7.6+0.8, armor: Armor30+4.7, attack damage: Attack damage68+3.1, attack speed: Base AS0.625, gameplay radius: Gameplay radius65, selection radius: Selection radius120, release: 2011-08-24, changed: V13.6, role: Assassin, position: JungleMiddle, rangetype: Melee, adaptivetype: Physical, cost: 3150|790 | Missing section(s):
TalonMainCurrentTitlesReal nameTalon Du CouteauAlias(es)The Blade's ShadowCharacteristicsSpeciesHumanPronoun(s)He/HimTimelineBorn:972 AN - 976 ANWeapon(s)Arm BladeCircular DaggersDouble-Edged BladesPersonal statusStatusAlivePlace of originNoxus Prime,NoxusCurrent residenceUnknown,ShurimaFamilyUnnamed FatherUnnamed MotherMarcus Du Couteau†(Adopted Father)Soreana Du Couteau(Adopted Mother)Katarina Du Couteau(Adopted Sister)Cassiopeia Du Couteau(Adopted Sister)Professional statusOccupation(s)AssassinThiefRegion(s)NoxusFaction(s)Du Couteau HouseRelated character(s)KatarinaQuinnCassiopeia
• Main
• Current
Real name
• Born:972 AN - 976 AN
• Arm Blade
• Circular Daggers
• Double-Edged Blades
Personal status
Place of origin
Current residence
• Unnamed Father
• Unnamed Mother
• Marcus Du Couteau†(Adopted Father)
• Soreana Du Couteau(Adopted Mother)
• Katarina Du Couteau(Adopted Sister)
• Cassiopeia Du Couteau(Adopted Sister)
Professional status
• Assassin
• Thief
Related character(s)
Talonis the knife in the darkness, a merciless killer able to strike without warning and escape before any alarm is raised. He carved out a dangerous reputation on the brutal streets ofNoxus, where he was forced to fight, kill, and steal to survive. Adopted by the notorious Du Couteau family, he now plies his deadly trade at the empire's command, assassinating enemy leaders, captains, and heroes… as well as any Noxian foolish enough to earn the scorn of their masters.
• 1Background1.1Early life1.2BetrayingKatarina
• 2Appearance
• 3Personality
• 4Abilities
• 5Relations5.1Du Couteau House5.2Katarina
• 6Read More6.1Biography6.2Starring Champion6.3Mentioned Champion6.4Alternate Universes
• 7Trivia
• 8Change log
• 9References
• 10See also
• 1.1Early life
• 1.2BetrayingKatarina
• 5.1Du Couteau House
• 5.2Katarina
• 6.1Biography
• 6.2Starring Champion
• 6.3Mentioned Champion
• 6.4Alternate Universes
Early life[]
Talon has no recollection of his family, nor of any warmth or kindness. He scraped out a living through his quick wits and deft thievery in the underbelly of Noxus. He learned to navigate the underground passages of Noxus and attained mastery of the blade. Marked as a threat by the empire, assassins were sent after him. He managed to kill his pursuers, dropping their bodies into Noxus’ moat.
However, whenGeneral Du Couteauhimself came after Talon, the Noxian General emerged victorious in the duel. He made an offer to Talon – to die or serve the Noxian High Command. Talon chose to live on the condition that he would serve the General alone because he could only respect orders from those he could not defeat.
Talon is a fair-skinned human man with dark hair and brown eyes. He is usually seen dressed as an assassin, with nearly his full body covered in blue cloth and light metal armor. This outfit features a large hood that shrouds his face and a decorative "cape" composed of five blades dangling from red ribbons. He also sometimes covers his nose and mouth with a cloth mask. His signature weapon is a large silver blade strapped to his right forearm.
Du Couteau House[]
Talon was bested by and consequently served under General Du Couteau,KatarinaandCassiopeia'sfather.
Talon was assigned the task of killingKatarinaafter her first failure by her father,[1]his assassination failed, which left a scar on her left eye. He decided to bear his failure instead of reattempting, due to the hypocrisy it would be compared to Katarina's case. He named the very blade he used after Katarina, and keeps it in case he is reassigned to kill her.
Read More
The Blade's Shadow
By Unknown Author
Mentioned:Marcus Du Couteau
Starring Champion
Katarina: Issue 1
ByScott Hawkes
The kingdom of Demacia is in chaos! While the Great City has its focus on Sylas and his mage rebellion, a cunning, redheaded assassin, Katarina, lurks in the shadows. Focused on executing the most dangerous mission of her life, she hopes to finally live up to her father’s impossible expectations. However, when she is forced to choose between the mission and her own instincts, will she have to betray Noxus’ Master of Assassins?
Starring:Drann,Katarina,Khogan,Marcus Du Couteau,Rache,Talon
Mentioned:Boram Darkwill,Soreana Du Couteau,Swain
Katarina: Issue 4
ByScott Hawkes
The kingdom of Demacia is in chaos! While the Great City has its focus on Sylas and his mage rebellion, a cunning, redheaded assassin, Katarina, lurks in the shadows. Focused on executing the most dangerous mission of her life, she hopes to finally live up to her father’s impossible expectations. However, when she is forced to choose between the mission and her own instincts, will she have to betray Noxus’ Master of Assassins?
Mentioned:Cassiopeia,Jarvan III,Marcus Du Couteau,Rache,Soreana Du Couteau,Swain,Zed
Short Story
The Name of the Blade
ByIan St. Martin
There is copper in the air.
Mentioned Champion
Katarina: Issue 2
ByScott Hawkes
The kingdom of Demacia is in chaos! While the Great City has its focus on Sylas and his mage rebellion, a cunning, redheaded assassin, Katarina, lurks in the shadows. Focused on executing the most dangerous mission of her life, she hopes to finally live up to her father’s impossible expectations. However, when she is forced to choose between the mission and her own instincts, will she have to betray Noxus’ Master of Assassins?
Starring:Arrika,Jarvan III,Katarina,Lux,Marcus Du Couteau
Mentioned:Boram Darkwill,Garen,Soreana Du Couteau,Swain,Sylas,Talon
Katarina: Issue 5
ByScott Hawkes
The kingdom of Demacia is in chaos! While the Great City has its focus on Sylas and his mage rebellion, a cunning, redheaded assassin, Katarina, lurks in the shadows. Focused on executing the most dangerous mission of her life, she hopes to finally live up to her father’s impossible expectations. However, when she is forced to choose between the mission and her own instincts, will she have to betray Noxus’ Master of Assassins?
Starring:Drann,Jaredan,Katarina,Marcus Du Couteau,Swain
Mentioned:Boram Darkwill,Garen,Jarvan III,LeBlanc,Lux,Mordekaiser,Soreana Du Couteau,Sylas,Talon
The Sinister Blade
ByAnthony Burch
Mentioned:Cassiopeia,Marcus Du Couteau,Soreana Du Couteau,Talon
Alternate Universes
Journal of Justice
ByInstitute of War
Formare veneficum est formare fatum.
Starring:Akali,Alistar,Amumu,Anivia,Annie,Ashe,Blitzcrank,Brand,Cassiopeia,Cho'Gath,Corki,Darius,Dr. Mundo,Evelynn,Ezreal,Fiddlesticks,Gangplank,Garen,Gragas,Heimerdinger,Irelia,Janna,Jarvan IV,Jax,Karma,Karthus,Kassadin,Katarina,Kayle,Kennen,Kog'Maw,Lee Sin,Leona,Lissandra,Lux,Malzahar,Maokai,Master Yi,Mordekaiser,Morgana,Nasus,Nidalee,Nocturne,Nunu,Olaf,Pantheon,Poppy,Rammus,Renekton,Riven,Rumble,Ryze,Sejuani,Shaco,Shen,Singed,Sion,Sivir,Skarner,Sona,Soraka,Swain,Talon,Taric,Teemo,Tibbers,Tristana,Trundle,Tryndamere,Twisted Fate,Twitch,Udyr,Urgot,Veigar,Vladimir,Warwick,Willump,Wukong,Xin Zhao,Yorick,Zilean
ByInstitute of War
The truest opponent lies within.
Starring:Boram Darkwill,Brand,Caitlyn,Cassiopeia,Galio,Graves,Irelia,Jarvan IV,Karma,LeBlanc,Lee Sin,Leona,Lux,Maokai,Miss Fortune,Nocturne,Orianna,Renekton,Riven,Rumble,Ryze,Skarner,Sona,Swain,Talon,Trundle,Urgot,Varus,Vayne,Vladimir,Wukong,Xerath,Xin Zhao,Yorick
The Blade-Dancing Immortal
By Numerous creators
Short Story
The Stranger on the Road
ByRiver Jaffe
The road from Tenacity to Progress was a flat, barren thing, unspooling across miles and miles of cactus country from one edge of the sky to the other.
Mentioned:Ashe,Katarina,Leona,Mordekaiser,Senna,Tahm Kench,Twitch,Varus
Academy Adventures: Series 1
ByGutter Rat
Mentioned:Akali,Amumu,Anivia,Azir,Bard,Blitzcrank,Braum,Cho'Gath,Elise,Ezreal,Fiddlesticks,Fiora,Gnar,Heimerdinger,Ivern,Jhin,Jinx,Karthus,Kog'Maw,Lulu,Lux,Malzahar,Miss Fortune,Nidalee,Olaf,Poppy,Rek'Sai,Renekton,Rumble,Ryze,Shaco,Shen,Sion,Sona,Soraka,Talon,Taric,Teemo,Tristana,Trundle,Twitch,Urgot,Varus,Veigar,Vel'Koz,Vi,Yorick,Zed,Ziggs,Zyra
Academy Adventures: Series 2
ByGutter Rat
Mentioned:Amumu,Anivia,Annie,Ashe,Aurelion Sol,Braum,Caitlyn,Cho'Gath,Dr. Mundo,Draven,Elise,Ezreal,Fiddlesticks,Fizz,Galio,Gnar,Heimerdinger,Janna,Jhin,Jinx,Kog'Maw,Lulu,Lux,Malphite,Malzahar,Miss Fortune,Nami,Nasus,Olaf,Poppy,Rakan,Rammus,Rek'Sai,Riven,Rumble,Ryze,Shaco,Singed,Sona,Soraka,Syndra,Taliyah,Talon,Taric,Teemo,Thresh,Tibbers,Tristana,Twitch,Urgot,Varus,Veigar,Volibear,Warwick,Wukong,Xayah,Yasuo,Yorick,Zac,Zed,Ziggs,Zyra
Academy Adventures: Series 3
ByGutter Rat
Demacia Needs Heroes
By Numerous creators
She is a new kind of hero, one of new mind and new method. One who can go where armies cannot reach, where swords cannot clash.
Mentioned:Garen,Jarvan IV,Talon
The Tale of the Poro King
By Numerous creators
Starring: N/A
Mentioned:Aatrox,Akali,Ashe,Aurelion Sol,Azir,Braum,Caitlyn,Cho'Gath,Darius,Diana,Draven,Ezreal,Gnar,Illaoi,Janna,Jarvan IV,Jayce,Kai'Sa,Karma,Karthus,Katarina,Kayle,Kayn,Kennen,Kha'Zix,Lee Sin,Leona,Lulu,Lux,Malzahar,Miss Fortune,Nunu,Ornn,Pantheon,Pyke,Rammus,Rek'Sai,Rhaast,Ryze,Sejuani,Shen,Sion,Sivir,Soraka,Sylas,Syndra,Taliyah,Talon,Taric,Thresh,Tristana,Trundle,Udyr,Vi,Volibear,Willump,Yasuo,Zed,Ziggs,Zoe
• Talonis not his actual name, but rather what people called him.
• He grew up in the shadow of theNoxusempire and later became one protégés from one of the lesser assassins' guilds that served General Du Couteau.
Change log[]
See also[] | Name: Blade's End, Description: Innate: Talon's abilities apply a stack of Wound to enemy champions and large monsters hit for 6 seconds, refreshing on basic attacks and subsequent applications and stacking up to 3 times. Talon's next basic attack against an enemy with 3 Wound stacks is empowered to consume them all to cause the target to bleed, dealing 「 80 − 280 (based on level) (+ 210% bonus AD) total physical damage over 2 seconds, 」 「 5 − 17. 5 (based on level) (+ 13. 125 % bonus AD) physical damage every 0. 125 seconds over 2 seconds, 」 increased to 120% damage against monsters . The target cannot gain Wound stacks during this time., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputPassive', 'damage_type': 'Physical', 'spell_shield': 'See Notes', 'parries': 'Missing', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Map-Specific Differences', "Blade End'senhanced attack will still trigger ifblocked.", 'Both passes ofRakeandShadow Assaultapply a stack ofWound.', 'Interaction withparryingeffects (dodge,blind). If the attack gets parried, dodged or missed the stacks do not trigger or refresh and their amount remains unchanged.', "Spell shieldpreventsWoundstacksfrom being applied.Spell shieldpreventsBlade End'senhanced attack from triggering though still consuming allWoundstacks.", "Spell shieldpreventsBlade End'senhanced attack from triggering though still consuming allWoundstacks.", 'Total bonus AD ratio changed to300%bonusAD.']} | Name: Noxian Diplomacy, Description: Active: Talon dashes toward the target enemy, dealing physical damage upon arrival. If Noxian Diplomacy is cast within close range, Talon instead stabs the target to critically strike for (50% + 45% ) bonus physical damage , as well as gain 75 bonus attack range on his next basic attack within 1 second. Physical Damage: 65 / 85 / 105 / 125 / 145 (+ 100% bonus AD) If Noxian Diplomacy kills the target, Talon heals for 9 − 55 (based on level) and the ability's cooldown is reduced by 50%. Noxian Diplomacy's stab resets Talon's basic attack timer. Shadow Assault can be cast during the dash., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputUnit', 'damage_type': 'Physical', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Map-Specific Differences', "Talonwill track the target if they change locations, landing at an offset of 100 units before reaching them.He will dash to the target's previous location while still dealing damage if the target is too far away or moves beyond800units.", "He will dash to the target's previous location while still dealing damage if the target is too far away or moves beyond800units.", 'Talonwill be ordered to basic attack the target at the end of the dash.', 'Whilegroundedorrooted,Noxian Diplomacycan only be cast within stab range.', "Noxian Diplomacywill also grant the heal if the target dies uponTalon'scompletion of the dash.", 'If the target becomesuntargetable,dies, or is too far away or no longer insightduring the cast time, this ability will cancel but does not go oncooldownnor pay its cost (if applicable).This only applies to the stab version.', 'This only applies to the stab version.', 'Bonus AD ratio changed to130%bonusAD.']} | Name: Rake, Description: Active: Talon throws a fan of daggers in a cone in the target direction that deals physical damage to enemies hit. Physical Damage: 40 / 50 / 60 / 70 / 80 (+ 40% bonus AD) At maximum range, the daggers linger for 0. 75 seconds before homing back to Talon , dealing physical damage to enemies hit and slowing them for 1 second. Physical Damage: 50 / 80 / 110 / 140 / 170 (+ 80% bonus AD) Total Physical Damage: 90 / 130 / 170 / 210 / 250 (+ 120% bonus AD) Slow: 40 / 45 / 50 / 55 / 60% Rake deals 105% damage against monsters . Enemies can be hit only once per pass., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputDirection', 'damage_type': 'Physical', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Map-Specific Differences', 'This ability will cast from wherever the caster is at the end of the cast time.', 'CastingRakewhen an enemy is within 650 radius and 26° angle in front ofTalonwill reveal him from the fog of war like a targeted cast.(bug)This is because ofRake\'sinternal Cone targeting type, which defaults to "targeting" all units in the preset area and thereby trigger revealing the caster if not toggled off for the spell.', 'This is because ofRake\'sinternal Cone targeting type, which defaults to "targeting" all units in the preset area and thereby trigger revealing the caster if not toggled off for the spell.', 'IfTalondies whileRakeis mid-air, the projectiles will still complete their travel.', "The blades each will fail to return toTalonif he is somehow too far from them after the delay.This maximum distance is 5000 units at ranks 1-4 ofRake, or 20000 units at rank 5 ofRake.(bug)The latter distance is barely achievable between fountains on Summoner's Rift.", 'This maximum distance is 5000 units at ranks 1-4 ofRake, or 20000 units at rank 5 ofRake.(bug)', "The latter distance is barely achievable between fountains on Summoner's Rift.", 'Initial base damage changed to 60 / 75 / 90 / 105 / 120.', 'Return base damage changed to 75 / 112.5/ 150 / 187.5/ 225.', 'Slow strength changed to 50 / 55 / 60 / 65 / 70%.']} | Name: Assassin's Path, Description: Active: Talon dashes up to 800 units over the target area of terrain , during which he gains unobstructed vision . Talon cannot cast Assassin's Path on the same area of terrain for a set duration. Shadow Assault can be cast during the dash., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputDirection', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Map-Specific Differences', "Assassin's Pathcan interact withplayer-generated terrain.", 'Talonwill stop dashing upon enteringstasisbut will continue to do so afterwards.', "Talonwill reveal himself for 0.6seconds upon castingAssassin's Pathif he is visible to an enemy champion or there is a nearby enemy champion or minion within 400 units of the landing position.", 'Cooldown changed to 80 / 67.5/ 55 / 42.5/ 30 seconds.', 'Cooldown per wall changed to 22 / 18 / 14 / 10 / 6 seconds.']} | Name: Shadow Assault, Description: Active: Talon disperses a ring of blades around him that deals physical damage to nearby enemies, gaining invisibility and bonus movement speed for up to 2. 5 seconds. Physical Damage: 90 / 135 / 180 (+ 100% bonus AD) Bonus Movement Speed: 40 / 55 / 70% Shadow Assault can be recast after 1 second within the duration, and does so automatically after the duration or if Talon emerges from invisibility. Recast: Talon ends Shadow Assault , breaking the invisibility and causing the blades to converge to him, dealing the same damage to enemies hit. Breaking invisibility with a basic attack or Noxian Diplomacy causes the blades to converge to the target instead. Total Physical Damage: 180 / 270 / 360 (+ 200% bonus AD), {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputAuto', 'damage_type': 'Physical', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Map-Specific Differences', 'Shadow Assaultcasts a total of 12 blades evenly distributed in all directions. 4 of them travel down the cardial directions (Relative to the map,notrelative toTalon), while all blades have an angle of 30° to one another.', 'Spell shieldwill block a single pass.', "Shadow Assaultdoes not cancelTalon'sbasic attacks.", 'Shadow Assaulthas a minimum lifetime of 0.8 seconds before convergence.', "The blades each will fail to converge on their target (Talonor the attacked target) if the target is more than 20000 units from them.(bug)This distance is barely achievable between fountains on Summoner's Rift.", "This distance is barely achievable between fountains on Summoner's Rift.", 'Bonus movement speed changed to 60 / 80 / 100%.', 'Cooldown changed to 80 / 70 / 60 seconds.']} | MercyreferencesEuthanasia.
Noxian Diplomacy'sbleed iconis shaped into Talon's arm blade.
Cutthroatmakes use of adouble entendre:The word 'cutthroat' is defined as murderous or cruel, which describes Talon well.The ability has Talon literally cut the throat of his target. This is made more clear in the first iteration of the ability, which alsosilencedthe target. |
Taric,the Shield of Valoran | | | health: Health645+99, resource: Mana300+60, health regen: Health regen. (per 5s)6+0.5, resource regen: Mana regen. (per 5s)8.5+0.8, armor: Armor40+4.6, attack damage: Attack damage55+3.5, attack speed: Base AS0.625, gameplay radius: Gameplay radius65, selection radius: Selection radius135, release: 2009-08-19, changed: V12.17, role: EnchanterWarden, position: Support, rangetype: Melee, adaptivetype: Physical, cost: 1350|585 | Missing section(s):
TaricMainUnderarmor 1Underarmor 2ConstellationTitlesAlias(es)The Shield of ValoranThe ProtectorAspect of the ProtectorOathbreakerSir TaricCharacteristicsSpeciesAspect Host(formerlyHuman)Pronoun(s)He/HimTimelineBorn:966 AN - 971 ANWeapon(s)BravadoBastionPersonal statusStatusAlivePlace of originDemaciaCurrent residenceMount Targon,TargonProfessional statusOccupation(s)MortalAspect(Protector)Dauntless Vanguard KnightRegion(s)TargonDemaciaFaction(s)Dauntless VanguardRelated character(s)KayleMorganaGarenLeonaDianaAurelion SolSorakaTyariPantheonZoe
• Main
• Underarmor 1
• Underarmor 2
• Constellation
• The Shield of Valoran
• The Protector
• Aspect of the Protector
• Oathbreaker
• Sir Taric
• Aspect Host(formerlyHuman)
• Born:966 AN - 971 AN
• Bravado
• Bastion
Personal status
Place of origin
Current residence
Professional status
• MortalAspect(Protector)
• Dauntless Vanguard Knight
• Targon
• Demacia
Related character(s)
Taricis host to theAspectof the Protector, wielding incredible power asRuneterra'sguardian of life, love, and beauty. Shamed by a dereliction of duty and exiled from his homeland ofDemacia, Taric climbedMount Targonto find redemption, only to discover a higher calling among the stars. Imbued with the might of a celestial being, the “Shield of Valoran” now stands ever vigilant, against any who would threaten the people of this world.
• 1Background
• 2Appearance
• 3Personality
• 4Abilities
• 5Relations5.1Garen5.2Sona5.3The Void
• 6Read More6.1Biography6.2Starring Champion6.3Mentioned Champion6.4Alternate Universes
• 7Trivia
• 8Change log
• 9References
• 10See also
• 5.1Garen
• 5.2Sona
• 5.3The Void
• 6.1Biography
• 6.2Starring Champion
• 6.3Mentioned Champion
• 6.4Alternate Universes
Garenwas Taric's lifelong friend. His nobility status allowed him to keep Taric safe from being accused of high treason and executed. But even Garen (who still believed in Taric but deep down thought he was wasting his talents by fooling around) turned on Taric after Voidborn killed the Shield of Valoran's men, resulting in his banishment and sentence to the Crown of Stone by the Might of Demacia himself.
Based onSona'sin-game voice lines, she has met Taric before his exile.
The Void[]
Taric appreciates the beauty in all things (music,life). His role as Aspect of the Protector, and especially past experiences, have madeThe Voidhis enemy.
Read More
The Shield of Valoran
ByGeorge Krstic
Starring Champion
To ascend the Mountain, I had to let go...
The Ascent
By Numerous creators
An exiled soldier ascends Mount Targon to find redemption, only to discover a higher calling.
Short Story
The Face in Her Stars
ByRowan Noel Williams
Short Story • 2 Minute Read
The Uninvited Guest
ByGeorge Krstic
I look out across the once-verdant field, now scarred and ruined by the toil of battle.
Mentioned Champion
Call of the Mountain (Video)
The mountain calls. Will you answer?
Starring:Aurelion Sol,Diana,Illi,Inviolus Vox,Leona
Tellstones: King's Gambit (Video)
Can you play like a champion?
Mentioned:Fiora,Garen,Jarvan IV,Lux,Quinn,Sona,Taric,Valor,Xin Zhao
Short Story • 3 Minute Read
The Mountain
ByGraham McNeill
Mount Targon is the mightiest peak in Runeterra, a towering mountain of sun-baked rock amid a range of summits unmatched in scale anywhere else in the world. Located far from civilization, Mount Targon is utterly remote and all but impossible to reach save by the most determined seeker.
Starring: N/A
Mentioned:Aurelion Sol,Diana,Leona,Pantheon,Taric,Zoe
Alternate Universes
Journal of Justice
ByInstitute of War
Formare veneficum est formare fatum.
Starring:Akali,Alistar,Amumu,Anivia,Annie,Ashe,Blitzcrank,Brand,Cassiopeia,Cho'Gath,Corki,Darius,Dr. Mundo,Evelynn,Ezreal,Fiddlesticks,Gangplank,Garen,Gragas,Heimerdinger,Irelia,Janna,Jarvan IV,Jax,Karma,Karthus,Kassadin,Katarina,Kayle,Kennen,Kog'Maw,Lee Sin,Leona,Lissandra,Lux,Malzahar,Maokai,Master Yi,Mordekaiser,Morgana,Nasus,Nidalee,Nocturne,Nunu,Olaf,Pantheon,Poppy,Rammus,Renekton,Riven,Rumble,Ryze,Sejuani,Shaco,Shen,Singed,Sion,Sivir,Skarner,Sona,Soraka,Swain,Talon,Taric,Teemo,Tibbers,Tristana,Trundle,Tryndamere,Twisted Fate,Twitch,Udyr,Urgot,Veigar,Vladimir,Warwick,Willump,Wukong,Xin Zhao,Yorick,Zilean
Academy Adventures: Series 1
ByGutter Rat
Mentioned:Akali,Amumu,Anivia,Azir,Bard,Blitzcrank,Braum,Cho'Gath,Elise,Ezreal,Fiddlesticks,Fiora,Gnar,Heimerdinger,Ivern,Jhin,Jinx,Karthus,Kog'Maw,Lulu,Lux,Malzahar,Miss Fortune,Nidalee,Olaf,Poppy,Rek'Sai,Renekton,Rumble,Ryze,Shaco,Shen,Sion,Sona,Soraka,Talon,Taric,Teemo,Tristana,Trundle,Twitch,Urgot,Varus,Veigar,Vel'Koz,Vi,Yorick,Zed,Ziggs,Zyra
Academy Adventures: Series 2
ByGutter Rat
Mentioned:Amumu,Anivia,Annie,Ashe,Aurelion Sol,Braum,Caitlyn,Cho'Gath,Dr. Mundo,Draven,Elise,Ezreal,Fiddlesticks,Fizz,Galio,Gnar,Heimerdinger,Janna,Jhin,Jinx,Kog'Maw,Lulu,Lux,Malphite,Malzahar,Miss Fortune,Nami,Nasus,Olaf,Poppy,Rakan,Rammus,Rek'Sai,Riven,Rumble,Ryze,Shaco,Singed,Sona,Soraka,Syndra,Taliyah,Talon,Taric,Teemo,Thresh,Tibbers,Tristana,Twitch,Urgot,Varus,Veigar,Volibear,Warwick,Wukong,Xayah,Yasuo,Yorick,Zac,Zed,Ziggs,Zyra
Crystal Quest: Series 1
Mentioned:Anivia,Ashe,Braum,Bristle,Caitlyn,Camille,Elise,Ezreal,Garen,Gragas,Graves,Heimerdinger,Illaoi,Ivern,Katarina,Kled,Lee Sin,Leona,Lissandra,Lucian,Nami,Olaf,Poppy,Ryze,Senna,Singed,Skaarl,Taliyah,Taric,Teemo,Tryndamere,Twisted Fate,Veigar,Vi,Zac
Punches and Plants: Series 1
Mentioned:Ahri,Alistar,Annie,Ashe,Blitzcrank,Brand,Braum,Caitlyn,Darius,Diana,Dr. Mundo,Ekko,Evelynn,Ezreal,Gangplank,Garen,Gnar,Gragas,Graves,Heimerdinger,Janna,Jinx,Karma,Katarina,Leona,Lucian,Malzahar,Miss Fortune,Nami,Nasus,Nunu,Quinn,Renekton,Rumble,Ryze,Sejuani,Sivir,Sona,Soraka,Tahm Kench,Taliyah,Taric,Teemo,Tibbers,Trundle,Tryndamere,Twisted Fate,Twitch,Valor,Varus,Vel'Koz,Vladimir,Volibear,Warwick,Willump,Wukong,Zac,Ziggs
Punches and Plants: Series 2
Mentioned:Aatrox,Ahri,Alistar,Amumu,Annie,Aurelion Sol,Azir,Bard,Blitzcrank,Caitlyn,Cho'Gath,Diana,Draven,Ekko,Ezreal,Fizz,Galio,Gnar,Graves,Heimerdinger,Jayce,Kha'Zix,Kog'Maw,Leona,Lucian,Lux,Malphite,Maokai,Miss Fortune,Nasus,Nautilus,Nidalee,Olaf,Orianna,Poppy,Quinn,Rakan,Renekton,Riven,Rumble,Shaco,Taric,Teemo,Tibbers,Tristana,Trundle,Udyr,Valor,Vel'Koz,Viktor,Volibear,Warwick,Wukong,Xayah,Xin Zhao,Yasuo,Ziggs
The Roadtrip
ByCassie Parkes,Marvin Clifford
Mentioned:Ahri,Ashe,Azir,Bard,Braum,Darius,Fiddlesticks,Garen,Gnar,Gragas,Graves,Irelia,Jinx,Kalista,Katarina,Kog'Maw,Lee Sin,Lulu,Master Yi,Nami,Poppy,Rakan,Shaco,Sona,Swain,Taric,Teemo,Twisted Fate,Varus,Xayah,Yasuo,Zilean
The Tale of the Poro King
By Numerous creators
Starring: N/A
Mentioned:Aatrox,Akali,Ashe,Aurelion Sol,Azir,Braum,Caitlyn,Cho'Gath,Darius,Diana,Draven,Ezreal,Gnar,Illaoi,Janna,Jarvan IV,Jayce,Kai'Sa,Karma,Karthus,Katarina,Kayle,Kayn,Kennen,Kha'Zix,Lee Sin,Leona,Lulu,Lux,Malzahar,Miss Fortune,Nunu,Ornn,Pantheon,Pyke,Rammus,Rek'Sai,Rhaast,Ryze,Sejuani,Shen,Sion,Sivir,Soraka,Sylas,Syndra,Taliyah,Talon,Taric,Thresh,Tristana,Trundle,Udyr,Vi,Volibear,Willump,Yasuo,Zed,Ziggs,Zoe
• Aurelion Solhinted at Taric being aTargonianAspect before he was relaunched as such:"You're an Aspect? Let me guess: tackiness."The Protector is the source of Taric's power, and produces his gems.[1]
• Taric is not ofDemaciannobility, but his family has a long military history of serving the crown.Aside from Taric, the rest of his family line (at least toGaren) still swears allegiance to king and country.
• The Protector is the source of Taric's power, and produces his gems.[1]
• Aside from Taric, the rest of his family line (at least toGaren) still swears allegiance to king and country.
Change log[]
See also[] | Name: Bravado, Description: Innate: After casting an ability , Taric empowers his next two basic attacks within 5 seconds to each gain 100% total attack speed , deal 25 − 93 (based on level) (+ 15% bonus armor) bonus magic damage , and reduce the remaining cooldowns of his basic abilities by 1 − 2 (based on ability haste) seconds., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputPassive', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'parries': 'See Notes', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Map-Specific Differences', "The first attack refreshesBravado'sduration.", 'The bonus damage will not apply againststructures.', 'Bravadocan bedodgedandblockedbut it cannot miss ifTaricisblinded. The cooldown reduction cannot be negated in any cases.', 'Base damage changed to12.5− 46.5(based on level).', 'Armor ratio changed to10%bonusarmor.']} | Name: Starlight's Touch, Description: Active: Taric heals himself and nearby allied champions for 25 (+ 15% AP) (+ 1% of his maximum health) per charge of Starlight's Touch that he periodically stocks , up to a maximum amount. Bravado's empowered attacks each grant one charge. Maximum Charges: 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 Starlight's Touch can heal up to a maximum of 125 (+ 75% AP) (+ 5% of Taric's maximum health) at 5 charges., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputAuto', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Map-Specific Differences', "The healing will apply heal effects (such asSummon Aery) prioritizing targets inTaric'scircle, based on proximity to him, then in theBastionedally's circle, based on proximity to that ally (including it).", 'Base heal changed to 15.', 'Heal AP ratio changed to7% AP.', 'Heal health ratio changed to0.5%maximumhealth.']} | Name: Bastion, Description: Passive: Taric gains bonus armor and forms a tether between him and the ally bound by Bastion . While the tether persists, the ally also gains the bonus armor and Taric's abilities are mimicked to them, though the effects do not stack. Bonus Armor: 10 / 11 / 12 / 13 / 14% of Taric's armor Active: Taric grants himself and the target allied champion a shield for 2. 5 seconds, binding them with Bastion . Shield Strength: 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 / 11% of target's maximum health Taric can also self-cast to shield himself; if he is untethered, this will instead target the nearest ally. Only one ally can be bound at a time, and selecting a new ally overrides the previous bind., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputUnit', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Map-Specific Differences', 'The mimicked abilities will still complete even ifTaricdies or leaves range.', 'Abilities are not mimicked to the bound ally if they arevanishedviaAlpha Strike,Hallucinate,Rappel, orVoid Rush.Mimicked abilities will also cancel if they vanish as above.', 'Mimicked abilities will also cancel if they vanish as above.', "Bonus armor changed to5 / 5.5/ 6 / 6.5/ 7% ofTaric'sarmor."]} | Name: Dazzle, Description: Active: Taric winds up over 1 second, then projects a beam of starlight in the target direction that deals magic damage to enemies hit and stuns them for 1. 5 seconds. Magic Damage: 90 / 130 / 170 / 210 / 250 (+ 50% AP) (+ 50% bonus armor) Taric can move during Dazzle., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputDirection', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Map-Specific Differences', "Dazzlewill aim towards the target direction on-cast when firing from both his and hisBastion'spositions.", 'Cooldown changed to 22 / 20.5/ 19 / 17.5/ 16 seconds.']} | Name: Cosmic Radiance, Description: Active: Taric calls down a star from above that descends to him over 2. 5 seconds. Afterwards, he and nearby allied champions become invulnerable for 2. 5 seconds. Link ▶️ "Embrace the cosmos.", {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputAuto', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Map-Specific Differences', 'Cosmic Radiancehas no effect onuntargetableallies.It will affect the primary unit (the one the star is falling down on) even if they are untargetable.', 'It will affect the primary unit (the one the star is falling down on) even if they are untargetable.', 'Invulnerability duration changed to 1.75seconds.']} | Tariccomes from طارق ArabicṬariq"striker" < Semitic rootṭ-r-q"to strike".[2]Ṭariqlater underwent semantic shift from "striker" to "One knocking at the door; wayfarer, traveller by night" and thus "star".
Surfer Singedcarries a giant bottle of "Taric'sTropical Tan" sunscreen. |
Teemo,the Swift Scout | | | health: Health598+104, resource: Mana334+25, health regen: Health regen. (per 5s)5.5+0.65, resource regen: Mana regen. (per 5s)9.6+0.45, armor: Armor24+4.95, attack damage: Attack damage54+3, attack speed: Base AS0.69, gameplay radius: Gameplay radius55, selection radius: Selection radius100, release: 2009-02-21, changed: V13.22, role: Specialist, position: TopJungleMiddleSupport, rangetype: Ranged, adaptivetype: Physical, cost: 450|260 | Missing section(s):
TeemoMainCurrentTitlesAlias(es)The Swift ScoutCharacteristicsSpeciesYordlePronoun(s)He/HimTimelineBorn:UnknownWeapon(s)BlowgunDartsAjunta PoisonPoison PuffcapsPersonal statusStatusAlivePlace of originBandle CityCurrent residenceBandle CityProfessional statusOccupation(s)ScoutRegion(s)Bandle CityRelated character(s)YuumiTristanaVeigarRumbleCorkiLuluGravesTwisted Fate
• Main
• Current
• Born:Unknown
• Blowgun
• Darts
• Ajunta Poison
• Poison Puffcaps
Personal status
Place of origin
Current residence
Professional status
Related character(s)
Undeterred by even the most dangerous and threatening of obstacles,Teemoscouts the world with boundless enthusiasm and a cheerful spirit. Ayordlewith an unwavering sense of morality, he takes pride in following the Bandle Scout's Code, sometimes with such eagerness that he is unaware of the broader consequences of his actions. Though some say the existence of the Scouts is questionable, one thing is for certain: Teemo's conviction is nothing to be trifled with.
• 1Background
• 2Appearance
• 3Personality
• 4Abilities
• 5Relations5.1Other Yordles5.2Graves5.3Viego
• 6Read More6.1Biography6.2Starring Champion6.3Mentioned Champion6.4Alternate Universes
• 7Trivia
• 8Change log
• 9References
• 10See also
• 5.1Other Yordles
• 5.2Graves
• 5.3Viego
• 6.1Biography
• 6.2Starring Champion
• 6.3Mentioned Champion
• 6.4Alternate Universes
• Yordle Physiology:Teemo is a Yordle, a being coming from theSpirit Realmand possesses several abilities natural of his species.Immortality:Being spiritual beings, Yordles don't age the same way as normal humans, and they can't normally die.Yordle Magic:Just like anyYordle, Teemo is capable of performing yordle magic, which he utilizes in tandem with his skills as a scout.
• Immortality:Being spiritual beings, Yordles don't age the same way as normal humans, and they can't normally die.
• Yordle Magic:Just like anyYordle, Teemo is capable of performing yordle magic, which he utilizes in tandem with his skills as a scout.
Teemo is friends withCorki,Lulu,KennenandTristana.
Duringone of his missioninBilgewater, Teemo was captured byGravesto earn bounty for Yordles, whileTwisted Fatedid not interfere. He would later be saved byCorki,LuluandTristana.
As seen briefly in his journal, Teemo may know aboutViego.
Read More
The Swift Scout
By Unknown Author
Starring Champion
Short Story
A Bandle Scout Mission Journal
By Numerous creators
Another Bandle Scout mission badge complete.
Mentioned:Corki,Kennen,Lulu,Tristana,Von Yipp
A Curious Journey (Video)
As our journey comes to an end, Ava races home to save the Bandlewood Festival—but will she make it in time?
Beyond the Bandlewood (Video)
In this episode, Ava’s on a mission to prove herself… but she’ll need a little help.
Don't Mess With Yordles
Wanna go cause a ruckus? When Teemo goes missing, Tristana finds plenty of volunteers to help bring him home to Bandle City—in all the ways that only yordles can!
Starring:Corki,Graves,Lulu,Teemo,Tristana,Twisted Fate
Mentioned Champion
Arcane (TV Series)
Every legend has a beginning.
Starring:Aero,Amara,Ambessa,Babette,Benzo,Billingsworth,Bolbok,Caitlyn,Cassandra,Chross,Claggor,Deckard,Ekko,Elora,Finn,Gorgeous Man,Grayson,Harold,Heimerdinger,Hoskel,Huck,Jayce,Jericho,Jinx,Jules,Lock,Marcus,Margot,Mel,Mylo,Pim,Ren,Renni,Salo,Sevika,Shoola,Silco,Singed,Sky,Smeech,Thieram,Tobias,Vander,Verne,Vi,Viktor,Ximena
Beyond the Garden
With the arrival of the Spirit Blossom Festival, a magical fawn musters the courage to venture out and uncover the mystery behind her ailing forest.
Tales of Runeterra
Starring: N/A
Mentioned:Akali,Braum,Corki,Darius,Diana,Ekko,Fiora,Garen,Graves,Heimerdinger,Jinx,Leona,Lulu,Miss Fortune,Shen,Teemo,Thresh,Tristana,Twisted Fate
Alternate Universes
Almost Home
Five unlikely friends band together to discover that home isn’t just a place—it’s a feeling.
Starring:Diana,Sett,Teemo,Tristana,Xin Zhao
Ao Shin's Adventure
Every little dragon has a destiny.
Starring:Aurelion Sol,Azir,Jinx,Sett,Teemo,Veigar,Yuumi
Clash of Fates
Starring:Alistar,Amumu,Anivia,Annie,Ashe,Cho'Gath,Evelynn,Jax,Karthus,Kayle,Master Yi,Nunu,Rammus,Ryze,Singed,Sivir,Soraka,Teemo,Twisted Fate,Warwick,Willump,Zilean
Dominion (Video)
Starring:Cassiopeia,Irelia,Jarvan IV,Lux,Malphite,Miss Fortune,Mordekaiser,Ryze,Swain,Teemo
Music Video
By Numerous creators
Since its inception, Worlds has grown and evolved. Each unbelievable play and phenomenal match created moments and memories that will never be forgotten. In these iconic moments, players and teams reached for something incredible within themselves and brought it to life on the Summoner’s Rift...
Starring:Aatrox,Ahri,Alistar,Anivia,Annie,Ashe,Brand,Caitlyn,Darius,Draven,Elise,Ezreal,Gnar,Janna,Jax,Jayce,Jinx,Kassadin,Katarina,Kennen,Kha'Zix,Lulu,Orianna,Rek'Sai,Rengar,Rumble,Ryze,Shen,Sivir,Tahm Kench,Teemo,Twisted Fate,Yasuo,Ziggs
Journal of Justice
ByInstitute of War
Formare veneficum est formare fatum.
Starring:Akali,Alistar,Amumu,Anivia,Annie,Ashe,Blitzcrank,Brand,Cassiopeia,Cho'Gath,Corki,Darius,Dr. Mundo,Evelynn,Ezreal,Fiddlesticks,Gangplank,Garen,Gragas,Heimerdinger,Irelia,Janna,Jarvan IV,Jax,Karma,Karthus,Kassadin,Katarina,Kayle,Kennen,Kog'Maw,Lee Sin,Leona,Lissandra,Lux,Malzahar,Maokai,Master Yi,Mordekaiser,Morgana,Nasus,Nidalee,Nocturne,Nunu,Olaf,Pantheon,Poppy,Rammus,Renekton,Riven,Rumble,Ryze,Sejuani,Shaco,Shen,Singed,Sion,Sivir,Skarner,Sona,Soraka,Swain,Talon,Taric,Teemo,Tibbers,Tristana,Trundle,Tryndamere,Twisted Fate,Twitch,Udyr,Urgot,Veigar,Vladimir,Warwick,Willump,Wukong,Xin Zhao,Yorick,Zilean
Return to the Stars
Starring:Aurelion Sol,Bard,Cassiopeia,Gnar,Illaoi,Kog'Maw,Nautilus,Nocturne,Teemo,Urgot,Vayne,Viktor,Ziggs
Spirit Bonds
ByJared Rosen,Michael Yichao,Rayla Heide,Elan Stimmel,Cat Manning,David Slagle,John O'Bryan,Michael Luo,Phillip Vargas
They say the Spirit Blossom Festival represents a thinning of the veil between our world and the Spirit Realm.
There Will Be Mayhem
Starring:Alistar,Aurelion Sol,Braum,Nasus,Nunu,Teemo,Trundle,Volibear,Willump
Music Video
You Really Got Me
By Numerous creators
Ready for the Rift?
A Hero Awakens
What secrets lie beneath the shards?
Mentioned:Amumu,Diana,Kindred,Teemo,Xin Zhao
Academy Adventures: Series 1
ByGutter Rat
Mentioned:Akali,Amumu,Anivia,Azir,Bard,Blitzcrank,Braum,Cho'Gath,Elise,Ezreal,Fiddlesticks,Fiora,Gnar,Heimerdinger,Ivern,Jhin,Jinx,Karthus,Kog'Maw,Lulu,Lux,Malzahar,Miss Fortune,Nidalee,Olaf,Poppy,Rek'Sai,Renekton,Rumble,Ryze,Shaco,Shen,Sion,Sona,Soraka,Talon,Taric,Teemo,Tristana,Trundle,Twitch,Urgot,Varus,Veigar,Vel'Koz,Vi,Yorick,Zed,Ziggs,Zyra
Academy Adventures: Series 2
ByGutter Rat
Mentioned:Amumu,Anivia,Annie,Ashe,Aurelion Sol,Braum,Caitlyn,Cho'Gath,Dr. Mundo,Draven,Elise,Ezreal,Fiddlesticks,Fizz,Galio,Gnar,Heimerdinger,Janna,Jhin,Jinx,Kog'Maw,Lulu,Lux,Malphite,Malzahar,Miss Fortune,Nami,Nasus,Olaf,Poppy,Rakan,Rammus,Rek'Sai,Riven,Rumble,Ryze,Shaco,Singed,Sona,Soraka,Syndra,Taliyah,Talon,Taric,Teemo,Thresh,Tibbers,Tristana,Twitch,Urgot,Varus,Veigar,Volibear,Warwick,Wukong,Xayah,Yasuo,Yorick,Zac,Zed,Ziggs,Zyra
Academy Adventures: Series 3
ByGutter Rat
Crystal Quest: Series 1
Mentioned:Anivia,Ashe,Braum,Bristle,Caitlyn,Camille,Elise,Ezreal,Garen,Gragas,Graves,Heimerdinger,Illaoi,Ivern,Katarina,Kled,Lee Sin,Leona,Lissandra,Lucian,Nami,Olaf,Poppy,Ryze,Senna,Singed,Skaarl,Taliyah,Taric,Teemo,Tryndamere,Twisted Fate,Veigar,Vi,Zac
Music Video
ByTrue Damage
Mentioned:Ahri,Azir,Book,Camille,Corki,Jinx,Kayn,Kindred,LeBlanc,Lucian,Pyke,Rhaast,Tahm Kench,Teemo,Thresh,Twitch,Yuumi
Olaf vs Everything: Series 2
ByTom Barton
Mentioned:Ahri,Aurelion Sol,Brand,Cassiopeia,Cho'Gath,Darius,Dr. Mundo,Ekko,Gnar,Illaoi,Karthus,Kog'Maw,Lee Sin,Nagakabouros,Ornn,Renekton,Skarner,Teemo,Tryndamere,Urgot,Vel'Koz,Vi,Viktor,Vladimir,Warwick,Zyra
Music Video
Pentakill II: Grasp of the Undying
No one shreds like the undead.
Punches and Plants: Series 1
Mentioned:Ahri,Alistar,Annie,Ashe,Blitzcrank,Brand,Braum,Caitlyn,Darius,Diana,Dr. Mundo,Ekko,Evelynn,Ezreal,Gangplank,Garen,Gnar,Gragas,Graves,Heimerdinger,Janna,Jinx,Karma,Katarina,Leona,Lucian,Malzahar,Miss Fortune,Nami,Nasus,Nunu,Quinn,Renekton,Rumble,Ryze,Sejuani,Sivir,Sona,Soraka,Tahm Kench,Taliyah,Taric,Teemo,Tibbers,Trundle,Tryndamere,Twisted Fate,Twitch,Valor,Varus,Vel'Koz,Vladimir,Volibear,Warwick,Willump,Wukong,Zac,Ziggs
Punches and Plants: Series 2
Mentioned:Aatrox,Ahri,Alistar,Amumu,Annie,Aurelion Sol,Azir,Bard,Blitzcrank,Caitlyn,Cho'Gath,Diana,Draven,Ekko,Ezreal,Fizz,Galio,Gnar,Graves,Heimerdinger,Jayce,Kha'Zix,Kog'Maw,Leona,Lucian,Lux,Malphite,Maokai,Miss Fortune,Nasus,Nautilus,Nidalee,Olaf,Orianna,Poppy,Quinn,Rakan,Renekton,Riven,Rumble,Shaco,Taric,Teemo,Tibbers,Tristana,Trundle,Udyr,Valor,Vel'Koz,Viktor,Volibear,Warwick,Wukong,Xayah,Xin Zhao,Yasuo,Ziggs
The Path, An Ionian Myth
Every myth carries a seed of truth. A slain swordsman must decide if he will make peace with his past—or be consumed by it.
The Roadtrip
ByCassie Parkes,Marvin Clifford
Mentioned:Ahri,Ashe,Azir,Bard,Braum,Darius,Fiddlesticks,Garen,Gnar,Gragas,Graves,Irelia,Jinx,Kalista,Katarina,Kog'Maw,Lee Sin,Lulu,Master Yi,Nami,Poppy,Rakan,Shaco,Sona,Swain,Taric,Teemo,Twisted Fate,Varus,Xayah,Yasuo,Zilean
• Based onLegends of Runeterracard lore, Teemo uses his Puffcap mushrooms as hisNoxious Traps, which he gets from the black market ofZaun.
Change log[]
See also[] | Name: Guerrilla Warfare, Description: Innate: Teemo gains invisibility after 1. 5 seconds without moving, taking damage, performing actions that break stealth , channeling , or being in stasis . Teemo will maintain stealth so long as he remains idle and is not displaced . While in brush , Teemo gains the stealth even while moving and can move without breaking stealth. Innate - Element of Surprise: When Teemo breaks the stealth, he gains 20 / 40 / 60 / 80% (based on level) bonus attack speed for 5 seconds., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputPassive', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', "IfTeemotriggersElement of Surprisetwice in less than 3 seconds he will only refresh thebonusattack speed'sduration (it will notstackwith itself).", 'Charm,Flee, andTauntwillforcehim out ofstealth.IfTeemois in abrushwhile stealthed, onlyTauntwill break it.', 'IfTeemois in abrushwhile stealthed, onlyTauntwill break it.', "Guerilla Warfare'sstealth is special-cased to be interrupted wheneverTeemomoves from his location by any means (whether bydashing,blinking, beingdisplaced, or simply moving), thus, performing actions that do not normallybreak stealthwhich also involve movement will cause theinvisibilityto break. Notably,FlashandTeleport. IfTeemois in abrushthe aforementioned spells do not end the stealth so long as his exact destination is still inside brush.StartingTeleport'schannel will not breakGuerilla Warfare, only theblinkupon completing the channel will (with the exception stated above).", "StartingTeleport'schannel will not breakGuerilla Warfare, only theblinkupon completing the channel will (with the exception stated above).", 'Guerilla Warfarewill not activate whileRecalling.']} | Name: Blinding Dart, Description: Active: Teemo shoots a dart at the target enemy that deals magic damage and blinds them for a duration. Magic Damage: 80 / 125 / 170 / 215 / 260 (+ 80% AP) Blind Duration: 2 / 2. 25 / 2. 5 / 2. 75 / 3 The duration of the blind is doubled against minions and monsters . Increased Blind Duration: 4 / 4. 5 / 5 / 5. 5 / 6, {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputUnit', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Blinding Dartwill not make abilities that can triggeron-hit effects(Parrrley,Mystic Shot) miss.', 'When blinded, enemies have a green tint on their screen.', 'BecauseBlinding Dartusescenter range, it has 45 to 70 more range than hisbasic attacks, which useedge range, against otherchampions.This bonus becomes lower ifTeemoor his target havesizebonuses.', 'This bonus becomes lower ifTeemoor his target havesizebonuses.', 'If the target becomesuntargetable,dies, or is too far away or no longer insightduring the cast time, this ability will cancel but does not go oncooldownnor pay its cost (if applicable).']} | Name: Move Quick, Description: Passive: Teemo gains bonus movement speed after 5 seconds without taking damage from enemy champions or turrets . Bonus Movement Speed: 10 / 14 / 18 / 22 / 26% Active: Teemo gains bonus movement speed for 3 seconds. This overrides the passive bonus, but prevents the passive effect from being removed. Bonus Movement Speed: 20 / 28 / 36 / 44 / 52% Casting Move Quick does not interrupt Guerrilla Warfare ., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputAuto', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', "WhenMove Quick'sactive bonus movement speed endsTeemowill not regain the passive one if he was damaged during the active's duration.", "Move Quick'spassive will be disabled even if the damage is blocked with aspell shield."]} | Name: Toxic Shot, Description: Passive: Teemo's basic attacks are empowered to deal bonus magic damage on-hit and inflict poison . poison : The target takes magic damage every second over 4 seconds. Subsequent inflictions refresh the duration. Magic Damage On-Hit: 14 / 25 / 36 / 47 / 58 (+ 30% AP) Magic Damage per Tick: 6 / 12 / 18 / 24 / 30 (+ 10% AP) Total Poison Damage: 24 / 48 / 72 / 96 / 120 (+ 40% AP) Toxic Shot deals 150% damage against monsters . Monster Damage On-Hit: 21 / 37. 5 / 54 / 70. 5 / 87 (+ 45% AP) Monster Damage per Tick: 9 / 18 / 27 / 36 / 45 (+ 15% AP) Total Monster Poison Damage: 36 / 72 / 108 / 144 / 180 (+ 60% AP), {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputPassive', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'Not Blocked', 'parries': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'The initial hit from Toxic Shot will consumeManaflow Bandif it is available.', 'The attacks do not affectstructuresnorwards.']} | Name: Noxious Trap, Description: Active: Teemo tosses a poisonous mushroom to the target location that becomes stealthed after arming over 1 second, lasting for up to 5 minutes and granting sight of its surroundings. If the mushroom lands on an already-placed one, it will bounce forward again for its cast distance, up to a cap, which can happen repeatedly. Bounce Distance Cap: 350 / 450 / 550 Teemo periodically stocks a Noxious Trap charge, up to a maximum amount. Maximum Charges: 3 / 4 / 5 The mushroom will explode upon enemy contact, inflicting poison to nearby enemies and slowing them for 4 seconds, as well as revealing them. Slow: 30 / 40 / 50% poison : The target takes magic damage every second over 4 seconds. Subsequent inflictions refresh the duration. Magic Damage per Tick: 50 / 81. 25 / 112. 5 (+ 13. 75 % AP) Total Magic Damage: 200 / 325 / 450 (+ 55% AP) A mushroom has 6 maximum health and can only be damaged by champion basic attacks (2 damage from ranged and 3 from melee ). See Pets for more details about mushroom traps., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputLocation', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'See Notes', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Map-Specific Differences', 'The bounce can occur an indefinite amount of times whileTeemois alive. IfTeemodies beforeNoxious Trapbounces on another, the trap will disappear.', "Rift Scuttlerwill not triggerNoxious Trap'sexplosion if it is not being attacked.", 'Enemies who step on multipleNoxious Trapswill only refresh the duration of the damage over time and slow.', "Noxious Trap'sdamage is determined when it detonates and not when planted, meaning ifTeemo'sability powerchanges, the scaling is also altered to affect the active damage of allNoxious Trapsso long as they do not explode.", 'Spell shieldwill prevent the damage over time and slow for all units but will not prevent the detonation itself.', 'Deals 66% damage to minions (50% total).', 'Limited to 12Mushroomsactive.', 'Total base damage changed to 150 / 250 / 350.', 'Total AP ratio changed to45% AP.', 'Slow strength changed to 20 / 30 / 40%.']} | Omega Squad Teemoand Teemo inLegends of Runeterraare voiced byMelissa Hutchison, who also voicesAshe.[2]
Teemo's dance referencesBadgersbyWeebl.A side-by-side comparison can be seenhere.
Teemo features in the Season 3 masteryScout's icon.
Teemo,Akshan, andEvelynnare the only champions who can be permanently stealthed (throughGuerrilla Warfare,Going Rogue, andDemon Shaderespectively).
Fioradraws Teemo's face in the air in her joke emote.
Teemo's blowgun can be seen inside a weapons cabinet in the game's Mac Version trailer.
Teemo being the smallest champion in-game has led to the creation of a measurement unit named after him (used to calculate ranges).Despite the measurement unit, Teemo's actual size is 110 units in diameter -"For another point of reference, Teemo has a radius of 55 units and his size is approximately 9,503 units".
In theV1.0.0.115April Fools' Daypatch, the following changes regarding Teemo were jokingly listed:Cuteness increased by 10%.Teemo may no longer be the target of hostile attacks or abilities.
Over the years, player frustration from Teemo's abilities and backstory have led to meme and perception that he is an evil individual akin to a demonic figure (specificallySatan)Riot Gameslater officially honored this with the release ofLittle Devil Teemo.
Omega Squad Teemois voiced by anew actorbecause the previous one no longer works for Riot Games.
Teemo is ananagramfor the word emote, befitting his recognizable and iconic face which has led to him being an unofficial mascot of sorts.
On Teemo's day, February 21,RiotGames Twittershare Teemo facts throughout the day. |
Thresh,the Chain Warden | | | health: Health600+120, resource: Mana274+44, health regen: Health regen. (per 5s)7+0.55, resource regen: Mana regen. (per 5s)6+0.8, armor: Armor28+0, attack damage: Attack damage56+2.2, attack speed: Base AS0.625, gameplay radius: Gameplay radius65, selection radius: Selection radius125, release: 2013-01-23, changed: V13.7, role: Catcher, position: Support, rangetype: Ranged, adaptivetype: Physical, cost: 3150|790 | Missing section(s):
ThreshUnboundUndead 1Undead 2Undead 3Human 1Human 2Human DisguiseTitlesReal nameErlok Grael(Human name)Alias(es)The Chain WardenThe TorturerWarden of ThresholdsBrother GraelCharacteristicsSpeciesWraith(formerlyHuman)Pronoun(s)He/HimTimelineBorn:75 BN - 50 BNWeapon(s)ScytheSoul LanternPersonal statusStatusUndeadPlace of originBlessed IslesCurrent residenceUnknown(No Fixed Abode)Shadow IslesProfessional statusOccupation(s)Soul JailerMonk of DuskArtifacts KeeperRegion(s)Shadow IslesBlessed IslesRelated character(s)GangplankHecarimKalistaKarthusLucianSennaViegoYorickAhriBraumIllaoiMiss FortunePykeYasuoNecritRyzeLedros
• Unbound
• Undead 1
• Undead 2
• Undead 3
• Human 1
• Human 2
• Human Disguise
Real name
• The Chain Warden
• The Torturer
• Warden of Thresholds
• Brother Grael
• Wraith(formerlyHuman)
• Born:75 BN - 50 BN
• Scythe
• Soul Lantern
Personal status
Place of origin
Current residence
• Unknown(No Fixed Abode)
• Shadow Isles
Professional status
• Soul Jailer
• Monk of Dusk
• Artifacts Keeper
• Shadow Isles
• Blessed Isles
Related character(s)
Sadistic and cunning,Threshis an ambitious and restless spirit of theShadow Isles. Once the custodian of countless arcane secrets, he sought a power greater than life or death, and now sustains himself by tormenting and breaking others with slow, excruciating inventiveness. His victims suffer far beyond their brief mortal coil asThreshwreaks agony upon their souls, imprisoning them in his unholy lantern to torture for all eternity.
• 1Background1.1Early life1.2The Ruination1.3Capture of Senna1.4The Ruined King1.5Unbound
• 2Appearance
• 3Personality
• 4Abilities
• 5Relations5.1Viego5.2Sentinels of Light5.3Crew of the Charming Lady5.4Gangplank5.5Ledros
• 6Read More6.1Biography6.2Starring Champion6.3Mentioned Champion6.4Alternate Universes
• 7Trivia
• 8Change log
• 9References
• 10See also
• 1.1Early life
• 1.2The Ruination
• 1.3Capture of Senna
• 1.4The Ruined King
• 1.5Unbound
• 5.1Viego
• 5.2Sentinels of Light
• 5.3Crew of the Charming Lady
• 5.4Gangplank
• 5.5Ledros
• 6.1Biography
• 6.2Starring Champion
• 6.3Mentioned Champion
• 6.4Alternate Universes
Early life[]
The wraith Thresh was born in theBlessed Islesas Erlok Grael, a monk ofHelia. He served in the order for many years, expecting to be recognized among Helia's masters, but due to his humble background he was delegated to work as a warden to safeguard Helia's magical artifacts which he took as an insult. Grael felt bitter towards his new position as he believed himself more gifted than his noble-born peers who got more prestigious roles, and that his lowly position would stop him from being recognized.[1]After years of working in the vault, Grael grew bitter and cruel. Growing frustrated over his fellow wardens getting killed by the artifacts, he took interest in a nameless tome claimed to whisper one's darkest thoughts. Grael kept the tome in his possession, but his superior, Head Warden Rastofir, stopped him and threatened to demote him. Angered, he believed that Rastofir was trying to steal his research for his own benefit, so he arranged Rastofir to be killed by a miscategorized artifact so he could manipulate the order into a pragmatic direction.[2]
The Ruination[]
One day, a fleet of ships fromCamavorinvaded the Blessed Isles, led by their kingViegowhom wanted to use the Waters of Life to resurrect his wifeIsolde. When the monks refused,Hecarimand his knights took the opportunity to slaughter the monks and all of the natives. Grael delighted in the carnage and suffering that ensued, and took it upon himself to lead Viego to the Waters of Life. Isolde's resurrection failed and caused a blast of magic that corrupted the Blessed Isles' protective mist into the Black Mist, turning all of the inhabitants intowraiths. Grael embraced his transformation and took on the moniker Thresh, eager to act out his desires for cruelty without punishment or the limits of mortality. As decades passed, Thresh's spectral form morphed into a reflection of his darkest traits. He roamed theShadow Isleskilling people and imprisoning their souls within his lantern, becoming known in the folklore ofRuneterraas a bogeyman figure.
Capture of Senna[]
Many years later, Thresh encounteredLucianandSenna, a married couple ofSentinels of Light, in a forbidden Helian vault in search of a cure for the latter's curse. Overzealous in his goal to save Senna, Lucian refused to turn back, but his decision cost him Senna's life as she sacrificed herself to save him from an oncoming attack from Thresh. The wraith trapped her soul in his lantern, with Lucian spending years battling his arch-enemy, all while Thresh taunted him by holding Senna's soul ransom.
Eventually, Lucian was able to set Senna's soul free by blasting Thresh's lantern open. While he expected the souls to pass on, Senna re-emerged with her newfound ability to control the Black Mist. Though Thresh was defeated, he decided to let them have their victory as he would toy with them in the future.
The Ruined King[]
As a human, Grael dedicated his work to becoming recognized throughout Helia, but was narcissistic and spiteful, seeing himself as being worthy of recognition. He believed himself to be perfect and felt bitter towards anyone who stopped his goals, to the point where he had no problem in causing the deaths of his fellow monks to develop his own progress. Observers described Grael as being unsettling and having darkness within his mind.
After becoming Thresh, he embraced his true cruelty and hatred without anyone to stop him. He is a psychopathic sadist who delights in making others suffer even after death, by tearing out his victims' souls and leaving them to suffer within his lantern, even mocking his victims' loved ones. He enjoys antagonizingLucianthe most, after imprisoning the soul of his wifeSennaand taunting Lucian with Senna's soul on ransom. When Senna escaped, Thresh decided to let them win so he could torment them in the future. Thresh is also known for manipulating others for his own gain, such as influencing Viego after reviving him so the deaths he caused would empower Thresh to become unbound, freeing him from his perpetual imprisonment in the Shadow Isles and granting him the power to move around Runeterra. Adopting new human form, Thresh travelled to Noxus where he met Bort. A luckless waiter in a Noxian Inn who had been cursed with a crustacean arm after trying to steal from a mage and consequently was abused and ridiculed by fellow staff and customers alike for his clumsiness and unfortunate condition. Sensing potential in Bort, Thresh murdered all those who had previously mocked him and offered to free Bort from his deformity. Gladly accepting the offer, Bort became Thresh's Phantom carriage driver. Now in command of those who had tormented him, Bort whips and taunts the trapped souls who pull Thresh's carriage as Thresh himself travels deeper into Noxus.
• Wraith:Thresh is one of the Shadow Isles's wraiths, created when the Ruination came to be.The Black Mist consumes ones original personality, leaving only a specter consumed by negative emotions and obsessions. In Thresh's, interestingly enough, he seems to have changed very little.Amortality:Being already dead, Thresh can't die again. He can only be banished and lose his material form for a while.Spiritual Constructs:Wraiths can create solid constructs from spectral energy, such as bodies and physical objects. These constructs mainly base themselves around how they looked in life.Transitory State:Being ethereal beings, Wraiths can shift from the physical world and spiritual one at will. This means they can become intangible and invisible, and dissapear from one place to another.
• Soul Snatching:Thresh' most terrible power, and what makes him so dangerous, is his ability to entrap the souls of others by hooking them with his scythe, and then trapping their souls inside his lantern, were they suffer untold horrors until they become his enslaved thralls.
• Amortality:Being already dead, Thresh can't die again. He can only be banished and lose his material form for a while.
• Spiritual Constructs:Wraiths can create solid constructs from spectral energy, such as bodies and physical objects. These constructs mainly base themselves around how they looked in life.
• Transitory State:Being ethereal beings, Wraiths can shift from the physical world and spiritual one at will. This means they can become intangible and invisible, and dissapear from one place to another.
Thresh was a member of the Brotherhood of Dusk located in the heart of the Blessed Isles, turned undead when theRuination of Heliastruck. Thresh was directly responsible for the Ruination of the Blessed Isles, as he was the one who ledViegoto the Waters of Life.
Between conspiring against him with Gangplank and lettingSenna'ssoul escape his lantern, Thresh fell out of favor with Viego. In turn, Thresh plotted against Viego and siphoned the excess Black Mist he was producing, in order to becomeunboundfrom the Shadow Isles.
Sentinels of Light[]
Thresh trickedLucian'swifeSenna, claiming her soul and storing it in hislantern. Luciantraveledto Bilgewater in pursuit of theHarrowingto locate Thresh. It was then he found out Senna's soul is trapped inside the Chain Warden'slantern. Lucian continued to pursue the Mist to free her and finallysucceeded.
Thresh made a deal withLucianfor the vital information that may help him saveSenna. After becoming unbound from the mist with Viego being defeated, Thresh came to theSentinels of Lightfor the soul promised by the deal, but they managed to escape. Thresh now plots to capture the escaping Sentinels.
LucianandSennaare now dedicated to hunting Thresh.
Crew of the Charming Lady[]
Thresh clashed withAhri,Braum,Illaoi,Miss Fortune,Pyke, andYasuoinRuined King, when they sailed to the Shadow Isles to try and stop him and Gangplank from unleashing Viego.
Thresh andGangplankwoke Viego up from his slumber, in order to use his power to conquer Bilgewater.
Thresh tried to persuadeLedrosto give up trying to freeKalistaand has succeeded at obtaining his silver pendant which Ledros may use to remind Kalista of her humanity.
Read More
The Chain Warden
ByAnthony Reynolds Lenné
Starring Champion
A Night at the Inn
Now unbound from the Black Mist, Thresh is free to roam wherever he likes—reaping poor souls all along the way.
Dark Passage
This ends now.
Short Story
ByPhillip Vargas
Lucian sat on a hilltop beneath the shadow of a large banyan tree and scanned the valley below.
None Escape
A Buhru priestess and her acolyte son brave the perils of the Black Mist, to renew the magical wards surrounding the Shadow Isles… but come face to face with a truly enduring foe.
Rise of the Sentinels
ByJohn O'Bryan
Black Mist pours across Runeterra, enthralling its champions and shrouding the continent in darkness. If the last Sentinels are going to save Runeterra, they're going to need all the help they can get. And that meansyouRookie!
Starring:Akshan,Diana,Draven,Graves,Gwen,Irelia,Isolde,Karma,Lucian,Miss Fortune,Olaf,Pantheon,Pyke,Rengar,Riven,Senna,Shyvana,Thresh,Vayne,Vex,Viego,Yorick
Short Story
Roots of Ruin
By Numerous creators
The end began with one man.
Short Story
Ruination (Novel)
ByAnthony Reynolds Lenné
Camavor is a brutal land with a bloody legacy. Where the empire’s knights go, slaughter follows. Kalista seeks to change that. When her young and narcissistic uncle, Viego, becomes king she vows to temper his destructive instincts as his loyal confidant, advisor, and military general. But her plans are thwarted when an assassin’s poisoned blade strikes Viego’s wife, Isolde, afflicting her with a malady for which there is no cure. As Isolde’s condition worsens, Viego descends into madness and grief, threatening to drag Camavor down with him. Kalisa makes a desperate gambit to save the kingdom: She searches for the long-lost Blessed Isles, rumored to hold the queen’s salvation if only Kalista can find them. But corruption grows in the Blessed Isle’s capital, where a vengeful warden seeks to ensnare Kalista in his cruel machinations. She will be forced to choose between her loyalty to Viego and doing what she knows is right–for even in the face of utter darkness, one noble act can shine a light that saves the world.
Ruined King
ByAirship Syndicate
Rise Against Ruin - Unite a party of League of Legends Champions, explore Bilgewater and set sail for the Shadow Isles to uncover the secrets of the deadly Black Mist in this immersive turn-based RPG.
Starring:Ahri,Braum,Gangplank,Illaoi,Maokai,Miss Fortune,Necrit,Pyke,Rafen,Thresh,Viego,Yasuo
Mentioned:Ashe,Elise,Fiddlesticks,Fizz,Gwen,Hecarim,Isolde,Ivern,Janna,Jarvan IV,Kalista,Ledros,Lucian,Nagakabouros,Nautilus,Olaf,Ornn,Rhasa,Riven,Senna,Swain,Tahm Kench,Taliyah,Twisted Fate,Udyr,Volibear,Yone,Yorick,Zed
Short Story • 51 Minute Read
Shadow and Fortune: Chapter Four
ByGraham McNeill
She is not Dead, Strange Bedfellows, In Motion Again
Starring:Hecarim,Illaoi,Lucian,Miss Fortune,Olaf,Rafen,Thresh
Short Story • 51 Minute Read
Shadow and Fortune: Chapter Three
ByGraham McNeill
The Purifier, City of the Dead, Sanctuary
Starring:Hecarim,Lucian,Miss Fortune,Olaf,Rafen,Thresh
Shadow's Embrace
Those trapped in darkness need light the most.
Steadfast Heart: Issue 1
ByIan St. Martin
Separated by a millennium, personal tragedy draws Viego and Lucian to islands shrouded in mist and mystery.
Steadfast Heart: Issue 2
ByIan St. Martin
Viego and Lucian grapple with losing the loves of their lives. Will either find peace, or only ruin?
Steadfast Heart: Issue 3
ByIan St. Martin
As Ruination spreads across Runeterra, the Sentinels begin a quest for allies.
Steadfast Heart: Issue 5
ByIan St. Martin
Senna trains the new Sentinels of Light, as Lucian searches for the wielder of a legendary weapon in Shurima. Meanwhile, the Ruined King gains allies of his own.
Steadfast Heart: Issue 6
ByIan St. Martin
The final showdown between Light and Darkness - the fate of Runeterra lies in the balance!
The Climb
Take the first step and begin your climb.
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Short Story • 3 Minute Read
The Collection
ByRayla Heide
A horrible scraping of metal chains drifted over the fields. Outside, an unnatural fog rendered the moon and stars all but invisible, and the regular hum of insects fell silent.
Short Story
The Echoes Left Behind
ByAnthony Reynolds Lenné
Blood pooled beneath him, bright crimson against pristine white stone. His sword lay nearby, its blade broken. His killers stood around him, shadows on the periphery, but he saw nothing except her.
Mentioned Champion
Short Story • 3 Minute Read
No One Lives
ByGraham McNeill
Icy waves crashed on the bleak shore, red with the blood of the men Hecarim had already butchered. The mortals he had yet to kill were retreating over the beach in terror. Black rain doused them and stormclouds boiled in from the mourning heart of the island. He heard them shouting to one another. The words were a guttural battle-cant he did not recognize, but the meaning was clear; they actually thought they might live to reach their ship. True, they had some skill. They moved as one, wooden shields interlocked. But they were mortal and Hecarim savored the meat-stink of their fear.
Short Story
ByPhillip Vargas
Senna woke with a gasp, her breath pluming in the frigid night.
Short Story • 51 Minute Read
Shadow and Fortune: Chapter One
ByGraham McNeill
Blood on the Streets, Glory in Death, Down to the Bearded Lady/nThe Butcher Blades had hung the Jackdaw from a rusted marlinspike through his jawbone and left him for the quayside scavengers. This was the seventeenth murdered ganger the hooded man had seen tonight.
Starring:Lucian,Miss Fortune,Olaf,Rafen
Short Story • 51 Minute Read
Shadow and Fortune: Chapter Two
ByGraham McNeill
Something Stupid, The Red Shroud, The Shadow of War
Starring:Lucian,Miss Fortune,Olaf,Rafen
Mentioned:Hecarim,Morgana,Senna,Tahm Kench,Thresh
Shadows and Reflections
By Numerous creators
The Purifier Remembers
Tales of Runeterra
Starring: N/A
Mentioned:Akali,Braum,Corki,Darius,Diana,Ekko,Fiora,Garen,Graves,Heimerdinger,Jinx,Leona,Lulu,Miss Fortune,Shen,Teemo,Thresh,Tristana,Twisted Fate
The Princeling's Lament
ByGraham McNeill
Scrape the bench of sunless moss.
Starring: N/A
The Purifier
ByDevon Giehl
The Redeemer
ByDavid Slagle
The Shadow of War
ByGraham McNeill
Short Story
The Voices of the Dead
ByDavid Slagle
There's a saying on my island. “Only through stealing our breath can the wind speak.” You want me to describe the Black Mist that greeted me when I first arrived in the Ionian village, hood raised, relic cannon on my back?
Short Story
The Will of the Dead
ByLaura Michet
Long before she became a Truth Bearer of her people, Illaoi had been an acolyte priestess at a Buhru temple on the coast.
Starring:Illaoi,Miss Fortune,Yorick
Mentioned:Gangplank,Maiden of the Mist,Nagakabouros,Pyke,Tahm Kench,Thresh,Viego
Alternate Universes
A New Devil's In Town
By Numerous creators
Short Story
Ambition's Embrace
ByMichael Yichao
Bound by darkness.
Starring:Ashe,Kassadin,Lulu,Lux,Master Yi,Rakan,Thresh,Xayah,Xin Zhao
Nothing Escapes
By Numerous creators
Solo Darius
It's easy crushing top lane when you're SoloRenektonOnly. It’s On.
Spirit Bonds
ByJared Rosen,Michael Yichao,Rayla Heide,Elan Stimmel,Cat Manning,David Slagle,John O'Bryan,Michael Luo,Phillip Vargas
They say the Spirit Blossom Festival represents a thinning of the veil between our world and the Spirit Realm.
Short Story
The Man with the Grinning Shadow
ByJared Rosen
“You the marshal?”
“Nothing's going to stop me.” Inspired by the true story of Doublelift, Team Liquid ADC and five-time North American LCS champion. It's On.
Academy Adventures: Series 2
ByGutter Rat
Mentioned:Amumu,Anivia,Annie,Ashe,Aurelion Sol,Braum,Caitlyn,Cho'Gath,Dr. Mundo,Draven,Elise,Ezreal,Fiddlesticks,Fizz,Galio,Gnar,Heimerdinger,Janna,Jhin,Jinx,Kog'Maw,Lulu,Lux,Malphite,Malzahar,Miss Fortune,Nami,Nasus,Olaf,Poppy,Rakan,Rammus,Rek'Sai,Riven,Rumble,Ryze,Shaco,Singed,Sona,Soraka,Syndra,Taliyah,Talon,Taric,Teemo,Thresh,Tibbers,Tristana,Twitch,Urgot,Varus,Veigar,Volibear,Warwick,Wukong,Xayah,Yasuo,Yorick,Zac,Zed,Ziggs,Zyra
Music Video
ByTrue Damage
Mentioned:Ahri,Azir,Book,Camille,Corki,Jinx,Kayn,Kindred,LeBlanc,Lucian,Pyke,Rhaast,Tahm Kench,Teemo,Thresh,Twitch,Yuumi
Music Video
By Numerous creators
Reaching the peak takes more than skill. Only those with the ambition to RISE above all others will know its height.
Starring: N/A
Mentioned:Akali,Ashe,Braum,Darius,Ekko,Ezreal,Fiora,Garen,Gnar,Jarvan IV,Jax,Jinx,Kalista,Kennen,Kha'Zix,Leona,Lux,Master Yi,Olaf,Poppy,Rakan,Riven,Ryze,Sejuani,Swain,Taliyah,Thresh,Tryndamere,Vayne,Xayah,Yasuo,Zed,Ziggs
Road to the Cup
As the 2013 League of Legends World Championship final draws near, we showcase the biggest heroes in esports from around the world. Many teams fell by the wayside in epic battles, and now only two remain: Korea's SK Telecom T1 and China's Royal Club. Who will rise?
Starring: N/A
Mentioned:Blitzcrank,Brand,Caitlyn,Corki,Elise,Ezreal,Gragas,Janna,Jarvan IV,Jayce,Kennen,Kha'Zix,Lee Sin,Lux,Malphite,Mordekaiser,Orianna,Renekton,Ryze,Shen,Thresh,Twisted Fate,Vayne,Zac,Zed
Music Video
Take Over
By Numerous creators
We're Taking Over.
Starring: N/A
Mentioned:Caitlyn,Galio,Jarvan IV,Kassadin,Lee Sin,Thresh,Xayah
The Path, An Ionian Myth
Every myth carries a seed of truth. A slain swordsman must decide if he will make peace with his past—or be consumed by it.
The Tale of the Poro King
By Numerous creators
Starring: N/A
Mentioned:Aatrox,Akali,Ashe,Aurelion Sol,Azir,Braum,Caitlyn,Cho'Gath,Darius,Diana,Draven,Ezreal,Gnar,Illaoi,Janna,Jarvan IV,Jayce,Kai'Sa,Karma,Karthus,Katarina,Kayle,Kayn,Kennen,Kha'Zix,Lee Sin,Leona,Lulu,Lux,Malzahar,Miss Fortune,Nunu,Ornn,Pantheon,Pyke,Rammus,Rek'Sai,Rhaast,Ryze,Sejuani,Shen,Sion,Sivir,Soraka,Sylas,Syndra,Taliyah,Talon,Taric,Thresh,Tristana,Trundle,Udyr,Vi,Volibear,Willump,Yasuo,Zed,Ziggs,Zoe
Short Story
With Hell Before Them
ByJared Rosen
June 7th, 1868
Music Video
Worlds Collide
By Numerous creators
Two teams have risen above their peers. Ten warriors have laid claim to the Summoner’s Cup. Five champions will etch their names in history.
Starring: N/A
• Thresh is between 1050 – 1100 years old, born at some point before the Ruination of theBlessed Isles.
• After the events ofRise of the Sentinels, Thresh is nowUnboundfrom the Shadow Isles and is able to steal souls across Runeterra.
Change log[]
See also[]
• Bilgewater
• Camavor
• Demacia
• Freljord
• Ionia
• Shadow Isles
• Runeterra
• Journals
• Ruined King (Soundtrack)
• The Ruined King Saga (Universe) | Name: Damnation, Description: Innate: Thresh's armor cannot increase through growth (per level) . Innate: Enemy champions , large minions and large monsters that die near Thresh drop a Soul for 8 seconds. Epic monsters drop 2 Souls while lesser minions and monsters have a 33. 3 % chance to drop a Soul . Thresh automatically collects Souls near him or a placed Dark Passage . Soul: For each stack , Thresh gains 1 ability power and 1 bonus armor ., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputPassive', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Map-Specific Differences', 'Soulsgrant a small area ofsight.', 'Soulsare visible to allies and only become visible to enemies if their team hassightofThresh.', "The probability forsoulsdropping from small minions and monster onSummoner's Riftstarts at 33% but adjusts dynamically to match the expected quota ofsoulsdropped (lowers if above, rises if below, remains if even).Soulscollected are not considered when adjusting the probability.", 'The maximum amount ofsoulsThreshcan collect is 999,999, granting him999,999bonusability powerand999,999bonusarmor(99.99% damage reduction, reduced to 99.98% when hit byLast Whisper).', 'Nunu & Willumpdrop a soul each.', 'Each collected soul counts as 2 from 1.', 'Each collected soul counts as 2 from 1.', 'Grants 3 souls per pick-up.', 'New Effect:Gains 11.25Soulstacks per round.']} | Name: Death Sentence, Description: Active: Thresh throws out his scythe in the target direction, becoming unable to move or attack while it is in flight. The scythe catches the first enemy hit to deal magic damage and stun and reveal them for 1. 5 seconds, as well as reduce Death Sentence's current cooldown by 2 seconds. Thresh will also mark the target Shackled for 1. 5 seconds, during which he is unable to declare basic attacks, and is slowed by 20% for 1 second. Magic Damage: 100 / 150 / 200 / 250 / 300 (+ 90% AP) While the target is stunned , Thresh tugs twice over 0. 8 seconds, pulling the target a short distance with each tug. After 0. 5 seconds of hitting an enemy or instantly after hitting a minion or monster , Thresh can recast the ability while the target is Shackled , which will cause him to stop tugging. Recast - Deathly Leap: Thresh dashes to the Shackled enemy, becoming able to attack again upon arrival. He can cast Dark Passage and Flay during the dash., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputDirection/Auto', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', "Threshwill track the target if they change locations.He will dash to the target's previous location if the target is too far away or moves beyond2000units.", "He will dash to the target's previous location if the target is too far away or moves beyond2000units.", 'This ability will cast from wherever the caster is at the end of the cast time.', 'Threshwill not tug if the target is too close to him.', "Threshwill turn his facing direction towards the cast direction only afterDeath Sentence'scast is complete.IfThreshis facingmorethan 90° away from the cast direction in either direction, he will turn to faceexactly90° away from the cast direction over the cast time, then turn towards the cast direction when the missile is fired.IfThreshis facinglessthan 90° away from the cast direction, he will keep his facing direction until the missile is fired.This prevents the enemy from knowing where exactlyThreshis aiming at before the cast animation is complete.", 'IfThreshis facingmorethan 90° away from the cast direction in either direction, he will turn to faceexactly90° away from the cast direction over the cast time, then turn towards the cast direction when the missile is fired.', 'IfThreshis facinglessthan 90° away from the cast direction, he will keep his facing direction until the missile is fired.', 'This prevents the enemy from knowing where exactlyThreshis aiming at before the cast animation is complete.', "Death Sentencetriggers on-cast effects (such asSpellbladeand triggeringForce Pulse'spassive) once at the start of the cast, and once at the end of the cast. It may trigger on-cast effects a third time when castingDeathly Leap.This is because a separate spell is cast to preventThreshfrom facing towards the target direction immediately, which is (incorrectly) flagged to trigger on-cast effects.(bug)", 'This is because a separate spell is cast to preventThreshfrom facing towards the target direction immediately, which is (incorrectly) flagged to trigger on-cast effects.(bug)', 'Deathly Leaphas a maximum cast range. IfThreshor his victim move too far away from one another,Death Sentencewill show its cooldown prematurely, preventingDeathly Leapfrom being cast.This behaves similarly to a tether range.IfThreshis already outside the maximum range when the scythe lands and thehookis created,Death Sentencewill not be on cooldown(bug), however actually castingDeathly Leapwill cause it to fizzle unlessThreshhas walked into range again.', 'This behaves similarly to a tether range.', 'IfThreshis already outside the maximum range when the scythe lands and thehookis created,Death Sentencewill not be on cooldown(bug), however actually castingDeathly Leapwill cause it to fizzle unlessThreshhas walked into range again.', 'Death Sentencecannot be recast whilegroundedorrooted.', 'Death Sentencecan be recast even while the target isuntargetable.', "OnlyDeath Sentence'sfirst chain tug puts the targetairborne. Outside the first ~0.3seconds, the target is only stunned.(bug)", 'Death Sentencewill notstunenemies that aredisplacement immuneorimmune to crowd controlbut the target will still behookedandThreshis still granted the ability to recast for his dash.', 'Threshwill not tug at all if thestunis not active on the target or if he used the recast.', "Spell shieldwill block all ofDeath Sentence'seffects, including thehookas well as prevent the cooldown reduction.", "Death Sentence'sstunduration is affected bytenacitybut thehookwill always persist for 1.5seconds, unless the target uses acleansingeffect, in which case thehookis removed.Death Sentence'sstunwill persist even ifThreshdies before the duration ends. The tug will not occur asThreshis not alive.", "Death Sentence'sstunwill persist even ifThreshdies before the duration ends. The tug will not occur asThreshis not alive.", 'Death, unless protected byResurrection']} | Name: Dark Passage, Description: Active: Thresh throws his lantern to the target location over 0. 5 seconds, lasting for 6 seconds while he remains nearby and granting sight of its surroundings. If Thresh moves too far away from the lantern, it returns back to him immediately. Thresh and the first allied champion to come near the lantern are granted a shield for 4 seconds. An ally can select the lantern while in proximity of it, dashing to Thresh and gaining the shield. Shield Strength: 50 / 70 / 90 / 110 / 130 (+ 2 per Soul collected) An ally cannot select the lantern while immobilized , grounded , or silenced . The lantern will not expire from Thresh moving too far away if he is dashing with Deathly Leap ., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputLocation', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Tips & Tricks', "The dashing ally will trackThreshif he changes locations.They will dash toThresh'sprevious location if he is too far away or moves beyond2200units.", "They will dash toThresh'sprevious location if he is too far away or moves beyond2200units.", 'The lantern is considered a unit and can be targeted by an alliedTeleport,Leap Strike,Shunpo, andSafeguard.It isuntargetableto enemies.', 'It isuntargetableto enemies.', "The lantern's duration and maximum leash range are each displayed as a circle on the ground.", "Threshwill gainDark Passage'sshield from moving out of leash range of the lantern.", 'Dark Passageis special cased to triggerGuardian.', 'Since the ally needs to select the lantern, enemies may create targetable units on top of the lantern to impede allies from grabbing it (i.eWarding Totem).']} | Name: Flay, Description: Passive: Thresh's basic attacks are empowered to deal bonus magic damage , with the AD ratio increasing over 10 seconds without basic attacking enemies. Minimum Bonus Magic Damage: 1. 5 per Soul collected (+ 0% AD) Maximum Bonus Magic Damage: 1. 5 per Soul collected (+ 80 / 110 / 140 / 170 / 200% AD) Active: Thresh sweeps his chain across the ground in a broad line and a radius around him, starting behind him and towards the target direction. Enemies hit are dealt magic damage and knocked 200 units in the target direction, and then are slowed for 1 second. Magic Damage: 75 / 115 / 155 / 195 / 235 (+ 70% AP) Slow: 20 / 25 / 30 / 35 / 40% Link ▶️ "This way!", {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputDirection', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'parries': 'Missing', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Map-Specific Differences', "Flay'seffects start at the start of the cast time.Threshcan cast other spells once the cast time completes, but remains unable to attack and move and use mobility spells (such asFlash) until the chain completed its way entirely.", 'Appliesarea damageon the ability and dealsproc damageon the enhanced basic attack.', "The knockback'sairbornedebuff is set to last longer than the forced movement, but gets removed as soon as the forced movement fromFlayends or is overridden by another.", "Flay'spassive's buff icon changes colors depending on charge level. At 100%,Thresh'sscythe will glow green and a sound effect will play.", "Runaan's Hurricane'sWind's Furywill applyFlay'spassive to each enemy hit, with the secondary targets taking minimum damage (charge resets upon hitting the primary target).", 'The enhanced attack applies otheron-hit effectsand cancritically strikeas normal (the bonus damage cannot).', "Flay'spassive enhanced attack can bedodged(the enhanced attack is not consumed and the charge is not reset) andblocked(the enhanced attack is consumed and the charge is reset).", "The empowered attack will not trigger againststructuresnorwards.PENDING FOR TEST:: Enhanced attack's interactions withblindingeffects (regarding both bonus damage and charge reset).", "PENDING FOR TEST:: Enhanced attack's interactions withblindingeffects (regarding both bonus damage and charge reset).", 'Death, unless protected byResurrection', 'Maximum AD ratio changed to100 / 150 / 200 / 250 / 300% AD.']} | Name: The Box, Description: Active: Thresh erects a pentagon of spectral walls around him that each last for 5 seconds. A wall will break upon enemy champion contact, dealing magic damage and slowing them by 99% for 2 seconds. Magic Damage: 250 / 400 / 550 (+ 100% AP) Enemies that break a wall cannot do so again for 1 second. Subsequent walls they break will deal no damage and slow for only 1 second. Link ▶️ "Nowhere to hide.", {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputAuto', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Map-Specific Differences', 'This ability will cast from wherever the caster is at the start of the cast time.', 'The Boxalways usesquick cast, regardless of player settings.The Boxalways faces into the same direction (one of the walls is due North, and spreads West-East).The cast indicator does not show this behavior.', 'The Boxalways faces into the same direction (one of the walls is due North, and spreads West-East).The cast indicator does not show this behavior.', 'The cast indicator does not show this behavior.', 'The corners ofThe Boxare placed 400 units aroundThresh.Each wall is 470.228units long.Each wall passes 323.607units from the center ofThe Boxat the closest approach (ignoring its width).A pentagon has an angle of 72° between each corner.', 'Each wall is 470.228units long.', 'Each wall passes 323.607units from the center ofThe Boxat the closest approach (ignoring its width).', 'A pentagon has an angle of 72° between each corner.', 'AP ratio changed to130% AP.']} | Threshis one of 14 champions that have an ability that infinitely stacks an effect:Aurelion Sol,Bard,Bel'Veth,Cho'Gath,Draven,Kindred,Nasus,Senna,Shyvana,Sion,Swain,Sylas, andVeigar.In Thresh's case,Damnationinfinitely stacks hisability powerandarmor.
Thresh's name originated from the verb for harvesting (souls).[2]He may also be named afterDennis 'Thresh' Fong, who popularized WASD movement keys and is considered the first professional gamer.
Thresh was the firstchampionreleased in2013.His basehealthatlevel18 was also 2013 on release.
Thresh was the first champion to cost7800onfirst week after release.
Thresh andUrgotused to be the only champions classified asrangedtanksbefore having their roles changes in 2013.
Thresh has three different basic attack animations (depending on how far he is from the target he is hitting) as well as a special death animation when killed whileDeath Sentenceis active (he laughs spitefully at the affected target)
Thresh's dance referencesPoidancing(he swings hisscytheandlantern, or his scythe and the lantern's hook if he castDark Passagebefore dancing).A side-by-side comparison can be seenhere.
Dark Passageis the eldest ability that grants an allied displacement.
Thresh's theme referencesRain Rain Go Awayand/orRing a Ring o' Roses.
Thresh is the first champion to feature aDeathanimation on the Classic skin.
Death Recapused to read"You have openedThe Box. Your prize: death".
IfSennaand Thresh are played on opposing teams, aquestwill trigger. This in-game quest consists in one killing the other to earn the opposing champion's stack of souls.[3] |
Tristana,the Yordle Gunner | | | health: Health640+102, resource: Mana250+32, health regen: Health regen. (per 5s)4+0.65, resource regen: Mana regen. (per 5s)7.2+0.45, armor: Armor30+4.5, attack damage: Attack damage59+3.7, attack speed: Base AS0.656, gameplay radius: Gameplay radius55, selection radius: Selection radius100, release: 2009-02-21, changed: V13.16, role: Marksman, position: MiddleBottom, rangetype: Ranged, adaptivetype: Physical, cost: 1350|585 | Missing section(s):
TristanaMainCurrentTitlesAlias(es)The Yordle GunnerCharacteristicsSpeciesYordlePronoun(s)She/HerTimelineBorn:UnknownWeapon(s)BoomerExplosive ChargePersonal statusStatusAlivePlace of originBandle CityCurrent residenceBandle CityProfessional statusOccupation(s)Guardian of the BandlewoodsMember of the Bandle GunnersRegion(s)Bandle CityRelated character(s)YuumiTeemoRumbleKledPoppyLuluCorkiDravenGravesTwisted Fate
• Main
• Current
• Born:Unknown
• Boomer
• Explosive Charge
Personal status
Place of origin
Current residence
Professional status
• Guardian of the Bandlewoods
• Member of the Bandle Gunners
Related character(s)
While many otheryordleschannel their energy into discovery, invention, or just plain mischief-making,Tristanawas always inspired by the adventures of great warriors. She had heard much aboutRuneterra, its factions, and its wars, and believed her kind could become worthy of legend too. Setting foot in the world for the first time, she took up her trusty cannon Boomer, and now leaps into battle with steadfast courage and optimism.
• 1Background1.1Early life1.2Meeting Lulu1.3Saving Teemo
• 2Appearance
• 3Personality
• 4Abilities
• 5Relations5.1Other Yordles5.2Draven5.3Graves
• 6Read More6.1Biography6.2Starring Champion6.3Mentioned Champion6.4Alternate Universes
• 7Trivia
• 8Change log
• 9References
• 10See also
• 1.1Early life
• 1.2Meeting Lulu
• 1.3Saving Teemo
• 5.1Other Yordles
• 5.2Draven
• 5.3Graves
• 6.1Biography
• 6.2Starring Champion
• 6.3Mentioned Champion
• 6.4Alternate Universes
Early life[]
Like most yordles, Tristana was always fascinated by the world beyond Bandle City. She traveled far and wide, full of wonder and enthusiasm for the varied places, people, and creatures she encountered. Using the hidden pathways that only yordles know, she explored the length and breadth of the material realm, remaining mostly unseen.
She witnessed such breathtaking sights as ice trolls migrating across the floes of the far north beneath kaleidoscopic auroras. She marveled as warships blasted each other to pieces in naval battles that churned the seas. She watched, awestruck, as great armies marched with unity and precision—incredibly strange concepts to a yordle!—across the endless sands to the south.
But Tristana’s carefree, wandering ways changed the day she witnessed the destruction of a bandlewood. These places are steeped in the magic of the gateways they grow around, giving yordles a safe haven from the world. Tristana, dozing in the dappled sunshine, was shaken awake as the trees around her began to burn and topple. A warband of armored marauders rampaged through the woodland with fire and axes, led by a sorcerer wreathed in dark energy.
Tristana hid in horror. The sorcerer focused his power upon the portal at the heart of the bandlewood, speaking one final utterance. Her ears still ringing with pain, Tristana watched the gateway collapse, never to be opened again. The ripples of that destruction were felt in Bandle City itself, causing great despair among the yordles.
Tristana had never experienced anything like the pain of this loss, or the guilt she felt for not acting. Never again would she allow such a terrible thing to happen. In that moment, she dedicated herself to become the guardian of all bandlewoods, and her fellow yordles.
Tristana had often marveled at how mortals protected the things that were dear to them. While she couldn’t comprehend their reasons to guard shiny metals, or walls of stone, she respected their methods, and decided to emulate them. Other yordles watched with curiosity as she took to marching around the borders of Bandle City stern-faced, and watching out for danger. She started calling her food “rations”, and set herself strict times for rest and relaxation.
But something was missing. In her travels, she had seen many powerful inventions, including the black powder cannons of Bilgewater. Inspired by them, she collected enough precious metal discs to commission a gun suited to her diminutive size.
With a wry smile, she named it Boomer.
Since then,Tristana has defended the bandlewoods from innumerable threats. In the jungles of the Serpent Isles, she intervened in a clash between the localBuhrupeople and treasure hunters from Valoran that was getting too close to a hidden portal, sending them all running for their lives after she leapt into their midst, Boomer roaring. And in the burning deserts at the edge of Shurima, she destroyed a Void-horror after it began consuming a secret bandlewood oasis, killing it with an explosive bomb down the gullet.
Tristana has become something of a legend in Bandle City, and recently, a number of yordles have started to imitate her, trying—and mostly failing—to copy her disciplined ways. Some have even had weapons mimicking Boomer constructed for them by the scrappy inventor Rumble, who is always seeking to win Tristana’s approval. While Tristana finds this all rather embarrassing, she has come to the conclusion that if they are going to defend the pathways to Bandle City, they had better do it properly. As such, she has started training these new recruits, and they have adopted a new moniker—the Bandle Gunners.
Nevertheless, Tristana can often be found out in the wilds on patrol by herself—simultaneously protecting the bandlewoods and also getting away from her new, and rather annoying, trainees.
Meeting Lulu[]
Saving Teemo[]
Tristana has a very rowdy and impulsive personality. She's very excitable (especially when it comes to fighting) and more often than not tends to act without much forethought, in spite of how much she truly means well. One of Tristana's most defining traits is her ambition towards becoming a hero and creating her own adventure, being the reason why she became the feisty and strong-willed powerhouse she is today in the first place. Tristana is also incredibly selfless in spite of how scatterbrained and wacky she is otherwise, as she has protected Bandle City's gateways from mortals of Runeterra to the point of inspiring other yordles to protect the city as well.
• Cannon Proficiency:There's a reason why she carries a cannon around.
• Yordle Physiology:Tristana is a Yordle, a being coming from theSpirit Realmand possesses several abilities natural of her species.Immortality:Being spiritual beings, Yordles don't age the same way as normal humans, and they can't normally die.Yordle Magic:Just like anyYordle, Tristana is capable of performing yordle magic, which she utilizes in tandem with her skills as a gunner.
• Immortality:Being spiritual beings, Yordles don't age the same way as normal humans, and they can't normally die.
• Yordle Magic:Just like anyYordle, Tristana is capable of performing yordle magic, which she utilizes in tandem with her skills as a gunner.
Tristana,Teemo,LuluandCorkiare friends. Tristana findsLuluto be quite a handful and bothersome yordle.Rumblehas an obvious (named his mech 'Tristy') crush on her.
DravenhadencounteredbothLuluandTristana, fought and fled from them during his return trip fromBasilichto Noxus Prime.
Graves capturedTeemofor the bounty onyordleswhileTwisted Faterefuses because "messing with Yordles brings a whole heap of trouble."Corki, Lulu andTristanafoughtGraveswhen trying to save Teemo, which ended up in Graves beingturnedinto a frog and the Yordles escaping.
Read More
The Yordle Gunner
ByAnthony Reynolds Lenné
Starring Champion
Short Story • 5 Minute Read
A Quiet Night
ByGraham McNeill
The fire was crackling away nicely, spreading a warm glow throughout the forest clearing. Tristana lay on her back with her head pillowed on her pack, watching a comet streak across the starlit sky. The winking lights glittered prettily through a swaying canopy of birch and oak leaves. The humans liked to name the patterns in the stars – she'd seen some in an old book in Heimerdinger's laboratory – but she decided it would be more fun to give them names of her own invention.
Don't Mess With Yordles
Wanna go cause a ruckus? When Teemo goes missing, Tristana finds plenty of volunteers to help bring him home to Bandle City—in all the ways that only yordles can!
Starring:Corki,Graves,Lulu,Teemo,Tristana,Twisted Fate
Short Story
The Whispering Doodad
ByGraham McNeill
“Here, doodad,” she whispers to the grass. “Pretty please, with sprinkles on top! I'll let you take us somewhere you want to go next.” The doodad—or whatever it's really called—doesn't respond, but I sense it rolling away from Lulu. Well, not really rolling, as such, more making itself be where she isn't.
Mentioned Champion
Short Story
A Bandle Scout Mission Journal
By Numerous creators
Another Bandle Scout mission badge complete.
Mentioned:Corki,Kennen,Lulu,Tristana,Von Yipp
Tales of Runeterra
Starring: N/A
Mentioned:Akali,Braum,Corki,Darius,Diana,Ekko,Fiora,Garen,Graves,Heimerdinger,Jinx,Leona,Lulu,Miss Fortune,Shen,Teemo,Thresh,Tristana,Twisted Fate
Alternate Universes
A Fireside Frightener
ByLuchador Teemo,ZeOcelot
Almost Home
Five unlikely friends band together to discover that home isn’t just a place—it’s a feeling.
Starring:Diana,Sett,Teemo,Tristana,Xin Zhao
Journal of Justice
ByInstitute of War
Formare veneficum est formare fatum.
Starring:Akali,Alistar,Amumu,Anivia,Annie,Ashe,Blitzcrank,Brand,Cassiopeia,Cho'Gath,Corki,Darius,Dr. Mundo,Evelynn,Ezreal,Fiddlesticks,Gangplank,Garen,Gragas,Heimerdinger,Irelia,Janna,Jarvan IV,Jax,Karma,Karthus,Kassadin,Katarina,Kayle,Kennen,Kog'Maw,Lee Sin,Leona,Lissandra,Lux,Malzahar,Maokai,Master Yi,Mordekaiser,Morgana,Nasus,Nidalee,Nocturne,Nunu,Olaf,Pantheon,Poppy,Rammus,Renekton,Riven,Rumble,Ryze,Sejuani,Shaco,Shen,Singed,Sion,Sivir,Skarner,Sona,Soraka,Swain,Talon,Taric,Teemo,Tibbers,Tristana,Trundle,Tryndamere,Twisted Fate,Twitch,Udyr,Urgot,Veigar,Vladimir,Warwick,Willump,Wukong,Xin Zhao,Yorick,Zilean
Academy Adventures: Series 1
ByGutter Rat
Mentioned:Akali,Amumu,Anivia,Azir,Bard,Blitzcrank,Braum,Cho'Gath,Elise,Ezreal,Fiddlesticks,Fiora,Gnar,Heimerdinger,Ivern,Jhin,Jinx,Karthus,Kog'Maw,Lulu,Lux,Malzahar,Miss Fortune,Nidalee,Olaf,Poppy,Rek'Sai,Renekton,Rumble,Ryze,Shaco,Shen,Sion,Sona,Soraka,Talon,Taric,Teemo,Tristana,Trundle,Twitch,Urgot,Varus,Veigar,Vel'Koz,Vi,Yorick,Zed,Ziggs,Zyra
Academy Adventures: Series 2
ByGutter Rat
Mentioned:Amumu,Anivia,Annie,Ashe,Aurelion Sol,Braum,Caitlyn,Cho'Gath,Dr. Mundo,Draven,Elise,Ezreal,Fiddlesticks,Fizz,Galio,Gnar,Heimerdinger,Janna,Jhin,Jinx,Kog'Maw,Lulu,Lux,Malphite,Malzahar,Miss Fortune,Nami,Nasus,Olaf,Poppy,Rakan,Rammus,Rek'Sai,Riven,Rumble,Ryze,Shaco,Singed,Sona,Soraka,Syndra,Taliyah,Talon,Taric,Teemo,Thresh,Tibbers,Tristana,Twitch,Urgot,Varus,Veigar,Volibear,Warwick,Wukong,Xayah,Yasuo,Yorick,Zac,Zed,Ziggs,Zyra
Academy Adventures: Series 3
ByGutter Rat
Music Video
Pentakill II: Grasp of the Undying
No one shreds like the undead.
Punches and Plants: Series 2
Mentioned:Aatrox,Ahri,Alistar,Amumu,Annie,Aurelion Sol,Azir,Bard,Blitzcrank,Caitlyn,Cho'Gath,Diana,Draven,Ekko,Ezreal,Fizz,Galio,Gnar,Graves,Heimerdinger,Jayce,Kha'Zix,Kog'Maw,Leona,Lucian,Lux,Malphite,Maokai,Miss Fortune,Nasus,Nautilus,Nidalee,Olaf,Orianna,Poppy,Quinn,Rakan,Renekton,Riven,Rumble,Shaco,Taric,Teemo,Tibbers,Tristana,Trundle,Udyr,Valor,Vel'Koz,Viktor,Volibear,Warwick,Wukong,Xayah,Xin Zhao,Yasuo,Ziggs
The Tale of the Poro King
By Numerous creators
Starring: N/A
Mentioned:Aatrox,Akali,Ashe,Aurelion Sol,Azir,Braum,Caitlyn,Cho'Gath,Darius,Diana,Draven,Ezreal,Gnar,Illaoi,Janna,Jarvan IV,Jayce,Kai'Sa,Karma,Karthus,Katarina,Kayle,Kayn,Kennen,Kha'Zix,Lee Sin,Leona,Lulu,Lux,Malzahar,Miss Fortune,Nunu,Ornn,Pantheon,Pyke,Rammus,Rek'Sai,Rhaast,Ryze,Sejuani,Shen,Sion,Sivir,Soraka,Sylas,Syndra,Taliyah,Talon,Taric,Thresh,Tristana,Trundle,Udyr,Vi,Volibear,Willump,Yasuo,Zed,Ziggs,Zoe
Wandering Spirits
Maybe this is the year. Sett leaves home once again to find his akana father, the Spirit of Abandonment. Will the spirits along the path lead him away? Or will he finally find the way back to his mother?
Mentioned:Master Yi,Syndra,Tristana
Change log[]
See also[] | Name: Draw a Bead, Description: Innate: Tristana's basic attacks , Explosive Charge and Buster Shot gain 0 − 136 (based on level) bonus range , for a total of 525 − 661 (based on level) ., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputPassive', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'No additional details.']} | Name: Rapid Fire, Description: Active: Tristana empowers her cannon, gaining bonus attack speed for 7 seconds. Bonus Attack Speed: 65 / 80 / 95 / 110 / 125%, {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputAuto', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Rapid Fireis a non-refreshing buff that will not update on rank-up.']} | Name: Rocket Jump, Description: Active: Tristana jumps to the target location. Upon landing, she deals magic damage to nearby enemies and slows them by 60% for a duration. Magic Damage: 95 / 145 / 195 / 245 / 295 (+ 50% AP) Slow Duration: 1 / 1. 5 / 2 / 2. 5 / 3 Scoring an enemy champion takedown or detonating Explosive Charge at maximum stacks on a champion will reset Rocket Jump's cooldown . Tristana can cast any of her abilities during the dash. Rocket Jump will cast at max range if cast beyond that., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputLocation', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Tristanacan still use herabilities,summoner spells, anditem activesduringRocket Jump.', "Rocket Jump'sdash speed depends on the distance of the jump. Close-ranged jumps are much shorter while long-ranged jumps leaveTristanain the air significantly longer.", 'IfTristanahas less than 850 movement speed, a full-rangeRocket Jump(including its cast time) will make her arrive quicker at its destination than walking at this speed could.', "Killingclonesor detonatingExplosive Chargeon them also resetsRocket Jump'scooldown.The former may be unintended.", 'The former may be unintended.']} | Name: Explosive Charge, Description: Passive: Tristana's basic attacks are empowered to trigger an explosion when they kill the target, dealing magic damage to nearby enemies. Magic Damage: 55 / 80 / 105 / 130 / 155 (+ 25% AP) Active: Tristana tosses an explosive charge at the target enemy that attaches to them for 4 seconds. The charge then detonates, dealing physical damage to nearby enemies. Explosive Charge can target and damage turrets , and explodes in a larger radius on a turret. Minimum Physical Damage: 70 / 80 / 90 / 100 / 110 (+ 50 / 75 / 100 / 125 / 150% bonus AD) (+ 50% AP) Tristana's basic attacks on-hit and abilities against the target increase Explosive Charge's damage by 30%, stacking up to 4 times for a maximum 120% increase, upon which the charge also detonates instantly. The charge's total damage is additionally increased by 0% − 33. 3 % (based on critical strike chance) . Bonus Damage Per Stack: 21 / 24 / 27 / 30 / 33 (+ 15 / 22. 5 / 30 / 37. 5 / 45% bonus AD) (+ 15% AP) Maximum Physical Damage: 205 / 235 / 264 / 293 / 323 (+ 146. 6 / 219. 9 / 293. 3 / 366. 6 / 439. 9 % bonus AD) (+ 146. 6 % AP) If Buster Shot is used to apply the last stack, the detonation will instead be delayed until the end of the knock back or the 4 seconds expire. Tristana will attempt to basic attack the target afterwards., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputUnit', 'damage_type': 'Physical', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'parries': 'See Notes', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', "Explosive Charge'scast time is always 100% of the caster's attack windup time.At base attack speed,Tristana'sattack windup is 0.225625seconds.An easy formula to calculate the cast time is [ 0.14801seconds divided bytotalattack speed].ReducingTristana'sattack speed viaattack speed reductionsalso increasesExplosive Charge'scast time by the same fraction.It is calculated fromTristana'stotal attack speed after cap (2.5) and floor (0.2), making the maximum possible cast time0.759seconds.", "At base attack speed,Tristana'sattack windup is 0.225625seconds.", 'An easy formula to calculate the cast time is [ 0.14801seconds divided bytotalattack speed].', "ReducingTristana'sattack speed viaattack speed reductionsalso increasesExplosive Charge'scast time by the same fraction.", "It is calculated fromTristana'stotal attack speed after cap (2.5) and floor (0.2), making the maximum possible cast time0.759seconds.", 'Tristanawill be automatically ordered to basic attack the target.', "Explosive Charge'sinitial application deals 0physicaldamage, triggeringturretaggro.It also triggers astackof effects such asElectrocute.", 'It also triggers astackof effects such asElectrocute.', "All explosions byExplosive Charge'spassive count as the same cast instance. Every cast of the active is a separate cast instance:Hitting a champion with the passive by killing a nearby unit, casting the active on them (see note above) and landing a basic attack against them triggersElectrocute.Hitting a champion with the passive by killing a nearby unit, casting the active on them and hitting them again with the Passive by killing another nearby unit doesnottriggerElectrocute.", 'Hitting a champion with the passive by killing a nearby unit, casting the active on them (see note above) and landing a basic attack against them triggersElectrocute.', 'Hitting a champion with the passive by killing a nearby unit, casting the active on them and hitting them again with the Passive by killing another nearby unit doesnottriggerElectrocute.', "Dodge,blockandblindall preventExplosive Charge'sstack application via basic attacks.", "Explosive Charge'sdetonation will deal damage to the primary target even if they have becomeuntargetable.", "Explosive Charge'sstacks from basic attacks are applied as anon-hiteffect and will therefore interact withGuinsoo's Rageblade'sPhantom Hit andRunaan's Hurricane'sbolts.", 'If the target becomesuntargetable,dies, or is too far away or no longer insightduring the cast time, this ability will cancel but does not go oncooldownnor pay its cost (if applicable).']} | Name: Buster Shot, Description: Active: Tristana fires a massive cannonball at the target enemy that deals magic damage . They and surrounding enemies are also knocked back and stunned for up-to 0. 75 seconds , during which they are revealed . Magic Damage: 300 / 400 / 500 (+ 100% AP) Knock Back Distance: 600 / 800 / 1000, {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputUnit', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Appliesspell damageto the primary target and deals 0default damageto secondary targets.The 0 damage to secondary targets triggersturretaggro, but does not stackExplosive Charge.', 'The 0 damage to secondary targets triggersturretaggro, but does not stackExplosive Charge.', 'Tristanawill attempt to basic attack the target afterwards.', "Buster Shot'sdisplacementdirection is based onTristana'slocation at the end of the cast time.The primary target is pushed in a straight line away from that location, but the knockback distance and speed may be impeded by terrain.Secondary targets are displaced parallel to the primary target's displacement.", 'The primary target is pushed in a straight line away from that location, but the knockback distance and speed may be impeded by terrain.', "Secondary targets are displaced parallel to the primary target's displacement.", 'Thecrowd controlis removed early when the forced movement stops.At normal knockback distance and knockback speed, this changes the duration of the disable to circa 0.4/ 0.5/ 0.6seconds by default.', 'At normal knockback distance and knockback speed, this changes the duration of the disable to circa 0.4/ 0.5/ 0.6seconds by default.', 'Displacement immunitywill also resist the application of thestun.', 'If the target becomesuntargetable,dies, or is too far away or no longer insightduring the cast time, this ability will cancel but does not go oncooldownnor pay its cost (if applicable).']} | Rocket Jumpis a reference torocket jumpingin FPS Arena games (like Quake) which allows oneself mobility by using a RPG or any other rocket launcher to accelerates one's jump.
Buster Shotis a reference to the attack used by Megaman.
Tristana has the fifth longest possiblebasic attack rangein the game with669 unitsat level 18, right afterKog'Mawwhen he uses hisBio-Arcane Barrage, which grants him a 710 attack range,Jinx'sFishbonesat rank 5, which grants her a 725 attack range,Twitchwhen he usesSpray and Praywhich grants him a total of 850 attack range, andSeraphinewhen she have full stacks(20 stacks) of her passive,Stage Presence, granting her a grand total of 1025 attack range(25 per note). This does not count champions that can have theoretically infinite range with stacking.
Her dance references a typical soldier's stationarymarching while singingamilitary cadence.A side-by-side comparison can be seenhere.
