4 values
44 values
December 13,1993 CDF/TOP/ANA/2378 revised version "KINEMATICAL ANALYSIS OF b-TAGGED EVENTS WITH NON-GAUSSIAN ERRORS" (a la CDF1993-modified Phys.Rev.D47, 967 (1993).) S. Behrends/ Brandeis K. Sliwa / Tufts The b-tagged events were re-fitted with non-gaussian errors, according to "Response_Functions" which represent the standard approach taken by the QCD Group for summarizing the effects of jet energy degradation and resolution. A Response Function (RF) is defined as the probability distibution for finding a JETS Et value, at a given true jet Et; true jet Et is defined, as usual for the QCD Group, as the sum of the Et's of all final state particles from the fragmented parton that point within the clustering cone. The clustering cone size is 0.7. In addition, the RF at a given true Et is weighted by the JETCLU clustering efficiency (approx. 90/% at 10 GeV true Et). The Response_Functions can be used in conjunction with a quick MC, to simulate detector response to jets, or can be used to define RMS measurment errors -- not to be confused with the systematic errors assigned to jet Et -- on JETS Et. More details, and examples of Response Functions, can be found in CDF-1650 and references therein. The analysis of the b-tagged events was performed in two runs, "Gauss" and RESPONSE_FUNCTION". For each run the grid in the parameter space spanned by the jet errors +- 3 sigma (jet energies and errors according to Brian's list) was kept fixed in size, but the probability for every point in the grid was assigned either using a standard gaussian or Steve's "Response_Function". The difference between the mass values obtained with gaussian and non-gaussian error parametrizations are small, in general well within errors on the mass values obtained from the fits. The values of the likelihood for different combinations in a given events change as well, in some events leading to a different combination becoming the one with the best likelihood (for example in event 40758_44414). The combinations "chosen" by b-tagging are marked *. The values of the three dynamical factors used in my method are listed as well (Xb is the factor due to the structure functions; lep is the factor due to the angular distribution of a lepton from t decay; and Pt is the factor due to the transverse momentum of the ttbar system - a new parametrization (fit to HERWIG MC data) is used here.) The FORTRAN code of the RESPONSE_FUNCTION routines are enclosed after the table in which the results are compared. Also enclosed in the new parametrization of the transverse momentum distribution of the t-tbar pair. XMT is the transverse momentum of the t-tbar pair divided by the top quark mass, and it scales with top quark mass. assgn. Gauss Response_Function l wwj M /dM L M /dM L Xb lep Pt --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 40758_44414 4 123 128.0 0.50e-10 127.6 .10e-8 3.5 0.12 0.93 * 4 231 173.5/8.2 0.78e-2 173.0/6.8 .12e-1 1.1 0.34 1.0 4 132 178.0 0.10e-1 177.6 .20e-1 1.0 0.35 1.1 3 124 167.5 0.72e-12 167.4 .32e-10 4.8 0.07 0.59 3 241 181.5 0.59e-7 176.6 .72e-7 3.2 0.19 0.12 3 142 184.5 0.20e-6 180.0 .31e-6 3.5 0.19 0.22 2 134 169.7 0.26e-4 167.6 .28e-4 1.7 0.32 0.20 2 341 174.7 0.56e-4 173.6 .74e-4 1.4 0.36 0.14 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 43096_47223 * 1 342 167.8/7.5 0.30e-4 166.0/6.4 .26e-4 0.4 0.39 0.89 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 43351_266423* 3 124 146.9/6.3 0.39e-2 147.9/7.2 .72e-2 1.3 0.33 0.56 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 43421_65648 4 123 127.7 0.66e-3 127.8 .21e-2 20. 0.37 1.1 4 231 132.9 0.15e-5 127.6 .72e-2 20. 0.32 1.2 3 124 114.3 0.55e-4 114.4 .20e-3 21. 0.15 0.41 3 142 144.9 0.25 145.4 .41 9.2 0.38 1.0 2 341 128.7 0.17e-1 128.6 .26e-1 13. 0.43 0.87 1 234 108.8 0.75e-4 113.0 .14e-2 18. 0.16 1.1 * 1 342 142.0 0.38e-1 144.0 .59e-1 6.3 0.40 0.99 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 45070_262116 4 123 103.8 0.73e-3 103.5 .15e-2 33. 0.38 0.55 * 4 231 143.0 0.11 142.2 .30 8.4 0.44 0.95 3 124 105.0 0.49e-3 105.3 .10e-2 28. 0.45 0.56 3 142 136.1 0.38e-2 139.2 .89e-2 9.5 0.44 0.68 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 45610_139604 3 142 177.9 0.11e-1 180.1 .62e-2 3.8 0.43 0.78 2 134 125.5 0.19e-9 125.6 .12e-8 12. 0.04 0.24 * 2 341 187.3 0.69e-15 189.7 .51e-6 2.3 0.43 0.82 2 143 155.6 0.70e-1 156.8 .22 4.8 0.27 0.94 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 45705_54765 4 123 156.0 0.54e-2 156.2 .10e-1 1.5 0.41 0.75 4 231 139.8 0.26e-4 141.0 .52e-3 2.5 0.34 0.63 4 132 141.7 0.11e-2 141.9 .15e-2 1.7 0.35 0.64 3 124 154.3 0.14e-2 151.6 .21e-2 2.2 0.41 0.59 3 241 132.1 0.10e-6 121.5 .52e-7 6.0 0.21 0.21 2 134 162.7 0.13e-4 157.9 .70e-5 4.1 0.32 0.28 * 1 234 169.0 0.19e-3 170.2 .37e-2 2.5 0.40 0.95 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 45753_79414 4 123 139.0 0.14e-4 140.0 .61e-4 7.1 0.41 0.29 * 4 231 135.8 0.55e-5 136.1 .17e-4 8.9 0.39 0.21 3 142 185.2 0.38e-32 186.2 .11e-3 4.9 0.28 1.5 2 341 no solution 170.3 .67e-15 0.6 0.42 0.71 2 143 138.6 0.60e-33 139.3 .17e-4 5.3 0.34 0.86 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 45879_123158 4 123 132.9 0.79e-13 132.7 .41e-7 15. 0.23 0.92 4 231 169.0 0.19e-17 160.1 .12e-6 7.0 0.40 0.40 2 134 158.4 0.10e-7 157.8 .18e-6 4.4 0.02 5.5 * 2 341 165.3 0.23e-4 164.3 .34e-4 2.8 0.11 0.57 1 342 179.9 0.34e-2 181.0 .48e-2 1.6 0.41 1.0 1 243 182.8 0.25e-2 181.6 .56e-2 0.9 0.40 1.1 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 45880_31838 4 231 112.6 0.34e-1 112.2 .26e-6 21. 0.49 0.81 4 132 158.0 0.61e-8 159.1 .14e-7 5.1 0.37 0.10 3 124 146.0 0.15e-1 146.3 .24e-1 4.3 0.42 0.83 * 3 241 124.2 0.62e-3 124.2 .66e-3 5.9 0.47 0.74 3 142 162.6 0.27e-3 163.1 .22e-2 4.4 0.37 1.0 2 134 131.7 0.10e-5 132.9 .48e-5 9.2 0.42 0.08 2 341 144.8 0.43e-3 147.1 .12e-2 6.8 0.44 0.35 2 143 165.2 0.11e-3 163.8 .81e-3 5.3 0.43 0.73 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Steve Behrend's RESPONSE_FUNCTION.FOR --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Real Function RESPONSE_FUNCTION(ETRUE,EMEAS) Implicit None Real ROOT2PI, EDEGRADE, SLP1, SLP2, SIG Real XNORM_LOG, PROB_LOG Real ETRUE, EMEAS REAL SIGMA, DEGRADE, SLOPE, FZERO External SIGMA, DEGRADE, DFREQ, SLOPE, FZERO Double Precision DFREQ, CERN, ARG Data ROOT2PI /2.506628/ C EDEGRADE = DEGRADE(ETRUE) C C>>>Find upward (SLP1) and downward (SPL2) slopes: SLP1 = SLOPE(ETRUE,1) SLP2 = SLOPE(ETRUE,2) SIG = SIGMA(ETRUE) C C>>>Evaluate first smeared exponential (upwards): IF (SLP1 .EQ. 0) GOTO 200 XNORM_LOG =(0.5*(SIG/SLP1)**2.)-.5-(EMEAS-EDEGRADE+SLP2/2)/SLP1 ARG = (EDEGRADE - EMEAS - (SLP1 + SLP2)/2)/SIG + (SIG/SLP1) CERN = DFREQ(ARG) If (SLP1 .Gt. 0.0) CERN = 1.0D+00 - CERN If (CERN .Le. 1.0D-37) Then 200 SIG = SQRT(SIG**2 + SLP1**2) C ARG = (EDEGRADE - EMEAS - SLP1 - SLP2)/SIG ARG = (EDEGRADE - EMEAS)/SIG ARG = - (ARG**2.)/2. RESPONSE_FUNCTION = 1.0D+00/(SIG*ROOT2PI) * DEXP(ARG) Else PROB_LOG = XNORM_LOG + DLOG(CERN) RESPONSE_FUNCTION = (1./ABS(SLP1)) * EXP(PROB_LOG) EndIf C C>>>Evaluate second smeared exponential (downwards): IF (SLP2 .EQ. 0) GOTO 201 XNORM_LOG =(0.5*(SIG/SLP2)**2.)-.5-(EMEAS-EDEGRADE+SLP1/2)/SLP2 ARG = (EDEGRADE - EMEAS - (SLP1 + SLP2)/2)/SIG + (SIG/SLP2) CERN = DFREQ(ARG) If (SLP2 .Gt. 0.0) CERN = 1.0D+00 - CERN If (CERN .Le. 1.0D-37) Then 201 SIG = SQRT(SIG**2 + SLP2**2) C ARG = (EDEGRADE - EMEAS - SLP1 - SLP2)/SIG ARG = (EDEGRADE - EMEAS)/SIG ARG = - (ARG**2.)/2. RESPONSE_FUNCTION = (RESPONSE_FUNCTION & + 1.0D+00/(SIG*ROOT2PI) * DEXP(ARG))/2 Else PROB_LOG = XNORM_LOG + DLOG(CERN) RESPONSE_FUNCTION = (RESPONSE_FUNCTION & + (1./ABS(SLP2)) * EXP(PROB_LOG))/2 EndIf RESPONSE_FUNCTION = ABS(1 - FZERO(ETRUE)) * RESPONSE_FUNCTION Return End C C / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / C Real Function DEGRADE(ETRUE) Implicit None Real ECM, ETRUE Real A, B, C, D, E, F, a2, OFFSET PARAMETER (A = 0.471) PARAMETER (B = 0.788) PARAMETER (C = 9.831E-04) PARAMETER (D = -3.573E-06) PARAMETER (E = 4.103E-09) PARAMETER (A2 = -0.63) c COMMON/RESPONSE/ECM DATA ECM/1800./ c OFFSET = 0 IF (ABS(ECM-546.) .LT. 10.) OFFSET = A2 If (ETRUE .Ge. 14.5) Then !was 10 8/29/91 DEGRADE = A + B*(ETRUE) + & C*(ETRUE**2) + D*(ETRUE**3) + E*(ETRUE**4) + OFFSET Else DEGRADE = 2.033 + 0.597*ETRUE + 0.00669*(ETRUE**2) + OFFSET EndIf c Return End C C / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / C Real Function SLOPE(ETRUE,ISLOPE) COMMON/RESPONSE/ECM DATA ECM/1800./ C SLOPE = 0 IF (ISLOPE .EQ. 1) THEN SLOPE = 2.164 + 0.01576*ETRUE + (-1.611E-05)*ETRUE**2 IF (ABS(ECM-546.) .LT. 10.) THEN !ECM = 546 SLOPE = SLOPE - 0.48*1.2 !Effect of 546 UE vs. 1800 END IF ELSE IF (ISLOPE .EQ. 2) THEN SLOPE = 0.605 - 0.05046*ETRUE - ( 6.378E-05)*ETRUE**2 IF (SLOPE .GT. -0.2) SLOPE = -0.200 !Low Et has small downward tail END IF RETURN END C C / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / C Real Function SIGMA(ETRUE) Implicit None Real ETRUE, EDUM C EDUM = ETRUE If (ETRUE .Lt. 4.) EDUM = 4. SIGMA = 0.320*SQRT(EDUM) + (0.0264)*EDUM + 1.039 - (3.934/EDUM) C Return End C C / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / C Real Function FZERO(ETRUE) Implicit None REAL ETRUE INTEGER NEFF DATA NEFF/14/ REAL ET_EFF(14),EFF_JETS(14), EFF_MAX DATA ET_EFF/ & 0.5, 1.5, 2.5, 3.5, 4.5, 5.5, 6.5, 7.5, 8.5, 9.5, & 12.5, 15.5, 20.5, 26.5/ DATA EFF_JETS/ & 0.079,0.222,0.403,0.548,0.670,0.747,0.796,0.850,0.879,0.895, & 0.934,0.953,0.974,0.981/ LOGICAL LFIRST DATA LFIRST/.TRUE./ REAL XINTERP2 External XINTERP2 C IF (LFIRST) THEN LFIRST = .FALSE. EFF_MAX = XINTERP2(NEFF,ET_EFF,EFF_JETS,ET_EFF(NEFF)) !Max JETS eff END IF FZERO = XINTERP2(NEFF,ET_EFF,EFF_JETS,ETRUE)/EFF_MAX FZERO = 1 - FZERO IF (FZERO .LT. 0) FZERO = 0. C RETURN END C C / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / C FUNCTION XINTERP2(NELEMENTS,XAXIS,YAXIS,X) REAL XINTERP2, XAXIS(*),YAXIS(*) IF (X .LT. XAXIS(1)) THEN XINTERP2 = YAXIS(1) RETURN END IF DO IBIN = 1, NELEMENTS-1 IF((X .GE. XAXIS(IBIN)) .AND. (X .LT. XAXIS(IBIN+1))) THEN XINTERP2 = YAXIS(IBIN) & + ((X-XAXIS(IBIN))/(XAXIS(IBIN+1)-XAXIS(IBIN)) ) & * (YAXIS(IBIN+1) - YAXIS(IBIN)) RETURN ENDIF END DO XINTERP2 = YAXIS(NELEMENTS) RETURN END --------------------------------------------------------------------------- simple Gaussian probability routine used in "Gauss" studies. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine Gauss(en,ej,sigma,pgauss) c Normalized Gaussian function real en,ej,sigma,pi,pgauss data pi /3.141593/ c pgauss=(exp(-(((en-ej)/sigma)**2)/2))/(sigma*sqrt(2.0*pi)) return end --------------------------------------------------------------------------- xmt=pt_ttb/top_m c ISAJET ttbar pt distribution (Kuni Kondo's fit) c prob_ttb=128.95*xmt*exp(6.7*xmt**2-13.39*xmt) c K Sliwa's fit to HERWIG (and keep xmt<0.5) prob_ttb=611.*xmt*exp(21.*xmt**2-28.*xmt)
# Presentation: 872277 ## eGovernment Working Group Electronic Customer Statement Release - Electronic Customer Statement Release **March 10, 2004** **U.S. Department of Agriculture** **eGovernment Program** ## Agenda **Customer Statement Demonstration** **Q&A and Next Steps** **Agenda** **Notes:** High energy Welcome. Get jazzed. Good things are happening: EITIRB meeting tomorrow for 30 minutes exclusively on eGov EC and I will be meeting with DS ideally this week as well but may slip to next week Relatively positive feedback from OMB based on our efforts – only Yellow Thanks for efforts to date. Time to roll up sleeves again. ## Customer Statement Overview ## USDA Customer Statement ***“******The computer has already taken its place next to the plowshare and tractor as indispensable to farmers.******” ****** ****** *** *** ******-Anne Veneman, Jan 12, 2004 *** *** ****** ******Farm Bureau Convention, Honolulu, HI*** ## What is the Customer Statement? - ***Secretary Veneman on January 12******th****** in her Remarks to The American Farm Bureau Federation 85th Annual Conference*** ***described the Customer Statement as******:*** - "Another feature [of my.USDA] will put a whole range of USDA services and programs into a single report at the fingertips of individual farmers. "For instance, farmers will be able to view their contracts in various conservation programs, their payments under commodity programs and information on loans and crop insurance. "Data can be cross-referenced with interactive maps of farm operations using geographic information systems, or what is commonly referred to as GIS technology with overlays for roads, soil types, water and other geographic features. "Producers will also have quick and easy access, in a single gateway, to the volumes of maps and geospatial data generated by USDA.” ## Veneman Launches eGOV Initiatives To Meet The Needs Of USDA Customers - USDA Web site Gets New Look **Veneman Launches eGOV Initiatives To Meet The Needs Of USDA Customers - *****USDA Web site Gets New Look*** - "Veneman said that beginning today, visitors to the USDA website,, will begin to see a new design, which is the first phase in efforts to make the website a more powerful and improve access to USDA information and science. - The new look will be followed by improved functionality," Veneman said. "We will continue adding features for users, culminating in August with the launch of '' to provide a customized version of the USDA homepage for individual users based on their unique needs."*Other features that users will see soon include a "customer statement." Customer statements will put a whole range of USDA services and programs into a single report at the fingertips of agricultural producers. For instance, farmers would be able to view their contracts in various conservation programs, payments under commodity programs and information on loans and crop insurance**.*Veneman said that farmers and ranchers will even be able to cross-reference that data with interactive maps of their operations using geographic information systems, or GIS, technology with overlays for roads, soil types, water and other geographic features. "Producers will have quick and easy access in a single gateway to the volumes and volumes of maps and geospatial data generated by USDA," Veneman said. "Instead of traveling to a county office, farmers and ranchers will be able to log on from a computer to apply for loan deficiency payments over the Internet. The goal is to provide integrated service around customer needs..... - WASHINGTON, January 12, 2004 – Agriculture Secretary Ann M. Veneman today announced that eGovernment initiatives would be a special focus of the U.S. Department of Agriculture in 2004. ## Goals--to provide integrated service around customer needs - Integrate with my.USDA portal - Provides USDA customers’ “One-Stop” access to USDA program participation information – *their Bank Statement with USDA* - Leverage USDA investment in eGovernment and support more efficient operations (uses eAuthenication User ID and password) - Provide quick and easy access to data from multiple USDA agencies in a single report - Look and Feel of new ## Features of the Summary Statement - Address or contact information (USDA ID) - Farm Bill Conservation Contracts (limited number of programs) (FSA and NRCS) - Commodity Payments from FSA Data Warehouse (FSA) - Links to Conservation Plan data (NRCS) - Drill down capability for some components of Statement into contract and Payment Data warehouses - Address and contact information for Service Centers **Features of the Summary Statement** ## Additional Features - Conservation Plan Data from NRCS’s National Conservation Planning Database - Farm Loan Data (FSA) - PDF Version of Customer Statement Report **Additional Features** ## Target Features for April-June (3rd Quarter) Releases - User profile management - Customize content - Allow producer to grant access to other parties based on USDA ID - Crop Insurance Summary - Farm Bill Conservation Contracts (additional programs) - RESNOD Collection (pending approval) ## Target Features for July-September (4rd Quarter) Releases - Integrate with - Enhanced Maps and Data links - Integrated Tools such as Farm Loan Calculator - FSA Enhanced DOQ’s and Land Unit - More TBD ## Customer Statement “Spotlight” on USDA Home Page ## Customer Statement Home Page **Customer Statement Home Page** - In January, Agriculture Secretary Ann M. Veneman today announced that e Government initiatives would be a special focus of the U.S. Department of Agriculture in 2004. The USDA Customer Statement is part of this effort and brings to the farmer un-precedented access to their business activities with USDA 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The Customer Statement, "will put a whole range of USDA services and programs into a single report at the fingertips of agricultural producers.“ - The Customer Statement allows farmers to view (a) their participation and application status in various conservation programs, (b)payments associated with commodity and conservation programs, (c)information on farm loans and crop insurance, and (d) conservation plan and land unit information. The Customer Statement will be a focal point for providing farm producers access to their USDA information and facilitate doing online business with USDA. - New USDA “Look and Feel” ## Customer Statement will be accessed using secure login/password **Customer Statement will be accessed using secure login/password ** - In January, Agriculture Secretary Ann M. Veneman today announced that e Government initiatives would be a special focus of the U.S. Department of Agriculture in 2004. The USDA Customer Statement is part of this effort and brings to the farmer un-precedented access to their business activities with USDA 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The Customer Statement, "will put a whole range of USDA services and programs into a single report at the fingertips of agricultural producers.“ - The Customer Statement allows farmers to view (a) their participation and application status in various conservation programs, (b)payments associated with commodity and conservation programs, (c)information on farm loans and crop insurance, and (d) conservation plan and land unit information. The Customer Statement will be a focal point for providing farm producers access to their USDA information and facilitate doing online business with USDA. - In the future, Veneman said that farmers and ranchers will even be able to cross-reference that data with interactive maps of their operations using geographic information systems, or GIS, technology with overlays for roads, soil types, water and other geographic features. New features will be added to the Customer Statement weekly as they are developed. - Confidentiality is a key feature of the Customer Statement. Just link your bank, only you or someone your authorize (using your USDA ID) will be able to see your Statement and your business transactions with USDA. - Customer uses eAuthentication login/password ## Customer Statement (CS) Process Diagram - Service Center - Customer Statement and Agency Systems **Customer Statement (CS) Process Diagram** - Completes Online Level 2 eAuthenication request for User Id and password - USDA ID Database - Identity Checks Customer and activates Level 2 Account - Logs into Customer Statement from CS Home Page - Customer Statement system issues USDA ID - Service Center links eAuth account to customer database (ie SCIMS) - Goes to USDA Office for identity check - Learns about Customer Statement from USDA Home Page - Sets up Customer Profile - Views Statement - Email Confirming Level 2 Account - Email to Customer confirming account activation - FSA Payment Data Warehouse - Geospatial Data Warehouse - FSA Farm Loans - NRCS POINTS Data Warehouse ## Statement Components - Address and Contact Information - Conservation Contract Information - (ie EQIP, AMA, EQIP) - Account Summary of Payments - Crop Insurance - Land Unit Data - Customer Loans - Service Center Contacts ## Customer Statement - Provides Conservation Program data: - Contract amounts - Payments - Contract balances ## Customer Statement (more) - Commodity and Conservation Payments (FSA Data Warehouse) ## Customer Statement (more) - Conservation Plan Data - Farm Loan Program data ## Maps and Data linked to Customer - Farm Map Data ## USDA ID Business Cards - Sandy Farmer - 123 Shady Lane - Eden, ID 70523 - 907.721.1538 (day) - [email protected] - USDA-id: 437-FXB **Sandy Farmer** - Contains User ID (License Plate Coding) - Facilitates exchange of USDA ID with offices, partners, Technical Service Providers for data tracking - Provides incentive to keep information current ## Additional Maps and Data Features - March - March - August - 2005 ## In August Customer Statement will leverage Portal - August ## Slide 24 ## USDA Customer - _USDA ID_ - SCIMS - NASS-Cust - APHIS-Pharm - WebCAAF - Service Center - Cust ID - Customer - Affil ID - Affiliate - Cust ID - Customer - Affil ID - Affiliate - Cust ID - Customer - Affil ID - Affiliate - NASS - FS *USDA Customer* - Service Center - Cust ID - ProTracts - SSN - FSA W/H - Census - Statistics - Timber - NASS - FS - Cust ID - State ID - County ID - State ID - County ID - USDA ID - STATEMENT - MGR - Record Agencies and User Program Participation. Store User Statement Customization - Database - Natl Fire Plan - Forest ID - Relationships - _USDA ID_ - _USDA ID_ - _Rltn Type_ - Statement Specs - _USDA ID_ - _Agencies_ - _Programs_ **Agency Business Applications** **Customer RSNOD** - _USDA ID_ - Race(s) - Gender - Natl Origin - Disability **Agency User Databases** - RSNOD - MGR - Updates and Access - to RSNOD Data **Customer Accessible Applications** **Statement Personalization** - Business/Individual - Search Criteria - eAuthID - eAuth ## USDA ID Business Cards - OPT card owner LINE 2 - Sandy Farmer - 123 Shady Lane - Eden, ID 70523 - 907.721.1538 (day) - Optional Line 3 - [email protected] - USDA-id 437-FXB - Opt Card owner line 1 - B - A - D - C - E - F - G - I - H - A: License plate like coding of the USDA Customer ID - B,C,I: optional information (Company Name, slogan), D: Customer name - E,H,G: Customer declared contact information, F: USDA provided picture **USDA ID Business Cards** ## Agenda **Customer Statement Demonstration** **Q&A and Next Steps** **Agenda** **Notes:** High energy Welcome. Get jazzed. Good things are happening: EITIRB meeting tomorrow for 30 minutes exclusively on eGov EC and I will be meeting with DS ideally this week as well but may slip to next week Relatively positive feedback from OMB based on our efforts – only Yellow Thanks for efforts to date. Time to roll up sleeves again. ## Questions and Answers ## Next Steps **New EGWG Schedule: 2****nd**** and 4****th**** Wednesday of every month** **Next EGWG Session** - *Date*: March 24, 2004. - *Time*: 11:00 AM – 12:00PM EST - *Location*: S107 - *Topic*: Smart Choice Strategic Initiatives Update **eAuthentication - Release 2 Screens Review Meeting** - *Date*: Monday, March 22, 2004 - *Time*: 2:00 PM EST - *Location*: S107
EMBARGOED UNTIL 2 PM EDT Treasury Contact: Rob Nichols October 20, 2003 (202) 622-2920 OMB Contact: Garrette Silverman \(202\) 395-7254 **JOINT STATEMENT OF** **JOHN W. SNOW,** **SECRETARY OF THE TREASURY,** **AND** **JOSHUA B. BOLTEN,** **DIRECTOR OF THE OFFICE OF MANAGEMENT AND BUDGET,** **ON** **BUDGET RESULTS FOR FISCAL YEAR 2003** SUMMARY The Administration is today releasing the September 2003 Monthly Treasury Statement of Receipts and Outlays of the United States Government[^1]. The statement shows the actual budget totals for the fiscal year that ended September 30, 2003, as follows: - A deficit of \$374 billion; - total receipts of \$1,782 billion; and - total outlays of \$2,157 billion. (MORE) JS-9999 Table 1. TOTAL RECEIPTS, OUTLAYS AND SURPLUS/DEFICIT (-) (in billions of dollars) > [Receipts]{.underline} [Outlays]{.underline} [Surplus/Deficit > (-)]{.underline} 2002 Actual\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\... 1,853 2,011 -158 FY 2003 Estimates: FY 2004 Budget\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\... 1,836 2,140 -304 FY 2004 Mid-Session Review\... 1,756 2,212 -455 Actual\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\..... 1,782 2,157 -374 NOTE: Details may not add to totals due to rounding. The FY 2003 unified deficit was \$374 billion, or an estimated 3.5 percent of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP). The deficit for FY 2003 is \$81 billion lower than projected in the Mid-Session Review (MSR) with receipts higher by \$26 billion and outlays lower by \$55 billion. Receipts in 2003 were 3.8 percent below the level in 2002, while outlays grew by 7.2 percent above the previous year. Departments with the largest rates of growth included Education (24 percent), Defense (17 percent), and the newly created Homeland Security Department. RECEIPTS Number range CHAPTERTotal receipts for FY 2003 were \$1,782 billion, \$26 billion higher than the MSR estimate of \$1,756 billion. The MSR estimate contained an adjustment for revenue uncertainty beyond what the economic and tax models forecast. This adjustment accounts for \$15 billion of the increase in receipts relative to the MSR. The remaining \$11 billion increase in collections relative to the MSR was largely due to higher-than-expected collections of individual and corporation income taxes of \$4 billion and \$6 billion, respectively. Excise taxes and social insurance and retirement receipts were also above forecast, but were partially offset by lower-than-estimated collections of other sources of receipts. Table 2 displays actual receipts and estimates from the Budget and the MSR by source. [Individual income taxes]{.underline} were \$794 billion, \$4 billion higher than the MSR estimate. This increase was due to higher-than-estimated payments of withheld and non-withheld taxes, which were partially offset by higher-than-expected refunds. [Corporation income taxes]{.underline} were \$132 billion, \$6 billion greater than the MSR estimate. Higher-than-estimated corporate tax payments and lower-than-estimated refunds were responsible for this increase. [Social insurance and retirement receipts]{.underline} were \$713 billion, \$2 billion higher than the MSR estimate. A one-time unexpected increase in State deposits to the unemployment insurance trust fund accounted for a large part of this increase. [Miscellaneous receipts]{.underline} were \$35 billion, \$1 billion lower than the MSR estimate. Lower-than-estimated deposits of earnings by the Federal Reserve accounted for most of the decline in this source of receipts. OUTLAYS Total outlays were \$2,157 billion, \$55 billion or 2.5 percent below the MSR estimate. Most agency outlays were down, although increases occurred in Medicare and Defense procurement. Table 3 displays actual outlays by agency and major program as well as estimates from the Budget and the MSR. The largest changes in outlays were in the following areas: - [Department of Defense - Military]{.underline} -- In FY 2003, outlays for the Department of Defense -- Military were \$389 billion, a decrease of \$20 billion from the MSR estimate. Of this difference, \$17 billion is due to the operations and maintenance (O&M) accounts outlaying their FY 2003 obligations at a slower than expected rate, particularly obligations funded under the supplemental appropriations for Iraq. The MSR estimates applied O&M outlay rates that are appropriate for annual appropriations, received in the first quarter of the year. These outlay rates overestimate outlays for funds made available in the third quarter of the year, such as the Iraq supplemental. The MSR did not fully recognize the impact of the late enactment of the supplemental. In addition, the MSR estimates did not foresee a \$3.5 billion rescission to the supplemental\'s Iraqi Freedom Fund, which is largely comprised of O&M activities. Moreover, the MSR assumed that all of the Iraqi Freedom Fund would be spent on O&M, whereas several billion of these funds are being used for slower-spending procurement purposes. The slower-than-anticipated outlays in FY 2003 and the unusually large percentage of O&M obligations made late in FY 2003 are expected to result in increased outlays for FY 2004. - [Department of Treasury]{.underline} -- The Department of Treasury had FY 2003 actual outlays of \$367 billion, \$7 billion lower than the MSR estimate. Interest on the public debt, which includes interest paid to government accounts as well as interest paid to the public, was \$318 billion, \$6 billion below the MSR estimate. This difference was largely due to lower interest paid to trust funds (\$4 billion below the MSR) and other government accounts (\$1 billion). However, these interest payments to trust funds and other government accounts had no impact on the deficit, because they were offset by changes in undistributed offsetting receipts (discussed below) and various agency totals. Interest paid to the public was \$1 billion below the MSR estimate. - [Department of Agriculture]{.underline} -- Actual outlays for the Department of Agriculture were \$72 billion, a decrease of \$5 billion from the MSR estimate. Commodity Credit Corporation (CCC) outlays were \$1 billion below the MSR estimate. A third of the reduction is due to a lag in making disaster assistance payments, while about one quarter is due to smaller-than-anticipated disaster payments. Nearly one-quarter was due to lower Milk Income Loss Contract payments caused by stronger-than-anticipated milk prices. Most of the remainder of the difference resulted from lower-than-expected net lending and export credit guarantees volumes. Net outlays for the Rural Utilities Service were \$1 billion below MSR mainly due to increased collections of borrower prepayments associated with borrower refinancing at current low interest rates. Lower Food and Nutrition Service outlays of \$1 billion below MSR estimates were caused by lower-than-anticipated participation in the Child Nutrition programs and Special Supplemental Nutrition program for Women, Infants and Children (WIC) and a lag in Food Stamp program State administrative expenses. - [Department of Homeland Security]{.underline} -- Actual outlays for the Department of Homeland Security were \$32 billion in FY 2003, \$4 billion below the MSR estimate. The Department has outlayed funds more slowly than anticipated in the MSR for a variety of reasons. Within the Border and Transportation Security and Emergency Preparedness and Response divisions, several large contracts and inter-agency agreements were signed later in the fiscal year than anticipated. In addition, flood insurance funds were disbursed at a slower rate than expected since this year\'s flood season was less severe than anticipated. - [International Assistance Programs]{.underline} -- FY 2003 outlays for International Assistance Programs were \$13 billion, \$3 billion less than the MSR estimate. The largest difference is in the International monetary program, which experienced an increase of \$2 billion from the MSR estimate due to valuation changes in the U.S. reserve position (which is similar to a deposit) in the International Monetary Fund (IMF). The valuation gains are accounted for as an offset to outlays because they represent an unrealized gain on an asset. Outlays for the Economic Support Fund were \$1 billion lower than MSR, largely because Supplemental funds for Turkey, which have been obligated, were not in fact disbursed in FY 2003. Other differences from MSR estimates included a slight decrease in outlays for Foreign Military Financing, other than funds for Israel, and a slight increase in outlays for Foreign Military Sales. - [Department of Health and Human Services]{.underline} -- Actual outlays for the Department of Health and Human Services were \$505 billion, \$3 billion lower than the MSR estimate. Although FY 2003 outlays for Medicaid were nearly 9 percent higher than FY 2002, the outlays were \$3 billion lower than the MSR estimate, due to lower-than-expected growth in State spending. Outlays for the Administration for Children and Families were \$1 billion less than the MSR estimate as a result of slower-than-expected spending in the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families and Child Support Enforcement programs. These decreases were partly offset by Medicare outlays, which were \$1 billion above the MSR estimate, largely due to higher-than-projected utilization of physician-administered drugs and durable medical equipment and higher-than-projected outlays for hospital outpatient services. - [Department of Education]{.underline} -- Department of Education outlays in FY 2003 were \$57 billion, \$2 billion below MSR estimates. Most of this decrease was in the Office of Elementary and Secondary Education, and is attributable to slower-than-anticipated State implementation of some elementary and secondary education programs. - [Office of Personnel Management]{.underline} -- FY 2003 Office of Personnel Management outlays were \$54 billion, a decrease of \$2 billion from MSR. The bulk of the decrease occurred in the Civil Service Retirement and Disability Fund (\$1 billion) due largely to lower-than-expected retirements, and in the Employees and Retired Employees Health Benefits Funds (\$1 billion) due mostly to lower-than-estimated claims and contingency reserve payments. - [Undistributed offsetting receipts]{.underline} -- Undistributed offsetting receipts were \$210 billion in FY 2003, \$1 billion below the MSR estimate. Offsetting receipts are deducted from gross outlays in calculating net outlays; therefore, decreases in these figures increase the deficit. The largest increase was in interest received by trust funds, \$4 billion below MSR. As indicated in the paragraph above on the Department of Treasury, this difference is offset by lower interest paid on the public debt by Treasury and does not affect total outlays. This difference was largely offset by increased receipts for Employer share, employee retirement, of \$3 billion more than the MSR estimate. Of this increase, \$2 billion was in receipts for military retirement and health. -30- [^1]: The September 2003 Monthly Treasury Statement of Receipts and Outlays of the United States Government containing these results can be found on the Financial Management Service website at:
# Presentation: 381518 ## Needs ***Problem-oriented/connecting supply and demand for information/on-going interaction*** ***Enabling technologies *** ***Evaluation versus Lessons Learned*** ***Assessments*** ***Operational decisions*** ***Social science/economics/humanities (The stuff versus the people – defining the problem)*** ***Business practices/sustained partnerships/innovation*** ## Current Knowledge ***Uncertainty*** – many other dimensions ***Types of research*** will depend on problem being addressed and use: setting priorities in science agencies? ***Multiple approaches/multiple “products”*** – known versus unknown degrees of freedom ## Communications: Realities of Developing Partnerships ***Requires a large investment*** of time and effort; development of trust ***Commitment to sustained communication*** and follow-up to meet user expectations ***Websites; newsletters; briefings; engagement; education; access and query-based tools; translators; regular workshops*** ***Transition to operational distribution of climate products allows researchers to move on*** to working on next project/partnership ## Capacity ***Expansion ***decision-support engagement - RISA/Assessments/Other - Early adapters – ***new entrepreneurs*** - Appropriateness of CCSP activities: ***public need/value*** (societal benefit versus individual benefit versus aggregated individual benefit) - CCSP - ***NIDIS*** ***Federally funded to Federally seeded***: resources/sustaining activities; investing in solutions – return on that investment ## Slide 5
![](media/image1.jpeg){width="8.5in" height="3.5027777777777778in"}U.S. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY **Office of Electricity Delivery and\ Energy Reliability** **ENERGY ASSURANCE DAILY** **December 14, 2005** ## Highlights/Major Developments **Update: Hurricanes Katrina, Rita, and Wilma** For damage assessment and restoration efforts concerning hurricanes, see the Gulf Coast Hurricanes situation reports from the Office of Electricity Delivery and Energy Reliability (OE) of the U.S. Department of Energy @ [[]{.underline}]( For the latest statistics on shut-in oil and gas production in the Gulf of Mexico, please click on the following link: []( For the latest statistics on shut-in oil and gas production and pipeline status in Louisiana, please click on the following link: <> ######## Electricity ### Mohave Coal-fired Plant in California to Close -- Officials Confirm*** *<>** Over 17,000 First Energy Customers Out in North Carolina\ [****]( **Progress Reduces 900 MW Brunswick 2 Nuke in North Carolina for Work** Progress Energy Inc. reduced the 900-megawatt unit 2 at the Brunswick nuclear power station in North Carolina to about 50 percent of capacity on Tuesday to work on two systems. The company is working on the condenser and a recirculating water pump. There are also thousands of Progress Energy customers out of power in North Carolina, which may be related. See story above. Reuters, 10:56 December 14, 2005 **TMPA's 462 MW Gibbons Creek Coal-fired Unit in Texas Shut December 14\ **Texas Municipal Power Agency planned to shut the 462-megawatt Gibbons Creek coal-fired power station in Texas on Dec. 14-15 to fix a boiler tube leak. Reuters, 10:44 December 14, 2005 **Wisconsin Energy's 512 MW Point Beach 1 Nuke in Wisconsin Shut December 13** The operator of Wisconsin Energy Corp.\'s 512-megawatt unit 1 at the Point Beach nuclear power station in Wisconsin manually tripped the unit on Tuesday, a company spokeswoman said Wednesday. The operator, Nuclear Management Co. of Hudson, Wisconsin, shut the unit due to the failure of a circulating water pump, which affected the condenser vacuum. Reuters, 10:27 December 14, 2005 **Edison Mission to Increase California\'s Peaking Power Capabilities**\ Edison Mission Group Incorporated has begun permitting for a new 500-megawatt (MW) peaking station. [**]( Reuters, 07:09 December 14, 2005 **Duke's 260 MW Moss Landing 2 Gas-fired Unit in California Shut December 13** Reuters, 20:01 December 13, 2005 **TXU's 570 MW Big Brown 1 Coal-fired Unit in Texas Restarted December 14** Reuters, 20:01 December 13, 2005 **OPG's 494 MW Lambton 4 Coal-fired Unit in Ontario Restarted December 14**\ Reuters, 20:01 December 13, 2005 **OPG's 494 MW Lambton 3 Nuke in Ontario Shut for Work December 14** Ontario Power Generation\'s 494-megawatt unit 3 at the Lambton coal-fired power station in Ontario shut by early Wednesday for a short-term forced outage, a spokesman for the province-owned generating company said. Reuters, 11:09 December 14, 2005 ######## ### Bruce Power's 822 MW Bruce 6 Nuke Unit in Ontario Shut December 13 Reuters, 16:08 December 14, 2005 ### Ameren's 440 MW Taum Sauk Hydro Unit in Missouri Shut December 14 Reuters, 16:08 December 14, 2005 ######## Petroleum Nothing to report. ######## Natural Gas **Bobcat Gas to Build Gas Storage Site in Louisiana** Texas-based Bobcat Gas Storage said Wednesday it would build a salt-cavern natural gas storage facility in Port Barre, Louisiana. Bobcat said in a statement the site\'s two planned salt caverns will be located close to the benchmark U.S. natural gas trading hub near Eunice, Louisiana, and will have a combined working gas capacity of 12 billion cubic feet (bcf). Reuters, 13:53 December 14, 2005 **NYMEX Natgas Tumbles Four Percent on Revised Forecasts** At 12:35 p.m. EST, January natgas futures were down 59.8 cents, or 4 percent, to \$14.78 per million British thermal units after trading between \$14.57 and \$15.08. Reuters, 12:45 December 14, 2005 **Vector, Trunkline LNG Seek Expansions, Petal Puts New Storage Cavern in Service**\ Vector Pipeline LP has filed an application to construct new compressor stations to accommodate a concurrent request to increase flows at its existing U.S.-Canadian border facilities. [](\v) **Mackenzie Project Delayed a Year; Initial Service Expected in 2011** Canadian arctic natural gas will stay frozen off North American markets for an extra year. The first planned northern pipeline construction season has been lost due to slow government and native negotiations, the Mackenzie Gas Project told regulators this week. [](\v) ### Exxon, Alaska Near Gas Pipeline Deal: Lateral May Feed Anchorage Exxon Mobil\'s participation has long been viewed as being critical to the construction of a pipeline from Alaska\'s North Slope to the US lower 48 states. Industry veterans observing the efforts to develop a transportation system for the 35 Tcf or more of gas now stranded around Prudhoe Bay simply assumed that the project would come to fruition when Exxon was ready. That time appears very near. (Monday, December 12, 2005) <> **Sempra Energy Gets FERC Permit for Gas Facility\ **Sempra Energy said on Tuesday it has received a permit from the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission to build and operate a natural gas storage facility in Calcasieu Parish, Louisiana. The facility, which will provide 17 billion cubic feet (Bcf) of working gas capacity for storage, is expected to be in service in mid- to late-2006. Reuters, 16:46 December 13, 2005 ######## Other News ### EIA Releases Annual Energy Outlook <> ######## Energy Prices +-------------------------------+-----------+-----------+------------+ | | **Latest | **Week | **Year | | | (12 | Ago** | Ago** | | | /14/05)** | | | +-------------------------------+-----------+-----------+------------+ | **CRUDE OIL** | 60.86 | 59.21 | 41.76 | | | | | | | **West Texas Intermediate | | | | | US** | | | | | | | | | | \$/Barrel | | | | +-------------------------------+-----------+-----------+------------+ | **NATURAL GAS** | 14.81 | 13.95 | 7.10 | | | | | | | **Henry Hub** | | | | | | | | | | \$/Million Btu | | | | +-------------------------------+-----------+-----------+------------+ > Source: Reuters **This Week in Petroleum** from the Energy Information Administration (EIA) [**]( Updated on Wednesdays **Weekly Petroleum Status Report** from EIA**\ **[**]( Updated after 1:00 pm (Eastern time) on Wednesdays **Natural Gas Weekly Update** from EIA [**]( *Updated after 2:00 pm (Eastern time) on Thursdays*
![](media/image1.png){width="5.96875in" height="0.41944444444444445in"} Top of Form ## Complete Summary #### GUIDELINE TITLE Interim guidelines for the evaluation of infants born to mothers infected with West Nile virus during pregnancy. #### BIBLIOGRAPHIC SOURCE(S) Interim guidelines for the evaluation of infants born to mothers infected with West Nile virus during pregnancy. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2004 Feb 27;53(7):154-7. \[6 references\] [PubMed]( #### GUIDELINE STATUS This is the current release of the guideline. ### COMPLETE SUMMARY CONTENT  SCOPE\  METHODOLOGY - including Rating Scheme and Cost Analysis\  RECOMMENDATIONS\  EVIDENCE SUPPORTING THE RECOMMENDATIONS\  BENEFITS/HARMS OF IMPLEMENTING THE GUIDELINE RECOMMENDATIONS\  QUALIFYING STATEMENTS\  IMPLEMENTATION OF THE GUIDELINE\  INSTITUTE OF MEDICINE (IOM) NATIONAL HEALTHCARE QUALITY REPORT CATEGORIES\  IDENTIFYING INFORMATION AND AVAILABILITY\  DISCLAIMER ### SCOPE #### DISEASE/CONDITION(S) - West Nile virus infection - Pregnancy #### GUIDELINE CATEGORY Evaluation\ Prevention #### CLINICAL SPECIALTY Family Practice\ Infectious Diseases\ Obstetrics and Gynecology\ Pediatrics #### INTENDED USERS Advanced Practice Nurses\ Nurses\ Physician Assistants\ Physicians #### GUIDELINE OBJECTIVE(S) To develop recommendations for evaluating infants born to mothers who acquire West Nile virus infection during pregnancy #### TARGET POPULATION Infants born to mothers who acquire West Nile virus infection during pregnancy #### INTERVENTIONS AND PRACTICES CONSIDERED **[Evaluation]{.underline}** **Fetus** 1. Ultrasound 2. Amniotic fluid, chorionic villi, or fetal serum **Infants Born to Mothers Who Were Infected During Pregnancy** 1. Physical examination, including measurement of head circumference, length, weight, and assessment of gestational age 2. Assessment for neurological abnormalities, dysmorphic features, splenomegaly, hepatomegaly, and rash or other skin lesion. Abnormalities photographed and specialist referral, if indicated 3. Initial serum immunoglobulin M (IgM) and immunoglobulin G (IgG) testing from either the umbilical cord or directly from the infant within 2 days of birth 4. Evaluation of hearing by evoked otoacoustic emissions testing or auditory brainstem response testing 5. Referral to audiologist for infants with abnormal hearing screens 6. Examination of the placenta by a pathologist **Infants with Possible Congenital West Nile Virus (WNV) Infection** 1. Computerized tomography (CT) scan of the head and brain and referral to a pediatric neurologist if indicated 2. Pediatric ophthalmologic evaluation, including examination of the retina 3. Complete blood count, platelet count, and liver function tests, including alanine aminotransferase and aspirate aminotransferase 4. Examination of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) and should include testing of CSF for IgM antibody to WNV 5. Evaluation by a dysmorphologist or clinical geneticist 6. Further evaluation of any congenital abnormalities to determine alternative causes, including genetic, infectious, or other teratogenic causes 7. Additional hearing screen at age 6 months 8. Careful evaluation of head circumference, physical characteristics, and developmental milestones throughout the first year of life 9. Additional examination of infant serum for IgG and IgM antibody to WNV at age 6 months 10. Histopathologic examination of the placenta and umbilical cord, testing of frozen placental tissue and cord tissue for WNV nucleic acid, and testing of cord serum for IgM and IgG antibody to WNV **[Prevention]{.underline}** 1. Insect repellent 2. Protective clothing 3. Educate pregnant women to avoid outside at peak-mosquito time #### MAJOR OUTCOMES CONSIDERED Not stated ### METHODOLOGY #### METHODS USED TO COLLECT/SELECT EVIDENCE Searches of Electronic Databases #### DESCRIPTION OF METHODS USED TO COLLECT/SELECT THE EVIDENCE Not stated #### NUMBER OF SOURCE DOCUMENTS Not stated #### METHODS USED TO ASSESS THE QUALITY AND STRENGTH OF THE EVIDENCE Not stated #### RATING SCHEME FOR THE STRENGTH OF THE EVIDENCE Not applicable #### METHODS USED TO ANALYZE THE EVIDENCE Review #### DESCRIPTION OF THE METHODS USED TO ANALYZE THE EVIDENCE Not stated #### METHODS USED TO FORMULATE THE RECOMMENDATIONS Not stated #### RATING SCHEME FOR THE STRENGTH OF THE RECOMMENDATIONS Not applicable #### COST ANALYSIS A formal cost analysis was not performed and published cost analyses were not reviewed. #### METHOD OF GUIDELINE VALIDATION Peer Review #### DESCRIPTION OF METHOD OF GUIDELINE VALIDATION Not stated ### RECOMMENDATIONS #### MAJOR RECOMMENDATIONS **Screening for West Nile Virus During Pregnancy** No specific treatment for West Nile virus (WNV) infection exists, and the consequences of WNV infection during pregnancy have not been well defined. For these reasons, screening of asymptomatic pregnant women for WNV infection is not recommended. **Diagnosis of WNV Infection During Pregnancy** Pregnant women who have meningitis, encephalitis, acute flaccid paralysis, or unexplained fever in an area of ongoing WNV transmission should have serum (and cerebrospinal fluid \[CSF\], if clinically indicated) tested for antibody to WNV. If serologic or other laboratory tests indicate recent infection with WNV, these infections should be reported to the local or state health department, and the women should be followed to determine the outcomes of their pregnancies. **Evaluation of the Fetus in Pregnant Women with WNV Infection** If WNV illness is diagnosed during pregnancy, a detailed ultrasound examination of the fetus to evaluate for structural abnormalities should be considered no sooner than 2 to 4 weeks after onset of WNV illness in the mother, unless earlier examination is otherwise indicated. Amniotic fluid, chorionic villi, or fetal serum can be tested for evidence of WNV infection. However, the sensitivity, specificity, and predictive value of tests that might be used to evaluate fetal WNV infection are not known, and the clinical consequences of fetal infection have not been determined. In case of miscarriage or induced abortion, testing of all products of conception (e.g., the placenta and umbilical cord) for evidence of WNV infection is advised to document the effects of WNV infection on pregnancy outcome. **Evaluation of Infants Born to Mothers Infected with WNV During Pregnancy** When an infant is born to a mother who was known or suspected to have WNV infection during pregnancy, clinical evaluation is recommended. - Thorough physical examination, including careful measurement of the head circumference, length, weight, and assessment of gestational age - Evaluation for neurologic abnormalities, dysmorphic features, splenomegaly, hepatomegaly, and rash or other skin lesions. Any rash, skin lesions, or dysmorphic features should be photographed. If an abnormality is noted, consultation with an appropriate specialist is recommended. - Testing of infant serum for immunoglobulin M (IgM) and immunoglobulin G (IgG) antibody to WNV. The initial sample should be collected either from the umbilical cord or directly from the infant within 2 days of birth. If maternal WNV illness occurred [\<]{.underline}8 days before delivery and the initial infant serum sample is negative for WNV IgM antibody, a second infant serum sample should be obtained [\>]{.underline}2 weeks after the first sample. Free testing of samples by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) can be arranged by contacting state public health laboratories. - Evaluation of hearing by evoked otoacoustic emissions testing or auditory brainstem response testing, either before discharge from the hospital or within 1 month after birth. Infants with abnormal initial hearing screens should be referred to an audiologist for further evaluation. - Initial examination of the placenta by a pathologist is encouraged. Regardless of whether this is completed, the entire placenta, a sample of umbilical cord tissue, and a sample of serum from the umbilical cord should be retained for further evaluation if congenital WNV infection is identified or strongly suspected. A section of the placenta and umbilical cord should be frozen, and the remainder of the placenta should be preserved in formalin; a sample of umbilical cord blood should be centrifuged, and the serum should be refrigerated or frozen. Further evaluation should be considered if any clinical abnormality is identified or if laboratory testing indicates that an infant might have congenital WNV infection\*. - Computerized tomography (CT) scan of the head and brain. If CT is abnormal, a pediatric neurologist should be consulted. - Pediatric ophthalmologic evaluation, including examination of the retina - Complete blood count, platelet count, and liver function tests, including alanine aminotransferase and aspartate aminotransferase. Examination of CSF should be considered and, if performed, should include testing of CSF for IgM antibody to WNV. - Evaluation by a dysmorphologist or clinical geneticist - Further evaluation of any congenital abnormalities to determine alternative causes, including genetic, infectious, or other teratogenic causes - Additional hearing screen at age 6 months - Careful evaluation of head circumference, physical characteristics, and developmental milestones throughout the first year of life - Additional examination of infant serum for IgG and IgM antibody to WNV at age 6 months - Histopathologic examination of the placenta and umbilical cord, testing of frozen placental tissue and cord tissue for WNV nucleic acid, and testing of cord serum for IgM and IgG antibody to WNV \* The following laboratory results indicate possible congenital WNV infection: 1) positive IgM to WNV in infant serum or cerebrospinal fluid; 2) stable or increasing IgG to WNV in infant serum samples obtained at delivery and at age 6 months; or 3) detectable WNV, WNV nucleic acid, or WNV antigen in any infant clinical sample. **Prevention of WNV Infection During Pregnancy** Pregnant women who live in areas with WNV-infected mosquitoes should apply insect repellent to skin and clothes when exposed to mosquitoes and wear clothing that will help protect against mosquito bites. In addition, whenever possible, pregnant women should avoid being outdoors during peak mosquito-feeding times (i.e., usually dawn and dusk). #### CLINICAL ALGORITHM(S) None provided ### EVIDENCE SUPPORTING THE RECOMMENDATIONS #### TYPE OF EVIDENCE SUPPORTING THE RECOMMENDATIONS The type of supporting evidence is not specifically stated for each recommendation. ### BENEFITS/HARMS OF IMPLEMENTING THE GUIDELINE RECOMMENDATIONS #### POTENTIAL BENEFITS Effective evaluation of infants born to mothers infected with West Nile virus during pregnancy #### POTENTIAL HARMS Not stated ### QUALIFYING STATEMENTS #### QUALIFYING STATEMENTS Use of trade names and commercial sources is for identification only and does not imply endorsement by the United States Department of Health and Human Services. ### IMPLEMENTATION OF THE GUIDELINE #### DESCRIPTION OF IMPLEMENTATION STRATEGY An implementation strategy was not provided. ### INSTITUTE OF MEDICINE (IOM) NATIONAL HEALTHCARE QUALITY REPORT CATEGORIES #### IOM CARE NEED Getting Better\ Staying Healthy #### IOM DOMAIN Effectiveness ### IDENTIFYING INFORMATION AND AVAILABILITY #### BIBLIOGRAPHIC SOURCE(S) Interim guidelines for the evaluation of infants born to mothers infected with West Nile virus during pregnancy. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2004 Feb 27;53(7):154-7. \[6 references\] [PubMed]( #### ADAPTATION Not applicable: The guideline was not adapted from another source. #### DATE RELEASED 2004 Feb 27 #### GUIDELINE DEVELOPER(S) Centers for Disease Control and Prevention - Federal Government Agency \[U.S.\] #### SOURCE(S) OF FUNDING United States Government #### GUIDELINE COMMITTEE Not stated #### COMPOSITION OF GROUP THAT AUTHORED THE GUIDELINE Not stated #### FINANCIAL DISCLOSURES/CONFLICTS OF INTEREST Not stated #### GUIDELINE STATUS This is the current release of the guideline. #### GUIDELINE AVAILABILITY Electronic copies: Available from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Web site: - [HTML Format]( - [Portable Document Format (PDF)]( Print copies: Available from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, MMWR, Atlanta, GA 30333. Additional copies can be purchased from the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, DC 20402-9325; (202) 783-3238. #### AVAILABILITY OF COMPANION DOCUMENTS None available #### PATIENT RESOURCES None available #### NGC STATUS This NGC summary was completed by ECRI on June 4, 2004. #### COPYRIGHT STATEMENT No copyright restrictions apply. ### DISCLAIMER #### NGC DISCLAIMER The National Guideline Clearinghouse™ (NGC) does not develop, produce, approve, or endorse the guidelines represented on this site. All guidelines summarized by NGC and hosted on our site are produced under the auspices of medical specialty societies, relevant professional associations, public or private organizations, other government agencies, health care organizations or plans, and similar entities. Guidelines represented on the NGC Web site are submitted by guideline developers, and are screened solely to determine that they meet the NGC Inclusion Criteria which may be found at <> . NGC, AHRQ, and its contractor ECRI Institute make no warranties concerning the content or clinical efficacy or effectiveness of the clinical practice guidelines and related materials represented on this site. Moreover, the views and opinions of developers or authors of guidelines represented on this site do not necessarily state or reflect those of NGC, AHRQ, or its contractor ECRI Institute, and inclusion or hosting of guidelines in NGC may not be used for advertising or commercial endorsement purposes. Readers with questions regarding guideline content are directed to contact the guideline developer. Bottom of Form © 1998-2008 National Guideline Clearinghouse Date Modified: 11/10/2008      
# Presentation: 951357 ## OGSA-DAI DQP A very brief introduction - Scott Oster - Ohio State University ## Overview - OGSA-DAI components are either data access components or data integration components. A *Distributed Query Processing* (DQP) system is an example of a data integration component and can potentially provide effective declarative support for service orchestration as well as data integration. The service-based DQP framework described in provides an approach that: - supports queries over GDSs and over other services available on the Grid, thereby combining data access with analysis; - uses the facilities of the OGSA to dynamically obtain the resources necessary for efficient evaluation of a distributed query; - adapts techniques from parallel databases to provide implicit parallelism for complex data-intensive requests; and - uses the emerging standard for GDSs to provide consistent access to database metadata and to interact with databases on the Grid. ## Layers ## Non-Distributed Query in OGSA-DAI ## DQP Services - The service-based DQP framework extends the OGSA-DAI with two new services (and their corresponding factories): **Grid Distributed Query Service (GDQS).** - main interaction point for the clients. - interacts with the appropriate registries to obtain the metadata and computational resource information that it needs to compile, optimise, partition and schedule distributed query execution plans over multiple execution nodes in the Grid. - implementation of the GDQS builds on a previous work on the Polar* distributed query processor for the Grid by encapsulating its compilation and optimisation functionality. **Grid Query Evaluation Service (GQES).** - created by the GDQS based on the query plans generated by the query compiler, optimiser and scheduler. - each GQES instance evaluates a partition of the query execution plan assigned to it by a GDQS. - the set of GQES instances form a tree through which the data flows from leaf GQESs which interact with GDSs, up the tree to reach its destination. - As well as using the services provided by *Grid Data Services* (GDSs), the GDQS and GQES both implement GDS port type, and thus can be discovered and invoked in the same way as other GDSs. ## DQP Interactions ## For More Information - _[]( - _[]( - - - -
<table> <colgroup> <col style="width: 7%" /> <col style="width: 5%" /> <col style="width: 13%" /> <col style="width: 9%" /> <col style="width: 13%" /> <col style="width: 13%" /> <col style="width: 8%" /> <col style="width: 9%" /> <col style="width: 10%" /> <col style="width: 5%" /> <col style="width: 2%" /> </colgroup> <thead> <tr class="header"> <th colspan="7"><h1 id="payload-flight-hazard-report">PAYLOAD FLIGHT HAZARD REPORT</h1></th> <th>a. NO:</th> <th colspan="3">AMS-02-F07</th> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <th colspan="2">b. PAYLOAD</th> <th colspan="5">Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer-02 (AMS-02)</th> <th>c. PHASE:</th> <th colspan="3">II</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr class="odd"> <td colspan="2">d. SUBSYSTEM:</td> <td colspan="2">Electrical, Radiation</td> <td>e. HAZARD GROUP:</td> <td colspan="2">Radiation, Injury/Illness</td> <td>f. DATE:</td> <td colspan="3">May 25, 2007</td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td colspan="2" rowspan="2">g. HAZARD TITLE:</td> <td colspan="5" rowspan="2">Excessive Field Strengths: EMI, Magnetic (DC Field)</td> <td>i. HAZARD</td> <td colspan="2">CATASTROPHIC</td> <td><strong>X</strong></td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td>CATEGORY:</td> <td colspan="2">CRITICAL</td> <td></td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td colspan="3">h. APPLICABLE SAFETY REQUIREMENTS:</td> <td colspan="8">NSTS 1700.7B and ISS Addendum, paragraphs 200.2, 212.2</td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td colspan="3">j. DESCRIPTION OF HAZARD:</td> <td colspan="8">The AMS-02 generates energy fields by way of RF and magnetic fields that may have a hazardous effect on Orbiter Systems, ISS systems and equipment (SSRMS, SPDM), Extravehicular Mobility Unit (EMU), Russian Orlan Suit, Simplified Aid for EVA Rescue (SAFER), EVA tools (including the Pistol Grip Tool) and other safety critical subsystems.</td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td>k. CAUSES</td> <td colspan="10" rowspan="2"><p>1. AMS-02 Generates an Excessive Magnetic Field Strength</p> <p>2. AMS-02 Radiates an Excessive Electromagnetic Radiation (RF) Field Strength</p> <p>3. AMS-02 Changing Magnetic Fields induces currents in proximity systems</p></td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td><em>(list)</em></td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td colspan="11"></td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td colspan="3">o. APPROVAL</td> <td colspan="3">PAYLOAD ORGANIZATION</td> <td colspan="5">SSP/ISS</td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td colspan="3">PHASE I</td> <td colspan="3"></td> <td colspan="5"></td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td colspan="3">PHASE II</td> <td colspan="3"></td> <td colspan="5"></td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td colspan="3">PHASE III</td> <td colspan="3"></td> <td colspan="5"></td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td colspan="11"></td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td colspan="9">l. HAZARD CONTROL (CONTROL), m. SAFETY VERIFICATION METHODS (SVM), n. STATUS OF VERIFICATIONS (STATUS)</td> <td colspan="2">OPS CONTROL</td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td colspan="9">1. CAUSE: AMS-02 Generates an Excessive Magnetic Field Strength</td> <td colspan="2"></td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td colspan="9"><p>1.1 CONTROL: The AMS-02 Cryomagnet has been designed with multiple magnetic coils oriented to reduce the overall magnetic field outside of the AMS-02 envelope as much as possible. The implementation of precision located racetrack and dipole coils create a large magnetic field (0.86 Tesla/8600 gauss minimum) inside the bore of the Cryomagnet and a greatly reduced field outside.</p> <p>1.1.1 SVM: The actual magnetic field of the AMS-02 Cryomagnet will be measured and compared to analytic model.</p> <p>1.1.2 SVM: Waiver to SSP 57003 for excessive magnetic fields.</p> <p>1.1.1 STATUS: Open.</p> <p>1.1.2 STATUS: Open.</p></td> <td colspan="2"></td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td colspan="9"><p>1.2 CONTROL: The AMS-02 magnetic field profile does not exceed the maximum safe exposure limits for ISS subsystems located within the proximity of the AMS-02 while the AMS-02 Cryomagnet is charged. TIA-310, attached to this hazard report, provides a list of ISS subsystems and the field strength they will likely experience.</p> <p>1.2.1 SVM: An analysis of the final, measured field strength.</p> <p>1.2.2 SVM: Program Acceptance (waiver to SSP 57003) of magnetic field strength on ISS Systems.</p> <p>1.2.1 STATUS: Open. Initial analysis of the predicted field strength has been completed and only requires confirmation of measured field strength to confirm no impact to ISS systems. This is documented in TIA-310.</p> <p>1.2.2 STATUS: Open. Initial assessment based on the analytic model has been accepted by the ISS Program by the approval of TIA-310. Confirmation of analytic model with measured values will be reported as confirming this assessment.</p></td> <td colspan="2"></td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td colspan="9"><p>1.3 CONTROL: The AMS-02 will only charge the magnetic field or retain it’s intense field strength when it is berthed in its ISS operational location at PAS Site on the S3 truss, upper inboard (PAS 2). Procedure will require that the magnetic field be dissipated and confirmed dissipated prior to any robotic operations removing it from the ISS. The Cryomagnet may be discharged through a number of mechanisms, commanded discharge of stored current in a controlled ramp down through AMS-02 Dump Diodes and a controlled quench. In the event that power from the ISS is lost and commanded control is absent the battery powered watchdog timer will initiate a controlled ramp down of the Cryomagnet after 8 hours.</p> <p>1.3.1 SVM: Functional demonstration of the ability to dissipate the magnetic field and monitor this through the AMS-02 Cryomagnet Self Protecting System controlled ramp down.</p> <p>1.3.2 SVM: Functional demonstration of the ability to dissipate the magnetic field by way of a controlled quench and monitor results.</p> <p>1.3.3 SVM: Functional testing of the AMS-02 Cryomagnet Self Protection System/Watch Dog Timer ability to initiate a controlled ramp down in the event of loss of ISS power services.</p> <p>1.3.4 SVM: Formal acceptance of procedural requirement by MOD through an OCAP</p> <p>1.3.5 SVM: &lt;deleted&gt;</p> <p>1.3.1 STATUS: Open</p> <p>1.3.2 STATUS: Open</p> <p>1.3.3 STATUS: Open</p> <p>1.3.4 STATUS: Open</p> <p>1.3.5 STATUS: &lt;deleted&gt;</p></td> <td colspan="2">I</td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td colspan="9"><p>1.4 CONTROL: (Ascent Phase)The AMS-02 Cryomagnet cannot be energized within the Shuttle Payload Bay (T&gt;0) as the power provided by the Orbiter can not be supplied to the magnetic field coils without an EVA exchange of cables.</p> <p>1.4.1 SVM: Review of Design to confirm that APCU power feed cannot power the AMS-02 Cryomagnet charging subsystem.</p> <p>1.4.2 SVM: Inspection of Flight hardware to confirm EVA accessible cables are configured properly prior to flight.</p> <p>1.4.1 STATUS: Open.</p> <p>1.4.2 STATUS: Open.</p></td> <td colspan="2"></td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td colspan="9"><p>1.5 CONTROL: (Pre-launch) The AMS-02 Cryomagnet charging circuitshave power connection through the Shuttle T-0 power feed. There is no plan to initiate charging of the AMS-02 cryogenic magnet while in the shuttle, prior to launch. AMS-02 systems will be monitored prior to launch up to L-9 minutes or later to confirm that the AMS-02 Cryomagnet is operationally quiescent. If ground monitoring indicates a charging Cryomagnet or a charged Cryomagnet during launch count down, a No Go will be issued for launch. Once the multiple commands (seven discrete sequenced commands with special timing/conditions are required from the ground systems) necessary to initiate a charge are issued the AMS-02 Cryomagnet requires 1.5 hours to charge. Monitoring of AMS-02 systems will be accomplished using 1553 and RS 422 communications available through the T-0 Connection.</p> <p>1.5.1 SVM: Functional Testing of AMS-02 Cryomagnet charging to confirm Cryomagnet charge profile.</p> <p>1.5.2 SVM: Confirm flight Go/No-Go Procedure/Launch Commit Criteria in place.</p> <p>1.5.3 SVM: Functional testing of monitoring paths through T-0 lines.</p> <p>1.5.4 SVM: Ground Operational Procedure and Standards for preflight check of AMS-02 Status for Go-No Go.</p> <p>1.5.5 SVM: Review of AMS-02 Cryomagnet Charging Procedure to confirm multiple process command steps.</p> <p>1.5.1 STATUS: Open</p> <p>1.5.2 STATUS: Open</p> <p>1.5.3 STATUS: Open</p> <p>1.5.4 STATUS: Open</p> <p>1.5.5 STATUS: Open</p></td> <td colspan="2">G</td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td colspan="9"><p>1.6 CONTROL: (EVA Access) Worst case magnetic fields experienced during an uncontrolled quench will not exceed 175 gauss (1.75 x 10<sup>-2</sup> Tesla) within the EVA translation path past the AMS-02 (including translations around the AMS-02 associate with adjacent PAS locations). A quench event can produce the worst case magnetic field along the MT translation path for the period of the quench. Nominal AMS-02 magnetic fields will generate the worst case fields (more compact and not dispersed) for other AMS-02 EVA activities (if the Cryomagnet was operating). The US EMU, SAFER and PGT have been tested to be compatible with a magnetic field of 600 gauss and have been assessed to be good for a field exposure of 300 gauss (a factor of 2 based on testing). The Russian Orlan suit has been qualified to be compatible with a magnetic field of 175 gauss and will require the AMS-02 magnetic field be dissipated prior to an EVA with the Orlan suit in the immediate proximity to the AMS-02 (accessing the AMS-02, not translations past). The AMS-02 Cryomagnet will have its magnetic fields dumped and power inhibited prior to <u>any</u> EVA procedure to be conducted on/with the AMS-02. A keep out zone will be documented to restrict entry into excessive magnetic field strength zones during non-AMS-02 EVA tasks. Cryomagnet charge status can be ascertained through health monitoring systems to the ground. NOTE: 300 Gauss threshold line shown on A7-12</p> <p>1.6.1 SVM: Analytic assessment of uncontrolled quench magnetic field decay.</p> <p>1.6.2 SVM: Magnetic field mapping of flight AMS-02.</p> <p>1.6.3 SVM: Magnetic field compatibility testing/assessment for EMU, SAFER, PGT and EVA equipment.</p> <p>1.6.4 SVM: Confirmation of Operational limits of Orlan suit, compatible with magnetic fields 175 gauss or less.</p> <p>1.6.5 SVM: Keep Out Zones Assessment for EVA translation paths documented for AMS-02 Magnetic Fields.</p> <p>1.6.6 SVM: Requirement for Cryomagnet discharge prior to EVA involving proximity and direct EVA operations with the AMS verified through acceptance by MOD of an OCAD.</p> <p>1.6.7 SVM: &lt;deleted&gt;</p> <p>1.6.8 SVM: Verification of Monitoring Capabilities.</p> <p>1.6.1 STATUS: Closed. Space Cryomagnetics Ltd Memo dated January 30, 2004, Titled "AMS Stray Field During Unprotected Quench"</p> <p>1.6.2 STATUS: Open</p> <p>1.6.3 STATUS: Closed. “Extravehicular Mobility Unit (EMU) with 12 Volt Accessories and Tools Magnetic Certification Test Report for the International Space Station/Orbiter Environments”, EMU 1 – 13-054, Contract NAS 9-97150, including Field Engineering Memo, FEM-0032 dated 8/4/2000.</p> <p>1.6.4 STATUS: Open</p> <p>1.6.5 STATUS: Open</p> <p>1.6.6 STATUS: Open</p> <p>1.6.7 STATUS: &lt;deleted&gt;</p> <p>1.6.8 STATUS: Open</p></td> <td colspan="2">I</td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td colspan="9"><p>1.7 CONTROL: (SSRMS Ops) While on the SSRMS the Cryomagnet cannot be charged. Both AMS-02 power feeds are available while on the SSRMS, however the primary power feed the SSRMS is providing can not charge the Cryomagnet. The SSRMS would have to be powering the secondary power supply to the AMS-02 to have any possibility of charging the Cryomagnet. While power can be made available to the charging circuit, the Cryomagnet must be commanded to charge and the limited power through the SSRMS must be made available, nominal power is consumed by the thermal protection and monitoring systems. The lack of a 1553 bus connection (as well as RS 422 and fiber optic links, the AMS-02 terminates the Power Video Grapple Fixture 1553 lines and does not connect them to the AMS-02 system) while on the SSRMS precludes a command path and also shuts down (through the CPU) the ability of the J crate to communication with other systems. With the J-Crate waiting for exterior communications the Cryomagnet Avionics Box (CAB) is off and will not be commanded on, inhibiting the command and power paths to the Cryomagnet. The charging process for the superconducting magnet is operationally complex and there are no stored commands on the AMS-02 computer within the J-Crate that can direct AMS-02 wakeup and Cryomagnet charging operations.</p> <p>1.7.1 SVM: Review of design.</p> <p>1.7.2 SVM: Functional Testing of AMS-02 Avionics.</p> <p>1.7.3 SVM: Testing of J-Crate and CAB to confirm that lack of communication path connections inhibits crate function.</p> <p>1.7.4 SVM: Robotic handling procedural requirements verified by formal acceptance by MOD of an OCAD.</p> <p>1.7.1 STATUS: Open</p> <p>1.7.2 STATUS: Open</p> <p>1.7.3 STATUS: Open</p> <p>1.7.4 STATUS: Open</p></td> <td colspan="2">I</td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td colspan="9"><p>1.8 CONTROL: The AMS-02 has three levels of control to preclude introduction of greater than 459A into the coils, and hence a more powerful magnetic field. The first is located in the AMS-02 software to preclude operational commands to raise the value above a maximum of 459A. The second exists in the FPGA that establishes a current limit also to 459A. The third barrier is implemented in a majority voting system with three conditioning circuits in parallel that keeps the current limited to 455.5 ± 3.5A. Cryomagnet charge status can be ascertained through health monitoring systems to the ground. See attachment describing levels of control.</p> <p>1.8.1 SVM: Functional testing of software control.</p> <p>1.8.2 SVM: Functional testing of FPGA logic array.</p> <p>1.8.3 SVM: Functional testing of majority voting system.</p> <p>1.8.4 SVM: Functional testing of AMS-02 charging system.</p> <p>1.8.5 SVM: Verification of Monitoring Capabilities.</p> <p>1.8.1 STATUS: Open</p> <p>1.8.2 STATUS: Open</p> <p>1.8.3 STATUS: Open</p> <p>1.8.4 STATUS: Open</p> <p>1.8.5 STATUS: Open</p></td> <td colspan="2"></td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td colspan="9"><p>1.9 CONTROL: When discharged, the AMS-02 Cryomagnet will retain a residual field that will be less than 10 gauss (0.0010 Tesla.)</p> <p>1.9.1 SVM: Residual Magnetic Field Assessment of AMS-02</p> <p>1.9.1 STATUS: Open</p></td> <td colspan="2"></td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td colspan="9">2. CAUSE: AMS-02 Radiates an Excessive Electromagnetic Radiation (RF) Field Strength</td> <td colspan="2"></td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td colspan="9"><p>2.1 CONTROL: AMS-02 has been designed such that conducted and emitted electromagnetic fields remain within the allowable levels for the Shuttle and the ISS.</p> <p>2.1.1 SVM: The AMS-02 will be tested as a unit at ESTEC for excessive RF energy.</p> <p>2.1.2 SVM: Acceptance of EMI Testing Results by NASA EMEP.</p> <p>2.1.1 STATUS: Open.</p> <p>2.1.2 STATUS: Open.</p></td> <td colspan="2"></td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td colspan="9">3. CAUSE: AMS-02 Changing Magnetic Fields induces currents in proximity systems</td> <td colspan="2"></td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td colspan="9"><p>3.1 CONTROL: The AMS-02 Cryomagnet can not be energized within the Shuttle Payload Bay (T&gt;0) as the power provided by the Orbiter can not be supplied to the magnetic field coils without an EVA exchange of cables. See Control 1.4.</p> <p>3.1.1 SVM: Review of Design to confirm that APCU power feed cannot power the AMS-02 Cryomagnet charging subsystem.</p> <p>3.1.2 SVM: Inspection of Flight hardware to confirm EVA accessible cables are configured properly prior to flight.</p> <p>3.1.1 STATUS: Open.</p> <p>3.1.2 STATUS: Open.</p></td> <td colspan="2"></td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td colspan="9"><p>3.2 CONTROL: The AMS-02 Cryomagnet is capable of being energized through the Shuttle T-0 power feed. AMS-02 systems will be monitored prior to launch up to L-9 minutes to confirm that the AMS-02 Cryomagnet is operationally quiescent. If ground monitoring indicates a charging Cryomagnet or a charged Cryomagnet during launch count down, a No-Go will be issued for launch. Under commanded charging the AMS-02 Cryomagnet requires 1.5 hours to charge. Monitoring of AMS-02 systems will be accomplished using Mil-Std-1553 and RS 422 communications available through the T-0 Connection. (See Control 1.5)</p> <p>3.2.1 SVM: Functional Testing of AMS-02 Cryomagnet charging to confirm charging time profile.</p> <p>3.2.2 SVM: Confirm flight Go/No-Go Procedure/Launch Commit Criteria in place.</p> <p>3.2.3 SVM: Functional testing of monitoring paths through T-0 lines.</p> <p>3.2.4 SVM: Ground Operational Procedure and Standards for preflight check of AMS-02 Status for Go-No Go.</p> <p>3.2.1 STATUS: Open</p> <p>3.2.2 STATUS: Open</p> <p>3.2.3 STATUS: Open</p> <p>3.2.4 STATUS: Open</p></td> <td colspan="2"></td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td colspan="9">3.3 CONTROL: &lt;deleted&gt;</td> <td colspan="2">I</td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td colspan="9"><p>3.4 CONTROL: Charging and quenching of the AMS-02 Cryomagnet will not induce adverse currents in any closed loop/eddy current susceptible structure in proximity of the Cryomagnet. Note: Effects of induced currents can manifest as electrical transients or structural loads.</p> <p>3.4.1 SVM: Analysis of magnetic field strength and time rate change to induce currents.</p> <p>3.4.1 STATUS: Open</p></td> <td colspan="2"></td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td colspan="9"><p>NOTES:</p> <p>1 Tesla = 10,000 gauss</p></td> <td colspan="2"></td> </tr> </tbody> </table> ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ACRONYMS ----------------------------------- ----------------------------------- °C -- degrees Centigrade (Celsius) MHz -- Mega HertzDC -- Direct Current A -- Ampere MLI -- Multilayer insulation amp-m^2^ -- Amperes per square MM -- (CMG) Momentum Manager meter AMS-02 -- Alpha Magnetic mm -- millimeter Spectrometer - 02 APCU -- Auxillary Power Control mT -- milli Tesla Unit CAB -- Cryomagnet Avionics Box MT -- Mobile Transporter CCS -- Cryomagnet Current Supply mV -- milli Volts CMG -- Control Moment Gyroscope mWb -- milli Weber CO~2~ -- Carbon Dioxide PAS -- Payload Attach Site (ISS Side of interface) CPU -- Central Processing Unit PGT -- Pistol Grip Tool DC -- Direct Current psi -- Pounds per square inch EMC -- Electromagnetic RF -- Radiofrequency Compatibility EMI -- Electromagnetic Interference SAFER -- Simplified Aid for EVA Rescue EMU -- Extravehicular Mobility Unit SFHe -- Superfluid Helium EVA -- Extravehicular Activity SPDM -- Special Purpose Dexterous Manipulator FPGA -- Field Programmable Gate SRMS -- Shuttle Remote Manipulator Array Mechanism GHz -- Giga Hertz SSRMS -- Space Station Remote Manipulator Mechanism GSE -- Ground Support Equipment STP -- Standard Temperature and Pressure He -- Helium SVM -- Safety Verification Method HW, H/W -- Hardware SW, S/W -- Software Hz -- Hertz TRD -- Transition Radiation Detector Imax -- I (current) maximum TTCS -- Tracker Thermal Control System kHz -- kilo Hertz USS-02 -- Unique Support Structure 02 MDP -- Maximum Design PressureHe -- Xe -- Xenon Helium ----------------------------------------------------------------------- +------+-------------+----------------+------+-----------------------+ | * | | | | | | *EMC | | | | | | Requ | | | | | | irem | | | | | | ents | | | | | | Ap | | | | | | plic | | | | | | able | | | | | | to | | | | | | AMS- | | | | | | 02** | | | | | +------+-------------+----------------+------+-----------------------+ | ** | **Name of | **Coverage** | **A | **Comments** | | Type | Test** | | ppli | | | of | | | cabi | | | Te | | | lity | | | st/R | | | to | | | equi | | | AMS- | | | reme | | | 02** | | | nt** | | | | | +------+-------------+----------------+------+-----------------------+ | C | SSP 30237, | DC power, lo | **Re | Tailored to +120 VDC | | ondu | Rev F | freq, 30 Hz to | quir | bus | | cted | | 15 kHz. | ed** | | | E | CE01 | | | | | miss | | | | | | ions | | | | | +------+-------------+----------------+------+-----------------------+ | C | SSP 30237, | DC power, 15 | **Re | Tailored to +120 VDC | | ondu | Rev F | kHz to 50 MHz. | quir | bus | | cted | | | ed** | | | E | CE03 | | | | | miss | | | | | | ions | | | | | +------+-------------+----------------+------+-----------------------+ | C | SSP 30237, | DC power | **Re | Tailored to +120 VDC | | ondu | Rev F | leads, spikes, | quir | bus | | cted | | time domain. | ed** | | | E | CE07 | | | | | miss | | | | | | ions | | | | | +------+-------------+----------------+------+-----------------------+ | C | SSP 30237, | DC power | **Re | Invoked by power | | ondu | Rev F | leads, 30 Hz | quir | quality requirements | | cted | | to 50 kHz. | ed** | to demonstrate | | Su | SSP 30237 | | | immunity to known | | scep | SSCN 3282 | | | ripple voltage and | | tibi | D.2 | | | noise conditions on | | lity | | | | the +120 VDC bus | | | CS01 | | | | +------+-------------+----------------+------+-----------------------+ | C | SSP 30237, | DC power | **Re | Invoked by power | | ondu | Rev F | leads, 50 kHz | quir | quality requirements | | cted | | to 50 MHz. | ed** | to demonstrate | | Su | SSP 30237 | | | immunity to known | | scep | SSCN 3282 | | | ripple voltage and | | tibi | D.2 | | | noise conditions on | | lity | | | | the +120 VDC bus | | | CS02 | | | | +------+-------------+----------------+------+-----------------------+ | C | SSP 30237, | Spikes, power | **Re | Invoked by Power | | ondu | Rev F | leads. | quir | Quality requirements | | cted | | | ed** | to demonstrate | | Su | SSP 30237 | | | immuntiy to switching | | scep | SSCN 3282 | | | transients on the | | tibi | D.2 | | | +120 VDC bus | | lity | | | | | | | CS06 | | | | +------+-------------+----------------+------+-----------------------+ | Radi | SSP 30237, | Electric | **Re | Establishes that | | ated | Rev F | field, 14 kHz | quir | equipment | | E | | to 10 GHz | ed** | unintentional | | miss | RE02 | (narrowband), | | radiated emissions | | ions | | 13.5 -15.5 | | will not interfere | | | | GHz. | | with platform mounted | | | | | | sensitive antenna | | | | | | connected receivers; | | | | | | tailored to Space | | | | | | Station requirements | +------+-------------+----------------+------+-----------------------+ | Radi | SSP 30237, | Magnetic | Des | Intended to determine | | ated | Rev F | induction | ired | immunity from | | Su | | field | by | interference | | scep | RS02 | | EP4 | inductively coupled | | tibi | | | /JSC | from electrical power | | lity | | | | cables | +------+-------------+----------------+------+-----------------------+ | Radi | SSP 30237 | Electric | Des | Demonstrates immunity | | ated | SSCN 3282 | field, 14 kHz | ired | to known | | Su | | to 20 GHz. | by | intentionally | | scep | PIRN | | EP4 | radiated | | tibi | 57 | | /JSC | electromagnetic | | lity | 003-NA-0023 | | | environment external | | | | | | to Space Station. Use | | | RS03PL | | | alternate RS level | | | | | | for noncritical | | | | | | attached payloads | +------+-------------+----------------+------+-----------------------+ Desired tests will be accomplished. +-----------------------------------+----------------------------------+ | # ![](media/ima | # ![](media/image2 | | ge1.png){width="4.464583333333334 | .png){width="4.336805555555555in | | in" height="3.686111111111111in"} | " height="3.5131944444444443in"} | +-----------------------------------+----------------------------------+ | # Pre | | | dicted Magnetic Fields for AMS-02 | | +-----------------------------------+----------------------------------+ ----------------------------------------------------- ----------------- ![](media/image3.png){width="6.583333333333333in" AMS-02 Magnetic height="5.45625in"} Field Represented in Magik ![](media/image4.png){width="6.9527777777777775in" AMS-02 Magnetic height="5.784722222222222in"} Field Represented in Magik -- ISS Systems Encroachment ![](media/image5.png){width="6.911111111111111in" AMS-02 Magnetic height="5.221527777777778in"} Field Represented in Magik -- 6 Gauss Box ----------------------------------------------------- ----------------- ---------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------- -- ![](media/image6.png){width="8.447916666666666in" height="6.488194444444445in"} ![](media/image7.png){width="8.490972222222222in" height="6.499305555555556in"} ![](media/image8.png){width="8.458333333333334in" height="6.499305555555556in"} ![](media/image9.png){width="3.9715277777777778in" ![](media/image10.png){width="3.613888888888889in" height="6.463888888888889in"} height="6.176388888888889in"} ![](media/image11.png){width="3.745833333333333in" ![](media/image12.png){width="3.807638888888889in" height="6.40625in"} height="6.5569444444444445in"} ---------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------- -- Attachment 4 -- Cryomagnet Power Circuitry +--------------------------------------------------+-------------------+ | ![ | Power | | ](media/image13.png){width="6.385416666666667in" | Availability for | | height="5.248611111111111in"} | Charging the | | | Cryomagnet. | | | | | | Only the "A" bus | | | is capable of | | | charging the | | | Cryomagnet, the | | | "B" bus is | | | isolated from the | | | Cryomagnet | | | charging circuit. | | | An EVA accessible | | | panel allows the | | | crew to exchange | | | cables to cross | | | strap the AMS-02 | | | bus "A" and bus | | | "B" inputs to the | | | other circuits | | | within the | | | AMS-02. This | | | exchange does not | | | result in Ams-02 | | | bus "A" and bus | | | "B" being | | | interconnected. | | | | | | Within the | | | Shuttle only the | | | T-0 line supplies | | | power to AMS-02 | | | bus "A" and is | | | capable of | | | charging the | | | Cryomagnet. | | | During this time | | | the AMS-02 | | | systems will be | | | monitored for any | | | unplanned | | | charging | | | activity. There | | | is no planned | | | charging of the | | | AMS-02 Cryomagnet | | | while in the | | | Orbiter Payload | | | Bay. | | | | | | Default SSRMS | | | Power is applied | | | through connector | | | P9. | +--------------------------------------------------+-------------------+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ![](media/image14.png){width="8.5375in" height="5.998611111111111in"} **CRYOMAGNETIC AVIONICS** ----------------------------------------------------------------------- []{.mark} Attachment 5 -- Quench Generation of Induced Currents \-\-\-\--Original Message\-\-\-\-- From: Steve Milward \[mailto:[email protected]\] Sent: Monday, April 05, 2004 11:01 AM To: Martin, Trent Cc: S M Harrison Subject: Quench Pulse effects on ISS systems Trent, Further to our \'phone conversation earlier here are some thoughts: During a quench the field decays with a time constant of 2 to 4 seconds. The voltage induced in any circuit will be proportional to the rate of change of flux through it and I suspect that for most circuits this will be small as the systems you are thinking of are in fields of 30 gauss or less. For example 30 gauss is 3 mT and a circuit 1 m in diameter perpendicular to the field has a flux of the order 3 mWb. If the field collapses in 1 second then the single turn voltage induced is 3 mV which sounds small to me. I hope this helps. Regards, Steve. \*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\* The information contained in this message is confidential and is intended for the addressee only. If you have received this message in error or there are any problems please notify the originator immediately. The unauthorised use, disclosure, copying or alteration of this message is strictly forbidden. Space Cryomagnetics Ltd. will not be liable for direct, special, indirect or consequential damages arising from alteration of the contents of this message by a third party or as a result of any virus being passed on. Space Cryomagnetics Ltd. Company No. 3950388. Registered in England and Wales at registered office: Building E1, Culham Science Centre, Culham, Abingdon, Oxfordshire OX14 3DB England. Tel: +44 (0)1865 409200. Fax: +44 (0)1865 409222. **Magnet Current Control and TM, Summary for Safety** 13/11/2023 CAB design has included three protection barriers in series in order to not permit an actual current of the magnet higher than 459A. These are the protection barriers: - SW protection (digital value) - FPGA protection (digital value) - Control electronics protection circuitry The first SW protection prevent from any error of the operator command. In nominal case and typical conditions, it should be enough to guarantee that the maximum current of 459A is not exceeded at magnet level. Final SW limit value to be decided after testing. This barrier avoids continuous operation of the HW protection of the third barrier. The second protection is used at FPGA (Field Programmable Gate Array) level. This protection barrier should work in case of a failure at CPU H/W or S/W level. The FPGA protection limit is 459A. This second barrier avoids also the continuous operation of the third barrier in case of internal failure of the active CPU. The third protection is implemented in a majority voting configuration (three conditioning circuits of the control circuitry). The nominal value of this third protection is 455.5A. In case of failure, and in worst case analysis up, the current limit of the third protection will be depending on the protection circuitry error (±1.5A) and the control electronics error (±2A). This represents an inaccuracy of ±3.5A for the third protection barrier, then 455.5A + 3.5A = 459A Max. **Performance Table of the Magnet Current Control** In the table below, the performances of the magnet current control have been adjusted to assure that the current passing through the magnet must never exceed the [absolute maximum value of 459A]{.underline}, still in failure mode. +--------------------------------+-----------------+------------+-----+ | **Performances Table of the | | | | | Magnet Current Control** | | | | +--------------------------------+-----------------+------------+-----+ | **Parameter** | **Required by | **Pe | **F | | | CCS Technical | rformances | ail | | | Spec** | in WCA** | ure | | | | | Mod | | | | | e** | +--------------------------------+-----------------+------------+-----+ | | | | | +--------------------------------+-----------------+------------+-----+ | **Normal output current | **(20A to 0.992 | 20A to | N/A | | control range** | Imax)** | 457.33A | | | | | | | | **in WCA up ↑** | **20A to | | | | | 455.33A** | | | +--------------------------------+-----------------+------------+-----+ | **Normal output current | | 20A to | N/A | | control range** | | 455.33A | | | | | | | | **In Nominal Case** | | (\*1) | | +--------------------------------+-----------------+------------+-----+ | **Normal output current | | 20A to | N/A | | control range** | | [452A]{. | | | | | underline} | | | **in WCA down ↓** | | | | | | | (\*3) | | +--------------------------------+-----------------+------------+-----+ | | | | | +--------------------------------+-----------------+------------+-----+ | **Magnet Current Accuracy** | **\< ±0.5%** | \< ±0.5% | N/A | | | | | | | **• Long term output current | **(\*2)** | (\*2) | | | repeatability** | | | | | | **Electronics & | | | | **• Output current | Current Shunt | | | | measurement** | Errors** | | | +--------------------------------+-----------------+------------+-----+ | | | | | +--------------------------------+-----------------+------------+-----+ | **Max Current permitted in | **459A** | 457.33A | 4 | | WCA, drift and trip circuit | | | 59A | | failures** | | | | | | | | | | **Imax** | | | | +--------------------------------+-----------------+------------+-----+ | **SW protection digital | | 455.33A | | | value** | | | | | | | (\*1) | | +--------------------------------+-----------------+------------+-----+ | **FPGA protection digital | | 459A | | | value** | | | | +--------------------------------+-----------------+------------+-----+ | **Control Electronics | | 459A Max | | | protection value** | | | | | | | 455.5A | | | **(This includes errors of the | | Typical | | | control and protection | | | | | circuitries)** | | 452A Min | | +--------------------------------+-----------------+------------+-----+ > (\*1) Note that the upper value of the normal output current control > range corresponds to 455.33A. This value is derived from the setting > values permitted at SW level. Now, 455.33A is the SW protection > digital value (upper limit corresponding to the maximum setting value > permitted, in nominal case) > > (\*2) The error of ±0.5% required in the CCS technical specification > includes the accuracy of the electronics and the current shunt. > > (\*3) See an explanation in paragraph below. > > The performances are: - (20A to 455.33A) in typical case - (20A to 457.33A) in WCA max↑ - (20A to 452A) in WCA min↓ > 455.33A is the upper limit corresponding with the maximum setting > value permitted at SW level, in typical case. > > 457.33A is the maximum current value, which should be controlled > regarding a Worst Case Analysis going up. > > 452A is the minimum current value, which should be controlled > regarding a Worst Case Analysis going down. > > The conclusion is that regarding the present baseline, if the operator > sends a setting value of 455.33A, the magnet will be charged at > 455.33A typically, 457.33A max in WCA up, and 452A min in WCA down, or > any other value between them. Nevertheless, the current TM will > acquire the actual current of the magnet with accuracy better than > ±2A. > > The maximum error of current control electronics is also ±2A. However, > at this value of current of 455.33A, it is necessary to take into > account in WCA both contributions, the control electronics and > protection circuitry. This is the reason why the minimum value of > magnet could get 452A instead of 453.33A in WCA min (due to the > clamping of the protection circuitry added to the control electronics > error) > > For example, if the operator sends a setting value of 454A, the magnet > will be charged at 454A typically, 456A in WCA up and 452A in WCA > down, then guaranteeing accuracy better than ±2A. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ![](media/image15.png){width="5.998611111111111in" height="4.803472222222222in"} Principle Grounding Path for AMS-02 is through PDS system ![](media/image16.png){width="8.988888888888889in" height="6.1506944444444445in"} **AMS-02 GROUNDING PATH WHILE ON THE PAD** ![](media/image17.png){width="8.984722222222222in" height="5.459027777777778in"} **AMS-02 GROUNDING PATH WHILE ON THE ORBITER DURING FLIGHT PHASE** ![](media/image18.png){width="8.998611111111112in" height="5.805555555555555in"} **AMS-02 GROUNDING PATH WHILE ON THE ISS SSRMS** ![](media/image19.png){width="8.996527777777779in" height="5.815277777777778in"} **AMS-02 GROUNDING INTERFACE WHILE INSTALLED ON ISS PAS LOCATION** ![](media/image20.png){width="7.694444444444445in" height="6.043055555555555in"} ![](media/image21.png){width="9.618055555555555in" height="5.4631944444444445in"} ![](media/image22.png){width="9.461805555555555in" height="5.347222222222222in"} **CAB GROUNDING AND BONDING DIAGRAMS** -----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Presentation: 493758 ## AQI Forecasting in the Puget Sound ## Our Role **We operate 11 air monitoring sites that provide year round real-time data. (Pm****10****, pm****2.5****, Nephs)** **We provide AQI reporting/forecasting services Seattle and Tacoma MSA’s ** **We are a member of the Washington state network** ## Is this worth doing? **Returning products to the taxpayers.** ** ****Investments in Monitoring** ** ****Investments in MM5 project** **An Informed public ** **People like to make their own decisions** **Increase awareness of air quality issues** **Support operational programs** **Burn bans** **Smog watch** ## Program Goals **Provide 48 hour notice of expected air quality conditions.** ** ** **Provide 72-96 hour notice for internal planning.** **Predict “predominate” AQI conditions.** **Improve tools and products. ** **Establish a lasting year round program** **Disseminate via AIRNOW and Local Web site, TV Weather Teams** ## Resources **Existing Air monitoring network** **Regional modeling effort and tools** **Availability of meteorological tools via internet** **Staff resources** **E-Government approach for dissemination** **Senior Leadership support** ## Factors that influence PM forecasts **Fine Particulate properties** - Help in making area forecast - Local knowledge of communities **Available Meteorological/Monitoring Products** - Improvements in synoptic and Mesoscale tools - Recent performance of models - Air Monitoring network **Behavioral changes** - Perceptions of heating cost - Burning in early fall. - Summer fuel strategies ## What pollutants are important? **Diverse air shed** **Particulate is the primary driver of AQI** **Summer ozone ** **Generally only an issue 5-7 days over the summer** **PM still persistent driver of AQI ** **Other criteria pollutants no factor** ## Puget Sound Air Shed ## Puget Sound Ozone 1996-2000 ## Summer 2001 **What Ozone?** **Very cool summer! 3****rd**** year in a row.** **Provided Air Quality forecasts for PNW2001 air operations** ## Wood Smoke Burn Ban 2001 **We can restrict the use of wood burning** **PM ****10 **** conditions reach 60****μg/m3 (24hr avg.)** **Stagnant conditions are expected to last 48 hours or more** **Wood smoke is believed to be a major contributing factor** ** ** ## Wood smoke Burn Ban 2001 **Weather conditions over area** **High Pressure ridge (SFC-500mb)** **Moderate to Strong inversion** **Offshore low level wind flow** **Light wind speeds at surface** **Cool/Cold (<45F) Temps** ## Wood smoke Burn Ban 2001 **Synoptic Models gave indication of pattern** **>120hrs out.** **Uncertainty of performance impacted internal notification** **Time duration of event** ** ****Mesoscale models added confidence** ** ** ## Implementation **AQI forecasts called for Moderate and declining trend** **06 Nov** **Internal planning** **NWS Coordination (Air Stagnation Watch)** **Forecasted Unhealthy for Sensitive Groups.** **Issued on the 7****th**** of Nov** **Worked with King 5 TV** **Could not implement Burn Bun ** ** ****High confidence in Models** ** ****Issued Burn Ban ** **10 AM 08 Nov made final decisions ** **2 PM 08 Nov to 6 PM 12 Nov** ## Puget Sound Air Shed ## Monitoring Network Corrections ## Industrial- Central Seattle **Called Burn Ban** ## Residential-North ## Commercial/Residential-South ## Residential- Tacoma **Burn Ban** ## Residential – Tacoma ## Conclusions **Feedback from users indicated we met our objectives** **Local knowledge is critical to forecasts.** **Down to neighborhood level.** **Monitoring equipment performance/bias** ** ****Forecaster experience** **Daily review of MRF products and performance** **Important to being proactive in planning** ## NEXT STEPS **Develop a better verification program** **Predominate condition versus peak value ** **AQI Categories versus Concentration** **Some customers use forecast for notification of highly sensitive groups ** **Prefer to join in a larger effort** **Expand the program** **Consider adding more forecast points** **Refine monitoring network to better support the forecast program ** ## Air Quality Index ## Variability in the air shed ## Thank You! **Like a stock broker..** ** ****We are not troubled by LONG periods of uninterrupted success.**
U.S. Department of Justice Office of Justice Programs Office for Victims of Crime Message from The Director New Directions from the Field: Victims' Rights and Services for the 21st Century is a comprehensive report and set of recommendations on victims' rights and services from and concerning virtually every community involved with crime victims across the nation. The report represents a significant maturation in the field of victims' rights and services since the President's Task Force on Victims of Crime released its Final Report in 1982. New Directions chronicles the extraordinary accomplishments of a still young field, but also recommends what we as a society should strive to achieve for victims as we enter the 21st century. New Directions is the culmination of more than 3 years' work by over 1,000 individuals in the victims field including crime victims, representatives from national victim advocacy and service organizations, criminal justice practitioners, allied professionals, and many others. In addition, literally hundreds of reference documents were utilized and listed in the endnotes of each of the 18 chapters. The work of these individuals and the publication and dissemination of this material has been supported by the Office for Victims of Crime (OVC). The report and recommendations represent views from the field, however, and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Department of Justice. Moreover, while the recommendations may not reflect all of the individual contributors' views, the contributors agree that all of the recommendations are worthy of discussion and consideration. This bulletin is a reprint of chapter 11 from New Directions and deals specifically with promising practices and recommendations related to the Faith Community. As we move into the 21st century, New Directions should serve as a vitally useful guide for developing policies, programs, and practices on behalf of crime victims well into the next century. As comprehensive as this report is, however, the real challenge begins now. After you read the recommendations, after you have examined the numerous promising practices presented in each section, then I encourage you to move forward to see how you can implement improvements in a manner that meets the needs of crime victims. Kathryn M. Turman Acting Director Office for Victims of Crime New Directions from the Field: Victims' Rights and Services for the 21st Century Faith Community Our families are torn by violence. Our communities are destroyed by violence. Our faith is tested by violence. We have an obligation to respond.1Pastoral Message, U.S. Catholic Conference, 1994 Tens of millions of Americans call upon clergy and religious leaders for spiritual guidance, support, and information in times of personal crisis.2 One study found that people in crisis due to the death of someone close were almost five times more likely to seek the aid of a clergy person than all other mental health sources combined.3 While the faith community has historically provided prison ministry programs, few religious institutions have developed programs specifically to serve victims of crime. Faith-based crime victim assistance programs were virtually nonexistent in 1982 when the President's Task Force on Victims of Crime released its Final Report. The Task Force encouraged the faith community to recognize that "the victim certainly no less than the victimizer is in need of aid, comfort, and spiritual ministry."4 It recommended that the ministry develop both seminary and inservice training on the criminal justice system, the needs of victims, and ways to restore victims' spiritual and material health. The faith community has made steady progress toward these goals. With support from the Office for Victims of Crime (OVC), educational initiatives on victim assistance have been developed in communities across the country. Led by groups such as The Spiritual Dimension in Victim Services in Denver, Colorado, these initiatives have included training for parish clergy and hospital chaplains conducting ministries in high-crime urban areas, training for crime victim service providers seeking ways to involve the faith community in their efforts, workshops at national and regional denominational events, and distribution of manuals, brochures, and other materials on victim assistance to clergy and congregations.5 This section describes the wide range of victim assistance programs established by the faith community in the past 15 years and suggests specific ways in which communities of faith can more effectively assist victims of crime. Faith-Based Victim Assistance Programs In communities across the country, faith-based victim assistance programs have grown in number and expanded the services that they provide. They are now an important source of support to victims and their families.  In Akron, Ohio, the Furnace Street Mission established one of the first faith-based victim assistance programs in the United States in 1982. Today it serves more than 25,000 people a year, exemplifying how traditional ministries can be expanded to include crime victim assistance.  Neighbors Who Care, an interdenominational program, was founded in 1992 as the victim-serving subsidiary of the large national organization, Prison Fellowship. The program enlists volunteers from churches to provide direct services, primarily to victims of property crime. Volunteers repair property and provide transportation, moving assistance, and other vital services. The program recently expanded to include services to victims of domestic violence and other crimes.  African-American churches in the East Bay communities of Northern California have joined together to conduct neighborhood meetings and counseling after violent crimes and instances of police officer misconduct.6  In Jackson, Mississippi, Catholic Charities sponsors a shelter for battered families that serves 350 women and children each year from seven rural counties, providing transitional housing, legal assistance, and individual and group counseling.  The United States Catholic Conference has developed a number of publications on crime victims' issues. Confronting a Culture of Violence A Catholic Framework for Action highlights a number of victim assistance and crime prevention activities in dioceses, parishes, and schools across the country and calls for a major effort to mobilize the Catholic community to confront the culture of violence. When I Call for Help A Pastoral Response to Domestic Violence Against Women contains practical suggestions for assisting women who are battered as well as men who abuse. Walk in the Light A Pastoral Response to Child Sexual Abuse reaches out to people who have been abused, to abusers, and to pastors, pastoral staff, and other church workers who can assist victims.  Brother Modesto Leon of the Catholic Church in Los Angeles operates a support and intervention program for mothers of murdered Latino children. The mothers comfort each other and tell their stories to gang members to prevent further gang violence and death in the Los Angeles Latino community.7  In Memphis, Tennessee, Victims to Victory provides faith centered support and healing to homicide survivors. Katherine (Kitty) Lawson, an African-American ordained minister at Abundant Grace Fellowship Church, founded Victims to Victory in 1995 in response to the needs of a church family tormented by a double murder.  Religious and spiritual organizations frequently invite victim assistance organizations to use their space to conduct support groups, candlelight vigils, and other victim assistance activities. In Cleveland, Mississippi, for example, Pastor Roderick Mitchell opened his church in 1995 to a rape crisis program in need of a home. The church has now expanded to provide services to all victims of crime through a community-based organization called Exodus Center for Life.  The Christian Society for the Healing of Dissociative Disorders is a national consortium of psychiatrists, psychologists, and social workers who combine therapeutic skill and spirituality in treating ritualistically abused survivors. The Society is headquartered in Bedford, Texas, and holds an annual conference of several hundred participants to share treatment information. Multidisciplinary Efforts One of the most promising areas of the faith community's response to the victims' movement has been the willingness of religious organizations to collaborate with the secular victim assistance community. The programs discussed below illustrate how communities of faith can work with organizations pursuing similar goals to provide comprehensive services to crime victims.  Faith communities are "adopting" child protection social workers, serving as a resource for them as they help children recover from family violence. The programs, which have a significant presence in California, Oklahoma, and other states, also help to educate congregations about child abuse and neglect and the large numbers of children who suffer from these crimes.  In Costa Mesa, California, Royal Family Kids Camps help congregations sponsor summer camps for severely abused and neglected children. To date, more than 4,000 children between the ages of 7 and 11 who are in the custody of child protective services have enjoyed a week of positive support in a safe and nurturing environment.  The Center for Prevention of Sexual and Domestic Violence, affiliated with the United Church of Christ of Seattle, Washington, directly supports victims and survivors and promotes cooperation between communities of faith and secular organizations across the country on sexual and domestic violence issues. The center recently expanded its activities to include education on clergy sexual misconduct and assistance to the victims of this crime.  The Colorado/Oklahoma Resource Council (CORC), a secular organization, was formed in Denver, Colorado, to provide resources to victims of the bombing of the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City after the trial was moved to Denver, Colorado. CORC established a spiritual needs committee to support those attending the trial. CORC, the Denver Police Chaplaincy Corps, the Colorado Council of Churches, The Spiritual Dimension in Victim Services, and other organizations have established a multifaith coalition to assist and provide counseling to the families. Victim-Offender Dialogue The community of faith has created numerous faith-based victim-offender mediation/dialogue programs in which meetings between victims and offenders are arranged when victims request it and the courts allow offenders to participate. Mediation/dialogue programs allow offenders to confront the consequences of their crimes and then work out contracts with victims to provide them with restitution. Volunteers from the faith community are trained by professional mediators to facilitate the dialogue, which must be undertaken with great care to ensure that victims and offenders are prepared adequately for what can be a painful healing process.  The Mennonite-based Victim Offender Reconciliation Program in Clovis, California, offers victim-offender dialogue services that have been used widely in other communities of faith to help individuals start the recovery process in the aftermath of victimization. The program is supported by 42 churches and provides training to Christian and Jewish communities. Confidentiality and Reporting Crime to Law Enforcement Religious leaders are responsible for ministering to all members of their congregations, including those who may have committed criminal acts. This obligation presents ethical and religious dilemmas when crimes are confessed in confidentiality, especially if the criminal activity is continuing. In these situations, clergy must weigh the importance of respecting privileged communication in relation to the need to protect victims and society from harm. To make responsible decisions, clergy must have a full understanding of the law as well as the nature and consequences of victimization. Laws requiring the reporting of suspected child abuse highlight this dilemma. All states mandate the reporting of child abuse by professionals who come into contact with children, and at least 30 states require clergy to report child abuse in some circumstances. Only five of these states, however, clearly require clergy to report in all circumstances, leaving largely intact the traditional privilege given to communication with clergy. But an increasing number of faith communities are modifying their codes of clergy conduct to require clergy to report suspected child abuse and complete training on child abuse issues.  The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America gives this directive to clergy: "Ordained ministers must respect privileged and confidential communication and may not disclose such communication, except with the express permission of the person who has confided it or if the person is perceived to intend great harm to self or others."8  The Episcopalian Church requires 4 hours of training on child abuse for those who work with children during their daily activities. This requirement applies to all religious leaders as well as day care providers. In addition, the Roman Catholic Church requires some Archdiocese to receive similar training. Recommendations From the Field for the Faith Community Faith Community Recommendation from the Field #1 The faith community should recognize that the victim, no less than the victimizer, is in need of aid, comfort, and spiritual ministry, and faith-based congregations and organizations should provide assistance to victims whenever possible. There continues to be a general lack of education and understanding of the needs of crime victims in the faith community. Recognition of crime victims' needs should be an integral part of the faith community's worship, life, and ministry. In a 1992 survey of 97 denominational headquarters, respondents were asked about their programs to assist crime victims. Most replied that their programs were jail and prison ministries for offenders, not victims. While these programs should not be diminished, it is insufficient for the faith community to address the spiritual needs of offenders without recognizing the spiritual needs of victims. The faith community can and should conduct ministries for both. While many denominations have mission statements that address child abuse and neglect and domestic violence, these mission statements should be expanded to include all victims of crime. All denominations should adopt such statements and include them in canons of ethics. Many excellent examples of programs have been created and supported by the faith community, from providing emergency property repair, transportation, and other crisis services to supporting summer camps for child abuse victims. These efforts should be expanded. Faith Community Recommendation from the Field #2 Courses on crime victimization and crime victim assistance should be established in clergy educational institutions and theological seminaries, including both worship and pastoral counseling courses. Because so many people in crisis seek clergy for assistance, professional schools that educate future religious and spiritual leaders must provide a foundation of knowledge in the field of victim issues. Classes should include the clergy's role in intervening with crime victims, appropriate courses of action that involve criminal justice, medical, mental health, and social services referrals, and planning of worship services centered around a crisis. Clergy should have education in appropriate death notification following a sudden death as compared to death following illness. Faith Community Recommendation from the Field #3 Continuing education on crime victimization and crime victim assistance should be provided for all clergy and religious leaders, including chaplains in hospitals, police departments, and the military and other individuals within the faith community who may come into contact with victims. Education about the consequences of victimization will increase the faith community's responsiveness to crime victims. To help spiritual and religious leaders appropriately treat or refer serious trauma-related cases that require indepth mental health intervention, they should be trained to recognize symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder and other long-term psychological reactions to crime victimization. They should also be knowledgeable about community, state, and national resources that provide victim assistance. Religious leaders often are among the first responders following a sudden, violent death. Although most clergy are educated in traditional grief counseling techniques, education on specific interventions for trauma, grief, and loss following criminal victimization should be provided. Clergy should also receive training on appropriate death notification practices. Other groups within the faith community also interact with victims and need education about victims' issues and services. They include Sunday school teachers, youth leaders, choir directors, and counselors on prayer phone lines providing comfort and assistance to individuals in crisis. Religious and spiritual organizations should identify such groups within their memberships and make continuing education on victims' issues and services available to them. Faith Community Recommendation from the Field #4 Religious institutions at all levels should cooperate with victim assistance agencies and organizations to offer joint services to victims of crime and to disseminate publications on crime victim assistance. Religious organizations working in conjunction with victim assistance agencies have the capacity to provide important services to crime victims. During the trials of the bombing of the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building, for example, safe havens were established in local churches by victim assistance providers to ensure that victims would have a quiet place to meet and receive counseling. In another collaborative effort, the National Cathedral in Washington, D.C., worked with Mothers Against Drunk Driving to hold the International Candlelight Vigil of Remembrance and Hope in December 1997, which featured the voices of victims and survivors of crime. Efforts must be expanded to distribute victim assistance information, including booklets, pamphlets, videos, and educational materials, more widely in the community of faith. Ministerial associations and interfaith alliances should be included routinely in the dissemination of victim service information. Faith Community Recommendation from the Field #5 The clergy should provide training for victim assistance providers, criminal justice officials, state victim assistance administrators, compensation program directors, and other public officials about the important role they can play in assisting victims. State administrators, criminal justice-based victim assistance providers, and other public officials are often uncomfortable dealing with the faith community because they fear a blurring of the separation of church and state. The victim assistance community should recognize that faith-based programs can play a significant role in victim support as long as public funds are not used to promote specific sectarian beliefs. Victim service providers should ask clergy to help them react appropriately to people whose victimization includes a faith crisis. Faith Community Recommendation from the Field #6 Requiring clergy to report suspected cases of child abuse should be seriously considered by religious institutions and governmental agencies, and appropriate policies should be developed to ensure the protection of children. Even in cases involving confidential communications, the clergy should hold the needs of children paramount and recognize their moral responsibility to help and protect child victims. Recently, many state legislatures have considered whether clergy should be among those mandated to report child abuse and neglect in view of their legal privilege of confidentiality. The results have been mixed, with some states requiring clergy to report in all cases, other states requiring reporting in selected cases, and most states exempting clergy from reporting requirements when an offense is revealed in a confidential pastoral counseling or confessional setting. However, all states require clergy to report incidents of suspected child abuse while serving as therapists, school administrators, or day care providers. Faith Community Recommendation from the Field #7 Communities of faith should hold clergy and other religious leaders in positions of trust within their congregations accountable for crimes they commit, including sexual acts against adults and children. Policies and procedures should be developed to ensure that appropriate cases of clergy misconduct are referred to law enforcement agencies. Criminal background checks should be mandatory for all clergy, faith community staff, and volunteers who work with children. A number of high-profile civil legal actions have been brought against religious leaders accused of child abuse or sexual assault and their religious institutions for not reporting known incidents of abuse to law enforcement agencies. While those who commit such acts represent a small percentage of the faith community, it is crucial that policies and procedures be developed to ensure that these cases are handled with utmost concern for the victim and that appropriate cases are not only referred to law enforcement agencies but dealt with swiftly within the institution to ensure the protection of others. Faith Community Recommendation from the Field #8 Religious and spiritual leaders should be encouraged to use their pulpits to educate and sensitize their congregations about crime and victimization issues. Religious and spiritual leaders have an opportunity to use their positions to educate their congregations about crime and its impact information that could help the members of a congregation seek out the services they need if they become victims of crime. Religious and spiritual leaders could encourage congregations to join in the national October observance of "Domestic Violence Awareness Month" and deliver at least one sermon that month about the impact of family violence. In addition, they could highlight crime victims' issues during National Crime Victims' Rights Week, generally held at the end of April. Each year, the Office for Victims of Crime funds a National Crime Victims' Rights Week kit which includes a sample sermon about victims' issues. Faith Community Recommendation from the Field #9 Religious and spiritual leaders should be willing to serve in leadership roles on community crisis response teams providing services in the aftermath of mass violence and other crimes that have significant impact upon entire communities. Religious and spiritual leaders can play a leadership role in helping to ensure that their communities are prepared to respond to community and individual needs following incidents of mass violence, terrorism, or other major crimes. They can also volunteer to serve on crisis response teams that provide assistance to other communities, such as the teams organized by the National Organization for Victim Assistance to debrief school children, teachers, and emergency responders following the bombing of the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building. Endnotes 1 United States Catholic Conference, Inc. Confronting a Culture of Violence: A Catholic Framework for Action, Washington, D.C.: United States Catholic Conference, Inc., 1994:2. 2 Chalfant, H.P., P.L Heller, A. Roberts, D. Briones, Aguirre-Hockbaums and W. Farr, "The Clergy as a Resource for Those Encountering Psychological Distress," in Review of Religious Research, vol.31 no.3, 1990:305-313. 3 Verhoff, J., R. A. Kulka, and E. Douvan, Mental Health in America, New York: Basic Books, 1981. 4 President's Task Force on Victims of Crime, Final Report, Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1982:95-96. 5 Reverend D. Delaplane and A. Delaplane, Victims: A Manual for Clergy and Congregations, Denver, Colorado: The Spiritual Dimension in Victim Services, 1996 (original edition published under a grant from the U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, Office for Victims of Crime). 6 Brian Ogawa, Color of Justice: Culturally Sensitive Treatment of Minority Crime Victims, Sacramento, CA: Office of the Governor, State of California, Office of Criminal Justice Planning, 1990:272. 7 Id. at 267. 8 Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, "Definition and Guidelines for Discipline," November 19, 1989, in Victims: A Manual for Clergy and Congregations, D. Delaplane and A. Delaplane, Denver CO: 5th edition, 1989. The report and recommendations represent views from the field, and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Department of Justice. The Office for Victims of Crime is a component of the Office of Justice Programs, which includes the Bureau of Justice Assistance, the Bureau of Justice Statistics, the National Institute of Justice, and the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention. To obtain a copy of the full report, New Directions from the Field: Victims' Rights and Services for the 21st Century, contact the OVC Resource Center at 800-627-6872, or query [email protected], or send in the order form below. August 1998 NCJ# 172822 Yes! Please send me_____copies of the New Directions From the Field: Victims' Rights and Services for the 21st Century (NCJ170600). I understand copies are free but agree to pay postage and handling. $6.00/copy for First Class Postage No. Copies x $6.00 = $4.00/copy for Book Rate Postage No. Copies x $4.00 = Mail to: Name: Organization: Address: City, State: Zip Code Please cut out this order form, insert in an envelope, and mail to: OVC Resource Center Department F. Box 6000 Rockville, MD 20849-6000 Payment Options: Check or money order, payable to the OVC Resource Center Charge my: MasterCard VISA Account No. Exp. Date Signature Charge my government purchase order ( Please add $1.95 processing fee for purchase orders.) Account No. Deduct these items from my National Criminal Justice Reference Service (NCJRS) Deposit Account Account No. U.S. Department of Justice Office of Justice Programs Office for Victims of Crime Washington, D.C. 20531 Official Business Penalty for Private Use, $300 BULK RATE POSTAGE & FEES PAID DOJ/OVC Permit No. G-91
# Presentation: 488250 ## Kevin T. Lesko for the Homestake Collaboration 27 October 2005 *for the Homestake Collaboration* *27 October 2005* - The Homestake Underground Laboratory - Open for Science! ## NSF: 1 of 2 Finalist for NSF’s DUSEL, with Henderson Mine in Colorado - both sites developing Conceptual Design Reports Progress at Homestake: Significant Progress on a number of important issues, including Title, Indemnification, Rehabilitation and Opening of the Site for Science Science Opportunities at Homestake in 2007: The State of South Dakota, working with the science, engineering and education communities has established an “early access” option for Homestake. This is now funded from State control resources. - Progress at Homestake: Significant Progress on a number of important issues, including Title, Indemnification, Rehabilitation and Opening of the Site for Science - Science Opportunities at Homestake in 2007: The State of South Dakota, working with the science, engineering and education communities has established an “early access” option for Homestake. This is now funded from State control resources. - Homestake Laboratory Status and Plans ## Title to the Property, Permitting, Legal Issues Depth and Range of Depths Access to the Underground, wide variety of depths Dedicated access - no competition with mining Safety and Management Defining the Science and Engineering Programs, Initial Suite of Experiments and Timelines for Development Supporting the Science, Engineering and Education Programs - Depth and Range of Depths - Access to the Underground, wide variety of depths - Dedicated access - no competition with mining - Safety and Management - Defining the Science and Engineering Programs, Initial Suite of Experiments and Timelines for Development - Supporting the Science, Engineering and Education Programs - Major Issues for DUSEL to be addressed in the CDRs - developing as part of DUSEL CDR -  -  -  -  ## Barrick and South Dakota agreed to transfer the property in January 2004, in Feb. 2005 agreement this was expanded to include the 4850 “early lab” option SDSTA, Barrick and the State Government (Governor’s office) have amend the “Agreement in Principle” to suit the 4850 lab and are in the final stages the transfer Governor’s Office is enthusiastic & has secured additional State funding, $20M, to complete the “Agreement”, total of $45M Title Transfer should be secured by December 2005 - Barrick and South Dakota agreed to transfer the property in January 2004, in Feb. 2005 agreement this was expanded to include the 4850 “early lab” option - SDSTA, Barrick and the State Government (Governor’s office) have amend the “Agreement in Principle” to suit the 4850 lab and are in the final stages the transfer - Governor’s Office is enthusiastic & has secured additional State funding, $20M, to complete the “Agreement”, total of $45M - Title Transfer should be secured by December 2005 - Title to the Property ## Water discharge permits have been obtained as an extension of the current permits from by Barrick and transfered to SDSTA Mine closure plan vetted by EPA several years ago, including site inspections and documented closure plan and inspections Rock Disposal sites identified for small quantities, both under - and above - ground and within property boundaries Discussions with Barrick about use of the Open-Cut for large quantities - Mine closure plan vetted by EPA several years ago, including site inspections and documented closure plan and inspections - Rock Disposal sites identified for small quantities, both under - and above - ground and within property boundaries - Discussions with Barrick about use of the Open-Cut for large quantities - Permitting & EPA ## The Homestake Facility ## Overview of Homestake Proposal - Progress in Developing Homestake - Title - Reentry - 4850 lab - Design of the Deep Lab - Science Opportunities at Homestake - 4850 Lab || Deep Lab - Astrophysics and Physics - Earth Sciences and Geosciences - Biology - Engineering - Outreach and Education *SDSTA = South Dakota Science and Technology Authority* ## Homestake Proposal - Major Distinguishing Features - Parallel Efforts to Develop Homestake into an Underground Scientific Facility - State of South Dakota Funded Efforts Independent of NSF S-1, S-2, S-3 Processes - Conversion Plan to Preserve the Site - 4850-laboratory to open in advance of DUSEL - Basic Operation of the 4850 laboratory until 2012 - S-1, S-2 Efforts to Define Science Uses and Promote Use of the Facility in the Near Term - Develop Plans for Deep Facility built on 4850-lab, S-2 S-3 - Safety Integrated into Facility and Operation - E&O Roles and Opportunities Prominent from the Start ## To preserve Homestake for DUSEL, must address: water, title, & access “Implementation Plan” Funded by South Dakota rehabilitate the site and establish the 4850 Lab basic operations of the site until 2012 plans for 4850 lab to be tailored for the science programs Plan was established and vetted in 2004: obtains title and access to the facility deal with the water (upper water immediately ~ 2/3 of the 700 g/min), ensure lower water is halted below 5300 refurbish lifts and shafts (Ross and Yates) investigated options for staging access establish an interim facility at 4850 and above start science early! establish a plan and path to evolve into a national facility - “Implementation Plan” Funded by South Dakota - rehabilitate the site and establish the 4850 Lab - basic operations of the site until 2012 - plans for 4850 lab to be tailored for the science programs - Plan was established and vetted in 2004: - obtains title and access to the facility - deal with the water (upper water immediately ~ 2/3 of the 700 g/min), ensure lower water is halted below 5300 - refurbish lifts and shafts (Ross and Yates) - investigated options for staging access - establish an interim facility at 4850 and above start science early! - establish a plan and path to evolve into a national facility - Early Implementation Program ## Not uncommon to have water of this magnitude in a mine, 2/3 comes from the surface Cycles of Flooding and Dewatering are not uncommon Water quality not likely to significantly degrade the infrastructure (pH neutral water) Important to preserve the 4850 level Implementation Program deals with these issues 6800 level was crossed Nov 2004 ~ month behind expectations 6500 has not yet been crossed (Oct 2005) - Cycles of Flooding and Dewatering are not uncommon - Water quality not likely to significantly degrade the infrastructure (pH neutral water) - Important to preserve the 4850 level - Implementation Program deals with these issues - 6800 level was crossed Nov 2004 ~ month behind expectations - 6500 has not yet been crossed (Oct 2005) - Water ## Pumps shut off in ~ May 2003 6800 level was crossed Nov 2004 ~ month behind expectations 6500 has not yet been crossed (Oct 2005) Expected to cross 4850 late 2007-early 2008, if nothing is done - 6800 level was crossed Nov 2004 ~ month behind expectations - 6500 has not yet been crossed (Oct 2005) - Expected to cross 4850 late 2007-early 2008, if nothing is done - Water ## Access to 4850 level and above by 2007 as defined in the Early Implementation Program Access to 8000 level and deeper as part of DUSEL effort within NSF ~ 2008 or 2009 - Access to 8000 level and deeper as part of DUSEL effort within NSF ~ 2008 or 2009 - Depth ## Expedient access to ~20 cubic kilometers of rock mass, depths to 4850 feet, many existing spaces and excavations suited for science in the near term ## 2900 feet ## Using Existing Conveyances that will be inspected and restored as part of the Early Implementation Program - Access **Yates Ore Hoist** ** ****By Nordberg Mfg. Co.** ** ****Two 1,500 hp DC Motors** ** ****Skip Payload = 20,000 lb. ** **Surface to 4850 - Ross and Yates Shafts** - Each cage - 54” wide 12 foot deep 6 - 7 Ton payload - larger dimension loads can be slung below cage - Skips have 10 Ton capacity, each **4850 to depth - #6 Winze, #4 Winze** - similar capacities and dimensions ## Yates Shaft Plan - Approx. 27’-8” x 15’ - South Cage - North Skip - North Cage - South Skip - 12” Airline @ 90-100 psi - Fiber Optic Cable - 24 pr, 62.5 micron, Tbase 10 - Each Cage Compartment - 5’-3-1/2” (F-F) x 13’-4” - Ea. Skip Comp. - 4’-10” (F-F) x 5’ 9” ## Foremost Concern for DUSEL Excellent Safety Record at Homestake Dedicated effort to integrate safety from the start both for the operations and science sides - Excellent Safety Record at Homestake - Dedicated effort to integrate safety from the start both for the operations and science sides - Safety ## Who Can Use it? - Near Term: - Surface to 4850 hydrology, geology, geochemistry - Rock deformation studies using drifts and shafts - Studies of the cratonic crust through 20 km3 - Searches for life and exotic biology including initial microbial investigations - Investigations of flow path delineation in heterogeneous geological settings & ground water studies/models - Characterizations of facture mapping, stress measurements and ground water chemistry - Thermal-mechanical-hydrological couplings across many orders of magnitude in scale - Longer Term: - Systematic searches for and characterizations of life - Long term and large scale characterizations and expts. - Carbon Sequestration - Earth Science, Biology and Engineering ## Who Can Use it? - Near Term: - Cosmic Rays Studies - Low Level Counting - Prototyping, Materials Production for - Double Beta Decay - Dark Matter - Next Generation Dark Matter - Next Generation Double Beta Decay - Nuclear Astrophysics - Begin work on Proton Decay & Long Baseline - Longer Term: - Continued operation of DM, DBD - Solar Neutrinos - CP violation Long Baseline - PDK - Supernovae monitors - Physics Uses ## • October 17, 2005 Funds for the 4850 level laboratory access are secured • November 2005 Request for Letters of Interest • Earth Science Workshops at the AGU on 4 & 9 December 2005 • December 2005 Transfer of the Homestake site from Barrick to SDSTA completed • 10 December initial responses to LOIs requested • January/February 2006 2nd round of workshops defining engineering plans for Physics, Earth Science, E & O - followed by Presentation and 1st Review of Proposals • 27 January 2006, LOI Responses Requested • Spring 2006 Begin work on site rehabilitation and the 4850 level laboratory access & Development of Proposals and Program for Homestake 4850 lab (Homestake working with Proponents) • 2nd half 2006 4850 level ready for construction of new chambers, occupancy existing chambers • Early 2007 Complete modifications existing space and experiments begin - • October 17, 2005 Funds for the 4850 level laboratory access are secured - • November 2005 Request for Letters of Interest - • Earth Science Workshops at the AGU on 4 & 9 December 2005 - • December 2005 Transfer of the Homestake site from Barrick to SDSTA completed - • 10 December initial responses to LOIs requested - • January/February 2006 2nd round of workshops defining engineering plans for Physics, Earth Science, E & O - followed by _Presentation and 1st Review of Proposals_ - • 27 January 2006, LOI Responses Requested - • Spring 2006 Begin work on site rehabilitation and the 4850 level laboratory access & Development of Proposals and Program for Homestake 4850 lab (Homestake working with Proponents) - • 2nd half 2006 4850 level ready for construction of new chambers, occupancy existing chambers - • Early 2007 Complete modifications existing space and experiments begin - Timeline for Homestake ## Active participation by all users is strongly encouraged Call for Letters of Interest ~ 1 November 2005 Develop Homestake & DUSEL plans - Establish Initial Suite of Experiments and Users - start the dialog of what is needed and how to make this work for us all SDSTA intends to make Homestake competitive with existing alternatives and to provide the first step in establishing a domestic underground facility [email protected] - Call for Letters of Interest ~ 1 November 2005 - Develop Homestake & DUSEL plans - Establish Initial Suite of Experiments and Users - start the dialog of what is needed and how to make this work for us all - SDSTA intends to make Homestake competitive with existing alternatives and to provide the first step in establishing a domestic underground facility - - - - - [email protected] - More details to become available soon
ESSAY BY GEORGE BRETT A simple notion of interoperability is that one should be able to exchange information or data without difficulty with friends or colleagues at geographically distant points. Underlying this concept are technical issues and details not evident to a person using an information network or system to transfer information from point A to other points in the network. In recent years people have begun to demand interoperability in the standalone microcomputer industry. Consumers have insisted that software be able to read files created by different vendors' programs and on various computer platforms. I recall that in the early 1980s there were at least 6, if not more, floppy disk formats. Now there are basically two that most folks I know work with: MS-DOS and Macintosh. I suggest that perhaps this is an early example of how computing technology has been market driven over time. The networking community has undergone a similar progression. Briefly, it is my recollection that in the research and education community (higher ed) there was a transition from networking computers locally to networking them in geographically diverse locations. In order to transfer data and later to communicate certain agreed upon conventions had to be utilized. As time passed these conventions evolved and became more widespread. For example, what is now known as the Internet uses TCP/IP and related standards and protocols as an underlying technical infrastructure. During this time other solutions were being developed to answer the needs of small local area networks as well as larger corporate networks. These solutions were developed by vendors as response to "customer needs." Often the technical infrastructure was customized to meet specific local criteria. As a result, many of these networks were not able to communicate or transfer data with other networks, because interoperability was not perceived as important. In fact, many networks were purposely designed to be as private and secure as possible Now there is an explosion of interest from many different sectors about this thing called the "Information Highway." To best use this electronic pathway certain norms will have to be agreed upon. Let's take a quick look at what is out there in the way of consensus. As I mentioned earlier, the research and education community that developed TCP/IP has worked together to identify and accept functional criteria for exchanging data among disparate systems. The Internet, as I know it, is the result of work done in part through volunteer collaborations such as the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF). The commercial community has many varied aspects from information for sale (Dialog, Nexis, Mead Data Central) to information transport (Novell, 3COM), to consumers of information and technology. They have been active in their various sectors. What I observe now is that this community made up of producers, tranporters, users, and sellers is trying to figure out how to best leverage networking technologies for their benefit and for the benefit of their consumers. The federal government, in general, has been much like the commercial community. One needs to remember when speaking of the federal government that we are looking at hundreds if not thousands of smaller organizations within large organizations. There are equally many different clientele for these groups. Therefore we find many differing approaches to similar problems. Recently there have been more concerted attempts to ensure exchange of data accurately and easily. No doubt there are other communities I have overlooked that have been involved with networking and the need for information interchange. However, I choose to focus on the three major groups: research and education, commercial, and the federal government. They represent major stakeholders in the emerging national information infrastructure we call the information highway. Please note that these communities serve a larger community of the citizens of the United States. The three groups have been working together in various ways over the past few years. Now there is more activity in response to a growing sense of urgency. Consortia of research and education members and commercial entities are coming together to respond to funding possibilities from various federal agencies. As a result these consortia are working with the federal agencies to seek solutions or demonstrations of networking and information technologies. One would hope then that this will be a good time for consensus building that will lead to better interchange of information and data among people and organizations that use the information highway. I would like to suggest that the Center for Networked Information Discovery and Retrieval (CNIDR) is a model of how a collaborative of the three communities can work to build consensus, develop interoperable tools, and enhance standards. This organization is the result of a cooperative agreement between the National Science Foundation and MCNC, an advanced technologies and networking corporation in North Carolina. At the time of CNIDR's inception in 1991 there were a growing number of network navigation tools or software applications for the Internet. We recognized a need for a neutral entity to promote communication and interchange among the developers of these tools. Note I said among the developers. The human communication network remains a critical factor in the success of protocols and standards. Since that time CNIDR has been active with committees and working groups of many organizations to promote and encourage interoperability. We have spoken with members of all three communities about specific issues as well as related topics such as billing , authentication, and security. As a result of improving communication among individuals and groups we believe there has been progress in the adoption and extension of standards for networked information discovery and retrieval. One other aspect that has become critically apparent to us as we have been working in this area is the recognition that our world has expanded or shrunk, depending on your frame of reference. It is difficult for us to simply speak of a national information infrastructure when there are hundreds of other nations and countries currently connected to and using the global Internet. In addition, in recognition of diversity within our own boundaries there is the need to provide information services in multiple languages. As we move to a global information infrastructure all of us who intend to build, provide, and sell services will have to work collectively. Although there are many different physical plugs for telephone wall sockets all over the world, because of standards one can speak to another from remote places on the globe. What we need to do is to ensure that networks will be able to do the same in the short term as well as the long term. ---------- George H. Brett II The Center for Networked Information Discovery & Retrieval Clearinghouse for Networked Information Discovery & Retrieval Global SchoolHouse NSF Presidential Awardees Internet Pilot Program Aids Patents Project North Carolina SchoolTech Information Technologies - MCNC PO Box 12889 / 3021 Cornwallis Road Research Triangle Park North Carolina 27709-2889 USA voice: 919-248-1886 fax: 919-248-1101 email: [email protected] URL:
# Presentation: 277284 ## Bloodborne Pathogens 29 CFR 1910.1030 Revised OSHA Bloodborne Pathogens Compliance Directive (CPL2-2.44D) **Bloodborne Pathogens 29 CFR 1910.1030** - Revised OSHA Bloodborne PathogensCompliance Directive (CPL2-2.44D) **Notes:** I. Background for the Trainer: This training session is intended for employees who are likely to be exposed to potentially infected bodily fluids, including first-aid responders, maintenance personnel, janitorial staff, and any personnel assigned to clean up body fluids after an industrial accident. Other employees can receive the same training for awareness purposes so they understand that they should not touch blood or bodily fluids and they understand to whom they should report a spill of blood or bodily fluids so it can be cleaned up correctly. A written Bloodborne Pathogens Exposure Control Plan (ECP) is required according to the OSHA standard in 29 CFR 1910.1030. This program should be written prior to conducting the training. Writing this program will help you determine which employees are potentially exposed and how you will protect these employees from exposure. A model ECP can be found in Appendix D of the new directive (CPL2-2.44D) that can be found at II. Speaker’s Notes: In this session, we will discuss how you might be exposed to bodily fluids in the workplace, how you can protect yourself from exposure, how to clean up bodily fluids, how to manage contaminated waste, and your right to medical evaluations. ## Could You Contract a Disease at Work? - Administering first aid? - Cleaning the restrooms? - Using a tool covered with dried blood? - A co-worker sneezes on you? **Notes:** I. Speaker’s Notes: In today’s training session, we will discuss how you may potentially be infected with a bloodborne pathogen while at work. We will also discuss the many procedures and safe work practices that have been established to prevent your exposure to potentially infectious bodily fluids. We will also attempt to dispel some of the myths surrounding how bloodborne diseases can be contracted in the workplace. ## Bloodborne Pathogens Goals - Basics of Bloodborne Diseases - Exposure Prevention - Quiz **Notes:** I. Speaker’s Notes: We will begin by discussing the basics of bloodborne pathogens, including general information on the diseases, how they are transmitted, and potential exposure at work. Then we will discuss the many ways that the exposure can be prevented. Finally, we will wrap up this training session with a summary and a quiz. ## Bloodborne Pathogens - Pathogenic microorganisms present in human blood that can lead to diseases - Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) - Hepatitis B (HBV) - Hepatitis C (HCV) **Notes:** I. Background for the Trainer: Pathogens are disease-producing bacteria or microorganisms. II. Speaker’s Notes: OSHA defines bloodborne pathogens as pathogenic microorganisms present in human blood that can lead to diseases. There are many disease-causing pathogenic microorganisms that are covered by this standard; however, the most common and those of primary concern are: Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) Hepatitis B (HBV) Hepatitis C (HCV) ## Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) - HIV is the virus that leads to AIDS - HIV depletes the immune system - HIV does not survive well outside the body - Saliva, tears, sweat **Notes:** I. Background for the Trainer: This information is from the Center for Disease Control and Prevention—HIV and Its Transmission Fact Sheet. II. Speaker’s Notes: HIV is the virus that leads to acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS). A person can carry HIV for many years and not have symptoms until it turns into full-blown AIDS. AIDS attacks the person’s immune system, which makes it difficult for the body to fight off disease. Scientists and medical authorities agree that HIV does not survive well outside the body. Drying of HIV-infected human blood or other body fluids reduces the risk of environmental transmission to essentially zero. HIV is found in very low quantities in saliva and tears from some AIDS patients. HIV has not been found in the sweat of HIV-infected persons. Contact with saliva, tears, or sweat has never been shown to result in the transmission of HIV. ## Hepatitis B (HBV) - 1—1.25 million Americans are chronically infected - Symptoms include: jaundice, fatigue, abdominal pain, loss of appetite, intermittent nausea, vomiting - May lead to chronic liver disease, liver cancer, and death - Vaccination available since 1982 - HBV can survive for at least one week in dried blood - 11006115/0006 Copyright Business & Legal Reports, Inc. **Notes:** I. Background for the Trainer: This information is from the Center for Disease Control and Prevention—Viral Hepatitis B Fact Sheet available at ## Hepatitis C (HCV) - Hepatitis C is the most common chronic bloodborne infection in the United States - Symptoms include: jaundice, fatigue, abdominal pain, loss of appetite, intermittent nausea, vomiting - May lead to chronic liver disease and death **Notes:** I. Speaker’s Notes: An estimated 3.9 million Americans have been infected with HCV of whom 2.7 million are chronically infected. Persons chronically infected with HCV may not be aware of it because they are not clinically ill. Sometimes it can take two decades before symptoms are recognized. Chronic liver disease occurs in approximately 70 percent of infected persons. 8,000–10,000 deaths occur each year as a result of the chronic liver disease. There are some drugs that have been licensed for treatment of HCV; however, they are only effective in 10–40 percent of persons. ## Potentially Infectious Bodily Fluids - Blood - Saliva, vomit, urine - Semen or vaginal secretions - Skin, tissue, cell cultures - Other body fluids **Notes:** I. Background for the Trainer: Make changes to the slide above to reflect the types of bodily fluids that may be encountered in your workplace. If your facility is a medical hospital/clinic or a laboratory with human cell cultures, you will have more potential exposure to bodily fluids than a general industrial facility would have. II. Speaker’s Notes: The bodily fluids that you are most likely to encounter in the general industrial workplace are blood, saliva, vomit, or urine. If blood is not present in a bodily fluid, bloodborne pathogens cannot be present. Remember, sometimes the blood may be present in microscopic quantities and difficult to see with the naked eye. To be safe, you must assume that all bodily fluids are contaminated with infectious blood. This is called universal precautions. We will discuss this in further detail later. ## Potential Transmission - Contact with another person’s blood or bodily fluid that may contain blood - Mucous membranes: eyes, mouth, nose - Non-intact skin - Contaminated sharps/needles **Notes:** I. Background for the Trainer: The slide discusses potential transmission of bloodborne pathogens at the workplace. Adjust the slide to accurately reflect the potential transmission points at your facility. Other ways of transmission not usually associated with the workplace include unprotected sexual contact and drug use with unclean needles. II. Speaker’s Notes: Bloodborne pathogens can only be transmitted to you if you physically make contact with an infected person’s blood or bodily fluid containing blood. Even then, your healthy skin is an excellent barrier to bloodborne pathogens. The contaminated blood or bodily fluid can enter your body through mucous membranes such as your eyes, mouth, or nose. If your skin is not intact at the point of contact with the contaminated blood or bodily fluid, the bloodborne pathogen could potentially be transmitted. Examples of nonintact skin include: dermatitis, hangnails, cuts, abrasions, acne, etc. Obviously, a contaminated sharp, such as a needle or broken glass, could potentially transmit bloodborne pathogens because of the penetration of the skin. ## Potential Exposure - Industrial accident - Administering first aid - Postaccident cleanup - Janitorial or maintenance work **Notes:** I. Background for the Trainer: The potential exposures listed on the slide are probably typical for most general industrial workplaces. If necessary, change the slide to reflect the potential exposure to bodily fluids at your company. These potential exposures should be the same as those listed in your written Bloodborne Pathogens Exposure Control Plan. II. Speaker’s Notes: The Bloodborne Pathogens standard requires employers to identify the jobs, tasks, and activities that could expose employees to potentially infected blood or bodily fluids. Exposure could occur when near someone who is involved in an industrial accident. Obviously, when administering first aid to someone who is bleeding, you are potentially exposed. Employees expected to clean up work surfaces, equipment, or machinery after an accident are also potentially exposed. Janitorial workers are potentially exposed when cleaning up urine, vomit, sanitary napkins, etc. Maintenance workers might potentially be exposed when repairing the plumbing on a toilet. ## Bloodborne Pathogens Goals - Basics of Bloodborne Diseases - Exposure Prevention - Quiz **Notes:** I. Speaker’s Notes: Are there any questions on HIV or Hepatitis B or C, how they are transmitted, or the potential exposure at work? Now, let’s discuss the many ways to prevent exposure to bloodborne pathogens. ## Exposure Control Plan (ECP) - Potential exposure determination - Safe work practices - Decontaminating equipment - Selecting and using PPE - Handling biowaste - Labels and signs - Training requirements - Recordkeeping requirements **Notes:** I. Background for the Trainer: You can either pass out copies of your ECP to the employees in the class or you can just tell them where the ECP is located within your facility. The ECP must be available at all times to all employees. II. Speaker’s Notes: The OSHA Bloodborne Pathogens Standard requires us to have a written ECP. Tell the employees that the ECP is available at all times, and tell them where it is located. The goal of the ECP is to identify potential exposure and define work practices for preventing exposure. The ECP addresses many elements, all of which we will discuss in this training session. In addition to your right to access the ECP, you also have a right to access the OSHA Bloodborne Pathogens Standard. If any of you want to have a copy of the actual standard, all you have to do is ask. ## Who Must be Trained - All employees with occupational exposure to blood or other potentially infectious material (OPIM) - Employees who are trained in first aid and CPR **Notes:** I. Background for the Trainer: The Bloodborne Pathogens Standard covers all employers who require employees to perform duties that may expose them to bloodborne pathogens. II. Speaker’s Notes: Training is the next step in preventing potential exposure to bloodborne pathogens. All employees whose jobs, duties, or actions could potentially expose them to blood or contaminated bodily fluids must understand the ECP and be trained at the time of initial assignment and annually thereafter. We have already discussed the jobs that have potential exposure. Also, all employees who are trained first aid and CPR responders obviously must also participate in this training. Remember, the dangers of bloodborne pathogens do not exist in medical or patient care facilities only. Any type of facility that may have potential exposures to bloodborne pathogens must have a written program and must conduct training. ## Universal Precautions - Treat all blood and bodily fluids as if they are contaminated - Proper cleanup and decontamination **Notes:** I. Speaker’s Notes: OSHA defines universal precautions as “an approach to infection control.” According to the concept of Universal Precautions, all human blood and certain human bodily fluids are treated as known to be infectious for HIV, HBV, and other bloodborne pathogens. The appropriate precautionary methods will enable a worker to avoid contact with infectious materials. By avoiding contact, there is no exposure; thus we can avoid contracting a bloodborne disease. Universal precautions protect individuals who are directly involved with the clean-up process and who will possibly be in direct contact with the spill of bodily fluids. Always wear appropriate PPE when handling any type of bodily fluid. Universal precautions require adequate cleanup and decontamination of yourself, equipment, and tools. Always wash your hands after handling any type of bodily fluid, even when wearing gloves. ## Protective Equipment - Bleeding control—latex gloves - Spurting blood—latex gloves, protective clothing (smocks or aprons), respiratory mask, eye/face protection (goggles, glasses, or face shield) - Postaccident cleanup—latex gloves - Janitorial work—latex gloves **Notes:** I. Background for the Trainer: Determine what kind of protective equipment your company has available. Is the equipment located in the first aid kits? Many first aid cabinets contain bodily fluid disposal kits that have PPE such as gloves, masks, aprons, face shields, etc. If your company has bodily fluid disposal kits, bring one to the class. Take out the PPE and use it for demonstration. Discuss the types, proper use, location, removal, handling, decontamination, and disposal of PPE. The location of available PPE should be specified in your Exposure Control Plan. Change the above slide to specify the appropriate PPE for the different potential exposures that your facility might have. Match the hazard with the appropriate PPE. II. Speaker’s Notes: PPE is a vital part of preventing potential exposure. Tell the employees what kind of PPE is available and where it is located in your facility. As all first aid responders know, universal precautions are required. Protect yourself first. For normal bleeding, gloves (such as latex) are required. Work gloves, rags, plastic, or even paper will work as barriers if latex gloves are not available. The point is to use something as a barrier between your skin and the victim's blood or bodily fluids. For spurting blood, more than just gloves is required. Protect your mucous membranes (i.e., eyes, mouth, nose) with a face shield or mask. Wear protective clothing such as an apron, smock, and shoe covers to protect your skin. For postaccident cleanup, generally, just gloves are needed to protect your hands when disinfecting surfaces or equipment. Janitorial workers should always wear gloves, particularly when cleaning bathrooms. ## Decontamination - Wear protective gloves - Disinfectant/cleaner provided in bodily fluid disposal kit - Solution of 1/4 cup bleach per gallon of water - Properly dispose of contaminated PPE, towels, rags **Notes:** I. Background for the Trainer: If your company has a bodily fluid disposal/cleanup kit, does it contain a disinfectant or cleaner? If so, bring in the cleaner/disinfectant for demonstration purposes. Adjust the slide to accurately reflect the disinfectants/cleaners available at your facility. Before decontamination and cleanup can occur, personnel have to be assigned or designated to clean it up. Be sure those responsible for this duty understand their role and are prepared to clean up bodily fluids before an accident actually occurs. II. Speaker’s Notes: An important part of preventing exposure to bloodborne pathogens is proper decontamination and cleanup. As with all bodily fluids, assume contamination (universal precautions) and wear protective gloves. Latex gloves can be found in the first aid kit. The bodily fluid disposal kit contains fluid cleanup materials such as an absorbent powder, a disinfectant solution, and a disposal bag. The powder can be sprinkled on liquid body fluids, such as blood. When the powder absorbs the fluid, it can be scooped up and placed in the disposal bag. If no disinfectant solution is available, it can be substituted with a solution of 1/4 cup of bleach per gallon of water. Wipe down all contaminated surfaces with the disinfectant solution in order to ensure that all bloodborne pathogens are killed. Dispose of all contaminated gloves, towels, rags, absorbent powder, etc. Place it all in the disposal bag. We will discuss how to manage biowaste shortly. ## Safe Work Practices - Remove contaminated PPE or clothing as soon as possible - Clean and disinfect contaminated equipment and work surfaces - Thoroughly wash up immediately after exposure - Properly dispose of contaminated items **Notes:** I. Speaker’s Notes: These are some commonsense safe work practices that will help prevent exposure. Remove contaminated clothing or PPE as soon as possible. If blood were to splash onto your shoes, pants, or shirt, remove those items as soon as possible. Wash your skin in the area underneath the clothing that was contaminated with the bodily fluid. Remove contaminated PPE, such as gloves, as soon as you are done administering first aid or decontaminating equipment or work surfaces. Cleaning/disinfecting tools, work surfaces, or equipment will prevent the next user from unknowingly coming into contact with potentially infected bodily fluids. Thoroughly wash your hands, face, or any other areas of your skin that may have come into contact with bodily fluids. If you believe that blood or other potentially contaminated bodily fluid was splashed into your eyes, immediately go to an emergency eyewash station and flush your eyes. Properly disposing of contaminated items in appropriately labeled bags or containers will help prevent someone from accidentally being exposed. ## Regulated Medical Waste - Liquid or semiliquid blood or OPIM (other potentially infectious materials) - Contaminated items that would release blood or OPIM when compressed - Contaminated sharps - Pathological and microbiological waste containing blood or OPIM **Notes:** I. Background for the Trainer: Most industrial facilities can handle blood or bodily fluids by simply absorbing any liquids, double bagging the contaminated items, and disposing in the dumpster. Be sure to clarify your company’s procedures in your written ECP. If you feel that your company does have regulated medical waste that requires proper disposal, contact a medical waste disposal company to set up a program. You can probably find a medical waste disposal company in your local phone book. II. Speaker’s Notes: Regulated medical wastes include blood or other potentially infected bodily fluids that are in a liquid form. If absorbed liquids can be released when compressed (i.e., sponge) it is also a regulated medical waste. As a rule of thumb, items such as Band-Aids or tissues that we would typically throw in the wastebasket are not regulated medical wastes unless you are a medical facility where the amount of this type of waste is extensive. Otherwise, unless you could literally “wring out” the blood, it would not be considered regulated medical biowaste. A good rule to follow is, when in doubt, treat it as regulated waste to avoid violating any EPA laws for proper disposal of biohazard wastes. Make sure all sharps, including needles and broken glass, go in the appropriate sharps container to avoid contamination through impalement or laceration on the sharps. Pathological and microbiological waste containing blood or OPIM, such as from a medical laboratory, is also considered regulated medical waste. ## Labels and Signs **Labels and Signs** - Labels must include the universal biohazard symbol, and the term “Biohazard” must be attached to: - containers of regulated biohazard waste - refrigerators or freezers containing blood or OPIM - containers used to store, transport, or ship blood or OPIM - 11006115/0006 Copyright Business & Legal Reports, Inc. **Notes:** I. Background for the Trainer: Bring in a label or container, such as the red disposal bag, that has the biohazard symbol to use as a demonstration. II. Speaker’s Notes: Another way to prevent potential exposure is through communication, which includes appropriate labels and signs. All regulated medical wastes must be labeled in accordance with EPA requirements for biohazard wastes. If the material is not regulated (i.e., liquids that are adequately absorbed or Band-Aids) it can be disposed of in an unlabeled bag and discarded in the trash. Refrigerators that contain biohazards should be labeled. No food items should be placed in refrigerators that contain biohazards. Any container that may store potentially infectious materials must be adequately labeled. ## Hepatitis B Vaccination - Strongly endorsed by medical communities - Shown to be safe for infants, children, and adults - Offered to all potentially exposed employees - Provided at no cost to employees - Declination form **Notes:** I. Background for the Trainer: The Hepatitis B (HBV) vaccination must be offered to all potentially exposed employees within 10 days of their initial assignment. Contact your local occupational health clinic about setting up these shots. If employees decline the shots, they are required by the OSHA standard to sign the record of declination form. Bring copies of this form to the training session. Taking this vaccination is a personal decision, give the employees a few days to decide. If they want the shots, schedule an appointment. If they do not want the shots, have them sign the declination form. II. Speaker’s Notes: The use of the HBV vaccine is strongly endorsed by medical, scientific, and public health communities as a safe and effective way to prevent disease and death. There is no confirmed evidence that indicates the HBV vaccine can cause chronic illness. Reports of unusual illnesses following a vaccine are most often related to other causes and are not related to the vaccine. The hepatitis B vaccination is a series of three injections that are effective in preventing infection with hepatitis B. Currently, there is no requirement for routine boosters; however, this is still being assessed. This vaccination is paid for by the employer. If you decline the hepatitis B vaccination, you will be asked to sign a form that states you waived your opportunity to receive the vaccination. However, even if you sign the form now, you may still change your mind later and accept the vaccination. The form basically states that at this time you do not want to have the shots. The language on the declination form is straight out of the OSHA Bloodborne Pathogens standard. ## Exposure Incident - A specific incident of contact with potentially infectious bodily fluid - If there are no infiltrations of mucous membranes or open skin surfaces, it is not considered an occupational exposure - Report all accidents involving blood or bodily fluids - Postexposure medical evaluations are offered **Notes:** I. Background for the Trainer: Employees must report any exposure to bloodborne pathogens. For example, after an industrial accident, determine if any employees were exposed. If an employee has been exposed, the employee must be offered a postexposure evaluation. Your company should document this determination of exposure and whether or not the exposed employee accepted the offer of a postexposure medical evaluation. II. Speaker’s Notes: An exposure incident is a specific incident of contact with potentially infectious bodily fluid. If there was no infiltration of mucous membranes or open skin surfaces, it is not considered an occupational exposure. If an employee administering first aid on normal bleeding is wearing the appropriate gloves, then an exposure incident does not exist. Be sure to report all incidents involving blood or bodily fluid so the company can determine if an exposure occurred and then offer postexposure medical evaluations if necessary. After each accident, an accident investigation report must be completed. If blood is spilled, documentation of the spill location, who cleaned it up, the cleanup method, and waste disposal location must be kept. ## Postexposure Evaluation - Confidential medical evaluation - Document route of exposure - Identify source individual - Test source individuals blood (with individuals consent) - Provide results to exposed employee - 11006115/0006 Copyright Business & Legal Reports, Inc. **Notes:** I. Background for the Trainer: Contact your local occupational health clinic to get more details on exactly what kind of testing would be done for a postexposure medical evaluation. II. Speaker’s Notes: The postexposure medical evaluation is designed to help determine if the person was exposed to infected bodily fluids. The medical evaluation is completely confidential for both the exposed person and the source person. Not even the company will know the results of such testing. The evaluation will document the route of exposure and will identify the source individual. If the source individual gives consent, the evaluation includes testing his or her blood. The results of such testing are provided by the medical personnel to both the source individual and the exposed employee. ## Recordkeeping - Medical records include: - Hepatitis B vaccination status - Postexposure evaluation and follow-up results - Training records include: - Training dates - Contents of the training - Name and qualifications of trainer **Notes:** I. Background for the Trainer: Medical records must be kept confidential, maintained for employment plus 30 years, available to employees upon request, and made available to authorized agencies such as OSHA or NIOSH. Training records must be maintained for three years. Records must be transferred to successor employers, or if no successor employer, the current employer must ask the director of NIOSH for proper disposition of the records. II. Speaker’s Notes: Medical records are kept confidential; however, they are available to each employee upon request. The records will include your Hepatitis B vaccination status, any postexposure evaluation and follow-up results, and any written opinions or other specific information provided by the health care professionals. Training records include today’s date, content of today’s training, my qualifications as a trainer, and, of course, your names and job titles. ## Bloodborne Pathogens Goals - Basics of Bloodborne Diseases - Exposure Prevention - Quiz **Notes:** I. Speaker’s Notes: Are there any questions on the written Exposure Control Plan, universal precautions, PPE, safe work practices, labels, handling regulated waste, or the HBV vaccination? Now, let’s wrap up this training session with a summary and a quiz. ## Summary - Universal precautions - PPE and safe work practices - Decontamination - Exposure incident **Notes:** I. Speaker’s Notes: Remember to assume that all blood or bodily fluid is infected with bloodborne pathogens such as HIV or HBV. Wear the appropriate PPE as barriers to prevent the transmission of bloodborne pathogens, and use safe work practices such as labeling and proper disposal. Decontaminate yourself by thoroughly washing up and washing any contaminated equipment or tools. Report all incidents involving bodily fluids so they can be evaluated for potential exposure. ## Quiz - 1. Name two of the most common bloodborne pathogens: ____________________________________________ - 2. After exposure to potentially infected bodily fluids, you should immediately: ___________________________ - 3. HIV and HBV can be transmitted when infected bodily fluids directly contact the eyes or nonintact skin. True or False - 4. The risk of exposure to bloodborne pathogens is only possible when blood is present in the bodily fluid. True or False - 5. Treating all body fluids as infected is known as __________________________________ Precautions. **Notes:** I. Background for the Trainer: Hand out the quiz copies. Go over the questions orally and have the employees write their answers on their quiz sheets. ## Quiz (cont.) - 6. HIV stays alive in dried blood. True or False - 7. Name one way you might be exposed to human blood at your workplace: ____________________________ - 8. What minimum PPE should be worn when controlling normal bleeding? _____________________________ - 9. Besides the disinfectant/cleaner provided in first aid kits, what other solutions can be used to decontaminate equipment or surfaces? - 10. How do you dispose of absorbed bodily fluids? ## Quiz Answers - 1. HIV and Hepatitis B (HBV). - 2. You should immediately wash any exposed areas. - 3. True. Infected bodily fluids need to directly contact mucous membranes or nonintact skin. - 4. True. Although many bodily fluids may be infectious, they must contain blood to carry bloodborne pathogens. - 5. Treating all bodily fluids as infected is known as Universal Precautions. ## Quiz Answers (cont.) - 6. False. HIV dies almost immediately. HBV can live as long as one week. - 7. Administering first aid, decontaminating equipment, doing janitorial work, etc. - 8. Gloves must be worn, at a minimum, when controlling normal bleeding. When controlling spurting blood, additional PPE must be worn including: a face shield, an apron, shoe covers, etc. - 9. A solution of bleach and water. - 10. Absorbed bodily fluids from a general industry facility can usually be double bagged and discarded with the normal garbage.
# Presentation: 727428 ## Measures and Metrics Approach - USAIDKM Workgroup - Business Consulting Services - Presentation Title | Confidential ## Tasks: Task 1.1, Develop CoP Framework - Measures and metrics need to be developed to track the progress of the CoPs and communicate ongoing benefits to stakeholders - We anticipate three types of measures to help us demonstrate progress and business benefits: **Implementation Measures:** Demonstrates the CoP has been implemented **Performance Measures:** Demonstrates that the system is being used **Impact Measures:** Demonstrates the benefits of the system and presents the monetarized benefits as part of a formal benefit/cost analysis or success stories that can be presented to key stakeholders (e.g.,management, members, Congress) - We will develop measures in an interactive way through working with the CoPs and codifying and clarifying formal measures - Presentation Title | Confidential ## Develop CoP Framework - Develop Metrics and Measures - Develop Baseline targets for each quantitative measure - Track Performance - Analyze and Report on performance - Assess impacts and estimate benefits - Monetarize benefits and conduct cost/benefit analysis - Report on Impacts - Build CoP enabling technology and user community - Implement Pilot - Implementation Measures - Performance Measures - Impact Measures - Baselines will be based on: - IBM experience with KM - Industry best practices - KM BETC Workgroup direction - CoP Support Team input - Track Performance - Presentation Title | Confidential ## Develop CoP Framework **Implementation Measures** **Performance Measures** **Impact Measures** **Potential Measures** **Rationale/Purpose** - “Go-Live” with core functionality (as identified by the requirements analysis) fully operational - Core users identified, trained, and registered on the system - Core information (as defined by CoP Support Teams and Task 1 of this assignment) loaded into the system - Completed training, communication, and advisory plans completed - Will demonstrate to management that: - The system is functioning and being use - There are plans for expanding the CoP beyond its initial user base - Registered members - Users/activity: - Number of hits/hits per member - Duration of each session - Conferences started during specific time frame - Messages posted to and read using CoP. - Messages posted to and read using CoP. - Number of documents uploaded/ downloaded - Will demonstrate to management the extent of the user base - Will allow us to identify success and challenges - “Soft Measures” ( Anecdotal success stories obtained from users, user surveys) - “Hard Measures” -- monetarized benefits - Demonstrates business benefits to stakeholders - Justifies budgets - Meets OMB requirements for IT spending **Sample Measures and Rationale** - Presentation Title | Confidential ## Develop CoP Framework - Step 1: Develop use cases - Conduct focused groups sessions to identify major functions and actions.For example: - Communication and network building - Information Contribution - Information Search - Knowledge sharing - Step 2: Estimate Time and Attribute Dollar/Hour Cost Pre-Implementation - Conduct focused groups sessions to obtain time estimate and frequency of action and attribute standard costs/hour.For example: - Step 3: Estimate Time and Attribute Dollar/Hour Cost Post Implementation - Conduct focused groups sessions to obtain time estimate and frequency of action and attribute standard costs/hour. For example: - Step 4: Estimate Cost Savings, Discount Savings over 5 Years - Conduct formal cost benefit analysis to estimate savings. For example: **Information Search** - Each member of a community spends: - 1 hour 5 times/week = 5 hrs - Labor cost Assume $ 35/hour - Thus, annual cost = - $35 X 5hrs x 52 weeks = $9,100 - Assume 50 core users - Total cost/year = - 50 x $9,100 = $455,000 **Information Search** - Each member of a community spends: - 0.25 hour 5 times/week = 2.5 hrs - Labor cost Assume $ 35/hour - Thus, annual cost = - $35 x 2.5hrs x 52 weeks = $4,050 - Assume 50 core users - Total cost/year = - 50 x $4,050 = $202,500 - Cost of application = $100,000 NPV - Implementation = $30,000 NPV - Training and maintenance = $2,00/year NPV - Total five year cost = $140,000 NPV - Savings = 455,000 – 202,500 = $252,500 - Benefit = 252,500 – 140,000 = $112,500 **Sample Impact Methodology** - Presentation Title | Confidential
SEC NEWS DIGEST Issue 2006-07 January 11, 2006 COMMISSION ANNOUNCEMENTS CORPORATION FINANCE DIVISION DIRECTOR ALAN BELLER TO LEAVE COMMISSION Led Unprecedented Era of Division's Investor Protection Rulemaking The Securities and Exchange Commission today announced that Alan L. Beller, Director of the Division of Corporation Finance of the Securities and Exchange Commission and Senior Counselor to the Commission, will leave the Commission to return to the private sector. Under Mr. Beller's leadership, the Division produced the fastest-paced and most far-reaching corporate governance, financial disclosure and securities offering reforms in Commission history. Mr. Beller leaves the Commission after having played a leadership role in a number of the early initiatives of Chairman Christopher Cox, including proposed rules to allow Internet delivery of proxy materials; to ease the deregistration process for foreign issuers; to propose improved disclosure of executive compensation; and to expand use of interactive data to make financial reports more useful for investors. Mr. Beller, 56, who assumed his current positions in January 2002, will remain at the Commission until February 2006 to assist with ongoing and transition matters. Chairman Cox said, "Alan has made enormous contributions to the SEC's mission of investor protection over the last four years. He has led the most prodigious and substantial activity in the Division's and the Commission's history, including the rulemaking effort to implement the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002. His talents and experience cover the spectrum of the Commission's responsibilities, and his role at the SEC has consequently extended well beyond the Division of Corporation Finance. I particularly appreciate the role he has played as advisor to the Chairman on important regulatory issues across the board. He not only has been a leading figure in this very significant time in the Commission's history, but he also will be recognized as one of the giants of the SEC of all time." Mr. Beller said, "It has been an honor and a privilege to serve under Chairman Cox and his two predecessors, William Donaldson and Harvey Pitt, as well as the Commissioners who have served during my time at the agency. It has been an equal honor and privilege to work with the talented and dedicated public servants in the Division of Corporation Finance and throughout the Commission. I have had no experience in my career as satisfying as working with the men and women of the Commission and serving the interests of American investors and American markets." Mr. Beller served during an unprecedented period of activity in the Division and at the Commission, meeting every deadline for rulemaking directed by the Sarbanes-Oxley Act. The landmark investor protection legislation required adoption of more than fifteen separate rules prepared by the Division, some as quickly as thirty days and virtually all within six months of its enactment. Among Sarbanes-Oxley rules for which the Division was responsible were those requiring certification of the accuracy and completeness of company reports by chief executive officers and chief financial officers; accelerated electronic filing of insider trading reports; and listing standards mandating independent audit committees with increased responsibilities. Mr. Beller led other major Commission initiatives carried out at the Division of Corporation Finance, including the drafting of Commission rules that produced the most significant reforms in decades to the securities offering process. He also led the rulemaking effort that produced the first comprehensive Commission rules for registration and disclosure for the asset-backed securities market, which by 2004 had grown to be larger than the corporate debt market but was not governed by a rules-based regulatory framework. Further, he led the Division's efforts to draft rules adopted by the Commission that accelerated filings of periodic reports and implemented for the first time a real- time current disclosure system for material events. The Division of Corporation Finance is responsible for the review of the filings of the more than 12,000 public companies that file reports with the Commission. Under Mr. Beller's leadership the Division substantially revamped its procedures for selecting filings for review and allocating its review resources to focus on larger companies that represent the vast majority of investment dollars, periodic reports available to trading markets where most investment decisions are made, and financial disclosure that generally contains the most important information for investors. Mr. Beller was also instrumental in last year's establishment of the Commission's Advisory Committee on Smaller Public Companies, which is charged with making recommendations to the Commission regarding improved regulation of smaller companies. The Advisory Committee's final report to the Commission is due in the spring of 2006. He also helped foster unprecedented cooperation between the Division of Corporation Finance and the Commission's Office of the Chief Accountant to implement and refine the requirements of the Commission and the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board for company assessment and auditor attestation of internal controls over financial reporting, as well as the Commission's oversight of the Board. (Press Rel. 2006-6) ENFORCEMENT PROCEEDINGS COMMISSION OBTAINS SUMMARY JUDGMENT AGAINST INSIDER TRADING DEFENDANTS On January 3, U.S. District Judge Michael B. Mukasey granted the Securities and Exchange Commission's motion for summary judgment against insider trading defendants Richard A. Svoboda (Svoboda) and Michael A. Robles (Robles). In granting the Commission's motion for summary judgment Judge Mukasey made the following findings of fact, among others: In late 1994 or early 1995, Svoboda-a NationsBank credit policy officer at the time- devised a scheme with Robles to use NationsBank's confidential information to trade for profit. Svoboda and Robles agreed that Svoboda would furnish Robles with inside information regarding NationsBank clients, including information about prospective acquisitions or negative earnings developments. Robles would then execute all of the securities trades and split the illegal profits evenly with Svoboda. Pursuant to their scheme, Robles traded in the securities of over 20 different issuers based on inside information. In addition, Svoboda secretly executed several trades using confidential inside information for his own profit through his own brokerage accounts and brokerage accounts held by his wife, despite the defendants' agreement that Robles would do all of the trading. Judge Mukasey concluded that both Svoboda and Robles violated Section 17(a) of the Securities Act of 1933, and Sections 10(b) and 14(e) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and Rules 10b-5 and 14e-3 thereunder. Judge Mukasey permanently enjoined both defendants from violating the foregoing antifraud provisions of the federal securities laws and ordered Svoboda to disgorge $219,100 in ill-gotten insider trading gains plus prejudgment interest of $186,911.11 and Robles to disgorge $1,039,252.80 in ill-gotten insider trading gains plus prejudgment interest of $757,821.53. Under the Court's order Svoboda is jointly and severally liable for Robles' disgorgement and prejudgment interest. Judge Mukasey in turn imposed civil money penalties of $150,000 on Svoboda and $250,000 on Robles. The Commission filed its original complaint on Nov. 7, 2000, the same day Svoboda and Robles were indicted in a related criminal case in the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York. The Commission's case was put on hold pending the resolution of the related criminal action. In the criminal case, Svoboda pleaded guilty to conspiracy, securities fraud, and tender offer fraud, and was sentenced to be incarcerated for 12 months and one day, and to pay a $200,000 fine. After trial, a federal jury convicted Robles of conspiracy, securities fraud, and tender offer fraud. He was sentenced to be incarcerated for 41 months, and to pay a $300,000 fine. The Second Circuit Court of Appeals affirmed Robles' conviction on Oct. 24, 2003. See United States of America v. Richard A. Svoboda and Michael A. Robles, 347 F.3d 471 (2d Cir. 2003), cert. denied, Robles v. United States, 541 U.S. 1044 (2004). The Commission amended its complaint on March 22, 2005. [SEC v. Richard A. Svoboda and Michael A. Robles, Civil Action No. 00 Civ. 8557 (Mukasey, J.) S.D. New York] (LR-19527) ADDITIONS AND CORRECTIONS ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Yesterday's Digest included an announcement entitled "DANIEL CALUGAR AND SECURITY BROKERAGE, INC. TO PAY OVER $150 MILLION TO SETTLE SEC FRAUD ACTION FOR LATE TRADING AND MARKET TIMING" (Press Rel. 2006-5). For further information regarding this matter, see LR-18524 (Dec. 24, 2003). The litigation cite and release number for the civil action on January 10th is as follows: [SEC v. Daniel Calugar and Security Brokerage, Inc., Case No. CV-S-03-1600-RCJ-RJJ, D. Nev.] (LR-19526) CORRECTION The release number for File No. SR-Phlx-2005-87 included in the January 10th issue of the Digest should have been 34-53068. SELF-REGULATORY ORGANIZATIONS IMMEDIATE EFFECTIVENESS OF PROPOSED RULE CHANGES A proposed rule change filed by the Chicago Board Options Exchange (SR-CBOE-2006-02) to amend CBOE Rule 8.4 relating to Remote Market- Maker appointments has become immediately effective pursuant to Section 19(b) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934. Publication of the proposal is expected in the Federal Register during the week of January 9. (Rel. 34-53072) The Commission issued notice of immediate effectiveness of a proposed rule change and Amendment No. 1 thereto (SR-NASD-2005-154) filed by the National Association of Securities Dealers, through its subsidiary, The Nasdaq Stock Market, Inc., under Rule 19b-4 of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 to modify pricing for NASD members using the Nasdaq Market Center and Nasdaq's Brut facility. Publication of the proposal is expected in the Federal Register during the week of January 9. (Rel. 34-53081) ACCELERATED APPROVAL OF PROPOSED RULE CHANGE The Commission granted accelerated approval to a proposed rule change and Amendment No. 1 thereto (SR-NASD-2005-155) filed by the National Association of Securities Dealers, through its subsidiary, The Nasdaq Stock Market, Inc. to modify pricing for non-members using Nasdaq's Brut Facility. Publication of the proposal is expected in the Federal Register during the week of January 9. (Rel. 34-53082) APPROVAL OF PROPOSED RULE CHANGES The Commission approved a proposed rule change (SR-Amex-2005-064) and Amendment Nos.1 and 2 thereto submitted under Rule 19b-4 of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 by the American Stock Exchange to amend Amex Rule 429 (Telemarketing). Publication of the proposal is expected in the Federal Register during the week of January 9. (Rel. 34-53085) The Commission approved a proposed rule change (SR-CBOE-2005-92) by the Chicago Board Options Exchange to prohibit the practice of unbundling orders to maximize rebates of fees. Publication of the proposal is expected in the Federal Register during the week of January 16. (Rel. 34-53088) WITHDRAWALS SOUGHT A notice has been issued giving interested persons until Feb. 2, 2006, to comment on the application of Sony Corporation to withdraw its American Depositary Shares, each representing one share of common stock, no par value, from listing and registration on the Chicago Stock Exchange. (Rel. 34-53079) A notice has been issued giving interested persons until Feb. 2, 2006, to comment on the application of Aquacell Technologies, Inc. to withdraw its common stock, $.001 par value, from listing and registration on the American Stock Exchange. (Rel. 34-53080) DELISTINGS GRANTED An order has been issued granting the application of the American Stock Exchange to strike from listing and registration the common stock, $.0005 par value, of, Inc., effective at the opening of business on January 10. (Rel. 34-53083) An order has been issued granting the application of the American Stock Exchange to strike from listing and registration the common stock, $.001 par value, of Prolong International Corporation, effective at the opening of business on January 10. (Rel. 34-53084) SECURITIES ACT REGISTRATIONS The following registration statements have been filed with the SEC under the Securities Act of 1933. The reported information appears as follows: Form, Name, Address and Phone Number (if available) of the issuer of the security; Title and the number and/or face amount of the securities being offered; Name of the managing underwriter or depositor (if applicable); File number and date filed; Assigned Branch; and a designation if the statement is a New Issue. Registration statements may be obtained in person or by writing to the Commission's Public Reference Branch at 450 Fifth Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20549 or at the following e-mail box address: <[email protected]>. In most cases, this information is also available on the Commission's website: <>. SB-2 Golden Aria Corp., 250-765-6424 - 8,545,000 ($1,281,750.00) Equity, (File 333-130934 - Jan. 10) (BR. 02) S-8 MIRANT CORP, 1155 PERIMETER CENTER WEST, SUITE 100, ATLANTA, GA, 30338, 6785795000 - 0 ($457,708,968.60) Equity, (File 333-130935 - Jan. 10) (BR. 02A) S-3ASR AMERIGAS PARTNERS LP, 460 N GULPH RD, BOX 965, VALLEY FORGE, PA, 19406, 6103377000 - 0 ($0.00) Equity, 0 ($0.00) Non-Convertible Debt, (File 333-130936 - Jan. 10) (BR. 02C) F-6 Mori Seiki Co., Ltd., 2-35-16 MEIEKI, NAKAMURA-KU, NAGOYA, AICHI, M0, 450-0002, 81-52-587-1811 - 25,000,000 ($1,250,000.00) ADRs/ADSs, (File 333-130938 - Jan. 10) (BR. ) S-8 MODERN TECHNOLOGY CORP, 1237 STATE ROAD 30, ., ETTA, MS, 38627, 6622365928 - 3,500,000 ($105,000.00) Equity, (File 333-130939 - Jan. 10) (BR. 08B) S-8 ANGEION CORP/MN, 350 OAK GROVE PARKWAY, ST PAUL, MN, 55127, 6123152000 - 0 ($534,000.00) Equity, (File 333-130940 - Jan. 10) (BR. 10A) S-8 ZIPREALTY INC, 2000 POWELL STREET, SUITE 1555, EMERYVILLE, CA, 94608, 510-735-2600 - 0 ($6,836,157.00) Equity, (File 333-130941 - Jan. 10) (BR. 08B) SB-2 EMERGING MARKETS HOLDINGS INC, 309 CELTIC COURT, OVIEDO, FL, 32765, 407-620-1063 - 5,000,000 ($5,000,000.00) Equity, (File 333-130943 - Jan. 10) (BR. ) S-8 SUSSEX BANCORP, 399 RTE 23, FRANKLIN, NJ, 07416, 9738272914 - 200,000 ($3,000,000.00) Other, (File 333-130944 - Jan. 10) (BR. 07A) S-11 NNN Apartment REIT, Inc., 1551 N. TUSTIN AVENUE, SUITE 200, SANTA ANA, CA, 92705, 714-667-8252 - 0 ($1,047,500,000.00) Equity, (File 333-130945 - Jan. 10) (BR. ) S-8 ev3 Inc., 4600 NATHAN LANE NORTH, PLYMOUTH, MN, 55442, (763) 398-7000 - 0 ($24,408,733.00) Equity, (File 333-130946 - Jan. 10) (BR. 10B) SB-2 REMOTE MDX INC, 5095 WEST 2100 SOUTH, SALT LAKE CITY, UT, 84120, 8019749475 - 11,461,696 ($9,283,974.00) Debt Convertible into Equity, (File 333-130947 - Jan. 10) (BR. 10C) S-3 LIBERTY PROPERTY TRUST, 500 CHESTERFIELD PARKWAY, MALVERN, PA, 19355, 6106481700 - 2,500,000 ($110,425,000.00) Equity, (File 333-130948 - Jan. 10) (BR. 08B) RECENT 8K FILINGS Form 8-K is used by companies to file current reports on the following events: 1.01 Entry into a Material Definitive Agreement 1.02 Termination of a Material Definitive Agreement 1.03 Bankruptcy or Receivership 2.01 Completion of Acquisition or Disposition of Assets 2.02 Results of Operations and Financial Condition 2.03 Creation of a Direct Financial Obligation or an Obligation under an Off-Balance Sheet Arrangement of a Registrant 2.04 Triggering Events That Accelerate or Increase a Direct Financial Obligation under an Off-Balance Sheet Arrangement 2.05 Cost Associated with Exit or Disposal Activities 2.06 Material Impairments 3.01 Notice of Delisting or Failure to Satisfy a Continued Listing Rule or Standard; Transfer of Listing 3.02 Unregistered Sales of Equity Securities 3.03 Material Modifications to Rights of Security Holders 4.01 Changes in Registrant's Certifying Accountant 4.02 Non-Reliance on Previously Issued Financial Statements or a Related Audit Report or Completed Interim Review 5.01 Changes in Control of Registrant 5.02 Departure of Directors or Principal Officers; Election of Directors; Appointment of Principal Officers 5.03 Amendments to Articles of Incorporation or Bylaws; Change in Fiscal Year 5.04 Temporary Suspension of Trading Under Registrant's Employee Benefit Plans 5.05 Amendments to the Registrant's Code of Ethics, or Waiver of a Provision of the Code of Ethics 6.01. ABS Informational and Computational Material. 6.02. Change of Servicer or Trustee. 6.03. Change in Credit Enhancement or Other External Support. 6.04. Failure to Make a Required Distribution. 6.05. Securities Act Updating Disclosure. 7.01 Regulation FD Disclosure 8.01 Other Events 9.01 Financial Statements and Exhibits 8-K reports may be obtained in person or by writing to the Commission's Public Reference Branch at 450 Fifth Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20549 or at the following e-mail box address: <[email protected]>. In most cases, this information is also available on the Commission's website: <>. STATE NAME OF ISSUER CODE 8K ITEM NO. DATE COMMENT ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 99 CENTS ONLY STORES CA 2.02,9.01 01/09/06 ACTUATE CORP DE 1.01,2.01,9.01 01/05/06 AFTERMARKET TECHNOLOGY CORP DE 8.01,9.01 01/09/06 AHPC Holdings, Inc. MD 4.01,9.01 01/06/06 ALABAMA POWER CO AL 8.01,9.01 01/10/06 ALBERTO CULVER CO DE 8.01,9.01 01/10/06 ALCOA INC PA 2.02,9.01 01/09/06 ALIGN TECHNOLOGY INC DE 1.01 01/04/06 Alliance Distributors Holding Inc. DE 1.01,9.01 01/05/06 ALLIED HEALTHCARE INTERNATIONAL INC NY 8.01,9.01 01/10/06 ALLSTATE CORP DE 8.01 01/09/06 ALTERNATIVE LOAN TRUST 2005-56 8.01,9.01 09/29/05 ALTERNATIVE LOAN TRUST 2005-62 8.01,9.01 10/31/05 ALTERNATIVE LOAN TRUST 2005-63 8.01,9.01 10/28/05 Alternative Loan Trust 2005-70CB 8.01,9.01 11/29/05 ALTEX INDUSTRIES INC DE 2.01,9.01 01/05/06 AMBIENT CORP /NY DE 8.01,9.01 01/06/06 AMC ENTERTAINMENT INC DE 7.01,9.01 01/10/06 AMCON DISTRIBUTING CO DE 1.01,2.04,8.01,9.01 01/03/06 AMERICAN HOME MORTGAGE INVESTMENT TRU DE 8.01,9.01 11/25/05 AMEND AMERICAN STATES WATER CO CA 7.01,9.01 01/04/06 Americredit Automobile Receivable Tru DE 8.01,9.01 01/10/06 AMERICREDIT AUTOMOBILE RECEIVABLES TR 8.01,9.01 01/10/06 AmeriCredit Automobile Receivables Tr DE 8.01,9.01 01/10/06 AmeriCredit Automobile Receivables Tr DE 8.01,9.01 01/10/06 AMERICREDIT AUTOMOBILE RECEIVABLES TR DE 8.01,9.01 01/10/06 AMERIGAS PARTNERS LP DE 7.01,9.01 01/09/06 amerimine resources, inc. FL 4.01 09/14/05 AMERISOURCEBERGEN CORP DE 8.01,9.01 01/10/06 AMERITRADE HOLDING CORP DE 5.02 01/04/06 ANNALY MORTGAGE MANAGEMENT INC MD 2.02,9.01 01/10/06 ANTARES PHARMA INC MN 3.01 01/05/06 APPLE COMPUTER INC CA 2.02 01/10/06 APPLIED DIGITAL SOLUTIONS INC MO 1.01,9.01 01/04/06 ASV INC /MN/ MN 8.01,9.01 01/10/06 AUDIBLE INC 2.02,9.01 01/10/06 AUTHENTIDATE HOLDING CORP DE 1.01,1.02,5.02,7.01,9.01 01/09/06 AUTOBYTEL INC DE 1.02,9.01 01/05/06 AVIGEN INC \DE DE 5.02,9.01 01/10/06 AVISTA CORP WA 5.02,9.01 01/06/06 AVON PRODUCTS INC NY 1.01,9.01 01/05/06 BALCHEM CORP MD 1.01,9.01 01/05/06 BALLY TOTAL FITNESS HOLDING CORP DE 8.01,9.01 01/09/06 BARR PHARMACEUTICALS INC DE 5.02,9.01 01/10/06 BEAR STEARNS ARM TRUST, MORTGAGE-BACK 8.01,9.01 11/25/05 AMEND BECTON DICKINSON & CO NJ 7.01,9.01 01/10/06 BELL MICROPRODUCTS INC CA 2.02,9.01 01/10/06 BERKSHIRE INCOME REALTY INC 1.01,9.01 01/04/06 BIG 5 SPORTING GOODS CORP DE 2.02,9.01 01/09/06 BIOLASE TECHNOLOGY INC DE 1.01,9.01 12/29/05 BLACK HILLS CORP /SD/ SD 1.01 01/10/06 BLACKROCK INC /NY DE 9.01 01/10/06 BLAIR CORP DE 8.01 01/10/06 BNP RESIDENTIAL PROPERTIES INC MD 8.01,9.01 01/06/06 BNP RESIDENTIAL PROPERTIES INC MD 7.01,9.01 01/09/06 BOSTON LIFE SCIENCES INC /DE DE 1.01 01/06/06 BOSTON SCIENTIFIC CORP DE 8.01,9.01 01/08/06 BOWL AMERICA INC MD 1.01 01/01/06 BRANDYWINE OPERATING PARTNERSHIP LP / DE 1.01,1.02,2.01,2.03,3.02, 01/05/06 5.02,5.03,8.01,9.01 BRANDYWINE REALTY TRUST MD 1.01,1.02,2.01,2.03,3.02, 01/05/06 5.02,5.03,8.01,9.01 BRONCO ENERGY FUND, INC. NV 1.01,8.01,9.01 03/14/05 BROOKFIELD HOMES CORP DE 2.02,9.01 01/05/06 BSD MEDICAL CORP DE 5.02,9.01 01/05/06 BUFFETS HOLDINGS, INC. DE 5.02,9.01 01/10/06 CABOT CORP DE 1.01 01/04/06 CADIZ INC DE 5.02 01/06/06 CALIFORNIA PIZZA KITCHEN INC DE 2.02,9.01 01/10/06 CALTON INC NJ 1.01,9.01 01/09/06 CALYPTE BIOMEDICAL CORP DE 5.02,9.01 09/29/05 AMEND CAPITAL BANK CORP NC 9.01 01/03/06 AMEND CAPITAL SENIOR LIVING CORP DE 7.01,9.01 01/10/06 Cascade Energy, Inc. NV 3.02 12/15/05 CASCADE MICROTECH INC 2.02,9.01 01/10/06 CATHAY GENERAL BANCORP DE 8.01,9.01 01/10/06 CAVALIER HOMES INC DE 2.02,9.01 01/09/06 CBL & ASSOCIATES PROPERTIES INC DE 8.01,9.01 12/31/05 CBS CORP DE 3.02 01/03/06 CCC INFORMATION SERVICES GROUP INC DE 8.01,9.01 01/09/06 AMEND CCH II LLC 1.01,9.01 01/09/06 CCO HOLDINGS LLC 1.01,9.01 01/09/06 CENTENNIAL COMMUNICATIONS CORP /DE DE 1.01 01/09/06 CHAMPPS ENTERTAINMENT INC DE 8.01,9.01 01/10/06 CHARMING SHOPPES INC PA 7.01,9.01 01/09/06 CHARTER COMMUNICATIONS HOLDINGS LLC DE 1.01,9.01 01/09/06 CHARTER COMMUNICATIONS INC /MO/ DE 1.01,9.01 01/09/06 CHEMBIO DIAGNOSTICS, INC. NV 2.02,7.01,9.01 01/09/06 CHESAPEAKE ENERGY CORP OK 8.01,9.01 01/09/06 CHINA MARKETING MEDIA, INC. NV 1.02,5.01,5.02,9.01 12/29/05 AMEND CHIQUITA BRANDS INTERNATIONAL INC NJ 1.01 01/04/06 CHL Mortgage Pass-Through Trust 2005- DE 8.01,9.01 10/28/05 CHL Mortgage Pass-Through Trust 2005- DE 8.01,9.01 10/28/05 CHURCHILL DOWNS INC KY 7.01,9.01 01/09/06 CIB MARINE BANCSHARES INC WI 8.01 01/10/06 CLOROX CO /DE/ DE 5.02,9.01 01/09/06 COHEN & STEERS INC 1.01 01/05/06 COLE KENNETH PRODUCTIONS INC NY 1.01 01/10/06 COLUMBIA LABORATORIES INC DE 1.02,5.02,8.01,9.01 01/05/06 CONNETICS CORP DE 1.01,9.01 01/03/06 CONNETICS CORP DE 1.01,2.02,9.01 01/04/06 CONSOLIDATED CAPITAL INSTITUTIONAL PR CA 1.01,9.01 01/06/06 COSI INC DE 2.02,7.01,9.01 01/10/06 COVENTRY HEALTH CARE INC DE 2.02,7.01 01/10/06 CRDENTIA CORP DE 1.01,2.03,3.02,9.01 01/06/06 CREDIT SUISSE FIRST BOSTON MORTAGAGE DE 8.01,9.01 12/28/05 CRITICAL PATH INC CA 5.02 01/05/06 CRYOLIFE INC FL 2.02,9.01 01/10/06 Cyberkinetics Neurotechnology Systems DE 1.02 01/05/06 DELPHI CORP DE 8.01,9.01 01/09/06 DELTA AIR LINES INC /DE/ DE 8.01,9.01 12/21/05 DIGIRAD CORP DE 1.01,1.02,5.02,9.01 01/10/06 DIGITAL ECOSYSTEMS CORP. NV 5.02,9.01 01/03/06 DIGITAL RECORDERS INC NC 7.01,9.01 01/10/06 DIVERSA CORP DE 2.05,2.06,8.01,9.01 01/04/06 DJ ORTHOPEDICS INC DE 2.02,9.01 01/10/06 DRESS BARN INC CT 2.02,9.01 01/10/06 DRESSER INC DE 5.02,9.01 01/09/06 DSLA MORTGAGE LOAN TRUST 2005-AR5 DE 8.01,9.01 01/10/06 DSLA MORTGAGE LOAN TRUST 2005-AR5 DE 8.01,9.01 01/10/06 DYNASIL CORP OF AMERICA NJ 1.01,1.02,2.03,9.01 01/05/06 EACCELERATION CORP DE 2.01,9.01 01/05/06 EFUNDS CORP DE 1.01 01/06/06 ELITE PHARMACEUTICALS INC /DE/ DE 3.01,9.01 01/04/06 ENERGY EAST CORP NY 5.03,9.01 01/10/06 Energy Transfer Partners, L.P. DE 2.02,7.01,9.01 01/09/06 ENERGY WEST INC MT 1.01 01/05/06 EPIX Pharmaceuticals, Inc. 8.01,9.01 01/10/06 ESS TECHNOLOGY INC CA 2.02,2.06,9.01 01/06/06 EXACT SCIENCES CORP DE 7.01,9.01 01/10/06 EZ EM INC DE 2.02,7.01,9.01 01/10/06 FAIRPOINT COMMUNICATIONS INC DE 7.01,9.01 01/10/06 FARGO ELECTRONICS INC 1.01,9.01 12/01/05 FEATHERLITE INC MN 7.01 01/10/06 Federal Home Loan Bank of Boston X1 2.03 01/04/06 Federal Home Loan Bank of New York X1 2.03,9.01 01/04/06 Federal Home Loan Bank of San Francis X1 2.03 01/10/06 FIDELITY BANKSHARES INC DE 8.01,9.01 01/09/06 FIRST COMMUNITY BANCSHARES INC /NV/ NV 7.01,9.01 01/06/06 FIRST NLC SECURITIZATION, INC. DE 8.01,9.01 01/10/06 FIRSTENERGY CORP OH 8.01,9.01 01/10/06 FLUOR CORP DE 5.02,5.03,9.01 01/07/06 FRANKLIN COVEY CO UT 2.02,9.01 01/10/06 FRANKLIN WIRELESS CORP CA 4.01 12/27/05 FREDERICK COUNTY BANCORP INC MD 2.02,7.01,9.01 01/10/06 FUSION TELECOMMUNICATIONS INTERNATION 5.02 01/04/06 GASTAR EXPLORATION LTD A0 4.01,9.01 01/10/06 GENENTECH INC DE 2.02,8.01,9.01 01/10/06 GEORGIA POWER CO GA 1.01,9.01 01/04/06 GLOBAL AXCESS CORP NV 1.01,2.01,9.01 10/27/05 GRANT PARK FUTURES FUND LIMITED PARTN IL 7.01 01/06/06 GSI GROUP INC A3 1.01,9.01 01/05/06 GTECH HOLDINGS CORP DE 1.01,8.01,9.01 01/10/06 GUIDANT CORP IN 8.01,9.01 01/10/06 GULFMARK OFFSHORE INC DE 7.01,9.01 01/10/06 HAEMONETICS CORP MA 5.02,9.01 01/09/06 HANOVER COMPRESSOR CO / DE 8.01,9.01 01/10/06 HANSEN NATURAL CORP DE 7.01,9.01 01/10/06 HASBRO INC RI 1.01,9.01 01/06/06 HERITAGE COMMERCE CORP CA 1.01 01/09/06 HIGHER EDUCATION FUNDING I DE 5.03,9.01 12/29/05 HOLLINGER INTERNATIONAL INC DE 1.01,5.02 12/20/05 HOME DEPOT INC DE 7.01,9.01 01/10/06 HOME SOLUTIONS OF AMERICA INC DE 1.01,5.02,7.01,9.01 01/10/06 HORTON D R INC /DE/ DE 2.02,8.01,9.01 01/10/06 HOSPITALITY PROPERTIES TRUST MD 1.01,8.01,9.01 01/06/06 HUGHES SUPPLY INC FL 1.01,3.03,8.01,9.01 01/09/06 HUNTINGTON BANCSHARES INC/MD MD 8.01 01/10/06 HYPERION SOLUTIONS CORP DE 5.02,5.03,9.01 01/10/06 ICT GROUP INC PA 7.01,9.01 01/10/06 Ignis Petroleum Group, Inc. 1.01,2.03,3.02,9.01 01/05/06 IMPAC CMB TRUST SERIES 2005-2, COLLAT DE 8.01,9.01 11/25/05 AMEND IMPAC CMB TRUST SERIES 2005-2, COLLAT DE 8.01,9.01 10/25/05 AMEND IMPAC CMB TRUST SERIES 2005-2, COLLAT DE 8.01,9.01 09/26/05 AMEND IMPAC MORTGAGE HOLDINGS INC MD 1.01,8.01,9.01 01/04/06 IMPCO TECHNOLOGIES INC DE 5.02 01/05/06 Industrial Enterprises of America, In NV 5.02,7.01 02/22/05 AMEND Ingen Technologies, Inc. 3.03,5.02,5.03 12/28/05 Inland American Real Estate Trust, In MD 2.01,9.01 01/04/06 INNKEEPERS USA TRUST/FL MD 1.01,9.01 01/04/06 INTEGRAL SYSTEMS INC /MD/ MD 5.02,9.01 01/09/06 INTERNATIONAL DISPLAYWORKS, INC OR 2.02,9.01 01/10/06 INTERNATIONAL FLAVORS & FRAGRANCES IN NY 2.05 01/09/06 INTERNET COMMERCE CORP DE 1.01,9.01 01/04/06 INVESTMENT TECHNOLOGY GROUP INC DE 8.01,9.01 01/10/06 Irwin Whole Loan Home Equity Trust 20 DE 8.01,9.01 02/25/05 AMEND Island Residences Club, Inc. 1.01,2.01,3.02,4.02,9.01 10/21/05 AMEND ISTAR FINANCIAL INC MD 1.01 01/09/06 IVAX CORP FL 8.01,9.01 01/10/06 J.P. Morgan Mortgage Trust 2005-A8 DE 8.01,9.01 12/27/05 AMEND J.P. Morgan Mortgage Trust 2005-A8 DE 8.01,9.01 11/25/05 AMEND JAMESON INNS INC GA 7.01,9.01 01/10/06 JENNIFER CONVERTIBLES INC DE 3.01,9.01 01/05/06 JMAR TECHNOLOGIES INC DE 1.01,3.02 01/04/06 JMAR TECHNOLOGIES INC DE 9.01 12/28/05 AMEND JOHNSON CONTROLS INC WI 1.01,2.03,9.01 01/09/06 KANSAS CITY SOUTHERN DE 7.01,9.01 01/09/06 KEY ENERGY SERVICES INC MD 5.02,9.01 01/09/06 KEYSPAN CORP NY 8.01,9.01 01/10/06 KIMBALL INTERNATIONAL INC IN 5.02 01/10/06 KINTERA INC 8.01 12/23/05 KOMAG INC /DE/ DE 7.01 01/10/06 KRISPY KREME DOUGHNUTS INC NC 8.01,9.01 01/05/06 KRONOS INC MA 2.02 01/04/06 LABORATORY CORP OF AMERICA HOLDINGS DE 7.01 01/10/06 LABORATORY CORP OF AMERICA HOLDINGS DE 7.01 01/10/06 LANDRYS RESTAURANTS INC 2.02,9.01 01/10/06 LASALLE HOTEL PROPERTIES MD 7.01,9.01 01/10/06 LASALLE HOTEL PROPERTIES MD 7.01,9.01 01/10/06 LECROY CORP DE 7.01 01/10/06 Liberty Global, Inc. DE 7.01 01/10/06 Lifeline Systems, Inc. MA 1.01,9.01 01/06/06 LIONBRIDGE TECHNOLOGIES INC /DE/ DE 8.01,9.01 01/10/06 LQ CORP INC DE 2.01,5.06,9.01 01/01/06 M I HOMES INC OH 7.01,9.01 01/10/06 MAGELLAN HEALTH SERVICES INC DE 8.01 01/09/06 MAGSTAR TECHNOLOGIES INC MN 5.02 01/03/06 Marquee Holdings Inc. DE 7.01,9.01 01/10/06 Marvel Entertainment, Inc. DE 1.01,9.01 01/06/06 MASTR ALTERNATIVE LOAN TRUST 2005-1 DE 8.01,9.01 11/25/05 AMEND MASTR ALTERNATIVE LOAN TRUST 2005-1 DE 8.01,9.01 12/27/05 AMEND MATERIAL SCIENCES CORP DE 2.02,9.01 01/10/06 MAXXAM INC DE 8.01 01/10/06 McAfee, Inc. DE 5.02,9.01 01/05/06 MD TECHNOLOGIES INC 2.01,9.01 10/31/05 AMEND MDI, INC. DE 1.01,1.02,2.01,3.02,5.02,9.01 01/06/06 MDU RESOURCES GROUP INC DE 5.02 01/10/06 MEDTRONIC INC MN 8.01,9.01 01/06/06 MERRILL LYNCH MORTGAGE INVESTORS TRUS DE 8.01,9.01 09/26/05 AMEND MERRILL LYNCH MORTGAGE INVESTORS TRUS DE 8.01,9.01 10/25/05 AMEND MERRILL LYNCH MORTGAGE INVESTORS TRUS DE 8.01,9.01 09/26/05 AMEND METLIFE INC DE 1.01,9.01 01/06/06 MGI PHARMA INC MN 2.02,9.01 01/10/06 MGN TECHNOLOGIES, INC. A1 8.01 01/10/06 MIDDLETON DOLL CO WI 1.01,2.01,9.01 01/04/06 MONOLITHIC SYSTEM TECHNOLOGY INC CA 7.01,9.01 01/10/06 MORGAN BEAUMONT INC NV 8.01,9.01 12/16/05 Morgan Stanley ABS Capital I Inc. Tru DE 8.01,9.01 08/25/05 AMEND Morgan Stanley ABS Capital I Inc. Tru DE 8.01,9.01 09/26/05 AMEND Morgan Stanley ABS Capital I Inc. Tru DE 8.01,9.01 10/25/05 AMEND MotivNation, Inc. 5.02 01/06/06 MS STRUCTURED SATURNS SERIES 2001-6 DE 8.01,9.01 01/03/06 MS STRUCTURED SATURNS SERIES 2002-1 DE 8.01,9.01 01/03/06 MS STRUCTURED SATURNS SERIES 2003-10 DE 8.01,9.01 12/27/05 MS STRUCTURED SATURNS SERIES 2003-3 DE 8.01,9.01 01/03/06 MS STRUCTURED SATURNS SERIES 2005-2 DE 8.01,9.01 01/03/06 MUNICIPAL MORTGAGE & EQUITY LLC DE 1.01,9.01 01/04/06 NATCO GROUP INC DE 1.01,7.01,9.01 01/10/06 NESCO INDUSTRIES INC NV 4.02 01/06/06 AMEND NESTOR INC DE 5.02 01/10/06 NETIQ CORP 5.02,8.01,9.01 01/10/06 NETSMART TECHNOLOGIES INC DE 9.01 09/28/05 AMEND NETWORK ENGINES INC DE 1.01,5.02 01/09/06 NEXT INC/TN DE 7.01,9.01 01/08/06 NITCHES INC CA 1.01,2.01,9.01 10/24/05 AMEND NORTHRIM BANCORP INC AK 8.01,9.01 01/10/06 NOVA COMMUNICATIONS LTD NV 1.01,9.01 01/10/06 NOVASTAR RESOURCES LTD. NV 1.01,9.01 12/31/05 NUVEEN INVESTMENTS INC DE 1.01,9.01 12/30/05 OFFICEMAX INC DE 2.05,2.06 01/04/06 ON SEMICONDUCTOR CORP DE 8.01 01/10/06 Optionable Inc 1.01 01/10/06 ORACLE CORP /DE/ DE 7.01,9.01 01/10/06 ORASURE TECHNOLOGIES INC DE 5.02,7.01,9.01 01/09/06 OSCIENT PHARMACEUTICALS CORP MA 2.02,9.01 01/09/06 OXFORD INDUSTRIES INC GA 2.02,9.01 01/10/06 OXIS INTERNATIONAL INC DE 1.01,5.02,9.01 01/06/06 PARLUX FRAGRANCES INC DE 2.02,9.01 01/09/06 Patient Safety Technologies, Inc DE 1.01,2.03,5.02,9.01 01/05/06 PC TEL INC DE 1.01,9.01 01/06/06 PEAK ENTERTAINMENT HOLDINGS INC NV 3.02,9.01 12/23/05 PERFORMANCE FOOD GROUP CO TN 2.02,9.01 01/05/06 PHANTOM FIBER CORP DE 1.01,2.03,3.02,9.01 01/05/06 PHELPS DODGE CORP NY 2.02,9.01 01/10/06 PHILLIPS VAN HEUSEN CORP /DE/ DE 7.01,9.01 01/10/06 PHOENIX TECHNOLOGIES LTD DE 5.02 01/10/06 PHOTRONICS INC CT 8.01 01/09/06 PINNACLE ENTERTAINMENT INC DE 1.01,9.01 01/04/06 PINNACLE WEST CAPITAL CORP AZ 8.01 01/10/06 PLANAR SYSTEMS INC OR 2.02,9.01 01/09/06 POWERCOLD CORP NV 8.01 01/06/06 PROASSURANCE CORP DE 8.01,9.01 01/09/06 PROCTER & GAMBLE CO OH 7.01 01/10/06 PROGRESS ENERGY INC NC 8.01,9.01 01/10/06 PROLOGIS MD 2.01,2.03,9.01 01/04/06 PROTEIN DESIGN LABS INC/DE DE 5.03,9.01 01/09/06 PXRE GROUP LTD 1.01,9.01 01/09/06 QUADRAMED CORP DE 5.02,9.01 01/06/06 RED ROBIN GOURMET BURGERS INC DE 2.02,9.01 01/10/06 Remote Dynamics Inc DE 5.02 01/04/06 RENAISSANCE MEDIA GROUP LLC DE 1.01,9.01 01/09/06 REPLIGEN CORP DE 1.01,5.02 01/04/06 REYNOLDS & REYNOLDS CO OH 8.01 01/10/06 ROWE COMPANIES NV 5.02,8.01 01/04/06 SAKS INC TN 5.02,8.01,9.01 01/06/06 SCHNITZER STEEL INDUSTRIES INC OR 1.01,5.02,9.01 01/06/06 SCIENCE APPLICATIONS INTERNATIONAL CO DE 8.01,9.01 01/10/06 SEACHANGE INTERNATIONAL INC DE 8.01,9.01 01/10/06 SELECT MEDICAL CORP DE 7.01 01/10/06 SEMITOOL INC MT 2.02,9.01 01/10/06 SEROLOGICALS CORP DE 7.01,9.01 01/06/06 Shire plc 8.01,9.01 01/10/06 SIERRA PACIFIC RESOURCES /NV/ NV 7.01,8.01,9.01 01/10/06 SIERRA PACIFIC RESOURCES /NV/ NV 2.03,8.01,9.01 01/10/06 SMART ONLINE INC 3.01 01/06/06 Smart-tek Solutions Inc NV 8.01,9.01 01/10/06 SMITH & WOLLENSKY RESTAURANT GROUP IN DE 2.02,9.01 01/06/06 SOUTHERN CONNECTICUT BANCORP INC CT 1.01,9.01 01/05/06 SPARTAN MOTORS INC MI 8.01,9.01 01/10/06 SPORTS RESORTS INTERNATIONAL INC MI 3.01,9.01 01/09/06 STILLWATER MINING CO /DE/ DE 8.01,9.01 01/09/06 STRUCTURED ASSET MORTGAGE INVESTMENTS DE 8.01,9.01 12/22/05 STUDENT LOAN CONSOLIDATION CENTER STU DE 5.03,9.01 12/29/05 SUMMIT FINANCIAL GROUP INC WV 2.02,8.01,9.01 01/09/06 SUPERIOR INDUSTRIES INTERNATIONAL INC CA 2.05,9.01 01/06/05 SUPERVALU INC DE 2.02,9.01 01/10/06 SYNIVERSE HOLDINGS INC DE 1.01,5.02,9.01 01/09/06 SYNTHETECH INC OR 1.01,9.01 01/06/06 TD BANKNORTH INC. DE 8.01,9.01 01/10/06 TECH LABORATORIES INC NJ 1.01,5.02,9.01 12/27/05 TECHE HOLDING CO LA 5.02 12/31/05 TECUMSEH PRODUCTS CO MI 1.01,9.01 01/09/06 TEPPCO PARTNERS LP DE 5.02 01/06/06 TERAYON COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS DE 3.01,8.01,9.01 01/04/06 TEREX CORP DE 8.01,9.01 01/10/06 TEXOLA ENERGY CORP NV 2.01 01/05/06 TIDEWATER INC DE 2.02,9.01 01/10/06 TIFFANY & CO DE 7.01,9.01 01/10/06 TORO CO DE 5.02 01/09/06 TORVEC INC NY 3.02 01/10/06 TRANS WORLD ENTERTAINMENT CORP NY 1.01,1.02,2.03,9.01 01/10/06 TRANSCOMMUNITY FINANCIAL CORP VA 5.02,9.01 01/04/06 TRI VALLEY CORP DE 2.01,9.01 01/03/06 TRIAD HOSPITALS INC DE 2.02,9.01 01/09/06 TRINITY CAPITAL CORP 4.01 01/04/06 TRIPOS INC UT 8.01 01/09/06 TRUE RELIGION APPAREL INC NV 1.01,9.01 01/04/06 TRUMP ENTERTAINMENT RESORTS, INC. DE 8.01 01/10/06 TRUSTCO BANK CORP N Y NY 8.01,9.01 01/10/06 TUMBLEWEED COMMUNICATIONS CORP DE 2.02,5.02,9.01 01/08/06 UNIVERSAL HOSPITAL SERVICES INC MN 7.01,9.01 01/10/06 VASCULAR SOLUTIONS INC DE 2.03 01/06/06 VERINT SYSTEMS INC 1.01,8.01,9.01 01/10/06 VERINT SYSTEMS INC 2.01,9.01 01/09/06 VERITAS DGC INC DE 7.01,9.01 01/04/06 Vistula Communications Services, Inc. DE 1.01,5.02,9.01 01/05/06 VITRO DIAGNOSTICS INC NV 4.01,9.01 01/05/06 VOIP INC 5.02 12/20/05 Wachovia Bank Commercial Mortgage Tru NC 8.01,9.01 01/10/06 WARNACO GROUP INC /DE/ DE 2.02,9.01 01/10/06 WARRANTECH CORP DE 8.01,9.01 12/19/05 WATER PIK TECHNOLOGIES INC DE 1.01,3.03,8.01,9.01 01/06/06 WESTAFF INC DE 2.02,9.01 01/09/06 WESTERN PLAINS ENERGY LLC KS 7.01 01/09/06 WESTLAKE CHEMICAL CORP 1.01,8.01 01/06/06 WESTSIDE ENERGY CORP NV 3.02 01/09/06 White River Capital Inc 1.01,9.01 01/06/06 WHITEHALL JEWELLERS INC DE 8.01,9.01 01/09/06 WHITEHALL JEWELLERS INC DE 8.01 01/05/06 WILLBROS GROUP INC R1 5.04,9.01 01/10/06 WINDSWEPT ENVIRONMENTAL GROUP INC DE 1.01,8.01,9.01 11/23/05 AMEND XL CAPITAL LTD 8.01,9.01 01/09/06 ZONAGEN INC DE 8.01,9.01 01/09/06
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# Presentation: 172078 ## Results Summary Survey on IT Security Tools and Techniques **Robert W. Cobb** **and Staff** **National Aeronautics and Space Administration** **IT Roundtable** **25 March 2003** ## Survey Questionnaire Developed to - Gain an understanding of how various OIG’s are assessing their IT vulnerabilities - Collect information on successful IT tools and techniques - Facilitate the exchange of ideas and experiences regarding IT security/vulnerability audits and evaluations ## About the Respondents - Questionnaires were sent to PCIE/ECIE members. - We received 26 responses from a variety of OIG’s. ## Results: Assessing Vulnerability - _Vulnerability Assessments as Performed by OIG’s_: - 25 OIG’s performed some level of vulnerability assessment, with the level varying widely. - 22 used contractors for at least some level of assistance. - 3 performed all the work in-house. ## Results: Assessing Vulnerability (cont.) - _Penetration Tests as Performed by Agencies or Departments_: - 19 perform penetration tests. - 15 contracted this work out. - OIG’s oversaw the work of 18 Agencies or Departments performing penetration testing. ## Results: Assessing Vulnerability (cont.) - • Most OIG offices reported no major resistance to vulnerabilities assessments being conducted, although the potential for “disruption of operations” was the most common objection. - • Many noted that “rules of engagement” were established prior to the initiation of tests. ## Results: Assessing Vulnerability (cont.) - • Best Practices: - Share your assessment plan. - Be sensitive to operational concerns. - Invite auditees as observers. - Share assessment results. ## Results: Successful Assessment Tools - ISS Internet Scanner, Nessus, NMAP, Superscan, and Solarwinds (dozens more cited). - ISS Internet Scanner touted for its excellent reporting capabilities, ranks vulnerabilities, and provides mitigation techniques. ## Results: COTS Products Versus In-house Proprietary Tools - OIG’s reported heavy use of commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) products. - Many used freeware and shareware as well as COTS products. - Few used in-house proprietary tools. ## Results: Other Successful Tools and Techniques - Interviews are used extensively to facilitate system reviews. Discussions often foster close rapport and honest discussion, which helps point to weaknesses and vulnerabilities for which to test. - Many report using guidance provided by the National Institute of Standards and Technology. ## Results: OIG Vulnerability Assessment Working Trends - Several have staff devoted exclusively to conducting vulnerability assessments or to overseeing contractors. - Most have staff who spend at least some of their time working on vulnerability assessments. - While a few OIG’s are hiring vulnerability assessment employees, staff size is generally expected to remaining static, with contractors being added as needed for penetration testing. ## Results: OIG Personnel Utilized for Vulnerability Assessments - Most used a combination of the personnel listed below. - A large majority employ GS-511 Auditors. - Over half use Information Technology Specialists (GS-2210). - A few utilize Management Analysts (GS-343). ## Results: Most Recommended/Attended Vulnerability Assessment Training - The SANS Institute - MIS Training Institute - IGATI - USDA Graduate School - Learning Tree - Canaudit ## Contacts for This Survey: - David M.Cushing - (202) 358-2572 - _[[email protected]](mailto:[email protected])_ - Dana Mellerio - (202) 358-0271 - [email protected]
# Presentation: HNPORBBZSODYUQSCKEF45HETZKNK33VZ ## Environmental Management - On-Site Sewage Disposal - Department Meeting - January 29, 2004 ## Municipal Sewer May Not be Available ## Site Topography ## Set Backs – Example of Canal ## Water Wells ## Set Back to Structure ## Avoid Wet Areas for Construction ## Soil Profile ## Soil Profile Measured ## Percolation Test ## Building Plan Review ## Detailed Site Evaluations Prevent Problems ## Tank Excavation ## Frank’s Septic Service - Tanks ## Tank Top is Curing ## Tank Ready for Delivery ## Septic Tank with Risers ## Septic Tank Connection ## Distribution Boxes ## Drainrock ## Infiltrator Brand Panels ## Shallow Pressure System ## At-Grade Construction ## At-Grade Squirt Test ## Shallow Pressure System Squirt ## Squirt Close Up ## At-Grade with Cover ## Finished Mound ## Slide 29 ## Taz
**1998 Year of the Ocean** **A SURVEY OF INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS** **Contents** 1\. INTRODUCTION J-2 2\. THE LAW OF THE SEA J-2 3\. THE MARINE ENVIRONMENT J-3 4\. LIVING MARINE RESOURCES J-9 5\. LIVING MARINE RESOURCES NEW AGREEMENTS NOT YET IN FORCE J-14 6\. MARINE TRANSPORTATION J-17 7\. THE ANTARCTIC AND ARCTIC J-19 8\. LIST OF ACRONYMS J-22 This Year of the Ocean document was prepared as a background discussion paper and does not necessarily reflect the policies of the U.S. Government or the U.S. Government agencies that participated in its preparation. **INTRODUCTION** The legal regime governing the use of the ocean is based on a network of important international agreements. The following is a compendium of some of those agreements and programs relating to the ocean with a brief description of each. The list is selective and is designed to illustrate the major ocean agreements relating to the environment, fisheries, transportation, and the polar regions. The United States is either a party to each agreement or in the process of ratification. The list is indicative, but not comprehensive. **THE LAW OF THE SEA** **United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, 1982** **Senate Treaty Doc. 103-39, Oct. 6, 1994** The United Nations (UN) Convention on the Law of the Sea, with Annexes done at Montego Bay, December 10, 1982 (the Convention) and the Agreement Relating to the Implementation of Part XI of the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, adopted and opened for signature at the United Nations in New York, July 28, 1994 (the Agreement) provide a comprehensive framework that sets forth the rights and obligations of States with respect to the uses of the ocean. Its provisions would guarantee United States' control of economic activities off its coasts, such as fishing and oil and gas development, and enhance the United States' ability to protect the marine environment. At the same time, it preserves and reinforces the freedoms of navigation and overflight essential to national strategic and commercial interests. The Convention authorizes a territorial sea of up to 12 nautical miles and Coastal State sovereign rights over fisheries and other natural resources in an Exclusive Economic Zone that may extend to 200 nautical miles from the baseline. The Convention further accords Coastal States sovereign rights over the nonliving resources, including oil and gas, found in the seabed and subsoil of the continental shelf, which is defined to extend to 200 nautical miles from the baseline or, where the continental margin extends beyond that limit, to the outer edge of the geological continental margin. The Convention preserves the rights of navigation and overflight in areas under Coastal State jurisdiction and on the high seas beyond. The 1994 Agreement fundamentally changed the provisions of Part XI of the Convention that establish a system for regulating the mining of mineral resources from the deep seabed beyond national jurisdiction. Part XI was renegotiated to remove the obstacles to the acceptance of the Convention that had prevented the United States and other industrialized countries from becoming parties. The United States signed the Agreement and has submitted the Law of the Sea Convention and the Agreement together as a package to the Senate for advice and consent. The entry into force of a widely accepted and comprehensive law of the sea convention has been a consistent objective of the United States since negotiations began on such a convention over two decades ago. The Convention entered into force in 1994 and over 120 States are parties including the United Kingdom, Germany, Italy, Japan, South Korea, Australia Russia, China, and France. The United States is not yet a party; the Convention was submitted for Senate advice and consent to ratification in 1994. **THE MARINE ENVIRONMENT** **Conference on Environment and Development:** **Agenda 21 Chapter 17 (Oceans)** Chapter 17 on oceans in Agenda 21 sets forth an ambitious work program for the international community in pursuing the objective of sustainable development with respect to the ocean. To this end, it promotes new approaches to managing human uses of ocean resources, including the application of environmental impact assessment procedures and natural resource accounting techniques; economic incentives to encourage industrial and agricultural practices that avoid degradation of the marine environment; and protection of the ecosystems and habitats of marine species. Particular emphasis is given to coastal areasthe land/sea interfacewhich are critical to the life cycles of most marine species and in which human population is increasingly concentrated. The specific program areas of Agenda 21 Chapter 17 (Oceans) may be summarized as follows: \(a\) Integrated management of coastal areas, including representation of all affected interests in decision making, to ensure that human uses of these areas are compatible, sustainable, and environmentally sound; \(b\) Development and implementation of strategies, particularly at the local and national level, to prevent degradation of the marine environment from land-based activities, including recognition of this effort as a central component of coastal area management; \(c\) Strengthening and improving implementation of international measures to prevent marine pollution from vessels and from dumping at sea; \(d\) Improved management of coastal fisheries, including use of selective gear and practices, to ensure healthy populations and to meet human nutritional needs; \(e\) Implementation of obligations for international cooperation to conserve marine living resources found on the high seas (e.g., straddling stocks and highly migratory species); \(f\) Protection and restoration of endangered marine species, as well as preservation of marine biological diversity, including protection of rare or fragile ecosystems and habitats critical for marine species; \(g\) Coordinated programs of scientific research and systematic observations, as well as data exchange, to improve understanding and management of the marine environment, including implementation of a Global Ocean Observing System; \(h\) Regular review and coordination of activities within the United Nations system relating to the protection and sustainable development of the marine environment and revitalization of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) Regional Seas Program; and \(i\) Elaboration of programs to address the particular problems of small island developing States, whose economies and very existence is integrally tied to the marine environment. **Convention for the International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES)** The environment of the North Atlantic and adjacent seas has been the prime concern of ICES since its inception in 1902. As the oldest intergovernmental marine science organization in the world, its main focus has continued to be on international cooperative scientific studies. Article 1 of the 1964 ICES Convention formally identifies the Council's principal functions: a\. to promote and encourage research and investigations for the study of the sea particularly related to the living resources thereof; b\. to draw up programs required for this purpose and to organize, in agreement with the contracting parties, such research and investigations as may appear necessary; c\. to publish and otherwise disseminate the results of research and investigations carried out under its auspices. Since the 1970s, a major responsibility for ICES has involved the provision of scientific information and advice for fisheries conservation and protection of the marine environment to intergovernmental regulatory commissions, the European Commission, and the governments of ICES member countries. ICES works in the broad areas of fisheries, oceanography, and environmental sciences, including the study of marine pollution, and maintains extensive databases on the North Atlantic, in cooperation with other international organizations. The work is organized and carried out by scientists from the 19 contracting parties: Belgium, Canada, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Iceland, Ireland, Latvia, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Russia, Spain, Sweden, the United Kingdom and the United States. Scientific Observer status has been granted to Australia, South Africa and Greece. Lithuania applied in 1997 for membership. More than 40 international organizations have Observer status and cooperative relations with ICES. Of the United Nations agencies, ICES works with the Fisheries Department of the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission, the International Maritime Organization, the World Meteorological Organization, and the UNEP. **Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission, 1960** The Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC) promotes marine scientific investigations to learn more about the nature and resources of the oceans and provides related ocean services and training. The IOC plans, coordinates, and supports global and regional programs, in cooperation with IOC member states and other international organizations. The IOC is designated in the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea as the competent international organization for marine scientific research. It also has specific responsibilities under the Framework Convention on Climate Change, the Convention on Biodiversity, Agenda 21 of the UN Conference on Environment and Development, and the International Decade for Natural Disaster Reduction. Through memoranda of understanding, the IOC cooperates with ICES in the North Atlantic, and with the North Pacific Marine Science Organization **(**PICES) in the North Pacific region. UN agencies that work closely with the IOC on programs of mutual interest include the World Meteorological Organization, the UNEP, the International Maritime Organization, the FAO, and the International Atomic Energy Agency. Scientific advice is provided to the IOC by the Scientific Committee on Oceanic Research of the International Council of Scientific Unions. Major programs include study of global ocean circulation, ocean mapping, and global ecosystem dynamics. Under each of these program areas and in cooperation with national and international agencies, the IOC sponsors and organizes meetings and workshops to define scientific problems and service requirements, and to develop appropriate international programs. The programs are executed by the participating IOC member states. **The Convention on the Prevention of Marine Pollution by Dumping** **of Wastes and Other Matter, London, 1972** The Convention on the Prevention of Marine Pollution by Dumping of Wastes and Other Matter, known as the London Convention of 1972, is the primary international agreement controlling the deliberate dumping of non-ship generated wastes at sea. Since entering into force in 1975, the London Convention has provided a structure by which its now 77 contracting parties have made consistent progress in combating marine pollution caused by dumping at sea. The London Convention has become more restrictive over the years. In 1993, bans on the ocean disposal of low-level radioactive wastes and industrial wastes were adopted. In 1996, a Protocol to the London Convention was adopted, at a special meeting of the contracting parties, and signed by the United States, subject to ratification. The Protocol is a free-standing agreement to which both contracting and non-contracting parties to the London Convention may become party. The Protocol embodies a major structural revision of the Conventionthe so-called "reverse list" approach. Parties are obligated to prohibit the dumping of any waste or other matter that is not listed in Annex 1 ("the reverse list") of the Protocol. Dumping of wastes or other matter on the reverse list requires a permit. Parties to the Protocol are further obliged to adopt measures to ensure that the issuance of permits and permit conditions for the dumping of reverse list substances comply with Annex 2 (the Waste Assessment Annex) of the Protocol. There are seven categories of substances on the reverse list. These include dredged material; sewage sludge; industrial fish processing or other fish waste; vessels and offshore platforms or other man-made structures at sea; inert, inorganic geological material; organic material of natural origin; and bulky items including iron, steel, concrete and similarly unharmful materials for which the concern is physical impact and is limited to those circumstances where such wastes are generated at locations with no practicable access to options other than dumping. **Framework Convention on Climate Change, 1994** Over 160 countries are now Parties to the United Nations Framework on Climate Change (the Convention) which was ratified by the United States in 1992. This Convention entered into force on March 21, 1994 and the Parties held their first meeting in April 1995 in Berlin. There, they launched a negotiating process designed to produce a new legal instrument to deal with the threat of climate change in the post 2000 period. In this regard, the Third Session of the Conference of the Parties \[to the Convention\] reached agreement December 11, 1997 on a protocol committing developed countries to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. **Convention for the Protection and Development of the Marine Environment of the Wider Caribbean Region (Cartagena Convention), 1983** The Cartagena Convention, which entered into force in 1984, is a framework convention negotiated under the auspices of the United Nations Environment Programme, Regional Seas Program. It is aimed at the protection of the marine environment and the promotion of environmentally sound development in the wider Caribbean region, including the Gulf of Mexico. The Cartagena Convention is similar in form to nine other regional agreements negotiated under the auspices of the Regional Seas Program, including one for the South Pacific, to which the United States is a party. The Cartagena Convention contains general obligations on parties to protect the marine environment of the region from a variety of pollution sources, including oil pollution from ships, dumping, and pollution from land-based activities. It is intended to be supplemented by protocols containing more specific obligations in these areas. A Protocol on Combating Oil Spills was negotiated and entered into force with the Cartagena Convention. A Protocol on Specially Protected Areas and Wildlife was negotiated in 1990 but has not entered into force. This Protocol has been transmitted to the U.S. Senate for advice and consent to ratification. A protocol on pollution from land-based activities, which accounts for about 80 percent of the pollution entering the marine environment, is currently under negotiation. **Basel Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movements** **of Hazardous Wastes and their Disposal (Basel Convention)** The Basel Convention is an international agreement which attempts to control the movement of hazardous waste across State boundaries. This Convention, which went into effect in 1992: - requires environmentally sound management of transboundary movements and disposal of waste - provides a list of covered wastes (including hazardous and other wastes) - prohibits exports of covered wastes to the Antarctic Treaty Area - generally requires notice to and consent, in certain circumstances, of transit and receiving countries before exports of covered wastes commence - commits parties to prohibit a transboundary movement if there is reason to believe that the waste would not be managed in an environmentally sound manner in the importing country - commits parties to assume responsibility for disposal of waste illegally exported and imported One hundred twenty-two countries have ratified the Basel Convention. Although the U.S. Senate has given its advice and consent, the United States is not a party at this time. **Global Program of Action for the Protection of the Marine Environment** **From Land-Based Activities, 1995** The Global Program of Action was adopted November 3, 1995 at the conclusion of a two-week conference sponsored by the UNEP and hosted by the United States. The Global Program of Action seeks to prevent the degradation of the marine environment from land-based activities by helping States Parties realize the duty to preserve and protect the marine environment. It is designed to assist States in taking actions individually or jointly according to their respective policies, priorities, and resources. It constitutes a practical source of guidance for action which must take place at the national and regional level; identifies steps for making available knowledge and experience about effective measures to combat land-based sources of marine pollution; and offers instruction on how to involve the relevant United Nations institutions in the implementation effort. **Convention for a North Pacific Marine Science Organization (PICES), 1992;** **U.S. Senate Treaty Document 102-9, 102nd Congress, 1st Session** PICES was established to promote and coordinate marine scientific research in the northern North Pacific and adjacent seas, particularly northward of 30 degrees north latitude. The organization's purpose is to advance scientific knowledge about the ocean environment, global climate change, living resources and their ecosystems, and the impacts of human activities, and to promote the collection and rapid exchange of scientific information on these issues. The six contracting parties are Canada, the People's Republic of China, Japan, the Republic of Korea, Russia, and the United States. Each party pays an equal contribution. **South Pacific Regional Environment Program, 1995** The South Pacific Regional Environment Program (SPREP) is designed to promote cooperation in the South Pacific region, provide assistance to protect and improve the environment, and to ensure sustainable development. SPREP is comprised of twenty-two Pacific island countries and four developed countries with direct interests in the region. The SPREP Agreement came into force on August 31, 1995. The United States has signed the Agreement, which is before the Senate for its advice and consent for ratification. **Convention on the International Hydrographic Organization** The International Hydrographic Organization is a technical organization established to coordinate and promote the adoption of reliable and efficient scientific practice in hydrography and navigation. It has the following objectives: a\. bring about close and permanent association between national hydrographic offices; b\. ensure the greatest possible uniformity in nautical charts and documents; c\. further the exchange of nautical charts and documents; d\. provide guidance and advice on request; e\. assist countries engaged in setting up or expanding their hydrographic service; f\. encourage coordination of hydrographic surveys with relevant oceanographic cruises or other activities; g\. facilitate the application of oceanographic knowledge for the benefit of navigators; h\. cooperate with other international organizations and scientific institutions with similar objectives. The International Hydrographic Organization is organized in two parts. The Conference, composed of representatives of all member states, meets every five years. In the intersessional period, the scientific and technical business of the organization is conducted by the Bureau, composed of an elected Directing Committee and the Secretariat staff. Dues for the member states are assessed according to the tonnage of their fleets. **LIVING MARINE RESOURCES** **International Convention for the Regulation of Whaling, 1948** The International Convention for the Regulation of Whaling, drafted in 1946 after a conference hosted by the United States, was subsequently ratified and entered into force in 1948. This Convention was the culmination of a series of agreements begun in the 1920s, the purpose of which was to establish a system of international regulation for whaling in order to ensure the conservation and development of whale stocks, and to make possible the orderly development of the whaling industry. The Convention created the International Whaling Commission, the organization that is internationally recognized as having authority over the conservation and management of whale stocks worldwide. In 1982, the International Whaling Commission adopted a commercial whaling moratorium, which took effect in 1986 and remains in place. **Convention Between the United States of America and the Republic of Costa Rica for the Establishment of an Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission, 1949;** **Tuna Conventions Act of 1950 (64 Stat. 777), as amended (16 U.S.C. 951-961)** The Agreement established the Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission, to "(1) study the biology of the tunas and related species of the eastern Pacific Ocean with a view to determining the effects that fishing and natural factors have on their abundance and (2) to recommend appropriate conservation measures so that the stocks of fish can be maintained at levels which will afford maximum sustainable catches." The nations who are party to this agreement are: Costa Rica, Ecuador, France, Japan, Nicaragua, Panama, the United States, Vanuatu, and Venezuela. The Commission's duties were broadened in 1976 to include work on the problems arising from the tuna-dolphin relationship in the eastern Pacific Ocean. The International Dolphin Conservation Program, which was developed by the Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission, has drastically reduced the dolphin mortality in purse seine tuna fisheries, where the dolphin bycatch rate had been traditionally high. In 1992, ten nations with tuna vessels operating in the eastern Pacific Ocean entered into the La Jolla Agreement, which committed them to reduce dolphin mortality to insignificant levels, with a goal of eliminating it entirely through the application of ecologically sound fishing methods. This Agreement established an annually decreasing limit on the total allowable dolphin mortality in the fishery to a level of less than 5,000 in 1999. The International Dolphin Conservation Program has already achieved that mark, well ahead of schedule. **Convention for the Preservation of the Halibut Fishery** **of the Northern Pacific Ocean and Bering Sea, 1953;** **Northern Pacific Halibut Act of 1982** **(as amended: 50 Stat. 325; 67 Stat. 494; 79 Stat. 902; 97 Stat. 78).** The bilateral International Pacific Halibut Commission was created to conserve, manage, and rebuild the halibut stocks of the west coast of Canada and the United States to levels which would achieve and maintain the maximum sustainable yield from the fishery. The Commission is responsible for data collection and stock assessment, and addresses the issue of bycatch of halibut by the groundfish fisheries in the region. The halibut resource has been managed by this Commission since 1923. **Convention on Great Lakes Fisheries between the United States and Canada, 1954;** **Great Lakes Fisheries Act of 1956 (16 U.S.C. 932)** The bilateral Great Lakes Fishery Commission was established to control and eradicate sea lamprey, which decimated important commercial and recreational fisheries in the Great Lakes. The lamprey entered the lakes through canals built in the nineteenth century to provide access to the lakes by ocean-going vessels. This Commission is also responsible for undertaking research programs to determine the maximum productivity of any stock of fish that is of interest to the parties, and making recommendations on appropriate measures for the conservation and management of those stocks. **International Convention for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas, 1966;** **Atlantic Tunas Convention Act of 1975 (16 U.S.C. 971)** The International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas was established to provide an effective program of international cooperation in research and conservation in recognition of the unique problems of tunas and tuna-like species. The Convention area is defined as all waters of the Atlantic Ocean, including the adjacent seas. The Commission is responsible for providing internationally coordinated research on the condition of the Atlantic tunas, tuna-like species, and their environment, as well as for the developing harvest proposals for consideration by the convention parties. The objective of such regulatory proposals is to conserve and manage species of tuna throughout their range to achieve maximum sustainable catch. Parties include Angola, Benin, Brazil, Canada, Cape Verde, Cote d'Ivoire, Cuba, Equatorial Guinea, the European Union, France, Gabon, Ghana, Japan, the Republic of Korea, Morocco, Sao Tome and Principe, the Republic of South Africa, Spain, the Russian Federation, the United Kingdom, Uruguay, the United States, and Venezuela. **Convention on Wetlands of International Importance Especially As Waterfowl Habitat, Ramsar, 1971** The Convention on Wetlands of International Importance, known as the Ramsar Convention from its place of adoption in 1971 in Ramsar, Iran, is the only international accord dedicated to the protection and conservation of wetlands. Over 100 contracting parties, including the United States, have committed themselves to the wise use of wetlands at over 700 sites that are specifically recognized as important under the Convention. Wetlands support many important plants and animals, migratory waterfowl, and provide water purification and flood control services. Wetlands also play an important role in protecting shorelines and coastal waters from pollutants. Under the Ramsar Convention, the definition of wetlands extends to a wide variety of habitats, including rivers, lakes, coastal lagoons, mangroves, peatlands, and coral reefs. **Convention on International Trade In Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora, Washington, 1973** The Convention on the International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora, which was signed in 1973, restricts international trade in the large number of endangered and threatened species. These species include all whales, dolphins and porpoises, sea turtles, some seals (including walrus), marine otters, polar bears, and some fish species. The United States is a party to this Convention. **Follow-Up on Actions Taken at the 22nd Session of the FAO Committee on Fisheries, Rome, March 17-20, 1997** The United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization was founded in October 1945 with a mandate to raise levels of nutrition and standards of living, to improve agricultural productivity, and to better the condition of rural populations. Since its inception, FAO has worked to alleviate poverty and hunger by promoting agricultural development, improved nutrition, and the pursuit of food securitythe access of all people at all times to the food they need for an active and healthy life. FAO is active in land and water development, plant and animal production, forestry, fisheries, economic and social policy, investment, nutrition, food standards, and commodities and trade. It also plays a major role in dealing with food and agricultural emergencies. As a long-term strategy for the conservation and management of natural resources, a specific priority of the FAO is encouraging sustainable agriculture and rural development. It aims to meet the needs of both present and future generations through programs that do not degrade the environment and are technically appropriate, economically viable, and socially acceptable. The FAO Committee on Fisheries (COFI) will address fishing capacity issues, shark conservation and management, and seabird bycatch avoidance at three technical consultations early in 1998. Policy-makers from COFI member countries will meet in October 1998 to recommend plans of action in each of the three areas. The plans of action are to be adopted at the March 1999 COFI meeting. **Convention on Future Multilateral Cooperation in the Northwest Atlantic Fisheries, 1979; Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Convention Act of 1995 (Title II of P.L.104-43)** The mission of the Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization is twofold: \(1\) to provide for continued multilateral consultation and cooperation with respect to the study, appraisal, and exchange of scientific information and views relating to the fisheries of the Convention Area (which is off the Atlantic coasts of Canada and the United States, from the Virginia Capes to the southern tip of Greenland), and \(2\) to conserve and manage fishery resources of the Regulatory Area, i.e., that part of the Convention Area that lies beyond the areas over which coastal states exercise fisheries jurisdiction. The Convention applies to all fishery resources except salmon, tunas, swordfish, marlins, cetacean stocks managed by the International Whaling Commission, and sedentary species of the continental shelf. Parties include Bulgaria, Canada, Cuba, Denmark, Estonia, the European Union, Iceland, Japan, Latvia, Lithuania, Norway, Poland, Republic of Korea, Romania, the Russian Federation and the United States. **Convention for the Conservation of Salmon in the North Atlantic Ocean, 1982;** **Atlantic Salmon Convention Act of 1982 (16 U.S.C. 3601)** This Convention applies to the salmon stocks which migrate beyond areas of fisheries jurisdiction of coastal states of the Atlantic Ocean north of 36°N latitude throughout their migratory range. The purpose of the North Atlantic Salmon Conservation Organization is: (1) to promote the acquisition, analysis, and dissemination of scientific information pertaining to salmon stocks in the North Atlantic Ocean, and (2) to promote the conservation, restoration, enhancement, and rational management of salmon stocks in the North Atlantic Ocean through international cooperation. Members include Canada, Denmark, the European Union, Finland, Iceland, Norway, Sweden, the United States, and the Russian Federation. **Agreement Between the Government of the United States of America and the Government of Canada Concerning Pacific Salmon, 1985;** **Pacific Salmon Treaty Act of 1985 (16 U.S.C. 3631)** The mission of the Pacific Salmon Commission is to serve as a forum for cooperation between the United States and Canada in the establishment of general fishery management regimes for the international conservation and harvest sharing of intermingling North Pacific salmon stocks. **Treaty on Fisheries Between the Governments of Certain Pacific Island States and the Government of the United States of America, 1988;** **South Pacific Tuna Act of 1988 (16 U.S.C 973-973r)** This Treaty provides U.S. fishermen with the opportunity to fish within the exclusive economic zones of some countries in the South Pacific region under agreed terms and conditions. It prohibits U.S. fisheries of any kind (not only tuna) except in accordance with the agreement. Only purse seine fishing for tunas is allowed. A separate economic assistance agreement between the United States and the South Pacific Forum Fisheries Agency (FFA) is associated with the treaty. It calls upon the United States to pay 14 million dollars annually to the South Pacific nations through the FFA. The treaty requires the U.S. tuna industry to pay \$4 million annually, in a lump sum, to the Pacific Island nations through the FFA. Nations party to the agreement include Australia, Cook Islands, Federated States of Micronesia, Fiji, Kiribati, Marshall Islands, Nauru, New Zealand, Niue, Palau, Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands, Tonga, Tuvalu, Vanuatu, Western Samoa, and the United States. The treaty and the economic assistance agreement entered into force on June 15, 1988. The treaty has no expiration date. The economic assistance agreement was initially agreed to extend for a five-year period. In 1988, the treaty was amended and the economic assistance agreement renegotiated and extended for an additional ten years. **Convention on Biological Diversity, Rio De Janeiro, 1992** The Convention on Biological Diversity is the main international forum for addressing biodiversity. Its three objectives are conservation of biological diversity, sustainable use of its components, and a fair and equitable sharing of the benefits of genetic resources. This Convention came into force in late 1993 and its Secretariat is located in Montreal. While the United States signed the Convention in June 1993, it is not a party at this time. The Senate Foreign Relations Committee favorably reported it to the full Senate in June 1994, but concerns related to domestic land use issues have stalled action on ratification. The next Convention on Biological Diversity Conference of the Parties will be in Bratislava in May 1998. In November 1995, this body adopted the "Jakarta Mandate" on Marine and Coastal Biodiversity. Work has proceeded slowly on five issues: integrated marine and coastal area management, marine and coastal protected areas, sustainable use of coastal and marine living resources, mariculture, and alien species. **Convention for the Conservation of Anadromous Stocks in the North Pacific Ocean, 1992; North Pacific Anadromous Stocks Act of 1992 (Title VIII of P.L. 102-567)** The North Pacific Anadromous Fish Commission serves as a forum for promoting the conservation of anadromous stocks and ecologically related species, including marine mammals, sea birds, and non-anadromous fish, in the high seas area of the North Pacific Ocean. In addition, this Commission serves as the venue for coordinating the collection, exchange, and analysis of scientific data regarding the above species within Convention waters. It also coordinates high seas fishery enforcement activities by member countries (the Convention prohibits directed fishing for salmonids and includes provisions to minimize the incidental take of salmonids in other fisheries in the Convention area). Members include Canada, Japan, the Russian Federation, and the United States. **Convention on the Conservation and Management of Pollock Resources in the Central Bering Sea ("Donut Hole Agreement"), 1994** This Convention establishes long-term measures for the conservation, management, and optimum utilization of the Aleutian Basin Pollock stock in the Central Bering Sea. The stock experienced a drastic decline prior to the negotiation of this agreement, and remains at a low level of abundance. There is currently a voluntary moratorium on fishing for pollock in the "Donut Hole," although fishing may resume under the Convention when stocks reach a sustainable abundance level. The Convention requires that vessels fishing for pollock in the "Donut Hole" use real-time satellite position-fixing transmitters and carry observers on board. It also requires that any vessels fishing in the area consent to boarding and inspection for compliance with the Convention by enforcement officials of the member states. The agreement will aid in ensuring the long-term health of pollock stocks in the Central Bering Sea on which the U.S. pollock industry in the Pacific Northwest in part depends. Parties include the People's Republic of China, Japan, the Republic of Korea, Poland, the Russian Federation, and the United States. **Interim Agreement on Yukon River Salmon, 1995;** **Yukon River Salmon Act of 1995 (16 U.S.C. 1821)** The Yukon River Panel created by this agreement will make conservation and management recommendations to the management entities designated by each country, independent of the Pacific Salmon Commission. The Panel will also undertake research, management, and restoration activities within the Yukon River basin. The Yukon River is a major transboundary river, rising in Canada and flowing to the Bering Sea through Alaska. The Agreement institutionalizes cooperative conservation and management and contains a provision, unique in international fishery agreements, committing both the United States and Canada to protect salmon habitat in the Yukon River region. The Agreement is in place while negotiations continue on other difficult long-term issues and is currently being extended. **LIVING MARINE RESOURCESNEW AGREEMENTS NOT YET IN FORCE** **Agreement to Promote Compliance with International Conservation and Management Measures by Fishing Vessels on the High Seas (Compliance Agreement)** The Compliance Agreement builds upon the legal framework established by the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea. The fishery provisions of that Convention contain basic obligations for States whose vessels fish on the high seas to cooperate in the conservation and management of living marine resources. Under the Convention, flag States must also ensure that there is a genuine link between themselves and the vessels that fly their flag. The Compliance Agreement builds upon those obligations in order to address a growing threat to the integrity of multilateral fishery organizations and international fisheries conservation and management measures: Fishing vessels flying the flag of some States members of such organizations have in the past increasingly reflagged to nonmember states as a means to avoid fishing restrictions that would otherwise apply. Reflagging is only part of a larger problem. A growing number of newly built high seas fishing vessels are registered directly, without reflagging, in states that are not members of the major multilateral fisheries organizations, precisely because these states are not bound by the restrictions adopted by those organizations. The Compliance Agreement is designed to address these situations and, more broadly, to bring all high seas fisheries under greater control. The Agreement has two primary objectives: \(1\) to impose upon all states whose fishing vessels operate on the high seas an array of obligations designed to make the activities of those vessels consistent with conservation and management needs; and \(2\) to increase the transparency of all high seas fishing operations through the collection and dissemination of data. These provisions establish a sound basis for conducting high seas fishing while providing for the effective conservation and management of living marine resources. The Compliance Agreement forms an integral part of the FAO Code of Conduct for Responsible Fishing which was adopted by the FAO Conference in November 1995, and the Conference passed a resolution which urged members and nonmembers of the FAO to accept the agreement and to bring it into force as soon as possible. The agreement will come into force upon its acceptance by 25 countries. On November 3, 1995, President Clinton signed the Fisheries Act of 1995, which contains the implementing legislation necessary to allow the United States to accept the Compliance Agreement. The United States deposited its instrument of acceptance for the Agreement with the FAO on December 19, 1995. Thus far the European Union and nine countries have deposited instruments of acceptance with the FAO. **Agreement for the Implementation of the Provisions of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea of 10 December 1982 Relating to the Conservation and Management of Straddling Fish Stocks and Highly Migratory Fish Stocks, 1995** The Agreement for the Implementation of the Provisions of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea of 10 December 1982 Relating to the Conservation and Management of Straddling Fish Stocks and Highly Migratory Fish Stocks (the Fish Stocks Agreement) was adopted on August 4, 1995. The Agreement aims to reverse the global trend of declining fish stocks. It preserves current conservation and management concepts expressed in the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea. It also gives form and substance to this Convention's mandate for States to cooperate in conserving and managing straddling and highly migratory fish stocks. The Agreement complements the 1993 Agreement to Promote Compliance With International Conservation and Management Measures by Fishing Vessels on the High Seas, which itself is an integral component of the FAO Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries, and which was adopted in November 1995. The Agreement lays out general principles to be followed by States to conserve and manage the stocks in question. It prescribes a precautionary approach to fishery management and advocates compatibility in the measures adopted for stocks within areas of coastal State jurisdiction and on the high seas. The Agreement specifies mechanisms for cooperation between coastal States and distant water fishing States, particularly the use of regional or subregional organizations or arrangements. It also requires strict fisheries enforcement and the collection and exchange of data on fishing operations, and requires parties to settle disputes using the procedures established in the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea. Nations that have ratified (the Agreement will enter into force when 30 nations ratify) include: Bahamas, Fiji, Iceland, Mauritius, Micronesia, Nauru, Norway, Russia, St. Lucia, Samoa, Senegal, Solomon Islands, Sri Lanka, Tonga, and the United States. **International Dolphin Conservation Program (currently being negotiated)** This agreement, intended to formalize and strengthen the existing International Dolphin Conservation Program's provisions mandating dolphin conservation measures in the yellowfin tuna fishery in the eastern tropical Pacific Ocean, is currently under development. The most recent negotiating session, held the first week of February, 1998, resulted in the conclusion of an agreed conservation program. Nations involved include Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, France, Japan, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, the United States, Vanuatu, and Venezuela. **Multilateral Agreement on the Conservation and Management of Highly Migratory Species in the Western Pacific Ocean (currently being negotiated)** This agreement, intended to establish a management regime for highly migratory species in the Western Pacific, is currently under negotiation. The next working group sessions are scheduled for March 1998; a plenary session is scheduled in June 1998. Nations involved in negotiations include: Australia, Cook Islands, Federated States of Micronesia, Fiji, Kiribati, Marshall Islands, Nauru, New Zealand, Niue, Palau, Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands, Tonga, Tuvalu, Vanuatu, Western Samoa, Japan, Taiwan, China, Korea, the Philippines, and the United States. **MARINE TRANSPORTATION** **Convention on the Intergovernmental Maritime Consultative Organization, 1948** The Convention establishing the Intergovernmental Maritime Consultative Organization, a specialized agency of the United Nations, entered into force in 1958. The name of the organization was changed to the International Maritime Organization (IMO) in 1982. The purpose of the IMO is to provide machinery for cooperation among governments in governmental regulation, policy, and practice relating to technical matters of all kinds that affect shipping engaged in international trade. It aims to encourage and facilitate the adoption of the highest practicable standards in matters concerning maritime safety, efficiency of navigation, and prevention and control of marine pollution from ships. The IMO has 155 member states and two associate members. Many non-governmental organizations and observers also participate in IMO meetings. Since its inception, 30 Conventions and Protocols and over 700 codes and recommendations concerning maritime safety, prevention of marine pollution, and related matters have been adopted under the auspices of the IMO, some of which are discussed below. The IMO also focuses on the effective enforcement and implementation of these conventions, codes, and other instruments. **International Convention on Civil Liability for Oil Pollution Damage (CLC), 1969;** **International Convention Establishing a Fund for Compensation of Oil Pollution Damage (Fund Convention), 1971** The CLC and Fund Convention were negotiated in 1969 and 1971 respectively, to establish an international regime of liability and compensation for pollution damage from oil tanker spills. The CLC established a regime of strict liability on tanker owners to pay for damage up to \$20 million. Above this amount, the international fund created by the Fund Convention provides additional compensation up to a total per incident of about \$86 million. The United States never ratified these conventions, due in large part to the limits which were considered insufficient to cover damages and cleanup costs from major oil spills. In 1984, Protocols were negotiated to both conventions which increased ship owner liability to a maximum of nearly \$86 million, and increased the total per incident compensation to about \$194 million (the total compensation would rise to about \$260 million if the United States were a party). After further technical amendments, these Protocols were adopted in 1992 and entered into force internationally in 1996. The United States is not a party to either Protocol and has adopted a unilateral domestic liability and compensation regime. **International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution From Ships,** **as amended (MARPOL Convention), 1973/1978** The MARPOL Convention, which entered in force in 1983, is the primary international agreement aimed at preventing or reducing intentional and accidental discharges from ships into the marine environment. The MARPOL Convention and mandatory Annexes I and II deal with discharges of oil and noxious liquid substances in bulk, respectively. Optional Annexes III, IV and V deal with packaged harmful substances, sewage, and garbage, respectively. MARPOL and Annexes I, II, III, and V are in force both internationally and for the United States. Annex VI, dealing with air pollution from ships, was negotiated in 1997 but is not yet in force. Another Annex, currently under negotiation, will be aimed at preventing the introduction of aquatic nuisance species, such as the zebra mussel, through ships ballast water. The MARPOL Convention greatly reduces the amount of oil and ship generated waste which can be discharged into the sea by ships and bans such discharges completely in certain special areas. For example, the Caribbean and Gulf of Mexico have been designated as special areas where the dumping of ship generated waste, including plastic, is prohibited. This designation will become effective as soon as adequate reception facilities for such waste are available in the region. **International Convention on Oil Pollution Preparedness, Response, and Cooperation (OPRC Convention), 1990** The OPRC Convention, which entered into force in 1995, was negotiated to provide an international framework for cooperation in combating and responding to major oil pollution incidents, and to enhance existing national, regional, and global capabilities concerning oil pollution, preparedness, response, and cooperation. The OPRC Convention encourages all parties to enter into bilateral and regional response agreements to prepare for and respond to oil spills, and establishes a voluntary mechanism for parties to provide technical assistance in the form of equipment and training to other parties that request it. It also requires parties to establish national systems for preparedness and response which would include shipboard oil pollution emergency plans, and reporting requirements for oil pollution incidents. Even before the OPRC Convention entered into force, its provisions on cooperation were effectively utilized on a provisional basis to respond to the massive oil pollution of the Persian Gulf during the 1991 Gulf War. **International Convention on Liability and Compensation for Damage in Connection with the Carriage of Hazardous and Noxious Substances by Sea (HNS Convention), 1996** The HNS Convention establishes an international regime of liability and compensation for damages resulting from maritime accidents involving the carriage of hazardous and noxious substances, similar to the international liability and compensation regime for oil which is described above. Maximum ship owner liability is set at approximately \$133 million and the international fund will increase the total per incident compensation to approximately \$334 million. At present, only one State is a party to the Convention but several European States and Canada are well along in the ratification process. The Clinton Administration is in the process of deciding whether to submit the HNS Convention to the Senate for advice and consent. Several difficult issues are under consideration, including preemption of U.S. liability statutes, which were particularly troublesome in the context of the international liability and compensation regime for oil. **International Convention on supplemental Compensation for Nuclear Damage (Supplemental Convention on Nuclear Damage) 1997** The Supplemental Convention on Nuclear Damage, was negotiated under the auspices of the International Atomic Energy Agency to provide supplemental compensation for civil damages resulting from a nuclear accident, including an accident involving the transport of nuclear materials by sea. It establishes an international fund that would provide compensation of approximately \$400 million, over the first \$400 million of the liability limits provided by a party's domestic legislation. In order to become a party to the Supplemental Convention a State's liability legislation or international obligations must meet certain minimum criteria, including strict liability, channeling of liability to the operator, and a single forum for jurisdiction among parties. It also creates a mechanism that facilitates States entering into global international agreements on civil nuclear liability that does not currently exist. **THE ANTARCTIC AND ARCTIC** **The Antarctic Treaty, Washington, 1959** The Antarctic Treaty, which entered into force in 1961, applies to the area south of 60°S including all ice shelves. The Treaty guarantees freedom of scientific research in Antarctica; establishes Antarctica as a zone reserved exclusively for peaceful purposes; bans military activities, including weapons testing; and prohibits nuclear explosions and the disposal of radioactive waste. It also provides the right of onsite inspection of all stations and installations in Antarctica to promote the objectives of the Treaty and to ensure compliance with its provisions. The Treaty freezes the question of previously asserted rights and claims to territorial sovereignty in Antarctica, and provides that no acts or activities carried out while the Treaty is in force will constitute a basis for a claim. The Antarctic Treaty provided for consultative meetings to exchange information, consult on matters of common interest, and recommend measures in furtherance of the principles and objectives of the Treaty. As a result of these consultative meetings, approximately two hundred recommendations have been agreed to by the consultative parties. The recommendations incorporate measures to give effect to the principles and purposes of the Antarctic Treaty. Recommendations adopted at consultative meetings include initiatives which have led to the conclusion of separate agreements which address resource issues. Two such agreements are in force: the Convention for the Conservation of Antarctic Seals (concluded 1972, entered into force 1978) and the Convention on the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources (concluded 1980, entered into force 1982). The consultative parties adopted a Protocol on Environmental Protection in Madrid on October 4, 1991, which entered into force on January 14, 1998. The Protocol designates Antarctica as a natural reserve, devoted to peace and science, and sets forth basic principles and detailed mandatory rules applicable to human activities in Antarctica, including obligations to accord priority to scientific research. The Protocol also establishes a Committee on Environmental Protection as an expert advisory body to provide advice and formulate recommendations for consideration at the consultative meetings. The Treaty is open to any member of the United Nations. Thirty-one additional countries have joined since it came into force in 1961: Austria, Brazil, Bulgaria, Canada, China, Colombia, Cuba, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Ecuador, Finland, Germany, Greece, Guatemala, Hungary, India, Italy, the Republic of Korea, the Netherlands, Papua New Guinea, Peru, Poland, Romania, the Slovak Republic, Spain, Sweden, and Uruguay. Of these, Brazil, China, Ecuador, Finland, Germany, India, Italy, Republic of Korea, the Netherlands, Peru, Poland, Spain, Sweden, and Uruguay have since become consultative parties entitled to attend and vote at consultative meetings provided for under Article IX of the Antarctic Treaty. Consultative status is open to representatives of any acceding party during such time as that party demonstrates its interest in Antarctica by the conduct of substantial scientific research there. Representatives of all other Antarctic Treaty parties may participate in consultative meetings as observers if they wish to do so. These meetings are held annually to consult on matters of common interest to Antarctica and to recommend to the Consultative party governments measures which will further the objectives of the treaty. **The Convention for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources, 1980** The Convention for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources establishes the legal obligations and mechanism for dealing with fishing activities in the waters around Antarctica. This Convention requires that management action take into account the impact of activities on all living organisms in the Antarctic ecosystem. More specifically, the objectives of the Convention are to ensure that: \(a\) exploited populations not be allowed to fall below a level close to that which ensures their greatest net annual increase; \(b\) depleted populations be restored to such levels; \(c\) ecological relationships between harvested, dependent, and related species be maintained; and \(d\) risks of changes to the marine ecosystem that are not potentially reversible over two or three decades be minimized. The original signatories to the Convention were Argentina, Australia, Belgium, Chile, France, the Federal Republic of Germany, the German Democratic Republic, Japan, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, South Africa, the United Kingdom, the United States, and the U.S.S.R. It entered into force on April 7, 1982. **Declaration on the Arctic Council, 1996** The eight Arctic governments[^1] met in Ottawa on September 19, 1996, and signed the Declaration on the Arctic Council, which established the Arctic Council as a high-level forum to promote cooperation among the Arctic states on issues of mutual concern that require circumpolar cooperation. The Council incorporates the structure of the Arctic Environmental Protection Strategy, which was created in 1991 to foster cooperation in solving Arctic environmental problems. In establishing the Council, the Arctic governments took particular note of the important role Arctic science and research play in adding to the collective understanding of the circumpolar Arctic. The Arctic Council currently comprises four subsidiary groups: Arctic Monitoring and Assessment Program, Conservation of Arctic Flora and Fauna, Protection of the Arctic Marine Environment, and Emergency Prevention, Preparedness and Response. Two of the most notable results of the Arctic Environmental Protection Strategy and the Arctic Council in the area of protecting northern waters have been the publication of *Arctic Offshore Oil and Gas Guidelines* in English and Russian, as well as ongoing activities within the Protection of the Arctic Marine Environment working group to develop a "Regional Program of Action for the Protection of the Arctic Marine Environment from Land-Based Activities." The Arctic Council is a forum for consultation but does not have an independent organizational structure with a secretariat. **Agreement on the Conservation of Polar Bears** In 1973, the United States, Norway, Denmark, Canada, and the former Soviet Union signed the international Agreement on the Conservation of Polar Bears. The United States ratified the Agreement in 1976. Under the terms of the Agreement, it became the responsibility of each nation to develop conservation programs to promote compliance with the Agreement. The Marine Mammal Protection Act of 1972, as amended, served that purpose, vesting authority in the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service for the management and conservation of polar bears. Both the Agreement and the Marine Mammal Protection Act prohibit the take of polar bears in United States territory except in specified circumstances (by Alaskan Natives for subsistence purposes). **LIST OF ACRONYMS** FAO Food and Agriculture Organization (United Nations) FFA South Pacific Forum Fisheries Agency ICES International Council for the Exploration of the Sea IMO International Maritime Organization UN United Nations UNEP United Nations Environment Programme [^1]: The United States, Canada, Denmark/Greenland, Finland, Iceland, Norway, Russia, and Sweden.
# Presentation: 726839 ## Search for KL→π0νν - Takao Shinkawa - National Defense Academy - Particle Physics Seminar@BNL - August 7, 2008 ## Overview - Physics of KL→π0ννdecay - KEK E391a at 12-GeV PSData taking was done in 2004-2005.Run II data analysis has been recently completed. PRL 100, 201802(2008.5) - E14 at J-PARCStage 2 recommendation by PAC in July 2007 ## Physics Motivation - KL→π0νν - FCNC loop diagramss → d - Direct CP violationCP - → + - Standard Model Prediction - BR= (2.49±0.39) x 10-11 - Theoretical uncertainty 1-2% - Imaginary part of V**td ****(η)**** **Different **η** between K and B signifies new physics beyond SM. - s - d - ν - ν - t - W - Z0 - K0L→π0νν **ρ** **η** - K+→π+νν - 1 **V****td** **unitarity triangle** ## Beyond the Standard Model - Grossman-Nir limit - model independent limit - F. Mescia, CKM 2006 **K****L****→π****0****νν is one of most promising process in a search for new physics** - Grossman-Nir limit model independent limit - Br(KL→π0νν<6.5x10-10 **Notes:** Au: trilinear scalar couplings in the soft SUSY breaking terms ## KL→π0νν search before E391a - Br( KL→π0νν )SM = (2.49±0.39)x10-11 - L.S.Littenberg extracted a limit from KL→π0π0 decay experiment. Br(KL→π0νν)< 7.6x10-3(90%C.L.) (1989) - KTeV at Fermilab searched for KL→π0+nothing by two ways. - π0→e+e-γ (Br=1.2%)Br( KL→π0νν) < 5.9x10-7(90%C.L.) (2000) - π0→γγ one day dataBr(KL→π0νν ) < 1.6x10-6 (90%C.L.) (1999) ## E391a collaboration - E391a collaboration - Started by Takao Inagaki in 1995 with 7 other members. - Now - 12 institutes, ~50 members - Dept. of Physics, Pusan National Univ. - Dept. of Physics, Saga Univ. - Joint Institute for Nuclear Research - Dept. of Physics, National Taiwan Univ. - Dept. of Physics and Astronomy, Arizona State Univ. - KEK & SOKENDAI - Dept. of Physics, Osaka Univ. - Dept. of Physics, Yamagata Univ. - Enrico Fermi Institute, Univ. of Chicago - National Defense Academy - Dept. of Physics, Kyoto Univ. - Research Center for Nuclear Physics, Osaka Univ. - 5 countries: Japan, the US, Taiwan, South Korea, and Russia ## Experimental Method - KL→π0νν decay →γγtwo photons w/o any other observable charged or neutral particles. - Constraint of two photon effective mass, mγγ= mπ0 gives distance to the decay point. - K0L - γ - photon detector - hermetic photon veto - γ1 - γ2 - distance - two photonenergies and positions ## Narrow (pencil) beam - With pencil beam, decay vertex Zvtx is defined from beam direction and vertex distance. - Transverse component of kinematical component PT can be estimated. - Eγ - decay point Zvtx - KL beampencil beam - PTγ - distance - PTπ0 = PTγ1 + PTγ2 - Most important constraints for KL→π0νν ## Experimental Setup ## Neutral beam line - Protons 12-GeV PS 2 x 1012 POT/4s (duty 50%) - Neutral Beam - production angle 4 degreescore neutron/KL 40~60 - solid angle 12.6 μstr (θ=2 m radian)pencil beam 6cmΦ at the middle of the detector - PKL peak at 2 GeV/c (mean 2.6 GeV/c) - Halo/core 10-4 - NIM A 545, pp.542-553(2005) - The E391a Detector ## Features of E391a apparatus - Decay region - High vacuum: 10-5 Pa - to suppress the backgroundfrom interactions w/ residual gas - Detector components - Set in the vacuum: 0.1 Pa - separating the decay regionfrom the detector regionwith “membrane”: 0.2mmt film - CsI calorimeter - Charged Veto (CV) - Main Barrel (MB) - Front Barrel (FB) **Notes:** detector region is also evacuated ## Electromagnetic Calorimeter - Undoped CsI crystal - 7x7x30 cm3(16X0) 496 blocks - specially shaped 80 blocks - sandwich type 24 blocks - Charged veto(CV) 6mmtplastic scintillation countersin front of CsI and beam side - 190cm - beam hole 12cmx12cm ## Photon Veto - Sampling counter - Around the decay regionMain Barrel (MB) 13.5 X0 5.5 m Front Barrel (FB) 17.5 X0 2.75 m - Around the beamCollar counter CC00,CC02-07 - Beam region BA, (alternating layers of lead, quartz, and scintillator) ## Electronics and DAQ - Number of channels - CsI calorimeter: ~600ch - Veto counters: ~400ch - “AmpDiscri” Module - Discrimination for TDC - Set near the detector - low noise; min. threshold: ~0.5 mV (ex. ~0.7MeV for CsI) - 8ch sum for the trigger - Trigger - Logic - CsI hardware clustering (N>1) (thres. 80MeV) + Veto (20-100MeV) - ~300 events / 2 sec spill = 150Hz - DAQ live time - ~90% ## Run Summary - Running conditions - K0 beamline in the East Counter Hall of KEK 12 GeV PS - Intensity: - 2 x 1012 protons on target (POT) per 2sec spill, 4sec cycle - production angle: 4°, KL peak momentum 2GeV/c, n/KL ratio: 60~40 - Physics and calibration runs - Run I: February to July of 2004 w/o Be - ~3 x1018 POT problematic - Run II: February to April of 2005 w/ Be - ~2 x1018 POT good condition - Run III: October - December of 2005 mostly w/ Be - ~1.4 x 1018 POT good condition **Notes:** we appreciate the accelerator people’s effort for the operation of the PS ## Result from Run-I - Using 10% of Run-I data (Run-I one week) - set new limit - Br < 2.1x10-7(@90%C.L.)(PRD 74:051105, 2006)a factor of 3 improvementto KTeV result. - CV - CC02 ## A serious problem in Run-I - Beam core hits the membrane, which are accidentally drooped into the beam-line - -core neutron background- - This problem was fixed before Run-II ## Analysis ## Run IIanalysis overview - KL reconstruction - KL flux calculation - 6γ: KL→π0π0π0 (Br=19.56%) - 4γ: KL→π0π0 (Br=8.69x10-4) - 2γ: KL→γγ (Br=5.48x10-4) - Normalization by MC - Systematics - KL→π0νν search - Backgrounds - Results ## KL reconstruction - π0(KL) reconstruction w/ 2 photons - KL reconstruction w/ KL→2π0, 3π0 - Take the best **χ**2 for the vertex distribution in paring - Cuts - Photon Vetoes: typically O(1) MeV - Kinematic cuts - Photon quality cuts ## Channels used for normalization (KL flux estimation) and tuning of MC simulation **K****L****→3π****0** - Signal region - CV - Photon Veto -  data MC ## Invariant mass of 2π0 - PV only - Invariant mass of 2π0 - PV + kinematics - 4γ invariant mass distribution in particular the tail due to KL→3π0 - (2 out of 6 photons were undetected) was well understood by MC. - M4γ(GeV/c2) ## Summary of KL flux | Mode | Signal Events (Full Data Set) | Acceptance (with Accidental Loss) | Flux (w/ systematic errors) | Discrepancy (X - π0π0) /π0π0 | | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | | K L→ γγ | 20,685 | (0.697 ± 0.004Stat)% | (5.41 ± 0.37) x 109 | 5.0% | | KL → π0π0 | 1494.9 (1500 - 5.1) (π0π0π0 contribution) | (3.35 ± 0.03Stat) x 10-4 | (5.13 ± 0.40) x 109 | 0% | | KL → π0π0π0 | 70,054 | (7.13 ± 0.06Stat) x 10-5 | (5.02 ± 0.35) x 109 | -1.9% | ## Systematic Errors on the flux | CsI Veto | 6.1% | | --- | --- | | Decay Vertex (Z) Spectrum | 2.3% | | Decay Vertex (Radial) Spectrum | 1.8% | | Charged Veto | 1.3% | | Fusion Neural-Network | 1.3% | | Photon Hit Position (CsI Position) | 1.2% | | 23 Others (Total) | 2.9% | | TOTAL (In Quadrature) | 7.7% | ## Search for KL→π0νν ## KL→π0νν search - Blind analysis was taken to remove bias. - Hide signal region (+ Control region) - The blind “Box”: on PT - Z plot - All backgrounds are estimatedw/o looking into the Box - After completion of BG estimation,the Box was opened ## Kaon backgrounds - BG from Kaon decays - KL→π0π0→γγγγ - missing 2 photons - Main backgroundin Kaon decays - KL→γγ - by PT mis-measurement - PT - Z - KL→2π0 - KL→2γ **signal region** ## Backgrounds from KL→π0π0 decays **Estimated by MC simulations, relying on the good reproduction of the π****0****π****0 ****distribution at low mass by ****K****L****→π****0****π****0****π****0**** MC. The missing 2-photon feature is similar. ****MC data = 11xdata ****BG=0.11 events****.** ## Backgrounds from the other KL-decays - Z **K****L****→2****γ** - Energy mis-measurement or response tail can make higher PT events, but the a-coplanar angle cut is quite effective to reduce them. **K****L****→ charged** - (**Ke3, Kμ3 and charged-Kπ3**) **Backgrounds from all these decays are negligibly small** **P****T** - KL→γγ MC No cuts ## Halo neutron backgrounds - Tails of 2**γ**produced by halo neutrons at the detectors **“****CC02”** - Tail of γ energy measurement due to leakage or mis-measurement **“****CV”** - Multi-**π****0**** **+ odd combination ** ****η **(548MeV) : shift of vertex due to the assumption of M2γ = Mπ0 ## CC02 background - S/N - Upstream edge of the signal region **Estimated from the special run data, which were normalized to the CC02 events. ** **Upstream edge of the signal region was determined by S/N.** - Al plate run - CC02 - Signal region - mγγ - π0 - η - CC02 BG 0.16±0.05 ev ## CV-π0 background ** ****Estimated from the data using a bifurcation method.** ** ****We also checked the reproduction of CV events by a halo neutron MC.** - data: 17 events, - MC: 18.2±6.1 events - Cut sets **set-up cuts** - upstream veto detectors, - CsI, and π0 kinematics **set A** - downstream veto detectors **set B** - gamma selection - Signal region - CV-π0 BG 0.08±0.04 ev - CV region - NAB=NABxR_B ## CV-η background ** ****Estimated from MC with 200 times statistics, after carefully checked the cross section, momentum and PT distributions using the target run data.** - Al plate run - 16eventsCV-η BG0.06±0.02 events - ηregion - mγγ ## Background summary - (1) 300-340cm : 1.9±0.2 - CC02: 1.9±0.2 **observed: 3 events**** ** - (2) 340-400cm: 0.15±0.05 - CC02: 0.11±0.04 - CV-η: 0.04±0.02 - (3) 400-500cm: 0.26±0.11 - CC02: 0.05±0.03 - CV-η: 0.02±0.01 - CV-π0: 0.08±0.04 - KL→π0π0: 0.11±0.09 - 0.41+0.11 for signal region - (4) 300-500cm, Pt<0.12 GeV/c - CC02: 0.26±0.07 - CV-η: 0.04±0.01 - CV-π0: 0.09±0.04 - total: 0.39±0.08 **observed: 2 event** - Data w/ all the cuts - CC02 - CV ## Open the signal region - No event observed!! ## Result of Run II - Acceptance: A = 0.67% - Flux: NKL = 5.1 x 109 - S.E.S = 1 / (A∙NKL) = (2.9 ± 0.3) x 10-8 - Upper Limit - 0 event observed2.3 events w/ Poisson stat. - Br(KL→π0νν) < 6.7 x 10-8 (@90% C.L.) ** ** ** ****PRL 100, 201802(2008.5)** **RunIIIhas similar quality.** ** ****70%of RunIIdata.** **Analysis is going on.** ## J-PARC - High intensity proton accelerator at Tokai 56 km from KEK beam intensity x100 12-GeV PS - Accelerator construction will be completed in this year. ## Step by Step approach - To event observation - KEK E391a - The first experimentdedicated to KL→π0νν - To establishthe experimental method - J-PARC E14 - Step1 - Prompt start - The E391a Detector - Common beamline - The first event observation - goal: ~3 events - Step2 - Longer decay volume and larger detector - Higher intensity beamline - goal: ~100 events ## CsI 7x7x30cm3→ 2.5x2.5x50cm3 , 5x5x50cm3 (from KTeV) Reduce leakage Better positioning Readout Electronics Wave-form digitization New Detectors Beam Hole Photon Veto Full active CC02 MB liner New CV - 7x7x30cm3→ 2.5x2.5x50cm3 , 5x5x50cm3 (from KTeV) - Reduce leakage - Better positioning - Readout Electronics - Wave-form digitization - New Detectors - Beam Hole Photon Veto - Full active CC02 - MB liner - New CV - E14 at J-PARC ## E14 tentative schedule - 2009 Beam line construction Beam survey KL flux measurement with KL→π+π-π0 decay. - Flux might be three times more. - 2010 CsI stacking - Engineering Run - 2011 First run 1 event/year ## Summary - KEK E391a – the first dedicated experiment for KL→π0νν decay.Br(KL→π0νν)< 6.7x10-8 (90%C.L.)RunIIIdata analysis is going on. - J-PARC produces 100 times more intenseproton beam than KEK 12 GeV PS. - E14 is taking step by step approach to precise measurement of the branching ratio of KL→π0ννdecay. ## Backup Slides ## KL beam - Beam profiles at the beam exitby MC. - KL momentum distribution at the beam exit by MC. ## Vetoes | counter | threshold (MeV) | comments | | --- | --- | --- | | FB | 1.0 | take sum of inner and outer channels | | CC02 | 1.0 | | | MB | inner: 1.0 outer: 1.0 | E = sqrt( Eup * Edn), x0.95 for data | | CV | outer : 0.3 inner : 0.7 | convert gamma position to crystal number, then check corresponding CV plane | | CsI | d < 17 cm : 10.0 17< d < 25 cm : 5.0→2.0 d > 25 cm : 2.0 | require the local flag d: distance from the gamma position to the crystal intermediate region (17-25cm): threshold = 5.0 - (3.0/8.0) * ( d-17) | | Sandwich | 2.0 | | | CC03 | 2.0 | | | CC04 | calorimeter : 2.0 scintillator : 0.7 | | | CC05 | calorimeter : 3.0 scintillator : 0.7 | | | BA | scintillator sum : 20.0 quarts : 0.5 MIPs | take AND of both conditions | | BCV | 0.75 | E = sqrt( Eup * Edn) | | CC06 | 10.0 | | | CC07 | 10.0 | | | BHCV | 0.1 | | | CC00 | 2.0 | | ## gamma, π0 cuts | | minimum | maximum | comments | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | signal box z-vertex | 340 cm | 500 cm | | | signal box Pt | 0.12 GeV/c | 0.24 GeV/c | | | gamma time difference | -3.4000 | 2.8922 | | | gamma energy low | 0.25 GeV | | | | gamma energy high | 0.15 GeV | | | | gamma size 5MeV | 3 | | | | gamma size 1MeV | 5 | | | | gamma energy ratio | 0.88 | | | | gamma TDI | | 2.0 | | | gamma RMS | | 4.0 | | | gamma energy balance | | 0.75 | (Ehigh - Elow) / (Ehigh + Elow) | | gamma distance | 15 cm | | | | gamma hit position | 18 cm | | square region | | gamma hit radii | | 88 cm | circle | | acoplanarity angle | 45 degrees | | | | π0 energy | | 2.0 GeV | | | χ2θ | | 1.0 | χ2 = Σ ( (θr1- θrec)2 / σθr12 ) | | projection R (π0 kinematics cut) | | | in the (z, Pt/Pz) plane, take the inside of (300, 0.1), (400, 0.1), (500, 0.15), (500, 0.34), (300, 0.2) | | reconstructed KL momentum | | 2.0 GeV | assuming the invariant mass of nu-nubar system is 0: two body decay |
# Presentation: 119261 ## Flow and Bose-Einstein Correlations in Au-Au Collisions at RHIC **Probe the source dynamics through correlations** **Flow constitutes the bulk of this talk** **Steven Manly (Univ. of Rochester) ****For the PHOBOS Collaboration** - S.Manly (PHOBOS) - QM2002 - July 18, 2002 ## Collaboration ** **_**ARGONNE NATIONAL LABORATORY**_** ****Birger Back, Alan Wuosmaa** ** **_**BROOKHAVEN NATIONAL LABORATORY **_** ****Mark Baker, Donald Barton, Alan Carroll, Nigel George, ** ** **** ****Stephen Gushue, George Heintzelman, Burt Holzman, ** ** **** ****Robert Pak, Louis Remsberg, Peter Steinberg, Andrei Sukhanov** ** **_**INSTITUTE OF NUCLEAR PHYSICS, KRAKOW**_** ****Andrzej Budzanowski, Roman Hołyński, Jerzy Michałowski, Andrzej Olszewski, Pawel Sawicki, Marek Stodulski, ** ** **** ****Adam Trzupek, Barbara Wosiek, Krzysztof Woźniak** _** **__**MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY**_** ****Maartin Ballintijn,**** ****Wit**** Busza (Spokesperson), Patrick Decowski, ****Kristjan Gulbrandsen****,**** Conor Henderson****, ****Jay Kane,**** Judith Katzy, Piotr Kulinich, ****Jang Woo Lee****, Heinz Pernegger, ****Corey Reed****, Christof Roland, Gunther Roland, Leslie Rosenberg, ** ** **** ****Pradeep Sarin****, Stephen Steadman, George Stephans, ** ** **** ****Carla Vale****, Gerrit van Nieuwenhuizen, Gábor Veres, ** ** **** ****Robin Verdier, Bernard Wadsworth, Bolek Wysłouch** ** **_**NATIONAL CENTRAL UNIVERSITY, TAIWAN**_** ****Chia Ming Kuo****, Willis Lin, Jaw-Luen Tang** ** **_**UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT CHICAGO**_** ****Russell Betts, Edmundo García, Clive Halliwell, David Hofman, ****Richard Hollis****, ****Aneta Iordanova****, Wojtek Kucewicz, Don McLeod, Rachid Nouicer, Michael Reuter, ****Joe Sagerer** ** **_**UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND**_** ****Abigail Bickley****, ****Richard Bindel****, Alice Mignerey, ** ** **** ****Marguerite Belt Tonjes** ** **_**UNIVERSITY OF ROCHESTER**_** ****Joshua Hamblen****, ****Erik Johnson****, ****Nazim Khan****, Steven Manly, ** ** **** ****Inkyu Park, Wojtek Skulski, Ray Teng, Frank Wolfs** - S.Manly (PHOBOS) - QM2002 - July 18, 2002 ## Elliptic flow **Elliptic flow** **dN/d(********R ****) = N****0 ****(1 + 2v****1****cos (********R****) + ****2v****2****cos (2(********R****)**** + ... ) ** - S.Manly (PHOBOS) - QM2002 - July 18, 2002 ## Flow: basic method ** ****Correct for imperfect reaction plane resolution ** **Flow: basic method** - S.Manly (PHOBOS) - QM2002 - July 18, 2002 ## The PHOBOS Detector (2001 run) **137000 Silicon Pad Channels** **1m** **Spectrometer** **Octagon** **Vertex** **Ring Counters** **Paddle Trigger Counter** **Cerenkov Counter** - S.Manly (PHOBOS) - QM2002 - July 18, 2002 ## Slide 6 - S.Manly (PHOBOS) - QM2002 - July 18, 2002 ## Flow: Hit-based method **Flow: Hit-based method** **nucl-ex/0205021 submitted to PRL** - S.Manly (PHOBOS) - QM2002 - July 18, 2002 ## Flow: Hit-based method **Select vertices offset in Z, symmetric coverage in ********, ****** **Flow: Hit-based method** **nucl-ex/0205021 submitted to PRL** - S.Manly (PHOBOS) - QM2002 - July 18, 2002 ## Flow: Hit-based method **Reaction plane determined by subevents in -2<********<2** **Select vertices offset in Z, symmetric coverage in ********, ****** **Flow: Hit-based method** **nucl-ex/0205021 submitted to PRL** - S.Manly (PHOBOS) - QM2002 - July 18, 2002 ## Flow: Track-based **Flow: Track-based** **New for QM2002!** - S.Manly (PHOBOS) - QM2002 - July 18, 2002 ## Flow: Track-based **Reaction plane determined by hits in widely separated subevent regions, symmetric in ********, ******** ** **Flow: Track-based** **New for QM2002!** - S.Manly (PHOBOS) - QM2002 - July 18, 2002 ## Hit-based analysis **Hit-based analysis** ** ****Large ******** coverage** ** ****Event-by-event** ** ****Uniform acceptance in ****** ** ****Separated subevents** **Track-based analysis** ** ****p****t ****dependence** ** ****Tracks less background **** ****sensitive ** ** ****Minimal MC dependence** ** ****Subevents and tracks ****ww****widely separated in ****** ** ****(Species dependence)** - S.Manly (PHOBOS) - QM2002 - July 18, 2002 ## v2 vs. centrality and energy **v****2 *****vs.***** centrality and energy** **Hit-based result v****2****200**** & v****2****130**** similar** ***PHOBOS Au-Au*** ***130 GeV result: nucl-ex/0205021, submitted to PRL *** **|********|<1** **200** **130** **v****2** **<N****part****>** - S.Manly (PHOBOS) - QM2002 - July 18, 2002 **Notes:** 130 GeV errors not shown Similar to 130 GeV results Within errors, difficult to distinguish whether or not v2 is saturated or scales with the increase in multiplicity as the energy increases. ## v2 vs. centrality, method comparison **Hit and track-based results agree! ** **v****2****200 ****(hit)** **v****2****200 ****(track)** ***PHOBOS Preliminary*** ***200 GeV Au-Au*** **v****2 *****vs.***** ****centrality****, method comparison** **|********|<1** **track** **hit** **v****2** **<N****part****>** - S.Manly (PHOBOS) - QM2002 - July 18, 2002 **Notes:** 130 GeV errors not shown Similar to 130 GeV results Within errors, difficult to distinguish whether or not v2 is saturated or scales with the increase in multiplicity as the energy increases. ## v2 vs. pT **v****2 *****vs.***** ********p****T** **v****2**** appears to saturate for p****T****>2** **Similar to published results at 130 GeV (STAR, PHENIX)** ***PHOBOS preliminary*** **h****+**** + h****-** ***200 GeV Au-Au*** ***track-weighted centrality averaging*** **0<********<1.5** ***(top 55%)*** **v****2** ***17% scale error*** - S.Manly (PHOBOS) - QM2002 - July 18, 2002 **Notes:** Here we integrate over h+ and h- ## v2 vs.  and energy **v****2 *****vs.***** ******** and energy** **Hit-based result** **v****2****200**** & v****2****130**** similar** ***PHOBOS Au-Au*** ***130 GeV result: nucl-ex/0205021, submitted to PRL *** **v****2** **** **200** **130** **<N****part****>~190** - S.Manly (PHOBOS) - QM2002 - July 18, 2002 **Notes:** Again, little changed from 130 GeV ## v2 -dependence **v****2**** ********-dependence** - S.Manly (PHOBOS) - QM2002 - July 18, 2002 ## v2 -dependence **Unambiguous large drop in v****2**** over broad range in ****** **v****2**** ********-dependence** **Know p****T****, multiplicity, species yield vary with ******** and all can affect flow** - S.Manly (PHOBOS) - QM2002 - July 18, 2002 ## There is no large central plateau in the multiplicity distribution! **See talk by Mark Baker tomorrow morning and talk **** ****by Peter Steinberg in minutes in session I** **dN****ch****/d********’/<N****part****>** ***Phobos*** *Systematic errors not shown* ******’****=********-y****beam** - S.Manly (PHOBOS) - QM2002 - July 18, 2002 ## We look forward to seeing data() from BRAHMS! **at RHIC ** **We look forward to seeing data(********) from BRAHMS!** - S.Manly (PHOBOS) - QM2002 - July 18, 2002 ## HBT **HBT** ****** ****phase space** **Identified ********’s** **Another way to look at source dynamics ...** - S.Manly (PHOBOS) - QM2002 - July 18, 2002 ## Data sample **Data sample** ***PHOBOS preliminary*** - S.Manly (PHOBOS) - QM2002 - July 18, 2002 ## HBT results - - - **0.54********0.02** **5.8********0.2** **5.1********0.4** **6.8********0.3** **** **R****out** **R****side** **R****long** - ++ **0.57********0.03** **4.9********0.4** **7.3********0.3** **5.8********0.2** **R****2****out-long** **4.9********1.7** **4.5********1.9** **Phobos preliminary** **200 GeV Au-Au** **15% most central events** **0.15<k****T****<0.****35** **0.2<y<1.5** **Systematic error on radii of 1 fm, on ******** of 0.06** - S.Manly (PHOBOS) - QM2002 - July 18, 2002 ## Scaling with energy **Scaling with energy ** - -- data **For more on HBT at PHOBOS, see poster by C.M. Kuo** ***Compilation of non-PHOBOS data from C. Adler et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 87, 082301 (2001)*** - S.Manly (PHOBOS) - QM2002 - July 18, 2002 **Notes:** Central , low kt bin ## Summary/parting thoughts **v****2****200**** is little changed from v****2****130** **AND ...** **v****2****(p****T****) appears to saturate for p****T****>2 GeV/c** **R****out****, R****side****, R****long**** at 200 GeV are similar to those at 130 GeV ** **PHOBOS analyzing flow with hits and tracks** - S.Manly (PHOBOS) - QM2002 - July 18, 2002 ## Slide 26 - S.Manly (PHOBOS) - QM2002 - July 18, 2002 ## Slide 27 - S.Manly (PHOBOS) - QM2002 - July 18, 2002 ## An expert is a man who has made all the mistakes, which can be made, in a very narrow field. - - Niels Bohr, recalled on his death, November 1962 **More to come from** **P. Steinberg - *****Universal behavior of charged particle production***** ****(session I, his talk is just starting ... skip the QA and go!)** **M. Baker - *****Global observations from PHOBOS***** **** ****Tomorrow morning (19th)** **B. Wosiek - *****Identified particle pt distributions (including very low pt!)***** ****Parallel session I, tomorrow night (19th)**** ** **C. Roland - *****Scaling of charged hadron pt distributions***** ****Parallel session I, Saturday evening (20th)** **C.M. Kuo - *****HBT Correlations *****(poster)** **A. Iordanova - *****20 GeV Au-Au analysis *****(poster)** **R. Hollis - *****200 GeV p-p analysis *****(poster)** **:** - S.Manly (PHOBOS) - QM2002 - July 18, 2002
**NFES 0340: CHAIN SAW** +----+------------------------+---+-----+-----+-----+---------------+ | ** | **DESCRIPTION** | * | **P | **P | **P | **COMMENTS** | | NF | | * | ROP | ROP | ROP | | | ES | | Q | OSE | OSE | OSE | | | ** | | T | D** | D** | D** | | | | | Y | | | | | | | | * | * | **A | **D | | | | | * | *CH | DDI | ELE | | | | | | ANG | TIO | TIO | | | | | | E** | N** | N** | | +----+------------------------+---+-----+-----+-----+---------------+ | 03 | Axe, boy's sgl bit, | 1 | | | | | | 52 | 24" handle type D | E | | | | | | | w/sheath | A | | | | | +----+------------------------+---+-----+-----+-----+---------------+ | 06 | Carton, fiberboard, | 1 | | | | | | 45 | 42" x 13 ½" x 14" | E | | | | | | | | A | | | | | +----+------------------------+---+-----+-----+-----+---------------+ | 00 | Chaps, protective, | 1 | | | | | | 45 | summer weight, size 32 | P | | | | | | | | R | | | | | +----+------------------------+---+-----+-----+-----+---------------+ | 07 | Container, fuel/oil, 1 | 1 | | | | | | 41 | gallon | E | | | | | | | | A | | | | | +----+------------------------+---+-----+-----+-----+---------------+ | 10 | Earplugs, foam, | 4 | | | | | | 27 | disposable | P | | | | | | | | G | | | | | +----+------------------------+---+-----+-----+-----+---------------+ | 03 | Goggles, safety | 2 | | | | | | 00 | | P | | | | | | | | R | | | | | +----+------------------------+---+-----+-----+-----+---------------+ | 03 | Guard, chain saw bar | 1 | | | | | | 48 | | E | | | | | | | | A | | | | | +----+------------------------+---+-----+-----+-----+---------------+ | 34 | Oil, 2 cycle mix size | 6 | | | | | | 44 | | E | | | | | | | | A | | | | | +----+------------------------+---+-----+-----+-----+---------------+ | 18 | Oil, bar and chain, 1 | 2 | | | | | | 69 | QT | Q | | | | | | | | T | | | | | +----+------------------------+---+-----+-----+-----+---------------+ | 07 | Packsack, waterproof, | 1 | | | | | | 44 | w/straps | E | | | | | | | | A | | | | | +----+------------------------+---+-----+-----+-----+---------------+ | 33 | Rag, wiping | 1 | | | | | | 09 | | L | | | | | | | | B | | | | | +----+------------------------+---+-----+-----+-----+---------------+ | 01 | Saw, chain, 20" -- 24" | 1 | | | | | | 59 | bar | E | | | | | | | | A | | | | | +----+------------------------+---+-----+-----+-----+---------------+ | 02 | Tag, shipping (blank) | 2 | | | | | | 16 | | E | | | | | | | | A | | | | | +----+------------------------+---+-----+-----+-----+---------------+ | 03 | Kit, tool roll, chain | 1 | | | | | | 42 | saw (saw specific) | K | | | | | | | | T | | | | | +----+------------------------+---+-----+-----+-----+---------------+ | 27 | Wedge, felling 12" | 2 | | | | | | 25 | | E | | | | | | | | A | | | | | +----+------------------------+---+-----+-----+-----+---------------+ | 05 | Wedge, felling, 8" | 4 | | | | | | 16 | | E | | | | | | | | A | | | | | +----+------------------------+---+-----+-----+-----+---------------+ | | | | | | | | +----+------------------------+---+-----+-----+-----+---------------+ | | | | | | | | +----+------------------------+---+-----+-----+-----+---------------+ | | | | | | | | +----+------------------------+---+-----+-----+-----+---------------+ | | | | | | | | +----+------------------------+---+-----+-----+-----+---------------+ NAME: \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ EMAIL: \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ AGENCY: \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ PHONE: \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ ADDRESS: \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_
**Guidance on Test Methods for Determining the Efficacy of Antimicrobial Products for Inactivating *Bacillus anthracis* Spores on Inanimate Surfaces** **6/18/07** **[Presented To The FIFRA Scientific Advisory Panel By:]{.underline}** U.S. EPA Office of Pesticide Programs **[Presented On:]{.underline}** July 17-19, 2007 ![](media/image1.png){width="1.9979166666666666in" height="1.9979166666666666in"} Office of Prevention, Pesticides & Toxic Substances U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Washington, D.C. 20460 **Table of Contents** **Preface** Page 3 **1. Introduction** Page 4 **2. Test Methods for Determining the Efficacy of Antimicrobial Sterilants/Sporicides** Page 5 2.1 AOAC Sporicidal Activity of Disinfectants Test Page 5 2.2. Modifications to the AOAC Official Method 966.04 Page 5 **3. Options for Supporting Registration of Anthrax-Related Products** 3.1 Test procedure for Sterilant/Sporicide plus *B. anthracis* Claim Page 7 3.2 Test Procedure for Sporicidal Decontaminant\--Qualitative Testing Page 7 3.3 Test Procedure for Sporicidal Decontaminant\--Quantitative Testing Page 7 **4.** **Simulated Use Test for Gas and Vapor Products** Page 8 **5.** **References** Page 8 **Preface** Following the "anthrax attacks" in late 2001, the EPA Office of Pesticide Programs (EPA/OPP) has played a critical role in regulating the use of antimicrobial chemicals for decontaminating facilities and in conducting research on the sporicidal efficacy of available chemicals. Because no antimicrobial products were registered at that time specifically for inactivation of *Bacillus anthracis* spores , EPA had to issue crisis exemptions under Section 18 of FIFRA to permit the use of these products to treat contaminated facilities and their contents. Altogether, EPA received 63 requests for crisis exemptions, of which it approved 28 and denied 35. Rather than have to issue crisis exemptions in the future if another bioterrorism attack occurs, EPA/OPP plans to allow for the registration of products that have claims to inactivate *Bacillus anthracis* spores (hereafter referred to as "anthrax-related products") so that they will be readily available to trained, qualified persons for decontaminating buildings and their contents. Toward this end, EPA is proposing guidance on the product performance (i.e., efficacy) data needed to support the registration of anthrax-related products. This proposal is set forth in this document and in a draft insertion to the document entitled "OPPTS 810.2100A. Products for Use on Hard Surfaces---Basic Efficacy Data Recommendations." On July 17-19, 2007, the FIFRA Scientific Advisory Panel (SAP) will meet publicly to consider the scientific basis for the efficacy test methods and associated criteria described in the cited document. Following is background information on the proposed efficacy test methods that would support the registration of anthrax-related products. Details are available in the cited references, which are being provided to the SAP. **1. Introduction** EPA regulations require that product performance (efficacy) studies be submitted to support registration of an antimicrobial product for which public health claims are made such as "disinfect" or "sterilize" (40 CFR Part 158.640). In addition, any claim of inactivation of a specific microorganism should be supported by valid data that demonstrate the efficacy of the product against that particular microorganism. At the July 17-19 SAP meeting, the EPA will present draft guidance concerning what efficacy testing should be conducted to support the registration of an anthrax-related product. EPA's draft guidance describes three basic options for a registrant to follow in pursuing such a registration: 1. For any liquid, gas or vapor "sterilant/sporicide" product, conduct the full AOAC Official Method 966.04 on silk suture loops and porcelain penicylinders, which represent porous and nonporous surfaces, respectively. In addition, conduct "confirmatory testing" using AOAC 966.04, but instead of *B. subtilis* or *C. sporogenes*, use virulent *B. anthracis* spores on carriers made of porcelain and silk. If both tests are passed (by showing no growth on any carrier), then the product may be registered as a "sterilant/sporicide" with a claim that the product inactivates *B. anthracis* spores on inanimate surfaces. \[Note: Any gas or vapor product would also have to undergo a "simulated use test" (see section 4. below).\] 2. For any liquid, gas or vapor "sporicidal decontaminant\" product, conduct the *Bacillus* component of AOAC Official Method 966.04 on silk suture loops and porcelain penicylinders using virulent *B. anthracis* spores (instead of *B. subtilis* or *C. sporogenes*). The test would be conducted without the *Clostridium* requirement. If the product passes this test, it could be registered as a "sporicidal decontaminant" with a claim that the product inactivates *B. anthracis* spores on inanimate surfaces. \[Note: Any gas or vapor product would also have to undergo a "simulated use test" (see section 4. below).\] 3. For any liquid, gas or vapor "sporicidal decontaminant\" product, conduct a well developed, quantitative sporicidal test method acceptable to EPA using virulent *B. anthracis* spores on porous and/or non-porous surfaces (with coupon materials acceptable to EPA). If the product achieves at least a 6 log reduction of target spores on nonporous and/or porous surfaces, it could registered as a "sporicidal decontaminant" with a claim that the product inactivates *B. anthracis* spores on inanimate surfaces. \[Note: Any gas or vapor product would also have to undergo a "simulated use test" (see section 4. below).\] An issue that applies to all three testing options is the possible use of surrogate *Bacillus* spores in place of virulent *Bacillus anthracis* spores. Also, the issue of whether various coupon materials may be used for quantitative sporicidal tests applies to the third testing option. Lastly, EPA's draft guidance proposes to require "simulated use testing" to support registration of gas and vapor sterilants/sporicides and sporicidal decontaminants. This testing would demonstrate a product's ability to be applied in large, enclosed spaces and to achieve the same concentration, temperature, and relative humidity that was necessary to achieve 100% kill (i.e., no growth on any of the 720 carriers) in the qualitative laboratory test, or a 6 log reduction in the quantitative test. **2. Available Sterilant/Sporicides Efficacy Test Methods** > **2.1 AOAC Official Method 966.04\--Sporicidal Activity of > Disinfectants Test (Method I)** The original AOAC Official Method 966.04 (Method I) was developed in the 1960s and adopted by EPA and the FDA as a validated product performance test that demonstrates that a product is a "sterilant" or "sporicide" (Reference 1). The AOAC procedure is qualitative and determines the ability of an antimicrobial product to inactivate two spore types (*Bacillus subtilis* and *Clostridium sporogenes*) on porcelain and silk carriers. A sterilant or sporicide is a substance that destroys all microorganisms on inanimate surfaces, including vegetative and spore forms of bacteria and fungi, as well as viruses. All of EPA's registered sterilants/sporicides were tested with this method and were shown to pass the requirement of no growth on any carrier. Until or unless the AOAC Official Method 966.04 is formally replaced by another method, EPA and FDA will continue to require it for making regulatory decisions about sterilants. However, EPA, FDA and other agencies have been working collaboratively to make improvements to this test and to compare the performance of relatively new quantitative tests to the qualitative AOAC Method 966.04. > **2.2. Modifications to the AOAC Official Method 966.04 (Method II)** EPA led a multi-laboratory collaborative study, facilitated by AOAC International, to officially modify and improve the AOAC Official Method 966.04 (Reference 3). These modifications/improvements included: 1. Replacement of the current sporulation medium (soil extract nutrient broth) with a synthetic, standardized sporulation medium (nutrient agar amended with manganese sulfate). 2. Replacement of the porcelain carriers currently being used with stainless steel penicylinders. (This change is not currently recommended for use until the *Clostridium* component is collaboratively modified for stainless steel.) 3. Addition of a carrier count procedure for enumerating spores. 4. Establishment of a target spore titer per carrier as a minimum of 1 10^5^ and a maximum of approximately 1 10^6^ spores/carrier. 5. Addition of a neutralization confirmation protocol. 6. Editorial changes to the procedure. The collaborative study, initiated in June 2005, involved five laboratories. These laboratories had existing microbiology programs, had conducted the AOAC method 966.04 in the past, and were suitable testing labs based on an EPA quality assurance readiness-review process. The OPP Microbiology Laboratory was the lead laboratory; others included the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in Denver, CO; FDA in Winchester, MA; MICROBIOTEST, Inc. in Sterling, VA; and Advanced Sterilization Microbiology Lab in Irvine, CA. The OPP laboratory provided the following: The study design and the necessary protocols; test forms; data sheets; media preparation sheets for test chemicals, media, and reagents; test chemicals; garden soil; and porcelain penicylinders. Using a step-wise comparative process, modifications involving the new sporulation medium and the new carrier type were evaluated against the current method using three parameters: > 1\. Spore counts on carriers > > 2\. HCl resistance > > 3\. Efficacy against common sporicidal agents The study design required that three carrier-medium combinations be tested against one chemical (a high and low treatment) on the same day (six 30-carrier tests). An acceptable randomization method was decided by the lead laboratory before experimentation was initiated. This involved a randomized order of testing of chemicals and carrier-medium combinations for each participating laboratory. The data evaluation was qualitative (i.e., how many positives versus negatives), which was acceptable to the AOAC. The data were collected and summarized by August 12, 2005. Statistical analysis was performed by Dr. Martin Hamilton (Montana State University). The final, validated Method II has been published in the Journal of AOAC International (Reference 3). The most significant concerns associated with method 966.04 are the qualitative nature of the method, the use of raw garden soil extract as a source of minerals for spore production, the lack of a standardized procedure for enumeration of spores, and the lack of a target spore load. An official AOAC collaborative study was conducted to modify and improve selected aspects of the method. The proposed modifications were limited to liquid formulations, *B. subtilis*, and the hard surface carrier (porcelain penicylinder) components of the method. The study included the evaluation of a replacement for soil extract nutrient broth and an establishment of a minimum spore titer per carrier, both considered crucial for the improvement and utilization of the method. Additionally, an alternative hard surface material and a neutralization confirmation procedure were evaluated. Based on the results of this study, it was determined that nutrient agar amended with 5 µg/mL manganese sulfate as a sporulation medium, the spore enumeration procedure, a target carrier count (10^5^ to approximately 10^6^ spores/carrier) and the neutralization confirmation procedure were suitable modifications. The modifications have been approved by AOAC-International (AOACI), and the manuscript describing the study has been accepted for publication. Additional studies are planned in 2007-2008 to assess the impact of the modifications when applied to suture loops and with gaseous formulations. **3. Options for Supporting Registration of Anthrax-Related Products** **3.1** Sterilant/Sporicide plus *B. anthracis* Claim The AOAC Sporicidal Activity of Disinfectants Test (AOAC Official Method 966.04, Methods I and II) should first be conducted for any liquid, gas or vapor product to demonstrate that it is a sterilant/sporicide on porous and non-porous environmental surfaces. A product must inactivate viable spores on all 720 carriers in the AOAC sporicidal test. Second, "confirmatory testing" needs to be conducted on two samples (representing two batches of product) using virulent *B. anthracis* spores, or a surrogate acceptable to EPA, to show that the product inactivates these spores on all 120 carriers (porcelain penicylinders and silk suture loops). If both tests are passed, then the product may be registered as a "sterilant" or "sporicide" with a claim that the product inactivates *B. anthracis* spores on inanimate surfaces. \[Note: Any gas or vapor product would also have to undergo a "simulated use test" as well (see section 4. below).\] > **3.2** Sporicidal Decontaminant (Qualitative Testing) plus *B. > anthracis* Claim A product may be registered as a "sporicidal decontaminant" if it is successfully tested using the AOAC Official Method 966.04 to demonstrate the product's effectiveness on porcelain or silk carriers only tested against virulent *B. anthracis* spores, or a surrogate acceptable to EPA. Sixty carriers representing either or both of two types of carriers (porcelain penicylinders and silk suture loops) should be tested on three samples representing three different batches of product, one of which should be at least 60 days old. If one surface type is tested, then there are 60 carriers per sample, or a total of 180 carriers; if two surfaces types are tested, then the total number of carriers is 360. \[Note: Any gas or vapor product would also have to undergo a "simulated use test" as well (see section 4. below).\] > **3.3.** Sporicidal Decontaminant (Quantitative Testing) plus *B. > anthracis* Claim A product may be registered as a "sporicidal decontaminant" if it is successfully tested using a well established, quantitative sporicidal test method acceptable to EPA using virulent *B. anthracis* spores (or a surrogate acceptable to EPA) on porous and/or nonporous surfaces. The product should be tested on three samples representing three different batches of product, one of which should be at least 60 days old. The number of carriers will depend upon the method that is used. The product needs to achieve at least a 6 log reduction of virulent *B. anthracis* spores (or a surrogate) on either nonporous or porous surfaces. \[Note: Any gas or vapor product would also have to undergo a "simulated use test" as well (see section 4. below).\] **4. Simulated Use Testing for Gas and Vapor Products** > Simulated use testing is needed to support registration of gas and > vapor sterilants/sporicides and sporicidal decontaminants. This > testing would demonstrate a product's ability to be applied > effectively in large, enclosed spaces rather than just in small spaces > (such as glove boxes). The purpose of the test would be to: - Assure that key parameters for efficacy (chemical concentration, temperature, relative humidity and contact time) are accurately monitored and maintained throughout the enclosed space, and - Establish product generation rate (lbs/hr) and rate/volume (lbs/hr/ft3). > Generally, the test chamber or space should be at least the size of a > typical office. Key parameters such as ambient temperature, relative > humidity, gas concentration, gas injection rate and/or total mass > usage, and contact time should be monitored throughout the test. Measurements should show that the same concentration, temperature, and relative humidity, can be maintained for the required contact time that were necessary to achieve 100% kill (i.e., no growth on any of the carriers) in the qualitative laboratory test, or a 6 log reduction in the quantitative test is demonstrated in the simulated-use test. In addition, measurements of the fumigant mass injection/generation rate (e.g., pounds/hour), divided by the volume of the simulated use test bed, that was used to arrive at the required generation rate/volume (e.g., pounds per hour/cubic foot) for the fumigation, should be included with the data, and listed on the product label. **5. References are listed in the Charge Memorandum dated 6/7/07)**
# Presentation: 524583 ## SSG-WI 2015 Reference Case **SSG-WI 2015 Reference Case** - Modeling Assumptions - Production Cost Modeling Results - Overall Economics - December 15, 2005 ## Elements of 2015 Reference Case - $9HH Gas - Medium Loads - 2003 Shapes - Medium Hydro - 2003 Actual **Regional hydrology** **Fuel Prices** **Demand** - $5HH Gas - $7HH Gas **Incremental ** **Investment in ** **Generation ** **(2008 to 2015) ** **Incremental** **Investment in** **Transmission ** **(2008 to 2015) ** ***Biomass*** ***Coal*** ***DSM*** ***Hydro*** ***Solar*** ***Wind*** - Transmission to - integrate - incremental - resources - From IRPs, other plans, & RPS: ***Gas*** - Approved - transmission - projects - 2008 - Base Case **Resource and** ** ****Transmission ** **Base** ** ** ***Geothermal*** *All analysis done in $US 2005* ## Incremental Transmission - Palo Verde – Devers #2 - Tehachapi Wind transmission – 2 lines - Navajo/Desert Rock; Four Corners – Moenkopi - 4 Corners to Phoenix - North Phoenix (Raceway) - Pinal Project - Amps Phase Shifter (Mill Creek Phase Shifter) - IV San Diego 500kV - Added transmission to integrate Springerville plant - Added transmission to integrate Montana incremental transmission, increasing Montana to Northwest transfer by 750 MW (series compensation on the 500 kV lines) - Added transmission from Wyoming to Utah to integrate Bridger #5 - Added transmission configured for the San Francisco Bay Area Project - Imperial 2- 500 kV lines (one to San Diego and one to LA) - Added transmission connection Kansas to Colorado, to integrate the 2-700 MW coal plants **Notes:** Load growth: Rocky Mountain annual load growth: 2.3% energy, 2.8% peak Western Interconnect annual load growth: 2% energy, 1.8% peak Hydro: High: ~280,000GWh, Med: ~245,000GWh, Low: ~210,000GWh Accelerated DSM: ~8% energy savings, 2013 loads reduced by ~8% Fuel price conversions: 6.50 gas (2013) is 5.20 (2004), 4.50 gas (2013) is 3.60 (2004), PRB minemouth: .50 coal (2013) is .40 (2004) .69-1.56 (2013) is .55 - 1.25 (2004) – range is different sources than PRB, also incl transportation adjustments for trucking and rail CO2: $5 and $15/per ton applied to incremental emissions from the resource additions Mohave: in, otherwise assumed to be retired by 2008 Simplifying assumptions ABB Market Sim – detailed representation of WI transmission -- but to keep the modeling efficient and flexible, dispatch logic was stripped down. For example, the commitment logic removed, and simulation assumes a single, seamless West-wide market, with none of today’s inefficiencies due to multiple control areas and rate and loss charge pancaking. Details may be found in Chapter 2 and in Appendix F. ## SSG-WI Path Limits WECC Catalogue Operating Limits & Adjustments Made by SSG-WI **Notes:** Load growth: Rocky Mountain annual load growth: 2.3% energy, 2.8% peak Western Interconnect annual load growth: 2% energy, 1.8% peak Hydro: High: ~280,000GWh, Med: ~245,000GWh, Low: ~210,000GWh Accelerated DSM: ~8% energy savings, 2013 loads reduced by ~8% Fuel price conversions: 6.50 gas (2013) is 5.20 (2004), 4.50 gas (2013) is 3.60 (2004), PRB minemouth: .50 coal (2013) is .40 (2004) .69-1.56 (2013) is .55 - 1.25 (2004) – range is different sources than PRB, also incl transportation adjustments for trucking and rail CO2: $5 and $15/per ton applied to incremental emissions from the resource additions Mohave: in, otherwise assumed to be retired by 2008 Simplifying assumptions ABB Market Sim – detailed representation of WI transmission -- but to keep the modeling efficient and flexible, dispatch logic was stripped down. For example, the commitment logic removed, and simulation assumes a single, seamless West-wide market, with none of today’s inefficiencies due to multiple control areas and rate and loss charge pancaking. Details may be found in Chapter 2 and in Appendix F. ## 2015 Loads and Resources By Area ## 2015 Resources By Area and Fuel Type ## Over 52,000 MW in new capacity was added to the 2008 Base Case ***Retirements are not shown*** ## Total Cost of Reference Case ## 2015 Reference Case Results ## Annual Generation and Load Served by Area *$5 Gas* ## Capacity Factors Under Different Gas Prices By Region and Technology Type **Capacity Factors Under Different Gas Prices ****By Region and Technology Type** ***Arguably, the Reference Case includes too many resources (30 percent planning margin for West after capacity discounts). This leads to low capacity factors for thermal units, as reflected in the combined cycle (CCCT) and steam turbine (ST) technology columns*** ## Impact of Operating Phase Shifters Production Costs (2005 dollars in millions) ## Production Costs (Annual Fuel and Other Variable O&M) (2005 dollars in millions) ** ****Production Costs ****(Annual Fuel and Other Variable O&M) ****(2005 dollars in millions)** ## Congested Paths ## Congestion Cost **Shadow price is calculated by the LP each hour for each constraint** - Constraints are caused by transmission limits and generating unit limits (ramp rates, minimum up/down times, etc.) - Shadow price is the production cost decrease if 1 MW limit of the constraint is relaxed **Congestion Cost Calculation** - Congestion cost is the sum of individual constraint impacts - Cost per constraint is shadow price x load (MW flow) affected - Total hourly cost is sum of all costs per constraint - Total annual cost is the sum of all hourly constraint costs **Notes:** Load growth: Rocky Mountain annual load growth: 2.3% energy, 2.8% peak Western Interconnect annual load growth: 2% energy, 1.8% peak Hydro: High: ~280,000GWh, Med: ~245,000GWh, Low: ~210,000GWh Accelerated DSM: ~8% energy savings, 2013 loads reduced by ~8% Fuel price conversions: 6.50 gas (2013) is 5.20 (2004), 4.50 gas (2013) is 3.60 (2004), PRB minemouth: .50 coal (2013) is .40 (2004) .69-1.56 (2013) is .55 - 1.25 (2004) – range is different sources than PRB, also incl transportation adjustments for trucking and rail CO2: $5 and $15/per ton applied to incremental emissions from the resource additions Mohave: in, otherwise assumed to be retired by 2008 Simplifying assumptions ABB Market Sim – detailed representation of WI transmission -- but to keep the modeling efficient and flexible, dispatch logic was stripped down. For example, the commitment logic removed, and simulation assumes a single, seamless West-wide market, with none of today’s inefficiencies due to multiple control areas and rate and loss charge pancaking. Details may be found in Chapter 2 and in Appendix F. ## Opportunity Cost by Constrained Path ***Value if congestion on a congested path is relaxed by 1 MW*** ## Difference in prices indicates congestion System peak hour, July 13, 2015 $5 Gas ** ****3PM** ***Differences *****in colors indicate differences in power prices. Differences in prices indicate congestion****Congestion can be caused by transmission limits and losses and by generation limits** **Congested paths** ***If there are no constraints, prices are the same system-wide*** ***Limits on moving power from one area to another create differences in prices*** ***Lower cost energy can become trapped in areas far from demand. More expensive local generation is forced to run, driving up local prices.*** ## Northwest to Canada Washington and southern British Columbia - S - to - N ## Idaho to PNW Duration Curve Southwest Idaho and Eastern Oregon/Washington and Northern Idaho - E to W ## Montana to PNW Duration Curve - E to W ## Bridger West - E to W ## Path 26 Duration Curve ## SCIT Duration Curve ## East of the River Duration Curve western Arizona ## TOT2 (A+B+C) Duration Curve southern CO, southern Utah to N. Arizona and southern Utah to South-East Nevada ## Path C Northern Utah/southern Idaho ## IPP DC Intermountain to Adelanto station in southern California ## COI between Oregon and northern California ## PDCI - This path (between northern Oregon and Los Angeles) shows high utilization ## Alberta – British Columbia ## Bonanza West ## Brownlee East ## Cholla – Pinnacle Peak
**APPENDIX A** **METHODOLOGY FOR THE 2000 GENERAL AVIATION AND AIR TAXI ACTIVITY (GAATA) SURVEY** 1. **Overview** In 1993, the name of the General Aviation Activity (GAA) Survey was changed to the General Aviation and Air Taxi Activity (GAATA) Survey to reflect that the survey does include air taxi aircraft. Any aircraft identified as a commuter was excluded from the survey results. The number of computed aircraft types was expanded from 13 to 19. The following new use categories have also been added: sightseeing and external load in 1993, public use in 1996 and medical in 1999. In 2000, public use was taken out as a separate question from other aircraft use categories because it was not mutually exclusive with the other use categories. Beginning in the 1999 survey, the survey excluded a catch-all 'other' category as previous year surveys had. The survey methods used for the 2000 survey are identical to those used in previous surveys, with the exception that a non-respondent telephone survey was not conducted and therefore not used to adjust active aircraft and hours flown estimates. It was recommended that the non-respondent telephone survey be discontinued because of the variability of telephone non-respondent factors as a result of the inability to implement the survey correctly. (see section 5.2, Adjustment of the 2000 GAATA Survey Data, on page A-14). 1. [Purpose of Survey]{.underline} The purpose of the 2000 General Aviation and Air taxi Activity (GAATA) Survey is to provide the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) with information on the activity of the general aviation and air taxi fleets. The information obtained from the survey enables the FAA to monitor the general aviation fleet so that it can, among other activities, anticipate and meet demand for National Airspace System (NAS) facilities and services, assess the impact of regulatory changes on the fleet, and implement measures to assure the safe operation in the airspace of all aircraft. 2. [Background]{.underline} Prior to the current survey method, the FAA used the Aircraft Registration Eligibility, Identification, and Activity Report, AC Form 8050-73, to collect data on general aviation activity. The form was sent annually to all owners of civil aircraft in the United States and served two purposes: (1) Part 1 was the mandatory aircraft registration revalidation form, and (2) Part 2 was voluntary and applied to general aviation aircraft only, asking questions on the owner-discretionary characteristics of the aircraft such as flight hours, avionics equipment, base location, and use. The FAA used this information to estimate aircraft activity. In 1978, the FAA replaced AC Form 8050-73 with a new system: Part 1 was replaced by a triennial registration program. In January 1978, the FAA implemented a new procedure, known as triennial revalidation, for maintaining its master file. Instead of requiring all aircraft owners to revalidate and update their aircraft registration annually, FAA only required revalidation for those aircraft owners who had not contacted the FAA registry for three years. This less frequent updating of the master file affected its accuracy and representativeness: 1) the accuracy of current owners and their addresses has deteriorated; 2) the master file combined a residue of aircraft which, under the old revalidation system, would have been reregistered and purged from the file but now remain under the new system. Part 2 was replaced by the annual General Aviation Activity Survey, FAA Form 1800-54. The 2000 version of Form 1800-54 is shown in Figure A.1. The survey is conducted annually, based on a statistically selected sample of aircraft, and it requests the same type of information as part 2 of AC Form 8050-73. The first survey took place in 1978, collecting data on the 1977 general aviation fleet. The 2000 statistics in this report were derived from the twenty-third survey, which was implemented in 2001. Benefits resulting from the new system of data collection include quicker processing of the results, improved data quality, and considerable savings in time and money to both the public and the Federal Government. 2. **SURVEY COVERAGE** 1. [Aircraft]{.underline} The 2000 General Aviation and Air Taxi Activity (GAATA) Survey covers, through a stratified probability sample, all civil aircraft registered with the FAA except those operated under Federal Aviation Regulations (FAR) Part 121 as defined in Part 119. These regulations govern operators carrying passengers and cargo for hire. They apply to scheduled operations with ten or more passengers and turbojet operations regardless of the number of passengers. They also apply to supplemental (unscheduled passenger or cargo) operations with more than 30 seats and/or a payload capacity of more than 7,500 pounds. Thus, the survey includes aircraft operating under: Part 91: General operating and flight rules. > Part 125: Certification and operations: Airplanes having a seating > capacity of 20 or more passengers or a maximum payload capacity of > 6,000 pounds or more (but not for hire.) > > Part 133: Rotorcraft external load operations. > > Part 135: On-demand (air taxi) and commuter operations not covered by > Part 121. > > Part 137: Agricultural aircraft operations. Certain aircraft meeting the above criteria have been excluded from the survey. This group includes N-numbers registered to manufacturers but not associated with a completed aircraft, aircraft in the process of being sold or with registration pending prior to 2000, aircraft with known invalid addresses that have had an invalid address on the registry for more than ten years, destroyed aircraft, aircraft that are museum pieces and aircraft for which not enough information was available to categorize them properly for sampling purposes. 2. [Geographic]{.underline} The sample survey covers general aviation and air taxi aircraft registered within the United States Aircraft Registry as of December 31, 2000. Over 99 percent of these aircraft are registered to owners living in the 50 states; the District of Colombia; Puerto Rico; and other U.S. territories, which include American Samoa, Guam, and the Virgin Islands.[^1] 3. [Content]{.underline} The survey questionnaire, FAA Form 1800-54 shown previously in Figure A.1, requests the aircraft owner to provide the following information on the sampled aircraft's characteristics and uses for various periods: 1) Total hours flown and hours flown by use 2) IFR hours, percentage of hours flown in Instrument Meteorological Conditions (IMC) and Visual Meteorological Conditions (VMC) during the day and evening, 3) fuel type, 4) number of landings for the entire calendar year 2000 5) airframe hour reading and the aircraft's base location as of December 31, 2000; 6) And starting in 2000, information about fractional ownership ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` 3. **SURVEY METHOD** The survey data was collected through mailing the questionnaire to the owners of the sampled aircraft in three mailings. In 2000, an Internet component was included in the survey. Sampled aircraft were sent a postcard inviting them to participate in an Internet version of the survey. The postcard was sent out on April 5, 2001 and the Internet component continued through August 15, 2001. The response rate for the Internet portion of the survey was 16.4%. The first questionnaire mailing, sent out on April 24, 2001, covered all 31,039 aircraft in the sample and had a response rate of 25.3 percent, as shown in Table A.1. This accounted for approximately 75 percent of the total responses to the survey. The second mailing was sent on June 1, 2001 and included only those aircraft in the sample that had not yet responded to the survey and were not part of the non-active sample. The second mailing had a response rate of 13.2 percent, which accounted for approximately 15 percent of the total responses to the survey. The third mailing on July 10, 2001 was sent to owners of the sampled aircraft who had not responded to the first or second mailings as of a June 29, 2001. The third mailing produced a response rate of 11 percent, or approximately ten percent of the total responses to the survey. The overall survey responses resulted in a response rate of 52.5 percent. TABLE A.1 SUMMARY OR RESPONSE INFORMATION ---------------------- ----------------------- -------------------------- --------------------- ------------------------- **[\ **[VALID\ **[\ **[RESPONSE **[% TOTAL\ PHASE]{.underline}** SAMPLE]{.underline}** RESPONSES]{.underline}** RATE]{.underline}** RESPONSE]{.underline}** Internet 31,039 5,081 16.4% 33.7% 1^ST^ Mailing 27,452 6,948 25.3% 43.3% 2^nd^ Mailing 19,158 2,534 13.2% 15.8% 3^rd^ Mailing 15,339 1,638 10.7% 10.2% TOTAL: 30,531[^2] 16,044^4^ 52.5% 100.0% ---------------------- ----------------------- -------------------------- --------------------- ------------------------- The Postcard Invitation to the Internet Component is shown in Figure A.2. Each of the three mailings was accompanied by a cover letter, shown respectively in Figures A.3, A.4, and A.5 at the back of this appendix. In 2000, the survey contractor also worked with General Aviation Associations to obtain correct address information. If a questionnaire was returned because of an incorrect address in the first mailing, association databases were used to update the record if a match was located. 4. **SAMPLE DESIGN** 1. [Sample Frame and Size]{.underline} The FAA Mike Monroney Aeronautical Center in Oklahoma City maintains the Aircraft Registration Master File, which is the official record of registered civil aircraft in the United States. The sample frame is made up of all aircraft identified as general aviation in the master file (according to the definition in Section 2.1), with the following exception: 1) aircraft registered to dealers; 2) aircraft with "Sale Reported" or "Registration Pending" appearing in the record instead of the owner's name if changed to this status; 3) aircraft with a known, inaccurate owner's address; 4) aircraft with missing state of registration, aircraft make-model-series code, or aircraft type information; and For calendar year 2000, the sample frame consisted of 256,927 general aviation aircraft records from which 31,039 records were sampled, yielding a 12.1 percent sample, very similar to prior years. However, it was decided that excluding all aircraft with invalid addresses was most likely underestimating the GA fleet. Therefore, starting in 1999, a distinction was made between the sample frame and the GA population. The GA population would include aircraft with invalid addresses that had become invalid within the last ten years because of the high probability that the majority of these aircraft are still flying. It was also decided to include aircraft that were changed to the status 'sale reported' or 'registration pending' within the survey year as these aircraft were most likely part of the GA population at least for some time during the survey year. Table A.2 shows, by aircraft type, the distribution of the sample compared to that of the sample frame and the estimated population. This clearly demonstrates the disproportionality of the sample to the population, an intended result of the sample design to gain efficiency and to control errors for the key design variable, hours flown. 1. [Description of Sample Design]{.underline} The sample design employed was a stratified, systematic design from a random start. The sample was selected from a two-way stratified frame matrix. The two stratification criteria were: 1) region of aircraft registration, and 2) aircraft type The 9 levels of the region criterion and the 19 levels of aircraft type yielded a matrix of 9 by 19 or 171 cells (strata) among which the frame was divided for sampling. The FAA's primary requirement is for estimates of average annual flight hours per aircraft, necessitating optimal determination of sample sizes based on flight hour variation by region and by aircraft type, and not on population. Hence, the sample was not proportional to size, but instead sought to optimize the precision of hours flown in each cell. Sample units were randomly selected within individual cells, yielding a final sample size of 31,039 aircraft. TABLE A.2 SAMPLE AND POPULATION\ DISTRIBUTION BY AIRCRAFT TYPE --------------------- --------------------------- ----------------------- --------------------- --------------------------- **[\ **[APPROXIMATE\ **[RECORDS VALID FOR **[SAMPLE\ **[SAMPLE AS % OF\ TYPE]{.underline}** POPULATION]{.underline}** SAMPLE]{.underline}** SIZE]{.underline}** POPULATION]{.underline}** **Fixed Wing -- Piston** 1 Engine: 1-3 Seats 67,257 57,725 9,572 14.2% 1 Engine: 4+ Seats 125,474 114,148 8,143 7.0% 2 Engine: 1-6 Seats 17,174 14,903 1,480 8.6% 2 Engine: 7+ Seats 8,525 7,100 1,667 19.5% Piston: Other 307 190 190 61.9% **Fixed Wing-Turboprop** 1 Engine: Total 792 792 340 42.9% 2 Engine: 1-12 Seats 4,131 3,912 906 21.9% 2 Engine: 13+ Seats 1,351 1,351 308 22.8% Turboprop: Other 97 92 92 94.8% **Fixed Wing -- Turbojet** 2 Engine 6,777 6,777 1,044 15.4% Turbojet: Other 987 927 203 20.6% **Rotorcraft** Piston 4,396 3,482 1,085 24.7% 1 Engine: Turbine 4,824 4,589 1,476 30.6% Multi-Engine: Turbine 1,056 1,056 289 27.4% **Other Aircraft** Gliders 3,043 2,681 491 16.1% Lighter-than-Air 6,997 5,556 1,427 20.4% **Experimental** Amateur 31,994 25,569 1,364 4.3% Exhibition 2,806 2,495 430 15.3% Other 2,280 2,032 532 23.3% **TOTAL:** **290,269**[^3] **256,927**[^4] **31,039** **10.7%** --------------------- --------------------------- ----------------------- --------------------- --------------------------- Initially, each aircraft in the sample was given a weight which was the inverse of its cell's sampling fraction, and which corresponded to the number of aircraft in the population (as opposed to the sample frame as in previous years surveys) represented by that aircraft. When all responses to the survey were tallied, each weight was adjusted according to the response rate for the cell. If a returned survey for an aircraft did not answer any of the survey questions, they were counted as a non-respondent. Other non-respondents include surveys returned by the postmaster as undeliverable, owner deceased, or refusals. A returned survey for an aircraft was only counted as a respondent if it answered one of the following two key questions, if the aircraft was flown or the hours the aircraft was flown in 2000. The weight adjustment is described as follows: 1) non-respondents' weights were changed to zero; and 2) the weights of all responding aircraft were adjusted uniformly by dividing the initial weight by the response rate for the cell. This method of weight adjustment has several attributes. It actually incorporates the response rates into the final weights and simplifies estimation procedures. 1. [Error]{.underline} Errors associated with estimates derived from sample survey results fall into two categories: sampling and non-sampling errors. Sampling errors occur because the estimates are based on a sample rather than the entire population. Non-sampling errors arise from a number of sources such as non-response, inability or unwillingness of respondents to provide correct information, differences in interpretation of questions, mistakes in recording or coding the data obtained, and others. The following sections discuss the two types of errors. 2. [Sampling Error]{.underline} In a designed survey, the sampling error associated with an estimate is generally unknown, but a measurable quantity, known as the standard error, is often used as a guide to the potential magnitude of sampling error. The standard error measures the variation which would occur among the estimates from all possible samples of the same design from the same population. It measures the precision with which an estimate approximates the average result of all possible samples or the result of a survey in which all elements of the population were sampled. Through sample design techniques, the statistician can control the sizes of standard errors on a few key variables, known as design variables, in the survey. The design variables in the GAATA Survey are the average annual hours flown per aircraft by aircraft type and by region of aircraft registration. The sample is designed to produce standard errors on these variables at levels specified by the FAA. No controls are placed on the standard errors of the non-design variables. An estimate and its standard error make it possible to construct an interval estimate with the prescribed confidence that the interval will include the average value of the estimate from all possible samples of the population. Table A.3, on the following page, shows selected interval widths and their corresponding confidence. TABLE A.3 CONFIDENCE OF INTERVAL ESTIMATES ----------------------------------- ----------------------------------- **[WIDTH OF INTERVAL]{.underline}** **APPROXIMATE CONFIDENCE\ THAT INTERVAL INCLUDES\ [AVERAGE VALUE]{.underline}** 1 Standard error 68% 2 Standard error 95% 3 Standard error 99% ----------------------------------- ----------------------------------- Every estimate resulting from a sample survey, whether it be for a design or non-design variable, has sampling error associated with it. The user of survey results must consider sampling error along with the point estimate itself when making inferences or drawing conclusions about the sample population. A large standard error relative to an estimate indicates lack of precision and, inversely, a small standard error indicates precision. To facilitate the comparison of estimates and their errors, the tables in this publication display standard errors for all estimated quantities. For the most part, the measure of precision presented in this report is the relative standard error, which is merely the ratio of the standard error to the estimate times 100 (to convert the fraction to a percent). In addition to immediately communicating the relative precision of the estimate, it allows ready comparison of the survey\'' performance across variables. The following is an example of how to use the relative standard error: from Table 2.1, a 95 percent confidence interval for the number of active rotorcraft with piston engines would be 2,564 plus or minus 2(23/100)(2,564) or the interval between 1,384 and 3,743. One would say that with 95 percent confidence that the number of active rotorcraft with piston engines lies somewhere between 1,384 and 3,743. Another way of expressing this is that we are highly confident (95 percent) that the number of active rotorcraft with piston engines is within plus or minus 2(23.0) percent or 46.0 percent of 2,564. 3. [Non-Sampling Error]{.underline} Sampling error can be reduced through survey design, however, the amount of non-sampling error is difficult, if not impossible, to quantify in any given design. There are, however, various techniques which can limit non-sampling error. Several of these techniques were incorporated into the design of the GAATA Survey and are itemized below: 1) A second and third mailing, including a prompting (reminder) letter, were sent to nonrespondents in addition to the original mailing in order to improve the response rate, since a low response rate is a major cause of non-sampling error. 2) To assure the owners of the confidentiality of their responses, the questionnaire cover letter informed that:\ \ "The information you have provided in the past has never been published or released in any form that would reveal specific information reported by any individually identifiable respondent." [^5] 3) Comprehensive editing procedures insured the accuracy of the data transcription to machine readable form and the internal consistency of responses. 4) The official and most accurate source of information available on the general aviation and air taxi fleet, the FAA Aircraft Registration Master File, was used as the sampling frame. ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` 5. RESPONSE RATE The response rate for 2001 was 52.5% [^6]. Possible causes for the less than 100% sample rate response include: 1. The deterioration of the currency of aircraft owners' addresses in the Aircraft Registration Master File, the sample frame. This has caused a gradual increase in the percentage of PMRs. For the 2000 Survey, at least 19% of the questionnaires had registry errors that limit survey return. These errors include post master returns, sold or destroyed aircraft, and air carriers. 2. Repeated sampling of aircraft in two and possibly three or four successive years. Due to the design of the sample to achieve specified precision in estimates for states and aircraft type, it is impossible to avoid sampling some of the same aircraft in consecutive years. The repeated sampling of some aircraft has been exacerbated by the decreasing number of valid records on the Aircraft Registration Master File. Owners of such aircraft may have been less willing to respond. The re-design of the sampling technique may have somewhat mitigated the problem starting in 2000. Table A.4, on the following page, reveals the responses by aircraft type. **TABLE A.4 RESPONSE RATE BY AIRCRAFT TYPE** ------------------------ -------------------------- ----------------------- ----------------------------- --------------------- **[TYPE]{.underline}** **[SAMPLE]{.underline}** **[NON QUALIFIED **[RESPONSES]{.underline}** **[RESPONSE SAMPLE]{.underline}** RATE]{.underline}** **Fixed Wing -- Piston** 1 Engine: 1-3 Seats 9,572 83 5,308 55.9% 1 Engine: 4+ Seats 8,143 54 4,763 58.9% 2 Engine: 1-6 Seats 1,480 15 751 51.3% 2 Engine: 7+ Seats 1,667 28 644 39.3% Piston: Other 190 12 91 51.1% **Fixed Wing-Turboprop** 1 Engine: Total 340 4 122 36.3% 2 Engine: 1-12 Seats 906 13 379 42.4% 2 Engine: 13+ Seats 308 57 69 27.5% Turboprop: Other 92 9 23 27.7% **Fixed Wing -- Turbojet** 2 Engine 1,044 111 397 42.6% Turbojet: Other 203 11 68 35.4% **Rotorcraft** Piston 1,085 12 473 44.1% 1 Engine: Turbine 1,476 21 556 38.2% Multi-Engine: Turbine 289 26 109 41.4% **Other Aircraft** Gliders 491 3 291 59.6% Lighter-than-Air 1,427 17 690 48.9% **Experimental** Amateur 1,364 13 817 66.5% Exhibition 430 1 233 54.3% Other 532 18 260 50.6% **TOTAL:** **31,039** **508** **16,044** **52.5%** ------------------------ -------------------------- ----------------------- ----------------------------- --------------------- 1. [Adjustments Based on a Telephone Survey of Nonrespondents]{.underline} From the conduct of the first General Aviation Activity (GAAA) Survey in 1977 through the 1990 Survey year, the survey data were not adjusted to account for nonrespondents (aircraft owners selected as part of the survey sample but who chose not to complete and return the form). This is because telephone surveys of nonrespondents conducted in 1977, 1978 and 1979 did not show any significant differences or inconsistencies between respondents' and nonrespondents' replies. In 1980, the telephone survey was discontinued as a cost-saving measure. The GAATA Survey response rate has fallen from over 70 percent prior to 1980 to the 50 percent range in most years since 1983, and the number of postmaster returns has greatly increased. Therefore, the FAA decided to conduct a telephone survey of nonrespondents to the ratio of active aircraft and inactive aircraft between mail respondents and telephone respondents. Nonresponse adjustment factors derived from these survey results have been applied to the GAA Survey up through 1995. In 1997, a telephone survey of nonrespondents to the 1996 GAATA Mail survey was conducted. In 1998, a telephone survey of nonrespondents to the 1997 GAATA Mail survey was conducted. This survey showed significant differences between respondents and non-respondents to the mail survey. This information was used to correct 1998 estimates for nonresponse bias. The results of this telephone survey have also been integrated into the 1991 through 1997 surveys to estimate more accurately active aircraft and hours flown. In 1999 this telephone survey was again conducted nationally to ask non-respondents about active aircraft and hours flown. However, although the methodology of the non-respondent survey is sound, it does not allow for correct implementation because only a small percent of non-respondents can be located. Furthermore, an analysis of the estimates from the telephone survey show great variability over the years compared to the much more stable mail survey estimates. The difficulty in implementing the survey and variability of telephone estimates resulted in the finding that the telephone survey was not a constructive addition to the estimates. Therefore, the telephone non-respondent survey was not used to adjust 2000 estimates and its implementation has been discontinued as of this time. ![](media/image1.wmf)**Federal Aviation Administration** **C/O PA Consulting Group** **2711 Allen Blvd. Suite 200** **Middleton, WI 53562** ***2000 General Aviation and Air Taxi Activity and Avionics Survey*** **(As of December 31, 2000)** **[Instructions:]{.underline} [Aircraft Characteristics:]{.underline}** - Please answer questions for the aircraft shown to the right. If this\ is not your aircraft, please check this box and return the survey\ in the enclosed postage-paid envelope. ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` - Mark all answers in the spaces provided. Do not write outside the answer\ spaces or make stray marks on the survey. ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` - Please fill out the survey as legibly as possible. When entering numbers,\ use numbers that look like this: Submission of this form is voluntary. The information provided will be used only for statistical purposes and will not be published or released in any form that would reveal specific information reported by an individually identifiable respondent. **When reporting aircraft activity, please report for *[all]{.underline}* operators of this aircraft. If you do not know the exact information for a particular question, please provide your best estimate.** **Q1 Was this aircraft flown in 2000? *(Check one)*** Yes Continue to Q2 No **Why was this aircraft inactive? *(Check one)*** Under restoration Destroyed Other Under construction Sold **Q2 In 2000, was this aircraft leased to an air carrier or operated primarily as an air carrier (FAR Part 121 or 129)? *(Check one)*** Yes Do not complete the rest of this survey. Please return the form in the enclosed postage-paid envelope. No Please complete the rest of this survey. **Q3 In 2000, was this aircraft leased to a commuter or operated primarily as a commuter (FAR Part 135 operator performing scheduled passenger service)? *(Check one)*** Yes No **Q4 In 2000, was this aircraft part of a fractional ownership program?** Yes No **Q5** **In what U.S. state or territory was this aircraft based as of December 31, 2000?** ----------------------------------- ----------------------------------- ----------------------------------- ----------------------------------- **Q6** **What were the total lifetime airframe hours as of December 31, 2000?** ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- **Q7 How many total hours did this aircraft fly in 2000? *(Include estimated rental and leased hours; if you purchased this aircraft in 2000, only include hours flown since the date of purchase; NOTE: there are 8,784 hours in 2000)*** ----------------- ----------------- ----------------- ----------------- ----------------- ----------------- ----------------- ----------------- **Q8 For what percent of the total hours flown in 2000 was the aircraft rented or leased\ to others? *(Enter 0 if the aircraft was not rented or leased to others)*** ----------------- ----------------- ----------------- ----------------- \% ----------------- ----------------- ----------------- ----------------- **Q9 For what percent of the total hours flown in 2000 was the aircraft owned by or leased to the federal, state, or local government for the purpose of fulfilling a governmental function? *(Enter 0 if the aircraft was not used for the purpose of fulfilling a governmental function)*** ----------------- ----------------- ----------------- ----------------- \% ----------------- ----------------- ----------------- ----------------- > Q10 What percent of the total hours flown by this aircraft in 2000 > were flown in each of the\ > following categories? *(Estimate the percentage of total hours flown > in 2000 in each of\ > the following categories so that the total equals 100%. Enter 0 if > there were no aircraft\ > hours in a category -- do not leave any category blank)* ---------------------------------------------------------- --------- ------- ------- ------- **Category** **% of Hours Flown** **Personal/Recreation** -- Flying for personal reasons **%** (excludes business transportation) **Instructional** -- Flying under the supervision of a **%** flight instructor (includes student pilot solo; excludes proficiency flight) **Business Transportation** -- Individual use for business **%** transportation *[without]{.underline}* a paid, professional crew **Corporate/Executive Transportation** -- Business **%** transportation *[with]{.underline}* a paid, professional crew **Regional/Commuter** -- FAR Part 135 **%** *[scheduled]{.underline}* passenger service only **Air Taxi** -- FAR Part 135 *[on-demand]{.underline}* **%** passenger and all cargo operations (not scheduled passenger service or air tours) **Air Tours** -- Commercial sight-seeing conducted under **%** FAR Part 135 **Sight-seeing** -- Commercial sight-seeing conducted **%** under FAR Part 91 **Aerial Observation** -- Aerial mapping/photography, **%** patrol, search and rescue, hunting, traffic advisory, ranching, surveillance, oil and mineral exploration, etc. **Aerial Application in Agriculture and Forestry** -- Crop **%** and timber production and protection **Other Aerial Application** -- Public health sprayings, **%** cloud seeding, fire fighting including forest fires, etc. **External Load** -- Operation under FAR Part 133, **%** rotorcraft external load operations, examples include: helicopter hoist, hauling logs, etc. **Air Medical Services** -- Air ambulance services, **%** rescue, human organ transportation, emergency medical services **Other Work Use** -- Construction work (not FAR Part 135 **%** operation), parachuting, aerial advertising, towing gliders, etc. **TOTAL** **1** **0** **0** **%** ---------------------------------------------------------- --------- ------- ------- ------- Q11 What percent of the total hours flown by this aircraft in 2000 were flown under... ---------------------------------------------------------- ------- ------- ------- ------- IFR Flight Plans **%** VFR Flight Plans **%** No Flight Plans **%** **TOTAL** **1** **0** **0** **%** ---------------------------------------------------------- ------- ------- ------- ------- **Q12 *\[If the aircraft was flown under IFR flight plans in 2000\]*** What percent of IFR flight hours were flown under... ---------------------------------------------------------- ------- ------- ------- ------- Day Instrument Meteorological Conditions (IMC) **%** Day Visual Meteorological Conditions (VMC) **%** Night Instrument Meteorological Conditions (IMC) **%** Night Visual Meteorological Conditions (VMC) **%** **TOTAL** **1** **0** **0** **%** ---------------------------------------------------------- ------- ------- ------- ------- **Q13 *\[If the aircraft was flown under VFR flight plans or no flight plans in 2000\]***\ What percent of VFR flight hours were flown under... ---------------------------------------------------------- ------- ------- ------- ------- Day Visual Meteorological Conditions (VMC) **%** Night Visual Meteorological Conditions (VMC) **%** **TOTAL** **1** **0** **0** **%** ---------------------------------------------------------- ------- ------- ------- ------- **Q14 How many landings did this aircraft perform in 2000? *(Include water and touch-and-go landings)*** -------------- -------------- -------------- -------------- -------------- -------------- -------------- -------------- -------------- -------------- **Q15 What type of landing gear system does this aircraft have? *(Check [one]{.underline})*** Fixed Retractable **Q16 What kind/grade of fuel was primarily used in this aircraft in 2000? *(Check one)*** Jet Fuel Aviation Fuel: 80 Octane 82 UL Automotive Gasoline Aviation Fuel: 100 Octane Other Propane Aviation Fuel: 100-Low Lead None **Q17 Has this aircraft been approved for flight into known icing conditions? *(Check one)*** Yes No **Q18** **Does this aircraft have an experimental airworthiness certificate? *(Check one)*** Yes **As of December 31, 2000, the aircraft was...? *(Check one)*** No In the test period Out of the test period **Q19 Is this aircraft certified to operate under instrument flight rules (IFR)? *(Check one)*** Yes No ***all* boxes below that reflect this aircraft's avionics equipment capabilities as of December 31, 2000: *(Check the first box if the aircraft has only one of any item; check the second box if the aircraft is equipped with more than one of an item)*** **[General Equipment:]{.underline}** Electrical System Radar Altimeter Ground Proximity Warning System Terrain Awareness Warning System (TAWS) Flight Data Recorder Cockpit Voice Recorder MFD Multi-functional Displays Ice Protection System Laptop Computer or Tablet (not in panel) **[Navigation Equipment:]{.underline}** Global Positioning System (GPS): Hand-held, not IFR approved Panel-mounted, not IFR approved Panel-mounted, IFR-approved for\ en route operation only > Panel-mounted, IFR-approved for\ > non-precision approach operation Moving map capability LORAN C: VFR only LORAN C: IFR en route-approved DME Receiver 100 channel VOR Receiver 200 channel VOR Receiver: Hand-held Panel-mounted Automatic Direction Finder VOR/DME-based Area Navigation Equipment (RNAV) Other Navigation Equipment (Doppler, INS) **[Transponder Equipment:]{.underline}** Mode A Transponder (TSO-c75-b/c) Mode C (Altitude Encoding) Mode S Transponder (TSO-c112) Collision Avoidance (TCAS or TCAD) **[Guidance and Control Equipment:]{.underline}** Flight Management System Flight Director Electronic Flight Instrument System (EFIS) Autopilot-Axis Controls: Wing leveler Altitude hold Lateral guidance Approach mode (vertical guidance) Autoland Horizontal Situation Indicator (HSI) **[Approach Equipment:]{.underline}** Localizer Marker Beacon Glide Slope **[Communications Equipment:]{.underline}** 360 channel (50kHz channel spacing) 720 channel (25kHz channel spacing): Hand-held Panel-mounted 760 channel (25kHz channel spacing): Hand-held Panel-mounted 2280 channel (8.33kHz channel spacing): Hand-held Panel-mounted HF Radio Datalink (SATCOM, ACARS) Analog Air-to-Ground Telephone Digital Air-to-Ground Telephone **[Weather Equipment:]{.underline}** Weather Radar Thunderstorm Detection Equipment Dear Aircraft Owner, Each year, the Federal Aviation Administration conducts a survey to calculate fleet size and the hours flown by the general aviation community. Please log onto []( to complete a survey for the aircraft listed below. Use the aircraft N-number as your password. **N-number** > **Make** > > **Model** > > **Serial number** If you have questions about the survey, feel free to call Matt Anderson of PA Consulting Group at 1-800-935-4277. Thank you for your help with this important study. 2000 General Aviation Survey Federal Aviation Administration ![](media/image5.wmf){width="0.7in" height="0.29444444444444445in"} **Federal Aviation** **Administration** April, 2001 Dear Aircraft Owner: The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) is now conducting the 23^rd^ annual General Aviation/Air Taxi Activity and Avionics Survey. Your participation will allow the FAA to calculate the size and makeup of the general aviation fleet, the number of hours flown, and the reasons people use general aviation aircraft. The enclosed survey is the ONLY source for this important information. These aggregate numbers are used by the FAA, trade associations, and the general aviation industry to pinpoint safety problems, determine the need for traffic facilities and services, and to form the basis for critical research and analysis of general aviation issues. Along with the FAA, each association on the letterhead strongly supports this survey and requests your participation. Be assured that your responses are [completely confidential]{.underline} and will be used for statistical tabulation only. The FAA has contracted PA Consulting Group, an independent research firm, to implement the General Aviation Survey. They are responsible for mailing out the surveys, processing the data from completed surveys, and analyzing the results. Enclosed is a questionnaire requesting information for calendar year 2000. Regardless of whether you used this aircraft frequently in the year 2000, did not use this aircraft at all, or filled out a similar survey about this aircraft in the past, your responses are important! To provide accurate information on the general aviation fleet we need to know about ALL aircraft in our sample. I urge you to complete the questionnaire and use the enclosed postage paid envelope to mail it in today. If you prefer to complete the survey online, please use your web browser to access []( (Use the aircraft N-number as the password to log on). If you have any questions or need further assistance, please call Matt Anderson of PA Consulting Group at the following toll-free number: 1-800-935-4277. If you have not obtained a satisfactory response, please call me at 202-267-3355. The FAA and the general aviation industry thank you for your participation. Sincerely, ![](media/image12.png) Robert L. Bowles Manager, Statistics and Forecast Branch ***Please turn this page over for some commonly asked questions and answers*** **[The 2000 General Aviation and Air Taxi Activity and Avionics Survey]{.underline}** ***What does the FAA do with this detailed information?*** The information collected in this survey helps the FAA to understand more about general aviation activities, assess the impact of general aviation activities on the National Airspace System, and determine the need for increased traffic facilities and services. Federal, state and local governments; general aviation associations; and private industry and individuals use the summary data for safety analyses, planning, forecasting, and research and development. For example, more accurate information on hours flown and aircraft activity lead to more accurate safety measures, which in turn impacts general aviation insurance rates. *Will my name be associated with my survey responses?* ABSOLUTELY NOT! PA Consulting Group will keep your survey responses strictly confidential. Names of individuals are never associated with responses. There is an identification number on your survey only so PA Consulting Group knows who should receive the survey. ***Why was I selected for this survey?*** Your name was randomly selected from the Civil Aviation Registry. The Registry shows you as a registrant of this aircraft as of December 31, 2000. ***What if I completed a survey last year?*** If you were randomly sampled to complete a survey last year, it is because the number of aircraft like yours is small so your chances of being selected again were high. Even if you were sampled last year, it is very important that you respond to this survey this year. ***What should I do if . . . . ?***  IF . . . you are no longer in possession of this aircraft but were the registered owner on December 31, 2000, ***try to answer all the questions***.  IF . . . you are no longer in possession of this aircraft and the aircraft was sold prior to December 31, 2000, ***please forward this survey to the new owner for response or call Matt Anderson of PA Consulting Group on our toll free number: 1-800-935-4277.*** - IF . . . your aircraft, for whatever reason, was not used during calendar year 2000**, *answer Question 1 and return the survey. The fact that your aircraft was not flown during the year is just as important as the fact that is was flown.***  IF . . . your aircraft was operated primarily as an air carrier (FAR Part 121 or 129), ***please answer Questions 1 and 2 and return your survey.***  IF . . . your aircraft was operated primarily by another person or company (e.g., leased), ***either (1) obtain the necessary information from the operator, (2) forward this questionnaire to the operator for response, OR (3) call Matt Anderson of PA Consulting Group at our toll free number: 1-800-935-4277.*** - IF . . . you have a question about how to fill out the survey or have a question we haven't answered, ***call Matt Anderson of PA Consulting Group on our toll free number:*** ***1-800-935-4277*** ![](media/image5.wmf){width="0.7in" height="0.29444444444444445in"} **Federal Aviation** **Administration** June, 2001 Dear Aircraft Owner: The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) needs your help. Please participate in the 2000 General Aviation/Air Taxi Activity and Avionics Survey. Your responses will help the FAA to calculate the size and makeup of the general aviation fleet, the number of hours flown, and the reasons people use general aviation aircraft. The enclosed survey is the ONLY source for this information. To provide accurate information on the general aviation fleet we need to know about ALL aircraft in our sample. Information from this survey is aggregated and used by the FAA, trade associations, and the general aviation industry to pinpoint safety problems, determine the need for traffic facilities and services, and to form the basis for critical research and analysis of general aviation issues. Along with the FAA, each association on the letterhead strongly supports this survey and requests your participation. Be assured that your responses are [completely confidential]{.underline} and will be used for statistical tabulation only. The FAA has contracted PA Consulting Group, an independent research firm, to implement the General Aviation Survey. They are responsible for mailing out the surveys, processing the data from completed surveys, and analyzing the results. Enclosed is a questionnaire requesting information for calendar year 2000. If you prefer to complete the survey online, please use your web browser to access []( (Use the aircraft N-number as the password to log on). If you have any questions or need further assistance, please call Matt Anderson of PA Consulting Group at the following toll-free number: 1-800-935-4277. If you have not obtained a satisfactory response, please call me at 202-267-3355. The FAA and the general aviation industry thank you for your participation. Sincerely, ![](media/image19.png) Robert L. Bowles Manager, Statistics and Forecast Branch ***Please turn this page over for some commonly asked questions and answers*** **[The 2000 General Aviation and Air Taxi Activity and Avionics Survey]{.underline}** ***What does the FAA do with this detailed information?*** The information collected in this survey helps the FAA to understand more about general aviation activities, assess the impact of general aviation activities on the National Airspace System, and determine the need for increased traffic facilities and services. Federal, state and local governments; general aviation associations; and private industry and individuals use the summary data for safety analyses, planning, forecasting, and research and development. For example, more accurate information on hours flown and aircraft activity lead to more accurate safety measures, which in turn impacts general aviation insurance rates. *Will my name be associated with my survey responses?* ABSOLUTELY NOT! PA Consulting Group will keep your survey responses strictly confidential. Names of individuals are never associated with responses. There is an identification number on your survey only so PA Consulting Group knows who should receive the survey. ***Why was I selected for this survey?*** Your name was randomly selected from the Civil Aviation Registry. The Registry shows you as a registrant of this aircraft as of December 31, 2000. ***What if I completed a survey last year?*** If you were randomly sampled to complete a survey last year, it is because the number of aircraft like yours is small so your chances of being selected again were high. Even if you were sampled last year, it is very important that you respond to this survey this year. ***What should I do if . . . . ?***  IF . . . you are no longer in possession of this aircraft but were the registered owner on December 31, 2000, ***try to answer all the questions***.  IF . . . you are no longer in possession of this aircraft and the aircraft was sold prior to December 31, 2000, ***please forward this survey to the new owner for response or call Matt Anderson of PA Consulting Group on our toll free number: 1-800-935-4277.*** - IF . . . your aircraft, for whatever reason, was not used during calendar year 2000**, *answer Question 1 and return the survey. The fact that your aircraft was not flown during the year is just as important as the fact that is was flown.***  IF . . . your aircraft was operated primarily as an air carrier (FAR Part 121 or 129), ***please answer Questions 1 and 2 and return your survey.***  IF . . . your aircraft was operated primarily by another person or company (e.g., leased), ***either (1) obtain the necessary information from the operator, (2) forward this questionnaire to the operator for response, OR (3) call Matt Anderson of PA Consulting Group at our toll free number: 1-800-935-4277.*** - IF . . . you have a question about how to fill out the survey or have a question we haven't answered, ***call Matt Anderson of PA Consulting Group on our toll free number:*** ***1-800-935-4277.*** ![](media/image5.wmf){width="0.7in" height="0.29444444444444445in"} **Federal Aviation** **Administration** July, 2001 Dear Aircraft Owner or Operator: We need your input! Earlier this summer, we sent you a General Aviation/Air Taxi and Avionics Survey questionnaire to help us compile aircraft activity information for 2000. We have not yet received your response. Your responses will help the FAA to calculate the size and makeup of the general aviation fleet, the number of hours flown, and the reasons people use general aviation aircraft. The enclosed survey is the ONLY source for this information. To provide accurate information on the general aviation fleet we need to know about ALL aircraft in our sample. In case the previous mailings never reached you or were misplaced, we have enclosed another identical questionnaire with a return postage-paid envelope for your convenience. Please read the instructions on the back page of this letter, complete the questionnaire, and use the enclosed envelope to return it to us today. Be assured that your responses are [completely confidential]{.underline} and will be used for statistical tabulation only. Enclosed is a questionnaire requesting information for calendar year 2000. If you prefer to complete the survey online, please use your web browser to access []( (Use the aircraft N-number as the password to log on). If you have any questions or need further assistance, please call Matt Anderson at PA Consulting Group at the following toll-free number: 1-800-935-4277. If you have not obtained a satisfactory response, please call me at 202-267-3355. We look forward to receiving your response, so that we can include your input in the 2000 statistics. If your response is already in the mail, thank you for your cooperation. Sincerely, ![](media/image26.png) Robert L. Bowles Manager, Statistics and Forecast Branch ***Please turn this page over for some commonly asked questions and answers*** **[The 2000 General Aviation and Air Taxi Activity and Avionics Survey]{.underline}** ***What does the FAA do with this detailed information?*** The information collected in this survey helps the FAA to understand more about general aviation activities, assess the impact of general aviation activities on the National Airspace System, and determine the need for increased traffic facilities and services. Federal, state and local governments; general aviation associations; and private industry and individuals use the summary data for safety analyses, planning, forecasting, and research and development. For example, more accurate information on hours flown and aircraft activity lead to more accurate safety measures, which in turn impacts general aviation insurance rates. *Will my name be associated with my survey responses?* ABSOLUTELY NOT! PA Consulting Group will keep your survey responses strictly confidential. Names of individuals are never associated with responses. There is an identification number on your survey only so PA Consulting Group knows who should receive the survey. ***Why was I selected for this survey?*** Your name was randomly selected from the Civil Aviation Registry. The Registry shows you as a registrant of this aircraft as of December 31, 2000. ***What if I completed a survey last year?*** If you were randomly sampled to complete a survey last year, it is because the number of aircraft like yours is small so your chances of being selected again were high. Even if you were sampled last year, it is very important that you respond to this survey this year. ***What should I do if . . . . ?***  IF . . . you are no longer in possession of this aircraft but were the registered owner on December 31, 2000, ***try to answer all the questions***.  IF . . . you are no longer in possession of this aircraft and the aircraft was sold prior to December 31, 2000, ***please forward this survey to the new owner for response or call Matt Anderson of PA Consulting Group on our toll free number: 1-800-935-4277.*** - IF . . . your aircraft, for whatever reason, was not used during calendar year 2000**, *answer Question 1 and return the survey. The fact that your aircraft was not flown during the year is just as important as the fact that is was flown.***  IF . . . your aircraft was operated primarily as an air carrier (FAR Part 121 or 129), ***please answer Questions 1 and 2 and return your survey.***  IF . . . your aircraft was operated primarily by another person or company (e.g., leased), ***either (1) obtain the necessary information from the operator, (2) forward this questionnaire to the operator for response, OR (3) call Matt Anderson of PA Consulting Group at our toll free number: 1-800-935-4277.*** - IF . . . you have a question about how to fill out the survey or have a question we haven't answered, ***call Matt Anderson of PA Consulting Group on our toll free number:*** ***1-800-935-4277.*** [^1]: Source: FAA Aircraft Registration Master File as of December 31, 2000. [^2]: The Total Valid Sample Size used to compute the overall survey response rate excludes non-qualified sample 4 The sum of the internet and mail responses are greater than the total number of responses, because 157 respondents replied to both the mail and internet survey. [^3]: In previous years the General Aviation population was adjusted downward for GAATA surveys that were returned where owners identified the aircraft as an air carrier. Starting in 1998, the population was also adjusted downward to account for the percentage of survey non-respondents who are air carriers as well as the percent of other aircraft not in the GA population (e.g., military aircraft, exported overseas). The percentage of survey respondents who identified themselves as air carriers or another status not in the GA population in the 2000 GAATA survey was used as the estimate of the percent of GAATA survey non-respondents not in the GA population. [^4]: [^5]: See Figure A.2. [^6]: The 2000 response rate is similar to recent past years when the response rate is calculated in the same manner. The response rate for the 1998 survey calculated in the same manner as the 2000 response was 53.6%.
Mitigation Assessment Team Report Hurricane Katrina in the Gulf Coast Building Performance Observations, Recommendations, and Technical Guidance FEMA 549 / July 2006 In response to Hurricane Katrina, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) deployed a Mitigation Assessment Team (MAT) to evaluate and assess damage from the hurricane and provide observations, conclusions, and recommendations on the performance of buildings and other structures impacted by wind and flood forces. The MAT included FEMA Headquarters and Regional Office engineers, representatives from other Federal agencies and academia, and experts from the design and construction industry. The conclusions and recommendations of this Report are intended to provide decision-makers with information and technical guidance that can be used to reduce future hurricane damage. The statements and recommendations in this report are those of the individual team members and do not necessarily represent the views of the organizations they belong to: the U.S. Government, Department of Homeland Security, FEMA, or other Federal agencies in particular. The U.S. Government, Department of Homeland Securuity, FEMA, and the other Federal Agencies assume no responsibility for the accuracy or completeness of the information herein. About the Cover The cover photograph is a National Oceanic Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) image courtesy of the National Environmental Satellite, Data, and Information Service (NESDIS). The NOAA Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite (GOES)-12 satellite recorded this regional imagery of Hurricane Katrina on August 29, 2005, at 1:15 p.m. Eastern Daylight Time. This image shows a closeup of Hurricane Katrinas center of rotation. (Image courtesy of Noaa/NesDIs VIsualIzatIoN laboratory) Mitigation Assessment Team Report Hurricane Katrina in the Gulf Coast Building Performance Observations, Recommendations, and Technical Guidance FEMA 549 / July 2006 Members of the Mitigation Assessment Team FEMA MAT Members: Vincent Brown FEMA Headquarters Jhun de la Cruz FEMA Headquarters John Ingargiola FEMA Headquarters Il Seon Kim FEMA Headquarters Ed Laatsch FEMA Headquarters Todd Davison FEMA, Region IV Stanley Houston FEMA, Region IV Jon Janowicz FEMA, Region III John Plisich FEMA, Region IV Dan Powell FEMA, Region IV Shabbar Saifee FEMA, Region IV Alan Springett FEMA, Region IV Gary Zimmerer FEMA, Region IV MAT Members: Larry S. Buss, CFM U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Bill Coulbourne, PE URS Robert Cvejanovich, AIA, NCARB URS Daniel E. Deegan, CFM PBS&J Dat Duthinh, PhD National Institute of Standards and Technology William Fritz, PhD National Institute of Standards and Technology Frank Headen First Restoration Services Andrew J. Herseth, PE International Code Council Christopher P. Jones, PE Eric Letvin, PE, Esq., CFM. URS Marc L. Levitan, PhD Louisiana State University Hurricane Center David K. Low, PE DK Low & Associates, LLC Chris L. Mullen, PhD, PE University of Mississippi Manuel A. Perotin, PE PBS&J Long Phan, PhD, PE National Institute of Standards and Technology Michael Pinto Wonder Makers Environmental, Inc. Mike J. Robinson, CFM PBS&J Spencer M. Rogers, Jr. North Carolina Sea Grant Fahim Sadek, PhD National Institute of Standards and Technology Adrienne Sheldon, CFM URS Pat Skinner LSU AgCenter Thomas Lee Smith, AIA, RRC, CSI TLSmith Consulting Inc. John Squerciati, PE Dewberry Larry J. Tanner, PE Texas Tech University Bob Wendt Oak Ridge National Laboratory Wally Wilson, PE, CFM W.A. Wilson Consulting Services Clifford Zlotnick Unsmoke Systems Jimmy Yeung, PhD, PE Greenhorne & OMara, Inc. Deb Daly Greenhorne & OMara, Inc. Julie Liptak Greenhorne & OMara, Inc. Bob Pendley Greenhorne & OMara, Inc. Wanda Rizer design4impact Mitigation Assessment Team Report Hurricane Katrina in the Gulf Coast Building Performance Observations, Recommendations, and Technical Guidance FEMA 549 / July 2006 Dedication FEMA and the Hurricane Katrina Mitigation Assessment Team are honored to dedicate this report to the memory of Robert T. Pendley, who passed away on June 9, 2006, after a long illness. Bob dedicated his 30-year career to FEMA mapping and mitigation programs. He began his career as a geographer preparing flood maps, but quickly began to use h s talents as a technical writer for FEMA program correspondence, reports, and major publications. At Greenhorne & OMara, Bob assisted FEMA in writing proposed and final rule changes and had played a significant role in numerous program and technical documents, including The National Mitigation Strategy, Post-Event Building Performance/Mitigation Assessment Team reports for every major hurricane over the past 13 years, as well as the Oklahoma City bombing and the World Trade Center disaster, the Coastal Construction Manual, the Homeowners Guide to Retrofitting, FEMA Technical Bulletins series, and the Home Builders Guide to Coastal Construction. Bob possessed a unique talent of understanding program regulations and requirements, and technical and engineering issues, and combined that knowledge with the ability to write documents that could be read and understood by a wide audience. He also possessed the artistic talent to create technical details and graphics to clearly depict technical and program issues. Those who knew and worked with Bob know what a special person he was. He touched us all and his work has truly made a difference in our lives and our Nations ability to understand our vulnerability to hazards and mitigate the potential loss of life and property. Mitigation Assessment Team Report Hurricane Katrina in the Gulf Coast Building Performance Observations, Recommendations, and Technical Guidance FEMA 549 / July 2006 Table of Contents Executive Summary iii 1.Introduction 1-1 1.1 Hurricane Katrina The Event 1-3 1.1.1 Hurricane Katrina Economic Loss Summary 1-5 Hurricane Categories 1-6 Timeline and History of the Hurricane 1-7 1.1.2 Storm Surge Analysis and Discussion 1-9 Mississippi High Water Marks 1-9 Louisiana High Water Marks 1-10 Coastal Areas 1-10 Lake Ponchartrain 1-10 Southern Area 1-12 Alabama High Water Marks 1-14 Factors Affecting Storm Surge 1-14 Coastal Flood Frequency Analysis 1-19 Flood Recovery Maps 1-20 1.1.3 Wind Hazard Analysis and Discussion 1-20 1.2 Historic Hurricanes 1-27 1.2.1 Hurricane Betsy 1-29 1.2.2 Hurricane Camille 1-30 1.2.3 Hurricane Frederic 1-31 1.3.FEMA.Mitigation Assessment Teams (MATs) 1-31 1.3.1 Purpose of the MAT 1-32 1.3.2 Team Composition 1-32 1.3.3 Methodology 1-33 2. Floodplain Management Regulations and Building Codes and Standards 2-1 2.1 Floodplain Management Regulations 2-1 2.1.1 Flood Studies and Flood Maps 2-5 2.1.2 Higher Regulatory Standards 2-8 2.1.3 Mississippi Relating Observed Flood Damage to the FIRMs 2-8 2.1.4 Louisiana Relating Observed Flood Damage to the FIRMs 2-8 2.1.5 Alabama Relating Observed Flood Damage to the FIRMs 2-12 2.2 Building Codes and Standards 2-13 2.2.1 Flood Requirements in the IBC and the IRC 2-14 2.2.2 Flood Requirements in ASCE 7 2-15 2.2.3 Flood Requirements in ASCE 24 2-16 2.2.4 Wind Requirements in Building Codes and Standards Mississippi 2-16 Comparing Basic Design Wind Speeds 2-18 Comparing Design Wind Pressures 2-22 2.2.5 Wind Requirements in Building Codes and Standards Louisiana 2-22 2.2.6 Wind Requirements in Building Codes and Standards Alabama 2-24 2.3 HUD Manufactured Housing Design Standards 2-25 3. General Overview of Storm-Related Damage 3-1 3.1 Flood Effects 3-3 3.1.1 Flood Effects on One- and Two-Family Residential Buildings. 3-5 3.1.2 Flood Effects on Multi-Family Residential Buildings 3-10 3.1.3 Flood Effects on Commercial Buildings 3-13 3.1.4 Flood Effects on Critical and Essential Facilities 3-15 3.1.5 Flood Effects on Historic Buildings 3-16 3.2 Wind Effects 3-18 3.2.1 Wind Effects on One- and Two-Family Residential Buildings 3-20 3.2.2 Wind Effects on Multi-Family Residential Buildings 3-23 3.2.3 Wind Effects on Commercial Buildings 3-26 3.2.4 Wind Effects on Critical and Essential Facilities 3-30 3.2.5 Wind Effects on Historic Buildings 3-34 4. Structural Systems Performance 4-1 4.1 Flood 4-1 4.1.1 Single-Family Residential Buildings 4-4 Pile Foundations 4-4 Foundations Integral with Structural Frames 4-10 Masonry Pier Foundations 4-16 Slab-on-Grade Foundations 25 Stem Wall Foundations 4-27 4.1.2 Manufactured Housing 4-29 4.1.3 Low-Rise, Multi-Family Residential Buildings 4-34 4.1.4 Low-Rise Commercial Buildings 4-37 4.1.5 High-Rise Buildings 4-40 4.2 Wind 4-45 4.2.1 Wood-Framed Buildings 4-45 Single-Family Homes 4-52 Multi-Family Residential Buildings 4-58 Manufactured Housing 4-63 Wood-Frame Non-Residential Buildings 4-66 4.2.2 Engineered Buildings 4-67 Reinforced Concrete, Heavy Steel, and Masonry Buildings 4-68 Unreinforced Masonry Buildings 4-68 4.2.3 Pre-Engineered Metal Buildings 4-73 5. Building Envelope Performance 5-1 5.1 Sheathing on the Underside of Elevated Buildings 5-4 5.2 Doors 5-5 5.2.1 Personnel Door Damage 5-5 5.2.2 Garage Door Damage 5-5 5.2.3 Rolling and Sectional Door Damage 5-6 5.3.Non-Load- Bearing Walls, Wall Coverings, and Soffits 5-7 5.3.1 Non-Load-Bearing Walls 5-7 Exterior Insulation and Finish Systems 5-7 Panelized Wall Systems 5-12 5.3.2 Wall Coverings and Soffits 5-13 Brick 5-13 Fiber-Cement Siding 5-16 Metal Wall Panels 5-16 Stone Veneer 5-19 Vinyl Siding. 5-19 Wood Siding 5-24 Soffits 5-25 5.4 Roof Systems 5-26 5.4.1 Asphalt Shingles 5-27 Hips/Ridges 5-28 Eaves 5-30 Rakes 5-31 Fasteners 5-33 Raking 5-36 Laminated Tabs 5-38 Recovering 5-38 Ridge Vents 5-39 Roof-to-Wall Flashing 5-39 Underlayment 5-39 5.4.2.Fiber-Cement, Slate, and Tile 5-40 5.4.3 Metal Panels and Shingles 5-43 Exposed Fastener Panels 5-43 Standing Seam Panels 5-46 Metal Shingles 5-48 5.4.4 Low-Slope Membrane Systems 5-49 Edge Failure 5-49 Puncture 5-51 Deck Failure 5-51 Aggregate Blow-off 5-53 5.5 Windows, Shutters, and Skylights 5-54 5.5.1 Unprotected Glazing 5-55 New Orleans Area and Mississippi 5-55 Downtown New Orleans 5-58 5.5.2 Protected Glazing 5-70 Laminated Glass 5-71 Tempered Glass 5-73 5.5.3 Over-Pressurization 5-74 5.5.4 Installation 5-76 5.5.5 Skylights 5-77 5.6 Exterior-Mounted Mechanical, Electrical, and Communications Equipment 5-78 5.6.1 Mechanical Equipment 5-78 Condensers 5-78 Fan Units and HVAC Units 5-80 Ductwork 5-81 Vibration Isolators 5-82 5.6.2 Electrical and Communications Equipment 5-84 Emergency Generators 5-84 Antennas 5-85 Satellite Dishes 5-85 Lightning Protection Systems 5-86 6. Historic Buildings 6-1 6.1 Flood Damage 6-2 6.1.1 Biloxi Lighthouse (Biloxi, Mississippi) 6-2 6.1.2 Tullis-Toledano House (Biloxi, Mississippi) 6-3 6.1.3 Tivoli Hotel (Biloxi, Mississippi) 6-4 6.1.4 Beauvoir, Jefferson Davis' Home (Biloxi, Mississippi) 6-4 6.1.5 Longue Vue House and Gardens (New Orleans, Louisiana) 6-6 6.1.6 Milne Boys Home (New Orleans, Louisiana) 6-7 6.1.7 Bank Building (Bay St. Louis, Mississippi) 6-8 6.2 Wind Damage 6-9 6.2.1 Veterans Affairs Medical Center (Gulfport, Mississippi) 6-11 6.2.2 Benachi House (New Orleans, Louisiana) 6-11 6.2.3 Pitot House Museum (New Orleans, Louisiana) 6-12 6.2.4 Valence Street Baptist Church (New Orleans, Louisiana) 6-13 6.2.5 Longue Vue House and Gardens (New Orleans, Louisiana) 6-14 7. Performance of Critical and Essential Facilities 7-1 7.1 Emergency Operations Centers 7-2 7.1.1 Jackson County EOC (Pascagoula, Mississippi) 7-2 General Damage 7-2 Functional Loss 7-3 7.1.2 Harrison County EOC (Gulfport, Mississippi) 7-5 General Damage 7-5 Functional Loss 7-6 7.1.3 Hancock County EOC (Bay St. Louis, Mississippi) 7-6 General Damage 7-6 Functional Loss 7-8 7.2 Fire Stations 7-9 7.2.1 Back Bay Fire Co. #4 (Biloxi, Mississippi) 7-9 General Damage 7-9 Functional Loss.. 7-10 7.2.2 Gulfport Fire Station #1 (Gulfport, Mississippi) 7-10 General Damage 7-10 Functional Loss 7-10 7.2.3 Gulfport Fire Station #5 (Gulfport, Mississippi) 7-11 General Damage 7-11 Functional Loss. 7-11 7.2.4 Gulfport Fire Station #7 (Gulfport, Mississippi) 7-11 General Damage. 7-11 Functional Loss 7-12 7.2.5 Pass Christian Fire Department (Pass Christian, Mississippi) 7-12 General Damage. 7-12 Functional Loss. 7-13 7.2.6 Cuevas Volunteer Fire Department (Pass Christian, Mississippi) 7-13 General Damage 7-13 Functional Loss 7-13 7.2.7 Northshore Volunteer Fire Department (Slidell, Louisiana) 7-14 General Damage 7-14 Functional Loss.. 7-14 7.2.8 A. J. Champagne Fire Station (Slidell, Louisiana) 7-15 General Damage 7-15 Functional Loss7-15 7.2.9 Third District Fire Headquarters (New Orleans, Louisiana) 7-15 General Damage 7-15 Functional Loss 7-16 7.2.10.Port Sulphur Volunteer Fire Department (Port Sulphur, Louisiana) 7-16 General Damage 7-16 Functional Loss -16 7.2.11 Buras Volunteer Fire Department (Buras, Louisiana) 7-17 General Damage 7-17 Functional Loss 7-17 7.3 Hospitals 7-18 7.3.1 Garden Park Medical Center (Gulfport, Mississippi) 7-18 General Damage 7-18 Functional Loss 7-20 7.4. Airports and Military Bases 7-20 7.4.1 Gulfport-Biloxi International Airport. 7-20 General Damage 7-21 Functional Loss 7-24 7.4.2 Keesler Air Force Base. 7-25 General Damage 7-25 Functional Loss 7-26 8. Overview of Hurricane Katrina in the New Orleans Area 8-1 8.1 Flooding in the New Orleans Area 8-3 8.2 Floodplain Management Issues Related to Levees/Floodwalls in the New Orleans Area 8-4 8.2.1 History of the New Orleans Levee System 8-4 8.2.2 Floodplain Mapping and Building Construction within the New Orleans Levee- Protected Area 8-5 8. 3 General Characterization of Flood Damage 8-6 8.3.1 Structural Damage 8-7 8.3.2 Non-Structural Damage 8-11 8.4 Long-Duration Flood Impacts on Buildings 8-13 8.4.1 Deterioration of Building Materials from Long-Duration 8-14 Mechanics of Deterioration 8-14 Damage Observations and Flood Resistance of Building Materials in the New Orleans Area 8-16 8.4.2 Long-Duration Flood Impacts from Contamination 8-19 Bacterial Contamination 8-24 Fungal Contamination (Mold) 8-27 Heavy Metals 8-31 Hydrocarbon Contamination 8-33 8-37 CB Contamination 8-40 9. Mitigation Successes and Best Practices 9-1 9.1 Acquisition Projects 9-1 9.1.1 Brickyard Bayou Acquisition Project (Gulfport, 9-1 9.1.2 Acquisition Project (Pascagoula, Mississippi) 9-4 9.2 Elevation Projects 9-4 9.2.1 Lacombe, Louisiana 9-4 9.2.2 Elevations Along Lakeshore Drive in Mandeville, Louisiana 9-5 9.3 Wind Retrofit Projects 9-8 9.3.1 Harrison County Courthouse (Gulfport, Mississippi) 9-8 9.3.2 Ocean Springs Middle School (Ocean Springs, Mississippi) 9-9 9.3.3 Hancock County Senior Citizens Center (Bay St. Louis, Mississippi 9-9 9.3.4 Jackson County EOC (Pascagoula, Mississippi) 9-10 9.4 Higher Regulatory Standards Citywide Elevation Standard (Pascagoula, Mississippi) 9-11 9.5 Other Best Practices 9-12 9.5.1 Cantilevered Condenser Platforms 9-12 9.5.2 Shutters over Windows (Non-Retrofit) 9-12 10 Conclusions 10-1 10.1 Flood Hazards 10-2 10.1.1 Lowest Floor Elevations 10-3 10.1.2 Foundations and Structures 10-3 10.1.3 Long-Duration Flood Impacts in the New Orleans Area 10-5 Long-Duration Flood Damage and Salvageability of Building Materials 10- 6 Long-Duration Flood Impacts from Contamination 10-7 10.2 Wind Hazards 10-9 10.2.1 Building Codes. 10-10 10.2.2 Performance of Structural Systems (Residential and Commercial Construction) 10-10 10.2.3 Performance of Building Envelope, and Mechanical and Electrical Equipment 10-12 Roof Coverings, Wall Coverings, and Soffits 10-13 Windows, Doors, and Shutters 10-13 Attached Equipment (Rooftop and Ground Level) 10-14 10.2.4 The Need for High-Wind Design and Construction Guidance 10-14 10.2.5 Wind Mitigation for Existing Buildings 10-14 10.3 Performance of Critical and Essential Facilities (Including Shelters) 10- 14 10.4 Historic Buildings 10-15 11 Recommendations 11-1 11.1 Flood Related Recommendations 11-2 11.1.1 Codes and Standards 11-2 11.1.2 General Hazard Identification 11-2 11.1.3 Long-Duration Flooding Impact 11-3 11.1.4 Design and Construction 11-5 11.1.5 Foundations 11-9 11.1.6 Flood Insurance 11-14 11.2 Wind Related Recommendations 11-14 11.2.1 Building Codes 11-15 11.2.2 Design and Construction 11-15 11.2.3 Wind Mitigation for Existing Buildings 11-15 11.3 Critical and Essential Facilities 11-21 11.4 Public Outreach Recommendations 11-24 Appendices Appendix A References Appendix B Acknowledgments Appendix C Acronyms and Abbreviations Appendix D Glossary Appendix E FEMA Recovery Advisories Appendix F High Water Marks Appendix G Procedure Memorandum 34 Interim Guidance for Studies Including Leeves Appendix H Continuity of Operations (COOP) and Environmental Issues for Infrastructure Appendix I Sampling and Analytical Methods Appendix J Pre- and Post-disaster Mitigation of Historic Buildings Appendix K FEMA Regional Offices Mitigation Assessment Team Report Hurricane Katrina in the Gulf Coast Building Performance Observations, Recommendations, and Technical Guidance FEMA 549 / July 2006 Executive Summary The North Atlantic hurricane season for 2005 began early and was an unusually active season, breaking the previous recorded hurricane season records for the number of named storms, hurricanes, Category 5 hurricanes, major hurricanes making U.S. landfall, early-season storms, and the strongest hurricane in the Atlantic Basin (see Table 1). On average, about six North Atlantic hurricanes occur every year; by the end of 2005, there had been 15. The annual hurricane season, which generally lasts from June 1 through November 30, was longer than average for the 2005 hurricane season with Tropical Storm Zeta (the 27th named storm) persisting until January 2006. [Begin Table} Table 1. 2005 Hurricane Season Records Statistic: Number of named storms 2005 Total: 27 Previous Record/Year: 21/1933 Statistic: Number of hurricanes 2005 Total: 15 Previous Record/Year: 12/1969 Statistic: Number of Category 5 hurricanes 2005 Total: 4 Previous Record/Year: 2/1960 and 1961 Statistic: Major hurricanes making U.S. landfall 2005 Total: 4 Previous Record/Year: 3/2004 Statistic: Number of tropical storms before August 1 2005 Total: 7 Previous Record/Year: 5/1997 Statistic: Strongest hurricane in the Atlantic Basin 2005 Total: 882 mb (Wilma) Previous Record/Year: 888 mb (Gilbert)/1988 mb = millibars Source: NOAA, NCDC [End Table] Hurricane Katrina was one of the strongest storms to impact the coast of the United States during the past 100 years. On August 25, 2005, the storm made its first landfall on the southeast coast of Florida as a Category 1 hurricane. It then crossed south Florida and moved into the Gulf of Mexico, where it gained strength to a Category 5 hurricane, although it weakened before making its second landfall. According to the National Climatic Data Center (NCDC), Hurricane Katrina made its second landfall on August 29, 2005 as a strong Category 3 storm in southeast Louisiana near Buras, with 1-minute sustained winds estimated at 127 miles per hour (mph) or approximately 150 mph 3-second gust, and a minimum central pressure of 920 millibars (mb), the third lowest pressure on record for a U.S. landfalling hurricane. After coming ashore in Louisiana, Katrina continued to move northeastward across Breton Sound, to make a third landfall near Pearlington, Mississippi, as a Category 3 storm with sustained wind speeds estimated at approximately 120 mph or approximately 145 mph 3-second gust. The hurricane pushed record storm surge onshore in its northeastern quadrant, which caused widespread devastation in southeast Louisiana and along the coasts of Alabama and Mississippi. The storm surge caused failures of the levee system that protects New Orleans from Lake Pontchartrain, and subsequently an estimated 80 percent of the city was flooded. Katrina was the most destructive and expensive natural disaster in the history of the United States, with estimated total economic losses in excess of $125 billion and insured losses of $35 billion, topping the losses of $26.5 billion from Hurricane Andrew in 1992. One of the key factors of this storm was its strength 24 hours before landfall when it was a large Category 5 hurricane with a minimum central pressure of 902 mb. Although the storm began weakening, with wind speeds significantly decreasing just before making landfall in Louisiana and Mississippi as a Category 3, the storm surge maintained a level more closely associated with a Category 5 hurricane. The surge generated by the storm could not dissipate as rapidly as the wind speeds decreased. Other factors that contributed to high surge elevations were the shallow depth of the offshore shelf and the shape of the shoreline. In most areas impacted by Katrina, the estimated wind speeds were less than current American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) 7-05 design wind speed (the wind standard used by the latest edition of the International Building Code [IBC]). However, along a small portion of the Mississippi coastline, the estimated wind speeds did equal current design wind speeds. Mitigation Assessment Team (MAT) In response to a request for technical support from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Joint Field Offices in Montgomery, Alabama; Baton Rouge, Louisiana; and Jackson, Mississippi, FEMAs Mitigation Division deployed a Mitigation Assessment Team (MAT) to Alabama, Louisiana, and Mississippi to evaluate both building performance during Hurricane Katrina and the adequacy of current building codes, other construction requirements, and building practices and materials. Flood elevations in Hurricane Katrina far exceeded the current design flood elevations along a significant portion of the Gulf Coast of Mississippi and caused levee failures in Louisiana. The high surge was a near design event along some areas of Dauphin Island, Alabama, with surge elevations exceeding those of Hurricane Frederic in 1979 and Hurricane Ivan in 2004. This provided a good opportunity to assess the adequacy of National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) floodplain management requirements as well as current construction practices in resisting storm surge damage. Hurricane Katrina was at a design level wind event in small portion of the coast of Mississippi, but overall it was below a design wind event. However, the storm did provide an opportunity to examine building elements that failed and to determine how buildings built to new building codes performed in those areas that did experience near-design wind conditions. The team was also able to collect information about building damage that helps correlate wind speeds to building performance. The MAT was deployed on September 26 and conducted ground and aerial observations from Dauphin Island, Alabama, along the Mississippi Gulf Coast, through the City of New Orleans to Venice and Grand Isle, Louisiana. The MAT included FEMA Headquarters and Regional Office engineers, representatives from other Federal agencies and academia, and experts from the design and construction industry. Damage Assessment Observations Regulatory Standards and Building Codes All of the communities along the Mississippi Gulf Coast visited by the MAT participate in the NFIP and have adopted floodplain management regulations that meet or exceed minimum NFIP requirements. Prior to Hurricane Katrina, Alabama, Louisiana, and Mississippi did not have statewide building codes for non-state- owned buildings. Many of the communities in areas that were heavily impacted by Hurricane Katrina had either not adopted up-to-date model building codes that incorporate flood and wind protection or had no building codes at all. A few communities in Louisiana and Mississippi had adopted the IBC where references to floodplain management issues are included in the code. Many communities in these areas had adopted only a floodplain management ordinance and had not adopted a model building code at the time Katrina came ashore. Dauphin Island, Alabama, recently adopted an amendment for deeper pile embedment, and Louisiana and Mississippi have taken steps toward adopting up-to-date building codes. One of the goals of the MAT was to investigate building failures from flooding inside and outside the Special Flood Hazard Areas (SFHAs) that are shown on the effective Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRMs) for the communities. Most of the communities visited by the MAT only enforced minimum flood-resistant design and construction standards, and had not adopted more stringent requirements. One exception is Pascagoula, Mississippi, in Jackson County, which had adopted higher standards that contributed to reduced damage. However, it should be noted that the surge elevations in Pascagoula were lower than those areas farther to the west, which were closer to the storms landfall. Flood Damage Given that Katrina flood levels were well above the design level, the flood damage was severe. High storm surge and waves from the storm caused severe damage to buildings along the coasts of Alabama, Louisiana, and Mississippi. Damage in coastal areas resulted from velocity flooding, wave effects, and waterborne debris impacts, and, in Alabama, severe erosion and scour. Further inland, flood damage was associated more with rising water and inundation. The MAT observed that flood elevations in many areas exceeded the 100-year Base Flood Elevations (BFEs) shown on the current FIRMs by as much as 15 feet. Typically, surge elevations exceeded 23 feet North American Vertical Datum of 1988 (NAVD 88) along the Mississippi coast from Waveland east to Long Beach. The highest recorded surge and wave height elevation was 34.9 feet (NAVD 88). The failure of levees and floodwalls that protect the City of New Orleans resulted in catastrophic flooding in the Greater New Orleans area, with floodwaters in many areas up to 8 feet above the lowest floor of the building. The BFEs for the levee-protected area are determined based on the certification that the levee will provide protection from the base flood event. Many buildings constructed with the first floor elevation above the BFE were severely damaged or destroyed when the floodwaters rose well above the first floor. The duration of the floodwaters in New Orleans contributed to further damages, with some areas remaining under water for several weeks. This long-duration flooding saturated some types of building materials beyond the point where they could be salvaged and contaminated the materials with chemical and biological substances in the floodwaters. The rampant growth of mold in flood-saturated buildings was another effect of the long-duration flooding. Recognizing the potential impact of increased flood elevations on long-term recovery efforts and risk reduction, FEMA issued interim Katrina Flood Recovery Maps showing Advisory Base Flood Elevations (ABFEs) to provide guidance during the rebuilding process. The ABFEs are based on an analysis of historical flood levels throughout the region, including those observed during Katrina. Destruction or severe flood damage to one- and two-family buildings occurred throughout the study area, especially where the waves exceeded the floor elevation, leaving nothing more than parts of foundations. Damage of this nature was observed to virtually every foundation type. Wind damage could have occurred to the buildings prior to the onset of the most severe flood conditions, but the MAT could not make such a determination; if wind damage had occurred, the evidence was largely removed when the waves and flooding struck the elevated buildings. In areas not subject to severe wave action, flood levels above the floor sometimes floated buildings off their foundations, where connections between the foundations and the buildings were inadequate. Most one- and two-family buildings built using V Zone construction methods were built with masonry pier foundations. Many of these piers failed in one of four modes due to lateral wave forces, including: - rotation of the shallow pier footings due to inadequate embedment - separation of the shallow footing (or slab) at the pier connection due to inadequate reinforcement - fracture at a mid-height point on the pier due to inadequate reinforcement or poor quality control in the masonry/concrete work - separation at the top of the pier where the floor system was connected to the pier. Many of these failures occurred in conjunction with flood levels above the elevated floor, but the same types of failures have been observed after less severe coastal storms. Severe flood damage also occurred to many one- and two-family buildings elevated on pile foundations, where the flood level exceeded the tops of the piles and connections between the piles and the buildings failed. However, although some piles were cracked or broken, as a type, piles substantially outperformed masonry pier foundations. Structural damage to multi-family dwellings varied with the severity of waves, flood levels, and construction type. Reinforced concrete and steel-framed structures were generally not significantly damaged unless they were exposed to wave action above the floor level, in which case damages were usually limited to walls and contents (with the structural frame remaining intact). Overall, damages varied from moderate to severe in such cases. On the other hand, wood- framed and masonry buildings tended to suffer more damage where waves rose above the floor level, and minimal to moderate damage in flood areas without hydrodynamic forces, as long as foundation attachments were sufficient to prevent flotation of the buildings. Damage to commercial buildings was generally consistent with damages observed to residential buildings, and varied with location and severity of flood forces. Coastal low-rise buildings, including strip malls, individual food service/retail, and larger retail facilities also sustained damage from the storm surge and waves. Several buildings along the shoreline lost load-bearing walls, leaving no evidence of the building other than the floor slab. Larger steel-framed commercial buildings performed better as the structural frame and roof remained intact, but curtain walls and contents were destroyed. Flood impacts on high-rise buildings were less extreme, with most damage limited to parking deck failures and non-structural damage on lower levels. The floating casino barges and support barges represent a different class of buildings, and consistently experienced severe damage due to their location and exposure to the most extreme wave and flood forces. These barges either sank, were heavily damaged but remained attached to their moorings, or became floating debris that destroyed or damaged many other buildings on land. Wind Damage Although most of Katrinas damage was related to flood, widespread wind damage was observed. It was extreme in some areas, even though Hurricane Katrina did not appear to have been a design wind event in most locations. Most of the wind damage was to building envelopes and rooftop equipment. Structural damage to buildings from wind was not widespread. Those buildings that experienced substantial structural damage typically were older and built before wind effects were adequately considered in design and construction. Newer homes that were substantially damaged were observed to have construction deficiencies pertaining to connections. Structural damage to commercial buildings depended much more on building design and construction than on building location. Relatively weak commercial buildings were destroyed in areas where wind speeds were relatively low, while stronger buildings experienced little or no structural damage in areas exposed to the highest winds. Hurricane Katrina caused widespread damage to building envelopes and rooftop equipment. Building envelope damage was observed as far west as the New Orleans area and as far east as Dauphin Island, Alabama (a distance of approximately 140 miles). Building envelope damage was also observed as far inland as Poplarville, Mississippi (approximately 40 miles from the Gulf); however, envelope damage was reported at least as far inland as Hattiesburg, Mississippi (65 miles from the Gulf). Although the building envelope damage pales in comparison to that caused by flooding, the wind-induced envelope damage was significant, especially in light of the fact that Katrina was less than a design level storm for wind. Critical and Essential Facilities Damage Throughout the Gulf Coast, the poor performance of critical and essential facilities during and after Katrina was widespread. Most critical and essential facilities did not perform any better than the commercial buildings. Facilities such as hurricane evacuation shelters, police and fire stations, hospitals, and Emergency Operations Centers (EOCs) were severely damaged and many were completely destroyed. Some facilities experienced loss of function when critical support equipment such as vehicles and communications equipment was damaged or destroyed. While most of the damage to critical and essential facilities was caused by storm surge, high winds also damaged many other facilities. The poor building performance placed additional burdens on response and recovery personnel as they endeavored to provide assistance to their communities after the event. This storm has allowed the MAT to build on the body of knowledge recently collected about the performance of critical and essential facilities during the last 2 years of hurricane events. The performance of the building envelopes, particularly for wind, has been generally poor and has allowed wind and wind- driven water to enter buildings, thereby disrupting services and, in many cases, rendering the building useless during and immediately after the storm, and for an extended period after the storm. Recommendations The recommendations in this report are based solely on the observations and conclusions of the MAT. They are intended to assist the States of Alabama, Louisiana, and Mississippi in the reconstruction process and to help reduce damage and impact from future storms. The recommendations are also expected to help FEMA assess the adequacy of construction standards and floodplain management requirements and determine whether changes in these standards and requirements are necessary. Lastly, they are also intended to: - Provide the codes and standards groups and the homebuilding and building official communities with an important historical perspective of this event. - Show how damages could have been reduced by building to higher standards currently in use in the IBC, and published in various standards, manuals, and design and testing guides. As the people of Alabama, Louisiana, and Mississippi reconstruct their lives and the Gulf Coast rebuilds, there are a number of ways they can minimize the effects of future hurricanes. A few of the main recommendations resulting from the MAT inspections are included here; additional recommendations are included in Chapter 11. Flood Recommendations Based on the widespread devastation of buildings resulting primarily from floodwaters and waves that exceeded regulatory lowest floor elevations, it is strongly recommended that buildings be constructed in anticipation of flood levels that exceed the current BFE. A few of the main recommendations include: n Adoption of modern building codes, such as the IBC, International Residential Code (IRC), or National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) 5000, is recommended. These codes include up-to-date design and construction provisions that are consistent with the NFIP. The 2006 editions of the IBC and NFPA 5000 incorporate flood load (ASCE 7-05) and flood-resistant construction (ASCE 24-05) standards. - Follow the guidelines in FEMAs Hurricane Katrina Recovery Advisories, The ABCs of Returning to Flooded Buildings and Initial Restoration for Flooded Buildings, to facilitate restoration of flooded buildings. Appropriate safety precautions should be taken during repair and reconstruction to minimize health risks for biological and chemical contaminants. - Use Recommended Residential Construction for the Gulf Coast: Building on Strong and Safe Foundations (FEMA 550, publication available July 2006). - Review the storm surge data and conduct a revised tide frequency analysis. Use modern storm surge models to estimate the BFEs throughout the Katrina impact area. - Consider identifying and mapping Coastal A Zones onto new FIRMs. Utilize ASCE 24-05 for design and construction of buildings located in Coastal A Zones. As an interim step, use the Katrina Flood Recovery Maps to determine the approximate location of the Coastal A Zone hazard. As shown on the Recovery Maps for Mississippi, the Coastal A Zone will be the area between the approximate limit of the 1.5-foot Wave Zone line and the approximate limit of the 3-foot Wave Zone line. - Consider evaluating and revising flood hazard mapping and levee certification procedures for areas behind levees. - For rebuilding efforts, use the Katrina Flood Recovery Maps until the new flood maps are released. Wind Recommendations The wind impacts from the storm caused widespread damage to building envelopes as a result of inadequate design, outdated codes, building age, lack of maintenance, and/or poor construction/code enforcement. A few of the main recommendations include: - Adopt the 2006 IBC and IRC, or 2006 NFPA 5000, for all jurisdictions in each state. - Roof covering systems, soffits, wall coverings, doors, windows, and rooftop equipment need additional attention by designers, architects, and contractors as specified in Chapter 11. Testing improvements are recommended to assess the performance of exterior insulation and finish systems (EIFS), vinyl siding, and soffits. Critical and Essential Facility Recommendations A few of the main recommendations related to improving the performance of critical and essential facilities include: - Locate all new critical and essential facilities that must remain operational during an event above the 500-year flood elevation and on sites that will not be isolated by floodwaters. - Develop emergency operations plans that allow building occupants and operations of existing facilities located within the SFHA to be relocated to sites outside of SFHAs before the onset of the storm. If personnel are relocated away from the facility, relocate equipment as well. - Evaluate flood and wind resistance of existing facilities; where inadequacies are found, either retrofit or build a new facility. - Design to standards that exceed current code, conduct peer reviews when designing new facilities or retrofitting existing facilities, and implement special inspections during construction.
# Presentation: 4QON2BH6OPUAYNNZYEHQ23VVXSGZWACM ## Requirements Gathering, Validation, and Concept Studies **GOES Users’ Conference** **Boulder, CO** **October 1-3, 2002** ## Integrated Approach to Observations **Other Data** **Integrated Approach to Observations** _**Polar**_ **POES** **(Today)** **w/METOP** **(2005)** **NPOESS** **(2009)** _**Geostationary**_ **GOES I-Series** **(Today)** **GOES N-Series** **(2004)** **GOES R-Series** **(2012)** _**Other Satellites**_ **NASA** **DoD** **International** **Commercial** **User Needs** ## Baseline GOES-R Architecture **West** **East** ## Opportunities & Challenges for GOES-R ## Opportunities & Challenges for GOES-R ## Opportunities & Challenges for GOES-R ## Opportunities & Challenges for GOES-R **Opportunities & Challenges for GOES-R** ## Multi-Satellite GOES-R Architecture **West** **East** **Additional Instruments could be flown on existing satellites or as free-flyers ** **Microwave Sounder**** ****-**** ****Coronagraph** ## Requirements Flow to GOES-R Architecture Development **Requirements Flow to GOES-R Architecture Development** **User Needs** **Architecture I** ** ****2 GEO Satellite Constellation** **Architecture II** **Multi-Satellite Constellation** **Architecture III** **Med Earth Orbit Constellation** **Recommend Alternative(s)** **Potential solutions to fulfill mission needs** **Comprehensive assessment with Cost Benefit Analysis as cornerstone** **End-to-End Systems** **Space & Launch** **Command & Control ** **Product Generation & Distribution** **Archive & Access ** **User Interface & Assimilation** ## Cost and Benefit Analysis Strategy/Methodology **Focus analysis on determining** **Linkages from improved GOES-R sensors to economic benefits** **Avoidable economic losses due to improved *****advanced warnings***** of events and improved forecast *****accuracy*** **Characterize information flow from sensors to "end-users”** **Determine impacts of the instrument improvements on our products - current emphasis on ABI/HES** **Identify key benefit domains** **Hold user forums to elicit insight into improved product benefits** **Notes:** Obtain information on the specific economic activities that would benefit from the estimated product improvements Understand how specific satellite and sensor data and/or derived products are used by constituents reduce costs) for specific activities in their industries. Understand how the data impacts/benefits user operations ## Benefit Areas Investigated _**Agriculture**_ **Reduction of temperature error** **Reduce unnecessary and expensive frost/freeze mitigation activities** **Improved soil moisture measurement accuracy** **Reduce over-irrigation** _**Aviation**_ **Improve convective weather forecasts** **Improve route planning ** **Reduce delays/deviations/cancellations; reduce fuel consumption** **Volcanic Ash Avoidance** **Reduce $M in damage and potential loss of lives** ## Benefit Areas Investigated _**Recreational Boating**_ **Improve hurricane lead time: Reduce boat loss and damage** _**Trucking**_ **Improve severe weather lead time / location: Reduce # of accidents/deaths** _**Utilities (Electric, Natural Gas)**_** ** **Improve temperature accuracy: Improve load forecasting and reduce expensive spot purchases** ## Ongoing Benefit Areas Analysis - Not Yet Included in Report _**Commercial Shipping**_ **Improve tropical cyclone track and intensity forecasts; Improve ship routing** _**Emergency Management**_ **Increase lead time on severe weather forecasts and hazardous environmental matter; Improve planning and deployment *** ## Economic Benefits* Summary for GOES-R Series (2013-2027) ***These benefits are *****over and above***** those achieved by the current GOES baseline** ## GOES-R System Selection Timeline **Cost & Performance Spectrum** **Variety of Instrument Combinations** **3 Basic Space Architectures** **Variety of Ground Architectures** **Apr 03** **Architecture A 2 GEOs** **Architecture C MEOs** **Architecture B Multi-Satellites** **Sep 04** **Dec 05** ## Goal - Transition from Individual Systems to “System of Systems” Architecture **Goal - Transition from Individual Systems to “System of Systems” Architecture** **Integrated System** **Programs formulated independent of one another** **Programs formulated as one integrated system**
# Presentation: 578532 ## Child Death Review Reporting - From Case Review to Data to Prevention **Teri Covington, M.P.H** **Director** **National Center for Child Death Review** **Notes:** Thank you David/Stephanie. I’d like to turn now to Teri Covington. Who directs the National Center for Child Death Review to learn about efforts to standardize reports from death reviews. Teri, David told us that States are actively reviewing deaths, identifying risk factors and taking actions to prevent deaths. How are States reporting out their findings? ## CDR Reporting in States - 44 States have a CDR case report tool - 18 States have legislation that requires an annual State report on CDR findings - 39 States publish an annual report with findings and recommendations - However, there is no consistency among any State case report tool or State reports **Notes:** Thank you Beth, and also thank you David for your excellent overview. The good news is that 44 States have developed a reporting system to collect data from the individual case reviews. This includes local case reports completed and submitted to a State CDR program pr State case review repots. Most of these reports are really quite comprehensive-capturing data on the child, family, circumstances involved in the death and an assortment of risk factors relative to cause of death. Most States have laws that make this case report a confidential document. A few States don’t do a lot with this data-they may compile it into a data base and may issue special reports by cause of death. But 18 States have legislation that requires the data be compiled and released as an annual report on child mortality-and even without legislation a total of 39 States routinely release annual reports. You can find links to many of these repots on our web site. The bad news is that there is little consistency among the case report tools and State reports. When our center was first funded we analyzed all 44 case report tools and found that no two were the same. This makes it hard to do tabulations and analyses of this rich data source across States. ## Purpose of CDR Case Reporting - To systematically collect, analyze, and - report on: - Child, family, supervisor, and perpetrator information - Investigation actions - Services needed, provided, or referred - Risk factors by cause of death - Recommendations and actions taken to prevent deaths - Factors affecting the quality of the case review **Notes:** Well Teri, do the States share a common purpose in why they collect case review data. A. That they do. Despite there not being a common tool, almost all of the States are collecting pretty comprehensive information from the reviews. The source of most of this information comes from a variety of records that are shared at the review meeting, including police reports, medical examiner/coroner reports, medical records from emergency departments, hospitals and health clinics, death certificates, social services, etc. But these reports And then the reports also capture the findings from the team, including types of services needed, the specific risk factors identified. For example, a team may be reviewing a teen firearm suicide death-the report usually will capture not only general information on the child, but such things as the type of weapon, where it was stored, if it was locked, the teens previous mental health history, known prior attempts, and precipitating events leading to the suicide. Then the report tool will capture the specific recommendations and actions taken by the team. So you can see, there is great potential through the CDR case reports to really understand child deaths. ## How Do Teams Use Their CDR Data? - Local teams present annual findings to community groups to push for local interventions - Teams use data as a quality assurance tool for their reviews - State teams review local findings to identify trends, major risk factors and to develop recommendations - State teams use findings to develop action plans based on their recommendations - Local teams and States use their reports to keep or increase CDR funding - National groups use State and local CDR findings to advocate for national policy and practice changes **Notes:** So then, what are the States doing with their case reports? Well, the most successful teams collect the case reports into a data base and analyze the findings. This is usually done on a State level through the heath department or social services. The teams use the data at the local level and at the State level to advocate for changes to policy and proactive. Teams even use their findings to demonstrate the utility of CDR and we have examples where the reports helped keep or increase funding. Our next presenter, Mary Overpeck, will provide you with examples of how national organizations have obtained data from individual States to develop more comprehensive understanding of deaths to guide national policy and practice. ## A New Case Report System **Notes:** Your center has been working then to develop a standardized reporting system for States. Can you tell us about this effort and what you've been able to accomplish. A. Yes, a substantial part of our grant from the bureau has been devoted to the development of a multi-State CDR case reporting system. We put out a call to State coordinators and other CDR supporters, and ended up with a 30 person work group representing 18 States. Over a two year period we assessed the 44 case report tools already out there, identified common data elements, made decisions as to the data elements we all felt were important to collect from the reviews, and then created a standard tool, data dictionary and 32 “standardized” reports that we felt should be generated from a data base. We then developed software, and are still completing this development, to make this system a web based reporting system. ## The Child Death Review Case - Reporting System - From Case Review to Data to Action **Step 1: Complete case review of child death** **Step 2: Complete CDR Case Report online at** **Step 3: Send Report through Web, to servers at MPHI** **Step 4: Servers sort and store data and permit access according to State requirements** **Step 5: State and local teams and national CDR download standardized reports and/or download data to create custom reports** **Step 6: Reports and data are used to advocate for actions to prevent child deaths and to keep children healthy, safe, and protected** **Notes:** Q. For those of us not familiar with web based reporting and data systems, can you give us an overview of the new case reporting system's web functioning? ## Slide 7 ## State Level Standardized Reports **Notes:** So states using this system will be able to enter and edit case data, and then download their data for their own analysis. But you also mentioned that the system will generate standardized reports. How will this work and what types of reports are going to be available? ## Standardized Reports – State and Local Level **Demographics (Ethnicity/Race and Age Group by Sex) ** **Infant Death Information ** **Manner and Cause of Death by Age Group ** **Investigation Information ** **Motor Vehicle and Other Transport Death Demographics ** **Vehicle Type Involved in Incident and Position of Child ** **Risk Factors of Young Drivers (Ages 14********21) Involved in the Crash ** **Motor Vehicle Protective Measures ** **Fire Death Demographics ** **Factors Involved in Fire Deaths ** **Drowning Death Demographics ** **Factors Involved in Drowning Deaths ** **Suffocation or Strangulation Death Demographics ** **Weapon Death Demographics ** **Safety Features and Storage of Firearms Used in Incident ** **Owner and Use of Weapon at Time of Incident ** **Poisoning Death Demographics ** **Factors Involved in Poisoning Deaths** **Sleep-Related Death Demographics ** **Sleep-Related Deaths by Cause ** **Circumstances Involved in Sleep-Related Deaths ** **Factors Involved in Sleep-Related Deaths ** **Sleep-Related Deaths by Acts that Caused or Contributed to Death ** **Acts of Omission/Commission Demographics ** **Acts of Omission/Commission Child Abuse Information ** **Acts of Omission/Commission Child Neglect Information ** **Acts of Omission/Commission Assault Information (Not Child Abuse) ** **Acts of Omission/Commission Suicide Information ** **Deaths by Manner and Cause by Preventability ** **Team Prevention Recommendations ** **Review Team Process** ## Using the National MCH Center System - Participating - Considering - In Process **Notes:** This system is in its pilot stage, or beta test. What States are currently participating? ## Future Plans **Beta Test** - Assessment completed September 2006 - Beta test completed December 2006 - New version ready January 2007 **Release Of Data** - Data sharing protocols under development - Aggregate data available in 2007 **Notes:** When do you anticipate rolling out the system for others, and when will data be available for the public from the system? ## To request a login to the demonstration site, email: [email protected] - To request a login to the demonstration site, email:[email protected] **Notes:** Q. Is it possible for any of our listeners to view the system and see what type pf data elements you have in the form and to view the types of standardized reports that will eventually be available if a listener would like to see the system functioning as a web based system. A. Yes, there is a demo site available for those who would like to examine the system closer. If you are interested, send your name and email address to [email protected] and you will be provided with a username and password. However, if you chose to enter data, do not enter actual case data as the security of the demo site is not as extreme as the live site.
# WRITTEN TESTIMONY OF ROSS BAGULLY CEO, TRIBAL VOICE FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION EN BANC HEARING JULY 27, 2000 Chairman Kennard and Commissioners Ness, Powell, Furthcott-Roth and Tristani. I want to thank you for the opportunity to speak to you today about how this merger could reinforce the walls already being maintained around the Instant Messaging market. In offering this testimony, I recognize that I have an obligation to speak not just on behalf of myself, but on behalf of many others who are similarly concerned. Such parties include: - The 28 million members of the hearing impaired community who recognize the great potential that instant messaging has to improve communications in their lives and who have asked this Commission to ensure that that potential is not emasculated by a closed, monopolistic market; - Applications companies such as Net Nanny who want to provide filtering software for families whose children use instant messaging but whose products don't have a chance to reach consumers because one company has the power to block its introduction - Content companies like iCast whose efforts at enabling its users to be able to freely send content to their friends through instant messaging have been blocked by one company that controls 90% of the market. Your Commission has been given a historic task. The law requires you to evaluate the public interest involved with the first significant merger of a Internet media company with a traditional media company. This task is difficult as the merger raises many issues never before addressed by the Commission. The task is made much more difficult by the fact that both of these companies are dominant forces in a wide variety of markets. So you have to evaluate the implications of these tremendous powers uniting for the sake of dominating markets that are just emerging. I have great respect for the difficulty of your task. But I would suggest that history gives you one clear guiding principle that can point the way as you study the issues before you. That guiding principle is this: ***for communications systems to thrive and maximize their public interest benefits, there must be interoperability and open standards***. If the courts had allowed AT&T to require that everyone who wanted to communicate with an AT&T customer also be an AT&T customer, would we see the kind of innovations and price cuts we've seen in the long distance market over the last two decades? If e-mail required that in order to send an e-mail to another person, you had to subscribe to the same e-mail service, even if such a service were free, would e-mail have become the incredibly powerful and important tool that it has for businesses and individuals? So the bedrock principle of interoperability and open standards for our communications systems ought not to be violated. Yet today in the Instant Messaging market we don't have open standards and interoperability. And the merger you are reviewing is certain to make the problem worse, not better. We know from history that those who unfairly exploit their market dominance don't get nicer as they get bigger. And we know that as Instant Messaging moves from being a chat tool to a more content rich and business oriented product that the combined AOL/TW platform will give AOL/TW plenty of opportunities to bundle its extraordinary media properties with its stranglehold over instant messaging to favor its content and prevent innovations that might threaten its dominance. AOL/TW understands this. At a recent investor conference Time Warner Chairman Gerry Levin was asked what would be the most valuable asset of a merged AOL/TW. He answered Instant Messaging. I don't think anything I have said so far is really debatable. Even AOL/TW doesn't suggest that public policy shouldn't require interoperability and open standards. It simply suggests that now is not a good time to do so for Instant Messaging.. Even AOL/TW doesn't suggest they won't have the power to exploit that position. They simply say to government officials, such as yourselves, that they won't. These defenses boil down to an argument that says, "Let us keep our closed system, our monopoly, until we decide we don't want to have it anymore." In making its argument, AOL/TW relies on two fundamental defenses. The first is that interoperability would threaten the privacy and security of its members. This is an important argument and not one to be taken lightly. But AOL/TW's defense does not hold. As detailed in a white paper made public last week written by 17 companies with an interest in Instant Messaging, there is not and need not be any trade-off between interoperability on one hand and privacy and security on the other. The white paper provides an analysis of AOL/TW's filings to the FCC as well as an AOL submission to the IETF. Among the key points made by the paper are: - While AOL continually invokes privacy and security concerns, nowhere in its submissions does it demonstrate how interoperability contributes to the problem; ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` - As the competitors who AOL has blocked used AOL's own protocols, the competitors' systems were at least as private and secure as AOL's service; and ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` - In fact, competitors to AOL had achieved more private and secure IM systems. However, customers of competing IM providers cannot use these more secure programs if they want to communicate with AOL' s members. The second defense is that AOL now, and presumably AOL/TW in the future, will work in good faith to achieve interoperability as soon as possible. Should you trust them to give up their monopoly, which will only be strengthened by the addition of Time Warner, voluntarily? Here are the undisputed facts. A year ago, the last time AOL faced government criticism of its closed IM system, AOL sent a letter to the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) promising to "fast-track" its efforts to bring about interoperability. Over the following year, as the IETF did its work, primarily over e-mail, AOL officials contributed nothing to the search for satisfactory protocol. When the IETF asked for submissions of a set of protocols that would address the issue, AOL, feeling pressure from questions you and the FTC were asking, submitted a document. But the document did not provide any protocols. Nor did it provide a timetable. Contrast this to the point of view AOL had about the problems of technical challenges when it was seeking government regulation of ISP access to cable facilities. Appearing on a panel with you, Chairman Kennard, AOL CEO said that all the technical challenges could be solved "quickly and easily." Yet here, where other companies have already demonstrated that interoperability can be achieved without creating privacy and security problems and where AOL over a year ago promised to do something quickly, AOL keeps offering PR mantras of protecting consumers instead of offering real work towards real solutions. And ask yourself, what if the day after the merger were approved, the IETF or a group of highly respected Internet companies, were to announce a protocol that would provide safe, private interoperability and AOL were to again say no. It wasn't "good enough." What recourse would there be? So should you accept the argument that AOL should be allowed to continue blocking competitors, effectively eliminating any real chance for competition, until it voluntarily decides to let others communicate with their members? Business Week, no bastion of pro-regulatory thinking, summarized the situation this way in this week's editorial: "arguments for monopoly profits must always be viewed with a skeptical eye. AOL is a profitable Internet company. A long-term advocate of open systems, AOL turned uncharacteristically quiet on the issue once it announced it was going to buy Time Warner Inc.... Indeed, AOL itself is under attack. Once its instant messaging network hit a critical mass, AOL moved to keep it closed to most competitors. Not a good sign." A bad sign, yes; but also an important sign, and a sign you must consider as you contemplate this merger. Let me conclude by quoting another conservative, generally anti-regulatory publication\-\--The Economist. It wrote that "(t)he antitrust enforcers clearly ought to make approval of the AOL/Time Warner deal contingent on a cast-iron agreement to open up the merged firms instant-messaging service." On behalf of all the parties I noted at the beginning, let me simply say, we agree.