Tristanacan attack theBaron Nashorover the back wall once she hits Level 15 due to the extra attack range she gains fromDraw a Bead. |
Trundle,the Troll King | | | health: Health686+110, resource: Mana340+45, health regen: Health regen. (per 5s)6+0.75, resource regen: Mana regen. (per 5s)7.5+0.6, armor: Armor37+3.9, attack damage: Attack damage68+4, attack speed: Base AS0.67, gameplay radius: Gameplay radius65, selection radius: Selection radius135, release: 2010-12-01, changed: V13.23, role: Juggernaut, position: TopJungle, rangetype: Melee, adaptivetype: Physical, cost: 3150|790 | Missing section(s):
TrundleMainCurrentTitlesAlias(es)The Troll KingCharacteristicsSpeciesTroll(Frost;Iceborn)Pronoun(s)He/HimTimelineBorn:UnknownWeapon(s)BoneshiverPersonal statusStatusAlivePlace of originFreljordCurrent residenceFrost-Troll Village,FreljordFamilyUnnamed 3 SiblingsUnnamed 12 Siblings†Professional statusOccupation(s)Frost-Troll KingRegion(s)FreljordFaction(s)Frost-TrollsFrostguardRelated character(s)LissandraAsheSejuaniRyze
• Main
• Current
• Born:Unknown
Personal status
Place of origin
Current residence
• Unnamed 3 Siblings
• Unnamed 12 Siblings†
Professional status
• Frost-Trolls
• Frostguard
Related character(s)
Trundleis a hulking and devioustrollwith a particularly vicious streak, and there is nothing he cannot bludgeon into submission—not even theFreljorditself. Fiercely territorial, he chases down anyone foolish enough to enter his domain. Then, his massive club of True Ice at the ready, he chills his enemies to the bone and impales them with jagged, frozen pillars, laughing as they bleed out onto the tundra.
• 1Background
• 2Appearance
• 3Personality
• 4Abilities
• 5Relations5.1Lissandra5.2Ryze5.3Avarosan
• 6Read More6.1Biography6.2Starring Champion6.3Mentioned Champion6.4Alternate Universes
• 7Trivia
• 8Change log
• 9References
• 10See also
• 5.1Lissandra
• 5.2Ryze
• 5.3Avarosan
• 6.1Biography
• 6.2Starring Champion
• 6.3Mentioned Champion
• 6.4Alternate Universes
Trundlemanaged to form an alliance withLissandra. His True Ice club ("Boneshiver") was originallyLissandra's. In exchange for it, Trundle agreed to muster a troll army to fight alongside the Frostguard.
In his search for the world runes,Ryzeconfronted Trundle and his trolls.
Legends of Runeterracards suggestAshe'sAvarosanandTrundle'strollsare in direct conflict which has resulted in a number of loss for the Avarosan. For that reason, Ashe wants the race to be exterminated.
Read More
The Troll King
ByLaurie Goulding
Starring Champion
Short Story
A Feast Fit for a King
ByGraham McNeill
A hulking figure trudged through the waist-deep snow of the canyon, lumbering uphill with a purposeful gait that dared the blizzard to stop him.
Mentioned Champion
Call of Power
Ryze scours Runeterra for fragments of a forgotten past, each step bringing him closer to incredible power—and terrible ruin.
Mentioned:Miss Fortune,Nasus,Sona,Trundle
Song of Nunu
ByTequila Works
Short Story
Stone Cold
ByDavid Slagle
I wake up suddenly, like a story that starts in the middle of the action.
Alternate Universes
Journal of Justice
ByInstitute of War
Formare veneficum est formare fatum.
Starring:Akali,Alistar,Amumu,Anivia,Annie,Ashe,Blitzcrank,Brand,Cassiopeia,Cho'Gath,Corki,Darius,Dr. Mundo,Evelynn,Ezreal,Fiddlesticks,Gangplank,Garen,Gragas,Heimerdinger,Irelia,Janna,Jarvan IV,Jax,Karma,Karthus,Kassadin,Katarina,Kayle,Kennen,Kog'Maw,Lee Sin,Leona,Lissandra,Lux,Malzahar,Maokai,Master Yi,Mordekaiser,Morgana,Nasus,Nidalee,Nocturne,Nunu,Olaf,Pantheon,Poppy,Rammus,Renekton,Riven,Rumble,Ryze,Sejuani,Shaco,Shen,Singed,Sion,Sivir,Skarner,Sona,Soraka,Swain,Talon,Taric,Teemo,Tibbers,Tristana,Trundle,Tryndamere,Twisted Fate,Twitch,Udyr,Urgot,Veigar,Vladimir,Warwick,Willump,Wukong,Xin Zhao,Yorick,Zilean
ByInstitute of War
The truest opponent lies within.
Starring:Boram Darkwill,Brand,Caitlyn,Cassiopeia,Galio,Graves,Irelia,Jarvan IV,Karma,LeBlanc,Lee Sin,Leona,Lux,Maokai,Miss Fortune,Nocturne,Orianna,Renekton,Riven,Rumble,Ryze,Skarner,Sona,Swain,Talon,Trundle,Urgot,Varus,Vayne,Vladimir,Wukong,Xerath,Xin Zhao,Yorick
Short Story
The Heist
ByRiot Paradox
There Will Be Mayhem
Starring:Alistar,Aurelion Sol,Braum,Nasus,Nunu,Teemo,Trundle,Volibear,Willump
Academy Adventures: Series 1
ByGutter Rat
Mentioned:Akali,Amumu,Anivia,Azir,Bard,Blitzcrank,Braum,Cho'Gath,Elise,Ezreal,Fiddlesticks,Fiora,Gnar,Heimerdinger,Ivern,Jhin,Jinx,Karthus,Kog'Maw,Lulu,Lux,Malzahar,Miss Fortune,Nidalee,Olaf,Poppy,Rek'Sai,Renekton,Rumble,Ryze,Shaco,Shen,Sion,Sona,Soraka,Talon,Taric,Teemo,Tristana,Trundle,Twitch,Urgot,Varus,Veigar,Vel'Koz,Vi,Yorick,Zed,Ziggs,Zyra
Academy Adventures: Series 3
ByGutter Rat
Crystal Quest: Series 2
Short Story
Journey Into The Freljord
By Unknown Author
Mentioned:Ashe,Jarvan IV,Lissandra,Trundle
Olaf vs Everything: Series 1
ByTom Barton
Punches and Plants: Series 1
Mentioned:Ahri,Alistar,Annie,Ashe,Blitzcrank,Brand,Braum,Caitlyn,Darius,Diana,Dr. Mundo,Ekko,Evelynn,Ezreal,Gangplank,Garen,Gnar,Gragas,Graves,Heimerdinger,Janna,Jinx,Karma,Katarina,Leona,Lucian,Malzahar,Miss Fortune,Nami,Nasus,Nunu,Quinn,Renekton,Rumble,Ryze,Sejuani,Sivir,Sona,Soraka,Tahm Kench,Taliyah,Taric,Teemo,Tibbers,Trundle,Tryndamere,Twisted Fate,Twitch,Valor,Varus,Vel'Koz,Vladimir,Volibear,Warwick,Willump,Wukong,Zac,Ziggs
Punches and Plants: Series 2
Mentioned:Aatrox,Ahri,Alistar,Amumu,Annie,Aurelion Sol,Azir,Bard,Blitzcrank,Caitlyn,Cho'Gath,Diana,Draven,Ekko,Ezreal,Fizz,Galio,Gnar,Graves,Heimerdinger,Jayce,Kha'Zix,Kog'Maw,Leona,Lucian,Lux,Malphite,Maokai,Miss Fortune,Nasus,Nautilus,Nidalee,Olaf,Orianna,Poppy,Quinn,Rakan,Renekton,Riven,Rumble,Shaco,Taric,Teemo,Tibbers,Tristana,Trundle,Udyr,Valor,Vel'Koz,Viktor,Volibear,Warwick,Wukong,Xayah,Xin Zhao,Yasuo,Ziggs
The Tale of the Poro King
By Numerous creators
Starring: N/A
Mentioned:Aatrox,Akali,Ashe,Aurelion Sol,Azir,Braum,Caitlyn,Cho'Gath,Darius,Diana,Draven,Ezreal,Gnar,Illaoi,Janna,Jarvan IV,Jayce,Kai'Sa,Karma,Karthus,Katarina,Kayle,Kayn,Kennen,Kha'Zix,Lee Sin,Leona,Lulu,Lux,Malzahar,Miss Fortune,Nunu,Ornn,Pantheon,Pyke,Rammus,Rek'Sai,Rhaast,Ryze,Sejuani,Shen,Sion,Sivir,Soraka,Sylas,Syndra,Taliyah,Talon,Taric,Thresh,Tristana,Trundle,Udyr,Vi,Volibear,Willump,Yasuo,Zed,Ziggs,Zoe
• Prior to his biography update, it was thought that the termIcebornonly applies tohumanindividuals as all confirmed Iceborn were humans while FrostTrollspossess the same abilities by default.
• Riot Runaan explains Trundle's Lore change:
• His interaction withNocturneinLegends of Runeterrareveals his biggest fear being his club melting.
Change log[]
See also[] | Name: King's Tribute, Description: Innate: Whenever a nearby enemy dies, Trundle heals himself for 1. 8 % − 5. 5 % (based on level) of the target's maximum health ., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputPassive', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', "King's Tributedoes not trigger when an enemy structure is destroyed."]} | Name: Chomp, Description: Active: Trundle empowers his next basic attack within 7 seconds to have an uncancellable windup , deal bonus physical damage and slow the target by 75% for 0. 1 seconds. Bonus Physical Damage: 20 / 40 / 60 / 80 / 100 (+ 15 / 25 / 35 / 45 / 55% AD) After using the empowered attack, Trundle gains bonus attack damage for 5 seconds and reduces the target's attack damage by half that amount for the same duration. Bonus Attack Damage: 20 / 25 / 30 / 35 / 40 Attack Damage Reduction: 10 / 12. 5 / 15 / 17. 5 / 20 Chomp resets Trundle's basic attack timer., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputAuto', 'damage_type': 'Physical', 'spell_shield': 'See Notes', 'parries': 'See Notes', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Chompwill still incur theattack damageincrease forTrundleeven if the attack isdodged,blocked, missed while he isblinded, or it is blocked byspell shield.', 'Spell shieldwill only block the attack damage reduction andslow.']} | Name: Frozen Domain, Description: Active: Trundle coats the target location in ice for 8 seconds. While he is within the area, he gains bonus attack speed , bonus movement speed , and 25% increased healing from all sources. Bonus Attack Speed: 30 / 50 / 70 / 90 / 110% Bonus Movement Speed: 20 / 28 / 36 / 44 / 52% Frozen Domain will cast at max range if cast beyond that., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputLocation', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', "IfFrozen Domainis attempted to be cast beyond 750 units away, it'll cast at the maximum range instead."]} | Name: Pillar of Ice, Description: Active: Trundle erects a pillar of ice at the target location for 6 seconds, which knocks back units hit to 225 units from its center. The pillar acts as terrain and slows nearby enemies. Slow: 30 / 34 / 38 / 42 / 46%, {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputLocation', 'spell_shield': 'Not Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Pillar of Icedisplaces allied units away from the area but does not render themairborne.Alliedchannels(e.g.Recall,Teleport) will beinterruptedhowever.', 'Alliedchannels(e.g.Recall,Teleport) will beinterruptedhowever.', 'Pillar of Icecannot be placed inside impassable terrain. Attempting to do so will cause the pillar to spawn in the nearest available spot of accessible terrain.', 'Pillar Of Icetriggers effects such as drawing turret aggro,Sudden Impactand applyingElixir of Sorceryby dealing 0proctrue damage.']} | Name: Subjugate, Description: Active: Trundle drains the life force out of the target enemy champion, dealing magic damage and healing himself for the same amount. He also steals 40% of their current armor and magic resistance , and increases in size by 18% while reducing the target's size by 9. 9 %. Total Magic Damage: 20 / 25 / 30% (+ 2% per 100 AP) of the target's maximum health Half of the total damage and stealing are applied instantly, and the other half, as well as the size modifiers, are applied every second over the next 4 seconds, even if the target has died . Initial Magic Damage: 10 / 12. 5 / 15% (+ 1% per 100 AP) of the target's maximum health Magic Damage Per Second: 2. 5 / 3. 125 / 3. 75 % (+ 0. 25 % per 100 AP) of the target's maximum health The armor and magic resistance will remain stolen for 4 seconds after the drain has ended., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputUnit', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Map-Specific Differences', "Thetotalvalue of armor and magic resist stolen and damage dealt is determined at the time of cast. The stolenstatsdo not update dynamically relative to the target's stats at any point during the effect, as the steal is applied to thecurrentvalue of armor and magic resistance.", 'Trundlegains 11.7extrarangeon hisbasic attacks(relative to his and enemy center) as a consequence of his increasedsize.So do his enemies.He gains 3.78to 6.255range against the target hesubjugated, depending on their base size, and so does the target against him.', 'So do his enemies.', 'He gains 3.78to 6.255range against the target hesubjugated, depending on their base size, and so does the target against him.', 'The debuff on the target alsopersists through death.', 'Trundlewill lose the buff if the target loses the debuff, for example if it entersresurrection.(bug)', 'If the target becomesuntargetable,dies, or is too far away or no longer insightduring the cast time, this ability will cancel but does not go oncooldownnor pay its cost (if applicable).', 'Subjugatestacksif cast on the same target more than once byother sources.']} | The word "trundle" means to "move or cause to move slowly and heavily, typically in a noisy or uneven way."
Trundle was the first champion to cost4800.
Trundle's hair resembles theTroll doll'shair.
Trundle'sRecallanimation is the famous "Winter is Coming" pose from the television seriesGame of Thrones.
The area forFrozen Domainis currently, not counting global abilities, the largestAoEin the game.
Trundle,Karma,Lee Sin, andSejuaniare the only champions to feature a 'traditional' skin representing them before their visual updates (his was conceived while producing a 'Frost Troll' skin)
Trundle's dance referencesDancing Trollface.A side-by-side comparison can be seenhere.He will dance faster the more movement speed he has.
Trundle,Vayne, andWarwickare the only champions without damaging area-of-effect abilities. |
Tryndamere,the Barbarian King | | | health: Health696+108, resource: ResourceN/A, health regen: Health regen. (per 5s)8.5+0.9, resource regen: Secondary BarFury(100), armor: Armor33+4.3, attack damage: Attack damage66+4, attack speed: Base AS0.67, gameplay radius: Gameplay radius65, selection radius: Selection radius135, release: 2009-05-01, changed: V13.21, role: Skirmisher, position: TopJungleMiddle, rangetype: Melee, adaptivetype: Physical, cost: 1350|585 | Missing section(s):
TryndamereMainCurrent 1Current 2TitlesAlias(es)The Barbarian KingCharacteristicsSpeciesHuman(Magically Altered)Pronoun(s)He/HimTimelineBorn:966 AN - 971 ANWeapon(s)Blood magicTusked GreatswordPersonal statusStatusAlivePlace of originFreljordCurrent residenceFreljord(PreviouslyFrostheld)FamilyAshe(Spouse)Grena(Mother-In-Law)Helnr(Aunt-In-Law)Professional statusOccupation(s)Barbarian Tribal LeaderChampion of the AvarosanRegion(s)FreljordFaction(s)AvarosanNorthern BarbariansRelated character(s)AatroxAsheBraum
• Main
• Current 1
• Current 2
• Born:966 AN - 971 AN
• Blood magic
• Tusked Greatsword
Personal status
Place of origin
Current residence
• Ashe(Spouse)
• Grena(Mother-In-Law)
• Helnr(Aunt-In-Law)
Professional status
• Barbarian Tribal Leader
• Champion of the Avarosan
• Avarosan
• Northern Barbarians
Related character(s)
Fueled by unbridled fury and rage,Tryndamereonce carved his way throughthe Freljord, openly challenging the greatest warriors of the north to prepare himself for even darker days ahead. The wrathful barbarian has long sought revenge for the annihilation of his clan, though more recently he has found companionship withAshe, theAvarosanwarmother, and a home with her people. His almost inhuman strength and fortitude is legendary, and has delivered him and his new allies countless victories against the greatest of odds.
• 1Background1.1Early life
• 2Appearance
• 3Personality
• 4Abilities
• 5Relations5.1Ashe5.2Aatrox5.3Braum5.4Winter's Claw
• 6Read More6.1Biography6.2Starring Champion6.3Mentioned Champion6.4Alternate Universes
• 7Trivia
• 8Change log
• 9References
• 10See also
• 1.1Early life
• 5.1Ashe
• 5.2Aatrox
• 5.3Braum
• 5.4Winter's Claw
• 6.1Biography
• 6.2Starring Champion
• 6.3Mentioned Champion
• 6.4Alternate Universes
Early life[]
Tryndamere was part of a nameless barbarian tribe known for their stamina and prowess in combat, which forged blades based on their god's tusks. They fought raiding tribes, the beasts of the mountains andNoxianarmies trying to claim territory in the Freljord. As he grew up among his tribe, Tryndamere developed into a strong warrior.
One night, the tribe witnessed an unnatural storm from the east, where thedarkinAatroxstood before them. Some of the barbarians bowed to him under the belief that he was theirBoar God, but he slaughtered them all. Filled with rage, Tryndamere charged at Aatrox, but was swatted away. As he lay on the verge of death, Aatrox imbued him with Darkin blood magic. It activated from Tryndamere's rage, with his willpower and thirst for vengeance preventing him from dying.
Tryndamere found his tribe's last remaining survivors, knowing they were doomed with enemies surrounding them throughout the Freljord. Hearing rumors of a tribe which worshipped the reincarnation of Avarosa, they set off to the west where they met theAvarosan. Eager to gain respect among the tribe, he challenged the Avarosans to duels. However, they began to fear him due to his savage, furious way of fighting and how his wounds regenerated faster the more rage he held. In one duel he was so lost in his fury that he was on the verge of killing his opponent, butBraum, anIcebornallied with the Avarosan, stood in the way with his shield. Tryndamere kept attacking Braum's unbreakable shield until his rage subsided, and the two eventually became friends. Afterward, the tribe's survivors were welcomed into the Avarosan and Tryndamere was arranged to form a political marriage with the Avarosan warmother,Ashe, but the two slowly grew into a genuine relationship.
• Blood Magic Empowering: After the duel with Aatrox, Tryndamere was given a bleesing by the Darkin, that granted him abilities far above that of a normal human.Accelerated Healing: Tryndamere can regenerate his body from what normally would be fatal wounds through his willpower.
• Sword Proficiency: Tryndamere is trained in the use of his large sword, being able to easily eviscerate his opponents.
• Accelerated Healing: Tryndamere can regenerate his body from what normally would be fatal wounds through his willpower.
Asheand Tryndamere are Bloodsworn, a political marriage, but the two eventually developed genuine affection for one another. Tryndamere originally married Ashe in exchange for the protection of his remaining tribe afterAatrox'smassacre. All of this is, in turn, an inside reference at Riot. The name of Riot's co-founderMarc 'Tryndamere' Merrill'swife isAshley.
Tryndamere's nemesis isAatrox, who is the main reason why most of Tryndamere's tribe got destroyed.
Braumstopped Tryndamere when he lost control trying to prove his worth toAshe. It's rumored thatBraumintroduced him to Ashe.
Winter's Claw[]
He is hostile towards the Winter's Claw, who disdainfully lumped him into the Avarosa's "decadent lifestyle" even though Tryndamere actually originated from another hardy nomadic tribe, much likeSejuani.
Read More
The Barbarian King
ByAriel Lawrence
Starring Champion
Short Story
A Smoldering Coal
ByRoy Graham
This far north, the nights are dark. The shadows grow long in the hall of Ashe and her bloodsworn groom. The braziers burn down to smoldering coals. They may seem extinguished, dead—but even a fool knows not to grasp one with a naked hand. Even a fool.
Mentioned Champion
The Frost Archer
ByOdin Austin Shafer
The Heart of the Freljord
ByAnthony Reynolds Lenné
Alternate Universes
A Twist of Fate
The battle seems decided... until there is a Twist of Fate.
Starring:Annie,Fiddlesticks,Garen,Katarina,Nocturne,Ryze,Tryndamere,Twisted Fate
Journal of Justice
ByInstitute of War
Formare veneficum est formare fatum.
Starring:Akali,Alistar,Amumu,Anivia,Annie,Ashe,Blitzcrank,Brand,Cassiopeia,Cho'Gath,Corki,Darius,Dr. Mundo,Evelynn,Ezreal,Fiddlesticks,Gangplank,Garen,Gragas,Heimerdinger,Irelia,Janna,Jarvan IV,Jax,Karma,Karthus,Kassadin,Katarina,Kayle,Kennen,Kog'Maw,Lee Sin,Leona,Lissandra,Lux,Malzahar,Maokai,Master Yi,Mordekaiser,Morgana,Nasus,Nidalee,Nocturne,Nunu,Olaf,Pantheon,Poppy,Rammus,Renekton,Riven,Rumble,Ryze,Sejuani,Shaco,Shen,Singed,Sion,Sivir,Skarner,Sona,Soraka,Swain,Talon,Taric,Teemo,Tibbers,Tristana,Trundle,Tryndamere,Twisted Fate,Twitch,Udyr,Urgot,Veigar,Vladimir,Warwick,Willump,Wukong,Xin Zhao,Yorick,Zilean
Never Surrender
Inspired by the triumphant return of Gordon Hayward, Tryndamere main and superstar NBA small forward. It's On.
Crystal Quest: Series 1
Mentioned:Anivia,Ashe,Braum,Bristle,Caitlyn,Camille,Elise,Ezreal,Garen,Gragas,Graves,Heimerdinger,Illaoi,Ivern,Katarina,Kled,Lee Sin,Leona,Lissandra,Lucian,Nami,Olaf,Poppy,Ryze,Senna,Singed,Skaarl,Taliyah,Taric,Teemo,Tryndamere,Twisted Fate,Veigar,Vi,Zac
Crystal Quest: Series 2
Olaf vs Everything: Series 1
ByTom Barton
Olaf vs Everything: Series 2
ByTom Barton
Mentioned:Ahri,Aurelion Sol,Brand,Cassiopeia,Cho'Gath,Darius,Dr. Mundo,Ekko,Gnar,Illaoi,Karthus,Kog'Maw,Lee Sin,Nagakabouros,Ornn,Renekton,Skarner,Teemo,Tryndamere,Urgot,Vel'Koz,Vi,Viktor,Vladimir,Warwick,Zyra
Punches and Plants: Series 1
Mentioned:Ahri,Alistar,Annie,Ashe,Blitzcrank,Brand,Braum,Caitlyn,Darius,Diana,Dr. Mundo,Ekko,Evelynn,Ezreal,Gangplank,Garen,Gnar,Gragas,Graves,Heimerdinger,Janna,Jinx,Karma,Katarina,Leona,Lucian,Malzahar,Miss Fortune,Nami,Nasus,Nunu,Quinn,Renekton,Rumble,Ryze,Sejuani,Sivir,Sona,Soraka,Tahm Kench,Taliyah,Taric,Teemo,Tibbers,Trundle,Tryndamere,Twisted Fate,Twitch,Valor,Varus,Vel'Koz,Vladimir,Volibear,Warwick,Willump,Wukong,Zac,Ziggs
Music Video
By Numerous creators
Reaching the peak takes more than skill. Only those with the ambition to RISE above all others will know its height.
Starring: N/A
Mentioned:Akali,Ashe,Braum,Darius,Ekko,Ezreal,Fiora,Garen,Gnar,Jarvan IV,Jax,Jinx,Kalista,Kennen,Kha'Zix,Leona,Lux,Master Yi,Olaf,Poppy,Rakan,Riven,Ryze,Sejuani,Swain,Taliyah,Thresh,Tryndamere,Vayne,Xayah,Yasuo,Zed,Ziggs
• Based on his appearance, Tryndamere is between 23 and 30 years old, older thanAshe.
• His original tribe followed a patriarchal system of governance, unlike the norm of theFreljordwhich is a matriarchal system.
• Before the 2014 retcon, Tryndamere's sword was passed down from his father, whom in turn received it from his father before him, and so on. Tryndamere said his father's words of wisdom were"master using it and you can have this"[1]- a quote from the originalLegend of Zeldagame for the Nintendo Entertainment System, released in 1987. Whether it is still true is unknown.
• Tryndamere draws many parallels withConan the Barbarian.His previous story appears to have been based on the opening sequence of the eponymous 1982 movie, in which Conan's entire village is slaughtered and he swears revenge upon those responsible.In the original stories Conan is said to hail from a nomadic people residing inCimmeria, a northern region in his world, whereas Tryndamere comes from Northern Freljord.Conan is said to have "become a king by his own hand" in the 1982 movie. Tryndamere became "The Barbarian King" by uniting all the peoples of his homeland under his leadership, all thanks to his friendships with most of the Barbarian leaders.
• Historical inspiration might be Mongol military leader Temüjin. Temüjin'sfatherwas assassinated by the rivalTatars&his clanabandoned by erstwhileallies. Temüjin endured childhood hardship, enslavement, and early military defeats; yet against all odds, he later subdued and unitedvarious warring Mongolic tribes, ultimately founding theMongol EmpireasGenghis Khan.
• His previous story appears to have been based on the opening sequence of the eponymous 1982 movie, in which Conan's entire village is slaughtered and he swears revenge upon those responsible.
• In the original stories Conan is said to hail from a nomadic people residing inCimmeria, a northern region in his world, whereas Tryndamere comes from Northern Freljord.
• Conan is said to have "become a king by his own hand" in the 1982 movie. Tryndamere became "The Barbarian King" by uniting all the peoples of his homeland under his leadership, all thanks to his friendships with most of the Barbarian leaders.
Change log[]
See also[] | Name: Battle Fury, Description: Innate: Tryndamere generates 5 Fury on his basic attacks , and 10 Fury on critical strikes and each time he kills an enemy. After 8 seconds without dealing or taking damage, Tryndamere loses 5 Fury per second. Tryndamere gains 0% − 40% (based on Fury) critical strike chance ., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputPassive', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Map-Specific Differences', "Furygeneration stacks additively: if the given action triggers multiple ways of generatingFury, all of them apply.Killing an enemy with a basic attackbasic attackgenerates15 Fury(5 Furyfrom thebasic attack+10 Furyfrom the kill).Killing an enemy with acritical strikegenerates20 Fury(10 Furyfrom thecritical strike+10 Furyfrom the kill).TheFurygain for killing an enemy also stacks withSpinning Slash'sFurygeneration per enemy hit.", 'Killing an enemy with a basic attackbasic attackgenerates15 Fury(5 Furyfrom thebasic attack+10 Furyfrom the kill).', 'Killing an enemy with acritical strikegenerates20 Fury(10 Furyfrom thecritical strike+10 Furyfrom the kill).', "TheFurygain for killing an enemy also stacks withSpinning Slash'sFurygeneration per enemy hit.", 'Attacks againststructureswill not grant bonusFury, but will still reset the timer onFurydecay.', 'Attacks againstwardsbehave like attacks on normal enemies, generating5 Furyand resetting the decay timer. Attacks against wards cancritically strike, generating10 Fury.', 'Attacks againstjungle plantswill generate5 Furyand reset the decay timer. Attacks can alsocritically strike, generating10 Fury. Additionally,Honeyfruitdrops restore5 Furyfor each pod collected and reset the decay timer.Attacking anHoneyfruitand collecting the pods generates30 Fury, or35 Furyif the plant was hit by acritical strike.', 'Attacking anHoneyfruitand collecting the pods generates30 Fury, or35 Furyif the plant was hit by acritical strike.', 'Furyis only granted if thebasic attackhits and will not be granted ifTryndamerecancels hisbasic attackwindup.', 'Fury generation changed to 150%.']} | Name: Bloodlust, Description: Passive: Tryndamere gains bonus attack damage , plus an additional amount based on his missing health . Bonus Attack Damage: 10 / 15 / 20 / 25 / 30 Additional Bonus AD: 0. 15 / 0. 25 / 0. 35 / 0. 45 / 0. 55 per 1% missing health Maximum Total Bonus AD: 25 / 40 / 55 / 70 / 85 Active: Tryndamere consumes all of his Fury to heal himself, increased for every point of Fury consumed. Minimum Heal: 30 / 40 / 50 / 60 / 70 (+ 30% AP) Heal Per 1 Fury: 0. 5 / 0. 95 / 1. 4 / 1. 85 / 2. 3 (+ 1. 2 % AP) Maximum Heal: 80 / 135 / 190 / 245 / 300 (+ 150% AP), {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputAuto', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Map-Specific Differences', 'Bloodlustcan still be activated even ifTryndameredoes not have anyFury.', "Bloodlustcan be activated at any point ofTryndamere'sbasic attack.Note that if anbasic attackwillcritically strikeis determined when thebasic attackstarts.This means that ifBloodlustis cast during Tryndamere'sbasic attackwindup, the attack will use thecritical strikechance given by theFurybeforetheBloodlustcast.Furthermore, theFuryfor thatbasic attackwill be given once the windup completes. This letsTryndamerestart buildingFuryimmediately.", "Note that if anbasic attackwillcritically strikeis determined when thebasic attackstarts.This means that ifBloodlustis cast during Tryndamere'sbasic attackwindup, the attack will use thecritical strikechance given by theFurybeforetheBloodlustcast.Furthermore, theFuryfor thatbasic attackwill be given once the windup completes. This letsTryndamerestart buildingFuryimmediately.", "This means that ifBloodlustis cast during Tryndamere'sbasic attackwindup, the attack will use thecritical strikechance given by theFurybeforetheBloodlustcast.", 'Furthermore, theFuryfor thatbasic attackwill be given once the windup completes. This letsTryndamerestart buildingFuryimmediately.', 'Base heal changed to 60 / 80 / 100 / 120 / 140.', 'Heal AP ratio changed to50% AP.', 'Heal per 1 Fury changed to 1 / 1.75/ 2.5/ 3.25/ 4.', 'Heal per 1 Fury AP ratio changed to2% AP.']} | Name: Mocking Shout, Description: Active: Tryndamere reduces the attack damage of nearby enemy champions for 4 seconds. Attack Damage Reduction: 20 / 35 / 50 / 65 / 80 Targets facing in the opposite direction of Tryndamere are also slowed for the duration. Slow: 30 / 37. 5 / 45 / 52. 5 / 60% A nearby enemy champion is required to cast this ability. The target does not have to be visible to be targeted by this ability., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputAuto', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Map-Specific Differences', 'Mocking Shoutvery brieflyrevealsTryndamereif he uses it while in the fog of war to enemies.', 'Slow strength changed to 50 / 57.5/ 65 / 72.5/ 80%.', 'Attack damage reduction changed to 30 / 52.5/ 75 / 97.5/ 120.']} | Name: Spinning Slash, Description: Active: Tryndamere dashes to the target location, dealing physical damage to enemies hit and generating 2 Fury per enemy hit, increased to 5 Fury against champions. Physical Damage: 80 / 110 / 140 / 170 / 200 (+ 130% bonus AD) (+ 80% AP) Critical strikes reduce Spinning Slash's current cooldown by 0. 75 seconds, doubled to 1. 5 seconds against champions . Bloodlust and Undying Rage can be cast during the dash. Spinning Slash will cast at max range if cast beyond that., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputLocation', 'damage_type': 'Physical', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'parries': 'Missing', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', "Spinning Slash'sFurygeneration stacks additively withBattle Fury'sFurygeneration on kill.Killing an minion withSpinning Slashgrants12 Fury(2 Furyfrom enemy hit +10 Furyfrom the kill).Killing an champion withSpinning Slashgrants15 Fury(5 Furyfrom champion hit +10 Furyfrom the kill).", 'Killing an minion withSpinning Slashgrants12 Fury(2 Furyfrom enemy hit +10 Furyfrom the kill).', 'Killing an champion withSpinning Slashgrants15 Fury(5 Furyfrom champion hit +10 Furyfrom the kill).', 'There is no cooldown onFurygeneration on kill withSpinning Slash.', 'Spinning Slashhas no minimum dash range.', 'Flashwill interrupt thedashbutSpinning Slashwill deal damage to enemies at the new location instantly.Enemies already hit bySpinning Slashcannot be damaged more than once.', 'Enemies already hit bySpinning Slashcannot be damaged more than once.', "To ensureSpinning Slashdeals damage when dashing away from an enemy champion,Tryndamereneeds to mover-35units towards the enemy beyond the distance he can basic attack at, whererrepresents the enemy's radius and35is the distance in units beyondTryndamere'sbasic attack range thatSpinning Slashcan reach.", 'The cooldown reduction uponcritically strikingtriggers onwardsandjungle plants.', 'The cooldown reduction uponcritically strikingtriggers even if the attack isblocked.', 'PENDING FOR TEST:: Cooldown reduction oncritical strikeinteraction withparryingeffects (dodge,blind).']} | Name: Undying Rage, Description: Active: Tryndamere becomes enraged, instantly gaining Fury and a minimum health threshold for 5 seconds. Fury Gained: 50 / 75 / 100 Minimum Health Threshold: 30 / 50 / 70 Undying Rage can be used while affected by cast-inhibiting crowd control ., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputAuto', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'No additional notes.']} | Tryndamere holds his sword in a similar fashionPyramid HeadfromSilent Hillholds his knife.
Tryndamere's dance references theHopak, the traditionalCossackdance.His pre-V1.0.0.122dance referencesBye Bye ByebyNSYNC.A side-by-side comparison can be seenhere.He used to share this dance withGarenbefore they both gotreworked.
Tryndamere was the firstmanalesschampion released.He was also:The first champion to utilize a form of theFuryresource.The first with 100 points in Attack Rating.
WithSpinning Slash, Tryndamere is one of the only four champions in the game to have a single damaging ability, the others beingZileanwithTime Bomb, reworkedTaricwithDazzleandBardwithCosmic Binding.Master Yiand reworkedShenmay also count withAlpha StrikeandShadow Dashrespectively, asWuju StyleandTwilight Assaultare on-hit damaging abilities and not normal damaging abilities.
He is often seen wearing hishorned helmet, but in real life, such horns are considered impractical for combat use. |
Twisted Fate,the Card Master,Tobias,TF | | | health: Health604+108, resource: Mana333+39, health regen: Health regen. (per 5s)5.5+0.6, resource regen: Mana regen. (per 5s)8+0.8, armor: Armor21+4.35, attack damage: Attack damage52+3.3, attack speed: Base AS0.651, gameplay radius: Gameplay radius65, selection radius: Selection radius110, release: 2009-02-21, changed: V13.22, role: Burst, position: Middle, rangetype: Ranged, adaptivetype: Magic, cost: 4800|585 | Games
Twisted FateMainPresent 1Present 2Present 3YoungTitlesReal nameTobias FelixNickname(s)Twisted FateT.F.FateAlias(es)The Card MasterCharacteristicsSpeciesHuman(Magical)Pronoun(s)He/HimTimelineBorn:956 AN - 961 ANWeapon(s)Loaded DiceBlue CardRed CardGold CardPersonal statusStatusAlivePlace of originSerpentine River,The JungleCurrent residenceUnknown(No Fixed Abode)FamilyGraves(Partner)Unnamed familyProfessional statusOccupation(s)ThiefCard SharkSwindlerMercenaryCutpurseRegion(s)BilgewaterRelated character(s)GravesGangplankMiss FortuneRafenTeemoTristanaCorkiLulu
Twisted Fate
• Main
• Present 1
• Present 2
• Present 3
• Young
Real name
• Twisted Fate
• T.F.
• Fate
• Born:956 AN - 961 AN
• Loaded Dice
• Blue Card
• Red Card
• Gold Card
Personal status
Place of origin
Current residence
• Graves(Partner)
• Unnamed family
Professional status
• Thief
• Card Shark
• Swindler
• Mercenary
• Cutpurse
Related character(s)
Twisted Fateis an infamous cardshark and swindler who has gambled and charmed his way across much of the known world, earning the enmity and admiration of the rich and foolish alike. He rarely takes things seriously, greeting each day with a mocking smile and an insouciant swagger. In every possible way, Twisted Fate always has an ace up his sleeve.
• 1Background1.1Early Life1.2Burning Tides1.3Destiny and Fate
• 2Appearance
• 3Personality
• 4Abilities
• 5Relations5.1Malcolm Graves5.2Yordles
• 6Read More6.1Biography6.2Starring Champion6.3Mentioned Champion6.4Alternate Universes
• 7Trivia
• 8Change log
• 9References
• 10See also
• 1.1Early Life
• 1.2Burning Tides
• 1.3Destiny and Fate
• 5.1Malcolm Graves
• 5.2Yordles
• 6.1Biography
• 6.2Starring Champion
• 6.3Mentioned Champion
• 6.4Alternate Universes
Early Life[]
Born to the nomadic river folk of the Serpentine Delta, Tobias Felix quickly learned what it was to be an outsider. Tolerated for the exotic goods they peddled, but shunned for their strange traditions, his people found only short welcomes wherever they berthed their colorful river barques. His elders would shrug, and say this was just the way of the world, but the obvious prejudice always stuck in Tobias' craw.
He found his true calling in the gambling tents, between games of chance and skill like Mortwheel and Stabberscotch, when he first picked up a deck of playing cards. Many years earlier, his superstitious grandfather had shown him how to read omens in the shuffle and cut, while his aunt had later taught him how to read all an opponent's tells. Between the two, Tobias took to the high-stakes game of Krakenhand like an old master. He could almost feel each card's place in the deck, and follow their movements through each successive hand. He was often accused of cheating, but it was difficult for anyone to explain exactly how.
Finally, one night, a group of men who'd lost their fortunes to young Tobias returned in the dead of night to settle the score. They came bearing cudgels and, emboldened by cheap rotgut, went from tent to tent in their search for him, beating down any of the river folk who got in their way. Fearing for his life, Tobias turned and fled into the darkness.
When dawn came, the lad sheepishly crept back to find his people breaking down the camp. No one would look him in the eye. He had thought only of himself and left others to face the consequences of his actions.
Though he begged and pleaded with them all, Tobias was exiled for what he had done. With his whole world falling apart around him, he watched helplessly as the barques left, leaving him alone on the riverbank with nothing but his grandfather's worn deck of cards clutched in his hands.
He grew to manhood as a drifter, trawling the gambling halls of every settlement he came to, using his preternatural skill to earn enough coin to survive. That Tobias was able to relieve the boastful, the arrogant, and the cruel of their cash was just an added bonus—though he was always careful to let his marks win at least a few hands, here and there.
Across one table, he met a deplorable fellow named Malcolm Graves.
Each recognizing a kindred soul, Tobias and Graves quickly joined forces. On the southern borderlands ofValoran, they set two renowned noble houses ofNoxusat each other’s throats as cover for the rescue of a kidnapped heir. That they pocketed the reward money, only to ransom the vile young man to the highest bidder, should really have come as no surprise to their original employer. InPiltover, they still hold the distinction of being the only thieves ever to crack the supposedly impenetrable Clockwork Vault. Not only did the pair empty the vault of all its treasures, they also tricked the guards into loading the loot onto their hijacked schooner, for a quick getaway through the Sun Gates.
In almost every case, only once they and their accomplices were safely over the horizon were their crimes even discovered—usually along with one of Twisted Fate’s trademark calling cards left where it would be easily found.
With every con, swindle, and heist, Tobias felt the pull of the cards growing stronger, and he knew it was more than mere gambler's luck that guided him. His people had always waved away concerns over primitive magic and “cartomancy”, but now Tobias began to seek out ever more dangerous means to bend the cards to his will.
That search ended badly Graves was taken alive and sent into The Locker while Tobias and the rest of the crew ran free. Though he tried to break Graves out, he failed. Instead, seeking to begin again, he returned his birth name to the river's waters and took another: Twisted Fate.
Burning Tides[]
In the years after, Twisted Fate continued conning people solo, one-time evading capture by Miss Fortune. She would later hire him by proxy to sneak into Gangplank’s warehouse to steal and return a Crimson-Coil dagger, where he would reunite with Graves, who broke out from The Locker and was tipped off by the Bounty Hunter herself about Twisted Fate presence.
Flamed with rage at his partner's apparent betrayal, Graves started shooting at Tobias in an effort to settle the score with him. With Gangplank's warehouse burning and with the pirate captain's thugs swarming, the resolution of Graves' and Twisted Fate's long-simmering feud threatens to engulf the entire city in flames. Informed by the destruction of his warehouse, Gangplank set off the catch both of the perpetrators of this act.
Both Graves and Twisted Fate tried to flee from the wrath of the Pirate King but with no success. Gangplank tortured them until he tried to publicly execute them in front of the whole city for their misbehavior. Hearing the news of this event, Sarah Fortune's plans set in motion and along with her crew, started to make preparations to blow up Gangplank’s flagship so all Bilgewater could witness the death of their Reaver King.
Graves managed to hide one of Twisted Fate's cards, snatched during their previous fight around the city, from the pirate thugs, and so, Twisted Fate breaks free but Graves gets dragged to the bottom of the ocean. Twisted Fate then jumps after him and saves Graves from drowning but almost dies in the process. Graves manages to save Twisted Fate and after they successfully survive the explosion, both men settled their dispute and resolve to pick up their joint hustling.
As Graves had lost his shotgun Destiny, they head to Piltover so he can get a new one. Even though Graves and Twisted Fate are tempted to reconcile their relationship, both know it may take a while for Graves to completely trust Twisted Fate again, still, the latter is happy to have his old friend back.
Destiny and Fate[]
After running jobs in Piltover and Zaun for a while, they go back to Bilgewater in search of the Abyssal Crown. Along with the story, Twisted Fate actively tries to regain Graves' trust, staying despite the danger and giving the Crown to Graves since the latter still keeps some distance from him.
They end up angering a sea witch in the process. Later on Miss Fortune springs a trap for Twisted Fate and Graves. Despite the latter's success in cornering her, she manages to trap them and hand them to the sea witch in exchange for her quartermaster. In the end, she helps Twisted Fate and Graves escape as well.
Twisted Fate is described as a tall, handsome male with tanned skin, trimmed beard and long dark hair. He's got sharp features and a strong jaw. He is usually depicted wearing a dandy wide-brimmed hat with golden ornaments along with a long black coat, a salmon vest, and a white button-up shirt with black tight pants and boots. Although he wears his hair loosely, in theDouble-Double Crosscinematic he has shorter hair kept in a small ponytail and doesn’t wear his jacket.
His eye color remains inconsistent, being blue in some depictions and brown in others. T.F. also has a Bilgewater-themed tattoo on his right arm seen on his lore-based skinCutpurse Twisted Fate.
Twisted Fate rarely takes things seriously, greeting each day with a mocking smile and an insouciant swagger. He’s prone to brag and has an overall smug yet charismatic personality. He's an opportunistic and hedonistic person that enjoys the thrill of danger and adventure. However, he does seem to have some roguish honor, since he tends to steal mostly from rich people and it is mentioned that he enjoyed conning arrogant and cruel people, as shown in his short story. Even though he usually appears laid-back and playful, he rarely shows genuine emotions and has tight control of his expressions.
Twisted Fate is analytical and a strategist, being the brains in his partnership with Graves, usually in charge of planning out heists. He’s also superstitious and theatrical, since it’s mentioned he enjoys putting on a show and communicates artistically at times.
He used to have a history of taking off when things started to get complicated but changed his ways after starting to work with Graves once again. Twisted Fate is also a stickler for appearance even having a “concerned face” he only uses when dealing with a really bad hand of cards or when he finds a new stain on his jacket. He’s very protective of his hat, to the point he checks the state of his hat first instead of his broken ribs after falling off a building. Twisted Fate is also plagued by the fact that he's a riverman that can't swim, drowning being his worst nightmare.
• Magical:Tobias was born with natural magical ability, which might grow the more he trains and expands his knowledge about magic.Cartomancy:Twisted Fate uses magical cards for various effects. His cards are a family heirloom and are specifically described as old magic. Without him having one to focus on, he can't cast magic at all, though it's unclear if the cards are magic or if they are only magical for him. Yellow cards stun and deals some damage, since Bambolini got some heavy bruising when Twisted Fate hit him with a yellow card. Red cards are know to explode but the blue card ability is still unknown.Teleportation:Twisted Fate is capable of teleportation from one place to another while gaining complete visual access while he casts the spell.Divination: like other riverfolks, Twisted Fate is able to read cards and look for omens among them.
• Cartomancy:Twisted Fate uses magical cards for various effects. His cards are a family heirloom and are specifically described as old magic. Without him having one to focus on, he can't cast magic at all, though it's unclear if the cards are magic or if they are only magical for him. Yellow cards stun and deals some damage, since Bambolini got some heavy bruising when Twisted Fate hit him with a yellow card. Red cards are know to explode but the blue card ability is still unknown.
• Teleportation:Twisted Fate is capable of teleportation from one place to another while gaining complete visual access while he casts the spell.
• Divination: like other riverfolks, Twisted Fate is able to read cards and look for omens among them.
Malcolm Graves[]
Their partnership started when they recognized a kindred soul in one another across a table during a high-stakes game in Mudtown.
They both shared the same reckless passion for danger and adventure, which is what encouraged them to form their partnership. Graves being the brawn, and T.F. being the brains they were an unusually effective team from the outset. Their mutual sense of roguish honor grew into genuine trust, and together they hustled across Valoran.
They were forced apart when a heist went south, with Graves getting sent to The Locker despite Twisted Fate’s efforts to save him. Graves endured years of torture and solitary confinement, during which time he nursed his bitter anger toward his old partner, and, convinced T.F. had betrayed him, Graves was determined to have his revenge.
Graves reunited with T.F. again when Miss Fortune set them up, yet they were forced to put aside their differences in order to escape almost certain death in the ongoing conflict between her and Gangplank. Even though Graves and T.F. were tempted to reconcile their relationship, both knew it may take a while for Graves to completely trust T.F. again, still, the latter was happy to have his old friend back.
However, since Graves still kept some distance from T.F., in the short story Destiny and Fate, T.F. proactively tries to show Graves that he can trust him again. T.F. had a history of taking off when things got ugly and so, T.F. wanted to stay and retrieve the Abyssal Crown even if it meant risking his life so he could prove to Graves that he wouldn't leave him to pick up the pieces anymore. In the same story, when Graves shows up next to T.F. bleeding, the latter notices and expresses his concern, something that Graves actually appreciated even if he didn't say it out loud.
During the Burning Tides events, T.F. jumps after Graves to save him from drowning despite not knowing how to swim and being terrified of drowning himself.
Graves seems to like messing with T.F., particularly by calling him Tobias instead of Twisted Fate insisting the latter is a stupid name, or by splashing him with salt water just to mess with TF's carefully oiled and perfumed hair. Similarly, T.F. usually comes up with clever replies to annoy Graves. Their petty bickering is seen many times like at the end of Burning Tides, Double-double cross, and Destiny and Fate.
In the story "The Boys and Bombolini" it is revealed that both Graves and Twisted Fate have romantic feelings for each other.
After some time, Graves capturedTeemofor the bounty onyordleswhile Twisted Fate refuses because "messing with Yordles brings a whole heap of trouble." Graves then foughtCorki,LuluandTristanawho came to save Teemo, which ended up in Graves beingturnedinto a frog and the Yordles escaping.
Read More
The Card Master
ByGraham McNeill
Starring:Twisted Fate
Starring Champion
Short Story • 34 Minute Read
Burning Tides: Act 1
ByScott Hawkes,George Krstic,Anthony Reynolds Lenné,John O'Bryan
The Rat Town slaughter docks; they smell as bad as their name suggests.
Starring:Gangplank,Graves,Twisted Fate
Short Story
Burning Tides: Act 2
ByScott Hawkes,George Krstic,Anthony Reynolds Lenné,John O'Bryan
Starring:Gangplank,Graves,Miss Fortune,Rafen,Twisted Fate
Short Story
Burning Tides: Act 3
ByScott Hawkes,George Krstic,Anthony Reynolds Lenné,John O'Bryan
Starring:Gangplank,Graves,Miss Fortune,Rafen,Twisted Fate
Short Story
Burning Tides: Epilogue
ByScott Hawkes,George Krstic,Anthony Reynolds Lenné,John O'Bryan
Starring:Gangplank,Graves,Miss Fortune,Twisted Fate
Short Story
Destiny and Fate
ByAnthony Reynolds Lenné
Ah, Bilgewater.
Starring:Graves,Miss Fortune,Twisted Fate
Don't Mess With Yordles
Wanna go cause a ruckus? When Teemo goes missing, Tristana finds plenty of volunteers to help bring him home to Bandle City—in all the ways that only yordles can!
Starring:Corki,Graves,Lulu,Teemo,Tristana,Twisted Fate
Short Story • 3 Minute Read
Double Down
ByGraham McNeill
All eyes in Fortune's Glory were on Twisted Fate. He felt the gambling hall's many patrons regarding him with a mixture of envy, vicarious excitement, and spiteful longing for him to lose everything on the turn of the last card.
Starring:Twisted Fate
Mentioned:Miss Fortune
Double-Double Cross
Down on the slaughter docks, Miss Fortune springs a trap for wanted criminals Twisted Fate and Graves… but soon finds the tables turned against her.
Starring:Graves,Miss Fortune,Rafen,Twisted Fate
Short Story
The Boys and Bombolini
ByJared Rosen
There existed, among the multitude of disgusting Bilgewater shipping warehouses filled with rusted knives and arms-length carnivorous rats, one Bilgewater shipping warehouse devoid of such things.
Starring:Graves,Twisted Fate
Mentioned:Akshan,Gwen,Nilah,Tahm Kench,Vayne,Viego
Mentioned Champion
Ruined King
ByAirship Syndicate
Rise Against Ruin - Unite a party of League of Legends Champions, explore Bilgewater and set sail for the Shadow Isles to uncover the secrets of the deadly Black Mist in this immersive turn-based RPG.
Starring:Ahri,Braum,Gangplank,Illaoi,Maokai,Miss Fortune,Necrit,Pyke,Rafen,Thresh,Viego,Yasuo
Mentioned:Ashe,Elise,Fiddlesticks,Fizz,Gwen,Hecarim,Isolde,Ivern,Janna,Jarvan IV,Kalista,Ledros,Lucian,Nagakabouros,Nautilus,Olaf,Ornn,Rhasa,Riven,Senna,Swain,Tahm Kench,Taliyah,Twisted Fate,Udyr,Volibear,Yone,Yorick,Zed
Tales of Runeterra
Starring: N/A
Mentioned:Akali,Braum,Corki,Darius,Diana,Ekko,Fiora,Garen,Graves,Heimerdinger,Jinx,Leona,Lulu,Miss Fortune,Shen,Teemo,Thresh,Tristana,Twisted Fate
Short Story • 8 Minute Read
The Burden
ByOdin Austin Shafer
Truth Bearer, this is why we must retreat to Buhru. We cannot save the paylangi' the Hierophant said. The heavy-set woman grinned, obviously pleased by the prospect of leaving Bilgewater.
Mentioned:Graves,Miss Fortune,Nagakabouros,Twisted Fate
The Outlaw
ByAnthony Reynolds Lenné
Mentioned:Gangplank,Twisted Fate
Alternate Universes
A Twist of Fate
The battle seems decided... until there is a Twist of Fate.
Starring:Annie,Fiddlesticks,Garen,Katarina,Nocturne,Ryze,Tryndamere,Twisted Fate
Clash of Fates
Starring:Alistar,Amumu,Anivia,Annie,Ashe,Cho'Gath,Evelynn,Jax,Karthus,Kayle,Master Yi,Nunu,Rammus,Ryze,Singed,Sivir,Soraka,Teemo,Twisted Fate,Warwick,Willump,Zilean
Music Video
By Numerous creators
Since its inception, Worlds has grown and evolved. Each unbelievable play and phenomenal match created moments and memories that will never be forgotten. In these iconic moments, players and teams reached for something incredible within themselves and brought it to life on the Summoner’s Rift...
Starring:Aatrox,Ahri,Alistar,Anivia,Annie,Ashe,Brand,Caitlyn,Darius,Draven,Elise,Ezreal,Gnar,Janna,Jax,Jayce,Jinx,Kassadin,Katarina,Kennen,Kha'Zix,Lulu,Orianna,Rek'Sai,Rengar,Rumble,Ryze,Shen,Sivir,Tahm Kench,Teemo,Twisted Fate,Yasuo,Ziggs
Journal of Justice
ByInstitute of War
Formare veneficum est formare fatum.
Starring:Akali,Alistar,Amumu,Anivia,Annie,Ashe,Blitzcrank,Brand,Cassiopeia,Cho'Gath,Corki,Darius,Dr. Mundo,Evelynn,Ezreal,Fiddlesticks,Gangplank,Garen,Gragas,Heimerdinger,Irelia,Janna,Jarvan IV,Jax,Karma,Karthus,Kassadin,Katarina,Kayle,Kennen,Kog'Maw,Lee Sin,Leona,Lissandra,Lux,Malzahar,Maokai,Master Yi,Mordekaiser,Morgana,Nasus,Nidalee,Nocturne,Nunu,Olaf,Pantheon,Poppy,Rammus,Renekton,Riven,Rumble,Ryze,Sejuani,Shaco,Shen,Singed,Sion,Sivir,Skarner,Sona,Soraka,Swain,Talon,Taric,Teemo,Tibbers,Tristana,Trundle,Tryndamere,Twisted Fate,Twitch,Udyr,Urgot,Veigar,Vladimir,Warwick,Willump,Wukong,Xin Zhao,Yorick,Zilean
Short Story
An ancient mystery in Runeterra
ByExplorer Ezreal
Mentioned:Jayce,Lux,Twisted Fate
Crystal Quest: Series 1
Mentioned:Anivia,Ashe,Braum,Bristle,Caitlyn,Camille,Elise,Ezreal,Garen,Gragas,Graves,Heimerdinger,Illaoi,Ivern,Katarina,Kled,Lee Sin,Leona,Lissandra,Lucian,Nami,Olaf,Poppy,Ryze,Senna,Singed,Skaarl,Taliyah,Taric,Teemo,Tryndamere,Twisted Fate,Veigar,Vi,Zac
Playtime with Gnar: Series 1
ByRachel J. Corey
Mentioned:Amumu,Cassiopeia,Cho'Gath,Darius,Draven,Karthus,Kha'Zix,Lee Sin,Leona,Malzahar,Nocturne,Nunu,Rengar,Twisted Fate,Willump
Punches and Plants: Series 1
Mentioned:Ahri,Alistar,Annie,Ashe,Blitzcrank,Brand,Braum,Caitlyn,Darius,Diana,Dr. Mundo,Ekko,Evelynn,Ezreal,Gangplank,Garen,Gnar,Gragas,Graves,Heimerdinger,Janna,Jinx,Karma,Katarina,Leona,Lucian,Malzahar,Miss Fortune,Nami,Nasus,Nunu,Quinn,Renekton,Rumble,Ryze,Sejuani,Sivir,Sona,Soraka,Tahm Kench,Taliyah,Taric,Teemo,Tibbers,Trundle,Tryndamere,Twisted Fate,Twitch,Valor,Varus,Vel'Koz,Vladimir,Volibear,Warwick,Willump,Wukong,Zac,Ziggs
Road to the Cup
As the 2013 League of Legends World Championship final draws near, we showcase the biggest heroes in esports from around the world. Many teams fell by the wayside in epic battles, and now only two remain: Korea's SK Telecom T1 and China's Royal Club. Who will rise?
Starring: N/A
Mentioned:Blitzcrank,Brand,Caitlyn,Corki,Elise,Ezreal,Gragas,Janna,Jarvan IV,Jayce,Kennen,Kha'Zix,Lee Sin,Lux,Malphite,Mordekaiser,Orianna,Renekton,Ryze,Shen,Thresh,Twisted Fate,Vayne,Zac,Zed
The Roadtrip
ByCassie Parkes,Marvin Clifford
Mentioned:Ahri,Ashe,Azir,Bard,Braum,Darius,Fiddlesticks,Garen,Gnar,Gragas,Graves,Irelia,Jinx,Kalista,Katarina,Kog'Maw,Lee Sin,Lulu,Master Yi,Nami,Poppy,Rakan,Shaco,Sona,Swain,Taric,Teemo,Twisted Fate,Varus,Xayah,Yasuo,Zilean
• He was likely inspired byGambitfromX-MenbyMarvel Comics.In his old lore, Twisted Fate's powers came from an experiment conducted by Dr. Xavier Rath, a likely reference to the X-Men'sProfessor Xavier.
• Twisted Fate named his hat "Envy".
• Sentinel Gravesdeath animation shows Graves taking out a blue card that gets him teleported to Twisted Fate's location before dying.
• One of the scrapped narrative concepts for Graves was for him to be married or to be an ex-lover of Twisted Fate. The concept of having "palpable sexual tension" between the characters was preserved in their final lore.
• However much his lore is retconned, Twisted Fate is invariably identified as a Serpentine River nomad.In his second lore, he was a Demacian-born nomad who also operated in Noxus.
• As seen in1Pool Sharkcard's artwork, his bounty inBilgewateris 10,000,000.
• His first nameTobiaswas first revealed inBurning Tides. His full name was later revealed to beTobias Felixwith his biography update released in conjunction with the global mobile launch ofLegends of Runeterra.Tobias Felixwas originally specific toHigh Noonuniverse before his biography update.[1]Tobiascomes from Hebrew טוביהṬōḇîyāh"My Goodness [is]Yah".
• His stories in chronological order areDouble Down,Burning Tides,Destiny and FateandDouble-Double Cross.
• In aLegends of Runeterrainteraction, Vi refers to Graves as Twisted Fate's "better half".
• Graves is the only person who still calls Twisted Fate by his birthname, Tobias.
• Cutpurse Twisted FateandCutthroat Gravesdepict them in their younger years.
• For the 2022 Pride Month Collection, RIOT decided to release two new emotes featuring Twisted Fate and Graves, consequently acknowledging their relationship, and thus becoming the first canon couple between two male champions.One of the emotes is a reference to the classic scene in the romantic drama film "Brokeback Mountain".
• In his old lore, Twisted Fate's powers came from an experiment conducted by Dr. Xavier Rath, a likely reference to the X-Men'sProfessor Xavier.
• In his second lore, he was a Demacian-born nomad who also operated in Noxus.
• Tobias Felixwas originally specific toHigh Noonuniverse before his biography update.[1]
• Tobiascomes from Hebrew טוביהṬōḇîyāh"My Goodness [is]Yah".
• One of the emotes is a reference to the classic scene in the romantic drama film "Brokeback Mountain".
Change log[]
See also[] | Name: Loaded Dice, Description: Innate: Whenever Twisted Fate kills an enemy, he generates 1 − 6 (based on probability) . Since his dice are loaded, Twisted Fate has an increased chance of gaining 6 ., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputPassive', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Map-Specific Differences', 'The expected bonus gold gained per unit killed is4.', 'New Innate:Gain gold based on damage dealt to enemy champions, equal to a random amount between 2% and 8% of the damage, biased towards 8%.']} | Name: Wild Cards, Description: Active: Twisted Fate throws a fan of three cards in a cone in the target direction that each deal magic damage to enemies hit. Magic Damage: 60 / 100 / 140 / 180 / 220 (+ 90% AP) Enemies can be damaged only once per pass., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputDirection', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Map-Specific Differences', 'This ability will cast from wherever the caster is at the end of the cast time.', 'Base damage changed to 70 / 120 / 170 / 220 / 270.', 'AP ratio changed to100% AP.']} | Name: Pick a Card, Description: Active: Twisted Fate cycles through three cards for 6 seconds, hovering each for 0. 5 seconds at a time. Pick a Card can be recast within the duration, which selects the current card hovered. Recast: Twisted Fate empowers his next basic attack within 6 seconds to have a 0. 25 -second cast time, deal modified magic damage , and apply an additional effect based on the card selected, though not being able to critically strike . Blue Card Bonus: Restores mana . Magic Damage: 40 / 60 / 80 / 100 / 120 (+ 100% AD) (+ 115% AP) Mana Restored: 50 / 75 / 100 / 125 / 150 Red Card Bonus: Deals magic damage to the target and surrounding enemies, slowing them for 2. 5 seconds. Magic Damage: 30 / 45 / 60 / 75 / 90 (+ 100% AD) (+ 70% AP) Slow: 30 / 35 / 40 / 45 / 50% Gold Card Bonus: Stuns the target for a duration. Magic Damage: 15 / 22. 5 / 30 / 37. 5 / 45 (+ 100% AD) (+ 50% AP) Stun Duration: 1 / 1. 25 / 1. 5 / 1. 75 / 2 Pick a Card's recast can be used while affected by cast-inhibiting crowd control ., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputAuto', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'parries': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', "The initial cast counts as an ability activation for the purposes of on-cast effects such asSpellbladeand triggeringForce Pulse'spassive.Recasting the ability does not.", 'Recasting the ability does not.', 'The first card shown is random but the order always remains the same (Blue Card,Red Card,Gold Card, repeat).Upon activation, an indicator visible to allies and enemies appears aboveTwisted Fateto show him shuffling his deck of cards while remaining in the same order, the card he can choose at every moment glows over the others. The selected card is specified for the duration of the enhanced attack.', 'Upon activation, an indicator visible to allies and enemies appears aboveTwisted Fateto show him shuffling his deck of cards while remaining in the same order, the card he can choose at every moment glows over the others. The selected card is specified for the duration of the enhanced attack.', 'PENDING FOR TEST:The interval until the next card is hovered is0.528secondsevery time, instead of some times 0.528and other times 0.495.', "If the target becomesuntargetable,dies, or is too far away during the empowered attack's cast time, it is cancelled but not consumed.", 'The empowered attack will not trigger againstbuildingsnorwards.It will trigger againstTurretsthough.', 'It will trigger againstTurretsthough.']} | Name: Stacked Deck, Description: Passive: Twisted Fate gains bonus attack speed . His basic attacks on-hit generate a stack of Stacked Deck , stacking up to 3 times. At 3 stacks, his next basic attack is empowered to consume them all to deal bonus magic damage . Bonus Attack Speed: 10 / 17. 5 / 25 / 32. 5 / 40% Bonus Magic Damage: 65 / 90 / 115 / 140 / 165 (+ 50% AP), {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputPassive', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'Not Blocked', 'parries': 'See Notes', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Map-Specific Differences', 'Stacked Deckcan bedodgedand/or missed ifTwisted Fateisblinded(the on-hit effect is not consumed in either case) but cannot beblocked(the enhanced attack is consumed and the bonus damage is still applied).', 'The empowered attack will not trigger againststructuresnorwards.', 'Base damage changed to 65 / 115 / 165 / 215 / 265.', 'AP ratio changed to40% AP.']} | Name: Destiny, Description: Active: Twisted Fate marks all targetable enemy champions, revealing them for a duration. Destiny can be recast after 0. 5 seconds within the duration. Duration: 6 / 8 / 10 Recast - Gate: Twisted Fate channels for 1. 5 seconds before blinking to the target location, destroying all projectiles targeting him in the process. Link ▶️ "No fightin' destiny.", {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputAuto/Location', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', "Both casts count as ability activations for the purposes of on-cast effects such asSpellbladeand triggeringForce Pulse'spassive.", 'Twisted Fatecannot recastDestinywhilegroundedorrooted.', 'ThenearsightfromParanoiawill overpower therevealfromDestinyregardless of which one was cast first (enemy champions can still be revealed byDestinyafterParanoiaends if durations permit).', 'Using the recast will inform allies with aping.Both allies and enemies can see an indicator at the targeted location of whereTwisted Fatewill appear.', 'Both allies and enemies can see an indicator at the targeted location of whereTwisted Fatewill appear.', 'The following table refers for interactions whileTwisted Fateischanneling:', 'Death', 'Grounding effects', 'Immobilizing effects', 'Cast-inhibiting effects', 'Trying to cast a disabled active will buffer it to cast at the completion of the channel.']} | Twisted Fate's name is a play on the phrasetwist of fate, befitting his theme of chances and probability.The cinematic he stars in,A Twist of Fate, is directly named after this phrase.
Many of Twisted Fate's abilities were named after real-life gambling or card-related terms.Loaded Dicearetampered dicethat have a higher probability of having a certain side face up.Wild Cardsreferences awild card, which is a card that can represent any value in various card games.Pick a Cardreferences the commonly usedphrasethat magicians say to their participants for card tricks.Stacked Deckreferences card decks that areunfairly stackedin order to give someone an advantage.Gatereferences theeponymous card game.
Twisted Fate was one of thefirst sixchampions designed (theothersbeingAnnie,Lee SinSinged,Sion, andSivir).
Twisted Fate's dance referencesGangnam StylebyPsy.A side-by-side comparison can be seenhere.
Twisted Fate is the third champion to feature vocals while dancing (the others beingDravenandRengar).
Twisted Fate's eyes glow cyan in-game (only Cutpurse has his pupils visible) but they do not inA Twist of Fate.
The icon forLoaded Diceis reused for theTeamfight TacticsitemLoaded Dice.
TheBlue Cardis also used to depictGate. |
Twitch,the Plague Rat | | | health: Health682+100, resource: Mana300+40, health regen: Health regen. (per 5s)3.75+0.6, resource regen: Mana regen. (per 5s)7.25+0.7, armor: Armor27+4.2, attack damage: Attack damage59+3.1, attack speed: Base AS0.679, gameplay radius: Gameplay radius65, selection radius: Selection radius135, release: 2009-05-01, changed: V13.19, role: Marksman, position: JungleBottomSupport, rangetype: Ranged, adaptivetype: Physical, cost: 3150|790 | Missing section(s):
TwitchTitlesAlias(es)The Plague RatCharacteristicsSpeciesPlague Rat(Chemically Altered)Pronoun(s)He/HimTimelineBorn:986 AN - 994 ANWeapon(s)Chem CrossbowPersonal statusStatusAlivePlace of originZaunCurrent residenceZaunProfessional statusOccupation(s)ScavengerRegion(s)ZaunRelated character(s)Zac
• Born:986 AN - 994 AN
Personal status
Place of origin
Current residence
Professional status
Related character(s)
AZauniteplague rat by birth, but a connoisseur of filth by passion,Twitchis not afraid to get his paws dirty. Aiming a chem-powered crossbow at the gilded heart ofPiltover, he has vowed to show those in the city above just how filthy they really are. Always a sneaky sneak, when he's not rooting around in the Sump, he's digging deep into other people's garbage for discarded treasures… and perhaps a moldy sandwich.
• 1Background
• 2Appearance
• 3Personality
• 4Abilities
• 5Relations5.1Zac
• 6Read More6.1Biography6.2Starring Champion6.3Mentioned Champion6.4Alternate Universes
• 7Trivia
• 8Change log
• 9References
• 10See also
• 5.1Zac
• 6.1Biography
• 6.2Starring Champion
• 6.3Mentioned Champion
• 6.4Alternate Universes
He was once a regular plague rat until he was chemically altered by the scientists becoming what he is today and hated humans because of that and plotted their downfall.
He is sneaky, and has a passion for eating any rotten food he can find, seeing himself as a connoisseur of filth.
He likes Zac because he reminds him of home.
Read More
The Plague Rat
By Unknown Author
Starring Champion
Short Story • 2 Minute Read
Do Not Engage
ByConor Sheehy
H.I.V.E. Incident Report
Sewer Tour
Mentioned Champion
ByDouble Stallion Games
Rewind the Past, Control the Future - Explore and traverse through the spectacular city of Zaun as Ekko, a young inventor with an ingenious device to manipulate time, in this story-driven action platformer. Play as a young Ekko and realize the full potential of one of League’s fan-favorite Champions.
Starring:Aximander,Camille,Chadd,Corin Reveck,Corina Veraza,Drake Poingdestre,Ekko,Elie,Inna,Jinx,Lem,Red,Rungs,Vale Poingdestre,Warwick,Wyeth,Zarkon Poingdestre
Mentioned:Ashlesh,Azir,Blitzcrank,Darius,Dr. Mundo,Eramis,Evil Kay,Farron,Fiddlesticks,Janna,Jayce,Kay,Nasus,Orianna,Renata Glasc,Seraphine,Shomi,Singed,Twitch,Urgot,Vi,Viktor,Zac,Zeri,Ziggs
Alternate Universes
Journal of Justice
ByInstitute of War
Formare veneficum est formare fatum.
Starring:Akali,Alistar,Amumu,Anivia,Annie,Ashe,Blitzcrank,Brand,Cassiopeia,Cho'Gath,Corki,Darius,Dr. Mundo,Evelynn,Ezreal,Fiddlesticks,Gangplank,Garen,Gragas,Heimerdinger,Irelia,Janna,Jarvan IV,Jax,Karma,Karthus,Kassadin,Katarina,Kayle,Kennen,Kog'Maw,Lee Sin,Leona,Lissandra,Lux,Malzahar,Maokai,Master Yi,Mordekaiser,Morgana,Nasus,Nidalee,Nocturne,Nunu,Olaf,Pantheon,Poppy,Rammus,Renekton,Riven,Rumble,Ryze,Sejuani,Shaco,Shen,Singed,Sion,Sivir,Skarner,Sona,Soraka,Swain,Talon,Taric,Teemo,Tibbers,Tristana,Trundle,Tryndamere,Twisted Fate,Twitch,Udyr,Urgot,Veigar,Vladimir,Warwick,Willump,Wukong,Xin Zhao,Yorick,Zilean
The Day Before Snowdown
Gather ‘round and hear the story of how Winter Wonder Neeko, Snow Man Yi, Winter Wonder Soraka, and Ice King Mundo saved Snowdown from Ice King Twitch in the Snowdown 2018 event in League of Legends.
Starring:Akali,Dr. Mundo,Master Yi,Neeko,Soraka,Twitch
Short Story
The Heist
ByRiot Paradox
Academy Adventures: Series 1
ByGutter Rat
Mentioned:Akali,Amumu,Anivia,Azir,Bard,Blitzcrank,Braum,Cho'Gath,Elise,Ezreal,Fiddlesticks,Fiora,Gnar,Heimerdinger,Ivern,Jhin,Jinx,Karthus,Kog'Maw,Lulu,Lux,Malzahar,Miss Fortune,Nidalee,Olaf,Poppy,Rek'Sai,Renekton,Rumble,Ryze,Shaco,Shen,Sion,Sona,Soraka,Talon,Taric,Teemo,Tristana,Trundle,Twitch,Urgot,Varus,Veigar,Vel'Koz,Vi,Yorick,Zed,Ziggs,Zyra
Academy Adventures: Series 2
ByGutter Rat
Mentioned:Amumu,Anivia,Annie,Ashe,Aurelion Sol,Braum,Caitlyn,Cho'Gath,Dr. Mundo,Draven,Elise,Ezreal,Fiddlesticks,Fizz,Galio,Gnar,Heimerdinger,Janna,Jhin,Jinx,Kog'Maw,Lulu,Lux,Malphite,Malzahar,Miss Fortune,Nami,Nasus,Olaf,Poppy,Rakan,Rammus,Rek'Sai,Riven,Rumble,Ryze,Shaco,Singed,Sona,Soraka,Syndra,Taliyah,Talon,Taric,Teemo,Thresh,Tibbers,Tristana,Twitch,Urgot,Varus,Veigar,Volibear,Warwick,Wukong,Xayah,Yasuo,Yorick,Zac,Zed,Ziggs,Zyra
Academy Adventures: Series 3
ByGutter Rat
Music Video
ByTrue Damage
Mentioned:Ahri,Azir,Book,Camille,Corki,Jinx,Kayn,Kindred,LeBlanc,Lucian,Pyke,Rhaast,Tahm Kench,Teemo,Thresh,Twitch,Yuumi
Punches and Plants: Series 1
Mentioned:Ahri,Alistar,Annie,Ashe,Blitzcrank,Brand,Braum,Caitlyn,Darius,Diana,Dr. Mundo,Ekko,Evelynn,Ezreal,Gangplank,Garen,Gnar,Gragas,Graves,Heimerdinger,Janna,Jinx,Karma,Katarina,Leona,Lucian,Malzahar,Miss Fortune,Nami,Nasus,Nunu,Quinn,Renekton,Rumble,Ryze,Sejuani,Sivir,Sona,Soraka,Tahm Kench,Taliyah,Taric,Teemo,Tibbers,Trundle,Tryndamere,Twisted Fate,Twitch,Valor,Varus,Vel'Koz,Vladimir,Volibear,Warwick,Willump,Wukong,Zac,Ziggs
Short Story
The Stranger on the Road
ByRiver Jaffe
The road from Tenacity to Progress was a flat, barren thing, unspooling across miles and miles of cactus country from one edge of the sky to the other.
Mentioned:Ashe,Katarina,Leona,Mordekaiser,Senna,Tahm Kench,Twitch,Varus
• With the reveal of Shimmer-dosed rats inArcane (TV Series), some have speculated that Shimmer may be how Twitch is brought into modern lore.
Change log[]
See also[] | Name: Deadly Venom, Description: Innate: Twitch's basic attacks on-hit apply a stack of Deadly Venom for 6 seconds, refreshing on subsequent applications and stacking up to 6 times. Deadly Venom: For each stack, the target is dealt 「 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 (based on level) (+ 3% AP) true damage per second over the duration, 」 「 6 / 12 / 18 / 24 / 30 (based on level) (+ 18% AP) total true damage over the duration, 」 for a maximum of 「 6 / 12 / 18 / 24 / 30 (based on level) (+ 18% AP) true damage with each tick. 」 「 36 / 72 / 108 / 144 / 180 (based on level) (+ 108% AP) total true damage over the duration. 」 This effect is considered a poison ., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputPassive', 'damage_type': 'True', 'spell_shield': 'Not Blocked', 'parries': 'See Notes', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Map-Specific Differences', 'The first 5 stacks on a target are indicated each by a small mark around them, while a target affected by the maximum stacks of 6 is indicated by a single large mark above them instead.', 'Deadly Venomdoes not affectstructures.', 'Being applied on-hit,Deadly Venomstacks will still be applied if the attack wasparriedorblocked, but not ifdodgedand/or missed ifTwitchisblinded.', 'AP ratio per tick changed to4% AP.']} | Name: Ambush, Description: Active: After a 1-second delay, Twitch becomes camouflaged for a duration. Attacking or casting Venom Cask or Contaminate ends Ambush immediately. Stealth Duration: 10 / 11 / 12 / 13 / 14 During this time, Twitch gains 10% bonus movement speed , increased to 30% while facing enemy champions within a 1000-unit radius who cannot see him. Upon breaking stealth, Twitch gains bonus attack speed for 5 seconds. Bonus Attack Speed: 40 / 45 / 50 / 55 / 60% When an enemy champion dies while afflicted with Deadly Venom , Ambush's cooldown is reset. Link ▶️ (Entering stealth) "Sneaky, sneaky... " Link ▶️ (Exiting stealth) "I was hiding! Hehehahaa, grr!", {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputAuto', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', "Entering stealth cancelsTwitch'scurrent basic attack.", 'Ambushfollows the same rules as stealth but he can still perform actions normally before enteringcamouflage. ActivatingRecallduring the 1-second delay allows him tochannelit while stealthed.', 'IfTwitchentersstasisduring the delay, he will gain thecamouflageafter the stasis ends.']} | Name: Venom Cask, Description: Active: Twitch hurls a cask of venom that explodes at the target location, applying Deadly Venom to enemies hit and granting sight of the area. The area then becomes contaminated for 3 seconds, applying a Deadly Venom stack each second to enemies within and slowing them. Slow: 30 / 35 / 40 / 45 / 50% (+ 6% per 100 AP), {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputLocation', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Venom Caskcan apply a maximum of 4Deadly Venomstacks per enemy.', "Venom Cask'smissile will fail to fire ifTwitchissuppressedduring the cast time.(bug)"]} | Name: Contaminate, Description: Active: Twitch sends out a lethal toxin to each nearby enemy afflicted by Deadly Venom , dealing them physical damage . Base Physical Damage: 20 / 30 / 40 / 50 / 60 Contaminate deals additional physical damage and 30% AP magic damage for each stack of Deadly Venom on the target. Physical Damage Per Stack: 15 / 20 / 25 / 30 / 35 (+ 35% bonus AD) Minimum Mixed Damage: 35 / 50 / 65 / 80 / 95 (+ 35% bonus AD) (+ 30% AP) Maximum Mixed Damage: 110 / 150 / 190 / 230 / 270 (+ 210% bonus AD) (+ 180% AP) A nearby enemy with Deadly Venom is required to cast this ability. The target does not have to be visible to be targeted by this ability., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputAuto', 'damage_type': 'Physical', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Map-Specific Differences', "Twitchis given a range indicator forContaminate'sradius upon infecting an enemy champion withDeadly Venom(actual range is slightly larger than shown by the indicator).", "Contaminatewill not damage enemy targets whoseDeadly Venomstacks wear off or if they move out ofContaminate'srange before the cast time completes.If the target moves out of range after the cast time, the missile will still hit and deal damage.", 'If the target moves out of range after the cast time, the missile will still hit and deal damage.', 'Bonus AD ratio per stack changed to30%bonusAD.', 'AP ratio per stack changed to35% AP.']} | Name: Spray and Pray, Description: Active: Twitch gains bonus attack damage and 300 bonus attack range for 6 seconds, during which his basic attacks are replaced by bolts that travel slightly further than his attack range in a straight line, dealing damage to every enemy unit hit. Bonus Attack Damage: 40 / 55 / 70 The bolts deal 100% − 60% (based on enemies hit) of the attack's damage , apply on-hit effects at 100% effectiveness, and can critically strike . Link ▶️ "Pins and needles!", {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputAuto', 'damage_type': 'Physical', 'parries': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Tips & Tricks', 'Map-Specific Differences', 'The extra distance that the bolts travel scales withbonusattack range.', 'Spray and PrayallowsTwitchto outrangeturretsby 50 units, allowing him to hit them without them returning fire.', "Twitchtargets his line attack at his target's location at thestartof his attack windup.Theboltsreach targets at a delay, composed ofTwitch'swindup time and distance thebolthas to travel at finite speed. Even the primary target can dodge the attack if they are moving quickly enough.", "Theboltsreach targets at a delay, composed ofTwitch'swindup time and distance thebolthas to travel at finite speed. Even the primary target can dodge the attack if they are moving quickly enough.", 'Theboltprojectiles will naturally pass through terrain and enemy structures (the latter will be damaged byboltseven if they are not directly targeted).', 'IfTwitchisblindedbefore winding up the attack, the hits willmissagainstalltargets.', "Runaan's Hurricane'sWind's Furyinteracts withSpray and Pray'sbonusattack rangebut not with the modified missile effect (the secondary bolts will not have pass-through effects).", "Whenever theboltspenetrate a target, a small elongated cloud appears at the location, which's VFX and SFXcanbe seen and heard inside the Fog of War.", "Thebolts'travel distance scales with the full value ofTwitch'sattack rangeincreases such asRapid Firecannon, but not with size increases (which only increase his effective attack range, thereby the target range).", "(Outdated as ofV10.13, now can hit everything with edge range, except for turrets) Thecenter of a unit must be within the maximum travel distance of theboltmissile, and in front of the spawn location (Twitch'scenter) for theboltto be able to hit them.Other than this condition, theboltmissile has to only touch (pass within its half width of 60 units) theedge of the unit's radius.This is standard behaviour forlinear skillshots.", "Other than this condition, theboltmissile has to only touch (pass within its half width of 60 units) theedge of the unit's radius.", 'This is standard behaviour forlinear skillshots.', "Runaan's Hurricane'sbolts can target the same units that are hit byTwitch'spenetratedbolt, increasing the total damage dealt to them and applyingon-hiteffects twice.", 'Bonus attack damage changed to 30 / 40 / 50.']} | Twitch wasvoicedby the lateDoug Boyd.Twitch is voiced by an unknown voice actor in theWild Rift Chat shorts.
Deadly Venomdisplaying an X when fully stacked on a target might be referencing theBlack Death(the doors of those afflicted were marked as such) |
Udyr,the Spirit Walker | | | health: Health664+92, resource: Mana271+50, health regen: Health regen. (per 5s)6+0.75, resource regen: Mana regen. (per 5s)7.5+0.45, armor: Armor31+4.7, attack damage: Attack damage62+4, attack speed: Base AS0.65, gameplay radius: Gameplay radius65, selection radius: Selection radius125, release: 2009-12-02, changed: V13.14, role: Juggernaut, position: TopJungle, rangetype: Melee, adaptivetype: Physical, cost: 1350|585 | Games
UdyrMainYoungShamanMonkTitlesAlias(es)The Spirit WalkerMonk UdyrCharacteristicsSpeciesHuman(Magical;VastayanAncestry)Pronoun(s)He/HimTimelineBorn:946 AN - 956 ANWeapon(s)Bear Spirit FormBoar Spirit FormCryophoenix Spirit FormRam Spirit FormSeal Spirit Form3Wildclaw Spirit FormPersonal statusStatusAlivePlace of originFreljordCurrent residenceFreljord(PreviouslyHirana Monastery,Ionia)FamilySejuani(Adopted Daughter)Kalkia†(Lover)Hejian†(Mother-In-Law)Professional statusOccupation(s)ShamanSpirit WalkerRegion(s)FreljordIoniaFaction(s)Winter's ClawHirana OrderRelated character(s)Lee SinSejuaniLissandraOrnnVolibear
• Main
• Young
• Shaman
• Monk
• The Spirit Walker
• Monk Udyr
• Born:946 AN - 956 AN
• Bear Spirit Form
• Boar Spirit Form
• Cryophoenix Spirit Form
• Ram Spirit Form
• Seal Spirit Form
• 3Wildclaw Spirit Form
Personal status
Place of origin
Current residence
• Sejuani(Adopted Daughter)
• Kalkia†(Lover)
• Hejian†(Mother-In-Law)
Professional status
• Shaman
• Spirit Walker
• Freljord
• Ionia
• Winter's Claw
• Hirana Order
Related character(s)
The most powerful spirit walker alive,Udyrcommunes with all the spirits of the Freljord, whether by empathically understanding their needs, or by channeling and transforming their ethereal energy into his own primal fighting style. He seeks balance within, so that his mind does not get lost amidst others, but he also seeks balance without—for the Freljord's mystical landscape can only thrive with the growth that comes from conflict and struggle, and Udyr knows that sacrifices must be made to keep peaceful stagnance at bay.
• 1Background1.1Early life1.2Contemporary history1.3Recent events
• 2Appearance
• 3Personality
• 4Abilities
• 5Relations5.1Sejuani5.2Lee Sin5.3Freljordian Demi-gods
• 6Read More6.1Biography6.2Starring Champion6.3Mentioned Champion6.4Alternate Universes
• 7Trivia
• 8Change log
• 9References
• 10See also
• 1.1Early life
• 1.2Contemporary history
• 1.3Recent events
• 5.1Sejuani
• 5.2Lee Sin
• 5.3Freljordian Demi-gods
• 6.1Biography
• 6.2Starring Champion
• 6.3Mentioned Champion
• 6.4Alternate Universes
Early life[]
Udyr was born under a blood-red moon in theFreljord. At a young age, he had a deep connection to spiritual magic, greater than any spirit walker in history. However, his powers proved to be a curse to the young boy. Unlike other spirit walkers, Udyr was connected to every spirit, hearing their every need and want. Bombarded by their chaotic thoughts, Udyr's parents sought to find a spirit walker to help him master his powers, but each one told them: spirit walker training was focused on opening oneself up, not closing oneself off. One evening, his tribe would be attacked by the Frostguard, minions of theIce Witch. As they slaughtered his tribemen, Udyr became overwhelmed by grief and anger. For the first time, he tapped into his powers with purpose and unleashed an avalanche that buried the marauders. In the aftermath, Udyr would spend the next several years wandering alone, doing what needed to be done to survive.
On one fateful day, Udyr aided a Winter's Claw hunting party in battling a troublesome wildclaw. Impressed by his power, they brought him back to their warmother, Hejian, who sought to train him alongside her daughter, Kalkia. The two would grow close, with Udyr showing her how to survive in the wild and Kalkia showing him how to live amongst men. When a pack of diseased rimefang wolves attacked the Winter's Claw, Udyr was affected by their madness, becoming lost to their hunger. He blindly attacked the tribe, nearly killing a child, before being restrained by Kalkia and her mother's True Ice. After the wolves had been slain, Hejian banished him from their tribe. Udyr retreated to the mountains, far from anyone he could hurt, and lived in solitude. Kalkia would occasionally visit the spirit walker, until she had to assume the role of warmother. Despite lifting his banishment, Udyr remained in self-imposed exile, but swore to protect Kalkia and those she loved. However, this would be the last time they would see each other.
A monk fromIoniaarrived in the Freljord and sought out Udyr to help him master the dragon spirit within him. Udyr refused to aid the monk, but he challenged him for the right to train with him. The two battled until they reached their limits, but neither ended as the victor. The monk finally introduced himself asLee Sinand noted the battle proved they both had much to learn. Lee Sin invited the spirit walker to return with him to train in Ionia, where they have spent generations training to keep the spirits at peace. With nothing him tying him to the Freljord, Udyr agreed.
Seeing a kindred spirit in the monk, the two would forge a friendship as they traveled to the Hirana Monastery. By the time they reached the Monastery, they found it besieged byNoxianinvaders. Udyr and Lee Sin battled the soldiers of Noxus and repelled their assault. After their victory, the two asked the abbott to train them, he agreed, but self-mastery has no guarantee end. The two would spend the next several years at the Hirana Monastery, training with the Shojin Order. During this time, Udyr helped Lee find balance with the dragon spirit and embraced the harmony of the Ionian way of life.
Contemporary history[]
Despite enjoying the tranquility of Ionia, Udyr's powers began to plateau. Deciding to return to the Freljord to continue his growth, he would say goodbye to his friend, but not before he was gifted with one of Lee's blindfolds, a reminder to their commitment to self-mastery. When Udyr returned, he was greeted by a new conflict between the Avarosans and the Winter's Claw. The Avarosans wanted to unite the Freljord under one banner, but Udyr saw that as detrimental to the land's spiritual health, believing that struggle and conflict were needed to keep the Freljord healthy. Instead, he offered his counsel to his old tribe, the Winter's Claw, and was met bySejuani, the daughter of Kalkia. Despite accepting his aid, Sejuani was weary of Udyr, having heard the stories of his bloodlust and uncontrollable power. He would earn her trust and mentored the young warmother, watching her become a fierce leader, the two becoming as close as father and daughter.
Udyr was eventually called to a meeting by the other spirit walkers. During his journey, he encountered the Seal Sister, disguised as an old woman, who asked for his help in several impossible tasks. Entertained by his futile attempts, she gave him her blessing in the form of salty bread and icy water. When he consumed them, spiritual magic surged through Udyr, causing him to pass out. When he awoke, he felt new power coursing through him and continued his journey south. When Udyr reached the meeting of the spirit walkers, they discussed a strange spiritual shift they had all felt. Fearing the Freljord was dying, Udyr believed the cause to be the Avaroans. Their actions in unifying the Freljord had deprived it of the challenge necessary to sustain its spiritual health. While some were skeptical of his theory, others agreed, and pledged their aid to him and the Winter's Claw.
Recent events[]
Growing food shortages in the already barren tundra would force the Winter's Claw to more aggressively expand their territory. Weakened by the famine and not wanting to see more of her tribesmen fall, Sejuani proposed allying themselves with the Ursine of theVolibear. Udyr was called upon to aid in negotiations, but the spirit walker did not trust the Storm Bear or his ilk. Despite his objections, Sejuani remained determined in forging the alliance, and not wanting to see her harmed, Udyr agreed to aid her.
The Winter's Claw summoned the Ursine, led by the Hounded Lord, a former pupil of Udyr. When Sejuani attempted to negotiate with the Hounded Lord, he deferred her to their god, the Volibear, and summoned him to their meeting. Speaking through both Udyr and the Hounded Lord, Volibear questioned what battle would be worthy of his support. Sejuani vowed to raze the southern farms, destroy their settlements, and conquer the Freljord, pleased with these terms the Storm Bear agreed to lend her his strength, if she asked. Udyr tried to object before Sejuani could accept his offer, but was paralyzed by fear. When the Volibear demanded a sacrifice, Udyr instead offered the war and its dead, enraging him. The spirit walker goaded the god into accepting their offer and the Ursine would join the Winter's Claw in their next raid. In the aftermath of the battle, Udyr surveyed the damage inflicted by the Winter's Claw and the Ursine, noting that they were gaining more power. He confronted the avatar of the Volibear and vowed to protect Sejuani and prevent him from taking her.
Some time later, Udyr would take a leave of absence from the Winter's Claw, needing time away from the spirits to strengthen his will.
Udyr has a stocky body shape and is adorned by tattoos of the various Freljordian gods on his body. His fists are wrapped in bandages, with his left hand having a headwrap given to him byLee Sin. He wears heavy pants with a belt made with prayer beads and open toed shoes.
Udyr is an introspective person, driven by his spiritual powers that grants him a unique understanding of the world. Having grappled with these overwhelming powers since a young age, he embodies a sense of stoic determination and resilience. His demeanor is often calm and reserved, reflecting the solitude he embraced during years of self-imposed exile. Udyr is guided by a sense of duty, particularly towards those he considers family, such asKalkiaand later,Sejuani.
Spirit Magic: As a shaman of the Freljord, Udyr possesses a powerful connection to the spirits and Old Gods of the Freljord.
Udyr serves as the shaman for theWinter's Clawand isSejuani'soathfather. He was once close toKalkia, Sejuani's mother.
Lee Sin[]
Udyr andLee Sinformed a friendship after the latter traveled to the Freljord to learn more about spirits. He traveled with Lee Sin back to Ionia in order to learn more about spirits and aided in defending the Hirana monastery from Noxian invaders. Lee Sin gave Udyr the blindfold he adorn on his arm, a reminder of his commitment to self-mastery.
Freljordian Demi-gods[]
Udyr can harness the power of Freljordian demigods, such asOrnn,Anivia,Volibear, theSeal Sister, andthe Iron Boar. Despite harnessing the power of the Great Spirit of the Bear, Udyr does not trustVolibear. He respects his brotherOrnn, the Great Spirit of the Ram, far more.
Read More
The Spirit Walker
ByDana Luery Shaw
Mentioned:Kalkia,Lee Sin,Sejuani
Starring Champion
Short Story
A Walk with the Voices
ByMichael Luo
Far above, Udyr heard the cries of an eagle riding the gale.
Short Story
Silence for the Damned
ByOdin Austin Shafer
Across the frozen river, the distant, glowing lights promised warmth and food. Udyr imagined a hearth fire crackling inside one of the city's homes. Around the fire, bedding furs rested, prickling with warmth.
Mentioned Champion
Short Story
Dead of Winter
ByGraham McNeill
Even from a distance, Sejuani could see the mammoth was dying.
Ruined King
ByAirship Syndicate
Rise Against Ruin - Unite a party of League of Legends Champions, explore Bilgewater and set sail for the Shadow Isles to uncover the secrets of the deadly Black Mist in this immersive turn-based RPG.
Starring:Ahri,Braum,Gangplank,Illaoi,Maokai,Miss Fortune,Necrit,Pyke,Rafen,Thresh,Viego,Yasuo
Mentioned:Ashe,Elise,Fiddlesticks,Fizz,Gwen,Hecarim,Isolde,Ivern,Janna,Jarvan IV,Kalista,Ledros,Lucian,Nagakabouros,Nautilus,Olaf,Ornn,Rhasa,Riven,Senna,Swain,Tahm Kench,Taliyah,Twisted Fate,Udyr,Volibear,Yone,Yorick,Zed
The Blind Monk
ByMichael Luo
Starring:Lee Sin
Alternate Universes
Journal of Justice
ByInstitute of War
Formare veneficum est formare fatum.
Starring:Akali,Alistar,Amumu,Anivia,Annie,Ashe,Blitzcrank,Brand,Cassiopeia,Cho'Gath,Corki,Darius,Dr. Mundo,Evelynn,Ezreal,Fiddlesticks,Gangplank,Garen,Gragas,Heimerdinger,Irelia,Janna,Jarvan IV,Jax,Karma,Karthus,Kassadin,Katarina,Kayle,Kennen,Kog'Maw,Lee Sin,Leona,Lissandra,Lux,Malzahar,Maokai,Master Yi,Mordekaiser,Morgana,Nasus,Nidalee,Nocturne,Nunu,Olaf,Pantheon,Poppy,Rammus,Renekton,Riven,Rumble,Ryze,Sejuani,Shaco,Shen,Singed,Sion,Sivir,Skarner,Sona,Soraka,Swain,Talon,Taric,Teemo,Tibbers,Tristana,Trundle,Tryndamere,Twisted Fate,Twitch,Udyr,Urgot,Veigar,Vladimir,Warwick,Willump,Wukong,Xin Zhao,Yorick,Zilean
Spirit Guard (Comic)
By Numerous creators
For though the world may stand against me. I am never truly alone!
Crystal Quest: Series 2
Punches and Plants: Series 2
Mentioned:Aatrox,Ahri,Alistar,Amumu,Annie,Aurelion Sol,Azir,Bard,Blitzcrank,Caitlyn,Cho'Gath,Diana,Draven,Ekko,Ezreal,Fizz,Galio,Gnar,Graves,Heimerdinger,Jayce,Kha'Zix,Kog'Maw,Leona,Lucian,Lux,Malphite,Maokai,Miss Fortune,Nasus,Nautilus,Nidalee,Olaf,Orianna,Poppy,Quinn,Rakan,Renekton,Riven,Rumble,Shaco,Taric,Teemo,Tibbers,Tristana,Trundle,Udyr,Valor,Vel'Koz,Viktor,Volibear,Warwick,Wukong,Xayah,Xin Zhao,Yasuo,Ziggs
The Tale of the Poro King
By Numerous creators
Starring: N/A
Mentioned:Aatrox,Akali,Ashe,Aurelion Sol,Azir,Braum,Caitlyn,Cho'Gath,Darius,Diana,Draven,Ezreal,Gnar,Illaoi,Janna,Jarvan IV,Jayce,Kai'Sa,Karma,Karthus,Katarina,Kayle,Kayn,Kennen,Kha'Zix,Lee Sin,Leona,Lulu,Lux,Malzahar,Miss Fortune,Nunu,Ornn,Pantheon,Pyke,Rammus,Rek'Sai,Rhaast,Ryze,Sejuani,Shen,Sion,Sivir,Soraka,Sylas,Syndra,Taliyah,Talon,Taric,Thresh,Tristana,Trundle,Udyr,Vi,Volibear,Willump,Yasuo,Zed,Ziggs,Zoe
• Udyr's visuals inLegends of Runeterrarepresents him after returning to the Freljord.[1]
• Spirit Guard Udyrrepresents him during his time in Ionia.
• Being a Spirit Walker, Udyr can harness a small portion of power of a dozen Great Spirit animals such asTiger,Turtle,Bear,Phoenix,Ram,Lynx,Boar, and more.VolibearandOrnnrepresent the Great Bear and Ram respectively. As such Udyr can harness a small portion of their powers.Bear Stanceis based off ofVolibear'spower andPhoenix Stanceis based off ofAnivia'spower.Part of his power possibly comes from his diluted vastayan heritage.[2]
• VolibearandOrnnrepresent the Great Bear and Ram respectively. As such Udyr can harness a small portion of their powers.
• Bear Stanceis based off ofVolibear'spower andPhoenix Stanceis based off ofAnivia'spower.
• Part of his power possibly comes from his diluted vastayan heritage.[2]
Change log[]
See also[] | Name: Bridge Between, Description: Innate - Awakened Spirit: Udyr has no ultimate ability and instead has 4 basic abilities that each incur a 1. 5 -second global cooldown when cast. Each ability grants a Stance that empowers his next two basic attacks, and switching Stances will replace the empowered attacks from the previous Stance . Periodically, after Udyr enters a Stance , he can cast it again at no cost after 0. 25 seconds to Awaken it, refreshing the cooldown and empowering the Stance with an additional effect. This effect is placed on cooldown at the start of the game. Innate - Monk Training: After casting an ability, Udyr empowers his next two basic attacks within 4 seconds to gain 30% bonus attack speed and refund 5% of Awakened Spirit's total cooldown, though not if the remaining cooldown is less than 1 second., STATIC COOLDOWN: STATICCOOLDOWN:50 / 40 / 30 / 20 (based on level), {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputPassive', 'parries': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Map-Specific Differences', "Cloud Dragon Soul'sincreased movement speed buff is special cased to activate on all ofUdyr'sspell casts due to not having a traditional ultimate.", "Awakened Spirit'scooldown is tracked by a secondary resource bar on hishealth bar.", 'SwitchingStanceswill not cause any additional effects granted by the previous one to end prematurely.', 'The global cooldown will not incur on abilities that are currently on a greater cooldown.', 'The empowered attacks will not get consumed if they are parried.', "Awakened Spirit'scast also activatesMonk Trainingand empowers the next 2 attacks by the stances unawakened effects as well, overriding unused unawakened stance attacks.", 'Cooldown reduced by 50%.', 'Cooldown refund increased to 10%.', "Can't Touch Thisaugment can be triggered by casting anAwakenedability."]} | Name: Wilding Claw, Description: Active - Stance: Udyr enters Claw Stance , empowering his next two basic attacks to gain 50 bonus range and deal bonus physical damage . Bonus Physical Damage: 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8% (+ 4% per 100 bonus AD) of target's maximum health Total Physical Damage: 6 / 8 / 10 / 12 / 14 / 16% (+ 8% per 100 bonus AD) of target's maximum health Additionally, Udyr gains bonus attack speed and deals bonus physical damage on-hit for 4 seconds. Bonus Attack Speed: 20 / 32 / 44 / 56 / 68 / 80% Bonus Physical Damage On-Hit: 5 / 11 / 17 / 23 / 29 / 35 (+ 25% bonus AD) Recast - Awaken: Udyr gains an additional 20% − 70% (based on level) bonus attack speed . The empowered attacks deal an additional 2% − 4% (based on level) (+ 2% per 100 bonus AD) of target's maximum health bonus physical damage . Udyr's next two basic attacks in any Stance are empowered to strike with lightning 6 times, dealing bonus magic damage equal to 1. 5 % − 3% (based on level) (+ 0. 8 % per 100 AP) of the target's maximum health per hit, chaining to up to 3 nearby visible enemies and being able to hit the same target multiple times. This deals a minimum of 40 − 160 (based on level) against minions and is capped at 20 (+ 100% bonus AD) (+ 50% AP) against monsters ., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputAuto', 'damage_type': 'Physical/Magic', 'spell_shield': 'See Notes', 'parries': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Map-Specific Differences', 'Dealsspell damageto the primary target and appliesarea damageon the lightning strikes.', "The lightning strikes can deal up to9% − 18% (based on level)(+ 4.8% per 100 AP)of the target'smaximumhealthbonusmagic damageper empowered basic attack against an isolated target.If both empowered attacks are used on the same isolated target, the lightning strikes can deal up to18% − 36% (based on level)(+ 9.6% per 100 AP)of the target'smaximumhealthbonusmagic damage.", "If both empowered attacks are used on the same isolated target, the lightning strikes can deal up to18% − 36% (based on level)(+ 9.6% per 100 AP)of the target'smaximumhealthbonusmagic damage.", 'The lightning strikes from two separate empowered attacks can overlap with each other on the same target for additional damage.', "Spell shieldwill only block an empowered attack's application of the lightning strikes.", 'The empowered attacks will not trigger nor be consumed if they hit a structure or ward or are parried.', 'Bonus AD ratio changed to3% per 100bonusAD.', 'Awaken bonus AD ratio changed to6% per 100bonusAD.']} | Name: Iron Mantle, Description: Active - Stance: Udyr enters Mantle Stance , empowering his next two basic attacks to gain life steal and heal him for 1. 2 % of his maximum health (+ 8% AP) on-hit. Life Steal: 15 / 16 / 17 / 18 / 19 / 20% Additionally, Udyr grants himself a shield for 4 seconds. Shield Strength: 45 / 60 / 75 / 90 / 105 / 120 (+ 40% AP) (+ 2 / 2. 3 / 2. 6 / 2. 9 / 3. 2 / 3. 5 % maximum health) Recast - Awaken: Udyr increases the shield's strength, stacking with the remaining shield from the first cast, and heals every 0. 25 seconds over the next 4 seconds, as well as causes the empowered attacks to instead gain doubled life steal and heal him for 2. 4 % of his maximum health (+ 16% AP) on-hit. Increased Shield Strength: 20 − 150 (based on level) (+ 45 / 60 / 75 / 90 / 105 / 120) (+ 65% AP) (+ 8% maximum health) Total Healing: 10 − 75 (based on level) (+ 22. 5 / 30 / 37. 5 / 45 / 52. 5 / 60) (+ 32. 5 % AP) (+ 4% maximum health) Heal per Tick: 0. 63 − 4. 69 (based on level) (+ 1. 41 / 1. 88 / 2. 34 / 2. 81 / 3. 28 / 3. 75 ) (+ 2. 03 % AP) (+ 0. 25 % maximum health) Increased Life Steal: 30 / 32 / 34 / 36 / 38 / 40% Healing on-hit is reduced to 60% against minions ., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputAuto', 'parries': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Map-Specific Differences', 'The empowered attacks applyspell effectsto the target.', 'The empowered attacks will not trigger nor be consumed if they hit a structure or ward or are parried.', 'Shield AP ratio changed to60% AP.', 'On-hit heal AP ratio changed to12% AP.']} | Name: Blazing Stampede, Description: Active - Stance: Udyr enters Stampede Stance , empowering his basic attacks to have an uncancellable windup and pounce on the target to stun them for 0. 75 seconds. This cannot affect the same target more than once every few seconds. Additionally, Udyr becomes ghosted and gains bonus movement speed for 4 seconds, which decays to 30% effectiveness over 1. 5 seconds. Bonus Movement Speed: 30 / 37 / 44 / 51 / 58 / 65% Decayed Bonus Movement Speed: 9 / 11. 1 / 13. 2 / 15. 3 / 17. 4 / 19. 5 % Recast - Awaken: Udyr gains 75 bonus attack range and an additional 30% − 40% (based on level) bonus movement speed . He also gains immunity to crowd control for 1. 5 seconds., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputAuto', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'parries': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Spell shieldwill prevent the immunity to the stun from being applied.(bug)', 'Udyrcannot dash whilegroundedorrooted, but he will still declare the empowered attack.', 'The empowered attack will still apply its effects even if the dash is interrupted.', 'The empowered attacks will not trigger nor be consumed if they hit a structure or ward or are parried.The immunity to the stun is not applied in any case.', 'The immunity to the stun is not applied in any case.']} | Name: Wingborne Storm, Description: Active - Stance: Udyr enters Storm Stance , empowering his next two basic attacks to deal 10 − 30 (based on level) (+ 30% AP) magic damage to nearby enemies. Additionally, Udyr summons a blizzard around himself for 4 seconds that deals magic damage every 0. 5 seconds to nearby enemies and slows them. Minions take 50 / 60 / 70 / 80% (based on level) damage. Magic Damage per Tick: 10 / 19 / 28 / 37 / 46 / 55 (+ 17. 5 % AP) Total Magic Damage: 80 / 152 / 224 / 296 / 368 / 440 (+ 140% AP) Slow: 15 / 18 / 21 / 24 / 27 / 30% Recast - Awaken: Udyr ends the blizzard if it is active and unleashes a glacial storm for 4 seconds that is able to move on its own, as well as causes the empowered attacks to instead deal their damage to enemies within that storm. The storm follows the closest nearby visible target and applies the same effects but deals bonus magic damage equal to 「 1% − 2% (based on level) (+ 0. 4375 % per 100 AP) of the target's maximum health per tick, capped at 10 − 50 (based on level) 」 「 8% − 16% (based on level) (+ 3. 5 % per 100 AP) of the target's maximum health over the duration, capped at 80 − 400 (based on level) 」 against monsters , and slows by an additional 5%. Increased Slow: 20 / 23 / 26 / 29 / 32 / 35% The unleashed storm grants sight of its surroundings and prioritizes following the last enemy Udyr has attacked while he is nearby, then enemy champions , then non-champions, then Udyr ., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputAuto', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'Not Blocked', 'parries': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Map-Specific Differences', 'The storm thatUdyrsurrounds himself with is independent from the unleashed storm.He can still castWingborne Stormto surround himself with a storm while an unleashed storm from anAwakenedcast is active.Using theAwakenedcast ends the storm aroundUdyrif it is active and summons a separate storm that is able to move on its own.', 'He can still castWingborne Stormto surround himself with a storm while an unleashed storm from anAwakenedcast is active.', 'Using theAwakenedcast ends the storm aroundUdyrif it is active and summons a separate storm that is able to move on its own.', "The slow debuff has a duration equal to the storm's remaining duration and is removed immediately when the unit leaves the storm's area of effect.Units receive the debuff whenever they are in the storm, even after having it removed from leaving the area.", 'Units receive the debuff whenever they are in the storm, even after having it removed from leaving the area.', 'If the targetUdyrhas most recently attacked is invalid and there are no nearby enemies then the storm will follow him instead.The storm can followUdyrregardless of how far away he is from it.', 'The storm can followUdyrregardless of how far away he is from it.', 'The storm will remain active even ifUdyrdies. Any commands it was issued to follow a target will not be interrupted.', 'The storm will follow its target even if they are notvisible, but only for up to 1 second.If it does not gain vision of its target within that time, it changes its target.', 'If it does not gain vision of its target within that time, it changes its target.', 'The storm is obstructed by terrain. If it encounters terrain, then it will automatically navigate its path towards the target.', 'The empowered attacks will not trigger nor be consumed if they hit a structure or ward or are parried.', 'Base damage per tick changed to 25 / 35 / 45 / 55 / 65 / 75.', 'AP ratio per tick changed to5% AP.']} | He is the only character that cannot max out all of his skills, as each of his skills have sixlevelsand the max character level is 18 (18 points for a total of 24 possible ranks).However, in theUltra Rapid Fire(2015) featured mode, there is no limit to a champion's level, so Udyr is able to have 6 levels for his abilities.
He is one of the few characters without an ultimate along withJayce. Udyr has 4 skills that can be leveled up to the maximum rank of 6.
Udyr is one of a few champions to have multiple textures in oneskin. Udyr however has more different textures in one skin than any other champion, as he has a different one for each of his stances.
Udyr's dance references theDrunken Master Kung Fu Style.A side-by-side comparison can be seenhere.
Udyr is one of two champions that went into the weeklychampion rotationon the day of their release. The other one isPoppy.
Udyr was one of the champions chosen for the Ionian pool available during theIonia vs. Noxus match.He was one of the selected champions, and was voted the MVP.
In theV1.0.0.115April Fools' Daypatch, he was jokingly listed to receive a skin called"Urfdyr", referencingUrf. |
Urgot,the Dreadnought | | | health: Health655+102, resource: Mana340+45, health regen: Health regen. (per 5s)7.5+0.7, resource regen: Mana regen. (per 5s)7.25+0.8, armor: Armor36+5.45, attack damage: Attack damage63+4, attack speed: Base AS0.625, gameplay radius: Gameplay radius80, selection radius: Selection radius136, release: 2010-08-24, changed: V13.7, role: Juggernaut, position: Top, rangetype: Ranged, adaptivetype: Physical, cost: 3150|790 | Games
UrgotMainCyborgTitlesAlias(es)The DreadnoughtCharacteristicsSpeciesHuman(Chemically Altered;Cyborg)Pronoun(s)He/HimTimelineBorn:946 AN - 956 ANWeapon(s)Shotgun legsCorrosive ChargeMachine gunChem-drill & grinderPersonal statusStatusAlivePlace of originNoxusCurrent residenceZaunProfessional statusOccupation(s)AnarchistNoxian soldier and high executionerRegion(s)NoxusZaunRelated character(s)Boram DarkwillCaitlynCamilleDariusEkkoSwainVi
• Main
• Cyborg
• Born:946 AN - 956 AN
• Shotgun legs
• Corrosive Charge
• Machine gun
• Chem-drill & grinder
Personal status
Place of origin
Current residence
Professional status
• Anarchist
• Noxian soldier and high executioner
• Noxus
• Zaun
Related character(s)
Once a powerfulNoxianheadsman,Urgotwas betrayed by the empire for which he had killed so many. Bound in iron chains, he was forced to learn the true meaning of strength in the Dredge—a prison mine deep beneathZaun. Emerging in a disaster that spread chaos throughout the city, he now casts an imposing shadow over its criminal underworld. Raising his victims on the very chains that once enslaved him, he will purge his new home of the unworthy, making it a crucible of pain.
• 1Background1.1Early life1.2Transformation in the Dredge1.3Son of Ur1.4Child of Zaun
• 2Appearance
• 3Personality
• 4Abilities
• 5Relations5.1Jericho Swain5.2CaitlynandVi
• 6Read More6.1Biography6.2Starring Champion6.3Mentioned Champion6.4Alternate Universes
• 7Trivia
• 8Change log
• 9References
• 10See also
• 1.1Early life
• 1.2Transformation in the Dredge
• 1.3Son of Ur
• 1.4Child of Zaun
• 5.1Jericho Swain
• 5.2CaitlynandVi
• 6.1Biography
• 6.2Starring Champion
• 6.3Mentioned Champion
• 6.4Alternate Universes
Early life[]
Urgot was born and raised inNoxus. He became a Noxian soldier and high executioner, or headsman, executing enemies of the state and carrying out missions for the Noxian emperor.
Transformation in the Dredge[]
DuringSwain's uprising, Swain needed a way to keep Urgot out of the Noxian capitol, as he was seen as a threat to Swain's plan. Urgot was subsequently sent toZaununder the pretense of being sent there in order to eliminate a conspiracy against the emperor of Noxus. Urgot was then captured by Chem-Barons and taken to The Dredge, a chemtech prison mine, to be tortured. However, Urgot proved to be resistant to pain, which scared the mine's warden and enboldened Urgot. Urgot had an epiphany, believing Zaun to be great because of its pain, and proceeded to take control of the prison and plunge it into anarchy.
During his reign over the prison, Urgot convinced his fellow prisoners into following him while killing those who didn't. He removed some of his body parts that he deemed "weak" and replaced them with machinery. Eventually, a Noxian agent arrived in the Dredge. He recognized Urgot and begged him to help him escape, to which Urgot killed him. In doing so, he had another epiphany, believing that it was not strength that ruledNoxus, but men. Believing men to be weak, he decided that he would plunge the world into chaos in order to cull those that he did not find worthy.
Urgot started a riot which ignited a chemtech vein in the prison, destroying it and shaking Zaun. Many prisoners were killed in the explosion, but many more fleed to the Sump. It was in the Sump where he started gaining more and more followers, preparing to strike again.
Son of Ur[]
Shortly after causing the Dredge to explode, Urgot destroyed the Black Lanes, a market at the heart of Zaun. There, he killed people that worked for a man called Chem-Baron Crimson, along with Crimson himself. While killing Crimson, four adolescents that were part of the Sump Riders gang arrived in the Lanes and saw what was happening. Three of the adolescents died from inhaling toxic fog while Urgot explained to the fourth how all of the men who died, including Chem-Baron Crimson, controlled the city with fear and deserved to die. He let the fourth kid escape, telling him to spread the message about what had happened there.