# Presentation: 566952 ## Monitoring Land Cover and Land Use Change for Great Lakes Network Parks ## Land Cover/Land Use Change Monitoring Questions - What is the magnitude and direction of change in spatial patterns of LULC in and adjacent to parks over time? Spatial patterns to include such measures as land cover class, corridors, fragmentation, juxtaposition, edge, road density, number of homes, etc. - What are the changes in area and shape in urban, agricultural, and other areas dominated by human landuse within a defined monitoring region for each park. - What are the changes in forest harvest amounts and patterns in each park monitoring region? - How has the human occupation density, measured either by population or building density, changed in each monitoring region? ## Acreage of Parks and Land Cover Area of Interest **Acreage of Parks and Land Cover Area of Interest** ## Three Distinct Protocols - Differences are based on: - Size of parks - Urban vs Forested Adjacent Landscapes - MISS, Lower SACN, INDU – Minnesota Land Cover Classification System (MLCCS), which incorporates NVCS classification with additional urban classes - PIRO, SLBE, APIS, GRPO – Fine scale imagery and metrics, using NVCS classification to the formation level - Upper SACN, VOYA, ISRO – Fine scale imagery, but either broader metrics or sampling rather than complete census - Protocols for all parks will also include delineation of roads, buildings and developed areas as well as disturbance events (fire, windthrow, etc.), for the within park area of interest (Park + 300 meter buffer) ## We are currently working to incorporate two classification approaches: - **National Vegetation Classification System (NVCS)** ** ****Minnesota Land Cover Classification System (MLCCS) ** - Example of MLCCS land cover mapping on urban landscape ## Fine Scale Metrics **Fine-scale (Park and immediately adjacent lands) Metrics:** * **Land Use/Land Cover* - Land cover classes mapped/measured - Closed-canopy forest area - Total agricultural area - Row-crop agriculture - Urban/suburban area - Forested, non-forested wetland area - Built-structure density - Road location and type *Derived metrics – from measured/mapped data above* - Size: - Average forest patch size - Median Forest patch size - Average urban/agricultural patch size - Shape - Average forest perimeter/area ratio ## Derived metrics - Continued *Derived metrics - Continued* - Edge: - Forest Edge density – km/km2 or similar metric - Mean distance to agriculture/urban edge - Road density - Average distance to roads - Area greater than 80 meters to a road - Fragmentation - Wetlands - Net change in total wetlands area within each NVCS physiognomic class - Area of per-class transition for NVCS subclass wetlands. - Dynamic Environments* –* These components will most likely be sampled locations rather than complete census - Average change in bluff base and top position - Change in sand bar, point, and beach size, shape, and location - Change in stream channel location ## NVCS Hierarchical Classification - Category . . . .Example - Class . . . .Open Tree Canopy - Subclass . . . .Evergreen Open Tree Canopy - Group . . . . .Temperate or Subpolar Needle-leaved Evergreen Open Tree - Canopy - Subgroup . . . .Natural/Seminatural - Formation . . . . Rounded-crowned temperate or subpolar needle-leaved - evergreen open tree canopy. **Floristic Categories** - Alliance . . . .*Juniperus occidentalis *Woodland Alliance - Association . . . . *Juniperus occidentalis /Artemesia tridentata* **NVCS Hierarchical Classification** ## MLCCS has adapted the NVCS, using similar hierarchical approach, **MLCCS has adapted the NVCS, using similar hierarchical approach, ** **but has developed more detailed classes for cultural landscapes** ## Coarse Scale Land Cover Metrics - Coarse scale metrics will be very similar, but will include a reduced suite of classes - The Network will likely use existing datasets rather than manual delineation of land cover, roads, buildings, or other features - Land Cover Analysis using National Land Cover Dataset (Currently developed with LANDSAT Imagery – 30 meter satellite imagery) - Analysis of Road Density using Roads Network from U.S. Census TIGER data - Analysis of Human Population Change and Building Density using U.S. Census data ## Frequency of Land Cover Analysis - Schedule will follow the Terrestrial Vegetation Protocol, which currently involves a 5 year return interval - In addition to complete coverage of land cover classification to the NVCS Formation level, the LCLU protocol will likely include updating the NVCS Vegetation Map at 1 kilometer blocks centered on permanent plots established in the Terrestrial Vegetation Program - Aerial photography will be acquired on this return interval, either through direct contracting with vendors, or cooperation with other programs. - Current plans are to standardize on 1:12,000 scale imagery, and 0.15-0.2 meter resolution ortho-imagery ## Comparison of Satellite Imagery and Aerial Photography **Comparison of Satellite Imagery and Aerial Photography** ## Remote Sensing Priorities and Products Acquired to Date **Remote Sensing Priorities and Products Acquired to Date** ## Current Projects in Land Cover/Land Use - Land Cover/Land Use Protocol Development – Paul Bolstad, Professor in Forest Ecology - Land Cover Mapping and Analysis for MISS & Lower SACN using the Minnesota Land Cover Classification System – Bart Richardson, MN DNR - Early Generation Aerial Photography to Provide Historical Context to Current Land Cover within and adjacent to Parks - INDU – Project with Volker Radeloff at University of Wisconsin using 1938, 1980s, 2005 imagery - VOYA – Project with Bill Befort at Minnesota DNR using 1927 imagery - APIS – Project with Paul Bolstad at University of Minnesota using 1938 imagery - GRPO & MISS – Project with Mike Hyslop at Michigan Technological University using 1940 (GRPO) and 1937 (MISS) imagery ## Housing and Road Density Growth in and around Indiana Dunes National Lakeshore 1938-2005 **Housing and Road Density Growth in and around Indiana Dunes National Lakeshore 1938-2005** - Shelley Schmidt1, Volker C. Radeloff1, Peter Budde2, and Ulf Gafvert3 - The current landscape is highly fragmented and few - areas are free from human disturbance. - Patch density and road density have increased - significantly, resulting in decreased mean patch size. - Road and housing growth outside the park have - increased at more than twice the rate as growth inside - the park. - Housing and road development are creating - fragmentation patterns on the landscape that are not - easily reversed. - Future fragmentation could be limited by: - Protecting existing large forest patches - Clustering new development - Decommissioning unnecessary roads - Conclusions - Introduction - 1Department of Forest Ecology and Management, University of Wisconsin-Madison - 2National Park Service – Midwest Region GIS Technical Service Center - 3National Park Service – Great Lakes Network Inventory and Monitoring Program - Objective - Quantify the change in road and building density in - and around Indiana Dunes National Lakeshore between 1938 and 2005 using aerial photography and satellite imagery. - Methods - Roads and buildings within the boundaries of INDU and within a 3.2 km buffer outside of the park were digitized for 1938 and 2005. - 25 meter buffers around roads was applied to account for edge effects. - Change in road and building density and the resulting landscape fragmentation was calculated. - Study Area - Results - Road & Housing Density Change, 1938 to 2005 - 2005 orthophotography of Indiana Dunes National Lakeshore - Future Work - Upcoming steps in this project will include expanding to the rest of INDU, incorporating a 1980 time point, classifying landcover, and expanding our methods to other Great Lakes network National parks, beginning with Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore. - For further information, contact Shelley Schmidt at [email protected] - 1938 - 2005 - 2005 Orthophoto of Study Area - We thank the National Park Service and the US Forest Service North Central Research Station for funding this project - Roads - Buildings - 1938 - 1938 - 2005 - 2005 - National Parks serve as areas of ecological conservation - by protecting habitat and preventing landcover change. - Housing and road development near national parks can - isolate them and limit their ecological function by: - Fragmenting wildlife habitat - Altering hydrology - Spreading exotic species - Polluting natural areas - We focused on one park, Indiana Dunes National - Lakeshore (INDU), established in 1966, for this study. - Building density has increased 7 fold - between 1938 and 2005. - Road density has nearly doubled between 1938 and 2005. - Road density outside of INDU has seen a pronounced increase, while the increase within INDU has been more subtle. - The percentage of the study - area occupied by roads (+25 - meter buffer) is highest outside - the park in 2005. - Patch density has increased both within and outside of INDU, although to a much greater degree outside the park. - Landscape fragmentation is occurring, with decreasing mean area per patch both within and outside of INDU. - Indiana Dunes National Lakeshore, containing 6,000 hectares, runs for nearly 40.2 km along southern Lake Michigan. The park is home to beaches, sand dunes, bogs, wetlands, woodland forests, an 1830’s French Canadian homestead, and a working 1900 era farm. Indiana Dunes is ranked 7th among national parks in native plant diversity. Ninety of the 1,418 plants that have been found in the park are on Indiana’s threatened or endangered list **WISCONSIN** **ILLINOIS** **MICHIGAN** **INDIANA** **OHIO** **ONTARIO** ## Slide 16 ## Slide 17 ## Slide 18 ## Slide 19 ## Great Lakes Network Vegetation Mapping Schedule **Great Lakes Network Vegetation Mapping Schedule**
# Presentation: 778079 ## Charm Production In AuAu, dAu and pp Reactions from the PHENIX Experiment at RHIC - Sean Kelly - University of Colorado - for the PHENIX collaboration ## 12 Countries; 58 Institutions; 480 Participants* ** ****Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, NY ** ** ****University of California - Riverside, Riverside, CA** ** ****University of Colorado, Boulder, CO** ** ****Columbia University, Nevis Laboratories, Irvington, NY** ** ****Florida State University, Tallahassee, FL** ** ****Florida Technical University, Melbourne, FL** ** ****Georgia State University, Atlanta, GA** ** ****University of Illinois Urbana Champaign, Urbana-Champaign, IL** ** ****Iowa State University and Ames Laboratory, Ames, IA** ** ****Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, NM** ** ****Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore, CA** ** ****University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM ** ** ****New Mexico State University, Las Cruces, NM** ** ****Dept. of Chemistry, Stony Brook Univ., Stony Brook, NY** ** ****Dept. Phys. and Astronomy, Stony Brook Univ., Stony Brook, NY ** ** ****Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN** ** ****University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN ** ** ****Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN**** ** **Brazil University of São Paulo, São Paulo** **China Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan** ** ****China Institute of Atomic Energy, Beijing** ** ****Peking University, Beijing** **France LPC, University de Clermont-Ferrand, Clermont-Ferrand** ** ****Dapnia, CEA Saclay, Gif-sur-Yvette** ** ****IPN-Orsay, Universite Paris Sud, CNRS-IN2P3, Orsay ** ** ****LLR, Ecòle Polytechnique, CNRS-IN2P3, Palaiseau** ** ****SUBATECH, Ecòle des Mines at Nantes, Nantes** **Germany University of M****ü****nster, M****ü****nster** **Hungary Central Research Institute for Physics (KFKI), Budapest** ** ****Debrecen University, Debrecen** ** ****Eötvös Loránd University (ELTE), Budapest ** **India Banaras Hindu University, Banaras** ** ****Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Bombay** **Israel Weizmann Institute, Rehovot** **Japan Center for Nuclear Study, University of Tokyo, Tokyo** ** ****Hiroshima University, Higashi-Hiroshima ** ** ****KEK, Institute for High Energy Physics, Tsukuba ** ** ****Kyoto University, Kyoto** ** ****Nagasaki Institute of Applied Science, Nagasaki** ** ****RIKEN, Institute for Physical and Chemical Research, Wako** ** ****RIKEN-BNL Research Center, Upton, NY ** ** **** ****Rikkyo University, Tokyo, Japan ** ** ****Tokyo Institute of Technology, Tokyo** ** ****University of Tsukuba, Tsukuba ** ** ****Waseda University, Tokyo ** **S. Korea Cyclotron Application Laboratory, KAERI, Seoul** ** ****Kangnung National University, Kangnung** ** ****Korea University, Seoul ** ** ****Myong Ji University, Yongin City ** ** ****System Electronics Laboratory, Seoul Nat. University, Seoul** ** ****Yonsei University, Seoul** **Russia Institute of High Energy Physics, Protovino ** ** ****Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna ** ** ****Kurchatov Institute, Moscow** ** ****PNPI, St. Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute, St. Petersburg** ** ****St. Petersburg State Technical University, St. Petersburg** **Sweden Lund University, Lund** *** ******12 Countries; 58 Institutions; 480 Participants**** ***as of January 2004** ## Charm Probes The Initial State & The Medium - charm local time - medium local time -  = 1/mq~ 0.1 fm -  = 1/mqv ~ 1 fm - d-Au - Au+Au - precursor ## Outline **PHENIX Data** - Single Electron Spectra (pp, dAu, AuAu) - Electron v2 **The PHYSICS These Data Address** - Nuclear modifications to total charm production - Nuclear modifications to the charm spectrum - Charm dynamics in mediu, do charm quarks flow ? ## The PHENIX Experiment - The PHENIX Experiment - The data I will show today is all from the central arm and therefore at  = 0 ## Measuring Charm via Semi-leptonic D Meson Decay - Direct reconstruction of open charm is ideal, but difficult. - Open charm and bottom can be measured via single leptons and lepton pairs. ## Single Electrons From pp Collisions at s =200 GeV - PHENIX measures inclusive electron spectra - The physics we are interested is in what's left over after we subtract. - Light hadron cocktail from decay generator ## Non-Photonic Electrons - We call electrons **that are not from** - 0 Dalitz -  conversions -  Dalitz - (for the balance of this talk) ## Subtracting The Photonic Electrons **Cocktail subtraction method** - Light hadron cocktail. Dominant input is taken from PHENIX measured 0 + - spectra. - Other mesons from mt scaling assumption and asymptotic ratios from lower energy data. - Photon conversion from material budget in PHENIX acceptance. **Converter method** - Comparison of e+/- spectra with and without converter allows separation of photonic and non-photonic sources of single electrons. **Direct measurement via ********-e coincidences** - Yield of -e in vicinity of  mass with mixed event subtraction & PHENIX measured  correction ## Data is excess of PYTHIA charm + bottom above pt=1.5 GeV/c - PHENIX Non-Photonic Single Electron Spectra pp s = 200 GeV - 200 GeV pp non-photonic single electron spectrum from cocktail subtraction method - PYTHIA tuned to low energy data1 - Data is excess of PYTHIA charm + bottom above pt=1.5 GeV/c - PHENIX PRELIMINARY - 1Phys. Rev. Lett. 88, 192303 (2002) - Poster by Sergey Butsyk ## Comparison With PYTHIA - Comparison With PYTHIA - PYTHIA charm alone under predicts the data by a factor of 2-5 at moderated pt - PYTHIA charm + bottom under predict the tail by a factor of ~2-3 - PHENIX PRELIMINARY - PHENIX PRELIMINARY ## PYTHIA Heads For the Florida Keys In a Winnebago - PHENIX pp fit baseline for dAu and AuAu data - PHENIX PRELIMINARY ## Independent -e Analysis - Mixed event subtraction of the -e invariant mass spectrum in the vicinity of the pion mass - eta from the cocktail - Direct measurement of the single electrons from pion and eta conversions/Dalitz - Data shows good agreement with the cocktail subtraction - Poster by Xinhua Li ## Deuteron Gold Collisions at s = 200 GeV / nucleon - Deuteron Gold Collisions at s = 200 GeV / nucleon - 200 GeV dAu non-photonic single electron spectrum from converter method - Data divided by TAB - Spectacular agreement within stated errors - PHENIX PRELIMINARY **1/T****AB** - Poster by Sergey Butsyk - 1/TABEdN/dp3 [mb GeV-2] ## Centrality Dependence In Deuteron Au Collisions - PHENIX PRELIMINARY - PHENIX PRELIMINARY - PHENIX PRELIMINARY - PHENIX PRELIMINARY **1/T****AB** **1/T****AB** **1/T****AB** **1/T****AB** - 1/TABEdN/dp3 [mb GeV-2] - 1/TABEdN/dp3 [mb GeV-2] - 1/TABEdN/dp3 [mb GeV-2] - 1/TABEdN/dp3 [mb GeV-2] ## Single Electron Spectra Au+Au s = 200 GeV - 200 GeV Au+Au non-photonic single electron spectrum from converter method - Data is divided by TAA and overlaid with PHENIX pp fit - At low pt the pp fit is in good agreement **1/T****AA** - 1/TABEdN/dp3 [mb GeV-2] ## Centrality Dependence Au+Au **1/T****AA** **1/T****AA** **1/T****AA** **1/T****AA** **1/T****AA** - 1/TABEdN/dp3 [mb GeV-2] - 1/TABEdN/dp3 [mb GeV-2] - 1/TABEdN/dp3 [mb GeV-2] - 1/TABEdN/dp3 [mb GeV-2] - 1/TABEdN/dp3 [mb GeV-2] - 1/TABEdN/dp3 [mb GeV-2] ## Ncollision Scaling In Au+Au - Ncollision Scaling In Au+Au - We have quantified the extent to which the Au+Au data exhibits Ncoll scaling - Yellow band represents the set of alpha values consistent with the data at 90% Confidence Level **dN/dy = A (N****coll****)****** **0.906 < ******** < 1.042** ## Since You Asked - Total Charm Cross Section s = pp 200 GeV - PYTHIA comes out of retirement - Matches the line shape in the region that matters for the determination of the cross section, hence we use it to extrapolate over all phase space - PYTHIA charm + bottom line-shapes with independent floating normalizations that best fit the data - Systematic error is determined by offsetting the data by the upper and lower systematic and extracting the cross section - PHENIX PRELIMINARY - N ## Back To The Dynamics of Charm In Media - Back To The Dynamics of Charm In Media - D from PYTHIA - D from Hydro - B from PYTHIA - B from Hydro - e from PYTHIA - e from Hydro - 130 GeV Au+Au (0-10%) - Upper West-Side Sopranos Plot - (S. Batsouli, S.Kelly, M.Gyulassy, J.Nagle) Phys.Lett. B557 (2003) 26-32 - The measurement of v2 of charm is a way to discriminate between these contrasting dynamical scenarios - Data indicate non-zero charm flow - PHENIX PRELIMINARY ## Summary & Conclusions - PHENIX has measured inclusive single electrons in pp, d+Au, and Au+Au at 200 GeV/nucleon. - The measured yield of non-photonic electrons is consistent with binary scaling in d+Au and Au+Au collisions. Indicating no strong enhancement or suppression of the charm cross section in nuclear systems. - We are statistics limited regarding the presence of spectral modifications in the Au+Au data. - With anticipated Run 4 statistics the indications for spectral modifications in Au+Au and v2 should be definitive. Run 4 is **the** run for closed **and** open charm physics in Au+Au collisions. ## Single Electron pp, d+Au, Au+Au - Single Electron pp, d+Au, Au+Au ## Backup ## Nothing Dramatic Going On - CTEQ5L + EKS98 - CTEQ5L - Au+Au  e + X (0-10%) 130 GeV - Point here is that central arm single electrons are not sensitive to shadow+antishadow - These plots need to re-made for 200 GeV data
! Started logfile: J0136+4751_S_2001_10_29_pus_uvs.log on Wed Feb 27 15:11:10 2008 obs J0136+4751_S_2001_10_29_pus_uva.fits ! Reading UV FITS file: J0136+4751_S_2001_10_29_pus_uva.fits ! AN table 1: 56 integrations on 153 of 153 possible baselines. ! AN table 2: 203 integrations on 153 of 153 possible baselines. ! AN table 3: 19 integrations on 153 of 153 possible baselines. ! AN table 4: 43 integrations on 153 of 153 possible baselines. ! AN table 5: 9 integrations on 153 of 153 possible baselines. ! Apparent sampling: 0.211369 visibilities/baseline/integration-bin. ! *** This seems a bit low - see "help observe" on the binwid argument. ! Found source: J0136+4751 ! ! There are 4 IFs, and a total of 4 channels: ! ! IF Channel Frequency Freq offset Number of Overall IF ! origin at origin per channel channels bandwidth ! ------------------------------------------------------------- (Hz) ! 01 1 2.22997e+09 8e+06 1 8e+06 ! 02 2 2.25997e+09 8e+06 1 8e+06 ! 03 3 2.34997e+09 8e+06 1 8e+06 ! 04 4 2.36997e+09 8e+06 1 8e+06 ! ! Polarization(s): RR ! ! Read 2604 lines of history. ! ! Reading 42688 visibilities. select I ! Polarization I is unavailable. ! Selecting polarization: RR, channels: 1..4 ! Reading IF 1 channels: 1..1 ! Reading IF 2 channels: 2..2 ! Reading IF 3 channels: 3..3 ! Reading IF 4 channels: 4..4 print "field_size =",field_size ! field_size = 512 print "field_cell =",field_cell ! field_cell = 0.5 print "taper_size =",taper_size ! taper_size = 20 ![@muppet J0136+4751_S_2001_10_29_pus] integer clean_niter clean_niter = 100 float clean_gain clean_gain = 0.03 float dynam dynam = 6.0 float soltime1 soltime1 = 120 float soltime2 soltime2 = 20 float thresh thresh = 0.5 float win_mult win_mult = 1.8 float time_av time_av = 16 float old_peak float new_peak float flux_cutoff mapsize field_size, field_cell ! Map grid = 512x512 pixels with 0.500x0.500 milli-arcsec cellsize. startmod ! Applying default point source starting model. ! Performing phase self-cal ! Adding 1 model components to the UV plane model. ! The established model now contains 1 components and 1 Jy ! ! Correcting IF 1. ! A total of 439 telescope corrections were flagged in sub-array 1. ! A total of 2079 telescope corrections were flagged in sub-array 2. ! A total of 134 telescope corrections were flagged in sub-array 3. ! A total of 601 telescope corrections were flagged in sub-array 4. ! A total of 127 telescope corrections were flagged in sub-array 5. ! ! Correcting IF 2. ! A total of 439 telescope corrections were flagged in sub-array 1. ! A total of 2079 telescope corrections were flagged in sub-array 2. ! A total of 134 telescope corrections were flagged in sub-array 3. ! A total of 601 telescope corrections were flagged in sub-array 4. ! A total of 127 telescope corrections were flagged in sub-array 5. ! ! Correcting IF 3. ! A total of 439 telescope corrections were flagged in sub-array 1. ! A total of 2079 telescope corrections were flagged in sub-array 2. ! A total of 134 telescope corrections were flagged in sub-array 3. ! A total of 601 telescope corrections were flagged in sub-array 4. ! A total of 127 telescope corrections were flagged in sub-array 5. ! ! Correcting IF 4. ! A total of 455 telescope corrections were flagged in sub-array 1. ! A total of 2150 telescope corrections were flagged in sub-array 2. ! A total of 134 telescope corrections were flagged in sub-array 3. ! A total of 703 telescope corrections were flagged in sub-array 4. ! A total of 138 telescope corrections were flagged in sub-array 5. ! ! Fit before self-cal, rms=0.952630Jy sigma=0.007172 ! Fit after self-cal, rms=0.466088Jy sigma=0.003493 ! clrmod: Cleared the established, tentative and continuum models. ! Redundant starting model cleared. uvw 2,-1 ! Uniform weighting binwidth: 2 (pixels). ! Gridding weights will be scaled by errors raised to the power -1. ! Radial weighting is not currently selected. flux_cutoff = imstat(rms) * dynam ! Inverting map and beam ! Estimated beam: bmin=1.869 mas, bmaj=2.502 mas, bpa=-3.274 degrees ! Estimated noise=949.87 mJy/beam. repeat if (peak(flux) > flux_cutoff) peakwin win_mult clean clean_niter,clean_gain flux_cutoff = imstat(rms) * dynam selfcal new_peak = peak(flux) until(new_peak<=flux_cutoff) ! Added new window around map position (0, 0). ! clean: niter=100 gain=0.03 cutoff=0 ! Component: 050 - total flux cleaned = 0.824611 Jy ! Component: 100 - total flux cleaned = 1.09198 Jy ! Total flux subtracted in 100 components = 1.09198 Jy ! Clean residual min=-0.029612 max=0.122656 Jy/beam ! Clean residual mean=0.000623 rms=0.009314 Jy/beam ! Combined flux in latest and established models = 1.09198 Jy ! Performing phase self-cal ! Adding 7 model components to the UV plane model. ! The established model now contains 7 components and 1.09198 Jy ! ! Correcting IF 1. ! ! Correcting IF 2. ! ! Correcting IF 3. ! ! Correcting IF 4. ! ! Fit before self-cal, rms=0.413850Jy sigma=0.003045 ! Fit after self-cal, rms=0.413536Jy sigma=0.003043 ! Inverting map ! clean: niter=100 gain=0.03 cutoff=0 ! Component: 050 - total flux cleaned = 0.140723 Jy ! Component: 100 - total flux cleaned = 0.229255 Jy ! Total flux subtracted in 100 components = 0.229255 Jy ! Clean residual min=-0.020208 max=0.049430 Jy/beam ! Clean residual mean=0.000344 rms=0.005971 Jy/beam ! Combined flux in latest and established models = 1.32123 Jy ! Performing phase self-cal ! Adding 18 model components to the UV plane model. ! The established model now contains 21 components and 1.32123 Jy ! ! Correcting IF 1. ! ! Correcting IF 2. ! ! Correcting IF 3. ! ! Correcting IF 4. ! ! Fit before self-cal, rms=0.310481Jy sigma=0.002116 ! Fit after self-cal, rms=0.310022Jy sigma=0.002114 ! Inverting map ! clean: niter=100 gain=0.03 cutoff=0 ! Component: 050 - total flux cleaned = 0.0638916 Jy ! Component: 100 - total flux cleaned = 0.109698 Jy ! Total flux subtracted in 100 components = 0.109698 Jy ! Clean residual min=-0.017882 max=0.026104 Jy/beam ! Clean residual mean=0.000213 rms=0.004973 Jy/beam ! Combined flux in latest and established models = 1.43093 Jy ! Performing phase self-cal ! Adding 12 model components to the UV plane model. ! The established model now contains 28 components and 1.43093 Jy ! ! Correcting IF 1. ! ! Correcting IF 2. ! ! Correcting IF 3. ! ! Correcting IF 4. ! ! Fit before self-cal, rms=0.280989Jy sigma=0.001832 ! Fit after self-cal, rms=0.280714Jy sigma=0.001830 ! Inverting map print "************** FINISHED UNIFORM WEIGHTING CLEAN **************" ! ************** FINISHED UNIFORM WEIGHTING CLEAN ************** ! uvw 0,-1 ! Uniform weighting is not currently selected. ! Gridding weights will be scaled by errors raised to the power -1. ! Radial weighting is not currently selected. win_mult = win_mult * 1.6 clean_niter = clean_niter * 2 dynam = dynam - 0.5 flux_cutoff = imstat(rms) * dynam ! Inverting map and beam ! Estimated beam: bmin=2.517 mas, bmaj=3.379 mas, bpa=-0.3895 degrees ! Estimated noise=471.849 mJy/beam. repeat if (peak(flux) > flux_cutoff) peakwin win_mult clean clean_niter,clean_gain flux_cutoff = imstat(rms) * dynam selfcal new_peak = peak(flux) until(new_peak<=flux_cutoff) ! clean: niter=200 gain=0.03 cutoff=0 ! Component: 050 - total flux cleaned = 0.0657942 Jy ! Component: 100 - total flux cleaned = 0.0992289 Jy ! Component: 150 - total flux cleaned = 0.117611 Jy ! Component: 200 - total flux cleaned = 0.127855 Jy ! Total flux subtracted in 200 components = 0.127855 Jy ! Clean residual min=-0.017085 max=0.032732 Jy/beam ! Clean residual mean=0.002007 rms=0.006182 Jy/beam ! Combined flux in latest and established models = 1.55879 Jy ! Performing phase self-cal ! Adding 24 model components to the UV plane model. ! The established model now contains 39 components and 1.55879 Jy ! ! Correcting IF 1. ! ! Correcting IF 2. ! ! Correcting IF 3. ! ! Correcting IF 4. ! ! Fit before self-cal, rms=0.267053Jy sigma=0.001684 ! Fit after self-cal, rms=0.266744Jy sigma=0.001682 ! Inverting map print "************** FINISHED NATURAL WEIGHTING CLEAN **************" ! ************** FINISHED NATURAL WEIGHTING CLEAN ************** ! gscale true ! Performing overall amplitude self-cal ! ! Correcting IF 1. ! A total of 21 telescope corrections were flagged in sub-array 1. ! Telescope amplitude corrections in sub-array 1: ! BR 0.98 FD 1.00* GG 1.00* HH 1.00* ! HN 1.04 KK 1.05 KP 0.81 LA 0.97 ! MA 0.88 MC 1.46 MK 1.04 NL 0.96 ! OV 1.00 PT 0.97 SC 1.01 TS 1.02 ! WF 0.95 WZ 0.99 ! ! A total of 12 telescope corrections were flagged in sub-array 2. ! Telescope amplitude corrections in sub-array 2: ! BR 0.98 FD 1.00* GG 1.00* HH 1.00* ! HN 1.00 KK 1.00 KP 1.13 LA 1.01 ! MA 1.11 MC 0.91 MK 1.02 NL 1.00 ! OV 1.00 PT 1.02 SC 1.04 TS 0.99 ! WF 0.97 WZ 0.99 ! ! Telescope amplitude corrections in sub-array 3: ! BR 0.96 FD 1.00* GG 1.00* HH 1.00* ! HN 0.99 KK 1.05 KP 1.73 LA 1.00 ! MA 1.00* MC 1.00* MK 1.02 NL 0.97 ! OV 0.97 PT 1.01 SC 1.03 TS 0.96 ! WF 0.97 WZ 1.29 ! ! A total of 30 telescope corrections were flagged in sub-array 4. ! Telescope amplitude corrections in sub-array 4: ! BR 1.11 FD 1.00* GG 1.00* HH 1.00* ! HN 1.00* KK 1.12 KP 1.00* LA 1.00* ! MA 0.79 MC 1.05 MK 1.00* NL 1.00* ! OV 1.00* PT 1.00* SC 1.00* TS 0.93 ! WF 1.00* WZ 1.01 ! ! A total of 3 telescope corrections were flagged in sub-array 5. ! Telescope amplitude corrections in sub-array 5: ! BR 1.00* FD 1.00* GG 1.00* HH 1.00* ! HN 1.03 KK 1.00* KP 1.00* LA 1.00* ! MA 1.00* MC 0.91 MK 1.00* NL 1.05 ! OV 1.00* PT 1.00* SC 1.00* TS 1.00* ! WF 1.00* WZ 0.95 ! ! ! Correcting IF 2. ! A total of 21 telescope corrections were flagged in sub-array 1. ! Telescope amplitude corrections in sub-array 1: ! BR 1.04 FD 1.00* GG 1.00* HH 1.00* ! HN 0.97 KK 1.04 KP 0.77 LA 0.94 ! MA 0.79 MC 0.92 MK 1.06 NL 0.96 ! OV 1.03 PT 0.95 SC 1.01 TS 1.04 ! WF 1.00 WZ 0.98 ! ! A total of 12 telescope corrections were flagged in sub-array 2. ! Telescope amplitude corrections in sub-array 2: ! BR 1.04 FD 1.00* GG 1.00* HH 1.00* ! HN 1.02 KK 1.02 KP 1.03 LA 0.99 ! MA 1.06 MC 0.99 MK 1.04 NL 1.02 ! OV 1.02 PT 1.01 SC 1.03 TS 0.99 ! WF 1.02 WZ 0.99 ! ! Telescope amplitude corrections in sub-array 3: ! BR 1.02 FD 1.00* GG 1.00* HH 1.00* ! HN 0.98 KK 1.01 KP 1.10 LA 0.98 ! MA 1.00* MC 1.00* MK 1.04 NL 0.98 ! OV 1.01 PT 0.98 SC 1.05 TS 0.98 ! WF 1.01 WZ 1.26 ! ! A total of 30 telescope corrections were flagged in sub-array 4. ! Telescope amplitude corrections in sub-array 4: ! BR 1.17 FD 1.00* GG 1.00* HH 1.00* ! HN 1.00* KK 1.21 KP 1.00* LA 1.00* ! MA 0.78 MC 0.96 MK 1.00* NL 1.00* ! OV 1.00* PT 1.00* SC 1.00* TS 0.97 ! WF 1.00* WZ 0.99 ! ! A total of 3 telescope corrections were flagged in sub-array 5. ! Telescope amplitude corrections in sub-array 5: ! BR 1.00* FD 1.00* GG 1.00* HH 1.00* ! HN 1.05 KK 1.00* KP 1.00* LA 1.00* ! MA 1.00* MC 0.94 MK 1.00* NL 1.03 ! OV 1.00* PT 1.00* SC 1.00* TS 1.00* ! WF 1.00* WZ 0.93 ! ! ! Correcting IF 3. ! A total of 21 telescope corrections were flagged in sub-array 1. ! Telescope amplitude corrections in sub-array 1: ! BR 1.00 FD 1.00* GG 1.00* HH 1.00* ! HN 0.99 KK 1.03 KP 0.86 LA 0.95 ! MA 1.03 MC 2.60 MK 1.01 NL 0.98 ! OV 1.03 PT 1.00 SC 0.99 TS 0.98 ! WF 1.00 WZ 0.95 ! ! A total of 12 telescope corrections were flagged in sub-array 2. ! Telescope amplitude corrections in sub-array 2: ! BR 1.01 FD 1.00* GG 1.00* HH 1.00* ! HN 1.02 KK 0.98 KP 1.04 LA 0.97 ! MA 0.95 MC 1.11 MK 0.97 NL 1.00 ! OV 1.03 PT 1.02 SC 1.03 TS 0.98 ! WF 1.03 WZ 0.97 ! ! Telescope amplitude corrections in sub-array 3: ! BR 1.02 FD 1.00* GG 1.00* HH 1.00* ! HN 0.94 KK 0.99 KP 1.12 LA 0.95 ! MA 1.00* MC 1.00* MK 0.97 NL 0.96 ! OV 1.02 PT 1.01 SC 1.05 TS 0.96 ! WF 1.14 WZ 1.19 ! ! A total of 30 telescope corrections were flagged in sub-array 4. ! Telescope amplitude corrections in sub-array 4: ! BR 1.08 FD 1.00* GG 1.00* HH 1.00* ! HN 1.00* KK 1.18 KP 1.00* LA 1.00* ! MA 1.00 MC 0.91 MK 1.00* NL 1.00* ! OV 1.00* PT 1.00* SC 1.00* TS 0.93 ! WF 1.00* WZ 1.01 ! ! A total of 3 telescope corrections were flagged in sub-array 5. ! Telescope amplitude corrections in sub-array 5: ! BR 1.00* FD 1.00* GG 1.00* HH 1.00* ! HN 1.01 KK 1.00* KP 1.00* LA 1.00* ! MA 1.00* MC 1.05 MK 1.00* NL 0.99 ! OV 1.00* PT 1.00* SC 1.00* TS 1.00* ! WF 1.00* WZ 0.97 ! ! ! Correcting IF 4. ! A total of 21 telescope corrections were flagged in sub-array 1. ! Telescope amplitude corrections in sub-array 1: ! BR 1.01 FD 1.00* GG 1.00* HH 1.00* ! HN 0.98 KK 0.98 KP 0.83 LA 0.97 ! MA 1.00* MC 1.00* MK 1.04 NL 0.99 ! OV 1.01 PT 0.91 SC 0.99 TS 0.99 ! WF 0.99 WZ 0.94 ! ! A total of 12 telescope corrections were flagged in sub-array 2. ! Telescope amplitude corrections in sub-array 2: ! BR 1.01 FD 1.00* GG 1.00* HH 1.00* ! HN 1.01 KK 0.94 KP 1.04 LA 1.00 ! MA 1.00* MC 1.00* MK 0.99 NL 1.04 ! OV 0.99 PT 1.00 SC 1.02 TS 0.97 ! WF 1.01 WZ 0.99 ! ! Telescope amplitude corrections in sub-array 3: ! BR 1.01 FD 1.00* GG 1.00* HH 1.00* ! HN 0.98 KK 0.96 KP 1.12 LA 0.99 ! MA 1.00* MC 1.00* MK 1.00 NL 1.01 ! OV 0.98 PT 1.03 SC 1.04 TS 0.97 ! WF 1.00 WZ 1.21 ! ! A total of 27 telescope corrections were flagged in sub-array 4. ! Telescope amplitude corrections in sub-array 4: ! BR 1.02 FD 1.00* GG 1.00* HH 1.00* ! HN 1.00* KK 1.08 KP 1.00* LA 1.00* ! MA 1.00* MC 1.00* MK 1.00* NL 1.00* ! OV 1.00* PT 1.00* SC 1.00* TS 0.94 ! WF 1.00* WZ 1.06 ! ! A total of 24 telescope corrections were flagged in sub-array 5. ! Telescope amplitude corrections in sub-array 5: ! BR 0.00* FD 0.00* GG 0.00* HH 0.00* ! HN 0.00* KK 0.00* KP 0.00* LA 0.00* ! MA 0.00* MC 0.00* MK 0.00* NL 0.00* ! OV 0.00* PT 0.00* SC 0.00* TS 0.00* ! WF 0.00* WZ 0.00* ! ! ! Fit before self-cal, rms=0.266744Jy sigma=0.001682 ! Fit after self-cal, rms=0.241073Jy sigma=0.001444 dynam = dynam - 0.5 flux_cutoff = imstat(rms) * dynam ! Inverting map and beam ! Estimated beam: bmin=2.517 mas, bmaj=3.409 mas, bpa=-0.2374 degrees ! Estimated noise=473.611 mJy/beam. repeat if (peak(flux) > flux_cutoff) peakwin win_mult clean clean_niter,clean_gain flux_cutoff = imstat(rms) * dynam selfcal new_peak = peak(flux) until(new_peak<=flux_cutoff) ! Added new window around map position (-4.5, 4.5). ! clean: niter=200 gain=0.03 cutoff=0 ! Component: 050 - total flux cleaned = 0.0250373 Jy ! Component: 100 - total flux cleaned = 0.0401226 Jy ! Component: 150 - total flux cleaned = 0.0470316 Jy ! Component: 200 - total flux cleaned = 0.0513492 Jy ! Total flux subtracted in 200 components = 0.0513492 Jy ! Clean residual min=-0.006892 max=0.012889 Jy/beam ! Clean residual mean=0.001511 rms=0.002487 Jy/beam ! Combined flux in latest and established models = 1.61014 Jy ! Performing phase self-cal ! Adding 27 model components to the UV plane model. ! The established model now contains 64 components and 1.61014 Jy ! ! Correcting IF 1. ! ! Correcting IF 2. ! ! Correcting IF 3. ! ! Correcting IF 4. ! ! Fit before self-cal, rms=0.237866Jy sigma=0.001418 ! Fit after self-cal, rms=0.237606Jy sigma=0.001416 ! Inverting map ! Added new window around map position (4.5, 8). ! clean: niter=200 gain=0.03 cutoff=0 ! Component: 050 - total flux cleaned = 0.0105715 Jy ! Component: 100 - total flux cleaned = 0.0145484 Jy ! Component: 150 - total flux cleaned = 0.0169853 Jy ! Component: 200 - total flux cleaned = 0.0190928 Jy ! Total flux subtracted in 200 components = 0.0190928 Jy ! Clean residual min=-0.006172 max=0.011186 Jy/beam ! Clean residual mean=0.000969 rms=0.002060 Jy/beam ! Combined flux in latest and established models = 1.62923 Jy ! Performing phase self-cal ! Adding 32 model components to the UV plane model. ! The established model now contains 86 components and 1.62923 Jy ! ! Correcting IF 1. ! ! Correcting IF 2. ! ! Correcting IF 3. ! ! Correcting IF 4. ! ! Fit before self-cal, rms=0.236654Jy sigma=0.001408 ! Fit after self-cal, rms=0.236531Jy sigma=0.001408 ! Inverting map ! Added new window around map position (4.5, 23.5). ! clean: niter=200 gain=0.03 cutoff=0 ! Component: 050 - total flux cleaned = 0.00968052 Jy ! Component: 100 - total flux cleaned = 0.013831 Jy ! Component: 150 - total flux cleaned = 0.0162267 Jy ! Component: 200 - total flux cleaned = 0.0173781 Jy ! Total flux subtracted in 200 components = 0.0173781 Jy ! Clean residual min=-0.006505 max=0.006924 Jy/beam ! Clean residual mean=0.000501 rms=0.001736 Jy/beam ! Combined flux in latest and established models = 1.64661 Jy ! Performing phase self-cal ! Adding 30 model components to the UV plane model. ! The established model now contains 106 components and 1.64661 Jy ! ! Correcting IF 1. ! ! Correcting IF 2. ! ! Correcting IF 3. ! ! Correcting IF 4. ! ! Fit before self-cal, rms=0.235876Jy sigma=0.001403 ! Fit after self-cal, rms=0.235821Jy sigma=0.001402 ! Inverting map selfcal true, true, soltime1 ! Performing amp+phase self-cal over 120 minute time intervals ! ! Correcting IF 1. ! ! Correcting IF 2. ! ! Correcting IF 3. ! ! Correcting IF 4. ! ! Fit before self-cal, rms=0.235821Jy sigma=0.001402 ! Fit after self-cal, rms=0.231551Jy sigma=0.001368 dynam = dynam - 0.75 clean clean_niter,clean_gain ! Inverting map and beam ! Estimated beam: bmin=2.522 mas, bmaj=3.416 mas, bpa=-1.047 degrees ! Estimated noise=474.203 mJy/beam. ! clean: niter=200 gain=0.03 cutoff=0 ! Component: 050 - total flux cleaned = 0.00842927 Jy ! Component: 100 - total flux cleaned = 0.00998831 Jy ! Component: 150 - total flux cleaned = 0.0113933 Jy ! Component: 200 - total flux cleaned = 0.0128744 Jy ! Total flux subtracted in 200 components = 0.0128744 Jy ! Clean residual min=-0.004446 max=0.005053 Jy/beam ! Clean residual mean=0.000507 rms=0.001235 Jy/beam ! Combined flux in latest and established models = 1.65948 Jy selfcal ! Performing phase self-cal ! Adding 27 model components to the UV plane model. ! The established model now contains 125 components and 1.65948 Jy ! ! Correcting IF 1. ! ! Correcting IF 2. ! ! Correcting IF 3. ! ! Correcting IF 4. ! ! Fit before self-cal, rms=0.231132Jy sigma=0.001364 ! Fit after self-cal, rms=0.231102Jy sigma=0.001364 flux_cutoff = imstat(rms) * dynam ! Inverting map repeat if (peak(flux) > flux_cutoff) peakwin win_mult clean clean_niter,clean_gain flux_cutoff = imstat(rms) * dynam selfcal new_peak = peak(flux) until(new_peak<=flux_cutoff) ! Added new window around map position (-10.5, 1). ! clean: niter=200 gain=0.03 cutoff=0 ! Component: 050 - total flux cleaned = 0.00329281 Jy ! Component: 100 - total flux cleaned = 0.004876 Jy ! Component: 150 - total flux cleaned = 0.00611802 Jy ! Component: 200 - total flux cleaned = 0.00744486 Jy ! Total flux subtracted in 200 components = 0.00744486 Jy ! Clean residual min=-0.004629 max=0.004829 Jy/beam ! Clean residual mean=0.000300 rms=0.001151 Jy/beam ! Combined flux in latest and established models = 1.66693 Jy ! Performing phase self-cal ! Adding 22 model components to the UV plane model. ! The established model now contains 135 components and 1.66693 Jy ! ! Correcting IF 1. ! ! Correcting IF 2. ! ! Correcting IF 3. ! ! Correcting IF 4. ! ! Fit before self-cal, rms=0.230925Jy sigma=0.001363 ! Fit after self-cal, rms=0.230898Jy sigma=0.001362 ! Inverting map selfcal true, true, soltime2 ! Performing amp+phase self-cal over 20 minute time intervals ! ! Correcting IF 1. ! ! Correcting IF 2. ! ! Correcting IF 3. ! ! Correcting IF 4. ! ! Fit before self-cal, rms=0.230898Jy sigma=0.001362 ! Fit after self-cal, rms=0.231408Jy sigma=0.001362 clean clean_niter,clean_gain ! Inverting map and beam ! Estimated beam: bmin=2.523 mas, bmaj=3.42 mas, bpa=-1.233 degrees ! Estimated noise=474.771 mJy/beam. ! clean: niter=200 gain=0.03 cutoff=0 ! Component: 050 - total flux cleaned = 0.00313714 Jy ! Component: 100 - total flux cleaned = 0.00416031 Jy ! Component: 150 - total flux cleaned = 0.00504822 Jy ! Component: 200 - total flux cleaned = 0.00564138 Jy ! Total flux subtracted in 200 components = 0.00564138 Jy ! Clean residual min=-0.004198 max=0.004496 Jy/beam ! Clean residual mean=0.000278 rms=0.001090 Jy/beam ! Combined flux in latest and established models = 1.67257 Jy selfcal ! Performing phase self-cal ! Adding 27 model components to the UV plane model. ! The established model now contains 140 components and 1.67257 Jy ! ! Correcting IF 1. ! ! Correcting IF 2. ! ! Correcting IF 3. ! ! Correcting IF 4. ! ! Fit before self-cal, rms=0.231279Jy sigma=0.001361 ! Fit after self-cal, rms=0.231263Jy sigma=0.001361 flux_cutoff = imstat(rms) * dynam ! Inverting map repeat if (peak(flux) > flux_cutoff) peakwin win_mult clean clean_niter,clean_gain flux_cutoff = imstat(rms) * dynam selfcal new_peak = peak(flux) until(new_peak<=flux_cutoff) ! clean: niter=200 gain=0.03 cutoff=0 ! Component: 050 - total flux cleaned = 0.000865429 Jy ! Component: 100 - total flux cleaned = 0.00150171 Jy ! Component: 150 - total flux cleaned = 0.00215966 Jy ! Component: 200 - total flux cleaned = 0.00261272 Jy ! Total flux subtracted in 200 components = 0.00261272 Jy ! Clean residual min=-0.004325 max=0.004359 Jy/beam ! Clean residual mean=0.000205 rms=0.001071 Jy/beam ! Combined flux in latest and established models = 1.67518 Jy ! Performing phase self-cal ! Adding 26 model components to the UV plane model. ! The established model now contains 147 components and 1.67518 Jy ! ! Correcting IF 1. ! ! Correcting IF 2. ! ! Correcting IF 3. ! ! Correcting IF 4. ! ! Fit before self-cal, rms=0.231204Jy sigma=0.001360 ! Fit after self-cal, rms=0.231193Jy sigma=0.001360 ! Inverting map uvtaper 0.3,taper_size ! Gaussian taper: value 0.3 at UV radius = 20 mega-wavelengths. win_mult = win_mult * 1.2 selfcal true, true, soltime2 ! Performing amp+phase self-cal over 20 minute time intervals ! ! Correcting IF 1. ! ! Correcting IF 2. ! ! Correcting IF 3. ! ! Correcting IF 4. ! ! Fit before self-cal, rms=0.231193Jy sigma=0.001360 ! Fit after self-cal, rms=0.231667Jy sigma=0.001360 clean clean_niter,clean_gain ! Inverting map and beam ! Estimated beam: bmin=7.805 mas, bmaj=9.141 mas, bpa=-73.1 degrees ! Estimated noise=710.458 mJy/beam. ! clean: niter=200 gain=0.03 cutoff=0 ! Component: 050 - total flux cleaned = 0.00498331 Jy ! Component: 100 - total flux cleaned = 0.00791101 Jy ! Component: 150 - total flux cleaned = 0.00913682 Jy ! Component: 200 - total flux cleaned = 0.00952627 Jy ! Total flux subtracted in 200 components = 0.00952627 Jy ! Clean residual min=-0.004308 max=0.005923 Jy/beam ! Clean residual mean=0.000063 rms=0.001710 Jy/beam ! Combined flux in latest and established models = 1.68471 Jy selfcal ! Performing phase self-cal ! Adding 19 model components to the UV plane model. ! The established model now contains 160 components and 1.68471 Jy ! ! Correcting IF 1. ! ! Correcting IF 2. ! ! Correcting IF 3. ! ! Correcting IF 4. ! ! Fit before self-cal, rms=0.231656Jy sigma=0.001360 ! Fit after self-cal, rms=0.231647Jy sigma=0.001360 flux_cutoff = imstat(rms) * dynam ! Inverting map repeat if (peak(flux) > flux_cutoff) peakwin win_mult clean clean_niter,clean_gain flux_cutoff = imstat(rms) * dynam selfcal new_peak = peak(flux) until(new_peak<=flux_cutoff) ! clean: niter=200 gain=0.03 cutoff=0 ! Component: 050 - total flux cleaned = 0.000805589 Jy ! Component: 100 - total flux cleaned = 0.000863506 Jy ! Component: 150 - total flux cleaned = 0.000864817 Jy ! Component: 200 - total flux cleaned = 0.000865871 Jy ! Total flux subtracted in 200 components = 0.000865871 Jy ! Clean residual min=-0.004467 max=0.005742 Jy/beam ! Clean residual mean=-0.000010 rms=0.001695 Jy/beam ! Combined flux in latest and established models = 1.68557 Jy ! Performing phase self-cal ! Adding 24 model components to the UV plane model. ! The established model now contains 172 components and 1.68557 Jy ! ! Correcting IF 1. ! ! Correcting IF 2. ! ! Correcting IF 3. ! ! Correcting IF 4. ! ! Fit before self-cal, rms=0.231646Jy sigma=0.001360 ! Fit after self-cal, rms=0.231643Jy sigma=0.001360 ! Inverting map uvtaper 0,0 ! No UV-taper is currently set. win_mult = win_mult / 1.2 print "************** FINISHED AMPLITUDE SELF-CAL **************" ! ************** FINISHED AMPLITUDE SELF-CAL ************** restore ! Inverting map and beam ! Estimated beam: bmin=2.524 mas, bmaj=3.423 mas, bpa=-1.333 degrees ! Estimated noise=475.472 mJy/beam. ! restore: Substituting estimate of restoring beam from last 'invert'. ! Restoring with beam: 2.524 x 3.423 at -1.333 degrees (North through East) ! Clean map min=-0.0039122 max=1.2205 Jy/beam if(peak(flux) > thresh) selfcal true, true clean clean_niter,clean_gain selfcal flux_cutoff = imstat(rms) * dynam repeat if (peak(flux) > flux_cutoff) peakwin win_mult clean clean_niter,clean_gain flux_cutoff = imstat(rms) * dynam selfcal new_peak = peak(flux) until(new_peak<=flux_cutoff) selfcal true, true end if ! Performing amp+phase self-cal ! ! Correcting IF 1. ! ! Correcting IF 2. ! ! Correcting IF 3. ! ! Correcting IF 4. ! ! Fit before self-cal, rms=0.231643Jy sigma=0.001360 ! Fit after self-cal, rms=0.283979Jy sigma=0.001179 ! Inverting map and beam ! Estimated beam: bmin=2.526 mas, bmaj=3.426 mas, bpa=-1.443 degrees ! Estimated noise=475.415 mJy/beam. ! clean: niter=200 gain=0.03 cutoff=0 ! Component: 050 - total flux cleaned = -0.00222782 Jy ! Component: 100 - total flux cleaned = -0.00241426 Jy ! Component: 150 - total flux cleaned = -0.00258223 Jy ! Component: 200 - total flux cleaned = -0.00265646 Jy ! Total flux subtracted in 200 components = -0.00265646 Jy ! Clean residual min=-0.002824 max=0.004142 Jy/beam ! Clean residual mean=0.000163 rms=0.000810 Jy/beam ! Combined flux in latest and established models = 1.68292 Jy ! Performing phase self-cal ! Adding 23 model components to the UV plane model. ! The established model now contains 180 components and 1.68292 Jy ! ! Correcting IF 1. ! ! Correcting IF 2. ! ! Correcting IF 3. ! ! Correcting IF 4. ! ! Fit before self-cal, rms=0.283916Jy sigma=0.001178 ! Fit after self-cal, rms=0.283912Jy sigma=0.001178 ! Inverting map ! Added new window around map position (-3.5, 15). ! clean: niter=200 gain=0.03 cutoff=0 ! Component: 050 - total flux cleaned = 0.00393448 Jy ! Component: 100 - total flux cleaned = 0.00433545 Jy ! Component: 150 - total flux cleaned = 0.00434096 Jy ! Component: 200 - total flux cleaned = 0.00426144 Jy ! Total flux subtracted in 200 components = 0.00426144 Jy ! Clean residual min=-0.002740 max=0.002915 Jy/beam ! Clean residual mean=0.000049 rms=0.000723 Jy/beam ! Combined flux in latest and established models = 1.68718 Jy ! Performing phase self-cal ! Adding 28 model components to the UV plane model. ! The established model now contains 198 components and 1.68718 Jy ! ! Correcting IF 1. ! ! Correcting IF 2. ! ! Correcting IF 3. ! ! Correcting IF 4. ! ! Fit before self-cal, rms=0.283832Jy sigma=0.001178 ! Fit after self-cal, rms=0.283827Jy sigma=0.001177 ! Inverting map ! Performing amp+phase self-cal ! ! Correcting IF 1. ! ! Correcting IF 2. ! ! Correcting IF 3. ! ! Correcting IF 4. ! ! Fit before self-cal, rms=0.283827Jy sigma=0.001177 ! Fit after self-cal, rms=0.283992Jy sigma=0.001177 print "************** CLEARING MODEL AND STARTING OVER **********" ! ************** CLEARING MODEL AND STARTING OVER ********** clrmod true ! clrmod: Cleared the established and tentative models. uvw 2,-1 ! Uniform weighting binwidth: 2 (pixels). ! Gridding weights will be scaled by errors raised to the power -1. ! Radial weighting is not currently selected. clean clean_niter,clean_gain ! Inverting map and beam ! Estimated beam: bmin=1.879 mas, bmaj=2.55 mas, bpa=-4.277 degrees ! Estimated noise=983.223 mJy/beam. ! clean: niter=200 gain=0.03 cutoff=0 ! Component: 050 - total flux cleaned = 0.849542 Jy ! Component: 100 - total flux cleaned = 1.1114 Jy ! Component: 150 - total flux cleaned = 1.24875 Jy ! Component: 200 - total flux cleaned = 1.33403 Jy ! Total flux subtracted in 200 components = 1.33403 Jy ! Clean residual min=-0.012296 max=0.047253 Jy/beam ! Clean residual mean=0.000386 rms=0.004145 Jy/beam ! Combined flux in latest and established models = 1.33403 Jy uvw 0,-1 ! Uniform weighting is not currently selected. ! Gridding weights will be scaled by errors raised to the power -1. ! Radial weighting is not currently selected. flux_cutoff = imstat(rms) * dynam ! Adding 21 model components to the UV plane model. ! The established model now contains 21 components and 1.33403 Jy ! Inverting map and beam ! Estimated beam: bmin=2.527 mas, bmaj=3.429 mas, bpa=-1.507 degrees ! Estimated noise=475.43 mJy/beam. repeat if (peak(flux) > flux_cutoff) peakwin win_mult clean clean_niter,clean_gain flux_cutoff = imstat(rms) * dynam keep new_peak = peak(flux) until(new_peak<=flux_cutoff) ! clean: niter=200 gain=0.03 cutoff=0 ! Component: 050 - total flux cleaned = 0.110722 Jy ! Component: 100 - total flux cleaned = 0.170623 Jy ! Component: 150 - total flux cleaned = 0.207884 Jy ! Component: 200 - total flux cleaned = 0.233905 Jy ! Total flux subtracted in 200 components = 0.233905 Jy ! Clean residual min=-0.005065 max=0.014857 Jy/beam ! Clean residual mean=0.003364 rms=0.002610 Jy/beam ! Combined flux in latest and established models = 1.56793 Jy ! Adding 57 model components to the UV plane model. ! The established model now contains 66 components and 1.56793 Jy ! Inverting map ! Added new window around map position (-1.5, 10). ! clean: niter=200 gain=0.03 cutoff=0 ! Component: 050 - total flux cleaned = 0.019428 Jy ! Component: 100 - total flux cleaned = 0.0345452 Jy ! Component: 150 - total flux cleaned = 0.0466111 Jy ! Component: 200 - total flux cleaned = 0.0564975 Jy ! Total flux subtracted in 200 components = 0.0564975 Jy ! Clean residual min=-0.003607 max=0.006339 Jy/beam ! Clean residual mean=0.001777 rms=0.001341 Jy/beam ! Combined flux in latest and established models = 1.62443 Jy ! Adding 61 model components to the UV plane model. ! The established model now contains 108 components and 1.62443 Jy ! Inverting map ! Added new window around map position (9, 11.5). ! clean: niter=200 gain=0.03 cutoff=0 ! Component: 050 - total flux cleaned = 0.00835297 Jy ! Component: 100 - total flux cleaned = 0.0154768 Jy ! Component: 150 - total flux cleaned = 0.0216158 Jy ! Component: 200 - total flux cleaned = 0.0269618 Jy ! Total flux subtracted in 200 components = 0.0269618 Jy ! Clean residual min=-0.003254 max=0.004401 Jy/beam ! Clean residual mean=0.001031 rms=0.000941 Jy/beam ! Combined flux in latest and established models = 1.65139 Jy ! Adding 62 model components to the UV plane model. ! The established model now contains 145 components and 1.65139 Jy ! Inverting map ! Added new window around map position (6, 1). ! clean: niter=200 gain=0.03 cutoff=0 ! Component: 050 - total flux cleaned = 0.00493567 Jy ! Component: 100 - total flux cleaned = 0.00908092 Jy ! Component: 150 - total flux cleaned = 0.012722 Jy ! Component: 200 - total flux cleaned = 0.0159266 Jy ! Total flux subtracted in 200 components = 0.0159266 Jy ! Clean residual min=-0.002993 max=0.003376 Jy/beam ! Clean residual mean=0.000590 rms=0.000766 Jy/beam ! Combined flux in latest and established models = 1.66732 Jy ! Adding 54 model components to the UV plane model. ! The established model now contains 161 components and 1.66732 Jy ! Inverting map ! Added new window around map position (8, 61.5). ! clean: niter=200 gain=0.03 cutoff=0 ! Component: 050 - total flux cleaned = 0.00331292 Jy ! Component: 100 - total flux cleaned = 0.00596238 Jy ! Component: 150 - total flux cleaned = 0.00805756 Jy ! Component: 200 - total flux cleaned = 0.00945672 Jy ! Total flux subtracted in 200 components = 0.00945672 Jy ! Clean residual min=-0.002864 max=0.002756 Jy/beam ! Clean residual mean=0.000356 rms=0.000688 Jy/beam ! Combined flux in latest and established models = 1.67677 Jy ! Adding 52 model components to the UV plane model. ! The established model now contains 175 components and 1.67677 Jy ! Inverting map uvtaper 0.3,taper_size ! Gaussian taper: value 0.3 at UV radius = 20 mega-wavelengths. clean clean_niter,clean_gain ! Inverting map and beam ! Estimated beam: bmin=7.809 mas, bmaj=9.138 mas, bpa=-72.86 degrees ! Estimated noise=709.228 mJy/beam. ! clean: niter=200 gain=0.03 cutoff=0 ! Component: 050 - total flux cleaned = 0.00441843 Jy ! Component: 100 - total flux cleaned = 0.00719412 Jy ! Component: 150 - total flux cleaned = 0.00904382 Jy ! Component: 200 - total flux cleaned = 0.0103441 Jy ! Total flux subtracted in 200 components = 0.0103441 Jy ! Clean residual min=-0.002952 max=0.003466 Jy/beam ! Clean residual mean=0.000260 rms=0.000857 Jy/beam ! Combined flux in latest and established models = 1.68712 Jy flux_cutoff = imstat(rms) * dynam repeat if (peak(flux) > flux_cutoff) peakwin win_mult clean clean_niter,clean_gain flux_cutoff = imstat(rms) * dynam keep new_peak = peak(flux) until(new_peak<=flux_cutoff) ! clean: niter=200 gain=0.03 cutoff=0 ! Component: 050 - total flux cleaned = 0.000406837 Jy ! Component: 100 - total flux cleaned = 0.00061194 Jy ! Component: 150 - total flux cleaned = 0.000792078 Jy ! Component: 200 - total flux cleaned = 0.000924609 Jy ! Total flux subtracted in 200 components = 0.000924609 Jy ! Clean residual min=-0.002852 max=0.003380 Jy/beam ! Clean residual mean=0.000190 rms=0.000835 Jy/beam ! Combined flux in latest and established models = 1.68804 Jy ! Adding 60 model components to the UV plane model. ! The established model now contains 220 components and 1.68804 Jy ! Inverting map uvtaper 0,0 ! No UV-taper is currently set. clean ! Inverting map and beam ! Estimated beam: bmin=2.527 mas, bmaj=3.429 mas, bpa=-1.507 degrees ! Estimated noise=475.43 mJy/beam. ! clean: niter=200 gain=0.03 cutoff=0 ! Component: 050 - total flux cleaned = -0.0015753 Jy ! Component: 100 - total flux cleaned = -0.00173493 Jy ! Component: 150 - total flux cleaned = -0.001806 Jy ! Component: 200 - total flux cleaned = -0.0018685 Jy ! Total flux subtracted in 200 components = -0.0018685 Jy ! Clean residual min=-0.002771 max=0.002453 Jy/beam ! Clean residual mean=0.000105 rms=0.000624 Jy/beam ! Combined flux in latest and established models = 1.68617 Jy selfcal ! Performing phase self-cal ! Adding 18 model components to the UV plane model. ! The established model now contains 229 components and 1.68617 Jy ! ! Correcting IF 1. ! ! Correcting IF 2. ! ! Correcting IF 3. ! ! Correcting IF 4. ! ! Fit before self-cal, rms=0.283871Jy sigma=0.001176 ! Fit after self-cal, rms=0.283857Jy sigma=0.001176 wmodel J0136+4751_S_2001_10_29_pus_map.mod ! Writing 229 model components to file: J0136+4751_S_2001_10_29_pus_map.mod wobs J0136+4751_S_2001_10_29_pus_uvs.fits ! Writing UV FITS file: J0136+4751_S_2001_10_29_pus_uvs.fits wwins ! wwins: Wrote 10 windows to x = (field_size-8) * field_cell / 4 addwin -x,x,-x,x clean (field_size*4),0.01 ! Inverting map ! clean: niter=2048 gain=0.01 cutoff=0 ! Component: 050 - total flux cleaned = -0.000320434 Jy ! Component: 100 - total flux cleaned = -6.05448e-05 Jy ! Component: 150 - total flux cleaned = 0.000305229 Jy ! Component: 200 - total flux cleaned = 0.000541183 Jy ! Component: 250 - total flux cleaned = 0.000808828 Jy ! Component: 300 - total flux cleaned = 0.000994999 Jy ! Component: 350 - total flux cleaned = 0.00117778 Jy ! Component: 400 - total flux cleaned = 0.00142785 Jy ! Component: 450 - total flux cleaned = 0.00160292 Jy ! Component: 500 - total flux cleaned = 0.00180943 Jy ! Component: 550 - total flux cleaned = 0.0019788 Jy ! Component: 600 - total flux cleaned = 0.00211241 Jy ! Component: 650 - total flux cleaned = 0.00224447 Jy ! Component: 700 - total flux cleaned = 0.00240726 Jy ! Component: 750 - total flux cleaned = 0.00256805 Jy ! Component: 800 - total flux cleaned = 0.00269494 Jy ! Component: 850 - total flux cleaned = 0.00282049 Jy ! Component: 900 - total flux cleaned = 0.00291373 Jy ! Component: 950 - total flux cleaned = 0.00300587 Jy ! Component: 1000 - total flux cleaned = 0.00309719 Jy ! Component: 1050 - total flux cleaned = 0.00318758 Jy ! Component: 1100 - total flux cleaned = 0.00327691 Jy ! Component: 1150 - total flux cleaned = 0.00330654 Jy ! Component: 1200 - total flux cleaned = 0.00339441 Jy ! Component: 1250 - total flux cleaned = 0.00345246 Jy ! Component: 1300 - total flux cleaned = 0.00351018 Jy ! Component: 1350 - total flux cleaned = 0.00353894 Jy ! Component: 1400 - total flux cleaned = 0.00359577 Jy ! Component: 1450 - total flux cleaned = 0.0036522 Jy ! Component: 1500 - total flux cleaned = 0.00370809 Jy ! Component: 1550 - total flux cleaned = 0.00368031 Jy ! Component: 1600 - total flux cleaned = 0.00376303 Jy ! Component: 1650 - total flux cleaned = 0.00376299 Jy ! Component: 1700 - total flux cleaned = 0.00381734 Jy ! Component: 1750 - total flux cleaned = 0.00384437 Jy ! Component: 1800 - total flux cleaned = 0.00389804 Jy ! Component: 1850 - total flux cleaned = 0.0039248 Jy ! Component: 1900 - total flux cleaned = 0.0040043 Jy ! Component: 1950 - total flux cleaned = 0.00400433 Jy ! Component: 2000 - total flux cleaned = 0.00403038 Jy ! Total flux subtracted in 2048 components = 0.00405643 Jy ! Clean residual min=-0.001388 max=0.001435 Jy/beam ! Clean residual mean=0.000036 rms=0.000475 Jy/beam ! Combined flux in latest and established models = 1.69023 Jy keep ! Adding 149 model components to the UV plane model. ! The established model now contains 377 components and 1.69023 Jy ![Exited script file: muppet] wmap "J0136+4751_S_2001_10_29_pus\_map.fits" ! Inverting map ! restore: Substituting estimate of restoring beam from last 'invert'. ! Restoring with beam: 2.527 x 3.429 at -1.507 degrees (North through East) ! Clean map min=-0.002196 max=1.2214 Jy/beam ! Writing clean map to FITS file: J0136+4751_S_2001_10_29_pus_map.fits float peak_flux peak_flux = peak(flux,max) print "The peak flux is",peak_flux ! The peak flux is 1.22144 invert ! Inverting map float image_rms image_rms = imstat(rms) print "The final image rms is",image_rms ! The final image rms is 0.000474469 device "J0136+4751_S_2001_10_29_pus\_map.eps/VPS" ! Attempting to open device: 'J0136+4751_S_2001_10_29_pus_map.eps/VPS' loglevs 100*3*image_rms/peak_flux ! The new contour levels are: ! -0.116535 0.116535 0.233071 0.466141 0.932283 1.86457 3.72913 7.45826 14.9165 29.8331 59.6661 print "clev=",int(3*image_rms*10000)/10000 ! clev= 0.0014 print "peak=",int(1000*peak_flux)/1000 ! peak= 1.221 mapcolor none ! Mapplot colormap: none, contrast: 1 brightness: 0.5. mapplot cln ! restore: Substituting estimate of restoring beam from last 'invert'. ! Restoring with beam: 2.527 x 3.429 at -1.507 degrees (North through East) ! Clean map min=-0.002196 max=1.2214 Jy/beam mapcolor color, 0.9 ! Mapplot colormap: rainbow, contrast: 0.9 brightness: 0.5. device "J0136+4751_S_2001_10_29_pus\_map.gif/vgif" ! Attempting to open device: 'J0136+4751_S_2001_10_29_pus_map.gif/vgif' mapplot cln quit ! Quitting program ! Log file J0136+4751_S_2001_10_29_pus_uvs.log closed on Wed Feb 27 15:11:30 2008
# Presentation: 696440 ## Hispanos en los EE.UU. - **Hispanos en los EE.UU**. **Notes:** El propósito de ésta presentación es: Explicar como los datos sobre raza y origen hispano o latino fueron recopilados en el Censo 2000. • Explicar la diferencia entre los conceptos de raza y origen hispano o latino. • Mostrar como la población hispana a crecido en los Estados Unidos. • Mostrar donde el crecimiento está ocurriendo. ## Preguntas sobre Origen Hispano/ Latino del Censo 2000 **Notes:** • Estándares federales para recopilar y presentar datos sobre raza y origen hispano o latino fueron establecidos en octubre de 1997. • La Oficina Federal de Administración y Presupuesto (OMB) define a una persona hispana o latina como “ una persona de asendencia cubana, mejicana, puertorriqueña, sud o centro americana, o de alguna otra cultura española u origen independiente de la raza.” • En la recopilacióno de colección y presentación de datos, a las agencias federales se les requiere utilizar un mínimo de dos etnicidades: “hispano o latino” o “no hispano o latino.” • Estos datos se utilizan para solicitar, informar, o asegurar la implementación de una variedad de programas federales, incluyendo Federal Affirmative Action Plans, Community Reinvestment Act Reporting, el Voting Rights Act y el Public Health Act. ## 28 Categorias de Hispanos o Latinos - **mejicanos** ** ****puertorriqueños** ** ****cubanos** ** ****dominicanos** **Centro Americanos:** - costarricences - guatemaltecos - hondureños - nicaraguences - panameños - salvadoreños - Otros centroamericanos **Sudamericanos:** - argentinos - bolivianos - chilenos - colombianos - ecuatorianos - paraguayos - peruanos - uruguayos - venezolanos - Otros sudamericanos ** ** **Otros Hispanos o Latinos:** - españoles - hispano-americanos - hispanos o latinos **Notes:** Las categorias más comunes de hispanos o latinos: mejicanos Sudamericanos: puertorriqueños argentinos cubanos bolivianos dominicanos chilenos Centroamericanos: colombianos costarricenses ecuatorianos guatemaltecos hondureños nicaraguanses paraguayos panameños peruanos salvadoreños uruguayos Otros centroamericanos Otros sudamericanos venezolanos Nota del Orador: Belicianos, brasileños, descendientes de Cabo Verde, guamenses, haitianos, filipinos y portugueses no son considerados hispanos según la Ley Pública 94-311. Esta ley require la recopilación de datos sobre personas que “se identifican como descendientes de paises de habla española y trazan su origen o asendencia de Méjico, Puerto Rico, Cuba, Centro y Sur América y otros paises de habla hispana...” Para más información comuníquese con la Sección de Estadísticas Étnicas e Hispanas de la Oficina del Censo al 301- 457-2403. ## La Población Hispana en los EE.UU. - 1990: población total de 249 millones - 22.4 millones de Hispanos - 9% de la población total - 2000: población total de 281 millones - 35.3 millones de Hispanos - 12.5% de la población total - Cambio entre 1990 al 2000 : - 12.9 millones - aumento de 57.9% desde 1990 **Notes:** Esta transparencia muestra el número de hispanos en los Estados Unidos en 1990. Los datos no incluyen al Estado Libre Asociado de Puerto Rico, ni a las Áreas Isleñas (Guam, Islas Vírgenes de Estado Unidos, Samoa Americana y las Islas Marianas del Norte). En 1990, el total de la población de los Estados Unidos era de 249 millones. 22.4 millones de personas se clasificaron como hispanos, un 9 por ciento de la población. En el 2000, el total de la población de los Estados Unidos era 281 millones. 35.3 millones de personas se clasificaron como hispanos, un 12.5 por ciento de la población. De 1990 al 2000, los datos muestran un cambio de 12.9 millones de personas y un aumento de 58 por ciento en la población hispana de los Estados Unidos. **Censo 2000: Hispanos y No Hispanos por Raza** **Notes:** Casi la mitad (47.9 por ciento) de los hispanos se clasificaron como blancos, mientras que aproximadamente 42 por ciento se reportaron como “Alguna otra raza,” cuando respondieron a la pregunta sobre raza. Menos del cuatro por ciento de los latinos se reportaron sólo como negro o africano americano, indio americano, o nativo de Hawaii y otro isleño del Pacífico. Aproximadamente 6 por ciento de todos los hispanos reportaron dos o más razas. **Censo 2000: “Alguna Otra Raza” por Origen Hispano** **Notes:** La gran mayoría (97 por ciento) de las casi 15.4 millones de personas que reportaron ser de otra raza solamente eran latinas, mientras que el restante tres por ciento no eran hispanas. Sin embargo, de todas las combinaciones de dos o más razas que incluyen “alguna otra raza”, sólo 58.8 por ciento eran hispanos. Una gran mayoría (90.4 por ciento) de la categoría de “alguna otra raza” solamente o en combinación también era hispana. ## Puerto Rico **1990: 3.5 millones de habitantes** - No se preguntó el origen hispano/latino **2000: 3.8 millones de habitantes** - 3.8 millones de hispanos - 98.8 por ciento de la población total **Cambio 1990 al 2000 :** - 300 mil personas - aumento de 8 por ciento desde 1990 **Notes:** No se preguntó sobre el origen hispano/latino en el Censo de 1990 de Puerto Rico. Esta pregunta se hizó por primera vez en Puerto Rico para el Censo del 2000. Noventa y nueve por ciento de la población de Puerto Rico se identificó como hispano o latino. La población total de Puerto Rico aumentó por casi 300 mil personas, un aumento de 8 por ciento desde 1990. ## Censo 2000: Primeros 10 Estados por Población Hispana **Notes:** En los Estados Unidos, California tuvo el mayor número de hispanos con una población total de hispanos de más de 10.9 millones. Texas fue segundo con una población de más de 6.6 millones. Nueva York quedó en tercer lugar con casi 2.9 millones. ## Censo 2000: Primeros 10 Estados Hispanos por Por Ciento Total de Hispanos **Notes:** El por ciento más alto de personas hispanas reside en California con casi una tercera parte del total de la población hispana de los Estados Unidos. Tejas tiene el segundo por ciento más alto con un 18.9 por ciento. California y Tejas juntos tienen 50 por ciento de la población hispana residente de los Estados Unidos. Los principales 5 estados - California, Tejas, Nueva York, Florida e Illinois- tienen un 70 por ciento del total de la población hispana residente en los Estados Unidos. Los diez estados mostrados tienen el 83 por ciento del total de la población hispana de los Estados Unidos. ## Censo 2000: Primeros 10 Estados por el Por Ciento de Hispanos **Por ciento de población total** **Notes:** Casi la mitad de la población de Nuevo Méjico es hispana con un 42.1 por ciento. Aproximadamente una tercera parte de las poblaciones de California y Tejas son personas de herencia hispana. La población hispana de Arizona aumentó a un 25.3 por ciento, en comparación con un 18.8 por ciento en el 1990. Nota del Orador: Ambos estados, California y Tejas tuvieron casi un 25 por ciento de la población hispana en 1990. ## Censo 2000: Primeros 10 Estados por Cambio de Población Hispana **Notes:** Estos son los 10 principales estados por aumento numérico La población hispana de California aumentó por casi 3.3 millones de personas. Tejas aumentó por aproximadamente 2.3 millones de hispanos. Georgia y Carolina del Norte son nuevos a los principales 10 estados con cambios en la población con un aumento de 311 mil y 302 mil personas, respectivamente. ## Censo 2000: Primeros 10 Estados por el Por Ciento de Cambio de Hispanos **Notes:** ¿Cúales estados tuvieron el mayor por ciento de aumento en su población hispana? La población hispana de Carolina del Norte casi se cuadruplicó de 1990 al 2000. En Arkansas, la población hispana aumentó más de tres veces de 1990 al 2000. Las poblaciones hispanas aumentaron más rápido en el sur de los Estados Unidos. De los diez estados, se puede ver que siete de ellos son sureños. Los primeros cuatro son: Carolina del Norte, Arkansas, Georgia y Tennessee. Los otros estados sureños que se encuentran entre los primeros diez son Carolina del Sur, Alabama, y Kentucky. ## Censo 2000: Primeros 10 Estados Hispanos por Por Ciento de Cambio de Población **Notes:** La tasa anual de crecimiento nacional de la población hispana fue 58 por ciento. De los diez estados con la más grande población hispana, el estado de Washington entró a este grupo al duplicarse su población hispana entre 1990 y el 2000. El estado tuvo casi un aumento de casi 106 por ciento en su población hispana. Arizona (88 por ciento) y Colorado (73 por ciento) están en el segundo y tercer lugar, respectivamente en el crecimiento de su población hispana. De los estados con la mayor población hispana, pueden ver que California (43 por ciento), Nuevo Méjico (32 por ciento) y Nueva York (30 por ciento) crescieron más lentamente que el promedio nacional. Aunque aún por debajo de 58 por ciento, Tejas (54 por ciento) y Nueva Jersey (51 por ciento) tuvieron patrones de crecimiento acercándose al promedio nacional. ## Censo 2000: Primeros 10 Estados por Contribución Hispana al Crecimiento Total **Por ciento total** **Notes:** Esta transparencia muestra la contribución hispana para el crecimiento general de la población de los estados. Sobre 100 por ciento del aumento de la población de Rhode Island se relacionó directamente al aumento de la población hispana. De no ser por este aumento, Rhode Island habría perdido población. Aumentos en la población de Dakota del Norte y Connecticut resultaron del aumento en la población hispana, que representa más del 90 por ciento del crecimiento de estos estados. Casi 80 por ciento del aumento de la población total de California resultó del crecimiento en la población hispana. ## Distribución Porcentual de la Población Hispana por Origen: 2000 **Notes:** La población de origen mejicana fue casi 21 milliones de personas y 59 por ciento de los hispanos. Puertorriqueños fue un 10 por ciento y cubanos un 3.5 por ciento de la población hispana. El restante 28 por ciento era de otra origen hispana, en comparación con un 23 por ciento en el 1990. La mayoria de las personas de un “otro” origen hispano no especificaron un país u origen específica en el cuestionario del censo 2000. Mas bien llenaron la cajita español/hispano/ latino, sin proveer información adicional o respondieron a la pregunta con “hispano” o “latino” or “español.” Con 6.1 milliones de personas y un 17 por ciento de la población hispana, este grupo de personas que respondieron a la pregunta sin dar una respuesta detallada era el grupo hispano mas grande, después del grupo de origin mejicano. ## Primeros10 Ciudades por el Por Ciento de Hispanos : 2000 **East Los Angeles, CA**** **** **** ****97%** **Laredo, TX**** **** **** **** ****94%** **Brownsville, TX**** **** **** ****91%** **Hialeah, FL**** **** **** **** ****90%** **McAllen, TX**** **** **** **** ****80%** **El Paso, TX**** **** **** **** ****77%** **Santa Ana, CA**** **** **** ****76%** **El Monte, CA**** **** **** ****72%** **Oxnard, CA**** **** **** **** ****66%** **Miami, Fl**** **** **** **** ****66%** **Notes:** Hispanos en East Los Angeles eran 97 por ciento (120,000) de la población, más que cualquier otro lugar fuera del Estado Libre Asociado de Puerto Rico. Se puede ver en la tranaprencia otras ciudades donde hispanos eran la mayoria. Hispanos eran la mayoria de la población en 19 lugares con una población de 100,000 habitantes o más. ## Población Hispana por Origen: 2000 **Centroamericanos**** **** **** 1,686,937** - **Costarricences**** **** **** **** **** 68,588** ** ****Guatemaltecos**** **** **** **** ****372,487** ** ****Hondureños**** **** **** **** ****217,569** ** ****Nicaraguenses**** **** **** **** ****177,684** ** ****Panameños**** **** **** **** **** 91,723** ** ****Salvadoreños**** **** **** **** ****655,165** ** ****Otros Centroamericanos**** **** ****103,721** **Notes:** Los centroamericanos representaron un cinco por ciento de la población hispana total. Habían 655 mil salvadoreños, el grupo centroamericano más grande en los EE.UU., En segundo lugar eran los guatemaltecos con 372 mil personas, y en tercer lugar con 218 mil personas, el grupo hondureño. ## Población Hispana por Origen: 2000 **Sudamericanos**** **** **** **** **** 1,353,562** - **Argentinos**** **** **** **** **** 100,864** ** ****Bolivianos**** **** **** **** **** 42,068** ** ****Chilenos**** **** **** **** **** **** 68,849** ** ****Colombianos**** **** **** **** **** 470,684** ** ****Ecuadorianos**** **** **** **** **** 260,559** ** ****Paraguayos**** **** **** **** **** 8,769** ** ****Peruanos**** **** **** **** **** **** 233,926** ** ****Uruguayos**** **** **** **** **** 18,804** ** ****Venezolanos**** **** **** **** **** **** 91,507** ** ****Otros Centroamericanos**** **** **** 57,532** **Notes:** Las personas que indicaron su origen como sudamericano representan 1.4 millones de personas y 3.8 por ciento de la población hispana. El grupo sudamericano más grande era colombiano con casi un medio millon de personas, o un poco más de un por ciento de la población hispana. ## Censo 2000: Compendio Hispano - Hay 35.3 millones de hispanos en los EE.UU., representando 12.5 por ciento de la población total - La población hispana aumentó por 58 por ciento desde 1990 - 31 Por ciento de la población hispana reside en California - 70 Por ciento de la población hispana reside en 5 estados: CA, TX, NY, FL e IL - Hispanos tienen mayor presencia en el sur, que en 1990 **Notes:** En resumen, los hispanos son un 12.5 por ciento del total de 281 millones de personas de los Estados Unidos. Esto es un aumento de 58 por ciento desde 1990. California cuenta con aproximadamente una tercera parte de la población hispana de los Estados Unidos ó 31.1 por ciento de la misma. California, Tejas, Nueva York, Florida e Illinois tienen el 70 por ciento de la población hispana de los Estados Unidos. De los primero diez estados por cambio porcentual, seis estados sureños muestran una presencia mayor de personas de herencia hispana: Carolina del Norte, Georgia, Tennesse, Carolina del Sur, Alabama y Kentucky. ## Para más Información - Visite la página principal de la Oficina del Censo en la Internet: ****** ## Para más Información: Índice por Tema **Notes:** Se puede encontrar más información específica sobre la población hispana bajo a “Subjects A-Z” y seleccionando “H” en la barra del Índice por Tema. ## Para más Información: American FactFinderTM **Notes:** Se puede encontrar más información sobre los hispanos también en el American FactFinderTM. Seleccione “American FactFinder” de la página proncipal de la Oficina del Censo. En la página del American FactFinder, comience su pedido de información sobre los hispanos en el encacillado titulado “Start” y establesca “Race, Hispanic or Latino, and age (2000).” Luego puede definir su busqueda por “estado, condado, subdivisión de condado o lugar.” La sección de “Items of Interest” en la página es el área que se actualiza con más frecuencia en el American FactFinder. Siempre busque aqui para ver que hay nuevo desde su última visita a la página.
**Tutorial Session** **Current Topics in Plutonium Science** **Sponsored by the G. T. Seaborg Institute** **Sunday, July 5, 1:00 PM-5:00PM** **Background**. The "Plutonium Futures -- The Science" conference was established to increase awareness of the importance of the scientific underpinnings of plutonium research, and facilitate communication among its international practitioners. Most importantly, we hope that this conference will stimulate the next generation of scientists and students to study the fundamental properties of plutonium and other actinides. To help prepare students, non-specialists, and other interested parties, we have organized a half-day tutorial based on current topics of this conference. # Agenda **1:00 PM** Challenges in plutonium physics and chemistry -- David L. Clark, Director, G. T. Seaborg Institute, Los Alamos National Laboratory **1:45 PM** Overview of IAEA activities in plutonium nonproliferation and security -- Graham Andrew, IAEA Special Advisor for Scientific and Technical Affairs **2:30 PM** Break **2:45 PM** Overview of the nuclear fuel cycle and new fuel cycle initiatives -- Ed Arthur, Los Alamos National Laboratory **3:30 PM** Overview of colloid facilitated transport of plutonium -- Annie B. Kersting, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory **4:15 PM** Adjourn
Asia/Pacific GPS-based Monitoring System (GMS) Monitoring Procedures Monitoring is required for all operators of aircraft that have received RVSM operational approval. Current monitoring goals should be reviewed for actual requirements; generally 2 or 3 aircraft of each type must be monitored. Monitoring requirements as well as other RVSM information can be found at the following web sites: FAA RVSM - <> Asia-Pacific Approvals Registry and Monitoring Organization (APARMO) - <> Airworthiness Approval In-production or new production aircraft attain airworthiness approval through verification of RVSM eligibility in the Airplane Flight Manual or Type Certificate Data Sheet. In-service aircraft attain airworthiness approval through the application of the type-specific RVSM Service Bulletin. The aircraft engineering requirements vary for individual types or groups of aircraft. These requirements may include upgrades to the air data computers, pitot-static modifications, skin waviness testing, and visual or paint inspections. After airworthiness approval is obtained, the operational approval process is completed by incorporation of RVSM policy and procedures into the training program, manuals, and maintenance program. **Monitoring may be conducted after airworthiness approval information has been sent to the APARMO. Only airworthiness approved aircraft will be monitored.** APARMO The APARMO is responsible for all monitoring activity and the operation of the GMS. CSSI Inc., the GMS support contractor, will assist the APARMO with the monitoring program. GMS Description The GMS is comprised of the equipment and procedures to collect and process three required data elements: GPS data, pressure altitude or Mode C data, and meteorological data. The GPS-based Monitoring Unit (GMU) is used to collect the GPS data during the monitoring flight. The APARMO, through the use of the attached Flight Information Form (FIF), will coordinate with the operator the collection of pressure altitude or Mode C data from ATC facilities. The operator will provide pressure altitude data from the digital flight data recorder (DFDR) of the aircraft being monitored. Late transmittal of the FIF and illegible or blank entries will delay processing and the dissemination of results. Meteorological data will be obtained by the APARMO without operator involvement. Monitoring Flights Monitoring flights do not need to be conducted in Pacific Airspace. Monitoring can be conducted on scheduled flights, ferry flights, or monitoring-specific flights. To ensure collection of sufficient position data, the flight must be straight and level at any altitude from FL290 to FL410, and should be at least thirty minutes in duration. Monitoring should also be conducted in areas where Mode-C radar data can be retrieved in a timely manner. In addition to Mode-C collected by the APARMO, the operator should provide pressure altitude data from the Digital Flight Data Recorder (DFDR) to the APARMO for Altimetry System Error (ASE) calculation. GMU Description The GMU is a portable unit comprised of a Global Positioning System (GPS) receiver, two GPS antennas, temporarily mounted on interior windows, and a laptop computer. The unit requires plug in power from the aircraft (draws 2.0 to 4.0 amperes maximum) and accepts multiple types of power standard to aircraft. The GMU can be installed in the aircraft cockpit or cabin, depending upon aircraft type. Installation time is approximately 15 minutes. For most transport aircraft, the GMU is best installed using the aft cockpit windows. The GMS Monitoring Specialist typically occupies a jump seat to monitor GMU performance. GMU installation is transparent crew operations. Monitoring Process Upon receiving airworthiness approval, the operator should contact the APARMO GMS Operations Coordinator to discuss monitoring options. To start the monitoring process the operator should submit the attached Monitoring Application to the APARMO. The Monitoring Application should include all aircraft that will be operated in the Pacific Region. The collection of GPS data with the GMU can be accomplished by a GMS Monitoring Specialist or by an operator representative that has received GMU training. The operator and the APARMO GMS Operations Coordinator will develop a mutually agreed upon plan for monitoring. The operator will take the necessary steps to retrieve pressure altitude data from the digital flight data recorder (DFDR). The DFDR data should be sent to the APARMO as an electronic file. The specific format of the electronic file and the APARMO DFDR point of contact is contained in the following section. To conduct the monitoring flight, the Monitoring Specialist or operator representative that has received GMS training, will perform the following tasks: - Submit preflight FIF to APARMO and GMS Support Contractor - Operate GMU - Submit post-flight FIF to APARMO and GMS Support Contractor - Submit GPS data files to GMS Support Contractor ![](media/image1.wmf)The Monitoring process from the operator's perspective is illustrated in Figure 1. The operator will be notified by a facsimile memo as the FIF, GPS data file, and pressure altitude data file move through the post-flight processing steps at the APARMO. Digital Flight Data Recorder Data Digital Flight Data Recorder (DFDR) data should contain altitude (ALT) expressed in feet with corresponding time (UTC) expressed in hours, minutes, and seconds HH/MM/SS to two decimal places and the aircraft transponder code (TXP). Altitude data submitted to the APARMO should have reports with 12-second or better intervals. Providing aircraft position data for each level of flight further aids the APARMO in ASE calculation. Position data can be provided in latitude/longitude or range/azimuth (x/y) formats. A reference point is helpful when providing position data in the range/azimuth (x/y) format. Please provide the units of measurement for each piece of position data submitted to the APARMO. DFDR Data Samples: Range/Azimuth (X/Y) Data TXP X Y ALT HH/MM/SS 5113 -284.969 197.938 36900 13/23/21.00 Latitude/Longitude Data TXP LAT LON ALT HH/MM/SS 2241 54.833 4.494E 28000 17/57/42.00 2241 54.826 4.489E 28000 17/57/47.00 Sending DFDR data to the APARMO as an ASCII or text file via e-mail is recommended. APARMO DFDR Point of Contact: Phone: 1+609-485-5102 Fax: 1+609-485-5117 E-mail: <[email protected]> If e-mail is not available, the operator should send DFDR files on PC-formatted 3.5" diskettes to: Anthony Strazzeri FAA William J. Hughes Technical Center ACT-520 Atlantic City Airport, NJ 08405 # # # Monitoring Post-Flight Information After completion of the monitoring flight, the GPS data will be processed by the GMS Contractor and forwarded to the APARMO. The operator will be advised by fax of the processing status of the data file. For the computation of the ASE, Meteorological data and Mode C data will be collected and merged with the GPS data at the APARMO. Final ASE results should be available from the APARMO within three weeks of the flight. The results will be sent to the State CAA and posted on the APARMO web site. APARMO GMS Contacts: APARMO Activities Coordinator Phone: 1+609-485-5678 Fax: 1+609-485-5078 Email: [email protected] CSSI Inc., APARMO GMS Operations Coordinator: Phone: 1+202-863-7426 Fax: 1+202-863-2398 Email: [email protected] **. REDUCED VERTICAL SEPARATION MINIMUM (RVSM)** ## MONITORING APPLICATION **(Return completed form by fax to 1+609-485-5078 and 1+202-863-2398)** **Operator Name**:\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ **Address**:\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ **Operator Primary Point of Contact** Name:\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_Title:\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ Telephone Number:\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_Fax Number: \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_Email Address:\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ **Secondary Point of Contact** Name:\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_Title:\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ Telephone Number:\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_Fax Number: \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_Email Address:\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ **Civil Aviation Authority Contact** Name:\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_Title:\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ Telephone Number:\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_Fax Number: \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_Email Address:\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ 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style="width: 14%" /> </colgroup> <tbody> <tr class="odd"> <td colspan="14">INFORMATION TO BE RECORDED PRIOR TO FLIGHT</td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td colspan="6">Airline/Operator:</td> <td colspan="6">GMU Container Number:</td> <td colspan="2"></td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td colspan="14"><p>Point of Contact for Operator:</p> <p>Name: Phone: Fax:</p></td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td colspan="6">Aircraft Type/Series:</td> <td colspan="8">Aircraft Registration Number:</td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td colspan="6">Call Sign:</td> <td colspan="8">Airframe Serial Number:</td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td colspan="14">Planned: Origin: Departure Date (UTC): Departure Time (UTC):</td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td colspan="14">Planned: Destination: Arrival Date (UTC): Arrival Time (UTC):</td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td colspan="7">Installer (Name/Org.):</td> <td colspan="7">Retriever (Name/Org.):</td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td colspan="14">Mode S Equipped (Yes/No): Separation Between Mounted 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or FIR changes.</p></li> </ol></td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td>Time</td> <td colspan="2">Assigned</td> <td>Mach/Air</td> <td>Xpndr</td> <td colspan="4">Altimeter Reading</td> <td colspan="2">Autopilot (L, R, C)</td> <td colspan="2">FMS/PMS</td> <td>ARTCC/FIR</td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td>(UTC)</td> <td colspan="2">FL</td> <td>Speed</td> <td>Code/Source</td> <td colspan="3">Pilot</td> <td>Co-pilot</td> <td>Pilot</td> <td>Co-pilot</td> <td colspan="2">(Y/N)</td> <td>(ICAO ID)</td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td></td> <td colspan="2"></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td colspan="3"></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td colspan="2"></td> <td></td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td></td> <td colspan="2"></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td colspan="3"></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td colspan="2"></td> <td></td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td></td> <td colspan="2"></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td colspan="3"></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td colspan="2"></td> <td></td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td></td> 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location</td> </tr> </tbody> </table>
No. 94-172 In the Supreme Court of the United States OCTOBER TERM, 1994 JOHN BRUCE HUBBARD, PETITIONER V. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA ON WRIT OF CERTIORARI TO THE UNITED STATES COURT OF APPEALS FOR THE SIXTH CIRCUIT BRIEF FOR THE UNITED STATES DREW S. DAYS, III Solicitor General JO ANN HARRIS Assistant Attorney General MICHAEL R. DREEBEN Deputy Solicitor General RICHARD P. BRESS Assistant to the Solicitor General JOEL M. GERSHOWITZ Attorney Department of Justice Washington, D.C. 20530 (202)514-2217 ---------------------------------------- Page Break ---------------------------------------- QUESTION PRESENTED The Court's grant of certiorari is limited to the follow- ing question: Whether petitioner's convictions under 18 U.S.C. 1001 for knowingly making false statements in pleadings filed with the bankruptcy court are barred by the so-called "judicial function" exception to Section 1001. (I) ---------------------------------------- Page Break ---------------------------------------- TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Opinion below . . . . 1 Jurisdiction . . . . 1 Statutory provisions involved . . . . 2 Statement . . . . 2 Summary of argument . . . . 5 Argument: I. Section 1001 applies to false statements made in matters within the jurisdiction of the Judicial Branch . . . . 7 A. Bramblett applied Section 1001 to all three branches of Government . . . . 8 B. There is no reason for this Court to recon- sider Bramblett's construction of Section 1001 . . . . 10 II. There is no judicial function exception to Section 1001 . . . . 21 Conclusion . . . . 34 TABLE OF AUTHORITIES Cases: Berkemer v. McCarty, 468 U.S. 420 (1984) . . . . 11 Bryson v. United States, 396 U.S. 64 (1969) . . . . 17, 21, 24, 28 Caspari v. Bohlen, 114 S. Ct. 948 (1994) . . . . 10 Demarest v. Manspeaker, 498 U.S. 184 (1991) . . . . 18 Foster v. Neilson, 27 U.S. (2 Pet.) 253 (1829) . . . . 14 Freytag v. Commissioner, 501 U.S. 868 (1991) . . . . 14, 32 Friedman v. United States, 374 F.2d 363 (8th Cir. 1967). General Talking Pictures Corp. v. Western Elec. Co., 304 U.S. 175 (1938) . . . . 10 Hilton v. South Carolina Pub. Railways Comm'n, 502 Us. 197 (1991) . . . . 13 Illinois Brick ('o. v. Illinois, 431 U.S. 720 (1977) . . . . 12, 13 (III) ---------------------------------------- Page Break ---------------------------------------- Cases-Continued: Page Izumi Seimitsu Kogyo Kubushiki Kaisha v. U.S. Philips Corp., 114 S. Ct. 425 (1993) . . . . 11 Kamen v. Kemper Fin. Servs., Inc., 500 U.S. 90 (1991) . . . . 10, 11 Leitman v. McAusland, 934 F.2d 46 (4th Cir. 1991) . . . . 32 Mississippi v. Johnson, 71 U.S. (4 Wall.) 475 (1867) . . . . 14 Morgan v. United States, 309 F.2d 234 (D.C. Cir. 1962), cert. denied, 373 U.S. 917 (1963) . . . . 22, 29 NationsBank v. Variable Annuity Life Ins. Co., Nos. 93- 1612 & 93-1613 (Jan. 18, 1995) . . . . 14 Nix v. Whiteside, 475 U.S. 157 (1986) . . . . 30 Patterson v. McLean Credit Union, 491 U.S. 164 (1989) . 13 Rowland v. California Men's Colony, 113 S. Ct. 716 (1993) . . . . 15, 16 Square D Co. v. Niagara Frontier Tariff Bureau, Inc., 476 U.S. 409 (1986) . . . . 13 Stein v. United States, 363 F.2d 587 (5th Cir.), cert. denied, 385 U.S. 934 (1966) . . . . 32 Town of Newton v. Rumery, 480 U.S. 386 (1987) . . . . 21 United States Nat'1 Bank v. Independent Ins. Agents of America, Inc., 113 S. Ct. 2173 (1993) . . . .10 United States v. Abrahams, 604 F.2d 386 (5th Cir. 1979) . . . . 10, 22, 33 United States v. Barber. 881 F.2d 345 (7th Cir. 1989), cert. denied, 495 U.S. 922 (1990) . . . . 9, 22, 33 United States v. Batchelder, 442 U.S. 114 (1979) . . . . 19, 25 United States v. Bramblett, 348 U.S. 503 (1955) . . . . passim United States v. Cohn, 270 U.S. 339 (1926) . . . . 17, 18 United States v. Erhardt, 381 F.2d 173 (6th Cir. 1967) . . . . 5, 10, 18, 23, 25 United States v. Flint, No. 92-50554, 1993 WL 169067 (9th Cir. May 19, 1993) . . . . 32 United States v. Gilliland, 312 U.S. 86 (1941) . . . . 20, 26, 27 United States v. Germaine, 99 U.S. 508 (1878) . . . . 14 United States v. Goodwin, 457 U.S. 368 (1982) . . . .21 ---------------------------------------- Page Break ---------------------------------------- v Cases-Continued: Page United States v. Holmes, 840 F.2d 246 (4th Cir.), cert. denied, 488 U.S. 831 (1988) . . . . 9, 22, 23, 33 United States v. Kingston, 971 F.2d 481 (lOth Cir. 1992) . . . . 30 United States v. Krause, 507 F.2d 113 (5th Cir. 1975) . . . . 32 United States v. Lawson, 809 F.2d 1514 (llth Cir. 1987). 9-10 United States v, Masterpol, 940 F.2d 760 (2d Cir. 1991) . . . . 9, 22, 23, 25 United States v. Mayer, 775 F.2d 1387 (9th Cir. 1985) . . . . 9, 22, 23, 25, 32 United States v. Mezzanatto, No. 93-1340 (Jan. 18, 1995) . . . . 21 United States v. Murphy, 809 F.2d 1427 (9th Cir. 1987) . . 30 United States v. Plascencia-Orozco, 768 F.2d 1074 (9th Cir. 1984) . . . . 23 United Stales v. Poindexter, 951 F.2d 369 (D.C. Cir. 1991), cert. denied, 113 S. Ct. 656 (1992) . . . . 9, 22, 23 United States v. Powell, 708 F.2d 455 (9th Cir. 1983), cert. denied 467 U.S. 1254, rev'd, 469 U.S. 57 (1984) . . . . 24 United States v. Richeson, 825 F.2d 17 (4th Cir. 1987) . . . . 30 United States v. Rodgers, 466 U.S. 475 (1984) . . . . 17, 18, 20, 24, 26, 27, 28, 32 United States v. Rowland, 789 F.2d 1169 (5th Cir.), cert. denied, 479 U.S. 964 (1986) . . . . 23 United States v. Tobon-Builes, 706 F.2d 1092 (llth Cir. 1983) . . . . 30 United States v. Wood, 6 F.3d 692 (lOth Cir. 1993) . . . . 22, 23, 33 United States v. Yermian, 468 U.S. 63 (1984) . . . . 17, 18 Yee v. City of Escondido, 112 S. Ct. 1522 (1992) . . . . 11 Constitution, statutes and rules: U.S. Const.: Art. II, 2, Cl. 2 (Appointments Clause) . . . . 14 Art. 111 . . . . . 15 Amend. VI . . . . 30 ---------------------------------------- Page Break ---------------------------------------- VI Statutes and rules-Continued: Page Act of Mar. 2, 1863, ch. 67, 1, 12 Stat. 696 . . . . 26 Act of Oct. 23, 1918, ch. 194, 40 Stat. 1015 . . . . 26 Act of June 18, 1934, ch. 587, 48 Stat. 996 . . . . 16, 26 Dictionary Act, 1 U.S. C. 1 . . . . 16 Investment Company Act of 1940, ch. 686, 20 (a), 54 Stat. 789 . . . . 11 Bankruptcy Code, ch. 7, 11 U.S.C. 701 et seq . . . . 3 11 U.S.C. 727 . . . . 3 11 U.S.C. 727(a)(2)-(4) . . . . 20 5 U.S.C. 101 ( l) . . . . 7, 8 18 U.S.C. 6 . . . . 2, 8, 13, 14, 15, 16 18 U. S.C. 152 . . . . 2 18 U.S.C. 1001 . . . . passim 18 U.S.C. 1010 . . . . 19 18 U.S.C. 1020 . . . . 19 18 U.S.C. 1026 . . . . 19 18 U.S.C. 1341 . . . . 2 18 U.S.C. 1503 . . . . 20 18 U.S.C. 1621 . . . . 20, 25 18 U.S. C. 1623(e) . . . . 5, 25 Fed. R. Civ. P.: Rule 8(b) . . . . 31 Rule 11 . . . . 31 Sup. Ct. R. 14.l(a) . . . . 10 Miscellaneous: 5 Charles Alan Wright & Arthur R Miller, Federal Practice and Procedure (2d ed. 1990) . . . . 31 2A James Wm. Moore & Jo Desha Lucas, Moore's Federal Practice (1994) . . . . 31 The Federalist Nos. 46-50 (James Madison) (Cooke ed. 1961) . . . . 14 Reform of the Federal criminal Laws: Hearings on S. 1 and S. 1400 Before the Subcomm. on Criminal Laws and Procedures of the Senate Comm. on the Judiciary, 93d Cong., 2d Sess. Pt. 10(1974) . . . .19 U.S. Attorneys' Manual: 9-42.145 . . . . 20 9-69.267 . . . . 20 ---------------------------------------- Page Break ---------------------------------------- In the Supreme Court of the United States OCTOBER TERM, 1994 No. 94-172 JOHN BRUCE HUBBARD, PETITIONER v. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA ON WRIT OF CERTIORARI TO THE UNITED STATES COURT OF APPEALS FoR THE SIXTH CIRCUIT BRIEF FOR THE UNITED STATES OPINION BELOW The opinion of the court of appeals (Pet. App. 1-19) is reported at 16 F.3d 694. JURISDICTION The judgment of the court of appeals was entered on February 15, 1994. A petition for rehearing was denied on March 30, 1994. Pet. App. 20. On May 10, 1994, Justice Stevens extended the time within which to file a petition for a writ of certiorari to and including July 28, 1994. The petition for a writ of certiorari was filed on July 27, 1994, and granted on October 31, 1994, limited to the question framed by the Court. The jurisdiction of this Court rests on 28 U.S.C. 1254(1). (1) ---------------------------------------- Page Break ---------------------------------------- 2 STATUTORY PROVISIONS INVOLVED Section 1001 of Title 18 of the United States provides as follows: Whoever, in any matter within the jurisdiction of any department or agency of the United States, knowingly and willfully falsifies, conceals or covers up by any trick, scheme, or device a material fact, or makes any false, fictitious or fraudulent statements or representations, or makes or uses any false writing or document knowing the same to contain any false, fictitious or fraudulent statement or entry, shall be fined not more than $10,000 or imprisoned not more than five years, or both. Section 6 of Title 18 provides in relevant part as follows: As used in this Title: The term "department" means one of the executive departments enumerated in section [101] of Title 5, unless the context shows that such term was intended to describe the executive, legislative, or judicial branches of the government. STATEMENT After a jury trial in the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Michigan, petitioner was convicted on four counts of bankruptcy fraud (Counts 1- 4), in violation of 18 U.S.C. 152; three counts of making false statements in a matter within the jurisdiction of a federal department or agency (Counts 5-7), in violation of 18 U.S.C. 1001; and three counts of mail fraud (Counts 8- 10), in violation of 18 U.S.C. 1341. He was sentenced to concurrent terms of 24 months' imprisonment on Counts 1 through 9, and to a consecutive term of five years' ---------------------------------------- Page Break ---------------------------------------- 3 supervised release on Count 10. The court of appeals affirmed. Pet. App. 1-19. 1. On September 25, 1985, petitioner filed a voluntary petition for bankruptcy under Chapter 7 of the Bankruptcy Code. In December 1985, believing that petitioner had provided false information, the trustee filed a complaint under 11 U.S.C. 727 to prevent peti- tioner from discharging his debts through the bankruptcy. 2/1/91 (Morning) Tr. 87. In July 1985, a successor trustee filed an amended complaint, after being informed that petitioner had failed to disclose certain property that he owned or possessed. Pet. App. 2; 2/4/91 Tr. 15-19. The amended complaint alleged, among other things, that a well-drilling machine was stored at petitioner's residence and that parts to the machine were stored in a nearby warehouse. J.A. 4. In petitioner's answer, he denied each allegation "for the reason [that] it is untrue." J.A. 12; Pet. App. 4. The trustee filed, in addition, a motion to compel petitioner to surrender the books and records of his businesses, alleging that "despite requests of the Trustee, the Debtor has refused to surrender all books, documents, records and papers relating to property of the Estate to the Trustee." J.A. 6-7; Pet. App. 2. Peti- tioner filed a response denying the allegation and asserting that he had produced the requested documents to the previous bankruptcy trustee. J.A. 10; Pet. App. 4. 2. On July 5, 1990, a grand jury returned an indictment against petitioner charging him with bankruptcy fraud, mail fraud, and making false statements in a matter within the jurisdiction of the federal bankruptcy court. Pet. App. 2. The false state- ment counts were based on the statements made by petitioner in his response to the trustee's motion to ---------------------------------------- Page Break ---------------------------------------- 4 compel and in his answer to the trustee's amended complaint. J.A. 14-16; Pet. App. 4. The evidence at trial showed that when petitioner filed his answer, he knew that the well-drilling machine and machine parts were stored at the locations specified in the amended complaint. GX 21B; 2/4/91 Tr. 102-103; J.A. 15-16. The evidence also demonstrated that petitioner had not produced the requested books and records either to the original or to the successor trustee, as he had claimed in response to the motion to compel. 2/1/91 (Morning) Tr. 75-76,79-80,90-91, 94; 2/4/91 Tr. 9. 1. 3. On appeal, petitioner argued that he had been improperly convicted on Counts 5-7 because, among other things, Section 1001 does not apply to false state- ments made to a court when the court is exercising its judicial functions. The court of appeals rejected that contention. It recognized, initially, that this Court held in United States v. Bramblett, 348 U.S. 503 (1955), that the term "department," as used in Section 1001, is meant to describe all three branches of government. Pet. App. 7-8. The court of appeals acknowledged that several other courts of appeals distinguish the courts' adminis- trative role from their judicial role, and carve out from the scope of Section 1001 false statements made to courts when they are exercising judicial functions. Pet. App. 9- 10. The court concluded, however, that the "judicial function" exception is inconsistent with Bramblett's teaching that Section 1001 is to be read broadly, and, after reviewing the underpinnings of the exception, held ___________________(footnotes) 1. Petitioner did not surrender the books and records of the estate until well after he had filed his opposition, and then only in response to a direct order by the bankruptcy court. 2/4/91 Tr. 9, 14-17. ---------------------------------------- Page Break ---------------------------------------- 5 that it "does not rest on solid legal ground." Pet. App. 13; see also id. at 11 n.5. In refusing to apply a "judicial function" exception to Section 1001, the court of appeals declined to follow its previous decision in United States v. Erhardt, 381 F.2d 173 (6th Cir. 1967) (per curiam) (holding that Section 1001 does not apply to the introduction of false docu- ments in a criminal proceeding). Erhardt had reasoned that application of Section 1001 in that setting would undermine the safeguard provided by the two-witness rule in perjury prosecutions. The court of appeals explained, however, that Erhardt's rationale "has been significantly weakened, if not entirely undercut, by the abolition of the two-witness rule." Pet. App. 12 & n.6; see 18 U.S.C. 1623(e). The court further observed that "if we were to believe a limitation should be placed on 1001 so that it did not overlap the purpose and scope of the federal perjury statute, this would not be the case in which to do it; none of the false statements here was made under oath and therefore none could be prosecuted as perjury." Pet. App. 13. 2. SUMMARY OF ARGUMENT I. The federal false statement statute, 18 U.S.C. 1001, proscribes the making of a false statement "in any matter within the jurisdiction of any department or agency of the United States." In United States v. ___________________(footnotes) 2. Judge Nelson dissented from the court's affirmance of petitioner's conviction on Counts 5-7. Pet. App. 18-19. In his view, Erhardt held broadly that Section 1001 "does not apply to conduct engaged in by the defendant in connection with the operation of a court's judicial machinery. " Pet. App. 19 (internal quotation marks omitted). Because petitioner's false statements were made in an adjudicative context, Judge Nelson believed that Erhardt controlled and precluded petitioner's conviction. Ibid. ---------------------------------------- Page Break ---------------------------------------- 6 Bramblett, 348 U.S. 503 (1955), this Court rejected the argument that Section 1001 applies only to false statements made to executive agencies, and held that the term "department" refers to all three branches of the federal government. Although Bramblett involved a false statement to Congress, the Court's rationale expressly included the Judicial Branch, and the courts have since understood Bramblett's holding to encompass false statements made to the judiciary. In his petition for certiorari, petitioner did not suggest otherwise, but claimed only that Section 1001 did not apply to the "judicial" (as opposed to the "administrative") functions of the courts. In his merits brief, however, petitioner now asserts that "department," as used in Section 1001, wholly excludes the Judicial Branch. Because that claim was not raised in the petition for certiorari, this Court should not address it. If the Court does address the claim, it should reject it. Petitioner offers no special justification (other than his contrary view of the merits) for this Court to reconsider Bramblett. Although petitioner claims that his interpretation reflects a better reading of the text and history of Section 1001, the arguments that he now raises were raised by the appellee and correctly rejected by this Court in Bramblett. Section 1001 is, and was intended to be, a broad, catch-all provision that permissibly overlaps and fills the gaps between more specific prohibitions. It would be anomalous for this Court to hold that Congress intended to prohibit false statements to the executive and the legislature, but to countenance knowing lies to the courts. II. There is no basis for the so-called "judicial function" exception to Section 1001. The text of the statute does not exclude false statements that implicate the core function of the Judicial Branch-the ---------------------------------------- Page Break ---------------------------------------- 7 adjudication of cases and controversies. Rather, that text and other indicia of legislative intent indicate that Section 1001 covers all authorized functions of govern- ment departments and agencies, including, as applied to the courts, their adjudicative functions. Nor is there any justification in policy for precluding the application of Section 1001 to false statements made in the context of adjudication. It should come as no surprise to parti- cipants in the judicial process that the knowing and willful falsification of material facts is subject to criminal penalties. The application of Section 1001 to such false statements does not undermine the ability of lawyers and parties to engage in traditional trial tactics, because those tactics have never included the knowing and willful making of false statements of fact. And the inconsistent manner in which courts have applied the "judicial function" exception underscores that, absent a sound basis in the text of the statute, courts should not fashion an exclusion from criminal liability under Section 1001 based on perceived policy concerns. ARGUMENT I. SECTION 1001 APPLIES TO FALSE STATE- MENTS MADE IN MATTERS WITHIN THE JURISDICTION OF THE JUDICIAL BRANCH In United States v. Bramblett, 348 U.S. 503,509 (1955), this Court construed the term "department" in Section 1001 to encompass all three branches of government. Petitioner contends that Bramblett is in error and that the term "department" means only the executive depart- ments listed in 5 U.S.C. 101. Because petitioner failed to raise that claim in his petition for certiorari, this Court need not address it. If the Court does reach the issue, however, the question is not whether (as a matter of first impression) the term "department" should be construed ---------------------------------------- Page Break ---------------------------------------- 8 to include the Judicial Branch, but whether the Court's construction of Section 1001 in Bramblett should be reconsidered. In our view, not only does Bramblett represent a sound interpretation of the statute, but there is no justification for this Court to revisit this issue of statutory construction that the Court resolved nearly 40 years ago. A. Bramblett Applied Section 1001 To All Three Branches of Government In Bramblett, a former member of Congress was charged with violating Section 1001 by falsely repre- senting to the Disbursing Office of the House of Representatives that a certain woman was entitled to compensation as his official clerk. The issue before the Court was whether the Legislative Branch qualified as a "department" within the meaning of Section 1001. The six Justices who participated in the case unanimously concluded that, in the context of Section 1001, "depart- ment" includes the Executive, Legislative, and Judicial Branches. 348 U.S. at 509. The Court noted that, as defined by 18 U.S.C. 6, the term "department" in Title 18 means one of the executive departments enumerated in Section 1 (now Section 101) of Title 5, "unless the context shows that such term was intended to describe the executive, legislative, or judicial branches of the government." 348 U.S. at 508. In the Court's view, "[t]he context in which ['department'] is used [in Section 1001] calls for an unrestricted interpretation." Id. at 509. After a detailed review of the language, purpose, and history of Section 1001, the Court concluded that [i]t would do violence to the purpose of Congress to limit [Section 1001] to falsifications made to the executive departments. Congress could not have ---------------------------------------- Page Break ---------------------------------------- 9 intended to leave frauds such as this without penalty. The development, scope and purpose of the section shows that "department," as used in this context, was meant to describe the executive, legislative, and judicial branches of the Government. 348 U.S. at 509 (emphasis added). The statement in Bramblett that the term "depart- ment" covers the Judicial Branch was, in a formal sense, dictum, since the defendant had been charged with making a false statement to the Legislative Branch. But the overarching rationale of the Court's holding-that Section 1001 contains no restriction as to government component-does not allow for any distinction among the three branches. The Court did not conclude that the Legislative Branch qualifies as a "department" because of any characteristic unique to the Legislative Branch, and nothing in the text or history of the statute indicates that Congress would have wanted to proscribe the conduct of the former congressman in Bramblett while leaving unpunished an identical false statement by a judicial employee to a court disbursing office. Since Bramblett, every court of appeals that has addressed the issue, even those adopting the "judicial function" exception, has agreed that Section 1001 applies to at least some false statements made within the jurisdiction of the Judicial Branch. United States V. Masterpol, 940 F.2d 760, 764 (2d Cir. 1991); United States v. Poindexter, 951 F.2d 369, 386-387 (D.C. Cir. 1991), cert. denied, 113 S. Ct. 656 (1992); United States v. Barber, 881 F.2d 345, 349-350 (7th Cir. 1989), cert. denied, 495 U.S. 922 (1990); United States v. Holmes, 840 F.2d 246,248 (4th Cir.), cert. denied, 488 U.S. 831 (1988); United States v. Mayer, 775 F.2d 1387, 1388-1392 (9th Cir. 1985); United States v. Lawson, 809 F.2d 1514, 1518-1520 (llth Cir. ---------------------------------------- Page Break ---------------------------------------- 10 1987); United States v. Abrahams, 604 F.2d 386,392 (5th Cir. 1979); United States v. Erhardt, 381 F.2d 173, 175 (6th Cir. 1967). B. There Is No Reason For This Court To Re- consider Bramblett's Construction Of Section 1001 In his petition for certiorari, petitioner accepted that Section 1001 applies to false statements made to the Judicial Branch, and argued only that the statute's application in that context is subject to a "judicial function" exception; i.e., that Section 1001 proscribes false statements made to a court only when the court is acting in an administrative capacity. Neither in his questions presented nor in the text of his petition did he suggest that Section 1001 has no application at all to the Judicial Branch. Petitioner now contends, however, that Bramblett was wrongly decided, and he urges this Court to overrule that precedent or restrict it to its facts. Pet. Br. 4-19. Those contentions should be rejected. 1. This Court ordinarily will consider "[o]nly the questions set forth in the petition, or fairly included therein." Caspari v. Bohlen, 114 S. Ct. 948, 952 (1994) (quoting Sup. Ct. R. 14.l(a)); see also General Talking Pictures Corp. v. Western Elec. Co., 304 U.S. 175, 179 (1938) ("One having obtained a writ of certiorari to review specified questions is not entitled here to obtain decision on any other issue."). While that limitation is not jurisdictional, Kamen v. Kemper Fin. Servs., Inc., 500 U.S. 90, 97 n.4 (1991), and this Court has the power to consider an issue "antecedent to * * * and ultimately dispositive of the dispute before it, even an issue the parties fail to identify and brief," United States Nat'1 Bank v. Independent Ins. Agents of America, Inc., 113 S. Ct. 2173, 2178 (1993), the limitation serves valuable ---------------------------------------- Page Break ---------------------------------------- 11 purposes. The bar to raising new questions at the merits stage enables respondents to frame their reasons for opposing certiorari in a clear and concise manner and preserves the Court's ability to allocate its scarce resources in deciding whether to grant certiorari. Yee v. City of Escondido, 112 S. Ct. 1522, 1533 (1992). 3. Accordingly, the Court will consider issues first raised in a merits brief "only in the most exceptional cases." Izumi Seimitsu Kogyo Kabushiki Kaisha v. U.S. Philips Corp., 114 S. Ct. 425, 427 (1993) (per curiam); see also Berkemer v. McCarty, 468 U.S. 420,443 n.38 (1984). This is not an exceptional case. Although the appli- cation of Section 1001 to the Judicial Branch presents an antecedent issue of statutory construction, the Court need not (and does not) explore all antecedent statutory issues before reaching the question on which it has granted review. For example, the Court held in Kamen v. Kemper Fin. Servs., Inc., supra, that the demand requirement in a derivative action arising under Section 20(a) of the Investment Company Act of 1940 may be excused by futility, without "address[ing] the question whether [Section] 20(a) creates a shareholder cause of ___________________(footnotes) 3. This case illustrates the care with which respondents and this Court focus upon the questions presented in a petition for certiorari. Petitioner sought review of three distinct questions. The government opposed certiorari on two of those questions, `but supported petitioner's request that the Court review the validity of the so-called "judicial function" exception. The Court granted the petition, but only as to the "judicial function" exception issue, and the Court reformulated the question presented with respect to that issue in order to frame it more precisely. Had petitioner argued in his petition that Bramblett should be reconsidered, the government and the Court could each have addressed that contention at the petition stage, which would likely have conserved significant resources. ---------------------------------------- Page Break ---------------------------------------- 12 action, either direct or derivative." 500 U.S. at 97 n.4. It is particularly unnecessary to reach the antecedent issue that petitioner seeks to raise in violation of the Court's rules, because that issue was decided by this Court years ago in Bramblett, it has not provoked a conflict in the circuits, and petitioner does not present an argument addressed to this Court's standards for overturning a statutory precedent. A petitioner seeking to challenge a precedent of this Court should at least be required to raise the issue in his request for this Court's review. 2. Although petitioner suggests that this Court need not overrule Bramblett to conclude that Section 1001 does not cover the Judicial Branch, Pet. Br. 8, he does not identify any principled distinction between the statute's application to Congress and its application to the judiciary. Nor does he explain how Bramblett could be confined to its Pacts-a false statement made to the Legislative Branch-without producing the anomalous consequence that criminal defendants may continue to be convicted under an interpretation of Section 1001 that the Court has implicitly suggested is incorrect. Accordingly, a decision declining to apply Section 1001 to the Judicial Branch is tantamount to repudiating Bramblett's rationale-that the word "department" embraces all three branches. A determination to recon- sider that rationale deserves the same consideration that this Court applies when it is asked to overrule a direct holding. See, e.g., Illinois Brick Co. v. Illinois, 431 U.S. 720, 733-736 (1977) (recognizing that an attack on the principle underlying a decision requires a determination whether to adhere to that decision as a precedent). Petitioner has not attempted to carry the heavy burden of showing that the statutory holding of Bramblett should be reconsidered. Nor could petitioner ---------------------------------------- Page Break ---------------------------------------- 13 demonstrate that Bramblett should be revisited under this Court's traditional standards for the application of stare decisis in a statutory case. See Patterson v. McLean Credit Union, 491 U.S. 164, 171-174 (1989); see also Hilton v. South Carolina Pub. Railways Comm'n, 502 U.S. 197, 202 (1991); Square D Co. v. Niagara Frontier Tariff Bureau, Inc., 476 U.S. 409, 424 & n.34 (1986); Illinois Brick, 431 U.S. at 736. 3. In applying stare decisis, the Court has considered whether (1) the earlier decision failed to take account of the relevant language and legislative history; (2) intervening legal developments have removed or weakened the underpinnings of the prior decision; (3) the precedent stands as an obstacle to the coherence or consistency of the law; or (4) the precedent is outdated and inconsistent with current conceptions of justice or the social welfare. Patterson, 491 U.S. at 171-175. None of those circumstances exists with respect to this Court's holding in Bramblett. a. Petitioner claims (Pet. Br. 6-15) that the text and the legislative history of Section 1001 support his interpretation of the statute. He raises no issues, however, that were not raised and correctly rejected by the Court in Bramblett. The appellee in Bramblett contended-as petitioner does here-that the language of Section 1001 and the definition of "department" and "agency" in 18 U.S.C. 6 limit the application of the false statement proscription to the Executive Branch; the appellee also asserted that Congress's identification of the Legislative Branch elsewhere in Title 18 argues against interpreting Section 1001 to refer to the legis- lature sub silentio. See Brief for Appellee at 4-13, United States v. Bramblett, 348 U.S. 503 (1955) (No. 159) [hereinafter Bramblett Appellee Br.]. This Court reject- ed those arguments, concluding that it would be ---------------------------------------- Page Break ---------------------------------------- 14 unreasonable, in the context of Section 1001, to presume that Congress intended to proscribe only falsifications made to executive agencies. 348 U.S. at 509. None of petitioner's textual arguments casts doubt on the Court's decision in Bramblett. Contrary to peti- [ tioner's understanding, Pet. Br. 6, the term "depart- ment" does not unambiguously exclude the Legislative and Judicial Branches. Section 6 of Title 18 expressly provides that, depending on the context in which it is used, the term "department" may describe any of the three branches of government. Moreover, the three branches have long been referred to as "departments" of government. See, e.g., The Federalist Nos. 46-50 (James Madison) (Cooke ed. 1961); Foster v. Neilson, 27 U.S. (2 Pet.) 253, 314 (1829) ("[T]he treaty addresses itself to the political, not the judicial department."); Mississippi v. Johnson, 71 U.S. (4 Wall.) 475, 500 (1867) ("The Congress is the legislative department of the government; the President is the executive department[;] [n]either can be restrained in its action by the judicial department.''). 4. Petitioner suggests (Pet. Br. 7) that because Con- gress has separately referred to "courts" and ___________________(footnotes) 4 Petitioner's reliance (Pet. Br. 6) on Freytag v. Commissioner, 501 U.S. 868 (1991), is misplaced. The Court in Frey tag discussed the meaning of the term "Department" in the context of the Appointments Clause of the Constitution. - See id. at 885-888. As this Court explained in United States v. Gemaine, 99 U.S. 508, 510 (1878), because the Appointments Clause "is * * * found in the article relating to the Executive, * * * the word as there used has reference to the subdivision of the power of the Executive into departments." The Court's conclusions respecting the use of "department" in that context are not relevant to the meaning of the term in distinct statutory settings. See NationsBank v. Variable Annuity Life Ins. Co., Nos. 93-1612 & 93-1613 (Jan. 18, 1995), slip op. 10. ---------------------------------------- Page Break ---------------------------------------- 15 "departments" in some sections of Title 18, Congress must have viewed the word "department" as meaning only the "executive department." He concludes that because Congress did not specifically refer to "courts" in Section 1001, it must have intended to exclude them, That argument, again, is foreclosed by 18 U.S.C. 6, which expressly states that "department" may refer to any of the three branches of government if the context so indicates. While Congress did not specifically state whether "department," as used in Section 1001, includes all branches or merely the executive departments, the Court in Bramblett found that exclusion of the Legislative and Judicial Branches would, in the context of Section 1001, create unintended anomalies. 348 U.S. at 509. For example, under petitioner's interpretation, a false statement to an executive procurement office would be proscribed, while an identical falsehood to a congressional or judicial procurement office would go unpunished, even though the effect on the Treasury would be the same. Similarly, a false statement in an agency adjudication would be covered, but an identical false statement in an Article 111 proceeding or a congressional hearing would not. Those results are sufficiently anomalous to suggest that "department," as used in the context of Section 1001, reaches beyond the Executive Branch. See Rowland v. California Men's Colony, 113 S. Ct. 716, 720 (1993) (finding the "context" caveat "help[ful] * * * in the awkward case where [the specific statutory definition] seems not to fit"). As this Court explained in Bramblett, the conclusion that the context of Section 1001 requires a broad reading of the term "department" is bolstered by the statute's evolution. The Court observed that the earliest pre- decessor to Section 1001 covered false claims "against any component of the Government," and that none of the ---------------------------------------- Page Break ---------------------------------------- 16 four amendments made to the statute between 1863 and 1934 "restrict[ed] the scope of the false statements provision to the executive branch." 348 U.S. at 505-506. While a statute's "context" may not ordinarily include its legislative history, see Rowland, 113 S. Ct. at 720 (construing the Dictionary Act, 1 U.S.C. 1), that prin- ciple does not justify revisiting what this Court has already determined to be Congress's actual intent. Congress did not enact a general definition of the term "department" in 18 U.S.C. 6 until 1948-more than a decade after the phrase "in any matter within the juris- diction of any department or agency" was added to Section 1001. Act of June 18, 1934, ch. 587, 48 Stat. 996. Congress's codification of a general definition of "department" in 1948 could not have influenced Congress in 1934 when it inserted the "department or agency" clause into the statute. Petitioner argues that Bramblett misread Congress's motivation for adding the word "department" to Section 1001 in 1934. The appellee in Bamblett, however, also argued that the sole purpose of the 1934 revisions to Section 1001 was to permit prosecution of false claims made to specific New Deal agencies and that the term "department" introduced in that legislation should therefore not be read to extend beyond the Executive Branch. Compare Bramblett Appellee Br. 19-21 with Pet. Br. 12-13. This Court took a contrary view, finding that nothing in the 1934 legislation "suggest[ed] that the new phrase was to be interpreted so that only falsifi- cations made to executive agencies would be reached." 348 U.S. at 507. Since Bamblett, the Court has relied on that decision's analysis of the legislative history in reaffirming that "[t]he jurisdictional language was added to [Section 1001] solely to limit the reach of the false statements statute to matters of federal interest." ---------------------------------------- Page Break ---------------------------------------- 17 United States v. Yermian, 468 U.S. 63, 74 (1984); see also United States v. Rodgers, 466 U.S. 475, 481 (1984) (quoting Bramblett's analysis of the 1934 amendment),' Finally, petitioner (Pet. Br. 16-17), like the appellee in Bramblett, urges this Court to apply the principle of lenity. Bramblett Appellee Br. 21-25. The Court in Bramblett rejected that argument, holding that the rule of lenity "does not mean that every criminal statute must be given the narrowest possible meaning in complete disregard of the purpose of the legislature." 348 U.S. at 510. Petitioner offers no reason why that issue should be decided any differently today. Moreover, petitioner cannot credibly argue in Bramblett's wake that he (or anyone else) lacked notice that Section 1001 applies to false statements made to the judiciary. 6. ___________________(footnotes) 5. As the Court explained in Yermian, the predecessor to Section 1001 had required proof of specific intent to cause pecuniary or property loss to the United States. 468 U.S. at 70-71, citing United States v. Cohn, 270 U.S. 339, 346-347 (1926). When Congress amended the false statements provision in 1934 to delete that requirement, "the current jurisdictional phrase was necessary to ensure that application of the federal prohibition remained limited to issues of federal concern." Yermian, 468 U.S. at 74, citing Bramblett, 348 U.S. at 507-508. 6. Petitioner contends (Pet. Br. 17) that "most members of the bar would be startled to learn that a false denial contained in an answer to a complaint filed in a federal court subjects the maker to criminal liability under 1001." The statute does not penalize mere falsity, however. It reaches only false statements of fact made willfully and with knowledge of the falsity. Bryson v. United States, 396 U.S. 64, 69 (1969); United States v. Yermian, 468 U.S. at 64. Most members of the bar would presumably not be surprised to learn that it is a crime under Section 1001 knowingly to make false statements of fact in formal pleadings in a court of law. ---------------------------------------- Page Break ---------------------------------------- 18 b. No intervening development in the law has undermined this Court's holding in Bramblett. Con- gress did amend the statute in 1934 in response to United States v. Cohn, 270 U.S. 339 (1926), which had narrowed its application, see United States v. Yermian, 468 U.S. at 70-71, but Congress has never revised Section 1001 in response to Bramblett. 7. And, as we have noted, this Court has twice reaffirmed the rationale of that decision. See United States v. Rodgers, 466 U.S. at 481-482 (Section 1001 encompasses criminal investi- gations by federal law enforcement agencies; relying on Bramblett for the proposition that Congress's insertion in 1934 of the "in any matter" clause did not "[restrict] the scope of the statute * * * in any way"); United States v. Yermian, 468 U.S. at 74 (Section 1001 does not require proof that the defendant made the false statement with knowledge of federal agency jurisdiction; reaffirming Bramblett's understanding that Congress added the "in any matter" clause solely to fill in the gap ___________________(footnotes) 7 Petitioner argues (Pet. Br. 15-16) that the lack of con- gressional response to the lower courts' adoption of the "judicial function" exception suggests that Congress does not intend Section 1001 to apply to the Judicial Branch. Congress's failure to respond to lower court decisions, however, cannot create an exception to a statute that has no textual basis. Cf. Demarest v. Manspeaker, 498 U.S. 184, 190 (1991). And, here, the claim of legislative acquies- cence is particularly weak because of the relatively recent vintage of the "judicial function" exception. The exception was not suggested until 1962 and was not adopted by any court until United States v. Erhardt, 381 F.2d 173 (6th Cir. 1967); before 1979, it was recognized by only two courts of appeals; and it gained a significant following only since the mid-1980s. See note 10, infra. In any event, the "judicial function" notion does not suggest that Section 1001 has no application to the judiciary, as petitioner argues; rather, it suggests that there is an exception to Section 1001's application to the courts. ---------------------------------------- Page Break ---------------------------------------- 19 left when it deleted language requiring a purpose to defraud the government). c. Bramblett does not conflict with the surrounding body of criminal law, Petitioner points to specific prohibitions in Title 18 against litigation-related crimes that can be committed through false statements to the courts (e.g., contempt, fraud, obstruction of justice), and contends that the existence of those specific prohibitions weighs against interpreting the more general false statement provision of Section 1001 to reach the same conduct. Pet. Br. 14-15. Section 1001 does overlap with numerous statutes that apply to judicial proceedings, but that overlap does not mean that Section 1001 is inapplicable to the courts. Section 1001 also overlaps with numerous statutes that proscribe false statements to executive agencies, see, e.g., 18 U.S.C. 1010 (false statements to Department of Housing and Urban Development and Federal Housing Administration); 18 U.S.C. 1020 (false statements to Secretary of Trans- portation); 18 U.S.C. 1026 (false statements to Secretary of Agriculture), but those statutes have never been read to mean that Section 1001 is inapplicable to the specified executive agencies. Section 1001 serves as a broad catch-all provision, which overlaps and fills the gaps between more specific statutory prohibitions. 8. As petitioner concedes, Pet. Br. 15, prosecution under Section 1001 is permissible even when it directly over- laps a more specific provision. See United States v. Batchelder, 442 U.S. 114, 123-124 (1979) (recognizing that a course of conduct may violate more than one criminal ___________________(footnotes) 8. See reform of the Federal Criminal Laws: Hearings on S. 1 and S. 1400 Before the Subcomm. on Criminal Laws and Procedures of the Senate Comm. on the Judiciary, 93d Cong., 2d Sess. Pt. 10, at 7477 (1974). ---------------------------------------- Page Break ---------------------------------------- 20 statute and that the government may prosecute under any applicable provision). 9. It is also irrelevant whether the unsworn falsehood on which this prosecution is based would have provided cause to bar petitioner's discharge in bankruptcy. Pet. Br. 27 n.9. Section 1001 has independent force, regardless of the consequences a particular mis- statement may have under other statutory provisions. See United States v. Rodgers, 466 U.S. at 482-483 (rejecting argument that Section 1001 should not apply to false statements made to FBI agents because Congress could not have intended to impose greater penalties for false unsworn statements under Section 1001 than the penalties imposed for false statements under oath by 18 U.S. C. 1621); United States v. Gilliland, 312 U.S. 86, 95 (1941). We note, moreover, that contrary to petitioner's understanding, his fraudulent concealment of assets and books and records of the bankruptcy estate did provide a sufficient basis to prevent his discharge. See 11 U.S.C. 727(a)(2)-(4). d. Finally, the holding in Bramblett is not incon- sistent with current notions of justice. Petitioner argues (Pet. Br. 17-18) that application of the false ___________________(footnotes) 9 As petitioner notes (Br. 15 n.5), the United States Attorneys' Manual indicates that federal prosecutors should bring false affidavit cases under 18 U.S.C. 1503 or 1621, rather than under 18 U.S.C. 1001. U.S. Attorneys' Manual 9-69.267. That rec- ommendation, however, is logical in light of the Manual's recognition elsewhere that "[s]everal courts have viewed the application of 18 U.S.C. 1001 to the judicial branch more narrowly than Bramblett suggests." U.S. Attorneys' Manual 119-42.145 (referring to cases adopting "judicial function" exception). In any event, the Department of Justice's description of its prosecution policy does not constitute a binding construction of the statute. ---------------------------------------- Page Break ---------------------------------------- 21 statements prohibition to the judiciary "poses grave potential for abuse," because the government could misuse its power and indict opposing parties under Section 1001 to gain leverage in discovery disputes. Section 1001, however, applies only to knowing and willful falsehoods, not to mistakes or disagreements respecting discovery obligations. See Bryson v. United States, 396 U.S. 64, 69 (1969). Although government counsel could, hypothetically, pressure or harass an opponent with threats of prosecution under Section 1001, that same potential for abuse exists with respect to threats of prosecution for perjury, contempt, obstruction of justice, or other litigation-related crimes. In light of its experience, however, this Court presumes that prosecutors will act in good faith. United States v. Mezzanatto, No. 93-1340 (Jan. 18, 1995), slip op. 14-15; Town Of Newton v. Rumery, 480 U.S. 386, 397 (1987); United States v. Goodwin, 457 U.S. 368, 384 (1982). There is, accordingly, no warrant for reconsidering Bramblett's conclusion that Section 1001 applies to all three branches of government. II. THERE IS NO JUDICIAL FUNCTION EXCEP - TION TO SECTION 1001 Petitioner argues (Pet. Br. 19-34) that Section 1001 cannot be applied to false statements that fall within the "judicial functions" of the courts. While every court that has considered the question has held that Section 1001 applies to the Judicial Branch, many of those courts have distinguished between a court's administrative functions and its adjudicative functions, and have held ---------------------------------------- Page Break ---------------------------------------- 22 that Section 1001 applies to the courts only when they are acting in an administrative capacity. 10. That so-called "judicial function" exception to Section 1001 originated from dictum in Morgan v. United States, 309 F.2d 234 (D.C. Cir. 1962), cert. denied, 373 U.S. 917 (1963). In Morgan, the court of appeals upheld the conviction under Section 1001 of a layman who had falsely held himself out as an attorney in various court proceedings. The defendant argued on appeal against application of the statute to statements made within the Judicial Branch, contending that such application would criminalize traditional trial tactics. He claimed, for example, that the statute's false statement proscription would make a criminal offense out of a plea of "not guilty" or a lawyer's summation on behalf of a guilty client. 309 F.2d at 237. Responding to that concern, the court of appeals noted its belief that "neither Congress nor the Supreme Court [in Bramblett] intended the statute to include traditional trial tactics within the statutory terms `conceals or covers up.'" Ibid. Section 1001's application to "traditional trial tactics" was not presented in Morgan, however, and the court held "only * * * that the statute does apply to the type of action with which appellant was charged, action which essentially involved the `administrative' or `house- ___________________(footnotes) 10. See United States v. Masterpol, 940 F.2d at 763-766; United States v. Holmes, 840 F.2d at 248; United States v. Abrahams, 604 F.2d at 392-393; United States v. Mayer, 775 F.2d at 1388-1392; United States v. Wood, 6 F.3d 692, 694-695 (lOth Cir. 1993). Other courts have expressed doubt respecting the validity of that distinction. See United States v. Barber, 881 F.2d at 350; United States v. Poindexter, 951 F.2d at 387. ---------------------------------------- Page Break ---------------------------------------- 23 keeping ' functions, not the 'judicial' machinery of the court." Ibid.11 Although the court in Morgan did not hold that there is a "judicial function" exception to Section 1001, that court's statement that the statute should not be read to proscribe traditional trial tactics "has somehow flowered into [a] broad exception" that now shields from criminal sanctions defendants who knowingly and willfully lie to courts so long as the lie affects only the court's adjudicative functions. See United States v. Mayer, 775 F.2d at 1392 (Fairchild, J., concurring). Courts of appeals that recognize a "judicial function" exception have held that Section 1001 does not prohibit false statements to FBI agents acting under the auspices of a grand jury, United States v. Wood, 6 F.3d at 694-695; false or fictitious letters of recommendation to be considered at sentencing, United States v. Masterpol, 940 F.2d at 763-766; United States v. Mayer, 775 F.2d at 1392; or the submission of false receipts as evidence in a criminal proceeding, United States v. Erhardt, 381 F.2d at 175. At the same time, courts have upheld convictions under Section 1001 for giving a false name to a magistrate judge, United States v. Holmes, 840 F.2d at 248-249; United States v. Plascencia-Orozco, 768 F.2d 1074, 1075-1076 (9th Cir. 1984); filing a false performance bond in bankruptcy court, United States v. Rowland, 789 F.2d 1169, 1172 (5th Cir.), cert. denied, 479 U.S. 964 ___________________(footnotes) 11. The D.C. Circuit has since distanced itself from Morgan's dictum, expressing "doubt that the `traditional trial tactics' rationale of that case shields from criminal responsibility a defendant who knowingly makes a material false statement of fact in a judicial proceeding." United States v. Poindexter, 951 F.2d at 387 (refusing to create a parallel "legislative function" exception to the statute). ---------------------------------------- Page Break ---------------------------------------- 24 (1986); and making false representations on a statement of indigency, United States v. Powell, 708 F.2d 455, 457 (9th Cir. 1983), cert. denied, 467 U.S. 1254, rev'd on other grounds, 469 U.S. 57 (1984)-in each instance because the false statements were deemed to implicate only the administrative duties of the court. In our view, the "judicial function" exception has no basis in the text or history of the statute, and finds no justification in policy. Correctly construed, Section 1001 applies to false statements made to the courts irrespective of the function they are then performing. 1. There is no "judicial function" exception in the text of Section 1001. The language of Section 1001 leaves no room for exempting false statements made in the course of a court's judicial functions. The text of the statute reaches false statements made (i) "in any matter" (ii) "within the jurisdiction" (iii) "of any depart- ment or agency." 18 U.S.C. 1001 (emphasis added). As explained above, the Judicial Branch is a "department" within the meaning of the statute. And a case or controversy is the quintessential sort of "matter" that comes "within the jurisdiction" of the Judicial Branch. As this Court has explained, the term "jurisdiction" is not to be given "a narrow or technical meaning" for purposes of Section 1001, Bryson v. United States, 396 U.S. at 70, but is instead understood to embrace "all matters confided to the authority of an agency or department," Rodgers, 466 U.S. at 479. Even in its narrowest meaning, however, the concept of "jurisdiction" extends to a court's "power to interpret and administer the law." Id. at 480. In adopting the judicial function exception, some courts have reasoned that, if such a gloss on the statute were not applied, Section 1001 "could interfere with, if not swallow up, the pre-existing statutory scheme ---------------------------------------- Page Break ---------------------------------------- 25 [covering perjury offenses]." United States v. Master- pol, 940 F.2d at 766. See also United States v. Mayer, 775 F.2d at 1390; United States v. Erhardt, 381 F.2d at 175. 12. But there is nothing unusual about the application of more than one criminal statute covering the same conduct; in such situations, unless Congress clearly expresses a contrary intent, the government may charge a violation of any applicable statute. See United States v. Batch, elder, supra. Nor is the "judicial function" exception needed to preserve "the time-honored and now necessary formality of requiring witnesses to testify under oath." Pet. Br. 31, quoting Friedman v. United States, '374 F.2d 363, 367 (8th Cir. 1967). The taking of the oath in judicial proceedings serves an independent function in reminding individuals of their obligation to tell the truth, and in serving notice that false statements subject witnesses to criminal prosecution. Moreover, Section 1001 reaches many false statements made in the judicial context that are not covered by the statutory proscriptions against perjury. Not all statements made in judicial proceedings are sworn. For example, as the court of appeals observed, Pet. App. 13, "none of [petitioner's] false statements * * * was made under oath and therefore none could be prosecuted as perjury." Similarly, the perjury statutes do not cover false statements by attorneys made in the course of judicial proceedings, or the submission of unsworn ___________________(footnotes) 12. The court in Erhardt suggested that application of Section 1001 to adjudicative proceedings "would undermine the effective- ness of the two-witness rule." 381 F.2d at 175. While the traditional two-witness rule has been applied under 18 U.S.C. 1621, Congress has enacted a separate statute that prohibits perjury in judicial proceedings and that does away with the two-witness rule. See 18 U.S. C. 1623(e). ---------------------------------------- Page Break ---------------------------------------- 26 documentation, such as the false or fictitious letters of recommendation submitted to the sentencing judges in United States v. Masterpol, supra, and United States v. Mayer, supra. Because Section 1001 only partially overlaps with the perjury statutes, the existence of those parallel prohibitions does not justify the judicial function exception. 2. The legislative history does not support the exception. Nothing in the legislative history of Section 1001 supports a restriction of the statute to non- adjudicative judicial functions. As this Court found in Bramblett, 348 U.S. at 507, and reiterated in Rodgers, 466 U.S. at 481, the pertinent committee reports and floor debates contain no hint that the scope of the statute was to be limited "in any way." To the contrary, the legislative history affirmatively indicates that Congress intended the statute to cover all of the authorized functions of the federal departments and agencies. Rodgers, 466 U.S. at 481-482; Gilliland, 312 U.S. at 93. When Congress intended to restrict the reach of the false statement statute to statements made in particular contexts, it defined those contexts expressly. For example, the Act of March 2, 1863, ch. 67, 1, 12 Stat. 696, specified that false statements were punishable only if they furthered "the purpose of obtaining, or aiding in obtaining, the approval or payment of [a false] claim." The 1918 amendment of the statute added the pro- scription against false statements made "for the purpose *** of cheating and swindling or defrauding the Government of the United States." Act of Oct. 23, 1918, ch. 194, 40 Stat. 1015. In the 1934 revision, however, Congress deleted any requirement about the purpose of the statement, see Bramblett, 348 U.S. at 506-508, and substituted the broad "in any matter" language. 48 Stat. 996. If Congress had intended at that time to restrict the ---------------------------------------- Page Break ---------------------------------------- 27 scope of the statute to false statements made with respect to non-adjudicative matters, it could have stated that limitation explicitly. 3. The exception is "inconsistent with the uniform application of Section 1001. The so-called "judicial function" exception to Section 1001 conflicts with this Court's teaching that Section 1001 does not draw distinctions among the authorized functions of departments and agencies. In United States v. Gilliland, this Court rejected the view that Section 1001, as amended in 1934, continued to require a showing a pecuniary loss (see note 5, supra), and held instead that it encompassed as well false statements on matters within departments' regulatory functions. The Court reasoned that the purpose of the amended statute was broadly "to protect the authorized functions of governmental departments and agencies from the perversion which might result from the deceptive practices described," 312 U.S. at 93, regardless of the nature of those "authorized functions." In United States v. Rodgers, the Court once again declined to construe Section 1001 as distinguishing among the authorized functions of governmental agencies. In that case, the defendant was charged with making false crime reports to the FBI and the Secret Service. The Court rejected as "unduly strained," 466 U.S. at 479, the view that Section 1001 is limited to false statements to agencies that have the power to adjudicate rights, establish regulations, and make final or binding determinations, id. at 477-478. Instead, the Court held that Section 1001 covers "all matters confided to the authority of an agency or department." 466 U.S. at 479. The Court explained that the only "differentia[tion]" permitted by the statutory language is between "the official, authorized functions of an agency or department ---------------------------------------- Page Break ---------------------------------------- 28 [and] matters peripheral to the business of that body." Ibid. The Court's refusal to draw functional lines within Section 1001 is consistent with its general broad approach to the provision. In Bramblett, the Court held that the statute calls for an "unrestricted inter- pretation." 348 U.S. at 509. And in Bryson, the Court rejected efforts to read the word "jurisdiction" as a term of art with a limited meaning, and held that a "statutory basis for an agency's request for information provides jurisdiction enough to punish fraudulent statements under 1001," even if the statutory basis were constitutionally infirm. 396 U.S. at 70-71. Contrary to petitioner's novel suggestion-that broadly drafted statutes should be construed narrowly (Pet. Br. 29)- this Court has given Section 1001's expansive language its natural scope and has rejected attempts to impose judge-made limits on its application. 4. The exception is not justified by policy reasons. Petitioner relies heavily on policy concerns, arguing (Pet. Br. 23-25) that application of Section 1001 to the courts "is both unjust and absurd," because such application would penalize defendants' exercise of constitutionally protected rights and "[subject] tra- ditional trial practices * * * to revolutionary change." Even if petitioner's policy arguments were persuasive, they would not affect the result in this case. As the Court explained in Rodgers, "[resolution of the pros and cons of whether a statute should sweep broadly or narrowly is for Congress." 466 U.S. at 484. In any event, petitioner's policy concerns about applying Section 1001 to the courts' judicial functions are un- founded. a. Petitioner's principal claim (Pet. Br. 23-27) is that it would disrupt traditional trial tactics to punish the ---------------------------------------- Page Break ---------------------------------------- 29 making of willful and knowing false statements of fact in adjudicative proceedings. Section 1001 does not penalize traditional trial tactics, however, because such tactics have never included the making of intentionally false statements of fact. Indeed, rather than protecting any legitimate form of litigation tactics, the "judicial function" exception has been applied by the lower courts to overturn convictions for submitting false or fictitious letters of recommendation to influence sentencing (Mayer and Masterpol), for making false statements to FBI agents acting under the auspices of a grand jury (Wood), and for submitting false receipts as evidence in criminal proceedings Erhardt). Nor, contrary to petitioner's assertion (Pet. Br. 23-25), does the application of Section 1001 to criminal pro- ceedings impinge on the exercise of a defendant's constitutionally protected rights. The prohibition against making knowingly false statements of fact does not impair the presumption of innocence or inhibit vigorous efforts to challenge the government's case. As petitioner apparently concedes, Pet. Br. 24, a plea of "not guilty" does not come within Section 1001, because it is not a statement of fact. Rather, it is a formal notice that the defendant will require the government to carry its burden to establish guilt beyond a reasonable doubt. Nor does a good faith motion to suppress or exclude evidence fall within Section 1001. The statute prohibits only false statements of fact. Because legal arguments are not facts, the statute does not reach questionable (or even frivolous) contentions of law. 13. Finally, nothing in ___________________(footnotes) 13. Nor, contrary to the concern expressed in Morgan, 309 F.2d at 237, does a failure to introduce evidence, a motion to suppress, or a hearsay objection constitute "concealment]" under Section 1001. TO prove unlawful concealment of material facts under the ---------------------------------------- Page Break ---------------------------------------- 30 Section 1001 inhibits legitimate zealous advocacy. The provision's ban on lying does not preclude a forceful challenge by defense counsel to the probity or sufficiency of the government's evidence. And the Sixth Amendment right to effective assistance of counsel in criminal cases does not afford defense attorneys the right to lie on behalf of their clients, See Nix v. Whiteside, 475 U.S. 157, 166 (1986) (counsel's duty to his client under the Sixth Amendment "is limited to legitimate, lawful conduct compatible with the very nature of a trial as a search for truth"). In any event, this case does not involve consti- tutionally protected conduct or mere zealous advocacy. Petitioner has been convicted of deliberately lying in formal pleadings to the bankruptcy court. Petitioner does not contend that the deliberate submission of false pleadings is a legitimate trial tactic. Instead, petitioner argues that his "filings fall within [traditional] practices," Pet. Br. 27, and that Section 1001 should not be applied to general denials (or, he says, to his more specific denials and averments), because in his view general denials-like a plea of "not guilty''-merely "put at issue" an entire cause of action. Pet. Br. 24. That argument does not hold true for general denials, and in any event would not assist petitioner. ___________________(footnotes) statute, the government must first establish a duty to disclose. See, e.g., United States v. Kingston, 971 F.2d 481, 489 (lOth Cir. 1992); United States v. Richeson, 825 F.2d 17, 20 (4th Cir. 1987); United States v. Murphy, 809 F.2d 1427, 1431 (9th Cir. 1987); United States v. Tobon-Builes, 706 F.2d 1092, 1099 (llth Cir. 1983). A defendant has no legal duty to disclose unfavorable evidence. And it cannot be seriously suggested that counsel engages in "concealment" by objecting to the introduction of evidence on the ground that it is inadmissible. ---------------------------------------- Page Break ---------------------------------------- 31 As petitioner recognizes (Pet. Br. 25), although the common law practice of pleading general denials was retained by the drafters of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, a party may use a general denial under Rule 8(b) only if that party can "in good faith deny all the averments of the opposing party's pleadings." 2A James Wm. Moore & Jo Desha Lucas, Moore's Federal Practice 8.23, at 8-149 (1994); id. at 8.21, at 8-144; 5 Charles Alan Wright & Arthur R. Miller, Federal Practice and Procedure 51265, at 402 (2d ed. 1990). In addition, "[a] party interposing a general denial * * * is subject to the obligations of honesty in pleading set forth in Rule 11." Federal Practice and Procedure, supra, 51265, at 402. 14. Although, as petitioner points out (Pet. Br. 25), neither the requirement of good faith nor Fed. R. Civ. P. 11 "bind[s] a defendant to his, her, or its responses for all time," or prohibits "averments of insufficient infor- mation or knowledge upon which to form a belief as to the truth of the complainant's allegations," both good faith and Rule 11 preclude the submission of knowingly false denials, general or otherwise. The fact that petitioner's denials and responses were "subject to further investigation, proof and judicial factfinding," Pet. Br. 25, provides no justification for his presentation of intentional lies rather than good faith responses. As the court of appeals noted, "whether or not it is a `traditional trial tactic' to answer a complaint with affirmative ___________________(footnotes) 11. The commentators have recognized that "situations in which the complaint can be completely controverted are quite rare, which means that an answer consisting of a general denial will be available to a party acting in good faith only in the most exceptional circumstances." Federal Practice and Procedure, supra, 1265, at 403; Moore's Federal Practice, supra, 8.23, at 8-149 ("A party will seldom be able to use a general denial in good faith."). ---------------------------------------- Page Break ---------------------------------------- 32 falsehoods, we need not sanction such action and therefore will not create an exception so broad as to include [petitioner's] conduct." Pet. App. 4 n.3. b. The absence of any compelling policy basis for the "judicial function" exception is revealed by the fact that Section 1001 is applied to adjudicative proceedings in the Executive Branch. Many executive departments and agencies conduct quasi-judicial hearings to adjudicate matters falling within their jurisdiction. 15. If a judicial function exception were warranted because of concerns unique to adjudication, the exception ought to apply equally to adjudicative proceedings by executive depart- ments and agencies. See United States v. Mayer, 775 F.2d at 1390 n.2. Yet the courts have routinely applied Section 1001 to false statements made in the context of agency hearings. See, e.g., United States v. Flint, No. 92-50554, 1993 WL 169067 (9th Cir. May 19, 1993) (informal DEA hearing); Leitman v. McAusland, 934 F.2d 46 (4th Cir. 1991) (Department of Defense debar- ment hearing); United States v. Krause, 507 F.2d 113 (5th Cir. 1975) (NLRB formal hearing); Stein v. United States, 363 F.2d 587 (5th Cir.) (Tax Court), cert. denied, 385 U.S. 934 (1966). The courts' failure to apply the functional distinction across the board cuts against petitioner's argument that a judicial function exception is necessary to safeguard legitimate litigation tactics. Cf. Rodgers, 466 U.S. at 481 n.2 ("Unless one is simply ___________________(footnotes) 15. "[T]he Federal Government has a corps of administrative law judges numbering more than 1,000, whose principal statutory function is the conduct of adjudication * * *. They are all executive officers. `Adjudication,' in other words, is no more an `inherently' judicial function than the promulgation of rules governing primary conduct is an `inherently' legislative one." Freytag v. Commissioner, 501 U.S. at 910 (Scalia, J., concurring). ---------------------------------------- Page Break ---------------------------------------- 33 to read the phrase `any department or agency of the United States' out of the statute, there is no justification for treating the investigatory activities of one agency as within the scope of 1001 while excluding the same activities performed by another agency."). c. Because the "judicial function" exception has no foundation in the language or history of Section 1001, courts have applied it in varying and often conflicting ways. For instance, as one court noted, "[w]hether a statement or a proceeding is `adjudicative' or `adminis- trative' often may be a close question." Holmes, 840 F.2d at 248. While the Fourth Circuit has concluded that false statements regarding identity made to a magistrate judge at a plea hearing fall within the court's adminis- trative sphere, see United States v. Holmes, 840 F.2d at 248-249, the Fifth Circuit has determined that false statements regarding identity made to a magistrate judge at a bail hearing fall on the "judicial function' side of the line, United States v. Abrahams, 604 F.2d at 393. Also illustrative is the disagreement among the courts of appeals over whether the exception ought to apply to false statements by nonparties. Compare United States v. Wood, 6 F.3d at 695 (exception shields false statement by potential witness) with United States v. Barber, 881 F.2d at 350 (to the extent exception is valid, it would not shield false statements made to sentencing judge in another defendant's case). Although the many diffi- culties in applying the exception would not justify its rejection if Congress had mandated it in the statute, the absence of any textual basis or coherent policy rationale to guide the development of a "judicial function" ex- ception argues strongly against its acceptance. ---------------------------------------- Page Break ---------------------------------------- 34 CONCLUSION The judgment of the court of appeals should be affirmed. Respectfully submitted. DREW S. DAYS, III Solicitor General JO ANN HARRIS Assistant Attorney General MICHAEL R. DREEBEN Deputy Solicitor General RICHARD P. BRESS Assistant to the Solicitor General JOEL M. GERSHOWITZ Attorney JANUARY 1995
[Material transmitted]{.underline} Instruction 430-4, Employee Performance Management System: Performance Appraisal (pages 1-25) Exhibit 430-4-A, Employees Excluded from the Requirements of this instruction (page A-1) Exhibit 430-4-B, Delegation of Authorities for Performance Appraisal Provisions Under the Employee Performance Management System (EPMS) (pages B-1 and B-2 ) Exhibit 430-4-C, Summary Ratings and Ratings of Record (pages C-1 and C-2) Exhibit 430-4-D, Office of Personnel Management Letter of Approval of Department\'s Performance Management System Plans (page D-l) [Material superseded]{.underline} Instruction 430-4, Department Employee Performance Management System (page 1-13: 81.4, 82.7, and 85.15) Exhibit 430-4-A, Employees Excluded from the Requirements of this Instruction (page 1: 81.4) Exhibit 430-4-B, Department Employee Performance Management System: Performance Appraisal Summary Data (pages 1-3: 81.4) Exhibit 430-4-C, Delegation of Authority to Take Certain Actions to Manage Employee Performance (pages 1-2: 81.8) Exhibit 430-4-D, Letter from the Office of Personnel Management dated March 31, 1981 (pages 1-2: 85.15) [Background]{.underline} Instruction 430-4 publishes Department policies and procedures on the planning, reviewing, and appraising of the performance of all employees except Senior Executive Service, PMRS personnel, and other designated exclusions. The policies and procedures are a result of new regulations published March 11, 1986 at pages 8396-8425 of the Federal Register and represent extensive changes from the Instruction to be superseded. This Instruction is effective January 1, 1987 if the calendar year appraisal cycle is used, or October 1, 1987 if the fiscal year appraisal cycle is used. However, changes in conditions of employment for bargaining unit employees must be implemented consistent with 5 U.S.C. Chapter 71 and provisions of negotiated agreements. Distribution: MS(PERS):HRCF-001 [Filing instructions]{.underline} File new materials. Change Table of Contents (Instruction O02-1) for the Personnel Manual to reflect change. Post receipt of this transmittal to the HHS Check List of Transmittals and file this transmittal in sequential order after the checklist. \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ Thomas S. McFee Assistant Secretary for Personnel Administration Subject: EMPLOYEE PERORMANCE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM: PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL 430-4-00 Purpose and Authority 01 Coverage 20 References 30 Definitions 40 Basic Responsibilities 50 Appraisal year and Appraisal Period 60 Planning Performance and Communicating Performance Expectations 70 Conducting Progress Reviews and Updating Performance Plans 80 Rating Performance 90 Using Performance Ratings 100 Orientation and Training 110 Forms and Recordkeeping 120 Evaluation 130 Exceptions to Policies Exhibit 430-4-A Employees Excluded from the Requirements of this Instruction Exhibit 430-4-B Delegation of Authorities for Performance Appraisal Provisions Under the Employee Performance Management System Exhibit 430-4-C Summary Ratings and Ratings of Record Exhibit 430-4-D Office of Personnel Management Letter of Approval of Department\'s Performance Management System Plans [470-4-00]{.underline} PURPOSE AND AUTHORITY A. This Instruction states the policies, requirements, and recommendations that govern performance appraisal for employees under the Employee Performance Management System (EPMS). This Instruction incorporates by reference the statutory authorities and the regulations established by the Office of Personnel Management (OPM). This Instruction is also part of the Department\'s Performance Management System Plans approved by OPM. The purpose of performance appraisal of EPMS employees in the Department is: \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ Responsible office: Division of Pay and Performance Programs, Office of the Assistant Secretary for Personnel Administration, HHS (FTS 475-0087) (430-4-00B continued) 1. To improve individual and organizational effectiveness through the integration of the performance planning, review, and appraisal process with basic management functions; and, 2. To be used to execute basic management and supervisory responsibilities, to communicate goals and objectives, to identify individual accountability, to evaluate and improve individual and organizational accomplishments, and to base personnel actions on appraisal results. [430-4-10]{.underline} COVERAGE This Instruction covers all General Schedule and prevailing rate employees in the competitive and excepted services within the Department except those in the following categories: A. The Senior Executive Service, and GS-16-18 and equivalents; Supervisors and management officials, GM-13 through 15, who are covered by the Performance Management and Precognition System; Employees excluded under 5 U.S.C. 4301 ; and Certain other employees (see Exhibit 430-4-A). [430-4-20]{.underline} REFERENCES A. U.S. Code, Chapter 43 (performance appraisal) CFR Parts 293, 430 \[Sections 101, 201(a), and 501\], 451 (Section 101) and 531 (Sections 401 and 501) and corresponding HHS Instructions [430-4-30]{.underline} DEFINITIONS A. [\"Appraisal\"]{.underline} means the act or process of reviewing and evaluating the performance of an employee against the described performance standard(s). [\"Appraisal period\"]{.underline} means the period of time established by an appraisal system for which an employee\'s performance will be reviewed. [\"Appraisal system\"]{.underline} means a performance appraisal system established by an agency or component of an agency under subchapter I of chapter 43 of title 5, U.S.C., and 5 CFR, Subpart 430.201, which provides for identification of critical and noncritical elements, establishment of (430-4-30C continued)\ \ performance standards, communication of elements and standards to employees, establishment of methods and procedures to appraise performance against established standards, and appropriate use of appraisal information in making personnel decisions. [\"Appraisal year\"]{.underline} means the annual appraisal cycle, October 1 to September 30 or a calendar year cycle if approved by ASPER (see 430-4-50A). [\"Appraising official\"]{.underline} means the supervising official who is ordinarily the employee\'s immediate supervisor and does the initial rating of the employee\'s performance. [\"Critical element\"]{.underline} means a component of a position that consists of one or more duties and responsibilities that contribute toward accomplishing organizational goals and objectives and is of such importance that unacceptable performance on the element would result in unacceptable performance in the position. [\"Manner of Performance\"]{.underline} means the way an employee behaves or acts on the job in order to produce results and is one of the two basic parts of performance (the results are the other part). While not as important as results, manner of performance is important enough to be represented in a performance plan and rating. For instance, an employee might have produced a good report (result) but forgot to coordinate its release with another office. Standards (see definition of \"Performance Standards\") for appraising manner of performance describe behaviors or actions involving work relationships, like the example just mentioned, personal or technical work habits (e.g., actions which reflect initiative or resourcefulness), and any other job element or part of it in which manner of performance needs to be included. [\"Non-critical element\"]{.underline} means a component of an employee\'s position that does not meet the definition of a critical element but is of sufficient importance to warrant written appraisal. [\"Performance\"]{.underline} means an employee\'s accomplishment of assigned work as specified in the critical and non-critical elements of the employee\'s position. The Department also views performance as having two parts, manner (see 430-4-G) and results (see 430-4-Q). [\"Performance Appraisal System\"]{.underline} (see Appraisal System! . [\"Performance Management Plan\"]{.underline} means the description of the Department's methods that integrate performance, pay, and awards systems (430-4-30K continued)\ \ with its basic management functions for the purpose of improving individual and organizational effectiveness in the accomplishment of agency mission and goals. [\"Performance plan\"]{.underline} means the aggregation of all of an employee\'s written critical and non-critical elements and performance standard(s). [\"Performance standard\"]{.underline} means a statement of the expectations or requirements established by management for a critical or non-critical element at a particular rating level. A performance standard may include, but is not limited to, factors such as quality, quantity, timeliness, and manner of performance. [\"Progress review\"]{.underline} means a review of the employee\'s progress toward achieving the performance standards and is not itself a rating. [\"Rating\"]{.underline} see Summary Rating. [\"Rating of record"]{.underline} means the summary rating required at the time specified in this Instruction or at such other times as it specifies for special circumstances. There is ordinarily only one rating of record in an appraisal year (see Exhibit 430-4-C for an exception), and it is usually required at the end of the appraisal year (see 430-4-80B.2 for an exception). A rating of record will ordinarily reflect as many summary ratings as were made during the appraisal year (see 430-4-90A for exceptions). [\"Result\"]{.underline} means any output produced by the employee and is the more important of the two basic parts of performance (manner of performance is-the other part). An example of a result would be a written report. Standards (see definition of \"performance Standard\") for appraising results usually include indicators of quality, quantity and timeliness. For example, an indicator of quality of a report would be its degree of technical perfection. [\"Reviewing Official\"]{.underline} means an official with review and approval authority at a level higher in the organization than that of the appraising official. Reviewing officials are ordinarily two supervisory levels above the employee. (For approval of ratings of record that are the basis for proposing a performance award., the official with final approval authority must be the official responsible for managing the performance awards budget.) [\"Summary Rating\"]{.underline} means the written record of the appraisal of each critical and non-critical element and the assignment of a summary rating level. Not all summary ratings are ratings of record, but all ratings of record are summary ratings. [430-4-40]{.underline} BASIC RESPONSIBILITIES A. The Assistant Secretary for Personnel Administration shall: 1. Establish requirements for appraisal systems developed within the Department for EPMS employees; Delegate authority to establish and implement appraisal systems (See delegation in Exhibit 430-4-B); Consult with national unions which have consultation rights, as appropriate. Review, approve, and submit to OPM for approval any proposed exceptions to the required provisions in this Instruction; Provide guidance and advice; and Monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of the appraisal systems. Heads of OPDIVs, including the Assistant Secretary for Management Budget for the Office of the Secretary, shall: 1. Determine the specific appraisal system configuration to be used within their organizations; obtain ASPER approval of any proposed exceptions to the Department\'s requirements; and, through ASPER, obtain OPM approval of such exceptions; Establish procedures to implement and administer the systems, assuring that performance plans, progress reviews, summary ratings, performance-related actions, such as awards are done on time; that required records are maintained; and that the systems are administered equitably; Provide orientation and training for supervisors and employees in the purpose and procedures of the systems; Integrate the performance appraisal system into an overall performance management system and other management systems in the organization; Assure that Administration, Department, and organizational goals and objectives are reflected in appropriate performance plans;\ \ \ \ \ \ \ (430-4-40B continued) Provide positive, timely reinforcement to those managers and supervisors who are effective in managing employees\' performance, who deal effectively with employees who meet and exceed performance standards, and who take action with those who do not; Deal appropriately with managers and supervisors who are not effective in managing their employee\'s performance. Fulfill any bargaining obligations with exclusively recognized unions. Monitor and evaluate the appraisal systems as they are administered, taking appropriate action to insure changes where needed and securing approval where required for the changes; and Provide copies of systems and related guidance to all Regional Personnel Offices (RPOs), which service employees covered by the systems. Servicing Personnel Officers shall: 1. Provide training as requested and needed; Establish procedures to assure that managers and supervisors complete EPMS performance plans, progress reviews, and summary ratings when they are due; Maintain files of all required performance documents in accordance with HHS Instruction 293-3 and enter all necessary data into the Department\'s personnel/payroll system; Transfer all performance documents for transferring, or separating employees; and Actively support managers and supervisors by providing guidance and assistance as necessary or as requested. Appraising officials shall: 1. Prepare performance plans for employees, encouraging their participation in the process as appropriate; Secure the approval of employee performance plans from approving officials; (430-4-40D continued) 1. Provide performance plans for employees on internal details and temporary promotions and, when feasible, for external details and assignments; Monitor performance to clarify expectations, identify progress and problems, conduct and document progress review(s), modify performance plans when warranted, secure approval of modifications when required, and maintain whatever records are necessary; Whenever performance ratings are required, rate employee\'s performance in comparison to their performance plans; For ratings of record, take into consideration any earlier ratings during the appraisal period; Secure approval of ratings of record where required; Communicate approved ratings of record and any other ratings during the appraisal period to employees and furnish them with signed copies; Take appropriate action with subordinates whose performance is Fully Successful or better (e.g., recommending performance awards or other forms of recognition); Take appropriate action with subordinates whose performance is less than Fully Successful including assisting them in improving their performance and providing them with a reasonable opportunity to demonstrate Fully Successful performance; and Maintain records and submit relevant forms and other material as required. Reviewing officials shall: 1. Review and approve employee performance plans; Review and approve changes in elements or standards where required; Review and approve ratings of record, documenting any changes; and Secure approval of ratings of record and award determinations from the official who manages the performance awards budget. (430-4-40 continued) Employees shall: 1. As required, participate in the development of their perfomance plans; Perform against expectations in their performance plans to the best of their abilities; Advise their supervisors of changes in circumstances or conditions that may affect performance; and Review their own performance in preparation for meetings with supervisors to discuss progress and document performance. [430-4-50]{.underline} APPRAISAL YEAR AND APPRAISAL PERIOD A. The appraisal year is based on the fiscal year - October 1 to September 30. OPDIVs may request approval from ASPER for a calendar year cycle. There can be one or more appraisal periods during the appraisal year, but the minimum appraisal period shall never be less than 120 days unless a rating is transferred from an outside agency that has a minimum period of a different length under a Plan that was approved by OPM. The time period covered by any particular summary rating begins when the employee is given the written, final performance plan. Ratings of record will normally be prepared as soon as practical after the end of the appraisal year except in special circumstances (see 430-4-80B.2 and Exhibit 430-4-C, page 1, item 1). Summary ratings that are not ratings of record will be prepared as soon as practical following the end of their appraisal periods. [430-4-60]{.underline} PLANNING PERFORMANCE AND COMMUNICATING PERFORMANCE EXPECTATIONS A. The Planning Process 1. Preferably at the beginning of the appraisal period, but normally no later than 30 days afterwards, written, final performance plans will be given to all employees. Key activities usually carried out in the development of performance plans include (but need not be limited to): reviewing the employee\' s official duties and responsibilities and the tasks needed to carry them out, reviewing organizational goals and objectives, and reviewing the employee\'s current accomplishments and immediate goals for the future. (430-4-60A continued) 1. While final authority for establishing performance plans rests with the appraising officials, there should be joint participation of the employee and the appraising official in developing the plan. How an employee participates in the process may vary including, but not limited to, the following variations: a. Employee and supervisor discuss and develop the plan together; Employee provides to supervisor a draft plan; Employee comments on draft plan prepared by supervisor; or Plan is drafted by a group of employees occupying similar positions, with supervisor\'s approval. Before a plan can become final, it must be reviewed and approved by an official (i.e., the reviewing official) at a higher level in the organization than the appraising official except for the situation listed in 430-4-80A.lla. (NOTE: The \"organization\" means here SSA, HCFA, FSA, each health agency in PHS and each Staff Division in OS). Following the review, including the making of any adjustments, the reviewing official should explain any changes and must sign, date, and return the plan to the appraising official. The appraising official, in turn, must sign and date the plan and give a copy to the employee. Also, the appraising official should explain any changes made by the reviewing official and retain a copy. The employee should sign and date the final plan upon receiving it, which signifies only that the employee has received a copy of it. If the employee declines to sign, the appraising official must note this in the plan and the date the employee was given a copy. Performance Plans in Non-Standard Situations 1. For permanent position changes during the appraisal year, a performance plan must be developed for each position occupied if days or more remain in the appraisal year, including extended appraisal years when required (see 430-4-8CB.2). If less than 120 days remain and extension is precluded, the development of a plan is optional, although encouraged. The intent here is for employees to know what is expected of them even when a summary rating is precluded. (430-4-60B continued) 1. For details, temporary promotions, and IPA assignments expected to last 120 days or longer and to end on or before the appraisal year: a. If the assignment is within the Department, a separate performance plan covering the assignment must be developed and given to the employee as soon as possible, but no later than calendar days after the beginning of the assignment (whenever possible, performance plans should be put into effect on the effective date of the assignment in order to allow for no less than the minimum appraisal period of 120 days) . If the assignment is outside the Department, the supervisor of record must make a reasonable effort to see that the employee is given a separate performance plan. The performance plan for the position of record must either be closed or kept open depending on when the employee returns and whether the plan remains applicable. Closing a plan means either preparing a summary rating based on the plan if the minimum appraisal period was met or inactivating the plan if a summary rating based on it is not possible. Keeping a plan open means allowing for the employee to resume performance under it until a summary rating is due (assuming the plan remains applicable). For details, temporary promotions, and IPA assignments expected. to last 120 days or longer and the first 120 days to overlap two appraisal years: a. A separate performance plan overlapping the two years must be developed and given to the employee (or a reasonable effort to see that it happens must be made by the supervisor of record if the assignment is outside the Department). The performance plan for the position of record must be closed (assuming the assignment does overlap the appraisal years). For details, temporary promotions, and IPA assignments expected to last less than 120 days. a. A separate performance plan covering the assignment is optional unless the employee cannot be rated based on a performance plan within the Department for the appraisal year in which the assignment started but is expected to serve the minimum appraisal period in an outside agency for which the (430-4-60B.4a continued)\ \ period is less than 120 days. If this situation occurs, the supervisor of record must make a reasonable effort to see that a separate plan is developed and given to the employee. a. The performance plan for the position of record must either be closed or kept open depending on when the employee returns and whether the plan remains applicable. ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` 1. All performance plans developed within the Department for the non-standard situations described above and any others must also meet the requirements of 430-4-60A and 430-4-60C. Content of Performance Plans 1. Employee performance plans [must]{.underline} contain one or more critical elements that meet the definition given in 430-4-30F. Critical elements must be based on the requirements of the employee\'s position and need to reflect appropriate organizational objectives toward which the employee can be expected to contribute results. Employee performance plans [may]{.underline} also contain one or more non-critical job elements that meet the definition given in 430-4-30H (if just one critical element is used, one or more non-critical elements must be included). Non-critical elements must also be based on the requirements of the employee\' s position. More weight must be given both individually and collectively to critical elements than to non-critical elements in deriving the summary rating. For example, a plan with four critical elements, each with a weight of 15 (for a total of 60), and with four non-critical elements, each with a weight of 10 (for a total of 40),would meet this requirement. It is Department policy not to mandate Departmentwide inclusion of particular job elements in each and every employee\'s performance plan because job responsibilties and circumstances vary among positions. There must be five different levels for rating performance on each job element. Intermediate levels or fractional values (e.g., 4.5) must not be used. The names of the levels and their definitions are these: a. [Outstanding:]{.underline} Outstanding performance is the highest level of performance. If this level of performance occurs, its very nature makes it stand out above performance that should be rated Excellent. For performance to be rated Outstanding on a critical element, the performance must be of a rare (430-4-60C.5a continued)\ \ nature. Performance on a critical element should not be rated Outstanding solely on the basis of quantity or timeliness criteria. a. [Excellent:]{.underline} Performance rated Excellent is one level above performance rated Fully Successful. Excellent performance is distinctive, although it does not stand out like performance at the highest level. Performance rated Excellent clearly exceeded one or more of the requirements in the Fully Successful standard and fully met the remaining ones. [Fully Successful:]{.underline} The Fully Successful level is the level of performance needed to accomplish the job element completely by fully meeting all of the requirements specified in the Fully Successful standard. Fully Successful performance is essential and important to the Department because organizational goals and objectives cannot be attained efficiently and effectively unless the job elements in employee performance plans are fully met. Marginally Successful: Performance rated Margina1ly Successful is one level below performance rated Fully Successful. Marginally Successful performance means the requirements in the Fully Successful standard were only partially met or were met fully only through unusually close supervision and assistance required because of deficiencies in the employee\'s performance. Unacceptable: Unacceptable performance is the lowest level of performance. Performance is rated Unacceptable when it did not meet the requirements in the Fully Successful standard even in a marginally successful way. ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` 1. The names and definitions above must be used Departmentwide and must be made available to employees. A performance standard based on requirements of the employee\'s position must be written at the Fully Successful level for rating performance on each job element in the plan. To the maximum extent feasible, this standard must be: a. Objective, i.e., free from personal feelings or opinions that might bias the rating of actual performance; Explicit, i.e., clearly written and free of ambiguities; (430-4-60C.7 continued) Observable or measurable, i.e., specifies discernible conditions, characteristics, and the like that allow for differentiating between levels of performance; and Attainable, i.e., barring unexpected circumstances beyond the employee\'s control, the expectations will most likely be met because they are commensurate with the level of the employee\'s job responsibility and with what would-be typically expected of employees occupying similar positions. Thus this standard must be neither too easy nor too difficult but instead state what is normally expected in order for the job element to be fully met. The Fully Successful standard for each critical element must refer to a requirement for some result. The quality of the result needed (see 430-4-30Q) must be specified in at least one critical element. Manner of performance (see 430-4-30G) must be included in the Fully-Successful standard for one or more critical or non-critical elements. The provision of performance standards at the other levels, particularly just above and below the Fully Successful level, is encouraged but not required. However, if an employee\' s performance is determined to be Unacceptable on one or more critical elements, a performance standard at the Marginally Successful level must be written and given to the employee at the beginning of the opportunity period (see 430-4-90A.2). [430-4-70]{.underline} CONDUCTING PROGRESS REVIEWS AND UPDATING PERFORMANCE PLANS A. A formal progress review must be held with the employee at least once about mid-way through the period covered by the employee\'s performance plan. The formal progress review, which should normally include a face to face meeting, must: 1. Provide for and document an assessment of progress in performance relative to the job elements and performance standards in the performance plan, any problems encountered or anticipated, and any corrective actions taken or warranted; and Provide for and document any changes in the performance plan due to changes in work assignments or to unanticipated changes in the work situation, including those beyond the control of the subordinate. (430-4-70 continued) Both supervisor and subordinate must sign and date a copy of the progress review. If the employee declines to sign and date it, the supervisor must note this on the progress review and indicate the employee was given a copy. Updating Performance Plans 1. Performance plans may be changed as warranted during the appraisal period. Any additions or modifications to the original job elements or performance standards made in the plan must be initialed and dated by the supervisor and also by the employee, and a copy must be given to the employee. Anytime during the appraisal period a substantive change like adding new elements and standards is made, the change must be approved (initialled and dated) by the reviewing official except for the situation listed in 430-4-80A.11a. Any changes made during the last 120 days of the appraisal period must be approved (initialled and dated) by the reviewing official except for the situation listed in 430-4-80A.lla. If a plan is revised to include new elements and standards, they become effective at the time they are given to the employee. The employee must not be rated on an \"entirely new element that has been in effect less than 120 days or on an element that has been deleted before being in effect for 120 days. [430-4-80]{.underline} RATING PERFORMANCE A. The Rating Process 1. Before rating an employee\'s performance, the supervisor should assemble and review, wherever possible, documentation on the employee\' s performance for the period. In this process, the supervisor should determine from the employee if there is any additional relevant information that should be considered. The supervisor must rate the employee\'s performance on each job element in the employee\'s official performance plan on which the employee has had a chance to perform. The rating must be done by comparing the employee\'s performance to the written standard for the element. The absence of a written standard at a given level, however, shall not preclude the assignment of a rating at that level. (430-4-80A continued) 1. If the performance is determined to be Fully Successful or one level above it (\"Excellent\"), the supervisor must indicate that rating level on the form but is not required to describe the actual performance. If the performance is determined to be at any one of the other levels, the supervisor must both indicate the rating level and describe in sufficient detail on the form the actual performance to show how it compares to the relevant standard. If performance accomplishments are documented elsewhere (e.g. in production reports), only the source document need be cited. Five summary rating levels must be used Departmentwide:\ \ 5 - Outstanding\ \ 4 - Excellent\ \ 3 - Fully Successful\ \ 2 - Marginally Successful\ \ 1 - Unacceptable Summary ratings may be derived through scoring or through using operational definitions. Either procedure must conform to the following requirements: a. The procedure must not require an employee to be rated Outstanding on all elements in order to be given a summary rating of Outstanding. A summary rating of Marginally Successful must be applied to any employee who is rated Marginally Successful on one or more critical elements regardless of performance on the other elements. A summary rating of Unacceptable must be applied to any employee who is rated Unacceptable on one or more critical elements regardless of performance on the other elements. The procedure must ensure that more weight is given individually and collectively to critical elements than to non-critical elements. A scoring procedure is preferred and encouraged because its use of elements weights is helpful in developing and carrying out the performance plan and because no interpretation is required to produce the score. (430-4-80A continued) 1. If scoring is used, the procedure must be the same for all EPMS employees in an OPDIV or health agency. Additionally, the individual job elements must be given weights as part of the approved performance plan, the weights must be used as multipliers of the performance rating levels for the elements, and the products must be summed to give a summary rating score. Each summary score must then be put into one of the five. summary rating levels with each level of scores representing a higher level of summary performance than levels of scores below it. If scoring is not used, the following operational definitions based on the [critical]{.underline} elements must be used Departmentwide:\ \ Outstanding: Rated Outstanding on all but one critical element and no less than Excellent on the remaining one. If just one critical element is used, must be rated Outstanding on that element.\ \ Excellent: Rated no less than Excellent on all critical elements.\ \ Fully Successful: Rated no less than Fully Successful on all critical elements.\ \ Marginally Successful: Rated Marginally Successful on one or more critical elements regardless of ratings on any other elements.\ \ Unacceptable: Rated Unacceptable on one or more critical elements regardless of ratings on any other elements.\ \ If there are non-critical elements, ratings on them must also be considered in deriving a summary rating. It is suggested that an initial rating be derived based just on the critical elements. Then, the initial rating should be adjusted, if appropriate, based on the non-critical element ratings.\ \ In arriving at the summary rating based on both critical and non-critical elements, the appraising official must ensure that the summary rating conforms to the definitions immediately above and to the requirements in 430-4-80A.6. There must be [no]{.underline} management action, such as prescribing a fixed distribution of ratings, which prevents a fair rating of performance in relation to the performance standards. However, (430-4-80A. 10 continued)\ \ there must be procedures established, such as reviews of standards and ratings for difficulty and strictness of application, to ensure that only those employees whose performance exceeds normal expectations are rated at levels above Fully Successful. 1. With the exception listed in subsection a below, ratings of record and performance-based personnel actions shall be reviewed and approved by an official (i.e., the reviewing official) at a higher level in the organization than the appraising official. Ratings of record must be issued in writing and given to employees as soon as practicable after the end of the appraisal year but may not be communicated to employees prior to approvalby the final reviewer. This does not preclude communication about appraisal of performance between a supervisor and an employee prior to the determination of the rating of record. With the exceptions listed in subsections b and c below, ratings of record must also be approved by the official with the responsibility for managing the performance awards budget. a. Situations in which the official immediately shove the appraising official is outside the health agency, the OPDIV, or the Staff Division in 0S; Situations in which the rating of record is prepared [only]{.underline} for WIGI determination; or Situations in which awards are not proposed based on the rating of record. Any summary rating made for an appraisal period during the appraisal year must also be issued in writing, signed at least by the appraising official, and given to employees as soon as practical. Higher level review of a summary rating is not required if that rating is not the rating of record. Employees who wish to comment on their summary ratings may record their comments on the form itself or as an attachment to it. Employees who disagree with their ratings of record and wish to file a grievance may do so in accordance with HHS Personnel Instruction 771-3 or an applicable negotiated grievance procedure. Summary ratings that are not ratings of record are also grievable. (430-4-80 continued) Summary Ratings in Certain Circumstances (see also Chart 1 in Exhibit 430-4-C) 1. An employee is considered to be rateable during an appraisal year if he or she has performed under at least one EPMS or PMRS performance plan covering 120 days or more during that year. If an employee would otherwise be unrateable for an appraisal year, the year must be extended until 120 days are reached, and a rating of record must be prepared at the end of the extended year. The year must not be extended if any rating was made earlier in the year for another EPMS or PMRS position. If an employee permanently changes positions during the appraisal year and has performed under a performance plan for at least 120 days in the previous position, the employee\'s performance in that position must be rated. This summary rating and any other summary ratings given throughout the appraisal year must also be taken into consideration in deriving the rating of record for the appraisal year (lack of any rating, however, will not invalidate the rating of record based on the other rating\[s\]). If an employee is detailed or temporarily promoted to another position within the Department and is issued a written approved plan of elements and standards covering 120 days or longer in that position, the employee\'s performance on the critical elements (and non-critical elements if in the plan) established for that position must be rated and a summary rating prepared. This summary rating along with any other applicable summary ratings, if one can be prepared for the position of record) must be considered in deriving the employee\'s next rating of record. If an employee, after having served 120 days or longer under a performance plan in the Department, goes on a detail or IPA assignment outside the Department, the employee must be given a summary rating for the position of record when the summary rating is due. Also, a reasonable effort must be made to obtain appraisal information from the outside agency based on the separate performance plan if applicable for the assignment. If the information is obtained, a summary rating must be prepared by the supervisor of record and must be considered in deriving the employee\'s next rating of record. If an employee has not served under a performance plan in the Department for 120 days or longer in the appraisal year before going on an outside detail or IPA but has served for the minimum appraisal period of and in the outside agency, the supervisor of record must make a reasonable effort to prepare a summary rating (430-4-80B.6 continued)\ \ based on the separate performance plan for the assignment and appraisal information obtained from the outside agency. If prepared, the summary rating must be considered in deriving the employee\'s next rating of record. 1. When details, temporary promotions, and IPA assignments meeting or exceeding the minimum appraisal period overlap two appraisal years, the appraisal year to which the summary rating for the assignment applies depends on whether the employee would otherwise be unrateable for the appraisal year in which the assignment started: a. If unrateable, the summary rating becomes the rating of record for the first appraisal year extended. If rateable, the summary rating applies to the second appraisal year. When an employee moves to a different organization in the Department or to a federal agency outside the Department at any time during the Department\'s appraisal year, the current performance ratings of record must be transferred as required in 5 CFR Part 293, including the summary rating that must be made at the time of the position change if the performance plan was in effect for at least 120 days. For moves within the Department, this last summary rating must be taken into consideration when preparing the rating of record for that appraisal year. When an employee moves into the Department from a federal agency outside the Department at any time during the Department\'s appraisal year, the summary rating prepared at the time of the transfer and forwarded by the outside agency must be taken into consideration when preparing the rating of record for that appraisal year. If there is a new supervisor while the employee remains in the same position, the leaving supervisor should provide, in writing, information about the employee\'s performance up to the time of the change so that the information can be considered in preparing a summary rating when it is due. The method used for deriving the rating of record from multiple summary ratings must be documented on the rating of record. Only EPMS or PMRS summary ratings are to be considered in deriving the EPMS rating of record for the employee. (430-4-80B continued) 1. The performance appraisal and resulting rating of a disabled veteran may not be lowered because the veteran has been absent from work to seek medical treatment as provided in Executive Order 5396. [430-4-90]{.underline} USING PERFORMANCE RATINGS A. Actions Based on Less-Than-Fully Successful Performance 1. An employee given a summary rating below Fully Successful must be provided assistance in an effort to raise the performance to the Fully Successful level. Such assistance may include but is not limited to: formal training, on-the-job training, counseling, and closer supervision. Supervisors are encouraged not to delay giving assistance until the rating is made. Except with respect to employees occupying positions in Schedule C as authorized by 5 CFR Section 213.3301, the following requirements must be followed if an employee\'s performance is determined to be Unacceptable any time during or at the end of the appraisal year: a. The employee must be given written notice that states: 0. \(1\) His or her performance is at the Unacceptable level \(2\) The critical element(s) on which the employee\'s performance is Unacceptable \(3\) How the employee\'s performance is Unacceptable \(4\) The performance standard(s) that must be reached in order to be retained (i.e., the Marginally Successful level) \(5\) The specific assistance or at least a summary of the specific assistance (e.g., formal training, on-the-job training, counseling, and closer supervision, or a combination of the foregoing) that will be given to help the employee improve his or her performance (It is recommended that this written plan of assistance be made part of the written notification. However, it may be given to the employee separately) \(6\) A specific period of time (it is preferable to state dates) in which the employee must perform at least at the Marginally Successful level on the critical element(s) for which the employee\'s performance was Unacceptable. (430-4-90A.2a continued)\ \ (The period of time must be sufficient to provide the employee with a reasonable opportunity to demonstrate acceptable performance) 0. \(7\) That if at the conclusion of the opportunity period the employee\'s performance is at the Marginally Successful level but not at the Fully Successful level on the critical element(s) identified above in section 2a.(2), the employee may be reassigned \(8\) That if at the conclusion of the opportunity period the employee\'s performance is still Unacceptable on the critical element(s) identified above in section 2a.(2), action must be initiated to reassign, reduce in grade, or remove the employee ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` a. The written notice required above in section 2a must not be in the form of a summary rating unless the determination is made at the end of the appraisal year. The assistance and opportunity period specified in the written notice required above in section 2a must be provided to the employee. If at the conclusion of the opportunity period the employee\'s performance is at least at the Marginally Successful level on the critical element(s) identified above in section 2a.(2), the improved performance must be considered in preparing the rating of record for the appraisal year. If at the conclusion of the opportunity period the employee\'s performance is still Unacceptable on the critical element(s) identified above in section 2a.(2), the employee must be notified in writing (but not in the form of a summary rating, unless the end of the opportunity period coincides with the end of the appraisal year) that his or her performance is Unacceptable; and reassignment, reduction in grade, or removal action must be initiated in accordance with 5 U.S.C. 4303 and HHS Instruction 432-1 or 752-1 as may be appropriate. ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` 1. If the opportunity period ends when the appraisal year ends, the employee must be given a rating of record according to the following requirements: a. If the performance is determined to be Unacceptable, the rating of record must be Unacceptable regardless of any summary ratings earlier in the appraisal year. (430-4-90A.3 continued) a. If the performance is determined to be Marginally Successful or better, the rating of record must consider that determination and any summary ratings earlier in the appraisal year. ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` 1. Opportunity periods should be timed so that they do not overlap appraisal years. But if the opportunity period does continue into the next appraisal year: a. The employee must be given a rating of record of Unacceptable for the appraisal year in which the opportunity period started. The current performance plan, including the standards that must be reached in order to be retained, must be extended to the conclusion of the opportunity period. A summary rating must not be prepared at the end of the opportunity period, but the employee must be notified in writing what his or her performance is determined to be then. There is no Departmentwide requirement for opportunity periods to be of a certain length. It should be allowed to vary depending on such circumstances as the type of job, the number and nature of the critical elements involved, the kind of assistance planned, etc. Other Linkages to Performance Ratings 1. Performance ratings will be used for merit promotions, employees serving probationary periods, and pay/award determinations. Ratings of record will be used to determine additional service credit for reduction-in-force (RIF) purposes in accordance with 5 CFR Part 351. a. For RIF purposes, ratings considered to be ratings of record are the rating of record given at the end of the appraisal year. An employee will not be assigned a new rating of record for the sole purpose of affecting his or her retention standing. Scheduled ratings of record must not be postponed due to a RIF situation. Ratings of record which are issued after the most recently determined retention standing, but before the date of (430-4-90B.2c continued)\ \ issuance of a specific RIF notice, must be taken into account in determining the employee\'s retention standing. [470-4-100]{.underline} ORIENTATION AND TRAINING A. Every supervisor must be trained in the practical application of the Employee Performance Management System in order to assure its effective administration. Training will address the provisions covering performance appraisal, performance awards, superior accomplishment awards, within-grade increases, and quality step increases. In turn, supervisors are expected to explain the system to subordinate employees in a manner that should enable them to understand the system. [430-4-110]{.underline} FORMS AND RECORDKEEPING A. Each OPDIV must design and use its own form(s) for employee performance plans, progress reviews, and appraisals- At a minimum, forms must contain identifiable space for: 1. Documenting job elements, including designation of them ascritical or noncritical; Documenting elements\' numerical weights (if used); Documenting performance standards and their element rating levels; Documenting one or more progress reviews; Documenting individual element ratings; Documenting the summary rating level; Documenting any employee comments (see 430-4-80A.13); Documenting whether the summary rating is the rating of record, whether the rating of record is based on two or more summary ratings, and what those ratings were, along with the method used to derive the rating of record from the multiple summary ratings; and All appropriate signatures and dates. Forms must also state that at least a Fully Successful summary rating is required for an acceptable level of competence determination for granting a within-grade increase. (430-4-110 continued) Forms should not be larger than 8 1/2 \"X 11\" for filing convenience. As a part of monitoring performance, supervisors may make notes on significant instances of performance so that they will not be forgotten. Such notes will not be required by or be under the control of the Department or any of its components. Such notes [are not]{.underline} subject to the Privacy Act or accessible under the Freedom of Information Act as long as they remain [solely]{.underline} for the personal use of the supervisor, are not provided [to any other person]{.underline}, are not used [for any other purposes]{.underline}, and are retained or discarded at the [supevisor\'s sole discretion]{.underline}. NOTE : If the supervisor, in describing on the rating form actual performance, bases the description in part or in full on specific information from such notes, then that information will be recorded on or attached to the rating form. Information on or attached to the form will be subject to the Privacy Act. The maintenance, accessibility, transfer, or disposal of official, performance-related documents will be in accordance with Office of Personnel Management regulations and Department Instructions in the and 297 chapters of the HHS Personnel Manual. [430-4-120]{.underline} EVALUATION A. The Assistant Secretary for Personnel Administration (ASPER) has responsibility for the ongoing review of the operation of EPMS (icluding performance awards, within-grade increases, and quality step increases) throughout the Department and to implement improvements as needed. Each OPDIV also has a responsibility for monitoring and evaluating its own operation of EPMS (including performance awards, within-grade increases, and quality step increases), within the framework of the Department requirements and implementing instructions, and to implement improvements as needed.\ \ Each year the ASPER schedules and conducts an assessment of personnel programs and their operation, including the area of performance management. A variety of assessment procedures are used. They include employee/supervisory questionnaires, statistical indicators, on-site assessments, special studies, and self assessments. A department guide, \"Guide for Reviewing Performance Management Program Operation,\" is followed in monitoring conformance to statutory, regulatory, and policy requirements.\ \ The agencies annually submit data generated by the performance management cycle through the Departmentwide personnel system. The data are then analyzed and compiled into reports. EPMS reports will include information such as rating distributions, performance award distributions, and expenditures. [430-4-130]{.underline} EXCEPTIONS TO POLICIES The Assistant Secretary for Personnel Administration must approve any exceptions to the policies in this Instruction. Approval by the Office of Personnel Management is also required when exceptions involve matters under its purview. EMPLOYEES EXCLUDED FROM THE REQUIREMENTS OF THIS INSTRUCTION 1. All employees appointed under Schedule A authorities O, P, Q, and V whose appointment is limited to 1 year or less; 2. Administrative Law Judges appointed under section 3105 of title 5 United States Code; 3. Patient employees; 4. Experts and consultants serving in an individual capacity and members of advisory committees; 5. Fellows appointed under Section 207(g) of the Public Health Service Act, as amended; 6. Persons serving under an appointment in the excepted service having a time limit of less than 120 days; 7. Employees in military service; 8. Residents, interns, and other student employees who receive stipends under title 5, United State Code 5352; 9. Personnel on detail to a public international organization; and 10. Presidential appointees. [DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH& HUMAN SERVICES Office of the Secretary]{.underline} **Memorandum** Date December 2, 1986 From Assistant Secretary for Personnel Administration Subject Delegation of Authorities for Performance Appraisal Provisions Under the Employee Performance Management System (EPMS) To Heads of Operating Divisions Assistant Secretary for Management and Budget 1. Under the authority vested in the Assistant Secretary for Personnel Administration (ASPER) by memorandum from the Secretary dated January 24, 1983, I hereby delegate the authorities indicated in this memorandum for managing the performance of employees covered by the Employee Performance Management System to Heads of Operating Divisions, including the Assistant Secretary for Management and Budget for employees of the Office of the Secretary at headquarters and in the regions. The following authorities may not be redelegate, except by the Assistant Secretary for Health, who may redelegate them to health agency heads without authority to redelegate: a. Develop and administer performance appraisal systems in accordance with the equirements of HHS Employee Performance Management System: Performance Appraisal. Request ASPER approval, contingent upon subsequent approval by the U.S. Office of Personnel Management where required, for exceptions to the requirements referred to in HHS Instruction 430-4. For the employees under their supervision, I hereby delegate to immediate supervisors, through the officials in the supervisory line above them, the authorities of an appraising official as set forth in HHS Instruction 430-4. For the employees under their supervision, I hereby delegate to all second line supervisors, through the officials in the supervisory line above them, the authorities of a reviewing official as set forth in HHS Instruction 430-40 This includes the authority to finalize ratings of record except as indicated in paragraphs 5 and 6 below. However, there is no requirement for a reviewing official in any instance in which the Secretary, an Office of the Secretary Staff Division Head, an Operating Division Head, or the head of a health agency within the Public Health Service is the appraising official. ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` A. Page 2 - Heads of Operating Divisions\ Assistant Secretary for Management and Budget 1. I hereby delegate to officials with the responsibility for managing performance awards budgets the authority to finalize ratings of record when awards are proposed based on the rating of record. (Within-grade increase determinations are not awards for the purpose of this delegation.) Regional Personnel Officers have the authority to concur in final ratings for the personnel staff of each Indian Health Service Area that has its Area Office in their respective regions. The Regional Personnel Officer, Region VI, has the authority to concur in final ratings for the personnel staff of the Gillis W. Long Hansen\'s Disease Center. The ASPER retains the authority to: a. Establish Departmentwide requirements for performance appraisal systems; and Approve exceptions to the Department\'s requirements, contingent upon subsequent approval by OPM where required. Requirements and instructions for exercising the authorities cited above are contained in HHS Instruction 430-4. All redelegations must be in writing and in accordance with HHS Instruction 250-3, Delegation of Personnel and EEO Authority and Headquarters/Regional Office Relationships. This delegation is effective January 1, 1987, for calendar year appraisal cycles and October 1 , 1987, for fiscal year appraisal cycles. It supersedes the ASPER delegation memorandum of June 30, Subject: Delegation of Authority to Take Certain Actions to Manage Employee Performance. However, existing redelegations made under that memorandum that are consistent with the provisions of this delegation will continue in effect until new redelegations are made under the authority of this memorandum Thomas S. McFee SUMMARY RATINGS AND RATINGS OF RECORD 1. A rating of record is always a summary rating. An EPMS employee can have only one rating of record for an appraisal year except in certain situations pertaining to WIGI determinations (see 531-4). 2. There may be occasions in which an employee will have more than one summary rating in an appraisal year. Occasions that require a summary rating are provided in Chart 1 and in 430-4-8OB. To determine whether any other occasions not included there require a summary rating, consult with the Department\'s Division of Pay and Performance Programs. 3. All EPMS and any PMRS summary ratings in the appraisal year must be considered when deriving the EPMS rating of record for the year except in certain situations involving Unacceptable performance (see 430-4-90A) . 4. In deriving a rating of record from two or more summary ratings, any variations in length of performance plans, complexity of assignments, or any other relevant factors may need to be considered. Because there can be so many variations in such factors, appraising and reviewing officials have discretion in determining whether and how the factors under consideration will contribute to the derivation. Chart 1 ----------------------------------- ----------------------------------- Some Occasions for Preparing\ [\ [a Summary Rating\ Status of the Summary ]{.underline} Rating]{.underline} 1\. At the end of the appraisal 1\. The one summary rating is the year, and there were no earlier rating of record for the appraisal summary ratings in the year (this year. is the usual situation) . 2\. At the end of the appraisal 2\. The summary rating made for the year, and there were one or more position held at the end of the earlier summary ratings in the year appraisal year is considered along (if there has not been a with the earlier summary rating(s) performance plan in place for at in deriving the rating of record least 120 days for the position in for the appraisal year. the Department held at the end of the appraisal year, a summary rating must not be prepared for that position in this particular situation). 3\. At the end of an extended 3\. The one summary rating is the appraisal year to allow an employee rating of record for the appraisal to be rated who had not been rated year. earlier in the year (the only occasion permitting an extension of the appraisal year). 4\. At the time an employee changes 4\. The summary rating made at the positions after having served at time of the position change is least 120 days under a performance considered along with any earlier plan for the position being and subsequent ratings in the vacated. appraisal year in deriving the rating of record for the year. 5\. At the time an employee\'s 5\. The summary rating is a new performance is determined to have rating of record even when the changed significantly enough to determination is made before the result in a different WIGI end of the appraisal year (at which determination or at the time a time in such a case another rating determination is made that the of record must be prepared taking employee has demonstrated sustained into consideration performance performance at an acceptable level subsequent to the determination) . of competence after having been denied a within-grade increase (see 531-4). ----------------------------------- ----------------------------------- United States **Office of** **Personnel Management** Washington, D.C. 20415 SEP 3 1986 Mr. Thomas S. McFee Assistant Secretary for Personnel Administration Office of the Secretary Department of Health and Human Services Washington, D. C. 20201 Dear Mr. McFee The purpose of this letter is to approve the Performance Management System (PMS) Plans required under section 430.103(b) of Title 5, Code of Federal Regulations. The following plans for the Department of Health and Human Services are approved: > Performance appraisal plan for GS and Prevailing Rate employees > (required at 5 U.S.C. 4302 and 4304). > > Performance Awards plan (required under 5 CFR Part 430, Subpart E). > > Plan for making within-grade increase and quality step increase > determinations (required under 5 CFR Part 531, Subparts D and E). > > Superior Accomplishment Awards plan (required under Part 451, Subpart > A). Any proposed changes to the PMS plan(s) must be submitted to this office for prior approval if the change would affect a provision of the plan covered by regulation or law. Any other changes also should be sent to us in order that we are assured of maintaining updated copies of your plans in our files Sincerely, Barbara L. Fiss Acting Assistant Director for Performance Management/PSO
UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE WASHINGTON, D.C. \-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\--x ADVISORY COMMITTEE ON : BIOTECHNOLOGY AND 21ST CENTURY : AGRICULTURE (AC21) : FIFTEENTH PLENARY MEETING : : \-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\--x A meeting in the above-entitled matter was held on Monday, March 26, 2007, commencing at 8:30 a.m., at the USDA, 1400 Independence Avenue, S.W., Washington, D.C. before: Dr. Michael Schechtman, Designated Federal Official, USDA [A P P E A R A N C E S]{.underline} Abby Dilley, RESOLVE Kathy Grant, RESOLVE Cynthia Sulton, HW&W [MEMBERS OF THE AC21 PLENARY COMMITTEE]{.underline} Patricia Layton, Chairperson, Absent Russell Kremer Sarah Geisert Carol Tucker Foreman Duane Grant Margaret Mellon Elizabeth Milewski Adrian Polansky Alison Van Eenennaam Kathleen Jones Nicholas Kalaitzandokes Bradley Shurdut Daryl Buss Jerome Slocum Randal Giroux Russell Kremer Guy Cardineau Stephanie Whalen Lisa Zannoni Leon Corzine Nancy Bryson Michael Dykes, Absent Greg Jaffe, Absent Steven Poeppke, Absent [PRESENTATIONS]{.underline} [Page]{.underline} Dr. Ronald De Haven Administrator, APHIS 47 Catherine Greene, Economist, USDA 101 OTHER USDA SPEAKERS Cindy Smith 47 Deputy Administrator, BRS, APHIS Rebecca Bech 47 Assistant Deputy Administrator, BRS, APHIS [P R O C E E D I N G S]{.underline} DR. SCHECHTMAN: Welcome and good morning. This is the 15th meeting of the U.S. Department of Agriculture\'s Advisory Committee on Biotechnology and 21st Century Agriculture or AC21. My name is Michael Schechtman and I\'m the Executive Secretary and Designated Federal Official for the AC21. To my right and left are our facilitators, Ms. Abby Dilley and Ms. Kathy Grant from the organization Resolve and next to me, Ms. Cynthia Sulton from the organization HW&W, who are our partners in helping us make the advisory committee process work. The AC21 Chair, Dr. Patricia Layton, who is also Chair of the Department of Forestry and Natural Resources at Clemson University will not be here at this meeting because she suffered a complex break in her leg last week and is awaiting surgery at present. We all wish her well, I\'m sure, and she promises to be back next time. As provided for under the Federal Advisory Committee Act, as Designated Federal Official for the AC21 I will chair the committee for this meeting in the absence of Dr. Layton. A bit later this morning we will also be pleased to have Dr. Ron De Haven, the Administrator of USDA\'s APHIS, the Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service here, to talk about two issues. One is a follow up on the transgenic rice issues this committee has been following and the second is with regard to a recent court decision relating to APHIS\' Environmental Assessments for deregulation of a transgenic alfalfa line. These will be very interesting and relevant updates for the committee. I\'d also like to welcome our committee members, I believe seventeen of whom should be here today, including three new members of our committee, Bowen Flowers, Guy Cardineau, and Stephanie Whalen who will introduce themselves in a few minutes. Welcome to our discussion and, of course, welcome to our *ex officio* members, several of whom I expect but none of whom I see have arrived as yet. I should also mention with regret that Josephine Hunt has been moved to a different portfolio within her company and has left the committee. Also, Greg Jaffe and Steven Pepke are out of the country at the moment, one near the Arctic Circle and the other in Africa and won\'t be here for this meeting. If you heard my phone ring before I shut it off a moment ago that was Michael Dykes telling us that he\'s not going to be able to be here today but will be here tomorrow. We will, as usual, have a very full agenda so we ask that when the meeting is in session, conversations need to be limited to those between members. The public will be invited to participate by providing comments to the committee and USDA this afternoon between 3:30 and 4:45 p.m. Members of the public who request to speak during the public comment period I will need hard or electronic copies of your remarks. We will be preparing the minutes of this meeting and a computer transcript of the meeting will also be available within about six weeks or so. We hope to get the minutes and all meeting announcements up on the Web. The AC21 has a website linked to the overall USDA website. It can be reached through USDA\'s main biotech portal via the main USDA website at by clicking on agriculture, then clicking on biotechnology and then on the committee name. For any members of the press who may be in attendance you\'re welcome to speak to whomever you wish during the breaks of our meeting and before or after the meeting itself but we ask that you not conduct any interviews or request comments from members while the AC21 is actually in session. I will be available for questions and comments at the end of each day of the meeting. I would like to request that all members of the AC21 as well as members of the audience and the press who should be here please shut off your cell phones and beepers while in the meeting room. Bathrooms are located on either side of the patio just outside the door, women on the near side and men on the far side. For the information of members of the public let me indicate that the AC21 has two distinct charges from the Secretary of Agriculture in its charter. First, examining the long-term impacts of biotechnology on agriculture and the work of USDA which the AC21 has interpreted to mean over the next five to ten years and, second, addressing pressing specific biotechnology related issues identified by the Secretary. The committee last year completed a significant piece of work dealing with that first charge and the resulting document entitled \"Opportunities and Challenges for Agricultural Biotechnology, the Decade Ahead\" was presented to the Deputy Secretary of Agriculture two meetings ago. Over the next two days the committee will continue its work on its next project which might be considered to fit under either charge of the committee on the impact of coexistence considerations for agriculture. The committee will be reflecting on the discussions from the last meeting considering work done by the members of the session both in drafting pieces of text and in commenting on the assembled compilation, including what to do with relevant portions of what I might call old issues discussed in previous reports in some way that adds new value and listening to and reflecting on two presentations on relevant topics from some outside expert speakers that might provide supplemental information to include in your paper, all this in the context of preparing a concise, focused document. I\'ll have more to say about the upcoming work later. Just outside the room there\'s a table with meeting documents and background documents on them. Please take only one copy. For this meeting we have a series of documents. There are a number of background documents outside and they include the official AC21 committee charter. Note that the charter has been renewed for two more years. The AC21 by-laws and operating procedures. A package of biographical sketches of all of the current AC21 members, old and new. The draft meeting summary prepared from the 14th AC21 meeting held on December 14-15, 2006. Three documents that were provided to you by USDA to committee members as background information in an attempt to fulfill some information requests by committee members and they are the first a paper by Brian Endress relating to legal issues and options around coexistence as a supplement to lead the discussions we had last time and the other two are information about the state of coexistence discussions or perhaps the continuing coexistence controversy in the European Union. One, a compilation of information from a few web sources within the European Commission and outside of it about the state of regulation and the reaction to it and the other an article providing a somewhat skeptical view of the history of the debate around Europe. Both of the reprinted articles that I mentioned have been provided to you with permission of the office. There\'s also a document that is a compilation of four USDA notices. Three press releases and one Federal Register notice relating to two issues on which Dr. De Haven will be speaking to you in a little while. I should mention those are quite current. Three of them are from last week. Finally we have as background information for the public the earlier three reports that have been developed by consensus in 2005 and 2006 by this committee on the table. Now, specific to this meeting we have just a couple of official documents. First, we have, of course, the provisional agenda for this meeting. The version that you receive is just very slightly modified from the one that was sent to you earlier. Second, there\'s a document made up of compiled texts developed by sub groups of committee members on relevant areas that were identified last time and that compilation was circulated back to members and comments were solicited and the document that\'s outside contains all the comments and changes that were provided by members or suggestions. Now, this document was circulated to members on March 8th. I\'ll have more to say about the document later this morning, how it came about, what its status is, and how to interpret it when we turn to the work at hand in a little while. But, for now, let me just thank committee members, drafters, and commentors for their work. Please note on the agenda for this meeting that there are breaks scheduled this morning and afternoon. For members of the public who wish coffee, coffee is available in the cafeteria downstairs. Also on the agenda, let me note again that we\'re planning for a period of one and a quarter hours for public comments between 3:30 and 4:45 p.m. today. We want to be responsive to the needs of the public and we want to see as the meeting progresses how we need to structure that time. If there are no cementers, we\'ll undoubtedly find other uses for that time. Members of the public, if you wish to make a comment and haven\'t done so already, please be sure that you have signed up at the door so that we can plan for that time. From USDA\'s perspective we have a few main objectives for this meeting. They are, first, the further work on the coexistence topic framed around the question in an increasing complex marketplace what issues should USDA consider regarding coexistence among increasing diverse agricultural systems. Second, to consider presentations from two speakers from outside the committee and review a compilation of draft submissions on a series of sub-topics for production of a paper on the topic, and, third, determine the next steps and a continued work plan for effort between this and the next committee meetings. We\'ll also do one other thing, as I mentioned before, offer committee members a brief opportunity to be briefed and to ask questions of the APHIS administrator regarding the transgenic rice issue and the transgenic alfalfa ruling. We\'ll do that around 10:00 a.m. to fit within Dr. De Haven\'s schedule. Now, before we turn to the substantive work at hand, I have some committee business to which we must attend, some updates and some past. First, the committee charter was renewed in February as it has to be every two years. Two more years of life. Second, committee membership. The continuing members will recall that most members have been appointed in February but that one year, some members were appointed in April because of the paperwork delay on our part. Given that member terms have been up to this point one or two years, some members\' terms go around and expired in February and some will expire shortly in April because up until this appointment cycle we were limited by charter to fix one or two year terms for members, no longer. For this appointment cycle, we\'ve made some appointments in February and with some terms expiring April there will be additional appointments in April as well and we will address terms of membership so that in the future everyone\'s term will end in February. I would note that Carole Kremer and Josephine Hunt have already left the committee and Lisa Zannoni, who I see here, did not apply for \-- did not reapply for membership on the committee. The following members whose terms expired in February and who you do see now or will see here during this meeting were reappointed, Michael Dykes, Jerry Slocum, and Leon Corzine. A couple of other housekeeping issues. Among the requirements for federal advisory committees is that efforts be made to follow equal employment practices in constituting each committee. As part of that effort outreach activities are made to arrange with relative institutions so that the minorities and disadvantaged communities in soliciting nominations. This is an ongoing process. We are also requested by our Office of Civil Rights to provide you each with a pair of forms, filling out of which is strictly voluntary, which gather data on the ethnic makeup and handicap status of members of advisory committees. There\'s a copy of each at members\' places, not at the places of ex officio members. This information in no way affects your status on this committee but it is used in accordance with OMB\'s reproduction of reports on the overall makeup of the government workforce as its subgroups and it may be used in seeking out individuals who may be in special populations that may receive other voluntary personnel surveys. I will have two accordion folders up at my place at the table each day, one labeled for self-identification of ethnicity and one for self-identification of handicap. If you should choose to complete the forms, please place them in the correct folders sometime over the course of these two days. I will deliver them to the Office of Civil Rights. Finally, in terms of committee business, members will remember having heard from me on one or more occasions about the classification of committee members as either special government employees or representatives in accordance with federal ethics requirements. I will note for those members who have been newly classified as special government employees for this purpose that you should have just received from me some information, rules that you\'ll need to review and disclosure information that you need to provide to the government. This has been sent to you, I confess, a little bit later than it should have been, but, please take care of filling out the forms and returning it as directed promptly. Thank you very much. Before I turn to the discussion of the work at hand I\'d like to ask the newest members of our committee, Bowen Flowers, Guy Cardineau, and Stephanie Whalen to briefly introduce themselves and each tell us what they see as their role on the committee and then I\'ll continue with my remarks. So, if I could. MR. FLOWERS: I\'m Bowen Flowers from Clarksville, Mississippi. I\'m a \-- DR. SCHECHTMAN: Actually, if you\'d like to sit down, it\'s probably would be easier to pick up on the microphone. MR. FLOWERS: I\'m from Clarksville, Mississippi. I\'m a partner in Omega Plantation. We manage 14,000 acres of crops, cotton bean the main crop, wheat, corn, and soybeans. I\'m a director on the board of the National Cotton Council. I\'m on the American Cotton Producers Executive Committee; on the Board of Staple Cotton, a co-op marketing firm for cotton. We market right at 14 million bales of cotton and just looking forward to being on the committee and seeing what I can add on to the discussions. DR. SCHECHTMAN: Thank you. MS. WHALEN: My name is Stephanie Whalen. I\'m with the Hawaii Agricultural Research Organization which is a trade association for the sugar industry in Hawaii. We\'ve been around for over 110 years and we do work not just for the sugar industry though but for other crops. It has always been the intention of our organization to look at further possible and increased agricultural activity on the Island. I attended the workshop recently on specialty crops in biotechnology and this discussion was really on the access to the technology of specialty crops and the concerns that the regulatory process and IP that needed to get through the process and this was made up mainly of specialty crops. We have a great interest in being sure that their technology is preserved or available to the specialty crop areas and we recently had a coexistence discussion but it was strictly farmer-to-farmer at the table and so that happened last year. The report went to the legislature and we expect that to continue. DR. SCHECHTMAN: Thank you. DR. CARDINEAU: I\'m Guy Cardineau. I\'m a professor at Arizona State University where I have appointments in the Biodesign Institute of Life Science and the College of Law. I\'ve been there for about four years. The previous years I spent in industrial biotechnology starting in 1983. I worked for a series of four companies. It\'s the small fish getting swallowed by the bigger fish, Mycogen and Dow Agrosciences. I spent my entire career in agricultural biotechnology. Have been involved in bringing several products into the marketplace in insect-resistant corn and insect-resistant cotton and the only plant-made pharmaceutical approved by the USDA, which is a vaccine against the Newcastle disease virus. DR. SCHECHTMAN: Thank you and welcome all three of you. To help our new members and members of the public in attendance identify who else is on the committee, why don\'t we just quickly go around and ask every member to identify him or herself and simply indicate their affiliation. MR. KREMER: I\'m Russ Kremer. I\'m president of the Missouri Farmers Union and I\'m an agriculture producer from Missouri. MS. GEISERT: I\'m Sarah Geisert and I\'m with General Mills. DR. BUSS: Daryl Buss from the School of Veterinary Medicine at the University of Wisconsin, Madison. MR. GIROUX: Randal Giroux, Cargill. DR. VAN EENENNAAM: Alison Van Eenennaam, Department of Animal Sciences at the University of California, Davis. DR. JONES: Kathleen Jones, U.S. Food and Drug Administration, Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition. MS. ZANNONI: Lisa Zannoni with Syngenta. MS. BRYSON: Nancy Bryson, Former General Counsel of USDA. DR. POLANSKY: Adrian Polansky, Secretary of the Department of Agriculture representing in this case the National Association of State Departments of Agriculture. MS. TUCKER FOREMAN: Carol Tucker Foreman, Consumer Federation of America. DR. SHURDUT: Brad Shurdut, Dow Life Sciences. MR. GRANT: Duane Grant, another farmer from Idaho. I do work with sugar, wheat, and potatoes. MR. SLOCUM: Jerry Slocum from North Mississippi where we farm with country grain elevators and I represent the United Soybean Board and American Soybean Association. MR. KALAITZANDONAKES: Nicholas Kalaitzandonakes, University of Missouri. DR. SCHECHTMAN: Thank you. Let me just mention that you all are not quite so fortunate to have a microphone in front of your place that amplifies for this process so I\'d like to ask everyone to speak up please. It makes the transcript more readable later on. Now, I\'d like to say a little bit about the work ahead of you for this meeting and there will be a lot to do and a spirited and interesting discussion I have no doubt. As a committee you\'ve continued to produce significant reports that have been all the more valuable for the range of views you\'ve incorporated in them. I know that all the reports have been read widely within USDA and the ideas incorporated in preparing for the future reports have been used as envisioning work in some agencies. Your current effort on coexistence will be one more piece on the whole continuum of your effort. It will be in one respect a paper that fills in some of the gaps by some of the previous three papers. Maybe it can be considered a bookend to the initial set of reports, but, this is an important topic. We\'ve already gotten a sense in previous meetings that this is so and that we probably wouldn\'t have been sent the topic to consider if it weren\'t. The paper that you\'re preparing is not going to solve or resolve these issues. We\'ve asked you for your insight and collective understanding rather than specifically a recommendation. We will need the lay of the land for you. The sense of things that USDA will be faced with considering so that we can understand some topics better. From USDA\'s perspective, as I have said previously at past meetings, we would like a paper that is relatively concise and that is focused with attention to avoiding the duplication of materials from previous reports. Your discussions at your committee meeting got us moving in the right direction, framing the issues with the observation that coexistence is happening, reflecting on what is fostering and what is hindering or challenging to continue coexistence, and beginning the conversation about removing subjects that are interesting and perhaps important, but tangential to coexistence per se. On a nuts and bolts level, at this meeting you\'ll have to address a number of issues at this meeting in order to move forward. They include, in no particular order, deciding whether the compilation, which we\'ll talk more about in a few minutes, can serve as the basis to work from, adding, subtracting, and editing. And from my point of view it would be good to have a green light to start regardless of how much it needs to be changed to come to a final product. Second. Deciding what to do with topics covered in previous reports and how to extract any information on those topics that will add value to the previous work. Excuse me, add value in the current work. Third. Deciding what additional topics might need to be addressed or included in the existing materials based on the presentations you\'ll be hearing today and tomorrow or based on any of the background materials that we\'ve provided to you. And, finally, describing the different viewpoints of what coexistence means or from which coexistence is viewed, whether it\'s an end result or process, or whether or not it\'s been completely successful or is entirely desirable depending on what you see. What have you heard so far? We\'ve heard from a number of presenters in the last two meetings that at least in some senses coexistence is occurring. There have been presentations that have indicated that products are being supplied to meet market demands for commodity product, to differentiate non-biotech product, and for organic products which may vary according to both country and buyer requirement. This is, I think, very important. The biotech and the organic sectors are growing. Providing the widest range of choices to farmers and consumers though makes for a very challenging mix. We\'ve heard about the role of farmer-to-farmer communication and neighborliness in helping many of the potential farm level issues get resolved before they\'re, in fact, issues. We\'ve also heard concerns raised about the need to make sure that the market is responding, or will adequately respond, to signals provide seed to diverse markets, about niche market needs potentially being overwhelmed by the growth of commodity demands, particularly for biofuels, and about future potential inadequacies in the infrastructure that the U.S. would need to move and to store product to meet diverse demand. We\'ve also heard about the needs for the future, in which markets are functioning and consumers are getting what they want but some production of products of specialized markets has moved offshore, whether because of labor difficulties or because of production issues. Some are skeptical that the concept of coexistence is achievable. As we know, and we will hear more about segments of the population that simply do not want biotech products and have the expectation that they will be able to obtain essentially biotech-free products. That could become an increasingly tough demand to fulfill. If the markets are working and production moves offshore for some products has coexistence failed? Should we even consider it an achievable objective rather than a process? If some production moves offshore is it a market failure or is the assumption that every farmer should be able to grow anything that he wants an unrealistic one and is it reasonable to assume that consumers should have access to anything no matter how small the market? We\'ve seen boundaries put around the assumption in some instances in growing canola and rapeseed in the Northwest for example. Obviously, we don\'t think it\'s a reasonable desire for a farmer in Vermont who wants to be able to grow rice out of doors. He can try. If a consumer wants completely GE-free product, but, doesn\'t want to pay extra, is that a reasonable choice? What are the boundaries of what is reasonable? Would adding any additional boundary conditions be something that USDA may wish to consider, and, if so, on whom might each set of boundary conditions be imposed? Any such condition, no matter who placed them on any of the parties in this issue, would not be something to be imposed without much thought and compelling evidence that such action was appropriate and necessary. I don\'t want by these questions to give you the impression that USDA is considering any of these things, but, I think that\'s part of the discussion that you\'re having around the table. The committee had talked about coexistence as a state where consumers have choice in products available and farmers have choice to purchase or grow what they want. Are these two requirements at their extremes, sometimes in conflict with one another? If they can be under some circumstances, how can that problem be looked at in the productive way? We\'ve seen the example of the EU and they have, I think it\'s fair to say, struggled with addressing coexistence country-by-country in a very formal way and where regulatory policies have emerged they\'ve made it very difficult for farmers to plant biotech crops. The situation is different in the United States and there are a range of products available for consumers here, but is our current situation robust and a stable one? What does USDA need to be thinking about? So, there are lots of things on your plate. At this point it\'s worth remembering though what this committee does best, incorporating the different perspectives this committee as a whole brings to issues, and focusing on what is most important, capturing issues in a way that reflect the diversity and points of views of committee membership, not necessarily resolving it. I see that we have some enthusiasm from our new members entering this discussion and I expect all three of you to be active participants right off and I\'m looking forward to a lot of progress at this meeting and I\'d like to be able to say that we have a great deal of work over the next two days and between this meeting and the next one that we\'ll be able to wrap up work on this topic at that time. So, with that I will turn this over to our facilitators for an overview of the agenda and summary from the last meeting. MS. SULTON: Just a brief summary. Cindy Sulton. Just a brief summary from our meeting of December 14-15, 2006. You all have received it and so I\'m going to briefly summarize it and ask for any questions or modifications. At that meeting after our preliminary introducing just a few new members we had a general discussion of the committee\'s charge and during that discussion, among other things, the committee reaffirmed that the scope of the charge would include perspectives from producers, consumers, and customers and that the main focus would be the domestic market. The committee also discussed possible, possible solutions to facilitate the charge with the discussion of what\'s happening now with working of what\'s likely to change potential of what we call the impinged point of barriers and legal issues. The solutions, opportunities, and potential policy options. In addition to that discussion or that discussion \-- along with that discussion were presentations on coexistence, the first of which was by Drew Kirshen from the University of Oklahoma College of Law. Kirshen spoke on the legal mechanisms relevant to coexistent issues. A second speaker was Dr. Bernice Slutsky, Vice-President of The American Seed Trade Association who spoke on assuring a diverse seed supply. The third and final speaker was James Stitzlein, manager of Market Development at Consolidated Grain and Barge and he spoke on transportation and infrastructure for addressing coexistence needs. There was also a rather robust discussion with all of those speakers. Then the committee turned to the review of the draft concept paper on potential topics for inclusion in a paper on coexistence. And we started from topics that had been identified in our August 2006 plenary and expanded upon in a concept paper drafted by Nick in that we addressed market infrastructure, uniform standards, compliance, and stewardship, market information and transportation, and then moved on to discussing what our next steps would be to actually complete the paper. It was agreed that we would have some drafting groups and those drafting groups would submit papers that would be consolidated by the staff and that\'s how we got to the draft we have here today. Basically, that\'s a summary of what we did. Are there any questions, any corrections to the minutes? DR. VAN EENENNAAM: I note that I was listed as being there and I think Daryl\'s not listed as being there and he was. MS. SULTON: Then that\'s a correction that we shall make. Thank you. Sorry about that. Any other comments on the minutes? We\'ll leave them open for about a week and if we don\'t get any further comments we\'ll just assume that they\'re approved if that\'s all right with the committee and then they\'ll be posted on the web. Thank you. Abby. MS. DILLEY: Moving to the agenda, as Michael has already gone through the objectives for this meeting, and I just want to go briefly through what we had proposed for this meeting. The agenda requests a combination of things so it\'s an eye towards meeting those objectives over the next two days and bringing the new information to the committee and working with their schedules and trying to sort through how best to use the materials we have developed so far and then build on the conversation over the course of the new few days and then beyond this meeting and working towards closing out this topic after the next meeting in the time frame the Secretary had given the committee through early summer as I remember, late spring, early summer with the anticipation that the committee would take on a new topic at that meeting so sometime at the end of the summer. With that in mind we have just, again, a quick review of the agenda. We will have some time this morning re-grounding ourselves in terms of the way we\'ve been scoping this topic and doing our work and partly I think at the beginning of a meeting to get ourselves re-grounded and on the same page with what we\'re trying to do and how we\'re trying to do it. Also, to bring along the three new committee members I think will also be helpful. And then also spend some time this morning talking about how we want to proceed. We have about a half an hour at which time we\'ll take a break from that discussion. I\'m sure we\'ll come back to it because we won\'t complete that discussion in a half an hour, but, take a break so that Dr. DeHaven can come in and provide the updates that Michael referenced on rice and alfalfa and field some questions of the committee on those two topics. And then after a break pick up the discussion again in terms of our scope and how we\'re approaching our work on coexistence. And then we\'ll turn to the document work that\'s been taking place since the last session and how we want to think about the document and also talk about the products that we\'ve been using which Michael has already referenced in terms of coexistence is happening. There are some strengths, some challenges, are we making observations about that and how do we want to move forward given some of the background information we\'ve collected since the last meeting up to this point. We\'ll take a break for lunch at noon and have a little over an hour for a lunch break and then come back and right after lunch we have presentation from the research \-- on research on the organic industry from the Economic Research Service, Catherine Greene. So, after that we\'ll move back to the document compilation, pick up our conversations that we were having prior to lunch and then take a few public comments between 2:30 and 4:45 after a brief break. I think Michael\'s already mentioned if someone does want to make public comment please be sure and sign up for that. Also, for those of you who are new to the committee depending on how long the public comment, how much public comment there is, and how much time that requires we often use some of that time to come back and pick up our conversation that we were having prior to breaking for public comment. So, we will continue our discussions until five this afternoon and adjourn for the day. At that point, just prior to breaking to see where we are and to review the agenda for tomorrow just to make sure that we\'re tracking and if we do need to make some adjustments we\'ll do that at the end of the day. Tomorrow we have another presentation which will set off our day from Phil Lempert and then we\'ll pick up again where we are and where we\'re headed with the document and how we\'re framing our work and that will carry us through until after lunch when at which point we\'ll talk about how we want to structure our work between now and the next meeting. We also had requested that you bring your calendars. We know there are several members who are not here and we\'ll need to coordinate with them but if we can at least get two candidate dates around the June time frame that would be exceedingly helpful because then we can \-- DR. SCHECHTMAN: July. MS. DILLEY: In July time frame that would be very helpful so we can try and zero in and confirm those dates as quickly as possible post this meeting. So, if you don\'t have your calendars with you today if you could get those for July and we can do that first thing in the morning tomorrow before we start and we\'ll adjourn no later than four. Any questions, comments before proceeding? Everybody have copies of documents? I\'ll turn it back to Michael to talk a little bit about work that\'s been done since the last session and then we\'ll move into a discussion of scope and getting ourselves organized around the topic for today. DR. SCHECHTMAN: All committee members should have received a document which is headed Coexistence Compilation as of March 8, 2007. It\'s also available outside as a lightly colored document. Before you really get involved in your deliberation let me introduce that paper, how it came about, what its status is, and how to read it, information that ongoing members may know but which may be useful for an amendment to the public. You\'ll remember that at our December meeting the committee considered a document that Nicholas Kalaitzandonakes on this committee put together prior to that meeting, which attempted to organize the ideas that had been discussed at the August meeting. Reflecting on that material the committee decided last time on a slightly different grouping of ideas. The committee decided on using the concept of potential pinch points as at least place holders for areas where consideration to the future might be necessary and work assignments were given to groups of committee members to give some writing in several areas. First was a framing piece talking about what the market is doing these days, what is and is not working and perhaps why and perhaps what might be challenged in the future. Then, in no particular order, were pieces on potential pinch points in infrastructure, pinch points in market structure and market access, and pinch points with respect to regulatory standards, compliance, and stewardship. Groups of three or four members each worked on the very first draft which I compiled and did a minimal amount of editing on. The compiled documents were sent out to two members for comment on February 9th. Comments from some members were received over the next few weeks. Not enough. And those comments and edits were compiled into the text and sent back out to members for their consideration on March 8th. So, the document that you have at this point is just a compilation of submissions and comments without extensive editing though, as mentioned in e-mails accompanying the compilation, with some very slight editing for terminology, etc. Committee members will need to consider whether it provides a basis from which additional progress can be made. No word in the text is considered to be agreed upon or anything in any sense at this point. Let me describe how to interpret all the notations in the documents so you\'ll know how to read it. The document contains two forms of input from committee members, comments and edit, all of which would need to be considered when you get down to the nuts and bolts of the work if this is an acceptable place to start. Comments are generally off to the side, though they were sometimes so long or numerous that MS Word continued them onto continuation pages at the end of the document. Specific proposed changes to the text are represented by square brackets in the text. These are the rules for interpreting the square brackets. Alternative texts are represented with consecutive pieces of text, each within its own square bracket. If there are consecutive alternatives the first text will always be the initial version of the text and subsequent ones are suggested replacements. Alternative texts are attributed to members with their initials. If there\'s only a single piece of square bracketed text it\'s a proposed addition to the text and is attributed. Proposed deletions are also attributed with the word "delete" or "deletion" in italics. It was sometimes necessary in preparing the compilation to do a bit of nesting of brackets, embedding some proposed smaller changes within larger blocks of text. I\'m hopeful that it\'s going to be obvious what\'s suggested in each case and I also hope that I haven\'t inadvertently put any brackets in the wrong place. There were very few minor and strictly editorial fixes that I made in terms of grammar or usage that did not in my judgment affect the text in any meaningful way and they are generally indicated with strikeouts. So, with that general guide for reading the document let me turn this back over to Abby, Cindy, and Kathy for moving forward. MS. DILLEY: There are a variety of technical questions in terms of navigating the documents that people have. Because now I don\'t want you to look at the document for now. I think we need to take just a \-- we have about a little over a half an hour until we have Dr. De Haven come in and talk, provide updates, and provide an opportunity for the committee to ask questions. What I think would be helpful is to revisit how we\'ve been talking or thinking about coexistence and taking the committee\'s work. Obviously, one of the most important things to sort through is how to take up the Secretary\'s request given to the committee and the committee\'s interpretation of that request and then we have kind of a time frame. All those factors have been working through how we\'ve approached our work and then we\'ve had a couple from the paper that Nick took a crack at, kind of summarize our deliberations and looking at it through the lens of market issues. We also talked about fostering consumer and grower\'s choice. But, with that coexistence from a lot of different lenses. We also have a fairly challenging time frame in terms of completing the project and I think having just completed one report not too long ago that took three and a half years to complete. I think we know to try to integrate diverse opinions is always challenging. I think we just need to kind of take a step back for half an hour and talk about what are we trying to accomplish and how we\'re looking at coexistence issues. The way we framed it and it has \-- again, we\'ve worked at it through different lenses has been, and I think this came out of the discussions particularly last session which was talking about the fact that coexistence is occurring and has occurred in lots of different situations in agriculture. We talked about the yellow corn/white corn example and currently we\'re looking at it obviously with conventional, genetically engineered, organic, and then trying to meet the charge the way we shaped it in terms of an increasingly complex marketplace and not just looking at what\'s happening now but looking towards the future and how might the committee be able to highlight some issues in terms of what is going on relative to coexistence, what is working, what is not working, whether you want to frame it as market failures or pressure points. We\'ve been using pinch points so we got a lot of feedback on that and not wild about that terminology which has become a placeholder I think for us not having landed on a particular concept of what we\'re trying to and how we\'re trying to do it, whether you want to talk about a market failure or interfering with choice at a grower/consumer level or how are we trying to structure this. It\'s getting our hands around that which we definitely need to do, but, talking about what is working, not working in the current environment and then anticipating challenges in the future and a lot of that\'s built off of some of the presentations during the last session where we had especially comments about the infrastructure and talks about the impact that the Liberty Link is raising, a lot of people wondering why we\'re talking so much about economics and especially people who hadn\'t been at the last meeting. But, just using that as the conversation we had at the last meeting and then sorting through any observations we might be able to make in the future in terms of where those, let\'s not call them pinch points, but pinch points, are they going to get worse or better. Is it \-- define it as, are we reaching that point whether you call it a market failure or failure to be able to choose what the consumer role wants to do as a failure, so is there any intervention required or is there anything that we want to talk about in terms of encouraging or discouraging or addressing? And I think that\'s where we started getting into more recommendation-like language and yet we had talked about the fact that the paper is really to develop observations, what kinds of observations are we having. Do we really want to get to the point of recommendations and I think actually when the Secretary first gave the topic to the committee talked not about recommendations. That\'s not necessarily what was being looked for and that\'s another question that I think we need to put out there in terms of if there is recommendation-like language and there\'s some concern about that where we want to go. I think having worked on that opportunities and challenges and other documents that the committee has produced getting the point of having consensus around, not only painting a picture that incorporates different points of view but going the next step and saying, therefore, we\'d like to recommend this is challenging under any circumstances. It\'s particularly challenging I think when you have right now is this meeting and the next meeting to complete our task on this project. So, I think we need to revisit the bidding to some degree in terms of what\'s the scope we\'re taking on and what are we trying to accomplish in a fairly short period of time given that I think we\'ve done a lot of good work and provided a lot of good observations, even to this point, that have reflected some of the documents and conversations that haven\'t necessarily been reflected in this document because it was so popular at the last meeting to kind to pull everything forward. So I think I just want to have an opportunity to talk about what\'s the scope of what we\'re trying to do. Does it still make sense in terms of what we\'re trying to do? And then I think getting more grounded in that discussion will help us then reflect on so how do we want to use this document, where does it need to go, and how can we meet our objective for completing our task on this particular topic. So, what I will mention for the new committee members, we use our name tags so you don\'t have to hold your arm up for a long stretch. Hold your tags up so we scan it. So for those of you who are new to the committee that helps me know. So, Carol. MS. TUCKER FOREMAN: I may have missed it, but, as of today what\'s our goal in terms of completing this paper time-wise, completing the paper? MS. DILLEY: Timeline? DR. SCHECHTMAN: The goal is to complete a paper by the end of the next meeting. MS. TUCKER FOREMAN: I\'d like to make a suggestion then. It seems to me that the reason \-- as I went through this I was real troubled by the fact that it doesn\'t really start off with this is what the Secretary asked us for and, two, this is how we define coexistence. If we got that down a lot of other things might come a little more easily. Michael mentioned early on that he\'s really looking for a fairly short paper and this one has gone beyond that. I think that if you had this is what they asked for, this is the definition, this is what\'s working, this is what\'s not, and these are the questions where we may have trouble in the future and such we\'d have a paper of half dozen pages and we could finish it. MS. DILLEY: I see some nodding. That\'s good. Yeah, I mean, and that\'s consistent, I think, with the way we framed it, but, first and foremost you need to have that concise statement of what the Secretary asked for in here, how we defined our work so that the rest that follows after it builds off of that. And we defined it lots of different ways and we\'ve talked about \-- I don\'t think it\'s necessarily inconsistent. We just haven\'t pinned it down. And if we\'ve talked about choice for consumers and growers. We\'ve talked about potential market failures. We\'ve talked about it in a lot of different ways but we haven\'t really pinned that down. MS. TUCKER FOREMAN: The coexistence paper from the EU starts out with two paragraphs that \-- MS. DILLEY: That\'s the one with agriculture and rural development at the top. MS. TUCKER FOREMAN: It starts off with a couple of paragraphs that are real simple definitions of coexistence so that might at least give us a jumping off point. I don\'t think there\'s anything in there that\'s EU-centric. MS. DILLEY: So, when you refer to that I think everybody has that. That\'s coexistence for the ability of farmers to make a practical choice between conventional, organic crop production. Talks about legal obligations for labeling and purity. And then really again reiterates, I guess, coexistence. At the bottom is coexistence encircling to economic implications. Is that right? Other thoughts? Yes. MS. TUCKER FOREMAN: One last thing on that. The only weakness that I see in this is that it really doesn\'t \-- it really is limited to producers. It doesn\'t say anything about the ability of companies or consumers to be able to get the product they want, but, I think the emphasis there is the correct one. MS. DILLEY: Other thoughts on it? So, there\'s a lot on the table in terms of making sure \-- not going into what do we think about the future so taking that piece of it out of the equation and more starting with, first of all, what\'s the working definition of coexistence and then how we were looking at it and then what\'s working, what\'s not working, and then observations about future, where it may get to, potentially tools that may assist in perpetuating coexistence or potential particular problems that may need to be looked at, but, then not making recommendations, not going into sort of anticipating other future type of thing which is another exercise and that makes it a little more difficult to reach agreement on how everyone\'s interpreting the future. MS. TUCKER FOREMAN: Avoiding conjecture is probably \-- MS. DILLEY: Yeah. DR. SCHECHTMAN: We have a lot of conjecture. MS. DILLEY: Who doesn\'t like the conjecture, but, especially given our time frame I think it makes it that much more challenging to go down that path. So, other thoughts, comments about how we\'re getting ourselves grounded? MR. GRANT: Well, I think I would just like to support where Carol was pointing us. My thoughts were really similar. You know, my comment right at the beginning of the draft, that\'s really in that very same line of thinking and it should be defined as narrowly as possible. I thought it was very interesting to read Brian\'s document and he really used the definitions to ground his document in the discussion and helpful to responding to it. I was kind of also very interested to read the EU document, the more academic version, not the compilation, but, the academic report and see how in their discussion this has really become a proxy for the entire battle between the different factions and I don\'t think we want to go there. MS. DILLEY: Right. Leon. MR. CORZINE: I\'m sorry for my tardiness. The airline industry didn\'t want me to get here any sooner this morning. I wondered as I read through this and I went back through it whether as far as in the introduction if that\'s where we are \-- sorry if I missed something or I don\'t intend to make us regress, but, you could go \-- but, the suggestion was could we go down to about the one, two, middle of the third paragraph starting with the U.S. is now the world\'s largest producer of both genetically engineered and organic crops and start there? All the verbiage above that I\'m not sure is really necessary. MS. DILLEY: Yeah. I mean, that may be where we end up starting. We\'re kind of putting the document aside for a little bit and just trying to get ourselves grounded. What are we trying to do and how are we trying to do it and the scope of what we\'re trying to do. And Carol, I don\'t know when you came in, Carol put on the table that it would be helpful to trim back what we\'re trying to do and really focus on the choice piece and the economic piece of it because that helps us keep our scope to a particular set of issues and then not get into what the future may look like but really kind of capture what\'s happening now, where there\'s some challenges, where it\'s working and try and stay with that kind of frame as opposed to \-- DR. SCHECHTMAN: I mean, I think I also heard a little bit about some observations for the future, but, not \-- but certainly unless things change enormously and we get a paper in no time, you know, moving away from the idea of coming up with big recommendations for the future. MS. DILLEY: Right. So, we intend to pick up the document with \-- if we can get set on that then pick up the document and do what you\'re suggesting which is let\'s go back and see where do we want to take this document. Nick? MR. KALAITZANDONAKES: I certainly would support what Carol said in terms of being out of the report. I want to make a comment which is that the discussion that we are having is in some ways like the discussion that the European Union has been having and in some ways very different and the reason I\'m saying this is because a lot of what is going on in Europe is driven by their labeling requirements, their mandatory labeling requirement and we don\'t have them. And, so, my scope of the discussion on coexistence in Europe is wrapped around thresholds, AP, adventitious presence, and labeling requirements and we have none of those. So, it is important to separate what it is that is common and so I just wanted to say that. MS. DILLEY: Other thoughts or different points of view or concerns as to where we\'re heading with this? Because I think if that seems reasonable to people then I think we need to try and capture that, what is our working definition and get that pinned down and then we can come back and look at the document and say, okay, where do we need to move this document in a framework that given our framework and our definition of what we\'re trying to accomplish as a backdrop to really take a different look at the document I think, one that can move it forward. Any other thoughts, perspectives? Okay. So, well, the charge, and, Michael, I don\'t know if this is appropriate to pick up the one that\'s in the meeting objective, this is an increasingly complex marketplace, what issues should USDA consider regarding coexistence among increasingly diverse agricultural systems, obviously we\'ve been looking at those. I think the Secretary\'s office is trying to get us to think both current and future and the way we\'ve looked at it so far is really more weighted on the current which would fit with us approaching the topic and I think it is consistent with some of the commonalities of the European Union discussion in terms of the economics, both choice piece and the economics and looking at those dimensions of it. I don\'t know if we have ever actually defined it, however, so, I don\'t know if that\'s the best way to take a run at it or we can try to see if we\'ve got dimensions of it and then maybe come back after we have the USDA update and focus more specifically on that, but, I just want to make sure if people have any other questions of where we need to go with the conversation if you have other particular pieces of it if we need to revisit that. I don\'t want to spend time. In other words, I don\'t just want to spend time just cracking the definition. I think we just want to make sure we\'ve got the different elements of it I think we could probably do that at the break and then move forward into the framing of the rest of the scope of work. So, what\'s the question, Abby? The economics and choice piece that needs to factor into the definition. Nancy? MS. BRYSON: I just thought that the meeting for this time were very good when I looked at them in terms of a couple of short clear statements about coexistence. There\'s one on page 4. There\'s one on page 5. The one on page 4 talks about concept of coexistence as fostering choice for producers, customers, and consumers which I think matches up well with Carol\'s language that she was pointing to in edit the other two dimensions and then there\'s sort of a similar brief discussion on page 5. So, it\'s a break of looking at those I think it\'s pulling all of this together. MS. DILLEY: Stephanie? MS. WHALEN: I agree with what Carol said to begin with as the three items to look at. MS. DILLEY: Can you speak up? I think we\'re having a hard time picking you up on the mike. MS. WHALEN: I said that I agree with what Carol had said at the beginning on these three points the Secretary asked for something and we needed to define it but we skipped to the definition and I\'m just wondering what actually is the Secretary\'s charge. That would help me. DR. SCHECHTMAN: That turns out to be a more complicated question. What our initial charge was to the committee has been discussed and was modified by the committee but the modification which is what is described as the first bullet on the agenda is an acceptable charge to the committee and that was in an increasingly complex marketplace \-- I\'m trying to remember from memory \-- what issues should USDA consider regarding coexistence among increasingly diverse agricultural systems. And that was the last version of the charge and that was okay as a definition for what the committee should be working on and that could very well make it somewhere within the first 20 pages of the paper or so. MS. TUCKER FOREMAN: Obviously we could start out by simply saying the charge from the Secretary was and redefine coexistence as. Seven or eight lines maybe. MS. DILLEY: Okay. There\'s more history there, but, I don\'t know if it adds anymore clarity though. Okay. It seems like people are pretty amenable with it to scaling it back, being more precise in terms of putting the charge in there, defining what it is, and the definition using pieces that we\'ve already discussed in terms of the choice, fostering choice of producers, customers, and consumers which I think gets the marketplace piece of it as well as the face piece of it and then try to capture what\'s working, what\'s not working and what the potential additional challenges might be in the future. So, if we are \-- I think the other piece of it is recognizing and when we do look at the documents that we\'re not \-- we don\'t \-- we\'re not really working for not recommendation language. I think that was another piece of people having a lot of comments in the document that we must make a recommendation and we need to scale back from that and that\'s been through in other previous documents as well where we\'re really trying to capture a picture of what\'s going on as opposed to going the next step to recommendations. Carol and then Mardi. MS. TUCKER FOREMAN: Do we have the computer capacity today because I think, you know, I\'ve been playing with that language, Nancy obviously has been, and maybe during the break we could get something up there. MS. DILLEY: For the definition? MS. TUCKER FOREMAN: Yeah. MS. DILLEY: That would be great. MS. TUCKER FOREMAN: I\'ll buy Michael\'s suggestion that the bullet describes whatever it is. MS. DILLEY: Mardi? DR. MELLON: On the recommendation question, I agree that we shouldn\'t strive for recommendations and, you know, I did a lot of work trying to excise them from, you know, they were kind of shot through the document. But, if by any chance we actually could come to agreement on one or two things that might be a good idea and I\'m not sure that that\'s impossible. I wouldn\'t rule out a recommendation. MS. DILLEY: I think that makes sense. I mean, I think the first order of priority is trying to get a collective consensus opinion in describing what is and how it\'s working or not working. If the committee can go beyond on I think certainly the Secretary\'s not going to say no, that\'s not helpful. So, if we go in that direction, but, that should not be the ultimate goal, I think, especially given that we only have until the next meeting to complete this, which is a short time frame. Other comments, questions? So, with that I think looking at that organization of the topics I think we\'re in good shape. I would assume that to me we\'ve got another ten minutes I would prefer we just take a break now because I think otherwise we jump into the document and that\'s only ten minutes and then we have to pull out of it. So, I suggest we take a break now, come back at ten when Dr. De Haven is here. Is that all right, Michael? DR. SCHECHTMAN: Yes. MS. DILLEY: If you don\'t have documents make sure you pick up additional copies, especially since I found this typo. I don\'t know about your computer but my computer doesn\'t print out all the comments on the side so if you have text without those comments I think it would be helpful to pick up a copy outside that provides that. So, let\'s reconvene at ten o\'clock and we\'ll take a ten minute break. DR. SCHECHTMAN: But, let me just say that Dr. De Haven is going to have quite a tight schedule so we\'ll need to be back and ready to start because I know he has another meeting at 10:30 so he\'ll be in at ten. MS. DILLEY: Take a break and then come back. (Whereupon, a brief recess was taken) DR. SCHECHTMAN: We are starting late and I\'m happy right now to be able to introduce to you Dr. Ron De Haven who is the Administrator of the Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service and he\'s going to provide some updates on the two relevant topical issues, one having to do with transgenic rice and the other having to do with transgenic alfalfa and answer a few questions. Dr. De Haven. DR. DE HAVEN: Michael, thank you and it is good to be here. It\'s an interesting time in the biotech arena and I guess I don\'t need to tell any of you that, but, before I get into the issues I want to thank you for your volunteerism to be part of this advisory committee. There are several such committees within the department, as you know, and we take your ideas and recommendations very seriously, so, again, I appreciate your being here and your volunteerism to be part of the process to make our oversight of biotechnology better. It\'s a common joke, but, not so much, actually within APHIS right now with all of the attention that\'s being directed towards our biotechnology regulatory services unit. I give Cindy a hard time about the fact that BRS is the smallest unit, program unit within APHIS, but, it is consuming all of the agency resources and some outside the agency as we are dealing with a number of issues and events and I think an indication of some growing pains because it is an area that is growing significantly and importantly and one that has tremendous potential in terms of meeting some societal needs, but, we\'re walking that tightrope of not unduly restricting an industry, but, at the same time providing adequate oversight and regulatory oversight of the industry. So, it\'s that tightrope that we will continue to walk. I guess a lot of the attention surfaced earlier when we had a report from our Office of Inspector General who in large part talked to our folks found out about a lot of the activities and ongoing improvement initiatives that we had underway and, in fact, that\'s the reason my predecessor, Bobby Acord, created BRS some years ago. It was recognizing the importance of biotechnology and it was an area where we were going to need to be focusing additional resources. So, we obviously recognize the need. We had a lot of activities in place to improve our overall regulatory process and ended up in an OIG report that in large part took those initiatives we had underway and we found those in the form of recommendations and findings of the OIG report so in some respects that\'s helpful and in some respects not so much, but, nevertheless, I think it adds to the importance of some of these changes that we have in the works. Most importantly in terms of changes in looks is our effort to publish an Environmental Impact Statement that would then precede an overall rulemaking change that would modify the way that we provide regulatory oversight recognizing that not all of GM products are created equal, some represent significantly more risk than others, and, so, that we would through our regulatory approach recognize that difference, spend less time focusing on those GMO\'s that represent little or no risk and more time on those with uncertainty about the ones that represent a risk such as pharmaceuticals and industrial. So, that really is the idea behind our regulatory rulemaking that, again, will follow the EIS which we hope to get out in the near future and while we have a lot of high priority activities within APHIS and more broadly within the department I can assure you that this rulemaking initiative is one of the most high priorities. It\'s one of the many number one priorities that we have to get done as quickly as we can. So, we recognize the need to do it and do it right, but, we also recognize that there\'s a little time sensitivity in terms of getting that out as well so that is a high priority. Michael mentioned a couple of lawsuits recently that had some negative findings. Two of them in which the court ruled that APHIS had failed to properly document that the deregulation or field testing of GE crops did not present special circumstances which would require more analysis of environmental impact process consistent with NEPA. The first was the alfalfa lawsuit on February 13th of this year. The Federal District Court in San Francisco in response to a lawsuit filed by the Center for Food Safety and other non-profit organizations found that the department had not adequately considered all the issues with regard to deregulation of Monsanto\'s Roundup Ready alfalfa. The lawsuit alleged violations of not only NEPA but also the Plant Protection Act as well as the Endangered Species Act. The court ruled that APHIS had not adequately assessed the potential environmental impacts when deciding to deregulate this Roundup Ready alfalfa, suggesting that APHIS should have provided data demonstrating that organic farmers would be able to keep their operations separate from any genes from this particular product and suggesting that because gene flow can present an environmental impact and then that results in an economic impact negating the department\'s argument that this was more of an economic issue and not so much an environmental one. So, on March 12th the court issued a preliminary injunction on growers that had already planted this Roundup Ready alfalfa could continue to harvest, sell, \-- harvest, use, and sell the crop and in planting could continue until March 30th. No additional sales of this Roundup Ready alfalfa could continue after March 12th which was the day the court issued the preliminary injunction and then of course the court vacated APHIS\' decision to deregulate this particular event. While we\'re not so pleased with the court\'s decision I think it\'s not all that bad either. It is helping us already to improve some of the processes that we have in place and I think those issues would go more to documenting the decision and the basis for the decisions we make rather than undermining of the basis or the science on which those decisions were made, so, again, we\'re taking that seriously in terms of complying with the court\'s order. We notified the sellers and growers of this Roundup Ready alfalfa, of the court\'s requirements to encourage and gain full compliance with the court\'s order. The second lawsuit had to do with bentgrass and involved APHIS\' review of notification to field test herbicide resistant turf grasses. The court ruled that although APHIS\' genetically engineered notification permits are categorically excluded from the need to prepare a NEPA document or notification in this case, suggested that this bentgrass would have fit into that categorical exclusion, we did not adequately document that none of the exceptions to that categorical exclusion applied in this case. So, we have here again taken the appropriate corrective actions in that regard. The court did cause us to cease issuing notifications until we had improved procedures in place to ensure that we, in fact, did consider and document all of the relative environmental issues and, so, we are now once again issuing notifications and catching up on a backlog there which obviously is important to the industries that were so affected. And, again, I think processes that will make our overall regulatory oversight better, but, also consistent with where we intend to go in terms of our ruling. And then of course we have the rice situations starting with the finding of Liberty Link 601 in a variety of rice called Cheniere. This was a rice that we have subsequently deregulated but of course this rice found its way into commercial channels probably through deregulation. It represents no risk from an environmental or food safety standpoint and there was no intent for it to be commercialized at this point and, in fact, it did find its way into commercial rice. It was then followed with the more recent situation involving the variety of rice called Clearfield 131 in which we had initially an unknown GE event in that variety of rice which subsequently determined that it is Liberty Link 604, again, one that\'s not been deregulated but in this same family of genetic traits that has been studied and reviewed extensively and so here, again, we feel comfortable in saying that it represents no environmental or food safety risk and I\'ve said so very recently in some of our press announcements. But, here again, these two situations suggest the need for the regulatory reforms that we are undergoing, making sure that, one, we not only carefully consider the basis for all of our decisions in ensuring that we are making those decisions on good solid scientific basis and categorically say that I feel that we have done so, but, I think where we may have been missing the boat is in completely documenting some of those decisions and documenting them in ways, in such a way that a lay person, a District Court Judge, for example, could understand the process that we went through and the scientific basis for the decisions that we have made. So, a learning process all around and, again, I think confirmation that we are appropriately involved in developing an EIS and a ruling initiative to improve our inter-agency regulatory oversight. One other issue that is very much on our plate and that is consideration of low level prevalence in GE products and I think for us a two-fold process looking at what our current regulations would say and how we would interpret that in terms of low level prevalence, but, also working through that in an international union through Codex in clarifying the international arena what low level prevalence means and how a country should respond to that. And, so, we are very happily involved in that whole process from an international perspective as well. So, with that, let me pause and see what questions and comments you have. We have both Cindy Smith, our Deputy Administrator for Biotechnology Regulatory Services and Rebecca, our Associate Deputy Administrator in the audience and they can help me with the easy questions and I\'ll take the hard ones. DR. CARDINEAU: I\'m curious as to whether or not the USDA has figured out in conjunction, I assume, with the company, how the Liberty Link rice got into the market. DR. DE HAVEN: Thank you for the question. Did you all hear the question? We have an ongoing active investigation to determine just that, how did this rice find its way into commercial channels. I think there\'s been a lot of misperceptions about what the purpose of our investigation is and, you know, to the extent that an event has been deregulated from an official standpoint at that point we don\'t really care what the geographical distribution or the prevalence of that organism is, that GMO is. Once we deregulate it, it\'s determined to be safe. So, let me first start by saying what this investigation is not and that is not an effort to determine how prevalent and what is the geographic distribution of the 601 event. It focuses exactly on what you\'re asking and that is, how did this happen and did it happen in such a way that there were violations of our existing regulations that would allow the event to find its way into commercial channels? Every time we think we\'re about to wrap up an investigation and the findings we come up with a new wrinkle, new test, and new event like the Clearfield 131 and so that investigation is still ongoing and so at this point it would be prudent for me to not say anything more than other than that question you\'re asking is exactly the focal point of our investigation to determine how this happened and were there violations of our regulations that allowed it to happen and then taking appropriate action based on the findings of that investigation. There are obviously market sensitivities here, particularly in export markets and a lot of pressure simply from our European colleagues why we must resolve this investigation so that things can get back to normal and so we\'re struggling between another tug of war of wanting to wrap it up quickly but also making sure that we do a very thorough job so we\'re doing it as quickly as we can do it well. DR. CARDINEAU: Thank you. MS. GEISERT: Alison and then Mardi. DR. VAN EENENNAAM: Yes. Could you explain what happens next with the alfalfa case? Does it go to court or when can people start planting it again, or, what happens next? DR. DE HAVEN: Well, the next step will be a hearing on March \-- what is it, Cindy \-- MS. SMITH: April 27th. DR. DE HAVEN: \-- to consider whether or not the preliminary injunction would become a permanent injunction so that is the next step. Will the court issue a permanent injunction on continued use of this particular event? Presumably that would still allow us the opportunity to go through a regulatory \-- continue to go through a regulatory process, but, until such time as that hearing would happen and we could convince the court that we have satisfactorily considered all of the relevant issues it remains a regulated event. Cindy, do you need to expand on that? MS. SMITH: No. DR. DE HAVEN: Okay. DR. VAN EENENNAAM: Is that the person who makes the decision? DR. DE HAVEN: It is. And indeed because we\'re represented through the Department of Justice and there are a number of opportunities for the Justice Department to consider appeals of a full range and so on, I\'m beginning to talk like an attorney here, but, you know, perhaps appeal to a full panel of that District Court or appeal to the Circuit Court so I\'m sure that there are additional legal remedies that we might consider, but, the next step would be this hearing on a permanent injunction as opposed to a temporary injunction. MS. DILLEY: Mardi and then Duane. Oh, Rebecca, did you want to say something? MS. BECH: We\'re going to be preparing an environmental impact statement and so that\'s also included in the next step is it will remain a regulated article until we complete the Environmental Impact Statement and then make a decision on how to proceed in the deregulation process. DR. DE HAVEN: Good point. In fact, that\'s part of what the judge ordered us to do was to go with EIS on this and then based on the results of that would consider deregulation. MS. DILLEY: Mardi. DR. MELLON: Well, since you haven\'t made a decision to appeal yet you\'ve got a District Court ruling I think that the Department must consider economic risk as part of environmental impact statements. I\'m interested in whether you\'re going back and looking at other documentation that you\'re preparing in conjunction with other crops and trying to assess the economic risk. That would be one question and my second question is just how many more rice contamination events do you expect? I mean, do you think this a flurry that\'s now over or do you think that this is going to be an ongoing part of all of our lives? DR. DE HAVEN: Well, for me to speculate on how many more of these Liberty Link rice events we might have in the future would be pure speculation and this is probably not the appropriate forum to speculate. We didn\'t anticipate the Clearfield 131, for that to happen, and, so, I would hope not, but, I don\'t know of any crystal ball that would allow us to predict if there would be any more like this or how many. DR. MELLON: Excuse me. It would come out. An ability to answer that question might come out if your investigation is as to how this happened in the first place. DR. DE HAVEN: I think we\'ll be able to infer from that investigation whether or not we are more than likely looking at \-- we\'ve seen the universe in terms of these situations or it\'s a fact that could be potential ones. Similarly, to defer to you on the first question in terms of how are we going back I would only say that we are working hard to comply with not only the letter but the intent of the judge\'s order. DR. SCHECHTMAN: Could you move up towards the mike so it will get on record. MS. SMITH: To add a point onto this issue, something I can assure you it\'s really hard for us to \-- what we\'re doing with the investigation is we\'re taking a very hard look at exactly what we think can happen. It takes a long time to gather evidence along those lines, but, that\'s important information for us to act upon. One thing I will just reassure you is that you can expect action from APHIS when these situations happen. You know, this was a case where we learned about this. We received a little bit of information on a Wednesday evening. By Friday we had a little bit more of a picture and we spent the weekend activating folks across the country to prevent farmers from planting this crop because we were under the impression that the majority of the crop was going to be planted that coming week and as a result of being able to put the systems in place that we have we were able to end up with what we believe was three acres being planted and so I can assure you can expect a lot of action from APHIS. DR. DE HAVEN: Let me just interject here too, not only were we very quickly to have acted very aggressively, we couldn\'t have asked for any better cooperation from our industry partners in terms of getting that rice on hold and making sure that we had recovered all of it and I think it\'s a success that, in fact, only three acres were planted. MS. SMITH: I\'ll speak to your second question about looking at economic impacts where there may be a connection with environmental impacts we\'re looking very closely at that now. Of course, that\'s a different way of looking at things than we have historically so it\'s a rather significant undertaking. I think what we\'re looking at right now is whether the most pressing regulatory decisions on our plate and kind of starting on a right-now-what-decisions-do-we-need-to make basis, looking more carefully at these issues, going ahead and assuming that there\'s a closer look we have to take for now pending the long-term outcome of this case. So, there is more analysis that we are looking at currently. We are looking at multiple mechanisms to try to do that, both internal expertise as well as contracting, so that\'s very much on our plate. MS. DILLEY: Duane and then Sarah. MR. GRANT: So, two questions. First of all, the easy one. What is the timeline for the EIS on alfalfa, and then the second question would be, so this was an effective re-regulation of something that APHIS had deregulated? Does this set a precedent for potential re-regulation of other crops that are over pollinated where some of these same issues may apply? DR. DE HAVEN: As to your first question, by the time when the EIS \-- I\'m not trying to sound trite, but, rather seriously as quickly as we can get it out and we think that we are within weeks of getting EIS out. And, again, this would be a draft for comment probably in preparation for comment so as quickly as we can, but, again, as quickly as we can get it out and do it as well as we can. Your second question about does this set a precedent. Again, I think that\'s a legal speculative question and one that I\'m not sure I\'m qualified to answer. Cindy indicated that, you know, this is a different way of looking and requiring us to look at things, not just from an environmental standpoint but also an economic standpoint and the judge making the connection to the fact that the economic impact could have some environmental impact so requiring us to do that. So, we will do so in the future. We\'re taking a retrospective look at that as well. But, I would hesitate to speculate as to whether or not this will set a precedent and we\'ll be looking at similar source of challenges in the future I simply don\'t know. In the meantime, we\'re going to be doing all that we can retrospectively to ensure that we\'ve got all bases covered. MS. DILLEY: Sarah? MS. GEISERT: Thank you. Thank you for your help in the last couple of weeks dealing with Mexico and I think again there were no environmental or safety risks associated with the rice. Certainly they have found market risks associated with it. And I\'m wondering as you look forward and talk about looking retrospectively back if there are some opportunities that we should be thinking about or doing differently to address those marketplace challenges as these events come forward. Mexico was the last market where we\'ve had issues of significance and you stepped in to help out with those issues, but, we\'ve had a number of lessons learned and I\'m wondering if there\'s a way we can begin to build in some more proactive steps to deal with these events that occur to help with the marketplace. DR. DE HAVEN: You\'ve raised some excellent points and I think much of the reaction that we have seen internationally has been based on consumer fears that are founded on lack of knowledge, misunderstanding about what GMO\'s are and what they are not. And, so, I think that there is and will continue to be some public relations, public education perspective here. I see it as one of the functions of this advisory committee to take a somewhat external science-based view of some of these court decisions in knowing how we are functioning and make some recommendations to us in how we can improve the process. So, I think it\'s timely that it\'s unfortunate from a regulatory standpoint that some of these events have been. It\'s timely, particularly as we are involved in this process of getting the EIS out and going through rulemaking, making sure that we have considered all of the relevant issues as we go through that process. So, again, I think that goes directly to part of the function of this advisory committee is to take a look at those kinds of concerns. It has been interesting from an international export market perspective as we\'re responding to a lot of the concerns, even from the EU a desire to mobilize trade and get past all of this turmoil that these events, these situations have created, but, also taking advantage of them to provide \-- taking advantage of the educational moment that these situations provide in terms of educating the public in terms of what these GMO\'s represent and what they don\'t in terms of food safety and environmental risk. DR. SCHECHTMAN: One last question and then I know Dr. De Haven has another meeting. MR. CORZINE: Thank you very much for being here and answering these questions for us. As you look forward at the next EIS and particularly if you\'re going to do one on every event that comes forward, do you have an estimate on how much more time that\'s going to take or resources to meet what you will need to meet that EIS? And the second part of that is if you\'re going to include an economic impact side of that, I mean that\'s a two-sided coin. I mean, does that mean if we\'re going to be able to show a dramatic reduction in costs or something along that line that that\'s going to have a weight as you do that as well? DR. DE HAVEN: Let me answer your questions at the 30,000 foot level and then ask Cindy to get down to about 5,000 feet and I\'m not sure we\'re ready to get climb up there yet. I don\'t necessarily agree that the court decisions will require us to do an EIS in every case. I think what it does require is for us to not only carefully consider whether an EIS is done, is necessary or not, but, when we decide it\'s not to make sure that we have very thoroughly documented and have a good solid scientific basis for making that decision, again, not to suggest that we haven\'t had a good scientific basis for what we\'ve done in the past, but, quite honestly, we probably haven\'t been as complete as we could have been in terms of documenting the basis for those decisions. Having said all of that, I think this court decision will suggest that we probably need to do more in terms of environmental impact assessment, more EIS work, more situations where we\'ll do an EIS, and even when we don\'t have to the additional documentation that we\'ll need to provide based on the precedent set in this court case will slow things down. So, I think it is realistic to assume that there will, in fact, be some slowdown in the process, perhaps not nearly as much as there might be if one assumes we had to do an EIS in every situation, but, we don\'t see it that way. We see it more as more thoroughly documenting the decisions that we make in configuring some of the economic consequences and the process of doing so. Cindy, do you have anything to add? MS. SMITH: No, I think Ron made the point that on \-- I think our key thing that we\'re going to have to do is better document our decisions. One of the things that we\'ve done as we\'ve gone through the process of evaluating the quality of our EIS documentation in general is we\'ve had the opportunity to talk to our scientists about what were the questions, you know, that we have identified a series of questions that they answer. It\'s very interesting as we\'ve talked to them over the weeks and weeks about how they\'re documenting the evaluations that they did and what we found was, you know, well, for this question how did you come to this conclusion. Well, as scientists with years of training it was obvious to them. And, so, we found what was happening was they\'re doing this analysis but they\'re doing it in their head because they are scientists, they\'re not documenters, and so the key thing I think we need to do on a number of these is really pull out and make it transparent that we are asking the right questions. We\'re doing a full analysis. And there may be so many areas because this judge is looking at this question of economics differently than we have, but, we will \-- there will be scenarios where we don\'t have full information and we may have to undertake some work to develop some of that larger body of information that we\'ll need. I think I would agree with Ron also. You\'re talking about a process that\'s going to take more time, but, I think in the end we\'ll all be in a better place because of it. DR. DE HAVEN: Thank you for the opportunity again. Thank you for being part of this advisory committee. Because of the issues that we\'re dealing with and the visibility all the more reason for this meeting and some of the recommendations and guidance that we provide for as we move forward in what I think is a very big critical time period in terms of our regulatory oversights, setting a new foundation in terms of how we will be operating in the future to provide an appropriate level of oversight for GMO products. So, thank you very much for being here. DR. SCHECHTMAN: Thank you. Thank you all. I think we will take a 15 minute break. We\'ll come back at 10:45. (Whereupon, a brief recess was taken) MS. DILLEY: In terms of noting of the minutes were comprehensive, part of that is getting a good transcript and part of that is having a lot of interfering noise for the transcriber to be able to take down notes and if you do have a Blackberry and if you can turn it off so it doesn\'t interfere with the signals it will pick up. Also, for those of you with soft voices we\'re having trouble picking up your voice on the microphone. So, if you could be sure and talk to the opposite corner of where you\'re sitting that would be very helpful to pick up and have a comprehensive transcript for the notes. So, when we took a break we had been talking about pinning down the language around the Secretary\'s charge and our working definition and scope of what the committee was taking on in the paper and trying to be succinct about that and building off of some of our conversations previously and then looking at some of the ways coexistence has been framed in not only our documents but also other documents to try and put that together and pin that down so that can help shape what the rest of the document is going to look like. So, what we wanted to do is pick up on that conversation, look at language on the Secretary\'s charge, and then also some language that we had talked about before the break and some of our documents to see if we could do exactly that and then try and \-- and then what I would imagine starts working on the introductory language and kind of flesh that buildup of the charge, introduction, and scope and we can start looking at the documents, the compilation documents and the introductory language in there and start working with that and seeing how we want the buildup of our scope and working definition of coexistence. So, one of the things that I noticed in looking at the summary was that we actually had made some suggestions to the change in the goal of language in the objective piece of it. I think we increasingly found we were using increasingly too much. So, we had actually agreed to change that language and I had not caught that in pinning that down in the meeting objective. And what we had talked about is incorporating the notion of "dynamics, evolving" language as opposed to "increasingly" because it didn\'t make a lot of sense. So, what we had put up there is, "In a dynamic evolving, complex marketplace what issues should USDA consider regarding coexistence among increasingly \-- that\'s where we\'re saving it \-- diverse agricultural systems", rather than having two "increasingly" and now we have one and trying to capture this notion of just how dynamic and changing the marketplace is. MS. TUCKER FOREMAN: Take increasingly out of both places. MS. DILLEY: Get rid of the "increasingly." I just don\'t like that word, increasingly. It doesn\'t add anything at this point. Okay. Is dynamic evolving okay and complex marketplace, does that get more to where we are in that we don\'t need to spend the time on that language but I just want to make sure we capture that notion of it as an evolving marketplace. Carol, did you have \-- DR. BUSS: It might be much easier to read if you put the first part at the end and have it read, "What issues should USDA consider regarding coexistence among diverse agricultural systems supporting the complex marketplace?" MS. DILLEY: Okay. How about tightening it up a little better in terms of what the committee was asked to do? Can we move off that one then and look at our working definition of coexistence? DR. SCHECHTMAN: You want a very short report. MS. DILLEY: The Secretary asked and this is what we heard. Thank you very much. Okay. A couple of people made reference in their comments as well as earlier this morning about the documents, agricultural and rural development and picking up the language that Nancy referred to in previous documents and I think including this one perhaps, the compilation document, but, trying to take a run at some language. Coexistence refers to the ability of farmers to make a practical choice between \-- this, again, merges a lot of different language, including this one from the EU \-- to make a practical choice between conventional, organic, and biotech crop production and \-- this is our piece I think that we\'ve added in our conversation \-- for food processors and consumers to have choice in the marketplace. And then potentially that the notion of choice is how we\'re looking at coexistence and then focusing on perhaps the economic dimensions more specifically. Duane? MR. GRANT: I\'m okay with that definition until you get down to the bottom and it says for individual consumers to have a choice in the marketplace. And I\'m not opposed to that concept, but, here\'s what I\'m getting at if I can explain what I\'m thinking. Coexistence works and we had a discussion about coexistence as long as you limit it to kind of a single group or unit or group of affected parties. But, here we\'re mixing in different drivers. The drivers for producers are completely different than the drivers for consumers and if you require that individual consumers have a choice in the marketplace then you\'re saying that every \-- you have to offer, you\'re required to offer different choices in the marketplace and there are some crops in which a farmer making a practical choice may not ever offer an organic perhaps offering in the marketplace. He may not ever offer a GE choice in the marketplace. It\'s the practical implications of it is if it doesn\'t work in practice, you won\'t do it. So, if individual consumers have to have a choice, that implies a different coexistence discussion than if producers are making practical choices in response to \-- MS. GEISERT: Just so I understand. Because I think individual consumers, I think that was trying to distinguish from other kinds of consumers, so commercial consumers is the way I kind of read that. I don\'t know if it needs to be consumers, but, the fact that they have a choice as a qualifier for growers may be the qualifier for all this. MR. GRANT: The last thing I\'d say on this is that you\'ll notice even the EU\'s definition of coexistence didn\'t bring the consumer choice directly in. Okay. Now, when the EU actually got into discussion about what coexistence means absolutely consumer choice came into the question and I think you can tell by their document that\'s one of the reasons they haven\'t been able to resolve the issue. MS. DILLEY: Carol and then Mardi. MS. TUCKER FOREMAN: I think that maybe we should have put after the Secretary's charge and gone home. I think that ultimately everything is driven by people having a choice in the marketplace that they want. You\'re not going to get to grow something if people won\'t buy it and this doesn\'t have to suggest any requirement on farmers. It\'s a reality that you want to have a choice in the marketplace. Practical \-- you may be able to rewrite it so that practical applies in both places and I wouldn\'t object to that, but, I\'m not willing to have the discussion limited only to farmers. MS. DILLEY: Mardi? DR. MELLON: I would point out that the definition, the way it\'s written simply says it refers to the ability of farmers and consumers to have choice in the marketplace. It doesn\'t say coexistence. It doesn\'t say what an adequate coexistence is. It doesn\'t say that in order for coexistence to be deemed adequate every consumer must have every choice in the marketplace, every farmer must have every choice in the marketplace. It just sets the stage in which we\'re working and it seems to me that that stage does include choices that are made both by consumers and by farmers with reference to, you know, kind of one another. So, I\'m comfortable with it just saying what it refers to and, you know, perhaps going forward in terms of how much coexistence we want, need, or, should guarantee had that come out of other parts of the document. MS. DILLEY: Yeah, I do think it\'s more fostering choices as opposed to mandating choice. I mean, that notion of practical that\'s in there and I think this kind of hearkens back to our discussions of market failure, and market failure versus not a market failure, and it\'s kind of balance out the notion of different choices, a variety of choices, and also the fostering and not mandating choices. So, it may be that we just don\'t have the right language, but, the notion of choice among consumers and the whole food chain and food production chain is part of the mix. I think it was Nick and then Randy, Adrian and then Stephanie. MR. KALAITZANDONAKES: As far as I\'m concerned what we have on the screen is the truth. As far as I know, we do not have a planned economy today and therefore consumers, farmers, and processors all have the ability to make choices. So, I\'m not sure what the definition of this is. And the reason I\'m saying this is because today they have the ability to make choices. They will have the ability to make choices tomorrow, right. So, coexistence isn\'t about the ability to make choices. The reason that the document in the EU is written this way in such a practical ability is because it refers to meeting specific effects which are imposed through the regulatory process in Europe on labeling and adventitious presence requirements and threshold. In the absence of meeting a particular set of constraints this definition doesn\'t work. So, to say that coexistence is about the ability of farmers, processors, and consumers to make decisions, of course we all do have the ability today. MS. DILLEY: Randy. MR. GIROUX: I\'m uncomfortable with that definition because it almost sets up a conflict at the very beginning and I agree with Carol that the markets work because people demand things and then other people produce them to meet those demands and so in my mind it really isn\'t independent choices between farmers and consumers in this particular so I\'m uncomfortable with the way it\'s worded because it tends to set up what looks like conflict where there isn\'t a conflict and coexistence is more about how do supply chains work and personally I think there\'s at least one sector missing from that definition. MS. DILLEY: Adrian and then Stephanie. DR. POLANSKY: I\'m not sure that it necessarily sets up a conflict. If I was practical, it\'s there, but, it may be able to be said better. I guess my thought is that hopefully that individual wouldn\'t necessarily cause a problem for me in terms of processors and consumers have the choice rather than individual or, you know, individual processor or individual consumers. Consumers, it would seem to me, would be adequate to address that particular part of the statement. Just a thought. MS. DILLEY: Okay. Stephanie. MS. WHALEN: I think I\'d have to agree with Duane that I don\'t believe food processors and individual consumers needs to be a part of this. At least coming from what appeared in Hawaii in terms of discussion of this it really was the farmers wanted to be sure that they could meet demands with whatever process they choose and, so, and sometimes I\'ve heard farmers talk about the fact that they\'re not ignorant and they understand how to render business and it is based on the need of the final user and so coexistence for them was really about being able to use whatever process they felt was needed to meet the demand in their particular situation and, so, the demand is from those others. But, that\'s not what we\'re talking about. We\'re talking about how the farmers coexist in producing for the users or consumers or whatever you want to call it. So, it\'s not necessary. It\'s already implied in trying to make a business work and be possible. MS. DILLEY: I think part of maybe the challenge here is because we\'ve been talking about the choices and I feel like we\'re mixing half the definition in terms of what does that mean in terms of what we\'re trying to concentrate on and that\'s the economic portion or what the scope is that everyone wants to take on and I don\'t know if we need to add that to it in thinking about how to frame this in getting the right language. Nick, you\'re right in terms of that\'s what\'s explained in terms of the EU with its particular obligations and actually I left out a few sentences in terms of adding language to talk about within contractual obligations so I don\'t know if that makes it less truism or is it more definition or not, but, that\'s something to think about. Carol, your card went up and then Leon. MS. TUCKER FOREMAN: Yeah, I understand that mindset for many is that this is only about farmers, but, production and consumption of food is about farmers and I think that it is essential that you acknowledge that there are at least three actors in this process and state it up front. MS. DILLEY: Leon? MR. CORZINE: I don\'t completely disagree with that, Carol, and I think we\'re struggling with how to word that at the end of \-- I wonder, does it work? If you look at that and you stop at the end of "and GE crop production" and add \-- and strike everything after that and insert to provide for the marketplace. I don\'t know if that weakens it for you too much, Carol. MS. TUCKER FOREMAN: It does. It really does. You want a recognition there that there are other actors that are involved. MR. CORZINE: Well, the marketplace is all the other actors. MS. TUCKER FOREMAN: But you got to name them. My continuing effort is to try to get people to take a broader view because in reality that\'s what you\'re going to have to do. It\'s not just about farmers and I want a specific recognition of the other actors in the marketplace. Incidentally, in the content that we have it\'s there. We\'re just trying to get it put in the first paragraph. MS. DILLEY: We\'re talking about economic implications that are tools that help foster coexistence at multiple levels, not just at the grower level so it\'s kind of stand out without having to name every single entity so it\'s somewhere between marketplace and what we\'ve got up here and I don\'t know exactly the language. MR. CORZINE: Well if I could respond to that. MS. DILLEY: Sure. MR. CORZINE: And maybe we\'re hung up on the word, and, Carol, you want to make sure you get the word consumers in there, but, the marketplace to me is the consumer at the end of the day. Now, maybe if we need to reword that to make that better that was my attempt to do because when I look at the marketplace that\'s the consumer and I don\'t think that anybody here really believes that, you know, I\'m going to produce things and not have a marketplace or not be concerned about the consumer. I mean, because that is what we\'re doing at the end of the day and we will continue to do but it\'s the marketplace. MS. TUCKER FOREMAN: If you could take out individual. Processors and consumers should not have to be in the definition as far as I\'m concerned because marketplace is not enough. MS. DILLEY: Let me get Guy, Nick, and then Mardi. DR. CARDINEAU: In line with what Leon suggested and in light of Carol\'s position when I was looking at the definition it occurred to me that I\'d like to see the definition report status. After crop protection, I think Leon is correct from my reading of the coexistence literature that we\'ve seen or that has been shared with committee. Coexistence seems to really focused on the producers, but, there\'s no question that Carol\'s correct, that the downstream users are going to be impacted by that. Could I suggest that we say after GE crop protection which provides for food processors and individual consumers to have a choice in the marketplace because the producers are going to make a choice on what they\'re going to produce and then the consumers will be able to look at those choices and decide what it is they\'re going to support. So, I think that coexistence choice is made by the producer but it provides the end users an opportunity to make the choice so we could just say provides for food processors and leave individual in there from my perspective. An individual consumer is to have a choice in the marketplace. Would that work for you, Carol? MS. TUCKER FOREMAN: Thank you. I appreciate where you\'re going. I might argue that it operates the other way around, that it is their desire for choice in the marketplace that drives the farmers and I think that\'s what Leon was saying that if you have an overwhelming number of people who won\'t eat or use organic as a matter of principle yeah, you\'re going to have people out there organic let alone charging a premium for it. So, I appreciate where you\'re going. I\'m not sure that the economists and the market people would agree that that\'s what\'s really happening here. MS. DILLEY: Michael is trying to come up with some language so, Michael, I\'ll let you work that up and then I\'ll go to Leon and Randy. DR. SCHECHTMAN: Yeah, I think this is building on in part what Stephanie said earlier trying to hear a few of the comments around and maybe this addresses a number of other things. What I tried was, coexistence is a process of enabling farmers to meet demands of their intended customers and consumers within their production system. I\'ll read it a second time slowly. A process of enabling farmers to meet the demands of their intended customers and consumers within their production system. MS. DILLEY: Within their production system. So just put another run at it up there. Nick, then Mardi, then Randy. MR. KALAITZANDONAKES: It seems we are in the process of offering alternatives and a third one and I\'m going to go back to a sentence that I used in my original report because I actually lifted it off a European Union document and it\'s the best definition I\'ve seen over the years so here\'s what it says. "Coexistence refers to the concurrent cultivation of conventional, organic, and biotech crops consistent with underlying consumer preference and choice." It doesn\'t say anything about fostering choice, it doesn\'t say anything about processes by which the choice is made. It basically says what it is and, so, I read it one more time if you want me to. Coexistence refers to the underlying \-- I\'m sorry \-- to the concurrennt cultivation of conventional, organic, and biotech crops consistent with underlying consumer preferences and choices. DR. SCHECHTMAN: With underlying consumer preferences and choices? MR. KALAITZANDONAKES: With underlying consumer preferences and choices. MS. DILLEY: Mardi and then Randy. DR. MELLON: I could live with all the definitions as long as they do include the major actors in the marketplace, but, I just want to point out I kind of had to revise my opinion since my last comment, but, I think at some point we need to say coexistence is desired in the American marketplace. I mean, we talked about the first two. This whole discussion doesn\'t make any sense if we don\'t take some sort of stand on whether this is something that is either desirable, not desirable, or on which we have no opinion. And I mean I think coexistence is something that we ought to advocate as a good end for U.S. agriculture. And I think that\'s been conducive with some of our previous conversations in terms of where it\'s working, where\'s it not working, and what might be considered to help foster coexistence. It\'s just the way we\'ve been talking about it in the past so the point is well taken and that it hasn\'t been part of the definition so far. It\'s always that try not to cram everything into the definition versus pursing it out a little bit in the introduction. Randy. MR. GIROUX: I\'m not sure which definition I\'m commenting on. MS. DILLEY: Go ahead. MR. GIROUX: But, I just have a general that my guts tell me that we\'re talking about coexistence of U.S. agriculture, right, and why do we do pull out some\-- specific parts markets for U.S. agriculture there, a few markets there, there are a few markets there, export markets there, domestic markets, and so I just want to make sure that when we develop a definition around coexistence we\'re not picking specific sectors or others and, secondly, is it all coexistence of conventional, organic, or biotech or are we talking \-- there\'s many types of coexistence. There\'s lots of lessons can be learned about current coexistence. So, do we want to nail the definition so much as to only include those three types of coexistence? And that\'s a question for the committee, but, the second is I think we need to be looking at U.S. agriculture and there\'s many, many markets for that and I want to make sure that we\'re covering all those that we\'re talking about coexistence. MS. DILLEY: That\'s a good question because we kind of keep going back and forth between that was the language about the increasingly complex marketplace, a complex marketplace, and other production systems in the future, other than those, so, where are we on that is the question that we need to address. Russ and then Carol. MR. KREMER: I kind of like this last definition on account of it, I think the first one is, I believe in inclusivity and including all the players and I think that that first one we were excluding people here in the value chain including, for instance, processors for instance. A lot of the food that we deal with isn\'t even processed. I mean, it\'s local food that\'s distributed and brokered by somebody so we left those players out. So, I think although this is more general I think it\'s more inclusive. I can live with it but I think a little bit better than the first one. I also agree with Mardi. Similar in this document we need to make the statement that we\'re trying to preserve and enhance our ability to coexist and I hope that\'s taken into some consideration later. MS. DILLEY: Okay. So, you\'re talking about some clauses in here that get to some of those issues that hopefully will try to get to some of those issues and hopefully you can see the screen. Carol, Duane, and then Nick. MS. TUCKER FOREMAN: I like this definition too. I like it just in terms of being clear and if it said to underlying consumer preferences and choices only because I think that\'s what\'s consistent with means, but, it\'s shorter words. And, Randy, I think that\'s general enough to meet everything. My goal was to exclude from the definition the need to reference regulatory requirements because they\'re clearly not what we\'re doing here and I thought that, in fact, none of these were general enough that if you\'re going to meet an underlying market and that market\'s the EU and they\'re going to have to label it you\'re going to grow in a particular fashion and you\'re going to buy in a particular fashion. So, looking at that I think it meets your concerns and it was surely my intention to have a definition that did not get us into the quagmire of suggesting that where we go needs to be driven by the legal requirements that are imposed in the European Union. MS. DILLEY: Was that a particular question to Randy in terms of this language around \-- MS. TUCKER FOREMAN: I asked the question, is this broad enough to talk about all of the \-- I don\'t know any other kinds of agriculture so I couldn\'t put any more in there. MS. DILLEY: Daryl and then Nick. MR. GRANT: I\'m actually very comfortable with this definition and I remember, Nick, when you had in your concept paper. Who is CEC by the way? I had a note that that\'s where you pulled it from. MR. KALAITZANDONAKES: No, the European. MR. GRANT: But, anyway, I can live with this definition. I honestly like it and the reason I like it is because it refers back to the fact that the coexistence practices are going to be at the farm level. Yes, they will be meeting consumer preferences and I\'m fine with that. But, the practices that we\'re talking about are at the farm level and that\'s really where we\'ve got to focus if we hope to finish this thing. MS. DILLEY: Nick and then Stephanie. MR. KALAITZANDONAKES: So, I would prefer that we maintain the definition and then we make a separate statement in a separate paragraph that says we desire to maintain coexistence in U.S. agriculture. Because trying to merge those two just, for me, doesn\'t work. So, let\'s define what it is and let\'s say that we want to maintain it afterwards. MS. DILLEY: Okay. Stephanie and then Leon. MS. WHALEN: I was just making a suggestion based on a concern where we have of conventional, organic, and biotech crops, just go back to our original charge and put in diverse agricultural systems. It doesn\'t make any difference we come up with new systems or some other system out there besides those three. It\'s used in a diverse agricultural system. MS. DILLEY: So as an add-on or is that before? MS. WHALEN: No, replacing. MS. TUCKER FOREMAN: Oh, replacing conventional? MS. WHALEN: Organic and biotech. DR. MELLON: I don\'t agree with that at all. We have a hard enough time just addressing those three. The notion that we ought to be considering something else is just buys us a whole lot of \-- MS. TUCKER FOREMAN: Okay. I was going to suggest if you move that phrase after conventional, organic, biotech and biotech in diverse agricultural. MR. CORZINE: My suggestion is where underlying consumer preferences are you speaking we don\'t need "and choices" because preferences are choices. So, with that thought, if we cross that off in the idea that it was suggested by somebody we\'re talking consumers but this always goes right to food products then maybe we need something about the marketplace so I was going to strike \-- I was going to change that last to say "underlying consumer and market preferences." You like that or no? You don\'t? MS. DILLEY: Nick and then Mardi. MR. KALAITZANDONAKES: So, the reason that preferences and choices is because you can have preferences but not exercise them so choices is in my view is an important sentence so as far as incorporating diverse agricultural systems we can put it in the second paragraph that again we are talking about desire to maintain so I\'m still in the same place where let\'s define it in a very tight way and then talk about what it is that we want to maintain. MS. DILLEY: So the desire, etc. and the other diverse agricultural systems would be in that second sentence after this first one defining what it is. Mardi and then Adrian. DR. MELLON: I do want to just to reiterate we need to talk about organic, conventional, and biotech. Those are the issues that we\'re focusing on and that would take the very little time that we have and I think that these are actually very special issues. I mean, organic would not be in the mix but for the fact that it is a surrogate in a lot of folks\' minds for non-GE food because it has requirements in terms of genetic engineering. Those are the kind of issues we\'re going to have to look at here are not going to come up with, I don\'t think in other as unnamed sort of sectors of agriculture so if we could just, you know, keep focus on this one and be clear about what we\'re talking about I think we can get ourselves \-- we can accomplish this task in the time we have ahead of us. MS. DILLEY: Adrian. DR. POLANSKY: I was just going to comment a bit on the last couple of thoughts and current that it makes sense to leave the three listed. I also think in a followup that mentioning the diverse agricultural systems or something like that may make some sense in terms of just giving a little bit of an indication of the future because I think there will be more than just those three options at some time in the future when there are health and safety improvements in terms of the foods and/or crops. For example, I believe there will be an organically produced GE crop but we don\'t want to go there now because I think that adds a lot of complexity and so I\'m okay with trying to deal with both of them and the way that we\'re looking at it here. MS. DILLEY: So what I hear so far is that people really want to stay focused on coexistence. We really haven\'t talked about any U.S. agriculture or for the purposes of the paper or for this committee or whatever and we need to come back to that, but, coexistence refers to the concurrent cultivation of conventional, organic, and biotech crops to meet or consistent with underlying consumer preferences and choices. That second sentence would then deal with something along the lines of diverse agricultural systems and desires for proffering or something along those lines to kind of extend beyond that to talk about what the committee wanted to talk about. So, we\'re stripping it down, the first sentence, to the basic definition I think that Nick put out and then these other things that we want to try and capture are in our subsequent sentences past that. Does that make sense? MR. KALAITZANDONAKES: Yes. In the second paragraph, yes, absolutely. MS. DILLEY: Because coexistence, we\'re not defining it for U.S. agriculture, but, we\'re defining it at least for the paper and for the committee that\'s what we\'re talking about when we talk about coexistence in this paper. There are other pieces of it that are in the parentheticals, are in U.S. agriculture. Coexistence for the purpose of the paper for the AC21 or however you want to \-- yeah. And then the desire, I\'ll take it out because proffering a desire needs to go in the next sentence and then the diverse marketplace needs to also \-- diverse ag system and then U.S. agriculture needs to go in. MR. KALAITZANDONAKES: I\'d prefer consistent with mostly because it means something different \-- DR. SCHECHTMAN: Nick, could you speak up. MR. KALAITZANDONAKES: I\'m sorry. I said in my view instead of the line consistent with \-- MS. DILLEY: Why doesn\'t that work for you? I don\'t understand consistent with. I mean I understand it but I don\'t understand the \-- MR. KALAITZANDONAKES: Well, what it says is the consumer preference and choices in production and that then includes the whole supply chain implicitly. MS. DILLEY: Consistent with extended to the whole supply chain? MR. KALAITZANDONAKES: Exactly. MR. SLOCUM: Consistent with first practical choice. This way implies that there\'s going to be practical choices. MS. DILLEY: I see. So, that\'s a different angle then what you meant, Nick, but, that flushes out the consistent with. MS. TUCKER FOREMAN: I think that\'s part of your economist theme to have it. I don\'t object. You know, I\'m just always looking for plain folks words and \-- MS. DILLEY: Okay. If that works for people then okay. MS. TUCKER FOREMAN: You know, biotechnology or genetically engineered, we tried to use. Do we really want the word biotech there? Do you need to put \-- MS. DILLEY: I think it needs to be GE. I don\'t think it needs to be genetically engineered. It would be good to be consistent with our other documents. Randy, anything else? Rather than just kind of procrastinate we can do that at the lunch break and come back with a second sentence. What I want to do is pin down the other pieces of the framework that we had been talking about before we had Dr. De Haven come in, but, I just want to make sure in terms of the elements of that second and third sentence include we\'re looking at the U.S. marketplace. We\'re looking at diverse agricultural systems so while we\'re mentioning conventional and organic and genetically engineered we\'re also talking about it had some rather than for some other production systems to catch phrase but we\'re not going to \-- this paper is not going to deal with that, but, we just want to make a nod to that. And then the notion of fostering. So, those are the three elements that we pulled out of the first sentences for the purposes of being concise with our definition. Is there anything else or element that we needed to make sure we don\'t lose in the first part. Randy? MR. GIROUX: I just want to make sure that generally this committee\'s used the term consumer to represent the end use consumer. MS. DILLEY: Yeah. MR. GIROUX: And I think in this case we\'re going to use the term consumer. We want to make sure that we\'re clear that consumer \-- this does not go to just the end use consumers, the bag products, but all the other sectors as well. MS. DILLEY: Consistent with. MR. GIROUX: Maybe it\'s best, I don\'t know. But, consumers has to be there. All I\'m just saying is that U.S. agriculture is more than just end use consumers. MS. DILLEY: So you\'re saying it\'s the right terminology or the right \-- MR. KALAITZANDONAKES: Why don\'t we say food sector. MR. GIROUX: In the second sentence somehow define what consumer means. MS. DILLEY: Yeah, okay. MR. GIROUX: It\'s more than end use consumer. That would be fine. MS. TUCKER FOREMAN: Would it help if you had customers and consumers in that first sentence? That\'s what we\'ve used before to kind of differentiate between the food chain to feed people and individual consumers. MS. DILLEY: Customer and consumer preferences and choices. Okay. Guy? DR. CARDINEAU: Well, this is my first meeting and I don\'t really know what you\'ve been using. I have a question about genetically engineered. I like biotechnology better for probably obvious reasons, but, I\'m wondering whether or not genetically modified might not be better because one of the things that conventional and organic leaves out but really isn\'t covered by genetic engineering is if you have mutation breeding so if you look at all the wheat that\'s used for pasta it\'s all been mutation bred. So, that\'s not really genetic engineering because you\'ve not physically manipulated the DNA, but, you have treated the material with radiation or EMS or some mutagen to change it. So, I think genetically modified incorporates mutation breeding as well as genetic engineering. MR. KALAITZANDONAKES: Yeah, we don\'t want to do that. DR. CARDINEAU: You don\'t want to do that. I like biotechnology crop for survey reasons. DR. SCHECHTMAN: Let me talk just a little bit about that. We have one issue with \-- the U.S. Government has had an issue with the use of the term genetically modified because we believe that it\'s an imprecise term. In terms of the issues that wrap around coexistence and make it difficult it\'s not that there\'s \-- that there are sectors that are concerned regarding coexistence of products that are produced using mutagenesis. So, the issue that the committee has been talking around are the concerns that derive and the ability for the different kinds of agriculture that specifically relate to genetically engineered. So, that\'s, I think, why that term is used, why we would use that term. In one of the earlier papers we had \-- it was rather lengthy and I think it went a fairly short discussion on the choice of terms. We can certainly go back and pluck that old discussion and stick it in a footnote in this one. MS. TUCKER FOREMAN: That would be fine. MS. DILLEY: That probably would be helpful too. I mean, just for your reference. There\'s a lot of \-- DR. CARDINEAU: I don\'t want to re-plow old ground. MS. TUCKER FOREMAN: I think it would be useful to put the footnote in. MS. DILLEY: Yeah. So, it is in one of the documents out there. We\'ll track it down and that needs to be edited as well. Are there other pieces that need to be without taking the framework into the introduction because we\'ve obviously talked a little bit about the introduction hopefully spills off of these definitions and what the paper is going to address. Nick. MR. KALAITZANDONAKES: What if we change the original sentence into coexistence for the purposes of this paper refers to the concurrent cultivation and procurement of conventional, organic, and genetic engineered crops consistent with underlying consumer preferences and choices so that we incorporate a lot of people\'s interest in explicitly incorporating supply chain. Does that make it? But, to make this point I think coexistence is a supply chain usually. It isn\'t just agricultural issues. So, by putting procurement I basically incorporate supply chain in my mind, but, \-- MS. DILLEY: So, from your perspective that\'s a better way to do it than adding customer? MR. KALAITZANDONAKES: Right. Because customers \-- I mean, consumers are customers and processors don\'t make their own choices. You know, they basically try to give what consumers ordiinarily will buy. So, you needn\'t put customer in that part of the sentence, although I mean I can live with it. I\'m just asking whether it\'s a better choice for words. MS. GEISERT: I don\'t know if you look at the issue we took into the framing it is much more about the whole supply chain and I\'m sure about procurement or customer, but, I do think having a little bit of expandability for the group to say it\'s not just about the cultivation of it and I think you can get there in the second sentence, you know, as Randy talked about it, but, I think that\'s part of the issues that we\'re going to talk about what\'s working and what\'s not working further downstream so I guess I\'d be voting for, you know, one or the other but I don\'t know that procurement is acceptable. MR. KALAITZANDONAKES: The second sentence, in the second sentence? MS. GEISERT: In the second sentence. I like the shortness of the first sentence definitely. MR. KALAITZANDONAKES: Maybe just take both out and just put them into \-- MS. GEISERT: Yeah. MS. DILLEY: Okay. So stick with consumer. MS. TUCKER FOREMAN: I\'ll tell you, I\'d like procurement and take customer out because I think procurement \-- I agree, that\'s really basic. It\'s not just the cultivation. Is the market going to provide an opportunity to get hold of what you need in order to meet your market demand. MR. KALAITZANDONAKES: Maybe we can say in a simple sentence something along the lines of coexistence refers to the whole supply chain or something like that. MS. DILLEY: You\'d be very correct about that. MR. KALAITZANDONAKES: Well, it is. MS. DILLEY: Refer to whole supply chain. Okay. MR. KALAITZANDONAKES: Yeah, or something like that, I don\'t know the right sentences. MS. DILLEY: Sounds like we\'re getting there making sure that we establish it to the whole supply chain and that\'s okay to expand upon in the second sentence. Okay. All right. Are there any other elements that we\'re missing that just in terms of first defining what we\'re trying to do and how we\'re referring to coexistence. Okay. Then the third part is really what the paper covered and I think in a conversation earlier this morning pulled it back a little bit from where we had started going between the last meeting and this meeting which was we had \-- the way we had outlined it was to talk about the fact that coexistence is happening, was happening, and then there\'s some areas where it\'s working and not working and some notion of where it may become more challenging and we\'re talking about this notion of fostering so it\'s getting to that. So, what do we really mean by the sense of the committee in terms of where it\'s becoming more problematic and we don\'t like the term pinch point but it\'s along those lines but not getting into anticipating lots of challenges and issues and that\'s still a little bit of a gray area, but, pulling back on making recommendations potentially and more observations and where it\'s working, not working, and what additional tools, that kind of notion. I mean, just so because I think when we come back and really start looking at the document itself I think that helps give us a lens with which we want to take a look at the document so some of it then may be more easily gone through and edited with that in mind. We just want to get some feedback on that. Is everybody on the same page in terms of how we\'re trying to frame it. Carol, then Randy. MS. TUCKER FOREMAN: I think that it might be more positive, where we\'re going in the future. I\'m not sure that we have to assume that it\'s going to be challenging. It\'s just that there\'s going to be \-- how we organize the future. Now, I don\'t want to get us into stuff that requires recommendation language but challenging \-- MS. DILLEY: Can you give me an example because that sounds pretty expansive to me. MS. TUCKER FOREMAN: I\'m sorry. I just had like language that might indicate that there was nothing but problems in the future. MS. DILLEY: Right. I think we\'re talking about to just do this is what\'s happening, but, we\'re also not trying to do here\'s where we want everything \-- the way we wanted to play out entirely in the future. It\'s somewhere in between and I can\'t quite frame it. MS. TUCKER FOREMAN: Okay. Maybe lunch would help. MR. GIROUX: I think in the second point as an advisory committee there shouldn\'t only be a listing of what\'s working and what\'s not working but maybe we should be saying why it\'s working, the basic reasons why it works or basic reasons why it\'s not working. Shouldn\'t we be advising them as to a collective wisdom on that. MS. DILLEY: Yes. Yes. Good point. That gives us a little bit more substance too in terms of assessment. And then I think what we haven\'t quite captured is building off of those observations, what additional things this committee has to say and I don\'t know, Michael, you just said observations for the future or something like that. DR. SCHECHTMAN: Very neutral. MS. DILLEY: And I think the tools that are out there or are there additional things to consider. It\'s just \-- and it could be that we put that as a placeholder and then it will be a little more clear after lunch and we\'ll have the first two bullets to start working through the document. That category will get a little more definition. Anything else in terms of \-- if that makes sense as a framework then I think we can come back after lunch and start looking at the document, working it. But, I would suggest we take a break now. Can we come back at one maybe instead of 1:20? (Discussion off the record) DR. SCHECHTMAN: Before you head off, our speaker may not be here so we may be starting this discussion again and the speaker is supposed to be here after lunch. And I have one other question. This is off the record. (Discussion off the record) (Whereupon, a luncheon recess was taken at 11:49 a.m. [A F T E R N O O N S E S S I O N]{.underline} 1:21 p.m. DR. SCHECHTMAN: To get back to the business at hand I\'m pleased for this meeting we will have two speakers, one for each of the two days of the meeting and today\'s speaker will be from USDA and she\'ll provide some additional information about the status of organic farming in the United States. In earlier presentations we heard quite likely that USDA had not been able to do certain types of surveys on the organic that they had done at one point only to budgetary constraints. But, it turns out that the industry as a vibrant agricultural sector is still nonetheless being actively followed and investigated by USDA\'s economists. Catherine Greene, who is a senior agricultural economist with USDA\'s Economic Research Service is here to speak to the committee today about USDA research on the organic industry. Cathy, welcome and special thanks for agreeing to come and talk to the committee on pretty short notice. DR. GREENE: Sure. Let me just as a preface sitting down and not standing up and being a little more animated. I had arthroscopic surgery on my knee so I\'m still in the recovery period and so that was the explanation for what it\'s worth. What I\'m going to do today is try to give you a broad overview of what you\'re going to expect and what the organic sector looks like\-- and I\'m going to start off with telling you a little bit about the rules because they\'re somewhat unprecedented in terms of the scope of these rules for an eco label and then I\'m going to talk a little bit about the size of the market per se, organic sales, which I think you maybe heard a little bit before, so I won\'t go into it real deeply. Then I\'m going to show you some slides of what the farm sector looks like in the U.S. and then finish it up with what some of the research that we are just now undertaking in the Economic Research Service to actually get a handle on the economic of organic farming. So, first slide. Let\'s start out with USDA\'s formal definition of organic production system. (Discussion off the record) DR. GREENE: Let me just read it. It\'s just one sentence and it\'s pretty helpful. The USDA definition of organic production is a production system that is managed in accordance with the Organic Foods Production Act and regulations to respond to site-specific conditions by integrating cultural, biological, and mechanical practices to foster a cycling of resources, promote ecological balance, and concern for biodiversity. So, basically it\'s an ecologically-based production system. And, again, I\'m focusing on the organic sector today. Organic is just one eco label or production processing type label. There\'s also a natural label and in contrast with the 127 Federal Register pages or whatever it is for what the standards are for organic production the natural label is just a one sentence definition that says, essentially a food that\'s minimally processed with minimal additives. In 2005 organic was approximately 14 billion dollars out of the approximately 21 billion dollars of organic and natural products. In addition to the natural label there\'s also fair trade label which is mostly imported bananas and coffee from developing countries and there\'s a host of developing labels like free range and authentically grown labels that don\'t have a huge, including a lot of labels don\'t have a huge, market share at this point. Next slide. Okay. So, for right now we\'re concentrating on the label that does have one of these definitions, organic. The first slide is just basically the rationale for why USDA published, developed regulations. One, to establish national standards governing the marketing of organically produced products, basically to develop a uniform standard because at that point in 1990 when the rule was created as part of the 1990 Protection Act, the 1990 Organic Foods Protection Act, part of the Farm Bill in 1990, there were at that point thirty-some certifiers' definitions in the U.S. Second rule goes to consumers. Second reason, I\'m sorry, to ensure consumers are benefiting from these products and meet a consistent standard and, three, to facilitate interstate commerce for organically produced and processed foods. Also, along with that it has greatly facilitated trade in organic food products. Third slide. USDA\'s national organic program went into effect in October 2002. All domestic organic production and all imports must be in compliance with the rules and the provisions touch on everything from how we produce the food, how you process the food, to how you can label the food, who gets to use the organic USDA organic seal, the need for certification among everybody who wants to claim it or get product. The only exception being unless they sell less than \$5,000 worth of product, of organic product, and finally, all \-- finally, the requirements for accreditation and certification. This slide shows you a little bit. I had already mentioned the exception of \$5,000 or less. The certification process itself involves an organic plan. It involves record keeping, incredible record keeping, and it involves manual on-site inspections. Organizations that provide certification services can be state, private, or foreign. They all have to have accreditation from the Department of Agriculture and meet USDA\'S organic production standards. I\'ll just mention a little bit about what producers and processors have to do. The crop standards cover a transition period. They cover rotation. They cover the pest and nutrient management input. They cover fees and transplants you can use. For this audience, obviously genetically modified organisms were excluded from use in organic production systems, along with irradiation. One thing that you\'re probably aware of that USDA did not set a tolerance for how much material, GMO material could be in an organically produced product. It did set out limits and in general the rule itself is a process-based rule. It\'s not a product rule. It\'s a process-based rule. So, there are exceptions to that though and that is USDA did say only pesticide residues can only be 5 percent of the pesticide tolerances that are set by FDA for all food. So, it did have that one product-based tolerance level set. It didn\'t do it for GMO\'s. However, buyers have done it. Buyers have set very low tolerance levels in a lot of cases with zero tolerance levels. Livestock standards, obviously they have to use organic feed, they have to use organic pasture, hormones and antibiotics are prohibited. They have to provide access to the outdoors and for livestock that means also access to pasture. Processors have restrictions on the inputs they can use and they have to avoid prohibited products all through the distribution process. This slide gives you the seven criteria that were embedded in the enabling legislation for what can and can\'t be used in an organic production system, materials that can and can\'t be used in an organic production system. I\'m not going to read the list but it touches on toxicity, human health, probability for contamination, and also compatibility with sustainable agriculture. USDA\'s organic labeling requirement. To qualify for the USDA organic logo you have to have 95 percent organically produced raw or processed agricultural products in your product. Another salient thing is that the rule itself did not prohibit the use of additional eco labels and a lot of organic products do have additional eco labels. USDA organic certifier accreditation and import equivalency. I\'m not going to go through that, but, basically I guess the point that I want to make is how stringent the USDA organic rule is, not only do producers and processors have to follow an absolutely enormous set of regulations, requirements, and standards to be considered organic, the certifiers have to meet a very rigid set of business wherewithal requirements in order to get accreditation for providing certification services. USDA organic food sales. I think Karen Wilcox from OTA may have gone over some of this material a few weeks ago. The organic food sector has been growing in double digits for actually for at least a decade and a half. That\'s partly what started the humongous attention that the organic sector has from major food companies all over the U.S. That double digit growth pattern has started to slow a little. I think the industry sees it at least being double digits at least through the end of the decade. In 2005 we were at \-- in 1997 organic food sales were 3.6 billion in the United States. In 2005 they were approximately 14 billion in the United States and that represented about 2.5 percent of the U.S. retail market for food. Among the categories of U.S. retail sales for organic food, the big one is still fruits and vegetables. That was the biggest one when organic food started being sold in the United States many decades ago, and it currently represents 42 percent of total U.S. food retail sales. Packaged and prepared foods have been growing very fast for the last full decade, basically they\'ve been growing very fast. Dairy in the United States is still in a shortage of organic dairy products. Meat, fish, and poultry is the smallest sector at this point but it\'s been growing super fast essentially since the rules were implemented in 2002. Of food products in the U.S., meat was not allowed to carry an organic label until the end of the 1990\'s and so we had an alternative label, natural beef gaining the market share during the 90\'s and organic meat, now that can be labeled as organic, is starting to catch up. This slide is sort of the flip side of the slide I just showed you. Fruits and vegetables were the \-- claimed the biggest segment of the market. That\'s why you see that they\'re growing as well and you see meat, fish and poultry growing the fastest at this point. So, basically it\'s an illustration that demand for organic food encompasses pretty much every single food category in the grocery store. Sales of organic food obviously used to be concentrated in natural food stores, independent supermarkets for the most part many decades ago. We\'ve gone through the transition where organic food started being sold hugely in huge natural food supermarkets and now we\'re in the transition where they\'re being sold in traditional food supermarkets and huge conventional supermarkets and I\'m sure everyone here heard WalMart announce their entry into the organic market last spring. And, at this point, I wanted to move into talking about the U.S. organic farm sectors just a little bit. AMS has been collecting data from certifiers \-- I\'m sorry \-- been collecting information from certifiers to try to get a picture of what the farm sector looks like for about a decade and essentially we\'re compiling information from all the certifiers in the United States that provide certification services to organic producers. And what we\'re showing is at this point in time we have about four million acres and in 2005 we had about four million acres of certified organic farm land, including both pasture and crop. About half of that is crop land. This is color coded so I\'m going to look at the graph. The green is the crop land and I just want to make a note that the pasture has been a lot more erratic. Right now we have really big pasture operations that are kind of disproportionately large while crops have been growing very steadily throughout the whole period we\'ve been looking at this information. And in this slide, California started out as the big state in organic and is still the big state in organic. Interestingly, I expected a few years ago that at this point we would have already been concentrated on grains in the Midwest because there was large production of grains in the Midwest in terms of organic production, but, California was still the top state in 2005 for crop land with mostly specialty crops and conventional. Okay. This slide shows a steady increase in certified organic crop land at about 10-15 percent a year since the early 1990\'s with some periods where it jumps a little bit faster. And then I wanted to show you how much it varies between crop sector in terms of adoption levels for certified organic farming systems. For fruits and vegetables, fruits are about 2.5 percent \-- I\'m sorry \-- fruits, about 2.5 percent of all fruit acreage in the United States is managed under certified organic farming systems. About 5 percent of all vegetable acreage in the United States is managed under certified organic farming systems. Specific crops, carrots 6 percent, lettuce about 4 percent, apples a little over 3 percent, and, you know, some of these crops, extension economists expect to see really jump even faster in the next few years because of demand from WalMart. In contrast, acreage for field crops has been much, much smaller. About 0.2 percent of U.S. corn acreage \-- about 0.2 percent of U.S. corn acreage in 2005 was under the certified organic system. 0.2 percent of U.S. soybean acreage under organic systems. Wheat was a little higher. Obviously it\'s more of a food use crop and it was half a percent. Rice was nearly one percent and dry beans were a little over three percent in 2005 under the organic systems. Okay. The last section that I\'m doing today is to talk a little bit about the research primarily in USDA but also a little bit about the expanding availability in statistics in the department on organic production. USDA in the late 1990\'s ERS published a report and we included with that an appendix of what a number of agencies, line agencies in the department were doing on organic activities, either regulatory activities or protections, research, or, marketing research and we basically found nine agencies with a notable program going on. At this point I think it\'s more than that. Next slide. In terms of statistics, ERS has been monitoring the amount of certified organic acreage and livestock in the U.S. We\'ve also added an organic over-sample to our huge annual economic survey, the ARMS survey. Most of you are familiar with that, our Agricultural Resources Management Survey. A few years ago we added an organic over-sample and we\'re just now at the point where we\'re doing \-- we\'re starting the same kinds of research activities on economic activities on organic that we\'ve been doing on conventional and also ERS has funding from the Risk Management Agency to do a nationwide organic processor survey and the results from that will probably be coming out this year. The National Agricultural Statistics Service has been started, five years ago added these questions on organic agriculture and that was in 2002. They\'ve expanded that to 2007 and they\'re also administering our survey obviously. The USDA Ag Marketing Service for well over a decade has published some organic produce prices and two years ago started publishing a weekly market news on organic poultry and eggs and at this point have some other price activity pilot project. USDA\'s Foreign Agricultural Service has made an estimate, one estimate in 2005. They made an estimate of 2002 export and import statistics for organic agriculture. It\'s kind of interesting. They estimated that the U.S. was importing a billion to a billion and a half worth of organic product in 2002 and was exporting about 150-250 million in organic exports. So, already our trade balance was affected. We do not have trade statistics, official trade statistics on organic agriculture because we don\'t yet have codes in the harmonized trade code system and that is a project that the Foreign Agricultural Service is working on to try to remedy. One thing that we do know is that 43 countries are importing organic products into the United States, either through a certifier located in a foreign country that\'s been accredited by USDA or by a U.S.- based organic certifying agency or under some sort of reciprocity agreement. Federal organic inspection activities. The nine agencies that were doing stuff before, a lot of that focuses on market facilitation obviously setting the uniform standard, doing market research, loading organic exports, which is one thing the Foreign Ag Service is doing, research and education. The Farm Act in 2002 expanded in a very small way funding for an organic research grant project and the Risk Management Agency is working on developing better crop insurance programs for organic producers, certification cost share and conservation programs. There\'s a 15 state organic certification cost share program that started in early 2000 and was expanded to all 50 states when the organic rules were implemented in 2002 and at this point in time I think that it is back to the 15 under-served states, although I think there\'s a lot of interest in having it expand back to all 50 states. One other interesting thing is that some states in the U.S. have used the federal EQIP Conservation Program to provide some transition funds for producers who want to certify into organic production because transitioning into organic production means basically going for three years without chemical input or other prohibited input and not being able to get an organic pricing during that period. Okay. So, now I\'m going to say a few words about our agency. We have some organic activity in all three of the major divisions in the Economic Research Service at this point. The Food Economics Division has bought the supermarket scanner data and is doing a consumer demand analysis on the demand for organic food in the U.S. It\'s looking at the characteristics of the food in this case, the different characteristics of food demanded by the consumer. The Market and Trade Division is also doing research on organic food markets and our organic food distribution and is doing the project to look at producer price, to look at the processor\'s distribution channels, processor/farmer relationships and other aspects of organic food distribution in the U.S. And then the Resource and Rural Economics Division is looking at the adoption of organic farming systems, looking at literally where and how much has been adopted and also looking at the economic survey, agricultural resource management survey. Okay. Very briefly, and I\'ve already mentioned this so I won\'t elaborate on it, but, we have been tracking the adoption of certified organic farming systems since the mid 90\'s. We\'ve done that by collaborating with the fifty or so certifiers in the United States, also with other USDA agencies and also with several offices of USDA National Ag Statistic Service. And that data is all posted on line on our ERS organic data briefing website. Organic activities, research and analysis on specific markets. I\'m just going to give you a couple of examples here. The last project that we did on looking at the trends of organic food and released a report on trends in organic poultry and eggs, that\'s in our organic briefing room. The organic briefing room basically has everything that we published on organic so it has the data products with the certified organic acreage and livestock estimates. It has the historical data products where we\'ve taken the AMS data on organic poultry and organic produce and combined that with their traditional data on those products and developed an historical comparison database and then it also has probably 30-40 articles and reports that we\'ve published on organic agriculture in the last decade or so. I\'ve mentioned that ERS is collaborating with RMA on a nationwide handler survey. And I\'m just going to say another word about the ARMS survey. This is a really involved project because essentially organic agriculture is such a tiny segment of U.S. agriculture there\'s no way that we could have done any kind of economic analysis on this sector without doing a really large organic over- sample. And that\'s obviously a really big cost undertaking and we did get funds from Congress several years ago to add that sample and what we were adding \-- what we added was dairy in 2005. We expect to publish side-by-side cost of production estimates for organic and traditional dairy production this spring. We\'ll publish that both in the ARMS website and also in the organic briefing room website. We added an organic soybean over-sample in 2006 and that data, that survey, will actually just come back in the next month or so. This is the first time we\'ll see that data. Hopefully, we\'ll get some research products out on that this year and we\'re in the process of designing an apple survey and apples, not only do we have organic over-sample for apples, but, just having a specialty crop in the ARMS survey is historical. We\'ve never had a specialty crop before in the ARMS survey. This gives us, again, enough unprecedented opportunity to do the research on an important segment in U.S. agriculture. And I think I\'ll just close there. If I didn\'t talk about what you really wanted to hear about, you can ask questions. DR. SCHECHTMAN: Thank you very much, Kathy. That\'s was a really interesting presentation. I think we\'ll try to make copies of those slides for folks. I know I have enough trouble reading them from this distance so we\'ll try to get you copies of those slides and you can take a look at them. I just wanted to say before questions that it\'s a somewhat different impression that I heard today on the level of activity that is going on on analysis of organic by USDA and I think that\'s really very helpful for the committee. MS. GEISERT: Thank you for your presentation. I work for General Mills so we\'re a bit involved in organic, but, I was wondering one of the conversations we had was about education and from all the small marketing you\'re getting survey data. From your perspective what do you see USDA doing to help make aware to a broader population base, you know, the opportunities or the challenges in entering into the organic market? DR. GREENE: It sounds like you\'re asking both about the consumer side and the producer side. MS. GEISERT: The producer side. DR. GREENE: Producer side, I\'m not sure I\'m the best person to answer that question. I think probably CSREES would have a decent answer for you. Right now the department does not have a consolidated website for producers to go to who wants to transition into organic production but the CSREES Sustainable Research and Education Programs has a number of technical bulletins out there, including one on transitioning to organic production. It\'s very hard to find, although, you know, it\'s very useful. The prices \-- we\'ve got some prices in our website that are all historical winding into the organic production piece and the Ag Marketing Service website probably is somewhat mysterious. MS. DILLEY: Well, asked a different way you see knowing that information is part of the factors and adoption rate. Are you picking that up on your survey just in terms of growers knowing that there\'s an option out there or how to transition? Is that affecting adoption at all or are you not picking that kind of information up? DR. GREENE: Yeah, I\'m not sure you\'re asking some sort of direct question. MS. DILLEY: I don\'t know if that\'s the way to ask the question. MS. GEISERT: How do you get information to make informed choices early in the supply chain because it might have been in different places but that I don\'t know. DR. GREENE: Well, I think the USDA has some really good data available and I suspect in the process of making it better consolidated so that producers can reach it more easily. MS. DILLEY: We have a lot of cards up from Mardi and Russ, Alison, and then Carol. Mardi. DR. MELLON: Thank you for the presentation. There is more going on than I thought. Some of it seems to be very recent but that doesn\'t matter. It\'s on its way and that\'s good. I wondered if you had a view: we\'re kind of operating in this committee on the assertion or assumption that the U.S. has the largest organic agricultural sector in the world and I wondered whether that\'s the way you see it either in terms of acreage or sales. Is our organic sector the largest in the world? DR. GREENE: No. Our organic sector is not the largest. Australia\'s bigger than us, considerably bigger, and Argentina is bigger than us, considerably bigger and I think Italy is hand-in-hand with us at this point. DR. MELLON: Just by itself, not the EU? DR. GREENE: Yeah. I didn\'t bring my slide. I should have brought a slide on U.S. and worldwide production, but, the U.S. is probably not \-- well, it\'s not probably \-- the U.S. is not growing nearly as fast, the U.S. organic sector is not going nearly as fast. Now, I\'m talking about production sector, as the organic production sector in many, many other countries in the world. The organic production sector in China is growing more than a thousand percent a year. The organic production center in a number of the Eastern European countries is growing that fast. The organic production sector in a number of developing countries in Latin America is growing. I think there are about a half a dozen countries that are growing well over a thousand percent a year in terms of certified organic acreage. MR. KREMER: Yes, following up on Mardi\'s comment concerning the presentation, I\'ve attended several organic trade associations, conferences, and whatnot and it does seem like over half the vendors are from overseas or from other countries and I guess my question probably is two-fold and related to that. Number one, what does that attribute to as ERS or somebody kind of analyzing the situation? Is it strictly due to price or what are the other reasons that we have such a great imbalance of organic trade? The other thing related to that is you talk about this import equivalency thing. What are we doing to monitor and keep track of whether the other countries\' certification standards are up to par with ours? DR. GREENE: Let me address the first question first and that is checking up on countries that are importing organic products into the U.S. obviously they are required to be certified by a USDA accredited certifier or have some sort of reciprocity agreement negotiated with the U.S. and what the U.S. is doing for countries where there\'s specific concern that\'s growing, I think meeting with officials in those countries and, you know, I think the right group to ask that question is really the Agricultural Marketing Service that monitors the national organic program. I know that the NOP has just come back from a really big trip to China and other Eastern countries. And then the first question, trade imbalance, well, the information that we\'ve been tracking on certified organic acreage we saw soybean certified acreage in the U.S. decline starting two years ago. We saw certified organic cotton acreage decline starting five years ago. Well, the real market for cotton, the U.S. market for certified organic cotton and the world market for certified organic cotton is still growing very fast. The U.S. is just playing a huge role in that market. Partly, for cotton, for example, it\'s partly due to having import competition in places that have lower wages and I think field crop production may be a special challenge for transitioning into certified organic production as well. DR. VAN EENENNAAM: I guess just following up on this trade environment thing, you said there was 14 billion dollars in organic sales or so in 2005 and I guess if you extrapolate from the 2002 if it\'s a one to eight production then you\'re really talking about only two billion of that actually being American. DR. GREENE: No, I\'m sorry. The U.S. organic imports were 1.5 billion and that was out of I think in 2002 the market was about 10 billion. DR. VAN EENENNAAM: Okay. I guess one of my other questions is you were talking about some countries with a thousand percent growth rate so I\'m just curious. Are they consuming that product in their country or are they growing at that rate because they see a market in America that has a lucrative outlet for their products and so are we actually seeing an increase in organic egg production that are organic in other countries to satisfy the demand for the organic sales in America? DR. GREENE: Yes. DR. VAN EENENNAAM: Okay. Given that we\'re talking about coexistence and are you aware of issues that are affecting our egg production sector\'s ability to service our own markets? Is it coexistence that\'s affecting that or are there other factors that are plowing into that kind of balance that\'s going on? DR. GREENE: Coexistence may be an exacerbating factor. I mean, it\'s certainly an enormous concern among organic producers because of the difficulty \-- you know \-- the national organic rule specifies borders but borders don\'t necessarily stand up to obviously to many, many miles of wind-blown pollen and organic producers also alter planting dates to try to offset if they have crops that are not in pollination from their neighbor\'s crops are pollinating but I think that\'s in cases also makes their crop less marketable. I think, yeah, there\'s a lot of challenges with that issue specifically. MS. TUCKER FOREMAN: Thank you very much. I\'m a consumer of the data on your website. It\'s really terrific for people like me who are looking for information and it\'s really very accessible as well as available. I\'m troubled, since we all came to believe that in the brilliance of the marketplace, farmers get an increased premium both at the farm gate and then there\'s a further increased premium at post sales for organic products. The market for organic products is growing in the United States. Since we are largely a mature market, it\'s clear that the organic or I think it\'s clear that the organic sales are to a certain extent replacing conventional sales. I don\'t think there are people, even though we\'re all getting fat, I don\'t think that it\'s because we\'re eating organic on top of conventional. We\'re importing more and more organic products. Now, I don\'t understand. Why is there still a premium for these products and there\'s truly a market for them and we\'re importing to meet that market, why isn\'t the market generating more organic production and since we\'re talking about coexistence in this committee what forces, you mentioned a couple, but, what other ones are out there? DR. GREENE: The U.S. hosted a USDA workshop on organic agriculture about a year ago, about a year and a half ago and we invited several large conventional, organic corn and soybean producers to come and tell us what the challenges to growing organic were that had, you know, had stopped them from plunging into that market. They both said that they thought the organic market was very tempting but they mentioned, you know, they mentioned the fact that they got really spread-out farms. They don\'t have hedgerows. They don\'t have fences. They don\'t have livestock. They don\'t have a lot of things that would make it easier to produce an organic system. So they literally said to go from a conventional system to an organic system is, you know, changing your entire world around and it\'s an enormous commitment and at this point there\'s really aside from the really tiny couple of states that are providing relatively modest organic transition funds during that brief three-year period where you can\'t get that organic premium, you know, there\'s really no support system for producers in making that switch. MR. KALAITZANDONAKES: I was wondering if you could tell us what is the acreage in Argentina and Australia for organic agriculture and what is the composition of that? DR. GREENE: Australia and Argentina are much more heavily \-- we\'re about half and half on pasturing crops. They\'re disproportionately more on pasture versus crops. Obviously they have pasture-based livestock systems there and we\'re still not totally in that boat here even within the organic sector. MR. KALAITZANDONAKES: Do you know the numbers? DR. GREENE: The numbers, I believe it\'s something like 11 \-- DR. VAN EENENNAAM: In the documents, if you hold on one second, it has the hectares but you can do the math. It\'s the first page one, the comment there, but, basically Australia is 31 million hectares \-- excuse me \-- yeah, that was 31 million. 11.8 in Argentina. 31 total. 11.8 for Argentina with 3.1 China and 2.3 and U.S. 1.3. DR. GREENE: China, yeah, China\'s the third one, right. MR. KALAITZANDONAKES: So, do you have an example out of the 12 million hectares how much of that is pasture versus crop production? That\'s what I\'m asking. DR. GREENE: I can\'t \-- I don\'t know what it is off the top of my head. DR. VAN EENENNAAM: I\'m guessing it\'s mostly pastures. MR. KALAITZANDONAKES: No, it\'s not. I mean, that part of the discussion would have is what impression do we have about the statement in the beginning in the document was crop production, organic crop production, and when you add pasture that changes the \-- all right. So, that\'s what the differentiation takes place. MR. CORZINE: I have a question along those lines. When you create your listing as far as organic production by countries is your measure is it in acres or a volume or is it dollar sales or what measure is used? DR. GREENE: The statistics that I\'m aware of on worldwide production are compiled by a non-profit in Europe and so they\'re from everywhere, those statistics. So, they\'re from, you know, the U.S. Government sources as well as the European Government sources because obviously the European Union subsidizes organic production so relatively good statistics are available from the EU on production but in some of the developing countries I\'m imagining the statistics are a little softer. MR. CORZINE: The reason I ask is because as far as rating and ranking the U.S. is at total dollar retail sales and it might be a lot different if you grow a lot of fruits and vegetables in your pastures. DR. GREENE: When I mentioned Australia, Argentina, and China that are ahead of the U.S. they\'re ahead in terms of acreage, total farm land, certified organic farm land acreage. MR. CORZINE: Acreage. Okay. Because it figures I had seen that in dollar sales. DR. GREENE: Dollar sales, well, \-- DR. VAN EENENNAAM: There would have to be some because of all the input. MR. CORZINE: Yeah, yeah. Yes. DR. GREENE: Basically the EU and the U.S. and Japan are \-- in Japan and Canada are kind of a way distant third are the big markets. I mean, really the EU and the U.S. are the big markets. A lot of countries have small developing domestic markets, but, those are really the big international markets. MR. CORZINE: Really my question, we were kind of on that subject. The producers as far as I think there\'s a lot of networking going on and we\'re getting information now. I don\'t know when I take a look at different markets and I\'ve got an organic neighbor and we talk and how he\'s doing and how I\'m doing and those kinds of things it\'s more networking. I\'m not sure, no disrespect at all, but, the USDA can really \-- I wouldn\'t go to the USDA site to get information whether I was going to grow organic or not so a question on the import. So, we do put U.S. organic label on imported organic products? DR. GREENE: Yes. MR. CORZINE: Okay. And the other question I didn\'t quite follow on the pesticide tolerance, which was a chemical residue, there\'s a FDA standard and you mentioned organics it\'s five percent below what the FDA standard is? DR. GREENE: Yeah. Basically FDA sets a tolerance for how much pesticide residue can be on a food product. You\'re right, EPA sets the tolerance. FDA monitors it. EPA sets the tolerance and the USDA basically sets an organic product can\'t be more than five percent of that tolerance. MR. CORZINE: Right, because of the residual. Because in talking with the networking with organic folks I know they have more issues around the pesticide residues and as far as getting things rejected or whatever than they do around a pollen drift issue or something like that because even though a pollen flows it doesn\'t really live that long and in the organic standards you aren\'t disqualified from the organic standards or qualification by whatever adventitious presence you might have because that\'s not in the organic standard, correct? DR. GREENE: That\'s right. The only ERS research that I have to date any statement from was a set of listening sessions that ERS did about four or five years ago, three or four years ago was this management agency funded project. MR. CORZINE: One last thing. As I talk to folks around the country it seems like on why producers, why we have more import and it\'s not grown here, grow organic, and from your experience and your surveys it seems to be as much to do with labor issues as anything else. Is that what you\'re finding as well? DR. GREENE: Well, we\'re just starting the process for really getting good economics on the organic sector. I mean, we\'re just on the verge of publishing our very first culture production analysis. From all the literature labor is a huge issue. The different sectors are different. I think why you see a reduction rate in the fruit and vegetable sector is going to be a lot different. You know, the problems they\'re having are different than the problems that we see in the sector where labor is really a huge issue whereas, you know, the field crop sector where we\'re seeing very small organic production systems, labor is not typically the number one issue. DR. SCHECHTMAN: We\'re running late. We\'ll take the cards that are up now but try to make questions or comments brief so we can move on to the next step. I know there\'s a lot of interesting presentation. MS. DILLEY: Adrian. DR. POLANSKY: Yes, I\'ve got a few comments and I\'d be interested in your reaction. What I would say, whether it\'s Alaska or Australia or South China there\'s really, you know, large expanse. There\'s not a transition issue because they have \-- that\'s the way they\'ve been farming. They have not had access to genetically enhanced yields through genetically enhanced traits and varieties so, one, they don\'t have the transition, and, two, they\'re not giving up that additional productivity that some of us have gotten quite accustomed to and that\'s with the one thought that I would share. And then back to the labor issue. And I would say that, as a thought, that in the commodity crops indeed labor is the issue. It\'s a bigger issue, I would contend, than in the fruit and vegetables. When I was in high school I started hearing about soybeans and I mentioned it to my father that I\'d like to plant the soybeans and he said, well, I\'ll buy you a hoe and, you know, even though there were a few herbicides available at that point in time we still needed a hoe and prior to the latest round of genetic enhancement not only we had hoes we had cord knives and we had every high school kid we could get to work and then we had crews of Hispanics that were through the area at that point in time that went through the soybean fields. Labor is a transition issue and the lack of access to more modern techniques. It\'s a huge issue and labor is a huge issue and if someone \-- you know \-- I\'m really interested in economic analysis and probably far beyond what you\'re looking at at this point because it\'s huge. It\'s not just in agriculture but it\'s used across the board. You know, we\'re having an easier time recruiting companies than recruiting people to work in those jobs. So, labor is a big issue in this country and if you change the kind of agriculture we have in a significant way. Somewhere there\'s got to be labor that we don\'t \-- even if we wanted to pay for it I would contend we can\'t access. I\'d just like to hear your reaction to that. DR. GREENE: Yeah. I\'m truly not going to dispute that. I am hopeful that we do have economic research underway that will encompass some of these issues a lot more thoroughly than we\'re capable of doing right now. MS. BRYSON: Great presentation. I guess I wanted to understand more exactly what is the nature of the data that ERS has on this? I think you said that you\'ve added it to the big ARM survey but you\'re still at the threshold of really developing some reliable information. DR. GREENE: Right. MS. BRYSON: As part of that are you looking at barriers for U.S. production for more U.S. products for the farm and market community? DR. GREENE: Yes. Two projects, two survey projects related to looking at production. One is this project that we\'ve been tracking the adoption level based on information from the certifiers in the United States. Basically we\'ve been getting information from these USDA state-accredited organizations in the United States that help determine how much acreage they\'re certifying for different crops and how much crops they\'re surveying based on the records that they get. So, that\'s the one project. The other project is the one that we\'re pinning our hopes and dreams for doing research on and that is adding the large over-sample to ARM, an annual growth survey, the USDA annual producers' survey that we use to get basically all of our economic financial indicators on from cost of production for targeted funds to the financial well-being. MS. BRYSON: Does the website have the states that are using the EQIP program for the transition? DR. GREENE: That information was in some of the reports. It includes Iowa, Minnesota, and California. MS. BRYSON: Thank you. MS. TUCKER FOREMAN: I\'m still trying to figure out some of the market issues here. Do you have data on the rate of return to the producer for crops input, output, rate of return, and a comparison on how it compares with conventional? DR. GREENE: That\'s the kind of information that we are hoping to produce from the data from ARMS survey. MS. TUCKER FOREMAN: We did, as I recall, have an organic farmer who acknowledged that his costs were high and had an organic farmer at the very beginning who acknowledged his costs were higher but he stated it made up the difference so that\'s why he\'s doing it. Do you have any data that suggests that there\'s a limit on demand for these products? DR. GREENE: I\'m not going to make any crystal ball forecasts as an agency preference. MS. TUCKER FOREMAN: Did you get any sense from your workshop, getting away from the numbers, that farmers were reluctant to do this because they feared that it was a passing fancy or they weren\'t comfortable being out of step with the neighbors or other non-economic cultural concerns? DR. GREENE: Yes, yes. The workshop, the farmers participating in the workshop certainly specified cultural consideration were part of the \-- part of what made it difficult to grow organic. And, you know, even \-- and also obviously the uncertainty of the market. Markets are always uncertain and, you know, committing to change in production systems without being able to tap into the higher price premium for a few years, for three years, is a big, big step. MS. TUCKER FOREMAN: So, again, you mentioned the transition. I just have one more in that series. Did they come in with the lack of a support system or the need for a support system to make the transition to have the information that\'s necessary to succeed in a new way of doing things? DR. GREENE: Yes, but, big traditional farmers did say that not having access to informational materials that\'s available for conventional farming was an issue for them and I think that the person that spoke here earlier about the farmer-to-farmer network in the organic community, you know, was also tapping into a significant characteristic of the organic farm sector and there was tremendous information-sharing in the organic farm sectors from the listening sessions probably more, you know, we got a feeling from organic farmers it was more important for them to be in than in the traditional community at large. MR. FLOWERS: As a producer I want to make some statements. I feel like the U.S. farmers are held to a higher degree of accountability farming than these imports that are coming in. Labor, like everybody\'s been saying, is a big part of why we don\'t grow a lot of organic. We have worker protection laws which are very good. We pay higher wages. These developing countries, I\'ve been there, they\'re paying very low wages. They compete against us. They use child labor. You know, it\'s just so much cheaper for them to produce, which is an unfair advantage to them selling over here in the U.S. and that\'s a lot of the problems. They\'re just able to do organic farming cheaper than we are and that\'s the reason where a lot of this is coming from imported in and I kind of wonder about, you know, are they really doing it the way they\'re supposed to be doing it here? You know, who is monitoring, you know, their certification? So, I have a problem with it, the way it\'s perceived, you know. It\'s great to grow organic, but look at the price we\'re paying to import it in here. DR. BUSS: I have a couple of unrelated questions. First, on the cost comparison you\'re projecting for cost of production. I was speaking to the goal of having cost and production comparisons on the website and specifically speaking to Jerry I was specifically interested in knowing given the diversity of conventional production type when is that going to be benchmarked again? DR. GREENE: We are going to break it down regionally. DR. BUSS: But, I meant if you look at grazing during organic systems versus conventional confinement, they\'re very different. DR. GREENE: Well, for organic breaking it down regionally captures a lot of that and there\'s hundreds of pasture-based systems, whether organic or conventional, in the upper Midwest, for example, than in other parts of the U.S. Now, we\'re breaking it down regionally in low-grazing pasture systems too, just depending on what the data allows and we haven\'t gotten that far in the research yet, but, there\'s a tremendous amount of research going on with this data. We\'ve got a really good response rate. We\'ve got a good example for organic as well as for conventional and we got a really good response rate and we\'ve got cooperative research going on right now and we have regional researchers in ERS working with this data. DR. BUSS: Second question I had was that one of your earlier slides you showed a list of factors or considerations and I think this really pertained to organic vegetables as the factors that are either prohibited or permitted, etc. and one of those was relevance to human health. Is there a thought when you start looking beyond vegetables and looking at, for example, dairy organic, is there a thought been given to having a counterpart for animal health? DR. GREENE: Animal health is part of the USDA rule. DR. BUSS: So that would be one of the factors? DR. GREENE: That\'s one of the factors I put was the factors that were done in the legislation for the USDA organic rule which specified what materials can go onto the national list of synthetic products allowed in organic production and natural products prohibited in organic production with the basic assumption on material use or organic use, the rule being that natural materials are permitted and synthetics are the most prohibited and synthetic materials are prohibited unless specified as an exclusion on the list \-- exception rather on the list. Now, I\'ll say one statement on USDA rules says that animals provided are natural \-- their natural nutritional behavioral needs must be met. And there\'s a whole section of the rule that elaborates the conditions of that that have to be met in order to quantify something. DR. SCHECHTMAN: Thank you. Thank you very much for a really interesting presentation, Kathy, and we particularly appreciate your being willing to come over here so soon after your surgery so thanks again. You\'ve been very helpful. (Applause by all) DR. SCHECHTMAN: We\'re going to get back to where we left off in the earlier discussion this morning. MS. DILLEY: We are a little over about 40 minutes before we\'re going to take a break just before our public comment period. What we would suggest is that just looking back on this morning\'s discussion about the charge, the definition of coexistence, and the three pieces that we anticipate this paper covering. I\'d like to give people just five minutes to read through the introduction again just to refresh your memory, just briefly. If you already have done that, great. But, just a couple of more minutes to look it over with that in mind and then we\'ll pick up the conversation and it should only take a couple of minutes. How about a minute to review that page with that in mind and then we can start looking at the text and reflecting back on what we need to do given the setup from this morning\'s discussion how we want to maybe think about the introduction. DR. VAN EENENNAAM: That didn\'t change over lunch, right, the coexistence definition, did it? (Discussion off the record) MS. DILLEY: With that kind of a background looking at the introduction to see how we are setting the paper up to go into that more deeply and then start looking at the actual text to see where we need to either flesh it out or what we need to reconfigure as an introduction and I\'ll stop talking so you can read. One of the things that came up in the previous session, I think it was in Nick\'s paper, was this differential between cropland and grazing land and whether we need to elaborate on that when we\'re talking about the U.S. market so just anything. I think that was how you started your paper with really focusing on cropland. MR. KALAITZANDONAKES: Crop production, yes. MS. DILLEY: Yes, crop production. Mardi? DR. MELLON: I guess I\'m still interested whether \-- and I understand, you know, some of the potential differences between pasture and the animal agriculture and crop agriculture. For example, I\'m not sure acreage means much when you\'re talking about animals and animals in a feedlot you count the acreage by the animal, I\'m not sure. But, I\'m interested in the comparison on organic crops alone. Do we say that we produce more than any other country on earth? Are we comparing ourselves to Italy? You know, we can go to the individual countries in the EU or are we comparing ourselves to the EU across the board? MS. DILLEY: Collectively. MR. KALAITZANDONAKES: You mean the EU whether we are comparing the U.S. against the EU 15 or EU 25? DR. MELLON: No. I mean Italy versus the U.S. Are we comparing ourselves, the U.S. to individual countries in Europe so that we produce more organic crops than Italy, more organic crops than France, or are we saying that the EU, that the U.S. produces more organic crops than the entire EU defined by however you\'d like to define it? MR. KALAITZANDONAKES: My statement, my original statement was not taking the U.S. against the EU 15 or EU 25, but, even if we compared U.S. against EU 15, because I don\'t know the numbers for EU 25, they would be \-- I don\'t have them in front of me but we might still be larger than the EU 15 as a whole on crop production. But, it was cut by country not the bloc. DR. MELLON: Well, I think we ought to make that very clear because at least my just assumption because I wasn\'t clear enough whether we were comparing ourselves to some bloc of EU countries and if we weren\'t comparing ourselves to individual countries in the EU. MS. DILLEY: So clarifying that statement obviously is important. DR. VAN EENENNAAM: I actually had that paper here but I\'m not sure it specified crop production or just total acreage so I can give you a chance to look at it. MS. DILLEY: Daryl? DR. BUSS: In the context of the introduction I\'m wondering if it\'s relevant anyway because if it was seen in the context we had before it looks like it disappeared in quite well over the first sentence that begins, "Over the last ten years" and ends with the word "acreage". It seems to me logically close if you go all the way from there down to the last sentence of the fourth paragraph. It says, the flourishing of these three sectors suggest the underlying framework has allowed coexistence, and I\'m not sure I see the relevance of all the material in between, whether you need it. MS. DILLEY: You\'re going for the short introduction. DR. BUSS: That was where I was going too, Abby. With what we have for the introduction already it looks to me like you could eliminate the one, two and a half paragraphs and where I was starting, I mentioned this morning, was, and maybe there\'s a question, Margaret, after the presentation whether we are the world\'s largest producer maybe we could insert one of the world\'s largest producers of both genetically engineered and organic crops as well as the largest exporter of conventional crops. And then you could drop down to what Daryl mentioned to the flourishing of these three sectors suggest an underlying framework for the coexistence between GE, conventional, and organic crops within U.S. agriculture and that pretty much covers everything about it. MS. DILLEY: So, the primary point being these three have flourished? DR. BUSS: Yes. MS. DILLEY: And we don\'t need to get into whether we\'re the most or \-- DR. BUSS: Yeah. If you put one of the largest because I think that would be without dispute. MS. DILLEY: That\'s the primary point we\'re trying to make here and we could say it. DR. BUSS: And I don\'t see what is needed, why we need those first, everything before that. MS. DILLEY: Okay. Alison, Duane, and then Mardi. DR. VAN EENENNAAM: I guess I would just like to leave in that last sentence from the first paragraph that I inserted in red there just to give a relative idea of the proportion of organic crop line and GE crop line because it sort of sets up the context for coexistence. There is a lot of genetically engineered crop land and if you just stick to you don\'t care about the whole EU comparison but we\'re talking about U.S. agriculture and, you know, it\'s 1 to 100 is the current crop. MS. DILLEY: I guess if you read that you could talk about the relative rates of growth or something. I mean I guess if you start there you have to start talking about some of the other statistics too, to kind of round that out. Maybe not. That\'s kind of my reaction. But, Duane and then Mardi. MR. GRANT: Well, for me it would be helpful I think to have some kind of a reference to this opening introduction to the fact that coexistence isn\'t the new thing. I know I brought that up before but I think it\'s really relevant to this discussion. If you look at Brian Andres\' paper he points out that many of the tools that are on the table to deal with coexistence in the context of GE and conventional are in fact tools that have been open for a long time. You\'ve got growing districts, licensing, commissions that control what can be offered to the marketplace, marketing orders, etc. All of those are tools that have been in existence for a long time and can be and, in fact, likely will be the same tools that are adapted to a common coexistence in this context. So, I think it\'s helpful to set it up that, hey, we\'re not blazing a brand new trail here. In fact, we\'re just building on something that the industry already knows how to do. MS. TUCKER FOREMAN: Could I comment just on that? MS. DILLEY: Sure. Go ahead. MS. TUCKER FOREMAN: I agree that it should be in there. I\'m not sure right after that last paragraph. It seems to me it could drop down about three as maybe the transition to what\'s working and not working. MR. GRANT: Yeah. Just a matter of fact, I don\'t care if you delete the paragraph either really, frankly. I just think that it needs to be in a set-up. MS. DILLEY: I think what would be helpful now more than what needs to be in the introduction and then we\'ll figure out where they fit in terms of \-- MR. GRANT: And to me that\'s a core component. If you leave that out you\'re really long. MS. DILLEY: And, in fact, I think we talked about that earlier this morning that coexistence has been happening and it\'s not just been happening relative to these three markets but it\'s been happening. I think we had talked about yellow corn versus white corn as an example. MR. GRANT: The phraseology suggests an underlying framework. That doesn\'t do it for me. It\'s much stronger than that. MS. DILLEY: Mardi and then \-- DR. MELLON: I agree with Duane that it\'s a very important part of this setting in the paper but I\'d like to make a plea for not eliminating the discussion in the paragraph that describes where these are coming from. We were talking about new markets that haven\'t existed before, problems that surround these new sectors, and for us to kind of flush over the fact that organic is a de facto label for non-GM food that in fact the big food companies are interested in sourcing non-GE. They really pay money for it. So, there are problems with regulation that mean adventitious presence via the rice things we\'re dealing with right now. A lot of people are out there looking for ways, purchasing foods that has a cost, that doesn\'t have GE in them. And to me that\'s what we tried to include in this introductory material so I don\'t want to just say there are, you know, kind of different sectors and they\'re doing fine. I think it\'s really important that we at least have some description of where they come from and I think what we have there is okay. I mean, perhaps others would want to make it better. The other, I am willing to go with, you know, that our organic sector is perhaps one of the largest in the world if we don\'t want to, you know, document the claim \-- if we can\'t document the claim that it\'s the largest, but, I do think that \-- I mean I\'m just thinking for myself, I was kind of really blown away by that fact last time when we discussed it and it gave \-- as a fact it kind of gives meaning to there being a flourishing organic sector. Now, having heard what we just heard, finding out that, you know, we\'re lucky to be ahead of Italy, I\'m not sure that that\'s a flourishing organic sector and, you know, what we may want to do is make sure that we, you know, not lose sight of the fact that there may be more barriers in front of organic that haven\'t been well studied; that its ability to coexist. I mean it\'s coexisting with three, you know, this hand tied behind its back and that is a sense that I will be wanting to kind of bring to the paper in a way that I actually didn\'t when I was, you know, thinking that we were really up there. MS. DILLEY: When you were talking, to me the first part of your comments were going to kind of describe a little bit more the dynamic of evolving marketplace with those three areas in mind and getting a little more context to that. The last part of it seemed to me working, not working, not so much an introduction piece but more \-- DR. MELLON: I agree with the last one. It\'s just kind of a way the impact is having on my thinking to kind of go back and start talking about, you know, what do we really mean when we say all three sectors are first. As I said, I don\'t feel like that as much. I\'m not offering any particular thing. MS. DILLEY: Right. It takes away. But, what I don\'t want to do is start to try to write the whole paper in the introduction but I think I understand. I understand what you\'re saying in terms of giving that a little more context of what do we mean by that they are coexisting right now, what does that look like, the set up they\'re talking about, working or not working. Randy and then Nancy and then Russ. MR. GIROUX: I just want to support what Alison said about including something in the introduction about the scenarios of what is the relative relationship between these industries because what struck me in reading the two papers that were assigned to us that if you looked at the \-- and if I read them correctly \-- the Commission or the drive for regulation around coexistence, one of the premises of that was that the premium paid and I think it read it more than once in here that the premium paid, but when the politics took over and it worked out to what the policy was, it was the new product, in this case GM or the novel product would pay, how it would impact the larger commodity. And, so, I think context counts so you\'re up where there was no GM and you wanted to introduce the GM. It was the small player and that helps drive the policy and how things work out here in the U.S. It\'s almost reverse where the niche market that you\'re trying to grow is inside a larger commodity market where the GM market in Europe is trying to grow in what\'s called conventional markets. So, I think that context does pay and my idea is you say the organic industry is trying to flourish in the United States or with its hands tied behind its back, not that I would suggest that there\'s probably people who say the same thing about the biotechnology industry as it\'s trying to coexist inside of Europe. So, I believe the context is important so somewhere we should make sure that we capture that as setting up the picture. MS. DILLEY: Nancy and then Russ. MS. BRYSON: I think it does help to have some context instead of having it speak totally of qualitative in a sense and, so, having a fact that this is what the acres are and then use that as a springboard to say or identify with more clarity what issues there are to me seems to be helpful at this stage and I think in response to Duane\'s point it is more than a suggestion of the framework. I think that what\'s happened today has happened because we have a robust agricultural system in the United States and the kind of tools that have been out there to differentiate between crops have been brought to bear on this and, so, we might as a committee think that they are the other tools and other things to happen, but, I think it is more than a suggestion that a framework is beginning to evolve. I think the framework was there and how it applies to this particular issue is what\'s evolving. MS. DILLEY: Russ and then Carol. MR. KREMER: Yeah, I was just going to comment on the flourishing of these sectors and also the comment that Duane had said something earlier about, you know, we currently have coexistence and I think maybe it was Nick who said that it is true that we had coexistence. I guess I mentioned something earlier today about I think there\'s a need as we talk about these sectors around the table there are barriers in all of these sectors that I\'d like to see something in there that states that, you know, hey, we have coexistence, but, you know, there\'s a need to protect coexistence and enhance the ability of coexisting because, you know, the way it states here, in my opinion, is everything in honky-dory and we\'re coexisting and continue to coexist. MS. DILLEY: Yeah, I think that this morning that we need to make some affirmative statement about trying to foster coexistence. Is that what you\'re looking for? MR. KREMER: To better enhance it, enhance our ability to coexist. MS. DILLEY: Carol? MS. TUCKER FOREMAN: I agree and I like the thought, Randy\'s point about the difference in the situation, who is the new kid on the block in the U.S. versus the EU. It\'s context setting. And I don\'t object to discussing the different percentages of crop land to conventional, genetically engineered, and organic, but, I think to do that there\'s got to be a reference to where the market for product is and the fact that \-- and we\'re going to keep running into on this issue the difference between feed grains and food. And it might help if we\'re setting descriptive language here to say there\'s a difference in them because the genetically engineered crops are predominantly feed grains and the organic crops that we\'re talking about have been most in terms of fruits and vegetables and part of the problem we have in talking about this is that we all have a different thing in front of our minds when we say organic and I thought the presentation was very helpful in helping us tease that out so it might be helpful to make that statement. It might take two sentences. MS. DILLEY: Randy? MR. GIROUX: I\'m a little \-- (Discussion off the record) MR. GIROUX: One of the most interesting points that came out of what was quite a good talk was the disconnect between consumer demand, organic, and the growth of the industry, organic versus who is actually supplying that demand and, so, when we talk about U.S. agriculture this may \-- the growth in U.S. agriculture and organic is probably only a percentage then of what is the growth in the organic industry. I don\'t understand. I don\'t understand how you can look at that. MS. DILLEY: That\'s what I was wondering because if Wal-Mart announced that they were doing that did that make a lot of people in China happy or did that make a lot of people \-- MS. TUCKER FOREMAN: It makes a lot of people in Australia happy because it\'s clear that\'s, you know, much of what they\'re going to sell that got grown somewhere else. You\'ve got to wonder why is the market not responding. MS. DILLEY: That\'s a good question. That\'s part of the description. You\'re looking for how to describe that a little bit more. Is there a connect or disconnect or what does that look like. MR. GIROUX: Right. So when we talk about growing the organic sector what does that grow? Does it grow access for consumers to organic or does it actually grow the organic sector of agriculture? MS. DILLEY: Carol, Leon, Nick and then Sarah. MS. GEISERT: Just a couple. I think we need some context. Is there some data that we have reference to that kind of sets the stage so however we choose to do it? But, I do think one of the things, and you listen to it being on multiple ends, is that it all depends on what source of it is indicated. If it\'s agriculture are you looking at it from the lens of the producer? Are you looking at it through the lens of the buyer? Are you looking at it from the lens of the manufacturer? And I think that it\'s helpful. Are you looking at dairy, are you looking at meat, are you looking at vegetables? They are very different and I think that was one of the things that, you know, was discussed and to try to put it into aggregate and make a general statement. I like what Carol\'s saying. I think we\'re going to have to figure out how we can rein in and talk about a sector or segment as a framework and surrogate to say this is what we\'re discussing because every one of them is very different and, you know, how we make our decisions is dependent upon the global market that\'s out there and the nature of what the source is in many capacities and so I think if you listen to this it\'s every segment is your vantage point of looking at it. Are we looking at wheat, are we looking at sugar beets, are we talking about dairy? They\'re very different. MS. DILLEY: Leon. MR. CORZINE: I\'m not going to try to narrow this down at this point. I think we\'ve got a real concern. Bowen mentioned it in part of what we talked about as far as difference in labor. We got to be really careful. It\'s interesting to know where we stack up in the world but it was mentioned how in Europe where they really incentivize the organic production. I mean they pile up a whole lot of extra money on there so you get into economics and you get into those labor issues. There are a lot of reasons besides me as a U.S. producer not growing organic or having roadblocks when they can import from a country that already has an unfair advantage so I express caution of that comparison and how we differentiate on the U.S. agriculture on the production side and U.S. agriculture on the consumer side and are we going to get in \-- I know some of the states I\'ve been in there are some real serious issues. Because I\'m really surprised that we put the U.S. organic label on imported product because there\'s some real serious environmental issues on products coming into the U.S. that are organically grown in some of those other countries as well as the labor type issues and some of those economic incentive issues that give unfair advantage and where we address that I just expressed that we got to really take a hard look when we\'re comparing U.S. agriculture to Europe and Latin America because there\'s \-- you know \-- I don\'t know how broad we get here, but, you know, those are real issues. We\'ve already addressed the safety issues and environmental things of bringing in organic products. MR. KALAITZANDONAKES: So, there\'s a desire to summarize all this in a coherent and brief way in the document like this, but, in my view this seems to be very challenging. Can we have consensus on that? Because those numbers are very difficult to describe. For example, we\'ve talked a little bit about the unfair advantage and all of a sudden we sound almost wary and that is kind of surprising to me for a couple of reasons. First of all, the rule of thumb is that organic agriculture is competitive in the same countries where there is a competitive advantage for the conventional production of that particular product, whatever it is. So, for example, if the dairy industry, the conventional industry is competitive in Australia, which it is globally, then typically there are guides for production for that to be competitive at a global level. If vegetable production, conventional vegetable production is competitive in China, which it is, half of the major food processors in the world buy their vegetables from China, their conventional vegetables, then their organic vegetable production is in use. So, the idea that it\'s only because of labor, or unfair labor use is the source of competitive advantage, that\'s not fundamentally true. So, if we are going to have some products that are going to be imported in this market because they have a competitive advantage and that\'s life, how we export to other markets. So, somehow to be wary of that reality is really surprising to me so that\'s point number one. Secondly, some rising data on various production systems that we are talking about in making sense in a very brief way is going to be very, very difficult and by that I mean maybe just people here by an example. So, I mentioned that I think the United States and Europe is 15 and it would be pretty singular in terms of, for example, retail sales, okay, so, you know, in 2003 there was a billion dollar difference between the two, the EU being higher, okay, but, most of that is, in fact, or their composition is not higher in terms of animal agriculture, sheep, goats, dairy, and so on so the land that they are going to be using is again larger in terms of acreage and so forth. So, it depends on really we wanted to use whether it's hectares and all of this can be interpreted in a somewhat different way. So, it\'s going to be very difficult to be precise and to be brief and to be all inclusive. The bottom line in my view is that we do have both large production over organic, large production of GM, large production of conventional. We are the largest exporter of non-GM products in the world. So, the question, do we want to illustrate and make sure that all of it\'s not articulated precisely? It\'s not going to be brief, but, we can do it. MS. DILLEY: Yes. DR. SCHECHTMAN: Just before, one more comment. I think that raises one possible mechanism of shortening some of that which I guess is the question for the purpose of talking about coexistence. To what extent does this paper have to talk about animal agriculture? I mean, obviously there are simply in terms of talking about vibrancy of the different sectors, that\'s a different issue, but, in terms of talking about the part of it that\'s relevant to this paper, what do people feel about the need for having much discussion on that? MS. DILLEY: I know your card is up in response to that but just go ahead and then Nancy. DR. CARDINEAU: Well, in line with many of the other comments that have been made, Sarah\'s and Nick\'s probably the most closely, I\'m a science guy and I like data. One of the problems we have is we\'re looking at this and we\'re trying to lump everything in one basket. It\'s very difficult to do that. When you look at GE agriculture it\'s virtually all commodity crop or row crop. We don\'t have genetically modified fruits and I hesitate to use the word vegetable because it\'s a culinary term, but, I think you all understand that. It\'s not a botany term. But, the reality of life is other than papaya in Hawaii and some very limited yellow squash, I don\'t even think there\'s much sweet corn any more that\'s being produced that\'s genetically modified. So, if you\'re looking at conventional agriculture you\'re covering everything. If you\'re looking at GE you\'re talking about commodity crops or row crops, and if you\'re talking about organic, other than some limited low crop materials, you\'re principally talking about fruits and vegetables. So, I think it would be interesting to say that all of these systems can operate in the United States in coexistence. I mean, there is some issues there, but, I think here versus lots of other places we do a pretty good job about doing that. Now, if you want to try to divide up the acreage maybe we need to look at what exactly is the acreage. I don\'t think Australia and Argentina with grazing acreage really is relevant to this discussion because that\'s not what we\'re talking about here primarily, particularly if we\'re not going to cover animals. So, I think we have to focus on the areas that we are directing our attention at which really are row crops, commodity crops, fruits and vegetables and divide up those areas and I think we can delineate those. I\'m sure that data is out there. It doesn\'t belong in the introduction though because it\'s never going to fit. Nick\'s right, we can do this. But, you\'re not going to get it in three paragraphs. MS. DILLEY: Okay. (Discussion off the record) MS. BRYSON: I was going to say it\'s hard to get data and I also like to have data before I say anything or, you know, make a general statement about it, but, it\'s hard to get data on which everybody agrees that\'s verifiable so it\'s probably unrealistic in my view to think that we\'re going to get a lot of data in this report. If we have a few general statements which I tried to set the stage along the lines of what\'s being planted here in the United States that seems to me to make a whole lot of sense, but, I also think from the perspective of USDA what USDA always wants to do is preserve every market it can for everybody\'s responsibility of growth and it has a lot of interests in making sure that small farmers have a way to have an economically viable existence. So, these issues about whether in the process of looking at coexistence there are things that can be done as part of that framework to enhance the possibility that we could grow more organic stuff here in the United States to satisfy our own market is something that\'s very important and from USDA\'s perspective. MS. DILLEY: Mardi. DR. MELLON: I was just thinking this is quite an interesting way of looking at the coexistence issues. It\'s quite an interesting way of looking at the coexistence issues is to simply say that we\'re coexisting because we don\'t grow fruits and vegetables that are GM. We don\'t really have, except for papaya, we don\'t have an issue there. We grow some corn perhaps, a little tiny bit of \-- I mean, I don\'t know what percentage it might be of the sweet corn market, but, overall it\'s got to be small, but, basically I mean I think we said that the organic corn acreage was a tenth of a tenth of the overall corn acreage. I mean, that suggests to me that if we were to kind of lay it out in this kind of way it suggests to me that we could come up with some quite innovative solutions. It seems to me a very small tax on every corn farmer in the U.S. you could pay off every potential claim that might ever come from an organic farmer who wants to \-- you know \-- who actually suffered economic crime in the marketplace. I mean, because it would be so small and that would deal, you know, in an honorable way with kind of an unintended effect and I\'m not really sure I can go there but I think the notion, to me, \-- but still we have some interesting points that a lot of our coexistence comes from, you know, simply not producing the different \-- not having a similar crops but being produced in the three different systems and that\'s probably something we ought to keep in mind that also of course says something about whether we\'re talking about today and whether that situation exists or whether we\'re trying to set us up for tomorrow when it might not. But, it isn\'t just \-- and I think people would be surprised. MR. FLOWERS: I\'m new to this committee and I\'m pretty simple and try to come up with simple things. When I read this statement I thought we were going to be talking about how do we in the farming community, you know, I grow conventional crops, I grow biotech crops. There\'s not any organic crops, but, how do we fit all this in together in our communities and able to grow these different crops all at one place. That\'s what I thought we were going to be talking about with all this. It seems like that would be real simple. I don\'t know if that\'s what our objective is but, you know, we\'re doing that. I mean, we talk to neighbors. You know, if you grow next to my crop, you know, we work together and that\'s what I kind of thought this was going to be all about, so, it\'s kind of interesting to see how far \-- (Discussion off the record) MS. DILLEY: It\'s really trying to get our hands around it so we may just say coexisting \-- coexistence is happening and to the degree that you want to flesh that out a little bit more I think that\'s what we\'re wrestling with before you get into what you\'re talking about which is what\'s working and what is not working and that\'s beyond the introduction and starts getting into how do you divide it up. Do you do it by crop, fruits, vegetables, however we organize that piece of it. So, why don\'t we take a break before we get into public comments. Alison, why don\'t we take your comment and we\'ll take a break. DR. VAN EENENNAAM: I guess just with regards to this coexistence it\'s working because the fruits don\'t have it and even the row crops have organic but I that assumes we\'re talking only about GE, but, I mean, we\'ve got coexistence of a lot of other conventional and organic vegetables all over the place in California. So, I guess one thing I would ask this committee, are we only addressing coexistence issues at the time of genetic engineering here or are we talking about coexistence in the broader sense of what enables coexistence between, for example, are we talking organic and conventional then that\'s not even what we\'re talking about and maybe it\'s not, I don\'t know. That\'s what my question is. So, are we only talking about GE issues are we talking about more general coexistence issues? MS. DILLEY: I\'m sure we\'ll pick this conversation back up after the public comment period but we do need to break here shortly. MR. KALAITZANDONAKES: Yeah, I think we are talking probably. We are talking seed production which coexists with conventional. We are talking about conventional production in GE and to me that\'s all part of it because the practices are the same. The supply chain practices are the same at the production level, at the procurement level, at the transportation level, at the storage level, all the way down, so I can\'t imagine we are talking only about GE. DR. SCHECHTMAN: Yes. I\'ll just throw in one little comment. I mean, I think the committee is charged with looking at a broad sense of this is a committee about biotechnology so I think it is looking from the lens of biotechnology but you can say that because these issues are, you know, dealt with in the same sorts of ways that certainly I think is an important conclusion, but, the committee does have the lens of starting from the fact that it\'s a committee on biotechnology, which you are. MS. DILLEY: Okay. So can we take a 10 minute break and come back at 3:30 for public comment and if there is anybody in the audience who plans to provide public comment and you have not signed up yet. (Whereupon, a brief recess was taken) DR. SCHECHTMAN: We have allotted for the opportunity for the public to provide comments to our discussion. I noted that on the sign-up sheet outside \-- could we have quiet back in the room \-- I noted on the sign-up sheet outside that there was nobody signed up at this point for public comment. Do we have anyone who wishes to make public comment at this point? Okay. Not seeing anything at this point we will check again probably a bit after four to make sure that there are no public comments at that point, but, as I said, we would find, as we always we do, ways to use up the time so we\'ll continue our discussion at this point and I\'ll turn it back over to Abby. MS. DILLEY: Okay. Let me see if I can at least try and take a run at some of what we\'ve talked about so far. In the introduction what I\'m hearing is something like this and it doesn\'t necessarily happen in the order of things, but, bear with me. At least we know at the beginning the charge and I think we\'ve got language around the charge that has been clarified and any other definition that we\'ve worked in terms of coexistence for the purposes of this paper refers to the concurrent cultivation of conventional, organic, and genetically engineered crops consistent with underlying consumer preferences and choices and then the next sentence talks about, refers to the whole supply chain, and then I think just before the break we talked about a lot of different things in terms of what do we really mean coexistence is happening. Are we making a value judgment on this because that\'s a real complex piece and so describing that perspective is the complexity of what do we mean by coexistence is happening and giving a little more context to that. It\'s happening more or less successfully depending on where you sit and what you\'re trying to do. We spiced that up a little bit in terms of whether you\'re looking at cropland versus grazing land versus a new product or you\'re trying to capture premium or you can look at through a lot of different lenses. It\'s complex and you\'re going to look at how the framework for coexistence, which is not new, but, it\'s evolving to fit these three areas of production, whether it\'s working more or less successfully. And I think that\'s how the descriptive piece of some of the things we\'re trying to get our arms around and whether we want to use statistics and whether we want to look at the EU versus the U.S. or how we put more around that is still in question, but, then I think we have to move into whether the committee \-- why we\'re trying to struggle with this. And part of that, other in addition to responding to Secretary\'s charge, is we\'re talking about it in terms of if we want to foster and enhance coexistence. We think that the U.S. is a big producer of these three areas is a good thing and that what we want to do is try and understand and articulate what\'s happening out there to the degree that we can maybe make some observations on how to encourage or foster coexistence or enhance coexistence. And the notion of the fact that it is dynamic and it is evolving there are some things that we can say in terms of what\'s happening and not happening that we can spotlight on and we can understand what\'s going on and also to make some observations in terms of how could we encourage or enhance and, to me, that\'s what we\'ve talked about so far. It\'s not in text form, but, those are kind of dimensions of what I\'ve been hearing so far as the introduction. And then in terms of what the committee\'s trying to understand and articulate from a body of different perceptions is what's working, not working in terms of the framework evolving into these areas and into the future for other agricultural production systems and go further than that in saying that. Then that transitions into a more in-depth discussions about what is working and not working which gets us past the introduction and into more the body of the report in terms of what\'s working and not working from these different perspectives and that\'s what we have to kind of step to try and talk to how do we organize that discussion of what\'s working and not working. Does that make sense? Again, it\'s not perfect, it\'s in organic perspective, but, to me, those are some of the major themes that came out of the discussion until we took a break. Anything I missed, makes sense, doesn\'t make sense? Okay. Then maybe we should call it a day. Okay. So, what I would suggest is that we move from the introduction. You need a work plan how exactly to capture that, maybe you try to put that into text and we\'ll figure that out, but, if that is kind of the general themes of what you\'re hearing so far in the discussion I think it would be helpful to spend more discussion on that, but, does this really tie in to the relative part of the document of what\'s working, not working piece and have that discussion. We\'ll probably want to come back and refine maybe some things in the introduction but I think if we can take another move into the next segment I think it would be helpful. Do you people want to do that? I don\'t know. I mean, comments? Okay. So, do you want to take a minute or two to just look at? We started with a number of things in terms of some things are working and we have started out a list of some of those things in describing that in a little more detail. Why don\'t we take a minute to look that over and then as well just look at the whole part because some things are working and some things are not working and some of these facts there are some overlapping things in each of those lists that depending on where you sit and who you are as described in the introduction we think it\'s working or not working so look at those and we\'ll start the conversation with what things are working. MS. DILLEY: This section is trying to flesh out a little bit more understanding capturing the committee\'s thinking on understanding and articulating what is happening and what is working or not working on that which is the next segment of the report. And you have six items in the "some things are working." I think the numbering is a little off, but, the structure and the success of private companies to test, predictable introduction and use of products, the ecosystem, and FDA labeling is another kind of big category under the section and the structure piece of it has five sub-bullets. We can flesh that out a little bit more. So, just kind of a general reaction to trying to capture the picture of understanding what is happening and working and why. Daryl, Guy, and then Nick. DR. BUSS: I guess I was going to back up just the headers because I guess use of the headers that some things are working and some things are not working, they are potentially in the future, I really like Duane, what he suggested in the side bar, and I would put out the fact that perhaps header A might be retitled as "factors enabling coexistence" instead leading to a value judgment of what\'s a degree of working and then it logically follows that B would play off that, you know, "limitations of coexistence." MS. DILLEY: Guy and then Nick and then Leon. DR. CARDINEAU: Under number one under the factors enabling coexistence the second bullet down, familiarity with identification preservation systems are an efficient effect of production distribution of products, I think that\'s true but only where there\'s a premium value to be found in the product and I used StarLink as an example of that. When you have number 2 yellow dent corn and there\'s no premium associated with it, it\'s very hard to differentiate so if you have white corn or high oil corn or some other rationale that pays for identity preservation I think that\'s an accurate statement, but, it seems to me to be inaccurate with regard to straight commodity crops. Now, maybe some of my farmer growers will disagree with that, I don\'t know, but, that would be my assessment on that. If there\'s no premium there\'s no value in identity preservation. MS. DILLEY: Nick? MR. KALAITZANDONAKES: First, a comment on what Guy said. The statement is supposed to say that because of the \-- MS. DILLEY: Could you speak up because you\'re speaking to Guy. MR. KALAITZANDONAKES: So, the statement or that second bullet is supposed to be indicating that because we already have a number of IP systems in play that\'s a reality and that infrastructure for another IP system to be facilitated. That\'s just purely, you know, knowledge and experience and infrastructure. That\'s what it is. Now, I wanted to in my own comment, I had participation in writing this section, but, one of the factors that I think is missing from this section as to factors that have enabled coexistence in the U.S. so far and have made for the environment is this and I\'m not sure how to articulate it so I\'m going to go around and around on this and hopefully we can all help put it in words. What we had had is an environment where everybody in the supply chain has cooperated in making coexistence work, farmer to farmer, biotech companies not bringing new traits until those traits were approved in major markets, the grain merchandisers working with downstream partners to enable all of this. So, that kind of environment of cooperation has been a big factor of \-- a big contributing factor for having coexistence working well. I think an environment like this should not be taken for granted if anything was not in place it could very easily make for much more salient involvement. So I think it\'s important to articulate that that kind of cooperation has existed in the past and has been an enabling factor in facilitating the environment that we have had happen over all this time. MS. DILLEY: Okay. Leon and then Mardi. MR. CORZINE: This farmer-to-farmer cooperation or cooperative spirit, something like that, maybe farmer-to-farmer cooperation indication has certainly assisted in the countryside to how coexistence is working and we have volumes of examples of that. What I was going to do was go back up to I noticed under number one, first in the very first sentence under A I wonder if we should instead of non-GE we should say GE, conventional, and organic. It makes more sense to me. Also, under structure of the U.S. agriculture, in that first sentence I know Margaret made the point as far as what countries, you know, collectively set apart from other countries and I have a lot of caution comparing us to other countries, so rather than that, I would strike that and just put a period after the collectively says being a part. And then the next sentence could say these characteristics have allowed the U.S. to rapidly respond to. MR. KALAITZANDONAKES: A lot of U.S. farmers? MR. CORZINE: Well, it\'s more than just the farmers. DR. SCHECHTMAN: Can I interject for just one sec. We\'re getting a lot of static. Does anyone have their Blackberry or cell phone on because I know people were chatting out in the hall. It may be next door but nonetheless I just want to check to help out over here. MR. CORZINE: Okay. MS. DILLEY: To make sure, it sounds to me like you were trying to set up that discussion about rather than trying to compare it to other countries, maybe the collective agricultural system is set up collectively to help enable coexistence to occur as opposed to I\'m not sure the relative comparison to other countries. MR. CORZINE: Right. I\'d just take that out because I think Margaret had a good point there in her comment, but, and then rather than the characteristics have allowed the U.S. or U.S. agriculture to actively respond. MS. DILLEY: Okay. DR. BUSS: One response would be to merge that in one sentence and just say the U.S. agricultural system. MS. DILLEY: Yeah. You\'re soft-spoken. DR. BUSS: The U.S. agricultural system has several characteristics that allow farmers to rapidly respond to global market signals and just take out the intervening piece. DR. VAN EENENNAAM: Well, it would enable coexistence. What the factors do is collectively is enable coexistence or something. They help coexistence in some way and those characteristics have allowed them to respond the way it was with coexistence in there, the first modification, is what it is the characteristics are pertaining to. MS. DILLEY: Mardi and then Carol. We\'ll work on that. Mardi. DR. MELLON: I\'m not quite sure what to do about, but, I\'m a little worried about the idea that the characteristics that we\'re talking about are all kind of related to exports which are obviously a very important part of U.S. agriculture under coexistence problems within the U.S. and if we\'re all we\'re trying to do is provide coexistence in terms of exports. To respond to global market signals shifting their production. Otherwise, it talks about \-- that to me puts it in an export context. DR. SCHECHTMAN: Would it work to move that sentence after the bullet? DR. MELLON: Maybe just remove global. MS. TUCKER FOREMAN: Just take it out, global. DR. MELLON: I mean, I just don\'t think we should restrict our sights to that. My second point is I think we should, you know, make the point about trying the farmer-to-farmer cooperation as an ongoing and important element of response to this issue, but, and I think that that response, you know, to all kind of three sets of interaction with organic with a kind of non-GE market and GE. But, I think that some of these, the cooperative efforts that were described about companies not going ahead with products until approved elsewhere, that really doesn\'t respond and that doesn\'t kind of address the needs of the organic, non-organic, and GE interface. So we just might want to be clear about which ones we\'re responding to. And then although I hate to say this when Michael Dykes is not here to fight back, I certainly take issue with the notion that products have been proven to be equivalent to conventionally grown products in terms of allergenicity and safety and wholesomeness. I don\'t think the FDA would stand behind that statement and I\'m not sure \-- and I\'m sure it wouldn\'t and I don\'t think that it adds much in this context. It\'s a fight that we had before and don\'t want to have again. MS. DILLEY: Carol and Duane and then Randy. MS. TUCKER FOREMAN: Yeah. Actually, my original thought was exactly the same as Mardi\'s about removing the word global and, but, we\'ve had presentations about farmer-to-farmer cooperation and farmers here have talked about it. I haven\'t seen any data on it and we\'ve been loathe to use anecdotal to go forward only based on stories from the fields and I\'d like to know if there are any data that quantifies how many farmers are cooperating with other farmers? MS. DILLEY: I don\'t know the answer to that. I thought. I thought Nick\'s larger point was something of an example of. The bigger point to me was it sure helps to encourage cooperation when you want to cooperate I got and some examples of wanting to do that and actual activities that have helped do that like farmer-to-farmer communication or grower districts. It\'s some of the tools that are out there in terms of how people have been collaborating. But, in terms of quantifying it, I don\'t know the answer to that. But, I may be off your point, Nick. It seems like attitude is a big piece of it and examples of how that\'s manifested may be part of what is not quite captured here. MS. TUCKER FOREMAN: Farmers have been cited several times as the basic given for why we have coexistence and I just don\'t have numbers. MS. DILLEY: Duane, do you want to \-- MR. GRANT: I can speak to that a little bit. It\'s kind of where I was headed although Leon\'s card went up as soon as I came up so you want to hit it, Leon? MR. CORZINE: I do, but, I don\'t know whether to go first or second. I guess as far as numbers as far as writing the amount that we talk to one another, but, I do think that there\'s \-- we\'ve had examples by each of the presenters that, I mean, even that are growing both organic and biotech and conventional crops. The data that shows that both areas are growing probably wouldn\'t happen otherwise and we don\'t have farmer-to-farmer lawsuit issues and each is able to meet his market really speaks to that. I don\'t know how you quantify unless you want to know how many times I\'ve talked to my organic neighbor, you know. MS. TUCKER FOREMAN: Nobody\'s collected any data on it. I think your point would be \-- I don\'t know of a bunch of lawsuits so I think that\'s probably at least one indicator. But, USDA\'s not collected any sort of data on this? MR. CORZINE: I\'m not sure how they \-- MS. DILLEY: I\'m not sure either. MR. KALAITZANDONAKES: No, and there is no data like this but there is some indicators that can mention it so there were other people here. MS. DILLEY: Duane, go ahead, and then Randy. MR. GRANT: I\'ll speak to that just a little bit because that\'s kind of where I wanted to go. I wanted to follow up on Nick\'s point and work in a response to Carol. I think there is a general atmosphere, to call it a general atmosphere of cooperation within the ag community and I think that is a bullet that we don\'t have and I wrote it out as a generally accepted practice of direct producer involvement through association, etc. and you can make that list as long as you want about associations, commissions, boards, but, there\'s a general accepted practice of producers becoming directly involved in coming up with practical solutions to coexistence issues and that can be as all-encompassing as the corn growers coming up with their "Know Before You Grow" program which really is a coexistence issue. The soybean guys have a very stringent protocol that has to be met before they\'ll support new soybean varieties coming to market because of the coexistence issues. So, that\'s kind of a large macro context, if you will, and then, you know, you get right down to grower districts that can be very small but, again, they have a tradition of direct producer involvement. That\'s a real key issue of what works in our system of what hasn\'t worked so well where the issue of coexistence has become kind of a proxy for other larger battles. So, I think if we can highlight that and say this is what works and amplify that then this is probably the right place to do it, but, I guess then back to your point, Carol, you know, I don\'t know of any data out there other than just decades of direct involvement by producers in helping to sit down around the table and craft solutions that work, I guess. I don\'t know of where we come up with that data. I don\'t know. DR. SCHECHTMAN: This is sort of making an observation. Looking back for at least some of the committee members who were on the previous advisory committee that had a different name on biotechnology, the Advisory Committee on Agricultural Biotechnology, and I think from comparing some of the discussions about conflicts like coexistence then that we didn\'t claim it that way but we had discussions around this issue to the current discussions what I\'ve seen is sort of an evolving environment of cooperation. I think certainly there is more communications up and down the food chain than there ever used to be and maybe, you know, these are communication networks that are continuing to broaden and mature and I don\'t know if you want to say there\'s a lot of it or a little of it, but, I think I don\'t even know how you quantify it other than saying anecdotally it seems like these kinds of communications are increased. MR. GRANT: I disagree. I don\'t think they\'re increasing. I think they\'ve been there. If it\'s been increasing it\'s because you\'re looking now, all right, but, I mean, that\'s just \-- DR. SCHECHTMAN: That may be the farmer-to-farmer part, but, I think in terms of having one end of the food chain to the other speaking to each other my impression is that there has been more of that. Maybe other people who are in the food chain rather than just an observer from the outside could see if they agree with that or not. MS. DILLEY: Randy is a representative of the food chain. MR. GIROUX: I\'m not sure I\'m going to answer Michael\'s question, but, go ahead, Jerry, in direct answer to his question. MR. SLOCUM: I have a comment. Yeah, I do have an answer. I sense that you\'re right because what biotechnology has done is it put the whole of the supply chain more in a position of a corporate risk than they were before. Years and years before there was biotechnology growers grew what they could grow and we did it with the best production techniques we could do and consumers bought from an array of products that growers could grow. All of a sudden with biotechnology there was another product that looked the same, it tasted the same, it felt the same that growers could grow and it was introduced in a way that consumers weren\'t fully aware of it and it created an environment of uh oh, we got to explain this in a hurry and all of a sudden it did foster a heightened need to communicate from the consumer all the way back to the producer who supplied the product and it started in \'95, \'96, and \'97 and it really got serious in \'97 and \'98 and it really increased the communication up and down the food chain to the point that, you know, Ron Olson is now the Chairman of the American Grain and Feed and General Mills, a major grain player, is not a major grain player like a Cargill or a ADM or a Bungee or something like that, but, certainly within the grain handling industry, I\'ve been a participant there for 30 years, I noticed a heightened need to communicate up and down the chain and a heightened sense of cooperation up and down the chain. Now, how we quantify that, I\'m not exactly certain, but, it exists more evidently in the United States than it does in the rest of the world. The next point that there is a greater sense of cooperation now, you know, from the field to the dinner plate in the United States than there is in most places in the world. MS. DILLEY: Randy and then Guy and Mardi. MR. GIROUX: I\'m glad I let Jerry go first because I think what his comments were were the comments that I want to talk about and just to echo what Nick had said that there has been this sense of mutual cooperation and what I would call an understanding around biotechnology that the industries are interrelated and the stakeholders in the world of biotechnology are interrelated in terms of the corporate risks, there are regulatory risks, there are finished product risks. So, what that does then and just to reiterate what Nick said, it does put a level of corporate responsibility on individuals, members of that supply chain to be acting in a way that disadvantage other members in the supply chain. So, this is a core to core component. Now, that level of cooperation has existed, but, while there is, I think, strong communication throughout the supply chain individual action the other stakeholders can interrupt that whole supply chain. So, I think that\'s my key comment is that environment needs to exist where all stakeholders are working together \-- not together, together sounds too motherhood, but, understanding clearly that actions of individual industries can impact stakeholders and if we don\'t do that, if we don\'t acknowledge that, if that environment changes so does the level of cooperation between the different sectors. That was my first comment. I think my more important comment I started with was that one of the things that\'s missing here in things that are working is this issue of the specialty pays and because I don\'t like the words that I\'ve used I\'ll refer to the text that was provided and this was a comment made to me by Commissioner Fischler that said the burden of coexistence measures \-- I\'ll just change this word \-- does fall on the economic operators who intend to gain a benefit from the specific cultivation model they have chosen. And that\'s a criteria that exists today in all of our specialty programs, coexistence, whether they be biotech or not that has to exist. If that doesn\'t exist, if the commodity or the generic product has to pay for the specialty product, this system doesn\'t work and I think this is one of the growing pains that they\'re having in Europe where coexistence would mean the commodity, the feed grain, which in our grain would need to pay for the specialty which may in this case be a food product. Not to make a value judgment on GM, but, just the fact that food doesn\'t command as much acreage as feed even in Europe. MS. TUCKER FOREMAN: Would you repeat what you said in the beginning because you were reading something from somewhere. I\'d like to have it. MR. GIROUX: Yeah. It\'s right here in the documents that we\'ve been given ahead of the meeting. MS. DILLEY: The compilation. MR. GIROUX: It\'s a quote from the Commissioner. MS. DILLEY: Guy, Mardi, and then Nick. DR. CARDINEAU: In response to Carol\'s comment about Dr. Dykes\' editorial comment here and in line with Jerry\'s just stating it looks the same, feels the same, tasted the same, I think I understood where Dr. Dykes was trying to go with this. Suppose we take out are proven to be and replace that with have been determined to be substantially equivalent. Can we do that? Because that\'s what the coordinated framework has said. DR. MELLON: Substantial equivalent. DR. SCHECHTMAN: Actually, we don\'t use substantial equivalent as an endpoint. DR. CARDINEAU: Okay. But, I don\'t think we can say approval because I have to agree with Carol because that\'s too strong a language I think. Maybe we can just take it all out. MS. DILLEY: Okay. Mardi and then Nick and then Bowen. DR. MELLON: I would like to state that I think on the use of anecdotal data and the inability to kind of quantify something, with all respect to Carol, I think we have to be willing to go ahead with the input of the people on the committee and from the communities that are all here. So, I\'m willing to go ahead with that with people saying what their experience is and taking it seriously. I would, however, say that an appropriate kind of balance for that for me might be to make sure that in the barriers to coexistence section that we have an anecdotal, not necessarily, you know, sociologically determined, but, demonstration of how some organic farmers feel about their inability to deal with their neighbors. Now, in some cases it may work but not in all cases and they\'re faced with, even in the best of all possible worlds, but, people don\'t always live in the best of all possible worlds, so, there\'s some real difficult decisions. So, including, and I\'ll have to think about it, but, writing, you know, something like that to reflect kind of farmers, particularly organic farmers in the second one would do \-- I think would be appropriate because, as I said, a lot of things that have been described here is working well, really are working well to accommodate the needs of the non-GE and the conventional and GE farmers in the grain trade and that is that, I mean, I agree with all the things that have been said, but, that is only one part of the kind of world where we\'re hoping for coexistence. So, just to make it clear it\'s not quite working like that in this much different kind of world where the organic folks are trying to get a toe hold I think would be useful. MS. DILLEY: Okay. Nick and then Bowen. MR. KALAITZANDONAKES: So, I was going to provide two examples of farmer cooperation and one is beginning to see the fruits, for example, we have roughly 800,000 to a million acres a year of corn seed production and we know that not a single one of them is without having all neighbors talk to each other and documenting what each and every one of them produces and have appropriate isolation differences. Otherwise, your production is not certified. Absolutely. DR. MELLON: Just a small point. Isolation distances are really not all that important. Most of this can emanate and grain comes not from cross-pollination, it comes from seed mixing. That\'s why you have so much of it in soybeans which are not. MR. KALAITZANDONAKES: This has nothing to do with GM or non-GM. Every year, every seed producer has to certify what \-- they have to certify to the certifier. The producers have to sit down and figure out what to produce all around the field. So, this is one example of where farmer-to-farmer cooperation is, year after year. So, this is one example. So, the second example which is documented is in non-GMO corn for starch production and there are two or three systems that exist not only this past year but for several years and we, again, which are proven, and again there we have the farmer who is producing who is basically talking to all the neighbors and, again, not only isolation distances but also cooperating on what is being produced so that contamination doesn\'t happen. But, these are examples where we have documented year after year farmer-to-farmer cooperation that I can quote and I\'m sure you guys have producer networks that you might think that. MS. DILLEY: Bowen. MR. FLOWERS: I want to tell one more example. I don\'t know what kind of documentation you\'re looking for but I was just wondering if, we had a situation arise in a meeting of producer organizations in the area I\'m from, the Mississippi Delta. We have the Delta Council. And we like to get around and try visualize or fix the problems we\'re going to have, get a solution before we have a problem. And this year there\'s an abundance of wheat planted this year, conventional wheat. And normally in the springtime we\'re burning down with glyphosate and such which would destroy the wheat crop so we worry about this so we had meetings this winter and in the early fall about, you know, potential drift problems. We brought the different big industries together, that sell the glyphosate, we had farmers come together. We decided to make more restrictions on aerial applicators and also the ground uses, what you\'re doing more carefully this spring so we wouldn\'t have a problem. But, we\'re constantly working together to try to prevent problems. We\'d rather regulate ourselves and watch out what we\'re doing than having the government coming in and say, you know, mandate us to do something so we\'re constantly working to try to find these problems and come up with solutions and, you know, which constantly communicate between the different organizations, the different crops, and that kind of stuff to try to head off some of these problems. So, there\'s a lot of communication. Now, what kind of documents? We show you meetings, things like that. We have another organization in the Mississippi Delta called Delta Farm where we\'re documenting how much pesticide, herbicide we\'re using since genetically engineered crops have come along so if that\'s the kind of stuff, we can get that kind of information if that\'s what you\'re looking for. MS. DILLEY: I think the main point and the way Jerry capped it made sense in terms of tightening the need for more effective communication to a broader group and getting some examples, several have been cited, to kind of give some flavor to that and I would imagine we\'ll do the same thing in the section, as Mardi has raised, in describing some examples of where it hasn\'t been working so well. So, \-- MR. KALAITZANDONAKES: There is one word that I came up with with a lot of people in the supply chain are using. MS. DILLEY: Yes. MR. KALAITZANDONAKES: Call that stewardship and I don\'t know whether that\'s more meaningful in this particular context. MS. DILLEY: Yeah. The terminology of stewardship had a lot of comments at the back of the document so let\'s table that. That has particular meaning to different people and we do not have a common view of that terminology among the group. MS. TUCKER FOREMAN: I must say, Jerry\'s and Mardi\'s comments really I think addressed my concerns because I think Jerry was realistic with what is happening and how he described it and my concern which was raised in part was I think people who are part of the dominant group are often not aware of distress and experience of people who aren\'t and there is a sense from the speakers and from the literature that there\'s a group that feels like they\'re not being communicated with. So I like the combination. Thank you. MS. DILLEY: Right. Okay. Stephanie, your card down? MS. WHALEN: The only thing I was just going to add another example. MS. DILLEY: Okay. So now we\'ve kind of worked around the structure of U.S. agriculture and some of the comments along those. I\'m not sure we\'re on the edge of that number two in terms of the essence. It\'s kind of interesting to define something that helps your neighbor by saying the absence of something, but, I don\'t know if people have additional comments on that particular piece or some of the other four points that are under the some things that are working. Any additional? Duane? MR. GRANT: Just a comment on number two. It seems to be contradicted later on in our document. I mean, I\'ll be honest, this is the first time I\'ve heard the absence of an AP threshold described as an advantage or something that\'s beneficial. I see the logic where this was headed. MS. DILLEY: The economists would say. MR. GRANT: Yeah. MR. KALAITZANDONAKES: I would say that if there is any single one element that I would point this as a key to success is the lack of a definitive number to struggle with and if there is any single point that I would make about what has made the life of the European Union so difficult is exactly trying to throw the coexistence issue around a specific number and, so, I feel very strongly that not having a single number is a key element to success. MR. GRANT: Can I just respond? In one of our other documents we actually say that we need an AP threshold and I think the issue really with Europe is the fact that the threshold is a .9 and that\'s what the issue is. MS. DILLEY: Nick, go ahead. MR. KALAITZANDONAKES: It\'s an arbitrary number and any time that you use any arbitrary number whatever it is you run into issues like every issue that the European Union has come up with so you choose your arbitrary number. Obviously a five, that would be less difficult to deal with than a .9 but it would be still an arbitrary number. MS. DILLEY: Is that market defined at different levels and that\'s why it makes as opposed to \-- MR. KALAITZANDONAKES: That\'s exactly how it works. MS. DILLEY: It\'s market driven as opposed to regulatory. Regulatory requirements here then. MR. KALAITZANDONAKES: Exactly. MR. CORZINE: I think that\'s right because we\'re also in two different contexts and it\'s not as contradictory as you might think at first because you\'re in the context of regulation and import of some of the event versus \-- I think the point here is what\'s already been said. The market sorts this out and there are different premiums or monetary advantages to the various levels that you may meet and contractual obligations to take care of those. MS. DILLEY: Sarah and then Alison. MS. GEISERT: I do think it\'s been an evolving learning though because I think if you look back we would have set a number which served us all well. Zero is a very small number and so we wanted something but I think when it is arbitrary our learning has been that we can contend in a global marketplace, the various markets have different requirements and the same thing for something that deals with organic, traditional and the spectrum is you make determinations for how you want to manage risk for your company based on what you understand your consumers or what is going on in the marketplace and I think, frankly, it has been an evolving one. If you had asked us a while back I think we would have told you one number. I mean, now we\'re saying, you know, it works in our favor to give us the flexibility to sort it through and to work it through in the marketplace. MS. DILLEY: Alison. DR. VAN EENENNAAM: I guess I don\'t know, if you looked at the organic with the 5 percent allowance for pesticide, if that wasn\'t in there, would the de facto for that then be zero and they would be actually no conventional and organic. I think that 5 percent has actually enabled those two to coexist and by not having the number I think you get it back to zero and by definition that eliminates one group. Zero is not possible. And, so, having one number makes zero a possibility and I think everyone will acknowledge that zero is not feasible. MS. DILLEY: Brad and then Stephanie. DR. SHURDUT: My one clarification is I\'m assuming that not having a number is fine, but, you mean a non-zero number. I mean you don\'t want this to fall to zero and so why do you want it to be arbitrary and you want the market \-- you don\'t want the problem to be zero. I mean, it\'s somewhat important to make that distinction and understand that distinction. MS. GEISERT: Well, personally, I think it\'s not that simple because I think we do operate off of zero for unapproved events and other things and, so, you know, there is some number above zero for approved events depending on the market and there\'s a different set of criteria we operate in on unapproved events and, so, I think like anything else we\'ve had to deal with here depends on what your question is and how broad you want the context to be. DR. SHURDUT: You can just determine that absence of a known value to define the threshold means zero. You can interpret that way and assuming that the threshold is zero. MS. DILLEY: Stephanie and then Randy. MS. WHALEN: In response to the five percent number and the pesticides. Is pesticides something different or are we dealing with compounds that have, you know, ecological endpoints and the numbers are defined at levels so there is a number developed through the whole process based on the fact that you\'re putting something into the marketplace that has been determined that in some animals to have some harmful effect. That\'s not what we\'re dealing with. With these particulars it\'s supposedly safe, they\'re determined, and so we\'re not dealing with apples and oranges when you start talking about pesticide numbers with this. We\'re not dealing with the sameend points, say, when you start talking about GE traits versus pesticides. DR. VAN EENENNAAM: I just want to clarify that\'s the organic rule and I\'m not talking about the allowed amount that\'s allowed in crops and safety issues. It\'s just that the prohibitive thing in organic agriculture but there\'s an allowance because of the acknowledgment in reality pesticides just happen and if they made it zero, even though they\'re not allowed to use it, you wouldn\'t be able to deal with any agriculture in conventional agriculture and so that\'s why that\'s written as a national organic rule. MS. WHALEN: I Understand that. DR. VAN EENENNAAM: Okay. MS. WHALEN: I\'m saying there\'s a basis for that number, though, the 5 percent number basis, but, at least it\'s a number to put up for a reason and there is not one for and there\'s a need for one for GE traits. MS. DILLEY: Randy and then Nick. MR. GIROUX: Well, I\'m just thinking at this point and if you read the sentence it talks about thresholds and labeling in the same comment and, you know, so I believe in the U.S. today it\'s zero tolerance for something that\'s not approved. So, when we\'re talking about thresholds here I think it\'s this idea of voluntary labeling and being able to set the thresholds for which your particular company is comfortable, what that means in different industries and different companies have different expectations for what they would want to label their non-GM product voluntarily. As some may say, 5 percent\'s okay, some may say 1 percent\'s okay, some may say zero, what we expect, dependent upon what they choose, what their philosophy as a company is, what their expectations with their consumers is, so, I think the key is it\'s not a standard value. Because as soon as you standardize it you commoditize the market. I mean, talking about things like non-GMO, you talk about organic. These are marketing standards. These are not safety issues. Safety is off the table. These are issues around markets and when you standardize, you know, you know, us working guys, they\'re not big fans of standards because it commoditizes what they\'re trying to clear in additional value out of. If you look at the organic standards, as soon as the organic standard came out it was locally grown, it was buyer original, and you see that the standard has actually created marketing distinctions within the standard. So, I\'m not a big fan of standards particularly as they apply to marketing issues and believe that\'s what the crafters of this were looking at. MS. DILLEY: Adrian? DR. POLANSKY: Yeah. I agree with what I think I understand is the consensus conversation here because we live in a dynamic world. Consumers, producers, the processing, the food companies, things evolve over time and in addition to what I think makes sense in terms of the market will work these issues out during that time. Now, is it perfect? No. Does it happen immediately? No. But, over time it has a way of dealing with those issues and I frankly, as I am with some visit, in hoping that the market will find a way to supply some of us consumers that would like to have French fries that the potatoes haven\'t been sprayed with pesticides and have some additional value traits there that I would like to buy. But, currently the market hasn\'t found a way to get that product to me. So, you know, I\'ve got to be patient and so on, but, I suggest to those who have marketing, there\'s 2-3 percent of us that would buy those. So, there\'s a market there. But, nonetheless, I think the market is a whole lot better at sorting these things out than some arbitrary kind of stamp at one particular time. MS. DILLEY: Duane. MR. GRANT: So, I think we\'re mixing two different concepts here and maybe I\'m just wrong, but, so, mandatory labeling, that\'s one concept. I do think that\'s one of the reasons why this market has worked is because we don\'t have mandatory labeling for transgenic products, but, then the issue of AP, that has a lot of different connotations than just whether or not something is labeled and I guess I\'m uncomfortable in grouping those two together and I\'m especially uncomfortable in stating here very clearly that the reason that we\'ve been able to coexist is because we don\'t have an AP policy. I just don\'t know that to be true. I\'ve never heard that brought up in discussion. You know, we exist because we don\'t have an AP policy or we can coexist. That just hasn\'t been one of the issues. DR. SCHECHTMAN: Can I just make one comment that I think absence of a numerical fixed number is not necessarily the same as absence of AP policy. Whether or not we help define it, down the road which you\'ve gone down before of saying that the government has no AP policy, that\'s a separate issue, and the question about having a fixed number. MR. GRANT: So is it possible to pull this concept of AP out of this and still get at what the rest of the group seems to really like? DR. VAN EENENNAAM: How about the ability of markets to develop numerical thresholds or market-driven events? MR. GRANT: That would be better. Actually, that concept is fine with me. It\'s just this issue of AP has such a lot of baggage with it that I don\'t think it really belongs there. MS. DILLEY: Mardi. DR. MELLON: I can\'t quite sort all this through but I think I agree with Duane. I mean there\'s something about \-- I mean I think what we have right now is just policy. Our current policy probably works in some ways well enough and I think might assist in coexistence in between non-GM and GM kind of marketplaces. You know, the inability to say at some level that there are low levels that are inevitable if you have \-- if you adopt these products at all in your agriculture it\'s inevitable that there\'s going to be contamination of the non-GE versions of those. The inability to say that there is some level that\'s small enough not to worry about probably has an impact on the likelihood that other crops will ever be approved. I\'m not sure I can \-- I\'m not \-- you know \-- I feel like I\'m on uncharted territory here, but, I do think that some point of that is true. The way it is right now, letting the marketplace just work it out with the small set of products that are there might be okay. Whether that is actually a wise policy extending into the future, I\'m not sure. MS. DILLEY: Nick. MR. KALAITZANDONAKES: As far as I\'m concerned the U.S. has a very explicit AP policy. It has an explicit AP policy for an approved event which is zero. It has an explicit AP policy for organic which is specified by the process that we have in the USDA standard. It has an explicit policy on AP by not mandating labeling and therefore not requiring specific thresholds for GM and conventional. So, the point here is that the explicit policy is that there is no market trigger and therefore it has to be market-driven, which has worked out really well, which is what we have observed for the last ten years. And, so, an explicit policy is not an accident and, so, I think that\'s what this point is supposed to say. DR. MELLON: If that\'s our policy why hasn\'t anybody ever said it? MS. DILLEY: Why hasn\'t what? DR. MELLON: Why hasn\'t it ever been articulated that we have a policy and this is it? MR. KALAITZANDONAKES: It has been articulated. It has been articulated. DR. MELLON: I can\'t find a piece of paper that emanates from the USDA that has the word adventitious presence in it, including the one that supposedly is the basis of our adventitious presence policy. I mean, I\'m learning and I\'m not even challenging your notion that that is our de facto AP policy but it doesn\'t seem to me that it has been articulated as our policy. MS. DILLEY: It hasn\'t been an affirmative statement of saying this is our policy. DR. MELLON: This is it. And this, again, you don\'t tell and you hope people don\'t ask. But, if that\'s it maybe we should say that the department ought to articulate its policy as a way of facilitating coexistence. MS. DILLEY: For unapproved we have a policy; for unapproved it\'s in terms of zero. MR. KALAITZANDONAKES: For organics we have a policy. MS. DILLEY: Right. For organics. MR. KALAITZANDONAKES: For GM approved we have a policy which is we do not require mandatory labeling and no explicit AP thresholds because it\'s not meaningful. MS. DILLEY: We need to piece that out a little bit more and say in the absence because it\'s confusing and so rather than saying the absence of it or that we have particular policies and then also it\'s market driven in terms of the other. DR. SCHECHTMAN: Right. Certainly the element about approach. I wouldn\'t say it\'s a policy. MS. DILLEY: It\'s a non-articulated policy. MR. KALAITZANDONAKES: You know, you can say it however you want. MS. DILLEY: Okay. So, we\'ll try and take a run at that and just restate that. But, I think you\'re right. We\'ve all got a lot of different things into that one paragraph. The one on the next page seems to be \-- I don\'t know if the ability of companies, I don\'t quite get that unless it\'s really an example of trying to navigate different markets or something that you have things like you \-- it has different points. MS. GEISERT: If you listen to this conversation it doesn\'t really work so why do we cooperate so much more because there are testings that allow them to know, okay, this is what we intended we want, this is what we bought, this is what we thought the consumers told us and it\'s in the marketplace. I think that\'s the context that\'s forced us to work closer together because we said, okay, let\'s join forces. So, for me, that was the essence of the discussion whereas more so policy because this don\'t ask, don\'t tell is tough to verify. (Discussion off the record) MS. DILLEY: So, okay, that\'s an entirely different to navigate the markets, you have to have ways to verify. DR. MELLON: The market couldn\'t work if you didn\'t have information. MS. DILLEY: Right. It\'s information to support the market. I guess that\'s better now. And then a regulatory system that allows new products to be offered to the market in a relatively predictable manner. Duane, is that one that you had a \-- MR. GRANT: Actually, this 3, 4, and 5, so, I spent a lot of time thinking about and if they don\'t make sense we can toss them, but, these were just \-- I mean, I thought the list was pretty sure of things that were working and it seemed like there were more than that. MS. GEISERT: I want to comment on this because I\'ve been struggling. I think Duane\'s captured it here. I think is we talked about national and global sourcing. You know, there is this innovation whether it\'s the economy driven or whether it\'s market segment. To me, that\'s something better here than what you\'re talking about. New products means new markets and new market segmentations but I was kind of struggling where it was, but, I think you\'ve captured it. That was my reading of it. I thought it was a good definition. MR. GRANT: Right. MS. DILLEY: Alison? DR. VAN EENENNAAM: Oh, the final sentence on the page before says that we\'ve got this flexibility and we can do the things without extensive testing and then our next bullet point is we rely on private companies to test the level of genetically engineered materials. It doesn\'t seem to follow very well after the point of not testing, the reason it works is so we can test. MR. GIROUX: We don\'t have to test. We don\'t have to test but you can. MS. GEISERT: I think one of the struggles we run into with some of the issues we\'ve seen recent in the market is that we don\'t have the ability to test and in the absence of having mechanisms or tools to find acceptable or unacceptable has challenged the market so when you have these little dots we said. MR. KALAITZANDONAKES: Does it make sense to broaden this and instead of just testing talk about verification systems and so forth. Because testing is one, but, organic we don\'t test with a dip stick, but, there are verification systems that make the market work and so it\'s not just about \-- DR. SCHECHTMAN: With appropriate verification systems instead of without extensive testing. MS. DILLEY: Other comments on this section? MR. GIROUX: You mean A? MS. DILLEY: I\'m just looking at A and we\'re going to call it a day after A. MR. GIROUX: So, I made the comment earlier and I\'m not sure we captured it, but, number 6 bullet would be this issue of, coexistence measures costs fall on the economic operator who intends to gain the benefit from the cultivation. MR. KALAITZANDONAKES: In a sense it makes sense but I mean having it explicit might be useful but it\'s kind of implicit when we talk about responding to market incentives, right, farmers who produce because there\'s a market signal that says you may have a benefit from it. But, your point \-- MR. GIROUX: The reason I make it explicit, Nick, is what we hear from the organic community specifically on this is that this is fencing in versus fencing out and do markets work around creating products, I want to create a niche product, or, value added product, and the expectation is should I pay or should everybody around me pay and I think that\'s a seminal issue. I think that should be freshly stated here in the United States and between these different sectors and so I think it deserves a key point. DR. MELLON: It is interestingly how it\'s said differently here than in Europe. MR. GRANT: Not just organic either but all segments the premium products goes to the responsibility of. MR. GIROUX: Because currently that\'s the way those markets work and if we\'re talking about to go forward with something specific about conventional, GM, and organic, those basic market rules which we\'ve lived for for the last 100 years whether or not they don\'t apply in this case and I think that\'s a key element that we need to get over here. MS. DILLEY: Mardi? DR. MELLON: I actually agree in principle to start with, but, I think we need to look at some of the examples of growers or what we call regions. I mean, there are other solutions to some of these problems that have evolved over the years other than just saying, you know, the premium product pays. There\'s some acknowledgment that you have to \-- you know \-- there are a number of different farmers in the neighborhood that have changed, maximized, and everybody is a useful corollary to that and is useful. I would like to say that I\'m not quite sure what number 5 means but I certainly would not want to be \-- you know \-- I\'m not comfortable with kind of having our labeling policy which I think is fundamentally wrong to be stated as the reason for our success of coexistence. Maybe there\'s a number \-- MR. GRANT: We actually talked on labeling on the previous page so you can drop 5 out and save ourselves a lot of time. It\'s discussed on the previous page in another way. MS. DILLEY: Anything else on this section in terms of what you need to highlight as elements that are working or flushing that out a little bit more? DR. VAN EENENNAAM: I guess it\'s number 4, the bentgrass and alfalfa scenario. DR. SCHECHTMAN: What was it, Alison? DR. VAN EENENNAAM: The label system to date allowed participants in all marketplaces the ability to operate, given what we were told today. DR. CARDINEAU: Actually it wasn\'t in the case. Remember, that just says that the USDA has to do an environmental assessment. They don\'t admit why and Stephanie can address that. There was a lawsuit filed in Hawaii and essentially sort of ground, because Hawaii has a large number of endangered species and endangered plant varieties and so a more definitive environmental assessment was required. The court just said that. They didn\'t say there was anything wrong with the genetically engineered materials, but, it had to do better groundwork or lay a better groundwork beforehand. And I think that\'s what happened in the alfalfa case too. I don\'t think it\'s out. It\'s just that we need to take a closer look at it. You can correct me if I\'m wrong about that, Michael. DR. SCHECHTMAN: I think that\'s right and you can correct me if I\'m wrong. But, I would just say a comment about that as a procedural statute so that it applies to the hard look that agencies need to take before they take major federal action and \-- MS. BRYSON: It\'s also accurate to say we have a legal system to get a point clarified if we go to court which is very beneficial. DR. SCHECHTMAN: I think it\'s also the case that, you know, there could be a decision that says there are going to be economic analyses produced and one could determine that there are, indeed, going to be economic impact and this is the case. When bridges are built, decisions are made, and that nonetheless the decision is made to go ahead. So, the fact that that procedural step is put in there doesn\'t necessarily preclude what the decisions are. MS. DILLEY: Stephanie? MS. WHALEN: My understanding of the Hawaii case was basically that it was like there were procedural things that the agencies did it but they didn\'t document it. So, the fact that it wasn\'t necessarily found, but, I don\'t know if that was clearly defined but at least it wasn\'t documented. MS. DILLEY: All right. So, that first half of it is, I\'m sure, is the last half, the section that has a good start in looking at what is working and trying to get on the same page as to what these separate bullets mean. Tomorrow we\'ll pick up the conversation. When we start actually tomorrow with the presentation by Phil Lempert and then we\'ll pick up the second half of the document after that. We\'ll try and capture some of the things that we went over today just in bullet points. We won\'t have time to integrate it into the document completely but I think we have some place holders to advance the session from where and what we\'ve talked about today and then move forward with that and the next iteration of the document of the paper and then pick up tomorrow on some things that are not working and do the same, do that as well. So, any questions? Otherwise, we\'ll adjourn ten minutes early because the energy level is starting to \-- and we\'ll start fresh tomorrow at 8:30. (Whereupon, at 4:51 p.m., the meeting was adjourned). []{.underline} Digitally signed by Beverly Jason [ELECTRONIC CERTIFICATE]{.underline} DEPOSITION SERVICES, INC., hereby certifies that the attached pages represent an accurate transcript of the electronic sound recording of the proceedings before the United States Department of Agriculture: ADVISORY COMMITTEE ON BIOTECHNOLOGY AND 21ST CENTURY AGRICULTURE By: ![](media/image1.png){width="3.0458333333333334in" height="0.8909722222222223in"} Beverly Jason, Transcriber
# Presentation: 948243 ## Digital Imaging for the NPS Museum Collection Web Catalog PMIS 73179 Harpers Ferry Center, Department of Media Assets - Harpers Ferry Center, Department of Media Assets ## Purpose of the Project Provide digital images for a variety of park uses Reduce risks to objects Increase public use of the collections by 10% ***Provide digital images for a variety of park uses *** ***Reduce risks to objects*** ***Increase public use of the collections by 10% *** **Notes:** The primary purpose of the project is to provide a wide variety of cataloged collection images for park use. The provided images can be used to supplement the ANCS+ catalog records, used on park web sites, added to the Museum Collections Web Catalog, inserted into NPS Focus database and to provide the park with publication quality images for their use. The project supports the NPS mission statement and is designed to meet the Department of Interior’s Planned Strategic Goal of reducing risks to the objects, making them available to the public and increasing the public’s use of the objects. The latter is an essential part of the long term fulfillment of the Museum Management Program Goal 11b. ## Make objects available to the public Digital images provide information about the objects of our cultural heritage Rethink methods for public interaction with objects Support new uses on the internet Become part of a personal digital agenda *Digital images provide information about the objects of our cultural heritage * *Rethink methods for public interaction with objects* *Support new uses on the internet* *Become part of a personal digital agenda * **Desired Results** **Notes:** The desired results: Making the objects available to the public; Providing information about historical objects and our cultural heritage; Allowing us to rethink methods for having the public interact with the objects; Allowing the integration of digital images into established information systems and implementation of new or different methods of delivery. ## Researched current practices and technologies. **Notes:** The project began with intensive research into the current technologies and practices of digital photography. The most recent publications were referenced. NARA standards were researched. A NARA conference was attended. ## Preservation and Archives Professional: Guidelines for... Library Preservation at Harvard: Digital Preservation: Guidance... CDL Guidelines for Digital Images (CDL GDI) GUIDELINES FOR THE CREATION OF DIGITAL COLLECTIONS Recommended best practices for digital image capture of musical scores Digital History/Becoming Digital Inside CDL:CDL Guidelines for Digital Images California Digital Library Digital Image Format Standards Digital Imaging Joint RLG and NPO Conference: Guidelines for Digital Imaging Collaborative Digitization Program RLG Guidelines for Creating a Request for Proposal for Digital... “NARA Guidelines for Digitizing Archival... - _Library Preservation at Harvard: __**Digital Preservation:**__ Guidance..._ - _CDL __**Guidelines for Digital Images **__(CDL GDI)_ _**GUIDELINES FOR THE CREATION OF DIGITAL COLLECTIONS**_ - _Recommended best practices for digital image capture of musical scores_ - _Digital History/Becoming Digital_ - _Inside CDL:CDL __**Guidelines for Digital Images**_ - _California Digital Library Digital Image Format Standards_ - _**Digital Imaging**_ - _Joint RLG and NPO Conference: __**Guidelines for Digital Imaging**_ - _Collaborative Digitization Program_ - _RLG Guidelines for Creating a Request for Proposal for Digital..._ ** ** ** **** **** **** **** ****“****NARA Guidelines for Digitizing Archival...** **Notes:** Planning began on the project work flow. It was revised several times during the growth of the project. ## Techniques and standard operating procedures were developed. **Techniques and standard operating procedures were developed.** **Notes:** Standards were documented and techniques and operating procedures were developed to meet the standards. ## Staff needs and task assignments were projected and positions filled **Notes:** Once work flow was determined, staffing was planned and re-planned to meet our project annual goals. ## Infrastructure expansion planned and implemented **Infrastructure expansion planned and implemented** **Notes:** The need for additional infrastructure was recognized. Planning was begun in coordination with HFC IT to meet our upcoming needs. A new server was installed, backup systems enhanced and appropriate computer systems secured for staff. ## Camera equipment purchased **Camera equipment purchased** **Notes:** Camera equipment was researched and specification lists were developed. Purchase requests were written, put out to bid and equipment was ordered. The equipment for the second team is a duplicate of the first order so all equipment is interchangeable. ## Object supports gathered **Object supports gathered** **Notes:** Multi-functional object support mechanisms were researched. Designs were created to be flexible and meet a variety of support needs. A contract was written and the supports were fabricated. ## Color management systems implemented **Color management systems implemented** **Notes:** Color management systems were research. Greytag McBeth systems were chosen allowing for the cross platform calibration of cameras, computer monitors and processing equipment. ## When in-house testing was complete we were ready to travel **When in-house testing was complete we were ready to travel** **Notes:** Planning and preparations were finalized and in-house beta testing on the GETT objects completed. Experience with these objects paved the way for field testing. When all in-house prep work was completed, we were ready to travel. ## Working successfully in the parks requires the planning and cooperation of many people. ***DIP team members*** ***HFC Support staff*** ***Regional curatorial staff*** ***Park curatorial staff*** ***Park administration*** ***Park maintenance staff*** ***Contractors and vendors providing special equipment or services*** **Notes:** Working successfully in the parks requires the planning and cooperation of many people. - DIP team members; HFC Support staff; Regional curatorial staff; Park curatorial staff; Park administration; Park maintenance staff; Contractors and vendors providing special equipment or services ## Working on site requires park support and cooperation **Notes:** The Park Curator helps to specify the vulnerabilities of the object and the details needed for each object shot. Maintenance staff is needed for a variety of tasks including accessing exhibit cases or operating lifts. Curatorial staff helps to keep the stream of objects coming to the photographer. All are valuable contributors to the DIP’s success. Judy Volunosky with Jim Carey, Mike and Laren from Sitka, Ramona East from Sitka ## DIP Team handles objects safely and sets up the shots **DIP Team handles objects safely and sets up the shots** **Notes:** Once on site, the Museum Technician works under the guidance of the park curator to help prepare objects for photography. The Technician sets the ascetic tone of the shot choosing appropriate supports and with the photographer determines the back-drop to be used. ## Rental of Special Equipment **Rental of Special Equipment** **Notes:** Sometimes special equipment is needed and rented for a shoot. Here a boom lift was rented to shoot totem poles at Sitka NHP in Alaska. The prevented images of the poles from having distortion along the height. This image shows an example of it along with the lift. OSHA requires trained drivers for this type of lift and the park provided qualified staff. ## Interior image capture is achieved with a laptop computer tethered to the camera **Interior image capture is achieved with a laptop computer tethered to the camera** **Notes:** Most interior image capture is achieved with a laptop computer tethered to the camera. This provides the ability for instant evaluation of the image. ## Location set-up for EZ Cube **Location set-up for EZ Cube** **Notes:** Work spaces can be small and with little room to maneuver. The EZ Cube is one set up that is nearly always used in a park and a desk top will accommodate it’s use. (This is a soft sided cube to defuse light during shooting.) ## Copy stand set-up allow consistent document photography **Copy stand set-up allow consistent document photography** **Notes:** Use of a copy stand allows the camera lens to be parallel to the document, photo, etc. and provides a distortion free image. Jim is providing sets at the copy stand while Darryl checks the image output on the laptop. ## Table Top Set-Ups require more space **Table Top Set-Ups require more space** **Notes:** Other set-ups require a bit more room. The team has to be adaptable with their space requirements and trying to meet the needs of the park. Jim and Darryl work with Jim Burgess at MANA and Jim works with contract photographer Brian Sendler is preparing an object for photography at GLBA. ## Oversized documents are handled in other ways **Oversized documents are handled in other ways** **Notes:** Oversized maps, blueprints and other large documents are handled in other ways. They are placed in a Mylar “sling” and the Mylar is attached to the wall or other support . The lights and camera lens are filtered to prevent glare and reflection of the Mylar. Here we have used magnets to attach the Mylar Sling to the top of a map cabinet in a vertical position. Max and Jim are working at PRWI. ## A variety of objects have been photographed for the Digital Imaging Project with many challenges encountered and met **Notes:** A variety of objects have been photographed for the Digital Imaging Project. Often times the best laid plans come to a screeching halt with unexpected challenges. These could focus on lack of space as well as unexpected challenges due to surface reflectance or ambient lighting conditions. Other constraints the faced dealt with the opacity of paper documents containing inscriptions on both sides. Obstacles like these need to be solved rapidly on site and added to our lessons learned or standard operating procedures. ## Ethnographic Objects **Ethnographic Objects** **Notes:** Ethnographic objects have provided a diverse grouping of artifacts made from a variety of media. Chilkat Robe from Sitka, Mask from Gates of the Artic and Fishing buoy from Glacier Bay ## Paintings and Reflective Art **Paintings and Reflective Art** **Notes:** Paintings and reflective art were an unexpected challenge. Oil paintings provided more than anticipated reflections on the surface and were difficult to eliminate spectral highlights on the image. Oil on the left from Kenilworth Aquatic Garden and oil on the right from MANA ## Icons **Icons** **Notes:** Icons required showing dimensional depth and separations as well as controlling the highlights on the metal surfaces. All icons from Sitka ## Wood and Furniture Objects **Wood and Furniture Objects** **Notes:** Wooden objects were often photographed both straight on and at an angle for a more accurate interpretation of the object and a more pleasing image - Table from GETT; Chair from GETT; Box from SITK ## Slide 28 **Notes:** Wooden objects were often photographed both straight on and at an angle for a more accurate interpretation of the object and a more pleasing image - Table from GETT; Chair from GETT; Box from SITK ## Side Arms **Side Arms** **Notes:** Long and side arms require adequate support during photography. Long gun from HAFE, Pepper box from MANA and side arm from HAFE ## Edged Weapons **Notes:** Supports for the edged weapons could be placed behind the stretch double knit backdrop fabric and still would adequately support the weapon - Top left – sword from MONO; Bayonet from HAFE; Bottom left – sword from MANA; Bone handled knife from MANA ## Metal Objects **Metal Objects** **Notes:** Many small metal objects could be shot in the EZ Cube. This helped to control bright surfaces but objects like the silver pitcher must be carefully positioned to avoid showing a reflection of the photographer or camera on the highly polished surface. - Bugle from MANA; Pitcher from THST; Flag pole end from MONO ## Slide 32 **Notes:** Supports are vital to help show the object to it’s best advantage. MANA was our first park shoot and was given the choice of inclusion of the color card and scale. The park’s decision was not to include this in the image. Color management was done through a session white and color balance. No subsequent parks were given this option. - All objects from MANA All objects from MANA ## Ceramic and Glass Objects **Ceramic and Glass Objects** **Notes:** Glass and ceramic objects photographed ranged from the very small like the blue bead and figural pipe bowl shown here and extend to larger reflective ceramic ware and clear glass. - Pipe bowl – MANA; Bowl – THST; Bead – MANA; Decanter - THST ## Slide 34 **Notes:** Processing the images includes placing the identification placard on a separate layer of the image. The first set of images placed the placard at the edge of the image. All subsequent parks had the identifier moved off the edge for aesthetic reasons. Placement of color card and scale is such that it will always be crop-able and still provide a full view of the object. - Clear glass from THST; Plate from MANA; Red glass from MANA ## Textile Objects **Textile Objects** **Notes:** Textile objects can be composed of a variety of materials. Some are shown to the best advantage photographed on a mannequin or other support. We use several sizes of padded boards for small objects. A universal hat mount works for many style hats. Keppie from MANA, Zouave jacket from MANA, Battle ribbon from MONO and Jacket from HAFE ## Entomological Specimens **Entomological Specimens** **Notes:** Each park has a different set of objects that are most significant to it and are chosen by the park. CATO was our first natural history park. It had a significant collection of butterflies and moths for us to image. Moving the pinned specimens to our padded boards provided a safe and effective way for us to move the specimens and provide an adequate photographic surface - All from CATO; Lower right – facial front detail of a butterfly ## Wet Specimens **Wet Specimens** **Notes:** Wet specimens can be very small and a challenge to photograph through liquid and glass. The scale was placed on the outside of the vial and we shot through the liquid. - All specimens from SITK ## Herbarium Sheets **Herbarium Sheets** **Notes:** Herbarium sheets were shot on the copy stand. We have captured images for historic herbarium sheets as well as herbarium sheets for kelp and seaweed as shown here.- Left from CATO; Middle from GLBA; Right from SITK ## Skeletal Objects **Skeletal Objects** **Notes:** Skulls and mandibles from mice or voles and whale vertebrae have been among the bones imaged - Left and middle from CATO; Right from Suitland ## Archeological Objects **Archeological Objects** **Notes:** A wide variety of archeological objects have been photographed - Upper left - Fish hook ANIA; Upper right – Point ALAG; Lower left – point HAFE; Center – Point ANIA ## Slide 41 **Notes:** Other archeological specimens are cultural objects. - All from HAFE ## Geological and Fossil Specimens **Geological and Fossil Specimens** **Notes:** Geological specimens provided the challenge (in DIP speak) of making rocks look good - Upper left – GLBA; Center – amber from GAAR; Upper right – fossilized imprints on a rock from PISC ## Paper Documents **Paper Documents** **Notes:** Paper documents are both large and small. They tend to be among the most fragile objects we encounter. One of the biggest challenges was bleed through from hand written documents - Upper left – THST letter; Center – MONO currency; Right – Presidential declaration - MANA ## Slide 44 **Notes:** Some paper objects are fragmented, colorized or oversized. Upper right – THST, Center – MONO and Right – sheet music - MOPNO ## Some objects require many detail shots **Some objects require many detail shots** **Notes:** Detail shot were captured as appropriate. Some objects required many detail shoots. Others did not require detail shots at all. One totem at SITKA required 85 detail shoots to document damage. These shots will be used by the park in creating new way side exhibits for their totem park. ## Oversized Objects in Situ **Oversized Objects in Situ** **Notes:** Shooting oversized objects or objects in situ requires lengthy individual setups. The DIP’s must work to mitigate existing light and make best use of available light or their lighting setups. This type of setup can involve working around or between interpretive tours or other visitors to the park. These setups in a park are the most time consumptive and are one of the ways we determine the amount of time needed within the park. - Desk – THST; Machinery - HAFE ## Digital Asset Management - Naming, organizing, formatting, reproducing and archiving images follows established standards on color managed equipment. This process often takes more time than the original digital capture. **Notes:** Upon return to the Media Assets unit at HFC, the images are processed using a variety of software to name, organize, format, reproduce and archive the images. This often takes more time than the initial digital capture. Protocols for these processes adhere to standards established for the project. Color managed equipment is used to provide long term color consistency and reliability. ## Benefits To The Park Receive 72 jpeg and 300 tiff digital images captured by professional photographers Park can use images with ANCS+ catalog records Park can use images for in-house or commercial electronic or print publications Park can use the images for insertion on the NPS Web Catalog Park can request to have the images inserted in NPS Focus with Park Service only or public access - Receive 72 jpeg and 300 tiff digital images captured by professional photographers - Park can use images with ANCS+ catalog records - Park can use images for in-house or commercial electronic or print publications - Park can use the images for insertion on the NPS Web Catalog - Park can request to have the images inserted in NPS Focus with Park Service only or public access **Notes:** Benefits to the Park; Receive 72 jpeg and 300 tiff digital images captured by professional photographers; Park can use images with ANCS+ catalog records; Park can use images for in-house or commercial electronic or print publications; Park can use the images for insertion on the NPS Web Catalog; Park can request to have the images inserted in NPS Focus database with either Park Service only or public access ## Collections will be preserved through reduced handling Increase visitation through media generated interest Public will have a greater understanding of the park and its collection More volunteers to the park Receive a greater number of research requests - Increase visitation through media generated interest - Public will have a greater understanding of the park and its collection - More volunteers to the park - Receive a greater number of research requests **Notes:** The advantages are: Collections will be preserved through reduced handling; Increase visitation through media generated interest; Public will have a greater understanding of the park and its collection; More volunteers to the park; Receive a greater number of research requests ## WHAT’S NEXT? ***Complete staffing plan*** ***Continue to enroll parks*** ***Complete PMIS template*** ***Provide technical assistance to the parks in the fields of digital imaging and equipment selection*** **Notes:** What’s Next? We will complete our staffing plan. The 2nd photographer arrives Nov. 26. The processing technician arrives in January. With the addition of our contract processor, we will be able to process the images in a timelier manner. Then our final two vacancy announcements (second technician and an administrative support staff member) should also be on board in January. This will allow full staffing to be realized by Jan 2008. This will allow two teams on the road collecting images. By alternating the travel of the two teams, one team will always be on the road with the potential for both teams to collect images of 10,000 or more objects each year. ## 76 Parks have provided DIP with object lists: - 11 in NER - 14 in NCR - 23 in IMR - 8 in AR - 4 in MWR **76 Parks have provided DIP with object lists:** **Notes:** 76 Parks have submitted their lists. 16 in SER; 11 in NER; 14 in NCR; 23 in IMR; 8 in AR; 4 in MWR ## DIP’s have worked with 21 parks - Still have 58 parks to shoot - DIP’s have shot 8728 images of 3129 objects **Notes:** DIP’s have worked with 21 parks; Still have 58 parks to shoot; That doesn’t add up to 76 but 3 parks in ARO have not been completed due to shortening our trip this summer. DIP’s have shot 8728 images of 3129 objects . With the parks we now have enrolled, we now have approximately 1-1/2 years of work on the books. We will continue to work with the parks and the regions to get them enrolled.
## TATSUYA CHUJO Vanderbilt University Department of Physics and Astronomy Stevenson Center 6301, Station B Nashville TN 37235, USA PHONE: +1-615-322-4908 FAX: +1-615-343-7263 <[email protected]> (<[email protected]>) <> (Last update: 2004.11.08) **OBJECTIVE:** To use my scientific skills to study the high energy particle physics and the relativistic heavy ion physics. **[EDUCATION:]{.underline}** Ph. D. University of Tsukuba (Japan), Physics, June 2000. - Thesis Advisor: Yasuo Miake. - Thesis Topic: Study of Single Particle Spectra and Two Particle Correlations in Au+Au Collisions at 4 -- 11 A GeV. Master University of Tsukuba. Physics, March 1997. B.S. Tokyo University of Science (Japan), Physics, March 1994. **[RESERCH EXPERIENCE:]{.underline}** 2004 Feb. 20^th^ -- present Research Associate, Department of Physics and Astronomy, Vanderbilt University, TN, USA. - PHENIX Time-of-Flight upgrade project. - Hadron Physics Working Group co-convenors of PHENIX Collaboration (2004 Jul. -- present). 2003 Sep. 16^th^ -- 2004 Feb. 19^th^: > Contract Researcher, The Institute of Physical and Chemical Research > (RIKEN), Wako, JAPAN. 2003 Sep. 1^st^ -- Sep. 15^th^: > Contract Researcher, High Energy Accelerator Research Organization > (KEK), Tsukuba, JAPAN. 2000 Aug. -- 2003 Aug: > Research Associate. Physics Department, Brookhaven National > Laboratory, NY, USA. - Analyzed identified charged hadron spectra in Au+Au collisions at 130 GeV and 200 GeV measured by PHENIX experiment at RHIC. - Finalized the identified charged particle spectra analysis, and published the results in Physical Review Letter 91, 172301 (2003) \[nucl-ex/0305036\], and Physical Review C 69, 034909 (2004) \[nucl-ex/0307022\]. - A Plenary speaker at the 16^th^ International Conference on Ultra-Relativistic Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions (Quark Matter 2002) on behalf of the PHENIX collaboration. - PHENIX data production manager (2001 Mar. -- 2002 Nov.) Reconstructed all data of Au+Au and proton-proton taken during 2001-2002 run period. - PHENIX Experimental Operational Group member (Representative of Time-of-Flight detector subsystem). - Software development of PHENIX Time-of-Flight reconstruction software. - A member of PHENIX Internal Review Committee for papers on neutral pion productions in Au+Au (PRL, 91, 072301 (2003), nucl-ex/0304022) and proton-proton at 200 GeV (PRL, 91, 241803 (2003), hep-ex/0304038. - The chair of PHENIX Internal Review Committee for the paper on the charged particles and neutral pion spectra in d+Au at 200 GeV (nucl-ex/0306021) and published in PRL 91, 072303 (2003). 1995-2000: **Graduate Student.** University of Tsukuba, Japan. - Constructed the Time-of-Flight detector for CERN-WA98 and RHIC-PHENIX experiments. - Designed and constructed the gas Cherenkov beam counter for CERN-WA98 experiment. - Analyzed identified single particle spectra and HBT two-particle correlations in Au+Au collisions at AGS (E866 experiment). **[COMPUTER SKILLS:]{.underline}** - Extensive C++ programming experience. - Extensive use of shell scripting to automate data processing. - Working knowledge of CVS version control system. - Working knowledge of Unix, Linux. - Working knowledge of ROOT, HTML and LATEX. **[PROFESSIONAL MEMBERSHIPS:]{.underline}** - 1990 -- present The Physical Society of Japan. **[HONERS:]{.underline}** 2000. University of Tsukuba (Japan): - Research Fellowship, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science. **[RESEARCH ACCOMPLISHMENTS:]{.underline}** # *Ph.D. Thesis* Tatsuya Chujo, "Study of Single Particle Spectra and Two Particle Correlations in Au+Au Collisions at 4 -- 11 A GeV", University of Tsukuba (Japan), 2000. # *Selected Publications* - The PHENIX Collaboration, "Identified Charged Particle Spectra and Yields in Au+Au Collisions at sqrt(s_NN) = 200 GeV", Physical Review C 69, 034909 (2004), \[nucl-ex/0307022\]. - The PHENIX Collaboration, "Scaling properties of proton and anti-proton production in sqrt(s_NN) = 200 GeV Au+Au collisions at RHIC", PRL 91, 172301 (2003), \[nucl-ex/0305036\]. - Chujo, T. for the PHENIX Collaboration, "Hadron Production at Intermediate p~T~ at RHIC", to be published in J. Phys. G, \[nucl-ex/0411010\]. - Chujo, T. for the PHENIX Collaboration, "Particle Composition at High p~T~ in Au+Au Collisions at sqrt(s_NN) = 200 GeV", AIP conference proceedings 698: 732-734 (2004), \[nucl-ex/0308016\]. - Chujo, T. for the PHENIX Collaboration, "Results on Identified Charged Hadrons from the PHENIX Experiment at RHIC, Nucl. Phys. A721, 273c (2003), \[nucl-ex/0212014\]. - Chujo, T. for the PHENIX Collaboration, "Results on Identified Hadrons from the PHENIX Experiment at RHIC, Nucl. Phys. A715, 151c (2003), \[nucl-ex/0209027\]. - Chujo, T. et al. (PHENIX Collaboration), "PHENIX Central Arm Particle I.D. Detectors", Nucl. Instrum. Meth. A499: 508, 2003. - Chujo, T. et al. (PHENIX Collaboration), "Event reconstruction in the PHENIX central arm spectrometers." Nucl. Instrum. Meth. A482: 491, 2002. - Chujo, T. for the AGS-E802/866 Experiment, "Hadron Production in Au+Au Collisions at 4 A GeV from AGS-E866", Prog. Theor. Phys. Suppl. 129:173, 1997. - Chujo, T. et al. "A gas Cherenkov counter with a timing resolution of 30 ps for relativistic heavy ion Experiments", Nucl. Instrum. Meth. A383: 409, 1996. **[CURRENT RESEARCH:]{.underline}** - Multi-gap Resistive Plate Chamber (MRPC) R&D for the PHENIX Experiment high p~T~ PID upgrade project. - Data analysis on identified single particle spectra at RHIC. - Study of resonance particle productions in p+p, d+Au and Au+Au collisions at RHIC. **[TALKS GIVEN: (2000-present)]{.underline}** ***2004*** - "Hadron Production at Intermediate pT at RHIC" **\[invited talk\]**, Hot Quarks 2004 (Workshop for young scientists on the physics of ultra-relativistic nucleus-nucleus collisions), Taos Valley, NM, July 18-24, 2004. - "Physics at Intermediate pT as QGP probes" **\[invited talk\]**, JPS 2004 fall meeting, Kochi University, Japan, Sep. 29, 2004. - "PHENIX TOF Upgrade Project" **\[invited talk\]**, CAARI 2004 (18^th^ International Conference on the Application of Accelerator in Research and Industry, Downtown Ft Worth TX, Oct. 10-15, 2004. - "First Measurement of Identified Charged Hadron Production at sqrt(s_NN) = 62.4 GeV Au+Au in RHIC-PHENIX", DNP 2004 fall meeting, Hyatt Regency Hotel, Chicago, IL, Oct. 27-30, 2004. ***2003*** - "Particle Composition at High Transverse Momentum in Au+Au Collisions at sqrt(s_NN) = 200 GeV", CIPANP 2003 (Conference on the Intersections of Particle and Nuclear Physics), Grand Hyatt Hotel, NY, May 19-24, 2003. - "Hot and Dense Matter at RHIC -- from a hadron production viewpoint --", Seminar given at Los Alamos National Laboratory, NM, June 25, 2003. - "Identified Charged Particle Spectra and Yields in Au+Au Collisions at sqrt(s_NN) = 200 GeV" **\[invited talk\]**, (based on the publication nucl-ex/0307022), Nuclear Physics Seminar, BNL, August 19, 2003. ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` - "Hadron Production at High pT and Jet Quenching" **\[invited talk\]**, RHIC Symposium at JPS meeting, Miyazaki (Japan), Sep. 9. 2003. - "Hadron Production at RHIC" **\[invited talk\]**, RCNP workshop, Osaka Univ., Osaka (Japan), Oct. 27. 2003. ***2002*** - "Identified Charged pT spectra in Au+Au Collisions at RHIC-PHENIX" Spring 2002 JPS meeting at Ritsumeikan Univ., Shiga, Japan, Mar. 25, 2002. - "Overview of PHENIX Results on Baryons and Identified Hadrons" **\[invited talk\]**, Baryon Dynamics at RHIC (Riken BNL Research Center Workshop), at BNL, NY, Mar. 28, 2002. - "Results on Particle Yields from the PHENIX Experiment at RHIC" **\[invited talk\]**, the XVI International Conference on Ultra-relativistic Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions (Quark Matter 2002), at Nantes, France, from July 18 to July 24, 2002. - "Results on Charged Particle Spectra from the PHENIX Experiment at RHIC", the XVI International Conference on Particles and Nuclei (PaNic02), Osaka, Japan, September 30 - October 4, 2002. ***2001*** - "Identified Charged Single Particle Spectra at RHIC-PHENIX", CNS Workshop at Tokyo Univ. (Japan), Feb. 14. 2001. - "Hadron Production at RHIC-PHENIX", **\[invited talk\]**, RHIC Symposium in JPS meeting at Chuo Univ., Tokyo (Japan), Mar. 27. 2001. - "Results on soft physics: Flow, spectra and flavor composition from PHENIX" **\[invited talk\]**, RHIC-INT Workshop at LBNL, CA, Jun. 2. 2001. - "Phi meson production in Au+Au collisions at RHIC", HAWAII 2001, First joint meeting of DNP of APS/JPS at Maui, Hawaii, Oct. 21. 2001. ***2000 *** - "Identified Charged Hadron Spectra in Au+Au Collisions at sqrt(s_NN) = 130 GeV in the PHENIX Experiment at RHIC", Fall 2000 APS DNP meeting, Williamsburg, VA, Oct. 6. 2000. - "Time of Flight Detector at RHIC", **\[invited talk\]**, CAARI2000 at Univ. of North Texas, TX, Nov. 1. 2000. 2000\. **[REFERENCES:]{.underline}** Prof. Samuel H. Aronson Brookhaven National Laboratory, Physics Department, Building 510A, Upton, NY 11973-5000, USA Tel: 631-344-2051 <[email protected]> Prof. Yasuo Miake Institute of Physics, University of Tsukuba, 1. Tennoudai, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-8573, Japan Tel: +81-298-53-4254 <[email protected]> Prof. Michael J. Tannenbaum Brookhaven National Laboratory, Physics Department, Building 510C, Upton, NY 11973-5000, USA Tel: 631-344-3722 <[email protected]> Prof. William A. Zajc Columbia University, Physics Department New York, NY 10027, USA Tel: 212-854-8175 <[email protected]>
NASA Photo ID: STS51L(S)013 File Name: 10062401.jpg Film Type: 35mm cn Date Taken: 01/28/86 Title: Mission Evaluation room team discuss 51-L accident at JSC Description: Mission Evaluation room team discuss the STS 51-L accident at JSC's engineering office facility. Seated left to right are Charles Walsh and David Camp. Standing left to right are Larry Meyers, James Mistrot and Travis Libby (011); (l.-r.) Walsh, Camp and Libby seated at table looking over paperwork (012); l.-r.) Walsh, Meyers, Camp, and Libby discuss 51-L (013); Wide angle view of conference room with (l.-r.) Meyers, Walsh, Camp, Libby and Walter Scott discussing STS 51-L accident (014).
# Presentation: 922020 ## U.S.-Korea Trade in Horticultural Products **Foreign Agricultural Service** **Horticultural & Tropical Products Division** **October 2002** **City of Busan (10/24/99)** ## Overview - The health of the country’s economy is important to U.S. agricultural exporters, since South Korea’s 46 million residents must import about 70 percent of their foods. - Though rocked by the regional financial crisis that began in 1997, South Korea’s gross domestic product began showing signs of recovery by 1999. - Consumer oriented products made up almost a third of 2001 U.S. agricultural sales. U.S. exports dominated the market of the following products, with at least a 90% market share 2001: - - Oranges **(97%)** - Walnuts **(100%)** - Frozen Potatoes **(90%)** - - Almonds **(99%)** - Potato Chips **(96%)** **Source: **_**AgExporter**_**, “South Korea’s Recovery Fuels U.S. Exports”, Sept. 2002, pg.11-12** ## U.S. Shipments to Korea Rebound Following Asian Financial Crisis Drop-off **Data Source: U.S. Bureau of the Census** ## U.S. Exports to Korea of Leading Product Categories **Data Source: U.S. Bureau of the Census** ## U.S. Exports of Edible Tree Nuts Post Steady Recovery **Data Source: U.S. Bureau of the Census** ## U.S. Accounts for All of Korea’s Reported Walnut Imports in 2001 _**1996**_ _**2001**_ _**Market of U.S. $2 million**_ _**Market of U.S. $5 million**_ **84%** **100%** **Source of Data: Korean Customs Service** ## U.S. Maintains Dominant Share of Korea’s Almonds Imports _**1996**_ _**2001**_ _**Market of U.S. $19 million**_ _**Market of U.S. $16 million**_ **99%** **99%** **Source of Data: Korean Customs Service** ## U.S. Essential Oil Exports Exhibit Upward Trend Following Dip **Data Source: U.S. Bureau of the Census** ## Korea Emerges as a Leading Market for U.S. Citrus following Uruguay Round Agreement **Data Source: U.S. Bureau of the Census** ## Oranges Dominate Citrus Fruit Exports to Korea **Data Source: U.S. Bureau of the Census** ## U.S. Remains Nearly the Exclusive Supplier of Korea’s Orange Imports _**1996**_ _**2001**_ _**Market of U.S. $20 million**_ _**Market of U.S. $75 million**_ **100%** **97%** **Source of Data: Korean Customs Service** **Notes:** As you can see the U.S. dominates Korea’s Imports of Fresh Oranges, in addition to a U.S. $55 million gain from 1996 to 2001. ## U.S. Exports of Frozen Vegetables Show Steady Growth to Korea **Data Source: U.S. Bureau of the Census** ## U.S. Frozen Potato Fries Account for Bulk of Frozen Vegetable Exports to Korea **Data Source: U.S. Bureau of the Census** ## U.S. Maintains Dominant Market Share of Korea’s Frozen Potato Imports _**1996**_ _**2001**_ _**Market of U.S. $23 million**_ _**Market of U.S. $30 million**_ **88%** **90%** **Source of Data: Korean Customs Service** ## U.S. Exports of Prepared/Preserved Vegetables to Korea **Data Source: U.S. Bureau of the Census** ## Sweet Corn the Leading Prepared/ Preserved Vegetable Export to Korea **Data Source: U.S. Bureau of the Census** ## U.S. Gains Market Share of Korea’s Sweet Corn Imports _**1996**_ _**2001**_ _**Market of U.S. $16 million**_ _**Market of U.S. $26 million**_ **73%** **86%** **Source of Data: Korean Customs Service** **Notes:** There was an 13% in market share increase from 1996 to 2001, along with the growth of U.S. $8 million. ## U.S. Enjoys Lion’s Share of Korea’s Potato Chips Imports _**1996**_ _**2001**_ _**Market of U.S. $14 million**_ _**Market of U.S. $5 million**_ **79%** **96%** **Source of Data: Korean Customs Service** ## Trend is Mixed for Fruit and Vegetable Juice Exports to Korea **Data Source: U.S. Bureau of the Census** ## U.S. Exports of Selected Fruit and Vegetable Juices to Korea **Data Source: U.S. Bureau of the Census** ## U.S. Market Share of Korea’s Imports of Frozen Orange Juice Decreases _**1996**_ _**2001**_ _**Market of U.S. $68 million**_ _**Market of U.S. $43 million**_ **69%** **75%** **Source of Data: Korean Customs Service** **31%** **25%** ## U.S. Wine & Wine Product Exports to Korea on the Rise **Data Source: U.S. Bureau of the Census** ## U.S. Exports of Selected Wine & Wine Products to Korea **Data Source: U.S. Bureau of the Census** ## U.S. Market Share of Korea’s Wine Imports Expands Sharply _**1996**_ _**2001**_ _**Market of U.S. $13 million**_ _**Market of U.S. $20 million**_ **52%** **47%** **Source of Data: Korean Customs Service** **10%** **28%** ## U.S. Imports of Horticultural Products From Korea **Data Source: U.S. Bureau of the Census** ## U.S. Imports of Selected Fresh Deciduous Fruits from Korea **Data Source: U.S. Bureau of the Census** ## U.S. Imports of Selected Edible Tree Nuts from Korea **Data Source: U.S. Bureau of the Census** ## U.S. Imports of Selected Dried/Dehydrated Vegetables from Korea **Data Source: U.S. Bureau of the Census** ## U.S. Imports of Selected Prepared/Preserved Vegetables from Korea **Data Source: U.S. Bureau of the Census** **Notes:** Unfortunately, there is not a lot of detailed data to observed. Most of the data in others was classified as Other Preserves/Preparations or Other Preserves/Preparations with Vinegar. ## U.S. Imports of Other Selected Horticultural Products from Korea **Data Source: U.S. Bureau of the Census** ## U.S. Imports of Ginseng from Korea Register Decline **Data Source: U.S. Bureau of the Census**
PUBLIC NOTICE![](media/image1.png){width="0.95in" height="0.9055555555555556in"} FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION 445 12th STREET, S.W. WASHINGTON, D.C. 20554 **DA 00-1865** News media information 202/418-0500 Fax-On-Demand 202/418-2830 Internet: COMMENT SOUGHT ON RECOMMENDED DECISION ISSUED BY FEDERAL-STATE JOINT BOARD ON JURISDICTIONAL SEPARATIONS PLEADING CYCLE ESTABLISHED CC Docket No. 80-286 ### Release Date: August 15, 2000 #### **Comment Date: September 25, 2000** **Reply Comment Date: October 10, 2000** On July 21, 2000, the Federal-State Joint Board on Jurisdictional Separations (Joint Board) released a *Recommended Decision* for instituting an interim freeze of the Part 36 category relationships and jurisdictional allocation factors.[^1] The Joint Board recommended that the Commission institute a five-year freeze of all Part 36 category relationships and allocation factors for price cap carriers, and a freeze of the allocation factors for rate-of-return carriers. The Joint Board recommended that the Commission adopt a freeze based on carriers' data from the twelve months prior to the Commission's issuance of an order on the *Recommended Decision*. The Joint Board further recommended that the freeze should be mandatory and apply to all carriers subject to the Commission's Part 36 rules. The Joint Board recommended that the freeze remain in effect for five years, or until the Commission takes further action pursuant to a recommendation from the Joint Board, whichever occurs first. During the interim freeze period, the Joint Board recommended that the Joint Board and the Commission continue to review issues regarding separations reform, as specified in the *Recommended Decision*. We seek comment on the Joint Board's recommendations. The Joint Board also recommended that the Commission further develop the record in this proceeding on the impact of increased intrastate usage on jurisdictional allocations and consumers since 1995. Accordingly, we seek comment on the impact of increased intrastate usage since 1995 on jurisdictional allocations and consumers. The Joint Board noted that one possible explanation for the increase in intrastate usage is the growth in the use of the local network to connect to the Internet since 1995. As a result, we seek comment on the impact of Internet traffic growth on jurisdictional allocations since 1995. We request that companies provide specific information on Internet usage minutes, including the percentage of local minutes and total minutes that represent Internet traffic. This usage information should include data from internet service providers both affiliated and non-affiliated with incumbent local exchange carriers. If estimates are used in determining these statistics, we request that commenters provide detailed explanation and justification for these estimates and their underlying assumptions, including all studies and related work papers. The Joint Board recommended that, if the Commission finds that Internet traffic is jurisdictionally interstate in the proceeding that has been initiated as a result of the remand by the United States Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit on the Commission's *Reciprocal Compensation Ruling*,[^2] the Commission freeze the local dial equipment minutes (DEM) factor for the duration of the freeze at some substantial portion of the current year level based on data from the twelve months preceding the implementation of the freeze. The Joint Board recommended that, based on the record established in connection with the *Recommended Decision*, the precise percentage of the current year\'s local DEM should be established according to how much of a reduction in local DEM is warranted in light of any effects that Internet usage has had on jurisdictional allocations or consumers. We seek comment on this recommendation. [Procedures for Filing Comments]{.underline} Pursuant to sections 1.415 and 1.419 of the Commission\'s rules, 47 C.F.R. §§ 1.415, 1.419, interested parties may file comments on or before **September 25, 2000**, and reply comments on or before **October 10, 2000**. Comments may be filed using the Commission\'s Electronic Comment Filing System (ECFS) or by filing paper copies. *See Electronic Filing of Documents in Rulemaking Proceedings*, 63 Fed. Reg. 24,121 (1998). Comments filed through the ECFS can be sent as an electronic file via the Internet to \<\>. Generally, only one copy of an electronic submission must be filed. If multiple docket or rulemaking numbers appear in the caption of this proceeding, however, commenters must transmit one electronic copy of the comments to each docket or rulemaking number referenced in the caption. In completing the transmittal screen, commenters should include their full name, Postal Service mailing address, and the applicable docket or rulemaking number. Parties may also submit electronic comments by Internet e-mail. To receive filing instructions for e-mail comments, commenters should send an e-mail to [email protected], and should include the following words in the body of the message, \"get form \<your e-mail address\>.\" A sample form and directions will be sent in reply. Parties who choose to file by paper must file an original and four copies of each filing. If more than one docket or rulemaking number appears in the caption of this proceeding, commenters must submit two additional copies for each additional docket or rulemaking number. All filings must be sent to the Commission\'s Secretary, Magalie Roman Salas, Office of the Secretary, Federal Communications Commission, 445 12th Street, S.W., Washington, D.C. 20554. Parties also must send paper copies of their filings to the individuals listed in the attached Service List. Parties must send three paper copies of their filing to Sheryl Todd, Accounting Policy Division, Common Carrier Bureau, Federal Communications Commission, 445 Twelfth Street S.W., Room 5-B540, Washington, D.C. 20554. In addition, commenters must send diskette copies to the Commission\'s copy contractor, International Transcription Service, Inc., 1231 20th Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20037. Pursuant to section 1.1206 of the Commission's rules, 47 C.F.R. § 1.1206, this proceeding will be conducted as a permit-but-disclose proceeding in which *ex parte* communications are permitted subject to disclosure. The full text of this document is available for public inspection and copying during regular business hours at the FCC Reference Information Center, Portals II, 445 12th Street, SW, Room CY-A257, Washington, DC, 20554. This document may also be purchased from the Commission's copy contractor, International Transcription Service, Inc. (ITS), 1231 20th Street, NW, Washington, DC 20036, telephone 202-857-3800, facsimile 202-857-3805. For further information, contact William Cox, Accounting Policy Division, Common Carrier Bureau, at (202) 418-7400, TTY (202) 418-0484. SEPARATIONS JOINT BOARD SERVICE LIST The Honorable William E. Kennard, Chairman, Federal Joint Board Chairman Federal Communications Commission 445 12^th^ Street, S.W. Washington, DC 20554 The Honorable Susan Ness, Commissioner Federal Communications Commission 445 12^th^ Street, S.W. Washington, DC 20554 The Honorable Michael K. Powell, Commissioner Federal Communications Commission 445 12^th^ Street, S.W. Washington, DC 20554 ## The Honorable Joseph P. Mettner, Commissioner Wisconsin Public Service Commission P.O. Box 7854 Madison, WI 53707-7854 The Honorable Diane Munns, Commissioner Iowa Utilities Board 350 Maple Street Des Moines, IA 50319-0069 The Honorable Joan H. Smith, Commissioner Oregon Public Utility Commission 550 Capitol Street, N.E., Suite 215 Salem, OR 97310-2551 The Honorable Thomas L. Welch, Chairman, State Joint Board Chairman Maine Public Utilities Commission State House Station #18 242 State Street Augusta, ME 04333 Stephen Burnett Federal Communications Commission Common Carrier Bureau, Accounting Policy Division 445 12^th^ Street, S.W. Washington, DC 20554 William Cox, Federal Joint Board Staff Chairman Federal Communications Commission Common Carrier Bureau, Accounting Policy Division 445 12^th^ Street, S.W. Washington, DC 20554 Andrew Firth Federal Communications Commission Common Carrier Bureau, Accounting Policy Division 445 12^th^ Street, S.W. Washington, DC 20554 Genaro Fullano Federal Communications Commission Common Carrier Bureau, Accounting Policy Division 445 12^th^ Street, S.W. Washington, DC 20554 Robert Loube Federal Communications Commission Common Carrier Bureau, Accounting Policy Division 445 12^th^ Street, S.W. Washington, DC 20554 Richard Robinson Federal Communications Commission CCB, Accounting Safeguards Division 445 12th Street, S.W., Room 6-C160 Washington, DC 20552 Gary Seigel Federal Communications Commission Common Carrier Bureau, Accounting Policy Division 445 12^th^ Street, S.W. Washington, DC 20554 Sheryl Todd Federal Communications Commission Common Carrier Bureau, Accounting Policy Division 445 12^th^ Street, S.W., Room 5-B540 Washington, DC 20554 Sharon Webber, Deputy Division Chief Federal Communications Commission Common Carrier Bureau, Accounting Policy Division 445 12^th^ Street, S.W. Washington, DC 20554 Peter Bluhm Vermont Public Service Board Drawer 20 112 State St., 4th Floor Montpelier, VT 05620-2701 Ingo Henningsen Utah Public Service Commission 160 East 300 South, Box 146751 Salt Lake City, UT 84114-6751 Sandy Ibaugh Indiana Utility Regulatory Commission 302 W. Washington, Suite E-306 Indianapolis, IN 46204 Lori Kenyon Regulatory Commission of Alaska 1016 West 6th Ave, Suite 400 Anchorage, AK 99501-1963 David Lynch, State Joint Board Staff Chairman Iowa Utilities Board 350 Maple Street Des Moines, IA 50319-0069 J. Bradford Ramsay National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners P.O. Box 684 Washington, DC 20044-0683 Jeffrey J. Richter Wisconsin Public Service Commission # 610 North Whitney Way Madison, Wisconsin 53705-2729 Joel B. Shifman Maine Public Utilities Commission State House Station #18 242 State Street Augusta, ME 04333 Fred Sistarenik New York State Department of Public Service Communications Division 3 Empire State Plaza Albany, NY 12223 Cynthia Van Landuyt Oregon Public Utility Commission # 550 Capitol Street, N.E., Suite 215 Salem, OR 97310-2551 [^1]: *See Jurisdictional Separations Reform and Referral to the Federal-State Joint Board*, CC Docket N. 80-286, Recommended Decision, FCC 00J-2 (rel. July 21, 2000) (*Recommended Decision*). [^2]: *See* *Implementation of the Local Competition Provisions of the Telecommunications Act of 1996*; *Inter-Carrier Compensation for ISP-Bound Traffic*, Declaratory Ruling in CC Docket No. 96-98 and Notice of Proposed Rulemaking in CC Docket No. 99-68, FCC 99-38, 14 FCC Rcd 3689, 3701-3703, 3710 (1999) (*Reciprocal Compensation Ruling*); Bell Atl. Tel. Companies v. F.C.C., 206 F.3d 1 (D.C. Cir. 2000) (*Bell Atlantic v. F.C.C.*); *Implementation of the Local Competition Provisions of the Telecommunications Act of 1996*; *Inter-Carrier Compensation for ISP-Bound Traffic*, Public Notice, CC Docket Nos. 96-98 and 99-68, FCC 00-227 (rel. June 23, 2000) (*Reciprocal Compensation Ruling Remand Public Notice*).
**§3.58 Child adopted out of family.** A child of a veteran adopted out of the family of the veteran either prior or subsequent to the veteran's death is nevertheless a "child" within the meaning of that term as defined by §3.57 and is eligible for benefits payable under all laws administered by the Department of Veterans Affairs. \[26 FR 1568, Feb. 24, 1961\] **Cross reference:** Veterans benefits not apportionable. See §3.458. **§3.59 Parent.** \(a\) The term "parent" means a natural mother or father (including the mother of an illegitimate child or the father of an illegitimate child if the usual family relationship existed), mother or father through adoption, or a person who for a period of not less than 1 year stood in the relationship of a parent to a veteran at any time before his or her entry into active service. \(b\) Foster relationship must have begun prior to the veteran's 21st birthday. Not more than one father and one mother, as defined, will be recognized in any case. If two persons stood in the relationship of father or mother for 1 year or more, the person who last stood in such relationship before the veteran's last entry into active service will be recognized as the "parent." (Authority: 38 U.S.C. 101(5)) \[26 FR 1568, Feb. 24, 1961, as amended at 44 FR 45935, Aug. 6, 1979\]
{} {HASH(0x81074e8) {author} National Aeronautics and Space Administration {date} 10-Nov-2004 {description} KENNEDY SPACE CENTER, FLA. At the Boeing Delta Operations Center, the Delta IV second stage is lifted and moved to a rotation stand so that the nozzles can be installed. A deployment test will follow. The Delta IV rocket will be used for the 2005 launching of the GOES-N weather satellite for NASA and NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration). The first in a series of three advanced weather satellites including GOES-O and GOES-P, the GOES-N will provide continuous monitoring necessary for intensive data analysis. It will provide a constant vigil for the atmospheric triggers of severe weather conditions such as tornadoes, flash floods, hail storms and hurricanes. When these conditions develop, GOES-N will be able to monitor storm development and track their movements. {highres} 3008 x 2000 {highsize} 488549 {hightype} JPEG {keywords} NASA,KSC,Kennedy Space Center {lowres} 320 x 212 {lowsize} 77727 {lowtype} GIF {mediumres} 1024 x 680 {mediumsize} 107780 {mediumtype} JPEG {number} KSC-04PD-2293 {slideres} 120 x 108 {slidesize} 15500 {slidetype} GIF {tinyres} 100 x 66 {tinysize} 8288 {tinytype} GIF {title} KSC-04PD-2293 {type} Image {end}
# Presentation: 710677 ## European Regulatory Authority (EMEA) experience - NIH, Bethesda, April 10-11, 2007 **European Regulatory Authority (EMEA) experience** - Xavier Kurz - Pharmacovigilance and Post-Authorisation Safety & Efficacy of Medicines - European Medicines Agency, London ## Outline - The EU Risk Management System - Specific aspects of vaccines - Data sources for vaccine surveillance - Example: avian influenza vaccines (prepandemic and pandemic) ## The European Medicines Agency **The European Medicines Agency** - Was created in 1995 – based in London - Manages the **Centralised Procedure** - Generates Scientific Opinions - Co-ordinates the existing scientific resources in the EU for the evaluation, supervision and pharmacovigilance of medicinal products - Relies on the scientific expertise and competences of some 4,000 European experts made available by the national competent authorities - ## The Centralised Authorisation Procedure (CAP) - Single application, evaluation and Marketing Authorisation for whole EU - Evaluation by Committee for Human Medicinal Products (CHMP) - Maximum time limit 210 days evaluation for CHMP Opinion - Commission Decision (MA) - Common product information (22 languages) - Access to entire EU Market ## The Centralised Authorisation Procedure (CAP) - Biotechnology-derived medicinal products (incl. vaccines) - New active substances (HIV/AIDS, cancer, diabetes, neurodegenerative disorders - *May 2008: viral diseases, autoimmune diseases)* - Orphan medicinal products intended for the treatment of rare diseases - Optional - New active substances - Significant innovation (therapeutic, scientific, technical or in the interest of patient in any other respect ) - Generics of centralised products *... dedicated to innovative products* **The Centralised Authorisation Procedure (CAP)*** * ## Vaccines authorised through the Centralised procedure (04/2007) - Vaccines authorised through the Centralised procedure (04/2007) ## Avian influenza vaccines - Positive CHMP Opinion: - Daronrix Pandemic use - Focetria Pandemic use - Under evaluation - 4 vaccines for pandemic use - 2 vaccines for prepandemic use ## + **Submission** **CHMP ** **decision** **European** **Commission** **decision** - 210 days - 14 days **Presubmission meetings** **Scientific advice** **Protocol assistance** **Orphan designation** **Pharmacovigilance** **Risk Management** **Post Commitments** **Post-A. Procedures** **Post-authorisation ** **phase** **+** - Vaccines: same legislation and procedures as other medicinal products ## Situations where a Risk Management Plan is required ** **New marketing authorisation - New active substance - Biosimilar product - Generic where safety issue with innovator - Significant changes to Marketing Authorisation - On request from the Competent Authority - On company initiative e.g. safety issue with a marketed - medicine ## Part I - Safety Specification - Pharmacovigilance Plan - Part II - Evaluation of need for risk minimisation measures, if so - Risk minimisation plan - Risk Management Plan ## Safety Specification - At the end of the Specification, there should be a summary of : - important identified risks of a drug - important potential risks of a drug - important missing information - Summary of what is known and not known about the safety of a medicinal product at the time of authorisation. ## Pharmacovigilance Plan - Action plan to address each issue identified in the safety specification - For products for which no special concerns have arisen: routine pharmacovigilance may be sufficient (ADR reporting, signal detection, PSUR,...) - For products with potential or identified safety concerns, additional pharmacovigilance activities to be considered, e.g. - active surveillance - intensive monitoring - PhEpi studies ## Specific aspects of vaccine surveillance - many vaccines are nationally-authorised - immunisation programmes generally regulated by authorities in charge of public health protection - immunisation schedules may vary across MS - different methods of vaccine surveillance ## Vaccine Working Group (VWG) - To provide recommendations to CHMP on all matters relating directly or indirectly to vaccines - evaluation of new applications and post-authorisation issues - scientific advice and guidelines - support to the conduct of vaccine-specific epidemiological studies - European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) - Established in 2004 in Stockholm, Sweden - Created to help strengthen Europe’s defences against infectious diseases - Works in partnership with national health protection bodies across Europe to strengthen and develop disease surveillance and early warning systems ## European networks on vaccines and immunisation **V****accine ****E****uropean ****N****ew ****I****ntegrated ****C****ollaboration ****E****ffort** (**VENICE**) - Collaboration and partnership on immunisation policies **EUVAC.NET** - Surveillance community network for vaccine preventable infectious diseases namely: measles, rubella, pertussis, mumps and varicella - standardised surveillance methodologies - disease epidemiology - laboratory surveillance methods (e.g. sentinel physician/ paediatrician networks) **E****uropean ****S****ero-****E****pidemiology ****N****etwork (ESEN)** - Harmonisation of methodologies for sera collection and testing ## European Vaccine Manufacturers (EVM) - Producer of approximately 80% of vaccines used worldwide - (EVM website) - Mission: improved vaccine protection and coverage in the interest of individual and community public health - Membership - Baxter: Austria - Berna A Crucell Company: Switzerland and Spain - GlaxoSmithKline Biologicals: Belgium - Novartis Vaccines: Italy and Germany - Sanofi Pasteur: France - Sanofi Pasteur MSD: France - Solvay Pharmaceuticals: The Netherlands - Wyeth Vaccines: Belgium ## Other collaborations - World Health Organisation - Brighton Collaboration ## Data Sources - Spontaneous reports: Eudravigilance Data Warehouse ## Active “surveillance” via record linkage systems Linkage of clinical records with immunisation records Systems established in UK ( General Practice Research Database and others using hospital databases), also Denmark, Finland and Italy Amenable to analytical epidemiological studies hypothesis testing cohort studies self-controlled case-only analysis - Linkage of clinical records with immunisation records - Systems established in UK ( General Practice Research Database and others using hospital databases), also Denmark, Finlandand Italy - Amenable to analytical epidemiological studies - hypothesis testing - cohort studies - self-controlled case-only analysis ## Record linkage databases - THIN (UK) (integral database): 2.4 million patients - IMS Health Mediplus – UK - IMS Health Mediplus – DE - Funen Country (DK) (Record linkage): 465,000 patients - Friuli-Vennezia-Giulia (IT) (Record linkage): 1.2 million patients - Umbria (IT) (Record linkage): 850,000 patients - PHARMA (NL) (Record linkage): 500,000 patients - MEMO (UK) (Record linkage): 400,000 patients - BIFAP (Spain) (Integral database), feasibility study: 1 million patients - others ... - Examples of databases in the EU ## General issues with some databases across EU - own coding system - unequal data quality - unequal completeness of data/coding - inadequate sample size for rare events - missing data on confounders/effect modifiers - access for research ## Concept - Submission and approval of a Core pandemic dossier in inter-pandemic period  authorisation of a “mock-up vaccine” in 150 days - limited immunogenicity and safety data pre-authorisation - no effectiveness data - Fast track approval of the pandemic vaccine in 3 days - At the time of licensure: post-approval commitments for protocols to ensure that immunogenicity, effectiveness and safety of final pandemic vaccine are adequately documented during use in the field (protocols already in place) - Example of proactive vaccine surveillance: Core Pharmacovigilance Plan for Pandemic Influenza Vaccines - Core Pharmacovigilance plan ## Core Pharmacovigilance Plan for Pandemic Influenza Vaccines - Developed through a collaboration of VWP, PhVWP and EVM - Approved by CHMP in November 2006 - Clear distinction made between - Pre-pandemic period: routine pharmacovigilance - Pandemic period: additional pharmacovigilance activities ## 1. Spontaneous reports Reporting prioritised for Fatal or life-threatening adverse reactions Serious unexpected adverse reactions AESI: neuritis, convulsions, severe allergic reactions, syncope, encephalitis, thrombocytopenia, vasculitis, GBS, Bell’s palsy Spontaneous reporting from patients to be recorded analysed and reported separately Expedited reporting preferably within 7 days for fatal and life-threatening adverse reactions and for AESI Recommendations for signal detection - Reporting prioritised for - Fatal or life-threatening adverse reactions - Serious unexpected adverse reactions - AESI: neuritis, convulsions, severe allergic reactions, syncope, encephalitis, thrombocytopenia, vasculitis, GBS, Bell’s palsy - Spontaneous reporting from patients - to be recorded - analysed and reported separately - Expedited reporting - preferably within 7 days for fatal and life-threatening adverse reactions and for AESI - Recommendations for signal detection - Core Pharmacovigilance Plan for Pandemic Influenza Vaccines (2) ## Core Pharmacovigilance Plan for Pandemic Influenza Vaccines (3) - _2. Periodic Safety Update Reports_ - PSUR cycle replaced during pandemic with two-weekly reports of aggregated data on fatal and life-threatening ADRs, AESI, serious unexpected ADRs, reports by age groups and in pregnant women, patients’ reports - Short summary highlighting areas of concern with timelines for full signal evaluation report - Ad-Hoc report if serious safety concern arises - Vaccine distribution report - EU MS for the reporting period, by batch - EU MS cumulatively - rest of world ## Core Pharmacovigilance Plan for Pandemic Influenza Vaccines (4) - _3. Additional pharmacovigilance activities_ - Prospective cohort study for each vaccine - Cohorts to be identified in the pre-pandemic period according to national plans - Solicited events - Sample size of 9,000 subjects, stratified by age groups - (6-23 m., 2-7 y., 8-17 y., 18-60 y., > 60 y.) - 6-month follow-up - Dynamic database - rapid communication of data - Only in some countries according to feasibility criteria - Common protocol proposed by EVM - Specific activities for rare events (eg. network of specialists for GBS) ## Core Pharmacovigilance Plan for Pre-pandemic avian influenza vaccines - Vaccines to be used in pre-pandemic _and_ pandemic periods - More stringent requirements for authorisation - Safety database before authorisation - 3,000 adults from 18 to 60 years - 30 to 300 subjects for specified age groups (infants, adolescents, adults >60 years) - 300 subjects from specified risk groups (immunocompromised patients, chronically ill patients) ## Core Pharmacovigilance Plan for Pre-pandemic avian influenza vaccines - Ongoing discussions - Immunogenicity and effectiveness - Pv plan in pre-pandemic _and_ pandemic periods - AESI, signal detection methods - Need for specific periodic safety update reports (format/periodicity) - Expansion of safety database post-marketing: - Groups of subjects to be studied - Minimum requirements - Tansition to pandemic period ## Same regulatory requirements for vaccines as for other medicinal products Increasing number of centrally-authorised vaccines (same regulation throughout EU) Use of vaccines and immunisation schedule are the responsibility of national competent authorities Harmonisation of surveillance methods is an important step in enhancing vaccine safety in the EU Relatively small number of vaccine manufacturers may be an asset to establish partnership and effective surveillance programmes - Increasing number of centrally-authorised vaccines (same regulation throughout EU) - Use of vaccines and immunisation schedule are the responsibility of national competent authorities - Harmonisation of surveillance methods is an important step in enhancing vaccine safety in the EU - Relatively small number of vaccine manufacturers may be an asset to establish partnership and effective surveillance programmes - Conclusion ## Passive reporting systems are essential for identifying rare AEs and hypothesis generation Active surveillance through record linkage systems allows rapid and powerful hypothesis testing Self controlled case series is a major methodological advance with potential for wider application in risk assessment RMP for pandemic and prepandemic influenza vaccines may represent a paradigm for post-authorisation safety surveillance - Passive reporting systems are essential for identifying rare AEs and hypothesis generation - Active surveillance through record linkage systems allows rapid and powerful hypothesis testing - Self controlled case series is a major methodological advance with potential for wider application in risk assessment - RMP for pandemic and prepandemic influenza vaccines may represent a paradigm for post-authorisation safety surveillance - Conclusions (2)
gnt_infrm: ********************************************** gnt_infrm: Running procedure do_proc on sequence 75028000 gnt_infrm: ********************************************** Tue May 2 15:40:30 EDT 2000 gnt_infrm: (do_proc) Root directory is /tproc/nandra/processing/ gnt_infrm: (do_proc) Deleting sequence 75028000... gnt_infrm: (do_proc) Creating sequence 75028000... gnt_infrm: ************************* gnt_infrm: Running procedure do_getf gnt_infrm: ************************* Tue May 2 15:40:31 EDT 2000 gnt_infrm: Using rcp to copy aux/ files... fa971117_0210.0010.gz ft971117_0210_0010.mkf.gz gnt_infrm: Copying screened/ files... ad75028000g200170h.evt.gz ad75028000g200270m.evt.gz ad75028000g200370l.evt.gz ad75028000g300170h.evt.gz ad75028000g300270m.evt.gz ad75028000g300370l.evt.gz ad75028000s000102h.evt.gz ad75028000s000112h.evt.gz ad75028000s000202m.evt.gz ad75028000s000212m.evt.gz ad75028000s100102h.evt.gz ad75028000s100112h.evt.gz ad75028000s100202m.evt.gz ad75028000s100212m.evt.gz gnt_infrm: Copying unscreened/ files... ad75028000g200170h.unf.gz ad75028000g200270m.unf.gz ad75028000g200370l.unf.gz ad75028000g300170h.unf.gz ad75028000g300270m.unf.gz ad75028000g300370l.unf.gz ad75028000s000101h.unf.gz ad75028000s000102h.unf.gz ad75028000s000112h.unf.gz ad75028000s000201m.unf.gz ad75028000s000202m.unf.gz ad75028000s000212m.unf.gz ad75028000s000301l.unf.gz ad75028000s000302l.unf.gz ad75028000s000312l.unf.gz ad75028000s100101h.unf.gz ad75028000s100102h.unf.gz ad75028000s100112h.unf.gz ad75028000s100201m.unf.gz ad75028000s100202m.unf.gz ad75028000s100212m.unf.gz ad75028000s100301l.unf.gz ad75028000s100302l.unf.gz ad75028000s100312l.unf.gz gnt_infrm: Unzipping all files... gnt_infrm: Unzipped all files in /tproc/nandra/processing/75028000/unscreened. gnt_infrm: Unzipped all files in /tproc/nandra/processing/75028000/screened. gnt_infrm: Unzipped all files in /tproc/nandra/processing/75028000/aux. gnt_infrm: Getting object name from attitude file... gnt_infrm: ======================== gnt_infrm: End of procedure do_getf gnt_infrm: ======================== Tue May 2 15:41:19 EDT 2000 gnt_infrm: (do_proc) Sequence directory is /tproc/nandra/processing/75028000. gnt_infrm: ************************* gnt_infrm: Running procedure do_cats gnt_infrm: ************************* Tue May 2 15:41:20 EDT 2000 ** XSELECT V2.0 ** !> Enter session name >[xsel] cat Notes: XSELECT set up for ASCA Time keyword is TIME in units of s Default timing binsize = 16.000 Command not found; type ? for a command listing !cat:ASCA > clear all proceed=yes WARNING: CLEAR ALL will remove all temporary files !cat > set datadir ../unscreened Setting data directory to /tproc/nandra/processing/75028000/unscreened/ Setting mkf directory to /tproc/nandra/processing/75028000/aux/ !cat > set DUMPCAT Obscat listing off !cat > set inst sis0 Setting... Image keywords = X Y with binning = 4 WMAP keywords = DETX DETY with binning = 8 Energy keywords = PI with binning = 1 !cat:ASCA-SIS0 > set datamode BRIGHT !cat:ASCA-SIS0-BRIGHT > make obscat cat_filt=DEF lststr='ad*s0*.unf' ''Using default selection expression: ONTIME>100&&NEVENTS>0&&COORDPRO!='ERROR'&&INSTRUME=='SIS0'&&DATAMODE=='BRIGHT' !cat:ASCA-SIS0-BRIGHT > save obscat clobber=yes !cat:ASCA-SIS0-BRIGHT > set datamode BRIGHT2 !cat:ASCA-SIS0-BRIGHT2 > make obscat cat_filt=DEF lststr='ad*s0*.unf' ''Using default selection expression: ONTIME>100&&NEVENTS>0&&COORDPRO!='ERROR'&&INSTRUME=='SIS0'&&DATAMODE=='BRIGHT2' !cat:ASCA-SIS0-BRIGHT2 > save obscat clobber=yes !cat:ASCA-SIS0-BRIGHT2 > set inst sis1 Setting... Image keywords = X Y with binning = 4 WMAP keywords = DETX DETY with binning = 8 Energy keywords = PI with binning = 1 !cat:ASCA-SIS1 > set datamode BRIGHT !cat:ASCA-SIS1-BRIGHT > make obscat cat_filt=DEF lststr='ad*s1*.unf' ''Using default selection expression: ONTIME>100&&NEVENTS>0&&COORDPRO!='ERROR'&&INSTRUME=='SIS1'&&DATAMODE=='BRIGHT' !cat:ASCA-SIS1-BRIGHT > save obscat clobber=yes !cat:ASCA-SIS1-BRIGHT > set datamode BRIGHT2 !cat:ASCA-SIS1-BRIGHT2 > make obscat cat_filt=DEF lststr='ad*s1*.unf' ''Using default selection expression: ONTIME>100&&NEVENTS>0&&COORDPRO!='ERROR'&&INSTRUME=='SIS1'&&DATAMODE=='BRIGHT2' !cat:ASCA-SIS1-BRIGHT2 > save obscat clobber=yes !cat:ASCA-SIS1-BRIGHT2 > set inst gis2 Setting... Image keywords = X Y with binning = 1 WMAP keywords = DETX DETY with binning = 1 Energy keywords = PI with binning = 1 !cat:ASCA-GIS2 > make obscat cat_filt=DEF lststr='ad*g2*.unf' ''Using default selection expression: ONTIME>100&&NEVENTS>0&&HV_RED=='OFF'&&HVH_LVL==3&&HVL_LVL==4&&COORDPRO!='ERROR'&&INSTRUME=='GIS2' !cat:ASCA-GIS2 > save obscat clobber=yes !cat:ASCA-GIS2 > set inst gis3 Setting... Image keywords = X Y with binning = 1 WMAP keywords = DETX DETY with binning = 1 Energy keywords = PI with binning = 1 !cat:ASCA-GIS3 > make obscat cat_filt=DEF lststr='ad*g3*.unf' ''Using default selection expression: ONTIME>100&&NEVENTS>0&&HV_RED=='OFF'&&HVH_LVL==3&&HVL_LVL==4&&COORDPRO!='ERROR'&&INSTRUME=='GIS3' !cat:ASCA-GIS3 > save obscat clobber=yes !cat:ASCA-GIS3 > exit save=no gnt_infrm: Makefilter file is: /tproc/nandra/processing/75028000/aux/ft971117_0210_0010.mkf gnt_infrm: Determining datamode... gnt_infrm: Determining BR_EARTH angle... rm: No match. rm: No match. gnt_infrm: ======================== gnt_infrm: End of procedure do_cats gnt_infrm: ======================== Tue May 2 15:41:52 EDT 2000 gnt_infrm: (do_proc) The dominant datamode is: BRIGHT2. gnt_infrm: (do_proc) The BR_EARTH angle is: 35. gnt_infrm: ************************* gnt_infrm: Running procedure do_scrn gnt_infrm: ************************* Tue May 2 15:41:52 EDT 2000 gnt_infrm: The datamode is BRIGHT2. gnt_infrm: Determining the CCD mode... CCD EXP_TIME -------------------------- 1 2.736768907102942E+04 1 2.343858227461576E+03 ------------------------------------- Exposure time in 1-CCD mode: 29711 Exposure time in 2-CCD mode: 0 Exposure time in 4-CCD mode: 0 ------------------------------------- gnt_infrm: Using 1-CCD mode. ****** ASCASCREEN V.0.51 ****** Applies standard clean criteria to all modes of ASCA data. Output: -- A single cleaned events file (.evt) except in MPC mode -- An image for the entire detector (.img) except in FAST and MPC modes -- The timing filters (.gti) in MPC mode -- A lightcurve (.lc) and spectrum (.pha) in MPC mode. -- The Dark Frame Error history file (.dfe) for FAINT mode. -- A reduced obscat (.cat) Try ascascreen -h for help. Report problems to [email protected] A return will accept the default. For character replies, the default is in upper case. Okay, I'll only write the xco file To use it, say: xselect @output_root.xco I will choose all the minor modes. Okay, I will use the defaults. Got data directory: /local/data/tproc/nandra/processing/75028000/unscreened Got instrument SIS0 Got datamode BRIGHT2 Using HIGH bit rate data. Using MEDIUM bit rate data. Using LOW bit rate data. Analysing files for your chosen mode, please wait. Using 0.01 for Maximum allowed angular deviation Using 30 for Bright Earth Angle Using 10 for minimum elevation Using 6 for minimum cutoff rigidity Using 275 for Radiation Belt Monitor upper-threshold Using 100 for SIS Pixel rejection upper-threshold for chips 1 . I will start up SAOImage, and leave you in Xselect at the end Writing command file 75028000_sis0.xco Index NEVENTS ONTIME S0CCDMOD S0CCDLST S0_ARENA 0 41895 53035.8 1 1111 0 Removing Hot and Flickering Pixels. Performing Grade selection ( keeping 0,2,3, and 4 ). Command file written, goodbye ****** ASCASCREEN V.0.51 ****** Applies standard clean criteria to all modes of ASCA data. Output: -- A single cleaned events file (.evt) except in MPC mode -- An image for the entire detector (.img) except in FAST and MPC modes -- The timing filters (.gti) in MPC mode -- A lightcurve (.lc) and spectrum (.pha) in MPC mode. -- The Dark Frame Error history file (.dfe) for FAINT mode. -- A reduced obscat (.cat) Try ascascreen -h for help. Report problems to [email protected] A return will accept the default. For character replies, the default is in upper case. Okay, I'll only write the xco file To use it, say: xselect @output_root.xco I will choose all the minor modes. Okay, I will use the defaults. Got data directory: /local/data/tproc/nandra/processing/75028000/unscreened Got instrument SIS1 Got datamode BRIGHT2 Using HIGH bit rate data. Using MEDIUM bit rate data. Using LOW bit rate data. Analysing files for your chosen mode, please wait. Using 0.01 for Maximum allowed angular deviation Using 20 for Bright Earth Angle Using 10 for minimum elevation Using 6 for minimum cutoff rigidity Using 275 for Radiation Belt Monitor upper-threshold Using 100 for SIS Pixel rejection upper-threshold for chips 3 . I will start up SAOImage, and leave you in Xselect at the end Writing command file 75028000_sis1.xco Index NEVENTS ONTIME S1CCDMOD S1CCDLST S1_ARENA 0 118351 52995.8 1 3333 0 Removing Hot and Flickering Pixels. Performing Grade selection ( keeping 0,2,3, and 4 ). Command file written, goodbye ****** ASCASCREEN V.0.51 ****** Applies standard clean criteria to all modes of ASCA data. Output: -- A single cleaned events file (.evt) except in MPC mode -- An image for the entire detector (.img) except in FAST and MPC modes -- The timing filters (.gti) in MPC mode -- A lightcurve (.lc) and spectrum (.pha) in MPC mode. -- The Dark Frame Error history file (.dfe) for FAINT mode. -- A reduced obscat (.cat) Try ascascreen -h for help. Report problems to [email protected] A return will accept the default. For character replies, the default is in upper case. Okay, I'll only write the xco file To use it, say: xselect @output_root.xco I will choose all the minor modes. Okay, I will use the defaults. Got data directory: /local/data/tproc/nandra/processing/75028000/unscreened Got instrument GIS2 Got datamode PH Using HIGH bit rate data. Using MEDIUM bit rate data. Using LOW bit rate data. Analysing files for your chosen mode, please wait. Using 0.01 for Maximum allowed angular deviation Using 5 for minimum elevation Using standard GIS particle BGD rejection criterion I will start up SAOImage, and leave you in Xselect at the end Removing ring and calibration sources Using the region: CIRCLE(128.50,128.50,88.00) -ELLIPSE(167.50,220.00,24.66,28.95,245.298) Writing command file 75028000_gis2.xco Index NEVENTS ONTIME RAWXBINS RISEBINS TIMEBINS PHA_BINS POS_DET 0 39818 45319.9 256 32 1 1024 FLF Using Rise Time window bkgd. rejection Command file written, goodbye ****** ASCASCREEN V.0.51 ****** Applies standard clean criteria to all modes of ASCA data. Output: -- A single cleaned events file (.evt) except in MPC mode -- An image for the entire detector (.img) except in FAST and MPC modes -- The timing filters (.gti) in MPC mode -- A lightcurve (.lc) and spectrum (.pha) in MPC mode. -- The Dark Frame Error history file (.dfe) for FAINT mode. -- A reduced obscat (.cat) Try ascascreen -h for help. Report problems to [email protected] A return will accept the default. For character replies, the default is in upper case. Okay, I'll only write the xco file To use it, say: xselect @output_root.xco I will choose all the minor modes. Okay, I will use the defaults. Got data directory: /local/data/tproc/nandra/processing/75028000/unscreened Got instrument GIS3 Got datamode PH Using HIGH bit rate data. Using MEDIUM bit rate data. Using LOW bit rate data. Analysing files for your chosen mode, please wait. Using 0.01 for Maximum allowed angular deviation Using 5 for minimum elevation Using standard GIS particle BGD rejection criterion I will start up SAOImage, and leave you in Xselect at the end Removing ring and calibration sources CIRCLE(128.50,128.50,88.00) -ELLIPSE(217,95,21.56,25.92,169.216) Writing command file 75028000_gis3.xco Index NEVENTS ONTIME RAWXBINS RISEBINS TIMEBINS PHA_BINS POS_DET 0 37216 45333.9 256 32 1 1024 FLF Using Rise Time window bkgd. rejection Using the region: Command file written, goodbye Running extractions extractor v3.75 8 Mar 2000 Getting FITS WCS Keywords Doing file: /local/data/tproc/nandra/processing/75028000/unscreened/ad75028000s000212m.unf 10% completed 20% completed 30% completed 40% completed 50% completed 60% completed 70% completed 80% completed 90% completed 100% completed Total Good Bad: Region Time Phase Cut 6064 1460 0 4604 0 0 Writing events file 1460 events written to the output file Doing file: /local/data/tproc/nandra/processing/75028000/unscreened/ad75028000s000112h.unf 10% completed 20% completed 30% completed 40% completed 50% completed 60% completed 70% completed 80% completed 90% completed 100% completed Total Good Bad: Region Time Phase Cut 34728 19778 0 14950 0 0 Writing events file 21238 events written to the output file No events selected from file: /local/data/tproc/nandra/processing/75028000/unscreened/ad75028000s000312l.unf Writing events file 21238 events written to the output file =============================================================================== Grand Total Good Bad: Region Time Phase Cut 40792 21238 0 19554 0 0 in 27252. seconds CLEANSIS_V1.6 allocating image arrays... PROGRAM TO MAKE AN SIS SCIENCE FILE CLEANED OF ANOMALOUS PIXELS. * Anomalous pixels may consist of at least two populations. 1. Persistent HOT pixels are removed by comparing to the chip mean. 2. Flickering WARM pixels are removed by comparing to the cell mean. 3. In faint areas (zero bgd), flickering pixels are removed with a cutoff threshold. Hints: Choose cell size and thresholds based on the expected background and the PSF. Use the DIRTYSIS option to examine the anomalous pixel spectra. Try a multiple pass clean: Choose a PHA cut to optimize the S/N of the flickering pixels, then a broad band clean. Be suspicious of extended source cleans. For very bright sources you may need to turn off the iteration option. See the help page for further info (fhelp cleansis) Poisson clean cell size : 5 Poisson probability threshold : 0.631E-05 Zero Bgd Cutoff threshold (>) : 3 Iterate : T Dirtysis : F Minimum PHA value (inclusive) : 0 Maximum PHA value (inclusive) : 4095 open output file: /local/data/tproc/nandra/processing/75028000/work/ascascr reading data file: /local/data/tproc/nandra/processing/75028000/work/ascascr copying primary header to output file... making chip image... Total counts in chip images : 21238 copy bad pix array... cleaning chip # 0 cleaning chip # 1 Hot pixels & counts : 9 18235 Flickering pixels iter, pixels & cnts : 1 7 85 cleaning chip # 2 cleaning chip # 3 Number of pixels rejected : 16 Number of (internal) image counts : 21238 Number of image cts rejected (N, %) : 1832086.26 By chip : 0 1 2 3 Pixels rejected : 0 16 0 0 Image counts : 0 21238 0 0 Image cts rejected: 0 18320 0 0 Image cts rej (%) : 0.00 86.26 0.00 0.00 filtering data... Total counts : 0 21238 0 0 Total cts rejected: 0 18320 0 0 Total cts rej (%) : 0.00 86.26 0.00 0.00 Number of clean counts accepted : 2918 writing history cards... copying extensions... writing out hot pixs... Number of rejected pixels : 16 updating NEVENTS keywords... closing data file... closing clean file... extractor v3.75 8 Mar 2000 Getting FITS WCS Keywords Doing file: ascascreen_sis0_in_event.xsl 10% completed 20% completed 30% completed 40% completed 50% completed 60% completed 70% completed 80% completed 90% completed 100% completed Total Good Bad: Region Time Phase Cut 1523 1523 0 0 0 0 Writing events file 1523 events written to the output file =============================================================================== Grand Total Good Bad: Region Time Phase Cut 1523 1523 0 0 0 0 in 27252. seconds Image has 1523 counts for 5.5885E-02 counts/sec ** XSELECT V2.0 ** !> Enter session name >[xsel] ascascreen_sis0 Notes: XSELECT set up for ASCA Time keyword is TIME in units of s Default timing binsize = 16.000 Command not found; type ? for a command listing !ascascreen_sis0:ASCA > set mission ASCA Notes: XSELECT set up for ASCA Time keyword is TIME in units of s Default timing binsize = 16.000 !ascascreen_sis0:ASCA > set instru SIS0 Setting... Image keywords = X Y with binning = 4 WMAP keywords = DETX DETY with binning = 8 Energy keywords = PI with binning = 1 !ascascreen_sis0:ASCA-SIS0 > set datadir /local/data/tproc/nandra/processing/75028000/unscreened Setting data directory to /local/data/tproc/nandra/processing/75028000/unscreened/ Setting mkf directory to /local/data/tproc/nandra/processing/75028000/aux/ !ascascreen_sis0:ASCA-SIS0 > set dumpcat Obscat listing off !ascascreen_sis0:ASCA-SIS0 > set datamode BRIGHT2 !ascascreen_sis0:ASCA-SIS0-BRIGHT2 > make obscat cat_filt=@75028000_sis0_obscat.sel lststr = '[af][dt]*[Ss]0*[HhMmLl].unf' ''!ascascreen_sis0:ASCA-SIS0-BRIGHT2 > choose 1-** switch=yes Setting datamode to BRIGHT2 Got the minimum time resolution of the chosen data: 0.40000E+01, Getting Min and Max for Energy Column... Got min and max for PI: 0 4095 Number of files read in: 3 Files currently in use: 1 ad75028000s000212m.unf 2 ad75028000s000112h.unf 3 ad75028000s000312l.unf !ascascreen_sis0:ASCA-SIS0-BRIGHT2 > set image detector !ascascreen_sis0:ASCA-SIS0-BRIGHT2 > select mkf @75028000_sis0_mkf.sel !ascascreen_sis0:ASCA-SIS0-BRIGHT2 > extract events !ascascreen_sis0:ASCA-SIS0-BRIGHT2 > sisclean clean=2 cellsize=5 log_prob=-5.24 bkg_thr=3 clean_phalow=0 clean_phahi =4095 sis_plot2=no saoimage2=no !ascascreen_sis0:ASCA-SIS0-BRIGHT2 > select events "grade==0||(grade>=2&&grade<=4)" save_file=no The select output will overwrite the cleaned event list if you have not saved it already. !ascascreen_sis0:ASCA-SIS0-BRIGHT2 > extract "event image" !ascascreen_sis0:ASCA-SIS0-BRIGHT2 > save obscat 75028000_sis0 clobberit = yes !ascascreen_sis0:ASCA-SIS0-BRIGHT2 > $rm -f ascascreen_sis0*.cat 75028000_sis0_list.tmp 75028000_sis0_obscat.lis Spawning... !ascascreen_sis0:ASCA-SIS0-BRIGHT2 > save all 75028000_sis0 clobberit=yes use_events=yes Saving the Image: Wrote image to file 75028000_sis0.img Saving the Cleaned events list(s): Wrote cleaned events file to 75028000_sis0.evt Changing Data directory from: /local/data/tproc/nandra/processing/75028000/unscreened/ to the current working directory. !ascascreen_sis0:ASCA-SIS0-BRIGHT2 > clear mkf !ascascreen_sis0:ASCA-SIS0-BRIGHT2 > set dumpcat Obscat listing on !ascascreen_sis0:ASCA-SIS0-BRIGHT2 > exit save=no extractor v3.75 8 Mar 2000 Getting FITS WCS Keywords Doing file: /local/data/tproc/nandra/processing/75028000/unscreened/ad75028000s100212m.unf 10% completed 20% completed 30% completed 40% completed 50% completed 60% completed 70% completed 80% completed 90% completed 100% completed Total Good Bad: Region Time Phase Cut 18146 5476 0 12670 0 0 Writing events file 5476 events written to the output file Doing file: /local/data/tproc/nandra/processing/75028000/unscreened/ad75028000s100112h.unf 10% completed 20% completed 30% completed 40% completed 50% completed 60% completed 70% completed 80% completed 90% completed 100% completed Total Good Bad: Region Time Phase Cut 97567 65840 0 31727 0 0 Writing events file 71316 events written to the output file No events selected from file: /local/data/tproc/nandra/processing/75028000/unscreened/ad75028000s100312l.unf Writing events file 71316 events written to the output file =============================================================================== Grand Total Good Bad: Region Time Phase Cut 115713 71316 0 44397 0 0 in 29449. seconds CLEANSIS_V1.6 allocating image arrays... PROGRAM TO MAKE AN SIS SCIENCE FILE CLEANED OF ANOMALOUS PIXELS. * Anomalous pixels may consist of at least two populations. 1. Persistent HOT pixels are removed by comparing to the chip mean. 2. Flickering WARM pixels are removed by comparing to the cell mean. 3. In faint areas (zero bgd), flickering pixels are removed with a cutoff threshold. Hints: Choose cell size and thresholds based on the expected background and the PSF. Use the DIRTYSIS option to examine the anomalous pixel spectra. Try a multiple pass clean: Choose a PHA cut to optimize the S/N of the flickering pixels, then a broad band clean. Be suspicious of extended source cleans. For very bright sources you may need to turn off the iteration option. See the help page for further info (fhelp cleansis) Poisson clean cell size : 5 Poisson probability threshold : 0.631E-05 Zero Bgd Cutoff threshold (>) : 3 Iterate : T Dirtysis : F Minimum PHA value (inclusive) : 0 Maximum PHA value (inclusive) : 4095 open output file: /local/data/tproc/nandra/processing/75028000/work/ascascr reading data file: /local/data/tproc/nandra/processing/75028000/work/ascascr copying primary header to output file... making chip image... Total counts in chip images : 71316 copy bad pix array... cleaning chip # 0 Number of events: 1 cleaning chip # 1 cleaning chip # 2 cleaning chip # 3 Hot pixels & counts : 17 67848 Flickering pixels iter, pixels & cnts : 1 19 643 Number of pixels rejected : 36 Number of (internal) image counts : 71315 Number of image cts rejected (N, %) : 6849196.04 By chip : 0 1 2 3 Pixels rejected : 0 0 0 36 Image counts : 0 0 0 71315 Image cts rejected: 0 0 0 68491 Image cts rej (%) : 0.00 0.00 0.00 96.04 filtering data... Total counts : 1 0 0 71315 Total cts rejected: 0 0 0 68491 Total cts rej (%) : 0.00 0.00 0.00 96.04 Number of clean counts accepted : 2825 writing history cards... copying extensions... writing out hot pixs... Number of rejected pixels : 36 updating NEVENTS keywords... closing data file... closing clean file... extractor v3.75 8 Mar 2000 Getting FITS WCS Keywords Doing file: ascascreen_sis1_in_event.xsl 10% completed 20% completed 30% completed 40% completed 50% completed 60% completed 70% completed 80% completed 90% completed 100% completed Total Good Bad: Region Time Phase Cut 1500 1500 0 0 0 0 Writing events file 1500 events written to the output file =============================================================================== Grand Total Good Bad: Region Time Phase Cut 1500 1500 0 0 0 0 in 29449. seconds Image has 1500 counts for 5.0935E-02 counts/sec ** XSELECT V2.0 ** !> Enter session name >[xsel] ascascreen_sis1 Notes: XSELECT set up for ASCA Time keyword is TIME in units of s Default timing binsize = 16.000 Command not found; type ? for a command listing !ascascreen_sis1:ASCA > set mission ASCA Notes: XSELECT set up for ASCA Time keyword is TIME in units of s Default timing binsize = 16.000 !ascascreen_sis1:ASCA > set instru SIS1 Setting... Image keywords = X Y with binning = 4 WMAP keywords = DETX DETY with binning = 8 Energy keywords = PI with binning = 1 !ascascreen_sis1:ASCA-SIS1 > set datadir /local/data/tproc/nandra/processing/75028000/unscreened Setting data directory to /local/data/tproc/nandra/processing/75028000/unscreened/ Setting mkf directory to /local/data/tproc/nandra/processing/75028000/aux/ !ascascreen_sis1:ASCA-SIS1 > set dumpcat Obscat listing off !ascascreen_sis1:ASCA-SIS1 > set datamode BRIGHT2 !ascascreen_sis1:ASCA-SIS1-BRIGHT2 > make obscat cat_filt=@75028000_sis1_obscat.sel lststr = '[af][dt]*[Ss]1*[HhMmLl].unf' ''!ascascreen_sis1:ASCA-SIS1-BRIGHT2 > choose 1-** switch=yes Setting datamode to BRIGHT2 Got the minimum time resolution of the chosen data: 0.40000E+01, Getting Min and Max for Energy Column... Got min and max for PI: 0 4095 Number of files read in: 3 Files currently in use: 1 ad75028000s100212m.unf 2 ad75028000s100112h.unf 3 ad75028000s100312l.unf !ascascreen_sis1:ASCA-SIS1-BRIGHT2 > set image detector !ascascreen_sis1:ASCA-SIS1-BRIGHT2 > select mkf @75028000_sis1_mkf.sel !ascascreen_sis1:ASCA-SIS1-BRIGHT2 > extract events !ascascreen_sis1:ASCA-SIS1-BRIGHT2 > sisclean clean=2 cellsize=5 log_prob=-5.24 bkg_thr=3 clean_phalow=0 clean_phahi =4095 sis_plot2=no saoimage2=no !ascascreen_sis1:ASCA-SIS1-BRIGHT2 > select events "grade==0||(grade>=2&&grade<=4)" save_file=no The select output will overwrite the cleaned event list if you have not saved it already. !ascascreen_sis1:ASCA-SIS1-BRIGHT2 > extract "event image" !ascascreen_sis1:ASCA-SIS1-BRIGHT2 > save obscat 75028000_sis1 clobberit = yes !ascascreen_sis1:ASCA-SIS1-BRIGHT2 > $rm -f ascascreen_sis1*.cat 75028000_sis1_list.tmp 75028000_sis1_obscat.lis Spawning... !ascascreen_sis1:ASCA-SIS1-BRIGHT2 > save all 75028000_sis1 clobberit=yes use_events=yes Saving the Image: Wrote image to file 75028000_sis1.img Saving the Cleaned events list(s): Wrote cleaned events file to 75028000_sis1.evt Changing Data directory from: /local/data/tproc/nandra/processing/75028000/unscreened/ to the current working directory. !ascascreen_sis1:ASCA-SIS1-BRIGHT2 > clear mkf !ascascreen_sis1:ASCA-SIS1-BRIGHT2 > set dumpcat Obscat listing on !ascascreen_sis1:ASCA-SIS1-BRIGHT2 > exit save=no extractor v3.75 8 Mar 2000 Getting FITS WCS Keywords Doing file: /local/data/tproc/nandra/processing/75028000/unscreened/ad75028000g200270m.unf 10% completed 20% completed 30% completed 40% completed 50% completed 60% completed 70% completed 80% completed 90% completed 100% completed Total Good Bad: Region Time Phase Cut 9753 936 4909 3908 0 0 Writing events file 936 events written to the output file Doing file: /local/data/tproc/nandra/processing/75028000/unscreened/ad75028000g200170h.unf 10% completed 20% completed 30% completed 40% completed 50% completed 60% completed 70% completed 80% completed 90% completed 100% completed Total Good Bad: Region Time Phase Cut 27560 8715 16338 2507 0 0 Writing events file 9651 events written to the output file Doing file: /local/data/tproc/nandra/processing/75028000/unscreened/ad75028000g200370l.unf 10% completed 20% completed 30% completed 40% completed 50% completed 60% completed 70% completed 80% completed 90% completed 100% completed Total Good Bad: Region Time Phase Cut 2505 18 1135 1352 0 0 Writing events file 9669 events written to the output file =============================================================================== Grand Total Good Bad: Region Time Phase Cut 39818 9669 22382 7767 0 0 in 31358. seconds Infile # of rows Outfile # of rows # filtered ---------------- ----------------- ---------- 9669 8316 1353 extractor v3.75 8 Mar 2000 Getting FITS WCS Keywords Doing file: ascascreen_gis2_in_event.xsl 10% completed 20% completed 30% completed 40% completed 50% completed 60% completed 70% completed 80% completed 90% completed 100% completed Total Good Bad: Region Time Phase Cut 8316 8316 0 0 0 0 Writing events file 8316 events written to the output file =============================================================================== Grand Total Good Bad: Region Time Phase Cut 8316 8316 0 0 0 0 in 31358. seconds Image has 8316 counts for 0.2652 counts/sec ** XSELECT V2.0 ** !> Enter session name >[xsel] ascascreen_gis2 Notes: XSELECT set up for ASCA Time keyword is TIME in units of s Default timing binsize = 16.000 Command not found; type ? for a command listing !ascascreen_gis2:ASCA > set mission ASCA Notes: XSELECT set up for ASCA Time keyword is TIME in units of s Default timing binsize = 16.000 !ascascreen_gis2:ASCA > set instru GIS2 Setting... Image keywords = X Y with binning = 1 WMAP keywords = DETX DETY with binning = 1 Energy keywords = PI with binning = 1 !ascascreen_gis2:ASCA-GIS2 > set datadir /local/data/tproc/nandra/processing/75028000/unscreened Setting data directory to /local/data/tproc/nandra/processing/75028000/unscreened/ Setting mkf directory to /local/data/tproc/nandra/processing/75028000/aux/ !ascascreen_gis2:ASCA-GIS2 > set dumpcat Obscat listing off !ascascreen_gis2:ASCA-GIS2 > set datamode PH !ascascreen_gis2:ASCA-GIS2-PH > make obscat cat_filt=@75028000_gis2_obscat.sel lststr = '[af][dt]*[Gg]2*[HhMmLl].unf' ''!ascascreen_gis2:ASCA-GIS2-PH > choose 1-** switch=yes Setting datamode to PH Got the minimum time resolution of the chosen data: 0.20000E+01, Getting Min and Max for Energy Column... Got min and max for PI: 0 1023 Number of files read in: 3 Files currently in use: 1 ad75028000g200270m.unf 2 ad75028000g200170h.unf 3 ad75028000g200370l.unf !ascascreen_gis2:ASCA-GIS2-PH > set image detector !ascascreen_gis2:ASCA-GIS2-PH > select mkf @75028000_gis2_mkf.sel !ascascreen_gis2:ASCA-GIS2-PH > filter region 75028000_gis2_randc.reg !ascascreen_gis2:ASCA-GIS2-PH > extract events !ascascreen_gis2:ASCA-GIS2-PH > gisclean Using table:/software/lheasoft/develop/refdata/rti_gis_1024_040693.fits !ascascreen_gis2:ASCA-GIS2-PH > extract "event image" !ascascreen_gis2:ASCA-GIS2-PH > save obscat 75028000_gis2 clobberit = yes !ascascreen_gis2:ASCA-GIS2-PH > $rm -f ascascreen_gis2*.cat 75028000_gis2_list.tmp 75028000_gis2_obscat.lis Spawning... !ascascreen_gis2:ASCA-GIS2-PH > save all 75028000_gis2 clobberit=yes use_events=yes Saving the Image: Wrote image to file 75028000_gis2.img Saving the Filtered Events list: Wrote events list to file 75028000_gis2.evt Changing Data directory from: /local/data/tproc/nandra/processing/75028000/unscreened/ to the current working directory. !ascascreen_gis2:ASCA-GIS2-PH > clear mkf !ascascreen_gis2:ASCA-GIS2-PH > clear region all !ascascreen_gis2:ASCA-GIS2-PH > set dumpcat Obscat listing on !ascascreen_gis2:ASCA-GIS2-PH > exit save=no extractor v3.75 8 Mar 2000 Getting FITS WCS Keywords Doing file: /local/data/tproc/nandra/processing/75028000/unscreened/ad75028000g300270m.unf 10% completed 20% completed 30% completed 40% completed 50% completed 60% completed 70% completed 80% completed 90% completed 100% completed Total Good Bad: Region Time Phase Cut 9209 951 4138 4120 0 0 Writing events file 951 events written to the output file Doing file: /local/data/tproc/nandra/processing/75028000/unscreened/ad75028000g300170h.unf 10% completed 20% completed 30% completed 40% completed 50% completed 60% completed 70% completed 80% completed 90% completed 100% completed Total Good Bad: Region Time Phase Cut 25634 9415 13522 2697 0 0 Writing events file 10366 events written to the output file Doing file: /local/data/tproc/nandra/processing/75028000/unscreened/ad75028000g300370l.unf 10% completed 20% completed 30% completed 40% completed 50% completed 60% completed 70% completed 80% completed 90% completed 100% completed Total Good Bad: Region Time Phase Cut 2373 8 939 1426 0 0 Writing events file 10374 events written to the output file =============================================================================== Grand Total Good Bad: Region Time Phase Cut 37216 10374 18599 8243 0 0 in 31360. seconds Infile # of rows Outfile # of rows # filtered ---------------- ----------------- ---------- 10374 8899 1475 extractor v3.75 8 Mar 2000 Getting FITS WCS Keywords Doing file: ascascreen_gis3_in_event.xsl 10% completed 20% completed 30% completed 40% completed 50% completed 60% completed 70% completed 80% completed 90% completed 100% completed Total Good Bad: Region Time Phase Cut 8899 8899 0 0 0 0 Writing events file 8899 events written to the output file =============================================================================== Grand Total Good Bad: Region Time Phase Cut 8899 8899 0 0 0 0 in 31360. seconds Image has 8899 counts for 0.2838 counts/sec ** XSELECT V2.0 ** !> Enter session name >[xsel] ascascreen_gis3 Notes: XSELECT set up for ASCA Time keyword is TIME in units of s Default timing binsize = 16.000 Command not found; type ? for a command listing !ascascreen_gis3:ASCA > set mission ASCA Notes: XSELECT set up for ASCA Time keyword is TIME in units of s Default timing binsize = 16.000 !ascascreen_gis3:ASCA > set instru GIS3 Setting... Image keywords = X Y with binning = 1 WMAP keywords = DETX DETY with binning = 1 Energy keywords = PI with binning = 1 !ascascreen_gis3:ASCA-GIS3 > set datadir /local/data/tproc/nandra/processing/75028000/unscreened Setting data directory to /local/data/tproc/nandra/processing/75028000/unscreened/ Setting mkf directory to /local/data/tproc/nandra/processing/75028000/aux/ !ascascreen_gis3:ASCA-GIS3 > set dumpcat Obscat listing off !ascascreen_gis3:ASCA-GIS3 > set datamode PH !ascascreen_gis3:ASCA-GIS3-PH > make obscat cat_filt=@75028000_gis3_obscat.sel lststr = '[af][dt]*[Gg]3*[HhMmLl].unf' ''!ascascreen_gis3:ASCA-GIS3-PH > choose 1-** switch=yes Setting datamode to PH Got the minimum time resolution of the chosen data: 0.20000E+01, Getting Min and Max for Energy Column... Got min and max for PI: 0 1023 Number of files read in: 3 Files currently in use: 1 ad75028000g300270m.unf 2 ad75028000g300170h.unf 3 ad75028000g300370l.unf !ascascreen_gis3:ASCA-GIS3-PH > set image detector !ascascreen_gis3:ASCA-GIS3-PH > select mkf @75028000_gis3_mkf.sel !ascascreen_gis3:ASCA-GIS3-PH > filter region 75028000_gis3_randc.reg !ascascreen_gis3:ASCA-GIS3-PH > extract events !ascascreen_gis3:ASCA-GIS3-PH > gisclean Using table:/software/lheasoft/develop/refdata/rti_gis_1024_040693.fits !ascascreen_gis3:ASCA-GIS3-PH > extract "event image" !ascascreen_gis3:ASCA-GIS3-PH > save obscat 75028000_gis3 clobberit = yes !ascascreen_gis3:ASCA-GIS3-PH > $rm -f ascascreen_gis3*.cat 75028000_gis3_list.tmp 75028000_gis3_obscat.lis Spawning... !ascascreen_gis3:ASCA-GIS3-PH > save all 75028000_gis3 clobberit=yes use_events=yes Saving the Image: Wrote image to file 75028000_gis3.img Saving the Filtered Events list: Wrote events list to file 75028000_gis3.evt Changing Data directory from: /local/data/tproc/nandra/processing/75028000/unscreened/ to the current working directory. !ascascreen_gis3:ASCA-GIS3-PH > clear mkf !ascascreen_gis3:ASCA-GIS3-PH > clear region all !ascascreen_gis3:ASCA-GIS3-PH > set dumpcat Obscat listing on !ascascreen_gis3:ASCA-GIS3-PH > exit save=no gnt_infrm: Checking for G3BITFIX problem... gnt_infrm: ======================== gnt_infrm: End of procedure do_scrn gnt_infrm: ======================== Tue May 2 15:43:12 EDT 2000 gnt_infrm: ************************* gnt_infrm: Running procedure do_cent gnt_infrm: ************************* Tue May 2 15:43:12 EDT 2000 gnt_infrm: Getting RA and DEC from attitude file... gnt_infrm: Getting OTIME from attitude file... gnt_infrm: Checking permanent area... gunzip: No match. gnt_infrm: Files not in permanent area; performing centroiding... OBJECT DATAMODE BIT_RATE DATE-OBS TIME-OBS ONTIME NEVENTS PHA_BINS 1 MRK_34 PH MEDIUM 1997-11-17 02:10:24 0.31E+05 8316 1024 extractor v3.75 8 Mar 2000 Getting FITS WCS Keywords Doing file: /tproc/nandra/processing/75028000/work/75028000_gis2.evt 10% completed 20% completed 30% completed 40% completed 50% completed 60% completed 70% completed 80% completed 90% completed 100% completed Total Good Bad: Region Time Phase Cut 8316 264 8036 0 0 16 =============================================================================== Grand Total Good Bad: Region Time Phase Cut 8316 264 8036 0 0 16 in 31358. seconds Spectrum has 264 counts for 8.4189E-03 counts/sec ... written the PHA data Extension extractor v3.75 8 Mar 2000 Getting FITS WCS Keywords Doing file: /tproc/nandra/processing/75028000/work/75028000_gis2.evt 10% completed 20% completed 30% completed 40% completed 50% completed 60% completed 70% completed 80% completed 90% completed 100% completed Total Good Bad: Region Time Phase Cut 8316 1692 6422 0 0 202 =============================================================================== Grand Total Good Bad: Region Time Phase Cut 8316 1692 6422 0 0 202 in 31358. seconds Spectrum has 1692 counts for 5.3958E-02 counts/sec ... written the PHA data Extension ** XSELECT V2.0 ** !> Enter session name >[xsel] Notes: XSELECT set up for ASCA Time keyword is TIME in units of s Default timing binsize = 16.000 Command not found; type ? for a command listing !xsel:ASCA > clear all proceed=yes WARNING: CLEAR ALL will remove all temporary files !xsel > set datadir ./ Setting data directory to /tproc/nandra/processing/75028000/work/ Setting mkf directory to /tproc/nandra/processing/75028000/aux/ !xsel > read e 75028000_gis2.evt Setting... Image keywords = X Y with binning = 1 WMAP keywords = DETX DETY with binning = 1 Energy keywords = PI with binning = 1 Getting Min and Max for Energy Column... Got min and max for PI: 0 1023 Got the minimum time resolution of the read data: 0.50000 Number of files read in: 1 ******************** Observation Catalogue ******************** Data Directory is: /tproc/nandra/processing/75028000/work/ HK Directory is: /tproc/nandra/processing/75028000/work/ !xsel:ASCA-GIS2-PH > set binsize 128 !xsel:ASCA-GIS2-PH > set image sky !xsel:ASCA-GIS2-PH > filter region gis2_src_reg.tmp !xsel:ASCA-GIS2-PH > filter pha_cutoff 60 900 !xsel:ASCA-GIS2-PH > extract spectrum !xsel:ASCA-GIS2-PH > save spectrum gis2_spec_src.tmp clobber=yes group=no Wrote spectrum to gis2_spec_src.tmp !xsel:ASCA-GIS2-PH > filter region gis2_bgd_reg.tmp !xsel:ASCA-GIS2-PH > extract spectrum !xsel:ASCA-GIS2-PH > save spectrum gis2_spec_bgd.tmp clobber=yes group=no Wrote spectrum to gis2_spec_bgd.tmp !xsel:ASCA-GIS2-PH > exit save=no ****** statistics for /tproc/nandra/processing/75028000/work/gis2_spec_src.tmp ****** The sum of the selected image = 254.000000 The mean of the selected image = 0.377976 The standard deviation of the selected image = 0.609930 The number of points used in calculation = 672 The minimum of selected image = -1.0 The maximum of selected image = 3.0 The location of minimum is at pixel number = (1,1) The location of maximum is at pixel number = (7,19) ****** successfully exited ****** ****** statistics for /tproc/nandra/processing/75028000/work/gis2_spec_bgd.tmp ****** The sum of the selected image = 1653.000000 The mean of the selected image = 0.288582 The standard deviation of the selected image = 0.539626 The number of points used in calculation = 5728 The minimum of selected image = -1.0 The maximum of selected image = 4.0 The location of minimum is at pixel number = (1,1) The location of maximum is at pixel number = (102,50) ****** successfully exited ****** gnt_infrm: SDS = 4.65 gnt_warng(cent): Source was not detected with any confidence because S < 5 (S=4.65) gnt_infrm: The scripts will proceed without centroiding. gnt_infrm: The source coordinates will be RA and DEC of the target. gnt_infrm: Centroid for sis0... gnt_infrm: Centroid for sis0 is from the attitude file. gnt_infrm: Centroids NOT compared. gnt_infrm: Initial sky posns are 209, 146 gnt_infrm: Converting to det co-ordinates /tproc/nandra/processing/75028000/work/75028000_sis0_subevt.tmp The sum of the selected column is 7845.0000 The mean of the selected column is 461.47059 The standard deviation of the selected column is 10.332701 The minimum of selected column is 447.00000 The maximum of selected column is 478.00000 The number of points used in calculation is 17 The sum of the selected column is 7852.0000 The mean of the selected column is 461.88235 The standard deviation of the selected column is 11.229884 The minimum of selected column is 435.00000 The maximum of selected column is 475.00000 The number of points used in calculation is 17 gnt_infrm: Writing source region for sis0... gnt_infrm: Writing SIS background region for sis0... 115,115 gnt_infrm: Centroid for sis1... gnt_infrm: Centroid for sis1 is from the attitude file. gnt_infrm: Centroids NOT compared. gnt_infrm: Initial sky posns are 209, 146 gnt_infrm: Converting to det co-ordinates /tproc/nandra/processing/75028000/work/75028000_sis1_subevt.tmp The sum of the selected column is 13343.000 The mean of the selected column is 460.10345 The standard deviation of the selected column is 10.614494 The minimum of selected column is 442.00000 The maximum of selected column is 478.00000 The number of points used in calculation is 29 The sum of the selected column is 14354.000 The mean of the selected column is 494.96552 The standard deviation of the selected column is 11.207404 The minimum of selected column is 459.00000 The maximum of selected column is 510.00000 The number of points used in calculation is 29 gnt_infrm: Writing source region for sis1... gnt_infrm: Writing SIS background region for sis1... 115,123 gnt_infrm: Centroid for gis2... gnt_infrm: Centroid for gis2 is from the attitude file. gnt_infrm: Centroids NOT compared. gnt_infrm: Initial sky posns are 149, 122 gnt_infrm: Converting to det co-ordinates /tproc/nandra/processing/75028000/work/75028000_gis2_subevt.tmp The sum of the selected column is 3946.0000 The mean of the selected column is 106.64865 The standard deviation of the selected column is 2.4968449 The minimum of selected column is 102.00000 The maximum of selected column is 111.00000 The number of points used in calculation is 37 The sum of the selected column is 4200.0000 The mean of the selected column is 113.51351 The standard deviation of the selected column is 2.5344474 The minimum of selected column is 109.00000 The maximum of selected column is 118.00000 The number of points used in calculation is 37 gnt_infrm: Writing source region for gis2... gnt_infrm: Writing GIS background region for gis2... 106,113 gnt_infrm: Centroid for gis3... gnt_infrm: Centroid for gis3 is from the attitude file. gnt_infrm: Centroids NOT compared. gnt_infrm: Initial sky posns are 149, 122 gnt_infrm: Converting to det co-ordinates /tproc/nandra/processing/75028000/work/75028000_gis3_subevt.tmp The sum of the selected column is 7816.0000 The mean of the selected column is 111.65714 The standard deviation of the selected column is 2.3023977 The minimum of selected column is 107.00000 The maximum of selected column is 118.00000 The number of points used in calculation is 70 The sum of the selected column is 7995.0000 The mean of the selected column is 114.21429 The standard deviation of the selected column is 2.3149975 The minimum of selected column is 109.00000 The maximum of selected column is 119.00000 The number of points used in calculation is 70 gnt_infrm: Writing source region for gis3... gnt_infrm: Writing GIS background region for gis3... 111,114 gnt_infrm: No centroid comparison. gnt_infrm: Copying .reg files to permanent area... gnt_infrm: ======================== gnt_infrm: End of procedure do_cent gnt_infrm: ======================== Tue May 2 15:43:34 EDT 2000 gnt_infrm: ************************* gnt_infrm: Running procedure do_prod gnt_infrm: ************************* Tue May 2 15:43:35 EDT 2000 gnt_infrm: Running extraction procedure for 75028000... gnt_infrm: Running SISPI... SISPI v1.1.1 SISPI v1.1.1 gnt_infrm: DATAMODE = BRIGHT2. gnt_infrm: BITFIX = n. gnt_infrm: Extracting src data for sis0... OBJECT DATAMODE BIT_RATE DATE-OBS TIME-OBS ONTIME NEVENTS S0CCDPOW 1 MRK_34 BRIGHT2 MEDIUM 1997-11-17 02:10:16 0.27E+05 2918 0100 extractor v3.75 8 Mar 2000 Getting FITS WCS Keywords Doing file: /tproc/nandra/processing/75028000/work/75028000_sis0.evt 10% completed 20% completed 30% completed 40% completed 50% completed 60% completed 70% completed 80% completed 90% completed 100% completed Total Good Bad: Region Time Phase Cut 1523 1523 0 0 0 0 =============================================================================== Grand Total Good Bad: Region Time Phase Cut 1523 1523 0 0 0 0 in 27252. seconds Image has 1523 counts for 5.5885E-02 counts/sec Processing file: /tproc/nandra/processing/75028000/work/75028000_sis0.evt extractor v3.75 8 Mar 2000 Getting FITS WCS Keywords Doing file: /local/data/tproc/nandra/processing/75028000/work/xsel_work1001.xsl 10% completed 20% completed 30% completed 40% completed 50% completed 60% completed 70% completed 80% completed 90% completed 100% completed Total Good Bad: Region Time Phase Cut 1523 950 573 0 0 0 =============================================================================== Grand Total Good Bad: Region Time Phase Cut 1523 950 573 0 0 0 in 27252. seconds Spectrum has 950 counts for 3.4859E-02 counts/sec ... written the PHA data Extension ------------------------- MANDATORY KEYWORDS/VALUES ------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------- EXTNAME - SPECTRUM Name of this BINTABLE TELESCOP - ASCA Mission/Satellite name INSTRUME - SIS0 Instrument/Detector FILTER - NONE Instrument filter in use EXPOSURE - 27252. Integration time (in secs) of PHA data AREASCAL - 1.0000 Area scaling factor BACKSCAL - 6.33400E-02 Background scaling factor BACKFILE - none Associated background file CORRSCAL - 1.0000 Correlation scaling factor CORRFILE - none Associated correlation file RESPFILE - none Associated redistribution matrix file ANCRFILE - none Associated ancillary response file POISSERR - TRUE Whether Poissonian errors apply CHANTYPE - PI Whether channels have been corrected TLMIN1 - 0 First legal Detector channel DETCHANS - 1024 No. of legal detector channels NCHAN - 1024 No. of detector channels in dataset PHAVERSN - 1.1.0 OGIP FITS version number STAT_ERR - FALSE Statistical Error SYS_ERR - TRUE Fractional Systematic Error QUALITY - TRUE Quality Flag GROUPING - FALSE Grouping Flag -------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------- ... QUALITY ... ... ------- ... QUALITY ... ------- ... Bad Channels (Channel - Channel) ... --------------------------------------------- ... 0 - 31 have quality 5 ... --------------------------------------------- ... ...... exiting, changes written to file : 75028000_sis0_src.pha extractor v3.75 8 Mar 2000 Getting FITS WCS Keywords Doing file: /local/data/tproc/nandra/processing/75028000/work/xsel_work1001.xsl 10% completed 20% completed 30% completed 40% completed 50% completed 60% completed 70% completed 80% completed 90% completed 100% completed Total Good Bad: Region Time Phase Cut 1523 689 573 0 0 261 Writing events file 689 events written to the output file =============================================================================== Grand Total Good Bad: Region Time Phase Cut 1523 689 573 0 0 261 in 27252. seconds extractor v3.75 8 Mar 2000 Getting FITS WCS Keywords Doing file: /local/data/tproc/nandra/processing/75028000/work/xsel_work1001.xsl 10% completed 20% completed 30% completed 40% completed 50% completed 60% completed 70% completed 80% completed 90% completed 100% completed Total Good Bad: Region Time Phase Cut 1523 376 573 0 0 574 Writing events file 376 events written to the output file =============================================================================== Grand Total Good Bad: Region Time Phase Cut 1523 376 573 0 0 574 in 27252. seconds extractor v3.75 8 Mar 2000 Getting FITS WCS Keywords Doing file: /local/data/tproc/nandra/processing/75028000/work/xsel_work1001.xsl 10% completed 20% completed 30% completed 40% completed 50% completed 60% completed 70% completed 80% completed 90% completed 100% completed Total Good Bad: Region Time Phase Cut 1523 315 573 0 0 635 Writing events file 315 events written to the output file =============================================================================== Grand Total Good Bad: Region Time Phase Cut 1523 315 573 0 0 635 in 27252. seconds ** XSELECT V2.0 ** !> Enter session name >[xsel] Notes: XSELECT set up for ASCA Time keyword is TIME in units of s Default timing binsize = 16.000 Command not found; type ? for a command listing !xsel:ASCA > clear all proceed=yes WARNING: CLEAR ALL will remove all temporary files !xsel > set datadir ./ Setting data directory to /tproc/nandra/processing/75028000/work/ Setting mkf directory to /tproc/nandra/processing/75028000/aux/ !xsel > read e 75028000_sis0.evt Setting... Image keywords = X Y with binning = 4 WMAP keywords = DETX DETY with binning = 8 Energy keywords = PI with binning = 1 Getting Min and Max for Energy Column... Got min and max for PI: 0 4095 Got the minimum time resolution of the read data: 4.0000 Number of files read in: 1 ******************** Observation Catalogue ******************** Data Directory is: /tproc/nandra/processing/75028000/work/ HK Directory is: /tproc/nandra/processing/75028000/work/ !xsel:ASCA-SIS0-BRIGHT2 > set binsize 128 !xsel:ASCA-SIS0-BRIGHT2 > set image sky !xsel:ASCA-SIS0-BRIGHT2 > set xybinsize 4 !xsel:ASCA-SIS0-BRIGHT2 > extract image !xsel:ASCA-SIS0-BRIGHT2 > save image clobber=yes 75028000_sis0_sky.img Wrote image to file 75028000_sis0_sky.img !xsel:ASCA-SIS0-BRIGHT2 > set image det !xsel:ASCA-SIS0-BRIGHT2 > select events CCDID.EQ.1 !xsel:ASCA-SIS0-BRIGHT2 > filter region 75028000_sis0_src.reg !xsel:ASCA-SIS0-BRIGHT2 > extract spectrum !xsel:ASCA-SIS0-BRIGHT2 > save spectrum group=yes clobber=yes 75028000_sis0_src.pha Wrote spectrum to 75028000_sis0_src.pha !xsel:ASCA-SIS0-BRIGHT2 > filter pha_cutoff 140 2796 !xsel:ASCA-SIS0-BRIGHT2 > extract events !xsel:ASCA-SIS0-BRIGHT2 > save events use=no clobber=yes 75028000_sis0_src.evt Wrote events list to file 75028000_sis0_src.evt !xsel:ASCA-SIS0-BRIGHT2 > clear events !xsel:ASCA-SIS0-BRIGHT2 > clear pha_cutoff !xsel:ASCA-SIS0-BRIGHT2 > filter pha_cutoff 140 560 !xsel:ASCA-SIS0-BRIGHT2 > extract events !xsel:ASCA-SIS0-BRIGHT2 > save events use=no clobber=yes 75028000_sis0_src_soft.evt Wrote events list to file 75028000_sis0_src_soft.evt !xsel:ASCA-SIS0-BRIGHT2 > clear events !xsel:ASCA-SIS0-BRIGHT2 > clear pha_cutoff !xsel:ASCA-SIS0-BRIGHT2 > filter pha_cutoff 560 2796 !xsel:ASCA-SIS0-BRIGHT2 > extract events !xsel:ASCA-SIS0-BRIGHT2 > save events use=no clobber=yes 75028000_sis0_src_hard.evt Wrote events list to file 75028000_sis0_src_hard.evt !xsel:ASCA-SIS0-BRIGHT2 > clear events !xsel:ASCA-SIS0-BRIGHT2 > clear pha_cutoff !xsel:ASCA-SIS0-BRIGHT2 > clear region all !xsel:ASCA-SIS0-BRIGHT2 > exit save=no gnt_infrm: Extracting src data for sis1... OBJECT DATAMODE BIT_RATE DATE-OBS TIME-OBS ONTIME NEVENTS S1CCDPOW 1 MRK_34 BRIGHT2 MEDIUM 1997-11-17 02:10:16 0.29E+05 2825 0001 extractor v3.75 8 Mar 2000 Getting FITS WCS Keywords Doing file: /tproc/nandra/processing/75028000/work/75028000_sis1.evt 10% completed 20% completed 30% completed 40% completed 50% completed 60% completed 70% completed 80% completed 90% completed 100% completed Total Good Bad: Region Time Phase Cut 1500 1500 0 0 0 0 =============================================================================== Grand Total Good Bad: Region Time Phase Cut 1500 1500 0 0 0 0 in 29449. seconds Image has 1500 counts for 5.0935E-02 counts/sec Processing file: /tproc/nandra/processing/75028000/work/75028000_sis1.evt extractor v3.75 8 Mar 2000 Getting FITS WCS Keywords Doing file: /local/data/tproc/nandra/processing/75028000/work/xsel_work1001.xsl 10% completed 20% completed 30% completed 40% completed 50% completed 60% completed 70% completed 80% completed 90% completed 100% completed Total Good Bad: Region Time Phase Cut 1499 922 577 0 0 0 =============================================================================== Grand Total Good Bad: Region Time Phase Cut 1499 922 577 0 0 0 in 29449. seconds Spectrum has 922 counts for 3.1308E-02 counts/sec ... written the PHA data Extension ------------------------- MANDATORY KEYWORDS/VALUES ------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------- EXTNAME - SPECTRUM Name of this BINTABLE TELESCOP - ASCA Mission/Satellite name INSTRUME - SIS1 Instrument/Detector FILTER - NONE Instrument filter in use EXPOSURE - 29449. Integration time (in secs) of PHA data AREASCAL - 1.0000 Area scaling factor BACKSCAL - 5.94040E-02 Background scaling factor BACKFILE - none Associated background file CORRSCAL - 1.0000 Correlation scaling factor CORRFILE - none Associated correlation file RESPFILE - none Associated redistribution matrix file ANCRFILE - none Associated ancillary response file POISSERR - TRUE Whether Poissonian errors apply CHANTYPE - PI Whether channels have been corrected TLMIN1 - 0 First legal Detector channel DETCHANS - 1024 No. of legal detector channels NCHAN - 1024 No. of detector channels in dataset PHAVERSN - 1.1.0 OGIP FITS version number STAT_ERR - FALSE Statistical Error SYS_ERR - TRUE Fractional Systematic Error QUALITY - TRUE Quality Flag GROUPING - FALSE Grouping Flag -------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------- ... QUALITY ... ... ------- ... QUALITY ... ------- ... Bad Channels (Channel - Channel) ... --------------------------------------------- ... 0 - 32 have quality 5 ... --------------------------------------------- ... ...... exiting, changes written to file : 75028000_sis1_src.pha extractor v3.75 8 Mar 2000 Getting FITS WCS Keywords Doing file: /local/data/tproc/nandra/processing/75028000/work/xsel_work1001.xsl 10% completed 20% completed 30% completed 40% completed 50% completed 60% completed 70% completed 80% completed 90% completed 100% completed Total Good Bad: Region Time Phase Cut 1499 651 577 0 0 271 Writing events file 651 events written to the output file =============================================================================== Grand Total Good Bad: Region Time Phase Cut 1499 651 577 0 0 271 in 29449. seconds extractor v3.75 8 Mar 2000 Getting FITS WCS Keywords Doing file: /local/data/tproc/nandra/processing/75028000/work/xsel_work1001.xsl 10% completed 20% completed 30% completed 40% completed 50% completed 60% completed 70% completed 80% completed 90% completed 100% completed Total Good Bad: Region Time Phase Cut 1499 342 577 0 0 580 Writing events file 342 events written to the output file =============================================================================== Grand Total Good Bad: Region Time Phase Cut 1499 342 577 0 0 580 in 29449. seconds extractor v3.75 8 Mar 2000 Getting FITS WCS Keywords Doing file: /local/data/tproc/nandra/processing/75028000/work/xsel_work1001.xsl 10% completed 20% completed 30% completed 40% completed 50% completed 60% completed 70% completed 80% completed 90% completed 100% completed Total Good Bad: Region Time Phase Cut 1499 310 577 0 0 612 Writing events file 310 events written to the output file =============================================================================== Grand Total Good Bad: Region Time Phase Cut 1499 310 577 0 0 612 in 29449. seconds ** XSELECT V2.0 ** !> Enter session name >[xsel] Notes: XSELECT set up for ASCA Time keyword is TIME in units of s Default timing binsize = 16.000 Command not found; type ? for a command listing !xsel:ASCA > clear all proceed=yes WARNING: CLEAR ALL will remove all temporary files !xsel > set datadir ./ Setting data directory to /tproc/nandra/processing/75028000/work/ Setting mkf directory to /tproc/nandra/processing/75028000/aux/ !xsel > read e 75028000_sis1.evt Setting... Image keywords = X Y with binning = 4 WMAP keywords = DETX DETY with binning = 8 Energy keywords = PI with binning = 1 Getting Min and Max for Energy Column... Got min and max for PI: 0 4095 Got the minimum time resolution of the read data: 4.0000 Number of files read in: 1 ******************** Observation Catalogue ******************** Data Directory is: /tproc/nandra/processing/75028000/work/ HK Directory is: /tproc/nandra/processing/75028000/work/ !xsel:ASCA-SIS1-BRIGHT2 > set binsize 128 !xsel:ASCA-SIS1-BRIGHT2 > set image sky !xsel:ASCA-SIS1-BRIGHT2 > set xybinsize 4 !xsel:ASCA-SIS1-BRIGHT2 > extract image !xsel:ASCA-SIS1-BRIGHT2 > save image clobber=yes 75028000_sis1_sky.img Wrote image to file 75028000_sis1_sky.img !xsel:ASCA-SIS1-BRIGHT2 > set image det !xsel:ASCA-SIS1-BRIGHT2 > select events CCDID.EQ.3 !xsel:ASCA-SIS1-BRIGHT2 > filter region 75028000_sis1_src.reg !xsel:ASCA-SIS1-BRIGHT2 > extract spectrum !xsel:ASCA-SIS1-BRIGHT2 > save spectrum group=yes clobber=yes 75028000_sis1_src.pha Wrote spectrum to 75028000_sis1_src.pha !xsel:ASCA-SIS1-BRIGHT2 > filter pha_cutoff 140 2796 !xsel:ASCA-SIS1-BRIGHT2 > extract events !xsel:ASCA-SIS1-BRIGHT2 > save events use=no clobber=yes 75028000_sis1_src.evt Wrote events list to file 75028000_sis1_src.evt !xsel:ASCA-SIS1-BRIGHT2 > clear events !xsel:ASCA-SIS1-BRIGHT2 > clear pha_cutoff !xsel:ASCA-SIS1-BRIGHT2 > filter pha_cutoff 140 560 !xsel:ASCA-SIS1-BRIGHT2 > extract events !xsel:ASCA-SIS1-BRIGHT2 > save events use=no clobber=yes 75028000_sis1_src_soft.evt Wrote events list to file 75028000_sis1_src_soft.evt !xsel:ASCA-SIS1-BRIGHT2 > clear events !xsel:ASCA-SIS1-BRIGHT2 > clear pha_cutoff !xsel:ASCA-SIS1-BRIGHT2 > filter pha_cutoff 560 2796 !xsel:ASCA-SIS1-BRIGHT2 > extract events !xsel:ASCA-SIS1-BRIGHT2 > save events use=no clobber=yes 75028000_sis1_src_hard.evt Wrote events list to file 75028000_sis1_src_hard.evt !xsel:ASCA-SIS1-BRIGHT2 > clear events !xsel:ASCA-SIS1-BRIGHT2 > clear pha_cutoff !xsel:ASCA-SIS1-BRIGHT2 > clear region all !xsel:ASCA-SIS1-BRIGHT2 > exit save=no gnt_infrm: Extracting src data for gis2... OBJECT DATAMODE BIT_RATE DATE-OBS TIME-OBS ONTIME NEVENTS PHA_BINS 1 MRK_34 PH MEDIUM 1997-11-17 02:10:24 0.31E+05 8316 1024 extractor v3.75 8 Mar 2000 Getting FITS WCS Keywords Doing file: /tproc/nandra/processing/75028000/work/75028000_gis2.evt 10% completed 20% completed 30% completed 40% completed 50% completed 60% completed 70% completed 80% completed 90% completed 100% completed Total Good Bad: Region Time Phase Cut 8316 8316 0 0 0 0 =============================================================================== Grand Total Good Bad: Region Time Phase Cut 8316 8316 0 0 0 0 in 31358. seconds Image has 8316 counts for 0.2652 counts/sec extractor v3.75 8 Mar 2000 Getting FITS WCS Keywords Doing file: /tproc/nandra/processing/75028000/work/75028000_gis2.evt 10% completed 20% completed 30% completed 40% completed 50% completed 60% completed 70% completed 80% completed 90% completed 100% completed Total Good Bad: Region Time Phase Cut 8316 847 7469 0 0 0 =============================================================================== Grand Total Good Bad: Region Time Phase Cut 8316 847 7469 0 0 0 in 31358. seconds Spectrum has 847 counts for 2.7011E-02 counts/sec ... written the PHA data Extension extractor v3.75 8 Mar 2000 Getting FITS WCS Keywords Doing file: /tproc/nandra/processing/75028000/work/75028000_gis2.evt 10% completed 20% completed 30% completed 40% completed 50% completed 60% completed 70% completed 80% completed 90% completed 100% completed Total Good Bad: Region Time Phase Cut 8316 779 7469 0 0 68 Writing events file 779 events written to the output file =============================================================================== Grand Total Good Bad: Region Time Phase Cut 8316 779 7469 0 0 68 in 31358. seconds extractor v3.75 8 Mar 2000 Getting FITS WCS Keywords Doing file: /tproc/nandra/processing/75028000/work/75028000_gis2.evt 10% completed 20% completed 30% completed 40% completed 50% completed 60% completed 70% completed 80% completed 90% completed 100% completed Total Good Bad: Region Time Phase Cut 8316 455 7469 0 0 392 Writing events file 455 events written to the output file =============================================================================== Grand Total Good Bad: Region Time Phase Cut 8316 455 7469 0 0 392 in 31358. seconds ** XSELECT V2.0 ** !> Enter session name >[xsel] Notes: XSELECT set up for ASCA Time keyword is TIME in units of s Default timing binsize = 16.000 Command not found; type ? for a command listing !xsel:ASCA > clear all proceed=yes WARNING: CLEAR ALL will remove all temporary files !xsel > set datadir ./ Setting data directory to /tproc/nandra/processing/75028000/work/ Setting mkf directory to /tproc/nandra/processing/75028000/aux/ !xsel > read e 75028000_gis2.evt Setting... Image keywords = X Y with binning = 1 WMAP keywords = DETX DETY with binning = 1 Energy keywords = PI with binning = 1 Getting Min and Max for Energy Column... Got min and max for PI: 0 1023 Got the minimum time resolution of the read data: 0.50000 Number of files read in: 1 ******************** Observation Catalogue ******************** Data Directory is: /tproc/nandra/processing/75028000/work/ HK Directory is: /tproc/nandra/processing/75028000/work/ !xsel:ASCA-GIS2-PH > set binsize 128 !xsel:ASCA-GIS2-PH > set image sky !xsel:ASCA-GIS2-PH > set xybinsize 1 !xsel:ASCA-GIS2-PH > extract image !xsel:ASCA-GIS2-PH > save image clobber=yes 75028000_gis2_sky.img Wrote image to file 75028000_gis2_sky.img !xsel:ASCA-GIS2-PH > set image det !xsel:ASCA-GIS2-PH > filter region 75028000_gis2_src.reg !xsel:ASCA-GIS2-PH > extract spectrum !xsel:ASCA-GIS2-PH > save spectrum group=no clobber=yes 75028000_gis2_src.pha Wrote spectrum to 75028000_gis2_src.pha !xsel:ASCA-GIS2-PH > filter pha_cutoff 43 850 !xsel:ASCA-GIS2-PH > extract events !xsel:ASCA-GIS2-PH > save events use=no clobber=yes 75028000_gis2_src.evt Wrote events list to file 75028000_gis2_src.evt !xsel:ASCA-GIS2-PH > clear events !xsel:ASCA-GIS2-PH > clear pha_cutoff !xsel:ASCA-GIS2-PH > filter pha_cutoff 170 850 !xsel:ASCA-GIS2-PH > extract events !xsel:ASCA-GIS2-PH > save events use=no clobber=yes 75028000_gis2_src_hard.evt Wrote events list to file 75028000_gis2_src_hard.evt !xsel:ASCA-GIS2-PH > exit save=no gnt_infrm: Extracting BITFIX=n src data for gis3... OBJECT DATAMODE BIT_RATE DATE-OBS TIME-OBS ONTIME NEVENTS PHA_BINS 1 MRK_34 PH MEDIUM 1997-11-17 02:10:24 0.31E+05 8899 1024 extractor v3.75 8 Mar 2000 Getting FITS WCS Keywords Doing file: /tproc/nandra/processing/75028000/work/75028000_gis3.evt 10% completed 20% completed 30% completed 40% completed 50% completed 60% completed 70% completed 80% completed 90% completed 100% completed Total Good Bad: Region Time Phase Cut 8899 8899 0 0 0 0 =============================================================================== Grand Total Good Bad: Region Time Phase Cut 8899 8899 0 0 0 0 in 31360. seconds Image has 8899 counts for 0.2838 counts/sec extractor v3.75 8 Mar 2000 Getting FITS WCS Keywords Doing file: /tproc/nandra/processing/75028000/work/75028000_gis3.evt 10% completed 20% completed 30% completed 40% completed 50% completed 60% completed 70% completed 80% completed 90% completed 100% completed Total Good Bad: Region Time Phase Cut 8899 962 7937 0 0 0 =============================================================================== Grand Total Good Bad: Region Time Phase Cut 8899 962 7937 0 0 0 in 31360. seconds Spectrum has 962 counts for 3.0676E-02 counts/sec ... written the PHA data Extension extractor v3.75 8 Mar 2000 Getting FITS WCS Keywords Doing file: /tproc/nandra/processing/75028000/work/75028000_gis3.evt 10% completed 20% completed 30% completed 40% completed 50% completed 60% completed 70% completed 80% completed 90% completed 100% completed Total Good Bad: Region Time Phase Cut 8899 889 7937 0 0 73 Writing events file 889 events written to the output file =============================================================================== Grand Total Good Bad: Region Time Phase Cut 8899 889 7937 0 0 73 in 31360. seconds extractor v3.75 8 Mar 2000 Getting FITS WCS Keywords Doing file: /tproc/nandra/processing/75028000/work/75028000_gis3.evt 10% completed 20% completed 30% completed 40% completed 50% completed 60% completed 70% completed 80% completed 90% completed 100% completed Total Good Bad: Region Time Phase Cut 8899 552 7937 0 0 410 Writing events file 552 events written to the output file =============================================================================== Grand Total Good Bad: Region Time Phase Cut 8899 552 7937 0 0 410 in 31360. seconds ** XSELECT V2.0 ** !> Enter session name >[xsel] Notes: XSELECT set up for ASCA Time keyword is TIME in units of s Default timing binsize = 16.000 Command not found; type ? for a command listing !xsel:ASCA > clear all proceed=yes WARNING: CLEAR ALL will remove all temporary files !xsel > set datadir ./ Setting data directory to /tproc/nandra/processing/75028000/work/ Setting mkf directory to /tproc/nandra/processing/75028000/aux/ !xsel > read e 75028000_gis3.evt Setting... Image keywords = X Y with binning = 1 WMAP keywords = DETX DETY with binning = 1 Energy keywords = PI with binning = 1 Getting Min and Max for Energy Column... Got min and max for PI: 0 1023 Got the minimum time resolution of the read data: 0.50000 Number of files read in: 1 ******************** Observation Catalogue ******************** Data Directory is: /tproc/nandra/processing/75028000/work/ HK Directory is: /tproc/nandra/processing/75028000/work/ !xsel:ASCA-GIS3-PH > set binsize 128 !xsel:ASCA-GIS3-PH > set image sky !xsel:ASCA-GIS3-PH > set xybinsize 1 !xsel:ASCA-GIS3-PH > extract image !xsel:ASCA-GIS3-PH > save image clobber=yes 75028000_gis3_sky.img Wrote image to file 75028000_gis3_sky.img !xsel:ASCA-GIS3-PH > set image det !xsel:ASCA-GIS3-PH > filter region 75028000_gis3_src.reg !xsel:ASCA-GIS3-PH > extract spectrum !xsel:ASCA-GIS3-PH > save spectrum group=no clobber=yes 75028000_gis3_src.pha Wrote spectrum to 75028000_gis3_src.pha !xsel:ASCA-GIS3-PH > filter pha_cutoff 43 850 !xsel:ASCA-GIS3-PH > extract events !xsel:ASCA-GIS3-PH > save events use=no clobber=yes 75028000_gis3_src.evt Wrote events list to file 75028000_gis3_src.evt !xsel:ASCA-GIS3-PH > clear events !xsel:ASCA-GIS3-PH > clear pha_cutoff !xsel:ASCA-GIS3-PH > filter pha_cutoff 170 850 !xsel:ASCA-GIS3-PH > extract events !xsel:ASCA-GIS3-PH > save events use=no clobber=yes 75028000_gis3_src_hard.evt Wrote events list to file 75028000_gis3_src_hard.evt !xsel:ASCA-GIS3-PH > exit save=no gnt_infrm: Extracting bgd data for sis0... OBJECT DATAMODE BIT_RATE DATE-OBS TIME-OBS ONTIME NEVENTS S0CCDPOW 1 MRK_34 BRIGHT2 MEDIUM 1997-11-17 02:10:16 0.27E+05 2918 0100 extractor v3.75 8 Mar 2000 Getting FITS WCS Keywords Doing file: /tproc/nandra/processing/75028000/work/75028000_sis0.evt 10% completed 20% completed 30% completed 40% completed 50% completed 60% completed 70% completed 80% completed 90% completed 100% completed Total Good Bad: Region Time Phase Cut 1523 1523 0 0 0 0 =============================================================================== Grand Total Good Bad: Region Time Phase Cut 1523 1523 0 0 0 0 in 27252. seconds Image has 1523 counts for 5.5885E-02 counts/sec Processing file: /tproc/nandra/processing/75028000/work/75028000_sis0.evt extractor v3.75 8 Mar 2000 Getting FITS WCS Keywords Doing file: /local/data/tproc/nandra/processing/75028000/work/xsel_work1001.xsl 10% completed 20% completed 30% completed 40% completed 50% completed 60% completed 70% completed 80% completed 90% completed 100% completed Total Good Bad: Region Time Phase Cut 1523 377 1146 0 0 0 =============================================================================== Grand Total Good Bad: Region Time Phase Cut 1523 377 1146 0 0 0 in 27252. seconds Spectrum has 377 counts for 1.3834E-02 counts/sec ... written the PHA data Extension ------------------------- MANDATORY KEYWORDS/VALUES ------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------- EXTNAME - SPECTRUM Name of this BINTABLE TELESCOP - ASCA Mission/Satellite name INSTRUME - SIS0 Instrument/Detector FILTER - NONE Instrument filter in use EXPOSURE - 27252. Integration time (in secs) of PHA data AREASCAL - 1.0000 Area scaling factor BACKSCAL - 2.95410E-02 Background scaling factor BACKFILE - none Associated background file CORRSCAL - 1.0000 Correlation scaling factor CORRFILE - none Associated correlation file RESPFILE - none Associated redistribution matrix file ANCRFILE - none Associated ancillary response file POISSERR - TRUE Whether Poissonian errors apply CHANTYPE - PI Whether channels have been corrected TLMIN1 - 0 First legal Detector channel DETCHANS - 1024 No. of legal detector channels NCHAN - 1024 No. of detector channels in dataset PHAVERSN - 1.1.0 OGIP FITS version number STAT_ERR - FALSE Statistical Error SYS_ERR - TRUE Fractional Systematic Error QUALITY - TRUE Quality Flag GROUPING - FALSE Grouping Flag -------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------- ... QUALITY ... ... ------- ... QUALITY ... ------- ... Bad Channels (Channel - Channel) ... --------------------------------------------- ... 0 - 31 have quality 5 ... --------------------------------------------- ... ...... exiting, changes written to file : 75028000_sis0_bgd.pha extractor v3.75 8 Mar 2000 Getting FITS WCS Keywords Doing file: /local/data/tproc/nandra/processing/75028000/work/xsel_work1001.xsl 10% completed 20% completed 30% completed 40% completed 50% completed 60% completed 70% completed 80% completed 90% completed 100% completed Total Good Bad: Region Time Phase Cut 1523 263 1146 0 0 114 Writing events file 263 events written to the output file =============================================================================== Grand Total Good Bad: Region Time Phase Cut 1523 263 1146 0 0 114 in 27252. seconds extractor v3.75 8 Mar 2000 Getting FITS WCS Keywords Doing file: /local/data/tproc/nandra/processing/75028000/work/xsel_work1001.xsl 10% completed 20% completed 30% completed 40% completed 50% completed 60% completed 70% completed 80% completed 90% completed 100% completed Total Good Bad: Region Time Phase Cut 1523 136 1146 0 0 241 Writing events file 136 events written to the output file =============================================================================== Grand Total Good Bad: Region Time Phase Cut 1523 136 1146 0 0 241 in 27252. seconds extractor v3.75 8 Mar 2000 Getting FITS WCS Keywords Doing file: /local/data/tproc/nandra/processing/75028000/work/xsel_work1001.xsl 10% completed 20% completed 30% completed 40% completed 50% completed 60% completed 70% completed 80% completed 90% completed 100% completed Total Good Bad: Region Time Phase Cut 1523 127 1146 0 0 250 Writing events file 127 events written to the output file =============================================================================== Grand Total Good Bad: Region Time Phase Cut 1523 127 1146 0 0 250 in 27252. seconds ** XSELECT V2.0 ** !> Enter session name >[xsel] Notes: XSELECT set up for ASCA Time keyword is TIME in units of s Default timing binsize = 16.000 Command not found; type ? for a command listing !xsel:ASCA > clear all proceed=yes WARNING: CLEAR ALL will remove all temporary files !xsel > set datadir ./ Setting data directory to /tproc/nandra/processing/75028000/work/ Setting mkf directory to /tproc/nandra/processing/75028000/aux/ !xsel > read e 75028000_sis0.evt Setting... Image keywords = X Y with binning = 4 WMAP keywords = DETX DETY with binning = 8 Energy keywords = PI with binning = 1 Getting Min and Max for Energy Column... Got min and max for PI: 0 4095 Got the minimum time resolution of the read data: 4.0000 Number of files read in: 1 ******************** Observation Catalogue ******************** Data Directory is: /tproc/nandra/processing/75028000/work/ HK Directory is: /tproc/nandra/processing/75028000/work/ !xsel:ASCA-SIS0-BRIGHT2 > set binsize 128 !xsel:ASCA-SIS0-BRIGHT2 > set image sky !xsel:ASCA-SIS0-BRIGHT2 > set xybinsize 4 !xsel:ASCA-SIS0-BRIGHT2 > extract image !xsel:ASCA-SIS0-BRIGHT2 > save image clobber=yes 75028000_sis0_sky.img Wrote image to file 75028000_sis0_sky.img !xsel:ASCA-SIS0-BRIGHT2 > set image det !xsel:ASCA-SIS0-BRIGHT2 > select events CCDID.EQ.1 !xsel:ASCA-SIS0-BRIGHT2 > filter region 75028000_sis0_bgd.reg !xsel:ASCA-SIS0-BRIGHT2 > extract spectrum !xsel:ASCA-SIS0-BRIGHT2 > save spectrum group=yes clobber=yes 75028000_sis0_bgd.pha Wrote spectrum to 75028000_sis0_bgd.pha !xsel:ASCA-SIS0-BRIGHT2 > filter pha_cutoff 140 2796 !xsel:ASCA-SIS0-BRIGHT2 > extract events !xsel:ASCA-SIS0-BRIGHT2 > save events use=no clobber=yes 75028000_sis0_bgd.evt Wrote events list to file 75028000_sis0_bgd.evt !xsel:ASCA-SIS0-BRIGHT2 > clear events !xsel:ASCA-SIS0-BRIGHT2 > clear pha_cutoff !xsel:ASCA-SIS0-BRIGHT2 > filter pha_cutoff 140 560 !xsel:ASCA-SIS0-BRIGHT2 > extract events !xsel:ASCA-SIS0-BRIGHT2 > save events use=no clobber=yes 75028000_sis0_bgd_soft.evt Wrote events list to file 75028000_sis0_bgd_soft.evt !xsel:ASCA-SIS0-BRIGHT2 > clear events !xsel:ASCA-SIS0-BRIGHT2 > clear pha_cutoff !xsel:ASCA-SIS0-BRIGHT2 > filter pha_cutoff 560 2796 !xsel:ASCA-SIS0-BRIGHT2 > extract events !xsel:ASCA-SIS0-BRIGHT2 > save events use=no clobber=yes 75028000_sis0_bgd_hard.evt Wrote events list to file 75028000_sis0_bgd_hard.evt !xsel:ASCA-SIS0-BRIGHT2 > clear events !xsel:ASCA-SIS0-BRIGHT2 > clear pha_cutoff !xsel:ASCA-SIS0-BRIGHT2 > clear region all !xsel:ASCA-SIS0-BRIGHT2 > exit save=no gnt_infrm: Extracting bgd data for sis1... OBJECT DATAMODE BIT_RATE DATE-OBS TIME-OBS ONTIME NEVENTS S1CCDPOW 1 MRK_34 BRIGHT2 MEDIUM 1997-11-17 02:10:16 0.29E+05 2825 0001 extractor v3.75 8 Mar 2000 Getting FITS WCS Keywords Doing file: /tproc/nandra/processing/75028000/work/75028000_sis1.evt 10% completed 20% completed 30% completed 40% completed 50% completed 60% completed 70% completed 80% completed 90% completed 100% completed Total Good Bad: Region Time Phase Cut 1500 1500 0 0 0 0 =============================================================================== Grand Total Good Bad: Region Time Phase Cut 1500 1500 0 0 0 0 in 29449. seconds Image has 1500 counts for 5.0935E-02 counts/sec Processing file: /tproc/nandra/processing/75028000/work/75028000_sis1.evt extractor v3.75 8 Mar 2000 Getting FITS WCS Keywords Doing file: /local/data/tproc/nandra/processing/75028000/work/xsel_work1001.xsl 10% completed 20% completed 30% completed 40% completed 50% completed 60% completed 70% completed 80% completed 90% completed 100% completed Total Good Bad: Region Time Phase Cut 1499 423 1076 0 0 0 =============================================================================== Grand Total Good Bad: Region Time Phase Cut 1499 423 1076 0 0 0 in 29449. seconds Spectrum has 423 counts for 1.4364E-02 counts/sec ... written the PHA data Extension ------------------------- MANDATORY KEYWORDS/VALUES ------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------- EXTNAME - SPECTRUM Name of this BINTABLE TELESCOP - ASCA Mission/Satellite name INSTRUME - SIS1 Instrument/Detector FILTER - NONE Instrument filter in use EXPOSURE - 29449. Integration time (in secs) of PHA data AREASCAL - 1.0000 Area scaling factor BACKSCAL - 3.45020E-02 Background scaling factor BACKFILE - none Associated background file CORRSCAL - 1.0000 Correlation scaling factor CORRFILE - none Associated correlation file RESPFILE - none Associated redistribution matrix file ANCRFILE - none Associated ancillary response file POISSERR - TRUE Whether Poissonian errors apply CHANTYPE - PI Whether channels have been corrected TLMIN1 - 0 First legal Detector channel DETCHANS - 1024 No. of legal detector channels NCHAN - 1024 No. of detector channels in dataset PHAVERSN - 1.1.0 OGIP FITS version number STAT_ERR - FALSE Statistical Error SYS_ERR - TRUE Fractional Systematic Error QUALITY - TRUE Quality Flag GROUPING - FALSE Grouping Flag -------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------- ... QUALITY ... ... ------- ... QUALITY ... ------- ... Bad Channels (Channel - Channel) ... --------------------------------------------- ... 0 - 32 have quality 5 ... --------------------------------------------- ... ...... exiting, changes written to file : 75028000_sis1_bgd.pha extractor v3.75 8 Mar 2000 Getting FITS WCS Keywords Doing file: /local/data/tproc/nandra/processing/75028000/work/xsel_work1001.xsl 10% completed 20% completed 30% completed 40% completed 50% completed 60% completed 70% completed 80% completed 90% completed 100% completed Total Good Bad: Region Time Phase Cut 1499 286 1076 0 0 137 Writing events file 286 events written to the output file =============================================================================== Grand Total Good Bad: Region Time Phase Cut 1499 286 1076 0 0 137 in 29449. seconds extractor v3.75 8 Mar 2000 Getting FITS WCS Keywords Doing file: /local/data/tproc/nandra/processing/75028000/work/xsel_work1001.xsl 10% completed 20% completed 30% completed 40% completed 50% completed 60% completed 70% completed 80% completed 90% completed 100% completed Total Good Bad: Region Time Phase Cut 1499 131 1076 0 0 292 Writing events file 131 events written to the output file =============================================================================== Grand Total Good Bad: Region Time Phase Cut 1499 131 1076 0 0 292 in 29449. seconds extractor v3.75 8 Mar 2000 Getting FITS WCS Keywords Doing file: /local/data/tproc/nandra/processing/75028000/work/xsel_work1001.xsl 10% completed 20% completed 30% completed 40% completed 50% completed 60% completed 70% completed 80% completed 90% completed 100% completed Total Good Bad: Region Time Phase Cut 1499 155 1076 0 0 268 Writing events file 155 events written to the output file =============================================================================== Grand Total Good Bad: Region Time Phase Cut 1499 155 1076 0 0 268 in 29449. seconds ** XSELECT V2.0 ** !> Enter session name >[xsel] Notes: XSELECT set up for ASCA Time keyword is TIME in units of s Default timing binsize = 16.000 Command not found; type ? for a command listing !xsel:ASCA > clear all proceed=yes WARNING: CLEAR ALL will remove all temporary files !xsel > set datadir ./ Setting data directory to /tproc/nandra/processing/75028000/work/ Setting mkf directory to /tproc/nandra/processing/75028000/aux/ !xsel > read e 75028000_sis1.evt Setting... Image keywords = X Y with binning = 4 WMAP keywords = DETX DETY with binning = 8 Energy keywords = PI with binning = 1 Getting Min and Max for Energy Column... Got min and max for PI: 0 4095 Got the minimum time resolution of the read data: 4.0000 Number of files read in: 1 ******************** Observation Catalogue ******************** Data Directory is: /tproc/nandra/processing/75028000/work/ HK Directory is: /tproc/nandra/processing/75028000/work/ !xsel:ASCA-SIS1-BRIGHT2 > set binsize 128 !xsel:ASCA-SIS1-BRIGHT2 > set image sky !xsel:ASCA-SIS1-BRIGHT2 > set xybinsize 4 !xsel:ASCA-SIS1-BRIGHT2 > extract image !xsel:ASCA-SIS1-BRIGHT2 > save image clobber=yes 75028000_sis1_sky.img Wrote image to file 75028000_sis1_sky.img !xsel:ASCA-SIS1-BRIGHT2 > set image det !xsel:ASCA-SIS1-BRIGHT2 > select events CCDID.EQ.3 !xsel:ASCA-SIS1-BRIGHT2 > filter region 75028000_sis1_bgd.reg !xsel:ASCA-SIS1-BRIGHT2 > extract spectrum !xsel:ASCA-SIS1-BRIGHT2 > save spectrum group=yes clobber=yes 75028000_sis1_bgd.pha Wrote spectrum to 75028000_sis1_bgd.pha !xsel:ASCA-SIS1-BRIGHT2 > filter pha_cutoff 140 2796 !xsel:ASCA-SIS1-BRIGHT2 > extract events !xsel:ASCA-SIS1-BRIGHT2 > save events use=no clobber=yes 75028000_sis1_bgd.evt Wrote events list to file 75028000_sis1_bgd.evt !xsel:ASCA-SIS1-BRIGHT2 > clear events !xsel:ASCA-SIS1-BRIGHT2 > clear pha_cutoff !xsel:ASCA-SIS1-BRIGHT2 > filter pha_cutoff 140 560 !xsel:ASCA-SIS1-BRIGHT2 > extract events !xsel:ASCA-SIS1-BRIGHT2 > save events use=no clobber=yes 75028000_sis1_bgd_soft.evt Wrote events list to file 75028000_sis1_bgd_soft.evt !xsel:ASCA-SIS1-BRIGHT2 > clear events !xsel:ASCA-SIS1-BRIGHT2 > clear pha_cutoff !xsel:ASCA-SIS1-BRIGHT2 > filter pha_cutoff 560 2796 !xsel:ASCA-SIS1-BRIGHT2 > extract events !xsel:ASCA-SIS1-BRIGHT2 > save events use=no clobber=yes 75028000_sis1_bgd_hard.evt Wrote events list to file 75028000_sis1_bgd_hard.evt !xsel:ASCA-SIS1-BRIGHT2 > clear events !xsel:ASCA-SIS1-BRIGHT2 > clear pha_cutoff !xsel:ASCA-SIS1-BRIGHT2 > clear region all !xsel:ASCA-SIS1-BRIGHT2 > exit save=no gnt_infrm: Extracting bgd data for gis2... OBJECT DATAMODE BIT_RATE DATE-OBS TIME-OBS ONTIME NEVENTS PHA_BINS 1 MRK_34 PH MEDIUM 1997-11-17 02:10:24 0.31E+05 8316 1024 extractor v3.75 8 Mar 2000 Getting FITS WCS Keywords Doing file: /tproc/nandra/processing/75028000/work/75028000_gis2.evt 10% completed 20% completed 30% completed 40% completed 50% completed 60% completed 70% completed 80% completed 90% completed 100% completed Total Good Bad: Region Time Phase Cut 8316 8316 0 0 0 0 =============================================================================== Grand Total Good Bad: Region Time Phase Cut 8316 8316 0 0 0 0 in 31358. seconds Image has 8316 counts for 0.2652 counts/sec extractor v3.75 8 Mar 2000 Getting FITS WCS Keywords Doing file: /tproc/nandra/processing/75028000/work/75028000_gis2.evt 10% completed 20% completed 30% completed 40% completed 50% completed 60% completed 70% completed 80% completed 90% completed 100% completed Total Good Bad: Region Time Phase Cut 8316 1874 6442 0 0 0 =============================================================================== Grand Total Good Bad: Region Time Phase Cut 8316 1874 6442 0 0 0 in 31358. seconds Spectrum has 1874 counts for 5.9761E-02 counts/sec ... written the PHA data Extension extractor v3.75 8 Mar 2000 Getting FITS WCS Keywords Doing file: /tproc/nandra/processing/75028000/work/75028000_gis2.evt 10% completed 20% completed 30% completed 40% completed 50% completed 60% completed 70% completed 80% completed 90% completed 100% completed Total Good Bad: Region Time Phase Cut 8316 1699 6442 0 0 175 Writing events file 1699 events written to the output file =============================================================================== Grand Total Good Bad: Region Time Phase Cut 8316 1699 6442 0 0 175 in 31358. seconds extractor v3.75 8 Mar 2000 Getting FITS WCS Keywords Doing file: /tproc/nandra/processing/75028000/work/75028000_gis2.evt 10% completed 20% completed 30% completed 40% completed 50% completed 60% completed 70% completed 80% completed 90% completed 100% completed Total Good Bad: Region Time Phase Cut 8316 1039 6442 0 0 835 Writing events file 1039 events written to the output file =============================================================================== Grand Total Good Bad: Region Time Phase Cut 8316 1039 6442 0 0 835 in 31358. seconds ** XSELECT V2.0 ** !> Enter session name >[xsel] Notes: XSELECT set up for ASCA Time keyword is TIME in units of s Default timing binsize = 16.000 Command not found; type ? for a command listing !xsel:ASCA > clear all proceed=yes WARNING: CLEAR ALL will remove all temporary files !xsel > set datadir ./ Setting data directory to /tproc/nandra/processing/75028000/work/ Setting mkf directory to /tproc/nandra/processing/75028000/aux/ !xsel > read e 75028000_gis2.evt Setting... Image keywords = X Y with binning = 1 WMAP keywords = DETX DETY with binning = 1 Energy keywords = PI with binning = 1 Getting Min and Max for Energy Column... Got min and max for PI: 0 1023 Got the minimum time resolution of the read data: 0.50000 Number of files read in: 1 ******************** Observation Catalogue ******************** Data Directory is: /tproc/nandra/processing/75028000/work/ HK Directory is: /tproc/nandra/processing/75028000/work/ !xsel:ASCA-GIS2-PH > set binsize 128 !xsel:ASCA-GIS2-PH > set image sky !xsel:ASCA-GIS2-PH > set xybinsize 1 !xsel:ASCA-GIS2-PH > extract image !xsel:ASCA-GIS2-PH > save image clobber=yes 75028000_gis2_sky.img Wrote image to file 75028000_gis2_sky.img !xsel:ASCA-GIS2-PH > set image det !xsel:ASCA-GIS2-PH > filter region 75028000_gis2_bgd.reg !xsel:ASCA-GIS2-PH > extract spectrum !xsel:ASCA-GIS2-PH > save spectrum group=no clobber=yes 75028000_gis2_bgd.pha Wrote spectrum to 75028000_gis2_bgd.pha !xsel:ASCA-GIS2-PH > filter pha_cutoff 43 850 !xsel:ASCA-GIS2-PH > extract events !xsel:ASCA-GIS2-PH > save events use=no clobber=yes 75028000_gis2_bgd.evt Wrote events list to file 75028000_gis2_bgd.evt !xsel:ASCA-GIS2-PH > clear events !xsel:ASCA-GIS2-PH > clear pha_cutoff !xsel:ASCA-GIS2-PH > filter pha_cutoff 170 850 !xsel:ASCA-GIS2-PH > extract events !xsel:ASCA-GIS2-PH > save events use=no clobber=yes 75028000_gis2_bgd_hard.evt Wrote events list to file 75028000_gis2_bgd_hard.evt !xsel:ASCA-GIS2-PH > exit save=no gnt_infrm: Extracting BITFIX=n bgd data for gis3... OBJECT DATAMODE BIT_RATE DATE-OBS TIME-OBS ONTIME NEVENTS PHA_BINS 1 MRK_34 PH MEDIUM 1997-11-17 02:10:24 0.31E+05 8899 1024 extractor v3.75 8 Mar 2000 Getting FITS WCS Keywords Doing file: /tproc/nandra/processing/75028000/work/75028000_gis3.evt 10% completed 20% completed 30% completed 40% completed 50% completed 60% completed 70% completed 80% completed 90% completed 100% completed Total Good Bad: Region Time Phase Cut 8899 8899 0 0 0 0 =============================================================================== Grand Total Good Bad: Region Time Phase Cut 8899 8899 0 0 0 0 in 31360. seconds Image has 8899 counts for 0.2838 counts/sec extractor v3.75 8 Mar 2000 Getting FITS WCS Keywords Doing file: /tproc/nandra/processing/75028000/work/75028000_gis3.evt 10% completed 20% completed 30% completed 40% completed 50% completed 60% completed 70% completed 80% completed 90% completed 100% completed Total Good Bad: Region Time Phase Cut 8899 1979 6920 0 0 0 =============================================================================== Grand Total Good Bad: Region Time Phase Cut 8899 1979 6920 0 0 0 in 31360. seconds Spectrum has 1979 counts for 6.3106E-02 counts/sec ... written the PHA data Extension extractor v3.75 8 Mar 2000 Getting FITS WCS Keywords Doing file: /tproc/nandra/processing/75028000/work/75028000_gis3.evt 10% completed 20% completed 30% completed 40% completed 50% completed 60% completed 70% completed 80% completed 90% completed 100% completed Total Good Bad: Region Time Phase Cut 8899 1823 6920 0 0 156 Writing events file 1823 events written to the output file =============================================================================== Grand Total Good Bad: Region Time Phase Cut 8899 1823 6920 0 0 156 in 31360. seconds extractor v3.75 8 Mar 2000 Getting FITS WCS Keywords Doing file: /tproc/nandra/processing/75028000/work/75028000_gis3.evt 10% completed 20% completed 30% completed 40% completed 50% completed 60% completed 70% completed 80% completed 90% completed 100% completed Total Good Bad: Region Time Phase Cut 8899 1082 6920 0 0 897 Writing events file 1082 events written to the output file =============================================================================== Grand Total Good Bad: Region Time Phase Cut 8899 1082 6920 0 0 897 in 31360. seconds ** XSELECT V2.0 ** !> Enter session name >[xsel] Notes: XSELECT set up for ASCA Time keyword is TIME in units of s Default timing binsize = 16.000 Command not found; type ? for a command listing !xsel:ASCA > clear all proceed=yes WARNING: CLEAR ALL will remove all temporary files !xsel > set datadir ./ Setting data directory to /tproc/nandra/processing/75028000/work/ Setting mkf directory to /tproc/nandra/processing/75028000/aux/ !xsel > read e 75028000_gis3.evt Setting... Image keywords = X Y with binning = 1 WMAP keywords = DETX DETY with binning = 1 Energy keywords = PI with binning = 1 Getting Min and Max for Energy Column... Got min and max for PI: 0 1023 Got the minimum time resolution of the read data: 0.50000 Number of files read in: 1 ******************** Observation Catalogue ******************** Data Directory is: /tproc/nandra/processing/75028000/work/ HK Directory is: /tproc/nandra/processing/75028000/work/ !xsel:ASCA-GIS3-PH > set binsize 128 !xsel:ASCA-GIS3-PH > set image sky !xsel:ASCA-GIS3-PH > set xybinsize 1 !xsel:ASCA-GIS3-PH > extract image !xsel:ASCA-GIS3-PH > save image clobber=yes 75028000_gis3_sky.img Wrote image to file 75028000_gis3_sky.img !xsel:ASCA-GIS3-PH > set image det !xsel:ASCA-GIS3-PH > filter region 75028000_gis3_bgd.reg !xsel:ASCA-GIS3-PH > extract spectrum !xsel:ASCA-GIS3-PH > save spectrum group=no clobber=yes 75028000_gis3_bgd.pha Wrote spectrum to 75028000_gis3_bgd.pha !xsel:ASCA-GIS3-PH > filter pha_cutoff 43 850 !xsel:ASCA-GIS3-PH > extract events !xsel:ASCA-GIS3-PH > save events use=no clobber=yes 75028000_gis3_bgd.evt Wrote events list to file 75028000_gis3_bgd.evt !xsel:ASCA-GIS3-PH > clear events !xsel:ASCA-GIS3-PH > clear pha_cutoff !xsel:ASCA-GIS3-PH > filter pha_cutoff 170 850 !xsel:ASCA-GIS3-PH > extract events !xsel:ASCA-GIS3-PH > save events use=no clobber=yes 75028000_gis3_bgd_hard.evt Wrote events list to file 75028000_gis3_bgd_hard.evt !xsel:ASCA-GIS3-PH > exit save=no gnt_infrm: ======================== gnt_infrm: End of procedure do_prod gnt_infrm: ======================== Tue May 2 15:45:06 EDT 2000 gnt_infrm: ************************* gnt_infrm: Running procedure do_spec gnt_infrm: ************************* Tue May 2 15:45:06 EDT 2000 gnt_infrm: Group .pha files for 75028000... gnt_infrm: Minimum channels are 85 (gis2), 85 (gis3). gnt_infrm: Creating grouped spectrum files for sis0... grppha Tue May 2 15:45:22 EDT 2000 ------------------------- MANDATORY KEYWORDS/VALUES ------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------- EXTNAME - SPECTRUM Name of this BINTABLE TELESCOP - ASCA Mission/Satellite name INSTRUME - SIS0 Instrument/Detector FILTER - NONE Instrument filter in use EXPOSURE - 27252. Integration time (in secs) of PHA data AREASCAL - 1.0000 Area scaling factor BACKSCAL - 6.33400E-02 Background scaling factor BACKFILE - none Associated background file CORRSCAL - 1.0000 Correlation scaling factor CORRFILE - none Associated correlation file RESPFILE - none Associated redistribution matrix file ANCRFILE - none Associated ancillary response file POISSERR - TRUE Whether Poissonian errors apply CHANTYPE - PI Whether channels have been corrected TLMIN1 - 0 First legal Detector channel DETCHANS - 1024 No. of legal detector channels NCHAN - 1024 No. of detector channels in dataset PHAVERSN - 1.1.0 OGIP FITS version number STAT_ERR - FALSE Statistical Error SYS_ERR - TRUE Fractional Systematic Error QUALITY - TRUE Quality Flag GROUPING - FALSE Grouping Flag -------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------- ...... exiting, changes written to file : 75028000_sis0_src.pha.tmp ** grppha 2.9.0 completed successfully grppha Tue May 2 15:45:22 EDT 2000 ------------------------- MANDATORY KEYWORDS/VALUES ------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------- EXTNAME - SPECTRUM Name of this BINTABLE TELESCOP - ASCA Mission/Satellite name INSTRUME - SIS0 Instrument/Detector FILTER - NONE Instrument filter in use EXPOSURE - 27252. Integration time (in secs) of PHA data AREASCAL - 1.0000 Area scaling factor BACKSCAL - 6.33400E-02 Background scaling factor BACKFILE - 75028000_sis0_bgd.pha CORRSCAL - 1.0000 Correlation scaling factor CORRFILE - none Associated correlation file RESPFILE - 75028000_sis0.rmf ANCRFILE - 75028000_sis0.arf POISSERR - TRUE Whether Poissonian errors apply CHANTYPE - PI Whether channels have been corrected TLMIN1 - 0 First legal Detector channel DETCHANS - 1024 No. of legal detector channels NCHAN - 1024 No. of detector channels in dataset PHAVERSN - 1.1.0 OGIP FITS version number STAT_ERR - FALSE Statistical Error SYS_ERR - TRUE Fractional Systematic Error QUALITY - TRUE Quality Flag GROUPING - FALSE Grouping Flag -------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------- ...... Channel 1024 is not within the channel range ! ...... Upper channel reset to last channel : 1023 ...... exiting, changes written to file : 75028000_sis0_src_20.pha ** grppha 2.9.0 completed successfully ascaarf Tue May 2 15:45:23 EDT 2000 ascaarf 75028000_sis0_src.pha.tmp 75028000_sis0.rmf 75028000_sis0.arf point=yes simple=yes clobber=yes ASCAARF vers 3.00 6 Oct 1998. xrtrsp : /FTP/caldb/data/asca/xrt/bcf/xrt_ea_v2_0.fits xrtpsf : /FTP/caldb/data/asca/xrt/bcf/xrt_psf_v2_0.fits Input WMAP array has size 45 by 44 bins expanded to 45 by 44 bins First WMAP bin is at detector pixel 280 280 8 detector pixels per WMAP bin WMAP bin size is 0.21600 mm 0.21216 arcmin Selected region size is 72.987 arcmin^2 Optical axis is detector pixel 662.72 559.02 1180 energies from RMF file Effective area fudge applied Arf filter applied Point source at 463.00 459.00 (detector coordinates) Point source at 24.97 12.50 (WMAP bins wrt optical axis) Point source at 5.92 26.60 (... in polar coordinates) Total counts in region = 9.45000E+02 Weighted mean angle from optical axis = 6.291 arcmin gnt_infrm: Creating grouped spectrum files for sis1... grppha Tue May 2 15:47:02 EDT 2000 ------------------------- MANDATORY KEYWORDS/VALUES ------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------- EXTNAME - SPECTRUM Name of this BINTABLE TELESCOP - ASCA Mission/Satellite name INSTRUME - SIS1 Instrument/Detector FILTER - NONE Instrument filter in use EXPOSURE - 29449. Integration time (in secs) of PHA data AREASCAL - 1.0000 Area scaling factor BACKSCAL - 5.94040E-02 Background scaling factor BACKFILE - none Associated background file CORRSCAL - 1.0000 Correlation scaling factor CORRFILE - none Associated correlation file RESPFILE - none Associated redistribution matrix file ANCRFILE - none Associated ancillary response file POISSERR - TRUE Whether Poissonian errors apply CHANTYPE - PI Whether channels have been corrected TLMIN1 - 0 First legal Detector channel DETCHANS - 1024 No. of legal detector channels NCHAN - 1024 No. of detector channels in dataset PHAVERSN - 1.1.0 OGIP FITS version number STAT_ERR - FALSE Statistical Error SYS_ERR - TRUE Fractional Systematic Error QUALITY - TRUE Quality Flag GROUPING - FALSE Grouping Flag -------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------- ...... exiting, changes written to file : 75028000_sis1_src.pha.tmp ** grppha 2.9.0 completed successfully grppha Tue May 2 15:47:02 EDT 2000 ------------------------- MANDATORY KEYWORDS/VALUES ------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------- EXTNAME - SPECTRUM Name of this BINTABLE TELESCOP - ASCA Mission/Satellite name INSTRUME - SIS1 Instrument/Detector FILTER - NONE Instrument filter in use EXPOSURE - 29449. Integration time (in secs) of PHA data AREASCAL - 1.0000 Area scaling factor BACKSCAL - 5.94040E-02 Background scaling factor BACKFILE - 75028000_sis1_bgd.pha CORRSCAL - 1.0000 Correlation scaling factor CORRFILE - none Associated correlation file RESPFILE - 75028000_sis1.rmf ANCRFILE - 75028000_sis1.arf POISSERR - TRUE Whether Poissonian errors apply CHANTYPE - PI Whether channels have been corrected TLMIN1 - 0 First legal Detector channel DETCHANS - 1024 No. of legal detector channels NCHAN - 1024 No. of detector channels in dataset PHAVERSN - 1.1.0 OGIP FITS version number STAT_ERR - FALSE Statistical Error SYS_ERR - TRUE Fractional Systematic Error QUALITY - TRUE Quality Flag GROUPING - FALSE Grouping Flag -------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------- ...... Channel 1024 is not within the channel range ! ...... Upper channel reset to last channel : 1023 ...... exiting, changes written to file : 75028000_sis1_src_20.pha ** grppha 2.9.0 completed successfully ascaarf Tue May 2 15:47:03 EDT 2000 ascaarf 75028000_sis1_src.pha.tmp 75028000_sis1.rmf 75028000_sis1.arf point=yes simple=yes clobber=yes ASCAARF vers 3.00 6 Oct 1998. xrtrsp : /FTP/caldb/data/asca/xrt/bcf/xrt_ea_v2_0.fits xrtpsf : /FTP/caldb/data/asca/xrt/bcf/xrt_psf_v2_0.fits Input WMAP array has size 45 by 40 bins expanded to 45 by 40 bins First WMAP bin is at detector pixel 280 312 8 detector pixels per WMAP bin WMAP bin size is 0.21600 mm 0.21216 arcmin Selected region size is 68.452 arcmin^2 Optical axis is detector pixel 618.28 773.83 1180 energies from RMF file Effective area fudge applied Arf filter applied Point source at 463.00 475.00 (detector coordinates) Point source at 19.41 37.35 (WMAP bins wrt optical axis) Point source at 8.93 62.54 (... in polar coordinates) Total counts in region = 9.21000E+02 Weighted mean angle from optical axis = 8.974 arcmin gnt_infrm: Creating grouped spectrum files for gis2... grppha Tue May 2 15:48:32 EDT 2000 ------------------------- MANDATORY KEYWORDS/VALUES ------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------- EXTNAME - SPECTRUM Name of this BINTABLE TELESCOP - ASCA Mission/Satellite name INSTRUME - GIS2 Instrument/Detector FILTER - NONE Instrument filter in use EXPOSURE - 31358. Integration time (in secs) of PHA data AREASCAL - 1.0000 Area scaling factor BACKSCAL - 3.66360E-02 Background scaling factor BACKFILE - none Associated background file CORRSCAL - 1.0000 Correlation scaling factor CORRFILE - none Associated correlation file RESPFILE - none Associated redistribution matrix file ANCRFILE - none Associated ancillary response file POISSERR - TRUE Whether Poissonian errors apply CHANTYPE - PI Whether channels have been corrected TLMIN1 - 0 First legal Detector channel DETCHANS - 1024 No. of legal detector channels NCHAN - 1024 No. of detector channels in dataset PHAVERSN - 1.1.0 OGIP FITS version number STAT_ERR - FALSE Statistical Error SYS_ERR - TRUE Fractional Systematic Error QUALITY - TRUE Quality Flag GROUPING - FALSE Grouping Flag -------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------- ...... exiting, changes written to file : 75028000_gis2_src.pha.tmp ** grppha 2.9.0 completed successfully grppha Tue May 2 15:48:32 EDT 2000 ------------------------- MANDATORY KEYWORDS/VALUES ------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------- EXTNAME - SPECTRUM Name of this BINTABLE TELESCOP - ASCA Mission/Satellite name INSTRUME - GIS2 Instrument/Detector FILTER - NONE Instrument filter in use EXPOSURE - 31358. Integration time (in secs) of PHA data AREASCAL - 1.0000 Area scaling factor BACKSCAL - 3.66360E-02 Background scaling factor BACKFILE - 75028000_gis2_bgd.pha CORRSCAL - 1.0000 Correlation scaling factor CORRFILE - none Associated correlation file RESPFILE - 75028000_gis2.rmf ANCRFILE - 75028000_gis2.arf POISSERR - TRUE Whether Poissonian errors apply CHANTYPE - PI Whether channels have been corrected TLMIN1 - 0 First legal Detector channel DETCHANS - 1024 No. of legal detector channels NCHAN - 1024 No. of detector channels in dataset PHAVERSN - 1.1.0 OGIP FITS version number STAT_ERR - FALSE Statistical Error SYS_ERR - TRUE Fractional Systematic Error QUALITY - TRUE Quality Flag GROUPING - FALSE Grouping Flag -------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------- ...... exiting, changes written to file : 75028000_gis2_src_20.pha ** grppha 2.9.0 completed successfully ascaarf Tue May 2 15:48:33 EDT 2000 ASCAARF vers 3.00 6 Oct 1998. bethick : /FTP/caldb/data/asca/gis/bcf/s2bev1.fits grid : /FTP/caldb/data/asca/gis/bcf/s2gridv3.fits xrtrsp : /FTP/caldb/data/asca/xrt/bcf/xrt_ea_v2_0.fits xrtpsf : /FTP/caldb/data/asca/xrt/bcf/xrt_psf_v2_0.fits Input WMAP array has size 54 by 54 bins expanded to 128 by 128 bins First WMAP bin is at detector pixel 43 50 1 detector pixels per WMAP bin WMAP bin size is 0.25000 mm 0.24555 arcmin Selected region size is 144.80 arcmin^2 Optical axis is detector pixel 133.00 130.96 201 energies from RMF file Effective area fudge applied Arf filter applied Point source at 105.50 112.50 (detector coordinates) Point source at 27.50 18.46 (WMAP bins wrt optical axis) Point source at 8.13 33.87 (... in polar coordinates) Total counts in region = 8.44000E+02 Weighted mean angle from optical axis = 8.385 arcmin gnt_infrm: Creating grouped spectrum files for gis3... grppha Tue May 2 15:56:51 EDT 2000 ------------------------- MANDATORY KEYWORDS/VALUES ------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------- EXTNAME - SPECTRUM Name of this BINTABLE TELESCOP - ASCA Mission/Satellite name INSTRUME - GIS3 Instrument/Detector FILTER - NONE Instrument filter in use EXPOSURE - 31360. Integration time (in secs) of PHA data AREASCAL - 1.0000 Area scaling factor BACKSCAL - 3.66360E-02 Background scaling factor BACKFILE - none Associated background file CORRSCAL - 1.0000 Correlation scaling factor CORRFILE - none Associated correlation file RESPFILE - none Associated redistribution matrix file ANCRFILE - none Associated ancillary response file POISSERR - TRUE Whether Poissonian errors apply CHANTYPE - PI Whether channels have been corrected TLMIN1 - 0 First legal Detector channel DETCHANS - 1024 No. of legal detector channels NCHAN - 1024 No. of detector channels in dataset PHAVERSN - 1.1.0 OGIP FITS version number STAT_ERR - FALSE Statistical Error SYS_ERR - TRUE Fractional Systematic Error QUALITY - TRUE Quality Flag GROUPING - FALSE Grouping Flag -------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------- ...... exiting, changes written to file : 75028000_gis3_src.pha.tmp ** grppha 2.9.0 completed successfully grppha Tue May 2 15:56:51 EDT 2000 ------------------------- MANDATORY KEYWORDS/VALUES ------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------- EXTNAME - SPECTRUM Name of this BINTABLE TELESCOP - ASCA Mission/Satellite name INSTRUME - GIS3 Instrument/Detector FILTER - NONE Instrument filter in use EXPOSURE - 31360. Integration time (in secs) of PHA data AREASCAL - 1.0000 Area scaling factor BACKSCAL - 3.66360E-02 Background scaling factor BACKFILE - 75028000_gis3_bgd.pha CORRSCAL - 1.0000 Correlation scaling factor CORRFILE - none Associated correlation file RESPFILE - 75028000_gis3.rmf ANCRFILE - 75028000_gis3.arf POISSERR - TRUE Whether Poissonian errors apply CHANTYPE - PI Whether channels have been corrected TLMIN1 - 0 First legal Detector channel DETCHANS - 1024 No. of legal detector channels NCHAN - 1024 No. of detector channels in dataset PHAVERSN - 1.1.0 OGIP FITS version number STAT_ERR - FALSE Statistical Error SYS_ERR - TRUE Fractional Systematic Error QUALITY - TRUE Quality Flag GROUPING - FALSE Grouping Flag -------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------- ...... exiting, changes written to file : 75028000_gis3_src_20.pha ** grppha 2.9.0 completed successfully ascaarf Tue May 2 15:56:51 EDT 2000 ASCAARF vers 3.00 6 Oct 1998. bethick : /FTP/caldb/data/asca/gis/bcf/s3bev1.fits grid : /FTP/caldb/data/asca/gis/bcf/s3gridv3.fits xrtrsp : /FTP/caldb/data/asca/xrt/bcf/xrt_ea_v2_0.fits xrtpsf : /FTP/caldb/data/asca/xrt/bcf/xrt_psf_v2_0.fits Input WMAP array has size 54 by 54 bins expanded to 128 by 128 bins First WMAP bin is at detector pixel 48 51 1 detector pixels per WMAP bin WMAP bin size is 0.25000 mm 0.24555 arcmin Selected region size is 144.80 arcmin^2 Optical axis is detector pixel 119.36 134.44 201 energies from RMF file Effective area fudge applied Arf filter applied Point source at 110.50 113.50 (detector coordinates) Point source at 8.86 20.94 (WMAP bins wrt optical axis) Point source at 5.58 67.07 (... in polar coordinates) Total counts in region = 9.55000E+02 Weighted mean angle from optical axis = 6.545 arcmin gnt_infrm: Creating response matrix for sis0... Sisrmg Version 1.1, Configured 04/97 This version resolves *all* known keyword incompatibilities with other FTOOLS tasks. If you have previously fudged *any* keywords in the PHA file to compensate, incorrect results will follow. Setting 1st PHA channel to 0 Making v1.1 1180x1024 S0C1 Bright2 PI RMF Calibration data files: ecd = /software/lheasoft/develop/refdata/sisdata/sis0c1p40_290296.fits cti = /software/lheasoft/develop/refdata/sisdata/sisph2pi_110397.fits echo = /software/lheasoft/develop/refdata/sisdata/sisechos_290296.fits rdd = /software/lheasoft/develop/refdata/sisdata/sisrddis_290296.fits Please stand by... ...Done. gnt_infrm: Creating response matrix for sis1... Sisrmg Version 1.1, Configured 04/97 This version resolves *all* known keyword incompatibilities with other FTOOLS tasks. If you have previously fudged *any* keywords in the PHA file to compensate, incorrect results will follow. Setting 1st PHA channel to 0 Making v1.1 1180x1024 S1C3 Bright2 PI RMF Calibration data files: ecd = /software/lheasoft/develop/refdata/sisdata/sis1c3p40_290296.fits cti = /software/lheasoft/develop/refdata/sisdata/sisph2pi_110397.fits echo = /software/lheasoft/develop/refdata/sisdata/sisechos_290296.fits rdd = /software/lheasoft/develop/refdata/sisdata/sisrddis_290296.fits Please stand by... ...Done. gnt_infrm: ======================== gnt_infrm: End of procedure do_spec gnt_infrm: ======================== Tue May 2 16:06:22 EDT 2000 gnt_infrm: ************************* gnt_infrm: Running procedure do_expo gnt_infrm: ************************* Tue May 2 16:06:23 EDT 2000 gnt_infrm: Grouping channels and creating new 4-channel .pha files... gnt_infrm: Creating 4-channel spectrum for sis0... ------------------------- MANDATORY KEYWORDS/VALUES ------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------- EXTNAME - SPECTRUM Name of this BINTABLE TELESCOP - ASCA Mission/Satellite name INSTRUME - SIS0 Instrument/Detector FILTER - NONE Instrument filter in use EXPOSURE - 27252. Integration time (in secs) of PHA data AREASCAL - 1.0000 Area scaling factor BACKSCAL - 6.33400E-02 Background scaling factor BACKFILE - 75028000_sis0_bgd.pha CORRSCAL - 1.0000 Correlation scaling factor CORRFILE - none Associated correlation file RESPFILE - 75028000_sis0.rmf ANCRFILE - 75028000_sis0.arf POISSERR - TRUE Whether Poissonian errors apply CHANTYPE - PI Whether channels have been corrected TLMIN1 - 0 First legal Detector channel DETCHANS - 1024 No. of legal detector channels NCHAN - 1024 No. of detector channels in dataset PHAVERSN - 1.1.0 OGIP FITS version number STAT_ERR - FALSE Statistical Error SYS_ERR - TRUE Fractional Systematic Error QUALITY - TRUE Quality Flag GROUPING - FALSE Grouping Flag -------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------- minchan(nocom) 41 maxchan(nocom) 136 numchan(nocom) 96 minchan(nocom) 137 maxchan(nocom) 340 numchan(nocom) 204 minchan(nocom) 341 maxchan(nocom) 477 numchan(nocom) 137 minchan(nocom) 478 maxchan(nocom) 683 numchan(nocom) 206 ...... exiting, changes written to file : 75028000_sis0_4_ch.pha ** grppha 2.9.0 completed successfully gnt_infrm: Creating efficiency map for sis0... ASCAEFFMAP vers 2.27 5 May 1999. xrtrsp : /FTP/caldb/data/asca/xrt/bcf/xrt_ea_v2_0.fits 385 grouped channels from the PHA file Bin size is 0.0270 (mm) = 0.0265(arcmin) Optical axis is 662.72 559.02 WMAP size is 45 x 44 WMAP offset is 280 280 WMAP bin factor is 8 1024 ungrouped channels from the RMF file pha bin = 42, E = 0.600 - 2.004 keV ( 1 / 4) calculating ... <efficiency> = 102.7512 weight = 5.5355362E-05 pha bin = 43, E = 2.004 - 4.987 keV ( 2 / 4) calculating ... <efficiency> = 88.99881 weight = 3.3069227E-05 pha bin = 44, E = 4.987 - 6.991 keV ( 3 / 4) calculating ... <efficiency> = 81.67889 weight = 1.3967783E-05 pha bin = 45, E = 6.991 - 10.002 keV ( 4 / 4) calculating ... <efficiency> = 24.83039 weight = 4.8610211E-05 wrote /tproc/nandra/processing/75028000/work/75028000_sis0.effmap gnt_infrm: Creating 4-channel spectrum for sis1... ------------------------- MANDATORY KEYWORDS/VALUES ------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------- EXTNAME - SPECTRUM Name of this BINTABLE TELESCOP - ASCA Mission/Satellite name INSTRUME - SIS1 Instrument/Detector FILTER - NONE Instrument filter in use EXPOSURE - 29449. Integration time (in secs) of PHA data AREASCAL - 1.0000 Area scaling factor BACKSCAL - 5.94040E-02 Background scaling factor BACKFILE - 75028000_sis1_bgd.pha CORRSCAL - 1.0000 Correlation scaling factor CORRFILE - none Associated correlation file RESPFILE - 75028000_sis1.rmf ANCRFILE - 75028000_sis1.arf POISSERR - TRUE Whether Poissonian errors apply CHANTYPE - PI Whether channels have been corrected TLMIN1 - 0 First legal Detector channel DETCHANS - 1024 No. of legal detector channels NCHAN - 1024 No. of detector channels in dataset PHAVERSN - 1.1.0 OGIP FITS version number STAT_ERR - FALSE Statistical Error SYS_ERR - TRUE Fractional Systematic Error QUALITY - TRUE Quality Flag GROUPING - FALSE Grouping Flag -------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------- minchan(nocom) 41 maxchan(nocom) 136 numchan(nocom) 96 minchan(nocom) 137 maxchan(nocom) 340 numchan(nocom) 204 minchan(nocom) 341 maxchan(nocom) 477 numchan(nocom) 137 minchan(nocom) 478 maxchan(nocom) 683 numchan(nocom) 206 ...... exiting, changes written to file : 75028000_sis1_4_ch.pha ** grppha 2.9.0 completed successfully gnt_infrm: Creating efficiency map for sis1... ASCAEFFMAP vers 2.27 5 May 1999. xrtrsp : /FTP/caldb/data/asca/xrt/bcf/xrt_ea_v2_0.fits 385 grouped channels from the PHA file Bin size is 0.0270 (mm) = 0.0265(arcmin) Optical axis is 618.28 773.83 WMAP size is 45 x 40 WMAP offset is 280 312 WMAP bin factor is 8 1024 ungrouped channels from the RMF file pha bin = 42, E = 0.600 - 2.003 keV ( 1 / 4) calculating ... <efficiency> = 87.53846 weight = 6.2986117E-05 pha bin = 43, E = 2.003 - 4.983 keV ( 2 / 4) calculating ... <efficiency> = 73.05401 weight = 3.8085545E-05 pha bin = 44, E = 4.983 - 6.984 keV ( 3 / 4) calculating ... <efficiency> = 64.10332 weight = 2.4348245E-05 pha bin = 45, E = 6.984 - 9.991 keV ( 4 / 4) calculating ... <efficiency> = 17.87736 weight = 5.3142863E-05 wrote /tproc/nandra/processing/75028000/work/75028000_sis1.effmap gnt_infrm: Creating 4-channel spectrum for gis2... ------------------------- MANDATORY KEYWORDS/VALUES ------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------- EXTNAME - SPECTRUM Name of this BINTABLE TELESCOP - ASCA Mission/Satellite name INSTRUME - GIS2 Instrument/Detector FILTER - NONE Instrument filter in use EXPOSURE - 31358. Integration time (in secs) of PHA data AREASCAL - 1.0000 Area scaling factor BACKSCAL - 3.66360E-02 Background scaling factor BACKFILE - 75028000_gis2_bgd.pha CORRSCAL - 1.0000 Correlation scaling factor CORRFILE - none Associated correlation file RESPFILE - 75028000_gis2.rmf ANCRFILE - 75028000_gis2.arf POISSERR - TRUE Whether Poissonian errors apply CHANTYPE - PI Whether channels have been corrected TLMIN1 - 0 First legal Detector channel DETCHANS - 1024 No. of legal detector channels NCHAN - 1024 No. of detector channels in dataset PHAVERSN - 1.1.0 OGIP FITS version number STAT_ERR - FALSE Statistical Error SYS_ERR - TRUE Fractional Systematic Error QUALITY - TRUE Quality Flag GROUPING - FALSE Grouping Flag -------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------- minchan(nocom) 61 maxchan(nocom) 170 numchan(nocom) 110 minchan(nocom) 171 maxchan(nocom) 425 numchan(nocom) 255 minchan(nocom) 426 maxchan(nocom) 594 numchan(nocom) 169 minchan(nocom) 595 maxchan(nocom) 848 numchan(nocom) 254 ...... exiting, changes written to file : 75028000_gis2_4_ch.pha ** grppha 2.9.0 completed successfully gnt_infrm: Creating efficiency map for gis2... ASCAEFFMAP vers 2.27 5 May 1999. bethick : /FTP/caldb/data/asca/gis/bcf/s2bev1.fits grid : /FTP/caldb/data/asca/gis/bcf/s2gridv3.fits xrtrsp : /FTP/caldb/data/asca/xrt/bcf/xrt_ea_v2_0.fits 240 grouped channels from the PHA file Bin size is 0.2500 (mm) = 0.2456(arcmin) Optical axis is 133.00 130.96 WMAP size is 54 x 54 WMAP offset is 79 86 WMAP bin factor is 1 1024 ungrouped channels from the RMF file pha bin = 62, E = 0.719 - 2.016 keV ( 1 / 4) calculating ... <efficiency> = 59.05895 weight = 6.0386285E-03 pha bin = 63, E = 2.016 - 5.022 keV ( 2 / 4) calculating ... <efficiency> = 67.29219 weight = 4.8420089E-03 pha bin = 64, E = 5.022 - 7.014 keV ( 3 / 4) calculating ... <efficiency> = 57.38325 weight = 2.2093076E-03 pha bin = 65, E = 7.014 - 10.008 keV ( 4 / 4) calculating ... <efficiency> = 20.09913 weight = 4.2443653E-03 wrote /tproc/nandra/processing/75028000/work/75028000_gis2.effmap gnt_infrm: Creating 4-channel spectrum for gis3... ------------------------- MANDATORY KEYWORDS/VALUES ------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------- EXTNAME - SPECTRUM Name of this BINTABLE TELESCOP - ASCA Mission/Satellite name INSTRUME - GIS3 Instrument/Detector FILTER - NONE Instrument filter in use EXPOSURE - 31360. Integration time (in secs) of PHA data AREASCAL - 1.0000 Area scaling factor BACKSCAL - 3.66360E-02 Background scaling factor BACKFILE - 75028000_gis3_bgd.pha CORRSCAL - 1.0000 Correlation scaling factor CORRFILE - none Associated correlation file RESPFILE - 75028000_gis3.rmf ANCRFILE - 75028000_gis3.arf POISSERR - TRUE Whether Poissonian errors apply CHANTYPE - PI Whether channels have been corrected TLMIN1 - 0 First legal Detector channel DETCHANS - 1024 No. of legal detector channels NCHAN - 1024 No. of detector channels in dataset PHAVERSN - 1.1.0 OGIP FITS version number STAT_ERR - FALSE Statistical Error SYS_ERR - TRUE Fractional Systematic Error QUALITY - TRUE Quality Flag GROUPING - FALSE Grouping Flag -------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------- minchan(nocom) 61 maxchan(nocom) 170 numchan(nocom) 110 minchan(nocom) 171 maxchan(nocom) 425 numchan(nocom) 255 minchan(nocom) 426 maxchan(nocom) 594 numchan(nocom) 169 minchan(nocom) 595 maxchan(nocom) 848 numchan(nocom) 254 ...... exiting, changes written to file : 75028000_gis3_4_ch.pha ** grppha 2.9.0 completed successfully gnt_infrm: Creating efficiency map for gis3... ASCAEFFMAP vers 2.27 5 May 1999. bethick : /FTP/caldb/data/asca/gis/bcf/s3bev1.fits grid : /FTP/caldb/data/asca/gis/bcf/s3gridv3.fits xrtrsp : /FTP/caldb/data/asca/xrt/bcf/xrt_ea_v2_0.fits 240 grouped channels from the PHA file Bin size is 0.2500 (mm) = 0.2456(arcmin) Optical axis is 119.36 134.44 WMAP size is 54 x 54 WMAP offset is 84 87 WMAP bin factor is 1 1024 ungrouped channels from the RMF file pha bin = 62, E = 0.719 - 2.016 keV ( 1 / 4) calculating ... <efficiency> = 67.02399 weight = 4.9368893E-03 pha bin = 63, E = 2.016 - 5.022 keV ( 2 / 4) calculating ... <efficiency> = 76.68946 weight = 4.7379495E-03 pha bin = 64, E = 5.022 - 7.014 keV ( 3 / 4) calculating ... <efficiency> = 67.52043 weight = 1.7989513E-03 pha bin = 65, E = 7.014 - 10.008 keV ( 4 / 4) calculating ... <efficiency> = 24.73126 weight = 3.7259164E-03 wrote /tproc/nandra/processing/75028000/work/75028000_gis3.effmap gnt_infrm: Creating exposure map for sis0... instfile=/tproc/nandra/processing/75028000/work/75028000_sis0.effmap ASCAEXPO_V0.9b reading data file: /tproc/nandra/processing/75028000/work/75028000_sis0.evt reading gti ext: STDGTI reading hp ext: HOT_PIXELS querying CALDB... reading cal file: /FTP/caldb/data/asca/sis/bcf/s0_teldef_070294.fits reading inst file: /tproc/nandra/processing/75028000/work/75028000_sis0.effm making an inst map... SIS AREA DISC ENABL OFF CHIP: 0 1 2 3 CCD POWER ON/OFF: OFF ON OFF OFF AREA DISC IN/OUT: OUT OUT IN IN AREA DISC H START: 6 6 6 316 AREA DISC H STOP: 425 425 200 425 AREA DISC V START: 2 2 2 2 AREA DISC V STOP: 422 422 150 112 multiply inst map... reading att file: /tproc/nandra/processing/75028000/aux/fa971117_0210.0010 making a sky image... writing sky image: /tproc/nandra/processing/75028000/work/75028000_sis0_sky_ making an exposure map... Aspect RA/DEC/ROLL : 158.7090 60.0560 239.6005 Mean RA/DEC/ROLL : 158.6807 60.0593 239.6005 Pnt RA/DEC/ROLL : 158.4359 59.9919 239.6005 Image rebin factor : 1 Attitude Records : 87129 Hot Pixels : 16 GTI intervals : 66 Total GTI (secs) : 27252.479 Max attitude excursion (arcsecs) : 15.000 0 Percent Complete: Total/live time: 0.00 0.00 10 Percent Complete: Total/live time: 6731.85 6731.85 20 Percent Complete: Total/live time: 6731.85 6731.85 30 Percent Complete: Total/live time: 26735.13 26735.13 40 Percent Complete: Total/live time: 26735.13 26735.13 50 Percent Complete: Total/live time: 27252.48 27252.48 100 Percent Complete: Total/live time: 27252.48 27252.48 Number of attitude steps used: 9 Number of attitude steps avail: 86395 Mean RA/DEC pixel offset: -45.6599 -84.2110 writing expo file: /tproc/nandra/processing/75028000/work/75028000_sis0_raw. closing attitude file... closing data file... gnt_infrm: Creating exposure map for sis1... instfile=/tproc/nandra/processing/75028000/work/75028000_sis1.effmap ASCAEXPO_V0.9b reading data file: /tproc/nandra/processing/75028000/work/75028000_sis1.evt reading gti ext: STDGTI reading hp ext: HOT_PIXELS querying CALDB... reading cal file: /FTP/caldb/data/asca/sis/bcf/s1_teldef_070294.fits reading inst file: /tproc/nandra/processing/75028000/work/75028000_sis1.effm making an inst map... SIS AREA DISC ENABL OFF CHIP: 0 1 2 3 CCD POWER ON/OFF: OFF OFF OFF ON AREA DISC IN/OUT: OUT OUT OUT OUT AREA DISC H START: 6 6 6 6 AREA DISC H STOP: 425 425 425 425 AREA DISC V START: 2 2 2 2 AREA DISC V STOP: 422 422 422 422 multiply inst map... reading att file: /tproc/nandra/processing/75028000/aux/fa971117_0210.0010 making a sky image... writing sky image: /tproc/nandra/processing/75028000/work/75028000_sis1_sky_ making an exposure map... Aspect RA/DEC/ROLL : 158.7090 60.0560 239.6234 Mean RA/DEC/ROLL : 158.7088 60.0509 239.6234 Pnt RA/DEC/ROLL : 158.4094 60.0008 239.6234 Image rebin factor : 1 Attitude Records : 87129 Hot Pixels : 36 GTI intervals : 67 Total GTI (secs) : 29449.355 Max attitude excursion (arcsecs) : 15.000 0 Percent Complete: Total/live time: 0.00 0.00 10 Percent Complete: Total/live time: 7655.85 7655.85 20 Percent Complete: Total/live time: 7655.85 7655.85 30 Percent Complete: Total/live time: 28659.88 28659.88 40 Percent Complete: Total/live time: 28659.88 28659.88 50 Percent Complete: Total/live time: 29449.36 29449.36 100 Percent Complete: Total/live time: 29449.36 29449.36 Number of attitude steps used: 9 Number of attitude steps avail: 86461 Mean RA/DEC pixel offset: -49.5696 -20.3096 writing expo file: /tproc/nandra/processing/75028000/work/75028000_sis1_raw. closing attitude file... closing data file... gnt_infrm: Creating exposure map for gis2... instfile=/tproc/nandra/processing/75028000/work/75028000_gis2.effmap ASCAEXPO_V0.9b reading data file: /tproc/nandra/processing/75028000/work/75028000_gis2.evt reading gti ext: STDGTI querying CALDB... reading cal file: /FTP/caldb/data/asca/gis/bcf/gis2_ano_on_flf_180295.fits reading inst file: /tproc/nandra/processing/75028000/work/75028000_gis2.effm making an inst map... rebin gis: 1 multiply inst map... reading att file: /tproc/nandra/processing/75028000/aux/fa971117_0210.0010 making a sky image... writing sky image: /tproc/nandra/processing/75028000/work/75028000_gis2_sky_ making an exposure map... Aspect RA/DEC/ROLL : 158.7090 60.0560 239.6109 Mean RA/DEC/ROLL : 158.6780 60.0397 239.6109 Pnt RA/DEC/ROLL : 158.4241 60.0098 239.6109 Image rebin factor : 1 Attitude Records : 87129 GTI intervals : 74 Total GTI (secs) : 31358.012 Max attitude excursion (arcsecs) : 15.000 0 Percent Complete: Total/live time: 0.00 0.00 10 Percent Complete: Total/live time: 18792.08 18792.08 20 Percent Complete: Total/live time: 18792.08 18792.08 30 Percent Complete: Total/live time: 26387.04 26387.04 40 Percent Complete: Total/live time: 26387.04 26387.04 50 Percent Complete: Total/live time: 30245.53 30245.53 60 Percent Complete: Total/live time: 30245.53 30245.53 70 Percent Complete: Total/live time: 31358.02 31358.02 100 Percent Complete: Total/live time: 31358.02 31358.02 Number of attitude steps used: 11 Number of attitude steps avail: 86589 Mean RA/DEC pixel offset: -10.6390 -3.0466 writing expo file: /tproc/nandra/processing/75028000/work/75028000_gis2_raw. closing attitude file... closing data file... gnt_infrm: Creating exposure map for gis3... instfile=/tproc/nandra/processing/75028000/work/75028000_gis3.effmap ASCAEXPO_V0.9b reading data file: /tproc/nandra/processing/75028000/work/75028000_gis3.evt reading gti ext: STDGTI querying CALDB... reading cal file: /FTP/caldb/data/asca/gis/bcf/gis3_ano_on_flf_180295.fits reading inst file: /tproc/nandra/processing/75028000/work/75028000_gis3.effm making an inst map... rebin gis: 1 multiply inst map... reading att file: /tproc/nandra/processing/75028000/aux/fa971117_0210.0010 making a sky image... writing sky image: /tproc/nandra/processing/75028000/work/75028000_gis3_sky_ making an exposure map... Aspect RA/DEC/ROLL : 158.7090 60.0560 239.6363 Mean RA/DEC/ROLL : 158.7069 60.0602 239.6363 Pnt RA/DEC/ROLL : 158.3949 59.9896 239.6363 Image rebin factor : 1 Attitude Records : 87129 GTI intervals : 73 Total GTI (secs) : 31360.012 Max attitude excursion (arcsecs) : 15.000 0 Percent Complete: Total/live time: 0.00 0.00 10 Percent Complete: Total/live time: 18760.08 18760.08 20 Percent Complete: Total/live time: 18760.08 18760.08 30 Percent Complete: Total/live time: 26357.04 26357.04 40 Percent Complete: Total/live time: 26357.04 26357.04 50 Percent Complete: Total/live time: 30215.53 30215.53 60 Percent Complete: Total/live time: 30215.53 30215.53 70 Percent Complete: Total/live time: 31360.02 31360.02 100 Percent Complete: Total/live time: 31360.02 31360.02 Number of attitude steps used: 11 Number of attitude steps avail: 86589 Mean RA/DEC pixel offset: 0.3416 -1.9558 writing expo file: /tproc/nandra/processing/75028000/work/75028000_gis3_raw. closing attitude file... closing data file... gnt_infrm: ======================== gnt_infrm: End of procedure do_expo gnt_infrm: ======================== Tue May 2 16:10:56 EDT 2000 gnt_infrm: ************************* gnt_infrm: Running procedure do_lcvs gnt_infrm: ************************* Tue May 2 16:10:56 EDT 2000 gnt_infrm: Making lightcurves with 3 binsizes and 3 energy bands... gnt_infrm: Time ordering... gnt_infrm: Source, full-band, 16s bin, SIS/GIS... nbint = 4847 gnt_infrm: Command... lcurve nser=1 cfile1=@/tproc/nandra/processing/75028000/work/lcvs.tmp window=/home/rosserv/nandra/tartarus/scripts3.2/win_full2.wi dtnb=16 nbint=4847 tunits=1 clobber=yes outfile=/tproc/nandra/processing/75028000/work/75028000_sis_src_16s.flc rescale=2.0 plot=no lcurve 1.0 (xronos5.16) Series 1 file 1:/tproc/nandra/processing/75028000/work/75028000_sis0_src.evt Selected FITS extensions: 1 - RATE TABLE; 2 - GTIs Source ............ MRK_34 Start Time (d) .... 10769 02:25:52.134 FITS Extension .... 1 - `EVENTS ` Stop Time (d) ..... 10769 23:52:48.134 No. of Rows ....... 689 Bin Time (s) ...... 4.000 Right Ascension ... 1.5871E+02 Internal time sys.. Converted to TJD Declination ....... 6.0056E+01 Experiment ........ ASCA SIS0 Filter ............ NONE Corrections applied: Vignetting - No ; Deadtime - No ; Bkgd - No ; Clock - No Selected Columns: 1- Time; 7- E-Channel; File contains arrival-time data. FITS Extension .... 2 - `STDGTI ` First GTI Start ... 10769 02:25:52.134 No. of Rows ....... 66 Last GTI Stop ..... 10769 23:52:48.134 Selected Columns: 1 - GTI Start; 2 - GTI Stop Series 1 file 2:/tproc/nandra/processing/75028000/work/75028000_sis1_src.evt Selected FITS extensions: 1 - RATE TABLE; 2 - GTIs Source ............ MRK_34 Start Time (d) .... 10769 02:25:52.134 FITS Extension .... 1 - `EVENTS ` Stop Time (d) ..... 10769 23:58:08.134 No. of Rows ....... 651 Bin Time (s) ...... 4.000 Right Ascension ... 1.5871E+02 Internal time sys.. Converted to TJD Declination ....... 6.0056E+01 Experiment ........ ASCA SIS1 Filter ............ NONE Corrections applied: Vignetting - No ; Deadtime - No ; Bkgd - No ; Clock - No Selected Columns: 1- Time; 7- E-Channel; File contains arrival-time data. FITS Extension .... 2 - `STDGTI ` First GTI Start ... 10769 02:25:52.134 No. of Rows ....... 67 Last GTI Stop ..... 10769 23:58:08.134 Selected Columns: 1 - GTI Start; 2 - GTI Stop **** Warning : Infiles for series 1 overlap in time Having > 1 intv or using time winds. might cause data loss ! Expected Start ... 10769.10129784731 (days) 2:25:52:134 (h:m:s:ms) Expected Stop .... 10769.99870525472 (days) 23:58: 8:134 (h:m:s:ms) Minimum Newbin Time 4.0000000 (s) for Maximum Newbin No.. 19385 Default Newbin Time is: 151.61517 (s) (to have 1 Intv. of 512 Newbins) Type INDEF to accept the default value Newbin Time ...... 16.000000 (s) Maximum Newbin No. 4847 Default Newbins per Interval are: 512 (giving 10 Intervals of 512 Newbins each) Type INDEF to accept the default value Maximum of 1 Intvs. with 4847 Newbins of 16.0000 (s) **** Warning: All results and errors will be multiplied by 2.000000 4847 analysis results per interval 1% completed 2% completed 3% completed 4% completed 5% completed 6% completed 7% completed 8% completed 9% completed 10% completed 11% completed 12% completed 13% completed 14% completed 15% completed 16% completed 17% completed 18% completed 19% completed 20% completed 21% completed 22% completed 23% completed 24% completed 25% completed 26% completed 27% completed 28% completed 29% completed 30% completed 31% completed 32% completed 33% completed 34% completed 35% completed 36% completed 37% completed 38% completed 39% completed 40% completed 41% completed 42% completed 43% completed 44% completed 45% completed 46% completed 47% completed 48% completed 49% completed 50% completed 51% completed 52% completed 53% completed 54% completed 55% completed 56% completed 57% completed 58% completed 59% completed 60% completed 61% completed 62% completed 63% completed 64% completed 65% completed 66% completed 67% completed 68% completed 69% completed 70% completed 71% completed 72% completed 73% completed 74% completed 75% completed 76% completed 77% completed 78% completed 79% completed 80% completed 81% completed 82% completed 83% completed 84% completed 85% completed 86% completed 87% completed 88% completed 89% completed 90% completed 91% completed 92% completed 93% completed 94% completed 95% completed 96% completed 97% completed 98% completed 99% completed 100% completed Intv 1 Start 10769 2:26: 0 Ser.1 Avg 0.2364E-01 Chisq 1771. Var 0.7939E-03 Newbs. 1651 Min 0.000 Max 0.1562 expVar 0.7400E-03 Bins 1341 Writing output file: /tproc/nandra/processing/75028000/work/75028000_sis_src_16s nbint = 4867 lcurve 1.0 (xronos5.16) Series 1 file 1:/tproc/nandra/processing/75028000/work/75028000_gis2_src.evt Selected FITS extensions: 1 - RATE TABLE; 2 - GTIs Source ............ MRK_34 Start Time (d) .... 10769 02:25:52.134 FITS Extension .... 1 - `EVENTS ` Stop Time (d) ..... 10770 00:03:28.134 No. of Rows ....... 779 Bin Time (s) ...... 0.5000 Right Ascension ... 1.5871E+02 Internal time sys.. Converted to TJD Declination ....... 6.0056E+01 Experiment ........ ASCA GIS2 Filter ............ NONE Corrections applied: Vignetting - No ; Deadtime - No ; Bkgd - No ; Clock - No Selected Columns: 1- Time; 4- E-Channel; File contains arrival-time data. FITS Extension .... 2 - `STDGTI ` First GTI Start ... 10769 02:25:52.134 No. of Rows ....... 74 Last GTI Stop ..... 10770 00:03:28.134 Selected Columns: 1 - GTI Start; 2 - GTI Stop Series 1 file 2:/tproc/nandra/processing/75028000/work/75028000_gis3_src.evt Selected FITS extensions: 1 - RATE TABLE; 2 - GTIs Source ............ MRK_34 Start Time (d) .... 10769 02:25:52.134 FITS Extension .... 1 - `EVENTS ` Stop Time (d) ..... 10770 00:03:28.134 No. of Rows ....... 889 Bin Time (s) ...... 0.5000 Right Ascension ... 1.5871E+02 Internal time sys.. Converted to TJD Declination ....... 6.0056E+01 Experiment ........ ASCA GIS3 Filter ............ NONE Corrections applied: Vignetting - No ; Deadtime - No ; Bkgd - No ; Clock - No Selected Columns: 1- Time; 4- E-Channel; File contains arrival-time data. FITS Extension .... 2 - `STDGTI ` First GTI Start ... 10769 02:25:52.134 No. of Rows ....... 73 Last GTI Stop ..... 10770 00:03:28.134 Selected Columns: 1 - GTI Start; 2 - GTI Stop **** Warning : Infiles for series 1 overlap in time Having > 1 intv or using time winds. might cause data loss ! Expected Start ... 10769.10129784731 (days) 2:25:52:134 (h:m:s:ms) Expected Stop .... 10770.00240895842 (days) 0: 3:28:134 (h:m:s:ms) Minimum Newbin Time 0.50000000 (s) for Maximum Newbin No.. 155713 Default Newbin Time is: 152.24091 (s) (to have 1 Intv. of 512 Newbins) Type INDEF to accept the default value Newbin Time ...... 16.000000 (s) Maximum Newbin No. 4867 Default Newbins per Interval are: 512 (giving 10 Intervals of 512 Newbins each) Type INDEF to accept the default value Maximum of 1 Intvs. with 4867 Newbins of 16.0000 (s) **** Warning: All results and errors will be multiplied by 2.000000 4867 analysis results per interval 1% completed 2% completed 3% completed 4% completed 5% completed 6% completed 7% completed 8% completed 9% completed 10% completed 11% completed 12% completed 13% completed 14% completed 15% completed 16% completed 17% completed 18% completed 19% completed 20% completed 21% completed 22% completed 23% completed 24% completed 25% completed 26% completed 27% completed 28% completed 29% completed 30% completed 31% completed 32% completed 33% completed 34% completed 35% completed 36% completed 37% completed 38% completed 39% completed 40% completed 41% completed 42% completed 43% completed 44% completed 45% completed 46% completed 47% completed 48% completed 49% completed 50% completed 51% completed 52% completed 53% completed 54% completed 55% completed 56% completed 57% completed 58% completed 59% completed 60% completed 61% completed 62% completed 63% completed 64% completed 65% completed 66% completed 67% completed 68% completed 69% completed 70% completed 71% completed 72% completed 73% completed 74% completed 75% completed 76% completed 77% completed 78% completed 79% completed 80% completed 81% completed 82% completed 83% completed 84% completed 85% completed 86% completed 87% completed 88% completed 89% completed 90% completed 91% completed 92% completed 93% completed 94% completed 95% completed 96% completed 97% completed 98% completed 99% completed 100% completed Intv 1 Start 10769 2:26: 0 Ser.1 Avg 0.2663E-01 Chisq 1937. Var 0.8431E-03 Newbs. 1915 Min-0.3125E-01 Max 0.1875 expVar 0.8333E-03 Bins 1669 Writing output file: /tproc/nandra/processing/75028000/work/75028000_gis_src_16s gnt_infrm: Source, full-band, 256/5760s bin, SIS/GIS... nbint = 303 lcurve 1.0 (xronos5.16) Series 1 file 1:/tproc/nandra/processing/75028000/work/75028000_sis_src_16s.f Selected FITS extensions: 1 - RATE TABLE; Source ............ MRK_34 Start Time (d) .... 10769 02:25:52.134 FITS Extension .... 1 - `RATE ` Stop Time (d) ..... 10769 23:52:48.134 No. of Rows ....... 1651 Bin Time (s) ...... 16.00 Right Ascension ... Internal time sys.. Literal Declination ....... Experiment ........ Corrections applied: Vignetting - No ; Deadtime - No ; Bkgd - No ; Clock - No Selected Columns: 1- Time; 3- Y-axis; 4- Y-error; 5- Fractional exposure; File contains binned data. Expected Start ... 10769.10129784731 (days) 2:25:52:134 (h:m:s:ms) Expected Stop .... 10769.99500154924 (days) 23:52:48:134 (h:m:s:ms) Minimum Newbin Time 16.000000 (s) for Maximum Newbin No.. 4826 Default Newbin Time is: 150.98944 (s) (to have 1 Intv. of 512 Newbins) Type INDEF to accept the default value Newbin Time ...... 256.00000 (s) Maximum Newbin No. 302 Default Newbins per Interval are: 302 (giving 1 Interval of 302 Newbins) Type INDEF to accept the default value Maximum of 1 Intvs. with 303 Newbins of 256.000 (s) 303 analysis results per interval 1% completed 2% completed 3% completed 4% completed 5% completed 6% completed 7% completed 8% completed 9% completed 10% completed 11% completed 12% completed 13% completed 14% completed 15% completed 16% completed 17% completed 18% completed 19% completed 20% completed 21% completed 22% completed 23% completed 24% completed 25% completed 26% completed 27% completed 28% completed 29% completed 30% completed 31% completed 32% completed 33% completed 34% completed 35% completed 36% completed 37% completed 38% completed 39% completed 40% completed 41% completed 42% completed 43% completed 44% completed 45% completed 46% completed 47% completed 48% completed 49% completed 50% completed 51% completed 52% completed 53% completed 54% completed 55% completed 56% completed 57% completed 58% completed 59% completed 60% completed 61% completed 62% completed 63% completed 64% completed 65% completed 66% completed 67% completed 68% completed 69% completed 70% completed 71% completed 72% completed 73% completed 74% completed 75% completed 76% completed 77% completed 78% completed 79% completed 80% completed 81% completed 82% completed 83% completed 84% completed 85% completed 86% completed 87% completed 88% completed 89% completed 90% completed 91% completed 92% completed 93% completed 94% completed 95% completed 96% completed 97% completed 98% completed 99% completed 100% completed Intv 1 Start 10769 2:28: 0 Ser.1 Avg 0.4593E-01 Chisq 90.27 Var 0.2460E-03 Newbs. 66 Min 0.1562E-01 Max 0.1016 expVar 0.1799E-03 Bins 1651 Writing output file: /tproc/nandra/processing/75028000/work/75028000_sis_src_256 nbint = 305 lcurve 1.0 (xronos5.16) Series 1 file 1:/tproc/nandra/processing/75028000/work/75028000_gis_src_16s.f Selected FITS extensions: 1 - RATE TABLE; Source ............ MRK_34 Start Time (d) .... 10769 02:25:52.134 FITS Extension .... 1 - `RATE ` Stop Time (d) ..... 10770 00:03:28.134 No. of Rows ....... 1915 Bin Time (s) ...... 16.00 Right Ascension ... Internal time sys.. Literal Declination ....... Experiment ........ Corrections applied: Vignetting - No ; Deadtime - No ; Bkgd - No ; Clock - No Selected Columns: 1- Time; 3- Y-axis; 4- Y-error; 5- Fractional exposure; File contains binned data. Expected Start ... 10769.10129784731 (days) 2:25:52:134 (h:m:s:ms) Expected Stop .... 10770.00240895664 (days) 0: 3:28:134 (h:m:s:ms) Minimum Newbin Time 16.000000 (s) for Maximum Newbin No.. 4866 Default Newbin Time is: 152.24091 (s) (to have 1 Intv. of 512 Newbins) Type INDEF to accept the default value Newbin Time ...... 256.00000 (s) Maximum Newbin No. 305 Default Newbins per Interval are: 305 (giving 1 Interval of 305 Newbins) Type INDEF to accept the default value Maximum of 1 Intvs. with 305 Newbins of 256.000 (s) 305 analysis results per interval 1% completed 2% completed 3% completed 4% completed 5% completed 6% completed 7% completed 8% completed 9% completed 10% completed 11% completed 12% completed 13% completed 14% completed 15% completed 16% completed 17% completed 18% completed 19% completed 20% completed 21% completed 22% completed 23% completed 24% completed 25% completed 26% completed 27% completed 28% completed 29% completed 30% completed 31% completed 32% completed 33% completed 34% completed 35% completed 36% completed 37% completed 38% completed 39% completed 40% completed 41% completed 42% completed 43% completed 44% completed 45% completed 46% completed 47% completed 48% completed 49% completed 50% completed 51% completed 52% completed 53% completed 54% completed 55% completed 56% completed 57% completed 58% completed 59% completed 60% completed 61% completed 62% completed 63% completed 64% completed 65% completed 66% completed 67% completed 68% completed 69% completed 70% completed 71% completed 72% completed 73% completed 74% completed 75% completed 76% completed 77% completed 78% completed 79% completed 80% completed 81% completed 82% completed 83% completed 84% completed 85% completed 86% completed 87% completed 88% completed 89% completed 90% completed 91% completed 92% completed 93% completed 94% completed 95% completed 96% completed 97% completed 98% completed 99% completed 100% completed Intv 1 Start 10769 2:28: 0 Ser.1 Avg 0.5449E-01 Chisq 93.30 Var 0.2487E-03 Newbs. 80 Min 0.2344E-01 Max 0.1016 expVar 0.2132E-03 Bins 1915 Writing output file: /tproc/nandra/processing/75028000/work/75028000_gis_src_256 nbint = 14 lcurve 1.0 (xronos5.16) Series 1 file 1:/tproc/nandra/processing/75028000/work/75028000_sis_src_16s.f Selected FITS extensions: 1 - RATE TABLE; Source ............ MRK_34 Start Time (d) .... 10769 02:25:52.134 FITS Extension .... 1 - `RATE ` Stop Time (d) ..... 10769 23:52:48.134 No. of Rows ....... 1651 Bin Time (s) ...... 16.00 Right Ascension ... Internal time sys.. Literal Declination ....... Experiment ........ Corrections applied: Vignetting - No ; Deadtime - No ; Bkgd - No ; Clock - No Selected Columns: 1- Time; 3- Y-axis; 4- Y-error; 5- Fractional exposure; File contains binned data. Expected Start ... 10769.10129784731 (days) 2:25:52:134 (h:m:s:ms) Expected Stop .... 10769.99500154924 (days) 23:52:48:134 (h:m:s:ms) Minimum Newbin Time 16.000000 (s) for Maximum Newbin No.. 4826 Default Newbin Time is: 150.98944 (s) (to have 1 Intv. of 512 Newbins) Type INDEF to accept the default value Newbin Time ...... 5760.0000 (s) Maximum Newbin No. 14 Default Newbins per Interval are: 14 (giving 1 Interval of 14 Newbins) Type INDEF to accept the default value Maximum of 1 Intvs. with 14 Newbins of 5760.00 (s) 14 analysis results per interval 1% completed 2% completed 3% completed 4% completed 5% completed 6% completed 7% completed 8% completed 9% completed 10% completed 11% completed 12% completed 13% completed 14% completed 15% completed 16% completed 17% completed 18% completed 19% completed 20% completed 21% completed 22% completed 23% completed 24% completed 25% completed 26% completed 27% completed 28% completed 29% completed 30% completed 31% completed 32% completed 33% completed 34% completed 35% completed 36% completed 37% completed 38% completed 39% completed 40% completed 41% completed 42% completed 43% completed 44% completed 45% completed 46% completed 47% completed 48% completed 49% completed 50% completed 51% completed 52% completed 53% completed 54% completed 55% completed 56% completed 57% completed 58% completed 59% completed 60% completed 61% completed 62% completed 63% completed 64% completed 65% completed 66% completed 67% completed 68% completed 69% completed 70% completed 71% completed 72% completed 73% completed 74% completed 75% completed 76% completed 77% completed 78% completed 79% completed 80% completed 81% completed 82% completed 83% completed 84% completed 85% completed 86% completed 87% completed 88% completed 89% completed 90% completed 91% completed 92% completed 93% completed 94% completed 95% completed 96% completed 97% completed 98% completed 99% completed 100% completed Intv 1 Start 10769 3:13:52 Ser.1 Avg 0.4646E-01 Chisq 12.47 Var 0.4568E-04 Newbs. 13 Min 0.2961E-01 Max 0.5649E-01expVar 0.2908E-04 Bins 1651 Writing output file: /tproc/nandra/processing/75028000/work/75028000_sis_src_576 nbint = 14 lcurve 1.0 (xronos5.16) Series 1 file 1:/tproc/nandra/processing/75028000/work/75028000_gis_src_16s.f Selected FITS extensions: 1 - RATE TABLE; Source ............ MRK_34 Start Time (d) .... 10769 02:25:52.134 FITS Extension .... 1 - `RATE ` Stop Time (d) ..... 10770 00:03:28.134 No. of Rows ....... 1915 Bin Time (s) ...... 16.00 Right Ascension ... Internal time sys.. Literal Declination ....... Experiment ........ Corrections applied: Vignetting - No ; Deadtime - No ; Bkgd - No ; Clock - No Selected Columns: 1- Time; 3- Y-axis; 4- Y-error; 5- Fractional exposure; File contains binned data. Expected Start ... 10769.10129784731 (days) 2:25:52:134 (h:m:s:ms) Expected Stop .... 10770.00240895664 (days) 0: 3:28:134 (h:m:s:ms) Minimum Newbin Time 16.000000 (s) for Maximum Newbin No.. 4866 Default Newbin Time is: 152.24091 (s) (to have 1 Intv. of 512 Newbins) Type INDEF to accept the default value Newbin Time ...... 5760.0000 (s) Maximum Newbin No. 14 Default Newbins per Interval are: 14 (giving 1 Interval of 14 Newbins) Type INDEF to accept the default value Maximum of 1 Intvs. with 14 Newbins of 5760.00 (s) 14 analysis results per interval 1% completed 2% completed 3% completed 4% completed 5% completed 6% completed 7% completed 8% completed 9% completed 10% completed 11% completed 12% completed 13% completed 14% completed 15% completed 16% completed 17% completed 18% completed 19% completed 20% completed 21% completed 22% completed 23% completed 24% completed 25% completed 26% completed 27% completed 28% completed 29% completed 30% completed 31% completed 32% completed 33% completed 34% completed 35% completed 36% completed 37% completed 38% completed 39% completed 40% completed 41% completed 42% completed 43% completed 44% completed 45% completed 46% completed 47% completed 48% completed 49% completed 50% completed 51% completed 52% completed 53% completed 54% completed 55% completed 56% completed 57% completed 58% completed 59% completed 60% completed 61% completed 62% completed 63% completed 64% completed 65% completed 66% completed 67% completed 68% completed 69% completed 70% completed 71% completed 72% completed 73% completed 74% completed 75% completed 76% completed 77% completed 78% completed 79% completed 80% completed 81% completed 82% completed 83% completed 84% completed 85% completed 86% completed 87% completed 88% completed 89% completed 90% completed 91% completed 92% completed 93% completed 94% completed 95% completed 96% completed 97% completed 98% completed 99% completed 100% completed Intv 1 Start 10769 3:13:52 Ser.1 Avg 0.5222E-01 Chisq 8.100 Var 0.6301E-04 Newbs. 14 Min 0.3125E-01 Max 0.6307E-01expVar 0.5980E-04 Bins 1915 Writing output file: /tproc/nandra/processing/75028000/work/75028000_gis_src_576 gnt_infrm: Source, soft-band, 16s/5760s bin, SIS... nbint = 4847 lcurve 1.0 (xronos5.16) Series 1 file 1:/tproc/nandra/processing/75028000/work/75028000_sis0_src_soft Selected FITS extensions: 1 - RATE TABLE; 2 - GTIs Source ............ MRK_34 Start Time (d) .... 10769 02:25:52.134 FITS Extension .... 1 - `EVENTS ` Stop Time (d) ..... 10769 23:52:48.134 No. of Rows ....... 376 Bin Time (s) ...... 4.000 Right Ascension ... 1.5871E+02 Internal time sys.. Converted to TJD Declination ....... 6.0056E+01 Experiment ........ ASCA SIS0 Filter ............ NONE Corrections applied: Vignetting - No ; Deadtime - No ; Bkgd - No ; Clock - No Selected Columns: 1- Time; 7- E-Channel; File contains arrival-time data. FITS Extension .... 2 - `STDGTI ` First GTI Start ... 10769 02:25:52.134 No. of Rows ....... 66 Last GTI Stop ..... 10769 23:52:48.134 Selected Columns: 1 - GTI Start; 2 - GTI Stop Series 1 file 2:/tproc/nandra/processing/75028000/work/75028000_sis1_src_soft Selected FITS extensions: 1 - RATE TABLE; 2 - GTIs Source ............ MRK_34 Start Time (d) .... 10769 02:25:52.134 FITS Extension .... 1 - `EVENTS ` Stop Time (d) ..... 10769 23:58:08.134 No. of Rows ....... 342 Bin Time (s) ...... 4.000 Right Ascension ... 1.5871E+02 Internal time sys.. Converted to TJD Declination ....... 6.0056E+01 Experiment ........ ASCA SIS1 Filter ............ NONE Corrections applied: Vignetting - No ; Deadtime - No ; Bkgd - No ; Clock - No Selected Columns: 1- Time; 7- E-Channel; File contains arrival-time data. FITS Extension .... 2 - `STDGTI ` First GTI Start ... 10769 02:25:52.134 No. of Rows ....... 67 Last GTI Stop ..... 10769 23:58:08.134 Selected Columns: 1 - GTI Start; 2 - GTI Stop **** Warning : Infiles for series 1 overlap in time Having > 1 intv or using time winds. might cause data loss ! Expected Start ... 10769.10129784731 (days) 2:25:52:134 (h:m:s:ms) Expected Stop .... 10769.99870525472 (days) 23:58: 8:134 (h:m:s:ms) Minimum Newbin Time 4.0000000 (s) for Maximum Newbin No.. 19385 Default Newbin Time is: 151.61517 (s) (to have 1 Intv. of 512 Newbins) Type INDEF to accept the default value Newbin Time ...... 16.000000 (s) Maximum Newbin No. 4847 Default Newbins per Interval are: 512 (giving 10 Intervals of 512 Newbins each) Type INDEF to accept the default value Maximum of 1 Intvs. with 4847 Newbins of 16.0000 (s) **** Warning: All results and errors will be multiplied by 2.000000 4847 analysis results per interval 1% completed 2% completed 3% completed 4% completed 5% completed 6% completed 7% completed 8% completed 9% completed 10% completed 11% completed 12% completed 13% completed 14% completed 15% completed 16% completed 17% completed 18% completed 19% completed 20% completed 21% completed 22% completed 23% completed 24% completed 25% completed 26% completed 27% completed 28% completed 29% completed 30% completed 31% completed 32% completed 33% completed 34% completed 35% completed 36% completed 37% completed 38% completed 39% completed 40% completed 41% completed 42% completed 43% completed 44% completed 45% completed 46% completed 47% completed 48% completed 49% completed 50% completed 51% completed 52% completed 53% completed 54% completed 55% completed 56% completed 57% completed 58% completed 59% completed 60% completed 61% completed 62% completed 63% completed 64% completed 65% completed 66% completed 67% completed 68% completed 69% completed 70% completed 71% completed 72% completed 73% completed 74% completed 75% completed 76% completed 77% completed 78% completed 79% completed 80% completed 81% completed 82% completed 83% completed 84% completed 85% completed 86% completed 87% completed 88% completed 89% completed 90% completed 91% completed 92% completed 93% completed 94% completed 95% completed 96% completed 97% completed 98% completed 99% completed 100% completed Intv 1 Start 10769 2:26: 0 Ser.1 Avg 0.1259E-01 Chisq 1731. Var 0.4135E-03 Newbs. 1651 Min 0.000 Max 0.1250 expVar 0.3945E-03 Bins 719 Writing output file: /tproc/nandra/processing/75028000/work/75028000_sis_src_16s nbint = 14 lcurve 1.0 (xronos5.16) Series 1 file 1:/tproc/nandra/processing/75028000/work/75028000_sis_src_16s_s Selected FITS extensions: 1 - RATE TABLE; Source ............ MRK_34 Start Time (d) .... 10769 02:25:52.134 FITS Extension .... 1 - `RATE ` Stop Time (d) ..... 10769 23:52:48.134 No. of Rows ....... 1651 Bin Time (s) ...... 16.00 Right Ascension ... Internal time sys.. Literal Declination ....... Experiment ........ Corrections applied: Vignetting - No ; Deadtime - No ; Bkgd - No ; Clock - No Selected Columns: 1- Time; 3- Y-axis; 4- Y-error; 5- Fractional exposure; File contains binned data. Expected Start ... 10769.10129784731 (days) 2:25:52:134 (h:m:s:ms) Expected Stop .... 10769.99500154924 (days) 23:52:48:134 (h:m:s:ms) Minimum Newbin Time 16.000000 (s) for Maximum Newbin No.. 4826 Default Newbin Time is: 150.98944 (s) (to have 1 Intv. of 512 Newbins) Type INDEF to accept the default value Newbin Time ...... 5760.0000 (s) Maximum Newbin No. 14 Default Newbins per Interval are: 14 (giving 1 Interval of 14 Newbins) Type INDEF to accept the default value Maximum of 1 Intvs. with 14 Newbins of 5760.00 (s) 14 analysis results per interval 1% completed 2% completed 3% completed 4% completed 5% completed 6% completed 7% completed 8% completed 9% completed 10% completed 11% completed 12% completed 13% completed 14% completed 15% completed 16% completed 17% completed 18% completed 19% completed 20% completed 21% completed 22% completed 23% completed 24% completed 25% completed 26% completed 27% completed 28% completed 29% completed 30% completed 31% completed 32% completed 33% completed 34% completed 35% completed 36% completed 37% completed 38% completed 39% completed 40% completed 41% completed 42% completed 43% completed 44% completed 45% completed 46% completed 47% completed 48% completed 49% completed 50% completed 51% completed 52% completed 53% completed 54% completed 55% completed 56% completed 57% completed 58% completed 59% completed 60% completed 61% completed 62% completed 63% completed 64% completed 65% completed 66% completed 67% completed 68% completed 69% completed 70% completed 71% completed 72% completed 73% completed 74% completed 75% completed 76% completed 77% completed 78% completed 79% completed 80% completed 81% completed 82% completed 83% completed 84% completed 85% completed 86% completed 87% completed 88% completed 89% completed 90% completed 91% completed 92% completed 93% completed 94% completed 95% completed 96% completed 97% completed 98% completed 99% completed 100% completed Intv 1 Start 10769 3:13:52 Ser.1 Avg 0.2469E-01 Chisq 13.11 Var 0.2272E-04 Newbs. 13 Min 0.1316E-01 Max 0.3305E-01expVar 0.1496E-04 Bins 1651 Writing output file: /tproc/nandra/processing/75028000/work/75028000_sis_src_576 gnt_infrm: Source, hard-band, 16s/5760s bin, SIS/GIS... nbint = 4847 lcurve 1.0 (xronos5.16) Series 1 file 1:/tproc/nandra/processing/75028000/work/75028000_sis0_src_hard Selected FITS extensions: 1 - RATE TABLE; 2 - GTIs Source ............ MRK_34 Start Time (d) .... 10769 02:25:52.134 FITS Extension .... 1 - `EVENTS ` Stop Time (d) ..... 10769 23:52:48.134 No. of Rows ....... 315 Bin Time (s) ...... 4.000 Right Ascension ... 1.5871E+02 Internal time sys.. Converted to TJD Declination ....... 6.0056E+01 Experiment ........ ASCA SIS0 Filter ............ NONE Corrections applied: Vignetting - No ; Deadtime - No ; Bkgd - No ; Clock - No Selected Columns: 1- Time; 7- E-Channel; File contains arrival-time data. FITS Extension .... 2 - `STDGTI ` First GTI Start ... 10769 02:25:52.134 No. of Rows ....... 66 Last GTI Stop ..... 10769 23:52:48.134 Selected Columns: 1 - GTI Start; 2 - GTI Stop Series 1 file 2:/tproc/nandra/processing/75028000/work/75028000_sis1_src_hard Selected FITS extensions: 1 - RATE TABLE; 2 - GTIs Source ............ MRK_34 Start Time (d) .... 10769 02:25:52.134 FITS Extension .... 1 - `EVENTS ` Stop Time (d) ..... 10769 23:58:08.134 No. of Rows ....... 310 Bin Time (s) ...... 4.000 Right Ascension ... 1.5871E+02 Internal time sys.. Converted to TJD Declination ....... 6.0056E+01 Experiment ........ ASCA SIS1 Filter ............ NONE Corrections applied: Vignetting - No ; Deadtime - No ; Bkgd - No ; Clock - No Selected Columns: 1- Time; 7- E-Channel; File contains arrival-time data. FITS Extension .... 2 - `STDGTI ` First GTI Start ... 10769 02:25:52.134 No. of Rows ....... 67 Last GTI Stop ..... 10769 23:58:08.134 Selected Columns: 1 - GTI Start; 2 - GTI Stop **** Warning : Infiles for series 1 overlap in time Having > 1 intv or using time winds. might cause data loss ! Expected Start ... 10769.10129784731 (days) 2:25:52:134 (h:m:s:ms) Expected Stop .... 10769.99870525472 (days) 23:58: 8:134 (h:m:s:ms) Minimum Newbin Time 4.0000000 (s) for Maximum Newbin No.. 19385 Default Newbin Time is: 151.61517 (s) (to have 1 Intv. of 512 Newbins) Type INDEF to accept the default value Newbin Time ...... 16.000000 (s) Maximum Newbin No. 4847 Default Newbins per Interval are: 512 (giving 10 Intervals of 512 Newbins each) Type INDEF to accept the default value Maximum of 1 Intvs. with 4847 Newbins of 16.0000 (s) **** Warning: All results and errors will be multiplied by 2.000000 4847 analysis results per interval 1% completed 2% completed 3% completed 4% completed 5% completed 6% completed 7% completed 8% completed 9% completed 10% completed 11% completed 12% completed 13% completed 14% completed 15% completed 16% completed 17% completed 18% completed 19% completed 20% completed 21% completed 22% completed 23% completed 24% completed 25% completed 26% completed 27% completed 28% completed 29% completed 30% completed 31% completed 32% completed 33% completed 34% completed 35% completed 36% completed 37% completed 38% completed 39% completed 40% completed 41% completed 42% completed 43% completed 44% completed 45% completed 46% completed 47% completed 48% completed 49% completed 50% completed 51% completed 52% completed 53% completed 54% completed 55% completed 56% completed 57% completed 58% completed 59% completed 60% completed 61% completed 62% completed 63% completed 64% completed 65% completed 66% completed 67% completed 68% completed 69% completed 70% completed 71% completed 72% completed 73% completed 74% completed 75% completed 76% completed 77% completed 78% completed 79% completed 80% completed 81% completed 82% completed 83% completed 84% completed 85% completed 86% completed 87% completed 88% completed 89% completed 90% completed 91% completed 92% completed 93% completed 94% completed 95% completed 96% completed 97% completed 98% completed 99% completed 100% completed Intv 1 Start 10769 2:26: 0 Ser.1 Avg 0.1109E-01 Chisq 1673. Var 0.3525E-03 Newbs. 1651 Min-0.3125E-01 Max 0.1562 expVar 0.3478E-03 Bins 626 Writing output file: /tproc/nandra/processing/75028000/work/75028000_sis_src_16s nbint = 14 lcurve 1.0 (xronos5.16) Series 1 file 1:/tproc/nandra/processing/75028000/work/75028000_sis_src_16s_h Selected FITS extensions: 1 - RATE TABLE; Source ............ MRK_34 Start Time (d) .... 10769 02:25:52.134 FITS Extension .... 1 - `RATE ` Stop Time (d) ..... 10769 23:52:48.134 No. of Rows ....... 1651 Bin Time (s) ...... 16.00 Right Ascension ... Internal time sys.. Literal Declination ....... Experiment ........ Corrections applied: Vignetting - No ; Deadtime - No ; Bkgd - No ; Clock - No Selected Columns: 1- Time; 3- Y-axis; 4- Y-error; 5- Fractional exposure; File contains binned data. Expected Start ... 10769.10129784731 (days) 2:25:52:134 (h:m:s:ms) Expected Stop .... 10769.99500154924 (days) 23:52:48:134 (h:m:s:ms) Minimum Newbin Time 16.000000 (s) for Maximum Newbin No.. 4826 Default Newbin Time is: 150.98944 (s) (to have 1 Intv. of 512 Newbins) Type INDEF to accept the default value Newbin Time ...... 5760.0000 (s) Maximum Newbin No. 14 Default Newbins per Interval are: 14 (giving 1 Interval of 14 Newbins) Type INDEF to accept the default value Maximum of 1 Intvs. with 14 Newbins of 5760.00 (s) 14 analysis results per interval 1% completed 2% completed 3% completed 4% completed 5% completed 6% completed 7% completed 8% completed 9% completed 10% completed 11% completed 12% completed 13% completed 14% completed 15% completed 16% completed 17% completed 18% completed 19% completed 20% completed 21% completed 22% completed 23% completed 24% completed 25% completed 26% completed 27% completed 28% completed 29% completed 30% completed 31% completed 32% completed 33% completed 34% completed 35% completed 36% completed 37% completed 38% completed 39% completed 40% completed 41% completed 42% completed 43% completed 44% completed 45% completed 46% completed 47% completed 48% completed 49% completed 50% completed 51% completed 52% completed 53% completed 54% completed 55% completed 56% completed 57% completed 58% completed 59% completed 60% completed 61% completed 62% completed 63% completed 64% completed 65% completed 66% completed 67% completed 68% completed 69% completed 70% completed 71% completed 72% completed 73% completed 74% completed 75% completed 76% completed 77% completed 78% completed 79% completed 80% completed 81% completed 82% completed 83% completed 84% completed 85% completed 86% completed 87% completed 88% completed 89% completed 90% completed 91% completed 92% completed 93% completed 94% completed 95% completed 96% completed 97% completed 98% completed 99% completed 100% completed Intv 1 Start 10769 3:13:52 Ser.1 Avg 0.2184E-01 Chisq 7.546 Var 0.1002E-04 Newbs. 13 Min 0.1645E-01 Max 0.2692E-01expVar 0.1418E-04 Bins 1651 Writing output file: /tproc/nandra/processing/75028000/work/75028000_sis_src_576 nbint = 4867 lcurve 1.0 (xronos5.16) Series 1 file 1:/tproc/nandra/processing/75028000/work/75028000_gis2_src_hard Selected FITS extensions: 1 - RATE TABLE; 2 - GTIs Source ............ MRK_34 Start Time (d) .... 10769 02:25:52.134 FITS Extension .... 1 - `EVENTS ` Stop Time (d) ..... 10770 00:03:28.134 No. of Rows ....... 455 Bin Time (s) ...... 0.5000 Right Ascension ... 1.5871E+02 Internal time sys.. Converted to TJD Declination ....... 6.0056E+01 Experiment ........ ASCA GIS2 Filter ............ NONE Corrections applied: Vignetting - No ; Deadtime - No ; Bkgd - No ; Clock - No Selected Columns: 1- Time; 4- E-Channel; File contains arrival-time data. FITS Extension .... 2 - `STDGTI ` First GTI Start ... 10769 02:25:52.134 No. of Rows ....... 74 Last GTI Stop ..... 10770 00:03:28.134 Selected Columns: 1 - GTI Start; 2 - GTI Stop Series 1 file 2:/tproc/nandra/processing/75028000/work/75028000_gis3_src_hard Selected FITS extensions: 1 - RATE TABLE; 2 - GTIs Source ............ MRK_34 Start Time (d) .... 10769 02:25:52.134 FITS Extension .... 1 - `EVENTS ` Stop Time (d) ..... 10770 00:03:28.134 No. of Rows ....... 552 Bin Time (s) ...... 0.5000 Right Ascension ... 1.5871E+02 Internal time sys.. Converted to TJD Declination ....... 6.0056E+01 Experiment ........ ASCA GIS3 Filter ............ NONE Corrections applied: Vignetting - No ; Deadtime - No ; Bkgd - No ; Clock - No Selected Columns: 1- Time; 4- E-Channel; File contains arrival-time data. FITS Extension .... 2 - `STDGTI ` First GTI Start ... 10769 02:25:52.134 No. of Rows ....... 73 Last GTI Stop ..... 10770 00:03:28.134 Selected Columns: 1 - GTI Start; 2 - GTI Stop **** Warning : Infiles for series 1 overlap in time Having > 1 intv or using time winds. might cause data loss ! Expected Start ... 10769.10129784731 (days) 2:25:52:134 (h:m:s:ms) Expected Stop .... 10770.00240895842 (days) 0: 3:28:134 (h:m:s:ms) Minimum Newbin Time 0.50000000 (s) for Maximum Newbin No.. 155713 Default Newbin Time is: 152.24091 (s) (to have 1 Intv. of 512 Newbins) Type INDEF to accept the default value Newbin Time ...... 16.000000 (s) Maximum Newbin No. 4867 Default Newbins per Interval are: 512 (giving 10 Intervals of 512 Newbins each) Type INDEF to accept the default value Maximum of 1 Intvs. with 4867 Newbins of 16.0000 (s) **** Warning: All results and errors will be multiplied by 2.000000 4867 analysis results per interval 1% completed 2% completed 3% completed 4% completed 5% completed 6% completed 7% completed 8% completed 9% completed 10% completed 11% completed 12% completed 13% completed 14% completed 15% completed 16% completed 17% completed 18% completed 19% completed 20% completed 21% completed 22% completed 23% completed 24% completed 25% completed 26% completed 27% completed 28% completed 29% completed 30% completed 31% completed 32% completed 33% completed 34% completed 35% completed 36% completed 37% completed 38% completed 39% completed 40% completed 41% completed 42% completed 43% completed 44% completed 45% completed 46% completed 47% completed 48% completed 49% completed 50% completed 51% completed 52% completed 53% completed 54% completed 55% completed 56% completed 57% completed 58% completed 59% completed 60% completed 61% completed 62% completed 63% completed 64% completed 65% completed 66% completed 67% completed 68% completed 69% completed 70% completed 71% completed 72% completed 73% completed 74% completed 75% completed 76% completed 77% completed 78% completed 79% completed 80% completed 81% completed 82% completed 83% completed 84% completed 85% completed 86% completed 87% completed 88% completed 89% completed 90% completed 91% completed 92% completed 93% completed 94% completed 95% completed 96% completed 97% completed 98% completed 99% completed 100% completed Intv 1 Start 10769 2:26: 0 Ser.1 Avg 0.1611E-01 Chisq 1875. Var 0.4938E-03 Newbs. 1915 Min-0.3125E-01 Max 0.1562 expVar 0.5044E-03 Bins 1008 Writing output file: /tproc/nandra/processing/75028000/work/75028000_gis_src_16s nbint = 14 lcurve 1.0 (xronos5.16) Series 1 file 1:/tproc/nandra/processing/75028000/work/75028000_gis_src_16s_h Selected FITS extensions: 1 - RATE TABLE; Source ............ MRK_34 Start Time (d) .... 10769 02:25:52.134 FITS Extension .... 1 - `RATE ` Stop Time (d) ..... 10770 00:03:28.134 No. of Rows ....... 1915 Bin Time (s) ...... 16.00 Right Ascension ... Internal time sys.. Literal Declination ....... Experiment ........ Corrections applied: Vignetting - No ; Deadtime - No ; Bkgd - No ; Clock - No Selected Columns: 1- Time; 3- Y-axis; 4- Y-error; 5- Fractional exposure; File contains binned data. Expected Start ... 10769.10129784731 (days) 2:25:52:134 (h:m:s:ms) Expected Stop .... 10770.00240895664 (days) 0: 3:28:134 (h:m:s:ms) Minimum Newbin Time 16.000000 (s) for Maximum Newbin No.. 4866 Default Newbin Time is: 152.24091 (s) (to have 1 Intv. of 512 Newbins) Type INDEF to accept the default value Newbin Time ...... 5760.0000 (s) Maximum Newbin No. 14 Default Newbins per Interval are: 14 (giving 1 Interval of 14 Newbins) Type INDEF to accept the default value Maximum of 1 Intvs. with 14 Newbins of 5760.00 (s) 14 analysis results per interval 1% completed 2% completed 3% completed 4% completed 5% completed 6% completed 7% completed 8% completed 9% completed 10% completed 11% completed 12% completed 13% completed 14% completed 15% completed 16% completed 17% completed 18% completed 19% completed 20% completed 21% completed 22% completed 23% completed 24% completed 25% completed 26% completed 27% completed 28% completed 29% completed 30% completed 31% completed 32% completed 33% completed 34% completed 35% completed 36% completed 37% completed 38% completed 39% completed 40% completed 41% completed 42% completed 43% completed 44% completed 45% completed 46% completed 47% completed 48% completed 49% completed 50% completed 51% completed 52% completed 53% completed 54% completed 55% completed 56% completed 57% completed 58% completed 59% completed 60% completed 61% completed 62% completed 63% completed 64% completed 65% completed 66% completed 67% completed 68% completed 69% completed 70% completed 71% completed 72% completed 73% completed 74% completed 75% completed 76% completed 77% completed 78% completed 79% completed 80% completed 81% completed 82% completed 83% completed 84% completed 85% completed 86% completed 87% completed 88% completed 89% completed 90% completed 91% completed 92% completed 93% completed 94% completed 95% completed 96% completed 97% completed 98% completed 99% completed 100% completed Intv 1 Start 10769 3:13:52 Ser.1 Avg 0.3050E-01 Chisq 24.90 Var 0.9150E-04 Newbs. 14 Min 0.000 Max 0.4129E-01expVar 0.1537E-04 Bins 1915 Writing output file: /tproc/nandra/processing/75028000/work/75028000_gis_src_576 gnt_infrm: Background, full-band, 16s/5760s bin, SIS/GIS... nbint = 4847 lcurve 1.0 (xronos5.16) Series 1 file 1:/tproc/nandra/processing/75028000/work/75028000_sis0_bgd.evt Selected FITS extensions: 1 - RATE TABLE; 2 - GTIs Source ............ MRK_34 Start Time (d) .... 10769 02:25:52.134 FITS Extension .... 1 - `EVENTS ` Stop Time (d) ..... 10769 23:52:48.134 No. of Rows ....... 263 Bin Time (s) ...... 4.000 Right Ascension ... 1.5871E+02 Internal time sys.. Converted to TJD Declination ....... 6.0056E+01 Experiment ........ ASCA SIS0 Filter ............ NONE Corrections applied: Vignetting - No ; Deadtime - No ; Bkgd - No ; Clock - No Selected Columns: 1- Time; 7- E-Channel; File contains arrival-time data. FITS Extension .... 2 - `STDGTI ` First GTI Start ... 10769 02:25:52.134 No. of Rows ....... 66 Last GTI Stop ..... 10769 23:52:48.134 Selected Columns: 1 - GTI Start; 2 - GTI Stop Series 1 file 2:/tproc/nandra/processing/75028000/work/75028000_sis1_bgd.evt Selected FITS extensions: 1 - RATE TABLE; 2 - GTIs Source ............ MRK_34 Start Time (d) .... 10769 02:25:52.134 FITS Extension .... 1 - `EVENTS ` Stop Time (d) ..... 10769 23:58:08.134 No. of Rows ....... 286 Bin Time (s) ...... 4.000 Right Ascension ... 1.5871E+02 Internal time sys.. Converted to TJD Declination ....... 6.0056E+01 Experiment ........ ASCA SIS1 Filter ............ NONE Corrections applied: Vignetting - No ; Deadtime - No ; Bkgd - No ; Clock - No Selected Columns: 1- Time; 7- E-Channel; File contains arrival-time data. FITS Extension .... 2 - `STDGTI ` First GTI Start ... 10769 02:25:52.134 No. of Rows ....... 67 Last GTI Stop ..... 10769 23:58:08.134 Selected Columns: 1 - GTI Start; 2 - GTI Stop **** Warning : Infiles for series 1 overlap in time Having > 1 intv or using time winds. might cause data loss ! Expected Start ... 10769.10129784731 (days) 2:25:52:134 (h:m:s:ms) Expected Stop .... 10769.99870525472 (days) 23:58: 8:134 (h:m:s:ms) Minimum Newbin Time 4.0000000 (s) for Maximum Newbin No.. 19385 Default Newbin Time is: 151.61517 (s) (to have 1 Intv. of 512 Newbins) Type INDEF to accept the default value Newbin Time ...... 16.000000 (s) Maximum Newbin No. 4847 Default Newbins per Interval are: 512 (giving 10 Intervals of 512 Newbins each) Type INDEF to accept the default value Maximum of 1 Intvs. with 4847 Newbins of 16.0000 (s) **** Warning: All results and errors will be multiplied by 2.000000 4847 analysis results per interval 1% completed 2% completed 3% completed 4% completed 5% completed 6% completed 7% completed 8% completed 9% completed 10% completed 11% completed 12% completed 13% completed 14% completed 15% completed 16% completed 17% completed 18% completed 19% completed 20% completed 21% completed 22% completed 23% completed 24% completed 25% completed 26% completed 27% completed 28% completed 29% completed 30% completed 31% completed 32% completed 33% completed 34% completed 35% completed 36% completed 37% completed 38% completed 39% completed 40% completed 41% completed 42% completed 43% completed 44% completed 45% completed 46% completed 47% completed 48% completed 49% completed 50% completed 51% completed 52% completed 53% completed 54% completed 55% completed 56% completed 57% completed 58% completed 59% completed 60% completed 61% completed 62% completed 63% completed 64% completed 65% completed 66% completed 67% completed 68% completed 69% completed 70% completed 71% completed 72% completed 73% completed 74% completed 75% completed 76% completed 77% completed 78% completed 79% completed 80% completed 81% completed 82% completed 83% completed 84% completed 85% completed 86% completed 87% completed 88% completed 89% completed 90% completed 91% completed 92% completed 93% completed 94% completed 95% completed 96% completed 97% completed 98% completed 99% completed 100% completed Intv 1 Start 10769 2:26: 0 Ser.1 Avg 0.9615E-02 Chisq 1644. Var 0.3003E-03 Newbs. 1651 Min-0.3125E-01 Max 0.9375E-01expVar 0.3017E-03 Bins 550 Writing output file: /tproc/nandra/processing/75028000/work/75028000_sis_bgd_16s nbint = 14 lcurve 1.0 (xronos5.16) Series 1 file 1:/tproc/nandra/processing/75028000/work/75028000_sis_bgd_16s.f Selected FITS extensions: 1 - RATE TABLE; Source ............ MRK_34 Start Time (d) .... 10769 02:25:52.134 FITS Extension .... 1 - `RATE ` Stop Time (d) ..... 10769 23:52:48.134 No. of Rows ....... 1651 Bin Time (s) ...... 16.00 Right Ascension ... Internal time sys.. Literal Declination ....... Experiment ........ Corrections applied: Vignetting - No ; Deadtime - No ; Bkgd - No ; Clock - No Selected Columns: 1- Time; 3- Y-axis; 4- Y-error; 5- Fractional exposure; File contains binned data. Expected Start ... 10769.10129784731 (days) 2:25:52:134 (h:m:s:ms) Expected Stop .... 10769.99500154924 (days) 23:52:48:134 (h:m:s:ms) Minimum Newbin Time 16.000000 (s) for Maximum Newbin No.. 4826 Default Newbin Time is: 150.98944 (s) (to have 1 Intv. of 512 Newbins) Type INDEF to accept the default value Newbin Time ...... 5760.0000 (s) Maximum Newbin No. 14 Default Newbins per Interval are: 14 (giving 1 Interval of 14 Newbins) Type INDEF to accept the default value Maximum of 1 Intvs. with 14 Newbins of 5760.00 (s) 14 analysis results per interval 1% completed 2% completed 3% completed 4% completed 5% completed 6% completed 7% completed 8% completed 9% completed 10% completed 11% completed 12% completed 13% completed 14% completed 15% completed 16% completed 17% completed 18% completed 19% completed 20% completed 21% completed 22% completed 23% completed 24% completed 25% completed 26% completed 27% completed 28% completed 29% completed 30% completed 31% completed 32% completed 33% completed 34% completed 35% completed 36% completed 37% completed 38% completed 39% completed 40% completed 41% completed 42% completed 43% completed 44% completed 45% completed 46% completed 47% completed 48% completed 49% completed 50% completed 51% completed 52% completed 53% completed 54% completed 55% completed 56% completed 57% completed 58% completed 59% completed 60% completed 61% completed 62% completed 63% completed 64% completed 65% completed 66% completed 67% completed 68% completed 69% completed 70% completed 71% completed 72% completed 73% completed 74% completed 75% completed 76% completed 77% completed 78% completed 79% completed 80% completed 81% completed 82% completed 83% completed 84% completed 85% completed 86% completed 87% completed 88% completed 89% completed 90% completed 91% completed 92% completed 93% completed 94% completed 95% completed 96% completed 97% completed 98% completed 99% completed 100% completed Intv 1 Start 10769 3:13:52 Ser.1 Avg 0.1996E-01 Chisq 10.40 Var 0.1539E-04 Newbs. 13 Min 0.1243E-01 Max 0.2961E-01expVar 0.1608E-04 Bins 1651 Writing output file: /tproc/nandra/processing/75028000/work/75028000_sis_bgd_576 nbint = 4867 lcurve 1.0 (xronos5.16) Series 1 file 1:/tproc/nandra/processing/75028000/work/75028000_gis2_bgd.evt Selected FITS extensions: 1 - RATE TABLE; 2 - GTIs Source ............ MRK_34 Start Time (d) .... 10769 02:25:52.134 FITS Extension .... 1 - `EVENTS ` Stop Time (d) ..... 10770 00:03:28.134 No. of Rows ....... 1699 Bin Time (s) ...... 0.5000 Right Ascension ... 1.5871E+02 Internal time sys.. Converted to TJD Declination ....... 6.0056E+01 Experiment ........ ASCA GIS2 Filter ............ NONE Corrections applied: Vignetting - No ; Deadtime - No ; Bkgd - No ; Clock - No Selected Columns: 1- Time; 4- E-Channel; File contains arrival-time data. FITS Extension .... 2 - `STDGTI ` First GTI Start ... 10769 02:25:52.134 No. of Rows ....... 74 Last GTI Stop ..... 10770 00:03:28.134 Selected Columns: 1 - GTI Start; 2 - GTI Stop Series 1 file 2:/tproc/nandra/processing/75028000/work/75028000_gis3_bgd.evt Selected FITS extensions: 1 - RATE TABLE; 2 - GTIs Source ............ MRK_34 Start Time (d) .... 10769 02:25:52.134 FITS Extension .... 1 - `EVENTS ` Stop Time (d) ..... 10770 00:03:28.134 No. of Rows ....... 1823 Bin Time (s) ...... 0.5000 Right Ascension ... 1.5871E+02 Internal time sys.. Converted to TJD Declination ....... 6.0056E+01 Experiment ........ ASCA GIS3 Filter ............ NONE Corrections applied: Vignetting - No ; Deadtime - No ; Bkgd - No ; Clock - No Selected Columns: 1- Time; 4- E-Channel; File contains arrival-time data. FITS Extension .... 2 - `STDGTI ` First GTI Start ... 10769 02:25:52.134 No. of Rows ....... 73 Last GTI Stop ..... 10770 00:03:28.134 Selected Columns: 1 - GTI Start; 2 - GTI Stop **** Warning : Infiles for series 1 overlap in time Having > 1 intv or using time winds. might cause data loss ! Expected Start ... 10769.10129784731 (days) 2:25:52:134 (h:m:s:ms) Expected Stop .... 10770.00240895842 (days) 0: 3:28:134 (h:m:s:ms) Minimum Newbin Time 0.50000000 (s) for Maximum Newbin No.. 155713 Default Newbin Time is: 152.24091 (s) (to have 1 Intv. of 512 Newbins) Type INDEF to accept the default value Newbin Time ...... 16.000000 (s) Maximum Newbin No. 4867 Default Newbins per Interval are: 512 (giving 10 Intervals of 512 Newbins each) Type INDEF to accept the default value Maximum of 1 Intvs. with 4867 Newbins of 16.0000 (s) **** Warning: All results and errors will be multiplied by 2.000000 4867 analysis results per interval 1% completed 2% completed 3% completed 4% completed 5% completed 6% completed 7% completed 8% completed 9% completed 10% completed 11% completed 12% completed 13% completed 14% completed 15% completed 16% completed 17% completed 18% completed 19% completed 20% completed 21% completed 22% completed 23% completed 24% completed 25% completed 26% completed 27% completed 28% completed 29% completed 30% completed 31% completed 32% completed 33% completed 34% completed 35% completed 36% completed 37% completed 38% completed 39% completed 40% completed 41% completed 42% completed 43% completed 44% completed 45% completed 46% completed 47% completed 48% completed 49% completed 50% completed 51% completed 52% completed 53% completed 54% completed 55% completed 56% completed 57% completed 58% completed 59% completed 60% completed 61% completed 62% completed 63% completed 64% completed 65% completed 66% completed 67% completed 68% completed 69% completed 70% completed 71% completed 72% completed 73% completed 74% completed 75% completed 76% completed 77% completed 78% completed 79% completed 80% completed 81% completed 82% completed 83% completed 84% completed 85% completed 86% completed 87% completed 88% completed 89% completed 90% completed 91% completed 92% completed 93% completed 94% completed 95% completed 96% completed 97% completed 98% completed 99% completed 100% completed Intv 1 Start 10769 2:26: 0 Ser.1 Avg 0.5646E-01 Chisq 1925. Var 0.1775E-02 Newbs. 1915 Min 0.000 Max 0.2812 expVar 0.1765E-02 Bins 3523 Writing output file: /tproc/nandra/processing/75028000/work/75028000_gis_bgd_16s nbint = 14 lcurve 1.0 (xronos5.16) Series 1 file 1:/tproc/nandra/processing/75028000/work/75028000_gis_bgd_16s.f Selected FITS extensions: 1 - RATE TABLE; Source ............ MRK_34 Start Time (d) .... 10769 02:25:52.134 FITS Extension .... 1 - `RATE ` Stop Time (d) ..... 10770 00:03:28.134 No. of Rows ....... 1915 Bin Time (s) ...... 16.00 Right Ascension ... Internal time sys.. Literal Declination ....... Experiment ........ Corrections applied: Vignetting - No ; Deadtime - No ; Bkgd - No ; Clock - No Selected Columns: 1- Time; 3- Y-axis; 4- Y-error; 5- Fractional exposure; File contains binned data. Expected Start ... 10769.10129784731 (days) 2:25:52:134 (h:m:s:ms) Expected Stop .... 10770.00240895664 (days) 0: 3:28:134 (h:m:s:ms) Minimum Newbin Time 16.000000 (s) for Maximum Newbin No.. 4866 Default Newbin Time is: 152.24091 (s) (to have 1 Intv. of 512 Newbins) Type INDEF to accept the default value Newbin Time ...... 5760.0000 (s) Maximum Newbin No. 14 Default Newbins per Interval are: 14 (giving 1 Interval of 14 Newbins) Type INDEF to accept the default value Maximum of 1 Intvs. with 14 Newbins of 5760.00 (s) 14 analysis results per interval 1% completed 2% completed 3% completed 4% completed 5% completed 6% completed 7% completed 8% completed 9% completed 10% completed 11% completed 12% completed 13% completed 14% completed 15% completed 16% completed 17% completed 18% completed 19% completed 20% completed 21% completed 22% completed 23% completed 24% completed 25% completed 26% completed 27% completed 28% completed 29% completed 30% completed 31% completed 32% completed 33% completed 34% completed 35% completed 36% completed 37% completed 38% completed 39% completed 40% completed 41% completed 42% completed 43% completed 44% completed 45% completed 46% completed 47% completed 48% completed 49% completed 50% completed 51% completed 52% completed 53% completed 54% completed 55% completed 56% completed 57% completed 58% completed 59% completed 60% completed 61% completed 62% completed 63% completed 64% completed 65% completed 66% completed 67% completed 68% completed 69% completed 70% completed 71% completed 72% completed 73% completed 74% completed 75% completed 76% completed 77% completed 78% completed 79% completed 80% completed 81% completed 82% completed 83% completed 84% completed 85% completed 86% completed 87% completed 88% completed 89% completed 90% completed 91% completed 92% completed 93% completed 94% completed 95% completed 96% completed 97% completed 98% completed 99% completed 100% completed Intv 1 Start 10769 3:13:52 Ser.1 Avg 0.1132 Chisq 11.92 Var 0.1372E-03 Newbs. 14 Min 0.9790E-01 Max 0.1314 expVar 0.1909E-03 Bins 1915 Writing output file: /tproc/nandra/processing/75028000/work/75028000_gis_bgd_576 gnt_infrm: Background, soft-band, 16s bin, SIS... nbint = 4847 lcurve 1.0 (xronos5.16) Series 1 file 1:/tproc/nandra/processing/75028000/work/75028000_sis0_bgd_soft Selected FITS extensions: 1 - RATE TABLE; 2 - GTIs Source ............ MRK_34 Start Time (d) .... 10769 02:25:52.134 FITS Extension .... 1 - `EVENTS ` Stop Time (d) ..... 10769 23:52:48.134 No. of Rows ....... 136 Bin Time (s) ...... 4.000 Right Ascension ... 1.5871E+02 Internal time sys.. Converted to TJD Declination ....... 6.0056E+01 Experiment ........ ASCA SIS0 Filter ............ NONE Corrections applied: Vignetting - No ; Deadtime - No ; Bkgd - No ; Clock - No Selected Columns: 1- Time; 7- E-Channel; File contains arrival-time data. FITS Extension .... 2 - `STDGTI ` First GTI Start ... 10769 02:25:52.134 No. of Rows ....... 66 Last GTI Stop ..... 10769 23:52:48.134 Selected Columns: 1 - GTI Start; 2 - GTI Stop Series 1 file 2:/tproc/nandra/processing/75028000/work/75028000_sis1_bgd_soft Selected FITS extensions: 1 - RATE TABLE; 2 - GTIs Source ............ MRK_34 Start Time (d) .... 10769 02:25:52.134 FITS Extension .... 1 - `EVENTS ` Stop Time (d) ..... 10769 23:58:08.134 No. of Rows ....... 131 Bin Time (s) ...... 4.000 Right Ascension ... 1.5871E+02 Internal time sys.. Converted to TJD Declination ....... 6.0056E+01 Experiment ........ ASCA SIS1 Filter ............ NONE Corrections applied: Vignetting - No ; Deadtime - No ; Bkgd - No ; Clock - No Selected Columns: 1- Time; 7- E-Channel; File contains arrival-time data. FITS Extension .... 2 - `STDGTI ` First GTI Start ... 10769 02:25:52.134 No. of Rows ....... 67 Last GTI Stop ..... 10769 23:58:08.134 Selected Columns: 1 - GTI Start; 2 - GTI Stop **** Warning : Infiles for series 1 overlap in time Having > 1 intv or using time winds. might cause data loss ! Expected Start ... 10769.10129784731 (days) 2:25:52:134 (h:m:s:ms) Expected Stop .... 10769.99870525472 (days) 23:58: 8:134 (h:m:s:ms) Minimum Newbin Time 4.0000000 (s) for Maximum Newbin No.. 19385 Default Newbin Time is: 151.61517 (s) (to have 1 Intv. of 512 Newbins) Type INDEF to accept the default value Newbin Time ...... 16.000000 (s) Maximum Newbin No. 4847 Default Newbins per Interval are: 512 (giving 10 Intervals of 512 Newbins each) Type INDEF to accept the default value Maximum of 1 Intvs. with 4847 Newbins of 16.0000 (s) **** Warning: All results and errors will be multiplied by 2.000000 4847 analysis results per interval 1% completed 2% completed 3% completed 4% completed 5% completed 6% completed 7% completed 8% completed 9% completed 10% completed 11% completed 12% completed 13% completed 14% completed 15% completed 16% completed 17% completed 18% completed 19% completed 20% completed 21% completed 22% completed 23% completed 24% completed 25% completed 26% completed 27% completed 28% completed 29% completed 30% completed 31% completed 32% completed 33% completed 34% completed 35% completed 36% completed 37% completed 38% completed 39% completed 40% completed 41% completed 42% completed 43% completed 44% completed 45% completed 46% completed 47% completed 48% completed 49% completed 50% completed 51% completed 52% completed 53% completed 54% completed 55% completed 56% completed 57% completed 58% completed 59% completed 60% completed 61% completed 62% completed 63% completed 64% completed 65% completed 66% completed 67% completed 68% completed 69% completed 70% completed 71% completed 72% completed 73% completed 74% completed 75% completed 76% completed 77% completed 78% completed 79% completed 80% completed 81% completed 82% completed 83% completed 84% completed 85% completed 86% completed 87% completed 88% completed 89% completed 90% completed 91% completed 92% completed 93% completed 94% completed 95% completed 96% completed 97% completed 98% completed 99% completed 100% completed Intv 1 Start 10769 2:26: 0 Ser.1 Avg 0.4713E-02 Chisq 1693. Var 0.1523E-03 Newbs. 1651 Min-0.3125E-01 Max 0.6250E-01expVar 0.1485E-03 Bins 268 Writing output file: /tproc/nandra/processing/75028000/work/75028000_sis_bgd_16s gnt_infrm: Background, hard-band, 16s bin, SIS/GIS... nbint = 4847 lcurve 1.0 (xronos5.16) Series 1 file 1:/tproc/nandra/processing/75028000/work/75028000_sis0_bgd_hard Selected FITS extensions: 1 - RATE TABLE; 2 - GTIs Source ............ MRK_34 Start Time (d) .... 10769 02:25:52.134 FITS Extension .... 1 - `EVENTS ` Stop Time (d) ..... 10769 23:52:48.134 No. of Rows ....... 127 Bin Time (s) ...... 4.000 Right Ascension ... 1.5871E+02 Internal time sys.. Converted to TJD Declination ....... 6.0056E+01 Experiment ........ ASCA SIS0 Filter ............ NONE Corrections applied: Vignetting - No ; Deadtime - No ; Bkgd - No ; Clock - No Selected Columns: 1- Time; 7- E-Channel; File contains arrival-time data. FITS Extension .... 2 - `STDGTI ` First GTI Start ... 10769 02:25:52.134 No. of Rows ....... 66 Last GTI Stop ..... 10769 23:52:48.134 Selected Columns: 1 - GTI Start; 2 - GTI Stop Series 1 file 2:/tproc/nandra/processing/75028000/work/75028000_sis1_bgd_hard Selected FITS extensions: 1 - RATE TABLE; 2 - GTIs Source ............ MRK_34 Start Time (d) .... 10769 02:25:52.134 FITS Extension .... 1 - `EVENTS ` Stop Time (d) ..... 10769 23:58:08.134 No. of Rows ....... 155 Bin Time (s) ...... 4.000 Right Ascension ... 1.5871E+02 Internal time sys.. Converted to TJD Declination ....... 6.0056E+01 Experiment ........ ASCA SIS1 Filter ............ NONE Corrections applied: Vignetting - No ; Deadtime - No ; Bkgd - No ; Clock - No Selected Columns: 1- Time; 7- E-Channel; File contains arrival-time data. FITS Extension .... 2 - `STDGTI ` First GTI Start ... 10769 02:25:52.134 No. of Rows ....... 67 Last GTI Stop ..... 10769 23:58:08.134 Selected Columns: 1 - GTI Start; 2 - GTI Stop **** Warning : Infiles for series 1 overlap in time Having > 1 intv or using time winds. might cause data loss ! Expected Start ... 10769.10129784731 (days) 2:25:52:134 (h:m:s:ms) Expected Stop .... 10769.99870525472 (days) 23:58: 8:134 (h:m:s:ms) Minimum Newbin Time 4.0000000 (s) for Maximum Newbin No.. 19385 Default Newbin Time is: 151.61517 (s) (to have 1 Intv. of 512 Newbins) Type INDEF to accept the default value Newbin Time ...... 16.000000 (s) Maximum Newbin No. 4847 Default Newbins per Interval are: 512 (giving 10 Intervals of 512 Newbins each) Type INDEF to accept the default value Maximum of 1 Intvs. with 4847 Newbins of 16.0000 (s) **** Warning: All results and errors will be multiplied by 2.000000 4847 analysis results per interval 1% completed 2% completed 3% completed 4% completed 5% completed 6% completed 7% completed 8% completed 9% completed 10% completed 11% completed 12% completed 13% completed 14% completed 15% completed 16% completed 17% completed 18% completed 19% completed 20% completed 21% completed 22% completed 23% completed 24% completed 25% completed 26% completed 27% completed 28% completed 29% completed 30% completed 31% completed 32% completed 33% completed 34% completed 35% completed 36% completed 37% completed 38% completed 39% completed 40% completed 41% completed 42% completed 43% completed 44% completed 45% completed 46% completed 47% completed 48% completed 49% completed 50% completed 51% completed 52% completed 53% completed 54% completed 55% completed 56% completed 57% completed 58% completed 59% completed 60% completed 61% completed 62% completed 63% completed 64% completed 65% completed 66% completed 67% completed 68% completed 69% completed 70% completed 71% completed 72% completed 73% completed 74% completed 75% completed 76% completed 77% completed 78% completed 79% completed 80% completed 81% completed 82% completed 83% completed 84% completed 85% completed 86% completed 87% completed 88% completed 89% completed 90% completed 91% completed 92% completed 93% completed 94% completed 95% completed 96% completed 97% completed 98% completed 99% completed 100% completed Intv 1 Start 10769 2:26: 0 Ser.1 Avg 0.4883E-02 Chisq 1674. Var 0.1560E-03 Newbs. 1651 Min-0.3125E-01 Max 0.9375E-01expVar 0.1538E-03 Bins 283 Writing output file: /tproc/nandra/processing/75028000/work/75028000_sis_bgd_16s nbint = 4867 lcurve 1.0 (xronos5.16) Series 1 file 1:/tproc/nandra/processing/75028000/work/75028000_gis2_bgd_hard Selected FITS extensions: 1 - RATE TABLE; 2 - GTIs Source ............ MRK_34 Start Time (d) .... 10769 02:25:52.134 FITS Extension .... 1 - `EVENTS ` Stop Time (d) ..... 10770 00:03:28.134 No. of Rows ....... 1039 Bin Time (s) ...... 0.5000 Right Ascension ... 1.5871E+02 Internal time sys.. Converted to TJD Declination ....... 6.0056E+01 Experiment ........ ASCA GIS2 Filter ............ NONE Corrections applied: Vignetting - No ; Deadtime - No ; Bkgd - No ; Clock - No Selected Columns: 1- Time; 4- E-Channel; File contains arrival-time data. FITS Extension .... 2 - `STDGTI ` First GTI Start ... 10769 02:25:52.134 No. of Rows ....... 74 Last GTI Stop ..... 10770 00:03:28.134 Selected Columns: 1 - GTI Start; 2 - GTI Stop Series 1 file 2:/tproc/nandra/processing/75028000/work/75028000_gis3_bgd_hard Selected FITS extensions: 1 - RATE TABLE; 2 - GTIs Source ............ MRK_34 Start Time (d) .... 10769 02:25:52.134 FITS Extension .... 1 - `EVENTS ` Stop Time (d) ..... 10770 00:03:28.134 No. of Rows ....... 1082 Bin Time (s) ...... 0.5000 Right Ascension ... 1.5871E+02 Internal time sys.. Converted to TJD Declination ....... 6.0056E+01 Experiment ........ ASCA GIS3 Filter ............ NONE Corrections applied: Vignetting - No ; Deadtime - No ; Bkgd - No ; Clock - No Selected Columns: 1- Time; 4- E-Channel; File contains arrival-time data. FITS Extension .... 2 - `STDGTI ` First GTI Start ... 10769 02:25:52.134 No. of Rows ....... 73 Last GTI Stop ..... 10770 00:03:28.134 Selected Columns: 1 - GTI Start; 2 - GTI Stop **** Warning : Infiles for series 1 overlap in time Having > 1 intv or using time winds. might cause data loss ! Expected Start ... 10769.10129784731 (days) 2:25:52:134 (h:m:s:ms) Expected Stop .... 10770.00240895842 (days) 0: 3:28:134 (h:m:s:ms) Minimum Newbin Time 0.50000000 (s) for Maximum Newbin No.. 155713 Default Newbin Time is: 152.24091 (s) (to have 1 Intv. of 512 Newbins) Type INDEF to accept the default value Newbin Time ...... 16.000000 (s) Maximum Newbin No. 4867 Default Newbins per Interval are: 512 (giving 10 Intervals of 512 Newbins each) Type INDEF to accept the default value Maximum of 1 Intvs. with 4867 Newbins of 16.0000 (s) **** Warning: All results and errors will be multiplied by 2.000000 4867 analysis results per interval 1% completed 2% completed 3% completed 4% completed 5% completed 6% completed 7% completed 8% completed 9% completed 10% completed 11% completed 12% completed 13% completed 14% completed 15% completed 16% completed 17% completed 18% completed 19% completed 20% completed 21% completed 22% completed 23% completed 24% completed 25% completed 26% completed 27% completed 28% completed 29% completed 30% completed 31% completed 32% completed 33% completed 34% completed 35% completed 36% completed 37% completed 38% completed 39% completed 40% completed 41% completed 42% completed 43% completed 44% completed 45% completed 46% completed 47% completed 48% completed 49% completed 50% completed 51% completed 52% completed 53% completed 54% completed 55% completed 56% completed 57% completed 58% completed 59% completed 60% completed 61% completed 62% completed 63% completed 64% completed 65% completed 66% completed 67% completed 68% completed 69% completed 70% completed 71% completed 72% completed 73% completed 74% completed 75% completed 76% completed 77% completed 78% completed 79% completed 80% completed 81% completed 82% completed 83% completed 84% completed 85% completed 86% completed 87% completed 88% completed 89% completed 90% completed 91% completed 92% completed 93% completed 94% completed 95% completed 96% completed 97% completed 98% completed 99% completed 100% completed Intv 1 Start 10769 2:26: 0 Ser.1 Avg 0.3394E-01 Chisq 1918. Var 0.1063E-02 Newbs. 1915 Min 0.000 Max 0.2188 expVar 0.1062E-02 Bins 2122 Writing output file: /tproc/nandra/processing/75028000/work/75028000_gis_bgd_16s gnt_infrm: ======================== gnt_infrm: End of procedure do_lcvs gnt_infrm: ======================== Tue May 2 16:11:17 EDT 2000 gnt_infrm: ************************* gnt_infrm: Running procedure do_cols gnt_infrm: ************************* Tue May 2 16:11:18 EDT 2000 gnt_infrm: Determine countrates for sis0 and sis1 in 2 energy bands... gnt_infrm: Determining scaling factor... gnt_infrm: Calculating values... gnt_infrm: Countrate for SIS full-band... lcurve 1.0 (xronos5.16) Series 1 file 1:/tproc/nandra/processing/75028000/work/75028000_sis0_bgd.evt Selected FITS extensions: 1 - RATE TABLE; 2 - GTIs Source ............ MRK_34 Start Time (d) .... 10769 02:25:52.134 FITS Extension .... 1 - `EVENTS ` Stop Time (d) ..... 10769 23:52:48.134 No. of Rows ....... 263 Bin Time (s) ...... 4.000 Right Ascension ... 1.5871E+02 Internal time sys.. Converted to TJD Declination ....... 6.0056E+01 Experiment ........ ASCA SIS0 Filter ............ NONE Corrections applied: Vignetting - No ; Deadtime - No ; Bkgd - No ; Clock - No Selected Columns: 1- Time; 7- E-Channel; File contains arrival-time data. FITS Extension .... 2 - `STDGTI ` First GTI Start ... 10769 02:25:52.134 No. of Rows ....... 66 Last GTI Stop ..... 10769 23:52:48.134 Selected Columns: 1 - GTI Start; 2 - GTI Stop Expected Start ... 10769.10129784731 (days) 2:25:52:134 (h:m:s:ms) Expected Stop .... 10769.99500155101 (days) 23:52:48:134 (h:m:s:ms) Minimum Newbin Time 4.0000000 (s) for Maximum Newbin No.. 19305 Default Newbin Time is: 7.7220633 (s) (to have 1 Intv. of 10000 Newbins) Type INDEF to accept the default value Newbin Time ...... 16.000000 (s) Maximum Newbin No. 4827 Default Newbins per Interval are: 4827 (giving 1 Interval of 4827 Newbins) Type INDEF to accept the default value Maximum of 1 Intvs. with 4827 Newbins of 16.0000 (s) 4827 analysis results per interval 1% completed 2% completed 3% completed 4% completed 5% completed 6% completed 7% completed 8% completed 9% completed 10% completed 11% completed 12% completed 13% completed 14% completed 15% completed 16% completed 17% completed 18% completed 19% completed 20% completed 21% completed 22% completed 23% completed 24% completed 25% completed 26% completed 27% completed 28% completed 29% completed 30% completed 31% completed 32% completed 33% completed 34% completed 35% completed 36% completed 37% completed 38% completed 39% completed 40% completed 41% completed 42% completed 43% completed 44% completed 45% completed 46% completed 47% completed 48% completed 49% completed 50% completed 51% completed 52% completed 53% completed 54% completed 55% completed 56% completed 57% completed 58% completed 59% completed 60% completed 61% completed 62% completed 63% completed 64% completed 65% completed 66% completed 67% completed 68% completed 69% completed 70% completed 71% completed 72% completed 73% completed 74% completed 75% completed 76% completed 77% completed 78% completed 79% completed 80% completed 81% completed 82% completed 83% completed 84% completed 85% completed 86% completed 87% completed 88% completed 89% completed 90% completed 91% completed 92% completed 93% completed 94% completed 95% completed 96% completed 97% completed 98% completed 99% completed 100% completed Intv 1 Start 10769 2:26: 0 Ser.1 Avg 0.9647E-02 Chisq 1693. Var 0.6131E-03 Newbs. 1665 Min 0.000 Max 0.1875 expVar 0.6029E-03 Bins 263 Writing output file: /tproc/nandra/processing/75028000/work/75028000_sis0_bgd_16 gnt_infrm: Countrate for SIS soft-band... lcurve 1.0 (xronos5.16) Series 1 file 1:/tproc/nandra/processing/75028000/work/75028000_sis0_bgd_soft Selected FITS extensions: 1 - RATE TABLE; 2 - GTIs Source ............ MRK_34 Start Time (d) .... 10769 02:25:52.134 FITS Extension .... 1 - `EVENTS ` Stop Time (d) ..... 10769 23:52:48.134 No. of Rows ....... 136 Bin Time (s) ...... 4.000 Right Ascension ... 1.5871E+02 Internal time sys.. Converted to TJD Declination ....... 6.0056E+01 Experiment ........ ASCA SIS0 Filter ............ NONE Corrections applied: Vignetting - No ; Deadtime - No ; Bkgd - No ; Clock - No Selected Columns: 1- Time; 7- E-Channel; File contains arrival-time data. FITS Extension .... 2 - `STDGTI ` First GTI Start ... 10769 02:25:52.134 No. of Rows ....... 66 Last GTI Stop ..... 10769 23:52:48.134 Selected Columns: 1 - GTI Start; 2 - GTI Stop Expected Start ... 10769.10129784731 (days) 2:25:52:134 (h:m:s:ms) Expected Stop .... 10769.99500155101 (days) 23:52:48:134 (h:m:s:ms) Minimum Newbin Time 4.0000000 (s) for Maximum Newbin No.. 19305 Default Newbin Time is: 7.7220633 (s) (to have 1 Intv. of 10000 Newbins) Type INDEF to accept the default value Newbin Time ...... 16.000000 (s) Maximum Newbin No. 4827 Default Newbins per Interval are: 4827 (giving 1 Interval of 4827 Newbins) Type INDEF to accept the default value Maximum of 1 Intvs. with 4827 Newbins of 16.0000 (s) 4827 analysis results per interval 1% completed 2% completed 3% completed 4% completed 5% completed 6% completed 7% completed 8% completed 9% completed 10% completed 11% completed 12% completed 13% completed 14% completed 15% completed 16% completed 17% completed 18% completed 19% completed 20% completed 21% completed 22% completed 23% completed 24% completed 25% completed 26% completed 27% completed 28% completed 29% completed 30% completed 31% completed 32% completed 33% completed 34% completed 35% completed 36% completed 37% completed 38% completed 39% completed 40% completed 41% completed 42% completed 43% completed 44% completed 45% completed 46% completed 47% completed 48% completed 49% completed 50% completed 51% completed 52% completed 53% completed 54% completed 55% completed 56% completed 57% completed 58% completed 59% completed 60% completed 61% completed 62% completed 63% completed 64% completed 65% completed 66% completed 67% completed 68% completed 69% completed 70% completed 71% completed 72% completed 73% completed 74% completed 75% completed 76% completed 77% completed 78% completed 79% completed 80% completed 81% completed 82% completed 83% completed 84% completed 85% completed 86% completed 87% completed 88% completed 89% completed 90% completed 91% completed 92% completed 93% completed 94% completed 95% completed 96% completed 97% completed 98% completed 99% completed 100% completed Intv 1 Start 10769 2:26: 0 Ser.1 Avg 0.4992E-02 Chisq 1707. Var 0.3199E-03 Newbs. 1665 Min 0.000 Max 0.1250 expVar 0.3120E-03 Bins 136 Writing output file: /tproc/nandra/processing/75028000/work/75028000_sis0_bgd_16 gnt_infrm: Countrate for SIS hard-band... lcurve 1.0 (xronos5.16) Series 1 file 1:/tproc/nandra/processing/75028000/work/75028000_sis0_bgd_hard Selected FITS extensions: 1 - RATE TABLE; 2 - GTIs Source ............ MRK_34 Start Time (d) .... 10769 02:25:52.134 FITS Extension .... 1 - `EVENTS ` Stop Time (d) ..... 10769 23:52:48.134 No. of Rows ....... 127 Bin Time (s) ...... 4.000 Right Ascension ... 1.5871E+02 Internal time sys.. Converted to TJD Declination ....... 6.0056E+01 Experiment ........ ASCA SIS0 Filter ............ NONE Corrections applied: Vignetting - No ; Deadtime - No ; Bkgd - No ; Clock - No Selected Columns: 1- Time; 7- E-Channel; File contains arrival-time data. FITS Extension .... 2 - `STDGTI ` First GTI Start ... 10769 02:25:52.134 No. of Rows ....... 66 Last GTI Stop ..... 10769 23:52:48.134 Selected Columns: 1 - GTI Start; 2 - GTI Stop Expected Start ... 10769.10129784731 (days) 2:25:52:134 (h:m:s:ms) Expected Stop .... 10769.99500155101 (days) 23:52:48:134 (h:m:s:ms) Minimum Newbin Time 4.0000000 (s) for Maximum Newbin No.. 19305 Default Newbin Time is: 7.7220633 (s) (to have 1 Intv. of 10000 Newbins) Type INDEF to accept the default value Newbin Time ...... 16.000000 (s) Maximum Newbin No. 4827 Default Newbins per Interval are: 4827 (giving 1 Interval of 4827 Newbins) Type INDEF to accept the default value Maximum of 1 Intvs. with 4827 Newbins of 16.0000 (s) 4827 analysis results per interval 1% completed 2% completed 3% completed 4% completed 5% completed 6% completed 7% completed 8% completed 9% completed 10% completed 11% completed 12% completed 13% completed 14% completed 15% completed 16% completed 17% completed 18% completed 19% completed 20% completed 21% completed 22% completed 23% completed 24% completed 25% completed 26% completed 27% completed 28% completed 29% completed 30% completed 31% completed 32% completed 33% completed 34% completed 35% completed 36% completed 37% completed 38% completed 39% completed 40% completed 41% completed 42% completed 43% completed 44% completed 45% completed 46% completed 47% completed 48% completed 49% completed 50% completed 51% completed 52% completed 53% completed 54% completed 55% completed 56% completed 57% completed 58% completed 59% completed 60% completed 61% completed 62% completed 63% completed 64% completed 65% completed 66% completed 67% completed 68% completed 69% completed 70% completed 71% completed 72% completed 73% completed 74% completed 75% completed 76% completed 77% completed 78% completed 79% completed 80% completed 81% completed 82% completed 83% completed 84% completed 85% completed 86% completed 87% completed 88% completed 89% completed 90% completed 91% completed 92% completed 93% completed 94% completed 95% completed 96% completed 97% completed 98% completed 99% completed 100% completed Intv 1 Start 10769 2:26: 0 Ser.1 Avg 0.4655E-02 Chisq 1729. Var 0.3021E-03 Newbs. 1665 Min 0.000 Max 0.1250 expVar 0.2909E-03 Bins 127 Writing output file: /tproc/nandra/processing/75028000/work/75028000_sis0_bgd_16 gnt_infrm: Countrate for GIS full-band... lcurve 1.0 (xronos5.16) Series 1 file 1:/tproc/nandra/processing/75028000/work/75028000_gis2_bgd.evt Selected FITS extensions: 1 - RATE TABLE; 2 - GTIs Source ............ MRK_34 Start Time (d) .... 10769 02:25:52.134 FITS Extension .... 1 - `EVENTS ` Stop Time (d) ..... 10770 00:03:28.134 No. of Rows ....... 1699 Bin Time (s) ...... 0.5000 Right Ascension ... 1.5871E+02 Internal time sys.. Converted to TJD Declination ....... 6.0056E+01 Experiment ........ ASCA GIS2 Filter ............ NONE Corrections applied: Vignetting - No ; Deadtime - No ; Bkgd - No ; Clock - No Selected Columns: 1- Time; 4- E-Channel; File contains arrival-time data. FITS Extension .... 2 - `STDGTI ` First GTI Start ... 10769 02:25:52.134 No. of Rows ....... 74 Last GTI Stop ..... 10770 00:03:28.134 Selected Columns: 1 - GTI Start; 2 - GTI Stop Expected Start ... 10769.10129784731 (days) 2:25:52:134 (h:m:s:ms) Expected Stop .... 10770.00240895842 (days) 0: 3:28:134 (h:m:s:ms) Minimum Newbin Time 0.50000000 (s) for Maximum Newbin No.. 155713 Default Newbin Time is: 7.7860672 (s) (to have 1 Intv. of 10000 Newbins) Type INDEF to accept the default value Newbin Time ...... 16.000000 (s) Maximum Newbin No. 4867 Default Newbins per Interval are: 4867 (giving 1 Interval of 4867 Newbins) Type INDEF to accept the default value Maximum of 1 Intvs. with 4867 Newbins of 16.0000 (s) 4867 analysis results per interval 1% completed 2% completed 3% completed 4% completed 5% completed 6% completed 7% completed 8% completed 9% completed 10% completed 11% completed 12% completed 13% completed 14% completed 15% completed 16% completed 17% completed 18% completed 19% completed 20% completed 21% completed 22% completed 23% completed 24% completed 25% completed 26% completed 27% completed 28% completed 29% completed 30% completed 31% completed 32% completed 33% completed 34% completed 35% completed 36% completed 37% completed 38% completed 39% completed 40% completed 41% completed 42% completed 43% completed 44% completed 45% completed 46% completed 47% completed 48% completed 49% completed 50% completed 51% completed 52% completed 53% completed 54% completed 55% completed 56% completed 57% completed 58% completed 59% completed 60% completed 61% completed 62% completed 63% completed 64% completed 65% completed 66% completed 67% completed 68% completed 69% completed 70% completed 71% completed 72% completed 73% completed 74% completed 75% completed 76% completed 77% completed 78% completed 79% completed 80% completed 81% completed 82% completed 83% completed 84% completed 85% completed 86% completed 87% completed 88% completed 89% completed 90% completed 91% completed 92% completed 93% completed 94% completed 95% completed 96% completed 97% completed 98% completed 99% completed 100% completed Intv 1 Start 10769 2:26: 0 Ser.1 Avg 0.5448E-01 Chisq 1967. Var 0.3493E-02 Newbs. 1917 Min 0.000 Max 0.3750 expVar 0.3405E-02 Bins 1699 Writing output file: /tproc/nandra/processing/75028000/work/75028000_gis2_bgd_16 gnt_infrm: Countrate for GIS hard-band... lcurve 1.0 (xronos5.16) Series 1 file 1:/tproc/nandra/processing/75028000/work/75028000_gis2_bgd_hard Selected FITS extensions: 1 - RATE TABLE; 2 - GTIs Source ............ MRK_34 Start Time (d) .... 10769 02:25:52.134 FITS Extension .... 1 - `EVENTS ` Stop Time (d) ..... 10770 00:03:28.134 No. of Rows ....... 1039 Bin Time (s) ...... 0.5000 Right Ascension ... 1.5871E+02 Internal time sys.. Converted to TJD Declination ....... 6.0056E+01 Experiment ........ ASCA GIS2 Filter ............ NONE Corrections applied: Vignetting - No ; Deadtime - No ; Bkgd - No ; Clock - No Selected Columns: 1- Time; 4- E-Channel; File contains arrival-time data. FITS Extension .... 2 - `STDGTI ` First GTI Start ... 10769 02:25:52.134 No. of Rows ....... 74 Last GTI Stop ..... 10770 00:03:28.134 Selected Columns: 1 - GTI Start; 2 - GTI Stop Expected Start ... 10769.10129784731 (days) 2:25:52:134 (h:m:s:ms) Expected Stop .... 10770.00240895842 (days) 0: 3:28:134 (h:m:s:ms) Minimum Newbin Time 0.50000000 (s) for Maximum Newbin No.. 155713 Default Newbin Time is: 7.7860672 (s) (to have 1 Intv. of 10000 Newbins) Type INDEF to accept the default value Newbin Time ...... 16.000000 (s) Maximum Newbin No. 4867 Default Newbins per Interval are: 4867 (giving 1 Interval of 4867 Newbins) Type INDEF to accept the default value Maximum of 1 Intvs. with 4867 Newbins of 16.0000 (s) 4867 analysis results per interval 1% completed 2% completed 3% completed 4% completed 5% completed 6% completed 7% completed 8% completed 9% completed 10% completed 11% completed 12% completed 13% completed 14% completed 15% completed 16% completed 17% completed 18% completed 19% completed 20% completed 21% completed 22% completed 23% completed 24% completed 25% completed 26% completed 27% completed 28% completed 29% completed 30% completed 31% completed 32% completed 33% completed 34% completed 35% completed 36% completed 37% completed 38% completed 39% completed 40% completed 41% completed 42% completed 43% completed 44% completed 45% completed 46% completed 47% completed 48% completed 49% completed 50% completed 51% completed 52% completed 53% completed 54% completed 55% completed 56% completed 57% completed 58% completed 59% completed 60% completed 61% completed 62% completed 63% completed 64% completed 65% completed 66% completed 67% completed 68% completed 69% completed 70% completed 71% completed 72% completed 73% completed 74% completed 75% completed 76% completed 77% completed 78% completed 79% completed 80% completed 81% completed 82% completed 83% completed 84% completed 85% completed 86% completed 87% completed 88% completed 89% completed 90% completed 91% completed 92% completed 93% completed 94% completed 95% completed 96% completed 97% completed 98% completed 99% completed 100% completed Intv 1 Start 10769 2:26: 0 Ser.1 Avg 0.3326E-01 Chisq 1968. Var 0.2134E-02 Newbs. 1917 Min 0.000 Max 0.2500 expVar 0.2078E-02 Bins 1039 Writing output file: /tproc/nandra/processing/75028000/work/75028000_gis2_bgd_16 gnt_infrm: ======================== gnt_infrm: End of procedure do_cols gnt_infrm: ======================== Tue May 2 16:11:28 EDT 2000 [1] 26728 gnt_infrm: Starting do_kill - checking for infinite xspec loop... gnt_infrm: ************************* gnt_infrm: Running procedure do_fits gnt_infrm: ************************* Tue May 2 16:11:28 EDT 2000 gnt_infrm: Performing spectral fitting to a powerlaw... Xspec 11.0.1 16:11:35 02-May-2000 Plot device not set, use "cpd" to set it Type "help" or "?" for further information XSPEC>@plfit.xcm !XSPEC> set xs_return_result 1; !XSPEC> open fit_result_pl.dat w !XSPEC> set fileid [open fit_result_pl.dat w]; !XSPEC> log plfit.log; !XSPEC> data 1:1 75028000_sis0_src_20; Net count rate (cts/s) for file 1 5.1980E-03+/- 2.4801E-03( 14.9% total) using response (RMF) file... 75028000_sis0.rmf using auxiliary (ARF) file... 75028000_sis0.arf using background file... 75028000_sis0_bgd.pha 1 data set is in use !XSPEC> data 2:2 75028000_sis1_src_20; Net count rate (cts/s) for file 2 6.5773E-03+/- 1.9874E-03( 21.0% total) using response (RMF) file... 75028000_sis1.rmf using auxiliary (ARF) file... 75028000_sis1.arf using background file... 75028000_sis1_bgd.pha 2 data sets are in use !XSPEC> data 3:3 75028000_gis2_src_20; Net count rate (cts/s) for file 3 1.9606E-03+/- 1.1883E-03( 7.3% total) using response (RMF) file... 75028000_gis2.rmf using auxiliary (ARF) file... 75028000_gis2.arf using background file... 75028000_gis2_bgd.pha 3 data sets are in use !XSPEC> data 4:4 75028000_gis3_src_20; Net count rate (cts/s) for file 4 4.2241E-03+/- 1.2258E-03( 13.8% total) using response (RMF) file... 75028000_gis3.rmf using auxiliary (ARF) file... 75028000_gis3.arf using background file... 75028000_gis3_bgd.pha 4 data sets are in use !XSPEC> ignore bad; !XSPEC> ignore 1-4:0.1-0.6; !XSPEC> ignore 1-4:10.0-20.0; !XSPEC> ignore 1-4:5.0-7.5; !XSPEC> setplot energy; !XSPEC> query no; Querying disabled - assuming answer is no !XSPEC> model con*wabs*po ;1.0,-1, 0,0,1,1 ;0.0, 0.02,0,0,10000,10000 ;2.,0.2,-1,- ... Model: constant[1]*wabs[2]( powerlaw[3] ) !Param# 1 : 1.0,-1, 0,0,1,1 !Param# 2 : 0.0, 0.02,0,0,10000,10000 !Param# 3 : 2.,0.2,-1,-1,3,3 !Param# 4 : .001,.0002,0,0,1e4,1e4 !Param# 5 : 0.99,0.01,0,0,2,2 !Param# 6 : =2 Equating parameter powerlaw:nH to parameter wabs:nH * 1 !Param# 7 : =3 Equating parameter constant:PhoIndex to parameter powerlaw:PhoIndex * 1 !Param# 8 : =4 Equating parameter wabs:norm to parameter constant:norm * 1 !Param# 9 : 0.99,0.01,0,0,2,2 !Param# 10 : =2 Equating parameter constant:nH to parameter wabs:nH * 1 !Param# 11 : =3 Equating parameter wabs:PhoIndex to parameter powerlaw:PhoIndex * 1 !Param# 12 : =4 Equating parameter powerlaw:norm to parameter constant:norm * 1 !Param# 13 : 0.99,0.01,0,0,2,2 !Param# 14 : =2 Equating parameter :nH to parameter wabs:nH * 1 !Param# 15 : =3 Equating parameter :PhoIndex to parameter powerlaw:PhoIndex * 1 !Param# 16 : =4 Equating parameter :norm to parameter constant:norm * 1 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Model: constant[1]*wabs[2]( powerlaw[3] ) Model Fit Model Component Parameter Unit Value Data par par comp group 1 1 1 constant factor 1.000 frozen 1 2 2 2 wabs nH 10^22 0.000 +/- 0.000 1 3 3 3 powerlaw PhoIndex 2.000 +/- 0.000 1 4 4 3 powerlaw norm 1.0000E-03 +/- 0.000 1 5 5 4 constant factor 0.9900 +/- 0.000 2 6 2 5 wabs nH 10^22 0.000 = par 2 2 7 3 6 powerlaw PhoIndex 2.000 = par 3 2 8 4 6 powerlaw norm 1.0000E-03 = par 4 2 9 6 7 constant factor 0.9900 +/- 0.000 3 10 2 8 wabs nH 10^22 0.000 = par 2 3 11 3 9 powerlaw PhoIndex 2.000 = par 3 3 12 4 9 powerlaw norm 1.0000E-03 = par 4 3 13 7 10 constant factor 0.9900 +/- 0.000 4 14 2 11 wabs nH 10^22 0.000 = par 2 4 15 3 12 powerlaw PhoIndex 2.000 = par 3 4 16 4 12 powerlaw norm 1.0000E-03 = par 4 4 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chi-Squared = 26021.11 using 103 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 268.2588 for 97 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 0.00 !XSPEC> fit 25; Chi-Squared Lvl Fit param # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 118.151 -4 1.000 0.000 1.986 4.3341E-05 1.373 0.3512 0.8014 117.397 -5 1.000 0.000 1.576 2.4362E-05 1.405 0.4045 0.5656 116.256 -6 1.000 0.000 1.744 3.8800E-05 1.409 0.3673 0.6588 115.838 -7 1.000 0.000 1.598 2.7565E-05 1.411 0.3828 0.6091 115.473 -8 1.000 0.000 1.678 3.5781E-05 1.409 0.3715 0.6418 115.303 -9 1.000 0.000 1.607 2.9574E-05 1.410 0.3781 0.6210 115.208 -10 1.000 0.000 1.653 3.4119E-05 1.409 0.3724 0.6376 115.147 -11 1.000 0.000 1.615 3.0713E-05 1.410 0.3760 0.6264 115.124 -12 1.000 0.000 1.641 3.3221E-05 1.409 0.3730 0.6352 115.102 -13 1.000 0.000 1.620 3.1349E-05 1.410 0.3751 0.6290 115.098 -14 1.000 0.000 1.635 3.2732E-05 1.410 0.3735 0.6338 115.083 -1 1.000 0.000 1.630 3.2169E-05 1.406 0.3741 0.6292 115.083 1 1.000 0.000 1.630 3.2170E-05 1.406 0.3741 0.6293 115.083 2 1.000 0.000 1.630 3.2170E-05 1.406 0.3741 0.6293 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Variances and Principal axes : 3 4 5 6 7 5.74E-11 | 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 8.48E-02 | 0.27 0.00 0.49 -0.11 -0.82 1.20E-01 | -0.19 0.00 -0.21 0.91 -0.31 1.51E-01 | 0.94 0.00 -0.28 0.18 0.12 2.25E-01 | 0.11 0.00 0.80 0.37 0.47 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Model: constant[1]*wabs[2]( powerlaw[3] ) Model Fit Model Component Parameter Unit Value Data par par comp group 1 1 1 constant factor 1.000 frozen 1 2 2 2 wabs nH 10^22 0.000 +/- -1.000 1 3 3 3 powerlaw PhoIndex 1.630 +/- 0.3821 1 4 4 3 powerlaw norm 3.2170E-05 +/- 0.1642E-04 1 5 5 4 constant factor 1.406 +/- 0.4251 2 6 2 5 wabs nH 10^22 0.000 = par 2 2 7 3 6 powerlaw PhoIndex 1.630 = par 3 2 8 4 6 powerlaw norm 3.2170E-05 = par 4 2 9 6 7 constant factor 0.3741 +/- 0.3674 3 10 2 8 wabs nH 10^22 0.000 = par 2 3 11 3 9 powerlaw PhoIndex 1.630 = par 3 3 12 4 9 powerlaw norm 3.2170E-05 = par 4 3 13 7 10 constant factor 0.6293 +/- 0.3460 4 14 2 11 wabs nH 10^22 0.000 = par 2 4 15 3 12 powerlaw PhoIndex 1.630 = par 3 4 16 4 12 powerlaw norm 3.2170E-05 = par 4 4 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chi-Squared = 115.0828 using 103 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 1.186421 for 97 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 0.102 !XSPEC> tclout param 2; !XSPEC> string trim $xspec_tclout !XSPEC> set par2 [string trim $xspec_tclout]; !XSPEC> tclout param 3; !XSPEC> string trim $xspec_tclout !XSPEC> set par3 [string trim $xspec_tclout]; !XSPEC> tclout param 4; !XSPEC> string trim $xspec_tclout !XSPEC> set par4 [string trim $xspec_tclout]; !XSPEC> tclout dof; !XSPEC> string trim $xspec_tclout !XSPEC> set dof [string trim $xspec_tclout]; !XSPEC> regsub -all { +} $par2 { } cpar2; !XSPEC> split $cpar2 !XSPEC> set lpar2 [split $cpar2]; !XSPEC> regsub -all { +} $par3 { } cpar3; !XSPEC> split $cpar3 !XSPEC> set lpar3 [split $cpar3]; !XSPEC> regsub -all { +} $par4 { } cpar4; !XSPEC> split $cpar4 !XSPEC> set lpar4 [split $cpar4]; !XSPEC> regsub -all { +} $dof { } cpar5; !XSPEC> split $cpar5 !XSPEC> set lpar5 [split $cpar5]; !XSPEC> lindex $lpar2 0 !XSPEC> set nh [lindex $lpar2 0]; !XSPEC> lindex $lpar3 0 !XSPEC> set gamma [lindex $lpar3 0]; !XSPEC> lindex $lpar4 0 !XSPEC> set norm [lindex $lpar4 0]; !XSPEC> lindex $lpar5 0 !XSPEC> set dof [lindex $lpar5 0]; !XSPEC> show fit Chi-Squared = 115.0828 using 103 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 1.186421 for 97 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 0.102 !XSPEC> set chisq [show fit]; !XSPEC> error max 15 4.61 2 Parameter Confidence Range ( 4.610) *WARNING*: Parameter sigma indicates possible error: -1.0000 Parameter pegged at hard limit 0.000 with delta ftstat= 0. 2 0.00000 0.577331 !XSPEC> set str [error max 15 4.61 2]; !XSPEC> lindex $str 0 !XSPEC> set nhlo [lindex $str 0]; !XSPEC> lindex $str 1 !XSPEC> set nhhi [lindex $str 1]; !XSPEC> expr ($nhhi - $nhlo)/2.0 !XSPEC> set nh_err [expr ($nhhi - $nhlo)/2.0]; !XSPEC> error max 15 4.61 3 Parameter Confidence Range ( 4.610) Parameter pegged at hard limit 3.000 with delta ftstat= 3.492 3 0.894440 3.00000 !XSPEC> set str [error max 15 4.61 3]; !XSPEC> lindex $str 0 !XSPEC> set glo [lindex $str 0]; !XSPEC> lindex $str 1 !XSPEC> set ghi [lindex $str 1]; !XSPEC> expr ($ghi - $glo)/2.0 !XSPEC> set g_err [expr ($ghi - $glo)/2.0]; !XSPEC> puts $fileid "$nh $nh_err $gamma $g_err $norm $chisq $dof"; !XSPEC> close $fileid; !XSPEC> notice 1-4:5.0-7.5; A total of 28 more channels will be noticed Net count rate (cts/s) for file 1 4.1875E-03+/- 1.5331E-03( 18.0% total) using response (RMF) file... 75028000_sis0.rmf using auxiliary (ARF) file... 75028000_sis0.arf using background file... 75028000_sis0_bgd.pha Net count rate (cts/s) for file 2 5.1734E-03+/- 1.2953E-03( 24.1% total) using response (RMF) file... 75028000_sis1.rmf using auxiliary (ARF) file... 75028000_sis1.arf using background file... 75028000_sis1_bgd.pha Net count rate (cts/s) for file 3 1.5513E-03+/- 9.9112E-04( 7.0% total) using response (RMF) file... 75028000_gis2.rmf using auxiliary (ARF) file... 75028000_gis2.arf using background file... 75028000_gis2_bgd.pha Net count rate (cts/s) for file 4 3.6130E-03+/- 1.0442E-03( 14.4% total) using response (RMF) file... 75028000_gis3.rmf using auxiliary (ARF) file... 75028000_gis3.arf using background file... 75028000_gis3_bgd.pha Chi-Squared = 152.7908 using 131 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 1.222327 for 125 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 4.614E-02 !XSPEC> ignore bad; Chi-Squared = 152.7908 using 131 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 1.222327 for 125 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 4.614E-02 !XSPEC> save all 75028000_webfit; !XSPEC> show files; Information for file 1 belonging to plot group 1, data group 1 telescope = ASCA , instrument = SIS0 , channel type = PI Current data file : 75028000_sis0_src_20.pha with integration time 2.7252E+04 effective area 1.000 selected region area 6.3340E-02 Background file : 75028000_sis0_bgd.pha with integration time 2.7252E+04 and effective area 1.000 selected region area 2.9541E-02 No current correction Response (RMF) file : 75028000_sis0.rmf Auxiliary (ARF) file : 75028000_sis0.arf Weighting method is standard Information for file 2 belonging to plot group 2, data group 2 telescope = ASCA , instrument = SIS1 , channel type = PI Current data file : 75028000_sis1_src_20.pha with integration time 2.9449E+04 effective area 1.000 selected region area 5.9404E-02 Background file : 75028000_sis1_bgd.pha with integration time 2.9449E+04 and effective area 1.000 selected region area 3.4502E-02 No current correction Response (RMF) file : 75028000_sis1.rmf Auxiliary (ARF) file : 75028000_sis1.arf Weighting method is standard Information for file 3 belonging to plot group 3, data group 3 telescope = ASCA , instrument = GIS2 , channel type = PI Current data file : 75028000_gis2_src_20.pha with integration time 3.1358E+04 effective area 1.000 selected region area 3.6636E-02 Background file : 75028000_gis2_bgd.pha with integration time 3.1358E+04 and effective area 1.000 selected region area 8.7402E-02 No current correction Response (RMF) file : 75028000_gis2.rmf Auxiliary (ARF) file : 75028000_gis2.arf Weighting method is standard Information for file 4 belonging to plot group 4, data group 4 telescope = ASCA , instrument = GIS3 , channel type = PI Current data file : 75028000_gis3_src_20.pha with integration time 3.1360E+04 effective area 1.000 selected region area 3.6636E-02 Background file : 75028000_gis3_bgd.pha with integration time 3.1360E+04 and effective area 1.000 selected region area 8.7402E-02 No current correction Response (RMF) file : 75028000_gis3.rmf Auxiliary (ARF) file : 75028000_gis3.arf Weighting method is standard !XSPEC> setplot command ma 17 on 2; !XSPEC> setplot command la t Energy spectrum; !XSPEC> setplot command la y Counts; !XSPEC> setplot command time off; !XSPEC> setplot command cs 1.3; !XSPEC> setplot command h web_pha.gif/gif; !XSPEC> plot ldata ratio; !XSPEC> ignore 1-4:5.0-7.5; Chi-Squared = 115.0828 using 103 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 1.186421 for 97 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 0.102 !XSPEC> query no; Querying disabled - assuming answer is no !XSPEC> model con*(wabs*po+wabs*po) ;1.0,-1, 0,0,1,1 ;0.03, 0.005,0,0,10,10 ;3.,0. ... Model: constant[1]( wabs[2]( powerlaw[3] ) + wabs[4]( powerlaw[5] ) ) !Param# 1 : 1.0,-1, 0,0,1,1 !Param# 2 : 0.03, 0.005,0,0,10,10 !Param# 3 : 3.,0.05,1.5,1.5,5,5 !Param# 4 : .001,.0002,0,0,1e4,1e4 !Param# 5 : 1.0,0.01,0,0,1e5,1e5 !Param# 6 : 2.,0.05,-1,-1,3,3 !Param# 7 : .001,.0002,0,0,1e4,1e4 !Param# 8 : 0.99,0.01,0,0,2,2 !Param# 9 : =2 Equating parameter wabs:nH to parameter wabs:nH * 1 !Param# 10 : =3 Equating parameter powerlaw:PhoIndex to parameter powerlaw:PhoIndex * 1 !Param# 11 : =4 Equating parameter constant:norm to parameter wabs:norm * 1 !Param# 12 : =5 Equating parameter wabs:nH to parameter powerlaw:nH * 1 !Param# 13 : =6 Equating parameter powerlaw:PhoIndex to parameter constant:PhoIndex * 1 !Param# 14 : =7 Equating parameter wabs:norm to parameter wabs:norm * 1 !Param# 15 : 0.99,0.01,0,0,2,2 !Param# 16 : =2 Equating parameter constant:nH to parameter wabs:nH * 1 !Param# 17 : =3 Equating parameter wabs:PhoIndex to parameter powerlaw:PhoIndex * 1 !Param# 18 : =4 Equating parameter powerlaw:norm to parameter wabs:norm * 1 !Param# 19 : =5 Equating parameter wabs:nH to parameter powerlaw:nH * 1 !Param# 20 : =6 Equating parameter powerlaw:PhoIndex to parameter constant:PhoIndex * 1 !Param# 21 : =7 Equating parameter :norm to parameter wabs:norm * 1 !Param# 22 : 0.99,0.01,0,0,2,2 !Param# 23 : =2 Equating parameter :nH to parameter wabs:nH * 1 !Param# 24 : =3 Equating parameter :PhoIndex to parameter powerlaw:PhoIndex * 1 !Param# 25 : =4 Equating parameter :norm to parameter wabs:norm * 1 !Param# 26 : =5 Equating parameter :nH to parameter powerlaw:nH * 1 !Param# 27 : =6. Equating parameter :PhoIndex to parameter constant:PhoIndex * 1 !Param# 28 : =7 Equating parameter :norm to parameter wabs:norm * 1 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Model: constant[1]( wabs[2]( powerlaw[3] ) + wabs[4]( powerlaw[5] ) ) Model Fit Model Component Parameter Unit Value Data par par comp group 1 1 1 constant factor 1.000 frozen 1 2 2 2 wabs nH 10^22 3.0000E-02 +/- 0.000 1 3 3 3 powerlaw PhoIndex 3.000 +/- 0.000 1 4 4 3 powerlaw norm 1.0000E-03 +/- 0.000 1 5 5 4 wabs nH 10^22 1.000 +/- 0.000 1 6 6 5 powerlaw PhoIndex 2.000 +/- 0.000 1 7 7 5 powerlaw norm 1.0000E-03 +/- 0.000 1 8 8 6 constant factor 0.9900 +/- 0.000 2 9 2 7 wabs nH 10^22 3.0000E-02 = par 2 2 10 3 8 powerlaw PhoIndex 3.000 = par 3 2 11 4 8 powerlaw norm 1.0000E-03 = par 4 2 12 5 9 wabs nH 10^22 1.000 = par 5 2 13 6 10 powerlaw PhoIndex 2.000 = par 6 2 14 7 10 powerlaw norm 1.0000E-03 = par 7 2 15 9 11 constant factor 0.9900 +/- 0.000 3 16 2 12 wabs nH 10^22 3.0000E-02 = par 2 3 17 3 13 powerlaw PhoIndex 3.000 = par 3 3 18 4 13 powerlaw norm 1.0000E-03 = par 4 3 19 5 14 wabs nH 10^22 1.000 = par 5 3 20 6 15 powerlaw PhoIndex 2.000 = par 6 3 21 7 15 powerlaw norm 1.0000E-03 = par 7 3 22 10 16 constant factor 0.9900 +/- 0.000 4 23 2 17 wabs nH 10^22 3.0000E-02 = par 2 4 24 3 18 powerlaw PhoIndex 3.000 = par 3 4 25 4 18 powerlaw norm 1.0000E-03 = par 4 4 26 5 19 wabs nH 10^22 1.000 = par 5 4 27 6 20 powerlaw PhoIndex 2.000 = par 6 4 28 7 20 powerlaw norm 1.0000E-03 = par 7 4 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chi-Squared = 31424.92 using 103 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 334.3076 for 94 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 0.00 !XSPEC> chatter 0; !XSPEC> fit 100; !XSPEC> chatter 10; !XSPEC> fit 100; Chi-Squared Lvl Fit param # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 112.969 0 1.000 0.3171 4.541 7.2162E-05 3.346 3.000 2.7445E-04 1.427 0.3193 0.6633 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Variances and Principal axes : 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 5.11E-10 | 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.10 0.00 0.00 0.00 4.56E-09 | 0.00 0.00 -0.10 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3.37E-02 | -0.98 0.17 0.00 0.08 -0.04 0.00 0.05 -0.01 -0.05 1.08E-01 | 0.07 -0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.54 -0.06 -0.83 1.47E-01 | -0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -0.24 0.94 -0.23 2.56E-01 | 0.01 -0.01 0.00 -0.01 0.01 0.00 0.80 0.33 0.50 1.84E+00 | -0.12 -0.19 0.00 -0.75 0.62 0.00 -0.01 0.00 -0.01 3.47E+02 | -0.13 -0.85 0.00 0.45 0.26 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 4.90E+01 | 0.09 0.47 0.00 0.48 0.74 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Model: constant[1]( wabs[2]( powerlaw[3] ) + wabs[4]( powerlaw[5] ) ) Model Fit Model Component Parameter Unit Value Data par par comp group 1 1 1 constant factor 1.000 frozen 1 2 2 2 wabs nH 10^22 0.3171 +/- 2.426 1 3 3 3 powerlaw PhoIndex 4.541 +/- 16.09 1 4 4 3 powerlaw norm 7.2162E-05 +/- 0.6199E-03 1 5 5 4 wabs nH 10^22 3.346 +/- 9.059 1 6 6 5 powerlaw PhoIndex 3.000 +/- 7.130 1 7 7 5 powerlaw norm 2.7445E-04 +/- 0.1268E-02 1 8 8 6 constant factor 1.427 +/- 0.4535 2 9 2 7 wabs nH 10^22 0.3171 = par 2 2 10 3 8 powerlaw PhoIndex 4.541 = par 3 2 11 4 8 powerlaw norm 7.2162E-05 = par 4 2 12 5 9 wabs nH 10^22 3.346 = par 5 2 13 6 10 powerlaw PhoIndex 3.000 = par 6 2 14 7 10 powerlaw norm 2.7445E-04 = par 7 2 15 9 11 constant factor 0.3193 +/- 0.3986 3 16 2 12 wabs nH 10^22 0.3171 = par 2 3 17 3 13 powerlaw PhoIndex 4.541 = par 3 3 18 4 13 powerlaw norm 7.2162E-05 = par 4 3 19 5 14 wabs nH 10^22 3.346 = par 5 3 20 6 15 powerlaw PhoIndex 3.000 = par 6 3 21 7 15 powerlaw norm 2.7445E-04 = par 7 3 22 10 16 constant factor 0.6633 +/- 0.3840 4 23 2 17 wabs nH 10^22 0.3171 = par 2 4 24 3 18 powerlaw PhoIndex 4.541 = par 3 4 25 4 18 powerlaw norm 7.2162E-05 = par 4 4 26 5 19 wabs nH 10^22 3.346 = par 5 4 27 6 20 powerlaw PhoIndex 3.000 = par 6 4 28 7 20 powerlaw norm 2.7445E-04 = par 7 4 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chi-Squared = 112.9694 using 103 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 1.201802 for 94 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 8.884E-02 !XSPEC> notice 1-4:5.0-7.5; A total of 28 more channels will be noticed Net count rate (cts/s) for file 1 4.1875E-03+/- 1.5331E-03( 18.0% total) using response (RMF) file... 75028000_sis0.rmf using auxiliary (ARF) file... 75028000_sis0.arf using background file... 75028000_sis0_bgd.pha Net count rate (cts/s) for file 2 5.1734E-03+/- 1.2953E-03( 24.1% total) using response (RMF) file... 75028000_sis1.rmf using auxiliary (ARF) file... 75028000_sis1.arf using background file... 75028000_sis1_bgd.pha Net count rate (cts/s) for file 3 1.5513E-03+/- 9.9112E-04( 7.0% total) using response (RMF) file... 75028000_gis2.rmf using auxiliary (ARF) file... 75028000_gis2.arf using background file... 75028000_gis2_bgd.pha Net count rate (cts/s) for file 4 3.6130E-03+/- 1.0442E-03( 14.4% total) using response (RMF) file... 75028000_gis3.rmf using auxiliary (ARF) file... 75028000_gis3.arf using background file... 75028000_gis3_bgd.pha Chi-Squared = 152.1918 using 131 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 1.247474 for 122 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 3.326E-02 !XSPEC> ignore bad; Chi-Squared = 152.1918 using 131 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 1.247474 for 122 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 3.326E-02 !XSPEC> save all 75028000_2plfit; !XSPEC> open fit_result_flux.dat w !XSPEC> set fileid [open fit_result_flux.dat w]; !XSPEC> flux 0.5 2.0 Model flux 4.8767E-05 photons ( 7.3223E-14 ergs)cm**-2 s**-1 ( 0.500- 2.000) DtSet : 1 Model flux 6.9570E-05 photons ( 1.0446E-13 ergs)cm**-2 s**-1 ( 0.500- 2.000) DtSet : 2 Lower range 0.500 reset by matrix bound to 0.564 Model flux 1.3277E-05 photons ( 2.1463E-14 ergs)cm**-2 s**-1 ( 0.564- 2.000) DtSet : 3 Lower range 0.500 reset by matrix bound to 0.564 Model flux 2.7578E-05 photons ( 4.4582E-14 ergs)cm**-2 s**-1 ( 0.564- 2.000) DtSet : 4 !XSPEC> set flux1 [flux 0.5 2.0]; !XSPEC> flux 2.0 10.0 Model flux 2.0429E-05 photons ( 1.2328E-13 ergs)cm**-2 s**-1 ( 2.000- 10.000) DtSet : 1 Model flux 2.9144E-05 photons ( 1.7586E-13 ergs)cm**-2 s**-1 ( 2.000- 10.000) DtSet : 2 Model flux 6.5237E-06 photons ( 3.9367E-14 ergs)cm**-2 s**-1 ( 2.000- 10.000) DtSet : 3 Model flux 1.3551E-05 photons ( 8.1771E-14 ergs)cm**-2 s**-1 ( 2.000- 10.000) DtSet : 4 !XSPEC> set flux2 [flux 2.0 10.0]; !XSPEC> lindex $flux1 1 !XSPEC> set s0_flux1 [lindex $flux1 1]; !XSPEC> lindex $flux2 1 !XSPEC> set s0_flux2 [lindex $flux2 1]; !XSPEC> puts $fileid "$s0_flux1 $s0_flux2"; !XSPEC> close $fileid; !XSPEC> tclout param 2; !XSPEC> string trim $xspec_tclout !XSPEC> set par2 [string trim $xspec_tclout]; !XSPEC> tclout param 3; !XSPEC> string trim $xspec_tclout !XSPEC> set par3 [string trim $xspec_tclout]; !XSPEC> tclout param 4; !XSPEC> string trim $xspec_tclout !XSPEC> set par4 [string trim $xspec_tclout]; !XSPEC> tclout param 5; !XSPEC> string trim $xspec_tclout !XSPEC> set par5 [string trim $xspec_tclout]; !XSPEC> tclout param 6; !XSPEC> string trim $xspec_tclout !XSPEC> set par6 [string trim $xspec_tclout]; !XSPEC> tclout param 7; !XSPEC> string trim $xspec_tclout !XSPEC> set par7 [string trim $xspec_tclout]; !XSPEC> tclout dof; !XSPEC> string trim $xspec_tclout !XSPEC> set par8 [string trim $xspec_tclout]; !XSPEC> regsub -all { +} $par2 { } cpar2; !XSPEC> split $cpar2 !XSPEC> set lpar2 [split $cpar2]; !XSPEC> regsub -all { +} $par3 { } cpar3; !XSPEC> split $cpar3 !XSPEC> set lpar3 [split $cpar3]; !XSPEC> regsub -all { +} $par4 { } cpar4; !XSPEC> split $cpar4 !XSPEC> set lpar4 [split $cpar4]; !XSPEC> regsub -all { +} $par5 { } cpar5; !XSPEC> split $cpar5 !XSPEC> set lpar5 [split $cpar5]; !XSPEC> regsub -all { +} $par6 { } cpar6; !XSPEC> split $cpar6 !XSPEC> set lpar6 [split $cpar6]; !XSPEC> regsub -all { +} $par7 { } cpar7; !XSPEC> split $cpar7 !XSPEC> set lpar7 [split $cpar7]; !XSPEC> regsub -all { +} $par8 { } cpar8; !XSPEC> split $cpar8 !XSPEC> set lpar8 [split $cpar8]; !XSPEC> lindex $lpar2 0 !XSPEC> set nhs [lindex $lpar2 0]; !XSPEC> lindex $lpar3 0 !XSPEC> set gs [lindex $lpar3 0]; !XSPEC> lindex $lpar4 0 !XSPEC> set norms [lindex $lpar4 0]; !XSPEC> lindex $lpar5 0 !XSPEC> set nhh [lindex $lpar5 0]; !XSPEC> lindex $lpar6 0 !XSPEC> set gh [lindex $lpar6 0]; !XSPEC> lindex $lpar7 0 !XSPEC> set normh [lindex $lpar7 0]; !XSPEC> show fit Chi-Squared = 152.1918 using 131 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 1.247474 for 122 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 3.326E-02 !XSPEC> set chisq [show fit]; !XSPEC> error max 15 4.61 2 Parameter Confidence Range ( 4.610) Chi-Squared when model parameter 2= 0.3121 is 148.1336, which is < previous minimum 152.1918 (critical delta = 0.0100) !XSPEC> set str [error max 15 4.61 2]; !XSPEC> lindex $str 0 !XSPEC> set nhs_lo [lindex $str 0]; !XSPEC> lindex $str 1 !XSPEC> set nhs_hi [lindex $str 1]; !XSPEC> expr ($nhs_hi - $nhs_lo)/2.0 XSPEC>exit XSPEC: quit gnt_infrm: ======================== gnt_infrm: End of procedure do_fits gnt_infrm: ======================== Tue May 2 16:12:15 EDT 2000 [1] + Done /home/rosserv/nandra/tartarus/scripts3.2/do_kill ... gnt_infrm: ************************* gnt_infrm: Running procedure do_mosa gnt_infrm: ************************* Tue May 2 16:12:15 EDT 2000 gnt_infrm: Creating the exposure corrected sky image and sky images... [1] 27421 Executing: /usr/local/saord/bin.linux/SAOtng -title SAO050200154075028000 -xrm *cmapDir1:/usr/local/saord/Colormaps/ -xrm *port:-1 -xrm *geometry:+5+5 -xrm *errorlog:SAO050200154075028000_error.log Warning: Cannot allocate colormap entry for "whitesmoke" Warning: Cannot allocate colormap entry for "DarkSlateGray" Warning: Cannot allocate colormap entry for "purple" Warning: Cannot allocate colormap entry for "darkslategray" Warning: Cannot allocate colormap entry for "#B2B2B2" Warning: Cannot allocate colormap entry for "#D3B5B5" Welcome to SAOtng 1.9.1 Setting current scaling limits: data Setting current scale: linear Resetting zoom factor: 2 centered at: 256.5,256.5 Setting current scale: log gnt_infrm: Making sis0 detector image... Received new filename '/tproc/nandra/processing/75028000/work/75028000_sis0_det.img' No WCS information available for image '/tproc/nandra/processing/75028000/work/75028000_sis0_det.img' Display of image '/tproc/nandra/processing/75028000/work/75028000_sis0_det.img' complete! Setting current scaling limits: data Display of image '/tproc/nandra/processing/75028000/work/75028000_sis0_det.img' complete! Setting current scaling limits: user 1 3 Display of image '/tproc/nandra/processing/75028000/work/75028000_sis0_det.img' complete! Executing GIF creation command '(/usr/local/saord/bin.linux/xpaget 'SAO050200154075028000' colormap display > /tmp/saotng.lut; /usr/local/saord/bin.linux/xpaget 'SAO050200154075028000' display_data | /usr/local/saord/bin.linux/fits2gif -luts /tmp/saotng.lut > /tproc/nandra/processing/75028000/work/75028000_sis0.gif; echo "GIF file created!" | /usr/local/saord/bin.linux/xpaset SAO050200154075028000 message) &' Destroying image '75028000_sis0_det.img-27430' gnt_infrm: Making sis1 detector image... Received new filename '/tproc/nandra/processing/75028000/work/75028000_sis1_det.img' No WCS information available for image '/tproc/nandra/processing/75028000/work/75028000_sis1_det.img' Display of image '/tproc/nandra/processing/75028000/work/75028000_sis1_det.img' complete! Setting current scaling limits: data Display of image '/tproc/nandra/processing/75028000/work/75028000_sis1_det.img' complete! Setting current scaling limits: user 1 3 Display of image '/tproc/nandra/processing/75028000/work/75028000_sis1_det.img' complete! Executing GIF creation command '(/usr/local/saord/bin.linux/xpaget 'SAO050200154075028000' colormap display > /tmp/saotng.lut; /usr/local/saord/bin.linux/xpaget 'SAO050200154075028000' display_data | /usr/local/saord/bin.linux/fits2gif -luts /tmp/saotng.lut > /tproc/nandra/processing/75028000/work/75028000_sis1.gif; echo "GIF file created!" | /usr/local/saord/bin.linux/xpaset SAO050200154075028000 message) &' Destroying image '75028000_sis1_det.img-27430' gnt_infrm: Making gis2 detector image... Received new filename '/tproc/nandra/processing/75028000/work/75028000_gis2_det.img' No WCS information available for image '/tproc/nandra/processing/75028000/work/75028000_gis2_det.img' Display of image '/tproc/nandra/processing/75028000/work/75028000_gis2_det.img' complete! Setting current scaling limits: data Display of image '/tproc/nandra/processing/75028000/work/75028000_gis2_det.img' complete! Setting current scaling limits: user 1 4 Display of image '/tproc/nandra/processing/75028000/work/75028000_gis2_det.img' complete! Executing GIF creation command '(/usr/local/saord/bin.linux/xpaget 'SAO050200154075028000' colormap display > /tmp/saotng.lut; /usr/local/saord/bin.linux/xpaget 'SAO050200154075028000' display_data | /usr/local/saord/bin.linux/fits2gif -luts /tmp/saotng.lut > /tproc/nandra/processing/75028000/work/75028000_gis2.gif; echo "GIF file created!" | /usr/local/saord/bin.linux/xpaset SAO050200154075028000 message) &' Destroying image '75028000_gis2_det.img-27430' gnt_infrm: Making gis3 detector image... Received new filename '/tproc/nandra/processing/75028000/work/75028000_gis3_det.img' No WCS information available for image '/tproc/nandra/processing/75028000/work/75028000_gis3_det.img' Display of image '/tproc/nandra/processing/75028000/work/75028000_gis3_det.img' complete! Setting current scaling limits: data Display of image '/tproc/nandra/processing/75028000/work/75028000_gis3_det.img' complete! Setting current scaling limits: user 1 5 Display of image '/tproc/nandra/processing/75028000/work/75028000_gis3_det.img' complete! Executing GIF creation command '(/usr/local/saord/bin.linux/xpaget 'SAO050200154075028000' colormap display > /tmp/saotng.lut; /usr/local/saord/bin.linux/xpaget 'SAO050200154075028000' display_data | /usr/local/saord/bin.linux/fits2gif -luts /tmp/saotng.lut > /tproc/nandra/processing/75028000/work/75028000_gis3.gif; echo "GIF file created!" | /usr/local/saord/bin.linux/xpaset SAO050200154075028000 message) &' Destroying image '75028000_gis3_det.img-27430' gnt_infrm: Adding images for the SIS... gnt_infrm:adding and smoothing gnt_infrm: Adding images for the GIS... ****** successfully exited ****** ****** successfully exited ****** gnt_infrm: Making web page image with target marker... Setting current colormap: Heat Received new filename '/tproc/nandra/processing/75028000/work/75028000_gis_sky_sm.img' Display of image '/tproc/nandra/processing/75028000/work/75028000_gis_sky_sm.img' complete! circle(158.5354d,60.0311d,10.0) Setting current scaling limits: data Display of image '/tproc/nandra/processing/75028000/work/75028000_gis_sky_sm.img' complete! Setting current scaling limits: user 1 1.6654 Display of image '/tproc/nandra/processing/75028000/work/75028000_gis_sky_sm.img' complete! Executing GIF creation command '(/usr/local/saord/bin.linux/xpaget 'SAO050200154075028000' colormap display > /tmp/saotng.lut; /usr/local/saord/bin.linux/xpaget 'SAO050200154075028000' display_data | /usr/local/saord/bin.linux/fits2gif -luts /tmp/saotng.lut > /tproc/nandra/processing/75028000/work/75028000_gis_sky_sm.gif; echo "GIF file created!" | /usr/local/saord/bin.linux/xpaset SAO050200154075028000 message) &' gnt_infrm: ======================== gnt_infrm: End of procedure do_mosa gnt_infrm: ======================== Tue May 2 16:14:23 EDT 2000 XPA$ERROR no 'xpaset' access points match template: 05_02_00.15:40 All done! gnt_infrm: ************************* gnt_infrm: Running procedure do_html gnt_infrm: ************************* Tue May 2 16:14:24 EDT 2000 gnt_infrm: Creating the web page for sequence 75028000... gnt_infrm: Setting all variables... spectrum spectrum: /tproc/nandra/processing/75028000/work/web_pha.gif lightcurve lightcurve: /tproc/nandra/processing/75028000/work/75028000_sis_src_5760s.flc sky image sky image: /tproc/nandra/processing/75028000/work/75028000_gis_sky_sm.gif countrate countrate: 0.0100 0.0371 0.0068 0.0034 0.0059 0.0037 general info (.evt) centroid datamode ccdmode bitfix spectral fit gnt_warng(html): File fit_result_2pl.dat does not exist warning fatal sds name object version gnt_infrm: Making veron.96 table... gnt_infrm: Making images for the web page... pha flc gnt_infrm: Creating the web page... gnt_infrm: Creating the download web page... gnt_infrm: Writing an entry into browse.table... gnt_infrm: ======================== gnt_infrm: End of procedure do_html gnt_infrm: ======================== Tue May 2 16:14:43 EDT 2000 gnt_infrm: ************************* gnt_infrm: Running procedure do_tran gnt_infrm: ************************* Tue May 2 16:14:43 EDT 2000 gnt_infrm: Copying the files to the database (universe)... gnt_infrm: Transferring web page files to html area... (remove /www/tartarus/restricted/html/75028000) (create /www/tartarus/restricted/html/75028000) (set permissions) 75028000.html 75028000_gis_sky_sm.gif 75028000_flc.gif 75028000_pha.gif 75028000_sis0.gif 75028000_sis1.gif 75028000_gis2.gif 75028000_gis3.gif veron96.txt gnt_infrm: Tarring selected files... 75028000.tar ... 75028000_spectral.tar ... gnt_infrm: Gzipping the tar files... gnt_infrm: Transferring tar files to ftp area... (remove /www/tartarus/restricted/ftp/75028000/*.tar) gnt_infrm: Removing tar files, attitude file(s), raw exposure maps and raw sky images... gnt_infrm: Gzipping all files in /tproc/nandra/processing/75028000/work/... gnt_infrm: ======================== gnt_infrm: End of procedure do_tran gnt_infrm: ======================== Tue May 2 16:16:09 EDT 2000 gnt_infrm: ======================== gnt_infrm: End of procedure do_proc gnt_infrm: ======================== Tue May 2 16:16:09 EDT 2000 gnt_infrm: ************************* gnt_infrm: Running procedure do_rslt gnt_infrm: ************************* Tue May 2 16:16:13 EDT 2000 gnt_infrm: Quality control procedure... gnt_infrm: Finding warng/error/fatal messages... down up up gnt_infrm: Updating the web pages... gnt_infrm: Updating sequence index... gnt_infrm: Transferring web page and sum,log files... rm: No match. rm: No match.
[VAPHS IRB ADVERSE EVENT REPORTING POLICY]{.underline} [Policy Date 5-15-07]{.underline} Definitions: 1. [Adverse Event (AE)]{.underline}. Any untoward physical or psychological occurrence in a human subject participating in research. An AE can be any unfavorable or unintended event including abnormal laboratory finding, symptom or disease associated with the research or use of a medical investigational test article. An AE does not necessarily have to have a causal relationship with the research, or any risk associated with the research, the research intervention, or the assessment. a. [Serious Adverse Event (SAE).]{.underline} A SAE is defined as: i. Death; ii. A life threatening experience; iii. Hospitalization (for a person not already hospitalized); iv. Prolongation of hospitalization (for a patient already hospitalized); v. Persistent or significant disability or incapacity; vi. Congenital anomaly and/or birth defects; or vii. An event that jeopardizes the subject and may require medical or surgical treatment to prevent one of the preceding outcomes. b. [Unanticipated/Unexpected Adverse Event]{.underline}. Any adverse event and/or reaction, the specificity or severity of which is not consistent with the VAPHS IRB approved informed consent, protocol, investigator brochure, or product labeling. c. [Internal Adverse Event]{.underline}. An adverse event experienced by a subject enrolled by the investigator(s) at VAPHS. d. [External Adverse Event]{.underline}. An adverse event experienced by a subject enrolled by investigators at other institutions engaged in the same clinical trial or a different clinical trial using the same investigational agent or intervention. 2. [Unanticipated Adverse Device Effect]{.underline}. (a) Any serious adverse effect on health or safety or (b) any life- threatening problem or death caused by, or associated with, a device, if that effect, problem, or death was not previously identified in nature, severity, or degree of incidence in the investigational plan or application (including a supplementary plan or application), or (c) any other unanticipated serious problem associated with a device that relates to the rights, safety, or welfare of subjects. 3. [Imminent Threat of Adverse Event in Research]{.underline}. Any situation in which an adverse event in research has not yet occurred, but is likely to occur, as determined by an IRB, research, or clinical team member, without preventative measures. 4. [Substantive Action**. **]{.underline}An action taken by an IRB that materially alters the substance and meaning of a protocol, informed consent form or process, or investigator status, including, but not limited to, restriction, suspension or termination of a study or investigator participation, and actions taken to prevent future occurrence(s) of the AE in research. 5. [Unexpected Death.]{.underline} The death of a research subject in which a high risk of death is not projected, as indicated by the written protocol, informed consent form, or sponsor brochure. This definition does not include deaths associated with a terminal condition unless the research intervention clearly hastened the subject's death. A subject's death that is determined to be clearly not associated with the research is also not an "unexpected death" for purposes of reporting requirements. 6. [Unanticipated Problems Involving Risks to Subjects or Others]{.underline}. Those events that (a) are not expected (in terms of nature, severity or frequency) given the nature of the research procedures and the subject population being studied; (b) related or possibly related to participation in the research; and (c) suggest that the research places subjects or others at a greater risk of harm (including physical, psychological, economic, or social harm) than was previously known or recognized. **[A. Adverse Events (21 CFR 312.66)]{.underline}** 1. **IRB Reporting Guidelines** ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` a. **Internal Adverse Events:** > Reporting Levels: > > At the time of review all VAPHS protocols are assigned an Adverse > Event Reporting Level which corresponds to the types of internal > adverse events which must be reported to the IRB as described below: - Adverse Event Reporting Level 1 (AE1): Studies designated AE1 are required to report all serious adverse events and all unanticipated adverse events, regardless of the relatedness to the research. Typically, studies designated AE1 will be interventional studies. All studies involving the use of an investigational drug or device will be designated AE1 - Adverse Event Reporting Level 2 (AE2): Studies designated AE2 are required to report only serious adverse events possibly or probably related to the study procedures and unanticipated adverse events that are possibly or probably related to the study procedures. Typically, studies designated AE2 will be observational, registry, or tissue banking studies. > Investigators involved in the conduct of IRB-approved research studies > shall report internal adverse events to the IRB Office within the > following timeframes: - All fatal adverse events, whether expected or unexpected must be reported to the IRB within [1 business day]{.underline} of the investigator becoming aware of the event. For studies designated AE1, fatal adverse events must be reported regardless of the relatedness to the research. For AE2 studies, only those fatal events that are possibly or probably related to the research need to be reported. (*Note: It is recognized that the information available during this 24 hour period may not be sufficient to permit accurate completion of the required adverse event reporting forms. However, the IRB should, at a minimum, be notified of the fatal adverse event during this time frame, with subsequent follow-up submission of a more detailed written report.*) - All serious, but not fatal events, whether expected or unexpected, shall be reported to the IRB within [3 business days]{.underline} of the investigator becoming aware of the reaction. This will include all serious, but not fatal, events regardless of relatedness to the research for AE1 studies and only those serious, but not fatal events that are, at a minimum, possibly related to the research for AE2 studies. - All unexpected, but not serious adverse events shall be reported to the IRB within [5 business days]{.underline} of the investigator becoming aware of the reaction. This will include all unexpected, but not serious adverse events, regardless of relatedness to the research for AE1 studies, and all unexpected, but not serious adverse events that are, at a minimum, possibly related to the research for AE2 studies. b. **External Adverse Events:** > When an investigator receives a report of an external adverse event, > the investigator should review the report and assess whether the > report identifies the adverse event as being: 1) Unanticipated/Unexpected 2) Related or possibly related to participation in the research; and 3) Serious or otherwise one that suggests that the research places subjects or others at a greater risk of harm (including physical, psychological, economic, or social harm) than was previously known or recognized. > If the investigator determines that all three of the above criteria > have been met, the event must be reported to the IRB [within 5 > business days]{.underline} of the investigator's notification of the > event. If the event does not meet all three of the above criteria, the event must be reported to the IRB at the time of continuing review (as described in Section 2c below) 2. **Submission Procedures**: ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` a. Adverse Events meeting the IRB Reporting Guidelines (as described in Sections 8A1a and 8A1b) will be submitted to the IRB Office on the VAPHS Adverse Event Report Form. b. The PI completes the Adverse Event Report Form, provides a brief written summary of the event and submits the form and summary to the IRB office. (Note: When the study is part of a multi-site trial or is a pharmaceutical industry sponsored trial, a standard AE reporting form may already be in use to provide details of the event to the sponsor. These reports can be attached to the VAPHS AE Reporting Form in lieu of a written summary. If the PI recognizes that the Adverse Event involves risk to subjects or others and a modification to the IRB consent and/or protocol is required, he/she may also submit revised copies of the consent and/or protocol, as well as a Modification Request Form. The IRB Office will provide the investigator with a written receipt of the submission. c. In addition, all external adverse events (regardless of whether they meet the reporting guidelines described in 8A1b) will be summarized and reported to the IRB on the VAPHS External Adverse Event Log at the time of continuing review. ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` 3. **Review Procedures:** ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` a. The IRB Office Staff forward the report to the IRB Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson or a qualified member of the IRB designated by the Chairperson to review the report. The reviewer will use the AE Evaluation Form to determine if the event raises new concerns about risks to subjects or others. b. If the event does not raise new concerns (if, for example, the likelihood, severity and specificity are adequately described in the protocol, investigator's brochure, and informed consent document), the reviewer should document this determination in writing. The report along with documentation of the reviewer's determination (as indicated on the AE Evaluation Form) is placed in the IRB Research Application (Protocol) file and listed on the agenda of the next IRB meeting. c. If the event is determined by the IRB reviewer to raise new concerns about risks to subjects or others, the reviewer will forward the report, with the reviewer's recommendations (as indicated on the AE Evaluation Form), for review at the next convened meeting of the full board; d. During the meeting of the convened IRB, the committee determines whether the event meets the definition of an unanticipated problem and whether further action is required. > The board's decision will be documented in the meeting minutes. e. In instances where the reviewer has immediate concerns about the safety and welfare of research subjects that cannot wait until the next scheduled meeting of the fully convened IRB, he/she has the authority to take immediate action(s) (e.g., call for an emergency meeting of the convened board, suspend study procedures, etc.) as appropriate, as long as the justification for such actions is documented. The convened IRB will review the report, with the reviewer's recommendations at the next meeting and make a determination as in d. above. ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` 4. **Notification(s):** > It is the responsibility of the IRB Chair or designee to provide > prompt written notification of the review of all adverse events and > the subsequent actions taken. A copy of the notification will be > maintained in the IRB file. 5. **Reporting** > Adverse events will be reported to VAPHS Officials and the appropriate > regulatory agencies as required and described in the IRB SOPs.
ANMC GUIDELINES FOR MANAGEMENT OF HYPERTENSIVE DISORDERS IN PREGNANCY # KEY POINTS -Hypertensive disorders are the most common medical complications of pregnancy with an incidence of 12-22% in pregnancy. -The best screening test is a BP measured in the sitting position after a 10 minute rest. The BP needs to be repeated in 6 hours for the diagnosis. The patient should not use tobacco or caffeine for 30 minutes preceding the measurement. Details below -There is no good predictive test for preeclampsia, e.g., urine or blood tests -Urine dipstick testing has NO role in universal screening for preeclampsia [in routine prenatal care]{.underline}, e.g., if BP \< 140/90 and asymptomatic -Low dose aspirin therapy is indicated if the patient has had prior severe preeclampsia, chronic hypertension, pre existing diabetes, or significant renal disease. (Level I recommendation) -It has been demonstrated that over 500 mild preeclamptic women have to be treated to prevent one seizure. One in 30 severe preeclamptic women may seize if untreated. -There is, to date, no scientific evidence that antihypertensive therapy will improve perinatal outcome in chronic hypertension -We do not use the term 'pregnancy induced hypertension' or 'PIH' anymore. That term has been replaced with the term 'gestational hypertension'. It involves hypertension without proteinuria. -Reports have suggested that almost 90% of Alaska Native women had low calcium intakes compared to a NHANES II control data, and calcium supplementation appears to be beneficial for women at high risk of gestational hypertension and in communities with low dietary calcium intake. **DEFINITIONS** I. [Pre-eclampsia]{.underline} ## Screening -Screening for preeclampsia is recommended for all pregnant women at the first prenatal visit and throughout the remainder of pregnancy. -To screen for preeclampsia, measure an upright sitting blood pressure after a 10 minute rest. The BP should be repeated in a similar manner 4-6 hours later to confirm the diagnosis. (see below) -There is no role for universal urine dipstick testing to screen for preeclampsia in routine prenatal care. [Method of measuring blood pressure in pregnancy]{.underline} > The diastolic blood pressure is that pressure at which the sound > disappears (Korotkoff phase V) . > > To reduce inaccurate readings, an appropriate size cuff should be used > (length 1.5 times upper arm circumference or a cuff with a bladder > that encircles 80% or more of the arm). The blood pressure level > should be taken with the patient in an upright position, after a > 10-minute or longer rest period. > > For patients in the hospital, the blood pressure can be taken with > either the patient sitting up or in the left lateral recumbent > position with the patient\'s arm at the level of the heart. The > patient should not use tobacco or caffeine for 30 minutes preceding > the measurement Although validated electronic devices can be used, a > mercury sphygmomanometer is preferred because it is the most accurate > device ## Routine prenatal care -There is no role for universal urine dipstick testing to screen for preeclampsia [in routine]{.underline} [prenatal care.]{.underline} -On the other hand, if a patient presents with a BP \> 140/90, CNS symptoms of preeclampsia, or signs/symptoms of a urinary tract infection, then a urine sample should be obtained for dipstick urine protein, 24 hour urine, or Total Protein / Creat, as appropriate. A. Mild 1. Blood pressure of 140 mm Hg systolic or higher, or 90 mm Hg diastolic or higher, in an upright sitting blood pressure after a 10 minute rest, that occurs after 20 weeks of gestation in a woman with previously normal blood pressure. > The BP should be repeated in a similar manner 4-6 hours later to > confirm the diagnosis. 2. Proteinuria, defined as urinary excretion of 0.3 g protein or higher in a 24-hour urine specimen 3. Note the diagnosis of proteinuria will be mis-diagnosed on contaminiated urine specimens. If necessary, repeat the test on a clean specimen, e.g., 0-1 squamous cells, or an a catheterized specimen. 4. Other methods to document proteinuria may include: 3+ on two urine dipsticks 4° apart, or Total Protein / Creat \> 0.20 on CCUA. B. Severe (Mild, plus one or more criteria) 1. Blood pressure of 160 mm Hg systolic or higher or 110 mm Hg diastolic or higher on two occasions at least 6 hours apart while the patient is on bed rest 2. Proteinuria of 5 g or higher in a 24-hour urine specimen or 3+ or greater on two random urine samples collected at least 4 hours apart 3. Cerebral or visual disturbances 4. Pulmonary edema or cyanosis 5. Epigastric or right upper-quadrant pain 6. Oliguria of less than 500 mL in 24 hours 7. Impaired liver function 8. Fetal growth restriction 9. Thrombocytopenia, platelets \<100,000 ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` C. HELLP syndrome ([H]{.underline}emolysis-abnormal peripheral smear, bilirubin, LDH, [E]{.underline}levated [L]{.underline}iver enzymes, [L]{.underline}ow [P]{.underline}latelets \<100,000) > -This syndrome requires prompt delivery upon diagnosis II\. [Eclampsia]{.underline} A. New onset generalized seizures in pregnancy without CNS lesion. III\. [Chronic Hypertension (CHTN)]{.underline} -There is, to date, no scientific evidence that antihypertensive therapy will improve perinatal outcome -Angiotensin--converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors are contraindicated during the second and third trimesters of pregnancy. A. Mild: Systolic blood pressure \>=140 mm Hg > Diastolic blood pressure \>=90 mm Hg > > Severe: Systolic blood pressure \>=180 mm Hg > >    Diastolic blood pressure \>=110 mm Hg B. Use of antihypertensive medications before pregnancy C. Onset of hypertension before 20th week of gestation D. Persistence of hypertension beyond the usual postpartum period, 42 days -At risk for IUGR, PTL, abruptio placenta, renal failure, CHF, CVA, and superimposed pre-eclampsia. -Women with mild hypertension (140--179 mmHg systolic or 90--109 mm Hg diastolic pressure) generally do well during pregnancy and do not, as a rule, require antihypertensive medication There is, to date, no scientific evidence that antihypertensive therapy will improve perinatal outcome -A systematic review concluded that there are no conclusive data to address either the benefits or the harms of various monitoring strategies for pregnant women with chronic hypertension. However, other studies have indicated that most of the increased morbidity associated with this condition is secondary to superimposed preeclampsia or IUGR IV\. [Chronic Hypertension plus Superimposed Pre-eclampsia]{.underline} > Chronic hypertension as defined above, and either > > -Mild superimposed preeclampsia: Proteinuria: 300 mg. on \>24° urine > collection, or > > -Severe superimposed preeclampsia: see Severe preeclampsia criteria V. [Gestational hypertension]{.underline} [Definition]{.underline}: Blood pressure elevation unaccompanied by proteinuria after 20 weeks GA > One quarter of these women will go on to develop the preeclampsia > syndrome and so more frequent monitoring is essential. If proteinuria > does not develop these patients can be delivered at term. > > If blood pressure elevation persists beyond 3 months postpartum, the > patient is diagnosed with chronic hypertension. In the absence of > proteinuria, perinatal outcomes are good. Unlike typical > preeclamptics, a significant number of these women will go on to > develop essential hypertension later in life. **[MANAGEMENT]{.underline}** I. Pre-eclampsia The BP should be repeated in 4-6 hours after the initial BP to confirm the diagnosis before a laboratory work up is initiated.\* A. Mild After diagnosis, 80% will show weight loss, diuresis, and improved BP\'s following 48° hospitalization. Outpatient management of mild preeclampsia may be considered if medical adherence with home bed rest and follow-up guidelines assured. > -\*baseline studies: CBC, platelets, ALT/AST, Creatinine, 24° urine > for protein and Cr > > clearance, or Total Protein / Creat \> 0.20 on CCUA, Level I U/S, > initial NST -Regular diet, bed rest with bathroom privileges -BP every 6° while awake, daily weight -daily evaluation for CNS, GI sx, fetal movement, vaginal bleeding and contractions [Prenatal follow-up]{.underline} Weekly provider visits Check BP twice a week, e.g., once at NST visit and once at provider visit, or as separate Nurses Clinic visit If symptomatic, then repeat: platelet count, renal, and liver studies If no IUGR or oligohydramnios, then NST q week and daily fetal movements IUGR or oligohydramnios rarely develops. If it does, then -NST every 3-4 days, amniotic fluid assessment every week -US q 3-4 weeks If IUGR or oligohyramious, then see Severe Preeclampsia -Transfer to ANMC at 37 wks GA, if undelivered. [Delivery:]{.underline} When to deliver: Mild preeclampsia at 38 weeks If remote from term: then follow weekly till 38 weeks Consider Magnesium Sulfate (see dose below) Careful fluid management is necessary to prevent fluid overload (\<3,000 cc/24 hrs IV and po combined) [Postpartum]{.underline} Avoid Methergine Continue Magnesium Sulfate at least 4 hours postpartum if BP \< 140/90, DTR's less then 3+, and no CNS symptoms -Depending on clinical condition concurrent Pitocin IV drip (20U/liter LR at 25- 50cc/hr) needs to be given PP to counter Magnesium Sulfate induced uterine atony B. Severe -Prompt ANMC OB consultation -Transfer after stabilization (stretcher, medical escort) ### ### Delivery Severe Preeclampsia mandates prompt delivery Initially infuse 1,000 cc Lactated Ringers IV initially to decrease vasospasm (not if SOB or sat \< 95%) [Magnesium Sulfate prophylaxis]{.underline} Magnesium Sulfate 40 gram / liter LR-intravenous route ideal, infusion pump required 4-6g loading dose IV over 15 to 30 minutes maintenance rate: 1 to 3gram / hour to depress, not eliminate reflexes -insert Foley, strict I&O, monitor urine ouput to monitor renal perfusion -cardiovascular and respiratory depression unlikely if reflexes still exist -if Magnesium Sulfate overdose occurs, give 10% Calcium gluconate, 10cc, IV > slowly over 2 minutes -Magnesium Sulfate may be administered IM, if IV access not available > -50% Magnesium Sulfate 10-ml (5g) in each buttock (10g total) -then 50% Magnesium Sulfate 10ml (5g) IM every 4°-6° depending on reflex activity -1 ml 1-% lidocaine should be added to each injection to minimize inevitable pain -Fluid Restriction: Total fluid (IV and po) 3000cc/24º -continuous fetal monitoring while hospitalized, then every 15-30 minutes during transport -BP every 15-30 minutes, I&O every hour [Remote from term]{.underline}: If IUGR or oligohydramnios develops -NST every 3-4 days, amniotic fluid assessment every week -US q 3-4 weeks [If Systolic BP \> 160 or diastolic \> 110:]{.underline} [and]{.underline} the patient has received an initial 1000 cc of Lactated Ringers or equivalent IVF [and]{.underline} the patient has received initial magnesium bolus and drip [Then]{.underline} TREAT Hydralazine 5-10 mg IV, repeat after 15 to 30 minutes prn. Measure BP every 5 minutes following / avoid precipitous BP drop to prevent maternal cerebral or placental hypoperfusion Satisfactory BP 140-150 systolic, 90-100 diastolic or Labetalol: 20-mg intravenous bolus dose followed by 40 mg if not effective within 10 minutes; then, 80 mg every 10 minutes to maximum total dose of 220 mg [Postpartum]{.underline} Avoid Methergine (could cause vasospam and increase BP) -Magnesium Sulfate is usually continued at least 24° PP -Depending on clinical condition concurrent oxytocin IV drip (20U/liter LR at 25- 50cc/hr) needs to be given PP to counter Magnesium Sulfate induced uterine atony [Next Pregnancy]{.underline} -Give prophylactic low dose ASA 65-85 mg. po every day starting after 12 weeks GA to reduce risk of pre-eclampsia or IUGR, if -Chronic HTN -Past severe preeclampsia -Renal disease -Pre-existing Diabetes [Other preventive measure]{.underline} Alaska Native pregnant women should take 1.25 g of supplemental Calcium / day, especially if the patient is lactose intolerant, or has a known low dietary calcium intake. II\. Eclampsia -Initiate Magnesium Sulfate as above, STAT IM/IV. -If eclampsia recurs while on Magnesium Sulfate then re-bolus with 6 gm and increase drip to 3gm/hr IV -be sure urine output is greater than 20cc/hr, Creatinine is \< 1.0, and Sat \> 95 % -mask 02 8 L/minute when seizures resolved -tongue blade / airway available, but remember DO NOT HARM, most eclamptic seizures resolve spontaneously -anticipate postictal non-reassuring fetal heart rate monitoring allow in utero resuscitation (with standard measures) if non-reassuring FHRT persists after 20 to 30 minutes, stat OB consultation -transport to tertiary care center [after]{.underline} stabilization (stretcher, medical escort, magnesium sulfate, 0~2~ IV Fluids) III\. Chronic Hypertension (CHTN) -Give prophylactic low dose ASA 65-85 mg. po every day starting after 12 weeks GA to reduce risk of pre-eclampsia or IUGR, if -CHTN -Past severe preeclampsia -Renal disease -Pre-existing Diabetes [Anti-hypertensive therapy]{.underline} ACE inhibitors [contraindicated]{.underline} 2° fetal, neonatal complications Often best to stop all medications and recheck BP in one week -Antihypertensive therapy could be reinstituted for women with blood pressures exceeding: > 150--160 mmHg systolic or 100--110 mmHg diastolic. > > -We have the most experience with alpha-methyldopa po 250-1000 mg 8 h > po [Monitoring]{.underline} -Baseline ultrasonography be obtained at 18--20 weeks of gestation > -Ultrasonography should be repeated at 28--32 weeks of gestation and > monthly thereafter -If growth restriction is detected or suspected, > fetal status should be monitored twice weekly with nonstress testing > > -If growth restriction is not present and superimposed preeclampsia is > excluded, these tests are [not]{.underline} indicated [Labs]{.underline} -Baseline labs at initial prenatal visit-CBC, Cr, lytes, AST/ALT, 24° urine for protein and Creat clearance -Pt. seen every 4 weeks in 1st and 2nd trimester, every 2 weeks after 32 weeks, if BP control satisfactory. -Begin weekly antenatal testing-NST plus amniotic fluid assessment every week starting at 32 weeks. -Increase NST to twice weekly if IUGR or oligohydramnios -chronic hypertensive with severe hypertension and/or cardiac, renal, or connective tissue disorders generally have more complications. These patients should be co-managed with earlier OB consultation and referral to tertiary care center. IV. Chronic hypertension (CHTN) with superimposed pre-eclampsia > [Prenatal course:]{.underline} After 12 weeks GA consider prophylactic low dose ASA 65-85 mg po every day to prevent or decrease severe pre-eclampsia and/or IUGR. Indicated if -CHTN -Past severe preeclampsia -Renal Disease -Pre-existing diabetes ## Delivery > There are no randomized clinical trials that specifically address the > timing of delivery in women with chronic hypertension and superimposed > preeclampsia. > > A. Delivery should be considered in women with: > > -superimposed severe preeclampsia at or beyond 28 weeks of gestation > and in women > > -mild superimposed preeclampsia at or beyond 37 weeks of gestation > > B. If it is elected to continue the pregnancy: > > Women with superimposed severe preeclampsia should be monitored in a > center with maternal and neonatal intensive care capability, e.g., > ANMC > > C. Delivery should be considered, even remote from term: Superimposed > severe preeclampsia or HELLP syndrome. > > [Postpartum]{.underline} -Rule out chronic hypertension postpartum -with subsequent pregnancies: \*monitor closely for recurrent pre-eclampsia \*early baseline U/S to confirm dates, in case later suspected IUGR develops. -manage as previous mild or severe preeclampsia V. Gestational hypertension > [Prenatal course]{.underline} > > -A significant proportion of these women will go on to develop the > preeclampsia syndrome and so more frequent monitoring is essential. > > -See CHTN management plan above, [except]{.underline} need for > antenatal aspirin therapy > > -If proteinuria does not develop these patients can be delivered at > term. > > -In the absence of proteinuria, perinatal outcomes are good. > > [Postpartum]{.underline} > > -If blood pressure elevation persists beyond 3 months postpartum, the > patient is diagnosed with chronic hypertension. > > -Unlike typical preeclamptics, a significant number of these women > will go on to develop essential hypertension later in life. Do you want to learn about hypertensive disease in pregnancy and earn free CME credit? Try any of these 3 Perinatology Corner CME modules online. [Mild Pre-Eclampsia]{.underline} <> [Severe Pre-Eclampsia]{.underline} <> [Gestational Hypertension and Chronic Hypertension in Pregnancy]{.underline} <> **ACOG Summary of Recommendations** [**Preeclampsia**]{.underline} ***The following recommendations are based on good and consistent scientific evidence (Level A):*** >  Magnesium sulfate should be used for the prevention and treatment of > seizures in women with severe preeclampsia or eclampsia. > >  If analgesia/anesthesia is required, regional or neuraxial > analgesia/anesthesia should be used because it is efficacious and safe > for intrapartum management of women with severe preeclampsia in the > absence of coagulopathy. > >  Low-dose aspirin has not been shown to prevent preeclampsia in women > at low risk and, therefore, is not recommended. > >  Daily calcium supplementation has not been shown to prevent > preeclampsia and, therefore, is not recommended. ***The following recommendations are based on limited or inconsistent scientific evidence (Level B):***  The management of a woman with severe preeclampsia remote from term is best accomplished in a tertiary care setting or in consultation with an obstetrician-gynecologist with training, experience, and demonstrated competence in the management of high-risk pregnancies, such as a maternal-fetal medicine subspecialist. >  Practitioners should be aware that although various laboratory tests > may be useful in the management of women with preeclampsia, to date > there is no reliable predictive test for preeclampsia. > >  Invasive hemodynamic monitoring should be considered in preeclamptic > women with severe cardiac disease, renal disease, refractory > hypertension, pulmonary edema, or unexplained oliguria. ***The following recommendations are based primarily on consensus and expert opinion (Level C):***  Women should be considered as having severe preeclampsia if they have blood pressure levels of 160 mm Hg systolic or higher or 110 mm Hg diastolic or higher on two occasions at least 6 hours apart while the patient is on bed rest, proteinuria of 5 g or higher in a 24-hour urine specimen or 3+ or greater on two random urine samples collected at least 4 hours apart, oliguria of less than 500 mL in 24 hours, cerebral or visual disturbances, pulmonary edema or cyanosis, epigastric or right upper-quadrant pain, elevated liver enzymes, thrombocytopenia, or fetal growth restriction. >  Expectant management should be considered for women remote from term > who have mild preeclampsia. > >  Antihypertensive therapy (with either hydralazine or labetalol) > should be used for treatment of diastolic blood pressure levels of > 105-110 mm Hg or higher. **[Chronic Hypertension in pregnancy]{.underline}** ***The following recommendation is based on good and consistent scientific evidence (Level A):*** >  Angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors are contraindicated during > pregnancy and are associated with fetal and neonatal renal failure and > death. > >  Aspirin therapy should be considered in women with historical risk > factors to decrease superimposed preeclampsia, e.g., preexisting > diabetes, chronic hypertension, previous severe preeclampsia, and > renal disease. ***The following recommendations are based on limited or inconsistent scientific evidence (Level B):*** >  Antihypertensive therapy should be used for pregnant women with > severe hypertension for maternal benefit. > >  Methyldopa and labetalol are appropriate first-line antihypertensive > therapies. > >  Treatment of women with uncomplicated mild chronic hypertension is > not beneficial because it does not improve perinatal outcome.  The beta-blocker atenolol may be associated with growth restriction and is not recommended for use in pregnancy. ***The following recommendations are based primarily on consensus and expert opinion (Level C):*** >  Women with chronic hypertension should be evaluated for potentially > reversible etiologies, preferably prior to pregnancy. > >  Women with long-standing hypertension should be evaluated for > end-organ disease, including cardiomegaly, renal insufficiency, and > retinopathy, preferably prior to pregnancy. > >  When chronic hypertension is complicated by IUGR or preeclampsia, > fetal surveillance is warranted. #### References Diagnosis and management of preeclampsia and eclampsia. ACOG Practice Bulletin No. 33. American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. Obstet Gynecol 2002;99:159-167 (Level III) [\<\>]{.underline} Chronic Hypertension in Pregnancy. ACOG Practice Bulletin No. 29. American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. Obstet Gynecol 2001; 98:177-185 (Level III) [\<\>]{.underline} Aspirin for Prevention of Preeclampsia in Women with Historical Risk Factors: A Systematic Review. Coomarasamy A, et al Obstet Gynecol June 2003, Volume 101, Number 6: 1319 -- 1332 (Level I) []{.underline} *Management of Chronic Hypertension During Pregnancy*. Summary, Evidence Report/Technology Assessment: Number 14. AHRQ Publication No. 00-E010, August 2000. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, Rockville, MD. (Level III) [\<\>]{.underline} [Screening for Preeclampsia Guide to Clinical Preventive Services]{.underline} Second Edition (1996) US Preventive Service Task Force. (Level III) [\<\>]{.underline} Etiology and pathogenesis of preeclampsia: Current concepts. Dekker GA, Sibai BM. Am J Obstet Gynecol 1998; 179:1359-75. (Level III) <> Primary, secondary, and tertiary prevention of preeclampsia. Dekker GA, Sibai BM. Lancet 2001; 357:209-215. (Level III) <> Report of the National High Blood Pressure Education Program Working Group on High Blood Pressure in Pregnancy. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2000; 183:S1-S22. (Level III) []{.underline} [Obstetrics: Normal and Problem Pregnancies]{.underline}. Hypertension, Chapter 28. Gabbe SG, Neibyl JR, Simpson JL (Eds.) 4th Edition. Churchill Livingstone, New York, 2002. Pages 945-1004. (Level III) [Williams Obstetrics]{.underline}. Hypertensive Disorders in Pregnancy, 21st Edition. Cunningham GF, et al (Eds.) Section 7, No. 24, pp. 567-618. McGraw-Hill, 2001. (Level III) Chobanian AV, et al. The Seventh Report of the Joint National Committee on Prevention, Detection, Evaluation, and Treatment of High Blood Pressure *JAMA.* 2003;289:2560-2571. (Level III) <> Hofmeyr GJ, Atallah AN, Duley L. Calcium supplementation during pregnancy for preventing hypertensive disorders and related problems (Cochrane Review). In: The Cochrane Library, Issue 4, 2003. Chichester, UK: John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. <> Special thanks to Betsy Nobmann, PhD, Nutrition, former IHS Area Nutrition Director for information on calcium intake in Alaska Native women. Written 1/19/94; reviewed 1/23/94; revised 1/24/95 Revised 1/20/04 njm
23411 Highway and Street Construction This industry comprises: (1) establishments primarily responsible for the entire construction (i.e., new work, reconstruction, or repairs) of highways (except elevated), streets, roads, or airport runways; (2) establishments identified as highway and street construction management firms; and (3) establishments identified as special trade contractors engaged in performing subcontract work primarily related to highway and street construction (e.g., grading for highways, installing guardrails, public sidewalk construction). Establishments in this industry may subcontract some or all of the actual construction work. Kinds of establishments include highway and street general contractors, design builders, engineer-constructors, and joint-venture contractors.