Child of Zaun[]
A messenger chosen by Urgot, known as The Voice, had been giving speeches and sermons promoting discontent and anger in the Sumps, The Voice preached about a figure he called 'The Dreadnought' and claimed that he would enact justice unto the Piltovans who put the people in the Sumps. Because of the effects these sermons were having on the people,Viwas sent down to the Sumps to investigate. Vi attended one of The Voice's sermons with one of her childhood friends, Roe, and disrupted it, saying that The Voice was just using the people of Zaun to further his own selfish goals. She wasn't able to convince anybody of this, and got ready to leave the Sumps and go back to Piltover, assuming that The Voice and his followers were not much of a danger.
Shortly after this, The Voice, along with his followers, attacked a recently built tower made for Hextech manufacturing. During the attack, Urgot revealed himself to the followers of The Voice. He was revealed to be The Dreadnought that The Voice had spoken about. After deciding that he was not worthy, Urgot killed The Voice. He then released a canister of poisonous gas into the crowd of people that were attacking the tower, calling it a test of strength. Many people died because of this gas, including one ofVi's childhood friends, Roe. Those who survived continued the attack on the tower, only to be stopped byViandCaitlynalong with other Piltovan enforcers. After a battle in which many people on both sides were hurt and killed, Urgot's forces were eventually defeated and Urgot was captured and put in prison.
Urgot didn’t look like a prisoner to me.
He looked like a spider, waiting patiently in his web.
Urgot is a large figure, standing taller than almost any human. He has six gold and black mechanical legs with green tubes attached to them. These legs give way to a mechanical waist, from which a green tube attaches to a makeshift mask covering Urgot's mouth and nose. He has the upper torso of a muscular man, paler than most because of a large amount of time without seeing Sun in the Dredge, Sumps, and later on, prison. Instead of a right arm, he has a machine gun attached to a piece of machinery where his shoulder would be. The rest of his torso, save for his head, is covered in tattoos.
Urgot is a determined individual, wanting nothing more than to free Zaun from its captors, the chem-barons, and take revenge on Piltover, which has deliberately ignored Zaun, and in his eyes, let it rot while they enjoyed their luxurious lives. While he works tirelessly to free Zaun, he does not consider himself the savior of Zaun, only a personification of its discontent and anger. He believes that Zaun must be ruled by anarchy to reach its true potential, along with the entire world, and that what he considers "the worthy" will be the only ones left standing. Urgot has made this his ultimate goal, and will not stop until he has accomplished it.
• Mechanical Alterations:Urgot's partially mechanical body contains parts that prove useful in combat.Machine Gun Arm:Urgot's machine gun arm is able to fire live bullets at high speed and freqency, often proving lethal for his enemies.Shotgun Legs:Urgot's mechanical legs conceal shotguns that can shoot heavy blasts in an arc around them. The placement of Urgot's legs around himself gives him the ability to shoot these in any direction around himself.Mechanical Feet:Urgot's mechanical feet are heavy and capable of exerting enough force to crush many strong and durable objects that regular feet would not be able to damage.
• Machine Gun Arm:Urgot's machine gun arm is able to fire live bullets at high speed and freqency, often proving lethal for his enemies.
• Shotgun Legs:Urgot's mechanical legs conceal shotguns that can shoot heavy blasts in an arc around them. The placement of Urgot's legs around himself gives him the ability to shoot these in any direction around himself.
• Mechanical Feet:Urgot's mechanical feet are heavy and capable of exerting enough force to crush many strong and durable objects that regular feet would not be able to damage.
• Physical Strength:Urgot is a naturally strong person, able to crush small metal objects[1]and lift up a person into the air with ease.[2]Not only does this prove useful for intimidation, but if all else fails, his great strength means that his hand can still do some damage.
Jericho Swain[]
Swain saw Urgot as a threat to his plan to take over Noxus, and as such betrayed Urgot by sending him to Zaun to be captured by Chem-Barons.
Caitlyn and Vi were the ones to capture Urgot and imprison him. After abrief escape attempt, the two defeated Urgot again and reimprisoned him.
Read More
The Dreadnought
ByDavid Slagle
Starring Champion
Short Story
Child of Zaun
ByIan St. Martin
What's the difference between law and order?
Short Story • 5 Minute Read
Son of Ur
ByDavid Slagle
We were running through the streets of Zaun. The pipes and stained glass were blurred, smeared colors against the Gray, and the fog that hung in every chem-soaked alley. Zori was to my left, all matted hair and rusty knives—her smile was the only sign that she was beautiful beneath the grime. Blenk was behind her, with a spray-philter full of glowing paint and a head dripping with ideas. Scuzz brought up the rear, every bit the kind of lug you'd expect to be called Scuzz. But he was our Scuzz, every scuzzy bit of him.
The Test
Only the worthy survive.
Music Video
By Numerous creators
Mentioned Champion
ByDouble Stallion Games
Rewind the Past, Control the Future - Explore and traverse through the spectacular city of Zaun as Ekko, a young inventor with an ingenious device to manipulate time, in this story-driven action platformer. Play as a young Ekko and realize the full potential of one of League’s fan-favorite Champions.
Starring:Aximander,Camille,Chadd,Corin Reveck,Corina Veraza,Drake Poingdestre,Ekko,Elie,Inna,Jinx,Lem,Red,Rungs,Vale Poingdestre,Warwick,Wyeth,Zarkon Poingdestre
Mentioned:Ashlesh,Azir,Blitzcrank,Darius,Dr. Mundo,Eramis,Evil Kay,Farron,Fiddlesticks,Janna,Jayce,Kay,Nasus,Orianna,Renata Glasc,Seraphine,Shomi,Singed,Twitch,Urgot,Vi,Viktor,Zac,Zeri,Ziggs
Alternate Universes
Journal of Justice
ByInstitute of War
Formare veneficum est formare fatum.
Starring:Akali,Alistar,Amumu,Anivia,Annie,Ashe,Blitzcrank,Brand,Cassiopeia,Cho'Gath,Corki,Darius,Dr. Mundo,Evelynn,Ezreal,Fiddlesticks,Gangplank,Garen,Gragas,Heimerdinger,Irelia,Janna,Jarvan IV,Jax,Karma,Karthus,Kassadin,Katarina,Kayle,Kennen,Kog'Maw,Lee Sin,Leona,Lissandra,Lux,Malzahar,Maokai,Master Yi,Mordekaiser,Morgana,Nasus,Nidalee,Nocturne,Nunu,Olaf,Pantheon,Poppy,Rammus,Renekton,Riven,Rumble,Ryze,Sejuani,Shaco,Shen,Singed,Sion,Sivir,Skarner,Sona,Soraka,Swain,Talon,Taric,Teemo,Tibbers,Tristana,Trundle,Tryndamere,Twisted Fate,Twitch,Udyr,Urgot,Veigar,Vladimir,Warwick,Willump,Wukong,Xin Zhao,Yorick,Zilean
ByInstitute of War
The truest opponent lies within.
Starring:Boram Darkwill,Brand,Caitlyn,Cassiopeia,Galio,Graves,Irelia,Jarvan IV,Karma,LeBlanc,Lee Sin,Leona,Lux,Maokai,Miss Fortune,Nocturne,Orianna,Renekton,Riven,Rumble,Ryze,Skarner,Sona,Swain,Talon,Trundle,Urgot,Varus,Vayne,Vladimir,Wukong,Xerath,Xin Zhao,Yorick
Return to the Stars
Starring:Aurelion Sol,Bard,Cassiopeia,Gnar,Illaoi,Kog'Maw,Nautilus,Nocturne,Teemo,Urgot,Vayne,Viktor,Ziggs
Short Story
The Man with the Grinning Shadow
ByJared Rosen
“You the marshal?”
Academy Adventures: Series 1
ByGutter Rat
Mentioned:Akali,Amumu,Anivia,Azir,Bard,Blitzcrank,Braum,Cho'Gath,Elise,Ezreal,Fiddlesticks,Fiora,Gnar,Heimerdinger,Ivern,Jhin,Jinx,Karthus,Kog'Maw,Lulu,Lux,Malzahar,Miss Fortune,Nidalee,Olaf,Poppy,Rek'Sai,Renekton,Rumble,Ryze,Shaco,Shen,Sion,Sona,Soraka,Talon,Taric,Teemo,Tristana,Trundle,Twitch,Urgot,Varus,Veigar,Vel'Koz,Vi,Yorick,Zed,Ziggs,Zyra
Academy Adventures: Series 2
ByGutter Rat
Mentioned:Amumu,Anivia,Annie,Ashe,Aurelion Sol,Braum,Caitlyn,Cho'Gath,Dr. Mundo,Draven,Elise,Ezreal,Fiddlesticks,Fizz,Galio,Gnar,Heimerdinger,Janna,Jhin,Jinx,Kog'Maw,Lulu,Lux,Malphite,Malzahar,Miss Fortune,Nami,Nasus,Olaf,Poppy,Rakan,Rammus,Rek'Sai,Riven,Rumble,Ryze,Shaco,Singed,Sona,Soraka,Syndra,Taliyah,Talon,Taric,Teemo,Thresh,Tibbers,Tristana,Twitch,Urgot,Varus,Veigar,Volibear,Warwick,Wukong,Xayah,Yasuo,Yorick,Zac,Zed,Ziggs,Zyra
Olaf vs Everything: Series 2
ByTom Barton
Mentioned:Ahri,Aurelion Sol,Brand,Cassiopeia,Cho'Gath,Darius,Dr. Mundo,Ekko,Gnar,Illaoi,Karthus,Kog'Maw,Lee Sin,Nagakabouros,Ornn,Renekton,Skarner,Teemo,Tryndamere,Urgot,Vel'Koz,Vi,Viktor,Vladimir,Warwick,Zyra
• Urgot was a big person, but became enlarged by his augmentation.[3]
• While it is not explicitly said, it is commonly believed that The Voice from the Child of Zaun story is also the narrator of the Son of Ur story (the only surviving adolescent).
• There are many interpretations of the Noxian value of strength and how determine who is worthy. Urgot's unique interpretation of this is that only inthe war of all against allcan the worthy prove themselves and survive.[1]
Change log[]
See also[] | Name: Echoing Flames, Description: Innate: Urgot's six legs each conceal a shotgun that covers an arc, together forming a full circle of cover around him. Each shotgun can fire once before incurring a unique cooldown . Urgot's next basic attack on-hit within the arc of a shotgun will cause it to fire in a cone, dealing 40% − 100% (based on level) AD (+ 2% − 6% (based on level) of target's maximum health) physical damage to enemies hit, capped at 100 − 360 (based on level) against monsters ., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputPassive', 'damage_type': 'Physical', 'spell_shield': 'Not Blocked', 'parries': 'See Notes', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Video', "Echoing Flames:Shotgun attack range scales withbonusattack range.Will not trigger if the target is too far away or they are dead when the basic attack hits.Will not trigger whileblindedor if the basic attack is blocked byWind WallorBlade Whirl.It bypassesblockinganddodgingeffects.Will not trigger againststructuresnorwards.Will trigger fromRunaan's Hurricane'sadditional bolts.Will not applylife steal, but does apply onspell vampandomnivampat 33% effectiveness.Will applyspell effects.Will not trigger when basic attacking certain units (e.gShaco'sJack in the Box), however it will trigger when attacking them withPurge.Will consumeManaflow Bandif it is available.Will not consumeTear of the Goddesscharges.(bug)", 'Shotgun attack range scales withbonusattack range.', 'Will not trigger if the target is too far away or they are dead when the basic attack hits.', 'Will not trigger whileblindedor if the basic attack is blocked byWind WallorBlade Whirl.It bypassesblockinganddodgingeffects.', 'It bypassesblockinganddodgingeffects.', 'Will not trigger againststructuresnorwards.', "Will trigger fromRunaan's Hurricane'sadditional bolts.", 'Will not applylife steal, but does apply onspell vampandomnivampat 33% effectiveness.', 'Will applyspell effects.', "Will not trigger when basic attacking certain units (e.gShaco'sJack in the Box), however it will trigger when attacking them withPurge.", 'Will consumeManaflow Bandif it is available.', 'Will not consumeTear of the Goddesscharges.(bug)', "Urgot'slegs never change in orientation, with his body instead rotating on top of them; the leg that faces northeast will always face northeast. This does not affectUrgot'sfacing direction for the purposes of abilities such asPetrifying Gaze."]} | Name: Corrosive Charge, Description: Active: Urgot launches a canister at the target location. Upon landing, it explodes after 0. 3 seconds to deal physical damage to enemies hit and slow them for 1. 25 seconds. Physical Damage: 25 / 70 / 115 / 160 / 205 (+ 70% AD) Slow: 45 / 50 / 55 / 60 / 65%, {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputLocation', 'damage_type': 'Physical', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Video', 'Corrosive ChargepreventsPurgefrom firing for 0.3seconds.']} | Name: Purge, Description: Passive: Urgot's other abilities mark enemy champions hit for 5 seconds. Only one enemy can be marked at a time. Additionally, at maximum rank, Purge lasts indefinitely and becomes a toggled ability. Active: Urgot equips his machine gun for 4 seconds, granting ghosting to minions and non-epic monsters around him and autonomously firing at the nearest enemy at a fixed 3. 0 attack speed , prioritizing marked enemy champions and refreshing the mark with every attack. While firing, Urgot is able to move and gains 40% slow resist , but his base movement speed is reduced by 125 . Attacks with Purge deal modified physical damage , with a minimum threshold of 50 against monsters and minions , and apply on-hit and on-attack damage at 50% effectiveness, but they cannot critically strike . Urgot cannot perform attacks while unable to declare basic attacks. Modified Physical Damage: 12 (+ 20 / 23. 5 / 27 / 30. 5 / 34% AD) Purge can be recast after 0. 5 seconds within the duration, and does so automatically afterwards. Recast: Urgot ends Purge ., STATIC COOLDOWN: STATICCOOLDOWN:0.5/0.25, {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputAuto', 'damage_type': 'Physical', 'spell_shield': 'Not Blocked', 'parries': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Video', 'Autonomous attack range scales withbonusattack range.', "Purgeusesedge rangefor enemy targets only; Its range iscenter-to-edge.Urgot'ssizeincreasing does not increase its range.", "Urgot'ssizeincreasing does not increase its range.", "The initial cast and the manual recast count as ability activations for the purposes of on-cast effects such asSpellbladeand triggeringForce Pulse'spassive.Before maximum rank, ifPurgeis not manually recasted, the effect will end without being considered as an ability activation.", 'Before maximum rank, ifPurgeis not manually recasted, the effect will end without being considered as an ability activation.', "Urgot'sfacing direction duringPurgeis in the direction he's moving and not in the direction of his attack target.", 'Before maximum rank, if continuously attacking without being interrupted or interrupting or canceling the cast,Urgotwill attack 13 times.', 'The bolts are considered basic attacks and thus applylife stealat full efficiency.', "DuringPurge,Urgot'sattack rangeis reduced by 200 and his attack commands instead issue movement commands to walk into the respective range of his target.", 'Slow resistdoes not modify flat reductions in movement speed.', 'Percentageslowsapply after the flat movement reduction.', "Purge'sattacks do not interact withUrgot'sbasic attacktimer.After endingPurge, he can usually attack again immediately.", 'After endingPurge, he can usually attack again immediately.', 'IfUrgotisberserkedortaunted, he will fire at the unit he is forced to attack.', "Purgewill fire whileUrgotisdashing(e.g. while takingThresh'sDark Passage), with the exception ofDisdain'sdash.", "Each shot counts as a separate hit for effects such asElectrocute,Muramana'sShock, andEclipse'sEver Rising Moon.", "Purgewill applyRunaan's Hurricaneon every shot at 100% of the listed damage.On-hit damage applied by the bolts are still reduced byPurge.", 'On-hit damage applied by the bolts are still reduced byPurge.', 'The movement speed stat tooltip erroneously reads that thebonusmovement speed is being reduced beforebasemovement speed.(bug)', "Purge'sattacks will not breakDuskblade of Draktharr'sNightstalker'suntargetabilityandinvulnerability.(bug)"]} | Name: Disdain, Description: Active: Urgot grants himself a shield for 4 seconds. Shield Strength: 55 / 75 / 95 / 115 / 135 (+ 135% bonus AD) (+ 13. 5 % bonus health) After the cast time, Urgot dashes in the target direction, though not through terrain, dealing physical damage to enemies he passes through, knocking them aside and stunning them for 1 second. Physical Damage: 90 / 120 / 150 / 180 / 210 (+ 100% bonus AD) Urgot will stop upon hitting an enemy champion , stunning them for 1. 5 seconds and, after 0. 25 seconds, also flinging them to the location 100 units behind him , though not through terrain. Purge can be cast during the dash., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputDirection', 'damage_type': 'Physical', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Video', 'Urgotturns around when tossing an enemy over him, always facing his victim.', 'The target will beflungto the location behindUrgotover 0.5seconds given that they do not move nor are moved from the position at which they collided with him whilestunned.', 'DisdainpreventsPurgefrom firing for 1.25seconds.', 'The range indicator length is 475 units, but the dash only movesUrgot450 units.', 'This ability will cast from wherever the caster is at the end of the cast time.', 'Theshieldis granted at the start of the cast time while thedashbegins after.', 'Theflingwill occur after 0.25seconds regardless of how far away the target is.', 'Displacement immunitywill not resist the application of thestun.']} | Name: Fear Beyond Death, Description: Active: Urgot fires a chem-drill in the target direction that impales the first enemy champion hit, dealing physical damage and leashing the target for 4 seconds, during which they are revealed and slowed by 0% − 75% (based on target's missing health) . Physical Damage: 100 / 225 / 350 (+ 50% bonus AD) Fear Beyond Death can be recast if the leashed target is below 25% of their maximum health , and does so automatically if the chem-drill would kill the target, the ability is cast again while the target was above the threshold and is then brought within it, or the target is within the threshold at the end of the duration. Recast - Mercy: Urgot launches chains at the leashed target, then channels for 1. 5 seconds once they latch on. During this time, he reels them toward him, suppressing them, revealing them, rendering them untargetable , and preventing them from taking damage from other sources . If the target is near Urgot when the chains connect, they are pushed up to 1000 units away based on their proximity to him. This channel cannot be interrupted by crowd control . Upon completing the channel, the target is executed . If the execution is successful, he fears nearby enemies for 1. 5 seconds, during which they are slowed by 75%. Fear Beyond Death's recast can be used while affected by cast-inhibiting crowd control . Link ▶️ The end is near., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputDirection/Auto', 'damage_type': 'Physical/True', 'spell_shield': 'See Notes', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Video', 'Unlike mostmissiles,Fear Beyond Deathcanhit the edge of targets whose center is further than the missile range.However, it still cannot hit targets whose center is behindUrgot.', 'However, it still cannot hit targets whose center is behindUrgot.', 'Appliesspell damageon first cast andraw damageon recast.', 'Urgotisrevealedwhile the target is leashed and being reeled in.', "Fear Beyond Death'sexecute against the enemy champion will aggro nearby enemy minions.", 'WhileFear Beyond Deathis not on cooldown, all enemy champions will have an execution indicator on their health bar, and a visual indicator if below the execution threshold.', "Mercy'sgranteduntargetabilitydoes notdestroyin-flightprojectilesfor the target.", 'Urgotwill place himself onto the ground and interruptsdisplacementsaffecting him upon starting the channel.If the displacement effect is aknock upwith no debuff source, theairbornestatus is not removed and he spends significantly less time in the air.', 'If the displacement effect is aknock upwith no debuff source, theairbornestatus is not removed and he spends significantly less time in the air.', 'This ability will cast from wherever the caster is at the start of the cast time.', 'Fear Beyond DeathpreventsPurgefrom firing for 0.8seconds.The recast preventsPurgefrom firing for 1.5seconds.', 'The recast preventsPurgefrom firing for 1.5seconds.', "IfUrgotis incast timeor isdashingwhile the chains are in transit,Mercy'sforced movement will be deferred (the debuff will continuously refresh) until the cast or dash is complete. The target will still beuntargetable, prevented from taking damage from other sources, andsuppressedduring this time.IfUrgotischannelinga spell, the channel is interrupted when the chains hit.", 'IfUrgotischannelinga spell, the channel is interrupted when the chains hit.', 'Removing or resisting theslowhas no effect on the markdebuff.', "The initial cast always counts as an ability activation for the purposes of on-cast effects such asSpellbladeand triggeringForce Pulse'spassive.If the ability hits a target who is below the threshold, it will automatically recast itself and it won't be considered as an ability activation.If the ability hits a target who is above the threshold and it's recast early, the recast will happen automatically when they reach the threshold and it won't be considered as an ability activation.If the target got hit while above the threshold and it is recast after they fall below it, the recast will be considered as an ability activation.", "If the ability hits a target who is below the threshold, it will automatically recast itself and it won't be considered as an ability activation.", "If the ability hits a target who is above the threshold and it's recast early, the recast will happen automatically when they reach the threshold and it won't be considered as an ability activation.", 'If the target got hit while above the threshold and it is recast after they fall below it, the recast will be considered as an ability activation.', 'Reactivating the ability early will reel the target as soon as they reach the25%maximumhealththreshold.Mercycan be cast and will automatically do so at the end of the duration if the target is below the execute threshold regardless of Urgot being affected bycrowd control, including self or enemy-imposedstasis.', 'Mercycan be cast and will automatically do so at the end of the duration if the target is below the execute threshold regardless of Urgot being affected bycrowd control, including self or enemy-imposedstasis.', 'Fear Beyond Deathcan affectclonesand activates its fear when executing one.', "Fear Beyond Death'srecast cannot be used if the target isuntargetable.", "Fear Beyond Death'srecast cannot be used duringresurrection. Attempting to do so places the recast on a 5-secondcooldown.If the target is below the threshold at the end of the duration andUrgotis revived, the recast will initiate regardless of this cooldown.", 'If the target is below the threshold at the end of the duration andUrgotis revived, the recast will initiate regardless of this cooldown.', "The recast's chains are classified as aprojectileand they will fail to affect their target if:Urgotor his targetdiesor entersresurrection.The target becomesuntargetable, even if the granted source does notdestroyin-flight projectiles.Urgotwill also fail to execute the target if they becomeuntargetablewhile the chains are being pulled.(bug)They collide withWind WallorUnbreakable.IfUnbreakableintercepts the chains andBraumis not the target, they're destroyed.IfBraumis the target, he will still be reeled in and executed as normal.The target iscrowd control immunewhen the chains hit.The target isa zombie.", 'Urgotor his targetdiesor entersresurrection.', 'The target becomesuntargetable, even if the granted source does notdestroyin-flight projectiles.Urgotwill also fail to execute the target if they becomeuntargetablewhile the chains are being pulled.(bug)', 'Urgotwill also fail to execute the target if they becomeuntargetablewhile the chains are being pulled.(bug)', "They collide withWind WallorUnbreakable.IfUnbreakableintercepts the chains andBraumis not the target, they're destroyed.IfBraumis the target, he will still be reeled in and executed as normal.", "IfUnbreakableintercepts the chains andBraumis not the target, they're destroyed.", 'IfBraumis the target, he will still be reeled in and executed as normal.', 'The target iscrowd control immunewhen the chains hit.', 'The target isa zombie.', "Spell shieldwillnotblock the recast's chains.", "If the target removes thesuppressionby any means they will prevent themselves from beingexecutedand stop the forced movement from being renewed, though allowing the most recent one to be present and move them toUrgot'sprevious location.Their untargetability and damage prevention of other sources granted byFear Beyond Deathis removed in the process.Urgot will still complete the full channel even if the target is freed.", 'Their untargetability and damage prevention of other sources granted byFear Beyond Deathis removed in the process.', 'Urgot will still complete the full channel even if the target is freed.', "If the target isdisplacement immunewhen the chains collide,Urgotwill not begin the channel until after their displacement immunity ends.The target will be unaffected byFear Beyond Death'sforced movement during this time, but will still be suppressed, prevented from taking damage from other sources and rendered untargetable.If the target's displacement immunity does not end within 10 seconds,Fear Beyond Deathwill cancel.", "The target will be unaffected byFear Beyond Death'sforced movement during this time, but will still be suppressed, prevented from taking damage from other sources and rendered untargetable.", "If the target's displacement immunity does not end within 10 seconds,Fear Beyond Deathwill cancel.", "When the chains start reeling in and suppressing aplayer'schampion, chains will also cover the sides of their screen.", "The target champion shrinks insizein several steps after reachingUrgot'sgrinder and before being executed.If thesuppressionends in any way, the target returns to its normal size.If the execution is successful, the victim's corpse will be effectively invisible unless they enter azombie state.", 'If thesuppressionends in any way, the target returns to its normal size.', "If the execution is successful, the victim's corpse will be effectively invisible unless they enter azombie state.", "The target will die regardless of theircurrenthealthonce the recast's chains hit, even if they arehealed.If the target hasinvulnerabilitythat persists for the duration of the channel, it will protect them from the execution.Undying Ragewill preventTryndamerefrom dying by the execute. In this case, the execute will bypass his minimum health threshold though and reduce him to1 health.The effect will also not prevent the activation ofresurrectioneffects, such asGuardian AngelorAnivia'sRebirth.Post-death eventssuch asZombie Stateeffects (e.g,Karthus'Death Defied,Kog'Maw'sIcathian Surprise, andSion'sGlory in Death) will be triggered.Only the target'scurrenthealthwill count asUrgot'sdamage in post-game statistics andspell vamphealing.", "If the target hasinvulnerabilitythat persists for the duration of the channel, it will protect them from the execution.Undying Ragewill preventTryndamerefrom dying by the execute. In this case, the execute will bypass his minimum health threshold though and reduce him to1 health.The effect will also not prevent the activation ofresurrectioneffects, such asGuardian AngelorAnivia'sRebirth.Post-death eventssuch asZombie Stateeffects (e.g,Karthus'Death Defied,Kog'Maw'sIcathian Surprise, andSion'sGlory in Death) will be triggered.Only the target'scurrenthealthwill count asUrgot'sdamage in post-game statistics andspell vamphealing.", 'Undying Ragewill preventTryndamerefrom dying by the execute. In this case, the execute will bypass his minimum health threshold though and reduce him to1 health.', "The effect will also not prevent the activation ofresurrectioneffects, such asGuardian AngelorAnivia'sRebirth.", "Post-death eventssuch asZombie Stateeffects (e.g,Karthus'Death Defied,Kog'Maw'sIcathian Surprise, andSion'sGlory in Death) will be triggered.", "Only the target'scurrenthealthwill count asUrgot'sdamage in post-game statistics andspell vamphealing.", "Fear Beyond Death'sinitial cast will not perform the automatic recast from dealing enough damage to killSion.", "Fear Beyond Death'srecast will be placed on a 5-secondcooldownif the target is below the threshold and becomes targetable again after completing the dash fromHero's Entrance.", 'The following table refers for interactions whileUrgotischanneling:', 'Death']} | Urgot andThreshused to be the only champions classified asrangedtanksbefore having their roles changes in 2013.Hyper-Kinetic Position ReverserandDeath Sentenceare the only two in-game tethered abilities without a minimum leash range.
Urgot used to be the only champion in the game classified as aMarksman/Tank. However, his champion classification has since been changed toJuggernaut.During the time thatGnarwas revealed on PBE, he was classified as aMarksman/Tank. However, Gnar was released as aFighter/Marksman, a champion classification he shared withJayce.
Urgot resembles a number of quadrupeds from various other games.Makron(leader of theStrogg) from theQuakevideo game series.Azmodanthe Lord of Sin fromDiablo III."The Spineless Ones"from theX-Men, the best-known of them beingMojo. They are a fat alien race of rotten appearance who can not move on their own without advanced technology.Yagrum BagarnfromThe Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind.
According to Babaganoosh, Urgot was unavailable for the Ionia vs Noxus match due to being damaged and needing considerable time to be repaired. He received a major strength buff in the following patch release.
Urgot's dance referencesKirby'sVictory Dance.A side by side comparison can be seenhere.
In theV1.0.0.115April Fools' Daypatch, he was jokingly listed to receive a skin called"Urfgot", referencingUrf. |
Varus,the Arrow of Retribution,Darkin, Valmar, Kai | | | health: Health600+105, resource: Mana360+40, health regen: Health regen. (per 5s)3.5+0.55, resource regen: Mana regen. (per 5s)8+0.8, armor: Armor27+4.6, attack damage: Attack damage62+3.4, attack speed: Base AS0.658, gameplay radius: Gameplay radius65, selection radius: Selection radius120, release: 2012-05-08, changed: V13.22, role: MarksmanArtillery, position: Bottom, rangetype: Ranged, adaptivetype: Physical, cost: 4800|880 | Games
VarusMainCurrentSpecterValmarKaiTitlesReal nameVarus(Darkin)Valmar(Human host)Kai(Human host)Nickname(s)Demon PantsAlias(es)The Arrow of Retribution(Varus)The Darkin Bow(Varus)Heart-Light Kai(Kai)Slayer Valmar(Valmar)CharacteristicsSpeciesDarkin(Varus)Human(Kai, Valmar)God-Warrior(Varus)Human(Varus)Pronoun(s)He/Him(Kai, Valmar, Varus)They/Them(Collectively)TimelineBorn:2540 BN - 2530 BNWeapon(s)The Darkin BowHemomancyCorruptive InfluencePersonal statusStatusAlivePlace of originNavori,Ionia(Kai)Pallas,Ionia(Valmar)Shurima(Varus, Ancient Times)Current residenceShurima(No Fixed Abode)FamilyKai's Unnamed FatherValmar's Unnamed MotherValmar's Two Unnamed BrothersValmar's Unnamed SisterValmarandKai(Each Others' Lovers)Varus's Unnamed Family†Valeeva(Varus's Sister)[1]Professional statusOccupation(s)Darkin VindicatorBeast Hunters(Kai, Valmar)Shuriman Guardian(Varus)Temple Warden(Varus)Region(s)IoniaShurima(Varus)Faction(s)DarkinRelated character(s)AatroxNaafiriRhaastAzirKaiValmarKaynXolaani
• Main
• Current
• Specter
• Valmar
• Kai
Real name
• Varus(Darkin)
• Valmar(Human host)
• Kai(Human host)
• The Arrow of Retribution(Varus)
• The Darkin Bow(Varus)
• Heart-Light Kai(Kai)
• Slayer Valmar(Valmar)
• Darkin(Varus)
• Human(Kai, Valmar)
• God-Warrior(Varus)
• Human(Varus)
• Born:2540 BN - 2530 BN
• The Darkin Bow
• Hemomancy
• Corruptive Influence
Personal status
Place of origin
• Navori,Ionia(Kai)
• Pallas,Ionia(Valmar)
• Shurima(Varus, Ancient Times)
Current residence
• Kai's Unnamed Father
• Valmar's Unnamed Mother
• Valmar's Two Unnamed Brothers
• Valmar's Unnamed Sister
• ValmarandKai(Each Others' Lovers)
• Varus's Unnamed Family†
• Valeeva(Varus's Sister)[1]
Professional status
• Darkin Vindicator
• Beast Hunters(Kai, Valmar)
• Shuriman Guardian(Varus)
• Temple Warden(Varus)
• Ionia
• Shurima(Varus)
Related character(s)
One of the ancientdarkin,Varuswas a deadly killer who loved to torment his foes, driving them almost to insanity before delivering the killing arrow. He was imprisoned at the end of theGreat Darkin War, but escaped centuries later in the remade flesh of twoIonianhunters—they had unwittingly released him, cursed to bear the bow containing his bound essence. Varus now seeks out those who trapped him, in order to enact his brutal vengeance, but the mortal souls within still resist him every step of the way.
• 1Background1.1Early Life1.1.1Ascension1.1.2The Great Darkin War1.2Modern History1.2.1Valmar and Kai1.2.2Rebirth1.2.3Search for Naafiri1.3Recent events1.3.1Redemption1.3.2Xolaani Returns
• 2Appearance
• 3Personality
• 4Abilities
• 5Relations5.1Darkin5.1.1Valeeva5.1.2Naafiri5.1.3Aatrox5.1.4Rhaast5.1.5Xolaani5.2Icathia5.3Humans5.3.1Valmar5.3.2Kai
• 6Read More6.1Biography6.2Starring Champion6.3Mentioned Champion6.4Alternate Universes
• 7Trivia
• 8Change log
• 9References
• 10See also
• 1.1Early Life1.1.1Ascension1.1.2The Great Darkin War
• 1.2Modern History1.2.1Valmar and Kai1.2.2Rebirth1.2.3Search for Naafiri
• 1.3Recent events1.3.1Redemption1.3.2Xolaani Returns
• 1.1.1Ascension
• 1.1.2The Great Darkin War
• 1.2.1Valmar and Kai
• 1.2.2Rebirth
• 1.2.3Search for Naafiri
• 1.3.1Redemption
• 1.3.2Xolaani Returns
• 5.1Darkin5.1.1Valeeva5.1.2Naafiri5.1.3Aatrox5.1.4Rhaast5.1.5Xolaani
• 5.2Icathia
• 5.3Humans5.3.1Valmar5.3.2Kai
• 5.1.1Valeeva
• 5.1.2Naafiri
• 5.1.3Aatrox
• 5.1.4Rhaast
• 5.1.5Xolaani
• 5.3.1Valmar
• 5.3.2Kai
• 6.1Biography
• 6.2Starring Champion
• 6.3Mentioned Champion
• 6.4Alternate Universes
Early Life[]
Varus was born in the ancientShuriman empire, where he was a paragon of loyalty and honor. Because of his dedication and skills in archery, Varus was appointed to be a temple warden and sent out to guard the temples of the eastern states. During the early stages of theIcathian Uprising, many of the outlying villages were attacked, including Varus's own homeland. Though the other wardens abandoned their posts to join the defense, Varus upheld his oaths and remained at his post, singlehandedly defending the temple. Knowing that his family had been killed during the attack, Varus was anguished and grieved the loss of his family as he fought off the invaders.
In the aftermath, Varus was found by emissaries of theAscended Hostkneeling in deep meditation and surrounded by corpses of his foes. Though successful in defending the temple, the event left Varus horribly traumatized by the event. Despite his unnerving and cold gaze, Varus was offered to join the Ascended as a reward for his noble sacrifice and dedication.
Even as an Ascended God-Warrior, Varus remained bitter and consumed with a vicious desire for vengeance against the Icathians because of what they did to his homeland and family. He continued to participate in the war and pushed back the rebelling Icathians and the horrors of theVoidthat they unleashed. During this, he reveled in tormenting his enemies to the point of insanity, torturing them with arrows before painfully killing them. Even after Shurima's eventual victory over Icathia, Varus didn't fully comprehend it as his mind had become so twisted that all of the memories of his atrocities blurred together, leaving him as a withdrawn and heartless killer.
The Great Darkin War[]
Varus standing alongside his fellow Darkin,AatroxandRhaast.
After the sudden death of emperorAzir, theShuriman empire felland the many Ascended, now calling themselvesSunborn, clashed with one another in bitter rivalries due to the lack of leadership. Their war would be so devastating that mortals began to call these beings theDarkin,an ancient Shuriman world most closely translated toThe Fallen,and theGreat Darkin Warbegan.[2]
Varus, who's mind was still twisted beyond repair, couldn't fully comprehend the war happening and instead fully embraced his life as a killer as he was often sent off by his Darkin siblings to assassinate enemy commanders and obliterate entire armies. During the war, Varus fought alongside many of his fellow Darkin, who he considered his brothers and sisters in arms. It's implied that he was a member of a group of five Darkin who were exceptionally powerful and destined to bring ruin to the whole world. These Darkin includedAatrox,Rhaast,Naafiriand an unknown fifth Darkin. At one point, Varus fought alongside his Darkin sister Valeeva, who shared the same desire for violent revenge against those that wronged them.[3]
TheCelestial beingsofTargoneventually intervened in the war and the5Aspect of Warbegan gathering entire armies of mortals to fight back against the Darkin while Myisha, theAspect of Twilight, taught mortals how to magically imprison them within their own weapons.[4]After being cornered by a group ofvastayan moon-stalkersand human mages serving a golden-armored warrior queen fromValoran, Varus was defeated and bound within his bow. The queen, knowing the risks of handling a Darkin weapon, still chose to wield it during the final days of the war, slowly succumbing to Varus's corruption and turning monstrous. Months later, the warrior queen travelled to theFirst Landswith Varus in hand and gave a final command to her followers to seal her within a well beneath the mountain temple atPallas, sacrificing herself and imprisoning Varus within the magical well.
Modern History[]
For centuries Varus remained hidden within the well, untouched and mostly forgotten. The people of Pallas remained as custodians to the temple, though largely forgetting the ancient history surrounding it but still being wary of the Darkin being imprisoned within.
Valmar and Kai[]
Ionian huntersValmarandKaifighting off invading Noxians.
At one point an Ionian hunter namedValmarwas born in Pallas and grew up to be a skilled hunter alongside his loverKai. The two eventually travelled to Pallas to visit Valmar's family and, while at the sacred temple, faced the first wave ofNoxianinvaders. Valmar and Kai fought back the invaders together to defend their homeland, leading to Kai getting mortally wounded. Now grief-stricken, Valmar began to hear whispers coming out of the forbidden well within the temple. Valmar succumbed to Varus's persuasion and carried Kai into the well with him, believing that the forbidden magic can restore his lover.[5]
As the two swam within the well of Pallas, Varus managed to break down and remake the mortal bodies of Valmar and Kai into a brand new body, repurposing their flesh and souls. Varus emerged out of the well as a unique creature with pale, inhuman beauty; a hybrid of human and Darkin.[6]
Soon after Varus climbed out of the well, he realized he could hear the voices of Valmar and Kai within his own mind as separate personalities. The two of them cried out in pain over their new existence, as Varus's imperfect hybrid form allowed the two hunters to remain conscious within his body, becoming a body for not one but three souls. Despite this, Varus reveled in his newfound freedom and immediately began slaughtering the invading Noxians within Pallas. During this, Valmar's hatred for Noxians was emphasized by Varus's cruelty as he supported Varus's slaughter. On the other hand, Kai began to lament his lover succumbing to Varus's influence. When Varus attempted to kill Ionians, Valmar began to struggle for control over Varus's body. Eventually, Kai and Valmar realized that their love for one another was strong enough to overcome Varus's hatred, allowing them to take full control for a time. While Valmar took control of the body, he confronted his mother and bid her farewell, believing that he was too dangerous to keep around the village and decided to travel out of Ionia.
The three constantly struggled for control, with Valmar and Kai constantly trying to quell Varus's cruelty. Varus on the other hand went on a vicious pursuit for vengeance against the world, seeking to reunite the rest of his Darkin siblings together and eventually silence the mortal voices within him.[7]
Search for Naafiri[]
Varus's quest to reunite the remaining Darkin eventually brought him back to Shurima, where he was guided by a crook-backed birdlike creature with a withered arm, most likely one of theBaccai. Here he sought out his Darkin sisterNaafiri, investigating noises coming from sunken ruins in the distance. Here he sensed the same magic used by the golden-armored queen who imprisoned him and found a group of graverobbers digging out the ruins with beasts of burden.
Varus quickly killed most of the excavators while the rest of them quickly fled as Valmar and Kai managed to convince Varus to spare them. Once within the ruins, Varus glanced past statues of other Ascended and magically inscribed flagstones in order to find his sister, only to find that the tomb was empty and realizing that Naafiri had already escaped.[8]
Recent events[]
While Varus continued his quest to reunite the Darkin, the three personalities within him learned to coexist as Valmar and Kai came to realize the humanity that remained within Varus. The two slowly prompted Varus to remember the honorable man he once was in the past, urging him to return to that and slowly redeeming his mind from his mad desire for vengeance. Now fully embracing the sum of his parts, Varus began to act as a singular being as his three personalities fought in unison. Though he continues to be bitter against the world that imprisoned him, he now fights with hope that he can return to the honorable man he once was.[9]
Xolaani Returns[]
AfterXolaanimanaged to possess a3new vesselin Ionia,Aatroxrallied for the rest of the Darkin to join him in Icathia and destroy her.[10]Varus however didn't answer the call immediately and instead sought to gather a party of skilled warriors to aid him in hunting down Xolaani.
Varus facing off againstXolaanialongside his hunting party inIcathia.
By travelling across the world, Varus met many individuals who he convinced to join him on his hunt, empowering their weapons with a fraction of his own Darkin magic. This party consisted of an4ambitious scientistfromZaunwho wanted to study the Darkin magic, a1sea monster hunterof theBuhruculture wishing to use it to hunt down leviathans, a disgruntled5archerof theAvarosansseeking to destroy theWinter's Clawand finally a2memberof theLunaricult who sought to end the war between the Lunari and theSolari. The party travelled together to Icathia and finally faced off against Xolaani, though the outcome remains unknown.[9]
While imprisoned, Varus is trapped as a large, purple, organic bow with sharp spikes that almost resemble tree bark. The bow can produce a deep red and purple glow when firing arrows and can split apart horizontally.
His current physical form is a fusion of his Darkin essence mixed with a human body made from the repurposed bodies ofValmarandKai. Varus stands taller than the average mortal and has pale skin accompanied by dark purple growths across his forearms and the lower half of his body. Varus has pure white hair and eyes with a general face that is inhumanely beautiful to the point where it can be unsettling for mortals to look at him. He wears a red scarf that flows freely across his neck, a crown adorned with a red gem at its center and a leather strap covering the glowing purple wound in his heart, representative of the wound that nearly killed Kai.
It is unknown what Varus looked like in his Ascended form but it's possible that his current form somewhat resembles it.
As a mortal, Varus was a noble and honorable man willing to remain dedicated to his duties no matter what. Varus's loyalty to his sacred duty ran so deep that he refused to leave his post when theIcathiansattacked his homeland and slaughtered his family, leaving him anguished and traumatized by the experience.
As an Ascended, Varus grew bitter and even more violently vengeful against others, especially the Icathians that killed his family. Varus enjoyed torturing his enemies to the point of insanity before killing them as a way to sate his desire for vengeance. He had committed so many atrocities that his mind began to break even further as the many atrocities he committed slowly began to blur together, leaving Varus to see himself as nothing but a cold-hearted killer.
After emerging out of the well ofPallas, Varus aimed his vengeance against the mortals that imprisoned him, wishing to destroy the entire world and reunite his Darkin siblings to do so. He completely disregarded mortal life, specifically humans, feeling disgusted by their frailty and bitter against the world that betrayed him.
Valmar and Kai remain within Varus's mind, acting as separate personalities that constantly fight for control. Kai is the more gentler of his personalities, often trying to convince Varus to be merciful and spare mortal lives. Valmar on the other hand is similar to Varus because of his deep hatred againstNoxiansand desire for vengeance, but still clashes with him over Varus's indiscriminate slaughter. The two use their hope and love for one another as a means of overpowering Varus, gaining control of his body for short periods of time. While Varus initially wished to corrupt or silence their voices, Valmar and Kai have managed to appeal to Varus's humanity, reminding him of the noble man he once was and convincing him to seek redemption. Embracing the sum of his parts, Varus's personalities now act in unison as he now seeks a way to regain his humanity, questioning if he's truly worthy of redemption. Though he's still a merciless killer at times, he has shown to have a renewed sense of honor and has even opened himself up to alliances with other mortals.
• Darkin Hybrid Physiology:Varus is a Darkin, originally one of the manyAscendedGod-Warriors ofShurimanow trapped within a weapon. Since taking up the vesselsValmarandKai, Varus emerged as a unique hybrid of Darkin and human, a Darkin unlike any other. The Darkin part of him grants Varus immense physical strength and access to some celestial magics.Immortality:Because his consciousness is trapped within his indestructible bow, Varus is functionally immortal and immune to aging and dying as there is no known way to permanently kill him or destroy his bow.Gestalt Consciousness:Because of his unique physiology, the consciousnesses of Valmar and Kai remain within Varus's mind as separate personalities. Though Varus is mainly in control of his body, Valmar and Kai are capable of communicating with Varus and can even take full control of his body for short periods of time. After being reminded of his humanity, Varus managed to embrace his separate personalities and the three began to act in unison as a singular being.
• Corruption Manipulation:Varus can control a corruptive magic related to his Darkin abilities. The exact nature of this magic is unknown but it's most likely some form of celestial magic Varus retained from his time as an Ascended. Varus can use this corruption to immobilize and poison his enemies as well as empower his allies, granting them a fraction of his own power and enchanting their weapons. Varus is not limited to empowering humans as he can corrupt3plantsand animals as well.
• Hemomancy:Like most Darkin, Varus utilizes hemomancy to manipulate the flesh and blood of mortals for his own purposes. Varus utilized hemomancy to break down the bodies of Valmar and Kai, reconstructing them into his new form.
• Bow Proficiency:Varus has been a talented archer since his life as a mortal, having been skilled enough to be appointed as a temple warden by the Shuriman empire. As a warden, Varus was skilled enough to defend the entire temple singlehandedly during theIcathian Uprising, becoming recognized and honored by the Ascended God-Warriors themselves.Darkin Bow:Varus wields his Darkin Bow, which is capable of generatingarrows made of corruptive magic, which he can fire either as concentrated shots or as ahail.
• Immortality:Because his consciousness is trapped within his indestructible bow, Varus is functionally immortal and immune to aging and dying as there is no known way to permanently kill him or destroy his bow.
• Gestalt Consciousness:Because of his unique physiology, the consciousnesses of Valmar and Kai remain within Varus's mind as separate personalities. Though Varus is mainly in control of his body, Valmar and Kai are capable of communicating with Varus and can even take full control of his body for short periods of time. After being reminded of his humanity, Varus managed to embrace his separate personalities and the three began to act in unison as a singular being.
• Darkin Bow:Varus wields his Darkin Bow, which is capable of generatingarrows made of corruptive magic, which he can fire either as concentrated shots or as ahail.
Varus regards most of his fellow Darkin as his brothers and sisters at arms, having fought alongside and against them during theGreat Darkin War. During this war, Varus was often sent out by his Darkin siblings to assassinate enemy generals and obliterate entire armies. At some point during the war, it's implied that Varus fought alongside four other Darkin that were notably powerful and destined to one day reunite and bring ruin to the world. These notable Darkin areAatrox,Rhaast,Naafiriand a currently unknown fifth Darkin.
After emerging from the well ofPallas, Varus focused on enacting brutal vengeance against the world by reuniting the rest of his Darkin siblings, especially the four others destined to unite with him. After his separate personalities appealed to the humanity lost within him, Varus instead focused on fighting for himself and to possibly regain his lost humanity rather than for the Darkin.
Valeeva was one of the Darkin present during the earliest days of the war. She and Varus regard each other as brother and sister, having fought side by side during the war and sharing a brutal desire for vengeance against others. After theAspect of Twilightkilled several Darkin and learned to imprison the rest, Valeeva was one of the survivors but hasn't been seen by Varus since.
When Varus emerged out of Pallas, one of his first missions lead him back to the deserts ofShurimain search of Naafiri, who he deeply regards as his sister. While searching for her in a Shuriman tomb, he comes to realize that it has already been emptied, meaning Naafiri managed to escape before Varus's arrival.
Naafiri is one of the five Darkin destined to reunite with Varus in bringing the world to ruin. Though it's unclear whether or not the two have reunited since his search for her, Varus deeply respects Naafiri's sense of unity, seeing it as strength and wishing to apply the concept to the rest of his Darkin siblings to work together.
Aatrox is one of the most respected of the Darkin and the first to be imprisoned during the Great Darkin War. It's implied that Varus fought alongside Aatrox at some point during the war, as he is one of the five Darkin destined to reunite and bring ruin to the world. Though the two share a desire the bring oblivion to the world, Varus wishes to do so out of pure revenge, an emotion Aatrox thinks is weak and unbecoming of him as he criticizes the hybrid form he has taken.
It's implied there was some 'memo' given to Varus by Aatrox which explained that Varus had to use two A's in his name, officially naming him "Vaarus." However, Varus thought the memo was absurd and refused to comply, angering and offending Aatrox.
As a mortal, Varus fought against an army of Icathian invaders during the war against Icathia, killing as many as he could to guard his post. The trauma from the incident remained with Varus even after his Ascension, developing a vengeance against the Icathians which caused him to kill their armies without remorse, shaping him into the cold-hearted killer that he would become.
After becoming his vessel, Varus took advantage of Valmar's grief, urging him to embrace vengeance against theNoxiansthat killed Kai. Thanks to Kai's influence, Valmar was able to resist Varus' temptations and together they tried to dissuade Varus from his path of vengeance, eventually succeeding in breaking through to him.
When he became a vessel for Varus, Kai was initially horrified towards his new existence and wished to have remained dead, but resisted Varus' attempts to corrupt Valmar into falling to vengeance by reminding him of their love. Kai is the more merciful of the two voices and pleads for Varus to spare the lives of his enemies as well as knowing that Varus has the capability for redemption, and together with Valmar he succeeds in helping him realize his humanity.
Read More
The Arrow of Retribution
ByGraham McNeill
Starring Champion
Music Video
As We Fall
By Unknown Author
Witness the incarnation of vengeance.
Short Story
Dark Kin
ByGraham McNeill
Varus followed a river running through the desert. Its water was gritty, but drinkable. The new body he had wrought to bear his bow was beautiful, fast and strong, but it came with the weaknesses of flesh. It hungered. It thirsted.
ByGraham McNeill
Ionia. A land of magic. A land of balance. A land of light. But not always a land of peace. Just as there are creatures within Ionia who seek to upset its order, so too are there those who fight to preserve it; Arrows of Protection, hunters of monsters. Valmar and Kai are two such hunters. But not all monsters can be defeated with bow and steel. And not all darkness can be so easily banished by the light.
ByGraham McNeill
Slayer Valmar, desperate to save the life of his beloved Kai, surrendered to an ancient spirit, one of the Darkin. The creature, true to its word, saved Kai's life... by taking it as its own. Valmar, Kai, and the Darkin fused into a single entity. A creature of rage, vengeance, and death. Varus lives.
Mentioned Champion
The Mageseeker
ByDigital Sun
In the kingdom of Demacia, the Mageseekers hold the power to oppress magic-using citizens in the name of public order–by inducting and indoctrinating them, locking them away, or driving them into hiding. Play as Sylas, a spell-stealing mage who has just broken free of his unjust captivity at the Mageseekers’ hands. Wielding the chains that once bound you, you must liberate your homeland from tyranny, one Mageseeker at a time.
Starring:Aidan,Eldred,Garen,Gideon,Hesbeth,Jarvan IV,Kara,Killan,Leilani,Lux,Morgana,Rayn,Rukko,Shyvana,Sylas,Wisteria,Yops
Mentioned:Aatrox,Anden Mayne,Dalin,Dominick,Evelynn,Falden,Fiddlesticks,Fizz,Galio,Jaredan,Jarvan III,Katarina,Kayle,LeBlanc,Mihira,Naafiri,Nocturne,Rhaast,Ryze,Sion,Tianna,Varus
Short Story • 25 Minute Read
Twilight of the Gods
ByGraham McNeill
They came to a dead city in the mountain's shadow under cover of night.
Short Story • 22 Minute Read
Where Icathia Once Stood
ByGraham McNeill
My name is Axamuk Var-Choi Kohari Icath'or.
Alternate Universes
Crystal Quest: Series 2
Short Story
Journey to Thy Golden Mustache!
ByInstitute of War
The truest opponent lies within.
Starring:Boram Darkwill,Brand,Caitlyn,Cassiopeia,Galio,Graves,Irelia,Jarvan IV,Karma,LeBlanc,Lee Sin,Leona,Lux,Maokai,Miss Fortune,Nocturne,Orianna,Renekton,Riven,Rumble,Ryze,Skarner,Sona,Swain,Talon,Trundle,Urgot,Varus,Vayne,Vladimir,Wukong,Xerath,Xin Zhao,Yorick
Academy Adventures: Series 1
ByGutter Rat
Mentioned:Akali,Amumu,Anivia,Azir,Bard,Blitzcrank,Braum,Cho'Gath,Elise,Ezreal,Fiddlesticks,Fiora,Gnar,Heimerdinger,Ivern,Jhin,Jinx,Karthus,Kog'Maw,Lulu,Lux,Malzahar,Miss Fortune,Nidalee,Olaf,Poppy,Rek'Sai,Renekton,Rumble,Ryze,Shaco,Shen,Sion,Sona,Soraka,Talon,Taric,Teemo,Tristana,Trundle,Twitch,Urgot,Varus,Veigar,Vel'Koz,Vi,Yorick,Zed,Ziggs,Zyra
Academy Adventures: Series 2
ByGutter Rat
Mentioned:Amumu,Anivia,Annie,Ashe,Aurelion Sol,Braum,Caitlyn,Cho'Gath,Dr. Mundo,Draven,Elise,Ezreal,Fiddlesticks,Fizz,Galio,Gnar,Heimerdinger,Janna,Jhin,Jinx,Kog'Maw,Lulu,Lux,Malphite,Malzahar,Miss Fortune,Nami,Nasus,Olaf,Poppy,Rakan,Rammus,Rek'Sai,Riven,Rumble,Ryze,Shaco,Singed,Sona,Soraka,Syndra,Taliyah,Talon,Taric,Teemo,Thresh,Tibbers,Tristana,Twitch,Urgot,Varus,Veigar,Volibear,Warwick,Wukong,Xayah,Yasuo,Yorick,Zac,Zed,Ziggs,Zyra
Academy Adventures: Series 3
ByGutter Rat
Punches and Plants: Series 1
Mentioned:Ahri,Alistar,Annie,Ashe,Blitzcrank,Brand,Braum,Caitlyn,Darius,Diana,Dr. Mundo,Ekko,Evelynn,Ezreal,Gangplank,Garen,Gnar,Gragas,Graves,Heimerdinger,Janna,Jinx,Karma,Katarina,Leona,Lucian,Malzahar,Miss Fortune,Nami,Nasus,Nunu,Quinn,Renekton,Rumble,Ryze,Sejuani,Sivir,Sona,Soraka,Tahm Kench,Taliyah,Taric,Teemo,Tibbers,Trundle,Tryndamere,Twisted Fate,Twitch,Valor,Varus,Vel'Koz,Vladimir,Volibear,Warwick,Willump,Wukong,Zac,Ziggs
The Roadtrip
ByCassie Parkes,Marvin Clifford
Mentioned:Ahri,Ashe,Azir,Bard,Braum,Darius,Fiddlesticks,Garen,Gnar,Gragas,Graves,Irelia,Jinx,Kalista,Katarina,Kog'Maw,Lee Sin,Lulu,Master Yi,Nami,Poppy,Rakan,Shaco,Sona,Swain,Taric,Teemo,Twisted Fate,Varus,Xayah,Yasuo,Zilean
Short Story
The Stranger on the Road
ByRiver Jaffe
The road from Tenacity to Progress was a flat, barren thing, unspooling across miles and miles of cactus country from one edge of the sky to the other.
Mentioned:Ashe,Katarina,Leona,Mordekaiser,Senna,Tahm Kench,Twitch,Varus
• Varusmeans "bent outwards, bow-legged" in Latin, in contrast withvalgus"bent inwards, knock-kneed";[11]Ancient Romans used this adjective as a cognomen to describe persons withthe anatomical deformitythat bent their legs outwards like bows.Humorously, the fact that his name is the term for a knee deformity and the fact that Varus is an archer could be a reference to the famous "Arrow to the Knee" meme ofThe Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim.
• Varus is implied to be ambidextrous, as evidenced by having two skin arts that have him holding his bow in his left hand and the other two having it in his right.However, Varus is most likely right eye dominant, since archers traditionally wield their bow according to their eye-dominance rather than their hand-dominance, due to the fact that he only holds his bow in his left hand in-game.
• Varus is around 3496 years old as he Ascended during theIcathian uprisingagainstShurima.
• ThePallastemple references the epithet Παλλάς, meaning "youth, girl", of Pre-Greek goddessAthena.[12]Later Greek writers re-identifiedPallasas aTitankilled by Athena, interpretingPallasas "brandisher", from πάλλωpállō.
• Kaiis a common Navorian name with many variants, soIrelia'sdeceased brother Kye is not the sameKailiving within Varus.[13]
• Ancient Romans used this adjective as a cognomen to describe persons withthe anatomical deformitythat bent their legs outwards like bows.
• Humorously, the fact that his name is the term for a knee deformity and the fact that Varus is an archer could be a reference to the famous "Arrow to the Knee" meme ofThe Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim.
• However, Varus is most likely right eye dominant, since archers traditionally wield their bow according to their eye-dominance rather than their hand-dominance, due to the fact that he only holds his bow in his left hand in-game.
• Later Greek writers re-identifiedPallasas aTitankilled by Athena, interpretingPallasas "brandisher", from πάλλωpállō.
• His namesake might be the infamous Roman generalPublius Quinctilius Varus, who foolishly led three Roman legions to their demise during theBattle of Teutoburg Forest. While League of Legends' Varus defends his charge but loses everything to the Noxian invaders, to which he vows revenge.
• Varus is in a state of transformation. He made a decision to sacrifice his humanity (in fact his very self) to gain the means to achieve revenge. The pants are the manifestation of the corruption overtaking him. He only has so much time before it will overtake him.[14]
• His pale appearance is of a man whose life is slipping away or being drained. As far as his face, you could find people with many different appearances in all the respective regions of Valoran.[15]
• The Owl insignia on his chest has been passed down through generations of "watchers".[16]In Greek mythology, Greek goddessAthenais associated with thelittle owl.
• His lore bears some similarities with the blighted Archers fromSamurai Jack.
• The Talisman he has on his chest is a memento from his family.
• His headdress is an ornament of his office.
• Varus would be considered Lawful Neutral, or Lawful Anti-Noxian Invader.[17]
• In Greek mythology, Greek goddessAthenais associated with thelittle owl.
Change log[]
See also[] | Name: Living Vengeance, Description: Innate: When Varus kills an enemy, he gains 10 / 15 / 20% (based on level) (+ 20% bonus attack speed) bonus attack speed for 5 / 7 / 9 / 11 (based on level) seconds, increased to 40% (+ 40% bonus attack speed) upon scoring an enemy champion takedown ., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputPassive', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', "Living Vengeance'sbuff can be refreshed and is triggered whenVaruskills any unit.The increased bonus gained from taking down an enemy champion takes priority over the lesser bonus. That bonus can only be refreshed by scoring another takedown.", 'The increased bonus gained from taking down an enemy champion takes priority over the lesser bonus. That bonus can only be refreshed by scoring another takedown.']} | Name: Piercing Arrow, Description: Active: Varus charges while being slowed by 20% for up to 4 seconds to increase Piercing Arrow's range and damage over the first 1. 25 seconds of the channel. Piercing Arrow can be recast within the duration. If the charge completes without reactivation, Piercing Arrow is cancelled and refunds 50% of the mana cost . Recast: Varus fires a piercing arrow in the target direction that deals physical damage to enemies hit. The damage of the arrow as well as any detonated Blight stacks are increased by 0% − 50% (based on channel time) , and the arrow's damage is reduced by 0% − 67% (based on enemies hit) . Minimum Physical Damage: 10 / 46. 67 / 83. 33 / 120 / 156. 67 (+ 83. 33 / 86. 67 / 90 / 93. 33 / 96. 67 % AD) Maximum Physical Damage: 15 / 70 / 125 / 180 / 235 (+ 125 / 130 / 135 / 140 / 145% AD) Minimum Reduced Damage: 3. 3 / 15. 4 / 27. 5 / 39. 6 / 51. 7 (+ 27. 5 / 28. 6 / 29. 7 / 30. 8 / 31. 9 % AD) Maximum Reduced Damage: 4. 95 / 23. 1 / 41. 25 / 59. 4 / 77. 55 (+ 41. 25 / 42. 9 / 44. 55 / 46. 2 / 47. 85 % AD), {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputAuto/Direction', 'damage_type': 'Physical', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Map-Specific Differences', 'The arrow missile range is 825 to 1525; The range increases by 140 per 0.25seconds for the first 1.25seconds. Upon reaching its maximum range, it also strikes additional targets in a70 radius, rounding off the struck area.', 'The indicator for the range of the spell will be displayed for the entire channel.', 'Piercing Arrowwill cast from whereverVarusis at the end of the channel.', "Piercing Arrow'sdamage will display acosmetic critical strikewhen fully charged.", 'The following table refers for interactions whileVarusischanneling:', 'Death', 'Cast-inhibiting effects', 'Cooldown changed to 13 / 12 / 11 / 10 / 9 seconds.']} | Name: Blighted Quiver, Description: Passive: Varus' basic attacks are empowered to deal bonus magic damage and apply a stack of Blight on-hit for 6 seconds, refreshing on subsequent applications and stacking up to 3 times. Varus' abilities consume all Blight stacks on enemies hit to apply the effect. Bonus Magic Damage: 7 / 13 / 19 / 25 / 31 (+ 35% AP) Blight: For each stack consumed, the target is dealt bonus magic damage . Against a champion or epic monster , this also reduces his basic abilities' current cooldowns by 12% of the total cooldown for each stack, up to 36% per target. This damage is capped at 360 against monsters . Bonus Magic Damage per Stack: 3 / 3. 5 / 4 / 4. 5 / 5% (+ 1. 5 % per 100 AP) of the target's maximum health Maximum Bonus Magic Damage: 13. 5 / 15. 75 / 18 / 20. 25 / 22. 5 % (+ 6. 75 % per 100 AP) of the target's maximum health + 9% − 21% (based on level) of the target's missing health Active: Varus' next Piercing Arrow within 5. 5 seconds is empowered to deal 6% − 14% (based on level) of the target's missing health bonus magic damage , increased by 0% − 50% (based on Piercing Arrow's channel time) , for a maximum of 9% − 21% (based on level) of the target's missing health . This damage is capped at 360 against monsters . If Varus does not cast Piercing Arrow , Blighted Quiver can be recast after 1 second within the duration, and does so automatically afterwards or when he dies. Blighted Quiver can be cast during the first 0. 25 seconds of Piercing Arrow's charge, and will be placed on full cooldown even if Piercing Arrow is not recast. Recast: Varus ends Blighted Quiver and places it on a 1-second cooldown. Blighted Quiver's active and recast can both be used while affected by cast-inhibiting crowd control ., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputAuto', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'See Notes', 'parries': 'Missing', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Spell shieldwill not block theon-hitdamage but will block the consuming damage if the target is hit by his abilities.', "Blighted Quiver'sactive damage is dealt after the damage ofPiercing Arrow.", "Blighted Quiverdoes not count as an ability activation for the purposes of on-cast effects such asSpellbladeand triggeringForce Pulse'spassive.", 'The attacks do not affectstructuresnorwards.', "PENDING FOR TEST::Blighted Quiver'son-hit interaction withparryingeffects (dodge,block,blind)."]} | Name: Hail of Arrows, Description: Active: Varus fires a hail of arrows at the target location that land after 0. 5 seconds, dealing physical damage to enemies hit. Physical Damage: 60 / 100 / 140 / 180 / 220 (+ 90% bonus AD) The area then becomes desecrated for 4 seconds, slowing enemies within and inflicting them with Grievous Wounds . Slow: 30 / 35 / 40 / 45 / 50% Hail of Arrows will cast at max range if cast beyond that., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputLocation', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Map-Specific Differences', 'Slowlingers for 0.25seconds after leaving the marked area.', 'Hail of ArrowsconsumesBlighted Quiverstacks for bonus damage a second time after ~0.3seconds of hitting, allowing stacks applied during this time to be triggered.', 'Bonus AD ratio changed to110%bonusAD.']} | Name: Chain of Corruption, Description: Active: Varus unleashes a tendril of corruption in the target direction that infects the first enemy champion hit, dealing magic damage and rooting them for 2 seconds, during which they are revealed . Over the first 1. 5 seconds, they are also inflicted with maximum stacks of Blight . Magic Damage: 150 / 250 / 350 (+ 100% AP) Upon impact, the tendril roots into the ground from which it seeks out nearby enemy champions . If a target does not leave the area within 2 seconds, they subsequently become infected as well, taking the same damage and effects. A new tendril is then spread out from the infected target that is closest to a nearby uninfected enemy champion. The infection can spread repeatedly until there are no new targets. The target does not have to be visible to be caught by the tendril., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputDirection', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', "Enemy champions can be targeted again by the corruption's tether if they were not infected the previous time, even if they were targeted and got out of range.", 'A tendril that roots into the ground will only seek nearby enemy champions that were already in the area.', 'Chain of Corruptionwill not infectcrowd control immunetargets or those protected byspell shields(but will still seek them).', 'Varuswill turn to face the target direction at the start of the cast.', 'The tendril cannot seek enemy champions that areuntargetable.', 'This ability will cast from wherever the caster is at the end of the cast time.', "Consuming theBlight'sstacks applied byChain of Corruptionwill deal bonus magic damage based onBlighted Quiver'srank. If the ability hasn't been ranked yet, the threeBlightstacks will still be applied but they will be considered to be at rank 0, dealing1.25%(+ 2% per 100 AP)of the target'smaximumhealthper stack."]} | Varus was the first champion to be released inSeason Twowith only one alternative skin, with subsequent champions following this pattern.Varus' title "The Arrow of Retribution"strongly resemblesKalista'stitle"The Spear of Vengeance".Varus is, along withBlitzcrank,Caitlyn,Lissandra,Rumble,Sion,Vi,Xerath, andZiggs, one of the few champions that can apply crowd control on themselves.Varus' body style is similar to the one ofSolus, the T'Lan leader from the gameBreakdown.Varus is the first of three dark-themed champions with a light-themed skin, the second beingSyndraand the third beingAatrox.Of these three, Varus' skin is the only one not of the Justicar theme.Varus is the onlyDarkinchampion whose abilities currently haveability powerratios.This is most likely because Varus was retconned into being a Darkin in 2017, 5 years after his release in 2012.Prior to his rework in Season 8,Aatroxalso had an ability power ratio on his then-ultimate, Massacre. |
Vayne,the Night Hunter,Shauna Vayne | | | health: Health550+103, resource: Mana232+35, health regen: Health regen. (per 5s)3.5+0.55, resource regen: Mana regen. (per 5s)7+0.4, armor: Armor23+4.6, attack damage: Attack damage60+2.35, attack speed: Base AS0.658, gameplay radius: Gameplay radius65, selection radius: Selection radius120, release: 2011-05-10, changed: V13.20, role: Marksman, position: TopBottom, rangetype: Ranged, adaptivetype: Physical, cost: 3150|790 | Games
VayneMainCurrentVigilanteTitlesReal nameShauna VayneAlias(es)The Night HunterLady ShaunaCharacteristicsSpeciesHumanPronoun(s)She/HerTimelineBorn:966 AN - 971 ANWeapon(s)Wristbolt LauncherRelic Stone CrossbowHeavy CrossbowSilver BoltsNightseeker GogglesPersonal statusStatusAlivePlace of originDemacia City,DemaciaCurrent residenceUnknown(No Fixed Abode)FamilyUnnamed Father†Unnamed Mother†Frey†(Adoptive Mother)Professional statusOccupation(s)Head of House VayneVigilanteSentinel of LightRegion(s)DemaciaFaction(s)Vayne HouseSentinels of LightRelated character(s)EvelynnVladimirWarwickSionPoppyViegoLucianSennaGravesAkshanGwenOlafIreliaRivenDianaPykeRengar
• Main
• Current
• Vigilante
Real name
• The Night Hunter
• Lady Shauna
• Born:966 AN - 971 AN
• Wristbolt Launcher
• Relic Stone Crossbow
• Heavy Crossbow
• Silver Bolts
• Nightseeker Goggles
Personal status
Place of origin
Current residence
• Unnamed Father†
• Unnamed Mother†
• Frey†(Adoptive Mother)
Professional status
• Head of House Vayne
• Vigilante
• Sentinel of Light
• Vayne House
• Sentinels of Light
Related character(s)
Shauna Vayneis a deadly, remorselessDemacianmonster hunter, who has dedicated her life to finding and destroying thedemonthat murdered her family. Armed with a wrist-mounted crossbow and a heart full of vengeance, she is only truly happy when slaying practitioners or creations of the dark arts, striking from the shadows with a flurry of silver bolts.
• 1Background1.1Early Life1.2Monster Hunting1.3Rise of the Sentinels
• 2Appearance
• 3Personality
• 4Abilities
• 5Relations5.1Evelynn5.2Black Mist5.3Graves
• 6Read More6.1Biography6.2Starring Champion6.3Mentioned Champion6.4Alternate Universes
• 7Trivia
• 8Change log
• 9References
• 10See also
• 1.1Early Life
• 1.2Monster Hunting
• 1.3Rise of the Sentinels
• 5.1Evelynn
• 5.2Black Mist
• 5.3Graves
• 6.1Biography
• 6.2Starring Champion
• 6.3Mentioned Champion
• 6.4Alternate Universes
Early Life[]
Shauna Vayne was born to House Vayne, a wealthy, noble family inDemacia. She experienced a privileged childhood, being able to enjoy solitary pursuits such as reading, learning music, and collecting insects. Shortly after her sixteenth birthday, Vayne would return to home to find her parents dead, killed by a horneddemon. The people of Demacia found it inconceivable that a demon would be able to slip past their defenses and murder her parents, but Vayne knew better. Driven by her parent's death, Vayne would seek out a mentor, someone who could teach her how to combat the forces of darkness.
She would travel to theFreljordto search for her teacher, learning of the Iceborn warriors who battled theIce Witchfrom the stories her parents used to tell her. While traversing the frozen tundra, Vayne would be trapped by a ravenous ice troll. As the troll prepared to consume the young aristocrat, he would fall dead to spear of a grizzled, middle-aged woman. She introduced herself as Frey and bandaged Vayne's wounds. Frey explained that she dedicated her life to fighting the Ice Witch's forces, after they killed her children, and Vayne implored her to take her on as a student. Determining that an aristocrat wouldn't have the resolve to fight against the forces of darkness, she refused, but Vayne would not take no for answer. Vayne challenged the Freljordian to a duel, if she won, Frey would have to train her, but if she lost, she would offer herself as bait for the Ice Queen's minions. Seeing Vayne's determination, Frey would agree to train her and the two would return to Demacia.
Vayne would spend the next several years training and hunting with Frey, growing closer with her mentor and eventually seeing her as a maternal figure. However, she was suspicious as to how her teacher had such an in depth understanding of dark magics. They would frequently travel outside of Demacia to hunt their prey and tales of their valor would spread across Valoran. One day they would catch rumor of the horned demon that had slayed Vayne's parents, she had established a cult designed to do her bidding and lure more victims. As they tracked the demon to her lair, Vayne felt fear that she would lose her mother figure again. Before she could express her concerns, they would be ambushed by one of the cultists, injuring Vayne. In order to protect her, Frey transformed into a Freljordian wolf and tore the priest's throat with a single bite. Frey quickly returned to her human form and tried to explain that she became a shaman to combat the Ice Witch, but Vayne fired a bolt through her heart and any affection she felt died with her. Vayne now resumes her hunt for the demon that killed her parents as well as any other monsters that prey upon Runeterra.
Monster Hunting[]
Vayne would take a job from a woman in Demacia, her husband had become a monster that attacked the countryside. After tracking him down, she would put him out of his misery and take his body back to his wife. Vayne confronted the woman, revealing that she knows that she is a therian and transformed her husband in an attempt to devour him. Vayne swiftly dispatched the shapechanger and avenged the man.
Rise of the Sentinels[]
Vayne was present at the Great City of Demacia whenViegounleashed Harrowings across Runeterra. She helped repel the army of wraiths alongsidePoppyand discovered a mysterious crest belonging to theSentinels of Light. A few weeks later, Demacia would be sieged by another Harrowing. Vayne took shelter in the Singing Swan Tavern and encounteredGwen,Lucian,Senna, and a Sentinel Rookie seeking more information about the origin of the Harrowing. The Sentinels discovered that the Harrowing was focused around the Mageseeker Compound and Vayne accompanied them to the epicenter of the attack. At the entrance, they would be met byShyvana, afflicted by the Black Mist, and the half-dragon would attempt to bury them beneath rubble. The group frees themselves and venture further into the compound, Viego secures the artifact guarded by the mageseekers and they give chase to the Ruined King. As they corner him,Shyvanareturns and attacks, transforming into a Ruined Dragon at Vayne's provocation. They eventually manage to best Shyvana, but Viego escapes with the artifact. As Vayne prepares to execute Shyvana, Senna convinces her not to, and they agree to lock her up in the mageseeker dungeon. Seeing how ineffective her silver weapons were against the Black Mist, Vayne offers to join the Sentinels, in exchange for Relic weapons. They return to headquarters and Vayne is sworn into their ranks and outfitted with a new uniform and a relic crossbow.
Vayne accompanies the Sentinels as they race across Runeterra, trying to stop Viego from securing more fetters. Along the way, the Sentinels would recruitMalcom Graves, Vayne's no-nonsense attitude would garner Graves' respect and, to Vayne's dismay, friendship. Eventually the Sentinels of Light would prepare their final stand against Viego on theShadow Isles. Vayne and the other Sentinels battledKarma,Miss Fortune,Pantheon,Shyvanaand their army of wraiths, whileAkshan,Gwen,Sennaand the Rookie would defeat Viego in Camavor. With the Ruined King defeated, most of the Sentinels opted to return to their old lives, but Vayne agreed to take up their post in Demacia, while Lucian and Senna huntThresh, recently unbound from the Shadow Isles.
In her normal attire, Vayne wears a dark blue catsuit with red accents and red tinted glasses. She wields a wrist-mounted crossbows and carries a larger crossbow on her back. She also keeps her hair in a long ponytail.
As a Sentinel of Light, Vayne wears a black and white Sentinel uniform with red accents, but maintains her red glasses. She wields a wrist-mounted relic crossbow and larger relic crossbow on her back.
Vayne is incredibly determined in her mission to purge Runeterra of the forces of darkness, even willing to kill her mother figure when she found out she was a magic user. She holds extreme prejudice against magic users, but has become more lenient since becoming a Sentinel of Light. She is also quite confident in her own ability, challenging a monster to try and attack her before she could kill them.
• Hunter:Vayne is extremely knowledgeable about hunting monsters. She has a large study around dark creatures, how they behave, and how to kill them. She is also a very competent detective, able to figure out a man was turned into a therian by his bride just by analyzing his body.
• Arsenal Proficient:Vayne is able to handle multiple weapons to hunt monsters, like a wristbolt launcher and a heavy crossbow.
Vayne is searching forEvelynnas she is the demon who killed her parents. She obsessively craves revenge and it motives Vayne's life as hunter.
Black Mist[]
During a Black Mist attack byViegoon a Demacian city, Vayne andPoppyfought side by side against the undead army.
Vayne fought againstShyvanawhile she waspossessed, with the aid ofLucianandSenna. Vayne was about to kill Shyvana for being a monster when Senna stopped her and told her thatViegowas their real enemy.
Vayne begrudgingly acceptsGravesas a friend while the two of them were Sentinels of Light.
Read More
The Night Hunter
ByAnthony Burch
Starring Champion
Absolution (Cinematic)
Two souls entwined by fate. One life for the other’s freedom.
Before Dawn
In the darkest night, a new Sentinel rises.
Short Story • 5 Minute Read
Monsters (Short Story)
ByAnthony Burch
For Vayne, revenge is a dish best served brutal, bloody, and with skull-piercing bolts.
Rise of the Sentinels
ByJohn O'Bryan
Black Mist pours across Runeterra, enthralling its champions and shrouding the continent in darkness. If the last Sentinels are going to save Runeterra, they're going to need all the help they can get. And that meansyouRookie!
Starring:Akshan,Diana,Draven,Graves,Gwen,Irelia,Isolde,Karma,Lucian,Miss Fortune,Olaf,Pantheon,Pyke,Rengar,Riven,Senna,Shyvana,Thresh,Vayne,Vex,Viego,Yorick
Ruination (Video)
A king returns. All he touches turns to ruin.
Steadfast Heart: Issue 3
ByIan St. Martin
As Ruination spreads across Runeterra, the Sentinels begin a quest for allies.
Steadfast Heart: Issue 4
ByIan St. Martin
Tension brews as the Sentinels recruit more allies and prepare to take on the Ruined King. Can this motley crew win this fight?
Steadfast Heart: Issue 6
ByIan St. Martin
The final showdown between Light and Darkness - the fate of Runeterra lies in the balance!
Mentioned Champion
Short Story
The Boys and Bombolini
ByJared Rosen
There existed, among the multitude of disgusting Bilgewater shipping warehouses filled with rusted knives and arms-length carnivorous rats, one Bilgewater shipping warehouse devoid of such things.
Starring:Graves,Twisted Fate
Mentioned:Akshan,Gwen,Nilah,Tahm Kench,Vayne,Viego
Alternate Universes
Fortune Favors the Lucky
Join Firecracker Sejuani, Firecracker Vayne, Lunar Wraith Sylas, and Coin Emperor Tahm Kench in celebrating the Year of the Pig!
Starring:Sejuani,Sylas,Tahm Kench,Vayne
ByInstitute of War
The truest opponent lies within.
Starring:Boram Darkwill,Brand,Caitlyn,Cassiopeia,Galio,Graves,Irelia,Jarvan IV,Karma,LeBlanc,Lee Sin,Leona,Lux,Maokai,Miss Fortune,Nocturne,Orianna,Renekton,Riven,Rumble,Ryze,Skarner,Sona,Swain,Talon,Trundle,Urgot,Varus,Vayne,Vladimir,Wukong,Xerath,Xin Zhao,Yorick
Short Story
Of Rats and Cats and Neon Mice
ByAriel Lawrence
Return to the Stars
Starring:Aurelion Sol,Bard,Cassiopeia,Gnar,Illaoi,Kog'Maw,Nautilus,Nocturne,Teemo,Urgot,Vayne,Viktor,Ziggs
The Hunt
Music Video
By Numerous creators
Reaching the peak takes more than skill. Only those with the ambition to RISE above all others will know its height.
Starring: N/A
Mentioned:Akali,Ashe,Braum,Darius,Ekko,Ezreal,Fiora,Garen,Gnar,Jarvan IV,Jax,Jinx,Kalista,Kennen,Kha'Zix,Leona,Lux,Master Yi,Olaf,Poppy,Rakan,Riven,Ryze,Sejuani,Swain,Taliyah,Thresh,Tryndamere,Vayne,Xayah,Yasuo,Zed,Ziggs
Road to the Cup
As the 2013 League of Legends World Championship final draws near, we showcase the biggest heroes in esports from around the world. Many teams fell by the wayside in epic battles, and now only two remain: Korea's SK Telecom T1 and China's Royal Club. Who will rise?
Starring: N/A
Mentioned:Blitzcrank,Brand,Caitlyn,Corki,Elise,Ezreal,Gragas,Janna,Jarvan IV,Jayce,Kennen,Kha'Zix,Lee Sin,Lux,Malphite,Mordekaiser,Orianna,Renekton,Ryze,Shen,Thresh,Twisted Fate,Vayne,Zac,Zed
• Vayne is now part of the Sentinels of Light and represents them in Demacia after the events ofRise of the Sentinels.
Change log[]
See also[] | Name: Night Hunter, Description: Innate: Vayne gains 45 bonus movement speed while facing a nearby visible enemy champion. Final Hour Bonus: The bonus movement speed is doubled to 90 ., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputPassive', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Thebonusmovement speed persists for 2 seconds afterVaynelosessightof an enemy champion.']} | Name: Tumble, Description: Active: Vayne dashes a fixed distance in the target direction, though not through terrain, and empowers her next basic attack within 3 seconds to deal bonus physical damage . Bonus Physical Damage: 75 / 85 / 95 / 105 / 115% AD (+ 50% AP) Tumble resets Vayne's basic attack timer., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputDirection', 'damage_type': 'Physical', 'parries': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Map-Specific Differences', 'The bonus damage applieslife steal.', 'AlthoughTumblewill reset the basic attack timer,Vaynecannot attack until the animation is complete.', 'Vaynecan castFinal HourduringTumble. She does not becomeinvisibleduring the dash.', 'AD ratio changed to50 / 60 / 70 / 80 / 90% AD.']} | Name: Silver Bolts, Description: Passive: Vayne's basic attacks on-hit and Condemn apply a stack of Silver Bolts for 3. 5 seconds, refreshing on subsequent applications, expiring upon attacking a new enemy, and stacking up to 3 times. The third stack consumes them all to deal bonus true damage , with a minimum threshold. This damage is capped at 200 against monsters . Bonus True Damage: 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10% of target's maximum health Minimum Bonus Damage: 50 / 65 / 80 / 95 / 110 Link ▶️ "Purge with silver.", {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputPassive', 'damage_type': 'True', 'spell_shield': 'Not Blocked', 'parries': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Map-Specific Differences', 'Stacksare not removed ifVayneswitches to attacking a target immune toSilver Bolts(structures,wards).', "Silver Boltsdo not apply to additional targets withRunaan's Hurricane.", 'The stacks can be consumed even if the target is instasis.', 'The attacks do not affectstructuresnorwards.', "True damage changed to4 / 4.5/ 5 / 5.5/ 6% of target'smaximumhealth."]} | Name: Condemn, Description: Active: Vayne fires a heavy bolt at the target enemy that deals physical damage and knocks them back 475 units, though not through terrain. Physical Damage: 50 / 85 / 120 / 155 / 190 (+ 50% bonus AD) If the target collides with terrain , they take bonus physical damage and become stunned for 1. 5 seconds. Bonus Physical Damage: 75 / 127. 5 / 180 / 232. 5 / 285 (+ 75% bonus AD) Total Physical Damage: 125 / 212. 5 / 300 / 387. 5 / 475 (+ 125% bonus AD), {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputUnit', 'damage_type': 'Physical', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', "Condemn'sdisplacementdirection is determined at the end of the cast time.Because of this,Vaynemay useFlashduring the cast time to create a better angle.", 'Because of this,Vaynemay useFlashduring the cast time to create a better angle.', 'Cleansingtheknock backwill also end the displacement early.', "Thespell indicatorfor this ability also displays the direction for the knock back relative toVayne'sposition.", "Condemn'sstunduration starts whenVayne'starget collides with a wall (they can be immobilized for up to 2 seconds depending ondisplacementduration based on distance traveled).", "Condemn'smissile will fail to fire ifVayneissuppressedduring the cast time.(bug)", 'Condemncan interact withplayer-generated terrain.', 'If the target becomesuntargetable,dies, or is too far away or no longer insightduring the cast time, this ability will cancel but does not go oncooldownnor pay its cost (if applicable).']} | Name: Final Hour, Description: Active: Vayne equips her crossbow, gaining bonus attack damage and doubling Night Hunter's bonus for a duration. Duration: 8 / 10 / 12 Bonus Attack Damage: 25 / 40 / 55 Additionally, Tumble becomes empowered with a reduced cooldown , and grants Vayne invisibility for 1 second. Attacking or casting Condemn breaks the stealth immediately. Tumble Cooldown Reduction: 30 / 40 / 50% Scoring an enemy champion takedown within 3 seconds of damaging them will extend Final Hour's duration by 4 seconds, up to its original duration. Link ▶️ "Time for reckoning.", {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputAuto', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Map-Specific Differences', "Vayne'sanimations and basic attack projectiles change slightly duringFinal Hour.", "Tumble'svisual effects can be seen by enemies uponVaynebecoming invisible.", 'Bonus attack damage changed to 10 / 20 / 30.']} | Vayne isvoicedbyNika Futterman.
Vayne's dance referencesgun fu, also known as theGun Kata.A side-by-side comparison can be seenhere.
Silver Boltsreferenceswerewolf fiction, possibly inspired by silver's & other heavy metals'antimicrobial properties.
Vayne,AatroxandViegoare currently the only champions with an ability named the same as their title (Night Hunter,The Darkin Blade, andBlade of the Ruined King).
As per her retconned lore, Vayne hunts and kills monsters, hybrids, shape-shifters, etc. not due to any ethical guidelines, but to satisfy her bloodlust, making her resembleDexter Morgan, a fictional serial killer who mostly targets other morally deplorable murderers.Similarly, Vayne & Dexter both developedkilling urgeafter witnessing their respective parents being murdered (Vayne's father & mother; Dexter'smother).
Vayne,WarwickandTrundleare the only champions without damaging area-of-effect abilities.
Vayne was nearly cancelled due to her concept artist unable to properly concept her with a big hat.[2] |
Veigar,the Tiny Master of Evil | | | health: Health550+108, resource: Mana490+26, health regen: Health regen. (per 5s)6.5+0.6, resource regen: Mana regen. (per 5s)8+0.8, armor: Armor18+5.2, attack damage: Attack damage52+2.7, attack speed: Base AS0.625, gameplay radius: Gameplay radius55, selection radius: Selection radius93, release: 2009-07-24, changed: V13.22, role: Burst, position: MiddleBottomSupport, rangetype: Ranged, adaptivetype: Magic, cost: 1350|585 | Games
VeigarMainCurrentTitlesAlias(es)The Tiny Master of EvilMaster ofBolehamTowerMaster VeigarLord VeigarCharacteristicsSpeciesYordlePronoun(s)He/HimTimelineBorn:Earlier than 100 BNWeapon(s)Phenomenal Evil PowerSpiritual magicElemental magicCelestial magicCosmic magicCrystal StaffRabadon's DeathcapMorellonomiconPersonal statusStatusAlivePlace of originBandle CityCurrent residenceUnknown(Of no fixed abode)Professional statusOccupation(s)SorcererManiacal VillainRegion(s)RuneterraBandle CityRelated character(s)LuluKledCorkiRumbleTeemoZiggsHeimerdingerMordekaiserLeBlanc
• Main
• Current
• The Tiny Master of Evil
• Master ofBolehamTower
• Master Veigar
• Lord Veigar
• Born:Earlier than 100 BN
• Phenomenal Evil Power
• Spiritual magic
• Elemental magic
• Celestial magic
• Cosmic magic
• Crystal Staff
• Rabadon's Deathcap
• Morellonomicon
Personal status
Place of origin
Current residence
Professional status
• Sorcerer
• Maniacal Villain
• Runeterra
• Bandle City
Related character(s)
An enthusiasticyordlesorcerer,Veigarhas embraced powers that few others dare even approach. As a free-spirited inhabitant ofBandle City, he once longed to learn more of the celestial magic practiced by mortals, but his natural curiosity was twisted by imprisonment in the Immortal Bastion. Now a stubborn creature with the dark fury of the stars at his command, Veigar is often underestimated by others—and though he believes himself truly evil, there are some who still question his deeper motivations...
• 1Background1.1Early life1.2Under Mordekaiser's Rule1.3After Mordekaiser's Rule1.4Modern History
• 2Appearance
• 3Personality
• 4Abilities
• 5Relations5.1Mordekaiser5.2LeBlanc5.3Lulu
• 6Read More6.1Biography6.2Starring Champion6.3Alternate Universes
• 7Trivia
• 8Change log
• 9References
• 10See also
• 1.1Early life
• 1.2Under Mordekaiser's Rule
• 1.3After Mordekaiser's Rule
• 1.4Modern History
• 5.1Mordekaiser
• 5.2LeBlanc
• 5.3Lulu
• 6.1Biography
• 6.2Starring Champion
• 6.3Alternate Universes
Early life[]
Not much is known about Veigar's early life inBandle City. At some point Veigar, dissatisfied with yordle magic, came to the human world wanting to learn about celestial magic. There he learned with human masters how to wield the power of the stars, which he excelled at. This proved to be a mistake, as this caught the attention of the undead warlordMordekaiser, who was sweeping throughValoranat that time. The tyrant caught Veigar and took him to his domain.
Under Mordekaiser's Rule[]
Veigar was enslaved by Mordekaiser and forced to work for the tyrant. He couldn't escape to Bandle City, as he was bound to the physical plane by Mordekaiser. For years, the yordle was subjected to brutal tortures and abuse until his mind broke. Mordekaiser forced him to twist his magic to hurt others and used him to bring destruction to all who opposed the tyrant. The trauma of those atrocities changed Veigar's personality and appearance.
Yet no one's reign lasts forever, and Mordekaiser was betrayed and overthrown by hisservantsand the Noxii tribes, led by theirgod.
After Mordekaiser's Rule[]
After defeating awarlock, Vixis the Cruel, and taking his arcane tower, Veigar tries to scare the local villagers.
Finally, Veigar escaped from his ensorcelled cage. He was not interested in the struggle for power over the empire; his deepest desire was only peace. But by this point, he could no longer give up evil and embraced it by becoming the evil sorcerer.
Yet unlike his former captor, he wasn't so brutal. Indeed, sometimes he burned pastures or destroyed the mansions of barons. Veigar also drove out brigands and warlords, murdered terrible creatures of darkness, defeated warlocks, and took their magic artifacts. So it was difficult for the good people of Valoran to tell whether these acts were malicious or actually reasonably helpful.
Modern History[]
Veigar embraces his leadership over theminionsand his Yordle-followers.
At some point in time, Veigar conquered a castle somewhere. Veigar became a dark lord with his own numerous2minionsand yordle-followers. Among them are:2Darkbulb Acolyteand2Twisted Catalyzer, who accumulate3Darknessand5Manarespectively. A3Wizened Wizard, who restores runes of long-forgotten folios with the help of shadow magic.4Stilted Robemaker, engaged in fashion at court, especially in the matter of increasing height.4Tenor of Terrorand his brother4Bass of Burden, proclaiming the greatness of their master. And a mysterious8Mirror Mage, possibly connected with the distant past.
Veigar and his troops embark on a campaign towards darkness, traveling through Yordle Pathways.
In this castle, dangerous artifacts are gradually accumulating, and ancient dark knowledge is being restored. New inventions manifest themselves in the form of war machines combined with artifacts from the dark past. The representation of such a gloomy genius can be the4Grand Overseer- a combat mecha equipped with theRabadon's Deathcapand theMorellonomicon. Step by step, the military power of Veigar and his forces is growing... He also wrote a book ''How to be a Supervillain''.
Veigar is a small, even for yordle standards, individual. His appearance is obscured under his blue and purple cloak and large hat, which are adorned with many spikes. His most notable accessories are his abnormally large right glove, as well as his axe-like staff (with a gem on its tip).
Under his clothing Veigar has black fur and stark yellow eyes, he resembles a black cat.[citation needed]
When he first came to Runeterra, Veigar was an enthusiastic and curious Yordle that wished to learn more about magic. This curiosity led him to leaveBandle City, and go to Runeterra in search for knowledge. There he was delighted with the knowledge that he acquired and put all his effort in becoming a powerful mage.
When the warlord Mordekaiser caught him, he was tortured for year under the warlord's brutal watch. This torture broke the Yordle's mind. With his personality broken, he re-imagined himself as a terrible tyrant with a thirst for power.
Under this new persona, Veigar is obsessed with the aesthetics of villainy. He's arrogant, melodramatic, and antagonistic, constantly causing chaos in the hopes of getting the attention from others. This often leads to frustration as most of his attempts of villainy either led to mild annoyances, or instead lead to great good. He is also territorial in his search for power, aggressively going after anyone that he considers a rival in his quest for power, which often times, accidentally leads to him coming in direct blows with (and defeating) other dark sorcerers and other evils, accidentally helping many on his path.
It's possible that Veigar's acts of good might not be as accidental as it might first appear, but instead his subconscious guiding his actions towards good while his conscious mind, too broken by Mordekaiser's cruelty, rationalizes it to fit in his persona of villain.
• Yordle Physiology:Veigar is a Yordle, a being coming from theSpirit Realmand possesses several abilities natural of his species.Immortality:Being spiritual beings, Yordles don't age the same way as normal humans, and they can't normally die.Yordle Magic:Just like anyYordle, Veigar is capable of performing yordle magic, which he utilizes in tandem with other magics he has learned.
• Master Sorcerer:Veigar has studied and mastered many types ofmagic. He learned long-forgotten spells that are many thousands of years old. HisWillis strong enough to learn and grow stronger over the centuries.Spiritual Magic:Like any Yordle Veigar has a deep connection with aspirit world, but due to the fact that Mordekaiser bound Veigar to the physical plane and forced him to cast grimly enchantments, he learned to use dark spells. Now he controls the3Darknessitself, so his native Yordle magic has taken aDarker Form.[citation needed]Elemental Magic:Little is known about what knowledge Veigar has achieved in elemental magic, but he is erudite enough to be aware aboutDark Matterand is able to manipulate it.[citation needed]Celestial Magic:Veigar has mastery over the power of the stars. By harnessingcelestialmagic, Veigar can create powerful blast of energy, summon meteors of dark matter from the skies, and createGravitational Fieldsthat paralyze his foes.[citation needed]Cosmic Magic:Combiningcelestial,elementalandprimordial spiritual magic, Veigar can simultaneously cast spells both of destruction and creation, such asPrimordial Burst.[citation needed]
• Leader:Veigar has shown to be a competent leader, being able to lead his small group of Yordles towards his goals. Also, like a true dark lord, Veigar commands an army ofminions.
• Artifacts:Despite his magical power, Veigar continues to accumulate dark knowledge and collect magical artifacts. With them equipped, he becomes much more powerful.4Grand Overseer:By the use of dark magics, Veigar is able to control the Grand Overseer mech, equipped with an enhanced staff, as well as the Morellonomicon and the Rabadon's Deathcap.Rabadon's Deathcap[citation needed]Morellonomicon[citation needed]
• Immortality:Being spiritual beings, Yordles don't age the same way as normal humans, and they can't normally die.
• Yordle Magic:Just like anyYordle, Veigar is capable of performing yordle magic, which he utilizes in tandem with other magics he has learned.
• Spiritual Magic:Like any Yordle Veigar has a deep connection with aspirit world, but due to the fact that Mordekaiser bound Veigar to the physical plane and forced him to cast grimly enchantments, he learned to use dark spells. Now he controls the3Darknessitself, so his native Yordle magic has taken aDarker Form.[citation needed]
• Elemental Magic:Little is known about what knowledge Veigar has achieved in elemental magic, but he is erudite enough to be aware aboutDark Matterand is able to manipulate it.[citation needed]
• Celestial Magic:Veigar has mastery over the power of the stars. By harnessingcelestialmagic, Veigar can create powerful blast of energy, summon meteors of dark matter from the skies, and createGravitational Fieldsthat paralyze his foes.[citation needed]
• Cosmic Magic:Combiningcelestial,elementalandprimordial spiritual magic, Veigar can simultaneously cast spells both of destruction and creation, such asPrimordial Burst.[citation needed]
• 4Grand Overseer:By the use of dark magics, Veigar is able to control the Grand Overseer mech, equipped with an enhanced staff, as well as the Morellonomicon and the Rabadon's Deathcap.
• Rabadon's Deathcap[citation needed]
• Morellonomicon[citation needed]
Mordekaiser tortured Veigar to gain knowledge about other realms. Eventually, Veigar's personality would shape to be more like his captors. However, due to his yordle nature, he could never perfect his masters cruelty, only a caricature of it.
Veigar knew LeBlanc, who was also forced to work for Mordekaiser.[1]
In the old lore, Veigar is a friend of Lulu. In the current lore, Veigar is related to Lulu. Their connection in the new lore is left unambiguous.
Read More
The Tiny Master of Evil
ByMichael Luo
Starring Champion
Beyond the Bandlewood (Video)
In this episode, Ava’s on a mission to prove herself… but she’ll need a little help.
Short Story • 5 Minute Read
The True and Ghastly Tale of the Beast of Boleham Tower
ByAmanda Jeffrey
Thunderclouds rolled off the Argent Mountains, promising pyrotechnics, but delivering none.
Alternate Universes
Ao Shin's Adventure
Every little dragon has a destiny.
Starring:Aurelion Sol,Azir,Jinx,Sett,Teemo,Veigar,Yuumi
Journal of Justice
ByInstitute of War
Formare veneficum est formare fatum.
Starring:Akali,Alistar,Amumu,Anivia,Annie,Ashe,Blitzcrank,Brand,Cassiopeia,Cho'Gath,Corki,Darius,Dr. Mundo,Evelynn,Ezreal,Fiddlesticks,Gangplank,Garen,Gragas,Heimerdinger,Irelia,Janna,Jarvan IV,Jax,Karma,Karthus,Kassadin,Katarina,Kayle,Kennen,Kog'Maw,Lee Sin,Leona,Lissandra,Lux,Malzahar,Maokai,Master Yi,Mordekaiser,Morgana,Nasus,Nidalee,Nocturne,Nunu,Olaf,Pantheon,Poppy,Rammus,Renekton,Riven,Rumble,Ryze,Sejuani,Shaco,Shen,Singed,Sion,Sivir,Skarner,Sona,Soraka,Swain,Talon,Taric,Teemo,Tibbers,Tristana,Trundle,Tryndamere,Twisted Fate,Twitch,Udyr,Urgot,Veigar,Vladimir,Warwick,Willump,Wukong,Xin Zhao,Yorick,Zilean
Academy Adventures: Series 1
ByGutter Rat
Mentioned:Akali,Amumu,Anivia,Azir,Bard,Blitzcrank,Braum,Cho'Gath,Elise,Ezreal,Fiddlesticks,Fiora,Gnar,Heimerdinger,Ivern,Jhin,Jinx,Karthus,Kog'Maw,Lulu,Lux,Malzahar,Miss Fortune,Nidalee,Olaf,Poppy,Rek'Sai,Renekton,Rumble,Ryze,Shaco,Shen,Sion,Sona,Soraka,Talon,Taric,Teemo,Tristana,Trundle,Twitch,Urgot,Varus,Veigar,Vel'Koz,Vi,Yorick,Zed,Ziggs,Zyra
Academy Adventures: Series 2
ByGutter Rat
Mentioned:Amumu,Anivia,Annie,Ashe,Aurelion Sol,Braum,Caitlyn,Cho'Gath,Dr. Mundo,Draven,Elise,Ezreal,Fiddlesticks,Fizz,Galio,Gnar,Heimerdinger,Janna,Jhin,Jinx,Kog'Maw,Lulu,Lux,Malphite,Malzahar,Miss Fortune,Nami,Nasus,Olaf,Poppy,Rakan,Rammus,Rek'Sai,Riven,Rumble,Ryze,Shaco,Singed,Sona,Soraka,Syndra,Taliyah,Talon,Taric,Teemo,Thresh,Tibbers,Tristana,Twitch,Urgot,Varus,Veigar,Volibear,Warwick,Wukong,Xayah,Yasuo,Yorick,Zac,Zed,Ziggs,Zyra
Academy Adventures: Series 3
ByGutter Rat
Crystal Quest: Series 1
Mentioned:Anivia,Ashe,Braum,Bristle,Caitlyn,Camille,Elise,Ezreal,Garen,Gragas,Graves,Heimerdinger,Illaoi,Ivern,Katarina,Kled,Lee Sin,Leona,Lissandra,Lucian,Nami,Olaf,Poppy,Ryze,Senna,Singed,Skaarl,Taliyah,Taric,Teemo,Tryndamere,Twisted Fate,Veigar,Vi,Zac
• Veigar is over 1,500 years old, as he was present duringMordekaiser'ssecond crusade.He was possibly captured by the Iron Revenant around 400 BN, or 1400 years ago.[2]
• He was possibly affected byStockholm syndromeafter being held captive for years byMordekaiser.
• 8Mirror Magecould beLeBlanc's servant, secretly manipulatingVeigar, so that he could confrontMordekaiserin the future.
• If after the defeat ofMordekaiser,Veigardidn't go far anywhere, then he may now be somewhere in the vicinity of Noxus. The fact that theNoxiansdon't bother him, despite the facts of his victories over local warlords and sorcerers, may be due to the secret patronage ofLeBlanc.
• Theoretically, ifMordekaiserwill bringVeigartoMitna Rachnun, then Veigar will be able to destroy the pocket realm by using the Cosmic Magic (Celestial,ElementalandPrimordial Spiritual magic) and in particular his spellPrimordial Burst, thereby freeing all the souls captured there. AndLeBlancwill finally defeat The Iron Revenant.
• He was possibly captured by the Iron Revenant around 400 BN, or 1400 years ago.[2]
Change log[]
See also[] | Name: Phenomenal Evil Power, Description: Innate: Veigar generates a stack of Phenomenal Evil for each enemy champion hit by his abilities , and 5 stacks whenever he scores an enemy champion takedown . Phenomenal Evil: For each stack, Veigar gains 1 ability power ., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputPassive', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Map-Specific Differences', 'The two effects stack, granting 6 stacks for each enemy champion taken down by an ability, 7 withBaleful Strike.', "Veigar'sabilities do not have to deal damage nor affect their targets to grant a stack.", 'On-unit-kill stacks changed to 2.', 'New Effect:Gains 12.5Phenomenal Evilstacks per round.']} | Name: Baleful Strike, Description: Active: Veigar blasts a dark bolt in the target direction that deals magic damage to the first two enemies hit. Magic Damage: 80 / 120 / 160 / 200 / 240 (+ 45 / 50 / 55 / 60 / 65% AP) If this kills an enemy, it generates 1 stack of Phenomenal Evil , tripled against large minions and monsters ., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputDirection', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Killing two enemy champions withBaleful Strikegrants+14 AP.', 'Baleful Strikewill only grant stacks ofPhenomenal Evilfrom its bolt, and not any additional effect that would kill other units from the same cast.', "The stacks are added immediately on enemy kill (on next game tick).If the first target was killed, the second hit may deal 1 damage more on enemies further along the missile's flight path.", "If the first target was killed, the second hit may deal 1 damage more on enemies further along the missile's flight path.", 'This ability will cast from wherever the caster is at the end of the cast time.']} | Name: Dark Matter, Description: Active: Veigar casts down a mass of dark matter that strikes the target location after a 1. 221 seconds delay , dealing magic damage to enemies hit. Magic Damage: 85 / 140 / 195 / 250 / 305 (+ 70 / 80 / 90 / 100 / 110% AP) Dark Matter's cooldown is reduced based on stacks of Phenomenal Evil ., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputLocation', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'The delay starts at the beginning of the cast time.IfVeigardies during the cast time,Dark Matterwill still successfully fall from the sky.', 'IfVeigardies during the cast time,Dark Matterwill still successfully fall from the sky.', 'Dark Mattergrantssightof the area during the delay.']} | Name: Event Horizon, Description: Active: Veigar forms a cage at the target location that erects after a 0. 5 second delay, remaining there for 3 seconds. Enemies that collide with the edges of the cage are knocked down and stunned for a duration. Stun Duration: 1. 5 / 1. 75 / 2 / 2. 25 / 2. 5 Enemies can be affected by Event Horizon's effects only once per cast., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputLocation', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Map-Specific Differences', 'The stun and the knockdown are applied to units that are within a certain distance interval from the center of the area of effect.', 'An enemy can be affected byEvent Horizononly once every 4.5seconds.', 'Units that negate the stun will still count as passing through the edges. They will become immune to the effects ofEvent Horizonfor the period even after negating them.', 'Displacement immuneenemies will still bestunned, but notknocked down.', 'At the start of the cast time, all enemychampionsin a 390-radius become marked forVeigarto gain anassiston them should they perish within the standard 10 seconds assist time.', "Event Horizonmay fail to catch enemies that move very quickly through the boundary distance.More modern area checks such asThresh'sThe BoxorCaitlyn'sYordle Snap Trapdo not have this issue.", "More modern area checks such asThresh'sThe BoxorCaitlyn'sYordle Snap Trapdo not have this issue.", 'Cooldown changed to 23 / 21.5/ 20 / 18.5/ 17 seconds.']} | Name: Primordial Burst, Description: Active: Veigar sends a primordial burst at the target enemy champion that deals magic damage , increased by 0% − 100% (based on target's missing health) . Minimum Magic Damage: 175 / 250 / 325 (+ 65 / 70 / 75% AP) Maximum Magic Damage: 350 / 500 / 650 (+ 130 / 140 / 150% AP), {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputUnit', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'If the target becomesuntargetable,dies, or is too far away or no longer insightduring the cast time, this ability will cancel but does not go oncooldownnor pay its cost (if applicable).']} | Veigaris one of 14 champions that have an ability that infinitely stacks an effect:Aurelion Sol,Bard,Bel'Veth,Cho'Gath,Draven,Kindred,Nasus,Senna,Shyvana,Sion,Swain,Sylas, andThresh.In Veigar's case,Phenomenal Evil Powerinfinitely stacks hisability power.
When Veigar usesPrimordial Bursttokillan enemy champion, he will laugh malevolently.
Veigar possess the most laugh emotes of any champion, at 6. |
Vel'Koz,the Eye of the Void | | | health: Health590+102, resource: Mana469+21, health regen: Health regen. (per 5s)5.5+0.55, resource regen: Mana regen. (per 5s)8+0.8, armor: Armor22+4.7, attack damage: Attack damage55+3.1416, attack speed: Base AS0.643, gameplay radius: Gameplay radius65, selection radius: Selection radius89, release: 2014-02-27, changed: V13.23, role: Artillery, position: MiddleSupport, rangetype: Ranged, adaptivetype: Magic, cost: 3141|880 | Missing section(s):
Vel'KozMainCurrentTitlesReal nameVel'Koz(Ancient Shuriman: 'To understand by unmaking')Alias(es)The Eye of the VoidCharacteristicsSpeciesVoidborn(Unknown Sub-species)Pronoun(s)He/HimTimelineBorn:8000 BN - 6000 BNWeapon(s)Void EnergyPersonal statusStatusAlivePlace of originRuneterra(Possibly AncientShurima)Current residenceUnknown(PossiblyTokogol)FamilyWatchers(Creators)Professional statusOccupation(s)ResearcherWatcher's ServantRegion(s)VoidRelated character(s)Kha'ZixCho'GathKog'MawRek'SaiBel'Veth
• Main
• Current
Real name
• Born:8000 BN - 6000 BN
Personal status
Place of origin
Current residence
Professional status
• Researcher
• Watcher's Servant
Related character(s)
It is unclear ifVel'Kozwas the firstVoidbornto emerge onRuneterra, but there has certainly never been another to match his level of cruel, calculating sentience. While his kin devour or defile everything around them, he seeks instead to scrutinize and study the physical realm—and the strange, warlike beings that dwell there—for any weakness theVoidmight exploit. But Vel'Koz is far from a passive observer, striking back at threats with deadly plasma, or by disrupting the very fabric of the world itself.
• 1Background1.1Early Life
• 2Appearance
• 3Personality
• 4Abilities
• 5Relations5.1Humans
• 6Read More6.1Biography6.2Starring Champion6.3Alternate Universes
• 7Trivia
• 8Change log
• 9References
• 10See also
• 1.1Early Life
• 5.1Humans
• 6.1Biography
• 6.2Starring Champion
• 6.3Alternate Universes
Early Life[]
One of the first Voidborn, created by the hands of theWatchers, who has been known by many names but the ancientShuriman's named it Vel'Koz, or "to understand by unmaking". Vel'Koz was created to watch, listen and learn from the living, so the Watchers could know best how to destroy them. And so Vel'Koz did, silently observing the various landscapes of Runeterra, watching as civilizations rise and fall. Now and again it travels back through the great rifts in the fabric of Runeterra, back into the Void to relay everything it has seen before promptly returning back to the goal of its existance.
But to understand, sometimes requires unmaking. Vel'Koz often leaves towns empty, with no sign of struggles except for the withered husks of its former residents, with a distinct dark pit where their left eye would be; a wound left by Vel'Koz's devouring of knowledge.
• Voidborn:Vel'Koz is a Voidborn, a being birthed from the Void to enter the material realm. Because the Void possesses different laws of reality, Voidborn have to create new bodies from the matter of Runeterra.Knowledge Absorpion:Vel'Koz can absorb the knowledge of other living beings by inserting one of his tentacles inside of them. By absorbing the knowledge of other living beings, he leaves them as nothing more than withered husks.Void Energy Emission:Vel'Koz can emit powerful beams of Void energy from both his tentacles and his eye. He can control the intensity of these beams from small surgical cuts to massive blasts of destructive power.Levitation:Vel'Koz generally moves by floating above the ground.Tentacles:Vel'Koz can use the tentacles to smash, grip, and crush foes as well as project void energy.
• Knowledge Absorpion:Vel'Koz can absorb the knowledge of other living beings by inserting one of his tentacles inside of them. By absorbing the knowledge of other living beings, he leaves them as nothing more than withered husks.
• Void Energy Emission:Vel'Koz can emit powerful beams of Void energy from both his tentacles and his eye. He can control the intensity of these beams from small surgical cuts to massive blasts of destructive power.
• Levitation:Vel'Koz generally moves by floating above the ground.
• Tentacles:Vel'Koz can use the tentacles to smash, grip, and crush foes as well as project void energy.
Kassadinseeks to keep the Voidborn from crossing over toRuneterraand thus is his enemy (and a nice research subject).Malzaharon the other hand seeks to facilitate the crossing and thus is his ally (Vel'Koz is no stranger to killing other Voidborn who might destroy his research materials, though).
Read More
The Eye of the Void
ByIan St. Martin
Starring Champion
Short Story • 5 Minute Read
A Different Hunger
ByIan St. Martin
With a kiss to my wife and resting my spear against my shoulder, I joined my fellows as we left the village. The morning was new, dawn stretching through the thick forests of Tokogol as the six of us made our way to the watch point by a worn dirt path. We were travelling light, as our vigil would only last until the next moon before another band of spearmen took our place. Tokogol shared borders with Noxus, and its increasing belligerence of late had stirred the house lords to ensure that all of their spears were honed.
Bel'Veth's Warning
Her time is now and your time is up, Eye of the Void.
First Contact
Only by Organic Deconstruction deconstruction is truth revealed.
Alternate Universes
Short Story • 2 Minute Read
Instrument of Destruction
ByLeslee Sullivant Heintz
A tentacled horror of the Void, Vel'Koz explores Runeterra with singular purpose: to absorb all knowledge. With his unceasing gaze, Vel'Koz fires disintegrating beams that obliterate and analyze all in his path, feeding him vast quantities of information. None know why he requires such material, though some speculate he seeks to understand Runeterra in order to hasten its ruin.