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9806917402849/newtape/"to continue, use label command" 9806917405004?ERROR ch -330 Formatter alarm is on 9806917411153?ERROR ch -330 Formatter alarm is on 9806917411842;"experiment: ca031, station: hobart, operator: David Legge 9806917412769;check=all 9806917413372?ERROR ch -330 Formatter alarm is on 9806917415673?ERROR ch -330 Formatter alarm is on 9806917420872;form=alarm 9806917420878/form/nak,ack 9806917424174;wth 9806917424174&wth/sy=/usr2/st/bin/wx 9806917424268#wx#/WX/-29.8, 950.1, 0.0 9806917451186;cable 9806917451187?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9806917514468;"formatter - GPS offsets and cable measurements will be recorded as comments in the field system log 9806917520686;"The receiver is cool at the beginning of the experiment 9806917523438;"Longer cable gives 783.5 microsecond shorter delay 9806917531892;"Cable out meaurement (at 069/1750 UT) is 17418.2 microseconds 9806917575760;"Formatter-GPS difference = 10.0 microseconds at 069/1757 UT (ie maser leads GPS) 9806917581568;label=jodr0004,2710 9806917581570?ERROR rb -202 Type must be one or six charaters. 9806917582827;label=jodr0004,2710 9806917582827?ERROR rb -202 Type must be one or six charaters. 9806917583738;cont 9806917583738&loader/st=for,135,off 9806917583738&loader/!+11s 9806917583738&loader/et 9806917583738&loader/!+3s 9806917583739?ERROR rs -202 Speed must be "lp" or "slp". 9806917584876?ERROR rl -106 Transport(s) in illegal state for this operation 9806917585191/label/UT-3-001052C,3, 9806917585192:!069175940 9806917590058;label=jodr0004,2710 9806917590058?ERROR rb -202 Type must be one or six charaters. 9806917590604;tape=alarm 9806917590604?ERROR rt -201 Position must be a number, "reset", "unk" or "uns". 9806917591777?ERROR ch -510 Recorder state does not agree with request. 9806917594000:tape 9806917594006/tape/<unk>,<unk>,<unk>,<unk>,<unk>,<unk>,<unk>,<unk> 9806917594006:st=for,135 9806917594006?ERROR rs -202 Speed must be "lp" or "slp". 9806917594006:!069175950 9806917594296?ERROR ch -510 Recorder state does not agree with request. 9806917595000:preob 9806917595000&preob/onsource 9806917595002#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9806917595051/onsource/TRACKING 9806917595051:!069180000 9806918000000:tape 9806918000006/tape/<unk>,<unk>,<unk>,<unk>,<unk>,<unk>,<unk>,<unk> 9806918000006:"data start" 9806918000006:midob 9806918000006&midob/onsource 9806918000006&midob/wth 9806918000006&midob/clkoff 9806918000006&midob/sy=run setcl & 9806918000007#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9806918000041/onsource/TRACKING 9806918000118#wx#/WX/-29.3, 950.1, 0.0 9806918000137&clkoff/"specify fmout-gps when formatter (h-maser) 1pps leads gps 1pps 9806918000137&clkoff/hpib=pp,:fetc? 9806918000138&clkoff/!+1s 9806918000138&clkoff/fmout-gps=pp 9806918000138&clkoff/"!+1s 9806918000138&clkoff/"hpib=pp,:init:cont on 9806918000138?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9806918000240?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9806918000301#setcl#time/13351053,0,1998,069,18,00,03.00,-13.807,6.605,-1 9806918000301#setcl#model/old,889455308,-3601173,10973173,-13.800,12.500,rate 9806918000303:!069180424 9806918000594?ERROR ch -510 Recorder state does not agree with request. 9806918002909?ERROR ch -510 Recorder state does not agree with request. 9806918003542;label=jodr0004,2710 9806918003542?ERROR rb -202 Type must be one or six charaters. 9806918005163;label=jodr0004,2710 9806918005163?ERROR rb -202 Type must be one or six charaters. 9806918005226?ERROR ch -510 Recorder state does not agree with request. 9806918005889;terminate 9806918005889:*boss terminated 9806918011593;Log Opened: Mark IV Field System Version 9.3.23 9806918011593;location,HOBART ,H,212.56,-42.81,63.3,72425901,100,35,70,1990 9806918011593;horizon1,0.,20.,360. 9806918011593;head0,all,odd,odd,odd,adaptive,no,5.0000,0 9806918011593;head1,232.2,28.9,84.0,183.0,23.9,-33.2,144.12,144.12 9806918011593;head2,207.6,24.2,73.9,193.7,22.8,-40.1,141.71,141.71 9806918011593;antenna,26.0,40.0,40.0,20.1,90.0,10.0,90.0,XYEW 9806918011593;equip1,100,330,240,8450.0,70,35,mk3,mk3,101 9806918011593;equip2,0.000,0.000,0.000,0.000,0.000,0,0,500.10,3,a/d,0.000,0 9806918011594;time,-13.800,12.500,rate 9806918011594;sw,no 9806918011594:" CA031 1998 HOBART26 H Ho 9806918011594:" H HOBART26 XYEW 7.3152 40.0 30 -82.0 82.0 40.0 30 -74.0 74.0 26.0 Ho 04 9806918011594:" Ho HOBART26 -3950236.74250 2522347.56110 -4311562.54969 72425901 9806918011594:" 04 HRAS_085 12 8820 9806918011594:source=1741-038,174120.6,-034848.9,1950.0 9806918011595#antcn#Initializing interface to SYS26M 9806918011966#antcn#Command a new source 9806918012046#antcn#Successfully sent new source position to antenna 9806918012046:check2c1 9806918012046&check2c1/check=*,-tp,-hd 9806918012046&check2c1/enable= 9806918012046&check2c1/decode=a,crc,byte 9806918012046&check2c1/parity=,,ab,on,g1,g3 9806918012046&check2c1/fastr=15s 9806918012046&check2c1/!+6s 9806918012046&check2c1/!* 9806918012046&check2c1/st=for,120,off 9806918012046&check2c1/!+4s 9806918012046&check2c1/repro=raw,1,3 9806918012047&check2c1/parity 9806918012047&check2c1/repro=byp,0,0 9806918012047&check2c1/!*+29.20s 9806918012047&check2c1/et 9806918012047&check2c1/!+3s 9806918012047&check2c1/check=*,tp,hd 9806918012055/enable/nak,*alarm*tp(#94) 9806918012061&fastr/rw 9806918012061&fastr/!+$ 9806918012061&fastr/et 9806918012080/rw/nak,*alarm*tp(#94),nak,*alarm*tp(#94),nak,*alarm*tp(#94) 9806918013593/et/nak,*alarm*tp(#94),nak,*alarm*tp(#94) 9806918014210/st/nak,*alarm*tp(#94),nak,*alarm*tp(#94) 9806918014618/repro/nak,*alarm*tp(#94) 9806918015951?ERROR qg -303 Track 1 parity errors exceed threshold. 9806918015951?ERROR qg -303 Track 3 parity errors exceed threshold. 9806918015951?ERROR qg -303 Track 5 parity errors exceed threshold. 9806918015951?ERROR qg -303 Track 7 parity errors exceed threshold. 9806918015951?ERROR qg -303 Track 9 parity errors exceed threshold. 9806918015951?ERROR qg -303 Track 11 parity errors exceed threshold. 9806918015951?ERROR qg -303 Track 13 parity errors exceed threshold. 9806918015951?ERROR qg -303 Track 15 parity errors exceed threshold. 9806918015951?ERROR qg -303 Track 17 parity errors exceed threshold. 9806918015951?ERROR qg -303 Track 19 parity errors exceed threshold. 9806918015951?ERROR qg -303 Track 21 parity errors exceed threshold. 9806918015951?ERROR qg -303 Track 23 parity errors exceed threshold. 9806918015951?ERROR qg -303 Track 25 parity errors exceed threshold. 9806918015951?ERROR qg -303 Track 27 parity errors exceed threshold. 9806918015951/parity/$$$$$,$$$$$,$$$$$,$$$$$,$$$$$,$$$$$,$$$$$,$$$$$,$$$$$,$$$$$,$$$$$,$$$$$,$$$$$,$$$$$ 9806918015951/parity/0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 9806918015956/repro/nak,*alarm*tp(#94) 9806918020202;proc=ca031ho 9806918021126/et/nak,*alarm*tp(#94),nak,*alarm*tp(#94) 9806918021169;vcbw2 9806918021169?ERROR sp -4 Unrecognized name (not a function or procedure). 9806918021427:wb2c1=1 9806918021427&wb2c1/tapefrmwbc 9806918021427&wb2c1/pass=$,same 9806918021427&wb2c1/form=c,4.000 9806918021427&wb2c1/form=reset 9806918021427&wb2c1/vcwb2 9806918021427&wb2c1/ifdwb 9806918021427&wb2c1/tape=low 9806918021427&wb2c1/enable=g1,g3 9806918021427&wb2c1/repro=byp,3,19 9806918021427&tapefrmwbc/tapeform= 1,-330, 2,-330, 3,-275, 4,-275, 5,-220, 6,-220 9806918021428&tapefrmwbc/tapeform= 7,-165, 8,-165, 9,-110, 10,-110, 11, -55, 12, -55 9806918021428&tapefrmwbc/tapeform= 13, 0, 14, 0, 15, 55, 16, 55, 17, 110, 18, 110 9806918021428&tapefrmwbc/tapeform= 19, 165, 20, 165, 21, 220, 22, 220, 23, 275, 24, 275 9806918021954/pass/1,1,auto,-330.0,-330.0,-331.0,-330.6,-1.0,-0.6 9806918022061&vcwb2/vc01=132.99,2.000 9806918022061&vcwb2/vc02=172.99,2.000 9806918022061&vcwb2/vc03=272.99,2.000 9806918022061&vcwb2/vc04=432.99,2.000 9806918022061&vcwb2/vc05=152.89,2.000 9806918022061&vcwb2/vc06=272.89,2.000 9806918022061&vcwb2/vc07=332.89,2.000 9806918022061&vcwb2/vc08=352.89,2.000 9806918022061&vcwb2/vc09=207.99,2.000 9806918022061&vcwb2/vc10=217.99,2.000 9806918022061&vcwb2/vc11=237.99,2.000 9806918022061&vcwb2/vc12=292.99,2.000 9806918022061&vcwb2/vc13=327.99,2.000 9806918022061&vcwb2/vc14=332.99,2.000 9806918022061&vcwb2/!+1s 9806918022061&vcwb2/valarm 9806918022223&valarm/vc01=alarm 9806918022223&valarm/vc02=alarm 9806918022223&valarm/vc03=alarm 9806918022223&valarm/vc04=alarm 9806918022223&valarm/vc05=alarm 9806918022223&valarm/vc06=alarm 9806918022223&valarm/vc07=alarm 9806918022223&valarm/vc08=alarm 9806918022223&valarm/vc09=alarm 9806918022223&valarm/vc10=alarm 9806918022223&valarm/vc11=alarm 9806918022223&valarm/vc12=alarm 9806918022223&valarm/vc13=alarm 9806918022223&valarm/vc14=alarm 9806918022223&valarm/vc15=alarm 9806918022296&ifdwb/ifd=14,19,nor,nor 9806918022296&ifdwb/if3=0,in,2,2 9806918022296&ifdwb/lo=8080.00,2020.00,8580.10 9806918022296&ifdwb/patch=lo1,1l,2l,3h,4h 9806918022296&ifdwb/patch=lo2,9l,10l,11h,12h,13h,14h 9806918022296&ifdwb/patch=lo3,5h,6h,7h,8h 9806918022318/tape/nak,*alarm*tp(#94) 9806918022324/enable/nak,*alarm*tp(#94) 9806918022330/repro/nak,*alarm*tp(#94) 9806918022330:!069180714 9806918022539;ifdwb 9806918024557?ERROR ch -332 Tape drive is not in remote 9806918030737?ERROR ch -332 Tape drive is not in remote 9806918032924?ERROR ch -332 Tape drive is not in remote 9806918035109?ERROR ch -332 Tape drive is not in remote 9806918041295?ERROR ch -332 Tape drive is not in remote 9806918043483?ERROR ch -332 Tape drive is not in remote 9806918045670?ERROR ch -332 Tape drive is not in remote 9806918051856?ERROR ch -336 Enabled tracks do not check with requested tracks 9806918051856?ERROR ch -337 Reproduce bandwidth does not check with request 9806918051856?ERROR ch -338 Reproduce equalizer does not check with request 9806918051856?ERROR ch -340 Reproduce track A does not check with request 9806918051856?ERROR ch -341 Reproduce track B does not check with request 9806918051856?ERROR ch -343 Rate generator is set to other than 720 or 880 9806918051856?ERROR ch -345 Tape drive alarm is on 9806918054056?ERROR ch -336 Enabled tracks do not check with requested tracks 9806918054056?ERROR ch -337 Reproduce bandwidth does not check with request 9806918054056?ERROR ch -338 Reproduce equalizer does not check with request 9806918054056?ERROR ch -340 Reproduce track A does not check with request 9806918054056?ERROR ch -341 Reproduce track B does not check with request 9806918054056?ERROR ch -345 Tape drive alarm is on 9806918060269?ERROR ch -336 Enabled tracks do not check with requested tracks 9806918060269?ERROR ch -337 Reproduce bandwidth does not check with request 9806918060269?ERROR ch -338 Reproduce equalizer does not check with request 9806918060269?ERROR ch -340 Reproduce track A does not check with request 9806918060269?ERROR ch -341 Reproduce track B does not check with request 9806918060269?ERROR ch -345 Tape drive alarm is on 9806918062457?ERROR ch -336 Enabled tracks do not check with requested tracks 9806918062457?ERROR ch -337 Reproduce bandwidth does not check with request 9806918062457?ERROR ch -338 Reproduce equalizer does not check with request 9806918062457?ERROR ch -340 Reproduce track A does not check with request 9806918062457?ERROR ch -341 Reproduce track B does not check with request 9806918062457?ERROR ch -345 Tape drive alarm is on 9806918064651?ERROR ch -336 Enabled tracks do not check with requested tracks 9806918064651?ERROR ch -337 Reproduce bandwidth does not check with request 9806918064651?ERROR ch -338 Reproduce equalizer does not check with request 9806918064651?ERROR ch -340 Reproduce track A does not check with request 9806918064651?ERROR ch -341 Reproduce track B does not check with request 9806918064651?ERROR ch -345 Tape drive alarm is on 9806918070843?ERROR ch -336 Enabled tracks do not check with requested tracks 9806918070843?ERROR ch -337 Reproduce bandwidth does not check with request 9806918070843?ERROR ch -338 Reproduce equalizer does not check with request 9806918070843?ERROR ch -340 Reproduce track A does not check with request 9806918070843?ERROR ch -341 Reproduce track B does not check with request 9806918070843?ERROR ch -345 Tape drive alarm is on 9806918071400:tape 9806918071411/tape/off,04297,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9806918071411:st=for,135 9806918071424/st/nak,*alarm*tp(#94),nak,*alarm*tp(#94) 9806918071424:!069180724 9806918072400:preob 9806918072400&preob/onsource 9806918072400&preob/calon 9806918072400&preob/!+2s 9806918072400&preob/tpical=v1,v2,v3,v4,v5,v6,v7,v8,if1,if3 9806918072400&preob/tpical=v9,v10,v11,v12,v13,v14,if2 9806918072400&preob/caloff 9806918072400#antcn#Error: Antenna reported error from last command (0) 9806918072400#antcn#Antenna control system Local control asserted by DESK 9806918072400#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9806918072449#antcn#Antenna drives not on, switching them on 9806918073189#antcn#Successfully sent new source position to antenna 9806918073189?ERROR qo -301 WARNING: ONSOURCE status is SLEWING! 9806918073189/onsource/SLEWING 9806918073189&calon/rx=*,*,*,*,*,*,on 9806918073429/tpical/33816,25121,13635,12129,23975,19787,23592,11031,7231,29628 9806918073451/tpical/20129,10602,9333,15056,12446,14178,8218 9806918073451&caloff/rx=*,*,*,*,*,*,off 9806918073458:!069180734 9806918073458:tape 9806918073469/tape/off,04498,norm,moving,nostop,locked,ready,rem 9806918073469:"data start" 9806918073469:midob 9806918073469&midob/onsource 9806918073469&midob/wth 9806918073469&midob/cable 9806918073469&midob/clkoff 9806918073469&midob/ifd 9806918073469&midob/if3 9806918073469&midob/vc06 9806918073469&midob/vc11 9806918073469&midob/tpi=v1,v2,v3,v4,v5,v6,v7,v8,if1,if3 9806918073469&midob/tpi=v9,v10,v11,v12,v13,v14,if2 9806918073469&midob/caltemps 9806918073469&midob/tsys1=v1,v2,v3,v4,v5,v6,v7,v8,if1,if3 9806918073469&midob/tsys2=v9,v10,v11,v12,v13,v14,if2 9806918073470#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9806918073519#antcn#Currently slewing to requested source 9806918073519?ERROR qo -301 WARNING: ONSOURCE status is SLEWING! 9806918073520/onsource/SLEWING 9806918073520&wth/sy=/usr2/st/bin/wx 9806918073591#wx#/WX/-29.4, 950.1, 0.0 9806918073618?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9806918073619&clkoff/"specify fmout-gps when formatter (h-maser) leads gps 9806918073619&clkoff/hpib=pp,:read? 9806918073619&clkoff/!+0.5s 9806918073619&clkoff/fmout-gps=pp 9806918073619&clkoff/!+0.5s 9806918073619&clkoff/hpib=pp,:init:cont on 9806918073620?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9806918073671?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9806918073722?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9806918073729/ifd/14,19,nor,nor,rem,6084,7384 9806918073736/if3/0,in,2,2,,,present,500.10,rem,lock,24346 9806918073743/vc06/272.89,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,16278 9806918073750/vc11/237.99,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,8000 9806918073781/tpi/28569,21280,11577,10047,19834,16278,19554,9226,6084,24346 9806918073803/tpi/17310,9135,8000,12945,10674,12183,7384 9806918073803&caltemps/caltemp1=9.8 9806918073803&caltemps/caltemp2=10.5 9806918073804?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device v1 overflowed or were less than zero. 9806918073804?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device v2 overflowed or were less than zero. 9806918073804?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device v3 overflowed or were less than zero. 9806918073804?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device v4 overflowed or were less than zero. 9806918073804?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device v5 overflowed or were less than zero. 9806918073804?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device v6 overflowed or were less than zero. 9806918073804?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device v7 overflowed or were less than zero. 9806918073804?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device v8 overflowed or were less than zero. 9806918073805?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device i1 overflowed or were less than zero. 9806918073805?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device i3 overflowed or were less than zero. 9806918073805/tsys1/$$$$$$$$,$$$$$$$$,$$$$$$$$,$$$$$$$$,$$$$$$$$,$$$$$$$$,$$$$$$$$,$$$$$$$$,$$$$$$$$,$$$$$$$$ 9806918073805?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device v9 overflowed or were less than zero. 9806918073805?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device va overflowed or were less than zero. 9806918073805?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device vb overflowed or were less than zero. 9806918073805?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device vc overflowed or were less than zero. 9806918073805?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device vd overflowed or were less than zero. 9806918073805?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device ve overflowed or were less than zero. 9806918073805?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device i2 overflowed or were less than zero. 9806918073805/tsys2/$$$$$$$$,$$$$$$$$,$$$$$$$$,$$$$$$$$,$$$$$$$$,$$$$$$$$,$$$$$$$$ 9806918073806:!069180844 9806918080015?ERROR ch -337 Reproduce bandwidth does not check with request 9806918080015?ERROR ch -338 Reproduce equalizer does not check with request 9806918080015?ERROR ch -340 Reproduce track A does not check with request 9806918080015?ERROR ch -341 Reproduce track B does not check with request 9806918080015?ERROR ch -345 Tape drive alarm is on 9806918082223?ERROR ch -337 Reproduce bandwidth does not check with request 9806918082223?ERROR ch -338 Reproduce equalizer does not check with request 9806918082223?ERROR ch -340 Reproduce track A does not check with request 9806918082223?ERROR ch -341 Reproduce track B does not check with request 9806918082223?ERROR ch -345 Tape drive alarm is on 9806918083670;terminate 9806918083670:*boss terminated 9806918094328;Log Opened: Mark IV Field System Version 9.3.23 9806918094328;location,HOBART ,H,212.56,-42.81,63.3,72425901,100,35,70,1990 9806918094328;horizon1,0.,20.,360. 9806918094328;head0,all,odd,odd,odd,adaptive,no,5.0000,0 9806918094328;head1,232.2,28.9,84.0,183.0,23.9,-33.2,144.12,144.12 9806918094328;head2,207.6,24.2,73.9,193.7,22.8,-40.1,141.71,141.71 9806918094328;antenna,26.0,40.0,40.0,20.1,90.0,10.0,90.0,XYEW 9806918094328;equip1,100,330,240,8450.0,70,35,mk3,mk3,101 9806918094328;equip2,0.000,0.000,0.000,0.000,0.000,0,0,500.10,3,a/d,0.000,0 9806918094328;time,-13.800,12.500,rate 9806918094328;sw,no 9806918094328:" CA031 1998 HOBART26 H Ho 9806918094328:" H HOBART26 XYEW 7.3152 40.0 30 -82.0 82.0 40.0 30 -74.0 74.0 26.0 Ho 04 9806918094328:" Ho HOBART26 -3950236.74250 2522347.56110 -4311562.54969 72425901 9806918094328:" 04 HRAS_085 12 8820 9806918094328:source=1034-293,103455.8,-291827.0,1950.0 9806918094329#antcn#Initializing interface to SYS26M 9806918094676#antcn#Command a new source 9806918094747#antcn#Successfully sent new source position to antenna 9806918094747:check2c1 9806918094747&check2c1/check=*,-tp,-hd 9806918094747&check2c1/enable= 9806918094747&check2c1/decode=a,crc,byte 9806918094747&check2c1/parity=,,ab,on,g1,g3 9806918094747&check2c1/fastr=15s 9806918094747&check2c1/!+6s 9806918094747&check2c1/!* 9806918094747&check2c1/st=for,120,off 9806918094747&check2c1/!+4s 9806918094747&check2c1/repro=raw,1,3 9806918094747&check2c1/parity 9806918094747&check2c1/repro=byp,0,0 9806918094747&check2c1/!*+29.20s 9806918094747&check2c1/et 9806918094747&check2c1/!+3s 9806918094747&check2c1/check=*,tp,hd 9806918094752/enable/nak,*alarm*tp(#94) 9806918094755&fastr/rw 9806918094755&fastr/!+$ 9806918094755&fastr/et 9806918094771/rw/nak,*alarm*tp(#94),nak,*alarm*tp(#94),nak,*alarm*tp(#94) 9806918100284/et/nak,*alarm*tp(#94),nak,*alarm*tp(#94) 9806918100898/st/nak,*alarm*tp(#94),nak,*alarm*tp(#94) 9806918101303/repro/nak,*alarm*tp(#94) 9806918102633/parity/0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0. 9806918102633/parity/0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 9806918102637/repro/nak,*alarm*tp(#94) 9806918103819/et/nak,*alarm*tp(#94),nak,*alarm*tp(#94) 9806918104120:wb2c1=1 9806918104120&wb2c1/tapefrmwbc 9806918104120&wb2c1/pass=$,same 9806918104120&wb2c1/form=c,4.000 9806918104120&wb2c1/form=reset 9806918104120&wb2c1/vcwb2 9806918104120&wb2c1/ifdwb 9806918104120&wb2c1/tape=low 9806918104120&wb2c1/enable=g1,g3 9806918104120&wb2c1/repro=byp,3,19 9806918104121&tapefrmwbc/tapeform= 1,-330, 2,-330, 3,-275, 4,-275, 5,-220, 6,-220 9806918104121&tapefrmwbc/tapeform= 7,-165, 8,-165, 9,-110, 10,-110, 11, -55, 12, -55 9806918104121&tapefrmwbc/tapeform= 13, 0, 14, 0, 15, 55, 16, 55, 17, 110, 18, 110 9806918104121&tapefrmwbc/tapeform= 19, 165, 20, 165, 21, 220, 22, 220, 23, 275, 24, 275 9806918104208/pass/1,1,auto,-330.0,-330.0,-330.3,-329.9,-0.3,0.1 9806918104315&vcwb2/vc01=132.99,2.000 9806918104315&vcwb2/vc02=172.99,2.000 9806918104315&vcwb2/vc03=272.99,2.000 9806918104315&vcwb2/vc04=432.99,2.000 9806918104315&vcwb2/vc05=152.89,2.000 9806918104315&vcwb2/vc06=272.89,2.000 9806918104315&vcwb2/vc07=332.89,2.000 9806918104315&vcwb2/vc08=352.89,2.000 9806918104315&vcwb2/vc09=207.99,2.000 9806918104315&vcwb2/vc10=217.99,2.000 9806918104315&vcwb2/vc11=237.99,2.000 9806918104315&vcwb2/vc12=292.99,2.000 9806918104315&vcwb2/vc13=327.99,2.000 9806918104315&vcwb2/vc14=332.99,2.000 9806918104315&vcwb2/!+1s 9806918104315&vcwb2/valarm 9806918104476&valarm/vc01=alarm 9806918104476&valarm/vc02=alarm 9806918104476&valarm/vc03=alarm 9806918104476&valarm/vc04=alarm 9806918104476&valarm/vc05=alarm 9806918104476&valarm/vc06=alarm 9806918104476&valarm/vc07=alarm 9806918104476&valarm/vc08=alarm 9806918104476&valarm/vc09=alarm 9806918104476&valarm/vc10=alarm 9806918104476&valarm/vc11=alarm 9806918104476&valarm/vc12=alarm 9806918104476&valarm/vc13=alarm 9806918104476&valarm/vc14=alarm 9806918104476&valarm/vc15=alarm 9806918104547&ifdwb/ifd=14,19,nor,nor 9806918104547&ifdwb/if3=0,in,2,2 9806918104547&ifdwb/lo=8080.00,2020.00,8580.10 9806918104547&ifdwb/patch=lo1,1l,2l,3h,4h 9806918104547&ifdwb/patch=lo2,9l,10l,11h,12h,13h,14h 9806918104547&ifdwb/patch=lo3,5h,6h,7h,8h 9806918104571/tape/nak,*alarm*tp(#94) 9806918104577/enable/nak,*alarm*tp(#94) 9806918104583/repro/nak,*alarm*tp(#94) 9806918104583:!069181537 9806918110916?ERROR ch -332 Tape drive is not in remote 9806918113103?ERROR ch -332 Tape drive is not in remote 9806918115289?ERROR ch -332 Tape drive is not in remote 9806918121475?ERROR ch -332 Tape drive is not in remote 9806918122865;alarm=all 9806918122865?ERROR sp -4 Unrecognized name (not a function or procedure). 9806918123661?ERROR ch -337 Reproduce bandwidth does not check with request 9806918123661?ERROR ch -338 Reproduce equalizer does not check with request 9806918123661?ERROR ch -345 Tape drive alarm is on 9806918125849?ERROR ch -337 Reproduce bandwidth does not check with request 9806918125849?ERROR ch -338 Reproduce equalizer does not check with request 9806918125849?ERROR ch -345 Tape drive alarm is on 9806918132037?ERROR ch -337 Reproduce bandwidth does not check with request 9806918132037?ERROR ch -338 Reproduce equalizer does not check with request 9806918132037?ERROR ch -345 Tape drive alarm is on 9806918133635;label=jodr004,2710 9806918133635?ERROR qa -201 Tape number must be 8 charaters. 9806918134203;label=jodr0004,2710 9806918134229?ERROR ch -337 Reproduce bandwidth does not check with request 9806918134229?ERROR ch -338 Reproduce equalizer does not check with request 9806918134229?ERROR ch -345 Tape drive alarm is on 9806918140415?ERROR ch -337 Reproduce bandwidth does not check with request 9806918140415?ERROR ch -338 Reproduce equalizer does not check with request 9806918140415?ERROR ch -345 Tape drive alarm is on 9806918142222;wb2c1=1 9806918142280/pass/1,1,auto,-330.0,-330.0,-330.3,-329.9,-0.3,0.1 9806918142619/tape/nak,*alarm*tp(#94) 9806918142625/enable/nak,*alarm*tp(#94) 9806918142631/repro/nak,*alarm*tp(#94) 9806918142664?ERROR ch -345 Tape drive alarm is on 9806918143464;taep=alarm 9806918143464?ERROR sp -4 Unrecognized name (not a function or procedure). 9806918144096;tape=alarm 9806918144104/tape/nak,ack 9806918145329;alarm=all 9806918145329?ERROR sp -4 Unrecognized name (not a function or procedure). 9806918153700:tape 9806918153713/tape/off,04285,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9806918153713:st=for,135 9806918153729:!069181547 9806918154700:preob 9806918154700&preob/onsource 9806918154700&preob/calon 9806918154700&preob/!+2s 9806918154700&preob/tpical=v1,v2,v3,v4,v5,v6,v7,v8,if1,if3 9806918154700&preob/tpical=v9,v10,v11,v12,v13,v14,if2 9806918154700&preob/caloff 9806918154700#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9806918154761/onsource/TRACKING 9806918154762&calon/rx=*,*,*,*,*,*,on 9806918155001/tpical/36530,26319,13663,12486,28076,20917,27589,12237,7671,33130 9806918155022/tpical/20092,10630,9302,14943,12510,14213,7718 9806918155022&caloff/rx=*,*,*,*,*,*,off 9806918155029:!069181557 9806918155700:tape 9806918155712/tape/off,04479,norm,moving,nostop,locked,ready,rem 9806918155712:"data start" 9806918155712:midob 9806918155712&midob/onsource 9806918155712&midob/wth 9806918155712&midob/cable 9806918155712&midob/clkoff 9806918155712&midob/ifd 9806918155712&midob/if3 9806918155712&midob/vc06 9806918155712&midob/vc11 9806918155712&midob/tpi=v1,v2,v3,v4,v5,v6,v7,v8,if1,if3 9806918155712&midob/tpi=v9,v10,v11,v12,v13,v14,if2 9806918155712&midob/caltemps 9806918155712&midob/tsys1=v1,v2,v3,v4,v5,v6,v7,v8,if1,if3 9806918155712&midob/tsys2=v9,v10,v11,v12,v13,v14,if2 9806918155713#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9806918155780/onsource/TRACKING 9806918155780&wth/sy=/usr2/st/bin/wx 9806918155855#wx#/WX/-29.6, 950.0, 1.6 9806918155875?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9806918155875&clkoff/"specify fmout-gps when formatter (h-maser) leads gps 9806918155876&clkoff/hpib=pp,:read? 9806918155876&clkoff/!+0.5s 9806918155876&clkoff/fmout-gps=pp 9806918155876&clkoff/!+0.5s 9806918155876&clkoff/hpib=pp,:init:cont on 9806918155877?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9806918155928?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9806918155979?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9806918155986/ifd/14,19,nor,nor,rem,6465,6710 9806918155993/if3/0,in,2,2,,,present,500.10,rem,lock,27285 9806918160000/vc06/272.89,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,17267 9806918160007/vc11/237.99,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,7968 9806918160038/tpi/30830,22277,11599,10358,23240,17274,22904,10253,6468,27281 9806918160061/tpi/17295,9154,7968,12847,10717,12253,6814 9806918160061&caltemps/caltemp1=9.8 9806918160061&caltemps/caltemp2=10.5 9806918160062?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device v1 overflowed or were less than zero. 9806918160062?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device v2 overflowed or were less than zero. 9806918160062?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device v3 overflowed or were less than zero. 9806918160062?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device v4 overflowed or were less than zero. 9806918160062?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device v5 overflowed or were less than zero. 9806918160062?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device v6 overflowed or were less than zero. 9806918160062?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device v7 overflowed or were less than zero. 9806918160062?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device v8 overflowed or were less than zero. 9806918160062?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device i1 overflowed or were less than zero. 9806918160062?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device i3 overflowed or were less than zero. 9806918160063/tsys1/$$$$$$$$,$$$$$$$$,$$$$$$$$,$$$$$$$$,$$$$$$$$,$$$$$$$$,$$$$$$$$,$$$$$$$$,$$$$$$$$,$$$$$$$$ 9806918160063?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device v9 overflowed or were less than zero. 9806918160063?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device va overflowed or were less than zero. 9806918160063?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device vb overflowed or were less than zero. 9806918160063?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device vc overflowed or were less than zero. 9806918160063?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device vd overflowed or were less than zero. 9806918160063?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device ve overflowed or were less than zero. 9806918160063?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device i2 overflowed or were less than zero. 9806918160063/tsys2/$$$$$$$$,$$$$$$$$,$$$$$$$$,$$$$$$$$,$$$$$$$$,$$$$$$$$,$$$$$$$$ 9806918160063:!069181738 9806918163022;rxmon 9806918163022&rxmon/rxx=front 9806918163022&rxmon/rx 9806918163022&rxmon/rxx=rear 9806918163022&rxmon/rx 9806918163022&rxmon/rxx=lo 9806918163022&rxmon/rx 9806918163022&rxmon/rxx=dcal 9806918163022&rxmon/rx 9806918163022&rxmon/rxx=lo5mhz 9806918163022&rxmon/rx 9806918163022&rxmon/rxx=pres 9806918163022&rxmon/rx 9806918163022&rxmon/rxx=20k 9806918163023&rxmon/rx 9806918163023&rxmon/rxx=70k 9806918163023&rxmon/rx 9806918163023&rxx/rx=$,*,*,*,*,*,* 9806918163035/rx/00(front),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,17.27 9806918163046/rx/01(rear),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,30.46 9806918163057/rx/02(lo),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,39.13 9806918163068/rx/03(dcal),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,47.19 9806918163079/rx/0E(lo5mhz),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,0.998 9806918163090/rx/17(pres),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,3.463 9806918163101/rx/1E(20k),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,24.79 9806918163112/rx/1F(70k),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,52.30 9806918163751;sxcts 9806918163751&sxcts/tpi=v1,v2,v3,v4,v5,v6,v7,v8,if1,if3 9806918163751&sxcts/tpi=v9,v10,v11,v12,v13,v14,if2 9806918163751&sxcts/ifd=max,max,*,* 9806918163751&sxcts/if3=max,*,*,*,*,* 9806918163751&sxcts/!+2s 9806918163751&sxcts/tpzero=v1,v2,v3,v4,v5,v6,v7,v8,if1,if3 9806918163751&sxcts/tpzero=v9,v10,v11,v12,v13,v14,if2 9806918163751&sxcts/ifd=old,old,*,* 9806918163751&sxcts/if3=old,*,*,*,*,* 9806918163751&sxcts/calon 9806918163751&sxcts/!+2s 9806918163751&sxcts/tpical=v1,v2,v3,v4,v5,v6,v7,v8,if1,if3 9806918163751&sxcts/tpical=v9,v10,v11,v12,v13,v14,if2 9806918163751&sxcts/caloff 9806918163751&sxcts/caltemps 9806918163751&sxcts/tsys1=v1,v2,v3,v4,v5,v6,v7,v8,if1,if3 9806918163751&sxcts/tsys2=v9,v10,v11,v12,v13,v14,if2 9806918163789/tpi/30823,22275,11599,10371,23313,17275,22983,10258,6465,27312 9806918163811/tpi/17281,9161,7967,12887,10706,12291,9098 9806918164051/tpzero/531,219,647,635,354,425,853,908,301,87 9806918164073/tpzero/229,388,385,528,550,788,277 9806918164321/tpical/36501,26328,13649,12480,28059,20928,27638,12246,7665,33127 9806918164343/tpical/20097,10601,9278,15011,12439,14266,10194 9806918164351/tsys1/52.3,53.3,52.4,45.2,47.4,45.2,46.6,46.1,50.3,45.9 9806918164351/tsys2/63.6,64.0,60.7,61.1,61.5,61.2,84.5 9806918173800:"data stop" 9806918173800:et 9806918173816:!+3s 9806918174117:tape 9806918174129/tape/off,05629,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9806918174129:postob 9806918174129:source=1606+106,160623.4,103700.0,1950.0 9806918174129#antcn#Command a new source 9806918174189#antcn#Successfully sent new source position to antenna 9806918174189:check2c1 9806918182278/parity/0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0. 9806918182278/parity/0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 9806918183565:wb2c1=1 9806918183673/pass/1,1,auto,-330.0,-330.0,-330.3,-329.9,-0.3,0.1 9806918184021:!069182911 9806918273205;onsource 9806918273205#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9806918273269/onsource/TRACKING 9806918291100:tape 9806918291113/tape/off,05635,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9806918291113:st=for,135 9806918291130:!069182921 9806918292100:preob 9806918292100#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9806918292168/onsource/TRACKING 9806918292408/tpical/$$$$$,54580,37287,26558,55533,38846,46045,21461,16159,64798 9806918292432/tpical/19846,10442,9106,14887,12543,14294,7289 9806918292441:!069182931 9806918293100:tape 9806918293112/tape/off,05829,norm,moving,nostop,locked,ready,rem 9806918293112:"data start" 9806918293112:midob 9806918293112#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9806918293147/onsource/TRACKING 9806918293232#wx#/WX/-29.3, 950.0, 3.0 9806918293251?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9806918293252?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9806918293304?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9806918293356?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9806918293363/ifd/14,19,nor,nor,rem,13499,6919 9806918293370/if3/0,in,2,2,,,present,500.10,rem,lock,53192 9806918293377/vc06/272.89,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,32083 9806918293384/vc11/237.99,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,7815 9806918293415/tpi/58101,46078,31310,21902,46079,32111,38097,17842,13506,53218 9806918293437/tpi/17031,8993,7812,12817,10760,12453,6751 9806918293438?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device v1 overflowed or were less than zero. 9806918293438/tsys1/$$$$$$$$,52.9,50.3,44.8,47.4,46.1,45.9,45.9,48.8,45.0 9806918293439/tsys2/62.7,62.4,60.3,62.3,60.1,66.5,126.4 9806918293439:!069183041 9806918304100:"data stop" 9806918304100:et 9806918304117:!+3s 9806918304418:tape 9806918304431/tape/off,06630,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9806918304431:postob 9806918304431:source=0637-752,063723.3,-751337.5,1950.0 9806918304432#antcn#Command a new source 9806918304486#antcn#Successfully sent new source position to antenna 9806918304486:check2c1 9806918312574/parity/0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0. 9806918312574/parity/0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 9806918313860:wb2c1=1 9806918314096/pass/1,1,auto,-330.0,-330.0,-330.3,-329.2,-0.3,0.8 9806918314441:!069183907 9806918390700:tape 9806918390712/tape/off,06636,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9806918390712:st=for,135 9806918390726:!069183917 9806918391700:preob 9806918391700#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9806918391757/onsource/TRACKING 9806918391997/tpical/37109,27689,14943,13699,28063,23325,28400,13248,8045,35329 9806918392020/tpical/20115,10638,9320,15099,12456,14244,8876 9806918392028:!069183927 9806918392700:tape 9806918392712/tape/off,06830,norm,moving,nostop,locked,ready,rem 9806918392712:"data start" 9806918392712:midob 9806918392712#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9806918392777/onsource/TRACKING 9806918392855#wx#/WX/-29.3, 950.0, 4.0 9806918392875?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9806918392876?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9806918392928?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9806918392980?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9806918392988/ifd/14,19,nor,nor,rem,6783,8101 9806918392995/if3/0,in,2,2,,,present,500.10,rem,lock,29121 9806918393002/vc06/272.89,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,19266 9806918393009/vc11/237.99,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,7997 9806918393041/tpi/31426,23457,12688,11370,23317,19297,23515,11078,6797,29133 9806918393064/tpi/17316,9164,7997,13171,10703,12181,8333 9806918393066/tsys1/53.3,53.8,52.3,45.2,47.4,45.9,45.5,45.9,51.0,45.9 9806918393067/tsys2/64.1,62.5,60.4,68.9,60.8,58.0,155.8 9806918393068:!069184037 9806918403700:"data stop" 9806918403701:et 9806918403714:!+3s 9806918404016:tape 9806918404027/tape/off,07631,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9806918404028:postob 9806918404028:source=1144-379,114430.9,-375530.7,1950.0 9806918404028#antcn#Command a new source 9806918404086#antcn#Successfully sent new source position to antenna 9806918404087:midtp 9806918404087&midtp/ifd=max,max,*,* 9806918404087&midtp/if3=max,*,*,*,*,* 9806918404087&midtp/!+2s 9806918404087&midtp/tpzero=v1,v2,v3,v4,v5,v6,v7,v8,if1,if3 9806918404087&midtp/tpzero=v9,v10,v11,v12,v13,v14,if2 9806918404087&midtp/ifd=old,old,*,* 9806918404087&midtp/if3=old,*,*,*,*,* 9806918404087&midtp/rxmon 9806918404332/tpzero/535,219,646,637,356,427,853,909,296,87 9806918404355/tpzero/229,388,387,528,553,786,273 9806918404375/rx/00(front),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,16.91 9806918404387/rx/01(rear),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,29.85 9806918404399/rx/02(lo),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,38.03 9806918404411/rx/03(dcal),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,47.19 9806918404423/rx/0E(lo5mhz),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,0.998 9806918404435/rx/17(pres),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,3.546 9806918404447/rx/1E(20k),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,24.68 9806918404459/rx/1F(70k),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,50.77 9806918404459:check2c1 9806918412549/parity/0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0. 9806918412549/parity/0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 9806918413833:wb2c2=2 9806918413833&wb2c2/tapefrmwbc 9806918413833&wb2c2/pass=$,same 9806918413833&wb2c2/form=c,4.000 9806918413833&wb2c2/form=reset 9806918413833&wb2c2/vcwb2 9806918413833&wb2c2/ifdwb 9806918413833&wb2c2/tape=low 9806918413833&wb2c2/enable=g2,g4 9806918413833&wb2c2/repro=byp,4,20 9806918414395/pass/2,2,auto,-330.0,-330.0,-330.9,-330.3,-0.9,-0.3 9806918414741:fastf=0m57s 9806918414741&fastf/ff 9806918414741&fastf/!+$ 9806918414741&fastf/et 9806918424474:!+5s 9806918424975:!069184436 9806918443600:tape 9806918443612/tape/off,08890,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9806918443612:st=rev,135 9806918443626:!069184446 9806918444600:preob 9806918444600#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9806918444652/onsource/TRACKING 9806918444893/tpical/$$$$$,51690,35272,24380,47859,35533,41081,19108,14928,57784 9806918444917/tpical/19870,10498,9186,15109,12360,14155,10109 9806918444925:!069184456 9806918445600:tape 9806918445612/tape/off,08696,norm,moving,nostop,locked,ready,rem 9806918445612:"data start" 9806918445612:midob 9806918445612#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9806918445682/onsource/TRACKING 9806918445766#wx#/WX/-29.7, 950.0, 4.5 9806918445785?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9806918445787?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9806918445839?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9806918445891?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9806918445899/ifd/14,19,nor,nor,rem,12425,10072 9806918445906/if3/0,in,2,2,,,present,500.10,rem,lock,47115 9806918445913/vc06/272.89,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,29115 9806918445920/vc11/237.99,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,7868 9806918445952/tpi/55039,43438,29531,19994,39397,29115,33782,15800,12423,47115 9806918445975/tpi/17061,9037,7868,12678,10592,12123,9976 9806918445977?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device v1 overflowed or were less than zero. 9806918445978/tsys1/$$$$$$$$,51.3,49.3,43.3,45.2,43.8,44.2,44.1,47.4,43.2 9806918445979/tsys2/62.9,62.2,59.6,52.5,59.6,58.6,766.0 9806918445980:!069184754 9806918475400:"data stop" 9806918475400:et 9806918475414:!+3s 9806918475715:tape 9806918475726/tape/off,06680,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9806918475726:postob 9806918475726:source=1334-127,133500.0,-124209.7,1950.0 9806918475727#antcn#Command a new source 9806918475789#antcn#Successfully sent new source position to antenna 9806918475789:check2c2 9806918475789&check2c2/check=*,-tp,-hd 9806918475790&check2c2/enable= 9806918475790&check2c2/decode=a,crc,byte 9806918475790&check2c2/parity=,,ab,on,g1,g3 9806918475790&check2c2/fastf=15s 9806918475790&check2c2/!+6s 9806918475790&check2c2/!* 9806918475790&check2c2/st=rev,120,off 9806918475790&check2c2/!+4s 9806918475790&check2c2/repro=raw,2,4 9806918475790&check2c2/parity 9806918475790&check2c2/repro=byp,0,0 9806918475790&check2c2/!*+29.20s 9806918475790&check2c2/et 9806918475790&check2c2/!+3s 9806918475790&check2c2/check=*,tp,hd 9806918483891/parity/0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0. 9806918483891/parity/0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 9806918485174:wb2c2=2 9806918485281/pass/2,2,auto,-330.0,-330.0,-330.2,-331.0,-0.2,-1.0 9806918485627:!069184950 9806918495000:tape 9806918495012/tape/off,06675,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9806918495012:st=rev,135 9806918495026:!069185000 9806918500000:preob 9806918500000#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9806918500057/onsource/TRACKING 9806918500297/tpical/$$$$$,52935,36109,25109,50757,36949,43139,19910,15614,60743 9806918500320/tpical/19923,10508,9177,14724,12371,14189,7203 9806918500328:!069185010 9806918501000:tape 9806918501012/tape/off,06481,norm,moving,nostop,locked,ready,rem 9806918501012:"data start" 9806918501012:midob 9806918501012#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9806918501067/onsource/TRACKING 9806918501156#wx#/WX/-29.3, 950.0, 5.0 9806918501176?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9806918501178?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9806918501230?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9806918501282?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9806918501290/ifd/14,19,nor,nor,rem,13024,6603 9806918501297/if3/0,in,2,2,,,present,500.10,rem,lock,49761 9806918501305/vc06/272.89,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,30381 9806918501312/vc11/237.99,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,7873 9806918501344/tpi/57443,44719,30414,20675,41939,30381,35649,16573,13015,49766 9806918501367/tpi/17108,9030,7873,12610,10602,12305,6781 9806918501369?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device v1 overflowed or were less than zero. 9806918501370/tsys1/$$$$$$$$,53.1,51.2,44.3,46.2,44.7,45.5,46.0,48.0,44.4 9806918501371/tsys2/63.0,61.4,60.3,60.0,59.6,64.2,161.9 9806918501372:!069185120 9806918512001:"data stop" 9806918512002:et 9806918512015:!+3s 9806918512317:tape 9806918512328/tape/off,05679,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9806918512328:postob 9806918512328:source=1313-333,131320.0,-332309.7,1950.0 9806918512329#antcn#Command a new source 9806918512375#antcn#Successfully sent new source position to antenna 9806918512375:check2c2 9806918520463/parity/0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0. 9806918520463/parity/0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 9806918521749:wb2c2=2 9806918521806/pass/2,2,auto,-330.0,-330.0,-330.2,-330.3,-0.2,-0.3 9806918522151:!069185303 9806918530300:tape 9806918530312/tape/off,05674,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9806918530312:st=rev,135 9806918530326:!069185313 9806918531300:preob 9806918531300#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9806918531344/onsource/TRACKING 9806918531584/tpical/37606,27498,14363,13460,30451,22648,30121,13240,8063,35971 9806918531608/tpical/20016,10544,9211,14833,12463,14204,8488 9806918531616:!069185323 9806918532300:tape 9806918532312/tape/off,05479,norm,moving,nostop,locked,ready,rem 9806918532312:"data start" 9806918532312:midob 9806918532312#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9806918532364/onsource/TRACKING 9806918532450#wx#/WX/-29.8, 950.0, 5.4 9806918532470?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9806918532471?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9806918532523?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9806918532575?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9806918532583/ifd/14,19,nor,nor,rem,6756,7755 9806918532590/if3/0,in,2,2,,,present,500.10,rem,lock,29387 9806918532597/vc06/272.89,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,18528 9806918532605/vc11/237.99,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,7901 9806918532637/tpi/31649,23137,12126,11098,25055,18559,24816,10996,6762,29401 9806918532660/tpi/17210,9066,7901,12660,10741,12331,8001 9806918532662/tsys1/51.2,51.5,50.3,43.4,44.9,43.5,44.3,44.1,48.7,43.7 9806918532663/tsys2/63.5,61.7,60.2,58.6,62.1,64.7,166.6 9806918532664:!069185831 9806918583100:"data stop" 9806918583100:et 9806918583115:!+3s 9806918583416:tape 9806918583427/tape/off,02001,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9806918583427:postob 9806918583427:source=1057-797,105749.7,-794748.0,1950.0 9806918583428#antcn#Command a new source 9806918583469#antcn#Successfully sent new source position to antenna 9806918583470:midtp 9806918583713/tpzero/530,221,647,635,351,428,852,901,302,87 9806918583736/tpzero/231,386,386,526,550,787,275 9806918583756/rx/00(front),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,16.78 9806918583768/rx/01(rear),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,30.58 9806918583780/rx/02(lo),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,39.13 9806918583792/rx/03(dcal),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,47.07 9806918583804/rx/0E(lo5mhz),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,0.998 9806918583816/rx/17(pres),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,3.546 9806918583828/rx/1E(20k),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,24.88 9806918583840/rx/1F(70k),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,50.26 9806918583840:wb2c1=3 9806918584717/pass/3,3,auto,-275.0,-275.0,-274.7,-275.3,0.3,-0.3 9806918585061:fastr=1m26s 9806918585109?ERROR ch -336 Enabled tracks do not check with requested tracks 9806919001692:!+5s 9806919002193:!069190124 9806919012400:tape 9806919012412/tape/low,00096,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9806919012412:st=for,135 9806919012426:!069190134 9806919013400:preob 9806919013400#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9806919013456/onsource/TRACKING 9806919013696/tpical/35864,26713,14318,12984,27437,22107,27542,12916,7719,33936 9806919013720/tpical/19605,10332,9023,15045,12410,13731,7750 9806919013728:!069190144 9806919014400:tape 9806919014412/tape/off,00290,norm,moving,nostop,locked,ready,rem 9806919014412:"data start" 9806919014412:midob 9806919014412#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9806919014475/onsource/TRACKING 9806919014555#wx#/WX/-29.9, 950.0, 0.2 9806919014575?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9806919014577?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9806919014629?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9806919014681?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9806919014689/ifd/14,19,nor,nor,rem,6459,7074 9806919014696/if3/0,in,2,2,,,present,500.10,rem,lock,27753 9806919014703/vc06/272.89,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,18139 9806919014710/vc11/237.99,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,7714 9806919014742/tpi/30130,22491,12079,10720,22584,18139,22744,10720,6461,27752 9806919014765/tpi/16812,8861,7714,12409,10585,11722,7360 9806919014767/tsys1/50.6,51.7,50.0,43.7,44.9,43.7,44.7,43.8,48.0,43.8 9806919014768/tsys2/62.3,60.5,58.8,47.3,57.7,57.2,190.8 9806919014769:!069190454 9806919045401:"data stop" 9806919045401:et 9806919045415:!+3s 9806919045716:tape 9806919045727/tape/off,02441,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9806919045727:postob 9806919045727:source=1606+106,160623.4,103700.0,1950.0 9806919045728#antcn#Command a new source 9806919045791#antcn#Successfully sent new source position to antenna 9806919045792:check2c1 9806919053881/parity/0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0. 9806919053881/parity/0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 9806919055165:wb2c1=3 9806919055290/pass/3,3,auto,-275.0,-275.0,-274.7,-275.3,0.3,-0.3 9806919055635:!069190948 9806919094800:tape 9806919094812/tape/off,02447,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9806919094812:st=for,135 9806919094826:!069190958 9806919095800:preob 9806919095800#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9806919095867/onsource/TRACKING 9806919100108/tpical/$$$$$,54257,37366,26303,55453,39062,45971,21550,16143,65042 9806919100131/tpical/19876,10461,9128,14890,12454,14240,7745 9806919100139:!069191008 9806919100800:tape 9806919100812/tape/off,02641,norm,moving,nostop,locked,ready,rem 9806919100812:"data start" 9806919100812:midob 9806919100812#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9806919100857/onsource/TRACKING 9806919100941#wx#/WX/-29.3, 950.0, 1.0 9806919100961?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9806919100962?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9806919101014?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9806919101066?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9806919101074/ifd/14,19,nor,nor,rem,13474,7236 9806919101081/if3/0,in,2,2,,,present,500.10,rem,lock,53330 9806919101088/vc06/272.89,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,32190 9806919101095/vc11/237.99,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,7819 9806919101127/tpi/57594,45759,31450,21633,45893,32222,37992,17861,13477,53336 9806919101150/tpi/17060,9010,7831,12691,10730,12229,7214 9806919101152?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device v1 overflowed or were less than zero. 9806919101153/tsys1/$$$$$$$$,52.5,51.0,44.1,46.7,45.6,45.6,45.1,48.4,44.6 9806919101154/tsys2/62.8,62.4,60.3,58.1,62.0,59.7,137.2 9806919101156:!069191118 9806919111800:"data stop" 9806919111801:et 9806919111815:!+3s 9806919112117:tape 9806919112128/tape/off,03442,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9806919112129:postob 9806919112130:source=1741-038,174120.6,-034848.9,1950.0 9806919112131#antcn#Command a new source 9806919112185#antcn#Successfully sent new source position to antenna 9806919112186:wb2c1=3 9806919112342/pass/3,3,auto,-275.0,-275.0,-275.4,-275.3,-0.4,-0.3 9806919112687:!069191226 9806919122600:tape 9806919122612/tape/off,03442,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9806919122612:st=for,135 9806919122626:!069191236 9806919123600:preob 9806919123600#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9806919123654/onsource/TRACKING 9806919123894/tpical/$$$$$,55619,37887,26398,55210,38571,45773,21312,16726,64489 9806919123917/tpical/19802,10429,9102,14899,12549,14089,6095 9806919123925:!069191246 9806919124600:tape 9806919124613/tape/off,03636,norm,moving,nostop,locked,ready,rem 9806919124613:"data start" 9806919124613:midob 9806919124613#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9806919124664/onsource/TRACKING 9806919124737#wx#/WX/-29.8, 950.0, 1.3 9806919124756?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9806919124758?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9806919124810?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9806919124862?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9806919124870/ifd/14,19,nor,nor,rem,14041,5368 9806919124877/if3/0,in,2,2,,,present,500.10,rem,lock,52777 9806919124884/vc06/272.89,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,31720 9806919124891/vc11/237.99,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,7812 9806919124923/tpi/59407,46842,31767,21709,45707,31791,37710,17693,14023,52827 9806919124946/tpi/17028,8962,7810,12727,10646,12075,5490 9806919124948?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device v1 overflowed or were less than zero. 9806919124949/tsys1/$$$$$$$$,52.1,49.8,44.0,46.8,45.3,44.8,45.5,49.7,44.3 9806919124950/tsys2/63.6,61.4,60.3,59.0,55.7,58.9,90.5 9806919124951:!069191356 9806919135600:"data stop" 9806919135601:et 9806919135615:!+3s 9806919135917:tape 9806919135928/tape/off,04438,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9806919135929:postob 9806919135930:source=1034-293,103455.8,-291827.0,1950.0 9806919135931#antcn#Command a new source 9806919135983#antcn#Successfully sent new source position to antenna 9806919135984:check2c1 9806919144073/parity/0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0. 9806919144074/parity/0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 9806919145357:wb2c1=3 9806919145565/pass/3,3,auto,-275.0,-275.0,-274.7,-275.3,0.3,-0.3 9806919145911:!069193353 9806919335300:tape 9806919335312/tape/off,04443,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9806919335312:st=for,135 9806919335326:!069193403 9806919340300:preob 9806919340300#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9806919340353/onsource/TRACKING 9806919340594/tpical/$$$$$,56089,37709,26365,51860,39056,44516,21004,16278,62936 9806919340617/tpical/21098,11206,9767,16657,13027,15228,12388 9806919340625:!069193413 9806919341300:tape 9806919341312/tape/off,04637,norm,moving,nostop,locked,ready,rem 9806919341312:"data start" 9806919341312:midob 9806919341312#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9806919341363/onsource/TRACKING 9806919341439#wx#/WX/-29.8, 950.0, 3.4 9806919341459?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9806919341460?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9806919341512?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9806919341564?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9806919341572/ifd/14,19,nor,nor,rem,13754,13393 9806919341580/if3/0,in,2,2,,,present,500.10,rem,lock,52292 9806919341588/vc06/272.89,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,32573 9806919341595/vc11/237.99,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,8430 9806919341627/tpi/60718,47932,32041,22028,43523,32609,37269,17678,13759,52304 9806919341650/tpi/18275,9732,8430,14323,11569,13225,13177 9806919341652?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device v1 overflowed or were less than zero. 9806919341653/tsys1/$$$$$$$$,57.3,54.3,48.3,50.7,48.9,49.2,49.4,52.4,48.1 9806919341654?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device i2 overflowed or were less than zero. 9806919341655/tsys2/67.1,66.6,63.2,62.1,79.4,65.2,-171.7 9806919341656:!069193800 9806919380000:"data stop" 9806919380000:et 9806919380015:!+3s 9806919380316:tape 9806919380327/tape/off,07205,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9806919380327:postob 9806919380327:source=0637-752,063723.3,-751337.5,1950.0 9806919380328#antcn#Command a new source 9806919380349#antcn#Successfully sent new source position to antenna 9806919380350:check2c1 9806919384438/parity/0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0. 9806919384438/parity/0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 9806919385722:wb2c1=3 9806919385779/pass/3,3,auto,-275.0,-275.0,-274.7,-275.3,0.3,-0.3 9806919390125:!069193953 9806919395300:tape 9806919395313/tape/off,07210,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9806919395313:st=for,135 9806919395327:!069194003 9806919400300:preob 9806919400300#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9806919400347#antcn#Successfully sent new source position to antenna 9806919400347?ERROR qo -301 WARNING: ONSOURCE status is SLEWING! 9806919400347/onsource/SLEWING 9806919400589/tpical/37634,28275,15384,14050,29277,24002,29504,13712,8284,36518 9806919400612/tpical/20385,10822,9479,15761,12721,14472,7612 9806919400620:!069194013 9806919401300:tape 9806919401312/tape/off,07404,norm,moving,nostop,locked,ready,rem 9806919401312:"data start" 9806919401312:midob 9806919401312#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9806919401377#antcn#Successfully sent new source position to antenna 9806919401378?ERROR qo -301 WARNING: ONSOURCE status is SLEWING! 9806919401378/onsource/SLEWING 9806919401449#wx#/WX/-29.3, 950.0, 4.0 9806919401469?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9806919401471?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9806919401523?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9806919401575?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9806919401583/ifd/14,19,nor,nor,rem,6995,6847 9806919401590/if3/0,in,2,2,,,present,500.10,rem,lock,30112 9806919401598/vc06/272.89,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,19834 9806919401605/vc11/237.99,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,8135 9806919401637/tpi/31852,23977,13082,11686,24305,19838,24513,11487,7000,30121 9806919401660/tpi/17565,9341,8135,13558,11010,12470,6931 9806919401661/tsys1/53.1,54.2,52.9,45.8,47.2,45.7,46.5,46.6,51.1,46.0 9806919401662/tsys2/64.5,63.5,60.5,62.1,64.2,61.3,102.6 9806919401662:!069194123 9806919412300:"data stop" 9806919412300:et 9806919412315:!+3s 9806919412616:tape 9806919412627/tape/off,08205,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9806919412627:postob 9806919412627:source=1741-038,174120.6,-034848.9,1950.0 9806919412628#antcn#Command a new source 9806919412695#antcn#Successfully sent new source position to antenna 9806919412695:midtp 9806919412937/tpzero/534,222,646,639,354,429,854,905,294,88 9806919412960/tpzero/229,386,387,529,550,787,270 9806919412980/rx/00(front),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,16.91 9806919412992/rx/01(rear),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,28.87 9806919413004/rx/02(lo),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,38.15 9806919413016/rx/03(dcal),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,47.19 9806919413028/rx/0E(lo5mhz),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,0.997 9806919413040/rx/17(pres),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,3.546 9806919413052/rx/1E(20k),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,24.62 9806919413064/rx/1F(70k),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,50.26 9806919413064:check2c1 9806919421152/parity/0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0. 9806919421152/parity/0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 9806919422437:wb2c2=4 9806919423026/pass/4,4,auto,-275.0,-275.0,-275.3,-274.2,-0.3,0.8 9806919423371:fastf=0m31s 9806919430501:!+5s 9806919431002:!069194424 9806919442400:tape 9806919442412/tape/off,08878,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9806919442412:st=rev,135 9806919442426:!069194434 9806919443400:preob 9806919443400#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9806919443452/onsource/TRACKING 9806919443692/tpical/$$$$$,55443,37303,26491,55128,38606,45613,21220,16178,64063 9806919443715/tpical/19949,10471,9150,14855,12525,14127,7511 9806919443723:!069194444 9806919444400:tape 9806919444412/tape/off,08684,norm,moving,nostop,locked,ready,rem 9806919444412:"data start" 9806919444412:midob 9806919444412#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9806919444462/onsource/TRACKING 9806919444541#wx#/WX/-29.7, 950.0, 4.5 9806919444561?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9806919444562?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9806919444614?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9806919444666?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9806919444674/ifd/14,19,nor,nor,rem,13505,6829 9806919444681/if3/0,in,2,2,,,present,500.10,rem,lock,52474 9806919444688/vc06/272.89,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,31773 9806919444695/vc11/237.99,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,7854 9806919444727/tpi/58255,46601,31354,21765,45734,31797,37682,17637,13500,52467 9806919444750/tpi/17111,9009,7843,12791,10706,12148,6679 9806919444752?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device v1 overflowed or were less than zero. 9806919444753/tsys1/$$$$$$$$,51.4,50.6,43.8,47.3,45.1,45.5,45.8,48.3,44.3 9806919444754/tsys2/62.5,61.9,59.9,62.4,58.6,60.3,80.9 9806919444755:!069194554 9806919455400:"data stop" 9806919455401:et 9806919455415:!+3s 9806919455717:tape 9806919455728/tape/off,07883,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9806919455729:postob 9806919455730:source=1606+106,160623.4,103700.0,1950.0 9806919455731#antcn#Command a new source 9806919455791#antcn#Successfully sent new source position to antenna 9806919455792:check2c2 9806919463883/parity/0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0. 9806919463883/parity/0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 9806919465165:wb2c2=4 9806919465223/pass/4,4,auto,-275.0,-275.0,-275.3,-274.2,-0.3,0.8 9806919465568:!069194737 9806919473700:tape 9806919473712/tape/off,07877,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9806919473712:st=rev,135 9806919473726:!069194747 9806919474700:preob 9806919474700#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9806919474769/onsource/TRACKING 9806919475009/tpical/$$$$$,53106,36999,26428,56773,39690,46824,21956,16192,65535 9806919475032/tpical/20043,10527,9187,15400,12475,14168,9068 9806919475040:!069194757 9806919475700:tape 9806919475712/tape/off,07683,norm,moving,nostop,locked,ready,rem 9806919475712:"data start" 9806919475712:midob 9806919475712#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9806919475759/onsource/TRACKING 9806919475835#wx#/WX/-29.4, 950.0, 4.8 9806919475855?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9806919475857?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9806919475909?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9806919475961?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9806919475969/ifd/14,19,nor,nor,rem,13513,9260 9806919475976/if3/0,in,2,2,,,present,500.10,rem,lock,54293 9806919475983/vc06/272.89,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,32791 9806919475991/vc11/237.99,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,7858 9806919480023/tpi/58135,44759,31088,21788,47163,32783,38764,18210,13525,54324 9806919480046/tpi/17236,9062,7880,14099,10683,12168,9175 9806919480048?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device v1 overflowed or were less than zero. 9806919480048?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device i3 overflowed or were less than zero. 9806919480050/tsys1/$$$$$$$$,52.3,50.5,44.7,47.7,45.9,46.1,45.3,48.6,$$$$$$$$ 9806919480051?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device i2 overflowed or were less than zero. 9806919480052/tsys2/63.6,62.2,60.2,109.5,59.4,59.8,-873.9 9806919480053:!069194907 9806919490700:"data stop" 9806919490701:et 9806919490715:!+3s 9806919491017:tape 9806919491028/tape/off,06882,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9806919491029:postob 9806919491030:source=0104-408,010427.6,-405021.4,1950.0 9806919491031#antcn#Command a new source 9806919491108#antcn#Successfully sent new source position to antenna 9806919491109:check2c2 9806919495195/parity/0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0. 9806919495195/parity/0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 9806919500482:wb2c2=4 9806919500539/pass/4,4,auto,-275.0,-275.0,-275.3,-274.9,-0.3,0.1 9806919500884:!069195357 9806919535700:tape 9806919535712/tape/off,06877,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9806919535712:st=rev,135 9806919535726:!069195407 9806919540700:preob 9806919540700#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9806919540763/onsource/TRACKING 9806919541003/tpical/$$$$$,64479,43182,30247,62764,42807,50945,22161,19064,65535 9806919541026/tpical/22794,11964,10460,16856,14225,16156,11007 9806919541034:!069195417 9806919541700:tape 9806919541712/tape/off,06683,norm,moving,nostop,locked,ready,rem 9806919541712:"data start" 9806919541712:midob 9806919541712#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9806919541753/onsource/TRACKING 9806919541824#wx#/WX/-29.3, 950.0, 0.5 9806919541844?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9806919541846?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9806919541898?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9806919541950?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9806919541958/ifd/14,19,nor,nor,rem,16443,12267 9806919541965/if3/0,in,2,2,,,present,500.10,rem,lock,62375 9806919541973/vc06/272.89,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,36755 9806919541980/vc11/237.99,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,9150 9806919542012/tpi/$$$$$,56410,37678,25996,53894,36755,43778,18980,16445,62398 9806919542035/tpi/19995,10520,9140,14688,12478,14291,12222 9806919542037?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device v1 overflowed or were less than zero. 9806919542037?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device i3 overflowed or were less than zero. 9806919542039/tsys1/$$$$$$$$,68.2,65.9,58.5,59.2,58.8,58.7,55.7,60.4,$$$$$$$$ 9806919542040?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device i2 overflowed or were less than zero. 9806919542041/tsys2/74.1,73.7,69.6,68.6,71.7,76.0,-103.3 9806919542042:!069195547 9806919554700:"data stop" 9806919554700:et 9806919554715:!+3s 9806919555016:tape 9806919555027/tape/off,05657,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9806919555027:postob 9806919555027:source=1334-127,133500.0,-124209.7,1950.0 9806919555028#antcn#Command a new source 9806919555082#antcn#Successfully sent new source position to antenna 9806919555082:check2c2 9806919563169/parity/0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0. 9806919563169/parity/0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 9806919564456:wb2c2=4 9806919564514/pass/4,4,auto,-275.0,-275.0,-275.3,-274.2,-0.3,0.8 9806919564859:!069201051 9806920105100:tape 9806920105112/tape/off,05653,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9806920105112:st=rev,135 9806920105125:!069201101 9806920110100:preob 9806920110100#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9806920110166/onsource/TRACKING 9806920110406/tpical/$$$$$,54489,37159,26161,52523,38625,44565,20727,16111,62832 9806920110429/tpical/20297,10711,9350,15195,12599,14268,8312 9806920110437:!069201111 9806920111100:tape 9806920111112/tape/off,05459,norm,moving,nostop,locked,ready,rem 9806920111112:"data start" 9806920111112:midob 9806920111112#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9806920111156/onsource/TRACKING 9806920111235#wx#/WX/-29.2, 950.0,100.0 9806920111259?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9806920111261?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9806920111313?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9806920111365?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9806920111373/ifd/14,19,nor,nor,rem,13505,6881 9806920111380/if3/0,in,2,2,,,present,500.10,rem,lock,51538 9806920111388/vc06/272.89,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,31897 9806920111395/vc11/237.99,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,8047 9806920111427/tpi/58854,45940,31241,21597,43465,31816,36874,17236,13499,51555 9806920111450/tpi/17471,9267,8043,13376,10843,12313,6849 9806920111452?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device v1 overflowed or were less than zero. 9806920111453/tsys1/$$$$$$$$,52.4,50.7,45.0,46.6,45.2,45.9,45.8,49.5,44.7 9806920111454/tsys2/64.1,64.6,61.5,74.2,61.5,61.9,47.2 9806920111455:!069201221 9806920122100:"data stop" 9806920122100:et 9806920122114:!+3s 9806920122415:tape 9806920122426/tape/off,04657,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9806920122426:postob 9806920122426:source=1144-379,114430.9,-375530.7,1950.0 9806920122427#antcn#Command a new source 9806920122485#antcn#Successfully sent new source position to antenna 9806920122486:check2c2 9806920130575/parity/0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0. 9806920130575/parity/0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 9806920131859:wb2c2=4 9806920131917/pass/4,4,auto,-275.0,-275.0,-275.3,-274.2,-0.3,0.8 9806920132261:!069201422 9806920142200:tape 9806920142212/tape/off,04652,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9806920142212:st=rev,135 9806920142226:!069201432 9806920143200:preob 9806920143200#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9806920143253/onsource/TRACKING 9806920143493/tpical/39272,28268,14790,13693,31645,23341,30981,13573,8293,37491 9806920143517/tpical/20423,10848,9448,15481,12681,14519,10746 9806920143525:!069201442 9806920144200:tape 9806920144212/tape/off,04458,norm,moving,nostop,locked,ready,rem 9806920144212:"data start" 9806920144212:midob 9806920144212#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9806920144243/onsource/TRACKING 9806920144329#wx#/WX/-28.8, 950.1, 0.0 9806920144349?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9806920144351?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9806920144403?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9806920144455?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9806920144463/ifd/14,19,nor,nor,rem,6989,9786 9806920144471/if3/0,in,2,2,,,present,500.10,rem,lock,30952 9806920144479/vc06/272.89,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,19343 9806920144486/vc11/237.99,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,8111 9806920144518/tpi/33210,23956,12548,11427,26385,19303,25747,11382,6992,30957 9806920144541/tpi/17625,9374,8113,13301,10918,12688,9665 9806920144543/tsys1/52.8,53.9,52.0,46.7,48.5,45.8,46.6,46.9,50.5,46.3 9806920144544/tsys2/65.3,64.0,60.8,61.5,61.7,68.2,91.3 9806920144545:!069201728 9806920172800:"data stop" 9806920172800:et 9806920172814:!+3s 9806920173115:tape 9806920173126/tape/off,02577,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9806920173126:postob 9806920173126:source=1057-797,105749.7,-794748.0,1950.0 9806920173127#antcn#Command a new source 9806920173150#antcn#Successfully sent new source position to antenna 9806920173150:check2c2 9806920181236/parity/0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0. 9806920181236/parity/0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 9806920182523:wb2c2=4 9806920182684/pass/4,4,auto,-275.0,-275.0,-275.3,-274.9,-0.3,0.1 9806920183029:!069202009 9806920200900:tape 9806920200912/tape/off,02574,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9806920200912:st=rev,135 9806920200926:!069202019 9806920201900:preob 9806920201900#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9806920201957/onsource/TRACKING 9806920202197/tpical/36559,27083,14663,13357,28329,22980,28605,13256,7891,35123 9806920202220/tpical/19788,10479,9152,14948,12275,13981,6598 9806920202228:!069202029 9806920202900:tape 9806920202913/tape/off,02380,norm,moving,nostop,locked,ready,rem 9806920202913:"data start" 9806920202913:midob 9806920202913#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9806920202977/onsource/TRACKING 9806920203059#wx#/WX/-28.4, 950.0, 0.0 9806920203079?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9806920203080?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9806920203132?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9806920203184?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9806920203192/ifd/14,19,nor,nor,rem,6606,6049 9806920203199/if3/0,in,2,2,,,present,500.10,rem,lock,28741 9806920203207/vc06/272.89,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,18869 9806920203214/vc11/237.99,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,7820 9806920203246/tpi/30723,22791,12355,11031,23350,18869,23514,10993,6604,28745 9806920203269/tpi/16978,9014,7820,12741,10507,11963,5937 9806920203271/tsys1/50.7,51.5,49.7,43.8,45.3,44.0,43.6,43.7,48.0,44.0 9806920203272/tsys2/62.6,61.8,58.6,58.1,59.1,58.2,90.0 9806920203273:!069202231 9806920223100:"data stop" 9806920223100:et 9806920223114:!+3s 9806920223415:tape 9806920223426/tape/off,00994,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9806920223426:postob 9806920223426:source=1741-038,174120.6,-034848.9,1950.0 9806920223427#antcn#Command a new source 9806920223495#antcn#Successfully sent new source position to antenna 9806920223495:midtp 9806920223737/tpzero/530,223,645,636,352,425,850,907,291,88 9806920223760/tpzero/228,384,386,527,551,782,269 9806920223780/rx/00(front),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,16.78 9806920223792/rx/01(rear),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,29.24 9806920223804/rx/02(lo),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,38.64 9806920223816/rx/03(dcal),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,47.07 9806920223828/rx/0E(lo5mhz),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,0.999 9806920223840/rx/17(pres),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,3.546 9806920223852/rx/1E(20k),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,24.48 9806920223864/rx/1F(70k),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,50.77 9806920223864:check2c2 9806920231947/parity/0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0. 9806920231947/parity/0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 9806920233237:wb2c1=5 9806920233811/pass/5,5,auto,-220.0,-220.0,-219.8,-219.2,0.2,0.8 9806920234158:fastr=0m41s 9806920242289:!+5s 9806920242790:!069202611 9806920261100:tape 9806920261112/tape/off,00096,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9806920261112:st=for,135 9806920261126:!069202621 9806920262100:preob 9806920262100#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9806920262151/onsource/TRACKING 9806920262391/tpical/$$$$$,55437,37571,26000,54189,38219,45350,21004,16114,63690 9806920262414/tpical/19743,10369,9061,15500,12804,14009,9426 9806920262422:!069202631 9806920263100:tape 9806920263112/tape/off,00291,norm,moving,nostop,locked,ready,rem 9806920263112:"data start" 9806920263112:midob 9806920263112#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9806920263161/onsource/TRACKING 9806920263248#wx#/WX/-27.8, 950.1, 0.0 9806920263268?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9806920263270?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9806920263322?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9806920263374?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9806920263382/ifd/14,19,nor,nor,rem,13430,8514 9806920263389/if3/0,in,2,2,,,present,500.10,rem,lock,52047 9806920263396/vc06/272.89,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,31390 9806920263403/vc11/237.99,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,7768 9806920263435/tpi/58701,46668,31543,21421,44688,31430,37388,17376,13425,52033 9806920263458/tpi/16967,8910,7768,12951,10617,12066,8562 9806920263460?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device v1 overflowed or were less than zero. 9806920263461/tsys1/$$$$$$$$,51.9,50.2,44.5,45.7,44.8,45.0,44.5,47.9,43.7 9806920263462/tsys2/63.3,61.4,59.9,51.2,48.3,61.0,100.8 9806920263463:!069202741 9806920274100:"data stop" 9806920274101:et 9806920274115:!+3s 9806920274417:tape 9806920274428/tape/off,01092,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9806920274429:postob 9806920274430:source=2145+067,214536.1,064340.8,1950.0 9806920274431#antcn#Command a new source 9806920274470#antcn#Successfully sent new source position to antenna 9806920274471:check2c1 9806920282560/parity/0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0. 9806920282560/parity/0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 9806920283844:wb2c1=5 9806920283901/pass/5,5,auto,-220.0,-220.0,-219.8,-219.9,0.2,0.1 9806920284245:!069203130 9806920295561?ERROR ch -370 Total power integrator overflow on IF3 9806920301397;"cable (out) measurement: 17417.5 9806920301761?ERROR ch -370 Total power integrator overflow on IF3 9806920303958?ERROR ch -370 Total power integrator overflow on IF3 9806920310157?ERROR ch -370 Total power integrator overflow on IF3 9806920312356?ERROR ch -370 Total power integrator overflow on IF3 9806920313001:tape 9806920313014/tape/off,01098,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9806920313014:st=for,135 9806920313030:!069203140 9806920314000:preob 9806920314000#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9806920314065/onsource/TRACKING 9806920314308/tpical/$$$$$,$$$$$,44378,31487,$$$$$,45799,55195,25325,19650,65535 9806920314332/tpical/21498,11353,9882,16388,13567,15436,8303 9806920314339:!069203150 9806920314516?ERROR ch -370 Total power integrator overflow on IF3 9806920315000:tape 9806920315012/tape/off,01292,norm,moving,nostop,locked,ready,rem 9806920315012:"data start" 9806920315012:midob 9806920315012#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9806920315066/onsource/TRACKING 9806920315139#wx#/WX/-27.4, 950.1, 0.0 9806920315159?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9806920315160?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9806920315211?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9806920315262?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9806920315269/ifd/14,19,nor,nor,rem,16792,7763 9806920315276/if3/0,in,2,2,,,present,500.10,rem,lock,65535 9806920315284/vc06/272.89,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,38808 9806920315291/vc11/237.99,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,8584 9806920315323/tpi/$$$$$,57859,38103,26683,60425,38813,46734,21519,16782,65535 9806920315345/tpi/18703,9902,8593,14420,11987,13428,7487 9806920315346?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device v1 overflowed or were less than zero. 9806920315346?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device v2 overflowed or were less than zero. 9806920315346?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device v5 overflowed or were less than zero. 9806920315346?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device i3 overflowed or were less than zero. 9806920315346/tsys1/$$$$$$$$,$$$$$$$$,58.5,53.1,$$$$$$$$,53.9,53.1,53.1,56.4,$$$$$$$$ 9806920315347/tsys2/69.4,68.9,66.9,74.1,76.0,66.1,92.9 9806920315347:!069203516 9806920320716?ERROR ch -370 Total power integrator overflow on IF3 9806920320918;sxcts 9806920320952/tpi/$$$$$,57978,38196,26719,60550,38858,46824,21586,16820,65535 9806920320975/tpi/18712,9907,8582,14583,12002,13447,7694 9806920321215/tpzero/525,218,644,635,349,425,850,904,308,88 9806920321237/tpzero/229,386,386,526,550,785,271 9806920321484/tpical/$$$$$,$$$$$,44319,31570,$$$$$,45831,55274,25351,19630,65535 9806920321507/tpical/21487,11340,9867,16559,13754,15385,8291 9806920321515?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device v1 overflowed or were less than zero. 9806920321515?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device v2 overflowed or were less than zero. 9806920321515?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device v5 overflowed or were less than zero. 9806920321515?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device i3 overflowed or were less than zero. 9806920321515/tsys1/$$$$$$$$,$$$$$$$$,60.1,52.7,$$$$$$$$,54.0,53.3,53.8,57.6,$$$$$$$$ 9806920321516/tsys2/69.9,69.8,67.0,74.7,68.6,68.6,130.6 9806920325082?ERROR ch -370 Total power integrator overflow on IF3 9806920331283?ERROR ch -370 Total power integrator overflow on IF3 9806920333481?ERROR ch -370 Total power integrator overflow on IF3 9806920335680?ERROR ch -370 Total power integrator overflow on IF3 9806920341880?ERROR ch -370 Total power integrator overflow on IF3 9806920344076?ERROR ch -370 Total power integrator overflow on IF3 9806920350273?ERROR ch -370 Total power integrator overflow on IF3 9806920351600:"data stop" 9806920351600:et 9806920351616:!+3s 9806920351917:tape 9806920351929/tape/off,03623,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9806920351929:postob 9806920351929:source=1424-418,142446.7,-415254.7,1950.0 9806920351930#antcn#Command a new source 9806920351982#antcn#Successfully sent new source position to antenna 9806920351983:check2c1 9806920352426?ERROR ch -370 Total power integrator overflow on IF3 9806920360072/parity/0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0. 9806920360072/parity/0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 9806920361359:wb2c1=5 9806920361520/pass/5,5,auto,-220.0,-220.0,-219.8,-219.9,0.2,0.1 9806920361865:!069203811 9806920381100:tape 9806920381113/tape/off,03629,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9806920381113:st=for,135 9806920381129:!069203821 9806920382100:preob 9806920382100#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9806920382159/onsource/TRACKING 9806920382400/tpical/$$$$$,54725,36766,25646,52797,37037,43755,20427,15755,61728 9806920382424/tpical/19906,10500,9193,15476,12336,14019,8171 9806920382433:!069203831 9806920383100:tape 9806920383112/tape/off,03822,norm,moving,nostop,locked,ready,rem 9806920383112:"data start" 9806920383112:midob 9806920383112#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9806920383169/onsource/TRACKING 9806920383248#wx#/WX/-26.9, 950.1, 0.0 9806920383267?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9806920383268?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9806920383320?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9806920383371?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9806920383378/ifd/14,19,nor,nor,rem,13103,7971 9806920383385/if3/0,in,2,2,,,present,500.10,rem,lock,50257 9806920383392/vc06/272.89,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,30259 9806920383399/vc11/237.99,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,7868 9806920383430/tpi/58024,45899,30702,21023,43296,30241,35979,16832,13100,50244 9806920383452/tpi/17103,9023,7870,12873,10592,12015,8234 9806920383453?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device v1 overflowed or were less than zero. 9806920383453/tsys1/$$$$$$$$,50.7,48.6,43.2,44.3,43.0,44.3,43.4,47.2,42.8 9806920383454?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device i2 overflowed or were less than zero. 9806920383454/tsys2/63.2,61.4,59.4,49.8,60.5,58.8,-1327.2 9806920383454:!069204254 9806920425400:"data stop" 9806920425400:et 9806920425415:!+3s 9806920425717:tape 9806920425728/tape/off,06795,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9806920425728:postob 9806920425728:source=1334-127,133500.0,-124209.7,1950.0 9806920425729#antcn#Command a new source 9806920425794#antcn#Successfully sent new source position to antenna 9806920425794:check2c1 9806920433882/parity/0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0. 9806920433882/parity/0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 9806920435167:wb2c1=5 9806920435224/pass/5,5,auto,-220.0,-220.0,-220.5,-219.9,-0.5,0.1 9806920435569:!069205641 9806920564100:tape 9806920564112/tape/off,06800,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9806920564112:st=for,135 9806920564126:!069205651 9806920565100:preob 9806920565100#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9806920565161/onsource/TRACKING 9806920565401/tpical/$$$$$,57261,38785,27356,55752,39913,46556,21838,16754,65535 9806920565424/tpical/20583,10842,9440,16450,13319,14684,9881 9806920565432:!069205701 9806920570100:tape 9806920570112/tape/off,06994,norm,moving,nostop,locked,ready,rem 9806920570112:"data start" 9806920570112:midob 9806920570112#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9806920570171/onsource/TRACKING 9806920570255#wx#/WX/-25.4, 950.1, 0.0 9806920570275?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9806920570277?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9806920570329?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9806920570381?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9806920570389/ifd/14,19,nor,nor,rem,14056,9759 9806920570396/if3/0,in,2,2,,,present,500.10,rem,lock,54819 9806920570403/vc06/272.89,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,33083 9806920570410/vc11/237.99,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,8134 9806920570442/tpi/61054,48508,32791,22664,46403,33083,38809,18260,14059,54830 9806920570465/tpi/17760,9390,8134,13698,11110,12678,9709 9806920570467?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device v1 overflowed or were less than zero. 9806920570467?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device i3 overflowed or were less than zero. 9806920570470/tsys1/$$$$$$$$,54.1,52.6,46.0,48.3,46.9,48.0,47.5,50.0,$$$$$$$$ 9806920570471/tsys2/65.2,65.1,62.3,50.3,50.2,62.3,576.2 9806920570472:!069205811 9806920581100:"data stop" 9806920581101:et 9806920581115:!+3s 9806920581417:tape 9806920581428/tape/off,07795,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9806920581429:postob 9806920581430:source=1144-379,114430.9,-375530.7,1950.0 9806920581431#antcn#Command a new source 9806920581500#antcn#Successfully sent new source position to antenna 9806920581501:midtp 9806920581742/tpzero/526,221,644,635,349,420,848,902,306,88 9806920581765/tpzero/225,385,382,528,549,788,275 9806920581785/rx/00(front),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,17.39 9806920581797/rx/01(rear),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,31.07 9806920581809/rx/02(lo),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,40.23 9806920581821/rx/03(dcal),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,47.31 9806920581833/rx/0E(lo5mhz),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,1.002 9806920581845/rx/17(pres),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,3.546 9806920581857/rx/1E(20k),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,24.65 9806920581869/rx/1F(70k),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,50.26 9806920581870:wb2c2=6 9806920582750/pass/6,6,auto,-220.0,-220.0,-219.7,-219.6,0.3,0.4 9806920583096:fastf=0m50s 9806920583143?ERROR ch -336 Enabled tracks do not check with requested tracks 9806920592125:!+5s 9806920592626:!069210022 9806921002200:tape 9806921002212/tape/off,08889,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9806921002212:st=rev,135 9806921002226:!069210032 9806921003200:preob 9806921003200#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9806921003247/onsource/TRACKING 9806921003487/tpical/$$$$$,57107,38466,26991,54490,38731,44897,21200,16494,64289 9806921003511/tpical/20632,10982,9556,15907,12811,14875,10844 9806921003519:!069210042 9806921004201:tape 9806921004213/tape/off,08694,norm,moving,nostop,locked,ready,rem 9806921004213:"data start" 9806921004213:midob 9806921004213#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9806921004277/onsource/TRACKING 9806921004348#wx#/WX/-25.3, 950.1, 0.0 9806921004369?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9806921004371?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9806921004423?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9806921004475?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9806921004483/ifd/14,19,nor,nor,rem,13892,9461 9806921004490/if3/0,in,2,2,,,present,500.10,rem,lock,53199 9806921004498/vc06/272.89,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,32179 9806921004505/vc11/237.99,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,8257 9806921004537/tpi/61067,48582,32641,22457,45486,32197,37474,17762,13888,53189 9806921004560/tpi/17846,9505,8257,13753,11045,12891,9569 9806921004562?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device v1 overflowed or were less than zero. 9806921004563/tsys1/$$$$$$$$,55.6,53.8,47.2,49.1,47.7,48.4,48.1,51.1,46.9 9806921004564/tsys2/66.4,64.8,63.7,64.5,62.4,64.1,76.5 9806921004565:!069210308 9806921030800:"data stop" 9806921030800:et 9806921030814:!+3s 9806921031115:tape 9806921031126/tape/off,07038,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9806921031126:postob 9806921031126:source=0637-752,063723.3,-751337.5,1950.0 9806921031127#antcn#Command a new source 9806921031194#antcn#Successfully sent new source position to antenna 9806921031195:check2c2 9806921035282/parity/0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0. 9806921035282/parity/0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 9806921040567:wb2c2=6 9806921040636/pass/6,6,auto,-220.0,-220.0,-219.7,-220.3,0.3,-0.3 9806921040981:!069210712 9806921071200:tape 9806921071212/tape/off,07031,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9806921071212:st=rev,135 9806921071226:!069210722 9806921072200:preob 9806921072200#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9806921072240/onsource/TRACKING 9806921072480/tpical/$$$$$,54152,36724,25759,53625,37024,43688,19537,16002,62267 9806921072503/tpical/20313,10801,9471,15930,12719,14428,9330 9806921072511:!069210732 9806921073200:tape 9806921073212/tape/off,06837,norm,moving,nostop,locked,ready,rem 9806921073212:"data start" 9806921073212:midob 9806921073212#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9806921073250/onsource/TRACKING 9806921073337#wx#/WX/-29.4, 950.1, 0.0 9806921073358?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9806921073360?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9806921073412?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9806921073464?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9806921073472/ifd/14,19,nor,nor,rem,13447,8789 9806921073479/if3/0,in,2,2,,,present,500.10,rem,lock,51349 9806921073487/vc06/272.89,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,30706 9806921073494/vc11/237.99,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,8149 9806921073526/tpi/60840,45955,31072,21343,44658,30639,36283,16298,13440,51308 9806921073549/tpi/17519,9349,8148,13833,10983,12434,8871 9806921073551?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device v1 overflowed or were less than zero. 9806921073552/tsys1/$$$$$$$$,54.7,52.8,46.0,48.4,46.4,46.9,46.6,50.2,45.8 9806921073553/tsys2/65.0,64.8,61.6,66.6,63.1,61.3,196.6 9806921073554:!069210842 9806921084200:"data stop" 9806921084200:et 9806921084214:!+3s 9806921084515:tape 9806921084526/tape/off,06036,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9806921084526:postob 9806921084526:source=1606+106,160623.4,103700.0,1950.0 9806921084527#antcn#Command a new source 9806921084579#antcn#Successfully sent new source position to antenna 9806921084580:check2c2 9806921092672/parity/0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,16.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0. 9806921092672/parity/0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 9806921093953:wb2c2=6 9806921094296/pass/6,6,auto,-220.0,-220.0,-220.4,-220.3,-0.4,-0.3 9806921094642:!069211503 9806921150300:tape 9806921150312/tape/off,06031,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9806921150312:st=rev,135 9806921150326:!069211513 9806921151300:preob 9806921151300#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9806921151343/onsource/TRACKING 9806921151583/tpical/$$$$$,57883,38747,27590,58303,39997,48365,22532,16972,65535 9806921151606/tpical/20239,10667,9295,16291,12749,14417,7061 9806921151614:!069211523 9806921152300:tape 9806921152312/tape/off,05836,norm,moving,nostop,locked,ready,rem 9806921152312:"data start" 9806921152312:midob 9806921152312#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9806921152352/onsource/TRACKING 9806921152423#wx#/WX/-29.5, 950.1, 0.0 9806921152443?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9806921152444?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9806921152496?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9806921152548?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9806921152557/ifd/14,19,nor,nor,rem,14227,6591 9806921152564/if3/0,in,2,2,,,present,500.10,rem,lock,56087 9806921152571/vc06/272.89,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,33175 9806921152578/vc11/237.99,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,8000 9806921152611/tpi/61472,49064,32723,22828,48533,33175,40239,18794,14222,56058 9806921152634/tpi/17444,9224,8001,13126,10966,12415,7191 9806921152636?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device v1 overflowed or were less than zero. 9806921152636?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device i3 overflowed or were less than zero. 9806921152638/tsys1/$$$$$$$$,54.3,52.2,45.7,48.3,47.1,47.5,46.9,49.6,$$$$$$$$ 9806921152639?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device i2 overflowed or were less than zero. 9806921152640/tsys2/64.7,64.3,61.8,41.8,61.3,61.0,-558.6 9806921152641:!069211633 9806921163300:"data stop" 9806921163301:et 9806921163315:!+3s 9806921163617:tape 9806921163628/tape/off,05035,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9806921163629:postob 9806921163630:source=2145+067,214536.1,064340.8,1950.0 9806921163631#antcn#Command a new source 9806921163691#antcn#Successfully sent new source position to antenna 9806921163692:check2c2 9806921171784/parity/0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0. 9806921171785/parity/0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 9806921173066:wb2c2=6 9806921173124/pass/6,6,auto,-220.0,-220.0,-219.7,-220.3,0.3,-0.3 9806921173471:!069211910 9806921191000:tape 9806921191012/tape/off,05030,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9806921191012:st=rev,135 9806921191026:!069211920 9806921192000:preob 9806921192000#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9806921192059/onsource/TRACKING 9806921192299/tpical/$$$$$,63637,41855,29341,$$$$$,42842,51902,24056,18469,65535 9806921192322/tpical/20627,10894,9437,15495,12909,14721,9027 9806921192330:!069211930 9806921193000:tape 9806921193012/tape/off,04835,norm,moving,nostop,locked,ready,rem 9806921193012:"data start" 9806921193012:midob 9806921193012#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9806921193048/onsource/TRACKING 9806921193136#wx#/WX/-29.3, 950.1, 0.0 9806921193155?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9806921193157?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9806921193209?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9806921193261?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9806921193269/ifd/14,19,nor,nor,rem,15564,7956 9806921193276/if3/0,in,2,2,,,present,500.10,rem,lock,61971 9806921193283/vc06/272.89,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,35918 9806921193290/vc11/237.99,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,8168 9806921193323/tpi/$$$$$,53946,35368,24444,55367,35932,43521,20265,15542,61905 9806921193346/tpi/17859,9443,8164,13343,11214,12736,7758 9806921193348?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device v1 overflowed or were less than zero. 9806921193348?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device v5 overflowed or were less than zero. 9806921193348?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device i3 overflowed or were less than zero. 9806921193349/tsys1/$$$$$$$$,54.3,52.5,47.6,$$$$$$$$,50.4,49.9,50.1,51.0,$$$$$$$$ 9806921193352/tsys2/66.9,65.5,64.2,62.5,66.1,63.2,61.9 9806921193353:!069212040 9806921204000:"data stop" 9806921204000:et 9806921204014:!+3s 9806921204315:tape 9806921204326/tape/off,04034,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9806921204326:postob 9806921204326:source=1057-797,105749.7,-794748.0,1950.0 9806921204327#antcn#Command a new source 9806921204407#antcn#Successfully sent new source position to antenna 9806921204407:check2c2 9806921212498/parity/0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0. 9806921212498/parity/0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 9806921213781:wb2c2=6 9806921213838/pass/6,6,auto,-220.0,-220.0,-219.7,-220.3,0.3,-0.3 9806921214183:!069212547 9806921254700:tape 9806921254712/tape/off,04027,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9806921254712:st=rev,135 9806921254726:!069212557 9806921255700:preob 9806921255700#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9806921255752/onsource/TRACKING 9806921255993/tpical/$$$$$,53222,35837,24707,52329,35893,42652,19372,15468,60303 9806921260017/tpical/19801,10427,9140,14764,12238,13920,7097 9806921260025:!069212607 9806921260700:tape 9806921260712/tape/off,03833,norm,moving,nostop,locked,ready,rem 9806921260712:"data start" 9806921260712:midob 9806921260712#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9806921260742/onsource/TRACKING 9806921260825#wx#/WX/-29.5, 950.1, 0.0 9806921260844?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9806921260846?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9806921260898?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9806921260950?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9806921260958/ifd/14,19,nor,nor,rem,12887,6223 9806921260965/if3/0,in,2,2,,,present,500.10,rem,lock,49216 9806921260972/vc06/272.89,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,29488 9806921260980/vc11/237.99,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,7820 9806921261012/tpi/57919,44782,30060,20330,43171,29488,35068,16034,12887,49216 9806921261035/tpi/17002,8968,7816,12666,10524,11962,6300 9806921261037?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device v1 overflowed or were less than zero. 9806921261038/tsys1/$$$$$$$$,51.7,49.9,44.1,45.8,44.5,44.2,44.4,47.8,43.4 9806921261039/tsys2/62.9,61.8,59.0,60.7,61.1,59.9,79.4 9806921261040:!069212742 9806921274200:"data stop" 9806921274200:et 9806921274215:!+3s 9806921274516:tape 9806921274527/tape/off,02751,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9806921274527:postob 9806921274527:source=1334-127,133500.0,-124209.7,1950.0 9806921274527#antcn#Command a new source 9806921274581#antcn#Successfully sent new source position to antenna 9806921274581:check2c2 9806921282669/parity/0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0. 9806921282669/parity/0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 9806921283955:wb2c2=6 9806921284133/pass/6,6,auto,-220.0,-220.0,-219.7,-220.3,0.3,-0.3 9806921284480:!069213131 9806921313100:tape 9806921313113/tape/off,02747,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9806921313113:st=rev,135 9806921313127:!069213141 9806921314100:preob 9806921314100#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9806921314136/onsource/TRACKING 9806921314376/tpical/$$$$$,58901,40253,28181,57633,40896,47065,22376,17160,65535 9806921314399/tpical/21280,11210,9789,16393,13167,15009,9212 9806921314407:!069213151 9806921315100:tape 9806921315112/tape/off,02553,norm,moving,nostop,locked,ready,rem 9806921315112:"data start" 9806921315112:midob 9806921315112#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9806921315147/onsource/TRACKING 9806921315235#wx#/WX/-29.3, 950.1, 0.0 9806921315255?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9806921315256?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9806921315308?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9806921315360?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9806921315368/ifd/14,19,nor,nor,rem,14512,8387 9806921315376/if3/0,in,2,2,,,present,500.10,rem,lock,56442 9806921315383/vc06/272.89,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,34284 9806921315390/vc11/237.99,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,8482 9806921315423/tpi/62838,50329,34302,23579,48402,34223,39504,18851,14510,56454 9806921315447/tpi/18458,9759,8489,13861,11448,13012,8231 9806921315449?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device v1 overflowed or were less than zero. 9806921315449?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device i3 overflowed or were less than zero. 9806921315451/tsys1/$$$$$$$$,57.3,55.4,48.9,51.0,49.6,50.1,49.9,52.5,$$$$$$$$ 9806921315452/tsys2/67.8,67.8,65.5,55.3,66.6,64.3,85.2 9806921315453:!069213301 9806921330100:"data stop" 9806921330102:et 9806921330117:!+3s 9806921330418:tape 9806921330430/tape/off,01752,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9806921330430:postob 9806921330430:source=1622-253,162244.1,-252051.7,1950.0 9806921330431#antcn#Command a new source 9806921330484#antcn#Successfully sent new source position to antenna 9806921330485:midtp 9806921330729/tpzero/529,219,643,634,354,423,854,900,300,87 9806921330753/tpzero/228,386,384,527,545,788,268 9806921330774/rx/00(front),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,18.62 9806921330785/rx/01(rear),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,31.07 9806921330796/rx/02(lo),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,39.74 9806921330807/rx/03(dcal),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,47.43 9806921330818/rx/0E(lo5mhz),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,0.999 9806921330829/rx/17(pres),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,3.796 9806921330840/rx/1E(20k),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,24.62 9806921330851/rx/1F(70k),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,51.28 9806921330851:wb2c1=7 9806921331581/pass/7,7,auto,-165.0,-165.0,-164.9,-165.2,0.1,-0.2 9806921331925:fastr=1m14s 9806921331974?ERROR ch -336 Enabled tracks do not check with requested tracks 9806921332367;wth 9806921332452#wx#/WX/-29.3, 950.1, 0.0 9806921343357:!+5s 9806921343858:!069213532 9806921353200:tape 9806921353213/tape/off,00117,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9806921353213:st=for,135 9806921353229:!069213542 9806921354200:preob 9806921354200#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9806921354272/onsource/TRACKING 9806921354514/tpical/$$$$$,54421,37439,25704,53202,37528,44068,20345,15981,62141 9806921354538/tpical/19849,10475,9169,15339,12336,14101,8022 9806921354547:!069213552 9806921355200:tape 9806921355212/tape/off,00311,norm,moving,nostop,locked,ready,rem 9806921355212:"data start" 9806921355212:midob 9806921355212#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9806921355262/onsource/TRACKING 9806921355348#wx#/WX/-29.3, 950.1, 0.0 9806921355375?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9806921355376?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9806921355427?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9806921355478?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9806921355485/ifd/14,19,nor,nor,rem,13303,7070 9806921355492/if3/0,in,2,2,,,present,500.10,rem,lock,50701 9806921355499/vc06/272.89,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,30773 9806921355506/vc11/237.99,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,7872 9806921355537/tpi/58564,45876,31416,21112,43842,30784,36326,16853,13296,50744 9806921355559/tpi/17088,9023,7872,12857,10600,12107,7097 9806921355560?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device v1 overflowed or were less than zero. 9806921355560/tsys1/$$$$$$$$,52.4,50.1,43.7,45.5,44.1,44.9,44.8,47.4,43.6 9806921355561/tsys2/64.1,62.5,60.6,52.2,60.8,59.6,77.5 9806921355561:!069213911 9806921391100:"data stop" 9806921391100:et 9806921391116:!+3s 9806921391417:tape 9806921391429/tape/off,02563,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9806921391429:postob 9806921391429:source=1610-771,161051.6,-770952.6,1950.0 9806921391430#antcn#Command a new source 9806921391499#antcn#Successfully sent new source position to antenna 9806921391499:check2c1 9806921395589/parity/0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0. 9806921395589/parity/0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 9806921400874:wb2c1=7 9806921400932/pass/7,7,auto,-165.0,-165.0,-164.9,-165.2,0.1,-0.2 9806921401280:!069214219 9806921421900:tape 9806921421913/tape/off,02569,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9806921421913:st=for,135 9806921421928:!069214229 9806921422900:preob 9806921422900#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9806921422955/onsource/TRACKING 9806921423196/tpical/$$$$$,53352,35716,24981,49575,35400,41601,19490,15253,58894 9806921423220/tpical/19460,10289,9028,14736,12067,13751,7706 9806921423229:!069214239 9806921423900:tape 9806921423912/tape/off,02763,norm,moving,nostop,locked,ready,rem 9806921423912:"data start" 9806921423912:midob 9806921423912#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9806921423985/onsource/TRACKING 9806921424056#wx#/WX/-29.8, 950.1, 0.0 9806921424075?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9806921424078?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9806921424131?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9806921424182?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9806921424189/ifd/14,19,nor,nor,rem,12675,7009 9806921424196/if3/0,in,2,2,,,present,500.10,rem,lock,47911 9806921424203/vc06/272.89,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,28941 9806921424210/vc11/237.99,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,7711 9806921424241/tpi/56650,44811,29886,20422,40715,28941,34066,16069,12672,47900 9806921424264/tpi/16709,8852,7711,12755,10313,11805,7297 9806921424265?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device v1 overflowed or were less than zero. 9806921424265/tsys1/$$$$$$$$,51.2,49.2,42.5,44.6,43.3,43.2,43.5,47.0,42.6 9806921424266/tsys2/62.9,61.9,58.4,64.8,58.5,59.4,180.5 9806921424266:!069214443 9806921444300:"data stop" 9806921444300:et 9806921444315:!+3s 9806921444616:tape 9806921444627/tape/off,04171,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9806921444627:postob 9806921444627:source=1424-418,142446.7,-415254.7,1950.0 9806921444628#antcn#Command a new source 9806921444663#antcn#Successfully sent new source position to antenna 9806921444663:check2c1 9806921452754/parity/0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0. 9806921452754/parity/0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 9806921454038:wb2c1=7 9806921454126/pass/7,7,auto,-165.0,-165.0,-164.9,-164.5,0.1,0.5 9806921454471:!069214706 9806921463814;rxmon 9806921463828/rx/00(front),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,18.86 9806921463841/rx/01(rear),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,30.83 9806921463854/rx/02(lo),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,39.62 9806921463867/rx/03(dcal),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,47.19 9806921463880/rx/0E(lo5mhz),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,1.001 9806921463893/rx/17(pres),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,3.712 9806921463906/rx/1E(20k),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,24.77 9806921463919/rx/1F(70k),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,50.77 9806921470600:tape 9806921470612/tape/off,04175,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9806921470612:st=for,135 9806921470627:!069214716 9806921471600:preob 9806921471600#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9806921471641/onsource/TRACKING 9806921471880/tpical/$$$$$,54108,36528,25425,50869,36547,42004,19874,15569,60426 9806921471902/tpical/19903,10526,9199,14951,12287,14238,9510 9806921471909:!069214726 9806921472600:tape 9806921472612/tape/off,04369,norm,moving,nostop,locked,ready,rem 9806921472612:"data start" 9806921472612:midob 9806921472612#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9806921472671/onsource/TRACKING 9806921472748#wx#/WX/-29.4, 950.1, 0.0 9806921472768?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9806921472769?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9806921472820?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9806921472871?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9806921472878/ifd/14,19,nor,nor,rem,12993,8986 9806921472885/if3/0,in,2,2,,,present,500.10,rem,lock,49369 9806921472892/vc06/272.89,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,29970 9806921472899/vc11/237.99,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,7888 9806921472930/tpi/57487,45548,30687,20885,41964,29979,34642,16501,12987,49395 9806921472952/tpi/17111,9075,7901,12951,10619,12347,8979 9806921472953?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device v1 overflowed or were less than zero. 9806921472953/tsys1/$$$$$$$$,51.9,50.4,43.7,45.8,44.1,45.0,45.3,48.2,43.8 9806921472954/tsys2/63.5,62.9,60.8,65.2,63.4,64.2,172.3 9806921472954:!069215245 9806921484820;wth 9806921484905#wx#/WX/-29.3, 950.1, 0.0 9806921485521;wth 9806921485605#wx#/WX/-29.3, 950.1, 0.0 9806921524500:"data stop" 9806921524500:et 9806921524517:!+3s 9806921524818:tape 9806921524830/tape/off,07972,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9806921524830:postob 9806921524830:source=2145+067,214536.1,064340.8,1950.0 9806921524831#antcn#Command a new source 9806921524886#antcn#Successfully sent new source position to antenna 9806921524886:midtp 9806921525130/tpzero/528,220,644,634,358,422,850,903,290,88 9806921525154/tpzero/227,386,384,526,546,787,265 9806921525175/rx/00(front),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,18.98 9806921525186/rx/01(rear),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,30.95 9806921525197/rx/02(lo),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,39.74 9806921525209/rx/03(dcal),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,47.31 9806921525220/rx/0E(lo5mhz),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,1.001 9806921525231/rx/17(pres),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,3.712 9806921525242/rx/1E(20k),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,24.77 9806921525253/rx/1F(70k),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,50.77 9806921525253:check2c1 9806921533342/parity/0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0. 9806921533342/parity/0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 9806921534628:wb2c2=8 9806921535185/pass/8,8,auto,-165.0,-165.0,-164.8,-164.9,0.2,0.1 9806921535529:fastf=0m43s 9806921543860:!+5s 9806921544361:!069220430 9806922043000:tape 9806922043012/tape/off,08915,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9806922043012:st=rev,135 9806922043026:!069220440 9806922044000:preob 9806922044000#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9806922044043/onsource/TRACKING 9806922044283/tpical/$$$$$,60101,39834,28541,63420,41164,49671,23129,18407,65535 9806922044306/tpical/19997,10547,9169,15146,12629,14348,6837 9806922044314:!069220450 9806922045000:tape 9806922045012/tape/off,08721,norm,moving,nostop,locked,ready,rem 9806922045012:"data start" 9806922045012:midob 9806922045012#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9806922045073/onsource/TRACKING 9806922045153#wx#/WX/15.4,1017.6,100.0 9806922045173?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9806922045176?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9806922045228?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9806922045280?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9806922045288/ifd/14,19,nor,nor,rem,15655,6601 9806922045295/if3/0,in,2,2,,,present,500.10,rem,lock,59207 9806922045302/vc06/272.89,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,34365 9806922045310/vc11/237.99,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,7909 9806922045342/tpi/64430,51172,33813,23760,53120,34375,41576,19381,15630,59243 9806922045365/tpi/17234,9136,7909,13067,10957,12443,6374 9806922045367?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device v1 overflowed or were less than zero. 9806922045367?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device i3 overflowed or were less than zero. 9806922045369/tsys1/$$$$$$$$,55.9,54.0,47.4,50.2,49.0,49.3,48.3,54.1,$$$$$$$$ 9806922045370/tsys2/64.6,65.1,62.7,63.3,65.4,64.2,138.5 9806922045371:!069220600 9806922060000:"data stop" 9806922060001:et 9806922060015:!+3s 9806922060317:tape 9806922060328/tape/off,07920,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9806922060329:postob 9806922060330:source=0637-752,063723.3,-751337.5,1950.0 9806922060331#antcn#Command a new source 9806922060362#antcn#Successfully sent new source position to antenna 9806922060363:check2c2 9806922064452/parity/0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0. 9806922064452/parity/0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 9806922065739:wb2c2=8 9806922065796/pass/8,8,auto,-165.0,-165.0,-164.8,-164.9,0.2,0.1 9806922070142:!069221648 9806922162716;wth 9806922162793#wx#/WX/16.3,1017.6,100.0 9806922163926;rxmon 9806922163937/rx/00(front),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,20.45 9806922163948/rx/01(rear),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,31.44 9806922163959/rx/02(lo),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,39.49 9806922163970/rx/03(dcal),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,47.43 9806922163981/rx/0E(lo5mhz),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,1.001 9806922163992/rx/17(pres),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,3.880 9806922164003/rx/1E(20k),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,24.94 9806922164014/rx/1F(70k),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,51.79 9806922164800:tape 9806922164811/tape/off,07915,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9806922164811:st=rev,135 9806922164824:!069221658 9806922165800:preob 9806922165800#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9806922165861/onsource/TRACKING 9806922170100/tpical/$$$$$,54459,37029,25545,54967,36687,43861,19752,16264,63029 9806922170122/tpical/19952,10568,9216,15317,12414,14053,8439 9806922170129:!069221708 9806922170800:tape 9806922170811/tape/off,07721,norm,moving,nostop,locked,ready,rem 9806922170811:"data start" 9806922170811:midob 9806922170811#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9806922170851/onsource/TRACKING 9806922170932#wx#/WX/16.3,1017.6,100.0 9806922170951?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9806922170952?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9806922171004?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9806922171055?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9806922171062/ifd/14,19,nor,nor,rem,13670,7830 9806922171069/if3/0,in,2,2,,,present,500.10,rem,lock,51975 9806922171076/vc06/272.89,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,30493 9806922171083/vc11/237.99,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,7951 9806922171115/tpi/61039,46484,31196,21157,45794,30493,36528,16492,13673,51985 9806922171137/tpi/17235,9144,7941,12851,10677,12252,7571 9806922171138?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device v1 overflowed or were less than zero. 9806922171138/tsys1/$$$$$$$$,56.9,51.3,45.8,48.5,47.6,47.7,46.9,50.6,46.1 9806922171139/tsys2/65.7,64.6,62.2,52.5,61.2,66.8,88.4 9806922171139:!069221818 9806922172992;cable=17420.0 9806922172992?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9806922181800:"data stop" 9806922181800:et 9806922181816:!+3s 9806922182117:tape 9806922182129/tape/off,06920,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9806922182129:postob 9806922182129:source=1313-333,131320.0,-332309.7,1950.0 9806922182129#antcn#Command a new source 9806922182200#antcn#Successfully sent new source position to antenna 9806922182200:check2c2 9806922190287/parity/0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0. 9806922190287/parity/0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 9806922191572:wb2c2=8 9806922191630/pass/8,8,auto,-165.0,-165.0,-164.8,-164.9,0.2,0.1 9806922191976:!069222313 9806922231300:tape 9806922231313/tape/off,06915,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9806922231313:st=rev,135 9806922231330:!069222323 9806922232300:preob 9806922232300#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9806922232345/onsource/TRACKING 9806922232586/tpical/$$$$$,57683,38723,26636,53050,38215,43846,20996,16464,63526 9806922232611/tpical/20638,10939,9543,15600,12680,14542,11197 9806922232620:!069222333 9806922233300:tape 9806922233312/tape/off,06721,norm,moving,nostop,locked,ready,rem 9806922233312:"data start" 9806922233312:midob 9806922233312#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9806922233375/onsource/TRACKING 9806922233461#wx#/WX/16.8,1017.6,100.0 9806922233480?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9806922233481?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9806922233533?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9806922233584?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9806922233591/ifd/14,19,nor,nor,rem,13920,13450 9806922233598/if3/0,in,2,2,,,present,500.10,rem,lock,52763 9806922233605/vc06/272.89,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,31904 9806922233612/vc11/237.99,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,8249 9806922233643/tpi/61658,49331,32932,22227,44450,31904,36692,17662,13917,52751 9806922233665/tpi/17915,9507,8249,13502,10949,12921,12956 9806922233666?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device v1 overflowed or were less than zero. 9806922233666/tsys1/$$$$$$$$,57.6,54.6,48.0,50.2,48.9,49.1,49.3,52.4,47.9 9806922233667?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device i2 overflowed or were less than zero. 9806922233667/tsys2/68.2,66.9,63.8,64.9,63.1,78.6,-75.8 9806922233667:!069222828 9806922255490;wth 9806922255577#wx#/WX/16.9,1017.4,100.0 9806922261386;rxmon 9806922261399/rx/00(front),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,20.81 9806922261412/rx/01(rear),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,31.56 9806922261425/rx/02(lo),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,39.49 9806922261438/rx/03(dcal),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,47.55 9806922261451/rx/0E(lo5mhz),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,1.001 9806922261463/rx/17(pres),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,3.963 9806922261476/rx/1E(20k),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,24.91 9806922261489/rx/1F(70k),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,52.30 9806922282800:"data stop" 9806922282800:et 9806922282813:!+3s 9806922283114:tape 9806922283125/tape/off,03389,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9806922283125:postob 9806922283125:source=1057-797,105749.7,-794748.0,1950.0 9806922283126#antcn#Command a new source 9806922283169#antcn#Successfully sent new source position to antenna 9806922283170:check2c2 9806922291254/parity/0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0. 9806922291254/parity/0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 9806922292544:wb2c2=8 9806922292600/pass/8,8,auto,-165.0,-165.0,-164.8,-164.9,0.2,0.1 9806922292952:!069223121 9806922312100:tape 9806922312113/tape/off,03385,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9806922312113:st=rev,135 9806922312129:!069223131 9806922313100:preob 9806922313100#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9806922313166/onsource/TRACKING 9806922313408/tpical/$$$$$,52596,35747,24746,50796,35542,41279,18861,15349,59315 9806922313432/tpical/19555,10356,9067,14764,12119,13885,7153 9806922313441:!069223141 9806922314100:tape 9806922314112/tape/off,03191,norm,moving,nostop,locked,ready,rem 9806922314112:"data start" 9806922314112:midob 9806922314113#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9806922314146/onsource/TRACKING 9806922314226#wx#/WX/17.0,1017.4,100.0 9806922314246?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9806922314247?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9806922314299?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9806922314350?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9806922314357/ifd/14,19,nor,nor,rem,12802,6884 9806922314365/if3/0,in,2,2,,,present,500.10,rem,lock,48495 9806922314372/vc06/272.89,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,29211 9806922314379/vc11/237.99,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,7780 9806922314411/tpi/57488,44298,30004,20365,41947,29211,34054,15620,12794,48458 9806922314433/tpi/16809,8914,7781,12819,10446,11882,7059 9806922314434?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device v1 overflowed or were less than zero. 9806922314434/tsys1/$$$$$$$$,52.1,50.1,44.1,46.1,44.6,45.0,44.5,48.0,43.7 9806922314435/tsys2/63.4,62.1,60.4,66.4,62.1,58.2,758.9 9806922314435:!069223312 9806922331200:"data stop" 9806922331200:et 9806922331217:!+3s 9806922331518:tape 9806922331530/tape/off,02153,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9806922331530:postob 9806922331530:source=1424-418,142446.7,-415254.7,1950.0 9806922331531#antcn#Command a new source 9806922331565#antcn#Successfully sent new source position to antenna 9806922331566:midtp 9806922331808/tpzero/530,215,640,630,356,421,848,901,289,88 9806922331832/tpzero/236,389,380,525,544,779,264 9806922331853/rx/00(front),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,20.94 9806922331866/rx/01(rear),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,31.44 9806922331877/rx/02(lo),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,39.98 9806922331888/rx/03(dcal),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,47.55 9806922331899/rx/0E(lo5mhz),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,1.002 9806922331910/rx/17(pres),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,3.963 9806922331921/rx/1E(20k),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,24.91 9806922331932/rx/1F(70k),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,52.30 9806922331932:check2c2 9806922340023/parity/0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0. 9806922340023/parity/0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 9806922341306:wb2c1=9 9806922341874/pass/9,9,auto,-110.0,-110.0,-110.0,-109.9,-0.0,0.1 9806922342222:fastr=1m32s 9806922355453:!+5s 9806922355954:!069224527 9806922452700:tape 9806922452712/tape/low,00107,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9806922452712:st=for,135 9806922452726:!069224537 9806922453700:preob 9806922453700#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9806922453743/onsource/TRACKING 9806922453983/tpical/$$$$$,55042,36735,25440,50629,36696,42043,19826,15668,60482 9806922454006/tpical/20128,10640,9290,15580,12626,14158,9588 9806922454014:!069224547 9806922454700:tape 9806922454712/tape/off,00301,norm,moving,nostop,locked,ready,rem 9806922454712:"data start" 9806922454712:midob 9806922454712#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9806922454773/onsource/TRACKING 9806922454842#wx#/WX/17.8,1017.6, 85.4 9806922454862?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9806922454864?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9806922454916?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9806922454968?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9806922454976/ifd/14,19,nor,nor,rem,13122,8249 9806922454983/if3/0,in,2,2,,,present,500.10,rem,lock,49762 9806922454991/vc06/272.89,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,30358 9806922454998/vc11/237.99,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,8006 9806922455030/tpi/58424,46630,31014,21039,42093,30350,34919,16544,13126,49772 9806922455053/tpi/17359,9224,8014,13329,10962,12286,8191 9806922455055?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device v1 overflowed or were less than zero. 9806922455056/tsys1/$$$$$$$$,54.1,52.0,45.4,47.9,46.2,46.9,46.7,49.5,45.5 9806922455057/tsys2/64.9,65.5,62.8,59.7,65.7,64.5,59.6 9806922455058:!069225029 9806922502900:"data stop" 9806922502900:et 9806922502915:!+3s 9806922503216:tape 9806922503227/tape/off,03487,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9806922503227:postob 9806922503227:source=1610-771,161051.6,-770952.6,1950.0 9806922503228#antcn#Command a new source 9806922503258#antcn#Successfully sent new source position to antenna 9806922503258:check2c1 9806922511344/parity/0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0. 9806922511344/parity/0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 9806922512631:wb2c1=9 9806922512848/pass/9,9,auto,-110.0,-110.0,-110.0,-109.9,-0.0,0.1 9806922513194:!069225252 9806922525200:tape 9806922525213/tape/off,03492,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9806922525213:st=for,135 9806922525227:!069225302 9806922530200:preob 9806922530200#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9806922530256/onsource/TRACKING 9806922530496/tpical/$$$$$,52353,34959,24140,47958,34747,39337,18805,14918,57451 9806922530520/tpical/19425,10255,8953,14438,12044,13579,7339 9806922530529:!069225312 9806922531200:tape 9806922531212/tape/off,03686,norm,moving,nostop,locked,ready,rem 9806922531212:"data start" 9806922531212:midob 9806922531212#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9806922531256/onsource/TRACKING 9806922531330#wx#/WX/18.1,1017.5, 79.2 9806922531349?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9806922531351?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9806922531403?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9806922531455?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9806922531463/ifd/14,19,nor,nor,rem,12396,6611 9806922531470/if3/0,in,2,2,,,present,500.10,rem,lock,46763 9806922531477/vc06/272.89,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,28394 9806922531484/vc11/237.99,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,7679 9806922531517/tpi/55803,43997,29232,19759,39437,28394,32294,15525,12395,46746 9806922531540/tpi/16719,8824,7660,13184,10275,11695,6714 9806922531542?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device v1 overflowed or were less than zero. 9806922531543/tsys1/$$$$$$$$,51.3,48.9,42.8,44.9,43.2,43.8,43.7,47.0,42.7 9806922531544/tsys2/64.0,61.9,59.1,106.0,57.8,60.8,108.4 9806922531545:!069225527 9806922552701:"data stop" 9806922552701:et 9806922552715:!+3s 9806922553016:tape 9806922553027/tape/off,05219,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9806922553027:postob 9806922553027:source=2145+067,214536.1,064340.8,1950.0 9806922553028#antcn#Command a new source 9806922553053#antcn#Successfully sent new source position to antenna 9806922553053:check2c1 9806922561143/parity/0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0. 9806922561143/parity/0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 9806922562427:wb2c1=9 9806922562496/pass/9,9,auto,-110.0,-110.0,-110.0,-109.9,-0.0,0.1 9806922562840:!069230725 9806923024282;rxmon 9806923024293/rx/00(front),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,22.03 9806923024304/rx/01(rear),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,32.54 9806923024315/rx/02(lo),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,41.08 9806923024326/rx/03(dcal),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,47.55 9806923024337/rx/0E(lo5mhz),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,0.951 9806923024348/rx/17(pres),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,4.048 9806923024359/rx/1E(20k),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,25.53 9806923024370/rx/1F(70k),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,54.35 9806923072500:tape 9806923072513/tape/off,05223,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9806923072513:st=for,135 9806923072529:!069230735 9806923073500:preob 9806923073500#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9806923073541/onsource/TRACKING 9806923073783/tpical/$$$$$,58059,38251,27162,59740,39082,46638,21742,16807,65535 9806923073808/tpical/19472,10232,8907,14644,12184,13863,6666 9806923073817:!069230745 9806923074500:tape 9806923074513/tape/off,05417,norm,moving,nostop,locked,ready,rem 9806923074513:"data start" 9806923074513:midob 9806923074513#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9806923074551/onsource/TRACKING 9806923074624#wx#/WX/18.5,1017.6, 75.9 9806923074644?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9806923074645?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9806923074696?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9806923074747?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9806923074754/ifd/14,19,nor,nor,rem,14107,5487 9806923074761/if3/0,in,2,2,,,present,500.10,rem,lock,55712 9806923074768/vc06/272.89,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,32369 9806923074775/vc11/237.99,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,7670 9806923074806/tpi/61603,49071,32337,22550,49646,32369,38811,18102,14107,55711 9806923074828/tpi/16801,8866,7676,12643,10521,11983,5735 9806923074829?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device v1 overflowed or were less than zero. 9806923074829?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device i3 overflowed or were less than zero. 9806923074829/tsys1/$$$$$$$$,53.3,52.5,46.6,47.9,46.6,47.5,46.3,50.2,$$$$$$$$ 9806923074830/tsys2/65.1,65.2,62.2,63.6,63.0,62.6,61.7 9806923074830:!069230855 9806923085500:"data stop" 9806923085500:et 9806923085515:!+3s 9806923085816:tape 9806923085828/tape/off,06218,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9806923085828:postob 9806923085828:source=0048-097,004810.0,-094524.2,1950.0 9806923085829#antcn#Command a new source 9806923085860#antcn#Successfully sent new source position to antenna 9806923085860:check2c1 9806923093948/parity/0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0. 9806923093948/parity/0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 9806923095235:wb2c1=9 9806923095414/pass/9,9,auto,-110.0,-110.0,-110.0,-109.9,-0.0,0.1 9806923095760:!069231033 9806923103300:tape 9806923103313/tape/off,06223,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9806923103313:st=for,135 9806923103330:!069231043 9806923104300:preob 9806923104300#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9806923104368/onsource/TRACKING 9806923104609/tpical/$$$$$,61131,39817,28561,63938,39885,48529,22313,17680,65535 9806923104633/tpical/19838,10515,9113,14975,12447,14073,7212 9806923104642:!069231053 9806923105300:tape 9806923105312/tape/off,06417,norm,moving,nostop,locked,ready,rem 9806923105312:"data start" 9806923105312:midob 9806923105312#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9806923105358/onsource/TRACKING 9806923105439#wx#/WX/18.6,1017.7, 75.5 9806923105458?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9806923105459?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9806923105511?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9806923105562?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9806923105569/ifd/14,19,nor,nor,rem,14959,6758 9806923105576/if3/0,in,2,2,,,present,500.10,rem,lock,58716 9806923105583/vc06/272.89,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,33406 9806923105590/vc11/237.99,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,7890 9806923105621/tpi/$$$$$,52246,33966,23861,53781,33322,40628,18753,14961,58716 9806923105643/tpi/17212,9129,7893,13056,10795,12349,6711 9806923105644?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device v1 overflowed or were less than zero. 9806923105644?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device i3 overflowed or were less than zero. 9806923105644/tsys1/$$$$$$$$,57.4,55.8,48.4,51.5,49.1,49.3,49.1,52.9,$$$$$$$$ 9806923105645/tsys2/67.9,66.2,64.7,68.6,65.2,70.5,135.1 9806923105645:!069231311 9806923115543;wth 9806923115617#wx#/WX/18.6,1017.7, 74.7 9806923131101:"data stop" 9806923131101:et 9806923131117:!+3s 9806923131418:tape 9806923131430/tape/off,07983,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9806923131430:postob 9806923131430:source=1741-038,174120.6,-034848.9,1950.0 9806923131431#antcn#Command a new source 9806923131485#antcn#Successfully sent new source position to antenna 9806923131485:midtp 9806923131730/tpzero/528,218,640,629,357,420,845,903,301,87 9806923131754/tpzero/243,382,379,523,544,779,268 9806923131775/rx/00(front),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,22.77 9806923131788/rx/01(rear),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,32.66 9806923131799/rx/02(lo),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,42.06 9806923131810/rx/03(dcal),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,47.68 9806923131821/rx/0E(lo5mhz),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,0.954 9806923131832/rx/17(pres),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,4.216 9806923131843/rx/1E(20k),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,25.66 9806923131854/rx/1F(70k),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,52.30 9806923131854:check2c1 9806923135942/parity/0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0. 9806923135942/parity/0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 9806923140004?ERROR ch -370 Total power integrator overflow on IF3 9806923141226:wb2c2=10 9806923141853/pass/10,10,auto,-110.0,-110.0,-109.2,-110.2,0.8,-0.2 9806923142198:fastf=0m42s 9806923150430:!+5s 9806923150931:!069231918 9806923191800:tape 9806923191813/tape/off,08903,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9806923191813:st=rev,135 9806923191830:!069231928 9806923192801:preob 9806923192801#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9806923192859/onsource/TRACKING 9806923193100/tpical/$$$$$,55366,36520,26096,55651,37563,44167,20850,16037,63896 9806923193124/tpical/19531,10321,8984,14734,12208,13906,6924 9806923193133:!069231938 9806923193800:tape 9806923193813/tape/off,08709,norm,moving,nostop,locked,ready,rem 9806923193813:"data start" 9806923193813:midob 9806923193813#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9806923193879/onsource/TRACKING 9806923193963#wx#/WX/19.0,1017.6, 72.9 9806923193983?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9806923193984?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9806923194035?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9806923194086?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9806923194093/ifd/14,19,nor,nor,rem,13416,6432 9806923194100/if3/0,in,2,2,,,present,500.10,rem,lock,52469 9806923194107/vc06/272.89,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,31014 9806923194114/vc11/237.99,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,7767 9806923194145/tpi/57204,46775,30767,21517,46144,31014,36623,17364,13418,52478 9806923194167/tpi/16883,8935,7767,12718,10575,11994,6298 9806923194168?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device v1 overflowed or were less than zero. 9806923194168/tsys1/$$$$$$$$,53.1,51.3,44.7,47.2,45.8,46.5,46.3,49.1,45.0 9806923194169/tsys2/66.0,64.8,63.7,63.5,64.5,61.6,101.1 9806923194169:!069232048 9806923204800:"data stop" 9806923204800:et 9806923204816:!+3s 9806923205117:tape 9806923205129/tape/off,07907,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9806923205129:postob 9806923205129:source=1313-333,131320.0,-332309.7,1950.0 9806923205130#antcn#Command a new source 9806923205178#antcn#Successfully sent new source position to antenna 9806923205178:check2c2 9806923213269/parity/0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0. 9806923213269/parity/0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 9806923214554:wb2c2=10 9806923214643/pass/10,10,auto,-110.0,-110.0,-109.9,-110.2,0.1,-0.2 9806923214990:!069233229 9806923322900:tape 9806923322912/tape/off,07902,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9806923322912:st=rev,135 9806923322926:!069233239 9806923323900:preob 9806923323900#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9806923323956/onsource/TRACKING 9806923324197/tpical/$$$$$,64803,43236,30123,63249,42511,48714,22334,18805,65535 9806923324220/tpical/22219,11871,10138,18627,14314,17237,41198 9806923324228:!069233249 9806923324900:tape 9806923324912/tape/off,07708,norm,moving,nostop,locked,ready,rem 9806923324912:"data start" 9806923324912:midob 9806923324912#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9806923324966/onsource/TRACKING 9806923325041#wx#/WX/20.0,1017.6, 69.5 9806923325060?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9806923325062?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9806923325114?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9806923325166?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9806923325175/ifd/14,19,nor,nor,rem,16272,41465 9806923325182/if3/0,in,2,2,,,present,500.10,rem,lock,61982 9806923325189/vc06/272.89,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,36393 9806923325196/vc11/237.99,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,8928 9806923325229/tpi/$$$$$,56599,37667,25876,54385,36436,41746,19245,16273,61959 9806923325252/tpi/19589,10491,8922,16739,12730,15477,41896 9806923325254?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device v1 overflowed or were less than zero. 9806923325254?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device i3 overflowed or were less than zero. 9806923325255/tsys1/$$$$$$$$,67.3,65.2,58.3,59.7,58.1,57.5,58.2,61.8,$$$$$$$$ 9806923325257?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device i2 overflowed or were less than zero. 9806923325258/tsys2/77.2,76.9,73.8,90.2,80.8,87.7,-626.2 9806923325259:!069233632 9806923363200:"data stop" 9806923363200:et 9806923363214:!+3s 9806923363515:tape 9806923363526/tape/off,05185,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9806923363526:postob 9806923363526:source=1424-418,142446.7,-415254.7,1950.0 9806923363527#antcn#Command a new source 9806923363582#antcn#Successfully sent new source position to antenna 9806923363582:check2c2 9806923371671/parity/0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,16.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0. 9806923371671/parity/0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 9806923372958:wb2c2=10 9806923373045/pass/10,10,auto,-110.0,-110.0,-109.9,-110.2,0.1,-0.2 9806923373389:!069234255 9806923422990;cable=17421.0 9806923422990?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9806923425500:tape 9806923425512/tape/off,05180,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9806923425512:st=rev,135 9806923425529:!069234305 9806923430500:preob 9806923430500#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9806923430556/onsource/TRACKING 9806923430797/tpical/$$$$$,54679,36156,25423,51221,36188,41340,19683,15724,60421 9806923430821/tpical/20121,10750,9297,15563,12501,14304,9903 9806923430830:!069234315 9806923431500:tape 9806923431512/tape/off,04986,norm,moving,nostop,locked,ready,rem 9806923431512:"data start" 9806923431512:midob 9806923431512#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9806923431576/onsource/TRACKING 9806923431662#wx#/WX/20.5,1017.7, 65.1 9806923431682?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9806923431683?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9806923431735?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9806923431786?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9806923431793/ifd/14,19,nor,nor,rem,13239,8770 9806923431800/if3/0,in,2,2,,,present,500.10,rem,lock,49943 9806923431807/vc06/272.89,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,30043 9806923431814/vc11/237.99,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,8061 9806923431845/tpi/58346,46533,30615,21176,42760,30043,34522,16489,13236,49925 9806923431867/tpi/17471,9359,8061,13647,10846,12395,8435 9806923431868?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device v1 overflowed or were less than zero. 9806923431868/tsys1/$$$$$$$$,55.7,53.0,47.4,49.1,47.2,48.4,47.8,50.9,46.5 9806923431869/tsys2/68.3,67.8,65.3,71.9,65.4,63.9,58.4 9806923431869:!069234642 9806923464200:"data stop" 9806923464200:et 9806923464217:!+3s 9806923464518:tape 9806923464530/tape/off,02643,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9806923464530:postob 9806923464530:source=2145+067,214536.1,064340.8,1950.0 9806923464531#antcn#Command a new source 9806923464592#antcn#Successfully sent new source position to antenna 9806923464592:check2c2 9806923472683/parity/0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,16.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0. 9806923472683/parity/0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 9806923473967:wb2c2=10 9806923474057/pass/10,10,auto,-110.0,-110.0,-109.9,-110.2,0.1,-0.2 9806923474403:!069234949 9806923494900:tape 9806923494913/tape/off,02638,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9806923494913:st=rev,135 9806923494929:!069234959 9806923495900:preob 9806923495900#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9806923495959#antcn#Successfully sent new source position to antenna 9806923495959?ERROR qo -301 WARNING: ONSOURCE status is SLEWING! 9806923495959/onsource/SLEWING 9806923500205/tpical/$$$$$,56241,36603,25922,56837,37266,44199,20475,16111,64172 9806923500229/tpical/19102,10072,8764,14403,12013,13613,6514 9806923500236:!069235009 9806923500900:tape 9806923500912/tape/off,02444,norm,moving,nostop,locked,ready,rem 9806923500912:"data start" 9806923500912:midob 9806923500912#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9806923500969/onsource/TRACKING 9806923501050#wx#/WX/20.7,1017.6, 64.0 9806923501070?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9806923501073?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9806923501124?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9806923501175?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9806923501182/ifd/14,19,nor,nor,rem,13544,6384 9806923501189/if3/0,in,2,2,,,present,500.10,rem,lock,52912 9806923501196/vc06/272.89,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,30844 9806923501204/vc11/237.99,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,7546 9806923501235/tpi/58546,47523,30858,21415,47206,30826,36678,17086,13506,52849 9806923501257/tpi/16536,8710,7546,12433,10358,11738,6186 9806923501258?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device v1 overflowed or were less than zero. 9806923501258/tsys1/$$$$$$$$,53.2,51.5,45.2,47.7,46.3,46.7,46.8,49.7,45.7 9806923501259/tsys2/66.7,64.2,61.8,63.5,62.3,61.4,189.4 9806923501259:!069235119 9806923511900:"data stop" 9806923511900:et 9806923511916:!+3s 9806923512217:tape 9806923512229/tape/off,01643,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9806923512229:postob 9806923512229:source=1057-797,105749.7,-794748.0,1950.0 9806923512229#antcn#Command a new source 9806923512288#antcn#Successfully sent new source position to antenna 9806923512288:midtp 9806923512530/tpzero/532,219,639,628,354,418,846,898,288,87 9806923512554/tpzero/238,382,378,526,545,778,261 9806923512575/rx/00(front),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,24.11 9806923512586/rx/01(rear),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,34.00 9806923512597/rx/02(lo),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,42.67 9806923512609/rx/03(dcal),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,47.80 9806923512620/rx/0E(lo5mhz),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,0.957 9806923512631/rx/17(pres),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,4.386 9806923512642/rx/1E(20k),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,26.10 9806923512653/rx/1F(70k),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,53.84 9806923512653:check2c2 9806923520742/parity/0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0. 9806923520742/parity/0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 9806923522027:wb2c1=11 9806923522741/pass/11,11,auto,-55.0,-55.0,-55.1,-54.5,-0.1,0.5 9806923523086:fastr=1m10s 9806923534116:!+5s 9806923534617:!069235430 9806923543000:tape 9806923543012/tape/low,00092,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9806923543012:st=for,135 9806923543026:!069235440 9806923544000:preob 9806923544000#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9806923544054#antcn#Successfully sent new source position to antenna 9806923544055?ERROR qo -301 WARNING: ONSOURCE status is SLEWING! 9806923544055/onsource/SLEWING 9806923544297/tpical/$$$$$,52763,35044,24072,51697,34403,40347,18397,15297,58702 9806923544320/tpical/19168,10194,8879,15385,11827,13541,6932 9806923544328:!069235450 9806923545000:tape 9806923545012/tape/off,00286,norm,moving,nostop,locked,ready,rem 9806923545012:"data start" 9806923545012:midob 9806923545012#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9806923545065#antcn#Successfully sent new source position to antenna 9806923545065?ERROR qo -301 WARNING: ONSOURCE status is SLEWING! 9806923545065/onsource/SLEWING 9806923545142#wx#/WX/21.0,1017.5, 63.4 9806923545162?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9806923545164?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9806923545216?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9806923545268?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9806923545276/ifd/14,19,nor,nor,rem,12790,6326 9806923545284/if3/0,in,2,2,,,present,500.10,rem,lock,48194 9806923545291/vc06/272.89,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,28430 9806923545299/vc11/237.99,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,7650 9806923545331/tpi/57945,44436,29541,19858,42744,28409,33385,15346,12794,48209 9806923545354/tpi/16571,8827,7648,13100,10204,11708,6291 9806923545356?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device v1 overflowed or were less than zero. 9806923545357/tsys1/$$$$$$$$,52.0,51.5,44.7,46.4,45.8,45.8,46.4,49.0,44.9 9806923545358/tsys2/66.0,64.9,62.0,57.8,62.5,62.6,98.8 9806923545359:!069235648 9806923564800:"data stop" 9806923564800:et 9806923564814:!+3s 9806923565115:tape 9806923565126/tape/off,01627,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9806923565126:postob 9806923565126:source=1610-771,161051.6,-770952.6,1950.0 9806923565127#antcn#Command a new source 9806923565182#antcn#Successfully sent new source position to antenna 9806923565183:check2c1 9806923573270/parity/0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0. 9806923573270/parity/0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 9806923574557:wb2c1=11 9806923574614/pass/11,11,auto,-55.0,-55.0,-55.1,-55.2,-0.1,-0.2 9806923574959:!070000604 9807000060400:tape 9807000060412/tape/off,01631,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9807000060412:st=for,135 9807000060426:!070000614 9807000061400:preob 9807000061400#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9807000061453/onsource/TRACKING 9807000061693/tpical/64695,50749,33996,23370,46978,33234,37763,17835,14593,55289 9807000061717/tpical/18935,10017,8716,14168,11678,13295,6370 9807000061725:!070000624 9807000062401:tape 9807000062412/tape/off,01825,norm,moving,nostop,locked,ready,rem 9807000062412:"data start" 9807000062412:midob 9807000062412#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9807000062462/onsource/TRACKING 9807000062541#wx#/WX/21.4,1017.4, 60.4 9807000062561?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807000062563?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807000062615?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807000062667?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807000062675/ifd/14,19,nor,nor,rem,12120,5507 9807000062682/if3/0,in,2,2,,,present,500.10,rem,lock,45020 9807000062689/vc06/272.89,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,27216 9807000062696/vc11/237.99,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,7491 9807000062729/tpi/54377,42657,28493,19184,38584,27234,31032,14786,12123,45028 9807000062752/tpi/16324,8649,7498,12164,10025,11451,5905 9807000062754/tsys1/51.1,51.4,49.6,43.4,44.6,43.8,43.9,44.6,47.0,42.9 9807000062755/tsys2/64.7,63.5,61.4,61.0,60.2,60.8,127.4 9807000062756:!070000847 9807000084700:"data stop" 9807000084700:et 9807000084714:!+3s 9807000085015:tape 9807000085026/tape/off,03448,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9807000085026:postob 9807000085026:source=0048-097,004810.0,-094524.2,1950.0 9807000085027#antcn#Command a new source 9807000085090#antcn#Successfully sent new source position to antenna 9807000085090:check2c1 9807000093178/parity/0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0. 9807000093178/parity/0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 9807000094465:wb2c1=11 9807000094523/pass/11,11,auto,-55.0,-55.0,-55.1,-55.2,-0.1,-0.2 9807000094869:!070001105 9807000110500:tape 9807000110512/tape/off,03453,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9807000110512:st=for,135 9807000110526:!070001115 9807000111500:preob 9807000111500#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9807000111538#antcn#Successfully sent new source position to antenna 9807000111538?ERROR qo -301 WARNING: ONSOURCE status is SLEWING! 9807000111538/onsource/SLEWING 9807000111779/tpical/$$$$$,57922,37603,26525,58751,36780,44217,20428,16455,64563 9807000111802/tpical/19078,10082,8740,14179,11936,13427,5940 9807000111810:!070001125 9807000112500:tape 9807000112512/tape/off,03647,norm,moving,nostop,locked,ready,rem 9807000112512:"data start" 9807000112512:midob 9807000112512#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9807000112568/onsource/TRACKING 9807000112653#wx#/WX/21.8,1017.4, 58.8 9807000112673?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807000112675?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807000112727?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807000112779?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807000112787/ifd/14,19,nor,nor,rem,13842,5448 9807000112794/if3/0,in,2,2,,,present,500.10,rem,lock,53304 9807000112801/vc06/272.89,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,30543 9807000112809/vc11/237.99,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,7554 9807000112841/tpi/61002,49284,31829,22007,49004,30599,36748,17106,13840,53307 9807000112864/tpi/16538,8746,7554,12333,10295,11608,5519 9807000112866?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device v1 overflowed or were less than zero. 9807000112867/tsys1/$$$$$$$$,55.7,52.9,46.4,48.9,47.9,47.1,47.8,50.8,46.3 9807000112868/tsys2/67.4,65.7,63.5,67.2,62.4,62.5,131.1 9807000112869:!070001235 9807000123500:"data stop" 9807000123501:et 9807000123515:!+3s 9807000123817:tape 9807000123829/tape/off,04448,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9807000123830:postob 9807000123831:source=1741-038,174120.6,-034848.9,1950.0 9807000123832#antcn#Command a new source 9807000123887#antcn#Successfully sent new source position to antenna 9807000123888:check2c1 9807000131976/parity/0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0. 9807000131976/parity/0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 9807000133260:wb2c1=11 9807000133318/pass/11,11,auto,-55.0,-55.0,-54.4,-55.2,0.6,-0.2 9807000133663:!070002527 9807000252700:tape 9807000252712/tape/off,04454,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9807000252712:st=for,135 9807000252726:!070002537 9807000253700:preob 9807000253700#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9807000253744/onsource/TRACKING 9807000253984/tpical/$$$$$,56410,37238,26254,56288,37153,43515,20673,16531,63744 9807000254008/tpical/19270,10254,8852,14628,12113,13948,7293 9807000254016:!070002547 9807000254700:tape 9807000254712/tape/off,04648,norm,moving,nostop,locked,ready,rem 9807000254712:"data start" 9807000254712:midob 9807000254712#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9807000254764/onsource/TRACKING 9807000254848#wx#/WX/22.7,1017.2, 57.0 9807000254874?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807000254876?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807000254928?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807000254980?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807000254988/ifd/14,19,nor,nor,rem,13972,7425 9807000254995/if3/0,in,2,2,,,present,500.10,rem,lock,52772 9807000255002/vc06/272.89,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,30870 9807000255010/vc11/237.99,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,7681 9807000255042/tpi/59183,47960,31609,21818,46961,30859,36370,17346,13949,52742 9807000255065/tpi/16740,8912,7681,18541,10497,12189,7298 9807000255067?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device v1 overflowed or were less than zero. 9807000255068/tsys1/$$$$$$$$,55.4,53.9,46.8,49.0,47.4,48.7,48.4,51.9,46.9 9807000255069?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device vc overflowed or were less than zero. 9807000255069?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device i2 overflowed or were less than zero. 9807000255071/tsys2/68.5,66.7,65.5,-48.3,64.7,68.1,-14777.7 9807000255071:!070002657 9807000265700:"data stop" 9807000265700:et 9807000265715:!+3s 9807000270016:tape 9807000270027/tape/off,05449,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9807000270027:postob 9807000270027:source=2145+067,214536.1,064340.8,1950.0 9807000270028#antcn#Command a new source 9807000270093#antcn#Successfully sent new source position to antenna 9807000270093:check2c1 9807000274182/parity/0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0. 9807000274182/parity/0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 9807000275467:wb2c1=11 9807000275524/pass/11,11,auto,-55.0,-55.0,-55.1,-55.2,-0.1,-0.2 9807000275870:!070002900 9807000290000:tape 9807000290012/tape/off,05454,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9807000290012:st=for,135 9807000290025:!070002910 9807000291000:preob 9807000291000#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9807000291041/onsource/TRACKING 9807000291281/tpical/$$$$$,54679,36243,25295,55670,35960,42060,19849,15743,61841 9807000291305/tpical/18548,9805,8489,14104,11909,13839,10515 9807000291314:!070002920 9807000292000:tape 9807000292012/tape/off,05649,norm,moving,nostop,locked,ready,rem 9807000292012:"data start" 9807000292012:midob 9807000292012#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9807000292070/onsource/TRACKING 9807000292141#wx#/WX/22.8,1017.2, 54.9 9807000292161?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807000292163?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807000292216?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807000292268?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807000292276/ifd/14,19,nor,nor,rem,13167,9616 9807000292283/if3/0,in,2,2,,,present,500.10,rem,lock,50776 9807000292291/vc06/272.89,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,29639 9807000292298/vc11/237.99,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,7333 9807000292330/tpi/56999,46319,30568,20888,46211,29680,34850,16514,13173,50788 9807000292353/tpi/16031,8489,7336,12193,11410,11861,9610 9807000292355?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device v1 overflowed or were less than zero. 9807000292356/tsys1/$$$$$$$$,54.0,51.7,45.1,47.5,45.7,46.2,45.9,49.1,45.0 9807000292357/tsys2/65.9,64.7,63.4,64.1,228.6,58.8,108.5 9807000292358:!070003030 9807000303000:"data stop" 9807000303001:et 9807000303015:!+3s 9807000303317:tape 9807000303328/tape/off,06450,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9807000303329:postob 9807000303330:source=1921-293,192142.3,-292026.3,1950.0 9807000303331#antcn#Command a new source 9807000303388#antcn#Successfully sent new source position to antenna 9807000303390:check2c1 9807000311480/parity/0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0. 9807000311480/parity/0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 9807000312766:wb2c1=11 9807000312938/pass/11,11,auto,-55.0,-55.0,-55.1,-55.2,-0.1,-0.2 9807000313284:!070003751 9807000375100:tape 9807000375112/tape/off,06455,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9807000375112:st=for,135 9807000375126:!070003801 9807000380100:preob 9807000380100#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9807000380141/onsource/TRACKING 9807000380381/tpical/$$$$$,53219,35344,24539,50139,34232,39219,18621,15307,57516 9807000380405/tpical/18856,9985,8671,14464,11779,13389,8862 9807000380413:!070003811 9807000381100:tape 9807000381112/tape/off,06650,norm,moving,nostop,locked,ready,rem 9807000381112:"data start" 9807000381112:midob 9807000381112#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9807000381151/onsource/TRACKING 9807000381227#wx#/WX/23.2,1017.1, 52.9 9807000381247?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807000381249?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807000381301?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807000381353?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807000381361/ifd/14,19,nor,nor,rem,12816,7617 9807000381368/if3/0,in,2,2,,,present,500.10,rem,lock,47114 9807000381375/vc06/272.89,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,28131 9807000381382/vc11/237.99,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,7516 9807000381414/tpi/56257,44963,29831,20266,41379,28131,32428,15463,12811,47077 9807000381437/tpi/16346,8675,7524,12535,10259,11648,7384 9807000381440?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device v1 overflowed or were less than zero. 9807000381441/tsys1/$$$$$$$$,53.1,51.9,45.0,45.9,44.5,45.6,45.2,49.2,44.1 9807000381442/tsys2/67.4,66.5,65.4,65.4,67.1,65.6,50.6 9807000381443:!070003921 9807000392100:"data stop" 9807000392101:et 9807000392115:!+3s 9807000392417:tape 9807000392428/tape/off,07451,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9807000392429:postob 9807000392430:source=1424-418,142446.7,-415254.7,1950.0 9807000392431#antcn#Command a new source 9807000392500#antcn#Successfully sent new source position to antenna 9807000392501:midtp 9807000392742/tpzero/519,234,638,627,352,414,842,899,288,87 9807000392765/tpzero/245,378,375,521,543,776,266 9807000392785/rx/00(front),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,26.80 9807000392797/rx/01(rear),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,37.91 9807000392809/rx/02(lo),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,45.60 9807000392821/rx/03(dcal),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,47.92 9807000392833/rx/0E(lo5mhz),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,0.963 9807000392845/rx/17(pres),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,4.728 9807000392857/rx/1E(20k),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,27.39 9807000392869/rx/1F(70k),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,54.86 9807000392869:check2c1 9807000400959/parity/0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0. 9807000400959/parity/0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 9807000402243:wb2c2=12 9807000403073/pass/12,12,auto,-55.0,-55.0,-55.0,-54.9,-0.0,0.1 9807000403417:fastf=1m4s 9807000413848:!+5s 9807000414349:!070004316 9807000431600:tape 9807000431612/tape/off,08866,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9807000431612:st=rev,135 9807000431626:!070004326 9807000432600:preob 9807000432600#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9807000432656/onsource/TRACKING 9807000432896/tpical/$$$$$,56686,37795,26378,54164,36360,41269,19243,16490,62086 9807000432920/tpical/19967,10708,9258,15379,12808,14295,12793 9807000432928:!070004336 9807000433600:tape 9807000433612/tape/off,08671,norm,moving,nostop,locked,ready,rem 9807000433612:"data start" 9807000433612:midob 9807000433612#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9807000433676/onsource/TRACKING 9807000433757#wx#/WX/23.3,1017.1, 51.2 9807000433777?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807000433779?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807000433831?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807000433883?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807000433891/ifd/14,19,nor,nor,rem,14067,13305 9807000433898/if3/0,in,2,2,,,present,500.10,rem,lock,52063 9807000433905/vc06/272.89,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,30625 9807000433913/vc11/237.99,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,8072 9807000433945/tpi/63062,48840,32429,22254,45854,30625,34873,16351,14070,52087 9807000433968/tpi/17446,9390,8072,13505,11297,12559,13082 9807000433970?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device v1 overflowed or were less than zero. 9807000433971/tsys1/$$$$$$$$,60.7,58.1,51.4,53.7,51.6,52.1,52.4,55.8,51.0 9807000433972?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device i2 overflowed or were less than zero. 9807000433973/tsys2/71.6,71.8,68.1,72.7,74.7,71.3,-465.6 9807000433974:!070004555 9807000455500:"data stop" 9807000455500:et 9807000455515:!+3s 9807000455816:tape 9807000455827/tape/off,07094,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9807000455827:postob 9807000455827:source=1610-771,161051.6,-770952.6,1950.0 9807000455828#antcn#Command a new source 9807000455894#antcn#Successfully sent new source position to antenna 9807000455895:check2c2 9807000463984/parity/0.,0.,0.,16.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0. 9807000463984/parity/0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 9807000465268:wb2c2=12 9807000465423/pass/12,12,auto,-55.0,-55.0,-55.0,-54.9,-0.0,0.1 9807000465768:!070011322 9807001072775;cable=17425.0 9807001072775?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807001132200:tape 9807001132214/tape/off,07088,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9807001132214:st=rev,135 9807001132230:!070011332 9807001133200:preob 9807001133200#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9807001133266/onsource/TRACKING 9807001133508/tpical/63358,50179,32704,22867,45968,31308,35104,16923,14319,52665 9807001133533/tpical/18131,9707,8393,14063,11427,12953,6603 9807001133542:!070011342 9807001134200:tape 9807001134212/tape/off,06895,norm,moving,nostop,locked,ready,rem 9807001134212:"data start" 9807001134212:midob 9807001134212#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9807001134256/onsource/TRACKING 9807001134345#wx#/WX/25.2,1016.3, 39.4 9807001134365?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807001134365?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807001134417?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807001134468?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807001134475/ifd/14,19,nor,nor,rem,11947,6340 9807001134482/if3/0,in,2,2,,,present,500.10,rem,lock,43027 9807001134489/vc06/272.89,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,25685 9807001134496/vc11/237.99,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,7228 9807001134527/tpi/53346,42252,27437,18856,37854,25711,28953,14055,11954,43062 9807001134550/tpi/15644,8420,7225,12268,9831,11202,6355 9807001134551/tsys1/51.7,51.9,49.9,44.5,45.3,44.3,44.8,45.0,48.3,43.9 9807001134552/tsys2/65.0,65.6,61.6,68.7,61.1,62.5,257.8 9807001134552:!070011609 9807001160900:"data stop" 9807001160900:et 9807001160917:!+3s 9807001161218:tape 9807001161230/tape/off,05227,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9807001161230:postob 9807001161230:source=0048-097,004810.0,-094524.2,1950.0 9807001161231#antcn#Command a new source 9807001161254#antcn#Successfully sent new source position to antenna 9807001161254:check2c2 9807001165348/parity/0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0. 9807001165348/parity/0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 9807001170632:wb2c2=12 9807001170690/pass/12,12,auto,-55.0,-55.0,-55.0,-54.9,-0.0,0.1 9807001171037:!070011908 9807001190800:tape 9807001190812/tape/off,05224,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9807001190812:st=rev,135 9807001190825:!070011918 9807001191800:preob 9807001191800#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9807001191831/onsource/TRACKING 9807001192071/tpical/$$$$$,54494,35151,24664,53531,33442,39364,18195,15545,58316 9807001192094/tpical/18064,9565,8317,13591,11503,12998,6251 9807001192102:!070011928 9807001192800:tape 9807001192812/tape/off,05030,norm,moving,nostop,locked,ready,rem 9807001192812:"data start" 9807001192812:midob 9807001192812#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9807001192860/onsource/TRACKING 9807001192934#wx#/WX/25.4,1016.3, 38.9 9807001192954?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807001192956?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807001193008?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807001193060?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807001193068/ifd/14,19,nor,nor,rem,13028,6208 9807001193076/if3/0,in,2,2,,,present,500.10,rem,lock,47898 9807001193083/vc06/272.89,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,27612 9807001193091/vc11/237.99,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,7214 9807001193123/tpi/57192,46022,29763,20380,44394,27613,32608,15165,13026,47897 9807001193146/tpi/15629,8311,7203,11843,9979,11308,6347 9807001193148?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device v1 overflowed or were less than zero. 9807001193149/tsys1/$$$$$$$$,53.0,53.0,45.2,47.2,45.7,46.1,46.1,49.6,45.0 9807001193150?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device i2 overflowed or were less than zero. 9807001193151/tsys2/66.3,66.4,64.4,68.0,65.0,65.4,-665.1 9807001193152:!070012038 9807001203800:"data stop" 9807001203800:et 9807001203814:!+3s 9807001204115:tape 9807001204126/tape/off,04229,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9807001204126:postob 9807001204126:source=2145+067,214536.1,064340.8,1950.0 9807001204127#antcn#Command a new source 9807001204179#antcn#Successfully sent new source position to antenna 9807001204179:check2c2 9807001212265/parity/0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0. 9807001212265/parity/0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 9807001213555:wb2c2=12 9807001213878/pass/12,12,auto,-55.0,-55.0,-55.0,-54.2,-0.0,0.8 9807001214223:!070012455 9807001245500:tape 9807001245512/tape/off,04225,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9807001245512:st=rev,135 9807001245526:!070012505 9807001250500:preob 9807001250500#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9807001250535/onsource/TRACKING 9807001250775/tpical/$$$$$,53708,35122,24711,52360,33950,39468,18730,15412,58283 9807001250798/tpical/17973,9555,8242,13533,11355,12901,6939 9807001250806:!070012515 9807001251500:tape 9807001251512/tape/off,04031,norm,moving,nostop,locked,ready,rem 9807001251512:"data start" 9807001251512:midob 9807001251512#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9807001251565/onsource/TRACKING 9807001251645#wx#/WX/25.5,1016.2, 39.6 9807001251664?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807001251666?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807001251718?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807001251770?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807001251778/ifd/14,19,nor,nor,rem,12924,6290 9807001251785/if3/0,in,2,2,,,present,500.10,rem,lock,47946 9807001251792/vc06/272.89,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,27987 9807001251799/vc11/237.99,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,7114 9807001251831/tpi/56469,45469,29711,20462,43493,28025,32784,15611,12929,47946 9807001251854/tpi/15588,8298,7120,11683,9874,11253,6464 9807001251856?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device v1 overflowed or were less than zero. 9807001251857/tsys1/$$$$$$$$,53.8,52.7,45.7,47.7,45.7,46.8,46.2,49.9,45.4 9807001251858/tsys2/67.5,66.2,63.1,63.4,66.2,66.8,137.0 9807001251859:!070012625 9807001262500:"data stop" 9807001262501:et 9807001262515:!+3s 9807001262817:tape 9807001262828/tape/off,03229,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9807001262829:postob 9807001262830:source=1424-418,142446.7,-415254.7,1950.0 9807001262831#antcn#Command a new source 9807001262894#antcn#Successfully sent new source position to antenna 9807001262895:check2c2 9807001270986/parity/0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,16. 9807001270986/parity/0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 9807001272270:wb2c2=12 9807001272393/pass/12,12,auto,-55.0,-55.0,-54.3,-54.2,0.7,0.8 9807001272737:!070013008 9807001300800:tape 9807001300812/tape/off,03224,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9807001300812:st=rev,135 9807001300826:!070013018 9807001301800:preob 9807001301800#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9807001301860/onsource/TRACKING 9807001302100/tpical/$$$$$,59909,40213,27763,57712,36504,41911,19507,17600,64063 9807001302123/tpical/20652,11129,9595,16335,13689,15008,10986 9807001302131:!070013028 9807001302800:tape 9807001302812/tape/off,03030,norm,moving,nostop,locked,ready,rem 9807001302812:"data start" 9807001302812:midob 9807001302812#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9807001302860/onsource/TRACKING 9807001302956#wx#/WX/25.8,1016.2, 39.1 9807001302978?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807001302980?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807001303032?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807001303084?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807001303092/ifd/14,19,nor,nor,rem,15229,10341 9807001303099/if3/0,in,2,2,,,present,500.10,rem,lock,54592 9807001303106/vc06/272.89,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,31342 9807001303113/vc11/237.99,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,8474 9807001303145/tpi/$$$$$,51937,34980,23873,49682,31342,35911,16766,15226,54599 9807001303168/tpi/18253,9843,8474,14703,11579,13406,10233 9807001303170?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device v1 overflowed or were less than zero. 9807001303171/tsys1/$$$$$$$$,63.6,64.3,58.6,60.2,58.7,57.3,56.7,61.7,56.4 9807001303172/tsys2/78.8,77.3,75.9,91.2,54.9,82.8,139.0 9807001303173:!070013216 9807001321600:"data stop" 9807001321600:et 9807001321614:!+3s 9807001321915:tape 9807001321926/tape/off,01801,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9807001321926:postob 9807001321926:source=1741-038,174120.6,-034848.9,1950.0 9807001321927#antcn#Command a new source 9807001321977#antcn#Successfully sent new source position to antenna 9807001321978:check2c2 9807001330065/parity/0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0. 9807001330065/parity/0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 9807001331352:wb2c2=12 9807001331409/pass/12,12,auto,-55.0,-55.0,-55.0,-54.2,-0.0,0.8 9807001331753:!070013529 9807001352900:tape 9807001352912/tape/off,01795,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9807001352912:st=rev,135 9807001352926:!070013539 9807001353900:preob 9807001353900#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9807001353954/onsource/TRACKING 9807001354194/tpical/$$$$$,58636,38614,26974,54898,36418,41526,19834,16796,61638 9807001354217/tpical/19955,10605,9182,15727,12633,14642,15358 9807001354225:!070013549 9807001354900:tape 9807001354912/tape/off,01601,norm,moving,nostop,locked,ready,rem 9807001354912:"data start" 9807001354912:midob 9807001354912#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9807001354965/onsource/TRACKING 9807001355046#wx#/WX/26.2,1016.2, 40.0 9807001355066?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807001355069?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807001355122?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807001355175?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807001355184/ifd/14,19,nor,nor,rem,14417,14462 9807001355191/if3/0,in,2,2,,,present,500.10,rem,lock,51987 9807001355198/vc06/272.89,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,30750 9807001355205/vc11/237.99,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,8065 9807001355236/tpi/62245,50649,33317,22810,46576,30761,35303,16966,14419,51974 9807001355258/tpi/17556,9353,8065,13945,11224,13147,14438 9807001355259?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device v1 overflowed or were less than zero. 9807001355259/tsys1/$$$$$$$$,61.9,60.5,52.2,54.4,52.6,54.3,54.9,58.3,52.6 9807001355260/tsys2/75.8,75.3,72.3,79.1,79.6,86.9,161.7 9807001355260:!070013659 9807001365900:"data stop" 9807001365900:et 9807001365916:!+3s 9807001370217:tape 9807001370229/tape/off,00800,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9807001370229:postob 9807001370229:source=1921-293,192142.3,-292026.3,1950.0 9807001370230#antcn#Command a new source 9807001370283#antcn#Successfully sent new source position to antenna 9807001370284:midtp 9807001370527/tpzero/522,237,640,628,343,417,848,902,308,87 9807001370549/tpzero/222,383,378,525,548,787,269 9807001370568/rx/00(front),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,29.97 9807001370579/rx/01(rear),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,39.98 9807001370590/rx/02(lo),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,48.04 9807001370601/rx/03(dcal),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,48.29 9807001370612/rx/0E(lo5mhz),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,0.970 9807001370623/rx/17(pres),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,5.074 9807001370634/rx/1E(20k),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,27.85 9807001370645/rx/1F(70k),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,55.38 9807001370645:wb2c1=13 9807001371174/pass/13,13,auto,0.0,0.0,-0.3,0.1,-0.3,0.1 9807001371519:fastr=0m33s 9807001371568?ERROR ch -336 Enabled tracks do not check with requested tracks 9807001374850:!+5s 9807001375351:!070013855 9807001385500:tape 9807001385513/tape/low,00088,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9807001385513:st=for,135 9807001385529:!070013905 9807001390500:preob 9807001390500#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9807001390561/onsource/TRACKING 9807001390803/tpical/63581,50433,33324,23165,46691,31337,35324,17107,14482,52480 9807001390827/tpical/18263,9717,8383,13925,11416,12987,7918 9807001390836:!070013915 9807001391501:tape 9807001391513/tape/off,00282,norm,moving,nostop,locked,ready,rem 9807001391513:"data start" 9807001391513:midob 9807001391513#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9807001391580/onsource/TRACKING 9807001391660#wx#/WX/26.5,1016.2, 38.4 9807001391679?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807001391682?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807001391734?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807001391785?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807001391792/ifd/14,19,nor,nor,rem,12138,7502 9807001391799/if3/0,in,2,2,,,present,500.10,rem,lock,43016 9807001391806/vc06/272.89,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,25772 9807001391812/vc11/237.99,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,7282 9807001391843/tpi/53774,42717,28060,19109,38636,25772,29279,14255,12134,43028 9807001391866/tpi/15841,8445,7282,11960,9880,11325,7783 9807001391867/tsys1/53.2,54.0,51.0,44.7,46.6,44.7,46.1,45.9,49.4,44.5 9807001391868/tsys2/67.7,66.5,65.8,61.1,63.8,66.6,584.4 9807001391868:!070014025 9807001402500:"data stop" 9807001402500:et 9807001402517:!+3s 9807001402818:tape 9807001402831/tape/off,01084,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9807001402831:postob 9807001402831:source=1954-388,195439.1,-385313.5,1950.0 9807001402831#antcn#Command a new source 9807001402899#antcn#Successfully sent new source position to antenna 9807001402900:check2c1 9807001410990/parity/0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0. 9807001410990/parity/0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 9807001412274:wb2c1=13 9807001412332/pass/13,13,auto,0.0,0.0,-0.3,0.1,-0.3,0.1 9807001412679:!070014208 9807001420800:tape 9807001420813/tape/off,01090,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9807001420813:st=for,135 9807001420829:!070014218 9807001421800:preob 9807001421800#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9807001421858#antcn#Successfully sent new source position to antenna 9807001421858?ERROR qo -301 WARNING: ONSOURCE status is SLEWING! 9807001421859/onsource/SLEWING 9807001422103/tpical/62280,49475,32760,22760,45928,30853,34738,16909,14235,51601 9807001422127/tpical/17898,9541,8242,13566,11259,12761,6671 9807001422136:!070014228 9807001422800:tape 9807001422812/tape/off,01284,norm,moving,nostop,locked,ready,rem 9807001422812:"data start" 9807001422812:midob 9807001422812#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9807001422867#antcn#Currently slewing to requested source 9807001422867?ERROR qo -301 WARNING: ONSOURCE status is SLEWING! 9807001422867/onsource/SLEWING 9807001422954#wx#/WX/26.6,1016.1, 37.7 9807001422974?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807001422975?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807001423026?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807001423077?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807001423084/ifd/14,19,nor,nor,rem,11886,6619 9807001423091/if3/0,in,2,2,,,present,500.10,rem,lock,42106 9807001423098/vc06/272.89,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,25286 9807001423105/vc11/237.99,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,7163 9807001423136/tpi/52418,41517,27569,18653,37807,25232,28528,13978,11889,42071 9807001423159/tpi/15568,8310,7163,11782,9685,11095,6534 9807001423160/tsys1/51.6,50.8,50.8,43.0,45.2,43.3,43.7,43.7,48.4,43.2 9807001423161/tsys2/69.2,67.6,66.0,66.3,61.0,65.0,480.2 9807001423161:!070014338 9807001433800:"data stop" 9807001433800:et 9807001433817:!+3s 9807001434118:tape 9807001434130/tape/off,02086,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9807001434130:postob 9807001434130:source=1958-179,195804.6,-175717.0,1950.0 9807001434131#antcn#Command a new source 9807001434176#antcn#Successfully sent new source position to antenna 9807001434176:check2c1 9807001442269/parity/0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0. 9807001442269/parity/0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 9807001443551:wb2c1=13 9807001443609/pass/13,13,auto,0.0,0.0,-0.3,0.1,-0.3,0.1 9807001443955:!070014522 9807001452200:tape 9807001452213/tape/off,02091,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9807001452213:st=for,135 9807001452230:!070014532 9807001453201:preob 9807001453201#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9807001453254/onsource/TRACKING 9807001453495/tpical/53366,42282,27586,19001,39017,25613,29361,14143,12066,43003 9807001453520/tpical/15471,8261,7136,11886,9686,11114,6285 9807001453529:!070014542 9807001454200:tape 9807001454212/tape/off,02285,norm,moving,nostop,locked,ready,rem 9807001454212:"data start" 9807001454212:midob 9807001454212#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9807001454264/onsource/TRACKING 9807001454349#wx#/WX/26.8,1016.2, 36.7 9807001454368?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807001454369?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807001454421?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807001454472?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807001454479/ifd/14,19,nor,nor,rem,12050,5778 9807001454486/if3/0,in,2,2,,,present,500.10,rem,lock,42955 9807001454493/vc06/272.89,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,25593 9807001454500/vc11/237.99,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,7136 9807001454531/tpi/53392,42295,27622,18941,39014,25554,29338,14127,12052,42943 9807001454553/tpi/15468,8255,7132,11780,9707,11108,5592 9807001454554?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device v1 overflowed or were less than zero. 9807001454554?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device v2 overflowed or were less than zero. 9807001454554?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device v3 overflowed or were less than zero. 9807001454554/tsys1/-19927.9,-31705.3,-7345.1,2991.1,126325.3,4175.3,12139.2,8100.3,8220.8,6999.8 9807001454555?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device vd overflowed or were less than zero. 9807001454555/tsys2/53361.0,13776.0,17729.3,1114.9,-4579.5,18061.8,80.7 9807001454555:!070014830 9807001483000:"data stop" 9807001483000:et 9807001483015:!+3s 9807001483316:tape 9807001483327/tape/off,04189,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9807001483327:postob 9807001483327:source=0119+115,011903.1,113409.2,1950.0 9807001483328#antcn#Command a new source 9807001483382#antcn#Successfully sent new source position to antenna 9807001483382:check2c1 9807001491474/parity/0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0. 9807001491474/parity/0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 9807001492757:wb2c1=13 9807001493698?ERROR q@ -404 Head positioning failed to converge. 9807001494043:!070015057 9807001505700:tape 9807001505712/tape/off,04194,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9807001505712:st=for,135 9807001505726:!070015107 9807001510700:preob 9807001510700#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9807001510769/onsource/TRACKING 9807001511009/tpical/$$$$$,54505,36034,25313,55402,33814,39546,18784,15919,59424 9807001511032/tpical/18138,9605,8327,14231,11570,13117,6702 9807001511040:!070015117 9807001511700:tape 9807001511712/tape/off,04389,norm,moving,nostop,locked,ready,rem 9807001511712:"data start" 9807001511712:midob 9807001511712#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9807001511739/onsource/TRACKING 9807001511819#wx#/WX/27.3,1016.1, 36.9 9807001511839?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807001511841?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807001511893?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807001511945?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807001511953/ifd/14,19,nor,nor,rem,13466,5994 9807001511960/if3/0,in,2,2,,,present,500.10,rem,lock,49403 9807001511967/vc06/272.89,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,28270 9807001511976/vc11/237.99,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,7238 9807001512008/tpi/59675,46583,30709,21114,46557,28270,33091,15832,13466,49407 9807001512031/tpi/15800,8383,7237,12314,10096,11463,6099 9807001512033?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device v1 overflowed or were less than zero. 9807001512034/tsys1/$$$$$$$$,57.3,55.3,47.8,51.2,49.2,49.0,49.6,52.6,48.3 9807001512035/tsys2/70.0,68.7,66.1,64.6,68.0,67.8,101.5 9807001512036:!070015626 9807001562600:"data stop" 9807001562600:et 9807001562615:!+3s 9807001562916:tape 9807001562927/tape/off,07879,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9807001562927:postob 9807001562927:source=1057-797,105749.7,-794748.0,1950.0 9807001562928#antcn#Command a new source 9807001562974#antcn#Successfully sent new source position to antenna 9807001562974:midtp 9807001563215/tpzero/526,222,644,632,344,424,847,901,311,86 9807001563238/tpzero/232,386,385,527,548,787,269 9807001563258/rx/00(front),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,31.07 9807001563270/rx/01(rear),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,41.33 9807001563282/rx/02(lo),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,49.26 9807001563294/rx/03(dcal),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,48.41 9807001563306/rx/0E(lo5mhz),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,0.970 9807001563318/rx/17(pres),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,5.248 9807001563330/rx/1E(20k),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,28.31 9807001563342/rx/1F(70k),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,55.89 9807001563342:check2c1 9807001571433/parity/0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0. 9807001571433/parity/0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 9807001572716:wb2c2=14 9807001573330/pass/14,14,auto,0.0,0.0,-0.8,-0.2,-0.8,-0.2 9807001573676:fastf=0m46s 9807001582307:!+5s 9807001582808:!070021158 9807002115800:tape 9807002115812/tape/off,08890,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9807002115812:st=rev,135 9807002115826:!070021208 9807002120800:preob 9807002120800#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9807002120868/onsource/TRACKING 9807002121109/tpical/63562,48915,32292,22461,45467,29528,33591,15926,14259,50604 9807002121132/tpical/17550,9353,8117,13459,11090,12673,6107 9807002121140:!070021218 9807002121800:tape 9807002121813/tape/off,08696,norm,moving,nostop,locked,ready,rem 9807002121813:"data start" 9807002121813:midob 9807002121813#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9807002121848/onsource/TRACKING 9807002121923#wx#/WX/27.8,1016.0, 33.9 9807002121947?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807002121949?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807002122001?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807002122053?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807002122061/ifd/14,19,nor,nor,rem,11990,5808 9807002122068/if3/0,in,2,2,,,present,500.10,rem,lock,41654 9807002122075/vc06/272.89,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,24348 9807002122082/vc11/237.99,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,7031 9807002122114/tpi/53869,41498,27296,18586,37675,24348,27774,13315,11984,41628 9807002122137/tpi/15218,8138,7030,11620,9626,10961,5837 9807002122139/tsys1/53.9,54.5,52.3,45.4,47.0,45.3,45.4,46.6,50.3,45.4 9807002122140/tsys2/67.5,67.0,64.2,63.3,65.1,62.4,216.5 9807002122141:!070021646 9807002164600:"data stop" 9807002164600:et 9807002164615:!+3s 9807002164917:tape 9807002164928/tape/off,05667,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9807002164928:postob 9807002164928:source=1610-771,161051.6,-770952.6,1950.0 9807002164929#antcn#Command a new source 9807002164963#antcn#Successfully sent new source position to antenna 9807002164963:check2c2 9807002173054/parity/0.,0.,0.,522.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0. 9807002173054/parity/0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 9807002174337:wb2c2=14 9807002174424/pass/14,14,auto,0.0,0.0,-0.1,-0.2,-0.1,-0.2 9807002174769:!070022050 9807002205000:tape 9807002205012/tape/off,05661,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9807002205012:st=rev,135 9807002205026:!070022100 9807002210001:preob 9807002210001#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9807002210029/onsource/TRACKING 9807002210269/tpical/61942,48895,32128,22238,43722,29125,33073,15846,14029,49427 9807002210292/tpical/17377,9282,8020,13190,11051,12477,6404 9807002210300:!070022110 9807002211000:tape 9807002211012/tape/off,05467,norm,moving,nostop,locked,ready,rem 9807002211012:"data start" 9807002211012:midob 9807002211012#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9807002211049/onsource/TRACKING 9807002211127#wx#/WX/27.5,1015.8, 42.5 9807002211147?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807002211148?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807002211200?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807002211252?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807002211260/ifd/14,19,nor,nor,rem,11737,5806 9807002211267/if3/0,in,2,2,,,present,500.10,rem,lock,40515 9807002211274/vc06/272.89,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,24020 9807002211281/vc11/237.99,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,6954 9807002211314/tpi/52194,41314,27014,18346,36084,24020,27316,13219,11739,40531 9807002211337/tpi/15068,8059,6952,11447,9486,10824,5745 9807002211339/tsys1/51.9,53.1,50.5,44.6,45.9,45.3,45.1,46.0,48.9,44.6 9807002211340/tsys2/67.5,65.9,64.6,65.8,60.0,63.8,87.3 9807002211341:!070022338 9807002233800:"data stop" 9807002233800:et 9807002233815:!+3s 9807002234116:tape 9807002234127/tape/off,03788,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9807002234127:postob 9807002234127:source=1921-293,192142.3,-292026.3,1950.0 9807002234128#antcn#Command a new source 9807002234167#antcn#Successfully sent new source position to antenna 9807002234167:check2c2 9807002242260/parity/0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0. 9807002242260/parity/0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 9807002243543:wb2c2=14 9807002243600/pass/14,14,auto,0.0,0.0,-0.1,-0.2,-0.1,-0.2 9807002243945:!070023719 9807002371900:tape 9807002371912/tape/off,03784,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9807002371912:st=rev,135 9807002371926:!070023729 9807002372900:preob 9807002372900#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9807002372953/onsource/TRACKING 9807002373193/tpical/62322,49219,32758,22985,44359,29995,33457,16068,14271,50158 9807002373217/tpical/17642,9443,8178,13619,11277,13663,8656 9807002373225:!070023739 9807002373900:tape 9807002373912/tape/off,03590,norm,moving,nostop,locked,ready,rem 9807002373912:"data start" 9807002373912:midob 9807002373912#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9807002373934/onsource/TRACKING 9807002374018#wx#/WX/26.8,1015.7, 43.3 9807002374038?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807002374039?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807002374091?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807002374143?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807002374151/ifd/14,19,nor,nor,rem,12020,8399 9807002374158/if3/0,in,2,2,,,present,500.10,rem,lock,41348 9807002374165/vc06/272.89,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,24845 9807002374172/vc11/237.99,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,7117 9807002374206/tpi/52910,41890,27746,19067,36875,24845,27884,13452,12020,41319 9807002374229/tpi/15365,8249,7122,11802,9823,11486,8028 9807002374231/tsys1/54.5,55.7,53.0,46.1,47.8,46.5,47.5,47.0,51.0,45.7 9807002374232/tsys2/69.8,69.1,67.0,65.2,67.0,51.6,129.7 9807002374233:!070023849 9807002384900:"data stop" 9807002384901:et 9807002384915:!+3s 9807002385217:tape 9807002385228/tape/off,02788,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9807002385229:postob 9807002385230:source=1954-388,195439.1,-385313.5,1950.0 9807002385231#antcn#Command a new source 9807002385282#antcn#Successfully sent new source position to antenna 9807002385283:check2c2 9807002393374/parity/0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0. 9807002393375/parity/0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 9807002394657:wb2c2=14 9807002394714/pass/14,14,auto,0.0,0.0,-0.1,-0.2,-0.1,-0.2 9807002395060:!070024032 9807002403200:tape 9807002403212/tape/off,02783,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9807002403212:st=rev,135 9807002403226:!070024042 9807002404200:preob 9807002404200#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9807002404260/onsource/TRACKING 9807002404500/tpical/60751,47999,31831,22124,42955,28882,32488,15489,13860,48500 9807002404523/tpical/17216,9228,7984,13454,10902,12525,7686 9807002404531:!070024052 9807002405200:tape 9807002405212/tape/off,02589,norm,moving,nostop,locked,ready,rem 9807002405212:"data start" 9807002405212:midob 9807002405212#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9807002405279/onsource/TRACKING 9807002405352#wx#/WX/26.7,1015.7, 42.7 9807002405372?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807002405374?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807002405426?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807002405478?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807002405486/ifd/14,19,nor,nor,rem,11615,6830 9807002405493/if3/0,in,2,2,,,present,500.10,rem,lock,39731 9807002405500/vc06/272.89,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,23727 9807002405508/vc11/237.99,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,6927 9807002405540/tpi/51328,40638,26786,18265,35467,23700,26896,12885,11612,39719 9807002405563/tpi/14916,8012,6927,12253,9468,10821,6686 9807002405565/tsys1/52.8,53.8,50.8,44.8,46.0,44.0,45.7,45.1,49.3,44.2 9807002405566/tsys2/67.0,65.8,65.0,102.5,65.3,61.8,67.4 9807002405566:!070024202 9807002420200:"data stop" 9807002420201:et 9807002420215:!+3s 9807002420517:tape 9807002420528/tape/off,01788,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9807002420529:postob 9807002420530:source=2128-123,212852.7,-122020.6,1950.0 9807002420531#antcn#Command a new source 9807002420568#antcn#Successfully sent new source position to antenna 9807002420570:midtp 9807002420811/tpzero/527,220,658,633,344,431,861,910,335,84 9807002420834/tpzero/231,387,388,530,555,796,284 9807002420854/rx/00(front),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,31.92 9807002420866/rx/01(rear),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,42.79 9807002420879/rx/02(lo),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,51.58 9807002420891/rx/03(dcal),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,48.65 9807002420903/rx/0E(lo5mhz),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,0.974 9807002420915/rx/17(pres),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,5.423 9807002420927/rx/1E(20k),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,28.95 9807002420939/rx/1F(70k),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,56.40 9807002420940:wb2c1=15 9807002421432/pass/15,15,auto,55.0,55.0,55.3,54.8,0.3,-0.2 9807002421777:fastr=1m16s 9807002421825?ERROR ch -336 Enabled tracks do not check with requested tracks 9807002433407:!+5s 9807002433908:!070024412 9807002441200:tape 9807002441212/tape/low,00108,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9807002441212:st=for,135 9807002441226:!070024422 9807002442200:preob 9807002442200#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9807002442226/onsource/TRACKING 9807002442466/tpical/63039,50027,33041,22865,46749,30248,34686,16223,14474,51312 9807002442489/tpical/17148,9147,7931,13123,10945,12507,6482 9807002442497:!070024432 9807002443200:tape 9807002443212/tape/off,00302,norm,moving,nostop,locked,ready,rem 9807002443212:"data start" 9807002443212:midob 9807002443212#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9807002443256/onsource/TRACKING 9807002443327#wx#/WX/26.5,1015.7, 43.4 9807002443346?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807002443348?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807002443400?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807002443452?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807002443460/ifd/14,19,nor,nor,rem,12147,5382 9807002443467/if3/0,in,2,2,,,present,500.10,rem,lock,42143 9807002443474/vc06/272.89,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,24891 9807002443481/vc11/237.99,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,6868 9807002443515/tpi/53365,42330,27890,18883,38762,24891,28700,13486,12141,42132 9807002443538/tpi/14890,7976,6873,11365,9513,10893,5472 9807002443540/tsys1/53.5,53.6,51.8,44.9,47.1,44.7,45.6,45.0,49.6,44.9 9807002443541/tsys2/68.2,68.0,64.4,64.7,65.7,65.7,53.9 9807002443542:!070024701 9807002470100:"data stop" 9807002470100:et 9807002470114:!+3s 9807002470416:tape 9807002470427/tape/off,01992,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9807002470427:postob 9807002470427:source=1958-179,195804.6,-175717.0,1950.0 9807002470428#antcn#Command a new source 9807002470483#antcn#Successfully sent new source position to antenna 9807002470484:check2c1 9807002474572/parity/0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0. 9807002474572/parity/0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 9807002475858:wb2c1=15 9807002475945/pass/15,15,auto,55.0,55.0,54.6,54.8,-0.4,-0.2 9807002480290:!070024846 9807002484600:tape 9807002484612/tape/off,01997,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9807002484612:st=for,135 9807002484626:!070024856 9807002485600:preob 9807002485600#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9807002485622/onsource/TRACKING 9807002485862/tpical/62677,49201,32762,22853,45748,30550,34416,15893,14396,51071 9807002485885/tpical/17451,9328,8018,13328,11006,12645,7004 9807002485893:!070024906 9807002490600:tape 9807002490612/tape/off,02192,norm,moving,nostop,locked,ready,rem 9807002490612:"data start" 9807002490612:midob 9807002490612#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9807002490652/onsource/TRACKING 9807002490739#wx#/WX/26.2,1015.7, 46.2 9807002490759?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807002490760?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807002490812?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807002490864?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807002490872/ifd/14,19,nor,nor,rem,12103,6987 9807002490878/if3/0,in,2,2,,,present,500.10,rem,lock,42044 9807002490885/vc06/272.89,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,25200 9807002490893/vc11/237.99,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,6986 9807002490925/tpi/53112,41715,27647,18910,38033,25208,28564,13269,12104,42046 9807002490948/tpi/15205,8119,6991,11573,9566,11126,6970 9807002490950/tsys1/53.9,54.3,51.7,45.4,47.9,45.5,46.4,46.2,50.3,45.6 9807002490951/tsys2/70.0,67.2,67.5,66.1,65.7,71.4,2064.8 9807002490952:!070025206 9807002520600:"data stop" 9807002520600:et 9807002520615:!+3s 9807002520916:tape 9807002520927/tape/off,04230,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9807002520927:postob 9807002520927:source=0048-097,004810.0,-094524.2,1950.0 9807002520928#antcn#Command a new source 9807002520979#antcn#Successfully sent new source position to antenna 9807002520979:check2c1 9807002525069/parity/0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0. 9807002525069/parity/0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 9807002530354:wb2c1=15 9807002530411/pass/15,15,auto,55.0,55.0,54.6,54.8,-0.4,-0.2 9807002530757:!070030536 9807003053600:tape 9807003053612/tape/off,04234,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9807003053612:st=for,135 9807003053625:!070030546 9807003054600:preob 9807003054600#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9807003054656/onsource/TRACKING 9807003054897/tpical/63503,51252,33258,23159,47919,30520,35466,14794,14967,52145 9807003054920/tpical/16832,8944,7742,13118,10735,12320,9288 9807003054928:!070030556 9807003055600:tape 9807003055612/tape/off,04429,norm,moving,nostop,locked,ready,rem 9807003055612:"data start" 9807003055612:midob 9807003055612#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9807003055665/onsource/TRACKING 9807003055749#wx#/WX/26.3,1015.6, 45.0 9807003055769?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807003055770?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807003055822?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807003055874?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807003055882/ifd/14,19,nor,nor,rem,12630,8181 9807003055889/if3/0,in,2,2,,,present,500.10,rem,lock,42842 9807003055896/vc06/272.89,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,25210 9807003055903/vc11/237.99,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,6717 9807003055935/tpi/53841,43537,28098,19175,39693,25174,29339,12348,12633,42833 9807003055958/tpi/14561,7774,6724,11624,9376,10780,7759 9807003055960/tsys1/54.1,55.0,52.1,45.6,46.9,45.4,45.5,45.8,51.6,45.0 9807003055961/tsys2/66.3,66.3,65.4,78.0,68.2,68.1,51.3 9807003055962:!070030706 9807003070600:"data stop" 9807003070601:et 9807003070615:!+3s 9807003070917:tape 9807003070928/tape/off,05230,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9807003070929:postob 9807003070930:source=0119+115,011903.1,113409.2,1950.0 9807003070931#antcn#Command a new source 9807003070993#antcn#Successfully sent new source position to antenna 9807003070995:midtp 9807003071235/tpzero/523,217,664,639,343,437,864,914,352,83 9807003071258/tpzero/227,394,395,533,558,803,290 9807003071278/rx/00(front),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,32.05 9807003071290/rx/01(rear),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,44.26 9807003071302/rx/02(lo),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,51.83 9807003071314/rx/03(dcal),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,48.53 9807003071326/rx/0E(lo5mhz),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,0.977 9807003071338/rx/17(pres),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,5.599 9807003071350/rx/1E(20k),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,29.11 9807003071362/rx/1F(70k),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,56.40 9807003071363:check2c1 9807003075451/parity/0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0. 9807003075452/parity/0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 9807003080735:wb2c2=16 9807003081565/pass/16,16,auto,55.0,55.0,54.8,55.1,-0.2,0.1 9807003081910:fastf=2m45s 9807003110442:!+5s 9807003110943:!070031311 9807003131100:tape 9807003131113/tape/off,08918,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9807003131113:st=rev,135 9807003131127:!070031321 9807003132100:preob 9807003132100#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9807003132168/onsource/TRACKING 9807003132408/tpical/64076,51579,33846,23867,50207,31588,36866,16069,15064,54445 9807003132431/tpical/16961,9007,7803,13106,10894,12383,6024 9807003132439:!070031331 9807003133100:tape 9807003133112/tape/off,08724,norm,moving,nostop,locked,ready,rem 9807003133112:"data start" 9807003133112:midob 9807003133112#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9807003133137/onsource/TRACKING 9807003133216#wx#/WX/26.4,1015.4, 43.8 9807003133236?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807003133237?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807003133289?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807003133341?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807003133349/ifd/14,19,nor,nor,rem,12697,5267 9807003133356/if3/0,in,2,2,,,present,500.10,rem,lock,44972 9807003133363/vc06/272.89,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,26172 9807003133370/vc11/237.99,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,6782 9807003133402/tpi/54546,43808,28682,19836,41801,26172,30689,13458,12697,44972 9807003133425/tpi/14737,7846,6787,11396,9503,10849,5533 9807003133428/tsys1/55.6,55.0,53.2,46.7,48.3,46.6,47.3,47.1,51.1,46.4 9807003133429/tsys2/68.5,67.4,66.1,66.7,67.5,68.8,112.1 9807003133430:!070031840 9807003184000:"data stop" 9807003184000:et 9807003184015:!+3s 9807003184316:tape 9807003184327/tape/off,05234,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9807003184327:postob 9807003184327:source=1921-293,192142.3,-292026.3,1950.0 9807003184328#antcn#Command a new source 9807003184362#antcn#Successfully sent new source position to antenna 9807003184362:check2c2 9807003192448/parity/0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0. 9807003192448/parity/0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 9807003193734:wb2c2=16 9807003193791/pass/16,16,auto,55.0,55.0,54.8,55.1,-0.2,0.1 9807003194135:!070032501 9807003250100:tape 9807003250112/tape/off,05230,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9807003250112:st=rev,135 9807003250125:!070032511 9807003251100:preob 9807003251100#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9807003251146/onsource/TRACKING 9807003251386/tpical/62927,50514,33652,23175,45006,30150,33577,15478,14620,50351 9807003251409/tpical/17489,9403,8114,13621,11373,13028,8587 9807003251417:!070032521 9807003252100:tape 9807003252112/tape/off,05035,norm,moving,nostop,locked,ready,rem 9807003252112:"data start" 9807003252112:midob 9807003252112#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9807003252176/onsource/TRACKING 9807003252255#wx#/WX/26.2,1015.4, 44.1 9807003252275?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807003252277?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807003252329?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807003252381?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807003252389/ifd/14,19,nor,nor,rem,12393,7437 9807003252396/if3/0,in,2,2,,,present,500.10,rem,lock,41809 9807003252403/vc06/272.89,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,25122 9807003252411/vc11/237.99,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,7079 9807003252443/tpi/53727,43185,28666,19385,37643,25086,28080,13058,12388,41778 9807003252466/tpi/15260,8224,7079,11969,10152,11263,7157 9807003252468/tsys1/56.7,57.5,55.0,48.5,49.6,47.7,48.5,49.2,52.8,47.7 9807003252469/tsys2/70.8,69.7,67.8,72.7,82.5,62.2,50.4 9807003252470:!070032631 9807003263100:"data stop" 9807003263101:et 9807003263114:!+3s 9807003263416:tape 9807003263427/tape/off,04234,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9807003263428:postob 9807003263429:source=1958-179,195804.6,-175717.0,1950.0 9807003263430#antcn#Command a new source 9807003263475#antcn#Successfully sent new source position to antenna 9807003263476:wb2c2=16 9807003263533/pass/16,16,auto,55.0,55.0,54.8,55.1,-0.2,0.1 9807003263878:!070032749 9807003274900:tape 9807003274912/tape/off,04234,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9807003274912:st=rev,135 9807003274926:!070032759 9807003275900:preob 9807003275900#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9807003275943/onsource/TRACKING 9807003280183/tpical/63195,50245,33786,23020,45611,30404,34353,15696,14686,51167 9807003280206/tpical/17357,9311,8023,13652,11202,12751,8677 9807003280214:!070032809 9807003280900:tape 9807003280912/tape/off,04040,norm,moving,nostop,locked,ready,rem 9807003280912:"data start" 9807003280912:midob 9807003280912#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9807003280973/onsource/TRACKING 9807003281050#wx#/WX/26.2,1015.2, 45.2 9807003281071?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807003281073?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807003281125?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807003281177?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807003281185/ifd/14,19,nor,nor,rem,12439,7982 9807003281192/if3/0,in,2,2,,,present,500.10,rem,lock,42493 9807003281200/vc06/272.89,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,25346 9807003281208/vc11/237.99,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,7000 9807003281240/tpi/53984,42953,28749,19218,38206,25345,28805,13227,12430,42472 9807003281263/tpi/15118,8142,7000,12104,9670,11243,8255 9807003281265/tsys1/56.9,57.4,54.6,47.9,50.1,48.3,49.4,48.9,52.5,47.8 9807003281266/tsys2/69.8,69.6,67.8,78.5,62.5,72.7,198.2 9807003281267:!070033154 9807003315400:"data stop" 9807003315400:et 9807003315415:!+3s 9807003315717:tape 9807003315728/tape/off,01495,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9807003315728:postob 9807003315728:source=1954-388,195439.1,-385313.5,1950.0 9807003315729#antcn#Command a new source 9807003315789#antcn#Successfully sent new source position to antenna 9807003315789:check2c2 9807003323879/parity/0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0. 9807003323879/parity/0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 9807003325163:wb2c2=16 9807003325220/pass/16,16,auto,55.0,55.0,54.8,55.8,-0.2,0.8 9807003325565:!070033402 9807003340201:tape 9807003340213/tape/off,01490,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9807003340213:st=rev,135 9807003340227:!070033412 9807003341200:preob 9807003341200#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9807003341237/onsource/TRACKING 9807003341477/tpical/60880,48744,32422,22279,43426,29180,32623,15075,14111,48540 9807003341500/tpical/16877,9091,7841,13163,10771,12462,8106 9807003341508:!070033422 9807003342200:tape 9807003342212/tape/off,01296,norm,moving,nostop,locked,ready,rem 9807003342212:"data start" 9807003342212:midob 9807003342212#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9807003342267/onsource/TRACKING 9807003342339#wx#/WX/26.8,1015.1, 43.6 9807003342359?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807003342361?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807003342413?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807003342465?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807003342473/ifd/14,19,nor,nor,rem,11863,6849 9807003342480/if3/0,in,2,2,,,present,500.10,rem,lock,39929 9807003342487/vc06/272.89,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,24073 9807003342494/vc11/237.99,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,6817 9807003342526/tpi/51690,41284,27371,18430,36023,24086,27057,12595,11858,39926 9807003342549/tpi/14699,7926,6812,11416,9355,10818,6746 9807003342551/tsys1/54.6,53.9,51.8,45.3,47.2,45.5,46.1,46.2,50.0,45.3 9807003342552/tsys2/69.8,67.9,65.5,65.4,65.2,64.0,49.8 9807003342553:!070033532 9807003353200:"data stop" 9807003353201:et 9807003353214:!+3s 9807003353515:tape 9807003353526/tape/off,00494,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9807003353527:postob 9807003353527:source=2128-123,212852.7,-122020.6,1950.0 9807003353529#antcn#Command a new source 9807003353576#antcn#Successfully sent new source position to antenna 9807003353577:midtp 9807003353817/tpzero/520,212,673,644,343,444,867,920,363,81 9807003353840/tpzero/230,395,395,535,567,809,292 9807003353860/rx/00(front),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,32.78 9807003353872/rx/01(rear),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,44.50 9807003353884/rx/02(lo),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,52.80 9807003353896/rx/03(dcal),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,48.65 9807003353909/rx/0E(lo5mhz),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,0.979 9807003353921/rx/17(pres),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,5.599 9807003353934/rx/1E(20k),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,28.95 9807003353946/rx/1F(70k),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,56.40 9807003353947:wb2c1=17 9807003354423/pass/17,17,auto,110.0,110.0,110.9,110.2,0.9,0.2 9807003354767:fastr=0m17s 9807003354815?ERROR ch -336 Enabled tracks do not check with requested tracks 9807003360498:!+5s 9807003360999:!070033731 9807003373100:tape 9807003373112/tape/off,00143,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9807003373112:st=for,135 9807003373126:!070033741 9807003374100:preob 9807003374100#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9807003374144/onsource/TRACKING 9807003374384/tpical/53266,42788,28405,18886,38087,24603,28644,12761,12377,41447 9807003374408/tpical/14780,7962,6833,12021,9453,10820,5557 9807003374416:!070033751 9807003375100:tape 9807003375112/tape/off,00338,norm,moving,nostop,locked,ready,rem 9807003375112:"data start" 9807003375112:midob 9807003375112#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9807003375164/onsource/TRACKING 9807003375234#wx#/WX/26.5,1015.1, 43.0 9807003375253?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807003375255?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807003375307?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807003375359?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807003375367/ifd/14,19,nor,nor,rem,12411,5630 9807003375374/if3/0,in,2,2,,,present,500.10,rem,lock,41534 9807003375381/vc06/272.89,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,24650 9807003375388/vc11/237.99,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,6834 9807003375420/tpi/53362,42840,28389,18923,38109,24616,28646,12759,12392,41488 9807003375443/tpi/14762,7970,6850,11765,9448,10903,5556 9807003375445?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device v1 overflowed or were less than zero. 9807003375445?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device v2 overflowed or were less than zero. 9807003375445?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device v4 overflowed or were less than zero. 9807003375445?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device v5 overflowed or were less than zero. 9807003375445?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device v6 overflowed or were less than zero. 9807003375445?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device v7 overflowed or were less than zero. 9807003375445?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device i1 overflowed or were less than zero. 9807003375445?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device i3 overflowed or were less than zero. 9807003375451/tsys1/-5394.3,-8033.7,16976.1,-4841.5,-16823.0,-18222.0,$$$$$$$$,58011.1,-7858.9,-9897.3 9807003375452?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device va overflowed or were less than zero. 9807003375452?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device vb overflowed or were less than zero. 9807003375452?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device ve overflowed or were less than zero. 9807003375455/tsys2/8477.0,-9942.2,-3986.9,460.6,18650.1,-1277.0,55272.0 9807003375456:!070034018 9807003401801:"data stop" 9807003401801:et 9807003401816:!+3s 9807003402117:tape 9807003402128/tape/off,02005,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9807003402128:postob 9807003402128:source=1610-771,161051.6,-770952.6,1950.0 9807003402129#antcn#Command a new source 9807003402180#antcn#Successfully sent new source position to antenna 9807003402181:check2c1 9807003410269/parity/0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0. 9807003410269/parity/0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 9807003411555:wb2c1=17 9807003411826/pass/17,17,auto,110.0,110.0,110.2,110.2,0.2,0.2 9807003412169:!070034424 9807003442400:tape 9807003442413/tape/off,02009,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9807003442413:st=for,135 9807003442429:!070034434 9807003443400:preob 9807003443400#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9807003443456/onsource/TRACKING 9807003443697/tpical/61491,48824,31795,21982,42530,28406,31676,14213,14004,47719 9807003443721/tpical/16824,9039,7835,13198,10694,12212,6299 9807003443730:!070034444 9807003444400:tape 9807003444411/tape/off,02203,norm,moving,nostop,locked,ready,rem 9807003444411:"data start" 9807003444411:midob 9807003444411#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9807003444476/onsource/TRACKING 9807003444561#wx#/WX/26.1,1015.0, 44.2 9807003444584?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807003444585?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807003444636?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807003444687?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807003444694/ifd/14,19,nor,nor,rem,11774,5582 9807003444701/if3/0,in,2,2,,,present,500.10,rem,lock,39249 9807003444708/vc06/272.89,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,23454 9807003444715/vc11/237.99,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,6805 9807003444746/tpi/52086,41363,26900,18238,35260,23454,26270,11868,11776,39262 9807003444768/tpi/14626,7875,6805,11467,9315,10630,5560 9807003444769/tsys1/53.7,54.1,52.5,46.1,47.1,45.5,46.1,45.8,50.2,45.4 9807003444770/tsys2/68.8,67.5,65.3,66.3,66.6,65.2,74.8 9807003444770:!070034713 9807003471300:"data stop" 9807003471300:et 9807003471317:!+3s 9807003471618:tape 9807003471631/tape/off,03893,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9807003471631:postob 9807003471631:source=0458-020,045841.3,-020333.9,1950.0 9807003471631#antcn#Command a new source 9807003471664#antcn#Successfully sent new source position to antenna 9807003471664:check2c1 9807003475754/parity/0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0. 9807003475754/parity/0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 9807003481040:wb2c1=17 9807003481099/pass/17,17,auto,110.0,110.0,110.2,110.2,0.2,0.2 9807003481446:!070040351 9807004035100:tape 9807004035113/tape/off,03897,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9807004035113:st=for,135 9807004035127:!070040401 9807004040100:preob 9807004040100#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9807004040148/onsource/TRACKING 9807004040388/tpical/$$$$$,56044,35872,24724,52781,31407,36956,16183,16006,55683 9807004040411/tpical/16922,9048,7805,13000,10863,12390,6163 9807004040419:!070040411 9807004041100:tape 9807004041112/tape/off,04091,norm,moving,nostop,locked,ready,rem 9807004041112:"data start" 9807004041112:midob 9807004041112#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9807004041188/onsource/TRACKING 9807004041268#wx#/WX/26.4,1014.7, 41.9 9807004041288?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807004041289?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807004041341?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807004041393?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807004041401/ifd/14,19,nor,nor,rem,13591,5445 9807004041409/if3/0,in,2,2,,,present,500.10,rem,lock,46303 9807004041416/vc06/272.89,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,26243 9807004041423/vc11/237.99,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,6809 9807004041455/tpi/58612,47977,30625,20669,44248,26243,30865,13625,13592,46303 9807004041478/tpi/14779,7916,6809,11301,9492,10858,5288 9807004041480?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device v1 overflowed or were less than zero. 9807004041481/tsys1/$$$$$$$$,58.0,55.9,48.4,50.4,49.0,48.3,48.7,53.7,48.3 9807004041482/tsys2/71.3,69.8,67.6,66.5,68.4,68.9,60.0 9807004041483:!070040725 9807004072501:"data stop" 9807004072501:et 9807004072515:!+3s 9807004072816:tape 9807004072827/tape/off,06288,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9807004072827:postob 9807004072827:source=1921-293,192142.3,-292026.3,1950.0 9807004072827#antcn#Command a new source 9807004072893#antcn#Successfully sent new source position to antenna 9807004072894:check2c1 9807004080983/parity/0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0. 9807004080983/parity/0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 9807004082267:wb2c1=17 9807004082326/pass/17,17,auto,110.0,110.0,110.2,110.2,0.2,0.2 9807004082670:!070041054 9807004104933;proc=ca031ho 9807004105316;ifdwb 9807004105316&ifdwb/ifd=15,17,nor,nor 9807004105316&ifdwb/if3=0,in,2,2 9807004105316&ifdwb/lo=8080.00,2020.00,8580.10 9807004105316&ifdwb/patch=lo1,1l,2l,3h,4h 9807004105316&ifdwb/patch=lo2,9l,10l,11h,12h,13h,14h 9807004105316&ifdwb/patch=lo3,5h,6h,7h,8h 9807004105400:tape 9807004105411/tape/off,06293,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9807004105411:st=for,135 9807004105424:!070041104 9807004110400:preob 9807004110400#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9807004110451/onsource/TRACKING 9807004110690/tpical/52334,42072,27486,18932,44967,30097,33789,15404,12000,50354 9807004110712/tpical/28204,15065,12954,22370,17643,20129,16373 9807004110719:!070041114 9807004111400:tape 9807004111412/tape/off,06488,norm,moving,nostop,locked,ready,rem 9807004111412:"data start" 9807004111412:midob 9807004111412#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9807004111441#antcn#Successfully sent new source position to antenna 9807004111441?ERROR qo -301 WARNING: ONSOURCE status is SLEWING! 9807004111441/onsource/SLEWING 9807004111515#wx#/WX/26.6,1014.7, 39.7 9807004111535?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807004111536?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807004111587?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807004111638?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807004111645/ifd/15,17,nor,nor,rem,10234,17250 9807004111652/if3/0,in,2,2,,,present,500.10,rem,lock,42024 9807004111659/vc06/272.89,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,25097 9807004111666/vc11/237.99,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,11330 9807004111697/tpi/44943,35942,23551,15943,37565,25097,28286,13040,10234,42024 9807004111720/tpi/24726,13234,11326,18937,15341,17598,17901 9807004111721/tsys1/58.9,57.1,57.0,50.2,49.3,48.3,48.8,50.2,54.8,49.3 9807004111722?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device i2 overflowed or were less than zero. 9807004111722/tsys2/74.0,73.6,70.5,56.3,67.4,69.7,-121.0 9807004111722:!070041224 9807004122400:"data stop" 9807004122400:et 9807004122413:!+3s 9807004122714:tape 9807004122725/tape/off,07289,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9807004122725:postob 9807004122725:source=2128-123,212852.7,-122020.6,1950.0 9807004122726#antcn#Command a new source 9807004122789#antcn#Successfully sent new source position to antenna 9807004122790:check2c1 9807004123688;proc=ca031ho 9807004123984;ifdwb 9807004123984&ifdwb/ifd=16,17,nor,nor 9807004123984&ifdwb/if3=0,in,2,2 9807004123984&ifdwb/lo=8080.00,2020.00,8580.10 9807004123984&ifdwb/patch=lo1,1l,2l,3h,4h 9807004123984&ifdwb/patch=lo2,9l,10l,11h,12h,13h,14h 9807004123984&ifdwb/patch=lo3,5h,6h,7h,8h 9807004130876/parity/0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0. 9807004130876/parity/0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 9807004132162:wb2c1=17 9807004132162&wb2c1/tapefrmwbc 9807004132162&wb2c1/pass=$,same 9807004132162&wb2c1/form=c,4.000 9807004132162&wb2c1/form=reset 9807004132162&wb2c1/vcwb2 9807004132162&wb2c1/ifdwb 9807004132162&wb2c1/tape=low 9807004132162&wb2c1/enable=g1,g3 9807004132162&wb2c1/repro=byp,3,19 9807004132162&tapefrmwbc/tapeform= 1,-330, 2,-330, 3,-275, 4,-275, 5,-220, 6,-220 9807004132163&tapefrmwbc/tapeform= 7,-165, 8,-165, 9,-110, 10,-110, 11, -55, 12, -55 9807004132163&tapefrmwbc/tapeform= 13, 0, 14, 0, 15, 55, 16, 55, 17, 110, 18, 110 9807004132163&tapefrmwbc/tapeform= 19, 165, 20, 165, 21, 220, 22, 220, 23, 275, 24, 275 9807004132226/pass/17,17,auto,110.0,110.0,110.2,110.2,0.2,0.2 9807004132333&vcwb2/vc01=132.99,2.000 9807004132333&vcwb2/vc02=172.99,2.000 9807004132333&vcwb2/vc03=272.99,2.000 9807004132333&vcwb2/vc04=432.99,2.000 9807004132333&vcwb2/vc05=152.89,2.000 9807004132333&vcwb2/vc06=272.89,2.000 9807004132333&vcwb2/vc07=332.89,2.000 9807004132333&vcwb2/vc08=352.89,2.000 9807004132333&vcwb2/vc09=207.99,2.000 9807004132333&vcwb2/vc10=217.99,2.000 9807004132333&vcwb2/vc11=237.99,2.000 9807004132333&vcwb2/vc12=292.99,2.000 9807004132333&vcwb2/vc13=327.99,2.000 9807004132333&vcwb2/vc14=332.99,2.000 9807004132333&vcwb2/!+1s 9807004132333&vcwb2/valarm 9807004132583:!070041434 9807004143400:tape 9807004143413/tape/off,07294,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9807004143413:st=for,135 9807004143429:!070041444 9807004144400:preob 9807004144400#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9807004144436/onsource/TRACKING 9807004144678/tpical/41382,33429,22270,15226,44941,29389,33689,15734,9734,49937 9807004144702/tpical/27402,14507,12503,21146,17166,19577,11397 9807004144711:!070041454 9807004145400:tape 9807004145412/tape/off,07488,norm,moving,nostop,locked,ready,rem 9807004145412:"data start" 9807004145412:midob 9807004145412#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9807004145466/onsource/TRACKING 9807004145548#wx#/WX/26.6,1014.7, 40.3 9807004145569?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807004145570?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807004145621?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807004145672?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807004145679/ifd/16,17,nor,nor,rem,8244,10791 9807004145686/if3/0,in,2,2,,,present,500.10,rem,lock,41322 9807004145693/vc06/272.89,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,24357 9807004145700/vc11/237.99,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,10888 9807004145731/tpi/35272,28399,18934,12695,37624,24366,28140,13210,8243,41340 9807004145753/tpi/23859,12659,10898,18234,14991,16960,10271 9807004145754/tsys1/55.7,54.9,53.6,46.7,49.9,46.7,48.2,47.7,51.8,47.0 9807004145755/tsys2/70.0,69.7,68.7,63.8,69.6,64.8,93.1 9807004145755:!070041656 9807004165600:"data stop" 9807004165600:et 9807004165617:!+3s 9807004165918:tape 9807004165930/tape/off,08875,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9807004165930:postob 9807004165930:source=1908-201,190812.5,-201155.2,1950.0 9807004165930#antcn#Command a new source 9807004165984#antcn#Successfully sent new source position to antenna 9807004165985:midtp 9807004170227/tpzero/529,212,684,653,339,458,878,922,389,80 9807004170251/tpzero/227,402,406,543,571,819,307 9807004170272/rx/00(front),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,32.90 9807004170285/rx/01(rear),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,44.99 9807004170296/rx/02(lo),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,52.80 9807004170307/rx/03(dcal),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,48.65 9807004170318/rx/0E(lo5mhz),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,0.977 9807004170329/rx/17(pres),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,5.687 9807004170340/rx/1E(20k),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,29.11 9807004170351/rx/1F(70k),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,57.93 9807004170351:check2c1 9807004174442/parity/0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0. 9807004174442/parity/0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 9807004175725:wb2c2=18 9807004175725&wb2c2/tapefrmwbc 9807004175725&wb2c2/pass=$,same 9807004175725&wb2c2/form=c,4.000 9807004175725&wb2c2/form=reset 9807004175725&wb2c2/vcwb2 9807004175725&wb2c2/ifdwb 9807004175725&wb2c2/tape=low 9807004175725&wb2c2/enable=g2,g4 9807004175725&wb2c2/repro=byp,4,20 9807004180273/pass/18,18,auto,110.0,110.0,110.3,109.8,0.3,-0.2 9807004180619:!070041924 9807004192400:tape 9807004192413/tape/off,08881,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9807004192413:st=rev,135 9807004192429:!070041934 9807004193400:preob 9807004193400#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9807004193462/onsource/TRACKING 9807004193703/tpical/48325,38551,25527,17499,50737,33752,37495,17719,11157,57088 9807004193727/tpical/30761,16443,14144,25652,19312,22385,16353 9807004193736:!070041944 9807004194400:tape 9807004194412/tape/off,08687,norm,moving,nostop,locked,ready,rem 9807004194412:"data start" 9807004194412:midob 9807004194412#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9807004194462/onsource/TRACKING 9807004194541#wx#/WX/26.6,1014.6, 41.1 9807004194560?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807004194561?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807004194613?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807004194664?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807004194671/ifd/16,17,nor,nor,rem,9767,14977 9807004194678/if3/0,in,2,2,,,present,500.10,rem,lock,49051 9807004194685/vc06/272.89,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,28999 9807004194692/vc11/237.99,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,12498 9807004194723/tpi/42433,34043,22401,15153,44065,29029,32465,15431,9776,49081 9807004194745/tpi/27205,14575,12500,21587,17118,20111,14277 9807004194746/tsys1/69.7,73.5,68.1,60.6,64.2,59.3,61.5,62.1,66.6,60.0 9807004194747/tsys2/79.7,79.7,77.2,54.4,79.2,89.1,70.7 9807004194747:!070042337 9807004233700:"data stop" 9807004233700:et 9807004233715:!+3s 9807004234016:tape 9807004234027/tape/off,06052,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9807004234027:postob 9807004234027:source=1954-388,195439.1,-385313.5,1950.0 9807004234027#antcn#Command a new source 9807004234078#antcn#Successfully sent new source position to antenna 9807004234078:check2c2 9807004242169?ERROR qg -303 Track 7 parity errors exceed threshold. 9807004242169?ERROR qg -305 AUX data differs from expected value on track 7. 9807004242169/parity/0.,0.,0.,1306.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,16.,0. 9807004242169/parity/0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 9807004243453:wb2c2=18 9807004243541/pass/18,18,auto,110.0,110.0,111.1,109.8,1.1,-0.2 9807004243887:!070042520 9807004252000:tape 9807004252012/tape/off,06048,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9807004252012:st=rev,135 9807004252026:!070042530 9807004253000:preob 9807004253000#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9807004253026/onsource/TRACKING 9807004253266/tpical/40968,32661,21545,14914,42851,28576,31901,15033,9488,47891 9807004253289/tpical/27375,14616,12561,21552,17199,19575,15586 9807004253297:!070042540 9807004254000:tape 9807004254012/tape/off,05853,norm,moving,nostop,locked,ready,rem 9807004254012:"data start" 9807004254012:midob 9807004254012#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9807004254056/onsource/TRACKING 9807004254130#wx#/WX/26.8,1014.5, 41.4 9807004254150?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807004254151?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807004254203?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807004254255?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807004254263/ifd/16,17,nor,nor,rem,8029,14494 9807004254270/if3/0,in,2,2,,,present,500.10,rem,lock,39555 9807004254277/vc06/272.89,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,23681 9807004254284/vc11/237.99,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,10916 9807004254318/tpi/34826,27808,18343,12431,35689,23661,26662,12624,8031,39565 9807004254341/tpi/23849,12750,10928,18833,15024,17102,14641 9807004254343/tsys1/54.7,55.7,54.0,46.5,48.4,46.3,48.2,47.6,51.4,46.5 9807004254344/tsys2/70.3,69.5,67.7,70.6,69.8,69.1,159.3 9807004254345:!070042650 9807004265000:"data stop" 9807004265001:et 9807004265014:!+3s 9807004265315:tape 9807004265326/tape/off,05052,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9807004265327:postob 9807004265328:source=0119+115,011903.1,113409.2,1950.0 9807004265329#antcn#Command a new source 9807004265385#antcn#Successfully sent new source position to antenna 9807004265386:check2c2 9807004273475/parity/0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0. 9807004273476/parity/0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 9807004274760:wb2c2=18 9807004274878/pass/18,18,auto,110.0,110.0,109.6,109.8,-0.4,-0.2 9807004275222:!070043317 9807004331700:tape 9807004331712/tape/off,05047,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9807004331712:st=rev,135 9807004331726:!070043327 9807004332700:preob 9807004332700#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9807004332759/onsource/TRACKING 9807004333000/tpical/41793,33396,21962,15346,45998,29140,33890,15331,9769,50331 9807004333023/tpical/26326,13887,11988,20345,16820,19008,13336 9807004333031:!070043337 9807004333700:tape 9807004333712/tape/off,04852,norm,moving,nostop,locked,ready,rem 9807004333712:"data start" 9807004333712:midob 9807004333712#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9807004333768/onsource/TRACKING 9807004333856#wx#/WX/27.0,1014.5, 40.8 9807004333875?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807004333877?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807004333929?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807004333981?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807004333990/ifd/16,17,nor,nor,rem,8246,14360 9807004333997/if3/0,in,2,2,,,present,500.10,rem,lock,41477 9807004334005/vc06/272.89,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,24103 9807004334012/vc11/237.99,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,10391 9807004334044/tpi/35381,28356,18599,12780,38282,24103,28173,12834,8247,41493 9807004334067/tpi/22861,12058,10391,17585,14792,16592,13191 9807004334069/tsys1/53.3,54.7,52.2,46.3,48.2,46.0,46.8,46.8,50.6,45.9 9807004334070/tsys2/68.6,66.9,65.6,64.8,73.6,68.5,933.0 9807004334071:!070043842 9807004364147;"cable=17431.0 9807004384201:"data stop" 9807004384201:et 9807004384217:!+3s 9807004384518:tape 9807004384530/tape/off,01407,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9807004384530:postob 9807004384530:source=0458-020,045841.3,-020333.9,1950.0 9807004384531#antcn#Command a new source 9807004384563#antcn#Successfully sent new source position to antenna 9807004384563:midtp 9807004384805/tpzero/526,208,694,656,344,464,879,929,429,79 9807004384829/tpzero/229,410,407,543,580,824,314 9807004384850/rx/00(front),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,33.15 9807004384863/rx/01(rear),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,44.87 9807004384874/rx/02(lo),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,52.80 9807004384885/rx/03(dcal),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,48.65 9807004384896/rx/0E(lo5mhz),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,0.979 9807004384907/rx/17(pres),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,5.687 9807004384918/rx/1E(20k),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,28.95 9807004384929/rx/1F(70k),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,56.91 9807004384929:wb2c1=19 9807004385566/pass/19,19,auto,165.0,165.0,165.1,164.8,0.1,-0.2 9807004385909:fastr=1m0s 9807004395941:!+5s 9807004400442:!070044036 9807004403600:tape 9807004403613/tape/low,00087,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9807004403613:st=for,135 9807004403628:!070044046 9807004404600:preob 9807004404601#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9807004404652/onsource/TRACKING 9807004404894/tpical/43322,34729,22736,15780,48748,29731,34323,15483,10118,52121 9807004404918/tpical/26479,14087,12132,21101,17172,19297,8993 9807004404927:!070044056 9807004405600:tape 9807004405613/tape/off,00281,norm,moving,nostop,locked,ready,rem 9807004405613:"data start" 9807004405613:midob 9807004405613#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9807004405661/onsource/TRACKING 9807004405743#wx#/WX/26.9,1014.5, 41.8 9807004405763?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807004405764?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807004405815?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807004405866?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807004405873/ifd/16,17,nor,nor,rem,8586,7810 9807004405880/if3/0,in,2,2,,,present,500.10,rem,lock,43240 9807004405887/vc06/272.89,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,24715 9807004405894/vc11/237.99,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,10542 9807004405926/tpi/36905,29562,19365,13187,40765,24762,28617,12996,8583,43217 9807004405948/tpi/23039,12277,10546,17809,15106,16774,7938 9807004405949/tsys1/55.6,55.7,54.3,47.4,49.6,47.9,47.6,47.5,52.1,47.5 9807004405950/tsys2/69.6,68.8,67.1,55.1,73.8,66.4,75.9 9807004405950:!070044405 9807004440500:"data stop" 9807004440500:et 9807004440516:!+3s 9807004440817:tape 9807004440829/tape/off,02421,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9807004440829:postob 9807004440829:source=1921-293,192142.3,-292026.3,1950.0 9807004440829#antcn#Command a new source 9807004440867#antcn#Successfully sent new source position to antenna 9807004440868:check2c1 9807004444955/parity/0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0. 9807004444955/parity/0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 9807004450241:wb2c1=19 9807004450299/pass/19,19,auto,165.0,165.0,165.1,164.8,0.1,-0.2 9807004450645:!070045314 9807004464816;rxmon 9807004464830/rx/00(front),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,32.90 9807004464843/rx/01(rear),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,44.99 9807004464856/rx/02(lo),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,52.44 9807004464869/rx/03(dcal),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,48.77 9807004464882/rx/0E(lo5mhz),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,0.979 9807004464895/rx/17(pres),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,5.599 9807004464909/rx/1E(20k),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,29.11 9807004464922/rx/1F(70k),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,57.42 9807004513895;rxmon 9807004513909/rx/00(front),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,32.78 9807004513922/rx/01(rear),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,44.62 9807004513935/rx/02(lo),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,51.83 9807004513946/rx/03(dcal),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,48.77 9807004513957/rx/0E(lo5mhz),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,0.979 9807004513968/rx/17(pres),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,5.687 9807004513979/rx/1E(20k),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,29.11 9807004513990/rx/1F(70k),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,57.42 9807004531400:tape 9807004531413/tape/off,02427,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9807004531413:st=for,135 9807004531429:!070045324 9807004532400:preob 9807004532400#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9807004532448/onsource/TRACKING 9807004532689/tpical/46289,37705,24539,16827,46794,31246,35052,15771,10731,53110 9807004532714/tpical/29412,15711,13132,23355,19002,20049,48106 9807004532723:!070045334 9807004533400:tape 9807004533412/tape/off,02621,norm,moving,nostop,locked,ready,rem 9807004533412:"data start" 9807004533412:midob 9807004533412#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9807004533458/onsource/TRACKING 9807004533541#wx#/WX/26.4,1014.5, 42.3 9807004533561?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807004533562?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807004533613?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807004533664?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807004533671/ifd/16,17,nor,nor,rem,9273,43308 9807004533678/if3/0,in,2,2,,,present,500.10,rem,lock,44969 9807004533685/vc06/272.89,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,26518 9807004533692/vc11/237.99,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,11606 9807004533723/tpi/40110,32801,21235,14360,39938,26513,29841,13520,9272,44963 9807004533745/tpi/25991,13921,11631,21564,16899,17868,42264 9807004533746/tsys1/62.8,65.1,60.9,54.4,56.6,53.9,54.5,54.8,59.4,54.0 9807004533747/tsys2/79.1,79.3,78.5,123.2,81.5,82.1,75.4 9807004533747:!070045444 9807004544400:"data stop" 9807004544400:et 9807004544416:!+3s 9807004544717:tape 9807004544729/tape/off,03422,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9807004544729:postob 9807004544729:source=1958-179,195804.6,-175717.0,1950.0 9807004544730#antcn#Command a new source 9807004544777#antcn#Successfully sent new source position to antenna 9807004544777:check2c1 9807004552867/parity/0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0. 9807004552867/parity/0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 9807004554152:wb2c1=19 9807004554211/pass/19,19,auto,165.0,165.0,165.1,164.8,0.1,-0.2 9807004554557:!070045713 9807004571300:tape 9807004571313/tape/off,03426,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9807004571313:st=for,135 9807004571329:!070045723 9807004572300:preob 9807004572300#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9807004572355/onsource/TRACKING 9807004572597/tpical/47665,38459,25101,17334,47984,32290,36114,16354,11021,54570 9807004572621/tpical/30103,16058,13823,23198,19805,21776,17016 9807004572630:!070045733 9807004573300:tape 9807004573312/tape/off,03620,norm,moving,nostop,locked,ready,rem 9807004573312:"data start" 9807004573312:midob 9807004573312#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9807004573334/onsource/TRACKING 9807004573414#wx#/WX/26.5,1014.4, 42.5 9807004573433?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807004573434?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807004573486?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807004573537?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807004573544/ifd/16,17,nor,nor,rem,9558,17565 9807004573551/if3/0,in,2,2,,,present,500.10,rem,lock,46317 9807004573558/vc06/272.89,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,27501 9807004573565/vc11/237.99,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,12190 9807004573597/tpi/41470,33470,21793,14819,41025,27501,30871,14058,9558,46317 9807004573620/tpi/26664,14236,12190,20858,18143,19502,17266 9807004573621/tsys1/64.8,65.3,62.5,55.2,57.3,55.3,56.1,56.0,61.2,54.9 9807004573622?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device i2 overflowed or were less than zero. 9807004573622/tsys2/80.7,79.7,75.8,91.2,111.0,86.2,-712.0 9807004573622:!070050151 9807005015100:"data stop" 9807005015100:et 9807005015117:!+3s 9807005015418:tape 9807005015430/tape/off,06537,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9807005015430:postob 9807005015430:source=1610-771,161051.6,-770952.6,1950.0 9807005015431#antcn#Command a new source 9807005015500#antcn#Successfully sent new source position to antenna 9807005015500:check2c1 9807005023593/parity/0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0. 9807005023593/parity/0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 9807005024875:wb2c1=19 9807005024932/pass/19,19,auto,165.0,165.0,165.1,164.8,0.1,-0.2 9807005025278:!070050510 9807005051000:tape 9807005051012/tape/off,06542,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9807005051012:st=for,135 9807005051026:!070050520 9807005052000:preob 9807005052000#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9807005052047/onsource/TRACKING 9807005052288/tpical/40757,32031,21131,14561,40235,26953,30628,13683,9345,45771 9807005052311/tpical/26693,14232,12314,20681,16816,19177,10275 9807005052319:!070050530 9807005053000:tape 9807005053012/tape/off,06737,norm,moving,nostop,locked,ready,rem 9807005053012:"data start" 9807005053012:midob 9807005053012#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9807005053047/onsource/TRACKING 9807005053120#wx#/WX/26.6,1014.3, 42.5 9807005053140?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807005053142?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807005053194?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807005053246?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807005053254/ifd/16,17,nor,nor,rem,7895,9493 9807005053262/if3/0,in,2,2,,,present,500.10,rem,lock,37736 9807005053270/vc06/272.89,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,22343 9807005053278/vc11/237.99,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,10657 9807005053311/tpi/34577,27137,17931,12117,33387,22343,25487,11452,7894,37735 9807005053334/tpi/23188,12387,10663,17829,14592,16601,9273 9807005053336/tsys1/54.0,53.9,52.8,46.0,47.3,46.5,46.9,46.2,50.4,45.9 9807005053337/tsys2/68.8,68.2,65.2,63.6,66.2,64.3,93.9 9807005053338:!070050759 9807005065238;"cable=17431.0 9807005075900:"data stop" 9807005075900:et 9807005075917:!+3s 9807005080218:tape 9807005080230/tape/off,08427,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9807005080230:postob 9807005080230:source=1954-388,195439.1,-385313.5,1950.0 9807005080231#antcn#Command a new source 9807005080294#antcn#Successfully sent new source position to antenna 9807005080294:midtp 9807005080537/tpzero/521,212,702,661,340,473,889,935,406,78 9807005080560/tpzero/230,413,416,546,583,830,316 9807005080579/rx/00(front),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,33.02 9807005080590/rx/01(rear),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,44.13 9807005080601/rx/02(lo),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,52.56 9807005080612/rx/03(dcal),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,48.77 9807005080623/rx/0E(lo5mhz),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,0.977 9807005080634/rx/17(pres),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,5.864 9807005080645/rx/1E(20k),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,29.27 9807005080656/rx/1F(70k),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,58.45 9807005080656:check2c1 9807005084741/parity/0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0. 9807005084741/parity/0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 9807005090030:wb2c2=20 9807005090566/pass/20,20,auto,165.0,165.0,165.2,164.5,0.2,-0.5 9807005090912:fastf=0m21s 9807005093044:!+5s 9807005093545:!070052451 9807005245100:tape 9807005245112/tape/off,08876,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9807005245112:st=rev,135 9807005245127:!070052501 9807005250100:preob 9807005250100#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9807005250157/onsource/TRACKING 9807005250397/tpical/42887,34188,22660,15387,42028,28417,32196,15774,9888,48116 9807005250420/tpical/27992,14945,12809,21848,17617,20081,15666 9807005250428:!070052511 9807005251100:tape 9807005251112/tape/off,08682,norm,moving,nostop,locked,ready,rem 9807005251112:"data start" 9807005251112:midob 9807005251112#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9807005251177/onsource/TRACKING 9807005251246#wx#/WX/26.7,1014.3, 41.0 9807005251266?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807005251267?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807005251319?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807005251371?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807005251379/ifd/16,17,nor,nor,rem,8435,16836 9807005251386/if3/0,in,2,2,,,present,500.10,rem,lock,40093 9807005251393/vc06/272.89,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,23750 9807005251400/vc11/237.99,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,11151 9807005251432/tpi/36692,29300,19362,12944,35242,23726,27017,13333,8430,40073 9807005251455/tpi/24511,13055,11173,19178,15462,17563,15806 9807005251457/tsys1/57.2,58.3,55.4,49.3,50.4,48.6,49.4,49.8,53.9,48.7 9807005251458?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device i2 overflowed or were less than zero. 9807005251459/tsys2/73.2,70.2,69.0,73.3,72.5,69.8,-1161.8 9807005251460:!070052637 9807005263700:"data stop" 9807005263700:et 9807005263714:!+3s 9807005264015:tape 9807005264026/tape/off,07701,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9807005264026:postob 9807005264026:source=1815-553,181535.2,-552237.9,1950.0 9807005264027#antcn#Command a new source 9807005264096#antcn#Successfully sent new source position to antenna 9807005264096:check2c2 9807005272185/parity/0.,0.,0.,98.,0.,16.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0. 9807005272185/parity/0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 9807005273470:wb2c2=20 9807005273758/pass/20,20,auto,165.0,165.0,165.2,165.2,0.2,0.2 9807005274103:!070052827 9807005282700:tape 9807005282712/tape/off,07696,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9807005282712:st=rev,135 9807005282726:!070052837 9807005283700:preob 9807005283700#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9807005283744/onsource/TRACKING 9807005283984/tpical/43227,34238,22555,15494,42439,28258,32404,15674,9952,48390 9807005284008/tpical/28080,14988,12885,22208,17655,20060,14550 9807005284016:!070052847 9807005284701:tape 9807005284712/tape/off,07502,norm,moving,nostop,locked,ready,rem 9807005284712:"data start" 9807005284712:midob 9807005284712#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9807005284773/onsource/TRACKING 9807005284859#wx#/WX/26.6,1014.3, 41.2 9807005284879?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807005284880?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807005284933?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807005284985?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807005284993/ifd/16,17,nor,nor,rem,8498,14132 9807005285000/if3/0,in,2,2,,,present,500.10,rem,lock,40373 9807005285008/vc06/272.89,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,23636 9807005285015/vc11/237.99,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,11248 9807005285047/tpi/37082,29399,19346,13046,35654,23636,27230,13297,8495,40383 9807005285070/tpi/24576,13130,11248,20328,15383,17525,14055 9807005285072/tsys1/58.3,59.1,56.9,49.6,51.0,49.1,49.9,51.0,54.4,49.3 9807005285073/tsys2/73.0,71.9,69.5,110.5,68.4,69.2,291.4 9807005285074:!070053512 9807005351200:"data stop" 9807005351200:et 9807005351214:!+3s 9807005351515:tape 9807005351526/tape/off,03157,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9807005351526:postob 9807005351526:source=1921-293,192142.3,-292026.3,1950.0 9807005351527#antcn#Command a new source 9807005351577#antcn#Successfully sent new source position to antenna 9807005351577:check2c2 9807005355667/parity/0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0. 9807005355667/parity/0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 9807005360952:wb2c2=20 9807005361011/pass/20,20,auto,165.0,165.0,165.2,165.2,0.2,0.2 9807005361357:!070053710 9807005363990?ERROR ch -317 Total power integrator overflow on IF2 9807005370189?ERROR ch -317 Total power integrator overflow on IF2 9807005371000:tape 9807005371012/tape/off,03153,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9807005371012:st=rev,135 9807005371026:!070053720 9807005372000:preob 9807005372000#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9807005372065/onsource/TRACKING 9807005372305/tpical/55295,43613,28856,19805,54061,35387,40074,19376,12669,61568 9807005372328/tpical/32503,17357,12688,24921,31190,41527,$$$$$ 9807005372336:!070053730 9807005372467?ERROR ch -317 Total power integrator overflow on IF2 9807005373000:tape 9807005373012/tape/off,02958,norm,moving,nostop,locked,ready,rem 9807005373012:"data start" 9807005373012:midob 9807005373012#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9807005373055/onsource/TRACKING 9807005373124#wx#/WX/26.2,1014.4, 41.1 9807005373144?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807005373146?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807005373198?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807005373250?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807005373258/ifd/16,17,nor,nor,rem,11222,65535 9807005373265/if3/0,in,2,2,,,present,500.10,rem,lock,53626 9807005373273/vc06/272.89,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,30973 9807005373281/vc11/237.99,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,11756 9807005373314/tpi/49234,38877,25632,17409,47423,30973,35107,17050,11229,53659 9807005373337/tpi/29196,15629,11803,26113,30057,38828,$$$$$ 9807005373339/tsys1/78.8,80.0,75.8,68.5,69.5,67.7,67.5,67.9,73.7,66.4 9807005373340?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device vc overflowed or were less than zero. 9807005373340?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device i2 overflowed or were less than zero. 9807005373342/tsys2/92.0,92.5,135.1,-225.2,273.1,147.8,$$$$$$$$ 9807005373342:!070053840 9807005374650?ERROR ch -317 Total power integrator overflow on IF2 9807005380849?ERROR ch -317 Total power integrator overflow on IF2 9807005383046?ERROR ch -317 Total power integrator overflow on IF2 9807005384000:"data stop" 9807005384000:et 9807005384015:!+3s 9807005384316:tape 9807005384327/tape/off,02157,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9807005384327:postob 9807005384327:source=1610-771,161051.6,-770952.6,1950.0 9807005384328#antcn#Command a new source 9807005384354#antcn#Successfully sent new source position to antenna 9807005384354:check2c2 9807005392446/parity/0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,16.,16.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0. 9807005392446/parity/0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 9807005393728:wb2c2=20 9807005393785/pass/20,20,auto,165.0,165.0,165.2,165.2,0.2,0.2 9807005394129:!070055507 9807005403556;rxmon 9807005403570/rx/00(front),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,32.78 9807005403583/rx/01(rear),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,43.28 9807005403596/rx/02(lo),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,52.07 9807005403609/rx/03(dcal),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,48.77 9807005403622/rx/0E(lo5mhz),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,0.977 9807005403635/rx/17(pres),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,5.687 9807005403648/rx/1E(20k),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,29.11 9807005403661/rx/1F(70k),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,58.45 9807005403949;wth 9807005404039#wx#/WX/25.8,1014.4, 42.3 9807005410002;"cable=17432.0 9807005434892;"weather: fine,clear and warm (25 degrees). 9807005550700:tape 9807005550713/tape/off,02152,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9807005550713:st=rev,135 9807005550727:!070055517 9807005551700:preob 9807005551700#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9807005551737/onsource/TRACKING 9807005551977/tpical/41311,32098,21311,14639,39598,26643,30763,15270,9432,45428 9807005552000/tpical/27000,14423,12429,20864,17326,19516,10558 9807005552008:!070055527 9807005552700:tape 9807005552712/tape/off,01958,norm,moving,nostop,locked,ready,rem 9807005552712:"data start" 9807005552712:midob 9807005552712#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9807005552767/onsource/TRACKING 9807005552853#wx#/WX/25.5,1014.3, 46.5 9807005552873?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807005552874?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807005552926?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807005552978?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807005552986/ifd/16,17,nor,nor,rem,7968,9038 9807005552993/if3/0,in,2,2,,,present,500.10,rem,lock,37442 9807005553000/vc06/272.89,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,22026 9807005553008/vc11/237.99,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,10774 9807005553040/tpi/35069,27283,18096,12188,32937,22045,25551,12783,7969,37441 9807005553063/tpi/23523,12517,10774,18220,15327,17032,9168 9807005553065/tsys1/54.2,55.1,53.0,46.1,48.0,46.0,46.4,46.7,50.7,45.8 9807005553066/tsys2/70.3,66.7,65.7,70.2,77.4,68.5,66.9 9807005553067:!070055756 9807005575600:"data stop" 9807005575600:et 9807005575614:!+3s 9807005575916:tape 9807005575927/tape/off,00268,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9807005575927:postob 9807005575927:source=0048-097,004810.0,-094524.2,1950.0 9807005575928#antcn#Command a new source 9807005575984#antcn#Successfully sent new source position to antenna 9807005575984:midtp 9807005580226/tpzero/528,209,712,665,343,482,893,934,415,77 9807005580249/tpzero/226,419,415,553,593,840,319 9807005580269/rx/00(front),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,32.54 9807005580281/rx/01(rear),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,43.28 9807005580293/rx/02(lo),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,51.95 9807005580305/rx/03(dcal),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,48.65 9807005580317/rx/0E(lo5mhz),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,0.977 9807005580329/rx/17(pres),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,5.599 9807005580341/rx/1E(20k),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,29.11 9807005580353/rx/1F(70k),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,56.91 9807005580353:check2c2 9807005584441/parity/0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0. 9807005584441/parity/0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 9807005585726:wb2c1=21 9807005590417/pass/21,21,auto,220.0,220.0,220.0,220.2,0.0,0.2 9807005590762:fastr=0m9s 9807005591692:!+5s 9807005592193:!070060400 9807006040000:tape 9807006040013/tape/low,00090,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9807006040013:st=for,135 9807006040029:!070060410 9807006041000:preob 9807006041000#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9807006041049/onsource/TRACKING 9807006041290/tpical/41249,32724,21661,14912,42064,27788,32233,15965,9585,46764 9807006041314/tpical/26571,14050,12123,20403,16950,19404,10429 9807006041323:!070060420 9807006042000:tape 9807006042012/tape/off,00284,norm,moving,nostop,locked,ready,rem 9807006042012:"data start" 9807006042012:midob 9807006042012#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9807006042078/onsource/TRACKING 9807006042158#wx#/WX/25.0,1014.3, 46.3 9807006042177?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807006042179?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807006042231?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807006042282?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807006042289/ifd/16,17,nor,nor,rem,8064,8882 9807006042296/if3/0,in,2,2,,,present,500.10,rem,lock,38368 9807006042303/vc06/272.89,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,22857 9807006042310/vc11/237.99,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,10505 9807006042341/tpi/34843,27638,18273,12350,34826,22857,26769,13299,8067,38375 9807006042363/tpi/23036,12211,10505,17746,14679,16669,8205 9807006042364/tsys1/52.5,52.9,50.8,44.7,46.7,44.5,46.4,45.5,49.4,44.7 9807006042365/tsys2/67.8,67.3,65.5,67.9,65.1,60.8,37.2 9807006042365:!070060530 9807006053000:"data stop" 9807006053000:et 9807006053016:!+3s 9807006053317:tape 9807006053329/tape/off,01085,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9807006053329:postob 9807006053329:source=0458-020,045841.3,-020333.9,1950.0 9807006053330#antcn#Command a new source 9807006053397#antcn#Successfully sent new source position to antenna 9807006053397:check2c1 9807006061492/parity/0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0. 9807006061492/parity/0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 9807006062773:wb2c1=21 9807006062832/pass/21,21,auto,220.0,220.0,220.0,219.5,0.0,-0.5 9807006063177:!070061659 9807006165900:tape 9807006165913/tape/off,01091,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9807006165913:st=for,135 9807006165926:!070061709 9807006170900:preob 9807006170900#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9807006170966/onsource/TRACKING 9807006171206/tpical/41840,33439,22200,15410,45061,28314,33170,16260,9909,49009 9807006171230/tpical/26129,13826,11929,20126,16714,18985,9275 9807006171238:!070061719 9807006171900:tape 9807006171912/tape/off,01285,norm,moving,nostop,locked,ready,rem 9807006171912:"data start" 9807006171912:midob 9807006171912#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9807006171956/onsource/TRACKING 9807006172035#wx#/WX/25.1,1014.3, 46.3 9807006172054?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807006172056?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807006172108?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807006172160?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807006172168/ifd/16,17,nor,nor,rem,8348,7884 9807006172175/if3/0,in,2,2,,,present,500.10,rem,lock,40275 9807006172182/vc06/272.89,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,23315 9807006172189/vc11/237.99,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,10323 9807006172221/tpi/35419,28319,18754,12786,37310,23352,27465,13538,8350,40275 9807006172244/tpi/22637,11995,10317,17601,14505,16490,7812 9807006172246/tsys1/53.3,53.8,51.3,45.3,46.7,45.2,45.6,45.4,49.9,45.1 9807006172247/tsys2/67.4,66.4,64.5,70.9,66.1,65.9,53.8 9807006172248:!070062041 9807006204100:"data stop" 9807006204100:et 9807006204114:!+3s 9807006204415:tape 9807006204426/tape/off,03571,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9807006204426:postob 9807006204426:source=1954-388,195439.1,-385313.5,1950.0 9807006204427#antcn#Command a new source 9807006204482#antcn#Successfully sent new source position to antenna 9807006204483:check2c1 9807006212573/parity/0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0. 9807006212573/parity/0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 9807006213857:wb2c1=21 9807006213915/pass/21,21,auto,220.0,220.0,220.0,220.2,0.0,0.2 9807006214259:!070063137 9807006313700:tape 9807006313712/tape/off,03577,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9807006313712:st=for,135 9807006313726:!070063147 9807006314700:preob 9807006314700#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9807006314741/onsource/TRACKING 9807006314981/tpical/48446,38276,25119,17242,47192,31226,35410,17159,11154,53720 9807006315005/tpical/29891,16049,13367,23500,18314,22080,51206 9807006315013:!070063157 9807006315700:tape 9807006315712/tape/off,03771,norm,moving,nostop,locked,ready,rem 9807006315712:"data start" 9807006315712:midob 9807006315712#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9807006315751/onsource/TRACKING 9807006315829#wx#/WX/25.3,1014.4, 45.5 9807006315849?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807006315850?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807006315903?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807006315955?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807006315963/ifd/16,17,nor,nor,rem,9675,49810 9807006315970/if3/0,in,2,2,,,present,500.10,rem,lock,45701 9807006315978/vc06/272.89,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,26641 9807006315986/vc11/237.99,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,11803 9807006320020/tpi/42322,33349,21882,14787,40455,26611,30303,14750,9673,45698 9807006320043/tpi/26433,14195,11796,21038,16263,20164,49878 9807006320045/tsys1/66.9,65.9,64.1,56.4,58.3,55.5,56.4,56.2,61.3,55.7 9807006320046/tsys2/79.6,78.0,76.1,87.4,80.2,105.9,391.8 9807006320047:!070063326 9807006332600:"data stop" 9807006332600:et 9807006332614:!+3s 9807006332916:tape 9807006332927/tape/off,04786,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9807006332927:postob 9807006332927:source=0556+238,055628.7,235345.2,1950.0 9807006332928#antcn#Command a new source 9807006332979#antcn#Successfully sent new source position to antenna 9807006332979:check2c1 9807006341072/parity/0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0. 9807006341072/parity/0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 9807006342027;"cable=17428.0 9807006342355:wb2c1=21 9807006342414/pass/21,21,auto,220.0,220.0,220.0,219.5,0.0,-0.5 9807006342760:!070064309 9807006353921;wth 9807006354003#wx#/WX/25.5,1014.5, 51.5 9807006354560;rxmon 9807006354574/rx/00(front),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,31.44 9807006354587/rx/01(rear),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,43.16 9807006354600/rx/02(lo),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,51.70 9807006354613/rx/03(dcal),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,48.65 9807006354626/rx/0E(lo5mhz),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,0.975 9807006354639/rx/17(pres),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,5.510 9807006354652/rx/1E(20k),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,28.82 9807006354665/rx/1F(70k),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,56.40 9807006354981;scxts 9807006354981?ERROR sp -4 Unrecognized name (not a function or procedure). 9807006355307;sxcts 9807006355338/tpi/35780,28801,18730,12671,35482,22476,26417,12587,8276,38774 9807006355360/tpi/23026,12174,10493,18447,14488,16589,15084 9807006355600/tpzero/530,205,719,671,344,487,898,944,446,76 9807006355622/tpzero/226,417,421,555,611,839,325 9807006355869/tpical/42369,33904,22000,15214,42868,27187,31793,15055,9787,47169 9807006355891/tpical/26491,13973,12071,20715,16727,19079,12782 9807006355899/tsys1/52.4,54.9,54.0,46.2,46.6,45.7,46.5,46.2,50.8,45.2 9807006355899?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device i2 overflowed or were less than zero. 9807006355899/tsys2/69.1,68.6,67.0,82.8,65.1,66.4,-67.3 9807006430900:tape 9807006430913/tape/off,04792,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9807006430913:st=for,135 9807006430929:!070064319 9807006431900:preob 9807006431900#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9807006431960/onsource/TRACKING 9807006432201/tpical/46789,37865,24637,17141,51389,31342,36966,17429,11038,55254 9807006432225/tpical/27939,14807,12731,21685,18011,20553,10542 9807006432234:!070064329 9807006432900:tape 9807006432912/tape/off,04986,norm,moving,nostop,locked,ready,rem 9807006432912:"data start" 9807006432912:midob 9807006432912#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9807006432950/onsource/TRACKING 9807006433029#wx#/WX/25.0,1014.5, 53.2 9807006433049?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807006433051?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807006433104?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807006433155?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807006433162/ifd/16,17,nor,nor,rem,9462,9582 9807006433170/if3/0,in,2,2,,,present,500.10,rem,lock,46339 9807006433177/vc06/272.89,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,26365 9807006433184/vc11/237.99,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,11149 9807006433215/tpi/40213,32628,21209,14503,43487,26435,31202,14808,9464,46385 9807006433237/tpi/24456,12982,11144,19702,15790,18109,9431 9807006433238/tsys1/59.1,60.7,58.6,51.4,53.5,51.8,51.5,51.8,56.1,51.2 9807006433239/tsys2/73.0,72.3,70.9,101.4,71.8,74.2,86.1 9807006433239:!070064524 9807006452400:"data stop" 9807006452400:et 9807006452417:!+3s 9807006452718:tape 9807006452730/tape/off,06293,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9807006452730:postob 9807006452730:source=0048-097,004810.0,-094524.2,1950.0 9807006452731#antcn#Command a new source 9807006452798#antcn#Successfully sent new source position to antenna 9807006452798:check2c1 9807006460886/parity/0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0. 9807006460886/parity/0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 9807006462174:wb2c1=21 9807006462971/pass/21,21,auto,220.0,220.0,220.0,220.9,0.0,0.9 9807006463315:!070064747 9807006474700:tape 9807006474712/tape/off,06299,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9807006474712:st=for,135 9807006474727:!070064757 9807006475700:preob 9807006475700#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9807006475736/onsource/TRACKING 9807006475976/tpical/40782,32930,21804,15254,42184,28061,32865,15376,9785,47785 9807006475999/tpical/26437,14015,12039,20700,16806,19152,11140 9807006480007:!070064807 9807006480700:tape 9807006480712/tape/off,06493,norm,moving,nostop,locked,ready,rem 9807006480712:"data start" 9807006480712:midob 9807006480712#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9807006480775/onsource/TRACKING 9807006480860#wx#/WX/24.8,1014.5, 54.2 9807006480880?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807006480882?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807006480934?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807006480986?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807006480994/ifd/16,17,nor,nor,rem,8248,9699 9807006481001/if3/0,in,2,2,,,present,500.10,rem,lock,39327 9807006481009/vc06/272.89,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,23164 9807006481016/vc11/237.99,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,10428 9807006481049/tpi/34564,27938,18500,12687,35047,23164,27347,12860,8264,39315 9807006481072/tpi/22902,12179,10428,17484,14609,16597,9552 9807006481074/tsys1/53.6,54.4,52.7,45.9,47.7,45.4,47.0,46.4,50.4,45.4 9807006481075/tsys2/67.4,67.3,65.2,55.3,66.9,64.8,61.0 9807006481076:!070064917 9807006491700:"data stop" 9807006491700:et 9807006491715:!+3s 9807006492017:tape 9807006492028/tape/off,07295,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9807006492029:postob 9807006492030:source=0104-408,010427.6,-405021.4,1950.0 9807006492031#antcn#Command a new source 9807006492084#antcn#Successfully sent new source position to antenna 9807006492085:check2c1 9807006500173/parity/0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0. 9807006500174/parity/0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 9807006501459:wb2c1=21 9807006501517/pass/21,21,auto,220.0,220.0,220.0,220.2,0.0,0.2 9807006501862:!070065129 9807006512900:tape 9807006512912/tape/off,07300,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9807006512912:st=for,135 9807006512926:!070065139 9807006513900:preob 9807006513900#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9807006513942/onsource/TRACKING 9807006514182/tpical/41011,32810,21847,14976,40204,27169,31144,14564,9588,45714 9807006514205/tpical/26295,13927,12002,20744,16628,19101,11364 9807006514213:!070065149 9807006514900:tape 9807006514912/tape/off,07495,norm,moving,nostop,locked,ready,rem 9807006514912:"data start" 9807006514912:midob 9807006514912#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9807006514972/onsource/TRACKING 9807006515054#wx#/WX/23.9,1014.5, 56.1 9807006515074?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807006515076?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807006515128?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807006515180?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807006515188/ifd/16,17,nor,nor,rem,8077,10544 9807006515195/if3/0,in,2,2,,,present,500.10,rem,lock,37454 9807006515202/vc06/272.89,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,22342 9807006515209/vc11/237.99,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,10387 9807006515241/tpi/34756,27746,18470,12385,33296,22342,25808,12173,8078,37474 9807006515264/tpi/22774,12085,10387,17913,14408,16452,10952 9807006515267/tsys1/53.6,53.3,51.5,44.3,46.7,44.4,45.7,46.0,49.5,44.5 9807006515268/tsys2/67.2,66.5,64.8,64.4,65.3,61.9,270.8 9807006515269:!070065259 9807006525900:"data stop" 9807006525901:et 9807006525915:!+3s 9807006530217:tape 9807006530228/tape/off,08296,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9807006530229:postob 9807006530230:source=2255-282,225522.5,-281425.6,1950.0 9807006530231#antcn#Command a new source 9807006530291#antcn#Successfully sent new source position to antenna 9807006530292:midtp 9807006530533/tpzero/526,206,722,670,343,492,899,944,431,75 9807006530556/tpzero/227,417,421,557,599,842,328 9807006530576/rx/00(front),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,31.68 9807006530588/rx/01(rear),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,43.89 9807006530600/rx/02(lo),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,51.58 9807006530612/rx/03(dcal),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,48.65 9807006530624/rx/0E(lo5mhz),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,0.977 9807006530636/rx/17(pres),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,5.599 9807006530648/rx/1E(20k),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,29.11 9807006530660/rx/1F(70k),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,56.40 9807006530660:wb2c2=22 9807006531214/pass/22,22,auto,220.0,220.0,220.1,220.5,0.1,0.5 9807006531560:fastf=0m27s 9807006531609?ERROR ch -336 Enabled tracks do not check with requested tracks 9807006534291:!+5s 9807006534792:!070065508 9807006550800:tape 9807006550812/tape/off,08873,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9807006550812:st=rev,135 9807006550826:!070065518 9807006551800:preob 9807006551800#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9807006551869/onsource/TRACKING 9807006552109/tpical/41144,33426,22361,15433,41551,28446,32260,15167,9765,47372 9807006552132/tpical/27162,14411,12396,21717,17308,19610,13746 9807006552140:!070065528 9807006552800:tape 9807006552812/tape/off,08679,norm,moving,nostop,locked,ready,rem 9807006552812:"data start" 9807006552812:midob 9807006552812#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9807006552848/onsource/TRACKING 9807006552928#wx#/WX/23.5,1014.7, 57.2 9807006552955?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807006552957?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807006553009?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807006553060?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807006553068/ifd/16,17,nor,nor,rem,8279,13174 9807006553075/if3/0,in,2,2,,,present,500.10,rem,lock,39226 9807006553082/vc06/272.89,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,23615 9807006553090/vc11/237.99,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,10762 9807006553123/tpi/35048,28438,19032,12892,34686,23668,26978,12773,8275,39235 9807006553146/tpi/23641,12567,10758,18580,15562,17095,13123 9807006553147/tsys1/55.5,55.5,53.9,47.1,49.0,47.5,48.4,48.4,51.6,47.2 9807006553148/tsys2/69.8,69.2,66.3,60.3,90.0,67.9,215.6 9807006553148:!070070028 9807007002800:"data stop" 9807007002800:et 9807007002815:!+3s 9807007003116:tape 9807007003127/tape/off,05290,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9807007003127:postob 9807007003127:source=0727-115,072758.1,-113452.5,1950.0 9807007003128#antcn#Command a new source 9807007003173#antcn#Successfully sent new source position to antenna 9807007003174:check2c2 9807007011262/parity/0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0. 9807007011262/parity/0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 9807007012547:wb2c2=22 9807007012605/pass/22,22,auto,220.0,220.0,219.4,219.8,-0.6,-0.2 9807007012952:!070070510 9807007051000:tape 9807007051013/tape/off,05286,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9807007051013:st=rev,135 9807007051028:!070070520 9807007052000:preob 9807007052000#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9807007052058/onsource/TRACKING 9807007052300/tpical/43327,35474,23077,15837,47136,29348,34610,15284,10274,51000 9807007052324/tpical/26288,13943,12034,20654,17159,19177,8891 9807007052333:!070070530 9807007053000:tape 9807007053012/tape/off,05092,norm,moving,nostop,locked,ready,rem 9807007053012:"data start" 9807007053012:midob 9807007053012#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9807007053078/onsource/TRACKING 9807007053151#wx#/WX/22.6,1014.6, 57.1 9807007053170?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807007053171?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807007053223?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807007053274?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807007053281/ifd/16,17,nor,nor,rem,8689,7942 9807007053288/if3/0,in,2,2,,,present,500.10,rem,lock,42079 9807007053295/vc06/272.89,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,24329 9807007053302/vc11/237.99,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,10416 9807007053333/tpi/36819,30087,19572,13177,39204,24333,28703,12792,8691,42073 9807007053355/tpi/22800,12109,10416,17636,14750,16644,8479 9807007053356/tsys1/54.7,54.4,52.7,46.1,48.0,46.6,46.1,46.6,51.1,46.1 9807007053357/tsys2/68.0,66.9,64.9,59.4,61.7,65.5,207.7 9807007053357:!070070640 9807007064000:"data stop" 9807007064000:et 9807007064016:!+3s 9807007064317:tape 9807007064329/tape/off,04290,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9807007064329:postob 9807007064329:source=0458-020,045841.3,-020333.9,1950.0 9807007064330#antcn#Command a new source 9807007064377#antcn#Successfully sent new source position to antenna 9807007064378:check2c2 9807007072470/parity/0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0. 9807007072470/parity/0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 9807007073753:wb2c2=22 9807007074024/pass/22,22,auto,220.0,220.0,220.1,219.8,0.1,-0.2 9807007074370:!070070807 9807007080700:tape 9807007080712/tape/off,04285,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9807007080712:st=rev,135 9807007080728:!070070817 9807007081700:preob 9807007081700#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9807007081736/onsource/TRACKING 9807007081977/tpical/42221,34360,22454,15533,45467,28990,33853,15155,9975,49747 9807007082001/tpical/26104,13783,11882,20095,16743,19005,10786 9807007082010:!070070827 9807007082700:tape 9807007082712/tape/off,04091,norm,moving,nostop,locked,ready,rem 9807007082712:"data start" 9807007082712:midob 9807007082712#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9807007082765/onsource/TRACKING 9807007082845#wx#/WX/22.4,1014.5, 55.1 9807007082865?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807007082866?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807007082918?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807007082969?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807007082976/ifd/16,17,nor,nor,rem,8384,9363 9807007082983/if3/0,in,2,2,,,present,500.10,rem,lock,40731 9807007082990/vc06/272.89,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,23846 9807007082997/vc11/237.99,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,10266 9807007083029/tpi/35630,29024,18910,12878,37509,23847,27980,12642,8388,40766 9807007083051/tpi/22610,11930,10256,17579,14469,16602,9716 9807007083052/tsys1/52.2,52.9,50.3,45.1,45.8,44.5,45.2,45.6,49.1,44.4 9807007083053/tsys2/67.3,65.2,63.5,71.0,64.0,68.9,92.1 9807007083053:!070071217 9807007121700:"data stop" 9807007121700:et 9807007121714:!+3s 9807007122015:tape 9807007122026/tape/off,01489,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9807007122026:postob 9807007122026:source=0229+131,022902.5,130940.6,1950.0 9807007122027#antcn#Command a new source 9807007122091#antcn#Successfully sent new source position to antenna 9807007122092:midtp 9807007122333/tpzero/528,202,723,672,352,494,899,943,436,75 9807007122356/tpzero/229,417,423,560,601,848,329 9807007122376/rx/00(front),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,30.83 9807007122388/rx/01(rear),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,43.52 9807007122400/rx/02(lo),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,51.58 9807007122412/rx/03(dcal),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,48.53 9807007122424/rx/0E(lo5mhz),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,0.977 9807007122436/rx/17(pres),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,5.423 9807007122448/rx/1E(20k),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,29.11 9807007122460/rx/1F(70k),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,55.89 9807007122460:wb2c1=23 9807007123005/pass/23,23,auto,275.0,275.0,274.9,274.8,-0.1,-0.2 9807007123351:fastr=1m4s 9807007133781:!+5s 9807007134282:!070071415 9807007141500:tape 9807007141513/tape/low,00080,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9807007141513:st=for,135 9807007141527:!070071425 9807007142500:preob 9807007142500#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9807007142559/onsource/TRACKING 9807007142799/tpical/43250,34532,23235,16141,46806,30187,35133,15617,10275,51923 9807007142822/tpical/26767,14133,12147,21398,17199,19538,12325 9807007142830:!070071435 9807007143500:tape 9807007143512/tape/off,00274,norm,moving,nostop,locked,ready,rem 9807007143512:"data start" 9807007143512:midob 9807007143512#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9807007143569/onsource/TRACKING 9807007143654#wx#/WX/22.2,1014.6, 52.4 9807007143674?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807007143676?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807007143728?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807007143780?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807007143788/ifd/16,17,nor,nor,rem,8692,11136 9807007143795/if3/0,in,2,2,,,present,500.10,rem,lock,42905 9807007143802/vc06/272.89,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,25090 9807007143809/vc11/237.99,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,10533 9807007143841/tpi/36744,29306,19701,13461,39010,25090,29261,13089,8693,42909 9807007143864/tpi/23283,12267,10533,18985,15021,16939,10976 9807007143866/tsys1/54.6,54.6,52.6,46.8,48.6,47.3,47.3,47.1,51.1,46.6 9807007143867/tsys2/69.5,66.7,65.8,80.2,69.5,65.0,82.9 9807007143868:!070071859 9807007185900:"data stop" 9807007185900:et 9807007185914:!+3s 9807007190215:tape 9807007190226/tape/off,03258,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9807007190226:postob 9807007190226:source=0556+238,055628.7,235345.2,1950.0 9807007190227#antcn#Command a new source 9807007190285#antcn#Successfully sent new source position to antenna 9807007190285:check2c1 9807007194373/parity/0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0. 9807007194373/parity/0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 9807007195659:wb2c1=23 9807007195747/pass/23,23,auto,275.0,275.0,274.9,274.8,-0.1,-0.2 9807007200093:!070072753 9807007261088;"cable=17430.0 9807007261433;wth 9807007261514#wx#/WX/21.8,1014.6, 50.4 9807007275300:tape 9807007275314/tape/off,03263,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9807007275314:st=for,135 9807007275330:!070072803 9807007280300:preob 9807007280300#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9807007280356/onsource/TRACKING 9807007280595/tpical/45748,37024,24413,17049,50907,31653,37068,15170,10944,55155 9807007280617/tpical/27644,14600,12554,21408,17831,20384,10772 9807007280624:!070072813 9807007281300:tape 9807007281312/tape/off,03457,norm,moving,nostop,locked,ready,rem 9807007281312:"data start" 9807007281312:midob 9807007281312#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9807007281376/onsource/TRACKING 9807007281451#wx#/WX/21.8,1014.5, 50.9 9807007281470?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807007281473?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807007281526?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807007281577?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807007281584/ifd/16,17,nor,nor,rem,9325,9228 9807007281591/if3/0,in,2,2,,,present,500.10,rem,lock,45946 9807007281598/vc06/272.89,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,26470 9807007281605/vc11/237.99,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,10939 9807007281636/tpi/39130,31673,20896,14326,42792,26480,31156,12781,9321,45918 9807007281658/tpi/24113,12737,10939,18773,15564,17700,8917 9807007281659/tsys1/57.2,57.6,56.2,49.1,51.3,49.2,50.2,48.6,53.6,48.6 9807007281660/tsys2/71.0,69.4,68.4,72.6,69.3,65.9,48.6 9807007281660:!070073010 9807007301000:"data stop" 9807007301000:et 9807007301017:!+3s 9807007301318:tape 9807007301330/tape/off,04787,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9807007301330:postob 9807007301330:source=0104-408,010427.6,-405021.4,1950.0 9807007301330#antcn#Command a new source 9807007301394#antcn#Successfully sent new source position to antenna 9807007301394:check2c1 9807007305483/parity/0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0. 9807007305483/parity/0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 9807007310768:wb2c1=23 9807007310826/pass/23,23,auto,275.0,275.0,274.9,274.8,-0.1,-0.2 9807007311171:!070073243 9807007321473;proc=ca031ho 9807007324300:tape 9807007324313/tape/off,04793,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9807007324313:st=for,135 9807007324330:!070073253 9807007325300:preob 9807007325300#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9807007325352/onsource/TRACKING 9807007325594/tpical/40363,32389,22131,15172,40268,27338,31443,11051,9577,46048 9807007325619/tpical/26257,13935,12015,20350,16716,19130,10643 9807007325628:!070073303 9807007330300:tape 9807007330312/tape/off,04987,norm,moving,nostop,locked,ready,rem 9807007330312:"data start" 9807007330312:midob 9807007330312#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9807007330341/onsource/TRACKING 9807007330422#wx#/WX/21.6,1014.5, 52.3 9807007330442?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807007330443?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807007330494?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807007330545?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807007330552/ifd/16,17,nor,nor,rem,8038,10060 9807007330559/if3/0,in,2,2,,,present,500.10,rem,lock,37633 9807007330566/vc06/272.89,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,22379 9807007330573/vc11/237.99,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,10350 9807007330605/tpi/34071,27326,18619,12513,33159,22379,25956,8424,8038,37651 9807007330627/tpi/22733,12069,10358,17515,14442,16475,10065 9807007330628/tsys1/52.2,52.5,49.9,43.6,45.2,43.2,44.8,27.9,48.4,43.9 9807007330629/tsys2/67.1,65.6,63.0,62.8,63.9,61.8,176.9 9807007330629:!070073413 9807007341300:"data stop" 9807007341300:et 9807007341316:!+3s 9807007341617:tape 9807007341629/tape/off,05788,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9807007341629:postob 9807007341629:source=0048-097,004810.0,-094524.2,1950.0 9807007341630#antcn#Command a new source 9807007341690#antcn#Successfully sent new source position to antenna 9807007341690:check2c1 9807007345780/parity/0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0. 9807007345780/parity/0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 9807007351068:wb2c1=23 9807007351068&wb2c1/tapefrmwbc 9807007351068&wb2c1/pass=$,same 9807007351068&wb2c1/form=c,4.000 9807007351068&wb2c1/form=reset 9807007351068&wb2c1/vcwb2 9807007351068&wb2c1/ifdwb 9807007351068&wb2c1/tape=low 9807007351068&wb2c1/enable=g1,g3 9807007351068&wb2c1/repro=byp,3,19 9807007351069&tapefrmwbc/tapeform= 1,-330, 2,-330, 3,-275, 4,-275, 5,-220, 6,-220 9807007351069&tapefrmwbc/tapeform= 7,-165, 8,-165, 9,-110, 10,-110, 11, -55, 12, -55 9807007351069&tapefrmwbc/tapeform= 13, 0, 14, 0, 15, 55, 16, 55, 17, 110, 18, 110 9807007351069&tapefrmwbc/tapeform= 19, 165, 20, 165, 21, 220, 22, 220, 23, 275, 24, 275 9807007351138/pass/23,23,auto,275.0,275.0,274.9,274.8,-0.1,-0.2 9807007351245&vcwb2/vc01=132.99,2.000 9807007351245&vcwb2/vc02=172.99,2.000 9807007351245&vcwb2/vc03=272.99,2.000 9807007351245&vcwb2/vc04=432.99,2.000 9807007351245&vcwb2/vc05=152.89,2.000 9807007351245&vcwb2/vc06=272.89,2.000 9807007351245&vcwb2/vc07=332.89,2.000 9807007351245&vcwb2/vc08=352.89,2.000 9807007351245&vcwb2/vc09=207.99,2.000 9807007351245&vcwb2/vc10=217.99,2.000 9807007351245&vcwb2/vc11=237.99,2.000 9807007351245&vcwb2/vc12=292.99,2.000 9807007351245&vcwb2/vc13=327.99,2.000 9807007351245&vcwb2/vc14=332.99,2.000 9807007351245&vcwb2/!+1s 9807007351245&vcwb2/valarm 9807007351477&ifdwb/ifd=17,17,nor,nor 9807007351477&ifdwb/if3=1,in,2,2 9807007351477&ifdwb/lo=8080.00,2020.00,8580.10 9807007351477&ifdwb/patch=lo1,1l,2l,3h,4h 9807007351477&ifdwb/patch=lo2,9l,10l,11h,12h,13h,14h 9807007351477&ifdwb/patch=lo3,5h,6h,7h,8h 9807007351509:!070073625 9807007362500:tape 9807007362512/tape/off,05794,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9807007362512:st=for,135 9807007362528:!070073635 9807007363500:preob 9807007363500#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9807007363538/onsource/TRACKING 9807007363779/tpical/33694,26892,18482,12896,34204,23272,28659,13075,8123,38943 9807007363803/tpical/27377,14486,12414,21088,17402,19933,11067 9807007363812:!070073645 9807007364500:tape 9807007364512/tape/off,05988,norm,moving,nostop,locked,ready,rem 9807007364512:"data start" 9807007364512:midob 9807007364512#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9807007364568/onsource/TRACKING 9807007364656#wx#/WX/21.5,1014.5, 50.5 9807007364676?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807007364677?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807007364728?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807007364779?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807007364786/ifd/17,17,nor,nor,rem,6874,9937 9807007364793/if3/1,in,2,2,,,present,500.10,rem,lock,32141 9807007364800/vc06/272.89,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,19289 9807007364807/vc11/237.99,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,10790 9807007364838/tpi/28566,22743,15682,10744,28448,19258,23906,10987,6874,32154 9807007364861/tpi/23774,12617,10790,18327,15125,17405,10512 9807007364862/tsys1/53.6,53.2,52.4,45.9,47.8,45.8,47.4,47.1,50.5,46.3 9807007364863/tsys2/68.6,68.5,67.0,67.6,67.0,68.8,192.7 9807007364863:!070073809 9807007380901:"data stop" 9807007380901:et 9807007380917:!+3s 9807007381218:tape 9807007381230/tape/off,06947,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9807007381230:postob 9807007381230:source=0208-512,020856.9,-511507.5,1950.0 9807007381231#antcn#Command a new source 9807007381276#antcn#Successfully sent new source position to antenna 9807007381276:midtp 9807007381518/tpzero/528,207,727,676,345,500,906,945,436,75 9807007381543/tpzero/232,424,426,558,603,846,328 9807007381564/rx/00(front),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,29.85 9807007381575/rx/01(rear),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,43.77 9807007381586/rx/02(lo),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,50.85 9807007381597/rx/03(dcal),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,48.41 9807007381609/rx/0E(lo5mhz),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,0.977 9807007381620/rx/17(pres),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,5.248 9807007381631/rx/1E(20k),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,28.82 9807007381642/rx/1F(70k),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,55.38 9807007381642:wb2c2=24 9807007381642&wb2c2/tapefrmwbc 9807007381642&wb2c2/pass=$,same 9807007381642&wb2c2/form=c,4.000 9807007381642&wb2c2/form=reset 9807007381642&wb2c2/vcwb2 9807007381642&wb2c2/ifdwb 9807007381642&wb2c2/tape=low 9807007381642&wb2c2/enable=g2,g4 9807007381642&wb2c2/repro=byp,4,20 9807007382197/pass/24,24,auto,275.0,275.0,275.0,275.2,0.0,0.2 9807007382543:fastf=1m27s 9807007382592?ERROR ch -336 Enabled tracks do not check with requested tracks 9807007395275:!+5s 9807007395776:!070074104 9807007410400:tape 9807007410413/tape/off,08874,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9807007410413:st=rev,135 9807007410429:!070074114 9807007411400:preob 9807007411400#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9807007411454/onsource/TRACKING 9807007411696/tpical/32859,26172,17834,12455,32449,22409,27191,12573,7808,37109 9807007411720/tpical/26787,14146,12211,21279,16846,19497,16531 9807007411729:!070074124 9807007412400:tape 9807007412412/tape/off,08680,norm,moving,nostop,locked,ready,rem 9807007412412:"data start" 9807007412412:midob 9807007412412#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9807007412433/onsource/TRACKING 9807007412507#wx#/WX/21.4,1014.5, 50.5 9807007412527?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807007412528?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807007412579?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807007412630?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807007412637/ifd/17,17,nor,nor,rem,6590,13859 9807007412644/if3/1,in,2,2,,,present,500.10,rem,lock,30398 9807007412651/vc06/272.89,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,18412 9807007412658/vc11/237.99,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,10587 9807007412689/tpi/27804,22149,15097,10335,26725,18412,22493,10477,6590,30398 9807007412711/tpi/23200,12292,10587,18170,14706,16764,13111 9807007412712/tsys1/52.9,53.5,51.5,44.7,45.2,43.9,45.0,44.6,49.5,44.3 9807007412713/tsys2/67.2,67.2,65.7,59.5,69.2,61.2,39.2 9807007412713:!070074617 9807007461700:"data stop" 9807007461700:et 9807007461717:!+3s 9807007462018:tape 9807007462030/tape/off,05370,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9807007462030:postob 9807007462030:source=0119+115,011903.1,113409.2,1950.0 9807007462031#antcn#Command a new source 9807007462069#antcn#Successfully sent new source position to antenna 9807007462069:check2c2 9807007470160/parity/0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0. 9807007470160/parity/0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 9807007471446:wb2c2=24 9807007471505/pass/24,24,auto,275.0,275.0,275.0,275.2,0.0,0.2 9807007471851:!070074954 9807007495400:tape 9807007495414/tape/off,05365,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9807007495414:st=rev,135 9807007495430:!070075004 9807007500400:preob 9807007500400#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9807007500424/onsource/TRACKING 9807007500665/tpical/37377,29903,20340,14159,39416,26036,32078,14533,8937,43954 9807007500689/tpical/28501,15124,12985,22314,18449,20758,10898 9807007500698:!070075014 9807007501400:tape 9807007501412/tape/off,05172,norm,moving,nostop,locked,ready,rem 9807007501412:"data start" 9807007501412:midob 9807007501412#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9807007501464/onsource/TRACKING 9807007501552#wx#/WX/21.1,1014.4, 52.6 9807007501572?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807007501573?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807007501624?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807007501675?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807007501682/ifd/17,17,nor,nor,rem,7655,9189 9807007501689/if3/1,in,2,2,,,present,500.10,rem,lock,36817 9807007501696/vc06/272.89,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,21882 9807007501703/vc11/237.99,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,11367 9807007501734/tpi/32085,25631,17484,11964,33254,21864,27042,12329,7651,36803 9807007501756/tpi/24918,13279,11367,19601,16153,18207,9488 9807007501757/tsys1/58.4,58.3,57.5,50.4,52.3,50.2,50.9,50.6,55.0,50.3 9807007501758/tsys2/72.3,73.2,71.0,73.7,71.1,71.5,68.2 9807007501758:!070075634 9807007563400:"data stop" 9807007563400:et 9807007563414:!+3s 9807007563715:tape 9807007563726/tape/off,00883,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9807007563726:postob 9807007563726:source=1610-771,161051.6,-770952.6,1950.0 9807007563727#antcn#Command a new source 9807007563788#antcn#Successfully sent new source position to antenna 9807007563788:fastr=0m38s 9807007571618:unlod 9807007571618&unlod/enable=, 9807007571618&unlod/check=*,-tp 9807007571618&unlod/tape=off 9807007571618&unlod/st=rev,120,off 9807007571618&unlod/xdisp=on 9807007571618&unlod/"**************dismount this tape now************" 9807007571618&unlod/wakeup 9807007571618&unlod/xdisp=off 9807007572289/ !!!! wake up !!!! 9807007572289:wb2c1=1 9807007573447/pass/1,1,auto,-330.0,-330.0,-330.3,-329.9,-0.3,0.1 9807007573793:ready 9807007573793&ready/sxcts 9807007573793&ready/rxmon 9807007573793&ready/newtape 9807007573793&ready/tape=low,reset 9807007573793&ready/st=for,120,off 9807007573793&ready/!+11s 9807007573793&ready/et 9807007573793&ready/!+3s 9807007573793&ready/label 9807007573793&ready/check=*,tp 9807007573839/tpi/27642,21967,15025,10313,27681,18793,23192,10782,6598,31191 9807007573863/tpi/22955,12105,10467,18078,14621,16739,8755 9807007574105/tpzero/531,209,728,677,344,498,903,948,436,74 9807007574129/tpzero/231,420,426,561,601,848,326 9807007574376/tpical/27735,21881,15083,10328,27789,18924,23237,10763,6627,31237 9807007574398/tpical/23081,12178,10497,17720,14736,16792,9130 9807007574406?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device v2 overflowed or were less than zero. 9807007574406?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device v8 overflowed or were less than zero. 9807007574406/tsys1/2856.9,-2479.4,2415.7,6295.5,2480.6,1368.6,4854.0,-5072.3,2082.3,6629.3 9807007574406?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device vc overflowed or were less than zero. 9807007574407/tsys2/1893.7,1680.7,3514.4,-513.8,1280.1,3148.2,236.0 9807007574418/rx/00(front),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,28.51 9807007574429/rx/01(rear),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,42.67 9807007574440/rx/02(lo),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,50.36 9807007574451/rx/03(dcal),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,48.29 9807007574462/rx/0E(lo5mhz),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,0.976 9807007574473/rx/17(pres),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,5.074 9807007574485/rx/1E(20k),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,28.31 9807007574496/rx/1F(70k),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,55.38 9807007574496/newtape/"to continue, use label command" 9807008052792;label=hsf00836,2165 9807008054227/label/HSF00836,2165 9807008054227:!+5s 9807008054728:!070080656 9807008060559?ERROR ch -337 Reproduce bandwidth does not check with request 9807008060559?ERROR ch -338 Reproduce equalizer does not check with request 9807008061032;label=hsf00836,2165 9807008062761?ERROR ch -337 Reproduce bandwidth does not check with request 9807008062761?ERROR ch -338 Reproduce equalizer does not check with request 9807008064965?ERROR ch -337 Reproduce bandwidth does not check with request 9807008064965?ERROR ch -338 Reproduce equalizer does not check with request 9807008065600:tape 9807008065612/tape/low,00079,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9807008065612:st=for,135 9807008065627:!070080706 9807008070600:preob 9807008070600#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9807008070648/onsource/TRACKING 9807008070889/tpical/33738,26752,18044,12559,34018,23096,28217,12641,8020,38649 9807008070911/tpical/27529,14579,12585,20943,17361,19990,14444 9807008070918:!070080716 9807008071600:tape 9807008071612/tape/off,00273,norm,moving,nostop,locked,ready,rem 9807008071612:"data start" 9807008071612:midob 9807008071612#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9807008071678/onsource/TRACKING 9807008071763#wx#/WX/20.7,1014.5, 54.8 9807008071783?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807008071783?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807008071835?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807008071886?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807008071893/ifd/17,17,nor,nor,rem,6778,13213 9807008071900/if3/1,in,2,2,,,present,500.10,rem,lock,31769 9807008071907/vc06/272.89,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,19075 9807008071914/vc11/237.99,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,10899 9807008071945/tpi/28567,22627,15276,10466,28149,19075,23396,10589,6783,31775 9807008071967/tpi/23875,12651,10899,18111,15042,17388,13223 9807008071968/tsys1/53.1,53.3,51.5,45.8,46.4,45.3,45.7,46.0,50.3,45.2 9807008071969/tsys2/67.9,66.6,65.2,65.1,65.4,66.7,110.9 9807008071969:!070080946 9807008073327?ERROR ch -337 Reproduce bandwidth does not check with request 9807008073327?ERROR ch -338 Reproduce equalizer does not check with request 9807008075529?ERROR ch -337 Reproduce bandwidth does not check with request 9807008075529?ERROR ch -338 Reproduce equalizer does not check with request 9807008081731?ERROR ch -337 Reproduce bandwidth does not check with request 9807008081731?ERROR ch -338 Reproduce equalizer does not check with request 9807008083932?ERROR ch -337 Reproduce bandwidth does not check with request 9807008083932?ERROR ch -338 Reproduce equalizer does not check with request 9807008090135?ERROR ch -337 Reproduce bandwidth does not check with request 9807008090135?ERROR ch -338 Reproduce equalizer does not check with request 9807008092337?ERROR ch -337 Reproduce bandwidth does not check with request 9807008092337?ERROR ch -338 Reproduce equalizer does not check with request 9807008094600:"data stop" 9807008094600:et 9807008094616:!+3s 9807008094917:tape 9807008094929/tape/off,01975,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9807008094929:postob 9807008094929:source=0556+238,055628.7,235345.2,1950.0 9807008094930#antcn#Command a new source 9807008094995#antcn#Successfully sent new source position to antenna 9807008094995:check2c1 9807008103083/parity/0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0. 9807008103083/parity/0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 9807008104370:wb2c1=1 9807008104472/pass/1,1,auto,-330.0,-330.0,-330.3,-329.9,-0.3,0.1 9807008104819:!070081456 9807008145600:tape 9807008145613/tape/off,01980,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9807008145613:st=for,135 9807008145629:!070081506 9807008150600:preob 9807008150600#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9807008150660/onsource/TRACKING 9807008150901/tpical/36221,29259,19327,13886,40319,25967,32483,14764,8731,44299 9807008150925/tpical/28352,14928,12867,21607,18199,20929,12158 9807008150934:!070081516 9807008151600:tape 9807008151612/tape/off,02174,norm,moving,nostop,locked,ready,rem 9807008151612:"data start" 9807008151612:midob 9807008151612#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9807008151670/onsource/TRACKING 9807008151748#wx#/WX/20.4,1014.6, 55.4 9807008151768?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807008151769?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807008151821?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807008151872?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807008151879/ifd/17,17,nor,nor,rem,7444,11671 9807008151886/if3/1,in,2,2,,,present,500.10,rem,lock,36887 9807008151893/vc06/272.89,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,21656 9807008151900/vc11/237.99,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,11178 9807008151932/tpi/30899,24976,16564,11677,33816,21643,27237,12428,7445,36878 9807008151954/tpi/24668,13001,11159,18739,15860,18345,11889 9807008151955/tsys1/55.9,56.7,56.2,48.8,50.4,47.9,49.2,48.2,53.4,48.6 9807008151956/tsys2/69.6,68.6,66.0,66.6,68.5,71.1,451.3 9807008151956:!070081716 9807008171600:"data stop" 9807008171600:et 9807008171615:!+3s 9807008171916:tape 9807008171927/tape/off,03538,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9807008171927:postob 9807008171927:source=0048-097,004810.0,-094524.2,1950.0 9807008171928#antcn#Command a new source 9807008171988#antcn#Successfully sent new source position to antenna 9807008171988:check2c1 9807008180077/parity/0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0. 9807008180077/parity/0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 9807008181361:wb2c1=1 9807008181430/pass/1,1,auto,-330.0,-330.0,-330.3,-329.9,-0.3,0.1 9807008181775:!070082526 9807008252600:tape 9807008252612/tape/off,03544,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9807008252612:st=for,135 9807008252626:!070082536 9807008253600:preob 9807008253600#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9807008253639/onsource/TRACKING 9807008253879/tpical/35191,27927,19376,13709,37806,26098,31684,14690,8503,43202 9807008253902/tpical/29025,15335,13176,22168,18435,20856,12606 9807008253910:!070082546 9807008254600:tape 9807008254612/tape/off,03738,norm,moving,nostop,locked,ready,rem 9807008254612:"data start" 9807008254612:midob 9807008254612#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9807008254679/onsource/TRACKING 9807008254750#wx#/WX/20.3,1014.6, 56.6 9807008254770?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807008254771?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807008254824?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807008254876?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807008254884/ifd/17,17,nor,nor,rem,7237,12669 9807008254891/if3/1,in,2,2,,,present,500.10,rem,lock,35963 9807008254898/vc06/272.89,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,21753 9807008254905/vc11/237.99,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,11476 9807008254938/tpi/30058,23805,16535,11499,31670,21746,26561,12396,7237,35946 9807008254961/tpi/25313,13411,11476,19223,16013,18155,12747 9807008254963/tsys1/56.4,56.1,54.5,48.0,50.0,47.8,49.1,48.9,52.6,48.4 9807008254964?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device i2 overflowed or were less than zero. 9807008254965/tsys2/70.9,70.9,68.3,66.5,66.8,67.3,-925.0 9807008254966:!070082717 9807008271700:"data stop" 9807008271700:et 9807008271715:!+3s 9807008272016:tape 9807008272027/tape/off,04776,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9807008272027:postob 9807008272027:source=0104-408,010427.6,-405021.4,1950.0 9807008272028#antcn#Command a new source 9807008272067#antcn#Successfully sent new source position to antenna 9807008272068:check2c1 9807008280156/parity/0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0. 9807008280156/parity/0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 9807008281443:wb2c1=1 9807008281500/pass/1,1,auto,-330.0,-330.0,-330.3,-329.9,-0.3,0.1 9807008281845:!070082937 9807008293700:tape 9807008293712/tape/off,04782,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9807008293712:st=for,135 9807008293726:!070082947 9807008294700:preob 9807008294700#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9807008294745/onsource/TRACKING 9807008294985/tpical/33371,26648,18404,12889,33945,23290,28332,13223,7962,38694 9807008295008/tpical/27251,14422,12380,20747,18250,20119,20346 9807008295015:!070082957 9807008295700:tape 9807008295712/tape/off,04976,norm,moving,nostop,locked,ready,rem 9807008295712:"data start" 9807008295712:midob 9807008295712#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9807008295775/onsource/TRACKING 9807008295863#wx#/WX/20.2,1014.6, 57.5 9807008295883?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807008295884?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807008295935?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807008295987?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807008295994/ifd/17,17,nor,nor,rem,6697,18701 9807008300001/if3/1,in,2,2,,,present,500.10,rem,lock,31678 9807008300008/vc06/272.89,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,19113 9807008300015/vc11/237.99,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,10668 9807008300046/tpi/28157,22511,15548,10652,28047,19113,23472,11013,6695,31678 9807008300068/tpi/23522,12484,10668,18082,15543,17666,18241 9807008300069/tsys1/51.9,52.8,50.9,43.7,46.0,43.7,45.5,44.6,48.4,44.1 9807008300070/tsys2/65.6,65.4,62.8,69.0,58.0,72.0,89.4 9807008300070:!070083107 9807008300854;"cable=17426.0 9807008310700:"data stop" 9807008310700:et 9807008310716:!+3s 9807008311017:tape 9807008311029/tape/off,05777,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9807008311029:postob 9807008311029:source=0727-115,072758.1,-113452.5,1950.0 9807008311030#antcn#Command a new source 9807008311094#antcn#Successfully sent new source position to antenna 9807008311095:check2c1 9807008315188/parity/0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0. 9807008315188/parity/0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 9807008320469:wb2c1=1 9807008320528/pass/1,1,auto,-330.0,-330.0,-331.0,-329.9,-1.0,0.1 9807008320873:!070083525 9807008352500:tape 9807008352513/tape/off,05781,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9807008352513:st=for,135 9807008352529:!070083535 9807008353500:preob 9807008353500#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9807008353559/onsource/TRACKING 9807008353800/tpical/34903,28481,18806,13133,37942,24368,30366,13735,8358,41329 9807008353825/tpical/27281,14427,12458,20972,17622,19886,10757 9807008353834:!070083545 9807008354500:tape 9807008354512/tape/off,05975,norm,moving,nostop,locked,ready,rem 9807008354512:"data start" 9807008354512:midob 9807008354512#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9807008354569/onsource/TRACKING 9807008354652#wx#/WX/20.2,1014.6, 58.6 9807008354672?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807008354675?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807008354727?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807008354778?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807008354785/ifd/17,17,nor,nor,rem,7034,9409 9807008354792/if3/1,in,2,2,,,present,500.10,rem,lock,33813 9807008354799/vc06/272.89,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,20018 9807008354806/vc11/237.99,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,10736 9807008354837/tpi/29509,24050,15908,10881,31305,20020,25058,11437,7035,33828 9807008354859/tpi/23576,12452,10736,18072,15227,17186,9376 9807008354860/tsys1/52.6,52.7,51.3,44.4,45.7,44.0,44.6,44.7,48.9,44.1 9807008354861/tsys2/66.2,64.0,62.9,63.4,64.1,63.5,68.8 9807008354861:!070083655 9807008365500:"data stop" 9807008365500:et 9807008365515:!+3s 9807008365816:tape 9807008365828/tape/off,06776,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9807008365828:postob 9807008365828:source=0528+134,052806.7,132942.3,1950.0 9807008365828#antcn#Command a new source 9807008365888#antcn#Successfully sent new source position to antenna 9807008365888:midtp 9807008370131/tpzero/530,207,723,673,347,502,903,941,407,75 9807008370155/tpzero/229,420,425,561,601,841,316 9807008370176/rx/00(front),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,26.80 9807008370189/rx/01(rear),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,41.08 9807008370202/rx/02(lo),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,49.38 9807008370213/rx/03(dcal),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,48.04 9807008370224/rx/0E(lo5mhz),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,0.974 9807008370235/rx/17(pres),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,4.900 9807008370246/rx/1E(20k),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,27.67 9807008370257/rx/1F(70k),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,53.33 9807008370257:wb2c2=2 9807008371530/pass/2,2,auto,-330.0,-330.0,-330.2,-331.0,-0.2,-1.0 9807008371876:fastf=1m34s 9807008371925?ERROR ch -336 Enabled tracks do not check with requested tracks 9807008385308:!+5s 9807008385809:!070083923 9807008392300:tape 9807008392313/tape/off,08861,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9807008392313:st=rev,135 9807008392328:!070083933 9807008393300:preob 9807008393300#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9807008393366/onsource/TRACKING 9807008393608/tpical/34875,27716,18857,13338,38231,25328,31318,14306,8337,42771 9807008393632/tpical/27627,14518,12486,20795,17510,20403,17270 9807008393641:!070083943 9807008394301:tape 9807008394314/tape/off,08666,norm,moving,nostop,locked,ready,rem 9807008394314:"data start" 9807008394314:midob 9807008394314#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9807008394355/onsource/TRACKING 9807008394425#wx#/WX/20.1,1014.7, 59.4 9807008394445?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807008394448?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807008394499?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807008394550?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807008394557/ifd/17,17,nor,nor,rem,7011,16647 9807008394564/if3/1,in,2,2,,,present,500.10,rem,lock,35117 9807008394571/vc06/272.89,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,20906 9807008394578/vc11/237.99,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,10786 9807008394609/tpi/29502,23350,15953,11076,31627,20906,25952,11968,7009,35122 9807008394631/tpi/23884,12553,10786,17969,15123,17721,17279 9807008394632/tsys1/52.8,51.9,51.4,45.1,46.4,45.2,45.7,46.2,48.7,44.9 9807008394633?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device i2 overflowed or were less than zero. 9807008394633/tsys2/66.4,64.8,64.0,64.7,63.9,66.1,-19790.2 9807008394633:!070084712 9807008471200:"data stop" 9807008471200:et 9807008471214:!+3s 9807008471515:tape 9807008471526/tape/off,03602,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9807008471526:postob 9807008471526:source=0556+238,055628.7,235345.2,1950.0 9807008471527#antcn#Command a new source 9807008471578#antcn#Successfully sent new source position to antenna 9807008471578:check2c2 9807008475667/parity/0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0. 9807008475667/parity/0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 9807008480952:wb2c2=2 9807008481039/pass/2,2,auto,-330.0,-330.0,-329.5,-330.3,0.5,-0.3 9807008481384:!070085649 9807008564900:tape 9807008564912/tape/off,03598,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9807008564912:st=rev,135 9807008564925:!070085659 9807008565900:preob 9807008565900#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9807008565959/onsource/TRACKING 9807008570199/tpical/37131,29307,19868,14103,41636,27119,33597,15265,8782,46005 9807008570222/tpical/28418,14957,12810,21540,17846,20849,22819 9807008570230:!070085709 9807008570900:tape 9807008570912/tape/off,03404,norm,moving,nostop,locked,ready,rem 9807008570912:"data start" 9807008570912:midob 9807008570912#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9807008570969/onsource/TRACKING 9807008571055#wx#/WX/20.0,1014.9, 58.2 9807008571075?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807008571077?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807008571129?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807008571181?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807008571189/ifd/17,17,nor,nor,rem,7447,23490 9807008571197/if3/1,in,2,2,,,present,500.10,rem,lock,38175 9807008571205/vc06/272.89,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,22586 9807008571212/vc11/237.99,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,11110 9807008571244/tpi/31654,24962,16899,11789,34816,22586,28060,12839,7456,38157 9807008571267/tpi/24737,12983,11110,18809,15542,17975,23807 9807008571269/tsys1/55.7,55.8,53.4,47.1,49.5,47.7,48.1,48.1,52.1,47.6 9807008571270?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device i2 overflowed or were less than zero. 9807008571271/tsys2/69.9,66.8,66.0,70.2,68.1,62.6,-249.7 9807008571272:!070085911 9807008591100:"data stop" 9807008591100:et 9807008591115:!+3s 9807008591416:tape 9807008591428/tape/off,02017,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9807008591428:postob 9807008591428:source=0402-362,040202.6,-361311.8,1950.0 9807008591429#antcn#Command a new source 9807008591487#antcn#Successfully sent new source position to antenna 9807008591487:check2c2 9807008595579/parity/0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0. 9807008595579/parity/0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 9807009000862:wb2c2=2 9807009000949/pass/2,2,auto,-330.0,-330.0,-330.2,-330.3,-0.2,-0.3 9807009001294:!070090842 9807009084200:tape 9807009084212/tape/off,02012,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9807009084212:st=rev,135 9807009084226:!070090852 9807009085200:preob 9807009085200#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9807009085247/onsource/TRACKING 9807009085486/tpical/34627,27250,18870,13089,36004,24971,30713,14197,8171,41467 9807009085510/tpical/28257,14877,12897,21392,17839,20294,14362 9807009085518:!070090902 9807009090200:tape 9807009090212/tape/off,01818,norm,moving,nostop,locked,ready,rem 9807009090212:"data start" 9807009090212:midob 9807009090212#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9807009090276/onsource/TRACKING 9807009090354#wx#/WX/19.9,1014.9, 58.7 9807009090374?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807009090375?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807009090427?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807009090479?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807009090487/ifd/17,17,nor,nor,rem,6876,32463 9807009090494/if3/1,in,2,2,,,present,500.10,rem,lock,33938 9807009090501/vc06/272.89,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,20524 9807009090509/vc11/237.99,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,10964 9807009090541/tpi/29269,23030,15959,10857,29714,20524,25373,11847,6883,33961 9807009090564/tpi/24421,12861,10964,18170,15046,17185,32516 9807009090566/tsys1/52.6,53.0,51.3,44.7,45.8,44.1,44.9,45.5,49.3,44.2 9807009090567?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device i2 overflowed or were less than zero. 9807009090568/tsys2/66.2,64.8,57.2,57.4,54.3,55.2,-18.6 9807009090569:!070091012 9807009101200:"data stop" 9807009101200:et 9807009101216:!+3s 9807009101517:tape 9807009101529/tape/off,01016,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9807009101529:postob 9807009101529:source=2255-282,225522.5,-281425.6,1950.0 9807009101530#antcn#Command a new source 9807009101595#antcn#Successfully sent new source position to antenna 9807009101596:midtp 9807009101837/tpzero/526,210,712,668,349,491,890,939,367,77 9807009101859/tpzero/230,413,418,554,592,827,299 9807009101878/rx/00(front),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,26.43 9807009101889/rx/01(rear),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,41.08 9807009101900/rx/02(lo),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,47.55 9807009101911/rx/03(dcal),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,47.92 9807009101922/rx/0E(lo5mhz),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,0.970 9807009101933/rx/17(pres),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,4.728 9807009101944/rx/1E(20k),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,27.30 9807009101955/rx/1F(70k),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,54.35 9807009101955:check2c2 9807009110040/parity/0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0. 9807009110040/parity/0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 9807009111329:wb2c1=3 9807009111989/pass/3,3,auto,-275.0,-275.0,-274.7,-275.3,0.3,-0.3 9807009112335:fastr=0m44s 9807009120766:!+5s 9807009121267:!070091413 9807009123094?ERROR ch -317 Total power integrator overflow on IF2 9807009125294?ERROR ch -317 Total power integrator overflow on IF2 9807009131493?ERROR ch -317 Total power integrator overflow on IF2 9807009133693?ERROR ch -317 Total power integrator overflow on IF2 9807009135895?ERROR ch -317 Total power integrator overflow on IF2 9807009141300:tape 9807009141313/tape/low,00050,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9807009141313:st=for,135 9807009141329:!070091423 9807009142072?ERROR ch -317 Total power integrator overflow on IF2 9807009142300:preob 9807009142300#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9807009142351/onsource/TRACKING 9807009142592/tpical/53315,42653,28518,20049,55206,37071,44735,20204,12582,63562 9807009142617/tpical/22965,$$$$$,39077,$$$$$,46130,$$$$$,$$$$$ 9807009142626:!070091433 9807009143300:tape 9807009143312/tape/off,00244,norm,moving,nostop,locked,ready,rem 9807009143312:"data start" 9807009143312:midob 9807009143312#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9807009143361/onsource/TRACKING 9807009143445#wx#/WX/19.9,1014.9, 59.6 9807009143465?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807009143465?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807009143517?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807009143568?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807009143575/ifd/17,17,nor,nor,rem,11255,65535 9807009143582/if3/1,in,2,2,,,present,500.10,rem,lock,56336 9807009143589/vc06/272.89,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,33053 9807009143596/vc11/237.99,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,37482 9807009143628/tpi/48245,38686,25852,17882,49326,33073,39817,18025,11256,56379 9807009143650/tpi/23131,55922,37642,$$$$$,47300,$$$$$,$$$$$ 9807009143651/tsys1/92.2,95.1,92.4,77.8,81.6,79.9,77.6,76.8,80.5,76.8 9807009143652?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device v9 overflowed or were less than zero. 9807009143652?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device va overflowed or were less than zero. 9807009143652?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device vc overflowed or were less than zero. 9807009143652?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device vd overflowed or were less than zero. 9807009143652?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device ve overflowed or were less than zero. 9807009143652?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device i2 overflowed or were less than zero. 9807009143652/tsys2/-1448.6,$$$$$$$$,272.4,$$$$$$$$,-419.2,$$$$$$$$,$$$$$$$$ 9807009143652:!070091543 9807009144521?ERROR ch -317 Total power integrator overflow on IF2 9807009150707?ERROR ch -317 Total power integrator overflow on IF2 9807009152907?ERROR ch -317 Total power integrator overflow on IF2 9807009154300:"data stop" 9807009154300:et 9807009154316:!+3s 9807009154617:tape 9807009154629/tape/off,01045,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9807009154629:postob 9807009154629:source=0208-512,020856.9,-511507.5,1950.0 9807009154630#antcn#Command a new source 9807009154690#antcn#Successfully sent new source position to antenna 9807009154691:check2c1 9807009155085?ERROR ch -317 Total power integrator overflow on IF2 9807009162778/parity/0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0. 9807009162778/parity/0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 9807009164065:wb2c1=3 9807009164123/pass/3,3,auto,-275.0,-275.0,-274.7,-275.3,0.3,-0.3 9807009164468:!070091829 9807009182900:tape 9807009182913/tape/off,01051,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9807009182913:st=for,135 9807009182929:!070091839 9807009183900:preob 9807009183900#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9807009183967/onsource/TRACKING 9807009184208/tpical/33156,26791,18111,12690,34710,24475,29871,13758,7844,40301 9807009184232/tpical/28084,14941,12932,21801,18169,20286,13981 9807009184241:!070091849 9807009184900:tape 9807009184912/tape/off,01245,norm,moving,nostop,locked,ready,rem 9807009184912:"data start" 9807009184912:midob 9807009184912#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9807009184957/onsource/TRACKING 9807009185037#wx#/WX/19.8,1015.0, 60.8 9807009185057?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807009185060?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807009185113?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807009185166?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807009185176/ifd/17,17,nor,nor,rem,6566,12831 9807009185183/if3/1,in,2,2,,,present,500.10,rem,lock,32903 9807009185190/vc06/272.89,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,20032 9807009185197/vc11/237.99,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,11145 9807009185229/tpi/27869,22560,15280,10474,28595,20037,24626,11449,6572,32921 9807009185251/tpi/24248,12918,11137,18722,15383,17503,13389 9807009185252/tsys1/50.7,51.8,50.4,43.4,45.3,43.2,44.3,44.6,47.8,43.6 9807009185253/tsys2/65.7,64.9,62.7,62.0,55.7,62.9,232.2 9807009185253:!070092615 9807009261500:"data stop" 9807009261500:et 9807009261514:!+3s 9807009261815:tape 9807009261827/tape/off,06276,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9807009261827:postob 9807009261827:source=0104-408,010427.6,-405021.4,1950.0 9807009261828#antcn#Command a new source 9807009261870#antcn#Successfully sent new source position to antenna 9807009261870:check2c1 9807009265958/parity/0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0. 9807009265958/parity/0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 9807009271245:wb2c1=3 9807009271302/pass/3,3,auto,-275.0,-275.0,-274.7,-275.3,0.3,-0.3 9807009271648:!070092743 9807009274301:tape 9807009274313/tape/off,06281,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9807009274313:st=for,135 9807009274327:!070092753 9807009275300:preob 9807009275300#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9807009275328/onsource/TRACKING 9807009275568/tpical/34396,27747,18699,13188,36717,25794,31296,14413,8110,42412 9807009275591/tpical/28799,15353,13267,22413,18499,21009,14127 9807009275599:!070092803 9807009280300:tape 9807009280312/tape/off,06476,norm,moving,nostop,locked,ready,rem 9807009280312:"data start" 9807009280312:midob 9807009280312#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9807009280368/onsource/TRACKING 9807009280441#wx#/WX/19.6,1015.1, 62.5 9807009280461?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807009280463?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807009280515?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807009280567?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807009280575/ifd/17,17,nor,nor,rem,6831,12099 9807009280582/if3/1,in,2,2,,,present,500.10,rem,lock,34904 9807009280589/vc06/272.89,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,21274 9807009280596/vc11/237.99,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,11457 9807009280629/tpi/29147,23473,15836,10951,30471,21296,25995,12088,6834,34918 9807009280652/tpi/24886,13303,11460,19123,15943,18116,12130 9807009280654/tsys1/53.4,53.3,51.8,45.0,47.3,45.3,46.4,47.0,49.7,45.6 9807009280655/tsys2/66.2,66.0,64.2,59.3,63.1,62.7,62.2 9807009280656:!070092913 9807009291300:"data stop" 9807009291300:et 9807009291314:!+3s 9807009291615:tape 9807009291626/tape/off,07277,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9807009291626:postob 9807009291626:source=0556+238,055628.7,235345.2,1950.0 9807009291626#antcn#Command a new source 9807009291677#antcn#Successfully sent new source position to antenna 9807009291677:midtp 9807009291920/tpzero/531,217,700,661,351,484,886,930,344,79 9807009291943/tpzero/227,405,414,552,584,821,293 9807009291963/rx/00(front),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,26.19 9807009291975/rx/01(rear),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,39.25 9807009291987/rx/02(lo),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,46.45 9807009291999/rx/03(dcal),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,48.04 9807009292011/rx/0E(lo5mhz),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,0.969 9807009292023/rx/17(pres),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,4.728 9807009292035/rx/1E(20k),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,26.95 9807009292047/rx/1F(70k),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,53.84 9807009292047:check2c1 9807009300134/parity/0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0. 9807009300134/parity/0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 9807009301420:wb2c2=4 9807009302078/pass/4,4,auto,-275.0,-275.0,-275.3,-274.9,-0.3,0.1 9807009302425:fastf=1m11s 9807009313554:!+5s 9807009314055:!070093435 9807009343500:tape 9807009343512/tape/off,08852,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9807009343512:st=rev,135 9807009343526:!070093445 9807009344500:preob 9807009344500#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9807009344552/onsource/TRACKING 9807009344792/tpical/38074,29909,20406,14469,43419,28645,35312,16072,8901,48492 9807009344815/tpical/29500,15377,13281,22225,18970,21197,13536 9807009344824:!070093455 9807009345500:tape 9807009345512/tape/off,08658,norm,moving,nostop,locked,ready,rem 9807009345512:"data start" 9807009345512:midob 9807009345512#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9807009345542/onsource/TRACKING 9807009345630#wx#/WX/19.6,1015.1, 63.0 9807009345649?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807009345651?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807009345703?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807009345755?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807009345763/ifd/17,17,nor,nor,rem,7537,13496 9807009345770/if3/1,in,2,2,,,present,500.10,rem,lock,40192 9807009345777/vc06/272.89,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,23869 9807009345784/vc11/237.99,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,11497 9807009345817/tpi/32414,25412,17332,12102,36294,23819,29478,13520,7536,40175 9807009345840/tpi/25541,13335,11498,19273,16349,18495,13673 9807009345842/tsys1/55.2,54.9,53.0,47.4,49.4,47.4,48.0,48.3,51.6,47.2 9807009345843?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device i2 overflowed or were less than zero. 9807009345844/tsys2/67.1,66.5,65.3,66.6,63.2,68.7,-1025.5 9807009345845:!070093659 9807009365900:"data stop" 9807009365900:et 9807009365914:!+3s 9807009370215:tape 9807009370226/tape/off,07250,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9807009370226:postob 9807009370226:source=0528+134,052806.7,132942.3,1950.0 9807009370226#antcn#Command a new source 9807009370290#antcn#Successfully sent new source position to antenna 9807009370290:check2c2 9807009374380/parity/0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0. 9807009374380/parity/0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 9807009375665:wb2c2=4 9807009375723/pass/4,4,auto,-275.0,-275.0,-275.3,-274.9,-0.3,0.1 9807009380071:!070094509 9807009380275;"cable=17428.0 9807009380503;wth 9807009380584#wx#/WX/19.3,1015.1, 64.2 9807009450900:tape 9807009450913/tape/off,07246,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9807009450913:st=rev,135 9807009450928:!070094519 9807009451900:preob 9807009451901#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9807009451952/onsource/TRACKING 9807009452193/tpical/36259,28506,19634,13912,42220,28158,34507,15775,8522,47122 9807009452217/tpical/28529,14969,12982,21666,18301,20540,11148 9807009452226:!070094529 9807009452900:tape 9807009452912/tape/off,07052,norm,moving,nostop,locked,ready,rem 9807009452912:"data start" 9807009452912:midob 9807009452912#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9807009452981/onsource/TRACKING 9807009453090#wx#/WX/18.7,1015.0, 65.7 9807009453110?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807009453113?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807009453166?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807009453219?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807009453226/ifd/17,17,nor,nor,rem,7162,9336 9807009453233/if3/1,in,2,2,,,present,500.10,rem,lock,38739 9807009453240/vc06/272.89,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,23250 9807009453247/vc11/237.99,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,11190 9807009453279/tpi/30606,24055,16557,11532,35053,23250,28638,13154,7162,38739 9807009453301/tpi/24739,12982,11190,18692,15973,17780,9430 9807009453302/tsys1/52.1,52.5,50.5,44.8,47.5,45.5,46.3,45.7,49.1,45.2 9807009453303/tsys2/67.9,66.5,63.1,64.0,69.4,64.5,55.8 9807009453303:!070095031 9807009503100:"data stop" 9807009503100:et 9807009503114:!+3s 9807009503415:tape 9807009503426/tape/off,03641,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9807009503426:postob 9807009503426:source=0402-362,040202.6,-361311.8,1950.0 9807009503426#antcn#Command a new source 9807009503487#antcn#Successfully sent new source position to antenna 9807009503487:check2c2 9807009511576/parity/0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0. 9807009511576/parity/0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 9807009512860:wb2c2=4 9807009512917/pass/4,4,auto,-275.0,-275.0,-275.3,-274.9,-0.3,0.1 9807009513263:!070100035 9807010003500:tape 9807010003512/tape/off,03637,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9807010003512:st=rev,135 9807010003526:!070100045 9807010004500:preob 9807010004500#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9807010004536/onsource/TRACKING 9807010004777/tpical/34259,27161,18569,13207,37457,26293,31941,14812,8016,43503 9807010004800/tpical/28187,14879,12873,21825,17853,20277,11330 9807010004808:!070100055 9807010005500:tape 9807010005512/tape/off,03443,norm,moving,nostop,locked,ready,rem 9807010005512:"data start" 9807010005512:midob 9807010005512#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9807010005567/onsource/TRACKING 9807010005644#wx#/WX/18.1,1015.1, 67.6 9807010005664?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807010005666?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807010005718?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807010005770?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807010005778/ifd/17,17,nor,nor,rem,6697,10590 9807010005786/if3/1,in,2,2,,,present,500.10,rem,lock,35420 9807010005793/vc06/272.89,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,21469 9807010005800/vc11/237.99,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,11046 9807010005832/tpi/28761,22802,15588,10869,30714,21450,26245,12268,6698,35423 9807010005855/tpi/24309,12833,11057,19233,15346,17463,10696 9807010005857/tsys1/50.3,50.8,48.9,42.8,44.1,42.4,43.6,43.7,47.2,42.9 9807010005858/tsys2/65.2,63.8,61.5,75.7,61.8,62.1,172.3 9807010005859:!070100205 9807010020500:"data stop" 9807010020500:et 9807010020515:!+3s 9807010020817:tape 9807010020828/tape/off,02642,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9807010020829:postob 9807010020829:source=0454-234,045457.3,-232928.3,1950.0 9807010020831#antcn#Command a new source 9807010020884#antcn#Successfully sent new source position to antenna 9807010020885:check2c2 9807010024973/parity/0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0. 9807010024973/parity/0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 9807010030258:wb2c2=4 9807010030315/pass/4,4,auto,-275.0,-275.0,-276.0,-274.9,-1.0,0.1 9807010030661:!070100327 9807010032700:tape 9807010032712/tape/off,02636,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9807010032712:st=rev,135 9807010032727:!070100337 9807010033700:preob 9807010033700#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9807010033764/onsource/TRACKING 9807010034005/tpical/34629,27252,18867,13303,38730,26781,32433,15151,8134,44398 9807010034028/tpical/28641,15076,13032,21680,18109,20667,12494 9807010034036:!070100347 9807010034700:tape 9807010034712/tape/off,02442,norm,moving,nostop,locked,ready,rem 9807010034712:"data start" 9807010034712:midob 9807010034712#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9807010034763/onsource/TRACKING 9807010034839#wx#/WX/18.1,1015.1, 67.7 9807010034859?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807010034860?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807010034913?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807010034965?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807010034973/ifd/17,17,nor,nor,rem,6798,11656 9807010034980/if3/1,in,2,2,,,present,500.10,rem,lock,36181 9807010034987/vc06/272.89,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,21896 9807010034994/vc11/237.99,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,11226 9807010035026/tpi/29166,22886,15827,10961,31736,21881,26750,12565,6797,36185 9807010035050/tpi/24681,13022,11224,18648,15641,17949,11495 9807010035052/tsys1/51.4,50.9,48.8,43.1,44.0,42.8,44.6,44.1,47.3,43.1 9807010035053/tsys2/64.8,64.5,62.8,62.7,64.1,66.2,117.7 9807010035054:!070100457 9807010045700:"data stop" 9807010045700:et 9807010045715:!+3s 9807010050017:tape 9807010050028/tape/off,01641,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9807010050029:postob 9807010050029:source=0104-408,010427.6,-405021.4,1950.0 9807010050031#antcn#Command a new source 9807010050072#antcn#Successfully sent new source position to antenna 9807010050073:check2c2 9807010054164/parity/0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,16.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0. 9807010054164/parity/0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 9807010055447:wb2c2=4 9807010055505/pass/4,4,auto,-275.0,-275.0,-275.3,-274.9,-0.3,0.1 9807010055849:!070100810 9807010081000:tape 9807010081012/tape/off,01635,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9807010081012:st=rev,135 9807010081026:!070100820 9807010082000:preob 9807010082000#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9807010082049/onsource/TRACKING 9807010082288/tpical/35725,29001,19413,13759,40520,28090,34141,16309,8388,46599 9807010082311/tpical/29342,15666,13529,22659,19344,21154,15175 9807010082319:!070100830 9807010083000:tape 9807010083012/tape/off,01441,norm,moving,nostop,locked,ready,rem 9807010083012:"data start" 9807010083012:midob 9807010083012#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9807010083058/onsource/TRACKING 9807010083130#wx#/WX/18.0,1015.2, 67.6 9807010083150?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807010083152?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807010083204?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807010083256?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807010083264/ifd/17,17,nor,nor,rem,7076,13201 9807010083271/if3/1,in,2,2,,,present,500.10,rem,lock,38475 9807010083278/vc06/272.89,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,23279 9807010083285/vc11/237.99,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,11691 9807010083317/tpi/30250,24621,16499,11443,33699,23272,28462,13691,7078,38490 9807010083340/tpi/25443,13594,11710,19571,16446,18324,13207 9807010083342/tsys1/53.2,54.6,53.1,45.6,47.9,46.4,47.6,47.8,50.4,46.4 9807010083343/tsys2/67.9,66.8,65.2,64.7,57.5,64.9,68.9 9807010083344:!070100940 9807010094000:"data stop" 9807010094000:et 9807010094014:!+3s 9807010094315:tape 9807010094326/tape/off,00640,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9807010094327:postob 9807010094327:source=0556+238,055628.7,235345.2,1950.0 9807010094329#antcn#Command a new source 9807010094367#antcn#Successfully sent new source position to antenna 9807010094368:midtp 9807010094609/tpzero/533,223,680,648,353,467,877,922,311,82 9807010094632/tpzero/224,398,401,542,570,801,275 9807010094652/rx/00(front),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,25.45 9807010094664/rx/01(rear),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,39.13 9807010094676/rx/02(lo),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,45.72 9807010094688/rx/03(dcal),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,47.92 9807010094701/rx/0E(lo5mhz),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,0.968 9807010094713/rx/17(pres),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,4.642 9807010094725/rx/1E(20k),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,26.65 9807010094737/rx/1F(70k),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,53.33 9807010094738:check2c2 9807010102822/parity/0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0. 9807010102822/parity/0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 9807010104110:wb2c1=5 9807010104769/pass/5,5,auto,-220.0,-220.0,-219.8,-220.6,0.2,-0.6 9807010105114:fastr=0m26s 9807010111745:!+5s 9807010112246:!070101641 9807010164100:tape 9807010164113/tape/low,00079,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9807010164113:st=for,135 9807010164127:!070101651 9807010165100:preob 9807010165100#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9807010165150/onsource/TRACKING 9807010165390/tpical/37817,30518,20391,14640,47088,31044,38075,18111,8953,52193 9807010165414/tpical/29817,15660,13537,22723,18951,21881,13490 9807010165422:!070101701 9807010170100:tape 9807010170112/tape/off,00273,norm,moving,nostop,locked,ready,rem 9807010170112:"data start" 9807010170112:midob 9807010170112#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9807010170160/onsource/TRACKING 9807010170236#wx#/WX/17.8,1015.3, 68.1 9807010170256?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807010170257?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807010170309?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807010170361?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807010170369/ifd/17,17,nor,nor,rem,7591,12281 9807010170376/if3/1,in,2,2,,,present,500.10,rem,lock,43331 9807010170383/vc06/272.89,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,25878 9807010170390/vc11/237.99,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,11728 9807010170423/tpi/32245,25988,17389,12298,39475,25867,31851,15254,7592,43357 9807010170447/tpi/25906,13593,11744,19722,16487,18889,12014 9807010170449/tsys1/55.8,55.7,54.5,48.7,50.4,48.1,48.8,49.2,52.4,48.0 9807010170450/tsys2/68.9,67.0,66.4,67.1,67.8,63.5,83.5 9807010170451:!070101909 9807010190900:"data stop" 9807010190900:et 9807010190914:!+3s 9807010191215:tape 9807010191226/tape/off,01726,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9807010191226:postob 9807010191226:source=0208-512,020856.9,-511507.5,1950.0 9807010191226#antcn#Command a new source 9807010191288#antcn#Successfully sent new source position to antenna 9807010191288:check2c1 9807010195380/parity/0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0. 9807010195380/parity/0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 9807010200662:wb2c1=5 9807010201112/pass/5,5,auto,-220.0,-220.0,-219.8,-219.9,0.2,0.1 9807010201457:!070102222 9807010222200:tape 9807010222212/tape/off,01732,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9807010222212:st=for,135 9807010222226:!070102232 9807010223200:preob 9807010223200#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9807010223265/onsource/TRACKING 9807010223505/tpical/34851,27662,19047,13488,39997,27524,33302,16178,8141,45801 9807010223528/tpical/28816,15324,13271,22514,18271,20700,11684 9807010223536:!070102242 9807010224200:tape 9807010224212/tape/off,01926,norm,moving,nostop,locked,ready,rem 9807010224212:"data start" 9807010224212:midob 9807010224212#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9807010224255/onsource/TRACKING 9807010224326#wx#/WX/18.0,1015.2, 67.8 9807010224346?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807010224348?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807010224400?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807010224452?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807010224460/ifd/17,17,nor,nor,rem,6815,10843 9807010224467/if3/1,in,2,2,,,present,500.10,rem,lock,37474 9807010224474/vc06/272.89,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,22621 9807010224481/vc11/237.99,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,11395 9807010224514/tpi/29282,23331,16025,11123,32932,22592,27438,13433,6811,37469 9807010224537/tpi/24850,13230,11402,19312,15748,17849,10770 9807010224539/tsys1/50.6,52.3,49.8,43.4,45.2,44.0,44.4,44.7,47.9,44.0 9807010224540/tsys2/65.2,64.3,61.8,61.6,63.2,62.8,120.6 9807010224541:!070102956 9807010295600:"data stop" 9807010295600:et 9807010295614:!+3s 9807010295915:tape 9807010295926/tape/off,06822,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9807010295926:postob 9807010295926:source=0458-020,045841.3,-020333.9,1950.0 9807010295927#antcn#Command a new source 9807010295958#antcn#Successfully sent new source position to antenna 9807010295958:midtp 9807010300199/tpzero/530,225,669,645,356,456,872,914,314,83 9807010300222/tpzero/224,392,398,538,563,794,266 9807010300242/rx/00(front),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,24.96 9807010300254/rx/01(rear),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,38.15 9807010300266/rx/02(lo),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,45.23 9807010300278/rx/03(dcal),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,47.92 9807010300291/rx/0E(lo5mhz),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,0.964 9807010300303/rx/17(pres),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,4.557 9807010300315/rx/1E(20k),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,26.59 9807010300327/rx/1F(70k),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,53.33 9807010300327:check2c1 9807010304414/parity/0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0. 9807010304414/parity/0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 9807010305700:wb2c2=6 9807010310250/pass/6,6,auto,-220.0,-220.0,-219.7,-220.3,0.3,-0.3 9807010310594:fastf=1m33s 9807010323923:!+5s 9807010324424:!070103447 9807010343264;"cable=17428.0 9807010344700:tape 9807010344713/tape/off,08890,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9807010344713:st=rev,135 9807010344729:!070103457 9807010345700:preob 9807010345700#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9807010345753/onsource/TRACKING 9807010345995/tpical/35954,28652,19570,13855,43754,29481,36375,17511,8451,49330 9807010350020/tpical/29197,15397,13341,22135,18596,21098,10590 9807010350029:!070103507 9807010350700:tape 9807010350712/tape/off,08696,norm,moving,nostop,locked,ready,rem 9807010350712:"data start" 9807010350712:midob 9807010350712#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9807010350773/onsource/TRACKING 9807010350845#wx#/WX/18.1,1015.2, 66.7 9807010350866?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807010350867?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807010350918?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807010350969?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807010350976/ifd/17,17,nor,nor,rem,7082,10054 9807010350983/if3/1,in,2,2,,,present,500.10,rem,lock,40470 9807010350990/vc06/272.89,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,24266 9807010350997/vc11/237.99,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,11487 9807010351029/tpi/30278,24152,16506,11473,36254,24279,30105,14599,7084,40483 9807010351051/tpi/25223,13299,11494,19057,15975,18183,9919 9807010351052/tsys1/51.4,52.1,50.7,44.5,46.9,44.9,45.7,46.1,48.5,44.8 9807010351053/tsys2/66.1,64.6,63.1,63.2,61.7,62.6,151.1 9807010351053:!070104133 9807010413300:"data stop" 9807010413300:et 9807010413316:!+3s 9807010413617:tape 9807010413629/tape/off,04340,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9807010413629:postob 9807010413629:source=0454-234,045457.3,-232928.3,1950.0 9807010413629#antcn#Command a new source 9807010413687#antcn#Successfully sent new source position to antenna 9807010413687:check2c2 9807010421780/parity/0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0. 9807010421780/parity/0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 9807010423063:wb2c2=6 9807010423200/pass/6,6,auto,-220.0,-220.0,-220.4,-220.3,-0.4,-0.3 9807010423548:!070104318 9807010431800:tape 9807010431813/tape/off,04336,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9807010431813:st=rev,135 9807010431829:!070104328 9807010432800:preob 9807010432800#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9807010432835#antcn#Successfully sent new source position to antenna 9807010432835?ERROR qo -301 WARNING: ONSOURCE status is SLEWING! 9807010432835/onsource/SLEWING 9807010433080/tpical/35987,28573,19577,13864,44189,29807,36640,17743,8451,49781 9807010433105/tpical/29119,15334,13303,22117,18553,20969,10578 9807010433114:!070104338 9807010433800:tape 9807010433812/tape/off,04142,norm,moving,nostop,locked,ready,rem 9807010433812:"data start" 9807010433812:midob 9807010433812#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9807010433865#antcn#Currently slewing to requested source 9807010433865?ERROR qo -301 WARNING: ONSOURCE status is SLEWING! 9807010433865/onsource/SLEWING 9807010433950#wx#/WX/17.8,1015.3, 63.7 9807010433970?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807010433971?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807010434022?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807010434073?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807010434080/ifd/17,17,nor,nor,rem,7035,10034 9807010434087/if3/1,in,2,2,,,present,500.10,rem,lock,40488 9807010434095/vc06/272.89,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,24341 9807010434102/vc11/237.99,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,11393 9807010434133/tpi/30086,23885,16390,11357,36099,24299,30024,14619,7024,40385 9807010434155/tpi/25005,13236,11393,18956,15913,18286,10661 9807010434156/tsys1/49.1,49.5,48.3,41.9,43.3,42.4,43.2,43.0,46.1,42.0 9807010434157?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device i2 overflowed or were less than zero. 9807010434157/tsys2/63.2,64.3,60.4,61.2,61.1,68.5,-1315.0 9807010434157:!070104448 9807010444800:"data stop" 9807010444800:et 9807010444814:!+3s 9807010445115:tape 9807010445126/tape/off,03341,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9807010445126:postob 9807010445126:source=0402-362,040202.6,-361311.8,1950.0 9807010445126#antcn#Command a new source 9807010445154#antcn#Successfully sent new source position to antenna 9807010445154:check2c2 9807010453242/parity/0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0. 9807010453242/parity/0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 9807010454527:wb2c2=6 9807010454634/pass/6,6,auto,-220.0,-220.0,-219.7,-219.6,0.3,0.4 9807010454978:!070104610 9807010461000:tape 9807010461012/tape/off,03336,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9807010461012:st=rev,135 9807010461028:!070104620 9807010462000:preob 9807010462000#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9807010462062/onsource/TRACKING 9807010462302/tpical/33753,27371,18763,13190,40125,27975,34162,16405,7940,46083 9807010462325/tpical/28596,15066,13044,21632,17977,20364,13430 9807010462333:!070104630 9807010463000:tape 9807010463011/tape/off,03142,norm,moving,nostop,locked,ready,rem 9807010463011:"data start" 9807010463011:midob 9807010463011#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9807010463052/onsource/TRACKING 9807010463125#wx#/WX/17.7,1015.3, 63.4 9807010463144?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807010463146?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807010463198?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807010463250?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807010463258/ifd/17,17,nor,nor,rem,6622,12465 9807010463265/if3/1,in,2,2,,,present,500.10,rem,lock,37522 9807010463272/vc06/272.89,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,22839 9807010463279/vc11/237.99,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,11183 9807010463311/tpi/28348,22934,15710,10840,32922,22839,28112,13576,6622,37507 9807010463334/tpi/24604,12968,11173,18513,15462,17503,12698 9807010463336/tsys1/50.4,50.2,48.3,42.5,44.3,42.7,44.1,43.9,46.9,42.8 9807010463337/tsys2/64.1,62.9,60.5,60.5,62.2,61.3,178.3 9807010463338:!070104740 9807010474000:"data stop" 9807010474000:et 9807010474015:!+3s 9807010474317:tape 9807010474328/tape/off,02341,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9807010474329:postob 9807010474329:source=0104-408,010427.6,-405021.4,1950.0 9807010474331#antcn#Command a new source 9807010474401#antcn#Successfully sent new source position to antenna 9807010474402:check2c2 9807010482489/parity/0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0. 9807010482490/parity/0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 9807010483775:wb2c2=6 9807010483900/pass/6,6,auto,-220.0,-220.0,-219.7,-220.3,0.3,-0.3 9807010484246:!070105719 9807010571900:tape 9807010571912/tape/off,02336,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9807010571912:st=rev,135 9807010571926:!070105729 9807010572900:preob 9807010572900#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9807010572951/onsource/TRACKING 9807010573191/tpical/37987,30915,20627,14502,44894,31191,37789,17827,8804,51624 9807010573214/tpical/31034,16506,14077,22716,19101,23453,33325 9807010573222:!070105739 9807010573900:tape 9807010573912/tape/off,02142,norm,moving,nostop,locked,ready,rem 9807010573912:"data start" 9807010573912:midob 9807010573912#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9807010573951/onsource/TRACKING 9807010574025#wx#/WX/17.8,1015.3, 64.5 9807010574045?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807010574046?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807010574098?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807010574150?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807010574158/ifd/17,17,nor,nor,rem,7480,33499 9807010574165/if3/1,in,2,2,,,present,500.10,rem,lock,42983 9807010574172/vc06/272.89,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,26058 9807010574179/vc11/237.99,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,12216 9807010574211/tpi/32467,26409,17610,12182,37686,26058,31673,15041,7478,42983 9807010574234/tpi/27045,14395,12197,20345,16571,21171,34048 9807010574236/tsys1/56.7,56.9,55.0,48.7,50.8,48.9,49.4,49.7,52.9,48.7 9807010574237?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device i2 overflowed or were less than zero. 9807010574238/tsys2/70.6,69.7,65.9,87.7,66.4,93.8,-490.6 9807010574239:!070105849 9807010584900:"data stop" 9807010584900:et 9807010584914:!+3s 9807010585215:tape 9807010585226/tape/off,01341,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9807010585227:postob 9807010585227:source=0208-512,020856.9,-511507.5,1950.0 9807010585229#antcn#Command a new source 9807010585289#antcn#Successfully sent new source position to antenna 9807010585291:midtp 9807010585532/tpzero/534,220,653,636,350,444,857,908,274,86 9807010585555/tpzero/223,381,386,530,554,786,275 9807010585575/rx/00(front),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,24.60 9807010585587/rx/01(rear),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,37.54 9807010585599/rx/02(lo),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,44.62 9807010585611/rx/03(dcal),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,47.92 9807010585623/rx/0E(lo5mhz),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,0.963 9807010585635/rx/17(pres),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,4.557 9807010585647/rx/1E(20k),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,26.22 9807010585659/rx/1F(70k),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,52.82 9807010585660:check2c2 9807010593749/parity/0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0. 9807010593750/parity/0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 9807010595034:wb2c1=7 9807010595926/pass/7,7,auto,-165.0,-165.0,-164.9,-165.9,0.1,-0.9 9807011000271:fastr=0m56s 9807011005901:!+5s 9807011010402:!070111805 9807011180500:tape 9807011180512/tape/low,00105,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9807011180512:st=for,135 9807011180526:!070111815 9807011181500:preob 9807011181500#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9807011181552/onsource/TRACKING 9807011181793/tpical/35766,28899,19388,13549,42293,29603,35837,16900,8215,48774 9807011181817/tpical/30349,16104,13969,23226,19519,21644,12368 9807011181825:!070111825 9807011182500:tape 9807011182512/tape/off,00300,norm,moving,nostop,locked,ready,rem 9807011182512:"data start" 9807011182512:midob 9807011182512#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9807011182560/onsource/TRACKING 9807011182629#wx#/WX/17.7,1015.0, 64.7 9807011182649?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807011182651?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807011182703?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807011182755?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807011182763/ifd/17,17,nor,nor,rem,6890,11523 9807011182770/if3/1,in,2,2,,,present,500.10,rem,lock,40039 9807011182777/vc06/272.89,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,24359 9807011182784/vc11/237.99,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,12029 9807011182817/tpi/30140,24407,16342,11229,35037,24342,29651,14088,6886,40031 9807011182840/tpi/26262,13904,12006,20019,16624,18648,11736 9807011182842/tsys1/51.6,52.8,50.5,44.7,46.8,44.5,45.6,45.9,48.8,44.8 9807011182843/tsys2/66.9,64.5,62.2,63.8,58.3,62.6,190.4 9807011182844:!070112429 9807011242900:"data stop" 9807011242900:et 9807011242914:!+3s 9807011243215:tape 9807011243226/tape/off,04408,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9807011243226:postob 9807011243226:source=0454-234,045457.3,-232928.3,1950.0 9807011243227#antcn#Command a new source 9807011243284#antcn#Successfully sent new source position to antenna 9807011243285:check2c1 9807011251376/parity/0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0. 9807011251376/parity/0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 9807011252661:wb2c1=7 9807011252770/pass/7,7,auto,-165.0,-165.0,-164.9,-165.2,0.1,-0.2 9807011253116:!070112659 9807011265900:tape 9807011265912/tape/off,04414,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9807011265912:st=for,135 9807011265926:!070112709 9807011270900:preob 9807011270900#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9807011270962/onsource/TRACKING 9807011271203/tpical/34795,28097,19298,13632,42616,29771,36297,17202,8175,48912 9807011271226/tpical/30263,15904,13828,22732,18933,21449,11553 9807011271234:!070112719 9807011271900:tape 9807011271912/tape/off,04608,norm,moving,nostop,locked,ready,rem 9807011271912:"data start" 9807011271912:midob 9807011271912#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9807011271982/onsource/TRACKING 9807011272054#wx#/WX/17.4,1014.9, 66.5 9807011272074?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807011272076?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807011272128?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807011272180?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807011272188/ifd/17,17,nor,nor,rem,6816,10909 9807011272195/if3/1,in,2,2,,,present,500.10,rem,lock,39827 9807011272202/vc06/272.89,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,24323 9807011272209/vc11/237.99,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,11881 9807011272241/tpi/29254,23582,16173,11200,34986,24323,29856,14264,6822,39827 9807011272263/tpi/26088,13740,11881,19470,16174,18619,10795 9807011272265/tsys1/50.8,50.7,48.7,42.6,44.5,43.0,44.1,44.6,47.4,42.9 9807011272266/tsys2/65.0,64.8,62.0,61.0,59.4,66.2,145.7 9807011272267:!070112829 9807011282900:"data stop" 9807011282900:et 9807011282914:!+3s 9807011283215:tape 9807011283226/tape/off,05409,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9807011283227:postob 9807011283227:source=0402-362,040202.6,-361311.8,1950.0 9807011283229#antcn#Command a new source 9807011283281#antcn#Successfully sent new source position to antenna 9807011283282:check2c1 9807011291369/parity/0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0. 9807011291369/parity/0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 9807011292655:wb2c1=7 9807011292712/pass/7,7,auto,-165.0,-165.0,-164.9,-165.2,0.1,-0.2 9807011293057:!070112951 9807011295100:tape 9807011295112/tape/off,05415,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9807011295112:st=for,135 9807011295126:!070113001 9807011300100:preob 9807011300100#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9807011300149/onsource/TRACKING 9807011300389/tpical/29274,23552,16149,11208,34546,24277,29492,14179,6789,39588 9807011300412/tpical/25609,13507,11673,19415,16055,18135,15309 9807011300420:!070113011 9807011301100:tape 9807011301112/tape/off,05609,norm,moving,nostop,locked,ready,rem 9807011301112:"data start" 9807011301112:midob 9807011301112#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9807011301159/onsource/TRACKING 9807011301229#wx#/WX/17.4,1015.0, 66.2 9807011301248?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807011301250?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807011301302?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807011301354?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807011301362/ifd/17,17,nor,nor,rem,6788,15013 9807011301369/if3/1,in,2,2,,,present,500.10,rem,lock,39612 9807011301377/vc06/272.89,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,24286 9807011301384/vc11/237.99,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,11691 9807011301417/tpi/29244,23554,16150,11195,34581,24294,29537,14179,6792,39630 9807011301440/tpi/25579,13523,11686,19441,15881,18012,14804 9807011301442?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device v2 overflowed or were less than zero. 9807011301442?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device v3 overflowed or were less than zero. 9807011301442?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device v5 overflowed or were less than zero. 9807011301442?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device v6 overflowed or were less than zero. 9807011301442?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device v7 overflowed or were less than zero. 9807011301442?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device v8 overflowed or were less than zero. 9807011301442?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device i1 overflowed or were less than zero. 9807011301442?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device i3 overflowed or were less than zero. 9807011301450/tsys1/9378.6,$$$$$$$$,$$$$$$$$,7959.9,-9584.7,-13748.8,-6245.9,$$$$$$$$,-21292.1,-9226.9 9807011301451?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device va overflowed or were less than zero. 9807011301451?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device vb overflowed or were less than zero. 9807011301451?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device vc overflowed or were less than zero. 9807011301454/tsys2/8874.6,-8624.4,-9126.9,-7637.1,924.9,1470.5,302.1 9807011301454:!070113121 9807011311819;"cable=17436.0 9807011311996;wth 9807011312067#wx#/WX/17.4,1015.0, 65.7 9807011312100:"data stop" 9807011312101:et 9807011312116:!+3s 9807011312380;rxmon 9807011312393/rx/00(front),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,24.11 9807011312406/rx/01(rear),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,36.44 9807011312418:tape 9807011312430/tape/off,06410,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9807011312432:postob 9807011312433:source=0458-020,045841.3,-020333.9,1950.0 9807011312436#antcn#Command a new source 9807011312478#antcn#Successfully sent new source position to antenna 9807011312480:midtp 9807011312494/rx/02(lo),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,44.50 9807011312507/rx/03(dcal),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,47.80 9807011312521/rx/0E(lo5mhz),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,0.960 9807011312534/rx/17(pres),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,4.386 9807011312547/rx/1E(20k),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,26.10 9807011312560/rx/1F(70k),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,52.82 9807011312723/tpzero/533,231,639,632,356,430,850,902,282,87 9807011312747/tpzero/218,375,380,528,563,779,270 9807011312768/rx/00(front),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,24.11 9807011312781/rx/01(rear),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,36.44 9807011312794/rx/02(lo),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,44.50 9807011312807/rx/03(dcal),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,47.80 9807011312820/rx/0E(lo5mhz),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,0.960 9807011312833/rx/17(pres),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,4.386 9807011312845/rx/1E(20k),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,26.04 9807011312856/rx/1F(70k),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,53.33 9807011312856:wb2c2=8 9807011313485/pass/8,8,auto,-165.0,-165.0,-164.8,-164.9,0.2,0.1 9807011313648;sxcts 9807011313681/tpi/29211,23593,16147,11206,34656,24319,29522,14249,6794,39663 9807011313705/tpi/25608,13513,11700,19330,15986,18241,10725 9807011313831:fastf=1m52s 9807011313947/tpzero/25158,20310,13986,9738,28571,20151,24445,11868,5281,32824 9807011313971/tpzero/22038,11680,10100,16808,13697,15862,10083 9807011314220/tpical/34710,28167,19251,13661,42149,29777,35988,17179,8156,48671 9807011314244/tpical/29724,15698,13609,23195,18466,21092,17170 9807011314254/tsys1/7.2,7.0,6.8,5.9,8.0,7.5,7.7,8.0,10.9,7.4 9807011314254/tsys2/9.1,8.8,8.8,6.9,9.7,8.8,1.0 9807011314281?ERROR ch -336 Enabled tracks do not check with requested tracks 9807011333062:!+5s 9807011333563:!070113407 9807011340700:tape 9807011340713/tape/off,08899,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9807011340713:st=rev,135 9807011340729:!070113417 9807011341700:preob 9807011341700#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9807011341755/onsource/TRACKING 9807011341996/tpical/37078,30062,20392,14414,46267,31682,38741,18552,8746,52750 9807011342020/tpical/30483,16017,13885,22842,19028,21835,11728 9807011342029:!070113427 9807011342700:tape 9807011342712/tape/off,08705,norm,moving,nostop,locked,ready,rem 9807011342712:"data start" 9807011342712:midob 9807011342712#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9807011342755/onsource/TRACKING 9807011342841#wx#/WX/17.4,1014.9, 65.3 9807011342861?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807011342864?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807011342917?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807011342970?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807011342977/ifd/17,17,nor,nor,rem,7365,10281 9807011342984/if3/1,in,2,2,,,present,500.10,rem,lock,43467 9807011342991/vc06/272.89,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,26213 9807011342999/vc11/237.99,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,12008 9807011343030/tpi/31328,25374,17229,11954,38510,26202,32195,15511,7368,43479 9807011343052/tpi/26387,13874,12009,19749,16467,18850,10538 9807011343053/tsys1/10.5,10.6,10.0,8.8,12.6,10.8,11.6,11.7,14.8,11.3 9807011343054/tsys2/11.1,10.7,10.7,10.0,11.4,10.5,4.0 9807011343054:!070114313 9807011431300:"data stop" 9807011431300:et 9807011431314:!+3s 9807011431615:tape 9807011431626/tape/off,02774,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9807011431626:postob 9807011431626:source=0104-408,010427.6,-405021.4,1950.0 9807011431627#antcn#Command a new source 9807011431677#antcn#Successfully sent new source position to antenna 9807011431677:check2c2 9807011435767/parity/0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0. 9807011435767/parity/0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 9807011441052:wb2c2=8 9807011441109/pass/8,8,auto,-165.0,-165.0,-164.8,-164.9,0.2,0.1 9807011441453:!070114642 9807011464200:tape 9807011464212/tape/off,02770,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9807011464212:st=rev,135 9807011464226:!070114652 9807011465200:preob 9807011465200#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9807011465253/onsource/TRACKING 9807011465493/tpical/41773,33647,22622,15736,50887,34410,41162,19676,9669,57537 9807011465517/tpical/33045,17549,14984,24366,20054,24380,39129 9807011465525:!070114702 9807011470200:tape 9807011470212/tape/off,02576,norm,moving,nostop,locked,ready,rem 9807011470212:"data start" 9807011470212:midob 9807011470212#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9807011470263/onsource/TRACKING 9807011470339#wx#/WX/17.3,1015.0, 66.5 9807011470359?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807011470361?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807011470413?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807011470465?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807011470473/ifd/17,17,nor,nor,rem,8310,39513 9807011470480/if3/1,in,2,2,,,present,500.10,rem,lock,48590 9807011470487/vc06/272.89,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,29140 9807011470494/vc11/237.99,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,13092 9807011470526/tpi/36094,29026,19539,13411,43264,29102,34918,16795,8310,48596 9807011470549/tpi/29003,15425,13076,21252,17824,21816,41106 9807011470551/tsys1/18.9,18.5,17.7,15.5,18.9,16.5,16.4,16.8,21.8,17.3 9807011470552?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device i2 overflowed or were less than zero. 9807011470553/tsys2/18.1,18.5,16.4,15.0,19.4,24.4,-164.8 9807011470554:!070114812 9807011481200:"data stop" 9807011481200:et 9807011481215:!+3s 9807011481517:tape 9807011481528/tape/off,01774,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9807011481529:postob 9807011481529:source=0528+134,052806.7,132942.3,1950.0 9807011481531#antcn#Command a new source 9807011481582#antcn#Successfully sent new source position to antenna 9807011481583:check2c2 9807011485671/parity/0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0. 9807011485671/parity/0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 9807011490957:wb2c2=8 9807011491014/pass/8,8,auto,-165.0,-165.0,-164.8,-164.9,0.2,0.1 9807011491359:!070115604 9807011560400:tape 9807011560412/tape/off,01769,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9807011560412:st=rev,135 9807011560425:!070115614 9807011561400:preob 9807011561400#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9807011561454/onsource/TRACKING 9807011561695/tpical/40423,33147,22156,15550,51665,34313,42523,20021,9514,57882 9807011561718/tpical/31817,16729,14522,24065,20368,22908,12734 9807011561726:!070115624 9807011562400:tape 9807011562412/tape/off,01575,norm,moving,nostop,locked,ready,rem 9807011562412:"data start" 9807011562412:midob 9807011562412#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9807011562464/onsource/TRACKING 9807011562543#wx#/WX/16.9,1014.8, 68.2 9807011562563?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807011562564?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807011562616?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807011562668?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807011562676/ifd/17,17,nor,nor,rem,8114,11931 9807011562683/if3/1,in,2,2,,,present,500.10,rem,lock,48413 9807011562690/vc06/272.89,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,28777 9807011562697/vc11/237.99,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,12618 9807011562729/tpi/34669,28446,18989,13093,43523,28772,35828,16978,8113,48394 9807011562752/tpi/27698,14617,12630,20952,17677,19980,11936 9807011562754/tsys1/16.2,17.0,15.5,13.4,18.0,15.2,16.7,16.5,19.8,16.1 9807011562755/tsys2/14.4,14.6,14.0,14.0,15.5,14.8,24.4 9807011562756:!070115734 9807011573400:"data stop" 9807011573400:et 9807011573415:!+3s 9807011573716:tape 9807011573727/tape/off,00773,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9807011573728:postob 9807011573728:source=0454-234,045457.3,-232928.3,1950.0 9807011573730#antcn#Command a new source 9807011573783#antcn#Successfully sent new source position to antenna 9807011573784:midtp 9807011574024/tpzero/533,227,642,629,353,424,848,901,296,86 9807011574047/tpzero/219,379,374,521,543,781,270 9807011574067/rx/00(front),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,23.50 9807011574080/rx/01(rear),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,36.93 9807011574092/rx/02(lo),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,44.26 9807011574104/rx/03(dcal),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,47.80 9807011574116/rx/0E(lo5mhz),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,0.963 9807011574128/rx/17(pres),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,4.386 9807011574140/rx/1E(20k),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,26.10 9807011574152/rx/1F(70k),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,53.33 9807011574153:check2c2 9807011582241/parity/0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0. 9807011582242/parity/0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 9807011583527:wb2c1=9 9807011584148/pass/9,9,auto,-110.0,-110.0,-110.0,-109.9,-0.0,0.1 9807011584492:fastr=0m31s 9807011591622:!+5s 9807011592123:!070120001 9807012000101:tape 9807012000113/tape/low,00100,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9807012000113:st=for,135 9807012000127:!070120011 9807012001100:preob 9807012001100#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9807012001160/onsource/TRACKING 9807012001400/tpical/35432,28237,19475,13705,43860,29854,36163,17612,8291,49441 9807012001423/tpical/29767,15607,13515,21958,18519,20882,19607 9807012001431:!070120021 9807012002100:tape 9807012002112/tape/off,00294,norm,moving,nostop,locked,ready,rem 9807012002112:"data start" 9807012002112:midob 9807012002112#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9807012002170/onsource/TRACKING 9807012002256#wx#/WX/16.6,1014.8, 68.7 9807012002276?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807012002277?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807012002329?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807012002381?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807012002389/ifd/17,17,nor,nor,rem,6931,18759 9807012002396/if3/1,in,2,2,,,present,500.10,rem,lock,40374 9807012002403/vc06/272.89,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,24525 9807012002410/vc11/237.99,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,11607 9807012002443/tpi/29806,23716,16367,11294,36200,24525,29805,14610,6936,40389 9807012002466/tpi/25646,13502,11607,18870,15923,17906,19255 9807012002468/tsys1/51.0,50.9,49.6,43.4,45.9,44.3,44.6,44.8,48.0,43.6 9807012002469/tsys2/64.8,65.5,61.8,62.4,62.2,60.4,566.3 9807012002470:!070120131 9807012013100:"data stop" 9807012013100:et 9807012013114:!+3s 9807012013415:tape 9807012013426/tape/off,01095,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9807012013427:postob 9807012013427:source=0402-362,040202.6,-361311.8,1950.0 9807012013429#antcn#Command a new source 9807012013489#antcn#Successfully sent new source position to antenna 9807012013490:check2c1 9807012021577/parity/0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0. 9807012021578/parity/0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 9807012022865:wb2c1=9 9807012023226/pass/9,9,auto,-110.0,-110.0,-110.0,-109.9,-0.0,0.1 9807012023576:!070120314 9807012031401:tape 9807012031412/tape/off,01101,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9807012031412:st=for,135 9807012031426:!070120324 9807012032400:preob 9807012032400#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9807012032467/onsource/TRACKING 9807012032708/tpical/35127,28838,19552,13776,43015,29845,36655,17348,8271,49253 9807012032732/tpical/29841,15860,13747,22903,18991,21344,14413 9807012032740:!070120334 9807012033400:tape 9807012033412/tape/off,01295,norm,moving,nostop,locked,ready,rem 9807012033412:"data start" 9807012033412:midob 9807012033412#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9807012033457/onsource/TRACKING 9807012033530#wx#/WX/16.6,1014.8, 70.2 9807012033550?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807012033552?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807012033604?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807012033656?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807012033664/ifd/17,17,nor,nor,rem,6929,13295 9807012033671/if3/1,in,2,2,,,present,500.10,rem,lock,40403 9807012033678/vc06/272.89,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,24566 9807012033685/vc11/237.99,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,11822 9807012033717/tpi/29624,24316,16458,11379,35645,24591,30370,14476,6930,40410 9807012033740/tpi/25780,13710,11823,19758,16278,18533,13303 9807012033742/tsys1/51.8,52.2,50.1,44.0,46.9,45.1,46.0,46.3,48.5,44.7 9807012033743/tsys2/66.1,65.1,62.5,64.2,60.9,66.3,123.3 9807012033744:!070120444 9807012044400:"data stop" 9807012044400:et 9807012044413:!+3s 9807012044714:tape 9807012044725/tape/off,02096,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9807012044725:postob 9807012044725:source=0637-752,063723.3,-751337.5,1950.0 9807012044725#antcn#Command a new source 9807012044786#antcn#Successfully sent new source position to antenna 9807012044786:check2c1 9807012052873/parity/0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0. 9807012052873/parity/0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 9807012054160:wb2c1=9 9807012054217/pass/9,9,auto,-110.0,-110.0,-110.0,-109.9,-0.0,0.1 9807012054561:!070120717 9807012071700:tape 9807012071712/tape/off,02102,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9807012071712:st=for,135 9807012071726:!070120727 9807012072700:preob 9807012072700#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9807012072753/onsource/TRACKING 9807012072993/tpical/34880,28178,19005,13326,41986,28913,35264,16909,8096,47893 9807012073017/tpical/29327,15501,13486,22418,18717,21053,11993 9807012073025:!070120737 9807012073700:tape 9807012073712/tape/off,02296,norm,moving,nostop,locked,ready,rem 9807012073712:"data start" 9807012073712:midob 9807012073712#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9807012073783/onsource/TRACKING 9807012073863#wx#/WX/16.6,1014.8, 70.5 9807012073883?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807012073885?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807012073937?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807012073989?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807012073997/ifd/17,17,nor,nor,rem,6758,10298 9807012074005/if3/1,in,2,2,,,present,500.10,rem,lock,38914 9807012074012/vc06/272.89,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,23610 9807012074019/vc11/237.99,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,11558 9807012074051/tpi/29238,23575,15915,10945,34399,23610,28879,13935,6753,38914 9807012074074/tpi/25209,13306,11558,19208,15880,17939,10406 9807012074076/tsys1/49.9,49.7,48.4,42.5,44.0,42.8,43.0,42.9,47.1,42.4 9807012074077/tsys2/63.7,61.8,60.9,61.1,56.8,57.9,67.1 9807012074078:!070120847 9807012082042;"cable=17438.0 9807012084700:"data stop" 9807012084701:et 9807012084716:!+3s 9807012085017:tape 9807012085029/tape/off,03097,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9807012085029:postob 9807012085029:source=0208-512,020856.9,-511507.5,1950.0 9807012085030#antcn#Command a new source 9807012085081#antcn#Successfully sent new source position to antenna 9807012085082:check2c1 9807012093174/parity/0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0. 9807012093174/parity/0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 9807012094458:wb2c1=9 9807012094517/pass/9,9,auto,-110.0,-110.0,-110.0,-109.9,-0.0,0.1 9807012094863:!070121222 9807012122200:tape 9807012122213/tape/off,03103,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9807012122213:st=for,135 9807012122229:!070121232 9807012123200:preob 9807012123200#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9807012123227/onsource/TRACKING 9807012123469/tpical/37027,29876,19999,13970,44301,30778,37340,18000,8525,50875 9807012123493/tpical/30873,16389,14119,23611,19654,21820,26543 9807012123502:!070121242 9807012124200:tape 9807012124212/tape/off,03297,norm,moving,nostop,locked,ready,rem 9807012124212:"data start" 9807012124212:midob 9807012124212#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9807012124258/onsource/TRACKING 9807012124334#wx#/WX/16.1,1014.8, 70.7 9807012124354?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807012124355?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807012124406?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807012124457?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807012124464/ifd/17,17,nor,nor,rem,7190,26548 9807012124471/if3/1,in,2,2,,,present,500.10,rem,lock,42023 9807012124478/vc06/272.89,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,25527 9807012124485/vc11/237.99,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,12171 9807012124517/tpi/31404,25340,16936,11634,36880,25539,31085,15056,7192,42031 9807012124539/tpi/26761,14209,12160,20300,16626,18953,27320 9807012124540/tsys1/53.8,54.3,52.1,46.2,48.2,47.0,47.4,47.1,50.7,46.5 9807012124541?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device i2 overflowed or were less than zero. 9807012124541/tsys2/67.8,66.6,63.2,62.7,55.8,66.6,-365.5 9807012124541:!070121729 9807012172900:"data stop" 9807012172900:et 9807012172916:!+3s 9807012173217:tape 9807012173229/tape/off,06539,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9807012173229:postob 9807012173229:source=0458-020,045841.3,-020333.9,1950.0 9807012173230#antcn#Command a new source 9807012173293#antcn#Successfully sent new source position to antenna 9807012173294:midtp 9807012173536/tpzero/528,221,637,631,353,425,851,904,277,87 9807012173560/tpzero/219,381,380,523,543,779,266 9807012173581/rx/00(front),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,22.89 9807012173594/rx/01(rear),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,35.59 9807012173607/rx/02(lo),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,43.04 9807012173618/rx/03(dcal),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,47.80 9807012173629/rx/0E(lo5mhz),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,0.959 9807012173640/rx/17(pres),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,4.386 9807012173652/rx/1E(20k),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,25.82 9807012173663/rx/1F(70k),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,52.30 9807012173663:wb2c2=10 9807012174308/pass/10,10,auto,-110.0,-110.0,-110.6,-110.2,-0.6,-0.2 9807012174656:fastf=1m46s 9807012174705?ERROR ch -336 Enabled tracks do not check with requested tracks 9807012193287:!+5s 9807012193788:!070122030 9807012203000:tape 9807012203012/tape/off,08893,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9807012203012:st=rev,135 9807012203026:!070122040 9807012204000:preob 9807012204000#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9807012204051/onsource/TRACKING 9807012204291/tpical/39163,31505,21649,15187,48126,33568,40980,19919,9190,55967 9807012204314/tpical/31828,16661,14517,23920,20026,22566,12625 9807012204322:!070122050 9807012205000:tape 9807012205012/tape/off,08699,norm,moving,nostop,locked,ready,rem 9807012205012:"data start" 9807012205012:midob 9807012205012#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9807012205070/onsource/TRACKING 9807012205141#wx#/WX/15.7,1014.7, 72.6 9807012205161?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807012205162?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807012205214?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807012205266?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807012205274/ifd/17,17,nor,nor,rem,7841,12295 9807012205281/if3/1,in,2,2,,,present,500.10,rem,lock,46612 9807012205287/vc06/272.89,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,28062 9807012205294/vc11/237.99,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,12575 9807012205326/tpi/33431,26843,18448,12731,40425,28051,34484,16774,7824,46606 9807012205349/tpi/27596,14501,12568,20691,17586,19632,12196 9807012205351/tsys1/56.3,56.0,54.5,48.3,51.0,49.1,50.7,49.5,54.1,48.7 9807012205352/tsys2/67.9,68.6,65.7,65.6,73.3,67.5,292.0 9807012205353:!070122922 9807012292200:"data stop" 9807012292200:et 9807012292214:!+3s 9807012292515:tape 9807012292526/tape/off,02925,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9807012292526:postob 9807012292526:source=0528+134,052806.7,132942.3,1950.0 9807012292527#antcn#Command a new source 9807012292581#antcn#Successfully sent new source position to antenna 9807012292581:check2c2 9807012300671/parity/0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0. 9807012300671/parity/0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 9807012301957:wb2c2=10 9807012302044/pass/10,10,auto,-110.0,-110.0,-110.6,-109.6,-0.6,0.4 9807012302389:!070123406 9807012340600:tape 9807012340612/tape/off,02919,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9807012340612:st=rev,135 9807012340626:!070123416 9807012341600:preob 9807012341600#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9807012341647/onsource/TRACKING 9807012341887/tpical/44233,36306,24167,16936,57556,37637,46179,21663,10405,63973 9807012341911/tpical/33930,17804,15509,26014,21433,24156,16343 9807012341919:!070123426 9807012342600:tape 9807012342612/tape/off,02725,norm,moving,nostop,locked,ready,rem 9807012342612:"data start" 9807012342612:midob 9807012342612#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9807012342676/onsource/TRACKING 9807012342756#wx#/WX/17.0,1014.5, 71.8 9807012342776?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807012342778?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807012342830?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807012342882?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807012342890/ifd/17,17,nor,nor,rem,8993,14629 9807012342897/if3/1,in,2,2,,,present,500.10,rem,lock,54370 9807012342905/vc06/272.89,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,32163 9807012342912/vc11/237.99,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,13600 9807012342944/tpi/38431,31620,20973,14506,49404,32163,39448,18603,8997,54369 9807012342967/tpi/29824,15633,13600,22744,18933,21254,14751 9807012342969/tsys1/64.0,65.7,62.4,56.0,59.0,56.8,56.2,56.7,60.7,55.4 9807012342970/tsys2/75.7,73.8,72.7,71.4,77.2,74.1,95.5 9807012342971:!070123536 9807012353600:"data stop" 9807012353600:et 9807012353614:!+3s 9807012353915:tape 9807012353926/tape/off,01924,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9807012353926:postob 9807012353926:source=0727-115,072758.1,-113452.5,1950.0 9807012353927#antcn#Command a new source 9807012353985#antcn#Successfully sent new source position to antenna 9807012353985:check2c2 9807012362073/parity/0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0. 9807012362073/parity/0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 9807012363361:wb2c2=10 9807012363431/pass/10,10,auto,-110.0,-110.0,-109.2,-110.2,0.8,-0.2 9807012363775:!070123737 9807012373700:tape 9807012373712/tape/off,01918,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9807012373712:st=rev,135 9807012373726:!070123747 9807012374700:preob 9807012374700#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9807012374753/onsource/TRACKING 9807012374993/tpical/35325,28444,19609,13696,45235,30546,37822,18076,8327,50850 9807012375017/tpical/29684,15607,13570,22243,18560,21002,12101 9807012375025:!070123757 9807012375700:tape 9807012375712/tape/off,01724,norm,moving,nostop,locked,ready,rem 9807012375712:"data start" 9807012375712:midob 9807012375712#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9807012375793/onsource/TRACKING 9807012375871#wx#/WX/16.8,1014.6, 70.8 9807012375890?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807012375892?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807012375944?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807012375996?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807012380005/ifd/17,17,nor,nor,rem,6971,9970 9807012380012/if3/1,in,2,2,,,present,500.10,rem,lock,41406 9807012380019/vc06/272.89,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,24935 9807012380026/vc11/237.99,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,11650 9807012380058/tpi/29660,23862,16438,11260,37189,24935,31120,14918,6969,41406 9807012380082/tpi/25576,13437,11650,19261,15958,18081,9822 9807012380084/tsys1/50.4,50.6,48.8,42.8,44.9,42.8,44.3,43.5,48.3,42.9 9807012380085/tsys2/64.8,63.2,61.6,66.0,62.2,62.2,44.0 9807012380086:!070123907 9807012390700:"data stop" 9807012390700:et 9807012390715:!+3s 9807012391017:tape 9807012391029/tape/off,00923,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9807012391030:postob 9807012391030:source=0454-234,045457.3,-232928.3,1950.0 9807012391032#antcn#Command a new source 9807012391092#antcn#Successfully sent new source position to antenna 9807012391093:midtp 9807012391335/tpzero/532,222,640,631,356,423,850,901,286,87 9807012391358/tpzero/217,376,379,527,546,779,267 9807012391378/rx/00(front),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,22.65 9807012391390/rx/01(rear),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,36.69 9807012391402/rx/02(lo),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,44.01 9807012391414/rx/03(dcal),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,47.68 9807012391426/rx/0E(lo5mhz),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,0.960 9807012391438/rx/17(pres),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,4.301 9807012391450/rx/1E(20k),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,25.86 9807012391462/rx/1F(70k),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,52.30 9807012391463:check2c2 9807012395550/parity/0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0. 9807012395551/parity/0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 9807012400836:wb2c1=11 9807012401329/pass/11,11,auto,-55.0,-55.0,-55.1,-55.2,-0.1,-0.2 9807012401676:fastr=0m38s 9807012405508:!+5s 9807012410009:!070124132 9807012413200:tape 9807012413212/tape/low,00092,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9807012413212:st=for,135 9807012413226:!070124142 9807012414200:preob 9807012414200#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9807012414270/onsource/TRACKING 9807012414513/tpical/36656,29105,20276,14132,45023,31210,37462,18017,8530,51349 9807012414536/tpical/30316,15936,13866,22948,19026,21469,10653 9807012414544:!070124152 9807012415200:tape 9807012415212/tape/off,00286,norm,moving,nostop,locked,ready,rem 9807012415212:"data start" 9807012415212:midob 9807012415212#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9807012415269/onsource/TRACKING 9807012415343#wx#/WX/16.8,1014.5, 71.1 9807012415363?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807012415365?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807012415417?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807012415469?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807012415477/ifd/17,17,nor,nor,rem,7157,10542 9807012415484/if3/1,in,2,2,,,present,500.10,rem,lock,42208 9807012415491/vc06/272.89,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,25748 9807012415499/vc11/237.99,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,11956 9807012415531/tpi/30968,24610,17142,11725,37348,25761,31086,15049,7159,42222 9807012415554/tpi/26232,13810,11946,19746,16404,18539,10421 9807012415556/tsys1/52.4,53.2,51.6,45.2,47.2,45.6,46.5,46.7,49.1,45.2 9807012415557/tsys2/66.9,66.3,63.3,63.0,63.5,63.6,459.6 9807012415558:!070124331 9807012433100:"data stop" 9807012433100:et 9807012433115:!+3s 9807012433416:tape 9807012433427/tape/off,01414,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9807012433427:postob 9807012433427:source=0402-362,040202.6,-361311.8,1950.0 9807012433427#antcn#Command a new source 9807012433488#antcn#Successfully sent new source position to antenna 9807012433488:check2c1 9807012441577/parity/0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0. 9807012441577/parity/0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 9807012442863:wb2c1=11 9807012442920/pass/11,11,auto,-55.0,-55.0,-55.1,-55.2,-0.1,-0.2 9807012443265:!070124514 9807012451400:tape 9807012451412/tape/off,01420,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9807012451412:st=for,135 9807012451426:!070124524 9807012452400:preob 9807012452400#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9807012452466/onsource/TRACKING 9807012452706/tpical/35833,29524,19876,14022,44269,30491,37192,17937,8470,50603 9807012452729/tpical/30470,16173,14042,23134,18872,21998,17552 9807012452737:!070124534 9807012453400:tape 9807012453413/tape/off,01614,norm,moving,nostop,locked,ready,rem 9807012453413:"data start" 9807012453413:midob 9807012453413#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9807012453456/onsource/TRACKING 9807012453538#wx#/WX/16.6,1014.6, 70.8 9807012453557?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807012453559?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807012453611?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807012453663?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807012453671/ifd/17,17,nor,nor,rem,7131,18153 9807012453678/if3/1,in,2,2,,,present,500.10,rem,lock,41685 9807012453685/vc06/272.89,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,25195 9807012453692/vc11/237.99,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,12094 9807012453724/tpi/30307,24994,16820,11643,36776,25165,30822,14989,7129,41666 9807012453747/tpi/26306,14010,12085,19846,16291,19142,17934 9807012453749/tsys1/52.8,53.6,51.9,45.4,47.6,45.5,46.1,46.8,50.0,45.6 9807012453750?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device i2 overflowed or were less than zero. 9807012453751/tsys2/65.8,66.2,62.8,61.7,64.1,67.5,-485.6 9807012453752:!070124644 9807012464400:"data stop" 9807012464400:et 9807012464414:!+3s 9807012464715:tape 9807012464726/tape/off,02415,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9807012464727:postob 9807012464727:source=0528+134,052806.7,132942.3,1950.0 9807012464729#antcn#Command a new source 9807012464785#antcn#Successfully sent new source position to antenna 9807012464786:check2c1 9807012472876/parity/0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0. 9807012472876/parity/0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 9807012474159:wb2c1=11 9807012474217/pass/11,11,auto,-55.0,-55.0,-55.1,-55.2,-0.1,-0.2 9807012474562:!070130206 9807012525224;"cable=17435.0 9807012525553;wth 9807012525625#wx#/WX/16.0,1014.7, 72.1 9807013020600:tape 9807013020613/tape/off,02420,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9807013020613:st=for,135 9807013020629:!070130216 9807013021600:preob 9807013021600#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9807013021660/onsource/TRACKING 9807013021901/tpical/50847,42385,28037,19622,65092,42622,51907,24445,12062,65535 9807013021925/tpical/37300,19635,17068,28497,23429,27192,21961 9807013021934:!070130226 9807013022600:tape 9807013022613/tape/off,02614,norm,moving,nostop,locked,ready,rem 9807013022613:"data start" 9807013022613:midob 9807013022613#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9807013022670/onsource/TRACKING 9807013022748#wx#/WX/16.2,1014.5, 72.2 9807013022768?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807013022769?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807013022821?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807013022872?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807013022879/ifd/17,17,nor,nor,rem,10664,20912 9807013022886/if3/1,in,2,2,,,present,500.10,rem,lock,63855 9807013022893/vc06/272.89,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,37294 9807013022900/vc11/237.99,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,15191 9807013022932/tpi/45205,37697,24928,17209,57307,37338,45421,21444,10674,63890 9807013022954/tpi/33282,17512,15180,25551,20851,24144,21193 9807013022955?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device i3 overflowed or were less than zero. 9807013022955/tsys1/77.6,78.3,76.6,67.3,71.7,68.5,67.3,67.1,73.3,$$$$$$$$ 9807013022956/tsys2/86.4,84.8,82.3,89.2,82.7,80.5,286.1 9807013022956:!070130336 9807013033600:"data stop" 9807013033600:et 9807013033614:!+3s 9807013033915:tape 9807013033926/tape/off,03415,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9807013033926:postob 9807013033926:source=0727-115,072758.1,-113452.5,1950.0 9807013033927#antcn#Command a new source 9807013033968#antcn#Successfully sent new source position to antenna 9807013033968:check2c1 9807013042058/parity/0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0. 9807013042058/parity/0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 9807013043343:wb2c1=11 9807013043400/pass/11,11,auto,-55.0,-55.0,-55.1,-55.2,-0.1,-0.2 9807013043745:!070131149 9807013114900:tape 9807013114912/tape/off,03419,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9807013114912:st=for,135 9807013114926:!070131159 9807013115900:preob 9807013115900#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9807013115960/onsource/TRACKING 9807013120202/tpical/35887,28529,19714,13720,44868,30705,37438,17903,8562,50731 9807013120225/tpical/29878,15696,13637,22476,18612,21483,11898 9807013120233:!070131209 9807013120900:tape 9807013120912/tape/off,03614,norm,moving,nostop,locked,ready,rem 9807013120912:"data start" 9807013120912:midob 9807013120912#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9807013120969/onsource/TRACKING 9807013121051#wx#/WX/16.4,1014.5, 70.0 9807013121071?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807013121072?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807013121124?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807013121176?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807013121185/ifd/17,17,nor,nor,rem,7106,10718 9807013121192/if3/1,in,2,2,,,present,500.10,rem,lock,41404 9807013121199/vc06/272.89,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,25116 9807013121206/vc11/237.99,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,11741 9807013121238/tpi/30129,23981,16559,11291,36905,25156,30824,14845,7122,41412 9807013121261/tpi/25796,13516,11741,19333,16051,18677,10182 9807013121263/tsys1/50.4,51.2,49.4,43.0,45.0,43.7,44.4,44.7,46.5,43.5 9807013121264/tsys2/65.8,63.3,62.9,62.8,63.6,67.0,60.7 9807013121265:!070131319 9807013131900:"data stop" 9807013131900:et 9807013131915:!+3s 9807013132216:tape 9807013132227/tape/off,04415,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9807013132228:postob 9807013132228:source=0637-752,063723.3,-751337.5,1950.0 9807013132230#antcn#Command a new source 9807013132298#antcn#Successfully sent new source position to antenna 9807013132299:check2c1 9807013140391/parity/0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0. 9807013140391/parity/0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 9807013141673:wb2c1=11 9807013141732/pass/11,11,auto,-55.0,-55.0,-55.1,-55.2,-0.1,-0.2 9807013142077:!070131658 9807013165800:tape 9807013165811/tape/off,04422,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9807013165811:st=for,135 9807013165825:!070131708 9807013170800:preob 9807013170800#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9807013170855/onsource/TRACKING 9807013171096/tpical/34795,28159,18994,13346,42309,29289,35815,16956,8104,48368 9807013171120/tpical/29439,15495,13493,22177,18181,21007,13596 9807013171128:!070131718 9807013171800:tape 9807013171812/tape/off,04616,norm,moving,nostop,locked,ready,rem 9807013171812:"data start" 9807013171812:midob 9807013171812#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9807013171874/onsource/TRACKING 9807013171962#wx#/WX/16.1,1014.5, 71.4 9807013171982?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807013171983?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807013172035?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807013172087?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807013172095/ifd/17,17,nor,nor,rem,6732,12434 9807013172102/if3/1,in,2,2,,,present,500.10,rem,lock,39289 9807013172109/vc06/272.89,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,23881 9807013172116/vc11/237.99,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,11538 9807013172148/tpi/29142,23531,15911,10957,34609,23881,29302,13973,6737,39289 9807013172171/tpi/25298,13325,11538,18986,15586,17905,12772 9807013172173/tsys1/49.6,49.4,48.5,42.4,43.6,42.5,42.8,42.9,46.2,42.3 9807013172174/tsys2/63.6,62.7,59.9,60.7,60.9,58.0,159.3 9807013172175:!070131840 9807013184000:"data stop" 9807013184000:et 9807013184014:!+3s 9807013184315:tape 9807013184326/tape/off,05552,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9807013184326:postob 9807013184326:source=0454-234,045457.3,-232928.3,1950.0 9807013184327#antcn#Command a new source 9807013184383#antcn#Successfully sent new source position to antenna 9807013184384:check2c1 9807013192472/parity/0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0. 9807013192472/parity/0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 9807013193759:wb2c1=11 9807013193883/pass/11,11,auto,-55.0,-55.0,-55.1,-55.2,-0.1,-0.2 9807013194227:!070132232 9807013223200:tape 9807013223212/tape/off,05558,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9807013223212:st=for,135 9807013223226:!070132242 9807013224200:preob 9807013224200#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9807013224269/onsource/TRACKING 9807013224509/tpical/37314,30536,20654,14569,44855,31488,38342,18479,8730,52080 9807013224532/tpical/31386,16581,14432,23800,19502,22278,12963 9807013224540:!070132252 9807013225200:tape 9807013225213/tape/off,05752,norm,moving,nostop,locked,ready,rem 9807013225213:"data start" 9807013225213:midob 9807013225213#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9807013225239/onsource/TRACKING 9807013225312#wx#/WX/16.0,1014.5, 71.3 9807013225332?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807013225334?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807013225386?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807013225438?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807013225446/ifd/17,17,nor,nor,rem,7381,12128 9807013225453/if3/1,in,2,2,,,present,500.10,rem,lock,43145 9807013225460/vc06/272.89,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,26165 9807013225467/vc11/237.99,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,12469 9807013225499/tpi/31703,25985,17560,12171,37441,26165,32026,15511,7381,43145 9807013225522/tpi/27204,14399,12483,20622,16998,19215,12016 9807013225524/tsys1/54.4,55.5,53.6,47.2,49.0,47.4,48.4,48.2,51.5,47.2 9807013225525/tsys2/67.8,67.5,65.2,66.4,69.0,63.2,130.3 9807013225526:!070132440 9807013244000:"data stop" 9807013244000:et 9807013244015:!+3s 9807013244316:tape 9807013244328/tape/off,06981,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9807013244328:postob 9807013244328:source=0208-512,020856.9,-511507.5,1950.0 9807013244329#antcn#Command a new source 9807013244377#antcn#Successfully sent new source position to antenna 9807013244377:midtp 9807013244618/tpzero/528,218,639,630,349,423,850,907,284,86 9807013244641/tpzero/217,379,374,525,541,778,268 9807013244661/rx/00(front),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,22.65 9807013244673/rx/01(rear),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,36.08 9807013244685/rx/02(lo),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,43.28 9807013244697/rx/03(dcal),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,47.68 9807013244709/rx/0E(lo5mhz),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,0.960 9807013244722/rx/17(pres),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,4.216 9807013244734/rx/1E(20k),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,25.41 9807013244746/rx/1F(70k),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,52.30 9807013244746:wb2c2=12 9807013245650/pass/12,12,auto,-55.0,-55.0,-55.0,-54.9,-0.0,0.1 9807013245995:fastf=1m25s 9807013250043?ERROR ch -336 Enabled tracks do not check with requested tracks 9807013262526:!+5s 9807013263027:!070132659 9807013265900:tape 9807013265912/tape/off,08863,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9807013265912:st=rev,135 9807013265926:!070132709 9807013270900:preob 9807013270900#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9807013270935/onsource/TRACKING 9807013271176/tpical/40307,32028,21761,15083,48959,32884,39673,18972,9251,55310 9807013271199/tpical/32475,17149,14939,24859,20526,22859,17016 9807013271207:!070132719 9807013271900:tape 9807013271912/tape/off,08669,norm,moving,nostop,locked,ready,rem 9807013271912:"data start" 9807013271912:midob 9807013271912#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9807013271965/onsource/TRACKING 9807013272045#wx#/WX/16.4,1014.5, 70.8 9807013272065?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807013272066?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807013272118?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807013272170?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807013272178/ifd/17,17,nor,nor,rem,7896,14968 9807013272185/if3/1,in,2,2,,,present,500.10,rem,lock,46250 9807013272192/vc06/272.89,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,27592 9807013272199/vc11/237.99,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,12980 9807013272231/tpi/34491,27517,18641,12695,41135,27592,33358,16045,7892,46237 9807013272254/tpi/28329,14964,12989,21690,17741,19916,14919 9807013272256/tsys1/57.2,59.3,56.5,49.5,51.1,50.3,50.4,50.7,54.9,49.8 9807013272257/tsys2/71.2,70.1,67.9,70.1,64.8,68.3,73.4 9807013272258:!070133054 9807013305400:"data stop" 9807013305400:et 9807013305415:!+3s 9807013305716:tape 9807013305727/tape/off,06237,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9807013305727:postob 9807013305727:source=0402-362,040202.6,-361311.8,1950.0 9807013305728#antcn#Command a new source 9807013305771#antcn#Successfully sent new source position to antenna 9807013305771:check2c2 9807013313863/parity/0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,16. 9807013313863/parity/0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 9807013315150:wb2c2=12 9807013315257/pass/12,12,auto,-55.0,-55.0,-55.0,-54.9,-0.0,0.1 9807013315603:!070133251 9807013325100:tape 9807013325112/tape/off,06232,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9807013325112:st=rev,135 9807013325126:!070133301 9807013330100:preob 9807013330100#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9807013330139/onsource/TRACKING 9807013330379/tpical/38138,31191,20980,14770,46204,32048,39068,18678,8956,53466 9807013330402/tpical/32061,16893,14702,23986,19797,22693,15950 9807013330410:!070133311 9807013331100:tape 9807013331112/tape/off,06038,norm,moving,nostop,locked,ready,rem 9807013331112:"data start" 9807013331112:midob 9807013331112#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9807013331179/onsource/TRACKING 9807013331254#wx#/WX/16.5,1014.4, 69.7 9807013331274?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807013331276?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807013331328?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807013331380?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807013331388/ifd/17,17,nor,nor,rem,7593,16623 9807013331395/if3/1,in,2,2,,,present,500.10,rem,lock,44453 9807013331402/vc06/272.89,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,26701 9807013331409/vc11/237.99,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,12742 9807013331441/tpi/32543,26602,17896,12390,38715,26701,32751,15741,7594,44473 9807013331464/tpi/27871,14684,12742,20831,17141,19773,16002 9807013331466/tsys1/56.1,56.3,54.8,48.4,50.2,48.2,49.5,49.5,52.6,48.4 9807013331467?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device i2 overflowed or were less than zero. 9807013331468/tsys2/69.3,68.0,66.3,67.6,65.6,68.3,-3177.1 9807013331469:!070133605 9807013360500:"data stop" 9807013360500:et 9807013360514:!+3s 9807013360815:tape 9807013360826/tape/off,04067,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9807013360826:postob 9807013360826:source=1128+385,112812.5,383152.0,1950.0 9807013360827#antcn#Command a new source 9807013360896#antcn#Successfully sent new source position to antenna 9807013360896:check2c2 9807013364985/parity/0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0. 9807013364985/parity/0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 9807013370272:wb2c2=12 9807013370329/pass/12,12,auto,-55.0,-55.0,-55.0,-54.9,-0.0,0.1 9807013370675:!070134130 9807013413000:tape 9807013413012/tape/off,04062,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9807013413012:st=rev,135 9807013413026:!070134140 9807013414000:preob 9807013414000#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9807013414051/onsource/TRACKING 9807013414291/tpical/45663,37509,24437,17419,59634,38252,47519,22251,10769,65535 9807013414314/tpical/34395,18023,15737,26144,21757,24606,11852 9807013414322:!070134150 9807013415000:tape 9807013415012/tape/off,03867,norm,moving,nostop,locked,ready,rem 9807013415012:"data start" 9807013415012:midob 9807013415012#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9807013415071/onsource/TRACKING 9807013415160#wx#/WX/17.0,1014.4, 66.6 9807013415179?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807013415181?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807013415233?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807013415286?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807013415294/ifd/17,17,nor,nor,rem,9343,11590 9807013415301/if3/1,in,2,2,,,present,500.10,rem,lock,56144 9807013415309/vc06/272.89,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,32768 9807013415316/vc11/237.99,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,13814 9807013415348/tpi/39859,32655,21313,14950,51326,32768,40820,19192,9347,56177 9807013415371/tpi/30237,15854,13814,22934,19168,21754,11798 9807013415373?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device i3 overflowed or were less than zero. 9807013415374/tsys1/66.4,65.5,64.9,56.8,60.1,57.8,58.5,58.6,62.5,$$$$$$$$ 9807013415375/tsys2/75.8,74.9,73.4,73.3,75.5,77.2,2241.9 9807013415376:!070134412 9807013441200:"data stop" 9807013441200:et 9807013441214:!+3s 9807013441515:tape 9807013441526/tape/off,02256,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9807013441526:postob 9807013441526:source=0727-115,072758.1,-113452.5,1950.0 9807013441527#antcn#Command a new source 9807013441589#antcn#Successfully sent new source position to antenna 9807013441589:check2c2 9807013445677/parity/0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0. 9807013445677/parity/0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 9807013450964:wb2c2=12 9807013451021/pass/12,12,auto,-55.0,-55.0,-55.0,-54.9,-0.0,0.1 9807013451367:!070135012 9807013493458;"cable=17433.0 9807013501200:tape 9807013501213/tape/off,02251,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9807013501213:st=rev,135 9807013501230:!070135022 9807013502200:preob 9807013502200#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9807013502263/onsource/TRACKING 9807013502505/tpical/36286,28808,19775,14039,44773,30658,38049,18098,8691,51088 9807013502529/tpical/30595,16054,13955,22824,19019,21616,11290 9807013502538:!070135032 9807013503200:tape 9807013503212/tape/off,02057,norm,moving,nostop,locked,ready,rem 9807013503212:"data start" 9807013503212:midob 9807013503212#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9807013503243/onsource/TRACKING 9807013503325#wx#/WX/17.0,1014.3, 68.8 9807013503344?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807013503348?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807013503401?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807013503453?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807013503460/ifd/17,17,nor,nor,rem,7369,10833 9807013503467/if3/1,in,2,2,,,present,500.10,rem,lock,41827 9807013503474/vc06/272.89,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,25185 9807013503481/vc11/237.99,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,12016 9807013503512/tpi/30543,24228,16659,11582,36908,25185,31437,15059,7369,41845 9807013503534/tpi/26416,13885,12003,19661,16423,18643,10327 9807013503535/tsys1/51.2,51.4,50.4,43.7,45.6,44.3,45.3,45.6,52.5,44.3 9807013503536/tsys2/65.8,65.4,62.6,63.5,64.2,63.1,109.7 9807013503536:!070135142 9807013514200:"data stop" 9807013514200:et 9807013514216:!+3s 9807013514517:tape 9807013514530/tape/off,01256,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9807013514530:postob 9807013514530:source=0823+033,082313.5,031915.5,1950.0 9807013514531#antcn#Command a new source 9807013514571#antcn#Successfully sent new source position to antenna 9807013514571:check2c2 9807013522664/parity/0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0. 9807013522664/parity/0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 9807013523947:wb2c2=12 9807013524005/pass/12,12,auto,-55.0,-55.0,-55.0,-54.9,-0.0,0.1 9807013524351:!070140242 9807014024200:tape 9807014024212/tape/off,01252,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9807014024212:st=rev,135 9807014024225:!070140252 9807014025200:preob 9807014025200#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9807014025231/onsource/TRACKING 9807014025470/tpical/37457,29959,20371,14303,47293,31681,39112,18650,8751,53076 9807014025493/tpical/30273,15944,13841,23064,19118,21689,11049 9807014025501:!070140302 9807014030200:tape 9807014030212/tape/off,01058,norm,moving,nostop,locked,ready,rem 9807014030212:"data start" 9807014030212:midob 9807014030212#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9807014030271/onsource/TRACKING 9807014030343#wx#/WX/17.1,1014.2, 67.0 9807014030363?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807014030364?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807014030416?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807014030468?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807014030476/ifd/17,17,nor,nor,rem,7331,9864 9807014030483/if3/1,in,2,2,,,present,500.10,rem,lock,43588 9807014030490/vc06/272.89,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,26141 9807014030497/vc11/237.99,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,11928 9807014030529/tpi/31581,25256,17168,11831,39217,26125,32307,15534,7334,43586 9807014030552/tpi/26150,13782,11931,19779,16489,18738,9703 9807014030554/tsys1/51.8,52.2,50.6,44.4,47.2,45.3,45.3,46.0,48.8,44.9 9807014030555/tsys2/66.0,65.1,63.5,61.5,63.7,63.9,73.6 9807014030556:!070140412 9807014041201:"data stop" 9807014041201:et 9807014041215:!+3s 9807014041516:tape 9807014041527/tape/off,00256,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9807014041527:postob 9807014041527:source=0454-234,045457.3,-232928.3,1950.0 9807014041528#antcn#Command a new source 9807014041588#antcn#Successfully sent new source position to antenna 9807014041589:midtp 9807014041830/tpzero/527,217,640,632,351,424,850,896,284,87 9807014041853/tpzero/216,384,379,524,548,779,265 9807014041873/rx/00(front),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,22.28 9807014041885/rx/01(rear),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,36.44 9807014041897/rx/02(lo),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,43.28 9807014041909/rx/03(dcal),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,47.68 9807014041921/rx/0E(lo5mhz),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,0.960 9807014041933/rx/17(pres),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,4.216 9807014041945/rx/1E(20k),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,25.49 9807014041957/rx/1F(70k),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,52.30 9807014041957:check2c2 9807014050046/parity/0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0. 9807014050046/parity/0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 9807014051332:wb2c1=13 9807014051790/pass/13,13,auto,0.0,0.0,-0.3,0.1,-0.3,0.1 9807014052137:fastr=0m9s 9807014053067:!+5s 9807014053568:!070140832 9807014083200:tape 9807014083212/tape/low,00077,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9807014083212:st=for,135 9807014083226:!070140842 9807014084200:preob 9807014084200#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9807014084245/onsource/TRACKING 9807014084484/tpical/41454,34161,22506,15938,49787,34337,41488,19986,9709,57753 9807014084508/tpical/33556,17798,15321,25417,20465,23641,30218 9807014084516:!070140852 9807014085200:tape 9807014085212/tape/off,00272,norm,moving,nostop,locked,ready,rem 9807014085212:"data start" 9807014085212:midob 9807014085212#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9807014085264/onsource/TRACKING 9807014085352#wx#/WX/17.6,1014.1, 66.0 9807014085372?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807014085374?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807014085426?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807014085478?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807014085486/ifd/17,17,nor,nor,rem,8336,24658 9807014085493/if3/1,in,2,2,,,present,500.10,rem,lock,48718 9807014085500/vc06/272.89,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,29077 9807014085508/vc11/237.99,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,13436 9807014085541/tpi/35834,29530,19438,13548,42327,29089,35256,17074,8338,48725 9807014085564/tpi/29496,15629,13436,22284,18267,20886,25978 9807014085566/tsys1/61.6,62.0,60.0,53.0,55.1,53.5,54.1,54.4,57.6,52.8 9807014085567/tsys2/75.7,73.8,72.7,72.9,84.6,76.6,63.7 9807014085568:!070141046 9807014104600:"data stop" 9807014104600:et 9807014104614:!+3s 9807014104915:tape 9807014104926/tape/off,01568,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9807014104926:postob 9807014104926:source=0637-752,063723.3,-751337.5,1950.0 9807014104927#antcn#Command a new source 9807014104982#antcn#Successfully sent new source position to antenna 9807014104983:check2c1 9807014113071/parity/0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0. 9807014113071/parity/0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 9807014114357:wb2c1=13 9807014114414/pass/13,13,auto,0.0,0.0,-0.3,0.1,-0.3,0.1 9807014114759:!070141847 9807014184701:tape 9807014184712/tape/off,01573,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9807014184712:st=for,135 9807014184726:!070141857 9807014185700:preob 9807014185700#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9807014185754/onsource/TRACKING 9807014185994/tpical/35812,28676,19006,13418,42760,29243,35595,16993,8198,48462 9807014190017/tpical/29631,15685,13658,22693,18534,21050,11105 9807014190025:!070141907 9807014190700:tape 9807014190712/tape/off,01767,norm,moving,nostop,locked,ready,rem 9807014190712:"data start" 9807014190712:midob 9807014190712#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9807014190744/onsource/TRACKING 9807014190814#wx#/WX/17.3,1014.0, 65.4 9807014190834?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807014190836?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807014190888?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807014190940?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807014190948/ifd/17,17,nor,nor,rem,6824,9730 9807014190955/if3/1,in,2,2,,,present,500.10,rem,lock,39388 9807014190962/vc06/272.89,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,23867 9807014190969/vc11/237.99,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,11689 9807014191001/tpi/29983,24043,15899,11007,35031,23867,29152,14034,6824,39388 9807014191024/tpi/25497,13489,11696,19424,15862,18028,9625 9807014191026/tsys1/49.5,50.4,48.1,42.2,44.0,42.7,43.0,43.5,46.6,42.4 9807014191027/tsys2/64.2,62.7,60.6,60.7,60.2,59.9,66.4 9807014191028:!070142017 9807014201700:"data stop" 9807014201700:et 9807014201714:!+3s 9807014202015:tape 9807014202026/tape/off,02569,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9807014202026:postob 9807014202026:source=1606+106,160623.4,103700.0,1950.0 9807014202027#antcn#Command a new source 9807014202093#antcn#Successfully sent new source position to antenna 9807014202094:check2c1 9807014210181/parity/0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0. 9807014210181/parity/0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 9807014211468:wb2c1=13 9807014211526/pass/13,13,auto,0.0,0.0,-0.3,0.1,-0.3,0.1 9807014211869:!070142518 9807014251800:tape 9807014251813/tape/off,02576,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9807014251813:st=for,135 9807014251827:!070142528 9807014252800:preob 9807014252800#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9807014252858/onsource/TRACKING 9807014253098/tpical/47440,39186,25511,17921,62849,38968,48555,22516,11188,65535 9807014253121/tpical/34895,18344,15917,26551,22418,25496,16060 9807014253129:!070142538 9807014253800:tape 9807014253812/tape/off,02770,norm,moving,nostop,locked,ready,rem 9807014253812:"data start" 9807014253812:midob 9807014253812#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9807014253838/onsource/TRACKING 9807014253923#wx#/WX/17.8,1014.0, 61.0 9807014253943?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807014253945?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807014253997?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807014254049?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807014254057/ifd/17,17,nor,nor,rem,9727,15453 9807014254064/if3/1,in,2,2,,,present,500.10,rem,lock,58201 9807014254071/vc06/272.89,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,33427 9807014254078/vc11/237.99,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,13984 9807014254111/tpi/41530,34265,22309,15448,54181,33427,41687,19439,9733,58232 9807014254134/tpi/30688,16200,13993,23242,19415,22184,15699 9807014254136?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device i3 overflowed or were less than zero. 9807014254137/tsys1/68.0,67.8,66.3,58.7,60.9,58.4,58.3,59.1,63.6,$$$$$$$$ 9807014254138/tsys2/76.1,77.5,74.3,72.1,66.0,67.9,448.9 9807014254139:!070142926 9807014292600:"data stop" 9807014292600:et 9807014292614:!+3s 9807014292915:tape 9807014292926/tape/off,05349,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9807014292926:postob 9807014292926:source=0727-115,072758.1,-113452.5,1950.0 9807014292927#antcn#Command a new source 9807014292984#antcn#Successfully sent new source position to antenna 9807014292984:check2c1 9807014301073/parity/0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0. 9807014301073/parity/0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 9807014302358:wb2c1=13 9807014302465/pass/13,13,auto,0.0,0.0,-0.3,0.1,-0.3,0.1 9807014302812:!070143446 9807014344600:tape 9807014344612/tape/off,05354,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9807014344612:st=for,135 9807014344626:!070143456 9807014345600:preob 9807014345600#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9807014345629/onsource/TRACKING 9807014345869/tpical/36773,29370,20435,14472,45589,31183,38191,18303,8800,52029 9807014345892/tpical/30920,16269,14090,23217,19503,21772,14409 9807014345900:!070143506 9807014350600:tape 9807014350612/tape/off,05548,norm,moving,nostop,locked,ready,rem 9807014350612:"data start" 9807014350612:midob 9807014350612#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9807014350659/onsource/TRACKING 9807014350747#wx#/WX/18.0,1014.0, 57.5 9807014350767?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807014350768?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807014350820?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807014350872?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807014350880/ifd/17,17,nor,nor,rem,7407,11109 9807014350888/if3/1,in,2,2,,,present,500.10,rem,lock,42786 9807014350895/vc06/272.89,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,25696 9807014350902/vc11/237.99,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,12196 9807014350934/tpi/31016,24797,17237,12011,37768,25727,31659,15283,7412,42791 9807014350957/tpi/26739,14085,12196,20090,16756,18853,10725 9807014350959/tsys1/51.9,52.7,50.9,45.3,46.9,45.4,46.2,46.7,50.3,45.3 9807014350960/tsys2/66.6,65.9,65.5,65.7,62.0,65.0,29.8 9807014350961:!070143731 9807014373100:"data stop" 9807014373100:et 9807014373115:!+3s 9807014373417:tape 9807014373428/tape/off,07193,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9807014373428:postob 9807014373428:source=1308+326,130807.6,323640.6,1950.0 9807014373428#antcn#Command a new source 9807014373486#antcn#Successfully sent new source position to antenna 9807014373486:check2c1 9807014381574/parity/0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0. 9807014381574/parity/0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 9807014382859:wb2c1=13 9807014382917/pass/13,13,auto,0.0,0.0,-0.3,0.1,-0.3,0.1 9807014383263:!070144002 9807014400200:tape 9807014400212/tape/off,07199,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9807014400212:st=for,135 9807014400226:!070144012 9807014401200:preob 9807014401200#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9807014401244/onsource/TRACKING 9807014401484/tpical/42875,34875,22584,16314,55617,36178,45444,21200,10044,61523 9807014401508/tpical/32720,17187,14963,24966,21149,23685,11838 9807014401516:!070144022 9807014402200:tape 9807014402212/tape/off,07393,norm,moving,nostop,locked,ready,rem 9807014402212:"data start" 9807014402212:midob 9807014402212#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9807014402274/onsource/TRACKING 9807014402358#wx#/WX/17.8,1013.9, 55.7 9807014402377?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807014402379?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807014402431?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807014402483?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807014402491/ifd/17,17,nor,nor,rem,8593,12015 9807014402498/if3/1,in,2,2,,,present,500.10,rem,lock,51712 9807014402505/vc06/272.89,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,30563 9807014402512/vc11/237.99,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,13014 9807014402544/tpi/36969,30006,19460,13801,47230,30563,38484,18042,8593,51711 9807014402567/tpi/28617,15061,13014,21683,18282,20583,12595 9807014402569/tsys1/60.5,60.0,59.0,51.4,54.8,52.6,53.0,53.2,56.1,51.6 9807014402570?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device i2 overflowed or were less than zero. 9807014402571/tsys2/72.7,72.5,68.1,67.7,64.9,67.0,-171.0 9807014402572:!070144132 9807014413200:"data stop" 9807014413200:et 9807014413215:!+3s 9807014413516:tape 9807014413527/tape/off,08194,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9807014413528:postob 9807014413528:source=1128+385,112812.5,383152.0,1950.0 9807014413530#antcn#Command a new source 9807014413593#antcn#Successfully sent new source position to antenna 9807014413594:midtp 9807014413834/tpzero/527,218,640,628,345,424,848,900,292,87 9807014413857/tpzero/216,378,376,525,543,781,269 9807014413877/rx/00(front),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,22.52 9807014413889/rx/01(rear),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,35.71 9807014413901/rx/02(lo),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,42.91 9807014413913/rx/03(dcal),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,47.68 9807014413925/rx/0E(lo5mhz),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,0.960 9807014413937/rx/17(pres),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,4.216 9807014413949/rx/1E(20k),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,25.45 9807014413961/rx/1F(70k),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,52.30 9807014413962:check2c1 9807014422051/parity/0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0. 9807014422052/parity/0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 9807014423335:wb2c2=14 9807014423968/pass/14,14,auto,0.0,0.0,-0.1,-0.2,-0.1,-0.2 9807014424313:fastf=0m31s 9807014431442:!+5s 9807014431943:!070144622 9807014433479;"cable=17435.0 9807014443407?ERROR ch -370 Total power integrator overflow on IF3 9807014445604?ERROR ch -370 Total power integrator overflow on IF3 9807014451804?ERROR ch -370 Total power integrator overflow on IF3 9807014454004?ERROR ch -370 Total power integrator overflow on IF3 9807014460200?ERROR ch -370 Total power integrator overflow on IF3 9807014462200:tape 9807014462212/tape/off,08867,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9807014462212:st=rev,135 9807014462228:!070144632 9807014462405?ERROR ch -370 Total power integrator overflow on IF3 9807014463200:preob 9807014463200#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9807014463268/onsource/TRACKING 9807014463509/tpical/50581,44080,28076,18916,$$$$$,42515,54802,27075,12417,65535 9807014463533/tpical/34129,17927,15616,26183,22508,24516,14593 9807014463542:!070144642 9807014464200:tape 9807014464212/tape/off,08673,norm,moving,nostop,locked,ready,rem 9807014464212:"data start" 9807014464212:midob 9807014464212#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9807014464268/onsource/TRACKING 9807014464347#wx#/WX/17.7,1013.8, 54.4 9807014464367?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807014464368?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807014464419?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807014464471?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807014464478/ifd/17,17,nor,nor,rem,10701,13809 9807014464485/if3/1,in,2,2,,,present,500.10,rem,lock,65535 9807014464492/vc06/272.89,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,36305 9807014464499/vc11/237.99,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,13678 9807014464530/tpi/43851,38214,24345,16181,63449,36329,46822,23189,10692,65535 9807014464552/tpi/30010,15784,13698,22992,20065,21693,14462 9807014464553?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device v5 overflowed or were less than zero. 9807014464553?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device i3 overflowed or were less than zero. 9807014464553/tsys1/63.1,63.5,62.3,55.7,$$$$$$$$,56.9,56.5,56.2,59.1,$$$$$$$$ 9807014464554/tsys2/75.9,75.5,72.9,73.9,83.9,77.8,1137.6 9807014464554:!070144909 9807014464738?ERROR ch -370 Total power integrator overflow on IF3 9807014470935?ERROR ch -370 Total power integrator overflow on IF3 9807014473134?ERROR ch -370 Total power integrator overflow on IF3 9807014475334?ERROR ch -370 Total power integrator overflow on IF3 9807014481534?ERROR ch -370 Total power integrator overflow on IF3 9807014483734?ERROR ch -370 Total power integrator overflow on IF3 9807014485934?ERROR ch -370 Total power integrator overflow on IF3 9807014490900:"data stop" 9807014490900:et 9807014490916:!+3s 9807014491217:tape 9807014491229/tape/off,07005,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9807014491229:postob 9807014491229:source=1334-127,133500.0,-124209.7,1950.0 9807014491230#antcn#Command a new source 9807014491274#antcn#Successfully sent new source position to antenna 9807014491275:check2c2 9807014492084?ERROR ch -370 Total power integrator overflow on IF3 9807014495364/parity/0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0. 9807014495364/parity/0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 9807014500649:wb2c2=14 9807014500774/pass/14,14,auto,0.0,0.0,0.6,-0.2,0.6,-0.2 9807014501120:!070145513 9807014551300:tape 9807014551312/tape/off,07000,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9807014551312:st=rev,135 9807014551325:!070145523 9807014552300:preob 9807014552300#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9807014552358/onsource/TRACKING 9807014552599/tpical/37056,29789,19969,14034,48957,31317,39492,18315,8713,53326 9807014552622/tpical/29595,15492,13503,22308,19307,21758,12832 9807014552630:!070145533 9807014553300:tape 9807014553312/tape/off,06805,norm,moving,nostop,locked,ready,rem 9807014553312:"data start" 9807014553312:midob 9807014553312#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9807014553368/onsource/TRACKING 9807014553451#wx#/WX/17.5,1013.6, 53.8 9807014553471?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807014553472?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807014553524?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807014553576?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807014553584/ifd/17,17,nor,nor,rem,7306,11952 9807014553591/if3/1,in,2,2,,,present,500.10,rem,lock,43530 9807014553598/vc06/272.89,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,25677 9807014553605/vc11/237.99,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,11580 9807014553637/tpi/31152,25058,16792,11569,40303,25683,32525,15165,7301,43524 9807014553660/tpi/25458,13327,11580,19244,16741,18543,12469 9807014553662/tsys1/50.8,51.5,49.8,43.5,45.2,43.9,44.6,44.4,48.6,43.4 9807014553663/tsys2/64.1,62.8,61.2,64.1,66.3,58.0,352.9 9807014553664:!070150423 9807015042300:"data stop" 9807015042300:et 9807015042315:!+3s 9807015042616:tape 9807015042628/tape/off,00829,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9807015042628:postob 9807015042628:source=0920-397,092048.2,-394642.3,1950.0 9807015042629#antcn#Command a new source 9807015042690#antcn#Successfully sent new source position to antenna 9807015042690:midtp 9807015042932/tpzero/529,219,641,630,350,424,848,904,284,86 9807015042955/tpzero/215,377,380,525,542,783,268 9807015042975/rx/00(front),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,22.28 9807015042987/rx/01(rear),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,35.71 9807015042999/rx/02(lo),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,43.04 9807015043011/rx/03(dcal),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,47.55 9807015043023/rx/0E(lo5mhz),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,0.959 9807015043035/rx/17(pres),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,4.301 9807015043047/rx/1E(20k),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,25.29 9807015043059/rx/1F(70k),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,52.30 9807015043059:wb2c1=15 9807015043609/pass/15,15,auto,55.0,55.0,55.3,54.8,0.3,-0.2 9807015043953:fastr=0m36s 9807015044001?ERROR ch -336 Enabled tracks do not check with requested tracks 9807015051584:!+5s 9807015052085:!070150614 9807015061400:tape 9807015061412/tape/low,00062,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9807015061412:st=for,135 9807015061426:!070150624 9807015062400:preob 9807015062400#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9807015062448/onsource/TRACKING 9807015062688/tpical/36200,28775,19590,13678,43999,30081,36861,17818,8384,50214 9807015062711/tpical/29602,15575,13576,22386,18530,21033,12147 9807015062719:!070150634 9807015063400:tape 9807015063412/tape/off,00256,norm,moving,nostop,locked,ready,rem 9807015063412:"data start" 9807015063412:midob 9807015063412#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9807015063468/onsource/TRACKING 9807015063552#wx#/WX/17.3,1013.4, 52.1 9807015063572?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807015063574?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807015063626?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807015063678?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807015063686/ifd/17,17,nor,nor,rem,6985,10355 9807015063693/if3/1,in,2,2,,,present,500.10,rem,lock,40815 9807015063700/vc06/272.89,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,24537 9807015063708/vc11/237.99,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,11666 9807015063740/tpi/30436,24096,16421,11258,36077,24527,30219,14713,6987,40843 9807015063763/tpi/25520,13421,11666,19275,15920,18186,9956 9807015063765/tsys1/50.8,50.0,48.8,43.0,44.2,42.5,43.3,43.6,47.0,42.6 9807015063766/tsys2/65.1,63.6,62.0,63.3,61.9,64.2,46.4 9807015063767:!070151343 9807015134300:"data stop" 9807015134300:et 9807015134315:!+3s 9807015134616:tape 9807015134627/tape/off,05096,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9807015134627:postob 9807015134627:source=0637-752,063723.3,-751337.5,1950.0 9807015134628#antcn#Command a new source 9807015134681#antcn#Successfully sent new source position to antenna 9807015134681:check2c1 9807015142770/parity/0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0. 9807015142770/parity/0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 9807015144055:wb2c1=15 9807015144112/pass/15,15,auto,55.0,55.0,55.3,54.8,0.3,-0.2 9807015144457:!070152010 9807015201000:tape 9807015201012/tape/off,05102,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9807015201012:st=for,135 9807015201026:!070152020 9807015202001:preob 9807015202001#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9807015202054/onsource/TRACKING 9807015202295/tpical/35725,28488,19388,13714,43729,30146,36074,17220,8268,49446 9807015202318/tpical/29710,15667,13622,22512,18466,20900,10998 9807015202326:!070152030 9807015203000:tape 9807015203012/tape/off,05296,norm,moving,nostop,locked,ready,rem 9807015203012:"data start" 9807015203012:midob 9807015203012#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9807015203054/onsource/TRACKING 9807015203127#wx#/WX/17.4,1013.2, 48.8 9807015203147?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807015203149?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807015203201?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807015203253?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807015203261/ifd/17,17,nor,nor,rem,6890,10063 9807015203269/if3/1,in,2,2,,,present,500.10,rem,lock,40204 9807015203276/vc06/272.89,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,24620 9807015203283/vc11/237.99,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,11658 9807015203315/tpi/29947,23892,16207,11242,35833,24608,29583,14220,6891,40210 9807015203338/tpi/25520,13469,11644,19113,15859,17850,10274 9807015203340/tsys1/49.9,50.5,48.0,42.1,44.0,42.8,43.4,43.5,47.0,42.6 9807015203341/tsys2/63.4,62.5,59.8,57.4,61.7,58.8,145.1 9807015203342:!070152140 9807015214000:"data stop" 9807015214000:et 9807015214014:!+3s 9807015214315:tape 9807015214326/tape/off,06097,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9807015214327:postob 9807015214327:source=1308+326,130807.6,323640.6,1950.0 9807015214329#antcn#Command a new source 9807015214373#antcn#Successfully sent new source position to antenna 9807015214374:check2c1 9807015222465/parity/0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0. 9807015222465/parity/0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 9807015223746:wb2c1=15 9807015223805/pass/15,15,auto,55.0,55.0,55.3,54.8,0.3,-0.2 9807015224151:!070152545 9807015254500:tape 9807015254512/tape/off,06103,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9807015254512:st=for,135 9807015254526:!070152555 9807015255500:preob 9807015255500#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9807015255569/onsource/TRACKING 9807015255811/tpical/42232,33935,22617,15951,55167,35364,44210,20438,9884,60734 9807015255834/tpical/32367,16973,14761,24602,20513,23144,11692 9807015255842:!070152605 9807015260500:tape 9807015260512/tape/off,06297,norm,moving,nostop,locked,ready,rem 9807015260512:"data start" 9807015260512:midob 9807015260512#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9807015260559/onsource/TRACKING 9807015260638#wx#/WX/17.4,1013.2, 49.1 9807015260658?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807015260659?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807015260711?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807015260763?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807015260771/ifd/17,17,nor,nor,rem,8425,10299 9807015260778/if3/1,in,2,2,,,present,500.10,rem,lock,50850 9807015260785/vc06/272.89,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,29702 9807015260792/vc11/237.99,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,12833 9807015260824/tpi/36192,29120,19388,13464,46640,29748,37247,17334,8430,50855 9807015260847/tpi/28212,14782,12844,21456,17905,20133,10328 9807015260849/tsys1/57.9,58.8,56.9,50.6,53.2,51.2,51.2,51.9,54.9,50.4 9807015260850/tsys2/70.8,69.0,68.3,69.9,69.9,67.5,77.4 9807015260851:!070152719 9807015271900:"data stop" 9807015271900:et 9807015271914:!+3s 9807015272215:tape 9807015272226/tape/off,07143,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9807015272226:postob 9807015272226:source=1606+106,160623.4,103700.0,1950.0 9807015272227#antcn#Command a new source 9807015272268#antcn#Successfully sent new source position to antenna 9807015272268:midtp 9807015272509/tpzero/530,218,639,631,350,421,850,906,290,86 9807015272532/tpzero/214,379,378,523,564,782,266 9807015272552/rx/00(front),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,22.40 9807015272564/rx/01(rear),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,35.47 9807015272576/rx/02(lo),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,42.43 9807015272588/rx/03(dcal),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,47.68 9807015272600/rx/0E(lo5mhz),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,0.958 9807015272612/rx/17(pres),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,4.386 9807015272624/rx/1E(20k),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,25.33 9807015272636/rx/1F(70k),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,52.30 9807015272636:check2c1 9807015280724/parity/0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0. 9807015280724/parity/0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 9807015282009:wb2c2=16 9807015282749/pass/16,16,auto,55.0,55.0,54.8,55.1,-0.2,0.1 9807015283093:fastf=1m18s 9807015294923:!+5s 9807015295424:!070153201 9807015320100:tape 9807015320112/tape/off,08874,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9807015320112:st=rev,135 9807015320126:!070153211 9807015321100:preob 9807015321100#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9807015321163/onsource/TRACKING 9807015321403/tpical/41001,33700,22151,15485,54598,34484,43321,20175,9739,59515 9807015321426/tpical/31717,16640,14471,24086,20116,22598,11194 9807015321434:!070153221 9807015322100:tape 9807015322112/tape/off,08680,norm,moving,nostop,locked,ready,rem 9807015322112:"data start" 9807015322112:midob 9807015322112#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9807015322153/onsource/TRACKING 9807015322227#wx#/WX/16.6,1013.2, 51.5 9807015322247?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807015322248?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807015322300?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807015322352?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807015322360/ifd/17,17,nor,nor,rem,8297,10128 9807015322367/if3/1,in,2,2,,,present,500.10,rem,lock,49534 9807015322374/vc06/272.89,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,28828 9807015322381/vc11/237.99,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,12543 9807015322414/tpi/34977,28722,18886,13004,45881,28828,36269,16961,8301,49501 9807015322437/tpi/27534,14473,12525,20938,17556,19791,9937 9807015322439/tsys1/56.0,56.1,54.8,48.9,51.2,49.2,49.2,49.0,54.6,48.4 9807015322440/tsys2/68.6,68.3,65.5,68.1,69.7,71.1,80.8 9807015322441:!070153549 9807015354900:"data stop" 9807015354900:et 9807015354915:!+3s 9807015355216:tape 9807015355227/tape/off,06326,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9807015355227:postob 9807015355227:source=1034-293,103455.8,-291827.0,1950.0 9807015355228#antcn#Command a new source 9807015355269#antcn#Successfully sent new source position to antenna 9807015355270:check2c2 9807015363360/parity/0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0. 9807015363360/parity/0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 9807015364645:wb2c2=16 9807015364702/pass/16,16,auto,55.0,55.0,54.8,55.1,-0.2,0.1 9807015365047:!070155339 9807015491366;"cable=17438.0 9807015491625;wth 9807015491698#wx#/WX/17.3,1013.0, 45.9 9807015533900:tape 9807015533913/tape/off,06320,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9807015533913:st=rev,135 9807015533929:!070155349 9807015534900:preob 9807015534900#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9807015534951/onsource/TRACKING 9807015535192/tpical/36216,28742,19883,13775,44395,30029,37546,17889,8453,50830 9807015535217/tpical/29955,15704,13705,22663,18524,21099,12834 9807015535226:!070155359 9807015535900:tape 9807015535912/tape/off,06126,norm,moving,nostop,locked,ready,rem 9807015535912:"data start" 9807015535912:midob 9807015535912#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9807015535961/onsource/TRACKING 9807015540049#wx#/WX/17.4,1012.9, 45.9 9807015540069?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807015540072?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807015540123?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807015540174?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807015540181/ifd/17,17,nor,nor,rem,7054,10705 9807015540188/if3/1,in,2,2,,,present,500.10,rem,lock,41346 9807015540195/vc06/272.89,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,24504 9807015540202/vc11/237.99,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,11771 9807015540233/tpi/30398,24098,16629,11315,36372,24538,30863,14772,7052,41329 9807015540255/tpi/25826,13530,11771,19592,16386,18250,10325 9807015540256/tsys1/50.3,50.4,48.2,42.6,44.0,43.0,44.0,43.6,47.3,42.5 9807015540257/tsys2/65.1,63.5,61.9,65.2,77.7,64.4,42.1 9807015540257:!070155520 9807015552000:"data stop" 9807015552000:et 9807015552016:!+3s 9807015552317:tape 9807015552329/tape/off,05201,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9807015552329:postob 9807015552329:source=1921-293,192142.3,-292026.3,1950.0 9807015552330#antcn#Command a new source 9807015552370#antcn#Successfully sent new source position to antenna 9807015552370:check2c2 9807015560459/parity/0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0. 9807015560459/parity/0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 9807015561745:wb2c2=16 9807015561833/pass/16,16,auto,55.0,55.0,54.8,55.1,-0.2,0.1 9807015562179:!070155916 9807015591600:tape 9807015591613/tape/off,05195,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9807015591613:st=rev,135 9807015591629:!070155926 9807015592600:preob 9807015592600#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9807015592636/onsource/TRACKING 9807015592876/tpical/41411,32879,22051,15324,51934,32684,41559,18991,9509,57073 9807015592899/tpical/32294,17004,14875,24618,20664,22824,14781 9807015592907:!070155936 9807015593600:tape 9807015593612/tape/off,05001,norm,moving,nostop,locked,ready,rem 9807015593612:"data start" 9807015593612:midob 9807015593612#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9807015593677/onsource/TRACKING 9807015593760#wx#/WX/16.8,1012.9, 48.0 9807015593779?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807015593781?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807015593833?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807015593885?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807015593893/ifd/17,17,nor,nor,rem,8111,14474 9807015593900/if3/1,in,2,2,,,present,500.10,rem,lock,47660 9807015593908/vc06/272.89,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,27472 9807015593915/vc11/237.99,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,12916 9807015593947/tpi/35476,28243,18869,12915,43650,27472,34886,16062,8113,47671 9807015593970/tpi/28166,14830,12916,21817,18270,20060,14170 9807015593972/tsys1/57.7,59.2,56.1,50.0,51.2,50.9,50.0,50.7,54.9,49.6 9807015593973/tsys2/71.1,69.8,67.2,79.8,77.7,73.2,238.9 9807015593974:!070160046 9807016004600:"data stop" 9807016004600:et 9807016004615:!+3s 9807016004917:tape 9807016004928/tape/off,04200,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9807016004929:postob 9807016004929:source=1741-038,174120.6,-034848.9,1950.0 9807016004931#antcn#Command a new source 9807016004985#antcn#Successfully sent new source position to antenna 9807016004986:check2c2 9807016013072/parity/0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0. 9807016013072/parity/0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 9807016014359:wb2c2=16 9807016014417/pass/16,16,auto,55.0,55.0,54.8,55.1,-0.2,0.1 9807016014762:!070160330 9807016033000:tape 9807016033013/tape/off,04195,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9807016033013:st=rev,135 9807016033027:!070160340 9807016034000:preob 9807016034000#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9807016034042/onsource/TRACKING 9807016034282/tpical/41399,33345,22165,15428,55365,34056,43511,20232,9674,59552 9807016034305/tpical/31443,16448,14338,23480,19928,22294,11640 9807016034313:!070160350 9807016035000:tape 9807016035012/tape/off,04001,norm,moving,nostop,locked,ready,rem 9807016035012:"data start" 9807016035012:midob 9807016035012#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9807016035042/onsource/TRACKING 9807016035112#wx#/WX/17.0,1012.8, 46.1 9807016035132?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807016035134?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807016035186?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807016035238?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807016035246/ifd/17,17,nor,nor,rem,8194,10177 9807016035253/if3/1,in,2,2,,,present,500.10,rem,lock,49551 9807016035260/vc06/272.89,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,28540 9807016035267/vc11/237.99,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,12410 9807016035299/tpi/35301,28369,18893,12916,46477,28540,36413,17017,8194,49551 9807016035322/tpi/27231,14284,12394,20332,17246,19433,10564 9807016035324/tsys1/55.9,55.4,54.7,47.9,50.9,50.0,49.1,49.1,52.3,48.5 9807016035325/tsys2/67.4,67.5,64.9,66.1,65.3,68.5,100.5 9807016035326:!070160500 9807016050000:"data stop" 9807016050000:et 9807016050015:!+3s 9807016050316:tape 9807016050327/tape/off,03199,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9807016050328:postob 9807016050328:source=1308+326,130807.6,323640.6,1950.0 9807016050330#antcn#Command a new source 9807016050361#antcn#Successfully sent new source position to antenna 9807016050362:check2c2 9807016054452/parity/0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,16. 9807016054453/parity/0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 9807016055736:wb2c2=16 9807016055793/pass/16,16,auto,55.0,55.0,54.8,55.1,-0.2,0.1 9807016060140:!070160833 9807016083300:tape 9807016083312/tape/off,03195,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9807016083312:st=rev,135 9807016083325:!070160843 9807016084300:preob 9807016084300#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9807016084357/onsource/TRACKING 9807016084597/tpical/42089,34300,22664,15838,56359,35292,44677,20579,9916,61203 9807016084620/tpical/32245,16807,14640,24180,20340,22784,16066 9807016084628:!070160853 9807016085300:tape 9807016085312/tape/off,03001,norm,moving,nostop,locked,ready,rem 9807016085312:"data start" 9807016085312:midob 9807016085312#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9807016085337/onsource/TRACKING 9807016085423#wx#/WX/16.8,1012.8, 47.1 9807016085443?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807016085445?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807016085497?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807016085549?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807016085557/ifd/17,17,nor,nor,rem,8446,14445 9807016085564/if3/1,in,2,2,,,present,500.10,rem,lock,51160 9807016085571/vc06/272.89,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,29632 9807016085578/vc11/237.99,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,12722 9807016085611/tpi/36041,29402,19382,13344,47581,29632,37587,17436,8445,51141 9807016085634/tpi/28142,14676,12728,21098,17734,19882,15140 9807016085636/tsys1/57.5,58.4,56.0,50.0,52.7,50.6,50.8,51.5,54.3,49.7 9807016085637/tsys2/71.5,70.4,67.8,70.1,69.2,69.1,168.7 9807016085638:!070161026 9807016102601:"data stop" 9807016102601:et 9807016102615:!+3s 9807016102916:tape 9807016102927/tape/off,01941,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9807016102927:postob 9807016102927:source=1606+106,160623.4,103700.0,1950.0 9807016102928#antcn#Command a new source 9807016103005#antcn#Successfully sent new source position to antenna 9807016103005:check2c2 9807016111094/parity/0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0. 9807016111094/parity/0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 9807016112379:wb2c2=16 9807016113130/pass/16,16,auto,55.0,55.0,54.8,54.4,-0.2,-0.6 9807016113476:!070161203 9807016120300:tape 9807016120312/tape/off,01935,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9807016120312:st=rev,135 9807016120327:!070161213 9807016121300:preob 9807016121300#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9807016121354/onsource/TRACKING 9807016121594/tpical/39127,32439,21315,14988,53360,33466,42458,19634,9425,58062 9807016121617/tpical/30904,16171,14019,23185,19579,21921,10389 9807016121625:!070161223 9807016122300:tape 9807016122312/tape/off,01741,norm,moving,nostop,locked,ready,rem 9807016122312:"data start" 9807016122312:midob 9807016122312#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9807016122334/onsource/TRACKING 9807016122418#wx#/WX/16.7,1012.8, 47.5 9807016122437?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807016122439?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807016122491?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807016122543?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807016122551/ifd/17,17,nor,nor,rem,7969,9423 9807016122558/if3/1,in,2,2,,,present,500.10,rem,lock,47990 9807016122565/vc06/272.89,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,27793 9807016122572/vc11/237.99,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,12088 9807016122605/tpi/33181,27457,18064,12480,44456,27793,35337,16427,7969,47968 9807016122628/tpi/26809,14016,12099,20133,16881,18994,9281 9807016122630/tsys1/53.8,53.6,52.5,46.3,48.5,47.3,47.5,47.4,51.7,46.5 9807016122631/tsys2/68.2,66.4,64.1,67.5,63.5,65.3,85.4 9807016122632:!070161333 9807016133301:"data stop" 9807016133302:et 9807016133315:!+3s 9807016133616:tape 9807016133627/tape/off,00940,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9807016133628:postob 9807016133628:source=0637-752,063723.3,-751337.5,1950.0 9807016133630#antcn#Command a new source 9807016133682#antcn#Successfully sent new source position to antenna 9807016133683:midtp 9807016133923/tpzero/533,215,643,630,352,421,854,902,289,87 9807016133946/tpzero/214,380,373,523,548,783,268 9807016133966/rx/00(front),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,21.91 9807016133978/rx/01(rear),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,35.22 9807016133990/rx/02(lo),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,42.30 9807016134002/rx/03(dcal),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,47.68 9807016134014/rx/0E(lo5mhz),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,0.958 9807016134026/rx/17(pres),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,4.301 9807016134038/rx/1E(20k),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,25.29 9807016134050/rx/1F(70k),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,52.30 9807016134051:check2c2 9807016142141/parity/0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0. 9807016142142/parity/0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 9807016143425:wb2c1=17 9807016144046/pass/17,17,auto,110.0,110.0,110.2,110.2,0.2,0.2 9807016144392:fastr=0m38s 9807016152223:!+5s 9807016152724:!070162731 9807016273100:tape 9807016273112/tape/low,00109,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9807016273112:st=for,135 9807016273127:!070162741 9807016274100:preob 9807016274100#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9807016274168/onsource/TRACKING 9807016274408/tpical/36192,29497,19758,13976,44788,30613,37531,17923,8466,50910 9807016274431/tpical/30044,15869,13849,23583,18809,21179,11153 9807016274440:!070162751 9807016275100:tape 9807016275112/tape/off,00303,norm,moving,nostop,locked,ready,rem 9807016275112:"data start" 9807016275112:midob 9807016275112#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9807016275158/onsource/TRACKING 9807016275231#wx#/WX/15.8,1012.6, 51.0 9807016275250?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807016275252?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807016275304?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807016275356?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807016275364/ifd/17,17,nor,nor,rem,7057,9361 9807016275371/if3/1,in,2,2,,,present,500.10,rem,lock,41491 9807016275378/vc06/272.89,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,25009 9807016275385/vc11/237.99,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,11863 9807016275417/tpi/30396,24756,16540,11499,36769,24997,30817,14820,7056,41490 9807016275440/tpi/25848,13673,11847,19706,16202,18239,9640 9807016275442/tsys1/50.5,50.7,48.4,43.0,44.5,42.9,43.7,44.0,47.0,43.1 9807016275443/tsys2/64.1,63.6,60.2,52.0,63.0,62.3,65.0 9807016275444:!070162901 9807016290100:"data stop" 9807016290100:et 9807016290115:!+3s 9807016290416:tape 9807016290427/tape/off,01104,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9807016290427:postob 9807016290427:source=1034-293,103455.8,-291827.0,1950.0 9807016290428#antcn#Command a new source 9807016290487#antcn#Successfully sent new source position to antenna 9807016290488:check2c1 9807016294575/parity/0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0. 9807016294575/parity/0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 9807016295861:wb2c1=17 9807016300250/pass/17,17,auto,110.0,110.0,110.9,110.2,0.9,0.2 9807016300596:!070163217 9807016321700:tape 9807016321713/tape/off,01110,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9807016321713:st=for,135 9807016321727:!070163227 9807016322700:preob 9807016322700#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9807016322753/onsource/TRACKING 9807016322993/tpical/36086,28913,19782,13868,44671,30405,37651,17927,8440,50975 9807016323017/tpical/30602,16053,13982,22882,19019,21944,12653 9807016323025:!070163237 9807016323700:tape 9807016323712/tape/off,01304,norm,moving,nostop,locked,ready,rem 9807016323712:"data start" 9807016323712:midob 9807016323712#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9807016323763/onsource/TRACKING 9807016323842#wx#/WX/15.8,1012.6, 51.4 9807016323862?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807016323863?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807016323915?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807016323967?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807016323975/ifd/17,17,nor,nor,rem,7015,14878 9807016323982/if3/1,in,2,2,,,present,500.10,rem,lock,41360 9807016323989/vc06/272.89,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,24775 9807016323996/vc11/237.99,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,11995 9807016324029/tpi/30226,24194,16530,11374,36571,24762,30864,14805,7017,41392 9807016324053/tpi/26339,13837,11982,19633,16477,19004,14673 9807016324055/tsys1/49.7,49.8,47.9,42.2,43.8,42.3,43.3,43.6,46.3,42.2 9807016324056?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device i2 overflowed or were less than zero. 9807016324057/tsys2/64.3,63.8,60.9,61.8,65.8,65.1,-74.9 9807016324058:!070163409 9807016340900:"data stop" 9807016340900:et 9807016340914:!+3s 9807016341215:tape 9807016341226/tape/off,02352,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9807016341226:postob 9807016341226:source=1124-186,112434.0,-184046.3,1950.0 9807016341227#antcn#Command a new source 9807016341282#antcn#Successfully sent new source position to antenna 9807016341283:wb2c1=17 9807016341371/pass/17,17,auto,110.0,110.0,110.2,110.2,0.2,0.2 9807016341715:!070163527 9807016352701:tape 9807016352712/tape/off,02352,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9807016352712:st=for,135 9807016352726:!070163537 9807016353700:preob 9807016353700#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9807016353760/onsource/TRACKING 9807016354000/tpical/36207,29447,19877,13882,44727,30592,37976,17969,8501,51592 9807016354023/tpical/30402,15982,13921,22819,18986,21706,13929 9807016354031:!070163547 9807016354700:tape 9807016354712/tape/off,02546,norm,moving,nostop,locked,ready,rem 9807016354712:"data start" 9807016354712:midob 9807016354712#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9807016354770/onsource/TRACKING 9807016354856#wx#/WX/15.9,1012.6, 50.2 9807016354876?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807016354878?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807016354930?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807016354982?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807016354990/ifd/17,17,nor,nor,rem,7077,12446 9807016354997/if3/1,in,2,2,,,present,500.10,rem,lock,41900 9807016355005/vc06/272.89,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,24965 9807016355012/vc11/237.99,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,11959 9807016355044/tpi/30299,24626,16638,11365,36624,24965,31200,14835,7078,41890 9807016355067/tpi/26168,13760,11959,19542,16220,18411,11579 9807016355069/tsys1/49.4,49.6,48.4,41.8,43.9,42.7,43.9,43.6,46.8,42.2 9807016355070/tsys2/64.4,63.2,62.0,60.9,59.5,56.2,50.5 9807016355071:!070163750 9807016375000:"data stop" 9807016375000:et 9807016375014:!+3s 9807016375315:tape 9807016375326/tape/off,03944,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9807016375326:postob 9807016375326:source=1057-797,105749.7,-794748.0,1950.0 9807016375327#antcn#Command a new source 9807016375378#antcn#Successfully sent new source position to antenna 9807016375378:check2c1 9807016383466/parity/0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0. 9807016383466/parity/0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 9807016384753:wb2c1=17 9807016384811/pass/17,17,auto,110.0,110.0,110.2,110.2,0.2,0.2 9807016385157:!070164123 9807016412300:tape 9807016412312/tape/off,03950,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9807016412312:st=for,135 9807016412326:!070164133 9807016413300:preob 9807016413300#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9807016413345/onsource/TRACKING 9807016413586/tpical/35391,28774,19198,13561,43567,29846,36722,17453,8287,49667 9807016413609/tpical/29579,15551,13533,22132,18272,20760,10453 9807016413617:!070164143 9807016414301:tape 9807016414312/tape/off,04144,norm,moving,nostop,locked,ready,rem 9807016414312:"data start" 9807016414312:midob 9807016414312#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9807016414354/onsource/TRACKING 9807016414426#wx#/WX/15.9,1012.5, 49.8 9807016414446?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807016414447?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807016414499?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807016414551?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807016414559/ifd/17,17,nor,nor,rem,6909,10830 9807016414566/if3/1,in,2,2,,,present,500.10,rem,lock,40314 9807016414574/vc06/272.89,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,24323 9807016414581/vc11/237.99,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,11551 9807016414614/tpi/29595,24109,16080,11111,35600,24323,30023,14368,6907,40300 9807016414637/tpi/25362,13322,11548,18886,15586,17609,11581 9807016414639/tsys1/49.1,50.2,48.5,41.9,43.4,42.4,42.7,42.8,47.0,42.1 9807016414640?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device i2 overflowed or were less than zero. 9807016414641/tsys2/62.6,61.0,59.1,59.4,58.8,56.1,-105.3 9807016414642:!070164711 9807016471100:"data stop" 9807016471100:et 9807016471114:!+3s 9807016471415:tape 9807016471426/tape/off,07848,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9807016471426:postob 9807016471426:source=1741-038,174120.6,-034848.9,1950.0 9807016471427#antcn#Command a new source 9807016471459#antcn#Successfully sent new source position to antenna 9807016471459:check2c1 9807016475547/parity/0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0. 9807016475547/parity/0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 9807016480834:wb2c1=17 9807016480891/pass/17,17,auto,110.0,110.0,110.2,110.2,0.2,0.2 9807016481237:!070165530 9807016553000:tape 9807016553012/tape/off,07852,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9807016553012:st=for,135 9807016553026:!070165540 9807016554000:preob 9807016554000#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9807016554061/onsource/TRACKING 9807016554301/tpical/39376,32324,21471,14933,53988,33217,42314,19671,9305,57678 9807016554324/tpical/30765,16075,14004,22755,19277,21652,11131 9807016554332:!070165550 9807016555000:tape 9807016555013/tape/off,08046,norm,moving,nostop,locked,ready,rem 9807016555013:"data start" 9807016555013:midob 9807016555013#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9807016555071/onsource/TRACKING 9807016555142#wx#/WX/15.8,1012.5, 49.6 9807016555161?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807016555163?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807016555215?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807016555267?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807016555275/ifd/17,17,nor,nor,rem,7829,10223 9807016555282/if3/1,in,2,2,,,present,500.10,rem,lock,47543 9807016555289/vc06/272.89,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,27518 9807016555296/vc11/237.99,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,12060 9807016555329/tpi/33323,27323,18182,12385,44853,27565,35126,16429,7828,47560 9807016555352/tpi/26580,13912,12055,19612,16694,18781,9929 9807016555354/tsys1/53.1,53.1,52.3,45.2,47.7,47.1,46.7,46.9,50.0,46.0 9807016555355/tsys2/66.2,65.7,62.9,63.8,65.6,65.8,84.4 9807016555356:!070165700 9807016563802;rxmon 9807016563815/rx/00(front),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,21.30 9807016563828/rx/01(rear),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,33.88 9807016563841/rx/02(lo),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,42.30 9807016563854/rx/03(dcal),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,47.68 9807016563867/rx/0E(lo5mhz),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,0.958 9807016563880/rx/17(pres),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,4.216 9807016563891/rx/1E(20k),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,25.08 9807016563902/rx/1F(70k),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,52.30 9807016570000:"data stop" 9807016570000:et 9807016570016:!+3s 9807016570317:tape 9807016570329/tape/off,08848,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9807016570329:postob 9807016570329:source=1606+106,160623.4,103700.0,1950.0 9807016570330#antcn#Command a new source 9807016570400#antcn#Successfully sent new source position to antenna 9807016570400:midtp 9807016570578;proc=ca031ho 9807016570641/tpzero/530,219,641,630,351,421,852,903,285,87 9807016570663/tpzero/218,380,377,526,541,781,267 9807016570682/rx/00(front),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,21.30 9807016570693/rx/01(rear),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,33.76 9807016570704/rx/02(lo),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,42.30 9807016570715/rx/03(dcal),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,47.68 9807016570726/rx/0E(lo5mhz),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,0.958 9807016570737/rx/17(pres),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,4.216 9807016570748/rx/1E(20k),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,25.16 9807016570759/rx/1F(70k),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,52.82 9807016570759:check2c1 9807016574847/parity/0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0. 9807016574847/parity/0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 9807016580134:wb2c2=18 9807016580134&wb2c2/tapefrmwbc 9807016580134&wb2c2/pass=$,same 9807016580134&wb2c2/form=c,4.000 9807016580134&wb2c2/form=reset 9807016580134&wb2c2/vcwb2 9807016580134&wb2c2/ifdwb 9807016580134&wb2c2/tape=low 9807016580134&wb2c2/enable=g2,g4 9807016580134&wb2c2/repro=byp,4,20 9807016580135&tapefrmwbc/tapeform= 1,-330, 2,-330, 3,-275, 4,-275, 5,-220, 6,-220 9807016580135&tapefrmwbc/tapeform= 7,-165, 8,-165, 9,-110, 10,-110, 11, -55, 12, -55 9807016580135&tapefrmwbc/tapeform= 13, 0, 14, 0, 15, 55, 16, 55, 17, 110, 18, 110 9807016580135&tapefrmwbc/tapeform= 19, 165, 20, 165, 21, 220, 22, 220, 23, 275, 24, 275 9807016581181/pass/18,18,auto,110.0,110.0,110.3,109.8,0.3,-0.2 9807016581288&vcwb2/vc01=132.99,2.000 9807016581288&vcwb2/vc02=172.99,2.000 9807016581288&vcwb2/vc03=272.99,2.000 9807016581288&vcwb2/vc04=432.99,2.000 9807016581288&vcwb2/vc05=152.89,2.000 9807016581288&vcwb2/vc06=272.89,2.000 9807016581288&vcwb2/vc07=332.89,2.000 9807016581288&vcwb2/vc08=352.89,2.000 9807016581288&vcwb2/vc09=207.99,2.000 9807016581288&vcwb2/vc10=217.99,2.000 9807016581288&vcwb2/vc11=237.99,2.000 9807016581288&vcwb2/vc12=292.99,2.000 9807016581288&vcwb2/vc13=327.99,2.000 9807016581288&vcwb2/vc14=332.99,2.000 9807016581288&vcwb2/!+1s 9807016581288&vcwb2/valarm 9807016581518&ifdwb/ifd=17,17,nor,nor 9807016581518&ifdwb/if3=2,in,2,2 9807016581518&ifdwb/lo=8080.00,2020.00,8580.10 9807016581518&ifdwb/patch=lo1,1l,2l,3h,4h 9807016581518&ifdwb/patch=lo2,9l,10l,11h,12h,13h,14h 9807016581518&ifdwb/patch=lo3,5h,6h,7h,8h 9807016581550:!070165958 9807016595800:tape 9807016595813/tape/off,08854,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9807016595813:st=rev,135 9807016595829:!070170008 9807017000800:preob 9807017000800#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9807017000847/onsource/TRACKING 9807017001090/tpical/38440,31278,21189,14687,41915,26497,33291,16332,9102,45493 9807017001114/tpical/30550,15954,13888,23195,19147,21671,10024 9807017001123:!070170018 9807017001800:tape 9807017001812/tape/off,08660,norm,moving,nostop,locked,ready,rem 9807017001812:"data start" 9807017001812:midob 9807017001812#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9807017001877/onsource/TRACKING 9807017001954#wx#/WX/15.8,1012.4, 48.3 9807017001974?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807017001977?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807017002028?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807017002079?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807017002086/ifd/17,17,nor,nor,rem,7630,8913 9807017002093/if3/2,in,2,2,,,present,500.10,rem,lock,37389 9807017002100/vc06/272.89,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,21842 9807017002107/vc11/237.99,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,11937 9807017002138/tpi/32403,26335,17889,12170,34695,21862,27572,13590,7626,37378 9807017002160/tpi/26369,13755,11937,19806,16725,18731,9136 9807017002161/tsys1/51.7,51.8,51.2,44.9,46.6,45.3,45.8,45.3,48.7,45.0 9807017002162/tsys2/65.7,63.9,62.2,59.7,70.2,64.1,104.9 9807017002162:!070170128 9807017012800:"data stop" 9807017012800:et 9807017012816:!+3s 9807017013117:tape 9807017013129/tape/off,07859,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9807017013129:postob 9807017013129:source=1144-379,114430.9,-375530.7,1950.0 9807017013129#antcn#Command a new source 9807017013204#antcn#Successfully sent new source position to antenna 9807017013205:check2c2 9807017021295/parity/0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0. 9807017021295/parity/0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 9807017022580:wb2c2=18 9807017022638/pass/18,18,auto,110.0,110.0,110.3,109.8,0.3,-0.2 9807017022985:!070171446 9807017144600:tape 9807017144612/tape/off,07853,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9807017144612:st=rev,135 9807017144626:!070171456 9807017145600:preob 9807017145600#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9807017145662/onsource/TRACKING 9807017145902/tpical/36734,29303,20373,13989,35540,24257,30343,15086,8558,40899 9807017145925/tpical/30065,15797,13800,22595,18808,21355,11474 9807017145934:!070171506 9807017150601:tape 9807017150612/tape/off,07659,norm,moving,nostop,locked,ready,rem 9807017150612:"data start" 9807017150612:midob 9807017150612#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9807017150681/onsource/TRACKING 9807017150768#wx#/WX/16.9,1012.5, 41.1 9807017150787?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807017150789?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807017150841?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807017150894?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807017150902/ifd/17,17,nor,nor,rem,7143,11818 9807017150909/if3/2,in,2,2,,,present,500.10,rem,lock,33318 9807017150916/vc06/272.89,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,19808 9807017150923/vc11/237.99,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,11830 9807017150956/tpi/30809,24616,17099,11503,29173,19808,24975,12490,7144,33318 9807017150979/tpi/25874,13598,11830,19272,16063,18307,12699 9807017150981/tsys1/50.1,51.0,49.3,42.9,44.4,42.7,44.0,43.7,47.5,43.0 9807017150982?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device i2 overflowed or were less than zero. 9807017150983/tsys2/64.3,63.1,61.0,59.2,59.4,60.4,-106.6 9807017150984:!070171729 9807017172900:"data stop" 9807017172900:et 9807017172914:!+3s 9807017173215:tape 9807017173226/tape/off,06037,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9807017173226:postob 9807017173226:source=1034-293,103455.8,-291827.0,1950.0 9807017173227#antcn#Command a new source 9807017173279#antcn#Successfully sent new source position to antenna 9807017173279:check2c2 9807017181369/parity/0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0. 9807017181369/parity/0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 9807017182655:wb2c2=18 9807017182712/pass/18,18,auto,110.0,110.0,110.3,109.8,0.3,-0.2 9807017183055:!070171912 9807017191200:tape 9807017191212/tape/off,06033,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9807017191212:st=rev,135 9807017191226:!070171922 9807017192200:preob 9807017192200#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9807017192227/onsource/TRACKING 9807017192467/tpical/35733,28337,19613,13686,34403,23883,29729,14590,8387,40007 9807017192490/tpical/29892,15678,13649,22386,18704,21034,12007 9807017192498:!070171932 9807017193200:tape 9807017193212/tape/off,05839,norm,moving,nostop,locked,ready,rem 9807017193212:"data start" 9807017193212:midob 9807017193212#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9807017193257/onsource/TRACKING 9807017193340#wx#/WX/17.2,1012.5, 40.1 9807017193360?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807017193362?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807017193414?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807017193466?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807017193474/ifd/17,17,nor,nor,rem,6976,10085 9807017193481/if3/2,in,2,2,,,present,500.10,rem,lock,32518 9807017193488/vc06/272.89,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,19459 9807017193495/vc11/237.99,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,11688 9807017193527/tpi/29905,23660,16469,11210,28160,19443,24375,12089,6954,32501 9807017193550/tpi/25750,13491,11700,19242,16248,18196,9143 9807017193552/tsys1/49.4,49.1,49.3,41.9,43.7,42.0,43.1,43.8,45.6,42.3 9807017193553/tsys2/64.7,62.9,61.0,62.5,67.2,64.4,32.5 9807017193554:!070172113 9807017211301:"data stop" 9807017211301:et 9807017211315:!+3s 9807017211616:tape 9807017211627/tape/off,04689,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9807017211627:postob 9807017211627:source=1124-186,112434.0,-184046.3,1950.0 9807017211628#antcn#Command a new source 9807017211686#antcn#Successfully sent new source position to antenna 9807017211686:wb2c2=18 9807017211744/pass/18,18,auto,110.0,110.0,110.3,109.8,0.3,-0.2 9807017212089:!070172231 9807017223100:tape 9807017223111/tape/off,04689,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9807017223111:st=rev,135 9807017223125:!070172241 9807017224100:preob 9807017224100#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9807017224154/onsource/TRACKING 9807017224395/tpical/35949,28550,19899,13842,35552,24256,30263,14967,8513,40912 9807017224418/tpical/30348,15870,13804,22600,18618,21664,14357 9807017224426:!070172251 9807017225100:tape 9807017225112/tape/off,04494,norm,moving,nostop,locked,ready,rem 9807017225112:"data start" 9807017225112:midob 9807017225112#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9807017225144/onsource/TRACKING 9807017225215#wx#/WX/17.1,1012.5, 40.6 9807017225234?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807017225236?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807017225288?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807017225340?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807017225348/ifd/17,17,nor,nor,rem,7090,13551 9807017225355/if3/2,in,2,2,,,present,500.10,rem,lock,33287 9807017225362/vc06/272.89,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,19777 9807017225369/vc11/237.99,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,11844 9807017225402/tpi/30097,23926,16683,11351,29154,19777,24846,12354,7090,33304 9807017225425/tpi/26142,13648,11868,19364,15956,18830,13919 9807017225427/tsys1/49.5,50.2,48.9,42.2,44.1,42.4,43.4,42.9,46.9,42.8 9807017225428/tsys2/64.7,62.7,62.3,61.1,60.8,66.9,327.3 9807017225429:!070172518 9807017251800:"data stop" 9807017251800:et 9807017251814:!+3s 9807017252115:tape 9807017252126/tape/off,02827,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9807017252126:postob 9807017252126:source=1308+326,130807.6,323640.6,1950.0 9807017252127#antcn#Command a new source 9807017252172#antcn#Successfully sent new source position to antenna 9807017252172:check2c2 9807017260260/parity/0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,16. 9807017260260/parity/0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 9807017261545:wb2c2=18 9807017261602/pass/18,18,auto,110.0,110.0,110.3,109.8,0.3,-0.2 9807017261948:!070173108 9807017310800:tape 9807017310812/tape/off,02821,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9807017310812:st=rev,135 9807017310826:!070173118 9807017311800:preob 9807017311800#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9807017311856/onsource/TRACKING 9807017312096/tpical/42712,34782,23099,16325,45446,29314,36493,17861,10184,49908 9807017312120/tpical/33081,17322,15071,24992,20861,24347,15028 9807017312128:!070173128 9807017312800:tape 9807017312813/tape/off,02627,norm,moving,nostop,locked,ready,rem 9807017312813:"data start" 9807017312813:midob 9807017312813#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9807017312836/onsource/TRACKING 9807017312920#wx#/WX/17.0,1012.4, 42.2 9807017312940?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807017312941?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807017312993?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807017313045?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807017313053/ifd/17,17,nor,nor,rem,8711,15180 9807017313060/if3/2,in,2,2,,,present,500.10,rem,lock,41959 9807017313067/vc06/272.89,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,24728 9807017313074/vc11/237.99,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,13127 9807017313106/tpi/36748,29883,19865,13812,38471,24728,30873,15150,8713,41980 9807017313130/tpi/28947,15181,13147,21730,18206,21398,14865 9807017313132/tsys1/59.5,59.3,58.3,51.4,53.6,51.9,52.3,51.5,56.1,51.8 9807017313133/tsys2/73.0,72.6,69.7,68.3,69.9,73.4,940.4 9807017313134:!070173459 9807017345900:"data stop" 9807017345900:et 9807017345914:!+3s 9807017350215:tape 9807017350227/tape/off,00240,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9807017350227:postob 9807017350227:source=1741-038,174120.6,-034848.9,1950.0 9807017350228#antcn#Command a new source 9807017350282#antcn#Successfully sent new source position to antenna 9807017350282:midtp 9807017350523/tpzero/532,218,641,632,350,421,849,901,287,86 9807017350546/tpzero/216,382,378,525,545,782,269 9807017350566/rx/00(front),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,21.67 9807017350578/rx/01(rear),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,34.86 9807017350590/rx/02(lo),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,42.06 9807017350602/rx/03(dcal),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,47.55 9807017350614/rx/0E(lo5mhz),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,0.959 9807017350626/rx/17(pres),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,4.216 9807017350638/rx/1E(20k),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,25.08 9807017350650/rx/1F(70k),on,a,on,on,on,off,locked,52.30 9807017350650:check2c2 9807017354739/parity/0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0. 9807017354739/parity/0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 9807017360024:wb2c1=19 9807017360024&wb2c1/tapefrmwbc 9807017360024&wb2c1/pass=$,same 9807017360024&wb2c1/form=c,4.000 9807017360024&wb2c1/form=reset 9807017360024&wb2c1/vcwb2 9807017360024&wb2c1/ifdwb 9807017360024&wb2c1/tape=low 9807017360024&wb2c1/enable=g1,g3 9807017360024&wb2c1/repro=byp,3,19 9807017360540/pass/19,19,auto,165.0,165.0,165.1,164.8,0.1,-0.2 9807017360884:fastr=0m9s 9807017361815:!+5s 9807017362316:!070173708 9807017370800:tape 9807017370812/tape/low,00062,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9807017370812:st=for,135 9807017370826:!070173718 9807017371800:preob 9807017371800#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9807017371860/onsource/TRACKING 9807017372100/tpical/38190,31216,20781,14389,41310,25877,32599,16057,9050,44491 9807017372123/tpical/30153,15849,13805,22893,19155,21606,10269 9807017372131:!070173728 9807017372800:tape 9807017372812/tape/off,00257,norm,moving,nostop,locked,ready,rem 9807017372812:"data start" 9807017372812:midob 9807017372812#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9807017372860/onsource/TRACKING 9807017372929#wx#/WX/16.6,1012.4, 42.8 9807017372949?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807017372950?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807017373003?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807017373055?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807017373064/ifd/17,17,nor,nor,rem,7598,9180 9807017373071/if3/2,in,2,2,,,present,500.10,rem,lock,36553 9807017373078/vc06/272.89,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,21324 9807017373085/vc11/237.99,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,11862 9807017373117/tpi/32191,26303,17530,11941,34175,21326,26889,13362,7603,36558 9807017373140/tpi/25962,13675,11879,19721,16478,18581,9064 9807017373142/tsys1/51.7,52.0,50.9,45.3,46.5,45.0,44.7,45.3,49.5,45.1 9807017373143/tsys2/64.5,64.2,62.7,63.5,62.5,61.8,76.6 9807017373144:!070173838 9807017383800:"data stop" 9807017383800:et 9807017383815:!+3s 9807017384116:tape 9807017384127/tape/off,01058,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9807017384128:postob 9807017384128:source=0637-752,063723.3,-751337.5,1950.0 9807017384130#antcn#Command a new source 9807017384189#antcn#Successfully sent new source position to antenna 9807017384190:check2c1 9807017392276/parity/0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0. 9807017392276/parity/0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 9807017393565:wb2c1=19 9807017393689/pass/19,19,auto,165.0,165.0,165.1,164.8,0.1,-0.2 9807017394035:!070174145 9807017414500:tape 9807017414512/tape/off,01063,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9807017414512:st=for,135 9807017414526:!070174155 9807017415500:preob 9807017415500#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9807017415556/onsource/TRACKING 9807017415796/tpical/36700,30010,19952,14125,36536,24634,30107,14980,8581,41087 9807017415820/tpical/30150,15901,13896,23111,18729,21429,11795 9807017415829:!070174205 9807017420500:tape 9807017420512/tape/off,01258,norm,moving,nostop,locked,ready,rem 9807017420512:"data start" 9807017420512:midob 9807017420512#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9807017420546/onsource/TRACKING 9807017420622#wx#/WX/16.7,1012.4, 41.3 9807017420641?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807017420643?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807017420695?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807017420747?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807017420755/ifd/17,17,nor,nor,rem,7160,10925 9807017420762/if3/2,in,2,2,,,present,500.10,rem,lock,33562 9807017420769/vc06/272.89,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,20244 9807017420776/vc11/237.99,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,11897 9807017420808/tpi/30875,25313,16789,11645,30051,20244,24764,12447,7164,33575 9807017420831/tpi/25969,13716,11895,19549,16126,18344,10946 9807017420833/tsys1/51.0,52.4,50.0,43.5,44.9,44.3,43.9,44.7,47.6,43.7 9807017420834/tsys2/64.7,64.1,60.4,56.1,62.9,59.8,132.0 9807017420835:!070174315 9807017431500:"data stop" 9807017431500:et 9807017431515:!+3s 9807017431816:tape 9807017431827/tape/off,02059,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9807017431827:postob 9807017431827:source=1606+106,160623.4,103700.0,1950.0 9807017431828#antcn#Command a new source 9807017431894#antcn#Successfully sent new source position to antenna 9807017431894:check2c1 9807017435984/parity/0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0. 9807017435984/parity/0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 9807017441269:wb2c1=19 9807017441326/pass/19,19,auto,165.0,165.0,165.1,164.8,0.1,-0.2 9807017441671:!070174907 9807017490700:tape 9807017490712/tape/off,02064,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9807017490712:st=for,135 9807017490726:!070174917 9807017491700:preob 9807017491700#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9807017491738/onsource/TRACKING 9807017491978/tpical/37340,30595,20824,14532,40306,26036,32543,15943,8934,44225 9807017492001/tpical/30117,15766,13730,22810,19229,21689,10986 9807017492009:!070174927 9807017492700:tape 9807017492712/tape/off,02258,norm,moving,nostop,locked,ready,rem 9807017492712:"data start" 9807017492712:midob 9807017492712#antcn#Check if antenna is on-source 9807017492769/onsource/TRACKING 9807017492849#wx#/WX/16.9,1012.4, 40.7 9807017492868?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807017492870?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807017492923?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807017492975?ERROR ib -10 ibcon initialization failed, gpib devices inaccessible. 9807017492983/ifd/17,17,nor,nor,rem,7473,9449 9807017492990/if3/2,in,2,2,,,present,500.10,rem,lock,36229 9807017492997/vc06/272.89,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,21406 9807017493005/vc11/237.99,2.000,u,10,10,rem,lock,11773 9807017493037/tpi/31386,25720,17553,12000,33273,21391,26835,13270,7469,36221 9807017493060/tpi/25957,13586,11773,19553,16758,18905,9655 9807017493062/tsys1/50.8,51.3,50.7,44.0,45.9,44.2,44.6,45.3,48.0,44.2 9807017493063/tsys2/65.0,63.6,61.1,61.3,68.9,68.4,74.0 9807017493064:!070175037 9807017503700:"data stop" 9807017503700:et 9807017503715:!+3s 9807017504016:tape 9807017504027/tape/off,03060,norm,stopped,stop,unlock,ready,rem 9807017504028:postob 9807017504028:fastr=2m17s 9807017525759:unlod 9807017530421/ !!!! wake up !!!! 9807017530421:*end of schedule 9807017594488;"cable=17442.0 9807020104093?ERROR ch -4 Device hd timed-out on response from MATCN 9807020104114?ERROR ch -4 Device hd timed-out on response from MATCN 9807020105268;terminate 9807020105268:*boss terminated
27 819 0 26 719 1 8762.2200 0.0359 0.1000 0.0036 27 820 0 26 720 1 8762.2200 0.0051 0.1000 0.0036 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 8912.1800 0.1062 0.1000 0.0003 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 8932.4800 0.0277 0.1000 0.0003 24 718 1 25 818 0 10053.5500 0.0272 0.1000 0.0036 24 717 1 25 817 0 10053.5500 0.0171 0.1000 0.0036 33 726 0 32 626 1 11304.7800 0.1623 0.1000 0.0037 33 727 0 32 627 1 11325.2400 -0.1653 0.1000 0.0037 1610 6 0 15 9 6 1 12367.8100 0.0135 0.1000 0.0036 1610 7 0 15 9 7 1 12367.8100 0.0135 0.1000 0.0036 18 810 1 19 910 0 12749.1600 0.0343 0.1000 0.0034 18 811 1 19 911 0 12749.1600 0.0343 0.1000 0.0034 22 913 0 21 813 1 15216.8600 -0.0036 0.1000 0.0035 22 914 0 21 814 1 15216.8600 -0.0036 0.1000 0.0035 12 9 3 1 1310 3 0 15234.8500 -0.0508 0.1000 0.0041 12 9 4 1 1310 4 0 15234.8500 -0.0508 0.1000 0.0041 29 624 1 30 724 0 16971.0900 0.0796 0.1000 0.0036 29 623 1 30 723 0 16977.4600 -0.0569 0.1000 0.0035 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 17368.1000 -0.0005 0.1000 0.0007 2 1 2 0 1 1 1 0 17397.0600 -0.0014 0.1000 0.0007 2 0 2 1 1 0 1 1 17818.5600 0.0180 0.1000 0.0006 2 0 2 0 1 0 1 0 17858.9800 -0.0001 0.1000 0.0007 28 820 0 27 720 1 18189.0400 0.0551 0.1000 0.0037 28 821 0 27 721 1 18189.0400 0.0031 0.1000 0.0037 2 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 18280.6500 0.0564 0.1000 0.0007 2 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 18333.0700 -0.0059 0.1000 0.0007 1111 0 0 1010 0 1 19008.0900 -0.0061 0.1000 0.0047 1111 1 0 1010 1 1 19008.0900 -0.0061 0.1000 0.0047 23 717 1 24 817 0 19441.1800 -0.0031 0.1000 0.0036 23 716 1 24 816 0 19441.1800 -0.0087 0.1000 0.0036 34 727 0 33 627 1 20736.8000 0.2325 0.1000 0.0038 34 728 0 33 628 1 20766.2300 -0.2014 0.1000 0.0038 1710 7 0 16 9 7 1 21602.6400 0.0335 0.1000 0.0035 1710 8 0 16 9 8 1 21602.6400 0.0335 0.1000 0.0035 17 8 9 1 18 9 9 0 22037.5200 -0.0571 0.1000 0.0035 17 810 1 18 910 0 22037.5200 -0.0571 0.1000 0.0035 11 9 2 1 1210 2 0 24401.1200 0.0577 0.1000 0.0044 11 9 3 1 1210 3 0 24401.1200 0.0577 0.1000 0.0044 23 914 0 22 814 1 24571.1500 -0.0007 0.1000 0.0036 23 915 0 22 815 1 24571.1500 -0.0007 0.1000 0.0036 1313 0 0 1312 2 1 25383.0300 -0.0367 0.1000 0.0068 1313 1 0 1312 1 1 25383.0300 -0.0367 0.1000 0.0068 3 1 3 1 2 1 2 1 26048.5200 -0.0617 0.1000 0.0010 3 1 3 0 2 1 2 0 26091.8200 -0.0026 0.1000 0.0010 1413 1 0 1412 3 1 26107.6200 0.0248 0.1000 0.0062 1413 2 0 1412 2 1 26107.6200 0.0248 0.1000 0.0062 28 623 1 29 723 0 26391.3000 0.0246 0.1000 0.0035 28 622 1 29 722 0 26395.5800 0.0086 0.1000 0.0035 3 0 3 1 2 0 2 1 26713.8000 -0.0070 0.0200 0.0010 3 2 2 1 2 2 1 1 26737.7000 0.1405 0.1000 0.0010 3 2 1 1 2 2 0 1 26759.5400 -0.1564 0.1000 0.0010 3 0 3 0 2 0 2 0 26773.6580 -0.0093 0.0200 0.0010 3 2 2 0 2 2 1 0 26798.4860 0.0033 0.0200 0.0010 3 2 1 0 2 2 0 0 26821.8880 0.0033 0.0200 0.0010 1513 2 0 1512 4 1 26866.2800 -0.0150 0.0200 0.0058 1513 3 0 1512 3 1 26866.2800 -0.0150 0.0200 0.0058 1211 1 1 1212 1 0 27121.2800 0.0465 0.1000 0.0055 1211 2 1 1212 0 0 27121.2800 0.0465 0.1000 0.0055 1311 2 1 1312 2 0 27145.7000 -0.0088 0.1000 0.0054 1311 3 1 1312 1 0 27145.7000 -0.0088 0.1000 0.0054 1411 3 1 1412 3 0 27176.3900 0.0422 0.1000 0.0055 1411 4 1 1412 2 0 27176.3900 0.0422 0.1000 0.0055 1511 4 1 1512 4 0 27214.0770 0.0137 0.0500 0.0056 1511 5 1 1512 3 0 27214.0770 0.0137 0.0500 0.0056 1611 5 1 1612 5 0 27259.8500 0.0329 0.1000 0.0059 1611 6 1 1612 4 0 27259.8500 0.0329 0.1000 0.0059 1711 6 1 1712 6 0 27314.6270 0.0116 0.0200 0.0063 1711 7 1 1712 5 0 27314.6270 0.0116 0.0200 0.0063 1811 7 1 1812 7 0 27379.5190 0.0157 0.0500 0.0068 1811 8 1 1812 6 0 27379.5190 0.0157 0.0500 0.0068 3 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 27417.2010 0.0015 0.0200 0.0010 1911 8 1 1912 8 0 27455.5750 0.0156 0.0500 0.0074 1911 9 1 1912 7 0 27455.5750 0.0156 0.0500 0.0074 3 1 2 0 2 1 1 0 27495.7120 -0.0017 0.0200 0.0010 2011 9 1 2012 9 0 27543.9030 0.0138 0.0500 0.0079 201110 1 2012 8 0 27543.9030 0.0138 0.0500 0.0079 29 821 0 28 721 1 27627.5690 0.0399 0.0100 0.0038 29 822 0 28 722 1 27627.5690 -0.0462 0.0100 0.0038 211110 1 211210 0 27645.6360 0.0175 0.0500 0.0085 211111 1 2112 9 0 27645.6360 0.0175 0.0500 0.0085 1613 3 0 1612 5 1 27657.1490 -0.0068 0.0200 0.0054 1613 4 0 1612 4 1 27657.1490 -0.0068 0.0200 0.0054 48 345 1 49 445 0 27732.2930 -0.0090 0.0200 0.0105 221111 1 221211 0 27761.8970 0.0117 0.0500 0.0090 221112 1 221210 0 27761.8970 0.0117 0.0500 0.0090 231112 1 231212 0 27893.8500 0.0174 0.0500 0.0096 231113 1 231211 0 27893.8500 0.0174 0.0500 0.0096 41 635 0 40 535 1 28006.5140 0.0119 0.0200 0.0044 241113 1 241213 0 28042.6120 0.0126 0.0500 0.0101 241114 1 241212 0 28042.6120 0.0126 0.0500 0.0101 1211 1 0 1110 1 1 28120.8170 0.0144 0.0100 0.0045 1211 2 0 1110 2 1 28120.8170 0.0144 0.0100 0.0045 251114 1 251214 0 28209.3300 0.0174 0.1000 0.0105 251115 1 251213 0 28209.3300 0.0174 0.1000 0.0105 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 28294.8210 -0.0129 0.0250 0.0016 261115 1 261215 0 28395.1300 0.0522 0.1000 0.0109 261116 1 261214 0 28395.1300 0.0522 0.1000 0.0109 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 28419.1530 0.0003 0.0250 0.0017 1713 4 0 1712 6 1 28478.3150 -0.0077 0.0200 0.0052 1713 5 0 1712 5 1 28478.3150 -0.0077 0.0200 0.0052 271116 1 271216 0 28600.9800 0.0093 0.1000 0.0113 271117 1 271215 0 28600.9800 0.0093 0.1000 0.0113 6 2 4 0 7 1 7 0 28727.6430 -0.0290 0.0500 0.0047 2 1 1 0 2 0 2 0 28768.8980 -0.0317 0.0500 0.0016 22 716 1 23 816 0 28814.5730 -0.0035 0.0100 0.0036 22 715 1 23 815 0 28814.5730 -0.0065 0.0100 0.0036 281117 1 281217 0 28828.0400 0.0116 0.0500 0.0116 281118 1 281216 0 28828.0400 0.0116 0.0500 0.0116 2 1 1 1 2 0 2 1 28881.1900 -0.0143 0.0250 0.0017 41 240 1 42 340 0 28918.3610 0.0128 0.0200 0.0061 6 2 4 1 7 1 7 1 29068.7850 -0.0052 0.0500 0.0047 291118 1 291218 0 29077.2400 -0.0013 0.0500 0.0119 291119 1 291217 0 29077.2400 -0.0013 0.0500 0.0119 39 436 1 40 536 0 29286.9010 0.0053 0.0100 0.0043 1813 5 0 1812 7 1 29328.0870 -0.0057 0.0200 0.0052 1813 6 0 1812 6 1 29328.0870 -0.0057 0.0200 0.0052 301119 1 301219 0 29349.5500 0.0055 0.1000 0.0122 301120 1 301218 0 29349.5500 0.0055 0.1000 0.0122 3 1 2 0 3 0 3 0 29490.9670 -0.0091 0.0250 0.0016 3 1 2 1 3 0 3 1 29584.5990 0.0023 0.0250 0.0017 311120 1 311220 0 29645.8120 0.0006 0.0500 0.0124 311121 1 311219 0 29645.8120 0.0006 0.0500 0.0124 42 141 1 43 241 0 29957.7630 0.0079 0.0200 0.0061 321121 1 321221 0 29966.8600 0.0132 0.1000 0.0126 321122 1 321220 0 29966.8600 0.0132 0.1000 0.0126 35 728 0 34 628 1 30168.1000 0.0042 0.0200 0.0039 1913 6 0 1912 8 1 30204.9040 -0.0064 0.0200 0.0052 1913 7 0 1912 7 1 30204.9040 -0.0064 0.0200 0.0052 35 729 0 34 629 1 30210.5300 0.0044 0.0100 0.0040 331122 1 331222 0 30313.4500 0.0688 0.1000 0.0127 331123 1 331221 0 30313.4500 0.0688 0.1000 0.0127 4 1 3 0 4 0 4 0 30473.9430 -0.0081 0.0250 0.0016 4 1 3 1 4 0 4 1 30541.6200 0.0075 0.0250 0.0017 52 547 0 51 447 1 30590.8560 0.0083 0.0200 0.0091 341123 1 341223 0 30686.1000 0.0336 0.1000 0.0129 341124 1 341222 0 30686.1000 0.0336 0.1000 0.0129 1810 8 0 17 9 8 1 30853.9180 0.0012 0.0100 0.0035 1810 9 0 17 9 9 1 30853.9180 0.0012 0.0100 0.0035 351124 1 351224 0 31085.4800 0.0082 0.1000 0.0131 351125 1 351223 0 31085.4800 0.0082 0.1000 0.0131 2013 7 0 2012 9 1 31107.3570 -0.0028 0.0500 0.0054 2013 8 0 2012 8 1 31107.3570 -0.0028 0.0500 0.0054 16 8 8 1 17 9 8 0 31308.6700 -0.0046 0.0100 0.0037 16 8 9 1 17 9 9 0 31308.6700 -0.0046 0.0100 0.0037 41 636 0 40 536 1 31337.0840 0.0064 0.0100 0.0038 361125 1 361225 0 31512.2000 0.1179 0.1000 0.0133 361126 1 361224 0 31512.2000 0.1179 0.1000 0.0133 42 438 1 43 538 0 31615.9510 0.0092 0.0100 0.0058 53 449 0 52 349 1 31626.2730 0.0136 0.0200 0.0101 5 1 4 0 5 0 5 0 31734.9210 -0.0065 0.0250 0.0018 371126 1 371226 0 31966.3200 0.0241 0.1000 0.0135 371127 1 371225 0 31966.3200 0.0241 0.1000 0.0135 2113 8 0 211210 1 32034.1550 -0.0008 0.0200 0.0056 2113 9 0 2112 9 1 32034.1550 -0.0008 0.0200 0.0056 381127 1 381227 0 32448.4100 -0.0155 0.1000 0.0137 381128 1 381226 0 32448.4100 -0.0155 0.1000 0.0137 391128 1 391228 0 32958.6900 -0.0076 0.1000 0.0140 391129 1 391227 0 32958.6900 -0.0076 0.1000 0.0140 2213 9 0 221211 1 32984.1270 -0.0080 0.0200 0.0059 221310 0 221210 1 32984.1270 -0.0080 0.0200 0.0059 46 344 0 45 244 1 33181.5000 -0.0127 0.0200 0.0061 401129 1 401229 0 33497.3100 0.0552 0.1000 0.0143 401130 1 401228 0 33497.3100 0.0552 0.1000 0.0143 10 9 1 1 1110 1 0 33549.4800 -0.0034 0.0100 0.0047 10 9 2 1 1110 2 0 33549.4800 -0.0034 0.0100 0.0047 24 915 0 23 815 1 33940.9100 -0.0001 0.0100 0.0037 24 916 0 23 816 1 33940.9100 -0.0001 0.0100 0.0037 231310 0 231212 1 33956.2370 -0.0083 0.0500 0.0062 231311 0 231211 1 33956.2370 -0.0083 0.0500 0.0062 41 339 1 42 439 0 34114.7890 -0.0022 0.0200 0.0054 47 444 0 46 344 1 34287.0710 0.0035 0.0200 0.0057 33 529 1 34 629 0 34438.9940 0.0075 0.0200 0.0033 45 243 1 46 343 0 34540.6110 -0.0137 0.0200 0.0066 4 1 4 1 3 1 3 1 34724.8420 0.0020 0.0100 0.0013 4 1 4 0 3 1 3 0 34782.1240 -0.0019 0.0100 0.0013 241311 0 241213 1 34949.5330 -0.0037 0.0200 0.0065 241312 0 241212 1 34949.5330 -0.0037 0.0200 0.0065 33 528 1 34 628 0 35019.0040 0.0004 0.0100 0.0033 7 1 6 0 7 0 7 0 35177.6020 -0.0016 0.0500 0.0024 46 542 0 45 442 1 35334.6230 0.0160 0.0200 0.0053 4 0 4 1 3 0 3 1 35592.3040 0.0008 0.0100 0.0013 4 2 3 1 3 2 2 1 35645.4630 0.0011 0.0100 0.0013 4 3 2 1 3 3 1 1 35663.5170 0.1223 0.0200 0.0012 4 3 1 1 3 3 0 1 35663.5170 -0.1294 0.0200 0.0012 4 0 4 0 3 0 3 0 35670.6250 -0.0089 0.0500 0.0013 4 2 2 1 3 2 1 1 35700.7670 0.0070 0.0200 0.0013 4 2 3 0 3 2 2 0 35726.4320 -0.0007 0.0200 0.0013 4 3 2 0 3 3 1 0 35745.0420 0.1645 0.0200 0.0013 4 3 1 0 3 3 0 0 35745.0420 -0.1098 0.0200 0.0013 5 2 3 0 6 1 6 0 35768.1940 -0.0182 0.0250 0.0045 4 2 2 0 3 2 1 0 35784.8890 0.0003 0.0200 0.0013 27 622 1 28 722 0 35804.0620 0.0006 0.0200 0.0035 27 621 1 28 721 0 35806.8520 -0.0017 0.0500 0.0035 251312 0 251214 1 35963.1490 -0.0025 0.0200 0.0068 251313 0 251213 1 35963.1490 -0.0025 0.0200 0.0068 4 2 3 0 5 1 4 0 36039.6160 -0.0030 0.0250 0.0045 5 2 3 1 6 1 6 1 36143.2620 -0.0148 0.0250 0.0046 4 1 3 1 3 1 2 1 36549.3180 -0.0010 0.0100 0.0013 4 2 3 1 5 1 4 1 36618.3690 0.0052 0.0250 0.0047 4 1 3 0 3 1 2 0 36653.5820 -0.0268 0.0500 0.0013 42 636 0 41 536 1 36711.9850 -0.0085 0.0200 0.0051 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 36759.2510 -0.0110 0.0250 0.0017 261313 0 261215 1 36996.3140 -0.0015 0.0500 0.0071 261314 0 261214 1 36996.3140 -0.0015 0.0500 0.0071 30 822 0 29 722 1 37077.1660 0.0473 0.0200 0.0039 30 823 0 29 723 1 37077.1660 -0.0926 0.0200 0.0039 1311 2 0 1210 2 1 37247.6320 0.0040 0.0100 0.0043 1311 3 0 1210 3 1 37247.6320 0.0040 0.0100 0.0043 271314 0 271216 1 38048.3320 0.0022 0.0500 0.0074 271315 0 271215 1 38048.3320 0.0022 0.0500 0.0074 41 437 1 42 537 0 38146.7810 0.0126 0.0100 0.0056 21 715 1 22 815 0 38173.1420 0.0033 0.0100 0.0037 21 714 1 22 814 0 38173.1420 0.0018 0.0100 0.0037 7 0 7 1 6 1 6 1 38364.4980 -0.0119 0.0500 0.0025 50 347 0 49 247 1 38383.4610 0.0020 0.0100 0.0063 53 548 0 52 448 1 38467.2260 0.0074 0.0200 0.0116 7 0 7 0 6 1 6 0 38726.1980 0.0005 0.0250 0.0026 281315 0 281217 1 39118.5510 -0.0112 0.0500 0.0076 281316 0 281216 1 39118.5510 -0.0112 0.0500 0.0076 38 435 1 39 535 0 39497.6270 -0.0048 0.0100 0.0042 47 245 0 46 145 1 39506.9980 -0.0107 0.0100 0.0060 36 729 0 35 629 1 39597.3250 -0.0043 0.0100 0.0040 36 730 0 35 630 1 39656.9900 -0.0013 0.0100 0.0041 39 139 1 40 239 0 39976.8750 -0.0039 0.0200 0.0118 1910 9 0 18 9 9 1 40121.4600 0.0303 0.1000 0.0036 191010 0 18 910 1 40121.4600 0.0303 0.1000 0.0036 9 9 0 1 1010 0 0 42679.9900 0.0238 0.1000 0.0050 9 9 1 1 1010 1 0 42679.9900 0.0238 0.1000 0.0050 4 2 2 1 5 1 5 1 43543.0090 0.0281 0.0250 0.0046 5 3 3 1 4 3 2 1 44583.6960 0.0531 0.1000 0.0015 5 2 4 0 4 2 3 0 44650.2830 0.0779 0.1000 0.0016 5 2 3 1 4 2 2 1 44659.8890 0.0537 0.1000 0.0016 5 3 3 0 4 3 2 0 44685.7730 0.0283 0.1000 0.0016 5 2 3 0 4 2 2 0 44766.9610 0.0342 0.1000 0.0016 2 1 2 0 1 0 1 0 45223.8910 0.0200 0.0250 0.0019 2 1 2 1 1 0 1 1 45331.0300 0.0393 0.0250 0.0020 5 1 4 1 4 1 3 1 45675.3830 0.0222 0.1000 0.0016 5 1 4 0 4 1 3 0 45805.0920 0.0163 0.1000 0.0016 3 2 2 0 4 1 3 0 46118.2750 0.0130 0.0250 0.0045 3 2 2 1 4 1 3 1 46648.2820 0.0193 0.0250 0.0047 201010 0 19 910 1 49404.9100 0.0796 0.1000 0.0037 201011 0 19 911 1 49404.9100 0.0796 0.1000 0.0037 3 2 1 0 4 1 4 0 50826.9500 0.0205 0.0250 0.0044 3 2 1 1 4 1 4 1 51237.8170 0.0288 0.0250 0.0046 3 1 3 0 2 0 2 0 53456.7360 0.0225 0.0250 0.0021 3 1 3 1 2 0 2 1 53561.0610 0.0306 0.0250 0.0022 6 4 3 0 5 4 2 0 53623.3320 0.0303 0.1000 0.0019 6 4 2 0 5 4 1 0 53623.3320 0.0196 0.1000 0.0019 6 3 4 0 5 3 3 0 53629.4870 0.0265 0.1000 0.0019 6 3 3 0 5 3 2 0 53632.0390 0.0215 0.1000 0.0019 6 2 4 1 5 2 3 1 53641.1750 0.0276 0.1000 0.0019 6 2 4 0 5 2 3 0 53772.4740 0.0269 0.1000 0.0019 2 2 1 0 3 1 2 0 55973.4100 0.0219 0.0250 0.0044 2 2 1 1 3 1 2 1 56460.0610 0.0388 0.0250 0.0047 2 2 0 0 3 1 3 0 58787.1970 0.0263 0.0250 0.0044 35 827 0 34 727 1 84464.2380 -0.0070 0.0500 0.0045 35 828 0 34 728 1 84465.4800 -0.0128 0.0500 0.0045 261412 0 261314 1 84645.6780 0.0177 0.0500 0.0060 261413 0 261313 1 84645.6780 0.0177 0.0500 0.0060 16 7 9 1 17 8 9 0 84725.5130 0.0219 0.0500 0.0046 16 710 1 17 810 0 84725.5130 0.0219 0.0500 0.0046 37 335 1 38 435 0 84831.7670 0.0002 0.0500 0.0056 491831 1 481929 0 85369.0800 -0.0182 0.0800 0.0166 491832 1 481930 0 85369.0800 -0.0182 0.0800 0.0166 631351 0 631251 1 85397.3530 0.0414 0.1000 0.0190 631350 0 631252 1 85397.3530 0.0396 0.1000 0.0190 271413 0 271315 1 85512.2130 -0.0187 0.0500 0.0061 271414 0 271314 1 85512.2130 -0.0187 0.0500 0.0061 382117 0 392019 1 85943.5920 0.0459 0.0800 0.0188 382118 0 392020 1 85943.5920 0.0459 0.0800 0.0188 44 638 0 45 441 0 86010.8520 0.0108 0.0500 0.0144 24 222 1 24 123 1 86105.4200 0.0039 0.0500 0.0058 281414 0 281316 1 86405.2490 0.0144 0.0500 0.0063 281415 0 281315 1 86405.2490 0.0144 0.0500 0.0063 10 8 2 1 11 9 2 0 86554.1370 -0.0165 0.0500 0.0055 10 8 3 1 11 9 3 0 86554.1370 -0.0165 0.0500 0.0055 41 734 0 40 634 1 86626.6170 -0.0278 0.0500 0.0047 10 110 1 9 1 9 1 86627.3580 0.0432 0.0500 0.0030 241014 0 23 914 1 86690.4000 -0.0430 0.0500 0.0046 241015 0 23 915 1 86690.4000 -0.0430 0.0500 0.0046 42 240 1 43 340 0 86755.8240 0.0097 0.0500 0.0077 10 110 0 9 1 9 0 86760.6530 0.0183 0.0500 0.0031 322012 0 331914 1 86861.9840 0.0514 0.0800 0.0166 322013 0 331915 1 86861.9840 0.0514 0.0800 0.0166 41 735 0 40 635 1 86914.5340 -0.0088 0.0500 0.0053 641352 0 641252 1 86917.5770 0.0205 0.1000 0.0193 641351 0 641253 1 86917.5770 0.0180 0.1000 0.0193 43 340 1 44 440 0 87065.2610 -0.0104 0.0500 0.0086 37 334 0 37 335 0 87153.9560 0.0025 0.0500 0.0118 24 222 0 24 123 0 87191.5470 -0.0037 0.0500 0.0070 431726 1 421824 0 87216.0250 0.0061 0.0800 0.0152 431727 1 421825 0 87216.0250 0.0061 0.0800 0.0152 291415 0 291317 1 87324.2100 0.0061 0.0500 0.0064 291416 0 291316 1 87324.2100 0.0061 0.0500 0.0064 48 147 0 47 047 1 87538.5220 0.0670 0.0500 0.0154 36 136 1 37 236 0 87577.2630 -0.0149 0.0500 0.0121 28 226 1 28 227 1 87739.1970 -0.0034 0.0500 0.0104 50 248 1 50 546 0 88056.7120 0.0270 0.1000 0.0102 48 247 0 47 147 1 88090.5770 0.1009 0.0500 0.0154 10 010 1 9 0 9 1 88228.6920 0.0062 0.0500 0.0030 301416 0 301318 1 88268.6690 -0.0080 0.0500 0.0066 301417 0 301317 1 88268.6690 -0.0080 0.0500 0.0066 10 010 0 9 0 9 0 88383.6580 0.0177 0.0500 0.0031 34 430 1 35 530 0 88417.5410 -0.0060 0.0500 0.0051 651353 0 651253 1 88445.7290 -0.0595 0.1000 0.0197 651352 0 651254 1 88445.7290 -0.0631 0.1000 0.0197 56 452 0 55 352 1 88665.4820 0.0088 0.0800 0.0211 371621 1 361719 0 88688.2370 -0.0232 0.0500 0.0142 371622 1 361720 0 88688.2370 -0.0232 0.0500 0.0142 33 430 1 34 530 0 88791.3190 -0.0156 0.0500 0.0044 47 642 0 46 542 1 88921.1670 0.0331 0.0500 0.0056 10 2 9 1 9 2 8 1 88975.5760 -0.0007 0.0500 0.0029 1312 1 0 1211 1 1 89071.0910 0.0007 0.0500 0.0057 1312 2 0 1211 2 1 89071.0910 0.0007 0.0500 0.0057 19 118 1 19 019 1 89084.9250 -0.0269 0.0500 0.0099 37 236 1 38 336 0 89141.8900 0.0214 0.0500 0.0070 10 2 9 0 9 2 8 0 89170.2500 0.0172 0.0500 0.0030 10 5 6 1 9 5 5 1 89190.8290 0.0008 0.0500 0.0028 10 5 5 1 9 5 4 1 89190.8290 -0.0022 0.0500 0.0028 10 6 4 1 9 6 3 1 89194.2750 0.0059 0.0500 0.0027 10 6 5 1 9 6 4 1 89194.2740 0.0049 0.0500 0.0027 10 4 7 1 9 4 6 1 89201.5770 -0.0179 0.0500 0.0028 10 4 6 1 9 4 5 1 89202.0090 -0.0364 0.0500 0.0028 10 7 3 1 9 7 2 1 89205.7790 -0.0282 0.0500 0.0027 10 7 4 1 9 7 3 1 89205.7790 -0.0282 0.0500 0.0027 10 8 2 1 9 8 1 1 89223.9590 0.0353 0.0500 0.0027 10 8 3 1 9 8 2 1 89223.9590 0.0353 0.0500 0.0027 10 3 8 1 9 3 7 1 89229.9170 0.0424 0.0500 0.0029 311417 0 311319 1 89238.2070 0.0123 0.0500 0.0068 311418 0 311318 1 89238.2070 0.0123 0.0500 0.0068 10 9 1 1 9 9 0 1 89249.3570 0.0112 0.0500 0.0028 10 9 2 1 9 9 1 1 89249.3570 0.0112 0.0500 0.0028 10 3 7 1 9 3 6 1 89262.8350 -0.0120 0.0500 0.0029 12 012 1 11 111 1 89342.2100 0.0535 0.0500 0.0035 10 6 5 0 9 6 4 0 89391.8360 0.0717 0.0500 0.0028 10 6 4 0 9 6 3 0 89391.8360 0.0716 0.0500 0.0028 10 5 6 0 9 5 5 0 89392.1190 0.0052 0.0500 0.0028 10 5 5 0 9 5 4 0 89392.1190 0.0019 0.0500 0.0028 10 7 3 0 9 7 2 0 89398.8710 0.0493 0.0500 0.0027 10 7 4 0 9 7 3 0 89398.8710 0.0493 0.0500 0.0027 10 4 7 0 9 4 6 0 89405.9390 0.0048 0.0500 0.0029 10 4 6 0 9 4 5 0 89406.4490 0.0088 0.0500 0.0029 10 8 2 0 9 8 1 0 89409.7410 0.0046 0.0500 0.0027 10 8 3 0 9 8 2 0 89409.7410 0.0046 0.0500 0.0027 10 9 1 0 9 9 0 0 89423.2230 -0.0055 0.0500 0.0028 10 9 2 0 9 9 1 0 89423.2230 -0.0055 0.0500 0.0028 10 3 8 0 9 3 7 0 89437.2770 0.0018 0.0500 0.0029 10 3 7 0 9 3 6 0 89473.1860 -0.0048 0.0500 0.0029 10 2 8 1 9 2 7 1 89855.7210 -0.0215 0.0500 0.0029 12 012 0 11 111 0 89862.9960 -0.1156 0.0500 0.0038 661354 0 661254 1 89981.7680 0.0548 0.1000 0.0201 661353 0 661255 1 89981.7680 0.0497 0.1000 0.0201 48 147 1 48 445 0 90015.7180 0.0350 0.0500 0.0142 10 2 8 0 9 2 7 0 90098.7620 0.0124 0.0500 0.0030 321418 0 321320 1 90232.3110 0.0097 0.0500 0.0070 321419 0 321319 1 90232.3110 0.0097 0.0500 0.0070 25 223 1 25 124 1 90320.5170 0.0070 0.0500 0.0063 30 921 0 29 821 1 90458.9800 0.0037 0.0500 0.0048 30 922 0 29 822 1 90458.9800 0.0014 0.0500 0.0048 251411 1 2415 9 0 90503.9800 0.0100 0.0500 0.0101 251412 1 241510 0 90503.9800 0.0100 0.0500 0.0101 27 523 1 28 623 0 90544.8200 -0.0093 0.0500 0.0040 58 553 0 57 453 1 90554.1570 0.0024 0.0800 0.0179 561937 1 552035 0 90588.0580 0.0510 0.1000 0.0230 561938 1 552036 0 90588.0580 0.0510 0.1000 0.0230 27 522 1 28 622 0 90630.5200 -0.0148 0.0500 0.0040 50 248 0 49 148 1 90837.6270 -0.0186 0.0500 0.0079 1913 6 1 1814 4 0 90883.7370 0.0117 0.0500 0.0090 1913 7 1 1814 5 0 90883.7370 0.0117 0.0500 0.0090 28 226 0 28 227 0 91023.0840 0.0150 0.0500 0.0133 10 1 9 1 9 1 8 1 91151.6990 -0.0015 0.0500 0.0029 331419 0 331321 1 91250.5510 0.0056 0.0500 0.0072 331420 0 331320 1 91250.5510 0.0056 0.0500 0.0072 48 345 1 47 542 1 91304.4970 -0.0039 0.0500 0.0160 38 335 1 38 336 1 91317.7080 -0.0037 0.0500 0.0094 10 1 9 0 9 1 8 0 91399.3700 0.0157 0.0500 0.0030 671355 0 671255 1 91525.0890 0.0608 0.1000 0.0207 671354 0 671256 1 91525.0890 0.0536 0.1000 0.0207 49 643 0 48 543 1 91541.4520 0.0112 0.0500 0.0143 8 1 8 0 7 0 7 0 91559.6180 0.1356 0.0500 0.0038 25 223 0 25 124 0 91662.1230 -0.0042 0.0500 0.0078 36 036 1 37 136 0 91713.7050 -0.0025 0.0500 0.0120 21 616 1 22 716 0 92073.1860 0.0693 0.0500 0.0042 21 615 1 22 715 0 92073.1860 -0.0704 0.0500 0.0042 1911 8 0 1810 8 1 92287.4970 0.0045 0.0500 0.0047 1911 9 0 1810 9 1 92287.4970 0.0045 0.0500 0.0047 341420 0 341322 1 92292.4780 -0.0018 0.0500 0.0074 341421 0 341321 1 92292.4780 -0.0018 0.0500 0.0074 51 448 0 50 348 1 92516.2350 0.0091 0.0500 0.0083 501832 1 491930 0 92952.0170 -0.0080 0.0800 0.0169 501833 1 491931 0 92952.0170 -0.0080 0.0800 0.0169 681356 0 681256 1 93075.4740 0.0508 0.1000 0.0214 681355 0 681257 1 93075.4740 0.0407 0.1000 0.0214 432221 0 442123 1 93091.7730 -0.1066 0.0800 0.0300 432222 0 442124 1 93091.7730 -0.1066 0.0800 0.0300 351421 0 351323 1 93357.6700 0.0073 0.0500 0.0076 351422 0 351322 1 93357.6700 0.0073 0.0500 0.0076 53 350 0 52 250 1 93481.6340 0.0278 0.0500 0.0091 50 644 0 49 743 0 93570.8000 -0.0523 0.0500 0.0194 57 453 0 56 650 0 93585.1210 0.0025 0.0800 0.0213 372116 0 382018 1 93818.4940 -0.0308 0.0500 0.0184 372117 0 382019 1 93818.4940 -0.0308 0.0500 0.0184 36 828 0 35 728 1 93963.7560 0.0045 0.0500 0.0046 36 829 0 35 729 1 93965.6120 0.0059 0.0500 0.0046 15 7 8 1 16 8 8 0 93984.6540 0.0299 0.0500 0.0049 15 7 9 1 16 8 9 0 93984.6540 0.0299 0.0500 0.0049 361422 0 361324 1 94445.6760 0.0192 0.0500 0.0078 361423 0 361323 1 94445.6760 0.0192 0.0500 0.0078 51 547 0 50 447 1 94541.3200 0.0434 0.0500 0.0076 691357 0 691257 1 94632.6430 0.0634 0.1000 0.0224 691356 0 691258 1 94632.6430 0.0493 0.1000 0.0224 312011 0 321913 1 94900.4940 -0.0017 0.0500 0.0171 312012 0 321914 1 94900.4940 -0.0017 0.0500 0.0171 441727 1 431825 0 94951.2960 -0.0063 0.0800 0.0152 441728 1 431826 0 94951.2960 -0.0063 0.0800 0.0152 26 224 1 26 125 1 95084.6370 -0.0185 0.0500 0.0068 11 111 1 10 110 1 95243.2640 -0.0141 0.0500 0.0032 11 111 0 10 110 0 95387.5490 -0.0081 0.0500 0.0033 371423 0 371325 1 95556.0370 0.0068 0.0500 0.0080 371424 0 371324 1 95556.0370 0.0068 0.0500 0.0080 49 247 1 49 545 0 95590.9150 -0.0163 0.0500 0.0096 9 8 1 1 10 9 1 0 95695.8190 -0.0101 0.0500 0.0058 9 8 2 1 10 9 2 0 95695.8190 -0.0101 0.0500 0.0058 42 735 0 41 635 1 95988.1400 0.0264 0.0500 0.0049 251015 0 24 915 1 96047.9880 0.0010 0.0500 0.0049 251016 0 24 916 1 96047.9880 0.0010 0.0500 0.0049 701358 0 701258 1 96196.2180 0.0477 0.1000 0.0237 701357 0 701259 1 96196.2180 0.0280 0.1000 0.0237 38 335 0 38 336 0 96271.7560 -0.0059 0.0500 0.0119 20 119 1 20 020 1 96331.9130 0.0212 0.0500 0.0103 29 227 1 29 228 1 96359.9110 0.0147 0.0500 0.0102 42 736 0 41 636 1 96374.5700 0.0150 0.0500 0.0056 33 429 1 34 529 0 96386.1970 -0.0059 0.0500 0.0051 381622 1 371720 0 96574.0770 -0.0218 0.0500 0.0142 381623 1 371721 0 96574.0770 -0.0218 0.0500 0.0142 50 348 0 49 248 1 96594.7800 0.0022 0.0500 0.0081 381424 0 381326 1 96688.3570 0.0006 0.0500 0.0082 381425 0 381325 1 96688.3570 0.0006 0.0500 0.0082 26 224 0 26 125 0 96695.4330 -0.0213 0.0500 0.0085 11 011 1 10 010 1 96861.6000 -0.0002 0.0500 0.0032 36 334 1 37 434 0 96932.1850 -0.0085 0.0500 0.0056 11 011 0 10 010 0 97022.7150 0.0129 0.0500 0.0033 42 339 1 43 439 0 97639.5250 -0.0174 0.0500 0.0080 711359 0 711259 1 97765.8660 0.0061 0.1000 0.0255 711358 0 711260 1 97765.8660 -0.0212 0.1000 0.0255 321517 1 311615 0 97814.7310 0.0028 0.0500 0.0120 321518 1 311616 0 97814.7310 0.0028 0.0500 0.0120 11 210 1 10 2 9 1 97835.3820 0.0194 0.0500 0.0031 391425 0 391327 1 97842.2180 0.0039 0.0500 0.0084 391426 0 391326 1 97842.2180 0.0039 0.0500 0.0084 1412 2 0 1311 2 1 97980.6370 -0.0412 0.0500 0.0058 1412 3 0 1311 3 1 97980.6370 -0.0412 0.0500 0.0058 11 210 0 10 2 9 0 98047.3590 -0.0057 0.0500 0.0032 11 5 7 1 10 5 6 1 98116.0460 -0.0369 0.0500 0.0030 11 5 6 1 10 5 5 1 98116.0460 -0.0443 0.0500 0.0030 11 6 5 1 10 6 4 1 98117.1240 -0.0236 0.0500 0.0029 11 6 6 1 10 6 5 1 98117.1240 -0.0236 0.0500 0.0029 11 7 4 1 10 7 3 1 98128.1670 -0.0394 0.0500 0.0029 11 7 5 1 10 7 4 1 98128.1670 -0.0394 0.0500 0.0029 11 4 8 1 10 4 7 1 98133.1000 -0.0391 0.0500 0.0030 11 4 7 1 10 4 6 1 98134.0140 -0.0247 0.0500 0.0030 11 8 3 1 10 8 2 1 98147.0830 -0.0141 0.0500 0.0029 11 8 4 1 10 8 3 1 98147.0820 -0.0151 0.0500 0.0029 11 3 9 1 10 3 8 1 98168.4950 -0.0088 0.0500 0.0031 11 9 2 1 10 9 1 1 98174.3840 -0.0005 0.0500 0.0030 11 9 3 1 10 9 2 1 98174.3840 -0.0005 0.0500 0.0030 20 119 0 20 020 0 98187.0480 0.0043 0.0500 0.0144 1110 1 1 1010 0 1 98216.6450 0.0040 0.0500 0.0032 1110 2 1 1010 1 1 98216.6450 0.0040 0.0500 0.0032 11 3 8 1 10 3 7 1 98221.8990 -0.0170 0.0500 0.0031 32 429 1 33 529 0 98303.5380 0.0035 0.0500 0.0055 11 6 6 0 10 6 5 0 98334.6010 -0.0153 0.0500 0.0030 11 6 5 0 10 6 4 0 98334.6010 -0.0154 0.0500 0.0030 11 5 7 0 10 5 6 0 98337.9360 -0.0134 0.0500 0.0030 11 5 6 0 10 5 5 0 98337.9360 -0.0214 0.0500 0.0030 11 7 4 0 10 7 3 0 98340.7040 -0.0133 0.0500 0.0030 11 7 5 0 10 7 4 0 98340.7040 -0.0133 0.0500 0.0030 11 8 3 0 10 8 2 0 98351.5210 -0.0189 0.0500 0.0029 11 8 4 0 10 8 3 0 98351.5210 -0.0189 0.0500 0.0029 11 4 8 0 10 4 7 0 98358.5480 -0.0224 0.0500 0.0031 11 4 7 0 10 4 6 0 98359.5600 -0.0208 0.0500 0.0031 11 9 2 0 10 9 1 0 98365.5870 -0.0123 0.0500 0.0030 11 9 3 0 10 9 2 0 98365.5870 -0.0123 0.0500 0.0030 1110 1 0 1010 0 0 98379.8240 -0.0046 0.0500 0.0030 1110 2 0 1010 1 0 98379.8240 -0.0046 0.0500 0.0030 11 3 9 0 10 3 8 0 98397.3010 -0.0149 0.0500 0.0032 11 3 8 0 10 3 7 0 98455.4580 -0.0286 0.0500 0.0032 261412 1 251510 0 98674.4040 -0.0313 0.0500 0.0098 261413 1 251511 0 98674.4040 -0.0313 0.0500 0.0098 9 1 9 0 8 0 8 0 98711.6990 0.1494 0.0500 0.0042 48 643 0 47 543 1 98743.4130 0.0087 0.0500 0.0060 9 1 9 1 8 0 8 1 98881.2900 0.0110 0.0500 0.0040 11 2 9 1 10 2 8 1 98990.4290 0.0007 0.0500 0.0031 401426 0 401328 1 99017.1660 -0.0212 0.0500 0.0086 401427 0 401327 1 99017.1660 -0.0212 0.0500 0.0086 2013 7 1 1914 5 0 99168.6080 0.0040 0.0500 0.0086 2013 8 1 1914 6 0 99168.6080 0.0040 0.0500 0.0086 11 2 9 0 10 2 8 0 99264.8210 0.0047 0.0500 0.0032 721360 0 721260 1 99341.3190 0.0150 0.1000 0.0278 721359 0 721261 1 99341.3190 -0.0226 0.1000 0.0278 1412 2 1 1313 0 0 99434.4240 0.0306 0.0500 0.0081 1412 3 1 1313 1 0 99434.4240 0.0306 0.0500 0.0081 13 013 1 12 112 1 99495.2380 0.0181 0.0500 0.0037 50 644 0 49 544 1 99589.0040 0.0051 0.0500 0.0175 26 522 1 27 622 0 99886.5220 0.0029 0.0500 0.0041 31 922 0 30 822 1 99923.9330 -0.0242 0.0500 0.0050 31 923 0 30 823 1 99923.9330 -0.0282 0.0500 0.0050 11 210 1 11 111 1 99935.0860 -0.0179 0.0500 0.0052 11 210 0 11 111 0 99944.1330 0.0609 0.0500 0.0054 26 521 1 27 621 0 99946.0360 -0.0069 0.0500 0.0041 13 013 0 12 112 0 100030.8330 0.0255 0.0500 0.0039 44 539 1 43 638 1 100071.2420 -0.0118 0.0500 0.0117 76 968 1 761066 0 100110.3280 0.0509 0.1000 0.0319 11 110 1 10 1 9 1 100201.7290 0.0012 0.0500 0.0032 411427 0 411329 1 100212.8530 -0.0119 0.0500 0.0088 411428 0 411328 1 100212.8530 -0.0119 0.0500 0.0088 27 225 1 27 126 1 100392.4520 0.0144 0.0500 0.0072 75 967 1 751065 0 100459.8790 -0.0210 0.0500 0.0264 11 110 0 10 1 9 0 100470.1680 -0.0059 0.0500 0.0033 511833 1 501931 0 100509.7520 0.0217 0.0800 0.0172 511834 1 501932 0 100509.7520 0.0217 0.0800 0.0172 77 968 1 771068 0 100612.7530 -0.0380 0.1000 0.0399 58 356 1 58 454 0 100637.1870 0.0038 0.0800 0.0270 49 346 1 48 543 1 100713.7000 -0.0090 0.0500 0.0181 76 967 1 761067 0 100789.5250 -0.0324 0.1000 0.0323 74 966 1 741064 0 100821.4490 0.0229 0.1000 0.0225 422220 0 432122 1 100830.9400 -0.2065 0.0800 0.0296 422221 0 432123 1 100830.9400 -0.2065 0.0800 0.0296 731361 0 731261 1 100922.0870 -0.0622 0.1000 0.0309 731360 0 731262 1 100922.0870 -0.1138 0.1000 0.0309 38 137 1 39 237 0 100976.2150 -0.0102 0.0500 0.0076 73 965 1 731063 0 101195.9470 0.0141 0.1000 0.0198 74 965 1 741065 0 101258.9200 -0.0195 0.1000 0.0225 20 615 1 21 715 0 101408.8060 0.0623 0.0500 0.0044 20 614 1 21 714 0 101408.8060 -0.0155 0.0500 0.0044 421428 0 421330 1 101428.8730 0.0312 0.0500 0.0090 421429 0 421329 1 101428.8730 0.0312 0.0500 0.0090 2011 9 0 1910 9 1 101503.8090 -0.0696 0.0500 0.0050 201110 0 191010 1 101503.8090 -0.0696 0.0500 0.0050 73 964 1 731064 0 101545.0230 -0.0189 0.1000 0.0198 72 964 1 721062 0 101584.2100 0.0157 0.1000 0.0181 362115 0 372017 1 101721.0270 0.0137 0.0500 0.0181 362116 0 372018 1 101721.0270 0.0137 0.0500 0.0181 72 963 1 721063 0 101861.6670 0.0000 0.1000 0.0180 71 963 1 711061 0 101986.7260 0.0054 0.1000 0.0170 51 645 0 50 545 1 102033.6530 -0.0255 0.0500 0.0203 21 120 0 21 121 0 102165.3060 0.0061 0.0500 0.0164 71 962 1 711062 0 102206.3720 -0.0003 0.1000 0.0169 27 225 0 27 126 0 102283.1330 -0.0043 0.0500 0.0091 642044 1 632142 0 102362.0850 -0.0496 0.1000 0.0598 642045 1 632143 0 102362.0850 -0.0496 0.1000 0.0598 70 962 1 701060 0 102403.8190 0.0242 0.1000 0.0163 59 554 0 58 454 1 102434.5120 -0.0012 0.0500 0.0194 741362 0 741262 1 102508.0430 0.0100 0.1000 0.0349 741361 0 741263 1 102508.0430 -0.0605 0.1000 0.0349 48 246 1 48 544 0 102534.2510 0.0014 0.0500 0.0093 70 961 1 701061 0 102576.9480 -0.0142 0.1000 0.0162 451728 1 441826 0 102660.8090 -0.0121 0.0800 0.0153 451729 1 441827 0 102660.8090 -0.0121 0.0800 0.0153 431429 0 431331 1 102664.7140 -0.0033 0.0500 0.0093 431430 0 431330 1 102664.7140 -0.0033 0.0500 0.0093 12 211 1 12 112 1 102771.7750 -0.0175 0.0500 0.0054 69 961 1 691059 0 102835.5420 0.0381 0.1000 0.0157 12 211 0 12 112 0 102854.8400 0.0450 0.0500 0.0058 302010 0 311912 1 102966.9760 0.0101 0.0500 0.0177 302011 0 311913 1 102966.9760 0.0101 0.0500 0.0177 69 960 1 691060 0 102971.4680 0.0148 0.1000 0.0157 14 7 7 1 15 8 7 0 103225.6850 0.0049 0.0500 0.0052 14 7 8 1 15 8 8 0 103225.6850 0.0049 0.0500 0.0052 68 960 1 681058 0 103281.7950 0.0267 0.1000 0.0152 32 429 1 33 232 1 103359.3030 -0.0027 0.0500 0.0117 41 239 1 42 339 0 103360.8680 -0.0289 0.0500 0.0082 68 959 1 681059 0 103388.0560 0.0141 0.1000 0.0152 37 829 0 36 729 1 103468.5160 -0.0138 0.0500 0.0048 37 830 0 36 730 1 103471.2430 -0.0103 0.0500 0.0048 35 135 1 36 235 0 103527.3530 0.0445 0.0500 0.0122 49 148 0 48 048 1 103693.9830 0.0639 0.0500 0.0165 67 959 1 671057 0 103742.3750 0.0084 0.0800 0.0147 47 146 1 47 444 0 103777.4180 0.0354 0.0500 0.0102 50 347 1 49 743 0 103813.2640 -0.0002 0.0500 0.0220 36 235 1 37 335 0 103818.2720 0.0186 0.0500 0.0072 67 958 1 671058 0 103825.0590 -0.0195 0.0800 0.0147 12 112 1 11 111 1 103847.7830 -0.0178 0.0500 0.0034 21 120 1 21 021 1 103885.6760 0.0211 0.0500 0.0107 441430 0 441332 1 103920.0770 -0.0186 0.0500 0.0095 441431 0 441331 1 103920.0770 -0.0186 0.0500 0.0095 12 112 0 11 111 0 104002.5330 0.0115 0.0500 0.0035 751363 0 751263 1 104098.5730 -0.0105 0.1000 0.0399 751362 0 751264 1 104098.5730 -0.1062 0.1000 0.0399 49 248 0 48 148 1 104149.6330 0.0675 0.0500 0.0165 66 958 1 661056 0 104216.9840 0.0259 0.0800 0.0142 66 957 1 661057 0 104281.0570 0.0136 0.0800 0.0142 391623 1 381721 0 104433.5700 -0.0099 0.0500 0.0142 391624 1 381722 0 104433.5700 -0.0099 0.0500 0.0142 32 428 1 33 528 0 104537.4430 0.0203 0.0500 0.0051 65 957 1 651055 0 104705.1070 0.0051 0.0800 0.0137 65 956 1 651056 0 104754.5260 -0.0011 0.0800 0.0137 49 445 0 49 446 0 104811.3430 -0.0001 0.0500 0.0133 8 8 0 1 9 9 0 0 104818.1110 0.0049 0.0500 0.0062 8 8 1 1 9 9 1 0 104818.1110 0.0049 0.0500 0.0062 57 453 0 56 353 1 104962.7050 0.0177 0.0500 0.0224 451431 0 451333 1 105194.6000 0.0143 0.0500 0.0098 451432 0 451332 1 105194.6000 0.0143 0.0500 0.0098 64 956 1 641054 0 105206.2870 0.0129 0.0800 0.0131 64 955 1 641055 0 105244.1940 -0.0192 0.0800 0.0131 30 228 1 30 229 1 105251.7540 -0.0041 0.0500 0.0100 43 736 0 42 636 1 105325.8200 0.0394 0.0500 0.0052 581939 1 572037 0 105374.6640 0.0062 0.1000 0.0251 581940 1 572038 0 105374.6640 0.0062 0.1000 0.0251 261016 0 25 916 1 105419.1900 0.0047 0.0500 0.0051 261017 0 25 917 1 105419.1900 0.0047 0.0500 0.0051 12 012 1 11 011 1 105451.5760 0.0086 0.0500 0.0034 12 012 0 11 011 0 105617.3510 0.0220 0.0500 0.0035 31 428 1 32 231 1 105635.0040 -0.0049 0.0500 0.0119 761364 0 761264 1 105693.4310 0.0119 0.1000 0.0461 761363 0 761265 1 105693.4310 -0.1175 0.1000 0.0461 63 955 1 631053 0 105719.9830 0.1006 0.0800 0.0126 63 954 1 631054 0 105748.8820 0.0183 0.0800 0.0126 39 336 0 39 337 0 105751.7760 0.0046 0.0500 0.0119 10 110 0 9 0 9 0 105772.9970 -0.0058 0.0500 0.0045 331518 1 321616 0 105819.9960 -0.0247 0.0500 0.0120 331519 1 321617 0 105819.9960 -0.0247 0.0500 0.0120 43 737 0 42 637 1 105842.3540 0.0176 0.0500 0.0060 13 212 1 13 113 1 105853.2290 0.0044 0.0500 0.0056 21 120 0 21 021 0 105907.5840 -0.0031 0.0500 0.0152 10 110 1 9 0 9 1 105956.3410 -0.0777 0.0500 0.0043 13 212 0 13 113 0 106016.4040 -0.0312 0.0500 0.0063 28 226 1 28 127 1 106229.5930 -0.0124 0.0500 0.0076 62 954 1 621052 0 106245.2900 0.0111 0.0800 0.0121 62 953 1 621053 0 106267.3150 0.0076 0.0800 0.0120 461432 0 461334 1 106487.7990 -0.0021 0.0500 0.0101 461433 0 461333 1 106487.7990 -0.0021 0.0500 0.0101 12 211 1 11 210 1 106684.4880 -0.0014 0.0500 0.0033 61 953 1 611051 0 106781.7630 -0.0076 0.0800 0.0116 61 952 1 611052 0 106798.4160 -0.0129 0.0800 0.0116 271413 1 261511 0 106816.6140 0.0037 0.0500 0.0096 271414 1 261512 0 106816.6140 0.0037 0.0500 0.0096 1512 3 0 1411 3 1 106883.2620 -0.0112 0.0500 0.0060 1512 4 0 1411 4 1 106883.2620 -0.0112 0.0500 0.0060 12 211 0 11 210 0 106913.2460 0.0015 0.0500 0.0034 52 548 0 51 448 1 107029.8970 0.0431 0.0500 0.0086 12 6 7 1 11 6 6 1 107041.0100 0.0029 0.0500 0.0031 12 6 6 1 11 6 5 1 107041.0100 0.0028 0.0500 0.0031 12 5 8 1 11 5 7 1 107043.1060 0.0103 0.0500 0.0032 12 5 7 1 11 5 6 1 107043.1060 -0.0067 0.0500 0.0032 12 7 5 1 11 7 4 1 107051.1270 0.0057 0.0500 0.0031 12 7 6 1 11 7 5 1 107051.1270 0.0057 0.0500 0.0031 12 4 9 1 11 4 8 1 107067.8290 0.0008 0.0500 0.0032 12 4 8 1 11 4 7 1 107069.4990 -0.0127 0.0500 0.0032 12 8 4 1 11 8 3 1 107070.5010 0.0102 0.0500 0.0031 12 8 5 1 11 8 4 1 107070.5010 0.0102 0.0500 0.0031 12 9 3 1 11 9 2 1 107099.4570 0.0061 0.0500 0.0032 12 9 4 1 11 9 3 1 107099.4570 0.0061 0.0500 0.0032 12 310 1 11 3 9 1 107109.7130 0.0040 0.0500 0.0033 29 326 0 29 227 0 107114.4980 -0.0486 0.0500 0.0049 1210 2 1 1110 1 1 107145.1120 0.0041 0.0500 0.0034 1210 3 1 1110 2 1 107145.1120 0.0041 0.0500 0.0034 12 3 9 1 11 3 8 1 107192.4920 0.0294 0.0500 0.0033 1211 1 1 1111 0 1 107276.6580 0.0010 0.0500 0.0036 1211 2 1 1111 1 1 107276.6580 0.0010 0.0500 0.0036 12 6 7 0 11 6 6 0 107278.5150 0.0015 0.0500 0.0032 12 6 6 0 11 6 5 0 107278.5150 0.0014 0.0500 0.0032 12 7 5 0 11 7 4 0 107283.1920 0.0103 0.0500 0.0031 12 7 6 0 11 7 5 0 107283.1920 0.0103 0.0500 0.0031 12 5 8 0 11 5 7 0 107285.6910 0.0207 0.0500 0.0032 12 5 7 0 11 5 6 0 107285.6910 0.0035 0.0500 0.0032 12 8 4 0 11 8 3 0 107293.5950 0.0174 0.0500 0.0031 12 8 5 0 11 8 4 0 107293.5950 0.0174 0.0500 0.0031 12 9 3 0 11 9 2 0 107308.0070 0.0253 0.0500 0.0031 12 9 4 0 11 9 3 0 107308.0070 0.0253 0.0500 0.0031 12 4 9 0 11 4 8 0 107314.5520 0.0250 0.0500 0.0033 12 4 8 0 11 4 7 0 107316.4550 0.0371 0.0500 0.0033 1210 2 0 1110 1 0 107322.8180 0.0124 0.0500 0.0032 1210 3 0 1110 2 0 107322.8180 0.0124 0.0500 0.0032 60 952 1 601050 0 107328.5960 -0.0335 0.0800 0.0112 1211 1 0 1111 0 0 107329.3740 0.0265 0.0500 0.0034 1211 2 0 1111 1 0 107329.3740 0.0265 0.0500 0.0034 58 454 0 57 651 0 107330.3860 0.0172 0.0500 0.0256 60 951 1 601051 0 107341.1600 -0.0005 0.0800 0.0112 28 325 0 28 226 0 107343.2780 -0.0172 0.0500 0.0050 12 310 0 11 3 9 0 107359.9670 0.0015 0.0500 0.0034 2113 8 1 2014 6 0 107422.7200 -0.0719 0.0500 0.0083 2113 9 1 2014 7 0 107422.7200 -0.0719 0.0500 0.0083 12 3 9 0 11 3 8 0 107450.0680 -0.0047 0.0500 0.0034 52 449 0 51 349 1 107472.1010 0.0145 0.0500 0.0097 51 249 0 50 149 1 107585.6580 0.0082 0.0500 0.0089 41 338 1 42 438 0 107618.1210 -0.0309 0.0500 0.0077 1512 3 1 1413 1 0 107631.7730 0.0008 0.0500 0.0077 1512 4 1 1413 2 0 107631.7730 0.0008 0.0500 0.0077 29 326 1 29 227 1 107681.6280 0.0101 0.0500 0.0048 30 327 1 30 228 1 107721.9070 -0.0169 0.0500 0.0047 471433 0 471335 1 107799.3690 0.0096 0.0500 0.0104 471434 0 471334 1 107799.3690 0.0096 0.0500 0.0104 59 951 1 591049 0 107885.0770 -0.0230 0.0500 0.0108 472324 0 482226 1 107892.1500 0.1320 0.0800 0.0700 472325 0 482227 1 107892.1500 0.1320 0.0800 0.0700 59 950 1 591050 0 107894.4850 0.0098 0.0500 0.0108 27 324 0 27 225 0 108031.4450 -0.0200 0.0500 0.0052 521834 1 511932 0 108042.3810 -0.0023 0.0800 0.0177 521835 1 511933 0 108042.3810 -0.0023 0.0800 0.0177 28 325 1 28 226 1 108111.2030 -0.0057 0.0500 0.0049 12 210 1 11 2 9 1 108156.3110 0.0054 0.0500 0.0033 31 328 0 31 229 0 108193.0260 -0.0242 0.0500 0.0052 31 328 1 31 229 1 108268.2930 0.0026 0.0500 0.0048 35 035 1 36 135 0 108299.1250 -0.0335 0.0500 0.0121 31 428 1 32 528 0 108302.1720 -0.0131 0.0500 0.0078 51 645 0 50 744 0 108329.4510 -0.0023 0.0500 0.0194 22 121 1 22 122 1 108353.1070 -0.0259 0.0500 0.0117 28 226 0 28 127 0 108408.1770 0.0158 0.0500 0.0096 54 946 1 541044 0 110784.0200 -0.0187 0.0500 0.0098 54 945 1 541045 0 110786.0360 -0.0164 0.0500 0.0098 33 330 1 33 231 1 110999.1450 -0.0102 0.0500 0.0052 53 945 1 531043 0 111381.5120 -0.0047 0.0500 0.0097 53 944 1 531044 0 111382.9770 0.0075 0.0500 0.0097 54 351 0 53 251 1 111385.9840 0.0244 0.0500 0.0115 24 222 1 23 321 1 111459.1000 -0.0206 0.0500 0.0093 33 330 0 33 231 0 111530.3900 0.0011 0.0500 0.0060 25 322 1 25 223 1 111782.2780 -0.0237 0.0500 0.0058 13 113 1 12 112 1 112440.6690 0.0308 0.0500 0.0036 13 7 6 1 14 8 6 0 112448.2970 0.0010 0.0500 0.0055 13 7 7 1 14 8 7 0 112448.2970 0.0010 0.0500 0.0055 51 349 0 50 249 1 112543.6760 -0.0105 0.0500 0.0090 29 227 1 29 128 1 112568.6020 -0.0036 0.0500 0.0080 51 943 1 511041 0 112587.6880 -0.0273 0.0500 0.0095 51 942 1 511042 0 112588.4550 -0.0010 0.0500 0.0095 51 348 1 50 545 1 112807.7470 0.0319 0.0500 0.0217 31 427 1 32 527 0 112856.3650 -0.0004 0.0500 0.0051 11 111 1 10 010 1 112971.0000 -0.0111 0.0500 0.0045 38 830 0 37 730 1 112977.5980 -0.0017 0.0500 0.0050 38 831 0 37 731 1 112981.5460 -0.0082 0.0500 0.0050 15 214 0 15 115 0 113088.1910 -0.0016 0.0500 0.0074 50 942 1 501040 0 113194.8240 -0.0186 0.0500 0.0094 50 941 1 501041 0 113195.3740 0.0083 0.0500 0.0094 511437 0 511339 1 113221.4600 -0.0500 0.0500 0.0118 511438 0 511338 1 113221.4600 -0.0500 0.0500 0.0118 34 331 1 34 232 1 113231.4640 -0.0126 0.0500 0.0054 50 249 1 50 347 0 113529.3570 0.0645 0.0500 0.0133 24 321 1 24 222 1 113630.7600 0.0025 0.0500 0.0062 13 013 0 12 012 0 114170.2240 0.0066 0.0500 0.0038 31 229 1 31 230 1 114363.9610 -0.0555 0.0500 0.0098 23 320 0 23 221 0 114382.6070 -0.0302 0.0500 0.0066 48 940 1 481038 0 114413.3610 0.1314 0.0500 0.0091 48 939 1 481039 0 114413.3610 -0.1236 0.0500 0.0091 46 244 1 46 542 0 114534.1690 -0.0284 0.0500 0.0091 521438 0 521340 1 114619.1980 0.0192 0.0500 0.0121 521439 0 521339 1 114619.1980 0.0192 0.0500 0.0121 44 737 0 43 637 1 114634.7010 0.0163 0.0500 0.0054 271017 0 26 917 1 114803.5960 -0.0121 0.0500 0.0054 271018 0 26 918 1 114803.5960 -0.0121 0.0500 0.0054 50 446 0 50 447 0 114910.8690 -0.0617 0.0500 0.0131 281414 1 271512 0 114930.7390 -0.0003 0.0500 0.0095 281415 1 271513 0 114930.7390 -0.0003 0.0500 0.0095 60 555 0 59 455 1 114974.4760 -0.0149 0.0800 0.0212 47 939 1 471037 0 115023.0270 0.0781 0.0500 0.0090 47 938 1 471038 0 115023.0270 -0.0979 0.0500 0.0090 29 227 0 29 128 0 115044.7080 -0.0101 0.0500 0.0101 44 738 0 43 638 1 115323.6760 0.0133 0.0500 0.0065 13 212 1 12 211 1 115522.0580 -0.0123 0.0500 0.0035 531835 1 521933 0 115550.1590 0.0028 0.0800 0.0181 531836 1 521934 0 115550.1590 0.0028 0.0800 0.0181 40 337 0 40 338 0 115553.4840 0.0243 0.0500 0.0120 46 938 1 461036 0 115632.0670 0.0567 0.0500 0.0088 46 937 1 461037 0 115632.0670 -0.0636 0.0500 0.0088 2213 9 1 2114 7 0 115646.6780 -0.0255 0.0500 0.0080 221310 1 2114 8 0 115646.6780 -0.0255 0.0500 0.0080 23 320 1 23 221 1 115697.2220 0.0054 0.0500 0.0065 53 647 0 52 547 1 115713.3320 -0.0220 0.0500 0.0183 13 212 0 12 211 0 115766.9420 0.0022 0.0500 0.0036 1612 4 0 1511 4 1 115777.9010 -0.0096 0.0500 0.0063 1612 5 0 1511 5 1 115777.9010 -0.0096 0.0500 0.0063 46 145 1 46 443 0 115830.8220 0.0690 0.0500 0.0096 1312 1 1 1212 0 1 115896.1520 -0.0143 0.0500 0.0042 1312 2 1 1212 1 1 115896.1520 -0.0143 0.0500 0.0042 13 6 8 1 12 6 7 1 115965.9610 0.0264 0.0500 0.0033 13 6 7 1 12 6 6 1 115965.9610 0.0261 0.0500 0.0033 13 5 9 1 12 5 8 1 115972.0580 0.0343 0.0500 0.0033 13 5 8 1 12 5 7 1 115972.0580 -0.0018 0.0500 0.0033 13 7 6 1 12 7 5 1 115974.6100 0.0131 0.0500 0.0033 13 7 7 1 12 7 6 1 115974.6100 0.0131 0.0500 0.0033 13 8 5 1 12 8 4 1 115994.1250 0.0017 0.0500 0.0033 13 8 6 1 12 8 5 1 115994.1250 0.0017 0.0500 0.0033 34 332 1 35 135 1 116000.3260 -0.0895 0.0500 0.0160 13 410 1 12 4 9 1 116005.8800 0.0032 0.0500 0.0034 13 4 9 1 12 4 8 1 116008.8800 0.0171 0.0500 0.0034 13 9 4 1 12 9 3 1 116024.5330 -0.0135 0.0500 0.0034 13 9 5 1 12 9 4 1 116024.5330 -0.0135 0.0500 0.0034 531439 0 531341 1 116032.9700 -0.0010 0.0500 0.0125 531440 0 531340 1 116032.9700 -0.0010 0.0500 0.0125 13 311 1 12 310 1 116052.9770 0.0350 0.0500 0.0035 35 332 1 35 233 1 116065.2950 -0.0007 0.0500 0.0057 1310 3 1 1210 2 1 116073.5020 0.0113 0.0500 0.0035 1310 4 1 1210 3 1 116073.5020 0.0113 0.0500 0.0035 13 310 1 12 3 9 1 116176.4540 0.0057 0.0500 0.0035 1312 1 0 1212 0 0 116192.3450 0.0211 0.0500 0.0038 1312 2 0 1212 1 0 116192.3450 0.0211 0.0500 0.0038 1311 2 1 1211 1 1 116216.8130 0.0138 0.0500 0.0038 1311 3 1 1211 2 1 116216.8130 0.0138 0.0500 0.0038 13 6 8 0 12 6 7 0 116223.5620 0.0130 0.0500 0.0033 13 6 7 0 12 6 6 0 116223.5620 0.0127 0.0500 0.0033 13 7 6 0 12 7 5 0 116226.2760 0.0119 0.0500 0.0033 13 7 7 0 12 7 6 0 116226.2760 0.0119 0.0500 0.0033 13 5 9 0 12 5 8 0 116235.4560 0.0074 0.0500 0.0034 13 5 8 0 12 5 7 0 116235.4560 -0.0236 0.0500 0.0034 13 8 5 0 12 8 4 0 116235.8630 -0.0064 0.0500 0.0033 13 8 6 0 12 8 5 0 116235.8630 -0.0064 0.0500 0.0033 45 937 1 451035 0 116239.7050 0.0329 0.0500 0.0086 45 936 1 451036 0 116239.7050 -0.0486 0.0500 0.0086 13 9 4 0 12 9 3 0 116250.4260 0.0504 0.0500 0.0033 13 9 5 0 12 9 4 0 116250.4260 0.0504 0.0500 0.0033 1310 3 0 1210 2 0 116265.6200 0.0076 0.0500 0.0034 1310 4 0 1210 3 0 116265.6200 0.0076 0.0500 0.0034 1311 2 0 1211 1 0 116271.9410 0.0077 0.0500 0.0036 1311 3 0 1211 2 0 116271.9410 0.0077 0.0500 0.0036 13 410 0 12 4 9 0 116274.0390 0.0130 0.0500 0.0035 13 4 9 0 12 4 8 0 116277.3830 0.0032 0.0500 0.0035 13 311 0 12 310 0 116324.6090 -0.0072 0.0500 0.0035 13 310 0 12 3 9 0 116459.0590 -0.0018 0.0500 0.0035 16 215 1 16 116 1 116555.2910 0.0219 0.0500 0.0064 22 319 0 22 220 0 116583.1360 -0.0095 0.0500 0.0069 44 936 1 441034 0 116845.2520 0.0466 0.0500 0.0085 44 935 1 441035 0 116845.2520 -0.0082 0.0500 0.0085 23 122 1 23 123 1 116918.7960 0.1776 0.0500 0.0117 16 215 0 16 116 0 116993.6450 -0.0723 0.0500 0.0080 40 337 1 41 437 0 117053.2290 -0.0043 0.0500 0.0076 35 332 0 35 233 0 117307.7900 0.0276 0.0500 0.0069 13 211 1 12 210 1 117349.9640 0.0060 0.0500 0.0035 47 543 1 46 640 1 117398.3280 -0.0547 0.0500 0.0095 43 935 1 431033 0 117447.9220 0.0274 0.0500 0.0083 43 934 1 431034 0 117447.9220 -0.0091 0.0500 0.0083 541440 0 541342 1 117462.5290 0.0024 0.0500 0.0129 541441 0 541341 1 117462.5290 0.0024 0.0500 0.0129 30 427 1 31 527 0 117546.9310 0.0160 0.0500 0.0051 342113 0 352015 1 117608.9390 0.0057 0.0500 0.0180 342114 0 352016 1 117608.9390 0.0057 0.0500 0.0180 13 211 0 12 210 0 117689.0870 -0.0084 0.0500 0.0036 22 319 1 22 220 1 117921.4020 -0.0185 0.0500 0.0068 471730 1 461828 0 118003.2350 -0.0134 0.0500 0.0154 471731 1 461829 0 118003.2350 -0.0134 0.0500 0.0154 42 934 1 421032 0 118047.0600 0.0225 0.0500 0.0081 42 933 1 421033 0 118047.0600 -0.0015 0.0500 0.0081 13 112 1 12 111 1 118236.8980 0.0099 0.0500 0.0036 35 234 1 36 334 0 118317.7680 0.0060 0.0500 0.0075 31 229 0 31 230 0 118327.6480 0.0233 0.0500 0.0131 13 112 0 12 111 0 118542.7800 0.0071 0.0500 0.0037 24 520 1 25 620 0 118557.8250 0.0094 0.0500 0.0045 24 519 1 25 619 0 118585.2010 0.0095 0.0500 0.0045 41 933 1 411031 0 118641.9540 0.0083 0.0500 0.0080 41 932 1 411032 0 118641.9540 -0.0074 0.0500 0.0080 50 645 0 49 545 1 118666.2250 0.0133 0.0500 0.0070 15 313 1 16 413 0 311974.6660 0.0269 0.1000 0.0099 9 4 6 1 10 5 6 0 311987.3120 0.1765 0.1000 0.0104 9 4 5 1 10 5 5 0 311987.3120 -0.1570 0.1000 0.0104 57 453 1 58 355 0 312023.5070 0.0869 0.1000 0.0174 47 146 0 47 147 0 312072.0170 -0.1301 0.1000 0.0281 32 132 1 32 230 0 312075.7490 -0.0674 0.1000 0.0160 351223 1 341222 1 312154.9240 0.0043 0.1000 0.0049 351224 1 341223 1 312154.9240 0.0043 0.1000 0.0049 36 136 1 35 432 0 312178.0400 -0.0792 0.1000 0.0172 58 454 1 59 356 0 312224.4320 -0.0264 0.1000 0.0183 56 452 1 57 354 0 312225.2670 -0.0505 0.1000 0.0166 351322 1 341321 1 312287.7900 0.0201 0.1000 0.0051 351323 1 341322 1 312287.7900 0.0201 0.1000 0.0051 59 852 0 58 752 1 312339.8650 -0.1180 0.1000 0.0119 35 927 1 34 926 1 312383.9080 -0.0118 0.1000 0.0046 35 926 1 34 925 1 312383.9080 -0.0121 0.1000 0.0046 351421 1 341420 1 312403.9210 -0.0486 0.1000 0.0055 351422 1 341421 1 312403.9210 -0.0486 0.1000 0.0055 35 828 1 34 827 1 312408.2330 0.0103 0.1000 0.0046 35 827 1 34 826 1 312408.2330 -0.0075 0.1000 0.0046 351025 1 341024 1 312460.5990 -0.0014 0.1000 0.0046 351026 1 341025 1 312460.5990 -0.0014 0.1000 0.0046 351223 0 341222 0 312492.5430 -0.0072 0.1000 0.0048 351224 0 341223 0 312492.5430 -0.0072 0.1000 0.0048 601545 1 591643 0 312505.7050 0.0185 0.1000 0.0188 601546 1 591644 0 312505.7050 0.0185 0.1000 0.0188 351520 1 341519 1 312518.8750 -0.0655 0.1000 0.0061 351521 1 341520 1 312518.8750 -0.0655 0.1000 0.0061 35 729 1 34 728 1 312520.4190 0.1305 0.1000 0.0046 35 728 1 34 727 1 312520.8670 -0.0648 0.1000 0.0046 471334 1 461432 0 312625.3740 -0.0473 0.1000 0.0111 471335 1 461433 0 312625.3740 -0.0473 0.1000 0.0111 351619 1 341618 1 312639.7350 0.0033 0.1000 0.0069 351620 1 341619 1 312639.7350 0.0033 0.1000 0.0069 15 312 1 16 412 0 312698.6730 0.0147 0.1000 0.0100 35 630 1 34 629 1 312753.8300 -0.0224 0.1000 0.0046 59 455 1 60 357 0 312762.3720 0.0785 0.1000 0.0191 351718 1 341717 1 312768.5110 -0.0232 0.1000 0.0079 351719 1 341718 1 312768.5110 -0.0232 0.1000 0.0079 35 629 1 34 628 1 312770.2050 -0.0057 0.1000 0.0046 351124 0 341123 0 312859.7260 0.0018 0.1000 0.0047 351125 0 341124 0 312859.7260 0.0018 0.1000 0.0047 351124 1 341123 1 312891.9480 -0.0076 0.1000 0.0047 351125 1 341124 1 312891.9480 -0.0076 0.1000 0.0047 55 451 1 56 353 0 312894.5350 0.1628 0.1000 0.0158 351817 1 341816 1 312906.0090 0.0101 0.1000 0.0091 351818 1 341817 1 312906.0090 0.0101 0.1000 0.0091 351026 0 341025 0 312931.1290 -0.0068 0.1000 0.0046 351025 0 341024 0 312931.1290 -0.0069 0.1000 0.0046 35 927 0 34 926 0 312982.7740 -0.0026 0.1000 0.0046 35 926 0 34 925 0 312982.7740 -0.0032 0.1000 0.0046 26 026 1 26 324 0 312994.1030 0.0036 0.1000 0.0130 62 261 0 61 161 1 313016.6670 0.1280 0.1000 0.0430 351916 1 341915 1 313052.2460 0.0070 0.1000 0.0103 351917 1 341916 1 313052.2460 0.0070 0.1000 0.0103 35 828 0 34 827 0 313067.3700 0.0042 0.1000 0.0046 35 827 0 34 826 0 313067.3700 -0.0197 0.1000 0.0046 67 662 0 66 562 1 313076.0700 0.0099 0.1000 0.0253 35 531 1 34 530 1 313110.7940 -0.0419 0.1000 0.0047 35 432 1 34 431 1 313126.4410 -0.0098 0.1000 0.0047 352015 1 342014 1 313207.0710 -0.0969 0.1000 0.0116 352016 1 342015 1 313207.0710 -0.0969 0.1000 0.0116 351322 0 341321 0 313339.2440 0.0076 0.1000 0.0048 351323 0 341322 0 313339.2440 0.0076 0.1000 0.0048 351421 0 341420 0 313352.9280 -0.0248 0.1000 0.0051 351422 0 341421 0 313352.9280 -0.0248 0.1000 0.0051 352114 1 342113 1 313370.6920 0.0663 0.1000 0.0128 352115 1 342114 1 313370.6920 0.0663 0.1000 0.0128 35 530 1 34 529 1 313378.6110 -0.0026 0.1000 0.0047 351520 0 341519 0 313414.5130 -0.0348 0.1000 0.0055 351521 0 341520 0 313414.5130 -0.0348 0.1000 0.0055 35 630 0 34 629 0 313484.8620 -0.0029 0.1000 0.0046 351619 0 341618 0 313504.6730 0.0026 0.1000 0.0061 351620 0 341619 0 313504.6730 0.0026 0.1000 0.0061 35 629 0 34 628 0 313507.5270 -0.0023 0.1000 0.0046 352213 1 342212 1 313542.4630 0.0336 0.1000 0.0138 352214 1 342213 1 313542.4630 0.0336 0.1000 0.0138 351718 0 341717 0 313613.4690 0.0044 0.1000 0.0069 351719 0 341718 0 313613.4690 0.0044 0.1000 0.0069 35 234 0 34 133 0 313640.0840 0.0148 0.1000 0.0055 352312 1 342311 1 313722.4030 0.0098 0.1000 0.0149 352313 1 342312 1 313722.4030 0.0098 0.1000 0.0149 551837 0 551739 1 313733.2900 -0.0296 0.1000 0.0168 551838 0 551738 1 313733.2900 -0.0296 0.1000 0.0168 351817 0 341816 0 313736.6740 0.0023 0.1000 0.0079 351818 0 341817 0 313736.6740 0.0023 0.1000 0.0079 35 432 0 34 431 0 313743.0220 -0.0240 0.1000 0.0056 35 234 1 34 133 1 313827.1140 -0.1193 0.1000 0.0056 35 531 0 34 530 0 313851.2100 -0.0041 0.1000 0.0047 351916 0 341915 0 313872.0770 0.0036 0.1000 0.0091 351917 0 341916 0 313872.0770 0.0036 0.1000 0.0091 352411 1 342410 1 313910.4040 0.0675 0.1000 0.0161 352412 1 342411 1 313910.4040 0.0675 0.1000 0.0161 481038 0 47 938 1 314000.7020 0.0733 0.1000 0.0095 481039 0 47 939 1 314000.7020 -0.0759 0.1000 0.0095 352015 0 342014 0 314018.3450 0.0088 0.1000 0.0104 352016 0 342015 0 314018.3450 0.0088 0.1000 0.0104 54 450 1 55 352 0 314091.2650 -0.0436 0.1000 0.0151 352510 1 3425 9 1 314106.1130 0.0267 0.1000 0.0183 352511 1 342510 1 314106.1130 0.0267 0.1000 0.0183 352114 0 342113 0 314174.5820 0.0110 0.1000 0.0118 352115 0 342114 0 314174.5820 0.0110 0.1000 0.0118 35 530 0 34 529 0 314183.7080 -0.0042 0.1000 0.0047 23 221 1 24 321 0 314293.5640 0.0013 0.1000 0.0124 3526 9 1 3426 8 1 314309.4590 -0.0191 0.1000 0.0222 352610 1 3426 9 1 314309.4590 -0.0191 0.1000 0.0222 352213 0 342212 0 314340.1610 0.0219 0.1000 0.0133 352214 0 342213 0 314340.1610 0.0219 0.1000 0.0133 52 449 1 52 547 0 314394.7520 -0.0436 0.1000 0.0158 352312 0 342311 0 314514.5430 -0.0105 0.1000 0.0147 352313 0 342312 0 314514.5430 -0.0105 0.1000 0.0147 3527 8 1 3427 7 1 314520.3150 -0.0399 0.1000 0.0289 3527 9 1 3427 8 1 314520.3150 -0.0399 0.1000 0.0289 36 235 1 35 234 1 314578.1930 -0.1554 0.1000 0.0049 61 457 1 62 359 0 314584.0350 0.0449 0.1000 0.0207 352411 0 342410 0 314697.5920 0.1653 0.1000 0.0161 352412 0 342411 0 314697.5920 0.1653 0.1000 0.0161 3528 7 1 3428 6 1 314738.4640 -0.1030 0.1000 0.0393 3528 8 1 3428 7 1 314738.4640 -0.1030 0.1000 0.0393 7 5 3 0 6 4 2 0 314754.8290 0.1684 0.1000 0.0105 7 5 2 0 6 4 3 0 314754.8290 0.1550 0.1000 0.0105 21 121 1 22 221 0 314865.7330 -0.0122 0.1000 0.0138 352510 0 3425 9 0 314888.4740 0.0359 0.1000 0.0177 352511 0 342510 0 314888.4740 0.0359 0.1000 0.0177 3529 6 1 3429 5 1 314963.7060 -0.2647 0.1000 0.0538 3529 7 1 3429 6 1 314963.7060 -0.2647 0.1000 0.0538 36 235 0 35 234 0 315001.1330 -0.0058 0.1000 0.0050 3526 9 0 3426 8 0 315087.3510 0.0361 0.1000 0.0196 352610 0 3426 9 0 315087.3510 0.0361 0.1000 0.0196 561838 0 561740 1 315186.2260 -0.0593 0.1000 0.0175 561839 0 561739 1 315186.2260 -0.0593 0.1000 0.0175 3527 8 0 3427 7 0 315293.8490 0.0297 0.1000 0.0226 3527 9 0 3427 8 0 315293.8490 0.0297 0.1000 0.0226 431132 0 421032 1 315353.7500 0.0090 0.1000 0.0107 431133 0 421033 1 315353.7500 0.0086 0.1000 0.0107 35 431 1 34 430 1 315504.6130 -0.0218 0.1000 0.0047 3528 7 0 3428 6 0 315507.6700 -0.0699 0.1000 0.0271 3528 8 0 3428 7 0 315507.6700 -0.0699 0.1000 0.0271 36 135 1 35 134 1 315566.7510 0.0011 0.1000 0.0049 391227 0 381127 1 315671.9040 0.0246 0.1000 0.0150 391228 0 381128 1 315671.9040 0.0246 0.1000 0.0150 321121 1 311219 0 315725.7160 -0.0192 0.1000 0.0132 321122 1 311220 0 315725.7160 -0.0192 0.1000 0.0132 3529 6 0 3429 5 0 315728.9860 0.1003 0.1000 0.0341 3529 7 0 3429 6 0 315728.9860 0.1003 0.1000 0.0341 62 458 1 63 360 0 315740.5950 0.0407 0.1000 0.0216 7 5 3 1 6 4 2 1 315783.8800 0.0560 0.1000 0.0122 7 5 2 1 6 4 3 1 315783.8800 0.0440 0.1000 0.0122 35 233 1 34 232 1 315790.0220 0.0012 0.1000 0.0048 55 551 1 55 352 1 315825.6890 0.1783 0.1000 0.0182 53 449 1 54 351 0 315871.8960 0.0080 0.1000 0.0144 741757 1 731855 0 315879.0850 0.0292 0.1000 0.0427 741758 1 731856 0 315879.0850 0.0292 0.1000 0.0427 36 135 0 35 134 0 315932.4690 -0.0017 0.1000 0.0050 3530 5 0 3430 4 0 315957.2940 0.2117 0.1000 0.0441 3530 6 0 3430 5 0 315957.2940 0.2117 0.1000 0.0441 37 137 1 36 136 1 316152.1350 -0.0004 0.1000 0.0052 271017 1 261115 0 316169.1410 0.0130 0.1000 0.0093 271018 1 261116 0 316169.1410 0.0130 0.1000 0.0093 37 037 1 36 036 1 316180.7280 -0.0109 0.1000 0.0052 3531 4 0 3431 3 0 316192.2810 0.1123 0.1000 0.0577 3531 5 0 3431 4 0 316192.2810 0.1123 0.1000 0.0577 37 037 0 36 136 0 316317.7010 0.0375 0.1000 0.0055 35 233 0 34 232 0 316344.1980 -0.0054 0.1000 0.0048 38 534 1 37 730 0 316349.7650 0.0455 0.1000 0.0147 35 431 0 34 430 0 316465.3290 0.0118 0.1000 0.0047 37 137 0 36 136 0 316476.0690 0.0235 0.1000 0.0055 37 037 0 36 036 0 316513.1900 -0.0395 0.1000 0.0055 21 912 1 201010 0 316522.7320 -0.0321 0.1000 0.0083 21 913 1 201011 0 316522.7320 -0.0321 0.1000 0.0083 23 321 1 22 220 1 316572.8750 0.0133 0.1000 0.0104 571839 0 571741 1 316659.6400 -0.1159 0.1000 0.0184 571840 0 571740 1 316659.6400 -0.1159 0.1000 0.0184 37 137 0 36 036 0 316671.4710 -0.1406 0.1000 0.0055 261412 0 251312 1 316699.6830 0.0031 0.1000 0.0089 261413 0 251313 1 316699.6830 0.0031 0.1000 0.0089 541440 1 531538 0 316931.7120 0.0276 0.1000 0.0135 541441 1 531539 0 316931.7120 0.0276 0.1000 0.0135 63 459 1 64 361 0 316982.3140 0.0543 0.1000 0.0226 25 124 1 26 224 0 317019.3040 0.0290 0.1000 0.0132 70 763 0 69 663 1 317083.4110 0.0014 0.1000 0.0445 65 759 0 64 659 1 317465.0960 -0.0730 0.1000 0.0181 58 652 1 59 554 0 317687.8440 0.0476 0.1000 0.0210 53 351 1 53 152 1 317710.9280 0.1517 0.1000 0.0178 54 550 1 54 648 0 317717.8150 0.0250 0.1000 0.0154 15 8 7 1 14 9 5 0 317774.9420 0.0236 0.1000 0.0084 15 8 8 1 14 9 6 0 317774.9420 0.0236 0.1000 0.0084 71 765 1 72 667 0 317883.6090 -0.5793 0.1000 0.0420 581840 0 581742 1 318153.4490 -0.0283 0.1000 0.0195 581841 0 581741 1 318153.4490 -0.0283 0.1000 0.0195 2115 6 0 2014 6 1 318194.0630 -0.0040 0.1000 0.0137 2115 7 0 2014 7 1 318194.0630 -0.0040 0.1000 0.0137 70 665 1 71 567 0 318226.1310 0.2143 0.1000 0.0440 64 460 1 65 362 0 318256.7040 0.0815 0.1000 0.0239 52 547 1 53 449 0 318272.5090 0.0271 0.1000 0.0179 52 448 1 53 350 0 318285.6010 -0.0122 0.1000 0.0138 37 136 1 36 235 1 318299.7570 0.0525 0.1000 0.0051 36 433 0 35 135 1 318334.0120 -0.0386 0.1000 0.0147 35 135 1 34 431 0 318381.6340 0.0672 0.1000 0.0167 35 332 1 34 331 1 318623.8180 -0.0219 0.1000 0.0048 65 758 1 66 660 0 318918.0710 0.1051 0.1000 0.0370 311318 0 301218 1 318923.1300 -0.0221 0.1000 0.0094 311319 0 301219 1 318923.1300 -0.0221 0.1000 0.0094 9 7 2 1 8 8 0 0 319025.8450 -0.0243 0.1000 0.0096 9 7 3 1 8 8 1 0 319025.8450 -0.0243 0.1000 0.0096 37 136 0 36 235 0 319161.5270 -0.0391 0.1000 0.0050 67 563 0 66 463 1 319300.3410 0.0904 0.1000 0.0282 45 342 1 44 441 1 319369.6140 0.0582 0.1000 0.0117 54 945 0 53 845 1 319416.5980 0.0365 0.1000 0.0098 54 946 0 53 846 1 319444.4250 0.0297 0.1000 0.0098 65 461 1 66 363 0 319517.5970 0.0967 0.1000 0.0257 35 332 0 34 331 0 319545.9100 -0.0102 0.1000 0.0048 591841 0 591743 1 319667.1750 -0.0182 0.1000 0.0207 591842 0 591742 1 319667.1750 -0.0182 0.1000 0.0207 36 334 1 35 333 1 319809.2050 -0.0211 0.1000 0.0048 611546 1 601644 0 319842.3490 0.0026 0.1000 0.0197 611547 1 601645 0 319842.3490 0.0026 0.1000 0.0197 24 322 0 23 221 0 319848.5820 -0.0312 0.1000 0.0110 60 852 0 59 752 1 319951.2070 0.0506 0.1000 0.0126 53 549 1 53 647 0 320001.5840 0.0229 0.1000 0.0129 421230 1 411328 0 320040.3560 0.0384 0.1000 0.0121 421231 1 411329 0 320040.3560 0.0384 0.1000 0.0121 48 544 0 48 345 0 320164.8950 -0.1373 0.1000 0.0096 481335 1 471433 0 320206.0080 0.0171 0.1000 0.0114 481336 1 471434 0 320206.0080 0.0171 0.1000 0.0114 19 217 1 18 118 1 320283.4910 -0.1560 0.1000 0.0137 19 316 1 18 217 1 320347.2690 -0.0756 0.1000 0.0083 67 661 1 67 761 0 320349.4770 -0.2464 0.1000 0.0367 36 334 0 35 333 0 320401.0800 -0.0029 0.1000 0.0048 1616 0 0 1515 0 1 320498.9300 -0.0101 0.1000 0.0229 1616 1 0 1515 1 1 320498.9300 -0.0101 0.1000 0.0229 19 316 0 18 217 0 320682.2530 0.0146 0.1000 0.0081 36 235 0 35 134 0 321062.3160 -0.0462 0.1000 0.0054 361224 1 351223 1 321068.6510 0.0255 0.1000 0.0049 361225 1 351224 1 321068.6510 0.0255 0.1000 0.0049 8 4 5 1 9 5 5 0 321106.3980 0.1049 0.1000 0.0108 8 4 4 1 9 5 4 0 321106.3980 -0.0237 0.1000 0.0108 36 235 1 35 134 1 321184.0290 0.0874 0.1000 0.0054 53 351 0 53 252 0 321190.1170 -0.1431 0.1000 0.0146 361323 1 351322 1 321197.3720 0.0029 0.1000 0.0051 361324 1 351323 1 321197.3720 0.0029 0.1000 0.0051 601842 0 601744 1 321200.8050 0.1599 0.1000 0.0220 601843 0 601743 1 321200.8050 0.1599 0.1000 0.0220 14 312 1 15 412 0 321207.5330 0.0126 0.1000 0.0103 64 262 0 63 162 1 321225.9410 -0.0819 0.1000 0.0316 36 928 1 35 927 1 321309.5040 -0.0023 0.1000 0.0047 36 927 1 35 926 1 321309.5040 -0.0029 0.1000 0.0047 361422 1 351421 1 321313.6220 0.0122 0.1000 0.0054 361423 1 351422 1 321313.6220 0.0122 0.1000 0.0054 36 829 1 35 828 1 321341.7980 0.0132 0.1000 0.0046 36 828 1 35 827 1 321341.7980 -0.0139 0.1000 0.0046 51 447 1 52 349 0 321374.6750 0.0168 0.1000 0.0133 361026 1 351025 1 321384.7610 -0.0227 0.1000 0.0047 361027 1 351026 1 321384.7610 -0.0227 0.1000 0.0047 361224 0 351223 0 321401.2980 -0.0029 0.1000 0.0048 361225 0 351224 0 321401.2980 -0.0029 0.1000 0.0048 361521 1 351520 1 321429.8000 -0.0134 0.1000 0.0059 361522 1 351521 1 321429.8000 -0.0134 0.1000 0.0059 19 218 1 20 318 0 321431.7480 0.0998 0.1000 0.0105 36 730 1 35 729 1 321468.5770 0.1166 0.1000 0.0046 36 729 1 35 728 1 321469.2430 -0.1415 0.1000 0.0046 361620 1 351619 1 321552.5410 0.0065 0.1000 0.0067 361621 1 351620 1 321552.5410 0.0065 0.1000 0.0067 361719 1 351718 1 321683.8040 -0.0020 0.1000 0.0076 361720 1 351719 1 321683.8040 -0.0020 0.1000 0.0076 14 311 1 15 411 0 321695.2220 0.0216 0.1000 0.0103 36 631 1 35 630 1 321725.3520 0.0009 0.1000 0.0047 36 630 1 35 629 1 321747.4850 0.0094 0.1000 0.0047 64 362 0 63 262 1 321753.3940 0.1462 0.1000 0.0315 361125 0 351124 0 321785.6980 -0.0135 0.1000 0.0047 361126 0 351125 0 321785.6980 -0.0135 0.1000 0.0047 60 853 0 59 753 1 321788.9980 -0.2686 0.1000 0.0125 361818 1 351817 1 321824.1990 0.0020 0.1000 0.0087 361819 1 351818 1 321824.1990 0.0020 0.1000 0.0087 361125 1 351124 1 321827.8990 -0.0122 0.1000 0.0047 361126 1 351125 1 321827.8990 -0.0122 0.1000 0.0047 67 463 1 68 365 0 321849.1350 0.1252 0.1000 0.0318 361027 0 351026 0 321865.3700 0.0051 0.1000 0.0047 361026 0 351025 0 321865.3700 0.0050 0.1000 0.0047 36 928 0 35 927 0 321924.8630 0.0049 0.1000 0.0047 36 927 0 35 926 0 321924.8630 0.0039 0.1000 0.0047 361917 1 351916 1 321973.7610 -0.0055 0.1000 0.0099 361918 1 351917 1 321973.7610 -0.0055 0.1000 0.0099 22 220 1 23 320 0 321979.2550 0.0241 0.1000 0.0124 25 025 1 25 323 0 322002.9740 0.0944 0.1000 0.0130 36 829 0 35 828 0 322020.4190 0.0172 0.1000 0.0046 36 828 0 35 827 0 322020.4190 -0.0194 0.1000 0.0046 36 433 1 35 432 1 322042.5590 -0.0204 0.1000 0.0047 36 532 1 35 531 1 322099.7750 -0.0096 0.1000 0.0047 362016 1 352015 1 322132.4160 0.0275 0.1000 0.0111 362017 1 352016 1 322132.4160 0.0275 0.1000 0.0111 36 729 0 35 728 0 322199.4510 0.0068 0.1000 0.0046 36 730 0 35 729 0 322200.2910 -0.0271 0.1000 0.0046 361323 0 351322 0 322267.7600 -0.0055 0.1000 0.0048 361324 0 351323 0 322267.7600 -0.0055 0.1000 0.0048 361422 0 351421 0 322285.3730 0.0098 0.1000 0.0050 361423 0 351422 0 322285.3730 0.0098 0.1000 0.0050 362115 1 352114 1 322299.9340 0.0612 0.1000 0.0122 362116 1 352115 1 322299.9340 0.0612 0.1000 0.0122 52 548 1 52 646 0 322325.0830 0.1475 0.1000 0.0112 361521 0 351520 0 322348.5060 0.0590 0.1000 0.0054 361522 0 351521 0 322348.5060 0.0590 0.1000 0.0054 36 531 1 35 530 1 322439.1550 -0.0418 0.1000 0.0047 361620 0 351619 0 322440.3220 0.0350 0.1000 0.0059 361621 0 351620 0 322440.3220 0.0350 0.1000 0.0059 75 868 1 76 770 0 322447.9560 -0.1827 0.1000 0.0634 362214 1 352213 1 322476.0240 0.0116 0.1000 0.0132 362215 1 352214 1 322476.0240 0.0116 0.1000 0.0132 36 631 0 35 630 0 322479.7990 -0.0004 0.1000 0.0047 36 630 0 35 629 0 322510.9160 0.0131 0.1000 0.0047 48 544 1 48 345 1 322535.6610 0.2073 0.1000 0.0135 361719 0 351718 0 322551.3050 0.0193 0.1000 0.0066 361720 0 351719 0 322551.3050 0.0193 0.1000 0.0066 362313 1 352312 1 322660.4670 -0.1349 0.1000 0.0142 362314 1 352313 1 322660.4670 -0.1349 0.1000 0.0142 361818 0 351817 0 322677.1590 -0.0123 0.1000 0.0076 361819 0 351818 0 322677.1590 -0.0123 0.1000 0.0076 611843 0 611745 1 322753.4770 -0.0958 0.1000 0.0234 611844 0 611744 1 322753.4770 -0.0958 0.1000 0.0234 361917 0 351916 0 322815.6830 0.0020 0.1000 0.0087 361918 0 351917 0 322815.6830 0.0020 0.1000 0.0087 45 343 1 45 441 0 322817.3290 0.1492 0.1000 0.0124 49 148 1 49 149 1 322852.0000 -0.0071 0.1000 0.0189 362412 1 352411 1 322853.4640 0.0198 0.1000 0.0154 362413 1 352412 1 322853.4640 0.0198 0.1000 0.0154 68 464 1 69 366 0 322862.7710 0.2396 0.1000 0.0367 49 148 1 49 049 1 322867.3180 0.1528 0.1000 0.0189 66 363 0 65 263 1 322868.4640 0.0331 0.1000 0.0294 36 532 0 35 531 0 322876.8410 -0.0136 0.1000 0.0047 362016 0 352015 0 322965.4550 0.0165 0.1000 0.0100 362017 0 352016 0 322965.4550 0.0165 0.1000 0.0100 36 433 0 35 432 0 322972.5850 0.0136 0.1000 0.0067 44 242 1 43 241 1 391230.7510 -0.0077 0.1000 0.0049 43 340 0 42 339 0 391258.6200 -0.0176 0.1000 0.0051 45 144 0 44 143 0 391343.2110 -0.0024 0.1000 0.0051 59 654 1 60 556 0 391433.6560 0.0338 0.1000 0.0173 43 439 0 42 438 0 391565.7480 0.0182 0.1000 0.0049 44 242 0 43 241 0 391671.8080 -0.0129 0.1000 0.0050 46 146 1 45 145 1 391946.9800 0.0022 0.1000 0.0053 46 046 1 45 045 1 391954.5000 -0.1230 0.1000 0.0053 46 146 1 45 045 1 391984.0130 -0.0484 0.1000 0.0053 45 244 1 44 143 1 392024.4630 -0.0189 0.1000 0.0054 70 467 0 69 367 1 392031.7390 0.0098 0.1000 0.0282 74 965 1 75 867 0 392041.5000 0.1409 0.1000 0.0391 34 431 1 34 529 0 392114.7100 -0.0246 0.1000 0.0064 422022 0 421924 1 392355.8370 0.0050 0.1000 0.0189 422023 0 421923 1 392355.8370 0.0050 0.1000 0.0189 46 146 0 45 145 0 392360.3420 -0.0094 0.1000 0.0055 46 046 0 45 045 0 392365.9110 -0.0001 0.1000 0.0055 46 146 0 45 045 0 392388.6730 -0.0772 0.1000 0.0055 781662 1 771760 0 392564.4240 -0.0140 0.1000 0.0549 781663 1 771761 0 392564.4240 -0.0140 0.1000 0.0549 40 634 0 39 336 1 392571.5420 -0.1574 0.1000 0.0140 19 118 1 20 218 0 392579.3460 -0.0035 0.1000 0.0145 41 437 1 42 339 0 392582.4510 -0.0052 0.1000 0.0119 44 441 1 43 440 1 392812.9130 -0.0065 0.1000 0.0048 63 757 1 64 659 0 392954.4180 0.0484 0.1000 0.0207 33 430 1 33 528 0 393020.4420 -0.0099 0.1000 0.0063 441826 1 431825 1 393098.5090 -0.0107 0.1000 0.0070 441827 1 431826 1 393098.5090 -0.0107 0.1000 0.0070 44 738 1 43 737 1 393112.9630 0.0119 0.1000 0.0047 44 737 1 43 736 1 393124.8600 0.0929 0.1000 0.0047 441134 0 431133 0 393149.8600 -0.0521 0.1000 0.0049 441133 0 431132 0 393149.8600 -0.0522 0.1000 0.0049 44 639 1 43 638 1 393579.7740 -0.0006 0.1000 0.0047 44 441 0 43 440 0 393604.2970 -0.0334 0.1000 0.0049 441331 0 431330 0 393643.3650 0.0148 0.1000 0.0050 441332 0 431331 0 393643.3650 0.0148 0.1000 0.0050 442123 1 432122 1 393655.7800 0.0042 0.1000 0.0092 442124 1 432123 1 393655.7800 0.0042 0.1000 0.0092 44 837 0 43 836 0 393670.4870 0.0485 0.1000 0.0048 44 836 0 43 835 0 393671.1170 -0.0385 0.1000 0.0048 441529 0 431528 0 393753.3880 0.0130 0.1000 0.0052 441530 0 431529 0 393753.3880 0.0130 0.1000 0.0052 72 766 0 71 666 1 393759.4340 -0.1363 0.1000 0.0262 44 638 1 43 637 1 393762.1120 0.0157 0.1000 0.0047 32 429 1 32 527 0 393798.8030 -0.0230 0.1000 0.0062 44 540 1 43 539 1 393923.1320 -0.0113 0.1000 0.0047 44 737 0 43 736 0 394044.4850 -0.0106 0.1000 0.0048 44 738 0 43 737 0 394073.0670 0.0182 0.1000 0.0048 442321 1 432320 1 394084.8330 -0.0073 0.1000 0.0107 442322 1 432321 1 394084.8330 -0.0073 0.1000 0.0107 441826 0 431825 0 394125.6850 -0.0109 0.1000 0.0062 441827 0 431826 0 394125.6850 -0.0109 0.1000 0.0062 6 3 4 1 7 4 4 0 394321.1450 0.0424 0.1000 0.0131 6 3 3 1 7 4 3 0 394324.6110 0.0360 0.1000 0.0131 18 018 1 19 118 0 394361.4100 -0.0307 0.1000 0.0155 31 428 1 31 526 0 394471.2920 0.0142 0.1000 0.0062 44 639 0 43 638 0 394523.5950 -0.0068 0.1000 0.0048 33 232 1 33 330 0 394724.6340 -0.0469 0.1000 0.0135 44 540 0 43 539 0 394873.9540 -0.0293 0.1000 0.0048 60 753 1 61 655 0 394891.8740 0.0778 0.1000 0.0265 58 553 1 58 653 0 394966.6630 0.0093 0.1000 0.0219 44 638 0 43 637 0 394976.6960 -0.0059 0.1000 0.0054 30 427 1 30 525 0 395056.5850 -0.0051 0.1000 0.0062 42 736 0 41 536 1 395234.9660 0.0313 0.1000 0.0132 73 668 0 72 568 1 395259.7790 0.0167 0.1000 0.0287 62 953 0 61 853 1 395376.0480 0.0060 0.1000 0.0142 29 426 1 29 524 0 395571.0520 -0.0116 0.1000 0.0062 44 539 1 43 538 1 395585.9450 -0.0028 0.1000 0.0048 62 954 0 61 854 1 395600.2450 0.0061 0.1000 0.0142 15 115 1 16 215 0 395602.5260 0.0281 0.1000 0.0144 442915 1 432914 1 395616.7160 0.0979 0.1000 0.0333 442916 1 432915 1 395616.7160 0.0979 0.1000 0.0333 521240 1 511338 0 395634.2250 0.0825 0.1000 0.0155 521241 1 511339 0 395634.2240 0.0815 0.1000 0.0155 341420 0 331320 1 395669.4660 -0.0167 0.1000 0.0094 341421 0 331321 1 395669.4660 -0.0167 0.1000 0.0094 291514 0 281414 1 395679.1570 0.0033 0.1000 0.0116 291515 0 281415 1 395679.1570 0.0033 0.1000 0.0116 442717 0 432716 0 396023.9630 0.0043 0.1000 0.0140 442718 0 432717 0 396023.9630 0.0043 0.1000 0.0140 28 425 1 28 523 0 396028.6810 -0.0046 0.1000 0.0062 49 643 0 50 248 0 396191.7320 0.0027 0.1000 0.0168 51 645 0 52 250 0 396219.3020 0.0400 0.1000 0.0168 27 424 1 27 522 0 396441.2930 -0.0113 0.1000 0.0062 761957 0 761859 1 396517.5190 0.0084 0.1000 0.0550 761958 0 761858 1 396517.5190 0.0084 0.1000 0.0550 2416 8 0 2315 8 1 396735.2240 -0.0035 0.1000 0.0170 2416 9 0 2315 9 1 396735.2240 -0.0035 0.1000 0.0170 44 539 0 43 538 0 396801.8530 0.0075 0.1000 0.0048 26 423 1 26 521 0 396818.7950 -0.0136 0.1000 0.0062 74 966 1 75 868 0 396989.9410 -0.0855 0.1000 0.0841 18 712 1 17 810 0 397002.3300 -0.1005 0.1000 0.0088 18 711 1 17 8 9 0 397002.3300 -0.1007 0.1000 0.0088 72 568 0 71 468 1 397102.8350 0.1571 0.1000 0.0281 38 336 1 38 434 0 397162.3250 -0.0586 0.1000 0.0106 462026 0 461928 1 397163.7700 0.0513 0.1000 0.0189 462027 0 461927 1 397163.7700 0.0513 0.1000 0.0189 45 342 1 44 638 0 397164.7620 0.0805 0.1000 0.0191 25 422 1 25 520 0 397169.2910 -0.0172 0.1000 0.0063 48 642 0 49 247 0 397195.5230 -0.0094 0.1000 0.0172 45 343 1 44 342 1 397214.4920 -0.0015 0.1000 0.0049 10 6 5 0 9 5 4 0 397422.1260 -0.2187 0.1000 0.0122 10 6 4 0 9 5 5 0 397422.1260 -0.2204 0.1000 0.0122 69 861 0 68 761 1 397424.5720 0.0442 0.1000 0.0231 51 645 0 50 447 1 397494.6220 -0.0132 0.1000 0.0122 24 421 1 24 519 0 397499.3260 0.0116 0.1000 0.0064 68 861 1 69 763 0 397761.6900 -0.0238 0.1000 0.0286 45 343 0 44 342 0 397811.7450 0.0024 0.1000 0.0050 23 420 1 23 518 0 397813.9190 0.0018 0.1000 0.0065 68 861 0 67 761 1 397846.6840 -0.0442 0.1000 0.0209 651451 1 641549 0 397924.0570 -0.0438 0.1000 0.0209 651452 1 641550 0 397924.0570 -0.0438 0.1000 0.0209 22 419 1 22 517 0 398116.9350 -0.0229 0.1000 0.0067 12 210 1 13 310 0 398134.2680 0.0100 0.1000 0.0133 1917 2 0 1816 2 1 398179.1670 -0.0066 0.1000 0.0263 1917 3 0 1816 3 1 398179.1670 -0.0066 0.1000 0.0263 25 421 1 25 521 0 398283.7850 -0.0159 0.1000 0.0064 491238 0 481138 1 398291.3310 -0.0140 0.1000 0.0192 491237 0 481137 1 398291.3310 -0.0141 0.1000 0.0192 24 420 1 24 520 0 398310.1560 -0.0270 0.1000 0.0065 26 422 1 26 522 0 398330.3630 -0.0178 0.1000 0.0064 23 419 1 23 519 0 398395.4710 -0.0024 0.1000 0.0066 21 418 1 21 516 0 398411.1840 -0.0109 0.1000 0.0069 472027 0 471929 1 398425.1370 -0.0063 0.1000 0.0188 472028 0 471928 1 398425.1370 -0.0063 0.1000 0.0188 27 423 1 27 523 0 398466.3490 -0.0151 0.1000 0.0064 22 418 1 22 518 0 398527.6120 -0.0144 0.1000 0.0067 46 541 1 47 443 0 398544.8480 0.0020 0.1000 0.0156 73 469 0 72 369 1 398606.6220 0.1673 0.1000 0.0301 47 641 0 48 246 0 398686.0760 0.2104 0.1000 0.0177 21 417 1 21 517 0 398696.3320 -0.0111 0.1000 0.0069 20 417 1 20 515 0 398698.4850 0.0240 0.1000 0.0071 28 424 1 28 524 0 398711.4670 -0.0047 0.1000 0.0065 46 145 0 45 244 0 398720.4790 -0.0442 0.1000 0.0051 32 428 1 32 231 1 398725.1590 -0.0199 0.1000 0.0127 521141 0 511041 1 398762.1250 0.0417 0.1000 0.0137 521142 0 511042 1 398762.1250 0.0265 0.1000 0.0137 20 416 1 20 516 0 398892.8440 -0.0034 0.1000 0.0071 44 341 1 43 340 1 398948.5010 -0.0045 0.1000 0.0052 57 553 1 58 455 0 398971.7350 0.0570 0.1000 0.0156 19 416 1 19 514 0 398979.8130 0.0019 0.1000 0.0074 53 647 0 54 252 0 399008.1590 -0.0216 0.1000 0.0180 12 6 7 1 11 7 5 0 399036.0770 -0.0112 0.1000 0.0099 12 6 6 1 11 7 4 0 399036.0770 -0.0113 0.1000 0.0099 29 425 1 29 525 0 399093.3340 0.0025 0.1000 0.0070 46 245 1 45 244 1 399101.5960 0.0100 0.1000 0.0051 19 415 1 19 515 0 399109.6850 0.0017 0.1000 0.0074 30 426 1 30 129 1 399181.2220 -0.0366 0.1000 0.0144 18 415 1 18 513 0 399255.6580 0.0000 0.1000 0.0077 721557 1 711655 0 399262.7930 -0.1537 0.1000 0.0292 721558 1 711656 0 399262.7930 -0.1537 0.1000 0.0292 46 145 1 45 144 1 399318.7560 0.0126 0.1000 0.0050 18 414 1 18 514 0 399340.5210 -0.0081 0.1000 0.0077 45 243 1 44 242 1 399507.8670 -0.0017 0.1000 0.0049 17 414 1 17 512 0 399525.9100 0.0129 0.1000 0.0080 791663 1 781761 0 399543.3220 0.2596 0.1000 0.0641 791664 1 781762 0 399543.3220 0.2596 0.1000 0.0641 46 245 0 45 244 0 399564.0550 -0.0057 0.1000 0.0051 17 413 1 17 513 0 399580.0370 0.0035 0.1000 0.0080 44 440 1 43 439 1 399667.1100 -0.0252 0.1000 0.0049 571047 0 56 947 1 399708.6790 -0.0106 0.1000 0.0122 482028 0 481930 1 399710.0060 0.0520 0.1000 0.0187 482029 0 481929 1 399710.0060 0.0520 0.1000 0.0187 571048 0 56 948 1 399711.7480 0.0749 0.1000 0.0122 46 145 0 45 144 0 399739.6190 0.0012 0.1000 0.0052 391326 0 381226 1 399763.8020 -0.0405 0.1000 0.0106 391327 0 381227 1 399763.8020 -0.0405 0.1000 0.0106 16 413 1 16 511 0 399790.0380 0.0209 0.1000 0.0084 16 412 1 16 512 0 399823.7050 0.0097 0.1000 0.0084 30 426 1 30 526 0 399842.0820 0.0221 0.1000 0.0164 45 243 0 44 242 0 399947.9220 0.0139 0.1000 0.0051 411130 1 401228 0 399991.1790 -0.0216 0.1000 0.0150 411131 1 401229 0 399991.1790 -0.0216 0.1000 0.0150 44 341 0 43 340 0 399999.5350 -0.0149 0.1000 0.0050 15 412 1 15 510 0 400047.1880 -0.0117 0.1000 0.0087 15 411 1 15 511 0 400060.8040 -0.0101 0.1000 0.0079 15 411 1 15 114 1 400119.6700 0.0043 0.1000 0.0168 46 343 1 47 245 0 400223.5080 -0.0497 0.1000 0.0173 31 427 1 31 527 0 400275.0880 -0.0166 0.1000 0.0067 14 411 1 14 5 9 0 400296.4050 0.0001 0.1000 0.0091 47 047 1 46 146 1 400338.4520 -0.0612 0.1000 0.0055 47 147 1 46 146 1 400362.0450 0.0073 0.1000 0.0055 47 047 1 46 046 1 400367.9540 0.0024 0.1000 0.0055 47 147 1 46 046 1 400391.4800 0.0039 0.1000 0.0055 13 410 1 13 5 8 0 400536.4550 0.0099 0.1000 0.0095 13 4 9 1 13 5 9 0 400542.8700 0.0056 0.1000 0.0095 72 469 1 73 371 0 400556.0160 -0.2203 0.1000 0.0667 46 245 0 45 144 0 400583.1300 -0.0253 0.1000 0.0052 47 047 0 46 146 0 400764.1700 -0.1868 0.1000 0.0056 12 4 9 1 12 5 7 0 400766.0670 0.0191 0.1000 0.0099 12 4 8 1 12 5 8 0 400769.4620 0.0120 0.1000 0.0099 47 147 0 46 146 0 400782.7210 0.0058 0.1000 0.0056 47 047 0 46 046 0 400787.1920 -0.0039 0.1000 0.0056 47 147 0 46 046 0 400805.5330 -0.0213 0.1000 0.0056 44 440 0 43 439 0 400900.9760 0.0023 0.1000 0.0049 11 4 8 1 11 5 6 0 400983.8920 -0.0151 0.1000 0.0103 11 4 7 1 11 5 7 0 400985.6850 0.0763 0.1000 0.0103 10 4 7 1 10 5 5 0 401188.7300 0.0046 0.1000 0.0106 10 4 6 1 10 5 6 0 401189.5250 0.0056 0.1000 0.0106 451233 1 441232 1 401237.1350 0.0532 0.1000 0.0050 451234 1 441233 1 401237.1350 0.0532 0.1000 0.0050 451332 1 441331 1 401323.9840 0.0743 0.1000 0.0052 451333 1 441332 1 401323.9840 0.0743 0.1000 0.0052 45 342 1 46 244 0 401335.8510 -0.0060 0.1000 0.0152 53 647 1 54 252 1 401347.9640 0.0167 0.1000 0.0239 59 554 1 59 654 0 401369.3580 -0.0185 0.1000 0.0233 9 4 6 1 9 5 4 0 401379.4180 0.1704 0.1000 0.0110 9 4 5 1 9 5 5 0 401379.4180 -0.1698 0.1000 0.0110 32 428 1 32 528 0 401392.3250 -0.0302 0.1000 0.0091 31 923 1 301021 0 401405.7410 -0.0319 0.1000 0.0095 31 922 1 301020 0 401405.7410 -0.0320 0.1000 0.0095 451431 1 441430 1 401431.5100 0.0082 0.1000 0.0054 451432 1 441431 1 401431.5100 0.0082 0.1000 0.0054 69 366 1 70 268 0 401519.0710 0.0818 0.1000 0.0355 451233 0 441232 0 401526.5230 -0.0116 0.1000 0.0050 451234 0 441233 0 401526.5230 -0.0116 0.1000 0.0050 451530 1 441529 1 401551.7710 0.0088 0.1000 0.0057 451531 1 441530 1 401551.7710 0.0088 0.1000 0.0057 8 4 5 1 8 5 3 0 401554.3640 0.0773 0.1000 0.0113 8 4 4 1 8 5 4 0 401554.3640 -0.0535 0.1000 0.0113 45 442 1 44 441 1 401576.1910 0.0198 0.1000 0.0048 371027 1 361125 0 401584.0080 0.0085 0.1000 0.0105 371028 1 361126 0 401584.0080 0.0085 0.1000 0.0105 45 937 1 44 936 1 401638.5430 -0.0140 0.1000 0.0048 45 936 1 44 935 1 401638.5430 -0.0392 0.1000 0.0048 451629 1 441628 1 401686.1570 -0.1202 0.1000 0.0060 451630 1 441629 1 401686.1570 -0.1202 0.1000 0.0060 451036 1 441035 1 401687.5440 0.0433 0.1000 0.0049 451035 1 441034 1 401687.5440 0.0427 0.1000 0.0049 7 4 4 1 7 5 2 0 401712.8270 0.0833 0.1000 0.0116 7 4 3 1 7 5 3 0 401712.8270 0.0397 0.1000 0.0116 45 838 1 44 837 1 401772.7200 0.0903 0.1000 0.0047 45 837 1 44 836 1 401773.3110 -0.0534 0.1000 0.0047 43 341 0 42 240 0 401787.0670 0.1965 0.1000 0.0065 451728 1 441727 1 401835.2430 0.0283 0.1000 0.0065 451729 1 441728 1 401835.2430 0.0283 0.1000 0.0065 6 4 3 1 6 5 1 0 401853.6280 0.0058 0.1000 0.0119 6 4 2 1 6 5 2 0 401853.6280 -0.0061 0.1000 0.0119 69 267 0 68 167 1 401900.3250 -0.0804 0.1000 0.0302 5 4 2 1 5 5 0 0 401976.0670 0.0286 0.1000 0.0121 5 4 1 1 5 5 1 0 401976.0670 0.0262 0.1000 0.0121 451827 1 441826 1 401998.1260 -0.0008 0.1000 0.0071 451828 1 441827 1 401998.1260 -0.0008 0.1000 0.0071 33 429 1 33 529 0 402033.9030 0.0167 0.1000 0.0073 451135 0 441134 0 402064.4740 0.0130 0.1000 0.0049 451134 0 441133 0 402064.4740 0.0129 0.1000 0.0049 45 739 1 44 738 1 402076.2200 0.0021 0.1000 0.0047 45 738 1 44 737 1 402091.8510 -0.0195 0.1000 0.0047 791960 0 791862 1 402106.9220 0.1739 0.1000 0.0784 791961 0 791861 1 402106.9220 0.1739 0.1000 0.0784 69 367 0 68 267 1 402109.3470 -0.1025 0.1000 0.0302 451926 1 441925 1 402174.4110 0.0071 0.1000 0.0078 451927 1 441926 1 402174.4110 0.0071 0.1000 0.0078 44 341 1 45 243 0 402201.3270 -0.0433 0.1000 0.0136 451134 1 441133 1 402205.9180 -0.0234 0.1000 0.0050 451135 1 441134 1 402205.9180 -0.0234 0.1000 0.0050 451036 0 441035 0 402244.0920 0.0032 0.1000 0.0048 451035 0 441034 0 402244.0920 0.0016 0.1000 0.0048 502030 0 501932 1 402349.1260 0.2058 0.1000 0.0186 502031 0 501931 1 402349.1260 0.2058 0.1000 0.0186 452025 1 442024 1 402363.3700 -0.0679 0.1000 0.0085 452026 1 442025 1 402363.3700 -0.0679 0.1000 0.0085 45 442 0 44 441 0 402368.5600 0.0211 0.1000 0.0049 45 937 0 44 936 0 402400.4760 0.0371 0.1000 0.0048 45 936 0 44 935 0 402400.4760 -0.0053 0.1000 0.0048 451332 0 441331 0 402558.2080 -0.0191 0.1000 0.0051 451333 0 441332 0 402558.2080 -0.0191 0.1000 0.0051 452124 1 442123 1 402564.5940 -0.0792 0.1000 0.0093 452125 1 442124 1 402564.5940 -0.0792 0.1000 0.0093 45 640 1 44 639 1 402568.6520 -0.0046 0.1000 0.0047 451431 0 441430 0 402598.4080 0.0082 0.1000 0.0052 451432 0 441431 0 402598.4080 0.0082 0.1000 0.0052 45 838 0 44 837 0 402630.3000 0.0801 0.1000 0.0048 45 837 0 44 836 0 402631.1720 -0.0445 0.1000 0.0048 451530 0 441529 0 402670.0020 -0.0193 0.1000 0.0053 451531 0 441530 0 402670.0020 -0.0193 0.1000 0.0053 451629 0 441628 0 402773.0820 0.0787 0.1000 0.0055 451630 0 441629 0 402773.0820 0.0787 0.1000 0.0055 452223 1 442222 1 402777.5620 -0.0542 0.1000 0.0101 452224 1 442223 1 402777.5620 -0.0542 0.1000 0.0101 11 210 1 12 310 0 402829.2900 0.0647 0.1000 0.0134 45 541 1 44 540 1 402874.4300 0.0139 0.1000 0.0047 451728 0 441727 0 402899.9740 0.0066 0.1000 0.0059 451729 0 441728 0 402899.9740 0.0066 0.1000 0.0059 452322 1 442321 1 403001.8280 -0.0036 0.1000 0.0108 452323 1 442322 1 403001.8280 -0.0036 0.1000 0.0108 45 738 0 44 737 0 403036.5840 -0.0015 0.1000 0.0048 451827 0 441826 0 403046.5360 0.0120 0.1000 0.0063 451828 0 441827 0 403046.5360 0.0120 0.1000 0.0063 45 739 0 44 738 0 403085.1460 0.0113 0.1000 0.0049 43 341 1 42 240 1 403139.9360 0.0785 0.1000 0.0064 43 340 1 44 242 0 403200.7340 -0.0389 0.1000 0.0128 25 818 1 24 916 0 403336.6470 -0.0312 0.1000 0.0088 25 817 1 24 915 0 403336.6470 -0.0314 0.1000 0.0088 5 3 3 1 6 4 3 0 403379.8190 -0.0348 0.1000 0.0133 5 3 2 1 6 4 2 0 403381.2350 0.2202 0.1000 0.0133 452025 0 442024 0 403388.3030 -0.1570 0.1000 0.0077 452026 0 442025 0 403388.3030 -0.1570 0.1000 0.0077 55 352 1 56 254 0 403406.6930 -0.0385 0.1000 0.0210 34 430 1 34 530 0 403476.4180 -0.0290 0.1000 0.0068 18 117 1 19 217 0 403482.9000 -0.0459 0.1000 0.0147 45 640 0 44 639 0 403535.5640 -0.0066 0.1000 0.0048 452124 0 442123 0 403580.7350 0.0101 0.1000 0.0086 452125 0 442124 0 403580.7350 0.0101 0.1000 0.0086 67 364 1 68 266 0 403606.8140 -0.0763 0.1000 0.0273 40 436 1 41 338 0 403655.7320 0.0080 0.1000 0.0123 512031 0 511933 1 403702.7950 0.1332 0.1000 0.0186 512032 0 511932 1 403702.7950 0.1332 0.1000 0.0186 452619 1 442618 1 403738.3360 -0.1187 0.1000 0.0154 452620 1 442619 1 403738.3360 -0.1187 0.1000 0.0154 452223 0 442222 0 403785.7770 -0.0013 0.1000 0.0095 452224 0 442223 0 403785.7770 -0.0013 0.1000 0.0095 45 541 0 44 540 0 403840.8140 -0.0016 0.1000 0.0048 452322 0 442321 0 404002.8260 -0.0295 0.1000 0.0105 452323 0 442322 0 404002.8260 -0.0295 0.1000 0.0105 452718 1 442717 1 404004.6000 0.3199 0.1000 0.0192 452719 1 442718 1 404004.6000 0.3199 0.1000 0.0192 56 552 1 57 454 0 404141.1810 0.0712 0.1000 0.0148 452421 0 442420 0 404231.3400 0.0023 0.1000 0.0115 452422 0 442421 0 404231.3400 0.0023 0.1000 0.0115 452817 1 442816 1 404279.6050 -0.1886 0.1000 0.0253 452818 1 442817 1 404279.6050 -0.1886 0.1000 0.0253 45 639 0 44 638 0 404311.4020 -0.0105 0.1000 0.0061 452520 0 442519 0 404470.5480 -0.1615 0.1000 0.0123 452521 0 442520 0 404470.5480 -0.1615 0.1000 0.0123 66 363 1 67 265 0 404534.4610 0.0719 0.1000 0.0252 42 339 1 43 241 0 404545.8320 -0.0591 0.1000 0.0125 452916 1 442915 1 404564.8210 0.0681 0.1000 0.0341 452917 1 442916 1 404564.8210 0.0681 0.1000 0.0341 37 335 1 37 433 0 404625.6230 -0.0179 0.1000 0.0102 452619 0 442618 0 404720.6440 0.1123 0.1000 0.0132 452620 0 442619 0 404720.6440 0.1123 0.1000 0.0132 51 546 0 50 248 1 404752.2460 -0.0934 0.1000 0.0131 63 954 0 62 854 1 404791.8710 0.0326 0.1000 0.0151 45 540 1 44 539 1 404820.1360 0.0053 0.1000 0.0048 48 345 1 49 247 0 404906.2540 -0.0176 0.1000 0.0160 47 344 1 48 246 0 404939.8860 -0.0159 0.1000 0.0174 452718 0 442717 0 404980.4570 0.0348 0.1000 0.0141 452719 0 442718 0 404980.4570 0.0348 0.1000 0.0141 63 955 0 62 855 1 405075.9410 0.0304 0.1000 0.0151 522032 0 521934 1 405079.0520 0.0899 0.1000 0.0187 522033 0 521933 1 405079.0520 0.0899 0.1000 0.0187 35 431 1 35 531 0 405129.8530 -0.0147 0.1000 0.0068 661452 1 651550 0 405177.2850 0.0188 0.1000 0.0217 661453 1 651551 0 405177.2850 0.0188 0.1000 0.0217 56 353 1 57 255 0 405240.2530 -0.0784 0.1000 0.0214 452817 0 442816 0 405250.0660 0.0237 0.1000 0.0152 452818 0 442817 0 405250.0660 0.0237 0.1000 0.0152 70 862 0 69 762 1 405325.1240 0.0672 0.1000 0.0259 73 767 0 72 667 1 405337.3280 -0.1485 0.1000 0.0278 49 346 1 50 248 0 405363.9440 -0.0534 0.1000 0.0152 65 362 1 66 264 0 405368.1010 -0.0330 0.1000 0.0238 19 713 1 18 811 0 405580.3130 -0.0076 0.1000 0.0087 19 712 1 18 810 0 405580.3130 -0.0080 0.1000 0.0087 69 466 1 70 368 0 405616.4950 -0.0544 0.1000 0.0358 351421 0 341321 1 405645.4370 0.0044 0.1000 0.0095 351422 0 341322 1 405645.4370 0.0044 0.1000 0.0095 46 344 1 45 343 1 405732.8630 0.0133 0.1000 0.0050 46 640 0 47 245 0 405956.1750 -0.0283 0.1000 0.0186 71 368 0 70 268 1 405958.1590 0.0319 0.1000 0.0303 26 126 1 26 224 0 405970.0800 -0.0120 0.1000 0.0169 50 347 1 51 249 0 406091.0870 -0.0518 0.1000 0.0149 64 361 1 65 263 0 406094.8890 -0.0299 0.1000 0.0227 45 540 0 44 539 0 406109.4880 0.0013 0.1000 0.0048 46 344 0 45 343 0 406328.6250 0.0852 0.1000 0.0051 41 338 1 42 240 0 406350.8440 0.0189 0.1000 0.0123 11 6 6 0 10 5 5 0 406364.7010 -0.1429 0.1000 0.0121 11 6 5 0 10 5 6 0 406364.7010 -0.1480 0.1000 0.0121 731558 1 721656 0 406373.3640 -0.0397 0.1000 0.0305 731559 1 721657 0 406373.3640 -0.0397 0.1000 0.0305 2516 9 0 2415 9 1 406385.3680 -0.0176 0.1000 0.0165 251610 0 241510 1 406385.3680 -0.0176 0.1000 0.0165 501239 0 491139 1 406396.2000 0.0440 0.1000 0.0198 501238 0 491138 1 406396.2000 0.0439 0.1000 0.0198 453213 0 443212 0 406419.5930 -0.5185 0.1000 0.0323 453214 0 443213 0 406419.5930 -0.5185 0.1000 0.0323 11 2 9 1 12 3 9 0 406437.0200 0.0068 0.1000 0.0136 57 354 1 58 256 0 406462.5290 -0.0438 0.1000 0.0206 532033 0 531935 1 406477.5850 -0.0224 0.1000 0.0189 532034 0 531934 1 406477.5850 -0.0224 0.1000 0.0189 63 360 1 64 262 0 406700.2670 -0.0693 0.1000 0.0218 77 572 0 76 472 1 406816.9960 0.1334 0.1000 0.0598 51 348 1 52 250 0 406993.4250 0.1264 0.1000 0.0151 36 432 1 36 532 0 407072.7390 -0.0137 0.1000 0.0069 66 858 1 67 760 0 407078.9250 0.0658 0.1000 0.0276 33 429 1 33 232 1 407089.5970 -0.0604 0.1000 0.0127 62 359 1 63 261 0 407168.3150 0.0583 0.1000 0.0210 58 355 1 59 257 0 407176.2270 -0.0306 0.1000 0.0198 32 231 1 32 329 0 407253.2820 -0.0231 0.1000 0.0137 47 146 0 46 245 0 407293.9270 0.0139 0.1000 0.0052 45 342 1 44 341 1 407358.6700 -0.0072 0.1000 0.0058 61 358 1 62 260 0 407479.7360 -0.0302 0.1000 0.0203 69 862 0 68 762 1 407502.7270 0.0257 0.1000 0.0231 59 356 1 60 258 0 407527.7500 -0.0488 0.1000 0.0196 47 246 1 46 245 1 407568.9370 0.0091 0.1000 0.0060 11 6 6 1 10 5 5 1 407583.6780 -0.0091 0.1000 0.0140 11 6 5 1 10 5 6 1 407583.6780 -0.0136 0.1000 0.0140 60 357 1 61 259 0 407610.8330 -0.0740 0.1000 0.0198 2017 3 0 1916 3 1 407687.6880 -0.0244 0.1000 0.0253 2017 4 0 1916 4 1 407687.6880 -0.0244 0.1000 0.0253 13 6 8 1 12 7 6 0 407718.8390 -0.0021 0.1000 0.0098 13 6 7 1 12 7 5 0 407718.8390 -0.0025 0.1000 0.0098 47 146 1 46 145 1 407778.1910 0.0047 0.1000 0.0054 46 244 1 45 243 1 407783.5210 0.0066 0.1000 0.0050 542034 0 541936 1 407898.3750 -0.0065 0.1000 0.0192 542035 0 541935 1 407898.3750 -0.0065 0.1000 0.0192 531142 0 521042 1 407967.2950 0.0352 0.1000 0.0142 531143 0 521043 1 407967.2950 0.0135 0.1000 0.0142 47 246 0 46 245 0 407991.1590 0.0115 0.1000 0.0052 52 349 1 53 251 0 408043.0710 -0.0300 0.1000 0.0159 60 555 1 60 655 0 408068.1130 0.0029 0.1000 0.0249 57 652 1 58 554 0 408132.8290 0.0601 0.1000 0.0155 47 146 0 46 145 0 408137.4420 -0.0087 0.1000 0.0052 46 244 0 45 243 0 408224.1810 -0.0095 0.1000 0.0051 46 343 1 45 639 0 408244.5770 -0.0291 0.1000 0.0226 14 114 1 15 214 0 408257.6660 0.0098 0.1000 0.0146 45 639 0 46 244 0 408482.6060 0.0180 0.1000 0.0181 45 342 0 44 341 0 408655.1680 0.0395 0.1000 0.0050 40 337 1 41 239 0 408689.1810 -0.0490 0.1000 0.0122 48 048 1 47 147 1 408756.6090 0.0706 0.1000 0.0057 67 860 1 68 762 0 408767.2430 0.0398 0.1000 0.0272 48 148 1 47 147 1 408775.3930 -0.0097 0.1000 0.0057 48 048 1 47 047 1 408780.0580 -0.0049 0.1000 0.0057 48 148 1 47 047 1 408798.8900 -0.0372 0.1000 0.0057 59 752 1 60 654 0 408861.1790 0.0661 0.1000 0.0284 44 342 1 43 241 1 408873.8680 -0.0178 0.1000 0.0062 45 441 1 44 440 1 408964.9670 -0.0123 0.1000 0.0049 67 464 1 68 366 0 409148.5910 -0.0208 0.1000 0.0278 68 167 0 67 067 1 409149.9240 0.0990 0.1000 0.0420 68 267 0 67 167 1 409159.9380 0.0662 0.1000 0.0420 48 148 0 47 147 0 409203.2220 -0.0012 0.1000 0.0058 48 048 0 47 047 0 409206.8390 0.0072 0.1000 0.0058 581049 0 57 949 1 409209.1110 0.1587 0.1000 0.0129 48 148 0 47 047 0 409221.5320 -0.0496 0.1000 0.0058 53 350 1 54 252 0 409283.7560 0.1354 0.1000 0.0176 37 433 1 37 533 0 409336.4950 0.0024 0.1000 0.0071 421131 1 411229 0 409488.0070 -0.0424 0.1000 0.0154 421132 1 411230 0 409488.0070 -0.0424 0.1000 0.0154 74 669 0 73 569 1 409592.1720 0.0840 0.1000 0.0309 7 5 3 1 6 6 1 0 409616.4370 -0.0298 0.1000 0.0114 7 5 2 1 6 6 0 0 409616.4370 -0.0299 0.1000 0.0114 601347 1 591445 0 409727.9170 -0.0314 0.1000 0.0165 601348 1 591446 0 409727.9170 -0.0314 0.1000 0.0165 32 924 1 311022 0 409824.2670 0.0056 0.1000 0.0096 32 923 1 311021 0 409824.2670 0.0055 0.1000 0.0096 401327 0 391227 1 409928.5270 -0.0431 0.1000 0.0109 401328 0 391228 1 409928.5270 -0.0431 0.1000 0.0109 17 017 1 18 117 0 410036.2310 -0.0300 0.1000 0.0157 381028 1 371126 0 410105.6250 -0.0533 0.1000 0.0106 381029 1 371127 0 410105.6250 -0.0533 0.1000 0.0106 461234 1 451233 1 410137.7930 -0.0227 0.1000 0.0051 461235 1 451234 1 410137.7930 -0.0227 0.1000 0.0051 45 441 0 44 440 0 410196.9340 0.0025 0.1000 0.0049 461333 1 451332 1 410219.4230 0.0290 0.1000 0.0053 461334 1 451333 1 410219.4230 0.0290 0.1000 0.0053 46 443 1 45 442 1 410319.1130 0.0048 0.1000 0.0049 461432 1 451431 1 410325.0320 0.0121 0.1000 0.0055 461433 1 451432 1 410325.0320 0.0121 0.1000 0.0055 461234 0 451233 0 410423.5090 0.0029 0.1000 0.0050 461235 0 451234 0 410423.5090 0.0029 0.1000 0.0050 461531 1 451530 1 410444.9230 0.0068 0.1000 0.0058 461532 1 451531 1 410444.9230 0.0068 0.1000 0.0058 46 938 1 45 937 1 410563.8050 0.0266 0.1000 0.0048 46 937 1 45 936 1 410563.8050 -0.0097 0.1000 0.0048 461630 1 451629 1 410580.1050 0.0184 0.1000 0.0062 461631 1 451630 1 410580.1050 0.0184 0.1000 0.0062 541242 1 531340 0 410591.9850 0.0084 0.1000 0.0163 541243 1 531341 0 410591.9850 0.0084 0.1000 0.0163 461037 1 451036 1 410608.0950 -0.0079 0.1000 0.0049 461036 1 451035 1 410608.0950 -0.0088 0.1000 0.0049 46 839 1 45 838 1 410712.7950 -0.0596 0.1000 0.0048 46 838 1 45 837 1 410713.8500 -0.0173 0.1000 0.0048 461729 1 451728 1 410730.3830 -0.0652 0.1000 0.0067 461730 1 451729 1 410730.3830 -0.0652 0.1000 0.0067 562036 0 561938 1 410805.3770 -0.0617 0.1000 0.0203 562037 0 561937 1 410805.3770 -0.0617 0.1000 0.0203 54 351 1 55 253 0 410877.8430 0.0281 0.1000 0.0204 461828 1 451827 1 410895.4670 0.0569 0.1000 0.0073 461829 1 451828 1 410895.4670 0.0569 0.1000 0.0073 66 463 1 67 365 0 410966.5130 -0.0281 0.1000 0.0258 461136 0 451135 0 410977.6100 0.0367 0.1000 0.0049 461135 0 451134 0 410977.6100 0.0366 0.1000 0.0049 46 740 1 45 739 1 411041.1950 0.0011 0.1000 0.0047 46 739 1 45 738 1 411061.7990 0.0191 0.1000 0.0047 461927 1 451926 1 411074.2940 0.0264 0.1000 0.0080 461928 1 451927 1 411074.2940 0.0264 0.1000 0.0080 46 443 0 45 442 0 411111.0050 -0.0035 0.1000 0.0050 461135 1 451134 1 411130.5000 0.0191 0.1000 0.0051 461136 1 451135 1 411130.5000 0.0191 0.1000 0.0051 461037 0 451036 0 411171.4530 0.0153 0.1000 0.0048 461036 0 451035 0 411171.4530 0.0128 0.1000 0.0048 462026 1 452025 1 411266.3350 -0.0094 0.1000 0.0088 462027 1 452026 1 411266.3350 -0.0094 0.1000 0.0088 46 938 0 45 937 0 411341.8090 0.0444 0.1000 0.0048 46 937 0 45 936 0 411341.8090 -0.0170 0.1000 0.0048 36 334 1 36 432 0 411347.5600 -0.0326 0.1000 0.0098 461333 0 451332 0 411471.3880 -0.0267 0.1000 0.0052 461334 0 451333 0 411471.3880 -0.0267 0.1000 0.0052 461432 0 451431 0 411512.6330 0.0236 0.1000 0.0053 461433 0 451432 0 411512.6330 0.0236 0.1000 0.0053 46 641 1 45 640 1 411557.9030 0.0091 0.1000 0.0047 461531 0 451530 0 411584.5350 0.0132 0.1000 0.0055 461532 0 451531 0 411584.5350 0.0132 0.1000 0.0055 46 839 0 45 838 0 411590.8230 -0.0342 0.1000 0.0048 46 838 0 45 837 0 411592.2690 0.0379 0.1000 0.0048 39 336 1 40 238 0 411614.1320 -0.1044 0.1000 0.0122 461630 0 451629 0 411688.1310 -0.0675 0.1000 0.0057 461631 0 451630 0 411688.1310 -0.0675 0.1000 0.0057 46 542 1 45 541 1 411816.1270 0.2171 0.1000 0.0048 46 640 1 45 639 1 411844.7480 -0.0006 0.1000 0.0048 462323 1 452322 1 411916.1830 0.0030 0.1000 0.0112 462324 1 452323 1 411916.1830 0.0030 0.1000 0.0112 38 434 1 38 534 0 411943.1320 -0.0079 0.1000 0.0073 39 139 1 38 335 0 411962.4460 -0.0662 0.1000 0.0218 461828 0 451827 0 411964.9340 0.0348 0.1000 0.0066 461829 0 451828 0 411964.9340 0.0348 0.1000 0.0066 52 646 1 53 548 0 411996.6780 0.0503 0.1000 0.0183 46 739 0 45 738 0 412031.8120 0.0440 0.1000 0.0048 46 740 0 45 739 0 412118.5200 0.0246 0.1000 0.0051 461927 0 451926 0 412130.7740 0.0355 0.1000 0.0072 461928 0 451927 0 412130.7740 0.0355 0.1000 0.0072 462422 1 452421 1 412155.7200 -0.0389 0.1000 0.0123 462423 1 452422 1 412155.7200 -0.0389 0.1000 0.0123 572037 0 571939 1 412291.2640 -0.0130 0.1000 0.0211 572038 0 571938 1 412291.2640 -0.0130 0.1000 0.0211 462026 0 452025 0 412312.0970 -0.0094 0.1000 0.0080 462027 0 452026 0 412312.0970 -0.0094 0.1000 0.0080 10 2 9 1 11 3 9 0 412353.8590 0.0308 0.1000 0.0137 462521 1 452520 1 412406.1270 -0.0450 0.1000 0.0138 462522 1 452521 1 412406.1270 -0.0450 0.1000 0.0138 671453 1 661551 0 412413.3370 -0.0755 0.1000 0.0224 671454 1 661552 0 412413.3370 -0.0755 0.1000 0.0224 4 3 2 1 5 4 2 0 412419.6970 0.1844 0.1000 0.0136 4 3 1 1 5 4 1 0 412419.6970 -0.1066 0.1000 0.0136 462125 0 452124 0 412507.6730 0.0175 0.1000 0.0089 462126 0 452125 0 412507.6730 0.0175 0.1000 0.0089 46 641 0 45 640 0 412547.5300 0.0138 0.1000 0.0048 462620 1 452619 1 412667.0470 -0.0434 0.1000 0.0165 462621 1 452620 1 412667.0470 -0.0434 0.1000 0.0165 462224 0 452223 0 412716.3660 -0.0026 0.1000 0.0099 462225 0 452224 0 412716.3660 -0.0026 0.1000 0.0099 46 542 0 45 541 0 412796.2230 -0.0241 0.1000 0.0048 462323 0 452322 0 412937.4020 -0.0458 0.1000 0.0109 462324 0 452323 0 412937.4020 -0.0458 0.1000 0.0109 45 540 1 46 442 0 413027.3050 0.0266 0.1000 0.0149 462422 0 452421 0 413170.1990 -0.0470 0.1000 0.0119 462423 0 452422 0 413170.1990 -0.0470 0.1000 0.0119 55 649 0 56 254 0 413178.7800 -0.0613 0.1000 0.0240 61 755 1 62 657 0 413365.6430 0.0938 0.1000 0.0185 462521 0 452520 0 413414.1080 -0.1168 0.1000 0.0129 462522 0 452521 0 413414.1080 -0.1168 0.1000 0.0129 18 514 1 17 413 1 413608.8390 0.0682 0.1000 0.0111 18 513 1 17 414 1 413663.1010 -0.0208 0.1000 0.0111 462620 0 452619 0 413669.0830 0.1582 0.1000 0.0138 462621 0 452620 0 413669.0830 0.1582 0.1000 0.0138 582038 0 581940 1 413798.1170 -0.2376 0.1000 0.0220 582039 0 581939 1 413798.1170 -0.2376 0.1000 0.0220 463016 1 453015 1 413810.4570 0.2714 0.1000 0.0491 463017 1 453016 1 413810.4570 0.2714 0.1000 0.0491 462719 0 452718 0 413934.0630 0.1164 0.1000 0.0147 462720 0 452719 0 413934.0630 0.1164 0.1000 0.0147 17 116 1 18 216 0 413950.1160 0.0118 0.1000 0.0148 46 640 0 45 639 0 413977.2550 0.0034 0.1000 0.0067 46 541 1 45 540 1 414061.9250 0.0104 0.1000 0.0050 48 147 1 47 246 1 414082.8820 -0.0018 0.1000 0.0165 20 714 1 19 812 0 414142.6080 -0.0177 0.1000 0.0087 20 713 1 19 811 0 414142.6800 0.0535 0.1000 0.0087 64 955 0 63 855 1 414182.3170 0.0571 0.1000 0.0161 462818 0 452817 0 414208.9430 0.0067 0.1000 0.0158 462819 0 452818 0 414208.9430 0.0067 0.1000 0.0158 47 345 1 46 344 1 414237.7870 0.0025 0.1000 0.0051 511240 0 501140 1 414473.8490 0.0168 0.1000 0.0203 511239 0 501139 1 414473.8490 0.0167 0.1000 0.0203 48 147 1 47 146 1 414768.4210 -0.0089 0.1000 0.0127 463016 0 453015 0 414787.5160 -0.0604 0.1000 0.0204 463017 0 453016 0 414787.5160 -0.0604 0.1000 0.0204 47 345 0 46 344 0 414831.5010 0.0303 0.1000 0.0051 10 2 8 1 11 3 8 0 414896.6590 0.0015 0.1000 0.0139 39 435 1 39 535 0 414908.7360 -0.0245 0.1000 0.0075 39 435 1 40 337 0 415015.1020 -0.0565 0.1000 0.0124 61 556 1 61 656 0 415027.8160 -0.0603 0.1000 0.0265 38 335 1 39 237 0 415165.1800 0.0136 0.1000 0.0122 40 536 0 39 238 1 415268.6390 -0.0531 0.1000 0.0113 54 550 1 55 452 0 415271.2240 0.0419 0.1000 0.0134 311516 0 301416 1 415307.2950 -0.0320 0.1000 0.0115 311517 0 301417 1 415307.2950 -0.0320 0.1000 0.0115 592039 0 591941 1 415326.4440 0.0007 0.1000 0.0231 592040 0 591940 1 415326.4440 0.0007 0.1000 0.0231 46 343 1 45 342 1 415391.3450 0.0079 0.1000 0.0061 45 837 0 45 738 0 415407.0440 -0.1111 0.1000 0.0113 46 541 0 45 540 0 415443.9870 -0.0109 0.1000 0.0049 361422 0 351322 1 415642.9910 -0.0348 0.1000 0.0097 361423 0 351323 1 415642.9910 -0.0348 0.1000 0.0097 26 423 0 25 322 0 415648.0750 -0.1226 0.1000 0.0094 48 247 1 47 246 1 415707.5570 0.0049 0.1000 0.0131 47 245 1 46 244 1 416061.5220 0.0236 0.1000 0.0051 261610 0 251510 1 416061.5220 -0.0313 0.1000 0.0160 261611 0 251511 1 416061.5220 -0.0313 0.1000 0.0160 43 836 0 43 737 0 416135.7400 0.0848 0.1000 0.0125 74 470 0 73 370 1 416226.5550 0.1013 0.1000 0.0358 14 6 9 1 13 7 7 0 416384.5570 -0.0369 0.1000 0.0096 14 6 8 1 13 7 6 0 416384.5570 -0.0379 0.1000 0.0096 48 247 1 47 146 1 416393.1000 0.0018 0.1000 0.0071 48 247 0 47 246 0 416414.5520 0.0091 0.1000 0.0053 72 963 1 73 865 0 416428.8800 -0.0379 0.1000 0.0344 47 245 0 46 244 0 416503.6400 0.0036 0.1000 0.0052 12 6 7 1 11 5 6 1 416508.6190 0.0152 0.1000 0.0138 12 6 6 1 11 5 7 1 416508.6190 0.0031 0.1000 0.0138 48 147 0 47 146 0 416536.2150 -0.0166 0.1000 0.0053 50 842 1 50 743 1 416560.6320 0.0612 0.1000 0.0150 63 460 1 64 362 0 416653.8790 -0.0609 0.1000 0.0223 56 651 1 57 553 0 416820.6980 0.1750 0.1000 0.0148 49 841 1 49 742 1 417050.5280 -0.0748 0.1000 0.0149 611348 1 601446 0 417077.2920 -0.0178 0.1000 0.0172 611349 1 601447 0 417077.2920 -0.0178 0.1000 0.0172 74 768 0 73 668 1 417101.9670 -0.1628 0.1000 0.0301 541143 0 531043 1 417156.1220 0.0367 0.1000 0.0148 541144 0 531044 1 417156.1220 0.0060 0.1000 0.0148 49 049 1 48 148 1 417171.8410 -0.0269 0.1000 0.0060 49 149 1 48 148 1 417187.0000 -0.0260 0.1000 0.0060 49 049 1 48 048 1 417190.7140 -0.0181 0.1000 0.0060 49 149 1 48 048 1 417205.9430 0.0527 0.1000 0.0060 2117 4 0 2016 4 1 417223.0770 0.0081 0.1000 0.0243 2117 5 0 2016 5 1 417223.0770 0.0081 0.1000 0.0243 46 343 0 45 342 0 417246.8470 -0.0005 0.1000 0.0051 35 333 1 35 431 0 417362.9560 -0.1448 0.1000 0.0095 39 832 0 39 733 0 417387.5730 0.1268 0.1000 0.0123 39 831 0 39 732 0 417396.7380 0.0667 0.1000 0.0121 48 840 1 48 741 1 417500.9300 0.0339 0.1000 0.0149 47 641 0 46 640 0 417517.9950 -0.0302 0.1000 0.0239 49 049 0 48 148 0 417610.0110 0.0006 0.1000 0.0061 49 149 0 48 148 0 417621.8260 -0.0298 0.1000 0.0061 49 049 0 48 048 0 417624.7320 -0.0282 0.1000 0.0061 37 830 0 37 731 0 417851.8280 0.1591 0.1000 0.0123 37 829 0 37 730 0 417855.8220 0.0202 0.1000 0.0121 70 268 0 69 168 1 417952.1860 -0.1618 0.1000 0.0333 551243 1 541341 0 418051.9110 -0.0016 0.1000 0.0168 551244 1 541342 0 418051.9110 -0.0016 0.1000 0.0168 36 828 0 36 729 0 418054.0300 0.0582 0.1000 0.0121 70 368 0 69 268 1 418125.4040 -0.1457 0.1000 0.0333 46 442 1 45 441 1 418228.1350 0.0099 0.1000 0.0050 33 925 1 321023 0 418231.9390 0.0116 0.1000 0.0097 33 924 1 321022 0 418231.9390 0.0113 0.1000 0.0097 40 436 1 40 536 0 418243.6030 -0.0094 0.1000 0.0078 46 838 1 46 739 1 418293.9600 -0.0141 0.1000 0.0148 31 230 1 31 328 0 418351.0820 -0.0467 0.1000 0.0128 46 839 1 46 740 1 418370.8900 -0.0852 0.1000 0.0148 8 5 4 1 7 6 2 0 418392.7490 -0.1356 0.1000 0.0112 8 5 3 1 7 6 1 0 418392.7490 -0.1361 0.1000 0.0112 612041 0 611943 1 418444.6790 -0.0505 0.1000 0.0257 612042 0 611942 1 418444.6790 -0.0505 0.1000 0.0257 391030 1 381128 0 418626.9000 -0.0236 0.1000 0.0108 391029 1 381127 0 418626.9000 -0.0237 0.1000 0.0108 62 459 1 63 361 0 418629.1040 -0.0418 0.1000 0.0215 591049 0 58 949 1 418692.6180 0.0122 0.1000 0.0136 591050 0 58 950 1 418697.9870 0.0028 0.1000 0.0136 31 824 0 31 725 0 418781.2890 0.3118 0.1000 0.0122 31 823 0 31 724 0 418781.2890 -0.0568 0.1000 0.0122 30 823 0 30 724 0 418882.0220 0.2210 0.1000 0.0122 30 822 0 30 723 0 418882.0220 -0.0205 0.1000 0.0122 44 836 1 44 737 1 418960.4410 0.0481 0.1000 0.0147 29 822 0 29 723 0 418970.2690 0.2083 0.1000 0.0122 29 821 0 29 722 0 418970.2690 0.0518 0.1000 0.0122 431132 1 421230 0 419011.9600 -0.0156 0.1000 0.0159 431133 1 421231 0 419011.9600 -0.0156 0.1000 0.0159 471235 1 461234 1 419036.9730 -0.0553 0.1000 0.0052 471236 1 461235 1 419036.9730 -0.0553 0.1000 0.0052 47 444 1 46 443 1 419041.5050 -0.0463 0.1000 0.0050 28 821 0 28 722 0 419046.7270 0.0166 0.1000 0.0122 28 820 0 28 721 0 419046.7270 -0.0834 0.1000 0.0122 471334 1 461333 1 419113.2370 0.0146 0.1000 0.0054 471335 1 461334 1 419113.2370 0.0146 0.1000 0.0054 26 819 0 26 720 0 419168.7420 -0.0346 0.1000 0.0124 26 818 0 26 719 0 419168.7420 -0.0736 0.1000 0.0124 471433 1 461432 1 419216.7000 0.0209 0.1000 0.0057 471434 1 461433 1 419216.7000 0.0209 0.1000 0.0057 43 835 1 43 736 1 419251.5280 0.0331 0.1000 0.0146 23 816 0 23 717 0 419286.2190 -0.0269 0.1000 0.0127 23 815 0 23 716 0 419286.2190 -0.0351 0.1000 0.0127 10 8 2 0 10 7 3 0 419303.7960 0.0983 0.1000 0.0151 10 8 3 0 10 7 4 0 419303.7960 0.0983 0.1000 0.0151 22 815 0 22 716 0 419311.0220 0.0536 0.1000 0.0128 22 814 0 22 715 0 419311.0220 0.0490 0.1000 0.0128 471235 0 461234 0 419319.3590 0.0482 0.1000 0.0050 471236 0 461235 0 419319.3590 0.0482 0.1000 0.0050 12 8 4 0 12 7 5 0 419324.8950 -0.0211 0.1000 0.0147 12 8 5 0 12 7 6 0 419324.8950 -0.0211 0.1000 0.0147 21 814 0 21 715 0 419329.7230 0.0697 0.1000 0.0130 21 813 0 21 714 0 419329.7230 0.0672 0.1000 0.0130 471532 1 461531 1 419336.0440 0.0019 0.1000 0.0060 471533 1 461532 1 419336.0440 0.0019 0.1000 0.0060 14 8 6 0 14 7 7 0 419342.9410 -0.0022 0.1000 0.0143 14 8 7 0 14 7 8 0 419342.9410 -0.0022 0.1000 0.0143 20 813 0 20 714 0 419342.9410 -0.0190 0.1000 0.0131 20 812 0 20 713 0 419342.9410 -0.0204 0.1000 0.0131 15 8 7 0 15 7 8 0 419349.7000 -0.0597 0.1000 0.0141 15 8 8 0 15 7 9 0 419349.7000 -0.0597 0.1000 0.0141 19 812 0 19 713 0 419351.4870 -0.0300 0.1000 0.0133 19 811 0 19 712 0 419351.4870 -0.0307 0.1000 0.0133 16 8 8 0 16 7 9 0 419354.4780 -0.0418 0.1000 0.0139 16 8 9 0 16 710 0 419354.4780 -0.0418 0.1000 0.0139 18 811 0 18 712 0 419355.8880 -0.0342 0.1000 0.0135 18 810 0 18 711 0 419355.8880 -0.0345 0.1000 0.0135 37 334 1 38 236 0 419369.9090 -0.0970 0.1000 0.0123 49 148 1 48 444 0 419372.4760 -0.0539 0.1000 0.0232 46 442 0 45 441 0 419437.0870 -0.1034 0.1000 0.0050 471631 1 461630 1 419471.8250 0.0948 0.1000 0.0065 471632 1 461631 1 419471.8250 0.0948 0.1000 0.0065 47 939 1 46 938 1 419489.0400 0.1045 0.1000 0.0049 47 938 1 46 937 1 419489.0400 0.0525 0.1000 0.0049 42 834 1 42 735 1 419517.0190 -0.0049 0.1000 0.0146 471038 1 461037 1 419528.2230 -0.0361 0.1000 0.0050 471037 1 461036 1 419528.2230 -0.0375 0.1000 0.0050 42 835 1 42 736 1 419539.6290 -0.1414 0.1000 0.0146 57 651 0 58 356 0 419554.5060 0.0102 0.1000 0.0313 471730 1 461729 1 419623.4320 0.0298 0.1000 0.0070 471731 1 461730 1 419623.4320 0.0298 0.1000 0.0070 681454 1 671552 0 419632.7610 -0.0770 0.1000 0.0232 681455 1 671553 0 419632.7610 -0.0770 0.1000 0.0232 47 840 1 46 839 1 419653.7270 -0.0975 0.1000 0.0048 47 839 1 46 838 1 419655.1640 -0.0458 0.1000 0.0048 41 833 1 41 734 1 419758.6370 -0.0262 0.1000 0.0145 41 834 1 41 735 1 419775.0380 -0.0567 0.1000 0.0145 471829 1 461828 1 419790.3000 -0.0180 0.1000 0.0077 471830 1 461829 1 419790.3000 -0.0180 0.1000 0.0077 66 859 1 67 761 0 419797.1240 -0.0217 0.1000 0.0261 47 444 0 46 443 0 419831.5370 -0.0197 0.1000 0.0050 471137 0 461136 0 419889.2210 0.0022 0.1000 0.0050 471136 0 461135 0 419889.2210 0.0020 0.1000 0.0050 471928 1 461927 1 419971.7140 0.0403 0.1000 0.0084 471929 1 461928 1 419971.7140 0.0403 0.1000 0.0084 40 832 1 40 733 1 419977.9250 -0.0436 0.1000 0.0144 47 741 1 46 740 1 420007.8290 -0.0140 0.1000 0.0048 47 740 1 46 739 1 420034.6840 -0.0457 0.1000 0.0048 25 125 1 25 223 0 420045.3080 -0.0653 0.1000 0.0169 471136 1 461135 1 420053.5120 -0.0007 0.1000 0.0052 471137 1 461136 1 420053.5120 -0.0007 0.1000 0.0052 48 444 0 47 246 1 420079.6900 0.0004 0.1000 0.0172 471038 0 461037 0 420098.0150 0.0218 0.1000 0.0049 471037 0 461036 0 420098.0150 0.0181 0.1000 0.0049 411328 0 401228 1 420105.5410 -0.0044 0.1000 0.0112 411329 0 401229 1 420105.5410 -0.0044 0.1000 0.0112 472027 1 462026 1 420166.7240 0.0023 0.1000 0.0092 472028 1 462027 1 420166.7240 0.0023 0.1000 0.0092 39 832 1 39 733 1 420184.7560 0.0246 0.1000 0.0144 46 344 0 45 243 0 420195.5750 0.0257 0.1000 0.0060 27 820 1 26 918 0 420265.6100 -0.0494 0.1000 0.0090 27 819 1 26 917 0 420265.6100 -0.0501 0.1000 0.0090 47 939 0 46 938 0 420283.0700 0.0663 0.1000 0.0048 47 938 0 46 937 0 420283.0700 -0.0217 0.1000 0.0048 72 964 1 73 866 0 420306.4810 -0.0385 0.1000 0.0414 38 830 1 38 731 1 420355.3150 0.0518 0.1000 0.0143 38 831 1 38 732 1 420361.0450 -0.0814 0.1000 0.0143 472126 1 462125 1 420374.7680 -0.0333 0.1000 0.0101 472127 1 462126 1 420374.7680 -0.0333 0.1000 0.0101 471334 0 461333 0 420382.8760 0.0007 0.1000 0.0053 471335 0 461334 0 420382.8760 0.0007 0.1000 0.0053 471433 0 461432 0 420424.8080 0.0273 0.1000 0.0054 471434 0 461433 0 420424.8080 0.0273 0.1000 0.0054 471532 0 461531 0 420496.8430 0.0120 0.1000 0.0056 471533 0 461532 0 420496.8430 0.0120 0.1000 0.0056 37 829 1 37 730 1 420515.8740 0.0060 0.1000 0.0142 47 642 1 46 641 1 420546.9380 -0.0030 0.1000 0.0048 72 864 0 71 764 1 420549.2590 0.0965 0.1000 0.0351 47 840 0 46 839 0 420552.3500 -0.0220 0.1000 0.0048 47 839 0 46 838 0 420554.2580 0.0067 0.1000 0.0048 472225 1 462224 1 420595.2960 -0.0412 0.1000 0.0109 472226 1 462225 1 420595.2960 -0.0412 0.1000 0.0109 471631 0 461630 0 420601.0960 0.0148 0.1000 0.0059 471632 0 461631 0 420601.0960 0.0148 0.1000 0.0059 61 458 1 62 360 0 420630.8690 0.1464 0.1000 0.0211 36 828 1 36 729 1 420659.3330 -0.0596 0.1000 0.0142 36 829 1 36 730 1 420662.1790 -0.0185 0.1000 0.0142 13 113 1 14 213 0 420670.2170 0.0176 0.1000 0.0149 471730 0 461729 0 420730.5770 0.0365 0.1000 0.0063 471731 0 461730 0 420730.5770 0.0365 0.1000 0.0063 47 543 1 46 542 1 420746.4530 0.0184 0.1000 0.0049 48 444 0 47 146 1 420765.2260 -0.0097 0.1000 0.0209 35 827 1 35 728 1 420787.0120 0.0468 0.1000 0.0141 35 828 1 35 729 1 420788.7350 -0.1381 0.1000 0.0141 472324 1 462323 1 420827.8530 0.0239 0.1000 0.0119 472325 1 462324 1 420827.8530 0.0239 0.1000 0.0119 471829 0 461828 0 420880.7540 -0.0145 0.1000 0.0069 471830 0 461829 0 420880.7540 -0.0145 0.1000 0.0069 34 827 1 34 728 1 420900.9540 0.0151 0.1000 0.0140 47 641 1 46 640 1 420903.1680 -0.0267 0.1000 0.0048 33 825 1 33 726 1 420998.4110 -0.0749 0.1000 0.0140 33 826 1 33 727 1 420999.2830 -0.0539 0.1000 0.0140 47 740 0 46 739 0 421030.0130 -0.2691 0.1000 0.0049 471928 0 461927 0 421049.0050 0.0728 0.1000 0.0076 471929 0 461928 0 421049.0050 0.0728 0.1000 0.0076 472423 1 462422 1 421071.8030 -0.0352 0.1000 0.0131 472424 1 462423 1 421071.8030 -0.0352 0.1000 0.0131 46 344 1 45 243 1 421082.5990 -0.0026 0.1000 0.0061 46 640 0 45 342 1 421123.9840 0.0014 0.1000 0.0227 47 741 0 46 740 0 421196.6680 -0.0031 0.1000 0.0055 472027 0 462026 0 421233.0830 -0.0154 0.1000 0.0084 472028 0 462027 0 421233.0830 -0.0154 0.1000 0.0084 53 549 1 54 451 0 421238.1870 0.0013 0.1000 0.0128 2221 1 0 2220 3 1 421265.5910 0.0227 0.1000 0.0365 2221 2 0 2220 2 1 421265.5910 0.0227 0.1000 0.0365 29 821 1 29 722 1 421274.1310 0.1161 0.1000 0.0139 29 822 1 29 723 1 421274.1310 -0.0270 0.1000 0.0139 13 8 5 1 13 7 6 1 421305.0700 -0.0350 0.1000 0.0161 13 8 6 1 13 7 7 1 421305.0700 -0.0350 0.1000 0.0161 28 820 1 28 721 1 421317.3180 0.0014 0.1000 0.0139 28 821 1 28 722 1 421317.3180 -0.0866 0.1000 0.0139 14 8 6 1 14 7 7 1 421324.4950 0.0548 0.1000 0.0159 14 8 7 1 14 7 8 1 421324.4950 0.0548 0.1000 0.0159 472522 1 462521 1 421326.9200 -0.0566 0.1000 0.0150 472523 1 462522 1 421326.9200 -0.0566 0.1000 0.0150 15 8 7 1 15 7 8 1 421343.2050 -0.0044 0.1000 0.0157 15 8 8 1 15 7 9 1 421343.2050 -0.0044 0.1000 0.0157 27 819 1 27 720 1 421351.9390 -0.0711 0.1000 0.0139 27 820 1 27 721 1 421351.9390 -0.1242 0.1000 0.0139 16 8 8 1 16 7 9 1 421360.9520 -0.0599 0.1000 0.0155 16 8 9 1 16 710 1 421360.9520 -0.0599 0.1000 0.0155 17 8 9 1 17 710 1 421377.2980 -0.1224 0.1000 0.0153 17 810 1 17 711 1 421377.2980 -0.1225 0.1000 0.0153 26 818 1 26 719 1 421378.9430 0.0920 0.1000 0.0140 26 819 1 26 720 1 421378.9430 0.0606 0.1000 0.0140 18 810 1 18 711 1 421392.0540 0.0722 0.1000 0.0151 18 811 1 18 712 1 421392.0540 0.0721 0.1000 0.0151 25 817 1 25 718 1 421398.5370 -0.0278 0.1000 0.0140 25 818 1 25 719 1 421398.5370 -0.0460 0.1000 0.0140 19 811 1 19 712 1 421404.1650 -0.0512 0.1000 0.0149 19 812 1 19 713 1 421404.1650 -0.0515 0.1000 0.0149 24 816 1 24 717 1 421411.8280 -0.0199 0.1000 0.0141 24 817 1 24 718 1 421411.8280 -0.0302 0.1000 0.0141 20 812 1 20 713 1 421413.4380 -0.1797 0.1000 0.0147 20 813 1 20 714 1 421413.4380 -0.1805 0.1000 0.0147 23 815 1 23 716 1 421419.4590 0.0907 0.1000 0.0142 23 816 1 23 717 1 421419.4590 0.0850 0.1000 0.0142 21 813 1 21 714 1 421419.4590 -0.1950 0.1000 0.0145 21 814 1 21 715 1 421419.4590 -0.1966 0.1000 0.0145 22 814 1 22 715 1 421421.7480 -0.0181 0.1000 0.0144 22 815 1 22 716 1 421421.7480 -0.0211 0.1000 0.0144 472126 0 462125 0 421431.8190 -0.0502 0.1000 0.0094 472127 0 462126 0 421431.8190 -0.0502 0.1000 0.0094 3 3 1 1 4 4 1 0 421439.2850 0.0046 0.1000 0.0138 3 3 0 1 4 4 0 0 421439.2850 -0.0370 0.1000 0.0138 47 642 0 46 641 0 421558.7700 -0.0303 0.1000 0.0048 472621 1 462620 1 421592.7940 -0.1026 0.1000 0.0182 472622 1 462621 1 421592.7940 -0.1026 0.1000 0.0182 472225 0 462224 0 421644.1510 -0.0346 0.1000 0.0104 472226 0 462225 0 421644.1510 -0.0346 0.1000 0.0104 47 543 0 46 542 0 421738.9530 0.0023 0.1000 0.0049 9 2 8 1 10 3 8 0 421775.5620 -0.0054 0.1000 0.0141 472324 0 462323 0 421869.1340 -0.0809 0.1000 0.0115 472325 0 462324 0 421869.1340 -0.0809 0.1000 0.0115 27 424 0 26 323 0 421897.2690 -0.0838 0.1000 0.0096 25 421 0 24 322 0 421925.7900 0.1144 0.1000 0.0079 41 437 1 41 537 0 421951.9280 0.0148 0.1000 0.0082 58 751 1 59 653 0 422078.3840 0.0682 0.1000 0.0363 472423 0 462422 0 422106.0970 -0.1845 0.1000 0.0126 472424 0 462423 0 422106.0970 -0.1845 0.1000 0.0126 472819 1 462818 1 422155.6680 -0.1812 0.1000 0.0305 472820 1 462819 1 422155.6680 -0.1812 0.1000 0.0305 62 557 1 62 657 0 422211.5970 -0.0981 0.1000 0.0282 72 369 0 71 269 1 422352.4220 0.0118 0.1000 0.0355 472522 0 462521 0 422354.6090 -0.2134 0.1000 0.0137 472523 0 462522 0 422354.6090 -0.2134 0.1000 0.0137 19 515 1 18 414 1 422421.8940 -0.0727 0.1000 0.0110 19 514 1 18 415 1 422507.3750 0.0710 0.1000 0.0110 521142 1 511141 1 422524.8490 -0.0204 0.1000 0.0209 521141 1 511140 1 422524.8490 -0.0206 0.1000 0.0209 2421 3 0 2420 5 1 422588.6900 0.0202 0.1000 0.0313 2421 4 0 2420 4 1 422588.6900 0.0202 0.1000 0.0313 60 457 1 61 359 0 422610.3420 -0.0439 0.1000 0.0223 472621 0 462620 0 422614.6050 0.2471 0.1000 0.0147 472622 0 462621 0 422614.6050 0.2471 0.1000 0.0147 21 715 1 20 813 0 422689.8720 0.0026 0.1000 0.0087 21 714 1 20 812 0 422689.8720 0.0010 0.1000 0.0087 34 332 1 34 430 0 422712.5100 -0.0327 0.1000 0.0091 48 346 1 47 345 1 422730.4490 0.0501 0.1000 0.0052 49 247 1 48 346 1 422776.9940 -0.0505 0.1000 0.0062 472720 0 462719 0 422884.5090 0.0386 0.1000 0.0158 472721 0 462720 0 422884.5090 0.0386 0.1000 0.0158 48 543 1 47 741 0 422943.4230 0.2919 0.1000 0.0230 472819 0 462818 0 423164.8890 0.0985 0.1000 0.0172 472820 0 462819 0 423164.8890 0.0985 0.1000 0.0172 47 641 0 46 343 1 423250.6590 -0.0117 0.1000 0.0057 47 542 1 46 541 1 423286.8310 0.0434 0.1000 0.0053 2521 4 0 2520 6 1 423291.0980 0.0384 0.1000 0.0289 2521 5 0 2520 5 1 423291.0980 0.0384 0.1000 0.0289 48 346 0 47 345 0 423321.3850 -0.0535 0.1000 0.0052 27 424 1 26 323 1 423351.9940 0.0332 0.1000 0.0099 472918 0 462917 0 423454.9900 0.0038 0.1000 0.0192 472919 0 462918 0 423454.9900 0.0038 0.1000 0.0192 9 2 7 1 10 3 7 0 423496.4610 0.0593 0.1000 0.0142 65 956 0 64 856 1 423544.2720 -0.0149 0.1000 0.0170 60 754 1 61 656 0 423734.9590 0.0706 0.1000 0.0177 473017 0 463016 0 423754.8340 0.0784 0.1000 0.0225 473018 0 463017 0 423754.8340 0.0784 0.1000 0.0225 47 344 1 46 640 0 423772.0230 -0.0386 0.1000 0.0063 791070 1 80 972 0 423888.2140 0.1128 0.1000 0.0818 65 957 0 64 857 1 423993.6730 -0.0594 0.1000 0.0171 16 115 1 17 215 0 424004.1130 -0.0472 0.1000 0.0149 2621 5 0 2620 7 1 424020.4790 -0.0470 0.1000 0.0267 2621 6 0 2620 6 1 424020.4790 -0.0470 0.1000 0.0267 473116 0 463115 0 424063.9520 0.1310 0.1000 0.0276 473117 0 463116 0 424063.9520 0.1310 0.1000 0.0276 75 670 0 74 570 1 424081.9020 -0.1484 0.1000 0.0356 58 652 0 59 357 0 424130.6650 -0.0398 0.1000 0.0441 72 469 0 71 369 1 424176.1650 0.0104 0.1000 0.0357 13 6 8 0 12 5 7 0 424243.2280 -0.0335 0.1000 0.0119 13 6 7 0 12 5 8 0 424243.2280 -0.0642 0.1000 0.0119 36 333 1 37 235 0 424246.4530 -0.0704 0.1000 0.0124 59 456 1 60 358 0 424336.5660 -0.1294 0.1000 0.0294 48 246 1 47 245 1 424345.0820 -0.0466 0.1000 0.0053 49 148 0 48 247 0 424359.9380 -0.0434 0.1000 0.0054 473215 0 463214 0 424382.1000 0.1750 0.1000 0.0351 473216 0 463215 0 424382.1000 0.1750 0.1000 0.0351 621349 1 611447 0 424411.0120 -0.0654 0.1000 0.0180 621350 1 611448 0 424411.0120 -0.0654 0.1000 0.0180 49 248 1 48 247 1 424426.9480 -0.0061 0.1000 0.0067 473314 0 463313 0 424708.7420 -0.0855 0.1000 0.0454 473315 0 463314 0 424708.7420 -0.0855 0.1000 0.0454 2721 6 0 2720 8 1 424776.9650 0.0134 0.1000 0.0247 2721 7 0 2720 7 1 424776.9650 0.0134 0.1000 0.0247 48 246 0 47 245 0 424788.4040 0.0411 0.1000 0.0053 47 542 0 46 541 0 424803.2160 0.0346 0.1000 0.0049 49 248 0 48 247 0 424834.4620 -0.0301 0.1000 0.0054 652045 0 651947 1 424923.1410 -0.0070 0.1000 0.0330 652046 0 651946 1 424923.1410 -0.0070 0.1000 0.0330 49 148 0 48 147 0 424935.5170 -0.0100 0.1000 0.0054 15 610 1 14 7 8 0 425033.8870 -0.0341 0.1000 0.0094 15 6 9 1 14 7 7 0 425033.8870 -0.0364 0.1000 0.0094 473413 0 463412 0 425044.3460 0.0428 0.1000 0.0590 473414 0 463413 0 425044.3460 0.0428 0.1000 0.0590 69 168 0 68 068 1 425135.1370 -0.0077 0.1000 0.0490 69 268 0 68 168 1 425143.2680 -0.0461 0.1000 0.0490 321517 0 311417 1 425158.0120 -0.0643 0.1000 0.0115 321518 0 311418 1 425158.0120 -0.0643 0.1000 0.0115 16 016 1 17 116 0 425325.8030 -0.0657 0.1000 0.0159 48 642 0 47 344 1 425335.4160 0.0501 0.1000 0.0218 49 148 1 48 147 1 425369.4060 0.0703 0.1000 0.0118 49 248 0 48 147 0 425409.9770 -0.0607 0.1000 0.0055 13 6 8 1 12 5 7 1 425431.4430 0.0173 0.1000 0.0137 13 6 7 1 12 5 8 1 425431.4430 -0.0121 0.1000 0.0137 561245 1 551343 0 425499.4640 0.0207 0.1000 0.0172 561244 1 551342 0 425499.4640 0.0206 0.1000 0.0172 50 150 1 49 149 1 425596.9170 0.0396 0.1000 0.0064 50 050 1 49 049 1 425599.8530 0.0135 0.1000 0.0064 50 150 1 49 049 1 425612.0840 0.0485 0.1000 0.0064 371423 0 361323 1 425661.7650 -0.0215 0.1000 0.0098 371424 0 361324 1 425661.7650 -0.0215 0.1000 0.0098 55 650 1 56 552 0 425717.5240 0.0090 0.1000 0.0143 271611 0 261511 1 425763.4780 0.0031 0.1000 0.0157 271612 0 261512 1 425763.4780 0.0031 0.1000 0.0157 47 344 0 46 343 0 425778.4880 0.0104 0.1000 0.0051 78 573 0 77 473 1 425994.8770 0.0128 0.1000 0.0671 50 050 0 49 149 0 426029.0880 0.0069 0.1000 0.0066 42 438 1 42 538 0 426031.7340 0.0157 0.1000 0.0086 50 150 0 49 149 0 426038.5920 0.0018 0.1000 0.0066 50 050 0 49 049 0 426040.9490 0.0225 0.1000 0.0066 51 645 1 52 547 0 426289.0760 -0.0224 0.1000 0.0162 7 7 0 0 6 6 1 0 426294.6180 0.0991 0.1000 0.0147 7 7 1 0 6 6 0 0 426294.6180 0.0991 0.1000 0.0147 551144 0 541044 1 426327.5770 0.0491 0.1000 0.0154 551145 0 541045 1 426327.5770 0.0061 0.1000 0.0154 2921 8 0 292010 1 426370.1990 0.0078 0.1000 0.0214 2921 9 0 2920 9 1 426370.1990 0.0078 0.1000 0.0214 662046 0 661948 1 426591.6870 -0.0537 0.1000 0.0352 662047 0 661947 1 426591.6870 -0.0537 0.1000 0.0352 34 926 1 331024 0 426629.2570 -0.0324 0.1000 0.0097 34 925 1 331023 0 426629.2570 -0.0329 0.1000 0.0097 2217 5 0 2116 5 1 426785.0380 -0.0133 0.1000 0.0234 2217 6 0 2116 6 1 426785.0380 -0.0133 0.1000 0.0234 47 345 0 46 244 0 426802.8410 0.0114 0.1000 0.0059 691456 1 681554 0 426835.7970 -0.0448 0.1000 0.0240 691455 1 681553 0 426835.7970 -0.0449 0.1000 0.0240 38 434 1 39 336 0 426926.0030 -0.0118 0.1000 0.0127 71 864 0 70 764 1 427027.1820 -0.0369 0.1000 0.0310 401031 1 391129 0 427148.6000 -0.0036 0.1000 0.0109 401030 1 391128 0 427148.6000 -0.0038 0.1000 0.0109 9 5 5 1 8 6 3 0 427151.2690 0.0324 0.1000 0.0111 9 5 4 1 8 6 2 0 427151.2690 0.0309 0.1000 0.0111 52 547 0 51 249 1 427174.7430 0.0802 0.1000 0.0145 3021 9 0 302011 1 427206.7210 -0.0295 0.1000 0.0202 302110 0 302010 1 427206.7210 -0.0295 0.1000 0.0202 33 331 1 33 429 0 427440.4450 -0.0233 0.1000 0.0088 47 443 1 46 442 1 427451.4730 -0.0023 0.1000 0.0050 52 548 1 53 450 0 427474.8990 0.0607 0.1000 0.0124 44 539 1 45 441 0 427644.3470 0.0089 0.1000 0.0147 48 445 1 47 444 1 427743.4930 0.0080 0.1000 0.0052 28 425 0 27 324 0 427788.0300 0.1255 0.1000 0.0098 7 7 0 1 6 6 1 1 427835.1150 0.0323 0.1000 0.0154 7 7 1 1 6 6 0 1 427835.1150 0.0323 0.1000 0.0154 73 865 0 72 765 1 427852.6450 0.0406 0.1000 0.0424 481236 1 471235 1 427934.6960 0.0148 0.1000 0.0053 481237 1 471236 1 427934.6960 0.0148 0.1000 0.0053 481335 1 471334 1 428005.3490 -0.0013 0.1000 0.0055 481336 1 471335 1 428005.3490 -0.0013 0.1000 0.0055 312110 0 312012 1 428069.8030 0.0430 0.1000 0.0193 312111 0 312011 1 428069.8030 0.0430 0.1000 0.0193 481434 1 471433 1 428106.4390 0.0048 0.1000 0.0058 481435 1 471434 1 428106.4390 0.0048 0.1000 0.0058 601050 0 59 950 1 428170.8240 0.0362 0.1000 0.0146 601051 0 59 951 1 428177.9970 0.0536 0.1000 0.0146 481236 0 471235 0 428213.9580 0.0170 0.1000 0.0051 481237 0 471236 0 428213.9580 0.0170 0.1000 0.0051 481533 1 471532 1 428225.0890 -0.0041 0.1000 0.0062 481534 1 471533 1 428225.0890 -0.0041 0.1000 0.0062 672047 0 671949 1 428279.4030 -0.0389 0.1000 0.0378 672048 0 671948 1 428279.4030 -0.0389 0.1000 0.0378 481632 1 471631 1 428361.1610 0.0013 0.1000 0.0068 481633 1 471632 1 428361.1610 0.0013 0.1000 0.0068 71 962 1 72 864 0 428363.2770 0.1059 0.1000 0.0351 48 940 1 47 939 1 428414.0780 0.0544 0.1000 0.0050 48 939 1 47 938 1 428414.0780 -0.0192 0.1000 0.0050 481039 1 471038 1 428447.9610 0.0116 0.1000 0.0051 481038 1 471037 1 428447.9610 0.0095 0.1000 0.0051 481731 1 471730 1 428514.0410 0.0144 0.1000 0.0074 481732 1 471731 1 428514.0410 0.0144 0.1000 0.0074 48 445 0 47 444 0 428530.1430 0.0135 0.1000 0.0051 47 443 0 46 442 0 428544.3380 -0.0091 0.1000 0.0056 441133 1 431231 0 428562.8730 0.0515 0.1000 0.0165 441134 1 431232 0 428562.8730 0.0515 0.1000 0.0165 48 841 1 47 840 1 428595.5310 -0.0211 0.1000 0.0049 48 840 1 47 839 1 428597.4700 0.0371 0.1000 0.0049 481830 1 471829 1 428682.7960 -0.0030 0.1000 0.0081 481831 1 471830 1 428682.7960 -0.0030 0.1000 0.0081 74 570 0 73 470 1 428685.6380 -0.2217 0.1000 0.0399 28 821 1 27 919 0 428710.0380 -0.0957 0.1000 0.0091 28 820 1 27 918 0 428710.0380 -0.0971 0.1000 0.0091 481138 0 471137 0 428799.3570 -0.0119 0.1000 0.0050 481137 0 471136 0 428799.3570 -0.0122 0.1000 0.0050 481929 1 471928 1 428866.5830 0.0135 0.1000 0.0089 481930 1 471929 1 428866.5830 0.0135 0.1000 0.0089 30 229 1 30 327 0 428880.0090 -0.0093 0.1000 0.0126 322111 0 322013 1 428959.1060 0.0232 0.1000 0.0187 322112 0 322012 1 428959.1060 0.0232 0.1000 0.0187 481137 1 471136 1 428974.9750 -0.0040 0.1000 0.0053 481138 1 471137 1 428974.9750 -0.0040 0.1000 0.0053 48 742 1 47 741 1 428976.2260 0.1159 0.1000 0.0049 48 741 1 47 740 1 429010.9880 -0.0030 0.1000 0.0049 481039 0 471038 0 429023.7300 -0.0074 0.1000 0.0050 481038 0 471037 0 429023.7300 -0.0129 0.1000 0.0050 75 769 0 74 669 1 429056.4790 -0.1742 0.1000 0.0334 482028 1 472027 1 429064.5460 0.0297 0.1000 0.0098 482029 1 472028 1 429064.5460 0.0297 0.1000 0.0098 48 940 0 47 939 0 429224.2150 0.0585 0.1000 0.0049 48 939 0 47 938 0 429224.2150 -0.0666 0.1000 0.0049 482127 1 472126 1 429275.9220 -0.0005 0.1000 0.0107 482128 1 472127 1 429275.9220 -0.0005 0.1000 0.0107 481335 0 471334 0 429292.6020 0.0312 0.1000 0.0054 481336 0 471335 0 429292.6020 0.0312 0.1000 0.0054 481434 0 471433 0 429334.8660 -0.0073 0.1000 0.0056 481435 0 471434 0 429334.8660 -0.0073 0.1000 0.0056 481533 0 471532 0 429406.9590 0.0559 0.1000 0.0058 481534 0 471533 0 429406.9590 0.0559 0.1000 0.0058 482226 1 472225 1 429500.2000 0.0305 0.1000 0.0116 482227 1 472226 1 429500.2000 0.0305 0.1000 0.0116 47 344 1 46 343 1 429504.6890 -0.0181 0.1000 0.0243 481632 0 471631 0 429511.6430 0.0406 0.1000 0.0062 481633 0 471632 0 429511.6430 0.0406 0.1000 0.0062 48 841 0 47 840 0 429514.8130 0.0277 0.1000 0.0049 48 840 0 47 839 0 429517.3630 0.0266 0.1000 0.0049 48 643 1 47 642 1 429535.1600 -0.0191 0.1000 0.0049 63 558 1 63 658 0 429580.8710 -0.0888 0.1000 0.0300 481731 0 471730 0 429642.1850 0.0332 0.1000 0.0066 481732 0 471731 0 429642.1850 0.0332 0.1000 0.0066 48 544 1 47 543 1 429664.8080 -0.0097 0.1000 0.0050 481830 0 471829 0 429794.0850 0.0060 0.1000 0.0073 481831 0 471830 0 429794.0850 0.0060 0.1000 0.0073 35 332 1 36 234 0 429802.7320 -0.2842 0.1000 0.0126 332112 0 332014 1 429874.5530 -0.0250 0.1000 0.0185 332113 0 332013 1 429874.5530 -0.0250 0.1000 0.0185 481929 0 471928 0 429964.5280 0.0413 0.1000 0.0080 481930 0 471929 0 429964.5280 0.0413 0.1000 0.0080 48 642 1 47 641 1 429974.7940 0.0135 0.1000 0.0049 482424 1 472423 1 429985.0140 -0.1004 0.1000 0.0143 482425 1 472424 1 429985.0140 -0.1004 0.1000 0.0143 48 741 0 47 740 0 430032.4320 0.0181 0.1000 0.0050 482028 0 472027 0 430151.4000 0.0197 0.1000 0.0090 482029 0 472028 0 430151.4000 0.0197 0.1000 0.0090 421329 0 411229 1 430294.5340 0.0327 0.1000 0.0116 421330 0 411230 1 430294.5340 0.0327 0.1000 0.0116 482127 0 472126 0 430353.2360 -0.0734 0.1000 0.0100 482128 0 472127 0 430353.2350 -0.0744 0.1000 0.0100 48 742 0 47 741 0 430385.5360 0.0765 0.1000 0.0064 43 439 1 43 539 0 430474.8900 -0.1470 0.1000 0.0090 58 454 0 57 453 0 526354.1490 0.0348 0.1000 0.0100 62 162 1 61 161 1 526370.3020 0.1519 0.1000 0.0162 62 062 1 61 061 1 526370.3020 -0.0675 0.1000 0.0162 37 532 1 38 434 0 526438.8600 0.0319 0.1000 0.0144 58 553 1 57 552 1 526455.1040 0.0223 0.1000 0.0106 591050 1 581049 1 526526.6430 0.0575 0.1000 0.0110 591049 1 581048 1 526526.6430 -0.0300 0.1000 0.0110 591940 1 581939 1 526529.7160 -0.0503 0.1000 0.0205 591941 1 581940 1 526529.7160 -0.0503 0.1000 0.0205 59 951 1 58 950 1 526584.0420 0.0277 0.1000 0.0112 59 950 1 58 949 1 526586.1940 0.0431 0.1000 0.0112 59 555 1 58 554 1 526671.0930 0.0280 0.1000 0.0118 591149 0 581148 0 526705.7990 -0.0465 0.1000 0.0111 591148 0 581147 0 526705.7990 -0.0709 0.1000 0.0111 46 938 1 451036 0 526803.5310 0.0761 0.1000 0.0107 46 937 1 451035 0 526803.5310 -0.0328 0.1000 0.0107 62 162 0 61 161 0 526880.8950 0.1606 0.1000 0.0184 62 062 0 61 061 0 526880.8950 -0.0055 0.1000 0.0184 471433 0 461333 1 526912.6070 0.0252 0.1000 0.0120 471434 0 461334 1 526912.6070 0.0252 0.1000 0.0120 36 334 1 37 236 0 526963.1740 -0.0223 0.1000 0.0142 591248 0 581247 0 526993.4880 -0.0010 0.1000 0.0110 591247 0 581246 0 526993.4880 -0.0025 0.1000 0.0110 592138 1 582137 1 526998.1090 0.0583 0.1000 0.0274 592139 1 582138 1 526998.1090 0.0583 0.1000 0.0274 59 852 1 58 851 1 527005.1710 0.0400 0.1000 0.0112 59 851 1 58 850 1 527040.7020 0.0332 0.1000 0.0112 56 848 1 57 750 0 527044.9620 -0.1440 0.1000 0.0234 591050 0 581049 0 527149.2080 0.1513 0.1000 0.0111 591049 0 581048 0 527149.2080 -0.1121 0.1000 0.0111 591346 0 581345 0 527171.4310 0.0405 0.1000 0.0111 591347 0 581346 0 527171.4310 0.0405 0.1000 0.0111 591445 0 581444 0 527196.9950 0.0319 0.1000 0.0113 591446 0 581445 0 527196.9950 0.0319 0.1000 0.0113 591544 0 581543 0 527256.9660 0.0005 0.1000 0.0117 591545 0 581544 0 527256.9660 0.0005 0.1000 0.0117 592237 1 582236 1 527259.0650 -0.0506 0.1000 0.0321 592238 1 582237 1 527259.0650 -0.0506 0.1000 0.0321 591643 0 581642 0 527357.4650 -0.0528 0.1000 0.0125 591644 0 581643 0 527357.4650 -0.0528 0.1000 0.0125 591742 0 581741 0 527492.4480 -0.0094 0.1000 0.0138 591743 0 581742 0 527492.4480 -0.0094 0.1000 0.0138 55 254 1 56 156 0 527514.7670 0.0939 0.1000 0.0391 59 951 0 58 950 0 527572.0010 0.0360 0.1000 0.0110 59 950 0 58 949 0 527575.7080 0.0200 0.1000 0.0110 19 217 1 19 317 0 527628.2140 0.0196 0.1000 0.0124 59 555 0 58 554 0 527653.1020 -0.0223 0.1000 0.0108 591841 0 581840 0 527656.5690 0.0134 0.1000 0.0157 591842 0 581841 0 527656.5690 0.0134 0.1000 0.0157 59 753 1 58 752 1 527688.1350 0.0351 0.1000 0.0113 27 622 1 26 720 0 527804.5720 -0.0605 0.1000 0.0089 27 621 1 26 719 0 527807.3240 -0.0410 0.1000 0.0089 591940 0 581939 0 527845.9430 -0.0266 0.1000 0.0181 591941 0 581940 0 527845.9430 -0.0266 0.1000 0.0181 58 553 0 57 552 0 528004.3420 0.0432 0.1000 0.0101 59 752 1 58 751 1 528101.0960 0.0289 0.1000 0.0113 59 654 1 58 653 1 528106.6230 0.0317 0.1000 0.0115 59 852 0 58 851 0 528163.8480 0.0254 0.1000 0.0108 59 851 0 58 850 0 528211.3460 0.0380 0.1000 0.0108 59 753 0 58 752 0 528947.1510 0.0350 0.1000 0.0108 56 255 1 56 155 0 633182.5790 -0.1101 0.1000 0.0179 55 254 1 55 154 0 633724.4170 -0.0018 0.1000 0.0169 32 131 1 32 231 0 633772.0580 -0.1826 0.1000 0.0124 54 153 1 54 253 0 633863.3270 -0.0458 0.1000 0.0161 62 062 1 62 162 0 634008.8060 -0.1068 0.1000 0.0365 62 162 1 62 062 0 634010.5450 0.0179 0.1000 0.0365 10 010 1 10 110 0 634030.1930 0.0739 0.1000 0.0181 54 253 1 54 153 0 634268.6310 -0.0296 0.1000 0.0160 53 152 1 53 252 0 634322.0410 -0.0392 0.1000 0.0155 61 061 1 61 161 0 634519.1910 -0.0867 0.1000 0.0310 61 161 1 61 061 0 634521.2950 0.0175 0.1000 0.0310 52 151 1 52 251 0 634764.6980 -0.0187 0.1000 0.0150 53 351 1 53 251 0 634777.5570 0.0188 0.1000 0.0187 53 252 1 53 152 0 634816.0890 -0.0068 0.1000 0.0154 33 132 1 33 232 0 634841.6710 -0.0344 0.1000 0.0123 60 060 1 60 160 0 635025.2560 -0.0203 0.1000 0.0270 60 160 1 60 060 0 635027.7820 0.0265 0.1000 0.0270 51 150 1 51 250 0 635186.1070 -0.0179 0.1000 0.0147 75 175 1 74 174 1 635263.2780 -0.1089 0.1000 0.0694 75 075 1 74 074 1 635263.2780 -0.1223 0.1000 0.0694 48 147 1 48 247 0 635354.6470 0.0230 0.1000 0.0178 52 251 1 52 151 0 635367.5710 0.0326 0.1000 0.0150 11 011 1 11 111 0 635504.1920 0.0297 0.1000 0.0179 59 059 1 59 159 0 635526.5020 -0.0312 0.1000 0.0241 59 159 1 59 059 0 635529.6220 0.0135 0.1000 0.0241 50 149 1 50 249 0 635575.1320 0.0048 0.1000 0.0144 34 133 1 34 233 0 635728.3660 -0.0317 0.1000 0.0123 75 175 0 74 174 0 635749.2640 0.0327 0.1000 0.0773 75 075 0 74 074 0 635749.2640 0.0234 0.1000 0.0773 49 148 1 49 248 0 635889.4940 0.0264 0.1000 0.0142 52 350 1 52 250 0 635919.6090 0.0087 0.1000 0.0138 51 250 1 51 150 0 635923.7120 -0.0469 0.1000 0.0146 58 058 1 58 158 0 636022.7480 0.0358 0.1000 0.0223 58 158 1 58 058 0 636026.5340 0.0053 0.1000 0.0223 35 134 1 35 234 0 636447.0960 -0.0601 0.1000 0.0123 50 249 1 50 149 0 636484.7720 -0.0214 0.1000 0.0143 57 057 1 57 157 0 636513.5910 0.0822 0.1000 0.0215 57 157 1 57 057 0 636518.3230 0.0758 0.1000 0.0215 12 012 1 12 112 0 636953.2780 0.0698 0.1000 0.0177 56 056 1 56 156 0 636998.6190 -0.0256 0.1000 0.0216 47 146 1 47 246 0 637000.7280 -0.0090 0.1000 0.0140 56 156 1 56 056 0 637004.6290 0.0993 0.1000 0.0216 36 135 1 36 235 0 637012.7290 -0.0382 0.1000 0.0123 49 248 1 49 148 0 637046.2570 -0.0081 0.1000 0.0141 46 145 1 46 245 0 637213.6590 -0.0392 0.1000 0.0135 51 349 1 51 249 0 637292.2510 0.0087 0.1000 0.0121 37 136 1 37 236 0 637439.9770 -0.0573 0.1000 0.0123 45 144 1 45 244 0 637459.0050 -0.0105 0.1000 0.0133 55 055 1 55 155 0 637477.9730 0.1116 0.1000 0.0223 55 155 1 55 055 0 637485.2740 0.1014 0.1000 0.0223 2421 3 0 2320 3 1 637502.9730 0.0226 0.1000 0.0370 2421 4 0 2320 4 1 637502.9730 0.0226 0.1000 0.0370 48 247 1 48 147 0 637554.7940 -0.0439 0.1000 0.0149 44 143 1 44 243 0 637679.4570 -0.0324 0.1000 0.0130 38 137 1 38 237 0 637743.4450 -0.0047 0.1000 0.0123 43 142 1 43 242 0 637857.8560 -0.0217 0.1000 0.0128 39 138 1 39 238 0 637936.8840 -0.0036 0.1000 0.0123 54 054 1 54 154 0 637951.0280 0.1119 0.1000 0.0234 54 154 1 54 054 0 637960.1100 0.1089 0.1000 0.0234 42 141 1 42 241 0 637983.1120 0.0145 0.1000 0.0126 40 139 1 40 239 0 638033.4000 0.0082 0.1000 0.0124 41 140 1 41 240 0 638045.0830 0.0134 0.1000 0.0125 104073 lines written 2386 experimental lines 33 7 26 0 32 5 28 1 318422.8730 0.1000 34 4 31 1 33 6 27 0 392957.6940 0.1000 0 lines found
The School-Based Partnership Program in San Diego County Results of Local-Level Evaluation By The San Diego County Sheriffs Department and The La Mesa - Spring Valley Middle School Edited by Craig D. Uchida 21st Century Solutions, Inc. This report and project were supported by Grant No. 1999-CK-WX-K005 awarded by the Office of Community Oriented Policing Services, U.S. Department of Justice to 21st Century Solutions, Inc. Points of view in this document are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official position or policies of the U.S. Department of Justice or the law enforcement agency involved in the study. Copyright by Craig D. Uchida and 21st Century Solutions, Inc. The U.S. Department of Justice reserves a royalty-free, nonexclusive, and irrevocable license to reproduce, publish or otherwise use, and to authorize others to use, this document for Federal Government purposes. No part of this document may be reproduced in any forms, by any means (including electronic, photocopying, recording or otherwise) without the prior written permission of the U.S. Department of Justice and the authors. Published by: 21st Century Solutions, Inc. P.O. Box 12279 Silver Spring, MD 20908 (301) 438-3132 [email protected] Background Police Department The San Diego Sheriffs Department is the chief law enforcement agency in the County of San Diego. The Department is comprised of approximately 4,000 employees, both sworn officers and professional support staff. The Department provides general law enforcement and jail functions for the population of the San Diego in a service area of approximately 4,200 square miles. In addition, the Department provides specialized regional services to the entire County, in both the incorporated cities as well as the unincorporated areas not serviced by a city law enforcement agency. In January 1995 the Sheriffs Department introduced a new strategy to address the issue that many calls to the Department were repeated calls for help. Rather than treat each call as a fifteen-minute event and then proceed to the next incident, Sheriff William Kolender established the Sheriff Departments first Community Oriented Policing and Problem Solving (COPPS) teams. Community oriented policing is both a philosophy and an organizational strategy that encourages and supports the deputy and the community to work closely together in new ways to solve the problems of crime, fear of crime, physical and social disorder and neighborhood decay. The Spring Valley COPPS office had its grand opening on March 17, 1996. In September, 1999 Corporal Jane Bailey-Sease was assigned to the COPPS office to serve as the school-based partnership liaison with La Mesa-Spring Valley School District. She is also assigned to work closely with the community residents in Spring Valley and the unincorporated areas of La Mesa and El Cajon. Additionally, a Probation Officer from the San Diego County Department of Probation, Lynda Hoban, was also assigned to this project. She was assigned half time to this project and half time to the School District. In July 2000 Ms. Hoban left this assignment for another probation position and Sherry Marcue, Probation Officer, assumed Ms. Hobans duties in the project and the District. When Ms. Marcue left for maternity leave in March she was replaced by Kevin Kellback, another Deputy Probation Officer. The Spring Valley Middle School The Spring Valley Middle School (SVMS) is located in Spring Valley, in the northern section of the community. The attendance area of SVMS is unique because the surrounding homes range from multi- million dollar homes to large apartment complexes for low-income families. The school facility, which is 45 years old, is positioned near a busy thoroughfare, with mini-malls and fast food restaurants. There are no large parks or recreation centers near the campus. SVMSs student population of 1,307 includes students who speak 20 different languages and represent several different ethnic groups (55% Caucasian, 22% Hispanic, 15% African-American and 8% Other). The school is composed of 384 sixth graders, 432 seventh graders, 386 eighth graders, and 55 special education students. 505 students at SVMS qualify for Free and Reduced Lunch (40%). There are 60 certificated staff members and 38 classified staff members. Prior to the implementation of the school-based partnership program SVMSs relationship with the police was a sporadic and somewhat impersonal. Administrators called the Sheriffs Department when they needed assistance with crime related incidents, but reports were not always filed for documentation. The deputy that answered the call for assistance was whoever was on patrol on that time. There were previously no relationship with a specific deputy and contact was mainly limited to crime incidents. The major issues at SVMS have been student disputes primarily verbal in nature. Implementing Problem Solving The SARA problem-solving model has been used in the implementation of the school-based partnership program. Scanning The scanning phased of the project involved: 1) gathering and reviewing relevant school community statistics, such as SANDAG population summary and forecasts, Sheriffs Department crime analysis reports, log sheets and juvenile arrest reports, San Diego County Community Assessment Team Client Data Summary, Spring Valley Healthy Start Parent Surveys, SVMS Student Safety Survey (1998), School Crime Reports, Suspensions, SVMS demographics, and SVMS achievement test data; 2) developing and administering comprehensive questionnaires regarding school/community problems to SVMS students, staff, parents, and community members; and 3) observing students in locations on and off campus to determine the amount and type of problems along with the most frequent locations. The problem that the group decided on was student disputes, with an emphasis on bullying. Analysis The analysis process involved the joint cooperation between the partners: the school district (LMSV project leader), law enforcement (Sheriffs Deputy) and probation (Deputy Juvenile Probation Officer) with assistance form the Social Science Research Laboratory (SSRL) at San Diego State University. The data that were came from: 1) Questionnaires administered to the total student body of SVMS, the total SVMS staff (certified and classified), the parents of SVMS students (25% return rate) and a sample of 44 business community members within a half mile radius of the school; and 2) Victim/Offender/Location surveys completed by school, law enforcement, and probation staff members related to specific student dispute situations. The analysis phase of the project lasted approximately two months, during January and February 2000. There were no major problems or obstacles encountered during this phase. Response The response phase involved all of the major stakeholders: students, staff members, parents, community members, and our law enforcement partners. After a series of meetings and focus groups with the stakeholders over a three-month period (April-June 2000), during which the results of the analysis were shared, the consensus was that the project would focus on bullying awareness and prevention at SVMS. The response was implemented by designing a comprehensive bullying awareness and prevention program at SVMS. We hired Stan Davis, a school counselor from Maine who is a national expert in bullying prevention, during the third week of school in September 2000 to work with SVMS students, staff, and parents. Mr. Davis conducted presentations on bullying prevention for the entire student body in groups of 60 students, using magic and interactive theatre. He also provided a three-hour staff development for staff members focused on creating a school climate that discourages bullying. Additionally, parents were invited to an evening program on the bullying topic. In the months following Mr. Davis work at SVMS, a committee of project staff, teachers, administrators, classified staff and students was formed to reinforce the anti-bullying message at SVMS. The committee instituted a system for student reporting of bullying incidents (called the alligator box), revised the discipline referral form to include a category for bullying, and has planned and implemented a bullying prevention activity for the student body each month. In addition, four large vinyl banners have been hung at the school to advertise the anti-bullying messages in the common areas. In addition to the COPS grant, the resources used to implement the response phase were: 1) Sheriffs Deputy and Probation Officers time as committee participants and their frequent presence on campus to interact with students (2-8 hours per week); 2) Funds from a California School Community Policing Project (SCPP) grant that was awarded to the District in 2000 which have been used to pay teachers for their time spent implementing bullying prevention activities and to purchase several two-way radios used for hallway and lunch area discipline monitoring; 3) Involvement of the Districts Middle School Drug and Safety Coordinator in our anti- bullying activities; and 4) A juvenile diversion worker from the San Diego Youth and Community Services agency worked with groups of at-risk students implementing a Positive Choices curriculum. The response phase was one school year, from September 2000 through June 2001. There were no major problems or obstacles encountered by the project during this phase. Assessment The assessment was conducted using a variety of different sources of data. The projects evaluator designed a pre/post-bullying census which was administered to SVMS staff members and students prior to the start of the program in early September 2000 and then again in June 2001, at the end of the school year. Project staff and school staff members were involved in administering the questionnaires. Student focus groups were convened in October 2000 and again in June 2001 to discuss their perceptions of the bullying problem at SVMS. Teachers form the bullying preventions committee facilitated there grade level focus groups and recorder their responses. Finally, archived date that documented the number of suspensions and logged discipline incidents was used to assess the projects impact. The vice principal was involved in tracking this information. Partnership Information Throughout the implementation of the school-based partnership project the relationship between the partners has been strong and cooperative. The major decisions have been dealt with by consensus of the partners, after equal participation in research and discussion. Each partner has contributed to the project based on individual skills and strengths. The three partners respect and support each other in all matters. Although few formal meetings were held between the partners, there was, at minimum, a weekly informal exchange of information and ideas related to the project. Attending training sessions and conferences together helped to strengthen the partnership bond, as well as the process of working together to achieve common goals. When Lynda Hoban, the first probation officer assigned to the project, left the project in July 2000 her replacement, Sherry Marcue, was trained by Lynda and quickly became a part of the partnership team. Likewise, Kevin Kellbach (Ms. Marcues replacement) was trained and became an effective part of the partnership team. Impact of the Project Effects on police, school and participants A major effect of the school-based partnership program on the police, school and participants is the close and supportive relationship that has developed between the law enforcement partners and SVMS. Before the program started the presence of a police car on campus signified that there was some sort of trouble occurring. Now there is a patrol car parked in front of SVMS several times a week and although it still could mean that there is a crime-related problem on campusit could also mean that the Deputy is spending the lunch hour interacting with students informallyor attending an after school meeting with teachers and administrators to deal with bullying preventionor speaking with a specific student referred by the vice principle who simply needs to hear from law enforcement about potential consequences of behavioror even teaching a class to students on drugs or a related topic. In other words, the Sheriff Deputy has developed a personal relationship with the school and its students, based on trust, support, and cooperation. The increased rapport with the law enforcement as a result of the project has had an impact on the number of calls for service to the Sheriffs Department from the school. During the 1999- 2000 school year there were 56 calls for service from SVMS to the Sheriffs Department. The next year, during the COPS program implementation, that number increased to 83 calls for service, a 33.5% increase. This increase should be viewed positively as an indication of the trust and rapport between school and law enforcement. In years, past, prior to the school-based partnership program, the school dealt with most incidents itself and law enforcement was contacted only in extreme or severe incidents. A similar type of relationship has been built with the deputy probation officer. Prior to the school-based partnership program the probation officer visited the school solely to follow up on individual students referred fro truancy issues. Now the probation officer not only performs those duties, but also sits on the bullying prevention committee, assists the administrators with discipline matters, relates informally with the students and is present on campus at least eight hour per week, often more. In regard to bullying, the major issue addressed by this project, the effect on the students at SVMS has been very positive. The sense of heightened awareness of what bullying is and how it can be stopped is apparent throughout the school from the four large banners that are permanently displayed in common areas to the talk between students that can be overheard frequently on campus. Students have begun to report bullying to adults through the use of the Alligator Box, located in the library. There is a simple form to fill out with the students concern. A staff member checks the box every two hours during the day and referrals are made to an appropriate source to deal with the problem, usually a counselor, administrator, peer mediator, or teacher. In the time period between January and June 2001, there were 39 bullying related reports made by students and followed up by staff members. A comparison of the results of the pre and post student and staff bullying census indicate the following: a. There is an increased level of awareness of bullying behavior on the part of both students and staff. (See questions #1, 2, 3, 5 on student census and question #2 on staff survey) b. There are an increased number of reported bullying incidents, which most likely is due to the heightened level of awareness. (See questions #1, 2 on student census, question #3 on staff survey) c. Regarding the efforts made through the COPS program to reduce/eliminate bullying behavior, 54% of students felt that the efforts were successful and 42% felt they were not successful. The large number of students who felt the efforts were unsuccessful may be attributed to the short time factor of the programs implementation (9 months). This time period was sufficient to raise the level of awareness, but perhaps not sufficient to reduce the actual bullying behaviors. 68% of the staff, on the other hand, felt the bullying prevention activities were effective and 28% felt that they were ineffective. In fact, 86% of the staff members felt that bullying behavior was reduced at SVMS due to activities such as bullying prevention assemblies, banners, alligator box reporting system, monthly awareness activities, and zero tolerance of bullying behavior. In conjunction with results of the student surveys, the effect of the program on students can be measured via discussion held in student focus groups. Student focus groups, divided by grad level and comprised of randomly assigned students, were convened at the beginning of the school year in October and then again in May to discuss the bullying problem at SVMS. Discussion lead to the following observations and conclusions by students: a. The majority of students felt that bullying had decreased over the school year (with the exception of the sixth graders who felt bullying had increased since school began, possibly because they were more integrated in the school in May than they had been in September, only three weeks into a new school) b. 6th and 7th grade students felt that increasing the level of adult supervision in certain remote areas could decrease bullying. All students felt that bullying occurred when adults were not present. c. Students felt that project bullying prevention activities were good and should be repeated more frequently (i.e., more assemblies, skits, etc.) 8the graders felt bullying prevention activities should be integrated into other areas of the curriculum (i.e., writing prompts). d. 7th grade students felt that more lunchtime activities would curb bullying behaviors by giving students something positive on which to focus their attention. e. 6th graders felt that the alligator box was an excellent idea, but inconveniently located for 6th graders. Also, they felt that they would like to be introduced to 7th and 8th grade teachers so they would feel more comfortable approaching them with problems. The number of suspensions and referrals is another measure of the effect of the school-based partnership project. At SVMS there was a marked decrease in suspension incidents, from 474 during 1999/2000 to 211 during 2000/2001, a 55% decrease. During the same period the logged discipline incidents increased from 1,410 during 1999/2000 to 1,809 during 2000/2001 (a 28% increase). One interpretation of these seemingly contradictory statistics is that although the amount of logged discipline incidents increased, this was due to an increased awareness by administration and staff of the importance of documenting student behavior. Therefore, it is possible that the increase in logged discipline incidents may be a function of reporting methods by the new administrator and other staff members. Overall Recommendations and Conclusions The COPS School-Based Partnership program has had a positive impact at SVMS and in the community. The recommendations based on the evaluation, are: 1) Work to continue the close and supportive relationship with the Sheriffs Deputy from the Spring Valley Community Oriented Policing and Problem Solving Office. Continue to request assistance for crime and violence related matters and, at the same time, encourage the Deputys involvement on campus for prevention and community relations activities. 2) Work to continue the close and supportive relationship with the Deputy Probation Officer from the San Diego County Department of Probation. Continue to utilize his expertise in truancy matters and encourage his extended involvement on campus for prevention and support. 3) Continue to implement the bullying prevention program, by training the incoming 6th graders each fall and continuing to work on school-wide awareness, reporting, and discipline related to bullying behavior. Work on developing a student training program for bullying prevention that will be used to train incoming groups of 6th graders yearly. Include expectations related to bullying in the student handbook and review them at the scheduled periodic all-school discipline assemblies. 4) Adopt a zero tolerance approach to bullying behavior on campus by giving offenders clear, swift and appropriate consequences. In conclusion, the school-based bullying problem at SVMS is one that has been affected by the responses implemented during this project. The awareness level has increased over the first year of implementation as a result of student training, school-wide activities, and interventions by adults. To decrease the actual incidence of bullying behavior, recommendations #2 and #3 will be necessary to implement. These statistics must also be viewed in the context of the arrival of a new vice principal during the 2000/2001 school year.
# Presentation: 246655 ## Personal Air Vehicle - By Robert Brown and Nikhil Srivastava - Contributions from: - Dr. Siva Thangam ## This is an artist's concept of a dual-mode road to air vehicle, a 'flying car.' ## A Flying Car—What would it take? - _Concept _ - A “roadable” aircraft that gives people the option to drive or to fly - _Why?_ - Basically, a question of time - “Point to point mobility” can be dramatically increased with a dual-mode vehicle ## The Process - Research: Websites, Magazines, News Articles, other published works - Comparison/rating of existing designs using evaluation metrics - Preliminary conceptual design - Testing of design using principles of fluid dynamics - Building a prototype? ## Sample Metrics (Specifications) - Ease/Speed of convertibility - Fits on roads/parking spaces/garages - Propulsion: fuel efficiency, type of engine - Size: passenger capacity, cargo, fuel - Takeoff/Landing: runway length, noise - Weight distribution ## Important Guidelines - Fuel Sources Involved - Emissions - Noise issues - Cost Analysis - Surveys for user demographics - Ground systems to support transportation - Nikhil’s design
PUBLIC INFORMATION OFFICE JET PROPULSION LABORATORY CALIFORNIA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY NATIONAL AERONAUTICS AND SPACE ADMINISTRATION PASADENA, CALIFORNIA 91109. TELEPHONE (818) 354-5011 PHOTO CAPTION P-48282 February 6, 1997 Manam Volcano Papua New Guinea This three-dimensional perspective view of the volcanic island of Manam, Papua New Guinea was obtained by a NASA imaging radar system onboard a DC-8 aircraft in November 1996. The volcano, one of the most active in the Pacific "Ring of Fire," was in the midst of its largest eruption since 1992 when this image was acquired. The island, approximately 10 kilometers (6 miles) across and 1800 meters (5900 feet) high, is actually the top of a much larger volcano that rests on the sea floor. Lava flows and hot clouds of rock, ash and gas known as pyrocalstic flows are emitted from craters at the summit of the volcano and race down the valleys. Two of the valleys are visible as dark patches near the summit. Deposits from earlier flows appear orange and blue; forested slopes of the volcano appear pink. Two weeks after this image was acquired, the eruption intensified, killing several people and forcing the evacuation of thousands of others. The topographic information in this image was obtained using the technique of radar interferometry, in which the reflected radar signals are recorded simultaneously by two antennas mounted on separate areas of the aircraft. This image was acquired by NASA's Airborne Synthetic Aperture Radar operated in its topographic TOPSAR mode on November 16, 1996. The image is centered at 4.1 degrees South latitude and 145.06 degrees East longitude; the image shows the eastern side of the volcano. No vertical exaggeration has been applied. The colors are assigned to different radar frequencies and polarizations of the radar as follows: red is P-band (68 cm), horizontally transmitted and vertically received; green is P-band, vertically transmitted and received; and blue is C-band (6 cm), vertically transmitted and received.
From: SMTP%"[email protected]" 3-OCT-1997 13:54:22.87 To: Matt Fillingim <[email protected]> CC: Subj: Re: Page updated Return-Path: [email protected] Received: by (UCX V4.0-10B, OpenVMS V6.2 Alpha); Fri, 3 Oct 1997 13:54:12 -0500 Received: from localhost (localhost []) by (8.7.4/8.7.3) with ESMTP id KAA27917; Fri, 3 Oct 1997 10:52:31 -0800 Message-Id: <[email protected]> To: Matt Fillingim <[email protected]> cc: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] Subject: Re: Page updated In-reply-to: Your message of "Fri, 03 Oct 1997 11:36:29 PDT." <> Date: Fri, 03 Oct 1997 10:52:30 -0800 From: Dirk Lummerzheim <[email protected]> Hi Matt, I noticed your new update earlier today and thought that things look better than before. Glynn's and my power are almost the same, and what you calculate is very close (say within 10-15%), or am I missing the point? One thing that I had noticed is that you do include flatfielding, while I have not done so in the past. I am not sure how much of a difference this will make. I am currently working on April 10, 97, since that is what Aaron at SwRI is interested in, and I have a very difficult time: the viewing geometry and brightness are difficult to deal with, as far as removing dayglow is concerned. So I have started to use the flatfield (f13_sec, and f13_sec_mask) which did improve things. However, coming back to Jan 18, if you did include the flatfield and mask, and I didn't, I think you should have gotten a smaller number (or is the oval small enough that nothing gets clipped by the mask?). Anyway, I'll look into rerunning Jan 18 with the f13_sec flatfield, to see what the difference might be. --Dirk +---------------------------------------------------------------+ | Dirk Lummerzheim, Geophysical Institute, University of Alaska | | [email protected] 907 474-7564 | +---------------------------------------------------------------+
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If you need the complete document, download the WordPerfect version or Adobe Acrobat version, if available. ***************************************************************** Before the Federal Communications Commission Washington, D.C. 20554 In the Matter of ) ) FEDERAL EXPRESS CORPORATION ) File No. D066388 ) Application for Five 900 MHz Business Category ) Channels in the Boston, Massachusetts area ) And Associated Request for ) Waiver of the Commission's Rules ) MEMORANDUM OPINION AND ORDER Adopted: February 22, 2000 Released: February 25, 2000 By the Chief, Public Safety and Private Wireless Division, Wireless Telecommunications Bureau: I. INTRODUCTION 1. On January 11, 1999, Federal Express Corporation (FedEx) filed a Petition for Reconsideration of the December 11, 1998 action by the Licensing and Technical Analysis Branch (Branch) of the Public Safety and Private Wireless Division dismissing the above-captioned application. We deny the petition for the reasons set forth below. II. BACKGROUND 2. FedEx was authorized, under Call Sign WNXJ987, to operate a trunked private land mobile radio (PLMR) system in the vicinity of Logan International Airport, Boston, Massachusetts, (Logan Airport) using five 900 MHz Business Category channels. The license for Call Sign WNXJ987 carried a five-year term that was scheduled to expire on September 25, 1996. FedEx states that it mailed a renewal application to the Commission on August 15, 1996, but our licensing records do not reflect the receipt of any such application. Consequently, the license for Call Sign WNXJ987 was deemed to have expired as of September 26, 1996, and was deleted from the FCC's automated licensing database on December 13, 1996. 3. FedEx states that it discovered the deletion of Call Sign WNXJ987 on December 19, 1996, and thereupon contacted the Chief of the Special Facilities Section of the Land Mobile Branch of the former Licensing Division and faxed her a copy of the application mailed to the FCC in August. FedEx states that she told it on December 23, 1996, to file another application because she could not locate any renewal application. 4. On December 23, 1996, Hub Folding Box, Fischbach & Moore, Perini Corp., and Industrial Communications & Electronics, Inc., (referred to collectively as "the Four Applicants") submitted a set of five applications (referred to collectively as "the Five Applications") to the Personal Communications Industry Association, Inc. (PCIA), the Commission-certified frequency coordinator for 900 MHz Business Category channels. The Four Applicants proposed to operate a trunked community repeater on four of the five channels formerly licensed to Call Sign WNXJ987, at a location 21.7 miles from FedEx's Logan Airport facility. 5. FedEx submitted the above-captioned application to reinstate the license for Call Sign WNXJ987 on December 24, 1996, almost 90 days after the date on which the license for Station WNXJ987 expired. The application was not coordinated. 6. PCIA subsequently certified the Five Applications. PCIA forwarded them to the Commission between January 15, 1997, and February 5, 1997. 7. The Branch returned FedEx's December 24 application on April 30, 1997, for correction and resubmittal on the grounds that, because it was submitted more than 30 days after the license expired, it was a new application that required frequency coordination rather than a reinstatement application which did not. FedEx then asked PCIA to provide a frequency coordination request for the operations proposed in the December 24 application, but PCIA declined to do so because FedEx's Logan Airport site with less than 55 miles from the facility proposed in the previously-coordinated Five Applications. FedEx resubmitted its application on May 30, 1997, along with a request for waiver of the frequency coordination requirement. The Four Applicants opposed FedEx's application. 8. By letter dated December 11, 1998, the Branch denied FedEx's Waiver Request and dismissed the above-captioned application. The Branch concluded that FedEx had not demonstrated unique circumstances or a lack of reasonable alternatives justifying a waiver of the Commission's Rules. The Branch also found that FedEx had not demonstrated that it would serve the public interest to waive the Rules to allow FedEx's defective application to be processed because this would in turn cause dismissal of the Five Applications, which were properly coordinated and filed in accordance with the Commission's Rules. The Branch stated that it would continue to process the Five Applications. FedEx filed a petition for reconsideration of the Branch Letter on January 11, 1999. 9. FedEx has continued to operate former Station WNXJ987 pursuant to special temporary authority. FedEx states that the facility is critical to its package delivery network because Logan Airport is FedEx's northeast regional sort facility, one of only 14 regional sorting operations worldwide. FedEx states that it uses the five channels for security, maintenance, loading and offloading of aircraft, and other safety- related requirements at Logan Airport. With regard to alternatives, FedEx states that it holds approximately 750 Commission licenses and routinely assesses whether to contract out its radio communications operations, but has concluded that maintaining its own private radio system is still the best option for it. Moreover, FedEx states that it contacted other entities licensed in the Logan Airport vicinity and found that they cannot provide the access or capacity that FedEx requires for its business operations. III. discussion 10. FedEx requested a waiver of the Commission's Rules to permit the reinstatement of its license for Station WNXJ987 without new frequency coordination, even though the application was filed more than 30 days after the license expired. Former Section 90.151 of the Commission's Rules required that waiver requests demonstrate that unique circumstances are involved and that no reasonable alternative is available. We agree with the Branch that this standard has not been met. 11. FedEx contends on reconsideration that the Branch erred in concluding that the Waiver Request failed to satisfy the elements necessary to obtain the relief requested. Specifically, FedEx states that the circumstances of this case are unique because it maintains approximately 750 Commission licenses, and it filed the renewal for Station WNXJ987 using the same procedures it routinely used for its other licenses. FedEx contends that it had no reason to suspect that the renewal application would simply "disappear" and that it demonstrated diligence by monitoring the database and immediately reacting upon learning of the deletion. It also contends that, given its operational needs, it has no reasonable alternative to the continued operation of its Logan Airport facility. FedEx further contends that we should therefore reconsider the Branch Letter and grant the Waiver Request as well as the above-captioned application. 12. The Four Applicants respond that the Branch correctly determined that the circumstances herein are not sufficiently unusual to support a waiver. Moreover, they contend that FedEx was not reasonably diligent in meeting its responsibility to ensure that its license was renewed. Finally, the Four Applicants argue that FedEx also failed to show that reasonable, even if less than ideal, communication alternatives are unavailable to support its Logan Airport operations or that it has considered acquiring replacement spectrum from an existing licensee. 13. We agree with the Four Applicants that FedEx has not demonstrated that it diligently prosecuted its renewal application. Even assuming arguendo that FedEx mailed the application we nonetheless note that the record in this proceeding only establishes that the application was prepared and placed in a mail tray in FedEx's office FedEx failed to follow through adequately. For example, under the Rules applicants have the option to receive a date-stamped copy indicating FCC receipt of an application. FedEx either did not avail itself of this option, or failed to timely note that it did not receive its date-stamped copy from the Commission. Also, it appears that FedEx failed to keep track of whether the check for the renewal fee was deposited. Further, we are not persuaded by FedEx's contention that it had no reason to suspect anything was amiss with the August 1996 application until Station WNXJ987 was deleted from the database. We do not believe that monitoring the database is a highly effective method of determining the status of one's renewal application given that the deletion of a license from the database would not occur until the 30-day reinstatement period expired. 14. We also note the Commission's strong interest in preserving the clarity of when other applicants may permissibly file for expired PLMR licenses. We believe that granting FedEx's Waiver Request and reinstating its canceled license, under the circumstances presented here, would frustrate the goal of providing a date certain upon which other PLMR eligibles may file an application for the channel and area covered by an expired license. 15. Finally, we note that Fed Ex does not offer specific, supported claims of erroneous conclusions of fact or law that would require reversal of the Branch Letter. In this connection, we acknowledge FedEx's contention that the Commission retained discretion to waive the reinstatement/late- filed renewal rules when warranted by particular circumstances such as those presented in New York City Transit. Briefly, in New York City Transit the Commission waived the reinstatement/late-filed renewal rules over the objection of a potential applicant for the channels involved after finding that: [T]he proposed system is a unique one, involving the safety of millions of passengers on thousands of buses, and it is totally dependent on retention of the 20 channels at issue. The safe and efficient operation of the urban mass transportation system for the largest city in the United States would be seriously compromised by cancellation of these licenses. 16. This precedent does not assist FedEx because the present case does not involve the extraordinary public interest considerations found in New York City Transit. We also note that FedEx's Waiver Request was opposed by other pending applicants who filed applications at a time when the channels in question were available for reassignment. By contrast, the waiver request in New York City Transit was opposed by a potential applicant; moreover, the channels involved in New York City Transit had not been made available for reassignment to other applicants. IV. CONCLUSION 17. In sum, FedEx's license expired; thus, it retained no authorization to operate on the five channels after such expiration except for the special temporary authority that it has received to do so. We are not persuaded that FedEx's contention that it did not discover that its renewal application was lost in the mail until after the license had expired and was deleted from the Commission's licensing database justifies a waiver of the frequency coordination rules. We find no error with the Branch's denial of the Waiver Request. V. ORDERING CLAUSES 18. Accordingly, IT IS ORDERED, pursuant to Section 4(i) of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended, 47 U.S.C.  154(i), and Section 1.106 of the Commission's Rules, 47 C.F.R.  1.106, that the Petition for Reconsideration filed by Federal Express Corporation on January 11, 1999, IS DENIED. 19. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that the Emergency Motion for Stay Pending Reconsideration filed by Federal Express Corporation on December 31, 1998, IS DISMISSED AS MOOT. 20. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that the special temporary authority for Federal Express Corporation to operate on the subject 900 MHz Business Category Channels in the Boston, Massachusetts area under Call Sign WNXJ987 is terminated as of 30 days from the release of this Memorandum Opinion and Order. 21. This action is taken under delegated authority pursuant to Sections 0.131 and 0.331 of the Commission's Rules, 47 C.F.R.  0.131, 0.331. FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION D'wana R. Terry Chief, Public Safety and Private Wireless Division Wireless Telecommunications Bureau
- 81 - (3} Term and species: If the basic class were Non circular cylinder and its synonyms (H75), this would be expanded by the addition of Cone cylinder + C.c. bodies + Ellip- tic c. + Elliptic c. of eccentricity .~ + Hemispherical c. + C. with h. nose + Ogive c. model + Flat faced c. + C. without corners. (4) Term and species (selection}: a choice was made from (3) based on the context of the question asked. For example, in a question on the kinetic theory of gases, when programming the term Gases, only those kinds of gases which reflected in some way the problem of the question were selected - such as Ideal gas, Real gas, High temperature gas, Dissociating gas, Equilibrium gas. (5) Superordinate - i. e., adding to the basic class its immediate containing genus and as many more genera beyond that as appeared sensible; the number of steps included would rarely exceed three. To Non-circular cylinder (H75} would be added, for example, Cylinder + Body of revolution + 3-dimensional body. It should be noted that only the superordinate term was taken - not its species as well; the search is the equivalent of the traditional library search under 'more general' heads. (6) Generic (narrow}. - i.e. adding to the basic class its immediate containing class {genus} and all the other species in the same array (subfacet) as the basic class; e. g., to Non-circular cylinder would be added Cylinder and the rest of the array based on circularity of shape, but excluding those kinds of cylinder (Inconel cylinder, Flat faced cylinder, Long cylinder, etc. ) reflecting other principles of division {Material, Edge properties, Length, etc. ). Similarly, if the basic class were Super- sonic flow, this programme would add to it all other kinds of flow designated by speed, but excluding kinds of flow based on other principles, such as viscosity, compressi- bility, degree of turbulence, etc. (7) Coordinate (selection}: a choice was made from (6) of the most likely terms, but excluding the superordinate term. Since by definition the classes of an array are mutually exclusive this was never a very promising search and in fact was not often productive of any terms. But in those border line situations referred to above, where the concept of generic hierarchy can only be realized practically by accepting a less-than-precise category such as ,characteristics' or 'phenomena', the likelihood was greater; e.g., in a question on Air drag the coordinate class Atmospheric rota- tion was accepted. Another example is that of opposites, or near-opposites, like Laminar flow and Turbulent flow, where a document frequently refers to the one even when its primary subject is the other. (8) Generic (broad}: this added to (6) as many more superordinate terms as seemed reasonable, together with all their species - i.e., not just those restricted to the immediate array (subfacet) in which the basic term appeared. * For example, if the latter were Supersonic flow, this search would now bring in documents indexed by any kind of flow - Laminar and Turbulent, Conical and Parabolic, Equilibrium and Non-equilibrium, etc. This somewhat undiscriminating acceptance of the complete contents of a hierarchy is the equivalent of the 'generic search' as usually understood in machine searching. (9) Systematic Collateral (selection): this was a selection from (8} analogous to the selection from (6) which produced coordinate classes (7) - again excluding the super- ordinate terms themselves. This search was more productive than (7) since there is often a close connection between concepts from different arrays of the same genus. This fact underlies the correlation of properties and the principle of definition by
# Presentation: 946363 ## Parcel Endorsement Options and Shipper Paid Forwarding - 8/05/08 ## 13.7% of all Americans move each year 41.1 million individual / family Change-of-Address (COA) filings 19.3% of all businesses move each year 2.3 million business COA filings 146+ million delivery points in USPS® database 1.8 million new addresses are added each year - 41.1 million individual / family Change-of-Address (COA) filings - 19.3% of all businesses move each year - 2.3 million business COA filings - 146+ million delivery points in USPS® database - 1.8 million new addresses are added each year - America Is Growing & On the Move **Notes:** First, Allow me to set the stage on why we need an Address Change Service. We Live in a very dynamic environment. The Census Bureau tells us: 13.7% of Americans moved last year Resulting in over 41M COA orders for individuals & families Almost 20% of Businesses move each year Resulting in 2.3M Business Change of Address orders The USPS services 145M delivery addresses. It adds 1.8M new delivery addresses each year. As you can see, given the magnitude of these changes, managing address quality is critical – the impact, as you will see, is significant. If address lists aren’t proactively managed mail will become UAA and the USPS then has to react in 1 of 3 ways, depending on the mail class: Forward the Mail – 2. Return the Mail – or 3. Discard the Mail None of the actions are positive for the Postal Service or the Mailing Industry. But these are all too common problem actions. ## Undeliverable Parcels - Forward - Return - Waste - No Address Corrections - Corrections on Changes of Address (COA) only - Corrections on all Undeliverable-as- Addressed (UAA) ## Address Correction Methods/Content - PS Form 3547 - ACSTM electronic record - Correction affixed to returned piece - New address information - Reason for nondelivery ## Mailer’s Decisions - The mailer must decide: - If my mail cannot be delivered as addressed, how do I want the mailpiece treated? - If my mailpiece cannot be delivered, do I want the address correction? Do I want the reason for nondelivery? - If I want the new address or nondelivery reason, how do I want to receive it? - How much do I want to pay for undeliverable pieces? ## Mailpiece Disposition - What do I want done with the mail? - Forward where possible, return the rest? - Dispose of all UAA? - Dispose of all UAA that cannot be forwarded? - Return everything? ## Address Corrections - Do I want a hardcopy notice? - Do I want electronic notices, but only of forwarding information? - Do I want a hardcopy if electronic cannot be produced? ## Express Mail® - Forward with separate address correction, return with correction affixed (ASR1) - Return all pieces with correction affixed (RSR) - Forward (no correction) or return with correction affixed (FSR) - All corrections manual only ## First-ClassTM/Priority Mail® - Forward with separate address correction, return with correction affixed (ASR1) - Dispose of all pieces, separate correction provided (CSR1) (Priority – perishable only) - Return all pieces with correction affixed (RSR) - Return all pieces with correction affixed, except forward temporary (TRSR) - Forward (no correction) or return with correction affixed (FSR) ## First-ClassTM/Priority Mail® - Forward with separate address correction, return with correction affixed, electronic correction in all cases (ASR2) - Dispose of all pieces, separate correction provided (CSR1) (Priority – perishable only) - Forward with separate address correction, dispose all other undeliverables, electronic correction in all cases (CSR2) - Require ACSTM participation ## Standard Mail® - Forward with separate address correction, return with correction affixed (ASR) - Dispose of all pieces, separate correction provided (CSR) - Return all pieces with correction affixed (RSR) - Forward (no correction) or return with correction affixed (FSR) ## Standard Forwarding/Return Postage - Forwarding postage is not collected directly - All mail pieces returned because they are undeliverable and bear an ancillary service endorsement requesting **forwarding** pay the **weighted fee** on return (2.472 x appropriate First-ClassTM or Priority Mail® rate). - Other requested returns charged at appropriate single-piece First-Class or Priority Mail rate or Bulk Parcel Return Service (BPRS) rate if applicable. ## Standard Mail® BPRS - Requires an annual fee - Requires an Accounting fee - Requires a minimum of 10,000 returned pieces in 12 months - Requires endorsement of Return or Address Service Requested-BPRS - Requires machinable classification - Pays a flat rate for each return ## Standard Mail® Shipper Paid Forwarding (SPF) - Requires Traditional ACSTM - Requires the use of Address Service Requested or Address Service Requested – BPRS ancillary service endorsement. - Allows mailer to be charged forwarding postage billed via ACS account. Each forwarded piece generates an address correction and a postage charge for the single piece rate. - Returned pieces are charged the single piece rate or BPRS rate as applicable, collected at return office. ## Package Services **Bound Printed Matter** - Waste all pieces, no address corrections (Unendorsed) - Forward where possible, return undeliverable with correction affixed (FSR) - Waste all pieces, separate address correction (CSR) ## Package Services **Bound Printed Matter** - Return all pieces with address correction affixed (RSR) - Forward all possible, separate address correction, return undeliverables with address correction affixed (ASR) - Shipper Paid Forwarding available ## Library/Media Mail® - Forward locally free - Forward non-locally postage due - Returns at qualifying rate if marked - Forward where possible, return undeliverable with correction affixed (FSR) - Waste all pieces, separate address correction (CSR) ## Library/Media Mail® - Return all pieces with address correction affixed (RSR) - Forward all possible, separate address correction, return undeliverables with address correction affixed (ASR) - Shipper Paid Forwarding ## All other Package Services - Forward locally free - Forward non-locally postage due - Returns at single-piece zone rate - Forward where possible, return undeliverable with correction affixed (FSR) - Waste all pieces, separate address correction (CSR) ## All other Package Services - Return all pieces with address correction affixed (RSR) - Forward all possible, separate address correction, return undeliverables with address correction affixed (ASR) - Shipper paid forwarding may be available ## Package Services Forwarding/Return Charges - Forwarded locally no charge - Forwarded non-locally postage due - Returns at single piece zone rate or BPRS rate (if applicable) - Shipper paid forwarding available for qualifying pieces ## Package Services Shipper Paid Forwarding - Requires Traditional ACSTM - Requires the use of Address Service Requested or Address Service Requested – BPRS ancillary service endorsement. - Allows mailer to be charged forwarding postage billed via ACS account. Each forwarded piece generates an address correction and a postage charge for the single piece rate. - Returned pieces are charged the single piece zone rate or BPRS rate as applicable ## Traditional ACSTM - The USPS® assigns the mailer a Participant ID (PID) consisting of 7 alpha characters. - The mailer completes a profile, choosing a class and mailpiece treatment option for each Participant ID. - The mailer prints the Participant ID and optional keyline at the top of the address block. - The mailer prints the requested ancillary service endorsement on each piece. ## Traditional ACSTM - The Computerized Forwarding System (CFS) uses the Participant ID and optional keyline, class and ancillary service endorsement typed into the system by a clerk – along with Change-of-Address records or reasons for nondelivery to determine the disposition of the mailpiece and produce ACS records. ## ACSTM Record Content - COA record contains the Move Effective Date, move type (Family, Individual, Business), parsed name - from the COA, *not the mailpiece*, parsed old and new address. - Nixie record contains the Participant ID, the keyline, and the reason for nondelivery code. ## New Address Quality - Because ACSTM data comes directly from the forwarding database, some percentage of those new addresses will not DPV® confirm. The information provided on the record is the information we use for forwarding. - COA data is corrected where possible through processes like LACSLink®, Address Element Correction (AEC), AEC II®, and the Electronic Unresolved Address Reporting System (eUARS). ## Nondelivery Codes - USPS® provides a reason for nondelivery if the mail cannot be delivered or forwarded. - ACSTM reasons for nondelivery are a subset of the total. The others cannot be automated and must be provided manually. ## Source of Nixie data - Mail is determined to be undeliverable only by the clerk, carrier, or postmaster at the address on the mail. - Each piece is marked with the reason for nondelivery and submitted to CFS for processing - Nixie data does not come from a database. It is determined on each individual mailpiece. ## Nondelivery Codes | Attempted—Not Known | Delivery attempted, addressee not known at place of address. | | --- | --- | | Illegible | Address not readable. | | In Dispute | Mail returned to sender by order of chief field counsel because of dispute about right to delivery of mail and cannot be determined which disputing party has better right to mail. | | Insufficient Address | Mail without number, street, box number, route number, or geographical section of city or city and state omitted and correct address not known. | | No Mail Receptacle | Addressee failed to provide a receptacle for receipt of mail. | | No Such Number | Addressed to nonexistent number and correct number not known. | | No Such Office in State | Addressed to nonexistent Post OfficeTM (X) | | No Such Street | Addressed to nonexistent street and correct street not known. | | Not Deliverable as Addressed—Unable to Forward | Mail undeliverable at address given; no change-of-address order on file; forwarding order expired. (Q) | | Outside Delivery Limits | Addressed to location outside delivery limits of Post Office of address. Hold mail for out-of-bounds customers in general delivery for specified period unless addressee filed order. | | Refused | Addressee refused to accept mail or pay postage charges on it | | Returned for Better Address | Mail of local origin incompletely addressed for distribution or delivery. | | Temporarily Away | Addressee temporarily away and period for holding mail expired (W) | | Unclaimed | Addressee abandoned or failed to call for mail. | | Vacant | House, apartment, office, or building not occupied. (Use only if mail addressed "Occupant.") | ## Undeliverable, but not a nixie ACSTM record ## Temporarily Away - Legitimate reason for non-delivery - Two ways to receive: - Either the customer has a temporary change of address on file - The customer left mail on hold and did not return on schedule. Carrier/clerk not yet able to submit permanent database entry ## ACSTM Account Approval (prior to mailing) - ACS mailers must submit samples to the ACS department for approval prior to account activation. - Samples are reviewed for correct use and placement of ancillary service endorsements the Participant ID and the keyline ## Record Fulfillment - Address corrections are compiled by Participant ID and posted to RIBBSTM or mailed on CD. - Mailer chooses daily, biweekly, weekly, bimonthly, or monthly fulfillments. - Mailer logs into website manually or through a script or other automated process to collect data. ## Record Delivery on RIBBSTM - Access is provided via a login and password by the customer account number, also known as a MEM number. - MEM number is an “umbrella” account number for billing purposes, under which PIDs can be grouped, by class. ## Fulfillments and Shipping Notices - Each fulfillment data file is accompanied by a Shipping Notice file. - The file format is available in the ACSTM technical guides. - The Shipping Notice file provides the number and type of ACS records provided in the fulfillment file of the same date. ## Monthly Billing - Each month, an invoice is sent to the PID/MID holder showing each fulfillment, the types of records fulfilled, and the amount due. - Invoices are payable 30 days net - Statements are also provided. ## For More Information - Traditional ACSTM, please read USPS® Pub 8a - OneCode ACS®, please read USPS Pub 8b - Both are available on RIBBSTM at _[]( - Check out our website _[http://]([]([/]( - Also be sure to read DMM® 507 for more information on the treatment of UAA mail. - Thank you for your time and attention. I hope you found this presentation and discussion helpful.
**June 22, 2006 FEMA Emergency Management Higher Education Project Activity Report** \(1\) EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT HIGHER EDUCATION CONFERENCE, JUNE 4-7, 2007: Met with various Admin Support personnel today to debrief on the June 5-8, 2006 EM HiEd Conference and to begin thinking through issues associated with the 10th Annual FEMA Emergency Management Higher Education Conference, June 4-7, 2007. Amongst other things, Decided to expand the number of half-day and full day workshops, but make them integral to the conference, as opposed to designated as \"Pre-Conference\" workshops. Thus there will be but one conference registration/application form as opposed to one for the conference and one for each of the three pre-conference workshops. We will develop an attachment to the registration/application form which will provide information on the workshops and enable conference participants to sign-up for workshops without submitting separate applications. We have been allotted 30 additional dorm rooms to support the conference, Sunday June 3rd through Friday morning, June 8th \-- on top of the increased dorm allotment for 2007 \-- 210 rooms. Thus, we now have an allotment of 240 rooms, the largest ever. In that only eight conference participants took advantage of the specially arranged transportation from the Baltimore-Washington International Airport (arranged for Monday June 5th), and because we are making the conference four days instead of three, by integrating the pre-conference workshops into the conference itself, the Transportation Office will not offer special transportation next year for Monday June 4th. Regular NETC bus and van transportation to and from BWI, Dulles, and Reagan National will be available Sunday June 3rd and Friday June 8th at no charge for those participants with an accepted application form and a response indicating that the participant has been allotted an on-campus dorm room, who have arranged with the Transportation Office for their names to go on the transportation list. Admin support will insist that for the next conference, their protocol that applications for events here at NETC will not be processed within 30 days of the event \-- except for extenuating circumstances. Translates into case that application/registration forms need to be submitted before May 4th, 2007. \(2\) FEMA: Hsu, Spencer S. \"\'Obfuscation\' By FEMA Hurt Katrina Victims.\" Washington Post, June 22, 2006. At: <> Roberts, Patrick S. \"FEMA After Katrina.\" Policy Review (Hoover Institution), No. 137, June-July 2006. Accessed at: [[]{.underline}]( \(3\) HAZARDS MAPPING AND MODELING \-- COURSE DEVELOPMENT PROJECT: Received for review today, PowerPoint slides on \"Supporting Emergency Response Operations Using GIS and Modeling,\" to support course session 11. \(4\) HOMELAND SECURITY: Lipton, Eric. \"Mayors Protest Cuts in Antiterrorism Funds.\" New York Times, June 22, 2006. Accessed at: [[]{.underline}]( \(5\) MITIGATION: Treaster. Joseph B. \"Let A Hurricane Huff and Puff.\" New York Times, June 22, 2006. Accessed at: <> \(6\) OFFICE OF GRANTS AND TRAINING, PREPAREDNESS DIRECTORATE MEETING: Met briefly with Dr. Sandra R. Webb, Director, Training Division, Office of Grants and Training, Preparedness Directorate, DHS, today. We talked mostly about this year\'s Emergency Management Higher Education Conference and next year\'s conference. Dr. Webb indicated that she was very much interested in getting her Division more actively engaged in these conferences \-- which is good news. \(7\) PREPAREDNESS: The Sentinel (PA - Editorial). \"Getting Disaster Plans In Order.\" June 22, 2006. Accessed at: <> \(8\) WAR ON TERROR/CLASH OF CIVILIZATIONS: Charney, Craig, and Steven A. Cook. \"America\'s Message to the Muslim World.\" The Boston Globe, June 21, 2006. Accessed at: [[]{.underline}]( \(9\) WESTERN KENTUCKY UNIVERSITY, BOWLING GREEN \-- FLOODPLAIN MANAGEMENT MINOR ANNOUNCED: Receive news that Western Kentucky University has just recently instituted I \"Floodplain Management Minor\" within its Department of Geography and Geology, and within the Department of Engineering. According to information supplied to us, \"Students will become familiar with Federal floodplain management regulations, the National Flood Insurance Program, hydrology, surveying and Geographic Information Systems\ all areas of floodplain management and the impacts of floods on individuals, property, and regional and national economies.\" This will be a 21 semester hour minor. A description of this program, including it\'s point of contact, has been drafted and forwarded to the EMI Webmaster to upload to the EM HiEd Project Website \-- The College List tab \-- Related Programs section, where it should be accessible shortly. In the meantime, for additional information, contact D. David Keeling, Department of Geography and Geology, at <[email protected]> B. Wayne Blanchard, Ph.D., CEM Higher Education Project Manager Emergency Management Institute National Emergency Training Center Federal Emergency Management Agency Department of Homeland Security 16825 S. Seton, N-430 Emmitsburg, MD 21727 \(301\) 447-1262, voice \(301\) 447-1598, fax [email protected] [[]{.underline}]( \* To subscribe to the Hi Ed Activity Reports go to the Higher Education Project homepage at <>. Scroll to the fourth paragraph and click on the link to send a blank e-mail to our list server. You do not need to enter any information on the Subject line or in the Message area. If you want to remove yourself from this mailing list, you can send a blank email to <[email protected]> or visit: [[]{.underline}]( If you are unsubscribing from a different email address than the one you originally subscribed with, send your email to <[email protected]> and include the next line of text in the subject line of your message: Unsubscribe emi-hi-ed-reports <[email protected]> . **"Please note: Some of the Web sites linked to in this document are not federal government Web sites, and may not necessarily operate under the same laws, regulations, and policies as federal Web sites."**
2004.089.16:39:23.94;Log Opened: Mark IV Field System Version 9.6.9 2004.089.16:39:23.94;location,TIGOCONC,73.03,-36.84,180.0 2004.089.16:39:23.94;horizon1,0.,2.,21.,8.,106.,4.,123.,12.,131.,8.,150.,6.,194.,10.,215.,8. 2004.089.16:39:23.94;horizon2,224.,5.,241.,4.,266.,8.,284.,8.,348.,2.,352.,4.,360. 2004.089.16:39:23.94;antenna,6.0,240.0,180.0,-105.9,434.1,-0.5,109.9,azel 2004.089.16:39:23.94;equip,vlba4,mk5a,none,mk4,500.10,3,a/d,170,60,40,none,41 2004.089.16:39:23.94;time,8.095,41.035,rate 2004.089.16:39:23.94;flagr,-500 2004.089.16:40:31.51;"receiver LO checked with counter and locked at 2020MHz, OK 2004.089.16:40:33.45;rxmon 2004.089.16:40:33.47&rxmon/rx=00,*,*,*,*,*,* 2004.089.16:40:33.47&rxmon/rx 2004.089.16:40:33.47&rxmon/rx=01,*,*,*,*,*,* 2004.089.16:40:33.47&rxmon/rx 2004.089.16:40:33.47&rxmon/rx=03,*,*,*,*,*,* 2004.089.16:40:33.47&rxmon/rx 2004.089.16:40:33.47&rxmon/rx=05,*,*,*,*,*,* 2004.089.16:40:33.47&rxmon/rx 2004.089.16:40:33.48&rxmon/rx=0e,*,*,*,*,*,* 2004.089.16:40:33.48&rxmon/rx 2004.089.16:40:33.48&rxmon/rx=0f,*,*,*,*,*,* 2004.089.16:40:33.48&rxmon/rx 2004.089.16:40:33.48&rxmon/rx=17,*,*,*,*,*,* 2004.089.16:40:33.48&rxmon/rx 2004.089.16:40:33.48&rxmon/rx=1e,*,*,*,*,*,* 2004.089.16:40:33.48&rxmon/rx 2004.089.16:40:33.48&rxmon/rx=1f,*,*,*,*,*,* 2004.089.16:40:33.48&rxmon/rx 2004.089.16:40:33.48&rxmon/rx=24,*,*,*,*,*,* 2004.089.16:40:33.48&rxmon/rx 2004.089.16:40:33.48&rxmon/rx=25,*,*,*,*,*,* 2004.089.16:40:33.48&rxmon/rx 2004.089.16:40:33.48&rxmon/rx=26,*,*,*,*,*,* 2004.089.16:40:33.48&rxmon/rx 2004.089.16:40:34.02/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,21.60 2004.089.16:40:34.52/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,21.30 2004.089.16:40:35.02/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.60 2004.089.16:40:35.52/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,13.30 2004.089.16:40:36.02/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.604 2004.089.16:40:36.52/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.000 2004.089.16:40:37.02/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.621 2004.089.16:40:37.52/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,58.85 2004.089.16:40:38.02/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,61.54 2004.089.16:40:38.52/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.244 2004.089.16:40:39.02/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,245.3 2004.089.16:40:39.52/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,67.63 2004.089.16:41:06.60;"receiver 20K is a bit high 2004.089.16:41:29.41;"Phase cal checked with viewing filter and is OK in all BBC's 2004.089.16:41:55.55;"1 PPS OK 2004.089.16:42:05.56;"GPS clock is OK 2004.089.16:42:28.20;antenna=sync 2004.089.16:42:29.12#antcn#Received message for antenna: SYNC 2004.089.16:42:30.08#antcn#ACU synced to 2004- 3-29 16:42:30 2004.089.16:42:30.08/antenna/ACK 2004.089.16:43:03.27;"Fmout-GPS is less than 30ms, OK 2004.089.16:43:25.01;"fmout is start, gps is stop. Units are seconds 2004.089.16:43:31.87;"cable with piece cal out 2004.089.16:43:32.72;cable 2004.089.16:43:32.92/cable/3.722139281E-3 2004.089.16:43:33.91;cable 2004.089.16:43:34.52/cable/3.722481178E-3 2004.089.16:43:46.98;"cable with piece cal in (+101us as nominal) 2004.089.16:44:02.24;cable 2004.089.16:44:02.53/cable/3.616048282E-3 2004.089.16:44:03.36;cable 2004.089.16:44:04.12/cable/3.616067093E-3 2004.089.16:44:31.16;"cable difference is -106us vs +101us as nominal 2004.089.16:44:32.37;bread 2004.089.16:44:32.37&bread/bbc01 2004.089.16:44:32.37&bread/bbc02 2004.089.16:44:32.37&bread/bbc03 2004.089.16:44:32.37&bread/bbc04 2004.089.16:44:32.37&bread/bbc05 2004.089.16:44:32.37&bread/bbc06 2004.089.16:44:32.37&bread/bbc07 2004.089.16:44:32.37&bread/bbc08 2004.089.16:44:32.38&bread/bbc09 2004.089.16:44:32.38&bread/bbc10 2004.089.16:44:32.38&bread/bbc11 2004.089.16:44:32.38&bread/bbc12 2004.089.16:44:32.38&bread/bbc13 2004.089.16:44:32.38&bread/bbc14 2004.089.16:44:32.50/bbc01/612.89,a,4,4,1,agc, -3.49, -4.57,lock,16298,16073,1018,1pps 2004.089.16:44:32.58/bbc02/652.89,a,4,4,1,agc, 4.01, 2.63,lock,16147,16114,1029,1pps 2004.089.16:44:32.66/bbc03/752.89,a,4,4,1,agc, 3.84, 2.63,lock,16168,16190,1027,1pps 2004.089.16:44:32.74/bbc04/912.89,a,4,4,1,agc, 7.00, 5.91,lock,16123,16213,1024,1pps 2004.089.16:44:32.82/bbc05/652.99,c,4,4,1,agc,-13.89,-15.34,lock,16041,14397,1025,1pps 2004.089.16:44:32.90/bbc06/772.99,c,4,4,1,agc, -8.56, -8.56,lock,16210,15450,1030,1pps 2004.089.16:44:32.98/bbc07/832.99,c,4,4,1,agc,-10.59,-10.59,lock,14977,15757,1033,1pps 2004.089.16:44:33.06/bbc08/852.99,c,4,4,1,agc, -8.56, -8.93,lock,15935,16301,1028,1pps 2004.089.16:44:33.14/bbc09/687.89,b,4,4,1,agc, 4.34, 3.92,lock,16381,16153,1020,1pps 2004.089.16:44:33.22/bbc10/697.89,b,4,4,1,agc, 3.57, 2.63,lock,16258,16264,1026,1pps 2004.089.16:44:33.30/bbc11/717.89,b,4,4,1,agc, 2.63, 2.53,lock,16349,16470,1022,1pps 2004.089.16:44:33.38/bbc12/772.89,b,4,4,1,agc, 6.63, 5.63,lock,16764,16265,1019,1pps 2004.089.16:44:33.46/bbc13/807.89,b,4,4,1,agc, 9.23, 8.84,lock,16794,16711,1031,1pps 2004.089.16:44:33.54/bbc14/812.89,b,4,4,1,agc, 7.97, 7.70,lock,16740,16788,1021,1pps 2004.089.16:44:45.22;antenna=pres,200d,30d 2004.089.16:44:46.12#antcn#Received message for antenna: PRES 2004.089.16:44:46.12#antcn#Received message for antenna: 200D 2004.089.16:44:46.12#antcn#Received message for antenna: 30D 2004.089.16:44:48.12/antenna/ACK,ACK,ACK 2004.089.16:45:11.89;caltsys 2004.089.16:45:11.89&caltsys/bbcman 2004.089.16:45:11.89&caltsys/"tpi=1u,2u,3u,4u,5u,6u,7u,8u 2004.089.16:45:11.89&caltsys/"tpi=9u,10u,11u,12u,13u,14u 2004.089.16:45:11.89&caltsys/tpi=formbbc 2004.089.16:45:11.89&caltsys/ifdab=20,20,*,* 2004.089.16:45:11.89&caltsys/ifdcd=20,20,*,* 2004.089.16:45:11.89&caltsys/!+2s 2004.089.16:45:11.90&caltsys/"tpzero=1u,2u,3u,4u,5u,6u,7u,8u 2004.089.16:45:11.90&caltsys/"tpzero=9u,10u,11u,12u,13u,14u 2004.089.16:45:11.90&caltsys/tpzero=formbbc 2004.089.16:45:11.90&caltsys/ifdab=0,0,*,* 2004.089.16:45:11.90&caltsys/ifdcd=0,0,*,* 2004.089.16:45:11.90&caltsys/calon 2004.089.16:45:11.90&caltsys/!+2s 2004.089.16:45:11.90&caltsys/"tpical=1u,2u,3u,4u,5u,6u,7u,8u 2004.089.16:45:11.90&caltsys/"tpical=9u,10u,11u,12u,13u,14u 2004.089.16:45:11.90&caltsys/tpical=formbbc 2004.089.16:45:11.90&caltsys/tpgain=formbbc 2004.089.16:45:11.90&caltsys/"tpgain=1u,2u,3u,4u,5u,6u,7u,8u 2004.089.16:45:11.90&caltsys/"tpgain=9u,10u,11u,12u,13u,14u 2004.089.16:45:11.90&caltsys/tpdiff=formbbc 2004.089.16:45:11.90&caltsys/tpdiffgain=formbbc 2004.089.16:45:11.90&caltsys/caltemp=formbbc 2004.089.16:45:11.90&caltsys/bbcagc 2004.089.16:45:11.90&caltsys/caloff 2004.089.16:45:11.90&caltsys/"tsys=1u,2u,3u,4u,5u,6u,7u,8u 2004.089.16:45:11.90&caltsys/"tsys=9u,10u,11u,12u,13u,14u 2004.089.16:45:11.90&caltsys/tsys=formbbc 2004.089.16:45:11.90&caltsys/"tsys=formbbc,formif 2004.089.16:45:11.92&bbcman/bbc01=*,*,*,*,*,man 2004.089.16:45:11.92&bbcman/bbc02=*,*,*,*,*,man 2004.089.16:45:11.92&bbcman/bbc03=*,*,*,*,*,man 2004.089.16:45:11.93&bbcman/bbc04=*,*,*,*,*,man 2004.089.16:45:11.93&bbcman/bbc05=*,*,*,*,*,man 2004.089.16:45:11.93&bbcman/bbc06=*,*,*,*,*,man 2004.089.16:45:11.93&bbcman/bbc07=*,*,*,*,*,man 2004.089.16:45:11.93&bbcman/bbc08=*,*,*,*,*,man 2004.089.16:45:11.93&bbcman/bbc09=*,*,*,*,*,man 2004.089.16:45:11.93&bbcman/bbc10=*,*,*,*,*,man 2004.089.16:45:11.93&bbcman/bbc11=*,*,*,*,*,man 2004.089.16:45:11.93&bbcman/bbc12=*,*,*,*,*,man 2004.089.16:45:11.93&bbcman/bbc13=*,*,*,*,*,man 2004.089.16:45:11.93&bbcman/bbc14=*,*,*,*,*,man 2004.089.16:45:12.79/tpi/1u,702,2u,858,3u,884,4u,14430,5u,182,6u,260,7u,182,8u,208 2004.089.16:45:12.79/tpi/9u,2808,au,910,bu,806,cu,1612,du,3536,eu,3978 2004.089.16:45:15.00/tpzero/1u,728,2u,884,3u,910,4u,23530,5u,156,6u,260,7u,182,8u,234 2004.089.16:45:15.00/tpzero/9u,936,au,910,bu,676,cu,1378,du,2028,eu,4082 2004.089.16:45:15.05&calon/rx=*,*,*,*,*,*,*,on,*,* 2004.089.16:45:17.54/tpical/1u,2080,2u,884,3u,910,4u,47268,5u,156,6u,260,7u,182,8u,234 2004.089.16:45:17.54/tpical/9u,936,au,910,bu,754,cu,1378,du,2080,eu,4030 2004.089.16:45:17.69/tpgain/1u,47,2u,114,3u,111,4u,159,5u,14,6u,26,7u,22,8u,27,9u,113 2004.089.16:45:17.69/tpgain/au,105,bu,94,cu,151,du,203,eu,175 2004.089.16:45:17.73/tpdiff/1u,1378,2u,26,3u,26,4u,32838,5u,-26,6u,0,7u,0,8u,26,9u,-1872 2004.089.16:45:17.73/tpdiff/au,0,bu,-52,cu,-234,du,-1456,eu,52 2004.089.16:45:17.87/tpdiffgain/1u,47,2u,114,3u,111,4u,159,5u,14,6u,26,7u,22,8u,27 2004.089.16:45:17.87/tpdiffgain/9u,113,au,105,bu,94,cu,151,du,203,eu,175 2004.089.16:45:17.88/caltemp/1u,0.000,2u,0.000,3u,0.000,4u,0.000,5u,0.000,6u,0.000 2004.089.16:45:17.88/caltemp/7u,0.000,8u,0.000,9u,0.000,au,0.000,bu,0.000,cu,0.000 2004.089.16:45:17.88/caltemp/du,0.000,eu,0.000 2004.089.16:45:17.88&bbcagc/bbc01=*,*,*,*,*,agc 2004.089.16:45:17.88&bbcagc/bbc02=*,*,*,*,*,agc 2004.089.16:45:17.88&bbcagc/bbc03=*,*,*,*,*,agc 2004.089.16:45:17.88&bbcagc/bbc04=*,*,*,*,*,agc 2004.089.16:45:17.88&bbcagc/bbc05=*,*,*,*,*,agc 2004.089.16:45:17.88&bbcagc/bbc06=*,*,*,*,*,agc 2004.089.16:45:17.88&bbcagc/bbc07=*,*,*,*,*,agc 2004.089.16:45:17.88&bbcagc/bbc08=*,*,*,*,*,agc 2004.089.16:45:17.89&bbcagc/bbc09=*,*,*,*,*,agc 2004.089.16:45:17.89&bbcagc/bbc10=*,*,*,*,*,agc 2004.089.16:45:17.89&bbcagc/bbc11=*,*,*,*,*,agc 2004.089.16:45:17.89&bbcagc/bbc12=*,*,*,*,*,agc 2004.089.16:45:17.89&bbcagc/bbc13=*,*,*,*,*,agc 2004.089.16:45:17.89&bbcagc/bbc14=*,*,*,*,*,agc 2004.089.16:45:18.47&caloff/"rx=*,*,*,*,*,*,*,off,*,* 2004.089.16:45:18.49?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 1u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.16:45:18.49?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 2u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.16:45:18.49?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 3u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.16:45:18.49?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 4u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.16:45:18.49?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 5u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.16:45:18.49?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 6u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.16:45:18.49?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 7u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.16:45:18.49?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 8u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.16:45:18.49?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 9u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.16:45:18.49?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device au overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.16:45:18.49?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device bu overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.16:45:18.49?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device cu overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.16:45:18.49?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device du overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.16:45:18.49?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device eu overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.16:45:18.53/tsys/1u,-1.0,2u,-1.0,3u,-1.0,4u,-1.0,5u,-1.0,6u,-1.0,7u,-1.0 2004.089.16:45:18.53/tsys/8u,-1.0,9u,-1.0,au,-1.0,bu,-1.0,cu,-1.0,du,-1.0,eu,-1.0 2004.089.16:45:29.12;caltsys 2004.089.16:45:29.87/tpi/1u,13338,2u,4290,3u,4264,4u,16068,5u,4810,6u,4810,7u,4550 2004.089.16:45:29.87/tpi/8u,4602,9u,936,au,2704,bu,4134,cu,3588,du,3120,eu,9126 2004.089.16:45:32.07/tpzero/1u,13442,2u,4238,3u,4108,4u,25948,5u,4888,6u,4836,7u,4472 2004.089.16:45:32.07/tpzero/8u,4498,9u,962,au,2626,bu,4706,cu,3562,du,3250,eu,8970 2004.089.16:45:34.60/tpical/1u,13364,2u,4238,3u,4056,4u,15860,5u,4888,6u,5070,7u,4576 2004.089.16:45:34.60/tpical/8u,4524,9u,936,au,2626,bu,4420,cu,3822,du,3224,eu,9152 2004.089.16:45:34.75/tpgain/1u,153,2u,255,3u,255,4u,159,5u,255,6u,255,7u,255,8u,255 2004.089.16:45:34.75/tpgain/9u,111,au,165,bu,255,cu,255,du,255,eu,255 2004.089.16:45:34.76/tpdiff/1u,26,2u,-52,3u,-208,4u,-208,5u,78,6u,260,7u,26,8u,-78 2004.089.16:45:34.76/tpdiff/9u,0,au,-78,bu,286,cu,234,du,104,eu,26 2004.089.16:45:34.91/tpdiffgain/1u,153,2u,255,3u,255,4u,159,5u,255,6u,255,7u,255,8u,255 2004.089.16:45:34.91/tpdiffgain/9u,111,au,165,bu,255,cu,255,du,255,eu,255 2004.089.16:45:34.92/caltemp/1u,0.000,2u,0.000,3u,0.000,4u,0.000,5u,0.000,6u,0.000 2004.089.16:45:34.92/caltemp/7u,0.000,8u,0.000,9u,0.000,au,0.000,bu,0.000,cu,0.000 2004.089.16:45:34.92/caltemp/du,0.000,eu,0.000 2004.089.16:45:35.50?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 1u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.16:45:35.50?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 2u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.16:45:35.50?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 3u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.16:45:35.50?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 4u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.16:45:35.50?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 5u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.16:45:35.50?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 6u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.16:45:35.50?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 7u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.16:45:35.50?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 8u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.16:45:35.50?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 9u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.16:45:35.50?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device au overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.16:45:35.51?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device bu overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.16:45:35.51?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device cu overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.16:45:35.51?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device du overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.16:45:35.51?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device eu overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.16:45:35.54/tsys/1u,-1.0,2u,-1.0,3u,-1.0,4u,-1.0,5u,-1.0,6u,-1.0,7u,-1.0 2004.089.16:45:35.54/tsys/8u,-1.0,9u,-1.0,au,-1.0,bu,-1.0,cu,-1.0,du,-1.0,eu,-1.0 2004.089.16:45:59.37;setupa=1 2004.089.16:45:59.37&setupa/tapeformc 2004.089.16:45:59.37&setupa/pass=$,same 2004.089.16:45:59.37&setupa/form=c1,4.000 2004.089.16:45:59.37&setupa/pcalon 2004.089.16:45:59.37&setupa/!* 2004.089.16:45:59.37&setupa/bit_density=56250 2004.089.16:45:59.37&setupa/systracks= 2004.089.16:45:59.37&setupa/bbcsx2 2004.089.16:45:59.38&setupa/ifdsx 2004.089.16:45:59.38&setupa/enable=g0,g2 2004.089.16:45:59.38&setupa/tape=low 2004.089.16:45:59.38&setupa/repro=byp,8,20 2004.089.16:45:59.38&setupa/!*+8s 2004.089.16:45:59.40&tapeformc/tapeform=1,-330,2,-330,3,-275,4,-275,5,-220,6,-220 2004.089.16:45:59.40&tapeformc/tapeform=7,-165,8,-165,9,-110,10,-110,11,-55,12,-55 2004.089.16:45:59.40&tapeformc/tapeform=13,0,14,0,15,55,16,55,17,110,18,110 2004.089.16:45:59.40&tapeformc/tapeform=19,165,20,165,21,220,22,220,23,275,24,275 2004.089.16:45:59.41?ERROR sp -13 This command not supported for your equipment, check equip.ctl. 2004.089.16:45:59.42?ERROR sp -13 This command not supported for your equipment, check equip.ctl. 2004.089.16:45:59.42?ERROR sp -13 This command not supported for your equipment, check equip.ctl. 2004.089.16:45:59.43?ERROR sp -13 This command not supported for your equipment, check equip.ctl. 2004.089.16:45:59.44?ERROR sp -13 This command not supported for your equipment, check equip.ctl. 2004.089.16:46:01.01&pcalon/"no phase cal control is implemented here 2004.089.16:46:01.03?ERROR sp -13 This command not supported for your equipment, check equip.ctl. 2004.089.16:46:01.04?ERROR sp -13 This command not supported for your equipment, check equip.ctl. 2004.089.16:46:01.04&bbcsx2/bbc01=610.89,a,2.0,2.0 2004.089.16:46:01.04&bbcsx2/bbc02=620.89,a,2.0,2.0 2004.089.16:46:01.04&bbcsx2/bbc03=650.89,a,2.0,2.0 2004.089.16:46:01.04&bbcsx2/bbc04=710.89,a,2.0,2.0 2004.089.16:46:01.04&bbcsx2/bbc05=820.89,a,2.0,2.0 2004.089.16:46:01.04&bbcsx2/bbc06=900.89,a,2.0,2.0 2004.089.16:46:01.04&bbcsx2/bbc07=950.89,a,2.0,2.0 2004.089.16:46:01.04&bbcsx2/bbc08=970.89,a,2.0,2.0 2004.089.16:46:01.04&bbcsx2/bbc09=677.89,b,2.0,2.0 2004.089.16:46:01.04&bbcsx2/bbc10=682.89,b,2.0,2.0 2004.089.16:46:01.04&bbcsx2/bbc11=697.89,b,2.0,2.0 2004.089.16:46:01.04&bbcsx2/bbc12=727.89,b,2.0,2.0 2004.089.16:46:01.05&bbcsx2/bbc13=752.89,b,2.0,2.0 2004.089.16:46:01.05&bbcsx2/bbc14=762.89,b,2.0,2.0 2004.089.16:46:01.61&ifdsx/ifdab=0,0,nor,nor 2004.089.16:46:01.62&ifdsx/ifdcd=0,0,nor,nor 2004.089.16:46:01.62&ifdsx/lo= 2004.089.16:46:01.62&ifdsx/lo=loa,7600.10,usb,rcp,1 2004.089.16:46:01.62&ifdsx/lo=lob,1540.10,usb,rcp,1 2004.089.16:46:01.72?ERROR sp -13 This command not supported for your equipment, check equip.ctl. 2004.089.16:46:01.73?ERROR sp -13 This command not supported for your equipment, check equip.ctl. 2004.089.16:46:01.74?ERROR sp -13 This command not supported for your equipment, check equip.ctl. 2004.089.16:46:11.21;caltsys 2004.089.16:46:11.94/tpi/1u,16043,2u,16316,3u,16387,4u,16119,5u,16215,6u,16374,7u,16311 2004.089.16:46:11.95/tpi/8u,11991 2004.089.16:46:11.95/tpi/9u,16340,au,16270,bu,16326,cu,16381,du,15761,eu,16201 2004.089.16:46:14.15/tpzero/1u,602,2u,430,3u,507,4u,619,5u,666,6u,649,7u,1579,8u,1545 2004.089.16:46:14.15/tpzero/9u,458,au,411,bu,453,cu,446,du,475,eu,609 2004.089.16:46:16.64/tpical/1u,16000,2u,16350,3u,16395,4u,16102,5u,16276,6u,16341 2004.089.16:46:16.64/tpical/7u,16284,8u,11956 2004.089.16:46:16.64/tpical/9u,16350,au,16319,bu,16324,cu,16332,du,15765,eu,16228 2004.089.16:46:16.79/tpgain/1u,44,2u,73,3u,96,4u,100,5u,148,6u,116,7u,254,8u,255 2004.089.16:46:16.79/tpgain/9u,93,au,82,bu,83,cu,98,du,127,eu,115 2004.089.16:46:16.80/tpdiff/1u,-43,2u,34,3u,8,4u,-17,5u,61,6u,-33,7u,-27,8u,-35 2004.089.16:46:16.80/tpdiff/9u,10,au,49,bu,-2,cu,-49,du,4,eu,27 2004.089.16:46:16.95/tpdiffgain/1u,44,2u,73,3u,96,4u,100,5u,148,6u,116,7u,254,8u,255 2004.089.16:46:16.95/tpdiffgain/9u,93,au,82,bu,83,cu,98,du,127,eu,115 2004.089.16:46:16.97/caltemp/1u,12.270,2u,12.270,3u,12.270,4u,12.270,5u,12.270,6u,12.270 2004.089.16:46:16.97/caltemp/7u,12.270,8u,12.270 2004.089.16:46:16.97/caltemp/9u,16.000,au,16.000,bu,16.000,cu,16.000,du,16.000,eu,16.000 2004.089.16:46:17.55?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 1u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.16:46:17.55?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 4u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.16:46:17.55?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 6u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.16:46:17.55?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 7u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.16:46:17.55?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 8u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.16:46:17.55?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device bu overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.16:46:17.55?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device cu overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.16:46:17.57/tsys/1u,$$$$$$$$,2u,5733.0,3u,24356.0,4u,$$$$$$$$,5u,3127.6,6u,$$$$$$$$ 2004.089.16:46:17.57/tsys/7u,$$$$$$$$,8u,$$$$$$$$ 2004.089.16:46:17.58/tsys/9u,25411.2,au,5178.4,bu,$$$$$$$$,cu,$$$$$$$$,du,61144.0 2004.089.16:46:17.58/tsys/eu,9239.7 2004.089.16:46:20.25;caltsys 2004.089.16:46:20.97/tpi/1u,15968,2u,16334,3u,16341,4u,16073,5u,16238,6u,16306,7u,16171 2004.089.16:46:20.97/tpi/8u,11903 2004.089.16:46:20.97/tpi/9u,16337,au,16320,bu,16291,cu,16315,du,16603,eu,16231 2004.089.16:46:23.18/tpzero/1u,601,2u,430,3u,505,4u,617,5u,666,6u,649,7u,1575,8u,1542 2004.089.16:46:23.18/tpzero/9u,458,au,411,bu,454,cu,444,du,487,eu,608 2004.089.16:46:25.69/tpical/1u,15923,2u,16273,3u,16246,4u,15996,5u,16197,6u,16216 2004.089.16:46:25.69/tpical/7u,16103,8u,11856 2004.089.16:46:25.69/tpical/9u,16336,au,16308,bu,16311,cu,16353,du,16617,eu,16247 2004.089.16:46:25.84/tpgain/1u,44,2u,73,3u,96,4u,100,5u,148,6u,116,7u,254,8u,255 2004.089.16:46:25.84/tpgain/9u,93,au,82,bu,83,cu,98,du,129,eu,115 2004.089.16:46:25.85/tpdiff/1u,-45,2u,-61,3u,-95,4u,-77,5u,-41,6u,-90,7u,-68,8u,-47 2004.089.16:46:25.85/tpdiff/9u,-1,au,-12,bu,20,cu,38,du,14,eu,16 2004.089.16:46:26.00/tpdiffgain/1u,44,2u,73,3u,96,4u,100,5u,148,6u,116,7u,254,8u,255 2004.089.16:46:26.00/tpdiffgain/9u,93,au,82,bu,83,cu,98,du,129,eu,115 2004.089.16:46:26.01/caltemp/1u,12.270,2u,12.270,3u,12.270,4u,12.270,5u,12.270,6u,12.270 2004.089.16:46:26.01/caltemp/7u,12.270,8u,12.270 2004.089.16:46:26.01/caltemp/9u,16.000,au,16.000,bu,16.000,cu,16.000,du,16.000,eu,16.000 2004.089.16:46:26.59?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 1u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.16:46:26.60?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 2u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.16:46:26.60?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 3u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.16:46:26.60?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 4u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.16:46:26.60?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 5u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.16:46:26.61?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 6u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.16:46:26.61?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 7u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.16:46:26.61?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 8u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.16:46:26.61?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 9u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.16:46:26.62?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device au overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.16:46:26.62/tsys/1u,$$$$$$$$,2u,$$$$$$$$,3u,$$$$$$$$,4u,$$$$$$$$,5u,$$$$$$$$ 2004.089.16:46:26.62/tsys/6u,$$$$$$$$,7u,$$$$$$$$,8u,$$$$$$$$ 2004.089.16:46:26.62/tsys/9u,$$$$$$$$,au,$$$$$$$$,bu,12669.6,cu,6682.5,du,18418.3 2004.089.16:46:26.62/tsys/eu,15623.0 2004.089.16:46:35.43;wx 2004.089.16:46:35.43/wx/15.3,996.8,97.7,336.5,2.0 2004.089.16:46:52.22;schedule=r1116tc,#1 2004.089.16:46:52.28:" R1116 2004 TIGOCONC O Tc 2004.089.16:46:52.28:" O TIGOCONC AZEL 0.0000 180.0 0 276.0 916.0 90.0 0 0.0 90.0 6.0 Tc 70 2004.089.16:46:52.28:" Tc TIGOCONC 1492054.15681 -4887961.00333 -3803541.35678 00000000 2004.089.16:46:52.28:" 70 TIGO 1417400 2004.089.16:46:52.28:" drudg version 030915 compiled under FS 9.6.9 2004.089.16:46:52.28:" Rack=VLBA4 Recorder 1=Mark5A Recorder 2=none 2004.089.16:46:52.29:exper_initi 2004.089.16:46:52.29&exper_initi/proc_library 2004.089.16:46:52.29&exper_initi/sched_initi 2004.089.16:46:52.29&exper_initi/mk5=dts_id? 2004.089.16:46:52.29&exper_initi/mk5=os_rev1? 2004.089.16:46:52.29&exper_initi/mk5=os_rev2? 2004.089.16:46:52.29&exper_initi/mk5=ss_rev1? 2004.089.16:46:52.29&exper_initi/mk5=ss_rev2? 2004.089.16:46:52.29&exper_initi/mk5=status? 2004.089.16:46:52.30:scan_name=089-1700a,r1116,190 2004.089.16:46:52.32:source=0133+476,013658.59,475129.1,2000.0,ccw 2004.089.16:46:57.13:setup4f 2004.089.16:46:57.13&setup4f/"connect the set 1 mark 5a recorder input to" 2004.089.16:46:57.13&setup4f/"the headstack 1 output of the formatter" 2004.089.16:46:57.13&setup4f/pcalon 2004.089.16:46:57.13&setup4f/tpicd=stop 2004.089.16:46:57.13&setup4f/trkf4f 2004.089.16:46:57.13&setup4f/tracks=v0,v1,v2,v3 2004.089.16:46:57.13&setup4f/bbc4f8 2004.089.16:46:57.14&setup4f/ifd4f 2004.089.16:46:57.14&setup4f/form=m,16.000,1:2 2004.089.16:46:57.14&setup4f/tpicd=no,0 2004.089.16:46:57.14&setup4f/mk5=play_rate=data:8 2004.089.16:46:57.14&setup4f/mk5=mode=mark4:32; 2004.089.16:46:57.14&setup4f/bank_check 2004.089.16:46:57.14&setup4f/tpicd 2004.089.16:46:57.14&setup4f/mk5=mode? 2004.089.16:46:57.16&trkf4f/trackform= 2004.089.16:46:57.16&trkf4f/trackform=2,1us,6,1ls,10,2us,14,3us,18,4us,22,5us,26,6us,30,7us 2004.089.16:46:57.16&trkf4f/trackform=3,8us,7,8ls,11,9us,15,10us,19,11us,23,12us,27,13us 2004.089.16:46:57.16&trkf4f/trackform=31,14us 2004.089.16:46:57.22&bbc4f8/bbc01=612.89,a,8.000,8.000 2004.089.16:46:57.22&bbc4f8/bbc02=652.89,a,8.000,8.000 2004.089.16:46:57.23&bbc4f8/bbc03=752.89,a,8.000,8.000 2004.089.16:46:57.23&bbc4f8/bbc04=912.89,a,8.000,8.000 2004.089.16:46:57.23&bbc4f8/bbc05=652.99,c,8.000,8.000 2004.089.16:46:57.23&bbc4f8/bbc06=772.99,c,8.000,8.000 2004.089.16:46:57.23&bbc4f8/bbc07=832.99,c,8.000,8.000 2004.089.16:46:57.23&bbc4f8/bbc08=852.99,c,8.000,8.000 2004.089.16:46:57.23&bbc4f8/bbc09=692.89,b,8.000,8.000 2004.089.16:46:57.23&bbc4f8/bbc10=700.89,b,8.000,8.000 2004.089.16:46:57.23&bbc4f8/bbc11=716.89,b,8.000,8.000 2004.089.16:46:57.23&bbc4f8/bbc12=772.89,b,8.000,8.000 2004.089.16:46:57.23&bbc4f8/bbc13=804.89,b,8.000,8.000 2004.089.16:46:57.23&bbc4f8/bbc14=812.89,b,8.000,8.000 2004.089.16:46:57.83&ifd4f/ifdab=0,0,nor,nor 2004.089.16:46:57.83&ifd4f/ifdcd=0,0,nor,nor 2004.089.16:46:57.83&ifd4f/lo= 2004.089.16:46:57.83&ifd4f/lo=loa,7600.10,usb,rcp,1 2004.089.16:46:57.84&ifd4f/lo=lob,1540.10,usb,rcp,1 2004.089.16:46:57.84&ifd4f/lo=loc,8080.00,usb,rcp,1 2004.089.16:47:00.04/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.089.16:47:00.06/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.089.16:47:00.08/bank_check/usn-0079/960/1024OK,VNVD06G4H7982L,VNVD06G4H79L4L,VNVD06G4H79RWL,VNVD06G4H71WBL,VNVD06G4H79GKL,VNVD06G4H79D4L,VNVD06G4H700TL,VNVD06G4H79GUL 2004.089.16:47:00.11/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 1 ; 2004.089.16:47:00.11:ready_disc 2004.089.16:47:00.11&ready_disc/mk5close 2004.089.16:47:00.11&ready_disc/xdisp=on 2004.089.16:47:00.11&ready_disc/"mount the mark5 discs for this experiment now 2004.089.16:47:00.11&ready_disc/"recording will begin at current position 2004.089.16:47:00.11&ready_disc/"enter 'mk5relink' when ready or 2004.089.16:47:00.11&ready_disc/"if you can't get the mk5 going then 2004.089.16:47:00.11&ready_disc/"enter 'cont' to continue without the mk5 2004.089.16:47:00.11&ready_disc/xdisp=off 2004.089.16:47:00.12&ready_disc/halt 2004.089.16:47:00.12&ready_disc/disc_serial 2004.089.16:47:00.12&ready_disc/disc_pos 2004.089.16:47:00.22&proc_library/" r1116 tigoconc tc 2004.089.16:47:00.22&proc_library/" drudg version 030915 compiled under fs 9.6.9 2004.089.16:47:00.22&proc_library/"< vlba4 rack >< mark5a recorder 1> 2004.089.16:47:00.26&sched_initi/"tigoconc starts a schedule 2004.089.16:47:01.29/mk5/!DTS_id? 0 : Mark5A : 2003y281d18h : 1 : BR-RS-8206 : 1 : 1 : 2.6x : 0xb6 : 0x17 ; 2004.089.16:47:01.32/mk5/!OS_rev1? 0 : "Linux version 2.4.18-3 ([email protected]) (gcc" ; 2004.089.16:47:01.34/mk5/!OS_rev2? 0 : "version 2.96 20000731 (Red Hat Linux 7.3 2.96-110)) #1 Thu Apr 18 07:37:53 EDT 2002" ; 2004.089.16:47:01.36/mk5/!SS_rev1? 0 : "BoardType PCI-816VXF2, SerialNum 8172, ApiVersion 5.04, ApiDateCode Aug 26 2003" ; 2004.089.16:47:01.40/mk5/!SS_rev2? 0 : "FirmwareVersion 10.35, FirmDateCode Sep 04 2003, MonitorVersion 6.02, XbarVersion 3.08, AtaVersion 1.04, UAtaVersion 0.00, DriverVersion 603" ; 2004.089.16:47:01.42/mk5/!status? 0 : 0x00300001 ; 2004.089.16:47:09.62;mk5relink 2004.089.16:47:10.63/disc_serial/VNVD06G4H7982L,VNVD06G4H79L4L,VNVD06G4H79RWL,VNVD06G4H71WBL,VNVD06G4H79GKL,VNVD06G4H79D4L,VNVD06G4H700TL,VNVD06G4H79GUL, 2004.089.16:47:10.64/disc_pos/0,0, 2004.089.16:47:10.64:!2004.089.16:59:50 2004.089.16:59:50.01:disc_pos 2004.089.16:59:50.03/disc_pos/0,0, 2004.089.16:59:50.03:disc_start=on 2004.089.16:59:51.06:!2004.089.16:59:50 2004.089.16:59:51.07:preob 2004.089.16:59:51.07&preob/onsource 2004.089.16:59:51.07&preob/bbcman 2004.089.16:59:51.07&preob/"calon 2004.089.16:59:51.07&preob/!+2s 2004.089.16:59:51.07&preob/tpical=formbbc 2004.089.16:59:51.07&preob/tpgain=formbbc 2004.089.16:59:51.07&preob/"tpical=1u,2u,3u,4u,5u,6u,7u,8u 2004.089.16:59:51.07&preob/"tpical=9u,10u,11u,12u,13u,14u 2004.089.16:59:51.07&preob/"tpgain=1u,2u,3u,4u,5u,6u,7u,8u 2004.089.16:59:51.07&preob/"tpgain=10u,11u,12u,13u,14u 2004.089.16:59:51.07&preob/"caloff 2004.089.16:59:51.07&preob/"ifdab=20,20,*,* 2004.089.16:59:51.07&preob/"ifdcd=20,20,*,* 2004.089.16:59:51.07&preob/"!+2s 2004.089.16:59:51.08&preob/"tpzero=formbbc,formif 2004.089.16:59:51.08&preob/"tpzero=1u,2u,3u,4u,5u,6u,7u,8u,ifa,ifc 2004.089.16:59:51.08&preob/"tpzero=9u,10u,11u,12u,13u,14u,ifb 2004.089.16:59:51.08&preob/"ifdab=0,0,*,* 2004.089.16:59:51.08&preob/"ifdcd=0,0,*,* 2004.089.16:59:52.13#antcn#ACK 2004.089.16:59:52.14/onsource/TRACKING 2004.089.16:59:54.88/tpical/1l,15509,1u,16265,2u,16368,3u,15986,4u,16248 2004.089.16:59:54.89/tpical/9u,16239,au,16068,bu,15878,cu,15888,du,16249,eu,16140 2004.089.16:59:54.89/tpical/5u,13752,6u,15963,7u,15389,8l,16340,8u,15014 2004.089.16:59:55.04/tpgain/1l,32,1u,36,2u,84,3u,87,4u,118 2004.089.16:59:55.04/tpgain/9u,94,au,89,bu,73,cu,127,du,167,eu,140 2004.089.16:59:55.04/tpgain/5u,10,6u,20,7u,16,8l,19,8u,20 2004.089.16:59:55.09:!2004.089.17:00:00 2004.089.17:00:00.00:disc_pos 2004.089.17:00:00.01/disc_pos/255766528,0, 2004.089.17:00:00.01:data_valid=on 2004.089.17:00:00.05:midob 2004.089.17:00:00.05&midob/tpi=formbbc 2004.089.17:00:00.05&midob/"tpi=1u,2u,3u,4u,5u,6u,7u,8u 2004.089.17:00:00.05&midob/"tpi=9u,10u,11u,12u,13u,14u 2004.089.17:00:00.05&midob/bbcagc 2004.089.17:00:00.05&midob/tsys=formbbc 2004.089.17:00:00.05&midob/"tsys=1u,2u,3u,4u,5u,6u,7u,8u 2004.089.17:00:00.05&midob/"tsys=9u,10u,11u,12u,13u,14u 2004.089.17:00:00.05&midob/wx 2004.089.17:00:00.06&midob/cable 2004.089.17:00:00.06&midob/rxmon 2004.089.17:00:00.06&midob/bread 2004.089.17:00:00.06&midob/antenna=gets 2004.089.17:00:00.22/tpi/1l,15490,1u,16255,2u,16351,3u,15969,4u,16223 2004.089.17:00:00.22/tpi/9u,16229,au,16078,bu,15882,cu,15880,du,16242,eu,16133 2004.089.17:00:00.22/tpi/5u,13757,6u,15968,7u,15372,8l,16324,8u,15000 2004.089.17:00:00.82?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 1l overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.17:00:00.82?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 8l overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.17:00:00.82?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 1u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.17:00:00.82?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 2u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.17:00:00.82?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 3u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.17:00:00.82?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 4u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.17:00:00.82?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 5u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.17:00:00.82?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 6u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.17:00:00.82?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 7u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.17:00:00.82?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 8u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.17:00:00.82?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 9u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.17:00:00.82?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device au overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.17:00:00.85/tsys/1l,$$$$$$$$,1u,$$$$$$$$,2u,$$$$$$$$,3u,$$$$$$$$,4u,$$$$$$$$ 2004.089.17:00:00.85/tsys/9u,$$$$$$$$,au,$$$$$$$$,bu,16061.8,cu,3794.4,du,10519.3 2004.089.17:00:00.85/tsys/eu,10277.7 2004.089.17:00:00.85/tsys/5u,$$$$$$$$,6u,$$$$$$$$,7u,$$$$$$$$,8l,$$$$$$$$,8u,$$$$$$$$ 2004.089.17:00:00.86/wx/15.3,996.8,97.7,285.6,1.3 2004.089.17:00:00.92/cable/3.720288127E-3 2004.089.17:00:01.42/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,21.50 2004.089.17:00:01.87/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,21.20 2004.089.17:00:02.32/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.60 2004.089.17:00:02.77/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,13.00 2004.089.17:00:03.22/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.604 2004.089.17:00:03.67/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.000 2004.089.17:00:04.12/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.396 2004.089.17:00:04.57/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,64.17 2004.089.17:00:05.02/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,61.54 2004.089.17:00:05.47/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.271 2004.089.17:00:05.92/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,243.4 2004.089.17:00:06.37/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,65.43 2004.089.17:00:06.46/bbc01/612.89,a,8,8,1,agc, -4.80, -5.53,lock,16000,16344,1018,1pps 2004.089.17:00:06.54/bbc02/652.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 2.53, 0.61,lock,15983,16250,1029,1pps 2004.089.17:00:06.62/bbc03/752.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 3.02, 1.22,lock,16196,16252,1027,1pps 2004.089.17:00:06.70/bbc04/912.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 5.49, 4.42,lock,15976,16150,1024,1pps 2004.089.17:00:06.78/bbc05/652.99,c,8,8,1,agc,-15.34,-16.16,lock,15425,15371,1025,1pps 2004.089.17:00:06.86/bbc06/772.99,c,8,8,1,agc,-10.14, -9.72,lock,14970,16348,1030,1pps 2004.089.17:00:06.94/bbc07/832.99,c,8,8,1,agc,-12.08,-12.08,lock,14485,15076,1033,1pps 2004.089.17:00:07.02/bbc08/852.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -9.72,-10.59,lock,15447,15359,1028,1pps 2004.089.17:00:07.11/bbc09/692.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 3.84, 3.75,lock,15904,16156,1020,1pps 2004.089.17:00:07.19/bbc10/700.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 3.57, 2.22,lock,16240,16140,1026,1pps 2004.089.17:00:07.27/bbc11/716.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 1.79, 1.79,lock,16004,15998,1022,1pps 2004.089.17:00:07.35/bbc12/772.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 6.63, 5.42,lock,16247,15999,1019,1pps 2004.089.17:00:07.43/bbc13/804.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 8.89, 8.70,lock,16262,16428,1031,1pps 2004.089.17:00:07.51/bbc14/812.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 7.36, 7.18,lock,16217,16234,1021,1pps 2004.089.17:00:08.14#antcn#Received message for antenna: GETS 2004.089.17:00:09.11#antcn#ACU: MJD: 53093, UTC: 61208, Src: ext. 1pps present 2004.089.17:00:09.11#antcn#ACU: Azimuth: Pos: 3698691, Dev: 1, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.089.17:00:09.11#antcn#ACU: Elevation: Pos: 44200, Dev: 4, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.089.17:00:09.11#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.089.17:00:09.11#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.089.17:00:09.11#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.089.17:00:09.11#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.089.17:00:09.11#antcn#ACU: Az: no fault , no fault 2004.089.17:00:09.11#antcn#ACU: El: no fault , no fault 2004.089.17:00:09.12/antenna/ACK 2004.089.17:00:09.12:!2004.089.17:03:10 2004.089.17:03:10.00:data_valid=off 2004.089.17:03:10.01:disc_end 2004.089.17:03:10.28/disc_end/usn-0079/960/1024OK 2004.089.17:03:10.28:disc_pos 2004.089.17:03:10.29/disc_pos/6373108280,0, 2004.089.17:03:10.30:disc_check 2004.089.17:03:10.81/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y089d17h03m10.210s,61244,0.00250s,80000,, 2004.089.17:03:10.81:postob_mk5a 2004.089.17:03:10.81&postob_mk5a/mk5=get_stats 2004.089.17:03:10.81&postob_mk5a/mk5=get_stats 2004.089.17:03:10.81&postob_mk5a/mk5=get_stats 2004.089.17:03:10.82&postob_mk5a/mk5=get_stats 2004.089.17:03:10.82&postob_mk5a/mk5=get_stats 2004.089.17:03:10.82&postob_mk5a/mk5=get_stats 2004.089.17:03:10.82&postob_mk5a/mk5=get_stats 2004.089.17:03:10.82&postob_mk5a/mk5=get_stats 2004.089.17:03:10.82&postob_mk5a/postob 2004.089.17:03:10.84/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 12106 : 54 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.17:03:10.85/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 12120 : 38 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.17:03:10.90/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 12108 : 52 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.17:03:10.91/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 12065 : 92 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.17:03:10.91/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 12099 : 60 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.17:03:10.92/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 12061 : 98 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.17:03:10.93/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 12109 : 50 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.17:03:10.95/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 12115 : 44 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.17:03:10.97&postob/"antenna=stop 2004.089.17:03:10.97&postob/"!+1s 2004.089.17:03:10.97&postob/"antenna=stop 2004.089.17:03:10.97&postob/"antenna=setp 2004.089.17:03:10.97&postob/cable 2004.089.17:03:10.97&postob/fmout-gps 2004.089.17:03:10.97&postob/rxmon 2004.089.17:03:10.97&postob/"wx 2004.089.17:03:11.31/cable/3.719759412E-3 2004.089.17:03:12.00/fmout-gps/-7.463251E-6 2004.089.17:03:12.47/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,21.50 2004.089.17:03:12.97/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,21.20 2004.089.17:03:13.47/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.60 2004.089.17:03:13.97/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,13.00 2004.089.17:03:14.47/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.606 2004.089.17:03:14.97/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.000 2004.089.17:03:15.47/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,1.488 2004.089.17:03:15.97/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,54.68 2004.089.17:03:16.47/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,72.06 2004.089.17:03:16.97/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.217 2004.089.17:03:17.47/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,243.6 2004.089.17:03:17.97/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,66.90 2004.089.17:03:17.97:scan_name=089-1705a,r1116,190 2004.089.17:03:17.98:source=1937-101,193957.26,-100241.5,2000.0,neutral 2004.089.17:03:22.13:setup4f 2004.089.17:03:25.03/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.089.17:03:25.06/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.089.17:03:25.07/bank_check/usn-0079/960/1024OK,VNVD06G4H7982L,VNVD06G4H79L4L,VNVD06G4H79RWL,VNVD06G4H71WBL,VNVD06G4H79GKL,VNVD06G4H79D4L,VNVD06G4H700TL,VNVD06G4H79GUL 2004.089.17:03:25.11/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 3 ; 2004.089.17:03:25.11:!2004.089.17:05:23 2004.089.17:05:23.00:disc_pos 2004.089.17:05:23.01/disc_pos/6373108280,6372108280, 2004.089.17:05:23.02:disc_start=on 2004.089.17:05:24.05:!2004.089.17:05:23 2004.089.17:05:24.06:preob 2004.089.17:05:25.13#antcn#ACK 2004.089.17:05:25.13/onsource/TRACKING 2004.089.17:05:27.87/tpical/1l,15921,1u,15695,2u,16059,3u,16237,4u,16154 2004.089.17:05:27.87/tpical/9u,16082,au,16137,bu,16020,cu,16280,du,16281,eu,16173 2004.089.17:05:27.87/tpical/5u,15633,6u,15841,7u,15216,8l,15176,8u,16016 2004.089.17:05:28.02/tpgain/1l,39,1u,43,2u,101,3u,106,4u,142 2004.089.17:05:28.02/tpgain/9u,109,au,105,bu,84,cu,149,du,194,eu,162 2004.089.17:05:28.02/tpgain/5u,13,6u,24,7u,19,8l,22,8u,25 2004.089.17:05:28.05:!2004.089.17:05:33 2004.089.17:05:33.00:disc_pos 2004.089.17:05:33.03/disc_pos/6628909056,6372108280, 2004.089.17:05:33.04:data_valid=on 2004.089.17:05:33.05:midob 2004.089.17:05:33.22/tpi/1l,15992,1u,15777,2u,16098,3u,16318,4u,16217 2004.089.17:05:33.23/tpi/9u,16091,au,16138,bu,16019,cu,16286,du,16282,eu,16191 2004.089.17:05:33.23/tpi/5u,15687,6u,15898,7u,15278,8l,15228,8u,16075 2004.089.17:05:33.84?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 1l overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.17:05:33.84?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 8l overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.17:05:33.84?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 1u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.17:05:33.84?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 2u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.17:05:33.84?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 3u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.17:05:33.84?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 4u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.17:05:33.84?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 5u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.17:05:33.84?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 6u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.17:05:33.84?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 7u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.17:05:33.84?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 8u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.17:05:33.84?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 9u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.17:05:33.84?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device au overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.17:05:33.87/tsys/1l,$$$$$$$$,1u,$$$$$$$$,2u,$$$$$$$$,3u,$$$$$$$$,4u,$$$$$$$$ 2004.089.17:05:33.87/tsys/9u,$$$$$$$$,au,$$$$$$$$,bu,12148.7,cu,2779.5,du,7671.1,eu,7551.0 2004.089.17:05:33.88/tsys/5u,$$$$$$$$,6u,$$$$$$$$,7u,$$$$$$$$,8l,$$$$$$$$,8u,$$$$$$$$ 2004.089.17:05:33.88/wx/15.1,996.8,97.7,282.6,1.0 2004.089.17:05:34.52/cable/3.721180878E-3 2004.089.17:05:35.02/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,21.50 2004.089.17:05:35.47/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,21.20 2004.089.17:05:35.92/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.60 2004.089.17:05:36.37/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,13.00 2004.089.17:05:36.82/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.604 2004.089.17:05:37.27/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.000 2004.089.17:05:37.72/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,2.949 2004.089.17:05:38.17/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,64.17 2004.089.17:05:38.62/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,61.54 2004.089.17:05:39.07/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.244 2004.089.17:05:39.52/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,244.3 2004.089.17:05:39.97/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,69.10 2004.089.17:05:40.06/bbc01/612.89,a,8,8,1,agc, -3.49, -4.34,lock,15758,15963,1018,1pps 2004.089.17:05:40.14/bbc02/652.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 3.92, 1.90,lock,16122,16151,1029,1pps 2004.089.17:05:40.23/bbc03/752.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 4.34, 2.42,lock,16295,15944,1027,1pps 2004.089.17:05:40.31/bbc04/912.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 6.88, 5.77,lock,16191,16255,1024,1pps 2004.089.17:05:40.39/bbc05/652.99,c,8,8,1,agc,-13.89,-14.58,lock,15675,16139,1025,1pps 2004.089.17:05:40.47/bbc06/772.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -8.56, -8.56,lock,15871,15607,1030,1pps 2004.089.17:05:40.55/bbc07/832.99,c,8,8,1,agc,-10.59,-10.59,lock,15249,15993,1033,1pps 2004.089.17:05:40.63/bbc08/852.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -8.21, -9.32,lock,16034,15207,1028,1pps 2004.089.17:05:40.72/bbc09/692.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.58, 4.34,lock,16086,15999,1020,1pps 2004.089.17:05:40.80/bbc10/700.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.26, 2.82,lock,16115,15964,1026,1pps 2004.089.17:05:40.88/bbc11/716.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 2.32, 2.63,lock,16013,15918,1022,1pps 2004.089.17:05:40.96/bbc12/772.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 7.30, 6.11,lock,16275,16180,1019,1pps 2004.089.17:05:41.04/bbc13/804.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 9.59, 9.41,lock,16271,16237,1031,1pps 2004.089.17:05:41.12/bbc14/812.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 8.03, 7.86,lock,16168,16141,1021,1pps 2004.089.17:05:41.14#antcn#Received message for antenna: GETS 2004.089.17:05:42.11#antcn#ACU: MJD: 53093, UTC: 61541, Src: ext. 1pps present 2004.089.17:05:42.11#antcn#ACU: Azimuth: Pos: 2702777, Dev: 0, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.089.17:05:42.11#antcn#ACU: Elevation: Pos: 173477, Dev: -7, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.089.17:05:42.11#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.089.17:05:42.11#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.089.17:05:42.11#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.089.17:05:42.11#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.089.17:05:42.11#antcn#ACU: Az: no fault , no fault 2004.089.17:05:42.11#antcn#ACU: El: no fault , no fault 2004.089.17:05:42.11/antenna/ACK 2004.089.17:05:42.11:!2004.089.17:08:43 2004.089.17:08:43.01:data_valid=off 2004.089.17:08:43.03:disc_end 2004.089.17:08:43.29/disc_end/usn-0079/960/1024OK 2004.089.17:08:43.30:disc_pos 2004.089.17:08:43.31/disc_pos/12746890368,6373108280, 2004.089.17:08:43.31:disc_check 2004.089.17:08:43.61/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y089d17h08m43.220s,68804,0.00250s,80000,4282530352, 2004.089.17:08:43.62:postob_mk5a 2004.089.17:08:43.63/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 24202 : 118 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.17:08:43.64/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 24229 : 90 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.17:08:43.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 24228 : 94 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.17:08:43.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 24135 : 183 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.17:08:43.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 24198 : 122 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.17:08:43.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 24122 : 197 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.17:08:43.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 24199 : 121 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.17:08:43.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 24224 : 95 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.17:08:44.12/cable/3.720857818E-3 2004.089.17:08:46.01/fmout-gps/-7.489914E-6 2004.089.17:08:46.48/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,21.50 2004.089.17:08:46.98/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,21.20 2004.089.17:08:47.48/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.70 2004.089.17:08:47.98/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,13.00 2004.089.17:08:48.48/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.604 2004.089.17:08:48.98/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.000 2004.089.17:08:49.48/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,1.488 2004.089.17:08:49.97/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,60.22 2004.089.17:08:50.48/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,60.22 2004.089.17:08:50.98/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.244 2004.089.17:08:51.48/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,243.6 2004.089.17:08:51.98/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,65.92 2004.089.17:08:51.98:scan_name=089-1720,r1116,140 2004.089.17:08:51.99:source=cta26,033930.94,-014635.8,2000.0,cw 2004.089.17:08:56.14:setup4f 2004.089.17:08:59.02/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.089.17:08:59.03/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.089.17:08:59.06/bank_check/usn-0079/960/1024OK,VNVD06G4H7982L,VNVD06G4H79L4L,VNVD06G4H79RWL,VNVD06G4H71WBL,VNVD06G4H79GKL,VNVD06G4H79D4L,VNVD06G4H700TL,VNVD06G4H79GUL 2004.089.17:08:59.09/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 5 ; 2004.089.17:08:59.09:!2004.089.17:20:14 2004.089.17:20:14.00:disc_pos 2004.089.17:20:14.01/disc_pos/12746890368,12745890368, 2004.089.17:20:14.02:disc_start=on 2004.089.17:20:15.05:!2004.089.17:20:14 2004.089.17:20:15.06:preob 2004.089.17:20:16.14#antcn#ACK 2004.089.17:20:16.14/onsource/TRACKING 2004.089.17:20:18.89/tpical/1l,16121,1u,16654,2u,16375,3u,16233,4u,16197 2004.089.17:20:18.89/tpical/9u,16165,au,16109,bu,16365,cu,16382,du,16245,eu,16215 2004.089.17:20:18.89/tpical/5u,14792,6u,16157,7u,15213,8l,15886,8u,16096 2004.089.17:20:19.04/tpgain/1l,43,1u,48,2u,112,3u,116,4u,155 2004.089.17:20:19.04/tpgain/9u,109,au,105,bu,84,cu,150,du,195,eu,163 2004.089.17:20:19.05/tpgain/5u,14,6u,27,7u,21,8l,25,8u,28 2004.089.17:20:19.09:!2004.089.17:20:24 2004.089.17:20:24.00:disc_pos 2004.089.17:20:24.00/disc_pos/13002686464,12745890368, 2004.089.17:20:24.01:data_valid=on 2004.089.17:20:24.02:midob 2004.089.17:20:24.19/tpi/1l,16167,1u,16714,2u,16418,3u,16290,4u,16239 2004.089.17:20:24.19/tpi/9u,16165,au,16104,bu,16347,cu,16356,du,16221,eu,16184 2004.089.17:20:24.19/tpi/5u,14855,6u,16252,7u,15269,8l,15951,8u,16163 2004.089.17:20:24.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 1l overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.17:20:24.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 8l overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.17:20:24.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 1u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.17:20:24.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 2u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.17:20:24.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 3u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.17:20:24.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 4u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.17:20:24.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 5u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.17:20:24.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 6u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.17:20:24.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 7u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.17:20:24.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 8u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.17:20:24.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 9u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.17:20:24.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device au overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.17:20:24.80/tsys/1l,$$$$$$$$,1u,$$$$$$$$,2u,$$$$$$$$,3u,$$$$$$$$,4u,$$$$$$$$ 2004.089.17:20:24.80/tsys/9u,$$$$$$$$,au,$$$$$$$$,bu,12404.9,cu,2752.6,du,7556.4,eu,7447.8 2004.089.17:20:24.80/tsys/5u,$$$$$$$$,6u,$$$$$$$$,7u,$$$$$$$$,8l,$$$$$$$$,8u,$$$$$$$$ 2004.089.17:20:24.81/wx/15.0,997.0,97.7,336.3,1.1 2004.089.17:20:24.92/cable/3.721242642E-3 2004.089.17:20:25.42/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,21.40 2004.089.17:20:25.87/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,21.10 2004.089.17:20:26.32/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.70 2004.089.17:20:26.77/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,12.70 2004.089.17:20:27.22/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.604 2004.089.17:20:27.72/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.000 2004.089.17:20:28.17/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,4.133 2004.089.17:20:28.62/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,60.22 2004.089.17:20:29.07/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,70.74 2004.089.17:20:29.52/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.244 2004.089.17:20:29.97/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,242.9 2004.089.17:20:30.42/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,66.41 2004.089.17:20:30.51/bbc01/612.89,a,8,8,1,agc, -2.72, -3.49,lock,16803,16259,1018,1pps 2004.089.17:20:30.59/bbc02/652.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 4.74, 2.73,lock,15991,16099,1029,1pps 2004.089.17:20:30.67/bbc03/752.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 5.05, 3.30,lock,16065,16044,1027,1pps 2004.089.17:20:30.75/bbc04/912.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 7.64, 6.51,lock,16334,16154,1024,1pps 2004.089.17:20:30.83/bbc05/652.99,c,8,8,1,agc,-13.24,-13.89,lock,14948,15579,1025,1pps 2004.089.17:20:30.91/bbc06/772.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -7.54, -7.54,lock,16339,16053,1030,1pps 2004.089.17:20:30.99/bbc07/832.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -9.72, -9.72,lock,15367,16211,1033,1pps 2004.089.17:20:31.07/bbc08/852.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -7.22, -8.21,lock,16243,16043,1028,1pps 2004.089.17:20:31.15/bbc09/692.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.58, 4.34,lock,16164,16138,1020,1pps 2004.089.17:20:31.23/bbc10/700.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.26, 2.92,lock,16100,16318,1026,1pps 2004.089.17:20:31.31/bbc11/716.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 2.32, 2.63,lock,16341,16046,1022,1pps 2004.089.17:20:31.39/bbc12/772.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 7.36, 6.18,lock,16365,16314,1019,1pps 2004.089.17:20:31.47/bbc13/804.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 9.64, 9.46,lock,16229,16147,1031,1pps 2004.089.17:20:31.55/bbc14/812.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 8.08, 7.92,lock,16202,16315,1021,1pps 2004.089.17:20:32.15#antcn#Received message for antenna: GETS 2004.089.17:20:33.12#antcn#ACU: MJD: 53093, UTC: 62432, Src: ext. 1pps present 2004.089.17:20:33.12#antcn#ACU: Azimuth: Pos: 562596, Dev: -1, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.089.17:20:33.12#antcn#ACU: Elevation: Pos: 388470, Dev: -1, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.089.17:20:33.12#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.089.17:20:33.12#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.089.17:20:33.12#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.089.17:20:33.12#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.089.17:20:33.12#antcn#ACU: Az: no fault , no fault 2004.089.17:20:33.12#antcn#ACU: El: no fault , no fault 2004.089.17:20:33.13/antenna/ACK 2004.089.17:20:33.13:!2004.089.17:22:44 2004.089.17:22:44.00:data_valid=off 2004.089.17:22:44.01:disc_end 2004.089.17:22:44.29/disc_end/usn-0079/960/1024OK 2004.089.17:22:44.29:disc_pos 2004.089.17:22:44.30/disc_pos/17520360640,12746890368, 2004.089.17:22:44.30:disc_check 2004.089.17:22:44.60/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y089d17h22m44.215s,15644,0.00250s,80000,22138422888, 2004.089.17:22:44.61:postob_mk5a 2004.089.17:22:44.62/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 33269 : 159 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.17:22:44.63/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 33304 : 124 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.17:22:44.64/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 33304 : 126 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.17:22:44.64/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 33174 : 253 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.17:22:44.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 33252 : 176 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.17:22:44.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 33158 : 269 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.17:22:44.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 33250 : 178 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.17:22:44.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 33308 : 119 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.17:22:44.91/cable/3.721561228E-3 2004.089.17:22:46.00/fmout-gps/-7.517475E-6 2004.089.17:22:46.47/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,21.30 2004.089.17:22:46.97/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,21.10 2004.089.17:22:47.47/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.70 2004.089.17:22:47.97/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,12.70 2004.089.17:22:48.47/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.606 2004.089.17:22:48.97/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.000 2004.089.17:22:49.47/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,1.330 2004.089.17:22:49.96/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,51.90 2004.089.17:22:50.42/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,58.85 2004.089.17:22:50.92/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.271 2004.089.17:22:51.42/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,242.6 2004.089.17:22:51.92/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,69.10 2004.089.17:22:51.92:scan_name=089-1725,r1116,134 2004.089.17:22:51.93:source=0454-234,045703.18,-232452.0,2000.0,cw 2004.089.17:22:56.15:setup4f 2004.089.17:22:59.01/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.089.17:22:59.04/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.089.17:22:59.06/bank_check/usn-0079/960/1024OK,VNVD06G4H7982L,VNVD06G4H79L4L,VNVD06G4H79RWL,VNVD06G4H71WBL,VNVD06G4H79GKL,VNVD06G4H79D4L,VNVD06G4H700TL,VNVD06G4H79GUL 2004.089.17:22:59.07/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 7 ; 2004.089.17:22:59.08:!2004.089.17:24:58 2004.089.17:24:58.00:disc_pos 2004.089.17:24:58.01/disc_pos/17520360640,17519360640, 2004.089.17:24:58.02:disc_start=on 2004.089.17:24:59.06:!2004.089.17:24:58 2004.089.17:24:59.06:preob 2004.089.17:25:00.15#antcn#ACK 2004.089.17:25:00.15/onsource/TRACKING 2004.089.17:25:02.89/tpical/1l,16418,1u,16963,2u,16252,3u,16368,4u,16472 2004.089.17:25:02.89/tpical/9u,16008,au,16028,bu,16191,cu,16212,du,16310,eu,16207 2004.089.17:25:02.89/tpical/5u,15102,6u,15566,7u,15719,8l,16471,8u,15631 2004.089.17:25:03.05/tpgain/1l,43,1u,48,2u,111,3u,115,4u,154 2004.089.17:25:03.05/tpgain/9u,110,au,106,bu,85,cu,151,du,197,eu,164 2004.089.17:25:03.05/tpgain/5u,14,6u,26,7u,21,8l,25,8u,27 2004.089.17:25:03.08:!2004.089.17:25:08 2004.089.17:25:08.00:disc_pos 2004.089.17:25:08.00/disc_pos/17776156672,17519360640, 2004.089.17:25:08.01:data_valid=on 2004.089.17:25:08.03:midob 2004.089.17:25:08.21/tpi/1l,16432,1u,16981,2u,16244,3u,16392,4u,16490 2004.089.17:25:08.21/tpi/9u,16005,au,16025,bu,16191,cu,16208,du,16309,eu,16214 2004.089.17:25:08.21/tpi/5u,15134,6u,15581,7u,15701,8l,16476,8u,15640 2004.089.17:25:08.81?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 1l overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.17:25:08.81?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 8l overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.17:25:08.81?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 1u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.17:25:08.81?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 2u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.17:25:08.81?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 3u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.17:25:08.81?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 4u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.17:25:08.81?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 5u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.17:25:08.81?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 6u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.17:25:08.81?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 7u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.17:25:08.81?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 8u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.17:25:08.81?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 9u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.17:25:08.81?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device au overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.17:25:08.85/tsys/1l,$$$$$$$$,1u,$$$$$$$$,2u,$$$$$$$$,3u,$$$$$$$$,4u,$$$$$$$$ 2004.089.17:25:08.85/tsys/9u,$$$$$$$$,au,$$$$$$$$,bu,11987.2,cu,2687.6,du,7435.6,eu,7364.6 2004.089.17:25:08.86/tsys/5u,$$$$$$$$,6u,$$$$$$$$,7u,$$$$$$$$,8l,$$$$$$$$,8u,$$$$$$$$ 2004.089.17:25:08.86/wx/15.0,997.0,97.7,329.3,1.6 2004.089.17:25:09.72/cable/3.721923775E-3 2004.089.17:25:10.18/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,21.30 2004.089.17:25:10.68/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,21.00 2004.089.17:25:11.18/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.70 2004.089.17:25:11.68/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,12.50 2004.089.17:25:12.18/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.606 2004.089.17:25:12.68/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.000 2004.089.17:25:13.18/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.283 2004.089.17:25:13.68/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,56.07 2004.089.17:25:14.18/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,65.48 2004.089.17:25:14.68/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.271 2004.089.17:25:15.18/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,243.9 2004.089.17:25:15.68/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,67.63 2004.089.17:25:15.77/bbc01/612.89,a,8,8,1,agc, -2.72, -3.49,lock,16795,16263,1018,1pps 2004.089.17:25:15.85/bbc02/652.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 4.74, 2.73,lock,16046,16243,1029,1pps 2004.089.17:25:15.93/bbc03/752.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 5.05, 3.30,lock,16217,16254,1027,1pps 2004.089.17:25:16.01/bbc04/912.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 7.59, 6.51,lock,16119,16321,1024,1pps 2004.089.17:25:16.10/bbc05/652.99,c,8,8,1,agc,-13.24,-13.89,lock,14949,15552,1025,1pps 2004.089.17:25:16.18/bbc06/772.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -7.86, -7.54,lock,15395,16252,1030,1pps 2004.089.17:25:16.26/bbc07/832.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -9.72,-10.14,lock,15534,14893,1033,1pps 2004.089.17:25:16.34/bbc08/852.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -7.54, -8.21,lock,15467,16274,1028,1pps 2004.089.17:25:16.42/bbc09/692.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.66, 4.42,lock,15987,15939,1020,1pps 2004.089.17:25:16.50/bbc10/700.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.34, 2.92,lock,15999,15920,1026,1pps 2004.089.17:25:16.58/bbc11/716.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 2.42, 2.73,lock,16171,16026,1022,1pps 2004.089.17:25:16.66/bbc12/772.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 7.42, 6.25,lock,16199,16226,1019,1pps 2004.089.17:25:16.74/bbc13/804.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 9.73, 9.55,lock,16286,16292,1031,1pps 2004.089.17:25:16.83/bbc14/812.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 8.13, 7.97,lock,16187,16218,1021,1pps 2004.089.17:25:17.15#antcn#Received message for antenna: GETS 2004.089.17:25:18.13#antcn#ACU: MJD: 53093, UTC: 62717, Src: ext. 1pps present 2004.089.17:25:18.13#antcn#ACU: Azimuth: Pos: 922329, Dev: -4, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.089.17:25:18.13#antcn#ACU: Elevation: Pos: 383651, Dev: -3, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.089.17:25:18.13#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.089.17:25:18.13#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.089.17:25:18.13#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.089.17:25:18.13#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.089.17:25:18.13#antcn#ACU: Az: no fault , no fault 2004.089.17:25:18.13#antcn#ACU: El: no fault , no fault 2004.089.17:25:18.14/antenna/ACK 2004.089.17:25:18.14:!2004.089.17:27:22 2004.089.17:27:22.00:data_valid=off 2004.089.17:27:22.01:disc_end 2004.089.17:27:22.28/disc_end/usn-0079/960/1024OK 2004.089.17:27:22.29:disc_pos 2004.089.17:27:22.29/disc_pos/22101793280,17520360640, 2004.089.17:27:22.30:disc_check 2004.089.17:27:22.60/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y089d17h27m22.215s,49348,0.00250s,80000,4314533656, 2004.089.17:27:22.61:postob_mk5a 2004.089.17:27:22.62/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 41976 : 193 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.17:27:22.62/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 42019 : 152 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.17:27:22.63/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 42007 : 164 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.17:27:22.64/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 41858 : 311 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.17:27:22.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 41956 : 213 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.17:27:22.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 41845 : 324 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.17:27:22.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 41954 : 215 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.17:27:22.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 42008 : 161 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.17:27:23.32/cable/3.721452248E-3 2004.089.17:27:24.01/fmout-gps/-7.548535E-6 2004.089.17:27:24.48/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,21.30 2004.089.17:27:24.98/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,21.00 2004.089.17:27:25.48/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.70 2004.089.17:27:25.98/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,12.50 2004.089.17:27:26.48/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.604 2004.089.17:27:26.97/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.000 2004.089.17:27:27.43/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,2.784 2004.089.17:27:27.92/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,51.90 2004.089.17:27:28.38/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,65.48 2004.089.17:27:28.87/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.244 2004.089.17:27:29.32/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,244.1 2004.089.17:27:29.77/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,69.59 2004.089.17:27:29.77:scan_name=089-1734,r1116,101 2004.089.17:27:29.78:source=0607-157,060940.95,-154240.7,2000.0,cw 2004.089.17:27:34.15:setup4f 2004.089.17:27:37.02/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.089.17:27:37.04/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.089.17:27:37.06/bank_check/usn-0079/960/1024OK,VNVD06G4H7982L,VNVD06G4H79L4L,VNVD06G4H79RWL,VNVD06G4H71WBL,VNVD06G4H79GKL,VNVD06G4H79D4L,VNVD06G4H700TL,VNVD06G4H79GUL 2004.089.17:27:37.09/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 9 ; 2004.089.17:27:37.09:!2004.089.17:34:35 2004.089.17:34:35.00:disc_pos 2004.089.17:34:35.01/disc_pos/22101793280,22100793280, 2004.089.17:34:35.02:disc_start=on 2004.089.17:34:36.05:!2004.089.17:34:35 2004.089.17:34:36.06:preob 2004.089.17:34:37.16#antcn#ACK 2004.089.17:34:37.16/onsource/TRACKING 2004.089.17:34:39.90/tpical/1l,15603,1u,15820,2u,16291,3u,16274,4u,16365 2004.089.17:34:39.90/tpical/9u,16125,au,16140,bu,16363,cu,16293,du,16245,eu,16280 2004.089.17:34:39.90/tpical/5u,15513,6u,15941,7u,16050,8l,15577,8u,15933 2004.089.17:34:40.05/tpgain/1l,41,1u,46,2u,110,3u,113,4u,151 2004.089.17:34:40.05/tpgain/9u,110,au,106,bu,84,cu,150,du,195,eu,163 2004.089.17:34:40.05/tpgain/5u,14,6u,26,7u,21,8l,24,8u,27 2004.089.17:34:40.08:!2004.089.17:34:45 2004.089.17:34:45.00:disc_pos 2004.089.17:34:45.00/disc_pos/22357590016,22100793280, 2004.089.17:34:45.01:data_valid=on 2004.089.17:34:45.02:midob 2004.089.17:34:45.19/tpi/1l,15593,1u,15808,2u,16287,3u,16263,4u,16354 2004.089.17:34:45.19/tpi/9u,16135,au,16152,bu,16370,cu,16279,du,16243,eu,16272 2004.089.17:34:45.19/tpi/5u,15499,6u,15923,7u,16025,8l,15560,8u,15932 2004.089.17:34:45.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 1l overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.17:34:45.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 8l overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.17:34:45.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 1u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.17:34:45.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 2u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.17:34:45.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 3u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.17:34:45.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 4u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.17:34:45.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 5u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.17:34:45.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 6u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.17:34:45.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 7u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.17:34:45.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 8u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.17:34:45.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 9u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.17:34:45.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device au overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.17:34:45.81/tsys/1l,$$$$$$$$,1u,$$$$$$$$,2u,$$$$$$$$,3u,$$$$$$$$,4u,$$$$$$$$ 2004.089.17:34:45.81/tsys/9u,$$$$$$$$,au,$$$$$$$$,bu,12422.8,cu,2738.8,du,7567.4,eu,7491.6 2004.089.17:34:45.81/tsys/5u,$$$$$$$$,6u,$$$$$$$$,7u,$$$$$$$$,8l,$$$$$$$$,8u,$$$$$$$$ 2004.089.17:34:45.82/wx/15.1,997.0,97.7,331.8,2.7 2004.089.17:34:46.51/cable/3.720137176E-3 2004.089.17:34:46.97/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,21.20 2004.089.17:34:47.43/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,20.90 2004.089.17:34:47.93/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.60 2004.089.17:34:48.42/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,12.30 2004.089.17:34:48.88/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.601 2004.089.17:34:49.37/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.000 2004.089.17:34:49.82/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,1.015 2004.089.17:34:50.27/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,61.54 2004.089.17:34:50.72/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,61.54 2004.089.17:34:51.17/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.217 2004.089.17:34:51.62/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,243.4 2004.089.17:34:52.07/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,70.32 2004.089.17:34:52.16/bbc01/612.89,a,8,8,1,agc, -2.91, -3.91,lock,15795,15601,1018,1pps 2004.089.17:34:52.25/bbc02/652.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 4.66, 2.63,lock,16271,16253,1029,1pps 2004.089.17:34:52.33/bbc03/752.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 4.90, 3.11,lock,16273,16070,1027,1pps 2004.089.17:34:52.41/bbc04/912.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 7.42, 6.31,lock,16379,16313,1024,1pps 2004.089.17:34:52.49/bbc05/652.99,c,8,8,1,agc,-13.24,-13.89,lock,15521,16194,1025,1pps 2004.089.17:34:52.57/bbc06/772.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -7.86, -7.86,lock,15962,15718,1030,1pps 2004.089.17:34:52.65/bbc07/832.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -9.72,-10.14,lock,16067,15414,1033,1pps 2004.089.17:34:52.73/bbc08/852.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -7.54, -8.56,lock,15961,15600,1028,1pps 2004.089.17:34:52.81/bbc09/692.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.66, 4.42,lock,16146,16104,1020,1pps 2004.089.17:34:52.89/bbc10/700.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.34, 2.92,lock,16162,16086,1026,1pps 2004.089.17:34:52.97/bbc11/716.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 2.22, 2.63,lock,15977,15930,1022,1pps 2004.089.17:34:53.06/bbc12/772.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 7.36, 6.18,lock,16285,16262,1019,1pps 2004.089.17:34:53.14/bbc13/804.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 9.64, 9.46,lock,16260,16208,1031,1pps 2004.089.17:34:53.22/bbc14/812.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 8.08, 7.92,lock,16269,16341,1021,1pps 2004.089.17:34:54.15#antcn#Received message for antenna: GETS 2004.089.17:34:55.12#antcn#ACU: MJD: 53093, UTC: 63294, Src: ext. 1pps present 2004.089.17:34:55.12#antcn#ACU: Azimuth: Pos: 936945, Dev: 1, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.089.17:34:55.12#antcn#ACU: Elevation: Pos: 217477, Dev: 8, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.089.17:34:55.12#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.089.17:34:55.12#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.089.17:34:55.12#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.089.17:34:55.12#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.089.17:34:55.12#antcn#ACU: Az: no fault , no fault 2004.089.17:34:55.12#antcn#ACU: El: no fault , no fault 2004.089.17:34:55.13/antenna/ACK 2004.089.17:34:55.14:!2004.089.17:36:26 2004.089.17:36:26.00:data_valid=off 2004.089.17:36:26.01:disc_end 2004.089.17:36:26.28/disc_end/usn-0079/960/1024OK 2004.089.17:36:26.28:disc_pos 2004.089.17:36:26.29/disc_pos/25627025160,22101793280, 2004.089.17:36:26.29:disc_check 2004.089.17:36:26.59/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y089d17h36m26.212s,41952,0.00250s,80000,13882695516, 2004.089.17:36:26.59:postob_mk5a 2004.089.17:36:26.60/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 48663 : 233 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.17:36:26.61/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 48714 : 184 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.17:36:26.62/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 48713 : 185 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.17:36:26.63/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 48558 : 339 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.17:36:26.64/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 48651 : 245 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.17:36:26.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 48535 : 360 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.17:36:26.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 48648 : 248 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.17:36:26.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 48711 : 186 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.17:36:27.31/cable/3.720034130E-3 2004.089.17:36:28.00/fmout-gps/-7.552943E-6 2004.089.17:36:28.48/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,21.20 2004.089.17:36:28.98/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,20.90 2004.089.17:36:29.48/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.60 2004.089.17:36:29.98/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,12.20 2004.089.17:36:30.48/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.601 2004.089.17:36:30.98/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.000 2004.089.17:36:31.48/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,4.306 2004.089.17:36:31.98/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,61.54 2004.089.17:36:32.48/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,65.48 2004.089.17:36:32.98/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.271 2004.089.17:36:33.48/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,243.1 2004.089.17:36:33.98/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,66.90 2004.089.17:36:33.98:scan_name=089-1757,r1116,138 2004.089.17:36:33.99:source=cta26,033930.94,-014635.8,2000.0,cw 2004.089.17:36:38.15:setup4f 2004.089.17:36:41.02/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.089.17:36:41.05/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.089.17:36:41.05/bank_check/usn-0079/960/1024OK,VNVD06G4H7982L,VNVD06G4H79L4L,VNVD06G4H79RWL,VNVD06G4H71WBL,VNVD06G4H79GKL,VNVD06G4H79D4L,VNVD06G4H700TL,VNVD06G4H79GUL 2004.089.17:36:41.08/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 11 ; 2004.089.17:36:41.09:!2004.089.17:57:47 2004.089.17:57:47.00:disc_pos 2004.089.17:57:47.01/disc_pos/25627025160,25626025160, 2004.089.17:57:47.02:disc_start=on 2004.089.17:57:48.05:!2004.089.17:57:47 2004.089.17:57:48.05:preob 2004.089.17:57:49.18#antcn#ACK 2004.089.17:57:49.18/onsource/TRACKING 2004.089.17:57:51.92/tpical/1l,16336,1u,16109,2u,16325,3u,16245,4u,16300 2004.089.17:57:51.92/tpical/9u,16361,au,16357,bu,16119,cu,16183,du,16247,eu,16353 2004.089.17:57:51.92/tpical/5u,15209,6u,15873,7u,15263,8l,15694,8u,15782 2004.089.17:57:52.07/tpgain/1l,45,1u,49,2u,117,3u,121,4u,161 2004.089.17:57:52.07/tpgain/9u,109,au,105,bu,82,cu,148,du,194,eu,163 2004.089.17:57:52.07/tpgain/5u,15,6u,28,7u,22,8l,26,8u,29 2004.089.17:57:52.10:!2004.089.17:57:57 2004.089.17:57:57.00:disc_pos 2004.089.17:57:57.02/disc_pos/25882820608,25626025160, 2004.089.17:57:57.02:data_valid=on 2004.089.17:57:57.03:midob 2004.089.17:57:57.20/tpi/1l,16336,1u,16122,2u,16353,3u,16262,4u,16318 2004.089.17:57:57.20/tpi/9u,16339,au,16330,bu,16107,cu,16158,du,16220,eu,16336 2004.089.17:57:57.20/tpi/5u,15212,6u,15884,7u,15259,8l,15690,8u,15776 2004.089.17:57:57.79?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 1l overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.17:57:57.79?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 8l overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.17:57:57.79?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 1u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.17:57:57.79?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 2u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.17:57:57.79?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 3u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.17:57:57.79?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 4u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.17:57:57.79?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 5u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.17:57:57.79?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 6u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.17:57:57.79?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 7u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.17:57:57.79?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 8u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.17:57:57.79?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 9u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.17:57:57.79?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device au overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.17:57:57.82/tsys/1l,$$$$$$$$,1u,$$$$$$$$,2u,$$$$$$$$,3u,$$$$$$$$,4u,$$$$$$$$ 2004.089.17:57:57.82/tsys/9u,$$$$$$$$,au,$$$$$$$$,bu,12838.6,cu,2796.0,du,7639.7,eu,7523.4 2004.089.17:57:57.82/tsys/5u,$$$$$$$$,6u,$$$$$$$$,7u,$$$$$$$$,8l,$$$$$$$$,8u,$$$$$$$$ 2004.089.17:57:57.83/wx/14.9,997.0,97.7,317.8,0.9 2004.089.17:57:58.51/cable/3.718679912E-3 2004.089.17:57:58.98/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,21.00 2004.089.17:57:59.48/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,20.70 2004.089.17:57:59.98/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.70 2004.089.17:58:00.48/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,12.20 2004.089.17:58:00.98/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.604 2004.089.17:58:01.48/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.000 2004.089.17:58:01.98/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.452 2004.089.17:58:02.48/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,66.80 2004.089.17:58:02.98/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,68.11 2004.089.17:58:03.48/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.271 2004.089.17:58:03.98/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,242.6 2004.089.17:58:04.48/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,70.32 2004.089.17:58:04.57/bbc01/612.89,a,8,8,1,agc, -2.36, -3.10,lock,16109,16337,1018,1pps 2004.089.17:58:04.65/bbc02/652.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 5.20, 3.21,lock,16335,16146,1029,1pps 2004.089.17:58:04.73/bbc03/752.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 5.49, 3.75,lock,16246,16349,1027,1pps 2004.089.17:58:04.81/bbc04/912.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 7.97, 6.94,lock,16287,16222,1024,1pps 2004.089.17:58:04.89/bbc05/652.99,c,8,8,1,agc,-12.64,-13.24,lock,15200,15989,1025,1pps 2004.089.17:58:04.98/bbc06/772.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -7.22, -7.22,lock,15885,15665,1030,1pps 2004.089.17:58:05.06/bbc07/832.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -9.32, -9.32,lock,15263,16134,1033,1pps 2004.089.17:58:05.14/bbc08/852.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -6.92, -7.86,lock,15760,15683,1028,1pps 2004.089.17:58:05.22/bbc09/692.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.58, 4.34,lock,16348,16266,1020,1pps 2004.089.17:58:05.30/bbc10/700.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.26, 2.82,lock,16363,16173,1026,1pps 2004.089.17:58:05.38/bbc11/716.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 2.11, 2.53,lock,16098,16088,1022,1pps 2004.089.17:58:05.46/bbc12/772.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 7.24, 6.11,lock,16159,16282,1019,1pps 2004.089.17:58:05.54/bbc13/804.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 9.59, 9.41,lock,16230,16171,1031,1pps 2004.089.17:58:05.62/bbc14/812.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 8.03, 7.92,lock,16149,16077,1021,1pps 2004.089.17:58:06.17#antcn#Received message for antenna: GETS 2004.089.17:58:07.15#antcn#ACU: MJD: 53093, UTC: 64686, Src: ext. 1pps present 2004.089.17:58:07.15#antcn#ACU: Azimuth: Pos: 463925, Dev: -3, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.089.17:58:07.15#antcn#ACU: Elevation: Pos: 447292, Dev: 3, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.089.17:58:07.15#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.089.17:58:07.15#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.089.17:58:07.15#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.089.17:58:07.15#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.089.17:58:07.15#antcn#ACU: Az: no fault , no fault 2004.089.17:58:07.15#antcn#ACU: El: no fault , no fault 2004.089.17:58:07.16/antenna/ACK 2004.089.17:58:07.16:!2004.089.18:00:15 2004.089.18:00:15.00:data_valid=off 2004.089.18:00:15.01:disc_end 2004.089.18:00:15.28/disc_end/usn-0079/960/1024OK 2004.089.18:00:15.28:disc_pos 2004.089.18:00:15.29/disc_pos/30336485152,25627025160, 2004.089.18:00:15.29:disc_check 2004.089.18:00:15.86/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y089d18h00m15.217s,19304,0.00250s,80000,41018722656, 2004.089.18:00:15.86:postob_mk5a 2004.089.18:00:15.87/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 57606 : 276 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.18:00:15.89/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 57659 : 222 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.18:00:15.89/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 57658 : 225 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.18:00:15.90/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 57502 : 380 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.18:00:15.91/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 57593 : 287 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.18:00:15.92/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 57485 : 394 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.18:00:15.93/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 57594 : 286 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.18:00:15.94/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 57664 : 218 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.18:00:16.11/cable/3.719674828E-3 2004.089.18:00:18.01/fmout-gps/-7.484776E-6 2004.089.18:00:18.49/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,21.00 2004.089.18:00:18.99/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,20.70 2004.089.18:00:19.49/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.70 2004.089.18:00:19.99/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,12.20 2004.089.18:00:20.49/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.604 2004.089.18:00:20.99/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.015 2004.089.18:00:21.49/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,1.015 2004.089.18:00:21.99/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,70.74 2004.089.18:00:22.49/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,64.17 2004.089.18:00:22.99/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.244 2004.089.18:00:23.49/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,242.6 2004.089.18:00:23.99/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,64.46 2004.089.18:00:23.99:scan_name=089-1807a,r1116,98 2004.089.18:00:24.00:source=0454-234,045703.18,-232452.0,2000.0,cw 2004.089.18:00:28.18:setup4f 2004.089.18:00:31.02/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.089.18:00:31.03/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.089.18:00:31.06/bank_check/usn-0079/960/1024OK,VNVD06G4H7982L,VNVD06G4H79L4L,VNVD06G4H79RWL,VNVD06G4H71WBL,VNVD06G4H79GKL,VNVD06G4H79D4L,VNVD06G4H700TL,VNVD06G4H79GUL 2004.089.18:00:31.09/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 13 ; 2004.089.18:00:31.09:!2004.089.18:07:22 2004.089.18:07:22.00:disc_pos 2004.089.18:07:22.01/disc_pos/30336485152,30335485152, 2004.089.18:07:22.02:disc_start=on 2004.089.18:07:23.05:!2004.089.18:07:22 2004.089.18:07:23.05:preob 2004.089.18:07:24.18#antcn#ACK 2004.089.18:07:24.18/onsource/TRACKING 2004.089.18:07:26.94/tpical/1l,15778,1u,16197,2u,16357,3u,16238,4u,16308 2004.089.18:07:26.94/tpical/9u,16010,au,16055,bu,16037,cu,16223,du,16314,eu,16306 2004.089.18:07:26.94/tpical/5u,15434,6u,16113,7u,15454,8l,15866,8u,15985 2004.089.18:07:27.09/tpgain/1l,44,1u,49,2u,116,3u,120,4u,160 2004.089.18:07:27.09/tpgain/9u,109,au,105,bu,84,cu,150,du,196,eu,164 2004.089.18:07:27.09/tpgain/5u,15,6u,28,7u,22,8l,26,8u,29 2004.089.18:07:27.12:!2004.089.18:07:32 2004.089.18:07:32.00:disc_pos 2004.089.18:07:32.00/disc_pos/30592282624,30335485152, 2004.089.18:07:32.01:data_valid=on 2004.089.18:07:32.03:midob 2004.089.18:07:32.20/tpi/1l,15769,1u,16189,2u,16364,3u,16235,4u,16301 2004.089.18:07:32.20/tpi/9u,16003,au,16079,bu,16043,cu,16231,du,16329,eu,16314 2004.089.18:07:32.20/tpi/5u,15433,6u,16104,7u,15455,8l,15873,8u,15986 2004.089.18:07:32.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 1l overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.18:07:32.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 8l overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.18:07:32.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 1u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.18:07:32.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 2u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.18:07:32.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 3u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.18:07:32.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 4u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.18:07:32.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 5u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.18:07:32.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 6u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.18:07:32.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 7u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.18:07:32.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 8u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.18:07:32.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 9u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.18:07:32.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device au overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.18:07:32.81/tsys/1l,$$$$$$$$,1u,$$$$$$$$,2u,$$$$$$$$,3u,$$$$$$$$,4u,$$$$$$$$ 2004.089.18:07:32.81/tsys/9u,$$$$$$$$,au,$$$$$$$$,bu,12167.4,cu,2730.2,du,7527.3,eu,7413.7 2004.089.18:07:32.81/tsys/5u,$$$$$$$$,6u,$$$$$$$$,7u,$$$$$$$$,8l,$$$$$$$$,8u,$$$$$$$$ 2004.089.18:07:32.82/wx/15.0,996.8,97.7,347.3,2.0 2004.089.18:07:32.92/cable/3.720213999E-3 2004.089.18:07:33.39/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,20.90 2004.089.18:07:33.88/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,20.60 2004.089.18:07:34.39/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.70 2004.089.18:07:34.89/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,12.20 2004.089.18:07:35.39/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.604 2004.089.18:07:35.89/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.000 2004.089.18:07:36.39/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.091 2004.089.18:07:36.89/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,58.85 2004.089.18:07:37.39/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,62.85 2004.089.18:07:37.89/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.244 2004.089.18:07:38.39/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,243.1 2004.089.18:07:38.89/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,69.34 2004.089.18:07:38.98/bbc01/612.89,a,8,8,1,agc, -2.36, -3.30,lock,16314,15879,1018,1pps 2004.089.18:07:39.07/bbc02/652.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 5.05, 3.11,lock,16157,16297,1029,1pps 2004.089.18:07:39.15/bbc03/752.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 5.42, 3.57,lock,16352,16093,1027,1pps 2004.089.18:07:39.23/bbc04/912.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 7.86, 6.88,lock,16415,16361,1024,1pps 2004.089.18:07:39.31/bbc05/652.99,c,8,8,1,agc,-12.64,-13.24,lock,15543,16325,1025,1pps 2004.089.18:07:39.39/bbc06/772.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -7.22, -7.22,lock,16219,15981,1030,1pps 2004.089.18:07:39.47/bbc07/832.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -9.32, -9.72,lock,15577,16405,1033,1pps 2004.089.18:07:39.55/bbc08/852.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -6.92, -7.86,lock,16119,16010,1028,1pps 2004.089.18:07:39.63/bbc09/692.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.58, 4.42,lock,16029,16242,1020,1pps 2004.089.18:07:39.71/bbc10/700.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.26, 2.92,lock,16091,16216,1026,1pps 2004.089.18:07:39.79/bbc11/716.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 2.32, 2.63,lock,16042,16170,1022,1pps 2004.089.18:07:39.87/bbc12/772.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 7.36, 6.18,lock,16250,16218,1019,1pps 2004.089.18:07:39.95/bbc13/804.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 9.68, 9.50,lock,16348,16124,1031,1pps 2004.089.18:07:40.03/bbc14/812.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 8.13, 7.92,lock,16329,16249,1021,1pps 2004.089.18:07:40.18#antcn#Received message for antenna: GETS 2004.089.18:07:41.16#antcn#ACU: MJD: 53093, UTC: 65260, Src: ext. 1pps present 2004.089.18:07:41.16#antcn#ACU: Azimuth: Pos: 857263, Dev: 0, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.089.18:07:41.16#antcn#ACU: Elevation: Pos: 468483, Dev: 2, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.089.18:07:41.16#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.089.18:07:41.16#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.089.18:07:41.16#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.089.18:07:41.16#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.089.18:07:41.16#antcn#ACU: Az: no fault , no fault 2004.089.18:07:41.16#antcn#ACU: El: no fault , no fault 2004.089.18:07:41.17/antenna/ACK 2004.089.18:07:41.17:!2004.089.18:09:10 2004.089.18:09:10.00:data_valid=off 2004.089.18:09:10.01:disc_end 2004.089.18:09:10.28/disc_end/usn-0079/960/1024OK 2004.089.18:09:10.28:disc_pos 2004.089.18:09:10.29/disc_pos/33766016424,30336485152, 2004.089.18:09:10.30:disc_check 2004.089.18:09:10.60/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y089d18h09m10.225s,46872,0.00250s,80000,13690681160, 2004.089.18:09:10.61:postob_mk5a 2004.089.18:09:10.62/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 64124 : 302 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.18:09:10.63/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 64183 : 242 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.18:09:10.63/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 64174 : 253 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.18:09:10.64/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 64018 : 408 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.18:09:10.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 64111 : 315 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.18:09:10.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 63994 : 429 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.18:09:10.72/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 64104 : 321 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.18:09:10.74/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 64179 : 247 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.18:09:11.32/cable/3.719285642E-3 2004.089.18:09:12.01/fmout-gps/-7.530314E-6 2004.089.18:09:12.49/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,21.00 2004.089.18:09:12.99/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,20.60 2004.089.18:09:13.49/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.70 2004.089.18:09:13.99/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,12.20 2004.089.18:09:14.49/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.604 2004.089.18:09:14.99/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.000 2004.089.18:09:15.49/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.116 2004.089.18:09:15.99/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,70.74 2004.089.18:09:16.49/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,58.85 2004.089.18:09:16.99/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.244 2004.089.18:09:17.49/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,243.4 2004.089.18:09:17.99/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,68.85 2004.089.18:09:18.00:scan_name=089-1809b,r1116,128 2004.089.18:09:18.00:source=0607-157,060940.95,-154240.7,2000.0,cw 2004.089.18:09:22.19:setup4f 2004.089.18:09:25.02/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.089.18:09:25.03/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.089.18:09:25.06/bank_check/usn-0079/960/1024OK,VNVD06G4H7982L,VNVD06G4H79L4L,VNVD06G4H79RWL,VNVD06G4H71WBL,VNVD06G4H79GKL,VNVD06G4H79D4L,VNVD06G4H700TL,VNVD06G4H79GUL 2004.089.18:09:25.10/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 15 ; 2004.089.18:09:25.10:!2004.089.18:09:43 2004.089.18:09:43.00:disc_pos 2004.089.18:09:43.02/disc_pos/33766016424,33765016424, 2004.089.18:09:43.02:disc_start=on 2004.089.18:09:44.06:!2004.089.18:09:43 2004.089.18:09:44.06:preob 2004.089.18:09:45.18#antcn#ACK 2004.089.18:09:45.18/onsource/TRACKING 2004.089.18:09:47.92/tpical/1l,15855,1u,16462,2u,15918,3u,16241,4u,16356 2004.089.18:09:47.92/tpical/9u,16102,au,15911,bu,16247,cu,16351,du,16296,eu,16271 2004.089.18:09:47.92/tpical/5u,14321,6u,15866,7u,14846,8l,15537,8u,15786 2004.089.18:09:48.07/tpgain/1l,43,1u,48,2u,112,3u,117,4u,156 2004.089.18:09:48.07/tpgain/9u,110,au,105,bu,85,cu,151,du,196,eu,164 2004.089.18:09:48.07/tpgain/5u,14,6u,27,7u,21,8l,25,8u,28 2004.089.18:09:48.10:!2004.089.18:09:53 2004.089.18:09:53.00:disc_pos 2004.089.18:09:53.01/disc_pos/34021814272,33765016424, 2004.089.18:09:53.03:data_valid=on 2004.089.18:09:53.03:midob 2004.089.18:09:53.21/tpi/1l,15844,1u,16452,2u,15928,3u,16221,4u,16346 2004.089.18:09:53.21/tpi/9u,16112,au,15902,bu,16251,cu,16349,du,16292,eu,16290 2004.089.18:09:53.21/tpi/5u,14311,6u,15852,7u,14837,8l,15540,8u,15774 2004.089.18:09:53.81?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 1l overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.18:09:53.81?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 8l overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.18:09:53.81?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 1u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.18:09:53.81?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 2u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.18:09:53.81?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 3u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.18:09:53.81?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 4u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.18:09:53.81?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 5u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.18:09:53.81?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 6u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.18:09:53.81?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 7u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.18:09:53.81?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 8u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.18:09:53.81?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 9u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.18:09:53.81?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device au overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.18:09:53.85/tsys/1l,$$$$$$$$,1u,$$$$$$$$,2u,$$$$$$$$,3u,$$$$$$$$,4u,$$$$$$$$ 2004.089.18:09:53.85/tsys/9u,$$$$$$$$,au,$$$$$$$$,bu,12033.0,cu,2712.6,du,7509.0,eu,7401.9 2004.089.18:09:53.85/tsys/5u,$$$$$$$$,6u,$$$$$$$$,7u,$$$$$$$$,8l,$$$$$$$$,8u,$$$$$$$$ 2004.089.18:09:53.86/wx/14.9,996.8,97.7,2.2,2.5 2004.089.18:09:54.51/cable/3.720035109E-3 2004.089.18:09:54.98/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,20.90 2004.089.18:09:55.43/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,20.70 2004.089.18:09:55.88/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.70 2004.089.18:09:56.33/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,12.20 2004.089.18:09:56.78/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.601 2004.089.18:09:57.23/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.000 2004.089.18:09:57.68/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,4.480 2004.089.18:09:58.18/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,53.29 2004.089.18:09:58.63/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,60.22 2004.089.18:09:59.08/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.244 2004.089.18:09:59.58/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,242.9 2004.089.18:10:00.03/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,69.10 2004.089.18:10:00.12/bbc01/612.89,a,8,8,1,agc, -2.72, -3.49,lock,16516,15902,1018,1pps 2004.089.18:10:00.20/bbc02/652.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 4.82, 2.92,lock,16009,16259,1029,1pps 2004.089.18:10:00.28/bbc03/752.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 5.20, 3.39,lock,16278,15935,1027,1pps 2004.089.18:10:00.36/bbc04/912.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 7.64, 6.63,lock,16166,16283,1024,1pps 2004.089.18:10:00.44/bbc05/652.99,c,8,8,1,agc,-12.64,-13.89,lock,16321,14967,1025,1pps 2004.089.18:10:00.52/bbc06/772.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -7.54, -7.54,lock,15911,15678,1030,1pps 2004.089.18:10:00.60/bbc07/832.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -9.72, -9.72,lock,14929,15752,1033,1pps 2004.089.18:10:00.68/bbc08/852.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -7.22, -8.21,lock,15870,15612,1028,1pps 2004.089.18:10:00.77/bbc09/692.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.66, 4.42,lock,16106,16086,1020,1pps 2004.089.18:10:00.85/bbc10/700.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.26, 2.92,lock,15923,16068,1026,1pps 2004.089.18:10:00.93/bbc11/716.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 2.42, 2.73,lock,16272,16332,1022,1pps 2004.089.18:10:01.02/bbc12/772.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 7.42, 6.18,lock,16361,16145,1019,1pps 2004.089.18:10:01.10/bbc13/804.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 9.68, 9.46,lock,16302,16175,1031,1pps 2004.089.18:10:01.18/bbc14/812.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 8.13, 7.92,lock,16282,16208,1021,1pps 2004.089.18:10:01.19#antcn#Received message for antenna: GETS 2004.089.18:10:02.16#antcn#ACU: MJD: 53093, UTC: 65401, Src: ext. 1pps present 2004.089.18:10:02.16#antcn#ACU: Azimuth: Pos: 884842, Dev: -1, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.089.18:10:02.16#antcn#ACU: Elevation: Pos: 287718, Dev: -4, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.089.18:10:02.16#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.089.18:10:02.16#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.089.18:10:02.16#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.089.18:10:02.16#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.089.18:10:02.16#antcn#ACU: Az: no fault , no fault 2004.089.18:10:02.16#antcn#ACU: El: no fault , no fault 2004.089.18:10:02.17/antenna/ACK 2004.089.18:10:02.17:!2004.089.18:12:01 2004.089.18:12:01.00:data_valid=off 2004.089.18:12:01.01:disc_end 2004.089.18:12:01.27/disc_end/usn-0079/960/1024OK 2004.089.18:12:01.28:disc_pos 2004.089.18:12:01.30/disc_pos/38155095592,33766016424, 2004.089.18:12:01.31:disc_check 2004.089.18:12:01.64/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y089d18h12m01.215s,64512,0.00250s,80000,1082583192, 2004.089.18:12:01.64:postob_mk5a 2004.089.18:12:01.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 72457 : 342 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.18:12:01.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 72521 : 278 : 1 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.18:12:01.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 72507 : 292 : 1 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.18:12:01.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 72361 : 440 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.18:12:01.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 72444 : 355 : 1 : 1 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.18:12:01.70/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 72325 : 472 : 1 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.18:12:01.70/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 72453 : 348 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.18:12:01.71/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 72521 : 280 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.18:12:02.51/cable/3.719055129E-3 2004.089.18:12:04.00/fmout-gps/-7.514347E-6 2004.089.18:12:04.48/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,20.90 2004.089.18:12:04.98/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,20.60 2004.089.18:12:05.48/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.60 2004.089.18:12:05.98/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,12.10 2004.089.18:12:06.48/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.601 2004.089.18:12:06.98/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.000 2004.089.18:12:07.48/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.243 2004.089.18:12:07.98/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,56.07 2004.089.18:12:08.48/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,58.85 2004.089.18:12:08.98/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.244 2004.089.18:12:09.48/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,243.4 2004.089.18:12:09.98/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,69.10 2004.089.18:12:09.98:scan_name=089-1838a,r1116,137 2004.089.18:12:09.99:source=cta26,033930.94,-014635.8,2000.0,cw 2004.089.18:12:14.18:setup4f 2004.089.18:12:17.01/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.089.18:12:17.03/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.089.18:12:17.05/bank_check/usn-0079/960/1024OK,VNVD06G4H7982L,VNVD06G4H79L4L,VNVD06G4H79RWL,VNVD06G4H71WBL,VNVD06G4H79GKL,VNVD06G4H79D4L,VNVD06G4H700TL,VNVD06G4H79GUL 2004.089.18:12:17.07/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 17 ; 2004.089.18:12:17.07:!2004.089.18:38:00 2004.089.18:38:00.00:disc_pos 2004.089.18:38:00.01/disc_pos/38155095592,38154095592, 2004.089.18:38:00.02:disc_start=on 2004.089.18:38:01.05:!2004.089.18:38:00 2004.089.18:38:01.06:preob 2004.089.18:38:02.21#antcn#ACK 2004.089.18:38:02.21/onsource/TRACKING 2004.089.18:38:04.95/tpical/1l,15843,1u,15642,2u,16022,3u,16216,4u,16173 2004.089.18:38:04.95/tpical/9u,16157,au,16163,bu,16108,cu,16236,du,16296,eu,16207 2004.089.18:38:04.95/tpical/5u,15424,6u,16031,7u,15385,8l,15797,8u,15876 2004.089.18:38:05.10/tpgain/1l,44,1u,48,2u,115,3u,120,4u,160 2004.089.18:38:05.10/tpgain/9u,108,au,104,bu,82,cu,148,du,194,eu,162 2004.089.18:38:05.10/tpgain/5u,15,6u,28,7u,22,8l,26,8u,29 2004.089.18:38:05.13:!2004.089.18:38:10 2004.089.18:38:10.00:disc_pos 2004.089.18:38:10.02/disc_pos/38410895360,38154095592, 2004.089.18:38:10.02:data_valid=on 2004.089.18:38:10.05:midob 2004.089.18:38:10.22/tpi/1l,15824,1u,15618,2u,15991,3u,16200,4u,16149 2004.089.18:38:10.22/tpi/9u,16171,au,16149,bu,16099,cu,16240,du,16288,eu,16186 2004.089.18:38:10.22/tpi/5u,15391,6u,15993,7u,15361,8l,15776,8u,15859 2004.089.18:38:10.80?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 1l overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.18:38:10.80?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 8l overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.18:38:10.80?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 1u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.18:38:10.80?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 2u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.18:38:10.80?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 3u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.18:38:10.80?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 4u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.18:38:10.80?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 5u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.18:38:10.80?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 6u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.18:38:10.80?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 7u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.18:38:10.80?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 8u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.18:38:10.80?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 9u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.18:38:10.80?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device au overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.18:38:10.83/tsys/1l,$$$$$$$$,1u,$$$$$$$$,2u,$$$$$$$$,3u,$$$$$$$$,4u,$$$$$$$$ 2004.089.18:38:10.83/tsys/9u,$$$$$$$$,au,$$$$$$$$,bu,12832.0,cu,2811.2,du,7674.1,eu,7548.5 2004.089.18:38:10.84/tsys/5u,$$$$$$$$,6u,$$$$$$$$,7u,$$$$$$$$,8l,$$$$$$$$,8u,$$$$$$$$ 2004.089.18:38:10.85/wx/14.9,997.0,97.7,343.6,0.9 2004.089.18:38:11.31/cable/3.716850224E-3 2004.089.18:38:11.79/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,20.80 2004.089.18:38:12.29/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,20.50 2004.089.18:38:12.79/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.70 2004.089.18:38:13.29/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,12.30 2004.089.18:38:13.79/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.601 2004.089.18:38:14.29/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.000 2004.089.18:38:14.79/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,1.968 2004.089.18:38:15.29/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,58.85 2004.089.18:38:15.79/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,62.85 2004.089.18:38:16.29/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.244 2004.089.18:38:16.79/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,236.8 2004.089.18:38:17.29/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,69.59 2004.089.18:38:17.38/bbc01/612.89,a,8,8,1,agc, -2.36, -3.30,lock,16230,15809,1018,1pps 2004.089.18:38:17.46/bbc02/652.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 5.05, 3.11,lock,15998,16077,1029,1pps 2004.089.18:38:17.54/bbc03/752.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 5.42, 3.66,lock,16182,16214,1027,1pps 2004.089.18:38:17.62/bbc04/912.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 7.92, 6.94,lock,16148,16310,1024,1pps 2004.089.18:38:17.70/bbc05/652.99,c,8,8,1,agc,-12.64,-13.89,lock,15385,14140,1025,1pps 2004.089.18:38:17.78/bbc06/772.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -7.22, -7.22,lock,15982,15778,1030,1pps 2004.089.18:38:17.86/bbc07/832.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -9.32, -9.32,lock,15375,16228,1033,1pps 2004.089.18:38:17.94/bbc08/852.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -6.92, -7.86,lock,15862,15792,1028,1pps 2004.089.18:38:18.03/bbc09/692.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.50, 4.26,lock,16168,16067,1020,1pps 2004.089.18:38:18.11/bbc10/700.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.18, 2.82,lock,16163,16268,1026,1pps 2004.089.18:38:18.20/bbc11/716.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 2.11, 2.53,lock,16103,16162,1022,1pps 2004.089.18:38:18.29/bbc12/772.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 7.24, 6.11,lock,16237,16377,1019,1pps 2004.089.18:38:18.37/bbc13/804.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 9.59, 9.41,lock,16293,16271,1031,1pps 2004.089.18:38:18.45/bbc14/812.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 8.03, 7.86,lock,16207,16149,1021,1pps 2004.089.18:38:19.21#antcn#Received message for antenna: GETS 2004.089.18:38:20.19#antcn#ACU: MJD: 53093, UTC: 67099, Src: ext. 1pps present 2004.089.18:38:20.19#antcn#ACU: Azimuth: Pos: 336209, Dev: -2, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.089.18:38:20.19#antcn#ACU: Elevation: Pos: 499218, Dev: 0, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.089.18:38:20.19#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.089.18:38:20.19#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.089.18:38:20.19#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.089.18:38:20.19#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.089.18:38:20.19#antcn#ACU: Az: no fault , no fault 2004.089.18:38:20.19#antcn#ACU: El: no fault , no fault 2004.089.18:38:20.20/antenna/ACK 2004.089.18:38:20.20:!2004.089.18:40:27 2004.089.18:40:27.00:data_valid=off 2004.089.18:40:27.01:disc_end 2004.089.18:40:27.28/disc_end/usn-0079/960/1024OK 2004.089.18:40:27.28:disc_pos 2004.089.18:40:27.29/disc_pos/42832554720,38155095592, 2004.089.18:40:27.29:disc_check 2004.089.18:40:27.59/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y089d18h40m27.223s,24664,0.00250s,80000,49914820720, 2004.089.18:40:27.60:postob_mk5a 2004.089.18:40:27.61/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 81330 : 394 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.18:40:27.62/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 81409 : 315 : 1 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.18:40:27.62/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 81387 : 337 : 1 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.18:40:27.63/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 81243 : 482 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.18:40:27.64/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 81314 : 410 : 1 : 1 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.18:40:27.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 81205 : 516 : 1 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.18:40:27.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 81341 : 385 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.18:40:27.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 81403 : 324 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.18:40:28.11/cable/3.717237579E-3 2004.089.18:40:30.00/fmout-gps/-7.502816E-6 2004.089.18:40:30.49/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,20.80 2004.089.18:40:30.99/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,20.50 2004.089.18:40:31.49/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.70 2004.089.18:40:31.99/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,12.30 2004.089.18:40:32.49/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.601 2004.089.18:40:32.99/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.000 2004.089.18:40:33.49/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.000 2004.089.18:40:33.99/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,57.46 2004.089.18:40:34.49/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,70.74 2004.089.18:40:34.98/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.244 2004.089.18:40:35.49/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,243.4 2004.089.18:40:35.99/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,68.61 2004.089.18:40:35.99:scan_name=089-1847,r1116,91 2004.089.18:40:36.00:source=0454-234,045703.18,-232452.0,2000.0,cw 2004.089.18:40:40.21:setup4f 2004.089.18:40:43.01/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.089.18:40:43.03/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.089.18:40:43.05/bank_check/usn-0079/960/1024OK,VNVD06G4H7982L,VNVD06G4H79L4L,VNVD06G4H79RWL,VNVD06G4H71WBL,VNVD06G4H79GKL,VNVD06G4H79D4L,VNVD06G4H700TL,VNVD06G4H79GUL 2004.089.18:40:43.08/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 19 ; 2004.089.18:40:43.08:!2004.089.18:46:56 2004.089.18:46:56.00:disc_pos 2004.089.18:46:56.01/disc_pos/42832554720,42831554720, 2004.089.18:46:56.02:disc_start=on 2004.089.18:46:57.05:!2004.089.18:46:56 2004.089.18:46:57.06:preob 2004.089.18:46:58.21#antcn#ACK 2004.089.18:46:58.21/onsource/TRACKING 2004.089.18:47:00.95/tpical/1l,16005,1u,15839,2u,16152,3u,16084,4u,16314 2004.089.18:47:00.95/tpical/9u,16089,au,16095,bu,16070,cu,16146,du,16230,eu,16160 2004.089.18:47:00.95/tpical/5u,15568,6u,16181,7u,15540,8l,15944,8u,16051 2004.089.18:47:01.10/tpgain/1l,44,1u,48,2u,115,3u,119,4u,160 2004.089.18:47:01.10/tpgain/9u,108,au,104,bu,83,cu,148,du,194,eu,162 2004.089.18:47:01.10/tpgain/5u,15,6u,28,7u,22,8l,26,8u,29 2004.089.18:47:01.13:!2004.089.18:47:06 2004.089.18:47:06.00:disc_pos 2004.089.18:47:06.00/disc_pos/43088351232,42831554720, 2004.089.18:47:06.01:data_valid=on 2004.089.18:47:06.02:midob 2004.089.18:47:06.19/tpi/1l,15991,1u,15834,2u,16139,3u,16070,4u,16303 2004.089.18:47:06.19/tpi/9u,16108,au,16107,bu,16089,cu,16166,du,16252,eu,16166 2004.089.18:47:06.19/tpi/5u,15566,6u,16160,7u,15536,8l,15936,8u,16035 2004.089.18:47:06.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 1l overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.18:47:06.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 8l overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.18:47:06.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 1u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.18:47:06.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 2u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.18:47:06.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 3u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.18:47:06.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 4u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.18:47:06.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 5u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.18:47:06.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 6u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.18:47:06.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 7u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.18:47:06.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 8u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.18:47:06.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 9u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.18:47:06.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device au overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.18:47:06.80/tsys/1l,$$$$$$$$,1u,$$$$$$$$,2u,$$$$$$$$,3u,$$$$$$$$,4u,$$$$$$$$ 2004.089.18:47:06.80/tsys/9u,$$$$$$$$,au,$$$$$$$$,bu,12508.0,cu,2797.5,du,7655.9,eu,7538.4 2004.089.18:47:06.80/tsys/5u,$$$$$$$$,6u,$$$$$$$$,7u,$$$$$$$$,8l,$$$$$$$$,8u,$$$$$$$$ 2004.089.18:47:06.81/wx/14.9,996.8,97.7,62.1,0.2 2004.089.18:47:07.31/cable/3.718107029E-3 2004.089.18:47:07.79/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,20.80 2004.089.18:47:08.29/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,20.40 2004.089.18:47:08.79/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.70 2004.089.18:47:09.29/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,12.30 2004.089.18:47:09.79/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.601 2004.089.18:47:10.29/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.000 2004.089.18:47:10.79/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,2.292 2004.089.18:47:11.29/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,65.48 2004.089.18:47:11.79/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,60.22 2004.089.18:47:12.29/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.217 2004.089.18:47:12.79/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,242.9 2004.089.18:47:13.29/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,66.17 2004.089.18:47:13.38/bbc01/612.89,a,8,8,1,agc, -2.54, -3.30,lock,15829,15983,1018,1pps 2004.089.18:47:13.46/bbc02/652.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 5.05, 3.11,lock,16123,16200,1029,1pps 2004.089.18:47:13.54/bbc03/752.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 5.35, 3.57,lock,16067,16055,1027,1pps 2004.089.18:47:13.62/bbc04/912.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 7.92, 6.88,lock,16298,16263,1024,1pps 2004.089.18:47:13.70/bbc05/652.99,c,8,8,1,agc,-12.64,-13.89,lock,15539,14241,1025,1pps 2004.089.18:47:13.78/bbc06/772.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -7.22, -7.22,lock,16156,15930,1030,1pps 2004.089.18:47:13.86/bbc07/832.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -9.32, -9.72,lock,15540,15027,1033,1pps 2004.089.18:47:13.94/bbc08/852.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -6.92, -7.86,lock,16011,15941,1028,1pps 2004.089.18:47:14.02/bbc09/692.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.50, 4.26,lock,16106,16020,1020,1pps 2004.089.18:47:14.10/bbc10/700.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.18, 2.73,lock,16106,15928,1026,1pps 2004.089.18:47:14.18/bbc11/716.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 2.22, 2.53,lock,16092,16059,1022,1pps 2004.089.18:47:14.26/bbc12/772.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 7.24, 6.11,lock,16168,16327,1019,1pps 2004.089.18:47:14.34/bbc13/804.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 9.59, 9.41,lock,16251,16244,1031,1pps 2004.089.18:47:14.42/bbc14/812.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 8.03, 7.86,lock,16169,16131,1021,1pps 2004.089.18:47:15.22#antcn#Received message for antenna: GETS 2004.089.18:47:16.19#antcn#ACU: MJD: 53093, UTC: 67635, Src: ext. 1pps present 2004.089.18:47:16.19#antcn#ACU: Azimuth: Pos: 784434, Dev: -4, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.089.18:47:16.19#antcn#ACU: Elevation: Pos: 546983, Dev: 0, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.089.18:47:16.19#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.089.18:47:16.19#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.089.18:47:16.19#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.089.18:47:16.19#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.089.18:47:16.19#antcn#ACU: Az: no fault , no fault 2004.089.18:47:16.19#antcn#ACU: El: no fault , no fault 2004.089.18:47:16.20/antenna/ACK 2004.089.18:47:16.20:!2004.089.18:48:37 2004.089.18:48:37.00:data_valid=off 2004.089.18:48:37.01:disc_end 2004.089.18:48:37.28/disc_end/usn-0079/960/1024OK 2004.089.18:48:37.29:disc_pos 2004.089.18:48:37.31/disc_pos/46037724568,42832554720, 2004.089.18:48:37.31:disc_check 2004.089.18:48:37.61/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y089d18h48m37.215s,39396,0.00250s,80000,12474575420, 2004.089.18:48:37.62:postob_mk5a 2004.089.18:48:37.62/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 87423 : 417 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.18:48:37.63/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 87498 : 344 : 1 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.18:48:37.64/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 87481 : 359 : 1 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.18:48:37.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 87328 : 514 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.18:48:37.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 87397 : 443 : 1 : 1 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.18:48:37.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 87290 : 547 : 1 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.18:48:37.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 87428 : 414 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.18:48:37.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 87493 : 350 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.18:48:38.51/cable/3.717168869E-3 2004.089.18:48:40.00/fmout-gps/-7.564632E-6 2004.089.18:48:40.49/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,20.80 2004.089.18:48:40.99/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,20.50 2004.089.18:48:41.49/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.70 2004.089.18:48:41.99/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,12.30 2004.089.18:48:42.49/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.601 2004.089.18:48:42.99/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.000 2004.089.18:48:43.49/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,2.129 2004.089.18:48:43.99/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,62.85 2004.089.18:48:44.49/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,61.54 2004.089.18:48:44.99/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.217 2004.089.18:48:45.49/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,242.6 2004.089.18:48:45.99/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,67.14 2004.089.18:48:46.00:scan_name=089-1849,r1116,114 2004.089.18:48:46.01:source=0607-157,060940.95,-154240.7,2000.0,cw 2004.089.18:48:50.22:setup4f 2004.089.18:48:53.01/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.089.18:48:53.03/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.089.18:48:53.05/bank_check/usn-0079/960/1024OK,VNVD06G4H7982L,VNVD06G4H79L4L,VNVD06G4H79RWL,VNVD06G4H71WBL,VNVD06G4H79GKL,VNVD06G4H79D4L,VNVD06G4H700TL,VNVD06G4H79GUL 2004.089.18:48:53.07/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 21 ; 2004.089.18:48:53.07:!2004.089.18:49:10 2004.089.18:49:10.00:disc_pos 2004.089.18:49:10.02/disc_pos/46037724568,46036724568, 2004.089.18:49:10.02:disc_start=on 2004.089.18:49:11.05:!2004.089.18:49:10 2004.089.18:49:11.06:preob 2004.089.18:49:12.22#antcn#ACK 2004.089.18:49:12.22/onsource/TRACKING 2004.089.18:49:14.96/tpical/1l,16035,1u,15919,2u,16065,3u,15890,4u,16268 2004.089.18:49:14.96/tpical/9u,16060,au,16117,bu,15957,cu,16279,du,16150,eu,16320 2004.089.18:49:14.96/tpical/5u,14898,6u,15470,7u,14925,8l,15270,8u,15327 2004.089.18:49:15.11/tpgain/1l,45,1u,49,2u,117,3u,121,4u,163 2004.089.18:49:15.11/tpgain/9u,109,au,105,bu,83,cu,150,du,195,eu,164 2004.089.18:49:15.11/tpgain/5u,15,6u,28,7u,22,8l,26,8u,29 2004.089.18:49:15.14:!2004.089.18:49:20 2004.089.18:49:20.00:disc_pos 2004.089.18:49:20.00/disc_pos/46293524480,46036724568, 2004.089.18:49:20.01:data_valid=on 2004.089.18:49:20.02:midob 2004.089.18:49:20.19/tpi/1l,16027,1u,15916,2u,16034,3u,15874,4u,16250 2004.089.18:49:20.19/tpi/9u,16070,au,16127,bu,15965,cu,16282,du,16158,eu,16327 2004.089.18:49:20.19/tpi/5u,14865,6u,15431,7u,14877,8l,15230,8u,15306 2004.089.18:49:20.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 1l overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.18:49:20.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 8l overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.18:49:20.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 1u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.18:49:20.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 2u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.18:49:20.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 3u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.18:49:20.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 4u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.18:49:20.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 5u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.18:49:20.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 6u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.18:49:20.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 7u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.18:49:20.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 8u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.18:49:20.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 9u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.18:49:20.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device au overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.18:49:20.81/tsys/1l,$$$$$$$$,1u,$$$$$$$$,2u,$$$$$$$$,3u,$$$$$$$$,4u,$$$$$$$$ 2004.089.18:49:20.81/tsys/9u,$$$$$$$$,au,$$$$$$$$,bu,12408.8,cu,2739.3,du,7524.9,eu,7420.1 2004.089.18:49:20.81/tsys/5u,$$$$$$$$,6u,$$$$$$$$,7u,$$$$$$$$,8l,$$$$$$$$,8u,$$$$$$$$ 2004.089.18:49:20.82/wx/15.0,997.0,97.7,323.6,0.2 2004.089.18:49:20.90/cable/3.717686524E-3 2004.089.18:49:21.39/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,20.80 2004.089.18:49:21.89/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,20.40 2004.089.18:49:22.39/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.70 2004.089.18:49:22.89/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,12.30 2004.089.18:49:23.39/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.601 2004.089.18:49:23.89/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.000 2004.089.18:49:24.39/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,6.084 2004.089.18:49:24.89/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,58.85 2004.089.18:49:25.39/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,58.85 2004.089.18:49:25.89/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.244 2004.089.18:49:26.39/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,243.4 2004.089.18:49:26.89/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,67.39 2004.089.18:49:26.98/bbc01/612.89,a,8,8,1,agc, -2.36, -3.10,lock,15927,16022,1018,1pps 2004.089.18:49:27.06/bbc02/652.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 5.20, 3.30,lock,15996,16080,1029,1pps 2004.089.18:49:27.14/bbc03/752.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 5.56, 3.75,lock,16105,15921,1027,1pps 2004.089.18:49:27.22/bbc04/912.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 8.08, 7.00,lock,16268,16231,1024,1pps 2004.089.18:49:27.31/bbc05/652.99,c,8,8,1,agc,-12.64,-13.24,lock,14885,15661,1025,1pps 2004.089.18:49:27.39/bbc06/772.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -7.22, -7.22,lock,15472,15239,1030,1pps 2004.089.18:49:27.47/bbc07/832.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -9.32, -9.32,lock,14882,15765,1033,1pps 2004.089.18:49:27.55/bbc08/852.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -6.92, -7.86,lock,15329,15260,1028,1pps 2004.089.18:49:27.63/bbc09/692.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.58, 4.34,lock,16067,15992,1020,1pps 2004.089.18:49:27.71/bbc10/700.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.26, 2.82,lock,16190,15953,1026,1pps 2004.089.18:49:27.79/bbc11/716.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 2.22, 2.42,lock,15993,16113,1022,1pps 2004.089.18:49:27.87/bbc12/772.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 7.36, 6.18,lock,16285,16297,1019,1pps 2004.089.18:49:27.95/bbc13/804.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 9.64, 9.46,lock,16159,16400,1031,1pps 2004.089.18:49:28.03/bbc14/812.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 8.13, 7.92,lock,16349,16270,1021,1pps 2004.089.18:49:28.21#antcn#Received message for antenna: GETS 2004.089.18:49:29.19#antcn#ACU: MJD: 53093, UTC: 67768, Src: ext. 1pps present 2004.089.18:49:29.19#antcn#ACU: Azimuth: Pos: 821413, Dev: -1, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.089.18:49:29.19#antcn#ACU: Elevation: Pos: 366415, Dev: 2, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.089.18:49:29.19#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.089.18:49:29.19#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.089.18:49:29.19#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.089.18:49:29.19#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.089.18:49:29.19#antcn#ACU: Az: no fault , no fault 2004.089.18:49:29.19#antcn#ACU: El: no fault , no fault 2004.089.18:49:29.20/antenna/ACK 2004.089.18:49:29.20:!2004.089.18:51:14 2004.089.18:51:14.00:data_valid=off 2004.089.18:51:14.02:disc_end 2004.089.18:51:14.28/disc_end/usn-0079/960/1024OK 2004.089.18:51:14.28:disc_pos 2004.089.18:51:14.29/disc_pos/49979033848,46037724568, 2004.089.18:51:14.30:disc_check 2004.089.18:51:14.80/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y089d18h51m14.223s,70340,0.00250s,80000,1082899776, 2004.089.18:51:14.81:postob_mk5a 2004.089.18:51:14.82/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 94915 : 446 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.18:51:14.83/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 94984 : 377 : 1 : 2 : 1 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.18:51:14.83/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 94967 : 393 : 1 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.18:51:14.84/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 94815 : 549 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.18:51:14.85/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 94876 : 484 : 1 : 1 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.18:51:14.86/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 94772 : 586 : 1 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.18:51:14.87/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 94909 : 453 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.18:51:14.88/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 94981 : 383 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.18:51:15.30/cable/3.718488488E-3 2004.089.18:51:15.99/fmout-gps/-7.519151E-6 2004.089.18:51:16.49/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,20.80 2004.089.18:51:16.99/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,20.40 2004.089.18:51:17.49/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.70 2004.089.18:51:17.99/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,12.40 2004.089.18:51:18.49/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.599 2004.089.18:51:18.99/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.000 2004.089.18:51:19.49/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,5.361 2004.089.18:51:19.99/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,50.51 2004.089.18:51:20.49/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,62.85 2004.089.18:51:20.99/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.271 2004.089.18:51:21.49/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,243.6 2004.089.18:51:21.99/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,65.68 2004.089.18:51:21.99:scan_name=089-1911b,r1116,58 2004.089.18:51:22.00:source=0727-115,073019.11,-114112.6,2000.0,cw 2004.089.18:51:26.22:setup4f 2004.089.18:51:29.01/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.089.18:51:29.03/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.089.18:51:29.06/bank_check/usn-0079/960/1024OK,VNVD06G4H7982L,VNVD06G4H79L4L,VNVD06G4H79RWL,VNVD06G4H71WBL,VNVD06G4H79GKL,VNVD06G4H79D4L,VNVD06G4H700TL,VNVD06G4H79GUL 2004.089.18:51:29.08/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 23 ; 2004.089.18:51:29.08:!2004.089.19:11:41 2004.089.19:11:41.00:disc_pos 2004.089.19:11:41.01/disc_pos/49979033848,49978033848, 2004.089.19:11:41.02:disc_start=on 2004.089.19:11:42.05:!2004.089.19:11:41 2004.089.19:11:42.05:preob 2004.089.19:11:43.24#antcn#ACK 2004.089.19:11:43.24/onsource/TRACKING 2004.089.19:11:45.98/tpical/1l,16054,1u,16022,2u,16193,3u,16032,4u,16390 2004.089.19:11:45.98/tpical/9u,16125,au,16153,bu,16006,cu,16210,du,16320,eu,16283 2004.089.19:11:45.98/tpical/5u,15675,6u,16198,7u,15600,8l,15982,8u,16055 2004.089.19:11:46.13/tpgain/1l,44,1u,48,2u,115,3u,119,4u,160 2004.089.19:11:46.13/tpgain/9u,109,au,105,bu,83,cu,149,du,195,eu,163 2004.089.19:11:46.13/tpgain/5u,15,6u,28,7u,22,8l,26,8u,29 2004.089.19:11:46.18:!2004.089.19:11:51 2004.089.19:11:51.00:disc_pos 2004.089.19:11:51.02/disc_pos/50234830848,49978033848, 2004.089.19:11:51.03:data_valid=on 2004.089.19:11:51.04:midob 2004.089.19:11:51.22/tpi/1l,16107,1u,16067,2u,16288,3u,16068,4u,16441 2004.089.19:11:51.23/tpi/9u,16120,au,16135,bu,16002,cu,16195,du,16328,eu,16275 2004.089.19:11:51.23/tpi/5u,15707,6u,16226,7u,15663,8l,16036,8u,16098 2004.089.19:11:51.81?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 1l overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.19:11:51.81?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 8l overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.19:11:51.81?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 1u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.19:11:51.81?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 2u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.19:11:51.81?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 3u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.19:11:51.81?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 4u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.19:11:51.81?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 5u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.19:11:51.81?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 6u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.19:11:51.81?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 7u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.19:11:51.81?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 8u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.19:11:51.81?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 9u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.19:11:51.81?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device au overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.19:11:51.84/tsys/1l,$$$$$$$$,1u,$$$$$$$$,2u,$$$$$$$$,3u,$$$$$$$$,4u,$$$$$$$$ 2004.089.19:11:51.84/tsys/9u,$$$$$$$$,au,$$$$$$$$,bu,12438.4,cu,2762.9,du,7609.9,eu,7493.1 2004.089.19:11:51.85/tsys/5u,$$$$$$$$,6u,$$$$$$$$,7u,$$$$$$$$,8l,$$$$$$$$,8u,$$$$$$$$ 2004.089.19:11:51.85/wx/14.9,996.8,97.7,302.6,1.0 2004.089.19:11:52.11/cable/3.718044772E-3 2004.089.19:11:52.60/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,20.80 2004.089.19:11:53.10/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,20.60 2004.089.19:11:53.60/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.60 2004.089.19:11:54.10/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,12.40 2004.089.19:11:54.60/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.601 2004.089.19:11:55.10/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.000 2004.089.19:11:55.60/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.550 2004.089.19:11:56.10/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,65.48 2004.089.19:11:56.60/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,64.17 2004.089.19:11:57.10/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.244 2004.089.19:11:57.60/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,243.6 2004.089.19:11:58.10/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,66.90 2004.089.19:11:58.19/bbc01/612.89,a,8,8,1,agc, -2.54, -3.30,lock,16055,16103,1018,1pps 2004.089.19:11:58.27/bbc02/652.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 5.05, 3.11,lock,16122,16221,1029,1pps 2004.089.19:11:58.35/bbc03/752.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 5.35, 3.66,lock,16070,16304,1027,1pps 2004.089.19:11:58.43/bbc04/912.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 7.86, 6.88,lock,16188,16342,1024,1pps 2004.089.19:11:58.51/bbc05/652.99,c,8,8,1,agc,-12.64,-13.89,lock,15690,14425,1025,1pps 2004.089.19:11:58.59/bbc06/772.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -7.22, -7.22,lock,16242,15950,1030,1pps 2004.089.19:11:58.67/bbc07/832.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -9.32, -9.72,lock,15591,15100,1033,1pps 2004.089.19:11:58.75/bbc08/852.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -6.92, -7.86,lock,16093,15995,1028,1pps 2004.089.19:11:58.83/bbc09/692.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.58, 4.34,lock,16125,16033,1020,1pps 2004.089.19:11:58.91/bbc10/700.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.26, 2.92,lock,16137,16327,1026,1pps 2004.089.19:11:58.99/bbc11/716.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 2.22, 2.53,lock,16031,16004,1022,1pps 2004.089.19:11:59.07/bbc12/772.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 7.30, 6.11,lock,16212,16158,1019,1pps 2004.089.19:11:59.15/bbc13/804.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 9.64, 9.41,lock,16332,16262,1031,1pps 2004.089.19:11:59.23/bbc14/812.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 8.08, 7.86,lock,16289,16439,1021,1pps 2004.089.19:12:00.23#antcn#Received message for antenna: GETS 2004.089.19:12:01.21#antcn#ACU: MJD: 53093, UTC: 69120, Src: ext. 1pps present 2004.089.19:12:01.21#antcn#ACU: Azimuth: Pos: 876290, Dev: 0, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.089.19:12:01.21#antcn#ACU: Elevation: Pos: 228113, Dev: 0, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.089.19:12:01.21#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.089.19:12:01.21#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.089.19:12:01.21#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.089.19:12:01.21#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.089.19:12:01.21#antcn#ACU: Az: no fault , no fault 2004.089.19:12:01.21#antcn#ACU: El: no fault , no fault 2004.089.19:12:01.22/antenna/ACK 2004.089.19:12:01.22:!2004.089.19:12:49 2004.089.19:12:49.00:data_valid=off 2004.089.19:12:49.01:disc_end 2004.089.19:12:49.27/disc_end/usn-0079/960/1024OK 2004.089.19:12:49.27:disc_pos 2004.089.19:12:49.28/disc_pos/52128318584,49979033848, 2004.089.19:12:49.28:disc_check 2004.089.19:12:49.59/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y089d19h12m49.218s,45520,0.00250s,80000,39290580084, 2004.089.19:12:49.59:postob_mk5a 2004.089.19:12:49.60/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 98993 : 473 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.19:12:49.61/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 99065 : 398 : 1 : 2 : 1 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.19:12:49.62/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 99053 : 409 : 1 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.19:12:49.63/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 98898 : 568 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.19:12:49.64/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 98954 : 508 : 1 : 1 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.19:12:49.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 98854 : 606 : 1 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.19:12:49.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 98989 : 475 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.19:12:49.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 99062 : 404 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.19:12:50.50/cable/3.717804493E-3 2004.089.19:12:51.99/fmout-gps/-7.464906E-6 2004.089.19:12:52.49/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,20.90 2004.089.19:12:52.99/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,20.60 2004.089.19:12:53.49/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.60 2004.089.19:12:53.99/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,12.40 2004.089.19:12:54.49/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.599 2004.089.19:12:54.99/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.000 2004.089.19:12:55.49/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,2.619 2004.089.19:12:55.99/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,53.29 2004.089.19:12:56.49/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,61.54 2004.089.19:12:56.99/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.244 2004.089.19:12:57.49/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,243.4 2004.089.19:12:57.99/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,68.12 2004.089.19:12:57.99:scan_name=089-1913,r1116,136 2004.089.19:12:58.00:source=cta26,033930.94,-014635.8,2000.0,cw 2004.089.19:13:02.23:setup4f 2004.089.19:13:05.01/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.089.19:13:05.03/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.089.19:13:05.05/bank_check/usn-0079/960/1024OK,VNVD06G4H7982L,VNVD06G4H79L4L,VNVD06G4H79RWL,VNVD06G4H71WBL,VNVD06G4H79GKL,VNVD06G4H79D4L,VNVD06G4H700TL,VNVD06G4H79GUL 2004.089.19:13:05.07/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 25 ; 2004.089.19:13:05.07:!2004.089.19:13:30 2004.089.19:13:30.00:disc_pos 2004.089.19:13:30.01/disc_pos/52128318584,52127318584, 2004.089.19:13:30.01:disc_start=on 2004.089.19:13:31.05:!2004.089.19:13:30 2004.089.19:13:31.05:preob 2004.089.19:13:32.23#antcn#ACK 2004.089.19:13:32.23/onsource/TRACKING 2004.089.19:13:34.98/tpical/1l,15960,1u,15775,2u,16105,3u,15995,4u,16333 2004.089.19:13:34.98/tpical/9u,16203,au,16176,bu,16369,cu,16293,du,16207,eu,16181 2004.089.19:13:34.98/tpical/5u,14839,6u,15311,7u,16049,8l,16221,8u,15226 2004.089.19:13:35.13/tpgain/1l,45,1u,49,2u,118,3u,122,4u,164 2004.089.19:13:35.13/tpgain/9u,108,au,104,bu,83,cu,148,du,193,eu,161 2004.089.19:13:35.13/tpgain/5u,15,6u,28,7u,23,8l,27,8u,29 2004.089.19:13:35.17:!2004.089.19:13:40 2004.089.19:13:40.00:disc_pos 2004.089.19:13:40.00/disc_pos/52384112640,52127318584, 2004.089.19:13:40.02:data_valid=on 2004.089.19:13:40.04:midob 2004.089.19:13:40.20/tpi/1l,15958,1u,15790,2u,16113,3u,16016,4u,16347 2004.089.19:13:40.20/tpi/9u,16199,au,16196,bu,16373,cu,16297,du,16220,eu,16180 2004.089.19:13:40.20/tpi/5u,14855,6u,15320,7u,16064,8l,16222,8u,15228 2004.089.19:13:40.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 1l overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.19:13:40.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 8l overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.19:13:40.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 1u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.19:13:40.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 2u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.19:13:40.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 3u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.19:13:40.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 4u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.19:13:40.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 5u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.19:13:40.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 6u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.19:13:40.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 7u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.19:13:40.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 8u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.19:13:40.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 9u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.19:13:40.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device au overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.19:13:40.81/tsys/1l,$$$$$$$$,1u,$$$$$$$$,2u,$$$$$$$$,3u,$$$$$$$$,4u,$$$$$$$$ 2004.089.19:13:40.82/tsys/9u,$$$$$$$$,au,$$$$$$$$,bu,12735.2,cu,2821.7,du,7724.9,eu,7647.1 2004.089.19:13:40.82/tsys/5u,$$$$$$$$,6u,$$$$$$$$,7u,$$$$$$$$,8l,$$$$$$$$,8u,$$$$$$$$ 2004.089.19:13:40.83/wx/14.9,996.7,97.7,354.5,2.2 2004.089.19:13:40.91/cable/3.718277100E-3 2004.089.19:13:41.40/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,20.80 2004.089.19:13:41.90/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,20.60 2004.089.19:13:42.40/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.60 2004.089.19:13:42.90/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,12.40 2004.089.19:13:43.40/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.601 2004.089.19:13:43.90/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.000 2004.089.19:13:44.40/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,1.647 2004.089.19:13:44.90/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,57.46 2004.089.19:13:45.40/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,60.22 2004.089.19:13:45.90/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.244 2004.089.19:13:46.40/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,243.6 2004.089.19:13:46.90/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,65.92 2004.089.19:13:46.99/bbc01/612.89,a,8,8,1,agc, -2.36, -3.10,lock,15794,15985,1018,1pps 2004.089.19:13:47.08/bbc02/652.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 5.27, 3.39,lock,16160,16287,1029,1pps 2004.089.19:13:47.18/bbc03/752.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 5.56, 3.84,lock,16043,16221,1027,1pps 2004.089.19:13:47.26/bbc04/912.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 8.13, 7.06,lock,16365,16317,1024,1pps 2004.089.19:13:47.34/bbc05/652.99,c,8,8,1,agc,-12.64,-13.24,lock,14883,15647,1025,1pps 2004.089.19:13:47.42/bbc06/772.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -7.22, -6.92,lock,15346,16117,1030,1pps 2004.089.19:13:47.50/bbc07/832.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -8.93, -9.32,lock,16086,15631,1033,1pps 2004.089.19:13:47.58/bbc08/852.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -6.92, -7.54,lock,15258,16254,1028,1pps 2004.089.19:13:47.66/bbc09/692.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.50, 4.26,lock,16219,16108,1020,1pps 2004.089.19:13:47.74/bbc10/700.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.18, 2.73,lock,16191,16026,1026,1pps 2004.089.19:13:47.82/bbc11/716.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 2.11, 2.53,lock,16023,16236,1022,1pps 2004.089.19:13:47.90/bbc12/772.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 7.24, 6.05,lock,16299,16205,1019,1pps 2004.089.19:13:47.98/bbc13/804.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 9.55, 9.37,lock,16231,16216,1031,1pps 2004.089.19:13:48.06/bbc14/812.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 7.97, 7.86,lock,16160,16241,1021,1pps 2004.089.19:13:48.24#antcn#Received message for antenna: GETS 2004.089.19:13:49.21#antcn#ACU: MJD: 53093, UTC: 69228, Src: ext. 1pps present 2004.089.19:13:49.21#antcn#ACU: Azimuth: Pos: 202794, Dev: -1, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.089.19:13:49.21#antcn#ACU: Elevation: Pos: 531502, Dev: 0, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.089.19:13:49.21#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.089.19:13:49.21#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.089.19:13:49.21#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.089.19:13:49.21#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.089.19:13:49.21#antcn#ACU: Az: no fault , no fault 2004.089.19:13:49.21#antcn#ACU: El: no fault , no fault 2004.089.19:13:49.21/antenna/ACK 2004.089.19:13:49.22:!2004.089.19:15:56 2004.089.19:15:56.00:data_valid=off 2004.089.19:15:56.01:disc_end 2004.089.19:15:56.27/disc_end/usn-0079/960/1024OK 2004.089.19:15:56.27:disc_pos 2004.089.19:15:56.29/disc_pos/56773762656,52128318584, 2004.089.19:15:56.29:disc_check 2004.089.19:15:56.59/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y089d19h15m56.220s,74216,0.00250s,80000,1338607232, 2004.089.19:15:56.59:postob_mk5a 2004.089.19:15:56.61/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 107816 : 515 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.19:15:56.61/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 107888 : 439 : 1 : 2 : 1 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.19:15:56.62/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 107879 : 447 : 1 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.19:15:56.63/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 107724 : 605 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.19:15:56.64/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 107777 : 549 : 1 : 1 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.19:15:56.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 107676 : 647 : 1 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.19:15:56.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 107819 : 509 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.19:15:56.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 107879 : 450 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.19:15:56.90/cable/3.717095236E-3 2004.089.19:15:57.99/fmout-gps/-7.512674E-6 2004.089.19:15:58.49/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,20.80 2004.089.19:15:58.99/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,20.50 2004.089.19:15:59.49/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.70 2004.089.19:15:59.94/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,12.30 2004.089.19:16:00.44/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.601 2004.089.19:16:00.94/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.000 2004.089.19:16:01.44/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,2.129 2004.089.19:16:01.94/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,51.90 2004.089.19:16:02.44/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,60.22 2004.089.19:16:02.94/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.244 2004.089.19:16:03.44/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,238.7 2004.089.19:16:03.94/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,67.14 2004.089.19:16:03.94:scan_name=089-1925,r1116,87 2004.089.19:16:03.95:source=0454-234,045703.18,-232452.0,2000.0,cw 2004.089.19:16:08.23:setup4f 2004.089.19:16:11.01/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.089.19:16:11.02/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.089.19:16:11.04/bank_check/usn-0079/960/1024OK,VNVD06G4H7982L,VNVD06G4H79L4L,VNVD06G4H79RWL,VNVD06G4H71WBL,VNVD06G4H79GKL,VNVD06G4H79D4L,VNVD06G4H700TL,VNVD06G4H79GUL 2004.089.19:16:11.07/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 27 ; 2004.089.19:16:11.07:!2004.089.19:25:22 2004.089.19:25:22.00:disc_pos 2004.089.19:25:22.01/disc_pos/56773762656,56772762656, 2004.089.19:25:22.02:disc_start=on 2004.089.19:25:23.05:!2004.089.19:25:22 2004.089.19:25:23.06:preob 2004.089.19:25:24.24#antcn#ACK 2004.089.19:25:24.24/onsource/TRACKING 2004.089.19:25:26.99/tpical/1l,15671,1u,16140,2u,16166,3u,16260,4u,16187 2004.089.19:25:26.99/tpical/9u,16255,au,16153,bu,16041,cu,16264,du,16221,eu,16255 2004.089.19:25:26.99/tpical/5u,16104,6u,15509,7u,15967,8l,15253,8u,15480 2004.089.19:25:27.14/tpgain/1l,43,1u,48,2u,113,3u,118,4u,158 2004.089.19:25:27.14/tpgain/9u,107,au,103,bu,82,cu,147,du,192,eu,161 2004.089.19:25:27.14/tpgain/5u,15,6u,27,7u,22,8l,25,8u,28 2004.089.19:25:27.18:!2004.089.19:25:32 2004.089.19:25:32.00:disc_pos 2004.089.19:25:32.01/disc_pos/57029558272,56772762656, 2004.089.19:25:32.02:data_valid=on 2004.089.19:25:32.03:midob 2004.089.19:25:32.20/tpi/1l,15696,1u,16160,2u,16194,3u,16283,4u,16205 2004.089.19:25:32.20/tpi/9u,16268,au,16166,bu,16033,cu,16277,du,16231,eu,16266 2004.089.19:25:32.20/tpi/5u,16115,6u,15521,7u,15984,8l,15269,8u,15497 2004.089.19:25:32.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 1l overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.19:25:32.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 8l overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.19:25:32.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 1u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.19:25:32.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 2u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.19:25:32.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 3u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.19:25:32.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 4u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.19:25:32.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 5u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.19:25:32.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 6u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.19:25:32.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 7u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.19:25:32.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 8u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.19:25:32.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 9u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.19:25:32.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device au overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.19:25:32.82/tsys/1l,$$$$$$$$,1u,$$$$$$$$,2u,$$$$$$$$,3u,$$$$$$$$,4u,$$$$$$$$ 2004.089.19:25:32.82/tsys/9u,$$$$$$$$,au,$$$$$$$$,bu,12777.9,cu,2859.0,du,7817.1,eu,7691.0 2004.089.19:25:32.82/tsys/5u,$$$$$$$$,6u,$$$$$$$$,7u,$$$$$$$$,8l,$$$$$$$$,8u,$$$$$$$$ 2004.089.19:25:32.83/wx/14.9,996.7,97.7,1.8,2.0 2004.089.19:25:32.90/cable/3.717676469E-3 2004.089.19:25:33.39/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,20.80 2004.089.19:25:33.89/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,20.50 2004.089.19:25:34.39/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.70 2004.089.19:25:34.89/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,12.30 2004.089.19:25:35.39/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.604 2004.089.19:25:35.89/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.000 2004.089.19:25:36.39/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,5.361 2004.089.19:25:36.89/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,65.48 2004.089.19:25:37.39/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,58.85 2004.089.19:25:37.89/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.244 2004.089.19:25:38.39/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,243.1 2004.089.19:25:38.89/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,64.46 2004.089.19:25:38.98/bbc01/612.89,a,8,8,1,agc, -2.54, -3.49,lock,16126,15653,1018,1pps 2004.089.19:25:39.07/bbc02/652.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 4.90, 2.92,lock,16119,16062,1029,1pps 2004.089.19:25:39.16/bbc03/752.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 5.27, 3.48,lock,16245,16220,1027,1pps 2004.089.19:25:39.25/bbc04/912.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 7.81, 6.76,lock,16162,16213,1024,1pps 2004.089.19:25:39.33/bbc05/652.99,c,8,8,1,agc,-12.64,-13.89,lock,16067,14732,1025,1pps 2004.089.19:25:39.41/bbc06/772.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -7.54, -7.54,lock,15492,15244,1030,1pps 2004.089.19:25:39.50/bbc07/832.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -9.32, -9.72,lock,15940,15396,1033,1pps 2004.089.19:25:39.58/bbc08/852.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -7.22, -8.21,lock,15473,15245,1028,1pps 2004.089.19:25:39.66/bbc09/692.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.42, 4.18,lock,16274,16125,1020,1pps 2004.089.19:25:39.74/bbc10/700.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.09, 2.63,lock,16161,15922,1026,1pps 2004.089.19:25:39.82/bbc11/716.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 2.11, 2.42,lock,16051,16034,1022,1pps 2004.089.19:25:39.90/bbc12/772.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 7.18, 5.98,lock,16271,16211,1019,1pps 2004.089.19:25:39.98/bbc13/804.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 9.50, 9.32,lock,16241,16236,1031,1pps 2004.089.19:25:40.06/bbc14/812.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 7.97, 7.81,lock,16272,16244,1021,1pps 2004.089.19:25:40.23#antcn#Received message for antenna: GETS 2004.089.19:25:41.22#antcn#ACU: MJD: 53093, UTC: 69940, Src: ext. 1pps present 2004.089.19:25:41.22#antcn#ACU: Azimuth: Pos: 691737, Dev: -2, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.089.19:25:41.22#antcn#ACU: Elevation: Pos: 620880, Dev: 7, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.089.19:25:41.22#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.089.19:25:41.22#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.089.19:25:41.22#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.089.19:25:41.22#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.089.19:25:41.22#antcn#ACU: Az: no fault , no fault 2004.089.19:25:41.22#antcn#ACU: El: no fault , no fault 2004.089.19:25:41.22/antenna/ACK 2004.089.19:25:41.23:!2004.089.19:26:59 2004.089.19:26:59.00:data_valid=off 2004.089.19:26:59.01:disc_end 2004.089.19:26:59.28/disc_end/usn-0079/960/1024OK 2004.089.19:26:59.28:disc_pos 2004.089.19:26:59.29/disc_pos/59850906496,56773762656, 2004.089.19:26:59.29:disc_check 2004.089.19:26:59.60/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y089d19h26m59.225s,41364,0.00250s,80000,18139049012, 2004.089.19:26:59.61:postob_mk5a 2004.089.19:26:59.62/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 113653 : 550 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.19:26:59.63/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 113732 : 468 : 1 : 2 : 1 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.19:26:59.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 113715 : 483 : 1 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.19:26:59.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 113564 : 637 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.19:26:59.70/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 113619 : 579 : 1 : 1 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.19:26:59.71/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 113520 : 675 : 1 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.19:26:59.72/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 113666 : 534 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.19:26:59.73/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 113723 : 478 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.19:27:00.10/cable/3.718088650E-3 2004.089.19:27:01.99/fmout-gps/-7.506917E-6 2004.089.19:27:02.49/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,20.90 2004.089.19:27:02.94/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,20.60 2004.089.19:27:03.39/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.70 2004.089.19:27:03.84/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,12.20 2004.089.19:27:04.29/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.601 2004.089.19:27:04.74/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.015 2004.089.19:27:05.19/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,1.330 2004.089.19:27:05.64/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,66.80 2004.089.19:27:06.09/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,58.85 2004.089.19:27:06.54/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.244 2004.089.19:27:06.99/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,242.9 2004.089.19:27:07.44/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,66.66 2004.089.19:27:07.44:scan_name=089-1927a,r1116,110 2004.089.19:27:07.45:source=0607-157,060940.95,-154240.7,2000.0,cw 2004.089.19:27:12.25:setup4f 2004.089.19:27:15.00/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.089.19:27:15.01/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.089.19:27:15.05/bank_check/usn-0079/960/1024OK,VNVD06G4H7982L,VNVD06G4H79L4L,VNVD06G4H79RWL,VNVD06G4H71WBL,VNVD06G4H79GKL,VNVD06G4H79D4L,VNVD06G4H700TL,VNVD06G4H79GUL 2004.089.19:27:15.07/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 29 ; 2004.089.19:27:15.08:!2004.089.19:27:32 2004.089.19:27:32.00:disc_pos 2004.089.19:27:32.01/disc_pos/59850906496,59849906496, 2004.089.19:27:32.01:disc_start=on 2004.089.19:27:33.04:!2004.089.19:27:32 2004.089.19:27:33.05:preob 2004.089.19:27:34.25#antcn#ACK 2004.089.19:27:34.25/onsource/TRACKING 2004.089.19:27:37.00/tpical/1l,15713,1u,16204,2u,16109,3u,16012,4u,16145 2004.089.19:27:37.00/tpical/9u,15976,au,15984,bu,15903,cu,16253,du,16146,eu,16258 2004.089.19:27:37.00/tpical/5u,15363,6u,15864,7u,15269,8l,15638,8u,15725 2004.089.19:27:37.15/tpgain/1l,44,1u,49,2u,116,3u,120,4u,161 2004.089.19:27:37.15/tpgain/9u,108,au,104,bu,83,cu,149,du,194,eu,163 2004.089.19:27:37.16/tpgain/5u,15,6u,28,7u,22,8l,26,8u,29 2004.089.19:27:37.19:!2004.089.19:27:42 2004.089.19:27:42.00:disc_pos 2004.089.19:27:42.00/disc_pos/60106698752,59849906496, 2004.089.19:27:42.01:data_valid=on 2004.089.19:27:42.02:midob 2004.089.19:27:42.19/tpi/1l,15725,1u,16228,2u,16079,3u,16020,4u,16148 2004.089.19:27:42.19/tpi/9u,15967,au,15983,bu,15893,cu,16265,du,16142,eu,16255 2004.089.19:27:42.19/tpi/5u,15353,6u,15857,7u,15264,8l,15647,8u,15738 2004.089.19:27:42.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 1l overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.19:27:42.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 8l overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.19:27:42.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 1u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.19:27:42.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 2u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.19:27:42.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 3u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.19:27:42.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 4u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.19:27:42.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 5u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.19:27:42.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 6u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.19:27:42.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 7u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.19:27:42.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 8u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.19:27:42.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 9u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.19:27:42.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device au overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.19:27:42.81/tsys/1l,$$$$$$$$,1u,$$$$$$$$,2u,$$$$$$$$,3u,$$$$$$$$,4u,$$$$$$$$ 2004.089.19:27:42.81/tsys/9u,$$$$$$$$,au,$$$$$$$$,bu,12351.2,cu,2775.6,du,7600.3,eu,7483.1 2004.089.19:27:42.82/tsys/5u,$$$$$$$$,6u,$$$$$$$$,7u,$$$$$$$$,8l,$$$$$$$$,8u,$$$$$$$$ 2004.089.19:27:42.83/wx/14.8,996.7,97.7,302.5,1.1 2004.089.19:27:43.31/cable/3.717476050E-3 2004.089.19:27:43.80/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,20.90 2004.089.19:27:44.30/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,20.50 2004.089.19:27:44.80/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.60 2004.089.19:27:45.30/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,12.30 2004.089.19:27:45.80/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.601 2004.089.19:27:46.30/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.000 2004.089.19:27:46.80/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.791 2004.089.19:27:47.30/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,56.07 2004.089.19:27:47.80/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,70.74 2004.089.19:27:48.29/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.271 2004.089.19:27:48.75/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,243.6 2004.089.19:27:49.25/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,69.83 2004.089.19:27:49.34/bbc01/612.89,a,8,8,1,agc, -2.36, -3.30,lock,16263,15751,1018,1pps 2004.089.19:27:49.42/bbc02/652.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 5.12, 3.11,lock,16243,15949,1029,1pps 2004.089.19:27:49.50/bbc03/752.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 5.42, 3.66,lock,16053,16077,1027,1pps 2004.089.19:27:49.58/bbc04/912.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 7.97, 6.94,lock,16187,16143,1024,1pps 2004.089.19:27:49.66/bbc05/652.99,c,8,8,1,agc,-12.64,-13.89,lock,15395,14104,1025,1pps 2004.089.19:27:49.74/bbc06/772.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -7.22, -7.22,lock,15874,15631,1030,1pps 2004.089.19:27:49.82/bbc07/832.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -9.32, -9.32,lock,15309,16175,1033,1pps 2004.089.19:27:49.90/bbc08/852.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -6.92, -7.86,lock,15736,15669,1028,1pps 2004.089.19:27:49.98/bbc09/692.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.50, 4.26,lock,15979,15900,1020,1pps 2004.089.19:27:50.06/bbc10/700.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.18, 2.82,lock,16002,16107,1026,1pps 2004.089.19:27:50.14/bbc11/716.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 2.22, 2.53,lock,15902,16001,1022,1pps 2004.089.19:27:50.22/bbc12/772.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 7.30, 6.11,lock,16258,16208,1019,1pps 2004.089.19:27:50.30/bbc13/804.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 9.59, 9.46,lock,16156,16289,1031,1pps 2004.089.19:27:50.38/bbc14/812.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 8.08, 7.92,lock,16260,16045,1021,1pps 2004.089.19:27:51.25#antcn#Received message for antenna: GETS 2004.089.19:27:52.23#antcn#ACU: MJD: 53093, UTC: 70071, Src: ext. 1pps present 2004.089.19:27:52.23#antcn#ACU: Azimuth: Pos: 750802, Dev: 0, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.089.19:27:52.23#antcn#ACU: Elevation: Pos: 441758, Dev: -1, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.089.19:27:52.23#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.089.19:27:52.23#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.089.19:27:52.23#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.089.19:27:52.23#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.089.19:27:52.23#antcn#ACU: Az: no fault , no fault 2004.089.19:27:52.23#antcn#ACU: El: no fault , no fault 2004.089.19:27:52.24/antenna/ACK 2004.089.19:27:52.24:!2004.089.19:29:32 2004.089.19:29:32.00:data_valid=off 2004.089.19:29:32.02:disc_end 2004.089.19:29:32.28/disc_end/usn-0079/960/1024OK 2004.089.19:29:32.28:disc_pos 2004.089.19:29:32.29/disc_pos/63664509152,59850906496, 2004.089.19:29:32.30:disc_check 2004.089.19:29:32.89/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y089d19h29m32.220s,12108,0.00250s,80000,1082266600, 2004.089.19:29:32.89:postob_mk5a 2004.089.19:29:32.91/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 120900 : 579 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.19:29:32.92/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 120978 : 498 : 1 : 3 : 1 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.19:29:32.93/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 120960 : 515 : 1 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.19:29:32.94/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 120812 : 665 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.19:29:32.95/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 120858 : 616 : 1 : 1 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.19:29:32.96/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 120765 : 707 : 1 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.19:29:32.97/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 120913 : 565 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.19:29:32.98/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 120963 : 515 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.19:29:33.70/cable/3.718104133E-3 2004.089.19:29:33.99/fmout-gps/-7.519290E-6 2004.089.19:29:34.45/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,20.80 2004.089.19:29:34.95/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,20.50 2004.089.19:29:35.45/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.70 2004.089.19:29:35.95/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,12.30 2004.089.19:29:36.45/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.601 2004.089.19:29:36.95/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.000 2004.089.19:29:37.45/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,2.455 2004.089.19:29:37.95/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,56.07 2004.089.19:29:38.45/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,58.85 2004.089.19:29:38.95/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.244 2004.089.19:29:39.45/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,243.1 2004.089.19:29:39.95/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,65.68 2004.089.19:29:39.95:scan_name=089-1952,r1116,51 2004.089.19:29:39.96:source=0727-115,073019.11,-114112.6,2000.0,cw 2004.089.19:29:44.25:setup4f 2004.089.19:29:47.01/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.089.19:29:47.03/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.089.19:29:47.05/bank_check/usn-0079/960/1024OK,VNVD06G4H7982L,VNVD06G4H79L4L,VNVD06G4H79RWL,VNVD06G4H71WBL,VNVD06G4H79GKL,VNVD06G4H79D4L,VNVD06G4H700TL,VNVD06G4H79GUL 2004.089.19:29:47.09/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 31 ; 2004.089.19:29:47.09:!2004.089.19:52:16 2004.089.19:52:16.00:disc_pos 2004.089.19:52:16.01/disc_pos/63664509152,63663509152, 2004.089.19:52:16.02:disc_start=on 2004.089.19:52:17.05:!2004.089.19:52:16 2004.089.19:52:17.05:preob 2004.089.19:52:18.26#antcn#ACK 2004.089.19:52:18.26/onsource/TRACKING 2004.089.19:52:21.00/tpical/1l,16102,1u,16018,2u,16324,3u,16107,4u,16290 2004.089.19:52:21.00/tpical/9u,16183,au,16199,bu,16065,cu,16234,du,16288,eu,16265 2004.089.19:52:21.00/tpical/5u,14935,6u,15429,7u,16268,8l,15324,8u,15408 2004.089.19:52:21.15/tpgain/1l,45,1u,49,2u,118,3u,122,4u,163 2004.089.19:52:21.15/tpgain/9u,109,au,105,bu,83,cu,149,du,195,eu,163 2004.089.19:52:21.15/tpgain/5u,15,6u,28,7u,23,8l,26,8u,29 2004.089.19:52:21.19:!2004.089.19:52:26 2004.089.19:52:26.00:disc_pos 2004.089.19:52:26.01/disc_pos/63920308224,63663509152, 2004.089.19:52:26.03:data_valid=on 2004.089.19:52:26.03:midob 2004.089.19:52:26.21/tpi/1l,16126,1u,16019,2u,16330,3u,16134,4u,16303 2004.089.19:52:26.21/tpi/9u,16209,au,16221,bu,16089,cu,16274,du,16306,eu,16297 2004.089.19:52:26.21/tpi/5u,14940,6u,15448,7u,16281,8l,15339,8u,15419 2004.089.19:52:26.80?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 1l overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.19:52:26.80?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 8l overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.19:52:26.80?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 1u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.19:52:26.80?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 2u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.19:52:26.80?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 3u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.19:52:26.80?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 4u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.19:52:26.80?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 5u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.19:52:26.80?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 6u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.19:52:26.80?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 7u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.19:52:26.80?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 8u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.19:52:26.80?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 9u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.19:52:26.80?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device au overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.19:52:26.83/tsys/1l,$$$$$$$$,1u,$$$$$$$$,2u,$$$$$$$$,3u,$$$$$$$$,4u,$$$$$$$$ 2004.089.19:52:26.83/tsys/9u,$$$$$$$$,au,$$$$$$$$,bu,12508.0,cu,2777.3,du,7598.9,eu,7504.0 2004.089.19:52:26.83/tsys/5u,$$$$$$$$,6u,$$$$$$$$,7u,$$$$$$$$,8l,$$$$$$$$,8u,$$$$$$$$ 2004.089.19:52:26.84/wx/14.9,996.8,97.7,330.8,0.4 2004.089.19:52:27.30/cable/3.717561109E-3 2004.089.19:52:27.80/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,20.80 2004.089.19:52:28.25/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,20.60 2004.089.19:52:28.70/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.60 2004.089.19:52:29.15/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,12.30 2004.089.19:52:29.60/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.601 2004.089.19:52:30.05/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.000 2004.089.19:52:30.50/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,1.968 2004.089.19:52:30.95/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,51.90 2004.089.19:52:31.40/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,60.22 2004.089.19:52:31.85/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.244 2004.089.19:52:32.30/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,237.5 2004.089.19:52:32.75/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,69.83 2004.089.19:52:32.84/bbc01/612.89,a,8,8,1,agc, -2.36, -3.10,lock,16073,16156,1018,1pps 2004.089.19:52:32.92/bbc02/652.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 5.27, 3.30,lock,16369,16150,1029,1pps 2004.089.19:52:33.00/bbc03/752.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 5.56, 3.75,lock,16176,16031,1027,1pps 2004.089.19:52:33.08/bbc04/912.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 8.08, 7.00,lock,16345,16319,1024,1pps 2004.089.19:52:33.16/bbc05/652.99,c,8,8,1,agc,-12.64,-13.24,lock,14986,15752,1025,1pps 2004.089.19:52:33.24/bbc06/772.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -7.22, -6.92,lock,15498,16286,1030,1pps 2004.089.19:52:33.33/bbc07/832.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -8.93, -9.32,lock,16325,15862,1033,1pps 2004.089.19:52:33.41/bbc08/852.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -6.92, -7.86,lock,15466,15383,1028,1pps 2004.089.19:52:33.49/bbc09/692.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.58, 4.34,lock,16192,16127,1020,1pps 2004.089.19:52:33.57/bbc10/700.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.26, 2.82,lock,16183,16062,1026,1pps 2004.089.19:52:33.66/bbc11/716.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 2.22, 2.53,lock,16083,15956,1022,1pps 2004.089.19:52:33.74/bbc12/772.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 7.30, 6.11,lock,16245,16199,1019,1pps 2004.089.19:52:33.82/bbc13/804.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 9.64, 9.46,lock,16292,16314,1031,1pps 2004.089.19:52:33.90/bbc14/812.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 8.08, 7.92,lock,16266,16047,1021,1pps 2004.089.19:52:34.27#antcn#Received message for antenna: GETS 2004.089.19:52:35.25#antcn#ACU: MJD: 53093, UTC: 71554, Src: ext. 1pps present 2004.089.19:52:35.25#antcn#ACU: Azimuth: Pos: 811268, Dev: 2, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.089.19:52:35.25#antcn#ACU: Elevation: Pos: 308903, Dev: 1, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.089.19:52:35.25#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.089.19:52:35.25#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.089.19:52:35.25#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.089.19:52:35.25#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.089.19:52:35.25#antcn#ACU: Az: no fault , no fault 2004.089.19:52:35.25#antcn#ACU: El: no fault , no fault 2004.089.19:52:35.26/antenna/ACK 2004.089.19:52:35.26:!2004.089.19:53:17 2004.089.19:53:17.00:data_valid=off 2004.089.19:53:17.00:disc_end 2004.089.19:53:17.28/disc_end/usn-0079/960/1024OK 2004.089.19:53:17.28:disc_pos 2004.089.19:53:17.29/disc_pos/65589752832,63664509152, 2004.089.19:53:17.29:disc_check 2004.089.19:53:17.60/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y089d19h53m17.227s,61948,0.00250s,80000,43674946480, 2004.089.19:53:17.60:postob_mk5a 2004.089.19:53:17.61/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 124556 : 597 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.19:53:17.62/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 124637 : 514 : 1 : 3 : 1 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.19:53:17.63/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 124617 : 534 : 1 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.19:53:17.63/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 124468 : 684 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.19:53:17.64/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 124511 : 638 : 1 : 1 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.19:53:17.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 124421 : 726 : 1 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.19:53:17.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 124567 : 586 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.19:53:17.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 124619 : 533 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.19:53:18.50/cable/3.717428319E-3 2004.089.19:53:19.99/fmout-gps/-7.545828E-6 2004.089.19:53:20.45/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,20.80 2004.089.19:53:20.95/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,20.60 2004.089.19:53:21.45/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.60 2004.089.19:53:21.95/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,12.30 2004.089.19:53:22.45/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.601 2004.089.19:53:22.95/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.000 2004.089.19:53:23.45/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,2.455 2004.089.19:53:23.95/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,56.07 2004.089.19:53:24.45/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,61.54 2004.089.19:53:24.95/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.244 2004.089.19:53:25.45/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,243.9 2004.089.19:53:25.95/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,69.34 2004.089.19:53:25.95:scan_name=089-1954,r1116,136 2004.089.19:53:25.96:source=cta26,033930.94,-014635.8,2000.0,cw 2004.089.19:53:30.26:setup4f 2004.089.19:53:33.00/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.089.19:53:33.01/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.089.19:53:33.04/bank_check/usn-0079/960/1024OK,VNVD06G4H7982L,VNVD06G4H79L4L,VNVD06G4H79RWL,VNVD06G4H71WBL,VNVD06G4H79GKL,VNVD06G4H79D4L,VNVD06G4H700TL,VNVD06G4H79GUL 2004.089.19:53:33.07/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 33 ; 2004.089.19:53:33.07:!2004.089.19:53:57 2004.089.19:53:57.00:disc_pos 2004.089.19:53:57.01/disc_pos/65589752832,65588752832, 2004.089.19:53:57.01:disc_start=on 2004.089.19:53:58.04:!2004.089.19:53:57 2004.089.19:53:58.05:preob 2004.089.19:53:59.26#antcn#ACK 2004.089.19:53:59.26/onsource/TRACKING 2004.089.19:54:02.00/tpical/1l,15939,1u,15780,2u,16236,3u,16116,4u,16255 2004.089.19:54:02.00/tpical/9u,16076,au,16062,bu,16143,cu,16173,du,16307,eu,16214 2004.089.19:54:02.00/tpical/5u,14675,6u,16184,7u,15980,8l,16142,8u,16098 2004.089.19:54:02.15/tpgain/1l,45,1u,49,2u,119,3u,123,4u,164 2004.089.19:54:02.15/tpgain/9u,107,au,103,bu,82,cu,147,du,193,eu,161 2004.089.19:54:02.15/tpgain/5u,15,6u,29,7u,23,8l,27,8u,30 2004.089.19:54:02.18:!2004.089.19:54:07 2004.089.19:54:07.00:disc_pos 2004.089.19:54:07.00/disc_pos/65845551104,65588752832, 2004.089.19:54:07.01:data_valid=on 2004.089.19:54:07.03:midob 2004.089.19:54:07.20/tpi/1l,15944,1u,15802,2u,16200,3u,16117,4u,16266 2004.089.19:54:07.20/tpi/9u,16054,au,16023,bu,16145,cu,16160,du,16300,eu,16196 2004.089.19:54:07.20/tpi/5u,14676,6u,16200,7u,15979,8l,16161,8u,16112 2004.089.19:54:07.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 1l overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.19:54:07.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 8l overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.19:54:07.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 1u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.19:54:07.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 2u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.19:54:07.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 3u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.19:54:07.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 4u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.19:54:07.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 5u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.19:54:07.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 6u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.19:54:07.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 7u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.19:54:07.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 8u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.19:54:07.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 9u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.19:54:07.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device au overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.19:54:07.81/tsys/1l,$$$$$$$$,1u,$$$$$$$$,2u,$$$$$$$$,3u,$$$$$$$$,4u,$$$$$$$$ 2004.089.19:54:07.82/tsys/9u,$$$$$$$$,au,$$$$$$$$,bu,12869.7,cu,2837.1,du,7765.7,eu,7655.3 2004.089.19:54:07.82/tsys/5u,$$$$$$$$,6u,$$$$$$$$,7u,$$$$$$$$,8l,$$$$$$$$,8u,$$$$$$$$ 2004.089.19:54:07.83/wx/14.9,996.8,97.7,354.3,1.1 2004.089.19:54:08.09/cable/3.717422364E-3 2004.089.19:54:08.60/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,20.80 2004.089.19:54:09.11/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,20.60 2004.089.19:54:09.61/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.70 2004.089.19:54:10.11/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,12.30 2004.089.19:54:10.61/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.601 2004.089.19:54:11.11/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.000 2004.089.19:54:11.61/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,1.015 2004.089.19:54:12.11/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,51.90 2004.089.19:54:12.61/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,60.22 2004.089.19:54:13.11/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.244 2004.089.19:54:13.61/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,243.4 2004.089.19:54:14.11/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,70.81 2004.089.19:54:14.20/bbc01/612.89,a,8,8,1,agc, -2.36, -3.10,lock,15828,15966,1018,1pps 2004.089.19:54:14.28/bbc02/652.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 5.35, 3.39,lock,16218,16092,1029,1pps 2004.089.19:54:14.37/bbc03/752.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 5.63, 3.84,lock,16175,16096,1027,1pps 2004.089.19:54:14.45/bbc04/912.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 8.13, 7.06,lock,16280,16219,1024,1pps 2004.089.19:54:14.53/bbc05/652.99,c,8,8,1,agc,-12.64,-13.24,lock,14706,15458,1025,1pps 2004.089.19:54:14.61/bbc06/772.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -6.92, -6.92,lock,16216,16002,1030,1pps 2004.089.19:54:14.69/bbc07/832.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -8.93, -9.32,lock,15999,15540,1033,1pps 2004.089.19:54:14.77/bbc08/852.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -6.62, -7.54,lock,16163,16199,1028,1pps 2004.089.19:54:14.85/bbc09/692.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.42, 4.26,lock,16056,16228,1020,1pps 2004.089.19:54:14.93/bbc10/700.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.09, 2.73,lock,16042,16111,1026,1pps 2004.089.19:54:15.01/bbc11/716.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 2.11, 2.32,lock,16183,15821,1022,1pps 2004.089.19:54:15.10/bbc12/772.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 7.18, 6.05,lock,16183,16356,1019,1pps 2004.089.19:54:15.18/bbc13/804.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 9.55, 9.37,lock,16320,16343,1031,1pps 2004.089.19:54:15.26/bbc14/812.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 7.97, 7.81,lock,16197,16184,1021,1pps 2004.089.19:54:15.28#antcn#Received message for antenna: GETS 2004.089.19:54:16.25#antcn#ACU: MJD: 53093, UTC: 71655, Src: ext. 1pps present 2004.089.19:54:16.25#antcn#ACU: Azimuth: Pos: 32083, Dev: -4, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.089.19:54:16.25#antcn#ACU: Elevation: Pos: 548091, Dev: -4, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.089.19:54:16.25#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.089.19:54:16.25#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.089.19:54:16.25#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.089.19:54:16.25#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.089.19:54:16.25#antcn#ACU: Az: no fault , no fault 2004.089.19:54:16.25#antcn#ACU: El: no fault , no fault 2004.089.19:54:16.26/antenna/ACK 2004.089.19:54:16.26:!2004.089.19:56:23 2004.089.19:56:23.00:data_valid=off 2004.089.19:56:23.01:disc_end 2004.089.19:56:23.28/disc_end/usn-0079/960/1024OK 2004.089.19:56:23.28:disc_pos 2004.089.19:56:23.29/disc_pos/70235197768,65589752832, 2004.089.19:56:23.30:disc_check 2004.089.19:56:23.79/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y089d19h56m23.227s,14596,0.00250s,80000,1306602416, 2004.089.19:56:23.79:postob_mk5a 2004.089.19:56:23.80/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 133383 : 634 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.19:56:23.81/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 133467 : 546 : 1 : 4 : 1 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.19:56:23.82/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 133451 : 564 : 1 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.19:56:23.83/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 133291 : 723 : 0 : 4 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.19:56:23.84/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 133330 : 682 : 1 : 2 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.19:56:23.84/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 133246 : 765 : 1 : 3 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.19:56:23.85/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 133390 : 626 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.19:56:23.86/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 133447 : 569 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.19:56:24.10/cable/3.717512213E-3 2004.089.19:56:25.99/fmout-gps/-7.542133E-6 2004.089.19:56:26.45/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,20.90 2004.089.19:56:26.95/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,20.60 2004.089.19:56:27.45/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.70 2004.089.19:56:27.95/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,12.40 2004.089.19:56:28.45/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.601 2004.089.19:56:28.95/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.000 2004.089.19:56:29.45/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,1.330 2004.089.19:56:29.95/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,54.68 2004.089.19:56:30.45/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,62.85 2004.089.19:56:30.95/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.271 2004.089.19:56:31.45/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,243.6 2004.089.19:56:31.95/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,67.14 2004.089.19:56:31.95:scan_name=089-1957,r1116,86 2004.089.19:56:31.96:source=0454-234,045703.18,-232452.0,2000.0,cw 2004.089.19:56:36.27:setup4f 2004.089.19:56:39.00/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.089.19:56:39.01/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.089.19:56:39.04/bank_check/usn-0079/960/1024OK,VNVD06G4H7982L,VNVD06G4H79L4L,VNVD06G4H79RWL,VNVD06G4H71WBL,VNVD06G4H79GKL,VNVD06G4H79D4L,VNVD06G4H700TL,VNVD06G4H79GUL 2004.089.19:56:39.08/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 35 ; 2004.089.19:56:39.08:!2004.089.19:56:57 2004.089.19:56:57.00:disc_pos 2004.089.19:56:57.01/disc_pos/70235197768,70234197768, 2004.089.19:56:57.01:disc_start=on 2004.089.19:56:58.05:!2004.089.19:56:57 2004.089.19:56:58.05:preob 2004.089.19:56:59.27#antcn#ACK 2004.089.19:56:59.27/onsource/TRACKING 2004.089.19:57:02.01/tpical/1l,15707,1u,16123,2u,16192,3u,16136,4u,16150 2004.089.19:57:02.01/tpical/9u,16173,au,16274,bu,16076,cu,16304,du,16297,eu,16179 2004.089.19:57:02.01/tpical/5u,15052,6u,15547,7u,15000,8l,15416,8u,15522 2004.089.19:57:02.16/tpgain/1l,44,1u,49,2u,117,3u,121,4u,162 2004.089.19:57:02.16/tpgain/9u,105,au,102,bu,80,cu,145,du,190,eu,159 2004.089.19:57:02.16/tpgain/5u,15,6u,28,7u,22,8l,26,8u,29 2004.089.19:57:02.19:!2004.089.19:57:07 2004.089.19:57:07.00:disc_pos 2004.089.19:57:07.00/disc_pos/70490996736,70234197768, 2004.089.19:57:07.01:data_valid=on 2004.089.19:57:07.02:midob 2004.089.19:57:07.19/tpi/1l,15676,1u,16123,2u,16176,3u,16118,4u,16155 2004.089.19:57:07.19/tpi/9u,16188,au,16284,bu,16096,cu,16316,du,16297,eu,16188 2004.089.19:57:07.19/tpi/5u,15021,6u,15522,7u,15000,8l,15418,8u,15499 2004.089.19:57:07.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 1l overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.19:57:07.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 8l overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.19:57:07.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 1u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.19:57:07.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 2u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.19:57:07.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 3u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.19:57:07.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 4u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.19:57:07.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 5u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.19:57:07.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 6u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.19:57:07.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 7u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.19:57:07.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 8u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.19:57:07.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 9u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.19:57:07.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device au overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.19:57:07.81/tsys/1l,$$$$$$$$,1u,$$$$$$$$,2u,$$$$$$$$,3u,$$$$$$$$,4u,$$$$$$$$ 2004.089.19:57:07.81/tsys/9u,$$$$$$$$,au,$$$$$$$$,bu,13497.5,cu,2951.1,du,8029.1,eu,7860.3 2004.089.19:57:07.81/tsys/5u,$$$$$$$$,6u,$$$$$$$$,7u,$$$$$$$$,8l,$$$$$$$$,8u,$$$$$$$$ 2004.089.19:57:07.82/wx/14.8,996.8,97.7,354.5,0.5 2004.089.19:57:08.10/cable/3.717074372E-3 2004.089.19:57:08.60/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,20.90 2004.089.19:57:09.10/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,20.60 2004.089.19:57:09.60/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.70 2004.089.19:57:10.10/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,12.40 2004.089.19:57:10.60/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.601 2004.089.19:57:11.10/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.000 2004.089.19:57:11.60/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,5.183 2004.089.19:57:12.10/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,65.48 2004.089.19:57:12.60/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,61.54 2004.089.19:57:13.10/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.244 2004.089.19:57:13.60/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,243.4 2004.089.19:57:14.10/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,67.14 2004.089.19:57:14.19/bbc01/612.89,a,8,8,1,agc, -2.36, -3.30,lock,16091,15683,1018,1pps 2004.089.19:57:14.27/bbc02/652.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 5.20, 3.30,lock,16175,16211,1029,1pps 2004.089.19:57:14.36/bbc03/752.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 5.49, 3.75,lock,16151,16203,1027,1pps 2004.089.19:57:14.44/bbc04/912.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 8.03, 7.00,lock,16148,16346,1024,1pps 2004.089.19:57:14.52/bbc05/652.99,c,8,8,1,agc,-12.64,-13.24,lock,15034,15805,1025,1pps 2004.089.19:57:14.60/bbc06/772.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -7.22, -7.22,lock,15538,15327,1030,1pps 2004.089.19:57:14.68/bbc07/832.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -9.32, -9.32,lock,14980,15833,1033,1pps 2004.089.19:57:14.76/bbc08/852.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -6.92, -7.86,lock,15532,15424,1028,1pps 2004.089.19:57:14.84/bbc09/692.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.26, 4.09,lock,16188,16287,1020,1pps 2004.089.19:57:14.92/bbc10/700.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.01, 2.53,lock,16309,16039,1026,1pps 2004.089.19:57:15.00/bbc11/716.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 1.90, 2.32,lock,16106,16258,1022,1pps 2004.089.19:57:15.08/bbc12/772.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 7.06, 5.91,lock,16303,16679,1019,1pps 2004.089.19:57:15.16/bbc13/804.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 9.41, 9.18,lock,16303,16194,1031,1pps 2004.089.19:57:15.24/bbc14/812.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 7.86, 7.70,lock,16176,16318,1021,1pps 2004.089.19:57:15.27#antcn#Received message for antenna: GETS 2004.089.19:57:16.24#antcn#ACU: MJD: 53093, UTC: 71835, Src: ext. 1pps present 2004.089.19:57:16.24#antcn#ACU: Azimuth: Pos: 584459, Dev: 0, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.089.19:57:16.24#antcn#ACU: Elevation: Pos: 677673, Dev: 0, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.089.19:57:16.24#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.089.19:57:16.24#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.089.19:57:16.24#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.089.19:57:16.24#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.089.19:57:16.24#antcn#ACU: Az: no fault , no fault 2004.089.19:57:16.24#antcn#ACU: El: no fault , no fault 2004.089.19:57:16.25/antenna/ACK 2004.089.19:57:16.25:!2004.089.19:58:33 2004.089.19:58:33.00:data_valid=off 2004.089.19:58:33.01:disc_end 2004.089.19:58:33.28/disc_end/usn-0079/960/1024OK 2004.089.19:58:33.28:disc_pos 2004.089.19:58:33.30/disc_pos/73280657152,70235197768, 2004.089.19:58:33.30:disc_check 2004.089.19:58:33.61/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y089d19h58m33.230s,48092,0.00250s,80000,1114587120, 2004.089.19:58:33.61:postob_mk5a 2004.089.19:58:33.62/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 139167 : 661 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.19:58:33.63/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 139253 : 572 : 1 : 4 : 1 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.19:58:33.64/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 139234 : 592 : 1 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.19:58:33.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 139075 : 751 : 0 : 4 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.19:58:33.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 139110 : 715 : 1 : 2 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.19:58:33.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 139032 : 791 : 1 : 3 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.19:58:33.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 139177 : 651 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.19:58:33.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 139229 : 598 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.19:58:34.50/cable/3.717408091E-3 2004.089.19:58:35.99/fmout-gps/-7.562071E-6 2004.089.19:58:36.45/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,20.90 2004.089.19:58:36.95/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,20.60 2004.089.19:58:37.45/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.70 2004.089.19:58:37.95/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,12.40 2004.089.19:58:38.45/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.601 2004.089.19:58:38.95/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.015 2004.089.19:58:39.45/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,1.015 2004.089.19:58:39.95/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,62.85 2004.089.19:58:40.45/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,62.85 2004.089.19:58:40.95/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.244 2004.089.19:58:41.45/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,244.1 2004.089.19:58:41.95/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,68.36 2004.089.19:58:41.95:scan_name=089-1959,r1116,108 2004.089.19:58:41.96:source=0607-157,060940.95,-154240.7,2000.0,cw 2004.089.19:58:46.27:setup4f 2004.089.19:58:49.00/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.089.19:58:49.01/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.089.19:58:49.04/bank_check/usn-0079/960/1024OK,VNVD06G4H7982L,VNVD06G4H79L4L,VNVD06G4H79RWL,VNVD06G4H71WBL,VNVD06G4H79GKL,VNVD06G4H79D4L,VNVD06G4H700TL,VNVD06G4H79GUL 2004.089.19:58:49.07/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 37 ; 2004.089.19:58:49.07:!2004.089.19:59:06 2004.089.19:59:06.00:disc_pos 2004.089.19:59:06.01/disc_pos/73280657152,73279657152, 2004.089.19:59:06.01:disc_start=on 2004.089.19:59:07.05:!2004.089.19:59:06 2004.089.19:59:07.05:preob 2004.089.19:59:08.27#antcn#ACK 2004.089.19:59:08.27/onsource/TRACKING 2004.089.19:59:11.02/tpical/1l,15740,1u,16111,2u,15961,3u,16056,4u,16293 2004.089.19:59:11.02/tpical/9u,16129,au,16010,bu,16083,cu,16192,du,16165,eu,16229 2004.089.19:59:11.02/tpical/5u,14572,6u,16063,7u,15898,8l,16073,8u,15998 2004.089.19:59:11.17/tpgain/1l,45,1u,50,2u,118,3u,123,4u,165 2004.089.19:59:11.17/tpgain/9u,107,au,103,bu,81,cu,147,du,192,eu,161 2004.089.19:59:11.17/tpgain/5u,15,6u,29,7u,23,8l,27,8u,30 2004.089.19:59:11.20:!2004.089.19:59:16 2004.089.19:59:16.00:disc_pos 2004.089.19:59:16.00/disc_pos/73536450560,73279657152, 2004.089.19:59:16.01:data_valid=on 2004.089.19:59:16.02:midob 2004.089.19:59:16.19/tpi/1l,15713,1u,16088,2u,15918,3u,16022,4u,16262 2004.089.19:59:16.19/tpi/9u,16112,au,16002,bu,16067,cu,16186,du,16176,eu,16243 2004.089.19:59:16.19/tpi/5u,14554,6u,16030,7u,15855,8l,16046,8u,15986 2004.089.19:59:16.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 1l overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.19:59:16.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 8l overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.19:59:16.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 1u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.19:59:16.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 2u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.19:59:16.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 3u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.19:59:16.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 4u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.19:59:16.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 5u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.19:59:16.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 6u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.19:59:16.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 7u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.19:59:16.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 8u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.19:59:16.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 9u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.19:59:16.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device au overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.19:59:16.80/tsys/1l,$$$$$$$$,1u,$$$$$$$$,2u,$$$$$$$$,3u,$$$$$$$$,4u,$$$$$$$$ 2004.089.19:59:16.80/tsys/9u,$$$$$$$$,au,$$$$$$$$,bu,13133.0,cu,2842.0,du,7788.7,eu,7679.2 2004.089.19:59:16.80/tsys/5u,$$$$$$$$,6u,$$$$$$$$,7u,$$$$$$$$,8l,$$$$$$$$,8u,$$$$$$$$ 2004.089.19:59:16.81/wx/14.9,996.8,97.7,353.6,0.2 2004.089.19:59:16.89/cable/3.717777013E-3 2004.089.19:59:17.35/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,20.90 2004.089.19:59:17.85/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,20.60 2004.089.19:59:18.35/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.70 2004.089.19:59:18.85/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,12.40 2004.089.19:59:19.35/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.601 2004.089.19:59:19.85/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.000 2004.089.19:59:20.34/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,1.647 2004.089.19:59:20.85/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,58.85 2004.089.19:59:21.35/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,60.22 2004.089.19:59:21.85/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.244 2004.089.19:59:22.35/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,243.9 2004.089.19:59:22.85/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,67.39 2004.089.19:59:22.94/bbc01/612.89,a,8,8,1,agc, -2.18, -3.10,lock,16083,15715,1018,1pps 2004.089.19:59:23.02/bbc02/652.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 5.27, 3.39,lock,15940,16090,1029,1pps 2004.089.19:59:23.10/bbc03/752.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 5.63, 3.84,lock,16066,16067,1027,1pps 2004.089.19:59:23.18/bbc04/912.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 8.19, 7.12,lock,16271,16271,1024,1pps 2004.089.19:59:23.26/bbc05/652.99,c,8,8,1,agc,-12.64,-13.24,lock,14562,15308,1025,1pps 2004.089.19:59:23.34/bbc06/772.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -6.92, -6.92,lock,16044,15829,1030,1pps 2004.089.19:59:23.42/bbc07/832.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -8.93, -9.32,lock,15865,15421,1033,1pps 2004.089.19:59:23.50/bbc08/852.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -6.62, -7.54,lock,16010,16059,1028,1pps 2004.089.19:59:23.58/bbc09/692.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.42, 4.18,lock,16114,15989,1020,1pps 2004.089.19:59:23.66/bbc10/700.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.09, 2.73,lock,16002,16132,1026,1pps 2004.089.19:59:23.74/bbc11/716.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 2.01, 2.42,lock,16062,16069,1022,1pps 2004.089.19:59:23.82/bbc12/772.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 7.18, 6.05,lock,16183,16345,1019,1pps 2004.089.19:59:23.90/bbc13/804.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 9.50, 9.32,lock,16157,16169,1031,1pps 2004.089.19:59:23.99/bbc14/812.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 7.97, 7.81,lock,16220,16182,1021,1pps 2004.089.19:59:24.27#antcn#Received message for antenna: GETS 2004.089.19:59:25.24#antcn#ACU: MJD: 53093, UTC: 71964, Src: ext. 1pps present 2004.089.19:59:25.24#antcn#ACU: Azimuth: Pos: 681894, Dev: -2, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.089.19:59:25.24#antcn#ACU: Elevation: Pos: 501733, Dev: 2, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.089.19:59:25.24#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.089.19:59:25.24#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.089.19:59:25.24#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.089.19:59:25.24#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.089.19:59:25.24#antcn#ACU: Az: no fault , no fault 2004.089.19:59:25.24#antcn#ACU: El: no fault , no fault 2004.089.19:59:25.25/antenna/ACK 2004.089.19:59:25.25:!2004.089.20:01:04 2004.089.20:01:04.00:data_valid=off 2004.089.20:01:04.01:disc_end 2004.089.20:01:04.28/disc_end/usn-0079/960/1024OK 2004.089.20:01:04.28:disc_pos 2004.089.20:01:04.29/disc_pos/77030245400,73280657152, 2004.089.20:01:04.29:disc_check 2004.089.20:01:04.59/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y089d20h01m04.235s,34712,0.00250s,80000,1082585132, 2004.089.20:01:04.60:postob_mk5a 2004.089.20:01:04.61/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 146282 : 701 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.20:01:04.62/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 146375 : 603 : 1 : 4 : 1 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.20:01:04.63/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 146359 : 621 : 1 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.20:01:04.64/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 146194 : 785 : 0 : 4 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.20:01:04.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 146227 : 752 : 1 : 2 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.20:01:04.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 146151 : 828 : 1 : 3 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.20:01:04.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 146291 : 691 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.20:01:04.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 146348 : 633 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.20:01:04.89/cable/3.717769495E-3 2004.089.20:01:05.98/fmout-gps/-7.494162E-6 2004.089.20:01:06.45/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,20.80 2004.089.20:01:06.95/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,20.60 2004.089.20:01:07.45/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.70 2004.089.20:01:07.95/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,12.50 2004.089.20:01:08.45/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.604 2004.089.20:01:08.95/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.000 2004.089.20:01:09.44/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,1.172 2004.089.20:01:09.95/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,62.85 2004.089.20:01:10.45/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,61.54 2004.089.20:01:10.95/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.271 2004.089.20:01:11.45/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,243.4 2004.089.20:01:11.95/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,68.85 2004.089.20:01:11.95:scan_name=089-2012b,r1116,190 2004.089.20:01:11.96:source=2243-123,224618.23,-120651.3,2000.0,neutral 2004.089.20:01:16.28:setup4f 2004.089.20:01:19.00/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.089.20:01:19.01/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.089.20:01:19.04/bank_check/usn-0079/960/1024OK,VNVD06G4H7982L,VNVD06G4H79L4L,VNVD06G4H79RWL,VNVD06G4H71WBL,VNVD06G4H79GKL,VNVD06G4H79D4L,VNVD06G4H700TL,VNVD06G4H79GUL 2004.089.20:01:19.08/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 39 ; 2004.089.20:01:19.08:!2004.089.20:12:28 2004.089.20:12:28.00:disc_pos 2004.089.20:12:28.01/disc_pos/77030245400,77029245400, 2004.089.20:12:28.02:disc_start=on 2004.089.20:12:29.05:!2004.089.20:12:28 2004.089.20:12:29.05:preob 2004.089.20:12:30.29#antcn#ACK 2004.089.20:12:30.29/onsource/TRACKING 2004.089.20:12:33.03/tpical/1l,15747,1u,16337,2u,15971,3u,16178,4u,16238 2004.089.20:12:33.03/tpical/9u,16127,au,16116,bu,16045,cu,16294,du,16302,eu,16352 2004.089.20:12:33.03/tpical/5u,15218,6u,15733,7u,15217,8l,15635,8u,15732 2004.089.20:12:33.18/tpgain/1l,44,1u,49,2u,116,3u,121,4u,161 2004.089.20:12:33.18/tpgain/9u,108,au,104,bu,82,cu,148,du,193,eu,162 2004.089.20:12:33.18/tpgain/5u,15,6u,28,7u,22,8l,26,8u,29 2004.089.20:12:33.21:!2004.089.20:12:38 2004.089.20:12:38.00:disc_pos 2004.089.20:12:38.00/disc_pos/77286043648,77029245400, 2004.089.20:12:38.01:data_valid=on 2004.089.20:12:38.02:midob 2004.089.20:12:38.19/tpi/1l,15758,1u,16358,2u,16002,3u,16197,4u,16250 2004.089.20:12:38.19/tpi/9u,16132,au,16118,bu,16048,cu,16292,du,16293,eu,16345 2004.089.20:12:38.19/tpi/5u,15218,6u,15741,7u,15246,8l,15646,8u,15736 2004.089.20:12:38.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 1l overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.20:12:38.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 8l overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.20:12:38.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 1u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.20:12:38.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 2u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.20:12:38.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 3u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.20:12:38.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 4u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.20:12:38.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 5u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.20:12:38.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 6u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.20:12:38.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 7u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.20:12:38.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 8u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.20:12:38.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 9u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.20:12:38.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device au overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.20:12:38.80/tsys/1l,$$$$$$$$,1u,$$$$$$$$,2u,$$$$$$$$,3u,$$$$$$$$,4u,$$$$$$$$ 2004.089.20:12:38.80/tsys/9u,$$$$$$$$,au,$$$$$$$$,bu,12790.2,cu,2820.8,du,7762.2,eu,7628.6 2004.089.20:12:38.80/tsys/5u,$$$$$$$$,6u,$$$$$$$$,7u,$$$$$$$$,8l,$$$$$$$$,8u,$$$$$$$$ 2004.089.20:12:38.81/wx/14.9,996.5,97.7,304.1,0.5 2004.089.20:12:39.30/cable/3.716397313E-3 2004.089.20:12:39.80/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,20.90 2004.089.20:12:40.25/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,20.70 2004.089.20:12:40.70/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.60 2004.089.20:12:41.15/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,12.60 2004.089.20:12:41.60/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.601 2004.089.20:12:42.05/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.000 2004.089.20:12:42.50/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,5.902 2004.089.20:12:42.95/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,57.46 2004.089.20:12:43.40/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,60.22 2004.089.20:12:43.85/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.217 2004.089.20:12:44.30/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,243.4 2004.089.20:12:44.75/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,68.12 2004.089.20:12:44.84/bbc01/612.89,a,8,8,1,agc, -2.54, -3.30,lock,16392,15781,1018,1pps 2004.089.20:12:44.92/bbc02/652.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 5.12, 3.21,lock,16045,16104,1029,1pps 2004.089.20:12:45.00/bbc03/752.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 5.49, 3.75,lock,16202,16239,1027,1pps 2004.089.20:12:45.08/bbc04/912.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 7.97, 6.94,lock,16272,16164,1024,1pps 2004.089.20:12:45.16/bbc05/652.99,c,8,8,1,agc,-12.64,-13.89,lock,15242,14002,1025,1pps 2004.089.20:12:45.24/bbc06/772.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -7.22, -7.22,lock,15761,15517,1030,1pps 2004.089.20:12:45.32/bbc07/832.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -9.32, -9.32,lock,15257,16141,1033,1pps 2004.089.20:12:45.40/bbc08/852.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -6.92, -7.86,lock,15749,15675,1028,1pps 2004.089.20:12:45.48/bbc09/692.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.50, 4.26,lock,16128,16061,1020,1pps 2004.089.20:12:45.56/bbc10/700.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.18, 2.82,lock,16125,16252,1026,1pps 2004.089.20:12:45.65/bbc11/716.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 2.11, 2.53,lock,16057,16084,1022,1pps 2004.089.20:12:45.73/bbc12/772.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 7.24, 6.05,lock,16308,16246,1019,1pps 2004.089.20:12:45.81/bbc13/804.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 9.55, 9.37,lock,16313,16303,1031,1pps 2004.089.20:12:45.89/bbc14/812.