Academy Adventures: Series 1
ByGutter Rat
Mentioned:Akali,Amumu,Anivia,Azir,Bard,Blitzcrank,Braum,Cho'Gath,Elise,Ezreal,Fiddlesticks,Fiora,Gnar,Heimerdinger,Ivern,Jhin,Jinx,Karthus,Kog'Maw,Lulu,Lux,Malzahar,Miss Fortune,Nidalee,Olaf,Poppy,Rek'Sai,Renekton,Rumble,Ryze,Shaco,Shen,Sion,Sona,Soraka,Talon,Taric,Teemo,Tristana,Trundle,Twitch,Urgot,Varus,Veigar,Vel'Koz,Vi,Yorick,Zed,Ziggs,Zyra
Olaf vs Everything: Series 2
ByTom Barton
Mentioned:Ahri,Aurelion Sol,Brand,Cassiopeia,Cho'Gath,Darius,Dr. Mundo,Ekko,Gnar,Illaoi,Karthus,Kog'Maw,Lee Sin,Nagakabouros,Ornn,Renekton,Skarner,Teemo,Tryndamere,Urgot,Vel'Koz,Vi,Viktor,Vladimir,Warwick,Zyra
Punches and Plants: Series 1
Mentioned:Ahri,Alistar,Annie,Ashe,Blitzcrank,Brand,Braum,Caitlyn,Darius,Diana,Dr. Mundo,Ekko,Evelynn,Ezreal,Gangplank,Garen,Gnar,Gragas,Graves,Heimerdinger,Janna,Jinx,Karma,Katarina,Leona,Lucian,Malzahar,Miss Fortune,Nami,Nasus,Nunu,Quinn,Renekton,Rumble,Ryze,Sejuani,Sivir,Sona,Soraka,Tahm Kench,Taliyah,Taric,Teemo,Tibbers,Trundle,Tryndamere,Twisted Fate,Twitch,Valor,Varus,Vel'Koz,Vladimir,Volibear,Warwick,Willump,Wukong,Zac,Ziggs
Punches and Plants: Series 2
Mentioned:Aatrox,Ahri,Alistar,Amumu,Annie,Aurelion Sol,Azir,Bard,Blitzcrank,Caitlyn,Cho'Gath,Diana,Draven,Ekko,Ezreal,Fizz,Galio,Gnar,Graves,Heimerdinger,Jayce,Kha'Zix,Kog'Maw,Leona,Lucian,Lux,Malphite,Maokai,Miss Fortune,Nasus,Nautilus,Nidalee,Olaf,Orianna,Poppy,Quinn,Rakan,Renekton,Riven,Rumble,Shaco,Taric,Teemo,Tibbers,Tristana,Trundle,Udyr,Valor,Vel'Koz,Viktor,Volibear,Warwick,Wukong,Xayah,Xin Zhao,Yasuo,Ziggs
• Vel'Koz's lore is the first to be told in first person.
• Vel'Koz's purpose is to gainknowledgeon Runeterra. Throughdisintegration.
• Vel'Koz's eyes can be removed from his body (the largest can even fly, as seen when he dies)
• Eyeballing similarities between Vel'Koz and the FrozenWatcherslead credence to the idea they might be related.The specifics are uncertain, but they imply the veil betweenRuneterraand the Void shattering in the Freljord and members of Vel'Koz's Voidborn species crossing into the frozen realm.Adaptation (seeing as the Voidborn thatDianafought turned purple from pale after being exposed to Runeterra's atmosphere) was the key to their evolution, and the need forIceborn'subjects' and a subsequent 'empire' to conduct mass research on the world they landed in (much like Vel'Koz is doing at present).
• According to his recently updated lore, Vel'Koz may be the oldest survivingVoidborn, whose ancient Shuriman nameVel'Kozroughly means "to understand by unmaking" in modern Shuriman.
• The specifics are uncertain, but they imply the veil betweenRuneterraand the Void shattering in the Freljord and members of Vel'Koz's Voidborn species crossing into the frozen realm.Adaptation (seeing as the Voidborn thatDianafought turned purple from pale after being exposed to Runeterra's atmosphere) was the key to their evolution, and the need forIceborn'subjects' and a subsequent 'empire' to conduct mass research on the world they landed in (much like Vel'Koz is doing at present).
• Adaptation (seeing as the Voidborn thatDianafought turned purple from pale after being exposed to Runeterra's atmosphere) was the key to their evolution, and the need forIceborn'subjects' and a subsequent 'empire' to conduct mass research on the world they landed in (much like Vel'Koz is doing at present).
Change log[]
See also[] | Name: Organic Deconstruction, Description: Innate: Vel'Koz's abilities apply a stack of Deconstruction to enemies hit for 7 seconds, refreshing on basic attacks and subsequent applications and stacking up to 3 times. The third stack consumes them all to deal 35 − 180 (based on level) (+ 60% AP) bonus true damage ., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputPassive', 'damage_type': 'True', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'No additional notes.']} | Name: Plasma Fission, Description: Active: Vel'Koz fires a plasma bolt in the target direction that deals magic damage to the first enemy hit and slows them by 70% decaying over a duration. Plasma Fission can be recast after 0. 25 seconds while the bolt is in flight, and does so automatically upon hitting an enemy or maximum range. Magic Damage: 80 / 120 / 160 / 200 / 240 (+ 90% AP) Slow Duration: 1 / 1. 4 / 1. 8 / 2. 2 / 2. 6 Recast: Vel'Koz splits the bolt in two over 0. 25 seconds , each part firing perpendicularly in opposite directions and applying the same effects to enemies hit. Whenever Plasma Fission kills an enemy, Vel'Koz restores mana . Mana Restored per Kill: 20 / 22. 5 / 25 / 27. 5 / 30 Maximum Mana Restored: 60 / 67. 5 / 75 / 82. 5 / 90, {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputDirection/Auto', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', "The initial cast counts as an ability activation for the purposes of on-cast effects such asSpellbladeand triggeringForce Pulse'spassive.Detonating the ability manually does not.", 'Detonating the ability manually does not.', 'An enemy cannot be hit by multiple bolts even when having blocked one with aspell shield.', "The split occurs at a location 55 units in front of the primary bolt's final location.", "Plasma Fissioncan reach a maximum 1595 units diagonally (ignoring the split missile's width and enemy hitbox radius), reaching this distance after a total of about ~1.65seconds.", 'This ability will cast from wherever the caster is at the end of the cast time.']} | Name: Void Rift, Description: Active: Vel'Koz cracks a rift in the target direction that opens after a 0. 25 -second delay, cascading through the area over 0. 65 seconds to deal magic damage to enemies within. Magic Damage: 30 / 50 / 70 / 90 / 110 (+ 20% AP) After 0. 75 seconds , the rift violently collapses, dealing magic damage to enemies within and granting sight of the surrounding area for 0. 25 seconds. Magic Damage: 45 / 75 / 105 / 135 / 165 (+ 25% AP) Total Magic Damage: 75 / 125 / 175 / 225 / 275 (+ 45% AP) Vel'Koz periodically stocks a Void Rift charge, up to a maximum of 2., STATIC COOLDOWN: STATICCOOLDOWN:1.5, {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputDirection', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'See Notes', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'UnbreakableandWind Wallwill block the ripple and prevent the rift from forming further, but they will not destroy the section that was created already.', 'Spell shieldonly blocks one instance of damage.']} | Name: Tectonic Disruption, Description: Active: Vel'Koz hurls a disruptive anomaly that lands to the target location after 0. 825 seconds , dealing magic damage to enemies hit and knocking them up and stunning them for 0. 75 seconds, as well as granting sight of the area briefly. Magic Damage: 70 / 100 / 130 / 160 / 190 (+ 30% AP) If Tectonic Disruption is cast in close proximity of Vel'Koz , the anomaly will also slightly knock back enemies hit in the direction of the cast., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputLocation', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', "The required proximity for theknock backis relative toVel'Koz'sposition when casting and not his current one.", 'While the effect is fully prevented by blocking the missile (e.g. withUnbreakableandWind Wall), the missile may not be destroyedvisually.(bug)', "The area of effect indicator appears at the start of the cast time.It will persist even if the cast cancels (e.g.Vel'Kozdies before cast time completes) despite the projectile not firing.", "It will persist even if the cast cancels (e.g.Vel'Kozdies before cast time completes) despite the projectile not firing.", 'Displacement immunitywill also resist the application of thestun.']} | Name: Life Form Disintegration Ray, Description: Passive - Researched: Applying 3 Deconstruction stacks to an enemy champion marks them as Researched for 7 seconds, refreshing on basic attacks and ability hits against them. Active: After a 0. 2 -second delay, Vel'Koz channels for up to 2. 6 seconds to project an energy beam, during which he can steer the beam in the target direction. Life Form Disintegration Ray can be recast after 1 second during the channel, and does so automatically after the duration. The beam deals magic damage to enemies hit every 0. 2 seconds, and slows them by 20%, lingering for 1 second. Deconstruction is applied every 0. 7 seconds to enemies hit. Researched enemies take true damage instead. Damage Per Tick: 34. 62 / 48. 08 / 61. 54 (+ 9. 62 % AP) Maximum Damage: 450 / 625 / 800 (+ 125% AP) Recast: Vel'Koz ends Life Form Disintegration Ray ., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputDirection', 'damage_type': 'Magic/True', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', "Life Form Disintegration Ray'sdirection updates gradually (moving the cursor from one side ofVel'Kozto the other will not make him rotate instantly).", "Vel'Kozwillrevealhimself if the ray is near an enemy champion.", "The beam hits in a rectangular shape, intersecting with the edge of an enemygameplay radius.Because of this, the effect will hit enemies whose center location is to the sides and/or slightly behind Vel'Koz, as long as their radius intersects with the area.", "Because of this, the effect will hit enemies whose center location is to the sides and/or slightly behind Vel'Koz, as long as their radius intersects with the area.", "The following table refers for interactions whileVel'Kozischanneling:", 'Death', 'Cast-inhibiting effects']} | Vel'Koz hasPi(3.141592) attack damage growth and usesTrigonometryto landPlasma Fission.
Vel'Koz's taunt isSchrödinger's equationwritten inVisitor languagefromVbyKenneth Johnson.
Vel'Koz is based on theOculothoraxarchetype, with one of these in particular (Shuma-GorathfromMarvel Comics) used as the basis forLife Form Disintegration Ray.
Vel'Koz's personality might have been based on the amoral Decepticon scientistShockwave, from theTransformersfranchise. Shockwave's head consists mostly of his single glaring eye, which might also have inspired Vel'Koz.
Vel'Koz had his game assets reused for severalfeatured game modes.He was given a retexture and features as a monster called the "Shooty Eyeball Monster" (along with its huge variant) inInvasion.His animations were reused for theLandsquidandSquidtoothmonsters inOdyssey: Extraction.
Life Form Disintegration Rayis the longest ability name at 29 characters long.For contrast, it is longer thanHop, the shortest ability name at 3 characters long, by 27 characters. |
Vex,the Gloomist | | | health: Health590+104, resource: Mana490+32, health regen: Health regen. (per 5s)6.5+0.6, resource regen: Mana regen. (per 5s)6+0.8, armor: Armor23+4.45, attack damage: Attack damage54+2.75, attack speed: Base AS0.669, gameplay radius: Gameplay radius65, selection radius: Selection radius100, release: 2021-09-23, changed: V13.21, role: Burst, position: Middle, rangetype: Ranged, adaptivetype: Magic, cost: 3150|790 | Games
VexTitlesNickname(s)Small FryAlias(es)The GloomistCharacteristicsSpeciesYordlePronoun(s)She/HerTimelineBorn:UnknownWeapon(s)ShadowDarkness MagicPersonal statusStatusAlivePlace of originBandle CityCurrent residenceShadow IslesFamilyUnnamed FatherUnnamed MotherMilty(Uncle)Pet(s)ShadowProfessional statusOccupation(s)MageRegion(s)Shadow IslesBandle CityRelated character(s)LucianSennaThreshViego
• Born:Unknown
• Shadow
• Darkness Magic
Personal status
Place of origin
Current residence
• Unnamed Father
• Unnamed Mother
• Milty(Uncle)
• Shadow
Professional status
• Mage
• Shadow Isles
• Bandle City
Related character(s)
In the black heart of the Shadow Isles, a lone yordle trudges through the spectral fog, content in its murky misery. With an endless supply of teen angst and a powerful shadow in tow, Vex lives in her own self-made slice of gloom, far from the revolting cheer of the “normie” world. Though she lacks ambition, she is quick to strike down color and happiness, stopping all would-be interlopers with her magical malaise.
• 1Background1.1Early life1.2Journey to the Shadow Isles
• 2Appearance
• 3Personality
• 4Abilities
• 5Relations5.1Viego
• 6Read More6.1Biography6.2Starring Champion
• 7Trivia
• 8Change log
• 9References
• 10See also
• 1.1Early life
• 1.2Journey to the Shadow Isles
• 5.1Viego
• 6.1Biography
• 6.2Starring Champion
Early life[]
Vex was born and raised inBandle City, and despite her parents' best efforts, Vex never felt like she belonged. She disliked the city's bright colors and she could never really find her "yordle spirit" or any like-minded friends. She spent most of her time sulking in her room, spending time with her shadow, which she liked because it was dark and never said anything.
Journey to the Shadow Isles[]
Eventually, the Black Mist came to Bandle City. While the other residents of the city fought back against the Mist, Vex was intrgued by it and followed it to its source, theShadow Isles. Vex loved it, as it was dark, gloomy, and full of dead spirits, which she liked. As she stayed there longer, she noticed that a combination of the Black Mist and her passive yordle magic allowed her shadow to gain sentience and also changed her magic, allowing her to cast gloomy and dark spells.
After a time, Vex metViego, making an alliance with him to plunge the world into darkness and gloom. However, soon Vex found out of Viego's real goal: bringing his dead wife back to life. Disgusted by this show of love, Vex left Viego's side to go back to the Bandle City to tell her parents of all she had done and bask in their disapproval. But when her parents told her that they loved her unconditionally, Vex just sighed, told her parents that they were the worst, and left for the Isles once more.
Vex is a yordle with pale skin, purple eyes, light turqoise hair, and a black nose and mouth. She wears a big purple and black sweater and has a gold emblem of theShadow Isleson her chest.
Vex is a sad and gloomy yordle that finds contentment in misery. She is eternally unhappy, and is content with this unhappiness. She is easily irritated, especially by bright and happy things, and can easily bring down the mood of any creature with her sadness.
• Yordle Physiology:Vex is a Yordle, a being coming from theSpirit Realmand possesses several abilities natural of her species.Immortality:Being spiritual beings, Yordles don't age the same way as normal humans, and they can't normally die.Yordle Magic:Just like anyYordle, Vex is capable of performing yordle magic, which she utilizes in tandem with her skills with shadows.
• Shadow Manipulation:Vex's shadow is sentient and can help her cast spells.
• Immortality:Being spiritual beings, Yordles don't age the same way as normal humans, and they can't normally die.
• Yordle Magic:Just like anyYordle, Vex is capable of performing yordle magic, which she utilizes in tandem with her skills with shadows.
Vex had an alliance withViegoto plunge the world into darkness and gloom until Vex found out that his real motive was to revive his wife from the dead.
Read More
The Gloomist
ByJohn O'Bryan
Starring Champion
Rise of the Sentinels
ByJohn O'Bryan
Black Mist pours across Runeterra, enthralling its champions and shrouding the continent in darkness. If the last Sentinels are going to save Runeterra, they're going to need all the help they can get. And that meansyouRookie!
Starring:Akshan,Diana,Draven,Graves,Gwen,Irelia,Isolde,Karma,Lucian,Miss Fortune,Olaf,Pantheon,Pyke,Rengar,Riven,Senna,Shyvana,Thresh,Vayne,Vex,Viego,Yorick
Short Story
The Meaning in Misery
ByJohn O'Bryan
It was midday on the island, and Vex was just emerging from her previous night’s sleep.
• Despite having a direct relation and interactions withViego, Vex is one of few Shadow Isles champions that have no relation to the origin of the Black Mist or the Ruination.
Change log[]
See also[] | Name: Doom 'n Gloom, Description: Passive - Doom: Periodically, Vex empowers her next basic ability to knock down and fear enemies hit for 0. 75 / 1 / 1. 25 / 1. 5 (based on level) seconds, during which they are slowed by 60% − 99% (based on distance from Vex ) . If Looming Darkness triggers Doom , enemies hit will flee from the epicenter instead. Doom's cooldown resets upon respawning . Innate - Gloom: Nearby enemy champions and monsters that dash or blink will be marked with Gloom for 6 seconds. Vex's next basic attack , which becomes non-projectile , or basic ability hit against an enemy with Gloom will detonate the mark. Looming Darkness will also inflict Gloom , but cannot detonate it. Gloom's detonation deals 30 − 140 (based on level) (+ 20% AP) bonus magic damage and refunds 25% of Doom's cooldown. Against non-champions, this instead deals 40 / 45 / 50 / 55 / 60% (based on level) damage and refunds 10% of Doom's cooldown. Link ▶️ ( Doom charged) "Ugghh..." Link ▶️ ( Gloom triggered) "Bring it down a notch.", STATIC COOLDOWN: STATICCOOLDOWN:25 / 22 / 19 / 16 (based on level), {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputPassive', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'See Notes', 'parries': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Gloomwill markRift HeraldandRift Scuttlerwhen they use their dashes.', 'Gloomcan markclones, but not otherpets.', "Gloom'smark has a very brief cooldown and refreshes on subsequent dashes or blinks nearby enemies use.", "Gloom'smark duration will refresh to 0.5seconds whenVexstarts an attack windup against a target that has a mark which is about to expire.", 'Gloomwill mark enemies even if they areuntargetable.', 'Gloomwill mark enemies that are inside the detection radius when they blink, but will not mark those that blink inside from far away.(bug)', "Doom'scooldown starts as soon as the basic ability is cast.", 'Non-champions (e.g.Rift Scuttler) are notknocked downby the fear-empowered ability.(bug)', "Spell shieldwill block all ofDoom'seffects but notGloom'sempowered attack nor mark.", 'Nearby enemies that become displaced do not count for being marked byGloom.', "Vex'sbasic abilities use a different icon whenDoomis ready:Mistral BoltPersonal SpaceLooming Darkness", 'Mistral Bolt', 'Personal Space', 'Looming Darkness']} | Name: Mistral Bolt, Description: Active: Vex launches a wave of mist in the target direction that deals magic damage to enemies hit. After travelling 500 units, the wave accelerates but also narrows itself. Magic Damage: 70 / 115 / 160 / 205 / 250 (+ 70% AP), {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputDirection', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'This ability will cast from wherever the caster is at the end of the cast time.Mistral Boltwill fire from whereverVexis at the end of the cast time, towards the originally targeted location or 1200 units in the originally targeted direction if cast beyond that.', 'Mistral Boltwill fire from whereverVexis at the end of the cast time, towards the originally targeted location or 1200 units in the originally targeted direction if cast beyond that.']} | Name: Personal Space, Description: Active: Vex emits a shockwave around her before the cast time, dealing magic damage to nearby enemies and granting herself a shield for 2. 5 seconds. Shield Strength: 50 / 75 / 100 / 125 / 150 (+ 75% AP) Magic Damage: 80 / 120 / 160 / 200 / 240 (+ 30% AP), {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputAuto', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Personal Spacecan be buffered 0.1seconds before it comes off cooldown or becomes available otherwise.', "Vexcan move duringPersonal Space'scast time."]} | Name: Looming Darkness, Description: Active: Vex tosses her Shadow to explode at the target location, dealing magic damage to enemies hit and slowing them for 2 seconds. The explosion's radius increases based on cast distance. Magic Damage: 50 / 70 / 90 / 110 / 130 (+ 40 / 45 / 50 / 55 / 60% AP) Slow: 30 / 35 / 40 / 45 / 50% Looming Darkness will cast at max range if cast beyond that., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputLocation', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'No additional details.']} | Name: Shadow Surge, Description: Active: Vex sends her Shadow in the target direction that grants sight around its trajectory and deals magic damage to enemies hit. Magic Damage: 75 / 125 / 175 (+ 20% AP) Shadow stops upon hitting an enemy champion to mark them for 4 seconds, during which they are revealed . Shadow Surge can be recast while the target is marked. Recast: Vex dashes towards the marked target with displacement immunity . Upon arrival, she consumes their mark and deals magic damage . Magic Damage: 150 / 250 / 350 (+ 50% AP) Total Magic Damage: 225 / 375 / 525 (+ 70% AP) If the target dies within 6 seconds of being marked, Vex can cast Shadow Surge again within 12 seconds at no cost after 0. 5 seconds. Link ▶️ "Do the thing, Shadow.", {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputDirection/Auto', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'This ability will cast from wherever the caster is at the end of the cast time.', "Vex'sdash will track the target if they change locations.She will not stop tracking the target until she reaches them, as there is no maximum tracking distance.", 'She will not stop tracking the target until she reaches them, as there is no maximum tracking distance.', 'Shadow Surgegrants sight of the area along its path for0.4seconds each.', 'Shadow Surgecannot be recast whilegroundedorrooted, or if the target isuntargetable.', 'Shadow Surgemay also be recast if the target died to the ability.', 'The following table refers for interactions whileVexis dashing:All movement spells are disabled during the first 0.25seconds of the dash.', 'All movement spells are disabled during the first 0.25seconds of the dash.', 'Death']} | Vex was the third of three champions released in 2021 tied toViego'sreturn and a continuation of the Ruined King's story.[2]
Vex's Shadow cannot be disabled in game.
Vex shares a few similarities withZato-ONEfromGuilty Gear.Both fight with a shadow companion. Her shadow baring a slight resemblance toEddie'sdesign in the game.
Vex's laugh animation references theLaughing Spongebobmeme.[3] |
Vi,the Piltover Enforcer,6 | | | health: Health655+99, resource: Mana295+65, health regen: Health regen. (per 5s)10+1, resource regen: Mana regen. (per 5s)8+0.65, armor: Armor30+4.7, attack damage: Attack damage63+3, attack speed: Base AS0.644, gameplay radius: Gameplay radius65, selection radius: Selection radius100, release: 2012-12-19, changed: V13.17, role: Diver, position: Jungle, rangetype: Melee, adaptivetype: Physical, cost: 1350|585 | InDev Update - Champs, Lore & More, Laura 'poisonpixxi' DeYoung, Head of IP Creative for Riot Games, elaborated on their new approach to narrative cohesiveness by ironing out any inconsistencies that have sprung up over the years.
This article contains information that conflicts with this new narrative and will most likely be changed/moved in the following year(s).
ViMainWarden 1Warden 2Warden 3CasualTitlesNickname(s)Fat HandsAlias(es)The Piltover EnforcerPiltover's FinestCharacteristicsSpeciesHumanPronoun(s)She/HerTimelineBorn:970 AN - 973 ANWeapon(s)Atlas GauntletsBlast ShieldGolem GauntletsPersonal statusStatusAlivePlace of originZaunCurrent residencePiltoverFamilyUnnamed Father†Unnamed Mother†Jinx(Sister)[1]Professional statusOccupation(s)WardenSumpsnipeRegion(s)PiltoverZaunFaction(s)Piltover WardensRelated character(s)JinxEkkoCaitlynJayceCamilleUrgot
• Main
• Warden 1
• Warden 2
• Warden 3
• Casual
• Fat Hands
• The Piltover Enforcer
• Piltover's Finest
• Born:970 AN - 973 AN
• Atlas Gauntlets
• Blast Shield
• Golem Gauntlets
Personal status
Place of origin
Current residence
• Unnamed Father†
• Unnamed Mother†
• Jinx(Sister)[1]
Professional status
• Warden
• Sumpsnipe
• Piltover
• Zaun
Related character(s)
Once a criminal from the mean streets ofZaun,Viis a hotheaded, impulsive, and fearsome woman with only a very loose respect for authority figures. Growing up all but alone, Vi developed finely honed survival instincts as well as a wickedly abrasive sense of humor. Now working with the Wardens to keep the peace inPiltover, she wields mighty hextechgauntletsthat can punch through walls—and suspects—with equal ease.
• 1Background1.1Early Life1.2Contemporary History1.3Recent events
• 2Appearance
• 3Personality
• 4Abilities
• 5Relations5.1Jinx5.2Ekko5.3Caitlyn Kiramman5.4Jayce Talis
• 6Read More6.1Biography6.2Starring Champion6.3Mentioned Champion6.4Alternate Universes
• 7Trivia
• 8Change log
• 9References
• 10See also
• 1.1Early Life
• 1.2Contemporary History
• 1.3Recent events
• 5.1Jinx
• 5.2Ekko
• 5.3Caitlyn Kiramman
• 5.4Jayce Talis
• 6.1Biography
• 6.2Starring Champion
• 6.3Mentioned Champion
• 6.4Alternate Universes
Early Life[]
As a child growing up in the lawless outskirts of Piltover, Vi learned to rob and cheat to get by. Stealing and stripping hextech hardware gave her the skills of a master mechanic, while life on the streets taught her self-reliance. When she was six, a ragtag group of criminals took a shine to the young delinquent and brought her into their fold. By the time Vi was eleven, she had become a seasoned accomplice, and she relished the thrill of every heist.
Vi's attitude changed when a raid on a mining facility went bad. She was forced to decide between fleeing with her crew or trying to save the innocent mine workers from a collapsed tunnel. Vi chose to play the hero. While searching for a way to free the mine workers from the rubble, she discovered a damaged robotic mining rig. Improvising, she wrenched off its huge fists and modified them into makeshift hextech gauntlets. Fitting the heavy weapons to her tiny hands, the young girl flexed her arm and threw a powered punch at the rubble. The force of the blow blasted away the rock. With the workers free to escape, Vi fled the scene.
After that job gone wrong, Vi severed her connection to the crew. She returned to a life of solitary crime, but stole only from other criminals. As the years went by, Vi modified and improved her hextech fists, allowing her to bust up heists and snatch loot with ease. Eventually, word of her notoriety reached Caitlyn, the famed Sheriff of Piltover. Rather than seek Vi's arrest, Caitlyn offered the criminal a way to pay her debt to society: work for the law in Piltover. Vi laughed. To her, a job that let her beat up crooks without forcing her to run from the cops sounded perfect. She immediately accepted. Caitlyn now struggles to keep Vi in line, and Vi treats Caitlyn's orders as mere suggestions, but when they work together, they are feared by all lawbreakers in Piltover, except Jinx.
Contemporary History[]
To Vi, every problem is just another brick wall to punch through with her gigantic hextech gauntlets. Though she grew up on the wrong side of the law, Vi now uses her criminal know-how to serve Piltover's police force. Vi's brash attitude, abrasive humor, and blatant refusal to follow orders can often infuriate her by-the-books partner, Caitlyn Kiramman. But even the sheriff of Piltover cannot deny that Vi is an invaluable asset in the fight against crime.
Recent events[]
Vi is an tall, athletic, and light-skinned woman. She wears common punk street fashion typical for Zaunite and Piltover youth atypical for her Warden profession. Her most noticeable features are her mechanical augments inspired tattoos across her entire back and arms (including a VI tattoo on her left cheek), as well as her natural pink hair.
When at work, she is rarely seen without her Atlas gauntlets which become extensions of her hands.
Vi is an impulsive, brash, energetic, hotheaded, audacious, and daring brawler who lives up to her motto which is "Punch first, then ask questions while punching." She is both fearsome and fearless, she is always looking for a fight. She's a fierce, tomboyish rebel with a loose respect for authority figures, and a witty, abrasive sense of humor. Despite her tendency to fight first, and think later, she is very street smart. But through her rebellious attitude, she is a kind hearted one who means well and gets things done no questions asked.
• Brawler:Vi is skilled at hand-to-hand combat, being able to dodge and counter most punches, even those from shimmer enhanced individuals. She would use her fighting skills in tandem with her gauntlets.Atlas Gauntlets:Exceedingly rare and powerful hextech augments created by Vaido Violante that considerably boost Vi's strength and dexterity. Vi actively uses prototypes of the Atlas Gauntlets.
• Deduction Skills:While not as skilled as her partnerCaitlyn, Vi has some skills at collect information to solve crimes by talking to witnesses and informants, collecting physical evidence, or searching records in databases. Her familiarity with the undercity ofZaunwould prove useful numerous times during her time as a Warden.
• Atlas Gauntlets:Exceedingly rare and powerful hextech augments created by Vaido Violante that considerably boost Vi's strength and dexterity. Vi actively uses prototypes of the Atlas Gauntlets.
Jinx is Vi's sister, they both took different paths when they were young, although Vi's main job is to capture her, she also looks for a way to help her.
Vi and Ekko were friends since they grew up together in Zaun, their relationship was stagnant on Ekko's part after Vi was accepted into Piltover.
Caitlyn Kiramman[]
Caitlyn is Vi's co-worker, she was the one who helped her join Piltover, they have been working together for a long time so much that their relationship is speculated to be more than friendship and professional.
Jayce Talis[]
Read More
The Piltover Enforcer
ByGraham McNeill
Starring Champion
Arcane (TV Series)
Every legend has a beginning.
Starring:Aero,Amara,Ambessa,Babette,Benzo,Billingsworth,Bolbok,Caitlyn,Cassandra,Chross,Claggor,Deckard,Ekko,Elora,Finn,Gorgeous Man,Grayson,Harold,Heimerdinger,Hoskel,Huck,Jayce,Jericho,Jinx,Jules,Lock,Marcus,Margot,Mel,Mylo,Pim,Ren,Renni,Salo,Sevika,Shoola,Silco,Singed,Sky,Smeech,Thieram,Tobias,Vander,Verne,Vi,Viktor,Ximena
Short Story
Child of Zaun
ByIan St. Martin
What's the difference between law and order?
Music Video
ByJustin Tranter,Imagine Dragons,JID,Fortiche Productions
Oh, the misery, everybody wants to be my ENEMY.
Short Story • 5 Minute Read
Interrogation 101
ByGraham McNeill
Vi stifled a yawn as she moved through the gilded chamber at the heart of Piltover's Hall of Law. Dawn was less than an hour old, and the place was quiet. A few drunks were sleeping it off in the shaming cells, and she'd heard there were a couple of chem-augmented thugs in the deeper, more secure lock-ups. She'd ask around later, see if she could provide any insight as to what they were doing up in Piltover.
Short Story
The Council Archives
ByTy Sheedlo
The Council Archives. You'd heard stories at the Academy, of course, but words could not describe the breathtaking magnitude of its contents. The entire history of your city: its glorious achievements, its sinister secrets, painstakingly documented, waiting to be read.
Music Video
By Numerous creators
Mentioned Champion
ByDouble Stallion Games
Rewind the Past, Control the Future - Explore and traverse through the spectacular city of Zaun as Ekko, a young inventor with an ingenious device to manipulate time, in this story-driven action platformer. Play as a young Ekko and realize the full potential of one of League’s fan-favorite Champions.
Starring:Aximander,Camille,Chadd,Corin Reveck,Corina Veraza,Drake Poingdestre,Ekko,Elie,Inna,Jinx,Lem,Red,Rungs,Vale Poingdestre,Warwick,Wyeth,Zarkon Poingdestre
Mentioned:Ashlesh,Azir,Blitzcrank,Darius,Dr. Mundo,Eramis,Evil Kay,Farron,Fiddlesticks,Janna,Jayce,Kay,Nasus,Orianna,Renata Glasc,Seraphine,Shomi,Singed,Twitch,Urgot,Vi,Viktor,Zac,Zeri,Ziggs
Short Story • 27 Minute Read
Progress Day
ByGraham McNeill
Tamara forces herself to rise early - an easy habit to get into when the earth is your bed and fallen leaves the only blanket. Less so when the mattress is stuffed with goose down and the sheets woven from soft cotton. The curtains are pulled back, and warm light pools on the floor of her third floor boarding room. She'd closed the curtains on her first night in Piltover and had slept two hours past dawn, which worried her so much, she has never closed them since.
The Loose Cannon
ByGraham McNeill
The Sheriff of Piltover
ByElyse Lemoine
Short Story • 5 Minute Read
The Thrill of the Chase
ByGraham McNeill
Even three bells after the Sun Gate had closed, Piltover was still full of life - life that was currently getting in her way. Caitlyn sprinted down Mainspring Crescent, weaving a path between midnight revelers strolling down the fashionable promenade of cafes and bistros. The supper clubs were emptying, as were the nearby theaters inside the Drawsmith Arcade, so this street was going to get a whole lot busier. If they didn't catch up to Devaki soon, they were going to lose him.
Alternate Universes
A Fireside Frightener
ByLuchador Teemo,ZeOcelot
Cupcakes 4 Heartaches
ByTy Sheedlo
Play League of Legends to collect ingredients for Caitlyn's top secret cupcake recipe!
Just One More
Every League of Legends player knows what it's like to chase the next win. Inspired by the true story of the five North American League of Legends players with the longest losing streak in one sitting. It's On.
Mayhem Everywhere You Look
By Unknown Author
An inane crime wave sweeps Piltover to the tune of manic laughter. As authorities attempt to curtail the chaos, one enforcer vows to pull the plug on the panic-inducing party.
No war stays hidden for long.
Starring:Ezreal,Master Yi,Shen,Sona,Vi
Short Story
Of Rats and Cats and Neon Mice
ByAriel Lawrence
Punches and Plants: Series 1
Mentioned:Ahri,Alistar,Annie,Ashe,Blitzcrank,Brand,Braum,Caitlyn,Darius,Diana,Dr. Mundo,Ekko,Evelynn,Ezreal,Gangplank,Garen,Gnar,Gragas,Graves,Heimerdinger,Janna,Jinx,Karma,Katarina,Leona,Lucian,Malzahar,Miss Fortune,Nami,Nasus,Nunu,Quinn,Renekton,Rumble,Ryze,Sejuani,Sivir,Sona,Soraka,Tahm Kench,Taliyah,Taric,Teemo,Tibbers,Trundle,Tryndamere,Twisted Fate,Twitch,Valor,Varus,Vel'Koz,Vladimir,Volibear,Warwick,Willump,Wukong,Zac,Ziggs
Punches and Plants: Series 2
Mentioned:Aatrox,Ahri,Alistar,Amumu,Annie,Aurelion Sol,Azir,Bard,Blitzcrank,Caitlyn,Cho'Gath,Diana,Draven,Ekko,Ezreal,Fizz,Galio,Gnar,Graves,Heimerdinger,Jayce,Kha'Zix,Kog'Maw,Leona,Lucian,Lux,Malphite,Maokai,Miss Fortune,Nasus,Nautilus,Nidalee,Olaf,Orianna,Poppy,Quinn,Rakan,Renekton,Riven,Rumble,Shaco,Taric,Teemo,Tibbers,Tristana,Trundle,Udyr,Valor,Vel'Koz,Viktor,Volibear,Warwick,Wukong,Xayah,Xin Zhao,Yasuo,Ziggs
Solo Darius
It's easy crushing top lane when you're SoloRenektonOnly. It’s On.
The Hunt
By Unknown Author
Academy Adventures: Series 1
ByGutter Rat
Mentioned:Akali,Amumu,Anivia,Azir,Bard,Blitzcrank,Braum,Cho'Gath,Elise,Ezreal,Fiddlesticks,Fiora,Gnar,Heimerdinger,Ivern,Jhin,Jinx,Karthus,Kog'Maw,Lulu,Lux,Malzahar,Miss Fortune,Nidalee,Olaf,Poppy,Rek'Sai,Renekton,Rumble,Ryze,Shaco,Shen,Sion,Sona,Soraka,Talon,Taric,Teemo,Tristana,Trundle,Twitch,Urgot,Varus,Veigar,Vel'Koz,Vi,Yorick,Zed,Ziggs,Zyra
Crystal Quest: Series 1
Mentioned:Anivia,Ashe,Braum,Bristle,Caitlyn,Camille,Elise,Ezreal,Garen,Gragas,Graves,Heimerdinger,Illaoi,Ivern,Katarina,Kled,Lee Sin,Leona,Lissandra,Lucian,Nami,Olaf,Poppy,Ryze,Senna,Singed,Skaarl,Taliyah,Taric,Teemo,Tryndamere,Twisted Fate,Veigar,Vi,Zac
Olaf vs Everything: Series 2
ByTom Barton
Mentioned:Ahri,Aurelion Sol,Brand,Cassiopeia,Cho'Gath,Darius,Dr. Mundo,Ekko,Gnar,Illaoi,Karthus,Kog'Maw,Lee Sin,Nagakabouros,Ornn,Renekton,Skarner,Teemo,Tryndamere,Urgot,Vel'Koz,Vi,Viktor,Vladimir,Warwick,Zyra
Playtime with Gnar: Series 2
ByRachel J. Corey
The Tale of the Poro King
By Numerous creators
Starring: N/A
Mentioned:Aatrox,Akali,Ashe,Aurelion Sol,Azir,Braum,Caitlyn,Cho'Gath,Darius,Diana,Draven,Ezreal,Gnar,Illaoi,Janna,Jarvan IV,Jayce,Kai'Sa,Karma,Karthus,Katarina,Kayle,Kayn,Kennen,Kha'Zix,Lee Sin,Leona,Lulu,Lux,Malzahar,Miss Fortune,Nunu,Ornn,Pantheon,Pyke,Rammus,Rek'Sai,Rhaast,Ryze,Sejuani,Shen,Sion,Sivir,Soraka,Sylas,Syndra,Taliyah,Talon,Taric,Thresh,Tristana,Trundle,Udyr,Vi,Volibear,Willump,Yasuo,Zed,Ziggs,Zoe
Music Video
By Numerous creators
The battle begins, and sixteen teams across the globe are fighting towards one goal – to win the League of Legends World Championship.
Starring: N/A
Music Video
Worlds Collide
By Numerous creators
Two teams have risen above their peers. Ten warriors have laid claim to the Summoner’s Cup. Five champions will etch their names in history.
Starring: N/A
• Vi is aZauniteorphan who became a Guardian ofPiltover.
• Vi's prototype Atlas Gauntlets were created byVaido Violante, a former apprentice of Covin Reveck,Orianna'sfather.
• Vi remembers nothing from her early childhood, even her name 'Vi'comes fromthe tattoo on her cheek.
• Before the release ofArcane, Vi andJinxwere often theorized by the community to be sisters. The reference to this on Jinx's release was her quote,"You thinkI'mcrazy? You should see my sister". Though there was never any implication that the sister wasVi, players equated Jinx's antagonization of Vi specifically as "sisterly bonding".Incidentally,Jinxonly antagonized Vispecificallyon English-speaking servers. Other servers showed her antagonizing other champions, such asLucian.Hermitlater says to Vi,"You look like your sister! Er, wait, I'm not supposed to talk about that...". This could be a confirmation that Vi has a sister, but could also be an example of Lyte repeating rumours he's heard from players (such as the rumour he heard from players thatLuxandEzrealwere dating, which Lux herself later denied after hearing the rumour ).There is a significant indication that the pair did grow up together, however. With Vi currently suffering from amnesia,Jinxhas taken it upon herself to try and trigger her memories.In an interview with Ghostcrawler, he mentioned thatJinx and Vi are "sisters", but laterconfirmedhe was merely stating what hethoughtwas true, and that the narrative team said otherwise.
• Vi is in her 20s, and around 5 years older thanJinx.
• Vi isleft-handedand weighs8,140 lbswith her gauntlets on.
• Incidentally,Jinxonly antagonized Vispecificallyon English-speaking servers. Other servers showed her antagonizing other champions, such asLucian.
• Hermitlater says to Vi,"You look like your sister! Er, wait, I'm not supposed to talk about that...". This could be a confirmation that Vi has a sister, but could also be an example of Lyte repeating rumours he's heard from players (such as the rumour he heard from players thatLuxandEzrealwere dating, which Lux herself later denied after hearing the rumour ).
• There is a significant indication that the pair did grow up together, however. With Vi currently suffering from amnesia,Jinxhas taken it upon herself to try and trigger her memories.
• In an interview with Ghostcrawler, he mentioned thatJinx and Vi are "sisters", but laterconfirmedhe was merely stating what hethoughtwas true, and that the narrative team said otherwise.
Change log[]
See also[] | Name: Blast Shield, Description: Innate: Periodically, Vi's next ability hit grants her a shield equal to 12% of her maximum health for 3 seconds. Blast Shield's cooldown is reduced by 4 seconds each time Denting Blows is consumed., STATIC COOLDOWN: STATICCOOLDOWN:16 − 12 (based on level), {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputPassive', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Denting Blowswill not activateBlast Shield.']} | Name: Vault Breaker, Description: Active: Vi charges while being slowed by 15% for up to 4 seconds to increase Vault Breaker's range , speed, and damage over the first 1. 25 seconds of the channel. Vault Breaker can be recast within the duration. If the charge completes without reactivation, Vault Breaker is cancelled and put on full cooldown. If the charge is interrupted , it will be put on a 3-second cooldown. Recast: Vi dashes in the target direction to deal physical damage to enemies within her path, increased by 0% − 100% (based on channel time) , and pull all non-champions hit towards her. Minimum Physical Damage: 45 / 70 / 95 / 120 / 145 (+ 80% bonus AD) Maximum Physical Damage: 90 / 140 / 190 / 240 / 290 (+ 160% bonus AD) She stops upon hitting an enemy champion , knocking them back over 0. 75 seconds. Relentless Force and Cease and Desist can be cast during the dash., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputAuto/Direction', 'damage_type': 'Physical', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', "Vault Breaker'sdash range extends up to 50 units when going through a wall.", 'Targets will be hit as soon as they come into contact withVi.', "The knockback direction will be towardVi'sfacing direction regardless of where she hit the target.", "CastingFlashduring the dash will cause enemies at the destination to be hit byVault Breaker.AsFlashupdatesVi'sfacing direction, affected champions will be knocked back in the direction the summoner spell was cast in.", "AsFlashupdatesVi'sfacing direction, affected champions will be knocked back in the direction the summoner spell was cast in.", "Vimay cast spells that change her facing direction during the dash, including certain item actives and her ownCease and Desist, to knock champions she collides with in a different direction.(bug)Items this is possible with include:EverfrostItems that also initiate their owndashimmediatelywithout delay can only redirect targets struck atVault Breaker'smaximum range. These items include:GaleforceHextech RocketbeltStridebreaker", 'Items this is possible with include:Everfrost', 'Everfrost', "Items that also initiate their owndashimmediatelywithout delay can only redirect targets struck atVault Breaker'smaximum range. These items include:GaleforceHextech RocketbeltStridebreaker", 'Galeforce', 'Hextech Rocketbelt', 'Stridebreaker', 'Stuck targets (including those that blockVault Breakerwith aspell shield) are briefly immune to being affected again byVault Breakerfrom this player, for about 1.25seconds.', 'The following table refers for interactions whileViischanneling:', 'Death', 'Grounding effects', 'Immobilizing effects', 'Cast-inhibiting effects']} | Name: Denting Blows, Description: Passive: Vi's basic attacks on-hit and Vault Breaker apply a stack of Denting Blows to enemies hit for 4 seconds, refreshing on subsequent applications and stacking up to 3 times. The third stack consumes them all to deal bonus physical damage , capped at 300 against non-champions, and inflict 20% armor reduction for 4 seconds. Bonus Physical Damage: 4 / 5. 5 / 7 / 8. 5 / 10% (+ 「 1% per 35 」 「 2. 86 % per 100 」 bonus AD) of target's maximum health After consuming Denting Blows , Vi gains bonus attack speed for 4 seconds, which refreshes on subsequent triggers. Bonus Attack Speed: 30 / 37. 5 / 45 / 52. 5 / 60%, {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputPassive', 'damage_type': 'Physical', 'spell_shield': 'Not Blocked', 'parries': 'See Notes', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'The armor penetration will apply after the triggering damage.', 'The enhanced attack applies otheron-hiteffects and can bothcritically strikeas normal as well as applylife steal(the bonus damage cannot do either).', 'Denting Blowscan beblockedbut cannot bedodgednor missed whileViisblinded.', 'The attacks do not affectstructuresnorwards.']} | Name: Relentless Force, Description: Active: Vi empowers her next basic attack within 6 seconds to have an uncancellable windup , gain 50 bonus range and trigger a blast in the target's direction that deals modified physical damage to enemies hit in a cone. Relentless Force can critically strike for (75% + 45% ) AD bonus physical damage . Physical Damage: 0 / 15 / 30 / 45 / 60 (+ 120% AD) (+ 100% AP) Vi periodically stocks a Relentless Force charge, up to a maximum of 2. Relentless Force resets Vi's basic attack timer., STATIC COOLDOWN: STATICCOOLDOWN:1, {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputAuto', 'damage_type': 'Physical', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'parries': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', "The empowered attack has the same windup time asVi'sbasic attacks.", 'Relentless Forcedealsbasic damageto the primary target andarea damageto secondary targets hit by the are of effect.', "Denting Blowswill only apply a stack onRelentless Force'sprimary target (does not interact with the cone's damage).", 'If theRelentless Forcebuff is about to run out asVistarts the attack windup, the duration will be updated and extended to allowVito still sucessfully attack.']} | Name: Cease and Desist, Description: Active: Vi singles out the target enemy champion and dashes with displacement immunity towards them, during which they are revealed . Upon approaching within 300-units, she dashes through and grabs them, knocking them up for 1. 3 seconds and dealing physical damage after 0. 75 seconds. Physical Damage: 150 / 275 / 400 (+ 90% bonus AD) Enemies she dashes through are dealt the same damage, knocked aside by 350 units over 0. 25 seconds, and stunned for 0. 75 seconds., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputUnit', 'damage_type': 'Physical', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Viwill track the target if they change locations.She will stop dashing if the target is too far away or moves beyond1500units.', 'She will stop dashing if the target is too far away or moves beyond1500units.', 'Viwill land to the opposite side of the target after a delay of grabbing them.', 'Secondary targets will be affected as soon as they come into contact withVi, and cannot be affected by this again for ~4 seconds.', 'Theairbornedebuff cannot be overridden.', 'The dash will not end prematurely ifViblinks.', 'Thedisplacement immunitylasts until the ability fully ends.If the dash ends from entering resurrection or the target being too far away, the displacement immunity will remain for 7 seconds, and will otherwise be lost.(bug)', 'If the dash ends from entering resurrection or the target being too far away, the displacement immunity will remain for 7 seconds, and will otherwise be lost.(bug)', 'The dash speed increases with time travelled.', 'If the target becomesuntargetable,dies, or is too far away or no longer insightduring the cast time, this ability will cancel but does not go oncooldownnor pay its cost (if applicable).', 'If the target becomes untargetable during the dash,Viends the dash prematurely and moves towards the target briefly, ignoring any movement commands. IfVienters grabbing range, she will apply theairborneeffect but not dealing any damage.', 'IfVientersresurrectionduring the cast time, she will still dash and apply the airborne effect to the target upon entering grabbing range though not dealing any damage.', "Cease and Desistwill cancel and go on full cooldown ifViis affected byFear Beyond Death'srecast during the cast time.", 'Displacement immunitywill not resist the application of thestun.', 'The following table refers for interactions whileViisdashing:Flashcannot be used whileVihas grabbed the target.', 'Flashcannot be used whileVihas grabbed the target.', 'Death']} | Vi stands for violence.
Vi performs the'Ali Shuffle'while taunting.
Vi's dance references theDougiedance.A side-by-side comparison can be seenhere.
Vi andCaitlynboth gainOn the Case("Piltover's Finest") when they find themselves on the same team.
HavingJinxon the opposing team gives Vi orCaitlyntheCatch me if you can!cosmetic buff ("Jinx is causing chaos again. How obnoxious... Criminals apprehended: X"), granting her +1Goldper Criminal (Jinx) Apprehended (Takedown).
An enemyCaitlyntaunted by Vi will gain theAgitatedcosmetic debuff ("How agitating.").
Vi's theme was sung byNicki TaylorfromRunning the Risk.
Vi's name is the same as theRoman numerals for 6, which are tattoed on her cheek.
Viis the shortest champion name at 2 characters long.
Keeping with her criminal-turned-law enforcer theme, several of Vi's abilities are named after or reference various types of real-life criminal charges.Vault Breakerreferences the act of breaking into abank vault, a typical course of action forburglary.Cease and Desistis named after theeponymous termwhich typically is a document sent to an individual or business to stop allegedly illegal activity.
Vault BreakerandCease and Desistapply allairbornevariations combined (knock back,knock up,knock aside)Cease and DesistwasconceivedfromVault Breakerwhen enhanced by using Vi's very first ultimate.
Vi,Blitzcrank,Caitlyn,Lissandra,Rumble,Sion,Varus,Xerath, andZiggsare the only champions who can applycrowd controlon themselves.
A light on Vi's back turns on whenBlast Shieldis off cooldown.
Vi was the first champion revealed through aforum thread.
Vi,Zed,Sona, andGarenwere targeted byDeadeye.After Vi wasshot, her champion icon on herLeague of Legendswebsitepageandchampion listwere updated to agifwith what seems to be energy floating up from her gauntlets.
Vi -Jinxis one of seven pairs of sibling champions (the others beingCassiopeia-Katarina,Kayle-Morgana,Nasus-Renekton,Garen-Lux,Yasuo-Yone, andDarius-Draven).Though not a pair,Anivia,Ornn, andVolibearare also siblings. |
Viego,The Ruined King | | | health: Health630+109, resource: ResourceN/A, health regen: Health regen. (per 5s)7+0.7, resource regen: Resource regen.N/A, armor: Armor34+5.2, attack damage: Attack damage57+3.5, attack speed: Base AS0.658, gameplay radius: Gameplay radius65, selection radius: Selection radius125, release: 2021-01-21, changed: V13.21, role: Skirmisher, position: Jungle, rangetype: Melee, adaptivetype: Physical, cost: 4800|880 | Games
ViegoMainArmored 1Armored 2Human 1Human 2TitlesReal nameViego Santiarul Molach vol Kalah HeigaariNickname(s)Old Camavor's EvilAlias(es)The Ruined KingKingCharacteristicsSpeciesWraithHuman(Magical)Pronoun(s)He/HimTimelineBorn:47 BN[1]Weapon(s)Sanctity, the Blade of the KingMind ControlRuination MagicPersonal statusStatusUndeadPlace of originAlovédra,CamavorCurrent residenceAlovédra,CamavorFamilyAlvaro vol Kalah Heigaari(Father)†Lianor of Zavala(Mother)†Nivor vol Kalah Heigaari(Half-Brother)†Castillia vol Kalah Heigaari(Half-Brother)†Bastillon vol Kalah Heigaari(Half-Brother)†Eliante(Sister-in-Law)†Isolde(Wife)†Kalista vol Kalah Heigaari(Niece)Vladimir(Distant Uncle)Camor(Ancestor)Avora(Ancestor)Professional statusOccupation(s)KingRegion(s)Shadow IslesCamavorRelated character(s)AhriBraumDariusDianaDravenGangplankGravesGwenHecarimIllaoiIreliaIsoldeKalistaKarmaLedrosLucianMaiden of the MistMiss FortuneNecritOlafPantheonPoppyPykeRengarRivenSamiraSennaShyvanaThreshVayneVexVladimirYasuoYorick
• Main
• Armored 1
• Armored 2
• Human 1
• Human 2
Real name
• Old Camavor's Evil
• The Ruined King
• King
• Wraith
• Human(Magical)
• Born:47 BN
• Sanctity, the Blade of the King
• Mind Control
• Ruination Magic
Personal status
Place of origin
Current residence
• Alvaro vol Kalah Heigaari(Father)†
• Lianor of Zavala(Mother)†
• Nivor vol Kalah Heigaari(Half-Brother)†
• Castillia vol Kalah Heigaari(Half-Brother)†
• Bastillon vol Kalah Heigaari(Half-Brother)†
• Eliante(Sister-in-Law)†
• Isolde(Wife)†
• Kalista vol Kalah Heigaari(Niece)
• Vladimir(Distant Uncle)
• Camor(Ancestor)
• Avora(Ancestor)
Professional status
• Shadow Isles
• Camavor
Related character(s)
Once ruler of along-lost kingdom,Viegoperished over a thousand years ago when his attempt to bring hiswifeback from the dead triggered the magical catastrophe known as theRuination. Transformed into a powerful, unliving wraith tortured by an obsessive longing for his centuries-dead queen,Viegonow stands as the Ruined King, controlling the deadly Harrowings as he scoursRuneterrafor anything that might one day restore her, and destroying all in his path as the Black Mist pours endlessly from his cruel, broken heart.
• 1Background1.1Early life1.2Resurrection1.3Ruination
• 2Appearance
• 3Personality
• 4Abilities
• 5Relations5.1Kalista5.2Hecarim5.3Vladimir5.4Isolde5.5Gwen5.6Thresh5.7Senna Abaru5.8Vex5.9Ruination
• 6Read More6.1Biography6.2Starring Champion6.3Mentioned Champion6.4Alternate Universes
• 7Trivia
• 8Change log
• 9References
• 10See also
• 1.1Early life
• 1.2Resurrection
• 1.3Ruination
• 5.1Kalista
• 5.2Hecarim
• 5.3Vladimir
• 5.4Isolde
• 5.5Gwen
• 5.6Thresh
• 5.7Senna Abaru
• 5.8Vex
• 5.9Ruination
• 6.1Biography
• 6.2Starring Champion
• 6.3Mentioned Champion
• 6.4Alternate Universes
Early life[]
Viego was born centuries ago to the royal family of Camavor, significantly later than his brother. Due to being the fourth born child of the king, he was largely neglected in favor of his brother and spent his childhood in his shadow. Viego was tutored by the greatest minds in the land and learned swordsmanship from his father's generals. Viego's best friend was his own niece,Kalista, and she would end up becoming his most trusted general.
When his father had passed, Viego was to be crowned the king, despite being unprepared. Kalista was tasked by Viego's father to monitor his rule and steer him in the right direction. Shortly into his reign, Viego had fallen in love with a peasant seamstress named Isolde. The two had a whirlwind romance and were quickly married. Viego had begun to neglect his kingdom in favor of his queen and his enemies began to conspire against him. They had sent an assassin to kill the wayward king, but they were intercepted by general Kalista. However, Isolde was poisoned in his place. The king ordered the nation's greatest healers and scholars to find a cure for the queen, but when they failed, he sent Kalista to search for one instead. While the king was preoccupied with keeping the queen alive, the kingdom continued to be neglected and uprisings plagued the country. He ordered commanderHecarimand his knights to quash these insurrections and hundreds were put to death. Eventually, the queen would pass and the king sank into a deep depression. Hecarim proposed invading foreign lands as retribution for the queen and Viego approved. As the armies of Camavor prepared to set sail, Kalista had returned with word of a cure.
Kalista had sailed to the Blessed Isles and learned of the Waters of Life, which could cure any disease. But by the time she had returned, the queen was dead. Kalista did not believe the cure was of any use after the queen had passed, but Viego refused to believe her and had her imprisoned for treason. Kalista was eventually convinced to show the king the location of the cure and he and his armies would sail to the Blessed Isles. The residents of the island refused to grant him access to the waters, so Viego ordered Kalista to slay them, but she refused. Hecarim and his knights would be more then happy to follow the king's orders and clashed with Kalista's forces, while Viego searched for the waters himself. The king fought his way to the waters, guided by the conniving warden who becomeThresh. When he made it to the vault, Viego lowered Isolde into the waters' healing properties and watched with hope. The queen revived as a former shadow of herself and attacked the king with his own sword. The magic of Viego's blade and the blessed waters mixed, transforming it into the Black Mist and unleashing ruination. The Blessed Isles would transform into the Shadow Isles and Viego slumbered within his blade for centuries.
Viego would eventually be awakened byGangplankandThresh, who planned on using him to conquer Bilgewater. Still weak from his slumber, Viego gathered his strength, fueled by his desire to be reunited with his queen. Eventually Gangplank would try to subjugate Viego with a powerful amulet, but would fall to the king's power. He would possess the pirate and used him to hold offAhri,Braum,Illaoi,Miss Fortune,Pyke, andYasuo, while he flew to Bilgewater to search for his queen. The champions of Bilgewater would eventually defeat Viego, weakening him with his own memories and imprisoning him within the amulet. The amulet would be guarded by Illaoi.
Illaoi departs for the Shadow Isles in search of the Brethren of the Dusk, the original creators of the amulet, to find out if she can destroy it, with Viego trapped inside. She is escorted there by Ruven, a captain indebted to Miss Fortune. On Isles, Illaoi meets Yorick, the last member of the brotherhood, who reveals they can destroy the amulet, but requires a heart source hot enough. They decide on a nearby volcano, but as they set sail, Ruven betrays revealing he is the puppet of Bartek, an agent of Thresh. Bartek manages to wrest the amulet from them and retuns it to Thresh.
At some point Viego would escape the amulet and resume his search for Isolde. He would be made aware of a fragment of her soul withinSennaand intercepted her and her husbandLucian. Viego would unleash Harrowings in Demacia, Ionia, and Noxus while he tried to separate the fragment from Senna. He would manage to pry a portion of the fragment within her before they escaped. Viego soon encountered a gloomy Yordle on the Shadow Isles namedVex. Vex was enamored by Viego's darkness and agreed to help spread the Black Mist across the world. With the help of his new companion, Viego would unleash a global Harrowing to scour the world for the soul fragments.
He would obtain the fragments and bend several champions to his will includingDraven,Karma,Miss Fortune,Pantheon, andShyvana. Along the way he and his forces would be confronted by the Sentinels of Light. After obtaining most of the fragments, the Sentinels launched a final assault on Viego on the Shadow Isles. There he would obtain the last three fragments within Senna,Gwenand the Maiden of the Mist. His forces held off the Sentinels while he took the fragments to Camavor to revive his queen. Viego resurrected Isolde, but she was horrified at what he had become. Isolde promptedAkshanto kill her, reviving Senna, Gwen and the Maiden, and the Sentinels would defeat the king, leaving him imprisoned in Hallowed Mist forever.
As a wraith, Viego has a pale complexion and white hair. He is adorned by a green, spectral crown and a triangle shaped wound in his chest, where Black Mist pours out. Viego wears a black leather jacket and pants with light armorments and no shirt showing off her bare, sculpted chest. He wields Sanctity, the Blade of the King, a spectral Zweihänder with the crest of Camavor on its hilt. Viego can also manifest armor made from Black Mist, including a helmet and a chest plate.
In life, Viego had a tan complexion and brown hair. He wore a blue leather jacket and undershirt with black pauldrons and gauntlets with gold accents. He also wore brown pants with black boots. He wielded an uncorrupted version of Sanctity, adorned by gold and jewels.
Viego was an incredibly passionate, yet arrogant man. Due to being raised in nobility, Viego was given everything in life and believed all was his. He was deeply enamored with his wife Isolde, and would dote on her. His devotion to his wife lead him to be highly disinterested in ruling their kingdom and neglect his responsibilities. He has shown himself to be a perfectionist, having high expectations of his queen and would berate her when she couldn't live up to them. When Isolde was poisoned, Viego became obsessed with saving her, using all of the kingdom's resources to try and keep her alive. When the queen had passed, he was willing to slaughter thousands and defy death itself in order to bring her back. Centuries later, his obsession remains, willing to plunge the world into darkness in order to revive his queen.
• Expert Swordsman: Viego is an adept swordsman, having had the best fighters of Camavor teach him.
• Black Mist Mastery: Having been the source of the Ruination, Viego has control of the Black Mist.Flight: Viego was shown to be able to fly with the aid of the Black Mist inRuined King.Mind Control: Viego can use the Black Mist to possess and control his opponents. This power can also be used on flora. Notable victims include:Draven,Karma, andShyvana.Healing: Viego can restore himself with the Black Mist.Shadow Travel: Viego can travel through the Black Mist at incredible speed. A limitation of this ability is that he cannot travel if the Black Mist is interrupted.Black Mist Creation: Viego endlessly generates Black Mist from the triangle shaped wound in his chest.Resurrection: Viego can use the Black Mist to revive the dead. Notable examples include:Pantheonand Isolde.Mistwalker Control: Viego can create and control mistwalker ghouls.
• Magic: Viego was the first member of the royal family to display magical abilities, likely inherited from his mother.
• Enhanced Strength: Viego was shown to have strength to rival someone as powerful asPantheonand could collapse buildings with a single strike.
• Undead Body: Viego does not appear to have the same physical limitations as someone who is alive, like the need for rest or nourishment. His body has been preserved to look as it did centuries ago.
• Flight: Viego was shown to be able to fly with the aid of the Black Mist inRuined King.
• Mind Control: Viego can use the Black Mist to possess and control his opponents. This power can also be used on flora. Notable victims include:Draven,Karma, andShyvana.
• Healing: Viego can restore himself with the Black Mist.
• Shadow Travel: Viego can travel through the Black Mist at incredible speed. A limitation of this ability is that he cannot travel if the Black Mist is interrupted.
• Black Mist Creation: Viego endlessly generates Black Mist from the triangle shaped wound in his chest.
• Resurrection: Viego can use the Black Mist to revive the dead. Notable examples include:Pantheonand Isolde.
• Mistwalker Control: Viego can create and control mistwalker ghouls.
Kalista is Viego's niece and was his most trusted general in life. Despite being her uncle, Kalista was like an older sister to Viego, the two were friends for a long time since he was largely ignored in favor of Kalista's father. When her grandfather died and Viego became king, his negative traits were worsened and they began to drift apart, however she was still loyal to him.
Kalista managed to protect Viego from an assassin, but resulted in Isolde getting poisoned instead. She would set sail in order to find a cure, but found it too late and was imprisoned as a traitor for her failure. She was eventually convinced byHecarimto lead Viego and their army to the Blessed Isles for the Waters of Life. When the masters of the island refused to let them use the water, Viego ordered her to kill anyone who opposed them. Kalista refused and was stabbed by Hecarim before her forces clashed with the Iron Order.
Hecarim was the leader of the Iron Order, a brotherhood of knights which vowed to protect the king's lands. Under Viego, Hecarim and the Iron Order acted as the king's enforcers and quelled growing dissent after Viego began neglecting his duties. Hecarim and his knights accompanied Viego to the Blessed Isles. They held off Kalista's forces and pillaged the city while Viego attempted to heal Isolde.
InThe Despoiler of Havenfall, it is revealed that Hecarim does not think highly of Viego and only continues to follow him because he can spread the Black Mist across Runeterra and allows him to pillage the land.
Although Viego calls Vladimir his uncle in game, they are only distantly related due to both descending from the royalty of Camavor.[2]At some point after being taken by hisDarkinmaster, Vladimir started sending customary, yearly letters to his original kingdom. After Isolde was poisoned, a grief stricken Viego refused to respond, not knowing Vladimir had the power that could have saved her.[3]
Viego's wife is a seamstress named Isolde. Viego was selfish, self-centered, young, immature, and had a lot of power. So when he saw someone as beautiful as Isolde, he had to have her. She accepted because she was a commoner from a conquered country.[4]Viego was a perfectionist in his relationship with Isolde, so when she couldn't live up to his expectations, he would berate her. However, the thought of not being the perfect husband for her disturbed him and he would abandon the memories of the times they fought.[5]It is uncertain if Viego truly loved Isolde or loved that she was his because he was raised to take anything he desired. Regardless, he doted and focused on her and ignored his duties as king. Viego’s love for Isolde is characterized by utter obsession to the exclusion of everything else, and driven by a lack of understanding of any motivations other than his own.[6]
Isolde stabbed Viego with his ownbladeafter he resurrected her. The magic of the waters and the ancient sword caused Ruination which turned the Blessed Isles into theShadow Isles. When Viego resurrected Isolde a second time, she was disgusted at what he had become and the atrocities he had committed to bring her back. She would allowAkshanto kill her again with his Absolver to reviveGwenandSennaand weaken Viego.
Gwen was created by Isolde and she associates him with the pain of Isolde being taken away from her. She opposes Viego and sided with the Sentinels of Light to stop the pain he has caused in his search for Isolde's soul fragments. Gwen contained a fragment of Isolde's soul.
Thresh led Viego to the Waters of Life where he resurrected Isolde. Thresh andGangplankwoke Viego up from his slumber in order to use him to conquer Bilgewater. Thresh plotted against Viego duringRise of the Sentinelsand secretly siphoned the excess Black Mist he was producing in order the unbind himself from the Shadow Isles.
Senna Abaru[]
Senna was cursed to have a fragment of Isolde's soul within her, leading to her being relentlessly hunted by the mist. Later, she learned the truth about the mist during her time insideThresh'slatern. After being freed from it, Senna and her husbandLucianwere determined to defeat Viego. Upon finding out aboutSenna'srelation to Isolde, Viego confronted her and Lucian and partially separated Isolde from her body. She,Akshan,Gwenand a Sentinel Rookie would eventually defeat him in Camavor and leave him restrained in Hallowed Mist.
Viego unleashed a global ruination with the aid ofVexduringRise of the Sentinels.Vexwas enamored by Viego's desire to plunge the world into darkness and aided him in causing a global ruination, but would later abandon him when she discovered that he was doing it for love
MaokaiandYorickwere hunting for Viego in hope of restoring the Blessed Isles.The Maiden of the Mistwas one of the fetters of Isolde's soul.
During the events ofRuined King,Ahri,Braum,Illaoi,Miss Fortune,PykeandYasuoset sail to the Shadow Isles to confront Viego in order to protectBilgewater. Viego tried to tempt Miss Fortune into joining with him, promising her the power to rule Bilgewater and even bring back her mother, but her will proved stronger and she would imprison him in a Buhru artifact. Miss Fortune would eventually join Viego during Rise of the Sentinels, after months of fighting over Bilgewater with Gangplank.
Viego would eventually escape the Buhru artifact and unleash harrowings across multiple regions to begin his search for the fragments of Isolde's soul. These harrowings were repelled by multiple champions including:Darius,Karma,Poppy,Samira, andVayne.
He corrupted multiple champions, such asDraven,Karma,Pantheon,Miss FortuneandShyvana, to aid in his search.[7]Multiple champions were recruited by theSentinels of Lightto stop him such asDiana,Graves,Irelia,Olaf,Pyke,Rengar,RivenandVayne.
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The Ruined King
ByJared Rosen
Starring Champion
Absolution (Cinematic)
Two souls entwined by fate. One life for the other’s freedom.
Music Video
Kingdom (Video)
By Numerous creators
Starring:Ahri,Braum,Illaoi,Miss Fortune,Pyke,Viego,Yasuo
Rise of the Sentinels
ByJohn O'Bryan
Black Mist pours across Runeterra, enthralling its champions and shrouding the continent in darkness. If the last Sentinels are going to save Runeterra, they're going to need all the help they can get. And that meansyouRookie!
Starring:Akshan,Diana,Draven,Graves,Gwen,Irelia,Isolde,Karma,Lucian,Miss Fortune,Olaf,Pantheon,Pyke,Rengar,Riven,Senna,Shyvana,Thresh,Vayne,Vex,Viego,Yorick
Short Story
Roots of Ruin
By Numerous creators
The end began with one man.
Short Story
Ruination (Novel)
ByAnthony Reynolds Lenné
Camavor is a brutal land with a bloody legacy. Where the empire’s knights go, slaughter follows. Kalista seeks to change that. When her young and narcissistic uncle, Viego, becomes king she vows to temper his destructive instincts as his loyal confidant, advisor, and military general. But her plans are thwarted when an assassin’s poisoned blade strikes Viego’s wife, Isolde, afflicting her with a malady for which there is no cure. As Isolde’s condition worsens, Viego descends into madness and grief, threatening to drag Camavor down with him. Kalisa makes a desperate gambit to save the kingdom: She searches for the long-lost Blessed Isles, rumored to hold the queen’s salvation if only Kalista can find them. But corruption grows in the Blessed Isle’s capital, where a vengeful warden seeks to ensnare Kalista in his cruel machinations. She will be forced to choose between her loyalty to Viego and doing what she knows is right–for even in the face of utter darkness, one noble act can shine a light that saves the world.
Ruination (Video)
A king returns. All he touches turns to ruin.
Ruined King
ByAirship Syndicate
Rise Against Ruin - Unite a party of League of Legends Champions, explore Bilgewater and set sail for the Shadow Isles to uncover the secrets of the deadly Black Mist in this immersive turn-based RPG.
Starring:Ahri,Braum,Gangplank,Illaoi,Maokai,Miss Fortune,Necrit,Pyke,Rafen,Thresh,Viego,Yasuo
Mentioned:Ashe,Elise,Fiddlesticks,Fizz,Gwen,Hecarim,Isolde,Ivern,Janna,Jarvan IV,Kalista,Ledros,Lucian,Nagakabouros,Nautilus,Olaf,Ornn,Rhasa,Riven,Senna,Swain,Tahm Kench,Taliyah,Twisted Fate,Udyr,Volibear,Yone,Yorick,Zed
Short Story
She (Short Story)
ByJared Rosen
Each time Viego thought of her face, it looked a little different.
Steadfast Heart: Issue 1
ByIan St. Martin
Separated by a millennium, personal tragedy draws Viego and Lucian to islands shrouded in mist and mystery.
Steadfast Heart: Issue 2
ByIan St. Martin
Viego and Lucian grapple with losing the loves of their lives. Will either find peace, or only ruin?
Steadfast Heart: Issue 5
ByIan St. Martin
Senna trains the new Sentinels of Light, as Lucian searches for the wielder of a legendary weapon in Shurima. Meanwhile, the Ruined King gains allies of his own.
Steadfast Heart: Issue 6
ByIan St. Martin
The final showdown between Light and Darkness - the fate of Runeterra lies in the balance!
Mentioned Champion
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An Intimate Evening at Oyster Bill's
ByJared Rosen
You will know joy...
Mentioned:Ashlesh,Rengar,Senna,Tahm Kench,Viego
Before Dawn
In the darkest night, a new Sentinel rises.
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In Battle, Broken
ByLaurie Goulding
Weary from the day’s labors, Iula wiped her stiff hands upon her apron, and raised a cup to the mantel.
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Last Rites
ByJohn O'Bryan
"Help… me," begged the shipwrecked man.
Made with Love
Once upon a time, a seamstress made a darling little doll. This doll loved her maker very much, but sadly, tragedy ripped them apart, sending the doll to sink beneath sea and sorrow. Centuries passed, but the doll was not deterred, for she knew love would find her again.
Short Story • 3 Minute Read
No One Lives
ByGraham McNeill
Icy waves crashed on the bleak shore, red with the blood of the men Hecarim had already butchered. The mortals he had yet to kill were retreating over the beach in terror. Black rain doused them and stormclouds boiled in from the mourning heart of the island. He heard them shouting to one another. The words were a guttural battle-cant he did not recognize, but the meaning was clear; they actually thought they might live to reach their ship. True, they had some skill. They moved as one, wooden shields interlocked. But they were mortal and Hecarim savored the meat-stink of their fear.
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ByPhillip Vargas
Senna woke with a gasp, her breath pluming in the frigid night.
Shepherd of Souls
ByJohn O'Bryan
Steadfast Heart: Issue 3
ByIan St. Martin
As Ruination spreads across Runeterra, the Sentinels begin a quest for allies.
Steadfast Heart: Issue 4
ByIan St. Martin
Tension brews as the Sentinels recruit more allies and prepare to take on the Ruined King. Can this motley crew win this fight?
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The Boys and Bombolini
ByJared Rosen
There existed, among the multitude of disgusting Bilgewater shipping warehouses filled with rusted knives and arms-length carnivorous rats, one Bilgewater shipping warehouse devoid of such things.
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Mentioned:Akshan,Gwen,Nilah,Tahm Kench,Vayne,Viego
The Chain Warden
ByAnthony Reynolds Lenné
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The Despoiler of Havenfall
ByMichael Haugen Wieske
The fog had come in swiftly, eclipsing the afternoon sun over the crossroads.
Mentioned:Jarvan IV,Kayle,Viego
Short Story
The Echoes Left Behind
ByAnthony Reynolds Lenné
Blood pooled beneath him, bright crimson against pristine white stone. His sword lay nearby, its blade broken. His killers stood around him, shadows on the periphery, but he saw nothing except her.
The Gloomist
ByJohn O'Bryan
The Hallowed Seamstress
ByMichael Luo
The Joy Unbound
ByJared Rosen
The Princeling's Lament
ByGraham McNeill
Scrape the bench of sunless moss.
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The Redeemer
ByDavid Slagle
The Shadow of War
ByGraham McNeill
The Spear of Vengeance
ByAnthony Reynolds Lenné
The Twisted Treant
ByRayla Heide
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The Voices of the Dead
ByDavid Slagle
There's a saying on my island. “Only through stealing our breath can the wind speak.” You want me to describe the Black Mist that greeted me when I first arrived in the Ionian village, hood raised, relic cannon on my back?
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The Will of the Dead
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Long before she became a Truth Bearer of her people, Illaoi had been an acolyte priestess at a Buhru temple on the coast.
Starring:Illaoi,Miss Fortune,Yorick
Mentioned:Gangplank,Maiden of the Mist,Nagakabouros,Pyke,Tahm Kench,Thresh,Viego
Alternate Universes
Music Video
Coming Alive
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In the fight of a lifetime, you may get knocked down. But never knocked out.
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Pentakill III: Lost Chapter
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The Dissonant Verses
ByIan St. Martin
I: Herald of the Forbidden God
Tournament of Souls
ByTaylor Dinwiddie,Ty Sheedlo
Play League of Legends to build Samira's reputation and style on your competition at the Tournament of Souls! Face off against the strongest soul fighters in a series of fierce 1v1 matches to help Samira chase down her biggest bounty yet and fulfill her SOUL'S DESIRE!
• Viego was in his early 20s during the first Ruination.[8]
• One of the "cures" Viego purchased was a spell that prevented Isolde's corpse from decaying.[9]
• Camavor is based on a combination of early modern period Spain and Camelot, Viego's name was chosen to reflect this origin.[10]The country was originally hinted in Viego's voice lines to be called "Camaveia", however that name was cut because it sounded similar to the Brazilian Portuguese words "cama véia" meaning "old bed".[11]The new official name of the kingdom was later revealed in his champion insight.
• Viego is the "Ruined King" because he was emotionally ruined when Isolde was killed, which caused him to trigger the Ruination.[12]
• The black mist corrupts people and makes them look altered and monstrous. Viego controls the black mist and not vice versa, so he hasn't been corrupted by it at all and become monstrous like otherShadow Islesbeings.[13]
• As mentioned in theRiot Reportof February 2021:After being stabbed by Isolde, Viego actually died and fell into the same state as a normal person would, not knowing all the details that happened shortly before. During that state, he still grasped the general ideas (though not in details) of the events that happened.Viego's form is distorted by his delusion and personality.Viego's magic is something he doesn't even fully understand, it is deeply tied toHeliaand the Black Mist. The Black Mist is parasitic in nature and rips life, bringing souls to an undead state.Sanctityis a royal weapon passed down among kings. When a new king incarnated, it would absorb part of their soul in order to revive them should they get fatal injuries in battles. When Isolde stabbed Viego in the heart, the magic of the blade tried to revive him at the same time with the magic of the blessed water, but due to the soul part inside the blade itself, it could not do it. The cycle of the healing magic caused a feedback loop that became overloaded and finally caused the Ruination.The version of the blade that appears inRuined KingandLeague of Legendsis its physical form after being affected by the Ruination, while the blade Viego uses is more of a soul-life version as he remembers it.Viego uses the physical blade in Ruined King. After he was sealed by the Buhru, the whereabouts of the physical blade became unknown.
• Once he was awakened, Viego set out to revive Isolde by gathering the fragments of her soul, which were stored in fetters scattered across Runeterra.The fetters include:Senna,Gwen,The Maiden of the Mist, a hand mirror, an ivory comb, a wine flagon, a silver flower, a copper sundial, a parasol, a jade mask, a brass bell, and a reed basket.
• The country was originally hinted in Viego's voice lines to be called "Camaveia", however that name was cut because it sounded similar to the Brazilian Portuguese words "cama véia" meaning "old bed".[11]The new official name of the kingdom was later revealed in his champion insight.
• After being stabbed by Isolde, Viego actually died and fell into the same state as a normal person would, not knowing all the details that happened shortly before. During that state, he still grasped the general ideas (though not in details) of the events that happened.
• Viego's form is distorted by his delusion and personality.
• Viego's magic is something he doesn't even fully understand, it is deeply tied toHeliaand the Black Mist. The Black Mist is parasitic in nature and rips life, bringing souls to an undead state.
• Sanctityis a royal weapon passed down among kings. When a new king incarnated, it would absorb part of their soul in order to revive them should they get fatal injuries in battles. When Isolde stabbed Viego in the heart, the magic of the blade tried to revive him at the same time with the magic of the blessed water, but due to the soul part inside the blade itself, it could not do it. The cycle of the healing magic caused a feedback loop that became overloaded and finally caused the Ruination.The version of the blade that appears inRuined KingandLeague of Legendsis its physical form after being affected by the Ruination, while the blade Viego uses is more of a soul-life version as he remembers it.Viego uses the physical blade in Ruined King. After he was sealed by the Buhru, the whereabouts of the physical blade became unknown.
• The version of the blade that appears inRuined KingandLeague of Legendsis its physical form after being affected by the Ruination, while the blade Viego uses is more of a soul-life version as he remembers it.Viego uses the physical blade in Ruined King. After he was sealed by the Buhru, the whereabouts of the physical blade became unknown.
• Viego uses the physical blade in | Name: Sovereign's Domination, Description: Innate: Whenever Viego scores an enemy champion takedown while alive and within 3 seconds of damaging them, a Mist Wraith spawns from that champion's corpse for 8 seconds. Viego can basic attack a Mist Wraith to consume it: causing him to blink to its location after winding up for 1 second, during which he is untargetable (except to turrets ) and unable to act . He then gains Possession and heals himself for 2% (+ 2. 5 % per 100 bonus AD) (+ 2% per 100 AP) (+ 5% per 100% bonus attack speed) of the target's maximum health . Possession: For 10 seconds, Viego assumes the enemy champion's form and gains their basic attacks , basic abilities , items , and base stats (based on Viego's level ). He also gains a free cast of Heartbreaker , which is initially placed on a 1. 5 -second cooldown, and 10% bonus movement speed while facing enemy champions within 2500 units. Viego cannot use item actives , consumable items , nor the shop during Possession . Casting Heartbreaker or attacking a Mist Wraith ends Possession immediately. Viego will preserve his current health percentage between transformations. Link ▶️ "You will serve!", {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputPassive', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', "Viegowill copy the possessed champion's ability ranks.Viegocannot level up their abilities with his available skill points.", 'Viegocannot level up their abilities with his available skill points.', 'Mist Wraithswill expire whenViegodies, and they will not expire while he is winding up on them.', 'Viegogains the bonus movement speed during possession even while moving towards nearby enemy champions that areuntargetable.', 'Finishing the possessing attack against aMist Wraithkills it, rewardingViegoan extra3as he becomes the target champion.', "The wind up'suntargetabilitydoes notdestroyin-flightprojectilesfromturrets.", "The possessed champion's abilities do not cost anymanaorenergyeven if that specific champion normally uses either as acasting resource.Alternative resources, such asFury,Flow, orHealth, will still be utilized.", 'Alternative resources, such asFury,Flow, orHealth, will still be utilized.', 'The current cooldowns ofViego\'sabilities willnotbe reset between transformations.Those of the possessed champion\'s abilities will be reset between transformations.This does not apply to the following long-cooldown abilities.Viegospecifically tracks their proper cooldowns which can be seen via a buff in his hotbar for each when applicable.Anivia\'sRebirthAzir\'sShurima\'s LegacyCorki\'s"Special Delivery" PackageZac\'sCell Division', "Those of the possessed champion's abilities will be reset between transformations.", 'This does not apply to the following long-cooldown abilities.Viegospecifically tracks their proper cooldowns which can be seen via a buff in his hotbar for each when applicable.Anivia\'sRebirthAzir\'sShurima\'s LegacyCorki\'s"Special Delivery" PackageZac\'sCell Division', "Anivia'sRebirth", "Azir'sShurima's Legacy", 'Corki\'s"Special Delivery" Package', "Zac'sCell Division", "The passive cooldowns of items are shared betweenViego'sand the possessed champion's.This does not apply toLifelineitems.(bug)", 'This does not apply toLifelineitems.(bug)', "Oncepossessionends,Viegoreturns to his normal state and certain effects gained from the possessed champion's abilities will be immediately removed.Some buffs will be kept and some buffs will be lost.Viegowill almost always keepshieldsandspell shields.Passiveeffects will be lost by default, asViegono longer has their abilities.Channeled abilitiesmaintained will be interrupted.Toggled abilitieswill be automatically toggled off.", 'Some buffs will be kept and some buffs will be lost.Viegowill almost always keepshieldsandspell shields.Passiveeffects will be lost by default, asViegono longer has their abilities.', 'Viegowill almost always keepshieldsandspell shields.', 'Passiveeffects will be lost by default, asViegono longer has their abilities.', 'Channeled abilitiesmaintained will be interrupted.', 'Toggled abilitieswill be automatically toggled off.', 'Viegoretains his ownsummoner spells,trinket item, andrunesduringpossession.', 'Mist Wraithswill still spawn whileViegois in a zombie state.', "Sovereign's Dominationwill not summon aMist Wraithfromclones.", 'Thepossessionwill not expire whileViegois in azombie state.While in a zombie state,Heartbreakeris disabled.IfViegoenters a zombie state while winding up on aMist Wraith, the possession will still last its normal duration.(bug)', 'While in a zombie state,Heartbreakeris disabled.', 'IfViegoenters a zombie state while winding up on aMist Wraith, the possession will still last its normal duration.(bug)', 'Thepossessionwill not end prematurely ifViegoentersresurrection.', "Thepossessionwill acquire the basic abilities of shapeshifting champions (e.g.Elise'sSpider Form / Human Form,Jayce'sTransform Mercury Cannon/Transform Mercury Hammer, andNidalee'sAspect of the Cougar) based on which form they died as.", 'Mist Wraithsare consideredclonesand can only be targeted byViego.', "IfViegopossesses an enemy champion who ownsDark SealorMejai's Soulstealer, he will gain theirGlorystacks for the possession.", "AsCulltracks its progress for each player even if they do not possess the item at the time,Viegomay discharge stacks for the benefit of1each perminionkill, and ifViegokilled 100 minions possessingCull, no matter whether bought himself or acquired via a possessed champion's inventory, he receives the350payout and can no longer discharge stacks.This entire interaction does not interact with the state of theCullstacks of the enemy.The stacks shown on the item in the inventory and scoreboard may not update properly, however.", 'This entire interaction does not interact with the state of theCullstacks of the enemy.', 'The stacks shown on the item in the inventory and scoreboard may not update properly, however.', "IfViegopossesses an enemy champion who ownsRelic Shield,Steel Shoulderguards,Spellthief's Edge, orSpectral Sickle, the gold gained from using any one of the items will also count towardsViego'sownQuest.", 'IfViegopossesses an enemy champion who ownsTear of the Goddess, the stacks it has will be transferred to hisTear of the Goddessif he owns one.', "IfViegopossesses an enemyBel'Veth, his attack speed cap will be modified to 90 permanently.(bug)", "IfViegopossesses an enemyK/DA Evelynn, he will still hearDemon Shade'smusic upon discarding the possession if he does it while active.(bug)", 'IfViegotargets aMist Wraithwhile alreadyuntargetablehe will become targetable once again during the cast time.(bug)', 'IfViegopossesses an enemy onHowling Abyss, he will be able to use theshopupon returning to thefountainand discarding the possession.(bug)', 'The following table refers for interactions whileViegois winding up on aMist Wraith:', 'Death']} | Name: Blade of the Ruined King, Description: Passive: Viego's basic attacks are empowered to deal bonus physical damage on-hit , which has a minimum threshold and is capped at 80 against monsters . This damage is affected by critical strike modifiers. Bonus Physical Damage: 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6% of target's current health Minimum Bonus Damage: 10 / 15 / 20 / 25 / 30 Additionally, his damaging abilities apply a mark to enemies hit for 4 seconds. Viego's next basic attack against a marked target is empowered to consume the mark on-hit to strike a second time, dealing 20% AD (+ 15% AP) physical damage and healing him for 135% of the post-mitigation damage dealt, increased to 145% against monsters and reduced to 10% against minions . The second strike applies on-hit effects at 100% effectiveness and can critically strike for 35% (+ 7%) AD (+ 26.25% (+ 5.25%) AP) physical damage if the triggering attack does. Active: Viego stabs in a line in the target direction that deals physical damage to enemies hit, increased by 0% − 100% (based on critical strike chance) , and 20 bonus physical damage against monsters. Physical Damage: 15 / 30 / 45 / 60 / 75 (+ 70% AD) × (1 + (100% + 0% ) critical strike chance) Monster Damage: 35 / 50 / 65 / 80 / 95 (+ 70% AD) × (1 + (100% + 0% ) critical strike chance) Blade of the Ruined King's passive remains under Possession , and while transformed, the second strike is instead converted to bonus damage on-hit which no longer applies on-hit effects but can still critically strike (based on possessed stats)., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputDirection', 'damage_type': 'Physical', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'parries': 'See Notes', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'The mark will not be applied to the primary target struck byHeartbreaker, but it can triggered from it.', "Blade of the Ruined King'scast time is always 140% of the caster's attack windup time.At base attack speed,Viego'sattack windup is 0.25seconds.An easy formula to calculate the cast time is [ 0.23seconds divided bytotalattack speed].ReducingViego'sattack speed viaattack speed reductionsalso increasesBlade of the Ruined King'scast time by the same fraction.It is calculated fromViego'stotal attack speed after cap (2.5) and floor (0.2), making the maximum possible cast time1.155seconds.Blade of the Ruined King'scast time becomes the same as the standard0.264secondscast time for most abilities at32.6%bonusattack speed.", "At base attack speed,Viego'sattack windup is 0.25seconds.", 'An easy formula to calculate the cast time is [ 0.23seconds divided bytotalattack speed].', "ReducingViego'sattack speed viaattack speed reductionsalso increasesBlade of the Ruined King'scast time by the same fraction.", "It is calculated fromViego'stotal attack speed after cap (2.5) and floor (0.2), making the maximum possible cast time1.155seconds.", "Blade of the Ruined King'scast time becomes the same as the standard0.264secondscast time for most abilities at32.6%bonusattack speed.", 'Appliesarea damagefor the thrust andproc damagefor the bonus damage on-hit and second strike.', 'This ability will cast from wherever the caster is at the end of the cast time.', 'Viegowill not perform the second strike if the first attack wasdodged,blocked, andmissed.', 'If the second strike hits a dead unit,Viegowill stillhealbased on the post-mitigation damage that he would deal with it.', 'The attacks do not deal thebonusdamage againststructures.']} | Name: Spectral Maw, Description: Active: Viego charges while being slowed by 10% for up to 3 seconds to increase Spectral Maw's missile range and stun duration over the first second of the channel. Spectral Maw can be recast within the duration. If the charge completes without reactivation, Spectral Maw is cancelled and placed on full cooldown . If the charge is interrupted , it will be placed on a 3-second cooldown. Recast: Viego hurls a blast of mist in the target direction and dashes a fixed distance in the same direction, though not through terrain. The mist deals magic damage to the first enemy hit and stuns them for 0. 25 − 1. 25 (based on channel time) seconds. Magic Damage: 80 / 135 / 190 / 245 / 300 (+ 100% AP) Spectral Maw resets Viego's basic attack timer. Viego can cast any of his abilities during the dash., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputAuto/Direction', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', "The reduced cooldown from the charge will not occur ifSpectral Maw'scooldown is already below 3 seconds.", 'The following table refers for interactions whileViegoischanneling:', 'Death', 'Grounding effects', 'Immobilizing effects', 'Cast-inhibiting effects']} | Name: Harrowed Path, Description: Active: Viego sends a spectre in the target direction that creates a trail of mist in its wake which lasts 8 seconds. If it hits terrain , the mist will spread further around either side. While inside the mist, Viego gains bonus attack speed . If he does not attack or cast abilities, he also gains bonus movement speed and camouflage . Bonus Attack Speed: 30 / 35 / 40 / 45 / 50% Bonus Movement Speed: 25 / 27. 5 / 30 / 32. 5 / 35% (+ 4% per 100 AP) Declaring a basic attack or casting an ability will break the camouflage and remove the bonus movement speed , preventing Viego from gaining them again for 1 second, reduced to 0. 6 seconds if he recasted Spectral Maw and increased to 2 seconds if he attacked a monster . This duration refreshes on subsequent attacks and ability casts. Harrowed Path can be cast during any of Viego's abilities. He cannot gain the camouflage nor bonus movement speed from Harrowed Path for 0. 75 seconds after starting the channel of Spectral Maw , recasting ends this duration prematurely., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputDirection', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Tips & Tricks', 'The bonus movement speed and camouflage are granted by the same buff.', 'Viegowill enter camouflage even whileRecalling.', 'Viegocan castHarrowed Pathduring the cast time of any ability or spell.', 'Ranking upHarrowed Pathwhile the effect is already active will still immediately improve the bonuses it grants.', 'Harrowed Pathcan interact withplayer-generated terrain.', "Viegocan benefit from an enemy'sHarrowed Path.PENDING FOR TEST:: Enemy'sHarrowed Pathgrant Viego his ability's bonus or the enemy's.", "PENDING FOR TEST:: Enemy'sHarrowed Pathgrant Viego his ability's bonus or the enemy's.", 'Harrowed Pathwill grant thecamouflageimmediately if cast duringSpectral MaworHeartbreaker.']} | Name: Heartbreaker, Description: Active: Viego gains displacement immunity over the cast time, then blinks to the target location. Upon arrival, he strikes the most wounded enemy champion nearby , dealing physical damage , slowing them by 99% for 0. 25 seconds, and applying on-hit effects at 100% effectiveness. Other nearby enemies are knocked back up to 400-units away based on proximity, though not through terrain. Physical Damage: 12 / 16 / 20% (+ 5% per 100 bonus AD) of target's missing health All targets hit are dealt 120% − 240% (based on critical strike chance) AD physical damage . If a Possession is discarded, Heartbreaker will be placed on a 1. 5 -second cooldown if it is not already on cooldown. Heartbreaker will cast at max range if cast beyond that. Link ▶️ "Isolde!", {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputLocation', 'damage_type': 'Physical', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'parries': 'See Notes', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Heartbreakerwill cast at the edge of its range if the target location is further beyond.', "Heartbreakerwill cast at maximum range from the end ofSpectral Maw'sdash if it is cast during the dash.", 'The knockback speed is 1000 units per second. The airborne is removed as soon as the displacement ends.The maximum airborne duration is therefore 0.4seconds. The minimum is 0.1seconds.', 'The maximum airborne duration is therefore 0.4seconds. The minimum is 0.1seconds.', 'Appliesspell damageto the struck champion andarea damageto all other enemies.', 'Viegowill enter a 0.25-secondcast timeif he strikes an enemy champion.', "Heartbreaker'sstrike to the champion can bedodgedandblocked, but notmissed.", 'Viegowill be ordered tobasic attackthe primary target afterwards.']} | Viego's visuals were first revealed in theRuined Kingannouncement trailer, however the character has existed since 2012 in theTwisted Treelineremake.
His champion theme features a segment of the songBlade of the Ruined KingbyPentakill.
Viegois possibly inspired by the Spanish wordviejo(lit. "old") and the nameDiego, as his kingdom appears to be inspired bySpainandCamelot.[2]There are also the Spanish surnameViego[3]and parishViegoin northern Spain.Isolde(~Iseult) referrencesIseult of Irelandfrom the chivalric romanceTristan and Iseult
The first three new champions following Viego's release (Gwen,AkshanandVex) were directly tied to his return and continued his story with each release.[4]
Viego's placeholder was a purpleJarvan IVduring his development, due to the similarity between the length of their lance and sword.[5] |
Viktor,the Machine Herald | | | health: Health600+104, resource: Mana405+45, health regen: Health regen. (per 5s)8+0.65, resource regen: Mana regen. (per 5s)8+0.8, armor: Armor23+5.2, attack damage: Attack damage53+3, attack speed: Base AS0.658, gameplay radius: Gameplay radius65, selection radius: Selection radius160, release: 2011-12-29, changed: V12.10, role: Battlemage, position: Middle, rangetype: Ranged, adaptivetype: Magic, cost: 4800|880 | InDev Update - Champs, Lore & More, Laura 'poisonpixxi' DeYoung, Head of IP Creative for Riot Games, elaborated on their new approach to narrative cohesiveness by ironing out any inconsistencies that have sprung up over the years.
This article contains information that conflicts with this new narrative and will most likely be changed/moved in the following year(s).
ViktorMainUnmaskedYoungTitlesAlias(es)The Machine HeraldThe MachinistCharacteristicsSpeciesHuman(Cyborg)Pronoun(s)He/HimTimelineBorn:961 AN - 968 ANWeapon(s)Perfect Hex CoreThe Hex Core mk-2The Hex Core mk-1Prototype Hex CorePersonal statusStatusAlivePlace of originZaunCurrent residenceZaunFamilyUnnamed FatherUnnamed MotherBlitzcrank(Creation)Professional statusOccupation(s)InventorRegion(s)ZaunRelated character(s)JayceBlitzcrankHeimerdingerUrgotCamilleEkkoOriannaDr. MundoRenata Glasc
• Main
• Unmasked
• Young
• The Machine Herald
• The Machinist
• Born:961 AN - 968 AN
• Perfect Hex Core
• The Hex Core mk-2
• The Hex Core mk-1
• Prototype Hex Core
Personal status
Place of origin
Current residence
• Unnamed Father
• Unnamed Mother
• Blitzcrank(Creation)
Professional status
• Inventor
Related character(s)
The herald of a new age of technology,Viktorhas devoted his life to the advancement of humankind. An idealist who seeks to lift the people ofZaunto a new level of understanding, he believes that only by embracing a glorious evolution of technology can humanity's full potential be realized. With a body augmented by steel and science,Viktoris zealous in his pursuit of this bright future.
• 1Background1.1Early life1.2University Education1.3Evolution1.4The Crystal1.5Aftermath
• 2Appearance
• 3Personality3.1Pre-Augmentation3.2Post-Augmentation
• 4Abilities
• 5Relations5.1Blitzcrank5.2Jayce
• 6Read More6.1Biography6.2Starring Champion6.3Mentioned Champion6.4Alternate Universes
• 7Trivia
• 8References
• 9See also
• 1.1Early life
• 1.2University Education
• 1.3Evolution
• 1.4The Crystal
• 1.5Aftermath
• 3.1Pre-Augmentation
• 3.2Post-Augmentation
• 5.1Blitzcrank
• 5.2Jayce
• 6.1Biography
• 6.2Starring Champion
• 6.3Mentioned Champion
• 6.4Alternate Universes
Early life[]
Viktor was born in Zaun, on the borders of the Entresol level. Encouraged by his artisan parents, he discovered a passion for invention and building from a young age. He devoted his whole being to his studies, hating to interrupt his work even to eat or sleep. Abandoning his work, under any circumstances, was nearly impossible for him.
Viktor had conducted research on Zaun’s many accidents and came to the discovery that most of them were the result of human error, as opposed to being a result of mechanical failure. He offered his services to local businesses, developing inventions in the hopes of creating safer work environments. Most refused to work with him, but the Fredersen Chem-forge gave the young man a chance.
His inventions reduced the number of accidents in the forge to null within a month, and so other establishments began to seek out his work. His designs became common in Zaun, improving production with every innovation.
Soon enough, at the age of nineteen he was offered a place in Zaun’s prestigious Academy of Techmaturgy. Viktor’s work had attracted the eye of Professor Stanwick ofPiltover, who convinced him to go to Piltover’s academy instead. There, he could work in the most advanced laboratories and have access to all the resources the City of Progress could offer him. Viktor accepted his offer, taking residence in Piltover, where he refined his craft and strived to perfect his theorems in ways that would benefit everyone.
University Education[]
In Piltover, Viktor worked frequently with the best and brightest the city had to offer, which included the insufferableJayce. They worked together frequently, though in Viktor's words, he and the flamboyant and arrogant genius were intellectual equals, but clashed in personality. They would often argue over their perceptions of intuition vs. logic in the process of invention, never becoming friends but each able to mutually respect and recognise the flawed brilliance of the other.
In the middle of his studies, a major chem-spill devastated entire districts of Zaun, and Viktor returned home to help. These efforts included building an unintentionally sentient golem, whom Viktor namedBlitzcrank, and together they saved many from the disaster. The two parted ways after failing to prevent more deaths resulting from the radioactive aftermath, and Viktor returned to Piltover. Though distraught at the loss of life, this experience enlightened Viktor to what could be done when fusing technology and human anatomy for the enhancement of the latter.
However, during Viktor's absence, Professor Stanwick had claimed Blitzcrank as his own invention. Viktor's pleas did nothing for him with the indifferent higher-ups. Pursuing the matter, he asked Jayce to help verify his case, but his schoolmate refused. With the odds stacked against him, Viktor was unable to bring the truth to light. Bitter but resigned, Viktor returned to his work, knowing that bettering lives and creating change was more important than credit and ego.
This matter, however, only served to push him to obsess over eradicating human error from innovation. His growing interest in improving human performance with technology and eliminating the "grossly inefficient abberation" of human involvement created tension between him and his fellow students and professors who saw the very things Viktor sought to remove as the source of human ingenuity and creativity.
This came to fruition during a collaboration with Jayce to improve diving suits used to keep Piltover’s docks clear of underwater debris and lingering chemical waste.
As a solution to the fear-resultant hallucinations experienced by the divers underwater, which were leading many to fatal watery ends, Viktor devised a helmet that would allow an operator on the surface to bypass the wearer's fear-response and effectively control the diver. A heated discussion between Viktor and Jayce on free will and mental enslavement turned bitter and the two vowed never to work together again. Jayce later reported the incident to the college masters, who then expelled Viktor for work that violated basic human dignity- work that, in Viktor's eyes, would have saved lives.
Disgusted by the narrow-minded attitudes he encountered in Piltover, Viktor retreated to his old laboratory in Zaun. The combination of his failure to save lives in Zaun, failure to prove his creation of Blitzcrank, and expulsion from Piltover caused him to sink into a deep depression. Despite his professed revulsion for the human aspect negative impacting innovation, he had let his own emotions get the better of his efforts to help others and save lives. His naive belief that good intentions could overcome ingrained prejudice had blinded him to human failings.
To solve this, he operated on himself to remove those parts of his flesh and psyche that relied upon or were inhibited by emotion.
When the surgery was done, almost no trace of the young man who had traveled to Piltover remained. In supplanting the majority of his anatomy with mechanical improvements, his personality had also been modified. His idealistic hope to better society was refined into an obsession with what he called the Glorious Evolution. Viktor now saw himself as the pioneer of Valoran's future - an idealized dream where man would renounce flesh in favor of superior hextech augmentations. This would free humanity from fatal errors and suffering, though Viktor knew it was a task that would not be completed easily or quickly.
The Crystal[]
Another one of Zaun's common chemical disasters in the Sump turned hundreds in the Factorywood into rabid psychotics. Viktor brought the victims back to his lab, where he tried to undo the damage and slow the degenerative processes. However, what he had in his lab would not be enough to save these people. What he needed was more power - which he detected a surge of in Piltover, in Jayce's lab. The source was a Shuriman crystal, and it would solve everything.
He demanded that Jayce hand the crystal over, but the Piltovan refused, and so Viktor had to take it by force. Returning to his lab, he set to work, readying a new automaton body for the victims in case the damage on their bodies proved to be too much. However, in the middle of his attempt, Jayce burst in with an energized hammer and began destroying what he had worked for. Knowing Jayce would never listen to reason, he ordered the automatons to kill him. At the end of the fight, Jayce brought his hammer down on the crystal, causing the entire warehouse to collapse, taking the lives Viktor had been trying to save.
Viktor escaped the explosion, and returned to his mission of bettering humanity by ridding it of its destructive emotional impulses. In Viktor’s mind, Jayce’s impetuous attack only proved the truth of his cause and strengthened his desire to unburden humanity of the failings of flesh. He sent chem-augmented thugs to Jayce's lab afterwards, not for revenge, but to search for more of the crystal.The raid was unsuccessful, however, and Viktor thought no more of Jayce. Currently, he is still dedicatedly working on bringing the Glorious Evolution to the people, and saving them from themselves.
Viktor's left arm is a 4-fingered mechanical prosthesis; his other limbs may be prosthetic as well or simply armored. He has a shoulder pauldron on his left, and a deep blue cloak that is red on the inside covering the other shoulder. His right hand wears a gauntlet, and around his waist is a turquoise covering. On his left leg he wears a brace for support. A third arm extends from his back, fitted with a high-precision high-power laser.
Viktor had an obsessive, idealistic personality, and was a workaholic. He was a self-described methodical, logical and thorough person, and is implied to previously have been emotional. He was interested in how techmaturgy could help society.
Following his efforts to improve himself, his obsessive tendencies heightened, and reportedly is now less capable of emotion than before. His previous interest developed into a mission he has devoted his life to.
Viktor has shown little regard for free will and autonomy when dealing in matters of life and death. He believes he is doing what is right and is generally benevolent, but usesethically dubious methodsto achieve desired results.
• Inventor:A brilliant mind, Viktor has a long list of achievements in the field of techmaturgy and engineering. Examples of the mechanical marvels credited to his ability include Blitzcrank and himself.
• Augmented:Being mechanically augmented, Viktor is reportedly no longer vulnerable to most human emotions or weaknesses. The extent of this is unconfirmed, as he appears to still be susceptible to death.
Note: The following description will prioritise the facts as listed in Viktor's biography as opposed toBlitzcrank's, given that this is Viktor's wikipage. The only notable conflicts would be in Blitzcrank's origins and the reasons for their separation. Where Blitzcrank's biography states he was an abandoned golem given sentience through the means of a hextech crystal, Viktor's biography describes events differently. Blitzcrank also credits the parting of their ways to a chem-baron. In terms of matters omitted, Blitzcrank does not seem to be involved in the events in Piltover between Professor Stanwick and Viktor.
Blitzcrank was a custom-built golem, constructed by Viktor in order to help in the clean-up efforts following a devastating chem-spill in Zaun. He grafted a sophisticated series of cognitive loops onto existing automata-technology, which formed the basis of Blitzcrank's intelligence and later unintended sentience. The two worked together to better the lives of those affected by the spill. Unfortunately, their efforts failed to prevent more deaths, and so the two parted ways.
Later in Piltover, Professor Stanwick claimed Blitzcrank as his own invention. Viktor challenged him, but backed by no one, he lost the case.
The two currently have no reason to be unfriendly with each other.
Jayce and Viktor are ex-colleagues and current enemies. They disagree over many topics relating to ethics in science, most pertaining to free will.
Read More
The Machine Herald
ByGraham McNeill
Starring Champion
A Perfect Life: Closed Circuit
ByJohn O'Bryan
Ekko is a teen inventor who lives in Zaun, a city where being handy with technology is the best path to a better future. His greatest invention is the Z-Drive: a device which allows him to rewind his own timeline—and redo the last few seconds of his past. Ekko uses the Z-Drive to fix everything in his life: small mistakes, life-changing ones, and everything in between. But messing with time can have some major consequences for Ekko, his friends, his family, and his world...In this prequel to Conv/rgence, Ekko imagines a timeline without do-overs, where he must give up the extra chances time travel has offered him. But it's harder than he thinks to let time flow on without getting involved...
Starring:Aximander,Chancee,Ekko,Jayce,Lem,Red,Skids,Van Klegg,Viktor,Wyeth
A Perfect Life: Jump Start
ByJohn O'Bryan
Ekko is a teen inventor who lives in Zaun, a city where being handy with technology is the best path to a better future. His greatest invention is the Z-Drive: a device which allows him to rewind his own timeline—and redo the last few seconds of his past. Ekko uses the Z-Drive to fix everything in his life: small mistakes, life-changing ones, and everything in between. But messing with time can have some major consequences for Ekko, his friends, his family, and his world...In this prequel to Conv/rgence, Ekko imagines a timeline without do-overs, where he must give up the extra chances time travel has offered him. But it's harder than he thinks to let time flow on without getting involved...
Starring:Chancee,Ekko,Inna,Lem,Skids,Van Klegg,Viktor,Wyeth
A Perfect Life: Side Effects
ByJohn O'Bryan
Ekko is a teen inventor who lives in Zaun, a city where being handy with technology is the best path to a better future. His greatest invention is the Z-Drive: a device which allows him to rewind his own timeline—and redo the last few seconds of his past. Ekko uses the Z-Drive to fix everything in his life: small mistakes, life-changing ones, and everything in between. But messing with time can have some major consequences for Ekko, his friends, his family, and his world...In this prequel to Conv/rgence, Ekko imagines a timeline without do-overs, where he must give up the extra chances time travel has offered him. But it's harder than he thinks to let time flow on without getting involved...
Starring:Ekko,Jayce,Van Klegg,Viktor,Wyeth
A Perfect Life: The Depths
ByJohn O'Bryan
Ekko is a teen inventor who lives in Zaun, a city where being handy with technology is the best path to a better future. His greatest invention is the Z-Drive: a device which allows him to rewind his own timeline—and redo the last few seconds of his past. Ekko uses the Z-Drive to fix everything in his life: small mistakes, life-changing ones, and everything in between. But messing with time can have some major consequences for Ekko, his friends, his family, and his world...In this prequel to Conv/rgence, Ekko imagines a timeline without do-overs, where he must give up the extra chances time travel has offered him. But it's harder than he thinks to let time flow on without getting involved...
Starring:Aximander,Chancee,Ekko,Lem,Red,Skids,Van Klegg,Viktor,Wyeth
A Perfect Life: Wrong Turn
ByJohn O'Bryan
Ekko is a teen inventor who lives in Zaun, a city where being handy with technology is the best path to a better future. His greatest invention is the Z-Drive: a device which allows him to rewind his own timeline—and redo the last few seconds of his past. Ekko uses the Z-Drive to fix everything in his life: small mistakes, life-changing ones, and everything in between. But messing with time can have some major consequences for Ekko, his friends, his family, and his world...In this prequel to Conv/rgence, Ekko imagines a timeline without do-overs, where he must give up the extra chances time travel has offered him. But it's harder than he thinks to let time flow on without getting involved...
Starring:Aximander,Chancee,Drake Poingdestre,Ekko,Lem,Red,Skids,Vale Poingdestre,Viktor,Wyeth
Mentioned:Elie,Rungs,Van Klegg
Arcane (TV Series)
Every legend has a beginning.
Starring:Aero,Amara,Ambessa,Babette,Benzo,Billingsworth,Bolbok,Caitlyn,Cassandra,Chross,Claggor,Deckard,Ekko,Elora,Finn,Gorgeous Man,Grayson,Harold,Heimerdinger,Hoskel,Huck,Jayce,Jericho,Jinx,Jules,Lock,Marcus,Margot,Mel,Mylo,Pim,Ren,Renni,Salo,Sevika,Shoola,Silco,Singed,Sky,Smeech,Thieram,Tobias,Vander,Verne,Vi,Viktor,Ximena
Short Story • 6 Minute Read
House on Emberflit Alley
ByRayla Heide
Viktor's third arm emitted a thin ray of light that welded metal into his left arm with steady precision. The smell of burning flesh no longer bothered him, nor did the sight of his left wrist splayed open, veins and sinewy muscle fused with mechanical augments. He did not wince. Instead, he felt a sense of achievement gazing at the seamless blend of synthetic and organic materials.
Mentioned Champion
Short Story • 5 Minute Read
A Quick Fix
ByAnthony Burch
Any fool could have predicted that Viktor would strike back at some point. If one weren't a fool, one might predict the exact date and time of an attempted counterattack.
ByDouble Stallion Games
Rewind the Past, Control the Future - Explore and traverse through the spectacular city of Zaun as Ekko, a young inventor with an ingenious device to manipulate time, in this story-driven action platformer. Play as a young Ekko and realize the full potential of one of League’s fan-favorite Champions.
Starring:Aximander,Camille,Chadd,Corin Reveck,Corina Veraza,Drake Poingdestre,Ekko,Elie,Inna,Jinx,Lem,Red,Rungs,Vale Poingdestre,Warwick,Wyeth,Zarkon Poingdestre
Mentioned:Ashlesh,Azir,Blitzcrank,Darius,Dr. Mundo,Eramis,Evil Kay,Farron,Fiddlesticks,Janna,Jayce,Kay,Nasus,Orianna,Renata Glasc,Seraphine,Shomi,Singed,Twitch,Urgot,Vi,Viktor,Zac,Zeri,Ziggs
Short Story
The Council Archives
ByTy Sheedlo
The Council Archives. You'd heard stories at the Academy, of course, but words could not describe the breathtaking magnitude of its contents. The entire history of your city: its glorious achievements, its sinister secrets, painstakingly documented, waiting to be read.
The Defender of Tomorrow
ByAnthony Burch
The Great Steam Golem
ByRayla Heide
Alternate Universes
Cosmic Creation
Transform your destiny.
Just One More
Every League of Legends player knows what it's like to chase the next win. Inspired by the true story of the five North American League of Legends players with the longest losing streak in one sitting. It's On.
Return to the Stars
Starring:Aurelion Sol,Bard,Cassiopeia,Gnar,Illaoi,Kog'Maw,Nautilus,Nocturne,Teemo,Urgot,Vayne,Viktor,Ziggs
“Nothing's going to stop me.” Inspired by the true story of Doublelift, Team Liquid ADC and five-time North American LCS champion. It's On.
Mac Client Available
Starring:Dr. Mundo
Mentioned:Amumu,Ashe,Caitlyn,Ezreal,Fizz,Gragas,Graves,Katarina,Master Yi,Miss Fortune,Mordekaiser,Orianna,Riven,Ryze,Singed,Soraka,Viktor,Zac,Ziggs
No war stays hidden for long.
Starring:Ezreal,Master Yi,Shen,Sona,Vi
Olaf vs Everything: Series 2
ByTom Barton
Mentioned:Ahri,Aurelion Sol,Brand,Cassiopeia,Cho'Gath,Darius,Dr. Mundo,Ekko,Gnar,Illaoi,Karthus,Kog'Maw,Lee Sin,Nagakabouros,Ornn,Renekton,Skarner,Teemo,Tryndamere,Urgot,Vel'Koz,Vi,Viktor,Vladimir,Warwick,Zyra
Playtime with Gnar: Series 2
ByRachel J. Corey
Punches and Plants: Series 2
Mentioned:Aatrox,Ahri,Alistar,Amumu,Annie,Aurelion Sol,Azir,Bard,Blitzcrank,Caitlyn,Cho'Gath,Diana,Draven,Ekko,Ezreal,Fizz,Galio,Gnar,Graves,Heimerdinger,Jayce,Kha'Zix,Kog'Maw,Leona,Lucian,Lux,Malphite,Maokai,Miss Fortune,Nasus,Nautilus,Nidalee,Olaf,Orianna,Poppy,Quinn,Rakan,Renekton,Riven,Rumble,Shaco,Taric,Teemo,Tibbers,Tristana,Trundle,Udyr,Valor,Vel'Koz,Viktor,Volibear,Warwick,Wukong,Xayah,Xin Zhao,Yasuo,Ziggs
Music Video
Worlds Collide
By Numerous creators
Two teams have risen above their peers. Ten warriors have laid claim to the Summoner’s Cup. Five champions will etch their names in history.
Starring: N/A
• Viktor's lore resembles a lot that of a famous Serbian-American inventor,Nikola Tesla. Professor Stanwick stole credit for Viktor's creation,Blitzcrank. Similar to that was Tesla, whereThomas Edisonstole credit for a lot of Tesla's work (such as the well known Edison lightbulb that Tesla made) during his time working for the famed American inventor andGuglielmo Marconifor stealing credit for the creation of the radio.Viktor's own abilities took inspiration from Tesla's work that were never truly realised like:The Death Ray,gravity device,magnetic shielding, andionic storms.
• Oriannais listed as Viktor's rival. This could be due to her unique construction that equals Viktor's technology in power, or because people wrongly identify her as an example of what Viktor is striving for, when in fact Viktor is striving for living technology, which Orianna is not.
• Despite being heavily augmented, Viktor still enjoys drinking sweetmilk.
• Viktor's own abilities took inspiration from Tesla's work that were never truly realised like:The Death Ray,gravity device,magnetic shielding, andionic storms.