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 8.03, 7.86,lock,16358,16360,1021,1pps 2004.089.20:12:46.28#antcn#Received message for antenna: GETS 2004.089.20:12:47.26#antcn#ACU: MJD: 53093, UTC: 72766, Src: ext. 1pps present 2004.089.20:12:47.26#antcn#ACU: Azimuth: Pos: 2683290, Dev: -1, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.089.20:12:47.26#antcn#ACU: Elevation: Pos: 182780, Dev: 4, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.089.20:12:47.26#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.089.20:12:47.26#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.089.20:12:47.26#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.089.20:12:47.26#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.089.20:12:47.26#antcn#ACU: Az: no fault , no fault 2004.089.20:12:47.26#antcn#ACU: El: no fault , no fault 2004.089.20:12:47.27/antenna/ACK 2004.089.20:12:47.27:!2004.089.20:15:48 2004.089.20:15:48.00:data_valid=off 2004.089.20:15:48.02:disc_end 2004.089.20:15:48.28/disc_end/usn-0079/960/1024OK 2004.089.20:15:48.28:disc_pos 2004.089.20:15:48.29/disc_pos/83403710488,77030245400, 2004.089.20:15:48.29:disc_check 2004.089.20:15:48.82/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y089d20h15m48.230s,7120,0.00250s,80000,21914402504, 2004.089.20:15:48.82:postob_mk5a 2004.089.20:15:48.83/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 158394 : 749 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.20:15:48.84/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 158490 : 646 : 1 : 6 : 1 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.20:15:48.86/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 158475 : 665 : 1 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.20:15:48.86/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 158300 : 838 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.20:15:48.87/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 158325 : 814 : 1 : 2 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.20:15:48.88/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 158248 : 890 : 1 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.20:15:48.90/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 158404 : 739 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.20:15:48.93/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 158461 : 680 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.20:15:49.70/cable/3.716518289E-3 2004.089.20:15:49.99/fmout-gps/-7.494287E-6 2004.089.20:15:50.46/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,20.90 2004.089.20:15:50.96/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,20.70 2004.089.20:15:51.46/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.60 2004.089.20:15:51.96/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,12.70 2004.089.20:15:52.46/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.599 2004.089.20:15:52.96/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.000 2004.089.20:15:53.46/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.243 2004.089.20:15:53.96/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,65.48 2004.089.20:15:54.46/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,61.54 2004.089.20:15:54.96/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.244 2004.089.20:15:55.46/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,244.8 2004.089.20:15:55.96/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,66.41 2004.089.20:15:55.97:scan_name=089-2018,r1116,95 2004.089.20:15:55.97:source=0552+398,055530.81,394849.2,2000.0,cw 2004.089.20:16:00.29:setup4f 2004.089.20:16:03.00/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.089.20:16:03.03/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.089.20:16:03.03/bank_check/usn-0079/960/1024OK,VNVD06G4H7982L,VNVD06G4H79L4L,VNVD06G4H79RWL,VNVD06G4H71WBL,VNVD06G4H79GKL,VNVD06G4H79D4L,VNVD06G4H700TL,VNVD06G4H79GUL 2004.089.20:16:03.06/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 41 ; 2004.089.20:16:03.07:!2004.089.20:18:01 2004.089.20:18:01.00:disc_pos 2004.089.20:18:01.01/disc_pos/83403710488,83402710488, 2004.089.20:18:01.02:disc_start=on 2004.089.20:18:02.05:!2004.089.20:18:01 2004.089.20:18:02.05:preob 2004.089.20:18:03.29#antcn#ACK 2004.089.20:18:03.29/onsource/TRACKING 2004.089.20:18:06.03/tpical/1l,15924,1u,16054,2u,16163,3u,16263,4u,16292 2004.089.20:18:06.03/tpical/9u,16195,au,16082,bu,15730,cu,16006,du,16183,eu,16222 2004.089.20:18:06.03/tpical/5u,14916,6u,16295,7u,15476,8l,16180,8u,16362 2004.089.20:18:06.18/tpgain/1l,42,1u,47,2u,111,3u,115,4u,153 2004.089.20:18:06.18/tpgain/9u,105,au,101,bu,79,cu,143,du,187,eu,157 2004.089.20:18:06.18/tpgain/5u,14,6u,27,7u,21,8l,25,8u,28 2004.089.20:18:06.21:!2004.089.20:18:11 2004.089.20:18:11.00:disc_pos 2004.089.20:18:11.02/disc_pos/83659509760,83402710488, 2004.089.20:18:11.02:data_valid=on 2004.089.20:18:11.03:midob 2004.089.20:18:11.20/tpi/1l,15939,1u,16065,2u,16121,3u,16278,4u,16304 2004.089.20:18:11.20/tpi/9u,16192,au,16071,bu,15731,cu,15995,du,16174,eu,16208 2004.089.20:18:11.20/tpi/5u,14934,6u,16328,7u,15498,8l,16202,8u,16394 2004.089.20:18:11.80?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 1l overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.20:18:11.80?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 8l overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.20:18:11.80?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 1u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.20:18:11.80?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 2u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.20:18:11.80?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 3u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.20:18:11.80?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 4u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.20:18:11.80?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 5u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.20:18:11.80?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 6u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.20:18:11.80?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 7u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.20:18:11.80?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 8u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.20:18:11.80?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 9u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.20:18:11.80?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device au overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.20:18:11.83/tsys/1l,$$$$$$$$,1u,$$$$$$$$,2u,$$$$$$$$,3u,$$$$$$$$,4u,$$$$$$$$ 2004.089.20:18:11.83/tsys/9u,$$$$$$$$,au,$$$$$$$$,bu,13528.3,cu,2976.1,du,8239.8,eu,8088.1 2004.089.20:18:11.83/tsys/5u,$$$$$$$$,6u,$$$$$$$$,7u,$$$$$$$$,8l,$$$$$$$$,8u,$$$$$$$$ 2004.089.20:18:11.88/wx/14.9,996.5,97.7,20.3,0.2 2004.089.20:18:12.09/cable/3.716560250E-3 2004.089.20:18:12.55/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,20.90 2004.089.20:18:13.00/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,20.70 2004.089.20:18:13.45/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.50 2004.089.20:18:13.90/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,12.70 2004.089.20:18:14.35/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.599 2004.089.20:18:14.80/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.000 2004.089.20:18:15.25/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.452 2004.089.20:18:15.70/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,64.17 2004.089.20:18:16.15/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,61.54 2004.089.20:18:16.60/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.244 2004.089.20:18:17.05/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,242.6 2004.089.20:18:17.50/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,67.63 2004.089.20:18:17.59/bbc01/612.89,a,8,8,1,agc, -2.72, -3.70,lock,16074,15952,1018,1pps 2004.089.20:18:17.67/bbc02/652.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 4.74, 2.73,lock,16175,16200,1029,1pps 2004.089.20:18:17.75/bbc03/752.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 5.05, 3.30,lock,16289,16202,1027,1pps 2004.089.20:18:17.83/bbc04/912.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 7.53, 6.44,lock,16316,16188,1024,1pps 2004.089.20:18:17.91/bbc05/652.99,c,8,8,1,agc,-13.24,-13.89,lock,14943,15597,1025,1pps 2004.089.20:18:17.99/bbc06/772.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -7.54, -7.54,lock,16335,16113,1030,1pps 2004.089.20:18:18.07/bbc07/832.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -9.72, -9.72,lock,15496,16365,1033,1pps 2004.089.20:18:18.15/bbc08/852.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -7.54, -8.21,lock,15349,16215,1028,1pps 2004.089.20:18:18.23/bbc09/692.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.26, 4.09,lock,16206,16251,1020,1pps 2004.089.20:18:18.31/bbc10/700.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 3.92, 2.53,lock,16099,16047,1026,1pps 2004.089.20:18:18.39/bbc11/716.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 1.90, 2.22,lock,15748,16379,1022,1pps 2004.089.20:18:18.47/bbc12/772.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 7.00, 5.91,lock,15997,16316,1019,1pps 2004.089.20:18:18.55/bbc13/804.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 9.27, 9.08,lock,16185,16203,1031,1pps 2004.089.20:18:18.63/bbc14/812.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 7.75, 7.59,lock,16204,16264,1021,1pps 2004.089.20:18:19.29#antcn#Received message for antenna: GETS 2004.089.20:18:20.26#antcn#ACU: MJD: 53093, UTC: 73099, Src: ext. 1pps present 2004.089.20:18:20.26#antcn#ACU: Azimuth: Pos: 3826706, Dev: -2, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.089.20:18:20.26#antcn#ACU: Elevation: Pos: 86554, Dev: 4, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.089.20:18:20.26#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.089.20:18:20.26#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.089.20:18:20.26#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.089.20:18:20.26#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.089.20:18:20.26#antcn#ACU: Az: no fault , no fault 2004.089.20:18:20.26#antcn#ACU: El: no fault , no fault 2004.089.20:18:20.27/antenna/ACK 2004.089.20:18:20.27:!2004.089.20:19:46 2004.089.20:19:46.00:data_valid=off 2004.089.20:19:46.02:disc_end 2004.089.20:19:46.28/disc_end/usn-0079/960/1024OK 2004.089.20:19:46.28:disc_pos 2004.089.20:19:46.29/disc_pos/86737226296,83403710488, 2004.089.20:19:46.29:disc_check 2004.089.20:19:46.82/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y089d20h19m46.233s,38600,0.00250s,80000,4282532712, 2004.089.20:19:46.82:postob_mk5a 2004.089.20:19:46.83/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 164732 : 771 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.20:19:46.84/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 164824 : 672 : 1 : 7 : 1 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.20:19:46.85/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 164813 : 688 : 1 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.20:19:46.86/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 164630 : 868 : 0 : 6 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.20:19:46.87/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 164653 : 849 : 1 : 2 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.20:19:46.87/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 164581 : 917 : 1 : 5 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.20:19:46.88/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 164740 : 764 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.20:19:46.89/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 164795 : 707 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.20:19:47.30/cable/3.716337863E-3 2004.089.20:19:47.98/fmout-gps/-7.535517E-6 2004.089.20:19:48.46/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,21.00 2004.089.20:19:48.96/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,20.70 2004.089.20:19:49.46/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.50 2004.089.20:19:49.96/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,12.80 2004.089.20:19:50.46/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.599 2004.089.20:19:50.96/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.000 2004.089.20:19:51.46/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.859 2004.089.20:19:51.96/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,54.68 2004.089.20:19:52.46/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,61.54 2004.089.20:19:52.96/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.244 2004.089.20:19:53.46/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,244.8 2004.089.20:19:53.96/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,69.10 2004.089.20:19:53.96:scan_name=089-2021,r1116,81 2004.089.20:19:53.97:source=0727-115,073019.11,-114112.6,2000.0,cw 2004.089.20:19:58.29:setup4f 2004.089.20:20:01.00/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.089.20:20:01.01/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.089.20:20:01.04/bank_check/usn-0079/960/1024OK,VNVD06G4H7982L,VNVD06G4H79L4L,VNVD06G4H79RWL,VNVD06G4H71WBL,VNVD06G4H79GKL,VNVD06G4H79D4L,VNVD06G4H700TL,VNVD06G4H79GUL 2004.089.20:20:01.07/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 43 ; 2004.089.20:20:01.08:!2004.089.20:20:50 2004.089.20:20:50.00:disc_pos 2004.089.20:20:50.01/disc_pos/86737226296,86736226296, 2004.089.20:20:50.02:disc_start=on 2004.089.20:20:51.07:!2004.089.20:20:50 2004.089.20:20:51.07:preob 2004.089.20:20:52.30#antcn#Azimuth not onsource! Deviation = -15762 2004.089.20:20:52.30?ERROR qo -301 WARNING: ONSOURCE status is SLEWING! 2004.089.20:20:52.30/onsource/SLEWING 2004.089.20:20:55.04/tpical/1l,16272,1u,16101,2u,16269,3u,16243,4u,16283 2004.089.20:20:55.04/tpical/9u,16153,au,16145,bu,15998,cu,16301,du,16306,eu,16269 2004.089.20:20:55.04/tpical/5u,14610,6u,16033,7u,16009,8l,16167,8u,16059 2004.089.20:20:55.19/tpgain/1l,46,1u,50,2u,119,3u,124,4u,165 2004.089.20:20:55.19/tpgain/9u,108,au,104,bu,80,cu,148,du,194,eu,162 2004.089.20:20:55.19/tpgain/5u,15,6u,29,7u,23,8l,27,8u,30 2004.089.20:20:55.22:!2004.089.20:21:00 2004.089.20:21:00.00:disc_pos 2004.089.20:21:00.00/disc_pos/86993022976,86736226296, 2004.089.20:21:00.01:data_valid=on 2004.089.20:21:00.03:midob 2004.089.20:21:00.20/tpi/1l,16271,1u,16095,2u,16260,3u,16211,4u,16264 2004.089.20:21:00.20/tpi/9u,16142,au,16124,bu,15960,cu,16278,du,16293,eu,16234 2004.089.20:21:00.20/tpi/5u,14605,6u,16005,7u,16004,8l,16145,8u,16041 2004.089.20:21:00.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 1l overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.20:21:00.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 8l overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.20:21:00.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 1u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.20:21:00.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 2u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.20:21:00.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 3u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.20:21:00.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 4u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.20:21:00.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 5u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.20:21:00.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 6u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.20:21:00.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 7u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.20:21:00.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 8u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.20:21:00.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 9u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.20:21:00.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device au overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.20:21:00.81/tsys/1l,$$$$$$$$,1u,$$$$$$$$,2u,$$$$$$$$,3u,$$$$$$$$,4u,$$$$$$$$ 2004.089.20:21:00.82/tsys/9u,$$$$$$$$,au,$$$$$$$$,bu,13380.4,cu,2818.2,du,7676.6,eu,7572.7 2004.089.20:21:00.82/tsys/5u,$$$$$$$$,6u,$$$$$$$$,7u,$$$$$$$$,8l,$$$$$$$$,8u,$$$$$$$$ 2004.089.20:21:00.83/wx/14.9,996.5,97.7,29.3,0.8 2004.089.20:21:00.90/cable/3.716992796E-3 2004.089.20:21:01.36/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,21.00 2004.089.20:21:01.86/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,20.70 2004.089.20:21:02.36/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.60 2004.089.20:21:02.86/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,12.80 2004.089.20:21:03.36/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.601 2004.089.20:21:03.86/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.000 2004.089.20:21:04.36/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.243 2004.089.20:21:04.86/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,60.22 2004.089.20:21:05.36/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,64.17 2004.089.20:21:05.86/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.271 2004.089.20:21:06.36/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,244.8 2004.089.20:21:06.86/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,65.43 2004.089.20:21:06.95/bbc01/612.89,a,8,8,1,agc, -2.18, -2.91,lock,16078,16258,1018,1pps 2004.089.20:21:07.03/bbc02/652.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 5.35, 3.39,lock,16228,16056,1029,1pps 2004.089.20:21:07.11/bbc03/752.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 5.70, 3.92,lock,16211,16262,1027,1pps 2004.089.20:21:07.19/bbc04/912.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 8.19, 7.12,lock,16257,16242,1024,1pps 2004.089.20:21:07.27/bbc05/652.99,c,8,8,1,agc,-12.64,-13.24,lock,14617,15370,1025,1pps 2004.089.20:21:07.35/bbc06/772.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -6.92, -6.92,lock,16030,15791,1030,1pps 2004.089.20:21:07.43/bbc07/832.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -8.93, -9.32,lock,15989,15589,1033,1pps 2004.089.20:21:07.51/bbc08/852.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -6.62, -7.54,lock,16048,16146,1028,1pps 2004.089.20:21:07.60/bbc09/692.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.50, 4.26,lock,16145,16054,1020,1pps 2004.089.20:21:07.68/bbc10/700.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.18, 2.82,lock,16124,16219,1026,1pps 2004.089.20:21:07.76/bbc11/716.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 1.90, 2.42,lock,15953,15970,1022,1pps 2004.089.20:21:07.84/bbc12/772.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 7.24, 6.05,lock,16272,16164,1019,1pps 2004.089.20:21:07.92/bbc13/804.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 9.59, 9.41,lock,16281,16226,1031,1pps 2004.089.20:21:08.00/bbc14/812.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 8.03, 7.86,lock,16219,16148,1021,1pps 2004.089.20:21:08.29#antcn#Received message for antenna: GETS 2004.089.20:21:09.27#antcn#ACU: MJD: 53093, UTC: 73268, Src: ext. 1pps present 2004.089.20:21:09.27#antcn#ACU: Azimuth: Pos: 760875, Dev: 5, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.089.20:21:09.27#antcn#ACU: Elevation: Pos: 364941, Dev: 3, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.089.20:21:09.27#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.089.20:21:09.27#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.089.20:21:09.27#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.089.20:21:09.27#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.089.20:21:09.27#antcn#ACU: Az: no fault , no fault 2004.089.20:21:09.27#antcn#ACU: El: no fault , no fault 2004.089.20:21:09.28/antenna/ACK 2004.089.20:21:09.28:!2004.089.20:22:21 2004.089.20:22:21.00:data_valid=off 2004.089.20:22:21.01:disc_end 2004.089.20:22:21.28/disc_end/usn-0079/960/1024OK 2004.089.20:22:21.28:disc_pos 2004.089.20:22:21.29/disc_pos/89622333912,86737226296, 2004.089.20:22:21.29:disc_check 2004.089.20:22:21.59/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y089d20h22m21.235s,24036,0.00250s,80000,2074986948, 2004.089.20:22:21.59:postob_mk5a 2004.089.20:22:21.61/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 170212 : 796 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.20:22:21.62/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 170303 : 699 : 1 : 7 : 1 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.20:22:21.63/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 170295 : 711 : 1 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.20:22:21.64/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 170108 : 896 : 0 : 6 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.20:22:21.64/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 170127 : 882 : 1 : 2 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.20:22:21.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 170054 : 950 : 1 : 5 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.20:22:21.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 170223 : 787 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.20:22:21.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 170278 : 731 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.20:22:22.49/cable/3.717007314E-3 2004.089.20:22:23.98/fmout-gps/-7.471560E-6 2004.089.20:22:24.45/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,21.00 2004.089.20:22:24.95/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,20.70 2004.089.20:22:25.45/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.70 2004.089.20:22:25.95/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,12.80 2004.089.20:22:26.45/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.601 2004.089.20:22:26.95/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.000 2004.089.20:22:27.45/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.704 2004.089.20:22:27.95/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,60.22 2004.089.20:22:28.45/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,64.17 2004.089.20:22:28.95/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.271 2004.089.20:22:29.45/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,238.7 2004.089.20:22:29.95/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,70.32 2004.089.20:22:29.95:scan_name=089-2023,r1116,117 2004.089.20:22:29.96:source=0607-157,060940.95,-154240.7,2000.0,cw 2004.089.20:22:34.28:setup4f 2004.089.20:22:37.00/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.089.20:22:37.01/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.089.20:22:37.04/bank_check/usn-0079/960/1024OK,VNVD06G4H7982L,VNVD06G4H79L4L,VNVD06G4H79RWL,VNVD06G4H71WBL,VNVD06G4H79GKL,VNVD06G4H79D4L,VNVD06G4H700TL,VNVD06G4H79GUL 2004.089.20:22:37.06/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 45 ; 2004.089.20:22:37.06:!2004.089.20:22:54 2004.089.20:22:54.00:disc_pos 2004.089.20:22:54.00/disc_pos/89622333912,89621333912, 2004.089.20:22:54.01:disc_start=on 2004.089.20:22:55.04:!2004.089.20:22:54 2004.089.20:22:55.05:preob 2004.089.20:22:56.30#antcn#ACK 2004.089.20:22:56.30/onsource/TRACKING 2004.089.20:22:59.04/tpical/1l,16286,1u,16038,2u,16245,3u,16243,4u,16212 2004.089.20:22:59.04/tpical/9u,16323,au,16206,bu,16049,cu,16183,du,16303,eu,16357 2004.089.20:22:59.04/tpical/5u,14620,6u,16020,7u,15960,8l,16129,8u,16036 2004.089.20:22:59.19/tpgain/1l,46,1u,50,2u,119,3u,124,4u,165 2004.089.20:22:59.19/tpgain/9u,107,au,103,bu,80,cu,146,du,192,eu,161 2004.089.20:22:59.19/tpgain/5u,15,6u,29,7u,23,8l,27,8u,30 2004.089.20:22:59.22:!2004.089.20:23:04 2004.089.20:23:04.00:disc_pos 2004.089.20:23:04.00/disc_pos/89878130688,89621333912, 2004.089.20:23:04.01:data_valid=on 2004.089.20:23:04.03:midob 2004.089.20:23:04.20/tpi/1l,16287,1u,16033,2u,16245,3u,16264,4u,16217 2004.089.20:23:04.20/tpi/9u,16323,au,16200,bu,16067,cu,16188,du,16302,eu,16377 2004.089.20:23:04.20/tpi/5u,14614,6u,16018,7u,15973,8l,16141,8u,16056 2004.089.20:23:04.79?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 1l overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.20:23:04.79?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 8l overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.20:23:04.79?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 1u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.20:23:04.79?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 2u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.20:23:04.79?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 3u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.20:23:04.79?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 4u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.20:23:04.79?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 5u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.20:23:04.79?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 6u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.20:23:04.79?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 7u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.20:23:04.79?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 8u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.20:23:04.79?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 9u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.20:23:04.79?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device au overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.20:23:04.82/tsys/1l,$$$$$$$$,1u,$$$$$$$$,2u,$$$$$$$$,3u,$$$$$$$$,4u,$$$$$$$$ 2004.089.20:23:04.82/tsys/9u,$$$$$$$$,au,$$$$$$$$,bu,13472.5,cu,2884.0,du,7853.7,eu,7747.6 2004.089.20:23:04.82/tsys/5u,$$$$$$$$,6u,$$$$$$$$,7u,$$$$$$$$,8l,$$$$$$$$,8u,$$$$$$$$ 2004.089.20:23:04.83/wx/14.9,996.2,97.7,64.5,0.5 2004.089.20:23:04.90/cable/3.718156280E-3 2004.089.20:23:05.36/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,21.00 2004.089.20:23:05.86/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,20.70 2004.089.20:23:06.36/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.70 2004.089.20:23:06.86/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,12.90 2004.089.20:23:07.36/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.601 2004.089.20:23:07.86/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.000 2004.089.20:23:08.36/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,4.654 2004.089.20:23:08.86/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,61.54 2004.089.20:23:09.36/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,62.85 2004.089.20:23:09.86/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.244 2004.089.20:23:10.36/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,244.1 2004.089.20:23:10.86/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,71.29 2004.089.20:23:10.95/bbc01/612.89,a,8,8,1,agc, -2.18, -2.91,lock,16044,16301,1018,1pps 2004.089.20:23:11.03/bbc02/652.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 5.35, 3.39,lock,16247,16162,1029,1pps 2004.089.20:23:11.11/bbc03/752.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 5.70, 3.84,lock,16290,16092,1027,1pps 2004.089.20:23:11.19/bbc04/912.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 8.19, 7.12,lock,16224,16220,1024,1pps 2004.089.20:23:11.27/bbc05/652.99,c,8,8,1,agc,-12.64,-13.24,lock,14638,15374,1025,1pps 2004.089.20:23:11.35/bbc06/772.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -6.92, -6.92,lock,16036,15817,1030,1pps 2004.089.20:23:11.43/bbc07/832.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -8.93, -9.32,lock,15987,15545,1033,1pps 2004.089.20:23:11.52/bbc08/852.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -6.62, -7.54,lock,16111,16179,1028,1pps 2004.089.20:23:11.60/bbc09/692.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.42, 4.18,lock,16317,16199,1020,1pps 2004.089.20:23:11.68/bbc10/700.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.09, 2.73,lock,16193,16318,1026,1pps 2004.089.20:23:11.76/bbc11/716.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 1.90, 2.42,lock,16049,16297,1022,1pps 2004.089.20:23:11.84/bbc12/772.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 7.12, 5.98,lock,16187,16308,1019,1pps 2004.089.20:23:11.92/bbc13/804.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 9.50, 9.32,lock,16301,16303,1031,1pps 2004.089.20:23:12.00/bbc14/812.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 7.97, 7.81,lock,16372,16302,1021,1pps 2004.089.20:23:12.29#antcn#Received message for antenna: GETS 2004.089.20:23:13.27#antcn#ACU: MJD: 53093, UTC: 73392, Src: ext. 1pps present 2004.089.20:23:13.27#antcn#ACU: Azimuth: Pos: 620096, Dev: -4, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.089.20:23:13.27#antcn#ACU: Elevation: Pos: 544983, Dev: -1, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.089.20:23:13.27#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.089.20:23:13.27#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.089.20:23:13.27#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.089.20:23:13.27#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.089.20:23:13.27#antcn#ACU: Az: no fault , no fault 2004.089.20:23:13.27#antcn#ACU: El: no fault , no fault 2004.089.20:23:13.28/antenna/ACK 2004.089.20:23:13.28:!2004.089.20:25:01 2004.089.20:25:01.00:data_valid=off 2004.089.20:25:01.01:disc_end 2004.089.20:25:01.28/disc_end/usn-0079/960/1024OK 2004.089.20:25:01.28:disc_pos 2004.089.20:25:01.29/disc_pos/93659988048,89622333912, 2004.089.20:25:01.29:disc_check 2004.089.20:25:01.79/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y089d20h25m01.232s,28744,0.00250s,80000,1082261156, 2004.089.20:25:01.79:postob_mk5a 2004.089.20:25:01.80/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 177881 : 832 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.20:25:01.81/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 177969 : 736 : 1 : 7 : 2 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.20:25:01.82/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 177967 : 743 : 1 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.20:25:01.83/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 177774 : 934 : 0 : 6 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.20:25:01.83/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 177796 : 917 : 1 : 2 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.20:25:01.84/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 177721 : 986 : 2 : 5 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.20:25:01.85/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 177896 : 818 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.20:25:01.86/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 177939 : 776 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.20:25:02.50/cable/3.717457242E-3 2004.089.20:25:03.98/fmout-gps/-7.539334E-6 2004.089.20:25:04.45/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,21.00 2004.089.20:25:04.91/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,20.70 2004.089.20:25:05.41/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.70 2004.089.20:25:05.91/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,12.90 2004.089.20:25:06.41/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.601 2004.089.20:25:06.91/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.000 2004.089.20:25:07.41/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.452 2004.089.20:25:07.91/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,53.29 2004.089.20:25:08.41/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,62.85 2004.089.20:25:08.91/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.244 2004.089.20:25:09.41/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,243.9 2004.089.20:25:09.91/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,70.56 2004.089.20:25:09.91:scan_name=089-2028a,r1116,180 2004.089.20:25:09.92:source=cta26,033930.94,-014635.8,2000.0,cw 2004.089.20:25:14.29:setup4f 2004.089.20:25:17.00/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.089.20:25:17.01/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.089.20:25:17.04/bank_check/usn-0079/960/1024OK,VNVD06G4H7982L,VNVD06G4H79L4L,VNVD06G4H79RWL,VNVD06G4H71WBL,VNVD06G4H79GKL,VNVD06G4H79D4L,VNVD06G4H700TL,VNVD06G4H79GUL 2004.089.20:25:17.06/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 47 ; 2004.089.20:25:17.06:!2004.089.20:27:58 2004.089.20:27:58.01:disc_pos 2004.089.20:27:58.03/disc_pos/93659988048,93658988048, 2004.089.20:27:58.03:disc_start=on 2004.089.20:27:59.07:!2004.089.20:27:58 2004.089.20:27:59.07:preob 2004.089.20:28:00.30#antcn#ACK 2004.089.20:28:00.30/onsource/TRACKING 2004.089.20:28:03.07/tpical/1l,16113,1u,15835,2u,16008,3u,16123,4u,16285 2004.089.20:28:03.07/tpical/9u,16128,au,16054,bu,16245,cu,16173,du,16275,eu,16170 2004.089.20:28:03.07/tpical/5u,14499,6u,15873,7u,15851,8l,15995,8u,15899 2004.089.20:28:03.22/tpgain/1l,46,1u,50,2u,118,3u,124,4u,166 2004.089.20:28:03.22/tpgain/9u,107,au,103,bu,82,cu,147,du,193,eu,161 2004.089.20:28:03.22/tpgain/5u,15,6u,29,7u,23,8l,27,8u,30 2004.089.20:28:03.27:!2004.089.20:28:08 2004.089.20:28:08.00:disc_pos 2004.089.20:28:08.02/disc_pos/93915787264,93658988048, 2004.089.20:28:08.02:data_valid=on 2004.089.20:28:08.03:midob 2004.089.20:28:08.20/tpi/1l,16126,1u,15845,2u,16044,3u,16143,4u,16296 2004.089.20:28:08.20/tpi/9u,16123,au,16054,bu,16238,cu,16178,du,16278,eu,16174 2004.089.20:28:08.20/tpi/5u,14510,6u,15884,7u,15857,8l,16000,8u,15898 2004.089.20:28:08.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 1l overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.20:28:08.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 8l overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.20:28:08.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 1u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.20:28:08.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 2u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.20:28:08.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 3u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.20:28:08.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 4u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.20:28:08.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 5u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.20:28:08.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 6u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.20:28:08.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 7u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.20:28:08.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 8u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.20:28:08.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 9u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.20:28:08.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device au overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.20:28:08.81/tsys/1l,$$$$$$$$,1u,$$$$$$$$,2u,$$$$$$$$,3u,$$$$$$$$,4u,$$$$$$$$ 2004.089.20:28:08.81/tsys/9u,$$$$$$$$,au,$$$$$$$$,bu,12946.0,cu,2840.5,du,7754.5,eu,7644.0 2004.089.20:28:08.81/tsys/5u,$$$$$$$$,6u,$$$$$$$$,7u,$$$$$$$$,8l,$$$$$$$$,8u,$$$$$$$$ 2004.089.20:28:08.82/wx/15.0,996.3,97.7,357.1,1.5 2004.089.20:28:08.90/cable/3.717353579E-3 2004.089.20:28:09.36/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,21.00 2004.089.20:28:09.86/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,20.70 2004.089.20:28:10.36/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.70 2004.089.20:28:10.86/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,12.90 2004.089.20:28:11.36/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.604 2004.089.20:28:11.86/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.000 2004.089.20:28:12.36/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,2.292 2004.089.20:28:12.86/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,62.85 2004.089.20:28:13.36/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,58.85 2004.089.20:28:13.86/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.244 2004.089.20:28:14.36/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,244.6 2004.089.20:28:14.86/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,69.34 2004.089.20:28:14.95/bbc01/612.89,a,8,8,1,agc, -2.18, -2.91,lock,15841,16112,1018,1pps 2004.089.20:28:15.03/bbc02/652.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 5.27, 3.39,lock,16007,16124,1029,1pps 2004.089.20:28:15.11/bbc03/752.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 5.70, 3.84,lock,16139,15978,1027,1pps 2004.089.20:28:15.19/bbc04/912.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 8.24, 7.18,lock,16278,16311,1024,1pps 2004.089.20:28:15.27/bbc05/652.99,c,8,8,1,agc,-12.64,-13.24,lock,14506,15225,1025,1pps 2004.089.20:28:15.35/bbc06/772.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -6.92, -6.92,lock,15877,15650,1030,1pps 2004.089.20:28:15.44/bbc07/832.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -8.93, -9.32,lock,15845,15428,1033,1pps 2004.089.20:28:15.52/bbc08/852.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -6.62, -7.54,lock,15918,15986,1028,1pps 2004.089.20:28:15.60/bbc09/692.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.42, 4.18,lock,16132,15973,1020,1pps 2004.089.20:28:15.68/bbc10/700.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.09, 2.73,lock,16046,16165,1026,1pps 2004.089.20:28:15.76/bbc11/716.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 2.11, 2.42,lock,16209,16103,1022,1pps 2004.089.20:28:15.84/bbc12/772.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 7.18, 6.05,lock,16185,16337,1019,1pps 2004.089.20:28:15.92/bbc13/804.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 9.55, 9.37,lock,16264,16262,1031,1pps 2004.089.20:28:16.00/bbc14/812.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 7.97, 7.81,lock,16158,16129,1021,1pps 2004.089.20:28:16.30#antcn#Received message for antenna: GETS 2004.089.20:28:17.28#antcn#ACU: MJD: 53093, UTC: 73696, Src: ext. 1pps present 2004.089.20:28:17.28#antcn#ACU: Azimuth: Pos: -115249, Dev: -1, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.089.20:28:17.28#antcn#ACU: Elevation: Pos: 543123, Dev: -2, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.089.20:28:17.28#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.089.20:28:17.28#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.089.20:28:17.28#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.089.20:28:17.28#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.089.20:28:17.28#antcn#ACU: Az: no fault , no fault 2004.089.20:28:17.28#antcn#ACU: El: no fault , no fault 2004.089.20:28:17.29/antenna/ACK 2004.089.20:28:17.29:!2004.089.20:31:08 2004.089.20:31:08.00:data_valid=off 2004.089.20:31:08.01:disc_end 2004.089.20:31:08.28/disc_end/usn-0079/960/1024OK 2004.089.20:31:08.28:disc_pos 2004.089.20:31:08.29/disc_pos/99713066104,93659988048, 2004.089.20:31:08.30:disc_check 2004.089.20:31:08.60/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y089d20h31m08.235s,61364,0.00250s,80000,5690969324, 2004.089.20:31:08.61:postob_mk5a 2004.089.20:31:08.62/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 189382 : 881 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.20:31:08.63/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 189468 : 786 : 1 : 7 : 2 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.20:31:08.64/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 189468 : 791 : 1 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.20:31:08.64/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 189264 : 993 : 0 : 6 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.20:31:08.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 189281 : 981 : 1 : 2 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.20:31:08.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 189217 : 1039 : 2 : 5 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.20:31:08.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 189394 : 869 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.20:31:08.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 189440 : 823 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.20:31:08.89/cable/3.717508460E-3 2004.089.20:31:09.98/fmout-gps/-7.536732E-6 2004.089.20:31:10.45/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,21.10 2004.089.20:31:10.90/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,20.70 2004.089.20:31:11.35/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.70 2004.089.20:31:11.80/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,12.90 2004.089.20:31:12.25/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.601 2004.089.20:31:12.70/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.000 2004.089.20:31:13.15/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,1.172 2004.089.20:31:13.60/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,66.80 2004.089.20:31:14.05/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,58.85 2004.089.20:31:14.50/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.244 2004.089.20:31:14.95/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,244.8 2004.089.20:31:15.40/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,68.36 2004.089.20:31:15.40:scan_name=089-2036a,r1116,85 2004.089.20:31:15.41:source=0454-234,045703.18,-232452.0,2000.0,cw 2004.089.20:31:20.29:setup4f 2004.089.20:31:22.99/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.089.20:31:23.00/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.089.20:31:23.03/bank_check/usn-0079/960/1024OK,VNVD06G4H7982L,VNVD06G4H79L4L,VNVD06G4H79RWL,VNVD06G4H71WBL,VNVD06G4H79GKL,VNVD06G4H79D4L,VNVD06G4H700TL,VNVD06G4H79GUL 2004.089.20:31:23.05/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 49 ; 2004.089.20:31:23.05:!2004.089.20:36:04 2004.089.20:36:04.00:disc_pos 2004.089.20:36:04.01/disc_pos/99713066104,99712066104, 2004.089.20:36:04.02:disc_start=on 2004.089.20:36:05.06:!2004.089.20:36:04 2004.089.20:36:05.06:preob 2004.089.20:36:06.30#antcn#ACK 2004.089.20:36:06.30/onsource/TRACKING 2004.089.20:36:09.04/tpical/1l,15780,1u,16242,2u,16196,3u,16186,4u,16357 2004.089.20:36:09.04/tpical/9u,16209,au,16316,bu,16325,cu,16006,du,16289,eu,16243 2004.089.20:36:09.04/tpical/5u,15135,6u,15509,7u,15027,8l,15495,8u,15569 2004.089.20:36:09.19/tpgain/1l,44,1u,49,2u,117,3u,121,4u,163 2004.089.20:36:09.19/tpgain/9u,104,au,101,bu,80,cu,143,du,188,eu,158 2004.089.20:36:09.19/tpgain/5u,15,6u,28,7u,22,8l,26,8u,29 2004.089.20:36:09.22:!2004.089.20:36:14 2004.089.20:36:14.00:disc_pos 2004.089.20:36:14.00/disc_pos/99968864256,99712066104, 2004.089.20:36:14.01:data_valid=on 2004.089.20:36:14.02:midob 2004.089.20:36:14.19/tpi/1l,15783,1u,16242,2u,16197,3u,16184,4u,16349 2004.089.20:36:14.19/tpi/9u,16192,au,16310,bu,16329,cu,15994,du,16286,eu,16243 2004.089.20:36:14.19/tpi/5u,15126,6u,15507,7u,15049,8l,15497,8u,15570 2004.089.20:36:14.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 1l overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.20:36:14.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 8l overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.20:36:14.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 1u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.20:36:14.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 2u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.20:36:14.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 3u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.20:36:14.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 4u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.20:36:14.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 5u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.20:36:14.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 6u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.20:36:14.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 7u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.20:36:14.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 8u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.20:36:14.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 9u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.20:36:14.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device au overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.20:36:14.81/tsys/1l,$$$$$$$$,1u,$$$$$$$$,2u,$$$$$$$$,3u,$$$$$$$$,4u,$$$$$$$$ 2004.089.20:36:14.81/tsys/9u,$$$$$$$$,au,$$$$$$$$,bu,13698.1,cu,2975.9,du,8206.8,eu,7996.9 2004.089.20:36:14.81/tsys/5u,$$$$$$$$,6u,$$$$$$$$,7u,$$$$$$$$,8l,$$$$$$$$,8u,$$$$$$$$ 2004.089.20:36:14.82/wx/15.0,996.2,97.7,56.3,0.6 2004.089.20:36:15.29/cable/3.718232661E-3 2004.089.20:36:15.76/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,21.10 2004.089.20:36:16.26/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,20.70 2004.089.20:36:16.76/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.70 2004.089.20:36:17.26/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,13.00 2004.089.20:36:17.76/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.599 2004.089.20:36:18.26/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.000 2004.089.20:36:18.76/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,5.183 2004.089.20:36:19.26/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,54.68 2004.089.20:36:19.76/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,57.46 2004.089.20:36:20.26/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.244 2004.089.20:36:20.76/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,244.6 2004.089.20:36:21.26/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,67.39 2004.089.20:36:21.35/bbc01/612.89,a,8,8,1,agc, -2.36, -3.30,lock,16227,15773,1018,1pps 2004.089.20:36:21.43/bbc02/652.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 5.20, 3.30,lock,16177,16166,1029,1pps 2004.089.20:36:21.51/bbc03/752.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 5.49, 3.66,lock,16184,15898,1027,1pps 2004.089.20:36:21.60/bbc04/912.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 8.08, 7.00,lock,16344,16312,1024,1pps 2004.089.20:36:21.68/bbc05/652.99,c,8,8,1,agc,-12.64,-13.24,lock,15133,15882,1025,1pps 2004.089.20:36:21.76/bbc06/772.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -7.22, -6.92,lock,15493,16286,1030,1pps 2004.089.20:36:21.84/bbc07/832.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -9.32, -9.32,lock,15017,15875,1033,1pps 2004.089.20:36:21.92/bbc08/852.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -6.92, -7.86,lock,15564,15484,1028,1pps 2004.089.20:36:22.00/bbc09/692.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.18, 4.01,lock,16215,16307,1020,1pps 2004.089.20:36:22.08/bbc10/700.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 3.92, 2.42,lock,16323,16026,1026,1pps 2004.089.20:36:22.16/bbc11/716.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 1.90, 2.22,lock,16347,16128,1022,1pps 2004.089.20:36:22.24/bbc12/772.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 6.94, 5.84,lock,16390,16162,1019,1pps 2004.089.20:36:22.32/bbc13/804.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 9.32, 9.13,lock,16283,16330,1031,1pps 2004.089.20:36:22.40/bbc14/812.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 7.81, 7.64,lock,16243,16346,1021,1pps 2004.089.20:36:23.30#antcn#Received message for antenna: GETS 2004.089.20:36:24.28#antcn#ACU: MJD: 53093, UTC: 74183, Src: ext. 1pps present 2004.089.20:36:24.28#antcn#ACU: Azimuth: Pos: 374105, Dev: -1, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.089.20:36:24.28#antcn#ACU: Elevation: Pos: 736306, Dev: 0, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.089.20:36:24.28#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.089.20:36:24.28#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.089.20:36:24.28#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.089.20:36:24.28#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.089.20:36:24.28#antcn#ACU: Az: no fault , no fault 2004.089.20:36:24.28#antcn#ACU: El: no fault , no fault 2004.089.20:36:24.29/antenna/ACK 2004.089.20:36:24.29:!2004.089.20:37:39 2004.089.20:37:39.00:data_valid=off 2004.089.20:37:39.02:disc_end 2004.089.20:37:39.29/disc_end/usn-0079/960/1024OK 2004.089.20:37:39.29:disc_pos 2004.089.20:37:39.30/disc_pos/102726843680,99713066104, 2004.089.20:37:39.30:disc_check 2004.089.20:37:39.61/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y089d20h37m39.248s,39752,0.00250s,80000,9498644036, 2004.089.20:37:39.61:postob_mk5a 2004.089.20:37:39.62/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 195112 : 902 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.20:37:39.63/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 195197 : 808 : 1 : 7 : 2 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.20:37:39.64/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 195196 : 814 : 1 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.20:37:39.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 194980 : 1028 : 0 : 6 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.20:37:39.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 195009 : 1004 : 1 : 2 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.20:37:39.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 194931 : 1078 : 2 : 5 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.20:37:39.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 195121 : 893 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.20:37:39.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 195163 : 851 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.20:37:40.09/cable/3.717859795E-3 2004.089.20:37:41.98/fmout-gps/-7.504131E-6 2004.089.20:37:42.46/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,21.10 2004.089.20:37:42.96/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,20.70 2004.089.20:37:43.46/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.70 2004.089.20:37:43.96/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,13.00 2004.089.20:37:44.46/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.601 2004.089.20:37:44.96/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.000 2004.089.20:37:45.46/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,5.006 2004.089.20:37:45.96/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,66.80 2004.089.20:37:46.46/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,58.85 2004.089.20:37:46.96/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.217 2004.089.20:37:47.46/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,244.8 2004.089.20:37:47.96/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,65.43 2004.089.20:37:47.96:scan_name=089-2047,r1116,190 2004.089.20:37:47.97:source=2243-123,224618.23,-120651.3,2000.0,neutral 2004.089.20:37:52.30:setup4f 2004.089.20:37:54.99/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.089.20:37:55.00/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.089.20:37:55.03/bank_check/usn-0079/960/1024OK,VNVD06G4H7982L,VNVD06G4H79L4L,VNVD06G4H79RWL,VNVD06G4H71WBL,VNVD06G4H79GKL,VNVD06G4H79D4L,VNVD06G4H700TL,VNVD06G4H79GUL 2004.089.20:37:55.06/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 51 ; 2004.089.20:37:55.07:!2004.089.20:47:29 2004.089.20:38:43.35;antenna=stop 2004.089.20:38:44.31#antcn#Received message for antenna: STOP 2004.089.20:38:46.30/antenna/ACK 2004.089.20:38:48.52;antenna=idle 2004.089.20:38:49.30#antcn#Received message for antenna: IDLE 2004.089.20:38:51.30/antenna/ACK 2004.089.20:39:12.55;antenna=stan 2004.089.20:39:13.31#antcn#Received message for antenna: STAN 2004.089.20:39:15.31/antenna/ACK 2004.089.20:39:29.73;antenna=stan 2004.089.20:39:30.30#antcn#Received message for antenna: STAN 2004.089.20:39:32.30/antenna/ACK 2004.089.20:39:38.46;lsource 2004.089.20:39:38.46&lsource/source=*,*,*,* 2004.089.20:47:29.00:disc_pos 2004.089.20:47:29.01/disc_pos/102726843680,102725843680, 2004.089.20:47:29.02:disc_start=on 2004.089.20:47:30.05:!2004.089.20:47:29 2004.089.20:47:30.06:preob 2004.089.20:47:31.31#antcn#ACK 2004.089.20:47:31.31/onsource/TRACKING 2004.089.20:47:34.07/tpical/1l,15931,1u,16471,2u,15951,3u,16323,4u,16322 2004.089.20:47:34.07/tpical/9u,16214,au,16130,bu,15898,cu,16201,du,16268,eu,16309 2004.089.20:47:34.07/tpical/5u,14502,6u,15816,7u,15120,8l,15761,8u,15940 2004.089.20:47:34.22/tpgain/1l,43,1u,48,2u,111,3u,117,4u,156 2004.089.20:47:34.22/tpgain/9u,107,au,103,bu,81,cu,146,du,191,eu,160 2004.089.20:47:34.22/tpgain/5u,14,6u,27,7u,21,8l,25,8u,28 2004.089.20:47:34.26:!2004.089.20:47:39 2004.089.20:47:39.00:disc_pos 2004.089.20:47:39.01/disc_pos/102982639616,102725843680, 2004.089.20:47:39.03:data_valid=on 2004.089.20:47:39.03:midob 2004.089.20:47:39.21/tpi/1l,15923,1u,16497,2u,15967,3u,16347,4u,16342 2004.089.20:47:39.21/tpi/9u,16223,au,16125,bu,15896,cu,16192,du,16258,eu,16312 2004.089.20:47:39.21/tpi/5u,14534,6u,15831,7u,15116,8l,15788,8u,15972 2004.089.20:47:39.81?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 1l overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.20:47:39.81?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 8l overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.20:47:39.81?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 1u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.20:47:39.81?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 2u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.20:47:39.81?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 3u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.20:47:39.81?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 4u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.20:47:39.81?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 5u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.20:47:39.81?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 6u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.20:47:39.81?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 7u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.20:47:39.81?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 8u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.20:47:39.81?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 9u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.20:47:39.81?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device au overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.20:47:39.85/tsys/1l,$$$$$$$$,1u,$$$$$$$$,2u,$$$$$$$$,3u,$$$$$$$$,4u,$$$$$$$$ 2004.089.20:47:39.85/tsys/9u,$$$$$$$$,au,$$$$$$$$,bu,12989.3,cu,2884.8,du,7919.1,eu,7818.8 2004.089.20:47:39.85/tsys/5u,$$$$$$$$,6u,$$$$$$$$,7u,$$$$$$$$,8l,$$$$$$$$,8u,$$$$$$$$ 2004.089.20:47:39.86/wx/15.3,996.2,97.7,90.9,0.1 2004.089.20:47:40.10/cable/3.717188333E-3 2004.089.20:47:40.56/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,21.20 2004.089.20:47:41.01/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,20.80 2004.089.20:47:41.51/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.50 2004.089.20:47:41.96/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,13.00 2004.089.20:47:42.41/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.604 2004.089.20:47:42.86/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.000 2004.089.20:47:43.31/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.791 2004.089.20:47:43.76/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,53.29 2004.089.20:47:44.21/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,62.85 2004.089.20:47:44.66/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.271 2004.089.20:47:45.11/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,244.6 2004.089.20:47:45.56/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,71.05 2004.089.20:47:45.65/bbc01/612.89,a,8,8,1,agc, -2.72, -3.49,lock,16491,15933,1018,1pps 2004.089.20:47:45.73/bbc02/652.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 4.74, 2.82,lock,15933,16348,1029,1pps 2004.089.20:47:45.81/bbc03/752.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 5.20, 3.39,lock,16323,16172,1027,1pps 2004.089.20:47:45.89/bbc04/912.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 7.70, 6.63,lock,16347,16340,1024,1pps 2004.089.20:47:45.97/bbc05/652.99,c,8,8,1,agc,-13.24,-13.89,lock,14527,15123,1025,1pps 2004.089.20:47:46.05/bbc06/772.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -7.54, -7.54,lock,15849,15608,1030,1pps 2004.089.20:47:46.13/bbc07/832.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -9.72, -9.72,lock,15119,15975,1033,1pps 2004.089.20:47:46.21/bbc08/852.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -7.22, -8.21,lock,15969,15779,1028,1pps 2004.089.20:47:46.29/bbc09/692.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.42, 4.18,lock,16201,16038,1020,1pps 2004.089.20:47:46.37/bbc10/700.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.09, 2.73,lock,16121,16225,1026,1pps 2004.089.20:47:46.45/bbc11/716.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 2.01, 2.42,lock,15879,15944,1022,1pps 2004.089.20:47:46.53/bbc12/772.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 7.12, 5.98,lock,16190,16314,1019,1pps 2004.089.20:47:46.61/bbc13/804.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 9.46, 9.27,lock,16239,16193,1031,1pps 2004.089.20:47:46.69/bbc14/812.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 7.92, 7.75,lock,16292,16288,1021,1pps 2004.089.20:47:47.32#antcn#Received message for antenna: GETS 2004.089.20:47:48.29#antcn#ACU: MJD: 53093, UTC: 74867, Src: ext. 1pps present 2004.089.20:47:48.29#antcn#ACU: Azimuth: Pos: 2631881, Dev: 4, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.089.20:47:48.29#antcn#ACU: Elevation: Pos: 113129, Dev: 3, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.089.20:47:48.29#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.089.20:47:48.29#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.089.20:47:48.29#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.089.20:47:48.29#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.089.20:47:48.29#antcn#ACU: Az: no fault , no fault 2004.089.20:47:48.29#antcn#ACU: El: no fault , no fault 2004.089.20:47:48.30/antenna/ACK 2004.089.20:47:48.30:!2004.089.20:50:49 2004.089.20:50:49.00:data_valid=off 2004.089.20:50:49.01:disc_end 2004.089.20:50:49.27/disc_end/usn-0079/960/1024OK 2004.089.20:50:49.28:disc_pos 2004.089.20:50:49.30/disc_pos/109099981768,102726843680, 2004.089.20:50:49.30:disc_check 2004.089.20:50:49.82/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y089d20h50m49.235s,27924,0.00250s,80000,18906473740, 2004.089.20:50:49.82:postob_mk5a 2004.089.20:50:49.83/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 207229 : 945 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.20:50:49.84/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 207311 : 852 : 1 : 7 : 3 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.20:50:49.85/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 207300 : 869 : 1 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.20:50:49.86/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 207101 : 1066 : 0 : 6 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.20:50:49.87/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 207118 : 1054 : 1 : 2 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.20:50:49.88/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 207029 : 1141 : 2 : 5 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.20:50:49.88/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 207227 : 946 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.20:50:49.90/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 207264 : 910 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.20:50:50.49/cable/3.717755541E-3 2004.089.20:50:51.98/fmout-gps/-7.547681E-6 2004.089.20:50:52.46/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,21.20 2004.089.20:50:52.96/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,20.80 2004.089.20:50:53.46/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.50 2004.089.20:50:53.96/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,13.00 2004.089.20:50:54.46/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.604 2004.089.20:50:54.96/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.015 2004.089.20:50:55.46/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,4.306 2004.089.20:50:55.96/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,62.85 2004.089.20:50:56.46/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,57.46 2004.089.20:50:56.96/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.244 2004.089.20:50:57.46/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,245.1 2004.089.20:50:57.96/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,69.83 2004.089.20:50:57.96:scan_name=089-2052,r1116,79 2004.089.20:50:57.97:source=0727-115,073019.11,-114112.6,2000.0,cw 2004.089.20:51:02.31:setup4f 2004.089.20:51:05.00/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.089.20:51:05.01/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.089.20:51:05.04/bank_check/usn-0079/960/1024OK,VNVD06G4H7982L,VNVD06G4H79L4L,VNVD06G4H79RWL,VNVD06G4H71WBL,VNVD06G4H79GKL,VNVD06G4H79D4L,VNVD06G4H700TL,VNVD06G4H79GUL 2004.089.20:51:05.05/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 53 ; 2004.089.20:51:05.05:!2004.089.20:51:57 2004.089.20:51:57.00:disc_pos 2004.089.20:51:57.01/disc_pos/109099981768,109098981768, 2004.089.20:51:57.02:disc_start=on 2004.089.20:51:58.05:!2004.089.20:51:57 2004.089.20:51:58.05:preob 2004.089.20:51:59.32#antcn#ACK 2004.089.20:51:59.32/onsource/TRACKING 2004.089.20:52:02.08/tpical/1l,16146,1u,15970,2u,16145,3u,16122,4u,16304 2004.089.20:52:02.08/tpical/9u,16152,au,16141,bu,16274,cu,16306,du,16376,eu,16259 2004.089.20:52:02.08/tpical/5u,14507,6u,15842,7u,15866,8l,15994,8u,15909 2004.089.20:52:02.23/tpgain/1l,46,1u,50,2u,119,3u,124,4u,166 2004.089.20:52:02.23/tpgain/9u,108,au,104,bu,83,cu,148,du,194,eu,162 2004.089.20:52:02.23/tpgain/5u,15,6u,29,7u,23,8l,27,8u,30 2004.089.20:52:02.27:!2004.089.20:52:07 2004.089.20:52:07.00:disc_pos 2004.089.20:52:07.02/disc_pos/109355778048,109098981768, 2004.089.20:52:07.02:data_valid=on 2004.089.20:52:07.03:midob 2004.089.20:52:07.20/tpi/1l,16136,1u,15958,2u,16118,3u,16100,4u,16278 2004.089.20:52:07.20/tpi/9u,16138,au,16128,bu,16282,cu,16285,du,16343,eu,16247 2004.089.20:52:07.20/tpi/5u,14491,6u,15833,7u,15848,8l,15986,8u,15906 2004.089.20:52:07.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 1l overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.20:52:07.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 8l overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.20:52:07.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 1u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.20:52:07.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 2u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.20:52:07.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 3u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.20:52:07.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 4u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.20:52:07.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 5u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.20:52:07.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 6u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.20:52:07.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 7u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.20:52:07.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 8u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.20:52:07.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 9u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.20:52:07.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device au overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.20:52:07.81/tsys/1l,$$$$$$$$,1u,$$$$$$$$,2u,$$$$$$$$,3u,$$$$$$$$,4u,$$$$$$$$ 2004.089.20:52:07.81/tsys/9u,$$$$$$$$,au,$$$$$$$$,bu,12662.4,cu,2819.5,du,7701.9,eu,7579.3 2004.089.20:52:07.81/tsys/5u,$$$$$$$$,6u,$$$$$$$$,7u,$$$$$$$$,8l,$$$$$$$$,8u,$$$$$$$$ 2004.089.20:52:07.82/wx/15.1,996.2,97.7,135.3,0.2 2004.089.20:52:08.09/cable/3.718336898E-3 2004.089.20:52:08.56/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,21.20 2004.089.20:52:09.06/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,20.80 2004.089.20:52:09.56/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.70 2004.089.20:52:10.06/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,13.00 2004.089.20:52:10.56/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.601 2004.089.20:52:11.06/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.000 2004.089.20:52:11.56/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.243 2004.089.20:52:12.06/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,54.68 2004.089.20:52:12.56/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,58.85 2004.089.20:52:13.06/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.244 2004.089.20:52:13.56/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,244.8 2004.089.20:52:14.06/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,71.05 2004.089.20:52:14.15/bbc01/612.89,a,8,8,1,agc, -2.18, -2.91,lock,15970,16154,1018,1pps 2004.089.20:52:14.23/bbc02/652.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 5.35, 3.39,lock,16111,15968,1029,1pps 2004.089.20:52:14.31/bbc03/752.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 5.70, 3.92,lock,16110,16172,1027,1pps 2004.089.20:52:14.40/bbc04/912.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 8.24, 7.18,lock,16307,16288,1024,1pps 2004.089.20:52:14.48/bbc05/652.99,c,8,8,1,agc,-12.64,-13.24,lock,14502,15220,1025,1pps 2004.089.20:52:14.56/bbc06/772.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -6.92, -6.92,lock,15848,15604,1030,1pps 2004.089.20:52:14.64/bbc07/832.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -8.93, -9.32,lock,15843,15426,1033,1pps 2004.089.20:52:14.72/bbc08/852.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -6.62, -7.54,lock,15920,15989,1028,1pps 2004.089.20:52:14.80/bbc09/692.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.50, 4.34,lock,16125,16329,1020,1pps 2004.089.20:52:14.88/bbc10/700.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.18, 2.82,lock,16120,16257,1026,1pps 2004.089.20:52:14.96/bbc11/716.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 2.22, 2.53,lock,16276,16053,1022,1pps 2004.089.20:52:15.04/bbc12/772.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 7.24, 6.05,lock,16261,16181,1019,1pps 2004.089.20:52:15.12/bbc13/804.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 9.59, 9.41,lock,16326,16324,1031,1pps 2004.089.20:52:15.20/bbc14/812.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 8.03, 7.86,lock,16250,16218,1021,1pps 2004.089.20:52:15.31#antcn#Received message for antenna: GETS 2004.089.20:52:16.29#antcn#ACU: MJD: 53093, UTC: 75135, Src: ext. 1pps present 2004.089.20:52:16.29#antcn#ACU: Azimuth: Pos: 699111, Dev: -3, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.089.20:52:16.29#antcn#ACU: Elevation: Pos: 424546, Dev: 1, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.089.20:52:16.29#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.089.20:52:16.29#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.089.20:52:16.29#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.089.20:52:16.29#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.089.20:52:16.29#antcn#ACU: Az: no fault , no fault 2004.089.20:52:16.29#antcn#ACU: El: no fault , no fault 2004.089.20:52:16.30/antenna/ACK 2004.089.20:52:16.30:!2004.089.20:53:26 2004.089.20:53:26.00:data_valid=off 2004.089.20:53:26.01:disc_end 2004.089.20:53:26.28/disc_end/usn-0079/960/1024OK 2004.089.20:53:26.29:disc_pos 2004.089.20:53:26.30/disc_pos/111921396392,109099981768, 2004.089.20:53:26.30:disc_check 2004.089.20:53:26.88/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y089d20h53m26.238s,13760,0.00250s,80000,2202679540, 2004.089.20:53:26.88:postob_mk5a 2004.089.20:53:26.89/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 212596 : 964 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.20:53:26.90/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 212667 : 879 : 1 : 8 : 3 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.20:53:26.91/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 212659 : 895 : 1 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.20:53:26.92/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 212448 : 1102 : 0 : 7 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.20:53:26.93/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 212487 : 1069 : 1 : 2 : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.20:53:26.93/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 212383 : 1171 : 2 : 5 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.20:53:26.94/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 212587 : 970 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.20:53:26.95/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 212622 : 936 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.20:53:27.29/cable/3.717870196E-3 2004.089.20:53:27.98/fmout-gps/-7.522632E-6 2004.089.20:53:28.46/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,21.20 2004.089.20:53:28.96/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,20.80 2004.089.20:53:29.41/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.60 2004.089.20:53:29.91/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,13.00 2004.089.20:53:30.41/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.601 2004.089.20:53:30.91/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.000 2004.089.20:53:31.41/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.091 2004.089.20:53:31.91/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,57.46 2004.089.20:53:32.41/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,57.46 2004.089.20:53:32.91/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.244 2004.089.20:53:33.41/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,244.3 2004.089.20:53:33.91/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,72.03 2004.089.20:53:33.92:scan_name=089-2100,r1116,104 2004.089.20:53:33.92:source=0552+398,055530.81,394849.2,2000.0,cw 2004.089.20:53:38.31:setup4f 2004.089.20:53:40.99/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.089.20:53:41.00/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.089.20:53:41.03/bank_check/usn-0079/960/1024OK,VNVD06G4H7982L,VNVD06G4H79L4L,VNVD06G4H79RWL,VNVD06G4H71WBL,VNVD06G4H79GKL,VNVD06G4H79D4L,VNVD06G4H700TL,VNVD06G4H79GUL 2004.089.20:53:41.05/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 55 ; 2004.089.20:53:41.05:!2004.089.21:00:00 2004.089.21:00:00.02:disc_pos 2004.089.21:00:00.03/disc_pos/111921396392,111920396392, 2004.089.21:00:00.03:disc_start=on 2004.089.21:00:01.07:!2004.089.21:00:00 2004.089.21:00:01.07:preob 2004.089.21:00:02.33#antcn#ACK 2004.089.21:00:02.33/onsource/TRACKING 2004.089.21:00:05.08/tpical/1l,15985,1u,15863,2u,15914,3u,15974,4u,16318 2004.089.21:00:05.08/tpical/9u,16239,au,16143,bu,16130,cu,16285,du,16197,eu,16413 2004.089.21:00:05.08/tpical/5u,15621,6u,16043,7u,15648,8l,16071,8u,15165 2004.089.21:00:05.23/tpgain/1l,44,1u,48,2u,114,3u,119,4u,160 2004.089.21:00:05.23/tpgain/9u,107,au,103,bu,80,cu,146,du,190,eu,160 2004.089.21:00:05.23/tpgain/5u,15,6u,28,7u,22,8l,26,8u,28 2004.089.21:00:05.26:!2004.089.21:00:10 2004.089.21:00:10.00:disc_pos 2004.089.21:00:10.02/disc_pos/112177192960,111920396392, 2004.089.21:00:10.02:data_valid=on 2004.089.21:00:10.04:midob 2004.089.21:00:10.22/tpi/1l,15974,1u,15856,2u,15877,3u,15963,4u,16315 2004.089.21:00:10.23/tpi/9u,16244,au,16132,bu,16125,cu,16278,du,16179,eu,16407 2004.089.21:00:10.23/tpi/5u,15624,6u,16047,7u,15635,8l,16052,8u,15132 2004.089.21:00:10.85?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 1l overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.21:00:10.85?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 8l overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.21:00:10.85?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 1u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.21:00:10.85?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 2u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.21:00:10.85?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 3u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.21:00:10.85?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 4u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.21:00:10.85?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 5u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.21:00:10.85?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 6u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.21:00:10.85?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 7u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.21:00:10.85?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 8u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.21:00:10.85?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 9u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.21:00:10.85?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device au overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.21:00:10.91/tsys/1l,$$$$$$$$,1u,$$$$$$$$,2u,$$$$$$$$,3u,$$$$$$$$,4u,$$$$$$$$ 2004.089.21:00:10.91/tsys/9u,$$$$$$$$,au,$$$$$$$$,bu,13522.4,cu,2901.1,du,7966.9,eu,7867.9 2004.089.21:00:10.91/tsys/5u,$$$$$$$$,6u,$$$$$$$$,7u,$$$$$$$$,8l,$$$$$$$$,8u,$$$$$$$$ 2004.089.21:00:10.92/wx/15.4,996.2,97.7,143.4,0.0 2004.089.21:00:11.29/cable/3.717619682E-3 2004.089.21:00:11.77/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,21.20 2004.089.21:00:12.27/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,20.90 2004.089.21:00:12.77/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.60 2004.089.21:00:13.27/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,13.20 2004.089.21:00:13.77/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.601 2004.089.21:00:14.27/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.015 2004.089.21:00:14.77/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.452 2004.089.21:00:15.27/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,66.80 2004.089.21:00:15.77/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,58.85 2004.089.21:00:16.27/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.244 2004.089.21:00:16.76/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,244.8 2004.089.21:00:17.27/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,68.85 2004.089.21:00:17.36/bbc01/612.89,a,8,8,1,agc, -2.54, -3.30,lock,15833,15947,1018,1pps 2004.089.21:00:17.44/bbc02/652.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 5.05, 3.02,lock,16206,15922,1029,1pps 2004.089.21:00:17.52/bbc03/752.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 5.35, 3.57,lock,15943,15986,1027,1pps 2004.089.21:00:17.60/bbc04/912.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 7.92, 6.88,lock,16282,16270,1024,1pps 2004.089.21:00:17.68/bbc05/652.99,c,8,8,1,agc,-12.64,-13.89,lock,15574,14312,1025,1pps 2004.089.21:00:17.76/bbc06/772.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -7.22, -7.22,lock,15995,15737,1030,1pps 2004.089.21:00:17.84/bbc07/832.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -9.32, -9.72,lock,15640,15147,1033,1pps 2004.089.21:00:17.92/bbc08/852.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -7.22, -7.86,lock,15127,16047,1028,1pps 2004.089.21:00:18.00/bbc09/692.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.42, 4.18,lock,16227,16087,1020,1pps 2004.089.21:00:18.08/bbc10/700.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.09, 2.73,lock,16129,16233,1026,1pps 2004.089.21:00:18.16/bbc11/716.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 1.90, 2.32,lock,16133,16012,1022,1pps 2004.089.21:00:18.24/bbc12/772.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 7.12, 5.91,lock,16270,16405,1019,1pps 2004.089.21:00:18.32/bbc13/804.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 9.41, 9.23,lock,16174,16158,1031,1pps 2004.089.21:00:18.41/bbc14/812.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 7.92, 7.70,lock,16100,16171,1021,1pps 2004.089.21:00:19.32#antcn#Received message for antenna: GETS 2004.089.21:00:20.30#antcn#ACU: MJD: 53093, UTC: 75619, Src: ext. 1pps present 2004.089.21:00:20.30#antcn#ACU: Azimuth: Pos: 149469, Dev: 1, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.089.21:00:20.30#antcn#ACU: Elevation: Pos: 113555, Dev: 2, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.089.21:00:20.30#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.089.21:00:20.30#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.089.21:00:20.30#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.089.21:00:20.30#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.089.21:00:20.30#antcn#ACU: Az: no fault , no fault 2004.089.21:00:20.30#antcn#ACU: El: no fault , no fault 2004.089.21:00:20.31/antenna/ACK 2004.089.21:00:20.31:!2004.089.21:01:54 2004.089.21:01:54.00:data_valid=off 2004.089.21:01:54.01:disc_end 2004.089.21:01:54.28/disc_end/usn-0079/960/1024OK 2004.089.21:01:54.28:disc_pos 2004.089.21:01:54.29/disc_pos/115542322888,111921396392, 2004.089.21:01:54.29:disc_check 2004.089.21:01:54.89/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y089d21h01m54.233s,14796,0.00250s,80000,12634912468, 2004.089.21:01:54.89:postob_mk5a 2004.089.21:01:54.90/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 219474 : 994 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.21:01:54.91/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 219540 : 913 : 1 : 9 : 3 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.21:01:54.92/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 219534 : 930 : 1 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.21:01:54.93/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 219308 : 1148 : 0 : 8 : 1 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.21:01:54.94/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 219361 : 1104 : 1 : 2 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.21:01:54.95/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 219253 : 1208 : 2 : 6 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.21:01:54.96/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 219467 : 1001 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.21:01:54.97/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 219502 : 965 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.21:01:55.29/cable/3.717937993E-3 2004.089.21:01:55.98/fmout-gps/-7.497762E-6 2004.089.21:01:56.47/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,21.20 2004.089.21:01:56.97/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,20.90 2004.089.21:01:57.47/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.60 2004.089.21:01:57.97/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,13.30 2004.089.21:01:58.47/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.604 2004.089.21:01:58.97/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.000 2004.089.21:01:59.47/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,1.647 2004.089.21:01:59.97/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,54.68 2004.089.21:02:00.47/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,57.46 2004.089.21:02:00.97/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.244 2004.089.21:02:01.47/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,244.8 2004.089.21:02:01.97/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,69.34 2004.089.21:02:01.97:scan_name=089-2105,r1116,105 2004.089.21:02:01.98:source=0607-157,060940.95,-154240.7,2000.0,cw 2004.089.21:02:06.33:setup4f 2004.089.21:02:08.99/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.089.21:02:09.00/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.089.21:02:09.03/bank_check/usn-0079/960/1024OK,VNVD06G4H7982L,VNVD06G4H79L4L,VNVD06G4H79RWL,VNVD06G4H71WBL,VNVD06G4H79GKL,VNVD06G4H79D4L,VNVD06G4H700TL,VNVD06G4H79GUL 2004.089.21:02:09.05/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 57 ; 2004.089.21:02:09.05:!2004.089.21:05:39 2004.089.21:05:39.00:disc_pos 2004.089.21:05:39.01/disc_pos/115542322888,115541322888, 2004.089.21:05:39.02:disc_start=on 2004.089.21:05:40.05:!2004.089.21:05:39 2004.089.21:05:40.06:preob 2004.089.21:05:41.33#antcn#ACK 2004.089.21:05:41.33/onsource/TRACKING 2004.089.21:05:44.07/tpical/1l,16337,1u,16028,2u,16216,3u,16136,4u,16222 2004.089.21:05:44.07/tpical/9u,16200,au,16064,bu,16208,cu,16342,du,16237,eu,16282 2004.089.21:05:44.07/tpical/5u,15151,6u,16153,7u,15321,8l,15701,8u,15743 2004.089.21:05:44.22/tpgain/1l,46,1u,50,2u,118,3u,123,4u,165 2004.089.21:05:44.22/tpgain/9u,106,au,102,bu,81,cu,146,du,191,eu,160 2004.089.21:05:44.22/tpgain/5u,15,6u,29,7u,22,8l,26,8u,29 2004.089.21:05:44.25:!2004.089.21:05:49 2004.089.21:05:49.00:disc_pos 2004.089.21:05:49.00/disc_pos/115798118400,115541322888, 2004.089.21:05:49.01:data_valid=on 2004.089.21:05:49.02:midob 2004.089.21:05:49.18/tpi/1l,16357,1u,16046,2u,16226,3u,16130,4u,16256 2004.089.21:05:49.18/tpi/9u,16193,au,16044,bu,16224,cu,16338,du,16244,eu,16299 2004.089.21:05:49.18/tpi/5u,15163,6u,16175,7u,15351,8l,15713,8u,15755 2004.089.21:05:49.76?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 1l overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.21:05:49.76?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 8l overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.21:05:49.76?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 1u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.21:05:49.76?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 2u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.21:05:49.76?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 3u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.21:05:49.76?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 4u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.21:05:49.76?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 5u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.21:05:49.76?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 6u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.21:05:49.76?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 7u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.21:05:49.76?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 8u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.21:05:49.76?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 9u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.21:05:49.76?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device au overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.21:05:49.79/tsys/1l,$$$$$$$$,1u,$$$$$$$$,2u,$$$$$$$$,3u,$$$$$$$$,4u,$$$$$$$$ 2004.089.21:05:49.79/tsys/9u,$$$$$$$$,au,$$$$$$$$,bu,13264.9,cu,2912.5,du,7911.8,eu,7812.1 2004.089.21:05:49.79/tsys/5u,$$$$$$$$,6u,$$$$$$$$,7u,$$$$$$$$,8l,$$$$$$$$,8u,$$$$$$$$ 2004.089.21:05:49.80/wx/15.3,996.3,97.7,46.6,0.0 2004.089.21:05:50.49/cable/3.718732309E-3 2004.089.21:05:50.97/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,21.30 2004.089.21:05:51.47/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,21.00 2004.089.21:05:51.97/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.70 2004.089.21:05:52.47/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,13.30 2004.089.21:05:52.97/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.604 2004.089.21:05:53.46/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.000 2004.089.21:05:53.91/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,5.006 2004.089.21:05:54.36/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,53.29 2004.089.21:05:54.81/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,70.74 2004.089.21:05:55.26/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.217 2004.089.21:05:55.71/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,244.1 2004.089.21:05:56.16/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,72.52 2004.089.21:05:56.25/bbc01/612.89,a,8,8,1,agc, -2.18, -2.91,lock,15993,16303,1018,1pps 2004.089.21:05:56.33/bbc02/652.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 5.27, 3.30,lock,16186,16019,1029,1pps 2004.089.21:05:56.41/bbc03/752.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 5.63, 3.84,lock,16070,16250,1027,1pps 2004.089.21:05:56.49/bbc04/912.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 8.19, 7.12,lock,16199,16276,1024,1pps 2004.089.21:05:56.57/bbc05/652.99,c,8,8,1,agc,-12.64,-13.24,lock,15111,15742,1025,1pps 2004.089.21:05:56.65/bbc06/772.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -6.92, -6.92,lock,16125,15813,1030,1pps 2004.089.21:05:56.73/bbc07/832.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -9.32, -9.32,lock,15301,16130,1033,1pps 2004.089.21:05:56.81/bbc08/852.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -6.92, -7.86,lock,15703,15665,1028,1pps 2004.089.21:05:56.89/bbc09/692.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.34, 4.09,lock,16185,15972,1020,1pps 2004.089.21:05:56.97/bbc10/700.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.01, 2.63,lock,16035,16076,1026,1pps 2004.089.21:05:57.05/bbc11/716.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 2.01, 2.42,lock,16214,16254,1022,1pps 2004.089.21:05:57.14/bbc12/772.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 7.12, 5.91,lock,16341,16482,1019,1pps 2004.089.21:05:57.22/bbc13/804.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 9.46, 9.27,lock,16250,16275,1031,1pps 2004.089.21:05:57.30/bbc14/812.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 7.92, 7.75,lock,16301,16288,1021,1pps 2004.089.21:05:57.32#antcn#Received message for antenna: GETS 2004.089.21:05:58.30#antcn#ACU: MJD: 53093, UTC: 75957, Src: ext. 1pps present 2004.089.21:05:58.30#antcn#ACU: Azimuth: Pos: 476418, Dev: 0, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.089.21:05:58.30#antcn#ACU: Elevation: Pos: 615141, Dev: 0, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.089.21:05:58.30#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.089.21:05:58.30#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.089.21:05:58.30#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.089.21:05:58.30#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.089.21:05:58.30#antcn#ACU: Az: no fault , no fault 2004.089.21:05:58.30#antcn#ACU: El: no fault , no fault 2004.089.21:05:58.31/antenna/ACK 2004.089.21:05:58.31:!2004.089.21:07:34 2004.089.21:07:34.00:data_valid=off 2004.089.21:07:34.02:disc_end 2004.089.21:07:34.29/disc_end/usn-0079/960/1024OK 2004.089.21:07:34.29:disc_pos 2004.089.21:07:34.30/disc_pos/119195897552,115542322888, 2004.089.21:07:34.31:disc_check 2004.089.21:07:34.62/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y089d21h07m34.245s,59672,0.00250s,80000,7226780460, 2004.089.21:07:34.63:postob_mk5a 2004.089.21:07:34.64/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 226418 : 1021 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.21:07:34.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 226486 : 939 : 1 : 9 : 3 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.21:07:34.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 226468 : 967 : 1 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.21:07:34.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 226238 : 1190 : 0 : 8 : 1 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.21:07:34.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 226293 : 1143 : 1 : 2 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.21:07:34.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 226187 : 1246 : 2 : 6 : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.21:07:34.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 226405 : 1036 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.21:07:34.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 226442 : 998 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.21:07:35.29/cable/3.718694856E-3 2004.089.21:07:35.98/fmout-gps/-7.559180E-6 2004.089.21:07:36.47/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,21.40 2004.089.21:07:36.97/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,21.00 2004.089.21:07:37.47/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.80 2004.089.21:07:37.97/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,13.40 2004.089.21:07:38.47/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.606 2004.089.21:07:38.97/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.000 2004.089.21:07:39.47/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,2.129 2004.089.21:07:39.97/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,56.07 2004.089.21:07:40.47/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,57.46 2004.089.21:07:40.97/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.298 2004.089.21:07:41.47/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,244.6 2004.089.21:07:41.97/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,69.10 2004.089.21:07:41.97:scan_name=089-2110,r1116,85 2004.089.21:07:41.98:source=0454-234,045703.18,-232452.0,2000.0,cw 2004.089.21:07:46.33:setup4f 2004.089.21:07:48.99/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.089.21:07:49.02/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.089.21:07:49.03/bank_check/usn-0079/960/1024OK,VNVD06G4H7982L,VNVD06G4H79L4L,VNVD06G4H79RWL,VNVD06G4H71WBL,VNVD06G4H79GKL,VNVD06G4H79D4L,VNVD06G4H700TL,VNVD06G4H79GUL 2004.089.21:07:49.05/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 59 ; 2004.089.21:07:49.05:!2004.089.21:10:36 2004.089.21:10:36.00:disc_pos 2004.089.21:10:36.01/disc_pos/119195897552,119194897552, 2004.089.21:10:36.01:disc_start=on 2004.089.21:10:37.05:!2004.089.21:10:36 2004.089.21:10:37.06:preob 2004.089.21:10:38.32#antcn#ACK 2004.089.21:10:38.32/onsource/TRACKING 2004.089.21:10:41.07/tpical/1l,15990,1u,16368,2u,16136,3u,16101,4u,16229 2004.089.21:10:41.07/tpical/9u,16037,au,16235,bu,16245,cu,16266,du,16300,eu,16269 2004.089.21:10:41.07/tpical/5u,15466,6u,15352,7u,15565,8l,15837,8u,15819 2004.089.21:10:41.22/tpgain/1l,45,1u,50,2u,117,3u,122,4u,164 2004.089.21:10:41.22/tpgain/9u,104,au,101,bu,81,cu,144,du,189,eu,159 2004.089.21:10:41.22/tpgain/5u,15,6u,28,7u,22,8l,26,8u,29 2004.089.21:10:41.26:!2004.089.21:10:46 2004.089.21:10:46.00:disc_pos 2004.089.21:10:46.02/disc_pos/119451688960,119194897552, 2004.089.21:10:46.04:data_valid=on 2004.089.21:10:46.05:midob 2004.089.21:10:46.22/tpi/1l,16008,1u,16388,2u,16169,3u,16144,4u,16254 2004.089.21:10:46.23/tpi/9u,16032,au,16203,bu,16233,cu,16272,du,16309,eu,16270 2004.089.21:10:46.23/tpi/5u,15487,6u,15370,7u,15598,8l,15853,8u,15819 2004.089.21:10:46.82?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 1l overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.21:10:46.82?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 8l overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.21:10:46.82?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 1u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.21:10:46.82?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 2u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.21:10:46.82?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 3u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.21:10:46.82?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 4u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.21:10:46.82?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 5u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.21:10:46.82?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 6u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.21:10:46.82?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 7u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.21:10:46.82?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 8u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.21:10:46.82?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 9u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.21:10:46.82?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device au overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.21:10:46.85/tsys/1l,$$$$$$$$,1u,$$$$$$$$,2u,$$$$$$$$,3u,$$$$$$$$,4u,$$$$$$$$ 2004.089.21:10:46.85/tsys/9u,$$$$$$$$,au,$$$$$$$$,bu,13272.4,cu,2986.3,du,8126.5,eu,7903.2 2004.089.21:10:46.86/tsys/5u,$$$$$$$$,6u,$$$$$$$$,7u,$$$$$$$$,8l,$$$$$$$$,8u,$$$$$$$$ 2004.089.21:10:46.87/wx/15.3,996.3,97.7,79.0,0.1 2004.089.21:10:47.29/cable/3.717747265E-3 2004.089.21:10:47.77/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,21.30 2004.089.21:10:48.27/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,21.00 2004.089.21:10:48.77/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.70 2004.089.21:10:49.27/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,13.40 2004.089.21:10:49.77/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.604 2004.089.21:10:50.27/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.000 2004.089.21:10:50.77/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.091 2004.089.21:10:51.27/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,60.22 2004.089.21:10:51.76/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,58.85 2004.089.21:10:52.22/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.271 2004.089.21:10:52.72/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,244.6 2004.089.21:10:53.22/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,68.12 2004.089.21:10:53.31/bbc01/612.89,a,8,8,1,agc, -2.36, -3.10,lock,15753,16015,1018,1pps 2004.089.21:10:53.39/bbc02/652.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 5.20, 3.30,lock,16139,16226,1029,1pps 2004.089.21:10:53.47/bbc03/752.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 5.56, 3.75,lock,16142,16243,1027,1pps 2004.089.21:10:53.55/bbc04/912.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 8.13, 7.06,lock,16249,16287,1024,1pps 2004.089.21:10:53.63/bbc05/652.99,c,8,8,1,agc,-12.64,-13.24,lock,15477,16073,1025,1pps 2004.089.21:10:53.71/bbc06/772.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -7.22, -6.92,lock,15367,16092,1030,1pps 2004.089.21:10:53.79/bbc07/832.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -9.32, -9.72,lock,15598,15038,1033,1pps 2004.089.21:10:53.87/bbc08/852.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -6.92, -7.86,lock,15828,15885,1028,1pps 2004.089.21:10:53.95/bbc09/692.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.18, 4.01,lock,16055,16133,1020,1pps 2004.089.21:10:54.03/bbc10/700.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 3.92, 2.53,lock,16213,16201,1026,1pps 2004.089.21:10:54.11/bbc11/716.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 2.01, 2.22,lock,16236,15969,1022,1pps 2004.089.21:10:54.19/bbc12/772.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 7.00, 5.91,lock,16278,16247,1019,1pps 2004.089.21:10:54.27/bbc13/804.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 9.37, 9.18,lock,16326,16377,1031,1pps 2004.089.21:10:54.35/bbc14/812.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 7.86, 7.64,lock,16291,16242,1021,1pps 2004.089.21:10:55.34#antcn#Received message for antenna: GETS 2004.089.21:10:56.31#antcn#ACU: MJD: 53093, UTC: 76255, Src: ext. 1pps present 2004.089.21:10:56.31#antcn#ACU: Azimuth: Pos: 80269, Dev: -9, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.089.21:10:56.31#antcn#ACU: Elevation: Pos: 763477, Dev: 1, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.089.21:10:56.31#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.089.21:10:56.31#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.089.21:10:56.31#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.089.21:10:56.31#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.089.21:10:56.31#antcn#ACU: Az: no fault , no fault 2004.089.21:10:56.31#antcn#ACU: El: no fault , no fault 2004.089.21:10:56.32/antenna/ACK 2004.089.21:10:56.32:!2004.089.21:12:11 2004.089.21:12:11.00:data_valid=off 2004.089.21:12:11.02:disc_end 2004.089.21:12:11.28/disc_end/usn-0079/960/1024OK 2004.089.21:12:11.29:disc_pos 2004.089.21:12:11.30/disc_pos/122209346040,119195897552, 2004.089.21:12:11.30:disc_check 2004.089.21:12:11.90/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y089d21h12m11.248s,24044,0.00250s,80000,5850667140, 2004.089.21:12:11.91:postob_mk5a 2004.089.21:12:11.92/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 232145 : 1044 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 1 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.21:12:11.93/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 232214 : 960 : 1 : 10 : 3 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.21:12:11.94/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 232188 : 997 : 1 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.21:12:11.94/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 231948 : 1228 : 0 : 10 : 1 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.21:12:11.95/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 232016 : 1171 : 1 : 2 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.21:12:11.96/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 231908 : 1274 : 2 : 6 : 1 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.21:12:11.97/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 232130 : 1061 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.21:12:11.98/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 232168 : 1024 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.21:12:12.09/cable/3.718904869E-3 2004.089.21:12:13.97/fmout-gps/-7.525651E-6 2004.089.21:12:14.46/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,21.40 2004.089.21:12:14.96/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,21.00 2004.089.21:12:15.46/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.70 2004.089.21:12:15.96/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,13.40 2004.089.21:12:16.46/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.601 2004.089.21:12:16.96/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.000 2004.089.21:12:17.46/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,1.330 2004.089.21:12:17.96/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,68.11 2004.089.21:12:18.46/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,60.22 2004.089.21:12:18.96/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.244 2004.089.21:12:19.46/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,245.1 2004.089.21:12:19.96/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,66.90 2004.089.21:12:19.96:scan_name=089-2112,r1116,183 2004.089.21:12:19.97:source=cta26,033930.94,-014635.8,2000.0,cw 2004.089.21:12:24.33:setup4f 2004.089.21:12:27.00/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.089.21:12:27.01/mk5/!mode = 6 : Check formatter serial number even ; 2004.089.21:12:27.04/bank_check/usn-0079/960/1024OK,VNVD06G4H7982L,VNVD06G4H79L4L,VNVD06G4H79RWL,VNVD06G4H71WBL,VNVD06G4H79GKL,VNVD06G4H79D4L,VNVD06G4H700TL,VNVD06G4H79GUL 2004.089.21:12:27.07/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 61 ; 2004.089.21:12:27.08:!2004.089.21:12:44 2004.089.21:12:44.00:disc_pos 2004.089.21:12:44.01/disc_pos/122209346040,122208346040, 2004.089.21:12:44.01:disc_start=on 2004.089.21:12:45.05:!2004.089.21:12:44 2004.089.21:12:45.06:preob 2004.089.21:12:46.33#antcn#ACK 2004.089.21:12:46.33/onsource/TRACKING 2004.089.21:12:49.07/tpical/1l,16072,1u,15893,2u,15990,3u,16054,4u,16164 2004.089.21:12:49.07/tpical/9u,16041,au,15953,bu,15901,cu,16201,du,16166,eu,16174 2004.089.21:12:49.07/tpical/5u,14873,6u,15808,7u,15078,8l,15395,8u,15455 2004.089.21:12:49.22/tpgain/1l,46,1u,50,2u,119,3u,124,4u,166 2004.089.21:12:49.22/tpgain/9u,107,au,103,bu,82,cu,147,du,192,eu,161 2004.089.21:12:49.22/tpgain/5u,15,6u,29,7u,22,8l,26,8u,29 2004.089.21:12:49.25:!2004.089.21:12:54 2004.089.21:12:54.00:disc_pos 2004.089.21:12:54.00/disc_pos/122465140736,122208346040, 2004.089.21:12:54.01:data_valid=on 2004.089.21:12:54.05:midob 2004.089.21:12:54.22/tpi/1l,16073,1u,15881,2u,15969,3u,16016,4u,16143 2004.089.21:12:54.22/tpi/9u,16043,au,15950,bu,15903,cu,16207,du,16185,eu,16189 2004.089.21:12:54.23/tpi/5u,14858,6u,15806,7u,15075,8l,15402,8u,15428 2004.089.21:12:54.81?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 1l overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.21:12:54.81?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 8l overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.21:12:54.81?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 1u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.21:12:54.81?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 2u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.21:12:54.81?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 3u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.21:12:54.81?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 4u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.21:12:54.81?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 5u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.21:12:54.81?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 6u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.21:12:54.81?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 7u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.21:12:54.81?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 8u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.21:12:54.81?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 9u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.21:12:54.81?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device au overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.21:12:54.84/tsys/1l,$$$$$$$$,1u,$$$$$$$$,2u,$$$$$$$$,3u,$$$$$$$$,4u,$$$$$$$$ 2004.089.21:12:54.84/tsys/9u,$$$$$$$$,au,$$$$$$$$,bu,12671.4,cu,2845.9,du,7793.3,eu,7651.7 2004.089.21:12:54.84/tsys/5u,$$$$$$$$,6u,$$$$$$$$,7u,$$$$$$$$,8l,$$$$$$$$,8u,$$$$$$$$ 2004.089.21:12:54.85/wx/15.3,996.5,97.7,68.5,0.2 2004.089.21:12:55.29/cable/3.717322461E-3 2004.089.21:12:55.77/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,21.40 2004.089.21:12:56.27/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,21.00 2004.089.21:12:56.77/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.70 2004.089.21:12:57.27/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,13.40 2004.089.21:12:57.77/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.601 2004.089.21:12:58.27/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.000 2004.089.21:12:58.77/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,2.784 2004.089.21:12:59.27/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,54.68 2004.089.21:12:59.77/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,57.46 2004.089.21:13:00.27/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.298 2004.089.21:13:00.77/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,244.1 2004.089.21:13:01.27/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,71.29 2004.089.21:13:01.36/bbc01/612.89,a,8,8,1,agc, -2.18, -2.91,lock,15873,16056,1018,1pps 2004.089.21:13:01.44/bbc02/652.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 5.35, 3.39,lock,15946,16393,1029,1pps 2004.089.21:13:01.52/bbc03/752.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 5.70, 3.92,lock,15979,16087,1027,1pps 2004.089.21:13:01.60/bbc04/912.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 8.24, 7.18,lock,16134,16167,1024,1pps 2004.089.21:13:01.68/bbc05/652.99,c,8,8,1,agc,-12.64,-13.24,lock,14842,15456,1025,1pps 2004.089.21:13:01.76/bbc06/772.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -6.92, -6.92,lock,15779,15464,1030,1pps 2004.089.21:13:01.85/bbc07/832.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -9.32, -9.32,lock,15083,15861,1033,1pps 2004.089.21:13:01.93/bbc08/852.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -6.92, -7.86,lock,15396,15384,1028,1pps 2004.089.21:13:02.01/bbc09/692.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.42, 4.18,lock,16014,15897,1020,1pps 2004.089.21:13:02.10/bbc10/700.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.09, 2.73,lock,15929,16080,1026,1pps 2004.089.21:13:02.18/bbc11/716.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 2.11, 2.53,lock,15885,16074,1022,1pps 2004.089.21:13:02.26/bbc12/772.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 7.18, 5.98,lock,16182,16150,1019,1pps 2004.089.21:13:02.34/bbc13/804.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 9.50, 9.32,lock,16146,16193,1031,1pps 2004.089.21:13:02.42/bbc14/812.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 7.97, 7.81,lock,16145,16174,1021,1pps 2004.089.21:13:03.33#antcn#Received message for antenna: GETS 2004.089.21:13:04.31#antcn#ACU: MJD: 53093, UTC: 76383, Src: ext. 1pps present 2004.089.21:13:04.31#antcn#ACU: Azimuth: Pos: -294024, Dev: -2, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.089.21:13:04.31#antcn#ACU: Elevation: Pos: 511585, Dev: -2, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.089.21:13:04.31#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.089.21:13:04.31#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.089.21:13:04.31#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.089.21:13:04.31#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.089.21:13:04.31#antcn#ACU: Az: no fault , no fault 2004.089.21:13:04.31#antcn#ACU: El: no fault , no fault 2004.089.21:13:04.32/antenna/ACK 2004.089.21:13:04.33:!2004.089.21:15:57 2004.089.21:15:57.00:data_valid=off 2004.089.21:15:57.01:disc_end 2004.089.21:15:57.28/disc_end/usn-0079/960/1024OK 2004.089.21:15:57.29:disc_pos 2004.089.21:15:57.30/disc_pos/128359082936,122209346040, 2004.089.21:15:57.30:disc_check 2004.089.21:15:57.62/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y089d21h15m57.248s,20664,0.00250s,80000,1082266484, 2004.089.21:15:57.62:postob_mk5a 2004.089.21:15:57.63/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 243837 : 1084 : 1 : 3 : 0 : 1 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.21:15:57.64/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 243902 : 1005 : 1 : 10 : 3 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.21:15:57.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 243873 : 1045 : 1 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.21:15:57.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 243627 : 1282 : 0 : 10 : 1 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.21:15:57.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 243686 : 1235 : 2 : 2 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.21:15:57.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 243595 : 1319 : 2 : 7 : 1 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.21:15:57.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 243816 : 1109 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.21:15:57.71/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 243853 : 1071 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.21:15:58.48/cable/3.718545604E-3 2004.089.21:15:59.98/fmout-gps/-7.510200E-6 2004.089.21:16:00.47/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,21.40 2004.089.21:16:00.97/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,21.10 2004.089.21:16:01.47/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.70 2004.089.21:16:01.97/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,13.40 2004.089.21:16:02.47/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.601 2004.089.21:16:02.97/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.000 2004.089.21:16:03.47/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.859 2004.089.21:16:03.97/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,53.29 2004.089.21:16:04.47/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,57.46 2004.089.21:16:04.97/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.271 2004.089.21:16:05.47/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,245.1 2004.089.21:16:05.97/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,72.03 2004.089.21:16:05.97:scan_name=089-2117,r1116,190 2004.089.21:16:05.98:source=1124-186,112704.39,-185717.4,2000.0,cw 2004.089.21:16:10.34:setup4f 2004.089.21:16:12.99/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.089.21:16:13.00/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.089.21:16:13.03/bank_check/usn-0079/960/1024OK,VNVD06G4H7982L,VNVD06G4H79L4L,VNVD06G4H79RWL,VNVD06G4H71WBL,VNVD06G4H79GKL,VNVD06G4H79D4L,VNVD06G4H700TL,VNVD06G4H79GUL 2004.089.21:16:13.06/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 63 ; 2004.089.21:16:13.06:!2004.089.21:16:56 2004.089.21:16:56.00:disc_pos 2004.089.21:16:56.01/disc_pos/128359082936,128358082936, 2004.089.21:16:56.02:disc_start=on 2004.089.21:16:57.05:!2004.089.21:16:56 2004.089.21:16:57.06:preob 2004.089.21:16:58.34#antcn#ACK 2004.089.21:16:58.34/onsource/TRACKING 2004.089.21:17:01.08/tpical/1l,16020,1u,15637,2u,15959,3u,16326,4u,16243 2004.089.21:17:01.08/tpical/9u,16119,au,16298,bu,15891,cu,16302,du,16205,eu,16213 2004.089.21:17:01.08/tpical/5u,16003,6u,16022,7u,15138,8l,16132,8u,15394 2004.089.21:17:01.23/tpgain/1l,41,1u,45,2u,107,3u,112,4u,149 2004.089.21:17:01.23/tpgain/9u,102,au,99,bu,79,cu,140,du,181,eu,152 2004.089.21:17:01.23/tpgain/5u,14,6u,26,7u,20,8l,24,8u,26 2004.089.21:17:01.26:!2004.089.21:17:06 2004.089.21:17:06.00:disc_pos 2004.089.21:17:06.02/disc_pos/128614883328,128358082936, 2004.089.21:17:06.02:data_valid=on 2004.089.21:17:06.04:midob 2004.089.21:17:06.22/tpi/1l,16011,1u,15653,2u,15944,3u,16319,4u,16247 2004.089.21:17:06.22/tpi/9u,16087,au,16286,bu,15886,cu,16285,du,16178,eu,16208 2004.089.21:17:06.22/tpi/5u,16019,6u,16034,7u,15128,8l,16111,8u,15378 2004.089.21:17:06.83?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 1l overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.21:17:06.83?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 8l overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.21:17:06.83?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 1u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.21:17:06.83?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 2u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.21:17:06.83?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 3u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.21:17:06.83?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 4u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.21:17:06.83?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 5u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.21:17:06.83?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 6u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.21:17:06.83?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 7u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.21:17:06.83?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 8u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.21:17:06.83?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 9u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.21:17:06.83?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device au overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.21:17:06.87/tsys/1l,$$$$$$$$,1u,$$$$$$$$,2u,$$$$$$$$,3u,$$$$$$$$,4u,$$$$$$$$ 2004.089.21:17:06.87/tsys/9u,$$$$$$$$,au,$$$$$$$$,bu,13665.1,cu,3172.9,du,8835.0,eu,8669.6 2004.089.21:17:06.87/tsys/5u,$$$$$$$$,6u,$$$$$$$$,7u,$$$$$$$$,8l,$$$$$$$$,8u,$$$$$$$$ 2004.089.21:17:06.88/wx/15.4,996.5,97.7,64.0,0.4 2004.089.21:17:07.29/cable/3.717309565E-3 2004.089.21:17:07.76/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,21.40 2004.089.21:17:08.21/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,21.10 2004.089.21:17:08.66/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.60 2004.089.21:17:09.11/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,13.40 2004.089.21:17:09.56/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.601 2004.089.21:17:10.01/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.000 2004.089.21:17:10.51/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.550 2004.089.21:17:10.96/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,65.48 2004.089.21:17:11.41/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,60.22 2004.089.21:17:11.91/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.244 2004.089.21:17:12.36/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,245.3 2004.089.21:17:12.86/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,69.83 2004.089.21:17:12.95/bbc01/612.89,a,8,8,1,agc, -3.10, -3.91,lock,15643,15985,1018,1pps 2004.089.21:17:13.03/bbc02/652.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 4.42, 2.42,lock,15996,16058,1029,1pps 2004.089.21:17:13.11/bbc03/752.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 4.82, 3.02,lock,16311,16052,1027,1pps 2004.089.21:17:13.19/bbc04/912.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 7.30, 6.25,lock,16227,16377,1024,1pps 2004.089.21:17:13.27/bbc05/652.99,c,8,8,1,agc,-13.24,-14.58,lock,15976,14321,1025,1pps 2004.089.21:17:13.35/bbc06/772.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -7.86, -7.86,lock,16001,15693,1030,1pps 2004.089.21:17:13.43/bbc07/832.99,c,8,8,1,agc,-10.14,-10.14,lock,15130,15917,1033,1pps 2004.089.21:17:13.51/bbc08/852.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -7.86, -8.56,lock,15363,16107,1028,1pps 2004.089.21:17:13.59/bbc09/692.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.01, 3.84,lock,16073,16094,1020,1pps 2004.089.21:17:13.67/bbc10/700.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 3.75, 2.32,lock,16260,16130,1026,1pps 2004.089.21:17:13.75/bbc11/716.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 1.90, 2.11,lock,15872,16231,1022,1pps 2004.089.21:17:13.84/bbc12/772.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 6.76, 5.63,lock,16270,16311,1019,1pps 2004.089.21:17:13.92/bbc13/804.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 8.99, 8.70,lock,16170,16576,1031,1pps 2004.089.21:17:14.00/bbc14/812.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 7.47, 7.30,lock,16182,16295,1021,1pps 2004.089.21:17:14.33#antcn#Received message for antenna: GETS 2004.089.21:17:15.31#antcn#ACU: MJD: 53093, UTC: 76634, Src: ext. 1pps present 2004.089.21:17:15.31#antcn#ACU: Azimuth: Pos: 1098124, Dev: -2, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.089.21:17:15.31#antcn#ACU: Elevation: Pos: 53301, Dev: 2, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.089.21:17:15.31#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.089.21:17:15.31#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.089.21:17:15.31#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.089.21:17:15.31#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.089.21:17:15.31#antcn#ACU: Az: no fault , no fault 2004.089.21:17:15.31#antcn#ACU: El: no fault , no fault 2004.089.21:17:15.32/antenna/ACK 2004.089.21:17:15.32:!2004.089.21:20:16 2004.089.21:20:16.00:data_valid=off 2004.089.21:20:16.01:disc_end 2004.089.21:20:16.28/disc_end/usn-0079/960/1024OK 2004.089.21:20:16.28:disc_pos 2004.089.21:20:16.29/disc_pos/134732547616,128359082936, 2004.089.21:20:16.30:disc_check 2004.089.21:20:16.92/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y089d21h20m16.242s,65500,0.00250s,80000,1914330484, 2004.089.21:20:16.93:postob_mk5a 2004.089.21:20:16.94/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 255955 : 1126 : 1 : 3 : 0 : 1 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.21:20:16.95/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 256019 : 1047 : 1 : 11 : 3 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.21:20:16.96/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 255983 : 1095 : 1 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.21:20:16.96/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 255736 : 1332 : 0 : 11 : 1 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.21:20:16.97/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 255792 : 1288 : 2 : 3 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.21:20:16.98/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 255706 : 1367 : 2 : 8 : 1 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.21:20:16.99/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 255928 : 1158 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.21:20:17.00/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 255950 : 1134 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.21:20:17.69/cable/3.718012479E-3 2004.089.21:20:17.98/fmout-gps/-7.513867E-6 2004.089.21:20:18.47/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,21.50 2004.089.21:20:18.97/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,21.10 2004.089.21:20:19.47/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.60 2004.089.21:20:19.97/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,13.50 2004.089.21:20:20.47/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.599 2004.089.21:20:20.97/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.015 2004.089.21:20:21.47/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.116 2004.089.21:20:21.97/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,61.54 2004.089.21:20:22.47/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,58.85 2004.089.21:20:22.96/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.190 2004.089.21:20:23.47/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,244.8 2004.089.21:20:23.97/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,71.54 2004.089.21:20:23.97:scan_name=089-2127,r1116,77 2004.089.21:20:23.98:source=0727-115,073019.11,-114112.6,2000.0,cw 2004.089.21:20:28.34:setup4f 2004.089.21:20:30.99/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.089.21:20:31.00/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.089.21:20:31.03/bank_check/usn-0079/960/1024OK,VNVD06G4H7982L,VNVD06G4H79L4L,VNVD06G4H79RWL,VNVD06G4H71WBL,VNVD06G4H79GKL,VNVD06G4H79D4L,VNVD06G4H700TL,VNVD06G4H79GUL 2004.089.21:20:31.07/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 65 ; 2004.089.21:20:31.07:!2004.089.21:27:13 2004.089.21:27:13.00:disc_pos 2004.089.21:27:13.01/disc_pos/134732547616,134731547616, 2004.089.21:27:13.02:disc_start=on 2004.089.21:27:14.05:!2004.089.21:27:13 2004.089.21:27:14.06:preob 2004.089.21:27:15.35#antcn#ACK 2004.089.21:27:15.35/onsource/TRACKING 2004.089.21:27:18.10/tpical/1l,15820,1u,16154,2u,16183,3u,16207,4u,16352 2004.089.21:27:18.10/tpical/9u,16292,au,16282,bu,16147,cu,16205,du,16291,eu,16193 2004.089.21:27:18.10/tpical/5u,14853,6u,15715,7u,15055,8l,15349,8u,15338 2004.089.21:27:18.25/tpgain/1l,46,1u,51,2u,120,3u,126,4u,168 2004.089.21:27:18.25/tpgain/9u,108,au,104,bu,81,cu,147,du,193,eu,161 2004.089.21:27:18.25/tpgain/5u,15,6u,29,7u,22,8l,26,8u,29 2004.089.21:27:18.28:!2004.089.21:27:23 2004.089.21:27:23.00:disc_pos 2004.089.21:27:23.00/disc_pos/134988345344,134731547616, 2004.089.21:27:23.01:data_valid=on 2004.089.21:27:23.02:midob 2004.089.21:27:23.19/tpi/1l,15840,1u,16176,2u,16194,3u,16234,4u,16359 2004.089.21:27:23.19/tpi/9u,16284,au,16279,bu,16140,cu,16181,du,16280,eu,16183 2004.089.21:27:23.19/tpi/5u,14873,6u,15711,7u,15055,8l,15371,8u,15359 2004.089.21:27:23.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 1l overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.21:27:23.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 8l overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.21:27:23.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 1u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.21:27:23.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 2u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.21:27:23.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 3u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.21:27:23.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 4u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.21:27:23.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 5u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.21:27:23.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 6u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.21:27:23.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 7u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.21:27:23.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 8u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.21:27:23.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 9u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.21:27:23.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device au overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.21:27:23.80/tsys/1l,$$$$$$$$,1u,$$$$$$$$,2u,$$$$$$$$,3u,$$$$$$$$,4u,$$$$$$$$ 2004.089.21:27:23.80/tsys/9u,$$$$$$$$,au,$$$$$$$$,bu,13194.3,cu,2841.1,du,7755.5,eu,7648.6 2004.089.21:27:23.81/tsys/5u,$$$$$$$$,6u,$$$$$$$$,7u,$$$$$$$$,8l,$$$$$$$$,8u,$$$$$$$$ 2004.089.21:27:23.82/wx/15.4,996.5,97.7,99.0,0.5 2004.089.21:27:24.09/cable/3.718446573E-3 2004.089.21:27:24.57/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,21.60 2004.089.21:27:25.07/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,21.20 2004.089.21:27:25.57/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.80 2004.089.21:27:26.07/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,13.60 2004.089.21:27:26.57/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.604 2004.089.21:27:27.07/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.000 2004.089.21:27:27.57/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,2.129 2004.089.21:27:28.07/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,56.07 2004.089.21:27:28.57/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,58.85 2004.089.21:27:29.07/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.244 2004.089.21:27:29.57/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,244.8 2004.089.21:27:30.07/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,72.03 2004.089.21:27:30.16/bbc01/612.89,a,8,8,1,agc, -2.01, -2.91,lock,16180,15835,1018,1pps 2004.089.21:27:30.24/bbc02/652.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 5.42, 3.39,lock,16202,16440,1029,1pps 2004.089.21:27:30.32/bbc03/752.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 5.84, 4.01,lock,16235,16276,1027,1pps 2004.089.21:27:30.40/bbc04/912.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 8.34, 7.24,lock,16358,16233,1024,1pps 2004.089.21:27:30.48/bbc05/652.99,c,8,8,1,agc,-12.64,-13.24,lock,14872,15492,1025,1pps 2004.089.21:27:30.56/bbc06/772.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -6.92, -6.92,lock,15715,15384,1030,1pps 2004.089.21:27:30.64/bbc07/832.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -9.32, -9.32,lock,15066,15900,1033,1pps 2004.089.21:27:30.72/bbc08/852.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -6.92, -7.86,lock,15365,15367,1028,1pps 2004.089.21:27:30.80/bbc09/692.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.50, 4.26,lock,16274,16147,1020,1pps 2004.089.21:27:30.88/bbc10/700.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.18, 2.73,lock,16264,16026,1026,1pps 2004.089.21:27:30.96/bbc11/716.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 2.01, 2.42,lock,16106,15954,1022,1pps 2004.089.21:27:31.04/bbc12/772.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 7.18, 6.05,lock,16180,16329,1019,1pps 2004.089.21:27:31.12/bbc13/804.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 9.55, 9.37,lock,16266,16242,1031,1pps 2004.089.21:27:31.20/bbc14/812.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 7.97, 7.86,lock,16172,16292,1021,1pps 2004.089.21:27:31.34#antcn#Received message for antenna: GETS 2004.089.21:27:32.32#antcn#ACU: MJD: 53093, UTC: 77251, Src: ext. 1pps present 2004.089.21:27:32.32#antcn#ACU: Azimuth: Pos: 616340, Dev: -5, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.089.21:27:32.32#antcn#ACU: Elevation: Pos: 488996, Dev: -6, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.089.21:27:32.32#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.089.21:27:32.32#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.089.21:27:32.32#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.089.21:27:32.32#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.089.21:27:32.32#antcn#ACU: Az: no fault , no fault 2004.089.21:27:32.32#antcn#ACU: El: no fault , no fault 2004.089.21:27:32.33/antenna/ACK 2004.089.21:27:32.33:!2004.089.21:28:40 2004.089.21:28:40.00:data_valid=off 2004.089.21:28:40.01:disc_end 2004.089.21:28:40.27/disc_end/usn-0079/960/1024OK 2004.089.21:28:40.28:disc_pos 2004.089.21:28:40.30/disc_pos/137489632648,134732547616, 2004.089.21:28:40.30:disc_check 2004.089.21:28:40.60/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y089d21h28m40.233s,8248,0.00250s,80000,13370652220, 2004.089.21:28:40.60:postob_mk5a 2004.089.21:28:40.62/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 261195 : 1147 : 1 : 3 : 0 : 1 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.21:28:40.63/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 261255 : 1073 : 1 : 11 : 3 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.21:28:40.64/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 261223 : 1116 : 1 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.21:28:40.64/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 260977 : 1353 : 0 : 11 : 1 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.21:28:40.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 261029 : 1314 : 2 : 3 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.21:28:40.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 260943 : 1391 : 2 : 8 : 1 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.21:28:40.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 261168 : 1180 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.21:28:40.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 261187 : 1158 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.21:28:40.89/cable/3.718391622E-3 2004.089.21:28:41.98/fmout-gps/-7.483653E-6 2004.089.21:28:42.47/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,21.60 2004.089.21:28:42.97/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,21.30 2004.089.21:28:43.47/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.70 2004.089.21:28:43.97/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,13.60 2004.089.21:28:44.47/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.604 2004.089.21:28:44.97/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.000 2004.089.21:28:45.47/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,2.619 2004.089.21:28:45.97/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,61.54 2004.089.21:28:46.47/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,58.85 2004.089.21:28:46.97/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.244 2004.089.21:28:47.47/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,245.3 2004.089.21:28:47.97/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,69.59 2004.089.21:28:47.97:scan_name=089-2132,r1116,105 2004.089.21:28:47.98:source=0607-157,060940.95,-154240.7,2000.0,cw 2004.089.21:28:52.34:setup4f 2004.089.21:28:55.00/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.089.21:28:55.02/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.089.21:28:55.04/bank_check/usn-0079/960/1024OK,VNVD06G4H7982L,VNVD06G4H79L4L,VNVD06G4H79RWL,VNVD06G4H71WBL,VNVD06G4H79GKL,VNVD06G4H79D4L,VNVD06G4H700TL,VNVD06G4H79GUL 2004.089.21:28:55.06/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 67 ; 2004.089.21:28:55.06:!2004.089.21:32:37 2004.089.21:32:37.00:disc_pos 2004.089.21:32:37.01/disc_pos/137489632648,137488632648, 2004.089.21:32:37.02:disc_start=on 2004.089.21:32:38.05:!2004.089.21:32:37 2004.089.21:32:38.06:preob 2004.089.21:32:39.35#antcn#ACK 2004.089.21:32:39.35/onsource/TRACKING 2004.089.21:32:42.09/tpical/1l,15753,1u,16155,2u,16093,3u,16283,4u,16350 2004.089.21:32:42.09/tpical/9u,16148,au,16011,bu,15995,cu,16334,du,16255,eu,16278 2004.089.21:32:42.10/tpical/5u,15386,6u,16191,7u,15521,8l,15748,8u,15733 2004.089.21:32:42.24/tpgain/1l,45,1u,50,2u,118,3u,124,4u,166 2004.089.21:32:42.24/tpgain/9u,106,au,102,bu,81,cu,146,du,191,eu,160 2004.089.21:32:42.24/tpgain/5u,15,6u,29,7u,22,8l,26,8u,29 2004.089.21:32:42.27:!2004.089.21:32:47 2004.089.21:32:47.00:disc_pos 2004.089.21:32:47.01/disc_pos/137745428480,137488632648, 2004.089.21:32:47.02:data_valid=on 2004.089.21:32:47.02:midob 2004.089.21:32:47.19/tpi/1l,15770,1u,16160,2u,16117,3u,16310,4u,16359 2004.089.21:32:47.19/tpi/9u,16147,au,16006,bu,15985,cu,16318,du,16239,eu,16250 2004.089.21:32:47.19/tpi/5u,15377,6u,16206,7u,15502,8l,15748,8u,15727 2004.089.21:32:47.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 1l overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.21:32:47.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 8l overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.21:32:47.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 1u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.21:32:47.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 2u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.21:32:47.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 3u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.21:32:47.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 4u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.21:32:47.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 5u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.21:32:47.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 6u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.21:32:47.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 7u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.21:32:47.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 8u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.21:32:47.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 9u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.21:32:47.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device au overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.21:32:47.81/tsys/1l,$$$$$$$$,1u,$$$$$$$$,2u,$$$$$$$$,3u,$$$$$$$$,4u,$$$$$$$$ 2004.089.21:32:47.81/tsys/9u,$$$$$$$$,au,$$$$$$$$,bu,13064.1,cu,2908.7,du,7909.1,eu,7786.8 2004.089.21:32:47.81/tsys/5u,$$$$$$$$,6u,$$$$$$$$,7u,$$$$$$$$,8l,$$$$$$$$,8u,$$$$$$$$ 2004.089.21:32:47.82/wx/15.5,996.5,97.7,115.9,0.2 2004.089.21:32:48.09/cable/3.718358190E-3 2004.089.21:32:48.57/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,21.70 2004.089.21:32:49.07/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,21.30 2004.089.21:32:49.57/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.80 2004.089.21:32:50.07/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,13.70 2004.089.21:32:50.57/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.604 2004.089.21:32:51.07/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.000 2004.089.21:32:51.57/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,2.292 2004.089.21:32:52.07/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,57.46 2004.089.21:32:52.57/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,61.54 2004.089.21:32:53.07/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.217 2004.089.21:32:53.57/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,245.6 2004.089.21:32:54.07/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,69.34 2004.089.21:32:54.16/bbc01/612.89,a,8,8,1,agc, -2.18, -3.10,lock,16186,15780,1018,1pps 2004.089.21:32:54.24/bbc02/652.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 5.27, 3.39,lock,16125,16247,1029,1pps 2004.089.21:32:54.32/bbc03/752.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 5.70, 3.84,lock,16325,16147,1027,1pps 2004.089.21:32:54.40/bbc04/912.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 8.24, 7.12,lock,16368,16246,1024,1pps 2004.089.21:32:54.48/bbc05/652.99,c,8,8,1,agc,-12.64,-13.24,lock,15397,16010,1025,1pps 2004.089.21:32:54.56/bbc06/772.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -6.92, -6.92,lock,16219,15840,1030,1pps 2004.089.21:32:54.64/bbc07/832.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -9.32, -9.32,lock,15485,16322,1033,1pps 2004.089.21:32:54.72/bbc08/852.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -6.92, -7.86,lock,15750,15757,1028,1pps 2004.089.21:32:54.80/bbc09/692.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.34, 4.18,lock,16155,16272,1020,1pps 2004.089.21:32:54.88/bbc10/700.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.01, 2.63,lock,16001,16094,1026,1pps 2004.089.21:32:54.97/bbc11/716.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 2.01, 2.42,lock,15978,16115,1022,1pps 2004.089.21:32:55.05/bbc12/772.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 7.12, 5.98,lock,16334,15897,1019,1pps 2004.089.21:32:55.13/bbc13/804.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 9.46, 9.27,lock,16233,16283,1031,1pps 2004.089.21:32:55.21/bbc14/812.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 7.92, 7.75,lock,16261,16286,1021,1pps 2004.089.21:32:55.34#antcn#Received message for antenna: GETS 2004.089.21:32:56.32#antcn#ACU: MJD: 53093, UTC: 77575, Src: ext. 1pps present 2004.089.21:32:56.32#antcn#ACU: Azimuth: Pos: 355074, Dev: -2, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.089.21:32:56.32#antcn#ACU: Elevation: Pos: 651049, Dev: 2, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.089.21:32:56.32#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.089.21:32:56.32#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.089.21:32:56.32#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.089.21:32:56.32#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.089.21:32:56.32#antcn#ACU: Az: no fault , no fault 2004.089.21:32:56.32#antcn#ACU: El: no fault , no fault 2004.089.21:32:56.33/antenna/ACK 2004.089.21:32:56.33:!2004.089.21:34:32 2004.089.21:34:32.00:data_valid=off 2004.089.21:34:32.01:disc_end 2004.089.21:34:32.28/disc_end/usn-0079/960/1024OK 2004.089.21:34:32.29:disc_pos 2004.089.21:34:32.30/disc_pos/141143207520,137489632648, 2004.089.21:34:32.30:disc_check 2004.089.21:34:32.79/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y089d21h34m32.245s,23080,0.00250s,80000,7610810296, 2004.089.21:34:32.79:postob_mk5a 2004.089.21:34:32.80/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 268136 : 1178 : 1 : 3 : 0 : 1 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.21:34:32.81/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 268197 : 1101 : 1 : 12 : 3 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.21:34:32.82/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 268168 : 1142 : 1 : 3 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.21:34:32.83/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 267929 : 1373 : 0 : 12 : 1 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.21:34:32.84/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 267958 : 1356 : 2 : 3 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.21:34:32.86/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 267883 : 1423 : 2 : 8 : 1 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.21:34:32.87/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 268112 : 1207 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.21:34:32.88/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 268125 : 1192 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.21:34:33.69/cable/3.718815716E-3 2004.089.21:34:33.98/fmout-gps/-7.489765E-6 2004.089.21:34:34.47/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,21.60 2004.089.21:34:34.97/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,21.30 2004.089.21:34:35.47/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.80 2004.089.21:34:35.97/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,13.70 2004.089.21:34:36.47/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.601 2004.089.21:34:36.97/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.000 2004.089.21:34:37.47/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,2.292 2004.089.21:34:37.97/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,60.22 2004.089.21:34:38.47/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,57.46 2004.089.21:34:38.96/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.217 2004.089.21:34:39.42/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,245.6 2004.089.21:34:39.92/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,70.32 2004.089.21:34:39.92:scan_name=089-2135,r1116,113 2004.089.21:34:39.93:source=0552+398,055530.81,394849.2,2000.0,cw 2004.089.21:34:44.35:setup4f 2004.089.21:34:46.99/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.089.21:34:47.00/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.089.21:34:47.03/bank_check/usn-0079/960/1024OK,VNVD06G4H7982L,VNVD06G4H79L4L,VNVD06G4H79RWL,VNVD06G4H71WBL,VNVD06G4H79GKL,VNVD06G4H79D4L,VNVD06G4H700TL,VNVD06G4H79GUL 2004.089.21:34:47.05/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 69 ; 2004.089.21:34:47.05:!2004.089.21:35:21 2004.089.21:35:21.00:disc_pos 2004.089.21:35:21.02/disc_pos/141143207520,141142207520, 2004.089.21:35:21.02:disc_start=on 2004.089.21:35:22.06:!2004.089.21:35:21 2004.089.21:35:22.06:preob 2004.089.21:35:23.35#antcn#ACK 2004.089.21:35:23.35/onsource/TRACKING 2004.089.21:35:26.09/tpical/1l,16102,1u,16036,2u,16229,3u,16169,4u,16334 2004.089.21:35:26.09/tpical/9u,16114,au,16174,bu,16141,cu,16171,du,16213,eu,16260 2004.089.21:35:26.09/tpical/5u,15665,6u,15575,7u,15790,8l,16102,8u,16139 2004.089.21:35:26.24/tpgain/1l,45,1u,49,2u,117,3u,122,4u,163 2004.089.21:35:26.24/tpgain/9u,108,au,104,bu,82,cu,147,du,192,eu,161 2004.089.21:35:26.24/tpgain/5u,15,6u,28,7u,22,8l,26,8u,29 2004.089.21:35:26.27:!2004.089.21:35:31 2004.089.21:35:31.00:disc_pos 2004.089.21:35:31.02/disc_pos/141399007232,141142207520, 2004.089.21:35:31.02:data_valid=on 2004.089.21:35:31.04:midob 2004.089.21:35:31.21/tpi/1l,16112,1u,16067,2u,16300,3u,16173,4u,16354 2004.089.21:35:31.21/tpi/9u,16121,au,16180,bu,16152,cu,16181,du,16226,eu,16260 2004.089.21:35:31.21/tpi/5u,15661,6u,15570,7u,15811,8l,16118,8u,16145 2004.089.21:35:31.79?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 1l overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.21:35:31.79?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 8l overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.21:35:31.79?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 1u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.21:35:31.79?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 2u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.21:35:31.79?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 3u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.21:35:31.79?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 4u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.21:35:31.79?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 5u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.21:35:31.79?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 6u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.21:35:31.79?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 7u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.21:35:31.79?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 8u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.21:35:31.79?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 9u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.21:35:31.79?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device au overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.21:35:31.83/tsys/1l,$$$$$$$$,1u,$$$$$$$$,2u,$$$$$$$$,3u,$$$$$$$$,4u,$$$$$$$$ 2004.089.21:35:31.83/tsys/9u,$$$$$$$$,au,$$$$$$$$,bu,12875.5,cu,2841.1,du,7814.5,eu,7687.9 2004.089.21:35:31.83/tsys/5u,$$$$$$$$,6u,$$$$$$$$,7u,$$$$$$$$,8l,$$$$$$$$,8u,$$$$$$$$ 2004.089.21:35:31.84/wx/15.4,996.3,97.7,98.0,0.4 2004.089.21:35:32.08/cable/3.718147202E-3 2004.089.21:35:32.56/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,21.60 2004.089.21:35:33.01/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,21.30 2004.089.21:35:33.52/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.70 2004.089.21:35:33.97/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,13.70 2004.089.21:35:34.42/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.601 2004.089.21:35:34.87/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.000 2004.089.21:35:35.37/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,1.647 2004.089.21:35:35.87/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,56.07 2004.089.21:35:36.37/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,60.22 2004.089.21:35:36.87/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.271 2004.089.21:35:37.37/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,245.1 2004.089.21:35:37.87/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,71.78 2004.089.21:35:37.96/bbc01/612.89,a,8,8,1,agc, -2.36, -3.10,lock,16064,16127,1018,1pps 2004.089.21:35:38.05/bbc02/652.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 5.20, 3.30,lock,16284,16330,1029,1pps 2004.089.21:35:38.13/bbc03/752.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 5.56, 3.75,lock,16165,16068,1027,1pps 2004.089.21:35:38.21/bbc04/912.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 8.08, 7.00,lock,16354,16373,1024,1pps 2004.089.21:35:38.29/bbc05/652.99,c,8,8,1,agc,-12.64,-13.89,lock,15672,14303,1025,1pps 2004.089.21:35:38.37/bbc06/772.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -7.22, -6.92,lock,15593,16247,1030,1pps 2004.089.21:35:38.45/bbc07/832.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -9.32, -9.72,lock,15814,15275,1033,1pps 2004.089.21:35:38.53/bbc08/852.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -6.92, -7.86,lock,16145,16125,1028,1pps 2004.089.21:35:38.61/bbc09/692.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.50, 4.34,lock,16120,16282,1020,1pps 2004.089.21:35:38.69/bbc10/700.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.18, 2.82,lock,16164,16244,1026,1pps 2004.089.21:35:38.77/bbc11/716.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 2.11, 2.42,lock,16148,16035,1022,1pps 2004.089.21:35:38.85/bbc12/772.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 7.18, 6.05,lock,16178,16339,1019,1pps 2004.089.21:35:38.93/bbc13/804.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 9.50, 9.32,lock,16220,16228,1031,1pps 2004.089.21:35:39.01/bbc14/812.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 7.97, 7.81,lock,16256,16248,1021,1pps 2004.089.21:35:39.35#antcn#Received message for antenna: GETS 2004.089.21:35:40.33#antcn#ACU: MJD: 53093, UTC: 77739, Src: ext. 1pps present 2004.089.21:35:40.33#antcn#ACU: Azimuth: Pos: 81498, Dev: 0, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.089.21:35:40.33#antcn#ACU: Elevation: Pos: 127725, Dev: 2, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.089.21:35:40.33#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.089.21:35:40.33#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.089.21:35:40.33#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.089.21:35:40.33#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.089.21:35:40.33#antcn#ACU: Az: no fault , no fault 2004.089.21:35:40.33#antcn#ACU: El: no fault , no fault 2004.089.21:35:40.34/antenna/ACK 2004.089.21:35:40.34:!2004.089.21:37:24 2004.089.21:37:24.00:data_valid=off 2004.089.21:37:24.01:disc_end 2004.089.21:37:24.27/disc_end/usn-0079/960/1024OK 2004.089.21:37:24.28:disc_pos 2004.089.21:37:24.30/disc_pos/145051876344,141143207520, 2004.089.21:37:24.30:disc_check 2004.089.21:37:24.79/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y089d21h37m24.233s,3876,0.00250s,80000,1594950380, 2004.089.21:37:24.80:postob_mk5a 2004.089.21:37:24.81/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 275564 : 1208 : 1 : 3 : 0 : 1 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.21:37:24.82/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 275619 : 1136 : 1 : 13 : 3 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.21:37:24.83/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 275593 : 1177 : 1 : 3 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.21:37:24.84/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 275355 : 1404 : 0 : 13 : 1 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.21:37:24.84/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 275382 : 1392 : 2 : 3 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.21:37:24.85/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 275315 : 1449 : 2 : 8 : 1 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.21:37:24.86/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 275538 : 1239 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.21:37:24.87/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 275542 : 1233 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.21:37:25.69/cable/3.717909656E-3 2004.089.21:37:25.98/fmout-gps/-7.557650E-6 2004.089.21:37:26.47/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,21.60 2004.089.21:37:26.92/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,21.30 2004.089.21:37:27.37/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.70 2004.089.21:37:27.82/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,13.70 2004.089.21:37:28.32/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.601 2004.089.21:37:28.82/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.015 2004.089.21:37:29.32/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,5.183 2004.089.21:37:29.82/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,50.51 2004.089.21:37:30.32/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,61.54 2004.089.21:37:30.82/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.298 2004.089.21:37:31.32/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,245.1 2004.089.21:37:31.82/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,66.17 2004.089.21:37:31.82:scan_name=089-2139,r1116,190 2004.089.21:37:31.83:source=cta26,033930.94,-014635.8,2000.0,cw 2004.089.21:37:36.35:setup4f 2004.089.21:37:38.99/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.089.21:37:39.00/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.089.21:37:39.03/bank_check/usn-0079/960/1024OK,VNVD06G4H7982L,VNVD06G4H79L4L,VNVD06G4H79RWL,VNVD06G4H71WBL,VNVD06G4H79GKL,VNVD06G4H79D4L,VNVD06G4H700TL,VNVD06G4H79GUL 2004.089.21:37:39.05/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 71 ; 2004.089.21:37:39.05:!2004.089.21:39:31 2004.089.21:39:31.00:disc_pos 2004.089.21:39:31.00/disc_pos/145051876344,145050876344, 2004.089.21:39:31.01:disc_start=on 2004.089.21:39:32.04:!2004.089.21:39:31 2004.089.21:39:32.05:preob 2004.089.21:39:33.36#antcn#ACK 2004.089.21:39:33.36/onsource/TRACKING 2004.089.21:39:36.10/tpical/1l,15611,1u,16101,2u,16013,3u,16047,4u,16257 2004.089.21:39:36.10/tpical/9u,16300,au,16288,bu,16105,cu,16279,du,16248,eu,16261 2004.089.21:39:36.10/tpical/5u,15160,6u,15946,7u,15283,8l,15566,8u,15552 2004.089.21:39:36.25/tpgain/1l,45,1u,50,2u,119,3u,124,4u,166 2004.089.21:39:36.25/tpgain/9u,108,au,104,bu,81,cu,147,du,192,eu,161 2004.089.21:39:36.25/tpgain/5u,15,6u,29,7u,22,8l,26,8u,29 2004.089.21:39:36.28:!2004.089.21:39:41 2004.089.21:39:41.00:disc_pos 2004.089.21:39:41.00/disc_pos/145307672576,145050876344, 2004.089.21:39:41.01:data_valid=on 2004.089.21:39:41.02:midob 2004.089.21:39:41.20/tpi/1l,15595,1u,16083,2u,15980,3u,16006,4u,16232 2004.089.21:39:41.20/tpi/9u,16315,au,16278,bu,16103,cu,16269,du,16230,eu,16248 2004.089.21:39:41.20/tpi/5u,15115,6u,15926,7u,15260,8l,15547,8u,15534 2004.089.21:39:41.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 1l overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.21:39:41.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 8l overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.21:39:41.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 1u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.21:39:41.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 2u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.21:39:41.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 3u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.21:39:41.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 4u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.21:39:41.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 5u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.21:39:41.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 6u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.21:39:41.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 7u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.21:39:41.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 8u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.21:39:41.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 9u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.21:39:41.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device au overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.21:39:41.81/tsys/1l,$$$$$$$$,1u,$$$$$$$$,2u,$$$$$$$$,3u,$$$$$$$$,4u,$$$$$$$$ 2004.089.21:39:41.81/tsys/9u,$$$$$$$$,au,$$$$$$$$,bu,13163.2,cu,2857.5,du,7816.6,eu,7681.8 2004.089.21:39:41.82/tsys/5u,$$$$$$$$,6u,$$$$$$$$,7u,$$$$$$$$,8l,$$$$$$$$,8u,$$$$$$$$ 2004.089.21:39:41.83/wx/15.5,996.3,97.7,111.0,0.4 2004.089.21:39:42.49/cable/3.716856753E-3 2004.089.21:39:42.97/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,21.70 2004.089.21:39:43.47/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,21.30 2004.089.21:39:43.97/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.80 2004.089.21:39:44.47/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,13.70 2004.089.21:39:44.97/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.599 2004.089.21:39:45.47/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.015 2004.089.21:39:45.97/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,5.721 2004.089.21:39:46.47/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,64.17 2004.089.21:39:46.97/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,62.85 2004.089.21:39:47.47/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.271 2004.089.21:39:47.97/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,243.9 2004.089.21:39:48.47/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,71.05 2004.089.21:39:48.56/bbc01/612.89,a,8,8,1,agc, -2.18, -2.91,lock,16118,16258,1018,1pps 2004.089.21:39:48.64/bbc02/652.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 5.35, 3.48,lock,16082,15826,1029,1pps 2004.089.21:39:48.72/bbc03/752.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 5.70, 3.92,lock,16035,16085,1027,1pps 2004.089.21:39:48.80/bbc04/912.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 8.24, 7.18,lock,16280,16270,1024,1pps 2004.089.21:39:48.88/bbc05/652.99,c,8,8,1,agc,-12.64,-13.24,lock,15168,15798,1025,1pps 2004.089.21:39:48.96/bbc06/772.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -6.92, -6.92,lock,15972,15636,1030,1pps 2004.089.21:39:49.04/bbc07/832.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -9.32, -9.32,lock,15330,16170,1033,1pps 2004.089.21:39:49.12/bbc08/852.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -6.92, -7.86,lock,15548,15582,1028,1pps 2004.089.21:39:49.21/bbc09/692.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.50, 4.26,lock,16314,16234,1020,1pps 2004.089.21:39:49.29/bbc10/700.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.18, 2.73,lock,16284,16118,1026,1pps 2004.089.21:39:49.37/bbc11/716.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 2.01, 2.53,lock,16115,16327,1022,1pps 2004.089.21:39:49.46/bbc12/772.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 7.18, 5.98,lock,16269,16238,1019,1pps 2004.089.21:39:49.54/bbc13/804.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 9.50, 9.32,lock,16239,16275,1031,1pps 2004.089.21:39:49.62/bbc14/812.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 7.97, 7.81,lock,16239,16262,1021,1pps 2004.089.21:39:50.35#antcn#Received message for antenna: GETS 2004.089.21:39:51.34#antcn#ACU: MJD: 53093, UTC: 77990, Src: ext. 1pps present 2004.089.21:39:51.34#antcn#ACU: Azimuth: Pos: -386972, Dev: -5, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.089.21:39:51.34#antcn#ACU: Elevation: Pos: 481519, Dev: -7, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.089.21:39:51.34#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.089.21:39:51.34#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.089.21:39:51.34#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.089.21:39:51.34#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.089.21:39:51.34#antcn#ACU: Az: no fault , no fault 2004.089.21:39:51.34#antcn#ACU: El: no fault , no fault 2004.089.21:39:51.35/antenna/ACK 2004.089.21:39:51.35:!2004.089.21:42:51 2004.089.21:42:51.00:data_valid=off 2004.089.21:42:51.01:disc_end 2004.089.21:42:51.27/disc_end/usn-0079/960/1024OK 2004.089.21:42:51.27:disc_pos 2004.089.21:42:51.28/disc_pos/151425335848,145051876344, 2004.089.21:42:51.28:disc_check 2004.089.21:42:51.80/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y089d21h42m51.233s,28156,0.00250s,80000,4090516216, 2004.089.21:42:51.80:postob_mk5a 2004.089.21:42:51.81/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 287679 : 1253 : 1 : 3 : 0 : 1 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.21:42:51.82/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 287728 : 1186 : 1 : 14 : 3 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.21:42:51.83/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 287708 : 1222 : 1 : 3 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.21:42:51.84/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 287467 : 1451 : 0 : 14 : 1 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.21:42:51.85/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 287488 : 1447 : 2 : 3 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.21:42:51.86/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 287421 : 1503 : 2 : 8 : 1 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.21:42:51.87/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 287653 : 1284 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.21:42:51.87/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 287657 : 1278 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.21:42:52.08/cable/3.718309505E-3 2004.089.21:42:53.98/fmout-gps/-7.492936E-6 2004.089.21:42:54.47/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,21.70 2004.089.21:42:54.92/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,21.40 2004.089.21:42:55.37/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.80 2004.089.21:42:55.82/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,13.80 2004.089.21:42:56.27/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.601 2004.089.21:42:56.72/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.000 2004.089.21:42:57.17/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,4.133 2004.089.21:42:57.62/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,68.11 2004.089.21:42:58.07/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,56.07 2004.089.21:42:58.57/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.217 2004.089.21:42:59.07/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,244.6 2004.089.21:42:59.57/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,66.66 2004.089.21:42:59.57:scan_name=089-2153b,r1116,85 2004.089.21:42:59.58:source=0454-234,045703.18,-232452.0,2000.0,cw 2004.089.21:43:04.36:setup4f 2004.089.21:43:06.99/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.089.21:43:07.00/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.089.21:43:07.03/bank_check/usn-0079/960/1024OK,VNVD06G4H7982L,VNVD06G4H79L4L,VNVD06G4H79RWL,VNVD06G4H71WBL,VNVD06G4H79GKL,VNVD06G4H79D4L,VNVD06G4H700TL,VNVD06G4H79GUL 2004.089.21:43:07.05/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 73 ; 2004.089.21:43:07.05:!2004.089.21:53:31 2004.089.21:53:31.00:disc_pos 2004.089.21:53:31.02/disc_pos/151425335848,151424335848, 2004.089.21:53:31.02:disc_start=on 2004.089.21:53:32.05:!2004.089.21:53:31 2004.089.21:53:32.06:preob 2004.089.21:53:33.37#antcn#ACK 2004.089.21:53:33.37/onsource/TRACKING 2004.089.21:53:36.11/tpical/1l,15683,1u,16016,2u,16147,3u,15944,4u,16225 2004.089.21:53:36.11/tpical/9u,16085,au,16197,bu,16152,cu,16287,du,16258,eu,16265 2004.089.21:53:36.11/tpical/5u,16050,6u,15785,7u,16073,8l,15135,8u,16133 2004.089.21:53:36.26/tpgain/1l,45,1u,50,2u,118,3u,122,4u,164 2004.089.21:53:36.26/tpgain/9u,103,au,100,bu,79,cu,143,du,187,eu,157 2004.089.21:53:36.26/tpgain/5u,15,6u,28,7u,22,8l,25,8u,29 2004.089.21:53:36.29:!2004.089.21:53:41 2004.089.21:53:41.00:disc_pos 2004.089.21:53:41.01/disc_pos/151681126400,151424335848, 2004.089.21:53:41.03:data_valid=on 2004.089.21:53:41.03:midob 2004.089.21:53:41.21/tpi/1l,15674,1u,16020,2u,16155,3u,15963,4u,16234 2004.089.21:53:41.21/tpi/9u,16090,au,16193,bu,16153,cu,16272,du,16265,eu,16258 2004.089.21:53:41.21/tpi/5u,16058,6u,15794,7u,16082,8l,15142,8u,16121 2004.089.21:53:41.82?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 1l overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.21:53:41.82?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 8l overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.21:53:41.82?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 1u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.21:53:41.82?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 2u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.21:53:41.82?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 3u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.21:53:41.82?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 4u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.21:53:41.82?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 5u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.21:53:41.82?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 6u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.21:53:41.82?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 7u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.21:53:41.82?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 8u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.21:53:41.82?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 9u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.21:53:41.82?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device au overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.21:53:41.87/tsys/1l,$$$$$$$$,1u,$$$$$$$$,2u,$$$$$$$$,3u,$$$$$$$$,4u,$$$$$$$$ 2004.089.21:53:41.87/tsys/9u,$$$$$$$$,au,$$$$$$$$,bu,13900.9,cu,3030.8,du,8289.3,eu,8115.0 2004.089.21:53:41.87/tsys/5u,$$$$$$$$,6u,$$$$$$$$,7u,$$$$$$$$,8l,$$$$$$$$,8u,$$$$$$$$ 2004.089.21:53:41.90/wx/15.6,996.5,97.7,154.8,0.0 2004.089.21:53:42.49/cable/3.718818287E-3 2004.089.21:53:42.98/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,21.80 2004.089.21:53:43.48/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,21.40 2004.089.21:53:43.98/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.80 2004.089.21:53:44.48/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,13.70 2004.089.21:53:44.98/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.601 2004.089.21:53:45.47/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.000 2004.089.21:53:45.93/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,4.480 2004.089.21:53:46.42/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,56.07 2004.089.21:53:46.87/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,60.22 2004.089.21:53:47.32/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.244 2004.089.21:53:47.77/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,241.7 2004.089.21:53:48.22/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,72.27 2004.089.21:53:48.31/bbc01/612.89,a,8,8,1,agc, -2.18, -3.10,lock,16017,15669,1018,1pps 2004.089.21:53:48.39/bbc02/652.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 5.27, 3.39,lock,16141,16181,1029,1pps 2004.089.21:53:48.47/bbc03/752.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 5.56, 3.75,lock,15960,16019,1027,1pps 2004.089.21:53:48.55/bbc04/912.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 8.13, 7.06,lock,16226,16329,1024,1pps 2004.089.21:53:48.63/bbc05/652.99,c,8,8,1,agc,-12.64,-13.89,lock,16059,14561,1025,1pps 2004.089.21:53:48.71/bbc06/772.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -7.22, -7.22,lock,15802,15434,1030,1pps 2004.089.21:53:48.79/bbc07/832.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -9.32, -9.72,lock,16062,15557,1033,1pps 2004.089.21:53:48.87/bbc08/852.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -6.92, -8.21,lock,16157,15139,1028,1pps 2004.089.21:53:48.95/bbc09/692.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.09, 3.92,lock,16108,16172,1020,1pps 2004.089.21:53:49.03/bbc10/700.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 3.84, 2.42,lock,16200,16162,1026,1pps 2004.089.21:53:49.11/bbc11/716.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 1.79, 2.11,lock,16152,16010,1022,1pps 2004.089.21:53:49.19/bbc12/772.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 6.94, 5.77,lock,16289,16248,1019,1pps 2004.089.21:53:49.27/bbc13/804.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 9.27, 9.04,lock,16268,16203,1031,1pps 2004.089.21:53:49.35/bbc14/812.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 7.75, 7.53,lock,16272,16187,1021,1pps 2004.089.21:53:49.37#antcn#Received message for antenna: GETS 2004.089.21:53:50.34#antcn#ACU: MJD: 53093, UTC: 78829, Src: ext. 1pps present 2004.089.21:53:50.34#antcn#ACU: Azimuth: Pos: -315784, Dev: -6, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.089.21:53:50.34#antcn#ACU: Elevation: Pos: 744907, Dev: -4, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.089.21:53:50.34#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.089.21:53:50.34#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.089.21:53:50.34#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.089.21:53:50.34#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.089.21:53:50.34#antcn#ACU: Az: no fault , no fault 2004.089.21:53:50.34#antcn#ACU: El: no fault , no fault 2004.089.21:53:50.35/antenna/ACK 2004.089.21:53:50.35:!2004.089.21:55:06 2004.089.21:55:06.00:data_valid=off 2004.089.21:55:06.01:disc_end 2004.089.21:55:06.27/disc_end/usn-0079/960/1024OK 2004.089.21:55:06.27:disc_pos 2004.089.21:55:06.28/disc_pos/154438786800,151425335848, 2004.089.21:55:06.29:disc_check 2004.089.21:55:06.59/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y089d21h55m06.245s,41804,0.00250s,80000,20506935400, 2004.089.21:55:06.59:postob_mk5a 2004.089.21:55:06.60/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 293404 : 1278 : 1 : 3 : 0 : 1 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.21:55:06.61/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 293446 : 1219 : 1 : 14 : 3 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.21:55:06.62/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 293434 : 1248 : 1 : 3 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.21:55:06.63/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 293193 : 1475 : 0 : 14 : 1 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.21:55:06.64/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 293210 : 1476 : 2 : 3 : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.21:55:06.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 293137 : 1537 : 2 : 8 : 1 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.21:55:06.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 293378 : 1310 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.21:55:06.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 293379 : 1306 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.21:55:07.28/cable/3.719393120E-3 2004.089.21:55:07.98/fmout-gps/-7.465118E-6 2004.089.21:55:08.48/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,21.80 2004.089.21:55:08.98/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,21.50 2004.089.21:55:09.48/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.80 2004.089.21:55:09.98/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,13.70 2004.089.21:55:10.48/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.601 2004.089.21:55:10.98/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.015 2004.089.21:55:11.48/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,2.292 2004.089.21:55:11.98/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,56.07 2004.089.21:55:12.48/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,60.22 2004.089.21:55:12.98/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.244 2004.089.21:55:13.48/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,245.6 2004.089.21:55:13.98/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,68.85 2004.089.21:55:13.98:scan_name=089-2157,r1116,190 2004.089.21:55:13.99:source=1124-186,112704.39,-185717.4,2000.0,cw 2004.089.21:55:18.37:setup4f 2004.089.21:55:20.99/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.089.21:55:21.02/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.089.21:55:21.04/bank_check/usn-0079/960/1024OK,VNVD06G4H7982L,VNVD06G4H79L4L,VNVD06G4H79RWL,VNVD06G4H71WBL,VNVD06G4H79GKL,VNVD06G4H79D4L,VNVD06G4H700TL,VNVD06G4H79GUL 2004.089.21:55:21.05/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 75 ; 2004.089.21:55:21.06:!2004.089.21:57:44 2004.089.21:57:44.00:disc_pos 2004.089.21:57:44.00/disc_pos/154438786800,154437786800, 2004.089.21:57:44.01:disc_start=on 2004.089.21:57:45.04:!2004.089.21:57:44 2004.089.21:57:45.04:preob 2004.089.21:57:46.37#antcn#ACK 2004.089.21:57:46.37/onsource/TRACKING 2004.089.21:57:49.11/tpical/1l,15771,1u,16230,2u,16068,3u,16210,4u,16190 2004.089.21:57:49.11/tpical/9u,15997,au,15907,bu,16084,cu,16278,du,16291,eu,16253 2004.089.21:57:49.11/tpical/5u,15712,6u,15560,7u,15843,8l,16133,8u,16093 2004.089.21:57:49.26/tpgain/1l,46,1u,51,2u,118,3u,124,4u,164 2004.089.21:57:49.26/tpgain/9u,107,au,103,bu,80,cu,147,du,192,eu,160 2004.089.21:57:49.26/tpgain/5u,15,6u,28,7u,22,8l,26,8u,29 2004.089.21:57:49.30:!2004.089.21:57:54 2004.089.21:57:54.00:disc_pos 2004.089.21:57:54.00/disc_pos/154694586368,154437786800, 2004.089.21:57:54.01:data_valid=on 2004.089.21:57:54.02:midob 2004.089.21:57:54.19/tpi/1l,15784,1u,16251,2u,16041,3u,16207,4u,16187 2004.089.21:57:54.19/tpi/9u,16011,au,15920,bu,16095,cu,16292,du,16313,eu,16258 2004.089.21:57:54.19/tpi/5u,15734,6u,15565,7u,15840,8l,16122,8u,16080 2004.089.21:57:54.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 1l overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.21:57:54.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 8l overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.21:57:54.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 1u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.21:57:54.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 2u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.21:57:54.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 3u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.21:57:54.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 4u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.21:57:54.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 5u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.21:57:54.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 6u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.21:57:54.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 7u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.21:57:54.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 8u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.21:57:54.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 9u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.21:57:54.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device au overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.21:57:54.80/tsys/1l,$$$$$$$$,1u,$$$$$$$$,2u,$$$$$$$$,3u,$$$$$$$$,4u,$$$$$$$$ 2004.089.21:57:54.80/tsys/9u,$$$$$$$$,au,$$$$$$$$,bu,13496.6,cu,2861.8,du,7859.4,eu,7790.9 2004.089.21:57:54.80/tsys/5u,$$$$$$$$,6u,$$$$$$$$,7u,$$$$$$$$,8l,$$$$$$$$,8u,$$$$$$$$ 2004.089.21:57:54.81/wx/15.9,996.5,97.7,187.9,0.0 2004.089.21:57:55.28/cable/3.719017411E-3 2004.089.21:57:55.77/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,21.90 2004.089.21:57:56.27/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,21.50 2004.089.21:57:56.77/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.70 2004.089.21:57:57.27/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,13.80 2004.089.21:57:57.77/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.601 2004.089.21:57:58.27/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.000 2004.089.21:57:58.77/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,4.480 2004.089.21:57:59.27/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,60.22 2004.089.21:57:59.77/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,62.85 2004.089.21:58:00.27/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.244 2004.089.21:58:00.77/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,239.0 2004.089.21:58:01.27/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,70.56 2004.089.21:58:01.37/bbc01/612.89,a,8,8,1,agc, -2.01, -2.91,lock,16244,15762,1018,1pps 2004.089.21:58:01.45/bbc02/652.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 5.27, 3.39,lock,16071,16190,1029,1pps 2004.089.21:58:01.53/bbc03/752.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 5.70, 3.84,lock,16207,16074,1027,1pps 2004.089.21:58:01.61/bbc04/912.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 8.13, 7.06,lock,16180,16226,1024,1pps 2004.089.21:58:01.69/bbc05/652.99,c,8,8,1,agc,-12.64,-13.89,lock,15706,14372,1025,1pps 2004.089.21:58:01.77/bbc06/772.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -7.22, -6.92,lock,15560,16173,1030,1pps 2004.089.21:58:01.85/bbc07/832.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -9.32, -9.72,lock,15834,15351,1033,1pps 2004.089.21:58:01.93/bbc08/852.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -6.92, -7.86,lock,16072,16127,1028,1pps 2004.089.21:58:02.01/bbc09/692.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.42, 4.26,lock,16011,16165,1020,1pps 2004.089.21:58:02.10/bbc10/700.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.09, 2.73,lock,15933,16013,1026,1pps 2004.089.21:58:02.18/bbc11/716.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 1.90, 2.42,lock,16087,16105,1022,1pps 2004.089.21:58:02.26/bbc12/772.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 7.18, 5.98,lock,16300,16246,1019,1pps 2004.089.21:58:02.34/bbc13/804.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 9.50, 9.27,lock,16302,16204,1031,1pps 2004.089.21:58:02.42/bbc14/812.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 7.92, 7.75,lock,16264,16179,1021,1pps 2004.089.21:58:03.36#antcn#Received message for antenna: GETS 2004.089.21:58:04.34#antcn#ACU: MJD: 53093, UTC: 79083, Src: ext. 1pps present 2004.089.21:58:04.34#antcn#ACU: Azimuth: Pos: 1040553, Dev: 0, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.089.21:58:04.34#antcn#ACU: Elevation: Pos: 130507, Dev: -8, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.089.21:58:04.34#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.089.21:58:04.34#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.089.21:58:04.34#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.089.21:58:04.34#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.089.21:58:04.34#antcn#ACU: Az: no fault , no fault 2004.089.21:58:04.34#antcn#ACU: El: no fault , no fault 2004.089.21:58:04.35/antenna/ACK 2004.089.21:58:04.35:!2004.089.22:01:04 2004.089.22:01:04.00:data_valid=off 2004.089.22:01:04.01:disc_end 2004.089.22:01:04.27/disc_end/usn-0079/960/1024OK 2004.089.22:01:04.27:disc_pos 2004.089.22:01:04.28/disc_pos/160812251616,154438786800, 2004.089.22:01:04.28:disc_check 2004.089.22:01:04.58/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y089d22h01m04.237s,63756,0.00250s,80000,5082273232, 2004.089.22:01:04.58:postob_mk5a 2004.089.22:01:04.60/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 305513 : 1328 : 1 : 3 : 0 : 1 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.22:01:04.61/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 305549 : 1276 : 1 : 14 : 3 : 0 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.22:01:04.62/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 305552 : 1289 : 1 : 3 : 0 : 0 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.22:01:04.62/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 305304 : 1523 : 0 : 14 : 1 : 5 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.22:01:04.63/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 305315 : 1530 : 2 : 3 : 0 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.22:01:04.64/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 305252 : 1582 : 2 : 8 : 1 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.22:01:04.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 305487 : 1360 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.22:01:04.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 305484 : 1360 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.22:01:04.88/cable/3.717857272E-3 2004.089.22:01:05.97/fmout-gps/-7.526253E-6 2004.089.22:01:06.47/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,21.90 2004.089.22:01:06.93/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,21.60 2004.089.22:01:07.43/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.70 2004.089.22:01:07.93/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,13.90 2004.089.22:01:08.43/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.604 2004.089.22:01:08.92/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.015 2004.089.22:01:09.37/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,1.488 2004.089.22:01:09.87/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,51.90 2004.089.22:01:10.32/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,60.22 2004.089.22:01:10.77/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.244 2004.089.22:01:11.22/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,240.0 2004.089.22:01:11.68/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,69.83 2004.089.22:01:11.68:scan_name=089-2203,r1116,77 2004.089.22:01:11.69:source=0727-115,073019.11,-114112.6,2000.0,cw 2004.089.22:01:16.37:setup4f 2004.089.22:01:18.98/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.089.22:01:18.99/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.089.22:01:19.03/bank_check/usn-0079/960/1024OK,VNVD06G4H7982L,VNVD06G4H79L4L,VNVD06G4H79RWL,VNVD06G4H71WBL,VNVD06G4H79GKL,VNVD06G4H79D4L,VNVD06G4H700TL,VNVD06G4H79GUL 2004.089.22:01:19.05/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 77 ; 2004.089.22:01:19.07:!2004.089.22:03:18 2004.089.22:03:18.00:disc_pos 2004.089.22:03:18.00/disc_pos/160812251616,160811251616, 2004.089.22:03:18.01:disc_start=on 2004.089.22:03:19.05:!2004.089.22:03:18 2004.089.22:03:19.05:preob 2004.089.22:03:20.37#antcn#ACK 2004.089.22:03:20.37/onsource/TRACKING 2004.089.22:03:23.11/tpical/1l,15830,1u,16141,2u,16149,3u,16282,4u,16323 2004.089.22:03:23.11/tpical/9u,16156,au,16284,bu,16328,cu,16320,du,16230,eu,16279 2004.089.22:03:23.11/tpical/5u,15309,6u,16072,7u,15399,8l,15624,8u,15534 2004.089.22:03:23.26/tpgain/1l,47,1u,52,2u,121,3u,127,4u,168 2004.089.22:03:23.26/tpgain/9u,106,au,103,bu,80,cu,146,du,191,eu,160 2004.089.22:03:23.26/tpgain/5u,15,6u,29,7u,22,8l,26,8u,29 2004.089.22:03:23.29:!2004.089.22:03:28 2004.089.22:03:28.00:disc_pos 2004.089.22:03:28.00/disc_pos/161068048384,160811251616, 2004.089.22:03:28.03:data_valid=on 2004.089.22:03:28.03:midob 2004.089.22:03:28.20/tpi/1l,15844,1u,16155,2u,16152,3u,16278,4u,16323 2004.089.22:03:28.20/tpi/9u,16171,au,16285,bu,16316,cu,16313,du,16233,eu,16302 2004.089.22:03:28.20/tpi/5u,15327,6u,16091,7u,15412,8l,15639,8u,15548 2004.089.22:03:28.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 1l overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.22:03:28.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 8l overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.22:03:28.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 1u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.22:03:28.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 2u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.22:03:28.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 3u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.22:03:28.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 4u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.22:03:28.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 5u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.22:03:28.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 6u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.22:03:28.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 7u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.22:03:28.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 8u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.22:03:28.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 9u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.22:03:28.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device au overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.22:03:28.81/tsys/1l,$$$$$$$$,1u,$$$$$$$$,2u,$$$$$$$$,3u,$$$$$$$$,4u,$$$$$$$$ 2004.089.22:03:28.81/tsys/9u,$$$$$$$$,au,$$$$$$$$,bu,13686.9,cu,2907.7,du,7906.0,eu,7813.6 2004.089.22:03:28.82/tsys/5u,$$$$$$$$,6u,$$$$$$$$,7u,$$$$$$$$,8l,$$$$$$$$,8u,$$$$$$$$ 2004.089.22:03:28.82/wx/15.5,996.3,97.7,195.5,0.4 2004.089.22:03:28.88/cable/3.719080859E-3 2004.089.22:03:29.37/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,21.90 2004.089.22:03:29.87/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,21.60 2004.089.22:03:30.37/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.80 2004.089.22:03:30.87/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,13.90 2004.089.22:03:31.37/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.604 2004.089.22:03:31.87/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.000 2004.089.22:03:32.37/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,2.619 2004.089.22:03:32.87/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,65.48 2004.089.22:03:33.37/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,66.80 2004.089.22:03:33.87/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.217 2004.089.22:03:34.37/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,245.6 2004.089.22:03:34.87/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,71.54 2004.089.22:03:34.96/bbc01/612.89,a,8,8,1,agc, -1.84, -2.72,lock,16165,15849,1018,1pps 2004.089.22:03:35.04/bbc02/652.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 5.49, 3.48,lock,16174,16085,1029,1pps 2004.089.22:03:35.12/bbc03/752.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 5.91, 4.01,lock,16311,16154,1027,1pps 2004.089.22:03:35.20/bbc04/912.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 8.34, 7.24,lock,16328,16254,1024,1pps 2004.089.22:03:35.28/bbc05/652.99,c,8,8,1,agc,-12.64,-13.24,lock,15323,15975,1025,1pps 2004.089.22:03:35.36/bbc06/772.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -6.92, -6.92,lock,16082,15700,1030,1pps 2004.089.22:03:35.44/bbc07/832.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -9.32, -9.32,lock,15427,16311,1033,1pps 2004.089.22:03:35.52/bbc08/852.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -6.92, -7.86,lock,15560,15650,1028,1pps 2004.089.22:03:35.61/bbc09/692.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.34, 4.18,lock,16152,16278,1020,1pps 2004.089.22:03:35.69/bbc10/700.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.09, 2.63,lock,16294,15989,1026,1pps 2004.089.22:03:35.77/bbc11/716.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 1.90, 2.32,lock,16319,16041,1022,1pps 2004.089.22:03:35.85/bbc12/772.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 7.12, 6.05,lock,16325,15857,1019,1pps 2004.089.22:03:35.94/bbc13/804.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 9.46, 9.27,lock,16243,16225,1031,1pps 2004.089.22:03:36.02/bbc14/812.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 7.92, 7.75,lock,16301,16272,1021,1pps 2004.089.22:03:36.37#antcn#Received message for antenna: GETS 2004.089.22:03:37.35#antcn#ACU: MJD: 53093, UTC: 79416, Src: ext. 1pps present 2004.089.22:03:37.35#antcn#ACU: Azimuth: Pos: 510864, Dev: -5, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.089.22:03:37.35#antcn#ACU: Elevation: Pos: 549215, Dev: -1, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.089.22:03:37.35#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.089.22:03:37.35#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.089.22:03:37.35#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.089.22:03:37.35#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.089.22:03:37.35#antcn#ACU: Az: no fault , no fault 2004.089.22:03:37.35#antcn#ACU: El: no fault , no fault 2004.089.22:03:37.36/antenna/ACK 2004.089.22:03:37.36:!2004.089.22:04:45 2004.089.22:04:45.00:data_valid=off 2004.089.22:04:45.01:disc_end 2004.089.22:04:45.26/disc_end/usn-0079/960/1024OK 2004.089.22:04:45.27:disc_pos 2004.089.22:04:45.28/disc_pos/163569335040,160812251616, 2004.089.22:04:45.28:disc_check 2004.089.22:04:45.58/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y089d22h04m45.235s,47760,0.00250s,80000,4314852572, 2004.089.22:04:45.59:postob_mk5a 2004.089.22:04:45.60/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 310751 : 1351 : 1 : 3 : 0 : 1 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.22:04:45.62/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 310786 : 1301 : 1 : 14 : 3 : 0 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.22:04:45.63/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 310788 : 1314 : 1 : 3 : 0 : 0 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.22:04:45.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 310549 : 1540 : 0 : 14 : 1 : 5 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.22:04:45.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 310548 : 1558 : 2 : 3 : 0 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.22:04:45.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 310485 : 1611 : 2 : 8 : 1 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.22:04:45.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 310730 : 1380 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.22:04:45.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 310721 : 1384 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.22:04:46.48/cable/3.719520090E-3 2004.089.22:04:47.97/fmout-gps/-7.559117E-6 2004.089.22:04:48.47/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,22.00 2004.089.22:04:48.93/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,21.60 2004.089.22:04:49.43/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.80 2004.089.22:04:49.92/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,13.90 2004.089.22:04:50.37/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.604 2004.089.22:04:50.87/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.015 2004.089.22:04:51.32/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,1.172 2004.089.22:04:51.82/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,61.54 2004.089.22:04:52.27/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,65.48 2004.089.22:04:52.72/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.244 2004.089.22:04:53.17/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,244.6 2004.089.22:04:53.62/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,66.17 2004.089.22:04:53.62:scan_name=089-2205,r1116,105 2004.089.22:04:53.63:source=0607-157,060940.95,-154240.7,2000.0,cw 2004.089.22:04:58.38:setup4f 2004.089.22:05:00.98/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.089.22:05:00.99/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.089.22:05:01.02/bank_check/usn-0079/960/1024OK,VNVD06G4H7982L,VNVD06G4H79L4L,VNVD06G4H79RWL,VNVD06G4H71WBL,VNVD06G4H79GKL,VNVD06G4H79D4L,VNVD06G4H700TL,VNVD06G4H79GUL 2004.089.22:05:01.04/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 79 ; 2004.089.22:05:01.04:!2004.089.22:05:18 2004.089.22:05:18.00:disc_pos 2004.089.22:05:18.00/disc_pos/163569335040,163568335040, 2004.089.22:05:18.01:disc_start=on 2004.089.22:05:19.05:!2004.089.22:05:18 2004.089.22:05:19.05:preob 2004.089.22:05:20.37#antcn#ACK 2004.089.22:05:20.37/onsource/TRACKING 2004.089.22:05:23.11/tpical/1l,15924,1u,16303,2u,16118,3u,16260,4u,16254 2004.089.22:05:23.11/tpical/9u,16128,au,16261,bu,15928,cu,15964,du,16234,eu,16238 2004.089.22:05:23.11/tpical/5u,15845,6u,15607,7u,15899,8l,16104,8u,15998 2004.089.22:05:23.26/tpgain/1l,46,1u,51,2u,119,3u,124,4u,165 2004.089.22:05:23.26/tpgain/9u,104,au,101,bu,79,cu,143,du,188,eu,157 2004.089.22:05:23.26/tpgain/5u,15,6u,28,7u,22,8l,26,8u,29 2004.089.22:05:23.29:!2004.089.22:05:28 2004.089.22:05:28.00:disc_pos 2004.089.22:05:28.00/disc_pos/163825131520,163568335040, 2004.089.22:05:28.01:data_valid=on 2004.089.22:05:28.02:midob 2004.089.22:05:28.19/tpi/1l,15911,1u,16288,2u,16144,3u,16223,4u,16249 2004.089.22:05:28.19/tpi/9u,16133,au,16251,bu,15937,cu,15973,du,16239,eu,16159 2004.089.22:05:28.19/tpi/5u,15839,6u,15596,7u,15890,8l,16063,8u,15951 2004.089.22:05:28.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 1l overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.22:05:28.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 8l overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.22:05:28.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 1u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.22:05:28.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 2u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.22:05:28.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 3u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.22:05:28.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 4u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.22:05:28.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 5u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.22:05:28.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 6u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.22:05:28.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 7u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.22:05:28.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 8u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.22:05:28.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 9u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.22:05:28.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device au overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.22:05:28.81/tsys/1l,$$$$$$$$,1u,$$$$$$$$,2u,$$$$$$$$,3u,$$$$$$$$,4u,$$$$$$$$ 2004.089.22:05:28.82/tsys/9u,$$$$$$$$,au,$$$$$$$$,bu,13710.2,cu,2971.7,du,8181.5,eu,8061.8 2004.089.22:05:28.82/tsys/5u,$$$$$$$$,6u,$$$$$$$$,7u,$$$$$$$$,8l,$$$$$$$$,8u,$$$$$$$$ 2004.089.22:05:28.83/wx/15.5,996.5,97.7,189.5,0.1 2004.089.22:05:29.68/cable/3.718544514E-3 2004.089.22:05:30.17/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,21.90 2004.089.22:05:30.67/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,21.60 2004.089.22:05:31.17/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.90 2004.089.22:05:31.67/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,13.90 2004.089.22:05:32.17/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.604 2004.089.22:05:32.67/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.000 2004.089.22:05:33.17/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,5.902 2004.089.22:05:33.67/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,54.68 2004.089.22:05:34.17/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,68.11 2004.089.22:05:34.67/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.271 2004.089.22:05:35.17/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,244.8 2004.089.22:05:35.67/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,67.88 2004.089.22:05:35.76/bbc01/612.89,a,8,8,1,agc, -2.01, -2.91,lock,16303,15906,1018,1pps 2004.089.22:05:35.84/bbc02/652.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 5.35, 3.39,lock,16134,15908,1029,1pps 2004.089.22:05:35.92/bbc03/752.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 5.70, 3.84,lock,16215,16140,1027,1pps 2004.089.22:05:36.00/bbc04/912.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 8.19, 7.12,lock,16238,16353,1024,1pps 2004.089.22:05:36.08/bbc05/652.99,c,8,8,1,agc,-12.64,-13.89,lock,15838,14371,1025,1pps 2004.089.22:05:36.16/bbc06/772.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -7.22, -6.92,lock,15578,16229,1030,1pps 2004.089.22:05:36.24/bbc07/832.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -9.32, -9.72,lock,15889,15408,1033,1pps 2004.089.22:05:36.33/bbc08/852.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -6.92, -7.86,lock,15929,16055,1028,1pps 2004.089.22:05:36.41/bbc09/692.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.18, 4.01,lock,16129,16173,1020,1pps 2004.089.22:05:36.49/bbc10/700.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 3.92, 2.53,lock,16247,16185,1026,1pps 2004.089.22:05:36.57/bbc11/716.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 1.79, 2.22,lock,15905,16059,1022,1pps 2004.089.22:05:36.66/bbc12/772.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 7.00, 5.91,lock,15969,16352,1019,1pps 2004.089.22:05:36.74/bbc13/804.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 9.32, 9.13,lock,16242,16289,1031,1pps 2004.089.22:05:36.82/bbc14/812.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 7.75, 7.64,lock,16186,16304,1021,1pps 2004.089.22:05:37.38#antcn#Received message for antenna: GETS 2004.089.22:05:38.35#antcn#ACU: MJD: 53093, UTC: 79537, Src: ext. 1pps present 2004.089.22:05:38.35#antcn#ACU: Azimuth: Pos: 169272, Dev: -2, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.089.22:05:38.35#antcn#ACU: Elevation: Pos: 680149, Dev: -4, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.089.22:05:38.35#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.089.22:05:38.35#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.089.22:05:38.35#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.089.22:05:38.35#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.089.22:05:38.35#antcn#ACU: Az: no fault , no fault 2004.089.22:05:38.35#antcn#ACU: El: no fault , no fault 2004.089.22:05:38.36/antenna/ACK 2004.089.22:05:38.36:!2004.089.22:07:13 2004.089.22:07:13.00:data_valid=off 2004.089.22:07:13.01:disc_end 2004.089.22:07:13.27/disc_end/usn-0079/960/1024OK 2004.089.22:07:13.27:disc_pos 2004.089.22:07:13.28/disc_pos/167222588808,163569335040, 2004.089.22:07:13.28:disc_check 2004.089.22:07:13.59/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y089d22h07m13.240s,50792,0.00250s,80000,1082903200, 2004.089.22:07:13.59:postob_mk5a 2004.089.22:07:13.60/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 317691 : 1382 : 1 : 3 : 0 : 1 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.22:07:13.61/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 317730 : 1328 : 1 : 14 : 3 : 0 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.22:07:13.62/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 317735 : 1338 : 1 : 3 : 0 : 0 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.22:07:13.62/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 317492 : 1568 : 0 : 14 : 1 : 5 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.22:07:13.63/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 317473 : 1604 : 2 : 3 : 0 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.22:07:13.64/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 317427 : 1641 : 2 : 8 : 1 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.22:07:13.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 317674 : 1407 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.22:07:13.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 317664 : 1412 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.22:07:14.48/cable/3.720035686E-3 2004.089.22:07:15.97/fmout-gps/-7.541078E-6 2004.089.22:07:16.47/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,21.90 2004.089.22:07:16.97/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,21.60 2004.089.22:07:17.47/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.90 2004.089.22:07:17.97/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,13.90 2004.089.22:07:18.47/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.601 2004.089.22:07:18.97/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.000 2004.089.22:07:19.47/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,6.084 2004.089.22:07:19.97/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,56.07 2004.089.22:07:20.47/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,61.54 2004.089.22:07:20.97/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.244 2004.089.22:07:21.47/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,245.3 2004.089.22:07:21.97/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,70.81 2004.089.22:07:21.97:scan_name=089-2218,r1116,124 2004.089.22:07:21.98:source=0552+398,055530.81,394849.2,2000.0,cw 2004.089.22:07:26.37:setup4f 2004.089.22:07:28.98/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.089.22:07:28.99/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.089.22:07:29.02/bank_check/usn-0079/960/1024OK,VNVD06G4H7982L,VNVD06G4H79L4L,VNVD06G4H79RWL,VNVD06G4H71WBL,VNVD06G4H79GKL,VNVD06G4H79D4L,VNVD06G4H700TL,VNVD06G4H79GUL 2004.089.22:07:29.04/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 81 ; 2004.089.22:07:29.04:!2004.089.22:18:33 2004.089.22:18:33.00:disc_pos 2004.089.22:18:33.00/disc_pos/167222588808,167221588808, 2004.089.22:18:33.01:disc_start=on 2004.089.22:18:34.05:!2004.089.22:18:33 2004.089.22:18:34.05:preob 2004.089.22:18:35.39#antcn#ACK 2004.089.22:18:35.39/onsource/TRACKING 2004.089.22:18:38.13/tpical/1l,16228,1u,15938,2u,16102,3u,16119,4u,16223 2004.089.22:18:38.13/tpical/9u,15907,au,16022,bu,16082,cu,16333,du,16297,eu,16221 2004.089.22:18:38.13/tpical/5u,15454,6u,15313,7u,15556,8l,15772,8u,15772 2004.089.22:18:38.28/tpgain/1l,47,1u,51,2u,117,3u,124,4u,165 2004.089.22:18:38.28/tpgain/9u,108,au,104,bu,84,cu,149,du,194,eu,162 2004.089.22:18:38.28/tpgain/5u,15,6u,28,7u,22,8l,26,8u,29 2004.089.22:18:38.31:!2004.089.22:18:43 2004.089.22:18:43.00:disc_pos 2004.089.22:18:43.00/disc_pos/167478386688,167221588808, 2004.089.22:18:43.01:data_valid=on 2004.089.22:18:43.02:midob 2004.089.22:18:43.19/tpi/1l,16233,1u,15938,2u,16057,3u,16123,4u,16223 2004.089.22:18:43.19/tpi/9u,15904,au,16046,bu,16069,cu,16334,du,16289,eu,16210 2004.089.22:18:43.19/tpi/5u,15467,6u,15328,7u,15543,8l,15784,8u,15776 2004.089.22:18:43.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 1l overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.22:18:43.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 8l overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.22:18:43.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 1u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.22:18:43.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 2u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.22:18:43.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 3u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.22:18:43.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 4u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.22:18:43.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 5u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.22:18:43.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 6u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.22:18:43.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 7u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.22:18:43.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 8u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.22:18:43.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 9u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.22:18:43.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device au overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.22:18:43.80/tsys/1l,$$$$$$$$,1u,$$$$$$$$,2u,$$$$$$$$,3u,$$$$$$$$,4u,$$$$$$$$ 2004.089.22:18:43.80/tsys/9u,$$$$$$$$,au,$$$$$$$$,bu,12187.7,cu,2788.2,du,7674.6,eu,7560.6 2004.089.22:18:43.80/tsys/5u,$$$$$$$$,6u,$$$$$$$$,7u,$$$$$$$$,8l,$$$$$$$$,8u,$$$$$$$$ 2004.089.22:18:43.81/wx/15.5,996.3,97.7,190.1,0.1 2004.089.22:18:44.08/cable/3.718864413E-3 2004.089.22:18:44.58/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,22.00 2004.089.22:18:45.08/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,21.80 2004.089.22:18:45.58/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.80 2004.089.22:18:46.08/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,14.00 2004.089.22:18:46.58/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.606 2004.089.22:18:47.08/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.000 2004.089.22:18:47.58/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,1.330 2004.089.22:18:48.08/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,60.22 2004.089.22:18:48.58/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,58.85 2004.089.22:18:49.08/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.244 2004.089.22:18:49.58/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,244.6 2004.089.22:18:50.08/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,72.03 2004.089.22:18:50.17/bbc01/612.89,a,8,8,1,agc, -2.01, -2.72,lock,15962,16254,1018,1pps 2004.089.22:18:50.25/bbc02/652.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 5.20, 3.30,lock,16033,16115,1029,1pps 2004.089.22:18:50.33/bbc03/752.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 5.70, 3.84,lock,16126,16066,1027,1pps 2004.089.22:18:50.41/bbc04/912.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 8.19, 7.12,lock,16237,16357,1024,1pps 2004.089.22:18:50.49/bbc05/652.99,c,8,8,1,agc,-12.64,-13.89,lock,15452,14105,1025,1pps 2004.089.22:18:50.57/bbc06/772.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -7.22, -6.92,lock,15339,15927,1030,1pps 2004.089.22:18:50.65/bbc07/832.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -9.32, -9.72,lock,15517,15007,1033,1pps 2004.089.22:18:50.73/bbc08/852.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -6.92, -7.86,lock,15782,15756,1028,1pps 2004.089.22:18:50.81/bbc09/692.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.50, 4.34,lock,15882,16000,1020,1pps 2004.089.22:18:50.89/bbc10/700.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.18, 2.82,lock,16002,15963,1026,1pps 2004.089.22:18:50.97/bbc11/716.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 2.32, 2.42,lock,16036,15683,1022,1pps 2004.089.22:18:51.05/bbc12/772.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 7.30, 6.11,lock,16291,16200,1019,1pps 2004.089.22:18:51.13/bbc13/804.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 9.59, 9.41,lock,16263,16174,1031,1pps 2004.089.22:18:51.21/bbc14/812.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 8.03, 7.92,lock,16187,16120,1021,1pps 2004.089.22:18:51.39#antcn#Received message for antenna: GETS 2004.089.22:18:52.36#antcn#ACU: MJD: 53093, UTC: 80331, Src: ext. 1pps present 2004.089.22:18:52.36#antcn#ACU: Azimuth: Pos: -3608, Dev: -2, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.089.22:18:52.36#antcn#ACU: Elevation: Pos: 133669, Dev: 1, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.089.22:18:52.36#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.089.22:18:52.36#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.089.22:18:52.36#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.089.22:18:52.36#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.089.22:18:52.36#antcn#ACU: Az: no fault , no fault 2004.089.22:18:52.36#antcn#ACU: El: no fault , no fault 2004.089.22:18:52.37/antenna/ACK 2004.089.22:18:52.37:!2004.089.22:20:47 2004.089.22:20:47.00:data_valid=off 2004.089.22:20:47.01:disc_end 2004.089.22:20:47.27/disc_end/usn-0079/960/1024OK 2004.089.22:20:47.27:disc_pos 2004.089.22:20:47.28/disc_pos/171483962872,167222588808, 2004.089.22:20:47.29:disc_check 2004.089.22:20:47.58/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y089d22h20m47.242s,42424,0.00250s,80000,21786714304, 2004.089.22:20:47.59:postob_mk5a 2004.089.22:20:47.61/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 325782 : 1422 : 1 : 3 : 0 : 1 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.22:20:47.62/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 325826 : 1363 : 1 : 14 : 3 : 0 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.22:20:47.63/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 325832 : 1372 : 1 : 3 : 0 : 0 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.22:20:47.64/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 325594 : 1600 : 0 : 14 : 1 : 5 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.22:20:47.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 325574 : 1634 : 2 : 3 : 0 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.22:20:47.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 325525 : 1674 : 2 : 8 : 1 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.22:20:47.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 325769 : 1443 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.22:20:47.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 325756 : 1451 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.22:20:48.08/cable/3.719619178E-3 2004.089.22:20:49.97/fmout-gps/-7.487294E-6 2004.089.22:20:50.43/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,22.00 2004.089.22:20:50.93/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,21.80 2004.089.22:20:51.43/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.70 2004.089.22:20:51.93/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,14.00 2004.089.22:20:52.43/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.608 2004.089.22:20:52.93/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.000 2004.089.22:20:53.43/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,4.306 2004.089.22:20:53.93/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,65.48 2004.089.22:20:54.43/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,61.54 2004.089.22:20:54.93/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.244 2004.089.22:20:55.43/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,238.7 2004.089.22:20:55.93/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,70.07 2004.089.22:20:55.93:scan_name=089-2228,r1116,85 2004.089.22:20:55.94:source=0454-234,045703.18,-232452.0,2000.0,cw 2004.089.22:21:00.38:setup4f 2004.089.22:21:02.98/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.089.22:21:02.99/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.089.22:21:03.02/bank_check/usn-0079/960/1024OK,VNVD06G4H7982L,VNVD06G4H79L4L,VNVD06G4H79RWL,VNVD06G4H71WBL,VNVD06G4H79GKL,VNVD06G4H79D4L,VNVD06G4H700TL,VNVD06G4H79GUL 2004.089.22:21:03.04/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 83 ; 2004.089.22:21:03.04:!2004.089.22:28:11 2004.089.22:28:11.00:disc_pos 2004.089.22:28:11.00/disc_pos/171483962872,171482962872, 2004.089.22:28:11.01:disc_start=on 2004.089.22:28:12.05:!2004.089.22:28:11 2004.089.22:28:12.05:preob 2004.089.22:28:13.39#antcn#ACK 2004.089.22:28:13.39/onsource/TRACKING 2004.089.22:28:16.13/tpical/1l,15821,1u,15870,2u,16115,3u,16195,4u,16207 2004.089.22:28:16.13/tpical/9u,16086,au,15990,bu,16155,cu,16132,du,16222,eu,16173 2004.089.22:28:16.13/tpical/5u,15309,6u,15168,7u,15243,8l,15400,8u,15446 2004.089.22:28:16.28/tpgain/1l,40,1u,45,2u,104,3u,112,4u,151 2004.089.22:28:16.28/tpgain/9u,107,au,103,bu,86,cu,147,du,192,eu,161 2004.089.22:28:16.28/tpgain/5u,15,6u,28,7u,22,8l,26,8u,29 2004.089.22:28:16.31:!2004.089.22:28:21 2004.089.22:28:21.00:disc_pos 2004.089.22:28:21.00/disc_pos/171739758592,171482962872, 2004.089.22:28:21.01:data_valid=on 2004.089.22:28:21.02:midob 2004.089.22:28:21.19/tpi/1l,15807,1u,15873,2u,16076,3u,16185,4u,16205 2004.089.22:28:21.19/tpi/9u,16096,au,15993,bu,16158,cu,16151,du,16233,eu,16179 2004.089.22:28:21.19/tpi/5u,15309,6u,15149,7u,15230,8l,15390,8u,15432 2004.089.22:28:21.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 1l overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.22:28:21.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 8l overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.22:28:21.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 1u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.22:28:21.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 2u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.22:28:21.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 3u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.22:28:21.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 4u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.22:28:21.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 5u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.22:28:21.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 6u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.22:28:21.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 7u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.22:28:21.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 8u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.22:28:21.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 9u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.22:28:21.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device au overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.22:28:21.81/tsys/1l,$$$$$$$$,1u,$$$$$$$$,2u,$$$$$$$$,3u,$$$$$$$$,4u,$$$$$$$$ 2004.089.22:28:21.82/tsys/9u,$$$$$$$$,au,$$$$$$$$,bu,11677.1,cu,2835.5,du,7818.1,eu,7646.6 2004.089.22:28:21.82/tsys/5u,$$$$$$$$,6u,$$$$$$$$,7u,$$$$$$$$,8l,$$$$$$$$,8u,$$$$$$$$ 2004.089.22:28:21.83/wx/15.1,996.6,97.9,255.6,0.0 2004.089.22:28:22.48/cable/3.720234127E-3 2004.089.22:28:22.98/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,22.10 2004.089.22:28:23.48/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,21.70 2004.089.22:28:23.98/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.90 2004.089.22:28:24.48/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,13.90 2004.089.22:28:24.98/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.608 2004.089.22:28:25.48/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.015 2004.089.22:28:25.98/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.091 2004.089.22:28:26.48/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,61.54 2004.089.22:28:26.98/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,64.17 2004.089.22:28:27.48/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.271 2004.089.22:28:27.98/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,245.6 2004.089.22:28:28.48/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,70.56 2004.089.22:28:28.57/bbc01/612.89,a,8,8,1,agc, -3.10, -4.12,lock,15869,15802,1018,1pps 2004.089.22:28:28.65/bbc02/652.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 4.18, 2.11,lock,16049,16030,1029,1pps 2004.089.22:28:28.73/bbc03/752.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 4.82, 3.02,lock,16179,16312,1027,1pps 2004.089.22:28:28.81/bbc04/912.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 7.42, 6.38,lock,16181,16323,1024,1pps 2004.089.22:28:28.89/bbc05/652.99,c,8,8,1,agc,-12.64,-13.24,lock,15261,15813,1025,1pps 2004.089.22:28:28.97/bbc06/772.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -7.22, -6.92,lock,15116,15689,1030,1pps 2004.089.22:28:29.05/bbc07/832.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -9.32, -9.32,lock,15162,15900,1033,1pps 2004.089.22:28:29.13/bbc08/852.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -6.92, -7.86,lock,15410,15338,1028,1pps 2004.089.22:28:29.21/bbc09/692.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.42, 4.18,lock,16085,15966,1020,1pps 2004.089.22:28:29.29/bbc10/700.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.09, 2.73,lock,15995,16168,1026,1pps 2004.089.22:28:29.37/bbc11/716.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 2.53, 2.63,lock,16134,16023,1022,1pps 2004.089.22:28:29.45/bbc12/772.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 7.18, 6.05,lock,16132,16292,1019,1pps 2004.089.22:28:29.54/bbc13/804.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 9.50, 9.32,lock,16231,16271,1031,1pps 2004.089.22:28:29.62/bbc14/812.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 7.97, 7.81,lock,16174,16207,1021,1pps 2004.089.22:28:30.39#antcn#Received message for antenna: GETS 2004.089.22:28:31.36#antcn#ACU: MJD: 53093, UTC: 80910, Src: ext. 1pps present 2004.089.22:28:31.36#antcn#ACU: Azimuth: Pos: -529616, Dev: -7, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.089.22:28:31.36#antcn#ACU: Elevation: Pos: 697597, Dev: -2, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.089.22:28:31.36#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.089.22:28:31.36#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.089.22:28:31.36#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.089.22:28:31.36#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.089.22:28:31.36#antcn#ACU: Az: no fault , no fault 2004.089.22:28:31.36#antcn#ACU: El: no fault , no fault 2004.089.22:28:31.37/antenna/ACK 2004.089.22:28:31.37:!2004.089.22:29:46 2004.089.22:29:46.00:data_valid=off 2004.089.22:29:46.01:disc_end 2004.089.22:29:46.26/disc_end/usn-0079/960/1024OK 2004.089.22:29:46.27:disc_pos 2004.089.22:29:46.28/disc_pos/174497091976,171483962872, 2004.089.22:29:46.28:disc_check 2004.089.22:29:46.58/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y089d22h29m46.237s,31312,0.00250s,80000,14234722008, 2004.089.22:29:46.59:postob_mk5a 2004.089.22:29:46.60/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 331506 : 1448 : 1 : 3 : 0 : 1 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.22:29:46.61/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 331556 : 1382 : 1 : 14 : 3 : 0 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.22:29:46.62/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 331560 : 1394 : 1 : 3 : 0 : 0 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.22:29:46.62/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 331321 : 1624 : 0 : 14 : 1 : 5 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.22:29:46.63/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 331295 : 1663 : 2 : 3 : 0 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.22:29:46.64/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 331233 : 1716 : 2 : 8 : 1 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.22:29:46.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 331491 : 1471 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.22:29:46.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 331470 : 1487 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.22:29:47.28/cable/3.722114910E-3 2004.089.22:29:47.97/fmout-gps/-7.491056E-6 2004.089.22:29:48.43/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,22.10 2004.089.22:29:48.93/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,21.70 2004.089.22:29:49.43/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.90 2004.089.22:29:49.93/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,13.90 2004.089.22:29:50.43/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.608 2004.089.22:29:50.93/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.015 2004.089.22:29:51.43/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.283 2004.089.22:29:51.93/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,65.48 2004.089.22:29:52.43/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,65.48 2004.089.22:29:52.93/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.244 2004.089.22:29:53.43/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,245.1 2004.089.22:29:53.93/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,70.07 2004.089.22:29:53.93:scan_name=089-2233,r1116,190 2004.089.22:29:53.94:source=cta26,033930.94,-014635.8,2000.0,cw 2004.089.22:29:58.40:setup4f 2004.089.22:30:00.98/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.089.22:30:00.99/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.089.22:30:01.03/bank_check/usn-0079/960/1024OK,VNVD06G4H7982L,VNVD06G4H79L4L,VNVD06G4H79RWL,VNVD06G4H71WBL,VNVD06G4H79GKL,VNVD06G4H79D4L,VNVD06G4H700TL,VNVD06G4H79GUL 2004.089.22:30:01.05/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 85 ; 2004.089.22:30:01.07:!2004.089.22:32:53 2004.089.22:32:53.00:disc_pos 2004.089.22:32:53.01/disc_pos/174497091976,174496091976, 2004.089.22:32:53.01:disc_start=on 2004.089.22:32:54.04:!2004.089.22:32:53 2004.089.22:32:54.05:preob 2004.089.22:32:55.40#antcn#ACK 2004.089.22:32:55.40/onsource/TRACKING 2004.089.22:32:58.14/tpical/1l,16249,1u,16738,2u,15933,3u,15972,4u,16211 2004.089.22:32:58.14/tpical/9u,16212,au,16073,bu,16213,cu,16259,du,16173,eu,16267 2004.089.22:32:58.14/tpical/5u,17113,6u,15118,7u,15537,8l,15487,8u,15445 2004.089.22:32:58.29/tpgain/1l,43,1u,48,2u,109,3u,117,4u,158 2004.089.22:32:58.29/tpgain/9u,105,au,107,bu,89,cu,152,du,197,eu,166 2004.089.22:32:58.29/tpgain/5u,16,6u,29,7u,23,8l,27,8u,30 2004.089.22:32:58.32:!2004.089.22:33:03 2004.089.22:33:03.00:disc_pos 2004.089.22:33:03.00/disc_pos/174752890880,174496091976, 2004.089.22:33:03.01:data_valid=on 2004.089.22:33:03.02:midob 2004.089.22:33:03.19/tpi/1l,16206,1u,16701,2u,15884,3u,15928,4u,16167 2004.089.22:33:03.19/tpi/9u,16383,au,16056,bu,16198,cu,16237,du,16155,eu,16255 2004.089.22:33:03.19/tpi/5u,17110,6u,15107,7u,15515,8l,15479,8u,15429 2004.089.22:33:03.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 1l overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.22:33:03.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 8l overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.22:33:03.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 1u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.22:33:03.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 2u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.22:33:03.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 3u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.22:33:03.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 4u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.22:33:03.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 5u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.22:33:03.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 6u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.22:33:03.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 7u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.22:33:03.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 8u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.22:33:03.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 9u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.22:33:03.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device au overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.22:33:03.81/tsys/1l,$$$$$$$$,1u,$$$$$$$$,2u,$$$$$$$$,3u,$$$$$$$$,4u,$$$$$$$$ 2004.089.22:33:03.81/tsys/9u,$$$$$$$$,au,$$$$$$$$,bu,10906.9,cu,2654.9,du,7360.2,eu,7193.3 2004.089.22:33:03.81/tsys/5u,$$$$$$$$,6u,$$$$$$$$,7u,$$$$$$$$,8l,$$$$$$$$,8u,$$$$$$$$ 2004.089.22:33:03.82/wx/15.1,996.7,97.7,232.9,0.2 2004.089.22:33:04.08/cable/3.722047189E-3 2004.089.22:33:04.58/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,22.00 2004.089.22:33:05.08/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,21.60 2004.089.22:33:05.58/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.80 2004.089.22:33:06.08/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,13.90 2004.089.22:33:06.58/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.608 2004.089.22:33:07.08/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.015 2004.089.22:33:07.58/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,1.488 2004.089.22:33:08.08/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,54.68 2004.089.22:33:08.58/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,61.54 2004.089.22:33:09.08/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.244 2004.089.22:33:09.58/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,244.3 2004.089.22:33:10.08/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,71.05 2004.089.22:33:10.17/bbc01/612.89,a,8,8,1,agc, -2.72, -3.49,lock,16608,16113,1018,1pps 2004.089.22:33:10.25/bbc02/652.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 4.66, 2.63,lock,16006,16136,1029,1pps 2004.089.22:33:10.33/bbc03/752.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 5.27, 3.48,lock,16091,16331,1027,1pps 2004.089.22:33:10.41/bbc04/912.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 7.86, 6.82,lock,16262,16239,1024,1pps 2004.089.22:33:10.49/bbc05/652.99,c,8,8,1,agc,-12.08,-13.24,lock,14236,14786,1025,1pps 2004.089.22:33:10.58/bbc06/772.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -6.62, -6.62,lock,16024,15622,1030,1pps 2004.089.22:33:10.66/bbc07/832.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -8.93, -9.32,lock,15466,14917,1033,1pps 2004.089.22:33:10.74/bbc08/852.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -6.62, -7.54,lock,15395,15444,1028,1pps 2004.089.22:33:10.82/bbc09/692.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.18, 4.50,lock,16347,15998,1020,1pps 2004.089.22:33:10.91/bbc10/700.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.42, 2.11,lock,16054,16372,1026,1pps 2004.089.22:33:10.99/bbc11/716.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 2.82, 2.92,lock,16199,15996,1022,1pps 2004.089.22:33:11.07/bbc12/772.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 7.47, 6.31,lock,16231,16238,1019,1pps 2004.089.22:33:11.15/bbc13/804.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 9.73, 9.59,lock,16155,16294,1031,1pps 2004.089.22:33:11.24/bbc14/812.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 8.24, 8.03,lock,16247,16217,1021,1pps 2004.089.22:33:11.40#antcn#Received message for antenna: GETS 2004.089.22:33:12.37#antcn#ACU: MJD: 53093, UTC: 81191, Src: ext. 1pps present 2004.089.22:33:12.37#antcn#ACU: Azimuth: Pos: -539950, Dev: 0, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.089.22:33:12.37#antcn#ACU: Elevation: Pos: 404034, Dev: -2, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.089.22:33:12.37#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.089.22:33:12.37#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.089.22:33:12.37#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.089.22:33:12.37#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.089.22:33:12.37#antcn#ACU: Az: no fault , no fault 2004.089.22:33:12.37#antcn#ACU: El: no fault , no fault 2004.089.22:33:12.38/antenna/ACK 2004.089.22:33:12.39:!2004.089.22:36:13 2004.089.22:36:13.00:data_valid=off 2004.089.22:36:13.01:disc_end 2004.089.22:36:13.27/disc_end/usn-0079/960/1024OK 2004.089.22:36:13.28:disc_pos 2004.089.22:36:13.28/disc_pos/180870556192,174497091976, 2004.089.22:36:13.29:disc_check 2004.089.22:36:13.83/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y089d22h36m13.242s,52516,0.00250s,80000,6010674580, 2004.089.22:36:13.84:postob_mk5a 2004.089.22:36:13.85/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 343608 : 1505 : 1 : 4 : 0 : 1 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.22:36:13.86/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 343662 : 1435 : 1 : 15 : 3 : 0 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.22:36:13.87/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 343675 : 1439 : 1 : 3 : 0 : 0 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.22:36:13.87/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 343431 : 1673 : 0 : 15 : 1 : 5 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.22:36:13.88/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 343392 : 1726 : 2 : 3 : 0 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.22:36:13.89/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 343336 : 1772 : 2 : 9 : 1 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.22:36:13.90/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 343609 : 1514 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.22:36:13.91/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 343576 : 1541 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.22:36:14.48/cable/3.721446364E-3 2004.089.22:36:15.97/fmout-gps/-7.523226E-6 2004.089.22:36:16.43/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,22.10 2004.089.22:36:16.88/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,21.60 2004.089.22:36:17.33/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.80 2004.089.22:36:17.78/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,13.90 2004.089.22:36:18.23/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.608 2004.089.22:36:18.68/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.000 2004.089.22:36:19.13/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.396 2004.089.22:36:19.58/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,62.85 2004.089.22:36:20.03/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,58.85 2004.089.22:36:20.48/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.244 2004.089.22:36:20.93/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,244.1 2004.089.22:36:21.38/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,66.90 2004.089.22:36:21.39:scan_name=089-2239,r1116,190 2004.089.22:36:21.39:source=1124-186,112704.39,-185717.4,2000.0,cw 2004.089.22:36:25.40:setup4f 2004.089.22:36:27.98/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.089.22:36:28.01/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.089.22:36:28.03/bank_check/usn-0079/960/1024OK,VNVD06G4H7982L,VNVD06G4H79L4L,VNVD06G4H79RWL,VNVD06G4H71WBL,VNVD06G4H79GKL,VNVD06G4H79D4L,VNVD06G4H700TL,VNVD06G4H79GUL 2004.089.22:36:28.05/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 87 ; 2004.089.22:36:28.05:!2004.089.22:39:07 2004.089.22:39:07.00:disc_pos 2004.089.22:39:07.01/disc_pos/180870556192,180869556192, 2004.089.22:39:07.01:disc_start=on 2004.089.22:39:08.04:!2004.089.22:39:07 2004.089.22:39:08.04:preob 2004.089.22:39:09.40#antcn#ACK 2004.089.22:39:09.40/onsource/TRACKING 2004.089.22:39:12.14/tpical/1l,15680,1u,16097,2u,15870,3u,16323,4u,16315 2004.089.22:39:12.14/tpical/9u,16206,au,16117,bu,15914,cu,16185,du,16287,eu,16157 2004.089.22:39:12.14/tpical/5u,13962,6u,15925,7u,15185,8l,15208,8u,16137 2004.089.22:39:12.29/tpgain/1l,43,1u,48,2u,111,3u,120,4u,160 2004.089.22:39:12.29/tpgain/9u,112,au,109,bu,90,cu,154,du,200,eu,167 2004.089.22:39:12.29/tpgain/5u,15,6u,30,7u,23,8l,27,8u,31 2004.089.22:39:12.32:!2004.089.22:39:17 2004.089.22:39:17.00:disc_pos 2004.089.22:39:17.00/disc_pos/181126352896,180869556192, 2004.089.22:39:17.01:data_valid=on 2004.089.22:39:17.02:midob 2004.089.22:39:17.19/tpi/1l,15689,1u,16103,2u,15888,3u,16338,4u,16310 2004.089.22:39:17.19/tpi/9u,16195,au,16103,bu,15887,cu,16181,du,16279,eu,16151 2004.089.22:39:17.19/tpi/5u,13953,6u,15905,7u,15188,8l,15197,8u,16134 2004.089.22:39:17.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 1l overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.22:39:17.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 8l overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.22:39:17.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 1u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.22:39:17.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 2u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.22:39:17.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 3u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.22:39:17.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 4u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.22:39:17.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 5u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.22:39:17.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 6u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.22:39:17.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 7u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.22:39:17.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 8u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.22:39:17.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 9u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.22:39:17.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device au overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.22:39:17.80/tsys/1l,$$$$$$$$,1u,$$$$$$$$,2u,$$$$$$$$,3u,$$$$$$$$,4u,$$$$$$$$ 2004.089.22:39:17.80/tsys/9u,$$$$$$$$,au,$$$$$$$$,bu,10446.2,cu,2572.1,du,7183.4,eu,7050.8 2004.089.22:39:17.81/tsys/5u,$$$$$$$$,6u,$$$$$$$$,7u,$$$$$$$$,8l,$$$$$$$$,8u,$$$$$$$$ 2004.089.22:39:17.81/wx/15.1,996.6,97.7,225.3,0.4 2004.089.22:39:18.48/cable/3.719863129E-3 2004.089.22:39:18.98/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,22.00 2004.089.22:39:19.48/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,21.70 2004.089.22:39:19.98/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.80 2004.089.22:39:20.48/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,13.90 2004.089.22:39:20.98/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.608 2004.089.22:39:21.48/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.000 2004.089.22:39:21.98/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,4.133 2004.089.22:39:22.48/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,56.07 2004.089.22:39:22.98/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,58.85 2004.089.22:39:23.48/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.244 2004.089.22:39:23.98/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,244.3 2004.089.22:39:24.48/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,69.83 2004.089.22:39:24.57/bbc01/612.89,a,8,8,1,agc, -2.54, -3.49,lock,16112,15703,1018,1pps 2004.089.22:39:24.65/bbc02/652.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 4.74, 2.73,lock,15896,16226,1029,1pps 2004.089.22:39:24.73/bbc03/752.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 5.42, 3.57,lock,16346,16353,1027,1pps 2004.089.22:39:24.81/bbc04/912.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 7.92, 6.88,lock,16331,16266,1024,1pps 2004.089.22:39:24.89/bbc05/652.99,c,8,8,1,agc,-12.64,-13.24,lock,16700,14551,1025,1pps 2004.089.22:39:24.97/bbc06/772.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -6.62, -6.62,lock,15901,15499,1030,1pps 2004.089.22:39:25.05/bbc07/832.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -8.93, -8.93,lock,15191,15856,1033,1pps 2004.089.22:39:25.13/bbc08/852.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -6.34, -7.54,lock,16136,15196,1028,1pps 2004.089.22:39:25.21/bbc09/692.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.82, 4.66,lock,16176,16011,1020,1pps 2004.089.22:39:25.29/bbc10/700.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.58, 3.11,lock,16102,15877,1026,1pps 2004.089.22:39:25.37/bbc11/716.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 2.92, 3.11,lock,15885,16299,1022,1pps 2004.089.22:39:25.45/bbc12/772.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 7.59, 6.44,lock,16169,16192,1019,1pps 2004.089.22:39:25.53/bbc13/804.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 9.86, 9.68,lock,16286,16274,1031,1pps 2004.089.22:39:25.61/bbc14/812.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 8.29, 8.13,lock,16157,16287,1021,1pps 2004.089.22:39:26.40#antcn#Received message for antenna: GETS 2004.089.22:39:27.38#antcn#ACU: MJD: 53093, UTC: 81566, Src: ext. 1pps present 2004.089.22:39:27.38#antcn#ACU: Azimuth: Pos: 983286, Dev: 0, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.089.22:39:27.38#antcn#ACU: Elevation: Pos: 211544, Dev: 1, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.089.22:39:27.38#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.089.22:39:27.38#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.089.22:39:27.38#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.089.22:39:27.38#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.089.22:39:27.38#antcn#ACU: Az: no fault , no fault 2004.089.22:39:27.38#antcn#ACU: El: no fault , no fault 2004.089.22:39:27.39/antenna/ACK 2004.089.22:39:27.39:!2004.089.22:42:27 2004.089.22:42:27.00:data_valid=off 2004.089.22:42:27.01:disc_end 2004.089.22:42:27.27/disc_end/usn-0079/960/1024OK 2004.089.22:42:27.27:disc_pos 2004.089.22:42:27.28/disc_pos/187244017312,180870556192, 2004.089.22:42:27.28:disc_check 2004.089.22:42:27.83/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y089d22h42m27.245s,30388,0.00250s,80000,5594641008, 2004.089.22:42:27.83:postob_mk5a 2004.089.22:42:27.84/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 355698 : 1575 : 1 : 4 : 0 : 1 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.22:42:27.85/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 355775 : 1480 : 1 : 17 : 3 : 0 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.22:42:27.86/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 355786 : 1488 : 1 : 3 : 0 : 0 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.22:42:27.87/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 355546 : 1717 : 0 : 16 : 1 : 5 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.22:42:27.88/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 355480 : 1799 : 2 : 3 : 0 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.22:42:27.90/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 355446 : 1822 : 2 : 9 : 1 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.22:42:27.90/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 355720 : 1563 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.22:42:27.91/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 355673 : 1604 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.22:42:28.08/cable/3.722529907E-3 2004.089.22:42:29.96/fmout-gps/-7.487421E-6 2004.089.22:42:30.43/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,22.00 2004.089.22:42:30.93/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,21.60 2004.089.22:42:31.43/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.70 2004.089.22:42:31.93/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,13.90 2004.089.22:42:32.43/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.608 2004.089.22:42:32.93/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.015 2004.089.22:42:33.43/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,1.488 2004.089.22:42:33.93/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,56.07 2004.089.22:42:34.43/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,57.46 2004.089.22:42:34.93/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.244 2004.089.22:42:35.43/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,245.1 2004.089.22:42:35.93/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,70.81 2004.089.22:42:35.93:scan_name=089-2246b,r1116,46 2004.089.22:42:35.94:source=0727-115,073019.11,-114112.6,2000.0,cw 2004.089.22:42:40.40:setup4f 2004.089.22:42:42.99/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.089.22:42:43.02/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.089.22:42:43.03/bank_check/usn-0079/960/1024OK,VNVD06G4H7982L,VNVD06G4H79L4L,VNVD06G4H79RWL,VNVD06G4H71WBL,VNVD06G4H79GKL,VNVD06G4H79D4L,VNVD06G4H700TL,VNVD06G4H79GUL 2004.089.22:42:43.05/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 89 ; 2004.089.22:42:43.07:!2004.089.22:46:42 2004.089.22:46:42.00:disc_pos 2004.089.22:46:42.00/disc_pos/187244017312,187243017312, 2004.089.22:46:42.01:disc_start=on 2004.089.22:46:43.06:!2004.089.22:46:42 2004.089.22:46:43.06:preob 2004.089.22:46:44.41#antcn#ACK 2004.089.22:46:44.41/onsource/TRACKING 2004.089.22:46:47.16/tpical/1l,16264,1u,16567,2u,16012,3u,16154,4u,16334 2004.089.22:46:47.16/tpical/9u,16186,au,16189,bu,16111,cu,16366,du,16254,eu,16182 2004.089.22:46:47.16/tpical/5u,16980,6u,16141,7u,15311,8l,15330,8u,16263 2004.089.22:46:47.31/tpgain/1l,43,1u,48,2u,111,3u,118,4u,159 2004.089.22:46:47.31/tpgain/9u,111,au,107,bu,89,cu,152,du,197,eu,165 2004.089.22:46:47.31/tpgain/5u,16,6u,30,7u,23,8l,27,8u,31 2004.089.22:46:47.34:!2004.089.22:46:52 2004.089.22:46:52.00:disc_pos 2004.089.22:46:52.00/disc_pos/187499810816,187243017312, 2004.089.22:46:52.01:data_valid=on 2004.089.22:46:52.02:midob 2004.089.22:46:52.19/tpi/1l,16260,1u,16563,2u,16026,3u,16162,4u,16351 2004.089.22:46:52.19/tpi/9u,16183,au,16201,bu,16128,cu,16381,du,16283,eu,16207 2004.089.22:46:52.20/tpi/5u,16996,6u,16157,7u,15349,8l,15353,8u,16275 2004.089.22:46:52.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 1l overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.22:46:52.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 8l overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.22:46:52.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 1u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.22:46:52.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 2u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.22:46:52.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 3u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.22:46:52.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 4u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.22:46:52.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 5u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.22:46:52.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 6u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.22:46:52.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 7u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.22:46:52.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 8u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.22:46:52.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 9u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.22:46:52.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device au overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.22:46:52.80/tsys/1l,$$$$$$$$,1u,$$$$$$$$,2u,$$$$$$$$,3u,$$$$$$$$,4u,$$$$$$$$ 2004.089.22:46:52.80/tsys/9u,$$$$$$$$,au,$$$$$$$$,bu,10858.2,cu,2680.1,du,7422.9,eu,7264.8 2004.089.22:46:52.80/tsys/5u,$$$$$$$$,6u,$$$$$$$$,7u,$$$$$$$$,8l,$$$$$$$$,8u,$$$$$$$$ 2004.089.22:46:52.81/wx/15.0,996.7,97.7,235.3,0.0 2004.089.22:46:52.88/cable/3.720228263E-3 2004.089.22:46:53.34/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,22.00 2004.089.22:46:53.84/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,21.70 2004.089.22:46:54.34/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.90 2004.089.22:46:54.84/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,13.80 2004.089.22:46:55.34/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.608 2004.089.22:46:55.84/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.015 2004.089.22:46:56.34/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.116 2004.089.22:46:56.84/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,69.43 2004.089.22:46:57.34/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,64.17 2004.089.22:46:57.84/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.217 2004.089.22:46:58.34/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,244.1 2004.089.22:46:58.84/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,67.88 2004.089.22:46:58.93/bbc01/612.89,a,8,8,1,agc, -2.72, -3.49,lock,16591,16282,1018,1pps 2004.089.22:46:59.01/bbc02/652.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 4.74, 2.63,lock,16049,16045,1029,1pps 2004.089.22:46:59.10/bbc03/752.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 5.27, 3.48,lock,16209,16354,1027,1pps 2004.089.22:46:59.18/bbc04/912.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 7.86, 6.76,lock,16367,16393,1024,1pps 2004.089.22:46:59.26/bbc05/652.99,c,8,8,1,agc,-12.64,-13.24,lock,17022,14797,1025,1pps 2004.089.22:46:59.34/bbc06/772.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -6.62, -6.62,lock,16203,15810,1030,1pps 2004.089.22:46:59.42/bbc07/832.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -8.93, -8.93,lock,15336,15992,1033,1pps 2004.089.22:46:59.51/bbc08/852.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -6.34, -7.54,lock,16333,15378,1028,1pps 2004.089.22:46:59.59/bbc09/692.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.74, 4.50,lock,16185,16186,1020,1pps 2004.089.22:46:59.67/bbc10/700.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.42, 3.02,lock,16188,16184,1026,1pps 2004.089.22:46:59.75/bbc11/716.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 2.82, 2.92,lock,16113,16208,1022,1pps 2004.089.22:46:59.83/bbc12/772.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 7.47, 6.31,lock,16359,16354,1019,1pps 2004.089.22:46:59.91/bbc13/804.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 9.73, 9.55,lock,16260,16279,1031,1pps 2004.089.22:46:59.99/bbc14/812.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 8.19, 8.03,lock,16186,16310,1021,1pps 2004.089.22:47:00.42#antcn#Received message for antenna: GETS 2004.089.22:47:01.39#antcn#ACU: MJD: 53093, UTC: 82020, Src: ext. 1pps present 2004.089.22:47:01.39#antcn#ACU: Azimuth: Pos: 343168, Dev: -3, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.089.22:47:01.39#antcn#ACU: Elevation: Pos: 608412, Dev: 3, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.089.22:47:01.39#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.089.22:47:01.39#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.089.22:47:01.39#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.089.22:47:01.39#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.089.22:47:01.39#antcn#ACU: Az: no fault , no fault 2004.089.22:47:01.39#antcn#ACU: El: no fault , no fault 2004.089.22:47:01.40/antenna/ACK 2004.089.22:47:01.40:!2004.089.22:47:38 2004.089.22:47:38.00:data_valid=off 2004.089.22:47:38.01:disc_end 2004.089.22:47:38.27/disc_end/usn-0079/960/1024OK 2004.089.22:47:38.28:disc_pos 2004.089.22:47:38.28/disc_pos/189009225080,187244017312, 2004.089.22:47:38.29:disc_check 2004.089.22:47:38.59/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y089d22h47m38.248s,39052,0.00250s,80000,8186863568, 2004.089.22:47:38.60:postob_mk5a 2004.089.22:47:38.62/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 359046 : 1596 : 1 : 4 : 0 : 1 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.22:47:38.62/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 359126 : 1498 : 1 : 17 : 3 : 0 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.22:47:38.63/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 359141 : 1504 : 1 : 3 : 0 : 0 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.22:47:38.64/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 358903 : 1729 : 0 : 16 : 1 : 5 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.22:47:38.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 358831 : 1818 : 2 : 3 : 0 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.22:47:38.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 358801 : 1836 : 2 : 9 : 1 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.22:47:38.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 359073 : 1580 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.22:47:38.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 359022 : 1624 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.22:47:39.28/cable/3.719970079E-3 2004.089.22:47:39.97/fmout-gps/-7.553141E-6 2004.089.22:47:40.43/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,22.10 2004.089.22:47:40.93/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,21.70 2004.089.22:47:41.43/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.90 2004.089.22:47:41.93/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,13.80 2004.089.22:47:42.43/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.611 2004.089.22:47:42.93/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.000 2004.089.22:47:43.43/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,5.183 2004.089.22:47:43.93/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,60.22 2004.089.22:47:44.43/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,57.46 2004.089.22:47:44.93/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.217 2004.089.22:47:45.43/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,244.3 2004.089.22:47:45.93/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,68.61 2004.089.22:47:45.93:scan_name=089-2248,r1116,105 2004.089.22:47:45.94:source=0607-157,060940.95,-154240.7,2000.0,cw 2004.089.22:47:50.41:setup4f 2004.089.22:47:52.98/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.089.22:47:52.99/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.089.22:47:53.02/bank_check/usn-0079/960/1024OK,VNVD06G4H7982L,VNVD06G4H79L4L,VNVD06G4H79RWL,VNVD06G4H71WBL,VNVD06G4H79GKL,VNVD06G4H79D4L,VNVD06G4H700TL,VNVD06G4H79GUL 2004.089.22:47:53.05/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 91 ; 2004.089.22:47:53.05:!2004.089.22:48:11 2004.089.22:48:11.00:disc_pos 2004.089.22:48:11.01/disc_pos/189009225080,189008225080, 2004.089.22:48:11.01:disc_start=on 2004.089.22:48:12.04:!2004.089.22:48:11 2004.089.22:48:12.05:preob 2004.089.22:48:13.41#antcn#ACK 2004.089.22:48:13.41/onsource/TRACKING 2004.089.22:48:16.15/tpical/1l,16074,1u,15752,2u,16286,3u,16152,4u,16192 2004.089.22:48:16.15/tpical/9u,16372,au,16138,bu,16229,cu,16337,du,16286,eu,16357 2004.089.22:48:16.15/tpical/5u,14548,6u,15602,7u,15725,8l,15729,8u,15714 2004.089.22:48:16.30/tpgain/1l,42,1u,47,2u,110,3u,116,4u,156 2004.089.22:48:16.30/tpgain/9u,110,au,105,bu,88,cu,150,du,195,eu,164 2004.089.22:48:16.30/tpgain/5u,15,6u,29,7u,23,8l,27,8u,30 2004.089.22:48:16.33:!2004.089.22:48:21 2004.089.22:48:21.00:disc_pos 2004.089.22:48:21.00/disc_pos/189265018880,189008225080, 2004.089.22:48:21.01:data_valid=on 2004.089.22:48:21.02:midob 2004.089.22:48:21.19/tpi/1l,16054,1u,15742,2u,16272,3u,16152,4u,16196 2004.089.22:48:21.19/tpi/9u,16368,au,16123,bu,16222,cu,16336,du,16275,eu,16345 2004.089.22:48:21.19/tpi/5u,14551,6u,15631,7u,15707,8l,15737,8u,15732 2004.089.22:48:21.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 1l overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.22:48:21.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 8l overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.22:48:21.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 1u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.22:48:21.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 2u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.22:48:21.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 3u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.22:48:21.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 4u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.22:48:21.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 5u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.22:48:21.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 6u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.22:48:21.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 7u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.22:48:21.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 8u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.22:48:21.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 9u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.22:48:21.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device au overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.22:48:21.80/tsys/1l,$$$$$$$$,1u,$$$$$$$$,2u,$$$$$$$$,3u,$$$$$$$$,4u,$$$$$$$$ 2004.089.22:48:21.80/tsys/9u,$$$$$$$$,au,$$$$$$$$,bu,11181.6,cu,2749.0,du,7583.4,eu,7429.0 2004.089.22:48:21.80/tsys/5u,$$$$$$$$,6u,$$$$$$$$,7u,$$$$$$$$,8l,$$$$$$$$,8u,$$$$$$$$ 2004.089.22:48:21.81/wx/15.0,996.6,97.7,233.5,0.1 2004.089.22:48:22.47/cable/3.721669719E-3 2004.089.22:48:22.98/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,22.00 2004.089.22:48:23.48/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,21.60 2004.089.22:48:23.98/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.90 2004.089.22:48:24.48/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,13.80 2004.089.22:48:24.98/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.611 2004.089.22:48:25.48/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.000 2004.089.22:48:25.98/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.452 2004.089.22:48:26.48/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,64.17 2004.089.22:48:26.98/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,57.46 2004.089.22:48:27.48/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.217 2004.089.22:48:27.98/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,244.1 2004.089.22:48:28.48/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,68.36 2004.089.22:48:28.57/bbc01/612.89,a,8,8,1,agc, -2.72, -3.70,lock,15747,16066,1018,1pps 2004.089.22:48:28.65/bbc02/652.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 4.66, 2.53,lock,16239,16126,1029,1pps 2004.089.22:48:28.74/bbc03/752.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 5.12, 3.30,lock,16164,16075,1027,1pps 2004.089.22:48:28.82/bbc04/912.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 7.70, 6.70,lock,16203,16341,1024,1pps 2004.089.22:48:28.90/bbc05/652.99,c,8,8,1,agc,-12.64,-13.24,lock,14542,15144,1025,1pps 2004.089.22:48:28.98/bbc06/772.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -6.92, -6.62,lock,15607,16220,1030,1pps 2004.089.22:48:29.07/bbc07/832.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -8.93, -9.32,lock,15698,15079,1033,1pps 2004.089.22:48:29.15/bbc08/852.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -6.62, -7.54,lock,15731,15721,1028,1pps 2004.089.22:48:29.23/bbc09/692.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.66, 4.42,lock,16372,16312,1020,1pps 2004.089.22:48:29.31/bbc10/700.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.26, 2.92,lock,16111,16304,1026,1pps 2004.089.22:48:29.40/bbc11/716.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 2.73, 2.73,lock,16206,16115,1022,1pps 2004.089.22:48:29.48/bbc12/772.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 7.36, 6.18,lock,16316,16277,1019,1pps 2004.089.22:48:29.56/bbc13/804.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 9.64, 9.46,lock,16270,16200,1031,1pps 2004.089.22:48:29.65/bbc14/812.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 8.13, 7.92,lock,16332,16302,1021,1pps 2004.089.22:48:30.42#antcn#Received message for antenna: GETS 2004.089.22:48:31.39#antcn#ACU: MJD: 53093, UTC: 82110, Src: ext. 1pps present 2004.089.22:48:31.39#antcn#ACU: Azimuth: Pos: -113025, Dev: -4, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.089.22:48:31.39#antcn#ACU: Elevation: Pos: 684343, Dev: -4, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.089.22:48:31.39#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.089.22:48:31.39#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.089.22:48:31.39#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.089.22:48:31.39#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.089.22:48:31.39#antcn#ACU: Az: no fault , no fault 2004.089.22:48:31.39#antcn#ACU: El: no fault , no fault 2004.089.22:48:31.40/antenna/ACK 2004.089.22:48:31.40:!2004.089.22:50:06 2004.089.22:50:06.00:data_valid=off 2004.089.22:50:06.01:disc_end 2004.089.22:50:06.27/disc_end/usn-0079/960/1024OK 2004.089.22:50:06.28:disc_pos 2004.089.22:50:06.28/disc_pos/192662798576,189009225080, 2004.089.22:50:06.29:disc_check 2004.089.22:50:06.59/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y089d22h50m06.253s,39916,0.00250s,80000,1082585640, 2004.089.22:50:06.61:postob_mk5a 2004.089.22:50:06.62/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 365978 : 1635 : 1 : 4 : 0 : 1 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.22:50:06.63/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 366073 : 1523 : 1 : 17 : 3 : 0 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.22:50:06.64/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 366086 : 1530 : 1 : 3 : 0 : 0 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.22:50:06.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 365843 : 1761 : 0 : 16 : 1 : 5 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.22:50:06.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 365769 : 1851 : 2 : 3 : 0 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.22:50:06.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 365730 : 1879 : 2 : 9 : 1 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.22:50:06.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 366010 : 1616 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.22:50:06.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 365960 : 1658 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.22:50:07.27/cable/3.719137575E-3 2004.089.22:50:07.96/fmout-gps/-7.474655E-6 2004.089.22:50:08.43/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,22.00 2004.089.22:50:08.93/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,21.60 2004.089.22:50:09.43/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.90 2004.089.22:50:09.93/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,13.80 2004.089.22:50:10.43/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.611 2004.089.22:50:10.93/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.000 2004.089.22:50:11.43/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,4.133 2004.089.22:50:11.93/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,62.85 2004.089.22:50:12.43/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,58.85 2004.089.22:50:12.93/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.244 2004.089.22:50:13.43/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,243.1 2004.089.22:50:13.93/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,67.14 2004.089.22:50:13.93:scan_name=089-2304,r1116,137 2004.089.22:50:13.94:source=0552+398,055530.81,394849.2,2000.0,cw 2004.089.22:50:18.42:setup4f 2004.089.22:50:20.98/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.089.22:50:20.99/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.089.22:50:21.02/bank_check/usn-0079/960/1024OK,VNVD06G4H7982L,VNVD06G4H79L4L,VNVD06G4H79RWL,VNVD06G4H71WBL,VNVD06G4H79GKL,VNVD06G4H79D4L,VNVD06G4H700TL,VNVD06G4H79GUL 2004.089.22:50:21.05/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 93 ; 2004.089.22:50:21.05:!2004.089.23:04:28 2004.089.23:04:28.00:disc_pos 2004.089.23:04:28.01/disc_pos/192662798576,192661798576, 2004.089.23:04:28.01:disc_start=on 2004.089.23:04:29.04:!2004.089.23:04:28 2004.089.23:04:29.05:preob 2004.089.23:04:30.43#antcn#ACK 2004.089.23:04:30.43/onsource/TRACKING 2004.089.23:04:33.18/tpical/1l,16092,1u,15786,2u,16145,3u,16119,4u,16182 2004.089.23:04:33.18/tpical/9u,15969,au,15951,bu,16012,cu,16137,du,16247,eu,16152 2004.089.23:04:33.19/tpical/5u,17090,6u,15648,7u,15254,8l,15306,8u,15430 2004.089.23:04:33.33/tpgain/1l,44,1u,48,2u,113,3u,120,4u,160 2004.089.23:04:33.33/tpgain/9u,112,au,109,bu,93,cu,155,du,201,eu,168 2004.089.23:04:33.33/tpgain/5u,16,6u,29,7u,23,8l,27,8u,30 2004.089.23:04:33.36:!2004.089.23:04:38 2004.089.23:04:38.00:disc_pos 2004.089.23:04:38.00/disc_pos/192918597632,192661798576, 2004.089.23:04:38.01:data_valid=on 2004.089.23:04:38.02:midob 2004.089.23:04:38.19/tpi/1l,16094,1u,15781,2u,16194,3u,16126,4u,16195 2004.089.23:04:38.19/tpi/9u,15958,au,15935,bu,15991,cu,16143,du,16248,eu,16145 2004.089.23:04:38.19/tpi/5u,17103,6u,15646,7u,15285,8l,15321,8u,15426 2004.089.23:04:38.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 1l overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.23:04:38.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 8l overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.23:04:38.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 1u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.23:04:38.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 2u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.23:04:38.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 3u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.23:04:38.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 4u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.23:04:38.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 5u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.23:04:38.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 6u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.23:04:38.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 7u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.23:04:38.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 8u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.23:04:38.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 9u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.23:04:38.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device au overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.23:04:38.80/tsys/1l,$$$$$$$$,1u,$$$$$$$$,2u,$$$$$$$$,3u,$$$$$$$$,4u,$$$$$$$$ 2004.089.23:04:38.80/tsys/9u,$$$$$$$$,au,$$$$$$$$,bu,9826.4,cu,2530.2,du,7092.0,eu,6957.1 2004.089.23:04:38.81/tsys/5u,$$$$$$$$,6u,$$$$$$$$,7u,$$$$$$$$,8l,$$$$$$$$,8u,$$$$$$$$ 2004.089.23:04:38.82/wx/15.0,996.5,97.7,229.5,0.0 2004.089.23:04:39.28/cable/3.718387657E-3 2004.089.23:04:39.74/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,21.90 2004.089.23:04:40.24/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,21.50 2004.089.23:04:40.74/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.70 2004.089.23:04:41.24/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,13.70 2004.089.23:04:41.74/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.611 2004.089.23:04:42.24/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.000 2004.089.23:04:42.74/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.452 2004.089.23:04:43.24/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,60.22 2004.089.23:04:43.74/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,57.46 2004.089.23:04:44.24/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.217 2004.089.23:04:44.74/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,244.1 2004.089.23:04:45.24/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,71.05 2004.089.23:04:45.33/bbc01/612.89,a,8,8,1,agc, -2.54, -3.30,lock,15761,16055,1018,1pps 2004.089.23:04:45.41/bbc02/652.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 4.90, 2.82,lock,16192,16123,1029,1pps 2004.089.23:04:45.49/bbc03/752.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 5.42, 3.57,lock,16109,16019,1027,1pps 2004.089.23:04:45.57/bbc04/912.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 7.92, 6.94,lock,16171,16295,1024,1pps 2004.089.23:04:45.65/bbc05/652.99,c,8,8,1,agc,-12.08,-13.24,lock,14260,14954,1025,1pps 2004.089.23:04:45.73/bbc06/772.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -6.92, -6.92,lock,15642,15281,1030,1pps 2004.089.23:04:45.81/bbc07/832.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -8.93, -8.93,lock,15298,16019,1033,1pps 2004.089.23:04:45.89/bbc08/852.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -6.62, -7.54,lock,15432,15340,1028,1pps 2004.089.23:04:45.97/bbc09/692.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.82, 4.74,lock,15954,16057,1020,1pps 2004.089.23:04:46.05/bbc10/700.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.58, 3.21,lock,15896,15958,1026,1pps 2004.089.23:04:46.13/bbc11/716.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 3.21, 3.11,lock,15995,16101,1022,1pps 2004.089.23:04:46.21/bbc12/772.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 7.70, 6.51,lock,16354,16245,1019,1pps 2004.089.23:04:46.29/bbc13/804.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 9.90, 9.73,lock,16241,16186,1031,1pps 2004.089.23:04:46.37/bbc14/812.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 8.39, 8.19,lock,16306,16257,1021,1pps 2004.089.23:04:46.43#antcn#Received message for antenna: GETS 2004.089.23:04:47.40#antcn#ACU: MJD: 53093, UTC: 83086, Src: ext. 1pps present 2004.089.23:04:47.40#antcn#ACU: Azimuth: Pos: -93925, Dev: 1, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.089.23:04:47.40#antcn#ACU: Elevation: Pos: 125964, Dev: 2, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.089.23:04:47.40#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.089.23:04:47.40#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.089.23:04:47.40#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.089.23:04:47.40#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.089.23:04:47.40#antcn#ACU: Az: no fault , no fault 2004.089.23:04:47.40#antcn#ACU: El: no fault , no fault 2004.089.23:04:47.41/antenna/ACK 2004.089.23:04:47.41:!2004.089.23:06:55 2004.089.23:06:55.00:data_valid=off 2004.089.23:06:55.01:disc_end 2004.089.23:06:55.27/disc_end/usn-0079/960/1024OK 2004.089.23:06:55.27:disc_pos 2004.089.23:06:55.28/disc_pos/197339929536,192662798576, 2004.089.23:06:55.28:disc_check 2004.089.23:06:55.59/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y089d23h06m55.242s,32876,0.00250s,80000,27610556080, 2004.089.23:06:55.59:postob_mk5a 2004.089.23:06:55.61/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 374849 : 1688 : 1 : 4 : 0 : 1 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.23:06:55.62/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 374958 : 1562 : 1 : 17 : 3 : 0 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.23:06:55.63/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 374975 : 1565 : 1 : 3 : 0 : 0 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.23:06:55.64/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 374729 : 1799 : 0 : 16 : 1 : 5 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.23:06:55.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 374644 : 1900 : 2 : 3 : 0 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.23:06:55.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 374598 : 1935 : 2 : 9 : 1 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.23:06:55.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 374887 : 1663 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.23:06:55.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 374857 : 1687 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.23:06:56.08/cable/3.717257628E-3 2004.089.23:06:57.96/fmout-gps/-7.472154E-6 2004.089.23:06:58.44/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,21.90 2004.089.23:06:58.94/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,21.50 2004.089.23:06:59.44/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.70 2004.089.23:06:59.94/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,13.80 2004.089.23:07:00.44/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.611 2004.089.23:07:00.94/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.000 2004.089.23:07:01.44/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,5.721 2004.089.23:07:01.94/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,61.54 2004.089.23:07:02.44/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,58.85 2004.089.23:07:02.94/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.244 2004.089.23:07:03.44/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,243.4 2004.089.23:07:03.94/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,65.92 2004.089.23:07:03.94:scan_name=089-2309,r1116,87 2004.089.23:07:03.95:source=0454-234,045703.18,-232452.0,2000.0,cw 2004.089.23:07:08.43:setup4f 2004.089.23:07:10.98/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.089.23:07:11.01/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.089.23:07:11.03/bank_check/usn-0079/960/1024OK,VNVD06G4H7982L,VNVD06G4H79L4L,VNVD06G4H79RWL,VNVD06G4H71WBL,VNVD06G4H79GKL,VNVD06G4H79D4L,VNVD06G4H700TL,VNVD06G4H79GUL 2004.089.23:07:11.06/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 95 ; 2004.089.23:07:11.06:!2004.089.23:09:08 2004.089.23:09:08.00:disc_pos 2004.089.23:09:08.00/disc_pos/197339929536,197338929536, 2004.089.23:09:08.01:disc_start=on 2004.089.23:09:09.05:!2004.089.23:09:08 2004.089.23:09:09.05:preob 2004.089.23:09:10.43#antcn#ACK 2004.089.23:09:10.43/onsource/TRACKING 2004.089.23:09:13.19/tpical/1l,15808,1u,16011,2u,16243,3u,16249,4u,16291 2004.089.23:09:13.19/tpical/9u,16339,au,16219,bu,16256,cu,16257,du,16289,eu,16239 2004.089.23:09:13.19/tpical/5u,16463,6u,15923,7u,16042,8l,15854,8u,15841 2004.089.23:09:13.34/tpgain/1l,46,1u,51,2u,121,3u,127,4u,169 2004.089.23:09:13.34/tpgain/9u,112,au,109,bu,93,cu,154,du,200,eu,168 2004.089.23:09:13.34/tpgain/5u,16,6u,30,7u,24,8l,28,8u,31 2004.089.23:09:13.37:!2004.089.23:09:18 2004.089.23:09:18.00:disc_pos 2004.089.23:09:18.00/disc_pos/197595729920,197338929536, 2004.089.23:09:18.01:data_valid=on 2004.089.23:09:18.02:midob 2004.089.23:09:18.19/tpi/1l,15827,1u,16030,2u,16220,3u,16252,4u,16298 2004.089.23:09:18.19/tpi/9u,16338,au,16221,bu,16272,cu,16248,du,16291,eu,16243 2004.089.23:09:18.19/tpi/5u,16461,6u,15913,7u,16042,8l,15845,8u,15843 2004.089.23:09:18.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 1l overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.23:09:18.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 8l overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.23:09:18.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 1u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.23:09:18.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 2u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.23:09:18.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 3u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.23:09:18.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 4u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.23:09:18.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 5u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.23:09:18.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 6u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.23:09:18.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 7u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.23:09:18.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 8u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.23:09:18.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 9u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.23:09:18.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device au overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.23:09:18.80/tsys/1l,$$$$$$$$,1u,$$$$$$$$,2u,$$$$$$$$,3u,$$$$$$$$,4u,$$$$$$$$ 2004.089.23:09:18.80/tsys/9u,$$$$$$$$,au,$$$$$$$$,bu,10005.4,cu,2583.5,du,7189.1,eu,7003.0 2004.089.23:09:18.81/tsys/5u,$$$$$$$$,6u,$$$$$$$$,7u,$$$$$$$$,8l,$$$$$$$$,8u,$$$$$$$$ 2004.089.23:09:18.81/wx/14.9,996.5,97.7,231.5,0.0 2004.089.23:09:19.27/cable/3.716884558E-3 2004.089.23:09:19.74/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,22.00 2004.089.23:09:20.24/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,21.50 2004.089.23:09:20.74/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.80 2004.089.23:09:21.24/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,13.80 2004.089.23:09:21.74/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.611 2004.089.23:09:22.23/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.000 2004.089.23:09:22.69/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,2.784 2004.089.23:09:23.19/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,61.54 2004.089.23:09:23.69/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,66.80 2004.089.23:09:24.19/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.244 2004.089.23:09:24.69/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,243.4 2004.089.23:09:25.19/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,68.61 2004.089.23:09:25.28/bbc01/612.89,a,8,8,1,agc, -2.01, -2.91,lock,16042,15840,1018,1pps 2004.089.23:09:25.36/bbc02/652.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 5.49, 3.39,lock,16291,15894,1029,1pps 2004.089.23:09:25.44/bbc03/752.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 5.91, 4.09,lock,16247,16323,1027,1pps 2004.089.23:09:25.53/bbc04/912.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 8.39, 7.36,lock,16302,16282,1024,1pps 2004.089.23:09:25.61/bbc05/652.99,c,8,8,1,agc,-12.08,-12.64,lock,13709,16273,1025,1pps 2004.089.23:09:25.69/bbc06/772.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -6.62, -6.62,lock,15901,15561,1030,1pps 2004.089.23:09:25.77/bbc07/832.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -8.56, -8.93,lock,16010,15430,1033,1pps 2004.089.23:09:25.85/bbc08/852.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -6.34, -7.22,lock,15786,15804,1028,1pps 2004.089.23:09:25.93/bbc09/692.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.82, 4.66,lock,16347,16244,1020,1pps 2004.089.23:09:26.01/bbc10/700.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.58, 3.11,lock,16223,16126,1026,1pps 2004.089.23:09:26.10/bbc11/716.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 3.21, 3.11,lock,16263,16253,1022,1pps 2004.089.23:09:26.19/bbc12/772.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 7.59, 6.44,lock,16268,16359,1019,1pps 2004.089.23:09:26.27/bbc13/804.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 9.86, 9.68,lock,16276,16357,1031,1pps 2004.089.23:09:26.35/bbc14/812.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 8.34, 8.13,lock,16239,16282,1021,1pps 2004.089.23:09:26.43#antcn#Received message for antenna: GETS 2004.089.23:09:27.40#antcn#ACU: MJD: 53093, UTC: 83366, Src: ext. 1pps present 2004.089.23:09:27.40#antcn#ACU: Azimuth: Pos: -683407, Dev: -4, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.089.23:09:27.40#antcn#ACU: Elevation: Pos: 625892, Dev: -8, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.089.23:09:27.40#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.089.23:09:27.40#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.089.23:09:27.40#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.089.23:09:27.40#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.089.23:09:27.40#antcn#ACU: Az: no fault , no fault 2004.089.23:09:27.40#antcn#ACU: El: no fault , no fault 2004.089.23:09:27.41/antenna/ACK 2004.089.23:09:27.41:!2004.089.23:10:45 2004.089.23:10:45.00:data_valid=off 2004.089.23:10:45.01:disc_end 2004.089.23:10:45.26/disc_end/usn-0079/960/1024OK 2004.089.23:10:45.27:disc_pos 2004.089.23:10:45.27/disc_pos/200417078160,197339929536, 2004.089.23:10:45.28:disc_check 2004.089.23:10:45.58/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y089d23h10m45.242s,36524,0.00250s,80000,4282847728, 2004.089.23:10:45.59:postob_mk5a 2004.089.23:10:45.60/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 380684 : 1725 : 1 : 4 : 0 : 1 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.23:10:45.61/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 380803 : 1589 : 1 : 17 : 3 : 0 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.23:10:45.61/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 380824 : 1588 : 1 : 3 : 0 : 0 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.23:10:45.62/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 380576 : 1824 : 0 : 16 : 1 : 5 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.23:10:45.63/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 380483 : 1933 : 2 : 3 : 0 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.23:10:45.64/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 380441 : 1964 : 2 : 9 : 1 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.23:10:45.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 380736 : 1686 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.23:10:45.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 380702 : 1716 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.23:10:46.47/cable/3.716983641E-3 2004.089.23:10:47.96/fmout-gps/-7.471373E-6 2004.089.23:10:48.44/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,22.00 2004.089.23:10:48.94/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,21.50 2004.089.23:10:49.44/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.80 2004.089.23:10:49.94/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,13.70 2004.089.23:10:50.44/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.613 2004.089.23:10:50.94/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.000 2004.089.23:10:51.44/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,4.306 2004.089.23:10:51.94/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,56.07 2004.089.23:10:52.44/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,58.85 2004.089.23:10:52.94/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.271 2004.089.23:10:53.44/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,243.9 2004.089.23:10:53.94/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,67.14 2004.089.23:10:53.95:scan_name=089-2311,r1116,190 2004.089.23:10:53.95:source=cta26,033930.94,-014635.8,2000.0,cw 2004.089.23:10:58.43:setup4f 2004.089.23:11:00.97/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.089.23:11:01.00/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.089.23:11:01.02/bank_check/usn-0079/960/1024OK,VNVD06G4H7982L,VNVD06G4H79L4L,VNVD06G4H79RWL,VNVD06G4H71WBL,VNVD06G4H79GKL,VNVD06G4H79D4L,VNVD06G4H700TL,VNVD06G4H79GUL 2004.089.23:11:01.04/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 97 ; 2004.089.23:11:01.04:!2004.089.23:11:18 2004.089.23:11:18.00:disc_pos 2004.089.23:11:18.01/disc_pos/200417078160,200416078160, 2004.089.23:11:18.01:disc_start=on 2004.089.23:11:19.04:!2004.089.23:11:18 2004.089.23:11:19.05:preob 2004.089.23:11:20.43#antcn#ACK 2004.089.23:11:20.43/onsource/TRACKING 2004.089.23:11:23.18/tpical/1l,16175,1u,15814,2u,16134,3u,16457,4u,16265 2004.089.23:11:23.18/tpical/9u,15946,au,16078,bu,16027,cu,16246,du,16184,eu,16268 2004.089.23:11:23.18/tpical/5u,15935,6u,15508,7u,15535,8l,15335,8u,17222 2004.089.23:11:23.33/tpgain/1l,47,1u,51,2u,121,3u,128,4u,170 2004.089.23:11:23.33/tpgain/9u,113,au,111,bu,94,cu,157,du,203,eu,171 2004.089.23:11:23.33/tpgain/5u,16,6u,30,7u,24,8l,28,8u,32 2004.089.23:11:23.36:!2004.089.23:11:28 2004.089.23:11:28.00:disc_pos 2004.089.23:11:28.00/disc_pos/200672874496,200416078160, 2004.089.23:11:28.01:data_valid=on 2004.089.23:11:28.02:midob 2004.089.23:11:28.19/tpi/1l,16195,1u,15823,2u,16144,3u,16469,4u,16284 2004.089.23:11:28.19/tpi/9u,15924,au,16063,bu,16020,cu,16248,du,16167,eu,16262 2004.089.23:11:28.19/tpi/5u,15951,6u,15516,7u,15534,8l,15343,8u,17232 2004.089.23:11:28.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 1l overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.23:11:28.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 8l overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.23:11:28.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 1u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.23:11:28.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 2u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.23:11:28.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 3u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.23:11:28.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 4u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.23:11:28.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 5u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.23:11:28.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 6u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.23:11:28.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 7u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.23:11:28.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 8u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.23:11:28.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 9u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.23:11:28.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device au overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.23:11:28.81/tsys/1l,$$$$$$$$,1u,$$$$$$$$,2u,$$$$$$$$,3u,$$$$$$$$,4u,$$$$$$$$ 2004.089.23:11:28.81/tsys/9u,$$$$$$$$,au,$$$$$$$$,bu,9628.8,cu,2478.6,du,6904.6,eu,6746.9 2004.089.23:11:28.81/tsys/5u,$$$$$$$$,6u,$$$$$$$$,7u,$$$$$$$$,8l,$$$$$$$$,8u,$$$$$$$$ 2004.089.23:11:28.82/wx/14.9,996.5,97.7,239.4,0.0 2004.089.23:11:29.67/cable/3.718421989E-3 2004.089.23:11:30.13/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,22.00 2004.089.23:11:30.58/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,21.50 2004.089.23:11:31.03/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.80 2004.089.23:11:31.48/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,13.80 2004.089.23:11:31.93/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.611 2004.089.23:11:32.38/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.000 2004.089.23:11:32.88/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.283 2004.089.23:11:33.33/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,60.22 2004.089.23:11:33.83/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,60.22 2004.089.23:11:34.33/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.244 2004.089.23:11:34.83/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,244.8 2004.089.23:11:35.33/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,69.83 2004.089.23:11:35.42/bbc01/612.89,a,8,8,1,agc, -2.01, -2.72,lock,15848,16222,1018,1pps 2004.089.23:11:35.51/bbc02/652.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 5.49, 3.39,lock,16159,16396,1029,1pps 2004.089.23:11:35.59/bbc03/752.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 5.98, 4.09,lock,15938,16028,1027,1pps 2004.089.23:11:35.68/bbc04/912.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 8.44, 7.42,lock,16313,16285,1024,1pps 2004.089.23:11:35.76/bbc05/652.99,c,8,8,1,agc,-12.08,-12.64,lock,15969,15849,1025,1pps 2004.089.23:11:35.84/bbc06/772.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -6.62, -6.34,lock,15540,16138,1030,1pps 2004.089.23:11:35.92/bbc07/832.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -8.56, -8.93,lock,15542,15024,1033,1pps 2004.089.23:11:36.01/bbc08/852.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -6.06, -7.22,lock,15319,15361,1028,1pps 2004.089.23:11:36.10/bbc09/692.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.90, 4.82,lock,15941,16266,1020,1pps 2004.089.23:11:36.18/bbc10/700.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.74, 3.30,lock,16077,16005,1026,1pps 2004.089.23:11:36.26/bbc11/716.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 3.30, 3.21,lock,16031,15953,1022,1pps 2004.089.23:11:36.34/bbc12/772.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 7.75, 6.57,lock,16252,16217,1019,1pps 2004.089.23:11:36.42/bbc13/804.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 9.99, 9.81,lock,16196,16199,1031,1pps 2004.089.23:11:36.51/bbc14/812.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 8.50, 8.29,lock,16273,16273,1021,1pps 2004.089.23:11:37.43#antcn#Received message for antenna: GETS 2004.089.23:11:38.41#antcn#ACU: MJD: 53093, UTC: 83497, Src: ext. 1pps present 2004.089.23:11:38.41#antcn#ACU: Azimuth: Pos: -628568, Dev: 0, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.089.23:11:38.41#antcn#ACU: Elevation: Pos: 338473, Dev: -5, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.089.23:11:38.41#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.089.23:11:38.41#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.089.23:11:38.41#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.089.23:11:38.41#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.089.23:11:38.41#antcn#ACU: Az: no fault , no fault 2004.089.23:11:38.41#antcn#ACU: El: no fault , no fault 2004.089.23:11:38.42/antenna/ACK 2004.089.23:11:38.42:!2004.089.23:14:38 2004.089.23:14:38.00:data_valid=off 2004.089.23:14:38.01:disc_end 2004.089.23:14:38.27/disc_end/usn-0079/960/1024OK 2004.089.23:14:38.28:disc_pos 2004.089.23:14:38.28/disc_pos/206790539432,200417078160, 2004.089.23:14:38.29:disc_check 2004.089.23:14:38.59/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y089d23h14m38.255s,71452,0.00250s,80000,1082903800, 2004.089.23:14:38.61:postob_mk5a 2004.089.23:14:38.62/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 392776 : 1793 : 1 : 4 : 0 : 1 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.23:14:38.63/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 392913 : 1639 : 1 : 17 : 3 : 0 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.23:14:38.64/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 392939 : 1633 : 1 : 3 : 0 : 0 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.23:14:38.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 392662 : 1898 : 0 : 16 : 1 : 5 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.23:14:38.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 392577 : 1999 : 2 : 3 : 0 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.23:14:38.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 392537 : 2028 : 2 : 9 : 1 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.23:14:38.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 392868 : 1714 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.23:14:38.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 392799 : 1780 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.23:14:39.27/cable/3.718497997E-3 2004.089.23:14:39.96/fmout-gps/-7.572209E-6 2004.089.23:14:40.44/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,21.90 2004.089.23:14:40.94/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,21.40 2004.089.23:14:41.44/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.70 2004.089.23:14:41.94/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,13.70 2004.089.23:14:42.44/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.613 2004.089.23:14:42.94/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.000 2004.089.23:14:43.44/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,4.829 2004.089.23:14:43.94/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,62.85 2004.089.23:14:44.44/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,57.46 2004.089.23:14:44.94/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.271 2004.089.23:14:45.44/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,243.6 2004.089.23:14:45.94/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,68.12 2004.089.23:14:45.94:scan_name=089-2315,r1116,190 2004.089.23:14:45.95:source=1124-186,112704.39,-185717.4,2000.0,cw 2004.089.23:14:50.43:setup4f 2004.089.23:14:52.97/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.089.23:14:52.98/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.089.23:14:53.00/bank_check/usn-0079/960/1024OK,VNVD06G4H7982L,VNVD06G4H79L4L,VNVD06G4H79RWL,VNVD06G4H71WBL,VNVD06G4H79GKL,VNVD06G4H79D4L,VNVD06G4H700TL,VNVD06G4H79GUL 2004.089.23:14:53.02/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 99 ; 2004.089.23:14:53.03:!2004.089.23:15:43 2004.089.23:15:43.00:disc_pos 2004.089.23:15:43.01/disc_pos/206790539432,206789539432, 2004.089.23:15:43.01:disc_start=on 2004.089.23:15:44.04:!2004.089.23:15:43 2004.089.23:15:44.05:preob 2004.089.23:15:45.43#antcn#ACK 2004.089.23:15:45.43/onsource/TRACKING 2004.089.23:15:48.19/tpical/1l,16184,1u,15856,2u,16193,3u,15917,4u,16164 2004.089.23:15:48.19/tpical/9u,15917,au,16421,bu,16178,cu,16304,du,16252,eu,16278 2004.089.23:15:48.19/tpical/5u,15786,6u,15457,7u,15333,8l,15154,8u,17003 2004.089.23:15:48.34/tpgain/1l,47,1u,51,2u,121,3u,127,4u,169 2004.089.23:15:48.34/tpgain/9u,114,au,112,bu,95,cu,159,du,205,eu,172 2004.089.23:15:48.34/tpgain/5u,16,6u,30,7u,24,8l,28,8u,32 2004.089.23:15:48.37:!2004.089.23:15:53 2004.089.23:15:53.00:disc_pos 2004.089.23:15:53.01/disc_pos/207046336512,206789539432, 2004.089.23:15:53.01:data_valid=on 2004.089.23:15:53.02:midob 2004.089.23:15:53.19/tpi/1l,16185,1u,15859,2u,16203,3u,15918,4u,16163 2004.089.23:15:53.19/tpi/9u,15912,au,16409,bu,16162,cu,16317,du,16256,eu,16272 2004.089.23:15:53.19/tpi/5u,15787,6u,15461,7u,15347,8l,15145,8u,17014 2004.089.23:15:53.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 1l overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.23:15:53.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 8l overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.23:15:53.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 1u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.23:15:53.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 2u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.23:15:53.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 3u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.23:15:53.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 4u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.23:15:53.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 5u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.23:15:53.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 6u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.23:15:53.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 7u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.23:15:53.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 8u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.23:15:53.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 9u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.23:15:53.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device au overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.23:15:53.80/tsys/1l,$$$$$$$$,1u,$$$$$$$$,2u,$$$$$$$$,3u,$$$$$$$$,4u,$$$$$$$$ 2004.089.23:15:53.80/tsys/9u,$$$$$$$$,au,$$$$$$$$,bu,9506.3,cu,2423.0,du,6800.0,eu,6666.1 2004.089.23:15:53.80/tsys/5u,$$$$$$$$,6u,$$$$$$$$,7u,$$$$$$$$,8l,$$$$$$$$,8u,$$$$$$$$ 2004.089.23:15:53.81/wx/14.9,996.5,97.7,228.5,0.0 2004.089.23:15:54.47/cable/3.718649917E-3 2004.089.23:15:54.94/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,21.90 2004.089.23:15:55.44/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,21.40 2004.089.23:15:55.94/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.70 2004.089.23:15:56.44/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,13.70 2004.089.23:15:56.94/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.613 2004.089.23:15:57.44/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.015 2004.089.23:15:57.94/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.859 2004.089.23:15:58.44/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,65.48 2004.089.23:15:58.94/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,58.85 2004.089.23:15:59.44/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.244 2004.089.23:15:59.94/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,243.1 2004.089.23:16:00.44/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,69.34 2004.089.23:16:00.53/bbc01/612.89,a,8,8,1,agc, -2.01, -2.72,lock,15830,16156,1018,1pps 2004.089.23:16:00.61/bbc02/652.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 5.49, 3.48,lock,16170,15831,1029,1pps 2004.089.23:16:00.69/bbc03/752.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 5.91, 4.09,lock,16461,16006,1027,1pps 2004.089.23:16:00.77/bbc04/912.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 8.39, 7.42,lock,16149,16288,1024,1pps 2004.089.23:16:00.85/bbc05/652.99,c,8,8,1,agc,-12.08,-12.64,lock,15772,15683,1025,1pps 2004.089.23:16:00.93/bbc06/772.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -6.62, -6.34,lock,15445,16037,1030,1pps 2004.089.23:16:01.01/bbc07/832.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -8.56, -8.56,lock,15309,16109,1033,1pps 2004.089.23:16:01.10/bbc08/852.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -6.06, -7.22,lock,15079,15125,1028,1pps 2004.089.23:16:01.18/bbc09/692.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.97, 4.82,lock,15892,15947,1020,1pps 2004.089.23:16:01.26/bbc10/700.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.82, 3.39,lock,15782,15959,1026,1pps 2004.089.23:16:01.34/bbc11/716.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 3.39, 3.30,lock,16146,15931,1022,1pps 2004.089.23:16:01.42/bbc12/772.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 7.86, 6.70,lock,16286,16259,1019,1pps 2004.089.23:16:01.50/bbc13/804.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 10.07, 9.90,lock,16231,16223,1031,1pps 2004.089.23:16:01.59/bbc14/812.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 8.55, 8.34,lock,16256,16201,1021,1pps 2004.089.23:16:02.44#antcn#Received message for antenna: GETS 2004.089.23:16:03.41#antcn#ACU: MJD: 53093, UTC: 83762, Src: ext. 1pps present 2004.089.23:16:03.41#antcn#ACU: Azimuth: Pos: 931702, Dev: -3, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.089.23:16:03.41#antcn#ACU: Elevation: Pos: 284390, Dev: -2, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.089.23:16:03.41#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.089.23:16:03.41#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.089.23:16:03.41#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.089.23:16:03.41#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.089.23:16:03.41#antcn#ACU: Az: no fault , no fault 2004.089.23:16:03.41#antcn#ACU: El: no fault , no fault 2004.089.23:16:03.42/antenna/ACK 2004.089.23:16:03.42:!2004.089.23:19:03 2004.089.23:19:03.00:data_valid=off 2004.089.23:19:03.01:disc_end 2004.089.23:19:03.27/disc_end/usn-0079/960/1024OK 2004.089.23:19:03.28:disc_pos 2004.089.23:19:03.28/disc_pos/213164003552,206790539432, 2004.089.23:19:03.29:disc_check 2004.089.23:19:03.59/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y089d23h19m03.248s,20904,0.00250s,80000,2106346428, 2004.089.23:19:03.60:postob_mk5a 2004.089.23:19:03.61/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 404871 : 1858 : 1 : 4 : 0 : 1 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.23:19:03.61/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 405024 : 1688 : 1 : 17 : 3 : 0 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.23:19:03.62/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 405051 : 1681 : 1 : 3 : 0 : 0 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.23:19:03.63/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 404745 : 1975 : 0 : 16 : 1 : 5 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.23:19:03.64/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 404672 : 2064 : 2 : 3 : 0 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.23:19:03.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 404631 : 2095 : 2 : 9 : 1 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.23:19:03.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 404973 : 1769 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.23:19:03.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 404919 : 1820 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.23:19:04.08/cable/3.719785604E-3 2004.089.23:19:05.96/fmout-gps/-7.515750E-6 2004.089.23:19:06.44/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,21.90 2004.089.23:19:06.94/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,21.40 2004.089.23:19:07.44/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.70 2004.089.23:19:07.94/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,13.70 2004.089.23:19:08.44/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.611 2004.089.23:19:08.94/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.015 2004.089.23:19:09.44/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,2.455 2004.089.23:19:09.94/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,53.29 2004.089.23:19:10.44/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,58.85 2004.089.23:19:10.94/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.244 2004.089.23:19:11.44/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,243.9 2004.089.23:19:11.94/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,69.34 2004.089.23:19:11.94:scan_name=089-2323,r1116,46 2004.089.23:19:11.95:source=0727-115,073019.11,-114112.6,2000.0,cw 2004.089.23:19:16.43:setup4f 2004.089.23:19:18.99/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.089.23:19:19.02/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.089.23:19:19.04/bank_check/usn-0079/960/1024OK,VNVD06G4H7982L,VNVD06G4H79L4L,VNVD06G4H79RWL,VNVD06G4H71WBL,VNVD06G4H79GKL,VNVD06G4H79D4L,VNVD06G4H700TL,VNVD06G4H79GUL 2004.089.23:19:19.06/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 101 ; 2004.089.23:19:19.06:!2004.089.23:23:13 2004.089.23:23:13.00:disc_pos 2004.089.23:23:13.00/disc_pos/213164003552,213163003552, 2004.089.23:23:13.01:disc_start=on 2004.089.23:23:14.05:!2004.089.23:23:13 2004.089.23:23:14.05:preob 2004.089.23:23:15.43#antcn#ACK 2004.089.23:23:15.43/onsource/TRACKING 2004.089.23:23:18.19/tpical/1l,16239,1u,15818,2u,16135,3u,16178,4u,16205 2004.089.23:23:18.19/tpical/9u,16223,au,16110,bu,16052,cu,16225,du,16210,eu,16369 2004.089.23:23:18.19/tpical/5u,16314,6u,15977,7u,15696,8l,15521,8u,15531 2004.089.23:23:18.34/tpgain/1l,46,1u,50,2u,119,3u,125,4u,167 2004.089.23:23:18.34/tpgain/9u,112,au,109,bu,93,cu,155,du,201,eu,168 2004.089.23:23:18.34/tpgain/5u,16,6u,30,7u,24,8l,28,8u,31 2004.089.23:23:18.39:!2004.089.23:23:23 2004.089.23:23:23.00:disc_pos 2004.089.23:23:23.02/disc_pos/213419798528,213163003552, 2004.089.23:23:23.02:data_valid=on 2004.089.23:23:23.03:midob 2004.089.23:23:23.20/tpi/1l,16235,1u,15810,2u,16124,3u,16171,4u,16200 2004.089.23:23:23.20/tpi/9u,16199,au,16067,bu,16030,cu,16202,du,16190,eu,16353 2004.089.23:23:23.20/tpi/5u,16307,6u,15986,7u,15694,8l,15544,8u,15543 2004.089.23:23:23.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 1l overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.23:23:23.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 8l overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.23:23:23.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 1u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.23:23:23.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 2u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.23:23:23.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 3u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.23:23:23.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 4u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.23:23:23.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 5u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.23:23:23.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 6u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.23:23:23.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 7u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.23:23:23.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 8u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.23:23:23.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 9u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.23:23:23.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device au overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.23:23:23.81/tsys/1l,$$$$$$$$,1u,$$$$$$$$,2u,$$$$$$$$,3u,$$$$$$$$,4u,$$$$$$$$ 2004.089.23:23:23.82/tsys/9u,$$$$$$$$,au,$$$$$$$$,bu,9851.2,cu,2540.1,du,7064.7,eu,7054.6 2004.089.23:23:23.82/tsys/5u,$$$$$$$$,6u,$$$$$$$$,7u,$$$$$$$$,8l,$$$$$$$$,8u,$$$$$$$$ 2004.089.23:23:23.83/wx/14.8,996.5,97.7,205.3,0.2 2004.089.23:23:24.07/cable/3.719370206E-3 2004.089.23:23:24.54/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,21.90 2004.089.23:23:25.04/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,21.30 2004.089.23:23:25.54/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.80 2004.089.23:23:26.04/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,13.60 2004.089.23:23:26.54/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.613 2004.089.23:23:27.04/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.000 2004.089.23:23:27.54/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.859 2004.089.23:23:28.04/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,66.80 2004.089.23:23:28.54/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,60.22 2004.089.23:23:29.04/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.217 2004.089.23:23:29.54/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,240.0 2004.089.23:23:30.04/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,68.85 2004.089.23:23:30.13/bbc01/612.89,a,8,8,1,agc, -2.18, -2.91,lock,15815,16238,1018,1pps 2004.089.23:23:30.21/bbc02/652.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 5.35, 3.30,lock,16126,16101,1029,1pps 2004.089.23:23:30.29/bbc03/752.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 5.77, 3.92,lock,16171,16139,1027,1pps 2004.089.23:23:30.37/bbc04/912.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 8.29, 7.24,lock,16222,16221,1024,1pps 2004.089.23:23:30.45/bbc05/652.99,c,8,8,1,agc,-12.08,-12.64,lock,16302,16209,1025,1pps 2004.089.23:23:30.53/bbc06/772.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -6.62, -6.62,lock,15989,15648,1030,1pps 2004.089.23:23:30.61/bbc07/832.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -8.56, -8.93,lock,15723,15158,1033,1pps 2004.089.23:23:30.69/bbc08/852.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -6.34, -7.22,lock,15523,15539,1028,1pps 2004.089.23:23:30.77/bbc09/692.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.82, 4.74,lock,16221,16298,1020,1pps 2004.089.23:23:30.85/bbc10/700.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.58, 3.21,lock,16076,16250,1026,1pps 2004.089.23:23:30.93/bbc11/716.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 3.21, 3.11,lock,16028,16072,1022,1pps 2004.089.23:23:31.01/bbc12/772.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 7.64, 6.51,lock,16200,16351,1019,1pps 2004.089.23:23:31.10/bbc13/804.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 9.90, 9.73,lock,16181,16217,1031,1pps 2004.089.23:23:31.18/bbc14/812.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 8.34, 8.19,lock,16265,16192,1021,1pps 2004.089.23:23:31.44#antcn#Received message for antenna: GETS 2004.089.23:23:32.42#antcn#ACU: MJD: 53093, UTC: 84211, Src: ext. 1pps present 2004.089.23:23:32.42#antcn#ACU: Azimuth: Pos: 160637, Dev: -6, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.089.23:23:32.42#antcn#ACU: Elevation: Pos: 639724, Dev: 0, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.089.23:23:32.42#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.089.23:23:32.42#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.089.23:23:32.42#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.089.23:23:32.42#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.089.23:23:32.42#antcn#ACU: Az: no fault , no fault 2004.089.23:23:32.42#antcn#ACU: El: no fault , no fault 2004.089.23:23:32.43/antenna/ACK 2004.089.23:23:32.43:!2004.089.23:24:09 2004.089.23:24:09.00:data_valid=off 2004.089.23:24:09.01:disc_end 2004.089.23:24:09.26/disc_end/usn-0079/960/1024OK 2004.089.23:24:09.27:disc_pos 2004.089.23:24:09.27/disc_pos/214928826464,213164003552, 2004.089.23:24:09.28:disc_check 2004.089.23:24:09.85/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y089d23h24m09.238s,32468,0.00250s,80000,8026845524, 2004.089.23:24:09.85:postob_mk5a 2004.089.23:24:09.86/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 408219 : 1879 : 1 : 4 : 0 : 1 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.23:24:09.87/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 408378 : 1701 : 1 : 18 : 3 : 0 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.23:24:09.88/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 408407 : 1693 : 1 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.23:24:09.90/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 408092 : 1997 : 0 : 17 : 1 : 5 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.23:24:09.91/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 408028 : 2078 : 2 : 3 : 0 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.23:24:09.92/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 407982 : 2113 : 2 : 9 : 1 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.23:24:09.93/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 408329 : 1781 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.23:24:09.94/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 408265 : 1843 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.23:24:10.48/cable/3.718739178E-3 2004.089.23:24:11.97/fmout-gps/-7.507278E-6 2004.089.23:24:12.44/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,21.80 2004.089.23:24:12.89/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,21.30 2004.089.23:24:13.34/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.80 2004.089.23:24:13.79/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,13.60 2004.089.23:24:14.24/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.613 2004.089.23:24:14.69/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.000 2004.089.23:24:15.14/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,1.807 2004.089.23:24:15.59/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,60.22 2004.089.23:24:16.04/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,62.85 2004.089.23:24:16.49/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.271 2004.089.23:24:16.94/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,243.6 2004.089.23:24:17.39/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,71.29 2004.089.23:24:17.40:scan_name=089-2334,r1116,190 2004.089.23:24:17.40:source=oj287,085448.87,200630.6,2000.0,cw 2004.089.23:24:21.44:setup4f 2004.089.23:24:23.98/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.089.23:24:24.01/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.089.23:24:24.03/bank_check/usn-0079/960/1024OK,VNVD06G4H7982L,VNVD06G4H79L4L,VNVD06G4H79RWL,VNVD06G4H71WBL,VNVD06G4H79GKL,VNVD06G4H79D4L,VNVD06G4H700TL,VNVD06G4H79GUL 2004.089.23:24:24.05/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 103 ; 2004.089.23:24:24.05:!2004.089.23:34:21 2004.089.23:34:21.00:disc_pos 2004.089.23:34:21.00/disc_pos/214928826464,214927826464, 2004.089.23:34:21.01:disc_start=on 2004.089.23:34:22.05:!2004.089.23:34:21 2004.089.23:34:22.05:preob 2004.089.23:34:23.45#antcn#ACK 2004.089.23:34:23.45/onsource/TRACKING 2004.089.23:34:26.20/tpical/1l,16095,1u,16122,2u,16275,3u,16128,4u,16298 2004.089.23:34:26.20/tpical/9u,16062,au,16073,bu,16134,cu,16270,du,16155,eu,16251 2004.089.23:34:26.20/tpical/5u,15640,6u,16349,7u,16237,8l,15817,8u,14858 2004.089.23:34:26.35/tpgain/1l,51,1u,57,2u,132,3u,135,4u,178 2004.089.23:34:26.35/tpgain/9u,116,au,112,bu,97,cu,160,du,207,eu,174 2004.089.23:34:26.35/tpgain/5u,16,6u,31,7u,25,8l,29,8u,31 2004.089.23:34:26.38:!2004.089.23:34:31 2004.089.23:34:31.00:disc_pos 2004.089.23:34:31.00/disc_pos/215184621568,214927826464, 2004.089.23:34:31.01:data_valid=on 2004.089.23:34:31.02:midob 2004.089.23:34:31.19/tpi/1l,16088,1u,16110,2u,16265,3u,16122,4u,16288 2004.089.23:34:31.19/tpi/9u,16025,au,16034,bu,16104,cu,16253,du,16118,eu,16254 2004.089.23:34:31.19/tpi/5u,15638,6u,16339,7u,16223,8l,15790,8u,14844 2004.089.23:34:31.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 1l overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.23:34:31.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 8l overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.23:34:31.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 1u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.23:34:31.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 2u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.23:34:31.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 3u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.23:34:31.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 4u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.23:34:31.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 5u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.23:34:31.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 6u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.23:34:31.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 7u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.23:34:31.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 8u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.23:34:31.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 9u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.23:34:31.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device au overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.23:34:31.80/tsys/1l,$$$$$$$$,1u,$$$$$$$$,2u,$$$$$$$$,3u,$$$$$$$$,4u,$$$$$$$$ 2004.089.23:34:31.80/tsys/9u,$$$$$$$$,au,$$$$$$$$,bu,9069.5,cu,2380.4,du,6597.3,eu,6492.0 2004.089.23:34:31.80/tsys/5u,$$$$$$$$,6u,$$$$$$$$,7u,$$$$$$$$,8l,$$$$$$$$,8u,$$$$$$$$ 2004.089.23:34:31.81/wx/14.8,996.6,97.7,219.5,0.0 2004.089.23:34:32.07/cable/3.719524506E-3 2004.089.23:34:32.54/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,21.80 2004.089.23:34:33.04/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,21.30 2004.089.23:34:33.54/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.70 2004.089.23:34:34.04/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,13.60 2004.089.23:34:34.54/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.613 2004.089.23:34:35.04/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.000 2004.089.23:34:35.54/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,1.647 2004.089.23:34:36.04/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,56.07 2004.089.23:34:36.54/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,69.43 2004.089.23:34:37.04/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.217 2004.089.23:34:37.54/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,243.6 2004.089.23:34:38.04/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,65.19 2004.089.23:34:38.13/bbc01/612.89,a,8,8,1,agc, -1.05, -2.01,lock,16209,16171,1018,1pps 2004.089.23:34:38.21/bbc02/652.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 6.25, 4.18,lock,16380,16279,1029,1pps 2004.089.23:34:38.29/bbc03/752.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 6.44, 4.66,lock,16166,16040,1027,1pps 2004.089.23:34:38.37/bbc04/912.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 8.84, 7.92,lock,16321,16391,1024,1pps 2004.089.23:34:38.45/bbc05/652.99,c,8,8,1,agc,-12.08,-12.64,lock,15618,15547,1025,1pps 2004.089.23:34:38.53/bbc06/772.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -6.34, -6.34,lock,16319,15917,1030,1pps 2004.089.23:34:38.61/bbc07/832.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -8.21, -8.56,lock,16227,15760,1033,1pps 2004.089.23:34:38.69/bbc08/852.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -6.34, -6.92,lock,16716,15793,1028,1pps 2004.089.23:34:38.77/bbc09/692.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 5.12, 4.97,lock,16039,16144,1020,1pps 2004.089.23:34:38.85/bbc10/700.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.82, 3.48,lock,16062,16354,1026,1pps 2004.089.23:34:38.93/bbc11/716.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 3.57, 3.48,lock,16119,16277,1022,1pps 2004.089.23:34:39.01/bbc12/772.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 7.92, 6.82,lock,16263,16317,1019,1pps 2004.089.23:34:39.10/bbc13/804.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 10.20, 10.03,lock,16125,16271,1031,1pps 2004.089.23:34:39.18/bbc14/812.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 8.65, 8.50,lock,16256,16294,1021,1pps 2004.089.23:34:39.44#antcn#Received message for antenna: GETS 2004.089.23:34:40.42#antcn#ACU: MJD: 53093, UTC: 84879, Src: ext. 1pps present 2004.089.23:34:40.42#antcn#ACU: Azimuth: Pos: 271898, Dev: -1, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.089.23:34:40.42#antcn#ACU: Elevation: Pos: 281903, Dev: 3, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.089.23:34:40.42#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.089.23:34:40.42#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.089.23:34:40.42#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.089.23:34:40.42#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.089.23:34:40.42#antcn#ACU: Az: no fault , no fault 2004.089.23:34:40.42#antcn#ACU: El: no fault , no fault 2004.089.23:34:40.43/antenna/ACK 2004.089.23:34:40.43:!2004.089.23:37:41 2004.089.23:37:41.00:data_valid=off 2004.089.23:37:41.01:disc_end 2004.089.23:37:41.27/disc_end/usn-0079/960/1024OK 2004.089.23:37:41.27:disc_pos 2004.089.23:37:41.28/disc_pos/221301961096,214928826464, 2004.089.23:37:41.28:disc_check 2004.089.23:37:41.59/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y089d23h37m41.250s,59360,0.00250s,80000,19611238476, 2004.089.23:37:41.59:postob_mk5a 2004.089.23:37:41.60/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 420310 : 1947 : 1 : 4 : 0 : 1 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.23:37:41.61/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 420484 : 1756 : 1 : 18 : 3 : 0 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.23:37:41.62/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 420520 : 1739 : 1 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.23:37:41.63/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 420185 : 2063 : 0 : 17 : 1 : 5 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.23:37:41.64/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 420124 : 2143 : 2 : 3 : 0 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.23:37:41.64/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 420081 : 2173 : 2 : 9 : 1 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.23:37:41.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 420442 : 1828 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.23:37:41.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 420371 : 1896 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.23:37:42.47/cable/3.720352724E-3 2004.089.23:37:43.96/fmout-gps/-7.474628E-6 2004.089.23:37:44.44/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,21.80 2004.089.23:37:44.94/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,21.30 2004.089.23:37:45.44/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.70 2004.089.23:37:45.94/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,13.60 2004.089.23:37:46.44/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.613 2004.089.23:37:46.94/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.000 2004.089.23:37:47.44/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,2.455 2004.089.23:37:47.94/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,68.11 2004.089.23:37:48.44/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,58.85 2004.089.23:37:48.94/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.217 2004.089.23:37:49.44/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,242.9 2004.089.23:37:49.94/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,68.12 2004.089.23:37:49.94:scan_name=089-2338,r1116,190 2004.089.23:37:49.95:source=4c39.25,092703.01,390220.9,2000.0,cw 2004.089.23:37:54.45:setup4f 2004.089.23:37:56.97/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.089.23:37:56.98/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.089.23:37:57.00/bank_check/usn-0079/960/1024OK,VNVD06G4H7982L,VNVD06G4H79L4L,VNVD06G4H79RWL,VNVD06G4H71WBL,VNVD06G4H79GKL,VNVD06G4H79D4L,VNVD06G4H700TL,VNVD06G4H79GUL 2004.089.23:37:57.02/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 105 ; 2004.089.23:37:57.03:!2004.089.23:38:15 2004.089.23:38:15.00:disc_pos 2004.089.23:38:15.01/disc_pos/221301961096,221300961096, 2004.089.23:38:15.01:disc_start=on 2004.089.23:38:16.05:!2004.089.23:38:15 2004.089.23:38:16.05:preob 2004.089.23:38:17.45#antcn#ACK 2004.089.23:38:17.45/onsource/TRACKING 2004.089.23:38:20.20/tpical/1l,16112,1u,15987,2u,16057,3u,16565,4u,16125 2004.089.23:38:20.20/tpical/9u,16291,au,16223,bu,16439,cu,16237,du,16258,eu,16225 2004.089.23:38:20.20/tpical/5u,14865,6u,15446,7u,15749,8l,15761,8u,15865 2004.089.23:38:20.35/tpgain/1l,48,1u,53,2u,123,3u,128,4u,168 2004.089.23:38:20.35/tpgain/9u,114,au,111,bu,96,cu,156,du,202,eu,169 2004.089.23:38:20.35/tpgain/5u,15,6u,28,7u,23,8l,27,8u,30 2004.089.23:38:20.38:!2004.089.23:38:25 2004.089.23:38:25.00:disc_pos 2004.089.23:38:25.00/disc_pos/221557760000,221300961096, 2004.089.23:38:25.01:data_valid=on 2004.089.23:38:25.02:midob 2004.089.23:38:25.19/tpi/1l,16025,1u,15894,2u,15968,3u,16513,4u,16092 2004.089.23:38:25.19/tpi/9u,16351,au,16225,bu,16440,cu,16243,du,16249,eu,16234 2004.089.23:38:25.19/tpi/5u,14880,6u,15463,7u,15760,8l,15767,8u,15872 2004.089.23:38:25.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 1l overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.23:38:25.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 8l overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.23:38:25.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 1u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.23:38:25.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 2u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.23:38:25.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 3u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.23:38:25.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 4u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.23:38:25.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 5u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.23:38:25.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 6u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.23:38:25.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 7u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.23:38:25.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 8u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.23:38:25.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 9u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.23:38:25.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device au overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.23:38:25.81/tsys/1l,$$$$$$$$,1u,$$$$$$$$,2u,$$$$$$$$,3u,$$$$$$$$,4u,$$$$$$$$ 2004.089.23:38:25.81/tsys/9u,$$$$$$$$,au,$$$$$$$$,bu,9468.0,cu,2512.1,du,7016.9,eu,6909.1 2004.089.23:38:25.81/tsys/5u,$$$$$$$$,6u,$$$$$$$$,7u,$$$$$$$$,8l,$$$$$$$$,8u,$$$$$$$$ 2004.089.23:38:25.82/wx/14.5,996.6,97.7,287.1,0.0 2004.089.23:38:26.47/cable/3.720107004E-3 2004.089.23:38:26.95/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,21.80 2004.089.23:38:27.45/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,21.30 2004.089.23:38:27.95/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.70 2004.089.23:38:28.45/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,13.60 2004.089.23:38:28.95/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.613 2004.089.23:38:29.45/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.000 2004.089.23:38:29.95/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,4.306 2004.089.23:38:30.45/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,50.51 2004.089.23:38:30.95/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,58.85 2004.089.23:38:31.45/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.244 2004.089.23:38:31.95/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,244.6 2004.089.23:38:32.45/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,69.59 2004.089.23:38:32.54/bbc01/612.89,a,8,8,1,agc, -1.68, -2.54,lock,15818,15948,1018,1pps 2004.089.23:38:32.62/bbc02/652.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 5.70, 3.57,lock,15872,15941,1029,1pps 2004.089.23:38:32.70/bbc03/752.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 5.98, 4.09,lock,15900,15938,1027,1pps 2004.089.23:38:32.79/bbc04/912.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 8.39, 7.36,lock,16214,16257,1024,1pps 2004.089.23:38:32.87/bbc05/652.99,c,8,8,1,agc,-12.64,-13.24,lock,14858,15641,1025,1pps 2004.089.23:38:32.95/bbc06/772.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -7.22, -6.92,lock,15459,16102,1030,1pps 2004.089.23:38:33.03/bbc07/832.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -8.93, -9.32,lock,15748,15126,1033,1pps 2004.089.23:38:33.12/bbc08/852.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -6.62, -7.54,lock,15866,15750,1028,1pps 2004.089.23:38:33.20/bbc09/692.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.97, 4.82,lock,16315,16308,1020,1pps 2004.089.23:38:33.28/bbc10/700.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.74, 3.30,lock,16232,16136,1026,1pps 2004.089.23:38:33.36/bbc11/716.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 3.48, 3.21,lock,15831,16066,1022,1pps 2004.089.23:38:33.45/bbc12/772.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 7.70, 6.57,lock,16257,16342,1019,1pps 2004.089.23:38:33.53/bbc13/804.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 9.94, 9.77,lock,16284,16263,1031,1pps 2004.089.23:38:33.61/bbc14/812.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 8.39, 8.24,lock,16181,16308,1021,1pps 2004.089.23:38:34.46#antcn#Received message for antenna: GETS 2004.089.23:38:35.43#antcn#ACU: MJD: 53093, UTC: 85114, Src: ext. 1pps present 2004.089.23:38:35.43#antcn#ACU: Azimuth: Pos: 249118, Dev: -4, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.089.23:38:35.43#antcn#ACU: Elevation: Pos: 85109, Dev: 0, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.089.23:38:35.43#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.089.23:38:35.43#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.089.23:38:35.43#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.089.23:38:35.43#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.089.23:38:35.43#antcn#ACU: Az: no fault , no fault 2004.089.23:38:35.43#antcn#ACU: El: no fault , no fault 2004.089.23:38:35.44/antenna/ACK 2004.089.23:38:35.44:!2004.089.23:41:35 2004.089.23:41:35.00:data_valid=off 2004.089.23:41:35.01:disc_end 2004.089.23:41:35.26/disc_end/usn-0079/960/1024OK 2004.089.23:41:35.27:disc_pos 2004.089.23:41:35.27/disc_pos/227675103432,221301961096, 2004.089.23:41:35.28:disc_check 2004.089.23:41:35.58/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y089d23h41m35.250s,13392,0.00250s,80000,1114903632, 2004.089.23:41:35.59:postob_mk5a 2004.089.23:41:35.60/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 432412 : 2004 : 1 : 4 : 0 : 1 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.23:41:35.60/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 432598 : 1803 : 1 : 18 : 3 : 0 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.23:41:35.61/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 432635 : 1783 : 1 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.23:41:35.62/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 432300 : 2108 : 0 : 17 : 1 : 5 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.23:41:35.63/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 432231 : 2195 : 2 : 3 : 0 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.23:41:35.64/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 432197 : 2217 : 2 : 9 : 1 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.23:41:35.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 432557 : 1872 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.23:41:35.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 432476 : 1950 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.23:41:36.07/cable/3.717572302E-3 2004.089.23:41:37.96/fmout-gps/-7.505238E-6 2004.089.23:41:38.44/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,21.70 2004.089.23:41:38.94/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,21.20 2004.089.23:41:39.44/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.60 2004.089.23:41:39.94/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,13.60 2004.089.23:41:40.44/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.611 2004.089.23:41:40.94/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.000 2004.089.23:41:41.44/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,4.306 2004.089.23:41:41.94/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,69.43 2004.089.23:41:42.44/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,58.85 2004.089.23:41:42.94/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.217 2004.089.23:41:43.44/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,243.6 2004.089.23:41:43.94/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,71.05 2004.089.23:41:43.94:scan_name=089-2342b,r1116,105 2004.089.23:41:43.95:source=0607-157,060940.95,-154240.7,2000.0,cw 2004.089.23:41:48.45:setup4f 2004.089.23:41:50.97/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.089.23:41:50.98/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.089.23:41:51.00/bank_check/usn-0079/960/1024OK,VNVD06G4H7982L,VNVD06G4H79L4L,VNVD06G4H79RWL,VNVD06G4H71WBL,VNVD06G4H79GKL,VNVD06G4H79D4L,VNVD06G4H700TL,VNVD06G4H79GUL 2004.089.23:41:51.02/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 107 ; 2004.089.23:41:51.06:!2004.089.23:42:24 2004.089.23:42:24.00:disc_pos 2004.089.23:42:24.01/disc_pos/227675103432,227674103432, 2004.089.23:42:24.01:disc_start=on 2004.089.23:42:25.05:!2004.089.23:42:24 2004.089.23:42:25.05:preob 2004.089.23:42:26.46#antcn#ACK 2004.089.23:42:26.46/onsource/TRACKING 2004.089.23:42:29.21/tpical/1l,16363,1u,15955,2u,16364,3u,16004,4u,16290 2004.089.23:42:29.21/tpical/9u,16295,au,16161,bu,16431,cu,16275,du,16327,eu,16143 2004.089.23:42:29.21/tpical/5u,16117,6u,15833,7u,15429,8l,16233,8u,15261 2004.089.23:42:29.36/tpgain/1l,47,1u,51,2u,123,3u,127,4u,170 2004.089.23:42:29.36/tpgain/9u,114,au,111,bu,96,cu,157,du,204,eu,171 2004.089.23:42:29.36/tpgain/5u,16,6u,30,7u,24,8l,29,8u,31 2004.089.23:42:29.39:!2004.089.23:42:34 2004.089.23:42:34.00:disc_pos 2004.089.23:42:34.00/disc_pos/227930902528,227674103432, 2004.089.23:42:34.01:data_valid=on 2004.089.23:42:34.02:midob 2004.089.23:42:34.19/tpi/1l,16345,1u,15943,2u,16330,3u,15995,4u,16294 2004.089.23:42:34.20/tpi/9u,16302,au,16164,bu,16431,cu,16250,du,16306,eu,16129 2004.089.23:42:34.20/tpi/5u,16140,6u,15855,7u,15414,8l,16222,8u,15270 2004.089.23:42:34.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 1l overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.23:42:34.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 8l overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.23:42:34.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 1u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.23:42:34.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 2u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.23:42:34.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 3u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.23:42:34.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 4u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.23:42:34.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 5u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.23:42:34.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 6u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.23:42:34.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 7u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.23:42:34.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 8u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.23:42:34.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 9u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.23:42:34.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device au overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.23:42:34.81/tsys/1l,$$$$$$$$,1u,$$$$$$$$,2u,$$$$$$$$,3u,$$$$$$$$,4u,$$$$$$$$ 2004.089.23:42:34.81/tsys/9u,$$$$$$$$,au,$$$$$$$$,bu,9462.6,cu,2478.9,du,6895.2,eu,6686.8 2004.089.23:42:34.81/tsys/5u,$$$$$$$$,6u,$$$$$$$$,7u,$$$$$$$$,8l,$$$$$$$$,8u,$$$$$$$$ 2004.089.23:42:34.82/wx/14.5,996.5,97.7,131.8,0.0 2004.089.23:42:35.27/cable/3.717142734E-3 2004.089.23:42:35.74/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,21.70 2004.089.23:42:36.19/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,21.10 2004.089.23:42:36.64/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.80 2004.089.23:42:37.09/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,13.60 2004.089.23:42:37.54/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.613 2004.089.23:42:37.99/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.000 2004.089.23:42:38.44/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,2.455 2004.089.23:42:38.89/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,66.80 2004.089.23:42:39.34/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,57.46 2004.089.23:42:39.79/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.271 2004.089.23:42:40.24/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,243.9 2004.089.23:42:40.69/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,68.85 2004.089.23:42:40.78/bbc01/612.89,a,8,8,1,agc, -2.01, -2.72,lock,15936,16344,1018,1pps 2004.089.23:42:40.86/bbc02/652.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 5.63, 3.48,lock,16309,16186,1029,1pps 2004.089.23:42:40.94/bbc03/752.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 5.98, 4.09,lock,16013,16029,1027,1pps 2004.089.23:42:41.02/bbc04/912.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 8.44, 7.42,lock,16290,16211,1024,1pps 2004.089.23:42:41.10/bbc05/652.99,c,8,8,1,agc,-12.08,-12.64,lock,16152,16066,1025,1pps 2004.089.23:42:41.18/bbc06/772.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -6.62, -6.62,lock,15854,15505,1030,1pps 2004.089.23:42:41.26/bbc07/832.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -8.56, -8.56,lock,15415,16125,1033,1pps 2004.089.23:42:41.34/bbc08/852.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -6.06, -6.92,lock,15286,16241,1028,1pps 2004.089.23:42:41.42/bbc09/692.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.97, 4.74,lock,16293,15941,1020,1pps 2004.089.23:42:41.50/bbc10/700.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.74, 3.30,lock,16172,16166,1026,1pps 2004.089.23:42:41.58/bbc11/716.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 3.39, 3.30,lock,16438,16218,1022,1pps 2004.089.23:42:41.67/bbc12/772.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 7.75, 6.57,lock,16245,16243,1019,1pps 2004.089.23:42:41.75/bbc13/804.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 10.03, 9.81,lock,16316,16209,1031,1pps 2004.089.23:42:41.83/bbc14/812.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 8.55, 8.29,lock,16353,16195,1021,1pps 2004.089.23:42:42.45#antcn#Received message for antenna: GETS 2004.089.23:42:43.43#antcn#ACU: MJD: 53093, UTC: 85362, Src: ext. 1pps present 2004.089.23:42:43.43#antcn#ACU: Azimuth: Pos: -416038, Dev: -6, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.089.23:42:43.43#antcn#ACU: Elevation: Pos: 634905, Dev: -5, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.089.23:42:43.43#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.089.23:42:43.43#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.089.23:42:43.43#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.089.23:42:43.43#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.089.23:42:43.43#antcn#ACU: Az: no fault , no fault 2004.089.23:42:43.43#antcn#ACU: El: no fault , no fault 2004.089.23:42:43.44/antenna/ACK 2004.089.23:42:43.44:!2004.089.23:44:19 2004.089.23:44:19.00:data_valid=off 2004.089.23:44:19.01:disc_end 2004.089.23:44:19.27/disc_end/usn-0079/960/1024OK 2004.089.23:44:19.27:disc_pos 2004.089.23:44:19.28/disc_pos/231328357328,227675103432, 2004.089.23:44:19.28:disc_check 2004.089.23:44:19.58/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y089d23h44m19.247s,54316,0.00250s,80000,1594625180, 2004.089.23:44:19.59:postob_mk5a 2004.089.23:44:19.61/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 439351 : 2036 : 1 : 4 : 0 : 1 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.23:44:19.62/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 439542 : 1830 : 1 : 18 : 3 : 0 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.23:44:19.63/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 439581 : 1808 : 1 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.23:44:19.64/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 439245 : 2134 : 0 : 17 : 1 : 5 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.23:44:19.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 439176 : 2221 : 2 : 3 : 0 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.23:44:19.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 439135 : 2251 : 2 : 9 : 1 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.23:44:19.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 439503 : 1897 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.23:44:19.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 439417 : 1980 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.23:44:20.07/cable/3.716303395E-3 2004.089.23:44:21.96/fmout-gps/-7.523478E-6 2004.089.23:44:22.45/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,21.70 2004.089.23:44:22.95/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,21.10 2004.089.23:44:23.45/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.80 2004.089.23:44:23.95/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,13.50 2004.089.23:44:24.45/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.613 2004.089.23:44:24.94/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.015 2004.089.23:44:25.40/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,2.455 2004.089.23:44:25.89/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,53.29 2004.089.23:44:26.34/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,62.85 2004.089.23:44:26.79/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.271 2004.089.23:44:27.24/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,243.1 2004.089.23:44:27.70/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,65.68 2004.089.23:44:27.70:scan_name=089-2351b,r1116,91 2004.089.23:44:27.71:source=0454-234,045703.18,-232452.0,2000.0,cw 2004.089.23:44:32.46:setup4f 2004.089.23:44:34.97/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.089.23:44:35.00/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.089.23:44:35.02/bank_check/usn-0079/960/1024OK,VNVD06G4H7982L,VNVD06G4H79L4L,VNVD06G4H79RWL,VNVD06G4H71WBL,VNVD06G4H79GKL,VNVD06G4H79D4L,VNVD06G4H700TL,VNVD06G4H79GUL 2004.089.23:44:35.04/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 109 ; 2004.089.23:44:35.04:!2004.089.23:51:41 2004.089.23:51:41.00:disc_pos 2004.089.23:51:41.00/disc_pos/231328357328,231327357328, 2004.089.23:51:41.01:disc_start=on 2004.089.23:51:42.04:!2004.089.23:51:41 2004.089.23:51:42.04:preob 2004.089.23:51:43.47#antcn#ACK 2004.089.23:51:43.47/onsource/TRACKING 2004.089.23:51:46.23/tpical/1l,15878,1u,16045,2u,16044,3u,16218,4u,16316 2004.089.23:51:46.23/tpical/9u,16081,au,16329,bu,16038,cu,16156,du,16259,eu,16260 2004.089.23:51:46.23/tpical/5u,15759,6u,15482,7u,16312,8l,15893,8u,14914 2004.089.23:51:46.38/tpgain/1l,47,1u,52,2u,123,3u,128,4u,172 2004.089.23:51:46.38/tpgain/9u,115,au,112,bu,96,cu,159,du,207,eu,174 2004.089.23:51:46.38/tpgain/5u,16,6u,30,7u,25,8l,29,8u,31 2004.089.23:51:46.41:!2004.089.23:51:51 2004.089.23:51:51.00:disc_pos 2004.089.23:51:51.00/disc_pos/231584153600,231327357328, 2004.089.23:51:51.01:data_valid=on 2004.089.23:51:51.02:midob 2004.089.23:51:51.19/tpi/1l,15874,1u,16058,2u,16024,3u,16230,4u,16319 2004.089.23:51:51.19/tpi/9u,16086,au,16321,bu,16037,cu,16145,du,16266,eu,16273 2004.089.23:51:51.19/tpi/5u,15762,6u,15479,7u,16290,8l,15902,8u,14946 2004.089.23:51:51.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 1l overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.23:51:51.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 8l overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.23:51:51.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 1u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.23:51:51.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 2u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.23:51:51.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 3u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.23:51:51.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 4u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.23:51:51.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 5u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.23:51:51.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 6u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.23:51:51.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 7u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.23:51:51.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 8u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.23:51:51.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 9u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.23:51:51.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device au overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.23:51:51.80/tsys/1l,$$$$$$$$,1u,$$$$$$$$,2u,$$$$$$$$,3u,$$$$$$$$,4u,$$$$$$$$ 2004.089.23:51:51.81/tsys/9u,$$$$$$$$,au,$$$$$$$$,bu,9227.0,cu,2395.5,du,6663.0,eu,6500.3 2004.089.23:51:51.81/tsys/5u,$$$$$$$$,6u,$$$$$$$$,7u,$$$$$$$$,8l,$$$$$$$$,8u,$$$$$$$$ 2004.089.23:51:51.82/wx/14.5,996.6,97.7,127.4,0.0 2004.089.23:51:52.07/cable/3.716844465E-3 2004.089.23:51:52.54/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,21.70 2004.089.23:51:52.99/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,21.20 2004.089.23:51:53.44/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.80 2004.089.23:51:53.89/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,13.50 2004.089.23:51:54.34/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.613 2004.089.23:51:54.79/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.000 2004.089.23:51:55.24/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,1.647 2004.089.23:51:55.69/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,66.80 2004.089.23:51:56.14/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,62.85 2004.089.23:51:56.59/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.244 2004.089.23:51:57.04/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,244.6 2004.089.23:51:57.49/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,69.59 2004.089.23:51:57.58/bbc01/612.89,a,8,8,1,agc, -1.84, -2.72,lock,16054,15884,1018,1pps 2004.089.23:51:57.66/bbc02/652.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 5.63, 3.48,lock,16030,16034,1029,1pps 2004.089.23:51:57.74/bbc03/752.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 5.98, 4.18,lock,16240,16072,1027,1pps 2004.089.23:51:57.82/bbc04/912.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 8.55, 7.53,lock,16304,16297,1024,1pps 2004.089.23:51:57.90/bbc05/652.99,c,8,8,1,agc,-12.08,-12.64,lock,15767,15698,1025,1pps 2004.089.23:51:57.98/bbc06/772.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -6.62, -6.34,lock,15488,16046,1030,1pps 2004.089.23:51:58.06/bbc07/832.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -8.21, -8.56,lock,16270,15791,1033,1pps 2004.089.23:51:58.15/bbc08/852.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -6.06, -6.92,lock,14955,15915,1028,1pps 2004.089.23:51:58.23/bbc09/692.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 5.05, 4.82,lock,16097,15928,1020,1pps 2004.089.23:51:58.31/bbc10/700.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.82, 3.39,lock,16346,15960,1026,1pps 2004.089.23:51:58.39/bbc11/716.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 3.48, 3.39,lock,16042,16136,1022,1pps 2004.089.23:51:58.47/bbc12/772.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 7.86, 6.70,lock,16181,16197,1019,1pps 2004.089.23:51:58.55/bbc13/804.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 10.16, 9.94,lock,16291,16210,1031,1pps 2004.089.23:51:58.63/bbc14/812.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 8.65, 8.44,lock,16290,16311,1021,1pps 2004.089.23:51:59.46#antcn#Received message for antenna: GETS 2004.089.23:52:00.44#antcn#ACU: MJD: 53093, UTC: 85919, Src: ext. 1pps present 2004.089.23:52:00.44#antcn#ACU: Azimuth: Pos: -787382, Dev: -2, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.089.23:52:00.44#antcn#ACU: Elevation: Pos: 544114, Dev: 5, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.089.23:52:00.44#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.089.23:52:00.44#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.089.23:52:00.44#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.089.23:52:00.44#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.089.23:52:00.44#antcn#ACU: Az: no fault , no fault 2004.089.23:52:00.44#antcn#ACU: El: no fault , no fault 2004.089.23:52:00.45/antenna/ACK 2004.089.23:52:00.45:!2004.089.23:53:22 2004.089.23:53:22.00:data_valid=off 2004.089.23:53:22.01:disc_end 2004.089.23:53:22.27/disc_end/usn-0079/960/1024OK 2004.089.23:53:22.27:disc_pos 2004.089.23:53:22.29/disc_pos/234533847680,231328357328, 2004.089.23:53:22.29:disc_check 2004.089.23:53:22.59/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y089d23h53m22.253s,9524,0.00250s,80000,14170714440, 2004.089.23:53:22.60:postob_mk5a 2004.089.23:53:22.61/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 445441 : 2063 : 1 : 4 : 0 : 1 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.23:53:22.62/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 445639 : 1849 : 1 : 18 : 3 : 0 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.23:53:22.63/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 445675 : 1831 : 1 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.23:53:22.64/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 445335 : 2162 : 0 : 17 : 1 : 5 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.23:53:22.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 445268 : 2246 : 2 : 3 : 0 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.23:53:22.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 445225 : 2278 : 2 : 9 : 1 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.23:53:22.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 445596 : 1921 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.23:53:22.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 445507 : 2007 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.23:53:23.27/cable/3.716985804E-3 2004.089.23:53:23.96/fmout-gps/-7.567307E-6 2004.089.23:53:24.45/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,21.70 2004.089.23:53:24.95/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,21.10 2004.089.23:53:25.45/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.80 2004.089.23:53:25.95/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,13.50 2004.089.23:53:26.45/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.613 2004.089.23:53:26.95/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.015 2004.089.23:53:27.45/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,4.306 2004.089.23:53:27.95/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,54.68 2004.089.23:53:28.45/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,58.85 2004.089.23:53:28.95/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.217 2004.089.23:53:29.45/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,244.1 2004.089.23:53:29.95/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,70.07 2004.089.23:53:29.95:scan_name=089-2355,r1116,155 2004.089.23:53:29.96:source=0552+398,055530.81,394849.2,2000.0,cw 2004.089.23:53:34.46:setup4f 2004.089.23:53:36.98/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.089.23:53:37.00/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.089.23:53:37.02/bank_check/usn-0079/960/1024OK,VNVD06G4H7982L,VNVD06G4H79L4L,VNVD06G4H79RWL,VNVD06G4H71WBL,VNVD06G4H79GKL,VNVD06G4H79D4L,VNVD06G4H700TL,VNVD06G4H79GUL 2004.089.23:53:37.06/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 111 ; 2004.089.23:53:37.06:!2004.089.23:55:35 2004.089.23:55:35.00:disc_pos 2004.089.23:55:35.01/disc_pos/234533847680,234532847680, 2004.089.23:55:35.01:disc_start=on 2004.089.23:55:36.05:!2004.089.23:55:35 2004.089.23:55:36.05:preob 2004.089.23:55:37.46#antcn#ACK 2004.089.23:55:37.46/onsource/TRACKING 2004.089.23:55:40.20/tpical/1l,15825,1u,16156,2u,16124,3u,16295,4u,16208 2004.089.23:55:40.20/tpical/9u,16224,au,15889,bu,16165,cu,16243,du,16219,eu,16336 2004.089.23:55:40.20/tpical/5u,14386,6u,16006,7u,15223,8l,15271,8u,16330 2004.089.23:55:40.35/tpgain/1l,45,1u,50,2u,118,3u,124,4u,164 2004.089.23:55:40.35/tpgain/9u,115,au,111,bu,96,cu,158,du,204,eu,172 2004.089.23:55:40.35/tpgain/5u,15,6u,29,7u,23,8l,27,8u,31 2004.089.23:55:40.38:!2004.089.23:55:45 2004.089.23:55:45.00:disc_pos 2004.089.23:55:45.00/disc_pos/234789646336,234532847680, 2004.089.23:55:45.01:data_valid=on 2004.089.23:55:45.02:midob 2004.089.23:55:45.19/tpi/1l,15827,1u,16169,2u,16169,3u,16292,4u,16211 2004.089.23:55:45.19/tpi/9u,16231,au,15892,bu,16158,cu,16247,du,16230,eu,16347 2004.089.23:55:45.20/tpi/5u,14385,6u,16009,7u,15213,8l,15268,8u,16317 2004.089.23:55:45.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 1l overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.23:55:45.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 8l overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.23:55:45.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 1u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.23:55:45.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 2u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.23:55:45.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 3u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.23:55:45.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 4u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.23:55:45.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 5u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.23:55:45.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 6u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.23:55:45.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 7u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.23:55:45.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 8u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.23:55:45.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 9u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.23:55:45.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device au overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.23:55:45.80/tsys/1l,$$$$$$$$,1u,$$$$$$$$,2u,$$$$$$$$,3u,$$$$$$$$,4u,$$$$$$$$ 2004.089.23:55:45.81/tsys/9u,$$$$$$$$,au,$$$$$$$$,bu,9299.3,cu,2444.8,du,6860.5,eu,6699.6 2004.089.23:55:45.81/tsys/5u,$$$$$$$$,6u,$$$$$$$$,7u,$$$$$$$$,8l,$$$$$$$$,8u,$$$$$$$$ 2004.089.23:55:45.82/wx/14.5,996.7,97.7,98.2,0.0 2004.089.23:55:46.47/cable/3.716818615E-3 2004.089.23:55:46.94/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,21.70 2004.089.23:55:47.44/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,21.10 2004.089.23:55:47.94/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.70 2004.089.23:55:48.44/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,13.50 2004.089.23:55:48.94/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.613 2004.089.23:55:49.44/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.000 2004.089.23:55:49.94/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,2.292 2004.089.23:55:50.44/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,58.85 2004.089.23:55:50.95/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,66.80 2004.089.23:55:51.44/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.271 2004.089.23:55:51.94/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,244.1 2004.089.23:55:52.44/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,67.88 2004.089.23:55:52.53/bbc01/612.89,a,8,8,1,agc, -2.18, -3.10,lock,16179,15834,1018,1pps 2004.089.23:55:52.61/bbc02/652.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 5.27, 3.21,lock,16118,16249,1029,1pps 2004.089.23:55:52.69/bbc03/752.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 5.70, 3.84,lock,16309,16126,1027,1pps 2004.089.23:55:52.77/bbc04/912.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 8.13, 7.12,lock,16207,16330,1024,1pps 2004.089.23:55:52.85/bbc05/652.99,c,8,8,1,agc,-12.64,-13.24,lock,14406,15197,1025,1pps 2004.089.23:55:52.93/bbc06/772.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -6.92, -6.92,lock,16033,15605,1030,1pps 2004.089.23:55:53.01/bbc07/832.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -8.93, -8.93,lock,15220,15920,1033,1pps 2004.089.23:55:53.10/bbc08/852.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -6.34, -7.54,lock,16329,15258,1028,1pps 2004.089.23:55:53.18/bbc09/692.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 5.05, 4.82,lock,16242,16049,1020,1pps 2004.089.23:55:53.26/bbc10/700.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.74, 3.39,lock,15906,16099,1026,1pps 2004.089.23:55:53.34/bbc11/716.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 3.48, 3.30,lock,16188,16254,1022,1pps 2004.089.23:55:53.42/bbc12/772.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 7.81, 6.63,lock,16275,16213,1019,1pps 2004.089.23:55:53.50/bbc13/804.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 10.03, 9.81,lock,16225,16366,1031,1pps 2004.089.23:55:53.58/bbc14/812.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 8.55, 8.34,lock,16359,16353,1021,1pps 2004.089.23:55:54.47#antcn#Received message for antenna: GETS 2004.089.23:55:55.44#antcn#ACU: MJD: 53093, UTC: 86154, Src: ext. 1pps present 2004.089.23:55:55.44#antcn#ACU: Azimuth: Pos: -190928, Dev: -2, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.089.23:55:55.44#antcn#ACU: Elevation: Pos: 100989, Dev: 0, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.089.23:55:55.44#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.089.23:55:55.44#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.089.23:55:55.44#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.089.23:55:55.44#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.089.23:55:55.44#antcn#ACU: Az: no fault , no fault 2004.089.23:55:55.44#antcn#ACU: El: no fault , no fault 2004.089.23:55:55.45/antenna/ACK 2004.089.23:55:55.45:!2004.089.23:58:20 2004.089.23:58:20.00:data_valid=off 2004.089.23:58:20.01:disc_end 2004.089.23:58:20.28/disc_end/usn-0079/960/1024OK 2004.089.23:58:20.28:disc_pos 2004.089.23:58:20.29/disc_pos/239787092104,234533847680, 2004.089.23:58:20.29:disc_check 2004.089.23:58:20.60/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y089d23h58m20.258s,76068,0.00250s,80000,4282849032, 2004.089.23:58:20.60:postob_mk5a 2004.089.23:58:20.61/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 455421 : 2106 : 1 : 4 : 0 : 1 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.23:58:20.62/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 455625 : 1886 : 1 : 18 : 3 : 0 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.23:58:20.63/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 455652 : 1877 : 1 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.23:58:20.63/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 455319 : 2201 : 0 : 17 : 1 : 5 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.23:58:20.64/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 455249 : 2288 : 2 : 3 : 0 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.23:58:20.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 455207 : 2319 : 2 : 9 : 1 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.23:58:20.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 455587 : 1955 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.23:58:20.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 455483 : 2054 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.089.23:58:20.87/cable/3.714962044E-3 2004.089.23:58:21.96/fmout-gps/-7.534451E-6 2004.089.23:58:22.45/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,21.70 2004.089.23:58:22.95/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,21.10 2004.089.23:58:23.45/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.70 2004.089.23:58:23.95/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,13.50 2004.089.23:58:24.45/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.613 2004.089.23:58:24.95/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.000 2004.089.23:58:25.45/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.283 2004.089.23:58:25.95/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,57.46 2004.089.23:58:26.45/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,57.46 2004.089.23:58:26.95/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.244 2004.089.23:58:27.45/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,239.0 2004.089.23:58:27.95/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,70.32 2004.089.23:58:27.95:scan_name=089-2359,r1116,190 2004.089.23:58:27.96:source=cta26,033930.94,-014635.8,2000.0,cw 2004.089.23:58:32.48:setup4f 2004.089.23:58:34.97/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.089.23:58:34.99/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.089.23:58:35.03/bank_check/usn-0079/960/1024OK,VNVD06G4H7982L,VNVD06G4H79L4L,VNVD06G4H79RWL,VNVD06G4H71WBL,VNVD06G4H79GKL,VNVD06G4H79D4L,VNVD06G4H700TL,VNVD06G4H79GUL 2004.089.23:58:35.06/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 113 ; 2004.089.23:58:35.06:!2004.089.23:59:03 2004.089.23:59:03.00:disc_pos 2004.089.23:59:03.01/disc_pos/239787092104,239786092104, 2004.089.23:59:03.01:disc_start=on 2004.089.23:59:04.04:!2004.089.23:59:03 2004.089.23:59:04.05:preob 2004.089.23:59:05.46#antcn#ACK 2004.089.23:59:05.46/onsource/TRACKING 2004.089.23:59:08.20/tpical/1l,15586,1u,15813,2u,16223,3u,16222,4u,16222 2004.089.23:59:08.20/tpical/9u,16047,au,16061,bu,15976,cu,16165,du,16229,eu,16320 2004.089.23:59:08.20/tpical/5u,15664,6u,15421,7u,16225,8l,15779,8u,16703 2004.089.23:59:08.35/tpgain/1l,47,1u,52,2u,124,3u,129,4u,172 2004.089.23:59:08.35/tpgain/9u,117,au,113,bu,98,cu,161,du,209,eu,176 2004.089.23:59:08.35/tpgain/5u,16,6u,30,7u,25,8l,29,8u,32 2004.089.23:59:08.38:!2004.089.23:59:13 2004.089.23:59:13.00:disc_pos 2004.089.23:59:13.00/disc_pos/240042893312,239786092104, 2004.089.23:59:13.01:data_valid=on 2004.089.23:59:13.02:midob 2004.089.23:59:13.19/tpi/1l,15583,1u,15807,2u,16190,3u,16210,4u,16224 2004.089.23:59:13.19/tpi/9u,16047,au,16054,bu,15996,cu,16181,du,16247,eu,16342 2004.089.23:59:13.19/tpi/5u,15656,6u,15421,7u,16237,8l,15809,8u,16715 2004.089.23:59:13.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 1l overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.23:59:13.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 8l overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.23:59:13.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 1u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.23:59:13.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 2u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.23:59:13.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 3u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.23:59:13.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 4u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.23:59:13.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 5u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.23:59:13.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 6u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.23:59:13.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 7u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.23:59:13.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 8u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.23:59:13.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 9u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.23:59:13.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device au overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.089.23:59:13.80/tsys/1l,$$$$$$$$,1u,$$$$$$$$,2u,$$$$$$$$,3u,$$$$$$$$,4u,$$$$$$$$ 2004.089.23:59:13.80/tsys/9u,$$$$$$$$,au,$$$$$$$$,bu,8816.0,cu,2337.4,du,6517.2,eu,6369.1 2004.089.23:59:13.81/tsys/5u,$$$$$$$$,6u,$$$$$$$$,7u,$$$$$$$$,8l,$$$$$$$$,8u,$$$$$$$$ 2004.089.23:59:13.81/wx/14.5,996.6,97.7,117.0,0.0 2004.089.23:59:14.46/cable/3.715167034E-3 2004.089.23:59:14.94/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,21.70 2004.089.23:59:15.39/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,21.20 2004.089.23:59:15.84/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.80 2004.089.23:59:16.29/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,13.60 2004.089.23:59:16.74/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.613 2004.089.23:59:17.19/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.015 2004.089.23:59:17.64/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,5.183 2004.089.23:59:18.09/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,61.54 2004.089.23:59:18.59/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,60.22 2004.089.23:59:19.04/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.271 2004.089.23:59:19.49/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,244.6 2004.089.23:59:19.94/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,65.43 2004.089.23:59:20.03/bbc01/612.89,a,8,8,1,agc, -1.84, -2.54,lock,15838,15583,1018,1pps 2004.089.23:59:20.12/bbc02/652.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 5.70, 3.57,lock,16132,16186,1029,1pps 2004.089.23:59:20.20/bbc03/752.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 6.05, 4.26,lock,16231,16125,1027,1pps 2004.089.23:59:20.28/bbc04/912.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 8.55, 7.53,lock,16216,16177,1024,1pps 2004.089.23:59:20.36/bbc05/652.99,c,8,8,1,agc,-12.08,-12.64,lock,15653,15612,1025,1pps 2004.089.23:59:20.44/bbc06/772.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -6.62, -6.34,lock,15440,15953,1030,1pps 2004.089.23:59:20.52/bbc07/832.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -8.21, -8.56,lock,16193,15722,1033,1pps 2004.089.23:59:20.60/bbc08/852.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -6.06, -6.92,lock,14852,15782,1028,1pps 2004.089.23:59:20.68/bbc09/692.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 5.20, 5.05,lock,16029,16150,1020,1pps 2004.089.23:59:20.76/bbc10/700.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.90, 3.48,lock,16064,16087,1026,1pps 2004.089.23:59:20.84/bbc11/716.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 3.66, 3.48,lock,15998,15966,1022,1pps 2004.089.23:59:20.93/bbc12/772.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 7.97, 6.88,lock,16186,16255,1019,1pps 2004.089.23:59:21.01/bbc13/804.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 10.24, 10.11,lock,16256,16235,1031,1pps 2004.089.23:59:21.10/bbc14/812.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 8.75, 8.55,lock,16340,16237,1021,1pps 2004.089.23:59:21.47#antcn#Received message for antenna: GETS 2004.089.23:59:22.44#antcn#ACU: MJD: 53093, UTC: 86361, Src: ext. 1pps present 2004.089.23:59:22.44#antcn#ACU: Azimuth: Pos: -721358, Dev: 3, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.089.23:59:22.44#antcn#ACU: Elevation: Pos: 250227, Dev: -4, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.089.23:59:22.44#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.089.23:59:22.44#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.089.23:59:22.44#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.089.23:59:22.44#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.089.23:59:22.44#antcn#ACU: Az: no fault , no fault 2004.089.23:59:22.44#antcn#ACU: El: no fault , no fault 2004.089.23:59:22.45/antenna/ACK 2004.089.23:59:22.45:!2004.090.00:02:23 2004.090.00:02:23.00:data_valid=off 2004.090.00:02:23.01:disc_end 2004.090.00:02:23.27/disc_end/usn-0079/960/1024OK 2004.090.00:02:23.28:disc_pos 2004.090.00:02:23.28/disc_pos/246160553312,239787092104, 2004.090.00:02:23.29:disc_check 2004.090.00:02:23.92/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y090d00h02m23.258s,8856,0.00250s,80000,1402606004, 2004.090.00:02:23.93:postob_mk5a 2004.090.00:02:23.94/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 467525 : 2161 : 1 : 4 : 0 : 2 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.00:02:23.95/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 467737 : 1932 : 1 : 19 : 3 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.00:02:23.96/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 467739 : 1949 : 1 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.00:02:23.96/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 467438 : 2239 : 0 : 19 : 1 : 6 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.00:02:23.97/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 467354 : 2342 : 2 : 3 : 0 : 4 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.00:02:23.99/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 467322 : 2363 : 2 : 10 : 1 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.00:02:24.00/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 467706 : 1996 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.00:02:24.01/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 467591 : 2105 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.00:02:24.87/cable/3.715595872E-3 2004.090.00:02:25.96/fmout-gps/-7.550057E-6 2004.090.00:02:26.45/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,21.70 2004.090.00:02:26.95/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,21.20 2004.090.00:02:27.45/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.80 2004.090.00:02:27.95/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,13.60 2004.090.00:02:28.45/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.613 2004.090.00:02:28.95/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.000 2004.090.00:02:29.45/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,2.455 2004.090.00:02:29.95/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,60.22 2004.090.00:02:30.45/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,60.22 2004.090.00:02:30.95/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.298 2004.090.00:02:31.45/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,242.9 2004.090.00:02:31.95/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,65.68 2004.090.00:02:31.96:scan_name=090-0003,r1116,46 2004.090.00:02:31.96:source=0727-115,073019.11,-114112.6,2000.0,cw 2004.090.00:02:36.48:setup4f 2004.090.00:02:38.97/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.090.00:02:38.99/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.090.00:02:39.01/bank_check/usn-0079/960/1024OK,VNVD06G4H7982L,VNVD06G4H79L4L,VNVD06G4H79RWL,VNVD06G4H71WBL,VNVD06G4H79GKL,VNVD06G4H79D4L,VNVD06G4H700TL,VNVD06G4H79GUL 2004.090.00:02:39.05/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 115 ; 2004.090.00:02:39.05:!2004.090.00:03:02 2004.090.00:03:02.00:disc_pos 2004.090.00:03:02.01/disc_pos/246160553312,246159553312, 2004.090.00:03:02.01:disc_start=on 2004.090.00:03:03.04:!2004.090.00:03:02 2004.090.00:03:03.05:preob 2004.090.00:03:04.47#antcn#ACK 2004.090.00:03:04.47/onsource/TRACKING 2004.090.00:03:07.21/tpical/1l,15903,1u,16115,2u,16301,3u,16628,4u,16209 2004.090.00:03:07.21/tpical/9u,16100,au,16018,bu,16223,cu,16242,du,16356,eu,16315 2004.090.00:03:07.21/tpical/5u,16164,6u,15881,7u,15393,8l,16248,8u,17211 2004.090.00:03:07.36/tpgain/1l,46,1u,51,2u,123,3u,128,4u,169 2004.090.00:03:07.36/tpgain/9u,114,au,111,bu,96,cu,158,du,206,eu,173 2004.090.00:03:07.36/tpgain/5u,16,6u,30,7u,24,8l,29,8u,32 2004.090.00:03:07.39:!2004.090.00:03:12 2004.090.00:03:12.00:disc_pos 2004.090.00:03:12.00/disc_pos/246416351232,246159553312, 2004.090.00:03:12.01:data_valid=on 2004.090.00:03:12.02:midob 2004.090.00:03:12.19/tpi/1l,15906,1u,16105,2u,16300,3u,16614,4u,16216 2004.090.00:03:12.19/tpi/9u,16123,au,16058,bu,16236,cu,16237,du,16351,eu,16335 2004.090.00:03:12.19/tpi/5u,16170,6u,15877,7u,15404,8l,16249,8u,17211 2004.090.00:03:12.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 1l overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.00:03:12.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 8l overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.00:03:12.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 1u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.00:03:12.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 2u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.00:03:12.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 3u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.00:03:12.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 4u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.00:03:12.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 5u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.00:03:12.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 6u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.00:03:12.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 7u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.00:03:12.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 8u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.00:03:12.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 9u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.00:03:12.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device au overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.00:03:12.82/tsys/1l,$$$$$$$$,1u,$$$$$$$$,2u,$$$$$$$$,3u,$$$$$$$$,4u,$$$$$$$$ 2004.090.00:03:12.82/tsys/9u,$$$$$$$$,au,$$$$$$$$,bu,9346.0,cu,2443.2,du,6771.4,eu,6610.1 2004.090.00:03:12.82/tsys/5u,$$$$$$$$,6u,$$$$$$$$,7u,$$$$$$$$,8l,$$$$$$$$,8u,$$$$$$$$ 2004.090.00:03:12.83/wx/14.5,996.6,97.7,65.2,0.0 2004.090.00:03:13.67/cable/3.714508817E-3 2004.090.00:03:14.15/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,21.60 2004.090.00:03:14.65/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,21.10 2004.090.00:03:15.15/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.90 2004.090.00:03:15.65/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,13.60 2004.090.00:03:16.15/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.613 2004.090.00:03:16.65/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.000 2004.090.00:03:17.15/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,5.006 2004.090.00:03:17.65/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,57.46 2004.090.00:03:18.15/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,58.85 2004.090.00:03:18.65/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.217 2004.090.00:03:19.15/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,242.4 2004.090.00:03:19.65/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,70.07 2004.090.00:03:19.74/bbc01/612.89,a,8,8,1,agc, -2.01, -2.91,lock,16109,15903,1018,1pps 2004.090.00:03:19.82/bbc02/652.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 5.63, 3.48,lock,16275,16236,1029,1pps 2004.090.00:03:19.90/bbc03/752.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 5.98, 4.18,lock,16014,16368,1027,1pps 2004.090.00:03:19.98/bbc04/912.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 8.39, 7.42,lock,16210,16271,1024,1pps 2004.090.00:03:20.06/bbc05/652.99,c,8,8,1,agc,-12.08,-12.64,lock,16177,16136,1025,1pps 2004.090.00:03:20.14/bbc06/772.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -6.62, -6.62,lock,15883,15517,1030,1pps 2004.090.00:03:20.22/bbc07/832.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -8.56, -8.56,lock,15422,16123,1033,1pps 2004.090.00:03:20.30/bbc08/852.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -6.06, -6.92,lock,15281,16245,1028,1pps 2004.090.00:03:20.38/bbc09/692.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.97, 4.82,lock,16120,16211,1020,1pps 2004.090.00:03:20.46/bbc10/700.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.74, 3.39,lock,16023,16276,1026,1pps 2004.090.00:03:20.55/bbc11/716.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 3.48, 3.21,lock,16231,16002,1022,1pps 2004.090.00:03:20.63/bbc12/772.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 7.81, 6.63,lock,16235,16269,1019,1pps 2004.090.00:03:20.71/bbc13/804.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 10.11, 9.90,lock,16367,16302,1031,1pps 2004.090.00:03:20.79/bbc14/812.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 8.60, 8.34,lock,16336,16385,1021,1pps 2004.090.00:03:21.48#antcn#Received message for antenna: GETS 2004.090.00:03:22.46#antcn#ACU: MJD: 53094, UTC: 201, Src: ext. 1pps present 2004.090.00:03:22.46#antcn#ACU: Azimuth: Pos: -66188, Dev: -5, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.090.00:03:22.46#antcn#ACU: Elevation: Pos: 646312, Dev: -2, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.090.00:03:22.46#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.090.00:03:22.46#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.090.00:03:22.46#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.090.00:03:22.46#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.090.00:03:22.46#antcn#ACU: Az: no fault , no fault 2004.090.00:03:22.46#antcn#ACU: El: no fault , no fault 2004.090.00:03:22.47/antenna/ACK 2004.090.00:03:22.47:!2004.090.00:03:58 2004.090.00:03:58.00:data_valid=off 2004.090.00:03:58.01:disc_end 2004.090.00:03:58.27/disc_end/usn-0079/960/1024OK 2004.090.00:03:58.27:disc_pos 2004.090.00:03:58.28/disc_pos/247925767816,246160553312, 2004.090.00:03:58.28:disc_check 2004.090.00:03:58.58/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y090d00h03m58.252s,35128,0.00250s,80000,1274599224, 2004.090.00:03:58.59:postob_mk5a 2004.090.00:03:58.60/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 470876 : 2179 : 1 : 4 : 0 : 2 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.00:03:58.61/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 471099 : 1940 : 1 : 19 : 3 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.00:03:58.62/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 471090 : 1967 : 1 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.00:03:58.62/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 470792 : 2254 : 0 : 19 : 1 : 6 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.00:03:58.63/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 470705 : 2362 : 2 : 3 : 0 : 4 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.00:03:58.64/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 470680 : 2374 : 2 : 10 : 1 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.00:03:58.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 471063 : 2009 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.00:03:58.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 470941 : 2124 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.00:03:59.27/cable/3.717270456E-3 2004.090.00:03:59.96/fmout-gps/-7.568311E-6 2004.090.00:04:00.45/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,21.70 2004.090.00:04:00.95/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,21.10 2004.090.00:04:01.45/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.90 2004.090.00:04:01.95/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,13.60 2004.090.00:04:02.45/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.611 2004.090.00:04:02.95/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.000 2004.090.00:04:03.45/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,2.129 2004.090.00:04:03.95/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,60.22 2004.090.00:04:04.45/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,62.85 2004.090.00:04:04.95/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.244 2004.090.00:04:05.45/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,243.4 2004.090.00:04:05.95/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,70.07 2004.090.00:04:05.95:scan_name=090-0007,r1116,190 2004.090.00:04:05.96:source=oj287,085448.87,200630.6,2000.0,cw 2004.090.00:04:10.47:setup4f 2004.090.00:04:12.97/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.090.00:04:13.00/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.090.00:04:13.01/bank_check/usn-0079/960/1024OK,VNVD06G4H7982L,VNVD06G4H79L4L,VNVD06G4H79RWL,VNVD06G4H71WBL,VNVD06G4H79GKL,VNVD06G4H79D4L,VNVD06G4H700TL,VNVD06G4H79GUL 2004.090.00:04:13.03/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 117 ; 2004.090.00:04:13.03:!2004.090.00:07:47 2004.090.00:07:47.00:disc_pos 2004.090.00:07:47.00/disc_pos/247925767816,247924767816, 2004.090.00:07:47.01:disc_start=on 2004.090.00:07:48.05:!2004.090.00:07:47 2004.090.00:07:48.05:preob 2004.090.00:07:49.47#antcn#ACK 2004.090.00:07:49.47/onsource/TRACKING 2004.090.00:07:52.22/tpical/1l,15917,1u,16208,2u,16039,3u,16301,4u,16269 2004.090.00:07:52.22/tpical/9u,16125,au,16163,bu,16074,cu,16196,du,16240,eu,16284 2004.090.00:07:52.22/tpical/5u,15586,6u,16273,7u,16092,8l,15693,8u,16613 2004.090.00:07:52.37/tpgain/1l,47,1u,52,2u,125,3u,130,4u,172 2004.090.00:07:52.37/tpgain/9u,117,au,113,bu,97,cu,160,du,208,eu,175 2004.090.00:07:52.37/tpgain/5u,16,6u,31,7u,25,8l,29,8u,32 2004.090.00:07:52.40:!2004.090.00:07:57 2004.090.00:07:57.00:disc_pos 2004.090.00:07:57.00/disc_pos/248181563392,247924767816, 2004.090.00:07:57.01:data_valid=on 2004.090.00:07:57.02:midob 2004.090.00:07:57.19/tpi/1l,15916,1u,16199,2u,16064,3u,16309,4u,16270 2004.090.00:07:57.19/tpi/9u,16106,au,16155,bu,16051,cu,16173,du,16222,eu,16266 2004.090.00:07:57.19/tpi/5u,15576,6u,16272,7u,16113,8l,15712,8u,16609 2004.090.00:07:57.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 1l overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.00:07:57.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 8l overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.00:07:57.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 1u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.00:07:57.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 2u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.00:07:57.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 3u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.00:07:57.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 4u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.00:07:57.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 5u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.00:07:57.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 6u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.00:07:57.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 7u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.00:07:57.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 8u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.00:07:57.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 9u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.00:07:57.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device au overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.00:07:57.80/tsys/1l,$$$$$$$$,1u,$$$$$$$$,2u,$$$$$$$$,3u,$$$$$$$$,4u,$$$$$$$$ 2004.090.00:07:57.80/tsys/9u,$$$$$$$$,au,$$$$$$$$,bu,9038.5,cu,2367.7,du,6574.4,eu,6416.3 2004.090.00:07:57.80/tsys/5u,$$$$$$$$,6u,$$$$$$$$,7u,$$$$$$$$,8l,$$$$$$$$,8u,$$$$$$$$ 2004.090.00:07:57.81/wx/14.5,996.6,97.7,120.2,0.0 2004.090.00:07:58.46/cable/3.714609996E-3 2004.090.00:07:58.95/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,21.70 2004.090.00:07:59.45/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,21.10 2004.090.00:07:59.95/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.80 2004.090.00:08:00.45/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,13.50 2004.090.00:08:00.95/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.611 2004.090.00:08:01.45/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.000 2004.090.00:08:01.95/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.791 2004.090.00:08:02.45/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,64.17 2004.090.00:08:02.95/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,58.85 2004.090.00:08:03.45/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.217 2004.090.00:08:03.95/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,243.1 2004.090.00:08:04.45/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,66.17 2004.090.00:08:04.54/bbc01/612.89,a,8,8,1,agc, -1.84, -2.72,lock,16193,15917,1018,1pps 2004.090.00:08:04.62/bbc02/652.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 5.77, 3.66,lock,16060,16189,1029,1pps 2004.090.00:08:04.70/bbc03/752.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 6.11, 4.34,lock,16309,16110,1027,1pps 2004.090.00:08:04.78/bbc04/912.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 8.55, 7.59,lock,16264,16310,1024,1pps 2004.090.00:08:04.86/bbc05/652.99,c,8,8,1,agc,-12.08,-12.64,lock,15576,15575,1025,1pps 2004.090.00:08:04.94/bbc06/772.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -6.34, -6.34,lock,16275,15867,1030,1pps 2004.090.00:08:05.02/bbc07/832.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -8.21, -8.56,lock,16114,15662,1033,1pps 2004.090.00:08:05.10/bbc08/852.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -6.06, -6.92,lock,14753,15716,1028,1pps 2004.090.00:08:05.18/bbc09/692.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 5.20, 4.97,lock,16133,16002,1020,1pps 2004.090.00:08:05.26/bbc10/700.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.90, 3.48,lock,16166,16213,1026,1pps 2004.090.00:08:05.34/bbc11/716.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 3.57, 3.48,lock,16092,16261,1022,1pps 2004.090.00:08:05.42/bbc12/772.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 7.92, 6.82,lock,16179,16281,1019,1pps 2004.090.00:08:05.50/bbc13/804.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 10.20, 10.07,lock,16248,16288,1031,1pps 2004.090.00:08:05.58/bbc14/812.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 8.70, 8.50,lock,16269,16169,1021,1pps 2004.090.00:08:06.48#antcn#Received message for antenna: GETS 2004.090.00:08:07.45#antcn#ACU: MJD: 53094, UTC: 486, Src: ext. 1pps present 2004.090.00:08:07.45#antcn#ACU: Azimuth: Pos: 186572, Dev: -7, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.090.00:08:07.45#antcn#ACU: Elevation: Pos: 308063, Dev: 2, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.090.00:08:07.45#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.090.00:08:07.45#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.090.00:08:07.45#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.090.00:08:07.45#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.090.00:08:07.45#antcn#ACU: Az: no fault , no fault 2004.090.00:08:07.45#antcn#ACU: El: no fault , no fault 2004.090.00:08:07.46/antenna/ACK 2004.090.00:08:07.46:!2004.090.00:11:07 2004.090.00:11:07.00:data_valid=off 2004.090.00:11:07.01:disc_end 2004.090.00:11:07.26/disc_end/usn-0079/960/1024OK 2004.090.00:11:07.27:disc_pos 2004.090.00:11:07.27/disc_pos/254298910176,247925767816, 2004.090.00:11:07.28:disc_check 2004.090.00:11:07.59/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y090d00h11m07.250s,25484,0.00250s,80000,7354787284, 2004.090.00:11:07.59:postob_mk5a 2004.090.00:11:07.60/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 482985 : 2229 : 1 : 4 : 0 : 2 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.00:11:07.61/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 483217 : 1983 : 1 : 19 : 3 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.00:11:07.62/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 483199 : 2017 : 1 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.00:11:07.64/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 482903 : 2303 : 0 : 19 : 1 : 6 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.00:11:07.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 482810 : 2416 : 2 : 3 : 0 : 4 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.00:11:07.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 482792 : 2422 : 2 : 10 : 1 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.00:11:07.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 483176 : 2055 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.00:11:07.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 483053 : 2173 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.00:11:08.07/cable/3.717796201E-3 2004.090.00:11:09.96/fmout-gps/-7.540866E-6 2004.090.00:11:10.45/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,21.70 2004.090.00:11:10.95/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,21.10 2004.090.00:11:11.45/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.80 2004.090.00:11:11.95/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,13.50 2004.090.00:11:12.45/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.613 2004.090.00:11:12.95/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.000 2004.090.00:11:13.45/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,2.619 2004.090.00:11:13.95/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,69.43 2004.090.00:11:14.45/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,68.11 2004.090.00:11:14.95/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.217 2004.090.00:11:15.45/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,242.9 2004.090.00:11:15.95/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,69.83 2004.090.00:11:15.95:scan_name=090-0011,r1116,190 2004.090.00:11:15.96:source=1124-186,112704.39,-185717.4,2000.0,cw 2004.090.00:11:20.48:setup4f 2004.090.00:11:22.98/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.090.00:11:23.00/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.090.00:11:23.03/bank_check/usn-0079/960/1024OK,VNVD06G4H7982L,VNVD06G4H79L4L,VNVD06G4H79RWL,VNVD06G4H71WBL,VNVD06G4H79GKL,VNVD06G4H79D4L,VNVD06G4H700TL,VNVD06G4H79GUL 2004.090.00:11:23.05/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 119 ; 2004.090.00:11:23.07:!2004.090.00:11:42 2004.090.00:11:42.00:disc_pos 2004.090.00:11:42.01/disc_pos/254298910176,254297910176, 2004.090.00:11:42.01:disc_start=on 2004.090.00:11:43.05:!2004.090.00:11:42 2004.090.00:11:43.05:preob 2004.090.00:11:44.48#antcn#ACK 2004.090.00:11:44.48/onsource/TRACKING 2004.090.00:11:47.24/tpical/1l,15855,1u,16079,2u,16178,3u,16286,4u,16160 2004.090.00:11:47.24/tpical/9u,15994,au,16000,bu,16166,cu,16239,du,16270,eu,16226 2004.090.00:11:47.24/tpical/5u,15522,6u,16194,7u,16106,8l,15696,8u,16543 2004.090.00:11:47.39/tpgain/1l,47,1u,52,2u,125,3u,130,4u,172 2004.090.00:11:47.39/tpgain/9u,116,au,112,bu,96,cu,160,du,208,eu,175 2004.090.00:11:47.39/tpgain/5u,16,6u,31,7u,25,8l,29,8u,32 2004.090.00:11:47.42:!2004.090.00:11:52 2004.090.00:11:52.00:disc_pos 2004.090.00:11:52.00/disc_pos/254554705920,254297910176, 2004.090.00:11:52.01:data_valid=on 2004.090.00:11:52.02:midob 2004.090.00:11:52.19/tpi/1l,15855,1u,16092,2u,16198,3u,16285,4u,16148 2004.090.00:11:52.19/tpi/9u,15998,au,16011,bu,16162,cu,16252,du,16280,eu,16236 2004.090.00:11:52.19/tpi/5u,15526,6u,16186,7u,16112,8l,15680,8u,16549 2004.090.00:11:52.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 1l overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.00:11:52.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 8l overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.00:11:52.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 1u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.00:11:52.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 2u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.00:11:52.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 3u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.00:11:52.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 4u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.00:11:52.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 5u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.00:11:52.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 6u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.00:11:52.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 7u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.00:11:52.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 8u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.00:11:52.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 9u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.00:11:52.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device au overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.00:11:52.80/tsys/1l,$$$$$$$$,1u,$$$$$$$$,2u,$$$$$$$$,3u,$$$$$$$$,4u,$$$$$$$$ 2004.090.00:11:52.80/tsys/9u,$$$$$$$$,au,$$$$$$$$,bu,9301.7,cu,2380.2,du,6599.9,eu,6403.3 2004.090.00:11:52.80/tsys/5u,$$$$$$$$,6u,$$$$$$$$,7u,$$$$$$$$,8l,$$$$$$$$,8u,$$$$$$$$ 2004.090.00:11:52.81/wx/14.5,996.6,97.7,233.0,0.1 2004.090.00:11:53.66/cable/3.715243884E-3 2004.090.00:11:54.15/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,21.60 2004.090.00:11:54.65/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,21.10 2004.090.00:11:55.15/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.80 2004.090.00:11:55.65/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,13.50 2004.090.00:11:56.15/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.613 2004.090.00:11:56.65/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.015 2004.090.00:11:57.15/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.283 2004.090.00:11:57.65/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,65.48 2004.090.00:11:58.15/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,61.54 2004.090.00:11:58.65/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.244 2004.090.00:11:59.15/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,243.6 2004.090.00:11:59.65/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,67.88 2004.090.00:11:59.74/bbc01/612.89,a,8,8,1,agc, -1.84, -2.72,lock,16099,15846,1018,1pps 2004.090.00:11:59.82/bbc02/652.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 5.77, 3.66,lock,16152,16249,1029,1pps 2004.090.00:11:59.90/bbc03/752.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 6.11, 4.34,lock,16286,16132,1027,1pps 2004.090.00:11:59.98/bbc04/912.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 8.55, 7.59,lock,16150,16248,1024,1pps 2004.090.00:12:00.06/bbc05/652.99,c,8,8,1,agc,-12.08,-12.64,lock,15523,15517,1025,1pps 2004.090.00:12:00.15/bbc06/772.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -6.34, -6.34,lock,16199,15832,1030,1pps 2004.090.00:12:00.23/bbc07/832.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -8.21, -8.56,lock,16093,15673,1033,1pps 2004.090.00:12:00.31/bbc08/852.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -6.06, -6.92,lock,14703,15683,1028,1pps 2004.090.00:12:00.39/bbc09/692.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 5.12, 4.97,lock,16006,16124,1020,1pps 2004.090.00:12:00.48/bbc10/700.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.82, 3.48,lock,16017,16315,1026,1pps 2004.090.00:12:00.57/bbc11/716.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 3.48, 3.39,lock,16184,15963,1022,1pps 2004.090.00:12:00.65/bbc12/772.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 7.92, 6.76,lock,16260,16179,1019,1pps 2004.090.00:12:00.73/bbc13/804.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 10.20, 10.03,lock,16288,16174,1031,1pps 2004.090.00:12:00.81/bbc14/812.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 8.70, 8.50,lock,16256,16221,1021,1pps 2004.090.00:12:01.48#antcn#Received message for antenna: GETS 2004.090.00:12:02.46#antcn#ACU: MJD: 53094, UTC: 721, Src: ext. 1pps present 2004.090.00:12:02.46#antcn#ACU: Azimuth: Pos: 846002, Dev: 2, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.090.00:12:02.46#antcn#ACU: Elevation: Pos: 396356, Dev: 0, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.090.00:12:02.46#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.090.00:12:02.46#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.090.00:12:02.46#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.090.00:12:02.46#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.090.00:12:02.46#antcn#ACU: Az: no fault , no fault 2004.090.00:12:02.46#antcn#ACU: El: no fault , no fault 2004.090.00:12:02.47/antenna/ACK 2004.090.00:12:02.47:!2004.090.00:15:02 2004.090.00:15:02.00:data_valid=off 2004.090.00:15:02.01:disc_end 2004.090.00:15:02.27/disc_end/usn-0079/960/1024OK 2004.090.00:15:02.28:disc_pos 2004.090.00:15:02.28/disc_pos/260672369160,254298910176, 2004.090.00:15:02.29:disc_check 2004.090.00:15:02.59/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y090d00h15m02.263s,58540,0.00250s,80000,1146907960, 2004.090.00:15:02.60:postob_mk5a 2004.090.00:15:02.61/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 495100 : 2274 : 1 : 4 : 0 : 2 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.00:15:02.62/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 495340 : 2020 : 1 : 19 : 3 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.00:15:02.63/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 495312 : 2064 : 1 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.00:15:02.63/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 495021 : 2345 : 0 : 19 : 1 : 6 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.00:15:02.64/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 494919 : 2467 : 2 : 3 : 0 : 4 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.00:15:02.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 494904 : 2470 : 2 : 10 : 1 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.00:15:02.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 495291 : 2100 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.00:15:02.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 495164 : 2223 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.00:15:03.26/cable/3.718403732E-3 2004.090.00:15:03.95/fmout-gps/-7.543126E-6 2004.090.00:15:04.45/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,21.60 2004.090.00:15:04.95/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,21.10 2004.090.00:15:05.45/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.80 2004.090.00:15:05.95/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,13.50 2004.090.00:15:06.45/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.613 2004.090.00:15:06.95/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.015 2004.090.00:15:07.45/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.791 2004.090.00:15:07.95/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,64.17 2004.090.00:15:08.45/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,57.46 2004.090.00:15:08.95/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.271 2004.090.00:15:09.45/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,242.9 2004.090.00:15:09.95/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,69.83 2004.090.00:15:09.95:scan_name=090-0016,r1116,106 2004.090.00:15:09.96:source=0607-157,060940.95,-154240.7,2000.0,cw 2004.090.00:15:14.48:setup4f 2004.090.00:15:16.96/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.090.00:15:16.97/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.090.00:15:16.99/bank_check/usn-0079/960/1024OK,VNVD06G4H7982L,VNVD06G4H79L4L,VNVD06G4H79RWL,VNVD06G4H71WBL,VNVD06G4H79GKL,VNVD06G4H79D4L,VNVD06G4H700TL,VNVD06G4H79GUL 2004.090.00:15:17.02/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 121 ; 2004.090.00:15:17.02:!2004.090.00:16:01 2004.090.00:16:01.00:disc_pos 2004.090.00:16:01.01/disc_pos/260672369160,260671369160, 2004.090.00:16:01.01:disc_start=on 2004.090.00:16:02.05:!2004.090.00:16:01 2004.090.00:16:02.05:preob 2004.090.00:16:03.49#antcn#ACK 2004.090.00:16:03.49/onsource/TRACKING 2004.090.00:16:06.23/tpical/1l,15883,1u,16091,2u,16168,3u,15845,4u,16217 2004.090.00:16:06.23/tpical/9u,16132,au,16024,bu,15972,cu,16339,du,16258,eu,16236 2004.090.00:16:06.23/tpical/5u,16066,6u,15768,7u,15391,8l,16241,8u,17149 2004.090.00:16:06.38/tpgain/1l,46,1u,51,2u,123,3u,127,4u,170 2004.090.00:16:06.38/tpgain/9u,114,au,111,bu,95,cu,158,du,205,eu,172 2004.090.00:16:06.38/tpgain/5u,16,6u,30,7u,24,8l,29,8u,32 2004.090.00:16:06.41:!2004.090.00:16:11 2004.090.00:16:11.00:disc_pos 2004.090.00:16:11.00/disc_pos/260928163840,260671369160, 2004.090.00:16:11.01:data_valid=on 2004.090.00:16:11.02:midob 2004.090.00:16:11.19/tpi/1l,15885,1u,16100,2u,16160,3u,15847,4u,16224 2004.090.00:16:11.19/tpi/9u,16124,au,16016,bu,15959,cu,16325,du,16249,eu,16230 2004.090.00:16:11.19/tpi/5u,16061,6u,15762,7u,15395,8l,16239,8u,17141 2004.090.00:16:11.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 1l overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.00:16:11.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 8l overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.00:16:11.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 1u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.00:16:11.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 2u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.00:16:11.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 3u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.00:16:11.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 4u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.00:16:11.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 5u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.00:16:11.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 6u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.00:16:11.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 7u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.00:16:11.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 8u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.00:16:11.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 9u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.00:16:11.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device au overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.00:16:11.80/tsys/1l,$$$$$$$$,1u,$$$$$$$$,2u,$$$$$$$$,3u,$$$$$$$$,4u,$$$$$$$$ 2004.090.00:16:11.80/tsys/9u,$$$$$$$$,au,$$$$$$$$,bu,9382.3,cu,2457.5,du,6796.9,eu,6647.3 2004.090.00:16:11.80/tsys/5u,$$$$$$$$,6u,$$$$$$$$,7u,$$$$$$$$,8l,$$$$$$$$,8u,$$$$$$$$ 2004.090.00:16:11.81/wx/14.5,996.7,97.7,20.5,0.0 2004.090.00:16:12.07/cable/3.715173750E-3 2004.090.00:16:12.55/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,21.60 2004.090.00:16:13.05/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,21.00 2004.090.00:16:13.55/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.80 2004.090.00:16:14.05/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,13.40 2004.090.00:16:14.55/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.613 2004.090.00:16:15.05/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.000 2004.090.00:16:15.55/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.791 2004.090.00:16:16.05/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,64.17 2004.090.00:16:16.55/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,58.85 2004.090.00:16:17.05/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.271 2004.090.00:16:17.55/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,243.6 2004.090.00:16:18.05/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,65.19 2004.090.00:16:18.14/bbc01/612.89,a,8,8,1,agc, -2.01, -2.91,lock,16099,15891,1018,1pps 2004.090.00:16:18.22/bbc02/652.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 5.63, 3.48,lock,16150,16153,1029,1pps 2004.090.00:16:18.31/bbc03/752.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 6.05, 4.18,lock,15815,16171,1027,1pps 2004.090.00:16:18.39/bbc04/912.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 8.44, 7.42,lock,16205,16142,1024,1pps 2004.090.00:16:18.47/bbc05/652.99,c,8,8,1,agc,-12.08,-12.64,lock,16053,16020,1025,1pps 2004.090.00:16:18.55/bbc06/772.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -6.62, -6.62,lock,15754,15438,1030,1pps 2004.090.00:16:18.63/bbc07/832.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -8.56, -8.56,lock,15405,16160,1033,1pps 2004.090.00:16:18.71/bbc08/852.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -6.06, -6.92,lock,15223,16225,1028,1pps 2004.090.00:16:18.79/bbc09/692.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.97, 4.82,lock,16118,16200,1020,1pps 2004.090.00:16:18.87/bbc10/700.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.74, 3.39,lock,16019,16234,1026,1pps 2004.090.00:16:18.95/bbc11/716.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 3.39, 3.30,lock,15954,16178,1022,1pps 2004.090.00:16:19.03/bbc12/772.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 7.81, 6.63,lock,16327,16323,1019,1pps 2004.090.00:16:19.11/bbc13/804.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 10.07, 9.90,lock,16239,16263,1031,1pps 2004.090.00:16:19.19/bbc14/812.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 8.55, 8.34,lock,16221,16239,1021,1pps 2004.090.00:16:19.49#antcn#Received message for antenna: GETS 2004.090.00:16:20.46#antcn#ACU: MJD: 53094, UTC: 979, Src: ext. 1pps present 2004.090.00:16:20.46#antcn#ACU: Azimuth: Pos: -548210, Dev: 2, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.090.00:16:20.46#antcn#ACU: Elevation: Pos: 584547, Dev: -2, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.090.00:16:20.46#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.090.00:16:20.46#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.090.00:16:20.46#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.090.00:16:20.46#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.090.00:16:20.46#antcn#ACU: Az: no fault , no fault 2004.090.00:16:20.46#antcn#ACU: El: no fault , no fault 2004.090.00:16:20.47/antenna/ACK 2004.090.00:16:20.47:!2004.090.00:17:57 2004.090.00:17:57.00:data_valid=off 2004.090.00:17:57.01:disc_end 2004.090.00:17:57.26/disc_end/usn-0079/960/1024OK 2004.090.00:17:57.27:disc_pos 2004.090.00:17:57.27/disc_pos/264357628832,260672369160, 2004.090.00:17:57.28:disc_check 2004.090.00:17:57.60/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y090d00h17m57.250s,66016,0.00250s,80000,1914332852, 2004.090.00:17:57.61:postob_mk5a 2004.090.00:17:57.61/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 502094 : 2312 : 1 : 4 : 0 : 2 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.00:17:57.62/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 502347 : 2045 : 1 : 19 : 3 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.00:17:57.63/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 502314 : 2094 : 1 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.00:17:57.64/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 502013 : 2385 : 0 : 19 : 1 : 6 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.00:17:57.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 501924 : 2493 : 3 : 3 : 0 : 4 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.00:17:57.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 501909 : 2498 : 2 : 10 : 1 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.00:17:57.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 502299 : 2123 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.00:17:57.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 502167 : 2251 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.00:17:58.47/cable/3.716424259E-3 2004.090.00:17:59.96/fmout-gps/-7.495291E-6 2004.090.00:18:00.45/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,21.60 2004.090.00:18:00.95/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,21.00 2004.090.00:18:01.45/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.90 2004.090.00:18:01.95/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,13.50 2004.090.00:18:02.45/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.611 2004.090.00:18:02.95/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.000 2004.090.00:18:03.45/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.859 2004.090.00:18:03.95/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,66.80 2004.090.00:18:04.45/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,57.46 2004.090.00:18:04.95/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.298 2004.090.00:18:05.45/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,242.6 2004.090.00:18:05.95/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,70.32 2004.090.00:18:05.95:scan_name=090-0027,r1116,190 2004.090.00:18:05.96:source=cta26,033930.94,-014635.8,2000.0,cw 2004.090.00:18:10.49:setup4f 2004.090.00:18:12.97/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.090.00:18:12.98/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.090.00:18:13.01/bank_check/usn-0079/960/1024OK,VNVD06G4H7982L,VNVD06G4H79L4L,VNVD06G4H79RWL,VNVD06G4H71WBL,VNVD06G4H79GKL,VNVD06G4H79D4L,VNVD06G4H700TL,VNVD06G4H79GUL 2004.090.00:18:13.04/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 123 ; 2004.090.00:18:13.04:!2004.090.00:27:18 2004.090.00:27:18.00:disc_pos 2004.090.00:27:18.02/disc_pos/264357628832,264356628832, 2004.090.00:27:18.02:disc_start=on 2004.090.00:27:19.06:!2004.090.00:27:18 2004.090.00:27:19.06:preob 2004.090.00:27:20.49#antcn#ACK 2004.090.00:27:20.49/onsource/TRACKING 2004.090.00:27:23.24/tpical/1l,16136,1u,15965,2u,16134,3u,15984,4u,16345 2004.090.00:27:23.24/tpical/9u,16124,au,16382,bu,16027,cu,16319,du,16249,eu,16306 2004.090.00:27:23.24/tpical/5u,16187,6u,15966,7u,15691,8l,15507,8u,15430 2004.090.00:27:23.39/tpgain/1l,46,1u,50,2u,122,3u,127,4u,169 2004.090.00:27:23.39/tpgain/9u,115,au,112,bu,95,cu,159,du,206,eu,173 2004.090.00:27:23.39/tpgain/5u,16,6u,30,7u,24,8l,28,8u,31 2004.090.00:27:23.42:!2004.090.00:27:28 2004.090.00:27:28.00:disc_pos 2004.090.00:27:28.00/disc_pos/264613429248,264356628832, 2004.090.00:27:28.01:data_valid=on 2004.090.00:27:28.02:midob 2004.090.00:27:28.19/tpi/1l,16133,1u,15974,2u,16149,3u,16005,4u,16352 2004.090.00:27:28.19/tpi/9u,16124,au,16386,bu,16024,cu,16332,du,16259,eu,16327 2004.090.00:27:28.19/tpi/5u,16195,6u,15970,7u,15694,8l,15526,8u,15442 2004.090.00:27:28.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 1l overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.00:27:28.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 8l overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.00:27:28.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 1u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.00:27:28.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 2u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.00:27:28.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 3u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.00:27:28.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 4u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.00:27:28.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 5u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.00:27:28.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 6u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.00:27:28.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 7u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.00:27:28.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 8u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.00:27:28.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 9u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.00:27:28.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device au overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.00:27:28.80/tsys/1l,$$$$$$$$,1u,$$$$$$$$,2u,$$$$$$$$,3u,$$$$$$$$,4u,$$$$$$$$ 2004.090.00:27:28.81/tsys/9u,$$$$$$$$,au,$$$$$$$$,bu,9422.0,cu,2425.4,du,6730.1,eu,6606.6 2004.090.00:27:28.81/tsys/5u,$$$$$$$$,6u,$$$$$$$$,7u,$$$$$$$$,8l,$$$$$$$$,8u,$$$$$$$$ 2004.090.00:27:28.82/wx/14.3,996.6,97.7,86.9,0.0 2004.090.00:27:29.66/cable/3.714085331E-3 2004.090.00:27:30.15/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,21.60 2004.090.00:27:30.65/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,21.00 2004.090.00:27:31.15/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.70 2004.090.00:27:31.65/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,13.40 2004.090.00:27:32.15/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.611 2004.090.00:27:32.65/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.000 2004.090.00:27:33.15/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,1.488 2004.090.00:27:33.65/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,66.80 2004.090.00:27:34.15/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,60.22 2004.090.00:27:34.65/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.244 2004.090.00:27:35.15/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,238.0 2004.090.00:27:35.65/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,68.85 2004.090.00:27:35.74/bbc01/612.89,a,8,8,1,agc, -2.18, -2.91,lock,15983,16156,1018,1pps 2004.090.00:27:35.82/bbc02/652.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 5.56, 3.48,lock,16113,16304,1029,1pps 2004.090.00:27:35.90/bbc03/752.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 5.91, 4.18,lock,16601,16285,1027,1pps 2004.090.00:27:35.98/bbc04/912.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 8.39, 7.36,lock,16323,16281,1024,1pps 2004.090.00:27:36.06/bbc05/652.99,c,8,8,1,agc,-12.08,-12.64,lock,16196,16197,1025,1pps 2004.090.00:27:36.14/bbc06/772.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -6.62, -6.62,lock,15984,15603,1030,1pps 2004.090.00:27:36.22/bbc07/832.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -8.56, -8.93,lock,15678,15211,1033,1pps 2004.090.00:27:36.30/bbc08/852.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -6.34, -7.22,lock,15463,15533,1028,1pps 2004.090.00:27:36.38/bbc09/692.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 5.05, 4.90,lock,16134,16209,1020,1pps 2004.090.00:27:36.46/bbc10/700.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.74, 3.39,lock,16398,15963,1026,1pps 2004.090.00:27:36.54/bbc11/716.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 3.39, 3.39,lock,16031,16309,1022,1pps 2004.090.00:27:36.62/bbc12/772.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 7.86, 6.70,lock,16327,16354,1019,1pps 2004.090.00:27:36.70/bbc13/804.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 10.11, 9.94,lock,16262,16249,1031,1pps 2004.090.00:27:36.78/bbc14/812.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 8.60, 8.39,lock,16325,16311,1021,1pps 2004.090.00:27:37.50#antcn#Received message for antenna: GETS 2004.090.00:27:38.47#antcn#ACU: MJD: 53094, UTC: 1657, Src: ext. 1pps present 2004.090.00:27:38.47#antcn#ACU: Azimuth: Pos: -770127, Dev: -3, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.090.00:27:38.47#antcn#ACU: Elevation: Pos: 195717, Dev: 0, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.090.00:27:38.47#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.090.00:27:38.47#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.090.00:27:38.47#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.090.00:27:38.47#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.090.00:27:38.47#antcn#ACU: Az: no fault , no fault 2004.090.00:27:38.47#antcn#ACU: El: no fault , no fault 2004.090.00:27:38.48/antenna/ACK 2004.090.00:27:38.48:!2004.090.00:30:38 2004.090.00:30:38.00:data_valid=off 2004.090.00:30:38.01:disc_end 2004.090.00:30:38.27/disc_end/usn-0079/960/1024OK 2004.090.00:30:38.27:disc_pos 2004.090.00:30:38.28/disc_pos/270730455024,264357628832, 2004.090.00:30:38.28:disc_check 2004.090.00:30:38.93/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y090d00h30m38.255s,51256,0.00250s,80000,17979348568, 2004.090.00:30:38.94:postob_mk5a 2004.090.00:30:38.95/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 514206 : 2358 : 1 : 5 : 0 : 2 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.00:30:38.95/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 514456 : 2093 : 1 : 20 : 3 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.00:30:38.96/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 514419 : 2148 : 1 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.00:30:38.97/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 514123 : 2434 : 0 : 20 : 1 : 6 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.00:30:38.98/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 514025 : 2551 : 3 : 3 : 0 : 4 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.00:30:38.99/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 514020 : 2545 : 2 : 11 : 1 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.00:30:39.00/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 514411 : 2171 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.00:30:39.01/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 514273 : 2304 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.00:30:39.27/cable/3.714370638E-3 2004.090.00:30:39.95/fmout-gps/-7.541748E-6 2004.090.00:30:40.45/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,21.50 2004.090.00:30:40.90/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,21.00 2004.090.00:30:41.35/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.70 2004.090.00:30:41.80/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,13.40 2004.090.00:30:42.30/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.611 2004.090.00:30:42.80/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.015 2004.090.00:30:43.30/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,4.480 2004.090.00:30:43.80/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,58.85 2004.090.00:30:44.30/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,69.43 2004.090.00:30:44.80/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.217 2004.090.00:30:45.30/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,243.4 2004.090.00:30:45.80/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,70.32 2004.090.00:30:45.80:scan_name=090-0032,r1116,190 2004.090.00:30:45.81:source=4c39.25,092703.01,390220.9,2000.0,cw 2004.090.00:30:50.49:setup4f 2004.090.00:30:52.99/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.090.00:30:53.00/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.090.00:30:53.01/bank_check/usn-0079/960/1024OK,VNVD06G4H7982L,VNVD06G4H79L4L,VNVD06G4H79RWL,VNVD06G4H71WBL,VNVD06G4H79GKL,VNVD06G4H79D4L,VNVD06G4H700TL,VNVD06G4H79GUL 2004.090.00:30:53.04/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 125 ; 2004.090.00:30:53.05:!2004.090.00:32:18 2004.090.00:32:18.00:disc_pos 2004.090.00:32:18.00/disc_pos/270730455024,270729455024, 2004.090.00:32:18.01:disc_start=on 2004.090.00:32:19.05:!2004.090.00:32:18 2004.090.00:32:19.05:preob 2004.090.00:32:20.50#antcn#ACK 2004.090.00:32:20.50/onsource/TRACKING 2004.090.00:32:23.25/tpical/1l,16186,1u,16053,2u,15967,3u,16166,4u,16171 2004.090.00:32:23.25/tpical/9u,16151,au,16087,bu,16010,cu,16267,du,16287,eu,16267 2004.090.00:32:23.25/tpical/5u,16985,6u,15751,7u,15156,8l,15216,8u,16174 2004.090.00:32:23.40/tpgain/1l,45,1u,49,2u,118,3u,124,4u,164 2004.090.00:32:23.40/tpgain/9u,114,au,111,bu,94,cu,157,du,204,eu,171 2004.090.00:32:23.40/tpgain/5u,16,6u,29,7u,23,8l,27,8u,31 2004.090.00:32:23.43:!2004.090.00:32:28 2004.090.00:32:28.00:disc_pos 2004.090.00:32:28.00/disc_pos/270986252288,270729455024, 2004.090.00:32:28.03:data_valid=on 2004.090.00:32:28.03:midob 2004.090.00:32:28.20/tpi/1l,16183,1u,16062,2u,15935,3u,16176,4u,16173 2004.090.00:32:28.20/tpi/9u,16157,au,16078,bu,16007,cu,16273,du,16298,eu,16277 2004.090.00:32:28.20/tpi/5u,16998,6u,15751,7u,15136,8l,15205,8u,16168 2004.090.00:32:28.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 1l overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.00:32:28.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 8l overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.00:32:28.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 1u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.00:32:28.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 2u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.00:32:28.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 3u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.00:32:28.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 4u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.00:32:28.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 5u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.00:32:28.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 6u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.00:32:28.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 7u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.00:32:28.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 8u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.00:32:28.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 9u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.00:32:28.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device au overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.00:32:28.81/tsys/1l,$$$$$$$$,1u,$$$$$$$$,2u,$$$$$$$$,3u,$$$$$$$$,4u,$$$$$$$$ 2004.090.00:32:28.82/tsys/9u,$$$$$$$$,au,$$$$$$$$,bu,9620.7,cu,2482.7,du,6891.5,eu,6753.7 2004.090.00:32:28.82/tsys/5u,$$$$$$$$,6u,$$$$$$$$,7u,$$$$$$$$,8l,$$$$$$$$,8u,$$$$$$$$ 2004.090.00:32:28.83/wx/14.0,996.6,97.7,84.0,0.1 2004.090.00:32:29.66/cable/3.714260423E-3 2004.090.00:32:30.15/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,21.40 2004.090.00:32:30.60/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,21.00 2004.090.00:32:31.05/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.70 2004.090.00:32:31.50/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,13.40 2004.090.00:32:32.00/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.611 2004.090.00:32:32.50/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.000 2004.090.00:32:33.00/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,5.540 2004.090.00:32:33.50/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,57.46 2004.090.00:32:34.00/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,64.17 2004.090.00:32:34.50/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.244 2004.090.00:32:35.00/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,240.2 2004.090.00:32:35.50/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,67.63 2004.090.00:32:35.59/bbc01/612.89,a,8,8,1,agc, -2.36, -3.10,lock,16076,16192,1018,1pps 2004.090.00:32:35.67/bbc02/652.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 5.27, 3.21,lock,15964,16085,1029,1pps 2004.090.00:32:35.75/bbc03/752.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 5.70, 3.92,lock,16175,16210,1027,1pps 2004.090.00:32:35.83/bbc04/912.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 8.13, 7.12,lock,16175,16246,1024,1pps 2004.090.00:32:35.91/bbc05/652.99,c,8,8,1,agc,-12.08,-13.24,lock,14177,14937,1025,1pps 2004.090.00:32:35.99/bbc06/772.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -6.92, -6.92,lock,15745,15365,1030,1pps 2004.090.00:32:36.07/bbc07/832.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -8.93, -8.93,lock,15147,15951,1033,1pps 2004.090.00:32:36.16/bbc08/852.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -6.34, -7.54,lock,16166,15200,1028,1pps 2004.090.00:32:36.24/bbc09/692.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.97, 4.82,lock,16140,16201,1020,1pps 2004.090.00:32:36.32/bbc10/700.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.74, 3.39,lock,16065,16228,1026,1pps 2004.090.00:32:36.40/bbc11/716.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 3.30, 3.21,lock,16004,16008,1022,1pps 2004.090.00:32:36.49/bbc12/772.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 7.75, 6.57,lock,16258,16213,1019,1pps 2004.090.00:32:36.57/bbc13/804.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 10.03, 9.86,lock,16294,16248,1031,1pps 2004.090.00:32:36.65/bbc14/812.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 8.50, 8.29,lock,16264,16231,1021,1pps 2004.090.00:32:37.50#antcn#Received message for antenna: GETS 2004.090.00:32:38.47#antcn#ACU: MJD: 53094, UTC: 1957, Src: ext. 1pps present 2004.090.00:32:38.47#antcn#ACU: Azimuth: Pos: 149091, Dev: 0, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.090.00:32:38.47#antcn#ACU: Elevation: Pos: 121842, Dev: 7, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.090.00:32:38.47#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.090.00:32:38.47#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.090.00:32:38.47#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.090.00:32:38.47#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.090.00:32:38.47#antcn#ACU: Az: no fault , no fault 2004.090.00:32:38.47#antcn#ACU: El: no fault , no fault 2004.090.00:32:38.48/antenna/ACK 2004.090.00:32:38.48:!2004.090.00:35:38 2004.090.00:35:38.00:data_valid=off 2004.090.00:35:38.01:disc_end 2004.090.00:35:38.26/disc_end/usn-0079/960/1024OK 2004.090.00:35:38.27:disc_pos 2004.090.00:35:38.28/disc_pos/277103599624,270730455024, 2004.090.00:35:38.28:disc_check 2004.090.00:35:38.58/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y090d00h35m38.252s,61368,0.00250s,80000,3226765288, 2004.090.00:35:38.58:postob_mk5a 2004.090.00:35:38.60/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 526314 : 2409 : 1 : 5 : 0 : 2 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.00:35:38.61/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 526570 : 2139 : 1 : 20 : 3 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.00:35:38.61/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 526523 : 2203 : 1 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.00:35:38.62/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 526235 : 2482 : 0 : 20 : 1 : 6 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.00:35:38.63/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 526131 : 2604 : 3 : 3 : 0 : 4 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.00:35:38.64/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 526128 : 2596 : 2 : 11 : 1 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.00:35:38.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 526526 : 2217 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.00:35:38.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 526382 : 2354 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.00:35:39.27/cable/3.714213479E-3 2004.090.00:35:39.95/fmout-gps/-7.496997E-6 2004.090.00:35:40.46/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,21.40 2004.090.00:35:40.96/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,21.00 2004.090.00:35:41.46/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.70 2004.090.00:35:41.96/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,13.30 2004.090.00:35:42.46/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.613 2004.090.00:35:42.96/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.000 2004.090.00:35:43.46/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,1.488 2004.090.00:35:43.96/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,53.29 2004.090.00:35:44.46/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,58.85 2004.090.00:35:44.96/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.244 2004.090.00:35:45.46/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,242.9 2004.090.00:35:45.96/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,67.63 2004.090.00:35:45.96:scan_name=090-0039,r1116,190 2004.090.00:35:45.97:source=0150-334,015310.12,-331025.9,2000.0,neutral 2004.090.00:35:50.50:setup4f 2004.090.00:35:52.97/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.090.00:35:52.98/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.090.00:35:53.01/bank_check/usn-0079/960/1024OK,VNVD06G4H7982L,VNVD06G4H79L4L,VNVD06G4H79RWL,VNVD06G4H71WBL,VNVD06G4H79GKL,VNVD06G4H79D4L,VNVD06G4H700TL,VNVD06G4H79GUL 2004.090.00:35:53.06/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 127 ; 2004.090.00:35:53.06:!2004.090.00:39:32 2004.090.00:39:32.00:disc_pos 2004.090.00:39:32.01/disc_pos/277103599624,277102599624, 2004.090.00:39:32.01:disc_start=on 2004.090.00:39:33.04:!2004.090.00:39:32 2004.090.00:39:33.05:preob 2004.090.00:39:34.50#antcn#ACK 2004.090.00:39:34.50/onsource/TRACKING 2004.090.00:39:37.24/tpical/1l,16041,1u,15919,2u,16249,3u,16362,4u,16365 2004.090.00:39:37.24/tpical/9u,15974,au,15882,bu,15980,cu,16233,du,16273,eu,16308 2004.090.00:39:37.24/tpical/5u,13855,6u,15408,7u,16142,8l,15937,8u,15864 2004.090.00:39:37.39/tpgain/1l,45,1u,49,2u,120,3u,126,4u,166 2004.090.00:39:37.39/tpgain/9u,114,au,111,bu,95,cu,158,du,205,eu,172 2004.090.00:39:37.39/tpgain/5u,15,6u,29,7u,24,8l,28,8u,31 2004.090.00:39:37.42:!2004.090.00:39:42 2004.090.00:39:42.00:disc_pos 2004.090.00:39:42.00/disc_pos/277359398912,277102599624, 2004.090.00:39:42.01:data_valid=on 2004.090.00:39:42.02:midob 2004.090.00:39:42.19/tpi/1l,16047,1u,15913,2u,16215,3u,16353,4u,16359 2004.090.00:39:42.20/tpi/9u,15978,au,15887,bu,15982,cu,16239,du,16274,eu,16293 2004.090.00:39:42.20/tpi/5u,13845,6u,15416,7u,16118,8l,15926,8u,15868 2004.090.00:39:42.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 1l overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.00:39:42.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 8l overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.00:39:42.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 1u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.00:39:42.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 2u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.00:39:42.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 3u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.00:39:42.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 4u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.00:39:42.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 5u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.00:39:42.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 6u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.00:39:42.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 7u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.00:39:42.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 8u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.00:39:42.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 9u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.00:39:42.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device au overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.00:39:42.80/tsys/1l,$$$$$$$$,1u,$$$$$$$$,2u,$$$$$$$$,3u,$$$$$$$$,4u,$$$$$$$$ 2004.090.00:39:42.80/tsys/9u,$$$$$$$$,au,$$$$$$$$,bu,9396.4,cu,2443.5,du,6808.2,eu,6675.5 2004.090.00:39:42.80/tsys/5u,$$$$$$$$,6u,$$$$$$$$,7u,$$$$$$$$,8l,$$$$$$$$,8u,$$$$$$$$ 2004.090.00:39:42.81/wx/14.0,996.6,97.7,86.5,0.2 2004.090.00:39:43.26/cable/3.714499976E-3 2004.090.00:39:43.75/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,21.40 2004.090.00:39:44.20/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,20.90 2004.090.00:39:44.65/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.70 2004.090.00:39:45.10/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,13.20 2004.090.00:39:45.55/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.608 2004.090.00:39:46.00/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.000 2004.090.00:39:46.45/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.116 2004.090.00:39:46.90/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,69.43 2004.090.00:39:47.35/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,66.80 2004.090.00:39:47.80/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.244 2004.090.00:39:48.25/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,242.4 2004.090.00:39:48.75/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,69.34 2004.090.00:39:48.84/bbc01/612.89,a,8,8,1,agc, -2.36, -3.10,lock,15926,16051,1018,1pps 2004.090.00:39:48.92/bbc02/652.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 5.42, 3.30,lock,16360,16092,1029,1pps 2004.090.00:39:49.00/bbc03/752.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 5.84, 4.01,lock,16342,16264,1027,1pps 2004.090.00:39:49.08/bbc04/912.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 8.24, 7.18,lock,16373,16245,1024,1pps 2004.090.00:39:49.16/bbc05/652.99,c,8,8,1,agc,-12.08,-13.24,lock,13861,14585,1025,1pps 2004.090.00:39:49.24/bbc06/772.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -6.92, -6.62,lock,15370,16013,1030,1pps 2004.090.00:39:49.32/bbc07/832.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -8.56, -8.93,lock,16153,15652,1033,1pps 2004.090.00:39:49.40/bbc08/852.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -6.34, -7.22,lock,15829,15908,1028,1pps 2004.090.00:39:49.48/bbc09/692.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.97, 4.82,lock,15974,16040,1020,1pps 2004.090.00:39:49.56/bbc10/700.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.74, 3.39,lock,15904,16105,1026,1pps 2004.090.00:39:49.64/bbc11/716.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 3.39, 3.30,lock,15984,16103,1022,1pps 2004.090.00:39:49.72/bbc12/772.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 7.81, 6.63,lock,16252,16251,1019,1pps 2004.090.00:39:49.80/bbc13/804.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 10.07, 9.90,lock,16273,16319,1031,1pps 2004.090.00:39:49.88/bbc14/812.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 8.55, 8.34,lock,16301,16312,1021,1pps 2004.090.00:39:50.51#antcn#Received message for antenna: GETS 2004.090.00:39:51.48#antcn#ACU: MJD: 53094, UTC: 2390, Src: ext. 1pps present 2004.090.00:39:51.48#antcn#ACU: Azimuth: Pos: 2392898, Dev: -4, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.090.00:39:51.48#antcn#ACU: Elevation: Pos: 147257, Dev: 2, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.090.00:39:51.48#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.090.00:39:51.48#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.090.00:39:51.48#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.090.00:39:51.48#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.090.00:39:51.48#antcn#ACU: Az: no fault , no fault 2004.090.00:39:51.48#antcn#ACU: El: no fault , no fault 2004.090.00:39:51.49/antenna/ACK 2004.090.00:39:51.49:!2004.090.00:42:52 2004.090.00:42:52.00:data_valid=off 2004.090.00:42:52.01:disc_end 2004.090.00:42:52.27/disc_end/usn-0079/960/1024OK 2004.090.00:42:52.28:disc_pos 2004.090.00:42:52.28/disc_pos/283477061824,277103599624, 2004.090.00:42:52.29:disc_check 2004.090.00:42:52.59/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y090d00h42m52.260s,41720,0.00250s,80000,7514797448, 2004.090.00:42:52.60:postob_mk5a 2004.090.00:42:52.61/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 538428 : 2455 : 1 : 5 : 0 : 2 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.00:42:52.61/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 538650 : 2219 : 1 : 20 : 3 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.00:42:52.62/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 538630 : 2256 : 1 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.00:42:52.63/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 538345 : 2533 : 0 : 20 : 1 : 6 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.00:42:52.64/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 538232 : 2663 : 3 : 3 : 0 : 4 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.00:42:52.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 538242 : 2642 : 2 : 11 : 1 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.00:42:52.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 538642 : 2261 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.00:42:52.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 538493 : 2403 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.00:42:52.86/cable/3.715074020E-3 2004.090.00:42:53.95/fmout-gps/-7.574767E-6 2004.090.00:42:54.41/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,21.40 2004.090.00:42:54.91/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,20.80 2004.090.00:42:55.41/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.70 2004.090.00:42:55.91/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,13.10 2004.090.00:42:56.41/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.608 2004.090.00:42:56.91/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.000 2004.090.00:42:57.41/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,5.361 2004.090.00:42:57.91/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,60.22 2004.090.00:42:58.41/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,58.85 2004.090.00:42:58.91/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.271 2004.090.00:42:59.41/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,243.9 2004.090.00:42:59.91/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,70.32 2004.090.00:42:59.91:scan_name=090-0046b,r1116,108 2004.090.00:42:59.92:source=0454-234,045703.18,-232452.0,2000.0,neutral 2004.090.00:43:04.51:setup4f 2004.090.00:43:06.96/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.090.00:43:06.97/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.090.00:43:06.99/bank_check/usn-0079/960/1024OK,VNVD06G4H7982L,VNVD06G4H79L4L,VNVD06G4H79RWL,VNVD06G4H71WBL,VNVD06G4H79GKL,VNVD06G4H79D4L,VNVD06G4H700TL,VNVD06G4H79GUL 2004.090.00:43:07.05/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 129 ; 2004.090.00:43:07.05:!2004.090.00:46:46 2004.090.00:46:46.00:disc_pos 2004.090.00:46:46.01/disc_pos/283477061824,283476061824, 2004.090.00:46:46.01:disc_start=on 2004.090.00:46:47.05:!2004.090.00:46:46 2004.090.00:46:47.06:preob 2004.090.00:46:48.51#antcn#ACK 2004.090.00:46:48.51/onsource/TRACKING 2004.090.00:46:51.25/tpical/1l,16379,1u,16164,2u,16213,3u,16178,4u,16246 2004.090.00:46:51.25/tpical/9u,16132,au,16276,bu,16087,cu,16228,du,16197,eu,16325 2004.090.00:46:51.25/tpical/5u,16021,6u,15771,7u,15536,8l,15401,8u,17256 2004.090.00:46:51.40/tpgain/1l,46,1u,50,2u,122,3u,127,4u,168 2004.090.00:46:51.40/tpgain/9u,113,au,111,bu,93,cu,156,du,203,eu,171 2004.090.00:46:51.40/tpgain/5u,16,6u,30,7u,24,8l,28,8u,32 2004.090.00:46:51.43:!2004.090.00:46:56 2004.090.00:46:56.00:disc_pos 2004.090.00:46:56.00/disc_pos/283732860928,283476061824, 2004.090.00:46:56.01:data_valid=on 2004.090.00:46:56.02:midob 2004.090.00:46:56.19/tpi/1l,16349,1u,16162,2u,16297,3u,16150,4u,16234 2004.090.00:46:56.19/tpi/9u,16124,au,16278,bu,16104,cu,16218,du,16170,eu,16314 2004.090.00:46:56.19/tpi/5u,16017,6u,15747,7u,15553,8l,15375,8u,17193 2004.090.00:46:56.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 1l overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.00:46:56.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 8l overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.00:46:56.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 1u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.00:46:56.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 2u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.00:46:56.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 3u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.00:46:56.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 4u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.00:46:56.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 5u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.00:46:56.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 6u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.00:46:56.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 7u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.00:46:56.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 8u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.00:46:56.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 9u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.00:46:56.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device au overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.00:46:56.80/tsys/1l,$$$$$$$$,1u,$$$$$$$$,2u,$$$$$$$$,3u,$$$$$$$$,4u,$$$$$$$$ 2004.090.00:46:56.80/tsys/9u,$$$$$$$$,au,$$$$$$$$,bu,9898.4,cu,2507.9,du,6906.0,eu,6770.4 2004.090.00:46:56.80/tsys/5u,$$$$$$$$,6u,$$$$$$$$,7u,$$$$$$$$,8l,$$$$$$$$,8u,$$$$$$$$ 2004.090.00:46:56.81/wx/13.9,996.5,97.7,82.0,0.5 2004.090.00:46:57.66/cable/3.713211236E-3 2004.090.00:46:58.15/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,21.30 2004.090.00:46:58.60/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,20.80 2004.090.00:46:59.05/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.80 2004.090.00:46:59.50/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,13.10 2004.090.00:46:59.95/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.608 2004.090.00:47:00.40/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.000 2004.090.00:47:00.85/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,2.949 2004.090.00:47:01.30/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,61.54 2004.090.00:47:01.75/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,65.48 2004.090.00:47:02.20/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.244 2004.090.00:47:02.65/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,243.9 2004.090.00:47:03.10/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,68.12 2004.090.00:47:03.19/bbc01/612.89,a,8,8,1,agc, -2.18, -2.91,lock,16175,16362,1018,1pps 2004.090.00:47:03.27/bbc02/652.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 5.56, 3.39,lock,16318,16470,1029,1pps 2004.090.00:47:03.35/bbc03/752.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 5.91, 4.09,lock,16169,16145,1027,1pps 2004.090.00:47:03.43/bbc04/912.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 8.34, 7.36,lock,16236,16309,1024,1pps 2004.090.00:47:03.51/bbc05/652.99,c,8,8,1,agc,-12.08,-12.64,lock,16040,15980,1025,1pps 2004.090.00:47:03.59/bbc06/772.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -6.62, -6.62,lock,15754,15459,1030,1pps 2004.090.00:47:03.67/bbc07/832.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -8.56, -8.93,lock,15573,15130,1033,1pps 2004.090.00:47:03.75/bbc08/852.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -6.06, -7.22,lock,15282,15360,1028,1pps 2004.090.00:47:03.83/bbc09/692.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.90, 4.74,lock,16141,16018,1020,1pps 2004.090.00:47:03.91/bbc10/700.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.74, 3.30,lock,16291,16216,1026,1pps 2004.090.00:47:03.99/bbc11/716.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 3.21, 3.11,lock,16110,15996,1022,1pps 2004.090.00:47:04.07/bbc12/772.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 7.70, 6.51,lock,16241,16199,1019,1pps 2004.090.00:47:04.15/bbc13/804.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 9.99, 9.81,lock,16196,16219,1031,1pps 2004.090.00:47:04.23/bbc14/812.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 8.50, 8.29,lock,16334,16320,1021,1pps 2004.090.00:47:04.52#antcn#Received message for antenna: GETS 2004.090.00:47:05.49#antcn#ACU: MJD: 53094, UTC: 2824, Src: ext. 1pps present 2004.090.00:47:05.49#antcn#ACU: Azimuth: Pos: 2715096, Dev: -1, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.090.00:47:05.49#antcn#ACU: Elevation: Pos: 434575, Dev: 2, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.090.00:47:05.49#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.090.00:47:05.49#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.090.00:47:05.49#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.090.00:47:05.49#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.090.00:47:05.49#antcn#ACU: Az: no fault , no fault 2004.090.00:47:05.49#antcn#ACU: El: no fault , no fault 2004.090.00:47:05.50/antenna/ACK 2004.090.00:47:05.50:!2004.090.00:48:44 2004.090.00:48:44.00:data_valid=off 2004.090.00:48:44.01:disc_end 2004.090.00:48:44.27/disc_end/usn-0079/960/1024OK 2004.090.00:48:44.28:disc_pos 2004.090.00:48:44.29/disc_pos/287226334904,283477061824, 2004.090.00:48:44.29:disc_check 2004.090.00:48:44.60/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y090d00h48m44.263s,49752,0.00250s,80000,7514798888, 2004.090.00:48:44.60:postob_mk5a 2004.090.00:48:44.61/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 545549 : 2488 : 1 : 5 : 0 : 2 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.00:48:44.62/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 545768 : 2257 : 1 : 20 : 3 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.00:48:44.63/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 545761 : 2279 : 1 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.00:48:44.64/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 545462 : 2572 : 0 : 20 : 1 : 6 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.00:48:44.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 545355 : 2694 : 3 : 3 : 0 : 4 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.00:48:44.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 545359 : 2679 : 2 : 11 : 1 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.00:48:44.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 545762 : 2295 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.00:48:44.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 545599 : 2451 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.00:48:44.86/cable/3.714133528E-3 2004.090.00:48:45.95/fmout-gps/-7.546832E-6 2004.090.00:48:46.45/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,21.40 2004.090.00:48:46.90/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,20.80 2004.090.00:48:47.36/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.80 2004.090.00:48:47.85/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,13.10 2004.090.00:48:48.30/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.608 2004.090.00:48:48.75/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.000 2004.090.00:48:49.25/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.000 2004.090.00:48:49.71/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,65.48 2004.090.00:48:50.20/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,69.43 2004.090.00:48:50.65/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.244 2004.090.00:48:51.10/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,243.9 2004.090.00:48:51.55/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,67.14 2004.090.00:48:51.55:scan_name=090-0049,r1116,46 2004.090.00:48:51.56:source=0727-115,073019.11,-114112.6,2000.0,cw 2004.090.00:48:56.51:setup4f 2004.090.00:48:58.96/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.090.00:48:58.97/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.090.00:48:59.01/bank_check/usn-0079/960/1024OK,VNVD06G4H7982L,VNVD06G4H79L4L,VNVD06G4H79RWL,VNVD06G4H71WBL,VNVD06G4H79GKL,VNVD06G4H79D4L,VNVD06G4H700TL,VNVD06G4H79GUL 2004.090.00:48:59.03/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 131 ; 2004.090.00:48:59.04:!2004.090.00:49:20 2004.090.00:49:20.00:disc_pos 2004.090.00:49:20.01/disc_pos/287226334904,287225334904, 2004.090.00:49:20.01:disc_start=on 2004.090.00:49:21.05:!2004.090.00:49:20 2004.090.00:49:21.06:preob 2004.090.00:49:22.51#antcn#ACK 2004.090.00:49:22.51/onsource/TRACKING 2004.090.00:49:25.25/tpical/1l,16234,1u,15982,2u,16272,3u,16249,4u,16345 2004.090.00:49:25.25/tpical/9u,16489,au,16129,bu,16052,cu,16175,du,16240,eu,16275 2004.090.00:49:25.25/tpical/5u,16463,6u,16202,7u,15948,8l,15795,8u,15721 2004.090.00:49:25.40/tpgain/1l,45,1u,49,2u,120,3u,125,4u,167 2004.090.00:49:25.40/tpgain/9u,112,au,108,bu,91,cu,153,du,200,eu,168 2004.090.00:49:25.40/tpgain/5u,16,6u,30,7u,24,8l,28,8u,31 2004.090.00:49:25.43:!2004.090.00:49:30 2004.090.00:49:30.01:disc_pos 2004.090.00:49:30.02/disc_pos/287482126336,287225334904, 2004.090.00:49:30.02:data_valid=on 2004.090.00:49:30.03:midob 2004.090.00:49:30.20/tpi/1l,16245,1u,15987,2u,16269,3u,16252,4u,16359 2004.090.00:49:30.20/tpi/9u,16462,au,16124,bu,16024,cu,16174,du,16210,eu,16253 2004.090.00:49:30.20/tpi/5u,16476,6u,16211,7u,15962,8l,15804,8u,15709 2004.090.00:49:30.79?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 1l overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.00:49:30.79?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 8l overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.00:49:30.79?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 1u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.00:49:30.79?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 2u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.00:49:30.79?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 3u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.00:49:30.79?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 4u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.00:49:30.79?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 5u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.00:49:30.79?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 6u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.00:49:30.79?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 7u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.00:49:30.79?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 8u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.00:49:30.79?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 9u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.00:49:30.79?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device au overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.00:49:30.82/tsys/1l,$$$$$$$$,1u,$$$$$$$$,2u,$$$$$$$$,3u,$$$$$$$$,4u,$$$$$$$$ 2004.090.00:49:30.82/tsys/9u,$$$$$$$$,au,$$$$$$$$,bu,10301.1,cu,2607.0,du,7150.6,eu,7007.7 2004.090.00:49:30.82/tsys/5u,$$$$$$$$,6u,$$$$$$$$,7u,$$$$$$$$,8l,$$$$$$$$,8u,$$$$$$$$ 2004.090.00:49:30.83/wx/13.8,996.5,97.7,60.5,0.2 2004.090.00:49:31.27/cable/3.713632232E-3 2004.090.00:49:31.76/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,21.30 2004.090.00:49:32.26/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,20.80 2004.090.00:49:32.76/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.80 2004.090.00:49:33.26/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,13.10 2004.090.00:49:33.76/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.611 2004.090.00:49:34.26/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.000 2004.090.00:49:34.76/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,5.540 2004.090.00:49:35.26/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,53.29 2004.090.00:49:35.76/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,57.46 2004.090.00:49:36.26/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.244 2004.090.00:49:36.76/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,242.4 2004.090.00:49:37.26/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,69.34 2004.090.00:49:37.35/bbc01/612.89,a,8,8,1,agc, -2.36, -3.10,lock,16008,16255,1018,1pps 2004.090.00:49:37.43/bbc02/652.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 5.42, 3.39,lock,16273,16354,1029,1pps 2004.090.00:49:37.51/bbc03/752.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 5.77, 3.92,lock,16257,16107,1027,1pps 2004.090.00:49:37.60/bbc04/912.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 8.29, 7.24,lock,16369,16370,1024,1pps 2004.090.00:49:37.68/bbc05/652.99,c,8,8,1,agc,-12.08,-13.24,lock,13742,14469,1025,1pps 2004.090.00:49:37.76/bbc06/772.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -6.62, -6.62,lock,16210,15900,1030,1pps 2004.090.00:49:37.84/bbc07/832.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -8.56, -8.93,lock,15992,15488,1033,1pps 2004.090.00:49:37.92/bbc08/852.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -6.34, -7.22,lock,15727,15817,1028,1pps 2004.090.00:49:38.00/bbc09/692.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.82, 4.58,lock,15827,16090,1020,1pps 2004.090.00:49:38.08/bbc10/700.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.50, 3.11,lock,16132,16224,1026,1pps 2004.090.00:49:38.16/bbc11/716.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 3.02, 3.02,lock,16036,16173,1022,1pps 2004.090.00:49:38.25/bbc12/772.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 7.53, 6.38,lock,16176,16254,1019,1pps 2004.090.00:49:38.34/bbc13/804.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 9.86, 9.68,lock,16228,16287,1031,1pps 2004.090.00:49:38.42/bbc14/812.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 8.34, 8.13,lock,16277,16257,1021,1pps 2004.090.00:49:38.51#antcn#Received message for antenna: GETS 2004.090.00:49:39.49#antcn#ACU: MJD: 53094, UTC: 2978, Src: ext. 1pps present 2004.090.00:49:39.49#antcn#ACU: Azimuth: Pos: 3289076, Dev: -6, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.090.00:49:39.49#antcn#ACU: Elevation: Pos: 615907, Dev: 2, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.090.00:49:39.49#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.090.00:49:39.49#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.090.00:49:39.49#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.090.00:49:39.49#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.090.00:49:39.49#antcn#ACU: Az: no fault , no fault 2004.090.00:49:39.49#antcn#ACU: El: no fault , no fault 2004.090.00:49:39.50/antenna/ACK 2004.090.00:49:39.50:!2004.090.00:50:16 2004.090.00:50:16.00:data_valid=off 2004.090.00:50:16.01:disc_end 2004.090.00:50:16.27/disc_end/usn-0079/960/1024OK 2004.090.00:50:16.27:disc_pos 2004.090.00:50:16.29/disc_pos/288991217408,287226334904, 2004.090.00:50:16.29:disc_check 2004.090.00:50:16.81/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y090d00h50m16.255s,7824,0.00250s,80000,1178919424, 2004.090.00:50:16.81:postob_mk5a 2004.090.00:50:16.82/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 548901 : 2505 : 1 : 5 : 0 : 2 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.00:50:16.83/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 549124 : 2268 : 1 : 21 : 3 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.00:50:16.84/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 549117 : 2292 : 1 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.00:50:16.86/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 548812 : 2591 : 0 : 21 : 1 : 6 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.00:50:16.87/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 548708 : 2709 : 3 : 4 : 0 : 4 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.00:50:16.88/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 548711 : 2695 : 2 : 12 : 1 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.00:50:16.89/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 549118 : 2307 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.00:50:16.90/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 548954 : 2465 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.00:50:17.66/cable/3.714470759E-3 2004.090.00:50:17.95/fmout-gps/-7.514958E-6 2004.090.00:50:18.41/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,21.30 2004.090.00:50:18.91/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,20.80 2004.090.00:50:19.41/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.90 2004.090.00:50:19.91/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,13.10 2004.090.00:50:20.41/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.611 2004.090.00:50:20.91/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.000 2004.090.00:50:21.41/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,2.619 2004.090.00:50:21.91/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,56.07 2004.090.00:50:22.41/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,61.54 2004.090.00:50:22.91/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.271 2004.090.00:50:23.41/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,243.4 2004.090.00:50:23.91/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,68.61 2004.090.00:50:23.91:scan_name=090-0051,r1116,190 2004.090.00:50:23.92:source=oj287,085448.87,200630.6,2000.0,cw 2004.090.00:50:28.52:setup4f 2004.090.00:50:30.96/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.090.00:50:30.99/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.090.00:50:31.01/bank_check/usn-0079/960/1024OK,VNVD06G4H7982L,VNVD06G4H79L4L,VNVD06G4H79RWL,VNVD06G4H71WBL,VNVD06G4H79GKL,VNVD06G4H79D4L,VNVD06G4H700TL,VNVD06G4H79GUL 2004.090.00:50:31.03/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 133 ; 2004.090.00:50:31.03:!2004.090.00:50:55 2004.090.00:50:55.00:disc_pos 2004.090.00:50:55.00/disc_pos/288991217408,288990217408, 2004.090.00:50:55.01:disc_start=on 2004.090.00:50:56.05:!2004.090.00:50:55 2004.090.00:50:56.05:preob 2004.090.00:50:57.51#antcn#ACK 2004.090.00:50:57.51/onsource/TRACKING 2004.090.00:51:00.25/tpical/1l,16183,1u,16035,2u,15967,3u,16665,4u,16270 2004.090.00:51:00.25/tpical/9u,15943,au,15897,bu,16080,cu,16227,du,16186,eu,16198 2004.090.00:51:00.25/tpical/5u,15874,6u,15642,7u,15464,8l,15294,8u,17116 2004.090.00:51:00.40/tpgain/1l,46,1u,50,2u,121,3u,128,4u,169 2004.090.00:51:00.40/tpgain/9u,113,au,110,bu,93,cu,157,du,204,eu,171 2004.090.00:51:00.40/tpgain/5u,16,6u,30,7u,24,8l,28,8u,32 2004.090.00:51:00.43:!2004.090.00:51:05 2004.090.00:51:05.00:disc_pos 2004.090.00:51:05.00/disc_pos/289247019008,288990217408, 2004.090.00:51:05.01:data_valid=on 2004.090.00:51:05.02:midob 2004.090.00:51:05.18/tpi/1l,16186,1u,16020,2u,16064,3u,16643,4u,16274 2004.090.00:51:05.18/tpi/9u,15945,au,15888,bu,16051,cu,16230,du,16179,eu,16195 2004.090.00:51:05.18/tpi/5u,15880,6u,15612,7u,15457,8l,15263,8u,17060 2004.090.00:51:05.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 1l overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.00:51:05.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 8l overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.00:51:05.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 1u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.00:51:05.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 2u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.00:51:05.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 3u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.00:51:05.