See also[] | Name: Glorious Evolution, Description: Innate: Viktor can augment each of his basic abilities at the cost of 100 Hex Fragments , which he gains from killing enemies: Minions and monsters generate 1 Hex Fragment . Siege minions, super minions, and epic monsters generate 5 Hex Fragments . Enemy champion takedowns generate 25 Hex Fragments . Chaos Storm becomes augmented once all of Viktor's basic abilities have been augmented., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputPassive', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Map-Specific Differences', "Minions shared throughRelic Shield'sSpoils of Warwill generateHex Fragments.", 'Viktorcan only have up to 100Hex Fragments, and must upgrade an ability before obtaining any more.', 'New Effect:Gains 25Hex Fragmentsper round.']} | Name: Siphon Power, Description: Active: Viktor throws a device at the target enemy that deals magic damage . He also grants himself a shield for 27 − 105 (based on level) (+ 18% AP) for 2. 5 seconds and gains Discharge for 3. 5 seconds. Magic Damage: 60 / 75 / 90 / 105 / 120 (+ 40% AP) Discharge: Viktor's next basic attack is empowered to become non-projectile and deal modified magic damage . Modified Magic Damage: 20 / 45 / 70 / 95 / 120 (+ 100% AD) (+ 60% AP) Total Magic Damage: 80 / 120 / 160 / 200 / 240 (+ 100% AD) (+ 100% AP) Augment: Turbocharge : After the device hits, Viktor gains 30% bonus movement speed for 2. 5 seconds and the shield's strength is increased by 60%, up to 48 − 184 (based on level) (+ 32% AP) ., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputUnit', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'parries': 'Missing', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'All damage dealt bySpellbladeon the enhanced attack is converted intomagic damage.', 'Spell shielddoes not preventViktorfrom gainingDischarge.', 'Critical strikeandlife stealonly interact with the basic attack damage component.', 'Only the initial projectile can beintercepted.', "Discharge'sempowered attack can beblocked(damage is negated and the empowered attack will still be consumed).", 'The empowered attack will trigger but not be consumed nor apply its effects againststructuresnorwards.', "PENDING FOR TEST::Discharge'sinteraction withparryingeffects (dodgeandblind).", 'If the target becomesuntargetable,dies, or is too far away or no longer insightduring the cast time, this ability will cancel but does not go oncooldownnor pay its cost (if applicable).']} | Name: Gravity Field, Description: Active: Viktor deploys a gravity field at the target location for 4 seconds. After a 0. 75 -second delay, it activates to slow enemies within, persisting for 0. 25 seconds after leaving the area or generating 3 stacks. Slow: 30 / 34 / 38 / 42 / 45% The field applies a stack to enemies within every 0. 5 seconds, stacking up to 3 times. The third stack consumes them all to knock down and stun the target for 1. 5 seconds. The target then becomes immune to Gravity Field's effects, occurring once per cast. Augment: Magnetize : Viktor's other abilities, excluding Chaos Storm's persistent damage, slow enemies hit by 20% for 1 second., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputLocation', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Gravity Fieldwill remain active ifViktordies.', "Gravity Field'sanimation can be seen by both teams throughfog of war.", 'If an enemy enters the area of effect whileuntargetable, they may generate stacks even after becoming stunned once, causing them to get stunned up-to 3 times by a singleGravity Field.(bug)']} | Name: Death Ray, Description: Active: Viktor fires an energy beam along the target path that deals magic damage to enemies hit and briefly grants sight of the area. Magic Damage: 70 / 110 / 150 / 190 / 230 (+ 50% AP) Augment: Aftershock : The path explodes along the beam's wake after 1 second, dealing magic damage to enemies hit. Magic Damage: 20 / 50 / 80 / 110 / 140 (+ 80% AP) Total Magic Damage: 90 / 160 / 230 / 300 / 370 (+ 130% AP), {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputVector', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Viktormay freely act while the ray is traveling.The effected area is set upon casting, no matter how far awayViktormoves. Unlike a leash,Death Raywill not break off its own effect.', 'The effected area is set upon casting, no matter how far awayViktormoves. Unlike a leash,Death Raywill not break off its own effect.', 'The laser grants a moderate area ofsightaround where the beam strikes the ground.', 'IfDeath Rayisintercepted, the initial ray is not destroyed.However, the capability to be blocked only applies to the laser as it hits the ground.Viktorcan cast the abilityoverthe wall and it will not be destroyed or intercepted.Augmented Death Raywill still cause the entire target area to explode even if the laser is blocked.', 'However, the capability to be blocked only applies to the laser as it hits the ground.Viktorcan cast the abilityoverthe wall and it will not be destroyed or intercepted.', 'Augmented Death Raywill still cause the entire target area to explode even if the laser is blocked.', 'IfViktordies while he is firing the beam it only deals damage up to the location at the time of his death.']} | Name: Chaos Storm, Description: Active: Viktor conjures an arcane singularity at the target location, dealing magic damage to enemies within the area and disrupting their channeled abilities . Magic Damage: 100 / 175 / 250 (+ 50% AP) The singularity then remains active for 6. 5 seconds, dealing magic damage to enemies within it every second and granting sight of the area. The singularity targets the nearest champion hit by its initial damage and will follow them, moving faster based on its proximity to Viktor . Magic Damage Per Tick: 65 / 105 / 145 (+ 45% AP) Total Magic Damage: 490 / 805 / 1120 (+ 320% AP) Chaos Storm can be recast at any time while the singularity is active. Recast: Viktor directs the singularity to the target location or enemy champion. Augment: Perfect Storm : The singularity moves 25% faster. Chaos Storm's recast can be used while affected by cast-inhibiting crowd control ., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputLocation', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', "Thedisruptis 'wrapped' into a status effect that says the target isSilencedfor 0.25seconds, but it does not actuallysilence. It however makes sure that thedisruptis prevented byimmunity to silences.", 'Viktorcan command the singularity regardless of how far away he is from it.', 'The singularity will remain active even ifViktordies. Any commands it was issued prior to his death will not be interrupted.', 'Chaos Stormreaches its maximum speed at 300 units and minimum speed at 900 units away fromViktor.', 'Including the initial damage,Chaos Stormdeals 7 instances of damage.', 'The storm will follow its target even if they are notvisible, effectively giving away their position.', 'Chaos Stormcan be recast to followViktor. However, upon reaching him, the singularity will stop followingViktor.', 'Chaos Stormis not obstructed by terrain.']} | Viktor's robotic hand from the Prototype skin can be seen in thevideofor the Mac Version of League of Legends.
Viktor's dance references theMelbourne Shuffle, adanceoriginating from Australia.A side-by-side comparison can be seenhere.
Viktor was the first champion who had a unique item available only for him (Prototype Hex Core), sharing this feature withKalista. |
Vladimir,the Crimson Reaper | | | health: Health607+110, resource: ResourceN/A, health regen: Health regen. (per 5s)7+0.6, resource regen: Secondary BarBloodthirst(2), armor: Armor27+4.5, attack damage: Attack damage55+3, attack speed: Base AS0.658, gameplay radius: Gameplay radius65, selection radius: Selection radius120, release: 2010-07-27, changed: V13.13, role: Battlemage, position: TopMiddle, rangetype: Ranged, adaptivetype: Magic, cost: 3150|790 | Missing section(s):
VladimirMainCurrentWitheredTitlesNickname(s)VladDadUncleAlias(es)The Crimson ReaperThe Barbarian GodMythic and Bloodthirsty FiendLord VladimirPatron VladimirPrince VladimirCharacteristicsSpeciesHuman(Magically Altered)Pronoun(s)He/HimTimelineBorn:2000 BN - 550 BNWeapon(s)HemomancyPersonal statusStatusAlivePlace of originAlovedra,Camavor[1]Current residenceNoxus Prime,NoxusFamilyUnnamed Father†Unnamed Nephew†Isolde(Distant Niece)†Viego(Distant Nephew)Kalista(Distant Niece)Briar(Creation)Professional statusOccupation(s)HemomancerPatron of theCrimson CirclePatron of theBlack RoseDarkin servantPrinceRegion(s)NoxusCamavorFaction(s)Crimson CircleBlack RoseRelated character(s)MordekaiserLeBlancEliseSwainDariusSionMaokaiGalioVayneViegoKalistaBriar
• Main
• Current
• Withered
• Vlad
• Dad
• Uncle
• The Crimson Reaper
• The Barbarian God
• Mythic and Bloodthirsty Fiend
• Lord Vladimir
• Patron Vladimir
• Prince Vladimir
• Born:2000 BN - 550 BN
Personal status
Place of origin
Current residence
• Unnamed Father†
• Unnamed Nephew†
• Isolde(Distant Niece)†
• Viego(Distant Nephew)
• Kalista(Distant Niece)
• Briar(Creation)
Professional status
• Hemomancer
• Patron of theCrimson Circle
• Patron of theBlack Rose
• Darkin servant
• Prince
• Noxus
• Camavor
• Crimson Circle
• Black Rose
Related character(s)
A fiend with a thirst for mortal blood,Vladimirhas influenced the affairs ofNoxussince the empire's earliest days. In addition to unnaturally extending his life, his mastery of hemomancy allows him to control the minds and bodies of others as easily as his own. In the flamboyant salons of the Noxian aristocracy, this has enabled him to build afanatical cultof personality around himself—while in the lowest back alleys, it allows him to bleed his enemies dry.
• 1Background1.1Early life1.2Taken by Darkin1.3EstablishingNoxus1.4Recent events
• 2Appearance
• 3Personality
• 4Abilities
• 5Relations5.1LeBlanc5.2Black Rose5.3Galio5.4Maokai5.5Viego5.6Kalista
• 6Read More6.1Biography6.2Starring Champion6.3Alternate Universes
• 7Trivia
• 8Change log
• 9References
• 10See also
• 11References
• 1.1Early life
• 1.2Taken by Darkin
• 1.3EstablishingNoxus
• 1.4Recent events
• 5.1LeBlanc
• 5.2Black Rose
• 5.3Galio
• 5.4Maokai
• 5.5Viego
• 5.6Kalista
• 6.1Biography
• 6.2Starring Champion
• 6.3Alternate Universes
Early life[]
Vladimir was once a prince ofCamavor, but was sold off to an unknownDarkinas a bargain to save the kingdom from the monster's tyranny.[1]
Taken byDarkin[]
Recent events[]
Vladimir is a cruel and hedonistic being that desires to fullfill his immortal life with the pleasures of the world. He prefers to squirt around between the public eye and the secret societies that he built, making sure others are not aware of his immortal status. His flamboyant behaviour also hides his cruelty and sadism, that indulges when using his powers on others.
• Master Sorcerer: Vladimir is a very powerful mage, worshiped as a god by the old barbarian Noxii tribes. He is able to cast spells, use magical artifacts and conduct rituals, most notable the blood ritual that resurrectedSion. He is also very knowledgeable of the arcane, possessing vast magical possessions, like an enchanted flower from theBlessed Isles.Hemomancy:Vladimir was taught by a Darkin master in the arts of blood magic, this makes him the most powerful blood mage in Runeterra, barring the Darkin. Blood magic is the magic of the flesh, controlling blood, bones and flesh to several purposes.Body Manipulation:Vladimir can manipulate his own flesh and blood and that of others to his desire.Life Draining:Vladimir can drain the life of other living beings by the way of their blood. He can use this to restore his vitality and strengthen his magic.Immortality:Vladimir is essentially immortal as long as he sustain it with blood magic.
• Hemomancy:Vladimir was taught by a Darkin master in the arts of blood magic, this makes him the most powerful blood mage in Runeterra, barring the Darkin. Blood magic is the magic of the flesh, controlling blood, bones and flesh to several purposes.Body Manipulation:Vladimir can manipulate his own flesh and blood and that of others to his desire.Life Draining:Vladimir can drain the life of other living beings by the way of their blood. He can use this to restore his vitality and strengthen his magic.Immortality:Vladimir is essentially immortal as long as he sustain it with blood magic.
• Body Manipulation:Vladimir can manipulate his own flesh and blood and that of others to his desire.
• Life Draining:Vladimir can drain the life of other living beings by the way of their blood. He can use this to restore his vitality and strengthen his magic.
• Immortality:Vladimir is essentially immortal as long as he sustain it with blood magic.
Vladimir andLeBlanchave clashed over the centuries, while also both being one of the leaders ofThe Black Rose. He may have developed some feelings for her in the past but was possibly unrequited.
Black Rose[]
Vladimir is one of the founders of the organization. He aided the Black Rose for centuries, conductingSion'sresurrection and plotting in wars againstDemacia. Nowadays, he is planning to leave the Black Rose.
Vladimir foughtGalioat some point in a war versusDemacia.
Thenightbloomsgrown in his mansion were taken from a grove once tendered byMaokai. Vladimir also dwelled inBlessed IslesafterGreat Darkin WaruntilRuinationhappened.
AlthoughViegocallsVladimirhis uncle in game, they are only distantly related due to descending from the royalty ofCamavor.[2]At some point after being taken by hisDarkinmaster, Vladimir started sending customary, yearly letters to his original kingdom. After Isolde was poisoned, a grief-strickenViegorefused to respond, not knowing Vladimir had the power that could have saved her.[3]
InThe Daring Darling, Vladimir was soul-marked byKalistabut he was able to banish her with the help of a magical artifact.Kalistais related to Vladimir as well since she isViego'sniece.
Read More
The Crimson Reaper
By'Blood Magicks'
Starring Champion
Short Story
ByIan St. Martin
Lyvia had nearly found sleep when the light appeared.
Short Story
Art is Life
ByGraham McNeill
Nights in Noxus were never silent.
Short Story
Roots of Ruin
By Numerous creators
The end began with one man.
The Crimson Threat
There’s no escaping him.
Short Story
The Daring Darling
ByLaura Michet
Fayette always warned her guests that the journey from the Shadow Isles back to the Daring Darling's dock would take a whole watch.
Alternate Universes
Academy Adventures: Series 1
ByGutter Rat
Mentioned:Akali,Amumu,Anivia,Azir,Bard,Blitzcrank,Braum,Cho'Gath,Elise,Ezreal,Fiddlesticks,Fiora,Gnar,Heimerdinger,Ivern,Jhin,Jinx,Karthus,Kog'Maw,Lulu,Lux,Malzahar,Miss Fortune,Nidalee,Olaf,Poppy,Rek'Sai,Renekton,Rumble,Ryze,Shaco,Shen,Sion,Sona,Soraka,Talon,Taric,Teemo,Tristana,Trundle,Twitch,Urgot,Varus,Veigar,Vel'Koz,Vi,Yorick,Zed,Ziggs,Zyra
Academy Adventures: Series 2
ByGutter Rat
Mentioned:Amumu,Anivia,Annie,Ashe,Aurelion Sol,Braum,Caitlyn,Cho'Gath,Dr. Mundo,Draven,Elise,Ezreal,Fiddlesticks,Fizz,Galio,Gnar,Heimerdinger,Janna,Jhin,Jinx,Kog'Maw,Lulu,Lux,Malphite,Malzahar,Miss Fortune,Nami,Nasus,Olaf,Poppy,Rakan,Rammus,Rek'Sai,Riven,Rumble,Ryze,Shaco,Singed,Sona,Soraka,Syndra,Taliyah,Talon,Taric,Teemo,Thresh,Tibbers,Tristana,Twitch,Urgot,Varus,Veigar,Volibear,Warwick,Wukong,Xayah,Yasuo,Yorick,Zac,Zed,Ziggs,Zyra
Academy Adventures: Series 3
ByGutter Rat
Journal of Justice
ByInstitute of War
Formare veneficum est formare fatum.
Starring:Akali,Alistar,Amumu,Anivia,Annie,Ashe,Blitzcrank,Brand,Cassiopeia,Cho'Gath,Corki,Darius,Dr. Mundo,Evelynn,Ezreal,Fiddlesticks,Gangplank,Garen,Gragas,Heimerdinger,Irelia,Janna,Jarvan IV,Jax,Karma,Karthus,Kassadin,Katarina,Kayle,Kennen,Kog'Maw,Lee Sin,Leona,Lissandra,Lux,Malzahar,Maokai,Master Yi,Mordekaiser,Morgana,Nasus,Nidalee,Nocturne,Nunu,Olaf,Pantheon,Poppy,Rammus,Renekton,Riven,Rumble,Ryze,Sejuani,Shaco,Shen,Singed,Sion,Sivir,Skarner,Sona,Soraka,Swain,Talon,Taric,Teemo,Tibbers,Tristana,Trundle,Tryndamere,Twisted Fate,Twitch,Udyr,Urgot,Veigar,Vladimir,Warwick,Willump,Wukong,Xin Zhao,Yorick,Zilean
ByInstitute of War
The truest opponent lies within.
Starring:Boram Darkwill,Brand,Caitlyn,Cassiopeia,Galio,Graves,Irelia,Jarvan IV,Karma,LeBlanc,Lee Sin,Leona,Lux,Maokai,Miss Fortune,Nocturne,Orianna,Renekton,Riven,Rumble,Ryze,Skarner,Sona,Swain,Talon,Trundle,Urgot,Varus,Vayne,Vladimir,Wukong,Xerath,Xin Zhao,Yorick
LoL School
Short Story
The Rivers Shall Run Red
Olaf vs Everything: Series 2
ByTom Barton
Mentioned:Ahri,Aurelion Sol,Brand,Cassiopeia,Cho'Gath,Darius,Dr. Mundo,Ekko,Gnar,Illaoi,Karthus,Kog'Maw,Lee Sin,Nagakabouros,Ornn,Renekton,Skarner,Teemo,Tryndamere,Urgot,Vel'Koz,Vi,Viktor,Vladimir,Warwick,Zyra
Punches and Plants: Series 1
Mentioned:Ahri,Alistar,Annie,Ashe,Blitzcrank,Brand,Braum,Caitlyn,Darius,Diana,Dr. Mundo,Ekko,Evelynn,Ezreal,Gangplank,Garen,Gnar,Gragas,Graves,Heimerdinger,Janna,Jinx,Karma,Katarina,Leona,Lucian,Malzahar,Miss Fortune,Nami,Nasus,Nunu,Quinn,Renekton,Rumble,Ryze,Sejuani,Sivir,Sona,Soraka,Tahm Kench,Taliyah,Taric,Teemo,Tibbers,Trundle,Tryndamere,Twisted Fate,Twitch,Valor,Varus,Vel'Koz,Vladimir,Volibear,Warwick,Willump,Wukong,Zac,Ziggs
By Numerous creators
Mentioned:Boram Darkwill,Elise,Jarvan IV,Vladimir
• Vladimir doesn't actually drink the blood of his victims but rather absorbs the lifeforce within it.
• It is quite possible that the man that Vladimir draws in the story"Alone"isViegobefore the Ruination, but after the death of his wife. His description is consistent with the image given in theChampion Insights: Viego
Change log[]
See also[]
References[] | Name: Crimson Pact, Description: Innate: Vladimir gains (3. 3 % bonus health) as ability power and (160% AP) as bonus health . These two bonuses do not stack with each other., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputPassive', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', "Crimson Pactonly affectsVladimir'smaximumhealthand will not increaseVladimir'scurrenthealthto preventVladimirfrom restoring health whenever hisAPfluctuates.Vladimir'scurrenthealthcan decrease to match hismaximumhealthifCrimson Pact'sbonushealthis lost.", "Vladimir'scurrenthealthcan decrease to match hismaximumhealthifCrimson Pact'sbonushealthis lost.", "Crimson Pact'sbonusability powerstacks multiplicativelywith other sources of% ability powerbut itsbonushealthstacks additivelywith other sources ofbonushealth. Examples on how they calculate below:Case 1: WithRabadon's Deathcapyou get a total of (40% AP+4.6662%bonushealth)bonusability powerand (224% AP+2.13312%bonushealth)bonushealth.Case 2: WithVigilant Wardstoneyou get a total of (20% AP+4.79952%bonushealth)bonusability powerand (192% AP+21.279872%bonushealth)bonushealth.Case 3: With bothRabadon's DeathcapandVigilant Wardstoneyou get a total of (60% AP+6.39936%bonushealth)bonusability powerand (256% AP+23.839616%bonushealth)bonushealth.", "Case 1: WithRabadon's Deathcapyou get a total of (40% AP+4.6662%bonushealth)bonusability powerand (224% AP+2.13312%bonushealth)bonushealth.", 'Case 2: WithVigilant Wardstoneyou get a total of (20% AP+4.79952%bonushealth)bonusability powerand (192% AP+21.279872%bonushealth)bonushealth.', "Case 3: With bothRabadon's DeathcapandVigilant Wardstoneyou get a total of (60% AP+6.39936%bonushealth)bonusability powerand (256% AP+23.839616%bonushealth)bonushealth."]} | Name: Transfusion, Description: Active: Vladimir drains blood from the target enemy, dealing magic damage and healing himself. He then generates a stack of Bloodthirst over the cooldown , which is displayed in his secondary resource bar. Magic Damage: 80 / 100 / 120 / 140 / 160 (+ 60% AP) Heal: 20 / 25 / 30 / 35 / 40 (+ 35% AP) At 2 stacks, Vladimir gains 10% / 20% / 30% / 40% (based on level) bonus movement speed for 0. 5 seconds, and enters Crimson Rush while the Bloodthirst depletes over 2. 5 seconds. The Bloodthirst depletes 75% slower during Sanguine Pool , Tides of Blood , or stasis . Crimson Rush Bonus: Transfusion consumes all Bloodthirst to deal 85% increased damage and heal Vladimir for an additional 30 − 200 (based on level) (+ 5% (+ 4% per 100 AP) of his missing health) , reduced to 35% against minions . Increased Damage: 148 / 185 / 222 / 259 / 296 (+ 111% AP), {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputUnit', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Even though the healing effect is visualized as a projectile, the healing itself triggers instantly.', "Vladimir'sresource bar changes colors depending onBloodthirst'scharge-up.Whitewhile generating the first stack and while at 1 stack (there is no time-out period).Orangewhile generating the second stack.RedwhileCrimson Rushis active (Bloodthirstwill deplete over 2.5seconds once triggered).Each stack generates over-time (Transfusion'scooldown).", 'Whitewhile generating the first stack and while at 1 stack (there is no time-out period).', 'Orangewhile generating the second stack.', 'RedwhileCrimson Rushis active (Bloodthirstwill deplete over 2.5seconds once triggered).', "Each stack generates over-time (Transfusion'scooldown).", "Vladimircan castSanguine PoolandHemoplagueduringTransfusion'scast time.", 'TheBloodthirstdepletes normally while underresurrectioneffects.']} | Name: Sanguine Pool, Description: Active: Vladimir sinks into a pool of blood, becoming untargetable and ghosted for 2 seconds. He also gains 37. 5 % bonus movement speed that decays exponentially over 1 second. Enemies within the pool are dealt magic damage every 0. 5 seconds over the duration and are slowed by 40%. Vladimir heals himself for 15% of the pre-mitigation damage dealt. Magic Damage Per Tick: 20 / 33. 75 / 47. 5 / 61. 25 / 75 (+ 2. 5 % bonus health) Total Magic Damage: 80 / 135 / 190 / 245 / 300 (+ 10% bonus health) Vladimir cannot use basic attacks nor abilities during Sanguine Pool, but he can still move. If Tides of Blood is charging at the time of Sanguine Pool's activation, that ability may still be recast., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputAuto', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'The first tick damages immediately so the final one occurs 0.5seconds beforeVladimirbecomes targetable again.', 'There is an extra damage tick for 0 damage whenVladimirbecomes targetable again, triggering the same spell effects as the normal ticks (except those which require damage greater than 0 being dealt).This will trigger turret aggro ontoVladimirif an enemy champion is still within the effect radius whenSanguine Poolends.', 'This will trigger turret aggro ontoVladimirif an enemy champion is still within the effect radius whenSanguine Poolends.', 'Theslowends immediately once affected enemies get out of range.', 'Vladimircan still usesummoner spellsanditem activesduringSanguine Pool.', "While unable to attack,Vladimircan still input attack commands - causing him to follow his attack target.Vladimir'sattack rangeis reduced「\xa0to 0\xa0」「\xa0by 450\xa0」while pooled - causing him to attempt to move right up to his attack target.", "Vladimir'sattack rangeis reduced「\xa0to 0\xa0」「\xa0by 450\xa0」while pooled - causing him to attempt to move right up to his attack target."]} | Name: Tides of Blood, Description: Active: Vladimir charges for up to 1. 5 seconds, during which he increases Tides of Blood's damage over the first second of the channel, and becomes slowed by 20% afterwards for the remaining duration. Tides of Blood can be recast within the duration, and does so automatically afterwards or if it is interrupted . Recast: Vladimir unleashes a nova of 15 blood bolts around himself that each deal magic damage to the first enemy hit, increased based on charge time, up to the first second. Minimum Magic Damage: 30 / 45 / 60 / 75 / 90 (+ 1. 5 % maximum health) (+ 35% AP) Maximum Magic Damage: 60 / 90 / 120 / 150 / 180 (+ 6% maximum health) (+ 80% AP) If Tides of Blood was charged for at least 1 second, enemies hit are also slowed for 0. 5 seconds. Slow: 40 / 45 / 50 / 55 / 60% Enemies can intercept multiple bolts, but can be damaged only once. If Vladimir is below 12% of his maximum health , Tides of Blood will not cost any health ., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputAuto', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'The spell indicator shows 11 equally spaced missile indicators when hovering the ability in the HUD, however the spell actually casts 15 equally spaced missiles.', 'Thehealthcost may still dropVladimirbelow the specified amount if he is above it. This is verified for every tick ofhealthcost, i.e if the first tick drops him below it, the next ones will stop affecting him if he remains below it.', 'The following table refers for interactions whileVladimirischanneling:', 'Death', 'Cast-inhibiting effects']} | Name: Hemoplague, Description: Active: Vladimir spreads a virulent plague at the target location that infects enemies hit for 4 seconds, increasing the damage they take from all sources by 10%. After the duration, the infection bursts to deal magic damage to all affected targets and, after a 0. 4 -second delay, heal Vladimir for each infected champion, reduced by 40% for champions beyond the first. Magic damage: 150 / 250 / 350 (+ 70% AP) Heal: 150 / 250 / 350 (+ 70% AP) Reduced Heal: 60 / 100 / 140 (+ 28% AP) Maximum Total Heal: 390 / 650 / 910 (+ 182% AP), {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputLocation', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'See Notes', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Hemoplaguewill amplify almost all sources and types of damage (including damage from neutral monsters but excludingtrue damage, with percent modifiers stacking multiplicatively).Hemoplagueamplifies itself for an actual 165 / 275 / 385(+ 77% AP)damage.', 'Hemoplagueamplifies itself for an actual 165 / 275 / 385(+ 77% AP)damage.', "Hemoplague'smodifier to incoming damage stacks additively withAlistar'sUnbreakable Willfor a total damage reduction of 45/55/65%.*", 'Spell shielddoes not negate the detonation.']} | Vladimir was the second champion released inSeason One(the first beingXin Zhao).He was also the only champion labeled asMage/Tankfor his legacychampion classes.
Vladimir is one of seven champions, includingDr. Mundo,Ivern,K'Sante,Olaf,SorakaandZac), who have at least one ability that can reduce their health either as a cost or self-inflicted damage.
The old icon forTides of Bloodis similar to the old one forRavenous Flock.
His name (Russian: Влади́мир) comes fromOld Church SlavonicВладимѣръVladiměrŭ, meaning "great ruler".The name is either native Slavonic or loaned from GermanicWaldemar. |
Volibear,the Relentless Storm | | | health: Health650+104, resource: Mana350+70, health regen: Health regen. (per 5s)9+0.75, resource regen: Mana regen. (per 5s)6.25+0.5, armor: Armor31+5.2, attack damage: Attack damage60+3.5, attack speed: Base AS0.625, gameplay radius: Gameplay radius80, selection radius: Selection radius125, release: 2011-11-29, changed: V13.14, role: Juggernaut, position: TopJungle, rangetype: Melee, adaptivetype: Physical, cost: 1350|585 | Missing section(s):
VolibearMainArmoredThe Thousand-Pierced BearRuneguardTitlesReal nameValhir(Ancient Freljordian)Alias(es)The Relentless StormThe Thunder's RoarThe StormThe Thousand-Pierced BearSpirit of The Great BearBear of Storms and WildsThe Hounded LordThe GreatstormThe StormlordHe Who StandsValhir of The First ThunderDestroyer of the White MountainCarver of the Five FjordsThe VolibearMr. The Volibear SirCharacteristicsSpeciesSpirit GodPronoun(s)He/HimTimelineBorn:Earlier than 9000 BNWeapon(s)Storm MagicClawsTeethOrnn's Rune-inscribed ArmorPersonal statusStatusAlivePlace of originFreljord(The Formation)Current residenceUrsine Lands,FreljordFamilyOrnn(Brother)Anivia(Sister)Ildhaurg(Sibling)Unnamed Wildclaw(Sibling)Unnamed Raven(Sibling)Seal Sister(Sister)Unnamed Lynx(Sibling)Unnamed Owl(Sibling)Professional statusOccupation(s)Demi-God Spirit(Battle and War)Region(s)FreljordFaction(s)UrsineRelated character(s)OrnnAniviaSejuaniOlafUdyrJannaNilahNunuWillump
• Main
• Armored
• The Thousand-Pierced Bear
• Runeguard
Real name
• The Relentless Storm
• The Thunder's Roar
• The Storm
• The Thousand-Pierced Bear
• Spirit of The Great Bear
• Bear of Storms and Wilds
• The Hounded Lord
• The Greatstorm
• The Stormlord
• He Who Stands
• Valhir of The First Thunder
• Destroyer of the White Mountain
• Carver of the Five Fjords
• The Volibear
• Mr. The Volibear Sir
• Born:Earlier than 9000 BN
• Storm Magic
• Claws
• Teeth
• Ornn's Rune-inscribed Armor
Personal status
Place of origin
Current residence
• Ornn(Brother)
• Anivia(Sister)
• Ildhaurg(Sibling)
• Unnamed Wildclaw(Sibling)
• Unnamed Raven(Sibling)
• Seal Sister(Sister)
• Unnamed Lynx(Sibling)
• Unnamed Owl(Sibling)
Professional status
• Ursine
Related character(s)
To those who still revere him, theVolibearis the storm made manifest. Destructive, wild, and stubbornly resolute, he existed before mortals walked theFreljord'stundra, and is fiercely protective of the lands that he and his demi-god kin created. Cultivating a deep hatred of civilization and the weakness it brought with it, he now fights to return to the old ways—when the land was untamed, and blood spilled freely—and eagerly battles all who oppose him, with tooth, claw, and thundering domination.
• 1Background
• 2Appearance
• 3Personality
• 4Abilities
• 5Relations5.1Winter's Claw5.2Lissandra5.3Ornn5.4Anivia5.5Ivern
• 6Read More6.1Biography6.2Starring Champion6.3Mentioned Champion6.4Alternate Universes
• 7Trivia
• 8Change log
• 9References
• 10See also
• 5.1Winter's Claw
• 5.2Lissandra
• 5.3Ornn
• 5.4Anivia
• 5.5Ivern
• 6.1Biography
• 6.2Starring Champion
• 6.3Mentioned Champion
• 6.4Alternate Universes
Volibear is a proud and brutal god that sees the rise of civilization as a weakness. Having been born in ancient primeval times, Volibear believes that strength and brutality are what defines one worth as a individual.
• Spirit God:Volibear is an ancient divine being embodying a particular aspect of the world, in this case, lightning, storms, battle and war. Volibear nurtures himself from both his role as a storm and war god and the belief and memory of worshipers.Immortality:As a demigod and the god of war and storms, so long as those two elements exist in Runeterra and people still believe and remember him, Volibear will continue existing.Storm Magic:Volibear wields the power of storms capable of many feats of strength and magic.Immense Strength:Volibear posses immense, godlike strength. It is said that his battle withOrnnlasted days and destroyed a whole civilization.Divine Influence:As a god of the war, Volibear is capable of inciting conflict and savagery on mortals. He believes civilizations is a weakness and is constantly manipulating battles through his followers.
• Immortality:As a demigod and the god of war and storms, so long as those two elements exist in Runeterra and people still believe and remember him, Volibear will continue existing.
• Storm Magic:Volibear wields the power of storms capable of many feats of strength and magic.
• Immense Strength:Volibear posses immense, godlike strength. It is said that his battle withOrnnlasted days and destroyed a whole civilization.
• Divine Influence:As a god of the war, Volibear is capable of inciting conflict and savagery on mortals. He believes civilizations is a weakness and is constantly manipulating battles through his followers.
Winter's Claw[]
Volibear and the Ursine are allied withSejuani,Udyrand theWinter's Clawto battleLissandra'sFrostguardandAshe'sAvarosan. However, Volibear has his own ulterior motives for the Freljord. Volibear has very little respect forUdyr, who is a shaman and spirit walker of the Winter's Claw that resisted his calling to the spirit walkers of the Ursine clan.
Lissandralost her sight from confronting Volibear back in the early days of theFreljord. She has since been actively containing his influence by, for example, killing his shamans and those that may join him as well as sabotaging the worship of all old demigods.
Volibear was close toOrnnbut they later became estranged due to their differences in ideologies causing their cataclysmic battle that destroyed the home of Ornn's followers, killing them.
Volibear is on better terms withAniviabecause they are both tied to the spirit of the land and want whats best for the Freljord.[1]
Before becoming the Green Father,Ivernused to worship Volibear.
Read More
The Relentless Storm
ByAnthony Reynolds Lenné,Rayla Heide
Starring Champion
Short Story
Silence for the Damned
ByOdin Austin Shafer
Across the frozen river, the distant, glowing lights promised warmth and food. Udyr imagined a hearth fire crackling inside one of the city's homes. Around the fire, bedding furs rested, prickling with warmth.
Song of Nunu
ByTequila Works
Short Story
ByAnthony Reynolds Lenné,Rayla Heide
Music Video
You and Me Makes Us
By Numerous creators
Mentioned Champion
Short Story
A Good Day
ByAnthony Reynolds Lenné
Vrynna gritted her teeth to stop them from chattering and forced herself on, trudging through the thick snow.
Short Story
Dead of Winter
ByGraham McNeill
Even from a distance, Sejuani could see the mammoth was dying.
Ruined King
ByAirship Syndicate
Rise Against Ruin - Unite a party of League of Legends Champions, explore Bilgewater and set sail for the Shadow Isles to uncover the secrets of the deadly Black Mist in this immersive turn-based RPG.
Starring:Ahri,Braum,Gangplank,Illaoi,Maokai,Miss Fortune,Necrit,Pyke,Rafen,Thresh,Viego,Yasuo
Mentioned:Ashe,Elise,Fiddlesticks,Fizz,Gwen,Hecarim,Isolde,Ivern,Janna,Jarvan IV,Kalista,Ledros,Lucian,Nagakabouros,Nautilus,Olaf,Ornn,Rhasa,Riven,Senna,Swain,Tahm Kench,Taliyah,Twisted Fate,Udyr,Volibear,Yone,Yorick,Zed
The Call
For the fallen. For the deserted. For the downtrodden. And for those who will rise again.
Short Story
The Dream Thief
ByMatthew Dunn
The Ice Witch does not sleep in her citadel.
The Fire Below the Mountain
ByMatthew Dunn
The Ice Witch
ByAriel Lawrence
Short Story • 15 Minute Read
The Lost Tales of Ornn
ByMatthew Dunn
I have never seen the forgotten god. My grandmother told me these tales, but she never saw the forgotten god either—nor did her grandmother before her, or hers before her, a thousand times over. His legends endure only around crackling fires and meals of roasted fish. The further back we trace our ancestors, the truer the tales become.
Short Story • 6 Minute Read
The Voice from the Hearth
ByMatthew Dunn
No one knew who lit the fire, but we saw the plume of smoke from far away.
Warmother: Issue 3
ByOdin Austin Shafer,Nina Vakueva
Weak and starving, Ashe finds herself utterly alone, until an unexpected ally bursts into action.
Alternate Universes
Short Story
The Heist
ByRiot Paradox
There Will Be Mayhem
Starring:Alistar,Aurelion Sol,Braum,Nasus,Nunu,Teemo,Trundle,Volibear,Willump
Academy Adventures: Series 2
ByGutter Rat
Mentioned:Amumu,Anivia,Annie,Ashe,Aurelion Sol,Braum,Caitlyn,Cho'Gath,Dr. Mundo,Draven,Elise,Ezreal,Fiddlesticks,Fizz,Galio,Gnar,Heimerdinger,Janna,Jhin,Jinx,Kog'Maw,Lulu,Lux,Malphite,Malzahar,Miss Fortune,Nami,Nasus,Olaf,Poppy,Rakan,Rammus,Rek'Sai,Riven,Rumble,Ryze,Shaco,Singed,Sona,Soraka,Syndra,Taliyah,Talon,Taric,Teemo,Thresh,Tibbers,Tristana,Twitch,Urgot,Varus,Veigar,Volibear,Warwick,Wukong,Xayah,Yasuo,Yorick,Zac,Zed,Ziggs,Zyra
Crystal Quest: Series 2
Harmonies: Issue 2
ByMichael Yichao
Seraphine navigates a life-changing moment as she embraces her dream becoming reality.
Mentioned:Ezreal,Janna,Jinx,Lulu,Lux,Miss Fortune,Poppy,Soraka,Syndra,Volibear,Yasuo
Nunu & Willump: Issue 5
ByIan St. Martin
This comic is an alternate/inspired story of how Nunu and Willump met.
Punches and Plants: Series 1
Mentioned:Ahri,Alistar,Annie,Ashe,Blitzcrank,Brand,Braum,Caitlyn,Darius,Diana,Dr. Mundo,Ekko,Evelynn,Ezreal,Gangplank,Garen,Gnar,Gragas,Graves,Heimerdinger,Janna,Jinx,Karma,Katarina,Leona,Lucian,Malzahar,Miss Fortune,Nami,Nasus,Nunu,Quinn,Renekton,Rumble,Ryze,Sejuani,Sivir,Sona,Soraka,Tahm Kench,Taliyah,Taric,Teemo,Tibbers,Trundle,Tryndamere,Twisted Fate,Twitch,Valor,Varus,Vel'Koz,Vladimir,Volibear,Warwick,Willump,Wukong,Zac,Ziggs
Punches and Plants: Series 2
Mentioned:Aatrox,Ahri,Alistar,Amumu,Annie,Aurelion Sol,Azir,Bard,Blitzcrank,Caitlyn,Cho'Gath,Diana,Draven,Ekko,Ezreal,Fizz,Galio,Gnar,Graves,Heimerdinger,Jayce,Kha'Zix,Kog'Maw,Leona,Lucian,Lux,Malphite,Maokai,Miss Fortune,Nasus,Nautilus,Nidalee,Olaf,Orianna,Poppy,Quinn,Rakan,Renekton,Riven,Rumble,Shaco,Taric,Teemo,Tibbers,Tristana,Trundle,Udyr,Valor,Vel'Koz,Viktor,Volibear,Warwick,Wukong,Xayah,Xin Zhao,Yasuo,Ziggs
The Tale of the Poro King
By Numerous creators
Starring: N/A
Mentioned:Aatrox,Akali,Ashe,Aurelion Sol,Azir,Braum,Caitlyn,Cho'Gath,Darius,Diana,Draven,Ezreal,Gnar,Illaoi,Janna,Jarvan IV,Jayce,Kai'Sa,Karma,Karthus,Katarina,Kayle,Kayn,Kennen,Kha'Zix,Lee Sin,Leona,Lulu,Lux,Malzahar,Miss Fortune,Nunu,Ornn,Pantheon,Pyke,Rammus,Rek'Sai,Rhaast,Ryze,Sejuani,Shen,Sion,Sivir,Soraka,Sylas,Syndra,Taliyah,Talon,Taric,Thresh,Tristana,Trundle,Udyr,Vi,Volibear,Willump,Yasuo,Zed,Ziggs,Zoe
• Volibearis the physical form of the Great Spirit of the Bear, as such spirit walkers likeUdyrcan harness a bit of his primal spirit magic.Volibear is one of the spirit gods. They are more like manifestations of cultural ideas, given immense power by the belief of their followers and can wax and wane, depending - or disappear for a long, long time.[2]
• One of his titles in the main canon, "the Thunder's Roar", was his title in theold canon.
• Volibear can be as big or small as he wants due to transcending physicality as a god.[3]
• Volibear's champion theme is the war-hymn of theUrsinewhich appears to be a fragment of the much longer poem ‘Ode to Ruin,’ dating back to before the War of the Three Sisters, with some of the original words have no direct translation.
• Volibear is one of the spirit gods. They are more like manifestations of cultural ideas, given immense power by the belief of their followers and can wax and wane, depending - or disappear for a long, long time.[2]
Change log[]
See also[] | Name: The Relentless Storm, Description: Innate: Whenever Volibear damages at least one enemy with a basic attack or ability , he generates a stack of The Relentless Storm for 6 seconds, refreshing on subsequent damage and stacking up to 5 times. At 5 stacks, Volibear gains Lightning Claws . The Relentless Storm: For each stack, Volibear gains 5% (+ 4% per 100 AP) bonus attack speed , up to 25% (+ 20% per 100 AP) . Lightning Claws: Volibear's claws ignite with lightning, empowering his basic attacks on-hit to deal 11 − 60 (based on level) (+ 50% AP) bonus magic damage to the target and the nearest visible enemy within 450 units of the target, chaining up to 4 subsequent targets., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputPassive', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'Not Blocked', 'parries': 'See Notes', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Map-Specific Differences', "Volibear'sspikes visually grow asThe Relentless Stormstacks.", 'Stacks ofThe Relentless Stormare also grantedon-hit, but will specifically not be if the target isinvulnerable.', 'While at four stacks, the next attack or ability on-hit reaching the fifth stack will be empowered byLightning Claws.', 'A stack ofThe Relentless Stormis not gained if the attack isdodgedand/or missed ifVolibearisblinded. A stack is granted even if the attack isblocked. In all cases,Lightning Clawswill not apply (on-hit damage is parried and the bounce is prevented).SinceFrenzied Maulcannot be missed whileVolibearisblinded, gaining stacks fromThe Relentless Stormand applyingLighting Clawsfrom the ability will not be prevented from that parry effect.', 'SinceFrenzied Maulcannot be missed whileVolibearisblinded, gaining stacks fromThe Relentless Stormand applyingLighting Clawsfrom the ability will not be prevented from that parry effect.', 'Volibearhas a hidden passive that grants him1 armorfor every enemyZileanwithin 800 range of him.Likewise,Zileangains1 ability powerfor every nearbyVolibear.NeitherVolibearnorZileanneedsightof one another to gain these bonuses.', 'Likewise,Zileangains1 ability powerfor every nearbyVolibear.', 'NeitherVolibearnorZileanneedsightof one another to gain these bonuses.', 'The empowered attacks do not affectstructuresnorwards.', 'AP ratio changed to40% AP.']} | Name: Thundering Smash, Description: Active: Volibear drops on all fours, becoming ghosted and gaining bonus movement speed for 4 seconds, doubled while facing a visible enemy champion within 2000 units. Bonus Movement Speed: 8 / 12 / 16 / 20 / 24% Increased Bonus Movement Speed: 16 / 24 / 32 / 40 / 48% During this time, Volibear's next basic attack is empowered to consume the bonus movement speed to have an uncancellable windup and pounce on the target , dealing bonus physical damage and stunning them for 1 second. Bonus Physical Damage: 10 / 30 / 50 / 70 / 90 (+ 120% bonus AD) If Volibear becomes immobilized or polymorphed by an enemy during Thundering Smash , the effect ends prematurely and the cooldown is reset. Thundering Smash's bonus damage is affected by critical strike modifiers and applies life steal at 100% effectiveness. Thundering Smash resets Volibear's basic attack timer., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputAuto', 'damage_type': 'Physical', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'parries': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Map-Specific Differences', "Thundering Smash'sempowered attack scales withVolibear'sattack speed.", 'Unlike most spells that empower a basic attack,Thundering Smashdoesnothave an increasedattack range.', 'Thundering Smashdealsbasic damage, but also triggers spell effects by dealing an additional 0spell damage.', 'Thundering Smashwill still apply its effects to the target even if thedashisinterrupted, but not if he goes intoresurrection.', 'Thundering Smashcandashover walls providedVolibearis in attack range of his target on the other side.', "Thundering Smash'sattack triggers againststructuresandwards, consuming the effect but dealing its bonus damage, if applicable.", 'The windup for the attack completes even if the target becomesuntargetablebut thestunand damage do not apply.', "Thundering Smash'sreset does not trigger fromdrowsyand is only granted after fallingasleep.", "Theplayer'sscreen will flash red briefly and cue a sound effect whenVolibearbecomesimmobilizedwhileThundering Smashis active.", "Volibear'snext attack after usingThundering Smashwill come out faster.", 'Despite being an empowered attack,Thundering Smashdoes not draw minion aggro.(bug)', 'Bonus AD ratio changed to60%bonusAD.', 'Cooldown changed to 16 / 15 / 14 / 13 / 12 seconds.']} | Name: Frenzied Maul, Description: Active: Volibear strikes the target enemy to deal physical damage , apply on-hit and on-attack effects at 100% effectiveness, and mark them Wounded for 8 seconds. Physical Damage: 5 / 30 / 55 / 80 / 105 (+ 100% AD) (+ 6% of his bonus health) Increased Damage: 7. 5 / 45 / 82. 5 / 120 / 157. 5 (+ 150% AD) (+ 9% of his bonus health) Wounded Bonus: Frenzied Maul deals 50% increased damage and heals Volibear . The heal is halved against minions . Heal: 20 / 35 / 50 / 65 / 80 (+ 8 / 11 / 14 / 17 / 20% of his missing health) Minion Heal: 10 / 17. 5 / 25 / 32. 5 / 40 (+ 4 / 5. 5 / 7 / 8. 5 / 10% of his missing health) Frenzied Maul applies life steal at 100% effectiveness., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputUnit', 'damage_type': 'Physical', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'parries': 'See Notes', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Map-Specific Differences', 'Volibearwill be ordered tobasic attackthe target after castingFrenzied Maul.', 'Frenzied Mauldealsbasic damage, but also triggers spell effects by dealing an additional 0spell damage.', "Frenzied Maul'sbitehealseven if it is blocked byspell shield.", "Frenzied Maul'sstrike can bedodgedandblocked, but it cannot miss ifVolibearisblinded. TheWoundmark does not apply ifdodged, but will otherwise do so regardless.The bite can beblockedbutVolibearstill heals. It does not heal nor deal damage if the bite isdodged. The bite cannot miss ifVolibearisblinded.", 'The bite can beblockedbutVolibearstill heals. It does not heal nor deal damage if the bite isdodged. The bite cannot miss ifVolibearisblinded.', "Frenzied Mauldeals bonus damage and heals if the target is stillWoundedafter the cast time. If the mark wares off before the cast time completes, the ability's animation will appear as if the bite was applied but there is no bonus damage or heal.", 'Despite being single target,Frenzied Mauldoes not draw minion aggro.(bug)', 'If the target becomesuntargetable,dies, or is too far away or no longer insightduring the cast time, this ability will cancel but does not go oncooldownnor pay its cost (if applicable).', 'Base heal changed to 10 / 25 / 40 / 55 / 70.', 'Heal health ratio changed to6 / 9 / 12 / 15 / 18% of hismissinghealth.']} | Name: Sky Splitter, Description: Active: Volibear summons a lightning bolt to strike at the target location after a 2-second delay, granting sight of the area for 1 second after one second has passed. If Volibear is within the strike, he gains a shield equal to 14% of his maximum health (+ 75% AP) for 3 seconds. The bolt deals magic damage to enemies hit, capped at 650 against non-champions, and slows them by 40% for 2 seconds. Magic Damage: 80 / 110 / 140 / 170 / 200 (+ 80% AP) (+ 11 / 12 / 13 / 14 / 15% of target's maximum health), {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputLocation', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Map-Specific Differences', "Enemies cannot see the location of the cast for the first second, but they can already tell that the spell is underway by noticingVolibear'scast animation.", 'Volibearwill receive theshieldeven if he isuntargetable.', 'Base damage changed to 60 / 85 / 110 / 135 / 160.', 'Damage AP ratio changed to70% AP.', "Damage health ratio changed to9 / 10 / 11 / 12 / 13% of target'smaximumhealth.", 'Shield AP ratio changed to65% AP.', 'Shield health ratio changed to11% ofmaximumhealth.']} | Name: Stormbringer, Description: Active: Volibear gains Stormbringer for 12 seconds and leaps to the target location with crowd control immunity , granting sight of the area in a 500 radius during the travel. Stormbringer: Volibear gains ghosting , bonus health , 50 bonus attack range , 25 increased range on Frenzied Maul , and 35% increased size . Bonus Health: 175 / 350 / 525 Volibear impacts after 1 second, slowing nearby enemies by 50% decaying over 1 second. Enemies within the epicenter are also dealt physical damage . Physical Damage: 300 / 500 / 700 (+ 250% bonus AD) (+ 125% AP) Volibear also disables enemy turrets in an area for a duration, rendering them unable to attack, as well as dealing them the same damage . Turret Disable Duration: 3 / 4 / 5 Stormbringer will cast at max range if cast beyond that. Thundering Smash's duration will be paused for the leap . Link ▶️ I am the storm!, {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputLocation', 'damage_type': 'Physical', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Stormbringerwill disable any turret that is not theNexus Obelisk, even if it isuntargetable.Stormbringerwill not deal damage to untargetable turrets.', 'Stormbringerwill not deal damage to untargetable turrets.', "Volibeargrows to his new size over 1.25seconds, starting 0.25seconds after landing, and shrinks back to his normal size over 0.5seconds afterStormbinger'sstatus ends, respectively.", 'Volibearleapsover 1 second regardless of distance ormovement speed.Volibearimpacts immediately at his current location ifStormbringeris cast over terrain he cannot pass through (due to not being able to cover the distance required).(bug)', 'Volibearimpacts immediately at his current location ifStormbringeris cast over terrain he cannot pass through (due to not being able to cover the distance required).(bug)', 'The additional bonuses are granted on-cast.', 'The turret disable debuff is namedOhmwrecker.', "Disabling aturretdoes not prevent aggro of the current target it is locked onto. The increased turret shot damage fromOhmwreckeris also reset.Turrets maintain the same targeting behavior even when disabled; damaging an enemy champion will still draw turret aggro. However, if the turret's desired target leaves range or has become an invalid target, it will lock onto the most previous target it was going to attack prior to becoming disabled, or instead, find a new one if that condition is not applicable.", "Turrets maintain the same targeting behavior even when disabled; damaging an enemy champion will still draw turret aggro. However, if the turret's desired target leaves range or has become an invalid target, it will lock onto the most previous target it was going to attack prior to becoming disabled, or instead, find a new one if that condition is not applicable.", 'The following table refers for interactions whileVolibearis dashing:', 'Death']} | Volibear was the first champion released inSeason Two.He was named afterTravis 'Volibar' George, from a long running forum meme of him supporting armored bears in the League.[2]Volibarcomes from Basquebolu"mill" andibar"valley".[3]
This demi-god's preferred epithetValhiris possibly based on unattestedOld Norse*Valhyrr[4][5]"fire of the battle-slain";valr"battle-slain" is also found inValhalla"hall of the battle-slain" andValkyrie"chooser of the battle-slain".His other epithetthe Volibearpossibly also contains a variant ofvalr.
HisUrsinetribe possibly references on real-worldbear worshipand the norseBerserker.
Volibear might have been inspired by thePanserbjørne(Danish/Norwegian: 'armored bears') fromHis Dark MaterialsbyPhilip Pullman.
Volibear's dance both before and after hisvisual updatereferences Sam B'sdanceinAmerica's Got Talent.A side-by-side comparison from before his update can be seenhere.A side-by-side comparison from after his update can be seenhere.
In Volibear's 'Champion Spotlight', his release skin names were erroneously used to label the opposite one (i.e. 'Thunder Lord' was on 'Northern Storm' and vice versa).
Rolling Thundermight be referencingthe eponymous piecebyHenry Fillmoreand/orOperation Rolling Thunderfrom theVietnam War. |
Warwick,the Uncaged Wrath of Zaun | | | health: Health620+99, resource: Mana280+35, health regen: Health regen. (per 5s)4+0.75, resource regen: Mana regen. (per 5s)7.45+0.6, armor: Armor33+4.4, attack damage: Attack damage65+3, attack speed: Base AS0.638, gameplay radius: Gameplay radius55, selection radius: Selection radius111, release: 2009-02-21, changed: V13.9, role: Diver, position: TopJungle, rangetype: Melee, adaptivetype: Physical, cost: 450|260 | Missing section(s):
WarwickMainHumanTitlesNickname(s)Subject #1088Alias(es)The Uncaged Wrath of ZaunThe HowlerThe Shadowed Fang[1]CharacteristicsSpeciesHuman(Chemically Altered;Cyborg)Pronoun(s)He/HimTimelineBorn:951 AN - 956 ANWeapon(s)Augmented ClawsFangsChem-Tech ImplantsPersonal statusStatusAlivePlace of originZaunCurrent residenceZaunProfessional statusOccupation(s)VigilanteGangster (formerly)Region(s)ZaunRelated character(s)SingedViJinx
• Main
• Human
• The Uncaged Wrath of Zaun
• The Howler
• The Shadowed Fang[1]
• Born:951 AN - 956 AN
• Augmented Claws
• Fangs
• Chem-Tech Implants
Personal status
Place of origin
Current residence
Professional status
• Vigilante
• Gangster (formerly)
Related character(s)
Warwickis a monster who hunts the gray alleys ofZaun. Transformed by agonizing experiments, his body is fused with an intricate system of chambers and pumps, machinery filling his veins with alchemical rage. Bursting out of the shadows, he preys upon those criminals who terrorize the city's depths. Warwick is drawn to blood, and driven mad by itsscent. None who spill it can escape him.
• 1Background1.1Early life1.2Recent events
• 2Appearance
• 3Personality
• 4Abilities
• 5Relations
• 6Read More6.1Biography6.2Starring Champion6.3Mentioned Champion6.4Alternate Universes
• 7Trivia
• 8Change log
• 9References
• 10See also
• 1.1Early life
• 1.2Recent events
• 6.1Biography
• 6.2Starring Champion
• 6.3Mentioned Champion
• 6.4Alternate Universes
Early life[]
During his past life as a human, Warwick was aZaunitegangster who decided to retire from crime and live a better life as a good and honest man. He was eventually captured and experimented on by the mad scientistSinged, who pumped him full of chemicals containing spliced monster DNA in an attempt to transform him into the "beast" he was deep down inside. Although Singed's experiments initially killed Warwick, they later resurrected him as a lycan with an insatiable thirst for blood.
Recent events[]
As a lycan, Warwick is a savage and bloodthirsty individual who shows absolutely no mercy towards his victims. However, due to the fact that he was a good man in his first life, he only targets Zaunite criminals in his killing sprees.
• Enhanced Strength:Warwick's strength far exceeds that of a normal human's, enabling him to easily dispatch the criminals he encounters in the depths of Zaun.
• Enhanced Durability:Warwick's skin is extremely tough, which makes him exceptionally difficult to harm through conventional means. He also possesses inhuman levels of endurance and is able to keep functioning at full strength even when severely wounded.
• Enhanced Speed:Warwick is extremely fast and can run at speeds that make him almost invisible to the naked eye. As a result of this, he can massacre entire groups of people in a split second.
• Enhanced Senses:Warwick's senses are far more potent compared to those of a normal human. This applies to his sense of smell in particular, as he smell blood from at least a mile away.
• Regeneration:Warwick is able to heal his injuries, some of which would normally be fatal, at far greater speeds than normal humans can.
• Warwick andSingedare long-time friends. Warwick has also likely supplied Singed with a myriad of test subjects over the years.The potionSingedconcocted for Warwick that transformed him into a werewolf might be derived from his ownInsanity Potion.
• In hispost-potion thirst, Warwick killed and flayedUrf. He occasionally wears the Manatee's carcass as a sort of morbid trophy.
• The potionSingedconcocted for Warwick that transformed him into a werewolf might be derived from his ownInsanity Potion.
• The chemicals that are pumped into Warwick's body every time he smellsbloodalong withSinged'sexperiments on him have taken a heavy toll on his psyche. He remembers very little of his former life as a human, sometimes recalling the cries of a little girl implied to beJinx("You were there","Let me forget") and apparently knowingVibefore she defected toPiltover. ("Zaun needed you!")Warwick is potentially the man who taught Vi how to punch, as suggested by one of his quotes to her and a line in her biography.
• Warwick is potentially the man who taught Vi how to punch, as suggested by one of his quotes to her and a line in her biography.
Read More
The Uncaged Wrath of Zaun
ByDavid Slagle
Starring Champion
ByDouble Stallion Games
Rewind the Past, Control the Future - Explore and traverse through the spectacular city of Zaun as Ekko, a young inventor with an ingenious device to manipulate time, in this story-driven action platformer. Play as a young Ekko and realize the full potential of one of League’s fan-favorite Champions.
Starring:Aximander,Camille,Chadd,Corin Reveck,Corina Veraza,Drake Poingdestre,Ekko,Elie,Inna,Jinx,Lem,Red,Rungs,Vale Poingdestre,Warwick,Wyeth,Zarkon Poingdestre
Mentioned:Ashlesh,Azir,Blitzcrank,Darius,Dr. Mundo,Eramis,Evil Kay,Farron,Fiddlesticks,Janna,Jayce,Kay,Nasus,Orianna,Renata Glasc,Seraphine,Shomi,Singed,Twitch,Urgot,Vi,Viktor,Zac,Zeri,Ziggs
Eye of the Beast
Short Story • 4 Minute Read
If They Run
ByDavid Slagle
I find her near the Black Lanes, where merchants and thieves do business. Anything is for sale. Everything is stolen. I could kill them all.
The Wrath of Zaun
In Zaun's Gray-filled streets, the criminal underworld is hunted by an engineered beast.
Mentioned Champion
Arcane (TV Series)
Every legend has a beginning.
Starring:Aero,Amara,Ambessa,Babette,Benzo,Billingsworth,Bolbok,Caitlyn,Cassandra,Chross,Claggor,Deckard,Ekko,Elora,Finn,Gorgeous Man,Grayson,Harold,Heimerdinger,Hoskel,Huck,Jayce,Jericho,Jinx,Jules,Lock,Marcus,Margot,Mel,Mylo,Pim,Ren,Renni,Salo,Sevika,Shoola,Silco,Singed,Sky,Smeech,Thieram,Tobias,Vander,Verne,Vi,Viktor,Ximena
Short Story • 4 Minute Read
Engineering the Nightmare
ByPhillip Vargas
Procured a cutthroat hiding among the populace and feigning civility. Only a disciplined eye could recognize the beast within, yearning for release. How could I refuse? For what is my work if not an attempt to reveal life's hidden truths through science? It required two doses to subdue him. Impressively resilient. A necessary quality to survive the grand catalyst of pain and provoke the transmutation. The metamorphosis will reshape the man into a chimeric predator, and all of Zaun will be its hunting grounds.
The Mad Chemist
ByIan St. Martin
Alternate Universes
Clash of Fates
Starring:Alistar,Amumu,Anivia,Annie,Ashe,Cho'Gath,Evelynn,Jax,Karthus,Kayle,Master Yi,Nunu,Rammus,Ryze,Singed,Sivir,Soraka,Teemo,Twisted Fate,Warwick,Willump,Zilean
Starring:Aurelion Sol,Azir,Braum,Kindred,Neeko,Ornn,Pantheon,Warwick
Journal of Justice
ByInstitute of War
Formare veneficum est formare fatum.
Starring:Akali,Alistar,Amumu,Anivia,Annie,Ashe,Blitzcrank,Brand,Cassiopeia,Cho'Gath,Corki,Darius,Dr. Mundo,Evelynn,Ezreal,Fiddlesticks,Gangplank,Garen,Gragas,Heimerdinger,Irelia,Janna,Jarvan IV,Jax,Karma,Karthus,Kassadin,Katarina,Kayle,Kennen,Kog'Maw,Lee Sin,Leona,Lissandra,Lux,Malzahar,Maokai,Master Yi,Mordekaiser,Morgana,Nasus,Nidalee,Nocturne,Nunu,Olaf,Pantheon,Poppy,Rammus,Renekton,Riven,Rumble,Ryze,Sejuani,Shaco,Shen,Singed,Sion,Sivir,Skarner,Sona,Soraka,Swain,Talon,Taric,Teemo,Tibbers,Tristana,Trundle,Tryndamere,Twisted Fate,Twitch,Udyr,Urgot,Veigar,Vladimir,Warwick,Willump,Wukong,Xin Zhao,Yorick,Zilean
Rise of the Elements
Unite Against The Dark
Hear the story of Lunar Empress Lux, Lunar Guardian Nasus, and Lunar Guardian Warwick as we celebrate the Year of the Dog in League of Legends.
Welcome to League of Legends
Starring:Alistar,Ashe,Cho'Gath,Katarina,Kayle,Master Yi,Morgana,Nasus,Ryze,Warwick
Academy Adventures: Series 2
ByGutter Rat
Mentioned:Amumu,Anivia,Annie,Ashe,Aurelion Sol,Braum,Caitlyn,Cho'Gath,Dr. Mundo,Draven,Elise,Ezreal,Fiddlesticks,Fizz,Galio,Gnar,Heimerdinger,Janna,Jhin,Jinx,Kog'Maw,Lulu,Lux,Malphite,Malzahar,Miss Fortune,Nami,Nasus,Olaf,Poppy,Rakan,Rammus,Rek'Sai,Riven,Rumble,Ryze,Shaco,Singed,Sona,Soraka,Syndra,Taliyah,Talon,Taric,Teemo,Thresh,Tibbers,Tristana,Twitch,Urgot,Varus,Veigar,Volibear,Warwick,Wukong,Xayah,Yasuo,Yorick,Zac,Zed,Ziggs,Zyra
Academy Adventures: Series 3
ByGutter Rat
Olaf vs Everything: Series 1
ByTom Barton
Olaf vs Everything: Series 2
ByTom Barton
Mentioned:Ahri,Aurelion Sol,Brand,Cassiopeia,Cho'Gath,Darius,Dr. Mundo,Ekko,Gnar,Illaoi,Karthus,Kog'Maw,Lee Sin,Nagakabouros,Ornn,Renekton,Skarner,Teemo,Tryndamere,Urgot,Vel'Koz,Vi,Viktor,Vladimir,Warwick,Zyra
A band of cybernetic castoffs plans to infiltrate The City to destroy the entity that created—and then abandoned—them: the PROJECT Corporation.
Playtime with Gnar: Series 2
ByRachel J. Corey
Punches and Plants: Series 1
Mentioned:Ahri,Alistar,Annie,Ashe,Blitzcrank,Brand,Braum,Caitlyn,Darius,Diana,Dr. Mundo,Ekko,Evelynn,Ezreal,Gangplank,Garen,Gnar,Gragas,Graves,Heimerdinger,Janna,Jinx,Karma,Katarina,Leona,Lucian,Malzahar,Miss Fortune,Nami,Nasus,Nunu,Quinn,Renekton,Rumble,Ryze,Sejuani,Sivir,Sona,Soraka,Tahm Kench,Taliyah,Taric,Teemo,Tibbers,Trundle,Tryndamere,Twisted Fate,Twitch,Valor,Varus,Vel'Koz,Vladimir,Volibear,Warwick,Willump,Wukong,Zac,Ziggs
Punches and Plants: Series 2
Mentioned:Aatrox,Ahri,Alistar,Amumu,Annie,Aurelion Sol,Azir,Bard,Blitzcrank,Caitlyn,Cho'Gath,Diana,Draven,Ekko,Ezreal,Fizz,Galio,Gnar,Graves,Heimerdinger,Jayce,Kha'Zix,Kog'Maw,Leona,Lucian,Lux,Malphite,Maokai,Miss Fortune,Nasus,Nautilus,Nidalee,Olaf,Orianna,Poppy,Quinn,Rakan,Renekton,Riven,Rumble,Shaco,Taric,Teemo,Tibbers,Tristana,Trundle,Udyr,Valor,Vel'Koz,Viktor,Volibear,Warwick,Wukong,Xayah,Xin Zhao,Yasuo,Ziggs
Change log[]
See also[] | Name: Eternal Hunger, Description: Innate: Warwick deals 12 − 46 (based on level) (+ 15% bonus AD) (+ 10% AP) bonus magic damage on-hit . While below 50% maximum health , Warwick also heals for 100% of the post-mitigation damage dealt by Eternal Hunger , increased to 250% while below 25% maximum health ., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputPassive', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'Not Blocked', 'parries': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', "Eternal Hungerdoes not affect:structureswards(excepteffigies),Gangplank'skegsIllaoi'sTentacles", 'structures', 'wards(excepteffigies),', "Gangplank'skegs", "Illaoi'sTentacles"]} | Name: Jaws of the Beast, Description: Active: Warwick lunges at the target enemy over 0. 264 seconds and bites them, dealing magic damage , healing himself for a percentage of the post-mitigation damage dealt, as well as applying on-hit and on-attack effects, and life steal at 100% effectiveness. The damage based on the target's health ratio is capped against monsters . Magic Damage: 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10% of target's maximum health (+ 120% AD) (+ 100% AP) Maximum Monster Damage: 100 / 125 / 150 / 175 / 200 (+ 120% AD) (+ 100% AP) Healing Percentage: 25 / 37. 5 / 50 / 62. 5 / 75% While Jaws of the Beast is active, Warwick is displacement immune and clamps his jaw on the target, following all of their movement. The ability can be held for additional effects. Hold: Warwick performs the bite, and then begins to charge for 0. 5 seconds, extended if the target is under effects of a dash or displacement . During the charge, he leaps behind the target., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputUnit', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'parries': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Map-Specific Differences', 'Jaws of the Beastdealsbasic damage, but also triggers spell effects by dealing an additional 0spell damage.', "Jaws of the Beasthas a0.264secondscastdelay, which is the amount of time required for the bite to occur from the start of the cast. This should not be confused with [cast times].If the cast started beforehand, both the damage and the heal occur even afterWarwick'sdeath, or duringresurrection.", "If the cast started beforehand, both the damage and the heal occur even afterWarwick'sdeath, or duringresurrection.", 'If the target dies prior toWarwickreaching them,Jaws of the Beastrefunds its cooldown when tapped. The ability can be still held, however,Warwickis no longer eligible for the refund in this case.Correction:The refund can occasionally fail.(bug)', "The healing is calculated only fromJaws of the Beast'sdamage, while additional effects, such as on-hits, are not.", "While the bite always occurs after the same delay, the time spent lunging does not, which depends on the rangeJaws of the Beastwas cast away from the target, up to 0.5seconds when cast at maximum range.This does not affect thelockouttimer, which is the same as the bite's delay.", "This does not affect thelockouttimer, which is the same as the bite's delay.", "The lunge always placesWarwickto his attack range to the center of his target, while the dash will place him up to the edge of his attack range from the target's edge.", "It has been special cased soWarwickdoes not follow an enemy'sRecallor aSionthat revives fromGlory in Death.Correction:This may occasionally fail. Also note that as of currently, ifWarwickmanages to bite the target in those conditions, he will almost always end up following them to their base.(bug)", "Jaws of the Beast'schannel cannot be initiated whilegroundedorrooted.Warwickcan only use the normal cast.The channel willnotbe interrupted by either of the two effects, despite the lock-on being amovement channel.", 'The channel willnotbe interrupted by either of the two effects, despite the lock-on being amovement channel.', 'In order to hit the cap, the target monster needs to have at least1667 / 1786 / 1875 / 1945 / 2000 health.', "Jaws of the Beastis the only ability in the game that combineschannelingwithdisplacement immunity. Everyinterruptingcrowd control effect that is not resisted by the displacement immunity will prematurely stop thedash.The bite can still occur if cast before the crowd control application, butWarwickcannot start channeling.Abilities that apply bothstunandairborneat the same time causeWarwickto ignore the displacement, but prematurely stop the channel and the dash.The only exception to this isSion'sGlory in Death.", 'The bite can still occur if cast before the crowd control application, butWarwickcannot start channeling.', 'Abilities that apply bothstunandairborneat the same time causeWarwickto ignore the displacement, but prematurely stop the channel and the dash.', "The only exception to this isSion'sGlory in Death.", 'Warwickwill follow enemies that move viaattachmenteffects but the lock-on willnotbe extended.', 'WhileJaws of the Beastdoes not use Quick Casting by default, click-and-hold is comparable to the input required to useBone SkewerorComet Spear. It does not accept two-click input (e.g. First Cast and Recast) that abilities likePiercing ArroworDecimating Smashuse in Standard Casting.', 'Warwickwill attempt to basic attack the target after a short delay.', 'The following table refers for interactions whileWarwickischanneling:', 'Death', 'Cast-inhibiting effects', 'Jaws of the Beastwill also refund itscooldownif it kills the target after being held for exactly its bite delay.(bug)', 'The ability can be shortly cast on a dead target, with the ability going on cooldown.(bug)', "Damage health ratio changed to5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9% of target'smaximumhealth.", 'AD ratio changed to100% AD.']} | Name: Blood Hunt, Description: Passive: Warwick gains bonus attack speed upon basic attacking an enemy who is below 50% of their maximum health , but loses it when not attacking them or switching to a target above the threshold. Bonus Attack Speed: 70 / 80 / 90 / 100 / 110% Increased Attack Speed: 175 / 200 / 225 / 250 / 275% Passive: Warwick senses all enemy champions on the map who are damaged below 50% of their maximum health by an allied source, marking them with Blood Hunt until they regenerate or heal above this threshold again. He sees trails leading toward them and gains bonus movement speed while following a trail. This bonus is lost for 0. 5 seconds upon entering champion combat , but will build up again over 3. 5 seconds. Bonus Movement Speed: 35 / 40 / 45 / 50 / 55% Increased Movement Speed: 87. 5 / 100 / 112. 5 / 125 / 137. 5 % The attack speed and movement speed Passive bonuses are increased to 250% against enemies who are below 20% of their maximum health . Active: Warwick senses the nearest enemy champion in the area, marking them with Blood Hunt for 8 seconds, gaining both passive bonuses against them regardless of their current health . Blood Hunt is placed on a 3-second static cooldown during champion combat. Additionally, while no enemy champions are marked, the current cooldown of Blood Hunt runs out twice as quickly - it is reduced by an additional second for each second passed. Link ▶️ Blood Hunted music., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputAuto', 'spell_shield': 'Not Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Correction:The in-game description incorrectly states that the bonuses are tripled (300%) against enemies below20% of theirmaximumhealth.Eternal Hungerhad a similar issue which was eventually fixed when it was rewritten.', 'Eternal Hungerhad a similar issue which was eventually fixed when it was rewritten.', 'IfBlood Huntwas cast with no enemy champions within range, the ability does nothing and goes on cooldown.', "As mentioned by the description,Blood Huntonly marks enemy champions if they are damaged below the thresholds by an allied source. This includesWarwickhimself, champions,minions, andturrets.The only exception is the alliedNexus Obelisk, because that dealsinternalrawdamage, which does not trigger damage-related events such asBlood Hunt'smarking.", "The only exception is the alliedNexus Obelisk, because that dealsinternalrawdamage, which does not trigger damage-related events such asBlood Hunt'smarking.", 'Note thatmonstersare neutral units.', 'Blood Huntcan detect and targetdecoys.', 'Blood Huntwill occur from whereverWarwickwas at the start of the cast time.', 'Blood Hunthas an indicator that appears above the target(s) when they are being hunted. Some skins have a unique indicator.', "Each ofOld God'sChromashave a unique color variation:", "Correction:It should be noted that as of right now, skins that use theoriginal's assets are all using a purple-blueish indicator that was undocumentedly introduced. It was possibly meant for color blind mode, based on the color. It is unknown whether the change was intentional or is a wrongly implemented feature."]} | Name: Primal Howl, Description: Active: Warwick gains damage reduction for up to 2. 5 seconds. Primal Howl can be recast after 1 second, and does so automatically after the duration. Damage Reduction: 35 / 40 / 45 / 50 / 55% Recast: Warwick howls, ending Primal Howl's effects and fearing nearby enemies for 1 second, slowing them by 90%. Starting Infinite Duress' channel while Primal Howl is active will initiate the recast without ending the damage reduction buff prematurely., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputAuto', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Map-Specific Differences', "The initial cast and the manual recast count as ability activations for the purposes of on-cast effects such asSpellbladeand triggeringForce Pulse'spassive.If the ability is not manually recasted, the secondary effect will trigger without being considered as an ability activation.", 'If the ability is not manually recasted, the secondary effect will trigger without being considered as an ability activation.', "The recast's howling animation has a 0.5-secondlockouttime.This will also cancelWarwick'sbasic attack.Warwickcannot attack or cast abilities during the animation, instead the last input will be buffered to play after it ends.", "This will also cancelWarwick'sbasic attack.", 'Warwickcannot attack or cast abilities during the animation, instead the last input will be buffered to play after it ends.', 'Warwickwill automatically recast if he entersresurrection.', 'Now affected by -20 ability haste.']} | Name: Infinite Duress, Description: Active: Warwick leaps in the target direction with crowd control immunity , stopping upon hitting an enemy champion. He then knocks them down and channels for up to 1. 5 seconds to suppress , reveal , and deal magic damage every 0. 25 seconds, revealing himself in the process. Total Magic Damage: 175 / 350 / 525 (+ 167% bonus AD) Warwick heals for 100% of all post-mitigation damage he deals to the target during Infinite Duress . Infinite Duress applies on-hit and on-attack effects 3 times, and life steal at 100% effectiveness. Primal Howl can be cast during the dash., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputDirection', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'parries': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Map-Specific Differences', 'Infinite Duressdealsbasic damage, but also triggers spell effects by dealing an additional 0spell damage.', 'The minimum range of the ability is 275 units, based on the minimum movement speed that a champion can have (110) while still being able to move. The "base" range of this ability is 837.5because of his 335 base movement speed.Considering movement speed soft caps, withBlood Hunt, this range increases to 1112 / 1145.5/ 1179 / 1203.125/ 1224.0625, further increased to 1360.15625/ 1412.5/ 1464.84375/ 1517.1875/ 1569.53125against enemy championsbelow 20% health.', 'Considering movement speed soft caps, withBlood Hunt, this range increases to 1112 / 1145.5/ 1179 / 1203.125/ 1224.0625, further increased to 1360.15625/ 1412.5/ 1464.84375/ 1517.1875/ 1569.53125against enemy championsbelow 20% health.', 'Infinite Duressdeals a total of 6 damage instances:The 1st, 3rd, and 5th ticks deals 2/9ths of the total damage as a single instance while applying both spell and on-hit effects.The 2nd, 4th, and 6th ticks deal 1/9ths of the total damage as a single instance while applying spell effects but not on-hit effects.', 'The 1st, 3rd, and 5th ticks deals 2/9ths of the total damage as a single instance while applying both spell and on-hit effects.', 'The 2nd, 4th, and 6th ticks deal 1/9ths of the total damage as a single instance while applying spell effects but not on-hit effects.', 'IfWarwickdoes not collide with a champion, he will slide afixed distancepast the maximum range during which he is no longer crowd control immune and unable to declare basic attacks or cast movement abilities, includingFlash, but being able to castJaws of the BeastandBlood Hunt, with the former also interrupting the slide.Warwickis able to castPrimal Howlat any time during the dash.', 'Warwickis able to castPrimal Howlat any time during the dash.', "ActivatingStopwatch/Zhonya's Hourglassduring the dash interrupts it.", "Each hit counts as a separate hit for effects such asElectrocuteandEclipse'sEver Rising Moon.", 'Warwickgains thecc-immunityat the start of the cast time.', "Cleansingthesuppressiondoes not interrupt thechannelandWarwickwill continue to strike but not deal any damage.Infinite Duressis special cased to have its channel interrupted byFate's Call.", "Infinite Duressis special cased to have its channel interrupted byFate's Call.", 'If the target iscrowd control immuneor protected byspell shieldupon collision,Warwickwill not start thechannel.', 'If the target is in azombie state,Warwickwill stop the channel after ~0.5seconds of hitting them.(bug)', "Infinite DuresscoversWarwick'shitbox, meaning he will collide with enemy champions that are particularly close to him.", 'The following table refers for interactions whileWarwickischanneling:', 'Death', 'Cast-inhibiting effects', 'Death, unless protected byResurrection', 'Total base damage changed to 100 / 200 / 300.']} | Warwick's dance referencesThrillerbyMichael Jackson.A side-by-side comparison can be seenhere.
Warwick was the second champion to have hisInfluence Pointprice reduced twice (the others beingGarenandMiss Fortune).
Warwick shares a name with atown in England, where it means "abode by the weir".However, the town's name is pronounced with the second w being silent.
His ability icons depicted him in hisGreyskin's color scheme rather than hisOriginalskin's.
In the now-removed official League of Legendsforums, theiconofHunter's Callwas used to represent the "Announcements" section. |
Wukong,the Monkey King | | | health: Health610+99, resource: Mana300+65, health regen: Health regen. (per 5s)3.5+0.8, resource regen: Mana regen. (per 5s)8+0.65, armor: Armor31+4.7, attack damage: Attack damage66+3.5, attack speed: Base AS0.69, gameplay radius: Gameplay radius65, selection radius: Selection radius100, release: 2011-07-26, changed: V13.16, role: Diver, position: TopJungle, rangetype: Melee, adaptivetype: Physical, cost: 3150|790 | Missing section(s):
WukongTitlesReal nameKong(Birth Name)Nickname(s)PupilAlias(es)The Monkey KingCharacteristicsSpeciesShimonPronoun(s)He/HimTimelineBorn:Earlier than 816 ANWeapon(s)Doran's StaffDecoyPersonal statusStatusAlivePlace of originShimon Village,IoniaCurrent residenceIoniaProfessional statusRegion(s)IoniaFaction(s)VastayaWuju OrderRelated character(s)Master YiDoranAhri
Real name
• Born:Earlier than 816 AN
• Doran's Staff
• Decoy
Personal status
Place of origin
Current residence
Professional status
• Vastaya
• Wuju Order
Related character(s)
Wukongis avastayantrickster who uses his strength, agility, and intelligence to confuse his opponents and gain the upper hand. After finding a lifelong friend in the warrior known asMaster Yi, Wukong became the last student of the ancient martial art known as Wuju. Armed with an enchanted staff, Wukong seeks to preventIoniafrom falling to ruin.
• 1Background
• 2Appearance
• 3Personality
• 4Relations4.1Master Yi4.2Ahri
• 5Read More5.1Biography5.2Starring Champion5.3Mentioned Champion5.4Alternate Universes
• 6Trivia
• 7Change log
• 8References
• 9See also
• 4.1Master Yi
• 4.2Ahri
• 5.1Biography
• 5.2Starring Champion
• 5.3Mentioned Champion
• 5.4Alternate Universes
Master Yi[]
Wukong was trained in the Art of Wuju byMaster Yi. Wukong's original name was 'Kong'. When Kong agreed to become his student,Master Yidubbed him 'Wukong', effectively naming him after the Wuju style. Due to this, they share two similarquotes.
Wukong andAhriare listed as related champions for unknown reason, possibly because of both beingVastaya.
Read More
The Monkey King
ByAnthony Burch
Mentioned:Master Yi
Starring Champion
Short Story • 5 Minute Read
Fast and Dumb
ByAnthony Burch
When a life hangs in the balance, there are two options: slow and smart, or fast and dumb.
Mentioned:Master Yi
Mentioned Champion
Short Story
ByMichael Luo
Returning once more to his home, Master Yi faces his past and prepares for what the future will bring.
Starring:Master Yi
The Wuju Bladesman
ByMichael Luo
Starring:Master Yi
Alternate Universes
Dawn by Raid
Journal of Justice
ByInstitute of War
Formare veneficum est formare fatum.
Starring:Akali,Alistar,Amumu,Anivia,Annie,Ashe,Blitzcrank,Brand,Cassiopeia,Cho'Gath,Corki,Darius,Dr. Mundo,Evelynn,Ezreal,Fiddlesticks,Gangplank,Garen,Gragas,Heimerdinger,Irelia,Janna,Jarvan IV,Jax,Karma,Karthus,Kassadin,Katarina,Kayle,Kennen,Kog'Maw,Lee Sin,Leona,Lissandra,Lux,Malzahar,Maokai,Master Yi,Mordekaiser,Morgana,Nasus,Nidalee,Nocturne,Nunu,Olaf,Pantheon,Poppy,Rammus,Renekton,Riven,Rumble,Ryze,Sejuani,Shaco,Shen,Singed,Sion,Sivir,Skarner,Sona,Soraka,Swain,Talon,Taric,Teemo,Tibbers,Tristana,Trundle,Tryndamere,Twisted Fate,Twitch,Udyr,Urgot,Veigar,Vladimir,Warwick,Willump,Wukong,Xin Zhao,Yorick,Zilean
ByInstitute of War
The truest opponent lies within.
Starring:Boram Darkwill,Brand,Caitlyn,Cassiopeia,Galio,Graves,Irelia,Jarvan IV,Karma,LeBlanc,Lee Sin,Leona,Lux,Maokai,Miss Fortune,Nocturne,Orianna,Renekton,Riven,Rumble,Ryze,Skarner,Sona,Swain,Talon,Trundle,Urgot,Varus,Vayne,Vladimir,Wukong,Xerath,Xin Zhao,Yorick
Short Story
Lunar Guardian
By Numerous creators
There was an age when darkness smothered all hope. A traveler arrived, late into that twilight hour, bearing with him the first light of dawn.
Academy Adventures: Series 2
ByGutter Rat
Mentioned:Amumu,Anivia,Annie,Ashe,Aurelion Sol,Braum,Caitlyn,Cho'Gath,Dr. Mundo,Draven,Elise,Ezreal,Fiddlesticks,Fizz,Galio,Gnar,Heimerdinger,Janna,Jhin,Jinx,Kog'Maw,Lulu,Lux,Malphite,Malzahar,Miss Fortune,Nami,Nasus,Olaf,Poppy,Rakan,Rammus,Rek'Sai,Riven,Rumble,Ryze,Shaco,Singed,Sona,Soraka,Syndra,Taliyah,Talon,Taric,Teemo,Thresh,Tibbers,Tristana,Twitch,Urgot,Varus,Veigar,Volibear,Warwick,Wukong,Xayah,Yasuo,Yorick,Zac,Zed,Ziggs,Zyra
Punches and Plants: Series 1
Mentioned:Ahri,Alistar,Annie,Ashe,Blitzcrank,Brand,Braum,Caitlyn,Darius,Diana,Dr. Mundo,Ekko,Evelynn,Ezreal,Gangplank,Garen,Gnar,Gragas,Graves,Heimerdinger,Janna,Jinx,Karma,Katarina,Leona,Lucian,Malzahar,Miss Fortune,Nami,Nasus,Nunu,Quinn,Renekton,Rumble,Ryze,Sejuani,Sivir,Sona,Soraka,Tahm Kench,Taliyah,Taric,Teemo,Tibbers,Trundle,Tryndamere,Twisted Fate,Twitch,Valor,Varus,Vel'Koz,Vladimir,Volibear,Warwick,Willump,Wukong,Zac,Ziggs
Punches and Plants: Series 2
Mentioned:Aatrox,Ahri,Alistar,Amumu,Annie,Aurelion Sol,Azir,Bard,Blitzcrank,Caitlyn,Cho'Gath,Diana,Draven,Ekko,Ezreal,Fizz,Galio,Gnar,Graves,Heimerdinger,Jayce,Kha'Zix,Kog'Maw,Leona,Lucian,Lux,Malphite,Maokai,Miss Fortune,Nasus,Nautilus,Nidalee,Olaf,Orianna,Poppy,Quinn,Rakan,Renekton,Riven,Rumble,Shaco,Taric,Teemo,Tibbers,Tristana,Trundle,Udyr,Valor,Vel'Koz,Viktor,Volibear,Warwick,Wukong,Xayah,Xin Zhao,Yasuo,Ziggs
• Wukong belongs to theVastayarace and tribe known as the Shimon. They are the Vastaya inhabitants ofIonia, in its jungle regions.
• As an adultVastaya, he is over a few hundred years old.[1]
• Wukong's mystical staff was crafted by the legendary blacksmith MasterDoranofIonia.
• The nameWù[2]kōng[3](悟空, pronounced [wu:˥˩kʰʊ̃ŋ˥]; official Riot's:woo-kohng) is a common Buddhist name that means "awakening toemptiness" in Chinese, afterSun Wukong, the protagonist of the Chinese novelJourney to the West. Wukong is also one of the few champions to be based on a public domain character from real-world mythology and literature in general.InJourney to the West, this Buddhist name was bestowed to the nameless Monkey King by his first masterSubhuti.Wukong's passive,Stone Skin, is possibly a reference to Sun Wukong being born from a stone. He's also said to be born from the earth itself.Wukong's original lore is also a nod to Sun Wukong's origin (a stone turned into a monkey, had his own adventures before meeting and later following his Master).In-universe,Master Yihimself adds the elementWuto Kong's name, in recognition that Kong was among his best students.The fact that Wukong was trained under Master Yi is also another possible reference to Sun Wukong's original master,Subhuti, or Wukong's more famous master during his pilgrimage to the West, the historical Chinese Buddhist pilgrimXuanzang, who contributed greatly to the translation of Buddhist texts into Chinese, thus earning the bynameTripitakaत्रिपिटक (Mandarin: 三藏Sānzàng), after the Pali canon.In his updated background, Wukong's Vastayan tribe turns intostoneafter death.Wukong's abilities,Nimbus StrikeandWarrior Trickster, are references to Sun Wukong's ability to ride on clouds via his "Somersault Cloud" (筋斗雲,Jīndǒuyún) technique and to create clones of himself using strands of his hair, respectively.Wukong also likes peaches; likewise the original Sun Wukong himself also ate all ripe peaches in the Heavenly Peach Garden at one point in the original novel, greatly increasing his longevity.In Japanese server, Wukong is rendered as "ウーコン" (Ūkon [ɯ̟:ᵝkõ̞ɴ];Oo-kohn) via the pinyin reading of the name instead of on'yomi (which would be rendered as "Gokuu" instead). Due to also being voiced byMasako Nozawaas aforementioned, the voice actress of the character of the same name in theDragon Ballfranchise, this acts an overall actor allusion to theDragon BallWukong/Gokuu's source inspiration.In the Chinese servers, Wukong is directly referred to as Sun Wukong himself in the flesh as opposed to being a different character loosely based on him.
• InJourney to the West, this Buddhist name was bestowed to the nameless Monkey King by his first masterSubhuti.
• Wukong's passive,Stone Skin, is possibly a reference to Sun Wukong being born from a stone. He's also said to be born from the earth itself.Wukong's original lore is also a nod to Sun Wukong's origin (a stone turned into a monkey, had his own adventures before meeting and later following his Master).In-universe,Master Yihimself adds the elementWuto Kong's name, in recognition that Kong was among his best students.The fact that Wukong was trained under Master Yi is also another possible reference to Sun Wukong's original master,Subhuti, or Wukong's more famous master during his pilgrimage to the West, the historical Chinese Buddhist pilgrimXuanzang, who contributed greatly to the translation of Buddhist texts into Chinese, thus earning the bynameTripitakaत्रिपिटक (Mandarin: 三藏Sānzàng), after the Pali canon.In his updated background, Wukong's Vastayan tribe turns intostoneafter death.
• Wukong's abilities,Nimbus StrikeandWarrior Trickster, are references to Sun Wukong's ability to ride on clouds via his "Somersault Cloud" (筋斗雲,Jīndǒuyún) technique and to create clones of himself using strands of his hair, respectively.
• Wukong also likes peaches; likewise the original Sun Wukong himself also ate all ripe peaches in the Heavenly Peach Garden at one point in the original novel, greatly increasing his longevity.
• In Japanese server, Wukong is rendered as "ウーコン" (Ūkon [ɯ̟:ᵝkõ̞ɴ];Oo-kohn) via the pinyin reading of the name instead of on'yomi (which would be rendered as "Gokuu" instead). Due to also being voiced byMasako Nozawaas aforementioned, the voice actress of the character of the same name in theDragon Ballfranchise, this acts an overall actor allusion to theDragon BallWukong/Gokuu's source inspiration.
• In the Chinese servers, Wukong is directly referred to as Sun Wukong himself in the flesh as opposed to being a different character loosely based on him.
• Wukong's original lore is also a nod to Sun Wukong's origin (a stone turned into a monkey, had his own adventures before meeting and later following his Master).In-universe,Master Yihimself adds the elementWuto Kong's name, in recognition that Kong was among his best students.The fact that Wukong was trained under Master Yi is also another possible reference to Sun Wukong's original master,Subhuti, or Wukong's more famous master during his pilgrimage to the West, the historical Chinese Buddhist pilgrimXuanzang, who contributed greatly to the translation of Buddhist texts into Chinese, thus earning the bynameTripitakaत्रिपिटक (Mandarin: 三藏Sānzàng), after the Pali canon.
• In his updated background, Wukong's Vastayan tribe turns intostoneafter death.
• In-universe,Master Yihimself adds the elementWuto Kong's name, in recognition that Kong was among his best students.The fact that Wukong was trained under Master Yi is also another possible reference to Sun Wukong's original master,Subhuti, or Wukong's more famous master during his pilgrimage to the West, the historical Chinese Buddhist pilgrimXuanzang, who contributed greatly to the translation of Buddhist texts into Chinese, thus earning the bynameTripitakaत्रिपिटक (Mandarin: 三藏Sānzàng), after the Pali canon.
• The fact that Wukong was trained under Master Yi is also another possible reference to Sun Wukong's original master,Subhuti, or Wukong's more famous master during his pilgrimage to the West, the historical Chinese Buddhist pilgrimXuanzang, who contributed greatly to the translation of Buddhist texts into Chinese, thus earning the bynameTripitakaत्रिपिटक (Mandarin: 三藏Sānzàng), after the Pali canon.
Change log[]
See also[] | Name: Stone Skin, Description: Innate: Whenever Wukong or his clone damage an enemy champion or monster , he generates a stack of Strength of Stone for 5 seconds, refreshing on subsequent hits and stacking up to 10 times. Strength of Stone: Wukong gains 5 − 9 (based on level) bonus armor and bonus health regeneration equal to 0. 35 % of his maximum health , increased by 50% for each stack up to a maximum of 30 − 54 (based on level) bonus armor and 2. 1 % maximum health regeneration., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputPassive', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'No additional details']} | Name: Crushing Blow, Description: Active: Wukong empowers his next basic attack within 5 seconds to have an uncancellable windup , gain bonus range , deal bonus physical damage , and inflict armor reduction for 3 seconds. Bonus Range: 75 / 100 / 125 / 150 / 175 Bonus Physical Damage: 20 / 45 / 70 / 95 / 120 (+ 45% bonus AD) Armor Reduction: 10 / 15 / 20 / 25 / 30% of target's armor Crushing Blow's cooldown is reduced by 0. 5 seconds whenever Wukong or his clone damage an enemy. Crushing Blow resets Wukong's and his clone's basic attack timer. Other abilities can be used during the attack's animation., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputAuto', 'damage_type': 'Physical', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'parries': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Map-Specific Differences', 'Crushing Blowtriggers onstructuresandwardsbut the armor reduction is not applied.', 'PressingSwill cancel the animation and the attack will still land, butWukongwill not be able to move until it lands.', 'Base damage changed to 10 / 30 / 50 / 70 / 90.', 'Bonus AD ratio changed to35%bonusAD.']} | Name: Warrior Trickster, Description: Active: Wukong enters invisibility for 1 second and dashes to the target location, leaving behind a clone of himself at his casting position for 3. 25 seconds. The clone is untargetable to allies and can basic attack autonomously, prioritizing the last enemy Wukong damaged. It can also gain the effects of Crushing Blow and Nimbus Strike's bonus attack speed , and casts Cyclone whenever Wukong does. The clone deals reduced outgoing damage. Clone Outgoing Damage: 35 / 40 / 45 / 50 / 55% See Pets for more details about Wukong's clone. Wukong can cast any of his abilities during the dash. Warrior Trickster will cast at max range if cast beyond that., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputLocation', 'damage_type': 'Physical', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'parries': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Tips & Tricks', 'Map-Specific Differences', "CastingWarrior Tricksterduring an ability's effects will transfer them to the clone.", 'Turretshots instantly kill the clone.', 'The clone is immune tostasisandBlast Cone.', 'The clone can still be targeted by alliedauto-targetedeffects (e.g.Heal,Celestial Blessing).', 'Pressing theSkey(or Ctrl-5) is special cased forWukongto instantly snap into his idle animation like his clone would, which can be used to trick his opponents.', 'Cooldown changed to 26 / 24 / 22 / 20 / 18 seconds.']} | Name: Nimbus Strike, Description: Active: Wukong dashes to the target enemy's location and sends out untargetable clones to strike up to two additional enemies near the target's location, dealing magic damage . Magic Damage: 80 / 110 / 140 / 170 / 200 (+ 100% AP) Upon arrival, Wukong gains bonus attack speed for 5 seconds. Bonus Attack Speed: 35 / 40 / 45 / 50 / 55% Crushing Blow can be cast during the dash., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputUnit', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Theclonescan block non-targeted attacks or abilities for 0.25seconds after hitting their targets.', 'Nimbus Strikehas an offset distance of 75 units from the target dashed to.', 'The ability applies a stack ofElectrocute/Phase Rusheven if the target isuntargetable.', "The createdclonesare considered champions forTurret Plating'sgoldsharing."]} | Name: Cyclone, Description: Active: Wukong spins his staff around for up to 2 seconds, becoming ghosted and gaining 20% bonus movement speed . The staff deals physical damage every 0. 25 seconds to enemies hit, and can knock them up once for 0. 6 seconds. Cyclone will not knock up enemies who were already hit by either Wukong or his clone within the same cast. Physical Damage Per Tick: 1 / 1. 5 / 2% of target's maximum health (+ 34. 375 % AD) Total Physical Damage: 8 / 12 / 16% of target's maximum health (+ 275% AD) Cyclone can be recast after 0. 5 seconds within the duration, and does so automatically afterwards or by casting another ability . Recast: Wukong ends Cyclone. After 1 second, he can cast Cyclone a second time within 8 seconds of the first cast. Maximum Total Physical Damage: 16 / 24 / 32% of target's maximum health (+ 550% AD) Nimbus Strike's bonus attack speed duration is continuously refreshed while spinning. Cyclone's damage is capped at 200 / 400 / 600 (based on level) per second against monsters ., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputAuto', 'damage_type': 'Physical', 'spell_shield': 'See Notes', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Map-Specific Differences', 'Cycloneis special cased to grant stacks ofConquerorfor each tick of damage.', "CastingCrushing Blowwill cancelCyclonefor bothWukongand his clone.Warrior TricksterandNimbus Strikewill only interruptWukong'sCyclone.", "Cyclone'sremaining duration always stays the same even after the clone replicated the ability.", "DuringCyclone,Wukongand his clone'sattack rangesare reduced「\xa0to 50\xa0」「\xa0by 125\xa0」.", "Spell shieldwill block one instance of damage.Blocking theknock upwill still grant immunity to it from either ofCyclone'scasts.", "Blocking theknock upwill still grant immunity to it from either ofCyclone'scasts.", 'Death', "Base damage per tick changed to0.75/ 1.125/ 1.5% of target'smaximumhealth.", 'AD ratio per second changed to110% AD.']} | Wukong is based onSun Wukongfrom the Chinese novelJourney to the West.
Coincidentally, much ofGaren'skit was a possible basis for Wukong, mainly due to both characters having:A "Q" ability that originally stated its scaling to be over 100% in attack damage as an auto-attack booster and reset with an extra effect (Decisive Strikesilences with a movement speed boost whileWukong'sCrushing Blowreduces armor by a percentage), and applies on-hit effects as well.A passive ability that increases their defensive stats (with Garen's being a normal ability with not only percentage defensive boosts, but also with a damage reduction active while Wukong's only being a standard passive with flat defense/HP boosts).Point-and-click spells; Garen's can only target one champion with it and acts as his ultimate; Wukong's can hit two extra targets in range, moves him to said target(s) and acts as a normal ability. Both versions at some point have interacted with magic damage (Garen'sDemacian Justiceoriginally inflicted bonus magic damage whileWukong'sNimbus Strikenow scales with magic damage and ability power as of his gameplay update).CycloneandJudgmentinvolve a very similar spinning animation and near-identical mechanics in the way their hits are racked up, how they provide bonus movement speed during cast time, and cancellation. A number of certain item actives and summoner spells can even be used during their cast times, though depending on the champion there are exclusive item actives only available to them during such abilities, as Wukong before his update could not activateTiamat's/Ravenous Hydra'sactive duringCyclone.Cyclonealso cannot critically strike, unlikeJudgment.Likewise, both their ultimates (Demacian JusticeandCyclone) have HP-based-damage-scaling against their targets.
The name ofCycloneon the Chinese Servers, 大鬧天宮 (trad.) 大闹天宫 (simpl.) (Dànào Tiāngōng, lit.Greatly Wrecking the Heavenly Palace) references the Monkey King's rebellion against the Jade Emperor & other heavenly government's officials, until Buddha sealed him the Five Finger Mountain (Wǔzhǐshān, 五指山) for five centuries, before embarking on his westward journey to redeem himself.[2]
OtherMOBA'sthanLeague of Legends(such asHeroes of Newerth[3],Smite[4], andDota 2[5]) also feature a character based on Sun Wukong. These expies of the Monkey King (includingSmite'spre-worked Sun Wukong) have similar abilities and playstyles (mainly being damaging tanks with assassin potential, and having very unique tricks with their abilities).
Wukong is one of a few champions to have multiple textures in one skin. When he usesWarrior Trickster, his clone will be of a different colour palette which can only be seen by Wukong and his allies. To the opposing team, the two Wukongs look exactly the same, including copies of any externalbuffsanditemeffects active at the moment the clone is spawned (Prior to patchV5.22, clones did not duplicate external buff/active item effect particles).Four other champions with this feature areLeBlanc(viaMirror Image),Shaco's(viaHallucinate),Nasus(viaFury of the Sands) andMalphite(viaGranite ShieldandThunderclap).
Wukong'scritical strikeanimation is a possible nod to a famous pole-vaulting kick used by many incarnations of the original Sun Wukong, especially in the TV drama adaptations ofJourney to the West, and hisWarriors Orochi / Musou Orochiincarnation as well.
When a Wukong Bot usesWarrior Trickster, the decoy is named "MonkeyKing Bot".
Wukong is the only champion with twoLunar Revelskins.
Before his gameplay update,Cyclonewas originally tied as one of the highest AD ratio abilities in the game. |
Xayah,the Rebel | | | health: Health630+107, resource: Mana340+40, health regen: Health regen. (per 5s)3.25+0.75, resource regen: Mana regen. (per 5s)8.25+0.8, armor: Armor25+4.2, attack damage: Attack damage60+3.5, attack speed: Base AS0.658, gameplay radius: Gameplay radius65, selection radius: Selection radius120, release: 2017-04-19, changed: V13.8, role: Marksman, position: Bottom, rangetype: Ranged, adaptivetype: Physical, cost: 4800|880 | Missing section(s):
XayahMainCurrentTitlesAlias(es)The RebelThe Violet RavenCharacteristicsSpeciesLhotlanPronoun(s)She/HerTimelineBorn:Earlier than 816 ANWeapon(s)Magical PlumagePersonal statusStatusAlivePlace of originLhotlan Village,Qaelin,IoniaCurrent residenceIoniaFamilyUnnamed FatherRakan(Spouse)Professional statusOccupation(s)AssassinFreedom FighterRegion(s)IoniaFaction(s)VastayaRelated character(s)RakanZedLee Sin
• Main
• Current
• The Rebel
• The Violet Raven
• Born:Earlier than 816 AN
Personal status
Place of origin
Current residence
• Unnamed Father
• Rakan(Spouse)
Professional status
• Assassin
• Freedom Fighter
Related character(s)
Deadly and precise,Xayahis avastayanrevolutionary waging a personal war to save her people. She uses her speed, guile, and razor-sharpfeather bladesto cut down anyone who stands in her way.Xayahfights alongside her partner and lover,Rakan, to protect their dwindling tribe and restore their race to her vision of its former glory.
• 1Background1.1Early life1.2Recent events
• 2Appearance
• 3Personality
• 4Abilities
• 5Relations5.1Rakan5.2Zed
• 6Read More6.1Biography6.2Starring Champion6.3Mentioned Champion6.4Alternate Universes
• 7Trivia
• 8Change log
• 9References
• 10See also
• 1.1Early life
• 1.2Recent events
• 5.1Rakan
• 5.2Zed
• 6.1Biography
• 6.2Starring Champion
• 6.3Mentioned Champion
• 6.4Alternate Universes
Early life[]
It is said that Xayah met Rakan when he realised that she was the only woman that wouldn't fall for his charms. This intrigued him, perusing her later on.
Recent events[]
Xayah is a slenderVastayaLhotlanwith white skin, pointed ears like birds, and long, red hair. She wears simple drifter clothes with a distinct palette of dark red, purple, burgundy and some brown accents. The most distinctive ornament in her attire is her feathered cape, which is dark with shades between burgundy red and purple. She also has severalblades made of feathersfloating around her.
• Vastayan Physiology:Xayah is a Vastaya, an ancient race of demi-humans changed by magic of the Spirit Realm. The connection to the Spirit Realm increased their longevity so they can live for centuries, and granted them powerful magic. The Vastaya are divided into several different tribes, each one defined by an specific animal. Xayah is a Lothlan, a type of birdlike Vastaya.Enhanced Agility:Lothlan are much more agile than a normal human.Magical Plumage:Xayah has a "wing" on her left shoulder that produces magical feathers that can be used as throwing weapons. The feathers are sharp enought to pierce throw armor,and can be called back to Xayah, damaging anything that it's in the way.
• Enhanced Agility:Lothlan are much more agile than a normal human.
• Magical Plumage:Xayah has a "wing" on her left shoulder that produces magical feathers that can be used as throwing weapons. The feathers are sharp enought to pierce throw armor,and can be called back to Xayah, damaging anything that it's in the way.
Xayah is a LhotlanVastayanwho travelsIoniaon a crusade to ensure her people's survival and independence. After meeting and getting in a relationship withRakan, both travel Ionia to preserve Ionia's natural magic from being controlled by humans. They are still not married, since she wants to hear him proposing to her everyday.
Xayah andRakanfoughtZedand his Order of the Shadow to prevent them from harvesting a magical grove.
Read More
The Rebel
ByMatthew Dunn
Starring Champion
Short Story
A Piece of Shadow Cake
ByOdin Austin Shafer
Xayah jumped upward into the trees' foliage, dodging the gunfire that exploded from the temple's walls.
Short Story • 7 Minute Read
Puboe Prison Break
ByMatthew Dunn
Rakan is the worst.
Wild Magic
Restoring the wild magic of Ionia won't be easy when a deadly enemy lurks in the shadows.
Mentioned Champion
Short Story • 8 Minute Read
Nothing Rhymes with Tubebow
ByOdin Austin Shafer
Two paths lead to the monastery fortress from the villages below it,' Xayah begins.
The Charmer
ByOdin Austin Shafer
Alternate Universes
Short Story
Ambition's Embrace
ByMichael Yichao
Bound by darkness.
Starring:Ashe,Kassadin,Lulu,Lux,Master Yi,Rakan,Thresh,Xayah,Xin Zhao
Another Sky: Wild Rift Edition
ByTy Sheedlo
Join the Star Guardians as they fight for the future by saving a ghost from their past!
Starring:Ahri,Miss Fortune,Orianna,Rakan,Senna,Seraphine,Xayah
Music Video
Everything Goes On
ByPorter Robinson
Together with some familiar faces, a new generation of Star Guardians ascend to battle a looming threat. But even when confronted with eternal darkness, their hope burns brighter than fear.
Mentioned:Ahri,Lux,Miss Fortune
Music Video
Light and Shadow
By Numerous creators
A cosmic darkness threatens to overcome three former teammates who were thought to have perished.
Mentioned:Miss Fortune
New Dreams
The school year comes and goes, but we’ll share these memories forever.
Star-Crossed: Clockwork
ByJared Rosen,Callie Miller
Xayah grapples with what it means to be a leader, but her latest Star Guardian recruit may be the rational, logical antidote to her angst and axiety.
Mentioned:Ahri,Miss Fortune,Rakan
Star-Crossed: Convince Me
ByJared Rosen,Callie Miller
Xayah travels to a new planet to enlist the help of a seasoned Star Guardian with a big gun and, secretly, a bigger heart.
Mentioned:Ahri,Miss Fortune
Star-Crossed: Embrace
ByJared Rosen,Callie Miller
Final showdown! The Guardians have played all their cards, but something in Xayah tells her to keep fighting—she’ll find a way to redeem Rakan or die (again) trying.
Starring:Ahri,Akali,Kai'Sa,Miss Fortune,Orianna,Rakan,Senna,Seraphine,Xayah
Star-Crossed: Hope
ByJared Rosen,Callie Miller
Months later, some familiar faces from Xayah’s past appear during the heat of battle. Her team may be stronger than ever, but what if Rakan doesn’t want to be saved?
Starring:Ahri,Miss Fortune,Orianna,Rakan,Senna,Seraphine,Xayah
Star-Crossed: Shine So Bright
ByJared Rosen,Callie Miller
Xayah's search for Star Guardian allies brings her to, of all places, a concert in the park. Is this bubbly popstar with a penchant for glitter the teammates she's been looking for?
Short Story
Twin Stars
ByCat Cheresh
Akali could see the stars.
Starring:Ahri,Akali,Ezreal,Janna,Jinx,Kai'Sa,Lulu,Lux,Miss Fortune,Neeko,Poppy,Rakan,Soraka,Syndra,Xayah,Zoe
A New Horizon
A mysterious new team arrives: Star Guardian Ahri, Miss Fortune, Syndra, Soraka, and Ezreal.
Starring:Ahri,Ezreal,Miss Fortune,Soraka,Syndra
Academy Adventures: Series 2
ByGutter Rat
Mentioned:Amumu,Anivia,Annie,Ashe,Aurelion Sol,Braum,Caitlyn,Cho'Gath,Dr. Mundo,Draven,Elise,Ezreal,Fiddlesticks,Fizz,Galio,Gnar,Heimerdinger,Janna,Jhin,Jinx,Kog'Maw,Lulu,Lux,Malphite,Malzahar,Miss Fortune,Nami,Nasus,Olaf,Poppy,Rakan,Rammus,Rek'Sai,Riven,Rumble,Ryze,Shaco,Singed,Sona,Soraka,Syndra,Taliyah,Talon,Taric,Teemo,Thresh,Tibbers,Tristana,Twitch,Urgot,Varus,Veigar,Volibear,Warwick,Wukong,Xayah,Yasuo,Yorick,Zac,Zed,Ziggs,Zyra
Academy Adventures: Series 3
ByGutter Rat
Another Sky
ByJared Rosen,Taylor Dinwiddie,Ty Sheedlo
As a new generation of Star Guardians prepares to fight back the forces of chaos, rising star Akali finds herself wracked with doubt. Does she have what it takes to be a Star Guardian? Or will the darkness she senses inside spell doom for her and her friends?
Mentioned:Ahri,Akshan,Ezreal,Gwen,Jinx,Lux,Miss Fortune,Rakan,Xayah
Punches and Plants: Series 2
Mentioned:Aatrox,Ahri,Alistar,Amumu,Annie,Aurelion Sol,Azir,Bard,Blitzcrank,Caitlyn,Cho'Gath,Diana,Draven,Ekko,Ezreal,Fizz,Galio,Gnar,Graves,Heimerdinger,Jayce,Kha'Zix,Kog'Maw,Leona,Lucian,Lux,Malphite,Maokai,Miss Fortune,Nasus,Nautilus,Nidalee,Olaf,Orianna,Poppy,Quinn,Rakan,Renekton,Riven,Rumble,Shaco,Taric,Teemo,Tibbers,Tristana,Trundle,Udyr,Valor,Vel'Koz,Viktor,Volibear,Warwick,Wukong,Xayah,Xin Zhao,Yasuo,Ziggs
Music Video
By Numerous creators
Reaching the peak takes more than skill. Only those with the ambition to RISE above all others will know its height.
Starring: N/A
Mentioned:Akali,Ashe,Braum,Darius,Ekko,Ezreal,Fiora,Garen,Gnar,Jarvan IV,Jax,Jinx,Kalista,Kennen,Kha'Zix,Leona,Lux,Master Yi,Olaf,Poppy,Rakan,Riven,Ryze,Sejuani,Swain,Taliyah,Thresh,Tryndamere,Vayne,Xayah,Yasuo,Zed,Ziggs
Short Story
ByAriel Lawrence
A team bonding trip will test Lux's leadership and confidence as the group welcomes new stars during the annual meteor shower.
Starring:Ahri,Ezreal,Janna,Jinx,Lulu,Lux,Miss Fortune,Poppy,Soraka,Syndra
Music Video
Take Over
By Numerous creators
We're Taking Over.
Starring: N/A
Mentioned:Caitlyn,Galio,Jarvan IV,Kassadin,Lee Sin,Thresh,Xayah
The Roadtrip
ByCassie Parkes,Marvin Clifford
Mentioned:Ahri,Ashe,Azir,Bard,Braum,Darius,Fiddlesticks,Garen,Gnar,Gragas,Graves,Irelia,Jinx,Kalista,Katarina,Kog'Maw,Lee Sin,Lulu,Master Yi,Nami,Poppy,Rakan,Shaco,Sona,Swain,Taric,Teemo,Twisted Fate,Varus,Xayah,Yasuo,Zilean
Short Story
The Twilight Star
ByAriel Lawrence
I have too many questions I want to ask her.
Starring:Janna,Jinx,Lulu,Lux,Miss Fortune,Poppy
• Her tribe's name, Lhotlan, was named after Lhotl, a Vastayashai’rei hero during the war against a race of titans from the sky.
• Xayah was originally intended to be 23 in equivalence to human age, but due to being a youngVastaya, she is possibly a few hundreds years old.[1][2]This can be explained that as one enters a vastayan forest, time—as we know it—becomes to be less reliable. This is the border to the spirit world, so time can go strangely—Days can become years; or months can become seconds in the world outside of the forest.[3]
• Xayah's cloak is actually her wings disguised by Vastayan magic (to blend in with humans).
• Xayah and Rakan are sometimes depicted together with combined wings. The one-wingedJian birdin Chinese mythology has a similar codependency, which represents the bond of two lovers.