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 4u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.00:51:05.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 5u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.00:51:05.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 6u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.00:51:05.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 7u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.00:51:05.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 8u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.00:51:05.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 9u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.00:51:05.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device au overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.00:51:05.80/tsys/1l,$$$$$$$$,1u,$$$$$$$$,2u,$$$$$$$$,3u,$$$$$$$$,4u,$$$$$$$$ 2004.090.00:51:05.80/tsys/9u,$$$$$$$$,au,$$$$$$$$,bu,9864.6,cu,2475.7,du,6837.1,eu,6716.6 2004.090.00:51:05.81/tsys/5u,$$$$$$$$,6u,$$$$$$$$,7u,$$$$$$$$,8l,$$$$$$$$,8u,$$$$$$$$ 2004.090.00:51:05.81/wx/13.6,996.5,97.7,67.0,0.2 2004.090.00:51:06.46/cable/3.713751002E-3 2004.090.00:51:06.95/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,21.30 2004.090.00:51:07.45/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,20.80 2004.090.00:51:07.95/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.70 2004.090.00:51:08.45/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,13.00 2004.090.00:51:08.95/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.608 2004.090.00:51:09.45/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.000 2004.090.00:51:09.95/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,1.330 2004.090.00:51:10.45/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,64.17 2004.090.00:51:10.95/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,60.22 2004.090.00:51:11.45/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.244 2004.090.00:51:11.95/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,243.4 2004.090.00:51:12.45/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,69.10 2004.090.00:51:12.54/bbc01/612.89,a,8,8,1,agc, -2.18, -2.91,lock,16032,16191,1018,1pps 2004.090.00:51:12.63/bbc02/652.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 5.49, 3.39,lock,16094,15875,1029,1pps 2004.090.00:51:12.71/bbc03/752.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 5.98, 4.09,lock,16042,16057,1027,1pps 2004.090.00:51:12.79/bbc04/912.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 8.39, 7.36,lock,16281,16210,1024,1pps 2004.090.00:51:12.87/bbc05/652.99,c,8,8,1,agc,-12.08,-12.64,lock,15887,15846,1025,1pps 2004.090.00:51:12.96/bbc06/772.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -6.62, -6.34,lock,15609,16238,1030,1pps 2004.090.00:51:13.04/bbc07/832.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -8.56, -8.93,lock,15467,15049,1033,1pps 2004.090.00:51:13.12/bbc08/852.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -6.06, -7.22,lock,15155,15263,1028,1pps 2004.090.00:51:13.20/bbc09/692.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.90, 4.82,lock,15969,16273,1020,1pps 2004.090.00:51:13.29/bbc10/700.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.74, 3.30,lock,16145,16014,1026,1pps 2004.090.00:51:13.37/bbc11/716.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 3.21, 3.11,lock,16077,16006,1022,1pps 2004.090.00:51:13.45/bbc12/772.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 7.75, 6.57,lock,16250,16208,1019,1pps 2004.090.00:51:13.53/bbc13/804.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 10.03, 9.86,lock,16208,16194,1031,1pps 2004.090.00:51:13.62/bbc14/812.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 8.50, 8.34,lock,16219,16366,1021,1pps 2004.090.00:51:14.52#antcn#Received message for antenna: GETS 2004.090.00:51:15.50#antcn#ACU: MJD: 53094, UTC: 3074, Src: ext. 1pps present 2004.090.00:51:15.50#antcn#ACU: Azimuth: Pos: 3669258, Dev: -4, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.090.00:51:15.50#antcn#ACU: Elevation: Pos: 327286, Dev: 0, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.090.00:51:15.50#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.090.00:51:15.50#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.090.00:51:15.50#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.090.00:51:15.50#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.090.00:51:15.50#antcn#ACU: Az: no fault , no fault 2004.090.00:51:15.50#antcn#ACU: El: no fault , no fault 2004.090.00:51:15.51/antenna/ACK 2004.090.00:51:15.51:!2004.090.00:54:15 2004.090.00:54:15.00:data_valid=off 2004.090.00:54:15.01:disc_end 2004.090.00:54:15.26/disc_end/usn-0079/960/1024OK 2004.090.00:54:15.27:disc_pos 2004.090.00:54:15.27/disc_pos/295364360288,288991217408, 2004.090.00:54:15.28:disc_check 2004.090.00:54:15.59/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y090d00h54m15.258s,26016,0.00250s,80000,1274918928, 2004.090.00:54:15.59:postob_mk5a 2004.090.00:54:15.60/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 561005 : 2560 : 1 : 5 : 0 : 2 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.00:54:15.61/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 561246 : 2306 : 1 : 21 : 3 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.00:54:15.62/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 561234 : 2334 : 1 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.00:54:15.63/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 560911 : 2651 : 0 : 21 : 1 : 6 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.00:54:15.64/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 560803 : 2775 : 3 : 4 : 0 : 4 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.00:54:15.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 560816 : 2749 : 2 : 12 : 1 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.00:54:15.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 561227 : 2358 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.00:54:15.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 561063 : 2515 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.00:54:16.06/cable/3.713516679E-3 2004.090.00:54:17.95/fmout-gps/-7.527452E-6 2004.090.00:54:18.45/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,21.20 2004.090.00:54:18.90/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,20.70 2004.090.00:54:19.35/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.70 2004.090.00:54:19.80/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,13.00 2004.090.00:54:20.25/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.611 2004.090.00:54:20.70/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.000 2004.090.00:54:21.15/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.962 2004.090.00:54:21.60/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,60.22 2004.090.00:54:22.05/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,57.46 2004.090.00:54:22.50/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.244 2004.090.00:54:22.95/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,240.7 2004.090.00:54:23.40/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,68.61 2004.090.00:54:23.40:scan_name=090-0055a,r1116,190 2004.090.00:54:23.41:source=1124-186,112704.39,-185717.4,2000.0,cw 2004.090.00:54:27.51:setup4f 2004.090.00:54:29.96/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.090.00:54:29.97/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.090.00:54:29.99/bank_check/usn-0079/960/1024OK,VNVD06G4H7982L,VNVD06G4H79L4L,VNVD06G4H79RWL,VNVD06G4H71WBL,VNVD06G4H79GKL,VNVD06G4H79D4L,VNVD06G4H700TL,VNVD06G4H79GUL 2004.090.00:54:30.03/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 135 ; 2004.090.00:54:30.04:!2004.090.00:54:51 2004.090.00:54:51.00:disc_pos 2004.090.00:54:51.01/disc_pos/295364360288,295363360288, 2004.090.00:54:51.01:disc_start=on 2004.090.00:54:52.05:!2004.090.00:54:51 2004.090.00:54:52.05:preob 2004.090.00:54:53.52#antcn#Azimuth not onsource! Deviation = -1422975 2004.090.00:54:53.52?ERROR qo -301 WARNING: ONSOURCE status is SLEWING! 2004.090.00:54:53.52/onsource/SLEWING 2004.090.00:54:56.27/tpical/1l,15699,1u,16095,2u,16178,3u,16323,4u,16210 2004.090.00:54:56.27/tpical/9u,16217,au,16125,bu,16148,cu,16270,du,16202,eu,16208 2004.090.00:54:56.27/tpical/5u,16037,6u,15774,7u,15577,8l,15398,8u,17273 2004.090.00:54:56.42/tpgain/1l,45,1u,50,2u,121,3u,127,4u,168 2004.090.00:54:56.42/tpgain/9u,113,au,110,bu,93,cu,156,du,203,eu,170 2004.090.00:54:56.42/tpgain/5u,16,6u,30,7u,24,8l,28,8u,32 2004.090.00:54:56.46:!2004.090.00:55:01 2004.090.00:55:01.00:disc_pos 2004.090.00:55:01.00/disc_pos/295620157440,295363360288, 2004.090.00:55:01.01:data_valid=on 2004.090.00:55:01.03:midob 2004.090.00:55:01.20/tpi/1l,15710,1u,16108,2u,16191,3u,16311,4u,16220 2004.090.00:55:01.20/tpi/9u,16254,au,16161,bu,16184,cu,16314,du,16236,eu,16248 2004.090.00:55:01.20/tpi/5u,16051,6u,15791,7u,15582,8l,15417,8u,17278 2004.090.00:55:01.79?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 1l overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.00:55:01.79?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 8l overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.00:55:01.79?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 1u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.00:55:01.79?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 2u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.00:55:01.79?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 3u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.00:55:01.79?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 4u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.00:55:01.79?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 5u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.00:55:01.79?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 6u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.00:55:01.79?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 7u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.00:55:01.79?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 8u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.00:55:01.79?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 9u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.00:55:01.79?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device au overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.00:55:01.82/tsys/1l,$$$$$$$$,1u,$$$$$$$$,2u,$$$$$$$$,3u,$$$$$$$$,4u,$$$$$$$$ 2004.090.00:55:01.82/tsys/9u,$$$$$$$$,au,$$$$$$$$,bu,9949.4,cu,2523.9,du,6936.5,eu,6827.3 2004.090.00:55:01.82/tsys/5u,$$$$$$$$,6u,$$$$$$$$,7u,$$$$$$$$,8l,$$$$$$$$,8u,$$$$$$$$ 2004.090.00:55:01.83/wx/13.8,996.3,97.7,77.5,0.6 2004.090.00:55:02.46/cable/3.714803697E-3 2004.090.00:55:02.96/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,21.30 2004.090.00:55:03.46/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,20.70 2004.090.00:55:03.96/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.80 2004.090.00:55:04.46/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,13.00 2004.090.00:55:04.96/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.608 2004.090.00:55:05.46/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.000 2004.090.00:55:05.96/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,1.968 2004.090.00:55:06.46/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,64.17 2004.090.00:55:06.96/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,64.17 2004.090.00:55:07.46/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.217 2004.090.00:55:07.96/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,242.6 2004.090.00:55:08.46/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,65.19 2004.090.00:55:08.55/bbc01/612.89,a,8,8,1,agc, -2.18, -2.91,lock,15999,16207,1018,1pps 2004.090.00:55:08.63/bbc02/652.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 5.49, 3.39,lock,16089,15995,1029,1pps 2004.090.00:55:08.71/bbc03/752.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 5.91, 4.01,lock,16198,15921,1027,1pps 2004.090.00:55:08.79/bbc04/912.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 8.34, 7.36,lock,16129,16272,1024,1pps 2004.090.00:55:08.87/bbc05/652.99,c,8,8,1,agc,-12.08,-12.64,lock,15932,15862,1025,1pps 2004.090.00:55:08.95/bbc06/772.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -6.62, -6.34,lock,15653,16269,1030,1pps 2004.090.00:55:09.03/bbc07/832.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -8.56, -8.93,lock,15467,15017,1033,1pps 2004.090.00:55:09.11/bbc08/852.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -6.06, -7.22,lock,15233,15295,1028,1pps 2004.090.00:55:09.19/bbc09/692.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.90, 4.74,lock,16159,16004,1020,1pps 2004.090.00:55:09.28/bbc10/700.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.66, 3.21,lock,16046,15923,1026,1pps 2004.090.00:55:09.36/bbc11/716.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 3.21, 3.11,lock,16101,16027,1022,1pps 2004.090.00:55:09.44/bbc12/772.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 7.70, 6.57,lock,16216,16124,1019,1pps 2004.090.00:55:09.52/bbc13/804.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 9.99, 9.81,lock,16166,16208,1031,1pps 2004.090.00:55:09.61/bbc14/812.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 8.44, 8.24,lock,16179,16129,1021,1pps 2004.090.00:55:10.52#antcn#Received message for antenna: GETS 2004.090.00:55:11.50#antcn#ACU: MJD: 53094, UTC: 3310, Src: ext. 1pps present 2004.090.00:55:11.50#antcn#ACU: Azimuth: Pos: 1108963, Dev: -341881, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.090.00:55:11.50#antcn#ACU: Elevation: Pos: 481608, Dev: -4, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.090.00:55:11.50#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.090.00:55:11.50#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.090.00:55:11.50#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.090.00:55:11.50#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.090.00:55:11.50#antcn#ACU: Az: no fault , no fault 2004.090.00:55:11.50#antcn#ACU: El: no fault , no fault 2004.090.00:55:11.51/antenna/ACK 2004.090.00:55:11.51:!2004.090.00:58:11 2004.090.00:58:11.00:data_valid=off 2004.090.00:58:11.01:disc_end 2004.090.00:58:11.27/disc_end/usn-0079/960/1024OK 2004.090.00:58:11.28:disc_pos 2004.090.00:58:11.28/disc_pos/301738140304,295364360288, 2004.090.00:58:11.29:disc_check 2004.090.00:58:11.76/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y090d00h58m11.270s,55628,0.00250s,80000,1178590372, 2004.090.00:58:11.76:postob_mk5a 2004.090.00:58:11.77/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 573116 : 2610 : 1 : 5 : 0 : 2 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.00:58:11.78/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 573359 : 2354 : 1 : 21 : 4 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.00:58:11.79/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 573340 : 2388 : 1 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.00:58:11.80/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 573015 : 2708 : 0 : 21 : 1 : 6 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.00:58:11.81/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 572914 : 2824 : 3 : 4 : 0 : 4 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.00:58:11.83/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 572917 : 2809 : 2 : 12 : 1 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.00:58:11.84/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 573341 : 2404 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.00:58:11.85/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 573150 : 2589 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.00:58:12.06/cable/3.714545988E-3 2004.090.00:58:13.94/fmout-gps/-7.553234E-6 2004.090.00:58:14.40/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,21.20 2004.090.00:58:14.85/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,20.70 2004.090.00:58:15.35/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.80 2004.090.00:58:15.85/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,12.90 2004.090.00:58:16.35/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.611 2004.090.00:58:16.85/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.000 2004.090.00:58:17.35/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,4.306 2004.090.00:58:17.85/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,68.11 2004.090.00:58:18.35/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,58.85 2004.090.00:58:18.85/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.244 2004.090.00:58:19.35/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,242.4 2004.090.00:58:19.85/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,67.63 2004.090.00:58:19.85:scan_name=090-0102,r1116,108 2004.090.00:58:19.86:source=0607-157,060940.95,-154240.7,2000.0,cw 2004.090.00:58:24.52:setup4f 2004.090.00:58:26.97/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.090.00:58:26.98/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.090.00:58:27.00/bank_check/usn-0079/960/1024OK,VNVD06G4H7982L,VNVD06G4H79L4L,VNVD06G4H79RWL,VNVD06G4H71WBL,VNVD06G4H79GKL,VNVD06G4H79D4L,VNVD06G4H700TL,VNVD06G4H79GUL 2004.090.00:58:27.02/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 137 ; 2004.090.00:58:27.05:!2004.090.01:02:16 2004.090.01:02:16.00:disc_pos 2004.090.01:02:16.01/disc_pos/301738140304,301737140304, 2004.090.01:02:16.01:disc_start=on 2004.090.01:02:17.04:!2004.090.01:02:16 2004.090.01:02:17.05:preob 2004.090.01:02:18.53#antcn#ACK 2004.090.01:02:18.53/onsource/TRACKING 2004.090.01:02:21.27/tpical/1l,15708,1u,16036,2u,16156,3u,16220,4u,16255 2004.090.01:02:21.27/tpical/9u,16035,au,15986,bu,16006,cu,16330,du,16240,eu,16222 2004.090.01:02:21.27/tpical/5u,16081,6u,15803,7u,15570,8l,15390,8u,17282 2004.090.01:02:21.42/tpgain/1l,45,1u,50,2u,120,3u,126,4u,168 2004.090.01:02:21.42/tpgain/9u,112,au,109,bu,93,cu,156,du,203,eu,170 2004.090.01:02:21.42/tpgain/5u,16,6u,30,7u,24,8l,28,8u,32 2004.090.01:02:21.45:!2004.090.01:02:26 2004.090.01:02:26.00:disc_pos 2004.090.01:02:26.00/disc_pos/301993934848,301737140304, 2004.090.01:02:26.01:data_valid=on 2004.090.01:02:26.02:midob 2004.090.01:02:26.19/tpi/1l,15702,1u,16058,2u,16173,3u,16232,4u,16260 2004.090.01:02:26.19/tpi/9u,16043,au,15978,bu,16006,cu,16343,du,16263,eu,16216 2004.090.01:02:26.19/tpi/5u,16075,6u,15785,7u,15576,8l,15387,8u,17272 2004.090.01:02:26.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 1l overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.01:02:26.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 8l overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.01:02:26.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 1u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.01:02:26.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 2u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.01:02:26.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 3u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.01:02:26.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 4u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.01:02:26.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 5u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.01:02:26.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 6u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.01:02:26.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 7u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.01:02:26.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 8u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.01:02:26.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 9u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.01:02:26.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device au overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.01:02:26.80/tsys/1l,$$$$$$$$,1u,$$$$$$$$,2u,$$$$$$$$,3u,$$$$$$$$,4u,$$$$$$$$ 2004.090.01:02:26.81/tsys/9u,$$$$$$$$,au,$$$$$$$$,bu,9835.9,cu,2528.7,du,6948.9,eu,6812.6 2004.090.01:02:26.81/tsys/5u,$$$$$$$$,6u,$$$$$$$$,7u,$$$$$$$$,8l,$$$$$$$$,8u,$$$$$$$$ 2004.090.01:02:26.82/wx/13.8,996.2,97.7,81.0,0.5 2004.090.01:02:27.26/cable/3.715291088E-3 2004.090.01:02:27.76/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,21.10 2004.090.01:02:28.26/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,20.50 2004.090.01:02:28.76/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.80 2004.090.01:02:29.26/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,12.80 2004.090.01:02:29.76/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.608 2004.090.01:02:30.26/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.000 2004.090.01:02:30.76/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,1.172 2004.090.01:02:31.26/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,62.85 2004.090.01:02:31.76/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,58.85 2004.090.01:02:32.26/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.244 2004.090.01:02:32.76/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,242.6 2004.090.01:02:33.26/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,65.43 2004.090.01:02:33.35/bbc01/612.89,a,8,8,1,agc, -2.18, -3.10,lock,16038,15700,1018,1pps 2004.090.01:02:33.44/bbc02/652.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 5.42, 3.39,lock,16180,16323,1029,1pps 2004.090.01:02:33.52/bbc03/752.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 5.84, 4.01,lock,16242,16225,1027,1pps 2004.090.01:02:33.61/bbc04/912.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 8.34, 7.30,lock,16276,16255,1024,1pps 2004.090.01:02:33.69/bbc05/652.99,c,8,8,1,agc,-12.08,-12.64,lock,16073,15980,1025,1pps 2004.090.01:02:33.77/bbc06/772.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -6.62, -6.62,lock,15773,15451,1030,1pps 2004.090.01:02:33.85/bbc07/832.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -8.56, -8.93,lock,15580,15116,1033,1pps 2004.090.01:02:33.93/bbc08/852.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -6.06, -7.22,lock,15335,15381,1028,1pps 2004.090.01:02:34.01/bbc09/692.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.82, 4.74,lock,16013,16161,1020,1pps 2004.090.01:02:34.10/bbc10/700.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.58, 3.21,lock,15963,16066,1026,1pps 2004.090.01:02:34.18/bbc11/716.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 3.21, 3.11,lock,15985,15965,1022,1pps 2004.090.01:02:34.26/bbc12/772.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 7.70, 6.51,lock,16316,16234,1019,1pps 2004.090.01:02:34.34/bbc13/804.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 9.99, 9.81,lock,16242,16273,1031,1pps 2004.090.01:02:34.42/bbc14/812.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 8.44, 8.24,lock,16197,16199,1021,1pps 2004.090.01:02:34.52#antcn#Received message for antenna: GETS 2004.090.01:02:35.50#antcn#ACU: MJD: 53094, UTC: 3754, Src: ext. 1pps present 2004.090.01:02:35.50#antcn#ACU: Azimuth: Pos: -680341, Dev: -4, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.090.01:02:35.50#antcn#ACU: Elevation: Pos: 503079, Dev: -4, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.090.01:02:35.50#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.090.01:02:35.50#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.090.01:02:35.50#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.090.01:02:35.50#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.090.01:02:35.50#antcn#ACU: Az: no fault , no fault 2004.090.01:02:35.50#antcn#ACU: El: no fault , no fault 2004.090.01:02:35.51/antenna/ACK 2004.090.01:02:35.51:!2004.090.01:04:14 2004.090.01:04:14.00:data_valid=off 2004.090.01:04:14.01:disc_end 2004.090.01:04:14.27/disc_end/usn-0079/960/1024OK 2004.090.01:04:14.28:disc_pos 2004.090.01:04:14.28/disc_pos/305487731928,301738140304, 2004.090.01:04:14.29:disc_check 2004.090.01:04:14.59/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y090d01h04m14.262s,30720,0.00250s,80000,7866193284, 2004.090.01:04:14.60:postob_mk5a 2004.090.01:04:14.61/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 580240 : 2642 : 1 : 5 : 0 : 2 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.01:04:14.63/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 580478 : 2390 : 1 : 21 : 4 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.01:04:14.64/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 580467 : 2416 : 1 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.01:04:14.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 580124 : 2754 : 0 : 21 : 1 : 6 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.01:04:14.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 580032 : 2861 : 3 : 4 : 0 : 4 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.01:04:14.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 580032 : 2847 : 2 : 12 : 1 : 1 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.01:04:14.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 580466 : 2434 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.01:04:14.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 580279 : 2614 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.01:04:15.26/cable/3.713625161E-3 2004.090.01:04:15.95/fmout-gps/-7.513745E-6 2004.090.01:04:16.41/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,21.10 2004.090.01:04:16.91/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,20.50 2004.090.01:04:17.41/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.70 2004.090.01:04:17.91/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,12.80 2004.090.01:04:18.41/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.608 2004.090.01:04:18.91/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.000 2004.090.01:04:19.41/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,1.330 2004.090.01:04:19.91/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,53.29 2004.090.01:04:20.41/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,61.54 2004.090.01:04:20.91/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.244 2004.090.01:04:21.41/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,242.1 2004.090.01:04:21.91/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,69.34 2004.090.01:04:21.91:scan_name=090-0107,r1116,190 2004.090.01:04:21.92:source=cta26,033930.94,-014635.8,2000.0,cw 2004.090.01:04:26.52:setup4f 2004.090.01:04:28.96/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.090.01:04:28.97/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.090.01:04:28.99/bank_check/usn-0079/960/1024OK,VNVD06G4H7982L,VNVD06G4H79L4L,VNVD06G4H79RWL,VNVD06G4H71WBL,VNVD06G4H79GKL,VNVD06G4H79D4L,VNVD06G4H700TL,VNVD06G4H79GUL 2004.090.01:04:29.00/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 139 ; 2004.090.01:04:29.01:!2004.090.01:06:54 2004.090.01:06:54.00:disc_pos 2004.090.01:06:54.00/disc_pos/305487731928,305486731928, 2004.090.01:06:54.01:disc_start=on 2004.090.01:06:55.04:!2004.090.01:06:54 2004.090.01:06:55.04:preob 2004.090.01:06:56.53#antcn#ACK 2004.090.01:06:56.53/onsource/TRACKING 2004.090.01:06:59.27/tpical/1l,16026,1u,15938,2u,16239,3u,16294,4u,16208 2004.090.01:06:59.27/tpical/9u,16243,au,16149,bu,16185,cu,16339,du,16231,eu,16315 2004.090.01:06:59.27/tpical/5u,14258,6u,15830,7u,15290,8l,15296,8u,16264 2004.090.01:06:59.42/tpgain/1l,44,1u,48,2u,116,3u,122,4u,162 2004.090.01:06:59.42/tpgain/9u,113,au,110,bu,94,cu,156,du,202,eu,170 2004.090.01:06:59.42/tpgain/5u,15,6u,29,7u,23,8l,27,8u,31 2004.090.01:06:59.45:!2004.090.01:07:04 2004.090.01:07:04.00:disc_pos 2004.090.01:07:04.00/disc_pos/305743527936,305486731928, 2004.090.01:07:04.01:data_valid=on 2004.090.01:07:04.02:midob 2004.090.01:07:04.19/tpi/1l,16021,1u,15936,2u,16222,3u,16287,4u,16207 2004.090.01:07:04.19/tpi/9u,16249,au,16164,bu,16182,cu,16354,du,16246,eu,16336 2004.090.01:07:04.19/tpi/5u,14253,6u,15828,7u,15291,8l,15299,8u,16268 2004.090.01:07:04.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 1l overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.01:07:04.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 8l overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.01:07:04.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 1u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.01:07:04.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 2u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.01:07:04.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 3u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.01:07:04.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 4u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.01:07:04.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 5u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.01:07:04.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 6u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.01:07:04.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 7u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.01:07:04.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 8u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.01:07:04.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 9u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.01:07:04.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device au overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.01:07:04.81/tsys/1l,$$$$$$$$,1u,$$$$$$$$,2u,$$$$$$$$,3u,$$$$$$$$,4u,$$$$$$$$ 2004.090.01:07:04.81/tsys/9u,$$$$$$$$,au,$$$$$$$$,bu,9729.9,cu,2530.5,du,7015.5,eu,6867.6 2004.090.01:07:04.82/tsys/5u,$$$$$$$$,6u,$$$$$$$$,7u,$$$$$$$$,8l,$$$$$$$$,8u,$$$$$$$$ 2004.090.01:07:04.82/wx/13.6,996.2,97.7,114.2,0.1 2004.090.01:07:05.66/cable/3.713918697E-3 2004.090.01:07:06.16/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,21.10 2004.090.01:07:06.66/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,20.50 2004.090.01:07:07.16/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.70 2004.090.01:07:07.65/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,12.80 2004.090.01:07:08.11/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.608 2004.090.01:07:08.60/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.000 2004.090.01:07:09.06/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,4.480 2004.090.01:07:09.55/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,53.29 2004.090.01:07:10.00/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,60.22 2004.090.01:07:10.45/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.244 2004.090.01:07:10.90/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,242.6 2004.090.01:07:11.35/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,65.68 2004.090.01:07:11.44/bbc01/612.89,a,8,8,1,agc, -2.54, -3.30,lock,15940,16008,1018,1pps 2004.090.01:07:11.52/bbc02/652.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 5.12, 3.02,lock,16191,16031,1029,1pps 2004.090.01:07:11.61/bbc03/752.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 5.56, 3.75,lock,16292,16198,1027,1pps 2004.090.01:07:11.69/bbc04/912.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 8.03, 7.00,lock,16211,16343,1024,1pps 2004.090.01:07:11.77/bbc05/652.99,c,8,8,1,agc,-12.64,-13.24,lock,17104,15001,1025,1pps 2004.090.01:07:11.85/bbc06/772.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -6.92, -6.92,lock,15850,15515,1030,1pps 2004.090.01:07:11.93/bbc07/832.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -8.93, -8.93,lock,15303,16084,1033,1pps 2004.090.01:07:12.01/bbc08/852.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -6.34, -7.54,lock,16282,15313,1028,1pps 2004.090.01:07:12.10/bbc09/692.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.90, 4.74,lock,16265,16131,1020,1pps 2004.090.01:07:12.18/bbc10/700.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.66, 3.30,lock,16172,16350,1026,1pps 2004.090.01:07:12.26/bbc11/716.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 3.30, 3.21,lock,16200,16233,1022,1pps 2004.090.01:07:12.34/bbc12/772.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 7.70, 6.51,lock,16360,16318,1019,1pps 2004.090.01:07:12.42/bbc13/804.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 9.94, 9.77,lock,16255,16273,1031,1pps 2004.090.01:07:12.50/bbc14/812.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 8.44, 8.24,lock,16326,16362,1021,1pps 2004.090.01:07:12.52#antcn#Received message for antenna: GETS 2004.090.01:07:13.50#antcn#ACU: MJD: 53094, UTC: 4032, Src: ext. 1pps present 2004.090.01:07:13.50#antcn#ACU: Azimuth: Pos: -833611, Dev: -5, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.090.01:07:13.50#antcn#ACU: Elevation: Pos: 117901, Dev: 2, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.090.01:07:13.50#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.090.01:07:13.50#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.090.01:07:13.50#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.090.01:07:13.50#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.090.01:07:13.50#antcn#ACU: Az: no fault , no fault 2004.090.01:07:13.50#antcn#ACU: El: no fault , no fault 2004.090.01:07:13.51/antenna/ACK 2004.090.01:07:13.51:!2004.090.01:10:14 2004.090.01:10:14.00:data_valid=off 2004.090.01:10:14.01:disc_end 2004.090.01:10:14.27/disc_end/usn-0079/960/1024OK 2004.090.01:10:14.27:disc_pos 2004.090.01:10:14.28/disc_pos/311861120912,305487731928, 2004.090.01:10:14.28:disc_check 2004.090.01:10:14.58/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y090d01h10m14.262s,35508,0.00250s,80000,5146606228, 2004.090.01:10:14.59:postob_mk5a 2004.090.01:10:14.61/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 592350 : 2692 : 1 : 5 : 0 : 2 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.01:10:14.62/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 592585 : 2444 : 1 : 21 : 4 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.01:10:14.63/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 592586 : 2457 : 1 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.01:10:14.64/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 592229 : 2810 : 0 : 21 : 1 : 6 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.01:10:14.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 592123 : 2930 : 3 : 4 : 0 : 4 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.01:10:14.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 592124 : 2915 : 2 : 12 : 1 : 1 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.01:10:14.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 592569 : 2491 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.01:10:14.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 592388 : 2665 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.01:10:15.26/cable/3.713154325E-3 2004.090.01:10:15.95/fmout-gps/-7.538710E-6 2004.090.01:10:16.41/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,21.00 2004.090.01:10:16.91/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,20.50 2004.090.01:10:17.41/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.60 2004.090.01:10:17.91/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,12.80 2004.090.01:10:18.41/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.606 2004.090.01:10:18.91/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.000 2004.090.01:10:19.41/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,4.133 2004.090.01:10:19.91/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,65.48 2004.090.01:10:20.41/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,60.22 2004.090.01:10:20.91/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.244 2004.090.01:10:21.41/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,242.4 2004.090.01:10:21.91/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,70.32 2004.090.01:10:21.91:scan_name=090-0120,r1116,190 2004.090.01:10:21.92:source=4c39.25,092703.01,390220.9,2000.0,cw 2004.090.01:10:26.53:setup4f 2004.090.01:10:28.96/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.090.01:10:28.97/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.090.01:10:28.99/bank_check/usn-0079/960/1024OK,VNVD06G4H7982L,VNVD06G4H79L4L,VNVD06G4H79RWL,VNVD06G4H71WBL,VNVD06G4H79GKL,VNVD06G4H79D4L,VNVD06G4H700TL,VNVD06G4H79GUL 2004.090.01:10:29.02/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 141 ; 2004.090.01:10:29.02:!2004.090.01:20:07 2004.090.01:20:07.00:disc_pos 2004.090.01:20:07.01/disc_pos/311861120912,311860120912, 2004.090.01:20:07.01:disc_start=on 2004.090.01:20:08.04:!2004.090.01:20:07 2004.090.01:20:08.05:preob 2004.090.01:20:09.54#antcn#ACK 2004.090.01:20:09.54/onsource/TRACKING 2004.090.01:20:12.28/tpical/1l,15647,1u,16129,2u,16232,3u,15976,4u,16274 2004.090.01:20:12.28/tpical/9u,16137,au,16171,bu,16092,cu,16258,du,16253,eu,16237 2004.090.01:20:12.28/tpical/5u,13951,6u,15515,7u,14990,8l,16055,8u,15952 2004.090.01:20:12.43/tpgain/1l,44,1u,49,2u,117,3u,122,4u,164 2004.090.01:20:12.43/tpgain/9u,113,au,110,bu,93,cu,156,du,203,eu,170 2004.090.01:20:12.43/tpgain/5u,15,6u,29,7u,23,8l,28,8u,31 2004.090.01:20:12.47:!2004.090.01:20:17 2004.090.01:20:17.00:disc_pos 2004.090.01:20:17.00/disc_pos/312116916224,311860120912, 2004.090.01:20:17.01:data_valid=on 2004.090.01:20:17.02:midob 2004.090.01:20:17.19/tpi/1l,15663,1u,16150,2u,16138,3u,15982,4u,16290 2004.090.01:20:17.20/tpi/9u,16183,au,16197,bu,16115,cu,16307,du,16290,eu,16286 2004.090.01:20:17.20/tpi/5u,13959,6u,15550,7u,14944,8l,16036,8u,15964 2004.090.01:20:17.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 1l overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.01:20:17.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 8l overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.01:20:17.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 1u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.01:20:17.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 2u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.01:20:17.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 3u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.01:20:17.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 4u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.01:20:17.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 5u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.01:20:17.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 6u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.01:20:17.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 7u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.01:20:17.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 8u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.01:20:17.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 9u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.01:20:17.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device au overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.01:20:17.81/tsys/1l,$$$$$$$$,1u,$$$$$$$$,2u,$$$$$$$$,3u,$$$$$$$$,4u,$$$$$$$$ 2004.090.01:20:17.82/tsys/9u,$$$$$$$$,au,$$$$$$$$,bu,9905.4,cu,2522.7,du,6961.4,eu,6844.7 2004.090.01:20:17.82/tsys/5u,$$$$$$$$,6u,$$$$$$$$,7u,$$$$$$$$,8l,$$$$$$$$,8u,$$$$$$$$ 2004.090.01:20:17.83/wx/13.8,996.1,97.7,80.2,0.5 2004.090.01:20:18.46/cable/3.713675098E-3 2004.090.01:20:18.96/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,20.90 2004.090.01:20:19.46/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,20.40 2004.090.01:20:19.96/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.60 2004.090.01:20:20.46/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,12.60 2004.090.01:20:20.96/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.616 2004.090.01:20:21.46/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.000 2004.090.01:20:21.96/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.962 2004.090.01:20:22.46/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,60.22 2004.090.01:20:22.96/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,57.46 2004.090.01:20:23.46/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.244 2004.090.01:20:23.96/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,243.4 2004.090.01:20:24.46/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,69.59 2004.090.01:20:24.55/bbc01/612.89,a,8,8,1,agc, -2.36, -3.30,lock,16155,15664,1018,1pps 2004.090.01:20:24.63/bbc02/652.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 5.20, 3.11,lock,16058,16152,1029,1pps 2004.090.01:20:24.71/bbc03/752.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 5.56, 3.84,lock,15979,16259,1027,1pps 2004.090.01:20:24.79/bbc04/912.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 8.13, 7.06,lock,16292,16209,1024,1pps 2004.090.01:20:24.87/bbc05/652.99,c,8,8,1,agc,-12.64,-13.24,lock,16730,14720,1025,1pps 2004.090.01:20:24.95/bbc06/772.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -6.92, -6.92,lock,15552,15166,1030,1pps 2004.090.01:20:25.03/bbc07/832.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -8.93, -8.93,lock,14932,15743,1033,1pps 2004.090.01:20:25.11/bbc08/852.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -6.34, -7.22,lock,15967,16036,1028,1pps 2004.090.01:20:25.19/bbc09/692.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.90, 4.74,lock,16177,15998,1020,1pps 2004.090.01:20:25.27/bbc10/700.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.66, 3.21,lock,16218,15941,1026,1pps 2004.090.01:20:25.35/bbc11/716.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 3.21, 2.92,lock,16118,16237,1022,1pps 2004.090.01:20:25.43/bbc12/772.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 7.70, 6.51,lock,16298,16208,1019,1pps 2004.090.01:20:25.51/bbc13/804.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 9.99, 9.81,lock,16290,16272,1031,1pps 2004.090.01:20:25.59/bbc14/812.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 8.44, 8.24,lock,16276,16235,1021,1pps 2004.090.01:20:26.54#antcn#Received message for antenna: GETS 2004.090.01:20:27.52#antcn#ACU: MJD: 53094, UTC: 4826, Src: ext. 1pps present 2004.090.01:20:27.52#antcn#ACU: Azimuth: Pos: 55216, Dev: 1, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.090.01:20:27.52#antcn#ACU: Elevation: Pos: 138879, Dev: -3, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.090.01:20:27.52#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.090.01:20:27.52#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.090.01:20:27.52#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.090.01:20:27.52#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.090.01:20:27.52#antcn#ACU: Az: no fault , no fault 2004.090.01:20:27.52#antcn#ACU: El: no fault , no fault 2004.090.01:20:27.53/antenna/ACK 2004.090.01:20:27.53:!2004.090.01:23:27 2004.090.01:23:27.00:data_valid=off 2004.090.01:23:27.01:disc_end 2004.090.01:23:27.27/disc_end/usn-0079/960/1024OK 2004.090.01:23:27.27:disc_pos 2004.090.01:23:27.28/disc_pos/318234576016,311861120912, 2004.090.01:23:27.29:disc_check 2004.090.01:23:27.83/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y090d01h23m27.262s,35028,0.00250s,80000,19002545376, 2004.090.01:23:27.83:postob_mk5a 2004.090.01:23:27.84/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 604454 : 2748 : 1 : 5 : 0 : 2 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.01:23:27.85/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 604704 : 2484 : 1 : 23 : 4 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.01:23:27.86/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 604695 : 2506 : 1 : 6 : 0 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.01:23:27.87/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 604324 : 2874 : 0 : 22 : 1 : 6 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.01:23:27.88/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 604228 : 2985 : 3 : 4 : 0 : 4 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.01:23:27.89/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 604217 : 2981 : 2 : 13 : 1 : 1 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.01:23:27.90/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 604677 : 2544 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.01:23:27.91/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 604508 : 2705 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.01:23:28.06/cable/3.715932707E-3 2004.090.01:23:29.95/fmout-gps/-7.505263E-6 2004.090.01:23:30.42/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,20.90 2004.090.01:23:30.92/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,20.40 2004.090.01:23:31.42/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.60 2004.090.01:23:31.92/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,12.60 2004.090.01:23:32.42/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.606 2004.090.01:23:32.92/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.015 2004.090.01:23:33.42/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.621 2004.090.01:23:33.92/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,70.74 2004.090.01:23:34.42/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,65.48 2004.090.01:23:34.92/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.244 2004.090.01:23:35.42/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,243.1 2004.090.01:23:35.92/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,69.59 2004.090.01:23:35.92:scan_name=090-0126,r1116,190 2004.090.01:23:35.93:source=0150-334,015310.12,-331025.9,2000.0,neutral 2004.090.01:23:40.55:setup4f 2004.090.01:23:42.96/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.090.01:23:42.97/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.090.01:23:42.99/bank_check/usn-0079/960/1024OK,VNVD06G4H7982L,VNVD06G4H79L4L,VNVD06G4H79RWL,VNVD06G4H71WBL,VNVD06G4H79GKL,VNVD06G4H79D4L,VNVD06G4H700TL,VNVD06G4H79GUL 2004.090.01:23:43.05/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 143 ; 2004.090.01:23:43.05:!2004.090.01:26:43 2004.090.01:26:43.00:disc_pos 2004.090.01:26:43.01/disc_pos/318234576016,318233576016, 2004.090.01:26:43.01:disc_start=on 2004.090.01:26:44.05:!2004.090.01:26:43 2004.090.01:26:44.06:preob 2004.090.01:26:45.54#antcn#ACK 2004.090.01:26:45.54/onsource/TRACKING 2004.090.01:26:48.28/tpical/1l,15924,1u,16141,2u,16179,3u,16192,4u,16231 2004.090.01:26:48.28/tpical/9u,16235,au,16073,bu,16145,cu,16362,du,16352,eu,16274 2004.090.01:26:48.28/tpical/5u,16126,6u,15716,7u,15850,8l,16174,8u,15362 2004.090.01:26:48.43/tpgain/1l,41,1u,46,2u,110,3u,114,4u,152 2004.090.01:26:48.43/tpgain/9u,111,au,106,bu,90,cu,151,du,196,eu,164 2004.090.01:26:48.43/tpgain/5u,15,6u,27,7u,22,8l,26,8u,28 2004.090.01:26:48.46:!2004.090.01:26:53 2004.090.01:26:53.00:disc_pos 2004.090.01:26:53.00/disc_pos/318490370048,318233576016, 2004.090.01:26:53.01:data_valid=on 2004.090.01:26:53.02:midob 2004.090.01:26:53.19/tpi/1l,15910,1u,16125,2u,16177,3u,16170,4u,16219 2004.090.01:26:53.19/tpi/9u,16255,au,16098,bu,16177,cu,16361,du,16360,eu,16289 2004.090.01:26:53.19/tpi/5u,16119,6u,15714,7u,15838,8l,16172,8u,15364 2004.090.01:26:53.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 1l overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.01:26:53.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 8l overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.01:26:53.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 1u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.01:26:53.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 2u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.01:26:53.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 3u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.01:26:53.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 4u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.01:26:53.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 5u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.01:26:53.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 6u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.01:26:53.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 7u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.01:26:53.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 8u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.01:26:53.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 9u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.01:26:53.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device au overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.01:26:53.81/tsys/1l,$$$$$$$$,1u,$$$$$$$$,2u,$$$$$$$$,3u,$$$$$$$$,4u,$$$$$$$$ 2004.090.01:26:53.82/tsys/9u,$$$$$$$$,au,$$$$$$$$,bu,10643.6,cu,2714.7,du,7542.6,eu,7401.4 2004.090.01:26:53.82/tsys/5u,$$$$$$$$,6u,$$$$$$$$,7u,$$$$$$$$,8l,$$$$$$$$,8u,$$$$$$$$ 2004.090.01:26:53.83/wx/13.6,996.1,97.7,90.0,0.4 2004.090.01:26:54.46/cable/3.713843521E-3 2004.090.01:26:54.92/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,20.80 2004.090.01:26:55.42/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,20.30 2004.090.01:26:55.92/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.60 2004.090.01:26:56.42/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,12.60 2004.090.01:26:56.92/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.606 2004.090.01:26:57.42/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.000 2004.090.01:26:57.92/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.621 2004.090.01:26:58.42/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,57.46 2004.090.01:26:58.92/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,61.54 2004.090.01:26:59.42/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.271 2004.090.01:26:59.92/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,243.6 2004.090.01:27:00.42/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,65.68 2004.090.01:27:00.51/bbc01/612.89,a,8,8,1,agc, -2.91, -3.91,lock,16123,15911,1018,1pps 2004.090.01:27:00.59/bbc02/652.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 4.66, 2.53,lock,16250,16266,1029,1pps 2004.090.01:27:00.67/bbc03/752.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 4.97, 3.21,lock,16172,16080,1027,1pps 2004.090.01:27:00.75/bbc04/912.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 7.47, 6.44,lock,16214,16207,1024,1pps 2004.090.01:27:00.83/bbc05/652.99,c,8,8,1,agc,-12.64,-13.89,lock,16111,14807,1025,1pps 2004.090.01:27:00.91/bbc06/772.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -7.54, -7.54,lock,15663,15373,1030,1pps 2004.090.01:27:00.99/bbc07/832.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -9.32, -9.72,lock,15836,15262,1033,1pps 2004.090.01:27:01.07/bbc08/852.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -7.22, -7.86,lock,15317,16131,1028,1pps 2004.090.01:27:01.15/bbc09/692.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.74, 4.50,lock,16268,16258,1020,1pps 2004.090.01:27:01.23/bbc10/700.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.34, 3.02,lock,16114,16357,1026,1pps 2004.090.01:27:01.31/bbc11/716.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 2.92, 2.82,lock,16189,16215,1022,1pps 2004.090.01:27:01.39/bbc12/772.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 7.42, 6.18,lock,16382,16180,1019,1pps 2004.090.01:27:01.47/bbc13/804.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 9.68, 9.46,lock,16381,16391,1031,1pps 2004.090.01:27:01.55/bbc14/812.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 8.13, 7.92,lock,16301,16254,1021,1pps 2004.090.01:27:02.55#antcn#Received message for antenna: GETS 2004.090.01:27:03.53#antcn#ACU: MJD: 53094, UTC: 5222, Src: ext. 1pps present 2004.090.01:27:03.53#antcn#ACU: Azimuth: Pos: 2331748, Dev: -2, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.090.01:27:03.53#antcn#ACU: Elevation: Pos: 69273, Dev: -7, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.090.01:27:03.53#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.090.01:27:03.53#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.090.01:27:03.53#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.090.01:27:03.53#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.090.01:27:03.53#antcn#ACU: Az: no fault , no fault 2004.090.01:27:03.53#antcn#ACU: El: no fault , no fault 2004.090.01:27:03.54/antenna/ACK 2004.090.01:27:03.54:!2004.090.01:30:03 2004.090.01:30:03.00:data_valid=off 2004.090.01:30:03.01:disc_end 2004.090.01:30:03.27/disc_end/usn-0079/960/1024OK 2004.090.01:30:03.27:disc_pos 2004.090.01:30:03.28/disc_pos/324607712456,318234576016, 2004.090.01:30:03.28:disc_check 2004.090.01:30:03.59/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y090d01h30m03.268s,36048,0.00250s,80000,6299022540, 2004.090.01:30:03.59:postob_mk5a 2004.090.01:30:03.60/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 616565 : 2796 : 1 : 5 : 0 : 2 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.01:30:03.61/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 616818 : 2530 : 1 : 23 : 4 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.01:30:03.62/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 616809 : 2551 : 1 : 6 : 0 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.01:30:03.63/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 616426 : 2932 : 0 : 22 : 1 : 6 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.01:30:03.64/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 616334 : 3038 : 3 : 4 : 0 : 4 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.01:30:03.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 616282 : 3075 : 2 : 13 : 1 : 1 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.01:30:03.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 616785 : 2597 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.01:30:03.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 616619 : 2753 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.01:30:04.05/cable/3.713636301E-3 2004.090.01:30:05.94/fmout-gps/-7.511589E-6 2004.090.01:30:06.41/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,20.80 2004.090.01:30:06.91/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,20.30 2004.090.01:30:07.41/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.60 2004.090.01:30:07.91/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,12.50 2004.090.01:30:08.41/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.608 2004.090.01:30:08.91/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.015 2004.090.01:30:09.41/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,4.829 2004.090.01:30:09.91/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,65.48 2004.090.01:30:10.41/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,60.22 2004.090.01:30:10.91/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.244 2004.090.01:30:11.41/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,242.4 2004.090.01:30:11.91/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,66.17 2004.090.01:30:11.91:scan_name=090-0130b,r1116,46 2004.090.01:30:11.92:source=0727-115,073019.11,-114112.6,2000.0,cw 2004.090.01:30:16.54:setup4f 2004.090.01:30:18.95/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.090.01:30:18.96/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.090.01:30:18.98/bank_check/usn-0079/960/1024OK,VNVD06G4H7982L,VNVD06G4H79L4L,VNVD06G4H79RWL,VNVD06G4H71WBL,VNVD06G4H79GKL,VNVD06G4H79D4L,VNVD06G4H700TL,VNVD06G4H79GUL 2004.090.01:30:19.00/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 145 ; 2004.090.01:30:19.03:!2004.090.01:30:49 2004.090.01:30:49.00:disc_pos 2004.090.01:30:49.02/disc_pos/324607712456,324606712456, 2004.090.01:30:49.02:disc_start=on 2004.090.01:30:50.06:!2004.090.01:30:49 2004.090.01:30:50.06:preob 2004.090.01:30:51.55#antcn#ACK 2004.090.01:30:51.55/onsource/TRACKING 2004.090.01:30:54.29/tpical/1l,16155,1u,15898,2u,16127,3u,16279,4u,16369 2004.090.01:30:54.29/tpical/9u,16502,au,16155,bu,16191,cu,16365,du,16252,eu,16284 2004.090.01:30:54.29/tpical/5u,16202,6u,15960,7u,15720,8l,15525,8u,15443 2004.090.01:30:54.44/tpgain/1l,45,1u,49,2u,119,3u,125,4u,167 2004.090.01:30:54.44/tpgain/9u,112,au,108,bu,91,cu,154,du,200,eu,168 2004.090.01:30:54.44/tpgain/5u,16,6u,30,7u,24,8l,28,8u,31 2004.090.01:30:54.47:!2004.090.01:30:59 2004.090.01:30:59.00:disc_pos 2004.090.01:30:59.00/disc_pos/324863512576,324606712456, 2004.090.01:30:59.01:data_valid=on 2004.090.01:30:59.02:midob 2004.090.01:30:59.19/tpi/1l,16139,1u,15893,2u,16144,3u,16282,4u,16380 2004.090.01:30:59.19/tpi/9u,16486,au,16156,bu,16171,cu,16355,du,16231,eu,16273 2004.090.01:30:59.19/tpi/5u,16202,6u,15962,7u,15720,8l,15534,8u,15441 2004.090.01:30:59.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 1l overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.01:30:59.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 8l overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.01:30:59.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 1u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.01:30:59.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 2u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.01:30:59.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 3u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.01:30:59.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 4u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.01:30:59.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 5u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.01:30:59.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 6u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.01:30:59.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 7u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.01:30:59.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 8u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.01:30:59.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 9u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.01:30:59.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device au overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.01:30:59.80/tsys/1l,$$$$$$$$,1u,$$$$$$$$,2u,$$$$$$$$,3u,$$$$$$$$,4u,$$$$$$$$ 2004.090.01:30:59.80/tsys/9u,$$$$$$$$,au,$$$$$$$$,bu,10399.0,cu,2601.7,du,7160.6,eu,7017.1 2004.090.01:30:59.80/tsys/5u,$$$$$$$$,6u,$$$$$$$$,7u,$$$$$$$$,8l,$$$$$$$$,8u,$$$$$$$$ 2004.090.01:30:59.81/wx/13.6,996.1,97.7,82.0,0.5 2004.090.01:31:00.06/cable/3.714625495E-3 2004.090.01:31:00.56/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,20.80 2004.090.01:31:01.01/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,20.20 2004.090.01:31:01.51/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.70 2004.090.01:31:02.01/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,12.40 2004.090.01:31:02.51/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.608 2004.090.01:31:03.01/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.000 2004.090.01:31:03.51/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,1.807 2004.090.01:31:04.01/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,54.68 2004.090.01:31:04.51/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,58.85 2004.090.01:31:05.01/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.244 2004.090.01:31:05.51/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,242.9 2004.090.01:31:06.01/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,69.10 2004.090.01:31:06.10/bbc01/612.89,a,8,8,1,agc, -2.36, -3.10,lock,15896,16137,1018,1pps 2004.090.01:31:06.18/bbc02/652.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 5.35, 3.30,lock,16101,16070,1029,1pps 2004.090.01:31:06.26/bbc03/752.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 5.77, 3.92,lock,16280,16109,1027,1pps 2004.090.01:31:06.34/bbc04/912.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 8.29, 7.24,lock,16358,16342,1024,1pps 2004.090.01:31:06.42/bbc05/652.99,c,8,8,1,agc,-12.08,-12.64,lock,16194,16138,1025,1pps 2004.090.01:31:06.51/bbc06/772.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -6.62, -6.62,lock,15951,15634,1030,1pps 2004.090.01:31:06.60/bbc07/832.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -8.56, -8.93,lock,15698,15263,1033,1pps 2004.090.01:31:06.68/bbc08/852.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -6.34, -7.22,lock,15425,15520,1028,1pps 2004.090.01:31:06.76/bbc09/692.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.82, 4.58,lock,15846,16127,1020,1pps 2004.090.01:31:06.84/bbc10/700.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.50, 3.11,lock,16164,16243,1026,1pps 2004.090.01:31:06.92/bbc11/716.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 3.02, 3.02,lock,16201,16230,1022,1pps 2004.090.01:31:07.00/bbc12/772.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 7.59, 6.38,lock,16362,16251,1019,1pps 2004.090.01:31:07.08/bbc13/804.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 9.86, 9.68,lock,16261,16310,1031,1pps 2004.090.01:31:07.17/bbc14/812.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 8.34, 8.13,lock,16297,16284,1021,1pps 2004.090.01:31:07.55#antcn#Received message for antenna: GETS 2004.090.01:31:08.53#antcn#ACU: MJD: 53094, UTC: 5467, Src: ext. 1pps present 2004.090.01:31:08.53#antcn#ACU: Azimuth: Pos: 3119317, Dev: 2, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.090.01:31:08.53#antcn#ACU: Elevation: Pos: 562685, Dev: -1, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.090.01:31:08.53#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.090.01:31:08.53#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.090.01:31:08.53#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.090.01:31:08.53#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.090.01:31:08.53#antcn#ACU: Az: no fault , no fault 2004.090.01:31:08.53#antcn#ACU: El: no fault , no fault 2004.090.01:31:08.54/antenna/ACK 2004.090.01:31:08.54:!2004.090.01:31:45 2004.090.01:31:45.00:data_valid=off 2004.090.01:31:45.01:disc_end 2004.090.01:31:45.27/disc_end/usn-0079/960/1024OK 2004.090.01:31:45.28:disc_pos 2004.090.01:31:45.28/disc_pos/326372925416,324607712456, 2004.090.01:31:45.29:disc_check 2004.090.01:31:45.59/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y090d01h31m45.273s,47684,0.00250s,80000,1498935404, 2004.090.01:31:45.60:postob_mk5a 2004.090.01:31:45.61/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 619921 : 2809 : 1 : 5 : 0 : 2 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.01:31:45.62/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 620171 : 2546 : 1 : 23 : 4 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.01:31:45.62/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 620164 : 2565 : 1 : 6 : 0 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.01:31:45.63/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 619769 : 2960 : 0 : 22 : 1 : 6 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.01:31:45.64/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 619683 : 3058 : 3 : 4 : 0 : 4 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.01:31:45.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 619621 : 3106 : 2 : 13 : 1 : 1 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.01:31:45.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 620137 : 2614 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.01:31:45.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 619974 : 2768 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.01:31:46.45/cable/3.714217140E-3 2004.090.01:31:47.94/fmout-gps/-7.482682E-6 2004.090.01:31:48.41/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,20.80 2004.090.01:31:48.91/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,20.20 2004.090.01:31:49.41/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.70 2004.090.01:31:49.91/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,12.40 2004.090.01:31:50.41/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.608 2004.090.01:31:50.91/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.015 2004.090.01:31:51.41/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,1.015 2004.090.01:31:51.91/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,57.46 2004.090.01:31:52.41/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,58.85 2004.090.01:31:52.91/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.271 2004.090.01:31:53.41/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,243.4 2004.090.01:31:53.91/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,69.34 2004.090.01:31:53.91:scan_name=090-0134,r1116,190 2004.090.01:31:53.92:source=oj287,085448.87,200630.6,2000.0,cw 2004.090.01:31:58.55:setup4f 2004.090.01:32:00.95/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.090.01:32:00.96/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.090.01:32:00.98/bank_check/usn-0079/960/1024OK,VNVD06G4H7982L,VNVD06G4H79L4L,VNVD06G4H79RWL,VNVD06G4H71WBL,VNVD06G4H79GKL,VNVD06G4H79D4L,VNVD06G4H700TL,VNVD06G4H79GUL 2004.090.01:32:01.04/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 147 ; 2004.090.01:32:01.04:!2004.090.01:34:10 2004.090.01:34:10.00:disc_pos 2004.090.01:34:10.01/disc_pos/326372925416,326371925416, 2004.090.01:34:10.02:disc_start=on 2004.090.01:34:11.05:!2004.090.01:34:10 2004.090.01:34:11.06:preob 2004.090.01:34:12.55#antcn#ACK 2004.090.01:34:12.55/onsource/TRACKING 2004.090.01:34:15.31/tpical/1l,15713,1u,16132,2u,16057,3u,15940,4u,16287 2004.090.01:34:15.31/tpical/9u,16180,au,15923,bu,15997,cu,16222,du,16158,eu,16157 2004.090.01:34:15.31/tpical/5u,15882,6u,15660,7u,15431,8l,15260,8u,17090 2004.090.01:34:15.46/tpgain/1l,45,1u,50,2u,120,3u,125,4u,168 2004.090.01:34:15.46/tpgain/9u,113,au,109,bu,92,cu,156,du,203,eu,170 2004.090.01:34:15.46/tpgain/5u,16,6u,30,7u,24,8l,28,8u,32 2004.090.01:34:15.49:!2004.090.01:34:20 2004.090.01:34:20.00:disc_pos 2004.090.01:34:20.00/disc_pos/326628720640,326371925416, 2004.090.01:34:20.01:data_valid=on 2004.090.01:34:20.02:midob 2004.090.01:34:20.19/tpi/1l,15696,1u,16121,2u,16026,3u,15922,4u,16289 2004.090.01:34:20.19/tpi/9u,16176,au,15981,bu,16019,cu,16219,du,16158,eu,16152 2004.090.01:34:20.20/tpi/5u,15892,6u,15674,7u,15423,8l,15254,8u,17091 2004.090.01:34:20.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 1l overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.01:34:20.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 8l overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.01:34:20.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 1u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.01:34:20.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 2u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.01:34:20.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 3u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.01:34:20.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 4u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.01:34:20.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 5u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.01:34:20.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 6u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.01:34:20.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 7u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.01:34:20.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 8u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.01:34:20.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 9u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.01:34:20.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device au overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.01:34:20.81/tsys/1l,$$$$$$$$,1u,$$$$$$$$,2u,$$$$$$$$,3u,$$$$$$$$,4u,$$$$$$$$ 2004.090.01:34:20.81/tsys/9u,$$$$$$$$,au,$$$$$$$$,bu,10067.3,cu,2508.1,du,6900.5,eu,6783.4 2004.090.01:34:20.81/tsys/5u,$$$$$$$$,6u,$$$$$$$$,7u,$$$$$$$$,8l,$$$$$$$$,8u,$$$$$$$$ 2004.090.01:34:20.82/wx/13.5,996.0,97.7,89.5,0.4 2004.090.01:34:21.66/cable/3.714596332E-3 2004.090.01:34:22.12/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,20.80 2004.090.01:34:22.62/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,20.30 2004.090.01:34:23.12/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.70 2004.090.01:34:23.62/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,12.40 2004.090.01:34:24.12/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.608 2004.090.01:34:24.62/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.000 2004.090.01:34:25.12/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,2.292 2004.090.01:34:25.62/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,53.29 2004.090.01:34:26.12/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,60.22 2004.090.01:34:26.62/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.217 2004.090.01:34:27.11/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,242.4 2004.090.01:34:27.62/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,65.19 2004.090.01:34:27.71/bbc01/612.89,a,8,8,1,agc, -2.18, -3.10,lock,16112,15694,1018,1pps 2004.090.01:34:27.79/bbc02/652.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 5.42, 3.39,lock,16043,16098,1029,1pps 2004.090.01:34:27.87/bbc03/752.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 5.77, 4.01,lock,15926,16066,1027,1pps 2004.090.01:34:27.95/bbc04/912.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 8.34, 7.30,lock,16282,16210,1024,1pps 2004.090.01:34:28.03/bbc05/652.99,c,8,8,1,agc,-12.08,-12.64,lock,15876,15849,1025,1pps 2004.090.01:34:28.12/bbc06/772.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -6.62, -6.34,lock,15676,16237,1030,1pps 2004.090.01:34:28.20/bbc07/832.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -8.56, -8.93,lock,15421,14991,1033,1pps 2004.090.01:34:28.28/bbc08/852.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -6.06, -7.22,lock,15181,15263,1028,1pps 2004.090.01:34:28.36/bbc09/692.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.90, 4.74,lock,16164,16034,1020,1pps 2004.090.01:34:28.44/bbc10/700.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.58, 3.21,lock,15905,15925,1026,1pps 2004.090.01:34:28.52/bbc11/716.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 3.11, 3.02,lock,15990,16205,1022,1pps 2004.090.01:34:28.60/bbc12/772.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 7.70, 6.51,lock,16215,16142,1019,1pps 2004.090.01:34:28.68/bbc13/804.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 9.99, 9.81,lock,16138,16195,1031,1pps 2004.090.01:34:28.76/bbc14/812.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 8.44, 8.29,lock,16145,16271,1021,1pps 2004.090.01:34:29.56#antcn#Received message for antenna: GETS 2004.090.01:34:30.53#antcn#ACU: MJD: 53094, UTC: 5669, Src: ext. 1pps present 2004.090.01:34:30.53#antcn#ACU: Azimuth: Pos: 3548028, Dev: -3, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.090.01:34:30.53#antcn#ACU: Elevation: Pos: 328655, Dev: 0, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.090.01:34:30.53#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.090.01:34:30.53#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.090.01:34:30.53#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.090.01:34:30.53#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.090.01:34:30.53#antcn#ACU: Az: no fault , no fault 2004.090.01:34:30.53#antcn#ACU: El: no fault , no fault 2004.090.01:34:30.54/antenna/ACK 2004.090.01:34:30.54:!2004.090.01:37:30 2004.090.01:37:30.00:data_valid=off 2004.090.01:37:30.02:disc_end 2004.090.01:37:30.28/disc_end/usn-0079/960/1024OK 2004.090.01:37:30.29:disc_pos 2004.090.01:37:30.30/disc_pos/332746384424,326372925416, 2004.090.01:37:30.30:disc_check 2004.090.01:37:30.60/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y090d01h37m30.273s,26244,0.00250s,80000,4666562432, 2004.090.01:37:30.60:postob_mk5a 2004.090.01:37:30.62/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 632035 : 2855 : 1 : 5 : 0 : 2 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.01:37:30.63/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 632284 : 2593 : 1 : 23 : 4 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.01:37:30.64/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 632280 : 2609 : 1 : 6 : 0 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.01:37:30.64/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 631852 : 3037 : 0 : 22 : 1 : 6 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.01:37:30.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 631770 : 3131 : 3 : 4 : 0 : 4 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.01:37:30.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 631689 : 3198 : 2 : 13 : 1 : 1 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.01:37:30.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 632252 : 2659 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.01:37:30.70/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 632084 : 2819 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.01:37:31.26/cable/3.715498034E-3 2004.090.01:37:31.95/fmout-gps/-7.474300E-6 2004.090.01:37:32.42/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,20.70 2004.090.01:37:32.92/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,20.20 2004.090.01:37:33.42/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.60 2004.090.01:37:33.92/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,12.30 2004.090.01:37:34.42/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.608 2004.090.01:37:34.92/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.000 2004.090.01:37:35.42/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,2.129 2004.090.01:37:35.92/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,64.17 2004.090.01:37:36.42/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,61.54 2004.090.01:37:36.92/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.244 2004.090.01:37:37.42/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,243.6 2004.090.01:37:37.92/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,69.10 2004.090.01:37:37.92:scan_name=090-0203,r1116,114 2004.090.01:37:37.93:source=0607-157,060940.95,-154240.7,2000.0,cw 2004.090.01:37:42.55:setup4f 2004.090.01:37:44.96/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.090.01:37:44.97/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.090.01:37:45.01/bank_check/usn-0079/960/1024OK,VNVD06G4H7982L,VNVD06G4H79L4L,VNVD06G4H79RWL,VNVD06G4H71WBL,VNVD06G4H79GKL,VNVD06G4H79D4L,VNVD06G4H700TL,VNVD06G4H79GUL 2004.090.01:37:45.03/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 149 ; 2004.090.01:37:45.06:!2004.090.02:03:09 2004.090.02:03:09.00:disc_pos 2004.090.02:03:09.01/disc_pos/332746384424,332745384424, 2004.090.02:03:09.02:disc_start=on 2004.090.02:03:10.05:!2004.090.02:03:09 2004.090.02:03:10.06:preob 2004.090.02:03:11.57#antcn#ACK 2004.090.02:03:11.57/onsource/TRACKING 2004.090.02:03:14.32/tpical/1l,16182,1u,15894,2u,16189,3u,15917,4u,16282 2004.090.02:03:14.32/tpical/9u,16182,au,16080,bu,15975,cu,16147,du,16259,eu,16197 2004.090.02:03:14.32/tpical/5u,15787,6u,15598,7u,15327,8l,15117,8u,16943 2004.090.02:03:14.47/tpgain/1l,46,1u,50,2u,120,3u,125,4u,169 2004.090.02:03:14.47/tpgain/9u,113,au,110,bu,93,cu,156,du,204,eu,171 2004.090.02:03:14.47/tpgain/5u,16,6u,30,7u,24,8l,28,8u,32 2004.090.02:03:14.51:!2004.090.02:03:19 2004.090.02:03:19.00:disc_pos 2004.090.02:03:19.00/disc_pos/333002178560,332745384424, 2004.090.02:03:19.01:data_valid=on 2004.090.02:03:19.03:midob 2004.090.02:03:19.21/tpi/1l,16191,1u,15931,2u,16192,3u,15905,4u,16276 2004.090.02:03:19.21/tpi/9u,16197,au,16102,bu,15978,cu,16157,du,16273,eu,16212 2004.090.02:03:19.21/tpi/5u,15786,6u,15582,7u,15342,8l,15107,8u,16930 2004.090.02:03:19.79?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 1l overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.02:03:19.79?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 8l overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.02:03:19.79?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 1u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.02:03:19.79?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 2u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.02:03:19.79?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 3u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.02:03:19.79?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 4u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.02:03:19.79?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 5u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.02:03:19.79?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 6u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.02:03:19.79?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 7u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.02:03:19.79?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 8u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.02:03:19.79?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 9u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.02:03:19.79?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device au overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.02:03:19.82/tsys/1l,$$$$$$$$,1u,$$$$$$$$,2u,$$$$$$$$,3u,$$$$$$$$,4u,$$$$$$$$ 2004.090.02:03:19.83/tsys/9u,$$$$$$$$,au,$$$$$$$$,bu,9818.1,cu,2497.8,du,6880.1,eu,6724.3 2004.090.02:03:19.83/tsys/5u,$$$$$$$$,6u,$$$$$$$$,7u,$$$$$$$$,8l,$$$$$$$$,8u,$$$$$$$$ 2004.090.02:03:19.84/wx/13.4,995.8,97.7,75.9,0.5 2004.090.02:03:20.05/cable/3.716137472E-3 2004.090.02:03:20.52/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,20.40 2004.090.02:03:21.02/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,19.90 2004.090.02:03:21.52/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.60 2004.090.02:03:22.02/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,12.10 2004.090.02:03:22.52/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.606 2004.090.02:03:23.02/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.000 2004.090.02:03:23.52/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,1.172 2004.090.02:03:24.02/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,54.68 2004.090.02:03:24.52/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,60.22 2004.090.02:03:25.02/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.244 2004.090.02:03:25.52/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,242.9 2004.090.02:03:26.02/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,68.12 2004.090.02:03:26.11/bbc01/612.89,a,8,8,1,agc, -2.18, -2.91,lock,15932,16191,1018,1pps 2004.090.02:03:26.19/bbc02/652.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 5.42, 3.39,lock,16192,16224,1029,1pps 2004.090.02:03:26.27/bbc03/752.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 5.77, 4.01,lock,15918,16150,1027,1pps 2004.090.02:03:26.35/bbc04/912.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 8.39, 7.30,lock,16298,16143,1024,1pps 2004.090.02:03:26.43/bbc05/652.99,c,8,8,1,agc,-12.08,-12.64,lock,15783,15707,1025,1pps 2004.090.02:03:26.51/bbc06/772.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -6.62, -6.34,lock,15583,16193,1030,1pps 2004.090.02:03:26.59/bbc07/832.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -8.56, -8.93,lock,15342,14888,1033,1pps 2004.090.02:03:26.67/bbc08/852.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -6.06, -7.22,lock,15053,15118,1028,1pps 2004.090.02:03:26.75/bbc09/692.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.90, 4.74,lock,16171,16040,1020,1pps 2004.090.02:03:26.83/bbc10/700.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.66, 3.21,lock,16091,15951,1026,1pps 2004.090.02:03:26.91/bbc11/716.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 3.21, 3.21,lock,15961,16205,1022,1pps 2004.090.02:03:26.99/bbc12/772.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 7.70, 6.57,lock,16141,16303,1019,1pps 2004.090.02:03:27.07/bbc13/804.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 10.03, 9.86,lock,16251,16223,1031,1pps 2004.090.02:03:27.15/bbc14/812.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 8.50, 8.29,lock,16194,16184,1021,1pps 2004.090.02:03:27.57#antcn#Received message for antenna: GETS 2004.090.02:03:28.55#antcn#ACU: MJD: 53094, UTC: 7407, Src: ext. 1pps present 2004.090.02:03:28.55#antcn#ACU: Azimuth: Pos: 2794977, Dev: -3, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.090.02:03:28.55#antcn#ACU: Elevation: Pos: 385720, Dev: 0, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.090.02:03:28.55#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.090.02:03:28.55#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.090.02:03:28.55#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.090.02:03:28.55#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.090.02:03:28.55#antcn#ACU: Az: no fault , no fault 2004.090.02:03:28.55#antcn#ACU: El: no fault , no fault 2004.090.02:03:28.56/antenna/ACK 2004.090.02:03:28.56:!2004.090.02:05:13 2004.090.02:05:13.00:data_valid=off 2004.090.02:05:13.01:disc_end 2004.090.02:05:13.28/disc_end/usn-0079/960/1024OK 2004.090.02:05:13.28:disc_pos 2004.090.02:05:13.29/disc_pos/336687692880,332746384424, 2004.090.02:05:13.30:disc_check 2004.090.02:05:13.85/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y090d02h05m13.275s,29892,0.00250s,80000,49274767896, 2004.090.02:05:13.85:postob_mk5a 2004.090.02:05:13.86/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 639531 : 2879 : 1 : 6 : 0 : 2 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.02:05:13.87/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 639771 : 2625 : 1 : 24 : 4 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.02:05:13.88/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 639773 : 2637 : 1 : 6 : 0 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.02:05:13.89/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 639319 : 3089 : 0 : 23 : 1 : 6 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.02:05:13.90/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 639243 : 3178 : 3 : 4 : 0 : 4 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.02:05:13.91/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 639155 : 3253 : 2 : 13 : 1 : 1 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.02:05:13.92/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 639743 : 2688 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.02:05:13.93/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 639575 : 2849 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.02:05:14.45/cable/3.713611045E-3 2004.090.02:05:15.94/fmout-gps/-7.531966E-6 2004.090.02:05:16.42/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,20.40 2004.090.02:05:16.92/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,19.80 2004.090.02:05:17.42/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.60 2004.090.02:05:17.92/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,12.10 2004.090.02:05:18.42/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.606 2004.090.02:05:18.92/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.000 2004.090.02:05:19.42/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,2.949 2004.090.02:05:19.92/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,50.51 2004.090.02:05:20.42/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,60.22 2004.090.02:05:20.92/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.271 2004.090.02:05:21.42/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,243.1 2004.090.02:05:21.92/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,68.36 2004.090.02:05:21.92:scan_name=090-0213,r1116,190 2004.090.02:05:21.93:source=4c39.25,092703.01,390220.9,2000.0,cw 2004.090.02:05:26.57:setup4f 2004.090.02:05:28.95/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.090.02:05:28.96/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.090.02:05:28.98/bank_check/usn-0079/960/1024OK,VNVD06G4H7982L,VNVD06G4H79L4L,VNVD06G4H79RWL,VNVD06G4H71WBL,VNVD06G4H79GKL,VNVD06G4H79D4L,VNVD06G4H700TL,VNVD06G4H79GUL 2004.090.02:05:29.00/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 151 ; 2004.090.02:05:29.02:!2004.090.02:12:52 2004.090.02:12:52.00:disc_pos 2004.090.02:12:52.01/disc_pos/336687692880,336686692880, 2004.090.02:12:52.02:disc_start=on 2004.090.02:12:53.05:!2004.090.02:12:52 2004.090.02:12:53.05:preob 2004.090.02:12:54.57#antcn#ACK 2004.090.02:12:54.57/onsource/TRACKING 2004.090.02:12:57.31/tpical/1l,15850,1u,15716,2u,16156,3u,16277,4u,16295 2004.090.02:12:57.31/tpical/9u,16054,au,16092,bu,16086,cu,16185,du,16241,eu,16351 2004.090.02:12:57.31/tpical/5u,13928,6u,15553,7u,16229,8l,16048,8u,15949 2004.090.02:12:57.46/tpgain/1l,44,1u,48,2u,117,3u,123,4u,164 2004.090.02:12:57.46/tpgain/9u,112,au,109,bu,92,cu,155,du,202,eu,170 2004.090.02:12:57.46/tpgain/5u,15,6u,29,7u,24,8l,28,8u,31 2004.090.02:12:57.49:!2004.090.02:13:02 2004.090.02:13:02.00:disc_pos 2004.090.02:13:02.02/disc_pos/336943489024,336686692880, 2004.090.02:13:02.02:data_valid=on 2004.090.02:13:02.04:midob 2004.090.02:13:02.21/tpi/1l,15829,1u,15719,2u,16142,3u,16269,4u,16305 2004.090.02:13:02.21/tpi/9u,16049,au,16039,bu,16083,cu,16180,du,16255,eu,16349 2004.090.02:13:02.21/tpi/5u,13931,6u,15554,7u,16242,8l,16042,8u,15968 2004.090.02:13:02.80?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 1l overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.02:13:02.80?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 8l overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.02:13:02.80?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 1u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.02:13:02.80?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 2u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.02:13:02.80?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 3u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.02:13:02.80?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 4u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.02:13:02.80?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 5u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.02:13:02.80?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 6u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.02:13:02.80?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 7u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.02:13:02.80?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 8u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.02:13:02.80?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 9u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.02:13:02.80?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device au overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.02:13:02.83/tsys/1l,$$$$$$$$,1u,$$$$$$$$,2u,$$$$$$$$,3u,$$$$$$$$,4u,$$$$$$$$ 2004.090.02:13:02.83/tsys/9u,$$$$$$$$,au,$$$$$$$$,bu,10109.0,cu,2536.4,du,7019.7,eu,6873.5 2004.090.02:13:02.83/tsys/5u,$$$$$$$$,6u,$$$$$$$$,7u,$$$$$$$$,8l,$$$$$$$$,8u,$$$$$$$$ 2004.090.02:13:02.84/wx/13.5,995.7,97.7,73.4,0.6 2004.090.02:13:03.25/cable/3.712120702E-3 2004.090.02:13:03.72/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,20.30 2004.090.02:13:04.21/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,19.80 2004.090.02:13:04.66/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.50 2004.090.02:13:05.12/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,12.00 2004.090.02:13:05.57/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.606 2004.090.02:13:06.02/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.000 2004.090.02:13:06.52/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,4.829 2004.090.02:13:06.97/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,62.85 2004.090.02:13:07.42/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,68.11 2004.090.02:13:07.87/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.217 2004.090.02:13:08.32/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,242.4 2004.090.02:13:08.77/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,64.95 2004.090.02:13:08.86/bbc01/612.89,a,8,8,1,agc, -2.54, -3.30,lock,15703,15833,1018,1pps 2004.090.02:13:08.94/bbc02/652.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 5.20, 3.11,lock,16143,16045,1029,1pps 2004.090.02:13:09.02/bbc03/752.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 5.63, 3.84,lock,16264,16288,1027,1pps 2004.090.02:13:09.10/bbc04/912.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 8.13, 7.06,lock,16290,16275,1024,1pps 2004.090.02:13:09.18/bbc05/652.99,c,8,8,1,agc,-12.08,-13.24,lock,13943,14689,1025,1pps 2004.090.02:13:09.26/bbc06/772.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -6.92, -6.62,lock,15560,16168,1030,1pps 2004.090.02:13:09.34/bbc07/832.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -8.56, -8.93,lock,16236,15747,1033,1pps 2004.090.02:13:09.42/bbc08/852.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -6.34, -7.22,lock,15962,16049,1028,1pps 2004.090.02:13:09.50/bbc09/692.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.82, 4.74,lock,16076,16207,1020,1pps 2004.090.02:13:09.58/bbc10/700.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.58, 3.21,lock,16099,16126,1026,1pps 2004.090.02:13:09.66/bbc11/716.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 3.11, 2.92,lock,16111,16440,1022,1pps 2004.090.02:13:09.74/bbc12/772.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 7.64, 6.51,lock,16206,16118,1019,1pps 2004.090.02:13:09.82/bbc13/804.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 9.94, 9.77,lock,16266,16277,1031,1pps 2004.090.02:13:09.90/bbc14/812.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 8.44, 8.24,lock,16362,16363,1021,1pps 2004.090.02:13:10.59#antcn#Received message for antenna: GETS 2004.090.02:13:11.57#antcn#ACU: MJD: 53094, UTC: 7990, Src: ext. 1pps present 2004.090.02:13:11.57#antcn#ACU: Azimuth: Pos: 3549514, Dev: -1, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.090.02:13:11.57#antcn#ACU: Elevation: Pos: 139414, Dev: 0, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.090.02:13:11.57#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.090.02:13:11.57#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.090.02:13:11.57#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.090.02:13:11.57#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.090.02:13:11.57#antcn#ACU: Az: no fault , no fault 2004.090.02:13:11.57#antcn#ACU: El: no fault , no fault 2004.090.02:13:11.58/antenna/ACK 2004.090.02:13:11.58:!2004.090.02:16:12 2004.090.02:16:12.00:data_valid=off 2004.090.02:16:12.01:disc_end 2004.090.02:16:12.28/disc_end/usn-0079/960/1024OK 2004.090.02:16:12.29:disc_pos 2004.090.02:16:12.31/disc_pos/343061153256,336687692880, 2004.090.02:16:12.31:disc_check 2004.090.02:16:12.82/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y090d02h16m12.283s,46488,0.00250s,80000,14714763028, 2004.090.02:16:12.82:postob_mk5a 2004.090.02:16:12.83/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 651649 : 2921 : 1 : 6 : 0 : 2 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.02:16:12.84/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 651891 : 2664 : 1 : 24 : 5 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.02:16:12.85/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 651887 : 2684 : 1 : 6 : 0 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.02:16:12.86/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 651436 : 3132 : 0 : 23 : 1 : 6 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.02:16:12.87/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 651352 : 3229 : 3 : 4 : 0 : 4 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.02:16:12.88/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 651227 : 3341 : 2 : 13 : 1 : 1 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.02:16:12.88/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 651854 : 2737 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.02:16:12.89/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 651681 : 2903 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.02:16:13.65/cable/3.714754900E-3 2004.090.02:16:13.94/fmout-gps/-7.524704E-6 2004.090.02:16:14.42/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,20.30 2004.090.02:16:14.92/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,19.80 2004.090.02:16:15.42/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.50 2004.090.02:16:15.92/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,12.00 2004.090.02:16:16.42/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.606 2004.090.02:16:16.92/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.000 2004.090.02:16:17.42/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.962 2004.090.02:16:17.92/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,54.68 2004.090.02:16:18.42/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,60.22 2004.090.02:16:18.92/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.244 2004.090.02:16:19.41/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,242.6 2004.090.02:16:19.92/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,70.32 2004.090.02:16:19.92:scan_name=090-0216,r1116,47 2004.090.02:16:19.93:source=0727-115,073019.11,-114112.6,2000.0,cw 2004.090.02:16:24.59:setup4f 2004.090.02:16:26.95/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.090.02:16:26.96/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.090.02:16:26.98/bank_check/usn-0079/960/1024OK,VNVD06G4H7982L,VNVD06G4H79L4L,VNVD06G4H79RWL,VNVD06G4H71WBL,VNVD06G4H79GKL,VNVD06G4H79D4L,VNVD06G4H700TL,VNVD06G4H79GUL 2004.090.02:16:27.00/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 153 ; 2004.090.02:16:27.02:!2004.090.02:16:48 2004.090.02:16:48.00:disc_pos 2004.090.02:16:48.01/disc_pos/343061153256,343060153256, 2004.090.02:16:48.01:disc_start=on 2004.090.02:16:49.05:!2004.090.02:16:48 2004.090.02:16:49.05:preob 2004.090.02:16:50.59#antcn#ACK 2004.090.02:16:50.59/onsource/TRACKING 2004.090.02:16:53.33/tpical/1l,15875,1u,16220,2u,16293,3u,16118,4u,16315 2004.090.02:16:53.33/tpical/9u,16240,au,16184,bu,16168,cu,16257,du,16220,eu,16316 2004.090.02:16:53.33/tpical/5u,16007,6u,15807,7u,15547,8l,15354,8u,15276 2004.090.02:16:53.48/tpgain/1l,45,1u,50,2u,120,3u,125,4u,168 2004.090.02:16:53.48/tpgain/9u,112,au,109,bu,92,cu,155,du,202,eu,170 2004.090.02:16:53.48/tpgain/5u,16,6u,30,7u,24,8l,28,8u,31 2004.090.02:16:53.52:!2004.090.02:16:58 2004.090.02:16:58.00:disc_pos 2004.090.02:16:58.01/disc_pos/343316951040,343060153256, 2004.090.02:16:58.03:data_valid=on 2004.090.02:16:58.03:midob 2004.090.02:16:58.21/tpi/1l,15854,1u,16194,2u,16312,3u,16123,4u,16312 2004.090.02:16:58.21/tpi/9u,16244,au,16177,bu,16175,cu,16261,du,16223,eu,16311 2004.090.02:16:58.21/tpi/5u,15999,6u,15800,7u,15556,8l,15342,8u,15266 2004.090.02:16:58.83?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 1l overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.02:16:58.83?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 8l overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.02:16:58.83?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 1u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.02:16:58.83?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 2u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.02:16:58.83?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 3u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.02:16:58.83?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 4u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.02:16:58.83?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 5u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.02:16:58.83?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 6u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.02:16:58.83?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 7u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.02:16:58.83?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 8u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.02:16:58.83?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 9u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.02:16:58.83?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device au overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.02:16:58.88/tsys/1l,$$$$$$$$,1u,$$$$$$$$,2u,$$$$$$$$,3u,$$$$$$$$,4u,$$$$$$$$ 2004.090.02:16:58.89/tsys/9u,$$$$$$$$,au,$$$$$$$$,bu,10168.9,cu,2550.0,du,7004.8,eu,6856.1 2004.090.02:16:58.89/tsys/5u,$$$$$$$$,6u,$$$$$$$$,7u,$$$$$$$$,8l,$$$$$$$$,8u,$$$$$$$$ 2004.090.02:16:58.92/wx/13.5,995.6,97.7,66.5,0.6 2004.090.02:16:59.25/cable/3.714497309E-3 2004.090.02:16:59.72/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,20.30 2004.090.02:17:00.22/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,19.70 2004.090.02:17:00.72/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.70 2004.090.02:17:01.22/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,12.00 2004.090.02:17:01.72/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.606 2004.090.02:17:02.22/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.000 2004.090.02:17:02.72/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,2.949 2004.090.02:17:03.22/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,56.07 2004.090.02:17:03.72/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,61.54 2004.090.02:17:04.22/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.271 2004.090.02:17:04.72/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,243.4 2004.090.02:17:05.22/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,64.95 2004.090.02:17:05.31/bbc01/612.89,a,8,8,1,agc, -2.18, -3.10,lock,16190,15844,1018,1pps 2004.090.02:17:05.39/bbc02/652.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 5.42, 3.30,lock,16322,16033,1029,1pps 2004.090.02:17:05.47/bbc03/752.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 5.77, 3.92,lock,16103,16025,1027,1pps 2004.090.02:17:05.55/bbc04/912.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 8.34, 7.30,lock,16299,16344,1024,1pps 2004.090.02:17:05.63/bbc05/652.99,c,8,8,1,agc,-12.08,-12.64,lock,15998,15918,1025,1pps 2004.090.02:17:05.71/bbc06/772.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -6.62, -6.62,lock,15807,15485,1030,1pps 2004.090.02:17:05.79/bbc07/832.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -8.56, -8.93,lock,15536,15104,1033,1pps 2004.090.02:17:05.87/bbc08/852.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -6.34, -7.22,lock,17180,15334,1028,1pps 2004.090.02:17:05.95/bbc09/692.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.82, 4.66,lock,16238,16114,1020,1pps 2004.090.02:17:06.03/bbc10/700.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.58, 3.21,lock,16194,16298,1026,1pps 2004.090.02:17:06.11/bbc11/716.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 3.11, 3.02,lock,16179,15937,1022,1pps 2004.090.02:17:06.19/bbc12/772.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 7.64, 6.44,lock,16263,16177,1019,1pps 2004.090.02:17:06.28/bbc13/804.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 9.94, 9.77,lock,16231,16251,1031,1pps 2004.090.02:17:06.37/bbc14/812.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 8.44, 8.24,lock,16323,16325,1021,1pps 2004.090.02:17:06.59#antcn#Received message for antenna: GETS 2004.090.02:17:07.57#antcn#ACU: MJD: 53094, UTC: 8226, Src: ext. 1pps present 2004.090.02:17:07.57#antcn#ACU: Azimuth: Pos: 2980615, Dev: 0, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.090.02:17:07.57#antcn#ACU: Elevation: Pos: 487114, Dev: -7, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.090.02:17:07.57#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.090.02:17:07.57#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.090.02:17:07.57#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.090.02:17:07.57#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.090.02:17:07.57#antcn#ACU: Az: no fault , no fault 2004.090.02:17:07.57#antcn#ACU: El: no fault , no fault 2004.090.02:17:07.58/antenna/ACK 2004.090.02:17:07.58:!2004.090.02:17:45 2004.090.02:17:45.00:data_valid=off 2004.090.02:17:45.00:disc_end 2004.090.02:17:45.28/disc_end/usn-0079/960/1024OK 2004.090.02:17:45.28:disc_pos 2004.090.02:17:45.29/disc_pos/344858691584,343061153256, 2004.090.02:17:45.29:disc_check 2004.090.02:17:45.79/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y090d02h17m45.278s,75048,0.00250s,80000,1178273112, 2004.090.02:17:45.80:postob_mk5a 2004.090.02:17:45.81/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 655066 : 2937 : 1 : 6 : 0 : 2 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.02:17:45.82/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 655306 : 2679 : 1 : 24 : 6 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.02:17:45.83/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 655303 : 2699 : 1 : 6 : 0 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.02:17:45.83/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 654854 : 3145 : 0 : 23 : 1 : 6 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.02:17:45.84/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 654769 : 3243 : 3 : 4 : 0 : 4 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.02:17:45.85/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 654631 : 3368 : 2 : 13 : 1 : 1 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.02:17:45.86/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 655267 : 2755 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.02:17:45.87/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 655090 : 2925 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.02:17:46.44/cable/3.714598888E-3 2004.090.02:17:47.94/fmout-gps/-7.467548E-6 2004.090.02:17:48.42/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,20.30 2004.090.02:17:48.92/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,19.80 2004.090.02:17:49.42/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.60 2004.090.02:17:49.92/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,12.00 2004.090.02:17:50.42/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.606 2004.090.02:17:50.92/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.000 2004.090.02:17:51.42/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,4.480 2004.090.02:17:51.92/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,54.68 2004.090.02:17:52.41/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,61.54 2004.090.02:17:52.87/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.244 2004.090.02:17:53.37/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,241.9 2004.090.02:17:53.87/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,68.61 2004.090.02:17:53.87:scan_name=090-0220,r1116,190 2004.090.02:17:53.88:source=oj287,085448.87,200630.6,2000.0,cw 2004.090.02:17:58.59:setup4f 2004.090.02:18:00.95/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.090.02:18:00.96/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.090.02:18:00.98/bank_check/usn-0079/960/1024OK,VNVD06G4H7982L,VNVD06G4H79L4L,VNVD06G4H79RWL,VNVD06G4H71WBL,VNVD06G4H79GKL,VNVD06G4H79D4L,VNVD06G4H700TL,VNVD06G4H79GUL 2004.090.02:18:01.04/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 155 ; 2004.090.02:18:01.04:!2004.090.02:20:25 2004.090.02:20:25.00:disc_pos 2004.090.02:20:25.01/disc_pos/344858691584,344857691584, 2004.090.02:20:25.02:disc_start=on 2004.090.02:20:26.05:!2004.090.02:20:25 2004.090.02:20:26.06:preob 2004.090.02:20:27.60#antcn#ACK 2004.090.02:20:27.60/onsource/TRACKING 2004.090.02:20:30.35/tpical/1l,15711,1u,16081,2u,16329,3u,16029,4u,16239 2004.090.02:20:30.35/tpical/9u,15970,au,15947,bu,16198,cu,16233,du,16320,eu,16274 2004.090.02:20:30.35/tpical/5u,15952,6u,15731,7u,15507,8l,15288,8u,15206 2004.090.02:20:30.50/tpgain/1l,45,1u,50,2u,120,3u,125,4u,168 2004.090.02:20:30.50/tpgain/9u,112,au,109,bu,93,cu,156,du,204,eu,171 2004.090.02:20:30.50/tpgain/5u,16,6u,30,7u,24,8l,28,8u,31 2004.090.02:20:30.54:!2004.090.02:20:35 2004.090.02:20:35.00:disc_pos 2004.090.02:20:35.02/disc_pos/345114488832,344857691584, 2004.090.02:20:35.02:data_valid=on 2004.090.02:20:35.03:midob 2004.090.02:20:35.20/tpi/1l,15716,1u,16081,2u,16319,3u,16034,4u,16236 2004.090.02:20:35.20/tpi/9u,15970,au,15910,bu,16186,cu,16227,du,16301,eu,16266 2004.090.02:20:35.20/tpi/5u,15945,6u,15726,7u,15502,8l,15283,8u,15208 2004.090.02:20:35.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 1l overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.02:20:35.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 8l overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.02:20:35.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 1u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.02:20:35.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 2u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.02:20:35.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 3u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.02:20:35.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 4u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.02:20:35.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 5u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.02:20:35.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 6u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.02:20:35.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 7u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.02:20:35.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 8u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.02:20:35.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 9u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.02:20:35.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device au overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.02:20:35.82/tsys/1l,$$$$$$$$,1u,$$$$$$$$,2u,$$$$$$$$,3u,$$$$$$$$,4u,$$$$$$$$ 2004.090.02:20:35.82/tsys/9u,$$$$$$$$,au,$$$$$$$$,bu,9950.6,cu,2509.4,du,6892.9,eu,6748.7 2004.090.02:20:35.83/tsys/5u,$$$$$$$$,6u,$$$$$$$$,7u,$$$$$$$$,8l,$$$$$$$$,8u,$$$$$$$$ 2004.090.02:20:35.83/wx/13.4,995.6,97.7,74.4,0.5 2004.090.02:20:36.05/cable/3.714495616E-3 2004.090.02:20:36.52/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,20.30 2004.090.02:20:36.97/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,19.80 2004.090.02:20:37.42/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.60 2004.090.02:20:37.87/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,12.00 2004.090.02:20:38.32/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.606 2004.090.02:20:38.77/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.000 2004.090.02:20:39.22/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,1.488 2004.090.02:20:39.72/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,70.74 2004.090.02:20:40.17/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,60.22 2004.090.02:20:40.67/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.244 2004.090.02:20:41.12/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,242.1 2004.090.02:20:41.62/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,66.66 2004.090.02:20:41.71/bbc01/612.89,a,8,8,1,agc, -2.18, -3.10,lock,16071,15698,1018,1pps 2004.090.02:20:41.79/bbc02/652.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 5.42, 3.39,lock,16322,16366,1029,1pps 2004.090.02:20:41.87/bbc03/752.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 5.77, 3.92,lock,16030,15960,1027,1pps 2004.090.02:20:41.95/bbc04/912.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 8.34, 7.30,lock,16240,16299,1024,1pps 2004.090.02:20:42.03/bbc05/652.99,c,8,8,1,agc,-12.08,-12.64,lock,15960,15886,1025,1pps 2004.090.02:20:42.11/bbc06/772.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -6.62, -6.62,lock,15735,15396,1030,1pps 2004.090.02:20:42.19/bbc07/832.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -8.56, -8.93,lock,15509,15067,1033,1pps 2004.090.02:20:42.27/bbc08/852.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -6.06, -7.22,lock,15223,15295,1028,1pps 2004.090.02:20:42.35/bbc09/692.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.82, 4.74,lock,15968,16086,1020,1pps 2004.090.02:20:42.43/bbc10/700.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.58, 3.21,lock,15925,16009,1026,1pps 2004.090.02:20:42.51/bbc11/716.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 3.21, 3.11,lock,16163,16095,1022,1pps 2004.090.02:20:42.59/bbc12/772.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 7.70, 6.51,lock,16231,16172,1019,1pps 2004.090.02:20:42.68/bbc13/804.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 10.03, 9.81,lock,16303,16160,1031,1pps 2004.090.02:20:42.76/bbc14/812.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 8.50, 8.29,lock,16254,16239,1021,1pps 2004.090.02:20:43.59#antcn#Received message for antenna: GETS 2004.090.02:20:44.57#antcn#ACU: MJD: 53094, UTC: 8443, Src: ext. 1pps present 2004.090.02:20:44.57#antcn#ACU: Azimuth: Pos: 3421506, Dev: -1, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.090.02:20:44.57#antcn#ACU: Elevation: Pos: 310174, Dev: 0, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.090.02:20:44.57#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.090.02:20:44.57#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.090.02:20:44.57#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.090.02:20:44.57#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.090.02:20:44.57#antcn#ACU: Az: no fault , no fault 2004.090.02:20:44.57#antcn#ACU: El: no fault , no fault 2004.090.02:20:44.58/antenna/ACK 2004.090.02:20:44.58:!2004.090.02:23:45 2004.090.02:23:45.00:data_valid=off 2004.090.02:23:45.02:disc_end 2004.090.02:23:45.27/disc_end/usn-0079/960/1024OK 2004.090.02:23:45.27:disc_pos 2004.090.02:23:45.28/disc_pos/351232153848,344858691584, 2004.090.02:23:45.28:disc_check 2004.090.02:23:45.60/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y090d02h23m45.278s,9624,0.00250s,80000,5146603160, 2004.090.02:23:45.60:postob_mk5a 2004.090.02:23:45.61/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 667179 : 2985 : 1 : 6 : 0 : 2 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.02:23:45.62/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 667411 : 2734 : 1 : 24 : 6 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.02:23:45.63/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 667416 : 2746 : 1 : 6 : 0 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.02:23:45.63/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 666968 : 3191 : 0 : 23 : 1 : 6 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.02:23:45.64/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 666882 : 3290 : 3 : 4 : 0 : 4 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.02:23:45.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 666709 : 3450 : 2 : 13 : 1 : 1 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.02:23:45.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 667369 : 2813 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.02:23:45.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 667200 : 2975 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.02:23:46.46/cable/3.712255617E-3 2004.090.02:23:47.94/fmout-gps/-7.521156E-6 2004.090.02:23:48.43/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,20.20 2004.090.02:23:48.93/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,19.80 2004.090.02:23:49.43/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.60 2004.090.02:23:49.93/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,11.90 2004.090.02:23:50.43/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.604 2004.090.02:23:50.93/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.000 2004.090.02:23:51.43/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,4.654 2004.090.02:23:51.93/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,54.68 2004.090.02:23:52.42/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,57.46 2004.090.02:23:52.93/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.244 2004.090.02:23:53.43/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,243.1 2004.090.02:23:53.93/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,69.59 2004.090.02:23:53.93:scan_name=090-0230,r1116,190 2004.090.02:23:53.94:source=1124-186,112704.39,-185717.4,2000.0,cw 2004.090.02:23:58.60:setup4f 2004.090.02:24:00.96/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.090.02:24:00.97/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.090.02:24:00.99/bank_check/usn-0079/960/1024OK,VNVD06G4H7982L,VNVD06G4H79L4L,VNVD06G4H79RWL,VNVD06G4H71WBL,VNVD06G4H79GKL,VNVD06G4H79D4L,VNVD06G4H700TL,VNVD06G4H79GUL 2004.090.02:24:01.02/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 157 ; 2004.090.02:24:01.02:!2004.090.02:30:09 2004.090.02:30:09.00:disc_pos 2004.090.02:30:09.01/disc_pos/351232153848,351231153848, 2004.090.02:30:09.02:disc_start=on 2004.090.02:30:10.05:!2004.090.02:30:09 2004.090.02:30:10.05:preob 2004.090.02:30:11.60#antcn#ACK 2004.090.02:30:11.60/onsource/TRACKING 2004.090.02:30:14.35/tpical/1l,16287,1u,15967,2u,16009,3u,16292,4u,16231 2004.090.02:30:14.35/tpical/9u,15910,au,16204,bu,16021,cu,16290,du,16274,eu,16299 2004.090.02:30:14.35/tpical/5u,16322,6u,16098,7u,15744,8l,15534,8u,15515 2004.090.02:30:14.50/tpgain/1l,45,1u,49,2u,118,3u,124,4u,166 2004.090.02:30:14.50/tpgain/9u,111,au,108,bu,92,cu,154,du,201,eu,169 2004.090.02:30:14.50/tpgain/5u,16,6u,30,7u,24,8l,28,8u,31 2004.090.02:30:14.53:!2004.090.02:30:19 2004.090.02:30:19.00:disc_pos 2004.090.02:30:19.01/disc_pos/351487950848,351231153848, 2004.090.02:30:19.03:data_valid=on 2004.090.02:30:19.03:midob 2004.090.02:30:19.21/tpi/1l,16289,1u,15974,2u,16017,3u,16299,4u,16216 2004.090.02:30:19.22/tpi/9u,15906,au,16213,bu,16024,cu,16288,du,16282,eu,16304 2004.090.02:30:19.22/tpi/5u,16321,6u,16104,7u,15733,8l,15522,8u,15516 2004.090.02:30:19.81?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 1l overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.02:30:19.81?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 8l overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.02:30:19.81?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 1u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.02:30:19.81?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 2u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.02:30:19.81?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 3u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.02:30:19.81?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 4u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.02:30:19.81?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 5u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.02:30:19.81?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 6u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.02:30:19.81?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 7u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.02:30:19.81?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 8u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.02:30:19.81?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 9u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.02:30:19.81?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device au overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.02:30:19.85/tsys/1l,$$$$$$$$,1u,$$$$$$$$,2u,$$$$$$$$,3u,$$$$$$$$,4u,$$$$$$$$ 2004.090.02:30:19.85/tsys/9u,$$$$$$$$,au,$$$$$$$$,bu,10070.6,cu,2590.3,du,7108.0,eu,6941.5 2004.090.02:30:19.85/tsys/5u,$$$$$$$$,6u,$$$$$$$$,7u,$$$$$$$$,8l,$$$$$$$$,8u,$$$$$$$$ 2004.090.02:30:19.87/wx/13.4,995.5,97.7,82.0,0.5 2004.090.02:30:20.05/cable/3.712954264E-3 2004.090.02:30:20.52/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,20.20 2004.090.02:30:21.02/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,19.70 2004.090.02:30:21.52/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.60 2004.090.02:30:22.02/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,11.80 2004.090.02:30:22.52/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.606 2004.090.02:30:23.02/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.000 2004.090.02:30:23.52/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,4.480 2004.090.02:30:24.02/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,66.80 2004.090.02:30:24.52/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,58.85 2004.090.02:30:25.02/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.271 2004.090.02:30:25.52/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,242.4 2004.090.02:30:26.02/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,65.19 2004.090.02:30:26.11/bbc01/612.89,a,8,8,1,agc, -2.36, -3.10,lock,15976,16302,1018,1pps 2004.090.02:30:26.19/bbc02/652.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 5.27, 3.21,lock,16023,16024,1029,1pps 2004.090.02:30:26.27/bbc03/752.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 5.70, 3.84,lock,16322,16055,1027,1pps 2004.090.02:30:26.35/bbc04/912.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 8.24, 7.18,lock,16235,16259,1024,1pps 2004.090.02:30:26.43/bbc05/652.99,c,8,8,1,agc,-12.08,-12.64,lock,16328,16221,1025,1pps 2004.090.02:30:26.52/bbc06/772.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -6.62, -6.62,lock,16132,15760,1030,1pps 2004.090.02:30:26.60/bbc07/832.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -8.56, -8.93,lock,15721,15218,1033,1pps 2004.090.02:30:26.68/bbc08/852.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -6.34, -7.22,lock,15533,15529,1028,1pps 2004.090.02:30:26.76/bbc09/692.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.74, 4.58,lock,15917,16187,1020,1pps 2004.090.02:30:26.84/bbc10/700.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.50, 3.02,lock,16215,16017,1026,1pps 2004.090.02:30:26.92/bbc11/716.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 3.11, 3.02,lock,16012,16077,1022,1pps 2004.090.02:30:27.00/bbc12/772.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 7.59, 6.38,lock,16297,16218,1019,1pps 2004.090.02:30:27.08/bbc13/804.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 9.90, 9.68,lock,16283,16276,1031,1pps 2004.090.02:30:27.16/bbc14/812.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 8.39, 8.19,lock,16291,16351,1021,1pps 2004.090.02:30:27.59#antcn#Received message for antenna: GETS 2004.090.02:30:28.57#antcn#ACU: MJD: 53094, UTC: 9027, Src: ext. 1pps present 2004.090.02:30:28.57#antcn#ACU: Azimuth: Pos: 4089169, Dev: -2, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.090.02:30:28.57#antcn#ACU: Elevation: Pos: 652439, Dev: 1, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.090.02:30:28.57#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.090.02:30:28.57#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.090.02:30:28.57#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.090.02:30:28.57#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.090.02:30:28.57#antcn#ACU: Az: no fault , no fault 2004.090.02:30:28.57#antcn#ACU: El: no fault , no fault 2004.090.02:30:28.58/antenna/ACK 2004.090.02:30:28.58:!2004.090.02:33:29 2004.090.02:33:29.00:data_valid=off 2004.090.02:33:29.01:disc_end 2004.090.02:33:29.28/disc_end/usn-0079/960/1024OK 2004.090.02:33:29.28:disc_pos 2004.090.02:33:29.29/disc_pos/357605612376,351232153848, 2004.090.02:33:29.29:disc_check 2004.090.02:33:29.59/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y090d02h33m29.280s,70544,0.00250s,80000,12314560552, 2004.090.02:33:29.60:postob_mk5a 2004.090.02:33:29.61/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 679296 : 3028 : 1 : 6 : 0 : 2 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.02:33:29.62/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 679524 : 2781 : 1 : 24 : 6 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.02:33:29.63/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 679532 : 2790 : 1 : 6 : 0 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.02:33:29.63/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 679073 : 3246 : 0 : 23 : 1 : 6 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.02:33:29.64/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 678981 : 3351 : 3 : 4 : 0 : 4 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.02:33:29.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 678817 : 3502 : 2 : 13 : 1 : 1 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.02:33:29.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 679455 : 2887 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.02:33:29.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 679312 : 3024 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.02:33:30.45/cable/3.714152846E-3 2004.090.02:33:31.94/fmout-gps/-7.508428E-6 2004.090.02:33:32.42/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,20.20 2004.090.02:33:32.87/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,19.60 2004.090.02:33:33.37/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.70 2004.090.02:33:33.87/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,11.70 2004.090.02:33:34.37/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.604 2004.090.02:33:34.82/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.000 2004.090.02:33:35.27/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,1.807 2004.090.02:33:35.72/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,61.54 2004.090.02:33:36.17/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,60.22 2004.090.02:33:36.62/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.244 2004.090.02:33:37.07/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,243.1 2004.090.02:33:37.52/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,65.68 2004.090.02:33:37.52:scan_name=090-0235,r1116,184 2004.090.02:33:37.53:source=0955+476,095819.67,472507.8,2000.0,cw 2004.090.02:33:41.60:setup4f 2004.090.02:33:43.95/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.090.02:33:43.96/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.090.02:33:43.98/bank_check/usn-0079/960/1024OK,VNVD06G4H7982L,VNVD06G4H79L4L,VNVD06G4H79RWL,VNVD06G4H71WBL,VNVD06G4H79GKL,VNVD06G4H79D4L,VNVD06G4H700TL,VNVD06G4H79GUL 2004.090.02:33:44.02/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 159 ; 2004.090.02:33:44.05:!2004.090.02:35:42 2004.090.02:35:42.00:disc_pos 2004.090.02:35:42.01/disc_pos/357605612376,357604612376, 2004.090.02:35:42.02:disc_start=on 2004.090.02:35:43.05:!2004.090.02:35:42 2004.090.02:35:43.06:preob 2004.090.02:35:44.60#antcn#ACK 2004.090.02:35:44.60/onsource/TRACKING 2004.090.02:35:47.35/tpical/1l,15893,1u,16067,2u,16290,3u,16259,4u,16325 2004.090.02:35:47.35/tpical/9u,16232,au,16321,bu,16256,cu,16160,du,16307,eu,16163 2004.090.02:35:47.35/tpical/5u,16064,6u,15673,7u,15748,8l,16069,8u,16288 2004.090.02:35:47.50/tpgain/1l,41,1u,46,2u,110,3u,114,4u,153 2004.090.02:35:47.50/tpgain/9u,110,au,106,bu,90,cu,149,du,195,eu,163 2004.090.02:35:47.50/tpgain/5u,15,6u,27,7u,22,8l,26,8u,29 2004.090.02:35:47.54:!2004.090.02:35:52 2004.090.02:35:52.00:disc_pos 2004.090.02:35:52.02/disc_pos/357861408768,357604612376, 2004.090.02:35:52.03:data_valid=on 2004.090.02:35:52.04:midob 2004.090.02:35:52.22/tpi/1l,15881,1u,16048,2u,16280,3u,16256,4u,16320 2004.090.02:35:52.22/tpi/9u,16257,au,16334,bu,16258,cu,16184,du,16327,eu,16184 2004.090.02:35:52.22/tpi/5u,16062,6u,15670,7u,15751,8l,16067,8u,16297 2004.090.02:35:52.83?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 1l overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.02:35:52.83?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 8l overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.02:35:52.83?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 1u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.02:35:52.83?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 2u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.02:35:52.83?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 3u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.02:35:52.83?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 4u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.02:35:52.83?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 5u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.02:35:52.83?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 6u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.02:35:52.83?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 7u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.02:35:52.83?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 8u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.02:35:52.83?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 9u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.02:35:52.83?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device au overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.02:35:52.87/tsys/1l,$$$$$$$$,1u,$$$$$$$$,2u,$$$$$$$$,3u,$$$$$$$$,4u,$$$$$$$$ 2004.090.02:35:52.87/tsys/9u,$$$$$$$$,au,$$$$$$$$,bu,10698.7,cu,2760.9,du,7609.4,eu,7447.8 2004.090.02:35:52.87/tsys/5u,$$$$$$$$,6u,$$$$$$$$,7u,$$$$$$$$,8l,$$$$$$$$,8u,$$$$$$$$ 2004.090.02:35:52.91/wx/13.4,995.3,97.7,77.0,0.8 2004.090.02:35:53.64/cable/3.711602829E-3 2004.090.02:35:54.12/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,20.10 2004.090.02:35:54.62/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,19.60 2004.090.02:35:55.12/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.40 2004.090.02:35:55.62/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,11.70 2004.090.02:35:56.12/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.604 2004.090.02:35:56.62/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.000 2004.090.02:35:57.12/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,2.619 2004.090.02:35:57.62/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,65.48 2004.090.02:35:58.12/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,61.54 2004.090.02:35:58.62/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.244 2004.090.02:35:59.12/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,243.6 2004.090.02:35:59.62/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,65.43 2004.090.02:35:59.71/bbc01/612.89,a,8,8,1,agc, -2.91, -3.91,lock,16040,15883,1018,1pps 2004.090.02:35:59.79/bbc02/652.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 4.66, 2.42,lock,16335,16005,1029,1pps 2004.090.02:35:59.87/bbc03/752.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 4.97, 3.21,lock,16224,16174,1027,1pps 2004.090.02:35:59.95/bbc04/912.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 7.53, 6.44,lock,16317,16249,1024,1pps 2004.090.02:36:00.03/bbc05/652.99,c,8,8,1,agc,-12.64,-13.89,lock,16060,14741,1025,1pps 2004.090.02:36:00.11/bbc06/772.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -7.54, -7.54,lock,15646,15330,1030,1pps 2004.090.02:36:00.19/bbc07/832.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -9.32, -9.72,lock,15750,15171,1033,1pps 2004.090.02:36:00.27/bbc08/852.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -6.92, -7.86,lock,16271,16063,1028,1pps 2004.090.02:36:00.35/bbc09/692.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.66, 4.42,lock,16259,16192,1020,1pps 2004.090.02:36:00.43/bbc10/700.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.34, 2.92,lock,16349,16299,1026,1pps 2004.090.02:36:00.51/bbc11/716.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 2.92, 2.73,lock,16296,16095,1022,1pps 2004.090.02:36:00.59/bbc12/772.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 7.30, 6.18,lock,16171,16372,1019,1pps 2004.090.02:36:00.67/bbc13/804.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 9.64, 9.46,lock,16327,16274,1031,1pps 2004.090.02:36:00.75/bbc14/812.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 8.08, 7.86,lock,16184,16392,1021,1pps 2004.090.02:36:01.60#antcn#Received message for antenna: GETS 2004.090.02:36:02.58#antcn#ACU: MJD: 53094, UTC: 9361, Src: ext. 1pps present 2004.090.02:36:02.58#antcn#ACU: Azimuth: Pos: 3571188, Dev: -4, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.090.02:36:02.58#antcn#ACU: Elevation: Pos: 58002, Dev: 6, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.090.02:36:02.58#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.090.02:36:02.58#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.090.02:36:02.58#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.090.02:36:02.58#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.090.02:36:02.58#antcn#ACU: Az: no fault , no fault 2004.090.02:36:02.58#antcn#ACU: El: no fault , no fault 2004.090.02:36:02.59/antenna/ACK 2004.090.02:36:02.59:!2004.090.02:38:56 2004.090.02:38:56.00:data_valid=off 2004.090.02:38:56.01:disc_end 2004.090.02:38:56.28/disc_end/usn-0079/960/1024OK 2004.090.02:38:56.28:disc_pos 2004.090.02:38:56.29/disc_pos/363786714072,357605612376, 2004.090.02:38:56.30:disc_check 2004.090.02:38:56.61/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y090d02h38m56.278s,38688,0.00250s,80000,4282850160, 2004.090.02:38:56.61:postob_mk5a 2004.090.02:38:56.62/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 691043 : 3074 : 1 : 6 : 0 : 2 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.02:38:56.63/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 691264 : 2834 : 1 : 24 : 6 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.02:38:56.64/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 691273 : 2842 : 1 : 6 : 0 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.02:38:56.64/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 690824 : 3288 : 0 : 23 : 1 : 6 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.02:38:56.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 690695 : 3430 : 3 : 4 : 0 : 4 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.02:38:56.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 690562 : 3552 : 2 : 13 : 1 : 1 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.02:38:56.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 691183 : 2952 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.02:38:56.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 691052 : 3077 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.02:38:56.85/cable/3.712652911E-3 2004.090.02:38:57.94/fmout-gps/-7.558279E-6 2004.090.02:38:58.42/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,20.10 2004.090.02:38:58.87/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,19.60 2004.090.02:38:59.32/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.50 2004.090.02:38:59.77/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,11.70 2004.090.02:39:00.27/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.604 2004.090.02:39:00.77/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.000 2004.090.02:39:01.27/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.000 2004.090.02:39:01.77/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,58.85 2004.090.02:39:02.27/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,58.85 2004.090.02:39:02.77/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.271 2004.090.02:39:03.27/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,243.4 2004.090.02:39:03.77/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,69.83 2004.090.02:39:03.77:scan_name=090-0244b,r1116,131 2004.090.02:39:03.78:source=0607-157,060940.95,-154240.7,2000.0,neutral 2004.090.02:39:08.60:setup4f 2004.090.02:39:10.95/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.090.02:39:10.96/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.090.02:39:10.99/bank_check/usn-0079/960/1024OK,VNVD06G4H7982L,VNVD06G4H79L4L,VNVD06G4H79RWL,VNVD06G4H71WBL,VNVD06G4H79GKL,VNVD06G4H79D4L,VNVD06G4H700TL,VNVD06G4H79GUL 2004.090.02:39:11.01/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 161 ; 2004.090.02:39:11.01:!2004.090.02:44:10 2004.090.02:44:10.00:disc_pos 2004.090.02:44:10.02/disc_pos/363786714072,363785714072, 2004.090.02:44:10.02:disc_start=on 2004.090.02:44:11.07:!2004.090.02:44:10 2004.090.02:44:11.07:preob 2004.090.02:44:12.61#antcn#ACK 2004.090.02:44:12.61/onsource/TRACKING 2004.090.02:44:15.35/tpical/1l,16207,1u,15943,2u,16172,3u,15882,4u,16267 2004.090.02:44:15.35/tpical/9u,16078,au,15987,bu,15998,cu,16256,du,16144,eu,16315 2004.090.02:44:15.35/tpical/5u,15792,6u,15609,7u,15381,8l,15165,8u,16992 2004.090.02:44:15.50/tpgain/1l,46,1u,50,2u,120,3u,125,4u,169 2004.090.02:44:15.50/tpgain/9u,113,au,110,bu,93,cu,157,du,204,eu,172 2004.090.02:44:15.50/tpgain/5u,16,6u,30,7u,24,8l,28,8u,32 2004.090.02:44:15.54:!2004.090.02:44:20 2004.090.02:44:20.00:disc_pos 2004.090.02:44:20.01/disc_pos/364042506240,363785714072, 2004.090.02:44:20.01:data_valid=on 2004.090.02:44:20.02:midob 2004.090.02:44:20.19/tpi/1l,16198,1u,15949,2u,16118,3u,15874,4u,16258 2004.090.02:44:20.19/tpi/9u,16068,au,15988,bu,15973,cu,16262,du,16130,eu,16309 2004.090.02:44:20.19/tpi/5u,15804,6u,15622,7u,15372,8l,15149,8u,16996 2004.090.02:44:20.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 1l overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.02:44:20.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 8l overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.02:44:20.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 1u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.02:44:20.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 2u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.02:44:20.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 3u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.02:44:20.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 4u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.02:44:20.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 5u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.02:44:20.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 6u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.02:44:20.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 7u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.02:44:20.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 8u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.02:44:20.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 9u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.02:44:20.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device au overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.02:44:20.81/tsys/1l,$$$$$$$$,1u,$$$$$$$$,2u,$$$$$$$$,3u,$$$$$$$$,4u,$$$$$$$$ 2004.090.02:44:20.81/tsys/9u,$$$$$$$$,au,$$$$$$$$,bu,9814.9,cu,2480.9,du,6814.8,eu,6682.6 2004.090.02:44:20.81/tsys/5u,$$$$$$$$,6u,$$$$$$$$,7u,$$$$$$$$,8l,$$$$$$$$,8u,$$$$$$$$ 2004.090.02:44:20.82/wx/13.5,995.3,97.7,59.2,0.6 2004.090.02:44:21.65/cable/3.714266080E-3 2004.090.02:44:22.12/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,20.10 2004.090.02:44:22.62/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,19.60 2004.090.02:44:23.12/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.60 2004.090.02:44:23.62/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,11.70 2004.090.02:44:24.12/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.606 2004.090.02:44:24.57/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.000 2004.090.02:44:25.02/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,4.654 2004.090.02:44:25.47/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,68.11 2004.090.02:44:25.92/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,57.46 2004.090.02:44:26.37/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.244 2004.090.02:44:26.82/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,242.9 2004.090.02:44:27.27/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,70.07 2004.090.02:44:27.36/bbc01/612.89,a,8,8,1,agc, -2.18, -2.91,lock,15940,16203,1018,1pps 2004.090.02:44:27.44/bbc02/652.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 5.42, 3.39,lock,16111,16170,1029,1pps 2004.090.02:44:27.52/bbc03/752.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 5.77, 4.01,lock,15888,16080,1027,1pps 2004.090.02:44:27.60/bbc04/912.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 8.39, 7.30,lock,16272,16177,1024,1pps 2004.090.02:44:27.68/bbc05/652.99,c,8,8,1,agc,-12.08,-12.64,lock,15794,15729,1025,1pps 2004.090.02:44:27.76/bbc06/772.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -6.62, -6.34,lock,15625,16215,1030,1pps 2004.090.02:44:27.84/bbc07/832.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -8.56, -8.93,lock,15368,14929,1033,1pps 2004.090.02:44:27.92/bbc08/852.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -6.06, -7.22,lock,15100,15160,1028,1pps 2004.090.02:44:28.00/bbc09/692.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.90, 4.74,lock,16063,15921,1020,1pps 2004.090.02:44:28.08/bbc10/700.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.66, 3.30,lock,15993,16116,1026,1pps 2004.090.02:44:28.16/bbc11/716.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 3.21, 3.21,lock,15975,16146,1022,1pps 2004.090.02:44:28.24/bbc12/772.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 7.75, 6.57,lock,16253,16198,1019,1pps 2004.090.02:44:28.32/bbc13/804.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 10.07, 9.86,lock,16286,16145,1031,1pps 2004.090.02:44:28.40/bbc14/812.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 8.55, 8.34,lock,16316,16297,1021,1pps 2004.090.02:44:28.61#antcn#Received message for antenna: GETS 2004.090.02:44:29.58#antcn#ACU: MJD: 53094, UTC: 9868, Src: ext. 1pps present 2004.090.02:44:29.58#antcn#ACU: Azimuth: Pos: 2726988, Dev: -4, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.090.02:44:29.58#antcn#ACU: Elevation: Pos: 304127, Dev: 2, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.090.02:44:29.58#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.090.02:44:29.58#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.090.02:44:29.58#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.090.02:44:29.58#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.090.02:44:29.58#antcn#ACU: Az: no fault , no fault 2004.090.02:44:29.58#antcn#ACU: El: no fault , no fault 2004.090.02:44:29.59/antenna/ACK 2004.090.02:44:29.59:!2004.090.02:46:31 2004.090.02:46:31.00:data_valid=off 2004.090.02:46:31.01:disc_end 2004.090.02:46:31.27/disc_end/usn-0079/960/1024OK 2004.090.02:46:31.28:disc_pos 2004.090.02:46:31.28/disc_pos/368271486040,363786714072, 2004.090.02:46:31.29:disc_check 2004.090.02:46:31.59/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y090d02h46m31.280s,8644,0.00250s,80000,10075338076, 2004.090.02:46:31.59:postob_mk5a 2004.090.02:46:31.61/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 699550 : 3124 : 1 : 6 : 0 : 2 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.02:46:31.61/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 699776 : 2879 : 1 : 24 : 6 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.02:46:31.62/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 699801 : 2871 : 1 : 6 : 0 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.02:46:31.63/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 699345 : 3324 : 0 : 23 : 1 : 6 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.02:46:31.64/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 699220 : 3462 : 3 : 4 : 0 : 4 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.02:46:31.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 699085 : 3588 : 2 : 13 : 1 : 1 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.02:46:31.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 699694 : 2998 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.02:46:31.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 699572 : 3114 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.02:46:32.04/cable/3.714428016E-3 2004.090.02:46:33.93/fmout-gps/-7.542204E-6 2004.090.02:46:34.42/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,20.10 2004.090.02:46:34.92/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,19.50 2004.090.02:46:35.42/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.60 2004.090.02:46:35.92/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,11.70 2004.090.02:46:36.42/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.606 2004.090.02:46:36.92/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.000 2004.090.02:46:37.42/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,5.540 2004.090.02:46:37.92/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,56.07 2004.090.02:46:38.42/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,58.85 2004.090.02:46:38.92/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.244 2004.090.02:46:39.42/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,241.9 2004.090.02:46:39.92/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,66.17 2004.090.02:46:39.92:scan_name=090-0258a,r1116,88 2004.090.02:46:39.93:source=0454-234,045703.18,-232452.0,2000.0,neutral 2004.090.02:46:44.61:setup4f 2004.090.02:46:46.94/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.090.02:46:46.96/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.090.02:46:46.98/bank_check/usn-0079/960/1024OK,VNVD06G4H7982L,VNVD06G4H79L4L,VNVD06G4H79RWL,VNVD06G4H71WBL,VNVD06G4H79GKL,VNVD06G4H79D4L,VNVD06G4H700TL,VNVD06G4H79GUL 2004.090.02:46:47.03/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 163 ; 2004.090.02:46:47.03:!2004.090.02:57:52 2004.090.02:57:52.00:disc_pos 2004.090.02:57:52.02/disc_pos/368271486040,368270486040, 2004.090.02:57:52.03:disc_start=on 2004.090.02:57:53.07:!2004.090.02:57:52 2004.090.02:57:53.07:preob 2004.090.02:57:54.62#antcn#ACK 2004.090.02:57:54.62/onsource/TRACKING 2004.090.02:57:57.36/tpical/1l,16035,1u,15860,2u,16101,3u,16214,4u,16307 2004.090.02:57:57.36/tpical/9u,16123,au,16288,bu,16295,cu,16331,du,16304,eu,16224 2004.090.02:57:57.36/tpical/5u,16184,6u,16034,7u,15737,8l,15535,8u,15476 2004.090.02:57:57.51/tpgain/1l,45,1u,49,2u,119,3u,125,4u,166 2004.090.02:57:57.51/tpgain/9u,113,au,111,bu,94,cu,157,du,204,eu,171 2004.090.02:57:57.51/tpgain/5u,16,6u,30,7u,24,8l,28,8u,31 2004.090.02:57:57.54:!2004.090.02:58:02 2004.090.02:58:02.00:disc_pos 2004.090.02:58:02.00/disc_pos/368527282176,368270486040, 2004.090.02:58:02.01:data_valid=on 2004.090.02:58:02.02:midob 2004.090.02:58:02.19/tpi/1l,16050,1u,15863,2u,16045,3u,16223,4u,16302 2004.090.02:58:02.19/tpi/9u,16108,au,16287,bu,16299,cu,16352,du,16313,eu,16221 2004.090.02:58:02.19/tpi/5u,16171,6u,16037,7u,15730,8l,15543,8u,15476 2004.090.02:58:02.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 1l overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.02:58:02.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 8l overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.02:58:02.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 1u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.02:58:02.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 2u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.02:58:02.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 3u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.02:58:02.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 4u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.02:58:02.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 5u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.02:58:02.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 6u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.02:58:02.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 7u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.02:58:02.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 8u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.02:58:02.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 9u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.02:58:02.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device au overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.02:58:02.81/tsys/1l,$$$$$$$$,1u,$$$$$$$$,2u,$$$$$$$$,3u,$$$$$$$$,4u,$$$$$$$$ 2004.090.02:58:02.82/tsys/9u,$$$$$$$$,au,$$$$$$$$,bu,9802.8,cu,2495.7,du,6898.4,eu,6728.4 2004.090.02:58:02.82/tsys/5u,$$$$$$$$,6u,$$$$$$$$,7u,$$$$$$$$,8l,$$$$$$$$,8u,$$$$$$$$ 2004.090.02:58:02.83/wx/13.5,995.2,97.7,90.4,0.8 2004.090.02:58:03.25/cable/3.712365078E-3 2004.090.02:58:03.73/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,20.00 2004.090.02:58:04.23/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,19.50 2004.090.02:58:04.73/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.50 2004.090.02:58:05.23/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,11.60 2004.090.02:58:05.73/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.604 2004.090.02:58:06.23/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.000 2004.090.02:58:06.73/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,2.292 2004.090.02:58:07.23/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,56.07 2004.090.02:58:07.73/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,60.22 2004.090.02:58:08.23/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.244 2004.090.02:58:08.73/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,242.1 2004.090.02:58:09.23/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,70.32 2004.090.02:58:09.32/bbc01/612.89,a,8,8,1,agc, -2.36, -3.10,lock,15877,16053,1018,1pps 2004.090.02:58:09.40/bbc02/652.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 5.35, 3.30,lock,16014,16090,1029,1pps 2004.090.02:58:09.49/bbc03/752.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 5.77, 4.01,lock,16231,16297,1027,1pps 2004.090.02:58:09.57/bbc04/912.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 8.24, 7.18,lock,16312,16205,1024,1pps 2004.090.02:58:09.65/bbc05/652.99,c,8,8,1,agc,-12.08,-12.64,lock,16195,16164,1025,1pps 2004.090.02:58:09.73/bbc06/772.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -6.62, -6.62,lock,16053,15695,1030,1pps 2004.090.02:58:09.81/bbc07/832.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -8.56, -8.93,lock,15725,15261,1033,1pps 2004.090.02:58:09.89/bbc08/852.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -6.34, -7.22,lock,15490,15547,1028,1pps 2004.090.02:58:09.97/bbc09/692.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.90, 4.74,lock,16114,15976,1020,1pps 2004.090.02:58:10.05/bbc10/700.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.74, 3.30,lock,16299,16204,1026,1pps 2004.090.02:58:10.13/bbc11/716.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 3.30, 3.21,lock,16328,16254,1022,1pps 2004.090.02:58:10.21/bbc12/772.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 7.75, 6.57,lock,16350,16333,1019,1pps 2004.090.02:58:10.29/bbc13/804.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 10.03, 9.86,lock,16328,16327,1031,1pps 2004.090.02:58:10.37/bbc14/812.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 8.50, 8.29,lock,16235,16254,1021,1pps 2004.090.02:58:10.62#antcn#Received message for antenna: GETS 2004.090.02:58:11.59#antcn#ACU: MJD: 53094, UTC: 10690, Src: ext. 1pps present 2004.090.02:58:11.59#antcn#ACU: Azimuth: Pos: 2534666, Dev: -2, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.090.02:58:11.59#antcn#ACU: Elevation: Pos: 175566, Dev: 3, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.090.02:58:11.59#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.090.02:58:11.59#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.090.02:58:11.59#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.090.02:58:11.59#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.090.02:58:11.59#antcn#ACU: Az: no fault , no fault 2004.090.02:58:11.59#antcn#ACU: El: no fault , no fault 2004.090.02:58:11.60/antenna/ACK 2004.090.02:58:11.60:!2004.090.02:59:30 2004.090.02:59:30.00:data_valid=off 2004.090.02:59:30.01:disc_end 2004.090.02:59:30.26/disc_end/usn-0079/960/1024OK 2004.090.02:59:30.27:disc_pos 2004.090.02:59:30.27/disc_pos/371379994984,368271486040, 2004.090.02:59:30.28:disc_check 2004.090.02:59:30.58/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y090d02h59m30.267s,64572,0.00250s,80000,21819035128, 2004.090.02:59:30.59:postob_mk5a 2004.090.02:59:30.60/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 705437 : 3169 : 1 : 6 : 0 : 2 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.02:59:30.62/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 705676 : 2911 : 1 : 24 : 6 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.02:59:30.63/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 705708 : 2896 : 1 : 6 : 0 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.02:59:30.64/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 705251 : 3349 : 0 : 23 : 1 : 6 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.02:59:30.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 705122 : 3492 : 3 : 4 : 0 : 4 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.02:59:30.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 704985 : 3621 : 2 : 13 : 1 : 1 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.02:59:30.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 705595 : 3029 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.02:59:30.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 705481 : 3136 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.02:59:31.25/cable/3.713141395E-3 2004.090.02:59:31.94/fmout-gps/-7.499127E-6 2004.090.02:59:32.43/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,20.00 2004.090.02:59:32.93/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,19.60 2004.090.02:59:33.43/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.50 2004.090.02:59:33.93/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,11.60 2004.090.02:59:34.43/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.606 2004.090.02:59:34.93/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.015 2004.090.02:59:35.43/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.791 2004.090.02:59:35.93/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,53.29 2004.090.02:59:36.43/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,58.85 2004.090.02:59:36.93/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.271 2004.090.02:59:37.43/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,236.5 2004.090.02:59:37.93/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,70.32 2004.090.02:59:37.93:scan_name=090-0306,r1116,190 2004.090.02:59:37.94:source=4c39.25,092703.01,390220.9,2000.0,cw 2004.090.02:59:42.63:setup4f 2004.090.02:59:44.95/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.090.02:59:44.96/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.090.02:59:44.98/bank_check/usn-0079/960/1024OK,VNVD06G4H7982L,VNVD06G4H79L4L,VNVD06G4H79RWL,VNVD06G4H71WBL,VNVD06G4H79GKL,VNVD06G4H79D4L,VNVD06G4H700TL,VNVD06G4H79GUL 2004.090.02:59:45.04/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 165 ; 2004.090.02:59:45.04:!2004.090.03:06:19 2004.090.03:06:19.00:disc_pos 2004.090.03:06:19.01/disc_pos/371379994984,371378994984, 2004.090.03:06:19.01:disc_start=on 2004.090.03:06:20.05:!2004.090.03:06:19 2004.090.03:06:20.05:preob 2004.090.03:06:21.62#antcn#ACK 2004.090.03:06:21.62/onsource/TRACKING 2004.090.03:06:24.36/tpical/1l,16202,1u,16082,2u,16056,3u,16249,4u,16265 2004.090.03:06:24.36/tpical/9u,16238,au,16182,bu,16244,cu,16199,du,16263,eu,16320 2004.090.03:06:24.36/tpical/5u,14190,6u,15849,7u,15221,8l,16354,8u,16260 2004.090.03:06:24.51/tpgain/1l,44,1u,48,2u,116,3u,122,4u,162 2004.090.03:06:24.51/tpgain/9u,112,au,109,bu,92,cu,154,du,201,eu,169 2004.090.03:06:24.51/tpgain/5u,15,6u,29,7u,23,8l,28,8u,31 2004.090.03:06:24.54:!2004.090.03:06:29 2004.090.03:06:29.01:disc_pos 2004.090.03:06:29.02/disc_pos/371635789824,371378994984, 2004.090.03:06:29.02:data_valid=on 2004.090.03:06:29.03:midob 2004.090.03:06:29.20/tpi/1l,16206,1u,16097,2u,16036,3u,16245,4u,16267 2004.090.03:06:29.20/tpi/9u,16261,au,16191,bu,16267,cu,16212,du,16276,eu,16345 2004.090.03:06:29.20/tpi/5u,14195,6u,15864,7u,15238,8l,16357,8u,16280 2004.090.03:06:29.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 1l overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.03:06:29.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 8l overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.03:06:29.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 1u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.03:06:29.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 2u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.03:06:29.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 3u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.03:06:29.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 4u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.03:06:29.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 5u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.03:06:29.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 6u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.03:06:29.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 7u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.03:06:29.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 8u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.03:06:29.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 9u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.03:06:29.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device au overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.03:06:29.81/tsys/1l,$$$$$$$$,1u,$$$$$$$$,2u,$$$$$$$$,3u,$$$$$$$$,4u,$$$$$$$$ 2004.090.03:06:29.82/tsys/9u,$$$$$$$$,au,$$$$$$$$,bu,10228.8,cu,2577.3,du,7105.2,eu,6960.5 2004.090.03:06:29.82/tsys/5u,$$$$$$$$,6u,$$$$$$$$,7u,$$$$$$$$,8l,$$$$$$$$,8u,$$$$$$$$ 2004.090.03:06:29.83/wx/13.5,995.1,97.7,67.0,1.0 2004.090.03:06:30.45/cable/3.712058375E-3 2004.090.03:06:30.93/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,19.90 2004.090.03:06:31.43/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,19.50 2004.090.03:06:31.93/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.40 2004.090.03:06:32.43/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,11.50 2004.090.03:06:32.93/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.606 2004.090.03:06:33.43/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.000 2004.090.03:06:33.93/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,4.306 2004.090.03:06:34.43/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,56.07 2004.090.03:06:34.93/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,60.22 2004.090.03:06:35.43/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.271 2004.090.03:06:35.93/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,242.9 2004.090.03:06:36.43/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,68.85 2004.090.03:06:36.52/bbc01/612.89,a,8,8,1,agc, -2.54, -3.30,lock,16117,16229,1018,1pps 2004.090.03:06:36.60/bbc02/652.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 5.12, 3.11,lock,16079,16230,1029,1pps 2004.090.03:06:36.68/bbc03/752.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 5.56, 3.75,lock,16251,16125,1027,1pps 2004.090.03:06:36.76/bbc04/912.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 8.03, 7.00,lock,16262,16354,1024,1pps 2004.090.03:06:36.84/bbc05/652.99,c,8,8,1,agc,-12.64,-13.24,lock,17005,14958,1025,1pps 2004.090.03:06:36.92/bbc06/772.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -6.92, -6.92,lock,15868,15523,1030,1pps 2004.090.03:06:37.00/bbc07/832.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -8.93, -8.93,lock,15241,16041,1033,1pps 2004.090.03:06:37.08/bbc08/852.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -6.34, -7.22,lock,16279,16368,1028,1pps 2004.090.03:06:37.16/bbc09/692.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.82, 4.66,lock,16258,16156,1020,1pps 2004.090.03:06:37.24/bbc10/700.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.58, 3.21,lock,16212,16340,1026,1pps 2004.090.03:06:37.32/bbc11/716.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 3.11, 3.02,lock,16285,16209,1022,1pps 2004.090.03:06:37.40/bbc12/772.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 7.59, 6.38,lock,16217,16389,1019,1pps 2004.090.03:06:37.48/bbc13/804.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 9.90, 9.64,lock,16300,16203,1031,1pps 2004.090.03:06:37.57/bbc14/812.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 8.39, 8.13,lock,16343,16230,1021,1pps 2004.090.03:06:37.63#antcn#Received message for antenna: GETS 2004.090.03:06:38.61#antcn#ACU: MJD: 53094, UTC: 11197, Src: ext. 1pps present 2004.090.03:06:38.61#antcn#ACU: Azimuth: Pos: 3444581, Dev: 1, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.090.03:06:38.61#antcn#ACU: Elevation: Pos: 120440, Dev: -3, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.090.03:06:38.61#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.090.03:06:38.61#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.090.03:06:38.61#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.090.03:06:38.61#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.090.03:06:38.61#antcn#ACU: Az: no fault , no fault 2004.090.03:06:38.61#antcn#ACU: El: no fault , no fault 2004.090.03:06:38.62/antenna/ACK 2004.090.03:06:38.62:!2004.090.03:09:39 2004.090.03:09:39.00:data_valid=off 2004.090.03:09:39.01:disc_end 2004.090.03:09:39.27/disc_end/usn-0079/960/1024OK 2004.090.03:09:39.27:disc_pos 2004.090.03:09:39.28/disc_pos/377753063528,371379994984, 2004.090.03:09:39.28:disc_check 2004.090.03:09:39.59/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y090d03h09m39.278s,46064,0.00250s,80000,13115269964, 2004.090.03:09:39.59:postob_mk5a 2004.090.03:09:39.60/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 717520 : 3245 : 1 : 6 : 0 : 2 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.03:09:39.61/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 717778 : 2970 : 1 : 24 : 6 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.03:09:39.62/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 717817 : 2946 : 1 : 6 : 0 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.03:09:39.63/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 717369 : 3391 : 0 : 23 : 1 : 6 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.03:09:39.64/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 717213 : 3560 : 3 : 4 : 0 : 4 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.03:09:39.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 717091 : 3676 : 2 : 13 : 1 : 1 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.03:09:39.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 717695 : 3088 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.03:09:39.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 717590 : 3186 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.03:09:40.04/cable/3.712750520E-3 2004.090.03:09:41.93/fmout-gps/-7.502143E-6 2004.090.03:09:42.42/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,19.90 2004.090.03:09:42.87/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,19.50 2004.090.03:09:43.32/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.50 2004.090.03:09:43.77/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,11.50 2004.090.03:09:44.22/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.606 2004.090.03:09:44.67/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.000 2004.090.03:09:45.12/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.116 2004.090.03:09:45.57/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,64.17 2004.090.03:09:46.02/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,61.54 2004.090.03:09:46.47/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.271 2004.090.03:09:46.92/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,241.7 2004.090.03:09:47.37/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,67.39 2004.090.03:09:47.38:scan_name=090-0310,r1116,131 2004.090.03:09:47.38:source=oj287,085448.87,200630.6,2000.0,cw 2004.090.03:09:51.63:setup4f 2004.090.03:09:53.94/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.090.03:09:53.95/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.090.03:09:53.97/bank_check/usn-0079/960/1024OK,VNVD06G4H7982L,VNVD06G4H79L4L,VNVD06G4H79RWL,VNVD06G4H71WBL,VNVD06G4H79GKL,VNVD06G4H79D4L,VNVD06G4H700TL,VNVD06G4H79GUL 2004.090.03:09:53.99/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 167 ; 2004.090.03:09:54.00:!2004.090.03:10:12 2004.090.03:10:12.00:disc_pos 2004.090.03:10:12.01/disc_pos/377753063528,377752063528, 2004.090.03:10:12.01:disc_start=on 2004.090.03:10:13.05:!2004.090.03:10:12 2004.090.03:10:13.05:preob 2004.090.03:10:14.63#antcn#ACK 2004.090.03:10:14.63/onsource/TRACKING 2004.090.03:10:17.37/tpical/1l,15965,1u,15780,2u,16204,3u,16243,4u,16218 2004.090.03:10:17.37/tpical/9u,16114,au,16015,bu,16228,cu,16149,du,16249,eu,16206 2004.090.03:10:17.37/tpical/5u,15995,6u,15802,7u,15588,8l,15410,8u,17221 2004.090.03:10:17.52/tpgain/1l,45,1u,49,2u,120,3u,126,4u,167 2004.090.03:10:17.52/tpgain/9u,112,au,109,bu,91,cu,155,du,203,eu,170 2004.090.03:10:17.52/tpgain/5u,16,6u,30,7u,24,8l,28,8u,32 2004.090.03:10:17.55:!2004.090.03:10:22 2004.090.03:10:22.00:disc_pos 2004.090.03:10:22.00/disc_pos/378008862720,377752063528, 2004.090.03:10:22.01:data_valid=on 2004.090.03:10:22.03:midob 2004.090.03:10:22.20/tpi/1l,15968,1u,15774,2u,16228,3u,16238,4u,16223 2004.090.03:10:22.20/tpi/9u,16071,au,15972,bu,16205,cu,16124,du,16219,eu,16162 2004.090.03:10:22.20/tpi/5u,15995,6u,15808,7u,15602,8l,15413,8u,17216 2004.090.03:10:22.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 1l overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.03:10:22.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 8l overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.03:10:22.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 1u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.03:10:22.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 2u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.03:10:22.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 3u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.03:10:22.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 4u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.03:10:22.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 5u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.03:10:22.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 6u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.03:10:22.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 7u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.03:10:22.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 8u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.03:10:22.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 9u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.03:10:22.78?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device au overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.03:10:22.82/tsys/1l,$$$$$$$$,1u,$$$$$$$$,2u,$$$$$$$$,3u,$$$$$$$$,4u,$$$$$$$$ 2004.090.03:10:22.82/tsys/9u,$$$$$$$$,au,$$$$$$$$,bu,10421.6,cu,2527.0,du,6928.6,eu,6787.9 2004.090.03:10:22.82/tsys/5u,$$$$$$$$,6u,$$$$$$$$,7u,$$$$$$$$,8l,$$$$$$$$,8u,$$$$$$$$ 2004.090.03:10:22.83/wx/13.5,995.2,97.7,79.9,1.1 2004.090.03:10:23.25/cable/3.711173429E-3 2004.090.03:10:23.73/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,19.90 2004.090.03:10:24.23/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,19.50 2004.090.03:10:24.73/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.50 2004.090.03:10:25.23/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,11.40 2004.090.03:10:25.73/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.606 2004.090.03:10:26.23/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.000 2004.090.03:10:26.73/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.962 2004.090.03:10:27.23/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,56.07 2004.090.03:10:27.73/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,56.07 2004.090.03:10:28.23/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.271 2004.090.03:10:28.73/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,242.4 2004.090.03:10:29.23/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,67.39 2004.090.03:10:29.32/bbc01/612.89,a,8,8,1,agc, -2.36, -3.10,lock,15775,15976,1018,1pps 2004.090.03:10:29.40/bbc02/652.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 5.42, 3.39,lock,16210,16229,1029,1pps 2004.090.03:10:29.48/bbc03/752.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 5.84, 4.01,lock,16251,16167,1027,1pps 2004.090.03:10:29.56/bbc04/912.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 8.29, 7.24,lock,16228,16196,1024,1pps 2004.090.03:10:29.64/bbc05/652.99,c,8,8,1,agc,-12.08,-12.64,lock,16004,15993,1025,1pps 2004.090.03:10:29.73/bbc06/772.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -6.62, -6.62,lock,15831,15519,1030,1pps 2004.090.03:10:29.81/bbc07/832.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -8.56, -8.93,lock,15601,15172,1033,1pps 2004.090.03:10:29.89/bbc08/852.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -6.06, -7.22,lock,15315,15422,1028,1pps 2004.090.03:10:29.97/bbc09/692.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.82, 4.66,lock,16110,15995,1020,1pps 2004.090.03:10:30.05/bbc10/700.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.58, 3.21,lock,16020,16111,1026,1pps 2004.090.03:10:30.13/bbc11/716.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 3.02, 3.02,lock,16226,16000,1022,1pps 2004.090.03:10:30.21/bbc12/772.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 7.64, 6.51,lock,16158,16359,1019,1pps 2004.090.03:10:30.29/bbc13/804.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 9.99, 9.81,lock,16244,16250,1031,1pps 2004.090.03:10:30.38/bbc14/812.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 8.44, 8.24,lock,16197,16182,1021,1pps 2004.090.03:10:30.64#antcn#Received message for antenna: GETS 2004.090.03:10:31.61#antcn#ACU: MJD: 53094, UTC: 11430, Src: ext. 1pps present 2004.090.03:10:31.61#antcn#ACU: Azimuth: Pos: 3295795, Dev: -1, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.090.03:10:31.61#antcn#ACU: Elevation: Pos: 269402, Dev: -3, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.090.03:10:31.61#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.090.03:10:31.61#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.090.03:10:31.61#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.090.03:10:31.61#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.090.03:10:31.61#antcn#ACU: Az: no fault , no fault 2004.090.03:10:31.61#antcn#ACU: El: no fault , no fault 2004.090.03:10:31.62/antenna/ACK 2004.090.03:10:31.62:!2004.090.03:12:33 2004.090.03:12:33.00:data_valid=off 2004.090.03:12:33.01:disc_end 2004.090.03:12:33.27/disc_end/usn-0079/960/1024OK 2004.090.03:12:33.27:disc_pos 2004.090.03:12:33.28/disc_pos/382238477960,377753063528, 2004.090.03:12:33.29:disc_check 2004.090.03:12:33.81/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y090d03h12m33.280s,64248,0.00250s,80000,1082647384, 2004.090.03:12:33.81:postob_mk5a 2004.090.03:12:33.82/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 726032 : 3292 : 1 : 6 : 0 : 2 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.03:12:33.83/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 726292 : 3013 : 1 : 24 : 7 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.03:12:33.84/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 726343 : 2978 : 1 : 6 : 0 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.03:12:33.84/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 725896 : 3422 : 0 : 23 : 1 : 6 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.03:12:33.85/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 725725 : 3606 : 3 : 4 : 0 : 4 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.03:12:33.86/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 725612 : 3715 : 2 : 13 : 1 : 1 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.03:12:33.87/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 726207 : 3134 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.03:12:33.87/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 726113 : 3222 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.03:12:34.44/cable/3.713607671E-3 2004.090.03:12:35.93/fmout-gps/-7.462305E-6 2004.090.03:12:36.43/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,19.80 2004.090.03:12:36.93/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,19.50 2004.090.03:12:37.43/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.50 2004.090.03:12:37.93/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,11.40 2004.090.03:12:38.43/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.606 2004.090.03:12:38.92/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.000 2004.090.03:12:39.38/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.791 2004.090.03:12:39.88/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,69.43 2004.090.03:12:40.38/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,62.85 2004.090.03:12:40.88/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.244 2004.090.03:12:41.38/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,242.6 2004.090.03:12:41.88/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,69.10 2004.090.03:12:41.88:scan_name=090-0313a,r1116,49 2004.090.03:12:41.89:source=0727-115,073019.11,-114112.6,2000.0,cw 2004.090.03:12:46.63:setup4f 2004.090.03:12:48.94/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.090.03:12:48.95/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.090.03:12:48.96/bank_check/usn-0079/960/1024OK,VNVD06G4H7982L,VNVD06G4H79L4L,VNVD06G4H79RWL,VNVD06G4H71WBL,VNVD06G4H79GKL,VNVD06G4H79D4L,VNVD06G4H700TL,VNVD06G4H79GUL 2004.090.03:12:48.99/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 169 ; 2004.090.03:12:48.99:!2004.090.03:13:06 2004.090.03:13:06.00:disc_pos 2004.090.03:13:06.00/disc_pos/382238477960,382237477960, 2004.090.03:13:06.01:disc_start=on 2004.090.03:13:07.04:!2004.090.03:13:06 2004.090.03:13:07.05:preob 2004.090.03:13:08.64#antcn#ACK 2004.090.03:13:08.64/onsource/TRACKING 2004.090.03:13:11.40/tpical/1l,15851,1u,16240,2u,16101,3u,16197,4u,16312 2004.090.03:13:11.40/tpical/9u,16277,au,16178,bu,16363,cu,16257,du,16307,eu,16288 2004.090.03:13:11.40/tpical/5u,15936,6u,15758,7u,15531,8l,15367,8u,17207 2004.090.03:13:11.55/tpgain/1l,45,1u,50,2u,120,3u,126,4u,168 2004.090.03:13:11.55/tpgain/9u,112,au,109,bu,91,cu,155,du,203,eu,170 2004.090.03:13:11.55/tpgain/5u,16,6u,30,7u,24,8l,28,8u,32 2004.090.03:13:11.58:!2004.090.03:13:16 2004.090.03:13:16.00:disc_pos 2004.090.03:13:16.00/disc_pos/382494277632,382237477960, 2004.090.03:13:16.01:data_valid=on 2004.090.03:13:16.02:midob 2004.090.03:13:16.19/tpi/1l,15844,1u,16232,2u,16098,3u,16199,4u,16308 2004.090.03:13:16.19/tpi/9u,16294,au,16173,bu,16349,cu,16263,du,16279,eu,16271 2004.090.03:13:16.19/tpi/5u,15947,6u,15755,7u,15509,8l,15365,8u,17196 2004.090.03:13:16.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 1l overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.03:13:16.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 8l overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.03:13:16.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 1u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.03:13:16.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 2u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.03:13:16.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 3u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.03:13:16.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 4u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.03:13:16.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 5u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.03:13:16.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 6u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.03:13:16.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 7u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.03:13:16.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 8u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.03:13:16.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device 9u overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.03:13:16.77?ERROR qk -211 Tsys value for device au overflowed or was less than zero. 2004.090.03:13:16.80/tsys/1l,$$$$$$$$,1u,$$$$$$$$,2u,$$$$$$$$,3u,$$$$$$$$,4u,$$$$$$$$ 2004.090.03:13:16.80/tsys/9u,$$$$$$$$,au,$$$$$$$$,bu,10517.4,cu,2550.4,du,6956.3,eu,6837.8 2004.090.03:13:16.81/tsys/5u,$$$$$$$$,6u,$$$$$$$$,7u,$$$$$$$$,8l,$$$$$$$$,8u,$$$$$$$$ 2004.090.03:13:16.81/wx/13.4,995.2,97.7,75.9,0.5 2004.090.03:13:17.64/cable/3.713627313E-3 2004.090.03:13:18.12/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,19.90 2004.090.03:13:18.57/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,19.50 2004.090.03:13:19.02/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.60 2004.090.03:13:19.47/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,11.40 2004.090.03:13:19.92/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.606 2004.090.03:13:20.37/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.000 2004.090.03:13:20.82/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.243 2004.090.03:13:21.27/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,58.85 2004.090.03:13:21.72/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,60.22 2004.090.03:13:22.17/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.271 2004.090.03:13:22.62/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,240.2 2004.090.03:13:23.07/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,68.85 2004.090.03:13:23.16/bbc01/612.89,a,8,8,1,agc, -2.18, -3.10,lock,16217,15849,1018,1pps 2004.090.03:13:23.24/bbc02/652.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 5.42, 3.39,lock,16103,16222,1029,1pps 2004.090.03:13:23.32/bbc03/752.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 5.84, 4.01,lock,16192,16137,1027,1pps 2004.090.03:13:23.40/bbc04/912.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 8.34, 7.30,lock,16297,16252,1024,1pps 2004.090.03:13:23.48/bbc05/652.99,c,8,8,1,agc,-12.08,-12.64,lock,15951,15919,1025,1pps 2004.090.03:13:23.56/bbc06/772.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -6.62, -6.62,lock,15748,15422,1030,1pps 2004.090.03:13:23.64/bbc07/832.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -8.56, -8.93,lock,15517,15117,1033,1pps 2004.090.03:13:23.72/bbc08/852.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -6.06, -7.22,lock,15270,15354,1028,1pps 2004.090.03:13:23.80/bbc09/692.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.82, 4.66,lock,16275,16145,1020,1pps 2004.090.03:13:23.88/bbc10/700.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.58, 3.21,lock,16169,16250,1026,1pps 2004.090.03:13:23.96/bbc11/716.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 3.02, 3.02,lock,16343,16112,1022,1pps 2004.090.03:13:24.04/bbc12/772.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 7.64, 6.44,lock,16247,16144,1019,1pps 2004.090.03:13:24.12/bbc13/804.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 9.99, 9.81,lock,16274,16288,1031,1pps 2004.090.03:13:24.20/bbc14/812.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 8.44, 8.24,lock,16257,16220,1021,1pps 2004.090.03:13:24.63#antcn#Received message for antenna: GETS 2004.090.03:13:25.61#antcn#ACU: MJD: 53094, UTC: 11604, Src: ext. 1pps present 2004.090.03:13:25.61#antcn#ACU: Azimuth: Pos: 2855522, Dev: -3, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.090.03:13:25.61#antcn#ACU: Elevation: Pos: 382415, Dev: -2, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.090.03:13:25.61#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.090.03:13:25.61#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.090.03:13:25.61#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.090.03:13:25.61#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.090.03:13:25.61#antcn#ACU: Az: no fault , no fault 2004.090.03:13:25.61#antcn#ACU: El: no fault , no fault 2004.090.03:13:25.62/antenna/ACK 2004.090.03:13:25.62:!2004.090.03:14:05 2004.090.03:13:33.75;caltsys 2004.090.03:13:34.50/tpi/1l,15834,1u,16210,2u,16086,3u,16180,4u,16303 2004.090.03:13:34.50/tpi/9u,16299,au,16178,bu,16352,cu,16267,du,16285,eu,16280 2004.090.03:13:34.50/tpi/5u,15945,6u,15754,7u,15529,8l,15373,8u,17199 2004.090.03:13:36.73/tpzero/1l,554,1u,578,2u,591,3u,629,4u,1873 2004.090.03:13:36.73/tpzero/9u,516,au,495,bu,451,cu,686,du,790,eu,889 2004.090.03:13:36.73/tpzero/5u,302,6u,383,7u,292,8l,344,8u,343 2004.090.03:13:39.28/tpical/1l,18167,1u,18644,2u,18639,3u,18638,4u,18559 2004.090.03:13:39.28/tpical/9u,19546,au,19558,bu,19322,cu,19455,du,19150,eu,19051 2004.090.03:13:39.28/tpical/5u,18257,6u,18011,7u,17718,8l,17557,8u,19587 2004.090.03:13:39.43/tpgain/1l,45,1u,50,2u,120,3u,126,4u,168 2004.090.03:13:39.43/tpgain/9u,112,au,109,bu,91,cu,155,du,203,eu,170 2004.090.03:13:39.43/tpgain/5u,16,6u,30,7u,24,8l,28,8u,32 2004.090.03:13:39.44/tpdiff/1l,2333,1u,2434,2u,2553,3u,2458,4u,2256 2004.090.03:13:39.44/tpdiff/9u,3247,au,3380,bu,2970,cu,3188,du,2865,eu,2771 2004.090.03:13:39.44/tpdiff/5u,2312,6u,2257,7u,2189,8l,2184,8u,2388 2004.090.03:13:39.59/tpdiffgain/1l,45,1u,50,2u,120,3u,126,4u,168 2004.090.03:13:39.59/tpdiffgain/9u,112,au,109,bu,91,cu,155,du,203,eu,170 2004.090.03:13:39.59/tpdiffgain/5u,16,6u,30,7u,24,8l,28,8u,32 2004.090.03:13:39.60/caltemp/1l,12.270,1u,12.270,2u,12.270,3u,12.270,4u,12.270 2004.090.03:13:39.60/caltemp/9u,16.000,au,16.000,bu,16.000,cu,16.000,du,16.000,eu,16.000 2004.090.03:13:39.60/caltemp/5u,12.270,6u,12.270,7u,12.270,8l,12.270,8u,12.270 2004.090.03:13:40.20/tsys/1l,80.4,1u,78.8,2u,74.5,3u,77.6,4u,78.5 2004.090.03:13:40.20/tsys/9u,77.8,au,74.2,bu,85.7,cu,78.2,du,86.5,eu,88.9 2004.090.03:13:40.20/tsys/5u,83.0,6u,83.6,7u,85.4,8l,84.4,8u,86.6 2004.090.03:14:05.00:data_valid=off 2004.090.03:14:05.01:disc_end 2004.090.03:14:05.27/disc_end/usn-0079/960/1024OK 2004.090.03:14:05.27:disc_pos 2004.090.03:14:05.28/disc_pos/384099706016,382238477960, 2004.090.03:14:05.28:disc_check 2004.090.03:14:05.59/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y090d03h14m05.272s,10288,0.00250s,80000,1082585904, 2004.090.03:14:05.59:postob_mk5a 2004.090.03:14:05.61/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 729567 : 3311 : 1 : 6 : 0 : 2 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.03:14:05.62/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 729831 : 3026 : 1 : 24 : 7 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.03:14:05.62/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 729882 : 2992 : 1 : 6 : 0 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.03:14:05.63/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 729435 : 3435 : 0 : 23 : 1 : 6 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.03:14:05.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 729262 : 3622 : 3 : 4 : 0 : 4 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.03:14:05.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 729140 : 3739 : 2 : 13 : 1 : 1 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.03:14:05.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 729744 : 3150 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.03:14:05.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 729649 : 3238 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.03:14:06.44/cable/3.712825221E-3 2004.090.03:14:07.93/fmout-gps/-7.513501E-6 2004.090.03:14:08.43/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,19.90 2004.090.03:14:08.93/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,19.50 2004.090.03:14:09.43/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.60 2004.090.03:14:09.93/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,11.40 2004.090.03:14:10.43/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.606 2004.090.03:14:10.93/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.000 2004.090.03:14:11.43/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,5.006 2004.090.03:14:11.93/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,62.85 2004.090.03:14:12.43/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,58.85 2004.090.03:14:12.93/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.244 2004.090.03:14:13.43/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,241.9 2004.090.03:14:13.93/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,67.39 2004.090.03:14:13.93:scan_name=090-0317,r1116,190 2004.090.03:14:13.94:source=1124-186,112704.39,-185717.4,2000.0,cw 2004.090.03:14:18.63:setup4f 2004.090.03:14:20.95/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.090.03:14:20.96/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.090.03:14:20.98/bank_check/usn-0079/960/1024OK,VNVD06G4H7982L,VNVD06G4H79L4L,VNVD06G4H79RWL,VNVD06G4H71WBL,VNVD06G4H79GKL,VNVD06G4H79D4L,VNVD06G4H700TL,VNVD06G4H79GUL 2004.090.03:14:21.00/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 171 ; 2004.090.03:14:21.01:!2004.090.03:17:24 2004.090.03:16:41.70;antenna=stan 2004.090.03:16:42.64#antcn#Received message for antenna: STAN 2004.090.03:16:44.64/antenna/ACK 2004.090.03:16:49.10;antenna=reset 2004.090.03:16:49.63#antcn#Received message for antenna: RESET 2004.090.03:16:51.63/antenna/ACK 2004.090.03:16:52.98;antenna=reset 2004.090.03:16:53.63#antcn#Received message for antenna: RESET 2004.090.03:16:55.63/antenna/ACK 2004.090.03:17:03.47;lsource 2004.090.03:17:24.00:disc_pos 2004.090.03:17:24.00/disc_pos/384099706016,384098706016, 2004.090.03:17:24.01:disc_start=on 2004.090.03:17:25.05:!2004.090.03:17:24 2004.090.03:17:25.05:preob 2004.090.03:17:26.64#antcn#ACK 2004.090.03:17:26.64/onsource/TRACKING 2004.090.03:17:29.39/tpical/1l,15768,1u,16235,2u,16203,3u,16300,4u,16191 2004.090.03:17:29.39/tpical/9u,16222,au,16278,bu,16190,cu,16256,du,16265,eu,16186 2004.090.03:17:29.39/tpical/5u,14157,6u,15700,7u,15056,8l,16237,8u,16147 2004.090.03:17:29.54/tpgain/1l,43,1u,48,2u,117,3u,122,4u,163 2004.090.03:17:29.54/tpgain/9u,109,au,105,bu,88,cu,150,du,197,eu,165 2004.090.03:17:29.54/tpgain/5u,15,6u,29,7u,23,8l,28,8u,31 2004.090.03:17:29.57:!2004.090.03:17:34 2004.090.03:17:34.00:disc_pos 2004.090.03:17:34.00/disc_pos/384355504128,384098706016, 2004.090.03:17:34.01:data_valid=on 2004.090.03:17:34.02:midob 2004.090.03:17:34.19/tpi/1l,15763,1u,16226,2u,16196,3u,16288,4u,16174 2004.090.03:17:34.19/tpi/9u,16208,au,16299,bu,16201,cu,16247,du,16266,eu,16217 2004.090.03:17:34.19/tpi/5u,14159,6u,15706,7u,15065,8l,16238,8u,16145 2004.090.03:17:34.77/tsys/1l,87.9,1u,85.8,2u,79.0,3u,83.6,4u,83.3 2004.090.03:17:34.77/tsys/9u,81.8,au,80.8,bu,90.9,cu,83.6,du,92.0,eu,94.3 2004.090.03:17:34.78/tsys/5u,83.9,6u,89.3,7u,90.3,8l,89.3,8u,86.6 2004.090.03:17:34.79/wx/13.4,995.0,97.7,65.0,0.6 2004.090.03:17:35.25/cable/3.712603706E-3 2004.090.03:17:35.73/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,19.80 2004.090.03:17:36.23/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,19.40 2004.090.03:17:36.73/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.60 2004.090.03:17:37.23/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,11.40 2004.090.03:17:37.73/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.606 2004.090.03:17:38.23/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.000 2004.090.03:17:38.73/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.091 2004.090.03:17:39.23/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,69.43 2004.090.03:17:39.73/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,65.48 2004.090.03:17:40.23/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.271 2004.090.03:17:40.73/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,242.1 2004.090.03:17:41.23/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,65.43 2004.090.03:17:41.32/bbc01/612.89,a,8,8,1,agc, -2.54, -3.49,lock,16249,15767,1018,1pps 2004.090.03:17:41.40/bbc02/652.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 5.20, 3.11,lock,16195,16094,1029,1pps 2004.090.03:17:41.48/bbc03/752.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 5.56, 3.75,lock,16303,16185,1027,1pps 2004.090.03:17:41.56/bbc04/912.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 8.08, 7.06,lock,16192,16365,1024,1pps 2004.090.03:17:41.64/bbc05/652.99,c,8,8,1,agc,-12.64,-13.24,lock,16949,14896,1025,1pps 2004.090.03:17:41.73/bbc06/772.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -6.92, -6.92,lock,15722,15398,1030,1pps 2004.090.03:17:41.82/bbc07/832.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -8.93, -8.93,lock,15079,15900,1033,1pps 2004.090.03:17:41.90/bbc08/852.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -6.34, -7.22,lock,16164,16250,1028,1pps 2004.090.03:17:41.98/bbc09/692.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.58, 4.34,lock,16228,16168,1020,1pps 2004.090.03:17:42.06/bbc10/700.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.26, 2.82,lock,16314,16120,1026,1pps 2004.090.03:17:42.15/bbc11/716.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 2.73, 2.63,lock,16207,16347,1022,1pps 2004.090.03:17:42.23/bbc12/772.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 7.36, 6.18,lock,16261,16294,1019,1pps 2004.090.03:17:42.31/bbc13/804.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 9.73, 9.55,lock,16292,16380,1031,1pps 2004.090.03:17:42.39/bbc14/812.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 8.19, 7.97,lock,16221,16230,1021,1pps 2004.090.03:17:42.64#antcn#Received message for antenna: GETS 2004.090.03:17:43.61#antcn#ACU: MJD: 53094, UTC: 11862, Src: ext. 1pps present 2004.090.03:17:43.61#antcn#ACU: Azimuth: Pos: 3520143, Dev: 0, Mode: Standby , Drives STOP 2004.090.03:17:43.61#antcn#ACU: Elevation: Pos: 708431, Dev: 2, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.090.03:17:43.61#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.090.03:17:43.61#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.090.03:17:43.61#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.090.03:17:43.61#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.090.03:17:43.61#antcn#ACU: Az: no fault , no fault 2004.090.03:17:43.61#antcn#ACU: El: no fault , no fault 2004.090.03:17:43.62/antenna/ACK 2004.090.03:17:43.62:!2004.090.03:20:44 2004.090.03:17:51.14;antenna=stop 2004.090.03:17:51.64#antcn#Received message for antenna: STOP 2004.090.03:17:53.64/antenna/ACK 2004.090.03:17:57.24;antenna=reset 2004.090.03:17:57.64#antcn#Received message for antenna: RESET 2004.090.03:17:59.64/antenna/ACK 2004.090.03:18:07.12;antenna=stan 2004.090.03:18:07.64#antcn#Received message for antenna: STAN 2004.090.03:18:09.64/antenna/ACK 2004.090.03:18:14.57;lsource 2004.090.03:18:55.22;"late on source by antenna fail 2004.090.03:20:44.00:data_valid=off 2004.090.03:20:44.01:disc_end 2004.090.03:20:44.27/disc_end/usn-0079/960/1024OK 2004.090.03:20:44.28:disc_pos 2004.090.03:20:44.28/disc_pos/390473166176,384099706016, 2004.090.03:20:44.29:disc_check 2004.090.03:20:44.87/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y090d03h20m44.278s,4020,0.00250s,80000,6394706108, 2004.090.03:20:44.88:postob_mk5a 2004.090.03:20:44.89/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 741654 : 3384 : 1 : 6 : 0 : 2 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.03:20:44.90/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 741945 : 3071 : 1 : 25 : 7 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.03:20:44.91/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 741982 : 3052 : 1 : 6 : 0 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.03:20:44.92/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 741548 : 3481 : 0 : 24 : 1 : 6 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.03:20:44.92/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 741380 : 3663 : 3 : 5 : 0 : 4 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.03:20:44.93/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 741243 : 3795 : 2 : 14 : 1 : 1 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.03:20:44.94/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 741853 : 3204 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.03:20:44.95/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 741748 : 3299 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.03:20:45.65/cable/3.712157022E-3 2004.090.03:20:45.94/fmout-gps/-7.468991E-6 2004.090.03:20:46.43/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,19.80 2004.090.03:20:46.88/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,19.50 2004.090.03:20:47.33/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.60 2004.090.03:20:47.78/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,11.40 2004.090.03:20:48.23/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.601 2004.090.03:20:48.68/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.000 2004.090.03:20:49.13/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.000 2004.090.03:20:49.58/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,53.29 2004.090.03:20:50.08/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,69.43 2004.090.03:20:50.53/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.271 2004.090.03:20:50.98/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,242.9 2004.090.03:20:51.43/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,69.34 2004.090.03:20:51.43:scan_name=090-0322,r1116,184 2004.090.03:20:51.44:source=0955+476,095819.67,472507.8,2000.0,cw 2004.090.03:20:55.65:setup4f 2004.090.03:20:57.95/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.090.03:20:57.96/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.090.03:20:57.98/bank_check/usn-0079/960/1024OK,VNVD06G4H7982L,VNVD06G4H79L4L,VNVD06G4H79RWL,VNVD06G4H71WBL,VNVD06G4H79GKL,VNVD06G4H79D4L,VNVD06G4H700TL,VNVD06G4H79GUL 2004.090.03:20:58.00/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 173 ; 2004.090.03:20:58.00:!2004.090.03:22:20 2004.090.03:22:20.00:disc_pos 2004.090.03:22:20.01/disc_pos/390473166176,390472166176, 2004.090.03:22:20.02:disc_start=on 2004.090.03:22:21.05:!2004.090.03:22:20 2004.090.03:22:21.09:preob 2004.090.03:22:22.63#antcn#ACK 2004.090.03:22:22.63/onsource/TRACKING 2004.090.03:22:25.39/tpical/1l,15602,1u,16176,2u,16117,3u,15976,4u,16275 2004.090.03:22:25.39/tpical/9u,16358,au,16319,bu,16193,cu,16193,du,16258,eu,16396 2004.090.03:22:25.39/tpical/5u,15075,6u,15476,7u,15413,8l,16003,8u,16310 2004.090.03:22:25.54/tpgain/1l,39,1u,44,2u,106,3u,111,4u,148 2004.090.03:22:25.54/tpgain/9u,107,au,103,bu,86,cu,145,du,190,eu,160 2004.090.03:22:25.54/tpgain/5u,14,6u,26,7u,21,8l,25,8u,28 2004.090.03:22:25.57:!2004.090.03:22:30 2004.090.03:22:30.01:disc_pos 2004.090.03:22:30.03/disc_pos/390728962048,390472166176, 2004.090.03:22:30.04:data_valid=on 2004.090.03:22:30.05:midob 2004.090.03:22:30.22/tpi/1l,15609,1u,16185,2u,16106,3u,15983,4u,16283 2004.090.03:22:30.22/tpi/9u,16347,au,16316,bu,16183,cu,16164,du,16233,eu,16385 2004.090.03:22:30.22/tpi/5u,15076,6u,15477,7u,15414,8l,16009,8u,16322 2004.090.03:22:30.82/tsys/1l,106.4,1u,102.4,2u,96.4,3u,99.7,4u,103.9 2004.090.03:22:30.83/tsys/9u,85.7,au,84.2,bu,95.2,cu,89.3,du,99.1,eu,101.7 2004.090.03:22:30.83/tsys/5u,102.9,6u,109.9,7u,111.2,8l,110.9,8u,107.8 2004.090.03:22:30.86/wx/13.4,994.8,97.7,69.0,1.1 2004.090.03:22:31.25/cable/3.712741024E-3 2004.090.03:22:31.73/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,19.80 2004.090.03:22:32.18/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,19.50 2004.090.03:22:32.63/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.50 2004.090.03:22:33.08/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,11.40 2004.090.03:22:33.53/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.601 2004.090.03:22:33.98/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.000 2004.090.03:22:34.43/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.091 2004.090.03:22:34.88/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,66.80 2004.090.03:22:35.33/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,66.80 2004.090.03:22:35.78/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.271 2004.090.03:22:36.23/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,239.5 2004.090.03:22:36.68/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,68.12 2004.090.03:22:36.77/bbc01/612.89,a,8,8,1,agc, -3.30, -4.34,lock,16196,15615,1018,1pps 2004.090.03:22:36.85/bbc02/652.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 4.34, 2.22,lock,16028,16069,1029,1pps 2004.090.03:22:36.93/bbc03/752.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 4.74, 3.02,lock,16006,16320,1027,1pps 2004.090.03:22:37.02/bbc04/912.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 7.24, 6.18,lock,16281,16301,1024,1pps 2004.090.03:22:37.10/bbc05/652.99,c,8,8,1,agc,-13.24,-13.89,lock,15076,15741,1025,1pps 2004.090.03:22:37.18/bbc06/772.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -7.86, -7.54,lock,15498,16294,1030,1pps 2004.090.03:22:37.26/bbc07/832.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -9.72, -9.72,lock,15396,16223,1033,1pps 2004.090.03:22:37.34/bbc08/852.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -7.22, -8.21,lock,16341,16024,1028,1pps 2004.090.03:22:37.42/bbc09/692.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.42, 4.18,lock,16352,16200,1020,1pps 2004.090.03:22:37.50/bbc10/700.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.09, 2.63,lock,16314,16074,1026,1pps 2004.090.03:22:37.58/bbc11/716.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 2.53, 2.42,lock,16200,15977,1022,1pps 2004.090.03:22:37.66/bbc12/772.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 7.06, 5.98,lock,16163,15971,1019,1pps 2004.090.03:22:37.74/bbc13/804.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 9.41, 9.23,lock,16245,16258,1031,1pps 2004.090.03:22:37.82/bbc14/812.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 7.92, 7.70,lock,16093,16253,1021,1pps 2004.090.03:22:38.65#antcn#Received message for antenna: GETS 2004.090.03:22:39.63#antcn#ACU: MJD: 53094, UTC: 12158, Src: ext. 1pps present 2004.090.03:22:39.63#antcn#ACU: Azimuth: Pos: 3492608, Dev: -3, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.090.03:22:39.63#antcn#ACU: Elevation: Pos: 47350, Dev: -1, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.090.03:22:39.63#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.090.03:22:39.63#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.090.03:22:39.63#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.090.03:22:39.63#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.090.03:22:39.63#antcn#ACU: Az: no fault , no fault 2004.090.03:22:39.63#antcn#ACU: El: no fault , no fault 2004.090.03:22:39.64/antenna/ACK 2004.090.03:22:39.64:!2004.090.03:25:34 2004.090.03:25:34.00:data_valid=off 2004.090.03:25:34.01:disc_end 2004.090.03:25:34.27/disc_end/usn-0079/960/1024OK 2004.090.03:25:34.27:disc_pos 2004.090.03:25:34.28/disc_pos/396654268792,390473166176, 2004.090.03:25:34.29:disc_check 2004.090.03:25:34.87/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y090d03h25m34.285s,70420,0.00250s,80000,3099070984, 2004.090.03:25:34.88:postob_mk5a 2004.090.03:25:34.89/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 753394 : 3437 : 1 : 6 : 0 : 2 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.03:25:34.90/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 753693 : 3115 : 1 : 26 : 7 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.03:25:34.91/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 753727 : 3099 : 1 : 6 : 1 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.03:25:34.91/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 753301 : 3520 : 0 : 25 : 1 : 6 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.03:25:34.92/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 753116 : 3719 : 3 : 6 : 0 : 4 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.03:25:34.93/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 752986 : 3844 : 2 : 15 : 1 : 1 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.03:25:34.94/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 753597 : 3254 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.03:25:34.95/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 753483 : 3357 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.03:25:35.24/cable/3.713588534E-3 2004.090.03:25:35.93/fmout-gps/-7.531584E-6 2004.090.03:25:36.43/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,19.80 2004.090.03:25:36.93/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,19.40 2004.090.03:25:37.43/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.40 2004.090.03:25:37.93/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,11.30 2004.090.03:25:38.43/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.604 2004.090.03:25:38.93/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.000 2004.090.03:25:39.43/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,1.015 2004.090.03:25:39.93/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,56.07 2004.090.03:25:40.43/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,66.80 2004.090.03:25:40.93/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.271 2004.090.03:25:41.43/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,237.3 2004.090.03:25:41.92/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,68.12 2004.090.03:25:41.93:scan_name=090-0328,r1116,190 2004.090.03:25:41.94:source=1519-273,152237.68,-273010.8,2000.0,cw 2004.090.03:25:46.64:setup4f 2004.090.03:25:48.95/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.090.03:25:48.97/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.090.03:25:48.99/bank_check/usn-0079/960/1024OK,VNVD06G4H7982L,VNVD06G4H79L4L,VNVD06G4H79RWL,VNVD06G4H71WBL,VNVD06G4H79GKL,VNVD06G4H79D4L,VNVD06G4H700TL,VNVD06G4H79GUL 2004.090.03:25:49.04/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 175 ; 2004.090.03:25:49.04:!2004.090.03:27:54 2004.090.03:27:54.00:disc_pos 2004.090.03:27:54.01/disc_pos/396654268792,396653268792, 2004.090.03:27:54.02:disc_start=on 2004.090.03:27:55.05:!2004.090.03:27:54 2004.090.03:27:55.05:preob 2004.090.03:27:56.66#antcn#ACK 2004.090.03:27:56.66/onsource/TRACKING 2004.090.03:27:59.41/tpical/1l,16198,1u,16085,2u,16280,3u,16260,4u,16306 2004.090.03:27:59.41/tpical/9u,16334,au,15968,bu,16229,cu,16328,du,16194,eu,16197 2004.090.03:27:59.41/tpical/5u,15905,6u,15616,7u,15559,8l,15357,8u,15199 2004.090.03:27:59.56/tpgain/1l,45,1u,49,2u,120,3u,126,4u,167 2004.090.03:27:59.56/tpgain/9u,112,au,108,bu,90,cu,155,du,202,eu,169 2004.090.03:27:59.56/tpgain/5u,16,6u,30,7u,24,8l,28,8u,31 2004.090.03:27:59.59:!2004.090.03:28:04 2004.090.03:28:04.00:disc_pos 2004.090.03:28:04.02/disc_pos/396910067712,396653268792, 2004.090.03:28:04.02:data_valid=on 2004.090.03:28:04.03:midob 2004.090.03:28:04.20/tpi/1l,16220,1u,16118,2u,16265,3u,16273,4u,16320 2004.090.03:28:04.20/tpi/9u,16345,au,15982,bu,16223,cu,16343,du,16186,eu,16193 2004.090.03:28:04.20/tpi/5u,15910,6u,15635,7u,15533,8l,15366,8u,15227 2004.090.03:28:04.78/tsys/1l,82.4,1u,81.7,2u,75.3,3u,78.1,4u,79.6 2004.090.03:28:04.78/tsys/9u,78.0,au,74.7,bu,86.9,cu,78.6,du,86.9,eu,89.5 2004.090.03:28:04.79/tsys/5u,82.8,6u,82.9,7u,85.4,8l,84.4,8u,81.6 2004.090.03:28:04.80/wx/13.4,995.0,97.7,68.0,1.0 2004.090.03:28:05.65/cable/3.714254482E-3 2004.090.03:28:06.13/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,19.80 2004.090.03:28:06.58/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,19.50 2004.090.03:28:07.03/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.60 2004.090.03:28:07.48/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,11.30 2004.090.03:28:07.93/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.604 2004.090.03:28:08.43/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.000 2004.090.03:28:08.93/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,2.455 2004.090.03:28:09.43/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,54.68 2004.090.03:28:09.93/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,62.85 2004.090.03:28:10.43/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.244 2004.090.03:28:10.93/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,242.6 2004.090.03:28:11.43/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,65.43 2004.090.03:28:11.52/bbc01/612.89,a,8,8,1,agc, -2.36, -3.10,lock,16098,16233,1018,1pps 2004.090.03:28:11.60/bbc02/652.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 5.42, 3.39,lock,16259,16222,1029,1pps 2004.090.03:28:11.68/bbc03/752.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 5.84, 4.01,lock,16288,16159,1027,1pps 2004.090.03:28:11.76/bbc04/912.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 8.29, 7.24,lock,16327,16263,1024,1pps 2004.090.03:28:11.84/bbc05/652.99,c,8,8,1,agc,-12.08,-12.64,lock,15913,15878,1025,1pps 2004.090.03:28:11.92/bbc06/772.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -6.62, -6.34,lock,15642,16258,1030,1pps 2004.090.03:28:12.00/bbc07/832.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -8.56, -8.93,lock,15543,15187,1033,1pps 2004.090.03:28:12.08/bbc08/852.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -6.34, -7.22,lock,17138,15373,1028,1pps 2004.090.03:28:12.16/bbc09/692.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.82, 4.66,lock,16336,16177,1020,1pps 2004.090.03:28:12.24/bbc10/700.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.50, 3.11,lock,15970,16022,1026,1pps 2004.090.03:28:12.32/bbc11/716.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 2.92, 2.92,lock,16226,15913,1022,1pps 2004.090.03:28:12.40/bbc12/772.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 7.64, 6.44,lock,16334,16236,1019,1pps 2004.090.03:28:12.48/bbc13/804.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 9.94, 9.77,lock,16194,16308,1031,1pps 2004.090.03:28:12.57/bbc14/812.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 8.39, 8.24,lock,16193,16309,1021,1pps 2004.090.03:28:12.65#antcn#Received message for antenna: GETS 2004.090.03:28:13.63#antcn#ACU: MJD: 53094, UTC: 12492, Src: ext. 1pps present 2004.090.03:28:13.63#antcn#ACU: Azimuth: Pos: 996116, Dev: -5, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.090.03:28:13.63#antcn#ACU: Elevation: Pos: 361149, Dev: 1, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.090.03:28:13.63#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.090.03:28:13.63#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.090.03:28:13.63#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.090.03:28:13.63#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.090.03:28:13.63#antcn#ACU: Az: no fault , no fault 2004.090.03:28:13.63#antcn#ACU: El: no fault , no fault 2004.090.03:28:13.64/antenna/ACK 2004.090.03:28:13.64:!2004.090.03:31:14 2004.090.03:31:14.00:data_valid=off 2004.090.03:31:14.02:disc_end 2004.090.03:31:14.28/disc_end/usn-0079/960/1024OK 2004.090.03:31:14.28:disc_pos 2004.090.03:31:14.29/disc_pos/403028053112,396654268792, 2004.090.03:31:14.30:disc_check 2004.090.03:31:14.60/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y090d03h31m14.295s,54796,0.00250s,80000,4506551304, 2004.090.03:31:14.60:postob_mk5a 2004.090.03:31:14.61/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 765504 : 3487 : 1 : 6 : 0 : 2 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.03:31:14.62/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 765808 : 3161 : 1 : 26 : 7 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.03:31:14.63/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 765834 : 3152 : 1 : 6 : 1 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.03:31:14.64/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 765413 : 3569 : 0 : 25 : 1 : 6 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.03:31:14.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 765227 : 3770 : 3 : 6 : 0 : 4 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.03:31:14.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 765095 : 3896 : 2 : 15 : 1 : 1 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.03:31:14.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 765697 : 3315 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.03:31:14.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 765600 : 3400 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.03:31:15.24/cable/3.714321230E-3 2004.090.03:31:15.93/fmout-gps/-7.480862E-6 2004.090.03:31:16.43/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,19.80 2004.090.03:31:16.93/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,19.40 2004.090.03:31:17.43/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.60 2004.090.03:31:17.92/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,11.30 2004.090.03:31:18.43/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.604 2004.090.03:31:18.93/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.015 2004.090.03:31:19.43/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,4.480 2004.090.03:31:19.93/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,64.17 2004.090.03:31:20.43/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,58.85 2004.090.03:31:20.93/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.244 2004.090.03:31:21.43/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,243.1 2004.090.03:31:21.94/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,69.59 2004.090.03:31:21.94:scan_name=090-0331,r1116,190 2004.090.03:31:21.95:source=1622-253,162546.89,-252738.3,2000.0,cw 2004.090.03:31:26.66:setup4f 2004.090.03:31:28.95/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.090.03:31:28.98/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.090.03:31:29.00/bank_check/usn-0079/960/1024OK,VNVD06G4H7982L,VNVD06G4H79L4L,VNVD06G4H79RWL,VNVD06G4H71WBL,VNVD06G4H79GKL,VNVD06G4H79D4L,VNVD06G4H700TL,VNVD06G4H79GUL 2004.090.03:31:29.02/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 177 ; 2004.090.03:31:29.02:!2004.090.03:31:47 2004.090.03:31:47.00:disc_pos 2004.090.03:31:47.01/disc_pos/403028053112,403027053112, 2004.090.03:31:47.01:disc_start=on 2004.090.03:31:48.05:!2004.090.03:31:47 2004.090.03:31:48.05:preob 2004.090.03:31:49.65#antcn#ACK 2004.090.03:31:49.65/onsource/TRACKING 2004.090.03:31:52.41/tpical/1l,15802,1u,15732,2u,16132,3u,16181,4u,16279 2004.090.03:31:52.41/tpical/9u,16262,au,15927,bu,16066,cu,16269,du,16331,eu,16203 2004.090.03:31:52.41/tpical/5u,16099,6u,15839,7u,15760,8l,15568,8u,15428 2004.090.03:31:52.56/tpgain/1l,44,1u,48,2u,118,3u,124,4u,165 2004.090.03:31:52.56/tpgain/9u,112,au,108,bu,90,cu,155,du,203,eu,169 2004.090.03:31:52.56/tpgain/5u,16,6u,30,7u,24,8l,28,8u,31 2004.090.03:31:52.59:!2004.090.03:31:57 2004.090.03:31:57.00:disc_pos 2004.090.03:31:57.00/disc_pos/403283849216,403027053112, 2004.090.03:31:57.01:data_valid=on 2004.090.03:31:57.02:midob 2004.090.03:31:57.19/tpi/1l,15799,1u,15733,2u,16139,3u,16186,4u,16277 2004.090.03:31:57.19/tpi/9u,16269,au,15933,bu,16068,cu,16279,du,16339,eu,16217 2004.090.03:31:57.19/tpi/5u,16094,6u,15827,7u,15773,8l,15564,8u,15430 2004.090.03:31:57.78/tsys/1l,84.0,1u,83.1,2u,77.4,3u,80.3,4u,81.6 2004.090.03:31:57.78/tsys/9u,77.6,au,74.5,bu,86.1,cu,78.3,du,86.8,eu,89.6 2004.090.03:31:57.79/tsys/5u,83.8,6u,84.0,7u,86.8,8l,85.5,8u,82.7 2004.090.03:31:57.80/wx/13.4,995.0,97.7,71.9,0.5 2004.090.03:31:58.44/cable/3.714044029E-3 2004.090.03:31:58.93/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,19.80 2004.090.03:31:59.43/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,19.40 2004.090.03:31:59.93/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.50 2004.090.03:32:00.43/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,11.30 2004.090.03:32:00.93/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.604 2004.090.03:32:01.43/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.000 2004.090.03:32:01.93/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.791 2004.090.03:32:02.43/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,57.46 2004.090.03:32:02.93/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,58.85 2004.090.03:32:03.43/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.244 2004.090.03:32:03.93/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,242.4 2004.090.03:32:04.43/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,65.19 2004.090.03:32:04.52/bbc01/612.89,a,8,8,1,agc, -2.54, -3.30,lock,15728,15806,1018,1pps 2004.090.03:32:04.60/bbc02/652.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 5.27, 3.21,lock,16025,16054,1029,1pps 2004.090.03:32:04.68/bbc03/752.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 5.70, 3.92,lock,16166,16198,1027,1pps 2004.090.03:32:04.76/bbc04/912.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 8.19, 7.18,lock,16279,16358,1024,1pps 2004.090.03:32:04.85/bbc05/652.99,c,8,8,1,agc,-12.08,-12.64,lock,16104,16094,1025,1pps 2004.090.03:32:04.93/bbc06/772.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -6.62, -6.62,lock,15854,15506,1030,1pps 2004.090.03:32:05.01/bbc07/832.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -8.56, -8.93,lock,15736,15372,1033,1pps 2004.090.03:32:05.10/bbc08/852.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -6.34, -7.22,lock,15432,15566,1028,1pps 2004.090.03:32:05.18/bbc09/692.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.82, 4.66,lock,16252,16088,1020,1pps 2004.090.03:32:05.26/bbc10/700.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.50, 3.11,lock,15916,15950,1026,1pps 2004.090.03:32:05.34/bbc11/716.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 2.92, 3.02,lock,16051,16147,1022,1pps 2004.090.03:32:05.42/bbc12/772.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 7.64, 6.44,lock,16274,16171,1019,1pps 2004.090.03:32:05.50/bbc13/804.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 9.99, 9.77,lock,16340,16289,1031,1pps 2004.090.03:32:05.58/bbc14/812.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 8.39, 8.24,lock,16214,16330,1021,1pps 2004.090.03:32:05.66#antcn#Received message for antenna: GETS 2004.090.03:32:06.63#antcn#ACU: MJD: 53094, UTC: 12725, Src: ext. 1pps present 2004.090.03:32:06.63#antcn#ACU: Azimuth: Pos: 1049805, Dev: 0, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.090.03:32:06.63#antcn#ACU: Elevation: Pos: 235653, Dev: -1, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.090.03:32:06.63#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.090.03:32:06.63#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.090.03:32:06.63#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.090.03:32:06.63#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.090.03:32:06.63#antcn#ACU: Az: no fault , no fault 2004.090.03:32:06.63#antcn#ACU: El: no fault , no fault 2004.090.03:32:06.64/antenna/ACK 2004.090.03:32:06.64:!2004.090.03:35:07 2004.090.03:35:07.00:data_valid=off 2004.090.03:35:07.02:disc_end 2004.090.03:35:07.28/disc_end/usn-0079/960/1024OK 2004.090.03:35:07.28:disc_pos 2004.090.03:35:07.29/disc_pos/409401509424,403028053112, 2004.090.03:35:07.29:disc_check 2004.090.03:35:07.60/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y090d03h35m07.285s,15588,0.00250s,80000,1082262896, 2004.090.03:35:07.60:postob_mk5a 2004.090.03:35:07.61/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 777597 : 3554 : 1 : 6 : 0 : 2 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.03:35:07.62/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 777915 : 3214 : 1 : 26 : 7 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.03:35:07.63/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 777941 : 3205 : 1 : 6 : 1 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.03:35:07.64/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 777514 : 3628 : 0 : 25 : 1 : 6 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.03:35:07.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 777327 : 3830 : 3 : 6 : 0 : 4 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.03:35:07.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 777188 : 3964 : 2 : 15 : 1 : 1 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.03:35:07.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 777804 : 3368 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.03:35:07.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 777680 : 3480 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.03:35:08.05/cable/3.716546289E-3 2004.090.03:35:09.93/fmout-gps/-7.488704E-6 2004.090.03:35:10.43/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,19.80 2004.090.03:35:10.88/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,19.40 2004.090.03:35:11.33/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.50 2004.090.03:35:11.78/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,11.30 2004.090.03:35:12.23/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.604 2004.090.03:35:12.73/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.000 2004.090.03:35:13.18/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,2.129 2004.090.03:35:13.63/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,54.68 2004.090.03:35:14.08/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,57.46 2004.090.03:35:14.53/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.271 2004.090.03:35:14.98/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,242.9 2004.090.03:35:15.43/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,68.61 2004.090.03:35:15.43:scan_name=090-0338,r1116,40 2004.090.03:35:15.44:source=0607-157,060940.95,-154240.7,2000.0,neutral 2004.090.03:35:19.65:setup4f 2004.090.03:35:21.95/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.090.03:35:21.98/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.090.03:35:22.00/bank_check/usn-0079/960/1024OK,VNVD06G4H7982L,VNVD06G4H79L4L,VNVD06G4H79RWL,VNVD06G4H71WBL,VNVD06G4H79GKL,VNVD06G4H79D4L,VNVD06G4H700TL,VNVD06G4H79GUL 2004.090.03:35:22.01/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 179 ; 2004.090.03:35:22.02:!2004.090.03:38:18 2004.090.03:38:18.00:disc_pos 2004.090.03:38:18.02/disc_pos/409401509424,409400509424, 2004.090.03:38:18.02:disc_start=on 2004.090.03:38:19.06:!2004.090.03:38:18 2004.090.03:38:19.06:preob 2004.090.03:38:20.65#antcn#ACK 2004.090.03:38:20.65/onsource/TRACKING 2004.090.03:38:23.39/tpical/1l,16096,1u,15963,2u,16078,3u,16359,4u,16206 2004.090.03:38:23.39/tpical/9u,16339,au,16003,bu,15886,cu,16137,du,16296,eu,16267 2004.090.03:38:23.39/tpical/5u,16460,6u,16202,7u,16082,8l,15888,8u,15769 2004.090.03:38:23.54/tpgain/1l,44,1u,48,2u,116,3u,123,4u,163 2004.090.03:38:23.54/tpgain/9u,112,au,108,bu,90,cu,154,du,202,eu,169 2004.090.03:38:23.54/tpgain/5u,16,6u,30,7u,24,8l,28,8u,31 2004.090.03:38:23.59:!2004.090.03:38:28 2004.090.03:38:28.00:disc_pos 2004.090.03:38:28.02/disc_pos/409657307136,409400509424, 2004.090.03:38:28.02:data_valid=on 2004.090.03:38:28.04:midob 2004.090.03:38:28.21/tpi/1l,16093,1u,15948,2u,16088,3u,16356,4u,16217 2004.090.03:38:28.22/tpi/9u,16349,au,16005,bu,15885,cu,16141,du,16282,eu,16279 2004.090.03:38:28.22/tpi/5u,16446,6u,16199,7u,16076,8l,15898,8u,15794 2004.090.03:38:28.82/tsys/1l,85.6,1u,84.3,2u,79.9,3u,82.5,4u,83.5 2004.090.03:38:28.83/tsys/9u,78.0,au,74.8,bu,85.1,cu,78.6,du,87.4,eu,90.0 2004.090.03:38:28.84/tsys/5u,85.7,6u,86.0,7u,88.5,8l,87.4,8u,84.7 2004.090.03:38:28.86/wx/13.5,994.8,97.7,71.2,0.6 2004.090.03:38:29.64/cable/3.714692894E-3 2004.090.03:38:30.14/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,19.80 2004.090.03:38:30.64/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,19.40 2004.090.03:38:31.14/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.50 2004.090.03:38:31.64/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,11.30 2004.090.03:38:32.14/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.606 2004.090.03:38:32.64/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.000 2004.090.03:38:33.14/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,4.829 2004.090.03:38:33.64/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,65.48 2004.090.03:38:34.14/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,58.85 2004.090.03:38:34.64/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.244 2004.090.03:38:35.14/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,242.6 2004.090.03:38:35.64/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,66.90 2004.090.03:38:35.73/bbc01/612.89,a,8,8,1,agc, -2.54, -3.30,lock,15950,16072,1018,1pps 2004.090.03:38:35.81/bbc02/652.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 5.12, 3.11,lock,16058,16223,1029,1pps 2004.090.03:38:35.89/bbc03/752.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 5.63, 3.75,lock,16358,16063,1027,1pps 2004.090.03:38:35.97/bbc04/912.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 8.08, 7.06,lock,16201,16356,1024,1pps 2004.090.03:38:36.05/bbc05/652.99,c,8,8,1,agc,-12.08,-13.24,lock,13725,14453,1025,1pps 2004.090.03:38:36.13/bbc06/772.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -6.62, -6.62,lock,16213,15857,1030,1pps 2004.090.03:38:36.21/bbc07/832.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -8.56, -8.93,lock,16069,15663,1033,1pps 2004.090.03:38:36.29/bbc08/852.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -6.34, -7.22,lock,15796,15903,1028,1pps 2004.090.03:38:36.37/bbc09/692.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.82, 4.66,lock,16341,16195,1020,1pps 2004.090.03:38:36.45/bbc10/700.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.50, 3.11,lock,16012,16052,1026,1pps 2004.090.03:38:36.53/bbc11/716.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 2.92, 3.02,lock,15877,16084,1022,1pps 2004.090.03:38:36.61/bbc12/772.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 7.59, 6.44,lock,16159,16251,1019,1pps 2004.090.03:38:36.69/bbc13/804.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 9.94, 9.77,lock,16282,16312,1031,1pps 2004.090.03:38:36.78/bbc14/812.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 8.39, 8.19,lock,16281,16228,1021,1pps 2004.090.03:38:37.66#antcn#Received message for antenna: GETS 2004.090.03:38:38.63#antcn#ACU: MJD: 53094, UTC: 13117, Src: ext. 1pps present 2004.090.03:38:38.63#antcn#ACU: Azimuth: Pos: 2646380, Dev: 1, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.090.03:38:38.63#antcn#ACU: Elevation: Pos: 195889, Dev: -2, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.090.03:38:38.63#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.090.03:38:38.63#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.090.03:38:38.63#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.090.03:38:38.63#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.090.03:38:38.63#antcn#ACU: Az: no fault , no fault 2004.090.03:38:38.63#antcn#ACU: El: no fault , no fault 2004.090.03:38:38.64/antenna/ACK 2004.090.03:38:38.64:!2004.090.03:39:08 2004.090.03:39:08.00:data_valid=off 2004.090.03:39:08.01:disc_end 2004.090.03:39:08.27/disc_end/usn-0079/960/1024OK 2004.090.03:39:08.27:disc_pos 2004.090.03:39:08.28/disc_pos/410974364736,409401509424, 2004.090.03:39:08.28:disc_check 2004.090.03:39:08.82/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y090d03h39m08.283s,76832,0.00250s,80000,6139003444, 2004.090.03:39:08.83:postob_mk5a 2004.090.03:39:08.84/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 780585 : 3569 : 1 : 6 : 0 : 2 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.03:39:08.85/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 780904 : 3226 : 1 : 26 : 8 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.03:39:08.86/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 780929 : 3219 : 1 : 6 : 1 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.03:39:08.86/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 780502 : 3644 : 0 : 25 : 1 : 6 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.03:39:08.87/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 780315 : 3844 : 3 : 6 : 0 : 4 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.03:39:08.88/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 780174 : 3981 : 2 : 15 : 1 : 1 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.03:39:08.89/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 780789 : 3385 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.03:39:08.90/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 780661 : 3502 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.03:39:09.64/cable/3.714665722E-3 2004.090.03:39:09.93/fmout-gps/-7.491325E-6 2004.090.03:39:10.43/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,19.80 2004.090.03:39:10.93/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,19.40 2004.090.03:39:11.43/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.50 2004.090.03:39:11.93/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,11.30 2004.090.03:39:12.43/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.604 2004.090.03:39:12.88/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.000 2004.090.03:39:13.33/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,4.306 2004.090.03:39:13.78/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,53.29 2004.090.03:39:14.23/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,61.54 2004.090.03:39:14.73/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.244 2004.090.03:39:15.18/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,241.4 2004.090.03:39:15.68/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,66.41 2004.090.03:39:15.68:scan_name=090-0339b,r1116,89 2004.090.03:39:15.69:source=0454-234,045703.18,-232452.0,2000.0,neutral 2004.090.03:39:20.65:setup4f 2004.090.03:39:22.94/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.090.03:39:22.97/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.090.03:39:22.98/bank_check/usn-0079/960/1024OK,VNVD06G4H7982L,VNVD06G4H79L4L,VNVD06G4H79RWL,VNVD06G4H71WBL,VNVD06G4H79GKL,VNVD06G4H79D4L,VNVD06G4H700TL,VNVD06G4H79GUL 2004.090.03:39:23.02/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 181 ; 2004.090.03:39:23.02:!2004.090.03:39:41 2004.090.03:39:41.00:disc_pos 2004.090.03:39:41.00/disc_pos/410974364736,410973364736, 2004.090.03:39:41.01:disc_start=on 2004.090.03:39:42.04:!2004.090.03:39:41 2004.090.03:39:42.05:preob 2004.090.03:39:43.66#antcn#ACK 2004.090.03:39:43.66/onsource/TRACKING 2004.090.03:39:46.40/tpical/1l,15739,1u,15773,2u,16237,3u,16284,4u,16203 2004.090.03:39:46.40/tpical/9u,16135,au,16217,bu,16210,cu,16293,du,16346,eu,16238 2004.090.03:39:46.40/tpical/5u,14797,6u,15389,7u,15961,8l,16012,8u,16015 2004.090.03:39:46.55/tpgain/1l,42,1u,47,2u,112,3u,118,4u,157 2004.090.03:39:46.55/tpgain/9u,111,au,107,bu,90,cu,152,du,199,eu,166 2004.090.03:39:46.55/tpgain/5u,15,6u,28,7u,23,8l,27,8u,30 2004.090.03:39:46.58:!2004.090.03:39:51 2004.090.03:39:51.00:disc_pos 2004.090.03:39:51.00/disc_pos/411230158848,410973364736, 2004.090.03:39:51.01:data_valid=on 2004.090.03:39:51.02:midob 2004.090.03:39:51.19/tpi/1l,15737,1u,15770,2u,16252,3u,16288,4u,16197 2004.090.03:39:51.19/tpi/9u,16104,au,16209,bu,16201,cu,16276,du,16332,eu,16213 2004.090.03:39:51.19/tpi/5u,14807,6u,15387,7u,15964,8l,16022,8u,16039 2004.090.03:39:51.78/tsys/1l,92.1,1u,87.1,2u,86.8,3u,89.6,4u,90.7 2004.090.03:39:51.78/tsys/9u,78.2,au,77.3,bu,86.8,cu,81.5,du,90.5,eu,93.0 2004.090.03:39:51.79/tsys/5u,87.8,6u,93.9,7u,95.8,8l,94.9,8u,92.0 2004.090.03:39:51.80/wx/13.5,994.8,97.7,80.7,0.9 2004.090.03:39:52.04/cable/3.716054326E-3 2004.090.03:39:52.53/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,19.70 2004.090.03:39:53.03/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,19.40 2004.090.03:39:53.53/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.50 2004.090.03:39:54.03/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,11.30 2004.090.03:39:54.53/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.604 2004.090.03:39:55.03/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.000 2004.090.03:39:55.53/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,2.949 2004.090.03:39:56.03/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,61.54 2004.090.03:39:56.53/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,58.85 2004.090.03:39:57.03/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.244 2004.090.03:39:57.53/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,242.4 2004.090.03:39:58.03/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,67.39 2004.090.03:39:58.12/bbc01/612.89,a,8,8,1,agc, -2.72, -3.70,lock,15791,15760,1018,1pps 2004.090.03:39:58.20/bbc02/652.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 4.82, 2.73,lock,16245,16222,1029,1pps 2004.090.03:39:58.28/bbc03/752.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 5.27, 3.48,lock,16305,16329,1027,1pps 2004.090.03:39:58.36/bbc04/912.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 7.75, 6.76,lock,16208,16364,1024,1pps 2004.090.03:39:58.44/bbc05/652.99,c,8,8,1,agc,-12.64,-13.24,lock,14801,15598,1025,1pps 2004.090.03:39:58.52/bbc06/772.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -7.22, -6.92,lock,15420,16063,1030,1pps 2004.090.03:39:58.60/bbc07/832.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -8.93, -9.32,lock,15950,15506,1033,1pps 2004.090.03:39:58.68/bbc08/852.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -6.62, -7.54,lock,16050,16023,1028,1pps 2004.090.03:39:58.76/bbc09/692.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.74, 4.58,lock,16119,16350,1020,1pps 2004.090.03:39:58.84/bbc10/700.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.42, 3.02,lock,16215,16144,1026,1pps 2004.090.03:39:58.92/bbc11/716.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 2.92, 2.92,lock,16194,16152,1022,1pps 2004.090.03:39:59.00/bbc12/772.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 7.47, 6.31,lock,16289,16305,1019,1pps 2004.090.03:39:59.08/bbc13/804.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 9.81, 9.64,lock,16350,16339,1031,1pps 2004.090.03:39:59.16/bbc14/812.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 8.24, 8.08,lock,16229,16344,1021,1pps 2004.090.03:39:59.65#antcn#Received message for antenna: GETS 2004.090.03:40:00.63#antcn#ACU: MJD: 53094, UTC: 13199, Src: ext. 1pps present 2004.090.03:40:00.63#antcn#ACU: Azimuth: Pos: 2478344, Dev: -4, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.090.03:40:00.63#antcn#ACU: Elevation: Pos: 96939, Dev: -4, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.090.03:40:00.63#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.090.03:40:00.63#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.090.03:40:00.63#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.090.03:40:00.63#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.090.03:40:00.63#antcn#ACU: Az: no fault , no fault 2004.090.03:40:00.63#antcn#ACU: El: no fault , no fault 2004.090.03:40:00.64/antenna/ACK 2004.090.03:40:00.64:!2004.090.03:41:20 2004.090.03:41:20.00:data_valid=off 2004.090.03:41:20.01:disc_end 2004.090.03:41:20.28/disc_end/usn-0079/960/1024OK 2004.090.03:41:20.28:disc_pos 2004.090.03:41:20.30/disc_pos/414116159152,410974364736, 2004.090.03:41:20.30:disc_check 2004.090.03:41:20.92/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y090d03h41m20.293s,14232,0.00250s,80000,1082588184, 2004.090.03:41:20.93:postob_mk5a 2004.090.03:41:20.94/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 786555 : 3596 : 1 : 6 : 0 : 2 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.03:41:20.95/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 786871 : 3253 : 1 : 27 : 8 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.03:41:20.96/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 786897 : 3247 : 1 : 6 : 1 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.03:41:20.97/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 786470 : 3670 : 0 : 26 : 1 : 6 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.03:41:20.98/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 786278 : 3876 : 3 : 7 : 0 : 4 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.03:41:20.98/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 786140 : 4009 : 2 : 16 : 1 : 1 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.03:41:20.99/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 786753 : 3416 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.03:41:21.00/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 786624 : 3534 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.03:41:21.64/cable/3.714948158E-3 2004.090.03:41:21.93/fmout-gps/-7.484009E-6 2004.090.03:41:22.43/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,19.70 2004.090.03:41:22.93/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,19.40 2004.090.03:41:23.43/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.50 2004.090.03:41:23.93/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,11.30 2004.090.03:41:24.43/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.604 2004.090.03:41:24.93/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.000 2004.090.03:41:25.43/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,2.784 2004.090.03:41:25.93/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,66.80 2004.090.03:41:26.43/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,70.74 2004.090.03:41:26.93/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.244 2004.090.03:41:27.43/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,241.9 2004.090.03:41:27.93/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,65.43 2004.090.03:41:27.93:scan_name=090-0350,r1116,130 2004.090.03:41:27.94:source=oj287,085448.87,200630.6,2000.0,cw 2004.090.03:41:32.66:setup4f 2004.090.03:41:34.94/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.090.03:41:34.95/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.090.03:41:34.99/bank_check/usn-0079/960/1024OK,VNVD06G4H7982L,VNVD06G4H79L4L,VNVD06G4H79RWL,VNVD06G4H71WBL,VNVD06G4H79GKL,VNVD06G4H79D4L,VNVD06G4H700TL,VNVD06G4H79GUL 2004.090.03:41:35.01/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 183 ; 2004.090.03:41:35.01:!2004.090.03:50:36 2004.090.03:50:36.00:disc_pos 2004.090.03:50:36.02/disc_pos/414116159152,414115159152, 2004.090.03:50:36.02:disc_start=on 2004.090.03:50:37.06:!2004.090.03:50:36 2004.090.03:50:37.06:preob 2004.090.03:50:38.66#antcn#ACK 2004.090.03:50:38.66/onsource/TRACKING 2004.090.03:50:41.41/tpical/1l,15993,1u,15899,2u,16004,3u,16201,4u,16159 2004.090.03:50:41.41/tpical/9u,16228,au,16150,bu,16044,cu,16266,du,16277,eu,16209 2004.090.03:50:41.41/tpical/5u,16170,6u,15964,7u,15728,8l,15561,8u,15490 2004.090.03:50:41.56/tpgain/1l,44,1u,48,2u,117,3u,123,4u,163 2004.090.03:50:41.56/tpgain/9u,112,au,109,bu,91,cu,155,du,202,eu,169 2004.090.03:50:41.56/tpgain/5u,16,6u,30,7u,24,8l,28,8u,31 2004.090.03:50:41.59:!2004.090.03:50:46 2004.090.03:50:46.00:disc_pos 2004.090.03:50:46.02/disc_pos/414371958784,414115159152, 2004.090.03:50:46.02:data_valid=on 2004.090.03:50:46.03:midob 2004.090.03:50:46.20/tpi/1l,16013,1u,15902,2u,15983,3u,16197,4u,16146 2004.090.03:50:46.20/tpi/9u,16247,au,16162,bu,16066,cu,16272,du,16280,eu,16211 2004.090.03:50:46.20/tpi/5u,16180,6u,15958,7u,15724,8l,15551,8u,15477 2004.090.03:50:46.78/tsys/1l,85.2,1u,84.1,2u,78.0,3u,81.7,4u,83.1 2004.090.03:50:46.78/tsys/9u,77.5,au,74.2,bu,84.1,cu,78.2,du,87.4,eu,89.6 2004.090.03:50:46.79/tsys/5u,84.3,6u,84.7,7u,86.5,8l,85.4,8u,83.0 2004.090.03:50:46.80/wx/13.5,995.0,97.7,57.7,0.9 2004.090.03:50:47.23/cable/3.713906619E-3 2004.090.03:50:47.73/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,19.70 2004.090.03:50:48.23/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,19.40 2004.090.03:50:48.73/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.50 2004.090.03:50:49.23/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,11.20 2004.090.03:50:49.73/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.601 2004.090.03:50:50.23/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.000 2004.090.03:50:50.73/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,4.654 2004.090.03:50:51.23/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,58.85 2004.090.03:50:51.73/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,64.17 2004.090.03:50:52.23/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.244 2004.090.03:50:52.73/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,242.6 2004.090.03:50:53.23/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,66.17 2004.090.03:50:53.32/bbc01/612.89,a,8,8,1,agc, -2.54, -3.30,lock,15913,16009,1018,1pps 2004.090.03:50:53.40/bbc02/652.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 5.20, 3.21,lock,16041,16253,1029,1pps 2004.090.03:50:53.48/bbc03/752.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 5.63, 3.84,lock,16216,16197,1027,1pps 2004.090.03:50:53.56/bbc04/912.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 8.08, 7.06,lock,16167,16218,1024,1pps 2004.090.03:50:53.64/bbc05/652.99,c,8,8,1,agc,-12.08,-12.64,lock,16163,16129,1025,1pps 2004.090.03:50:53.73/bbc06/772.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -6.62, -6.62,lock,15956,15607,1030,1pps 2004.090.03:50:53.81/bbc07/832.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -8.56, -8.93,lock,15742,15324,1033,1pps 2004.090.03:50:53.89/bbc08/852.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -6.34, -7.22,lock,15492,15578,1028,1pps 2004.090.03:50:53.97/bbc09/692.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.82, 4.66,lock,16247,16127,1020,1pps 2004.090.03:50:54.05/bbc10/700.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.58, 3.11,lock,16183,16013,1026,1pps 2004.090.03:50:54.13/bbc11/716.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 3.02, 3.02,lock,16076,16068,1022,1pps 2004.090.03:50:54.21/bbc12/772.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 7.64, 6.44,lock,16278,16225,1019,1pps 2004.090.03:50:54.29/bbc13/804.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 9.94, 9.77,lock,16308,16349,1031,1pps 2004.090.03:50:54.37/bbc14/812.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 8.39, 8.19,lock,16229,16253,1021,1pps 2004.090.03:50:54.67#antcn#Received message for antenna: GETS 2004.090.03:50:55.64#antcn#ACU: MJD: 53094, UTC: 13854, Src: ext. 1pps present 2004.090.03:50:55.64#antcn#ACU: Azimuth: Pos: 3204416, Dev: -3, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.090.03:50:55.64#antcn#ACU: Elevation: Pos: 223035, Dev: -5, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.090.03:50:55.64#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.090.03:50:55.64#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.090.03:50:55.64#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.090.03:50:55.64#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.090.03:50:55.64#antcn#ACU: Az: no fault , no fault 2004.090.03:50:55.64#antcn#ACU: El: no fault , no fault 2004.090.03:50:55.65/antenna/ACK 2004.090.03:50:55.65:!2004.090.03:52:56 2004.090.03:52:56.00:data_valid=off 2004.090.03:52:56.01:disc_end 2004.090.03:52:56.28/disc_end/usn-0079/960/1024OK 2004.090.03:52:56.28:disc_pos 2004.090.03:52:56.29/disc_pos/418569251656,414116159152, 2004.090.03:52:56.30:disc_check 2004.090.03:52:56.60/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y090d03h52m56.288s,61848,0.00250s,80000,17818699880, 2004.090.03:52:56.60:postob_mk5a 2004.090.03:52:56.62/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 795005 : 3642 : 1 : 6 : 0 : 2 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.03:52:56.63/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 795332 : 3289 : 1 : 27 : 8 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.03:52:56.64/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 795361 : 3279 : 1 : 6 : 1 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.03:52:56.64/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 794928 : 3709 : 0 : 26 : 1 : 6 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.03:52:56.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 794730 : 3922 : 3 : 7 : 0 : 4 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.03:52:56.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 794587 : 4059 : 2 : 16 : 1 : 1 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.03:52:56.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 795214 : 3452 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.03:52:56.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 795073 : 3582 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.03:52:56.84/cable/3.715384272E-3 2004.090.03:52:57.93/fmout-gps/-7.562242E-6 2004.090.03:52:58.39/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,19.60 2004.090.03:52:58.89/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,19.40 2004.090.03:52:59.39/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.60 2004.090.03:52:59.89/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,11.30 2004.090.03:53:00.39/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.601 2004.090.03:53:00.89/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.000 2004.090.03:53:01.39/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,4.480 2004.090.03:53:01.89/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,56.07 2004.090.03:53:02.39/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,57.46 2004.090.03:53:02.89/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.271 2004.090.03:53:03.39/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,241.9 2004.090.03:53:03.89/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,64.95 2004.090.03:53:03.89:scan_name=090-0356,r1116,190 2004.090.03:53:03.90:source=1606+106,160846.20,102907.8,2000.0,cw 2004.090.03:53:08.67:setup4f 2004.090.03:53:10.94/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.090.03:53:10.95/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.090.03:53:10.97/bank_check/usn-0079/960/1024OK,VNVD06G4H7982L,VNVD06G4H79L4L,VNVD06G4H79RWL,VNVD06G4H71WBL,VNVD06G4H79GKL,VNVD06G4H79D4L,VNVD06G4H700TL,VNVD06G4H79GUL 2004.090.03:53:10.99/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 185 ; 2004.090.03:53:10.99:!2004.090.03:56:30 2004.090.03:56:30.00:disc_pos 2004.090.03:56:30.01/disc_pos/418569251656,418568251656, 2004.090.03:56:30.02:disc_start=on 2004.090.03:56:31.06:!2004.090.03:56:30 2004.090.03:56:31.06:preob 2004.090.03:56:32.68#antcn#ACK 2004.090.03:56:32.68/onsource/TRACKING 2004.090.03:56:35.44/tpical/1l,16228,1u,15570,2u,16104,3u,16074,4u,16184 2004.090.03:56:35.44/tpical/9u,16114,au,15993,bu,16187,cu,16328,du,16236,eu,16254 2004.090.03:56:35.44/tpical/5u,14482,6u,16122,7u,15539,8l,15631,8u,15667 2004.090.03:56:35.59/tpgain/1l,43,1u,47,2u,113,3u,118,4u,158 2004.090.03:56:35.59/tpgain/9u,111,au,106,bu,89,cu,152,du,198,eu,166 2004.090.03:56:35.59/tpgain/5u,15,6u,29,7u,23,8l,27,8u,30 2004.090.03:56:35.62:!2004.090.03:56:40 2004.090.03:56:40.00:disc_pos 2004.090.03:56:40.02/disc_pos/418825048064,418568251656, 2004.090.03:56:40.02:data_valid=on 2004.090.03:56:40.03:midob 2004.090.03:56:40.20/tpi/1l,16200,1u,15566,2u,16113,3u,16074,4u,16184 2004.090.03:56:40.20/tpi/9u,16098,au,15983,bu,16178,cu,16330,du,16237,eu,16253 2004.090.03:56:40.20/tpi/5u,14482,6u,16125,7u,15534,8l,15624,8u,15648 2004.090.03:56:40.78/tsys/1l,90.4,1u,85.9,2u,84.5,3u,88.3,4u,89.3 2004.090.03:56:40.78/tsys/9u,78.2,au,77.7,bu,88.7,cu,81.8,du,90.9,eu,93.3 2004.090.03:56:40.79/tsys/5u,85.8,6u,91.7,7u,93.2,8l,92.5,8u,89.7 2004.090.03:56:40.80/wx/13.4,994.8,97.7,79.7,1.0 2004.090.03:56:41.64/cable/3.716407589E-3 2004.090.03:56:42.14/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,19.70 2004.090.03:56:42.64/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,19.30 2004.090.03:56:43.14/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.50 2004.090.03:56:43.64/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,11.20 2004.090.03:56:44.14/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.604 2004.090.03:56:44.64/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.000 2004.090.03:56:45.14/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,2.619 2004.090.03:56:45.64/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,65.48 2004.090.03:56:46.14/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,61.54 2004.090.03:56:46.64/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.244 2004.090.03:56:47.14/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,241.9 2004.090.03:56:47.64/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,69.83 2004.090.03:56:47.73/bbc01/612.89,a,8,8,1,agc, -2.72, -3.49,lock,16825,16201,1018,1pps 2004.090.03:56:47.81/bbc02/652.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 4.90, 2.82,lock,16170,16194,1029,1pps 2004.090.03:56:47.89/bbc03/752.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 5.27, 3.48,lock,16070,16039,1027,1pps 2004.090.03:56:47.97/bbc04/912.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 7.81, 6.82,lock,16184,16314,1024,1pps 2004.090.03:56:48.05/bbc05/652.99,c,8,8,1,agc,-12.64,-13.24,lock,14481,15251,1025,1pps 2004.090.03:56:48.13/bbc06/772.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -6.92, -6.92,lock,16109,15759,1030,1pps 2004.090.03:56:48.21/bbc07/832.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -8.93, -9.32,lock,15553,15105,1033,1pps 2004.090.03:56:48.29/bbc08/852.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -6.62, -7.54,lock,15642,15630,1028,1pps 2004.090.03:56:48.37/bbc09/692.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.74, 4.50,lock,16082,16049,1020,1pps 2004.090.03:56:48.45/bbc10/700.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.34, 3.02,lock,15981,16106,1026,1pps 2004.090.03:56:48.53/bbc11/716.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 2.82, 2.82,lock,16155,16131,1022,1pps 2004.090.03:56:48.61/bbc12/772.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 7.47, 6.31,lock,16296,16326,1019,1pps 2004.090.03:56:48.70/bbc13/804.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 9.77, 9.59,lock,16209,16204,1031,1pps 2004.090.03:56:48.78/bbc14/812.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 8.24, 8.03,lock,16236,16159,1021,1pps 2004.090.03:56:49.67#antcn#Received message for antenna: GETS 2004.090.03:56:50.65#antcn#ACU: MJD: 53094, UTC: 14209, Src: ext. 1pps present 2004.090.03:56:50.65#antcn#ACU: Azimuth: Pos: 681732, Dev: 0, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.090.03:56:50.65#antcn#ACU: Elevation: Pos: 106188, Dev: 2, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.090.03:56:50.65#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.090.03:56:50.65#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.090.03:56:50.65#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.090.03:56:50.65#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.090.03:56:50.65#antcn#ACU: Az: no fault , no fault 2004.090.03:56:50.65#antcn#ACU: El: no fault , no fault 2004.090.03:56:50.66/antenna/ACK 2004.090.03:56:50.66:!2004.090.03:59:50 2004.090.03:59:50.01:data_valid=off 2004.090.03:59:50.02:disc_end 2004.090.03:59:50.29/disc_end/usn-0079/960/1024OK 2004.090.03:59:50.29:disc_pos 2004.090.03:59:50.30/disc_pos/424942712152,418569251656, 2004.090.03:59:50.31:disc_check 2004.090.03:59:50.61/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y090d03h59m50.292s,14176,0.00250s,80000,6874747176, 2004.090.03:59:50.61:postob_mk5a 2004.090.03:59:50.62/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 807105 : 3702 : 1 : 6 : 0 : 2 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.03:59:50.63/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 807450 : 3331 : 1 : 27 : 8 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.03:59:50.64/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 807457 : 3343 : 1 : 6 : 1 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.03:59:50.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 807036 : 3761 : 0 : 26 : 1 : 6 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.03:59:50.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 806838 : 3974 : 3 : 7 : 0 : 4 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.03:59:50.70/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 806688 : 4118 : 2 : 16 : 1 : 1 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.03:59:50.71/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 807318 : 3507 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.03:59:50.71/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 807191 : 3624 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.03:59:51.24/cable/3.716786160E-3 2004.090.03:59:51.93/fmout-gps/-7.559996E-6 2004.090.03:59:52.39/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,19.70 2004.090.03:59:52.89/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,19.30 2004.090.03:59:53.39/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.40 2004.090.03:59:53.89/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,11.20 2004.090.03:59:54.39/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.604 2004.090.03:59:54.89/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.000 2004.090.03:59:55.39/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.116 2004.090.03:59:55.89/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,50.51 2004.090.03:59:56.39/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,64.17 2004.090.03:59:56.89/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.244 2004.090.03:59:57.39/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,237.5 2004.090.03:59:57.89/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,70.56 2004.090.03:59:57.89:scan_name=090-0401,r1116,53 2004.090.03:59:57.90:source=0727-115,073019.11,-114112.6,2000.0,cw 2004.090.04:00:02.68:setup4f 2004.090.04:00:04.94/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.090.04:00:04.95/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.090.04:00:04.96/bank_check/usn-0079/960/1024OK,VNVD06G4H7982L,VNVD06G4H79L4L,VNVD06G4H79RWL,VNVD06G4H71WBL,VNVD06G4H79GKL,VNVD06G4H79D4L,VNVD06G4H700TL,VNVD06G4H79GUL 2004.090.04:00:05.00/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 187 ; 2004.090.04:00:05.00:!2004.090.04:01:17 2004.090.04:01:17.00:disc_pos 2004.090.04:01:17.01/disc_pos/424942712152,424941712152, 2004.090.04:01:17.02:disc_start=on 2004.090.04:01:18.05:!2004.090.04:01:17 2004.090.04:01:18.06:preob 2004.090.04:01:19.67#antcn#ACK 2004.090.04:01:19.67/onsource/TRACKING 2004.090.04:01:22.42/tpical/1l,16267,1u,16034,2u,16200,3u,15981,4u,16197 2004.090.04:01:22.42/tpical/9u,16194,au,16128,bu,16033,cu,16196,du,16289,eu,16261 2004.090.04:01:22.42/tpical/5u,15945,6u,15739,7u,15545,8l,15362,8u,17205 2004.090.04:01:22.57/tpgain/1l,45,1u,49,2u,118,3u,123,4u,165 2004.090.04:01:22.57/tpgain/9u,112,au,109,bu,91,cu,155,du,203,eu,170 2004.090.04:01:22.57/tpgain/5u,16,6u,30,7u,24,8l,28,8u,32 2004.090.04:01:22.61:!2004.090.04:01:27 2004.090.04:01:27.00:disc_pos 2004.090.04:01:27.02/disc_pos/425198505984,424941712152, 2004.090.04:01:27.02:data_valid=on 2004.090.04:01:27.03:midob 2004.090.04:01:27.20/tpi/1l,16267,1u,16039,2u,16224,3u,15982,4u,16207 2004.090.04:01:27.20/tpi/9u,16173,au,16126,bu,16019,cu,16206,du,16286,eu,16239 2004.090.04:01:27.20/tpi/5u,15947,6u,15735,7u,15542,8l,15369,8u,17203 2004.090.04:01:27.78/tsys/1l,82.6,1u,81.3,2u,77.8,3u,80.6,4u,81.2 2004.090.04:01:27.78/tsys/9u,77.2,au,74.0,bu,83.9,cu,77.9,du,86.5,eu,88.6 2004.090.04:01:27.79/tsys/5u,83.0,6u,83.5,7u,85.5,8l,84.4,8u,86.6 2004.090.04:01:27.80/wx/13.3,994.7,97.7,75.5,0.5 2004.090.04:01:28.03/cable/3.716546188E-3 2004.090.04:01:28.53/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,19.60 2004.090.04:01:29.03/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,19.30 2004.090.04:01:29.53/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.50 2004.090.04:01:30.03/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,11.30 2004.090.04:01:30.53/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.604 2004.090.04:01:31.03/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.000 2004.090.04:01:31.53/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,1.015 2004.090.04:01:32.03/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,57.46 2004.090.04:01:32.53/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,65.48 2004.090.04:01:33.03/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.244 2004.090.04:01:33.53/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,242.6 2004.090.04:01:34.03/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,68.85 2004.090.04:01:34.12/bbc01/612.89,a,8,8,1,agc, -2.36, -3.10,lock,16020,16256,1018,1pps 2004.090.04:01:34.20/bbc02/652.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 5.27, 3.21,lock,16222,16213,1029,1pps 2004.090.04:01:34.28/bbc03/752.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 5.63, 3.84,lock,15977,16082,1027,1pps 2004.090.04:01:34.36/bbc04/912.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 8.19, 7.18,lock,16204,16319,1024,1pps 2004.090.04:01:34.44/bbc05/652.99,c,8,8,1,agc,-12.08,-12.64,lock,15935,15886,1025,1pps 2004.090.04:01:34.52/bbc06/772.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -6.62, -6.62,lock,15734,15398,1030,1pps 2004.090.04:01:34.60/bbc07/832.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -8.56, -8.93,lock,15543,15125,1033,1pps 2004.090.04:01:34.68/bbc08/852.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -6.06, -7.22,lock,15291,15379,1028,1pps 2004.090.04:01:34.76/bbc09/692.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.82, 4.66,lock,16161,16026,1020,1pps 2004.090.04:01:34.84/bbc10/700.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.58, 3.21,lock,16106,16189,1026,1pps 2004.090.04:01:34.92/bbc11/716.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 3.02, 3.11,lock,15997,16248,1022,1pps 2004.090.04:01:35.00/bbc12/772.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 7.64, 6.51,lock,16197,16354,1019,1pps 2004.090.04:01:35.08/bbc13/804.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 9.99, 9.81,lock,16283,16280,1031,1pps 2004.090.04:01:35.16/bbc14/812.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 8.44, 8.24,lock,16247,16248,1021,1pps 2004.090.04:01:35.67#antcn#Received message for antenna: GETS 2004.090.04:01:36.65#antcn#ACU: MJD: 53094, UTC: 14495, Src: ext. 1pps present 2004.090.04:01:36.65#antcn#ACU: Azimuth: Pos: -829803, Dev: 0, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.090.04:01:36.65#antcn#ACU: Elevation: Pos: 287846, Dev: 1, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.090.04:01:36.65#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.090.04:01:36.65#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.090.04:01:36.65#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.090.04:01:36.65#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.090.04:01:36.65#antcn#ACU: Az: no fault , no fault 2004.090.04:01:36.65#antcn#ACU: El: no fault , no fault 2004.090.04:01:36.66/antenna/ACK 2004.090.04:01:36.66:!2004.090.04:02:20 2004.090.04:02:20.00:data_valid=off 2004.090.04:02:20.00:disc_end 2004.090.04:02:20.27/disc_end/usn-0079/960/1024OK 2004.090.04:02:20.27:disc_pos 2004.090.04:02:20.28/disc_pos/426931645384,424942712152, 2004.090.04:02:20.28:disc_check 2004.090.04:02:20.58/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y090d04h02m20.282s,31060,0.00250s,80000,2810729884, 2004.090.04:02:20.59:postob_mk5a 2004.090.04:02:20.60/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 810878 : 3724 : 1 : 6 : 0 : 3 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.04:02:20.61/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 811229 : 3348 : 1 : 27 : 8 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.04:02:20.62/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 811239 : 3356 : 1 : 6 : 1 : 0 : 6 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.04:02:20.62/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 810814 : 3778 : 0 : 26 : 1 : 7 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.04:02:20.63/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 810610 : 3997 : 3 : 7 : 0 : 5 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.04:02:20.64/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 810459 : 4145 : 2 : 16 : 1 : 1 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.04:02:20.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 811098 : 3523 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.04:02:20.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 810983 : 3630 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.04:02:20.84/cable/3.714912684E-3 2004.090.04:02:21.93/fmout-gps/-7.553825E-6 2004.090.04:02:22.44/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,19.70 2004.090.04:02:22.94/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,19.30 2004.090.04:02:23.44/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.50 2004.090.04:02:23.94/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,11.30 2004.090.04:02:24.44/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.604 2004.090.04:02:24.94/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.000 2004.090.04:02:25.44/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,4.480 2004.090.04:02:25.94/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,54.68 2004.090.04:02:26.44/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,68.11 2004.090.04:02:26.94/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.271 2004.090.04:02:27.44/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,238.5 2004.090.04:02:27.93/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,68.12 2004.090.04:02:27.93:scan_name=090-0424,r1116,40 2004.090.04:02:27.94:source=0607-157,060940.95,-154240.7,2000.0,neutral 2004.090.04:02:32.68:setup4f 2004.090.04:02:34.94/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.090.04:02:34.95/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.090.04:02:35.00/bank_check/usn-0079/960/1024OK,VNVD06G4H7982L,VNVD06G4H79L4L,VNVD06G4H79RWL,VNVD06G4H71WBL,VNVD06G4H79GKL,VNVD06G4H79D4L,VNVD06G4H700TL,VNVD06G4H79GUL 2004.090.04:02:35.03/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 189 ; 2004.090.04:02:35.03:!2004.090.04:24:31 2004.090.04:04:51.25;antenna=stop 2004.090.04:04:51.67#antcn#Received message for antenna: STOP 2004.090.04:04:53.67/antenna/ACK 2004.090.04:04:59.28;antenna=stan 2004.090.04:04:59.67#antcn#Received message for antenna: STAN 2004.090.04:05:01.67/antenna/ACK 2004.090.04:05:08.45;antenna=reset 2004.090.04:05:08.68#antcn#Received message for antenna: RESET 2004.090.04:05:10.69/antenna/ACK 2004.090.04:05:19.19;antenna=idle 2004.090.04:05:19.68#antcn#Received message for antenna: IDLE 2004.090.04:05:21.68/antenna/ACK 2004.090.04:05:23.91;antenna=reset 2004.090.04:05:24.68#antcn#Received message for antenna: RESET 2004.090.04:05:26.68/antenna/ACK 2004.090.04:05:30.27;antenna=reset 2004.090.04:05:30.68#antcn#Received message for antenna: RESET 2004.090.04:05:32.68/antenna/ACK 2004.090.04:05:34.95;antenna=stan 2004.090.04:05:35.68#antcn#Received message for antenna: STAN 2004.090.04:05:37.68/antenna/ACK 2004.090.04:06:05.60;antenna=idle 2004.090.04:06:05.68#antcn#Received message for antenna: IDLE 2004.090.04:06:07.68/antenna/ACK 2004.090.04:06:14.88;antenna=reset 2004.090.04:06:15.68#antcn#Received message for antenna: RESET 2004.090.04:06:17.68/antenna/ACK 2004.090.04:06:21.39;antenna=reset 2004.090.04:06:21.67#antcn#Received message for antenna: RESET 2004.090.04:06:23.67/antenna/ACK 2004.090.04:06:27.39;antenna=stan 2004.090.04:06:27.67#antcn#Received message for antenna: STAN 2004.090.04:06:29.68/antenna/ACK 2004.090.04:07:54.62;antenna=stan 2004.090.04:07:54.68#antcn#Received message for antenna: STAN 2004.090.04:07:56.68/antenna/ACK 2004.090.04:08:22.69;lsource 2004.090.04:24:31.00:disc_pos 2004.090.04:24:31.01/disc_pos/426931645384,426930645384, 2004.090.04:24:31.02:disc_start=on 2004.090.04:24:32.05:!2004.090.04:24:31 2004.090.04:24:32.06:preob 2004.090.04:24:33.69#antcn#ACK 2004.090.04:24:33.69/onsource/TRACKING 2004.090.04:24:36.45/tpical/1l,16017,1u,15368,2u,16074,3u,16215,4u,16234 2004.090.04:24:36.45/tpical/9u,15884,au,16226,bu,16077,cu,16238,du,16330,eu,16184 2004.090.04:24:36.45/tpical/5u,14423,6u,16107,7u,15499,8l,15557,8u,15612 2004.090.04:24:36.60/tpgain/1l,43,1u,47,2u,113,3u,119,4u,159 2004.090.04:24:36.60/tpgain/9u,111,au,108,bu,91,cu,153,du,200,eu,167 2004.090.04:24:36.60/tpgain/5u,15,6u,29,7u,23,8l,27,8u,30 2004.090.04:24:36.65:!2004.090.04:24:41 2004.090.04:24:41.00:disc_pos 2004.090.04:24:41.00/disc_pos/427187437568,426930645384, 2004.090.04:24:41.01:data_valid=on 2004.090.04:24:41.02:midob 2004.090.04:24:41.19/tpi/1l,16043,1u,15382,2u,16015,3u,16222,4u,16253 2004.090.04:24:41.19/tpi/9u,15898,au,16262,bu,16127,cu,16260,du,16348,eu,16209 2004.090.04:24:41.19/tpi/5u,14431,6u,16110,7u,15480,8l,15538,8u,15615 2004.090.04:24:41.76/tsys/1l,89.5,1u,84.8,2u,84.0,3u,87.6,4u,88.5 2004.090.04:24:41.76/tsys/9u,77.2,au,76.1,bu,84.4,cu,80.3,du,89.6,eu,91.9 2004.090.04:24:41.76/tsys/5u,85.5,6u,91.6,7u,92.8,8l,91.9,8u,89.5 2004.090.04:24:41.78/wx/13.0,994.7,97.7,69.0,1.1 2004.090.04:24:42.43/cable/3.715793928E-3 2004.090.04:24:42.93/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,19.50 2004.090.04:24:43.43/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,19.20 2004.090.04:24:43.93/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.40 2004.090.04:24:44.44/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,11.10 2004.090.04:24:44.94/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.604 2004.090.04:24:45.44/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.000 2004.090.04:24:45.94/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.243 2004.090.04:24:46.44/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,66.80 2004.090.04:24:46.94/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,58.85 2004.090.04:24:47.44/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.244 2004.090.04:24:47.94/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,241.2 2004.090.04:24:48.44/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,68.36 2004.090.04:24:48.53/bbc01/612.89,a,8,8,1,agc, -2.72, -3.49,lock,16645,16043,1018,1pps 2004.090.04:24:48.61/bbc02/652.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 4.90, 2.82,lock,16056,16163,1029,1pps 2004.090.04:24:48.69/bbc03/752.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 5.35, 3.57,lock,16239,16302,1027,1pps 2004.090.04:24:48.77/bbc04/912.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 7.86, 6.82,lock,16264,16221,1024,1pps 2004.090.04:24:48.85/bbc05/652.99,c,8,8,1,agc,-12.64,-13.24,lock,14439,15196,1025,1pps 2004.090.04:24:48.93/bbc06/772.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -6.92, -6.92,lock,16121,15734,1030,1pps 2004.090.04:24:49.01/bbc07/832.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -8.93, -8.93,lock,15501,16339,1033,1pps 2004.090.04:24:49.10/bbc08/852.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -6.62, -7.54,lock,15624,15571,1028,1pps 2004.090.04:24:49.18/bbc09/692.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.74, 4.58,lock,15891,16152,1020,1pps 2004.090.04:24:49.26/bbc10/700.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.50, 3.11,lock,16243,16310,1026,1pps 2004.090.04:24:49.34/bbc11/716.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 3.02, 3.02,lock,16095,16242,1022,1pps 2004.090.04:24:49.42/bbc12/772.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 7.53, 6.38,lock,16249,16314,1019,1pps 2004.090.04:24:49.51/bbc13/804.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 9.86, 9.68,lock,16348,16359,1031,1pps 2004.090.04:24:49.60/bbc14/812.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 8.29, 8.08,lock,16186,16162,1021,1pps 2004.090.04:24:49.70#antcn#Received message for antenna: GETS 2004.090.04:24:50.68#antcn#ACU: MJD: 53094, UTC: 15889, Src: ext. 1pps present 2004.090.04:24:50.68#antcn#ACU: Azimuth: Pos: 2580458, Dev: 0, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.090.04:24:50.68#antcn#ACU: Elevation: Pos: 104784, Dev: 4, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.090.04:24:50.68#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.090.04:24:50.68#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.090.04:24:50.68#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.090.04:24:50.68#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.090.04:24:50.68#antcn#ACU: Az: no fault , no fault 2004.090.04:24:50.68#antcn#ACU: El: no fault , no fault 2004.090.04:24:50.69/antenna/ACK 2004.090.04:24:50.69:!2004.090.04:25:21 2004.090.04:25:21.00:data_valid=off 2004.090.04:25:21.01:disc_end 2004.090.04:25:21.27/disc_end/usn-0079/960/1024OK 2004.090.04:25:21.27:disc_pos 2004.090.04:25:21.28/disc_pos/428504495136,426931645384, 2004.090.04:25:21.28:disc_check 2004.090.04:25:21.88/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y090d04h25m21.282s,9824,0.00250s,80000,42619171484, 2004.090.04:25:21.88:postob_mk5a 2004.090.04:25:21.89/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 813866 : 3739 : 1 : 6 : 0 : 3 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.04:25:21.90/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 814217 : 3361 : 1 : 28 : 8 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.04:25:21.91/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 814227 : 3371 : 1 : 6 : 1 : 0 : 6 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.04:25:21.92/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 813805 : 3788 : 0 : 27 : 1 : 7 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.04:25:21.93/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 813593 : 4016 : 3 : 7 : 0 : 5 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.04:25:21.94/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 813445 : 4161 : 2 : 16 : 1 : 1 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.04:25:21.95/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 814083 : 3540 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.04:25:21.96/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 813978 : 3639 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.04:25:22.44/cable/3.712690211E-3 2004.090.04:25:23.92/fmout-gps/-7.546265E-6 2004.090.04:25:24.39/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,19.50 2004.090.04:25:24.89/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,19.10 2004.090.04:25:25.39/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.40 2004.090.04:25:25.89/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,11.10 2004.090.04:25:26.39/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.604 2004.090.04:25:26.89/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.000 2004.090.04:25:27.39/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,2.292 2004.090.04:25:27.89/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,56.07 2004.090.04:25:28.39/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,60.22 2004.090.04:25:28.89/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.271 2004.090.04:25:29.39/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,242.4 2004.090.04:25:29.89/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,63.73 2004.090.04:25:29.89:scan_name=090-0430,r1116,131 2004.090.04:25:29.90:source=oj287,085448.87,200630.6,2000.0,cw 2004.090.04:25:34.70:setup4f 2004.090.04:25:36.94/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.090.04:25:36.95/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.090.04:25:36.97/bank_check/usn-0079/960/1024OK,VNVD06G4H7982L,VNVD06G4H79L4L,VNVD06G4H79RWL,VNVD06G4H71WBL,VNVD06G4H79GKL,VNVD06G4H79D4L,VNVD06G4H700TL,VNVD06G4H79GUL 2004.090.04:25:36.98/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 191 ; 2004.090.04:25:36.99:!2004.090.04:30:40 2004.090.04:30:40.00:disc_pos 2004.090.04:30:40.01/disc_pos/428504495136,428503495136, 2004.090.04:30:40.02:disc_start=on 2004.090.04:30:41.05:!2004.090.04:30:40 2004.090.04:30:41.06:preob 2004.090.04:30:42.70#antcn#ACK 2004.090.04:30:42.70/onsource/TRACKING 2004.090.04:30:45.44/tpical/1l,16167,1u,16055,2u,16021,3u,16239,4u,16225 2004.090.04:30:45.44/tpical/9u,14659,au,16260,bu,16178,cu,16184,du,16262,eu,16322 2004.090.04:30:45.44/tpical/5u,13716,6u,15328,7u,16031,8l,15858,8u,15781 2004.090.04:30:45.59/tpgain/1l,44,1u,48,2u,116,3u,122,4u,162 2004.090.04:30:45.59/tpgain/9u,106,au,109,bu,91,cu,154,du,201,eu,169 2004.090.04:30:45.59/tpgain/5u,15,6u,29,7u,24,8l,28,8u,31 2004.090.04:30:45.62:!2004.090.04:30:50 2004.090.04:30:50.00:disc_pos 2004.090.04:30:50.02/disc_pos/428760293376,428503495136, 2004.090.04:30:50.02:data_valid=on 2004.090.04:30:50.05:midob 2004.090.04:30:50.22/tpi/1l,16160,1u,16039,2u,16038,3u,16223,4u,16219 2004.090.04:30:50.22/tpi/9u,18174,au,16296,bu,16204,cu,16212,du,16274,eu,16328 2004.090.04:30:50.22/tpi/5u,13719,6u,15334,7u,16029,8l,15867,8u,15785 2004.090.04:30:50.80/tsys/1l,86.0,1u,84.8,2u,79.6,3u,83.2,4u,84.7 2004.090.04:30:50.80/tsys/9u,97.4,au,74.8,bu,84.9,cu,79.0,du,88.3,eu,90.3 2004.090.04:30:50.81/tsys/5u,81.2,6u,87.1,7u,88.2,8l,87.2,8u,84.7 2004.090.04:30:50.82/wx/13.0,994.7,97.7,77.0,0.8 2004.090.04:30:51.23/cable/3.713080662E-3 2004.090.04:30:51.69/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,19.50 2004.090.04:30:52.19/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,19.10 2004.090.04:30:52.69/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.40 2004.090.04:30:53.19/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,11.10 2004.090.04:30:53.69/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.601 2004.090.04:30:54.19/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.000 2004.090.04:30:54.69/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.000 2004.090.04:30:55.19/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,56.07 2004.090.04:30:55.69/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,58.85 2004.090.04:30:56.19/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.244 2004.090.04:30:56.69/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,240.4 2004.090.04:30:57.19/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,66.17 2004.090.04:30:57.28/bbc01/612.89,a,8,8,1,agc, -2.54, -3.30,lock,16034,16170,1018,1pps 2004.090.04:30:57.36/bbc02/652.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 5.12, 3.11,lock,16018,16167,1029,1pps 2004.090.04:30:57.44/bbc03/752.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 5.56, 3.75,lock,16244,16086,1027,1pps 2004.090.04:30:57.52/bbc04/912.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 8.03, 7.00,lock,16218,16280,1024,1pps 2004.090.04:30:57.60/bbc05/652.99,c,8,8,1,agc,-12.64,-13.24,lock,16428,14458,1025,1pps 2004.090.04:30:57.68/bbc06/772.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -6.92, -6.62,lock,15331,15938,1030,1pps 2004.090.04:30:57.76/bbc07/832.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -8.56, -8.93,lock,16034,15574,1033,1pps 2004.090.04:30:57.84/bbc08/852.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -6.34, -7.22,lock,15798,15871,1028,1pps 2004.090.04:30:57.92/bbc09/692.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.09, 4.66,lock,16428,16203,1020,1pps 2004.090.04:30:58.00/bbc10/700.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.58, 2.32,lock,16269,16196,1026,1pps 2004.090.04:30:58.08/bbc11/716.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 3.02, 3.02,lock,16186,16151,1022,1pps 2004.090.04:30:58.16/bbc12/772.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 7.59, 6.44,lock,16192,16327,1019,1pps 2004.090.04:30:58.24/bbc13/804.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 9.90, 9.73,lock,16267,16305,1031,1pps 2004.090.04:30:58.33/bbc14/812.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 8.39, 8.19,lock,16327,16336,1021,1pps 2004.090.04:30:58.70#antcn#Received message for antenna: GETS 2004.090.04:30:59.68#antcn#ACU: MJD: 53094, UTC: 16258, Src: ext. 1pps present 2004.090.04:30:59.68#antcn#ACU: Azimuth: Pos: 3123337, Dev: 0, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.090.04:30:59.68#antcn#ACU: Elevation: Pos: 167802, Dev: -2, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.090.04:30:59.68#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.090.04:30:59.68#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.090.04:30:59.68#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.090.04:30:59.68#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.090.04:30:59.68#antcn#ACU: Az: no fault , no fault 2004.090.04:30:59.68#antcn#ACU: El: no fault , no fault 2004.090.04:30:59.69/antenna/ACK 2004.090.04:30:59.69:!2004.090.04:33:01 2004.090.04:33:01.00:data_valid=off 2004.090.04:33:01.01:disc_end 2004.090.04:33:01.28/disc_end/usn-0079/960/1024OK 2004.090.04:33:01.28:disc_pos 2004.090.04:33:01.30/disc_pos/432989908912,428504495136, 2004.090.04:33:01.30:disc_check 2004.090.04:33:01.62/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y090d04h33m01.298s,45000,0.00250s,80000,10235031048, 2004.090.04:33:01.62:postob_mk5a 2004.090.04:33:01.63/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 822382 : 3781 : 1 : 6 : 0 : 3 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.04:33:01.64/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 822742 : 3395 : 1 : 28 : 8 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.04:33:01.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 822743 : 3415 : 1 : 6 : 1 : 0 : 6 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.04:33:01.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 822317 : 3834 : 0 : 27 : 1 : 7 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.04:33:01.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 822112 : 4056 : 3 : 7 : 0 : 5 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.04:33:01.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 821958 : 4206 : 2 : 16 : 1 : 1 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.04:33:01.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 822599 : 3583 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.04:33:01.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 822463 : 3712 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.04:33:02.43/cable/3.712344800E-3 2004.090.04:33:03.92/fmout-gps/-7.463737E-6 2004.090.04:33:04.39/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,19.50 2004.090.04:33:04.89/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,19.10 2004.090.04:33:05.39/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.40 2004.090.04:33:05.89/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,11.10 2004.090.04:33:06.39/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.601 2004.090.04:33:06.89/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.015 2004.090.04:33:07.39/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,2.784 2004.090.04:33:07.89/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,66.80 2004.090.04:33:08.39/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,69.43 2004.090.04:33:08.89/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.244 2004.090.04:33:09.39/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,242.6 2004.090.04:33:09.89/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,68.61 2004.090.04:33:09.89:scan_name=090-0437,r1116,190 2004.090.04:33:09.90:source=1606+106,160846.20,102907.8,2000.0,cw 2004.090.04:33:14.70:setup4f 2004.090.04:33:16.93/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.090.04:33:16.94/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.090.04:33:16.96/bank_check/usn-0079/960/1024OK,VNVD06G4H7982L,VNVD06G4H79L4L,VNVD06G4H79RWL,VNVD06G4H71WBL,VNVD06G4H79GKL,VNVD06G4H79D4L,VNVD06G4H700TL,VNVD06G4H79GUL 2004.090.04:33:16.98/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 193 ; 2004.090.04:33:16.99:!2004.090.04:37:05 2004.090.04:37:05.00:disc_pos 2004.090.04:37:05.01/disc_pos/432989908912,432988908912, 2004.090.04:37:05.02:disc_start=on 2004.090.04:37:06.06:!2004.090.04:37:05 2004.090.04:37:06.06:preob 2004.090.04:37:07.70#antcn#ACK 2004.090.04:37:07.70/onsource/TRACKING 2004.090.04:37:10.44/tpical/1l,15951,1u,15777,2u,16374,3u,16091,4u,16188 2004.090.04:37:10.44/tpical/9u,16330,au,16024,bu,15932,cu,16181,du,16178,eu,16289 2004.090.04:37:10.44/tpical/5u,16353,6u,15194,7u,15969,8l,15783,8u,15672 2004.090.04:37:10.59/tpgain/1l,44,1u,48,2u,117,3u,122,4u,163 2004.090.04:37:10.59/tpgain/9u,112,au,108,bu,90,cu,154,du,201,eu,169 2004.090.04:37:10.59/tpgain/5u,16,6u,29,7u,24,8l,28,8u,31 2004.090.04:37:10.62:!2004.090.04:37:15 2004.090.04:37:15.00:disc_pos 2004.090.04:37:15.00/disc_pos/433245708288,432988908912, 2004.090.04:37:15.01:data_valid=on 2004.090.04:37:15.02:midob 2004.090.04:37:15.19/tpi/1l,15926,1u,15770,2u,16359,3u,16094,4u,16191 2004.090.04:37:15.19/tpi/9u,16353,au,16029,bu,15935,cu,16162,du,16170,eu,16295 2004.090.04:37:15.19/tpi/5u,16335,6u,15197,7u,15957,8l,15765,8u,15654 2004.090.04:37:15.77/tsys/1l,84.7,1u,83.3,2u,79.9,3u,82.6,4u,83.4 2004.090.04:37:15.77/tsys/9u,78.0,au,74.9,bu,85.3,cu,78.7,du,87.7,eu,90.1 2004.090.04:37:15.78/tsys/5u,85.1,6u,86.3,7u,87.8,8l,86.6,8u,83.9 2004.090.04:37:15.79/wx/13.3,994.7,97.7,66.0,0.8 2004.090.04:37:16.04/cable/3.715845579E-3 2004.090.04:37:16.54/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,19.40 2004.090.04:37:16.99/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,19.20 2004.090.04:37:17.44/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.50 2004.090.04:37:17.89/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,11.10 2004.090.04:37:18.34/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.604 2004.090.04:37:18.79/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.000 2004.090.04:37:19.24/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,1.647 2004.090.04:37:19.69/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,56.07 2004.090.04:37:20.14/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,60.22 2004.090.04:37:20.59/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.244 2004.090.04:37:21.04/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,242.1 2004.090.04:37:21.54/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,66.17 2004.090.04:37:21.63/bbc01/612.89,a,8,8,1,agc, -2.54, -3.30,lock,15774,15941,1018,1pps 2004.090.04:37:21.71/bbc02/652.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 5.20, 3.11,lock,16321,16244,1029,1pps 2004.090.04:37:21.80/bbc03/752.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 5.56, 3.75,lock,16099,16049,1027,1pps 2004.090.04:37:21.88/bbc04/912.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 8.08, 7.06,lock,16187,16307,1024,1pps 2004.090.04:37:21.96/bbc05/652.99,c,8,8,1,agc,-12.08,-13.24,lock,16344,14361,1025,1pps 2004.090.04:37:22.05/bbc06/772.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -6.92, -6.62,lock,15199,15818,1030,1pps 2004.090.04:37:22.13/bbc07/832.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -8.56, -8.93,lock,15947,15515,1033,1pps 2004.090.04:37:22.21/bbc08/852.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -6.34, -7.22,lock,15665,15783,1028,1pps 2004.090.04:37:22.29/bbc09/692.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.82, 4.66,lock,16332,16165,1020,1pps 2004.090.04:37:22.38/bbc10/700.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.50, 3.11,lock,16025,16054,1026,1pps 2004.090.04:37:22.46/bbc11/716.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 2.92, 3.02,lock,15929,16171,1022,1pps 2004.090.04:37:22.54/bbc12/772.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 7.59, 6.44,lock,16154,16224,1019,1pps 2004.090.04:37:22.62/bbc13/804.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 9.90, 9.73,lock,16162,16151,1031,1pps 2004.090.04:37:22.70/bbc14/812.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 8.39, 8.19,lock,16264,16217,1021,1pps 2004.090.04:37:22.71#antcn#Received message for antenna: GETS 2004.090.04:37:23.68#antcn#ACU: MJD: 53094, UTC: 16642, Src: ext. 1pps present 2004.090.04:37:23.68#antcn#ACU: Azimuth: Pos: 611904, Dev: 0, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.090.04:37:23.68#antcn#ACU: Elevation: Pos: 179322, Dev: 4, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.090.04:37:23.68#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.090.04:37:23.68#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.090.04:37:23.68#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.090.04:37:23.68#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.090.04:37:23.68#antcn#ACU: Az: no fault , no fault 2004.090.04:37:23.68#antcn#ACU: El: no fault , no fault 2004.090.04:37:23.69/antenna/ACK 2004.090.04:37:23.69:!2004.090.04:40:25 2004.090.04:40:25.00:data_valid=off 2004.090.04:40:25.01:disc_end 2004.090.04:40:25.28/disc_end/usn-0079/960/1024OK 2004.090.04:40:25.28:disc_pos 2004.090.04:40:25.29/disc_pos/439363051848,432989908912, 2004.090.04:40:25.30:disc_check 2004.090.04:40:25.60/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y090d04h40m25.297s,75912,0.00250s,80000,7834826152, 2004.090.04:40:25.61:postob_mk5a 2004.090.04:40:25.62/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 834484 : 3838 : 1 : 6 : 0 : 3 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.04:40:25.62/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 834854 : 3444 : 1 : 28 : 8 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.04:40:25.63/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 834849 : 3468 : 1 : 6 : 1 : 0 : 6 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.04:40:25.64/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 834416 : 3895 : 0 : 27 : 1 : 7 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.04:40:25.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 834212 : 4115 : 3 : 7 : 0 : 5 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.04:40:25.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 834056 : 4268 : 2 : 16 : 1 : 1 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.04:40:25.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 834700 : 3641 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.04:40:25.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 834545 : 3789 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.04:40:26.43/cable/3.715222376E-3 2004.090.04:40:27.92/fmout-gps/-7.540055E-6 2004.090.04:40:28.39/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,19.50 2004.090.04:40:28.89/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,19.10 2004.090.04:40:29.39/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.50 2004.090.04:40:29.89/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,11.10 2004.090.04:40:30.39/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.604 2004.090.04:40:30.89/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.000 2004.090.04:40:31.39/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,2.619 2004.090.04:40:31.89/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,56.07 2004.090.04:40:32.39/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,60.22 2004.090.04:40:32.89/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.244 2004.090.04:40:33.39/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,240.7 2004.090.04:40:33.89/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,68.61 2004.090.04:40:33.89:scan_name=090-0441,r1116,66 2004.090.04:40:33.90:source=1741-038,174358.86,-035004.6,2000.0,cw 2004.090.04:40:38.70:setup4f 2004.090.04:40:40.93/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.090.04:40:40.94/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.090.04:40:40.96/bank_check/usn-0079/960/1024OK,VNVD06G4H7982L,VNVD06G4H79L4L,VNVD06G4H79RWL,VNVD06G4H71WBL,VNVD06G4H79GKL,VNVD06G4H79D4L,VNVD06G4H700TL,VNVD06G4H79GUL 2004.090.04:40:41.00/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 195 ; 2004.090.04:40:41.00:!2004.090.04:40:58 2004.090.04:40:58.00:disc_pos 2004.090.04:40:58.00/disc_pos/439363051848,439362051848, 2004.090.04:40:58.01:disc_start=on 2004.090.04:40:59.04:!2004.090.04:40:58 2004.090.04:40:59.05:preob 2004.090.04:41:00.72#antcn#ACK 2004.090.04:41:00.72/onsource/TRACKING 2004.090.04:41:03.47/tpical/1l,16052,1u,15378,2u,16215,3u,16287,4u,16295 2004.090.04:41:03.47/tpical/9u,15990,au,16102,bu,16161,cu,16191,du,16237,eu,16316 2004.090.04:41:03.47/tpical/5u,14506,6u,16193,7u,15605,8l,15682,8u,15723 2004.090.04:41:03.62/tpgain/1l,43,1u,47,2u,113,3u,119,4u,159 2004.090.04:41:03.62/tpgain/9u,111,au,107,bu,90,cu,152,du,199,eu,167 2004.090.04:41:03.62/tpgain/5u,15,6u,29,7u,23,8l,27,8u,30 2004.090.04:41:03.65:!2004.090.04:41:08 2004.090.04:41:08.00:disc_pos 2004.090.04:41:08.00/disc_pos/439618850816,439362051848, 2004.090.04:41:08.01:data_valid=on 2004.090.04:41:08.02:midob 2004.090.04:41:08.19/tpi/1l,16052,1u,15364,2u,16196,3u,16288,4u,16285 2004.090.04:41:08.19/tpi/9u,15973,au,16083,bu,16161,cu,16179,du,16221,eu,16305 2004.090.04:41:08.19/tpi/5u,14510,6u,16191,7u,15600,8l,15675,8u,15713 2004.090.04:41:08.79/tsys/1l,89.5,1u,84.7,2u,84.9,3u,88.0,4u,88.7 2004.090.04:41:08.79/tsys/9u,77.6,au,76.7,bu,86.6,cu,81.0,du,89.9,eu,92.4 2004.090.04:41:08.80/tsys/5u,86.0,6u,92.1,7u,93.6,8l,92.8,8u,90.1 2004.090.04:41:08.81/wx/13.0,994.6,97.7,81.4,0.5 2004.090.04:41:09.64/cable/3.713526541E-3 2004.090.04:41:10.14/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,19.50 2004.090.04:41:10.64/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,19.10 2004.090.04:41:11.14/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.40 2004.090.04:41:11.64/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,11.10 2004.090.04:41:12.14/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.604 2004.090.04:41:12.64/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.000 2004.090.04:41:13.14/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.962 2004.090.04:41:13.64/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,57.46 2004.090.04:41:14.14/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,58.85 2004.090.04:41:14.64/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.244 2004.090.04:41:15.14/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,240.4 2004.090.04:41:15.64/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,66.17 2004.090.04:41:15.73/bbc01/612.89,a,8,8,1,agc, -2.72, -3.49,lock,16622,16027,1018,1pps 2004.090.04:41:15.81/bbc02/652.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 4.90, 2.82,lock,16151,16310,1029,1pps 2004.090.04:41:15.89/bbc03/752.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 5.35, 3.48,lock,16266,16026,1027,1pps 2004.090.04:41:15.97/bbc04/912.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 7.86, 6.82,lock,16283,16270,1024,1pps 2004.090.04:41:16.05/bbc05/652.99,c,8,8,1,agc,-12.64,-13.24,lock,14507,15293,1025,1pps 2004.090.04:41:16.13/bbc06/772.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -6.92, -6.92,lock,16191,15778,1030,1pps 2004.090.04:41:16.21/bbc07/832.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -8.93, -9.32,lock,15579,15117,1033,1pps 2004.090.04:41:16.29/bbc08/852.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -6.62, -7.54,lock,15702,15651,1028,1pps 2004.090.04:41:16.37/bbc09/692.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.74, 4.58,lock,15968,16199,1020,1pps 2004.090.04:41:16.46/bbc10/700.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.42, 3.02,lock,16086,16003,1026,1pps 2004.090.04:41:16.54/bbc11/716.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 2.92, 2.92,lock,16155,16062,1022,1pps 2004.090.04:41:16.62/bbc12/772.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 7.47, 6.31,lock,16164,16154,1019,1pps 2004.090.04:41:16.70/bbc13/804.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 9.81, 9.64,lock,16223,16235,1031,1pps 2004.090.04:41:16.78/bbc14/812.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 8.29, 8.08,lock,16297,16209,1021,1pps 2004.090.04:41:17.71#antcn#Received message for antenna: GETS 2004.090.04:41:18.69#antcn#ACU: MJD: 53094, UTC: 16877, Src: ext. 1pps present 2004.090.04:41:18.69#antcn#ACU: Azimuth: Pos: 875226, Dev: -4, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.090.04:41:18.69#antcn#ACU: Elevation: Pos: 96794, Dev: 7, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.090.04:41:18.69#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.090.04:41:18.69#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.090.04:41:18.69#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.090.04:41:18.69#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.090.04:41:18.69#antcn#ACU: Az: no fault , no fault 2004.090.04:41:18.69#antcn#ACU: El: no fault , no fault 2004.090.04:41:18.70/antenna/ACK 2004.090.04:41:18.70:!2004.090.04:42:14 2004.090.04:42:14.00:data_valid=off 2004.090.04:42:14.00:disc_end 2004.090.04:42:14.27/disc_end/usn-0079/960/1024OK 2004.090.04:42:14.27:disc_pos 2004.090.04:42:14.28/disc_pos/441768707824,439363051848, 2004.090.04:42:14.28:disc_check 2004.090.04:42:14.58/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y090d04h42m14.295s,79892,0.00250s,80000,1082260044, 2004.090.04:42:14.59:postob_mk5a 2004.090.04:42:14.61/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 839052 : 3861 : 1 : 6 : 0 : 3 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.04:42:14.62/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 839425 : 3464 : 1 : 28 : 8 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.04:42:14.62/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 839414 : 3494 : 1 : 6 : 1 : 0 : 6 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.04:42:14.63/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 838982 : 3920 : 0 : 27 : 1 : 7 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.04:42:14.64/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 838778 : 4140 : 3 : 7 : 0 : 5 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.04:42:14.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 838626 : 4291 : 2 : 16 : 1 : 1 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.04:42:14.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 839269 : 3663 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.04:42:14.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 839126 : 3799 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.04:42:15.23/cable/3.716296753E-3 2004.090.04:42:15.92/fmout-gps/-7.528556E-6 2004.090.04:42:16.39/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,19.40 2004.090.04:42:16.89/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,19.10 2004.090.04:42:17.39/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.40 2004.090.04:42:17.89/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,11.10 2004.090.04:42:18.39/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.601 2004.090.04:42:18.89/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.000 2004.090.04:42:19.39/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.283 2004.090.04:42:19.89/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,61.54 2004.090.04:42:20.39/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,60.22 2004.090.04:42:20.89/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.244 2004.090.04:42:21.39/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,241.2 2004.090.04:42:21.89/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,65.19 2004.090.04:42:21.89:scan_name=090-0445,r1116,41 2004.090.04:42:21.90:source=0727-115,073019.11,-114112.6,2000.0,neutral 2004.090.04:42:26.71:setup4f 2004.090.04:42:28.93/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.090.04:42:28.94/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.090.04:42:28.96/bank_check/usn-0079/960/1024OK,VNVD06G4H7982L,VNVD06G4H79L4L,VNVD06G4H79RWL,VNVD06G4H71WBL,VNVD06G4H79GKL,VNVD06G4H79D4L,VNVD06G4H700TL,VNVD06G4H79GUL 2004.090.04:42:29.01/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 197 ; 2004.090.04:42:29.01:!2004.090.04:44:51 2004.090.04:44:51.00:disc_pos 2004.090.04:44:51.01/disc_pos/441768707824,441767707824, 2004.090.04:44:51.02:disc_start=on 2004.090.04:44:52.05:!2004.090.04:44:51 2004.090.04:44:52.05:preob 2004.090.04:44:53.71#antcn#ACK 2004.090.04:44:53.71/onsource/TRACKING 2004.090.04:44:56.45/tpical/1l,16301,1u,16097,2u,16068,3u,16127,4u,16201 2004.090.04:44:56.45/tpical/9u,16067,au,16030,bu,15946,cu,16281,du,16195,eu,16174 2004.090.04:44:56.45/tpical/5u,16145,6u,15995,7u,15744,8l,15552,8u,15505 2004.090.04:44:56.60/tpgain/1l,45,1u,49,2u,117,3u,123,4u,164 2004.090.04:44:56.60/tpgain/9u,112,au,109,bu,92,cu,156,du,203,eu,170 2004.090.04:44:56.60/tpgain/5u,16,6u,30,7u,24,8l,28,8u,31 2004.090.04:44:56.65:!2004.090.04:45:01 2004.090.04:45:01.00:disc_pos 2004.090.04:45:01.02/disc_pos/442024501248,441767707824, 2004.090.04:45:01.02:data_valid=on 2004.090.04:45:01.03:midob 2004.090.04:45:01.20/tpi/1l,16311,1u,16105,2u,16108,3u,16117,4u,16202 2004.090.04:45:01.20/tpi/9u,16067,au,16031,bu,15962,cu,16301,du,16195,eu,16179 2004.090.04:45:01.20/tpi/5u,16141,6u,15980,7u,15743,8l,15553,8u,15495 2004.090.04:45:01.80/tsys/1l,82.9,1u,81.6,2u,78.6,3u,81.3,4u,82.3 2004.090.04:45:01.80/tsys/9u,76.6,au,73.5,bu,81.7,cu,77.3,du,86.0,eu,88.3 2004.090.04:45:01.81/tsys/5u,84.1,6u,84.8,7u,86.6,8l,85.4,8u,83.1 2004.090.04:45:01.82/wx/13.0,994.3,97.7,87.9,0.4 2004.090.04:45:02.43/cable/3.713362922E-3 2004.090.04:45:02.89/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,19.40 2004.090.04:45:03.39/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,19.10 2004.090.04:45:03.89/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.50 2004.090.04:45:04.39/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,11.10 2004.090.04:45:04.89/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.604 2004.090.04:45:05.39/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.000 2004.090.04:45:05.89/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.116 2004.090.04:45:06.39/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,57.46 2004.090.04:45:06.89/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,68.11 2004.090.04:45:07.39/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.244 2004.090.04:45:07.89/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,242.4 2004.090.04:45:08.39/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,65.68 2004.090.04:45:08.48/bbc01/612.89,a,8,8,1,agc, -2.36, -3.10,lock,16111,16319,1018,1pps 2004.090.04:45:08.56/bbc02/652.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 5.20, 3.11,lock,16063,16053,1029,1pps 2004.090.04:45:08.64/bbc03/752.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 5.63, 3.84,lock,16133,16220,1027,1pps 2004.090.04:45:08.73/bbc04/912.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 8.13, 7.12,lock,16204,16303,1024,1pps 2004.090.04:45:08.81/bbc05/652.99,c,8,8,1,agc,-12.08,-12.64,lock,16150,16090,1025,1pps 2004.090.04:45:08.89/bbc06/772.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -6.62, -6.62,lock,16006,15615,1030,1pps 2004.090.04:45:08.97/bbc07/832.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -8.56, -8.93,lock,15744,15291,1033,1pps 2004.090.04:45:09.05/bbc08/852.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -6.34, -7.22,lock,15508,15562,1028,1pps 2004.090.04:45:09.13/bbc09/692.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.82, 4.74,lock,16077,16177,1020,1pps 2004.090.04:45:09.21/bbc10/700.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.58, 3.21,lock,16024,16125,1026,1pps 2004.090.04:45:09.29/bbc11/716.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 3.11, 3.11,lock,15943,16082,1022,1pps 2004.090.04:45:09.37/bbc12/772.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 7.70, 6.51,lock,16295,16231,1019,1pps 2004.090.04:45:09.45/bbc13/804.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 9.99, 9.81,lock,16195,16215,1031,1pps 2004.090.04:45:09.53/bbc14/812.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 8.44, 8.29,lock,16174,16344,1021,1pps 2004.090.04:45:09.71#antcn#Received message for antenna: GETS 2004.090.04:45:10.69#antcn#ACU: MJD: 53094, UTC: 17109, Src: ext. 1pps present 2004.090.04:45:10.69#antcn#ACU: Azimuth: Pos: 2701967, Dev: -1, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.090.04:45:10.69#antcn#ACU: Elevation: Pos: 200893, Dev: -4, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.090.04:45:10.69#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.090.04:45:10.69#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.090.04:45:10.69#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.090.04:45:10.69#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.090.04:45:10.69#antcn#ACU: Az: no fault , no fault 2004.090.04:45:10.69#antcn#ACU: El: no fault , no fault 2004.090.04:45:10.70/antenna/ACK 2004.090.04:45:10.70:!2004.090.04:45:42 2004.090.04:45:42.00:data_valid=off 2004.090.04:45:42.00:disc_end 2004.090.04:45:42.26/disc_end/usn-0079/960/1024OK 2004.090.04:45:42.27:disc_pos 2004.090.04:45:42.27/disc_pos/443373887312,441768707824, 2004.090.04:45:42.28:disc_check 2004.090.04:45:42.58/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y090d04h45m42.288s,63460,0.00250s,80000,5050596944, 2004.090.04:45:42.59:postob_mk5a 2004.090.04:45:42.60/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 842099 : 3878 : 1 : 6 : 0 : 3 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.04:45:42.61/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 842475 : 3478 : 1 : 28 : 8 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.04:45:42.62/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 842464 : 3508 : 1 : 6 : 1 : 0 : 6 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.04:45:42.63/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 842030 : 3936 : 0 : 27 : 1 : 7 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.04:45:42.64/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 841826 : 4156 : 3 : 7 : 0 : 5 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.04:45:42.64/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 841674 : 4309 : 2 : 16 : 1 : 1 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.04:45:42.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 842318 : 3678 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.04:45:42.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 842155 : 3834 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.04:45:43.23/cable/3.712667507E-3 2004.090.04:45:43.92/fmout-gps/-7.500800E-6 2004.090.04:45:44.39/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,19.40 2004.090.04:45:44.89/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,19.10 2004.090.04:45:45.39/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.50 2004.090.04:45:45.89/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,11.10 2004.090.04:45:46.39/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.604 2004.090.04:45:46.89/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.000 2004.090.04:45:47.39/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.704 2004.090.04:45:47.89/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,61.54 2004.090.04:45:48.38/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,62.85 2004.090.04:45:48.89/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.271 2004.090.04:45:49.39/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,240.9 2004.090.04:45:49.89/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,67.88 2004.090.04:45:49.89:scan_name=090-0452,r1116,170 2004.090.04:45:49.90:source=1622-253,162546.89,-252738.3,2000.0,ccw 2004.090.04:45:54.71:setup4f 2004.090.04:45:56.93/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.090.04:45:56.94/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.090.04:45:56.96/bank_check/usn-0079/960/1024OK,VNVD06G4H7982L,VNVD06G4H79L4L,VNVD06G4H79RWL,VNVD06G4H71WBL,VNVD06G4H79GKL,VNVD06G4H79D4L,VNVD06G4H700TL,VNVD06G4H79GUL 2004.090.04:45:56.98/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 199 ; 2004.090.04:45:56.99:!2004.090.04:52:38 2004.090.04:52:38.00:disc_pos 2004.090.04:52:38.01/disc_pos/443373887312,443372887312, 2004.090.04:52:38.02:disc_start=on 2004.090.04:52:39.05:!2004.090.04:52:38 2004.090.04:52:39.05:preob 2004.090.04:52:40.72#antcn#ACK 2004.090.04:52:40.72/onsource/TRACKING 2004.090.04:52:43.47/tpical/1l,16066,1u,15862,2u,16365,3u,15924,4u,16185 2004.090.04:52:43.47/tpical/9u,16143,au,16129,bu,16057,cu,16154,du,16255,eu,16221 2004.090.04:52:43.47/tpical/5u,15641,6u,15471,7u,15255,8l,16073,8u,15006 2004.090.04:52:43.62/tpgain/1l,45,1u,49,2u,120,3u,124,4u,166 2004.090.04:52:43.62/tpgain/9u,112,au,109,bu,91,cu,155,du,203,eu,170 2004.090.04:52:43.62/tpgain/5u,16,6u,30,7u,24,8l,29,8u,31 2004.090.04:52:43.65:!2004.090.04:52:48 2004.090.04:52:48.00:disc_pos 2004.090.04:52:48.02/disc_pos/443629682688,443372887312, 2004.090.04:52:48.02:data_valid=on 2004.090.04:52:48.03:midob 2004.090.04:52:48.20/tpi/1l,16063,1u,15869,2u,16328,3u,15933,4u,16168 2004.090.04:52:48.20/tpi/9u,16142,au,16102,bu,16050,cu,16160,du,16273,eu,16203 2004.090.04:52:48.20/tpi/5u,15651,6u,15475,7u,15244,8l,16058,8u,15010 2004.090.04:52:48.78/tsys/1l,81.6,1u,80.4,2u,75.6,3u,79.0,4u,79.9 2004.090.04:52:48.78/tsys/9u,77.0,au,73.9,bu,84.0,cu,77.7,du,86.5,eu,88.4 2004.090.04:52:48.79/tsys/5u,81.5,6u,82.0,7u,83.8,8l,82.2,8u,80.4 2004.090.04:52:48.80/wx/13.0,994.5,97.7,73.5,0.5 2004.090.04:52:49.63/cable/3.713466930E-3 2004.090.04:52:50.09/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,19.40 2004.090.04:52:50.59/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,19.00 2004.090.04:52:51.09/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.60 2004.090.04:52:51.59/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,11.10 2004.090.04:52:52.09/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.608 2004.090.04:52:52.59/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.000 2004.090.04:52:53.09/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,2.292 2004.090.04:52:53.59/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,60.22 2004.090.04:52:54.09/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,57.46 2004.090.04:52:54.59/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.244 2004.090.04:52:55.09/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,242.4 2004.090.04:52:55.59/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,67.88 2004.090.04:52:55.68/bbc01/612.89,a,8,8,1,agc, -2.36, -3.10,lock,15862,16064,1018,1pps 2004.090.04:52:55.76/bbc02/652.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 5.42, 3.39,lock,16303,16296,1029,1pps 2004.090.04:52:55.84/bbc03/752.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 5.70, 3.92,lock,15939,15969,1027,1pps 2004.090.04:52:55.93/bbc04/912.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 8.24, 7.24,lock,16182,16280,1024,1pps 2004.090.04:52:56.01/bbc05/652.99,c,8,8,1,agc,-12.08,-12.64,lock,15650,15600,1025,1pps 2004.090.04:52:56.10/bbc06/772.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -6.62, -6.34,lock,15496,16093,1030,1pps 2004.090.04:52:56.18/bbc07/832.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -8.56, -8.56,lock,15257,16137,1033,1pps 2004.090.04:52:56.26/bbc08/852.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -6.34, -6.92,lock,16887,16079,1028,1pps 2004.090.04:52:56.34/bbc09/692.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.82, 4.66,lock,16161,16067,1020,1pps 2004.090.04:52:56.42/bbc10/700.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.58, 3.21,lock,16132,16236,1026,1pps 2004.090.04:52:56.50/bbc11/716.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 3.02, 3.02,lock,16077,16147,1022,1pps 2004.090.04:52:56.58/bbc12/772.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 7.64, 6.51,lock,16177,16380,1019,1pps 2004.090.04:52:56.66/bbc13/804.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 9.99, 9.77,lock,16292,16203,1031,1pps 2004.090.04:52:56.74/bbc14/812.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 8.44, 8.24,lock,16244,16253,1021,1pps 2004.090.04:52:57.71#antcn#Received message for antenna: GETS 2004.090.04:52:58.69#antcn#ACU: MJD: 53094, UTC: 17577, Src: ext. 1pps present 2004.090.04:52:58.69#antcn#ACU: Azimuth: Pos: 944570, Dev: 0, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.090.04:52:58.69#antcn#ACU: Elevation: Pos: 394979, Dev: 2, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.090.04:52:58.69#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.090.04:52:58.69#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.090.04:52:58.69#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.090.04:52:58.69#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.090.04:52:58.69#antcn#ACU: Az: no fault , no fault 2004.090.04:52:58.69#antcn#ACU: El: no fault , no fault 2004.090.04:52:58.70/antenna/ACK 2004.090.04:52:58.70:!2004.090.04:55:38 2004.090.04:55:38.00:data_valid=off 2004.090.04:55:38.01:disc_end 2004.090.04:55:38.28/disc_end/usn-0079/960/1024OK 2004.090.04:55:38.28:disc_pos 2004.090.04:55:38.29/disc_pos/449107227240,443373887312, 2004.090.04:55:38.29:disc_check 2004.090.04:55:38.59/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y090d04h55m38.297s,78832,0.00250s,80000,13338964700, 2004.090.04:55:38.60:postob_mk5a 2004.090.04:55:38.61/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 852982 : 3934 : 1 : 6 : 0 : 3 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.04:55:38.62/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 853371 : 3521 : 1 : 28 : 8 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.04:55:38.63/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 853360 : 3551 : 1 : 6 : 1 : 0 : 6 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.04:55:38.63/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 852916 : 3990 : 0 : 27 : 1 : 7 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.04:55:38.64/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 852710 : 4211 : 3 : 7 : 0 : 5 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.04:55:38.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 852561 : 4362 : 2 : 16 : 1 : 1 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.04:55:38.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 853201 : 3734 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.04:55:38.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 853031 : 3897 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.04:55:39.23/cable/3.713984152E-3 2004.090.04:55:39.92/fmout-gps/-7.485235E-6 2004.090.04:55:40.39/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,19.40 2004.090.04:55:40.84/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,19.00 2004.090.04:55:41.29/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.60 2004.090.04:55:41.74/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,11.10 2004.090.04:55:42.19/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.601 2004.090.04:55:42.64/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.000 2004.090.04:55:43.09/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,1.488 2004.090.04:55:43.54/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,65.48 2004.090.04:55:43.99/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,61.54 2004.090.04:55:44.44/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.244 2004.090.04:55:44.94/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,241.4 2004.090.04:55:45.39/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,66.17 2004.090.04:55:45.39:scan_name=090-0456,r1116,132 2004.090.04:55:45.40:source=oj287,085448.87,200630.6,2000.0,ccw 2004.090.04:55:49.73:setup4f 2004.090.04:55:51.93/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.090.04:55:51.94/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.090.04:55:51.96/bank_check/usn-0079/960/1024OK,VNVD06G4H7982L,VNVD06G4H79L4L,VNVD06G4H79RWL,VNVD06G4H71WBL,VNVD06G4H79GKL,VNVD06G4H79D4L,VNVD06G4H700TL,VNVD06G4H79GUL 2004.090.04:55:52.01/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 201 ; 2004.090.04:55:52.01:!2004.090.04:56:39 2004.090.04:56:39.00:disc_pos 2004.090.04:56:39.02/disc_pos/449107227240,449106227240, 2004.090.04:56:39.02:disc_start=on 2004.090.04:56:40.06:!2004.090.04:56:39 2004.090.04:56:40.06:preob 2004.090.04:56:41.72#antcn#ACK 2004.090.04:56:41.72/onsource/TRACKING 2004.090.04:56:44.47/tpical/1l,15731,1u,16290,2u,16106,3u,16107,4u,16324 2004.090.04:56:44.47/tpical/9u,16449,au,16138,bu,16015,cu,16150,du,16227,eu,16266 2004.090.04:56:44.47/tpical/5u,16909,6u,15760,7u,15173,8l,15262,8u,16232 2004.090.04:56:44.62/tpgain/1l,43,1u,48,2u,115,3u,120,4u,161 2004.090.04:56:44.62/tpgain/9u,112,au,108,bu,90,cu,153,du,200,eu,168 2004.090.04:56:44.62/tpgain/5u,16,6u,29,7u,23,8l,27,8u,31 2004.090.04:56:44.65:!2004.090.04:56:49 2004.090.04:56:49.00:disc_pos 2004.090.04:56:49.01/disc_pos/449363021824,449106227240, 2004.090.04:56:49.03:data_valid=on 2004.090.04:56:49.03:midob 2004.090.04:56:49.21/tpi/1l,15722,1u,16288,2u,16094,3u,16114,4u,16335 2004.090.04:56:49.21/tpi/9u,16431,au,16103,bu,15999,cu,16135,du,16207,eu,16247 2004.090.04:56:49.21/tpi/5u,16916,6u,15765,7u,15165,8l,15258,8u,16227 2004.090.04:56:49.81/tsys/1l,87.6,1u,86.2,2u,81.4,3u,85.5,4u,86.5 2004.090.04:56:49.82/tsys/9u,78.4,au,75.3,bu,85.7,cu,79.7,du,88.8,eu,90.9 2004.090.04:56:49.82/tsys/5u,88.2,6u,89.6,7u,90.9,8l,90.3,8u,87.1 2004.090.04:56:49.85/wx/13.1,994.5,97.7,102.9,0.2 2004.090.04:56:50.43/cable/3.713620376E-3 2004.090.04:56:50.90/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,19.50 2004.090.04:56:51.40/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,19.00 2004.090.04:56:51.90/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.50 2004.090.04:56:52.40/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,11.10 2004.090.04:56:52.90/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.604 2004.090.04:56:53.39/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.000 2004.090.04:56:53.90/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,2.455 2004.090.04:56:54.40/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,65.48 2004.090.04:56:54.90/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,61.54 2004.090.04:56:55.40/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.244 2004.090.04:56:55.90/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,242.4 2004.090.04:56:56.40/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,68.12 2004.090.04:56:56.49/bbc01/612.89,a,8,8,1,agc, -2.54, -3.49,lock,16278,15715,1018,1pps 2004.090.04:56:56.57/bbc02/652.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 5.05, 2.92,lock,16166,16024,1029,1pps 2004.090.04:56:56.65/bbc03/752.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 5.42, 3.66,lock,16121,16189,1027,1pps 2004.090.04:56:56.73/bbc04/912.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 7.97, 6.94,lock,16333,16206,1024,1pps 2004.090.04:56:56.82/bbc05/652.99,c,8,8,1,agc,-12.08,-13.24,lock,14112,14852,1025,1pps 2004.090.04:56:56.90/bbc06/772.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -6.92, -6.92,lock,15748,15409,1030,1pps 2004.090.04:56:56.98/bbc07/832.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -8.93, -8.93,lock,15162,16015,1033,1pps 2004.090.04:56:57.06/bbc08/852.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -6.34, -7.54,lock,16237,15264,1028,1pps 2004.090.04:56:57.14/bbc09/692.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.82, 4.58,lock,15802,16041,1020,1pps 2004.090.04:56:57.22/bbc10/700.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.50, 3.11,lock,16129,16184,1026,1pps 2004.090.04:56:57.30/bbc11/716.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 2.92, 2.92,lock,16024,15944,1022,1pps 2004.090.04:56:57.38/bbc12/772.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 7.53, 6.38,lock,16164,16217,1019,1pps 2004.090.04:56:57.46/bbc13/804.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 9.86, 9.68,lock,16223,16244,1031,1pps 2004.090.04:56:57.54/bbc14/812.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 8.34, 8.13,lock,16273,16237,1021,1pps 2004.090.04:56:57.72#antcn#Received message for antenna: GETS 2004.090.04:56:58.70#antcn#ACU: MJD: 53094, UTC: 17817, Src: ext. 1pps present 2004.090.04:56:58.70#antcn#ACU: Azimuth: Pos: -524614, Dev: -1, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.090.04:56:58.70#antcn#ACU: Elevation: Pos: 128062, Dev: 9, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.090.04:56:58.70#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.090.04:56:58.70#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.090.04:56:58.70#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.090.04:56:58.70#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.090.04:56:58.70#antcn#ACU: Az: no fault , no fault 2004.090.04:56:58.70#antcn#ACU: El: no fault , no fault 2004.090.04:56:58.71/antenna/ACK 2004.090.04:56:58.71:!2004.090.04:59:01 2004.090.04:59:01.00:data_valid=off 2004.090.04:59:01.02:disc_end 2004.090.04:59:01.28/disc_end/usn-0079/960/1024OK 2004.090.04:59:01.28:disc_pos 2004.090.04:59:01.29/disc_pos/453624264264,449107227240, 2004.090.04:59:01.30:disc_check 2004.090.04:59:01.92/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y090d04h59m01.298s,66920,0.00250s,80000,1978974888, 2004.090.04:59:01.92:postob_mk5a 2004.090.04:59:01.94/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 861563 : 3972 : 1 : 6 : 0 : 3 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.04:59:01.94/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 861948 : 3561 : 1 : 29 : 8 : 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.04:59:01.95/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 861939 : 3591 : 1 : 6 : 1 : 0 : 6 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.04:59:01.96/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 861490 : 4035 : 0 : 28 : 1 : 7 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.04:59:01.97/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 861288 : 4253 : 3 : 7 : 0 : 5 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.04:59:01.99/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 861135 : 4407 : 2 : 16 : 1 : 1 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.04:59:02.00/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 861778 : 3775 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.04:59:02.01/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 861612 : 3935 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.04:59:02.43/cable/3.712412495E-3 2004.090.04:59:03.92/fmout-gps/-7.488813E-6 2004.090.04:59:04.39/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,19.40 2004.090.04:59:04.84/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,19.00 2004.090.04:59:05.29/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.50 2004.090.04:59:05.79/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,11.20 2004.090.04:59:06.24/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.604 2004.090.04:59:06.69/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.000 2004.090.04:59:07.14/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,2.292 2004.090.04:59:07.59/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,57.46 2004.090.04:59:08.04/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,62.85 2004.090.04:59:08.54/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.244 2004.090.04:59:08.99/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,242.1 2004.090.04:59:09.44/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,64.95 2004.090.04:59:09.44:scan_name=090-0500a,r1116,128 2004.090.04:59:09.45:source=1519-273,152237.68,-273010.8,2000.0,ccw 2004.090.04:59:13.73:setup4f 2004.090.04:59:15.93/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.090.04:59:15.94/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.090.04:59:15.96/bank_check/usn-0079/960/1024OK,VNVD06G4H7982L,VNVD06G4H79L4L,VNVD06G4H79RWL,VNVD06G4H71WBL,VNVD06G4H79GKL,VNVD06G4H79D4L,VNVD06G4H700TL,VNVD06G4H79GUL 2004.090.04:59:15.98/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 203 ; 2004.090.04:59:15.98:!2004.090.05:00:00 2004.090.05:00:00.00:disc_pos 2004.090.05:00:00.02/disc_pos/453624264264,453623264264, 2004.090.05:00:00.02:disc_start=on 2004.090.05:00:01.06:!2004.090.05:00:00 2004.090.05:00:01.06:preob 2004.090.05:00:02.72#antcn#ACK 2004.090.05:00:02.72/onsource/TRACKING 2004.090.05:00:05.47/tpical/1l,16220,1u,15927,2u,16120,3u,15909,4u,16280 2004.090.05:00:05.47/tpical/9u,16500,au,16200,bu,16034,cu,16226,du,16168,eu,16288 2004.090.05:00:05.47/tpical/5u,15912,6u,15720,7u,15524,8l,15352,8u,15265 2004.090.05:00:05.62/tpgain/1l,45,1u,49,2u,118,3u,123,4u,166 2004.090.05:00:05.62/tpgain/9u,112,au,108,bu,90,cu,154,du,201,eu,169 2004.090.05:00:05.62/tpgain/5u,16,6u,30,7u,24,8l,28,8u,31 2004.090.05:00:05.65:!2004.090.05:00:10 2004.090.05:00:10.00:disc_pos 2004.090.05:00:10.01/disc_pos/453880061952,453623264264, 2004.090.05:00:10.03:data_valid=on 2004.090.05:00:10.03:midob 2004.090.05:00:10.21/tpi/1l,16225,1u,15934,2u,16124,3u,15918,4u,16283 2004.090.05:00:10.21/tpi/9u,16472,au,16206,bu,15995,cu,16223,du,16165,eu,16289 2004.090.05:00:10.21/tpi/5u,15925,6u,15730,7u,15509,8l,15340,8u,15283 2004.090.05:00:10.81/tsys/1l,82.4,1u,80.7,2u,77.3,3u,80.2,4u,80.5 2004.090.05:00:10.82/tsys/9u,78.6,au,75.8,bu,85.7,cu,79.0,du,87.7,eu,90.0 2004.090.05:00:10.82/tsys/5u,82.9,6u,83.4,7u,85.3,8l,84.2,8u,81.9 2004.090.05:00:10.84/wx/13.1,994.5,97.7,95.5,0.1 2004.090.05:00:11.23/cable/3.715309763E-3 2004.090.05:00:11.74/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,19.50 2004.090.05:00:12.24/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,19.00 2004.090.05:00:12.74/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.50 2004.090.05:00:13.24/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,11.10 2004.090.05:00:13.74/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.601 2004.090.05:00:14.24/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.000 2004.090.05:00:14.74/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.116 2004.090.05:00:15.24/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,69.43 2004.090.05:00:15.74/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,60.22 2004.090.05:00:16.24/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.244 2004.090.05:00:16.74/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,241.7 2004.090.05:00:17.24/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,67.39 2004.090.05:00:17.34/bbc01/612.89,a,8,8,1,agc, -2.36, -3.10,lock,15934,16233,1018,1pps 2004.090.05:00:17.43/bbc02/652.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 5.27, 3.21,lock,16084,16061,1029,1pps 2004.090.05:00:17.52/bbc03/752.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 5.63, 3.84,lock,15905,16015,1027,1pps 2004.090.05:00:17.61/bbc04/912.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 8.24, 7.18,lock,16272,16213,1024,1pps 2004.090.05:00:17.70/bbc05/652.99,c,8,8,1,agc,-12.08,-12.64,lock,15921,15840,1025,1pps 2004.090.05:00:17.80/bbc06/772.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -6.62, -6.62,lock,15724,15402,1030,1pps 2004.090.05:00:17.89/bbc07/832.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -8.56, -8.93,lock,15496,15087,1033,1pps 2004.090.05:00:17.98/bbc08/852.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -6.34, -7.22,lock,17189,15335,1028,1pps 2004.090.05:00:18.07/bbc09/692.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.82, 4.58,lock,15823,16044,1020,1pps 2004.090.05:00:18.16/bbc10/700.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.50, 3.11,lock,16195,16214,1026,1pps 2004.090.05:00:18.25/bbc11/716.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 2.92, 2.92,lock,15968,16235,1022,1pps 2004.090.05:00:18.34/bbc12/772.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 7.59, 6.44,lock,16205,16289,1019,1pps 2004.090.05:00:18.43/bbc13/804.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 9.90, 9.73,lock,16154,16176,1031,1pps 2004.090.05:00:18.52/bbc14/812.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 8.39, 8.19,lock,16266,16211,1021,1pps 2004.090.05:00:18.72#antcn#Received message for antenna: GETS 2004.090.05:00:19.70#antcn#ACU: MJD: 53094, UTC: 18018, Src: ext. 1pps present 2004.090.05:00:19.70#antcn#ACU: Azimuth: Pos: 867305, Dev: 2, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.090.05:00:19.70#antcn#ACU: Elevation: Pos: 544872, Dev: 3, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.090.05:00:19.70#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.090.05:00:19.70#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.090.05:00:19.70#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.090.05:00:19.70#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.090.05:00:19.70#antcn#ACU: Az: no fault , no fault 2004.090.05:00:19.70#antcn#ACU: El: no fault , no fault 2004.090.05:00:19.72/antenna/ACK 2004.090.05:00:19.73:!2004.090.05:02:18 2004.090.05:02:18.00:data_valid=off 2004.090.05:02:18.01:disc_end 2004.090.05:02:18.27/disc_end/usn-0079/960/1024OK 2004.090.05:02:18.28:disc_pos 2004.090.05:02:18.29/disc_pos/458013021304,453624264264, 2004.090.05:02:18.29:disc_check 2004.090.05:02:18.95/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y090d05h02m18.290s,28816,0.00250s,80000,1915041064, 2004.090.05:02:18.95:postob_mk5a 2004.090.05:02:18.97/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 869899 : 4010 : 1 : 6 : 0 : 3 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.05:02:18.97/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 870276 : 3605 : 1 : 30 : 8 : 0 : 6 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.05:02:18.98/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 870279 : 3624 : 1 : 6 : 1 : 0 : 7 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.05:02:18.99/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 869836 : 4062 : 0 : 29 : 1 : 7 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.05:02:19.01/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 869583 : 4332 : 3 : 7 : 0 : 6 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.05:02:19.04/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 869476 : 4440 : 2 : 16 : 1 : 1 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.05:02:19.05/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 870105 : 3822 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.05:02:19.07/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 869952 : 3969 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.05:02:19.23/cable/3.715926200E-3 2004.090.05:02:19.92/fmout-gps/-7.538148E-6 2004.090.05:02:20.40/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,19.40 2004.090.05:02:20.90/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,18.90 2004.090.05:02:21.40/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.60 2004.090.05:02:21.90/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,11.10 2004.090.05:02:22.40/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.604 2004.090.05:02:22.90/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.000 2004.090.05:02:23.40/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,4.133 2004.090.05:02:23.90/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,56.07 2004.090.05:02:24.40/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,61.54 2004.090.05:02:24.90/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.271 2004.090.05:02:25.40/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,241.9 2004.090.05:02:25.90/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,67.88 2004.090.05:02:25.90:scan_name=090-0505,r1116,190 2004.090.05:02:25.91:source=1741-038,174358.86,-035004.6,2000.0,ccw 2004.090.05:02:30.72:setup4f 2004.090.05:02:32.93/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.090.05:02:32.94/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.090.05:02:32.95/bank_check/usn-0079/960/1024OK,VNVD06G4H7982L,VNVD06G4H79L4L,VNVD06G4H79RWL,VNVD06G4H71WBL,VNVD06G4H79GKL,VNVD06G4H79D4L,VNVD06G4H700TL,VNVD06G4H79GUL 2004.090.05:02:33.01/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 205 ; 2004.090.05:02:33.01:!2004.090.05:05:27 2004.090.05:05:27.00:disc_pos 2004.090.05:05:27.02/disc_pos/458013021304,458012021304, 2004.090.05:05:27.02:disc_start=on 2004.090.05:05:28.06:!2004.090.05:05:27 2004.090.05:05:28.06:preob 2004.090.05:05:29.73#antcn#ACK 2004.090.05:05:29.73/onsource/TRACKING 2004.090.05:05:32.48/tpical/1l,15851,1u,15681,2u,16072,3u,16103,4u,16191 2004.090.05:05:32.48/tpical/9u,16047,au,16104,bu,16087,cu,16335,du,16236,eu,16232 2004.090.05:05:32.48/tpical/5u,13720,6u,15307,7u,16020,8l,15850,8u,15795 2004.090.05:05:32.63/tpgain/1l,44,1u,48,2u,116,3u,122,4u,163 2004.090.05:05:32.63/tpgain/9u,112,au,109,bu,92,cu,156,du,203,eu,170 2004.090.05:05:32.63/tpgain/5u,15,6u,29,7u,24,8l,28,8u,31 2004.090.05:05:32.66:!2004.090.05:05:37 2004.090.05:05:37.00:disc_pos 2004.090.05:05:37.02/disc_pos/458268819456,458012021304, 2004.090.05:05:37.02:data_valid=on 2004.090.05:05:37.03:midob 2004.090.05:05:37.20/tpi/1l,15864,1u,15686,2u,16041,3u,16102,4u,16176 2004.090.05:05:37.20/tpi/9u,16048,au,16089,bu,16072,cu,16318,du,16214,eu,16219 2004.090.05:05:37.20/tpi/5u,13711,6u,15301,7u,16003,8l,15842,8u,15769 2004.090.05:05:37.79/tsys/1l,84.4,1u,82.9,2u,79.7,3u,82.6,4u,83.3 2004.090.05:05:37.79/tsys/9u,76.5,au,73.8,bu,82.3,cu,77.4,du,86.1,eu,88.5 2004.090.05:05:37.80/tsys/5u,81.2,6u,86.9,7u,88.1,8l,87.1,8u,84.6 2004.090.05:05:37.81/wx/13.0,994.5,97.7,135.1,0.0 2004.090.05:05:38.42/cable/3.713390049E-3 2004.090.05:05:38.89/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,19.40 2004.090.05:05:39.40/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,19.00 2004.090.05:05:39.90/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.50 2004.090.05:05:40.40/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,11.10 2004.090.05:05:40.90/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.601 2004.090.05:05:41.40/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.000 2004.090.05:05:41.90/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,1.488 2004.090.05:05:42.40/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,58.85 2004.090.05:05:42.90/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,58.85 2004.090.05:05:43.40/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.244 2004.090.05:05:43.90/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,242.1 2004.090.05:05:44.40/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,66.66 2004.090.05:05:44.49/bbc01/612.89,a,8,8,1,agc, -2.54, -3.30,lock,15690,15875,1018,1pps 2004.090.05:05:44.57/bbc02/652.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 5.12, 3.02,lock,16062,16004,1029,1pps 2004.090.05:05:44.65/bbc03/752.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 5.56, 3.75,lock,16094,16086,1027,1pps 2004.090.05:05:44.73/bbc04/912.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 8.08, 7.06,lock,16191,16339,1024,1pps 2004.090.05:05:44.82/bbc05/652.99,c,8,8,1,agc,-12.64,-13.24,lock,16436,14425,1025,1pps 2004.090.05:05:44.90/bbc06/772.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -6.92, -6.62,lock,15298,15876,1030,1pps 2004.090.05:05:44.98/bbc07/832.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -8.56, -8.93,lock,16018,15557,1033,1pps 2004.090.05:05:45.06/bbc08/852.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -6.34, -7.22,lock,15771,15824,1028,1pps 2004.090.05:05:45.14/bbc09/692.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.82, 4.74,lock,16033,16113,1020,1pps 2004.090.05:05:45.22/bbc10/700.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.58, 3.21,lock,16063,16088,1026,1pps 2004.090.05:05:45.30/bbc11/716.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 3.11, 3.11,lock,16055,16132,1022,1pps 2004.090.05:05:45.38/bbc12/772.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 7.70, 6.51,lock,16310,16231,1019,1pps 2004.090.05:05:45.46/bbc13/804.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 9.99, 9.81,lock,16216,16248,1031,1pps 2004.090.05:05:45.54/bbc14/812.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 8.44, 8.24,lock,16202,16177,1021,1pps 2004.090.05:05:45.73#antcn#Received message for antenna: GETS 2004.090.05:05:46.71#antcn#ACU: MJD: 53094, UTC: 18345, Src: ext. 1pps present 2004.090.05:05:46.71#antcn#ACU: Azimuth: Pos: 837659, Dev: -1, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.090.05:05:46.71#antcn#ACU: Elevation: Pos: 145373, Dev: 9, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.090.05:05:46.71#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.090.05:05:46.71#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.090.05:05:46.71#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.090.05:05:46.71#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.090.05:05:46.71#antcn#ACU: Az: no fault , no fault 2004.090.05:05:46.71#antcn#ACU: El: no fault , no fault 2004.090.05:05:46.72/antenna/ACK 2004.090.05:05:46.72:!2004.090.05:08:47 2004.090.05:08:47.00:data_valid=off 2004.090.05:08:47.01:disc_end 2004.090.05:08:47.27/disc_end/usn-0079/960/1024OK 2004.090.05:08:47.27:disc_pos 2004.090.05:08:47.28/disc_pos/464385843088,458013021304, 2004.090.05:08:47.28:disc_check 2004.090.05:08:47.58/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y090d05h08m47.295s,45908,0.00250s,80000,6075321124, 2004.090.05:08:47.59:postob_mk5a 2004.090.05:08:47.60/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 882003 : 4064 : 1 : 6 : 0 : 3 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.05:08:47.61/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 882376 : 3664 : 1 : 30 : 8 : 0 : 6 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.05:08:47.62/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 882395 : 3668 : 1 : 6 : 1 : 0 : 7 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.05:08:47.62/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 881950 : 4107 : 0 : 29 : 1 : 7 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.05:08:47.63/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 881674 : 4400 : 3 : 7 : 0 : 6 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.05:08:47.64/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 881589 : 4486 : 2 : 16 : 1 : 1 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.05:08:47.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 882189 : 3897 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.05:08:47.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 882053 : 4026 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.05:08:48.03/cable/3.715974644E-3 2004.090.05:08:49.92/fmout-gps/-7.525887E-6 2004.090.05:08:50.39/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,19.40 2004.090.05:08:50.89/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,19.00 2004.090.05:08:51.39/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.50 2004.090.05:08:51.89/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,11.10 2004.090.05:08:52.39/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.601 2004.090.05:08:52.89/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.000 2004.090.05:08:53.39/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.283 2004.090.05:08:53.89/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,49.12 2004.090.05:08:54.39/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,58.85 2004.090.05:08:54.89/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.244 2004.090.05:08:55.39/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,242.4 2004.090.05:08:55.89/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,66.66 2004.090.05:08:55.89:scan_name=090-0515,r1116,190 2004.090.05:08:55.90:source=1606+106,160846.20,102907.8,2000.0,ccw 2004.090.05:09:00.73:setup4f 2004.090.05:09:02.93/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.090.05:09:02.94/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.090.05:09:02.96/bank_check/usn-0079/960/1024OK,VNVD06G4H7982L,VNVD06G4H79L4L,VNVD06G4H79RWL,VNVD06G4H71WBL,VNVD06G4H79GKL,VNVD06G4H79D4L,VNVD06G4H700TL,VNVD06G4H79GUL 2004.090.05:09:02.98/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 207 ; 2004.090.05:09:02.98:!2004.090.05:15:10 2004.090.05:15:10.00:disc_pos 2004.090.05:15:10.01/disc_pos/464385843088,464384843088, 2004.090.05:15:10.02:disc_start=on 2004.090.05:15:11.06:!2004.090.05:15:10 2004.090.05:15:11.06:preob 2004.090.05:15:12.74#antcn#ACK 2004.090.05:15:12.74/onsource/TRACKING 2004.090.05:15:15.48/tpical/1l,16314,1u,16097,2u,15992,3u,16209,4u,16247 2004.090.05:15:15.48/tpical/9u,16205,au,16099,bu,16018,cu,16180,du,16308,eu,16257 2004.090.05:15:15.48/tpical/5u,15998,6u,15849,7u,15594,8l,15440,8u,15384 2004.090.05:15:15.63/tpgain/1l,45,1u,49,2u,118,3u,124,4u,165 2004.090.05:15:15.63/tpgain/9u,112,au,109,bu,91,cu,155,du,203,eu,170 2004.090.05:15:15.63/tpgain/5u,16,6u,30,7u,24,8l,28,8u,31 2004.090.05:15:15.66:!2004.090.05:15:20 2004.090.05:15:20.00:disc_pos 2004.090.05:15:20.02/disc_pos/464641638400,464384843088, 2004.090.05:15:20.03:data_valid=on 2004.090.05:15:20.04:midob 2004.090.05:15:20.22/tpi/1l,16308,1u,16104,2u,15993,3u,16210,4u,16258 2004.090.05:15:20.23/tpi/9u,16201,au,16108,bu,16029,cu,16176,du,16277,eu,16235 2004.090.05:15:20.23/tpi/5u,15999,6u,15860,7u,15598,8l,15455,8u,15390 2004.090.05:15:20.83/tsys/1l,82.9,1u,81.6,2u,76.7,3u,80.4,4u,81.5 2004.090.05:15:20.83/tsys/9u,77.3,au,73.9,bu,83.9,cu,77.7,du,86.5,eu,88.6 2004.090.05:15:20.84/tsys/5u,83.3,6u,84.1,7u,85.8,8l,84.9,8u,82.5 2004.090.05:15:20.85/wx/13.4,994.3,97.7,69.2,0.2 2004.090.05:15:21.63/cable/3.713530808E-3 2004.090.05:15:22.09/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,19.40 2004.090.05:15:22.54/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,19.00 2004.090.05:15:22.99/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.50 2004.090.05:15:23.44/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,11.10 2004.090.05:15:23.89/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.601 2004.090.05:15:24.34/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.000 2004.090.05:15:24.79/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,2.784 2004.090.05:15:25.24/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,50.51 2004.090.05:15:25.69/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,58.85 2004.090.05:15:26.14/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.271 2004.090.05:15:26.59/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,242.6 2004.090.05:15:27.04/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,69.59 2004.090.05:15:27.13/bbc01/612.89,a,8,8,1,agc, -2.36, -3.10,lock,16112,16326,1018,1pps 2004.090.05:15:27.21/bbc02/652.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 5.27, 3.30,lock,16023,16312,1029,1pps 2004.090.05:15:27.29/bbc03/752.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 5.70, 3.84,lock,16215,15950,1027,1pps 2004.090.05:15:27.37/bbc04/912.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 8.19, 7.18,lock,16257,16339,1024,1pps 2004.090.05:15:27.45/bbc05/652.99,c,8,8,1,agc,-12.08,-12.64,lock,16007,15982,1025,1pps 2004.090.05:15:27.53/bbc06/772.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -6.62, -6.62,lock,15856,15525,1030,1pps 2004.090.05:15:27.61/bbc07/832.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -8.56, -8.93,lock,15592,15157,1033,1pps 2004.090.05:15:27.69/bbc08/852.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -6.34, -7.22,lock,15391,15449,1028,1pps 2004.090.05:15:27.77/bbc09/692.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.82, 4.74,lock,16230,16380,1020,1pps 2004.090.05:15:27.85/bbc10/700.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.58, 3.21,lock,16122,16288,1026,1pps 2004.090.05:15:27.93/bbc11/716.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 3.02, 3.02,lock,16080,16010,1022,1pps 2004.090.05:15:28.01/bbc12/772.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 7.64, 6.44,lock,16231,16137,1019,1pps 2004.090.05:15:28.10/bbc13/804.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 9.99, 9.81,lock,16328,16352,1031,1pps 2004.090.05:15:28.18/bbc14/812.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 8.44, 8.24,lock,16279,16271,1021,1pps 2004.090.05:15:28.74#antcn#Received message for antenna: GETS 2004.090.05:15:29.72#antcn#ACU: MJD: 53094, UTC: 18928, Src: ext. 1pps present 2004.090.05:15:29.72#antcn#ACU: Azimuth: Pos: 538732, Dev: -4, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.090.05:15:29.72#antcn#ACU: Elevation: Pos: 243672, Dev: -4, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.090.05:15:29.72#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.090.05:15:29.72#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.090.05:15:29.72#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.090.05:15:29.72#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.090.05:15:29.72#antcn#ACU: Az: no fault , no fault 2004.090.05:15:29.72#antcn#ACU: El: no fault , no fault 2004.090.05:15:29.73/antenna/ACK 2004.090.05:15:29.73:!2004.090.05:18:30 2004.090.05:18:30.00:data_valid=off 2004.090.05:18:30.01:disc_end 2004.090.05:18:30.28/disc_end/usn-0079/960/1024OK 2004.090.05:18:30.28:disc_pos 2004.090.05:18:30.29/disc_pos/470758979320,464385843088, 2004.090.05:18:30.30:disc_check 2004.090.05:18:30.91/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y090d05h18m30.295s,29860,0.00250s,80000,12282879816, 2004.090.05:18:30.91:postob_mk5a 2004.090.05:18:30.94/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 894114 : 4113 : 1 : 6 : 0 : 3 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.05:18:30.95/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 894455 : 3743 : 1 : 30 : 9 : 0 : 6 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.05:18:30.96/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 894504 : 3718 : 1 : 6 : 1 : 0 : 7 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.05:18:30.97/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 894056 : 4160 : 0 : 29 : 1 : 7 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.05:18:30.97/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 893789 : 4444 : 3 : 7 : 0 : 6 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.05:18:30.98/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 893700 : 4536 : 2 : 16 : 1 : 1 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.05:18:30.99/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 894272 : 3973 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.05:18:31.00/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 894164 : 4075 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.05:18:31.23/cable/3.715063789E-3 2004.090.05:18:31.92/fmout-gps/-7.490012E-6 2004.090.05:18:32.40/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,19.40 2004.090.05:18:32.90/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,19.00 2004.090.05:18:33.40/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.50 2004.090.05:18:33.90/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,11.10 2004.090.05:18:34.40/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.601 2004.090.05:18:34.90/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.000 2004.090.05:18:35.40/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.000 2004.090.05:18:35.90/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,54.68 2004.090.05:18:36.40/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,58.85 2004.090.05:18:36.90/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.271 2004.090.05:18:37.40/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,242.6 2004.090.05:18:37.90/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,69.83 2004.090.05:18:37.90:scan_name=090-0520a,r1116,190 2004.090.05:18:37.91:source=1124-186,112704.39,-185717.4,2000.0,ccw 2004.090.05:18:42.74:setup4f 2004.090.05:18:44.93/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.090.05:18:44.94/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.090.05:18:44.95/bank_check/usn-0079/960/1024OK,VNVD06G4H7982L,VNVD06G4H79L4L,VNVD06G4H79RWL,VNVD06G4H71WBL,VNVD06G4H79GKL,VNVD06G4H79D4L,VNVD06G4H700TL,VNVD06G4H79GUL 2004.090.05:18:45.01/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 209 ; 2004.090.05:18:45.01:!2004.090.05:20:43 2004.090.05:20:43.00:disc_pos 2004.090.05:20:43.01/disc_pos/470758979320,470757979320, 2004.090.05:20:43.02:disc_start=on 2004.090.05:20:44.05:!2004.090.05:20:43 2004.090.05:20:44.06:preob 2004.090.05:20:45.75#antcn#ACK 2004.090.05:20:45.75/onsource/TRACKING 2004.090.05:20:48.49/tpical/1l,16120,1u,15788,2u,16019,3u,16205,4u,16307 2004.090.05:20:48.49/tpical/9u,16271,au,16055,bu,16016,cu,16307,du,16208,eu,16199 2004.090.05:20:48.49/tpical/5u,13698,6u,15286,7u,15965,8l,15840,8u,15785 2004.090.05:20:48.64/tpgain/1l,44,1u,48,2u,116,3u,122,4u,164 2004.090.05:20:48.64/tpgain/9u,111,au,106,bu,89,cu,152,du,199,eu,167 2004.090.05:20:48.64/tpgain/5u,15,6u,29,7u,24,8l,28,8u,31 2004.090.05:20:48.67:!2004.090.05:20:53 2004.090.05:20:53.00:disc_pos 2004.090.05:20:53.02/disc_pos/471014776832,470757979320, 2004.090.05:20:53.02:data_valid=on 2004.090.05:20:53.03:midob 2004.090.05:20:53.20/tpi/1l,16132,1u,15805,2u,16037,3u,16213,4u,16323 2004.090.05:20:53.20/tpi/9u,16237,au,16038,bu,15996,cu,16277,du,16184,eu,16176 2004.090.05:20:53.20/tpi/5u,13707,6u,15297,7u,15995,8l,15852,8u,15780 2004.090.05:20:53.78/tsys/1l,85.8,1u,83.5,2u,79.6,3u,83.2,4u,83.0 2004.090.05:20:53.78/tsys/9u,78.9,au,77.9,bu,87.7,cu,81.5,du,89.6,eu,91.7 2004.090.05:20:53.79/tsys/5u,81.2,6u,86.9,7u,88.0,8l,87.1,8u,84.6 2004.090.05:20:53.80/wx/13.4,994.3,97.7,91.5,0.0 2004.090.05:20:54.43/cable/3.713168881E-3 2004.090.05:20:54.89/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,19.40 2004.090.05:20:55.34/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,18.90 2004.090.05:20:55.79/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.60 2004.090.05:20:56.24/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,11.10 2004.090.05:20:56.69/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.601 2004.090.05:20:57.14/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.000 2004.090.05:20:57.59/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,2.949 2004.090.05:20:58.04/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,62.85 2004.090.05:20:58.49/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,64.17 2004.090.05:20:58.94/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.271 2004.090.05:20:59.39/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,242.1 2004.090.05:20:59.89/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,66.90 2004.090.05:20:59.98/bbc01/612.89,a,8,8,1,agc, -2.54, -3.30,lock,15832,16169,1018,1pps 2004.090.05:21:00.06/bbc02/652.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 5.12, 3.11,lock,16065,16265,1029,1pps 2004.090.05:21:00.14/bbc03/752.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 5.56, 3.75,lock,16239,16240,1027,1pps 2004.090.05:21:00.22/bbc04/912.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 8.13, 7.06,lock,16365,16288,1024,1pps 2004.090.05:21:00.30/bbc05/652.99,c,8,8,1,agc,-12.08,-13.24,lock,13766,14446,1025,1pps 2004.090.05:21:00.38/bbc06/772.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -6.92, -6.62,lock,15334,16001,1030,1pps 2004.090.05:21:00.46/bbc07/832.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -8.56, -8.93,lock,16041,15575,1033,1pps 2004.090.05:21:00.55/bbc08/852.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -6.34, -7.22,lock,15837,15898,1028,1pps 2004.090.05:21:00.63/bbc09/692.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.74, 4.50,lock,16276,16256,1020,1pps 2004.090.05:21:00.71/bbc10/700.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.34, 2.92,lock,16057,16011,1026,1pps 2004.090.05:21:00.79/bbc11/716.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 2.82, 2.82,lock,16010,16007,1022,1pps 2004.090.05:21:00.87/bbc12/772.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 7.47, 6.31,lock,16308,16353,1019,1pps 2004.090.05:21:00.95/bbc13/804.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 9.81, 9.64,lock,16220,16265,1031,1pps 2004.090.05:21:01.03/bbc14/812.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 8.29, 8.08,lock,16211,16196,1021,1pps 2004.090.05:21:01.74#antcn#Received message for antenna: GETS 2004.090.05:21:02.72#antcn#ACU: MJD: 53094, UTC: 19261, Src: ext. 1pps present 2004.090.05:21:02.72#antcn#ACU: Azimuth: Pos: -551739, Dev: -7, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.090.05:21:02.72#antcn#ACU: Elevation: Pos: 627691, Dev: 5, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.090.05:21:02.72#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.090.05:21:02.72#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.090.05:21:02.72#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.090.05:21:02.72#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.090.05:21:02.72#antcn#ACU: Az: no fault , no fault 2004.090.05:21:02.72#antcn#ACU: El: no fault , no fault 2004.090.05:21:02.73/antenna/ACK 2004.090.05:21:02.73:!2004.090.05:24:03 2004.090.05:24:03.00:data_valid=off 2004.090.05:24:03.02:disc_end 2004.090.05:24:03.27/disc_end/usn-0079/960/1024OK 2004.090.05:24:03.28:disc_pos 2004.090.05:24:03.29/disc_pos/477132117488,470758979320, 2004.090.05:24:03.29:disc_check 2004.090.05:24:03.96/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y090d05h24m03.295s,37076,0.00250s,80000,4282854616, 2004.090.05:24:03.96:postob_mk5a 2004.090.05:24:03.98/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 906206 : 4181 : 1 : 7 : 0 : 3 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.05:24:03.99/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 906565 : 3791 : 1 : 31 : 9 : 0 : 6 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.05:24:03.99/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 906623 : 3759 : 1 : 6 : 1 : 0 : 7 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.05:24:04.02/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 906151 : 4223 : 0 : 30 : 1 : 7 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.05:24:04.02/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 905883 : 4509 : 3 : 7 : 1 : 6 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.05:24:04.05/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 905807 : 4587 : 2 : 17 : 1 : 1 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.05:24:04.05/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 906349 : 4057 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.05:24:04.07/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 906275 : 4123 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.05:24:04.83/cable/3.712682872E-3 2004.090.05:24:05.92/fmout-gps/-7.563515E-6 2004.090.05:24:06.40/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,19.40 2004.090.05:24:06.90/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,18.90 2004.090.05:24:07.40/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.60 2004.090.05:24:07.90/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,11.10 2004.090.05:24:08.40/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.601 2004.090.05:24:08.90/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.000 2004.090.05:24:09.40/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,1.330 2004.090.05:24:09.90/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,57.46 2004.090.05:24:10.40/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,58.85 2004.090.05:24:10.90/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.244 2004.090.05:24:11.40/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,243.1 2004.090.05:24:11.90/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,64.21 2004.090.05:24:11.90:scan_name=090-0526a,r1116,42 2004.090.05:24:11.91:source=0727-115,073019.11,-114112.6,2000.0,neutral 2004.090.05:24:16.75:setup4f 2004.090.05:24:18.93/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.090.05:24:18.94/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.090.05:24:18.96/bank_check/usn-0079/960/1024OK,VNVD06G4H7982L,VNVD06G4H79L4L,VNVD06G4H79RWL,VNVD06G4H71WBL,VNVD06G4H79GKL,VNVD06G4H79D4L,VNVD06G4H700TL,VNVD06G4H79GUL 2004.090.05:24:19.01/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 211 ; 2004.090.05:24:19.01:!2004.090.05:26:32 2004.090.05:26:32.00:disc_pos 2004.090.05:26:32.01/disc_pos/477132117488,477131117488, 2004.090.05:26:32.02:disc_start=on 2004.090.05:26:33.05:!2004.090.05:26:32 2004.090.05:26:33.05:preob 2004.090.05:26:34.74#antcn#ACK 2004.090.05:26:34.74/onsource/TRACKING 2004.090.05:26:37.48/tpical/1l,15659,1u,16169,2u,15997,3u,16161,4u,16278 2004.090.05:26:37.48/tpical/9u,16347,au,16032,bu,16201,cu,16209,du,16256,eu,16181 2004.090.05:26:37.48/tpical/5u,14212,6u,15876,7u,15286,8l,15356,8u,16374 2004.090.05:26:37.63/tpgain/1l,43,1u,48,2u,114,3u,120,4u,161 2004.090.05:26:37.63/tpgain/9u,112,au,108,bu,92,cu,154,du,201,eu,168 2004.090.05:26:37.63/tpgain/5u,15,6u,29,7u,23,8l,27,8u,31 2004.090.05:26:37.66:!2004.090.05:26:42 2004.090.05:26:42.00:disc_pos 2004.090.05:26:42.02/disc_pos/477387919360,477131117488, 2004.090.05:26:42.02:data_valid=on 2004.090.05:26:42.03:midob 2004.090.05:26:42.20/tpi/1l,15659,1u,16180,2u,15996,3u,16176,4u,16291 2004.090.05:26:42.20/tpi/9u,16353,au,16052,bu,16215,cu,16224,du,16260,eu,16192 2004.090.05:26:42.20/tpi/5u,14210,6u,15868,7u,15267,8l,15354,8u,16363 2004.090.05:26:42.78/tsys/1l,87.3,1u,85.6,2u,82.3,3u,85.9,4u,86.3 2004.090.05:26:42.78/tsys/9u,78.0,au,75.1,bu,83.0,cu,79.0,du,88.2,eu,90.6 2004.090.05:26:42.79/tsys/5u,84.2,6u,90.2,7u,91.5,8l,90.8,8u,87.8 2004.090.05:26:42.80/wx/13.3,994.3,97.7,94.9,0.2 2004.090.05:26:43.22/cable/3.714001953E-3 2004.090.05:26:43.69/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,19.40 2004.090.05:26:44.19/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,19.00 2004.090.05:26:44.69/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.40 2004.090.05:26:45.19/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,11.10 2004.090.05:26:45.69/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.604 2004.090.05:26:46.19/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.000 2004.090.05:26:46.69/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.621 2004.090.05:26:47.19/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,60.22 2004.090.05:26:47.69/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,60.22 2004.090.05:26:48.19/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.244 2004.090.05:26:48.69/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,242.1 2004.090.05:26:49.19/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,65.43 2004.090.05:26:49.28/bbc01/612.89,a,8,8,1,agc, -2.54, -3.49,lock,16175,15663,1018,1pps 2004.090.05:26:49.36/bbc02/652.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 4.97, 2.92,lock,16096,16246,1029,1pps 2004.090.05:26:49.44/bbc03/752.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 5.42, 3.66,lock,16186,16348,1027,1pps 2004.090.05:26:49.52/bbc04/912.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 7.97, 6.94,lock,16295,16233,1024,1pps 2004.090.05:26:49.60/bbc05/652.99,c,8,8,1,agc,-12.64,-13.24,lock,17031,14949,1025,1pps 2004.090.05:26:49.68/bbc06/772.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -6.92, -6.92,lock,15862,15509,1030,1pps 2004.090.05:26:49.76/bbc07/832.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -8.93, -8.93,lock,15311,16121,1033,1pps 2004.090.05:26:49.84/bbc08/852.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -6.34, -7.54,lock,16362,15358,1028,1pps 2004.090.05:26:49.92/bbc09/692.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.82, 4.66,lock,16354,16197,1020,1pps 2004.090.05:26:50.00/bbc10/700.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.50, 3.11,lock,16048,16102,1026,1pps 2004.090.05:26:50.08/bbc11/716.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 3.11, 3.02,lock,16204,16038,1022,1pps 2004.090.05:26:50.16/bbc12/772.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 7.59, 6.44,lock,16226,16308,1019,1pps 2004.090.05:26:50.24/bbc13/804.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 9.90, 9.73,lock,16263,16267,1031,1pps 2004.090.05:26:50.32/bbc14/812.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 8.34, 8.19,lock,16179,16328,1021,1pps 2004.090.05:26:50.75#antcn#Received message for antenna: GETS 2004.090.05:26:51.73#antcn#ACU: MJD: 53094, UTC: 19610, Src: ext. 1pps present 2004.090.05:26:51.73#antcn#ACU: Azimuth: Pos: 2640317, Dev: 0, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.090.05:26:51.73#antcn#ACU: Elevation: Pos: 117814, Dev: -6, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.090.05:26:51.73#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.090.05:26:51.73#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.090.05:26:51.73#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.090.05:26:51.73#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.090.05:26:51.73#antcn#ACU: Az: no fault , no fault 2004.090.05:26:51.73#antcn#ACU: El: no fault , no fault 2004.090.05:26:51.74/antenna/ACK 2004.090.05:26:51.74:!2004.090.05:27:24 2004.090.05:27:24.00:data_valid=off 2004.090.05:27:24.00:disc_end 2004.090.05:27:24.26/disc_end/usn-0079/960/1024OK 2004.090.05:27:24.27:disc_pos 2004.090.05:27:24.27/disc_pos/478768988584,477132117488, 2004.090.05:27:24.28:disc_check 2004.090.05:27:24.58/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y090d05h27m24.288s,33320,0.00250s,80000,4794892660, 2004.090.05:27:24.58:postob_mk5a 2004.090.05:27:24.60/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 909299 : 4212 : 1 : 7 : 0 : 3 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.05:27:24.61/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 909677 : 3804 : 1 : 31 : 9 : 0 : 6 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.05:27:24.62/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 909730 : 3776 : 1 : 6 : 1 : 0 : 7 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.05:27:24.62/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 909253 : 4246 : 0 : 30 : 1 : 7 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.05:27:24.63/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 908984 : 4532 : 3 : 7 : 1 : 6 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.05:27:24.64/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 908918 : 4601 : 2 : 17 : 1 : 1 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.05:27:24.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 909451 : 4081 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.05:27:24.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 909384 : 4138 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.05:27:24.83/cable/3.713657464E-3 2004.090.05:27:25.92/fmout-gps/-7.527162E-6 2004.090.05:27:26.40/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,19.40 2004.090.05:27:26.90/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,19.00 2004.090.05:27:27.40/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.40 2004.090.05:27:27.90/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,11.10 2004.090.05:27:28.40/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.601 2004.090.05:27:28.90/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.000 2004.090.05:27:29.40/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,2.784 2004.090.05:27:29.90/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,60.22 2004.090.05:27:30.40/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,64.17 2004.090.05:27:30.90/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.244 2004.090.05:27:31.40/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,243.4 2004.090.05:27:31.90/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,68.85 2004.090.05:27:31.90:scan_name=090-0530,r1116,153 2004.090.05:27:31.91:source=1622-253,162546.89,-252738.3,2000.0,ccw 2004.090.05:27:36.75:setup4f 2004.090.05:27:38.93/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.090.05:27:38.94/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.090.05:27:38.95/bank_check/usn-0079/960/1024OK,VNVD06G4H7982L,VNVD06G4H79L4L,VNVD06G4H79RWL,VNVD06G4H71WBL,VNVD06G4H79GKL,VNVD06G4H79D4L,VNVD06G4H700TL,VNVD06G4H79GUL 2004.090.05:27:39.01/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 213 ; 2004.090.05:27:39.01:!2004.090.05:30:28 2004.090.05:30:28.00:disc_pos 2004.090.05:30:28.02/disc_pos/478768988584,478767988584, 2004.090.05:30:28.02:disc_start=on 2004.090.05:30:29.05:!2004.090.05:30:28 2004.090.05:30:29.06:preob 2004.090.05:30:30.75#antcn#ACK 2004.090.05:30:30.75/onsource/TRACKING 2004.090.05:30:33.52/tpical/1l,15894,1u,16254,2u,15942,3u,15924,4u,16209 2004.090.05:30:33.52/tpical/9u,16069,au,16025,bu,16194,cu,16271,du,16319,eu,16263 2004.090.05:30:33.52/tpical/5u,15722,6u,15536,7u,15257,8l,16080,8u,15082 2004.090.05:30:33.67/tpgain/1l,45,1u,50,2u,119,3u,124,4u,167 2004.090.05:30:33.67/tpgain/9u,112,au,109,bu,93,cu,156,du,204,eu,171 2004.090.05:30:33.67/tpgain/5u,16,6u,30,7u,24,8l,29,8u,31 2004.090.05:30:33.70:!2004.090.05:30:38 2004.090.05:30:38.00:disc_pos 2004.090.05:30:38.00/disc_pos/479024779264,478767988584, 2004.090.05:30:38.01:data_valid=on 2004.090.05:30:38.03:midob 2004.090.05:30:38.20/tpi/1l,15890,1u,16264,2u,15964,3u,15920,4u,16205 2004.090.05:30:38.20/tpi/9u,16050,au,16030,bu,16195,cu,16264,du,16319,eu,16278 2004.090.05:30:38.20/tpi/5u,15718,6u,15518,7u,15262,8l,16099,8u,15087 2004.090.05:30:38.78/tsys/1l,80.7,1u,79.1,2u,75.2,3u,78.9,4u,79.0 2004.090.05:30:38.78/tsys/9u,76.5,au,73.5,bu,81.1,cu,77.1,du,85.8,eu,87.8 2004.090.05:30:38.79/tsys/5u,81.8,6u,82.3,7u,83.9,8l,82.4,8u,80.8 2004.090.05:30:38.80/wx/13.1,994.2,97.7,117.5,0.2 2004.090.05:30:39.23/cable/3.715742279E-3 2004.090.05:30:39.70/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,19.40 2004.090.05:30:40.20/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,19.00 2004.090.05:30:40.70/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.60 2004.090.05:30:41.20/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,11.10 2004.090.05:30:41.70/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.604 2004.090.05:30:42.20/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.000 2004.090.05:30:42.70/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,1.647 2004.090.05:30:43.20/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,66.80 2004.090.05:30:43.70/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,66.80 2004.090.05:30:44.20/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.271 2004.090.05:30:44.70/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,242.1 2004.090.05:30:45.20/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,63.97 2004.090.05:30:45.29/bbc01/612.89,a,8,8,1,agc, -2.18, -3.10,lock,16278,15895,1018,1pps 2004.090.05:30:45.37/bbc02/652.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 5.35, 3.30,lock,15946,16064,1029,1pps 2004.090.05:30:45.45/bbc03/752.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 5.70, 3.92,lock,15934,16008,1027,1pps 2004.090.05:30:45.53/bbc04/912.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 8.29, 7.24,lock,16194,16165,1024,1pps 2004.090.05:30:45.61/bbc05/652.99,c,8,8,1,agc,-12.08,-12.64,lock,15697,15599,1025,1pps 2004.090.05:30:45.69/bbc06/772.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -6.62, -6.34,lock,15505,16093,1030,1pps 2004.090.05:30:45.77/bbc07/832.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -8.56, -8.56,lock,15272,16083,1033,1pps 2004.090.05:30:45.85/bbc08/852.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -6.34, -6.92,lock,16971,16087,1028,1pps 2004.090.05:30:45.93/bbc09/692.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.82, 4.66,lock,16050,15935,1020,1pps 2004.090.05:30:46.01/bbc10/700.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.58, 3.21,lock,16034,16132,1026,1pps 2004.090.05:30:46.10/bbc11/716.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 3.21, 3.11,lock,16191,16290,1022,1pps 2004.090.05:30:46.18/bbc12/772.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 7.70, 6.51,lock,16267,16211,1019,1pps 2004.090.05:30:46.26/bbc13/804.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 10.03, 9.81,lock,16308,16178,1031,1pps 2004.090.05:30:46.34/bbc14/812.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 8.50, 8.29,lock,16268,16262,1021,1pps 2004.090.05:30:46.75#antcn#Received message for antenna: GETS 2004.090.05:30:47.73#antcn#ACU: MJD: 53094, UTC: 19846, Src: ext. 1pps present 2004.090.05:30:47.73#antcn#ACU: Azimuth: Pos: 889975, Dev: 3, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.090.05:30:47.73#antcn#ACU: Elevation: Pos: 470648, Dev: -4, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.090.05:30:47.73#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.090.05:30:47.73#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.090.05:30:47.73#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.090.05:30:47.73#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.090.05:30:47.73#antcn#ACU: Az: no fault , no fault 2004.090.05:30:47.73#antcn#ACU: El: no fault , no fault 2004.090.05:30:47.74/antenna/ACK 2004.090.05:30:47.74:!2004.090.05:33:11 2004.090.05:33:11.00:data_valid=off 2004.090.05:33:11.01:disc_end 2004.090.05:33:11.28/disc_end/usn-0079/960/1024OK 2004.090.05:33:11.28:disc_pos 2004.090.05:33:11.30/disc_pos/483958216568,478768988584, 2004.090.05:33:11.30:disc_check 2004.090.05:33:11.60/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y090d05h33m11.305s,52456,0.00250s,80000,5915312880, 2004.090.05:33:11.60:postob_mk5a 2004.090.05:33:11.62/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 919116 : 4296 : 1 : 7 : 0 : 3 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.05:33:11.62/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 919537 : 3845 : 1 : 31 : 9 : 0 : 6 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.05:33:11.63/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 919588 : 3819 : 1 : 6 : 1 : 0 : 7 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.05:33:11.64/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 919135 : 4265 : 0 : 30 : 1 : 7 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.05:33:11.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 918832 : 4585 : 3 : 7 : 1 : 6 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.05:33:11.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 918775 : 4646 : 2 : 17 : 1 : 1 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.05:33:11.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 919292 : 4141 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.05:33:11.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 919246 : 4177 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.05:33:12.03/cable/3.712901911E-3 2004.090.05:33:13.91/fmout-gps/-7.521181E-6 2004.090.05:33:14.40/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,19.40 2004.090.05:33:14.90/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,18.90 2004.090.05:33:15.40/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.50 2004.090.05:33:15.90/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,11.00 2004.090.05:33:16.40/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.601 2004.090.05:33:16.90/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.000 2004.090.05:33:17.40/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.962 2004.090.05:33:17.90/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,53.29 2004.090.05:33:18.40/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,60.22 2004.090.05:33:18.90/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.271 2004.090.05:33:19.40/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,242.9 2004.090.05:33:19.90/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,69.59 2004.090.05:33:19.91:scan_name=090-0542,r1116,190 2004.090.05:33:19.91:source=1741-038,174358.86,-035004.6,2000.0,ccw 2004.090.05:33:24.75:setup4f 2004.090.05:33:26.93/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.090.05:33:26.94/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.090.05:33:26.95/bank_check/usn-0079/960/1024OK,VNVD06G4H7982L,VNVD06G4H79L4L,VNVD06G4H79RWL,VNVD06G4H71WBL,VNVD06G4H79GKL,VNVD06G4H79D4L,VNVD06G4H700TL,VNVD06G4H79GUL 2004.090.05:33:27.00/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 215 ; 2004.090.05:33:27.00:!2004.090.05:42:21 2004.090.05:42:21.00:disc_pos 2004.090.05:42:21.01/disc_pos/483958216568,483957216568, 2004.090.05:42:21.02:disc_start=on 2004.090.05:42:22.06:!2004.090.05:42:21 2004.090.05:42:22.06:preob 2004.090.05:42:23.76#antcn#ACK 2004.090.05:42:23.76/onsource/TRACKING 2004.090.05:42:26.51/tpical/1l,16083,1u,15861,2u,16230,3u,16307,4u,16279 2004.090.05:42:26.51/tpical/9u,16058,au,16115,bu,16310,cu,16339,du,16235,eu,16200 2004.090.05:42:26.51/tpical/5u,15961,6u,15833,7u,15576,8l,15427,8u,15349 2004.090.05:42:26.66/tpgain/1l,45,1u,49,2u,119,3u,125,4u,166 2004.090.05:42:26.66/tpgain/9u,112,au,109,bu,92,cu,156,du,203,eu,170 2004.090.05:42:26.66/tpgain/5u,16,6u,30,7u,24,8l,28,8u,31 2004.090.05:42:26.69:!2004.090.05:42:31 2004.090.05:42:31.00:disc_pos 2004.090.05:42:31.01/disc_pos/484214013952,483957216568, 2004.090.05:42:31.01:data_valid=on 2004.090.05:42:31.02:midob 2004.090.05:42:31.19/tpi/1l,16072,1u,15855,2u,16253,3u,16317,4u,16282 2004.090.05:42:31.19/tpi/9u,16060,au,16130,bu,16322,cu,16342,du,16217,eu,16205 2004.090.05:42:31.19/tpi/5u,15957,6u,15826,7u,15597,8l,15421,8u,15352 2004.090.05:42:31.78/tsys/1l,81.6,1u,80.3,2u,76.6,3u,79.6,4u,80.5 2004.090.05:42:31.78/tsys/9u,76.6,au,74.0,bu,83.6,cu,77.5,du,86.2,eu,88.4 2004.090.05:42:31.79/tsys/5u,83.1,6u,84.0,7u,85.8,8l,84.7,8u,82.3 2004.090.05:42:31.80/wx/13.0,994.3,97.7,138.6,0.0 2004.090.05:42:32.02/cable/3.711801012E-3 2004.090.05:42:32.50/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,19.30 2004.090.05:42:33.00/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,18.90 2004.090.05:42:33.50/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.40 2004.090.05:42:34.00/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,11.10 2004.090.05:42:34.50/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.601 2004.090.05:42:34.99/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.000 2004.090.05:42:35.44/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.091 2004.090.05:42:35.89/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,58.85 2004.090.05:42:36.34/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,58.85 2004.090.05:42:36.79/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.244 2004.090.05:42:37.24/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,243.1 2004.090.05:42:37.69/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,68.61 2004.090.05:42:37.78/bbc01/612.89,a,8,8,1,agc, -2.36, -3.10,lock,15862,16078,1018,1pps 2004.090.05:42:37.86/bbc02/652.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 5.35, 3.30,lock,16169,16275,1029,1pps 2004.090.05:42:37.94/bbc03/752.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 5.77, 3.92,lock,16309,16144,1027,1pps 2004.090.05:42:38.02/bbc04/912.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 8.24, 7.18,lock,16286,16203,1024,1pps 2004.090.05:42:38.10/bbc05/652.99,c,8,8,1,agc,-12.08,-12.64,lock,15960,15934,1025,1pps 2004.090.05:42:38.18/bbc06/772.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -6.62, -6.62,lock,15821,15478,1030,1pps 2004.090.05:42:38.26/bbc07/832.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -8.56, -8.93,lock,15557,15139,1033,1pps 2004.090.05:42:38.34/bbc08/852.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -6.06, -7.22,lock,15359,15409,1028,1pps 2004.090.05:42:38.42/bbc09/692.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.82, 4.74,lock,16041,16169,1020,1pps 2004.090.05:42:38.50/bbc10/700.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.58, 3.21,lock,16102,16089,1026,1pps 2004.090.05:42:38.58/bbc11/716.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 3.11, 2.92,lock,16314,15999,1022,1pps 2004.090.05:42:38.66/bbc12/772.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 7.70, 6.51,lock,16325,16259,1019,1pps 2004.090.05:42:38.74/bbc13/804.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 9.99, 9.81,lock,16225,16239,1031,1pps 2004.090.05:42:38.83/bbc14/812.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 8.44, 8.24,lock,16193,16153,1021,1pps 2004.090.05:42:39.76#antcn#Received message for antenna: GETS 2004.090.05:42:40.74#antcn#ACU: MJD: 53094, UTC: 20559, Src: ext. 1pps present 2004.090.05:42:40.74#antcn#ACU: Azimuth: Pos: 778292, Dev: 3, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.090.05:42:40.74#antcn#ACU: Elevation: Pos: 218179, Dev: -5, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.090.05:42:40.74#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.090.05:42:40.74#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.090.05:42:40.74#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.090.05:42:40.74#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.090.05:42:40.74#antcn#ACU: Az: no fault , no fault 2004.090.05:42:40.74#antcn#ACU: El: no fault , no fault 2004.090.05:42:40.75/antenna/ACK 2004.090.05:42:40.75:!2004.090.05:45:41 2004.090.05:45:41.00:data_valid=off 2004.090.05:45:41.02:disc_end 2004.090.05:45:41.27/disc_end/usn-0079/960/1024OK 2004.090.05:45:41.28:disc_pos 2004.090.05:45:41.29/disc_pos/490331356560,483958216568, 2004.090.05:45:41.29:disc_check 2004.090.05:45:41.60/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y090d05h45m41.300s,67052,0.00250s,80000,17626685412, 2004.090.05:45:41.61:postob_mk5a 2004.090.05:45:41.62/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 931201 : 4372 : 1 : 7 : 0 : 3 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.05:45:41.63/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 931632 : 3909 : 1 : 31 : 9 : 0 : 6 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.05:45:41.64/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 931683 : 3883 : 1 : 6 : 1 : 0 : 7 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.05:45:41.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 931219 : 4342 : 0 : 30 : 1 : 7 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.05:45:41.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 930937 : 4639 : 3 : 7 : 1 : 6 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.05:45:41.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 930881 : 4700 : 2 : 17 : 1 : 1 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.05:45:41.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 931388 : 4204 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.05:45:41.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 931357 : 4226 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.05:45:42.42/cable/3.711669989E-3 2004.090.05:45:43.91/fmout-gps/-7.514125E-6 2004.090.05:45:44.40/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,19.40 2004.090.05:45:44.90/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,19.00 2004.090.05:45:45.40/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.40 2004.090.05:45:45.90/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,11.10 2004.090.05:45:46.40/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.601 2004.090.05:45:46.90/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.000 2004.090.05:45:47.40/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,1.647 2004.090.05:45:47.90/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,56.07 2004.090.05:45:48.40/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,60.22 2004.090.05:45:48.90/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.271 2004.090.05:45:49.40/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,242.4 2004.090.05:45:49.90/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,67.88 2004.090.05:45:49.90:scan_name=090-0546,r1116,152 2004.090.05:45:49.91:source=1611+343,161341.06,341247.9,2000.0,ccw 2004.090.05:45:54.77:setup4f 2004.090.05:45:56.92/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.090.05:45:56.93/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.090.05:45:56.94/bank_check/usn-0079/960/1024OK,VNVD06G4H7982L,VNVD06G4H79L4L,VNVD06G4H79RWL,VNVD06G4H71WBL,VNVD06G4H79GKL,VNVD06G4H79D4L,VNVD06G4H700TL,VNVD06G4H79GUL 2004.090.05:45:56.99/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 217 ; 2004.090.05:45:57.00:!2004.090.05:46:18 2004.090.05:46:18.00:disc_pos 2004.090.05:46:18.00/disc_pos/490331356560,490330356560, 2004.090.05:46:18.01:disc_start=on 2004.090.05:46:19.04:!2004.090.05:46:18 2004.090.05:46:19.05:preob 2004.090.05:46:20.76#antcn#ACK 2004.090.05:46:20.76/onsource/TRACKING 2004.090.05:46:23.51/tpical/1l,16241,1u,16777,2u,16033,3u,16201,4u,16228 2004.090.05:46:23.51/tpical/9u,16202,au,16340,bu,16195,cu,16160,du,16310,eu,16331 2004.090.05:46:23.51/tpical/5u,14793,6u,15494,7u,15903,8l,15989,8u,16065 2004.090.05:46:23.66/tpgain/1l,43,1u,48,2u,112,3u,118,4u,158 2004.090.05:46:23.66/tpgain/9u,111,au,107,bu,90,cu,151,du,198,eu,166 2004.090.05:46:23.66/tpgain/5u,15,6u,28,7u,23,8l,27,8u,30 2004.090.05:46:23.69:!2004.090.05:46:28 2004.090.05:46:28.00:disc_pos 2004.090.05:46:28.00/disc_pos/490587136000,490330356560, 2004.090.05:46:28.01:data_valid=on 2004.090.05:46:28.03:midob 2004.090.05:46:28.20/tpi/1l,16217,1u,16773,2u,15975,3u,16178,4u,16228 2004.090.05:46:28.20/tpi/9u,16182,au,16308,bu,16154,cu,16150,du,16276,eu,16313 2004.090.05:46:28.20/tpi/5u,14793,6u,15494,7u,15876,8l,15981,8u,16053 2004.090.05:46:28.79/tsys/1l,90.5,1u,88.8,2u,85.3,3u,88.9,4u,89.6 2004.090.05:46:28.79/tsys/9u,78.6,au,77.8,bu,86.5,cu,82.0,du,91.1,eu,93.7 2004.090.05:46:28.80/tsys/5u,87.7,6u,94.6,7u,95.3,8l,94.6,8u,92.1 2004.090.05:46:28.81/wx/13.1,994.3,97.7,86.5,0.0 2004.090.05:46:29.62/cable/3.713325859E-3 2004.090.05:46:30.09/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,19.40 2004.090.05:46:30.59/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,18.90 2004.090.05:46:31.09/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.40 2004.090.05:46:31.59/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,11.10 2004.090.05:46:32.09/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.604 2004.090.05:46:32.59/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.000 2004.090.05:46:33.09/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.621 2004.090.05:46:33.59/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,64.17 2004.090.05:46:34.09/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,60.22 2004.090.05:46:34.60/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.244 2004.090.05:46:35.10/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,237.8 2004.090.05:46:35.60/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,67.14 2004.090.05:46:35.69/bbc01/612.89,a,8,8,1,agc, -2.54, -3.49,lock,15473,16221,1018,1pps 2004.090.05:46:35.77/bbc02/652.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 4.82, 2.73,lock,16040,16109,1029,1pps 2004.090.05:46:35.86/bbc03/752.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 5.27, 3.48,lock,16191,16198,1027,1pps 2004.090.05:46:35.94/bbc04/912.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 7.81, 6.76,lock,16215,16212,1024,1pps 2004.090.05:46:36.02/bbc05/652.99,c,8,8,1,agc,-12.64,-13.24,lock,14786,15571,1025,1pps 2004.090.05:46:36.10/bbc06/772.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -7.22, -6.92,lock,15500,16140,1030,1pps 2004.090.05:46:36.18/bbc07/832.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -8.93, -9.32,lock,15898,15397,1033,1pps 2004.090.05:46:36.26/bbc08/852.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -6.62, -7.54,lock,16041,15974,1028,1pps 2004.090.05:46:36.34/bbc09/692.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.74, 4.50,lock,16191,16141,1020,1pps 2004.090.05:46:36.42/bbc10/700.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.42, 3.02,lock,16332,16229,1026,1pps 2004.090.05:46:36.50/bbc11/716.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 2.92, 2.82,lock,16169,16052,1022,1pps 2004.090.05:46:36.58/bbc12/772.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 7.42, 6.25,lock,16146,16177,1019,1pps 2004.090.05:46:36.66/bbc13/804.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 9.77, 9.59,lock,16285,16290,1031,1pps 2004.090.05:46:36.74/bbc14/812.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 8.24, 8.03,lock,16302,16225,1021,1pps 2004.090.05:46:36.77#antcn#Received message for antenna: GETS 2004.090.05:46:37.75#antcn#ACU: MJD: 53094, UTC: 20796, Src: ext. 1pps present 2004.090.05:46:37.75#antcn#ACU: Azimuth: Pos: 339292, Dev: 2, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.090.05:46:37.75#antcn#ACU: Elevation: Pos: 90275, Dev: 0, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.090.05:46:37.75#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.090.05:46:37.75#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.090.05:46:37.75#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.090.05:46:37.75#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.090.05:46:37.75#antcn#ACU: Az: no fault , no fault 2004.090.05:46:37.75#antcn#ACU: El: no fault , no fault 2004.090.05:46:37.76/antenna/ACK 2004.090.05:46:37.76:!2004.090.05:49:00 2004.090.05:49:00.00:data_valid=off 2004.090.05:49:00.01:disc_end 2004.090.05:49:00.28/disc_end/usn-0079/960/1024OK 2004.090.05:49:00.28:disc_pos 2004.090.05:49:00.29/disc_pos/495488882000,490331356560, 2004.090.05:49:00.29:disc_check 2004.090.05:49:00.59/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y090d05h49m00.302s,8932,0.00250s,80000,1210612680, 2004.090.05:49:00.60:postob_mk5a 2004.090.05:49:00.61/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 940992 : 4423 : 1 : 7 : 0 : 3 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.05:49:00.61/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 941425 : 3956 : 1 : 31 : 9 : 0 : 6 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.05:49:00.62/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 941473 : 3934 : 1 : 6 : 1 : 0 : 7 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.05:49:00.63/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 940998 : 4403 : 0 : 30 : 1 : 7 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.05:49:00.64/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 940735 : 4682 : 3 : 7 : 1 : 6 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.05:49:00.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 940680 : 4741 : 2 : 17 : 1 : 1 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.05:49:00.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 941187 : 4246 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.05:49:00.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 941150 : 4273 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.05:49:00.83/cable/3.713147697E-3 2004.090.05:49:01.91/fmout-gps/-7.507029E-6 2004.090.05:49:02.40/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,19.40 2004.090.05:49:02.90/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,19.00 2004.090.05:49:03.40/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.40 2004.090.05:49:03.90/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,11.20 2004.090.05:49:04.40/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.601 2004.090.05:49:04.90/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.000 2004.090.05:49:05.40/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,4.829 2004.090.05:49:05.90/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,54.68 2004.090.05:49:06.40/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,57.46 2004.090.05:49:06.90/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.217 2004.090.05:49:07.40/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,242.4 2004.090.05:49:07.90/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,68.36 2004.090.05:49:07.90:scan_name=090-0554,r1116,61 2004.090.05:49:07.91:source=0727-115,073019.11,-114112.6,2000.0,neutral 2004.090.05:49:12.77:setup4f 2004.090.05:49:14.93/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.090.05:49:14.94/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.090.05:49:14.96/bank_check/usn-0079/960/1024OK,VNVD06G4H7982L,VNVD06G4H79L4L,VNVD06G4H79RWL,VNVD06G4H71WBL,VNVD06G4H79GKL,VNVD06G4H79D4L,VNVD06G4H700TL,VNVD06G4H79GUL 2004.090.05:49:14.98/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 219 ; 2004.090.05:49:14.99:!2004.090.05:54:21 2004.090.05:54:21.00:disc_pos 2004.090.05:54:21.02/disc_pos/495488882000,495487882000, 2004.090.05:54:21.02:disc_start=on 2004.090.05:54:22.06:!2004.090.05:54:21 2004.090.05:54:22.07:preob 2004.090.05:54:23.77#antcn#ACK 2004.090.05:54:23.77/onsource/TRACKING 2004.090.05:54:26.52/tpical/1l,15706,1u,15827,2u,16223,3u,16372,4u,16379 2004.090.05:54:26.52/tpical/9u,16124,au,16228,bu,16177,cu,16214,du,16272,eu,16156 2004.090.05:54:26.52/tpical/5u,15708,6u,15341,7u,15490,8l,15807,8u,16047 2004.090.05:54:26.67/tpgain/1l,41,1u,46,2u,110,3u,115,4u,154 2004.090.05:54:26.67/tpgain/9u,109,au,105,bu,90,cu,149,du,195,eu,163 2004.090.05:54:26.67/tpgain/5u,15,6u,27,7u,22,8l,26,8u,29 2004.090.05:54:26.70:!2004.090.05:54:31 2004.090.05:54:31.00:disc_pos 2004.090.05:54:31.02/disc_pos/495744675840,495487882000, 2004.090.05:54:31.02:data_valid=on 2004.090.05:54:31.03:midob 2004.090.05:54:31.20/tpi/1l,15722,1u,15840,2u,16185,3u,16367,4u,16388 2004.090.05:54:31.20/tpi/9u,16132,au,16225,bu,16163,cu,16197,du,16266,eu,16161 2004.090.05:54:31.20/tpi/5u,15713,6u,15364,7u,15485,8l,15821,8u,16055 2004.090.05:54:31.78/tsys/1l,96.7,1u,91.4,2u,89.7,3u,94.9,4u,95.9 2004.090.05:54:31.78/tsys/9u,81.4,au,80.4,bu,86.6,cu,84.5,du,94.0,eu,96.4 2004.090.05:54:31.79/tsys/5u,93.3,6u,101.0,7u,101.7,8l,101.2,8u,98.7 2004.090.05:54:31.80/wx/13.1,994.2,97.7,90.2,0.5 2004.090.05:54:32.02/cable/3.713770934E-3 2004.090.05:54:32.50/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,19.30 2004.090.05:54:33.00/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,19.00 2004.090.05:54:33.50/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.40 2004.090.05:54:34.00/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,11.10 2004.090.05:54:34.50/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.604 2004.090.05:54:35.00/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.000 2004.090.05:54:35.50/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,4.133 2004.090.05:54:36.00/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,69.43 2004.090.05:54:36.50/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,62.85 2004.090.05:54:37.00/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.217 2004.090.05:54:37.50/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,241.7 2004.090.05:54:38.00/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,65.68 2004.090.05:54:38.09/bbc01/612.89,a,8,8,1,agc, -2.91, -3.91,lock,15858,15737,1018,1pps 2004.090.05:54:38.17/bbc02/652.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 4.66, 2.42,lock,16318,16068,1029,1pps 2004.090.05:54:38.25/bbc03/752.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 4.97, 3.21,lock,16105,16134,1027,1pps 2004.090.05:54:38.33/bbc04/912.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 7.53, 6.51,lock,16232,16359,1024,1pps 2004.090.05:54:38.41/bbc05/652.99,c,8,8,1,agc,-12.64,-13.89,lock,15742,14421,1025,1pps 2004.090.05:54:38.49/bbc06/772.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -7.54, -7.22,lock,15343,16116,1030,1pps 2004.090.05:54:38.57/bbc07/832.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -9.32, -9.32,lock,15512,16307,1033,1pps 2004.090.05:54:38.65/bbc08/852.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -6.92, -7.86,lock,16026,15799,1028,1pps 2004.090.05:54:38.73/bbc09/692.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.58, 4.42,lock,16170,16321,1020,1pps 2004.090.05:54:38.81/bbc10/700.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.26, 2.82,lock,16277,16131,1026,1pps 2004.090.05:54:38.89/bbc11/716.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 2.92, 2.82,lock,16208,16322,1022,1pps 2004.090.05:54:38.97/bbc12/772.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 7.30, 6.11,lock,16255,16193,1019,1pps 2004.090.05:54:39.05/bbc13/804.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 9.64, 9.46,lock,16308,16270,1031,1pps 2004.090.05:54:39.13/bbc14/812.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 8.08, 7.86,lock,16213,16392,1021,1pps 2004.090.05:54:39.77#antcn#Received message for antenna: GETS 2004.090.05:54:40.75#antcn#ACU: MJD: 53094, UTC: 21279, Src: ext. 1pps present 2004.090.05:54:40.75#antcn#ACU: Azimuth: Pos: 2599660, Dev: -1, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.090.05:54:40.75#antcn#ACU: Elevation: Pos: 63287, Dev: -7, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.090.05:54:40.75#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.090.05:54:40.75#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.090.05:54:40.75#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.090.05:54:40.75#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.090.05:54:40.75#antcn#ACU: Az: no fault , no fault 2004.090.05:54:40.75#antcn#ACU: El: no fault , no fault 2004.090.05:54:40.76/antenna/ACK 2004.090.05:54:40.76:!2004.090.05:55:32 2004.090.05:55:32.00:data_valid=off 2004.090.05:55:32.01:disc_end 2004.090.05:55:32.27/disc_end/usn-0079/960/1024OK 2004.090.05:55:32.27:disc_pos 2004.090.05:55:32.28/disc_pos/497733543896,495488882000, 2004.090.05:55:32.28:disc_check 2004.090.05:55:32.95/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y090d05h55m32.295s,72376,0.00250s,80000,10299034660, 2004.090.05:55:32.95:postob_mk5a 2004.090.05:55:32.96/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 945246 : 4453 : 1 : 7 : 0 : 3 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.05:55:32.97/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 945684 : 3980 : 1 : 32 : 9 : 0 : 6 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.05:55:32.98/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 945736 : 3955 : 1 : 6 : 1 : 0 : 7 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.05:55:32.99/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 945257 : 4427 : 0 : 31 : 1 : 7 : 0 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.05:55:33.00/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 944998 : 4702 : 3 : 8 : 1 : 6 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.05:55:33.01/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 944937 : 4767 : 2 : 18 : 1 : 1 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.05:55:33.02/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 945451 : 4267 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.05:55:33.03/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 945409 : 4298 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.05:55:33.63/cable/3.712013309E-3 2004.090.05:55:33.92/fmout-gps/-7.521832E-6 2004.090.05:55:34.40/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,19.40 2004.090.05:55:34.85/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,19.00 2004.090.05:55:35.30/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.40 2004.090.05:55:35.75/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,11.10 2004.090.05:55:36.25/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.604 2004.090.05:55:36.75/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.000 2004.090.05:55:37.25/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,4.829 2004.090.05:55:37.75/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,66.80 2004.090.05:55:38.25/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,60.22 2004.090.05:55:38.75/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.244 2004.090.05:55:39.25/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,242.4 2004.090.05:55:39.70/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,66.41 2004.090.05:55:39.70:scan_name=090-0600,r1116,120 2004.090.05:55:39.71:source=1519-273,152237.68,-273010.8,2000.0,cw 2004.090.05:55:43.77:setup4f 2004.090.05:55:45.93/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.090.05:55:45.94/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.090.05:55:45.96/bank_check/usn-0079/960/1024OK,VNVD06G4H7982L,VNVD06G4H79L4L,VNVD06G4H79RWL,VNVD06G4H71WBL,VNVD06G4H79GKL,VNVD06G4H79D4L,VNVD06G4H700TL,VNVD06G4H79GUL 2004.090.05:55:45.98/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 221 ; 2004.090.05:55:45.99:!2004.090.06:00:45 2004.090.06:00:45.00:disc_pos 2004.090.06:00:45.02/disc_pos/497733543896,497732543896, 2004.090.06:00:45.02:disc_start=on 2004.090.06:00:46.06:!2004.090.06:00:45 2004.090.06:00:46.06:preob 2004.090.06:00:47.77#antcn#ACK 2004.090.06:00:47.77/onsource/TRACKING 2004.090.06:00:50.52/tpical/1l,16192,1u,15912,2u,16314,3u,16160,4u,16369 2004.090.06:00:50.52/tpical/9u,16198,au,16321,bu,16313,cu,16236,du,16362,eu,16360 2004.090.06:00:50.52/tpical/5u,13720,6u,16291,7u,15905,8l,15792,8u,15781 2004.090.06:00:50.67/tpgain/1l,44,1u,48,2u,118,3u,122,4u,164 2004.090.06:00:50.67/tpgain/9u,111,au,107,bu,91,cu,152,du,200,eu,168 2004.090.06:00:50.67/tpgain/5u,15,6u,30,7u,24,8l,28,8u,31 2004.090.06:00:50.71:!2004.090.06:00:55 2004.090.06:00:55.00:disc_pos 2004.090.06:00:55.02/disc_pos/497989341184,497732543896, 2004.090.06:00:55.02:data_valid=on 2004.090.06:00:55.03:midob 2004.090.06:00:55.21/tpi/1l,16220,1u,15924,2u,16336,3u,16195,4u,16374 2004.090.06:00:55.21/tpi/9u,16211,au,16331,bu,16319,cu,16222,du,16342,eu,16353 2004.090.06:00:55.21/tpi/5u,13752,6u,16332,7u,15928,8l,15809,8u,15814 2004.090.06:00:55.80/tsys/1l,86.3,1u,84.2,2u,78.4,3u,83.1,4u,83.3 2004.090.06:00:55.80/tsys/9u,78.8,au,77.9,bu,85.5,cu,81.2,du,89.6,eu,91.6 2004.090.06:00:55.81/tsys/5u,81.4,6u,86.7,7u,87.6,8l,86.9,8u,84.8 2004.090.06:00:55.82/wx/13.0,994.3,97.7,76.7,0.6 2004.090.06:00:56.03/cable/3.713474490E-3 2004.090.06:00:56.50/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,19.30 2004.090.06:00:56.95/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,18.90 2004.090.06:00:57.40/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.60 2004.090.06:00:57.85/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,11.00 2004.090.06:00:58.30/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.601 2004.090.06:00:58.75/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.000 2004.090.06:00:59.20/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,2.784 2004.090.06:00:59.65/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,62.85 2004.090.06:01:00.10/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,57.46 2004.090.06:01:00.55/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.271 2004.090.06:01:01.00/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,241.9 2004.090.06:01:01.45/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,69.59 2004.090.06:01:01.54/bbc01/612.89,a,8,8,1,agc, -2.54, -3.30,lock,15892,16187,1018,1pps 2004.090.06:01:01.62/bbc02/652.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 5.27, 3.21,lock,16300,16249,1029,1pps 2004.090.06:01:01.70/bbc03/752.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 5.56, 3.75,lock,16176,15983,1027,1pps 2004.090.06:01:01.78/bbc04/912.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 8.13, 7.06,lock,16121,16218,1024,1pps 2004.090.06:01:01.86/bbc05/652.99,c,8,8,1,agc,-12.08,-13.24,lock,13733,14422,1025,1pps 2004.090.06:01:01.94/bbc06/772.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -6.62, -6.62,lock,16295,15959,1030,1pps 2004.090.06:01:02.02/bbc07/832.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -8.56, -8.93,lock,15898,15410,1033,1pps 2004.090.06:01:02.10/bbc08/852.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -6.34, -7.22,lock,15787,15792,1028,1pps 2004.090.06:01:02.18/bbc09/692.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.74, 4.50,lock,16185,16228,1020,1pps 2004.090.06:01:02.26/bbc10/700.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.42, 3.02,lock,16309,16276,1026,1pps 2004.090.06:01:02.34/bbc11/716.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 3.02, 2.82,lock,16297,16154,1022,1pps 2004.090.06:01:02.42/bbc12/772.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 7.47, 6.31,lock,16204,16266,1019,1pps 2004.090.06:01:02.50/bbc13/804.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 9.86, 9.64,lock,16334,16214,1031,1pps 2004.090.06:01:02.58/bbc14/812.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 8.34, 8.13,lock,16333,16109,1021,1pps 2004.090.06:01:02.78#antcn#Received message for antenna: GETS 2004.090.06:01:03.75#antcn#ACU: MJD: 53094, UTC: 21662, Src: ext. 1pps present 2004.090.06:01:03.75#antcn#ACU: Azimuth: Pos: 739768, Dev: -1, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.090.06:01:03.75#antcn#ACU: Elevation: Pos: 664742, Dev: 1, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.090.06:01:03.75#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.090.06:01:03.75#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.090.06:01:03.75#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.090.06:01:03.75#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.090.06:01:03.75#antcn#ACU: Az: no fault , no fault 2004.090.06:01:03.75#antcn#ACU: El: no fault , no fault 2004.090.06:01:03.76/antenna/ACK 2004.090.06:01:03.76:!2004.090.06:02:55 2004.090.06:02:55.00:data_valid=off 2004.090.06:02:55.01:disc_end 2004.090.06:02:55.28/disc_end/usn-0079/960/1024OK 2004.090.06:02:55.28:disc_pos 2004.090.06:02:55.29/disc_pos/501866572368,497733543896, 2004.090.06:02:55.30:disc_check 2004.090.06:02:55.97/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y090d06h02m55.305s,29164,0.00250s,80000,10043334740, 2004.090.06:02:55.97:postob_mk5a 2004.090.06:02:55.98/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 953082 : 4502 : 1 : 7 : 0 : 4 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.06:02:55.99/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 953532 : 4016 : 1 : 33 : 9 : 0 : 7 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.06:02:56.00/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 953578 : 3997 : 1 : 7 : 1 : 0 : 8 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.06:02:56.01/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 953093 : 4475 : 0 : 32 : 1 : 7 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.06:02:56.02/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 952846 : 4740 : 3 : 8 : 2 : 7 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.06:02:56.03/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 952775 : 4814 : 2 : 19 : 1 : 1 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.06:02:56.03/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 953298 : 4308 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.06:02:56.04/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 953261 : 4332 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.06:02:56.82/cable/3.713364481E-3 2004.090.06:02:57.91/fmout-gps/-7.505149E-6 2004.090.06:02:58.40/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,19.30 2004.090.06:02:58.90/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,18.90 2004.090.06:02:59.40/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.50 2004.090.06:02:59.90/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,11.00 2004.090.06:03:00.40/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.601 2004.090.06:03:00.90/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.000 2004.090.06:03:01.40/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.283 2004.090.06:03:01.90/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,61.54 2004.090.06:03:02.40/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,58.85 2004.090.06:03:02.90/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.244 2004.090.06:03:03.40/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,243.1 2004.090.06:03:03.90/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,64.70 2004.090.06:03:03.90:scan_name=090-0605,r1116,190 2004.090.06:03:03.91:source=1124-186,112704.39,-185717.4,2000.0,cw 2004.090.06:03:08.78:setup4f 2004.090.06:03:10.93/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.090.06:03:10.94/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.090.06:03:10.96/bank_check/usn-0079/960/1024OK,VNVD06G4H7982L,VNVD06G4H79L4L,VNVD06G4H79RWL,VNVD06G4H71WBL,VNVD06G4H79GKL,VNVD06G4H79D4L,VNVD06G4H700TL,VNVD06G4H79GUL 2004.090.06:03:10.98/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 223 ; 2004.090.06:03:10.98:!2004.090.06:05:04 2004.090.06:05:04.00:disc_pos 2004.090.06:05:04.02/disc_pos/501866572368,501865572368, 2004.090.06:05:04.02:disc_start=on 2004.090.06:05:05.06:!2004.090.06:05:04 2004.090.06:05:05.06:preob 2004.090.06:05:06.78#antcn#ACK 2004.090.06:05:06.78/onsource/TRACKING 2004.090.06:05:09.52/tpical/1l,15731,1u,16076,2u,16016,3u,16018,4u,16209 2004.090.06:05:09.52/tpical/9u,15835,au,15916,bu,16088,cu,16294,du,16216,eu,16235 2004.090.06:05:09.52/tpical/5u,16128,6u,15955,7u,15680,8l,15558,8u,15506 2004.090.06:05:09.67/tpgain/1l,44,1u,49,2u,118,3u,123,4u,165 2004.090.06:05:09.67/tpgain/9u,111,au,107,bu,91,cu,154,du,201,eu,169 2004.090.06:05:09.67/tpgain/5u,16,6u,30,7u,24,8l,28,8u,31 2004.090.06:05:09.70:!2004.090.06:05:14 2004.090.06:05:14.00:disc_pos 2004.090.06:05:14.02/disc_pos/502122369024,501865572368, 2004.090.06:05:14.02:data_valid=on 2004.090.06:05:14.03:midob 2004.090.06:05:14.20/tpi/1l,15702,1u,16066,2u,15975,3u,15987,4u,16189 2004.090.06:05:14.20/tpi/9u,15839,au,15918,bu,16099,cu,16298,du,16228,eu,16253 2004.090.06:05:14.20/tpi/5u,16094,6u,15930,7u,15674,8l,15544,8u,15481 2004.090.06:05:14.79/tsys/1l,83.5,1u,81.4,2u,76.6,3u,80.6,4u,81.1 2004.090.06:05:14.79/tsys/9u,76.9,au,75.9,bu,84.3,cu,79.4,du,88.0,eu,89.8 2004.090.06:05:14.80/tsys/5u,83.8,6u,84.5,7u,86.2,8l,85.4,8u,83.0 2004.090.06:05:14.80/wx/12.9,994.2,97.7,75.2,0.6 2004.090.06:05:15.22/cable/3.711208901E-3 2004.090.06:05:15.70/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,19.30 2004.090.06:05:16.20/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,18.90 2004.090.06:05:16.70/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.60 2004.090.06:05:17.20/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,11.00 2004.090.06:05:17.70/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.601 2004.090.06:05:18.20/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.000 2004.090.06:05:18.70/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,5.361 2004.090.06:05:19.20/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,66.80 2004.090.06:05:19.70/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,62.85 2004.090.06:05:20.20/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.244 2004.090.06:05:20.70/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,242.6 2004.090.06:05:21.20/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,64.46 2004.090.06:05:21.29/bbc01/612.89,a,8,8,1,agc, -2.36, -3.30,lock,16119,15776,1018,1pps 2004.090.06:05:21.37/bbc02/652.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 5.27, 3.30,lock,16106,16351,1029,1pps 2004.090.06:05:21.45/bbc03/752.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 5.63, 3.84,lock,16047,16074,1027,1pps 2004.090.06:05:21.53/bbc04/912.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 8.19, 7.18,lock,16251,16354,1024,1pps 2004.090.06:05:21.61/bbc05/652.99,c,8,8,1,agc,-12.08,-12.64,lock,16179,16110,1025,1pps 2004.090.06:05:21.69/bbc06/772.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -6.62, -6.62,lock,16013,15691,1030,1pps 2004.090.06:05:21.77/bbc07/832.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -8.56, -8.93,lock,15744,15278,1033,1pps 2004.090.06:05:21.87/bbc08/852.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -6.34, -7.22,lock,15514,15581,1028,1pps 2004.090.06:05:21.95/bbc09/692.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.74, 4.58,lock,16475,16117,1020,1pps 2004.090.06:05:22.03/bbc10/700.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.42, 3.11,lock,15908,16228,1026,1pps 2004.090.06:05:22.11/bbc11/716.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 3.02, 3.02,lock,16077,16201,1022,1pps 2004.090.06:05:22.19/bbc12/772.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 7.59, 6.38,lock,16280,16174,1019,1pps 2004.090.06:05:22.27/bbc13/804.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 9.90, 9.68,lock,16207,16130,1031,1pps 2004.090.06:05:22.35/bbc14/812.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 8.39, 8.19,lock,16234,16252,1021,1pps 2004.090.06:05:22.77#antcn#Received message for antenna: GETS 2004.090.06:05:23.76#antcn#ACU: MJD: 53094, UTC: 21922, Src: ext. 1pps present 2004.090.06:05:23.76#antcn#ACU: Azimuth: Pos: -688258, Dev: 0, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.090.06:05:23.76#antcn#ACU: Elevation: Pos: 549126, Dev: -3, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.090.06:05:23.76#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.090.06:05:23.76#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.090.06:05:23.76#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.090.06:05:23.76#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.090.06:05:23.76#antcn#ACU: Az: no fault , no fault 2004.090.06:05:23.76#antcn#ACU: El: no fault , no fault 2004.090.06:05:23.77/antenna/ACK 2004.090.06:05:23.77:!2004.090.06:08:24 2004.090.06:08:24.00:data_valid=off 2004.090.06:08:24.01:disc_end 2004.090.06:08:24.28/disc_end/usn-0079/960/1024OK 2004.090.06:08:24.29:disc_pos 2004.090.06:08:24.29/disc_pos/508239710416,501866572368, 2004.090.06:08:24.30:disc_check 2004.090.06:08:24.60/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y090d06h08m24.305s,48392,0.00250s,80000,4154842724, 2004.090.06:08:24.60:postob_mk5a 2004.090.06:08:24.61/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 965180 : 4563 : 1 : 7 : 0 : 4 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.06:08:24.62/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 965654 : 4054 : 1 : 33 : 9 : 0 : 7 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.06:08:24.63/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 965678 : 4056 : 1 : 7 : 1 : 0 : 8 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.06:08:24.64/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 965180 : 4548 : 0 : 32 : 1 : 7 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.06:08:24.64/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 964947 : 4798 : 3 : 8 : 2 : 7 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.06:08:24.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 964853 : 4895 : 2 : 19 : 1 : 1 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.06:08:24.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 965396 : 4371 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.06:08:24.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 965358 : 4394 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.06:08:24.82/cable/3.713568339E-3 2004.090.06:08:25.91/fmout-gps/-7.495166E-6 2004.090.06:08:26.40/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,19.30 2004.090.06:08:26.90/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,18.90 2004.090.06:08:27.40/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.60 2004.090.06:08:27.90/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,11.00 2004.090.06:08:28.40/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.601 2004.090.06:08:28.90/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.000 2004.090.06:08:29.40/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,2.455 2004.090.06:08:29.90/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,62.85 2004.090.06:08:30.40/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,66.80 2004.090.06:08:30.90/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.271 2004.090.06:08:31.40/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,242.1 2004.090.06:08:31.90/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,64.70 2004.090.06:08:31.90:scan_name=090-0610,r1116,190 2004.090.06:08:31.91:source=1606+106,160846.20,102907.8,2000.0,cw 2004.090.06:08:36.78:setup4f 2004.090.06:08:38.92/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.090.06:08:38.93/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.090.06:08:38.96/bank_check/usn-0079/960/1024OK,VNVD06G4H7982L,VNVD06G4H79L4L,VNVD06G4H79RWL,VNVD06G4H71WBL,VNVD06G4H79GKL,VNVD06G4H79D4L,VNVD06G4H700TL,VNVD06G4H79GUL 2004.090.06:08:38.99/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 225 ; 2004.090.06:08:38.99:!2004.090.06:10:37 2004.090.06:10:37.00:disc_pos 2004.090.06:10:37.02/disc_pos/508239710416,508238710416, 2004.090.06:10:37.03:disc_start=on 2004.090.06:10:38.06:!2004.090.06:10:37 2004.090.06:10:38.06:preob 2004.090.06:10:39.78#antcn#ACK 2004.090.06:10:39.78/onsource/TRACKING 2004.090.06:10:42.53/tpical/1l,15961,1u,16315,2u,16179,3u,16176,4u,16261 2004.090.06:10:42.53/tpical/9u,16142,au,16085,bu,16096,cu,16384,du,16183,eu,16154 2004.090.06:10:42.53/tpical/5u,15885,6u,15712,7u,15505,8l,15318,8u,17164 2004.090.06:10:42.68/tpgain/1l,45,1u,50,2u,119,3u,125,4u,167 2004.090.06:10:42.68/tpgain/9u,112,au,109,bu,92,cu,156,du,203,eu,170 2004.090.06:10:42.68/tpgain/5u,16,6u,30,7u,24,8l,28,8u,32 2004.090.06:10:42.71:!2004.090.06:10:47 2004.090.06:10:47.00:disc_pos 2004.090.06:10:47.01/disc_pos/508495507456,508238710416, 2004.090.06:10:47.01:data_valid=on 2004.090.06:10:47.02:midob 2004.090.06:10:47.19/tpi/1l,15954,1u,16317,2u,16173,3u,16171,4u,16267 2004.090.06:10:47.19/tpi/9u,16153,au,16098,bu,16108,cu,16385,du,16193,eu,16184 2004.090.06:10:47.19/tpi/5u,15876,6u,15716,7u,15502,8l,15315,8u,17179 2004.090.06:10:47.77/tsys/1l,81.0,1u,79.3,2u,76.2,3u,78.9,4u,79.3 2004.090.06:10:47.78/tsys/9u,77.1,au,73.9,bu,82.5,cu,77.7,du,86.0,eu,88.3 2004.090.06:10:47.78/tsys/5u,82.7,6u,83.4,7u,85.3,8l,84.1,8u,86.5 2004.090.06:10:47.79/wx/12.9,994.2,97.7,109.2,0.2 2004.090.06:10:48.02/cable/3.710739753E-3 2004.090.06:10:48.50/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,19.30 2004.090.06:10:49.00/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,18.90 2004.090.06:10:49.50/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.50 2004.090.06:10:50.00/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,11.00 2004.090.06:10:50.50/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.601 2004.090.06:10:51.00/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.000 2004.090.06:10:51.50/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,1.015 2004.090.06:10:52.00/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,56.07 2004.090.06:10:52.50/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,58.85 2004.090.06:10:53.00/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.271 2004.090.06:10:53.50/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,242.6 2004.090.06:10:54.00/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,69.10 2004.090.06:10:54.09/bbc01/612.89,a,8,8,1,agc, -2.18, -3.10,lock,16304,15948,1018,1pps 2004.090.06:10:54.17/bbc02/652.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 5.35, 3.30,lock,16179,16178,1029,1pps 2004.090.06:10:54.25/bbc03/752.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 5.77, 3.92,lock,16184,16100,1027,1pps 2004.090.06:10:54.33/bbc04/912.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 8.29, 7.24,lock,16262,16241,1024,1pps 2004.090.06:10:54.41/bbc05/652.99,c,8,8,1,agc,-12.08,-12.64,lock,15872,15822,1025,1pps 2004.090.06:10:54.49/bbc06/772.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -6.62, -6.34,lock,15722,16356,1030,1pps 2004.090.06:10:54.57/bbc07/832.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -8.56, -8.93,lock,15508,15065,1033,1pps 2004.090.06:10:54.65/bbc08/852.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -6.06, -7.22,lock,15269,15315,1028,1pps 2004.090.06:10:54.73/bbc09/692.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.82, 4.66,lock,16148,16008,1020,1pps 2004.090.06:10:54.81/bbc10/700.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.58, 3.21,lock,16091,16190,1026,1pps 2004.090.06:10:54.89/bbc11/716.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 3.11, 3.11,lock,16113,16264,1022,1pps 2004.090.06:10:54.97/bbc12/772.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 7.70, 6.51,lock,16382,16301,1019,1pps 2004.090.06:10:55.05/bbc13/804.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 9.99, 9.81,lock,16184,16204,1031,1pps 2004.090.06:10:55.13/bbc14/812.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 8.44, 8.29,lock,16171,16298,1021,1pps 2004.090.06:10:55.79#antcn#Received message for antenna: GETS 2004.090.06:10:56.76#antcn#ACU: MJD: 53094, UTC: 22255, Src: ext. 1pps present 2004.090.06:10:56.76#antcn#ACU: Azimuth: Pos: 414459, Dev: -1, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.090.06:10:56.76#antcn#ACU: Elevation: Pos: 325869, Dev: 1, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.090.06:10:56.76#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.090.06:10:56.76#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.090.06:10:56.76#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.090.06:10:56.76#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.090.06:10:56.76#antcn#ACU: Az: no fault , no fault 2004.090.06:10:56.76#antcn#ACU: El: no fault , no fault 2004.090.06:10:56.77/antenna/ACK 2004.090.06:10:56.77:!2004.090.06:13:57 2004.090.06:13:57.00:data_valid=off 2004.090.06:13:57.01:disc_end 2004.090.06:13:57.29/disc_end/usn-0079/960/1024OK 2004.090.06:13:57.29:disc_pos 2004.090.06:13:57.30/disc_pos/514613169016,508239710416, 2004.090.06:13:57.31:disc_check 2004.090.06:13:57.61/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y090d06h13m57.315s,58872,0.00250s,80000,4282850920, 2004.090.06:13:57.62:postob_mk5a 2004.090.06:13:57.63/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 977281 : 4622 : 1 : 7 : 0 : 4 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.06:13:57.64/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 977760 : 4108 : 1 : 33 : 9 : 0 : 7 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.06:13:57.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 977775 : 4119 : 1 : 7 : 1 : 0 : 8 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.06:13:57.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 977269 : 4620 : 0 : 32 : 1 : 7 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.06:13:57.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 977050 : 4855 : 3 : 8 : 2 : 7 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.06:13:57.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 976955 : 4953 : 2 : 19 : 1 : 1 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.06:13:57.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 977497 : 4430 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.06:13:57.70/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 977450 : 4462 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.06:13:58.42/cable/3.713648982E-3 2004.090.06:13:59.91/fmout-gps/-7.508651E-6 2004.090.06:14:00.40/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,19.30 2004.090.06:14:00.90/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,18.90 2004.090.06:14:01.40/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.50 2004.090.06:14:01.90/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,11.00 2004.090.06:14:02.40/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.601 2004.090.06:14:02.90/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.000 2004.090.06:14:03.40/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,1.968 2004.090.06:14:03.90/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,56.07 2004.090.06:14:04.40/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,58.85 2004.090.06:14:04.90/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.244 2004.090.06:14:05.40/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,242.6 2004.090.06:14:05.90/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,69.10 2004.090.06:14:05.90:scan_name=090-0614,r1116,40 2004.090.06:14:05.91:source=1622-253,162546.89,-252738.3,2000.0,cw 2004.090.06:14:10.79:setup4f 2004.090.06:14:12.92/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.090.06:14:12.93/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.090.06:14:12.96/bank_check/usn-0079/960/1024OK,VNVD06G4H7982L,VNVD06G4H79L4L,VNVD06G4H79RWL,VNVD06G4H71WBL,VNVD06G4H79GKL,VNVD06G4H79D4L,VNVD06G4H700TL,VNVD06G4H79GUL 2004.090.06:14:12.97/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 227 ; 2004.090.06:14:12.98:!2004.090.06:14:36 2004.090.06:14:36.00:disc_pos 2004.090.06:14:36.01/disc_pos/514613169016,514612169016, 2004.090.06:14:36.01:disc_start=on 2004.090.06:14:37.05:!2004.090.06:14:36 2004.090.06:14:37.05:preob 2004.090.06:14:38.78#antcn#ACK 2004.090.06:14:38.78/onsource/TRACKING 2004.090.06:14:41.52/tpical/1l,16062,1u,15710,2u,16245,3u,16330,4u,16302 2004.090.06:14:41.52/tpical/9u,15775,au,16132,bu,16108,cu,16365,du,16253,eu,16345 2004.090.06:14:41.52/tpical/5u,15984,6u,15813,7u,15561,8l,15385,8u,17275 2004.090.06:14:41.67/tpgain/1l,45,1u,49,2u,119,3u,125,4u,167 2004.090.06:14:41.67/tpgain/9u,111,au,108,bu,91,cu,155,du,202,eu,170 2004.090.06:14:41.67/tpgain/5u,16,6u,30,7u,24,8l,28,8u,32 2004.090.06:14:41.70:!2004.090.06:14:46 2004.090.06:14:46.00:disc_pos 2004.090.06:14:46.00/disc_pos/514868965376,514612169016, 2004.090.06:14:46.01:data_valid=on 2004.090.06:14:46.02:midob 2004.090.06:14:46.19/tpi/1l,16061,1u,15711,2u,16255,3u,16330,4u,16297 2004.090.06:14:46.19/tpi/9u,15770,au,16133,bu,16116,cu,16356,du,16239,eu,16342 2004.090.06:14:46.19/tpi/5u,15975,6u,15811,7u,15567,8l,15387,8u,17271 2004.090.06:14:46.77/tsys/1l,81.6,1u,79.6,2u,76.6,3u,79.7,4u,79.5 2004.090.06:14:46.78/tsys/9u,76.6,au,75.4,bu,84.4,cu,78.6,du,87.2,eu,89.2 2004.090.06:14:46.78/tsys/5u,83.2,6u,83.9,7u,85.6,8l,84.5,8u,87.0 2004.090.06:14:46.79/wx/12.9,994.2,97.7,82.4,0.4 2004.090.06:14:47.22/cable/3.711171450E-3 2004.090.06:14:47.70/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,19.30 2004.090.06:14:48.20/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,18.80 2004.090.06:14:48.70/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.50 2004.090.06:14:49.20/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,11.00 2004.090.06:14:49.70/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.601 2004.090.06:14:50.20/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.000 2004.090.06:14:50.70/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,2.455 2004.090.06:14:51.20/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,62.85 2004.090.06:14:51.70/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,57.46 2004.090.06:14:52.20/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.244 2004.090.06:14:52.70/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,242.6 2004.090.06:14:53.20/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,69.34 2004.090.06:14:53.29/bbc01/612.89,a,8,8,1,agc, -2.36, -3.10,lock,15719,16063,1018,1pps 2004.090.06:14:53.37/bbc02/652.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 5.35, 3.30,lock,16211,16313,1029,1pps 2004.090.06:14:53.45/bbc03/752.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 5.77, 3.92,lock,16346,16272,1027,1pps 2004.090.06:14:53.53/bbc04/912.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 8.29, 7.24,lock,16307,16335,1024,1pps 2004.090.06:14:53.61/bbc05/652.99,c,8,8,1,agc,-12.08,-12.64,lock,15981,15888,1025,1pps 2004.090.06:14:53.69/bbc06/772.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -6.62, -6.62,lock,15828,15484,1030,1pps 2004.090.06:14:53.77/bbc07/832.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -8.56, -8.93,lock,15565,15106,1033,1pps 2004.090.06:14:53.85/bbc08/852.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -6.34, -7.22,lock,15363,15389,1028,1pps 2004.090.06:14:53.93/bbc09/692.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.74, 4.66,lock,16412,16268,1020,1pps 2004.090.06:14:54.01/bbc10/700.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.50, 3.11,lock,16117,16161,1026,1pps 2004.090.06:14:54.10/bbc11/716.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 3.02, 2.92,lock,16121,16028,1022,1pps 2004.090.06:14:54.18/bbc12/772.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 7.64, 6.44,lock,16351,16247,1019,1pps 2004.090.06:14:54.26/bbc13/804.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 9.94, 9.77,lock,16243,16283,1031,1pps 2004.090.06:14:54.34/bbc14/812.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 8.44, 8.24,lock,16353,16337,1021,1pps 2004.090.06:14:54.79#antcn#Received message for antenna: GETS 2004.090.06:14:55.76#antcn#ACU: MJD: 53094, UTC: 22494, Src: ext. 1pps present 2004.090.06:14:55.76#antcn#ACU: Azimuth: Pos: 814478, Dev: -1, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.090.06:14:55.76#antcn#ACU: Elevation: Pos: 558664, Dev: 0, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.090.06:14:55.76#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.090.06:14:55.76#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.090.06:14:55.76#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.090.06:14:55.76#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.090.06:14:55.76#antcn#ACU: Az: no fault , no fault 2004.090.06:14:55.76#antcn#ACU: El: no fault , no fault 2004.090.06:14:55.77/antenna/ACK 2004.090.06:14:55.77:!2004.090.06:15:26 2004.090.06:15:26.00:data_valid=off 2004.090.06:15:26.01:disc_end 2004.090.06:15:26.27/disc_end/usn-0079/960/1024OK 2004.090.06:15:26.27:disc_pos 2004.090.06:15:26.28/disc_pos/516186343376,514613169016, 2004.090.06:15:26.28:disc_check 2004.090.06:15:26.59/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y090d06h15m26.297s,44676,0.00250s,80000,1274279836, 2004.090.06:15:26.59:postob_mk5a 2004.090.06:15:26.60/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 980268 : 4638 : 1 : 7 : 0 : 4 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.06:15:26.61/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 980752 : 4122 : 1 : 33 : 9 : 0 : 7 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.06:15:26.62/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 980763 : 4134 : 1 : 7 : 1 : 0 : 8 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.06:15:26.62/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 980251 : 4641 : 0 : 32 : 1 : 7 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.06:15:26.63/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 980035 : 4873 : 3 : 8 : 2 : 7 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.06:15:26.64/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 979932 : 4979 : 2 : 19 : 1 : 1 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.06:15:26.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 980483 : 4447 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.06:15:26.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 980433 : 4482 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.06:15:27.22/cable/3.711843161E-3 2004.090.06:15:27.91/fmout-gps/-7.493623E-6 2004.090.06:15:28.40/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,19.30 2004.090.06:15:28.85/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,18.80 2004.090.06:15:29.30/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.50 2004.090.06:15:29.75/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,10.90 2004.090.06:15:30.20/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.601 2004.090.06:15:30.65/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.000 2004.090.06:15:31.10/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,1.647 2004.090.06:15:31.55/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,58.85 2004.090.06:15:32.00/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,60.22 2004.090.06:15:32.45/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.244 2004.090.06:15:32.90/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,241.7 2004.090.06:15:33.35/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,65.92 2004.090.06:15:33.35:scan_name=090-0623,r1116,72 2004.090.06:15:33.36:source=1741-038,174358.86,-035004.6,2000.0,cw 2004.090.06:15:37.79:setup4f 2004.090.06:15:39.92/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.090.06:15:39.93/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.090.06:15:39.94/bank_check/usn-0079/960/1024OK,VNVD06G4H7982L,VNVD06G4H79L4L,VNVD06G4H79RWL,VNVD06G4H71WBL,VNVD06G4H79GKL,VNVD06G4H79D4L,VNVD06G4H700TL,VNVD06G4H79GUL 2004.090.06:15:39.98/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 229 ; 2004.090.06:15:39.98:!2004.090.06:23:05 2004.090.06:23:05.00:disc_pos 2004.090.06:23:05.01/disc_pos/516186343376,516185343376, 2004.090.06:23:05.02:disc_start=on 2004.090.06:23:06.06:!2004.090.06:23:05 2004.090.06:23:06.06:preob 2004.090.06:23:07.80#antcn#ACK 2004.090.06:23:07.80/onsource/TRACKING 2004.090.06:23:10.56/tpical/1l,16145,1u,15985,2u,16262,3u,16149,4u,16186 2004.090.06:23:10.56/tpical/9u,16038,au,15999,bu,16252,cu,16312,du,16357,eu,16275 2004.090.06:23:10.56/tpical/5u,15843,6u,15694,7u,15473,8l,15280,8u,15228 2004.090.06:23:10.71/tpgain/1l,45,1u,49,2u,120,3u,125,4u,166 2004.090.06:23:10.71/tpgain/9u,112,au,109,bu,93,cu,156,du,204,eu,171 2004.090.06:23:10.71/tpgain/5u,16,6u,30,7u,24,8l,28,8u,31 2004.090.06:23:10.74:!2004.090.06:23:15 2004.090.06:23:15.00:disc_pos 2004.090.06:23:15.02/disc_pos/516442136576,516185343376, 2004.090.06:23:15.02:data_valid=on 2004.090.06:23:15.03:midob 2004.090.06:23:15.21/tpi/1l,16163,1u,15994,2u,16215,3u,16150,4u,16224 2004.090.06:23:15.21/tpi/9u,16043,au,16028,bu,16278,cu,16305,du,16355,eu,16264 2004.090.06:23:15.21/tpi/5u,15860,6u,15723,7u,15469,8l,15289,8u,15260 2004.090.06:23:15.79/tsys/1l,82.1,1u,81.0,2u,75.1,3u,78.8,4u,80.2 2004.090.06:23:15.80/tsys/9u,76.5,au,73.5,bu,81.5,cu,77.3,du,86.0,eu,87.7 2004.090.06:23:15.80/tsys/5u,82.6,6u,83.4,7u,85.1,8l,84.0,8u,81.8 2004.090.06:23:15.81/wx/12.8,994.1,97.7,69.0,0.6 2004.090.06:23:16.02/cable/3.712735352E-3 2004.090.06:23:16.50/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,19.30 2004.090.06:23:17.00/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,18.80 2004.090.06:23:17.50/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.40 2004.090.06:23:18.00/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,11.00 2004.090.06:23:18.50/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.599 2004.090.06:23:19.00/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.000 2004.090.06:23:19.50/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,4.133 2004.090.06:23:20.00/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,57.46 2004.090.06:23:20.50/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,62.85 2004.090.06:23:21.00/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.244 2004.090.06:23:21.50/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,242.4 2004.090.06:23:22.00/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,68.61 2004.090.06:23:22.09/bbc01/612.89,a,8,8,1,agc, -2.36, -3.10,lock,15936,16110,1018,1pps 2004.090.06:23:22.17/bbc02/652.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 5.42, 3.39,lock,16136,16190,1029,1pps 2004.090.06:23:22.25/bbc03/752.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 5.77, 4.01,lock,16106,16173,1027,1pps 2004.090.06:23:22.33/bbc04/912.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 8.24, 7.24,lock,16169,16256,1024,1pps 2004.090.06:23:22.41/bbc05/652.99,c,8,8,1,agc,-12.08,-12.64,lock,15810,15764,1025,1pps 2004.090.06:23:22.49/bbc06/772.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -6.62, -6.34,lock,15688,16281,1030,1pps 2004.090.06:23:22.57/bbc07/832.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -8.56, -8.93,lock,15409,14966,1033,1pps 2004.090.06:23:22.65/bbc08/852.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -6.34, -7.22,lock,17127,15258,1028,1pps 2004.090.06:23:22.73/bbc09/692.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.82, 4.74,lock,16070,16223,1020,1pps 2004.090.06:23:22.81/bbc10/700.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.58, 3.21,lock,16022,16148,1026,1pps 2004.090.06:23:22.89/bbc11/716.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 3.21, 3.11,lock,16316,15870,1022,1pps 2004.090.06:23:22.97/bbc12/772.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 7.70, 6.51,lock,16335,16298,1019,1pps 2004.090.06:23:23.05/bbc13/804.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 9.99, 9.81,lock,16398,16273,1031,1pps 2004.090.06:23:23.13/bbc14/812.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 8.50, 8.29,lock,16309,16339,1021,1pps 2004.090.06:23:23.79#antcn#Received message for antenna: GETS 2004.090.06:23:24.77#antcn#ACU: MJD: 53094, UTC: 23003, Src: ext. 1pps present 2004.090.06:23:24.77#antcn#ACU: Azimuth: Pos: 706345, Dev: 0, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.090.06:23:24.77#antcn#ACU: Elevation: Pos: 296628, Dev: -1, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.090.06:23:24.77#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.090.06:23:24.77#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.090.06:23:24.77#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.090.06:23:24.77#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.090.06:23:24.77#antcn#ACU: Az: no fault , no fault 2004.090.06:23:24.77#antcn#ACU: El: no fault , no fault 2004.090.06:23:24.78/antenna/ACK 2004.090.06:23:24.78:!2004.090.06:24:27 2004.090.06:24:27.00:data_valid=off 2004.090.06:24:27.00:disc_end 2004.090.06:24:27.27/disc_end/usn-0079/960/1024OK 2004.090.06:24:27.28:disc_pos 2004.090.06:24:27.30/disc_pos/518783391376,516186343376, 2004.090.06:24:27.30:disc_check 2004.090.06:24:27.60/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y090d06h24m27.302s,75776,0.00250s,80000,14715080900, 2004.090.06:24:27.60:postob_mk5a 2004.090.06:24:27.62/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 985209 : 4653 : 1 : 7 : 0 : 4 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.06:24:27.62/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 985687 : 4145 : 1 : 33 : 9 : 0 : 7 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.06:24:27.63/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 985698 : 4155 : 1 : 7 : 1 : 0 : 8 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.06:24:27.64/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 985172 : 4676 : 0 : 32 : 1 : 7 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.06:24:27.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 984964 : 4900 : 3 : 8 : 2 : 7 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.06:24:27.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 984863 : 5004 : 2 : 19 : 1 : 1 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.06:24:27.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 985415 : 4471 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.06:24:27.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 985372 : 4499 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.06:24:28.02/cable/3.713606799E-3 2004.090.06:24:29.91/fmout-gps/-7.567654E-6 2004.090.06:24:30.40/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,19.30 2004.090.06:24:30.85/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,18.80 2004.090.06:24:31.30/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.40 2004.090.06:24:31.75/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,11.00 2004.090.06:24:32.20/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.601 2004.090.06:24:32.65/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.000 2004.090.06:24:33.10/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,1.488 2004.090.06:24:33.55/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,54.68 2004.090.06:24:34.00/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,68.11 2004.090.06:24:34.45/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.271 2004.090.06:24:34.90/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,242.6 2004.090.06:24:35.35/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,67.88 2004.090.06:24:35.35:scan_name=090-0630,r1116,131 2004.090.06:24:35.36:source=1611+343,161341.06,341247.9,2000.0,cw 2004.090.06:24:39.80:setup4f 2004.090.06:24:41.92/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.090.06:24:41.93/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.090.06:24:41.94/bank_check/usn-0079/960/1024OK,VNVD06G4H7982L,VNVD06G4H79L4L,VNVD06G4H79RWL,VNVD06G4H71WBL,VNVD06G4H79GKL,VNVD06G4H79D4L,VNVD06G4H700TL,VNVD06G4H79GUL 2004.090.06:24:41.98/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 231 ; 2004.090.06:24:41.98:!2004.090.06:30:04 2004.090.06:30:04.00:disc_pos 2004.090.06:30:04.02/disc_pos/518783391376,518782391376, 2004.090.06:30:04.02:disc_start=on 2004.090.06:30:05.06:!2004.090.06:30:04 2004.090.06:30:05.07:preob 2004.090.06:30:06.80#antcn#ACK 2004.090.06:30:06.80/onsource/TRACKING 2004.090.06:30:09.58/tpical/1l,16226,1u,16072,2u,16257,3u,16278,4u,16188 2004.090.06:30:09.59/tpical/9u,16376,au,16313,bu,16084,cu,16258,du,16235,eu,16177 2004.090.06:30:09.59/tpical/5u,13980,6u,15597,7u,15094,8l,16201,8u,16098 2004.090.06:30:09.75/tpgain/1l,44,1u,48,2u,116,3u,122,4u,162 2004.090.06:30:09.76/tpgain/9u,112,au,109,bu,91,cu,154,du,201,eu,168 2004.090.06:30:09.76/tpgain/5u,15,6u,29,7u,23,8l,28,8u,31 2004.090.06:30:09.81:!2004.090.06:30:14 2004.090.06:30:14.00:disc_pos 2004.090.06:30:14.02/disc_pos/519039188992,518782391376, 2004.090.06:30:14.03:data_valid=on 2004.090.06:30:14.04:midob 2004.090.06:30:14.22/tpi/1l,16221,1u,16062,2u,16254,3u,16284,4u,16194 2004.090.06:30:14.22/tpi/9u,16365,au,16314,bu,16080,cu,16236,du,16235,eu,16158 2004.090.06:30:14.22/tpi/5u,13991,6u,15610,7u,15096,8l,16214,8u,16118 2004.090.06:30:14.81/tsys/1l,86.3,1u,84.9,2u,80.8,3u,83.6,4u,84.5 2004.090.06:30:14.81/tsys/9u,78.1,au,74.9,bu,84.2,cu,79.1,du,88.1,eu,90.4 2004.090.06:30:14.82/tsys/5u,82.9,6u,88.7,7u,90.5,8l,89.2,8u,86.5 2004.090.06:30:14.83/wx/12.8,994.0,97.7,77.5,0.8 2004.090.06:30:15.22/cable/3.711388235E-3 2004.090.06:30:15.70/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,19.30 2004.090.06:30:16.20/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,18.70 2004.090.06:30:16.70/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.40 2004.090.06:30:17.20/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,11.00 2004.090.06:30:17.70/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.604 2004.090.06:30:18.20/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.000 2004.090.06:30:18.70/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,2.784 2004.090.06:30:19.20/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,65.48 2004.090.06:30:19.70/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,60.22 2004.090.06:30:20.20/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.244 2004.090.06:30:20.70/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,241.9 2004.090.06:30:21.20/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,68.36 2004.090.06:30:21.29/bbc01/612.89,a,8,8,1,agc, -2.54, -3.30,lock,16063,16224,1018,1pps 2004.090.06:30:21.37/bbc02/652.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 5.12, 3.02,lock,16243,16059,1029,1pps 2004.090.06:30:21.45/bbc03/752.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 5.56, 3.75,lock,16295,16224,1027,1pps 2004.090.06:30:21.53/bbc04/912.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 8.03, 7.00,lock,16193,16338,1024,1pps 2004.090.06:30:21.61/bbc05/652.99,c,8,8,1,agc,-12.64,-13.24,lock,16744,14719,1025,1pps 2004.090.06:30:21.69/bbc06/772.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -6.92, -6.62,lock,15616,16265,1030,1pps 2004.090.06:30:21.77/bbc07/832.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -8.93, -8.93,lock,15095,15901,1033,1pps 2004.090.06:30:21.85/bbc08/852.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -6.34, -7.22,lock,16125,16211,1028,1pps 2004.090.06:30:21.94/bbc09/692.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.82, 4.66,lock,16379,16216,1020,1pps 2004.090.06:30:22.02/bbc10/700.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.58, 3.11,lock,16319,16102,1026,1pps 2004.090.06:30:22.10/bbc11/716.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 3.02, 3.02,lock,16088,16106,1022,1pps 2004.090.06:30:22.19/bbc12/772.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 7.59, 6.44,lock,16257,16340,1019,1pps 2004.090.06:30:22.27/bbc13/804.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 9.90, 9.73,lock,16256,16255,1031,1pps 2004.090.06:30:22.35/bbc14/812.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 8.34, 8.19,lock,16172,16302,1021,1pps 2004.090.06:30:22.80#antcn#Received message for antenna: GETS 2004.090.06:30:23.77#antcn#ACU: MJD: 53094, UTC: 23422, Src: ext. 1pps present 2004.090.06:30:23.77#antcn#ACU: Azimuth: Pos: 258364, Dev: 0, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.090.06:30:23.77#antcn#ACU: Elevation: Pos: 133773, Dev: 1, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.090.06:30:23.77#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.090.06:30:23.77#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.090.06:30:23.77#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.090.06:30:23.77#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.090.06:30:23.77#antcn#ACU: Az: no fault , no fault 2004.090.06:30:23.77#antcn#ACU: El: no fault , no fault 2004.090.06:30:23.78/antenna/ACK 2004.090.06:30:23.78:!2004.090.06:32:25 2004.090.06:32:25.00:data_valid=off 2004.090.06:32:25.01:disc_end 2004.090.06:32:25.27/disc_end/usn-0079/960/1024OK 2004.090.06:32:25.27:disc_pos 2004.090.06:32:25.28/disc_pos/523268489072,518783391376, 2004.090.06:32:25.28:disc_check 2004.090.06:32:25.96/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y090d06h32m25.308s,64468,0.00250s,80000,10811073612, 2004.090.06:32:25.96:postob_mk5a 2004.090.06:32:25.97/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 993727 : 4693 : 1 : 7 : 0 : 4 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.06:32:25.98/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 994208 : 4182 : 1 : 34 : 9 : 0 : 7 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.06:32:25.99/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 994211 : 4199 : 1 : 8 : 1 : 0 : 8 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.06:32:26.00/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 993680 : 4725 : 0 : 33 : 1 : 7 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.06:32:26.00/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 993483 : 4939 : 3 : 8 : 2 : 7 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.06:32:26.01/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 993365 : 5059 : 2 : 20 : 1 : 1 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.06:32:26.02/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 993931 : 4512 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.06:32:26.03/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 993889 : 4540 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.06:32:26.42/cable/3.711082116E-3 2004.090.06:32:27.90/fmout-gps/-7.505442E-6 2004.090.06:32:28.40/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,19.30 2004.090.06:32:28.90/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,18.70 2004.090.06:32:29.40/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.40 2004.090.06:32:29.90/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,11.00 2004.090.06:32:30.40/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.604 2004.090.06:32:30.90/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.000 2004.090.06:32:31.40/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.550 2004.090.06:32:31.90/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,56.07 2004.090.06:32:32.40/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,60.22 2004.090.06:32:32.90/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.271 2004.090.06:32:33.40/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,242.4 2004.090.06:32:33.90/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,70.32 2004.090.06:32:33.90:scan_name=090-0643,r1116,118 2004.090.06:32:33.91:source=1519-273,152237.68,-273010.8,2000.0,cw 2004.090.06:32:38.80:setup4f 2004.090.06:32:40.92/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.090.06:32:40.93/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.090.06:32:40.95/bank_check/usn-0079/960/1024OK,VNVD06G4H7982L,VNVD06G4H79L4L,VNVD06G4H79RWL,VNVD06G4H71WBL,VNVD06G4H79GKL,VNVD06G4H79D4L,VNVD06G4H700TL,VNVD06G4H79GUL 2004.090.06:32:40.99/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 233 ; 2004.090.06:32:40.99:!2004.090.06:43:42 2004.090.06:43:42.00:disc_pos 2004.090.06:43:42.02/disc_pos/523268489072,523267489072, 2004.090.06:43:42.02:disc_start=on 2004.090.06:43:43.05:!2004.090.06:43:42 2004.090.06:43:43.06:preob 2004.090.06:43:44.81#antcn#ACK 2004.090.06:43:44.81/onsource/TRACKING 2004.090.06:43:47.56/tpical/1l,16212,1u,15820,2u,15985,3u,15966,4u,16196 2004.090.06:43:47.56/tpical/9u,16240,au,16034,bu,16087,cu,16190,du,16202,eu,16308 2004.090.06:43:47.56/tpical/5u,16794,6u,15589,7u,14913,8l,16041,8u,15990 2004.090.06:43:47.71/tpgain/1l,44,1u,48,2u,115,3u,120,4u,163 2004.090.06:43:47.71/tpgain/9u,110,au,105,bu,90,cu,151,du,198,eu,167 2004.090.06:43:47.71/tpgain/5u,16,6u,29,7u,23,8l,28,8u,31 2004.090.06:43:47.74:!2004.090.06:43:52 2004.090.06:43:52.00:disc_pos 2004.090.06:43:52.02/disc_pos/523524288512,523267489072, 2004.090.06:43:52.02:data_valid=on 2004.090.06:43:52.04:midob 2004.090.06:43:52.20/tpi/1l,16238,1u,15816,2u,15981,3u,15970,4u,16196 2004.090.06:43:52.20/tpi/9u,16243,au,16035,bu,16078,cu,16200,du,16212,eu,16316 2004.090.06:43:52.20/tpi/5u,16791,6u,15601,7u,14921,8l,16060,8u,16023 2004.090.06:43:52.78/tsys/1l,86.4,1u,83.6,2u,80.8,3u,84.8,4u,83.4 2004.090.06:43:52.78/tsys/9u,80.4,au,79.5,bu,86.1,cu,82.2,du,90.8,eu,92.5 2004.090.06:43:52.78/tsys/5u,87.5,6u,88.7,7u,89.4,8l,88.3,8u,86.0 2004.090.06:43:52.80/wx/13.1,993.8,97.7,76.5,0.9 2004.090.06:43:53.62/cable/3.710187666E-3 2004.090.06:43:54.11/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,19.20 2004.090.06:43:54.61/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,18.70 2004.090.06:43:55.11/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.50 2004.090.06:43:55.61/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,10.90 2004.090.06:43:56.11/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.601 2004.090.06:43:56.61/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.000 2004.090.06:43:57.11/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,2.292 2004.090.06:43:57.61/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,68.11 2004.090.06:43:58.11/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,73.37 2004.090.06:43:58.61/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.271 2004.090.06:43:59.11/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,237.3 2004.090.06:43:59.61/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,66.90 2004.090.06:43:59.70/bbc01/612.89,a,8,8,1,agc, -2.54, -3.30,lock,15822,16215,1018,1pps 2004.090.06:43:59.78/bbc02/652.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 5.05, 3.02,lock,15967,16096,1029,1pps 2004.090.06:43:59.86/bbc03/752.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 5.42, 3.66,lock,15950,16183,1027,1pps 2004.090.06:43:59.94/bbc04/912.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 8.08, 7.00,lock,16182,16163,1024,1pps 2004.090.06:44:00.02/bbc05/652.99,c,8,8,1,agc,-12.08,-13.24,lock,13999,14661,1025,1pps 2004.090.06:44:00.10/bbc06/772.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -6.92, -6.92,lock,15577,15290,1030,1pps 2004.090.06:44:00.18/bbc07/832.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -8.93, -8.93,lock,14927,15691,1033,1pps 2004.090.06:44:00.26/bbc08/852.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -6.34, -7.22,lock,15981,16023,1028,1pps 2004.090.06:44:00.34/bbc09/692.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.66, 4.42,lock,16234,16202,1020,1pps 2004.090.06:44:00.42/bbc10/700.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.26, 2.92,lock,16040,16251,1026,1pps 2004.090.06:44:00.50/bbc11/716.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 2.92, 2.82,lock,16070,16145,1022,1pps 2004.090.06:44:00.58/bbc12/772.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 7.42, 6.25,lock,16191,16247,1019,1pps 2004.090.06:44:00.67/bbc13/804.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 9.77, 9.59,lock,16201,16271,1031,1pps 2004.090.06:44:00.76/bbc14/812.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 8.29, 8.08,lock,16303,16317,1021,1pps 2004.090.06:44:00.82#antcn#Received message for antenna: GETS 2004.090.06:44:01.79#antcn#ACU: MJD: 53094, UTC: 24240, Src: ext. 1pps present 2004.090.06:44:01.79#antcn#ACU: Azimuth: Pos: 575004, Dev: 0, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.090.06:44:01.79#antcn#ACU: Elevation: Pos: 743436, Dev: 7, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.090.06:44:01.79#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.090.06:44:01.79#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.090.06:44:01.79#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.090.06:44:01.79#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.090.06:44:01.79#antcn#ACU: Az: no fault , no fault 2004.090.06:44:01.79#antcn#ACU: El: no fault , no fault 2004.090.06:44:01.79/antenna/ACK 2004.090.06:44:01.80:!2004.090.06:45:50 2004.090.06:45:50.00:data_valid=off 2004.090.06:45:50.02:disc_end 2004.090.06:45:50.28/disc_end/usn-0079/960/1024OK 2004.090.06:45:50.28:disc_pos 2004.090.06:45:50.29/disc_pos/527337822696,523268489072, 2004.090.06:45:50.30:disc_check 2004.090.06:45:50.62/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y090d06h45m50.307s,24872,0.00250s,80000,21690705972, 2004.090.06:45:50.62:postob_mk5a 2004.090.06:45:50.64/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 1001455 : 4729 : 1 : 7 : 0 : 4 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.06:45:50.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 1001950 : 4205 : 1 : 34 : 9 : 0 : 7 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.06:45:50.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 1001940 : 4234 : 1 : 8 : 1 : 0 : 8 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.06:45:50.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 1001407 : 4763 : 0 : 33 : 1 : 7 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.06:45:50.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 1001218 : 4970 : 3 : 8 : 2 : 7 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.06:45:50.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 1001077 : 5112 : 2 : 20 : 1 : 1 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.06:45:50.70/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 1001667 : 4541 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.06:45:50.70/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 1001614 : 4579 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.06:45:51.22/cable/3.711458858E-3 2004.090.06:45:51.91/fmout-gps/-7.541938E-6 2004.090.06:45:52.41/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,19.20 2004.090.06:45:52.91/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,18.80 2004.090.06:45:53.41/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.50 2004.090.06:45:53.91/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,10.80 2004.090.06:45:54.41/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.601 2004.090.06:45:54.91/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.000 2004.090.06:45:55.41/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.116 2004.090.06:45:55.91/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,62.85 2004.090.06:45:56.41/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,62.85 2004.090.06:45:56.91/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.244 2004.090.06:45:57.41/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,243.4 2004.090.06:45:57.91/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,68.61 2004.090.06:45:57.91:scan_name=090-0648,r1116,190 2004.090.06:45:57.92:source=1606+106,160846.20,102907.8,2000.0,cw 2004.090.06:46:02.82:setup4f 2004.090.06:46:04.92/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.090.06:46:04.93/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.090.06:46:04.94/bank_check/usn-0079/960/1024OK,VNVD06G4H7982L,VNVD06G4H79L4L,VNVD06G4H79RWL,VNVD06G4H71WBL,VNVD06G4H79GKL,VNVD06G4H79D4L,VNVD06G4H700TL,VNVD06G4H79GUL 2004.090.06:46:05.00/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 235 ; 2004.090.06:46:05.01:!2004.090.06:48:04 2004.090.06:48:04.00:disc_pos 2004.090.06:48:04.02/disc_pos/527337822696,527336822696, 2004.090.06:48:04.02:disc_start=on 2004.090.06:48:05.05:!2004.090.06:48:04 2004.090.06:48:05.06:preob 2004.090.06:48:06.82#antcn#ACK 2004.090.06:48:06.82/onsource/TRACKING 2004.090.06:48:09.56/tpical/1l,15757,1u,16107,2u,16164,3u,16259,4u,16342 2004.090.06:48:09.56/tpical/9u,15986,au,15916,bu,15939,cu,16340,du,16196,eu,16331 2004.090.06:48:09.56/tpical/5u,15717,6u,15563,7u,15267,8l,16098,8u,15098 2004.090.06:48:09.71/tpgain/1l,45,1u,50,2u,120,3u,126,4u,168 2004.090.06:48:09.71/tpgain/9u,112,au,109,bu,93,cu,157,du,204,eu,172 2004.090.06:48:09.71/tpgain/5u,16,6u,30,7u,24,8l,29,8u,31 2004.090.06:48:09.74:!2004.090.06:48:14 2004.090.06:48:14.00:disc_pos 2004.090.06:48:14.01/disc_pos/527593619456,527336822696, 2004.090.06:48:14.01:data_valid=on 2004.090.06:48:14.02:midob 2004.090.06:48:14.19/tpi/1l,15760,1u,16106,2u,16121,3u,16266,4u,16354 2004.090.06:48:14.19/tpi/9u,15967,au,15915,bu,15931,cu,16316,du,16187,eu,16316 2004.090.06:48:14.19/tpi/5u,15732,6u,15576,7u,15263,8l,16094,8u,15106 2004.090.06:48:14.77/tsys/1l,80.0,1u,78.3,2u,74.6,3u,78.1,4u,78.8 2004.090.06:48:14.77/tsys/9u,76.1,au,73.0,bu,79.7,cu,76.4,du,85.1,eu,86.9 2004.090.06:48:14.78/tsys/5u,81.9,6u,82.6,7u,83.9,8l,82.4,8u,80.9 2004.090.06:48:14.79/wx/12.9,993.8,97.7,79.9,0.9 2004.090.06:48:15.22/cable/3.711583745E-3 2004.090.06:48:15.70/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,19.30 2004.090.06:48:16.15/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,18.80 2004.090.06:48:16.65/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.50 2004.090.06:48:17.15/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,10.90 2004.090.06:48:17.65/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.601 2004.090.06:48:18.15/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.000 2004.090.06:48:18.65/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,4.480 2004.090.06:48:19.15/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,56.07 2004.090.06:48:19.65/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,60.22 2004.090.06:48:20.15/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.271 2004.090.06:48:20.65/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,238.7 2004.090.06:48:21.15/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,68.12 2004.090.06:48:21.24/bbc01/612.89,a,8,8,1,agc, -2.18, -3.10,lock,16102,15760,1018,1pps 2004.090.06:48:21.32/bbc02/652.