• Xayah does not lay eggs.[4]
• Xayah is somewhat prejudiced toYordledue to people confusing yordles forVastayaand lumping them together as “magical creatures”, the yordles’ association with humans, and the magic of human ideals.[5]
• Vlonqo, the town where Xayah andRakanfirst met, is a town with a monastery and a Quinlon.[6]Xayah views their relationship as starting after a tavern brawl. They had the sexy time there—it's very scenic. It's just a nice memory.The Vastayan culture's relationship and marriage rituals are somewhat different than ours—in part because magic is literally a part of them and their landscape. Their culture is big on declarations. Symbolically when you declare something it becomes true—but with the magic the vastayan's use—those sort of declarations also form a weak charm. Reinvoking it maintains its status and makes others aware. From an American perspective Xayah andRakanare not married or even engaged, and would self-describe as "a couple."—But for a Vastaya declaring someone your boyfriend/girlfriend is a much bigger deal than for Americans. It means you are allowing your magics to entwine.[7]Quinlons are the magical filters and damns scattered around Ionia that attempt to contain the amount of magic released into the region, or limit it to positive and helpful magic, which in turn affect the Vastayan livelihood due to their dependence on magic.[8]InWild Magic, Xayah andRakandestroyed one of the Quinlons thatZedand hisShadow Orderuse to create their Ichor which is used to channel Shadow magic.
• This can be explained that as one enters a vastayan forest, time—as we know it—becomes to be less reliable. This is the border to the spirit world, so time can go strangely—Days can become years; or months can become seconds in the world outside of the forest.[3]
• Xayah views their relationship as starting after a tavern brawl. They had the sexy time there—it's very scenic. It's just a nice memory.The Vastayan culture's relationship and marriage rituals are somewhat different than ours—in part because magic is literally a part of them and their landscape. Their culture is big on declarations. Symbolically when you declare something it becomes true—but with the magic the vastayan's use—those sort of declarations also form a weak charm. Reinvoking it maintains its status and makes others aware. From an American perspective Xayah andRakanare not married or even engaged, and would self-describe as "a couple."—But for a Vastaya declaring someone your boyfriend/girlfriend is a much bigger deal than for Americans. It means you are allowing your magics to entwine.[7]
• Quinlons are the magical filters and damns scattered around Ionia that attempt to contain the amount of magic released into the region, or limit it to positive and helpful magic, which in turn affect the Vastayan livelihood due to their dependence on magic.[8]InWild Magic, Xayah andRakandestroyed one of the Quinlons thatZedand hisShadow Orderuse to create their Ichor which is used to channel Shadow magic.
• The Vastayan culture's relationship and marriage rituals are somewhat different than ours—in part because magic is literally a part of them and their landscape. Their culture is big on declarations. Symbolically when you declare something it becomes true—but with the magic the vastayan's use—those sort of declarations also form a weak charm. Reinvoking it maintains its status and makes others aware. From an American perspective Xayah andRakanare not married or even engaged, and would self-describe as "a couple."—But for a Vastaya declaring someone your boyfriend/girlfriend is a much bigger deal than for Americans. It means you are allowing your magics to entwine.[7]
• InWild Magic, Xayah andRakandestroyed one of the Quinlons thatZedand hisShadow Orderuse to create their Ichor which is used to channel Shadow magic.
Change log[]
See also[] | Name: Clean Cuts, Description: Innate: Feathers shot by Xayah will linger in the ground at maximum range for 6 seconds. Innate: Xayah's ability casts generate 3 stacks of Clean Cuts , lasting for 8 seconds, refreshing on subsequent casts, and stacking up to 5 times. Xayah's basic attacks are empowered to each consume a stack on-attack to instead shoot a Feather that deals the attack's damage to the primary target and 30 / 40 / 50% (based on level) AD physical damage to other enemies hit, with the secondary damage also critically striking if the main attack does. Innate - Lover's Leap: If either Xayah or Rakan is channeling Recall , the other may move nearby and channel their own to join alongside them. Both reach base at the time of which the initiator's Recall completes., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputPassive', 'spell_shield': 'Not Blocked', 'parries': 'Missing', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Featherswill stop upon being intercepted byprojectile-blockingeffects.PENDING FOR TEST::Missile poppingbefore and after striking the primary target.', 'PENDING FOR TEST::Missile poppingbefore and after striking the primary target.', 'After striking their target, the attack will proceed in a line in the same direction it was already flying.If the target is more than 1000 units fromXayahwhen the empowered attack hits them, the attack will not keep flying in a line and drop theFeatherat their location immediately.Unlike similar effects, the homing and line trajectories use the same missile.', 'If the target is more than 1000 units fromXayahwhen the empowered attack hits them, the attack will not keep flying in a line and drop theFeatherat their location immediately.', 'Unlike similar effects, the homing and line trajectories use the same missile.', 'All herFeatherson the ground will be destroyed whenXayahdies, and while she is dead, missiles that are still in flight will not spawn new ones, either.', "Clean Cut'sfeathers will spawn even if the basic attack isblocked.", "Clean Cut'shit can bedodgedby ormissedagainst the primary target.This will not prevent the missile from continuing on its path nor from dealing damage to secondary targets. The damage cannot be dodged as or missed against a secondary target.", 'This will not prevent the missile from continuing on its path nor from dealing damage to secondary targets. The damage cannot be dodged as or missed against a secondary target.', 'The empowered attack will not trigger againststructuresnorwards.The duration will be refreshed when starting the attack windup against them.', 'The duration will be refreshed when starting the attack windup against them.']} | Name: Double Daggers, Description: Active: Xayah barrages two Feathers in the target direction that each deal physical damage to enemies hit. Physical Damage Per Hit: 45 / 60 / 75 / 90 / 105 (+ 50% bonus AD) Total Physical Damage: 90 / 120 / 150 / 180 / 210 (+ 100% bonus AD) Targets hit after the first take 50% reduced damage. Reduced Damage per Hit: 22. 5 / 30 / 37. 5 / 45 / 52. 5 (+ 25% bonus AD) Total Reduced Damage: 45 / 60 / 75 / 90 / 105 (+ 50% bonus AD), {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputDirection', 'damage_type': 'Physical', 'spell_shield': 'See Notes', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Map-Specific Differences', "Daggers shoot fromXayah'sleft and right side.", "Because of the usual tick intervals of the server,Double Daggers'minimum cast time is typically reached at168.58%bonusattack speedalready, for a cast time of 0.132seconds (from the default0.264seconds), or the duration of 4 game ticks.If the first 3 game ticks happen to be slightly longer than normal, the minimum cast time of 0.1seconds can actually be reached in very rare cases because of that.", 'If the first 3 game ticks happen to be slightly longer than normal, the minimum cast time of 0.1seconds can actually be reached in very rare cases because of that.', 'Xayahis unable to declare basic attacks for a set duration during the cast time ofDouble Daggers. The lock out duration is reduced by「\xa00.007seconds per every1%bonusattack speed」「\xa01 second per every140%bonusattack speed」.', 'TheFeatherswill stop upon being intercepted byprojectile-blockingeffects.', "As the feathers are forming, they will deal damage in a small area aroundXayah'sbefore firing.", 'Spell shieldwill only block a single instance of damage.', 'This ability will cast from wherever the caster is at the end of the cast time.', 'Cooldown changed to 10 / 8.75/ 7.5/ 6.25/ 5 seconds.']} | Name: Deadly Plumage, Description: Active: Xayah enters a frenzy for 4 seconds, gaining bonus attack speed and empowering her basic attacks to strike a second time, dealing 20% damage. Bonus Attack Speed: 35 / 40 / 45 / 50 / 55% Whenever Xayah hits an enemy champion with the strike, she gains 30% bonus movement speed for 1. 5 seconds. If Rakan is nearby upon cast, he also becomes empowered, and gains the bonus movement speed at the same time as Xayah ., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputAuto', 'damage_type': 'Physical', 'parries': 'Bypass', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Map-Specific Differences', 'The lesser bolts count as additional sources of single target physical damage, and will apply bonus stacks ofThe Black CleaverandElectrocute.', "The lesser bolts fromRunaan's Hurricanewill also deal 20% increased damage, which is represented with additional lesser bolts. The damage dealt byDeadly Plumage'sbolts is 20% of the fired bolt fromRunaan's Hurricane,notof the initial basic attack.", "The lesser bolts deal 20% of the triggering basic attack's damage, not based on herattack damage. Thus, if the basic attack is acritical strike, the lesser bolt will also deal increased damage.", 'The empowered attack will not trigger againstwards.', 'Second strike damage changed to 15%.']} | Name: Bladecaller, Description: Active: Xayah recalls all planted Feathers to shoot back to her, each dealing physical damage to enemies hit, increased by 0% − 75% (based on critical strike chance) . Bladecaller deals 50% damage to minions . Physical Damage Per Feather: 50 / 60 / 70 / 80 / 90 (+ 60% bonus AD) Minion Damage Per Feather: 25 / 30 / 35 / 40 / 45 (+ 30% bonus AD) An enemy takes 100% − 10% (based on previous feathers hit) damage from a Feather . A target hit by at least three Feathers is rooted for 1. 25 seconds. Enemies can be hit by an individual Feather only once per pass. Link ▶️ "Gotcha!", {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputAuto', 'damage_type': 'Physical', 'spell_shield': 'See Notes', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Map-Specific Differences', "Feathersthat are 'in flight' will be called toXayahtoo, but only once they've landed normally first.", 'Spell shieldwill only block a single instance of damage.', 'This ability cannot be ranked atLevel1.', "The damage dealt byBladecallerfollows a diminishing returns formula not mentioned in the ability's description, successively reducing extra damage from feathers beyond the first.This formula is:For feathers <=19: Damage of one feather\xa0×\xa0(n\xa0−\xa00.05×\xa0(n\xa0−\xa01)\xa0÷\xa02\xa0×\xa0n) where n stands for the number of feathers hit.For feathers >=20: Damage of one feather\xa0×\xa0(19\xa0−\xa00.05×\xa0(19\xa0−\xa01)\xa0÷\xa02\xa0×\xa019\xa0+\xa00.1\xa0×\xa0(n\xa0−\xa019)) where n stands for the number of feathers hit.For example, at rank 1Bladecallerdeals55 − 574.75(based on feathers hit).", 'This formula is:For feathers <=19: Damage of one feather\xa0×\xa0(n\xa0−\xa00.05×\xa0(n\xa0−\xa01)\xa0÷\xa02\xa0×\xa0n) where n stands for the number of feathers hit.For feathers >=20: Damage of one feather\xa0×\xa0(19\xa0−\xa00.05×\xa0(19\xa0−\xa01)\xa0÷\xa02\xa0×\xa019\xa0+\xa00.1\xa0×\xa0(n\xa0−\xa019)) where n stands for the number of feathers hit.', 'For feathers <=19: Damage of one feather\xa0×\xa0(n\xa0−\xa00.05×\xa0(n\xa0−\xa01)\xa0÷\xa02\xa0×\xa0n) where n stands for the number of feathers hit.', 'For feathers >=20: Damage of one feather\xa0×\xa0(19\xa0−\xa00.05×\xa0(19\xa0−\xa01)\xa0÷\xa02\xa0×\xa019\xa0+\xa00.1\xa0×\xa0(n\xa0−\xa019)) where n stands for the number of feathers hit.', 'For example, at rank 1Bladecallerdeals55 − 574.75(based on feathers hit).', 'Bladecallercannot be cast without aFeatheron the ground.', 'Base damage per feather changed to 40 / 50 / 60 / 70 / 80.', 'Bonus AD ratio per feather changed to50%bonusAD.']} | Name: Featherstorm, Description: Active: Xayah leaps into the air, becoming untargetable and ghosted for 1. 5 seconds. After 1 second, she shoots 5 Feathers in a cone in the target direction that deal physical damage to enemies hit. Physical Damage: 200 / 300 / 400 (+ 100% bonus AD) Xayah is unable to basic attack or cast abilities during Featherstorm, but can still move. Link ▶️ "Feathers fly!", {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputDirection', 'damage_type': 'Physical', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'The individual missiles have 1100 range but start slightly behind Xayah, reducing their total range.', 'The following table refers for interactions whileXayahis inFeatherstorm:', 'Death']} | Xayahis one of 20 champions without a singleability powerratio on any ability:Aatrox,Camille,Darius,Dr. Mundo,Draven,Garen,Kayn,Kled,Naafiri,Nilah,Olaf,Pyke,Riven,Samira,Sett,Talon,Urgot,Yone, andZed.
Xayah's andRakan'sdual release is the first one sinceV1.0.0.72.They were also the firstchampionsreleased in2017.
Xayah's and Rakan's loading screens always align themselves to the rightmost side before a game starts and when picked on the same team (to mirror their shared splash art).
Xayah's and Rakan's dual recall animation is divided into three sections, an intro, a middle section, and then an outro. The whole sequence would take 8 seconds if Xayah and Rakan recalled at the exact same time, while the intro and the outro are both (<2 seconds).The system will always play the intro, then it will always play the outro when there is 2 seconds left in the animation, regardless of how long the middle section has played for. This means that the characters will blend from whatever position they are in, to the first pose of the outro part of the sequence.[2]
Xayah does not lay eggs.[3]
Xayah is the sixth dark-theme Ionian champion, the others beingShen,Varus,Syndra,Zed,Jhin, &Kayn.
Bladecaller's victimis an acolyte ofThe Shadow Order.
She has a base size of 35 which is considered small.
Xayahand Rakan are likely to always receive skins together.iG Rakanhowever, is one exception.[4] |
Xerath,the Magus Ascendant | | | health: Health596+106, resource: Mana400+22, health regen: Health regen. (per 5s)5.5+0.55, resource regen: Mana regen. (per 5s)6.85+0.8, armor: Armor22+4.7, attack damage: Attack damage55+3, attack speed: Base AS0.658, gameplay radius: Gameplay radius65, selection radius: Selection radius89, release: 2011-10-05, changed: V13.22, role: Artillery, position: MiddleSupport, rangetype: Ranged, adaptivetype: Magic, cost: 1350|585 | Missing section(s):
XerathMainAscendedAscendingHumanTitlesReal nameXerath(Shuriman: 'one who shares')Alias(es)The Magus AscendantEmperor XerathCharacteristicsSpeciesBaccai(formerlyHuman)Pronoun(s)He/HimTimelineBorn:2040 BN - 2025 BNWeapon(s)Arcane EnergyPersonal statusStatusAlivePlace of originSaikhal,Shurima(Ancient Times)Current residenceNerimazeth,ShurimaFamilyUnnamed Father†Unnamed Mother†Professional statusOccupation(s)EmperorArchmageSlaveRegion(s)ShurimaRelated character(s)RenektonCassiopeiaNasusAzirSivirTaliyahPantheon
• Main
• Ascended
• Ascending
• Human
Real name
• The Magus Ascendant
• Emperor Xerath
• Baccai(formerlyHuman)
• Born:2040 BN - 2025 BN
Personal status
Place of origin
Current residence
• Unnamed Father†
• Unnamed Mother†
Professional status
• Emperor
• Archmage
• Slave
Related character(s)
Xerathis anAscendedMagus of ancientShurima, a being of arcane energy writhing in the broken shards of amagical sarcophagus. For millennia, he was trapped beneath the desert sands, but therise of Shurimafreed him from his ancient prison. Driven insane with power, he now seeks to take what he believes is rightfully his and replace the upstart civilizations of the world with one fashioned in his image.
• 1Background
• 2Appearance
• 3Personality
• 4Relations4.1Renekton&Nasus4.2Azir4.3Ryze4.4Pantheon4.5Samira
• 5Read More5.1Biography5.2Starring Champion5.3Mentioned Champion5.4Alternate Universes
• 6Trivia
• 7Change log
• 8References
• 9See also
• 4.1Renekton&Nasus
• 4.2Azir
• 4.3Ryze
• 4.4Pantheon
• 4.5Samira
• 5.1Biography
• 5.2Starring Champion
• 5.3Mentioned Champion
• 5.4Alternate Universes
NasusandRenektonimprisoned Xerath after the fall ofShurima, but theolder brotherhad to traphis own siblingwith him. Xerath is allied withRenektonas they spent millennia together trapped in a tomb. He drove Renekton mad over the ages and turned him into a relentless creature of pure anger. Xerath does not see Renekton as a noble hero, he represents power being granted to the few by a corrupt society. In Xerath's eyes, Renekton helped to guard a city of subjugation.[1]Xerath later foughtNasuswhen The Curator of the Sands was trying to protectSivir,Taliyahand the citizens of Vekaura from Xerath.
Everything Xerath had done prior to Ascension- heinous as his acts of murder were - were all done out of a twisted sense of loyalty toAzir. When that went unsatisfied Xerath sought the power to free himself from being a slave and tear down the decadent society built on the backs of slaves. From his perspective, Xerath was punishing an injustice against the man who had promised him freedom, but had never given it to him.Azirhas returned ascended himself, and is a threat to Xerath. Xerath is hunting downSivirsince her inheritingAzir'sroyal bloodline may prove a threat to him.
According toRyze, Xerath is an 'abomination of magic' and that his hold over the magical powers he wields is 'feeble'.
Xerath has foughtPantheonand dozens ofRakkorsoldiers.
Samira'shome was destroyed by his followers.
Read More
The Magus Ascendant
ByGraham McNeill
Starring Champion
Short Story • 36 Minute Read
ByGraham McNeill
Taliyah had almost forgotten how much she'd missed the furnace heat of Shurima – the sweat and crush of hundreds of people pushing, cursing, haggling and speaking with such passion and speed that outsiders often thought they were fighting.
Descent into the Tomb
Scroll after scroll in Noxian libraries chronicle the power buried within Shurima. Now Cassiopeia thinks she's found the key. Learn how the saga began.
Fall of the Empire
By Numerous creators
The Climb
Take the first step and begin your climb.
Starring:Blitzcrank,Ekko,Illaoi,Lucian,Miss Fortune,Senna,Taliyah,Thresh,Xerath,Yasuo
Short Story • 3 Minute Read
ByAnthony Reynolds Lenné
This was the moment.
Mentioned Champion
Short Story • 4 Minute Read
ByAnthony Reynolds Lenné
Azir walked the gold-paved Emperor's Way. The immense statues of Shurima's earliest rulers – his ancestors – watched his progress.
Beyond the Bandlewood (Video)
In this episode, Ava’s on a mission to prove herself… but she’ll need a little help.
Short Story • 4 Minute Read
Darkness Renews
ByGraham McNeill
Am I a god?
Short Story
Everything We Should Have Said
ByMichael Luo
K’Sante wipes his forehead, his bloodied fingers catching sweat and dirt...
Short Story
For Those Who Have Fallen
ByDavid Slagle
When I land in the ruins of Nerimazeth, it does not feel as if I have leapt, celestial magic burning my path across the sky, but as if I have fallen. I am, after all, only a man.
Short Story • 4 Minute Read
ByRyan Verniere
Nasus walked at night, unwilling to face the sun. The boy followed in his wake.
The Battle Mistress
ByRayla Heide
The Butcher of the Sands
ByAnthony Reynolds Lenné
The Curator of the Sands
ByAnthony Reynolds Lenné
The Desert Rose
ByMichael Luo
The Emperor of the Sands
ByGraham McNeill
The Pride of Nazumah
ByMichael Luo
Short Story
Water and Shade To You
ByGraham McNeill
For the first time Khari could remember, flowers grew on the street leading from the town square to the Cut.
Alternate Universes
ByInstitute of War
The truest opponent lies within.
Starring:Boram Darkwill,Brand,Caitlyn,Cassiopeia,Galio,Graves,Irelia,Jarvan IV,Karma,LeBlanc,Lee Sin,Leona,Lux,Maokai,Miss Fortune,Nocturne,Orianna,Renekton,Riven,Rumble,Ryze,Skarner,Sona,Swain,Talon,Trundle,Urgot,Varus,Vayne,Vladimir,Wukong,Xerath,Xin Zhao,Yorick
Short Story
Ambition's Embrace
ByMichael Yichao
Bound by darkness.
Starring:Ashe,Kassadin,Lulu,Lux,Master Yi,Rakan,Thresh,Xayah,Xin Zhao
The Seeker's Tale
ByChristina Norman
Mentioned:Ashe,Aurelion Sol,Sejuani,Xerath
• In Xerath's outdatedLeague Judgement, it was revealed that he had a friend called Tabia. The two of them seemed to have romantic feelings for each other. Tabia tried to interrupt Xerath's transformation, who envisioned himself living a normal human life and dying as a mortal with her, and truly decided to cancel the ritual. Tabia was however killed by a falling statue, violently leaving Xerath with nothing left to turn to, but his ascension (he did consider just letting the magic kill him, but the ambition won him over). Whether or not Xerath continued to grieve for her is open for interpretation.
• Xerath was born inSaikhaland spent his early childhood there (and got attached to this town since it was the only time he was truly free). Then he became slave inNerimazeth, later got transported to the capital to serve as a slave and ultimately - Azir's personal slave. After fall of Shurima, theSunbornburned Nerimazeth to the ground to have their revenge on traitor. In reality that's not where Xerath was born, but the only people who know about this are Azir and himself.Xerath was the son of captured slaves who were originally scholars, but whether he was born in captivity or taken as a child is unknown except by Xerath andAzir(the latter is more likely).Xerath's family got enslaved by army led byRenekton.
• Xerath is basically aBaccai, a unique aberration. "Baccai" is a term applied to anyone whose Ascension did not result in something "worthy of being called a god-warrior". That's massively subjective. If the Ascended Host was still around, they'd call him Baccai.[2][3]Although he is considered aBaccai,Xerathis currently the most powerful Ascended in terms of raw power.The magic Xerath uses is a blend of the dark magic he found in his researches, combined with the power he stole from the Ascension ritual, so it's kind of a blend of different strands of magic. Xerath ascended in a different manner because the ritual wasn't keyed for him, it wasn't his to take, so the power intended forAziraffected him in a different way.As Xerath's power grows he'd be able to master most types of magic, but that they'd have a different effect from other users of the same magic when filtered through his body (which is similar to a magical nuclear reactor, always on the verge of reaching critical mass) and coming out the other side so he's constantly having to hold himself from going nova which must be tiring. Xerath believes he is eternal (which he is), though he may still be obliterated as energy can be dissipated so widely that it can never cohere. Xerath is severely limited at the moment, though he is learning to overcome his vulnerabilities.[4]
• Xerathcan be hurt exclusively by magic, while remaining completely immune to physical attacks.But he can still get punched, pushed or thrown, since he is permanently attached to his sarcophagus, which can have physical force applied to it and as a consequence, it will drag trapped Xerath together with it. It doesn't cause him any pain, but still can be bothersome and annoying.
• Based on the timeline inRealms of Runeterraand his lore, Xerath is between 3000 – 3050 years old.
• Xerathmeans "one who shares" in Ancient Shuriman.Once on old League of Legends forum page (which doesn't exist anymore) people speculated that Xerath's original name and meaning has changed over time. Associated now with what he did, it would stand for something far more pejorative and negative in its modernized connotations.[5]Fans suspected that this change in meaning lead to the origin of the name ofRek'Sai'sspecies, the Xer'Sai (meaning supposedly "little devil" in Shuriman). After release of story "Water And Shade To You" we now know that Xerath's name never got revealed therefore connection between "xer-" in Xer'sai and Xerath couldn't be made by inhabitants of Shurima after collapse of the Capital.
• The Ascension Ritual can take a long time and Xerath kept it going far longer than was normal (hence his body was all but obliterated...), which gave needed time forNasusandRenektonto get back.
• With his subsequent return Xerath has proclaimed himself the new Emperor of Shurima and made the ruins ofNerimazeththe capital for his new empire.Xerath wants what he never had while a mortal, he wants to take Azir's empire and become master of all he surveys.
• Xerath was the son of captured slaves who were originally scholars, but whether he was born in captivity or taken as a child is unknown except by Xerath andAzir(the latter is more likely).Xerath's family got enslaved by army led byRenekton.
• Xerath's family got enslaved by army led byRenekton.
• Although he is considered aBaccai,Xerathis currently the most powerful Ascended in terms of raw power.The magic Xerath uses is a blend of the dark magic he found in his researches, combined with the power he stole from the Ascension ritual, so it's kind of a blend of different strands of magic. Xerath ascended in a different manner because the ritual wasn't keyed for him, it wasn't his to take, so the power intended forAziraffected him in a different way.
• As Xerath's power grows he'd be able to master most types of magic, but that they'd have a different effect from other users of the same magic when filtered through his body (which is similar to a magical nuclear reactor, always on the verge of reaching critical mass) and coming out the other side so he's constantly having to hold himself from going nova which must be tiring. Xerath believes he is eternal (which he is), though he may still be obliterated as energy can be dissipated so widely that it can never cohere. Xerath is severely limited at the moment, though he is learning to overcome his vulnerabilities.[4]
• The magic Xerath uses is a blend of the dark magic he found in his researches, combined with the power he stole from the Ascension ritual, so it's kind of a blend of different strands of magic. Xerath ascended in a different manner because the ritual wasn't keyed for him, it wasn't his to take, so the power intended forAziraffected him in a different way.
• But he can still get punched, pushed or thrown, since he is permanently attached to his sarcophagus, which can have physical force applied to it and as a consequence, it will drag trapped Xerath together with it. It doesn't cause him any pain, but still can be bothersome and annoying.
• Once on old League of Legends forum page (which doesn't exist anymore) people speculated that Xerath's original name and meaning has changed over time. Associated now with what he did, it would stand for something far more pejorative and negative in its modernized connotations.[5]Fans suspected that this change in meaning lead to the origin of the name ofRek'Sai'sspecies, the Xer'Sai (meaning supposedly "little devil" in Shuriman). After release of story "Water And Shade To You" we now know that Xerath's name never got revealed therefore connection between "xer-" in Xer'sai and Xerath couldn't be made by inhabitants of Shurima after collapse of the Capital.
• Xerath wants what he never had while a mortal, he wants to take Azir's empire and become master of all he surveys.
Change log[]
See also[] | Name: Mana Surge, Description: Innate: Periodically, Xerath empowers his next basic attack to restore 30 − 195 (based on level) mana , doubled to 60 − 390 (based on level) against enemy champions . Mana Surge's cooldown is reduced by 2. 5 seconds whenever Xerath kills an enemy. Mana Surge does not trigger if Xerath would restore above his maximum mana ., STATIC COOLDOWN: STATICCOOLDOWN:16, {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputPassive', 'parries': 'Missing', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Map-Specific Differences', 'Mana Surgetriggers against structures.', 'Mana Surgewill trigger even if the attack isblocked.', 'The empowered attack will not trigger againststructures.', "PENDING FOR TEST::Mana Surge'sinteractions withdodging, andblindingeffects.", 'Passive damage to plants changed to 2.']} | Name: Arcanopulse, Description: Active: Xerath charges while being slowed by 0% − 40% (based on channel time) for up to 3 seconds to increase Arcanopulse's range over the first 1. 5 to 1. 75 seconds of the channel. Arcanopulse can be recast within the duration. If the charge is interrupted or completes without reactivation, Arcanopulse is cancelled and refunds half the mana cost . Mana Refunded: 40 / 45 / 50 / 55 / 60 Recast: After a 0. 528 seconds delay, Xerath fires a beam of energy in a line in the target direction that deals magic damage to enemies hit. Magic Damage: 70 / 110 / 150 / 190 / 230 (+ 85% AP), {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputDirection', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Map-Specific Differences', "The onset ofArcanopulse'sself-slowand first range increase is at a random interval of 0 to 0.25seconds. The real time to maximum self-slow and range is thus 1.5to 1.75seconds.", "The rectangle hitbox's minimum range is0, right throughXerath'scenter.", 'Arcanopulsewill not fire and deal damage ifXerathdies during the0.528secondsrecast delay.(bug)', 'The following table refers for interactions whileXerathischanneling:', 'Death', 'Cast-inhibiting effects', 'Base damage changed to 100 / 140 / 180 / 220 / 260.']} | Name: Eye of Destruction, Description: Active: Xerath casts down a blast of arcane energy that strikes the target location after 0. 528 seconds , briefly granting sight of the area and dealing magic damage to enemies hit and slowing them by 25% for 2. 5 seconds. Magic Damage: 60 / 95 / 130 / 165 / 200 (+ 60% AP) Enemies in the epicenter take 66. 7 % increased damage and are slowed by a greater amount, decaying to 25% over the duration. Increased Damage: 100. 02 / 158. 365 / 216. 71 / 275. 055 / 333. 4 (+ 100. 02 % AP) Increased Slow: 60 / 65 / 70 / 75 / 80%, {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputLocation', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Map-Specific Differences', "Xerath'slocation getsrevealedto the enemy (400 radius for 4.5 seconds) ifEye of Destruction'scast location is within 100 units of a valid enemy at the start of the cast time due to something related to targeting types.(bug)", "Eye of Destruction'stargetingindicator appears on the player's minimap, despite the ability not having the longer range of others with this quality.This is likely a remnant from a version of the ability tested on thePBEforXerath'sV4.2Rework, that had a longer range.[citation needed]", "This is likely a remnant from a version of the ability tested on thePBEforXerath'sV4.2Rework, that had a longer range.[citation needed]", 'Eye of Destructionwill not fire and deal damage ifXerathdies during the0.528secondsfiring delay.(bug)', 'Base slow changed to 40%.Enhanced slow is unchanged.']} | Name: Shocking Orb, Description: Active: Xerath fires an orb of energy in the target direction that deals magic damage to the first enemy hit and stuns them for 0. 75 − 2. 25 (based on orb travel distance) seconds. Magic Damage: 80 / 110 / 140 / 170 / 200 (+ 45% AP), {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputDirection', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Map-Specific Differences', 'This ability will cast from wherever the caster is at the end of the cast time.', 'Minimum stun duration changed to 1.25seconds.', 'Maximum stun duration changed to 2.5seconds.', 'Cooldown changed to 11 / 10.5/ 10 / 9.5/ 9 seconds.']} | Name: Rite of the Arcane, Description: Active: Xerath channels for up to 10 seconds, gaining the ability to recast Rite of the Arcane multiple times after 0. 5 seconds within the duration. If Rite of the Arcane ends without any of the recasts being used, half of its cooldown is refunded. Number of Recasts: 4 / 5 / 6 Recast - Arcane Barrage: Xerath catapults an arcane missile that strikes the target location after a 0. 627 seconds delay, briefly granting sight of the area and dealing magic damage to enemies hit. Each cast has a static cooldown of 0. 5 seconds. Magic Damage: 180 / 230 / 280 (+ 40% AP) Total Magic Damage: 720 / 1150 / 1680 (+ 120 / 160 / 200% AP) Hitting at least one enemy champion grants a stack of Arcane Perfection during the channel, stacking up to a maximum amount. Each stack increases Arcane Barrage's damage. Maximum Stacks: 4 / 5 / 6 Increased Damage per Stack: 20 / 25 / 30 (+ 5% AP) Xerath will reveal himself if a missile strikes near an enemy. Distance: 175 / 200 / 225 Rite of the Arcane's recast will cast at max range if cast beyond that., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputAuto/Location', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Map-Specific Differences', "Each cast counts as an ability activation for the purposes of on-cast effects such asSpellbladeand triggeringForce Pulse'spassive.", 'Arcane Barragewill not apply its increased damage per stack to the cast that granted the stack.Only successive casts of the ability will benefit from the damage increase.', 'Only successive casts of the ability will benefit from the damage increase.', 'A circular indicator will be displayed at the target location to signify that the area will be blasted.', "A circle indicating the ability's maximum range forms on the map over 1 second (starting small and rapidly expanding to the maximum range over the delay) for the channel's duration.The maximum-range indicator is visible to both allies and enemies and is color coded for friendly (blue) or hostile (red).", 'The maximum-range indicator is visible to both allies and enemies and is color coded for friendly (blue) or hostile (red).', 'Rite of the Arcaneuses abarrage systemso that it can be recast multiple times within a given period at no additional cost.', 'Xerathwill turn to face toward the direction of the target location after using a recast.', 'Xerathgains a wider field of view duringRite of the Arcane.', 'Xerathcan useDark Passagewhile channeling.', 'The following table refers for interactions whileXerathischanneling:', 'Death', 'Cast-inhibiting effects', 'Teleportis disabled for the first 1.25seconds of the channel.', 'Base damage changed to 85 / 120 / 155.', 'Bonus damage per stack changed to 30 / 35 / 40.']} | When Xerathdies, his body quickly becomes unstable and overly shiny, just to blow up a moment later, much like a nuclear-powered machine.
The icon for Xerath's ability,Arcanopulseis slightly similar to that of the Season 3 masteryBlast.
Xerath's dance is a reference "industrial dancing", which is evident in the songPong by Eisenfunk.A side-by-side comparison can be seenhere.
Xerath himself can be seen when he performs his taunt. As he disarms the parts of his sarcophagus, a person made of pure energy or electricity can be briefly seen.When he dies this "person" disappears, what remains on the ground are the shattered remains of his sarcophagus.It's likely that that form was his actual look before he got locked away.
Some speculate that Xerath is ambidextrous as he uses both left and right hands for different attacks and abilities, unlike most champions who almost always use their dominant hand (usually their right one).
Xerath is, along withBlitzcrank,Caitlyn,Lissandra,Rumble,Sion,Varus,Vi, andZiggs, one of the few champions that can applycrowd controlon themselves.Xerath's ethereal form imprisoned in a human-shapen sarcophagus also resemblesBattle Realms'Master Warlock, consisting of an ethereal warlock inside another warlock's skeletal remains.
Xerath features as theAncient Ascendantin theAscensionfeatured game mode. |
Xin Zhao,the Seneschal of Demacia,Xin Zhao | | | health: Health640+106, resource: Mana274+55, health regen: Health regen. (per 5s)8+0.7, resource regen: Mana regen. (per 5s)7.25+0.45, armor: Armor35+4.7, attack damage: Attack damage63+3, attack speed: Base AS0.645, gameplay radius: Gameplay radius65, selection radius: Selection radius108, release: 2010-07-13, changed: V13.17, role: Diver, position: TopJungleMiddle, rangetype: Melee, adaptivetype: Physical, cost: 1350|585 | Missing section(s):
Xin ZhaoMainPresentPrisonReckonerTitlesReal nameXin ZhaoNickname(s)Zen JawVisceroAlias(es)The Seneschal of DemaciaThe ReckonerCharacteristicsSpeciesHumanPronoun(s)He/HimTimelineBorn:946 AN - 956 ANWeapon(s)Three Talon SpearPersonal statusStatusAlivePlace of originRaikkon,IoniaCurrent residenceDemacia City,DemaciaFamilyJarvan Lightshield III†(Adoptive Brother)Jarvan Lightshield IV(Adoptive Nephew)Professional statusOccupation(s)The Lightshield Dynasty's StewardGladiatorCabin BoyRegion(s)DemaciaIoniaNoxusFaction(s)Lightshield HouseReckonersRelated character(s)Jarvan IVJarvan IIITiannaGarenSonaLuxShyvanaAlistar
Xin Zhao
• Main
• Present
• Prison
• Reckoner
Real name
• Zen Jaw
• Viscero
• The Seneschal of Demacia
• The Reckoner
• Born:946 AN - 956 AN
Personal status
Place of origin
Current residence
• Jarvan Lightshield III†(Adoptive Brother)
• Jarvan Lightshield IV(Adoptive Nephew)
Professional status
• The Lightshield Dynasty's Steward
• Gladiator
• Cabin Boy
• Demacia
• Ionia
• Noxus
• Lightshield House
• Reckoners
Related character(s)
Xin Zhaois a resolute warrior loyal to the royal family ofDemacia. Once condemned to the fighting pits ofNoxus, he survived countless gladiatorial bouts. It was not until he faced the forces of King Jarvan III in battle that he decided to relinquish his past life, in favor of serving what he saw as a more honorable cause. Armed with his favored three-talon spear, Xin Zhao now fights for his adopted kingdom, audaciously challenging any foe, no matter the odds.
• 1Background
• 2Appearance
• 3Personality
• 4Abilities
• 5Relations5.1Lightshield House5.2Tianna
• 6Read More6.1Biography6.2Starring Champion6.3Mentioned Champion6.4Alternate Universes
• 7Trivia
• 8Change log
• 9References
• 10See also
• 5.1Lightshield House
• 5.2Tianna
• 6.1Biography
• 6.2Starring Champion
• 6.3Mentioned Champion
• 6.4Alternate Universes
Lightshield House[]
Xin Zhao was originally anIonianbornNoxiangladiator who pledged his service to Jarvan III,Jarvan IV'sfather, after he spared the lives of those who fought at Kalstead. He later became as close to the king and the young prince as a family member.
Xin Zhao took an oath to Tianna Crownguard that she may kill him should anything happen to king Jarvan III.
Read More
The Seneschal of Demacia
ByMichael Luo
Starring:Xin Zhao
Mentioned:Boram Darkwill,Jarvan III,Jarvan IV,Sylas
Starring Champion
Short Story
ByAnthony Reynolds Lenné
The first rays of dawn brushed the rooftops of the Great City, turning pale stone to gold. The air was still, and the only sounds filtering up to the high garden terraces on the east side of the citadel were the gentle chorus of morning birds and the hushed murmur of the waking city below.
Starring:Jarvan IV,Tianna,Xin Zhao
Mentioned:Eldred,Jarvan III
Short Story
What Once Sailed Free
ByMichael Luo
My father once said Noxus wasted its talent in those arenas. Now I see the truth in his words.
Starring:Jarvan III,Tianna,Xin Zhao
Mentioned:Boram Darkwill,Jarvan IV
Mentioned Champion
Tellstones: King's Gambit (Video)
Can you play like a champion?
Mentioned:Fiora,Garen,Jarvan IV,Lux,Quinn,Sona,Taric,Valor,Xin Zhao
The Exemplar of Demacia
ByRayla Heide
Starring:Jarvan IV
Mentioned:Garen,Jarvan III,Shyvana,Sion,Tianna,Xin Zhao
Alternate Universes
Almost Home
Five unlikely friends band together to discover that home isn’t just a place—it’s a feeling.
Starring:Diana,Sett,Teemo,Tristana,Xin Zhao
Short Story
Ambition's Embrace
ByMichael Yichao
Bound by darkness.
Starring:Ashe,Kassadin,Lulu,Lux,Master Yi,Rakan,Thresh,Xayah,Xin Zhao
Journal of Justice
ByInstitute of War
Formare veneficum est formare fatum.
Starring:Akali,Alistar,Amumu,Anivia,Annie,Ashe,Blitzcrank,Brand,Cassiopeia,Cho'Gath,Corki,Darius,Dr. Mundo,Evelynn,Ezreal,Fiddlesticks,Gangplank,Garen,Gragas,Heimerdinger,Irelia,Janna,Jarvan IV,Jax,Karma,Karthus,Kassadin,Katarina,Kayle,Kennen,Kog'Maw,Lee Sin,Leona,Lissandra,Lux,Malzahar,Maokai,Master Yi,Mordekaiser,Morgana,Nasus,Nidalee,Nocturne,Nunu,Olaf,Pantheon,Poppy,Rammus,Renekton,Riven,Rumble,Ryze,Sejuani,Shaco,Shen,Singed,Sion,Sivir,Skarner,Sona,Soraka,Swain,Talon,Taric,Teemo,Tibbers,Tristana,Trundle,Tryndamere,Twisted Fate,Twitch,Udyr,Urgot,Veigar,Vladimir,Warwick,Willump,Wukong,Xin Zhao,Yorick,Zilean
ByInstitute of War
The truest opponent lies within.
Starring:Boram Darkwill,Brand,Caitlyn,Cassiopeia,Galio,Graves,Irelia,Jarvan IV,Karma,LeBlanc,Lee Sin,Leona,Lux,Maokai,Miss Fortune,Nocturne,Orianna,Renekton,Riven,Rumble,Ryze,Skarner,Sona,Swain,Talon,Trundle,Urgot,Varus,Vayne,Vladimir,Wukong,Xerath,Xin Zhao,Yorick
Tournament of Souls: Wild Rift Edition
ByKristina Atanasoski
Be careful what you wish for—and what youfightfor. Draven entered the Tournament of Souls to make a name for himself, but when the results don't live up to expectations, it's time for some quiet introspection. ...Aww, who are we kidding?! It's time to double down and carve through the competition! Join Draven on his winding path to glory in the League of Legends: Wild Rift's Soul Fighter Event!
Starring:Draven,Irelia,Nilah,Xin Zhao,Yasuo
A Hero Awakens
What secrets lie beneath the shards?
Mentioned:Amumu,Diana,Kindred,Teemo,Xin Zhao
Punches and Plants: Series 2
Mentioned:Aatrox,Ahri,Alistar,Amumu,Annie,Aurelion Sol,Azir,Bard,Blitzcrank,Caitlyn,Cho'Gath,Diana,Draven,Ekko,Ezreal,Fizz,Galio,Gnar,Graves,Heimerdinger,Jayce,Kha'Zix,Kog'Maw,Leona,Lucian,Lux,Malphite,Maokai,Miss Fortune,Nasus,Nautilus,Nidalee,Olaf,Orianna,Poppy,Quinn,Rakan,Renekton,Riven,Rumble,Shaco,Taric,Teemo,Tibbers,Tristana,Trundle,Udyr,Valor,Vel'Koz,Viktor,Volibear,Warwick,Wukong,Xayah,Xin Zhao,Yasuo,Ziggs
• Xin Zhaoknew King Jarvan III andJarvan IVfor 20 years since the events ofWhat Once Sailed Free.
Change log[]
See also[] | Name: Determination, Description: Innate: Xin Zhao's basic attacks and Wind Becomes Lightning strikes generate a stack of Determination , stacking up to 3 times. The third stack consumes them all to deal 15 / 30 / 45 / 60% (based on level) AD bonus physical damage and heal Xin Zhao for 3 / 3. 5 / 4% (based on level) maximum health (+ 65% AP) ., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputPassive', 'damage_type': 'Physical', 'parries': 'Missing', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'The stack counter displays 1–3 rather than the usual 0–2, meaning that a count of 1 does not translate to having 1 stack.', "Wind Becomes Lightning'sgenerates one stack per strike that hits at least one enemy.", 'Stacks reset whenXin Zhaodies.', 'Stacks ofDeterminationwill be gained even if the attack isblocked.', "PENDING FOR TEST::Determination'sinteraction withparryingeffects (dodge,blind).", "Determinationdealsproc damage.Since it is a separate instance of damage when applied by basic attack or either ofWind Becomes Lightning'sstrikes, flat damage reduction that applies to both the main and bonus damage such asAmumu'sTantrum'spassive will reduce each, for twice the reduction.The bonus damage cannotcritically strike.", "Since it is a separate instance of damage when applied by basic attack or either ofWind Becomes Lightning'sstrikes, flat damage reduction that applies to both the main and bonus damage such asAmumu'sTantrum'spassive will reduce each, for twice the reduction.", 'The bonus damage cannotcritically strike.', 'When applied by a basic attack:The attack uses a unique animation.The bonus damage benefits fromlife steal.PENDING FOR TEST:Itapplies life stealspecifically.', 'The attack uses a unique animation.', 'The bonus damage benefits fromlife steal.PENDING FOR TEST:Itapplies life stealspecifically.', 'PENDING FOR TEST:Itapplies life stealspecifically.', "When applied by either ofWind Becomes Lightning'sstrikes:Triggers against the closest target struck by the strike (equals first target to receive spell effects).Does not benefit fromlife steal, including not healing fromWind Becomes Lightning's33% conversion for this bonus damage.Sinceproc damageis 'single target',Vampwill heal from 100% of the bonus damage.", 'Triggers against the closest target struck by the strike (equals first target to receive spell effects).', "Does not benefit fromlife steal, including not healing fromWind Becomes Lightning's33% conversion for this bonus damage.", "Sinceproc damageis 'single target',Vampwill heal from 100% of the bonus damage."]} | Name: Three Talon Strike, Description: Active: Xin Zhao empowers his next three basic attacks on-attack to each have an uncancellable windup , deal bonus physical damage and reduce his other abilities' current cooldowns by 1 second. Each attack refreshes the duration. Bonus Physical Damage: 16 / 25 / 34 / 43 / 52 (+ 40% bonus AD) Total Bonus Physical Damage: 48 / 75 / 102 / 129 / 156 (+ 120% bonus AD) The third attack knocks up the target for 0. 75 seconds. Three Talon Strike's bonus damage is affected by critical strike modifiers. Three Talon Strike resets Xin Zhao's basic attack timer., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputAuto', 'damage_type': 'Physical', 'spell_shield': 'See Notes', 'parries': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Spell shieldwill only block the third attack.', 'The enhanced attacks present input buffering during their wind-up animation (Xin Zhaocannot be issued any commands until after it ends).']} | Name: Wind Becomes Lightning, Description: Active: Xin Zhao slashes in an arc and, after the cast time, thrusts his spear in a line in the target direction. Each strike deals physical damage to enemies hit, modified to 50% − 100% (based on level) against minions . The thrust deals increased damage, further by 0% − 33. 3 % (based on critical strike chance) , and slows enemies hit by 50% for 1. 5 seconds. Enemy champions and monsters hit are also marked Challenged for 3 seconds, during which they are revealed . Slash Physical Damage: 30 / 40 / 50 / 60 / 70 (+ 30% AD) Thrust Physical Damage: 50 / 85 / 120 / 155 / 190 (+ 90% AD) (+ 65% AP) Total Physical Damage: 80 / 125 / 170 / 215 / 260 (+ 120% AD) (+ 65% AP) The durations of Three Talon Strike , Audacious Charge's bonus attack speed , and Crescent Guard are delayed relative to Wind Becomes Lightning's cast time after 0. 2 seconds of its activation. Wind Becomes Lightning's damage heals Xin Zhao for 33. 3 % of his life steal ., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputDirection', 'damage_type': 'Physical', 'spell_shield': 'See Notes', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Spell shieldwill block only a single instance of damage - either the thrust or the slash.', 'The first strike will occur immediately and the second will occur after the cast time completes.', 'This ability will cast from wherever the caster is at the start of the cast time.The first strike will occur from whereverXin Zhaois at the start of the cast time.', 'The first strike will occur from whereverXin Zhaois at the start of the cast time.', 'This ability will cast from wherever the caster is at the end of the cast time.The second strike will occur from whereverXin Zhaois at the end of the cast time.', 'The second strike will occur from whereverXin Zhaois at the end of the cast time.', "The first strike's hitbox includes a275 radius 160° cone in front ofXin Zhaoand an additional125 radius around him.", "The second strike's hitbox includes the same125 radius aroundXin Zhao, a missile with1000 range and80 total width, and a-60 radius area check upon the end of the missile.The 125 radius check does not hitchampion summoned units.(bug)", 'The 125 radius check does not hitchampion summoned units.(bug)', "BecauseWind Becomes Lightninguses an older type of 'healing based on life steal' and notapplies life steal,Spirit Visagewill amplify the life gain twice (+25% life steal and +25% healing), for a total of +56.25%."]} | Name: Audacious Charge, Description: Active: Xin Zhao dashes to the target enemy's location, dealing magic damage to enemies near them and slowing them by 30% for 0. 5 seconds. Audacious Charge's range is increased against Challenged targets. Magic Damage: 50 / 75 / 100 / 125 / 150 (+ 60% AP) Xin Zhao then gains bonus attack speed for 5 seconds. Bonus Attack Speed: 40 / 45 / 50 / 55 / 60% Three Talon Strike and Crescent Guard can be cast during the dash., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputUnit/Location', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', "The primary target cannot dodgeAudacious Charge'seffects.The target will always emit the area of effect from their position.", 'The target will always emit the area of effect from their position.', 'If no unit is targeted directly,Audacious Chargewill search for possible targets in a 200 radius around the target location.']} | Name: Crescent Guard, Description: Passive - Challenge: The last enemy champion hit by Xin Zhao's basic attacks or Audacious Charge is marked Challenged for 3 seconds. Active: Xin Zhao sweeps his spear around him, dealing physical damage to nearby enemies, capped at 600 against monsters , and knocking back all non- Challenged targets hit up-to 700 units over 0. 75 seconds, as well as stunning them for the same duration. Physical Damage: 75 / 175 / 275 (+ 100% bonus AD) (+ 110% AP) (+ 15% of target's current health) For the next 4 seconds, Xin Zhao is invulnerable against enemy champions far away from him., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputAuto', 'damage_type': 'Physical', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Tips & Tricks', 'Pets,traps,groundAoEs,DoTs, and delayed-damage abilities (e.g.Death Mark,Explosive Charge,Hemoplague) will not damageXin Zhaoif the enemy champion source is outside the circle when the damage applies.', 'This ability will cast from wherever the caster is at the end of the cast time.', 'Displacement immunitywill also resist the application of thestun.', 'Enemies will not be marked asChallengedifCrescent Guardhas not been learned. Learning the ability after an enemy would have been marked will still cause them to beknocked back.']} | Xin Zhao isvoicedbyRichard Epcar.
Xin Zhao was released whenSeason Onestarted.
Xin Zhao's dance referencesSeung Mi-na'sdancefromSoulcalibur II.A side-by-side comparison can be seenhere.
During development, he was calledXenZiouorXenZhao.
Xin Zhao is rendered, in Chinese localization, as赵信ZhàoXìn[ʈ͡ʂau̯˥˩ ɕin˥˩], coincidentally the name ofa Xiongnu generalwho temporarily defected toHan Chineseforces, though historical inspiration for Xin Zhao is evidently another Chinese general,Zhao Yun.信xìnmeans "to believe, to trust" < Old Chinese*sins<*winʔ(cf.Sino-Tibetanroot*yum[2]> 允yǔn[ɥyn˨˩˦] "to be proper, to consent"[3]).As a gladiator, Xin Zhao took the name of the fishing boatViscero< Latinviscus"entrails", where he once worked on. |
Yasuo,the Unforgiven | | | health: Health590+110, resource: ResourceN/A, health regen: Health regen. (per 5s)6.5+0.9, resource regen: Secondary BarFlow(100), armor: Armor30+4.6, attack damage: Attack damage60+3, attack speed: Base AS0.697, gameplay radius: Gameplay radius65, selection radius: Selection radius75, release: 2013-12-13, changed: V13.15, role: Skirmisher, position: TopMiddleBottom, rangetype: Melee, adaptivetype: Physical, cost: 1350|585 | Missing section(s):
YasuoMainArmored 1Armored 2Armored 3FormalSea DogBareSchoolYoungTitlesNickname(s)Master YasuoMurdererBrotherAlias(es)The UnforgivenThe WandererThe Brooding WandererThe Fool With No HomeSea DogCharacteristicsSpeciesHuman(Magical)Pronoun(s)He/HimTimelineBorn:963 AN - 966 ANWeapon(s)Wind TechniqueSteel BladePersonal statusStatusAlivePlace of originNavori,IoniaCurrent residenceNoxus(No Fixed Abode)FamilyUnnamed Father†Unnamed StepfatherUnnamed MotherYone(Half-Brother)Professional statusOccupation(s)WandererAhri's BodyguardProtector of LifeElder Souma's ApprenticeElder Souma's BodyguardRegion(s)IoniaRelated character(s)YoneTaliyahRivenLilliaAhriBraumMiss FortuneIllaoiPykeMaokaiNecritThreshViegoIreliaAkaliKennenSion
• Main
• Armored 1
• Armored 2
• Armored 3
• Formal
• Sea Dog
• Bare
• School
• Young
• Master Yasuo
• Murderer
• Brother
• The Unforgiven
• The Wanderer
• The Brooding Wanderer
• The Fool With No Home
• Sea Dog
• Born:963 AN - 966 AN
• Wind Technique
• Steel Blade
Personal status
Place of origin
Current residence
• Unnamed Father†
• Unnamed Stepfather
• Unnamed Mother
• Yone(Half-Brother)
Professional status
• Wanderer
• Ahri's Bodyguard
• Protector of Life
• Elder Souma's Apprentice
• Elder Souma's Bodyguard
Related character(s)
AnIonianof deep resolve,Yasuois an agile swordsman who wields the air itself against his enemies. As a proud young man, he was falsely accused of murdering his master—unable to prove his innocence, he was forced to slay his own brother in self-defense. In time, his master's true killer was revealed, and his brother mysteriously returned from death, yetYasuostill could not forgive himself for all he had done. Now, he wanders the world with only the wind to guide his blade.
• 1Background1.1Early life1.2Noxian Invasion1.3Recent events
• 2Appearance
• 3Personality
• 4Abilities
• 5Relations5.1Elder Souma5.2Taliyah5.3Riven5.4Akali,Karma,Kennen&Irelia5.5Yone5.6Crew of the Charming Lady
• 6Read More6.1Biography6.2Starring Champion6.3Mentioned Champion6.4Alternate Universes
• 7Trivia
• 8Change log
• 9References
• 10See also
• 1.1Early life
• 1.2Noxian Invasion
• 1.3Recent events
• 5.1Elder Souma
• 5.2Taliyah
• 5.3Riven
• 5.4Akali,Karma,Kennen&Irelia
• 5.5Yone
• 5.6Crew of the Charming Lady
• 6.1Biography
• 6.2Starring Champion
• 6.3Mentioned Champion
• 6.4Alternate Universes
Early life[]
Yasuo was born in an Ionian village after his father came like an autumn wind into the life of his mother, who was already a widow. His father had left by the time winter settled over the land.
Yasuo grew up to be very close to his half-brother,Yone. However, in contrast to Yone’s respectful and patient personality, Yasuo was often arrogant and impulsive. But after being accepted into the village’s renowned sword school, his determination and talent caught the attention of Elder Souma, the last master of the legendary wind technique. He initially refused the tutelage of Elder Souma, but then Yone gave him a maple seed, symbolizing his plea for Yasuo to show humility. Subsequently, Yasuo accepted the master’s offer and became his apprentice and bodyguard.
Yasuo continued to train in the sword school, and his use of the wind technique made his sparring sessions with Yone a sight to behold.
Noxian Invasion[]
When news of the Noxian invasion and the Great Stand at Navori reached the school, many of the disciples, including Yone, chose to help defend against the approaching Noxians. Yasuo, however, was ordered to stay back and defend his elders.
Soon, Yasuo heard drums of a Noxian march and chose to go out and face the enemy, thinking he could turn the tide of the battle. But when he arrived at the battlefield, he found death everywhere. Something unnatural had caused hundreds of Noxians and Ionians to perish.
When Yasuo returned to the school, he found himself surrounded by the remaining students and learned that his master was dead. They accused him of murder, so he fought his way free in the hopes of punishing the true killer.
When Yasuo was tracked down by Yone, they clashed swords, and Yasuo cut down his half-brother, who died before he could grant any absolution.
Recent events[]
Yasuo appears to be a fairly stocky adult man, fair skin with a scar on his nose, brown eyes with green highlights, back-length hair tied in a ponytail, and has a shadow of a beard.
his attire consists of a rather torn Ionic samurai-style armor, on his right he has a part of metal armor and the rest is a torn light blue armor that exposes part of his chest, baggy pants, a cloth that covers part of his chest and the face and always carries with him his sword.
• Magical: Yasuo was born with natural magical ability, but in choosing to become a warrior he almost never practiced using his magical powers except for simple but useful attacks.Wind Magic: Yasuo was born with the magical ability to manipulate wind and air currents, giving him the ability to create air-based shields, conjure tornadoes, or even wind-powered flight.
• Master Swordsmanship: Yasuo is a very skilled swordsman combining his ninja techniques with his magical abilities giving him the ability to launch direct or distant attacks, he is only rivaled by his brother Yone.
• Wind Magic: Yasuo was born with the magical ability to manipulate wind and air currents, giving him the ability to create air-based shields, conjure tornadoes, or even wind-powered flight.
Elder Souma[]
Yasuo is anIonianswordsman once accused oftreasonfor allegedly murdering Elder Souma, his own master whom he was supposed to protect. He was hunted down across the island continent under the evidence that the killer employed a wind technique, one that only Yasuo has mastered in the present day. He was forced to kill his former allies, likely the entirety of his school.
He later crossed paths withTaliyahwhile on the run, teaching theShurimanstone mage how to control her powers. When they parted ways, she gifted him a long thread from her handspun wool tunic which he uses to tie his hair up.
After parting way with Taliyah, Yasuo became determined to find the true killer of his Elder. He suspectedRivenof being the Elder's killer and confronted her. This was previously evidenced in interaction quotes with her.
"Wait, thattechnique... huh""Huh,threeswift strikes... ""Anotherwindblade?""Who taught youthat?"Eventually, Riven confessed to unintentionally killing Elder Souma, whosewindtechnique shattered herbladeand killed him with a stray shard. However, Yasuo admitted to dereliction of duty, for he could have protected Elder Souma had he not left to engage theNoxians. Despite being cleared of his accusations, Yasuo is still infamously known across Ionia as the killer of his master.
Yasuo's presence or absence making a difference was highlighted during Riven's trial, when he focused the Wind Technique on Riven's sword as Souma would have, and the shard that killed his master nearly did the same to Asa Konte, Riven's adopted father. This time, Yasuo was able to stop the shard before it could cause any harm.
In the secondNoxianinvasion ofIonia,Irelia'scall for help to defend a seaside village from the Noxian army includingSionwas met byAkali,Karma,Kennenand Yasuo whose arrival turned the tide of the battle.
Yasuo is the younger half-brother toYone, who he was very close to. Yone taught Yasuo many important lessons when he was young. When Yasuo was running away when accused of killing Elder Souma,6Yonewas heartbroken and filled with negative thoughts and feelings that fed an unknown azakana. When Yone finally caught up, Yasuo was forced to kill his own brother whose death would haunt him for a long time.
Later, when Yasuo went to the Spirit Blossom festival inWeh'le, he was confronted by a resurrected Yone who was trying to kill an azakana that pretended to be a monk from the3Greenglade Elderorder.[1]After Yasuo let go of his own past, his brother defeated it. Although Yasuo offered to let Yone have vengeance for his death, he replied that Yasuo might deserve death, but it wouldn't be from Yone. With that, Yasuo stated Ionia had nothing left for him and they parted ways in peace, with Yone saying that even the wind has a path and hoping that the Spirit of Ionia guides his brother.
Crew of the Charming Lady[]
He came acrossAhriwho was trying to find a guard. They then went toBilgewatertogether. During the events ofRuined King, Yasuo,Ahri,Braum,Illaoi,Miss FortuneandPykeset sail to theShadow Islesto stopViegofrom endangering Bilgewater. After the events ofRuined King, Yasuo leftBilgewaterto head toNoxusto search forRivenbecause he believes that she may need help there. But not before making sure Braum returns to the Freljord safely.
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The Unforgiven
ByAriel Lawrence
Starring Champion
Music Video
By Numerous creators
A deadly masterpiece unfolds. A lone resistance made whole. A chance to come alive.
Short Story
ByAriel Lawrence
The source of the crying is a boy. Six, maybe seven summers.
Short Story • 9 Minute Read
Confessions of a Broken Blade: Part 3
ByAriel Lawrence
As the trial concludes, Riven must finally face the horrors of her past.
Kin of the Stained Blade
Not forgiven. Not forgotten.
Music Video
Kingdom (Video)
By Numerous creators
Starring:Ahri,Braum,Illaoi,Miss Fortune,Pyke,Viego,Yasuo
Short Story
Orchid's Bloom
ByMichael Yichao
Jing breathed deep.
Ruined King
ByAirship Syndicate
Rise Against Ruin - Unite a party of League of Legends Champions, explore Bilgewater and set sail for the Shadow Isles to uncover the secrets of the deadly Black Mist in this immersive turn-based RPG.
Starring:Ahri,Braum,Gangplank,Illaoi,Maokai,Miss Fortune,Necrit,Pyke,Rafen,Thresh,Viego,Yasuo
Mentioned:Ashe,Elise,Fiddlesticks,Fizz,Gwen,Hecarim,Isolde,Ivern,Janna,Jarvan IV,Kalista,Ledros,Lucian,Nagakabouros,Nautilus,Olaf,Ornn,Rhasa,Riven,Senna,Swain,Tahm Kench,Taliyah,Twisted Fate,Udyr,Volibear,Yone,Yorick,Zed
Short Story • 19 Minute Read
The Bird and the Branch
ByAriel Lawrence
A young stone mage from Shurima encounters an unlikely mentor in the mountains of Ionia.
The Climb
Take the first step and begin your climb.
Starring:Blitzcrank,Ekko,Illaoi,Lucian,Miss Fortune,Senna,Taliyah,Thresh,Xerath,Yasuo
Short Story • 1 Minute Read
The Road to Ruin
ByRobert Lo,Joe Lansford
When I was a child, my brother asked me: "Does the wind flee, or does it follow?"
Mentioned Champion
Short Story • 1 Minute Read
A Sword without a Sheath
ByRobert Lo,Joe Lansford
What is a sword without the man behind it? Teaching a swordsman to kill is simple. The true challenge lies in teaching him not to kill.
Short Story • 36 Minute Read
ByGraham McNeill
Taliyah had almost forgotten how much she'd missed the furnace heat of Shurima – the sweat and crush of hundreds of people pushing, cursing, haggling and speaking with such passion and speed that outsiders often thought they were fighting.
Short Story • 11 Minute Read
Confessions of a Broken Blade: Part 1
ByAriel Lawrence
In the wake of war between Noxus and Ionia, Riven is accused of a heinous crime.
The Stoneweaver
ByAriel Lawrence
The Unforgotten
ByMichael Yichao
Alternate Universes
A New Journey
Inspired by the true story of Michelle, a university student and League of Legends player who joined a team and joined the fight. Season 2019 of League of Legends starts now! It's On.
Starring:Ahri,Blitzcrank,Braum,Caitlyn,Ekko,Miss Fortune,Ornn,Riven,Yasuo,Zed,Zoe
Virtual hip-hop group True Damage was born when K/DA's lead rapper Akali sought to bring together the distinct talents of Ekko, Senna, Qiyana, and Yasuo in an ambitious, genre-defying collaboration.
Music Video
ByTrue Damage
Mentioned:Ahri,Azir,Book,Camille,Corki,Jinx,Kayn,Kindred,LeBlanc,Lucian,Pyke,Rhaast,Tahm Kench,Teemo,Thresh,Twitch,Yuumi
Harmonies: Issue 1
ByMichael Yichao
In a difficult moment during a recording secession, Akali reassures a nervous Seraphine that K/DA's bonds run deep.
Harmonies: Issue 4
ByMichael Yichao
Kai'Sa dances through life, finding her way to present moment as a part of K/DA.
Harmonies: Issue 5
ByMichael Yichao
Ahri reflects on the long road that led to her forming K/DA: breaking old bonds while establishing new ties, navigating the flood of attention (and expectation) following their initial success, and looking forward to their bright future.
Music Video
By Numerous creators
Since its inception, Worlds has grown and evolved. Each unbelievable play and phenomenal match created moments and memories that will never be forgotten. In these iconic moments, players and teams reached for something incredible within themselves and brought it to life on the Summoner’s Rift...
Starring:Aatrox,Ahri,Alistar,Anivia,Annie,Ashe,Brand,Caitlyn,Darius,Draven,Elise,Ezreal,Gnar,Janna,Jax,Jayce,Jinx,Kassadin,Katarina,Kennen,Kha'Zix,Lulu,Orianna,Rek'Sai,Rengar,Rumble,Ryze,Shen,Sivir,Tahm Kench,Teemo,Twisted Fate,Yasuo,Ziggs
Sharp: Issue 1
ByMichael Yichao
Learn more about K/DA and their upcoming ALL OUT EP in this very special edition of SHARP magazine.Read through over 16 dedicated pages about Ahri, Evelynn, Kai’Sa and Akali, and how the pop group sensation renewed their ambitions since the launch of their electric 2018 debut single, POP/STARS. Discover how K/DA staged their comeback with THE BADDEST, the first song of their new and long-awaited EP, and meet Seraphine, their talented new collaborator.This special edition of SHARP also includes a special quiz to prove to yourself and your friend that you are a real BLADE!
Spirit Bonds
ByJared Rosen,Michael Yichao,Rayla Heide,Elan Stimmel,Cat Manning,David Slagle,John O'Bryan,Michael Luo,Phillip Vargas
They say the Spirit Blossom Festival represents a thinning of the veil between our world and the Spirit Realm.
Tournament of Souls: Wild Rift Edition
ByKristina Atanasoski
Be careful what you wish for—and what youfightfor. Draven entered the Tournament of Souls to make a name for himself, but when the results don't live up to expectations, it's time for some quiet introspection. ...Aww, who are we kidding?! It's time to double down and carve through the competition! Join Draven on his winding path to glory in the League of Legends: Wild Rift's Soul Fighter Event!
Starring:Draven,Irelia,Nilah,Xin Zhao,Yasuo
“Nothing's going to stop me.” Inspired by the true story of Doublelift, Team Liquid ADC and five-time North American LCS champion. It's On.
Unto Darkness, Unto Light
ByAriel Lawrence
Welcome Aboard
Consider this your invite to join the greatest crew in the galaxy.
Music Video
You Really Got Me
By Numerous creators
Ready for the Rift?
Academy Adventures: Series 2
ByGutter Rat
Mentioned:Amumu,Anivia,Annie,Ashe,Aurelion Sol,Braum,Caitlyn,Cho'Gath,Dr. Mundo,Draven,Elise,Ezreal,Fiddlesticks,Fizz,Galio,Gnar,Heimerdinger,Janna,Jhin,Jinx,Kog'Maw,Lulu,Lux,Malphite,Malzahar,Miss Fortune,Nami,Nasus,Olaf,Poppy,Rakan,Rammus,Rek'Sai,Riven,Rumble,Ryze,Shaco,Singed,Sona,Soraka,Syndra,Taliyah,Talon,Taric,Teemo,Thresh,Tibbers,Tristana,Twitch,Urgot,Varus,Veigar,Volibear,Warwick,Wukong,Xayah,Yasuo,Yorick,Zac,Zed,Ziggs,Zyra
Music Video
Coming Alive
ByNumerous Creators
In the fight of a lifetime, you may get knocked down. But never knocked out.
Harmonies: Issue 2
ByMichael Yichao
Seraphine navigates a life-changing moment as she embraces her dream becoming reality.
Mentioned:Ezreal,Janna,Jinx,Lulu,Lux,Miss Fortune,Poppy,Soraka,Syndra,Volibear,Yasuo
Starring:Fiora,Lucian,Master Yi,Zed
Punches and Plants: Series 2
Mentioned:Aatrox,Ahri,Alistar,Amumu,Annie,Aurelion Sol,Azir,Bard,Blitzcrank,Caitlyn,Cho'Gath,Diana,Draven,Ekko,Ezreal,Fizz,Galio,Gnar,Graves,Heimerdinger,Jayce,Kha'Zix,Kog'Maw,Leona,Lucian,Lux,Malphite,Maokai,Miss Fortune,Nasus,Nautilus,Nidalee,Olaf,Orianna,Poppy,Quinn,Rakan,Renekton,Riven,Rumble,Shaco,Taric,Teemo,Tibbers,Tristana,Trundle,Udyr,Valor,Vel'Koz,Viktor,Volibear,Warwick,Wukong,Xayah,Xin Zhao,Yasuo,Ziggs
Music Video
By Numerous creators
Reaching the peak takes more than skill. Only those with the ambition to RISE above all others will know its height.
Starring: N/A
Mentioned:Akali,Ashe,Braum,Darius,Ekko,Ezreal,Fiora,Garen,Gnar,Jarvan IV,Jax,Jinx,Kalista,Kennen,Kha'Zix,Leona,Lux,Master Yi,Olaf,Poppy,Rakan,Riven,Ryze,Sejuani,Swain,Taliyah,Thresh,Tryndamere,Vayne,Xayah,Yasuo,Zed,Ziggs
Short Story
Riot's virtual artist HEARTSTEEL will surpass K/DA
ByPark Ji-yoon,Ha Ye-jin
Witness the debut of 'HEARTSTEEL', which will capture your heart once you see it.
The Path, An Ionian Myth
Every myth carries a seed of truth. A slain swordsman must decide if he will make peace with his past—or be consumed by it.
The Roadtrip
ByCassie Parkes,Marvin Clifford
Mentioned:Ahri,Ashe,Azir,Bard,Braum,Darius,Fiddlesticks,Garen,Gnar,Gragas,Graves,Irelia,Jinx,Kalista,Katarina,Kog'Maw,Lee Sin,Lulu,Master Yi,Nami,Poppy,Rakan,Shaco,Sona,Swain,Taric,Teemo,Twisted Fate,Varus,Xayah,Yasuo,Zilean
The Tale of the Poro King
By Numerous creators
Starring: N/A
Mentioned:Aatrox,Akali,Ashe,Aurelion Sol,Azir,Braum,Caitlyn,Cho'Gath,Darius,Diana,Draven,Ezreal,Gnar,Illaoi,Janna,Jarvan IV,Jayce,Kai'Sa,Karma,Karthus,Katarina,Kayle,Kayn,Kennen,Kha'Zix,Lee Sin,Leona,Lulu,Lux,Malzahar,Miss Fortune,Nunu,Ornn,Pantheon,Pyke,Rammus,Rek'Sai,Rhaast,Ryze,Sejuani,Shen,Sion,Sivir,Soraka,Sylas,Syndra,Taliyah,Talon,Taric,Thresh,Tristana,Trundle,Udyr,Vi,Volibear,Willump,Yasuo,Zed,Ziggs,Zoe
Music Video
By Numerous creators
The battle begins, and sixteen teams across the globe are fighting towards one goal – to win the League of Legends World Championship.
Starring: N/A
• The fact that Yasuo's existence being considered a mistake by others is mentioned in his biography is likely a reference to the community's hate toward him as a champion.
• YoneandYasuoboth studied under the same master and know how to draw power from the wind, but only Yasuo knows the full secrets of the technique.[2]They are now the only remaining members of the school, likely due to the rest having all been killed by Yasuo when pursuing him.
• The scar onYasuo'sface was caused by Yone in their duel before his death.
• The thread he uses to tie his hair up is handspun Shuriman wool, gifted to him byTaliyahwhen they parted ways.
• He is currently going toNoxusto findRiven.
• They are now the only remaining members of the school, likely due to the rest having all been killed by Yasuo when pursuing him.
Change log[]
See also[]
• Bilgewater
• Camavor
• Demacia
• Freljord
• Ionia
• Shadow Isles
• Runeterra
• Journals
• Ruined King (Soundtrack)
• The Ruined King Saga (Universe) | Name: Way of the Wanderer, Description: Innate - Intent: Yasuo's total critical strike chance is multiplied by 2. 5 from all other sources, but his critical strikes deal only 「 (57. 5 % + 40. 5 % ) AD bonus physical damage . 」 「 90% of the normal critical strike damage . 」 Additionally, 「 every 1% critical strike chance in excess of 100% is converted into 0. 4 bonus AD . 」 「 every 50% critical strike chance in excess of 100% is converted into 20 bonus AD . 」 Innate - Resolve: Yasuo generates Flow for every 59 / 52. 5 / 46 (based on level) units he travels by any means. At 「 100 stacks 」 「 5900 / 5250 / 4600 (based on level) units traveled 」 and upon taking damage from an enemy champion or monster , Yasuo consumes all Flow to grant himself a shield for 125 − 600 (based on level) that lasts up to 1 second., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputPassive', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Tips & Tricks', 'Map-Specific Differences', "Yasuois able to reach100% critical strike chancewithWay of the Wanderer'smultiplier after obtaining a total of40% critical strike chance.", "Way of the Wandererwill multiplyYasuo'scritical strike chanceafterGuinsoo's Rageblade'sWrathis calculated.", "Yasuo'scritical strikesdeal damage equal to151.75% AD, and189% ADwithInfinity Edge. This is 13.25% less than the standard 175% and 22% less than the standard 220% withInfinity Edge.", "Taking into accountYasuo's345basemovement speedand assuming he's constantly moving, it will take17.1/ 15.22/ 13.33(based on level)seconds to generate 100Flowstacks.Taking into account the45bonusmovement speedthat mostTier 2 bootsgrant (resulting in390totalmovement speed), it will take15.13/ 13.46/ 11.79(based on level)seconds to generate 100Flowstacks.", 'Taking into account the45bonusmovement speedthat mostTier 2 bootsgrant (resulting in390totalmovement speed), it will take15.13/ 13.46/ 11.79(based on level)seconds to generate 100Flowstacks.', 'Base shield changed to 130% value.']} | Name: Steel Tempest, Description: Active: Yasuo thrusts his sword in a line in the target direction that deals physical damage to enemies hit and applies on-hit and on-attack effects at 100% effectiveness to the first enemy hit. Steel Tempest's damage can critically strike for 「 (47% + 37. 8 % ) AD bonus physical damage . 」 「 84% of the critical damage champions usually have. 」 Physical Damage: 20 / 45 / 70 / 95 / 120 (+ 105% AD) If this hits at least one enemy, Yasuo generates a stack of Gathering Storm for 6 seconds, stacking up to 2 times and refreshing on subsequent hits. At 2 stacks, the next Steel Tempest consumes them all to become empowered with a new effect. Gathering Storm Bonus: Yasuo unleashes a whirlwind in the target direction that deals the same damage to enemies hit and knocks them up for 0. 75 seconds, or 0. 9 seconds in combination with Sweeping Blade . Steel Tempest's thrust is interrupted if Yasuo is affected by disarming crowd control during the cast time, but its cooldown is reset to 0. 1 seconds. If Steel Tempest is cast during Sweeping Blade , it will instead affect enemies around Yasuo at the end of the dash, or doing so immediately at his landing location after blinking while ending the dash prematurely., STATIC COOLDOWN: STATICCOOLDOWN:4 − 1.33(based onbonusattack speed), {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputDirection', 'damage_type': 'Physical', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'parries': 'See Notes', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Tips & Tricks', "CastingSweeping Bladewhen Steel Tempest's remaining cooldown is less than 0.5seconds resets this remaining cooldown to allow casting it in combination, but adds the refunded time to the cooldown of that cast. IfYasuobecomes unable to cast abilities during the dash after buffering, Steel Tempest will not cast, but will still go on cooldown.(bug)", 'The oneGathering Stormstack is namedSteel Wind Rising.', 'The whirlwind from consuming stacks ofGathering Stormcan strike targets whose center is behindYasuo, unlike mostmissiles.', 'The whirlwind is not released when cast duringSweeping Blade, but insteadknocks upall enemies hit aroundYasuoat the end of the dash.', 'Steel Tempestappliesbasic damageto the first (closest) enemy hit andarea damageto secondary enemies:Steel Tempestwill applyon-hiteffects to the first target hit, but will not do so to the secondary ones.Steel Tempestwill not applyspell effectsto the first target hit, but will do so to the secondary ones.Spell vampwill only granthealingfrom the damage dealt to secondary targets, and healing is reduced to 33% effectiveness, accordingly.Life stealwill heal based on the damage dealt to the first target hit.', 'Steel Tempestwill applyon-hiteffects to the first target hit, but will not do so to the secondary ones.', 'Steel Tempestwill not applyspell effectsto the first target hit, but will do so to the secondary ones.', 'Spell vampwill only granthealingfrom the damage dealt to secondary targets, and healing is reduced to 33% effectiveness, accordingly.', 'Life stealwill heal based on the damage dealt to the first target hit.', 'The whirlwind is a missile and can therefore beintercepted.', 'Steel Tempestwill only draw minion aggro if the first target is a champion.', 'This ability will cast from wherever the caster is at the end of the cast time.', "Each parry has different interactions with this ability, whether it's the first target ofSteel Tempestor the secondary one. In either caseYasuostill gains a stack ofGathering Stormand his whirlwind knock-up cannot be negated by parries:Dodge: both first target and secondary targetdo nottake damage.Block: first targetdoes nottake damage, secondary targetdoestake damage.Blind: both first target and secondary targetdotake damage.", 'Dodge: both first target and secondary targetdo nottake damage.', 'Block: first targetdoes nottake damage, secondary targetdoestake damage.', 'Blind: both first target and secondary targetdotake damage.', 'Steel Tempestrolls itscritical strikesindividually against each enemy hit.', "CastingLast BreathduringSteel Tempestwill buffer it to cast after the cast time has completed.However, ifLast Breathis used on a target affected by anairbornesource that is notYasuo, it is cast immediately due toSteel Tempest'scast time ending prematurely.Steel Tempestwill still cast in this case.", "However, ifLast Breathis used on a target affected by anairbornesource that is notYasuo, it is cast immediately due toSteel Tempest'scast time ending prematurely.Steel Tempestwill still cast in this case.", "IfSteel Tempestis buffered duringSweeping BladeandYasuousesRecall,TeleportorHextech Rocketbelt,Steel Tempestwill go on cooldown without casting. InProtobelt'scaseYasuowill also need to cast a movement command after it, elseSteel Tempestwill still trigger.", 'Spell shielddoes not prevent a stack ofGathering Stormfrom being gained.', 'While at two stacks, a range indicator will be shown for the effective range of the whirlwind.', 'CastingLast Breathwhile bufferingSteel TempestduringSweeping Bladewill also trigger the damageaftertheblink, thus avoiding theGathering Stormstack reset.']} | Name: Wind Wall, Description: Active: Yasuo raises a wall of wind that travels in the target direction over 0. 25 seconds . It then drifts another 50 units over 3. 75 seconds, blocking all hostile non- turret projectiles that hit it and granting sight of its surroundings. Wall Width: 320 / 390 / 460 / 530 / 600 Link ▶️ "Face the wind!", {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputDirection', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Wind Wallgrantssightin a small static area in front of the cast location.', 'Wind Wallstarts blocking projectiles on-cast (despite not being fully formed).', 'Wind Walltravels via a missile, and thus stops upon colliding with an enemyWind Wall.']} | Name: Sweeping Blade, Description: Active: Yasuo dashes a fixed distance in the direction of the target enemy. Upon impact, he deals them magic damage , becomes ghosted for 2 seconds , and generates a stack of Ride the Wind for 5 seconds, which refreshes on subsequent hits and stacks up to 4 times. Magic Damage: 60 / 70 / 80 / 90 / 100 (+ 20% bonus AD) (+ 60% AP) Ride the Wind: Sweeping Blade's damage is increased by 15% − 25% (based on level) per stack, up to 60% − 100% (based on level) at maximum stacks. Sweeping Blade can be cast on the same target only once every few seconds. Yasuo will be knocked down by any immobilizing or polymorphing crowd control, excluding sleep (bug) , during Sweeping Blade. Last Breath can be cast during the dash. If Steel Tempest has been buffered, Wind Wall may also be cast during it. (bug), {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputUnit', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Map-Specific Differences', 'The on-target cooldown will be applied upon starting the dash.', "Sweeping Blade'sdash speed is affected bymovement speed.", 'Sweeping Bladewill generate 7.5Flowstacks per cast that travels the maximum distance.', "Yasuocan useSweeping Blade'sfixed dash distance to cross walls both before and after hitting his target (provided his proximity to the wall and/or target allows it).", 'AfterSweeping Blade,Yasuobecomesghostedfor a moment to prevent situations where he would face extreme cases of body block.', 'On-target cooldown changed to 50% value.', 'Base damage changed to 75 / 90 / 105 / 120 / 135}.']} | Name: Last Breath, Description: Active: Yasuo blinks to the other side of a visible airborne enemy champion nearest to the cursor , instantly generating maximum Flow while resetting Gathering Storm stacks. Upon arrival, he knocks up all nearby airborne enemy champions for 1 second, revealing them and slashing them with his sword over the duration, dealing physical damage thereafter. Surrounding enemy champions that become airborne during this time will also be affected by Last Breath through the remaining duration. Physical Damage: 200 / 350 / 500 (+ 150% bonus AD) For the next 15 seconds, Yasuo's critical strikes gain 50% bonus -armor penetration . A nearby airborne enemy champion is required to cast this ability. If Yasuo would blink inside the attack range of an enemy turret (excluding the Nexus Obelisk ), Last Breath will instead attempt to position him outside of it. Link ▶️ "Sorye ge ton!", {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputAuto', 'damage_type': 'Physical', 'spell_shield': 'See Notes', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', "Last Breathcan be casted on targetssuspendedin mid-air byNami'sAqua Prison'sstun.The wiki has adopted the termsuspensionfor this unique property due to a statement byYasuo'sdesigner.[2]", "The wiki has adopted the termsuspensionfor this unique property due to a statement byYasuo'sdesigner.[2]", 'Last Breathrequires the target to be affected byairbornefrom anenemy source, and simultaneously that the target is not consideredcc-immune,displacement immune, oruntargetableduring it.Last Breathcannot be cast if there are no nearby enemy champions that meet the conditions.Attempting to cast the ability on an enemy champion that is not airborne will indicate that they "Must Be Airborne!"Self-applied or allied-applieddisplacementsdo not allowLast Breathto target the champion. Those applied by theneutralteam (e.g.Dragon\'sinitial knock back)canbe targeted.Anindicatorwill be placed towards enemy champions that meet the cast conditions within range ofLast Breathto signify the ability can be cast.The Hextech Ultimatumwill preventYasuofrom castingLast Breathon an airborne enemy champion outside its borders.Yasuocan only do so if the airborne enemy champion is inside the zone.', 'Last Breathcannot be cast if there are no nearby enemy champions that meet the conditions.Attempting to cast the ability on an enemy champion that is not airborne will indicate that they "Must Be Airborne!"', 'Attempting to cast the ability on an enemy champion that is not airborne will indicate that they "Must Be Airborne!"', "Self-applied or allied-applieddisplacementsdo not allowLast Breathto target the champion. Those applied by theneutralteam (e.g.Dragon'sinitial knock back)canbe targeted.", 'Anindicatorwill be placed towards enemy champions that meet the cast conditions within range ofLast Breathto signify the ability can be cast.', 'The Hextech Ultimatumwill preventYasuofrom castingLast Breathon an airborne enemy champion outside its borders.Yasuocan only do so if the airborne enemy champion is inside the zone.', 'Yasuocan only do so if the airborne enemy champion is inside the zone.', "UponLast Breath'scast, the targets' facing directions snap toYasuo. Afterwards, their facing directions shift in all other directions every 0.25seconds over the duration of the airborne.The last shift snaps them to the facing direction of the second one.On theNightbringer Yasuoskin, these shifts in facing direction do not occur, but the targets' facing directions will still snap toYasuouponLast Breath'scast.", 'The last shift snaps them to the facing direction of the second one.', "On theNightbringer Yasuoskin, these shifts in facing direction do not occur, but the targets' facing directions will still snap toYasuouponLast Breath'scast.", 'Yasuodoes not needsightof enemy champions near his target to affect them with the ability.', 'Even if the target is protected byspell shieldthe ability will still affect them and deal damage, but thespell shieldwill be consumed.', "Last Breathapplies its damage and removes its forced movement on the target when it ends, including if it is removed early by beingcleansed.This is in contrast to most other effects withairborne, which have their forced movement linger if the disabling debuff is removed and have to be overridden by another movement spell (such asLucian'sRelentless PursuitorFlash).It behaves similar toNami'sAqua Prisonin this but is not consideredsuspension.", "This is in contrast to most other effects withairborne, which have their forced movement linger if the disabling debuff is removed and have to be overridden by another movement spell (such asLucian'sRelentless PursuitorFlash).", "It behaves similar toNami'sAqua Prisonin this but is not consideredsuspension.", "Terrain displacing abilities (e.g.Weaver's Wall,Pillar of Ice,Volcanic Rupture) that affect enemy champions are consideredairborne, and will therefore interact withLast Breath.", "Whileblinking,Yasuocreates anuntargetablecloneof himself that cues a dashing animation (similar toSweeping Blade's) towards the target. This unit's rules do not follow those of aclone's. As such, it is more alike a champion, unless special cased.", "While performingLast Breath,Yasuoislocked outof performing actions.The lock out will end prematurely ifYasuodies as well as by the following if all targets:Cleansetheknock up.Are too far away fromYasuo.LeaveYasuo'ssight(e.g. bynearsight).Becomeuntargetable.Die.Enter theRealm of Death.", "The lock out will end prematurely ifYasuodies as well as by the following if all targets:Cleansetheknock up.Are too far away fromYasuo.LeaveYasuo'ssight(e.g. bynearsight).Becomeuntargetable.Die.Enter theRealm of Death.", 'Cleansetheknock up.', 'Are too far away fromYasuo.', "LeaveYasuo'ssight(e.g. bynearsight).", 'Becomeuntargetable.', 'Die.', 'Enter theRealm of Death.', 'The following table refers for interactions whileYasuois locked out:']} | Yasuo -Yoneis one of seven pairs of sibling champions (the others beingJinx-Vi,Cassiopeia-Katarina,Kayle-Morgana,Garen-Lux,Nasus-Renekton, andDarius-Draven).Though not a pair,Anivia,Ornn, andVolibearare also siblings.
The flute Yasuo plays in his dance emote is most likely aShakuhachi(harmonicaforHigh Noon;wind controllerforPROJECT).His Classic 'dance' references aperformanceof this instrument.[3]A side by side comparison can be seenhere.Yasuo is the first champion to have an emote that will orient itself the same (dancing emote, facing the bottom-right of the screen), no matter what direction Yasuo was facing. Akali is the second.The melody of his Classic dance complementsYone'swhen the two use the dance emote simultaneously. A side-by-side comparison can be seenhere.
Yasuo's design is largely based on the Japaneserōnin(lit. a wanderer), asamuraiwhose masters had died or stripped of titles & lands. Many rōnin became mercenaries,bodyguards, or even criminals.
The length of Yasuo's sword is about that of atachior even anōdachi. However, he wears it cutting edge up like the shorterkatana.
Yasuo[jasɯ̟ᵝo] is a Japanese masculinegiven name, rendered as 康夫 (roughly "peaceful man") in the Japanese localization.FromOld Japanese*yasu-"cheap, easy > peaceful"[4]& masculine morpheme*wo.[5]
Way of the Wanderer'smodified critical strike chance references Samurai gameplay portrayals in video games.
For April Fools' Day2017, a video showcasing a jokereworkfor Yasuo waspostedby the officialRiot GamesTwitter account.Way of the Wandererwas shown to haveResolve'sshield also providecrowd control immunity, similar toMorgana'sBlack Shield.Steel Tempest'sthird castwas shown to split into three additional whirlwinds in a cone after hitting a champion, similar toGraves'Collateral Damage.Wind Wallwas shown to form a pentagon of walls, similar toThresh'sThe Box.Notably, this 'protection fromprojectilesfrom all angles' mechanic was later implemented bySamira'sBlade Whirl.Sweeping Bladewas shown to be able to targetwardsandchampion summoned units(e.g.Demacian Standard).Last Breathwas shown to be able to be recast for a seemingly infinite amount of times while the affected champion is stillairborne.
A functional real-life replica of Yasuo'sSteel Bladewas crafted in an episode of YouTube seriesMan At Arms: Reforged.This video can be viewedhere.There are also videos where the following are crafted:Diana'sCrescent Moonblade(functional)Katarina'sDaggers(functional)Leona'sZenith Blade(functional)Master Yi's'Highlander' Ring Sword(functional)Poppy'sHammer of Orlon(functional, but impractically wieldy)Ziggs'Hexplosive Bomb(prop)
At 25 August 2018, on the statement "One of my favorites", players ranked Yasuo 2nd in CN and 56th in NA. On "Fair to play against" they ranked him 23rd in CN and 137th in NA. Overall on "Gameplay, Visuals, Voice, etc.." they ranked him 1st in CN and 38th in NA.[6]
As aneaster egg, in Set 4 ofTeamfight Tactics, Yasuo would flash aMastery 7emote if he single-handedly defeats the enemy team as the only remaining unit. This references the community stereotype of Yasuo players loving to flash their Mastery in League of Legends matches.A video demonstration of this can be seenhere. |
Yone,the Unforgotten | | | health: Health620+105, resource: ResourceN/A, health regen: Health regen. (per 5s)7.5+0.75, resource regen: Resource regen.N/A, armor: Armor30+4.6, attack damage: Attack damage60+2, attack speed: Base AS0.625, gameplay radius: Gameplay radius65, selection radius: Selection radius75, release: 2020-08-06, changed: V13.19, role: AssassinSkirmisher, position: TopMiddle, rangetype: Melee, adaptivetype: Physical, cost: 3150|790 | Games
YoneMainHunterArmored 1Armored 2SchoolYoungTitlesNickname(s)BrotherAlias(es)The UnforgottenThe Masked AssassinHunter6WindchaserCharacteristicsSpeciesHuman(Magically Altered)Pronoun(s)He/HimTimelineBorn:961 AN - 963 ANWeapon(s)Wind TechniqueSteel and Azakana BladesSpirit MagicDual Steel BladesPersonal statusStatusAlive(Revived)Place of originNavori,IoniaCurrent residenceIonia(No Fixed Abode)FamilyUnnamed Father†Unnamed StepfatherUnnamed MotherYasuo(Half-Brother)Professional statusOccupation(s)Demon HunterElder Souma's ApprenticeRegion(s)IoniaRelated character(s)YasuoLillia
• Main
• Hunter
• Armored 1
• Armored 2
• School
• Young
• Brother
• The Unforgotten
• The Masked Assassin
• Hunter
• 6Windchaser
• Born:961 AN - 963 AN
• Wind Technique
• Steel and Azakana Blades
• Spirit Magic
• Dual Steel Blades
Personal status
Place of origin
Current residence
• Unnamed Father†
• Unnamed Stepfather
• Unnamed Mother
• Yasuo(Half-Brother)
Professional status
• Demon Hunter
• Elder Souma's Apprentice
Related character(s)
In life, he wasYone— half-brother ofYasuo, and renowned student of his village's sword school. But upon his death at the hands of his brother, he found himself hunted by a malevolent entity of thespirit realm, and was forced to slay it with its own sword. Now, cursed to wear its demonic mask upon his face, Yone tirelessly hunts all such creatures in order to understand what he has become.
• 1Background1.1Early life1.2Post - Death1.3Recent events
• 2Appearance
• 3Personality
• 4Abilities
• 5Relations5.1Yasuo5.2Lillia
• 6Read More6.1Biography6.2Starring Champion6.3Mentioned Champion6.4Alternate Universes
• 7Trivia
• 8Change log
• 9References
• 10See also
• 1.1Early life
• 1.2Post - Death
• 1.3Recent events
• 5.1Yasuo
• 5.2Lillia
• 6.1Biography
• 6.2Starring Champion
• 6.3Mentioned Champion
• 6.4Alternate Universes
Early life[]
Yone was the older half-brother ofYasuo. WhileYasuowas impulsive and arrogant, Yone was disciplined and patient.
As Yone trained in the village's renowned sword school, his skill with the dual blades drew admiration from his peers. WhenYasuoinitially denied the personal tutelage of Elder Souma, Yone gifted him a maple seed as a symbol of humility. Later,Yasuowould be taken as Elder Souma's pupil, with Yone's guidance.
One day, when news reached the village that Noxus had invaded, Yone and other members of the village went to help defend the land while Yasuo was held back to defend his master.
When Yone returned,Yasuohad disappeared, and Elder Souma was discovered dead.
Whether Yasuo had shirked his duty or betrayed his master, Yone felt he had failed in his duty to show Yasuo the right path.
Yone and Yasuo clashed in a fated duel and Yasuo's legendary wind technique had the upper hand. Yone died before he was able to learn the truth.
Post - Death[]
When Yone died, he woke up in the spirit realm, intially being guided by aspirit foxinto the afterlife. He eventually went off the path, and ended up being confronted by the azakana that had been hunting him prior to his death. He confronted the azakana, coming out victorious, but not before the azakana would bite his face, hinting to be the cause of his state between life and death. Upon returning to the material realm, he was adorned with a mask reminiscent of the azakana he had faced, unable to remove it, but now able to see azakana in the world around him.
Now, Yone hunts azakana, using the blade he took from his own demon as the tool to kill them and take their masks. He uses their names as words of power, turning the weakened azakana he hunts into masks, later to be added to his belt.
Recent events[]
Yone in life was a tall young man with white skin, tied dark brown hair, brown eyes and a beard. He wore an Ionian dress with dark aquamarine blue colors with gold trim with a long red belt, seen in hisLoR card artwork.
When he came back to life, his appearance changed, now adorning a scarlet red mask on his face that cannot be removed. His hair now worn loose and long with two strands at the front, and his eyes shine in a ghostly blue.
His attire consists of torn and bloodstained Ionian clothing, wearing no shirt and instead is covered in primarily bandages that extend up to his shoulders and just below his chest. His robes and belt being decorated with the variousazakanahe has hunted.
When Yone separates his soul from his body, his appearance is the same but semi-transparent and wrapped in a bright scarlet red.
Yone is a stoic, loyal and honourable man who always put his responsibilities before his feelings. He had a complicated relationship with his brotherYasuo, having to take care of him at a very young age. Yone wished forYasuoto learn responsibility and have a better life, and was elated whenYasuowas chosen by master Souma as his disciple.
When he discoveredYasuo's "betrayal", Yone was devastated, but continued with his duty which was to, sadly, kill his brother.
When Yone finally found and confrontedYasuo, they ended up dueling to the death, withYasuoas the victor.
When he returned from the dead, Yone dedicated himself to understanding what he had become through hunting azakana, as he feels that the conflict he now faces with the mask he wears outweighs the unresolved conflict between him and his brother.
According to rumor, Yone andLilliashare a deep friendship, much like the bond betweenYasuoandTaliyah.
• Resurrection Empowerment:Yone came back from the dead with the mystical power of the Azakana that he defeated, and as such, he was granted many mysterious powers.Spirit Magic:Yone has access to the magics of the Spirit Realm, granting him several powers.Spiritual Sense:Yone can feel the energies of the spirits around him, this facilitate his hunt of the Azakana, allowing him to track them down from long distances.Astral Projection:Yone can throw his soul out of his body to interact with either physical realm or the spiritual realm. He can use this abilities to travel great distances for a while although he will eventually come back to his physical body. His astral body can still harm spiritual beings like Azakana.Spirit Blade Summoning:Yone can summon a mystical blade of the Azakana that he killed, he can use that blade to kill demons and other mystical horrors.
• Wind Technique:Just like his brother, Yone was trained in the Wind Technique of Elder Souma. However, he's not as talented as his brother. Yone can use the wind to increase his fighting abilities, making himself superhumanly fast and strong
• Skilled Swordsman:Yone is an acomplished swordsman.
• Spirit Magic:Yone has access to the magics of the Spirit Realm, granting him several powers.Spiritual Sense:Yone can feel the energies of the spirits around him, this facilitate his hunt of the Azakana, allowing him to track them down from long distances.Astral Projection:Yone can throw his soul out of his body to interact with either physical realm or the spiritual realm. He can use this abilities to travel great distances for a while although he will eventually come back to his physical body. His astral body can still harm spiritual beings like Azakana.Spirit Blade Summoning:Yone can summon a mystical blade of the Azakana that he killed, he can use that blade to kill demons and other mystical horrors.
• Spiritual Sense:Yone can feel the energies of the spirits around him, this facilitate his hunt of the Azakana, allowing him to track them down from long distances.
• Astral Projection:Yone can throw his soul out of his body to interact with either physical realm or the spiritual realm. He can use this abilities to travel great distances for a while although he will eventually come back to his physical body. His astral body can still harm spiritual beings like Azakana.
• Spirit Blade Summoning:Yone can summon a mystical blade of the Azakana that he killed, he can use that blade to kill demons and other mystical horrors.
Yone is the older half-brother toYasuo, whom he was very close to. Yone taught Yasuo many important lessons when he was young. When Yasuo was running away when accused of killing Elder Souma,6Yonewas heartbroken and filled with negative thoughts and feelings that fed the azakana he would later confront. When Yone finally caught up, Yasuo was forced to kill his own brother whose death would haunt him for a long time.
Later, when Yasuo went to the Spirit Blossom festival inWeh'le, he was confronted by a resurrected Yone who was trying to kill an azakana that pretended to be a monk from the3Greenglade Elder'sorder.[1]After Yasuo let go of his own past, the brother defeated it and parted way in peace, although Yasuo was expecting Yone wanted vengeance. It isn't clear if Yone has forgiven his brother, or if Yasuo has forgiven himself.
Yone metLilliaat some point (likely when they were both traveling to the Spirit Blossom festival ofWeh'le) and has vowed to protect her from any azakana and Demon of Nightmare during their travels.
Upon Yone's release, it was heavily hinted that the relationship dynamic between Yone andLilliais meant to mirror the master / student dynamic ofYasuoandTaliyah.[citation needed]
Read More
The Unforgotten
ByMichael Yichao
Starring Champion
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A Sword without a Sheath
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What is a sword without the man behind it? Teaching a swordsman to kill is simple. The true challenge lies in teaching him not to kill.
Kin of the Stained Blade
Not forgiven. Not forgotten.
Short Story
ByMichael Yichao
The boy ran at a dead sprint, driven by terror.
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ByAriel Lawrence
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Ruined King
ByAirship Syndicate
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Starring:Ahri,Braum,Gangplank,Illaoi,Maokai,Miss Fortune,Necrit,Pyke,Rafen,Thresh,Viego,Yasuo
Mentioned:Ashe,Elise,Fiddlesticks,Fizz,Gwen,Hecarim,Isolde,Ivern,Janna,Jarvan IV,Kalista,Ledros,Lucian,Nagakabouros,Nautilus,Olaf,Ornn,Rhasa,Riven,Senna,Swain,Tahm Kench,Taliyah,Twisted Fate,Udyr,Volibear,Yone,Yorick,Zed
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The Road to Ruin
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The Unforgiven
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Alternate Universes
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Music Video
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Riot's virtual artist HEARTSTEEL will surpass K/DA
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Spirit Bonds
ByJared Rosen,Michael Yichao,Rayla Heide,Elan Stimmel,Cat Manning,David Slagle,John O'Bryan,Michael Luo,Phillip Vargas
They say the Spirit Blossom Festival represents a thinning of the veil between our world and the Spirit Realm.
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Every myth carries a seed of truth. A slain swordsman must decide if he will make peace with his past—or be consumed by it.
Tournament of Souls: Wild Rift Edition
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• Yone andYasuoboth studied under the same master and know how to draw power from the wind, but only Yasuo knows the full secrets of the technique.[2]They are now the only remaining members of the school, likely due to the rest having all been killed by Yasuo when pursuing him.The scar onYasuo'sface was caused by Yone in their duel before his death.
• When Yone entered the spirit realm in death, he was attacked by anazakana, a demon that feeds off of negative emotions. This demon was stalking Yone due to the negative emotions he harbored while pursuing Yasuo but died before it could strike.
• After defeating the azakana, Yone was resurrected with the azakana affixed to his face in the form of a mask as well an azakana blade. He now hunts azakana in order to learn more about them and his own fate.
• The man that appears inThe Path, An Ionian Mythcinematic represents the older brother inIonianmyths whose story bears many similarities to Yone's.[3]
• Despite being brought back from the death by demonic power, Yone is not particularly undead.[4]
• They are now the only remaining members of the school, likely due to the rest having all been killed by Yasuo when pursuing him.The scar onYasuo'sface was caused by Yone in their duel before his death.
• The scar onYasuo'sface was caused by Yone in their duel before his death.
Change log[]
See also[]
• Bilgewater
• Camavor
• Demacia
• Freljord
• Ionia
• Shadow Isles
• Runeterra
• Journals
• Ruined King (Soundtrack)
• The Ruined King Saga (Universe) | Name: Way of the Hunter, Description: Innate - Intent: Yone's total critical strike chance is multiplied by 2. 5 from all other sources, but his critical strikes deal only 「 (57. 5 % + 40. 5 % ) AD bonus physical damage . 」 「 90% of the normal critical strike damage . 」 Additionally, 「 every 1% critical strike chance in excess of 100% is converted into 0. 4 bonus AD . 」 「 every 50% critical strike chance in excess of 100% is converted into 20 bonus AD . 」 Innate - Steel and Spirit: Yone's basic attacks alternate between his Steel Sword and Azakana Sword on-attack . Yone begins attacking with Steel Sword , and basic attacks with Azakana Sword deal 50% AD physical damage and 50% AD magic damage ., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputPassive', 'damage_type': 'Physical/Magic', 'parries': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'There is no attack time-out between alternating swords. It willpersist throughdeath.', "50% ofSpellbladeandDemolishdamage will be converted tomagic damageif applied by theAzakana Sword.This will also occur if applied byGuinsoo's Rageblade'sPhantom Hitafter having last attacked with theAzakana Sword.This will also occur if applied byMortal Steelafter having last attacked with theAzakana Sword.(bug)", "This will also occur if applied byGuinsoo's Rageblade'sPhantom Hitafter having last attacked with theAzakana Sword.", 'This will also occur if applied byMortal Steelafter having last attacked with theAzakana Sword.(bug)', "The mixed damage is dealt in two simultaneous instances of damage, but will pretend to be a single instance for most effects (such asConqueror'sstacks).Both instances dealbasic damageand thus natively applylife steal.The attack applieson-hiteffects only once, right at the start.Even if the target dies from themagic damage, thephysical damagewill still be applied to it.If the target dies fromon-hitdamage, the magic damage portion will be skipped and only the physical damage applied.(bug)", 'Both instances dealbasic damageand thus natively applylife steal.', 'The attack applieson-hiteffects only once, right at the start.', 'Even if the target dies from themagic damage, thephysical damagewill still be applied to it.If the target dies fromon-hitdamage, the magic damage portion will be skipped and only the physical damage applied.(bug)', 'If the target dies fromon-hitdamage, the magic damage portion will be skipped and only the physical damage applied.(bug)', "Yonerequires at least40% critical strike chancein order to reach100% critical strike chancefromWay of the Hunter'smultiplier.", "Way of the Hunterwill multiplyYone'scritical strike chanceafterGuinsoo's Rageblade'sWrathis calculated."]} | Name: Mortal Steel, Description: Active: Yone thrusts his Steel Sword in a line in the target direction that deals physical damage to enemies hit and applies on-hit and on-attack effects at 100% effectiveness to the first enemy hit. Mortal Steel's damage can critically strike for 「 (47% + 37. 8 % ) AD bonus physical damage . 」 「 84% of the critical damage champions usually have. 」 Physical Damage: 20 / 40 / 60 / 80 / 100 (+ 105% AD) If this hits at least one enemy, Yone generates a stack of Gathering Storm for 6 seconds, stacking up to 2 times and refreshing on subsequent hits. At 2 stacks, the next Mortal Steel consumes them all to become empowered with a new effect. Gathering Storm Bonus: Yone dashes a fixed distance in the target direction and unleashes a whirlwind in the same direction, both dealing the same damage to enemies hit in their path and knocking them up for 0. 75 seconds, but being unable to affect the same target twice. Mortal Steel's thrust is interrupted if Yone is affected by disarming crowd control during the cast time but its cooldown is reset to 0. 1 seconds., STATIC COOLDOWN: STATICCOOLDOWN:4 − 1.33(based onbonusattack speed), {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputDirection', 'damage_type': 'Physical', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'parries': 'See Notes', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Mortal Steelappliesbasic damageforthe first (closest) enemy hitandarea damagefor secondary enemies:Mortal Steelwill applyon-hiteffects to the first target hit, but will not do so to the secondary ones.Mortal Steelwill not applyspell effectsto the first target hit, but will do so to the secondary ones.Spell vampwill only granthealingfrom the damage dealt to secondary targets, and healing is reduced to 33% effectiveness, accordingly.Life stealwill heal based on the damage dealt to the first target hit.', 'Mortal Steelwill applyon-hiteffects to the first target hit, but will not do so to the secondary ones.', 'Mortal Steelwill not applyspell effectsto the first target hit, but will do so to the secondary ones.', 'Spell vampwill only granthealingfrom the damage dealt to secondary targets, and healing is reduced to 33% effectiveness, accordingly.', 'Life stealwill heal based on the damage dealt to the first target hit.', 'Mortal Steelwill not benefit from the bonus attack speed gained byHail of Blades.(bug)', "After a successful crit roll against one of the targets,Mortal Steel'sthrust is guaranteed tocritically strikeall further targets aswell.(bug)This is unlike the behaviour ofYasuo'sSteel Tempest.The whirlwind and dash roll their critical strike against each target individually.", "This is unlike the behaviour ofYasuo'sSteel Tempest.", 'The whirlwind and dash roll their critical strike against each target individually.', "BlinkingduringMortal Steel'scast with two stacks ofGathering Storm(after the cast time) will end the dash prematurely but enemies in range ofYoneat the new location are affected. The whirlwind's trajectory cannot be changed once it has already been unleashed.", 'Only the whirlwind can beintercepted.', "Each parry has different interactions with this ability, whether it's the first target ofMortal Steelor the secondary one. In either caseYonestill gains a stack ofGathering Stormand his whirlwindknock upcannot be negated by parries:DodgeandBlock: first targetdoes nottake damage, secondary targetdoestake damage.Blind: both first target and secondary target take damage.", 'DodgeandBlock: first targetdoes nottake damage, secondary targetdoestake damage.', 'Blind: both first target and secondary target take damage.', 'Spell shielddoes not preventYonefrom receiving a stack.', 'Mortal Steelis disabled whilegroundedorrootedifYonehas two stacks ofGathering Storm.', 'While at two stacks, a range indicator will be shown for the effective range of the whirlwind.', 'Thedashcan cross terrain.', 'This ability will cast from wherever the caster is at the end of the cast time.Yonewill always castMortal Steelin his facing direction, and he will turn to face the target direction at the start of the cast time. While at two stacks,Yonewill always cast it in the target direction.', 'Yonewill always castMortal Steelin his facing direction, and he will turn to face the target direction at the start of the cast time. While at two stacks,Yonewill always cast it in the target direction.']} | Name: Spirit Cleave, Description: Active: Yone cleaves his Azakana Sword in a cone in the target direction, dealing equal parts physical and magic damage to enemies hit. The total mixed damage has a minimum threshold of 40 − 410 (based on level) against minions and a maximum threshold of 150 − 320 (based on level) against monsters . Total Mixed Damage: 10 / 20 / 30 / 40 / 50 (+ 11 / 12 / 13 / 14 / 15% of target's maximum health) Physical Damage: 5 / 10 / 15 / 20 / 25 (+ 5. 5 / 6 / 6. 5 / 7 / 7. 5 % of target's maximum health) Magic Damage: 5 / 10 / 15 / 20 / 25 (+ 5. 5 / 6 / 6. 5 / 7 / 7. 5 % of target's maximum health) If this hits an enemy, Yone grants himself a shield for 60 − 80 (based on level) (+ 65% bonus AD) for 1. 5 seconds, increased by 100% if it hits a champion and by 50% for each subsequent champion hit., STATIC COOLDOWN: STATICCOOLDOWN:14 − 6 (based onbonusattack speed), {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputDirection', 'damage_type': 'Physical/Magic', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', "DespiteSpirit Cleavegenerally hitting targets'edge range, itcannothit targets whose center is behind him.This behaviour is common withmissiles, however some cone spells such as this one also do it.", 'This behaviour is common withmissiles, however some cone spells such as this one also do it.', 'Spirit Cleavewill not benefit from the bonus attack speed gained byHail of Blades.(bug)', 'Spell shielddoes not preventYonefrom receiving and/or increasing theshield.', "The shield's amount will also increase for eachclonehit.", 'This ability will cast from wherever the caster is at the end of the cast time.Yonewill always castSpirit Cleavein his facing direction, and he will turn to face the target direction at the start of the cast time.', 'Yonewill always castSpirit Cleavein his facing direction, and he will turn to face the target direction at the start of the cast time.', 'The mixed damage is applied in two instances, and thephysical damagewill be dealt first within the same game tick.If thephysical damagefinishes off the unit, themagic damagewill not be dealt against it.(bug)', 'If thephysical damagefinishes off the unit, themagic damagewill not be dealt against it.(bug)']} | Name: Soul Unbound, Description: Active: Yone dashes a fixed distance in the target direction, discarding his body and entering Spirit Form for 5 seconds. Yone's body is untargetable and is sent the same distance behind the cast location, though not through terrain, and is reclaimed when Soul Unbound ends. Spirit Form: Yone becomes ghosted and gains 10% − 30% (based on time active) bonus movement speed . Enemy champions damaged by his basic attacks or abilities are marked . Each mark stores a portion of the post-mitigation damage that Yone deals to the target with his basic attacks and abilities. Damage Stored: 25 / 27. 5 / 30 / 32. 5 / 35% of damage dealt Activation resets Way of the Hunter's current sword state. Soul Unbound can be recast after 0. 5 seconds, and automatically does so after the duration. Recast: Yone remains in cast time for 0. 25 seconds then dashes back to his body with displacement immunity , ending Spirit Form and detonating the marks on each champion to deal true damage equal to the amount stored against each of them. After the cast time, he will cleanse himself from all immobilizing effects and polymorphs * that were applied to him during it as well as all blinds , cripples and drowsy effects. The automatic recast is delayed if Yone is winding up a basic attack or is unable to recast Soul Unbound under any circumstances, which includes if he cannot move or cast abilities. Soul Unbound will also immediately recast upon death or entering resurrection . Link ▶️ "Spirit unmoored!", {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputDirection/Auto', 'damage_type': 'True', 'spell_shield': 'Not Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Themarksstorephysical damage,magic damage, andtrue damage.', 'Soul Unboundstays on cooldown for the first 15 seconds of the game.', 'RecallandTeleportare disabled duringSoul Unbound.', "OnlyYone'sinitial dash can beinterrupted.", "Yone'sorangeresourcebar duringSoul Unboundis indicative of the amount of timeYonehas to recast the ability before it is automatically recast. The amount starts at 500 and rapidly decays down to 0. It counts down from the start of the cast, not after the 0.5-second delay.With 0.5seconds remaining before the recast occurs automatically, a distinct sound will cue and the corners of the screen will briefly turn a faint dark. This is only visible and audible toYone.", 'With 0.5seconds remaining before the recast occurs automatically, a distinct sound will cue and the corners of the screen will briefly turn a faint dark. This is only visible and audible toYone.', "Yone'sbody unit cannot be interacted with by any means. It will despawn as soon asYone'sdash back ends.", "Soul Unbound'srecast, even when cast automatically, counts as an ability activation for the purposes of on-cast effects such asSpellbladeand triggeringForce Pulse'spassive.", 'Yoneis alsodisplacement immuneduring the cast time.', "Soul Unbound'srecast does not interruptYone'slast movement or attack order.", 'Yonewill place himself onto the ground and interruptsdisplacementsaffecting him upon recasting.', "Soul Unbound'srecast is notable for being an ability thatremovescrowd controlbut cannot be activated while unable to cast abilities or mobility spells due to the same crowd control.", 'Soul Unbounddoesnotcleansethe followingcrowd controleffects (ones not listed below are removed):DisarmOnly thesilenceportion frompolymorphwill be removed.GroundNearsightSilenceSlowWitherwill not be removed.', 'DisarmOnly thesilenceportion frompolymorphwill be removed.', 'Only thesilenceportion frompolymorphwill be removed.', 'Ground', 'Nearsight', 'Silence', 'SlowWitherwill not be removed.', 'Witherwill not be removed.', "Some examples of effects that can delaySoul Unbound'sautomatic recast:Attack windupCast timeChannels(excludingHexflash)LockoutsDashesImmobilizes,Silence,Ground, andStasisDevourFate's CallYoneinstantly appears at his body's location the moment this effect ends.Realm Warp", 'Attack windup', 'Cast time', 'Channels(excludingHexflash)', 'Lockouts', 'Dashes', 'Immobilizes,Silence,Ground, andStasis', 'Devour', "Fate's CallYoneinstantly appears at his body's location the moment this effect ends.", "Yoneinstantly appears at his body's location the moment this effect ends.", 'Realm Warp', "Soul Unbound'srecast is disabled (cannot be manually nor automatically cast) whileYoneis in theRealm of DeathorThe Hextech Ultimatum. The recast will be deferred until those effects end.The Hextech Ultimatumwill specifically end ifYonerecastsSoul Unbound.", 'The Hextech Ultimatumwill specifically end ifYonerecastsSoul Unbound.', "IfYoneusesMortal Steelat twoGathering Stormstacks to delaySoul Unbound'sautomatic recast, he will be able to basic attack once in a short time period before the automatic recast triggers.", 'IfYonediesor entersresurrectionwithSpirit Form, he will immediately initiate the recast and dash back to his body while dead or resurrecting.If he dies during the recast, the dash back is not interrupted.His death animation will play upon arriving to his body.', 'If he dies during the recast, the dash back is not interrupted.', 'His death animation will play upon arriving to his body.', 'The marks do not store damage fromitems,runesandsummoner spells.', 'The mark also automatically detonates withoutYonehaving to recast when the marked champion dies or entersresurrection.', 'The detonation damage cannot be dodged by becominguntargetable.', 'The marks will not store damage dealt toshields.', "If the mark's damage is higher than the target'scurrenthealth, the mark indicator will have a slightly different appearance.This does not take into account effects that would amplify the damage of the mark, such asCoup de Grace.", 'This does not take into account effects that would amplify the damage of the mark, such asCoup de Grace.', 'The following table refers for interactions whileYoneis in cast time and dashing back to his body:']} | Name: Fate Sealed, Description: Active: Yone prepares a strike over the cast time, then marks all enemies within a line in the target direction, knocking them down and stunning them for 1 second. He blinks 200 units beyond the center of the last enemy champion struck, or else to maximum range instead. After 0. 3 seconds, a gust rushes along the same line that deals equal parts physical and magic damage to marked enemies within the area and pulls them towards the location Yone blinked to, then knocks them up for 0. 75 seconds. Total Mixed Damage: 200 / 400 / 600 (+ 80% bonus AD) Physical Damage: 100 / 200 / 300 (+ 40% bonus AD) Magic Damage: 100 / 200 / 300 (+ 40% bonus AD) The stun ends prematurely upon the knock up. Link ▶️ "My blades know your name!", {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputDirection', 'damage_type': 'Physical/Magic', 'spell_shield': 'See Notes', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Markedenemies that are not within the area will not be affected by the second portion of the ability.', "IfFate Sealed'smaximum range is inside terrain, enemies will not bepulledthrough walls.", 'Fate Sealedpullstargets to the locationYonewouldblinkto, and not towards his current position by the end of the cast time.', 'Fate Sealedcanhit targets whose center is behindYone, if theirradiusoverlaps with the rectangle hitbox in front of him.', 'Enemies arepulledwith 3000 speed.', 'This ability will cast from wherever the caster is at the end of the cast time.', 'Fate Sealedwill notstunenemies that aredisplacement immune.', "Yonecan blink up to 1200 units + enemysize, if the last enemy champion's radius intersects with the maximum range slightly.", 'The mixed damage is applied in two instances, and themagic damagewill be dealt first within the same game tick.If themagic damagefinishes off the unit, thephysical damagewill not be dealt against it.(bug)', 'If themagic damagefinishes off the unit, thephysical damagewill not be dealt against it.(bug)', 'Yonewillrevealhimself during the cast time if there is an enemy champion nearby.', 'When striking againstspell shield,Yonewill stillblinkto the last champion hit even if they block the effects to themselves.', 'Theknock upstarts once the pull ends.', 'Yoneislocked outof performing actions for 0.45seconds after the cast time. All abilities that have been buffered during this time will cast shortly before the lock out ends.The following table refers for interactions whileYoneis in cast time:', 'The following table refers for interactions whileYoneis in cast time:', 'Death, unless protected byResurrection']} | Yoneis one of 20 champions without a singleability powerratio on any ability:Aatrox,Camille,Darius,Dr. Mundo,Draven,Garen,Kayn,Kled,Naafiri,Nilah,Olaf,Pyke,Riven,Samira,Sett,Talon,Urgot,Xayah, andZed.
Yone -Yasuois one of seven pairs of sibling champions (the others beingCassiopeia-Katarina,Kayle-Morgana,Garen-Lux,Nasus-Renekton,Darius-Draven, andVi-Jinx).Though not a pair,Anivia,Ornn, andVolibearare also siblings.
Yone is the first non-champion inLegends of Runeterrato become a champion inLeague of Legends.
Yone was first confirmed to be the next champion withSpirit Blossom Thresh'svoice lines.
The melody of his Classic dance complementsYasuo'swhen the two use the dance emote simultaneously. A side-by-side comparison can be seenhere.The instrument Yone plays is aMorin Khuur.[2]
OnVPBEduring theV11.24cycle[3], a new feature was added where whenever Yone scored a pentakill, a dramatic scene of him performing hisToggleemotewas played for 7 seconds.[4]This was later removed due to controversy.[5]During this time, Yone would become unable to act and negate all incoming damage and debuffs.[6]After the scene ended, his abilities' cooldowns would reset after 1 second.[7] |
Yorick,Shepherd of Souls,Yorick Mori | | | health: Health650+114, resource: Mana300+60, health regen: Health regen. (per 5s)8+0.8, resource regen: Mana regen. (per 5s)7.5+0.75, armor: Armor39+5.2, attack damage: Attack damage62+5, attack speed: Base AS0.625, gameplay radius: Gameplay radius80, selection radius: Selection radius125, release: 2011-06-22, changed: V13.15, role: Juggernaut, position: Top, rangetype: Melee, adaptivetype: Physical, cost: 3150|790 | Games
YorickTitlesReal nameYorick MoriAlias(es)Shepherd of SoulsGravediggerBrother YorickThe Boy from the VillageCharacteristicsSpeciesHuman(Magical;Magically Altered)Pronoun(s)He/HimTimelineBorn:75 BN - 50 BNWeapon(s)Monk's SpadeThe Black MistMist WalkersMaiden of the MistPersonal statusStatusAlivePlace of originBlessed IslesCurrent residenceShadow IslesProfessional statusOccupation(s)Soul ShepherdMonk of DuskRegion(s)Shadow IslesBlessed IslesRelated character(s)Maiden of the MistHecarimKalistaThreshKarthusMaokaiKindredViegoGwenIllaoi
Real name
• Shepherd of Souls
• Gravedigger
• Brother Yorick
• The Boy from the Village
• Born:75 BN - 50 BN
• Monk's Spade
• The Black Mist
• Mist Walkers
• Maiden of the Mist
Personal status
Place of origin
Current residence
Professional status
• Soul Shepherd
• Monk of Dusk
• Shadow Isles
• Blessed Isles
Related character(s)
The last survivor of a long-forgotten religious order,Yorickis both blessed and cursed with power over the dead. Trapped on theShadow Isles, his only companions are the rotting corpses and shrieking spirits that he gathers to him. Yorick's monstrous actions belie his noble purpose: to free his home from the curse of theRuination.
• 1Background1.1Early Life1.2Ruination1.3Sentinels of Light
• 2Appearance
• 3Personality
• 4Abilities
• 5Relations5.1Illaoi5.2Viego5.3Sentinels of Light
• 6Read More6.1Biography6.2Starring Champion6.3Mentioned Champion6.4Alternate Universes
• 7Trivia
• 8Change log
• 9References
• 10See also
• 1.1Early Life
• 1.2Ruination
• 1.3Sentinels of Light
• 5.1Illaoi
• 5.2Viego
• 5.3Sentinels of Light
• 6.1Biography
• 6.2Starring Champion
• 6.3Mentioned Champion
• 6.4Alternate Universes
Early Life[]
Yorick grew up in a small fishing village on the edge of the Blessed Isles. He could never find acceptance among his peers, and he eventually learned that he could see the spirits of the dead. While at first he was scared of these spirits, he eventually realized that they were just lost and did not want to hurt him. They wanted to find their way to what lay beyond death, and Yorick helped guide them there. While Yorick was happy to guide them, it was a bittersweet task, as he liked talking to these spirits and helping one reach the beyond meant losing a friend.
Tales of Yorick's visions spread and caught the attention of a small religious order of monks called the Brethren of the Dusk. They inducted Yorick into their ranks and gave him a vial of the Waters of Life to wear around his neck, which was common for members of the order. These Waters of Life were magical in nature and could heal someone of almost any injury or ailment. Despite being part of the order, Yorick found himself alone again, shunned by the other monks because he could easily see what they had spent their entire lives trying to understand.
One day, as he was tending to his daily duties in the cemetery, Yorick saw a dark cloud moving across the surface of the Isles and devouring everything in its path. This was the Black Mist, created when ayoung kingtried to revive hisdead wifein the Waters of Life. As the Mist spread, it caused the monks to pull the vials from their necks before consuming their souls and turning their bodies into corpses. Yorick used all of his willpower to not pull the vial from his neck before being consumed by the Mist.
When he awoke, Yorick had been physically changed, and the Isles had been cleansed of all life. The Black Mist reached for him, but recoiled when it tried to reach for the vial around his neck. He realized that the only thing keeping him alive was the last of the Waters of Life around his neck. Despite searching for days, Yorick found no survivors. In his grief, he talked to the spirits surrounding him. They gravitated to his word, and Yorick realized that he could control them. Determined to free the dead spirits on the Isles, Yorick decided to use these powers to end the curse upon the Isles.
Sentinels of Light[]
While on their quest to defeatViego, theSentinels of Lightvisited Yorick to ask for help. Seeing that their goals aligned with his, Yorick gave them some of the drops from his vial along with theMaiden of the Mist, which was revealed to be a fetter, containing a piece ofIsolde's's soul.
Yorick is a muscular man with light blue skin and glowing eyes because of his time spent in the Shadow Isles. He wears a dark blue outfit common for those in his position in the Brethren of the Dusk, with no sleeves, fingerless gloves, black shoes, and elongated shoulder pads. Yorick carries with him a large shovel used for digging graves and as a weapon if need be. Around his neck is a glowing light blue vial, containing some of the last drops of the Waters of Life.
Yorick is a quiet and solemn individual. Resigned to his fate long ago, Yorick dutifully digs graves for those who die and have died on the Shadow Isles. While he often talks to the tormented souls around him because of his loneliness and grief and despite caring for the souls, he is aware that they are being controlled by the Mist. His ultimate goal is to find theRuined Kingand find a way to let everything in the Shadow Isles die, and in his mind, finally be at peace, including himself.
• Immortality:Much to his dismay, Yorick is immortal. There is no known way to permanently kill him.
• Magical Control:Yorick can control elements of the Black Mist and the dead to his will.Mist walkers:Yorick can summon dead souls to do his bidding.Maiden of the Mist:A personification of the Black Mist that tries to manipulate him, Yorick can summon and control the Maiden of the Mist to do his bidding.
• Mist walkers:Yorick can summon dead souls to do his bidding.
• Maiden of the Mist:A personification of the Black Mist that tries to manipulate him, Yorick can summon and control the Maiden of the Mist to do his bidding.
Illaoi's faith would compel her to kill a man like Yorick, but her recent experiences had given her enough of an open mind to cooperate with the monk. In their philisophical debate, Yorick argues that helping the dead find peace is more important than banishing them back into the cycle of life. Furthermore, his power to compel the dead would align with the Buhru law of motion, either by commanding the Black Mist or rescuing tormented spirits.
Yorick dreamt of destroying the Ruined King that decimated Helia. This pursuit would drive him to sacrifice his lifelines, such as leaving his seat of power with Illaoi in the first attempt, or giving away the Maiden and his Water of Life to the Sentinels that would succeed in the second attempt. Although, he was disappointed to learn that Viego's banishment has no effect on the Black Mist, and therefore his own predicament.
Sentinels of Light[]
When the Sentinels met Yorick, he became confident that their strength could stop Viego once and for all. He sacrificed his powers—the Maiden and the Water of Life—knowing that they will be critical for victory.
Read More
Shepherd of Souls
ByJohn O'Bryan
Starring Champion
Short Story • 4 Minute Read
Last Rites
ByJohn O'Bryan
"Help… me," begged the shipwrecked man.
Rise of the Sentinels
ByJohn O'Bryan
Black Mist pours across Runeterra, enthralling its champions and shrouding the continent in darkness. If the last Sentinels are going to save Runeterra, they're going to need all the help they can get. And that meansyouRookie!
Starring:Akshan,Diana,Draven,Graves,Gwen,Irelia,Isolde,Karma,Lucian,Miss Fortune,Olaf,Pantheon,Pyke,Rengar,Riven,Senna,Shyvana,Thresh,Vayne,Vex,Viego,Yorick
Short Story
Roots of Ruin
By Numerous creators
The end began with one man.
Short Story
Ruination (Novel)
ByAnthony Reynolds Lenné
Camavor is a brutal land with a bloody legacy. Where the empire’s knights go, slaughter follows. Kalista seeks to change that. When her young and narcissistic uncle, Viego, becomes king she vows to temper his destructive instincts as his loyal confidant, advisor, and military general. But her plans are thwarted when an assassin’s poisoned blade strikes Viego’s wife, Isolde, afflicting her with a malady for which there is no cure. As Isolde’s condition worsens, Viego descends into madness and grief, threatening to drag Camavor down with him. Kalisa makes a desperate gambit to save the kingdom: She searches for the long-lost Blessed Isles, rumored to hold the queen’s salvation if only Kalista can find them. But corruption grows in the Blessed Isle’s capital, where a vengeful warden seeks to ensnare Kalista in his cruel machinations. She will be forced to choose between her loyalty to Viego and doing what she knows is right–for even in the face of utter darkness, one noble act can shine a light that saves the world.
Short Story
The Will of the Dead
ByLaura Michet
Long before she became a Truth Bearer of her people, Illaoi had been an acolyte priestess at a Buhru temple on the coast.
Starring:Illaoi,Miss Fortune,Yorick
Mentioned:Gangplank,Maiden of the Mist,Nagakabouros,Pyke,Tahm Kench,Thresh,Viego
Mentioned Champion
Ruined King
ByAirship Syndicate
Rise Against Ruin - Unite a party of League of Legends Champions, explore Bilgewater and set sail for the Shadow Isles to uncover the secrets of the deadly Black Mist in this immersive turn-based RPG.
Starring:Ahri,Braum,Gangplank,Illaoi,Maokai,Miss Fortune,Necrit,Pyke,Rafen,Thresh,Viego,Yasuo
Mentioned:Ashe,Elise,Fiddlesticks,Fizz,Gwen,Hecarim,Isolde,Ivern,Janna,Jarvan IV,Kalista,Ledros,Lucian,Nagakabouros,Nautilus,Olaf,Ornn,Rhasa,Riven,Senna,Swain,Tahm Kench,Taliyah,Twisted Fate,Udyr,Volibear,Yone,Yorick,Zed
Short Story
The Meaning in Misery
ByJohn O'Bryan
It was midday on the island, and Vex was just emerging from her previous night’s sleep.
The Princeling's Lament
ByGraham McNeill
Scrape the bench of sunless moss.
Starring: N/A
Alternate Universes
Cats Versus Dogs (Video)
This April Fools’, leave it all on the show floor.
Journal of Justice
ByInstitute of War
Formare veneficum est formare fatum.
Starring:Akali,Alistar,Amumu,Anivia,Annie,Ashe,Blitzcrank,Brand,Cassiopeia,Cho'Gath,Corki,Darius,Dr. Mundo,Evelynn,Ezreal,Fiddlesticks,Gangplank,Garen,Gragas,Heimerdinger,Irelia,Janna,Jarvan IV,Jax,Karma,Karthus,Kassadin,Katarina,Kayle,Kennen,Kog'Maw,Lee Sin,Leona,Lissandra,Lux,Malzahar,Maokai,Master Yi,Mordekaiser,Morgana,Nasus,Nidalee,Nocturne,Nunu,Olaf,Pantheon,Poppy,Rammus,Renekton,Riven,Rumble,Ryze,Sejuani,Shaco,Shen,Singed,Sion,Sivir,Skarner,Sona,Soraka,Swain,Talon,Taric,Teemo,Tibbers,Tristana,Trundle,Tryndamere,Twisted Fate,Twitch,Udyr,Urgot,Veigar,Vladimir,Warwick,Willump,Wukong,Xin Zhao,Yorick,Zilean
ByInstitute of War
The truest opponent lies within.
Starring:Boram Darkwill,Brand,Caitlyn,Cassiopeia,Galio,Graves,Irelia,Jarvan IV,Karma,LeBlanc,Lee Sin,Leona,Lux,Maokai,Miss Fortune,Nocturne,Orianna,Renekton,Riven,Rumble,Ryze,Skarner,Sona,Swain,Talon,Trundle,Urgot,Varus,Vayne,Vladimir,Wukong,Xerath,Xin Zhao,Yorick
Music Video
Pentakill II: Grasp of the Undying
No one shreds like the undead.
Music Video
Pentakill III: Lost Chapter
Join Karthus, Mordekaiser, Sona, Yorick, Olaf, and Kayle to do battle with Viego and the Dissonant One, as the future of all Metal hangs in the balance...
Music Video
Pentakill: Smite and Ignite
The era of metal has begun.
Academy Adventures: Series 1
ByGutter Rat
Mentioned:Akali,Amumu,Anivia,Azir,Bard,Blitzcrank,Braum,Cho'Gath,Elise,Ezreal,Fiddlesticks,Fiora,Gnar,Heimerdinger,Ivern,Jhin,Jinx,Karthus,Kog'Maw,Lulu,Lux,Malzahar,Miss Fortune,Nidalee,Olaf,Poppy,Rek'Sai,Renekton,Rumble,Ryze,Shaco,Shen,Sion,Sona,Soraka,Talon,Taric,Teemo,Tristana,Trundle,Twitch,Urgot,Varus,Veigar,Vel'Koz,Vi,Yorick,Zed,Ziggs,Zyra
Academy Adventures: Series 2
ByGutter Rat
Mentioned:Amumu,Anivia,Annie,Ashe,Aurelion Sol,Braum,Caitlyn,Cho'Gath,Dr. Mundo,Draven,Elise,Ezreal,Fiddlesticks,Fizz,Galio,Gnar,Heimerdinger,Janna,Jhin,Jinx,Kog'Maw,Lulu,Lux,Malphite,Malzahar,Miss Fortune,Nami,Nasus,Olaf,Poppy,Rakan,Rammus,Rek'Sai,Riven,Rumble,Ryze,Shaco,Singed,Sona,Soraka,Syndra,Taliyah,Talon,Taric,Teemo,Thresh,Tibbers,Tristana,Twitch,Urgot,Varus,Veigar,Volibear,Warwick,Wukong,Xayah,Yasuo,Yorick,Zac,Zed,Ziggs,Zyra
• His full name is Yorick Mori, much like his pre-VGU self.
• Yorick's cape is made of thousands of undead souls. It is made from the Mist and is always trying to possess him.The Maiden, Yorick's companion, is the culmination of those souls, held together by a fragment of Isolde's soul.[1]Yorick's relationship with it was described by a Riot employee as "60% symbiotic/40% parasitic."[2]
• Yorick believes the only way to free the souls in the Shadow Isles is to see them through to the "true" death.
• While Yorick does use the undead souls to do his bidding, he does not see himself as having enslaved them, as he believes that he gives them some agency in what they do.
• Yorick can always seeboth Lamb and Wolf, even though he is not truly dead.
• The Maiden, Yorick's companion, is the culmination of those souls, held together by a fragment of Isolde's soul.[1]
• Yorick's relationship with it was described by a Riot employee as "60% symbiotic/40% parasitic."[2]
Change log[]
See also[] | Name: Shepherd of Souls, Description: Innate - Final Service: Yorick raises a grave for every enemy he kills with Last Rites , as well as for every enemy champion and large monster that dies near him. Additionally, Yorick raises a grave for every 12th / 6th / 2nd (based on level) enemy that dies otherwise near him. Up to 4 graves can exist at once, with the furthest ones being replaced by the newest. Yorick can use Awakening and Mourning Mist's mark to raise a Mist Walker from each grave . Innate - The Cursed Horde: Up to 4 Mist Walkers can be active at once, with the closest ones being replaced by the newest. See Pets for more details about Mist Walkers ., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputPassive', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Map-Specific Differences', 'No additional notes.', 'Deaths required for a grave changed to 5 at all levels.', 'New Effect:Now spawns a grave at a random location within 600 units every 8 seconds.', 'Ghoul attack damage AD ratio changed to20% AD.', 'Ghoul health changed to 70% value.']} | Name: Last Rites, Description: Active: Yorick empowers his next basic attack within 5 seconds to have an uncancellable windup , gain 50 bonus range , deal bonus physical damage , and heal him for 10 − 68 (based on level) . The heal is doubled to 20 − 136 (based on level) if he is below 50% maximum health . Bonus Physical Damage: 30 / 55 / 80 / 105 / 130 (+ 40% AD) While there are at least 3 graves nearby and Last Rites is active or on cooldown , Yorick can cast Awakening . Last Rites resets Yorick's basic attack timer., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputAuto', 'damage_type': 'Physical', 'spell_shield': 'Not Blocked', 'parries': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Last Rites Details', 'Awakening Details', 'No additional notes.', "Awakeningcounts as an ability activation for the purposes of on-cast effects such asSpellbladeand triggeringForce Pulse'spassive.", "Mist Walkersupdate theirstatisticscorrespondingly toYorick'sduring the periodic stat update, with the exception of theirmaximum health.", 'Awakeningcannot be cast without enoughgravesinrange.', 'Hide', 'Details', "Dark Processionhas aturretprioritization value of 6, equal to that ofsuper minions.Yorick'sotherpetseach have a lower prioritization value, allowing him to delay the turret from targeting theThe Maidenor aMist Walkerfor one attack.", "Yorick'sotherpetseach have a lower prioritization value, allowing him to delay the turret from targeting theThe Maidenor aMist Walkerfor one attack.", 'Dark Processiondeals 0proctrue damageto enemies it knocks aside, which triggersin-combateffects such as drawing turret andmonster aggression,Sudden Impactor applyingNight HarvesterandElixir of Sorcery.', 'The perimeter is made up of 18 units with 100pathing radiusand 20gameplay radiuseach.', 'Repeatedly while the cage persists, all enemychampionsinside it become marked forYorickto gain anassiston them should they perish within the standard 10 seconds assist time.', 'Hide', 'Details', 'Yorickwill snap his facing direction towards the target location at the start of the cast time.', 'The speed boost toward marked targetes does not requiresightof them.', 'TheMist Walkersdo notleapif they areimmobilizedorgrounded, or if themarkedtarget isuntargetable.', 'Hide', 'Details', 'Map-Specific Differences', 'See thePetssection below for more details aboutThe Maiden of the MistandMist Walkers.', 'The extraMist Walkersspawn 250 units from theMaidensummon location.', "TheMaidenupdates her stats whenYorick'sstatschange, and asEulogy of the Islesis ranked up.", 'WhenYorickdies,The Maidenrapidly loses portions of hermaximumhealthover 3 seconds until she dies.The loss ofmaximumhealthoccurs in 0.6-second intervals, in which she loses 20% on the first, 25% on the second, 33.3% on the third, 50% on the fourth, and 100% on the fifth.', 'The loss ofmaximumhealthoccurs in 0.6-second intervals, in which she loses 20% on the first, 25% on the second, 33.3% on the third, 50% on the fourth, and 100% on the fifth.', 'Yorickwill snap his facing direction towards the target location at the start of the cast time.', 'Maiden health changed to 70% value.', 'Mist Walker', 'Maiden of the Mist', "Eulogy of the IslesMaiden base health changed to400 − 1650 (based on level)from 350 / 1100 / 3300.Maiden health ratio reduced to60% ofYorick's maximumhealthfrom75%.New Effect:The Maiden now has10 − 50 (based on level)armor and magic resistance.New Effect:The Maiden now regenerates 2.5health per second.", 'Maiden base health changed to400 − 1650 (based on level)from 350 / 1100 / 3300.', "Maiden health ratio reduced to60% ofYorick's maximumhealthfrom75%.", 'New Effect:The Maiden now has10 − 50 (based on level)armor and magic resistance.', 'New Effect:The Maiden now regenerates 2.5health per second.', "Shepherd of SoulsBug Fix:Damage ofMist Walkerleap attacks fromMourning MistandMaiden of the Mist'sbasic attacks no longer incorrectly apply life steal.", "Bug Fix:Damage ofMist Walkerleap attacks fromMourning MistandMaiden of the Mist'sbasic attacks no longer incorrectly apply life steal.", 'Mourning MistBonus ghoul damage reduced to 30% from 40%.', 'Bonus ghoul damage reduced to 30% from 40%.', 'Mourning MistBug Fix:No longer draws minion aggro whenGhoulsuse a leap attack against an enemy champion.', 'Bug Fix:No longer draws minion aggro whenGhoulsuse a leap attack against an enemy champion.', "Shepherd of SoulsMist Walker base health increased to110 − 212 (based on level)from100 − 185 (based on level).Mist Walker health ratio increased to20% ofYorick's maximumhealthfrom15%.Mist Walker base movement speed increased to 325 from 300.", 'Mist Walker base health increased to110 − 212 (based on level)from100 − 185 (based on level).', "Mist Walker health ratio increased to20% ofYorick's maximumhealthfrom15%.", 'Mist Walker base movement speed increased to 325 from 300.', 'Mourning MistMaiden of the Mist chase range reduced to 1200 units from 1600.', 'Maiden of the Mist chase range reduced to 1200 units from 1600.', "Eulogy of the IslesMaiden of the Mist base health increased to 350 / 1100 / 3300 from 300 / 1000 / 3000.Maiden of the Mist health ratio increased to75% ofYorick's maximumhealthfrom70%.", 'Maiden of the Mist base health increased to 350 / 1100 / 3300 from 300 / 1000 / 3000.', "Maiden of the Mist health ratio increased to75% ofYorick's maximumhealthfrom70%.", 'StatsBase health increased to 650 from 580.Health growth increased to 114 from 100.Armor growth increased to 5.2from 4.Magic resistance growth increased to 2.05from 1.25.', 'Base health increased to 650 from 580.', 'Health growth increased to 114 from 100.', 'Armor growth increased to 5.2from 4.', 'Magic resistance growth increased to 2.05from 1.25.', 'Last RitesBase heal reduced to10 − 68 (based on level)from12 − 82 (based on level).', 'Base heal reduced to10 − 68 (based on level)from12 − 82 (based on level).', 'Dark ProcessionBug Fix:Fixed minor VFX inconsistencies.', 'Bug Fix:Fixed minor VFX inconsistencies.', 'Mourning MistBug Fix:Fixed minor VFX inconsistencies.', 'Bug Fix:Fixed minor VFX inconsistencies.', 'Eulogy of the IslesBug Fix:Maiden of the Mist now properly displays an icon on the minimap.Bug Fix:Maiden of the Mist and Ghouls now properly disappear when the caster dies.', 'Bug Fix:Maiden of the Mist now properly displays an icon on the minimap.', 'Bug Fix:Maiden of the Mist and Ghouls now properly disappear when the caster dies.', 'Maiden of the MistNew Effect:Maiden now gainsghostingwhile active.', 'New Effect:Maiden now gainsghostingwhile active.', 'Mourning MistBug Fix:AP ratio is now properly displayed in the tooltip.', 'Bug Fix:AP ratio is now properly displayed in the tooltip.', 'Last RitesNew Effect:Now trigger spell effects when dealing damage.', 'New Effect:Now trigger spell effects when dealing damage.', "Eulogy of the IslesBug Fix:Towers now properly prioritize damaging Yorick's Maiden instead of minions when she attacks enemy champions while Yorick is not in the tower's range.", "Bug Fix:Towers now properly prioritize damaging Yorick's Maiden instead of minions when she attacks enemy champions while Yorick is not in the tower's range.", 'Shepherd of SoulsMist Walker base attack damage reduced to2 − 88 (based on level)from2 − 99 (based on level).Mist Walker AD ratio reduced to25% ADfrom30% AD.Bug Fix:Tooltip now notes the proper amount of health Mist Walkers are summoned with.', 'Mist Walker base attack damage reduced to2 − 88 (based on level)from2 − 99 (based on level).', 'Mist Walker AD ratio reduced to25% ADfrom30% AD.', 'Bug Fix:Tooltip now notes the proper amount of health Mist Walkers are summoned with.', 'Mourning MistRemoved:Mist Walkers no longer deal 100% bonus damage on their attack after leaping to champions and large monsters.New Effect:Marked enemies now take 40% bonus damage for 8 attacks from Mist Walkers for the duration of the debuff.', 'Removed:Mist Walkers no longer deal 100% bonus damage on their attack after leaping to champions and large monsters.', 'New Effect:Marked enemies now take 40% bonus damage for 8 attacks from Mist Walkers for the duration of the debuff.', 'Eulogy of the IslesNew Effect:Turrets now prioritize minions over the Maiden of the Mist.', 'New Effect:Turrets now prioritize minions over the Maiden of the Mist.', 'Dark ProcessionUndocumented/Bug Fix:Fixed a bug where the ring was a valid target forTeleportif greater than 3000 units away.', 'Undocumented/Bug Fix:Fixed a bug where the ring was a valid target forTeleportif greater than 3000 units away.', 'Mourning MistNew Effect:Marked enemy champions and large monsters now continuously Awaken nearby graves (up to the maximum of 4).New Effect:Mist Walkers now deal 200% damage when they leap to marked enemy champions and large monsters.Targeting type changed toLocation ClampedfromArea.If targeting outside of range, now immediately casts to max range, instead of walking into target range to cast.', 'New Effect:Marked enemy champions and large monsters now continuously Awaken nearby graves (up to the maximum of 4).', 'New Effect:Mist Walkers now deal 200% damage when they leap to marked enemy champions and large monsters.', 'Targeting type changed toLocation ClampedfromArea.If targeting outside of range, now immediately casts to max range, instead of walking into target range to cast.', 'If targeting outside of range, now immediately casts to max range, instead of walking into target range to cast.', 'Resistance YorickEulogy of the IslesBug Fix:No longer automatically moves above him when he recalls.', 'Eulogy of the IslesBug Fix:No longer automatically moves above him when he recalls.', 'Bug Fix:No longer automatically moves above him when he recalls.', 'StatsMana growth increased to 60 from 40.', 'Mana growth increased to 60 from 40.', 'Eulogy of the IslesBug Fix:Maiden of the Mist now properly triggersManaflow Band.', 'Bug Fix:Maiden of the Mist now properly triggersManaflow Band.', 'GeneralRecommended items now includes jungle items if the player hasSmiteequipped.', 'Recommended items now includes jungle items if the player hasSmiteequipped.', 'Last RitesBug Fix:Mist Walkers are now able to properly activateManaflow Band.', 'Bug Fix:Mist Walkers are now able to properly activateManaflow Band.', 'Eulogy of the IslesMaiden leash distance reduced to 600 units from 900.', 'Maiden leash distance reduced to 600 units from 900.', 'Shepherd of SoulsNew Effect:Large monsters that die nearYoricknow leave agrave.New Effect:Mist Walkers now take 50% damage from monsters.', 'New Effect:Large monsters that die nearYoricknow leave agrave.', 'New Effect:Mist Walkers now take 50% damage from monsters.', 'GeneralAdjusted splash artwork forPentakill Yorick.', 'Adjusted splash artwork forPentakill Yorick.', 'GhoulsNew Effect:Now triggers effects that are triggered by pets (i.e. on-ability-hit effects).It is also classified as basic attacks.', 'New Effect:Now triggers effects that are triggered by pets (i.e. on-ability-hit effects).It is also classified as basic attacks.', "Eulogy of the IslesMaiden of the Mist base damage reduced to 0 / 10 / 40 from 10 / 20 / 40.Bonus damage against Maiden of the Mist's target reduced to3 / 6 / 9% of target'smaximumhealthfrom5 / 7.5/ 10%.", 'Maiden of the Mist base damage reduced to 0 / 10 / 40 from 10 / 20 / 40.', "Bonus damage against Maiden of the Mist's target reduced to3 / 6 / 9% of target'smaximumhealthfrom5 / 7.5/ 10%.", 'Eulogy of the IslesBug Fix:Cooldown no longer resets if the Maiden dies the instantYoricksets her free.', 'Bug Fix:Cooldown no longer resets if the Maiden dies the instantYoricksets her free.', 'Shepherd of SoulsRemoved:Ghouls no longer deal 60% reduced damage when they are too far fromYorick.Deaths required for a grave reduced to12 / 6 / 2 (based on level)from12 / 8 / 4 (based on level).ARAM-Specific Balancing:Deaths required for a grave reduced to 2 from 4.Mist Walker kill gold reduced to2from5.', 'Removed:Ghouls no longer deal 60% reduced damage when they are too far fromYorick.', 'Deaths required for a grave reduced to12 / 6 / 2 (based on level)from12 / 8 / 4 (based on level).', 'ARAM-Specific Balancing:Deaths required for a grave reduced to 2 from 4.', 'Mist Walker kill gold reduced to2from5.', 'Mourning MistBug Fix:Mist Walkers and the Maiden no longer sometimes fail to target an enemy hit byMourning Mist.', 'Bug Fix:Mist Walkers and the Maiden no longer sometimes fail to target an enemy hit byMourning Mist.', "Eulogy of the IslesRemoved:Maiden of the Mist no longer deal 33.3% reduced damage when she is too far fromYorick.Maiden of the Mist base health reduced to 300 / 1000 / 3000 from 700 / 1500 / 4000.Maiden of the Mist health ratio increased to70% ofYorick'smaximumhealthfrom30%.New Effect:The Maiden no longer begins autonomously pushing a lane when far from Yorick. Instead, she'll leash back to him. While followingYorick, the Maiden of the Mist will leash back toYorickif he moves 900 units away from her.New Effect:After 10 seconds,Eulogy of the Islescan be recasted to set the Maiden free, but can't get her back once he does. She'll push the nearest lane until she dies.", 'Removed:Maiden of the Mist no longer deal 33.3% reduced damage when she is too far fromYorick.', 'Maiden of the Mist base health reduced to 300 / 1000 / 3000 from 700 / 1500 / 4000.', "Maiden of the Mist health ratio increased to70% ofYorick'smaximumhealthfrom30%.", "New Effect:The Maiden no longer begins autonomously pushing a lane when far from Yorick. Instead, she'll leash back to him. While followingYorick, the Maiden of the Mist will leash back toYorickif he moves 900 units away from her.", "New Effect:After 10 seconds,Eulogy of the Islescan be recasted to set the Maiden free, but can't get her back once he does. She'll push the nearest lane until she dies.", 'GeneralBug Fix:Mistwalkers and The Maiden no longer draw minion aggro ontoYorickif they damage an enemy champion. The turret aggro portion of the fix is still in place.', 'Bug Fix:Mistwalkers and The Maiden no longer draw minion aggro ontoYorickif they damage an enemy champion. The turret aggro portion of the fix is still in place.', 'GeneralBug Fix:Mistwalkers and The Maiden now draw minion and turret aggro ontoYorickif they damage an enemy champion.', 'Bug Fix:Mistwalkers and The Maiden now draw minion and turret aggro ontoYorickif they damage an enemy champion.', 'Shepherd of SoulsBug Fix:Fixed a bug where Mistwalkers were dealing less damage than intended.', 'Bug Fix:Fixed a bug where Mistwalkers were dealing less damage than intended.', 'Shepherd of SoulsMist Walker base attack damage changed to2 − 99 (based on level)from2 − 100 (based on level).', 'Mist Walker base attack damage changed to2 − 99 (based on level)from2 − 100 (based on level).', "GeneralMist Walkers and the Maiden now update their stats whenYorick'sstats change.", "Mist Walkers and the Maiden now update their stats whenYorick'sstats change.", 'Last RitesCooldown reduced to 7 / 6.25/ 5.5/ 4.75/ 4 seconds from 7 / 6.5/ 6 / 5.5/ 5.', 'Cooldown reduced to 7 / 6.25/ 5.5/ 4.75/ 4 seconds from 7 / 6.5/ 6 / 5.5/ 5.', 'StatsBase attack damage reduced to 62 from 65.', 'Base attack damage reduced to 62 from 65.', 'StatsBase attack damage increased to 65 from 57.Base armor increased to 39 from 30.', 'Base attack damage increased to 65 from 57.', 'Base armor increased to 39 from 30.', 'Last RitesNew Effect:Can now affects turrets.', 'New Effect:Can now affects turrets.', "Shepherd of SoulsNew Effect:Ghouls now immediately attack uponMourning Mist'sdash.Ghoul base damage changed to2 − 100 (based on level)from10 − 95 (based on level).Mourning Mist reaction radius increased to 1400 from 1000.Grave despawn range increased to 2000 from 1600.", "New Effect:Ghouls now immediately attack uponMourning Mist'sdash.", 'Ghoul base damage changed to2 − 100 (based on level)from10 − 95 (based on level).', 'Mourning Mist reaction radius increased to 1400 from 1000.', 'Grave despawn range increased to 2000 from 1600.', 'Eulogy of the IslesCooldown reduced to 160 / 130 / 100 seconds from 160 / 150 / 140.Maiden health increased to 700 / 1500 / 4000 from 700 / 1500 / 3000.', 'Cooldown reduced to 160 / 130 / 100 seconds from 160 / 150 / 140.', 'Maiden health increased to 700 / 1500 / 4000 from 700 / 1500 / 3000.', 'Shepherd of SoulsRemoved:Ghouls killed increasing the minion killed stat.', 'Removed:Ghouls killed increasing the minion killed stat.', 'Dark ProcessionRemoved:Walls destroyed increasing the minion killed stat.', 'Removed:Walls destroyed increasing the minion killed stat.', 'Shepherd of SoulsNew Effect:Mist Walkers no longer perish when they move too far away fromYorickor theMaiden.', 'New Effect:Mist Walkers no longer perish when they move too far away fromYorickor theMaiden.', 'Last RitesNew Effect:If it kills a unit whenYorickhas max graves, the furthest grave will now be replaced rather than no grave being spawned.', 'New Effect:If it kills a unit whenYorickhas max graves, the furthest grave will now be replaced rather than no grave being spawned.', "Eulogy of the IslesNew Effect:The Maiden's stats now increase whenYorickputs another skill point intoEulogy of the Isles, rather than remaining unchanged until Yorick summons her again.", "New Effect:The Maiden's stats now increase whenYorickputs another skill point intoEulogy of the Isles, rather than remaining unchanged until Yorick summons her again.", 'Dark ProcessionBug Fix:Lifesteal no longer applies when hitting the wall.', 'Bug Fix:Lifesteal no longer applies when hitting the wall.', 'Last RitesBug Fix:When the empowered basic attack crits, the basic attack portion of the damage is now properly modified, rather than the bonus damage.', 'Bug Fix:When the empowered basic attack crits, the basic attack portion of the damage is now properly modified, rather than the bonus damage.', "Maiden of the MistBug Fix:Fixed a bug where it consumedPantheon'sAegis Protectionas intended, but dealt damage anyway.", "Bug Fix:Fixed a bug where it consumedPantheon'sAegis Protectionas intended, but dealt damage anyway.", 'Dark ProcessionYorickonce again walks into range to castDark Procession, rather than casting it at max range in the target direction.', 'Yorickonce again walks into range to castDark Procession, rather than casting it at max range in the target direction.', "Eulogy of the IslesIfYoricksummonsthe Maideninside of a lane, she'll start pushing that lane.", "IfYoricksummonsthe Maideninside of a lane, she'll start pushing that lane.", 'GeneralMistwalkersandthe Maidenwill now teleport withYorickif they were following him (does not occur if they were pushing a lane).', 'Mistwalkersandthe Maidenwill now teleport withYorickif they were following him (does not occur if they were pushing a lane).', 'Shepherd of SoulsThreshold for summoning graves set to 4 onHowling Abyss.', 'Threshold for summoning graves set to 4 onHowling Abyss.', 'Dark ProcessionWill now cast at his maximum range ifDark Processionis cast outside of its maximum range.', 'Will now cast at his maximum range ifDark Processionis cast outside of its maximum range.', 'Mourning MistRemoved:Minions marking.Now only marks champions and monsters.', 'Removed:Minions marking.Now only marks champions and monsters.', "Full RelaunchTitle changed tothe Shepherd of Lost Soulsfromthe Gravedigger.Complete visual upgrade across all skins.New splash artwork forOriginal YorickandUndertaker Yorick.Adjusted splash artwork forPentakill Yorick.New voiceover.New lore.Shepherd of Souls-New IThe Cursed Horde:Yorick can have up to four Mist Walkers in his service at once. Mist Walkers decay if they move too far from either Yorick or the Maiden of the Mist.Final Service:A grave is occasionally created when enemy minions or neutral monsters die near Yorick, and all enemy champions that die near him leave a grave.Last Rites-New QActive:Yorick's next basic attack deals bonus damage and restores some health. If Last Rites kills a target, it creates a grave. If there are at least three graves nearby and Last Rites is on cooldown, Yorick can instead castAwakeningto raise Mist Walkers from the graves.Dark Procession-New WActive:Yorick summons a destructible wall of corpses that encircles a target area for a few seconds.Mourning Mist-New EActive:Yorick hurls a globule of Mist that deals magic damage, applies a slow, and marks a target. Yorick and Mist Walkers get a movement bonus when heading toward marked targets.Eulogy of the Isles-New RActive:Yorick summons the Maiden of the Mist with her own personal Mist Walkers. The Maiden moves and attacks on her own. When Yorick attacks the Maiden's target, he'll deal bonus magic damage based on the enemy's maximum health.", 'Title changed tothe Shepherd of Lost Soulsfromthe Gravedigger.', 'Complete visual upgrade across all skins.', 'New splash artwork forOriginal YorickandUndertaker Yorick.Adjusted splash artwork forPentakill Yorick.', 'Adjusted splash artwork forPentakill Yorick.', 'New voiceover.', 'New lore.', 'Shepherd of Souls-New IThe Cursed Horde:Yorick can have up to four Mist Walkers in his service at once. Mist Walkers decay if they move too far from either Yorick or the Maiden of the Mist.Final Service:A grave is occasionally created when enemy minions or neutral monsters die near Yorick, and all enemy champions that die near him leave a grave.', 'The Cursed Horde:Yorick can have up to four Mist Walkers in his service at once. Mist Walkers decay if they move too far from either Yorick or the Maiden of the Mist.', 'Final Service:A grave is occasionally created when enemy minions or neutral monsters die near Yorick, and all enemy champions that die near him leave a grave.', "Last Rites-New QActive:Yorick's next basic attack deals bonus damage and restores some health. If Last Rites kills a target, it creates a grave. If there are at least three graves nearby and Last Rites is on cooldown, Yorick can instead castAwakeningto raise Mist Walkers from the graves.", "Active:Yorick's next basic attack deals bonus damage and restores some health. If Last Rites kills a target, it creates a grave. If there are at least three graves nearby and Last Rites is on cooldown, Yorick can instead castAwakeningto raise Mist Walkers from the graves.", 'Dark Procession-New WActive:Yorick summons a destructible wall of corpses that encircles a target area for a few seconds.', 'Active:Yorick summons a destructible wall of corpses that encircles a target area for a few seconds.', 'Mourning Mist-New EActive:Yorick hurls a globule of Mist that deals magic damage, applies a slow, and marks a target. Yorick and Mist Walkers get a movement bonus when heading toward marked targets.', 'Active:Yorick hurls a globule of Mist that deals magic damage, applies a slow, and marks a target. Yorick and Mist Walkers get a movement bonus when heading toward marked targets.', "Eulogy of the Isles-New RActive:Yorick summons the Maiden of the Mist with her own personal Mist Walkers. The Maiden moves and attacks on her own. When Yorick attacks the Maiden's target, he'll deal bonus magic damage based on the enemy's maximum health.", "Active:Yorick summons the Maiden of the Mist with her own personal Mist Walkers. The Maiden moves and attacks on her own. When Yorick attacks the Maiden's target, he'll deal bonus magic damage based on the enemy's maximum health.", 'Yorick is named afterthe deceased court jesterfromHamletbyWilliam Shakespeare.His surnameMorireferences the Latin phrasememento mori"be mindful of dying", befitting his association with death and lost souls.', 'His surnameMorireferences the Latin phrasememento mori"be mindful of dying", befitting his association with death and lost souls.', "Due toDavid 'Phreak' Turleybeing delayed on a flight back fromDreamHack(Sweden) Yorick became the first champion to be released before his 'Champion Spotlight'.", "Yorick's ability names are references to theFour Horsemen of the Apocalypse.", "His current weapon is based on the Chinesemonk's spade.", "One of his scrapped narrative direction was that he was actuallythe Ruined Kingbut he had something similar to amnesia and wasn't even aware of it.", 'At the very beginning of his release, one of his quotes in brazilian portuguese for castingEulogy of the Isleswas "Gostou da minha amiga? O nome dela é Isolde(Do you like my friend? Her name is Isolde)". It was removed shortly after.', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', 'Ao Shin', 'Avasha', 'Averdrian', 'CeeCee', 'Cyborg Cowboy', 'Eagle Rider', 'Gavid', 'Husk', 'Iron Engineer', 'Ivan', 'Omen', 'Priscilla', 'Rob Blackblade', 'Seth', 'Tabu', 'Tiki', 'Urf', 'Well', "↑Yorick's profile"]} | Name: Dark Procession, Description: Active: Yorick summons a ring of spirits around the target location that arises after a 0. 75 -second delay, knocking aside enemies hit over 0. 25 seconds, though not through terrain. Within 210-units , they are pulled inside; otherwise they are pushed away. The ring remains for 4 seconds as impassible terrain against enemies, granting sight inside the ring. Dark Procession can only be targeted by enemy champion basic attacks and turrets . The wall takes 1 damage per attack from champions and is destroyed instantly from turret attacks. Wall Health: 2 / 2 / 3 / 3 / 4, {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputLocation', 'spell_shield': 'Not Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', "Dark Processionhas aturretprioritization value of 6, equal to that ofsuper minions.Yorick'sotherpetseach have a lower prioritization value, allowing him to delay the turret from targeting theThe Maidenor aMist Walkerfor one attack.", "Yorick'sotherpetseach have a lower prioritization value, allowing him to delay the turret from targeting theThe Maidenor aMist Walkerfor one attack.", 'Dark Processiondeals 0proctrue damageto enemies it knocks aside, which triggersin-combateffects such as drawing turret andmonster aggression,Sudden Impactor applyingNight HarvesterandElixir of Sorcery.', 'The perimeter is made up of 18 units with 100pathing radiusand 20gameplay radiuseach.', 'Repeatedly while the cage persists, all enemychampionsinside it become marked forYorickto gain anassiston them should they perish within the standard 10 seconds assist time.']} | Name: Mourning Mist, Description: Active: Yorick hurls a globule of Black Mist that splashes across an area at the target location, dealing magic damage to enemies hit equal to 15% of the target's current health , down to a minimum threshold. Minimum Magic Damage: 70 / 105 / 140 / 175 / 210 (+ 70% AP) Enemy champions and monsters hit are slowed by 30% for 2 seconds, and marked as Cursed for 4 seconds. Cursed champions are also revealed . Cursed: The target takes 30% bonus damage from 8 attacks by Mist Walkers and continually raises a Mist Walker from each nearby grave , up to a maximum of 4. Yorick , Mist Walkers and the The Maiden gain 20% bonus movement speed while facing nearby Cursed enemies. Mist Walkers will leap to nearby Cursed enemy champions and large monsters, dealing 100% of their AD upon arrival. Mourning Mist will cast at max range if cast beyond that. Link ▶️ "An unholy mark upon you!", {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputLocation', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Yorickwill snap his facing direction towards the target location at the start of the cast time.', 'The speed boost toward marked targetes does not requiresightof them.', 'TheMist Walkersdo notleapif they areimmobilizedorgrounded, or if themarkedtarget isuntargetable.']} | Name: Eulogy of the Isles, Description: Active: Yorick summons the Maiden of the Mist surrounded by a number of Mist Walkers at the target location, which remain on the battlefield until she or Yorick dies. Eulogy of the Isles can be recast once while the Maiden is alive after 10 seconds of the activation. Mist Walkers: 2 / 3 / 4 Recast: Yorick sets the Maiden free, allowing her to push the nearest lane until she dies. See Pets for more details about The Maiden of the Mist. Eulogy of the Isles will cast at max range if cast beyond that. Link ▶️ "Behold the horrors of the Isles!" Link ▶️ The Maiden of the Mist: "The mist takes all!", {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputLocation', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Map-Specific Differences', 'See thePetssection below for more details aboutThe Maiden of the MistandMist Walkers.', 'The extraMist Walkersspawn 250 units from theMaidensummon location.', "TheMaidenupdates her stats whenYorick'sstatschange, and asEulogy of the Islesis ranked up.", 'WhenYorickdies,The Maidenrapidly loses portions of hermaximumhealthover 3 seconds until she dies.The loss ofmaximumhealthoccurs in 0.6-second intervals, in which she loses 20% on the first, 25% on the second, 33.3% on the third, 50% on the fourth, and 100% on the fifth.', 'The loss ofmaximumhealthoccurs in 0.6-second intervals, in which she loses 20% on the first, 25% on the second, 33.3% on the third, 50% on the fourth, and 100% on the fifth.', 'Yorickwill snap his facing direction towards the target location at the start of the cast time.', 'Maiden health changed to 70% value.']} | Yorick is named afterthe deceased court jesterfromHamletbyWilliam Shakespeare.His surnameMorireferences the Latin phrasememento mori"be mindful of dying", befitting his association with death and lost souls. |
Yuumi,the Magical Cat | | | health: Health500+69, resource: Mana440+45, health regen: Health regen. (per 5s)5+0.55, resource regen: Mana regen. (per 5s)10+0.4, armor: Armor25+4.2, attack damage: Attack damage49+3.1, attack speed: Base AS0.625, gameplay radius: Gameplay radius65, selection radius: Selection radius120, release: 2019-05-14, changed: V13.23, role: Enchanter, position: Support, rangetype: Ranged, adaptivetype: Magic, cost: 450|260 | Games
YuumiTitlesNickname(s)Catfish without the fishLittle lionessLittle pakitiAlias(es)The Magical CatNorra's FamiliarCharacteristicsSpeciesCat(Magically Altered)Pronoun(s)She/HerTimelineBorn:UnknownPersonal statusStatusAlivePlace of originBandle CityCurrent residenceUnknown(Of Fixed Abode)FamilyNorra(Master)Pet(s)Book of ThresholdsProfessional statusOccupation(s)FamiliarBook KeeperExplorerRegion(s)Bandle CityRelated character(s)NorraBookLuluTristanaTeemoRek'SaiBraumAlune
• Catfish without the fish
• Little lioness
• Little pakiti
• The Magical Cat
• Norra's Familiar
• Born:Unknown
Personal status
Place of origin
Current residence
• Norra(Master)
Professional status
• Familiar
• Book Keeper
• Explorer
Related character(s)
A magical cat fromBandle City,Yuumiwas once the familiar of a yordle enchantress,Norra. When her master mysteriously disappeared,Yuumibecame the Keeper of Norra's sentientBook of Thresholds, traveling through portals in its pages to search for her. Yearning for affection, Yuumi seeks friendly companions to partner with on her journey, protecting them with luminous shields and fierce resolve. While Book strives to keep her on task, Yuumi is often drawn to worldly comforts, such as naps and fish. In the end, however, she always returns to her quest to find her friend.
• 1Background1.1Early life1.2Contemporary history1.3Recent events
• 2Appearance
• 3Personality
• 4Relations4.1Book4.2Braum4.3Alune4.4Rek'Sai
• 5Read More5.1Biography5.2Starring Champion5.3Alternate Universes
• 6Trivia
• 7Change log
• 8References
• 9See also
• 1.1Early life
• 1.2Contemporary history
• 1.3Recent events
• 4.1Book
• 4.2Braum
• 4.3Alune
• 4.4Rek'Sai
• 5.1Biography
• 5.2Starring Champion
• 5.3Alternate Universes
Early life[]
She was born in the realm of theYordles, and blessed with magical powers of protection but she spent most of her days pouncing at sunbeams, and napping near mouse trees, but she joined Nora on her adventures in material and spirit realms should it spark her interest.
Norra spent her time collecting strange objects like broken cups, shards of colored glass, and fabric with funny stitching. She examined each artifact with deep reverence, though Yuumi never understood their purpose. Nevertheless, Yuumi would use her magic to protect Norra from harm, and would warm her feet when they returned home.
The doorways between realms are finicky and seldom open, even to creatures as dexterous as cats. Yuumi watched as other yordles waited for days for the eastern star to align with a particular stone archway, or waded impatiently between marsh-lilies, seeking a silver blossom blooming from the mud—only then would a pathway appear. But Yuumi’s yordle, Norra, possessed the powerful Book of Thresholds, which allowed her to instantly travel anywhere depicted in its pages. When Norra opened a portal, she and Yuumi would gleefully dive into its glowing paper and arrive at their destination, joined a moment later by the book.
Yuumi never paid the book much attention until one starless night, when she returned home from luring moon-moths with her shinylight to find Norra missing. She saw the book on her master’s desk and flipped through its pages in a panic, noticing that some were torn out entirely. Unable to read its title, Yuumi cried out to it in distress, calling it, simply, “Book”. In response, the book wiggled, and Yuumi was surprised to learn she could understand thoughts amidst the rustling paper. Despite not having a voice, Book made itself loud and clear. Yuumi learned that Norra had gone somewhere so perilous, she had destroyed the portal as she traveled.
Yuumi knew she had to rescue Norra, and turned to Book for help. Each of its thousand pages led to a different location along the lines of magic that crossed the material and spirit realms. The page Norra had used to travel was lost, but Book might be able to get them close. Yuumi and Book would have to explore every possible threshold. She became Book’s unlikely Keeper, vowing to protect it with the courage of a lion—if it fell into the wrong hands, the doorways to Bandle City could open to all kinds of unsavory and ravenous intruders.
Yuumi and Book began their arduous journey, visiting dangerous and unfamiliar lands.
Contemporary history[]
Yuumi sought Norra’s scent on the wind, to little avail. While Yuumi would sometimes break from their search to follow the scent of a mouse or restore her strength with a quick catnap, Book was frustratingly cautious, grumpy over lost time and nervous about threats they might encounter. Nevertheless, Yuumi and Book were both determined to find their master and bring her home.
Recent events[]
When Yuumi especially missed Norra, she often sought out other companions. One of her favorites was a door-carrying shepherd with thick whiskers and a deep laugh like a babbling brook. Yuumi rested on his shoulders for a time, protecting him from angry snow-spirits stirring up flurries in a hailstorm, while he brought her wriggling fish.
Eventually, Yuumi uncovered the scent of her master lingering in a vast Shuriman ruin. Digging deep into the sand, she unearthed a broken shard of blue pottery that looked like a piece from one of Norra’s teapots. Before she could burrow further, a ferocious beast surfaced from the sand, and Yuumi and Book barely escaped. She could only imagine the chaos if a creature like that ripped its claws into Book’s pages.
Yummi is a cat with blue fur, a gold pattern on her tail and golden eyebrows and whiskers.
Yummi is a playful, and curious feline with catlike instincts like chasing mice or red dots, and taking cat naps, plus she dislikes dogs likeWarwickorNasus. While she can be easily distracted, she can be focused on finding her master Norra along with Book. She does miss Norra, but that doesn't mean she can't find new companions like Braum for example.
YuumiandBook of Thresholdshave become fast friends, united by their love forNorra.
During their travels, Yuumi and Book have encounteredBraum. Yuumi rested on his shoulders for a time, protecting him from angry snow-spirits stirring up flurries in a hailstorm, while he brought her wriggling fish.
Yuumi and Book are friends withAphelios'sister,Alune, periodically visiting her in theSpirit Realm.
Yuumi and Book were attacked byRek'Saiwhile they were investigating ruins inShurima.
Read More
The Magical Cat
ByRayla Heide
Starring Champion
A Curious Journey (Video)
As our journey comes to an end, Ava races home to save the Bandlewood Festival—but will she make it in time?
Book of Thresholds
Where to next, Book?
Short Story
The Biggest Catch
ByRayla Heide
I'm about to jump into Book's portal when I hear a scream that sounds like tinkling bells and the brightest rainbows. A scream that makes my fur stand on end. A yordle scream.
The Magical Cat (Video)
When her Master goes missing, the Magical Cat hops on the case, making new friends and bopping enemies along the way.
Alternate Universes
Ao Shin's Adventure
Every little dragon has a destiny.
Starring:Aurelion Sol,Azir,Jinx,Sett,Teemo,Veigar,Yuumi
Fight for Yours
Music Video
ByTrue Damage
Mentioned:Ahri,Azir,Book,Camille,Corki,Jinx,Kayn,Kindred,LeBlanc,Lucian,Pyke,Rhaast,Tahm Kench,Teemo,Thresh,Twitch,Yuumi
• Yuumi is a magical cat familiar to a Yordle Enchantress named Norra.
• Yuumi's name came from when she heard Norra say“you” and “me”and thought that was her name.[1]
• The Book of Thresholdswas originally written by a Yordle anthropologist in order to study how Yordle magic works and how Yordles traverse the spirit realm. It has been added over the years by generations of Yordle mages who explored the various gateways to and fromBandle City.[2]
• The Book of Thresholds was given sentience by one of its previous owners in order to protect itself from those who would use its powers for evil.[3][4]The Book of Thresholds essentially works to allow its keeper to traverse the spirit and physical realms using portals, and bypass the normal requirements for these portals. For example, most portals can only be seen and used by yordles, and only open at certain times of the year or in certain whether or when other characteristics are met. The portals contained in the Book of Thresholds can be used anytime by anyone (who is its Keeper). Every page contains a different portal to a different place. Book will always try to retrieve and repair the pages that were lost so that it can be whole again someday! Norra tore out the page that led to the place where she is trapped because she didn't want Book to follow her—she knew it would be too dangerous for Book, that it might fall into the wrong hands.[5]
• Yuumi and Book have been looking for Norra for around 4 years.[6]
• Yuumi is a literal cat so she doesn't understand many human concepts, though she may sense certain things better.[7]
• Book is much more rational and risk-adverse than Yuumi, and prefers to stay on the path so it can keep itself and its keeper safe. Yuumi is much more playful with an element of unpredictable spontaneity. She is highly distractible, especially by worldly comforts such as food or naps. Plus she's a literal cat, so rational thought doesn't come to her easily. She can't even read.[8]
Change log[]
See also[] | Name: Feline Friendship, Description: Innate: Periodically, Yuumi's next basic attack , which has an uncancelable windup and gains 50 bonus range , ability hit against enemy champions, or Final Chapter hit on ally champions while attached , will heal her for 25 − 110 (based on level) (+ 15% AP) . If she is attached to an ally or does so within 4 seconds, they are healed for the same amount. Innate: While attached to an ally, Yuumi grants them 2 permanent Friendship stacks whenever they kill enemy champions or minions. The ally with the highest Friendship stacks becomes Yuumi's Best Friend , which empowers her abilities with additional effects while she is attached to them., STATIC COOLDOWN: STATICCOOLDOWN:20 − 10 (based on level), {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputPassive', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', "Feline Friendshipwill not be consumed ifYuumiisn't missing health, except when triggered by a basic attack. Whileattached, it won't be consumed if both Yuumi and her anchor aren't missing health."]} | Name: Prowling Projectile, Description: Active: Yuumi fires an errant missile in the target direction that deals magic damage to the first enemy hit. If the target is a champion, they are also revealed and slowed by 20% for 1 second. Magic Damage: 60 / 90 / 120 / 150 / 180 / 210 (+ 20% AP) Attached Bonus: Yuumi channels for up to 1. 35 seconds to steer the missile at a slower speed. After being in flight for the same duration, the missile accelerates in its current direction to deal increased damage and apply a stronger slow against champions that decays to 20% over 2 seconds. Increased Damage: 80 / 135 / 190 / 245 / 300 / 355 (+ 35% AP) Enhanced Slow: 50 / 53 / 56 / 59 / 62 / 65% Best Friend Bonus: Prowling Projectile always applies its enhanced slow against champions and hitting a champion grants her Best Friend bonus magic damage on-hit for 5 seconds, increased by 0% − 75% (based on Anchor's critical strike chance) . Bonus Magic Damage On-Hit: 10 / 12 / 14 / 16 / 18 / 20 (+ 5% AP), {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputDirection', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Map-Specific Differences', 'Prowling Projectileis able to turn clockwise or counter-clockwise at a rate of 90° per 0.5seconds. The missile can turn a maximum of 243° in both directions combined before accelerating.', 'Prowling Projectilecan be buffered 0.5seconds before it comes off cooldown.', 'Prowling Projectileis slower whenattached(before the acceleration). IfYuumiunattaches after using it, the missile will go back to its normal speed, without losing the acceleration later. This results in the fastest and longest ranged version of this ability.', 'The following table refers for interactions whileYuumiischanneling:', 'Death', 'Cast-inhibiting effects', 'AP ratio changed to25% AP.', 'Empowered AP ratio changed to37.5% AP.']} | Name: You and Me!, Description: Passive: While Yuumi is attached , she is untargetable (except by turrets and inbound projectiles ) and casts her abilities from the Anchor's position, empowering them with additional effects. Active: Yuumi channels for 0. 25 seconds, then dashes to the target allied champion and attaches to them upon arrival, designating them as her Anchor . You and Me! can be recast after 0. 5 seconds. Recast: Yuumi detaches from her Anchor and dashes to the target allied champion to attach to them, refreshing the recast. She will detach automatically if her Anchor dies or under certain circumstances . If recast without a valid target, Yuumi will detach and dash 250-units in the target direction, placing You and Me! on a 0. 25 -second cooldown if it is not already on cooldown. Yuumi will be knocked down by any immobilizing or polymorphing crowd control during the dash. Yuumi starts with a skill point in You and Me! and Prowling Projectile instead has 6 ranks. Best Friend Bonus: Yuumi gains heal and shield power and her Best Friend gains healing on-hit . You and Me! is placed on a 5-second cooldown if Yuumi becomes immobilized , grounded , or polymorphed . Heal and Shield Power: 5 / 7. 5 / 10 / 12. 5 / 15% Healing On-Hit: 3 / 5 / 7 / 9 / 11 (+ 4% AP) Link ▶️ "Book, meet new friend!", STATIC COOLDOWN: STATICCOOLDOWN:10 / 5 / 0 (based on level), {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputUnit/Direction', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Map-Specific Differences', "TheBest Friend'shealing on-hit is affected byYuumi'sheal and shield power.", 'Yuumiwill track the target if they change locations.She will not stop tracking the target until she reaches them, as there is no maximum tracking distance.', 'She will not stop tracking the target until she reaches them, as there is no maximum tracking distance.', 'The 0.5-second cooldown will be incurred wheneverYuumiattaches to anAnchor, whether by the active or the recast.', 'If the target moves2000or more units away during the dash, it will be interrupted andYou and Me!will be placed on full cooldown.', 'The ability name for the recast isChange of Plan.', "You and Me!does not count as an ability activation for the purposes of on-cast effects such asSpellbladeand triggeringForce Pulse'spassive.", 'You and Me!does not count as a buff forSummon Aery.', 'Yuumican channel theEye of the Heraldwhile attached.', "Yuumiwill automatically detach in the following circumstances:When herAnchorstarts aTeleportchannel.After theAnchorcompletes aRecallchannel.When she or herAnchorentersresurrection.HerAnchoris sent to theRealm of Death.She is pulled byFate's Call.", 'When herAnchorstarts aTeleportchannel.', 'After theAnchorcompletes aRecallchannel.', 'When she or herAnchorentersresurrection.', 'HerAnchoris sent to theRealm of Death.', "She is pulled byFate's Call.", "Yuumican dash to targetablezombie stateallies (currently onlySion'sGlory in Death), but she cannot attach when she reaches them.The same goes for allies channelingTeleport.", 'The same goes for allies channelingTeleport.', "While attached to theAnchor,Yuumiis considered in being at herAnchor'sposition, regardless of where she is visually placed near them. For example,turretshots will appear as if they were hitting theAnchor, but in reality they're actually hittingYuumi.However, for the purposes ofYou and Me!, such as casting it or being unattached for other reasons,Yuumiwill be in the position where she visually is. For example, when she is in the blue team, dashing to a north-east ally is considerably slower than dashing to a south-west ally.", 'However, for the purposes ofYou and Me!, such as casting it or being unattached for other reasons,Yuumiwill be in the position where she visually is. For example, when she is in the blue team, dashing to a north-east ally is considerably slower than dashing to a south-west ally.', 'Hermonsteraggression transfers to theAnchor.', 'Enemies gain an assist onYuumiif they damaged theAnchor.', 'Yuumiwillalwaysbevisibleif herAnchorcan be seen, and she willalwaysnot be visible if herAnchorcannot be seen. These rules apply regardless ofrevealeffects andstealth.', 'Yuumiwill notvanishif herAnchordoes.', 'IfYuumiis on the blue team, she will remain attached on the southwest side; ifYuumiis on the red team, she will remain on the northeast. While channelingFinal Chapter, she will be behind herAnchor.', "Yuumidoesn'tdetachinstantly when herAnchordies. There's a small grace period in which she can recastYou and Me!to attach to another champion without thechannel.", "Theplayer'sscreen will briefly flash red ifYuumiis affected by aimmobilizingorgroundingeffect, or if she forcibly detaches from herAnchor.", "TheAnchor'shealth barwill have a different frame to indicate theattachedstatus:", 'The following table refers for interactions whileYuumiischanneling:', 'Death', 'Grounding effects', 'Immobilizing effects', 'Cast-inhibiting effects', 'The following table refers for interactions whileYuumiisattached:', 'Death', 'Heal and shield power changed to 10 / 13.75/ 17.5/ 21.25/ 25%.']} | Name: Zoomies, Description: Active: Yuumi grants herself a shield and gains bonus attack speed for 3 seconds. She also gains 20% bonus movement speed while the shield holds. Shield: 80 / 105 / 130 / 155 / 180 (+ 30% AP) Bonus Attack Speed: 25 / 27. 5 / 30 / 32. 5 / 35% (+ 8% per 100 AP) Attached Bonus: Zoomies affects the Anchor instead of Yuumi and additionally restores mana to the Anchor , increased by 0% − 100% (based on Anchor's missing mana) . Minimum Mana Restored: 20 / 24 / 28 / 32 / 36 Maximum Mana Restored: 40 / 48 / 56 / 64 / 72, {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputAuto', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Map-Specific Differences', 'No additional details.', 'Base shield changed to 100 / 125 / 150 / 175 / 200.', 'AP ratio changed to40% AP.']} | Name: Final Chapter, Description: Active: Yuumi and Book channel for up to 3. 5 seconds, launching 5 waves in the target direction. Allied champions hit by the waves are healed , with each heal instance beyond maximum health being converted into a shield that lasts for 1. 5 seconds plus the remaining channel duration instead. Heal per Hit: 25 / 40 / 55 (+ 15% AP) Total Heal: 125 / 200 / 275 (+ 75% AP) Enemies struck by the waves take magic damage and are slowed by 10% for 1. 25 seconds, which stacks and refreshes on subsequent hits, up to an effectiveness of 50%. Subsequent waves on enemies hit deal 25% damage. Magic Damage per Hit: 75 / 100 / 125 (+ 20% AP) Reduced Damage per Hit: 18. 75 / 25 / 31. 25 (+ 5% AP) Total Magic Damage: 150 / 200 / 250 (+ 40% AP) Attached Bonus: Yuumi can steer the direction of the waves if initially cast while attached. Detaching causes her to lose this bonus for the duration. Additionally, Feline Friendship can trigger from also hitting allied champions. Best Friend Bonus: Final Chapter's heal to the Best Friend is increased by 30%. Best Friend Heal per Hit: 32. 5 / 52 / 71. 5 (+ 19. 5 % AP) Best Friend Total Heal: 162. 5 / 260 / 357. 5 (+ 97. 5 % AP) Link ▶️ "THIS IS MY FAVORITE CHAPTER!!", {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputDirection', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'See Notes', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Yuumibecomesghostedfor the channel and, if not presently attached withYou and Me!, will remain ghosted until she attaches and detaches again.(bug)', 'Whileattached,Cloud Dragon Soulwill not activate untilYuumidetaches.', 'Spell shieldwill only block a single instance of damage.', "Yuumi'sfacing direction during the channel is considered to be inFinal Chapter'starget direction.UsingHexflashduring the channel will always causeYuumitoblinkin the target direction ofFinal Chapter.(bug)", 'UsingHexflashduring the channel will always causeYuumitoblinkin the target direction ofFinal Chapter.(bug)', "Feline Friendshipwill not be triggered ifYuumiand her anchor aren't missing healthafterthe wave hit.", 'The following table refers for interactions whileYuumiischanneling:', 'Death', 'Cast-inhibiting effects']} | The icon forYou and Me!is reused for theTeamfight TacticsitemYuumi, which is named after her. |
Zac,the Secret Weapon,Zaun Amorphous Combatant, Z.A.C. | | | health: Health685+109, resource: ResourceN/A (Uses Health), health regen: Health regen. (per 5s)8+0.5, resource regen: Resource regen.N/A, armor: Armor33+4.7, attack damage: Attack damage60+3.4, attack speed: Base AS0.736, gameplay radius: Gameplay radius80, selection radius: Selection radius90, release: 2013-03-29, changed: V13.9, role: Vanguard, position: JungleTopSupport, rangetype: Melee, adaptivetype: Magic, cost: 4800|880 | Games
ZacTitlesReal nameZaun Amorphous CombatantNickname(s)Returning PoolAlias(es)The Secret WeaponCharacteristicsSpeciesOoze GolemPronoun(s)He/HimTimelineBorn:986 AN - 994 ANWeapon(s)Ooze BodyPersonal statusStatusAlive(Constructed)Place of originZaunCurrent residenceZaunFamilyUnnamed Adoptive Father†(Creator)Unnamed Adoptive Mother†(Creator)Professional statusOccupation(s)WatchmanHandymanRegion(s)ZaunRelated character(s)Twitch
Real name
• Born:986 AN - 994 AN
Personal status
Place of origin
Current residence
• Unnamed Adoptive Father†(Creator)
• Unnamed Adoptive Mother†(Creator)
Professional status
• Watchman
• Handyman
Related character(s)
Zacis the product of a toxic spill that ran through a chemtech seam and pooled in an isolated cavern deep inZaun'sSump. Despite such humble origins, Zac has grown from primordial ooze into a thinking being who dwells in the city's pipes, occasionally emerging to help those who cannot help themselves or to rebuild the broken infrastructure of Zaun.
• 1Background1.1Creation
• 2Appearance
• 3Personality
• 4Abilities
• 5Relations5.1Chem-Barons
• 6Read More6.1Biography6.2Starring Champion6.3Mentioned Champion6.4Alternate Universes
• 7Trivia
• 8Change log
• 9References
• 10See also
• 1.1Creation
• 5.1Chem-Barons
• 6.1Biography
• 6.2Starring Champion
• 6.3Mentioned Champion
• 6.4Alternate Universes
Zac was created inZaunas theZaun Amorphous Combatant, a synthetic construct of ooze with the ability to react to nearby stimuli and emotions, as a project byChem-BaronSaito Takeda to create an obedient super soldier who could resist injury and access spaces normal humans couldn't. The blob eventually escaped and stayed in a sump pool, where it reacted to Zaunite children throwing stones at it by throwing them back, causing rumors of a "Returning Pool" known among the dwellers of the sump. Several alchymists travelled to the pool to test its psychotropic properties, finding that treating it well made it respond with childlike joy, but causing it pain resulted in it retaliating and killing several personnel.
One married couple of alchymists dissented against Takeda's project and saw the blob as a sentient being and gave it the name Zac. The couple tried to vouch for Zac's rights to the organization, but were ignored. They taught Zac about morality and how to be good, but the other alchymists experimented with his empathic senses by performing cruel experiments around him which made Zac feel negative emotions. Refusing to tolerate any more unethical treatment towards Zac, the couple helped him escape during Zaun's Progress Day memorials by storing him in a septic tank and moving him to a faraway part of Zaun. When Takeda found out, he sent his soldiers to search for them. The couple initially wanted to set Zac free, but he wanted to stay with them due to the kindness they showed him, so they happily accepted him and adopted him as their son.
Zac and his alchymist parents went into hiding in a remote part of the sump. As they changed their appearances to avoid recognition, Zac learned how to talk by mimicking their voices. Living with them for many years, they taught Zac about the beauty of the world ofRuneterra, but also how it could be cruel sometimes with some people having malice in their hearts, but he remained optimistic and continued to do good deeds. He leisurely roamed Zaun through the small spaces he could travel through, but tended to get overwhelmed by the nearby Zaunites' emotions. He often acted upon his emotions, helping fight against bullies and doing good deeds for Zaunite citizens, but his negative emotions would cause him to destroy entire buildings. The rumors of Zac's sightings were picked up by Takeda, whose alchymists were unable to recreate Zac's sentience, so he sent his henchmen to find his creation and the couple of alchymists whom fled from him.
Takeda's henchmen eventually found the couple's home and attacked them, ending up killing them despite Takeda ordering them to be taken alive. At the time Zac was casually exploring until he sensed his parents' distress, so he travelled through the pipes of the city as fast as he could, but he found that his parents had already been killed. In a fit of rage and grief, Zac unleashed the true destructive potential of his gelatinous body, killing many of the henchmen but also causing collateral damage to nearby buildings in the process. When he had calmed down, he was overcome with remorse so he rebuilt the damages he caused before moving to live in Zaun's pipe network from then on. Taking in both the positive and negative emotions of the people and occasionally acting upon his urges, Zac became an urban legend in Zaun.
Zac is an amorphous green blob of Zaunite ooze which congeals largely in his hands, forearms, feet, torso, and head. He has a large underbite with his green jaw, yellow eyes, and tail of slime that extends from his head. He can inflate himself into a ball shape.
Zac has an innate ability to feel the emotions of others due to his properties, often feeling overwhelmed by too much positive or negative emotions. Due to his upbringing from his adoptive parents, Zac has a kind, optimistic outlook of life and enjoys helping others, though when there are negative emotions around him he stops to intervene at best and lashes out in destructive tantrums at worst. He was overcome by rage towards his parents' deaths in the hands of Saito Takeda's men, yet felt remorse for the destruction he caused during his outburst, rebuilding everything he's damaged before choosing to live in the sewers alone. He feels a strong aversion to violence around him, yet usually remains in a calm demeanor when he fights.
• Ooze Composed Body:Zac is composed of a strange green Ooze that reacts to the emotions of other. This ooze was experimented upon until it developed sapience and became Zac. Because of this, Zac posses several strange abilities.Morphing:Zac can change his shape to whatever he wants with ease, solidifying and liquefying his body at will, and also compressing and decompressing into different sizes and shapes. He can enter small fissures and sewer pipes, and expand and involve others at will.Invulnerability:Thanks to his body, Zac is incredibly hard to injure. He doesn't have internal organs to protect and is impervious to most attacks, making him almost unstoppable in a fight.Superhuman Strength:By gathering enough of his mass in a solid form, Zac can wield great strength. This mainly involves him taking a humanoid form and using fists to cause devastating blows to his foes.Separation:Zac can separate his body in separate pieces, and then later reabsorb them.Empathy:Zac can feel and react to the emotions of others. This sometimes run the risk of causing him to become unstable and lash out in anger.
• Morphing:Zac can change his shape to whatever he wants with ease, solidifying and liquefying his body at will, and also compressing and decompressing into different sizes and shapes. He can enter small fissures and sewer pipes, and expand and involve others at will.
• Invulnerability:Thanks to his body, Zac is incredibly hard to injure. He doesn't have internal organs to protect and is impervious to most attacks, making him almost unstoppable in a fight.
• Superhuman Strength:By gathering enough of his mass in a solid form, Zac can wield great strength. This mainly involves him taking a humanoid form and using fists to cause devastating blows to his foes.
• Separation:Zac can separate his body in separate pieces, and then later reabsorb them.
• Empathy:Zac can feel and react to the emotions of others. This sometimes run the risk of causing him to become unstable and lash out in anger.
Zac was born from a chem spill inZaun'sSump level, gaining basic sentience to respond to outside stimuli. He was sequestered in a laboratory by a group of alchymists funded byChem-BaronSaito Takeda, to be molded into a super soldier under his command. Two of the alchymists grew emotionally attached to Zac and, when they discovered who their benefactor was, spirited away with him deep within Zaun, lovingly raising him as their own son while being on the run from baron Takeda's thugs.
Zac responds to people's emotions and acts accordingly, his mood changing with the reigning sentiment at any given time, best exemplified when he went berserk after his parents were killed by Takeda's men. After burying them, he decided to set off and help the people of Zaun, fighting chem-thugs and fixing the city's infrastructure when the opportunity presents itself.
Read More
The Secret Weapon
ByGraham McNeill
Starring Champion
Short Story • 6 Minute Read
ByGraham McNeill
The golden hour between fifth and sixth bell. That's my favorite time of day. It's when most people in the Factorywood finish their work shifts. They're bone tired, but they're done for the day. Work is behind them. A hot meal and home are ahead. The people here are nice, and I always feel good squeezing my gelatinous body through the cliff-cracks seaming the rocks around the Factorywood. I feel love emanating from a man going home to his newborn son. I relish the anticipation of a married couple looking forward to a romantic dinner in the Boundary Markets.
Mentioned Champion
ByDouble Stallion Games
Rewind the Past, Control the Future - Explore and traverse through the spectacular city of Zaun as Ekko, a young inventor with an ingenious device to manipulate time, in this story-driven action platformer. Play as a young Ekko and realize the full potential of one of League’s fan-favorite Champions.
Starring:Aximander,Camille,Chadd,Corin Reveck,Corina Veraza,Drake Poingdestre,Ekko,Elie,Inna,Jinx,Lem,Red,Rungs,Vale Poingdestre,Warwick,Wyeth,Zarkon Poingdestre
Mentioned:Ashlesh,Azir,Blitzcrank,Darius,Dr. Mundo,Eramis,Evil Kay,Farron,Fiddlesticks,Janna,Jayce,Kay,Nasus,Orianna,Renata Glasc,Seraphine,Shomi,Singed,Twitch,Urgot,Vi,Viktor,Zac,Zeri,Ziggs
Alternate Universes
Zaun Amorphous Combatant
By Unknown Author
Academy Adventures: Series 2
ByGutter Rat
Mentioned:Amumu,Anivia,Annie,Ashe,Aurelion Sol,Braum,Caitlyn,Cho'Gath,Dr. Mundo,Draven,Elise,Ezreal,Fiddlesticks,Fizz,Galio,Gnar,Heimerdinger,Janna,Jhin,Jinx,Kog'Maw,Lulu,Lux,Malphite,Malzahar,Miss Fortune,Nami,Nasus,Olaf,Poppy,Rakan,Rammus,Rek'Sai,Riven,Rumble,Ryze,Shaco,Singed,Sona,Soraka,Syndra,Taliyah,Talon,Taric,Teemo,Thresh,Tibbers,Tristana,Twitch,Urgot,Varus,Veigar,Volibear,Warwick,Wukong,Xayah,Yasuo,Yorick,Zac,Zed,Ziggs,Zyra
Crystal Quest: Series 1
Mentioned:Anivia,Ashe,Braum,Bristle,Caitlyn,Camille,Elise,Ezreal,Garen,Gragas,Graves,Heimerdinger,Illaoi,Ivern,Katarina,Kled,Lee Sin,Leona,Lissandra,Lucian,Nami,Olaf,Poppy,Ryze,Senna,Singed,Skaarl,Taliyah,Taric,Teemo,Tryndamere,Twisted Fate,Veigar,Vi,Zac
Mac Client Available
Starring:Dr. Mundo
Mentioned:Amumu,Ashe,Caitlyn,Ezreal,Fizz,Gragas,Graves,Katarina,Master Yi,Miss Fortune,Mordekaiser,Orianna,Riven,Ryze,Singed,Soraka,Viktor,Zac,Ziggs
Punches and Plants: Series 1
Mentioned:Ahri,Alistar,Annie,Ashe,Blitzcrank,Brand,Braum,Caitlyn,Darius,Diana,Dr. Mundo,Ekko,Evelynn,Ezreal,Gangplank,Garen,Gnar,Gragas,Graves,Heimerdinger,Janna,Jinx,Karma,Katarina,Leona,Lucian,Malzahar,Miss Fortune,Nami,Nasus,Nunu,Quinn,Renekton,Rumble,Ryze,Sejuani,Sivir,Sona,Soraka,Tahm Kench,Taliyah,Taric,Teemo,Tibbers,Trundle,Tryndamere,Twisted Fate,Twitch,Valor,Varus,Vel'Koz,Vladimir,Volibear,Warwick,Willump,Wukong,Zac,Ziggs
Road to the Cup
As the 2013 League of Legends World Championship final draws near, we showcase the biggest heroes in esports from around the world. Many teams fell by the wayside in epic battles, and now only two remain: Korea's SK Telecom T1 and China's Royal Club. Who will rise?
Starring: N/A
Mentioned:Blitzcrank,Brand,Caitlyn,Corki,Elise,Ezreal,Gragas,Janna,Jarvan IV,Jayce,Kennen,Kha'Zix,Lee Sin,Lux,Malphite,Mordekaiser,Orianna,Renekton,Ryze,Shen,Thresh,Twisted Fate,Vayne,Zac,Zed
Change log[]
See also[] | Name: Cell Division, Description: Innate - The Secret Weapon: Zac gains increased percentage size equal to 1. 5 % of his bonus health , capped at 35% increased size at 2333. 3 3 bonus health . Zac's size also reduces based on his missing health , down to 70% total size while at 0% health . Innate - Goo: Whenever Zac damages at least one enemy with an ability , he sheds a number of chunks of himself to a nearby location, landing towards nearby visible enemy champions and lasting for 6 seconds. Stretching Strikes : 1 chunk for each strike hit (excluding the collision) on different targets, up to 2 Unstable Matter : 1 chunk if it hits at least one target Elastic Slingshot : 1 chunk for each enemy champion hit Let's Bounce! : 1 chunk for each bounce that hits an enemy champion, up to 4 Both Zac and enemy champions can interact with a chunk by being within 50 units of it: an enemy will destroy it, while Zac will consume it to heal for 4 / 5 / 6 / 7% (based on Let's Bounce!'s Rank) of his maximum health . Innate: Periodically, upon taking fatal damage , Zac enters resurrection for 8 / 7 / 6 / 5 / 4 (based on level) seconds and restores 50% of his maximum health , splitting into 4 uncontrollable Bloblets . Each bloblet has 12% of his maximum health and moves towards Zac's location over the duration. Any damage the bloblets receive, excluding damage dealt in excess of their total health , is also redirected to Zac in true damage . While in resurrection, Zac is untargetable and unable to act , and cannot take damage from sources other than the redirected damage from his bloblets . After the duration, Zac is revived with 10 - 50% maximum health . Zac will die once all bloblets are killed. See Pets for more details about bloblets., STATIC COOLDOWN: STATICCOOLDOWN:300, {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputPassive', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Map-Specific Differences', 'The damage directed toZacisinternal raw damage.', 'Theblobletsareuntargetablewhile splitting, and will not split over terrain.', "Zac'sincreased size does not consider his base stats.", "Cell Division'schunks spawn in two versions:Contestable:They will fall to the ground at a point which is roughly equidistant fromZacand the nearestvisbleenemy champion within 1000 range of him (dropping slightly inZac'sfavor). The location at which they fall to the ground is influenced by the direction in whichZacis currently facing. Cannot be interacted with for the first 0.25seconds (except duringLet's Bounce!).Uncontestable:They will fall to the ground nearZacand can be picked up immediately (version used by default).", "Contestable:They will fall to the ground at a point which is roughly equidistant fromZacand the nearestvisbleenemy champion within 1000 range of him (dropping slightly inZac'sfavor). The location at which they fall to the ground is influenced by the direction in whichZacis currently facing. Cannot be interacted with for the first 0.25seconds (except duringLet's Bounce!).", 'Uncontestable:They will fall to the ground nearZacand can be picked up immediately (version used by default).', "Zac'suntargetabilityupon triggeringCell Divisiondoes notdestroyin-flightprojectiles.", 'ChronoshiftandGuardian Angelwill take priority overCell Division.', 'Spirit VisageandHeal Powerincreases the healing of bothchunksandbloblets.', "Ryze'sRealm Warpis able to individually teleportZacor hisblobletsduringCell Division.IfZacis transported to a new location before theblobletslanded, they will travel to form at his new position, adjusting their speed accordingly. IfCell Division'sduration permits during this time,Zacwill be revived even if theblobletsfail to recombine.", "IfZacis transported to a new location before theblobletslanded, they will travel to form at his new position, adjusting their speed accordingly. IfCell Division'sduration permits during this time,Zacwill be revived even if theblobletsfail to recombine.", "Cell Division'sblobletscan be targeted byTeleportandSyndra'sForce of Will.Otherblobletsare not interrupted by the conditions above and will continue to recombine instinctively.", 'Otherblobletsare not interrupted by the conditions above and will continue to recombine instinctively.', "Zac'shealth when theblobletsare sent out is set to what it would be if allblobletsrecombined, and is actively updated when theblobletstake damage.", "IfZac'shealth is higher than it is supposed to be when theblobletsconverge on him, his health will be set to the correct value.", 'The following table refers for interactions whileZacis in resurrection:', 'Death', 'Cooldown set to 60 seconds.', 'Bloblets are damaged by the Ring of Fire.']} | Name: Stretching Strikes, Description: Active: Zac stretches his left arm in the target direction that catches the first enemy hit, dealing magic damage , slowing them by 40% for 0. 5 seconds, and forming a tether between Zac and the target for 2 seconds, during which they are revealed . Magic Damage: 40 / 55 / 70 / 85 / 100 (+ 30% AP) (+ 4% of Zac's maximum health) Total Magic Damage: 80 / 110 / 140 / 170 / 200 (+ 60% AP) (+ 8% of Zac's maximum health) While the tether persists, Zac's next basic attack is replaced by a second Stretching Strike , empowering it to have a 0. 25 -second cast time and gain 25 bonus attack range . This attack cannot critically strike . If the two Stretching Strikes affect different targets, both are rooted for 0. 5 seconds and receive the same slow . After a 0. 4 -second delay , Zac displaces them toward each other over 300-units, though not through terrain. If the two targets are near each other, they are instead slammed together through the displacement, dealing the initial magic damage and knocking them up and stunning them for 0. 25 seconds upon impact. Surrounding enemies are also dealt the initial magic damage . Both Stretching Strikes (the cast and the empowered attack) reset Zac's basic attack timer. Zac is unable to move or attack while his left arm is in flight., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputDirection', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'parries': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', "The following features were added in patchV7.10to increaseStretching Strikes'reliability and usability:If the first attack's target is a minion, would die from the damage, and is above a certain amount of health, the minion is instead left at 1 health. The health threshold increases withStretching Strikes'damage.If the second attack's target would die from the damage, it won't be dealt until they are slammed to the first target.Non-champion units that are affected byStretching Strikes'displacement are prevented from taking any damage until they are slammed together. Note that this often confuses players who are trying to securemonstersviaSmitewhileZacis slamming the wanted target, resulting inSmitedealing no damage to it. It is currently unknown whatever the side effects of this feature are intentional or not.", "If the first attack's target is a minion, would die from the damage, and is above a certain amount of health, the minion is instead left at 1 health. The health threshold increases withStretching Strikes'damage.", "If the second attack's target would die from the damage, it won't be dealt until they are slammed to the first target.", "Non-champion units that are affected byStretching Strikes'displacement are prevented from taking any damage until they are slammed together. Note that this often confuses players who are trying to securemonstersviaSmitewhileZacis slamming the wanted target, resulting inSmitedealing no damage to it. It is currently unknown whatever the side effects of this feature are intentional or not.", 'Spell shieldswill block a single instance of damage only.', 'If the tethered target isuntargetableduring the secondStretching Strikevia basic attack, they are completely unaffected by the ability.', 'Displacement immunitywill also resist the application of thestun.', 'This ability will cast from wherever the caster is at the end of the cast time.', "If the target becomesuntargetable,dies, or is too far away during the empowered attack's cast time, it is cancelled but not consumed.", "The following refers for interactions during the activation's cast time:", 'Death, unless protected byResurrection']} | Name: Unstable Matter, Description: Active: Zac explodes to deal magic damage to nearby enemies, capped against minions and monsters . Magic Damage: 35 / 50 / 65 / 80 / 95 (+ 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8% (+ 3% per 100 AP) of target's maximum health) Capped Non-Champion Damage: 235 / 250 / 265 / 280 / 295 Zac grants ghosting to monsters hit for 5 seconds. Unstable Matter's current cooldown is reduced by 1 second whenever Zac collects a Cell Division chunk., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputAuto', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'No additional details.']} | Name: Elastic Slingshot, Description: Active: Zac charges for up to 4. 5 seconds to increase Elastic Slingshot's range over a cone in the target direction. Maximum Range Channel Duration: 0. 9 / 1 / 1. 1 / 1. 2 / 1. 3 Elastic Slingshot can be recast within the duration. If Zac cancels the channel himself, or the charge completes without reactivation, 50% of Elastic Slingshot's health cost and cooldown are refunded. Recast: Zac leaps to the target location. Upon landing, he deals magic damage to nearby enemies and knocks them up and stuns them for 0. 5 seconds, increased to 1 second if Elastic Slingshot was charged for more than 1 second. Magic Damage: 60 / 105 / 150 / 195 / 240 (+ 80% AP) Elastic Slingshot will cast at max range if cast beyond that., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputDirection/Location', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', "Quick casting:Elastic Slingshot'schannel begins when the key is pressed and held, launchingZactowards the cursor when released.", 'Elastic Slingshotwill notknock upif the targeted location was directly on top ofZac(in which case he will notdashat all).(bug)Theknock upwill occasionally end early if the targeted location was slightly away fromZac.(bug)', 'Theknock upwill occasionally end early if the targeted location was slightly away fromZac.(bug)', 'Displacement immunitywill also resist the application of thestun.', 'The following table refers for interactions whileZacischanneling:', 'Death', 'Grounding effects', 'Immobilizing effects', 'Cast-inhibiting effects']} | Name: Let's Bounce!, Description: Passive: Healing from Cell Division chunks is increased. Chunk Healing: 5 / 6 / 7% of his maximum health Active: Zac bounces after the cast time, then bounces 3 additional times each second over 3 seconds, during which he also gains 20% − 50% (based on duration) bonus movement speed but becomes unable to declare basic attacks and cast Stretching Strikes and Elastic Slingshot . Each bounce deals magic damage to enemies hit, knocks them back over 1 second, and slows them by 20% for the same duration. Magic Damage: 140 / 210 / 280 (+ 40% AP) An enemy can be hit by multiple bounces, but ones beyond the first deal 50% damage to them and do not apply the knock back . Reduced Damage: 70 / 105 / 140 (+ 20% AP) Total Magic Damage: 350 / 525 / 700 (+ 100% AP), {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputAuto', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'See Notes', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Spell shieldonly blocks a single instance of damage.', "Enteringstasiswill endLet's Bounce!prematurely.", "WhileLet's Bounce!is activeZacconsumesChunkswithin300 range."]} | Zac stands forZaunAmorphousCombatant.
Zac made a cameo inBattle Bunny Riven'sartwork and maybe even in the game's Mac Version trailer (all before he was released).
Zac is the only champion that can be damaged by regularSmite(due toCell Division'schunks being coded as minions) and to have 2 laugh animations.
Let's Bounce!referencesTiggerfromWinnie-the-PoohbyA. A. Milne.
The pitch level of his voice changes based on how much health he currently has.
Zac is one of the five champions who use health as a resource for their abilities, the other four beingSoraka,Dr. Mundo,Olaf, andVladimir. |
Zed,the Master of Shadows,Kagetora | | | health: Health654+99, resource: Energy200+0, health regen: Health regen. (per 5s)7+0.65, resource regen: Energy regen. (per 5s)50, armor: Armor32+4.7, attack damage: Attack damage63+3.4, attack speed: Base AS0.651, gameplay radius: Gameplay radius65, selection radius: Selection radius100, release: 2012-11-13, changed: V13.20, role: Assassin, position: MiddleJungle, rangetype: Melee, adaptivetype: Physical, cost: 1350|585 | Missing section(s):
ZedMainShadowPresentArmored 1Armored 2Armored 3Armored 4Disguise 1Disguise 2BareTeen 1Teen 2YoungTitlesReal nameGovos(Birth name)Usan(Kinkou name)Nickname(s)WyrmAlias(es)The Master of ShadowsMaster ZedCharacteristicsSpeciesHuman(Magically Altered)Pronoun(s)He/HimTimelineBorn:961 AN - 966 ANWeapon(s)Dual Shadow BladesRazor ShurikenForbidden TechniquePersonal statusStatusAlivePlace of originIoniaCurrent residenceTemple of Thanjuul,IoniaFamilyUnnamed FatherUnnamed MotherKusho†(Adopted Father)Shen(Adopted Brother)Althon†(Adopted Cousin)Professional statusOccupation(s)Shadow OrderMasterKinkou OrderMemberHeir to the Eye of TwilightRegion(s)IoniaFaction(s)Shadow OrderKinkou OrderRelated character(s)ShenKushoAkaliKennenGangplankJhinRakanXayahKayn
• Main
• Shadow
• Present
• Armored 1
• Armored 2
• Armored 3
• Armored 4
• Disguise 1
• Disguise 2
• Bare
• Teen 1
• Teen 2
• Young
Real name
• Govos(Birth name)
• Usan(Kinkou name)
• The Master of Shadows
• Master Zed
• Born:961 AN - 966 AN
• Dual Shadow Blades
• Razor Shuriken
• Forbidden Technique
Personal status
Place of origin
Current residence
• Unnamed Father
• Unnamed Mother
• Kusho†(Adopted Father)
• Shen(Adopted Brother)
• Althon†(Adopted Cousin)
Professional status
• Shadow OrderMaster
• Kinkou OrderMember
• Heir to the Eye of Twilight
• Shadow Order
• Kinkou Order
Related character(s)
Utterly ruthless and without mercy,Zedis the leader of theOrder of Shadow, an organization he created with the intent of militarizingIonia’smagical and martial traditions to drive out Noxian invaders. During the war, desperation led him to unlock the secret shadow form—a malevolent spirit magic as dangerous and corrupting as it is powerful.Zedhas mastered all of these forbidden techniques to destroy anything he sees as a threat to his nation, or his new order.
• 1Background1.1Early life1.2Getting the name Usan of Kéthé1.3Catching Khada Jhin1.4Starting the Shadow Order1.5Recent events
• 2Appearance
• 3Personality
• 4Abilities
• 5Relations5.1Shen5.2Jhin5.3Kusho5.4Kayn
• 6Read More6.1Biography6.2Starring Champion6.3Mentioned Champion6.4Alternate Universes
• 7Trivia
• 8Change log
• 9References
• 10See also
• 1.1Early life
• 1.2Getting the name Usan of Kéthé
• 1.3Catching Khada Jhin
• 1.4Starting the Shadow Order
• 1.5Recent events
• 5.1Shen
• 5.2Jhin
• 5.3Kusho
• 5.4Kayn
• 6.1Biography
• 6.2Starring Champion
• 6.3Mentioned Champion
• 6.4Alternate Universes
Early life[]
A low class mother gave birth to Govos. When he was young, Govos saw his father walk out on their family. Born as a Northern peasant child, Govos was a servant at theThaanjul monasteryat around age 10. For two years, nobody from the Kinkou would claim him as their neophyte and apprentice. A servant boy whose duties included washing floors and cleaning dishes, he only had spare time to train in the evenings after all his work was done. As a child, it was his dream to become a Kinkou warrior. It was his hope that if he showed his determination, that Kusho wouldn't walk out on Govos the wayhisfather had. The opportunity finally came to him whenMaster Kushoand his sonShenwalked up to Govos. Kusho ordered his son to spar with the servant child. Govos did not do well at first, but he continued to spar over and over again. On the last chance he had, Shen purposefully let Govos hit him. Govos' new family would nurse him back to health from the hours of sparring that occurred that day and Master Kusho would take Zed on as his student.
Getting the name Usan of Kéthé[]
At the age of around 15, Govos, Shen, and Master Kusho disguised themselves as merchants and journeyed to track down the Golden Demon. Pulling their supply cart, Govos and Shen discussed their childhood friend and Shen's now-future-fiancée, Yevnai. At the end of the cliffside, they see smoke and mutilated bodies for the first time. Kusho calls for them to aid Kotha Village's survivors. Govos is left to aid with healing and surgery, as he is less hesitant to make judgement calls. Govos heals and aids the wounded and through the traumatizing experience of letting some die, to save others, he learns a Kinkou lesson known as "The Lesson of the Scales". After the ordeal, Kusho sits beside his apprentice to give him the Amulet of the Eye of Twilight, as well as the name Usan. His new name is one of status and means "the strength of compassion" and is explained to him through tears that "it is the word for the pillar that bears the heaviest load".
Catching Khada Jhin[]
As Usan and Shen investigated the Golden Demon's killings, the trauma of seeing the gruesome crime scenes shook the two to their core. Eventually, they managed to catch the Golden Demon, revealed to be a stagehand namedKhada Jhin. Usan prepared to kill the criminal, but Kusho intervened, ordering Jhin to be imprisoned instead. Usan struggled in his studies as he was shaken by Jhin's crimes and the tensions betweenNoxus' ongoing encroachment onIonia, disillusioning his perspective of balance and filling him with a vengeful desire to punish evil.
Starting the Shadow Order[]
Later, Usan found a box within the temple's hidden catacombs which contained the Tears of Shadow, a magical ichor gave him the ability to control shadow magic, at the expense of tainting his mind with darkness. He proposed for the Kinkou to strike the Noxians down with everything they had, but Kusho refused. Usan left the Kinkou and decided to take justice into his own hands. Taking on the name Zed, he formed theShadow Order, a group of former Kinkou disciples with a goal to defend Ionia by any extreme means necessary. Realizing that the magic within the black box was a requirement for his goal, Zed and his acolytes raided the temple. When confronted by Kusho, Zed made a deal with him to fake the latter's death in exchange for uniting Ionia to fight in the war. After slaying the remaining Kinkou, the Shadow Order claimed the temple as their own and they imbued themselves with the Tears of Shadow, learning how to fight alongside their shadows.
Zed later witnessed a massacre inBahrl, as a warning by Noxus that they would show no mercy. One of the child soldiers that Noxus sent, namedShieda Kayn, harbored tenacity and perseverance that Zed saw potential in, so he recruited him into the Shadow Order. Kayn quickly grew to master every weapon in the Order's possession, with great proficiency in stealth and assassination.
With the Order of Shadow's future ahead, Zed knew that his actions could not be undone, but he must do whatever it takes to secure Ionia's triumph.
Recent events[]
• Shadow Magic:Zed has absorbed the powers of the Tears of Shadows, a magical ichor that grants him control over the shadows. The power of the Tears was forbidden due to it's corruptive nature, making it's full scope unknown.Shadow Teleportation:Zed can use shadows to go from one place to another. The Teleportation is instanteneous and can be done several times in a short time, allowing him to evade attacks from enemies.Shadow Clones:Zed can summon shadows versions of himself and others to serve his purpose. He can use this as a distraction against his foes, or summon shadow warrior to fight against his foes. He can also can switch places with his clones, making attempts to hit him much harder.
• Combat Techniques:Zed was once upon a time one of the greatests of the Kinkou, being a terrifyingly skilled fighter.
• Shadow Teleportation:Zed can use shadows to go from one place to another. The Teleportation is instanteneous and can be done several times in a short time, allowing him to evade attacks from enemies.
• Shadow Clones:Zed can summon shadows versions of himself and others to serve his purpose. He can use this as a distraction against his foes, or summon shadow warrior to fight against his foes. He can also can switch places with his clones, making attempts to hit him much harder.
Zed found Kayn when he was 10 year old, and has taken him as a aprentice.
Read More
The Master of Shadows
ByMichael Luo,Ariel Lawrence
Starring Champion
Short Story
A Piece of Shadow Cake
ByOdin Austin Shafer
Xayah jumped upward into the trees' foliage, dodging the gunfire that exploded from the temple's walls.
Death Mark (Video)
This assassin doesn't just strike from the shadows - he is the shadow. And they don't stand a chance.
Short Story
The Man with the Steel Cane
ByOdin Austin Shafer
Wild Magic
Restoring the wild magic of Ionia won't be easy when a deadly enemy lurks in the shadows.
Zed: Issue 1
ByOdin Austin Shafer,Edgar Salazar,Lorenzo Ruggiero,Chris O'Halloran
Zed is lured back to a village where he and Shen once encountered a great evil, a brutal killer from their past resurfaces: the magically gifted psychopath Khada Jhin!
Zed: Issue 2
ByOdin Austin Shafer,Edgar Salazar,Lorenzo Ruggiero,Chris O'Halloran
Zed is under attack from all sides! He and his band of assassins are ambushed by the twisted Khada Jhin! In order to survive, Zed will be forced to confront his past sins and seek the aid of his most bitter enemy--the Eye of Twilight, Shen!
Zed: Issue 3
ByOdin Austin Shafer,Edgar Salazar,Lorenzo Ruggiero,Chris O'Halloran
In order to survive, Zed will be forced to confront his past sins and seek the aid of his most bitter enemy--the Eye of Twilight, Shen!
Zed: Issue 4
ByOdin Austin Shafer,Edgar Salazar,Lorenzo Ruggiero,Chris O'Halloran
Khada Jhin's master plan comes together in a most explosive and deadly manner! But even if Zed and Shen survive, they might just kill one another! Only one will be left standing by the end of this issue!
Zed: Issue 5
ByOdin Austin Shafer,Edgar Salazar,Lorenzo Ruggiero,Chris O'Halloran
Zed has been captured and is at the mercy of his most bitter enemy--and once most trusted friend--Shen! Meanwhile Akali sets out on her own in search of the deadly Jhin--a journey that may lead her to her own doom! But what is Jhin's endgame?
Zed: Issue 6
ByOdin Austin Shafer,Edgar Salazar,Lorenzo Ruggiero,Chris O'Halloran
It's all led to this: Zed and Shen, united in a final battle with the psychopathic murderer Khada Jhin! And the life of the captive Akali hangs in the balance! Then--Shen and Zed's greatest enemy will stand revealed…and you'll never guess who it is! Shocking secrets about the past AND the present will be unveiled…and whoever survives will be left to pick up the pieces!
Mentioned Champion
Katarina: Issue 4
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The kingdom of Demacia is in chaos! While the Great City has its focus on Sylas and his mage rebellion, a cunning, redheaded assassin, Katarina, lurks in the shadows. Focused on executing the most dangerous mission of her life, she hopes to finally live up to her father’s impossible expectations. However, when she is forced to choose between the mission and her own instincts, will she have to betray Noxus’ Master of Assassins?
Mentioned:Cassiopeia,Jarvan III,Marcus Du Couteau,Rache,Soreana Du Couteau,Swain,Zed
League Animation Workshop
Starring: N/A
Mentioned:Darius,Lux,Miss Fortune,Zed
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Mentioned:Ashe,Elise,Fiddlesticks,Fizz,Gwen,Hecarim,Isolde,Ivern,Janna,Jarvan IV,Kalista,Ledros,Lucian,Nagakabouros,Nautilus,Olaf,Ornn,Rhasa,Riven,Senna,Swain,Tahm Kench,Taliyah,Twisted Fate,Udyr,Volibear,Yone,Yorick,Zed
Short Story • 5 Minute Read
The Blade of Millenia
ByMichael McCarthy
Kayn stood confidently in the shadow of the noxtoraa, surrounded by dead soldiers, and smiled at the irony. These triumphal arches of dark stone were raised to honor the strength of Noxus—to instill fear and to demand fealty from all who passed beneath them. Now this one was a tombstone, a monument to false strength and arrogance, and a symbol of the fallen warriors' own fear turned against them.
Short Story
The Bow, and the Kunai
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The air of southern Shon-Xan was rife with raw magic.
The Eye of Twilight
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The Heart of the Tempest
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The Rogue Assassin
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Alternate Universes
A New Journey
Inspired by the true story of Michelle, a university student and League of Legends player who joined a team and joined the fight. Season 2019 of League of Legends starts now! It's On.
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Music Video
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It’s your time to be legendary.
Immortal Journey Cinematic
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Starring:Fiora,Lucian,Master Yi,Zed
Music Video
You Really Got Me
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Ready for the Rift?
Academy Adventures: Series 1
ByGutter Rat
Mentioned:Akali,Amumu,Anivia,Azir,Bard,Blitzcrank,Braum,Cho'Gath,Elise,Ezreal,Fiddlesticks,Fiora,Gnar,Heimerdinger,Ivern,Jhin,Jinx,Karthus,Kog'Maw,Lulu,Lux,Malzahar,Miss Fortune,Nidalee,Olaf,Poppy,Rek'Sai,Renekton,Rumble,Ryze,Shaco,Shen,Sion,Sona,Soraka,Talon,Taric,Teemo,Tristana,Trundle,Twitch,Urgot,Varus,Veigar,Vel'Koz,Vi,Yorick,Zed,Ziggs,Zyra
Academy Adventures: Series 2
ByGutter Rat
Mentioned:Amumu,Anivia,Annie,Ashe,Aurelion Sol,Braum,Caitlyn,Cho'Gath,Dr. Mundo,Draven,Elise,Ezreal,Fiddlesticks,Fizz,Galio,Gnar,Heimerdinger,Janna,Jhin,Jinx,Kog'Maw,Lulu,Lux,Malphite,Malzahar,Miss Fortune,Nami,Nasus,Olaf,Poppy,Rakan,Rammus,Rek'Sai,Riven,Rumble,Ryze,Shaco,Singed,Sona,Soraka,Syndra,Taliyah,Talon,Taric,Teemo,Thresh,Tibbers,Tristana,Twitch,Urgot,Varus,Veigar,Volibear,Warwick,Wukong,Xayah,Yasuo,Yorick,Zac,Zed,Ziggs,Zyra
Academy Adventures: Series 3
ByGutter Rat
No war stays hidden for long.
Starring:Ezreal,Master Yi,Shen,Sona,Vi
Music Video
By Numerous creators
Reaching the peak takes more than skill. Only those with the ambition to RISE above all others will know its height.
Starring: N/A
Mentioned:Akali,Ashe,Braum,Darius,Ekko,Ezreal,Fiora,Garen,Gnar,Jarvan IV,Jax,Jinx,Kalista,Kennen,Kha'Zix,Leona,Lux,Master Yi,Olaf,Poppy,Rakan,Riven,Ryze,Sejuani,Swain,Taliyah,Thresh,Tryndamere,Vayne,Xayah,Yasuo,Zed,Ziggs
Road to the Cup
As the 2013 League of Legends World Championship final draws near, we showcase the biggest heroes in esports from around the world. Many teams fell by the wayside in epic battles, and now only two remain: Korea's SK Telecom T1 and China's Royal Club. Who will rise?
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Mentioned:Blitzcrank,Brand,Caitlyn,Corki,Elise,Ezreal,Gragas,Janna,Jarvan IV,Jayce,Kennen,Kha'Zix,Lee Sin,Lux,Malphite,Mordekaiser,Orianna,Renekton,Ryze,Shen,Thresh,Twisted Fate,Vayne,Zac,Zed
The Tale of the Poro King
By Numerous creators
Starring: N/A
Mentioned:Aatrox,Akali,Ashe,Aurelion Sol,Azir,Braum,Caitlyn,Cho'Gath,Darius,Diana,Draven,Ezreal,Gnar,Illaoi,Janna,Jarvan IV,Jayce,Kai'Sa,Karma,Karthus,Katarina,Kayle,Kayn,Kennen,Kha'Zix,Lee Sin,Leona,Lulu,Lux,Malzahar,Miss Fortune,Nunu,Ornn,Pantheon,Pyke,Rammus,Rek'Sai,Rhaast,Ryze,Sejuani,Shen,Sion,Sivir,Soraka,Sylas,Syndra,Taliyah,Talon,Taric,Thresh,Tristana,Trundle,Udyr,Vi,Volibear,Willump,Yasuo,Zed,Ziggs,Zoe
• Zed andShentrained together in theKinkou Order, led by the latter's father Kusho. Both students saw each other as rivals, but alsorespectedthe other, seeing him as a brother and best friend.Shenwas even a bit jealous of him (Kusho was less strict towards Zed as he saw Zed having far better potentials than his son). Master Kusho raised Zed as his own son and chose him to be the successor of his title, while Zed also looked up to him and his son as his own family. After Zed obeyed Kusho to betray the order, his relationship with Shen soured and became ambivalent.Zed,Shen, and Kusho worked to discover and captureKhada Jhinfor his brutal murders. All three of them were severely traumatized during the investigation and, when they finally caught the 'Golden Demon', Kusho spared his life. Zed couldn't believe such a monster was offered mercy, finding himself questioning his master's teachings to the point of heavily resenting him.Zed's resentment towards Kusho led him to delve into the shadow arts, founding the Order of Shadow. However, he later convinced Kusho to defendIoniafromNoxusand helped the later fake his death. While he believes in the necessity of theKinkou Orderand their rule of scales, he seeks to abolish the old ways of balance while spreading his 'no restraint' philosophy.He tried to minimize casualties when killing Kinkou members (though he needed enough people dead so the Kinkou would hate him and his new order.) Unfortunately, violence quickly got out of hand into an ugly and brutal feud.[1]Zed leaving the Kinkou and "murdering" Kusho led to Shen being forced to take up the titleThe Eye of Twilightwhich he never wanted.In spite of their animosity, Zed sought out Shen and to inform him about Jhin's release, in order to stop him together. They later captured him the second time inZaun.After learning that Kusho was behind Jhin's release, Zed returned toZhyunand killed his former mentor.Zed could have revealed the truth about Kusho to Shen but then decided it was better for Shen to be disillusioned with Zed than to be disillusioned with his own father. That's probably not fair, and maybe Shen has a right to know. But Zed is flawed... and blinded by his need to feel he's worthy and honorable.[2]
• Zed kissedShen'sfiancé, Yevnai, before leaving the Kinkou Order and later "killing" Master Kusho.At one point they secretly harbored feelings for each other even though Kusho forbadeZedfrom it.Yevnai once begged Zed to run away with her, but he refused.The engagement ofShenand Yevnai was called off after Zed "murdered" Kusho.
• Zed wantsGangplankdead after he ransacked the Temple of the Jagged Knife.
• Zed, hisorder, and theNavori Brotherhoodare extremists. They believe the magic of Ionia is for the Ionians... meaning they should be able to use it however they like. So limits on using that magic don't sit well with them. The fact that some of the Vastaya tribes fought for Noxus, and many tribes stayed neutral during the war (at least until Noxus started burning down their lands) doesn't sit well. In Zed's view those tribes are traitors and should be killed.[3]The Brotherhood was originally an ally of the Order before Zed killed Kusho. Now they are enemies.BothRakanandXayahhave encounteredZedand his ninja clan in an attempt to save a grove from losing all its natural magic.
• Akaliwants Zed dead for what he did to the Kinkou Order in the past, including the supposed death of her father Tahno.When she was captured byJhin, Zed and Shen saved her from him.
• Zed favorite pupil isKayn, whom he treats as his own son and chooses to be his successor.Long ago Zed chose to be the sort of mentor and master he was to Kayn. And that choice is ultimately what separates him from Kusho. Zed realizing he wasn't a malicious or manipulative master that only sought to achieve his own ends regardless of the consequences and actually sincere in his actions as a father figure would be significant moment in his life. Especially because Zed has a lot of guilt. He knows he's damaged mentally. Zed knows what he's doing isn't exactly heroic most of the time... but it had to feel good to really, really know he trained Kayn well and earned his loyalty.[4]
• Zedmost likely means "Holy Justice" or "0".[5]Zed's original name wasGovos, but was changed toUsan"strength of compassion" by Master Kusho. Zed is the name he chose himself.By coincidence, the nameZedalso resembles:AdialectalEnglish name ofLetter Z.
• Zed was born from a peasant family in Kéthé,Ionia. His father left his family when he was about 4 years old and never returned. He later rejected his own mother to stay with the Kinkou.
• Zed worked as a servant inKinkou Order's Thanjuul monastery for over 2 years until Master Kusho decided to take him as his student afterShenpurposefully let Zed hit him when Kusho wanted to test Zed's potential.
• Zed is using a Forbidden Technique called shadow magic. He is also using shadow's tears which are a magical ichor which gives Zed and his followers the ability to use shadow magic— (when tattooed or ingested). His tattoo can be seenhere.[6]According toShen, Zed's shadow clones are shaped by his guilt and hatred and are controlling him instead of vice versa.
• Zed is around 34 to 35 years old.[7]Zed isfour years youngerthanJhin.
• Zed appears to be ambidextrous.
• Zed was originally considered for the position of the Eye of Twilight before.
• The armor Zed wears in-game is considered his war armor and not what he wears during stealth missions or in his day-to-day life.[8]
• Zed has a rudimentary understanding of healing from performing surgeries and healing magic.[9]
• It was believed for a long time that Zed killed Master Kusho to obtain the Tear of the Shadow for the power theShadow Ordermembers needed to fight back the Noxian army. This was later revealed to not really be the case, as Zed convinced Kusho to take part in the war and helped him fake his death.
• Some of the known draft scenes and cut scenes inhis comic seriesinclude:Zed killing aVastayaelder that knew Kusho to take his magic inZed: Issue 1. This was later relented as Marvel editors thought it made him too unlikeable.[10]A flashback scene where we seeAkalibeing dragged away while her father tries to buy time for her and some other Kinkou members to escape. Zed doesn't think much of Akali's father, and wants others to escape so he sends his weakest student against him. But Akali's father dies anyway.[11]Shenand Zed had a talk during the war. Shen was worried about Zed (thinking he was taking too many risks), angry at his father's inaction, but also suspected Yevnai had feelings for Zed and that had something to do with the marriage being called off.[12]SomeAkali'sscenes including a fight between Akali andKaynand some investigating scenes.Some scenes which would have been too hard to do with rating's restrictions.Three different scenes where Zed/Kayn were doing horrible stuff to monks and/orVastaya.A couple flashbacks with Kusho... specifically one when Zed got banished from the temple for using the ichor while Yvenai andShenwatched helplessly.Two scenes which combined with other clues in the various issues created a little map based mystery where people to use the map to figure out where Jhin was going next—if they put together all the clues.Three scenes across two issues where Zed was scanning the crowd looking for Jhin. And if you put the clues together you could figure out which face wasJhin's.[13]There was no "Kusho is alive" in that draft. The original finale hadJhintaking the templeZedwas prisoner in. The comic VO was their convo.Shenarrives—revealing same trap they'd used to catchJhinyears before.[14]
• Zed,Shen, and Kusho worked to discover and captureKhada Jhinfor his brutal murders. All three of them were severely traumatized during the investigation and, when they finally caught the 'Golden Demon', Kusho spared his life. Zed couldn't believe such a monster was offered mercy, finding himself questioning his master's teachings to the point of heavily resenting him.
• Zed's resentment towards Kusho led him to delve into the shadow arts, founding the Order of Shadow. However, he later convinced Kusho to defendIoniafromNoxusand helped the later fake his death. While he believes in the necessity of theKinkou Orderand their rule of scales, he seeks to abolish the old ways of balance while spreading his 'no restraint' philosophy.He tried to minimize casualties when killing Kinkou members (though he needed enough people dead so the Kinkou would hate him and his new order.) Unfortunately, violence quickly got out of hand into an ugly and brutal feud.[1]Zed leaving the Kinkou and "murdering" Kusho led to Shen being forced to take up the titleThe Eye of Twilightwhich he never wanted.
• In spite of their animosity, Zed sought out Shen and to inform him about Jhin's release, in order to stop him together. They later captured him the second time inZaun.
• After learning that Kusho was behind Jhin's release, Zed returned toZhyunand killed his former mentor.
• Zed could have revealed the truth about Kusho to Shen but then decided it was better for Shen to be disillusioned with Zed than to be disillusioned with his own father. That's probably not fair, and maybe Shen has a right to know. But Zed is flawed... and blinded by his need to feel he's worthy and honorable.[2]
• He tried to minimize casualties when killing Kinkou members (though he needed enough people dead so the Kinkou would hate him and his new order.) Unfortunately, violence quickly got out of hand into an ugly and brutal feud.[1]
• Zed leaving the Kinkou and "murdering" Kusho led to Shen being forced to take up the titleThe Eye of Twilightwhich he never wanted.
• At one point they secretly harbored feelings for each other even though Kusho forbadeZedfrom it.Yevnai once begged Zed to run away with her, but he refused.
• The engagement ofShenand Yevnai was called off after Zed "murdered" Kusho.
• Yevnai once begged Zed to run away with her, but he refused.
• The Brotherhood was originally an ally of the Order before Zed killed Kusho. Now they are enemies.
• BothRakanandXayahhave encounteredZedand his ninja clan in an attempt to save a grove from losing all its natural magic.
• When she was captured byJhin, Zed and Shen saved her from him.
• Long ago Zed chose to be the sort of mentor and master he was to Kayn. And that choice is ultimately what separates him from Kusho. Zed realizing he wasn't a malicious or manipulative master that only sought to achieve his own ends regardless of the consequences and actually sincere in his actions as a father figure would be significant moment in his life. Especially because Zed has a lot of guilt. He knows he's damaged mentally. Zed knows what he's doing isn't exactly heroic most of the time... but it had to feel good to really, really know he trained Kayn well and earned his loyalty.[4]
• Zed's original name wasGovos, but was changed toUsan"strength of compassion" by Master Kusho. Zed is the name he chose himself.
• By coincidence, the nameZedalso resembles:AdialectalEnglish name ofLetter Z.
• AdialectalEnglish name ofLetter Z.
• According toShen, Zed's shadow clones are shaped by his guilt and hatred and are controlling him instead of vice versa.
• Zed isfour years youngerthanJhin.
• Zed killing aVastayaelder that knew Kusho to take his magic inZed: Issue 1. This was later relented as Marvel editors thought it made him too unlikeable.[10]
• A flashback scene where we seeAkalibeing dragged away while her father tries to buy time for her and some other Kinkou members to escape. Zed doesn't think much of Akali's father, and wants others to escape so he sends his weakest student against him. But Akali's father dies anyway.[11]
• Shenand Zed had a talk during the war. Shen was worried about Zed (thinking he was taking too many risks), angry at his father's inaction, but also suspected Yevnai had feelings for Zed and that had something to do with the marriage being called off.[12]
• SomeAkali'sscenes including a fight between Akali andKaynand some investigating scenes.
• Some scenes which would have been too hard to do with rating's restrictions.
• Three different scenes where Zed/Kayn were doing horrible stuff to monks and/orVastaya.
• A couple flashbacks with Kusho... specifically one when Zed got banished from the temple for using the ichor while Yvenai andShenwatched helplessly.
• Two scenes which combined with other clues in the various issues created a little map based mystery where people to use the map to figure out where Jhin was going next—if they put together all the clues.
• Three scenes across two issues where Zed was scanning the crowd looking for Jhin. And if you put the clues together you could figure out which face wasJhin's.[13]
• There was no "Kusho is alive" in that draft. The original finale hadJhintaking the templeZedwas prisoner in. The comic VO was their convo.Shenarrives—revealing same trap they'd used to catchJhinyears before.[14]
Change log[]
See also[] | Name: Contempt for the Weak, Description: Innate: Zed's basic attacks against targets below 50% maximum health are empowered to deal 6 / 8 / 10% (based on level) of the target's maximum health as bonus magic damage . Against monsters , Contempt for the Weak deals 200% damage, capped at 300. Contempt for the Weak cannot occur on the same champion more than once every few seconds., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputPassive', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'Not Blocked', 'parries': 'See Notes', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'The enhanced attack applies otheron-hit effectsand cancritically strikeas normal (the bonus damage cannot).', 'Contempt for the Weakis not consumed whendodgedormissed, but it is consumed whenblocked.', "Contempt for the Weakconsiders the target's health upon landing the attack, not when it's declared.If the target falls below the threshold whileZedis winding up the attack,Contempt for the Weakapplies, and vice versa.", 'If the target falls below the threshold whileZedis winding up the attack,Contempt for the Weakapplies, and vice versa.', 'The empowered attack will not trigger againststructures.']} | Name: Razor Shuriken, Description: Active: Zed throws a shuriken in the target direction that deals physical damage to enemies hit, reduced to 60% against targets beyond the first. Physical Damage: 70 / 105 / 140 / 175 / 210 (+ 110% bonus AD) Reduced Damage: 42 / 63 / 84 / 105 / 126 (+ 66% bonus AD), {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputDirection', 'damage_type': 'Physical', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Map-Specific Differences', 'Shurikensblocked byspell shieldstill count as being hit for the reduced pass-through damage.', "IfZedbuffers an attack command duringRazor Shuriken'scast time the attack will perform slower than ifZedhad attacked after the cast time.The same does not happen ifZedrecastsLiving ShadowduringRazor Shuriken'scast time.", "The same does not happen ifZedrecastsLiving ShadowduringRazor Shuriken'scast time.", 'This ability will cast from wherever the caster is at the end of the cast time.', 'Base damage changed to 80 / 130 / 180 / 230 / 280.', 'Bonus AD ratio changed to130%bonusAD.']} | Name: Living Shadow, Description: Passive: Zed restores energy whenever he and his Shadows or multiple Shadows hit an ability on the same target. This may only occur once per cast ability. Energy Restored: 30 / 35 / 40 / 45 / 50 Active: Zed creates a Shadow that dashes to the target location and remains there for 5. 25 seconds, being able to mimic Razor Shuriken and Shadow Slash regardless of range. Living Shadow can be recast while within range of the Shadow . Recast: Zed and the Shadow blink to swap places. If Living Shadow was recast while the Shadow is dashing, the recast will instead occur once it has been placed. If an ability is cast while the Shadow is dashing, it will cast that ability once it has been placed. See Pets for more details about Shadows. Living Shadow will cast at max range if cast beyond that. Link ▶️ "The shadows have enlightened me.", {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputLocation/Auto', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Map-Specific Differences', "Zedgains a buff for 5.25seconds that indicates and determines the duration in which he may recastLiving Shadow.The buff is granted briefly afterLiving Shadowis cast.If cast at minimum distance, the buff and theShadow'sindividual durations will effectively start at the same time.If cast at greater than the minimum distance, then the buff's duration will start before theShadow'sduration.", "The buff is granted briefly afterLiving Shadowis cast.If cast at minimum distance, the buff and theShadow'sindividual durations will effectively start at the same time.If cast at greater than the minimum distance, then the buff's duration will start before theShadow'sduration.", "If cast at minimum distance, the buff and theShadow'sindividual durations will effectively start at the same time.", "If cast at greater than the minimum distance, then the buff's duration will start before theShadow'sduration.", "The passive will grant its energy refund at rank 1 even ifLiving Shadowhasn't been learned yet.", 'Theenergyrefund is not granted if the mimicked ability is blocked by aspell shield.', 'Living Shadowcannot be recast whilegroundedorrooted.', "IfLiving Shadowis recast duringRazor Shuriken,Zedwill instantly release the shuriken from his original position while still remaining in cast time, and theShadowwill release the shuriken based onZed'sremaining cast time.(bug)", "TheShadowwill castShadow Slashindependently of being inRazor Shuriken'scast time or not.(bug)", "Zedwill swap places with theShadowby all means if he buffersLiving Shadow'srecast during its dash.(bug)Living Shadowcannot be recast whileZedis marking his target withDeath Mark, but may still be recast if it was buffered.(bug)", 'Living Shadowcannot be recast whileZedis marking his target withDeath Mark, but may still be recast if it was buffered.(bug)', 'IfZedcastsLiving Shadowwhile a non-Death MarkShadowis already present, the previousShadowwill instantly disappear.', 'Shadowswill not disappear whenZeddies.(bug)', 'Cooldown changed to 16 / 15.25/ 14.5/ 13.75/ 13 seconds.']} | Name: Shadow Slash, Description: Active: Zed slashes to deal physical damage to nearby enemies. Physical Damage: 65 / 85 / 105 / 125 / 145 (+ 65% bonus AD) Enemies hit by a Shadow's slash are slowed for 1. 5 seconds, with multiple slashes dealing no additional damage but the slow's effectiveness being increased by 50%. Slow: 20 / 25 / 30 / 35 / 40% Enhanced Slow: 30 / 37. 5 / 45 / 52. 5 / 60% Living Shadow's current cooldown is reduced by 2 seconds for each enemy champion hit by Zed's slash., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputAuto', 'damage_type': 'Physical', 'spell_shield': 'See Notes', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Spell shieldwill only block oneShadow Slasheven if two hit at the same time, theslowwill not apply regardless.', 'Shadow Slashdoes not interrupt attack, movement, or cast commands.']} | Name: Death Mark, Description: Active: Zed becomes untargetable and, after 0. 6 seconds, he dashes 125 units through the target enemy champion over 0. 35 seconds. Afterwards, he becomes targetable again, renders them Marked for Death for 3 seconds, and gains ghosting for the same duration. Zed also spawns a Shadow at his casting position for 9 seconds which is able to mimic Razor Shuriken and Shadow Slash regardless of range. Death Mark can be recast after 0. 5 seconds of his reappearance while the Shadow is active, though not in the last 1. 25 seconds of its duration. Marked for Death: Zed stores a portion of all pre-mitigation physical damage and magic damage he and his Shadows deal to the target, detonating at the end of the duration to deal physical damage . Physical Damage: 65% AD (+ 25 / 40 / 55% of damage dealt) Recast: Zed and the Shadow blink to swap places. If the target dies or is 1950 or more units away before the dash begins, Death Mark is cancelled, goes on a 0. 5 -second cooldown, and Zed reappears at the cast location. The Shadow spawned also disappears. Link ▶️ Zed chuckles., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputUnit/Auto', 'damage_type': 'Physical', 'spell_shield': 'See Notes', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Map-Specific Differences', 'Zedgains a buff for 7.5seconds that indicates and determines the duration in which he may recastDeath Mark.The buff is granted on-cast and lingers for 0.25seconds after it expires.', 'The buff is granted on-cast and lingers for 0.25seconds after it expires.', 'TheShadowis spawned the momentDeath Markis cast.', "Zedwill track the target if they change locations.He will dash through the target's previous location while still applying themarkif they are 2200 or more units away.", "He will dash through the target's previous location while still applying themarkif they are 2200 or more units away.", 'Zedwill be ordered to basic attack his target after reappearing.', "Death Mark'sstored damage derives from allbasic attacks,abilities,items,runesandbuffs.", "Death Mark'sShadowis functionally the same as a regular one, but it lasts longer and can be swapped to regardless of range.The range at which it mimicsZed'sabilities does not change.", "The range at which it mimicsZed'sabilities does not change.", "Themarkcan be prevented by becominguntargetablebefore it is applied (untargetability after application will not prevent the mark's detonation).", "Spell shieldswill only block themark'sapplication. They will not preventZedfrom initiating the cast nor block the detonation from amarkthat is already applied.", 'IfZeddies duringDeath Mark, the ability will cancel instantly and he will reappear at his current location. The cooldown is not compensated.If he entersresurrectionbefore the dash,Death Markdoes not cancel. If he enters it while dashing, the dash is interrupted.', 'If he entersresurrectionbefore the dash,Death Markdoes not cancel. If he enters it while dashing, the dash is interrupted.', 'If thedashis interrupted,Zedstops, places himself to the ground (ends all displacements affecting him, but does not removeairborneeffects), and reappears prematurely at his current location. Themarkwill still be applied regardless.Zedwill removeairborneeffects from himself immediately upon starting the dash.', 'Zedwill removeairborneeffects from himself immediately upon starting the dash.', 'OnceZedbegins thedash, twoShadowswill also appear to be dashing through his target, each one spawning a certain distance behind the target (from the right and left). Theseshadowsdonotmimic abilities and disappear immediately after they stop dashing but they grantsightof their surroundings.Theseshadowshave a tracking distance of 2200 and a dash speed of 1750.', 'Theseshadowshave a tracking distance of 2200 and a dash speed of 1750.', 'Death Markdoes not cancel if the target enters azombie statebefore the dash begins.', "If themark'spost-mitigation damageis higher than the target'scurrenthealth, aspinning shurikenwill appear above the victim. This does not necessarily mean the target will die, as it does not considershieldsor forms ofdamage modifiersthat are not respected by this predictive calculation.", 'This following table refers for interactions whileZedis inDeath Mark:', 'Death, unless protected byResurrection', 'Enemies can only have a singleDeath Markon them at a time. SubsequentDeath Markswill delete any previous marks, removing all accumulated damage and preventing the detonation.', 'IndividualDeath Markswill track the damage dealt by anyZed.', 'Stored damage changed to 30 / 45 / 60%.']} | Zedis one of 20 champions without a singleability powerratio on any ability:Aatrox,Camille,Darius,Dr. Mundo,Draven,Garen,Kayn,Kled,Naafiri,Nilah,Olaf,Pyke,Riven,Samira,Sett,Talon,Urgot,Xayah, andYone.
Zed's dance was inspired[2]by various martial arts (the animator is ablack belt).
Zed is the first champion to not actually 'die', instead he drops into ashadow portal(Shockblade Zed disappears after struck by alightning bolt). The second isEkko, who rewinds time.Willumpdoes die, butNunudoes not.
Zed,Sona,GarenandViwere targeted byJhinin his teaser.After Zed wasshot, his champion icon on hisLeague of Legendspageand thechampion listwas updated to agifwith petals blowing past him.
Zed is the fifth champion to use energy as a resource for abilities (the others beingAkali,Kennen,Lee SinandShen).
Before the release ofGalaxy Slayer ZedandPulsefire Shen, neither him norShenreveal their faces in any of their skins, unlikeAkali(All-star,Nurse,Blood Moon) andKennen(Karate,M.D.).
Zed andLucianperform the'airplane arms'run when having very high movement speed.
Razor Shuriken,Living Shadow, andShadow Slashrespectively mirroringThundering Shuriken,Shadow Dash, andCrescent Slash, as well asDeath Mark,Assassin's Mark, andMark of the Stormmarking their targets reference Zed having been a Kinkou Order member.Death Markwasconceivedwith spawning twoLiving Shadowsand was animated accordingly on release.Clicking one of theLiving ShadowsduringDeath Marksanimation used to displayAkali'sportrait. This could only be done while spectating in slow motion as his shadows in an actual game were just simply too fast to be clicked on. It was removed after the new HUD came in 2015 and replaced the old one.Zed and his enemy counterpart could theoretically increase their AD infinitely withReaper of Shadowsby alternating killing each other, before it was removed from the game inV9.4.
Zed used to gain the'Law of Inverse Ninja Strength'cosmeticEaster eggdebuff ("This unit is a flippin' ninja!"-"Ninjas are more effective when they work alone. For every Ninja on your team beyond yourself, you lose 1 health.") when he,Akali,Kennen, and/orShenfound themselves on the same team. It was removed inV3.14for unknown reasons.
At 23 August 2018 players who selected "Assassin" as their favorite class rated Zed 27% higher than the other assassins as "One of my favorite champions". This difference is the largest for a champion by class.[3] |
Zeri,The Spark of Zaun | | | health: Health630+110, resource: Mana250+45, health regen: Health regen. (per 5s)3.25+0.7, resource regen: Mana regen. (per 5s)6+0.8, armor: Armor24+4.2, attack damage: Attack damage53+1.3, attack speed: Base AS0.658, gameplay radius: Gameplay radius65, selection radius: Selection radius100, release: 2022-01-20, changed: V13.19, role: Marksman, position: Bottom, rangetype: Ranged, adaptivetype: Physical, cost: 6300|975, attack range: 500 | Missing section(s):
ZeriTitlesAlias(es)The Spark of ZaunCharacteristicsSpeciesHuman(Magical)Pronoun(s)She/HerTimelineBorn:970 AN - 975 ANWeapon(s)Electricity MagicElectric RiflePersonal statusStatusAlivePlace of originEntresol Level,ZaunCurrent residenceEntresol Level,ZaunFamilyUnnamed FatherUnnamed MotherUnnamed GrandmotherUnnamed AuntProfessional statusOccupation(s)VigilanteRegion(s)ZaunFaction(s)The Lost Childeren of ZaunRelated character(s)EkkoJannaViUrgotRenata Glasc
• Born:970 AN - 975 AN
• Electricity Magic
• Electric Rifle
Personal status
Place of origin
Current residence
• Unnamed Father
• Unnamed Mother
• Unnamed Grandmother
• Unnamed Aunt
Professional status
• Vigilante
• The Lost Childeren of Zaun
Related character(s)
A headstrong, spirited young woman from Zaun’s working-class,Zerichannels her electric magic to charge herself and her custom-crafted gun. Her volatile power mirrors her emotions, its sparks reflecting her lightning-fast approach to life. Deeply compassionate toward others, Zeri carries the love of her family and her home into every fight. Though her eagerness to help can sometimes backfire, Zeri believes one truth to be certain: stand up for your community, and it will stand up with you. She acts as a vigilante of sorts, standing up for the people of Zaun with energy in each step.
• 1Background
• 2Appearance
• 3Personality
• 4Abilities
• 5Relations5.1Ekko5.2Blitzcrank5.3Jinx
• 6Read More6.1Biography6.2Starring Champion6.3Mentioned Champion
• 7Trivia
• 8Change log
• 9References
• 10See also
• 5.1Ekko
• 5.2Blitzcrank
• 5.3Jinx
• 6.1Biography
• 6.2Starring Champion
• 6.3Mentioned Champion
Zeri is a girl standing at an average height with light, tanned skin, olive green eyes and lime green hair tied with two large pigtails.
She wears the typical Zaunite punk-style clothing, which includes a large dark blue jacket, a bright orange shirt with a green lightning bolt in the center revealing her navel, metallic brown pants and gloves, and light brown boots.
She is a headstrong, but friendly to those she meets. She is an energetic spirit, with a rebellious attitude who finds it difficult to sit still in one place. She is friendly, hopeful, resourceful, and optimistic.
In any case, she is strong-willed, impulsive at times, and compassionate to others above all. Zeri wishes for Zaun to be as beautiful as its rival, and equally as rich, as is at some points competitive.
• Magical: Zeri was born with natural magical ability, which might grow the more she trains and expands her knowledge about magic. In Zeri's case, she stills struggles with controlling her powers to a certain degree.Electricity Magic:Zeri can generate and manipulate electricity for several purposes, she can liberate the energy in powerful blasts of lighting and use it as a conduit.SuperSpeed: Zeri can wrap her body in electricity, increasing her speed many times over.Electric conduit:Zeri can infuse certain objects with her electric power, empowering them and improving their performance.
• Electricity Magic:Zeri can generate and manipulate electricity for several purposes, she can liberate the energy in powerful blasts of lighting and use it as a conduit.SuperSpeed: Zeri can wrap her body in electricity, increasing her speed many times over.Electric conduit:Zeri can infuse certain objects with her electric power, empowering them and improving their performance.
• SuperSpeed: Zeri can wrap her body in electricity, increasing her speed many times over.
• Electric conduit:Zeri can infuse certain objects with her electric power, empowering them and improving their performance.
Both Zeri andEkkoare teenage residents of Zaun, and became friends after Zeri freed a group of hostages, including Ekko's parents, from a warehouse.
InConvergencea note, implied to be from Zeri, can be seen for Ekko in one of theJournalsabout savingBlitzcrankagain and their mothers talking about a potluck, saying she'll bring the ube ice cream he enjoys.
Both share their dislike for Pilties. The only difference is while Ekko is implied to be a fan ofSeraphine, Zeri doesn't really like her as much, saying that her songs aren't enough to inspire change.
Zeri andBlitzcrankhave had several run-ins before, with Blitz helping her climb a clocktower and Zeri having to save him from Chem-Punks on several occasions.
It's implied Zeri has had encounters withJinxbefore, mostly involving Zeri dodging Jinx's rockets.
Read More
The Spark of Zaun
ByMichael Luo
Starring Champion
Short Story
The Unexpected Spark
ByMichael Luo
"I can’t accept this,"
Mentioned:Inna,Renata Glasc,Wyeth
Mentioned Champion
ByDouble Stallion Games
Rewind the Past, Control the Future - Explore and traverse through the spectacular city of Zaun as Ekko, a young inventor with an ingenious device to manipulate time, in this story-driven action platformer. Play as a young Ekko and realize the full potential of one of League’s fan-favorite Champions.
Starring:Aximander,Camille,Chadd,Corin Reveck,Corina Veraza,Drake Poingdestre,Ekko,Elie,Inna,Jinx,Lem,Red,Rungs,Vale Poingdestre,Warwick,Wyeth,Zarkon Poingdestre
Mentioned:Ashlesh,Azir,Blitzcrank,Darius,Dr. Mundo,Eramis,Evil Kay,Farron,Fiddlesticks,Janna,Jayce,Kay,Nasus,Orianna,Renata Glasc,Seraphine,Shomi,Singed,Twitch,Urgot,Vi,Viktor,Zac,Zeri,Ziggs
• Zeri's gun doesn't actually have a trigger or magazine, as her mother designed it to be powered by her electricity.
Change log[]
See also[] | Name: Living Battery, Description: Innate: Zeri generates 1 charge for every 40 units she travels by any means and 10 charge every time she casts Burst Fire , up to a maximum of 100 charge. Her basic attacks consume charge to deal modified damage. Zeri gains maximum charge when the game starts and upon respawning . Basic Attack: Zeri zaps the target, applying spell effects as spell damage , and triggering on-cast effects. This cannot critically strike nor trigger on-hit and on-attack effects. At full charge, Zeri's next attack is empowered to consume all charge to deal 90 − 200 (based on level) (+ 110% AP) (+ 1% − 15% (based on level) of target's maximum health) magic damage . The damage based on the target's health ratio is capped at 300 against monsters . While not at full charge, Zeri's attacks deal 10 − 25 (based on level) (+ 3% AP) magic damage , and execute targets below 60 − 150 (based on level) (+ 18% AP) health . Each attack consumes 10 charge if she has enough already. Link ▶️ "Electrocute!", {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputUnit', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'See Notes', 'parries': 'Bypass', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Charged attacks only deal thebasedamage tostructures.', 'Uncharged attacks do not execute enemies that areshieldedorinvulnerablewhile below the health threshold.', 'Spell shieldwill only block a fully charged attack. Uncharged attacks are not blocked.', "The attack's range isnotincreased from attack range increases (Rapid Firecannon,Lethal Tempo). Instead,Burst Fire'sreach is.", "Uncharged and charged attacks triggerTear of the Goddess'Mana Charge.", 'The empowered attack will trigger but not be consumed againstwards.']} | Name: Burst Fire, Description: Active: Zeri fires a burst of 7 rounds in the target direction that each deal physical damage to the first enemy hit. Total Physical Damage: 15 / 17 / 19 / 21 / 23 (+ 104 / 108 / 112 / 116 / 120% AD) Physical Damage per Hit: 2. 14 / 2. 43 / 2. 71 / 3 / 3. 29 (+ 14. 86 / 15. 43 / 16 / 16. 57 / 17. 14 % AD) Burst Fire's projectile is treated as a basic attack : it hits any enemy unit a typical basic attack can; deals basic damage ; can critically strike for (75% + 45% ) bonus damage; and applies on-hit and on-attack effects at 100% effectiveness to the first enemy hit. Burst Fire's cooldown and cast time are reduced with attack speed , with the maximum of 1. 5 attacks per second. 70% of attack speed in excess of the cap is converted into bonus attack damage ., STATIC COOLDOWN: STATICCOOLDOWN:1 ÷Zeri'sattack speed, {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputDirection', 'damage_type': 'Physical', 'spell_shield': 'Not Blocked', 'parries': 'See Notes', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Map-Specific Differences', 'Burst Fireis automatically learned with her first skill point upon spawning.', "Any ofBurst Fire'srounds hitting a champion will draw minion aggro, regardless of whether or not other targets were hit first byBurst Fire'srounds.A lightning chain from aLightning CrashempoweredBurst Firewill not draw minion aggro.", 'A lightning chain from aLightning CrashempoweredBurst Firewill not draw minion aggro.', "Burst Firedoes not triggerTear of the Goddess'Mana Charge.", "Burst Fire'scooldown is not reduced byNavori Quickblades'Transcendenceand its damage is not amplified byImpermanence.", "Amumu'sTantrum's,Fizz'sNimble Fighter's, andLeona'sEclipse'sflat damage reduction apply toeachof the 7 instances of damage fromBurst Fire.Warden's Mail'sflat damage reduction and cap only apply to the first instance of damage.Guardian's Horn'sflat damage reduction only applies to the first instance of damage, but handles it as damage-over-time (reduced to 25% effectiveness).", "Warden's Mail'sflat damage reduction and cap only apply to the first instance of damage.", "Guardian's Horn'sflat damage reduction only applies to the first instance of damage, but handles it as damage-over-time (reduced to 25% effectiveness).", "Burst Firestill counts as an ability activation for the purposes of on-cast effects such as triggeringForce Pulse'spassive.It doesnotcount as an ability activation forSpellblade.", 'It doesnotcount as an ability activation forSpellblade.', "Burst Firecan hitallenemy units that a basic attack would be able to target. This does includejungle plants,structures, andwards.Wards will only be hit once byBurst Fire.Stealthed wards and trapswill not be hit.Champion-summoned units behave differently depending on the unit.Gangplank'sPowder KegandYorick’sDark Processionare hit only once byBurst Fire, and any subsequent rounds not empowered bySpark Surgewill stop upon reaching the same object.Kalista’sSentinelis hit only once byBurst Fire, but any subsequent rounds will continue to travel through theSentinel.", 'Wards will only be hit once byBurst Fire.Stealthed wards and trapswill not be hit.', "Champion-summoned units behave differently depending on the unit.Gangplank'sPowder KegandYorick’sDark Processionare hit only once byBurst Fire, and any subsequent rounds not empowered bySpark Surgewill stop upon reaching the same object.Kalista’sSentinelis hit only once byBurst Fire, but any subsequent rounds will continue to travel through theSentinel.", "Gangplank'sPowder KegandYorick’sDark Processionare hit only once byBurst Fire, and any subsequent rounds not empowered bySpark Surgewill stop upon reaching the same object.", 'Kalista’sSentinelis hit only once byBurst Fire, but any subsequent rounds will continue to travel through theSentinel.', 'IfBurst Firehits an enemy whileZeriis not visible to enemies, the area around her (400 units) will be revealed for 4.5seconds.', 'Burst Firerollscritical strikefor all rounds as well as the additional physical damage dealt whenZeriisOvercharged.', 'Burst Fireis parried bydodgeandblock.BlindcausesBurst Fireto cast in a random direction. The rounds will still deal damage to enemies hit.', 'BlindcausesBurst Fireto cast in a random direction. The rounds will still deal damage to enemies hit.', "Burst Fire'srounds are each fired in the target direction from whereZeriis at the time.", 'Onlyattack speed granted by beingOverchargedcan exceed the cap of 1.5.Hail of BladesandLethal Tempodo not allowZerito exceed her attack speed cap.', 'Hail of BladesandLethal Tempodo not allowZerito exceed her attack speed cap.', 'Items and runes that trigger off of attacking [egFleet Footwork,Phantom Dancer] will only trigger ifBurst Firehits a unit.', 'If Zeri would get fullEnergizedstacks from aBurst Fire, the rest of the rounds will trigger Energized.', "Burst Fire'scast-indicator does not showrangeincreases; modified range VFX are still visible around the champion model.", 'Burst Firecan apply the effect ofHorizon Focuswhen the enemy hit is within the last 50 units of this ability.(bug)', 'Burst Fireuses a modified icon when empowered bySpark Surge() andLightning Crash() as well as both ().', 'Zeriwill start the game with one point already ranked inBurst Fire!, allowing her to allocate the other two to her other abilities.']} | Name: Ultrashock Laser, Description: Active: Zeri fires an electric pulse in the target direction that deals physical damage to the first enemy hit and slows them for 2 seconds. If the pulse hits terrain , it transforms into a laser in a line that grants sight of the area for 1. 75 seconds and fires after 0. 85 seconds, applying the same effects to enemies hit and critically striking for (75% + 45% ) bonus damage against champions and monsters . Physical Damage: 20 / 60 / 100 / 140 / 180 (+ 130% AD) (+ 25% AP) Slow: 30 / 35 / 40 / 45 / 50%, {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputDirection', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Appliesspell damagefor the pulse andarea damagefor the laser.', 'The pulse missile is blocked byprojectile-interceptioneffects but not the laser.', 'Ultrashock Laserinteracts withplayer-generated terrain.', 'This ability will cast from wherever the caster is at the start of the cast time.']} | Name: Spark Surge, Description: Active: Zeri dashes in the target direction. She will dash farther across terrain if Spark Surge was cast within 50 units of any, gaining unobstructed vision of the surrounding 800 units and revealing herself while there are enemy champions within 1500 units of her. Afterwards, she gains Lightning Rounds for 5 seconds, empowering Burst Fire to deal bonus magic damage to the first enemy hit, increased by 0% − 85% (based on critical strike chance) , and pierce through enemies, though dealing modified damage after the first and not applying attack effects nor life steal to secondary targets. This damage is affected by critical strike modifiers. Burst Fire Bonus Magic Damage: 20 / 22 / 24 / 26 / 28 (+ 12% bonus AD) (+ 20% AP) Burst Fire Modified Secondary Damage: 80 / 85 / 90 / 95 / 100% Spark Surge's current cooldown is reduced by 0. 5 seconds for every champion Zeri hits with charged basic attacks or abilities, increased to 1. 5 seconds if she does so with a cast of Burst Fire or Ultrashock Laser that critically strikes . Spark Surge resets Zeri's basic attack timer and Burst Fire's cooldown. Ultrashock Laser and Lightning Crash can be cast during the dash. Link ▶️ "Gotta zip!", {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputDirection', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', "Spark Surge'sextended dash travels based on the thickness of the terrain, up to a maximum distance.", 'Death']} | Name: Lightning Crash, Description: Active: Zeri discharges an electric nova that deals magic damage to nearby enemies. If this hits at least one enemy champion, she enters Overcharged for 5 seconds. Hitting an enemy champion with an ability or charged basic attack will extend the duration by 1. 5 seconds, up to its original duration. Magic Damage: 175 / 275 / 375 (+ 85% bonus AD) (+ 110% AP) Overcharged: Zeri gains 30% bonus attack speed and 10% bonus movement speed . Burst Fire is empowered to have a 20% shorter cast time and instead fire 3 rounds that travel with increased speed and chain to the nearest visible enemy within 650 units of the target, up to 4 subsequent targets, to deal 25% AD physical damage . This damage can critically strike for (18. 75 % + 11. 25 % ) AD bonus physical damage . During Overcharged , Zeri can generate stacks of Hypercharged from enemy champions that last 1. 5 seconds. She generates 1 stack for each one she hits with an ability or charged basic attack, increased to 3 on abilities that critically strike . Subsequent hits refresh the duration of Hypercharged . Burst Fire grants stacks only against the first target hit. Hypercharged: For each stack, Zeri gains 0. 5 % bonus movement speed . Link ▶️ "Lightning crash!", {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputAuto', 'damage_type': 'Physical/Magic', 'spell_shield': 'See Notes', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', "Zerican move duringLightning Crash'scast time, and it does not interrupt her previous orders.", 'Zerican stackOverchargeup to 100,000 times.', 'Appliesarea damagefor the nova andproc damagefor the bonus magic damage and physical damage.', "Spell shieldblocksLightning Crash'sinitial nova but does not preventZerifrom becomingOvercharged.It does not blockBurst Fire'selectricity chain.", "It does not blockBurst Fire'selectricity chain.", 'Clonescount for grantingOvercharge.', "Lightning Crash'sandSpark Surge'sempowerments toBurst Firecan combine together.", 'Burst Fireelectricity chain will not chain across structures.', 'IfZerientersresurrectionduringOvercharge, she will lose all stacks of the effect butOverchargewill not end prematurely.(bug)She cannot gain stacks again after reviving while the buff is active.(bug)', 'She cannot gain stacks again after reviving while the buff is active.(bug)', 'This ability will cast from wherever the caster is at the end of the cast time.']} | WhenZeriandEkkoare on the same team, they gain a buff namedZaunite Ingenuity, which reads"Kids from theundercitystick together."
Zeri's splash was different upon release. After a few days it was edited to show a darker skintone, smaller and more detailed eyes, among other changes.Gif comparison.
She is the only champion with 0 point at a skill by the client classification.In this case, her Utility rating is 0. |
Ziggs,the Hexplosives Expert | | | health: Health606+106, resource: Mana480+23.5, health regen: Health regen. (per 5s)6.5+0.6, resource regen: Mana regen. (per 5s)8+0.8, armor: Armor18+4.5, attack damage: Attack damage55+3.1, attack speed: Base AS0.656, gameplay radius: Gameplay radius55, selection radius: Selection radius100, release: 2012-02-01, changed: V13.23, role: Artillery, position: MiddleBottomSupport, rangetype: Ranged, adaptivetype: Magic, cost: 4800|880 | InDev Update - Champs, Lore & More, Laura 'poisonpixxi' DeYoung, Head of IP Creative for Riot Games, elaborated on their new approach to narrative cohesiveness by ironing out any inconsistencies that have sprung up over the years.
This article contains information that conflicts with this new narrative and will most likely be changed/moved in the following year(s).
ZiggsMainScientistGlamouredTitlesReal nameZigmundAlias(es)The Hexplosives ExpertThe Dean of DemolitionsCharacteristicsSpeciesYordlePronoun(s)He/HimTimelineBorn:UnknownWeapon(s)Bouncing BombSatchel ChargeHexplosive MinefieldMega Inferno BombPersonal statusStatusAlivePlace of originBandle CityCurrent residenceZaunProfessional statusOccupation(s)ScientistInventorOwner of Heimerdinger's Pyrotecnic ProvisionsRegion(s)ZaunPiltoverRelated character(s)HeimerdingerRumbleVeigarJinx
• Main
• Scientist
• Glamoured
Real name
• The Hexplosives Expert
• The Dean of Demolitions
• Born:Unknown
• Bouncing Bomb
• Satchel Charge
• Hexplosive Minefield
• Mega Inferno Bomb
Personal status
Place of origin
Current residence
Professional status
• Scientist
• Inventor
• Owner of Heimerdinger's Pyrotecnic Provisions
• Zaun
• Piltover
Related character(s)
With a love of big bombs and short fuses, theyordleZiggsis an explosive force of nature. As an inventor's assistant inPiltover, he was bored by his predictable life and befriended a mad, blue-haired bomber namedJinx. After a wild night on the town, Ziggs took her advice and moved toZaun, where he now explores his fascinations more freely, terrorizing the chem-barons and regular citizens alike in his never ending quest to blow stuff up.
• 1Background1.1Early Life
• 2Appearance
• 3Personality
• 4Abilities
• 5Relations5.1Jinx5.2Heimerdinger
• 6Read More6.1Biography6.2Starring Champion6.3Mentioned Champion6.4Alternate Universes
• 7Trivia
• 8Change log
• 9References
• 10See also
• 1.1Early Life
• 5.1Jinx
• 5.2Heimerdinger
• 6.1Biography
• 6.2Starring Champion
• 6.3Mentioned Champion
• 6.4Alternate Universes
Early Life[]
Ziggs was born with a talent for tinkering, but his chaotic, hyperactive nature was unusual among yordle scientists. Aspiring to be a revered inventor like Heimerdinger, he rattled through ambitious projects with manic zeal, emboldened by both his explosive failures and his unprecedented discoveries. Word of Ziggs' volatile experimentation reached the famed Yordle Academy in Piltover and its esteemed professors invited him to demonstrate his craft. His characteristic disregard for safety brought the presentation to an early conclusion, however, when the hextech engine Ziggs was demonstrating overheated and exploded, blowing a huge hole in the wall of the Academy. The professors dusted themselves off and sternly motioned for him to leave. Devastated, Ziggs prepared to return to Bandle City in shame. However, before he could leave, a group of Zaunite agents infiltrated the Academy and kidnapped the professors. The Piltover military tracked the captives to a Zaunite prison, but their weapons were incapable of destroying the fortified walls. Determined to outdo them, Ziggs began experimenting on a new kind of armament, and quickly realized that he could harness his accidental gift for demolition to save the captured yordles.
Before long, Ziggs had created a line of powerful bombs he lovingly dubbed ''hexplosives.'' With his new creations ready for their first trial, Ziggs traveled to Zaun and sneaked into the prison compound. He launched a gigantic bomb at the prison and watched with glee as the explosion tore through the reinforced wall. Once the smoke had cleared, Ziggs scuttled into the facility, sending guards running with a hail of bombs. He rushed to the cell, blew the door off its hinges, and led the captive yordles to freedom. Upon returning to the Academy, the humbled professors recognized Ziggs with an honorary title - Dean of Demolitions. Vindicated at last, Ziggs accepted the proposal, eager to bring his ever-expanding range of hexplosives to greater Valoran.
Like all yordles he is the size of a dwarf has cat like ears, and a beige like colored fur. He wears armor with goggles with green lenses, and has a giant bomb on his back.
If the grin didn't get through to anyone he is a wild, and chaotic force of nature who has a passion for 2 things, bombs and explosions and refers to it as art than science. Despite his chaotic nature, he won't let children get hurt, and will do so by putting himself in harms way, and he doesn't kill anyone on purpose.
• Yordle Physiology:Ziggs is a Yordle, a being coming from theSpirit Realmand possesses several abilities natural of his species.Immortality:Being spiritual beings, Yordles don't age the same way as normal humans, and they can't normally die.Yordle Magic:Just like anyYordle, Ziggs is capable of performing yordle magic, which he utilizes in tandem with his skills as a scientists and inventor.
• Immortality:Being spiritual beings, Yordles don't age the same way as normal humans, and they can't normally die.
• Yordle Magic:Just like anyYordle, Ziggs is capable of performing yordle magic, which he utilizes in tandem with his skills as a scientists and inventor.
Ziggs is quiteterrifiedofJinx(she constantly wants to hug him). Jinx believes he is a product of her imagination, more specifically talking, her conscience. After a night of mischiefs with her all aroundPiltover, Ziggs now lives with her inZaun.
Ziggs seesHeimerdingeras his idol and used to work for him before going to Zaun with Jinx.
Read More
The Hexplosives Expert
By [[]]
Starring Champion
Beyond the Bandlewood (Video)
In this episode, Ava’s on a mission to prove herself… but she’ll need a little help.
Short Story
Bombs: A Tribute
ByAbigail Harvey
Okay, Zaun. I’m here, I’m fuzzy, and I’m ready to explode stuff.
Paint the Town
ByAnthony Burch,Fabio Moon,Dave Stewart
Oh, they say I'm crazy -- they say that Yordles would be easy to spot in a city such as ours, what with their fuzzy countenances and diminutive stature. But I've heard rumors that they have invented some sort of magical charms that make these abominations appear no different from you or I. But don't be fooled! No matter how adorable they may seem, these mischievous creatures will bring our city of Piltover to ruin! If I were so moved, I'd say they're an even bigger threat than those lunatic terrorists from Zaun! But I'm getting ahead of myself. Our story starts in a small pyrotechnics shop in Piltover, run by two unnervingly fuzzy gentlemen...
Mentioned Champion
ByDouble Stallion Games
Rewind the Past, Control the Future - Explore and traverse through the spectacular city of Zaun as Ekko, a young inventor with an ingenious device to manipulate time, in this story-driven action platformer. Play as a young Ekko and realize the full potential of one of League’s fan-favorite Champions.
Starring:Aximander,Camille,Chadd,Corin Reveck,Corina Veraza,Drake Poingdestre,Ekko,Elie,Inna,Jinx,Lem,Red,Rungs,Vale Poingdestre,Warwick,Wyeth,Zarkon Poingdestre
Mentioned:Ashlesh,Azir,Blitzcrank,Darius,Dr. Mundo,Eramis,Evil Kay,Farron,Fiddlesticks,Janna,Jayce,Kay,Nasus,Orianna,Renata Glasc,Seraphine,Shomi,Singed,Twitch,Urgot,Vi,Viktor,Zac,Zeri,Ziggs
Alternate Universes
A Snowdown Snowtale
The Poro King sends a young poro on an urgent mission: find the one with the magnificent mustache to save Snowdown!
Hextech Mayhem
ByChoice Provisions
Music Video
By Numerous creators
Since its inception, Worlds has grown and evolved. Each unbelievable play and phenomenal match created moments and memories that will never be forgotten. In these iconic moments, players and teams reached for something incredible within themselves and brought it to life on the Summoner’s Rift...
Starring:Aatrox,Ahri,Alistar,Anivia,Annie,Ashe,Brand,Caitlyn,Darius,Draven,Elise,Ezreal,Gnar,Janna,Jax,Jayce,Jinx,Kassadin,Katarina,Kennen,Kha'Zix,Lulu,Orianna,Rek'Sai,Rengar,Rumble,Ryze,Shen,Sivir,Tahm Kench,Teemo,Twisted Fate,Yasuo,Ziggs
Return to the Stars
Starring:Aurelion Sol,Bard,Cassiopeia,Gnar,Illaoi,Kog'Maw,Nautilus,Nocturne,Teemo,Urgot,Vayne,Viktor,Ziggs
Academy Adventures: Series 1
ByGutter Rat
Mentioned:Akali,Amumu,Anivia,Azir,Bard,Blitzcrank,Braum,Cho'Gath,Elise,Ezreal,Fiddlesticks,Fiora,Gnar,Heimerdinger,Ivern,Jhin,Jinx,Karthus,Kog'Maw,Lulu,Lux,Malzahar,Miss Fortune,Nidalee,Olaf,Poppy,Rek'Sai,Renekton,Rumble,Ryze,Shaco,Shen,Sion,Sona,Soraka,Talon,Taric,Teemo,Tristana,Trundle,Twitch,Urgot,Varus,Veigar,Vel'Koz,Vi,Yorick,Zed,Ziggs,Zyra
Academy Adventures: Series 2
ByGutter Rat
Mentioned:Amumu,Anivia,Annie,Ashe,Aurelion Sol,Braum,Caitlyn,Cho'Gath,Dr. Mundo,Draven,Elise,Ezreal,Fiddlesticks,Fizz,Galio,Gnar,Heimerdinger,Janna,Jhin,Jinx,Kog'Maw,Lulu,Lux,Malphite,Malzahar,Miss Fortune,Nami,Nasus,Olaf,Poppy,Rakan,Rammus,Rek'Sai,Riven,Rumble,Ryze,Shaco,Singed,Sona,Soraka,Syndra,Taliyah,Talon,Taric,Teemo,Thresh,Tibbers,Tristana,Twitch,Urgot,Varus,Veigar,Volibear,Warwick,Wukong,Xayah,Yasuo,Yorick,Zac,Zed,Ziggs,Zyra
Academy Adventures: Series 3
ByGutter Rat
Music Video
Get Jinxed
ByAgnete Kjølsrud,Christian Linke
Jinx's dreams come alive in a hexplosive sequence packed with bombs and bullets and her unique take on fun.
Mac Client Available
Starring:Dr. Mundo
Mentioned:Amumu,Ashe,Caitlyn,Ezreal,Fizz,Gragas,Graves,Katarina,Master Yi,Miss Fortune,Mordekaiser,Orianna,Riven,Ryze,Singed,Soraka,Viktor,Zac,Ziggs
Punches and Plants: Series 1
Mentioned:Ahri,Alistar,Annie,Ashe,Blitzcrank,Brand,Braum,Caitlyn,Darius,Diana,Dr. Mundo,Ekko,Evelynn,Ezreal,Gangplank,Garen,Gnar,Gragas,Graves,Heimerdinger,Janna,Jinx,Karma,Katarina,Leona,Lucian,Malzahar,Miss Fortune,Nami,Nasus,Nunu,Quinn,Renekton,Rumble,Ryze,Sejuani,Sivir,Sona,Soraka,Tahm Kench,Taliyah,Taric,Teemo,Tibbers,Trundle,Tryndamere,Twisted Fate,Twitch,Valor,Varus,Vel'Koz,Vladimir,Volibear,Warwick,Willump,Wukong,Zac,Ziggs
Punches and Plants: Series 2
Mentioned:Aatrox,Ahri,Alistar,Amumu,Annie,Aurelion Sol,Azir,Bard,Blitzcrank,Caitlyn,Cho'Gath,Diana,Draven,Ekko,Ezreal,Fizz,Galio,Gnar,Graves,Heimerdinger,Jayce,Kha'Zix,Kog'Maw,Leona,Lucian,Lux,Malphite,Maokai,Miss Fortune,Nasus,Nautilus,Nidalee,Olaf,Orianna,Poppy,Quinn,Rakan,Renekton,Riven,Rumble,Shaco,Taric,Teemo,Tibbers,Tristana,Trundle,Udyr,Valor,Vel'Koz,Viktor,Volibear,Warwick,Wukong,Xayah,Xin Zhao,Yasuo,Ziggs
Music Video
By Numerous creators
Reaching the peak takes more than skill. Only those with the ambition to RISE above all others will know its height.
Starring: N/A
Mentioned:Akali,Ashe,Braum,Darius,Ekko,Ezreal,Fiora,Garen,Gnar,Jarvan IV,Jax,Jinx,Kalista,Kennen,Kha'Zix,Leona,Lux,Master Yi,Olaf,Poppy,Rakan,Riven,Ryze,Sejuani,Swain,Taliyah,Thresh,Tryndamere,Vayne,Xayah,Yasuo,Zed,Ziggs
The Tale of the Poro King
By Numerous creators
Starring: N/A
Mentioned:Aatrox,Akali,Ashe,Aurelion Sol,Azir,Braum,Caitlyn,Cho'Gath,Darius,Diana,Draven,Ezreal,Gnar,Illaoi,Janna,Jarvan IV,Jayce,Kai'Sa,Karma,Karthus,Katarina,Kayle,Kayn,Kennen,Kha'Zix,Lee Sin,Leona,Lulu,Lux,Malzahar,Miss Fortune,Nunu,Ornn,Pantheon,Pyke,Rammus,Rek'Sai,Rhaast,Ryze,Sejuani,Shen,Sion,Sivir,Soraka,Sylas,Syndra,Taliyah,Talon,Taric,Thresh,Tristana,Trundle,Udyr,Vi,Volibear,Willump,Yasuo,Zed,Ziggs,Zoe
Welcome Aboard
Consider this your invite to join the greatest crew in the galaxy.
• In the old lore, Ziggs became the Dean of Demolitions forPiltover'sYordleAcademy of Science and Progress after he rescuedHeimerdingerand its other professors from aZauniteprison.
Change log[]
See also[] | Name: Short Fuse, Description: Innate: Periodically, Ziggs empowers his next basic attack to deal 20 − 160 (based on level) (+ 50% AP) bonus magic damage , 「 increased by 150% against structures . 」 「 increased to 50 − 400 (based on level) (+ 125% AP) against structures . 」 Short Fuse's cooldown is reduced by 4 / 5 / 6 (based on level) seconds whenever Ziggs casts an ability ., STATIC COOLDOWN: STATICCOOLDOWN:12, {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputPassive', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'Not Blocked', 'parries': 'Missing', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Map-Specific Differences', 'The empowered attack will not trigger againstwards.', "PENDING FOR TEST::Short Fuse'sinteractions withdodging,blocking, andblindingeffects.", 'AP ratio changed to65% AP.']} | Name: Bouncing Bomb, Description: Active: Ziggs throws a bomb to the target location that bounces forward up to two times, the distance traveled each time being based on how far it was originally thrown. The bomb explodes upon landing near an enemy, within terrain, or the final bounce, dealing magic damage to nearby enemies. Magic Damage: 85 / 135 / 185 / 235 / 285 (+ 65% AP) Bouncing Bomb will cast at max range if cast beyond that., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputLocation', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Map-Specific Differences', 'Bouncing Bombcan be thrown or bounce over units/terrain.', 'Spell shieldwill block the damage of the explosion, but the explosion can still damage other targets in the radius.', 'Ziggswill throw the bomb from his location at the end of the cast time, towards thepre-clampedcast location, causing the bounces to adjust their angle accordingly.', 'Base damage changed to 125 / 175 / 225 / 275 / 325.', 'AP ratio changed to75% AP.']} | Name: Satchel Charge, Description: Active: Ziggs hurls a charge to the target location, remaining there for 4 seconds and granting sight of the area. Satchel Charge can be recast within the duration, and does so automatically afterwards. If recast while in flight, the charge will explode immediately upon landing. Recast: Ziggs detonates the charge, causing it to explode to deal magic damage to nearby enemies and knock them back up to 500 units away from the center of the explosion, though not through terrain. If this hits Ziggs , he will dash up to 825 units away from the center. Magic Damage: 70 / 105 / 140 / 175 / 210 (+ 50% AP) Turret Explosion: The explosion also executes enemy turrets within that are below a maximum health threshold. Demolition Threshold: 25 / 27. 5 / 30 / 32. 5 / 35% of turret's maximum health Ziggs does not dash if he is immobilized or grounded . He can cast any of his abilities during the dash., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputLocation/Auto', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Map-Specific Differences', "The initial cast counts as an ability activation for the purposes of on-cast effects such asSpellbladeand triggeringForce Pulse'spassive.Detonating the ability manually does not.", 'Detonating the ability manually does not.', 'Dealsarea damageto non-turrets andraw damageto turrets.', "Satchel Charge'sdistance increases with proximity to the charge, resulting in being knocked straight up when aligned directly on top of it.", "Ziggswill notdashfromSatchel Charge'sdetonation whileTeleportingbut he will whileRecalling.", 'Cooldown changed to 14 / 13 / 12 / 11 / 10 seconds.']} | Name: Hexplosive Minefield, Description: Active: Ziggs scatters a cluster of 11 proximity mines over the target location that grant sight of the area for 2 seconds, arming after 0. 5 seconds and lasting for up to 10 seconds. Each mine within the area explodes upon contact with terrain or an enemy, dealing magic damage and slowing them for 1. 5 seconds, as well as granting sight of the area around the explosion for 2 seconds. An enemy takes 40% damage from subsequent mines. Magic Damage per Mine: 30 / 70 / 110 / 150 / 190 (+ 30% AP) Reduced Damage per Mine: 12 / 28 / 44 / 60 / 76 (+ 12% AP) Maximum Total Magic Damage: 150 / 350 / 550 / 750 / 950 (+ 150% AP) Slow: 10 / 20 / 30 / 40 / 50%, {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputLocation', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'See Notes', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Map-Specific Differences', 'The mine cluster is built of 2 rings, with 3 mines in the inner ring (radius pending for test) and 8 mines on the other ring (200 radius), all equally spaced.The angular offset is randomized on each cast.Because of the135 detonation radius of each mine, the total possible range of a mine from the minefield hitting an enemy from the cast location is335 units. It will often be slightly less as the minefield is not guaranteed to be angled the right way for this.', 'The angular offset is randomized on each cast.', 'Because of the135 detonation radius of each mine, the total possible range of a mine from the minefield hitting an enemy from the cast location is335 units. It will often be slightly less as the minefield is not guaranteed to be angled the right way for this.', 'Mines will not explode upon contact withplayer-generated terrain.', 'Spell shieldwill block the effects of a single detonation.', 'Now affected by +30 ability haste.', 'AP ratio changed to40% AP.', 'Slow changed to 30 / 40 / 50 / 60 / 70%.']} | Name: Mega Inferno Bomb, Description: Active: Ziggs catapults the Mega Inferno Bomb to the target location, granting sight within a 600 radius around its destination for 4 seconds. The bomb explodes upon arrival to deal magic damage to enemies hit, increased by 50% against those in the epicenter. Magic Damage: 200 / 300 / 400 (+ 73. 3 3 % AP) Increased Damage: 300 / 450 / 600 (+ 110% AP) Link ▶️ "I bring the Big One!", {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputLocation', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Map-Specific Differences', "Allies cannot seeMega Inferno Bomb'sarea indicator until shortly before the blast.", 'Mega Inferno Bombtakes 2.64seconds from the start of the cast time to land whenZiggscasts at maximum range (reduced to 1.617seconds from the start of the cast time when casting within2700units).When cast within 2700 units,Mega Inferno Bombhas a fixed travel time. Beyond that, the travel time is equal to the cast distance divided by the now-fixed missile speed.', 'When cast within 2700 units,Mega Inferno Bombhas a fixed travel time. Beyond that, the travel time is equal to the cast distance divided by the now-fixed missile speed.', 'The area reveal on the target location begins as soon as the cast time is completed and can see intobrushand across terrain.', 'Base damage changed to 250 / 400 / 550.', 'AP ratio changed to85% AP.']} | Ziggs is the first (so far only) champion to have all his abilities (except innates) be the same type (ground-targeted area of effect).
Ziggs is one of the few champions that can apply crowd control on themselves (the others beingCaitlyn,Lissandra,Rumble,Sion,Varus,ViandXerath).
Ziggs' dance references'Midget Superstar'.A side-by-side comparison can be seenhere.
Ziggs was anicknamefor RioterJoe 'Hephastopheles' Ziegler.
Heimerdingerreveals that Ziggs's full name isZigmund, fromProto-Germanic*segiz"victory" &*mundō"protection";[2]the latter element is shared withDr. Mundo.
Ziggs andNautiluswere first conceived as 'Ivanthe Mad Bomber'.
Hexplosive Minefieldwas conceived as Ziggs' ultimate (was later replaced byMega Inferno Bomb)Mega Inferno Bomb'sicon references anuclear weapon.
Ziggs seems to be the mascot forfeatured game modes.This is evident from his likeness being used onnumeroussummonericonsthat represent or commemorate them, as well as having histeaser picturebe the base for the promotional artforalotofthesegamemodes.
A prop of Ziggs'Hexplosive Bombwas crafted in an episode of YouTube seriesDIY Prop Shop.This video can be viewedhere.There are also videos where the following are crafted:Diana'sCrescent Moonblade(functional)Katarina'sDaggers(functional)Leona'sZenith Blade(functional)Master Yi's'Highlander' Ring Sword(functional)Poppy'sHammer of Orlon(functional)Yasuo's'Last Breath' Sword(functional)
The icon forSatchel Chargeis reused for theTeamfight TacticsitemDemolitionist's Charge. |
Zilean,the Chronokeeper | | | health: Health574+96, resource: Mana452+50, health regen: Health regen. (per 5s)5.5+0.5, resource regen: Mana regen. (per 5s)11.35+0.8, armor: Armor24+5, attack damage: Attack damage52+3, attack speed: Base AS0.658, gameplay radius: Gameplay radius65, selection radius: Selection radius135, release: 2009-04-18, changed: V13.22, role: Specialist, position: SupportMiddle, rangetype: Ranged, adaptivetype: Magic, cost: 1350|585 | Games
ZileanMainCurrent 1Current 2TitlesReal nameZilean Icath'unAlias(es)The ChronokeeperCounselor ZileanCharacteristicsSpeciesHuman(Magical)Pronoun(s)He/HimTimelineBorn:2600 BN - 2570 BNWeapon(s)Time MagicPersonal statusStatusAlivePlace of originIcathia(Ancient Times)Current residenceZilean's Tower(Outside Time)Professional statusOccupation(s)Elemental Mage(Time)CounselorRegion(s)RuneterraIcathiaShurimaRelated character(s)AatroxJaxVel'Koz
• Main
• Current 1
• Current 2
Real name
• The Chronokeeper
• Counselor Zilean
• Born:2600 BN - 2570 BN
Personal status
Place of origin
Current residence
Professional status
• Elemental Mage(Time)
• Counselor
• Runeterra
• Icathia
• Shurima
Related character(s)
Once a member ofIcathia'sgoverning council,Zileanis a prodigious elemental mage who seeks mastery over time itself. After using his powers in an attempt to save his people from theVoid, he now drifts through the past, present, and future, bending and warping the flow of time around him. Zilean has traveled fromRuneterra'smysterious creation, all the way to its seemingly inevitable ending, searching tirelessly for any strand of fate that might undo his homeland's destruction.
• 1Background1.1Early Life1.2Fall of Icathia
• 2Appearance
• 3Personality
• 4Abilities
• 5Relations5.1Jax
• 6Read More6.1Biography6.2Starring Champion6.3Mentioned Champion6.4Alternate Universes
• 7Trivia
• 8Change log
• 9References
• 10See also
• 1.1Early Life
• 1.2Fall of Icathia
• 5.1Jax
• 6.1Biography
• 6.2Starring Champion
• 6.3Mentioned Champion
• 6.4Alternate Universes
Early Life[]
Zilean was born and raised inIcathia, becoming an elemental mage with an exsquisite knowledge of physical reality. He studied under many great minds of the time, including the Yun ofIxtal. He spent much of his time trying to master the element of time, but could not find success.
Fall of Icathia[]
When he was a young man, Zilean was appointed to Icathia's governing council of distinguished mages, philosophers, and lawmakers. Now in a political establishment, Zilean realized that discontentment was growing among the people of Icathia. Despite being part of the empire ofShurima, the Icathians were not treated as equals by their superiors. As such, many considered secession. However, Zilean knew that Icathia would lose any battle, as Shurima's power eclipsed that of Icathia, withAscendedsoldiers being Shurima's strongest weapons.
After coming back from a diplomatic voyage in which he had failed to convince Icathia's allies to support their secession, Zilean found out that his fellow mages had found a way to harness the power ofThe Void. While he warned against it, the mages ignored his warnings and tried to use the harnessed power in battle. The magic of The Void overpowered the mages that used it and spread through Icathia. As Icathia was swallowed into The Void, Zilean gathered as many people into his tower as possible before removing the tower and all of its inhabitants from time. Everyone and everything that Zilean had removed, save for Zilean himself, was frozen in time. Zilean learned to control the anomaly that he made, learning to move through the past and present, attempting to succeed in his efforts. But as he attempted to do this, he found out thatRuneterrawas in danger of being completely destroyed.
Resolving to save the world from this fate, Zilean left his anomaly and began his quest to save Runeterra.
Zilean is an elderly pale man. His most notable features are his long white beard and hair (that hovers with magic). He wears robes with muted colors and a red sash. While using time magic, his brown eyes turn glowing pupiless and a clock like elemental mechanism hovers behind him.
Zilean is a determined and caring individual, doing everything he can to save those inRuneterrafrom the end of all things. He cares for his fellow Icathians and is resigned to helping them escape the time prison that he accidentally put them in.
• Magicborn:Zilean was born with natural magical ability, which can grow the more he trains and expand his knowledge about magic. Having been training magic for millenia, Zilean is a master of magic.Time Magic:Zilean can bend time to his will and can use it in many different ways. He can travel through time, make time slow down or speed up for him or people around him, and can bring an object or person into any state they had been in at any given time (e.g can bring a recently dead person back to a state of being alive).
• Gadgetry:Zilean can craft gadgets that, combined with his time manipulation, can be devastating for his enemies.
• Time Magic:Zilean can bend time to his will and can use it in many different ways. He can travel through time, make time slow down or speed up for him or people around him, and can bring an object or person into any state they had been in at any given time (e.g can bring a recently dead person back to a state of being alive).
While they have never directly interacted, Zilean and Jax are among the only surviving Icathians left.
Read More
The Chronokeeper
ByIan St. Martin
Starring Champion
Guardians of the Ancient (Video)
Runeterra is in turmoil! Noxian warships set sail for Ionia’s shores. But all is not lost. Heroes will rise. Fates will change.
Mentioned Champion
Short Story • 22 Minute Read
Where Icathia Once Stood
ByGraham McNeill
My name is Axamuk Var-Choi Kohari Icath'or.
Alternate Universes
Clash of Fates
Starring:Alistar,Amumu,Anivia,Annie,Ashe,Cho'Gath,Evelynn,Jax,Karthus,Kayle,Master Yi,Nunu,Rammus,Ryze,Singed,Sivir,Soraka,Teemo,Twisted Fate,Warwick,Willump,Zilean
Journal of Justice
ByInstitute of War
Formare veneficum est formare fatum.
Starring:Akali,Alistar,Amumu,Anivia,Annie,Ashe,Blitzcrank,Brand,Cassiopeia,Cho'Gath,Corki,Darius,Dr. Mundo,Evelynn,Ezreal,Fiddlesticks,Gangplank,Garen,Gragas,Heimerdinger,Irelia,Janna,Jarvan IV,Jax,Karma,Karthus,Kassadin,Katarina,Kayle,Kennen,Kog'Maw,Lee Sin,Leona,Lissandra,Lux,Malzahar,Maokai,Master Yi,Mordekaiser,Morgana,Nasus,Nidalee,Nocturne,Nunu,Olaf,Pantheon,Poppy,Rammus,Renekton,Riven,Rumble,Ryze,Sejuani,Shaco,Shen,Singed,Sion,Sivir,Skarner,Sona,Soraka,Swain,Talon,Taric,Teemo,Tibbers,Tristana,Trundle,Tryndamere,Twisted Fate,Twitch,Udyr,Urgot,Veigar,Vladimir,Warwick,Willump,Wukong,Xin Zhao,Yorick,Zilean
Short Story • 2 Minute Read
Instrument of Destruction
ByLeslee Sullivant Heintz
A tentacled horror of the Void, Vel'Koz explores Runeterra with singular purpose: to absorb all knowledge. With his unceasing gaze, Vel'Koz fires disintegrating beams that obliterate and analyze all in his path, feeding him vast quantities of information. None know why he requires such material, though some speculate he seeks to understand Runeterra in order to hasten its ruin.
The Roadtrip
ByCassie Parkes,Marvin Clifford
Mentioned:Ahri,Ashe,Azir,Bard,Braum,Darius,Fiddlesticks,Garen,Gnar,Gragas,Graves,Irelia,Jinx,Kalista,Katarina,Kog'Maw,Lee Sin,Lulu,Master Yi,Nami,Poppy,Rakan,Shaco,Sona,Swain,Taric,Teemo,Twisted Fate,Varus,Xayah,Yasuo,Zilean
• Like Jax, Zilean is more than 3500 years old, as he was present during the fall ofIcathia.
Change log[]
See also[] | Name: Time in a Bottle, Description: Innate: Zilean generates 2 / 3. 5 / 5 / 6 / 12 (based on level) experience (does not count towards his own level up ) every 5 seconds. Time in a Bottle is on cooldown when the game starts and becomes disabled when Zilean reaches level 18. When he has enough to level up an allied champion , he can select them to channel for 1. 2 seconds after a 0. 5 -second cast time . The channel is interrupted and disabled upon entering combat with enemy champions or taking damage from turrets , placing it on a 10-second cooldown . If Zilean interrupts it himself, it is placed on a 1-second cooldown, increased to 2 if he used a basic attack against a turret to do so. A successful channel levels up the target and rewards Zilean the same amount of experience for himself as well., STATIC COOLDOWN: STATICCOOLDOWN:120, {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputUnit', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Zileanhas a hidden passive that grants him1 ability powerfor every enemyVolibearwithin 800 range of him.Likewise,Volibeargains1 armorfor every nearbyZilean.NeitherVolibearnorZileanneedsightof one another to gain these bonuses.', 'Likewise,Volibeargains1 armorfor every nearbyZilean.', 'NeitherVolibearnorZileanneedsightof one another to gain these bonuses.', 'Time in a Bottlemarks allied champions with two circles beneath them; the inner one represents how close they are to leveling up, turning golden when able to activateTime in a Bottleon them.', 'The target allied champion is not required to be out of combat to be leveled up byTime in a Bottle- onlyZileanis.', 'Zileanonly consumes the amount ofexperiencerequired to level up an allied champion. He retains the excess for later use.', 'The target allied champion is not required to be within range ofZileanfor the channel to complete successfully, it will complete regardless of if they move to a far distance.', 'The channel fromTime in a Bottleis not interrupted even if the allied champion suddenly levels up. However, no experience will be granted to either player, and the passive will not go on cooldown.', 'The following table refers for interactions whileZileanischanneling:', 'Death', 'Cast-inhibiting effects']} | Name: Time Bomb, Description: Active: Zilean throws a ticking time bomb to the target location that grants sight of its surroundings. The bomb will attach itself to units that move within the epicenter, or those hit directly, revealing them. After 3 seconds, or when the attached unit dies, the bomb explodes to deal magic damage to nearby enemies. Magic Damage: 75 / 115 / 165 / 230 / 300 (+ 90% AP) The bomb detonates immediately if another bomb attaches itself to the same unit, stunning nearby enemies for a duration. Stun Duration: 1. 1 / 1. 2 / 1. 3 / 1. 4 / 1. 5, {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputLocation', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Map-Specific Differences', 'Time Bombslanding directly on top of multiple units follow a priority order for whom to attach themselves to.Units already carrying a bombEnemy championsAllied championsEnemy minionsAllied minions', 'Units already carrying a bomb', 'Enemy champions', 'Allied champions', 'Enemy minions', 'Allied minions', 'Time Bombsare not visible to enemies if they attach to an ally that isstealthedand vice versa.', "WhenTime Bombsnaps onto an enemy, it deals 0proc damage.This triggersin-combateffects such as drawing turret aggro and drawingmonster aggression.It also triggersSudden Impactand appliesElixir of Sorcery.It does not triggerCheap Shot, however, asproc damagedoesn't triggerCheap Shot.", 'This triggersin-combateffects such as drawing turret aggro and drawingmonster aggression.', 'It also triggersSudden Impactand appliesElixir of Sorcery.', "It does not triggerCheap Shot, however, asproc damagedoesn't triggerCheap Shot.", "Zileancan detonate an enemy counterpart'sTime Bombby placing his own on the same unit (the first bomb still deals damage).", 'Time Bombwill be dispelled if the holder takes fatal damage and is saved byresurrectionbefore it explodes.', 'Time Bombcan deal damage to the enemy holder throughuntargetablility.', "Spell shieldwill prevent the application ofTime Bomband it's detonation damage as well as block thestun, but not it's immediate detonation if the target already has aTime Bombon them.", 'Stun duration reduced by 0.6seconds.', 'Cooldown increased by 80%.']} | Name: Rewind, Description: Active: Zilean reduces the remaining cooldowns of Time Bomb and Time Warp by 10 seconds each. Either Time Bomb or Time Warp must be on cooldown to cast this ability ., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputAuto', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Map-Specific Differences', 'No additional details.', 'Cooldown increased by 100%.']} | Name: Time Warp, Description: Active: Zilean applies Time Warp to the target champion which lasts for 2. 5 seconds. Time Warp: If the target is an ally, they gain bonus movement speed . If the target is an enemy, they are slowed . Movement Speed Modifier: 40 / 55 / 70 / 85 / 99%, {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputUnit', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Map-Specific Differences', 'No additional notes.', 'The movement speed booststacksifTime Warpis cast on the same target more than once byother sources.']} | Name: Chronoshift, Description: Active: Zilean places a protective time rune on the target allied champion or himself for 5 seconds. If the target takes fatal damage within the duration, they enter resurrection for 3 seconds, becoming invulnerable , untargetable , and unable to act . Afterwards, they revive while being healed . Heal: 600 / 850 / 1100 (+ 200% AP) Link ▶️ Buff SFX Link ▶️ Revive SFX, {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputUnit', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Upon trigger,Chronoshiftplaces allsummoner spellsthat are not already on cooldown on a 3-secondcooldown.', "Chronoshift'suntargetabilitydoes notdestroyin-flightprojectiles.", 'Chronoshiftcannot targetclones.', 'Chronoshifttakes priority over all otherresurrectioneffects as well as allzombie stateeffects.', 'Chronoshiftdoes not activate if the target is killed by theNexus Obelisk.', "While in resurrection, the target'shealth regenerationis set to 0.", "The target's screen will have a white tint.", 'The following table refers for interactions while the target is unable to act:', 'Death']} | Theoriginal iconforTime Bombfeatured a soldier that was mirrored from the icon art ofJax'sGrandmaster's Might.
Zilean is one of the four champions with a single damaging ability (Time Bomb) the others beingBard(Cosmic Binding)Taric(Dazzle) andTryndamere(Spinning Slash).Time Bombis the only in-game ability to scale non-linearly per rank (75 / 40 / 50 / 65 / 70).
Time in a Bottlereferencesthe eponymous songbyJim Croce.
Zilean is the first champion to have a basic ability that cannot be ranked up at level 1 (Rewind) the second beingAzir(Conquering Sands,Shifting Sands).
Zilean's backstory resemblesSlaughterhouse-FivebyKurt Vonnegut. |
Zoe,the Aspect of Twilight | | | health: Health630+106, resource: Mana425+25, health regen: Health regen. (per 5s)7.5+0.6, resource regen: Mana regen. (per 5s)8+0.65, armor: Armor21+4.7, attack damage: Attack damage58+3.3, attack speed: Base AS0.658, gameplay radius: Gameplay radius65, selection radius: Selection radius120, release: 2017-11-21, changed: V13.22, role: Burst, position: MiddleSupport, rangetype: Ranged, adaptivetype: Magic, cost: 4800|880 | Missing section(s):
ZoeMainCurrentTitlesReal nameZoe(Current Host)Myisha(Previous Host during The Great Darkin War)Alias(es)The Aspect of TwilightAspect of ChangeThe EverchildThe First Twilight(First Host)CharacteristicsSpeciesAspect HostHumanPronoun(s)She/HerTimelineBorn:550 BN - 400 BNWeapon(s)Cosmic MagicPersonal statusStatusAlivePlace of originMount Targon,TargonCurrent residenceUnknown(No Fixed Abode)Pet(s)Aurelion SolProfessional statusOccupation(s)Mortal Aspect(Change, Twilight)Divine Messenger of TargonRegion(s)TargonFaction(s)RakkorRelated character(s)LeonaDianaAurelion SolPantheonMordekaiserFiddlesticksNasusAatroxTaricEzrealLuxLulu
• Main
• Current
Real name
• Zoe(Current Host)
• Myisha(Previous Host during The Great Darkin War)
• The Aspect of Twilight
• Aspect of Change
• The Everchild
• The First Twilight(First Host)
• Aspect Host
• Human
• Born:550 BN - 400 BN
Personal status
Place of origin
Current residence
Professional status
• Mortal Aspect(Change, Twilight)
• Divine Messenger of Targon
• Rakkor
Related character(s)
As the embodiment of mischief, imagination, and change,Zoeacts as the cosmic messenger ofTargon, heralding major events that reshape worlds. Her mere presence warps the arcane mathematics governing realities, sometimes causing cataclysms without conscious effort or malice. This perhaps explains the breezy nonchalance with which Zoe approaches her duties, giving her plenty of time to focus on playing games, tricking mortals, or otherwise amusing herself. An encounter with Zoe can be joyous and life affirming, but it is always more than it appears and often extremely dangerous.
• 1Background
• 2Appearance
• 3Personality
• 4Abilities
• 5Relations
• 6Aurelion Sol6.1Bard6.2Ezreal&Lux6.3Lulu6.4Fiddlesticks6.5Darkin & God-Warriors
• 7Read More7.1Biography7.2Starring Champion7.3Mentioned Champion7.4Alternate Universes
• 8Trivia
• 9Change log
• 10References
• 11See also
• 6.1Bard
• 6.2Ezreal&Lux
• 6.3Lulu
• 6.4Fiddlesticks
• 6.5Darkin & God-Warriors
• 7.1Biography
• 7.2Starring Champion
• 7.3Mentioned Champion
• 7.4Alternate Universes
• Aspect Empowerment: Zoe has been chosen as an Aspect's host, empowering her with celestial magic correspondent with the Aspect's role. In Zoe's case, she's been chosen by the Aspect of Twilight.Celestial Magic: Zoe is skilled in making stars, and can bend their power to her will. This can take many forms, including the ability to make miniature stars and powerful blasts of energy at will as well as summon a meteor.Time, Dimension, and Reality Manipulation: Zoe perceives time across multiple dimensions and realities in addition to the ability to quickly traverse space, she can move freely with her unnaturally long hair due to magic.
• Celestial Magic: Zoe is skilled in making stars, and can bend their power to her will. This can take many forms, including the ability to make miniature stars and powerful blasts of energy at will as well as summon a meteor.
• Time, Dimension, and Reality Manipulation: Zoe perceives time across multiple dimensions and realities in addition to the ability to quickly traverse space, she can move freely with her unnaturally long hair due to magic.
Aurelion Sol[]
Aurelion Soland Zoe are sorta friends—but he knows not to trust her. And in fact she is his best hope of getting free—after he learns what he needs.[1]She is as powerful asAurelion Sol.[2]She protected him from the wrath of5Pantheon, the Aspect of War and speaks to him as if he were her dog.
She "borrowed" a chime fromBard, or it was given to her. Zoe heralds change while Bard prevents disasters, so they probably meet from time to time.
Zoereally likesEzreal, and as such she considersLuxher rival.
Based on their interactions inLegends of Runeterra, Zoe andLuluseem to know each other on a friendly term.
She took the key fromFiddlesticks, which was used to unleash something "beautiful and terrible in its joy".[3]
The previous Aspect of Twilight, Myisha, led theDarkinTa'anari toNasus, who guided them to the Chalicar, the blade that belonged to the Ascended queen Setaka and belongs toSivirin the present day. Ta'anari used the weapon to perform a ritual that reverted the Ascension of the nearby Darkins, vaporizing them. She and other Targonian Aspects later gave the mortals the tool to trap the remaining Darkins. As a result, the Darkins, who are now roaming free again, especiallyAatrox, despise every Aspect and their host, most noticeably The Aspect of Twilight/Zoe.
Read More
The Aspect of Twilight
ByOdin Austin Shafer
Mentioned:Aurelion Sol,Mordekaiser
Starring Champion
Short Story • 5 Minute Read
Meet Zoe
ByOdin Austin Shafer
The moment she thought of the cake store, Zoe dove into the air, surrendering herself to gravity. While falling, she reached out with her consciousness to form a gateway. Instantly, a portal opened beneath her and connected to the other place. She fell into the gate. Her mass collided and imploded as she traveled.
Mentioned:Aurelion Sol,Pantheon
Short Story • 25 Minute Read
Twilight of the Gods
ByGraham McNeill
They came to a dead city in the mountain's shadow under cover of night.
Mentioned Champion
The Ancient Fear
ByJared Rosen
The Darkin Blade
ByOdin Austin Shafer
The Ice Witch
ByAriel Lawrence
Short Story • 3 Minute Read
The Mountain
ByGraham McNeill
Mount Targon is the mightiest peak in Runeterra, a towering mountain of sun-baked rock amid a range of summits unmatched in scale anywhere else in the world. Located far from civilization, Mount Targon is utterly remote and all but impossible to reach save by the most determined seeker.
Starring: N/A
Mentioned:Aurelion Sol,Diana,Leona,Pantheon,Taric,Zoe
Alternate Universes
A New Journey
Inspired by the true story of Michelle, a university student and League of Legends player who joined a team and joined the fight. Season 2019 of League of Legends starts now! It's On.
Starring:Ahri,Blitzcrank,Braum,Caitlyn,Ekko,Miss Fortune,Ornn,Riven,Yasuo,Zed,Zoe
Another Sky
ByJared Rosen,Taylor Dinwiddie,Ty Sheedlo
As a new generation of Star Guardians prepares to fight back the forces of chaos, rising star Akali finds herself wracked with doubt. Does she have what it takes to be a Star Guardian? Or will the darkness she senses inside spell doom for her and her friends?
Mentioned:Ahri,Akshan,Ezreal,Gwen,Jinx,Lux,Miss Fortune,Rakan,Xayah
Music Video
Light and Shadow
By Numerous creators
A cosmic darkness threatens to overcome three former teammates who were thought to have perished.
Mentioned:Miss Fortune
Star-Crossed: Convince Me
ByJared Rosen,Callie Miller
Xayah travels to a new planet to enlist the help of a seasoned Star Guardian with a big gun and, secretly, a bigger heart.
Mentioned:Ahri,Miss Fortune
The Roadtrip
ByCassie Parkes,Marvin Clifford
Mentioned:Ahri,Ashe,Azir,Bard,Braum,Darius,Fiddlesticks,Garen,Gnar,Gragas,Graves,Irelia,Jinx,Kalista,Katarina,Kog'Maw,Lee Sin,Lulu,Master Yi,Nami,Poppy,Rakan,Shaco,Sona,Swain,Taric,Teemo,Twisted Fate,Varus,Xayah,Yasuo,Zilean
The Unlikely Companions
Join Zoe and Kog'Maw as they journey through a magical world and confront the dark wizard, Shaco.
Short Story
Twin Stars
ByCat Cheresh
Akali could see the stars.
Starring:Ahri,Akali,Ezreal,Janna,Jinx,Kai'Sa,Lulu,Lux,Miss Fortune,Neeko,Poppy,Rakan,Soraka,Syndra,Xayah,Zoe
A New Horizon
A mysterious new team arrives: Star Guardian Ahri, Miss Fortune, Syndra, Soraka, and Ezreal.
Starring:Ahri,Ezreal,Miss Fortune,Soraka,Syndra
Academy Adventures: Series 3
ByGutter Rat
Star-Crossed: Embrace
ByJared Rosen,Callie Miller
Final showdown! The Guardians have played all their cards, but something in Xayah tells her to keep fighting—she’ll find a way to redeem Rakan or die (again) trying.
Starring:Ahri,Akali,Kai'Sa,Miss Fortune,Orianna,Rakan,Senna,Seraphine,Xayah
Star-Crossed: Hope
ByJared Rosen,Callie Miller
Months later, some familiar faces from Xayah’s past appear during the heat of battle. Her team may be stronger than ever, but what if Rakan doesn’t want to be saved?
Starring:Ahri,Miss Fortune,Orianna,Rakan,Senna,Seraphine,Xayah
Short Story
ByAriel Lawrence
A team bonding trip will test Lux's leadership and confidence as the group welcomes new stars during the annual meteor shower.
Starring:Ahri,Ezreal,Janna,Jinx,Lulu,Lux,Miss Fortune,Poppy,Soraka,Syndra
The Tale of the Poro King
By Numerous creators
Starring: N/A
Mentioned:Aatrox,Akali,Ashe,Aurelion Sol,Azir,Braum,Caitlyn,Cho'Gath,Darius,Diana,Draven,Ezreal,Gnar,Illaoi,Janna,Jarvan IV,Jayce,Kai'Sa,Karma,Karthus,Katarina,Kayle,Kayn,Kennen,Kha'Zix,Lee Sin,Leona,Lulu,Lux,Malzahar,Miss Fortune,Nunu,Ornn,Pantheon,Pyke,Rammus,Rek'Sai,Rhaast,Ryze,Sejuani,Shen,Sion,Sivir,Soraka,Sylas,Syndra,Taliyah,Talon,Taric,Thresh,Tristana,Trundle,Udyr,Vi,Volibear,Willump,Yasuo,Zed,Ziggs,Zoe
Short Story
The Twilight Star
ByAriel Lawrence
I have too many questions I want to ask her.
Starring:Janna,Jinx,Lulu,Lux,Miss Fortune,Poppy
• As mentioned in her lore,Zoewas likely born between 1550 and 1400 years ago, between theDarkinwar andMordekaiser'ssecond reign. However, barely a year has passed for her in thecelestial realm, so she remains physically and mentally a young teenager.
• Zoe is more of a chaotic good character, whereas traditional tricksters are chaotic evil to chaotic neutral. She is generally benevolent; however, she serves the bigger picture at the expenses of some indiviuals or sometimes unknowingly causes destruction.
• She likes eating Chocolate Mooncakes.She also likes butterflies, unicorns, and watching the end of finite realities.
• Her scarf is knitted from the wool of an Erbok.
• Zoe is the second-released champion from theLunariorder.
• Zoe can change her eye color on a whim.[4]
• As both a trickster and a herald, many of Zoe's lines have double meanings (including the word "sparkles") and can be broadly interpreted.[5]
• Narrative WriterJared Rosenrates her as one of the most knowledgeable known beings in the universe behindSwainandAurelion Sol.[6]
• TheIoniansuse of twilight is separate to the meaning given to it byTargonians. Ionia considers twilight as a time of when dark and light are in balance while Targonians view it as a time of transition or change.
• She also likes butterflies, unicorns, and watching the end of finite realities.
• Myisha was the host of the Aspect during the GreatDarkinwar; based on the description fromTwilight of the Gods, she was possibly a young adult when she became its host.
• She was somewhat violating the Prime Directive, giving mortals the power to defeat the Darkin with 'plausible deniability…' of a sort. "Hey, I didn't do it, these mortals did…"
• At the end ofTwilight of the Gods, when Myisha has succeeded in tricking the Darkin and erasing many of them, theChalicarhad absorbed the - for want of a better phrase - Darkin DNA essence, which - combined with Ta'anari's heart - would allow humans to craft the weapons tailored to trap the Darkin at a later date.Myisha turned the combined power of the Darkin (and aspects) against them, so she 'force multiplied' that moment in the amphitheater to be powerful enough to achieve what she wanted.
• Myisha turned the combined power of the Darkin (and aspects) against them, so she 'force multiplied' that moment in the amphitheater to be powerful enough to achieve what she wanted.
Change log[]
See also[] | Name: More Sparkles!, Description: Innate: After casting an ability , Zoe empowers her next basic attack or Spell Thief bolt within 5 seconds to become non-projectile and deal 16 − 130 (based on level) (+ 20% AP) bonus magic damage ., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputPassive', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'Not Blocked', 'parries': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Map-Specific Differences', 'The empowered attack will trigger but not be consumed againstwards.', 'AP ratio changed to35% AP.']} | Name: Paddle Star, Description: Active: Zoe shoots a star in the target direction that explodes upon hitting an enemy, dealing magic damage to nearby enemies hit, reduced to 80% for enemies hit beyond the first. The total damage is increased by 0% − 150% (based on distance traveled) . Minimum Magic Damage: 7 − 50 (based on level) (+ 50 / 80 / 110 / 140 / 170) (+ 60% AP) Maximum Magic Damage: 17. 5 − 125 (based on level) (+ 125 / 200 / 275 / 350 / 425) (+ 150% AP) The star lingers at maximum range for 1 second, during which Paddle Star can be recast after 0. 25 seconds in the duration. Recast: Zoe redirects the star in the target path, empowering it with increased speed and radius, and resetting its damage modifier on cast. The redirected star can travel until it reaches 800-units outbound from Zoe . Paddle Star's recast can be used while affected by cast-inhibiting crowd control ., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputDirection', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', "Both casts count as ability activations for the purposes of on-cast effects such asMore Sparkles!,Spellbladeand triggeringForce Pulse'spassive.", 'The recast radius matches the initial cast radius of the ability, butZoecan move any amount of distance away from the projectile before reactivating.', "Paddle Star'seffect radius is centered around the location of the missile as it collides.", 'Paddle Starplays new SFX while an enemy is affected bySleepy Trouble Bubble.']} | Name: Spell Thief, Description: Passive - Wheeeee: Whenever Zoe casts Spell Thief or a summoner spell, she gains bonus movement speed for a duration, and summons three bolts that orbit her for the next 10 seconds. Bonus Movement Speed: 30 / 40 / 50 / 60 / 70% Bonus Movement Speed Duration: 2 / 2. 25 / 2. 5 / 2. 75 / 3 If Zoe is not affected by complete crowd control , she shoots one bolt at a time at the nearest non- sleeping enemy in range, prioritizing her attack target, dealing magic damage with each bolt. Magic Damage Per Bolt: 25 / 35 / 45 / 55 / 65 (+ 13. 3 % AP) Total Magic Damage: 75 / 105 / 135 / 165 / 195 (+ 40% AP) Passive: Whenever an enemy champion casts a summoner spell or item active , they drop the corresponding Spell Shard onto the ground that grants sight over a 100-radius area and remains for 40 seconds. Enemy minions have a 10% chance to spawn with a random Spell Shard that drops and remains for 20 seconds if Zoe kills them. Allied champions that kill them will cause the orb to drop only if Zoe is nearby. Zoe can collect a Spell Shard for 60 seconds, and replace it by moving directly onto another Spell Shard . Active: Zoe mimics the active of the collected Spell Shard . Link ▶️ "You left a copy of your spell here. I took it. 'Kay thanks.", {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputVaried', 'damage_type': 'Varied', 'spell_shield': 'See Notes', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Map-Specific Differences', 'Mimics the details of the mimicked active.', 'Zoewill castSpell Thiefin place of her own summoner spells if she has either of them as a collectedSpell Shard, even if she tries to cast the summoner spell while it is on cooldown.', 'Minions that can dropSpell Shardsare marked with a tied cosmic balloon that floats above them.Minions do not drop a shard forTeleport.', 'Minions do not drop a shard forTeleport.', 'Zoeutilizes an attack-like animation whenever one of the bubbles hurls itself at an enemy, making it look as if she can attack while moving.', 'Zoecannot stealconsumables,trinkets,componentitems, or items that create deployable or persistent effects. Some actives are excluded.', "Now dropsSpell Shardsfor the following:Banner of Command,Blade Waltz,Castle,Defensive Maneuvers,Die Another Day,Evocation,Feel the Burn,Flee,Frozen Foundations,Now You See Me,Vanish,Warmup Routine, andZhonya's Epiphany."]} | Name: Sleepy Trouble Bubble, Description: Active: Zoe kicks a bubble in the target direction that bursts upon the first enemy hit, otherwise lingering at maximum range over 1 second, then becoming a trap for 5 seconds that bursts upon contact with an enemy. The bubble can move through terrain only once, but travels the entire distance as bonus range, and will fall short if it would enter terrain again. The burst deals magic damage to the target and inflicts them with drowsy for 1. 4 seconds, which gradually slows them until they fall asleep for 2. 5 seconds. While the target is asleep , they are inflicted with 30% magic resistance reduction . Magic Damage: 70 / 110 / 150 / 190 / 230 (+ 45% AP) Maximum Slow: 10 / 15 / 20 / 25 / 30% The next instance of non- persistent damage that the sleeping target takes from champions , large monsters or structures consumes the debuff to deal bonus true damage equal to the post-mitigation damage dealt, capped at Sleepy Trouble Bubble's damage. The bonus damage is dealt before the triggering damage. Bonus Damage Cap: 70 / 110 / 150 / 190 / 230 (+ 45% AP) Maximum Mixed Damage: 140 / 220 / 300 / 380 / 460 (+ 90% AP), {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputDirection', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', "Zoewill gainobscured visionof the target while they'reasleepif they are notvisible.", 'If exceptionally close to terrain, the bubble will pass through without detection and will still be able to pass through a second piece of terrain - although it sacrifices any range its already used going through the first piece.', 'Sleepy Trouble Bubblecan interact withplayer-generated terrain.', "Sleepy Trouble Bubble'srange will be extended ifZoecasts it right before blinking back fromPortal Jump. This is due to the range of the missile being measured at the start of the cast time andZoealready having blinked back once the cast time finishes.", 'At the end of the path of the initial missile, before continuing with the short bounce,Sleepy Trouble Bubblechecks for targets in a100 radius to immediately collide with.This "lollipop" is one of only a few that is larger than the ability\'s missile width.', 'This "lollipop" is one of only a few that is larger than the ability\'s missile width.', 'Sleepy Trouble Bubblecan still be collided with during the short bounce between end of initial missile and the trap being formed.This seems to use avery small or negative collision radius, rather than normal missile collision.', 'This seems to use avery small or negative collision radius, rather than normal missile collision.', 'This ability will cast from wherever the caster is at the end of the cast time.', 'Death, unless protected byResurrection']} | Name: Portal Jump, Description: Active: Zoe blinks in the target direction and remains there for 0. 75 seconds, during which she sets her movement speed to a static 0 and has unobstructed vision . Afterwards, she blinks back to her casting position. Portal Jump resets Zoe's basic attack timer. Zoe is unable to basic attack and cast her abilities and movement spells for 0. 75 seconds after casting Portal Jump and for 0. 5 seconds after blinking back. Link ▶️ "Whoop!", {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputDirection', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Zoewill alwaysblinkback.She will still be considered to blink even if she fails to move her intended location whileattached(e.g. if she were affected byThe Show Stopper).', 'She will still be considered to blink even if she fails to move her intended location whileattached(e.g. if she were affected byThe Show Stopper).', 'Zoecan attack and cast abilities and movement spells at the target location for 0.5seconds after she is able to use them again.', 'Upon reaching her destination,Zoewill either raspberry at the nearest enemy champion, or lick an ice cream cone when there are no enemy champions insight.', "Zoe's return position is shifted by 25 units in the target direction from her cast location.", 'Death, unless protected byResurrection']} | She is the firstheterochromicchampion (not countingBittersweet Lulu). This trait is preserved in all of her skins.
InAncient Greek,ZoeΖωή (IPA: [zdɔː.ɛ̌ː] > [zo'i]) means "life", as opposed to "death";[2]while itscognateβῐ́ο(το)ςbio(to)smeans "lifetime" or "the living's world".[3]
Upon jumping out ofPortal Jump'ssecond portal, Zoe licks the ice cream cone, which she attempts to eat during her joke animation (Ctrl+1).
Zoehas multiple walk cycles that change randomly over the course of the game, but players can also toggle the next one using theTogglekey bind (default [Ctrl] + [5]).During her champion sneak peek video,AstroNautilusandAstronaut Teemomake cameos:AstroNautilusappears when Zoe is showing some of her dance moves.Astronaut Teemoshows up when Zoe falls through a portal andCyber Pop Zoecomes out of it.At the end of her sneak peek video, Zoe is listening toKinetic (The Crystal Method x Dada Life), one ofDJ Sona'smusic tracks.
Her title, as found on the store, "Zoe, The Aspect of Twilight" is one of the few occurrences, along withKayn,Taliyah,Aurelion Sol,Illaoi,Elise,Sion, of having the word "the" capitalized, compared to all other champions' titles.
Zoe has a cameo in the action role-playing game,CrossCode.[4]
Zoe's Series 1Eternalsmake the following references:Finders Keepersreferences the idiomfinders keepers, losers weepers.Paddle Ball Championreferences the sport ofpaddle balland its similarites toPaddle Star. |
Zyra,Rise of the Thorns | | | health: Health574+93, resource: Mana418+25, health regen: Health regen. (per 5s)5.5+0.5, resource regen: Mana regen. (per 5s)13+0.4, armor: Armor29+4.2, attack damage: Attack damage53+3.2, attack speed: Base AS0.681, gameplay radius: Gameplay radius65, selection radius: Selection radius120, release: 2012-07-24, changed: V13.21, role: Catcher, position: Support, rangetype: Ranged, adaptivetype: Magic, cost: 3150|790 | Games
ZyraMainCurrent 1Current 2TitlesNickname(s)Lady made of plantsAlias(es)Rise of the ThornsCharacteristicsSpeciesUnknown(Possibly a newSpecies)Pronoun(s)She/ItTimelineBorn:Earlier than 13 BNWeapon(s)SeedsThorn SpitterVine LasherNight-Blooming ZychidsPersonal statusStatusAlivePlace of originGardens of Zyr,Shuriman JungleCurrent residenceShuriman JungleFamilySeedsProfessional statusOccupation(s)PredatorRegion(s)IxtalRelated character(s)IvernNidaleeQiyana
• Main
• Current 1
• Current 2
• Lady made of plants
• Born:Earlier than 13 BN
• Seeds
• Thorn Spitter
• Vine Lasher
• Night-Blooming Zychids
Personal status
Place of origin
Current residence
Professional status
Related character(s)
Born in an ancient, sorcerous catastrophe,Zyrais the wrath of nature given form—an alluring hybrid of plant and human, kindling new life with every step. She views the many mortals ofRuneterraas little more than prey for her seeded progeny, and thinks nothing of slaying them with flurries of deadly spines. Though her true purpose has not been revealed, Zyra wanders the world, indulging her most primal urges to colonize, and strangle all other life from it.
• 1Background1.1Early Life1.2Contemporary history1.3With the Flowers
• 2Appearance
• 3Personality
• 4Abilities
• 5Relations5.1Humans5.2Spirits
• 6Read More6.1Biography6.2Starring Champion6.3Mentioned Champion6.4Alternate Universes
• 7Trivia
• 8Change log
• 9References
• 10See also
• 1.1Early Life
• 1.2Contemporary history
• 1.3With the Flowers
• 5.1Humans
• 5.2Spirits
• 6.1Biography
• 6.2Starring Champion
• 6.3Mentioned Champion
• 6.4Alternate Universes
Early Life[]
Zyra existed thousands of years ago as a collective hive-mind of carnivorous plants that lived together in a place calledGardens of Zyr, somewhere in theShurimanjungle. Sometime during theRune Wars, a party of soldiers accompanied by an ambitious sorceress visited the garden and were attacked by the plants. In an act of fear, the sorceress unleashed a magical attack that ignited the fumes of the swamp, causing a magical explosion that destroyed everything in its path. The gardens remained lifeless for hundreds of years after.
Contemporary history[]
After centuries without life in the gardens, Zyra emerged from the lifeless ground, not fully plant nor fully human. She struggled to understand her new existence and came to be curious of the new world she was able to explore.
Her plants seem to be slowly expanding westward towards theMother of Liferiver system of theShurima Capital.
With the Flowers[]
Zyra's flowers were collected by a flower shop in the market city ofKumangra. The owner watered one of the flowers and placed it in his study. From the flower bloomed a large mass of vines and flowers that covered the entire study and wrapped the shop owner into a cocoon, killing him. After the shop owner's wife found him, Zyra appeared in the study, stopping the wife from destroying the flower and wrapping her in a cocoon, killing her. As the woman died, she saw visions of a world covered in Zyra's plants with nothing else in sight.
Zyra is a wondrous vision of a creature, resembling a human woman covered with plants, which seem to be parts of her body. Her eyes are very similar to a panther's, with narrow irises that are common to predators.
Zyra is a vicious, predatory creature. In spite of gaining human intelligence, Zyra still has the natural instinct of consuming and devouring of a vicious predator. Her ultimate goal is to envelop the world with her plants, making it beautiful and ridding it of all that isn't her.
• Unique Physiology:Zyra is a hybrid of human and plant, something the world has never seen before. She was created on a magical accident during the Rune Wars, a disastrous explosion that mixed the natural elemental magics ofIxtal's swamps and the careless spells of an unnamed sorceress.
• Nature Magic:Zyra can create plant life as she sees fit, and is able to createvines,thorn spitter flowers, and other types of plants.Infection:The spores in Zyra's plants can infect humans and grow into full blooming plants, killing them from the inside.Pseudo-Teleportation:Zyra is able to reform wherever herflowershave taken root.
• Infection:The spores in Zyra's plants can infect humans and grow into full blooming plants, killing them from the inside.
• Pseudo-Teleportation:Zyra is able to reform wherever herflowershave taken root.
She thinks of humans as no little more than prey and thinks they show no respect to the environments they live.
She has expressed animosity towards spirits and thinks they are arrogant.
Read More
Rise of the Thorns
ByMarc Collins,Laurie Goulding
Starring Champion
Short Story
With the Flowers
ByMatthew Dunn
“Step into the garden that ever grows…” Zyra whispered through the stems and petals. “Death blossoms, and you don't want to miss the colors, do you?”
Mentioned Champion
Short Story
Milio's Super-Special Adventure Reports
ByElyse Lemoine
Greetings, family! It is I, Milio, with my first official Adventure Report!
Alternate Universes
A New Dawn
Day breaks over a landscape consecrated by blood and steel. A battle begins as a new dawn rises.
Punches and Plants: Series 1
Mentioned:Ahri,Alistar,Annie,Ashe,Blitzcrank,Brand,Braum,Caitlyn,Darius,Diana,Dr. Mundo,Ekko,Evelynn,Ezreal,Gangplank,Garen,Gnar,Gragas,Graves,Heimerdinger,Janna,Jinx,Karma,Katarina,Leona,Lucian,Malzahar,Miss Fortune,Nami,Nasus,Nunu,Quinn,Renekton,Rumble,Ryze,Sejuani,Sivir,Sona,Soraka,Tahm Kench,Taliyah,Taric,Teemo,Tibbers,Trundle,Tryndamere,Twisted Fate,Twitch,Valor,Varus,Vel'Koz,Vladimir,Volibear,Warwick,Willump,Wukong,Zac,Ziggs
Punches and Plants: Series 2
Mentioned:Aatrox,Ahri,Alistar,Amumu,Annie,Aurelion Sol,Azir,Bard,Blitzcrank,Caitlyn,Cho'Gath,Diana,Draven,Ekko,Ezreal,Fizz,Galio,Gnar,Graves,Heimerdinger,Jayce,Kha'Zix,Kog'Maw,Leona,Lucian,Lux,Malphite,Maokai,Miss Fortune,Nasus,Nautilus,Nidalee,Olaf,Orianna,Poppy,Quinn,Rakan,Renekton,Riven,Rumble,Shaco,Taric,Teemo,Tibbers,Tristana,Trundle,Udyr,Valor,Vel'Koz,Viktor,Volibear,Warwick,Wukong,Xayah,Xin Zhao,Yasuo,Ziggs
Academy Adventures: Series 1
ByGutter Rat
Mentioned:Akali,Amumu,Anivia,Azir,Bard,Blitzcrank,Braum,Cho'Gath,Elise,Ezreal,Fiddlesticks,Fiora,Gnar,Heimerdinger,Ivern,Jhin,Jinx,Karthus,Kog'Maw,Lulu,Lux,Malzahar,Miss Fortune,Nidalee,Olaf,Poppy,Rek'Sai,Renekton,Rumble,Ryze,Shaco,Shen,Sion,Sona,Soraka,Talon,Taric,Teemo,Tristana,Trundle,Twitch,Urgot,Varus,Veigar,Vel'Koz,Vi,Yorick,Zed,Ziggs,Zyra
Academy Adventures: Series 2
ByGutter Rat
Mentioned:Amumu,Anivia,Annie,Ashe,Aurelion Sol,Braum,Caitlyn,Cho'Gath,Dr. Mundo,Draven,Elise,Ezreal,Fiddlesticks,Fizz,Galio,Gnar,Heimerdinger,Janna,Jhin,Jinx,Kog'Maw,Lulu,Lux,Malphite,Malzahar,Miss Fortune,Nami,Nasus,Olaf,Poppy,Rakan,Rammus,Rek'Sai,Riven,Rumble,Ryze,Shaco,Singed,Sona,Soraka,Syndra,Taliyah,Talon,Taric,Teemo,Thresh,Tibbers,Tristana,Twitch,Urgot,Varus,Veigar,Volibear,Warwick,Wukong,Xayah,Yasuo,Yorick,Zac,Zed,Ziggs,Zyra
Academy Adventures: Series 3
ByGutter Rat
Olaf vs Everything: Series 2
ByTom Barton
Mentioned:Ahri,Aurelion Sol,Brand,Cassiopeia,Cho'Gath,Darius,Dr. Mundo,Ekko,Gnar,Illaoi,Karthus,Kog'Maw,Lee Sin,Nagakabouros,Ornn,Renekton,Skarner,Teemo,Tryndamere,Urgot,Vel'Koz,Vi,Viktor,Vladimir,Warwick,Zyra
Zyra, Rise of the Thorns
• Zyra came to be during a magical catastrophe made by an exploring party from a long-forgotten kingdom during theRune Wars. She doesn't quite understand the world and has yet to demonstrate if she is more rational than instinctive.
Original Zyra
• Zyra wants to explore the world she glimpsed when consuming the sorceress, as well as to adapt to her new form, the fragility of which makes basic survival all the more important.[1]
• Zyra (the predatory plant who relishes her new form) looks down onMaokai(the guardian nature spirit who laments his own) and yet they might be the only ones able to show each other the merits of their newfound bodies.[2]
• Zyra might show some interest inAhriconsidering the commonality in their acquisition of a humanoid form, but otherwise the Fox is merely a many-tailed snack.[3]
Change log[]
See also[] | Name: Garden of Thorns, Description: Innate: Periodically, Zyra spawns one or two Seeds nearby that last for 30 seconds, granting sight over the surrounding area for 1 second. After 1 second, enemy champions can destroy Seeds by stepping on them. Zyra can only have a total of 8 Seeds planted at a time, preserving Seeds spawned by Rampant Growth over Seeds spawned by Garden of Thorns ., STATIC COOLDOWN: STATICCOOLDOWN:13 / 12 / 11 / 10 / 9 (based on level), {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputPassive', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Zyratries to plantSeedsin brush and not on top of walls.', 'Zyratries not to plantSeedstoo close together and at different angles.', 'Zyradoes not plant anySeedsif she is concealed within a brush (unless there is an enemy ward in it, in which case it takes her a little longer to plant theSeed) or when there is no room for additional ones.', "Zyradoes not plant anySeedsif she is within1400 units of the coordinate points (400, 400) or (14000, 14000), which are roughly at the center of the fountains onSummoner's Rift.These same coordinates may not hold as fountain positions on other maps (e.g. on theArenamap, the Magma Chamber area overlaps with the second exclusion radius) and may prompt the implementation of this behaviour to be changed in the future.(bug)", 'These same coordinates may not hold as fountain positions on other maps (e.g. on theArenamap, the Magma Chamber area overlaps with the second exclusion radius) and may prompt the implementation of this behaviour to be changed in the future.(bug)', 'Zyratries to plantSeedsclose to an enemy near her.', 'PENDING FOR TEST::Zyratries to plantSeedsunder enemy structures only if she is in basic attack range of them.', 'PENDING FOR TEST::Zyratries to plantSeedson the other side of the wall she is facing and/or standing right next to.', 'PENDING FOR TEST::Zyratries to plantSeedsin the direction she is facing and/or moving.', 'Zyratries to plantSeedsnear jungle path entrances.', 'PENDING FOR TEST::Zyratries to plantSeedsbehind herself when she is walking through the river and there are no jungle path entrances near her.', 'Zyratries to plantSeedsbetween herself and the enemy champion she has vision of (or is heading towards her) in a 45º angle to the left or to the right depending on where on lane she is standing.', 'Zyratries to plantSeedsagainst the inner walls of epic monster pits (Dragon,Rift Herald,Baron Nashor)', "Zyrahas a hidden passive that grants her 10% increasedsizefor33 secondsafter havingLeona'sSunlightapplied to her."]} | Name: Deadly Spines, Description: Active: Zyra sprouts thorny spines at the target location that appear after a 0. 625 -seconds delay, dealing magic damage to enemies hit. Magic Damage: 60 / 100 / 140 / 180 / 220 (+ 65% AP) If Deadly Spine hits a Seed , it sprouts into a Thorn Spitter that remains for 8 seconds., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputLocation', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'EachThorn Spitterwill generate 2 stacks ofConquerorand 1 stack of each ofPhase RushandElectrocute.']} | Name: Rampant Growth, Description: Active: Zyra plants a Seed at the target location that remains for 60 seconds and grants sight over the surrounding area, though decreasing in radius after 1 second. After 1. 5 seconds, enemy champions can destroy the Seed by stepping on it, which reveals them for 2 seconds. Zyra periodically stocks a Seed charge, up to a maximum of 2. Killing an enemy generates 20% charge toward a Seed , increased to 100% for large enemies and whenever scoring an enemy champion takedown ., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputLocation', 'spell_shield': 'Not Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Upon first rank up,Rampant Growthgains 2 charges.', 'Seedsareuntargetable.']} | Name: Grasping Roots, Description: Active: Zyra shoots a surge of vines in the target direction that deals magic damage to enemies hit and roots them for a duration. Magic Damage: 60 / 95 / 130 / 165 / 200 (+ 60% AP) Root Duration: 1 / 1. 25 / 1. 5 / 1. 75 / 2 If Grasping Roots hits a Seed , it sprouts into a Vine Lasher , which remains on the battlefield for 8 seconds., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputDirection', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'This ability will cast from wherever the caster is at the end of the cast time.', 'Zyrawill be locked out of actions for 0.15seconds after castingGrasping Roots.', 'EachVine Lasherwill generate 2 stacks ofConquerorand 1 stack of each ofPhase RushandElectrocute.']} | Name: Stranglethorns, Description: Active: Zyra summons a monstrous thicket at the target location that deals magic damage to enemies hit as it expands. Magic Damage: 180 / 265 / 350 (+ 70% AP) After 2 seconds, the thicket snaps upward to knock up enemies within for 1 second. Plants hit by the thicket become enraged, restoring 50% of their current health , increasing their maximum health by 50% , gaining 25% increased size and refreshing their duration while the thicket expands. Additionally they attack in a flurry, launching two shots per attack, dealing 「 150% damage per flurry. 」 「 75% damage per shot. 」 Stranglethorns will cast at max range if cast beyond that., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputLocation', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Plantsgrown during the 2 seconds prior to the displacement will also be enraged.', 'Plantsalready grown beforeStranglethornsis cast will have their duration refreshed if they are inside the area of effect.', "Stranglethorns'buff onPlantslasts 10 seconds, however thePlantsnormally die naturally after 8 seconds."]} | Zyra isvoicedbyKaren Strassman.[2]Cassiopeia,FioraandShyvanaare also voiced by the same voice actress.
She re-explores the plant-growing theme of thecancelledchampionGavid(his treant theme was re-explored withMaokai).
Bradford 'CertainlyT' Wenbanhinted at Zyra havingthree hidden passives,later revealed to be:If Zyra kills eitherKarthusorSion(or if one of them kills her) the killer receives 2 extra gold (referencesPlants vs. Zombies)Maokaigets +1 movement speed if Zyra is on his team.Sunlightmakes Zyra grow in size for a short time.
Zyra's dance referencesCha-cha-cha.
Zyra is the fourth champion to have a dedicatedRecall/Teleportanimation.
Rise of the Thorns(Zyra's first Innate) andStranglethornshave a cyan hue in her 'Champion Spotlight'.
Rampant Growthmight be referencingthe eponymous cardfromMagic: The Gathering.
Enemies hit byGrasping Rootsare applied the 'Rooted, literally' cosmetic debuff for the duration.
Deadly Spines'tooltip describing Thorn spitters as 'shooting little friendliness pellets' referencesUndertale.
During development she was calledIzara,Xara,XyraorAzalea, like the flower.[3] |
Subsets and Splits