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 5.42, 3.30,lock,16150,15981,1029,1pps 2004.090.06:48:21.40/bbc03/752.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 5.84, 3.92,lock,16271,15920,1027,1pps 2004.090.06:48:21.48/bbc04/912.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 8.34, 7.30,lock,16346,16284,1024,1pps 2004.090.06:48:21.56/bbc05/652.99,c,8,8,1,agc,-12.08,-12.64,lock,15732,15648,1025,1pps 2004.090.06:48:21.64/bbc06/772.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -6.62, -6.34,lock,15579,16144,1030,1pps 2004.090.06:48:21.72/bbc07/832.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -8.56, -8.56,lock,15276,16103,1033,1pps 2004.090.06:48:21.80/bbc08/852.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -6.34, -6.92,lock,17002,16097,1028,1pps 2004.090.06:48:21.89/bbc09/692.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.82, 4.74,lock,15975,16093,1020,1pps 2004.090.06:48:21.97/bbc10/700.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.58, 3.21,lock,15911,16043,1026,1pps 2004.090.06:48:22.05/bbc11/716.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 3.21, 3.11,lock,15937,16022,1022,1pps 2004.090.06:48:22.13/bbc12/772.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 7.75, 6.57,lock,16326,16300,1019,1pps 2004.090.06:48:22.21/bbc13/804.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 10.03, 9.86,lock,16187,16214,1031,1pps 2004.090.06:48:22.29/bbc14/812.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 8.55, 8.34,lock,16321,16340,1021,1pps 2004.090.06:48:22.81#antcn#Received message for antenna: GETS 2004.090.06:48:23.79#antcn#ACU: MJD: 53094, UTC: 24502, Src: ext. 1pps present 2004.090.06:48:23.79#antcn#ACU: Azimuth: Pos: 316052, Dev: 0, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.090.06:48:23.79#antcn#ACU: Elevation: Pos: 370596, Dev: 3, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.090.06:48:23.79#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.090.06:48:23.79#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.090.06:48:23.79#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.090.06:48:23.79#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.090.06:48:23.79#antcn#ACU: Az: no fault , no fault 2004.090.06:48:23.79#antcn#ACU: El: no fault , no fault 2004.090.06:48:23.80/antenna/ACK 2004.090.06:48:23.80:!2004.090.06:51:24 2004.090.06:51:24.00:data_valid=off 2004.090.06:51:24.01:disc_end 2004.090.06:51:24.27/disc_end/usn-0079/960/1024OK 2004.090.06:51:24.28:disc_pos 2004.090.06:51:24.29/disc_pos/533710962640,527337822696, 2004.090.06:51:24.29:disc_check 2004.090.06:51:24.95/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y090d06h51m24.308s,30988,0.00250s,80000,4314853940, 2004.090.06:51:24.95:postob_mk5a 2004.090.06:51:24.96/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 1013568 : 4776 : 1 : 7 : 0 : 4 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.06:51:24.97/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 1014075 : 4238 : 1 : 34 : 10 : 0 : 7 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.06:51:24.98/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 1014058 : 4277 : 1 : 8 : 1 : 0 : 8 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.06:51:24.99/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 1013505 : 4824 : 0 : 33 : 1 : 7 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.06:51:25.01/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 1013316 : 5031 : 3 : 8 : 2 : 7 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.06:51:25.02/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 1013183 : 5167 : 2 : 20 : 1 : 1 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.06:51:25.03/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 1013777 : 4590 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.06:51:25.03/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 1013727 : 4626 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.06:51:25.62/cable/3.709855276E-3 2004.090.06:51:25.91/fmout-gps/-7.567546E-6 2004.090.06:51:26.41/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,19.20 2004.090.06:51:26.91/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,18.80 2004.090.06:51:27.41/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.50 2004.090.06:51:27.91/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,10.90 2004.090.06:51:28.41/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.601 2004.090.06:51:28.91/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.000 2004.090.06:51:29.41/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.091 2004.090.06:51:29.91/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,51.90 2004.090.06:51:30.41/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,61.54 2004.090.06:51:30.91/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.244 2004.090.06:51:31.41/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,242.6 2004.090.06:51:31.91/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,65.19 2004.090.06:51:31.91:scan_name=090-0652,r1116,190 2004.090.06:51:31.92:source=1124-186,112704.39,-185717.4,2000.0,cw 2004.090.06:51:36.82:setup4f 2004.090.06:51:38.93/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.090.06:51:38.95/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.090.06:51:38.97/bank_check/usn-0079/960/1024OK,VNVD06G4H7982L,VNVD06G4H79L4L,VNVD06G4H79RWL,VNVD06G4H71WBL,VNVD06G4H79GKL,VNVD06G4H79D4L,VNVD06G4H700TL,VNVD06G4H79GUL 2004.090.06:51:38.99/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 237 ; 2004.090.06:51:39.00:!2004.090.06:52:13 2004.090.06:52:13.00:disc_pos 2004.090.06:52:13.01/disc_pos/533710962640,533709962640, 2004.090.06:52:13.01:disc_start=on 2004.090.06:52:14.05:!2004.090.06:52:13 2004.090.06:52:14.06:preob 2004.090.06:52:15.82#antcn#ACK 2004.090.06:52:15.82/onsource/TRACKING 2004.090.06:52:18.57/tpical/1l,16099,1u,15816,2u,16250,3u,16176,4u,16311 2004.090.06:52:18.57/tpical/9u,16160,au,16103,bu,15935,cu,16157,du,16231,eu,16294 2004.090.06:52:18.57/tpical/5u,15816,6u,15666,7u,15390,8l,16206,8u,15177 2004.090.06:52:18.72/tpgain/1l,45,1u,49,2u,120,3u,125,4u,167 2004.090.06:52:18.72/tpgain/9u,112,au,109,bu,92,cu,155,du,203,eu,171 2004.090.06:52:18.72/tpgain/5u,16,6u,30,7u,24,8l,29,8u,31 2004.090.06:52:18.77:!2004.090.06:52:23 2004.090.06:52:23.00:disc_pos 2004.090.06:52:23.01/disc_pos/533966753792,533709962640, 2004.090.06:52:23.03:data_valid=on 2004.090.06:52:23.03:midob 2004.090.06:52:23.21/tpi/1l,16070,1u,15813,2u,16236,3u,16157,4u,16305 2004.090.06:52:23.21/tpi/9u,16171,au,16118,bu,15945,cu,16165,du,16231,eu,16303 2004.090.06:52:23.21/tpi/5u,15816,6u,15662,7u,15381,8l,16207,8u,15171 2004.090.06:52:23.82/tsys/1l,81.6,1u,80.1,2u,75.2,3u,78.8,4u,79.6 2004.090.06:52:23.83/tsys/9u,77.1,au,74.0,bu,81.6,cu,77.7,du,86.2,eu,87.9 2004.090.06:52:23.84/tsys/5u,82.3,6u,83.1,7u,84.6,8l,82.9,8u,81.3 2004.090.06:52:23.86/wx/12.8,993.7,97.7,61.7,0.8 2004.090.06:52:24.02/cable/3.711296277E-3 2004.090.06:52:24.51/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,19.20 2004.090.06:52:25.01/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,18.80 2004.090.06:52:25.51/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.60 2004.090.06:52:26.01/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,10.90 2004.090.06:52:26.51/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.599 2004.090.06:52:27.01/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.000 2004.090.06:52:27.51/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,1.015 2004.090.06:52:28.01/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,64.17 2004.090.06:52:28.51/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,65.48 2004.090.06:52:29.01/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.244 2004.090.06:52:29.51/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,242.6 2004.090.06:52:30.01/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,65.92 2004.090.06:52:30.11/bbc01/612.89,a,8,8,1,agc, -2.36, -3.10,lock,15837,16092,1018,1pps 2004.090.06:52:30.20/bbc02/652.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 5.42, 3.39,lock,16250,16240,1029,1pps 2004.090.06:52:30.29/bbc03/752.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 5.77, 4.01,lock,16178,16268,1027,1pps 2004.090.06:52:30.38/bbc04/912.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 8.29, 7.24,lock,16319,16246,1024,1pps 2004.090.06:52:30.47/bbc05/652.99,c,8,8,1,agc,-12.08,-12.64,lock,15813,15728,1025,1pps 2004.090.06:52:30.56/bbc06/772.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -6.62, -6.34,lock,15663,16294,1030,1pps 2004.090.06:52:30.65/bbc07/832.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -8.56, -8.56,lock,15395,16221,1033,1pps 2004.090.06:52:30.74/bbc08/852.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -6.34, -6.92,lock,17095,16212,1028,1pps 2004.090.06:52:30.83/bbc09/692.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.82, 4.74,lock,16157,16341,1020,1pps 2004.090.06:52:30.92/bbc10/700.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.58, 3.21,lock,16080,16259,1026,1pps 2004.090.06:52:31.01/bbc11/716.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 3.11, 3.11,lock,15947,16204,1022,1pps 2004.090.06:52:31.10/bbc12/772.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 7.64, 6.51,lock,16164,16121,1019,1pps 2004.090.06:52:31.19/bbc13/804.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 9.99, 9.77,lock,16236,16188,1031,1pps 2004.090.06:52:31.29/bbc14/812.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 8.50, 8.24,lock,16301,16190,1021,1pps 2004.090.06:52:31.82#antcn#Received message for antenna: GETS 2004.090.06:52:32.80#antcn#ACU: MJD: 53094, UTC: 24751, Src: ext. 1pps present 2004.090.06:52:32.80#antcn#ACU: Azimuth: Pos: -791204, Dev: -3, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.090.06:52:32.80#antcn#ACU: Elevation: Pos: 458369, Dev: 5, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.090.06:52:32.80#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.090.06:52:32.80#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.090.06:52:32.80#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.090.06:52:32.80#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.090.06:52:32.80#antcn#ACU: Az: no fault , no fault 2004.090.06:52:32.80#antcn#ACU: El: no fault , no fault 2004.090.06:52:32.82/antenna/ACK 2004.090.06:52:32.83:!2004.090.06:55:33 2004.090.06:55:33.00:data_valid=off 2004.090.06:55:33.02:disc_end 2004.090.06:55:33.28/disc_end/usn-0079/960/1024OK 2004.090.06:55:33.29:disc_pos 2004.090.06:55:33.30/disc_pos/540084420792,533710962640, 2004.090.06:55:33.30:disc_check 2004.090.06:55:33.93/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y090d06h55m33.320s,21056,0.00250s,80000,1594951780, 2004.090.06:55:33.93:postob_mk5a 2004.090.06:55:33.95/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 1025685 : 4819 : 1 : 7 : 0 : 4 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.06:55:33.96/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 1026192 : 4280 : 1 : 34 : 11 : 0 : 7 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.06:55:33.97/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 1026181 : 4315 : 1 : 8 : 1 : 0 : 8 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.06:55:33.97/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 1025594 : 4895 : 0 : 33 : 1 : 7 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.06:55:33.98/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 1025406 : 5101 : 3 : 8 : 2 : 7 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.06:55:33.99/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 1025292 : 5218 : 2 : 20 : 1 : 1 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.06:55:34.00/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 1025884 : 4643 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.06:55:34.01/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 1025850 : 4663 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.06:55:34.41/cable/3.710635260E-3 2004.090.06:55:35.90/fmout-gps/-7.517516E-6 2004.090.06:55:36.40/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,19.20 2004.090.06:55:36.90/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,18.80 2004.090.06:55:37.35/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.60 2004.090.06:55:37.85/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,10.80 2004.090.06:55:38.35/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.601 2004.090.06:55:38.85/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.000 2004.090.06:55:39.35/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.704 2004.090.06:55:39.85/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,54.68 2004.090.06:55:40.35/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,60.22 2004.090.06:55:40.85/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.244 2004.090.06:55:41.35/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,243.4 2004.090.06:55:41.85/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,66.17 2004.090.06:55:41.85:scan_name=090-0704,r1116,151 2004.090.06:55:41.86:source=1611+343,161341.06,341247.9,2000.0,cw 2004.090.06:55:46.82:setup4f 2004.090.06:55:48.91/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.090.06:55:48.94/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.090.06:55:48.95/bank_check/usn-0079/960/1024OK,VNVD06G4H7982L,VNVD06G4H79L4L,VNVD06G4H79RWL,VNVD06G4H71WBL,VNVD06G4H79GKL,VNVD06G4H79D4L,VNVD06G4H700TL,VNVD06G4H79GUL 2004.090.06:55:48.97/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 239 ; 2004.090.06:55:48.97:!2004.090.07:04:28 2004.090.07:04:28.00:disc_pos 2004.090.07:04:28.02/disc_pos/540084420792,540083420792, 2004.090.07:04:28.02:disc_start=on 2004.090.07:04:29.06:!2004.090.07:04:28 2004.090.07:04:29.06:preob 2004.090.07:04:30.83#antcn#ACK 2004.090.07:04:30.83/onsource/TRACKING 2004.090.07:04:33.57/tpical/1l,15789,1u,16230,2u,16112,3u,16194,4u,16227 2004.090.07:04:33.57/tpical/9u,16027,au,16084,bu,15956,cu,16296,du,16151,eu,16211 2004.090.07:04:33.57/tpical/5u,13692,6u,15333,7u,16024,8l,15873,8u,15824 2004.090.07:04:33.72/tpgain/1l,44,1u,49,2u,117,3u,123,4u,164 2004.090.07:04:33.72/tpgain/9u,112,au,109,bu,92,cu,156,du,203,eu,170 2004.090.07:04:33.72/tpgain/5u,15,6u,29,7u,24,8l,28,8u,31 2004.090.07:04:33.75:!2004.090.07:04:38 2004.090.07:04:38.00:disc_pos 2004.090.07:04:38.02/disc_pos/540340219904,540083420792, 2004.090.07:04:38.02:data_valid=on 2004.090.07:04:38.04:midob 2004.090.07:04:38.21/tpi/1l,15770,1u,16209,2u,16254,3u,16176,4u,16210 2004.090.07:04:38.22/tpi/9u,16049,au,16047,bu,15954,cu,16310,du,16159,eu,16224 2004.090.07:04:38.22/tpi/5u,13689,6u,15270,7u,16043,8l,15835,8u,15758 2004.090.07:04:38.81/tsys/1l,83.8,1u,82.2,2u,79.3,3u,81.6,4u,82.3 2004.090.07:04:38.82/tsys/9u,76.5,au,73.6,bu,81.7,cu,77.4,du,85.8,eu,88.5 2004.090.07:04:38.82/tsys/5u,81.1,6u,86.8,7u,88.3,8l,87.0,8u,84.5 2004.090.07:04:38.84/wx/12.6,993.7,97.7,78.5,0.9 2004.090.07:04:39.21/cable/3.709583620E-3 2004.090.07:04:39.70/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,19.10 2004.090.07:04:40.20/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,18.70 2004.090.07:04:40.70/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.40 2004.090.07:04:41.20/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,10.80 2004.090.07:04:41.70/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.604 2004.090.07:04:42.20/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.000 2004.090.07:04:42.70/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,5.361 2004.090.07:04:43.20/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,64.17 2004.090.07:04:43.70/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,60.22 2004.090.07:04:44.20/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.271 2004.090.07:04:44.70/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,242.6 2004.090.07:04:45.20/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,69.59 2004.090.07:04:45.30/bbc01/612.89,a,8,8,1,agc, -2.36, -3.30,lock,16188,15735,1018,1pps 2004.090.07:04:45.39/bbc02/652.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 5.20, 3.11,lock,16226,16136,1029,1pps 2004.090.07:04:45.48/bbc03/752.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 5.63, 3.84,lock,16149,16267,1027,1pps 2004.090.07:04:45.57/bbc04/912.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 8.13, 7.12,lock,16196,16334,1024,1pps 2004.090.07:04:45.66/bbc05/652.99,c,8,8,1,agc,-12.64,-13.24,lock,16394,14375,1025,1pps 2004.090.07:04:45.75/bbc06/772.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -6.92, -6.62,lock,15257,15916,1030,1pps 2004.090.07:04:45.84/bbc07/832.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -8.56, -8.93,lock,16019,15555,1033,1pps 2004.090.07:04:45.93/bbc08/852.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -6.34, -7.22,lock,15752,15827,1028,1pps 2004.090.07:04:46.02/bbc09/692.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.82, 4.74,lock,16022,16090,1020,1pps 2004.090.07:04:46.11/bbc10/700.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.58, 3.21,lock,16028,16061,1026,1pps 2004.090.07:04:46.20/bbc11/716.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 3.11, 3.02,lock,15938,16097,1022,1pps 2004.090.07:04:46.29/bbc12/772.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 7.70, 6.51,lock,16288,16209,1019,1pps 2004.090.07:04:46.38/bbc13/804.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 9.99, 9.81,lock,16132,16138,1031,1pps 2004.090.07:04:46.47/bbc14/812.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 8.44, 8.29,lock,16209,16261,1021,1pps 2004.090.07:04:46.82#antcn#Received message for antenna: GETS 2004.090.07:04:47.80#antcn#ACU: MJD: 53094, UTC: 25486, Src: ext. 1pps present 2004.090.07:04:47.80#antcn#ACU: Azimuth: Pos: 189902, Dev: -3, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.090.07:04:47.80#antcn#ACU: Elevation: Pos: 160026, Dev: 7, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.090.07:04:47.80#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.090.07:04:47.80#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.090.07:04:47.80#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.090.07:04:47.80#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.090.07:04:47.80#antcn#ACU: Az: no fault , no fault 2004.090.07:04:47.80#antcn#ACU: El: no fault , no fault 2004.090.07:04:47.82/antenna/ACK 2004.090.07:04:47.83:!2004.090.07:07:09 2004.090.07:07:09.00:data_valid=off 2004.090.07:07:09.01:disc_end 2004.090.07:07:09.27/disc_end/usn-0079/960/1024OK 2004.090.07:07:09.28:disc_pos 2004.090.07:07:09.29/disc_pos/545209320128,540084420792, 2004.090.07:07:09.29:disc_check 2004.090.07:07:09.97/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y090d07h07m09.307s,75560,0.00250s,80000,17146646160, 2004.090.07:07:09.97:postob_mk5a 2004.090.07:07:09.98/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 1035396 : 4888 : 1 : 7 : 0 : 4 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.07:07:09.99/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 1035915 : 4334 : 1 : 35 : 11 : 0 : 7 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.07:07:10.00/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 1035922 : 4352 : 1 : 9 : 1 : 0 : 8 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.07:07:10.02/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 1035330 : 4936 : 0 : 34 : 1 : 7 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.07:07:10.02/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 1035147 : 5138 : 3 : 8 : 2 : 7 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.07:07:10.03/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 1035023 : 5264 : 2 : 20 : 1 : 2 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.07:07:10.04/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 1035623 : 4682 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.07:07:10.06/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 1035571 : 4720 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.07:07:10.42/cable/3.710257006E-3 2004.090.07:07:11.90/fmout-gps/-7.508157E-6 2004.090.07:07:12.36/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,19.10 2004.090.07:07:12.86/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,18.70 2004.090.07:07:13.36/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.40 2004.090.07:07:13.86/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,10.80 2004.090.07:07:14.36/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.601 2004.090.07:07:14.86/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.000 2004.090.07:07:15.36/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,2.949 2004.090.07:07:15.86/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,65.48 2004.090.07:07:16.36/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,58.85 2004.090.07:07:16.86/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.244 2004.090.07:07:17.36/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,242.1 2004.090.07:07:17.86/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,65.43 2004.090.07:07:17.86:scan_name=090-0711,r1116,67 2004.090.07:07:17.87:source=1741-038,174358.86,-035004.6,2000.0,cw 2004.090.07:07:22.83:setup4f 2004.090.07:07:24.93/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.090.07:07:24.94/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.090.07:07:24.97/bank_check/usn-0079/960/1024OK,VNVD06G4H7982L,VNVD06G4H79L4L,VNVD06G4H79RWL,VNVD06G4H71WBL,VNVD06G4H79GKL,VNVD06G4H79D4L,VNVD06G4H700TL,VNVD06G4H79GUL 2004.090.07:07:24.99/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 241 ; 2004.090.07:07:25.01:!2004.090.07:10:55 2004.090.07:10:55.00:disc_pos 2004.090.07:10:55.02/disc_pos/545209320128,545208320128, 2004.090.07:10:55.02:disc_start=on 2004.090.07:10:56.06:!2004.090.07:10:55 2004.090.07:10:56.06:preob 2004.090.07:10:57.84#antcn#ACK 2004.090.07:10:57.84/onsource/TRACKING 2004.090.07:11:00.59/tpical/1l,15750,1u,16061,2u,16049,3u,16279,4u,16344 2004.090.07:11:00.59/tpical/9u,16091,au,16025,bu,16050,cu,16248,du,16269,eu,16213 2004.090.07:11:00.59/tpical/5u,15818,6u,15636,7u,15382,8l,15203,8u,17079 2004.090.07:11:00.74/tpgain/1l,45,1u,50,2u,119,3u,126,4u,168 2004.090.07:11:00.74/tpgain/9u,112,au,109,bu,93,cu,156,du,204,eu,171 2004.090.07:11:00.74/tpgain/5u,16,6u,30,7u,24,8l,28,8u,32 2004.090.07:11:00.77:!2004.090.07:11:05 2004.090.07:11:05.00:disc_pos 2004.090.07:11:05.00/disc_pos/545465118720,545208320128, 2004.090.07:11:05.01:data_valid=on 2004.090.07:11:05.03:midob 2004.090.07:11:05.20/tpi/1l,15749,1u,16079,2u,16049,3u,16295,4u,16351 2004.090.07:11:05.20/tpi/9u,16097,au,16037,bu,16048,cu,16251,du,16291,eu,16216 2004.090.07:11:05.20/tpi/5u,15809,6u,15642,7u,15382,8l,15207,8u,17074 2004.090.07:11:05.77/tsys/1l,79.9,1u,78.1,2u,75.6,3u,78.2,4u,78.7 2004.090.07:11:05.77/tsys/9u,76.8,au,73.6,bu,80.3,cu,77.1,du,85.7,eu,87.4 2004.090.07:11:05.78/tsys/5u,82.3,6u,83.0,7u,84.6,8l,83.5,8u,86.0 2004.090.07:11:05.79/wx/12.5,993.8,97.7,73.0,0.5 2004.090.07:11:06.41/cable/3.711772978E-3 2004.090.07:11:06.91/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,19.10 2004.090.07:11:07.41/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,18.70 2004.090.07:11:07.91/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.50 2004.090.07:11:08.41/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,10.70 2004.090.07:11:08.91/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.601 2004.090.07:11:09.41/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.000 2004.090.07:11:09.91/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,4.480 2004.090.07:11:10.41/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,54.68 2004.090.07:11:10.91/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,61.54 2004.090.07:11:11.41/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.244 2004.090.07:11:11.91/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,242.6 2004.090.07:11:12.41/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,63.24 2004.090.07:11:12.50/bbc01/612.89,a,8,8,1,agc, -2.18, -3.10,lock,16067,15744,1018,1pps 2004.090.07:11:12.58/bbc02/652.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 5.35, 3.30,lock,15987,16055,1029,1pps 2004.090.07:11:12.66/bbc03/752.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 5.84, 3.92,lock,16287,16001,1027,1pps 2004.090.07:11:12.74/bbc04/912.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 8.34, 7.30,lock,16345,16311,1024,1pps 2004.090.07:11:12.82/bbc05/652.99,c,8,8,1,agc,-12.08,-12.64,lock,15799,15703,1025,1pps 2004.090.07:11:12.90/bbc06/772.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -6.62, -6.34,lock,15646,16245,1030,1pps 2004.090.07:11:12.98/bbc07/832.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -8.56, -8.93,lock,15378,14906,1033,1pps 2004.090.07:11:13.06/bbc08/852.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -6.06, -7.22,lock,15198,15226,1028,1pps 2004.090.07:11:13.14/bbc09/692.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.82, 4.66,lock,16082,15951,1020,1pps 2004.090.07:11:13.22/bbc10/700.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.58, 3.21,lock,16026,16144,1026,1pps 2004.090.07:11:13.30/bbc11/716.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 3.21, 3.11,lock,16055,16096,1022,1pps 2004.090.07:11:13.38/bbc12/772.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 7.70, 6.51,lock,16237,16184,1019,1pps 2004.090.07:11:13.46/bbc13/804.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 10.03, 9.86,lock,16277,16289,1031,1pps 2004.090.07:11:13.54/bbc14/812.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 8.50, 8.29,lock,16205,16207,1021,1pps 2004.090.07:11:13.84#antcn#Received message for antenna: GETS 2004.090.07:11:14.81#antcn#ACU: MJD: 53094, UTC: 25873, Src: ext. 1pps present 2004.090.07:11:14.81#antcn#ACU: Azimuth: Pos: 607691, Dev: -3, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.090.07:11:14.81#antcn#ACU: Elevation: Pos: 383951, Dev: -1, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.090.07:11:14.81#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.090.07:11:14.81#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.090.07:11:14.81#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.090.07:11:14.81#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.090.07:11:14.81#antcn#ACU: Az: no fault , no fault 2004.090.07:11:14.81#antcn#ACU: El: no fault , no fault 2004.090.07:11:14.82/antenna/ACK 2004.090.07:11:14.82:!2004.090.07:12:12 2004.090.07:12:12.00:data_valid=off 2004.090.07:12:12.01:disc_end 2004.090.07:12:12.26/disc_end/usn-0079/960/1024OK 2004.090.07:12:12.27:disc_pos 2004.090.07:12:12.27/disc_pos/547646022728,545209320128, 2004.090.07:12:12.28:disc_check 2004.090.07:12:12.60/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y090d07h12m12.300s,31660,0.00250s,80000,7259101300, 2004.090.07:12:12.60:postob_mk5a 2004.090.07:12:12.61/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 1040004 : 4930 : 1 : 7 : 0 : 4 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.07:12:12.62/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 1040522 : 4377 : 1 : 35 : 11 : 0 : 7 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.07:12:12.63/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 1040561 : 4365 : 1 : 9 : 1 : 0 : 8 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.07:12:12.64/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 1039951 : 4964 : 1 : 34 : 1 : 7 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.07:12:12.64/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 1039775 : 5161 : 3 : 8 : 2 : 7 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.07:12:12.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 1039655 : 5282 : 2 : 20 : 1 : 2 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.07:12:12.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 1040251 : 4705 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.07:12:12.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 1040202 : 4739 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.07:12:12.82/cable/3.711792826E-3 2004.090.07:12:13.91/fmout-gps/-7.485183E-6 2004.090.07:12:14.41/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,19.10 2004.090.07:12:14.91/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,18.70 2004.090.07:12:15.41/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.50 2004.090.07:12:15.91/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,10.70 2004.090.07:12:16.41/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.601 2004.090.07:12:16.91/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.000 2004.090.07:12:17.41/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.550 2004.090.07:12:17.91/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,60.22 2004.090.07:12:18.41/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,60.22 2004.090.07:12:18.91/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.244 2004.090.07:12:19.41/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,243.9 2004.090.07:12:19.91/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,66.66 2004.090.07:12:19.91:scan_name=090-0732,r1116,190 2004.090.07:12:19.92:source=1606+106,160846.20,102907.8,2000.0,cw 2004.090.07:12:24.84:setup4f 2004.090.07:12:26.92/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.090.07:12:26.93/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.090.07:12:26.95/bank_check/usn-0079/960/1024OK,VNVD06G4H7982L,VNVD06G4H79L4L,VNVD06G4H79RWL,VNVD06G4H71WBL,VNVD06G4H79GKL,VNVD06G4H79D4L,VNVD06G4H700TL,VNVD06G4H79GUL 2004.090.07:12:26.96/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 243 ; 2004.090.07:12:26.97:!2004.090.07:32:44 2004.090.07:32:44.00:disc_pos 2004.090.07:32:44.02/disc_pos/547646022728,547645022728, 2004.090.07:32:44.02:disc_start=on 2004.090.07:32:45.05:!2004.090.07:32:44 2004.090.07:32:45.05:preob 2004.090.07:32:46.85#antcn#ACK 2004.090.07:32:46.85/onsource/TRACKING 2004.090.07:32:49.59/tpical/1l,15847,1u,16225,2u,16257,3u,16205,4u,16308 2004.090.07:32:49.59/tpical/9u,16152,au,16098,bu,16019,cu,16347,du,16219,eu,16298 2004.090.07:32:49.59/tpical/5u,15737,6u,15544,7u,15347,8l,16160,8u,17001 2004.090.07:32:49.74/tpgain/1l,45,1u,50,2u,120,3u,126,4u,168 2004.090.07:32:49.74/tpgain/9u,112,au,109,bu,92,cu,156,du,204,eu,171 2004.090.07:32:49.74/tpgain/5u,16,6u,30,7u,24,8l,29,8u,32 2004.090.07:32:49.77:!2004.090.07:32:54 2004.090.07:32:54.00:disc_pos 2004.090.07:32:54.02/disc_pos/547901825024,547645022728, 2004.090.07:32:54.02:data_valid=on 2004.090.07:32:54.03:midob 2004.090.07:32:54.20/tpi/1l,15858,1u,16223,2u,16230,3u,16209,4u,16308 2004.090.07:32:54.20/tpi/9u,16159,au,16100,bu,16026,cu,16358,du,16242,eu,16302 2004.090.07:32:54.20/tpi/5u,15736,6u,15554,7u,15355,8l,16156,8u,17019 2004.090.07:32:54.80/tsys/1l,80.5,1u,78.9,2u,75.2,3u,77.8,4u,78.5 2004.090.07:32:54.80/tsys/9u,77.1,au,73.9,bu,82.0,cu,77.6,du,85.4,eu,87.9 2004.090.07:32:54.81/tsys/5u,81.9,6u,82.5,7u,84.4,8l,82.7,8u,85.7 2004.090.07:32:54.82/wx/13.4,993.7,97.7,66.7,1.0 2004.090.07:32:55.21/cable/3.713199479E-3 2004.090.07:32:55.71/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,19.10 2004.090.07:32:56.21/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,18.80 2004.090.07:32:56.71/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.50 2004.090.07:32:57.21/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,10.70 2004.090.07:32:57.71/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.601 2004.090.07:32:58.21/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.000 2004.090.07:32:58.71/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.452 2004.090.07:32:59.21/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,70.74 2004.090.07:32:59.71/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,58.85 2004.090.07:33:00.21/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.244 2004.090.07:33:00.71/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,242.4 2004.090.07:33:01.21/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,65.68 2004.090.07:33:01.30/bbc01/612.89,a,8,8,1,agc, -2.18, -3.10,lock,16216,15833,1018,1pps 2004.090.07:33:01.38/bbc02/652.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 5.42, 3.39,lock,16244,16281,1029,1pps 2004.090.07:33:01.46/bbc03/752.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 5.84, 4.01,lock,16210,16206,1027,1pps 2004.090.07:33:01.54/bbc04/912.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 8.34, 7.30,lock,16301,16282,1024,1pps 2004.090.07:33:01.62/bbc05/652.99,c,8,8,1,agc,-12.08,-12.64,lock,15729,15648,1025,1pps 2004.090.07:33:01.70/bbc06/772.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -6.62, -6.34,lock,15531,16131,1030,1pps 2004.090.07:33:01.78/bbc07/832.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -8.56, -8.56,lock,15346,16213,1033,1pps 2004.090.07:33:01.86/bbc08/852.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -6.06, -6.92,lock,15123,16176,1028,1pps 2004.090.07:33:01.94/bbc09/692.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.82, 4.66,lock,16162,16009,1020,1pps 2004.090.07:33:02.02/bbc10/700.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.58, 3.21,lock,16122,16200,1026,1pps 2004.090.07:33:02.10/bbc11/716.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 3.11, 3.02,lock,16040,15993,1022,1pps 2004.090.07:33:02.18/bbc12/772.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 7.70, 6.51,lock,16369,16292,1019,1pps 2004.090.07:33:02.26/bbc13/804.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 10.03, 9.86,lock,16245,16357,1031,1pps 2004.090.07:33:02.34/bbc14/812.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 8.50, 8.29,lock,16318,16287,1021,1pps 2004.090.07:33:02.85#antcn#Received message for antenna: GETS 2004.090.07:33:03.82#antcn#ACU: MJD: 53094, UTC: 27182, Src: ext. 1pps present 2004.090.07:33:03.82#antcn#ACU: Azimuth: Pos: 182908, Dev: -1, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.090.07:33:03.82#antcn#ACU: Elevation: Pos: 408492, Dev: -2, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.090.07:33:03.82#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.090.07:33:03.82#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.090.07:33:03.82#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.090.07:33:03.82#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.090.07:33:03.82#antcn#ACU: Az: no fault , no fault 2004.090.07:33:03.82#antcn#ACU: El: no fault , no fault 2004.090.07:33:03.83/antenna/ACK 2004.090.07:33:03.83:!2004.090.07:36:04 2004.090.07:36:04.00:data_valid=off 2004.090.07:36:04.01:disc_end 2004.090.07:36:04.27/disc_end/usn-0079/960/1024OK 2004.090.07:36:04.27:disc_pos 2004.090.07:36:04.28/disc_pos/554019168216,547646022728, 2004.090.07:36:04.28:disc_check 2004.090.07:36:04.59/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y090d07h36m04.312s,66356,0.00250s,80000,39451219816, 2004.090.07:36:04.59:postob_mk5a 2004.090.07:36:04.60/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 1052062 : 5031 : 1 : 7 : 0 : 4 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.07:36:04.61/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 1052632 : 4427 : 1 : 35 : 11 : 0 : 7 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.07:36:04.62/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 1052671 : 4414 : 1 : 9 : 1 : 0 : 8 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.07:36:04.63/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 1052064 : 5011 : 1 : 34 : 1 : 7 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.07:36:04.63/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 1051884 : 5211 : 3 : 8 : 2 : 7 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.07:36:04.64/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 1051768 : 5328 : 2 : 20 : 1 : 2 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.07:36:04.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 1052354 : 4763 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.07:36:04.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 1052269 : 4831 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.07:36:04.81/cable/3.711832745E-3 2004.090.07:36:05.90/fmout-gps/-7.542367E-6 2004.090.07:36:06.36/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,19.20 2004.090.07:36:06.86/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,18.80 2004.090.07:36:07.36/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.50 2004.090.07:36:07.86/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,10.70 2004.090.07:36:08.36/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.601 2004.090.07:36:08.86/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.000 2004.090.07:36:09.36/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.091 2004.090.07:36:09.86/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,62.85 2004.090.07:36:10.36/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,60.22 2004.090.07:36:10.86/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.244 2004.090.07:36:11.36/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,242.6 2004.090.07:36:11.86/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,68.12 2004.090.07:36:11.86:scan_name=090-0744b,r1116,40 2004.090.07:36:11.87:source=1622-253,162546.89,-252738.3,2000.0,cw 2004.090.07:36:16.86:setup4f 2004.090.07:36:18.91/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.090.07:36:18.92/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.090.07:36:18.95/bank_check/usn-0079/960/1024OK,VNVD06G4H7982L,VNVD06G4H79L4L,VNVD06G4H79RWL,VNVD06G4H71WBL,VNVD06G4H79GKL,VNVD06G4H79D4L,VNVD06G4H700TL,VNVD06G4H79GUL 2004.090.07:36:18.96/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 245 ; 2004.090.07:36:18.97:!2004.090.07:44:48 2004.090.07:44:48.00:disc_pos 2004.090.07:44:48.02/disc_pos/554019168216,554018168216, 2004.090.07:44:48.02:disc_start=on 2004.090.07:44:49.05:!2004.090.07:44:48 2004.090.07:44:49.06:preob 2004.090.07:44:50.87#antcn#ACK 2004.090.07:44:50.87/onsource/TRACKING 2004.090.07:44:53.61/tpical/1l,16139,1u,15729,2u,16195,3u,16164,4u,16316 2004.090.07:44:53.61/tpical/9u,16272,au,16060,bu,16033,cu,16199,du,16200,eu,16304 2004.090.07:44:53.61/tpical/5u,13939,6u,15521,7u,16081,8l,15957,8u,15954 2004.090.07:44:53.76/tpgain/1l,44,1u,48,2u,116,3u,121,4u,164 2004.090.07:44:53.76/tpgain/9u,110,au,105,bu,90,cu,151,du,198,eu,167 2004.090.07:44:53.76/tpgain/5u,15,6u,29,7u,24,8l,28,8u,31 2004.090.07:44:53.79:!2004.090.07:44:58 2004.090.07:44:58.00:disc_pos 2004.090.07:44:58.02/disc_pos/554274963456,554018168216, 2004.090.07:44:58.03:data_valid=on 2004.090.07:44:58.04:midob 2004.090.07:44:58.21/tpi/1l,16136,1u,15717,2u,16186,3u,16174,4u,16309 2004.090.07:44:58.21/tpi/9u,16269,au,16055,bu,16016,cu,16189,du,16191,eu,16308 2004.090.07:44:58.21/tpi/5u,13938,6u,15515,7u,16076,8l,15955,8u,15962 2004.090.07:44:58.81/tsys/1l,85.9,1u,83.1,2u,80.4,3u,84.4,4u,82.9 2004.090.07:44:58.82/tsys/9u,80.6,au,79.6,bu,85.8,cu,82.2,du,90.6,eu,92.4 2004.090.07:44:58.83/tsys/5u,82.6,6u,88.2,7u,88.5,8l,87.7,8u,85.6 2004.090.07:44:58.84/wx/13.0,993.7,97.7,64.7,0.9 2004.090.07:44:59.21/cable/3.711517488E-3 2004.090.07:44:59.71/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,19.20 2004.090.07:45:00.21/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,18.80 2004.090.07:45:00.71/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.60 2004.090.07:45:01.21/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,10.80 2004.090.07:45:01.71/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.601 2004.090.07:45:02.21/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.000 2004.090.07:45:02.71/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,1.015 2004.090.07:45:03.21/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,58.85 2004.090.07:45:03.71/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,57.46 2004.090.07:45:04.21/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.244 2004.090.07:45:04.71/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,244.3 2004.090.07:45:05.21/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,67.14 2004.090.07:45:05.30/bbc01/612.89,a,8,8,1,agc, -2.54, -3.30,lock,15737,16143,1018,1pps 2004.090.07:45:05.38/bbc02/652.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 5.12, 3.02,lock,16181,16039,1029,1pps 2004.090.07:45:05.46/bbc03/752.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 5.49, 3.66,lock,16163,16070,1027,1pps 2004.090.07:45:05.54/bbc04/912.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 8.13, 7.06,lock,16302,16300,1024,1pps 2004.090.07:45:05.62/bbc05/652.99,c,8,8,1,agc,-12.64,-13.24,lock,16696,14604,1025,1pps 2004.090.07:45:05.70/bbc06/772.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -6.92, -6.62,lock,15529,16140,1030,1pps 2004.090.07:45:05.78/bbc07/832.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -8.56, -8.93,lock,16075,15548,1033,1pps 2004.090.07:45:05.86/bbc08/852.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -6.34, -7.22,lock,15945,15948,1028,1pps 2004.090.07:45:05.95/bbc09/692.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.66, 4.42,lock,16269,16237,1020,1pps 2004.090.07:45:06.03/bbc10/700.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.26, 2.92,lock,16067,16284,1026,1pps 2004.090.07:45:06.11/bbc11/716.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 2.92, 2.82,lock,16025,16089,1022,1pps 2004.090.07:45:06.19/bbc12/772.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 7.42, 6.25,lock,16198,16269,1019,1pps 2004.090.07:45:06.27/bbc13/804.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 9.77, 9.59,lock,16213,16278,1031,1pps 2004.090.07:45:06.36/bbc14/812.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 8.29, 8.08,lock,16312,16324,1021,1pps 2004.090.07:45:06.86#antcn#Received message for antenna: GETS 2004.090.07:45:07.84#antcn#ACU: MJD: 53094, UTC: 27906, Src: ext. 1pps present 2004.090.07:45:07.84#antcn#ACU: Azimuth: Pos: 531700, Dev: -6, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.090.07:45:07.84#antcn#ACU: Elevation: Pos: 726467, Dev: 4, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.090.07:45:07.84#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.090.07:45:07.84#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.090.07:45:07.84#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.090.07:45:07.84#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.090.07:45:07.84#antcn#ACU: Az: no fault , no fault 2004.090.07:45:07.84#antcn#ACU: El: no fault , no fault 2004.090.07:45:07.85/antenna/ACK 2004.090.07:45:07.85:!2004.090.07:45:38 2004.090.07:45:38.00:data_valid=off 2004.090.07:45:38.00:disc_end 2004.090.07:45:38.27/disc_end/usn-0079/960/1024OK 2004.090.07:45:38.27:disc_pos 2004.090.07:45:38.28/disc_pos/555592341256,554019168216, 2004.090.07:45:38.28:disc_check 2004.090.07:45:38.59/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y090d07h45m38.315s,36152,0.00250s,80000,16794937164, 2004.090.07:45:38.59:postob_mk5a 2004.090.07:45:38.60/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 1055035 : 5061 : 1 : 7 : 0 : 4 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.07:45:38.61/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 1055617 : 4445 : 1 : 35 : 11 : 0 : 7 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.07:45:38.62/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 1055660 : 4428 : 1 : 9 : 1 : 0 : 8 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.07:45:38.63/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 1055054 : 5026 : 1 : 34 : 1 : 7 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.07:45:38.64/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 1054862 : 5236 : 3 : 8 : 2 : 7 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.07:45:38.64/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 1054761 : 5338 : 2 : 20 : 1 : 2 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.07:45:38.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 1055343 : 4777 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.07:45:38.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 1055244 : 4859 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.07:45:39.20/cable/3.710757191E-3 2004.090.07:45:39.89/fmout-gps/-7.517223E-6 2004.090.07:45:40.35/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,19.20 2004.090.07:45:40.86/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,18.80 2004.090.07:45:41.36/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.60 2004.090.07:45:41.86/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,10.80 2004.090.07:45:42.36/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.601 2004.090.07:45:42.86/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.000 2004.090.07:45:43.36/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,4.133 2004.090.07:45:43.86/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,56.07 2004.090.07:45:44.36/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,62.85 2004.090.07:45:44.86/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.271 2004.090.07:45:45.36/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,241.7 2004.090.07:45:45.86/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,67.14 2004.090.07:45:45.87:scan_name=090-0746,r1116,117 2004.090.07:45:45.87:source=1519-273,152237.68,-273010.8,2000.0,cw 2004.090.07:45:50.87:setup4f 2004.090.07:45:52.92/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.090.07:45:52.93/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.090.07:45:52.94/bank_check/usn-0079/960/1024OK,VNVD06G4H7982L,VNVD06G4H79L4L,VNVD06G4H79RWL,VNVD06G4H71WBL,VNVD06G4H79GKL,VNVD06G4H79D4L,VNVD06G4H700TL,VNVD06G4H79GUL 2004.090.07:45:52.99/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 247 ; 2004.090.07:45:53.00:!2004.090.07:46:11 2004.090.07:46:11.00:disc_pos 2004.090.07:46:11.00/disc_pos/555592341256,555591341256, 2004.090.07:46:11.02:disc_start=on 2004.090.07:46:12.05:!2004.090.07:46:11 2004.090.07:46:12.05:preob 2004.090.07:46:13.87#antcn#ACK 2004.090.07:46:13.87/onsource/TRACKING 2004.090.07:46:16.61/tpical/1l,16300,1u,15928,2u,16163,3u,16213,4u,16165 2004.090.07:46:16.61/tpical/9u,16169,au,16245,bu,16208,cu,16321,du,16351,eu,16244 2004.090.07:46:16.61/tpical/5u,14026,6u,15590,7u,16195,8l,16023,8u,15972 2004.090.07:46:16.76/tpgain/1l,44,1u,48,2u,116,3u,121,4u,163 2004.090.07:46:16.76/tpgain/9u,109,au,105,bu,90,cu,151,du,198,eu,166 2004.090.07:46:16.76/tpgain/5u,15,6u,29,7u,24,8l,28,8u,31 2004.090.07:46:16.81:!2004.090.07:46:21 2004.090.07:46:21.00:disc_pos 2004.090.07:46:21.01/disc_pos/555848142848,555591341256, 2004.090.07:46:21.01:data_valid=on 2004.090.07:46:21.02:midob 2004.090.07:46:21.19/tpi/1l,16296,1u,15921,2u,16149,3u,16204,4u,16149 2004.090.07:46:21.19/tpi/9u,16165,au,16224,bu,16215,cu,16331,du,16339,eu,16238 2004.090.07:46:21.20/tpi/5u,14034,6u,15589,7u,16183,8l,16021,8u,15969 2004.090.07:46:21.77/tsys/1l,86.7,1u,84.2,2u,80.2,3u,84.6,4u,83.1 2004.090.07:46:21.77/tsys/9u,81.6,au,80.4,bu,86.9,cu,82.9,du,91.5,eu,93.2 2004.090.07:46:21.78/tsys/5u,83.1,6u,88.6,7u,89.1,8l,88.1,8u,85.7 2004.090.07:46:21.79/wx/13.0,993.7,97.7,86.0,0.5 2004.090.07:46:22.41/cable/3.710910588E-3 2004.090.07:46:22.91/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,19.10 2004.090.07:46:23.36/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,18.80 2004.090.07:46:23.81/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.60 2004.090.07:46:24.26/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,10.80 2004.090.07:46:24.76/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.601 2004.090.07:46:25.21/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.000 2004.090.07:46:25.66/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,2.619 2004.090.07:46:26.16/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,57.46 2004.090.07:46:26.66/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,60.22 2004.090.07:46:27.16/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.271 2004.090.07:46:27.66/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,239.0 2004.090.07:46:28.16/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,67.63 2004.090.07:46:28.25/bbc01/612.89,a,8,8,1,agc, -2.54, -3.30,lock,15932,16303,1018,1pps 2004.090.07:46:28.33/bbc02/652.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 5.12, 3.02,lock,16145,15995,1029,1pps 2004.090.07:46:28.41/bbc03/752.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 5.49, 3.66,lock,16231,16129,1027,1pps 2004.090.07:46:28.49/bbc04/912.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 8.08, 7.06,lock,16161,16335,1024,1pps 2004.090.07:46:28.57/bbc05/652.99,c,8,8,1,agc,-12.64,-13.24,lock,16809,14710,1025,1pps 2004.090.07:46:28.65/bbc06/772.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -6.92, -6.62,lock,15588,16263,1030,1pps 2004.090.07:46:28.74/bbc07/832.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -8.56, -8.93,lock,16179,15648,1033,1pps 2004.090.07:46:28.82/bbc08/852.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -6.34, -7.22,lock,15993,16028,1028,1pps 2004.090.07:46:28.90/bbc09/692.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.58, 4.34,lock,16138,16099,1020,1pps 2004.090.07:46:28.98/bbc10/700.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.26, 2.82,lock,16214,16097,1026,1pps 2004.090.07:46:29.06/bbc11/716.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 2.92, 2.73,lock,16197,16182,1022,1pps 2004.090.07:46:29.14/bbc12/772.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 7.42, 6.18,lock,16310,16408,1019,1pps 2004.090.07:46:29.22/bbc13/804.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 9.77, 9.55,lock,16309,16268,1031,1pps 2004.090.07:46:29.30/bbc14/812.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 8.24, 8.03,lock,16219,16247,1021,1pps 2004.090.07:46:29.87#antcn#Received message for antenna: GETS 2004.090.07:46:30.84#antcn#ACU: MJD: 53094, UTC: 27989, Src: ext. 1pps present 2004.090.07:46:30.84#antcn#ACU: Azimuth: Pos: -46777, Dev: -9, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.090.07:46:30.84#antcn#ACU: Elevation: Pos: 805280, Dev: -1, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.090.07:46:30.84#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.090.07:46:30.84#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.090.07:46:30.84#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.090.07:46:30.84#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.090.07:46:30.84#antcn#ACU: Az: no fault , no fault 2004.090.07:46:30.84#antcn#ACU: El: no fault , no fault 2004.090.07:46:30.85/antenna/ACK 2004.090.07:46:30.85:!2004.090.07:48:18 2004.090.07:48:18.00:data_valid=off 2004.090.07:48:18.01:disc_end 2004.090.07:48:18.27/disc_end/usn-0079/960/1024OK 2004.090.07:48:18.27:disc_pos 2004.090.07:48:18.29/disc_pos/559629674224,555592341256, 2004.090.07:48:18.30:disc_check 2004.090.07:48:18.85/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y090d07h48m18.312s,41116,0.00250s,80000,1082582068, 2004.090.07:48:18.85:postob_mk5a 2004.090.07:48:18.86/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 1062678 : 5122 : 1 : 7 : 0 : 4 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.07:48:18.87/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 1063298 : 4466 : 1 : 36 : 11 : 0 : 7 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.07:48:18.88/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 1063335 : 4457 : 1 : 9 : 1 : 0 : 8 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.07:48:18.89/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 1062725 : 5059 : 1 : 35 : 1 : 7 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.07:48:18.90/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 1062526 : 5275 : 3 : 8 : 2 : 7 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.07:48:18.90/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 1062423 : 5379 : 3 : 20 : 1 : 2 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.07:48:18.91/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 1063017 : 4806 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.07:48:18.92/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 1062879 : 4928 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.07:48:19.21/cable/3.709806340E-3 2004.090.07:48:19.90/fmout-gps/-7.481733E-6 2004.090.07:48:20.36/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,19.10 2004.090.07:48:20.86/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,18.80 2004.090.07:48:21.36/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.60 2004.090.07:48:21.86/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,10.70 2004.090.07:48:22.36/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.601 2004.090.07:48:22.86/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.000 2004.090.07:48:23.31/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,4.829 2004.090.07:48:23.76/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,65.48 2004.090.07:48:24.26/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,64.17 2004.090.07:48:24.76/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.244 2004.090.07:48:25.26/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,243.4 2004.090.07:48:25.71/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,70.07 2004.090.07:48:25.71:scan_name=090-0751,r1116,61 2004.090.07:48:25.72:source=1741-038,174358.86,-035004.6,2000.0,cw 2004.090.07:48:29.87:setup4f 2004.090.07:48:31.91/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.090.07:48:31.92/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.090.07:48:31.93/bank_check/usn-0079/960/1024OK,VNVD06G4H7982L,VNVD06G4H79L4L,VNVD06G4H79RWL,VNVD06G4H71WBL,VNVD06G4H79GKL,VNVD06G4H79D4L,VNVD06G4H700TL,VNVD06G4H79GUL 2004.090.07:48:31.97/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 249 ; 2004.090.07:48:31.97:!2004.090.07:51:34 2004.090.07:51:34.00:disc_pos 2004.090.07:51:34.02/disc_pos/559629674224,559628674224, 2004.090.07:51:34.02:disc_start=on 2004.090.07:51:35.06:!2004.090.07:51:34 2004.090.07:51:35.06:preob 2004.090.07:51:36.88#antcn#ACK 2004.090.07:51:36.88/onsource/TRACKING 2004.090.07:51:39.63/tpical/1l,16137,1u,15881,2u,16110,3u,15941,4u,16277 2004.090.07:51:39.63/tpical/9u,15736,au,16019,bu,16213,cu,16354,du,16278,eu,16325 2004.090.07:51:39.63/tpical/5u,15806,6u,15656,7u,15351,8l,15198,8u,15207 2004.090.07:51:39.78/tpgain/1l,45,1u,49,2u,120,3u,124,4u,167 2004.090.07:51:39.78/tpgain/9u,111,au,108,bu,92,cu,155,du,202,eu,170 2004.090.07:51:39.78/tpgain/5u,16,6u,30,7u,24,8l,28,8u,31 2004.090.07:51:39.81:!2004.090.07:51:44 2004.090.07:51:44.00:disc_pos 2004.090.07:51:44.02/disc_pos/559885471744,559628674224, 2004.090.07:51:44.02:data_valid=on 2004.090.07:51:44.03:midob 2004.090.07:51:44.20/tpi/1l,16133,1u,15890,2u,16123,3u,15941,4u,16285 2004.090.07:51:44.20/tpi/9u,15744,au,16049,bu,16233,cu,16366,du,16275,eu,16336 2004.090.07:51:44.20/tpi/5u,15804,6u,15675,7u,15344,8l,15207,8u,15200 2004.090.07:51:44.79/tsys/1l,81.9,1u,80.5,2u,74.6,3u,79.0,4u,79.4 2004.090.07:51:44.79/tsys/9u,76.4,au,75.0,bu,83.1,cu,78.7,du,87.4,eu,89.2 2004.090.07:51:44.79/tsys/5u,82.3,6u,83.1,7u,84.4,8l,83.5,8u,81.5 2004.090.07:51:44.81/wx/13.1,993.7,97.7,84.2,1.0 2004.090.07:51:45.61/cable/3.711205557E-3 2004.090.07:51:46.11/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,19.10 2004.090.07:51:46.61/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,18.80 2004.090.07:51:47.11/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.50 2004.090.07:51:47.61/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,10.70 2004.090.07:51:48.11/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.599 2004.090.07:51:48.61/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.000 2004.090.07:51:49.11/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.243 2004.090.07:51:49.61/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,54.68 2004.090.07:51:50.11/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,61.54 2004.090.07:51:50.61/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.271 2004.090.07:51:51.11/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,242.6 2004.090.07:51:51.61/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,66.66 2004.090.07:51:51.71/bbc01/612.89,a,8,8,1,agc, -2.36, -3.10,lock,15894,16151,1018,1pps 2004.090.07:51:51.80/bbc02/652.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 5.42, 3.39,lock,16141,16181,1029,1pps 2004.090.07:51:51.89/bbc03/752.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 5.70, 3.92,lock,15946,15940,1027,1pps 2004.090.07:51:51.98/bbc04/912.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 8.29, 7.24,lock,16286,16228,1024,1pps 2004.090.07:51:52.07/bbc05/652.99,c,8,8,1,agc,-12.08,-12.64,lock,15816,15752,1025,1pps 2004.090.07:51:52.16/bbc06/772.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -6.62, -6.34,lock,15662,16280,1030,1pps 2004.090.07:51:52.25/bbc07/832.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -8.56, -8.93,lock,15366,14902,1033,1pps 2004.090.07:51:52.34/bbc08/852.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -6.34, -7.22,lock,17106,15228,1028,1pps 2004.090.07:51:52.43/bbc09/692.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.74, 4.58,lock,16405,16048,1020,1pps 2004.090.07:51:52.52/bbc10/700.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.50, 3.11,lock,16036,16186,1026,1pps 2004.090.07:51:52.61/bbc11/716.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 3.11, 3.02,lock,16242,16093,1022,1pps 2004.090.07:51:52.70/bbc12/772.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 7.64, 6.44,lock,16363,16296,1019,1pps 2004.090.07:51:52.79/bbc13/804.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 9.94, 9.77,lock,16276,16351,1031,1pps 2004.090.07:51:52.88/bbc14/812.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 8.44, 8.24,lock,16337,16369,1021,1pps 2004.090.07:51:53.87#antcn#Received message for antenna: GETS 2004.090.07:51:54.85#antcn#ACU: MJD: 53094, UTC: 28313, Src: ext. 1pps present 2004.090.07:51:54.85#antcn#ACU: Azimuth: Pos: 505367, Dev: 0, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.090.07:51:54.85#antcn#ACU: Elevation: Pos: 451267, Dev: -2, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.090.07:51:54.85#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.090.07:51:54.85#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.090.07:51:54.85#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.090.07:51:54.85#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.090.07:51:54.85#antcn#ACU: Az: no fault , no fault 2004.090.07:51:54.85#antcn#ACU: El: no fault , no fault 2004.090.07:51:54.87/antenna/ACK 2004.090.07:51:54.88:!2004.090.07:52:45 2004.090.07:52:45.00:data_valid=off 2004.090.07:52:45.01:disc_end 2004.090.07:52:45.28/disc_end/usn-0079/960/1024OK 2004.090.07:52:45.28:disc_pos 2004.090.07:52:45.29/disc_pos/561874981488,559629674224, 2004.090.07:52:45.30:disc_check 2004.090.07:52:45.87/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y090d07h52m45.322s,34624,0.00250s,80000,6299019228, 2004.090.07:52:45.88:postob_mk5a 2004.090.07:52:45.89/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 1066940 : 5144 : 1 : 8 : 0 : 4 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.07:52:45.90/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 1067566 : 4482 : 1 : 37 : 11 : 0 : 7 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.07:52:45.91/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 1067600 : 4478 : 1 : 10 : 1 : 0 : 8 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.07:52:45.91/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 1066994 : 5073 : 1 : 37 : 1 : 7 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.07:52:45.92/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 1066790 : 5297 : 3 : 8 : 2 : 7 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.07:52:45.93/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 1066689 : 5397 : 3 : 21 : 1 : 2 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.07:52:45.95/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 1067281 : 4827 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.07:52:45.98/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 1067129 : 4963 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.07:52:46.41/cable/3.709355588E-3 2004.090.07:52:47.89/fmout-gps/-7.500380E-6 2004.090.07:52:48.36/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,19.20 2004.090.07:52:48.86/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,18.90 2004.090.07:52:49.36/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.60 2004.090.07:52:49.86/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,10.80 2004.090.07:52:50.36/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.599 2004.090.07:52:50.86/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.000 2004.090.07:52:51.36/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.452 2004.090.07:52:51.86/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,70.74 2004.090.07:52:52.36/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,58.85 2004.090.07:52:52.86/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.271 2004.090.07:52:53.37/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,243.9 2004.090.07:52:53.87/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,70.56 2004.090.07:52:53.87:scan_name=090-0753,r1116,151 2004.090.07:52:53.88:source=1611+343,161341.06,341247.9,2000.0,cw 2004.090.07:52:58.88:setup4f 2004.090.07:53:00.91/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.090.07:53:00.92/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.090.07:53:00.93/bank_check/usn-0079/960/1024OK,VNVD06G4H7982L,VNVD06G4H79L4L,VNVD06G4H79RWL,VNVD06G4H71WBL,VNVD06G4H79GKL,VNVD06G4H79D4L,VNVD06G4H700TL,VNVD06G4H79GUL 2004.090.07:53:00.97/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 251 ; 2004.090.07:53:00.97:!2004.090.07:53:18 2004.090.07:53:18.00:disc_pos 2004.090.07:53:18.00/disc_pos/561874981488,561873981488, 2004.090.07:53:18.01:disc_start=on 2004.090.07:53:19.04:!2004.090.07:53:18 2004.090.07:53:19.05:preob 2004.090.07:53:20.87#antcn#ACK 2004.090.07:53:20.87/onsource/TRACKING 2004.090.07:53:23.62/tpical/1l,16299,1u,16122,2u,16285,3u,16359,4u,16212 2004.090.07:53:23.62/tpical/9u,16106,au,16054,bu,16150,cu,16181,du,16293,eu,16221 2004.090.07:53:23.62/tpical/5u,16079,6u,15940,7u,15711,8l,15525,8u,15462 2004.090.07:53:23.77/tpgain/1l,45,1u,49,2u,119,3u,125,4u,165 2004.090.07:53:23.77/tpgain/9u,112,au,109,bu,92,cu,155,du,203,eu,170 2004.090.07:53:23.77/tpgain/5u,16,6u,30,7u,24,8l,28,8u,31 2004.090.07:53:23.83:!2004.090.07:53:28 2004.090.07:53:28.00:disc_pos 2004.090.07:53:28.01/disc_pos/562130784256,561873981488, 2004.090.07:53:28.01:data_valid=on 2004.090.07:53:28.02:midob 2004.090.07:53:28.19/tpi/1l,16292,1u,16113,2u,16288,3u,16367,4u,16208 2004.090.07:53:28.19/tpi/9u,16128,au,16068,bu,16171,cu,16202,du,16323,eu,16246 2004.090.07:53:28.19/tpi/5u,16076,6u,15931,7u,15712,8l,15534,8u,15464 2004.090.07:53:28.77/tsys/1l,82.8,1u,81.7,2u,76.8,3u,79.9,4u,81.2 2004.090.07:53:28.77/tsys/9u,76.9,au,73.7,bu,82.8,cu,77.9,du,86.7,eu,88.7 2004.090.07:53:28.78/tsys/5u,83.7,6u,84.5,7u,86.4,8l,85.3,8u,82.9 2004.090.07:53:28.79/wx/13.1,993.7,97.7,83.7,1.0 2004.090.07:53:29.61/cable/3.710880428E-3 2004.090.07:53:30.11/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,19.10 2004.090.07:53:30.56/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,18.90 2004.090.07:53:31.01/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.50 2004.090.07:53:31.51/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,10.80 2004.090.07:53:32.01/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.601 2004.090.07:53:32.51/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.000 2004.090.07:53:32.96/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.000 2004.090.07:53:33.41/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,54.68 2004.090.07:53:33.86/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,60.22 2004.090.07:53:34.31/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.271 2004.090.07:53:34.76/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,243.9 2004.090.07:53:35.21/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,68.85 2004.090.07:53:35.30/bbc01/612.89,a,8,8,1,agc, -2.36, -3.10,lock,16114,16317,1018,1pps 2004.090.07:53:35.38/bbc02/652.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 5.35, 3.30,lock,16281,16222,1029,1pps 2004.090.07:53:35.46/bbc03/752.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 5.77, 3.92,lock,16381,16166,1027,1pps 2004.090.07:53:35.54/bbc04/912.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 8.19, 7.18,lock,16217,16306,1024,1pps 2004.090.07:53:35.62/bbc05/652.99,c,8,8,1,agc,-12.08,-12.64,lock,16069,16036,1025,1pps 2004.090.07:53:35.70/bbc06/772.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -6.62, -6.62,lock,15956,15636,1030,1pps 2004.090.07:53:35.78/bbc07/832.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -8.56, -8.93,lock,15711,15252,1033,1pps 2004.090.07:53:35.86/bbc08/852.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -6.34, -7.22,lock,15462,15529,1028,1pps 2004.090.07:53:35.94/bbc09/692.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.82, 4.66,lock,16143,16023,1020,1pps 2004.090.07:53:36.02/bbc10/700.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.58, 3.21,lock,16091,16211,1026,1pps 2004.090.07:53:36.10/bbc11/716.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 3.11, 3.11,lock,16193,16264,1022,1pps 2004.090.07:53:36.18/bbc12/772.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 7.64, 6.44,lock,16220,16135,1019,1pps 2004.090.07:53:36.26/bbc13/804.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 9.99, 9.81,lock,16335,16376,1031,1pps 2004.090.07:53:36.34/bbc14/812.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 8.44, 8.24,lock,16267,16280,1021,1pps 2004.090.07:53:36.88#antcn#Received message for antenna: GETS 2004.090.07:53:37.85#antcn#ACU: MJD: 53094, UTC: 28416, Src: ext. 1pps present 2004.090.07:53:37.85#antcn#ACU: Azimuth: Pos: 86915, Dev: -3, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.090.07:53:37.85#antcn#ACU: Elevation: Pos: 183511, Dev: 0, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.090.07:53:37.85#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.090.07:53:37.85#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.090.07:53:37.85#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.090.07:53:37.85#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.090.07:53:37.85#antcn#ACU: Az: no fault , no fault 2004.090.07:53:37.85#antcn#ACU: El: no fault , no fault 2004.090.07:53:37.86/antenna/ACK 2004.090.07:53:37.86:!2004.090.07:55:59 2004.090.07:55:59.00:data_valid=off 2004.090.07:55:59.01:disc_end 2004.090.07:55:59.27/disc_end/usn-0079/960/1024OK 2004.090.07:55:59.28:disc_pos 2004.090.07:55:59.29/disc_pos/567000525112,561874981488, 2004.090.07:55:59.29:disc_check 2004.090.07:55:59.59/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y090d07h55m59.318s,68304,0.00250s,80000,1082262696, 2004.090.07:55:59.60:postob_mk5a 2004.090.07:55:59.61/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 1076676 : 5187 : 1 : 8 : 0 : 4 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.07:55:59.62/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 1077315 : 4513 : 1 : 37 : 11 : 0 : 7 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.07:55:59.63/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 1077345 : 4512 : 1 : 10 : 1 : 0 : 8 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.07:55:59.63/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 1076732 : 5115 : 1 : 37 : 1 : 7 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.07:55:59.64/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 1076503 : 5365 : 3 : 8 : 2 : 7 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.07:55:59.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 1076423 : 5442 : 3 : 21 : 1 : 2 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.07:55:59.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 1077028 : 4860 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.07:55:59.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 1076849 : 5022 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.07:56:00.01/cable/3.709632901E-3 2004.090.07:56:01.89/fmout-gps/-7.564323E-6 2004.090.07:56:02.36/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,19.20 2004.090.07:56:02.86/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,18.90 2004.090.07:56:03.36/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.40 2004.090.07:56:03.86/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,10.80 2004.090.07:56:04.36/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.601 2004.090.07:56:04.86/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.000 2004.090.07:56:05.36/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,1.015 2004.090.07:56:05.86/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,60.22 2004.090.07:56:06.36/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,62.85 2004.090.07:56:06.86/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.244 2004.090.07:56:07.36/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,243.6 2004.090.07:56:07.86/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,66.17 2004.090.07:56:07.86:scan_name=090-0809,r1116,190 2004.090.07:56:07.87:source=1606+106,160846.20,102907.8,2000.0,cw 2004.090.07:56:12.86:setup4f 2004.090.07:56:14.91/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.090.07:56:14.92/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.090.07:56:14.93/bank_check/usn-0079/960/1024OK,VNVD06G4H7982L,VNVD06G4H79L4L,VNVD06G4H79RWL,VNVD06G4H71WBL,VNVD06G4H79GKL,VNVD06G4H79D4L,VNVD06G4H700TL,VNVD06G4H79GUL 2004.090.07:56:14.97/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 253 ; 2004.090.07:56:14.97:!2004.090.08:09:43 2004.090.08:09:43.00:disc_pos 2004.090.08:09:43.01/disc_pos/567000525112,566999525112, 2004.090.08:09:43.02:disc_start=on 2004.090.08:09:44.05:!2004.090.08:09:43 2004.090.08:09:44.05:preob 2004.090.08:09:45.89#antcn#ACK 2004.090.08:09:45.89/onsource/TRACKING 2004.090.08:09:48.63/tpical/1l,15652,1u,15966,2u,16264,3u,16154,4u,16167 2004.090.08:09:48.63/tpical/9u,16043,au,16015,bu,15929,cu,16249,du,16262,eu,16213 2004.090.08:09:48.63/tpical/5u,15668,6u,15449,7u,15272,8l,16059,8u,15021 2004.090.08:09:48.78/tpgain/1l,45,1u,50,2u,120,3u,126,4u,168 2004.090.08:09:48.78/tpgain/9u,112,au,109,bu,92,cu,156,du,204,eu,171 2004.090.08:09:48.78/tpgain/5u,16,6u,30,7u,24,8l,29,8u,31 2004.090.08:09:48.81:!2004.090.08:09:53 2004.090.08:09:53.00:disc_pos 2004.090.08:09:53.01/disc_pos/567256317952,566999525112, 2004.090.08:09:53.01:data_valid=on 2004.090.08:09:53.02:midob 2004.090.08:09:53.19/tpi/1l,15646,1u,15968,2u,16242,3u,16147,4u,16155 2004.090.08:09:53.19/tpi/9u,16070,au,16039,bu,15922,cu,16273,du,16287,eu,16233 2004.090.08:09:53.19/tpi/5u,15667,6u,15462,7u,15258,8l,16067,8u,15035 2004.090.08:09:53.77/tsys/1l,79.4,1u,77.6,2u,75.2,3u,77.5,4u,77.7 2004.090.08:09:53.77/tsys/9u,76.6,au,73.6,bu,81.5,cu,77.2,du,85.7,eu,87.5 2004.090.08:09:53.78/tsys/5u,81.5,6u,82.0,7u,83.9,8l,82.2,8u,80.6 2004.090.08:09:53.79/wx/13.1,993.7,97.7,73.0,1.3 2004.090.08:09:54.41/cable/3.710798847E-3 2004.090.08:09:54.91/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,19.20 2004.090.08:09:55.36/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,18.90 2004.090.08:09:55.81/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.50 2004.090.08:09:56.26/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,10.80 2004.090.08:09:56.71/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.601 2004.090.08:09:57.16/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.000 2004.090.08:09:57.61/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,2.129 2004.090.08:09:58.06/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,61.54 2004.090.08:09:58.51/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,69.43 2004.090.08:09:58.96/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.244 2004.090.08:09:59.41/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,243.9 2004.090.08:09:59.86/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,65.92 2004.090.08:09:59.95/bbc01/612.89,a,8,8,1,agc, -2.18, -3.10,lock,15965,15650,1018,1pps 2004.090.08:10:00.03/bbc02/652.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 5.42, 3.39,lock,16197,16319,1029,1pps 2004.090.08:10:00.11/bbc03/752.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 5.84, 4.01,lock,16138,16160,1027,1pps 2004.090.08:10:00.19/bbc04/912.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 8.34, 7.30,lock,16160,16180,1024,1pps 2004.090.08:10:00.27/bbc05/652.99,c,8,8,1,agc,-12.08,-12.64,lock,15672,15573,1025,1pps 2004.090.08:10:00.35/bbc06/772.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -6.62, -6.34,lock,15460,16052,1030,1pps 2004.090.08:10:00.43/bbc07/832.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -8.56, -8.56,lock,15240,16084,1033,1pps 2004.090.08:10:00.51/bbc08/852.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -6.06, -6.92,lock,15035,16055,1028,1pps 2004.090.08:10:00.59/bbc09/692.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.82, 4.66,lock,16055,15922,1020,1pps 2004.090.08:10:00.67/bbc10/700.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.58, 3.21,lock,16017,16120,1026,1pps 2004.090.08:10:00.75/bbc11/716.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 3.11, 3.11,lock,15901,16153,1022,1pps 2004.090.08:10:00.83/bbc12/772.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 7.70, 6.51,lock,16271,16212,1019,1pps 2004.090.08:10:00.91/bbc13/804.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 10.03, 9.86,lock,16280,16302,1031,1pps 2004.090.08:10:00.99/bbc14/812.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 8.50, 8.29,lock,16226,16214,1021,1pps 2004.090.08:10:01.88#antcn#Received message for antenna: GETS 2004.090.08:10:02.86#antcn#ACU: MJD: 53094, UTC: 29401, Src: ext. 1pps present 2004.090.08:10:02.86#antcn#ACU: Azimuth: Pos: 62618, Dev: 2, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.090.08:10:02.86#antcn#ACU: Elevation: Pos: 424308, Dev: -1, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.090.08:10:02.86#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.090.08:10:02.86#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.090.08:10:02.86#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.090.08:10:02.86#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.090.08:10:02.86#antcn#ACU: Az: no fault , no fault 2004.090.08:10:02.86#antcn#ACU: El: no fault , no fault 2004.090.08:10:02.87/antenna/ACK 2004.090.08:10:02.87:!2004.090.08:13:03 2004.090.08:13:03.00:data_valid=off 2004.090.08:13:03.01:disc_end 2004.090.08:13:03.28/disc_end/usn-0079/960/1024OK 2004.090.08:13:03.28:disc_pos 2004.090.08:13:03.30/disc_pos/573373979360,567000525112, 2004.090.08:13:03.31:disc_check 2004.090.08:13:03.61/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y090d08h13m03.325s,75708,0.00250s,80000,26394778348, 2004.090.08:13:03.62:postob_mk5a 2004.090.08:13:03.63/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 1088776 : 5247 : 1 : 8 : 0 : 4 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.08:13:03.64/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 1089422 : 4566 : 1 : 37 : 11 : 0 : 7 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.08:13:03.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 1089460 : 4557 : 1 : 10 : 1 : 0 : 8 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.08:13:03.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 1088838 : 5170 : 1 : 37 : 1 : 7 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.08:13:03.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 1088601 : 5427 : 3 : 8 : 2 : 7 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.08:13:03.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 1088528 : 5497 : 3 : 21 : 1 : 2 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.08:13:03.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 1089137 : 4911 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.08:13:03.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 1088958 : 5073 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.08:13:04.01/cable/3.709472007E-3 2004.090.08:13:05.90/fmout-gps/-7.548345E-6 2004.090.08:13:06.37/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,19.10 2004.090.08:13:06.87/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,18.90 2004.090.08:13:07.37/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.50 2004.090.08:13:07.87/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,10.70 2004.090.08:13:08.37/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.601 2004.090.08:13:08.87/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.000 2004.090.08:13:09.37/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,1.172 2004.090.08:13:09.87/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,60.22 2004.090.08:13:10.37/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,68.11 2004.090.08:13:10.87/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.271 2004.090.08:13:11.37/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,243.9 2004.090.08:13:11.87/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,70.07 2004.090.08:13:11.87:scan_name=090-0817,r1116,40 2004.090.08:13:11.88:source=1622-253,162546.89,-252738.3,2000.0,cw 2004.090.08:13:15.89:setup4f 2004.090.08:13:17.91/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.090.08:13:17.93/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.090.08:13:17.95/bank_check/usn-0079/960/1024OK,VNVD06G4H7982L,VNVD06G4H79L4L,VNVD06G4H79RWL,VNVD06G4H71WBL,VNVD06G4H79GKL,VNVD06G4H79D4L,VNVD06G4H700TL,VNVD06G4H79GUL 2004.090.08:13:18.00/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 255 ; 2004.090.08:13:18.02:!2004.090.08:17:09 2004.090.08:17:09.00:disc_pos 2004.090.08:17:09.01/disc_pos/573373979360,573372979360, 2004.090.08:17:09.02:disc_start=on 2004.090.08:17:10.05:!2004.090.08:17:09 2004.090.08:17:10.05:preob 2004.090.08:17:11.90#antcn#ACK 2004.090.08:17:11.90/onsource/TRACKING 2004.090.08:17:14.64/tpical/1l,16123,1u,15758,2u,16002,3u,16269,4u,16221 2004.090.08:17:14.64/tpical/9u,16098,au,16184,bu,16179,cu,16298,du,16301,eu,16205 2004.090.08:17:14.64/tpical/5u,16670,6u,15453,7u,16049,8l,15855,8u,15793 2004.090.08:17:14.79/tpgain/1l,44,1u,48,2u,116,3u,122,4u,164 2004.090.08:17:14.79/tpgain/9u,109,au,105,bu,90,cu,151,du,198,eu,166 2004.090.08:17:14.79/tpgain/5u,16,6u,29,7u,24,8l,28,8u,31 2004.090.08:17:14.82:!2004.090.08:17:19 2004.090.08:17:19.00:disc_pos 2004.090.08:17:19.02/disc_pos/573629751296,573372979360, 2004.090.08:17:19.02:data_valid=on 2004.090.08:17:19.03:midob 2004.090.08:17:19.20/tpi/1l,16132,1u,15756,2u,16001,3u,16280,4u,16220 2004.090.08:17:19.20/tpi/9u,16108,au,16194,bu,16189,cu,16306,du,16303,eu,16212 2004.090.08:17:19.20/tpi/5u,16686,6u,15480,7u,16016,8l,15875,8u,15847 2004.090.08:17:19.78/tsys/1l,85.8,1u,83.3,2u,79.5,3u,83.5,4u,82.4 2004.090.08:17:19.78/tsys/9u,81.3,au,80.3,bu,86.7,cu,82.8,du,91.3,eu,93.0 2004.090.08:17:19.79/tsys/5u,87.0,6u,88.0,7u,88.1,8l,87.3,8u,85.0 2004.090.08:17:19.80/wx/12.9,993.7,97.7,64.7,0.5 2004.090.08:17:20.00/cable/3.711011519E-3 2004.090.08:17:20.46/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,19.20 2004.090.08:17:20.96/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,18.90 2004.090.08:17:21.41/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.60 2004.090.08:17:21.91/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,10.70 2004.090.08:17:22.41/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.601 2004.090.08:17:22.91/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.000 2004.090.08:17:23.41/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,5.006 2004.090.08:17:23.91/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,64.17 2004.090.08:17:24.41/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,66.80 2004.090.08:17:24.91/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.271 2004.090.08:17:25.41/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,244.1 2004.090.08:17:25.91/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,65.43 2004.090.08:17:26.00/bbc01/612.89,a,8,8,1,agc, -2.54, -3.30,lock,15780,16132,1018,1pps 2004.090.08:17:26.08/bbc02/652.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 5.12, 3.11,lock,15997,16197,1029,1pps 2004.090.08:17:26.16/bbc03/752.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 5.56, 3.66,lock,16289,15959,1027,1pps 2004.090.08:17:26.24/bbc04/912.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 8.13, 7.06,lock,16227,16211,1024,1pps 2004.090.08:17:26.32/bbc05/652.99,c,8,8,1,agc,-12.64,-13.24,lock,16674,14583,1025,1pps 2004.090.08:17:26.40/bbc06/772.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -6.92, -6.62,lock,15469,16114,1030,1pps 2004.090.08:17:26.48/bbc07/832.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -8.56, -8.93,lock,16020,15518,1033,1pps 2004.090.08:17:26.56/bbc08/852.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -6.34, -7.22,lock,15823,15857,1028,1pps 2004.090.08:17:26.64/bbc09/692.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.58, 4.42,lock,16105,16325,1020,1pps 2004.090.08:17:26.72/bbc10/700.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.26, 2.82,lock,16174,16068,1026,1pps 2004.090.08:17:26.80/bbc11/716.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 2.92, 2.73,lock,16184,16156,1022,1pps 2004.090.08:17:26.88/bbc12/772.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 7.42, 6.25,lock,16299,16378,1019,1pps 2004.090.08:17:26.96/bbc13/804.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 9.77, 9.55,lock,16319,16234,1031,1pps 2004.090.08:17:27.04/bbc14/812.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 8.24, 8.03,lock,16217,16258,1021,1pps 2004.090.08:17:27.89#antcn#Received message for antenna: GETS 2004.090.08:17:28.87#antcn#ACU: MJD: 53094, UTC: 29847, Src: ext. 1pps present 2004.090.08:17:28.87#antcn#ACU: Azimuth: Pos: 302611, Dev: -7, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.090.08:17:28.87#antcn#ACU: Elevation: Pos: 770009, Dev: 1, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.090.08:17:28.87#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.090.08:17:28.87#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.090.08:17:28.87#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.090.08:17:28.87#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.090.08:17:28.87#antcn#ACU: Az: no fault , no fault 2004.090.08:17:28.87#antcn#ACU: El: no fault , no fault 2004.090.08:17:28.88/antenna/ACK 2004.090.08:17:28.88:!2004.090.08:17:59 2004.090.08:17:59.00:data_valid=off 2004.090.08:17:59.00:disc_end 2004.090.08:17:59.27/disc_end/usn-0079/960/1024OK 2004.090.08:17:59.27:disc_pos 2004.090.08:17:59.28/disc_pos/574947062904,573373979360, 2004.090.08:17:59.28:disc_check 2004.090.08:17:59.83/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y090d08h17m59.312s,55676,0.00250s,80000,7898536488, 2004.090.08:17:59.84:postob_mk5a 2004.090.08:17:59.85/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 1091766 : 5260 : 1 : 8 : 0 : 4 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.08:17:59.86/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 1092416 : 4575 : 1 : 38 : 11 : 0 : 7 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.08:17:59.86/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 1092450 : 4569 : 1 : 10 : 2 : 0 : 8 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.08:17:59.87/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 1091821 : 5189 : 1 : 38 : 1 : 7 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.08:17:59.88/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 1091586 : 5444 : 3 : 9 : 2 : 7 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.08:17:59.89/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 1091520 : 5507 : 3 : 22 : 1 : 2 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.08:17:59.90/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 1092128 : 4924 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.08:17:59.91/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 1091943 : 5091 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.08:18:00.00/cable/3.708912022E-3 2004.090.08:18:01.90/fmout-gps/-7.550445E-6 2004.090.08:18:02.37/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,19.10 2004.090.08:18:02.87/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,18.90 2004.090.08:18:03.37/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.60 2004.090.08:18:03.87/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,10.70 2004.090.08:18:04.37/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.601 2004.090.08:18:04.87/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.000 2004.090.08:18:05.37/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,2.784 2004.090.08:18:05.87/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,66.80 2004.090.08:18:06.37/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,60.22 2004.090.08:18:06.87/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.244 2004.090.08:18:07.37/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,243.4 2004.090.08:18:07.87/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,70.56 2004.090.08:18:07.87:scan_name=090-0821b,r1116,55 2004.090.08:18:07.88:source=1741-038,174358.86,-035004.6,2000.0,cw 2004.090.08:18:11.89:setup4f 2004.090.08:18:13.91/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.090.08:18:13.92/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.090.08:18:13.95/bank_check/usn-0079/960/1024OK,VNVD06G4H7982L,VNVD06G4H79L4L,VNVD06G4H79RWL,VNVD06G4H71WBL,VNVD06G4H79GKL,VNVD06G4H79D4L,VNVD06G4H700TL,VNVD06G4H79GUL 2004.090.08:18:13.99/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 257 ; 2004.090.08:18:13.99:!2004.090.08:21:47 2004.090.08:21:47.00:disc_pos 2004.090.08:21:47.01/disc_pos/574947062904,574946062904, 2004.090.08:21:47.02:disc_start=on 2004.090.08:21:48.05:!2004.090.08:21:47 2004.090.08:21:48.05:preob 2004.090.08:21:49.89#antcn#ACK 2004.090.08:21:49.89/onsource/TRACKING 2004.090.08:21:52.63/tpical/1l,16079,1u,15824,2u,16175,3u,15881,4u,16191 2004.090.08:21:52.63/tpical/9u,16402,au,16096,bu,16156,cu,16368,du,16282,eu,16335 2004.090.08:21:52.63/tpical/5u,15818,6u,15630,7u,15346,8l,15175,8u,15155 2004.090.08:21:52.78/tpgain/1l,45,1u,49,2u,120,3u,124,4u,167 2004.090.08:21:52.78/tpgain/9u,112,au,108,bu,92,cu,155,du,202,eu,170 2004.090.08:21:52.78/tpgain/5u,16,6u,30,7u,24,8l,28,8u,31 2004.090.08:21:52.81:!2004.090.08:21:57 2004.090.08:21:57.00:disc_pos 2004.090.08:21:57.00/disc_pos/575202861056,574946062904, 2004.090.08:21:57.01:data_valid=on 2004.090.08:21:57.03:midob 2004.090.08:21:57.20/tpi/1l,16094,1u,15825,2u,16182,3u,15890,4u,16179 2004.090.08:21:57.20/tpi/9u,16415,au,16112,bu,16166,cu,16394,du,16306,eu,16355 2004.090.08:21:57.20/tpi/5u,15795,6u,15641,7u,15357,8l,15178,8u,15153 2004.090.08:21:57.78/tsys/1l,81.7,1u,80.2,2u,74.9,3u,78.8,4u,78.9 2004.090.08:21:57.78/tsys/9u,78.3,au,75.3,bu,82.8,cu,78.8,du,87.6,eu,89.3 2004.090.08:21:57.79/tsys/5u,82.2,6u,82.9,7u,84.4,8l,83.3,8u,81.2 2004.090.08:21:57.80/wx/12.9,993.7,97.7,84.0,0.6 2004.090.08:21:58.41/cable/3.710051471E-3 2004.090.08:21:58.87/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,19.10 2004.090.08:21:59.37/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,18.90 2004.090.08:21:59.87/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.50 2004.090.08:22:00.37/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,10.70 2004.090.08:22:00.87/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.601 2004.090.08:22:01.37/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.000 2004.090.08:22:01.87/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,1.807 2004.090.08:22:02.37/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,69.43 2004.090.08:22:02.87/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,62.85 2004.090.08:22:03.37/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.244 2004.090.08:22:03.87/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,242.1 2004.090.08:22:04.37/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,66.90 2004.090.08:22:04.46/bbc01/612.89,a,8,8,1,agc, -2.36, -3.10,lock,15827,16084,1018,1pps 2004.090.08:22:04.54/bbc02/652.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 5.42, 3.39,lock,16195,16141,1029,1pps 2004.090.08:22:04.62/bbc03/752.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 5.70, 3.92,lock,15892,15922,1027,1pps 2004.090.08:22:04.70/bbc04/912.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 8.29, 7.30,lock,16189,16369,1024,1pps 2004.090.08:22:04.78/bbc05/652.99,c,8,8,1,agc,-12.08,-12.64,lock,15821,15734,1025,1pps 2004.090.08:22:04.86/bbc06/772.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -6.62, -6.34,lock,15625,16287,1030,1pps 2004.090.08:22:04.94/bbc07/832.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -8.56, -8.56,lock,15360,16195,1033,1pps 2004.090.08:22:05.02/bbc08/852.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -6.34, -7.22,lock,17037,15174,1028,1pps 2004.090.08:22:05.11/bbc09/692.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.82, 4.58,lock,15754,16045,1020,1pps 2004.090.08:22:05.19/bbc10/700.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.50, 3.11,lock,16081,16195,1026,1pps 2004.090.08:22:05.27/bbc11/716.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 3.11, 3.02,lock,16179,16169,1022,1pps 2004.090.08:22:05.35/bbc12/772.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 7.59, 6.44,lock,16197,16313,1019,1pps 2004.090.08:22:05.43/bbc13/804.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 9.94, 9.73,lock,16299,16234,1031,1pps 2004.090.08:22:05.51/bbc14/812.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 8.44, 8.19,lock,16351,16221,1021,1pps 2004.090.08:22:05.90#antcn#Received message for antenna: GETS 2004.090.08:22:06.87#antcn#ACU: MJD: 53094, UTC: 30125, Src: ext. 1pps present 2004.090.08:22:06.87#antcn#ACU: Azimuth: Pos: 414270, Dev: -4, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.090.08:22:06.87#antcn#ACU: Elevation: Pos: 494816, Dev: 0, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.090.08:22:06.87#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.090.08:22:06.87#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.090.08:22:06.87#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.090.08:22:06.87#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.090.08:22:06.87#antcn#ACU: Az: no fault , no fault 2004.090.08:22:06.87#antcn#ACU: El: no fault , no fault 2004.090.08:22:06.88/antenna/ACK 2004.090.08:22:06.88:!2004.090.08:22:52 2004.090.08:22:52.00:data_valid=off 2004.090.08:22:52.01:disc_end 2004.090.08:22:52.26/disc_end/usn-0079/960/1024OK 2004.090.08:22:52.27:disc_pos 2004.090.08:22:52.28/disc_pos/577000331952,574947062904, 2004.090.08:22:52.28:disc_check 2004.090.08:22:52.78/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y090d08h22m52.315s,14824,0.00250s,80000,7322851804, 2004.090.08:22:52.79:postob_mk5a 2004.090.08:22:52.80/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 1095660 : 5285 : 1 : 8 : 0 : 4 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.08:22:52.81/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 1096313 : 4596 : 1 : 38 : 12 : 0 : 7 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.08:22:52.81/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 1096348 : 4591 : 1 : 10 : 2 : 0 : 8 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.08:22:52.82/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 1095720 : 5209 : 1 : 38 : 1 : 7 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.08:22:52.83/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 1095489 : 5459 : 3 : 9 : 2 : 7 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.08:22:52.84/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 1095418 : 5528 : 3 : 22 : 1 : 2 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.08:22:52.85/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 1096025 : 4947 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.08:22:52.86/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 1095843 : 5110 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.08:22:53.60/cable/3.708766735E-3 2004.090.08:22:53.89/fmout-gps/-7.483016E-6 2004.090.08:22:54.36/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,19.20 2004.090.08:22:54.86/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,18.90 2004.090.08:22:55.36/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.60 2004.090.08:22:55.86/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,10.70 2004.090.08:22:56.36/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.599 2004.090.08:22:56.86/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.000 2004.090.08:22:57.36/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,2.129 2004.090.08:22:57.86/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,58.85 2004.090.08:22:58.36/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,58.85 2004.090.08:22:58.86/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.244 2004.090.08:22:59.36/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,243.6 2004.090.08:22:59.86/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,66.41 2004.090.08:22:59.86:scan_name=090-0826,r1116,117 2004.090.08:22:59.87:source=1519-273,152237.68,-273010.8,2000.0,cw 2004.090.08:23:03.89:setup4f 2004.090.08:23:05.90/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.090.08:23:05.91/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.090.08:23:05.93/bank_check/usn-0079/960/1024OK,VNVD06G4H7982L,VNVD06G4H79L4L,VNVD06G4H79RWL,VNVD06G4H71WBL,VNVD06G4H79GKL,VNVD06G4H79D4L,VNVD06G4H700TL,VNVD06G4H79GUL 2004.090.08:23:05.97/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 259 ; 2004.090.08:23:05.97:!2004.090.08:26:06 2004.090.08:26:06.00:disc_pos 2004.090.08:26:06.01/disc_pos/577000331952,576999331952, 2004.090.08:26:06.02:disc_start=on 2004.090.08:26:07.05:!2004.090.08:26:06 2004.090.08:26:07.06:preob 2004.090.08:26:08.90#antcn#ACK 2004.090.08:26:08.90/onsource/TRACKING 2004.090.08:26:11.65/tpical/1l,15852,1u,16212,2u,16185,3u,16297,4u,16292 2004.090.08:26:11.65/tpical/9u,16170,au,16197,bu,16126,cu,16279,du,16336,eu,16352 2004.090.08:26:11.65/tpical/5u,16913,6u,15730,7u,16299,8l,16178,8u,16120 2004.090.08:26:11.80/tpgain/1l,43,1u,48,2u,116,3u,121,4u,163 2004.090.08:26:11.80/tpgain/9u,108,au,104,bu,88,cu,149,du,196,eu,165 2004.090.08:26:11.80/tpgain/5u,16,6u,29,7u,24,8l,28,8u,31 2004.090.08:26:11.83:!2004.090.08:26:16 2004.090.08:26:16.00:disc_pos 2004.090.08:26:16.00/disc_pos/577256132608,576999331952, 2004.090.08:26:16.01:data_valid=on 2004.090.08:26:16.02:midob 2004.090.08:26:16.19/tpi/1l,15843,1u,16199,2u,16178,3u,16294,4u,16297 2004.090.08:26:16.19/tpi/9u,16185,au,16197,bu,16147,cu,16296,du,16338,eu,16352 2004.090.08:26:16.19/tpi/5u,16919,6u,15744,7u,16296,8l,16176,8u,16117 2004.090.08:26:16.76/tsys/1l,88.3,1u,85.7,2u,80.4,3u,85.1,4u,84.0 2004.090.08:26:16.76/tsys/9u,83.2,au,81.9,bu,90.6,cu,85.1,du,93.5,eu,95.1 2004.090.08:26:16.76/tsys/5u,88.2,6u,89.5,7u,89.7,8l,88.9,8u,86.5 2004.090.08:26:16.78/wx/12.9,993.7,97.7,105.5,0.2 2004.090.08:26:17.60/cable/3.708533979E-3 2004.090.08:26:18.06/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,19.10 2004.090.08:26:18.51/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,18.80 2004.090.08:26:18.96/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.60 2004.090.08:26:19.41/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,10.60 2004.090.08:26:19.86/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.601 2004.090.08:26:20.31/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.000 2004.090.08:26:20.76/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,5.006 2004.090.08:26:21.21/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,72.06 2004.090.08:26:21.66/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,60.22 2004.090.08:26:22.11/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.244 2004.090.08:26:22.61/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,242.9 2004.090.08:26:23.11/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,65.92 2004.090.08:26:23.20/bbc01/612.89,a,8,8,1,agc, -2.54, -3.49,lock,16196,15854,1018,1pps 2004.090.08:26:23.28/bbc02/652.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 5.12, 3.11,lock,16179,16277,1029,1pps 2004.090.08:26:23.36/bbc03/752.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 5.49, 3.66,lock,16276,16159,1027,1pps 2004.090.08:26:23.44/bbc04/912.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 8.08, 7.00,lock,16282,16287,1024,1pps 2004.090.08:26:23.52/bbc05/652.99,c,8,8,1,agc,-12.08,-13.24,lock,14103,14797,1025,1pps 2004.090.08:26:23.60/bbc06/772.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -6.92, -6.92,lock,15717,15422,1030,1pps 2004.090.08:26:23.69/bbc07/832.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -8.56, -8.93,lock,16311,15781,1033,1pps 2004.090.08:26:23.77/bbc08/852.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -6.34, -7.22,lock,16048,16137,1028,1pps 2004.090.08:26:23.85/bbc09/692.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.50, 4.26,lock,16151,16126,1020,1pps 2004.090.08:26:23.93/bbc10/700.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.18, 2.73,lock,16188,16045,1026,1pps 2004.090.08:26:24.01/bbc11/716.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 2.73, 2.73,lock,16135,16361,1022,1pps 2004.090.08:26:24.10/bbc12/772.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 7.30, 6.11,lock,16284,16242,1019,1pps 2004.090.08:26:24.18/bbc13/804.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 9.68, 9.50,lock,16315,16116,1031,1pps 2004.090.08:26:24.26/bbc14/812.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 8.19, 7.92,lock,16337,16179,1021,1pps 2004.090.08:26:24.89#antcn#Received message for antenna: GETS 2004.090.08:26:25.87#antcn#ACU: MJD: 53094, UTC: 30384, Src: ext. 1pps present 2004.090.08:26:25.87#antcn#ACU: Azimuth: Pos: -475992, Dev: -8, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.090.08:26:25.87#antcn#ACU: Elevation: Pos: 767816, Dev: -7, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.090.08:26:25.87#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.090.08:26:25.87#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.090.08:26:25.87#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.090.08:26:25.87#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.090.08:26:25.87#antcn#ACU: Az: no fault , no fault 2004.090.08:26:25.87#antcn#ACU: El: no fault , no fault 2004.090.08:26:25.88/antenna/ACK 2004.090.08:26:25.88:!2004.090.08:28:13 2004.090.08:28:13.00:data_valid=off 2004.090.08:28:13.01:disc_end 2004.090.08:28:13.28/disc_end/usn-0079/960/1024OK 2004.090.08:28:13.28:disc_pos 2004.090.08:28:13.29/disc_pos/581037665928,577000331952, 2004.090.08:28:13.29:disc_check 2004.090.08:28:13.60/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y090d08h28m13.328s,68068,0.00250s,80000,6235012780, 2004.090.08:28:13.61:postob_mk5a 2004.090.08:28:13.62/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 1103323 : 5325 : 1 : 8 : 0 : 4 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.08:28:13.63/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 1103987 : 4626 : 1 : 38 : 12 : 0 : 7 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.08:28:13.64/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 1104018 : 4626 : 1 : 10 : 2 : 0 : 8 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.08:28:13.64/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 1103392 : 5241 : 1 : 38 : 1 : 7 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.08:28:13.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 1103161 : 5491 : 3 : 9 : 2 : 7 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.08:28:13.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 1103085 : 5563 : 4 : 22 : 1 : 2 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.08:28:13.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 1103693 : 4983 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.08:28:13.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 1103510 : 5146 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.08:28:14.40/cable/3.710257566E-3 2004.090.08:28:15.89/fmout-gps/-7.496370E-6 2004.090.08:28:16.36/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,19.10 2004.090.08:28:16.81/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,18.70 2004.090.08:28:17.26/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.60 2004.090.08:28:17.71/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,10.60 2004.090.08:28:18.16/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.604 2004.090.08:28:18.66/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.000 2004.090.08:28:19.16/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,4.306 2004.090.08:28:19.66/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,62.85 2004.090.08:28:20.16/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,61.54 2004.090.08:28:20.66/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.244 2004.090.08:28:21.16/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,238.5 2004.090.08:28:21.66/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,68.36 2004.090.08:28:21.66:scan_name=090-0839,r1116,190 2004.090.08:28:21.67:source=1606+106,160846.20,102907.8,2000.0,cw 2004.090.08:28:25.89:setup4f 2004.090.08:28:27.91/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.090.08:28:27.92/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.090.08:28:27.94/bank_check/usn-0079/960/1024OK,VNVD06G4H7982L,VNVD06G4H79L4L,VNVD06G4H79RWL,VNVD06G4H71WBL,VNVD06G4H79GKL,VNVD06G4H79D4L,VNVD06G4H700TL,VNVD06G4H79GUL 2004.090.08:28:27.96/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 261 ; 2004.090.08:28:27.99:!2004.090.08:38:51 2004.090.08:38:51.00:disc_pos 2004.090.08:38:51.01/disc_pos/581037665928,581036665928, 2004.090.08:38:51.02:disc_start=on 2004.090.08:38:52.05:!2004.090.08:38:51 2004.090.08:38:52.05:preob 2004.090.08:38:53.91#antcn#ACK 2004.090.08:38:53.91/onsource/TRACKING 2004.090.08:38:56.66/tpical/1l,15637,1u,15944,2u,16141,3u,16150,4u,16284 2004.090.08:38:56.66/tpical/9u,16017,au,16092,bu,16065,cu,16209,du,16337,eu,16169 2004.090.08:38:56.66/tpical/5u,15665,6u,15500,7u,15244,8l,16069,8u,16950 2004.090.08:38:56.81/tpgain/1l,45,1u,50,2u,120,3u,126,4u,169 2004.090.08:38:56.81/tpgain/9u,112,au,109,bu,93,cu,156,du,205,eu,171 2004.090.08:38:56.81/tpgain/5u,16,6u,30,7u,24,8l,29,8u,32 2004.090.08:38:56.84:!2004.090.08:39:01 2004.090.08:39:01.00:disc_pos 2004.090.08:39:01.01/disc_pos/581293465600,581036665928, 2004.090.08:39:01.01:data_valid=on 2004.090.08:39:01.02:midob 2004.090.08:39:01.19/tpi/1l,15646,1u,15949,2u,16099,3u,16160,4u,16276 2004.090.08:39:01.19/tpi/9u,16012,au,16093,bu,16066,cu,16214,du,16356,eu,16177 2004.090.08:39:01.20/tpi/5u,15680,6u,15504,7u,15217,8l,16054,8u,16953 2004.090.08:39:01.78/tsys/1l,79.4,1u,77.5,2u,74.5,3u,77.5,4u,77.3 2004.090.08:39:01.78/tsys/9u,76.4,au,73.8,bu,80.4,cu,76.9,du,85.2,eu,87.2 2004.090.08:39:01.79/tsys/5u,81.6,6u,82.2,7u,83.7,8l,82.1,8u,85.3 2004.090.08:39:01.80/wx/12.8,993.6,97.7,100.4,0.0 2004.090.08:39:02.40/cable/3.709277699E-3 2004.090.08:39:02.86/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,19.20 2004.090.08:39:03.31/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,18.80 2004.090.08:39:03.76/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.50 2004.090.08:39:04.21/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,10.70 2004.090.08:39:04.66/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.601 2004.090.08:39:05.11/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.015 2004.090.08:39:05.56/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,1.015 2004.090.08:39:06.01/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,62.85 2004.090.08:39:06.51/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,58.85 2004.090.08:39:06.96/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.271 2004.090.08:39:07.41/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,243.4 2004.090.08:39:07.86/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,67.39 2004.090.08:39:07.95/bbc01/612.89,a,8,8,1,agc, -2.18, -3.10,lock,15930,15642,1018,1pps 2004.090.08:39:08.03/bbc02/652.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 5.42, 3.39,lock,16103,16304,1029,1pps 2004.090.08:39:08.11/bbc03/752.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 5.84, 4.01,lock,16171,16142,1027,1pps 2004.090.08:39:08.19/bbc04/912.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 8.39, 7.30,lock,16274,16149,1024,1pps 2004.090.08:39:08.28/bbc05/652.99,c,8,8,1,agc,-12.08,-12.64,lock,15695,15592,1025,1pps 2004.090.08:39:08.36/bbc06/772.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -6.62, -6.34,lock,15499,16071,1030,1pps 2004.090.08:39:08.44/bbc07/832.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -8.56, -8.56,lock,15215,16046,1033,1pps 2004.090.08:39:08.52/bbc08/852.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -6.34, -6.92,lock,16945,16058,1028,1pps 2004.090.08:39:08.60/bbc09/692.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.82, 4.74,lock,16026,16167,1020,1pps 2004.090.08:39:08.68/bbc10/700.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.58, 3.21,lock,16144,16083,1026,1pps 2004.090.08:39:08.76/bbc11/716.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 3.21, 2.82,lock,16069,16561,1022,1pps 2004.090.08:39:08.84/bbc12/772.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 7.70, 6.51,lock,16215,16183,1019,1pps 2004.090.08:39:08.92/bbc13/804.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 10.07, 9.86,lock,16346,16266,1031,1pps 2004.090.08:39:09.00/bbc14/812.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 8.50, 8.29,lock,16192,16176,1021,1pps 2004.090.08:39:09.91#antcn#Received message for antenna: GETS 2004.090.08:39:10.89#antcn#ACU: MJD: 53094, UTC: 31149, Src: ext. 1pps present 2004.090.08:39:10.89#antcn#ACU: Azimuth: Pos: -34833, Dev: -2, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.090.08:39:10.89#antcn#ACU: Elevation: Pos: 425750, Dev: -4, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.090.08:39:10.89#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.090.08:39:10.89#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.090.08:39:10.89#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.090.08:39:10.89#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.090.08:39:10.89#antcn#ACU: Az: no fault , no fault 2004.090.08:39:10.89#antcn#ACU: El: no fault , no fault 2004.090.08:39:10.90/antenna/ACK 2004.090.08:39:10.90:!2004.090.08:42:11 2004.090.08:42:11.00:data_valid=off 2004.090.08:42:11.01:disc_end 2004.090.08:42:11.28/disc_end/usn-0079/960/1024OK 2004.090.08:42:11.28:disc_pos 2004.090.08:42:11.29/disc_pos/587411129680,581037665928, 2004.090.08:42:11.30:disc_check 2004.090.08:42:11.60/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y090d08h42m11.328s,12120,0.00250s,80000,20442592196, 2004.090.08:42:11.60:postob_mk5a 2004.090.08:42:11.61/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 1115425 : 5383 : 1 : 8 : 0 : 4 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.08:42:11.62/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 1116092 : 4681 : 1 : 38 : 12 : 0 : 7 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.08:42:11.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 1116149 : 4655 : 1 : 10 : 2 : 0 : 8 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.08:42:11.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 1115487 : 5307 : 1 : 38 : 1 : 7 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.08:42:11.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 1115254 : 5558 : 3 : 9 : 2 : 7 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.08:42:11.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 1115181 : 5627 : 4 : 22 : 1 : 2 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.08:42:11.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 1115790 : 5046 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.08:42:11.72/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 1115613 : 5203 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.08:42:12.00/cable/3.711199217E-3 2004.090.08:42:13.89/fmout-gps/-7.470608E-6 2004.090.08:42:14.37/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,19.10 2004.090.08:42:14.87/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,18.80 2004.090.08:42:15.37/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.50 2004.090.08:42:15.87/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,10.70 2004.090.08:42:16.37/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.601 2004.090.08:42:16.87/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.000 2004.090.08:42:17.37/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,2.455 2004.090.08:42:17.87/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,53.29 2004.090.08:42:18.37/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,58.85 2004.090.08:42:18.87/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.244 2004.090.08:42:19.37/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,242.9 2004.090.08:42:19.87/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,64.46 2004.090.08:42:19.88:scan_name=090-0849,r1116,151 2004.090.08:42:19.89:source=1611+343,161341.06,341247.9,2000.0,cw 2004.090.08:42:23.91:setup4f 2004.090.08:42:25.90/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.090.08:42:25.91/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.090.08:42:25.93/bank_check/usn-0079/960/1024OK,VNVD06G4H7982L,VNVD06G4H79L4L,VNVD06G4H79RWL,VNVD06G4H71WBL,VNVD06G4H79GKL,VNVD06G4H79D4L,VNVD06G4H700TL,VNVD06G4H79GUL 2004.090.08:42:25.95/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 263 ; 2004.090.08:42:25.96:!2004.090.08:49:27 2004.090.08:49:27.00:disc_pos 2004.090.08:49:27.01/disc_pos/587411129680,587410129680, 2004.090.08:49:27.02:disc_start=on 2004.090.08:49:28.05:!2004.090.08:49:27 2004.090.08:49:28.06:preob 2004.090.08:49:29.91#antcn#ACK 2004.090.08:49:29.91/onsource/TRACKING 2004.090.08:49:32.65/tpical/1l,16046,1u,15853,2u,16066,3u,16267,4u,16208 2004.090.08:49:32.65/tpical/9u,16208,au,16194,bu,16097,cu,16209,du,16321,eu,16229 2004.090.08:49:32.65/tpical/5u,15981,6u,15870,7u,15574,8l,15405,8u,15382 2004.090.08:49:32.80/tpgain/1l,45,1u,49,2u,119,3u,125,4u,166 2004.090.08:49:32.80/tpgain/9u,113,au,110,bu,93,cu,156,du,204,eu,171 2004.090.08:49:32.80/tpgain/5u,16,6u,30,7u,24,8l,28,8u,31 2004.090.08:49:32.83:!2004.090.08:49:37 2004.090.08:49:37.00:disc_pos 2004.090.08:49:37.02/disc_pos/587666923520,587410129680, 2004.090.08:49:37.02:data_valid=on 2004.090.08:49:37.03:midob 2004.090.08:49:37.20/tpi/1l,16046,1u,15861,2u,16049,3u,16267,4u,16219 2004.090.08:49:37.20/tpi/9u,16223,au,16211,bu,16113,cu,16224,du,16323,eu,16223 2004.090.08:49:37.20/tpi/5u,15993,6u,15888,7u,15570,8l,15409,8u,15393 2004.090.08:49:37.79/tsys/1l,81.5,1u,80.3,2u,75.6,3u,79.4,4u,80.2 2004.090.08:49:37.79/tsys/9u,76.0,au,73.0,bu,80.7,cu,76.9,du,85.9,eu,87.4 2004.090.08:49:37.80/tsys/5u,83.3,6u,84.3,7u,85.6,8l,84.6,8u,82.5 2004.090.08:49:37.81/wx/12.9,993.7,97.7,115.2,0.0 2004.090.08:49:38.40/cable/3.709634414E-3 2004.090.08:49:38.87/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,19.20 2004.090.08:49:39.37/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,18.80 2004.090.08:49:39.86/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.50 2004.090.08:49:40.37/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,10.80 2004.090.08:49:40.87/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.599 2004.090.08:49:41.36/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.000 2004.090.08:49:41.82/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,1.015 2004.090.08:49:42.32/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,51.90 2004.090.08:49:42.82/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,60.22 2004.090.08:49:43.32/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.244 2004.090.08:49:43.81/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,236.8 2004.090.08:49:44.31/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,66.90 2004.090.08:49:44.40/bbc01/612.89,a,8,8,1,agc, -2.36, -3.10,lock,15859,16044,1018,1pps 2004.090.08:49:44.48/bbc02/652.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 5.35, 3.30,lock,16198,16227,1029,1pps 2004.090.08:49:44.56/bbc03/752.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 5.77, 3.92,lock,16266,16090,1027,1pps 2004.090.08:49:44.64/bbc04/912.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 8.24, 7.24,lock,16224,16369,1024,1pps 2004.090.08:49:44.73/bbc05/652.99,c,8,8,1,agc,-12.08,-12.64,lock,15991,15921,1025,1pps 2004.090.08:49:44.81/bbc06/772.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -6.62, -6.62,lock,15857,15525,1030,1pps 2004.090.08:49:44.89/bbc07/832.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -8.56, -8.93,lock,15605,15145,1033,1pps 2004.090.08:49:44.97/bbc08/852.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -6.34, -7.22,lock,17289,15409,1028,1pps 2004.090.08:49:45.05/bbc09/692.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.90, 4.74,lock,16228,16108,1020,1pps 2004.090.08:49:45.13/bbc10/700.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.66, 3.21,lock,16233,16057,1026,1pps 2004.090.08:49:45.21/bbc11/716.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 3.21, 2.92,lock,16132,16078,1022,1pps 2004.090.08:49:45.29/bbc12/772.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 7.70, 6.51,lock,16226,16204,1019,1pps 2004.090.08:49:45.37/bbc13/804.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 10.03, 9.86,lock,16338,16379,1031,1pps 2004.090.08:49:45.45/bbc14/812.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 8.50, 8.29,lock,16234,16268,1021,1pps 2004.090.08:49:45.92#antcn#Received message for antenna: GETS 2004.090.08:49:46.89#antcn#ACU: MJD: 53094, UTC: 31785, Src: ext. 1pps present 2004.090.08:49:46.89#antcn#ACU: Azimuth: Pos: -35698, Dev: -4, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.090.08:49:46.89#antcn#ACU: Elevation: Pos: 188641, Dev: 0, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.090.08:49:46.89#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.090.08:49:46.89#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.090.08:49:46.89#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.090.08:49:46.89#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.090.08:49:46.89#antcn#ACU: Az: no fault , no fault 2004.090.08:49:46.89#antcn#ACU: El: no fault , no fault 2004.090.08:49:46.90/antenna/ACK 2004.090.08:49:46.90:!2004.090.08:52:08 2004.090.08:52:08.00:data_valid=off 2004.090.08:52:08.01:disc_end 2004.090.08:52:08.28/disc_end/usn-0079/960/1024OK 2004.090.08:52:08.28:disc_pos 2004.090.08:52:08.29/disc_pos/592536342400,587411129680, 2004.090.08:52:08.29:disc_check 2004.090.08:52:08.86/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y090d08h52m08.325s,17200,0.00250s,80000,13978702200, 2004.090.08:52:08.86:postob_mk5a 2004.090.08:52:08.88/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 1125162 : 5425 : 1 : 8 : 0 : 4 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.08:52:08.89/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 1125834 : 4717 : 1 : 40 : 12 : 0 : 7 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.08:52:08.90/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 1125883 : 4700 : 1 : 10 : 2 : 0 : 8 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.08:52:08.90/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 1125216 : 5355 : 1 : 40 : 1 : 7 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.08:52:08.91/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 1124987 : 5604 : 3 : 9 : 2 : 7 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.08:52:08.92/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 1124912 : 5674 : 4 : 23 : 1 : 2 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.08:52:08.93/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 1125526 : 5088 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.08:52:08.95/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 1125347 : 5248 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.08:52:09.60/cable/3.708378999E-3 2004.090.08:52:09.89/fmout-gps/-7.565283E-6 2004.090.08:52:10.37/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,19.20 2004.090.08:52:10.87/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,18.80 2004.090.08:52:11.37/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.50 2004.090.08:52:11.87/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,10.80 2004.090.08:52:12.37/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.601 2004.090.08:52:12.87/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.000 2004.090.08:52:13.37/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,2.619 2004.090.08:52:13.87/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,62.85 2004.090.08:52:14.37/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,60.22 2004.090.08:52:14.87/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.271 2004.090.08:52:15.37/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,239.7 2004.090.08:52:15.87/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,68.12 2004.090.08:52:15.87:scan_name=090-0856,r1116,50 2004.090.08:52:15.88:source=1741-038,174358.86,-035004.6,2000.0,cw 2004.090.08:52:19.93:setup4f 2004.090.08:52:21.91/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.090.08:52:21.93/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.090.08:52:21.95/bank_check/usn-0079/960/1024OK,VNVD06G4H7982L,VNVD06G4H79L4L,VNVD06G4H79RWL,VNVD06G4H71WBL,VNVD06G4H79GKL,VNVD06G4H79D4L,VNVD06G4H700TL,VNVD06G4H79GUL 2004.090.08:52:21.99/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 265 ; 2004.090.08:52:21.99:!2004.090.08:56:30 2004.090.08:56:30.00:disc_pos 2004.090.08:56:30.01/disc_pos/592536342400,592535342400, 2004.090.08:56:30.02:disc_start=on 2004.090.08:56:31.05:!2004.090.08:56:30 2004.090.08:56:31.06:preob 2004.090.08:56:32.92#antcn#ACK 2004.090.08:56:32.92/onsource/TRACKING 2004.090.08:56:35.68/tpical/1l,15994,1u,15667,2u,16262,3u,16217,4u,16188 2004.090.08:56:35.68/tpical/9u,15915,au,16238,bu,16230,cu,16171,du,16259,eu,16295 2004.090.08:56:35.68/tpical/5u,15936,6u,15774,7u,15474,8l,16357,8u,15317 2004.090.08:56:35.83/tpgain/1l,45,1u,49,2u,120,3u,125,4u,167 2004.090.08:56:35.83/tpgain/9u,111,au,108,bu,91,cu,153,du,201,eu,169 2004.090.08:56:35.83/tpgain/5u,16,6u,30,7u,24,8l,29,8u,31 2004.090.08:56:35.86:!2004.090.08:56:40 2004.090.08:56:40.00:disc_pos 2004.090.08:56:40.00/disc_pos/592792137728,592535342400, 2004.090.08:56:40.01:data_valid=on 2004.090.08:56:40.03:midob 2004.090.08:56:40.20/tpi/1l,15994,1u,15680,2u,16263,3u,16201,4u,16196 2004.090.08:56:40.20/tpi/9u,15889,au,16214,bu,16240,cu,16153,du,16247,eu,16274 2004.090.08:56:40.20/tpi/5u,15936,6u,15765,7u,15473,8l,16335,8u,15313 2004.090.08:56:40.78/tsys/1l,81.2,1u,79.4,2u,75.3,3u,79.0,4u,79.0 2004.090.08:56:40.78/tsys/9u,77.2,au,75.8,bu,85.1,cu,79.8,du,88.1,eu,89.9 2004.090.08:56:40.79/tsys/5u,83.0,6u,83.6,7u,85.1,8l,83.6,8u,82.1 2004.090.08:56:40.80/wx/13.0,993.7,97.7,131.3,0.2 2004.090.08:56:41.60/cable/3.708539430E-3 2004.090.08:56:42.07/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,19.20 2004.090.08:56:42.57/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,18.90 2004.090.08:56:43.07/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.60 2004.090.08:56:43.57/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,10.80 2004.090.08:56:44.07/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.601 2004.090.08:56:44.57/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.000 2004.090.08:56:45.07/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.283 2004.090.08:56:45.57/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,62.85 2004.090.08:56:46.07/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,57.46 2004.090.08:56:46.57/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.244 2004.090.08:56:47.07/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,241.9 2004.090.08:56:47.57/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,66.90 2004.090.08:56:47.66/bbc01/612.89,a,8,8,1,agc, -2.36, -3.10,lock,15672,15992,1018,1pps 2004.090.08:56:47.74/bbc02/652.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 5.42, 3.30,lock,16266,16084,1029,1pps 2004.090.08:56:47.82/bbc03/752.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 5.77, 4.01,lock,16211,16339,1027,1pps 2004.090.08:56:47.90/bbc04/912.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 8.29, 7.24,lock,16188,16186,1024,1pps 2004.090.08:56:47.99/bbc05/652.99,c,8,8,1,agc,-12.08,-12.64,lock,15929,15864,1025,1pps 2004.090.08:56:48.07/bbc06/772.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -6.62, -6.62,lock,15776,15456,1030,1pps 2004.090.08:56:48.15/bbc07/832.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -8.56, -8.56,lock,15492,16309,1033,1pps 2004.090.08:56:48.23/bbc08/852.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -6.34, -6.92,lock,17225,16360,1028,1pps 2004.090.08:56:48.31/bbc09/692.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.74, 4.58,lock,15906,16176,1020,1pps 2004.090.08:56:48.39/bbc10/700.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.50, 3.02,lock,16228,15961,1026,1pps 2004.090.08:56:48.47/bbc11/716.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 3.02, 2.92,lock,16239,16013,1022,1pps 2004.090.08:56:48.55/bbc12/772.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 7.53, 6.38,lock,16157,16212,1019,1pps 2004.090.08:56:48.63/bbc13/804.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 9.90, 9.68,lock,16250,16206,1031,1pps 2004.090.08:56:48.71/bbc14/812.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 8.39, 8.19,lock,16307,16285,1021,1pps 2004.090.08:56:48.92#antcn#Received message for antenna: GETS 2004.090.08:56:49.89#antcn#ACU: MJD: 53094, UTC: 32208, Src: ext. 1pps present 2004.090.08:56:49.89#antcn#ACU: Azimuth: Pos: 290410, Dev: -8, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.090.08:56:49.89#antcn#ACU: Elevation: Pos: 535016, Dev: 0, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.090.08:56:49.89#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.090.08:56:49.89#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.090.08:56:49.89#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.090.08:56:49.89#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.090.08:56:49.89#antcn#ACU: Az: no fault , no fault 2004.090.08:56:49.89#antcn#ACU: El: no fault , no fault 2004.090.08:56:49.90/antenna/ACK 2004.090.08:56:49.90:!2004.090.08:57:30 2004.090.08:57:30.00:data_valid=off 2004.090.08:57:30.01:disc_end 2004.090.08:57:30.27/disc_end/usn-0079/960/1024OK 2004.090.08:57:30.27:disc_pos 2004.090.08:57:30.28/disc_pos/594429257256,592536342400, 2004.090.08:57:30.28:disc_check 2004.090.08:57:30.86/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y090d08h57m30.320s,65260,0.00250s,80000,8410877084, 2004.090.08:57:30.86:postob_mk5a 2004.090.08:57:30.87/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 1128755 : 5445 : 1 : 8 : 0 : 4 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.08:57:30.88/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 1129430 : 4733 : 1 : 41 : 12 : 0 : 7 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.08:57:30.89/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 1129483 : 4713 : 1 : 10 : 2 : 0 : 8 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.08:57:30.90/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 1128809 : 5374 : 1 : 41 : 1 : 7 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.08:57:30.91/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 1128575 : 5630 : 3 : 9 : 2 : 7 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.08:57:30.92/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 1128506 : 5693 : 4 : 23 : 1 : 2 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.08:57:30.93/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 1129121 : 5106 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.08:57:30.94/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 1128944 : 5264 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.08:57:31.20/cable/3.708293977E-3 2004.090.08:57:31.89/fmout-gps/-7.490752E-6 2004.090.08:57:32.37/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,19.20 2004.090.08:57:32.87/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,18.90 2004.090.08:57:33.37/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.60 2004.090.08:57:33.87/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,10.80 2004.090.08:57:34.37/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.601 2004.090.08:57:34.87/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.000 2004.090.08:57:35.37/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,2.784 2004.090.08:57:35.87/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,56.07 2004.090.08:57:36.37/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,61.54 2004.090.08:57:36.87/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.244 2004.090.08:57:37.37/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,241.9 2004.090.08:57:37.87/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,65.19 2004.090.08:57:37.87:scan_name=090-0907,r1116,119 2004.090.08:57:37.88:source=1519-273,152237.68,-273010.8,2000.0,cw 2004.090.08:57:41.92:setup4f 2004.090.08:57:43.90/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.090.08:57:43.91/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.090.08:57:43.93/bank_check/usn-0079/960/1024OK,VNVD06G4H7982L,VNVD06G4H79L4L,VNVD06G4H79RWL,VNVD06G4H71WBL,VNVD06G4H79GKL,VNVD06G4H79D4L,VNVD06G4H700TL,VNVD06G4H79GUL 2004.090.08:57:43.96/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 267 ; 2004.090.08:57:43.96:!2004.090.09:07:47 2004.090.09:07:47.00:disc_pos 2004.090.09:07:47.01/disc_pos/594429257256,594428257256, 2004.090.09:07:47.02:disc_start=on 2004.090.09:07:48.05:!2004.090.09:07:47 2004.090.09:07:48.06:preob 2004.090.09:07:49.93#antcn#ACK 2004.090.09:07:49.93/onsource/TRACKING 2004.090.09:07:52.67/tpical/1l,16123,1u,15706,2u,16124,3u,16073,4u,16237 2004.090.09:07:52.67/tpical/9u,16028,au,16049,bu,16076,cu,16235,du,16210,eu,16155 2004.090.09:07:52.67/tpical/5u,16669,6u,15493,7u,16145,8l,15996,8u,15968 2004.090.09:07:52.82/tpgain/1l,44,1u,48,2u,116,3u,121,4u,164 2004.090.09:07:52.82/tpgain/9u,109,au,105,bu,90,cu,151,du,198,eu,166 2004.090.09:07:52.82/tpgain/5u,16,6u,29,7u,24,8l,28,8u,31 2004.090.09:07:52.85:!2004.090.09:07:57 2004.090.09:07:57.00:disc_pos 2004.090.09:07:57.02/disc_pos/594685054976,594428257256, 2004.090.09:07:57.03:data_valid=on 2004.090.09:07:57.04:midob 2004.090.09:07:57.22/tpi/1l,16111,1u,15703,2u,16117,3u,16065,4u,16229 2004.090.09:07:57.22/tpi/9u,16003,au,16043,bu,16074,cu,16221,du,16208,eu,16139 2004.090.09:07:57.22/tpi/5u,16673,6u,15489,7u,16167,8l,15989,8u,15963 2004.090.09:07:57.82/tsys/1l,85.7,1u,83.0,2u,80.1,3u,83.8,4u,82.4 2004.090.09:07:57.83/tsys/9u,80.7,au,79.5,bu,86.1,cu,82.3,du,90.7,eu,92.6 2004.090.09:07:57.83/tsys/5u,86.9,6u,88.0,7u,89.0,8l,87.9,8u,85.6 2004.090.09:07:57.84/wx/13.0,993.7,97.7,69.4,0.2 2004.090.09:07:58.40/cable/3.709928682E-3 2004.090.09:07:58.87/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,19.20 2004.090.09:07:59.32/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,18.90 2004.090.09:07:59.77/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.60 2004.090.09:08:00.22/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,10.80 2004.090.09:08:00.67/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.601 2004.090.09:08:01.12/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.000 2004.090.09:08:01.57/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,1.330 2004.090.09:08:02.02/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,58.85 2004.090.09:08:02.47/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,62.85 2004.090.09:08:02.92/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.271 2004.090.09:08:03.37/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,242.1 2004.090.09:08:03.82/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,66.66 2004.090.09:08:03.91/bbc01/612.89,a,8,8,1,agc, -2.54, -3.30,lock,15701,16103,1018,1pps 2004.090.09:08:03.99/bbc02/652.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 5.12, 3.02,lock,16144,15979,1029,1pps 2004.090.09:08:04.07/bbc03/752.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 5.49, 3.66,lock,16049,16011,1027,1pps 2004.090.09:08:04.15/bbc04/912.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 8.13, 7.06,lock,16228,16225,1024,1pps 2004.090.09:08:04.23/bbc05/652.99,c,8,8,1,agc,-12.64,-13.24,lock,16667,14593,1025,1pps 2004.090.09:08:04.31/bbc06/772.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -6.92, -6.62,lock,15474,16117,1030,1pps 2004.090.09:08:04.39/bbc07/832.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -8.56, -8.93,lock,16139,15623,1033,1pps 2004.090.09:08:04.47/bbc08/852.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -6.34, -7.22,lock,15945,15981,1028,1pps 2004.090.09:08:04.55/bbc09/692.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.58, 4.34,lock,16014,15936,1020,1pps 2004.090.09:08:04.63/bbc10/700.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.26, 2.82,lock,16039,15959,1026,1pps 2004.090.09:08:04.71/bbc11/716.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 2.92, 2.82,lock,16060,16118,1022,1pps 2004.090.09:08:04.79/bbc12/772.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 7.42, 6.25,lock,16190,16285,1019,1pps 2004.090.09:08:04.87/bbc13/804.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 9.77, 9.59,lock,16176,16273,1031,1pps 2004.090.09:08:04.96/bbc14/812.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 8.29, 8.08,lock,16120,16122,1021,1pps 2004.090.09:08:05.94#antcn#Received message for antenna: GETS 2004.090.09:08:06.91#antcn#ACU: MJD: 53094, UTC: 32885, Src: ext. 1pps present 2004.090.09:08:06.91#antcn#ACU: Azimuth: Pos: -686796, Dev: -5, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.090.09:08:06.91#antcn#ACU: Elevation: Pos: 696230, Dev: -1, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.090.09:08:06.91#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.090.09:08:06.91#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.090.09:08:06.91#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.090.09:08:06.91#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.090.09:08:06.91#antcn#ACU: Az: no fault , no fault 2004.090.09:08:06.91#antcn#ACU: El: no fault , no fault 2004.090.09:08:06.92/antenna/ACK 2004.090.09:08:06.92:!2004.090.09:09:56 2004.090.09:09:56.00:data_valid=off 2004.090.09:09:56.01:disc_end 2004.090.09:09:56.28/disc_end/usn-0079/960/1024OK 2004.090.09:09:56.28:disc_pos 2004.090.09:09:56.29/disc_pos/598530599904,594429257256, 2004.090.09:09:56.29:disc_check 2004.090.09:09:56.59/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y090d09h09m56.325s,17188,0.00250s,80000,19770865424, 2004.090.09:09:56.60:postob_mk5a 2004.090.09:09:56.62/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 1136530 : 5495 : 1 : 8 : 0 : 4 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.09:09:56.63/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 1137219 : 4770 : 1 : 41 : 12 : 0 : 7 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.09:09:56.63/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 1137283 : 4740 : 1 : 10 : 2 : 0 : 8 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.09:09:56.64/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 1136591 : 5418 : 1 : 41 : 1 : 7 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.09:09:56.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 1136356 : 5675 : 3 : 9 : 2 : 7 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.09:09:56.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 1136292 : 5733 : 4 : 23 : 1 : 2 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.09:09:56.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 1136905 : 5148 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.09:09:56.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 1136741 : 5294 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.09:09:56.80/cable/3.707830975E-3 2004.090.09:09:57.89/fmout-gps/-7.478942E-6 2004.090.09:09:58.37/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,19.20 2004.090.09:09:58.82/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,19.00 2004.090.09:09:59.27/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.60 2004.090.09:09:59.72/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,10.80 2004.090.09:10:00.17/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.604 2004.090.09:10:00.62/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.000 2004.090.09:10:01.07/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,2.949 2004.090.09:10:01.52/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,61.54 2004.090.09:10:02.02/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,57.46 2004.090.09:10:02.47/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.271 2004.090.09:10:02.97/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,243.6 2004.090.09:10:03.42/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,67.39 2004.090.09:10:03.42:scan_name=090-0914,r1116,190 2004.090.09:10:03.43:source=1606+106,160846.20,102907.8,2000.0,cw 2004.090.09:10:07.94:setup4f 2004.090.09:10:09.90/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.090.09:10:09.91/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.090.09:10:09.92/bank_check/usn-0079/960/1024OK,VNVD06G4H7982L,VNVD06G4H79L4L,VNVD06G4H79RWL,VNVD06G4H71WBL,VNVD06G4H79GKL,VNVD06G4H79D4L,VNVD06G4H700TL,VNVD06G4H79GUL 2004.090.09:10:09.97/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 269 ; 2004.090.09:10:09.97:!2004.090.09:14:02 2004.090.09:14:02.00:disc_pos 2004.090.09:14:02.01/disc_pos/598530599904,598529599904, 2004.090.09:14:02.02:disc_start=on 2004.090.09:14:03.05:!2004.090.09:14:02 2004.090.09:14:03.06:preob 2004.090.09:14:04.94#antcn#ACK 2004.090.09:14:04.94/onsource/TRACKING 2004.090.09:14:07.70/tpical/1l,15921,1u,16320,2u,16082,3u,16184,4u,16300 2004.090.09:14:07.70/tpical/9u,16167,au,16102,bu,16132,cu,16176,du,16248,eu,16346 2004.090.09:14:07.70/tpical/5u,15722,6u,15531,7u,15292,8l,16102,8u,15065 2004.090.09:14:07.85/tpgain/1l,45,1u,50,2u,120,3u,126,4u,168 2004.090.09:14:07.85/tpgain/9u,112,au,109,bu,93,cu,155,du,203,eu,171 2004.090.09:14:07.85/tpgain/5u,16,6u,30,7u,24,8l,29,8u,31 2004.090.09:14:07.88:!2004.090.09:14:12 2004.090.09:14:12.00:disc_pos 2004.090.09:14:12.02/disc_pos/598786396160,598529599904, 2004.090.09:14:12.02:data_valid=on 2004.090.09:14:12.04:midob 2004.090.09:14:12.21/tpi/1l,15932,1u,16335,2u,16063,3u,16181,4u,16306 2004.090.09:14:12.22/tpi/9u,16182,au,16122,bu,16141,cu,16175,du,16241,eu,16338 2004.090.09:14:12.22/tpi/5u,15726,6u,15523,7u,15288,8l,16099,8u,15067 2004.090.09:14:12.82/tsys/1l,80.9,1u,79.4,2u,74.4,3u,77.6,4u,78.5 2004.090.09:14:12.83/tsys/9u,77.2,au,74.0,bu,80.8,cu,77.7,du,86.3,eu,88.1 2004.090.09:14:12.84/tsys/5u,81.9,6u,82.3,7u,84.1,8l,82.4,8u,80.7 2004.090.09:14:12.86/wx/12.9,993.7,97.7,72.5,0.4 2004.090.09:14:13.60/cable/3.710134961E-3 2004.090.09:14:14.07/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,19.20 2004.090.09:14:14.57/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,18.90 2004.090.09:14:15.07/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.50 2004.090.09:14:15.57/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,10.80 2004.090.09:14:16.07/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.599 2004.090.09:14:16.57/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.000 2004.090.09:14:17.07/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,4.133 2004.090.09:14:17.57/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,68.11 2004.090.09:14:18.07/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,57.46 2004.090.09:14:18.57/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.271 2004.090.09:14:19.07/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,240.0 2004.090.09:14:19.57/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,70.32 2004.090.09:14:19.67/bbc01/612.89,a,8,8,1,agc, -2.18, -3.10,lock,16328,15934,1018,1pps 2004.090.09:14:19.76/bbc02/652.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 5.42, 3.39,lock,16024,16081,1029,1pps 2004.090.09:14:19.85/bbc03/752.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 5.84, 4.01,lock,16157,16052,1027,1pps 2004.090.09:14:19.94/bbc04/912.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 8.34, 7.30,lock,16305,16221,1024,1pps 2004.090.09:14:20.03/bbc05/652.99,c,8,8,1,agc,-12.08,-12.64,lock,15741,15637,1025,1pps 2004.090.09:14:20.12/bbc06/772.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -6.62, -6.34,lock,15550,16142,1030,1pps 2004.090.09:14:20.21/bbc07/832.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -8.56, -8.56,lock,15292,16129,1033,1pps 2004.090.09:14:20.30/bbc08/852.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -6.34, -6.92,lock,16978,16104,1028,1pps 2004.090.09:14:20.39/bbc09/692.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.82, 4.66,lock,16183,16068,1020,1pps 2004.090.09:14:20.48/bbc10/700.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.58, 3.11,lock,16127,15982,1026,1pps 2004.090.09:14:20.57/bbc11/716.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 3.21, 3.11,lock,16154,16197,1022,1pps 2004.090.09:14:20.66/bbc12/772.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 7.64, 6.51,lock,16188,16123,1019,1pps 2004.090.09:14:20.75/bbc13/804.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 9.99, 9.77,lock,16236,16281,1031,1pps 2004.090.09:14:20.84/bbc14/812.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 8.50, 8.24,lock,16318,16196,1021,1pps 2004.090.09:14:20.94#antcn#Received message for antenna: GETS 2004.090.09:14:21.91#antcn#ACU: MJD: 53094, UTC: 33260, Src: ext. 1pps present 2004.090.09:14:21.91#antcn#ACU: Azimuth: Pos: -150749, Dev: 0, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.090.09:14:21.91#antcn#ACU: Elevation: Pos: 414392, Dev: -2, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.090.09:14:21.91#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.090.09:14:21.91#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.090.09:14:21.91#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.090.09:14:21.91#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.090.09:14:21.91#antcn#ACU: Az: no fault , no fault 2004.090.09:14:21.91#antcn#ACU: El: no fault , no fault 2004.090.09:14:21.93/antenna/ACK 2004.090.09:14:21.94:!2004.090.09:17:22 2004.090.09:17:22.00:data_valid=off 2004.090.09:17:22.01:disc_end 2004.090.09:17:22.28/disc_end/usn-0079/960/1024OK 2004.090.09:17:22.28:disc_pos 2004.090.09:17:22.29/disc_pos/604903737720,598530599904, 2004.090.09:17:22.29:disc_check 2004.090.09:17:22.85/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y090d09h17m22.325s,47060,0.00250s,80000,7898832312, 2004.090.09:17:22.85:postob_mk5a 2004.090.09:17:22.86/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 1148633 : 5551 : 1 : 9 : 0 : 4 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.09:17:22.87/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 1149329 : 4818 : 1 : 42 : 12 : 0 : 7 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.09:17:22.88/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 1149399 : 4784 : 1 : 10 : 2 : 0 : 8 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.09:17:22.89/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 1148690 : 5477 : 1 : 42 : 1 : 7 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.09:17:22.90/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 1148462 : 5728 : 3 : 9 : 2 : 7 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.09:17:22.91/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 1148395 : 5789 : 4 : 23 : 1 : 2 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.09:17:22.92/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 1149012 : 5200 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.09:17:22.93/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 1148856 : 5340 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.09:17:23.20/cable/3.707653325E-3 2004.090.09:17:23.89/fmout-gps/-7.528252E-6 2004.090.09:17:24.37/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,19.20 2004.090.09:17:24.87/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,18.90 2004.090.09:17:25.37/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.50 2004.090.09:17:25.87/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,10.70 2004.090.09:17:26.37/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.601 2004.090.09:17:26.87/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.000 2004.090.09:17:27.37/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,1.807 2004.090.09:17:27.87/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,61.54 2004.090.09:17:28.37/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,58.85 2004.090.09:17:28.87/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.244 2004.090.09:17:29.37/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,242.6 2004.090.09:17:29.87/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,67.14 2004.090.09:17:29.87:scan_name=090-0920,r1116,130 2004.090.09:17:29.88:source=1124-186,112704.39,-185717.4,2000.0,neutral 2004.090.09:17:33.94:setup4f 2004.090.09:17:35.90/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.090.09:17:35.92/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.090.09:17:35.95/bank_check/usn-0079/960/1024OK,VNVD06G4H7982L,VNVD06G4H79L4L,VNVD06G4H79RWL,VNVD06G4H71WBL,VNVD06G4H79GKL,VNVD06G4H79D4L,VNVD06G4H700TL,VNVD06G4H79GUL 2004.090.09:17:35.96/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 271 ; 2004.090.09:17:35.96:!2004.090.09:20:31 2004.090.09:19:45.84;antenna=stop 2004.090.09:19:45.94#antcn#Received message for antenna: STOP 2004.090.09:19:47.94/antenna/ACK 2004.090.09:19:52.26;antenna=idle 2004.090.09:19:52.94#antcn#Received message for antenna: IDLE 2004.090.09:19:54.94/antenna/ACK 2004.090.09:20:00.02;antenna=reset 2004.090.09:20:00.93#antcn#Received message for antenna: RESET 2004.090.09:20:02.93/antenna/ACK 2004.090.09:20:05.67;antenna=reset 2004.090.09:20:05.95#antcn#Received message for antenna: RESET 2004.090.09:20:07.95/antenna/ACK 2004.090.09:20:11.67;antenna=stan 2004.090.09:20:11.95#antcn#Received message for antenna: STAN 2004.090.09:20:13.95/antenna/ACK 2004.090.09:20:31.00:disc_pos 2004.090.09:20:31.00/disc_pos/604903737720,604902737720, 2004.090.09:20:31.01:disc_start=on 2004.090.09:20:32.05:!2004.090.09:20:31 2004.090.09:20:32.05:preob 2004.090.09:20:33.94#antcn#ACK 2004.090.09:20:33.94/onsource/TRACKING 2004.090.09:20:36.70/tpical/1l,16272,1u,16071,2u,15967,3u,16212,4u,16182 2004.090.09:20:36.70/tpical/9u,16201,au,16127,bu,16122,cu,16265,du,16314,eu,16338 2004.090.09:20:36.70/tpical/5u,16240,6u,16091,7u,15782,8l,15637,8u,15593 2004.090.09:20:36.85/tpgain/1l,45,1u,49,2u,118,3u,124,4u,165 2004.090.09:20:36.85/tpgain/9u,112,au,109,bu,92,cu,155,du,203,eu,170 2004.090.09:20:36.85/tpgain/5u,16,6u,30,7u,24,8l,28,8u,31 2004.090.09:20:36.88:!2004.090.09:20:41 2004.090.09:20:41.00:disc_pos 2004.090.09:20:41.00/disc_pos/605159534592,604902737720, 2004.090.09:20:41.01:data_valid=on 2004.090.09:20:41.02:midob 2004.090.09:20:41.19/tpi/1l,16281,1u,16072,2u,16013,3u,16196,4u,16194 2004.090.09:20:41.19/tpi/9u,16196,au,16135,bu,16108,cu,16241,du,16296,eu,16317 2004.090.09:20:41.19/tpi/5u,16233,6u,16075,7u,15800,8l,15656,8u,15583 2004.090.09:20:41.77/tsys/1l,82.7,1u,81.4,2u,76.8,3u,80.3,4u,81.1 2004.090.09:20:41.77/tsys/9u,77.3,au,74.0,bu,82.5,cu,78.1,du,86.6,eu,89.1 2004.090.09:20:41.78/tsys/5u,84.5,6u,85.3,7u,86.9,8l,86.0,8u,83.6 2004.090.09:20:41.79/wx/12.5,993.7,97.7,85.0,0.2 2004.090.09:20:42.40/cable/3.707452949E-3 2004.090.09:20:42.87/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,19.20 2004.090.09:20:43.32/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,18.90 2004.090.09:20:43.77/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.50 2004.090.09:20:44.22/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,10.70 2004.090.09:20:44.67/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.604 2004.090.09:20:45.12/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.000 2004.090.09:20:45.57/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,1.330 2004.090.09:20:46.02/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,62.85 2004.090.09:20:46.47/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,61.54 2004.090.09:20:46.92/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.244 2004.090.09:20:47.37/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,241.9 2004.090.09:20:47.82/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,65.92 2004.090.09:20:47.91/bbc01/612.89,a,8,8,1,agc, -2.36, -3.10,lock,16065,16277,1018,1pps 2004.090.09:20:47.99/bbc02/652.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 5.27, 3.21,lock,16035,16073,1029,1pps 2004.090.09:20:48.07/bbc03/752.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 5.70, 3.92,lock,16209,16249,1027,1pps 2004.090.09:20:48.15/bbc04/912.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 8.19, 7.18,lock,16180,16318,1024,1pps 2004.090.09:20:48.23/bbc05/652.99,c,8,8,1,agc,-12.08,-12.64,lock,16223,16176,1025,1pps 2004.090.09:20:48.32/bbc06/772.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -6.62, -6.62,lock,16069,15710,1030,1pps 2004.090.09:20:48.40/bbc07/832.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -8.56, -8.93,lock,15794,15340,1033,1pps 2004.090.09:20:48.48/bbc08/852.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -6.34, -7.22,lock,15601,15650,1028,1pps 2004.090.09:20:48.56/bbc09/692.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.82, 4.74,lock,16195,16314,1020,1pps 2004.090.09:20:48.64/bbc10/700.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.58, 3.21,lock,16130,16231,1026,1pps 2004.090.09:20:48.72/bbc11/716.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 3.11, 3.11,lock,16109,16219,1022,1pps 2004.090.09:20:48.80/bbc12/772.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 7.64, 6.44,lock,16238,16143,1019,1pps 2004.090.09:20:48.88/bbc13/804.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 9.99, 9.77,lock,16301,16223,1031,1pps 2004.090.09:20:48.96/bbc14/812.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 8.44, 8.24,lock,16313,16303,1021,1pps 2004.090.09:20:49.95#antcn#Received message for antenna: GETS 2004.090.09:20:50.93#antcn#ACU: MJD: 53094, UTC: 33649, Src: ext. 1pps present 2004.090.09:20:50.93#antcn#ACU: Azimuth: Pos: 354069, Dev: 0, Mode: Idle , Drives STOP 2004.090.09:20:50.93#antcn#ACU: Elevation: Pos: 165570, Dev: 0, Mode: Idle , Drives STOP 2004.090.09:20:50.93#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 1 INACTIVE, Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.090.09:20:50.93#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 2 INACTIVE, Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.090.09:20:50.93#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 1 INACTIVE, Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.090.09:20:50.93#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 2 INACTIVE, Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.090.09:20:50.93#antcn#ACU: Az: no fault , no fault 2004.090.09:20:50.93#antcn#ACU: El: no fault , no fault 2004.090.09:20:50.94/antenna/ACK 2004.090.09:20:50.94:!2004.090.09:22:51 2004.090.09:20:52.62;antenna=stan 2004.090.09:20:52.95#antcn#Received message for antenna: STAN 2004.090.09:20:54.95/antenna/ACK 2004.090.09:21:21.74;lsource 2004.090.09:22:22.95;antenna=stan 2004.090.09:22:23.95#antcn#Received message for antenna: STAN 2004.090.09:22:25.95/antenna/ACK 2004.090.09:22:49.25;"lost source by antenna fail 2004.090.09:22:51.00:data_valid=off 2004.090.09:22:51.01:disc_end 2004.090.09:22:51.27/disc_end/usn-0079/960/1024OK 2004.090.09:22:51.28:disc_pos 2004.090.09:22:51.29/disc_pos/609357145472,604903737720, 2004.090.09:22:51.29:disc_check 2004.090.09:22:51.60/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y090d09h22m51.328s,36120,0.00250s,80000,6074683188, 2004.090.09:22:51.60:postob_mk5a 2004.090.09:22:51.61/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 1157087 : 5594 : 1 : 9 : 0 : 4 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.09:22:51.62/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 1157794 : 4850 : 1 : 42 : 12 : 0 : 7 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.09:22:51.63/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 1157864 : 4818 : 1 : 10 : 2 : 0 : 8 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.09:22:51.64/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 1157142 : 5522 : 1 : 42 : 1 : 7 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.09:22:51.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 1156921 : 5767 : 3 : 9 : 2 : 7 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.09:22:51.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 1156849 : 5832 : 4 : 23 : 1 : 2 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.09:22:51.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 1157476 : 5234 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.09:22:51.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 1157315 : 5378 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.09:22:52.00/cable/3.708000787E-3 2004.090.09:22:53.89/fmout-gps/-7.522228E-6 2004.090.09:22:54.37/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,19.20 2004.090.09:22:54.87/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,19.00 2004.090.09:22:55.37/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.50 2004.090.09:22:55.87/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,10.80 2004.090.09:22:56.37/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.604 2004.090.09:22:56.87/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.000 2004.090.09:22:57.37/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,2.292 2004.090.09:22:57.87/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,64.17 2004.090.09:22:58.37/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,68.11 2004.090.09:22:58.87/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.244 2004.090.09:22:59.37/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,243.1 2004.090.09:22:59.87/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,66.66 2004.090.09:22:59.87:scan_name=090-0928,r1116,40 2004.090.09:22:59.88:source=1622-253,162546.89,-252738.3,2000.0,cw 2004.090.09:23:03.95:setup4f 2004.090.09:23:05.90/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.090.09:23:05.91/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.090.09:23:05.93/bank_check/usn-0079/960/1024OK,VNVD06G4H7982L,VNVD06G4H79L4L,VNVD06G4H79RWL,VNVD06G4H71WBL,VNVD06G4H79GKL,VNVD06G4H79D4L,VNVD06G4H700TL,VNVD06G4H79GUL 2004.090.09:23:05.97/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 273 ; 2004.090.09:23:05.97:!2004.090.09:28:49 2004.090.09:23:56.75;antenna=stan 2004.090.09:23:56.95#antcn#Received message for antenna: STAN 2004.090.09:23:58.95/antenna/ACK 2004.090.09:24:31.02;lsource 2004.090.09:28:49.00:disc_pos 2004.090.09:28:49.01/disc_pos/609357145472,609356145472, 2004.090.09:28:49.02:disc_start=on 2004.090.09:28:50.05:!2004.090.09:28:49 2004.090.09:28:50.05:preob 2004.090.09:28:51.95#antcn#ACK 2004.090.09:28:51.95/onsource/TRACKING 2004.090.09:28:54.70/tpical/1l,15735,1u,16106,2u,16110,3u,16217,4u,16211 2004.090.09:28:54.70/tpical/9u,16029,au,16063,bu,16051,cu,16331,du,16360,eu,16244 2004.090.09:28:54.70/tpical/5u,14079,6u,15665,7u,16264,8l,16148,8u,16124 2004.090.09:28:54.85/tpgain/1l,43,1u,48,2u,116,3u,121,4u,163 2004.090.09:28:54.85/tpgain/9u,108,au,104,bu,89,cu,150,du,197,eu,165 2004.090.09:28:54.85/tpgain/5u,15,6u,29,7u,24,8l,28,8u,31 2004.090.09:28:54.88:!2004.090.09:28:59 2004.090.09:28:59.00:disc_pos 2004.090.09:28:59.01/disc_pos/609612939264,609356145472, 2004.090.09:28:59.03:data_valid=on 2004.090.09:28:59.03:midob 2004.090.09:28:59.21/tpi/1l,15724,1u,16105,2u,16106,3u,16223,4u,16205 2004.090.09:28:59.21/tpi/9u,16010,au,16038,bu,16030,cu,16304,du,16331,eu,16215 2004.090.09:28:59.21/tpi/5u,14086,6u,15682,7u,16261,8l,16143,8u,16124 2004.090.09:28:59.82/tsys/1l,87.7,1u,85.2,2u,80.0,3u,84.7,4u,83.4 2004.090.09:28:59.83/tsys/9u,82.3,au,81.1,bu,87.9,cu,83.9,du,92.4,eu,94.3 2004.090.09:28:59.83/tsys/5u,83.5,6u,89.2,7u,89.5,8l,88.8,8u,86.5 2004.090.09:28:59.86/wx/12.8,993.7,97.7,79.7,0.0 2004.090.09:29:00.00/cable/3.707375185E-3 2004.090.09:29:00.48/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,19.20 2004.090.09:29:00.98/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,18.90 2004.090.09:29:01.48/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.60 2004.090.09:29:01.98/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,10.70 2004.090.09:29:02.48/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.601 2004.090.09:29:02.98/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.000 2004.090.09:29:03.48/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,5.361 2004.090.09:29:03.98/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,61.54 2004.090.09:29:04.48/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,62.85 2004.090.09:29:04.98/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.244 2004.090.09:29:05.48/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,237.0 2004.090.09:29:05.98/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,69.34 2004.090.09:29:06.07/bbc01/612.89,a,8,8,1,agc, -2.54, -3.49,lock,16117,15729,1018,1pps 2004.090.09:29:06.15/bbc02/652.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 5.12, 3.02,lock,16085,15898,1029,1pps 2004.090.09:29:06.23/bbc03/752.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 5.49, 3.66,lock,16229,16061,1027,1pps 2004.090.09:29:06.31/bbc04/912.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 8.08, 7.00,lock,16213,16182,1024,1pps 2004.090.09:29:06.39/bbc05/652.99,c,8,8,1,agc,-12.08,-13.24,lock,14092,14780,1025,1pps 2004.090.09:29:06.47/bbc06/772.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -6.92, -6.92,lock,15680,15358,1030,1pps 2004.090.09:29:06.55/bbc07/832.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -8.56, -8.93,lock,16254,15719,1033,1pps 2004.090.09:29:06.63/bbc08/852.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -6.34, -7.22,lock,16135,16152,1028,1pps 2004.090.09:29:06.71/bbc09/692.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.50, 4.26,lock,16004,15943,1020,1pps 2004.090.09:29:06.80/bbc10/700.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.18, 2.82,lock,16035,16237,1026,1pps 2004.090.09:29:06.88/bbc11/716.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 2.82, 2.73,lock,16033,16126,1022,1pps 2004.090.09:29:06.96/bbc12/772.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 7.36, 6.18,lock,16296,16324,1019,1pps 2004.090.09:29:07.05/bbc13/804.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 9.73, 9.50,lock,16329,16305,1031,1pps 2004.090.09:29:07.13/bbc14/812.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 8.19, 7.97,lock,16203,16258,1021,1pps 2004.090.09:29:07.96#antcn#Received message for antenna: GETS 2004.090.09:29:08.93#antcn#ACU: MJD: 53094, UTC: 34147, Src: ext. 1pps present 2004.090.09:29:08.93#antcn#ACU: Azimuth: Pos: 3179745, Dev: -4, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.090.09:29:08.93#antcn#ACU: Elevation: Pos: 752355, Dev: 0, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.090.09:29:08.93#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.090.09:29:08.93#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.090.09:29:08.93#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.090.09:29:08.93#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.090.09:29:08.93#antcn#ACU: Az: no fault , no fault 2004.090.09:29:08.93#antcn#ACU: El: no fault , no fault 2004.090.09:29:08.94/antenna/ACK 2004.090.09:29:08.94:!2004.090.09:29:39 2004.090.09:29:39.00:data_valid=off 2004.090.09:29:39.01:disc_end 2004.090.09:29:39.27/disc_end/usn-0079/960/1024OK 2004.090.09:29:39.28:disc_pos 2004.090.09:29:39.28/disc_pos/610930317928,609357145472, 2004.090.09:29:39.29:disc_check 2004.090.09:29:39.86/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y090d09h29m39.328s,53420,0.00250s,80000,11482810244, 2004.090.09:29:39.86:postob_mk5a 2004.090.09:29:39.87/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 1160072 : 5612 : 1 : 9 : 0 : 4 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.09:29:39.88/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 1160782 : 4864 : 1 : 43 : 12 : 0 : 7 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.09:29:39.89/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 1160848 : 4836 : 1 : 11 : 2 : 0 : 8 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.09:29:39.90/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 1160128 : 5538 : 1 : 43 : 1 : 7 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.09:29:39.90/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 1159905 : 5786 : 3 : 9 : 2 : 7 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.09:29:39.91/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 1159835 : 5848 : 4 : 24 : 1 : 2 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.09:29:39.92/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 1160467 : 5247 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.09:29:39.93/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 1160286 : 5410 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.09:29:40.80/cable/3.708863573E-3 2004.090.09:29:41.89/fmout-gps/-7.545171E-6 2004.090.09:29:42.37/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,19.20 2004.090.09:29:42.82/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,18.90 2004.090.09:29:43.28/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.60 2004.090.09:29:43.78/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,10.70 2004.090.09:29:44.27/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.601 2004.090.09:29:44.72/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.000 2004.090.09:29:45.22/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,1.172 2004.090.09:29:45.67/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,62.85 2004.090.09:29:46.12/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,60.22 2004.090.09:29:46.57/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.244 2004.090.09:29:47.02/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,237.5 2004.090.09:29:47.47/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,67.39 2004.090.09:29:47.47:scan_name=090-0932,r1116,151 2004.090.09:29:47.48:source=1611+343,161341.06,341247.9,2000.0,cw 2004.090.09:29:51.95:setup4f 2004.090.09:29:53.90/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.090.09:29:53.91/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.090.09:29:53.96/bank_check/usn-0079/960/1024OK,VNVD06G4H7982L,VNVD06G4H79L4L,VNVD06G4H79RWL,VNVD06G4H71WBL,VNVD06G4H79GKL,VNVD06G4H79D4L,VNVD06G4H700TL,VNVD06G4H79GUL 2004.090.09:29:53.97/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 275 ; 2004.090.09:29:53.97:!2004.090.09:32:23 2004.090.09:32:23.00:disc_pos 2004.090.09:32:23.01/disc_pos/610930317928,610929317928, 2004.090.09:32:23.02:disc_start=on 2004.090.09:32:24.05:!2004.090.09:32:23 2004.090.09:32:24.06:preob 2004.090.09:32:25.95#antcn#ACK 2004.090.09:32:25.95/onsource/TRACKING 2004.090.09:32:28.69/tpical/1l,15740,1u,16229,2u,16214,3u,16213,4u,16247 2004.090.09:32:28.69/tpical/9u,16203,au,16154,bu,16125,cu,16261,du,16276,eu,16331 2004.090.09:32:28.69/tpical/5u,16233,6u,16097,7u,15832,8l,15679,8u,15638 2004.090.09:32:28.84/tpgain/1l,44,1u,49,2u,119,3u,124,4u,165 2004.090.09:32:28.84/tpgain/9u,112,au,109,bu,92,cu,155,du,202,eu,170 2004.090.09:32:28.84/tpgain/5u,16,6u,30,7u,24,8l,28,8u,31 2004.090.09:32:28.87:!2004.090.09:32:33 2004.090.09:32:33.00:disc_pos 2004.090.09:32:33.02/disc_pos/611186114560,610929317928, 2004.090.09:32:33.02:data_valid=on 2004.090.09:32:33.03:midob 2004.090.09:32:33.20/tpi/1l,15729,1u,16218,2u,16227,3u,16208,4u,16260 2004.090.09:32:33.20/tpi/9u,16217,au,16164,bu,16143,cu,16280,du,16280,eu,16348 2004.090.09:32:33.20/tpi/5u,16220,6u,16095,7u,15832,8l,15685,8u,15638 2004.090.09:32:33.78/tsys/1l,83.6,1u,82.2,2u,76.5,3u,80.4,4u,81.5 2004.090.09:32:33.78/tsys/9u,77.4,au,74.2,bu,82.7,cu,78.3,du,87.4,eu,89.3 2004.090.09:32:33.79/tsys/5u,84.5,6u,85.4,7u,87.1,8l,86.2,8u,83.9 2004.090.09:32:33.80/wx/12.9,993.7,97.7,72.5,0.1 2004.090.09:32:34.40/cable/3.706552011E-3 2004.090.09:32:34.88/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,19.20 2004.090.09:32:35.38/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,18.90 2004.090.09:32:35.88/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.50 2004.090.09:32:36.38/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,10.70 2004.090.09:32:36.88/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.599 2004.090.09:32:37.38/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.000 2004.090.09:32:37.88/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.550 2004.090.09:32:38.38/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,62.85 2004.090.09:32:38.88/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,58.85 2004.090.09:32:39.38/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.244 2004.090.09:32:39.88/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,242.4 2004.090.09:32:40.38/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,68.61 2004.090.09:32:40.47/bbc01/612.89,a,8,8,1,agc, -2.36, -3.30,lock,16217,15728,1018,1pps 2004.090.09:32:40.55/bbc02/652.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 5.35, 3.30,lock,16235,16192,1029,1pps 2004.090.09:32:40.63/bbc03/752.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 5.70, 3.92,lock,16228,16205,1027,1pps 2004.090.09:32:40.71/bbc04/912.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 8.19, 7.18,lock,16259,16364,1024,1pps 2004.090.09:32:40.79/bbc05/652.99,c,8,8,1,agc,-12.08,-12.64,lock,16228,16179,1025,1pps 2004.090.09:32:40.87/bbc06/772.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -6.62, -6.62,lock,16107,15742,1030,1pps 2004.090.09:32:40.95/bbc07/832.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -8.56, -8.93,lock,15846,15372,1033,1pps 2004.090.09:32:41.03/bbc08/852.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -6.34, -7.22,lock,15650,15703,1028,1pps 2004.090.09:32:41.11/bbc09/692.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.82, 4.66,lock,16222,16113,1020,1pps 2004.090.09:32:41.19/bbc10/700.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.58, 3.21,lock,16174,16324,1026,1pps 2004.090.09:32:41.27/bbc11/716.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 3.11, 3.02,lock,16168,16153,1022,1pps 2004.090.09:32:41.35/bbc12/772.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 7.64, 6.44,lock,16283,16245,1019,1pps 2004.090.09:32:41.44/bbc13/804.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 9.94, 9.73,lock,16293,16241,1031,1pps 2004.090.09:32:41.52/bbc14/812.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 8.44, 8.19,lock,16351,16240,1021,1pps 2004.090.09:32:41.96#antcn#Received message for antenna: GETS 2004.090.09:32:42.93#antcn#ACU: MJD: 53094, UTC: 34361, Src: ext. 1pps present 2004.090.09:32:42.93#antcn#ACU: Azimuth: Pos: 3471473, Dev: 1, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.090.09:32:42.93#antcn#ACU: Elevation: Pos: 176444, Dev: 0, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.090.09:32:42.93#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.090.09:32:42.93#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.090.09:32:42.93#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.090.09:32:42.93#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.090.09:32:42.93#antcn#ACU: Az: no fault , no fault 2004.090.09:32:42.93#antcn#ACU: El: no fault , no fault 2004.090.09:32:42.94/antenna/ACK 2004.090.09:32:42.94:!2004.090.09:35:04 2004.090.09:35:04.00:data_valid=off 2004.090.09:35:04.01:disc_end 2004.090.09:35:04.28/disc_end/usn-0079/960/1024OK 2004.090.09:35:04.28:disc_pos 2004.090.09:35:04.29/disc_pos/616055536888,610930317928, 2004.090.09:35:04.29:disc_check 2004.090.09:35:04.81/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y090d09h35m04.332s,57936,0.00250s,80000,5274936524, 2004.090.09:35:04.81:postob_mk5a 2004.090.09:35:04.82/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 1169806 : 5657 : 1 : 9 : 0 : 4 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.09:35:04.83/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 1170518 : 4906 : 1 : 43 : 13 : 0 : 7 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.09:35:04.84/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 1170585 : 4879 : 1 : 11 : 2 : 0 : 8 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.09:35:04.85/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 1169855 : 5590 : 1 : 43 : 1 : 7 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.09:35:04.85/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 1169624 : 5847 : 3 : 9 : 2 : 7 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.09:35:04.86/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 1169567 : 5895 : 4 : 24 : 1 : 2 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.09:35:04.87/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 1170201 : 5292 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.09:35:04.88/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 1170028 : 5447 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.09:35:05.60/cable/3.706435181E-3 2004.090.09:35:05.89/fmout-gps/-7.510086E-6 2004.090.09:35:06.37/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,19.20 2004.090.09:35:06.83/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,18.90 2004.090.09:35:07.33/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.40 2004.090.09:35:07.83/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,10.70 2004.090.09:35:08.33/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.601 2004.090.09:35:08.82/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.000 2004.090.09:35:09.28/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.621 2004.090.09:35:09.78/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,57.46 2004.090.09:35:10.27/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,62.85 2004.090.09:35:10.72/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.271 2004.090.09:35:11.17/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,241.9 2004.090.09:35:11.62/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,65.43 2004.090.09:35:11.62:scan_name=090-0942,r1116,40 2004.090.09:35:11.63:source=1741-038,174358.86,-035004.6,2000.0,cw 2004.090.09:35:15.96:setup4f 2004.090.09:35:18.90/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.090.09:35:18.91/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.090.09:35:18.93/bank_check/usn-0079/960/1024OK,VNVD06G4H7982L,VNVD06G4H79L4L,VNVD06G4H79RWL,VNVD06G4H71WBL,VNVD06G4H79GKL,VNVD06G4H79D4L,VNVD06G4H700TL,VNVD06G4H79GUL 2004.090.09:35:18.96/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 277 ; 2004.090.09:35:18.96:!2004.090.09:41:59 2004.090.09:41:59.00:disc_pos 2004.090.09:41:59.01/disc_pos/616055536888,616054536888, 2004.090.09:41:59.02:disc_start=on 2004.090.09:42:00.05:!2004.090.09:41:59 2004.090.09:42:00.06:preob 2004.090.09:42:01.96#antcn#ACK 2004.090.09:42:01.96/onsource/TRACKING 2004.090.09:42:04.72/tpical/1l,16160,1u,15837,2u,16125,3u,16308,4u,16266 2004.090.09:42:04.72/tpical/9u,16049,au,16155,bu,16250,cu,16301,du,16208,eu,16297 2004.090.09:42:04.72/tpical/5u,16039,6u,15859,7u,15635,8l,15486,8u,15438 2004.090.09:42:04.87/tpgain/1l,45,1u,49,2u,119,3u,125,4u,167 2004.090.09:42:04.87/tpgain/9u,111,au,107,bu,90,cu,153,du,200,eu,168 2004.090.09:42:04.87/tpgain/5u,16,6u,30,7u,24,8l,28,8u,31 2004.090.09:42:04.92:!2004.090.09:42:09 2004.090.09:42:09.00:disc_pos 2004.090.09:42:09.00/disc_pos/616311332864,616054536888, 2004.090.09:42:09.01:data_valid=on 2004.090.09:42:09.02:midob 2004.090.09:42:09.19/tpi/1l,16152,1u,15834,2u,16126,3u,16289,4u,16263 2004.090.09:42:09.19/tpi/9u,16070,au,16215,bu,16272,cu,16311,du,16219,eu,16309 2004.090.09:42:09.19/tpi/5u,16024,6u,15846,7u,15653,8l,15502,8u,15435 2004.090.09:42:09.77/tsys/1l,82.0,1u,80.2,2u,76.0,3u,79.5,4u,79.3 2004.090.09:42:09.77/tsys/9u,78.1,au,77.3,bu,87.2,cu,80.6,du,88.9,eu,91.3 2004.090.09:42:09.77/tsys/5u,83.4,6u,84.1,7u,86.1,8l,85.2,8u,82.7 2004.090.09:42:09.79/wx/12.8,993.7,97.7,88.2,0.4 2004.090.09:42:10.40/cable/3.708593709E-3 2004.090.09:42:10.88/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,19.10 2004.090.09:42:11.38/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,18.90 2004.090.09:42:11.88/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.60 2004.090.09:42:12.38/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,10.70 2004.090.09:42:12.88/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.601 2004.090.09:42:13.38/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.000 2004.090.09:42:13.88/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,1.015 2004.090.09:42:14.38/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,65.48 2004.090.09:42:14.88/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,60.22 2004.090.09:42:15.38/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.244 2004.090.09:42:15.88/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,243.4 2004.090.09:42:16.38/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,68.12 2004.090.09:42:16.47/bbc01/612.89,a,8,8,1,agc, -2.36, -3.10,lock,15839,16168,1018,1pps 2004.090.09:42:16.55/bbc02/652.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 5.35, 3.30,lock,16102,16213,1029,1pps 2004.090.09:42:16.63/bbc03/752.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 5.77, 3.92,lock,16307,16197,1027,1pps 2004.090.09:42:16.71/bbc04/912.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 8.29, 7.24,lock,16252,16326,1024,1pps 2004.090.09:42:16.79/bbc05/652.99,c,8,8,1,agc,-12.08,-12.64,lock,16022,15955,1025,1pps 2004.090.09:42:16.87/bbc06/772.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -6.62, -6.62,lock,15842,15533,1030,1pps 2004.090.09:42:16.95/bbc07/832.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -8.56, -8.93,lock,15654,15182,1033,1pps 2004.090.09:42:17.03/bbc08/852.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -6.34, -7.22,lock,15438,15493,1028,1pps 2004.090.09:42:17.11/bbc09/692.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.74, 4.50,lock,16065,16051,1020,1pps 2004.090.09:42:17.19/bbc10/700.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.42, 3.02,lock,16197,16096,1026,1pps 2004.090.09:42:17.27/bbc11/716.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 2.92, 2.82,lock,16256,16281,1022,1pps 2004.090.09:42:17.35/bbc12/772.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 7.53, 6.31,lock,16312,16198,1019,1pps 2004.090.09:42:17.44/bbc13/804.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 9.86, 9.68,lock,16216,16306,1031,1pps 2004.090.09:42:17.52/bbc14/812.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 8.34, 8.13,lock,16309,16257,1021,1pps 2004.090.09:42:17.96#antcn#Received message for antenna: GETS 2004.090.09:42:18.93#antcn#ACU: MJD: 53094, UTC: 34937, Src: ext. 1pps present 2004.090.09:42:18.93#antcn#ACU: Azimuth: Pos: 3698207, Dev: -4, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.090.09:42:18.93#antcn#ACU: Elevation: Pos: 565531, Dev: 0, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.090.09:42:18.93#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.090.09:42:18.93#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.090.09:42:18.93#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.090.09:42:18.93#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.090.09:42:18.93#antcn#ACU: Az: no fault , no fault 2004.090.09:42:18.93#antcn#ACU: El: no fault , no fault 2004.090.09:42:18.94/antenna/ACK 2004.090.09:42:18.94:!2004.090.09:42:49 2004.090.09:42:49.00:data_valid=off 2004.090.09:42:49.01:disc_end 2004.090.09:42:49.27/disc_end/usn-0079/960/1024OK 2004.090.09:42:49.27:disc_pos 2004.090.09:42:49.28/disc_pos/617628712440,616055536888, 2004.090.09:42:49.28:disc_check 2004.090.09:42:49.81/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y090d09h42m49.328s,77176,0.00250s,80000,13306645208, 2004.090.09:42:49.81:postob_mk5a 2004.090.09:42:49.82/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 1172796 : 5670 : 1 : 9 : 0 : 4 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.09:42:49.83/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 1173510 : 4916 : 1 : 43 : 14 : 0 : 7 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.09:42:49.84/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 1173573 : 4895 : 1 : 11 : 2 : 0 : 8 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.09:42:49.85/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 1172843 : 5605 : 1 : 43 : 1 : 7 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.09:42:49.86/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 1172605 : 5869 : 3 : 9 : 2 : 7 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.09:42:49.86/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 1172554 : 5911 : 4 : 24 : 1 : 2 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.09:42:49.87/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 1173189 : 5307 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.09:42:49.88/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 1173018 : 5460 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.09:42:50.39/cable/3.709011937E-3 2004.090.09:42:51.88/fmout-gps/-7.536559E-6 2004.090.09:42:52.37/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,19.20 2004.090.09:42:52.87/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,18.90 2004.090.09:42:53.37/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.60 2004.090.09:42:53.87/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,10.80 2004.090.09:42:54.37/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.601 2004.090.09:42:54.87/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.000 2004.090.09:42:55.37/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.621 2004.090.09:42:55.87/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,56.07 2004.090.09:42:56.37/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,60.22 2004.090.09:42:56.87/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.244 2004.090.09:42:57.37/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,243.1 2004.090.09:42:57.87/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,67.14 2004.090.09:42:57.87:scan_name=090-0953a,r1116,123 2004.090.09:42:57.88:source=1519-273,152237.68,-273010.8,2000.0,cw 2004.090.09:43:01.95:setup4f 2004.090.09:43:03.89/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.090.09:43:03.90/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.090.09:43:03.92/bank_check/usn-0079/960/1024OK,VNVD06G4H7982L,VNVD06G4H79L4L,VNVD06G4H79RWL,VNVD06G4H71WBL,VNVD06G4H79GKL,VNVD06G4H79D4L,VNVD06G4H700TL,VNVD06G4H79GUL 2004.090.09:43:03.94/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 279 ; 2004.090.09:43:03.94:!2004.090.09:53:18 2004.090.09:53:18.00:disc_pos 2004.090.09:53:18.01/disc_pos/617628712440,617627712440, 2004.090.09:53:18.02:disc_start=on 2004.090.09:53:19.05:!2004.090.09:53:18 2004.090.09:53:19.05:preob 2004.090.09:53:20.97#antcn#ACK 2004.090.09:53:20.97/onsource/TRACKING 2004.090.09:53:23.72/tpical/1l,15925,1u,16306,2u,16025,3u,16127,4u,16219 2004.090.09:53:23.72/tpical/9u,15963,au,16001,bu,16223,cu,16243,du,16378,eu,16367 2004.090.09:53:23.72/tpical/5u,16243,6u,16065,7u,15776,8l,15635,8u,15627 2004.090.09:53:23.87/tpgain/1l,44,1u,49,2u,118,3u,123,4u,165 2004.090.09:53:23.87/tpgain/9u,110,au,106,bu,91,cu,152,du,200,eu,168 2004.090.09:53:23.87/tpgain/5u,16,6u,30,7u,24,8l,28,8u,31 2004.090.09:53:23.90:!2004.090.09:53:28 2004.090.09:53:28.00:disc_pos 2004.090.09:53:28.02/disc_pos/617884508160,617627712440, 2004.090.09:53:28.02:data_valid=on 2004.090.09:53:28.03:midob 2004.090.09:53:28.20/tpi/1l,15917,1u,16311,2u,16021,3u,16105,4u,16224 2004.090.09:53:28.20/tpi/9u,15953,au,15990,bu,16233,cu,16229,du,16377,eu,16372 2004.090.09:53:28.20/tpi/5u,16229,6u,16056,7u,15783,8l,15642,8u,15622 2004.090.09:53:28.77/tsys/1l,84.6,1u,82.7,2u,76.8,3u,81.2,4u,81.3 2004.090.09:53:28.77/tsys/9u,79.0,au,77.7,bu,85.0,cu,81.3,du,89.8,eu,91.7 2004.090.09:53:28.78/tsys/5u,84.5,6u,85.2,7u,86.8,8l,85.9,8u,83.8 2004.090.09:53:28.79/wx/12.9,993.8,97.7,97.2,1.1 2004.090.09:53:29.59/cable/3.709989534E-3 2004.090.09:53:30.07/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,19.20 2004.090.09:53:30.52/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,18.90 2004.090.09:53:30.97/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.60 2004.090.09:53:31.47/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,10.70 2004.090.09:53:31.97/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.601 2004.090.09:53:32.47/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.000 2004.090.09:53:32.97/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,1.172 2004.090.09:53:33.47/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,58.85 2004.090.09:53:33.97/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,64.17 2004.090.09:53:34.47/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.244 2004.090.09:53:34.97/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,237.3 2004.090.09:53:35.47/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,67.14 2004.090.09:53:35.56/bbc01/612.89,a,8,8,1,agc, -2.36, -3.30,lock,16314,15929,1018,1pps 2004.090.09:53:35.64/bbc02/652.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 5.27, 3.21,lock,16023,16031,1029,1pps 2004.090.09:53:35.72/bbc03/752.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 5.63, 3.84,lock,16114,16100,1027,1pps 2004.090.09:53:35.80/bbc04/912.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 8.19, 7.18,lock,16218,16327,1024,1pps 2004.090.09:53:35.88/bbc05/652.99,c,8,8,1,agc,-12.08,-12.64,lock,16241,16139,1025,1pps 2004.090.09:53:35.96/bbc06/772.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -6.62, -6.62,lock,16062,15736,1030,1pps 2004.090.09:53:36.04/bbc07/832.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -8.56, -8.93,lock,15785,15300,1033,1pps 2004.090.09:53:36.12/bbc08/852.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -6.34, -7.22,lock,15629,15654,1028,1pps 2004.090.09:53:36.20/bbc09/692.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.66, 4.50,lock,15950,16214,1020,1pps 2004.090.09:53:36.28/bbc10/700.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.34, 2.92,lock,15989,15981,1026,1pps 2004.090.09:53:36.36/bbc11/716.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 3.02, 2.92,lock,16243,16224,1022,1pps 2004.090.09:53:36.44/bbc12/772.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 7.47, 6.31,lock,16245,16319,1019,1pps 2004.090.09:53:36.52/bbc13/804.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 9.86, 9.64,lock,16374,16281,1031,1pps 2004.090.09:53:36.60/bbc14/812.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 8.34, 8.08,lock,16360,16184,1021,1pps 2004.090.09:53:36.97#antcn#Received message for antenna: GETS 2004.090.09:53:37.94#antcn#ACU: MJD: 53094, UTC: 35616, Src: ext. 1pps present 2004.090.09:53:37.94#antcn#ACU: Azimuth: Pos: 2791852, Dev: 0, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.090.09:53:37.94#antcn#ACU: Elevation: Pos: 608195, Dev: 2, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.090.09:53:37.94#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.090.09:53:37.94#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.090.09:53:37.94#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.090.09:53:37.94#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.090.09:53:37.94#antcn#ACU: Az: no fault , no fault 2004.090.09:53:37.94#antcn#ACU: El: no fault , no fault 2004.090.09:53:37.95/antenna/ACK 2004.090.09:53:37.95:!2004.090.09:55:31 2004.090.09:55:31.00:data_valid=off 2004.090.09:55:31.01:disc_end 2004.090.09:55:31.27/disc_end/usn-0079/960/1024OK 2004.090.09:55:31.28:disc_pos 2004.090.09:55:31.30/disc_pos/621858079352,617628712440, 2004.090.09:55:31.30:disc_check 2004.090.09:55:31.60/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y090d09h55m31.335s,53984,0.00250s,80000,20154896280, 2004.090.09:55:31.60:postob_mk5a 2004.090.09:55:31.62/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 1180836 : 5701 : 1 : 9 : 0 : 4 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.09:55:31.63/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 1181554 : 4942 : 1 : 43 : 14 : 0 : 7 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.09:55:31.63/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 1181606 : 4932 : 1 : 11 : 2 : 0 : 8 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.09:55:31.64/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 1180876 : 5642 : 1 : 43 : 1 : 7 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.09:55:31.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 1180639 : 5905 : 3 : 9 : 2 : 7 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.09:55:31.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 1180583 : 5952 : 4 : 24 : 1 : 2 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.09:55:31.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 1181224 : 5342 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.09:55:31.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 1181053 : 5495 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.09:55:31.99/cable/3.708264128E-3 2004.090.09:55:33.88/fmout-gps/-7.482522E-6 2004.090.09:55:34.37/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,19.10 2004.090.09:55:34.87/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,18.90 2004.090.09:55:35.37/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.60 2004.090.09:55:35.87/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,10.70 2004.090.09:55:36.37/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.599 2004.090.09:55:36.87/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.000 2004.090.09:55:37.37/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,1.172 2004.090.09:55:37.87/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,65.48 2004.090.09:55:38.38/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,69.43 2004.090.09:55:38.88/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.244 2004.090.09:55:39.38/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,243.1 2004.090.09:55:39.88/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,64.21 2004.090.09:55:39.88:scan_name=090-0957,r1116,190 2004.090.09:55:39.89:source=1606+106,160846.20,102907.8,2000.0,cw 2004.090.09:55:43.98:setup4f 2004.090.09:55:46.90/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.090.09:55:46.91/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.090.09:55:46.93/bank_check/usn-0079/960/1024OK,VNVD06G4H7982L,VNVD06G4H79L4L,VNVD06G4H79RWL,VNVD06G4H71WBL,VNVD06G4H79GKL,VNVD06G4H79D4L,VNVD06G4H700TL,VNVD06G4H79GUL 2004.090.09:55:46.95/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 281 ; 2004.090.09:55:46.95:!2004.090.09:57:09 2004.090.09:57:09.00:disc_pos 2004.090.09:57:09.01/disc_pos/621858079352,621857079352, 2004.090.09:57:09.02:disc_start=on 2004.090.09:57:10.05:!2004.090.09:57:09 2004.090.09:57:10.05:preob 2004.090.09:57:11.97#antcn#ACK 2004.090.09:57:11.97/onsource/TRACKING 2004.090.09:57:14.71/tpical/1l,16154,1u,15918,2u,16312,3u,15953,4u,16247 2004.090.09:57:14.71/tpical/9u,16416,au,16083,bu,16022,cu,16200,du,16150,eu,16215 2004.090.09:57:14.71/tpical/5u,15854,6u,15646,7u,15484,8l,15314,8u,17168 2004.090.09:57:14.86/tpgain/1l,45,1u,49,2u,120,3u,124,4u,167 2004.090.09:57:14.86/tpgain/9u,112,au,108,bu,91,cu,154,du,201,eu,169 2004.090.09:57:14.86/tpgain/5u,16,6u,30,7u,24,8l,28,8u,32 2004.090.09:57:14.89:!2004.090.09:57:19 2004.090.09:57:19.00:disc_pos 2004.090.09:57:19.00/disc_pos/622113878016,621857079352, 2004.090.09:57:19.01:data_valid=on 2004.090.09:57:19.03:midob 2004.090.09:57:19.20/tpi/1l,16138,1u,15923,2u,16301,3u,15963,4u,16266 2004.090.09:57:19.20/tpi/9u,16415,au,16081,bu,16027,cu,16195,du,16157,eu,16214 2004.090.09:57:19.20/tpi/5u,15858,6u,15668,7u,15486,8l,15325,8u,17169 2004.090.09:57:19.79/tsys/1l,82.0,1u,80.7,2u,75.5,3u,79.1,4u,79.3 2004.090.09:57:19.79/tsys/9u,78.3,au,75.2,bu,83.9,cu,78.9,du,87.6,eu,89.6 2004.090.09:57:19.80/tsys/5u,82.6,6u,83.1,7u,85.2,8l,84.2,8u,86.5 2004.090.09:57:19.81/wx/13.1,993.8,97.7,71.9,0.0 2004.090.09:57:19.99/cable/3.710559221E-3 2004.090.09:57:20.47/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,19.10 2004.090.09:57:20.97/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,18.90 2004.090.09:57:21.47/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.50 2004.090.09:57:21.97/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,10.70 2004.090.09:57:22.47/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.601 2004.090.09:57:22.97/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.000 2004.090.09:57:23.47/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,2.949 2004.090.09:57:23.97/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,56.07 2004.090.09:57:24.47/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,58.85 2004.090.09:57:24.98/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.244 2004.090.09:57:25.48/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,242.6 2004.090.09:57:25.98/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,64.46 2004.090.09:57:26.07/bbc01/612.89,a,8,8,1,agc, -2.36, -3.10,lock,15909,16141,1018,1pps 2004.090.09:57:26.15/bbc02/652.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 5.42, 3.39,lock,16277,16262,1029,1pps 2004.090.09:57:26.23/bbc03/752.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 5.70, 3.92,lock,15959,15977,1027,1pps 2004.090.09:57:26.31/bbc04/912.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 8.29, 7.24,lock,16244,16250,1024,1pps 2004.090.09:57:26.40/bbc05/652.99,c,8,8,1,agc,-12.08,-12.64,lock,15867,15800,1025,1pps 2004.090.09:57:26.48/bbc06/772.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -6.62, -6.34,lock,15677,16280,1030,1pps 2004.090.09:57:26.57/bbc07/832.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -8.56, -8.93,lock,15473,15045,1033,1pps 2004.090.09:57:26.65/bbc08/852.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -6.06, -7.22,lock,15259,15310,1028,1pps 2004.090.09:57:26.73/bbc09/692.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.82, 4.58,lock,15755,16038,1020,1pps 2004.090.09:57:26.81/bbc10/700.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.50, 3.11,lock,16066,16156,1026,1pps 2004.090.09:57:26.89/bbc11/716.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 3.02, 3.02,lock,16017,16108,1022,1pps 2004.090.09:57:26.97/bbc12/772.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 7.59, 6.44,lock,16181,16305,1019,1pps 2004.090.09:57:27.06/bbc13/804.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 9.94, 9.73,lock,16126,16296,1031,1pps 2004.090.09:57:27.14/bbc14/812.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 8.39, 8.19,lock,16193,16209,1021,1pps 2004.090.09:57:27.98#antcn#Received message for antenna: GETS 2004.090.09:57:28.96#antcn#ACU: MJD: 53094, UTC: 35847, Src: ext. 1pps present 2004.090.09:57:28.96#antcn#ACU: Azimuth: Pos: 3316947, Dev: 0, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.090.09:57:28.96#antcn#ACU: Elevation: Pos: 382429, Dev: 0, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.090.09:57:28.96#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.090.09:57:28.96#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.090.09:57:28.96#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.090.09:57:28.96#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.090.09:57:28.96#antcn#ACU: Az: no fault , no fault 2004.090.09:57:28.96#antcn#ACU: El: no fault , no fault 2004.090.09:57:28.97/antenna/ACK 2004.090.09:57:28.97:!2004.090.10:00:29 2004.090.10:00:29.00:data_valid=off 2004.090.10:00:29.02:disc_end 2004.090.10:00:29.28/disc_end/usn-0079/960/1024OK 2004.090.10:00:29.29:disc_pos 2004.090.10:00:29.30/disc_pos/628231539896,621858079352, 2004.090.10:00:29.31:disc_check 2004.090.10:00:29.61/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y090d10h00m29.343s,78692,0.00250s,80000,3162754748, 2004.090.10:00:29.62:postob_mk5a 2004.090.10:00:29.63/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 1192970 : 5727 : 1 : 9 : 0 : 4 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.10:00:29.64/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 1193666 : 4990 : 1 : 43 : 14 : 0 : 7 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.10:00:29.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 1193722 : 4976 : 1 : 11 : 2 : 0 : 8 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.10:00:29.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 1192992 : 5686 : 1 : 43 : 1 : 7 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.10:00:29.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 1192747 : 5957 : 3 : 9 : 2 : 7 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.10:00:29.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 1192689 : 6006 : 4 : 24 : 1 : 2 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.10:00:29.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 1193340 : 5385 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.10:00:29.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 1193162 : 5546 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.10:00:30.39/cable/3.710483790E-3 2004.090.10:00:31.88/fmout-gps/-7.530594E-6 2004.090.10:00:32.37/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,19.20 2004.090.10:00:32.88/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,18.80 2004.090.10:00:33.38/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.50 2004.090.10:00:33.88/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,10.70 2004.090.10:00:34.38/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.601 2004.090.10:00:34.87/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.000 2004.090.10:00:35.33/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,2.949 2004.090.10:00:35.83/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,70.74 2004.090.10:00:36.32/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,65.48 2004.090.10:00:36.78/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.271 2004.090.10:00:37.27/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,241.9 2004.090.10:00:37.72/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,67.14 2004.090.10:00:37.72:scan_name=090-1002,r1116,190 2004.090.10:00:37.73:source=1749+096,175132.82,093900.7,2000.0,cw 2004.090.10:00:41.98:setup4f 2004.090.10:00:44.89/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.090.10:00:44.90/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.090.10:00:44.92/bank_check/usn-0079/960/1024OK,VNVD06G4H7982L,VNVD06G4H79L4L,VNVD06G4H79RWL,VNVD06G4H71WBL,VNVD06G4H79GKL,VNVD06G4H79D4L,VNVD06G4H700TL,VNVD06G4H79GUL 2004.090.10:00:44.94/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 283 ; 2004.090.10:00:44.94:!2004.090.10:02:42 2004.090.10:02:42.00:disc_pos 2004.090.10:02:42.02/disc_pos/628231539896,628230539896, 2004.090.10:02:42.02:disc_start=on 2004.090.10:02:43.06:!2004.090.10:02:42 2004.090.10:02:43.06:preob 2004.090.10:02:44.98#antcn#ACK 2004.090.10:02:44.98/onsource/TRACKING 2004.090.10:02:47.75/tpical/1l,15932,1u,15658,2u,16171,3u,16302,4u,16324 2004.090.10:02:47.75/tpical/9u,16311,au,16025,bu,16056,cu,16316,du,16210,eu,16168 2004.090.10:02:47.75/tpical/5u,15778,6u,15560,7u,15373,8l,15245,8u,17103 2004.090.10:02:47.90/tpgain/1l,45,1u,49,2u,120,3u,126,4u,168 2004.090.10:02:47.90/tpgain/9u,112,au,108,bu,91,cu,155,du,202,eu,169 2004.090.10:02:47.90/tpgain/5u,16,6u,30,7u,24,8l,28,8u,32 2004.090.10:02:47.93:!2004.090.10:02:52 2004.090.10:02:52.00:disc_pos 2004.090.10:02:52.02/disc_pos/628487335936,628230539896, 2004.090.10:02:52.02:data_valid=on 2004.090.10:02:52.04:midob 2004.090.10:02:52.20/tpi/1l,15920,1u,15660,2u,16149,3u,16285,4u,16322 2004.090.10:02:52.20/tpi/9u,16340,au,16026,bu,16055,cu,16325,du,16220,eu,16176 2004.090.10:02:52.20/tpi/5u,15763,6u,15556,7u,15355,8l,15234,8u,17094 2004.090.10:02:52.79/tsys/1l,80.8,1u,79.3,2u,74.8,3u,78.2,4u,78.6 2004.090.10:02:52.79/tsys/9u,78.0,au,74.9,bu,84.1,cu,78.5,du,87.1,eu,89.4 2004.090.10:02:52.81/tsys/5u,82.1,6u,82.5,7u,84.4,8l,83.7,8u,86.1 2004.090.10:02:52.83/wx/13.3,993.7,97.7,83.2,0.2 2004.090.10:02:53.60/cable/3.711723946E-3 2004.090.10:02:54.08/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,19.20 2004.090.10:02:54.58/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,18.90 2004.090.10:02:55.08/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.50 2004.090.10:02:55.58/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,10.70 2004.090.10:02:56.08/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.601 2004.090.10:02:56.58/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.000 2004.090.10:02:57.08/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,5.721 2004.090.10:02:57.58/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,62.85 2004.090.10:02:58.08/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,61.54 2004.090.10:02:58.58/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.271 2004.090.10:02:59.08/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,241.9 2004.090.10:02:59.58/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,65.43 2004.090.10:02:59.67/bbc01/612.89,a,8,8,1,agc, -2.36, -3.10,lock,15666,15910,1018,1pps 2004.090.10:02:59.75/bbc02/652.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 5.42, 3.39,lock,16203,16249,1029,1pps 2004.090.10:02:59.83/bbc03/752.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 5.84, 3.92,lock,16300,15946,1027,1pps 2004.090.10:02:59.91/bbc04/912.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 8.34, 7.30,lock,16324,16313,1024,1pps 2004.090.10:02:59.99/bbc05/652.99,c,8,8,1,agc,-12.08,-12.64,lock,15752,15674,1025,1pps 2004.090.10:03:00.07/bbc06/772.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -6.62, -6.34,lock,15549,16176,1030,1pps 2004.090.10:03:00.15/bbc07/832.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -8.56, -8.93,lock,15398,14898,1033,1pps 2004.090.10:03:00.24/bbc08/852.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -6.06, -7.22,lock,15177,15254,1028,1pps 2004.090.10:03:00.33/bbc09/692.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.82, 4.58,lock,16316,15937,1020,1pps 2004.090.10:03:00.41/bbc10/700.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.50, 3.11,lock,16016,16048,1026,1pps 2004.090.10:03:00.49/bbc11/716.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 3.02, 3.02,lock,16027,16149,1022,1pps 2004.090.10:03:00.58/bbc12/772.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 7.64, 6.44,lock,16315,16201,1019,1pps 2004.090.10:03:00.66/bbc13/804.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 9.94, 9.77,lock,16199,16217,1031,1pps 2004.090.10:03:00.74/bbc14/812.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 8.39, 8.24,lock,16160,16303,1021,1pps 2004.090.10:03:00.98#antcn#Received message for antenna: GETS 2004.090.10:03:01.96#antcn#ACU: MJD: 53094, UTC: 36180, Src: ext. 1pps present 2004.090.10:03:01.96#antcn#ACU: Azimuth: Pos: 3628080, Dev: -4, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.090.10:03:01.96#antcn#ACU: Elevation: Pos: 434202, Dev: 0, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.090.10:03:01.96#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.090.10:03:01.96#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.090.10:03:01.96#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.090.10:03:01.96#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.090.10:03:01.96#antcn#ACU: Az: no fault , no fault 2004.090.10:03:01.96#antcn#ACU: El: no fault , no fault 2004.090.10:03:01.97/antenna/ACK 2004.090.10:03:01.97:!2004.090.10:06:02 2004.090.10:06:02.00:data_valid=off 2004.090.10:06:02.01:disc_end 2004.090.10:06:02.27/disc_end/usn-0079/960/1024OK 2004.090.10:06:02.27:disc_pos 2004.090.10:06:02.28/disc_pos/634604359952,628231539896, 2004.090.10:06:02.28:disc_check 2004.090.10:06:02.58/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y090d10h06m02.330s,7176,0.00250s,80000,4282851460, 2004.090.10:06:02.58:postob_mk5a 2004.090.10:06:02.60/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 1205091 : 5764 : 1 : 9 : 0 : 4 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.10:06:02.61/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 1205779 : 5037 : 1 : 43 : 14 : 0 : 7 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.10:06:02.62/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 1205839 : 5018 : 1 : 11 : 2 : 0 : 8 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.10:06:02.62/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 1205102 : 5733 : 1 : 43 : 1 : 8 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.10:06:02.63/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 1204855 : 6007 : 3 : 9 : 2 : 8 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.10:06:02.64/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 1204778 : 6077 : 4 : 24 : 1 : 2 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.10:06:02.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 1205451 : 5433 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.10:06:02.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 1205276 : 5591 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.10:06:03.19/cable/3.710424256E-3 2004.090.10:06:03.88/fmout-gps/-7.506698E-6 2004.090.10:06:04.37/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,19.20 2004.090.10:06:04.82/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,18.90 2004.090.10:06:05.27/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.50 2004.090.10:06:05.72/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,10.80 2004.090.10:06:06.17/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.601 2004.090.10:06:06.62/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.000 2004.090.10:06:07.07/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,2.949 2004.090.10:06:07.52/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,54.68 2004.090.10:06:07.97/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,61.54 2004.090.10:06:08.42/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.244 2004.090.10:06:08.87/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,242.4 2004.090.10:06:09.32/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,64.95 2004.090.10:06:09.32:scan_name=090-1007a,r1116,130 2004.090.10:06:09.33:source=1124-186,112704.39,-185717.4,2000.0,neutral 2004.090.10:06:13.98:setup4f 2004.090.10:06:16.89/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.090.10:06:16.90/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.090.10:06:16.92/bank_check/usn-0079/960/1024OK,VNVD06G4H7982L,VNVD06G4H79L4L,VNVD06G4H79RWL,VNVD06G4H71WBL,VNVD06G4H79GKL,VNVD06G4H79D4L,VNVD06G4H700TL,VNVD06G4H79GUL 2004.090.10:06:16.94/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 285 ; 2004.090.10:06:16.95:!2004.090.10:06:51 2004.090.10:06:51.00:disc_pos 2004.090.10:06:51.01/disc_pos/634604359952,634603359952, 2004.090.10:06:51.01:disc_start=on 2004.090.10:06:52.05:!2004.090.10:06:51 2004.090.10:06:52.05:preob 2004.090.10:06:53.99#antcn#ACK 2004.090.10:06:53.99/onsource/TRACKING 2004.090.10:06:56.73/tpical/1l,15856,1u,15864,2u,15955,3u,16067,4u,16202 2004.090.10:06:56.73/tpical/9u,15943,au,16016,bu,15948,cu,16217,du,16246,eu,16190 2004.090.10:06:56.73/tpical/5u,15160,6u,15834,7u,15001,8l,15304,8u,15494 2004.090.10:06:56.88/tpgain/1l,42,1u,47,2u,111,3u,116,4u,156 2004.090.10:06:56.88/tpgain/9u,109,au,105,bu,89,cu,150,du,196,eu,164 2004.090.10:06:56.88/tpgain/5u,15,6u,28,7u,22,8l,26,8u,29 2004.090.10:06:56.91:!2004.090.10:07:01 2004.090.10:07:01.00:disc_pos 2004.090.10:07:01.00/disc_pos/634860158976,634603359952, 2004.090.10:07:01.02:data_valid=on 2004.090.10:07:01.02:midob 2004.090.10:07:01.20/tpi/1l,15871,1u,15845,2u,15936,3u,16064,4u,16210 2004.090.10:07:01.20/tpi/9u,15950,au,16024,bu,15966,cu,16230,du,16269,eu,16201 2004.090.10:07:01.20/tpi/5u,15161,6u,15846,7u,14996,8l,15312,8u,15505 2004.090.10:07:01.81/tsys/1l,92.9,1u,87.5,2u,86.7,3u,91.5,4u,92.1 2004.090.10:07:01.82/tsys/9u,80.4,au,79.4,bu,87.5,cu,83.5,du,93.1,eu,95.4 2004.090.10:07:01.82/tsys/5u,89.9,6u,96.8,7u,98.4,8l,97.8,8u,95.2 2004.090.10:07:01.85/wx/13.1,993.7,97.7,86.5,0.2 2004.090.10:07:02.39/cable/3.708230352E-3 2004.090.10:07:02.88/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,19.20 2004.090.10:07:03.38/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,18.90 2004.090.10:07:03.88/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.40 2004.090.10:07:04.38/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,10.80 2004.090.10:07:04.88/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.601 2004.090.10:07:05.38/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.000 2004.090.10:07:05.88/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,1.807 2004.090.10:07:06.38/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,60.22 2004.090.10:07:06.88/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,60.22 2004.090.10:07:07.38/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.244 2004.090.10:07:07.88/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,241.9 2004.090.10:07:08.38/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,64.95 2004.090.10:07:08.47/bbc01/612.89,a,8,8,1,agc, -2.72, -3.70,lock,15849,15853,1018,1pps 2004.090.10:07:08.55/bbc02/652.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 4.82, 2.63,lock,15871,16097,1029,1pps 2004.090.10:07:08.63/bbc03/752.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 5.12, 3.39,lock,16062,16087,1027,1pps 2004.090.10:07:08.71/bbc04/912.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 7.70, 6.70,lock,16199,16335,1024,1pps 2004.090.10:07:08.79/bbc05/652.99,c,8,8,1,agc,-12.64,-13.24,lock,15172,15956,1025,1pps 2004.090.10:07:08.87/bbc06/772.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -7.22, -7.22,lock,15868,15516,1030,1pps 2004.090.10:07:08.95/bbc07/832.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -9.32, -9.32,lock,14994,15738,1033,1pps 2004.090.10:07:09.03/bbc08/852.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -6.92, -7.86,lock,15525,15323,1028,1pps 2004.090.10:07:09.11/bbc09/692.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.58, 4.42,lock,15966,16119,1020,1pps 2004.090.10:07:09.19/bbc10/700.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.26, 2.92,lock,16047,16204,1026,1pps 2004.090.10:07:09.27/bbc11/716.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 2.82, 2.82,lock,15981,16225,1022,1pps 2004.090.10:07:09.35/bbc12/772.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 7.36, 6.18,lock,16243,16211,1019,1pps 2004.090.10:07:09.43/bbc13/804.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 9.68, 9.50,lock,16279,16318,1031,1pps 2004.090.10:07:09.51/bbc14/812.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 8.13, 7.97,lock,16208,16350,1021,1pps 2004.090.10:07:09.98#antcn#Received message for antenna: GETS 2004.090.10:07:10.96#antcn#ACU: MJD: 53094, UTC: 36429, Src: ext. 1pps present 2004.090.10:07:10.96#antcn#ACU: Azimuth: Pos: 2517022, Dev: 1, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.090.10:07:10.96#antcn#ACU: Elevation: Pos: 74506, Dev: 2, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.090.10:07:10.96#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.090.10:07:10.96#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.090.10:07:10.96#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.090.10:07:10.96#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.090.10:07:10.96#antcn#ACU: Az: no fault , no fault 2004.090.10:07:10.96#antcn#ACU: El: no fault , no fault 2004.090.10:07:10.97/antenna/ACK 2004.090.10:07:10.97:!2004.090.10:09:11 2004.090.10:09:11.00:data_valid=off 2004.090.10:09:11.01:disc_end 2004.090.10:09:11.27/disc_end/usn-0079/960/1024OK 2004.090.10:09:11.28:disc_pos 2004.090.10:09:11.28/disc_pos/639057771120,634604359952, 2004.090.10:09:11.29:disc_check 2004.090.10:09:11.60/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y090d10h09m11.332s,51404,0.00250s,80000,1594624604, 2004.090.10:09:11.60:postob_mk5a 2004.090.10:09:11.61/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 1213558 : 5794 : 1 : 9 : 0 : 4 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.10:09:11.62/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 1214244 : 5070 : 2 : 43 : 14 : 0 : 7 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.10:09:11.63/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 1214304 : 5050 : 1 : 11 : 2 : 0 : 8 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.10:09:11.64/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 1213569 : 5764 : 1 : 43 : 1 : 8 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.10:09:11.64/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 1213313 : 6046 : 3 : 9 : 2 : 8 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.10:09:11.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 1213230 : 6124 : 4 : 24 : 1 : 2 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.10:09:11.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 1213911 : 5470 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.10:09:11.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 1213759 : 5605 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.10:09:11.99/cable/3.709519693E-3 2004.090.10:09:13.88/fmout-gps/-7.506820E-6 2004.090.10:09:14.38/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,19.20 2004.090.10:09:14.88/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,18.90 2004.090.10:09:15.38/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.30 2004.090.10:09:15.88/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,10.80 2004.090.10:09:16.38/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.601 2004.090.10:09:16.88/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.000 2004.090.10:09:17.38/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,1.015 2004.090.10:09:17.88/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,62.85 2004.090.10:09:18.38/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,60.22 2004.090.10:09:18.88/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.271 2004.090.10:09:19.38/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,243.1 2004.090.10:09:19.88/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,64.95 2004.090.10:09:19.88:scan_name=090-1012,r1116,40 2004.090.10:09:19.89:source=1622-253,162546.89,-252738.3,2000.0,cw 2004.090.10:09:23.98:setup4f 2004.090.10:09:26.89/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.090.10:09:26.90/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.090.10:09:26.92/bank_check/usn-0079/960/1024OK,VNVD06G4H7982L,VNVD06G4H79L4L,VNVD06G4H79RWL,VNVD06G4H71WBL,VNVD06G4H79GKL,VNVD06G4H79D4L,VNVD06G4H700TL,VNVD06G4H79GUL 2004.090.10:09:26.96/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 287 ; 2004.090.10:09:26.96:!2004.090.10:12:21 2004.090.10:12:21.00:disc_pos 2004.090.10:12:21.01/disc_pos/639057771120,639056771120, 2004.090.10:12:21.02:disc_start=on 2004.090.10:12:22.05:!2004.090.10:12:21 2004.090.10:12:22.05:preob 2004.090.10:12:23.99#antcn#ACK 2004.090.10:12:23.99/onsource/TRACKING 2004.090.10:12:26.74/tpical/1l,16145,1u,15765,2u,16237,3u,16108,4u,16361 2004.090.10:12:26.74/tpical/9u,16120,au,16177,bu,15988,cu,16153,du,16204,eu,16295 2004.090.10:12:26.74/tpical/5u,16697,6u,15471,7u,16189,8l,16028,8u,16011 2004.090.10:12:26.89/tpgain/1l,44,1u,48,2u,116,3u,121,4u,164 2004.090.10:12:26.89/tpgain/9u,109,au,105,bu,89,cu,150,du,197,eu,166 2004.090.10:12:26.89/tpgain/5u,16,6u,29,7u,24,8l,28,8u,31 2004.090.10:12:26.92:!2004.090.10:12:31 2004.090.10:12:31.00:disc_pos 2004.090.10:12:31.01/disc_pos/639313567744,639056771120, 2004.090.10:12:31.03:data_valid=on 2004.090.10:12:31.03:midob 2004.090.10:12:31.21/tpi/1l,16161,1u,15758,2u,16245,3u,16123,4u,16360 2004.090.10:12:31.21/tpi/9u,16133,au,16173,bu,15981,cu,16161,du,16226,eu,16315 2004.090.10:12:31.21/tpi/5u,16694,6u,15483,7u,16199,8l,16035,8u,15998 2004.090.10:12:31.82/tsys/1l,86.0,1u,83.3,2u,80.7,3u,84.1,4u,83.2 2004.090.10:12:31.83/tsys/9u,81.4,au,80.2,bu,87.6,cu,83.2,du,91.8,eu,93.7 2004.090.10:12:31.83/tsys/5u,87.0,6u,88.0,7u,89.2,8l,88.2,8u,85.8 2004.090.10:12:31.86/wx/13.1,993.7,97.7,58.0,0.1 2004.090.10:12:31.99/cable/3.711296493E-3 2004.090.10:12:32.48/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,19.20 2004.090.10:12:32.98/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,18.90 2004.090.10:12:33.47/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.60 2004.090.10:12:33.93/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,10.80 2004.090.10:12:34.43/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.599 2004.090.10:12:34.93/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.015 2004.090.10:12:35.43/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,1.330 2004.090.10:12:35.93/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,54.68 2004.090.10:12:36.43/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,60.22 2004.090.10:12:36.93/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.244 2004.090.10:12:37.43/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,243.6 2004.090.10:12:37.93/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,66.41 2004.090.10:12:38.02/bbc01/612.89,a,8,8,1,agc, -2.54, -3.30,lock,15764,16149,1018,1pps 2004.090.10:12:38.10/bbc02/652.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 5.12, 3.02,lock,16204,16057,1029,1pps 2004.090.10:12:38.18/bbc03/752.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 5.49, 3.66,lock,16132,16070,1027,1pps 2004.090.10:12:38.26/bbc04/912.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 8.13, 7.06,lock,16356,16328,1024,1pps 2004.090.10:12:38.34/bbc05/652.99,c,8,8,1,agc,-12.64,-13.24,lock,16676,14596,1025,1pps 2004.090.10:12:38.42/bbc06/772.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -6.92, -6.62,lock,15474,16123,1030,1pps 2004.090.10:12:38.50/bbc07/832.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -8.56, -8.93,lock,16162,15591,1033,1pps 2004.090.10:12:38.58/bbc08/852.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -6.34, -7.22,lock,16005,16016,1028,1pps 2004.090.10:12:38.66/bbc09/692.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.58, 4.34,lock,16129,16043,1020,1pps 2004.090.10:12:38.74/bbc10/700.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.26, 2.82,lock,16181,16062,1026,1pps 2004.090.10:12:38.82/bbc11/716.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 2.82, 2.73,lock,15969,15987,1022,1pps 2004.090.10:12:38.90/bbc12/772.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 7.36, 6.18,lock,16142,16155,1019,1pps 2004.090.10:12:38.98/bbc13/804.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 9.73, 9.55,lock,16207,16280,1031,1pps 2004.090.10:12:39.07/bbc14/812.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 8.24, 8.03,lock,16302,16302,1021,1pps 2004.090.10:12:39.98#antcn#Received message for antenna: GETS 2004.090.10:12:40.96#antcn#ACU: MJD: 53094, UTC: 36759, Src: ext. 1pps present 2004.090.10:12:40.96#antcn#ACU: Azimuth: Pos: 2954217, Dev: 0, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.090.10:12:40.96#antcn#ACU: Elevation: Pos: 681663, Dev: 1, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.090.10:12:40.96#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.090.10:12:40.96#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.090.10:12:40.96#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.090.10:12:40.96#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.090.10:12:40.96#antcn#ACU: Az: no fault , no fault 2004.090.10:12:40.96#antcn#ACU: El: no fault , no fault 2004.090.10:12:40.97/antenna/ACK 2004.090.10:12:40.97:!2004.090.10:13:11 2004.090.10:13:11.00:data_valid=off 2004.090.10:13:11.01:disc_end 2004.090.10:13:11.27/disc_end/usn-0079/960/1024OK 2004.090.10:13:11.28:disc_pos 2004.090.10:13:11.28/disc_pos/640631266584,639057771120, 2004.090.10:13:11.29:disc_check 2004.090.10:13:11.87/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y090d10h13m11.338s,34456,0.00250s,80000,6106681484, 2004.090.10:13:11.88:postob_mk5a 2004.090.10:13:11.89/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 1216545 : 5811 : 1 : 9 : 0 : 4 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.10:13:11.89/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 1217235 : 5081 : 2 : 44 : 14 : 0 : 7 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.10:13:11.90/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 1217295 : 5063 : 1 : 11 : 2 : 0 : 8 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.10:13:11.91/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 1216558 : 5777 : 1 : 44 : 1 : 8 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.10:13:11.93/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 1216301 : 6061 : 3 : 10 : 2 : 8 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.10:13:11.95/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 1216219 : 6139 : 4 : 25 : 1 : 2 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.10:13:11.97/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 1216901 : 5483 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.10:13:12.00/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 1216740 : 5628 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.10:13:12.79/cable/3.711280224E-3 2004.090.10:13:13.88/fmout-gps/-7.553163E-6 2004.090.10:13:14.38/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,19.20 2004.090.10:13:14.88/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,18.90 2004.090.10:13:15.38/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.60 2004.090.10:13:15.88/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,10.80 2004.090.10:13:16.38/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.601 2004.090.10:13:16.87/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.000 2004.090.10:13:17.33/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.962 2004.090.10:13:17.83/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,53.29 2004.090.10:13:18.33/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,61.54 2004.090.10:13:18.83/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.271 2004.090.10:13:19.33/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,236.5 2004.090.10:13:19.82/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,67.63 2004.090.10:13:19.82:scan_name=090-1015,r1116,151 2004.090.10:13:19.83:source=1611+343,161341.06,341247.9,2000.0,cw 2004.090.10:13:23.98:setup4f 2004.090.10:13:26.90/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.090.10:13:26.91/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.090.10:13:26.93/bank_check/usn-0079/960/1024OK,VNVD06G4H7982L,VNVD06G4H79L4L,VNVD06G4H79RWL,VNVD06G4H71WBL,VNVD06G4H79GKL,VNVD06G4H79D4L,VNVD06G4H700TL,VNVD06G4H79GUL 2004.090.10:13:26.95/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 289 ; 2004.090.10:13:26.95:!2004.090.10:15:24 2004.090.10:15:24.00:disc_pos 2004.090.10:15:24.01/disc_pos/640631266584,640630266584, 2004.090.10:15:24.02:disc_start=on 2004.090.10:15:25.05:!2004.090.10:15:24 2004.090.10:15:25.06:preob 2004.090.10:15:26.99#antcn#ACK 2004.090.10:15:26.99/onsource/TRACKING 2004.090.10:15:29.74/tpical/1l,15926,1u,15763,2u,16185,3u,16347,4u,16172 2004.090.10:15:29.74/tpical/9u,16378,au,16337,bu,16199,cu,16251,du,16276,eu,16324 2004.090.10:15:29.74/tpical/5u,13789,6u,15389,7u,16132,8l,15963,8u,15920 2004.090.10:15:29.89/tpgain/1l,44,1u,48,2u,117,3u,123,4u,163 2004.090.10:15:29.89/tpgain/9u,112,au,109,bu,92,cu,154,du,201,eu,169 2004.090.10:15:29.89/tpgain/5u,15,6u,29,7u,24,8l,28,8u,31 2004.090.10:15:29.92:!2004.090.10:15:34 2004.090.10:15:34.00:disc_pos 2004.090.10:15:34.01/disc_pos/640887066624,640630266584, 2004.090.10:15:34.01:data_valid=on 2004.090.10:15:34.02:midob 2004.090.10:15:34.19/tpi/1l,15936,1u,15785,2u,16195,3u,16345,4u,16173 2004.090.10:15:34.19/tpi/9u,16373,au,16334,bu,16208,cu,16236,du,16279,eu,16327 2004.090.10:15:34.20/tpi/5u,13784,6u,15382,7u,16124,8l,15963,8u,15919 2004.090.10:15:34.77/tsys/1l,84.8,1u,83.4,2u,79.0,3u,82.5,4u,83.3 2004.090.10:15:34.77/tsys/9u,78.1,au,75.0,bu,83.0,cu,79.1,du,88.3,eu,90.3 2004.090.10:15:34.78/tsys/5u,81.6,6u,87.4,7u,88.7,8l,87.7,8u,85.4 2004.090.10:15:34.79/wx/13.0,993.7,97.7,62.2,0.2 2004.090.10:15:35.19/cable/3.708599365E-3 2004.090.10:15:35.68/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,19.20 2004.090.10:15:36.18/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,18.90 2004.090.10:15:36.68/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.40 2004.090.10:15:37.18/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,10.80 2004.090.10:15:37.68/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.601 2004.090.10:15:38.18/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.000 2004.090.10:15:38.68/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.452 2004.090.10:15:39.18/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,50.51 2004.090.10:15:39.68/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,61.54 2004.090.10:15:40.18/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.271 2004.090.10:15:40.68/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,242.4 2004.090.10:15:41.18/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,66.90 2004.090.10:15:41.27/bbc01/612.89,a,8,8,1,agc, -2.54, -3.30,lock,15798,15954,1018,1pps 2004.090.10:15:41.35/bbc02/652.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 5.20, 3.11,lock,16179,16137,1029,1pps 2004.090.10:15:41.43/bbc03/752.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 5.63, 3.75,lock,16351,16013,1027,1pps 2004.090.10:15:41.51/bbc04/912.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 8.08, 7.06,lock,16186,16311,1024,1pps 2004.090.10:15:41.59/bbc05/652.99,c,8,8,1,agc,-12.64,-13.24,lock,16512,14501,1025,1pps 2004.090.10:15:41.68/bbc06/772.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -6.92, -6.62,lock,15383,15992,1030,1pps 2004.090.10:15:41.76/bbc07/832.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -8.56, -8.93,lock,16130,15569,1033,1pps 2004.090.10:15:41.85/bbc08/852.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -6.34, -7.22,lock,15932,15957,1028,1pps 2004.090.10:15:41.93/bbc09/692.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.82, 4.66,lock,16384,16240,1020,1pps 2004.090.10:15:42.01/bbc10/700.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.58, 3.11,lock,16347,16158,1026,1pps 2004.090.10:15:42.10/bbc11/716.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 3.11, 3.02,lock,16226,16180,1022,1pps 2004.090.10:15:42.18/bbc12/772.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 7.59, 6.44,lock,16254,16365,1019,1pps 2004.090.10:15:42.26/bbc13/804.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 9.90, 9.68,lock,16294,16270,1031,1pps 2004.090.10:15:42.34/bbc14/812.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 8.39, 8.19,lock,16346,16374,1021,1pps 2004.090.10:15:43.00#antcn#Received message for antenna: GETS 2004.090.10:15:43.97#antcn#ACU: MJD: 53094, UTC: 36942, Src: ext. 1pps present 2004.090.10:15:43.97#antcn#ACU: Azimuth: Pos: 3382446, Dev: 2, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.090.10:15:43.97#antcn#ACU: Elevation: Pos: 150928, Dev: 3, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.090.10:15:43.97#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.090.10:15:43.97#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.090.10:15:43.97#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.090.10:15:43.97#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.090.10:15:43.97#antcn#ACU: Az: no fault , no fault 2004.090.10:15:43.97#antcn#ACU: El: no fault , no fault 2004.090.10:15:43.98/antenna/ACK 2004.090.10:15:43.98:!2004.090.10:18:05 2004.090.10:18:05.00:data_valid=off 2004.090.10:18:05.01:disc_end 2004.090.10:18:05.28/disc_end/usn-0079/960/1024OK 2004.090.10:18:05.28:disc_pos 2004.090.10:18:05.30/disc_pos/645756808672,640631266584, 2004.090.10:18:05.30:disc_check 2004.090.10:18:05.61/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y090d10h18m05.340s,42428,0.00250s,80000,4282529940, 2004.090.10:18:05.61:postob_mk5a 2004.090.10:18:05.63/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 1226285 : 5850 : 1 : 9 : 0 : 4 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.10:18:05.64/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 1226974 : 5122 : 2 : 44 : 14 : 0 : 7 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.10:18:05.64/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 1227040 : 5097 : 1 : 11 : 2 : 0 : 8 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.10:18:05.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 1226300 : 5815 : 1 : 44 : 1 : 8 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.10:18:05.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 1226032 : 6111 : 3 : 10 : 2 : 8 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.10:18:05.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 1225956 : 6181 : 4 : 25 : 1 : 2 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.10:18:05.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 1226644 : 5520 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.10:18:05.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 1226484 : 5663 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.10:18:06.39/cable/3.708857351E-3 2004.090.10:18:07.88/fmout-gps/-7.532159E-6 2004.090.10:18:08.38/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,19.20 2004.090.10:18:08.88/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,18.90 2004.090.10:18:09.38/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.40 2004.090.10:18:09.88/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,10.80 2004.090.10:18:10.38/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.599 2004.090.10:18:10.88/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.000 2004.090.10:18:11.38/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,2.619 2004.090.10:18:11.88/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,62.85 2004.090.10:18:12.38/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,61.54 2004.090.10:18:12.88/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.271 2004.090.10:18:13.38/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,242.4 2004.090.10:18:13.88/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,63.97 2004.090.10:18:13.88:scan_name=090-1018,r1116,40 2004.090.10:18:13.89:source=1741-038,174358.86,-035004.6,2000.0,cw 2004.090.10:18:17.99:setup4f 2004.090.10:18:20.88/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.090.10:18:20.91/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.090.10:18:20.93/bank_check/usn-0079/960/1024OK,VNVD06G4H7982L,VNVD06G4H79L4L,VNVD06G4H79RWL,VNVD06G4H71WBL,VNVD06G4H79GKL,VNVD06G4H79D4L,VNVD06G4H700TL,VNVD06G4H79GUL 2004.090.10:18:20.96/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 291 ; 2004.090.10:18:20.97:!2004.090.10:18:49 2004.090.10:18:49.00:disc_pos 2004.090.10:18:49.01/disc_pos/645756808672,645755808672, 2004.090.10:18:49.01:disc_start=on 2004.090.10:18:50.05:!2004.090.10:18:49 2004.090.10:18:50.05:preob 2004.090.10:18:51.99#antcn#ACK 2004.090.10:18:51.99/onsource/TRACKING 2004.090.10:18:54.74/tpical/1l,16359,1u,16076,2u,16187,3u,16183,4u,16307 2004.090.10:18:54.74/tpical/9u,16124,au,16287,bu,16128,cu,16201,du,16183,eu,16367 2004.090.10:18:54.74/tpical/5u,16080,6u,15873,7u,15642,8l,15481,8u,15456 2004.090.10:18:54.89/tpgain/1l,45,1u,49,2u,119,3u,124,4u,166 2004.090.10:18:54.89/tpgain/9u,111,au,107,bu,90,cu,152,du,199,eu,168 2004.090.10:18:54.89/tpgain/5u,16,6u,30,7u,24,8l,28,8u,31 2004.090.10:18:54.92:!2004.090.10:18:59 2004.090.10:18:59.00:disc_pos 2004.090.10:18:59.01/disc_pos/646012608512,645755808672, 2004.090.10:18:59.01:data_valid=on 2004.090.10:18:59.02:midob 2004.090.10:18:59.19/tpi/1l,16348,1u,16077,2u,16200,3u,16172,4u,16306 2004.090.10:18:59.19/tpi/9u,16114,au,16255,bu,16123,cu,16200,du,16164,eu,16340 2004.090.10:18:59.19/tpi/5u,16071,6u,15876,7u,15639,8l,15493,8u,15451 2004.090.10:18:59.78/tsys/1l,83.1,1u,81.5,2u,76.3,3u,80.2,4u,80.6 2004.090.10:18:59.78/tsys/9u,78.3,au,77.5,bu,86.4,cu,81.1,du,89.5,eu,91.5 2004.090.10:18:59.79/tsys/5u,83.7,6u,84.2,7u,86.0,8l,85.1,8u,82.8 2004.090.10:18:59.80/wx/13.0,993.7,97.7,81.7,0.1 2004.090.10:18:59.99/cable/3.709140659E-3 2004.090.10:19:00.48/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,19.20 2004.090.10:19:00.93/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,18.90 2004.090.10:19:01.38/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.50 2004.090.10:19:01.83/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,10.80 2004.090.10:19:02.28/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.599 2004.090.10:19:02.73/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.000 2004.090.10:19:03.18/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,2.949 2004.090.10:19:03.63/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,51.90 2004.090.10:19:04.13/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,62.85 2004.090.10:19:04.63/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.271 2004.090.10:19:05.13/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,242.4 2004.090.10:19:05.63/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,69.83 2004.090.10:19:05.72/bbc01/612.89,a,8,8,1,agc, -2.36, -3.10,lock,16073,16340,1018,1pps 2004.090.10:19:05.80/bbc02/652.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 5.35, 3.30,lock,16213,16165,1029,1pps 2004.090.10:19:05.88/bbc03/752.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 5.70, 3.92,lock,16189,16248,1027,1pps 2004.090.10:19:05.96/bbc04/912.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 8.24, 7.18,lock,16301,16200,1024,1pps 2004.090.10:19:06.04/bbc05/652.99,c,8,8,1,agc,-12.08,-12.64,lock,16058,15967,1025,1pps 2004.090.10:19:06.12/bbc06/772.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -6.62, -6.62,lock,15868,15567,1030,1pps 2004.090.10:19:06.20/bbc07/832.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -8.56, -8.93,lock,15662,15131,1033,1pps 2004.090.10:19:06.28/bbc08/852.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -6.34, -7.22,lock,15448,15484,1028,1pps 2004.090.10:19:06.36/bbc09/692.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.74, 4.50,lock,16134,16169,1020,1pps 2004.090.10:19:06.44/bbc10/700.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.42, 3.02,lock,16322,16223,1026,1pps 2004.090.10:19:06.52/bbc11/716.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 2.92, 2.73,lock,16163,16347,1022,1pps 2004.090.10:19:06.60/bbc12/772.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 7.47, 6.31,lock,16212,16307,1019,1pps 2004.090.10:19:06.68/bbc13/804.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 9.81, 9.64,lock,16198,16287,1031,1pps 2004.090.10:19:06.76/bbc14/812.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 8.34, 8.08,lock,16363,16185,1021,1pps 2004.090.10:19:07.00#antcn#Received message for antenna: GETS 2004.090.10:19:07.97#antcn#ACU: MJD: 53094, UTC: 37146, Src: ext. 1pps present 2004.090.10:19:07.97#antcn#ACU: Azimuth: Pos: 3530048, Dev: -2, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.090.10:19:07.97#antcn#ACU: Elevation: Pos: 567350, Dev: -3, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.090.10:19:07.97#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.090.10:19:07.97#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.090.10:19:07.97#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.090.10:19:07.97#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.090.10:19:07.97#antcn#ACU: Az: no fault , no fault 2004.090.10:19:07.97#antcn#ACU: El: no fault , no fault 2004.090.10:19:07.98/antenna/ACK 2004.090.10:19:07.98:!2004.090.10:19:39 2004.090.10:19:39.00:data_valid=off 2004.090.10:19:39.01:disc_end 2004.090.10:19:39.27/disc_end/usn-0079/960/1024OK 2004.090.10:19:39.27:disc_pos 2004.090.10:19:39.28/disc_pos/647330305928,645756808672, 2004.090.10:19:39.29:disc_check 2004.090.10:19:39.87/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y090d10h19m39.333s,15660,0.00250s,80000,1434289512, 2004.090.10:19:39.88:postob_mk5a 2004.090.10:19:39.89/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 1229273 : 5865 : 1 : 10 : 0 : 4 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.10:19:39.89/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 1229957 : 5141 : 2 : 45 : 14 : 0 : 7 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.10:19:39.90/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 1230031 : 5110 : 1 : 11 : 2 : 0 : 8 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.10:19:39.91/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 1229292 : 5827 : 1 : 45 : 1 : 8 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.10:19:39.92/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 1229023 : 6124 : 3 : 10 : 2 : 8 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.10:19:39.93/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 1228947 : 6193 : 4 : 26 : 1 : 2 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.10:19:39.94/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 1229636 : 5531 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.10:19:39.94/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 1229479 : 5672 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.10:19:40.79/cable/3.709197204E-3 2004.090.10:19:41.88/fmout-gps/-7.507178E-6 2004.090.10:19:42.38/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,19.20 2004.090.10:19:42.88/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,18.90 2004.090.10:19:43.38/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.60 2004.090.10:19:43.88/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,10.80 2004.090.10:19:44.38/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.599 2004.090.10:19:44.88/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.000 2004.090.10:19:45.38/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.621 2004.090.10:19:45.88/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,56.07 2004.090.10:19:46.38/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,62.85 2004.090.10:19:46.88/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.244 2004.090.10:19:47.38/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,242.4 2004.090.10:19:47.88/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,65.19 2004.090.10:19:47.88:scan_name=090-1037,r1116,190 2004.090.10:19:47.89:source=1606+106,160846.20,102907.8,2000.0,cw 2004.090.10:19:51.99:setup4f 2004.090.10:19:54.90/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.090.10:19:54.92/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.090.10:19:54.94/bank_check/usn-0079/960/1024OK,VNVD06G4H7982L,VNVD06G4H79L4L,VNVD06G4H79RWL,VNVD06G4H71WBL,VNVD06G4H79GKL,VNVD06G4H79D4L,VNVD06G4H700TL,VNVD06G4H79GUL 2004.090.10:19:54.96/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 293 ; 2004.090.10:19:54.97:!2004.090.10:37:32 2004.090.10:37:32.00:disc_pos 2004.090.10:37:32.01/disc_pos/647330305928,647329305928, 2004.090.10:37:32.02:disc_start=on 2004.090.10:37:33.05:!2004.090.10:37:32 2004.090.10:37:33.05:preob 2004.090.10:37:35.01#antcn#ACK 2004.090.10:37:35.01/onsource/TRACKING 2004.090.10:37:37.75/tpical/1l,16148,1u,15951,2u,15888,3u,15975,4u,16308 2004.090.10:37:37.75/tpical/9u,16334,au,16000,bu,16244,cu,16347,du,16262,eu,16188 2004.090.10:37:37.75/tpical/5u,15860,6u,15667,7u,15457,8l,15314,8u,17203 2004.090.10:37:37.90/tpgain/1l,45,1u,49,2u,119,3u,124,4u,167 2004.090.10:37:37.90/tpgain/9u,112,au,108,bu,92,cu,155,du,202,eu,169 2004.090.10:37:37.90/tpgain/5u,16,6u,30,7u,24,8l,28,8u,32 2004.090.10:37:37.93:!2004.090.10:37:42 2004.090.10:37:42.00:disc_pos 2004.090.10:37:42.02/disc_pos/647586103296,647329305928, 2004.090.10:37:42.02:data_valid=on 2004.090.10:37:42.04:midob 2004.090.10:37:42.21/tpi/1l,16149,1u,15959,2u,15886,3u,15977,4u,16315 2004.090.10:37:42.21/tpi/9u,16331,au,16007,bu,16255,cu,16356,du,16280,eu,16209 2004.090.10:37:42.21/tpi/5u,15858,6u,15667,7u,15451,8l,15313,8u,17192 2004.090.10:37:42.80/tsys/1l,82.0,1u,80.9,2u,74.8,3u,79.2,4u,79.6 2004.090.10:37:42.80/tsys/9u,77.9,au,74.8,bu,83.2,cu,78.6,du,87.4,eu,89.6 2004.090.10:37:42.81/tsys/5u,82.6,6u,83.1,7u,85.0,8l,84.1,8u,86.6 2004.090.10:37:42.82/wx/13.0,993.8,97.7,102.0,0.4 2004.090.10:37:43.19/cable/3.711516385E-3 2004.090.10:37:43.68/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,19.20 2004.090.10:37:44.18/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,19.00 2004.090.10:37:44.68/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.50 2004.090.10:37:45.18/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,10.90 2004.090.10:37:45.68/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.599 2004.090.10:37:46.18/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.000 2004.090.10:37:46.68/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,2.784 2004.090.10:37:47.18/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,65.48 2004.090.10:37:47.68/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,60.22 2004.090.10:37:48.18/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.217 2004.090.10:37:48.68/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,243.6 2004.090.10:37:49.18/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,68.36 2004.090.10:37:49.27/bbc01/612.89,a,8,8,1,agc, -2.36, -3.10,lock,15963,16158,1018,1pps 2004.090.10:37:49.35/bbc02/652.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 5.35, 3.30,lock,15920,16007,1029,1pps 2004.090.10:37:49.43/bbc03/752.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 5.70, 3.92,lock,15995,15982,1027,1pps 2004.090.10:37:49.51/bbc04/912.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 8.29, 7.24,lock,16321,16270,1024,1pps 2004.090.10:37:49.59/bbc05/652.99,c,8,8,1,agc,-12.08,-12.64,lock,15869,15785,1025,1pps 2004.090.10:37:49.68/bbc06/772.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -6.62, -6.34,lock,15675,16258,1030,1pps 2004.090.10:37:49.76/bbc07/832.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -8.56, -8.93,lock,15465,14970,1033,1pps 2004.090.10:37:49.84/bbc08/852.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -6.06, -7.22,lock,15288,15322,1028,1pps 2004.090.10:37:49.92/bbc09/692.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.82, 4.58,lock,16340,15963,1020,1pps 2004.090.10:37:50.00/bbc10/700.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.50, 3.11,lock,16004,16115,1026,1pps 2004.090.10:37:50.09/bbc11/716.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 3.11, 3.02,lock,16257,16058,1022,1pps 2004.090.10:37:50.17/bbc12/772.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 7.64, 6.44,lock,16359,16319,1019,1pps 2004.090.10:37:50.25/bbc13/804.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 9.94, 9.77,lock,16276,16356,1031,1pps 2004.090.10:37:50.33/bbc14/812.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 8.39, 8.19,lock,16201,16229,1021,1pps 2004.090.10:37:51.00#antcn#Received message for antenna: GETS 2004.090.10:37:51.99#antcn#ACU: MJD: 53094, UTC: 38270, Src: ext. 1pps present 2004.090.10:37:51.99#antcn#ACU: Azimuth: Pos: 3207053, Dev: -3, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.090.10:37:51.99#antcn#ACU: Elevation: Pos: 337387, Dev: 1, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.090.10:37:51.99#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.090.10:37:51.99#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.090.10:37:51.99#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.090.10:37:51.99#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.090.10:37:51.99#antcn#ACU: Az: no fault , no fault 2004.090.10:37:51.99#antcn#ACU: El: no fault , no fault 2004.090.10:37:52.00/antenna/ACK 2004.090.10:37:52.00:!2004.090.10:40:52 2004.090.10:40:52.00:data_valid=off 2004.090.10:40:52.02:disc_end 2004.090.10:40:52.28/disc_end/usn-0079/960/1024OK 2004.090.10:40:52.28:disc_pos 2004.090.10:40:52.29/disc_pos/653703766904,647330305928, 2004.090.10:40:52.29:disc_check 2004.090.10:40:52.87/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y090d10h40m52.343s,70352,0.00250s,80000,34362804332, 2004.090.10:40:52.87:postob_mk5a 2004.090.10:40:52.88/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 1241366 : 5931 : 1 : 11 : 0 : 4 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.10:40:52.90/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 1242063 : 5194 : 2 : 46 : 14 : 0 : 7 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.10:40:52.91/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 1242140 : 5161 : 1 : 11 : 2 : 0 : 8 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.10:40:52.91/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 1241410 : 5868 : 1 : 46 : 1 : 8 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.10:40:52.92/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 1241132 : 6176 : 3 : 10 : 2 : 8 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.10:40:52.94/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 1241052 : 6248 : 4 : 26 : 1 : 2 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.10:40:52.94/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 1241710 : 5617 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.10:40:52.96/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 1241586 : 5725 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.10:40:53.59/cable/3.708357243E-3 2004.090.10:40:53.88/fmout-gps/-7.504340E-6 2004.090.10:40:54.38/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,19.20 2004.090.10:40:54.88/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,18.90 2004.090.10:40:55.38/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.50 2004.090.10:40:55.88/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,10.90 2004.090.10:40:56.38/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.601 2004.090.10:40:56.88/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.000 2004.090.10:40:57.38/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,2.619 2004.090.10:40:57.88/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,68.11 2004.090.10:40:58.38/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,60.22 2004.090.10:40:58.88/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.244 2004.090.10:40:59.38/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,243.1 2004.090.10:40:59.88/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,68.36 2004.090.10:40:59.88:scan_name=090-1041,r1116,135 2004.090.10:40:59.89:source=1519-273,152237.68,-273010.8,2000.0,neutral 2004.090.10:41:04.01:setup4f 2004.090.10:41:06.88/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.090.10:41:06.90/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.090.10:41:06.92/bank_check/usn-0079/960/1024OK,VNVD06G4H7982L,VNVD06G4H79L4L,VNVD06G4H79RWL,VNVD06G4H71WBL,VNVD06G4H79GKL,VNVD06G4H79D4L,VNVD06G4H700TL,VNVD06G4H79GUL 2004.090.10:41:06.94/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 295 ; 2004.090.10:41:06.94:!2004.090.10:41:33 2004.090.10:41:33.00:disc_pos 2004.090.10:41:33.01/disc_pos/653703766904,653702766904, 2004.090.10:41:33.01:disc_start=on 2004.090.10:41:34.05:!2004.090.10:41:33 2004.090.10:41:34.05:preob 2004.090.10:41:36.01#antcn#ACK 2004.090.10:41:36.01/onsource/TRACKING 2004.090.10:41:38.75/tpical/1l,15777,1u,16163,2u,16252,3u,16233,4u,16327 2004.090.10:41:38.75/tpical/9u,16125,au,16180,bu,16128,cu,16194,du,16332,eu,16348 2004.090.10:41:38.75/tpical/5u,16070,6u,15881,7u,15698,8l,15538,8u,15475 2004.090.10:41:38.90/tpgain/1l,44,1u,49,2u,119,3u,124,4u,166 2004.090.10:41:38.90/tpgain/9u,111,au,107,bu,90,cu,152,du,200,eu,168 2004.090.10:41:38.90/tpgain/5u,16,6u,30,7u,24,8l,28,8u,31 2004.090.10:41:38.93:!2004.090.10:41:43 2004.090.10:41:43.00:disc_pos 2004.090.10:41:43.00/disc_pos/653959565312,653702766904, 2004.090.10:41:43.01:data_valid=on 2004.090.10:41:43.02:midob 2004.090.10:41:43.19/tpi/1l,15779,1u,16161,2u,16280,3u,16232,4u,16334 2004.090.10:41:43.19/tpi/9u,16116,au,16159,bu,16113,cu,16181,du,16313,eu,16344 2004.090.10:41:43.20/tpi/5u,16072,6u,15872,7u,15704,8l,15530,8u,15460 2004.090.10:41:43.78/tsys/1l,83.9,1u,81.9,2u,76.7,3u,80.5,4u,80.8 2004.090.10:41:43.78/tsys/9u,78.3,au,77.0,bu,86.3,cu,81.0,du,89.4,eu,91.5 2004.090.10:41:43.79/tsys/5u,83.7,6u,84.2,7u,86.4,8l,85.3,8u,82.9 2004.090.10:41:43.80/wx/13.1,994.0,97.7,101.5,0.0 2004.090.10:41:43.98/cable/3.710119354E-3 2004.090.10:41:44.48/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,19.20 2004.090.10:41:44.98/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,19.00 2004.090.10:41:45.48/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.50 2004.090.10:41:45.98/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,10.90 2004.090.10:41:46.48/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.601 2004.090.10:41:46.98/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.000 2004.090.10:41:47.48/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,1.807 2004.090.10:41:47.98/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,61.54 2004.090.10:41:48.48/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,60.22 2004.090.10:41:48.98/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.271 2004.090.10:41:49.48/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,242.6 2004.090.10:41:49.98/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,66.66 2004.090.10:41:50.07/bbc01/612.89,a,8,8,1,agc, -2.36, -3.30,lock,16145,15772,1018,1pps 2004.090.10:41:50.15/bbc02/652.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 5.35, 3.30,lock,16267,16202,1029,1pps 2004.090.10:41:50.23/bbc03/752.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 5.70, 3.92,lock,16222,16273,1027,1pps 2004.090.10:41:50.31/bbc04/912.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 8.24, 7.18,lock,16326,16225,1024,1pps 2004.090.10:41:50.39/bbc05/652.99,c,8,8,1,agc,-12.08,-12.64,lock,16062,15981,1025,1pps 2004.090.10:41:50.47/bbc06/772.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -6.62, -6.62,lock,15868,15563,1030,1pps 2004.090.10:41:50.55/bbc07/832.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -8.56, -8.93,lock,15706,15187,1033,1pps 2004.090.10:41:50.63/bbc08/852.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -6.34, -7.22,lock,15473,15524,1028,1pps 2004.090.10:41:50.71/bbc09/692.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.74, 4.50,lock,16109,16146,1020,1pps 2004.090.10:41:50.79/bbc10/700.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.42, 3.02,lock,16146,16161,1026,1pps 2004.090.10:41:50.88/bbc11/716.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 2.92, 2.92,lock,16109,16149,1022,1pps 2004.090.10:41:50.96/bbc12/772.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 7.47, 6.31,lock,16171,16226,1019,1pps 2004.090.10:41:51.05/bbc13/804.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 9.86, 9.64,lock,16308,16185,1031,1pps 2004.090.10:41:51.13/bbc14/812.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 8.34, 8.13,lock,16335,16349,1021,1pps 2004.090.10:41:52.00#antcn#Received message for antenna: GETS 2004.090.10:41:52.98#antcn#ACU: MJD: 53094, UTC: 38511, Src: ext. 1pps present 2004.090.10:41:52.98#antcn#ACU: Azimuth: Pos: 2706434, Dev: 0, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.090.10:41:52.98#antcn#ACU: Elevation: Pos: 512016, Dev: 1, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.090.10:41:52.98#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.090.10:41:52.98#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.090.10:41:52.98#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.090.10:41:52.98#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.090.10:41:52.98#antcn#ACU: Az: no fault , no fault 2004.090.10:41:52.98#antcn#ACU: El: no fault , no fault 2004.090.10:41:52.99/antenna/ACK 2004.090.10:41:52.99:!2004.090.10:43:58 2004.090.10:43:58.00:data_valid=off 2004.090.10:43:58.01:disc_end 2004.090.10:43:58.27/disc_end/usn-0079/960/1024OK 2004.090.10:43:58.28:disc_pos 2004.090.10:43:58.29/disc_pos/658316887200,653703766904, 2004.090.10:43:58.29:disc_check 2004.090.10:43:58.81/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y090d10h43m58.333s,23016,0.00250s,80000,1338607040, 2004.090.10:43:58.81:postob_mk5a 2004.090.10:43:58.82/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 1250142 : 5957 : 1 : 11 : 0 : 4 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.10:43:58.83/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 1250829 : 5229 : 2 : 46 : 15 : 0 : 7 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.10:43:58.84/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 1250905 : 5199 : 1 : 11 : 2 : 0 : 8 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.10:43:58.86/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 1250176 : 5904 : 1 : 46 : 1 : 8 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.10:43:58.86/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 1249888 : 6222 : 3 : 10 : 2 : 8 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.10:43:58.88/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 1249817 : 6285 : 4 : 26 : 1 : 2 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.10:43:58.89/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 1250431 : 5698 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.10:43:58.90/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 1250348 : 5765 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.10:43:59.19/cable/3.710930280E-3 2004.090.10:43:59.88/fmout-gps/-7.528483E-6 2004.090.10:44:00.39/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,19.30 2004.090.10:44:00.89/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,19.00 2004.090.10:44:01.39/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.60 2004.090.10:44:01.89/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,10.90 2004.090.10:44:02.39/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.601 2004.090.10:44:02.89/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.000 2004.090.10:44:03.39/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,1.172 2004.090.10:44:03.89/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,60.22 2004.090.10:44:04.39/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,61.54 2004.090.10:44:04.89/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.244 2004.090.10:44:05.39/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,242.4 2004.090.10:44:05.89/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,69.10 2004.090.10:44:05.89:scan_name=090-1054b,r1116,109 2004.090.10:44:05.90:source=1741-038,174358.86,-035004.6,2000.0,cw 2004.090.10:44:10.02:setup4f 2004.090.10:44:12.89/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.090.10:44:12.90/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.090.10:44:12.92/bank_check/usn-0079/960/1024OK,VNVD06G4H7982L,VNVD06G4H79L4L,VNVD06G4H79RWL,VNVD06G4H71WBL,VNVD06G4H79GKL,VNVD06G4H79D4L,VNVD06G4H700TL,VNVD06G4H79GUL 2004.090.10:44:12.94/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 297 ; 2004.090.10:44:12.94:!2004.090.10:54:45 2004.090.10:54:45.00:disc_pos 2004.090.10:54:45.02/disc_pos/658316887200,658315887200, 2004.090.10:54:45.02:disc_start=on 2004.090.10:54:46.05:!2004.090.10:54:45 2004.090.10:54:46.06:preob 2004.090.10:54:48.03#antcn#ACK 2004.090.10:54:48.03/onsource/TRACKING 2004.090.10:54:50.77/tpical/1l,15777,1u,16187,2u,16098,3u,16017,4u,16355 2004.090.10:54:50.77/tpical/9u,16178,au,15984,bu,15974,cu,16244,du,16208,eu,16192 2004.090.10:54:50.77/tpical/5u,16137,6u,15889,7u,15718,8l,15547,8u,15510 2004.090.10:54:50.92/tpgain/1l,44,1u,49,2u,118,3u,123,4u,166 2004.090.10:54:50.92/tpgain/9u,111,au,106,bu,90,cu,152,du,199,eu,167 2004.090.10:54:50.92/tpgain/5u,16,6u,30,7u,24,8l,28,8u,31 2004.090.10:54:50.95:!2004.090.10:54:55 2004.090.10:54:55.00:disc_pos 2004.090.10:54:55.02/disc_pos/658572685312,658315887200, 2004.090.10:54:55.02:data_valid=on 2004.090.10:54:55.04:midob 2004.090.10:54:55.21/tpi/1l,15787,1u,16182,2u,16079,3u,16020,4u,16351 2004.090.10:54:55.21/tpi/9u,16172,au,15971,bu,15943,cu,16235,du,16180,eu,16158 2004.090.10:54:55.21/tpi/5u,16142,6u,15898,7u,15712,8l,15556,8u,15504 2004.090.10:54:55.79/tsys/1l,83.9,1u,82.0,2u,77.1,3u,80.8,4u,80.9 2004.090.10:54:55.79/tsys/9u,78.6,au,77.6,bu,85.4,cu,81.3,du,89.6,eu,91.5 2004.090.10:54:55.80/tsys/5u,84.1,6u,84.3,7u,86.4,8l,85.5,8u,83.1 2004.090.10:54:55.81/wx/13.3,994.0,97.7,88.0,0.2 2004.090.10:54:55.99/cable/3.711576084E-3 2004.090.10:54:56.49/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,19.30 2004.090.10:54:56.99/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,19.00 2004.090.10:54:57.49/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.60 2004.090.10:54:57.99/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,10.90 2004.090.10:54:58.49/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.599 2004.090.10:54:58.99/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.000 2004.090.10:54:59.49/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.116 2004.090.10:54:59.99/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,57.46 2004.090.10:55:00.49/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,61.54 2004.090.10:55:00.99/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.271 2004.090.10:55:01.49/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,241.9 2004.090.10:55:01.99/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,64.95 2004.090.10:55:02.08/bbc01/612.89,a,8,8,1,agc, -2.36, -3.30,lock,16201,15809,1018,1pps 2004.090.10:55:02.16/bbc02/652.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 5.27, 3.21,lock,16050,16000,1029,1pps 2004.090.10:55:02.24/bbc03/752.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 5.63, 3.84,lock,16025,16054,1027,1pps 2004.090.10:55:02.32/bbc04/912.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 8.24, 7.18,lock,16357,16285,1024,1pps 2004.090.10:55:02.40/bbc05/652.99,c,8,8,1,agc,-12.08,-12.64,lock,16141,16040,1025,1pps 2004.090.10:55:02.48/bbc06/772.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -6.62, -6.62,lock,15898,15584,1030,1pps 2004.090.10:55:02.56/bbc07/832.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -8.56, -8.93,lock,15705,15186,1033,1pps 2004.090.10:55:02.64/bbc08/852.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -6.34, -7.22,lock,15505,15549,1028,1pps 2004.090.10:55:02.72/bbc09/692.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.74, 4.50,lock,16169,16175,1020,1pps 2004.090.10:55:02.80/bbc10/700.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.34, 3.02,lock,15967,16256,1026,1pps 2004.090.10:55:02.88/bbc11/716.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 2.92, 2.92,lock,15952,16192,1022,1pps 2004.090.10:55:02.96/bbc12/772.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 7.47, 6.31,lock,16236,16300,1019,1pps 2004.090.10:55:03.04/bbc13/804.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 9.81, 9.64,lock,16187,16279,1031,1pps 2004.090.10:55:03.12/bbc14/812.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 8.29, 8.08,lock,16180,16205,1021,1pps 2004.090.10:55:04.03#antcn#Received message for antenna: GETS 2004.090.10:55:05.00#antcn#ACU: MJD: 53094, UTC: 39303, Src: ext. 1pps present 2004.090.10:55:05.00#antcn#ACU: Azimuth: Pos: 3372751, Dev: -2, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.090.10:55:05.00#antcn#ACU: Elevation: Pos: 548774, Dev: -3, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.090.10:55:05.00#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.090.10:55:05.00#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.090.10:55:05.00#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.090.10:55:05.00#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.090.10:55:05.00#antcn#ACU: Az: no fault , no fault 2004.090.10:55:05.00#antcn#ACU: El: no fault , no fault 2004.090.10:55:05.01/antenna/ACK 2004.090.10:55:05.02:!2004.090.10:56:44 2004.090.10:56:44.00:data_valid=off 2004.090.10:56:44.02:disc_end 2004.090.10:56:44.29/disc_end/usn-0079/960/1024OK 2004.090.10:56:44.29:disc_pos 2004.090.10:56:44.30/disc_pos/662098488656,658316887200, 2004.090.10:56:44.30:disc_check 2004.090.10:56:44.60/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y090d10h56m44.350s,37856,0.00250s,80000,20730943704, 2004.090.10:56:44.60:postob_mk5a 2004.090.10:56:44.62/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 1257316 : 6000 : 1 : 11 : 0 : 4 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.10:56:44.63/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 1258009 : 5265 : 2 : 46 : 15 : 0 : 7 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.10:56:44.63/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 1258090 : 5230 : 1 : 11 : 2 : 0 : 8 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.10:56:44.64/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 1257359 : 5937 : 1 : 46 : 1 : 8 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.10:56:44.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 1257072 : 6254 : 3 : 10 : 2 : 8 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.10:56:44.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 1257000 : 6318 : 4 : 26 : 1 : 2 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.10:56:44.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 1257584 : 5761 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.10:56:44.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 1257531 : 5797 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.10:56:44.79/cable/3.708524734E-3 2004.090.10:56:45.88/fmout-gps/-7.563772E-6 2004.090.10:56:46.39/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,19.30 2004.090.10:56:46.89/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,19.00 2004.090.10:56:47.39/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.60 2004.090.10:56:47.89/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,10.90 2004.090.10:56:48.39/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.599 2004.090.10:56:48.89/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.000 2004.090.10:56:49.39/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,2.949 2004.090.10:56:49.89/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,56.07 2004.090.10:56:50.39/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,70.74 2004.090.10:56:50.89/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.244 2004.090.10:56:51.39/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,241.9 2004.090.10:56:51.89/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,65.68 2004.090.10:56:51.89:scan_name=090-1058,r1116,40 2004.090.10:56:51.90:source=1622-253,162546.89,-252738.3,2000.0,cw 2004.090.10:56:56.03:setup4f 2004.090.10:56:58.89/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.090.10:56:58.90/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.090.10:56:58.91/bank_check/usn-0079/960/1024OK,VNVD06G4H7982L,VNVD06G4H79L4L,VNVD06G4H79RWL,VNVD06G4H71WBL,VNVD06G4H79GKL,VNVD06G4H79D4L,VNVD06G4H700TL,VNVD06G4H79GUL 2004.090.10:56:58.94/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 299 ; 2004.090.10:56:58.95:!2004.090.10:58:01 2004.090.10:58:01.00:disc_pos 2004.090.10:58:01.01/disc_pos/662098488656,662097488656, 2004.090.10:58:01.02:disc_start=on 2004.090.10:58:02.06:!2004.090.10:58:01 2004.090.10:58:02.06:preob 2004.090.10:58:04.03#antcn#ACK 2004.090.10:58:04.03/onsource/TRACKING 2004.090.10:58:06.77/tpical/1l,16013,1u,15759,2u,16139,3u,16182,4u,16322 2004.090.10:58:06.77/tpical/9u,16108,au,16142,bu,16304,cu,16170,du,16229,eu,16344 2004.090.10:58:06.78/tpical/5u,16267,6u,16051,7u,15863,8l,15718,8u,15673 2004.090.10:58:06.92/tpgain/1l,44,1u,48,2u,118,3u,123,4u,165 2004.090.10:58:06.92/tpgain/9u,110,au,106,bu,90,cu,151,du,198,eu,167 2004.090.10:58:06.92/tpgain/5u,16,6u,30,7u,24,8l,28,8u,31 2004.090.10:58:06.95:!2004.090.10:58:11 2004.090.10:58:11.00:disc_pos 2004.090.10:58:11.00/disc_pos/662354284544,662097488656, 2004.090.10:58:11.01:data_valid=on 2004.090.10:58:11.02:midob 2004.090.10:58:11.19/tpi/1l,16024,1u,15771,2u,16131,3u,16175,4u,16315 2004.090.10:58:11.19/tpi/9u,16103,au,16150,bu,16314,cu,16187,du,16256,eu,16364 2004.090.10:58:11.19/tpi/5u,16258,6u,16046,7u,15855,8l,15718,8u,15674 2004.090.10:58:11.77/tsys/1l,85.2,1u,83.4,2u,77.3,3u,81.6,4u,81.8 2004.090.10:58:11.77/tsys/9u,79.7,au,78.5,bu,87.4,cu,82.2,du,91.0,eu,92.8 2004.090.10:58:11.77/tsys/5u,84.7,6u,85.2,7u,87.2,8l,86.4,8u,84.1 2004.090.10:58:11.79/wx/13.0,994.0,97.7,66.7,0.1 2004.090.10:58:11.99/cable/3.710061401E-3 2004.090.10:58:12.49/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,19.30 2004.090.10:58:12.99/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,19.00 2004.090.10:58:13.49/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.60 2004.090.10:58:13.99/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,10.90 2004.090.10:58:14.49/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.599 2004.090.10:58:14.99/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.000 2004.090.10:58:15.49/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,4.480 2004.090.10:58:15.99/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,56.07 2004.090.10:58:16.49/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,61.54 2004.090.10:58:16.99/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.244 2004.090.10:58:17.49/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,240.2 2004.090.10:58:17.99/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,64.46 2004.090.10:58:18.08/bbc01/612.89,a,8,8,1,agc, -2.54, -3.30,lock,15753,16009,1018,1pps 2004.090.10:58:18.16/bbc02/652.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 5.27, 3.21,lock,16124,16097,1029,1pps 2004.090.10:58:18.24/bbc03/752.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 5.63, 3.84,lock,16172,16187,1027,1pps 2004.090.10:58:18.32/bbc04/912.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 8.19, 7.12,lock,16316,16220,1024,1pps 2004.090.10:58:18.40/bbc05/652.99,c,8,8,1,agc,-12.08,-12.64,lock,16242,16178,1025,1pps 2004.090.10:58:18.48/bbc06/772.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -6.62, -6.62,lock,16032,15752,1030,1pps 2004.090.10:58:18.56/bbc07/832.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -8.56, -8.93,lock,15869,15332,1033,1pps 2004.090.10:58:18.64/bbc08/852.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -6.34, -7.22,lock,15648,15703,1028,1pps 2004.090.10:58:18.72/bbc09/692.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.66, 4.42,lock,16108,16076,1020,1pps 2004.090.10:58:18.81/bbc10/700.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.34, 2.92,lock,16157,16141,1026,1pps 2004.090.10:58:18.89/bbc11/716.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 2.92, 2.82,lock,16313,16158,1022,1pps 2004.090.10:58:18.97/bbc12/772.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 7.42, 6.25,lock,16197,16309,1019,1pps 2004.090.10:58:19.05/bbc13/804.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 9.77, 9.59,lock,16259,16367,1031,1pps 2004.090.10:58:19.13/bbc14/812.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 8.29, 8.03,lock,16367,16221,1021,1pps 2004.090.10:58:20.03#antcn#Received message for antenna: GETS 2004.090.10:58:21.01#antcn#ACU: MJD: 53094, UTC: 39499, Src: ext. 1pps present 2004.090.10:58:21.01#antcn#ACU: Azimuth: Pos: 2824221, Dev: -2, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.090.10:58:21.01#antcn#ACU: Elevation: Pos: 595038, Dev: 1, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.090.10:58:21.01#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.090.10:58:21.01#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.090.10:58:21.01#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.090.10:58:21.01#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.090.10:58:21.01#antcn#ACU: Az: no fault , no fault 2004.090.10:58:21.01#antcn#ACU: El: no fault , no fault 2004.090.10:58:21.02/antenna/ACK 2004.090.10:58:21.02:!2004.090.10:58:51 2004.090.10:58:51.00:data_valid=off 2004.090.10:58:51.01:disc_end 2004.090.10:58:51.27/disc_end/usn-0079/960/1024OK 2004.090.10:58:51.28:disc_pos 2004.090.10:58:51.28/disc_pos/663671662104,662098488656, 2004.090.10:58:51.29:disc_check 2004.090.10:58:51.59/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y090d10h58m51.335s,3204,0.00250s,80000,2490381204, 2004.090.10:58:51.59:postob_mk5a 2004.090.10:58:51.60/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 1260312 : 6007 : 1 : 11 : 0 : 4 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.10:58:51.61/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 1261000 : 5277 : 2 : 46 : 15 : 0 : 7 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.10:58:51.62/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 1261080 : 5243 : 1 : 11 : 2 : 0 : 8 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.10:58:51.63/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 1260348 : 5951 : 1 : 46 : 1 : 8 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.10:58:51.64/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 1260061 : 6268 : 3 : 10 : 2 : 8 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.10:58:51.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 1259989 : 6335 : 4 : 26 : 1 : 2 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.10:58:51.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 1260566 : 5782 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.10:58:51.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 1260523 : 5808 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.10:58:51.99/cable/3.709689135E-3 2004.090.10:58:53.87/fmout-gps/-7.560650E-6 2004.090.10:58:54.33/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,19.30 2004.090.10:58:54.78/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,19.00 2004.090.10:58:55.23/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.60 2004.090.10:58:55.68/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,11.00 2004.090.10:58:56.13/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.599 2004.090.10:58:56.58/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.000 2004.090.10:58:57.03/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,5.006 2004.090.10:58:57.53/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,60.22 2004.090.10:58:57.98/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,62.85 2004.090.10:58:58.43/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.271 2004.090.10:58:58.88/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,242.6 2004.090.10:58:59.33/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,65.68 2004.090.10:58:59.33:scan_name=090-1104,r1116,176 2004.090.10:58:59.34:source=1611+343,161341.06,341247.9,2000.0,cw 2004.090.10:59:04.03:setup4f 2004.090.10:59:06.89/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.090.10:59:06.90/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.090.10:59:06.91/bank_check/usn-0079/960/1024OK,VNVD06G4H7982L,VNVD06G4H79L4L,VNVD06G4H79RWL,VNVD06G4H71WBL,VNVD06G4H79GKL,VNVD06G4H79D4L,VNVD06G4H700TL,VNVD06G4H79GUL 2004.090.10:59:06.96/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 301 ; 2004.090.10:59:06.96:!2004.090.11:04:40 2004.090.11:04:40.00:disc_pos 2004.090.11:04:40.01/disc_pos/663671662104,663670662104, 2004.090.11:04:40.02:disc_start=on 2004.090.11:04:41.06:!2004.090.11:04:40 2004.090.11:04:41.06:preob 2004.090.11:04:43.03#antcn#ACK 2004.090.11:04:43.03/onsource/TRACKING 2004.090.11:04:45.77/tpical/1l,15949,1u,16517,2u,16292,3u,16096,4u,16337 2004.090.11:04:45.77/tpical/9u,16279,au,16364,bu,16245,cu,16245,du,16221,eu,16355 2004.090.11:04:45.77/tpical/5u,14438,6u,16096,7u,15616,8l,15689,8u,15729 2004.090.11:04:45.92/tpgain/1l,43,1u,48,2u,114,3u,119,4u,160 2004.090.11:04:45.92/tpgain/9u,111,au,107,bu,89,cu,151,du,197,eu,166 2004.090.11:04:45.92/tpgain/5u,15,6u,29,7u,23,8l,27,8u,30 2004.090.11:04:45.95:!2004.090.11:04:50 2004.090.11:04:50.00:disc_pos 2004.090.11:04:50.00/disc_pos/663927455744,663670662104, 2004.090.11:04:50.01:data_valid=on 2004.090.11:04:50.02:midob 2004.090.11:04:50.19/tpi/1l,15946,1u,16518,2u,16299,3u,16097,4u,16338 2004.090.11:04:50.19/tpi/9u,16277,au,16377,bu,16255,cu,16243,du,16205,eu,16352 2004.090.11:04:50.19/tpi/5u,14431,6u,16079,7u,15590,8l,15679,8u,15715 2004.090.11:04:50.77/tsys/1l,88.9,1u,87.4,2u,84.0,3u,86.9,4u,87.8 2004.090.11:04:50.77/tsys/9u,79.1,au,78.1,bu,89.1,cu,82.5,du,91.7,eu,93.9 2004.090.11:04:50.78/tsys/5u,85.5,6u,91.5,7u,93.5,8l,92.8,8u,90.1 2004.090.11:04:50.79/wx/13.0,994.1,97.7,97.0,0.2 2004.090.11:04:51.18/cable/3.708734148E-3 2004.090.11:04:51.68/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,19.30 2004.090.11:04:52.18/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,19.00 2004.090.11:04:52.68/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.40 2004.090.11:04:53.18/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,10.90 2004.090.11:04:53.68/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.599 2004.090.11:04:54.18/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.000 2004.090.11:04:54.68/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,2.455 2004.090.11:04:55.18/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,60.22 2004.090.11:04:55.68/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,60.22 2004.090.11:04:56.18/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.271 2004.090.11:04:56.68/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,242.9 2004.090.11:04:57.18/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,64.21 2004.090.11:04:57.27/bbc01/612.89,a,8,8,1,agc, -2.72, -3.49,lock,15280,15947,1018,1pps 2004.090.11:04:57.35/bbc02/652.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 4.97, 2.92,lock,16254,16313,1029,1pps 2004.090.11:04:57.43/bbc03/752.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 5.35, 3.57,lock,16104,16169,1027,1pps 2004.090.11:04:57.51/bbc04/912.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 7.92, 6.88,lock,16332,16258,1024,1pps 2004.090.11:04:57.59/bbc05/652.99,c,8,8,1,agc,-12.64,-13.24,lock,14443,15188,1025,1pps 2004.090.11:04:57.67/bbc06/772.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -6.92, -6.92,lock,16111,15784,1030,1pps 2004.090.11:04:57.75/bbc07/832.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -8.93, -9.32,lock,15620,15089,1033,1pps 2004.090.11:04:57.83/bbc08/852.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -6.62, -7.54,lock,15744,15701,1028,1pps 2004.090.11:04:57.91/bbc09/692.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.74, 4.50,lock,16288,16279,1020,1pps 2004.090.11:04:57.99/bbc10/700.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.34, 3.02,lock,16389,16328,1026,1pps 2004.090.11:04:58.07/bbc11/716.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 2.82, 2.82,lock,16253,16192,1022,1pps 2004.090.11:04:58.15/bbc12/772.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 7.42, 6.25,lock,16245,16311,1019,1pps 2004.090.11:04:58.23/bbc13/804.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 9.73, 9.55,lock,16214,16236,1031,1pps 2004.090.11:04:58.31/bbc14/812.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 8.24, 8.03,lock,16354,16307,1021,1pps 2004.090.11:04:59.03#antcn#Received message for antenna: GETS 2004.090.11:05:00.01#antcn#ACU: MJD: 53094, UTC: 39898, Src: ext. 1pps present 2004.090.11:05:00.01#antcn#ACU: Azimuth: Pos: 3287923, Dev: -5, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.090.11:05:00.01#antcn#ACU: Elevation: Pos: 107176, Dev: -3, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.090.11:05:00.01#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.090.11:05:00.01#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.090.11:05:00.01#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.090.11:05:00.01#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.090.11:05:00.01#antcn#ACU: Az: no fault , no fault 2004.090.11:05:00.01#antcn#ACU: El: no fault , no fault 2004.090.11:05:00.02/antenna/ACK 2004.090.11:05:00.02:!2004.090.11:07:46 2004.090.11:07:46.00:data_valid=off 2004.090.11:07:46.01:disc_end 2004.090.11:07:46.29/disc_end/usn-0079/960/1024OK 2004.090.11:07:46.29:disc_pos 2004.090.11:07:46.33/disc_pos/669597030600,663671662104, 2004.090.11:07:46.33:disc_check 2004.090.11:07:47.19/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y090d11h07m46.350s,4496,0.00250s,80000,11195110212, 2004.090.11:07:47.19:postob_mk5a 2004.090.11:07:47.33/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 1271543 : 6081 : 1 : 11 : 0 : 4 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.11:07:47.36/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 1272260 : 5322 : 2 : 46 : 15 : 0 : 7 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.11:07:47.37/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 1272339 : 5289 : 1 : 11 : 2 : 0 : 8 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.11:07:47.41/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 1271604 : 6000 : 1 : 46 : 1 : 8 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.11:07:47.43/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 1271308 : 6326 : 3 : 10 : 2 : 8 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.11:07:47.70/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 1271240 : 6390 : 4 : 26 : 1 : 3 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.11:07:47.87/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 1271787 : 5866 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.11:07:47.88/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 1271785 : 5853 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.11:07:47.98/cable/3.709321894E-3 2004.090.11:07:49.87/fmout-gps/-7.537836E-6 2004.090.11:07:50.34/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,19.30 2004.090.11:07:50.83/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,19.00 2004.090.11:07:51.34/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.40 2004.090.11:07:51.84/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,10.90 2004.090.11:07:52.33/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.599 2004.090.11:07:52.78/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.000 2004.090.11:07:53.23/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,2.292 2004.090.11:07:53.68/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,54.68 2004.090.11:07:54.13/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,64.17 2004.090.11:07:54.58/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.271 2004.090.11:07:55.03/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,242.6 2004.090.11:07:55.53/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,65.19 2004.090.11:07:55.53:scan_name=090-1108,r1116,190 2004.090.11:07:55.54:source=1749+096,175132.82,093900.7,2000.0,cw 2004.090.11:08:00.03:setup4f 2004.090.11:08:02.89/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.090.11:08:03.02/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.090.11:08:03.04/bank_check/usn-0079/960/1024OK,VNVD06G4H7982L,VNVD06G4H79L4L,VNVD06G4H79RWL,VNVD06G4H71WBL,VNVD06G4H79GKL,VNVD06G4H79D4L,VNVD06G4H700TL,VNVD06G4H79GUL 2004.090.11:08:03.14/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 303 ; 2004.090.11:08:03.15:!2004.090.11:08:19 2004.090.11:08:19.00:disc_pos 2004.090.11:08:19.17/disc_pos/669597030600,669596030600, 2004.090.11:08:19.17:disc_start=on 2004.090.11:08:20.21:!2004.090.11:08:19 2004.090.11:08:20.21:preob 2004.090.11:08:22.03#antcn#ACK 2004.090.11:08:22.03/onsource/TRACKING 2004.090.11:08:24.77/tpical/1l,16143,1u,15866,2u,16068,3u,16144,4u,16212 2004.090.11:08:24.77/tpical/9u,16123,au,16212,bu,16353,cu,16376,du,16327,eu,16352 2004.090.11:08:24.77/tpical/5u,16012,6u,15798,7u,15668,8l,15524,8u,15450 2004.090.11:08:24.92/tpgain/1l,45,1u,49,2u,118,3u,124,4u,166 2004.090.11:08:24.92/tpgain/9u,111,au,107,bu,90,cu,153,du,200,eu,168 2004.090.11:08:24.92/tpgain/5u,16,6u,30,7u,24,8l,28,8u,31 2004.090.11:08:24.97:!2004.090.11:08:29 2004.090.11:08:29.00:disc_pos 2004.090.11:08:34.02?ERROR m5 -104 mk5cn: time-out on mk5 device, connection closed 2004.090.11:08:34.03:data_valid=on 2004.090.11:08:34.04?ERROR m5 -104 mk5cn: time-out on mk5 device, connection closed 2004.090.11:08:34.05:midob 2004.090.11:08:34.23/tpi/1l,16139,1u,15865,2u,16009,3u,16131,4u,16224 2004.090.11:08:34.24/tpi/9u,16086,au,16155,bu,16288,cu,16363,du,16326,eu,16348 2004.090.11:08:34.24/tpi/5u,16035,6u,15800,7u,15662,8l,15509,8u,15452 2004.090.11:08:34.85/tsys/1l,82.0,1u,80.4,2u,76.7,3u,80.0,4u,80.2 2004.090.11:08:34.86/tsys/9u,78.2,au,77.0,bu,87.3,cu,80.8,du,89.5,eu,91.5 2004.090.11:08:34.86/tsys/5u,83.5,6u,83.8,7u,86.2,8l,85.2,8u,82.8 2004.090.11:08:34.88/wx/12.9,994.1,97.7,81.2,0.2 2004.090.11:08:35.19/cable/3.709849704E-3 2004.090.11:08:35.69/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,19.30 2004.090.11:08:36.19/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,19.00 2004.090.11:08:36.69/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.50 2004.090.11:08:37.19/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,10.90 2004.090.11:08:37.69/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.599 2004.090.11:08:38.19/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.000 2004.090.11:08:38.69/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.000 2004.090.11:08:39.19/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,62.85 2004.090.11:08:39.69/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,64.17 2004.090.11:08:40.19/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.244 2004.090.11:08:40.69/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,241.7 2004.090.11:08:41.19/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,68.36 2004.090.11:08:41.28/bbc01/612.89,a,8,8,1,agc, -2.36, -3.10,lock,15871,16157,1018,1pps 2004.090.11:08:41.36/bbc02/652.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 5.27, 3.21,lock,15946,16003,1029,1pps 2004.090.11:08:41.44/bbc03/752.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 5.70, 3.84,lock,16148,15956,1027,1pps 2004.090.11:08:41.52/bbc04/912.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 8.24, 7.18,lock,16225,16164,1024,1pps 2004.090.11:08:41.60/bbc05/652.99,c,8,8,1,agc,-12.08,-12.64,lock,16029,15969,1025,1pps 2004.090.11:08:41.68/bbc06/772.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -6.62, -6.62,lock,15827,15484,1030,1pps 2004.090.11:08:41.76/bbc07/832.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -8.56, -8.93,lock,15636,15152,1033,1pps 2004.090.11:08:41.84/bbc08/852.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -6.34, -7.22,lock,15462,15528,1028,1pps 2004.090.11:08:41.92/bbc09/692.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.74, 4.58,lock,16067,16348,1020,1pps 2004.090.11:08:42.00/bbc10/700.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.42, 3.02,lock,16169,16105,1026,1pps 2004.090.11:08:42.08/bbc11/716.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 2.92, 2.92,lock,16310,16370,1022,1pps 2004.090.11:08:42.16/bbc12/772.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 7.53, 6.31,lock,16346,16212,1019,1pps 2004.090.11:08:42.24/bbc13/804.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 9.86, 9.37,lock,16314,16273,1031,1pps 2004.090.11:08:42.32/bbc14/812.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 8.34, 8.08,lock,16351,16209,1021,1pps 2004.090.11:08:43.04#antcn#Received message for antenna: GETS 2004.090.11:08:44.01#antcn#ACU: MJD: 53094, UTC: 40122, Src: ext. 1pps present 2004.090.11:08:44.01#antcn#ACU: Azimuth: Pos: 3408587, Dev: -2, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.090.11:08:44.01#antcn#ACU: Elevation: Pos: 415410, Dev: 0, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.090.11:08:44.01#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.090.11:08:44.01#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.090.11:08:44.01#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.090.11:08:44.01#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.090.11:08:44.01#antcn#ACU: Az: no fault , no fault 2004.090.11:08:44.01#antcn#ACU: El: no fault , no fault 2004.090.11:08:44.02/antenna/ACK 2004.090.11:08:44.02:!2004.090.11:11:39 2004.090.11:11:39.00:data_valid=off 2004.090.11:11:39.01:disc_end 2004.090.11:11:42.84/disc_end/usn-0079/960/1024OK 2004.090.11:11:42.85:disc_pos 2004.090.11:11:42.86/disc_pos/676002818288,669597030600, 2004.090.11:11:42.86:disc_check 2004.090.11:11:44.38/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y090d11h11m40.513s,33732,0.00250s,80000,1087383076, 2004.090.11:11:44.38:postob_mk5a 2004.090.11:11:44.39/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 1283720 : 6126 : 1 : 11 : 0 : 4 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.11:11:49.41?ERROR m5 -104 mk5cn: time-out on mk5 device, connection closed 2004.090.11:11:50.44/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 1284510 : 5340 : 1 : 11 : 2 : 0 : 8 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.11:11:50.45/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 1283775 : 6050 : 1 : 46 : 1 : 8 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.11:11:50.46/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 1283480 : 6376 : 3 : 10 : 2 : 8 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.11:11:50.63/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 1283410 : 6441 : 4 : 26 : 1 : 3 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.11:11:50.64/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 1283896 : 5979 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.11:11:50.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 1283951 : 5910 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.11:11:51.18/cable/3.710754130E-3 2004.090.11:11:51.87/fmout-gps/-7.575724E-6 2004.090.11:11:52.33/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,19.30 2004.090.11:11:52.78/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,18.90 2004.090.11:11:53.23/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.40 2004.090.11:11:53.68/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,10.80 2004.090.11:11:54.13/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.599 2004.090.11:11:54.58/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.000 2004.090.11:11:55.03/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,2.292 2004.090.11:11:55.53/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,62.85 2004.090.11:11:56.03/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,58.85 2004.090.11:11:56.53/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.271 2004.090.11:11:57.03/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,242.4 2004.090.11:11:57.53/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,65.19 2004.090.11:11:57.53:scan_name=090-1128,r1116,117 2004.090.11:11:57.54:source=1741-038,174358.86,-035004.6,2000.0,cw 2004.090.11:12:02.03:setup4f 2004.090.11:12:04.88/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.090.11:12:04.93/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.090.11:12:04.96/bank_check/usn-0079/960/1024OK,VNVD06G4H7982L,VNVD06G4H79L4L,VNVD06G4H79RWL,VNVD06G4H71WBL,VNVD06G4H79GKL,VNVD06G4H79D4L,VNVD06G4H700TL,VNVD06G4H79GUL 2004.090.11:12:05.18/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 305 ; 2004.090.11:12:05.18:!2004.090.11:28:14 2004.090.11:28:14.00:disc_pos 2004.090.11:28:14.01/disc_pos/676002818288,676001818288, 2004.090.11:28:14.02:disc_start=on 2004.090.11:28:15.05:!2004.090.11:28:14 2004.090.11:28:15.05:preob 2004.090.11:28:16.05#antcn#ACK 2004.090.11:28:16.05/onsource/TRACKING 2004.090.11:28:18.79/tpical/1l,15837,1u,16193,2u,16201,3u,16082,4u,16246 2004.090.11:28:18.79/tpical/9u,16301,au,16104,bu,16131,cu,16377,du,16298,eu,16297 2004.090.11:28:18.79/tpical/5u,16148,6u,15912,7u,15750,8l,15592,8u,15507 2004.090.11:28:18.94/tpgain/1l,44,1u,49,2u,118,3u,123,4u,165 2004.090.11:28:18.94/tpgain/9u,111,au,106,bu,89,cu,152,du,199,eu,167 2004.090.11:28:18.95/tpgain/5u,16,6u,30,7u,24,8l,28,8u,31 2004.090.11:28:18.98:!2004.090.11:28:24 2004.090.11:28:24.00:disc_pos 2004.090.11:28:24.02/disc_pos/676258615296,676001818288, 2004.090.11:28:24.02:data_valid=on 2004.090.11:28:24.03:midob 2004.090.11:28:24.19/tpi/1l,15837,1u,16195,2u,16201,3u,16091,4u,16237 2004.090.11:28:24.19/tpi/9u,16298,au,16091,bu,16126,cu,16362,du,16301,eu,16292 2004.090.11:28:24.19/tpi/5u,16127,6u,15914,7u,15755,8l,15588,8u,15516 2004.090.11:28:24.77/tsys/1l,84.2,1u,82.1,2u,77.7,3u,81.2,4u,81.4 2004.090.11:28:24.77/tsys/9u,79.2,au,78.2,bu,88.4,cu,81.9,du,90.3,eu,92.3 2004.090.11:28:24.78/tsys/5u,84.0,6u,84.4,7u,86.7,8l,85.6,8u,83.2 2004.090.11:28:24.79/wx/12.9,994.2,97.7,137.5,0.1 2004.090.11:28:25.58/cable/3.712159322E-3 2004.090.11:28:26.04/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,19.20 2004.090.11:28:26.54/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,18.90 2004.090.11:28:27.04/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.60 2004.090.11:28:27.54/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,10.90 2004.090.11:28:28.04/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.601 2004.090.11:28:28.54/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.000 2004.090.11:28:29.04/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,2.784 2004.090.11:28:29.54/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,61.54 2004.090.11:28:30.04/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,68.11 2004.090.11:28:30.54/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.271 2004.090.11:28:31.04/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,241.9 2004.090.11:28:31.54/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,68.61 2004.090.11:28:31.63/bbc01/612.89,a,8,8,1,agc, -2.36, -3.30,lock,16203,15831,1018,1pps 2004.090.11:28:31.71/bbc02/652.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 5.27, 3.21,lock,16176,16086,1029,1pps 2004.090.11:28:31.79/bbc03/752.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 5.63, 3.84,lock,16084,16114,1027,1pps 2004.090.11:28:31.87/bbc04/912.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 8.19, 7.12,lock,16242,16168,1024,1pps 2004.090.11:28:31.95/bbc05/652.99,c,8,8,1,agc,-12.08,-12.64,lock,16130,16050,1025,1pps 2004.090.11:28:32.03/bbc06/772.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -6.62, -6.62,lock,15905,15591,1030,1pps 2004.090.11:28:32.11/bbc07/832.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -8.56, -8.93,lock,15724,15243,1033,1pps 2004.090.11:28:32.19/bbc08/852.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -6.34, -7.22,lock,15508,15581,1028,1pps 2004.090.11:28:32.27/bbc09/692.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.74, 4.50,lock,16280,16287,1020,1pps 2004.090.11:28:32.35/bbc10/700.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.34, 2.92,lock,16086,16005,1026,1pps 2004.090.11:28:32.43/bbc11/716.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 2.82, 2.82,lock,16116,16037,1022,1pps 2004.090.11:28:32.51/bbc12/772.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 7.47, 6.25,lock,16381,16194,1019,1pps 2004.090.11:28:32.59/bbc13/804.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 9.81, 9.59,lock,16278,16194,1031,1pps 2004.090.11:28:32.67/bbc14/812.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 8.29, 8.08,lock,16302,16262,1021,1pps 2004.090.11:28:33.05#antcn#Received message for antenna: GETS 2004.090.11:28:34.02#antcn#ACU: MJD: 53094, UTC: 41312, Src: ext. 1pps present 2004.090.11:28:34.02#antcn#ACU: Azimuth: Pos: 3243473, Dev: 0, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.090.11:28:34.02#antcn#ACU: Elevation: Pos: 515961, Dev: -2, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.090.11:28:34.02#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.090.11:28:34.02#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.090.11:28:34.02#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.090.11:28:34.02#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.090.11:28:34.02#antcn#ACU: Az: no fault , no fault 2004.090.11:28:34.02#antcn#ACU: El: no fault , no fault 2004.090.11:28:34.03/antenna/ACK 2004.090.11:28:34.03:!2004.090.11:30:21 2004.090.11:30:21.00:data_valid=off 2004.090.11:30:21.02:disc_end 2004.090.11:30:21.28/disc_end/usn-0079/960/1024OK 2004.090.11:30:21.29:disc_pos 2004.090.11:30:21.31/disc_pos/680040465496,676002818288, 2004.090.11:30:21.31:disc_check 2004.090.11:30:21.62/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y090d11h30m21.350s,34464,0.00250s,80000,31829152060, 2004.090.11:30:21.62:postob_mk5a 2004.090.11:30:21.63/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 1291324 : 6226 : 1 : 11 : 0 : 4 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.11:30:21.64/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 1292103 : 5405 : 2 : 46 : 15 : 0 : 7 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.11:30:21.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 1292184 : 5370 : 1 : 11 : 2 : 0 : 8 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.11:30:21.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 1291447 : 6082 : 1 : 46 : 1 : 8 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.11:30:21.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 1291127 : 6433 : 3 : 10 : 2 : 8 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.11:30:21.71/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 1291078 : 6477 : 4 : 26 : 1 : 3 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.11:30:21.73/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 1291526 : 6055 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.11:30:21.74/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 1291612 : 5953 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.11:30:22.38/cable/3.712455041E-3 2004.090.11:30:23.87/fmout-gps/-7.520540E-6 2004.090.11:30:24.34/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,19.30 2004.090.11:30:24.84/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,18.90 2004.090.11:30:25.34/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.60 2004.090.11:30:25.84/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,10.90 2004.090.11:30:26.34/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.601 2004.090.11:30:26.84/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.000 2004.090.11:30:27.34/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,1.488 2004.090.11:30:27.84/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,61.54 2004.090.11:30:28.34/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,64.17 2004.090.11:30:28.84/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.244 2004.090.11:30:29.34/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,242.4 2004.090.11:30:29.84/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,69.34 2004.090.11:30:29.84:scan_name=090-1135,r1116,190 2004.090.11:30:29.85:source=1606+106,160846.20,102907.8,2000.0,cw 2004.090.11:30:34.05:setup4f 2004.090.11:30:36.88/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.090.11:30:36.89/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.090.11:30:36.90/bank_check/usn-0079/960/1024OK,VNVD06G4H7982L,VNVD06G4H79L4L,VNVD06G4H79RWL,VNVD06G4H71WBL,VNVD06G4H79GKL,VNVD06G4H79D4L,VNVD06G4H700TL,VNVD06G4H79GUL 2004.090.11:30:36.95/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 307 ; 2004.090.11:30:36.95:!2004.090.11:35:44 2004.090.11:35:44.00:disc_pos 2004.090.11:35:44.01/disc_pos/680040465496,680039465496, 2004.090.11:35:44.02:disc_start=on 2004.090.11:35:45.05:!2004.090.11:35:44 2004.090.11:35:45.05:preob 2004.090.11:35:47.05#antcn#ACK 2004.090.11:35:47.05/onsource/TRACKING 2004.090.11:35:49.80/tpical/1l,16075,1u,15818,2u,16115,3u,16153,4u,16214 2004.090.11:35:49.80/tpical/9u,16335,au,16012,bu,15990,cu,16158,du,16242,eu,16214 2004.090.11:35:49.80/tpical/5u,16048,6u,15752,7u,15746,8l,15579,8u,15513 2004.090.11:35:49.95/tpgain/1l,45,1u,49,2u,118,3u,124,4u,166 2004.090.11:35:49.95/tpgain/9u,112,au,108,bu,91,cu,154,du,202,eu,169 2004.090.11:35:49.95/tpgain/5u,16,6u,30,7u,24,8l,28,8u,31 2004.090.11:35:49.98:!2004.090.11:35:54 2004.090.11:35:54.00:disc_pos 2004.090.11:35:54.00/disc_pos/680296259584,680039465496, 2004.090.11:35:54.01:data_valid=on 2004.090.11:35:54.02:midob 2004.090.11:35:54.19/tpi/1l,16042,1u,15806,2u,16094,3u,16138,4u,16213 2004.090.11:35:54.19/tpi/9u,16344,au,16015,bu,15971,cu,16144,du,16243,eu,16205 2004.090.11:35:54.19/tpi/5u,16033,6u,15759,7u,15747,8l,15592,8u,15506 2004.090.11:35:54.76/tsys/1l,81.5,1u,80.1,2u,77.2,3u,80.0,4u,80.1 2004.090.11:35:54.76/tsys/9u,78.0,au,74.9,bu,83.6,cu,78.6,du,87.2,eu,89.5 2004.090.11:35:54.76/tsys/5u,83.5,6u,83.6,7u,86.6,8l,85.7,8u,83.1 2004.090.11:35:54.77/wx/13.4,994.3,97.7,101.4,0.2 2004.090.11:35:55.18/cable/3.709582124E-3 2004.090.11:35:55.64/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,19.30 2004.090.11:35:56.14/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,18.90 2004.090.11:35:56.64/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.40 2004.090.11:35:57.14/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,11.00 2004.090.11:35:57.64/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.601 2004.090.11:35:58.14/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.000 2004.090.11:35:58.64/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,1.330 2004.090.11:35:59.14/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,58.85 2004.090.11:35:59.64/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,61.54 2004.090.11:36:00.14/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.244 2004.090.11:36:00.64/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,241.4 2004.090.11:36:01.14/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,68.85 2004.090.11:36:01.23/bbc01/612.89,a,8,8,1,agc, -2.36, -3.10,lock,15805,16057,1018,1pps 2004.090.11:36:01.31/bbc02/652.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 5.27, 3.21,lock,16019,16107,1029,1pps 2004.090.11:36:01.39/bbc03/752.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 5.70, 3.84,lock,16166,15970,1027,1pps 2004.090.11:36:01.47/bbc04/912.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 8.24, 7.18,lock,16223,16195,1024,1pps 2004.090.11:36:01.55/bbc05/652.99,c,8,8,1,agc,-12.08,-12.64,lock,16060,15962,1025,1pps 2004.090.11:36:01.63/bbc06/772.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -6.62, -6.62,lock,15774,15396,1030,1pps 2004.090.11:36:01.71/bbc07/832.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -8.56, -8.93,lock,15726,15203,1033,1pps 2004.090.11:36:01.79/bbc08/852.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -6.34, -7.22,lock,15524,15574,1028,1pps 2004.090.11:36:01.87/bbc09/692.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.82, 4.58,lock,16329,15936,1020,1pps 2004.090.11:36:01.95/bbc10/700.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.50, 3.11,lock,16003,16071,1026,1pps 2004.090.11:36:02.04/bbc11/716.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 3.02, 3.02,lock,15977,16018,1022,1pps 2004.090.11:36:02.12/bbc12/772.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 7.59, 6.44,lock,16152,16242,1019,1pps 2004.090.11:36:02.20/bbc13/804.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 9.94, 9.77,lock,16259,16270,1031,1pps 2004.090.11:36:02.28/bbc14/812.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 8.39, 8.19,lock,16199,16200,1021,1pps 2004.090.11:36:03.05#antcn#Received message for antenna: GETS 2004.090.11:36:04.03#antcn#ACU: MJD: 53094, UTC: 41762, Src: ext. 1pps present 2004.090.11:36:04.03#antcn#ACU: Azimuth: Pos: 3072965, Dev: -3, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.090.11:36:04.03#antcn#ACU: Elevation: Pos: 253517, Dev: 2, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.090.11:36:04.03#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.090.11:36:04.03#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.090.11:36:04.03#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.090.11:36:04.03#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.090.11:36:04.03#antcn#ACU: Az: no fault , no fault 2004.090.11:36:04.03#antcn#ACU: El: no fault , no fault 2004.090.11:36:04.04/antenna/ACK 2004.090.11:36:04.04:!2004.090.11:39:04 2004.090.11:39:04.00:data_valid=off 2004.090.11:39:04.02:disc_end 2004.090.11:39:04.28/disc_end/usn-0079/960/1024OK 2004.090.11:39:04.28:disc_pos 2004.090.11:39:04.30/disc_pos/686413920488,680040465496, 2004.090.11:39:04.30:disc_check 2004.090.11:39:04.60/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y090d11h39m04.345s,18616,0.00250s,80000,10362400856, 2004.090.11:39:04.61:postob_mk5a 2004.090.11:39:04.62/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 1303412 : 6298 : 1 : 11 : 0 : 4 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.11:39:04.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 1304221 : 5448 : 2 : 46 : 15 : 0 : 7 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.11:39:04.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 1304296 : 5418 : 1 : 11 : 2 : 0 : 8 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.11:39:04.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 1303542 : 6147 : 1 : 46 : 1 : 8 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.11:39:04.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 1303229 : 6491 : 3 : 10 : 2 : 8 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.11:39:04.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 1303150 : 6565 : 4 : 26 : 1 : 3 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.11:39:04.70/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 1303632 : 6109 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.11:39:04.71/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 1303731 : 5994 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.11:39:04.78/cable/3.710430144E-3 2004.090.11:39:05.87/fmout-gps/-7.508352E-6 2004.090.11:39:06.34/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,19.30 2004.090.11:39:06.79/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,19.00 2004.090.11:39:07.24/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.40 2004.090.11:39:07.69/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,11.10 2004.090.11:39:08.14/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.601 2004.090.11:39:08.59/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.000 2004.090.11:39:09.04/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.859 2004.090.11:39:09.49/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,69.43 2004.090.11:39:09.94/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,70.74 2004.090.11:39:10.39/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.244 2004.090.11:39:10.84/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,242.4 2004.090.11:39:11.29/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,68.61 2004.090.11:39:11.29:scan_name=090-1144,r1116,190 2004.090.11:39:11.30:source=1749+096,175132.82,093900.7,2000.0,cw 2004.090.11:39:16.06:setup4f 2004.090.11:39:18.88/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.090.11:39:18.89/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.090.11:39:18.90/bank_check/usn-0079/960/1024OK,VNVD06G4H7982L,VNVD06G4H79L4L,VNVD06G4H79RWL,VNVD06G4H71WBL,VNVD06G4H79GKL,VNVD06G4H79D4L,VNVD06G4H700TL,VNVD06G4H79GUL 2004.090.11:39:18.96/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 309 ; 2004.090.11:39:18.96:!2004.090.11:44:00 2004.090.11:44:00.00:disc_pos 2004.090.11:44:00.01/disc_pos/686413920488,686412920488, 2004.090.11:44:00.02:disc_start=on 2004.090.11:44:01.06:!2004.090.11:44:00 2004.090.11:44:01.06:preob 2004.090.11:44:02.06#antcn#ACK 2004.090.11:44:02.06/onsource/TRACKING 2004.090.11:44:04.81/tpical/1l,16116,1u,15885,2u,16149,3u,16049,4u,16351 2004.090.11:44:04.81/tpical/9u,15800,au,16130,bu,16347,cu,16297,du,16268,eu,16303 2004.090.11:44:04.81/tpical/5u,15913,6u,15597,7u,15611,8l,15437,8u,15386 2004.090.11:44:04.96/tpgain/1l,45,1u,49,2u,119,3u,124,4u,167 2004.090.11:44:04.96/tpgain/9u,111,au,108,bu,92,cu,154,du,201,eu,169 2004.090.11:44:04.96/tpgain/5u,16,6u,30,7u,24,8l,28,8u,31 2004.090.11:44:04.99:!2004.090.11:44:10 2004.090.11:44:10.01:disc_pos 2004.090.11:44:10.01/disc_pos/686669713408,686412920488, 2004.090.11:44:10.02:data_valid=on 2004.090.11:44:10.03:midob 2004.090.11:44:10.20/tpi/1l,16118,1u,15908,2u,16109,3u,16063,4u,16361 2004.090.11:44:10.20/tpi/9u,15827,au,16143,bu,16347,cu,16289,du,16274,eu,16310 2004.090.11:44:10.20/tpi/5u,15924,6u,15601,7u,15606,8l,15459,8u,15400 2004.090.11:44:10.78/tsys/1l,81.9,1u,80.6,2u,75.9,3u,79.7,4u,79.9 2004.090.11:44:10.78/tsys/9u,76.9,au,75.5,bu,83.7,cu,79.4,du,88.3,eu,90.2 2004.090.11:44:10.79/tsys/5u,82.9,6u,82.7,7u,85.8,8l,84.9,8u,82.6 2004.090.11:44:10.80/wx/13.6,994.3,97.7,101.7,0.0 2004.090.11:44:11.19/cable/3.709189093E-3 2004.090.11:44:11.70/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,19.30 2004.090.11:44:12.20/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,19.00 2004.090.11:44:12.70/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.50 2004.090.11:44:13.19/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,11.20 2004.090.11:44:13.64/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.599 2004.090.11:44:14.09/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.000 2004.090.11:44:14.54/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,5.721 2004.090.11:44:14.99/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,54.68 2004.090.11:44:15.44/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,60.22 2004.090.11:44:15.89/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.244 2004.090.11:44:16.34/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,242.4 2004.090.11:44:16.79/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,64.21 2004.090.11:44:16.88/bbc01/612.89,a,8,8,1,agc, -2.36, -3.10,lock,15906,16105,1018,1pps 2004.090.11:44:16.96/bbc02/652.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 5.35, 3.30,lock,16090,16077,1029,1pps 2004.090.11:44:17.04/bbc03/752.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 5.70, 3.92,lock,16055,16099,1027,1pps 2004.090.11:44:17.12/bbc04/912.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 8.29, 7.24,lock,16362,16319,1024,1pps 2004.090.11:44:17.20/bbc05/652.99,c,8,8,1,agc,-12.08,-12.64,lock,15931,15799,1025,1pps 2004.090.11:44:17.28/bbc06/772.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -6.62, -6.34,lock,15609,16187,1030,1pps 2004.090.11:44:17.36/bbc07/832.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -8.56, -8.93,lock,15596,15064,1033,1pps 2004.090.11:44:17.44/bbc08/852.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -6.34, -7.22,lock,15402,15445,1028,1pps 2004.090.11:44:17.52/bbc09/692.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.82, 4.58,lock,15834,16118,1020,1pps 2004.090.11:44:17.60/bbc10/700.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.50, 3.11,lock,16149,16280,1026,1pps 2004.090.11:44:17.68/bbc11/716.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 3.11, 3.02,lock,16367,16182,1022,1pps 2004.090.11:44:17.76/bbc12/772.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 7.59, 6.38,lock,16301,16230,1019,1pps 2004.090.11:44:17.84/bbc13/804.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 9.90, 9.64,lock,16289,16189,1031,1pps 2004.090.11:44:17.92/bbc14/812.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 8.39, 8.13,lock,16318,16211,1021,1pps 2004.090.11:44:18.07#antcn#Received message for antenna: GETS 2004.090.11:44:19.05#antcn#ACU: MJD: 53094, UTC: 42257, Src: ext. 1pps present 2004.090.11:44:19.05#antcn#ACU: Azimuth: Pos: 3300197, Dev: -3, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.090.11:44:19.05#antcn#ACU: Elevation: Pos: 385758, Dev: 0, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.090.11:44:19.05#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.090.11:44:19.05#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.090.11:44:19.05#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.090.11:44:19.05#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.090.11:44:19.05#antcn#ACU: Az: no fault , no fault 2004.090.11:44:19.05#antcn#ACU: El: no fault , no fault 2004.090.11:44:19.06/antenna/ACK 2004.090.11:44:19.06:!2004.090.11:47:20 2004.090.11:47:20.00:data_valid=off 2004.090.11:47:20.01:disc_end 2004.090.11:47:20.28/disc_end/usn-0079/960/1024OK 2004.090.11:47:20.28:disc_pos 2004.090.11:47:20.29/disc_pos/692787058400,686413920488, 2004.090.11:47:20.30:disc_check 2004.090.11:47:20.60/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y090d11h47m20.350s,72952,0.00250s,80000,9498967752, 2004.090.11:47:20.61:postob_mk5a 2004.090.11:47:20.62/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 1315493 : 6376 : 1 : 11 : 0 : 4 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.11:47:20.63/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 1316338 : 5491 : 2 : 46 : 15 : 0 : 7 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.11:47:20.64/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 1316407 : 5466 : 1 : 11 : 2 : 0 : 8 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.11:47:20.64/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 1315647 : 6202 : 1 : 46 : 1 : 8 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.11:47:20.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 1315335 : 6544 : 3 : 10 : 2 : 8 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.11:47:20.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 1315256 : 6620 : 4 : 26 : 1 : 3 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.11:47:20.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 1315748 : 6154 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.11:47:20.71/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 1315839 : 6045 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.11:47:21.58/cable/3.711899644E-3 2004.090.11:47:21.87/fmout-gps/-7.522084E-6 2004.090.11:47:22.34/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,19.40 2004.090.11:47:22.84/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,19.10 2004.090.11:47:23.34/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.60 2004.090.11:47:23.84/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,11.30 2004.090.11:47:24.34/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.599 2004.090.11:47:24.84/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.000 2004.090.11:47:25.34/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.791 2004.090.11:47:25.84/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,54.68 2004.090.11:47:26.34/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,58.85 2004.090.11:47:26.84/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.244 2004.090.11:47:27.34/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,242.9 2004.090.11:47:27.84/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,67.39 2004.090.11:47:27.84:scan_name=090-1152b,r1116,40 2004.090.11:47:27.85:source=1622-253,162546.89,-252738.3,2000.0,neutral 2004.090.11:47:32.06:setup4f 2004.090.11:47:34.88/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.090.11:47:34.89/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.090.11:47:34.90/bank_check/usn-0079/960/1024OK,VNVD06G4H7982L,VNVD06G4H79L4L,VNVD06G4H79RWL,VNVD06G4H71WBL,VNVD06G4H79GKL,VNVD06G4H79D4L,VNVD06G4H700TL,VNVD06G4H79GUL 2004.090.11:47:34.96/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 311 ; 2004.090.11:47:34.96:!2004.090.11:52:18 2004.090.11:52:18.00:disc_pos 2004.090.11:52:18.03/disc_pos/692787058400,692786058400, 2004.090.11:52:18.04:disc_start=on 2004.090.11:52:19.32:!2004.090.11:52:18 2004.090.11:52:19.32:preob 2004.090.11:52:21.07#antcn#ACK 2004.090.11:52:21.07/onsource/TRACKING 2004.090.11:52:23.81/tpical/1l,16195,1u,15900,2u,16108,3u,16226,4u,16232 2004.090.11:52:23.81/tpical/9u,16162,au,16225,bu,16034,cu,16249,du,16185,eu,16173 2004.090.11:52:23.81/tpical/5u,16166,6u,15796,7u,15897,8l,15740,8u,15673 2004.090.11:52:23.96/tpgain/1l,45,1u,49,2u,118,3u,124,4u,166 2004.090.11:52:23.96/tpgain/9u,111,au,107,bu,89,cu,152,du,199,eu,167 2004.090.11:52:23.96/tpgain/5u,16,6u,30,7u,24,8l,28,8u,31 2004.090.11:52:24.02:!2004.090.11:52:28 2004.090.11:52:28.00:disc_pos 2004.090.11:52:28.03/disc_pos/693042855936,692786058400, 2004.090.11:52:28.03:data_valid=on 2004.090.11:52:28.05:midob 2004.090.11:52:28.21/tpi/1l,16190,1u,15898,2u,16089,3u,16237,4u,16226 2004.090.11:52:28.21/tpi/9u,16163,au,16236,bu,16041,cu,16256,du,16186,eu,16190 2004.090.11:52:28.21/tpi/5u,16183,6u,15813,7u,15894,8l,15751,8u,15683 2004.090.11:52:28.79/tsys/1l,82.2,1u,80.5,2u,77.1,3u,80.5,4u,80.2 2004.090.11:52:28.79/tsys/9u,78.5,au,77.4,bu,87.9,cu,81.4,du,89.7,eu,91.7 2004.090.11:52:28.80/tsys/5u,84.3,6u,83.9,7u,87.5,8l,86.6,8u,84.1 2004.090.11:52:28.81/wx/13.9,994.5,97.7,116.5,0.0 2004.090.11:52:29.58/cable/3.710584909E-3 2004.090.11:52:30.04/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,19.40 2004.090.11:52:30.54/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,19.20 2004.090.11:52:31.04/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.50 2004.090.11:52:31.54/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,11.30 2004.090.11:52:32.04/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.599 2004.090.11:52:32.54/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.000 2004.090.11:52:33.04/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.452 2004.090.11:52:33.54/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,65.48 2004.090.11:52:34.04/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,69.43 2004.090.11:52:34.54/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.244 2004.090.11:52:35.04/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,242.4 2004.090.11:52:35.54/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,70.32 2004.090.11:52:35.63/bbc01/612.89,a,8,8,1,agc, -2.36, -3.10,lock,15902,16207,1018,1pps 2004.090.11:52:35.71/bbc02/652.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 5.27, 3.21,lock,16110,16063,1029,1pps 2004.090.11:52:35.79/bbc03/752.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 5.70, 3.84,lock,16242,16088,1027,1pps 2004.090.11:52:35.87/bbc04/912.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 8.24, 7.18,lock,16247,16207,1024,1pps 2004.090.11:52:35.95/bbc05/652.99,c,8,8,1,agc,-12.08,-12.64,lock,16172,16042,1025,1pps 2004.090.11:52:36.03/bbc06/772.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -6.62, -6.62,lock,15801,15486,1030,1pps 2004.090.11:52:36.11/bbc07/832.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -8.56, -8.93,lock,15924,15363,1033,1pps 2004.090.11:52:36.19/bbc08/852.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -6.34, -7.22,lock,15674,15754,1028,1pps 2004.090.11:52:36.27/bbc09/692.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.74, 4.50,lock,16150,16159,1020,1pps 2004.090.11:52:36.35/bbc10/700.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.42, 3.02,lock,16228,16190,1026,1pps 2004.090.11:52:36.43/bbc11/716.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 2.82, 2.92,lock,16056,16305,1022,1pps 2004.090.11:52:36.51/bbc12/772.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 7.47, 6.31,lock,16233,16284,1019,1pps 2004.090.11:52:36.59/bbc13/804.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 9.81, 9.64,lock,16192,16247,1031,1pps 2004.090.11:52:36.67/bbc14/812.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 8.29, 8.08,lock,16184,16172,1021,1pps 2004.090.11:52:37.07#antcn#Received message for antenna: GETS 2004.090.11:52:38.04#antcn#ACU: MJD: 53094, UTC: 42756, Src: ext. 1pps present 2004.090.11:52:38.04#antcn#ACU: Azimuth: Pos: 2722738, Dev: 0, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.090.11:52:38.04#antcn#ACU: Elevation: Pos: 487271, Dev: 1, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.090.11:52:38.04#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.090.11:52:38.04#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.090.11:52:38.04#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.090.11:52:38.04#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.090.11:52:38.04#antcn#ACU: Az: no fault , no fault 2004.090.11:52:38.04#antcn#ACU: El: no fault , no fault 2004.090.11:52:38.05/antenna/ACK 2004.090.11:52:38.05:!2004.090.11:53:08 2004.090.11:53:08.00:data_valid=off 2004.090.11:53:08.01:disc_end 2004.090.11:53:08.33/disc_end/usn-0079/960/1024OK 2004.090.11:53:08.33:disc_pos 2004.090.11:53:08.34/disc_pos/694361194632,692787058400, 2004.090.11:53:08.34:disc_check 2004.090.11:53:09.04/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y090d11h53m08.393s,5232,0.00250s,80000,9563291488, 2004.090.11:53:09.04:postob_mk5a 2004.090.11:53:09.44/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 1318482 : 6392 : 1 : 11 : 0 : 4 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.11:53:10.42/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 1319329 : 5505 : 2 : 46 : 15 : 0 : 7 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.11:53:12.20/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 1319393 : 5485 : 1 : 11 : 2 : 0 : 8 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.11:53:12.21/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 1318634 : 6219 : 1 : 46 : 1 : 8 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.11:53:12.60/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 1318321 : 6563 : 3 : 10 : 2 : 8 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.11:53:12.61/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 1318245 : 6637 : 4 : 26 : 1 : 3 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.11:53:13.59/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 1318737 : 6170 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.11:53:13.60/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 1318832 : 6057 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.11:53:14.38/cable/3.711726148E-3 2004.090.11:53:15.87/fmout-gps/-7.524059E-6 2004.090.11:53:16.35/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,19.50 2004.090.11:53:16.85/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,19.20 2004.090.11:53:17.35/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.50 2004.090.11:53:17.85/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,11.30 2004.090.11:53:18.35/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.599 2004.090.11:53:18.84/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.000 2004.090.11:53:19.30/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,5.540 2004.090.11:53:19.80/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,58.85 2004.090.11:53:20.29/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,62.85 2004.090.11:53:20.74/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.244 2004.090.11:53:21.19/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,241.9 2004.090.11:53:21.64/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,65.19 2004.090.11:53:21.64:scan_name=090-1153,r1116,123 2004.090.11:53:21.65:source=1255-316,125759.06,-315516.9,2000.0,neutral 2004.090.11:53:26.07:setup4f 2004.090.11:53:28.87/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.090.11:53:28.88/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.090.11:53:29.13/bank_check/usn-0079/960/1024OK,VNVD06G4H7982L,VNVD06G4H79L4L,VNVD06G4H79RWL,VNVD06G4H71WBL,VNVD06G4H79GKL,VNVD06G4H79D4L,VNVD06G4H700TL,VNVD06G4H79GUL 2004.090.11:53:29.17/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 313 ; 2004.090.11:53:29.19:!2004.090.11:53:45 2004.090.11:53:45.00:disc_pos 2004.090.11:53:45.02/disc_pos/694361194632,694360194632, 2004.090.11:53:45.02:disc_start=on 2004.090.11:53:46.08:!2004.090.11:53:45 2004.090.11:53:46.08:preob 2004.090.11:53:48.08#antcn#ACK 2004.090.11:53:48.08/onsource/TRACKING 2004.090.11:53:50.85/tpical/1l,16178,1u,16012,2u,16125,3u,16243,4u,16301 2004.090.11:53:50.85/tpical/9u,16024,au,16142,bu,16315,cu,16286,du,16321,eu,16345 2004.090.11:53:50.85/tpical/5u,14187,6u,15710,7u,15399,8l,15497,8u,15547 2004.090.11:53:51.00/tpgain/1l,44,1u,48,2u,115,3u,121,4u,162 2004.090.11:53:51.00/tpgain/9u,111,au,107,bu,90,cu,152,du,199,eu,167 2004.090.11:53:51.00/tpgain/5u,15,6u,29,7u,23,8l,27,8u,30 2004.090.11:53:51.06:!2004.090.11:53:55 2004.090.11:53:55.00:disc_pos 2004.090.11:53:55.01/disc_pos/694616989696,694360194632, 2004.090.11:53:55.02:data_valid=on 2004.090.11:53:55.03:midob 2004.090.11:53:55.20/tpi/1l,16177,1u,16022,2u,16139,3u,16242,4u,16293 2004.090.11:53:55.20/tpi/9u,16014,au,16124,bu,16321,cu,16295,du,16321,eu,16351 2004.090.11:53:55.20/tpi/5u,14180,6u,15702,7u,15398,8l,15487,8u,15540 2004.090.11:53:55.79/tsys/1l,86.1,1u,84.7,2u,81.6,3u,84.8,4u,85.1 2004.090.11:53:55.80/tsys/9u,77.8,au,76.9,bu,87.5,cu,81.6,du,90.4,eu,92.7 2004.090.11:53:55.80/tsys/5u,84.0,6u,89.3,7u,92.3,8l,91.6,8u,89.1 2004.090.11:53:55.81/wx/13.9,994.5,97.7,122.5,0.0 2004.090.11:53:55.98/cable/3.710065573E-3 2004.090.11:53:56.44/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,19.50 2004.090.11:53:56.94/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,19.20 2004.090.11:53:57.44/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.50 2004.090.11:53:57.94/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,11.30 2004.090.11:53:58.44/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.599 2004.090.11:53:58.94/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.000 2004.090.11:53:59.44/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.962 2004.090.11:53:59.94/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,56.07 2004.090.11:54:00.44/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,60.22 2004.090.11:54:00.94/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.244 2004.090.11:54:01.44/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,242.9 2004.090.11:54:01.94/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,69.34 2004.090.11:54:02.03/bbc01/612.89,a,8,8,1,agc, -2.54, -3.30,lock,16022,16193,1018,1pps 2004.090.11:54:02.11/bbc02/652.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 5.05, 3.02,lock,16117,16275,1029,1pps 2004.090.11:54:02.19/bbc03/752.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 5.49, 3.66,lock,16252,16125,1027,1pps 2004.090.11:54:02.27/bbc04/912.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 8.03, 6.94,lock,16303,16492,1024,1pps 2004.090.11:54:02.35/bbc05/652.99,c,8,8,1,agc,-12.08,-13.24,lock,14193,14916,1025,1pps 2004.090.11:54:02.43/bbc06/772.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -6.92, -6.62,lock,15734,16336,1030,1pps 2004.090.11:54:02.51/bbc07/832.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -8.93, -8.93,lock,15392,16126,1033,1pps 2004.090.11:54:02.59/bbc08/852.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -6.62, -7.54,lock,15555,15500,1028,1pps 2004.090.11:54:02.67/bbc09/692.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.74, 4.58,lock,16018,16262,1020,1pps 2004.090.11:54:02.75/bbc10/700.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.42, 3.02,lock,16126,16058,1026,1pps 2004.090.11:54:02.83/bbc11/716.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 2.92, 2.82,lock,16303,16008,1022,1pps 2004.090.11:54:02.92/bbc12/772.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 7.47, 6.31,lock,16272,16313,1019,1pps 2004.090.11:54:03.00/bbc13/804.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 9.81, 9.64,lock,16310,16331,1031,1pps 2004.090.11:54:03.08/bbc14/812.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 8.29, 8.08,lock,16323,16293,1021,1pps 2004.090.11:54:04.07#antcn#Received message for antenna: GETS 2004.090.11:54:05.05#antcn#ACU: MJD: 53094, UTC: 42843, Src: ext. 1pps present 2004.090.11:54:05.05#antcn#ACU: Azimuth: Pos: 2389018, Dev: -1, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.090.11:54:05.05#antcn#ACU: Elevation: Pos: 121252, Dev: 3, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.090.11:54:05.05#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.090.11:54:05.05#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.090.11:54:05.05#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.090.11:54:05.05#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.090.11:54:05.05#antcn#ACU: Az: no fault , no fault 2004.090.11:54:05.05#antcn#ACU: El: no fault , no fault 2004.090.11:54:05.06/antenna/ACK 2004.090.11:54:05.06:!2004.090.11:55:58 2004.090.11:55:58.00:data_valid=off 2004.090.11:55:58.01:disc_end 2004.090.11:55:58.65/disc_end/usn-0079/960/1024OK 2004.090.11:55:58.66:disc_pos 2004.090.11:55:58.66/disc_pos/698589600016,694361194632, 2004.090.11:55:58.67:disc_check 2004.090.11:56:00.50/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y090d11h55m58.343s,45420,0.00250s,80000,1209954428, 2004.090.11:56:00.51:postob_mk5a 2004.090.11:56:00.52/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 1326514 : 6428 : 1 : 11 : 0 : 4 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.11:56:00.62/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 1327366 : 5538 : 2 : 46 : 15 : 0 : 7 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.11:56:01.64/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 1327434 : 5512 : 1 : 11 : 2 : 0 : 8 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.11:56:01.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 1326669 : 6252 : 1 : 46 : 1 : 8 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.11:56:02.02/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 1326356 : 6596 : 3 : 10 : 2 : 8 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.11:56:02.03/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 1326279 : 6671 : 4 : 26 : 1 : 3 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.11:56:02.22/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 1326774 : 6201 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.11:56:02.23/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 1326863 : 6094 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.11:56:02.38/cable/3.709578016E-3 2004.090.11:56:03.87/fmout-gps/-7.528079E-6 2004.090.11:56:04.34/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,19.50 2004.090.11:56:04.84/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,19.20 2004.090.11:56:05.34/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.40 2004.090.11:56:05.84/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,11.40 2004.090.11:56:06.34/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.599 2004.090.11:56:06.84/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.000 2004.090.11:56:07.34/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,1.968 2004.090.11:56:07.84/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,62.85 2004.090.11:56:08.34/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,60.22 2004.090.11:56:08.84/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.244 2004.090.11:56:09.34/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,243.4 2004.090.11:56:09.84/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,67.63 2004.090.11:56:09.84:scan_name=090-1203,r1116,130 2004.090.11:56:09.85:source=1741-038,174358.86,-035004.6,2000.0,cw 2004.090.11:56:14.07:setup4f 2004.090.11:56:16.87/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.090.11:56:17.33/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.090.11:56:17.53/bank_check/usn-0079/960/1024OK,VNVD06G4H7982L,VNVD06G4H79L4L,VNVD06G4H79RWL,VNVD06G4H71WBL,VNVD06G4H79GKL,VNVD06G4H79D4L,VNVD06G4H700TL,VNVD06G4H79GUL 2004.090.11:56:17.57/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 315 ; 2004.090.11:56:17.58:!2004.090.12:03:35 2004.090.12:03:35.00:disc_pos 2004.090.12:03:35.02/disc_pos/698589600016,698588600016, 2004.090.12:03:35.02:disc_start=on 2004.090.12:03:36.05:!2004.090.12:03:35 2004.090.12:03:36.06:preob 2004.090.12:03:37.07#antcn#ACK 2004.090.12:03:37.07/onsource/TRACKING 2004.090.12:03:39.81/tpical/1l,15930,1u,15634,2u,16063,3u,16081,4u,16224 2004.090.12:03:39.81/tpical/9u,16006,au,16095,bu,16098,cu,16333,du,16268,eu,16305 2004.090.12:03:39.81/tpical/5u,13935,6u,15896,7u,15189,8l,16239,8u,16133 2004.090.12:03:39.96/tpgain/1l,45,1u,49,2u,118,3u,124,4u,167 2004.090.12:03:39.96/tpgain/9u,111,au,107,bu,90,cu,153,du,200,eu,168 2004.090.12:03:39.96/tpgain/5u,15,6u,30,7u,23,8l,28,8u,31 2004.090.12:03:39.99:!2004.090.12:03:45 2004.090.12:03:45.01:disc_pos 2004.090.12:03:45.02/disc_pos/698845396992,698588600016, 2004.090.12:03:45.02:data_valid=on 2004.090.12:03:45.03:midob 2004.090.12:03:45.20/tpi/1l,15939,1u,15646,2u,16062,3u,16095,4u,16241 2004.090.12:03:45.21/tpi/9u,15994,au,16088,bu,16100,cu,16341,du,16264,eu,16307 2004.090.12:03:45.21/tpi/5u,13947,6u,15884,7u,15204,8l,16258,8u,16132 2004.090.12:03:45.78/tsys/1l,80.9,1u,79.2,2u,77.0,3u,79.8,4u,79.2 2004.090.12:03:45.78/tsys/9u,77.7,au,76.7,bu,86.2,cu,80.7,du,89.2,eu,91.3 2004.090.12:03:45.79/tsys/5u,82.6,6u,84.3,7u,91.2,8l,89.4,8u,86.6 2004.090.12:03:45.80/wx/14.0,994.6,97.7,36.2,0.4 2004.090.12:03:46.38/cable/3.710664868E-3 2004.090.12:03:46.85/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,19.60 2004.090.12:03:47.35/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,19.30 2004.090.12:03:47.85/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.50 2004.090.12:03:48.35/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,11.50 2004.090.12:03:48.85/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.599 2004.090.12:03:49.35/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.000 2004.090.12:03:49.85/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.704 2004.090.12:03:50.35/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,65.48 2004.090.12:03:50.85/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,57.46 2004.090.12:03:51.35/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.217 2004.090.12:03:51.85/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,243.1 2004.090.12:03:52.35/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,68.61 2004.090.12:03:52.44/bbc01/612.89,a,8,8,1,agc, -2.18, -3.10,lock,16261,15933,1018,1pps 2004.090.12:03:52.52/bbc02/652.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 5.27, 3.21,lock,16147,16143,1029,1pps 2004.090.12:03:52.60/bbc03/752.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 5.70, 3.92,lock,16068,16307,1027,1pps 2004.090.12:03:52.68/bbc04/912.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 8.29, 7.24,lock,16229,16304,1024,1pps 2004.090.12:03:52.76/bbc05/652.99,c,8,8,1,agc,-12.64,-13.24,lock,16695,14492,1025,1pps 2004.090.12:03:52.84/bbc06/772.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -6.62, -6.62,lock,15875,15438,1030,1pps 2004.090.12:03:52.92/bbc07/832.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -8.93, -8.93,lock,15204,15898,1033,1pps 2004.090.12:03:53.00/bbc08/852.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -6.34, -7.22,lock,16100,16229,1028,1pps 2004.090.12:03:53.08/bbc09/692.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.74, 4.50,lock,16003,16015,1020,1pps 2004.090.12:03:53.16/bbc10/700.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.42, 3.02,lock,16102,16048,1026,1pps 2004.090.12:03:53.24/bbc11/716.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 2.92, 2.92,lock,16071,16080,1022,1pps 2004.090.12:03:53.33/bbc12/772.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 7.53, 6.31,lock,16343,16196,1019,1pps 2004.090.12:03:53.41/bbc13/804.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 9.86, 9.68,lock,16267,16340,1031,1pps 2004.090.12:03:53.49/bbc14/812.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 8.34, 8.13,lock,16307,16304,1021,1pps 2004.090.12:03:54.09#antcn#Received message for antenna: GETS 2004.090.12:03:55.06#antcn#ACU: MJD: 53094, UTC: 43433, Src: ext. 1pps present 2004.090.12:03:55.06#antcn#ACU: Azimuth: Pos: 3128175, Dev: 0, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.090.12:03:55.06#antcn#ACU: Elevation: Pos: 469060, Dev: -4, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.090.12:03:55.06#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.090.12:03:55.06#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.090.12:03:55.06#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.090.12:03:55.06#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.090.12:03:55.06#antcn#ACU: Az: no fault , no fault 2004.090.12:03:55.06#antcn#ACU: El: no fault , no fault 2004.090.12:03:55.07/antenna/ACK 2004.090.12:03:55.07:!2004.090.12:05:55 2004.090.12:05:55.00:data_valid=off 2004.090.12:05:55.01:disc_end 2004.090.12:05:55.26/disc_end/usn-0079/960/1024OK 2004.090.12:05:55.27:disc_pos 2004.090.12:05:55.28/disc_pos/703042371800,698589600016, 2004.090.12:05:55.28:disc_check 2004.090.12:05:55.59/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y090d12h05m55.337s,38564,0.00250s,80000,14651075072, 2004.090.12:05:55.59:postob_mk5a 2004.090.12:05:55.60/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 1334965 : 6472 : 1 : 11 : 0 : 5 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.12:05:55.61/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 1335827 : 5575 : 2 : 46 : 15 : 0 : 7 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.12:05:55.62/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 1335890 : 5552 : 1 : 11 : 2 : 0 : 8 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.12:05:55.63/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 1335131 : 6285 : 1 : 46 : 1 : 9 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.12:05:55.64/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 1334807 : 6641 : 3 : 10 : 2 : 8 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.12:05:55.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 1334740 : 6706 : 4 : 26 : 1 : 3 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.12:05:55.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 1335232 : 6239 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.12:05:55.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 1335315 : 6138 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.12:05:55.98/cable/3.709596807E-3 2004.090.12:05:57.87/fmout-gps/-7.507560E-6 2004.090.12:05:58.35/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,19.60 2004.090.12:05:58.85/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,19.30 2004.090.12:05:59.35/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.50 2004.090.12:05:59.85/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,11.50 2004.090.12:06:00.35/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.599 2004.090.12:06:00.85/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.000 2004.090.12:06:01.35/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,2.784 2004.090.12:06:01.85/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,68.11 2004.090.12:06:02.35/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,61.54 2004.090.12:06:02.85/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.244 2004.090.12:06:03.35/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,242.9 2004.090.12:06:03.85/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,64.70 2004.090.12:06:03.85:scan_name=090-1213,r1116,190 2004.090.12:06:03.86:source=1606+106,160846.20,102907.8,2000.0,cw 2004.090.12:06:08.08:setup4f 2004.090.12:06:10.88/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.090.12:06:10.89/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.090.12:06:10.91/bank_check/usn-0079/960/1024OK,VNVD06G4H7982L,VNVD06G4H79L4L,VNVD06G4H79RWL,VNVD06G4H71WBL,VNVD06G4H79GKL,VNVD06G4H79D4L,VNVD06G4H700TL,VNVD06G4H79GUL 2004.090.12:06:10.93/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 317 ; 2004.090.12:06:10.93:!2004.090.12:13:28 2004.090.12:13:28.00:disc_pos 2004.090.12:13:28.01/disc_pos/703042371800,703041371800, 2004.090.12:13:28.02:disc_start=on 2004.090.12:13:29.05:!2004.090.12:13:28 2004.090.12:13:29.05:preob 2004.090.12:13:30.09#antcn#ACK 2004.090.12:13:30.09/onsource/TRACKING 2004.090.12:13:32.83/tpical/1l,15928,1u,16305,2u,16162,3u,16234,4u,16262 2004.090.12:13:32.83/tpical/9u,16374,au,16026,bu,16057,cu,16306,du,16267,eu,16298 2004.090.12:13:32.83/tpical/5u,16934,6u,16163,7u,15408,8l,15381,8u,16300 2004.090.12:13:32.98/tpgain/1l,45,1u,50,2u,117,3u,124,4u,166 2004.090.12:13:32.98/tpgain/9u,112,au,108,bu,91,cu,154,du,201,eu,169 2004.090.12:13:32.98/tpgain/5u,16,6u,30,7u,23,8l,27,8u,31 2004.090.12:13:33.02:!2004.090.12:13:38 2004.090.12:13:38.00:disc_pos 2004.090.12:13:38.00/disc_pos/703298166784,703041371800, 2004.090.12:13:38.01:data_valid=on 2004.090.12:13:38.02:midob 2004.090.12:13:38.19/tpi/1l,15935,1u,16318,2u,16135,3u,16234,4u,16272 2004.090.12:13:38.19/tpi/9u,16362,au,16032,bu,16046,cu,16294,du,16253,eu,16298 2004.090.12:13:38.19/tpi/5u,16936,6u,16165,7u,15419,8l,15388,8u,16338 2004.090.12:13:38.78/tsys/1l,80.9,1u,79.3,2u,78.7,3u,80.5,4u,80.5 2004.090.12:13:38.78/tsys/9u,78.1,au,75.0,bu,84.0,cu,79.4,du,88.2,eu,90.1 2004.090.12:13:38.79/tsys/5u,88.3,6u,85.8,7u,92.5,8l,91.0,8u,87.7 2004.090.12:13:38.80/wx/14.1,994.7,97.7,43.5,0.1 2004.090.12:13:39.18/cable/3.710406928E-3 2004.090.12:13:39.64/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,19.80 2004.090.12:13:40.14/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,19.60 2004.090.12:13:40.64/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.40 2004.090.12:13:41.14/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,11.70 2004.090.12:13:41.64/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.596 2004.090.12:13:42.14/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.000 2004.090.12:13:42.64/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.791 2004.090.12:13:43.14/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,65.48 2004.090.12:13:43.64/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,58.85 2004.090.12:13:44.14/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.244 2004.090.12:13:44.64/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,243.6 2004.090.12:13:45.14/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,67.14 2004.090.12:13:45.23/bbc01/612.89,a,8,8,1,agc, -2.18, -3.10,lock,16315,15926,1018,1pps 2004.090.12:13:45.31/bbc02/652.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 5.20, 3.11,lock,16284,16171,1029,1pps 2004.090.12:13:45.39/bbc03/752.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 5.70, 3.84,lock,16234,16175,1027,1pps 2004.090.12:13:45.47/bbc04/912.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 8.24, 7.18,lock,16266,16276,1024,1pps 2004.090.12:13:45.55/bbc05/652.99,c,8,8,1,agc,-12.08,-13.24,lock,14164,14746,1025,1pps 2004.090.12:13:45.63/bbc06/772.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -6.62, -6.62,lock,16146,15678,1030,1pps 2004.090.12:13:45.71/bbc07/832.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -8.93, -8.93,lock,15451,16151,1033,1pps 2004.090.12:13:45.79/bbc08/852.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -6.34, -7.54,lock,16293,15380,1028,1pps 2004.090.12:13:45.87/bbc09/692.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.82, 4.58,lock,16360,15943,1020,1pps 2004.090.12:13:45.95/bbc10/700.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.50, 3.11,lock,16035,16095,1026,1pps 2004.090.12:13:46.03/bbc11/716.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 3.02, 3.02,lock,16040,16030,1022,1pps 2004.090.12:13:46.11/bbc12/772.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 7.59, 6.38,lock,16280,16145,1019,1pps 2004.090.12:13:46.19/bbc13/804.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 9.90, 9.73,lock,16248,16281,1031,1pps 2004.090.12:13:46.27/bbc14/812.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 8.39, 8.19,lock,16281,16302,1021,1pps 2004.090.12:13:47.08#antcn#Received message for antenna: GETS 2004.090.12:13:48.06#antcn#ACU: MJD: 53094, UTC: 44026, Src: ext. 1pps present 2004.090.12:13:48.06#antcn#ACU: Azimuth: Pos: 2998962, Dev: 0, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.090.12:13:48.06#antcn#ACU: Elevation: Pos: 190661, Dev: 3, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.090.12:13:48.06#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.090.12:13:48.06#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.090.12:13:48.06#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.090.12:13:48.06#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.090.12:13:48.06#antcn#ACU: Az: no fault , no fault 2004.090.12:13:48.06#antcn#ACU: El: no fault , no fault 2004.090.12:13:48.07/antenna/ACK 2004.090.12:13:48.07:!2004.090.12:16:48 2004.090.12:16:48.00:data_valid=off 2004.090.12:16:48.01:disc_end 2004.090.12:16:48.27/disc_end/usn-0079/960/1024OK 2004.090.12:16:48.27:disc_pos 2004.090.12:16:48.28/disc_pos/709415507600,703042371800, 2004.090.12:16:48.28:disc_check 2004.090.12:16:48.59/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y090d12h16m48.345s,77452,0.00250s,80000,14523065312, 2004.090.12:16:48.59:postob_mk5a 2004.090.12:16:48.60/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 1347064 : 6532 : 1 : 11 : 0 : 5 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.12:16:48.61/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 1347939 : 5624 : 2 : 46 : 15 : 0 : 7 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.12:16:48.62/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 1347993 : 5608 : 1 : 11 : 2 : 0 : 8 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.12:16:48.63/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 1347226 : 6350 : 1 : 46 : 1 : 9 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.12:16:48.64/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 1346891 : 6716 : 3 : 10 : 2 : 8 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.12:16:48.64/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 1346839 : 6767 : 4 : 26 : 1 : 3 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.12:16:48.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 1347336 : 6294 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.12:16:48.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 1347431 : 6183 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.12:16:48.78/cable/3.710626812E-3 2004.090.12:16:49.87/fmout-gps/-7.558960E-6 2004.090.12:16:50.35/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,19.80 2004.090.12:16:50.85/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,19.60 2004.090.12:16:51.35/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.50 2004.090.12:16:51.85/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,11.80 2004.090.12:16:52.35/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.596 2004.090.12:16:52.85/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.000 2004.090.12:16:53.35/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,2.784 2004.090.12:16:53.85/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,68.11 2004.090.12:16:54.35/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,58.85 2004.090.12:16:54.85/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.244 2004.090.12:16:55.35/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,243.6 2004.090.12:16:55.85/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,65.43 2004.090.12:16:55.85:scan_name=090-1228,r1116,190 2004.090.12:16:55.86:source=1749+096,175132.82,093900.7,2000.0,cw 2004.090.12:17:00.09:setup4f 2004.090.12:17:02.88/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.090.12:17:02.89/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.090.12:17:02.91/bank_check/usn-0079/960/1024OK,VNVD06G4H7982L,VNVD06G4H79L4L,VNVD06G4H79RWL,VNVD06G4H71WBL,VNVD06G4H79GKL,VNVD06G4H79D4L,VNVD06G4H700TL,VNVD06G4H79GUL 2004.090.12:17:02.94/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 319 ; 2004.090.12:17:02.95:!2004.090.12:27:57 2004.090.12:27:57.00:disc_pos 2004.090.12:27:57.01/disc_pos/709415507600,709414507600, 2004.090.12:27:57.02:disc_start=on 2004.090.12:27:58.05:!2004.090.12:27:57 2004.090.12:27:58.06:preob 2004.090.12:27:59.10#antcn#ACK 2004.090.12:27:59.11/onsource/TRACKING 2004.090.12:28:01.85/tpical/1l,15935,1u,16245,2u,16225,3u,16282,4u,16248 2004.090.12:28:01.85/tpical/9u,15782,au,16087,bu,16258,cu,16241,du,16279,eu,16316 2004.090.12:28:01.85/tpical/5u,14156,6u,16343,7u,15160,8l,15952,8u,15669 2004.090.12:28:02.00/tpgain/1l,45,1u,50,2u,117,3u,126,4u,167 2004.090.12:28:02.00/tpgain/9u,111,au,108,bu,91,cu,153,du,201,eu,169 2004.090.12:28:02.00/tpgain/5u,15,6u,30,7u,23,8l,28,8u,31 2004.090.12:28:02.03:!2004.090.12:28:07 2004.090.12:28:07.00:disc_pos 2004.090.12:28:07.02/disc_pos/709671297024,709414507600, 2004.090.12:28:07.03:data_valid=on 2004.090.12:28:07.05:midob 2004.090.12:28:07.22/tpi/1l,15929,1u,16227,2u,16202,3u,16281,4u,16248 2004.090.12:28:07.23/tpi/9u,15771,au,16077,bu,16248,cu,16206,du,16275,eu,16317 2004.090.12:28:07.23/tpi/5u,14143,6u,16354,7u,15154,8l,15965,8u,15680 2004.090.12:28:07.82/tsys/1l,80.9,1u,78.9,2u,79.1,3u,78.1,4u,79.2 2004.090.12:28:07.82/tsys/9u,76.6,au,75.2,bu,85.1,cu,80.0,du,88.3,eu,90.2 2004.090.12:28:07.83/tsys/5u,83.8,6u,86.8,7u,90.9,8l,87.8,8u,84.1 2004.090.12:28:07.84/wx/14.5,994.8,97.7,357.1,0.5 2004.090.12:28:07.97/cable/3.711235638E-3 2004.090.12:28:08.44/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,20.00 2004.090.12:28:08.89/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,19.80 2004.090.12:28:09.34/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.50 2004.090.12:28:09.79/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,12.10 2004.090.12:28:10.24/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.599 2004.090.12:28:10.69/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.000 2004.090.12:28:11.14/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,1.330 2004.090.12:28:11.59/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,62.85 2004.090.12:28:12.04/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,65.48 2004.090.12:28:12.49/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.244 2004.090.12:28:12.94/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,243.6 2004.090.12:28:13.39/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,68.85 2004.090.12:28:13.48/bbc01/612.89,a,8,8,1,agc, -2.18, -3.10,lock,16249,15934,1018,1pps 2004.090.12:28:13.56/bbc02/652.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 5.20, 3.11,lock,16128,16111,1029,1pps 2004.090.12:28:13.64/bbc03/752.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 5.84, 3.92,lock,16286,16051,1027,1pps 2004.090.12:28:13.72/bbc04/912.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 8.29, 7.24,lock,16246,16321,1024,1pps 2004.090.12:28:13.80/bbc05/652.99,c,8,8,1,agc,-12.08,-13.24,lock,14157,14802,1025,1pps 2004.090.12:28:13.88/bbc06/772.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -6.62, -6.62,lock,16360,15774,1030,1pps 2004.090.12:28:13.96/bbc07/832.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -8.93, -8.93,lock,15132,15960,1033,1pps 2004.090.12:28:14.04/bbc08/852.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -6.34, -7.22,lock,15691,15964,1028,1pps 2004.090.12:28:14.12/bbc09/692.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.82, 4.66,lock,15751,16273,1020,1pps 2004.090.12:28:14.20/bbc10/700.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.50, 3.11,lock,16076,16116,1026,1pps 2004.090.12:28:14.28/bbc11/716.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 3.02, 3.02,lock,16246,16156,1022,1pps 2004.090.12:28:14.36/bbc12/772.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 7.53, 6.38,lock,16221,16304,1019,1pps 2004.090.12:28:14.44/bbc13/804.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 9.90, 9.68,lock,16265,16204,1031,1pps 2004.090.12:28:14.52/bbc14/812.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 8.39, 8.13,lock,16311,16146,1021,1pps 2004.090.12:28:15.09#antcn#Received message for antenna: GETS 2004.090.12:28:16.07#antcn#ACU: MJD: 53094, UTC: 44894, Src: ext. 1pps present 2004.090.12:28:16.07#antcn#ACU: Azimuth: Pos: 3181881, Dev: -4, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.090.12:28:16.07#antcn#ACU: Elevation: Pos: 334095, Dev: -3, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.090.12:28:16.07#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.090.12:28:16.07#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.090.12:28:16.07#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.090.12:28:16.07#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.090.12:28:16.07#antcn#ACU: Az: no fault , no fault 2004.090.12:28:16.07#antcn#ACU: El: no fault , no fault 2004.090.12:28:16.08/antenna/ACK 2004.090.12:28:16.08:!2004.090.12:31:17 2004.090.12:31:17.00:data_valid=off 2004.090.12:31:17.01:disc_end 2004.090.12:31:17.27/disc_end/usn-0079/960/1024OK 2004.090.12:31:17.28:disc_pos 2004.090.12:31:17.29/disc_pos/715788640472,709415507600, 2004.090.12:31:17.29:disc_check 2004.090.12:31:17.88/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y090d12h31m17.348s,17900,0.00250s,80000,21435006680, 2004.090.12:31:17.89:postob_mk5a 2004.090.12:31:17.90/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 1359174 : 6582 : 1 : 11 : 0 : 5 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.12:31:17.91/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 1360034 : 5687 : 2 : 47 : 15 : 0 : 7 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.12:31:17.92/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 1360093 : 5667 : 1 : 12 : 2 : 0 : 8 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.12:31:17.93/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 1359314 : 6420 : 1 : 47 : 1 : 9 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.12:31:17.93/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 1358975 : 6791 : 3 : 10 : 2 : 8 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.12:31:17.94/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 1358935 : 6830 : 4 : 26 : 1 : 3 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.12:31:17.95/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 1359444 : 6345 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.12:31:17.96/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 1359531 : 6244 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.12:31:18.37/cable/3.711354690E-3 2004.090.12:31:19.86/fmout-gps/-7.514393E-6 2004.090.12:31:20.35/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,20.10 2004.090.12:31:20.85/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,19.80 2004.090.12:31:21.35/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.50 2004.090.12:31:21.85/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,12.20 2004.090.12:31:22.35/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.596 2004.090.12:31:22.85/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.000 2004.090.12:31:23.35/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.791 2004.090.12:31:23.85/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,64.17 2004.090.12:31:24.35/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,58.85 2004.090.12:31:24.85/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.244 2004.090.12:31:25.35/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,244.6 2004.090.12:31:25.85/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,64.95 2004.090.12:31:25.85:scan_name=090-1246,r1116,149 2004.090.12:31:25.86:source=1741-038,174358.86,-035004.6,2000.0,cw 2004.090.12:31:30.10:setup4f 2004.090.12:31:32.88/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.090.12:31:32.89/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.090.12:31:32.91/bank_check/usn-0079/960/1024OK,VNVD06G4H7982L,VNVD06G4H79L4L,VNVD06G4H79RWL,VNVD06G4H71WBL,VNVD06G4H79GKL,VNVD06G4H79D4L,VNVD06G4H700TL,VNVD06G4H79GUL 2004.090.12:31:32.93/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 321 ; 2004.090.12:31:32.93:!2004.090.12:46:32 2004.090.12:46:32.00:disc_pos 2004.090.12:46:32.02/disc_pos/715788640472,715787640472, 2004.090.12:46:32.02:disc_start=on 2004.090.12:46:33.06:!2004.090.12:46:32 2004.090.12:46:33.06:preob 2004.090.12:46:34.11#antcn#ACK 2004.090.12:46:34.11/onsource/TRACKING 2004.090.12:46:36.86/tpical/1l,15747,1u,16134,2u,16077,3u,16203,4u,16242 2004.090.12:46:36.86/tpical/9u,16115,au,16191,bu,16148,cu,16170,du,16232,eu,16264 2004.090.12:46:36.86/tpical/5u,17066,6u,15550,7u,15246,8l,16040,8u,15696 2004.090.12:46:37.01/tpgain/1l,44,1u,49,2u,116,3u,125,4u,166 2004.090.12:46:37.01/tpgain/9u,111,au,107,bu,88,cu,151,du,199,eu,167 2004.090.12:46:37.01/tpgain/5u,16,6u,29,7u,23,8l,28,8u,31 2004.090.12:46:37.04:!2004.090.12:46:42 2004.090.12:46:42.00:disc_pos 2004.090.12:46:42.01/disc_pos/716044439552,715787640472, 2004.090.12:46:42.01:data_valid=on 2004.090.12:46:42.02:midob 2004.090.12:46:42.19/tpi/1l,15723,1u,16112,2u,16051,3u,16188,4u,16236 2004.090.12:46:42.19/tpi/9u,16096,au,16192,bu,16138,cu,16163,du,16236,eu,16268 2004.090.12:46:42.19/tpi/5u,17080,6u,15564,7u,15249,8l,16044,8u,15700 2004.090.12:46:42.77/tsys/1l,83.6,1u,81.7,2u,79.7,3u,79.0,4u,80.3 2004.090.12:46:42.77/tsys/9u,78.2,au,77.2,bu,90.5,cu,82.0,du,89.9,eu,92.2 2004.090.12:46:42.78/tsys/5u,89.0,6u,88.5,7u,91.4,8l,88.2,8u,84.2 2004.090.12:46:42.79/wx/14.6,995.1,97.7,315.0,1.1 2004.090.12:46:43.18/cable/3.712168517E-3 2004.090.12:46:43.65/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,20.50 2004.090.12:46:44.15/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,20.10 2004.090.12:46:44.65/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.60 2004.090.12:46:45.15/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,12.90 2004.090.12:46:45.65/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.599 2004.090.12:46:46.15/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.000 2004.090.12:46:46.65/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.000 2004.090.12:46:47.15/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,64.17 2004.090.12:46:47.65/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,61.54 2004.090.12:46:48.15/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.271 2004.090.12:46:48.65/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,244.3 2004.090.12:46:49.15/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,70.56 2004.090.12:46:49.24/bbc01/612.89,a,8,8,1,agc, -2.36, -3.30,lock,16071,15666,1018,1pps 2004.090.12:46:49.32/bbc02/652.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 5.12, 3.11,lock,16040,16221,1029,1pps 2004.090.12:46:49.40/bbc03/752.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 5.77, 3.92,lock,16143,16107,1027,1pps 2004.090.12:46:49.48/bbc04/912.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 8.24, 7.18,lock,16211,16188,1024,1pps 2004.090.12:46:49.57/bbc05/652.99,c,8,8,1,agc,-12.08,-13.24,lock,14268,14936,1025,1pps 2004.090.12:46:49.65/bbc06/772.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -6.92, -6.62,lock,15546,16033,1030,1pps 2004.090.12:46:49.73/bbc07/832.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -8.93, -8.93,lock,15268,16148,1033,1pps 2004.090.12:46:49.81/bbc08/852.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -6.34, -7.22,lock,15699,16048,1028,1pps 2004.090.12:46:49.89/bbc09/692.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.74, 4.50,lock,16101,16099,1020,1pps 2004.090.12:46:49.97/bbc10/700.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.42, 3.02,lock,16207,16094,1026,1pps 2004.090.12:46:50.05/bbc11/716.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 2.73, 2.82,lock,16142,16014,1022,1pps 2004.090.12:46:50.14/bbc12/772.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 7.42, 6.25,lock,16159,16236,1019,1pps 2004.090.12:46:50.22/bbc13/804.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 9.81, 9.64,lock,16236,16262,1031,1pps 2004.090.12:46:50.30/bbc14/812.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 8.29, 8.08,lock,16257,16225,1021,1pps 2004.090.12:46:51.12#antcn#Received message for antenna: GETS 2004.090.12:46:52.09#antcn#ACU: MJD: 53094, UTC: 46010, Src: ext. 1pps present 2004.090.12:46:52.09#antcn#ACU: Azimuth: Pos: 3013917, Dev: -5, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.090.12:46:52.09#antcn#ACU: Elevation: Pos: 400381, Dev: 1, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.090.12:46:52.09#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.090.12:46:52.09#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.090.12:46:52.09#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.090.12:46:52.09#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.090.12:46:52.09#antcn#ACU: Az: no fault , no fault 2004.090.12:46:52.09#antcn#ACU: El: no fault , no fault 2004.090.12:46:52.10/antenna/ACK 2004.090.12:46:52.10:!2004.090.12:49:11 2004.090.12:49:11.00:data_valid=off 2004.090.12:49:11.01:disc_end 2004.090.12:49:11.28/disc_end/usn-0079/960/1024OK 2004.090.12:49:11.28:disc_pos 2004.090.12:49:11.29/disc_pos/720849848536,715788640472, 2004.090.12:49:11.29:disc_check 2004.090.12:49:11.59/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y090d12h49m11.355s,27748,0.00250s,80000,29307022088, 2004.090.12:49:11.60:postob_mk5a 2004.090.12:49:11.61/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 1368792 : 6620 : 1 : 11 : 0 : 5 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.12:49:11.62/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 1369649 : 5729 : 2 : 47 : 15 : 0 : 7 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.12:49:11.63/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 1369708 : 5710 : 1 : 12 : 2 : 0 : 8 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.12:49:11.63/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 1368927 : 6464 : 1 : 47 : 1 : 9 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.12:49:11.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 1368584 : 6839 : 3 : 10 : 2 : 8 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.12:49:11.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 1368550 : 6872 : 4 : 26 : 1 : 3 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.12:49:11.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 1369059 : 6387 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.12:49:11.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 1369135 : 6296 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.12:49:11.97/cable/3.713390004E-3 2004.090.12:49:13.86/fmout-gps/-7.538170E-6 2004.090.12:49:14.35/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,20.60 2004.090.12:49:14.85/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,20.20 2004.090.12:49:15.35/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.60 2004.090.12:49:15.85/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,13.10 2004.090.12:49:16.35/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.596 2004.090.12:49:16.85/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.000 2004.090.12:49:17.35/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,4.654 2004.090.12:49:17.85/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,54.68 2004.090.12:49:18.35/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,62.85 2004.090.12:49:18.85/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.271 2004.090.12:49:19.35/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,244.8 2004.090.12:49:19.85/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,71.29 2004.090.12:49:19.85:scan_name=090-1250,r1116,190 2004.090.12:49:19.86:source=1606+106,160846.20,102907.8,2000.0,cw 2004.090.12:49:24.11:setup4f 2004.090.12:49:26.87/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.090.12:49:26.88/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.090.12:49:26.91/bank_check/usn-0079/960/1024OK,VNVD06G4H7982L,VNVD06G4H79L4L,VNVD06G4H79RWL,VNVD06G4H71WBL,VNVD06G4H79GKL,VNVD06G4H79D4L,VNVD06G4H700TL,VNVD06G4H79GUL 2004.090.12:49:26.93/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 323 ; 2004.090.12:49:26.93:!2004.090.12:50:10 2004.090.12:50:10.00:disc_pos 2004.090.12:50:10.01/disc_pos/720849848536,720848848536, 2004.090.12:50:10.02:disc_start=on 2004.090.12:50:11.06:!2004.090.12:50:10 2004.090.12:50:11.06:preob 2004.090.12:50:12.12#antcn#ACK 2004.090.12:50:12.12/onsource/TRACKING 2004.090.12:50:14.88/tpical/1l,16042,1u,15898,2u,16335,3u,16287,4u,16218 2004.090.12:50:14.88/tpical/9u,16233,au,16350,bu,16211,cu,16373,du,16321,eu,16336 2004.090.12:50:14.88/tpical/5u,15102,6u,15388,7u,16183,8l,15960,8u,15798 2004.090.12:50:15.03/tpgain/1l,44,1u,48,2u,115,3u,123,4u,163 2004.090.12:50:15.03/tpgain/9u,111,au,107,bu,88,cu,151,du,198,eu,166 2004.090.12:50:15.03/tpgain/5u,15,6u,28,7u,23,8l,27,8u,30 2004.090.12:50:15.06:!2004.090.12:50:20 2004.090.12:50:20.00:disc_pos 2004.090.12:50:20.00/disc_pos/721105645568,720848848536, 2004.090.12:50:20.01:data_valid=on 2004.090.12:50:20.02:midob 2004.090.12:50:20.19/tpi/1l,16038,1u,15900,2u,16332,3u,16303,4u,16228 2004.090.12:50:20.19/tpi/9u,16226,au,16330,bu,16188,cu,16341,du,16298,eu,16301 2004.090.12:50:20.19/tpi/5u,15114,6u,15379,7u,16180,8l,15973,8u,15797 2004.090.12:50:20.79/tsys/1l,85.3,1u,84.1,2u,82.6,3u,82.3,4u,83.6 2004.090.12:50:20.79/tsys/9u,78.9,au,77.9,bu,90.8,cu,83.0,du,91.3,eu,93.6 2004.090.12:50:20.80/tsys/5u,89.7,6u,93.9,7u,97.1,8l,94.6,8u,90.6 2004.090.12:50:20.81/wx/14.6,995.1,97.7,320.1,1.0 2004.090.12:50:21.57/cable/3.712222458E-3 2004.090.12:50:22.05/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,20.60 2004.090.12:50:22.55/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,20.30 2004.090.12:50:23.05/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.50 2004.090.12:50:23.55/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,13.10 2004.090.12:50:24.05/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.599 2004.090.12:50:24.55/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.000 2004.090.12:50:25.05/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,2.129 2004.090.12:50:25.55/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,56.07 2004.090.12:50:26.05/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,61.54 2004.090.12:50:26.55/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.244 2004.090.12:50:27.05/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,244.8 2004.090.12:50:27.55/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,67.14 2004.090.12:50:27.64/bbc01/612.89,a,8,8,1,agc, -2.54, -3.30,lock,15895,16034,1018,1pps 2004.090.12:50:27.72/bbc02/652.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 5.05, 2.92,lock,16323,16151,1029,1pps 2004.090.12:50:27.80/bbc03/752.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 5.63, 3.75,lock,16308,16091,1027,1pps 2004.090.12:50:27.88/bbc04/912.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 8.08, 7.00,lock,16225,16210,1024,1pps 2004.090.12:50:27.96/bbc05/652.99,c,8,8,1,agc,-12.64,-13.24,lock,15101,15858,1025,1pps 2004.090.12:50:28.04/bbc06/772.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -7.22, -6.92,lock,15395,15932,1030,1pps 2004.090.12:50:28.12/bbc07/832.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -8.93, -9.32,lock,16185,15712,1033,1pps 2004.090.12:50:28.21/bbc08/852.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -6.62, -7.54,lock,15804,15975,1028,1pps 2004.090.12:50:28.29/bbc09/692.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.74, 4.50,lock,16216,16199,1020,1pps 2004.090.12:50:28.37/bbc10/700.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.42, 3.02,lock,16330,16207,1026,1pps 2004.090.12:50:28.45/bbc11/716.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 2.73, 2.82,lock,16189,16127,1022,1pps 2004.090.12:50:28.53/bbc12/772.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 7.42, 6.18,lock,16349,16136,1019,1pps 2004.090.12:50:28.61/bbc13/804.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 9.77, 9.59,lock,16295,16344,1031,1pps 2004.090.12:50:28.69/bbc14/812.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 8.24, 8.03,lock,16316,16273,1021,1pps 2004.090.12:50:29.12#antcn#Received message for antenna: GETS 2004.090.12:50:30.09#antcn#ACU: MJD: 53094, UTC: 46228, Src: ext. 1pps present 2004.090.12:50:30.09#antcn#ACU: Azimuth: Pos: 2934307, Dev: -4, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.090.12:50:30.09#antcn#ACU: Elevation: Pos: 125225, Dev: 7, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.090.12:50:30.09#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.090.12:50:30.09#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.090.12:50:30.09#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.090.12:50:30.09#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.090.12:50:30.09#antcn#ACU: Az: no fault , no fault 2004.090.12:50:30.09#antcn#ACU: El: no fault , no fault 2004.090.12:50:30.10/antenna/ACK 2004.090.12:50:30.10:!2004.090.12:53:30 2004.090.12:53:30.00:data_valid=off 2004.090.12:53:30.01:disc_end 2004.090.12:53:30.28/disc_end/usn-0079/960/1024OK 2004.090.12:53:30.28:disc_pos 2004.090.12:53:30.29/disc_pos/727223307288,720849848536, 2004.090.12:53:30.29:disc_check 2004.090.12:53:30.59/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y090d12h53m30.360s,77156,0.00250s,80000,1914651840, 2004.090.12:53:30.60:postob_mk5a 2004.090.12:53:30.61/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 1380889 : 6683 : 1 : 11 : 0 : 5 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.12:53:30.62/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 1381751 : 5787 : 2 : 47 : 15 : 0 : 7 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.12:53:30.63/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 1381816 : 5762 : 1 : 12 : 2 : 0 : 8 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.12:53:30.63/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 1381031 : 6520 : 1 : 47 : 1 : 9 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.12:53:30.64/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 1380689 : 6894 : 3 : 10 : 2 : 8 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.12:53:30.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 1380654 : 6929 : 4 : 26 : 1 : 3 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.12:53:30.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 1381175 : 6431 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.12:53:30.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 1381241 : 6350 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.12:53:31.17/cable/3.712521991E-3 2004.090.12:53:31.86/fmout-gps/-7.565758E-6 2004.090.12:53:32.35/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,20.70 2004.090.12:53:32.86/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,20.40 2004.090.12:53:33.36/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.50 2004.090.12:53:33.86/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,13.20 2004.090.12:53:34.36/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.599 2004.090.12:53:34.85/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.000 2004.090.12:53:35.31/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,2.292 2004.090.12:53:35.81/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,51.90 2004.090.12:53:36.30/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,64.17 2004.090.12:53:36.81/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.217 2004.090.12:53:37.30/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,246.3 2004.090.12:53:37.75/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,69.34 2004.090.12:53:37.75:scan_name=090-1309a,r1116,190 2004.090.12:53:37.76:source=1749+096,175132.82,093900.7,2000.0,cw 2004.090.12:53:42.12:setup4f 2004.090.12:53:44.88/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.090.12:53:44.89/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.090.12:53:44.92/bank_check/usn-0079/960/1024OK,VNVD06G4H7982L,VNVD06G4H79L4L,VNVD06G4H79RWL,VNVD06G4H71WBL,VNVD06G4H79GKL,VNVD06G4H79D4L,VNVD06G4H700TL,VNVD06G4H79GUL 2004.090.12:53:44.94/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 325 ; 2004.090.12:53:44.95:!2004.090.13:09:41 2004.090.13:09:41.00:disc_pos 2004.090.13:09:41.01/disc_pos/727223307288,727222307288, 2004.090.13:09:41.02:disc_start=on 2004.090.13:09:42.05:!2004.090.13:09:41 2004.090.13:09:42.06:preob 2004.090.13:09:43.13#antcn#ACK 2004.090.13:09:43.13/onsource/TRACKING 2004.090.13:09:45.87/tpical/1l,15861,1u,16364,2u,16192,3u,16281,4u,16351 2004.090.13:09:45.87/tpical/9u,15897,au,16220,bu,16371,cu,16238,du,16194,eu,16184 2004.090.13:09:45.87/tpical/5u,14241,6u,15444,7u,15181,8l,15981,8u,15660 2004.090.13:09:46.02/tpgain/1l,45,1u,50,2u,119,3u,127,4u,168 2004.090.13:09:46.02/tpgain/9u,111,au,108,bu,90,cu,152,du,199,eu,167 2004.090.13:09:46.02/tpgain/5u,15,6u,29,7u,23,8l,28,8u,31 2004.090.13:09:46.07:!2004.090.13:09:51 2004.090.13:09:51.00:disc_pos 2004.090.13:09:51.02/disc_pos/727479103488,727222307288, 2004.090.13:09:51.03:data_valid=on 2004.090.13:09:51.04:midob 2004.090.13:09:51.22/tpi/1l,15873,1u,16365,2u,16161,3u,16281,4u,16357 2004.090.13:09:51.23/tpi/9u,15887,au,16210,bu,16387,cu,16239,du,16204,eu,16190 2004.090.13:09:51.23/tpi/5u,14253,6u,15457,7u,15191,8l,16001,8u,15703 2004.090.13:09:51.82/tsys/1l,80.6,1u,79.6,2u,76.1,3u,76.9,4u,78.8 2004.090.13:09:51.82/tsys/9u,77.2,au,75.8,bu,87.8,cu,81.3,du,89.8,eu,91.7 2004.090.13:09:51.84/tsys/5u,84.5,6u,87.8,7u,91.1,8l,88.0,8u,84.2 2004.090.13:09:51.86/wx/14.9,995.1,97.7,288.6,1.1 2004.090.13:09:51.97/cable/3.711529632E-3 2004.090.13:09:52.46/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,21.10 2004.090.13:09:52.96/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,20.60 2004.090.13:09:53.46/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.60 2004.090.13:09:53.96/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,13.60 2004.090.13:09:54.46/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.599 2004.090.13:09:54.96/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.000 2004.090.13:09:55.46/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,5.902 2004.090.13:09:55.96/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,53.29 2004.090.13:09:56.46/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,65.48 2004.090.13:09:56.96/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.244 2004.090.13:09:57.46/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,245.6 2004.090.13:09:57.96/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,66.17 2004.090.13:09:58.05/bbc01/612.89,a,8,8,1,agc, -2.36, -3.10,lock,15735,15874,1018,1pps 2004.090.13:09:58.13/bbc02/652.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 5.35, 3.30,lock,16112,16098,1029,1pps 2004.090.13:09:58.22/bbc03/752.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 5.91, 4.01,lock,16293,15951,1027,1pps 2004.090.13:09:58.30/bbc04/912.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 8.34, 7.30,lock,16359,16263,1024,1pps 2004.090.13:09:58.38/bbc05/652.99,c,8,8,1,agc,-12.08,-13.24,lock,14246,14917,1025,1pps 2004.090.13:09:58.46/bbc06/772.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -6.92, -6.62,lock,15451,15892,1030,1pps 2004.090.13:09:58.54/bbc07/832.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -8.93, -8.93,lock,15162,16043,1033,1pps 2004.090.13:09:58.62/bbc08/852.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -6.34, -7.22,lock,15703,15990,1028,1pps 2004.090.13:09:58.70/bbc09/692.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.74, 4.58,lock,15885,16156,1020,1pps 2004.090.13:09:58.78/bbc10/700.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.50, 3.11,lock,16209,16276,1026,1pps 2004.090.13:09:58.86/bbc11/716.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 2.82, 2.92,lock,16088,16125,1022,1pps 2004.090.13:09:58.94/bbc12/772.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 7.47, 6.31,lock,16241,16307,1019,1pps 2004.090.13:09:59.02/bbc13/804.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 9.81, 9.64,lock,16213,16272,1031,1pps 2004.090.13:09:59.10/bbc14/812.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 8.29, 8.08,lock,16205,16214,1021,1pps 2004.090.13:09:59.13#antcn#Received message for antenna: GETS 2004.090.13:10:00.11#antcn#ACU: MJD: 53094, UTC: 47398, Src: ext. 1pps present 2004.090.13:10:00.11#antcn#ACU: Azimuth: Pos: 3085184, Dev: -4, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.090.13:10:00.11#antcn#ACU: Elevation: Pos: 273325, Dev: 0, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.090.13:10:00.11#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.090.13:10:00.11#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.090.13:10:00.11#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.090.13:10:00.11#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.090.13:10:00.11#antcn#ACU: Az: no fault , no fault 2004.090.13:10:00.11#antcn#ACU: El: no fault , no fault 2004.090.13:10:00.12/antenna/ACK 2004.090.13:10:00.12:!2004.090.13:13:01 2004.090.13:13:01.00:data_valid=off 2004.090.13:13:01.01:disc_end 2004.090.13:13:01.27/disc_end/usn-0079/960/1024OK 2004.090.13:13:01.28:disc_pos 2004.090.13:13:01.29/disc_pos/733596764736,727223307288, 2004.090.13:13:01.30:disc_check 2004.090.13:13:01.60/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y090d13h13m01.357s,9408,0.00250s,80000,31098530300, 2004.090.13:13:01.60:postob_mk5a 2004.090.13:13:01.62/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 1392986 : 6746 : 1 : 11 : 0 : 5 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.13:13:01.63/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 1393864 : 5834 : 2 : 47 : 15 : 0 : 7 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.13:13:01.64/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 1393920 : 5818 : 1 : 12 : 2 : 0 : 8 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.13:13:01.64/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 1393135 : 6577 : 1 : 47 : 1 : 9 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.13:13:01.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 1392788 : 6955 : 3 : 10 : 2 : 8 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.13:13:01.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 1392753 : 6990 : 4 : 26 : 1 : 3 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.13:13:01.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 1393280 : 6486 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.13:13:01.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 1393345 : 6406 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.13:13:02.36/cable/3.712226193E-3 2004.090.13:13:03.85/fmout-gps/-7.543617E-6 2004.090.13:13:04.35/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,21.10 2004.090.13:13:04.85/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,20.70 2004.090.13:13:05.35/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.60 2004.090.13:13:05.85/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,13.60 2004.090.13:13:06.35/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.599 2004.090.13:13:06.86/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.000 2004.090.13:13:07.36/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,2.784 2004.090.13:13:07.86/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,64.17 2004.090.13:13:08.35/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,61.54 2004.090.13:13:08.81/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.244 2004.090.13:13:09.31/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,244.6 2004.090.13:13:09.81/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,66.90 2004.090.13:13:09.81:scan_name=090-1317a,r1116,190 2004.090.13:13:09.82:source=cen-a,132527.62,-430108.8,2000.0,neutral 2004.090.13:13:14.14:setup4f 2004.090.13:13:16.88/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.090.13:13:16.89/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.090.13:13:16.91/bank_check/usn-0079/960/1024OK,VNVD06G4H7982L,VNVD06G4H79L4L,VNVD06G4H79RWL,VNVD06G4H71WBL,VNVD06G4H79GKL,VNVD06G4H79D4L,VNVD06G4H700TL,VNVD06G4H79GUL 2004.090.13:13:16.95/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 327 ; 2004.090.13:13:16.95:!2004.090.13:17:43 2004.090.13:17:43.00:disc_pos 2004.090.13:17:43.01/disc_pos/733596764736,733595764736, 2004.090.13:17:43.02:disc_start=on 2004.090.13:17:44.05:!2004.090.13:17:43 2004.090.13:17:44.05:preob 2004.090.13:17:45.13#antcn#ACK 2004.090.13:17:45.13/onsource/TRACKING 2004.090.13:17:47.87/tpical/1l,16205,1u,16054,2u,16132,3u,16195,4u,16301 2004.090.13:17:47.87/tpical/9u,16116,au,16192,bu,16036,cu,16188,du,16191,eu,16265 2004.090.13:17:47.87/tpical/5u,15271,6u,15510,7u,15005,8l,16134,8u,15966 2004.090.13:17:48.02/tpgain/1l,44,1u,48,2u,113,3u,121,4u,162 2004.090.13:17:48.02/tpgain/9u,109,au,105,bu,87,cu,148,du,194,eu,163 2004.090.13:17:48.02/tpgain/5u,15,6u,28,7u,22,8l,27,8u,30 2004.090.13:17:48.05:!2004.090.13:17:53 2004.090.13:17:53.00:disc_pos 2004.090.13:17:53.01/disc_pos/733852565504,733595764736, 2004.090.13:17:53.01:data_valid=on 2004.090.13:17:53.02:midob 2004.090.13:17:53.19/tpi/1l,16209,1u,16055,2u,16118,3u,16204,4u,16305 2004.090.13:17:53.19/tpi/9u,16134,au,16204,bu,16039,cu,16213,du,16211,eu,16277 2004.090.13:17:53.19/tpi/5u,15283,6u,15536,7u,15011,8l,16150,8u,15991 2004.090.13:17:53.78/tsys/1l,86.3,1u,84.9,2u,84.5,3u,84.6,4u,85.2 2004.090.13:17:53.78/tsys/9u,81.4,au,80.3,bu,92.1,cu,85.8,du,94.7,eu,97.1 2004.090.13:17:53.79/tsys/5u,90.7,6u,94.9,7u,98.5,8l,95.6,8u,91.7 2004.090.13:17:53.80/wx/14.8,995.1,97.7,351.0,2.2 2004.090.13:17:54.37/cable/3.712654998E-3 2004.090.13:17:54.85/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,21.20 2004.090.13:17:55.35/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,20.70 2004.090.13:17:55.85/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.60 2004.090.13:17:56.35/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,13.60 2004.090.13:17:56.85/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.601 2004.090.13:17:57.35/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.000 2004.090.13:17:57.85/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.243 2004.090.13:17:58.35/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,69.43 2004.090.13:17:58.85/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,58.85 2004.090.13:17:59.35/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.244 2004.090.13:17:59.85/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,244.1 2004.090.13:18:00.35/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,68.36 2004.090.13:18:00.44/bbc01/612.89,a,8,8,1,agc, -2.54, -3.30,lock,16069,16208,1018,1pps 2004.090.13:18:00.52/bbc02/652.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 4.90, 2.82,lock,16064,16034,1029,1pps 2004.090.13:18:00.60/bbc03/752.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 5.49, 3.66,lock,16208,16132,1027,1pps 2004.090.13:18:00.68/bbc04/912.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 8.03, 7.00,lock,16301,16043,1024,1pps 2004.090.13:18:00.76/bbc05/652.99,c,8,8,1,agc,-12.64,-13.24,lock,15287,16039,1025,1pps 2004.090.13:18:00.84/bbc06/772.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -7.22, -6.92,lock,15542,16065,1030,1pps 2004.090.13:18:00.92/bbc07/832.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -9.32, -9.32,lock,14984,15840,1033,1pps 2004.090.13:18:01.00/bbc08/852.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -6.62, -7.54,lock,15984,16152,1028,1pps 2004.090.13:18:01.08/bbc09/692.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.58, 4.42,lock,16124,16280,1020,1pps 2004.090.13:18:01.16/bbc10/700.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.26, 2.92,lock,16201,16318,1026,1pps 2004.090.13:18:01.24/bbc11/716.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 2.63, 2.73,lock,16053,16160,1022,1pps 2004.090.13:18:01.32/bbc12/772.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 7.24, 6.11,lock,16210,16335,1019,1pps 2004.090.13:18:01.40/bbc13/804.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 9.59, 9.46,lock,16206,16295,1031,1pps 2004.090.13:18:01.48/bbc14/812.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 8.08, 7.86,lock,16279,16443,1021,1pps 2004.090.13:18:02.13#antcn#Received message for antenna: GETS 2004.090.13:18:03.11#antcn#ACU: MJD: 53094, UTC: 47881, Src: ext. 1pps present 2004.090.13:18:03.11#antcn#ACU: Azimuth: Pos: 2229473, Dev: -4, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.090.13:18:03.11#antcn#ACU: Elevation: Pos: 102923, Dev: -1, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.090.13:18:03.11#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.090.13:18:03.11#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.090.13:18:03.11#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.090.13:18:03.11#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.090.13:18:03.11#antcn#ACU: Az: no fault , no fault 2004.090.13:18:03.11#antcn#ACU: El: no fault , no fault 2004.090.13:18:03.12/antenna/ACK 2004.090.13:18:03.12:!2004.090.13:21:03 2004.090.13:21:03.00:data_valid=off 2004.090.13:21:03.01:disc_end 2004.090.13:21:03.28/disc_end/usn-0079/960/1024OK 2004.090.13:21:03.29:disc_pos 2004.090.13:21:03.31/disc_pos/739970226984,733596764736, 2004.090.13:21:03.31:disc_check 2004.090.13:21:03.61/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y090d13h21m03.360s,19144,0.00250s,80000,9050608016, 2004.090.13:21:03.62:postob_mk5a 2004.090.13:21:03.63/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 1405098 : 6794 : 1 : 11 : 0 : 5 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.13:21:03.64/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 1405979 : 5882 : 2 : 47 : 15 : 0 : 7 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.13:21:03.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 1406033 : 5865 : 1 : 12 : 2 : 0 : 8 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.13:21:03.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 1405232 : 6640 : 1 : 47 : 1 : 9 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.13:21:03.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 1404898 : 7005 : 3 : 10 : 2 : 8 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.13:21:03.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 1404858 : 7045 : 4 : 26 : 1 : 3 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.13:21:03.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 1405380 : 6546 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.13:21:03.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 1405447 : 6464 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.13:21:03.97/cable/3.711935720E-3 2004.090.13:21:05.86/fmout-gps/-7.491433E-6 2004.090.13:21:06.36/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,21.20 2004.090.13:21:06.86/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,20.80 2004.090.13:21:07.36/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.60 2004.090.13:21:07.86/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,13.60 2004.090.13:21:08.36/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.601 2004.090.13:21:08.85/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.000 2004.090.13:21:09.31/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,1.968 2004.090.13:21:09.81/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,57.46 2004.090.13:21:10.30/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,58.85 2004.090.13:21:10.76/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.244 2004.090.13:21:11.25/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,244.6 2004.090.13:21:11.75/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,66.41 2004.090.13:21:11.75:scan_name=090-1332,r1116,119 2004.090.13:21:11.76:source=1519-273,152237.68,-273010.8,2000.0,neutral 2004.090.13:21:16.13:setup4f 2004.090.13:21:18.87/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.090.13:21:18.88/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.090.13:21:18.90/bank_check/usn-0079/960/1024OK,VNVD06G4H7982L,VNVD06G4H79L4L,VNVD06G4H79RWL,VNVD06G4H71WBL,VNVD06G4H79GKL,VNVD06G4H79D4L,VNVD06G4H700TL,VNVD06G4H79GUL 2004.090.13:21:18.92/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 329 ; 2004.090.13:21:18.93:!2004.090.13:32:28 2004.090.13:32:28.00:disc_pos 2004.090.13:32:28.01/disc_pos/739970226984,739969226984, 2004.090.13:32:28.02:disc_start=on 2004.090.13:32:29.05:!2004.090.13:32:28 2004.090.13:32:29.05:preob 2004.090.13:32:30.14#antcn#ACK 2004.090.13:32:30.14/onsource/TRACKING 2004.090.13:32:32.88/tpical/1l,15990,1u,15824,2u,16176,3u,16301,4u,16315 2004.090.13:32:32.88/tpical/9u,15868,au,16201,bu,16332,cu,16243,du,16260,eu,16286 2004.090.13:32:32.88/tpical/5u,14277,6u,15465,7u,15245,8l,16095,8u,15795 2004.090.13:32:33.03/tpgain/1l,45,1u,49,2u,118,3u,126,4u,167 2004.090.13:32:33.03/tpgain/9u,111,au,108,bu,90,cu,152,du,199,eu,167 2004.090.13:32:33.03/tpgain/5u,15,6u,29,7u,23,8l,28,8u,31 2004.090.13:32:33.06:!2004.090.13:32:38 2004.090.13:32:38.00:disc_pos 2004.090.13:32:38.02/disc_pos/740226019328,739969226984, 2004.090.13:32:38.02:data_valid=on 2004.090.13:32:38.03:midob 2004.090.13:32:38.20/tpi/1l,15991,1u,15845,2u,16122,3u,16304,4u,16330 2004.090.13:32:38.20/tpi/9u,15857,au,16202,bu,16345,cu,16241,du,16270,eu,16298 2004.090.13:32:38.20/tpi/5u,14276,6u,15468,7u,15249,8l,16124,8u,15810 2004.090.13:32:38.78/tsys/1l,81.2,1u,80.3,2u,77.3,3u,78.2,4u,79.7 2004.090.13:32:38.78/tsys/9u,77.0,au,75.8,bu,87.6,cu,81.3,du,90.1,eu,92.4 2004.090.13:32:38.79/tsys/5u,84.6,6u,87.9,7u,91.4,8l,88.7,8u,84.8 2004.090.13:32:38.80/wx/14.6,995.2,97.9,352.5,1.5 2004.090.13:32:39.16/cable/3.713166202E-3 2004.090.13:32:39.65/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,21.30 2004.090.13:32:40.15/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,20.90 2004.090.13:32:40.65/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.60 2004.090.13:32:41.16/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,13.50 2004.090.13:32:41.66/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.604 2004.090.13:32:42.16/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.000 2004.090.13:32:42.66/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,1.172 2004.090.13:32:43.16/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,61.54 2004.090.13:32:43.66/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,58.85 2004.090.13:32:44.16/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.271 2004.090.13:32:44.66/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,244.8 2004.090.13:32:45.16/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,69.83 2004.090.13:32:45.25/bbc01/612.89,a,8,8,1,agc, -2.36, -3.10,lock,15859,15994,1018,1pps 2004.090.13:32:45.33/bbc02/652.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 5.27, 3.21,lock,16153,16095,1029,1pps 2004.090.13:32:45.41/bbc03/752.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 5.84, 4.01,lock,16327,16233,1027,1pps 2004.090.13:32:45.49/bbc04/912.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 8.29, 7.24,lock,16337,16319,1024,1pps 2004.090.13:32:45.57/bbc05/652.99,c,8,8,1,agc,-12.64,-13.24,lock,17124,15002,1025,1pps 2004.090.13:32:45.65/bbc06/772.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -6.92, -6.62,lock,15496,15926,1030,1pps 2004.090.13:32:45.73/bbc07/832.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -8.93, -8.93,lock,15248,16098,1033,1pps 2004.090.13:32:45.81/bbc08/852.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -6.34, -7.22,lock,15831,16123,1028,1pps 2004.090.13:32:45.89/bbc09/692.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.74, 4.58,lock,16504,16064,1020,1pps 2004.090.13:32:45.97/bbc10/700.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.50, 3.11,lock,16179,16226,1026,1pps 2004.090.13:32:46.05/bbc11/716.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 2.92, 2.92,lock,16338,16026,1022,1pps 2004.090.13:32:46.13/bbc12/772.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 7.47, 6.31,lock,16221,16269,1019,1pps 2004.090.13:32:46.21/bbc13/804.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 9.81, 9.64,lock,16249,16254,1031,1pps 2004.090.13:32:46.29/bbc14/812.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 8.29, 8.08,lock,16272,16237,1021,1pps 2004.090.13:32:47.15#antcn#Received message for antenna: GETS 2004.090.13:32:48.12#antcn#ACU: MJD: 53094, UTC: 48766, Src: ext. 1pps present 2004.090.13:32:48.12#antcn#ACU: Azimuth: Pos: 2484757, Dev: -3, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.090.13:32:48.12#antcn#ACU: Elevation: Pos: 177816, Dev: 6, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.090.13:32:48.12#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.090.13:32:48.12#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.090.13:32:48.12#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.090.13:32:48.12#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.090.13:32:48.12#antcn#ACU: Az: no fault , no fault 2004.090.13:32:48.12#antcn#ACU: El: no fault , no fault 2004.090.13:32:48.13/antenna/ACK 2004.090.13:32:48.13:!2004.090.13:34:37 2004.090.13:34:37.00:data_valid=off 2004.090.13:34:37.00:disc_end 2004.090.13:34:37.27/disc_end/usn-0079/960/1024OK 2004.090.13:34:37.27:disc_pos 2004.090.13:34:37.28/disc_pos/744071243400,739970226984, 2004.090.13:34:37.29:disc_check 2004.090.13:34:37.59/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y090d13h34m37.352s,32048,0.00250s,80000,21946730680, 2004.090.13:34:37.59:postob_mk5a 2004.090.13:34:37.60/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 1412890 : 6827 : 1 : 11 : 0 : 5 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.13:34:37.61/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 1413774 : 5915 : 2 : 47 : 15 : 0 : 7 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.13:34:37.62/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 1413826 : 5897 : 1 : 12 : 2 : 0 : 8 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.13:34:37.63/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 1413019 : 6678 : 1 : 47 : 1 : 9 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.13:34:37.64/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 1412689 : 7039 : 3 : 10 : 2 : 8 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.13:34:37.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 1412632 : 7096 : 4 : 26 : 1 : 3 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.13:34:37.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 1413172 : 6579 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.13:34:37.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 1413235 : 6501 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.13:34:38.37/cable/3.711726616E-3 2004.090.13:34:39.86/fmout-gps/-7.546186E-6 2004.090.13:34:40.36/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,21.30 2004.090.13:34:40.86/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,20.90 2004.090.13:34:41.36/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.60 2004.090.13:34:41.86/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,13.50 2004.090.13:34:42.36/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.604 2004.090.13:34:42.86/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.015 2004.090.13:34:43.36/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,2.455 2004.090.13:34:43.86/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,70.74 2004.090.13:34:44.36/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,61.54 2004.090.13:34:44.86/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.244 2004.090.13:34:45.36/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,244.1 2004.090.13:34:45.86/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,67.88 2004.090.13:34:45.86:scan_name=090-1335a,r1116,168 2004.090.13:34:45.87:source=1741-038,174358.86,-035004.6,2000.0,cw 2004.090.13:34:50.15:setup4f 2004.090.13:34:52.87/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.090.13:34:52.90/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.090.13:34:52.92/bank_check/usn-0079/960/1024OK,VNVD06G4H7982L,VNVD06G4H79L4L,VNVD06G4H79RWL,VNVD06G4H71WBL,VNVD06G4H79GKL,VNVD06G4H79D4L,VNVD06G4H700TL,VNVD06G4H79GUL 2004.090.13:34:52.94/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 331 ; 2004.090.13:34:52.94:!2004.090.13:35:41 2004.090.13:35:41.00:disc_pos 2004.090.13:35:41.01/disc_pos/744071243400,744070243400, 2004.090.13:35:41.01:disc_start=on 2004.090.13:35:42.04:!2004.090.13:35:41 2004.090.13:35:42.04:preob 2004.090.13:35:43.15#antcn#ACK 2004.090.13:35:43.15/onsource/TRACKING 2004.090.13:35:45.89/tpical/1l,16211,1u,15974,2u,16079,3u,16043,4u,16233 2004.090.13:35:45.89/tpical/9u,16535,au,16208,bu,16018,cu,16215,du,16179,eu,16225 2004.090.13:35:45.89/tpical/5u,16663,6u,15996,7u,16118,8l,15656,8u,15328 2004.090.13:35:46.04/tpgain/1l,46,1u,50,2u,119,3u,127,4u,169 2004.090.13:35:46.04/tpgain/9u,112,au,108,bu,89,cu,152,du,199,eu,167 2004.090.13:35:46.04/tpgain/5u,16,6u,30,7u,24,8l,28,8u,31 2004.090.13:35:46.07:!2004.090.13:35:51 2004.090.13:35:51.00:disc_pos 2004.090.13:35:51.00/disc_pos/744327041024,744070243400, 2004.090.13:35:51.01:data_valid=on 2004.090.13:35:51.02:midob 2004.090.13:35:51.19/tpi/1l,16209,1u,15996,2u,16096,3u,16047,4u,16242 2004.090.13:35:51.19/tpi/9u,16520,au,16215,bu,16017,cu,16214,du,16155,eu,16205 2004.090.13:35:51.19/tpi/5u,16690,6u,16017,7u,16153,8l,15674,8u,15343 2004.090.13:35:51.78/tsys/1l,78.7,1u,77.7,2u,75.8,3u,75.7,4u,77.1 2004.090.13:35:51.78/tsys/9u,78.9,au,75.8,bu,87.8,cu,81.2,du,89.5,eu,91.8 2004.090.13:35:51.79/tsys/5u,87.0,6u,85.0,7u,88.9,8l,86.1,8u,82.2 2004.090.13:35:51.80/wx/14.5,995.1,97.7,349.8,0.8 2004.090.13:35:51.96/cable/3.710268231E-3 2004.090.13:35:52.45/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,21.30 2004.090.13:35:52.91/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,20.90 2004.090.13:35:53.41/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.70 2004.090.13:35:53.90/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,13.50 2004.090.13:35:54.35/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.604 2004.090.13:35:54.80/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.000 2004.090.13:35:55.25/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,4.306 2004.090.13:35:55.70/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,58.85 2004.090.13:35:56.15/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,62.85 2004.090.13:35:56.65/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.271 2004.090.13:35:57.10/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,245.1 2004.090.13:35:57.55/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,66.90 2004.090.13:35:57.64/bbc01/612.89,a,8,8,1,agc, -2.18, -2.91,lock,16006,16232,1018,1pps 2004.090.13:35:57.72/bbc02/652.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 5.35, 3.39,lock,16063,16300,1029,1pps 2004.090.13:35:57.81/bbc03/752.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 5.98, 4.09,lock,16068,16105,1027,1pps 2004.090.13:35:57.89/bbc04/912.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 8.39, 7.36,lock,16258,16201,1024,1pps 2004.090.13:35:57.97/bbc05/652.99,c,8,8,1,agc,-12.64,-13.24,lock,16686,14591,1025,1pps 2004.090.13:35:58.05/bbc06/772.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -6.62, -6.62,lock,16053,15516,1030,1pps 2004.090.13:35:58.13/bbc07/832.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -8.56, -8.93,lock,16154,15729,1033,1pps 2004.090.13:35:58.21/bbc08/852.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -6.34, -7.22,lock,15366,15676,1028,1pps 2004.090.13:35:58.29/bbc09/692.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.74, 4.58,lock,15894,16133,1020,1pps 2004.090.13:35:58.37/bbc10/700.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.50, 3.11,lock,16251,16259,1026,1pps 2004.090.13:35:58.45/bbc11/716.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 2.82, 2.92,lock,16018,16064,1022,1pps 2004.090.13:35:58.53/bbc12/772.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 7.47, 6.31,lock,16241,16269,1019,1pps 2004.090.13:35:58.61/bbc13/804.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 9.81, 9.64,lock,16189,16200,1031,1pps 2004.090.13:35:58.69/bbc14/812.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 8.29, 8.08,lock,16235,16183,1021,1pps 2004.090.13:35:59.14#antcn#Received message for antenna: GETS 2004.090.13:36:00.12#antcn#ACU: MJD: 53094, UTC: 48958, Src: ext. 1pps present 2004.090.13:36:00.12#antcn#ACU: Azimuth: Pos: 2908486, Dev: -1, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.090.13:36:00.12#antcn#ACU: Elevation: Pos: 312082, Dev: -4, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.090.13:36:00.12#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.090.13:36:00.12#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.090.13:36:00.12#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.090.13:36:00.12#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.090.13:36:00.12#antcn#ACU: Az: no fault , no fault 2004.090.13:36:00.12#antcn#ACU: El: no fault , no fault 2004.090.13:36:00.13/antenna/ACK 2004.090.13:36:00.13:!2004.090.13:38:39 2004.090.13:38:39.00:data_valid=off 2004.090.13:38:39.01:disc_end 2004.090.13:38:39.63/disc_end/usn-0079/960/1024OK 2004.090.13:38:39.63:disc_pos 2004.090.13:38:39.74/disc_pos/749741529144,744071243400, 2004.090.13:38:39.74:disc_check 2004.090.13:38:40.80/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y090d13h38m39.383s,40284,0.00250s,80000,2074666020, 2004.090.13:38:40.81:postob_mk5a 2004.090.13:38:40.84/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 1423672 : 6864 : 1 : 11 : 0 : 5 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.13:38:40.86/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 1424543 : 5965 : 2 : 47 : 16 : 0 : 7 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.13:38:40.87/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 1424602 : 5939 : 1 : 12 : 2 : 0 : 8 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.13:38:40.91/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 1423776 : 6740 : 1 : 47 : 1 : 9 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.13:38:40.92/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 1423451 : 7095 : 3 : 10 : 2 : 8 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.13:38:40.97/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 1423395 : 7152 : 4 : 26 : 1 : 3 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.13:38:41.22/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 1423941 : 6628 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.13:38:41.23/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 1423993 : 6562 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.13:38:41.57/cable/3.710182111E-3 2004.090.13:38:41.86/fmout-gps/-7.540243E-6 2004.090.13:38:42.36/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,21.30 2004.090.13:38:42.86/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,20.80 2004.090.13:38:43.36/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.70 2004.090.13:38:43.86/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,13.50 2004.090.13:38:44.36/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.606 2004.090.13:38:44.86/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.000 2004.090.13:38:45.36/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,2.949 2004.090.13:38:45.86/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,51.90 2004.090.13:38:46.36/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,62.85 2004.090.13:38:46.86/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.217 2004.090.13:38:47.36/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,245.6 2004.090.13:38:47.86/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,70.32 2004.090.13:38:47.86:scan_name=090-1341,r1116,190 2004.090.13:38:47.87:source=1749+096,175132.82,093900.7,2000.0,cw 2004.090.13:38:52.15:setup4f 2004.090.13:38:54.91/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.090.13:38:54.97/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.090.13:38:54.99/bank_check/usn-0079/960/1024OK,VNVD06G4H7982L,VNVD06G4H79L4L,VNVD06G4H79RWL,VNVD06G4H71WBL,VNVD06G4H79GKL,VNVD06G4H79D4L,VNVD06G4H700TL,VNVD06G4H79GUL 2004.090.13:38:55.01/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 333 ; 2004.090.13:38:55.01:!2004.090.13:40:52 2004.090.13:40:52.00:disc_pos 2004.090.13:40:52.05/disc_pos/749741529144,749740529144, 2004.090.13:40:52.06:disc_start=on 2004.090.13:40:53.15:!2004.090.13:40:52 2004.090.13:40:53.16:preob 2004.090.13:40:55.15#antcn#ACK 2004.090.13:40:55.15/onsource/TRACKING 2004.090.13:40:57.89/tpical/1l,16269,1u,16041,2u,16201,3u,16211,4u,16228 2004.090.13:40:57.89/tpical/9u,16432,au,16138,bu,16088,cu,16320,du,16262,eu,16200 2004.090.13:40:57.89/tpical/5u,16849,6u,16215,7u,16276,8l,15841,8u,15564 2004.090.13:40:58.04/tpgain/1l,46,1u,50,2u,119,3u,127,4u,168 2004.090.13:40:58.04/tpgain/9u,112,au,108,bu,90,cu,153,du,200,eu,167 2004.090.13:40:58.04/tpgain/5u,16,6u,30,7u,24,8l,28,8u,31 2004.090.13:40:58.07:!2004.090.13:41:02 2004.090.13:41:02.00:disc_pos 2004.090.13:41:02.05/disc_pos/749997326336,749740529144, 2004.090.13:41:02.05:data_valid=on 2004.090.13:41:02.06:midob 2004.090.13:41:02.23/tpi/1l,16257,1u,16041,2u,16246,3u,16226,4u,16237 2004.090.13:41:02.23/tpi/9u,16433,au,16117,bu,16078,cu,16319,du,16261,eu,16206 2004.090.13:41:02.23/tpi/5u,16828,6u,16200,7u,16317,8l,15871,8u,15570 2004.090.13:41:02.81/tsys/1l,78.9,1u,78.0,2u,76.6,3u,76.6,4u,78.1 2004.090.13:41:02.81/tsys/9u,78.4,au,75.4,bu,86.1,cu,80.6,du,89.1,eu,91.8 2004.090.13:41:02.82/tsys/5u,87.7,6u,86.0,7u,89.8,8l,87.2,8u,83.5 2004.090.13:41:02.83/wx/14.6,995.1,97.7,351.1,0.5 2004.090.13:41:03.16/cable/3.710081911E-3 2004.090.13:41:03.66/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,21.30 2004.090.13:41:04.16/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,20.80 2004.090.13:41:04.66/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.60 2004.090.13:41:05.16/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,13.50 2004.090.13:41:05.66/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.606 2004.090.13:41:06.16/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.000 2004.090.13:41:06.66/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,2.455 2004.090.13:41:07.16/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,61.54 2004.090.13:41:07.66/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,64.17 2004.090.13:41:08.16/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.244 2004.090.13:41:08.66/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,245.3 2004.090.13:41:09.16/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,71.05 2004.090.13:41:09.25/bbc01/612.89,a,8,8,1,agc, -2.18, -2.91,lock,16046,16264,1018,1pps 2004.090.13:41:09.33/bbc02/652.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 5.35, 3.30,lock,16363,16262,1029,1pps 2004.090.13:41:09.41/bbc03/752.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 5.91, 4.09,lock,16233,16337,1027,1pps 2004.090.13:41:09.49/bbc04/912.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 8.34, 7.30,lock,16236,16182,1024,1pps 2004.090.13:41:09.57/bbc05/652.99,c,8,8,1,agc,-12.08,-13.24,lock,14067,14713,1025,1pps 2004.090.13:41:09.65/bbc06/772.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -6.62, -6.62,lock,16168,15685,1030,1pps 2004.090.13:41:09.73/bbc07/832.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -8.56, -8.93,lock,16331,15897,1033,1pps 2004.090.13:41:09.81/bbc08/852.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -6.34, -7.22,lock,15529,15849,1028,1pps 2004.090.13:41:09.89/bbc09/692.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.82, 4.58,lock,15801,16002,1020,1pps 2004.090.13:41:09.97/bbc10/700.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.50, 3.11,lock,16131,16163,1026,1pps 2004.090.13:41:10.05/bbc11/716.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 2.92, 3.02,lock,16071,16196,1022,1pps 2004.090.13:41:10.13/bbc12/772.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 7.53, 6.38,lock,16325,16381,1019,1pps 2004.090.13:41:10.21/bbc13/804.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 9.86, 9.68,lock,16275,16340,1031,1pps 2004.090.13:41:10.29/bbc14/812.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 8.29, 8.08,lock,16204,16156,1021,1pps 2004.090.13:41:11.15#antcn#Received message for antenna: GETS 2004.090.13:41:12.13#antcn#ACU: MJD: 53094, UTC: 49270, Src: ext. 1pps present 2004.090.13:41:12.13#antcn#ACU: Azimuth: Pos: 3021408, Dev: -4, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.090.13:41:12.13#antcn#ACU: Elevation: Pos: 222422, Dev: 0, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.090.13:41:12.13#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.090.13:41:12.13#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.090.13:41:12.13#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.090.13:41:12.13#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.090.13:41:12.13#antcn#ACU: Az: no fault , no fault 2004.090.13:41:12.13#antcn#ACU: El: no fault , no fault 2004.090.13:41:12.14/antenna/ACK 2004.090.13:41:12.14:!2004.090.13:44:12 2004.090.13:44:12.00:data_valid=off 2004.090.13:44:12.01:disc_end 2004.090.13:44:12.67/disc_end/usn-0079/960/1024OK 2004.090.13:44:12.68:disc_pos 2004.090.13:44:12.69/disc_pos/756111465688,749741529144, 2004.090.13:44:12.69:disc_check 2004.090.13:44:13.48/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y090d13h44m12.352s,50856,0.00250s,80000,4285092884, 2004.090.13:44:13.48:postob_mk5a 2004.090.13:44:13.50/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 1435772 : 6919 : 1 : 11 : 0 : 5 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.13:44:13.50/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 1436653 : 6007 : 2 : 48 : 16 : 0 : 7 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.13:44:13.51/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 1436700 : 5994 : 1 : 13 : 2 : 0 : 8 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.13:44:13.52/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 1435871 : 6797 : 1 : 48 : 1 : 9 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.13:44:13.53/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 1435551 : 7148 : 3 : 10 : 2 : 8 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.13:44:13.54/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 1435501 : 7199 : 4 : 26 : 1 : 3 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.13:44:13.55/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 1436049 : 6673 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.13:44:13.56/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 1436088 : 6620 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.13:44:14.37/cable/3.713379750E-3 2004.090.13:44:15.85/fmout-gps/-7.489277E-6 2004.090.13:44:16.31/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,21.40 2004.090.13:44:16.81/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,20.80 2004.090.13:44:17.31/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.60 2004.090.13:44:17.81/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,13.50 2004.090.13:44:18.31/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.606 2004.090.13:44:18.81/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.000 2004.090.13:44:19.31/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,2.949 2004.090.13:44:19.81/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,60.22 2004.090.13:44:20.31/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,62.85 2004.090.13:44:20.81/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.217 2004.090.13:44:21.31/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,245.8 2004.090.13:44:21.81/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,69.83 2004.090.13:44:21.81:scan_name=090-1410,r1116,178 2004.090.13:44:21.82:source=1741-038,174358.86,-035004.6,2000.0,cw 2004.090.13:44:26.15:setup4f 2004.090.13:44:28.92/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.090.13:44:28.94/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.090.13:44:29.26/bank_check/usn-0079/960/1024OK,VNVD06G4H7982L,VNVD06G4H79L4L,VNVD06G4H79RWL,VNVD06G4H71WBL,VNVD06G4H79GKL,VNVD06G4H79D4L,VNVD06G4H700TL,VNVD06G4H79GUL 2004.090.13:44:29.30/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 335 ; 2004.090.13:44:29.30:!2004.090.14:10:15 2004.090.14:10:15.00:disc_pos 2004.090.14:10:15.01/disc_pos/756111465688,756110465688, 2004.090.14:10:15.02:disc_start=on 2004.090.14:10:16.05:!2004.090.14:10:15 2004.090.14:10:16.05:preob 2004.090.14:10:17.19#antcn#ACK 2004.090.14:10:17.19/onsource/TRACKING 2004.090.14:10:19.93/tpical/1l,16096,1u,15914,2u,16214,3u,15891,4u,16207 2004.090.14:10:19.93/tpical/9u,16233,au,16193,bu,16036,cu,16305,du,16338,eu,16236 2004.090.14:10:19.93/tpical/5u,13711,6u,15822,7u,15869,8l,15381,8u,15113 2004.090.14:10:20.08/tpgain/1l,46,1u,50,2u,120,3u,127,4u,169 2004.090.14:10:20.08/tpgain/9u,112,au,109,bu,91,cu,154,du,201,eu,168 2004.090.14:10:20.08/tpgain/5u,15,6u,30,7u,24,8l,28,8u,31 2004.090.14:10:20.11:!2004.090.14:10:25 2004.090.14:10:25.00:disc_pos 2004.090.14:10:25.01/disc_pos/756367265792,756110465688, 2004.090.14:10:25.03:data_valid=on 2004.090.14:10:25.03:midob 2004.090.14:10:25.21/tpi/1l,16089,1u,15890,2u,16199,3u,15888,4u,16200 2004.090.14:10:25.21/tpi/9u,16190,au,16167,bu,15999,cu,16262,du,16284,eu,16196 2004.090.14:10:25.21/tpi/5u,13697,6u,15830,7u,15853,8l,15389,8u,15116 2004.090.14:10:25.81/tsys/1l,78.1,1u,77.2,2u,75.0,3u,74.9,4u,76.9 2004.090.14:10:25.82/tsys/9u,77.2,au,74.2,bu,83.8,cu,79.2,du,88.3,eu,90.6 2004.090.14:10:25.83/tsys/5u,81.1,6u,84.0,7u,87.2,8l,84.5,8u,81.0 2004.090.14:10:25.85/wx/14.9,994.7,97.7,333.8,0.1 2004.090.14:10:26.36/cable/3.712943581E-3 2004.090.14:10:26.87/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,21.50 2004.090.14:10:27.37/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,20.90 2004.090.14:10:27.87/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.60 2004.090.14:10:28.37/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,13.70 2004.090.14:10:28.87/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.606 2004.090.14:10:29.37/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.000 2004.090.14:10:29.87/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.791 2004.090.14:10:30.37/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,62.85 2004.090.14:10:30.87/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,62.85 2004.090.14:10:31.37/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.217 2004.090.14:10:31.87/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,245.8 2004.090.14:10:32.37/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,70.32 2004.090.14:10:32.47/bbc01/612.89,a,8,8,1,agc, -2.18, -2.91,lock,15905,16091,1018,1pps 2004.090.14:10:32.56/bbc02/652.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 5.42, 3.39,lock,16175,16104,1029,1pps 2004.090.14:10:32.65/bbc03/752.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 5.91, 4.18,lock,16478,16259,1027,1pps 2004.090.14:10:32.74/bbc04/912.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 8.39, 7.42,lock,16205,16315,1024,1pps 2004.090.14:10:32.83/bbc05/652.99,c,8,8,1,agc,-12.64,-12.64,lock,16441,16319,1025,1pps 2004.090.14:10:32.92/bbc06/772.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -6.62, -6.34,lock,15852,16302,1030,1pps 2004.090.14:10:33.01/bbc07/832.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -8.56, -8.93,lock,15864,15425,1033,1pps 2004.090.14:10:33.10/bbc08/852.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -6.34, -7.22,lock,17027,15406,1028,1pps 2004.090.14:10:33.19/bbc09/692.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.82, 4.66,lock,16195,16026,1020,1pps 2004.090.14:10:33.28/bbc10/700.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.58, 3.11,lock,16150,15939,1026,1pps 2004.090.14:10:33.37/bbc11/716.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 3.02, 3.02,lock,15998,15936,1022,1pps 2004.090.14:10:33.46/bbc12/772.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 7.59, 6.38,lock,16260,16137,1019,1pps 2004.090.14:10:33.55/bbc13/804.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 9.90, 9.73,lock,16293,16280,1031,1pps 2004.090.14:10:33.64/bbc14/812.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 8.34, 8.13,lock,16199,16178,1021,1pps 2004.090.14:10:34.18#antcn#Received message for antenna: GETS 2004.090.14:10:35.15#antcn#ACU: MJD: 53094, UTC: 51033, Src: ext. 1pps present 2004.090.14:10:35.15#antcn#ACU: Azimuth: Pos: 2845212, Dev: -4, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.090.14:10:35.15#antcn#ACU: Elevation: Pos: 246115, Dev: -4, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.090.14:10:35.15#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.090.14:10:35.15#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.090.14:10:35.15#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.090.14:10:35.15#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.090.14:10:35.15#antcn#ACU: Az: no fault , no fault 2004.090.14:10:35.15#antcn#ACU: El: no fault , no fault 2004.090.14:10:35.17/antenna/ACK 2004.090.14:10:35.18:!2004.090.14:13:23 2004.090.14:13:23.00:data_valid=off 2004.090.14:13:23.01:disc_end 2004.090.14:13:23.29/disc_end/usn-0079/960/1024OK 2004.090.14:13:23.31:disc_pos 2004.090.14:13:23.32/disc_pos/762101495872,756111465688, 2004.090.14:13:23.33:disc_check 2004.090.14:13:23.66/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y090d14h13m23.380s,69528,0.00250s,80000,50042831144, 2004.090.14:13:23.66:postob_mk5a 2004.090.14:13:23.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 1447134 : 6985 : 1 : 11 : 0 : 5 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.14:13:23.69/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 1448039 : 6050 : 2 : 48 : 16 : 0 : 7 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.14:13:23.71/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 1448078 : 6046 : 1 : 13 : 2 : 0 : 8 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.14:13:23.73/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 1447237 : 6860 : 1 : 48 : 1 : 9 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.14:13:23.74/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 1446923 : 7205 : 3 : 10 : 2 : 8 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.14:13:23.76/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 1446882 : 7246 : 4 : 26 : 1 : 3 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.14:13:23.78/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 1447440 : 6711 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.14:13:23.80/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 1447458 : 6678 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.14:13:23.96/cable/3.712728338E-3 2004.090.14:13:25.85/fmout-gps/-7.490416E-6 2004.090.14:13:26.31/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,21.50 2004.090.14:13:26.81/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,21.00 2004.090.14:13:27.31/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.60 2004.090.14:13:27.81/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,13.80 2004.090.14:13:28.31/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.606 2004.090.14:13:28.81/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.000 2004.090.14:13:29.31/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,2.619 2004.090.14:13:29.81/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,62.85 2004.090.14:13:30.31/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,60.22 2004.090.14:13:30.81/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.244 2004.090.14:13:31.31/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,244.3 2004.090.14:13:31.81/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,67.88 2004.090.14:13:31.81:scan_name=090-1414,r1116,122 2004.090.14:13:31.82:source=1519-273,152237.68,-273010.8,2000.0,neutral 2004.090.14:13:36.19:setup4f 2004.090.14:13:38.87/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.090.14:13:38.88/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.090.14:13:38.92/bank_check/usn-0079/960/1024OK,VNVD06G4H7982L,VNVD06G4H79L4L,VNVD06G4H79RWL,VNVD06G4H71WBL,VNVD06G4H79GKL,VNVD06G4H79D4L,VNVD06G4H700TL,VNVD06G4H79GUL 2004.090.14:13:38.94/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 337 ; 2004.090.14:13:38.94:!2004.090.14:13:56 2004.090.14:13:56.00:disc_pos 2004.090.14:13:56.00/disc_pos/762101495872,762100495872, 2004.090.14:13:56.01:disc_start=on 2004.090.14:13:57.05:!2004.090.14:13:56 2004.090.14:13:57.05:preob 2004.090.14:13:58.18#antcn#ACK 2004.090.14:13:58.18/onsource/TRACKING 2004.090.14:14:00.93/tpical/1l,16005,1u,15872,2u,16143,3u,16173,4u,16335 2004.090.14:14:00.93/tpical/9u,15976,au,16318,bu,16114,cu,16173,du,16353,eu,16352 2004.090.14:14:00.93/tpical/5u,14906,6u,16268,7u,15878,8l,15733,8u,15620 2004.090.14:14:01.08/tpgain/1l,44,1u,48,2u,115,3u,122,4u,163 2004.090.14:14:01.08/tpgain/9u,111,au,108,bu,90,cu,151,du,198,eu,166 2004.090.14:14:01.08/tpgain/5u,15,6u,29,7u,23,8l,27,8u,30 2004.090.14:14:01.11:!2004.090.14:14:06 2004.090.14:14:06.00:disc_pos 2004.090.14:14:06.00/disc_pos/762357293056,762100495872, 2004.090.14:14:06.01:data_valid=on 2004.090.14:14:06.02:midob 2004.090.14:14:06.19/tpi/1l,15999,1u,15861,2u,16172,3u,16164,4u,16356 2004.090.14:14:06.19/tpi/9u,15964,au,16321,bu,16106,cu,16162,du,16341,eu,16351 2004.090.14:14:06.19/tpi/5u,14928,6u,16284,7u,15881,8l,15740,8u,15628 2004.090.14:14:06.77/tsys/1l,85.1,1u,83.8,2u,81.8,3u,82.9,4u,84.3 2004.090.14:14:06.77/tsys/9u,77.5,au,76.4,bu,86.3,cu,82.0,du,91.5,eu,93.9 2004.090.14:14:06.78/tsys/5u,88.5,6u,92.7,7u,95.3,8l,93.2,8u,89.6 2004.090.14:14:06.79/wx/15.1,994.7,97.7,329.6,0.1 2004.090.14:14:07.16/cable/3.710146967E-3 2004.090.14:14:07.67/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,21.50 2004.090.14:14:08.17/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,21.00 2004.090.14:14:08.67/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.60 2004.090.14:14:09.17/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,13.90 2004.090.14:14:09.67/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.606 2004.090.14:14:10.17/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.015 2004.090.14:14:10.67/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,4.654 2004.090.14:14:11.17/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,60.22 2004.090.14:14:11.67/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,62.85 2004.090.14:14:12.17/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.244 2004.090.14:14:12.67/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,245.8 2004.090.14:14:13.17/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,71.05 2004.090.14:14:13.26/bbc01/612.89,a,8,8,1,agc, -2.54, -3.30,lock,15859,15990,1018,1pps 2004.090.14:14:13.34/bbc02/652.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 5.05, 2.92,lock,16215,16017,1029,1pps 2004.090.14:14:13.42/bbc03/752.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 5.56, 3.75,lock,16163,16142,1027,1pps 2004.090.14:14:13.50/bbc04/912.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 8.08, 7.00,lock,16332,16258,1024,1pps 2004.090.14:14:13.59/bbc05/652.99,c,8,8,1,agc,-12.64,-13.24,lock,14897,15649,1025,1pps 2004.090.14:14:13.67/bbc06/772.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -6.92, -6.92,lock,16254,15767,1030,1pps 2004.090.14:14:13.75/bbc07/832.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -8.93, -9.32,lock,15902,15388,1033,1pps 2004.090.14:14:13.83/bbc08/852.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -6.62, -7.54,lock,15618,15747,1028,1pps 2004.090.14:14:13.92/bbc09/692.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.74, 4.58,lock,15989,16213,1020,1pps 2004.090.14:14:14.00/bbc10/700.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.50, 3.02,lock,16365,16032,1026,1pps 2004.090.14:14:14.08/bbc11/716.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 2.92, 2.92,lock,16122,16161,1022,1pps 2004.090.14:14:14.16/bbc12/772.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 7.42, 6.25,lock,16196,16239,1019,1pps 2004.090.14:14:14.25/bbc13/804.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 9.77, 9.59,lock,16376,16369,1031,1pps 2004.090.14:14:14.33/bbc14/812.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 8.19, 8.03,lock,16210,16328,1021,1pps 2004.090.14:14:15.18#antcn#Received message for antenna: GETS 2004.090.14:14:16.16#antcn#ACU: MJD: 53094, UTC: 51254, Src: ext. 1pps present 2004.090.14:14:16.16#antcn#ACU: Azimuth: Pos: 2430745, Dev: 0, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.090.14:14:16.16#antcn#ACU: Elevation: Pos: 102417, Dev: -4, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.090.14:14:16.16#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.090.14:14:16.16#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.090.14:14:16.16#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.090.14:14:16.16#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.090.14:14:16.16#antcn#ACU: Az: no fault , no fault 2004.090.14:14:16.16#antcn#ACU: El: no fault , no fault 2004.090.14:14:16.17/antenna/ACK 2004.090.14:14:16.17:!2004.090.14:16:08 2004.090.14:16:08.00:data_valid=off 2004.090.14:16:08.01:disc_end 2004.090.14:16:08.27/disc_end/usn-0079/960/1024OK 2004.090.14:16:08.27:disc_pos 2004.090.14:16:08.28/disc_pos/766298856232,762101495872, 2004.090.14:16:08.28:disc_check 2004.090.14:16:08.60/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y090d14h16m08.357s,43964,0.00250s,80000,1081945204, 2004.090.14:16:08.61:postob_mk5a 2004.090.14:16:08.62/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 1455103 : 7024 : 2 : 11 : 0 : 5 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.14:16:08.63/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 1456017 : 6082 : 2 : 48 : 16 : 0 : 7 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.14:16:08.64/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 1456051 : 6082 : 1 : 13 : 2 : 0 : 8 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.14:16:08.64/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 1455211 : 6895 : 2 : 48 : 1 : 9 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.14:16:08.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 1454894 : 7243 : 3 : 10 : 2 : 8 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.14:16:08.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 1454853 : 7283 : 5 : 26 : 1 : 3 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.14:16:08.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 1455420 : 6740 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.14:16:08.68/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 1455439 : 6706 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.14:16:08.76/cable/3.711578908E-3 2004.090.14:16:09.85/fmout-gps/-7.528220E-6 2004.090.14:16:10.32/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,21.50 2004.090.14:16:10.82/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,21.00 2004.090.14:16:11.32/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.60 2004.090.14:16:11.82/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,13.90 2004.090.14:16:12.32/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.606 2004.090.14:16:12.82/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.000 2004.090.14:16:13.32/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,4.829 2004.090.14:16:13.82/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,64.17 2004.090.14:16:14.32/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,62.85 2004.090.14:16:14.82/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.217 2004.090.14:16:15.32/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,245.6 2004.090.14:16:15.82/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,68.61 2004.090.14:16:15.82:scan_name=090-1420,r1116,190 2004.090.14:16:15.83:source=1749+096,175132.82,093900.7,2000.0,cw 2004.090.14:16:20.18:setup4f 2004.090.14:16:22.86/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.090.14:16:22.88/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.090.14:16:22.91/bank_check/usn-0079/960/1024OK,VNVD06G4H7982L,VNVD06G4H79L4L,VNVD06G4H79RWL,VNVD06G4H71WBL,VNVD06G4H79GKL,VNVD06G4H79D4L,VNVD06G4H700TL,VNVD06G4H79GUL 2004.090.14:16:22.93/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 339 ; 2004.090.14:16:22.93:!2004.090.14:20:47 2004.090.14:20:47.00:disc_pos 2004.090.14:20:47.00/disc_pos/766298856232,766297856232, 2004.090.14:20:47.02:disc_start=on 2004.090.14:20:48.05:!2004.090.14:20:47 2004.090.14:20:48.05:preob 2004.090.14:20:49.19#antcn#ACK 2004.090.14:20:49.19/onsource/TRACKING 2004.090.14:20:51.93/tpical/1l,15683,1u,16088,2u,16109,3u,16158,4u,16183 2004.090.14:20:51.93/tpical/9u,16240,au,16012,bu,15973,cu,16179,du,16266,eu,16316 2004.090.14:20:51.93/tpical/5u,16950,6u,15458,7u,15077,8l,15921,8u,15694 2004.090.14:20:52.08/tpgain/1l,45,1u,50,2u,118,3u,126,4u,167 2004.090.14:20:52.08/tpgain/9u,112,au,108,bu,91,cu,153,du,200,eu,168 2004.090.14:20:52.08/tpgain/5u,16,6u,29,7u,23,8l,28,8u,31 2004.090.14:20:52.11:!2004.090.14:20:57 2004.090.14:20:57.00:disc_pos 2004.090.14:20:57.00/disc_pos/766554652672,766297856232, 2004.090.14:20:57.02:data_valid=on 2004.090.14:20:57.02:midob 2004.090.14:20:57.20/tpi/1l,15695,1u,16071,2u,16280,3u,16149,4u,16199 2004.090.14:20:57.20/tpi/9u,16247,au,15981,bu,15964,cu,16170,du,16267,eu,16320 2004.090.14:20:57.20/tpi/5u,16952,6u,15412,7u,15096,8l,15919,8u,15666 2004.090.14:20:57.79/tsys/1l,79.6,1u,78.1,2u,78.1,3u,77.5,4u,79.0 2004.090.14:20:57.79/tsys/9u,77.5,au,74.7,bu,83.6,cu,79.8,du,89.2,eu,91.4 2004.090.14:20:57.80/tsys/5u,88.4,6u,87.6,7u,90.5,8l,87.5,8u,84.0 2004.090.14:20:57.81/wx/15.6,994.6,97.7,104.0,0.2 2004.090.14:20:58.37/cable/3.712181782E-3 2004.090.14:20:58.87/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,21.60 2004.090.14:20:59.37/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,21.20 2004.090.14:20:59.87/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.60 2004.090.14:21:00.37/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,14.10 2004.090.14:21:00.87/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.604 2004.090.14:21:01.37/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.000 2004.090.14:21:01.87/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,2.292 2004.090.14:21:02.37/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,50.51 2004.090.14:21:02.87/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,61.54 2004.090.14:21:03.37/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.271 2004.090.14:21:03.87/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,246.1 2004.090.14:21:04.37/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,70.56 2004.090.14:21:04.46/bbc01/612.89,a,8,8,1,agc, -2.18, -3.10,lock,16052,15665,1018,1pps 2004.090.14:21:04.54/bbc02/652.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 5.27, 3.21,lock,16262,16189,1029,1pps 2004.090.14:21:04.62/bbc03/752.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 5.84, 4.01,lock,16142,16192,1027,1pps 2004.090.14:21:04.70/bbc04/912.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 8.29, 7.24,lock,16185,16175,1024,1pps 2004.090.14:21:04.78/bbc05/652.99,c,8,8,1,agc,-12.08,-13.24,lock,14148,14802,1025,1pps 2004.090.14:21:04.86/bbc06/772.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -6.92, -6.62,lock,15406,15891,1030,1pps 2004.090.14:21:04.94/bbc07/832.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -8.93, -8.93,lock,15089,15919,1033,1pps 2004.090.14:21:05.02/bbc08/852.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -6.34, -7.22,lock,15655,15913,1028,1pps 2004.090.14:21:05.10/bbc09/692.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.82, 4.66,lock,16256,16073,1020,1pps 2004.090.14:21:05.18/bbc10/700.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.50, 3.11,lock,16011,15999,1026,1pps 2004.090.14:21:05.26/bbc11/716.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 3.02, 3.02,lock,15971,16002,1022,1pps 2004.090.14:21:05.34/bbc12/772.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 7.59, 6.38,lock,16360,16240,1019,1pps 2004.090.14:21:05.42/bbc13/804.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 9.86, 9.68,lock,16271,16275,1031,1pps 2004.090.14:21:05.50/bbc14/812.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 8.34, 8.13,lock,16329,16300,1021,1pps 2004.090.14:21:06.19#antcn#Received message for antenna: GETS 2004.090.14:21:07.17#antcn#ACU: MJD: 53094, UTC: 51665, Src: ext. 1pps present 2004.090.14:21:07.17#antcn#ACU: Azimuth: Pos: 2948267, Dev: -3, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.090.14:21:07.17#antcn#ACU: Elevation: Pos: 152328, Dev: 0, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.090.14:21:07.17#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.090.14:21:07.17#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.090.14:21:07.17#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.090.14:21:07.17#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.090.14:21:07.17#antcn#ACU: Az: no fault , no fault 2004.090.14:21:07.17#antcn#ACU: El: no fault , no fault 2004.090.14:21:07.18/antenna/ACK 2004.090.14:21:07.18:!2004.090.14:24:07 2004.090.14:24:07.00:data_valid=off 2004.090.14:24:07.01:disc_end 2004.090.14:24:07.28/disc_end/usn-0079/960/1024OK 2004.090.14:24:07.28:disc_pos 2004.090.14:24:07.29/disc_pos/772672638552,766298856232, 2004.090.14:24:07.29:disc_check 2004.090.14:24:07.59/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y090d14h24m07.370s,63248,0.00250s,80000,8954598396, 2004.090.14:24:07.60:postob_mk5a 2004.090.14:24:07.61/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 1467185 : 7104 : 2 : 11 : 0 : 5 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.14:24:07.62/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 1468130 : 6131 : 2 : 48 : 16 : 0 : 7 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.14:24:07.63/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 1468154 : 6139 : 1 : 13 : 2 : 0 : 8 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.14:24:07.63/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 1467315 : 6952 : 2 : 48 : 1 : 9 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.14:24:07.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 1466989 : 7308 : 3 : 10 : 2 : 8 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.14:24:07.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 1466958 : 7339 : 5 : 26 : 1 : 3 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.14:24:07.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 1467535 : 6785 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.14:24:07.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 1467534 : 6772 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.14:24:07.96/cable/3.712203716E-3 2004.090.14:24:09.85/fmout-gps/-7.502626E-6 2004.090.14:24:10.31/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,21.70 2004.090.14:24:10.81/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,21.20 2004.090.14:24:11.31/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.60 2004.090.14:24:11.81/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,14.20 2004.090.14:24:12.31/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.604 2004.090.14:24:12.81/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.000 2004.090.14:24:13.31/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,5.183 2004.090.14:24:13.81/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,51.90 2004.090.14:24:14.31/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,61.54 2004.090.14:24:14.81/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.298 2004.090.14:24:15.31/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,245.6 2004.090.14:24:15.81/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,67.39 2004.090.14:24:15.81:scan_name=090-1435,r1116,135 2004.090.14:24:15.82:source=0454-234,045703.18,-232452.0,2000.0,ccw 2004.090.14:24:20.19:setup4f 2004.090.14:24:22.87/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.090.14:24:22.88/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.090.14:24:22.90/bank_check/usn-0079/960/1024OK,VNVD06G4H7982L,VNVD06G4H79L4L,VNVD06G4H79RWL,VNVD06G4H71WBL,VNVD06G4H79GKL,VNVD06G4H79D4L,VNVD06G4H700TL,VNVD06G4H79GUL 2004.090.14:24:22.92/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 341 ; 2004.090.14:24:22.92:!2004.090.14:35:26 2004.090.14:35:26.00:disc_pos 2004.090.14:35:26.01/disc_pos/772672638552,772671638552, 2004.090.14:35:26.02:disc_start=on 2004.090.14:35:27.06:!2004.090.14:35:26 2004.090.14:35:27.06:preob 2004.090.14:35:28.20#antcn#ACK 2004.090.14:35:28.20/onsource/TRACKING 2004.090.14:35:30.95/tpical/1l,15929,1u,16291,2u,16022,3u,16052,4u,15930 2004.090.14:35:30.95/tpical/9u,16056,au,15963,bu,15992,cu,16099,du,16248,eu,16240 2004.090.14:35:30.95/tpical/5u,13706,6u,15924,7u,15160,8l,16058,8u,16270 2004.090.14:35:31.10/tpgain/1l,31,1u,34,2u,80,3u,84,4u,114 2004.090.14:35:31.10/tpgain/9u,88,au,84,bu,73,cu,119,du,155,eu,130 2004.090.14:35:31.10/tpgain/5u,10,6u,20,7u,16,8l,19,8u,21 2004.090.14:35:31.13:!2004.090.14:35:36 2004.090.14:35:36.00:disc_pos 2004.090.14:35:36.02/disc_pos/772928434176,772671638552, 2004.090.14:35:36.03:data_valid=on 2004.090.14:35:36.04:midob 2004.090.14:35:36.22/tpi/1l,15684,1u,16038,2u,15795,3u,15787,4u,15677 2004.090.14:35:36.22/tpi/9u,15942,au,15853,bu,15881,cu,15985,du,16130,eu,16099 2004.090.14:35:36.22/tpi/5u,13481,6u,15678,7u,14943,8l,15812,8u,16014 2004.090.14:35:36.80/tsys/1l,170.9,1u,171.9,2u,168.0,3u,174.2,4u,175.0 2004.090.14:35:36.80/tsys/9u,124.7,au,124.0,bu,130.5,cu,132.7,du,150.1,eu,153.8 2004.090.14:35:36.81/tsys/5u,181.6,6u,189.7,7u,186.8,8l,191.0,8u,189.3 2004.090.14:35:36.82/wx/16.8,994.7,90.9,23.1,1.0 2004.090.14:35:37.56/cable/3.714229249E-3 2004.090.14:35:38.02/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,22.00 2004.090.14:35:38.52/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,21.70 2004.090.14:35:39.02/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.60 2004.090.14:35:39.52/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,15.00 2004.090.14:35:40.02/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.608 2004.090.14:35:40.52/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.015 2004.090.14:35:41.02/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,4.829 2004.090.14:35:41.52/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,51.90 2004.090.14:35:42.02/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,61.54 2004.090.14:35:42.52/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.244 2004.090.14:35:43.02/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,246.1 2004.090.14:35:43.52/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,71.05 2004.090.14:35:43.61/bbc01/612.89,a,8,8,1,agc, -5.53, -6.34,lock,15751,15402,1018,1pps 2004.090.14:35:43.69/bbc02/652.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 2.01, -0.04,lock,15911,16252,1029,1pps 2004.090.14:35:43.77/bbc03/752.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 2.53, 0.74,lock,16152,16164,1027,1pps 2004.090.14:35:43.85/bbc04/912.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 5.12, 4.01,lock,15949,16021,1024,1pps 2004.090.14:35:43.93/bbc05/652.99,c,8,8,1,agc,-15.34,-16.16,lock,15832,15748,1025,1pps 2004.090.14:35:44.01/bbc06/772.99,c,8,8,1,agc,-10.14,-10.14,lock,15382,15142,1030,1pps 2004.090.14:35:44.10/bbc07/832.99,c,8,8,1,agc,-12.08,-12.08,lock,14692,15238,1033,1pps 2004.090.14:35:44.18/bbc08/852.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -9.72,-10.59,lock,15730,15542,1028,1pps 2004.090.14:35:44.26/bbc09/692.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 2.82, 2.63,lock,16117,15943,1020,1pps 2004.090.14:35:44.34/bbc10/700.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 2.42, 1.22,lock,16044,15871,1026,1pps 2004.090.14:35:44.42/bbc11/716.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 1.22, 0.98,lock,16121,16122,1022,1pps 2004.090.14:35:44.50/bbc12/772.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 5.42, 4.26,lock,16112,16064,1019,1pps 2004.090.14:35:44.58/bbc13/804.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 7.75, 7.30,lock,16128,16138,1031,1pps 2004.090.14:35:44.66/bbc14/812.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 6.18, 5.98,lock,16184,16225,1021,1pps 2004.090.14:35:45.19#antcn#Received message for antenna: GETS 2004.090.14:35:46.17#antcn#ACU: MJD: 53094, UTC: 52544, Src: ext. 1pps present 2004.090.14:35:46.17#antcn#ACU: Azimuth: Pos: 1145682, Dev: -1, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.090.14:35:46.17#antcn#ACU: Elevation: Pos: 64058, Dev: 1, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.090.14:35:46.17#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.090.14:35:46.17#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.090.14:35:46.17#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.090.14:35:46.17#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.090.14:35:46.17#antcn#ACU: Az: no fault , no fault 2004.090.14:35:46.17#antcn#ACU: El: no fault , no fault 2004.090.14:35:46.18/antenna/ACK 2004.090.14:35:46.18:!2004.090.14:37:51 2004.090.14:37:51.00:data_valid=off 2004.090.14:37:51.01:disc_end 2004.090.14:37:51.27/disc_end/usn-0079/960/1024OK 2004.090.14:37:51.27:disc_pos 2004.090.14:37:51.28/disc_pos/777285752616,772672638552, 2004.090.14:37:51.28:disc_check 2004.090.14:37:51.59/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y090d14h37m51.365s,78312,0.00250s,80000,21754710872, 2004.090.14:37:51.59:postob_mk5a 2004.090.14:37:51.60/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 1475948 : 7144 : 2 : 11 : 0 : 5 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.14:37:51.61/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 1476882 : 6181 : 2 : 48 : 16 : 0 : 7 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.14:37:51.62/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 1476896 : 6199 : 1 : 13 : 2 : 0 : 8 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.14:37:51.63/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 1476085 : 6984 : 2 : 48 : 1 : 9 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.14:37:51.64/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 1475754 : 7345 : 3 : 10 : 2 : 8 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.14:37:51.64/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 1475716 : 7383 : 5 : 26 : 1 : 3 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.14:37:51.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 1476300 : 6822 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.14:37:51.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 1476287 : 6821 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.14:37:51.96/cable/3.713795023E-3 2004.090.14:37:53.85/fmout-gps/-7.490411E-6 2004.090.14:37:54.32/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,22.10 2004.090.14:37:54.82/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,21.80 2004.090.14:37:55.32/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.60 2004.090.14:37:55.82/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,15.10 2004.090.14:37:56.32/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.608 2004.090.14:37:56.82/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.000 2004.090.14:37:57.32/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,4.480 2004.090.14:37:57.82/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,66.80 2004.090.14:37:58.32/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,61.54 2004.090.14:37:58.82/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.217 2004.090.14:37:59.32/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,245.6 2004.090.14:37:59.82/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,70.32 2004.090.14:37:59.82:scan_name=090-1439,r1116,183 2004.090.14:37:59.83:source=1741-038,174358.86,-035004.6,2000.0,cw 2004.090.14:38:04.20:setup4f 2004.090.14:38:06.86/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.090.14:38:06.87/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.090.14:38:06.89/bank_check/usn-0079/960/1024OK,VNVD06G4H7982L,VNVD06G4H79L4L,VNVD06G4H79RWL,VNVD06G4H71WBL,VNVD06G4H79GKL,VNVD06G4H79D4L,VNVD06G4H700TL,VNVD06G4H79GUL 2004.090.14:38:06.90/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 343 ; 2004.090.14:38:06.91:!2004.090.14:38:59 2004.090.14:38:59.00:disc_pos 2004.090.14:38:59.00/disc_pos/777285752616,777284752616, 2004.090.14:38:59.01:disc_start=on 2004.090.14:39:00.05:!2004.090.14:38:59 2004.090.14:39:00.05:preob 2004.090.14:39:01.20#antcn#ACK 2004.090.14:39:01.20/onsource/TRACKING 2004.090.14:39:03.94/tpical/1l,16180,1u,15970,2u,16011,3u,16037,4u,16300 2004.090.14:39:03.94/tpical/9u,16099,au,16076,bu,16012,cu,16217,du,16242,eu,16197 2004.090.14:39:03.94/tpical/5u,13867,6u,16113,7u,16041,8l,15618,8u,15321 2004.090.14:39:04.09/tpgain/1l,46,1u,50,2u,119,3u,127,4u,169 2004.090.14:39:04.09/tpgain/9u,112,au,109,bu,91,cu,154,du,201,eu,168 2004.090.14:39:04.09/tpgain/5u,15,6u,30,7u,24,8l,28,8u,31 2004.090.14:39:04.13:!2004.090.14:39:09 2004.090.14:39:09.00:disc_pos 2004.090.14:39:09.00/disc_pos/777541554176,777284752616, 2004.090.14:39:09.01:data_valid=on 2004.090.14:39:09.02:midob 2004.090.14:39:09.19/tpi/1l,16170,1u,15976,2u,15975,3u,16037,4u,16298 2004.090.14:39:09.19/tpi/9u,16096,au,16079,bu,16000,cu,16216,du,16241,eu,16196 2004.090.14:39:09.19/tpi/5u,13843,6u,16118,7u,16018,8l,15610,8u,15327 2004.090.14:39:09.77/tsys/1l,78.5,1u,77.6,2u,75.2,3u,75.7,4u,77.4 2004.090.14:39:09.77/tsys/9u,76.8,au,73.8,bu,83.8,cu,79.0,du,88.1,eu,90.6 2004.090.14:39:09.78/tsys/5u,82.0,6u,85.5,7u,88.1,8l,85.8,8u,82.2 2004.090.14:39:09.79/wx/16.8,994.7,88.0,343.6,2.0 2004.090.14:39:10.36/cable/3.714069482E-3 2004.090.14:39:10.82/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,22.20 2004.090.14:39:11.32/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,21.90 2004.090.14:39:11.82/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.70 2004.090.14:39:12.32/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,15.20 2004.090.14:39:12.82/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.608 2004.090.14:39:13.32/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.000 2004.090.14:39:13.82/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,2.619 2004.090.14:39:14.32/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,62.85 2004.090.14:39:14.82/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,61.54 2004.090.14:39:15.32/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.271 2004.090.14:39:15.82/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,246.5 2004.090.14:39:16.32/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,69.83 2004.090.14:39:16.41/bbc01/612.89,a,8,8,1,agc, -2.18, -2.91,lock,15963,16169,1018,1pps 2004.090.14:39:16.49/bbc02/652.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 5.35, 3.30,lock,16114,16088,1029,1pps 2004.090.14:39:16.57/bbc03/752.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 5.91, 4.09,lock,16584,16100,1027,1pps 2004.090.14:39:16.65/bbc04/912.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 8.39, 7.36,lock,16301,16243,1024,1pps 2004.090.14:39:16.73/bbc05/652.99,c,8,8,1,agc,-12.64,-13.24,lock,16614,14527,1025,1pps 2004.090.14:39:16.82/bbc06/772.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -6.62, -6.62,lock,16068,15617,1030,1pps 2004.090.14:39:16.90/bbc07/832.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -8.56, -8.93,lock,16071,15648,1033,1pps 2004.090.14:39:16.98/bbc08/852.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -6.34, -7.22,lock,17222,15593,1028,1pps 2004.090.14:39:17.06/bbc09/692.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.82, 4.66,lock,16090,15908,1020,1pps 2004.090.14:39:17.14/bbc10/700.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.58, 3.21,lock,16073,16103,1026,1pps 2004.090.14:39:17.22/bbc11/716.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 3.02, 3.11,lock,15989,15861,1022,1pps 2004.090.14:39:17.30/bbc12/772.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 7.59, 6.44,lock,16206,16294,1019,1pps 2004.090.14:39:17.38/bbc13/804.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 9.90, 9.73,lock,16242,16214,1031,1pps 2004.090.14:39:17.47/bbc14/812.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 8.34, 8.13,lock,16195,16152,1021,1pps 2004.090.14:39:18.21#antcn#Received message for antenna: GETS 2004.090.14:39:19.18#antcn#ACU: MJD: 53094, UTC: 52757, Src: ext. 1pps present 2004.090.14:39:19.18#antcn#ACU: Azimuth: Pos: 2797026, Dev: -5, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.090.14:39:19.18#antcn#ACU: Elevation: Pos: 189966, Dev: 0, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.090.14:39:19.18#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.090.14:39:19.18#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.090.14:39:19.18#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.090.14:39:19.18#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.090.14:39:19.18#antcn#ACU: Az: no fault , no fault 2004.090.14:39:19.18#antcn#ACU: El: no fault , no fault 2004.090.14:39:19.19/antenna/ACK 2004.090.14:39:19.19:!2004.090.14:42:12 2004.090.14:42:12.00:data_valid=off 2004.090.14:42:12.01:disc_end 2004.090.14:42:12.27/disc_end/usn-0079/960/1024OK 2004.090.14:42:12.27:disc_pos 2004.090.14:42:12.28/disc_pos/783434853024,777285752616, 2004.090.14:42:12.28:disc_check 2004.090.14:42:12.59/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y090d14h42m12.357s,63852,0.00250s,80000,2202674052, 2004.090.14:42:12.59:postob_mk5a 2004.090.14:42:12.61/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 1487615 : 7209 : 2 : 11 : 0 : 5 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.14:42:12.62/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 1488539 : 6256 : 2 : 48 : 16 : 0 : 7 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.14:42:12.63/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 1488553 : 6274 : 1 : 13 : 2 : 0 : 8 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.14:42:12.64/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 1487760 : 7041 : 2 : 48 : 1 : 9 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.14:42:12.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 1487425 : 7406 : 3 : 10 : 2 : 8 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.14:42:12.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 1487390 : 7441 : 5 : 26 : 1 : 3 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.14:42:12.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 1487983 : 6871 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.14:42:12.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 1487943 : 6898 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.14:42:12.76/cable/3.712874154E-3 2004.090.14:42:13.85/fmout-gps/-7.496427E-6 2004.090.14:42:14.32/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,22.30 2004.090.14:42:14.77/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,22.00 2004.090.14:42:15.22/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.70 2004.090.14:42:15.67/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,15.30 2004.090.14:42:16.12/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.608 2004.090.14:42:16.57/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.015 2004.090.14:42:17.02/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,1.330 2004.090.14:42:17.47/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,62.85 2004.090.14:42:17.92/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,62.85 2004.090.14:42:18.37/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.244 2004.090.14:42:18.82/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,246.5 2004.090.14:42:19.27/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,70.56 2004.090.14:42:19.27:scan_name=090-1506,r1116,135 2004.090.14:42:19.28:source=0454-234,045703.18,-232452.0,2000.0,ccw 2004.090.14:42:24.20:setup4f 2004.090.14:42:26.86/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.090.14:42:26.87/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.090.14:42:26.89/bank_check/usn-0079/960/1024OK,VNVD06G4H7982L,VNVD06G4H79L4L,VNVD06G4H79RWL,VNVD06G4H71WBL,VNVD06G4H79GKL,VNVD06G4H79D4L,VNVD06G4H700TL,VNVD06G4H79GUL 2004.090.14:42:26.91/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 345 ; 2004.090.14:42:26.91:!2004.090.15:06:43 2004.090.15:06:43.00:disc_pos 2004.090.15:06:43.02/disc_pos/783434853024,783433853024, 2004.090.15:06:43.02:disc_start=on 2004.090.15:06:44.06:!2004.090.15:06:43 2004.090.15:06:44.06:preob 2004.090.15:06:45.22#antcn#ACK 2004.090.15:06:45.22/onsource/TRACKING 2004.090.15:06:47.96/tpical/1l,15954,1u,15766,2u,16022,3u,16037,4u,16314 2004.090.15:06:47.96/tpical/9u,16243,au,15957,bu,15910,cu,16255,du,16209,eu,16285 2004.090.15:06:47.96/tpical/5u,14382,6u,15609,7u,15272,8l,16134,8u,15875 2004.090.15:06:48.11/tpgain/1l,45,1u,49,2u,116,3u,124,4u,166 2004.090.15:06:48.11/tpgain/9u,112,au,108,bu,90,cu,153,du,199,eu,167 2004.090.15:06:48.11/tpgain/5u,15,6u,29,7u,23,8l,28,8u,31 2004.090.15:06:48.14:!2004.090.15:06:53 2004.090.15:06:53.00:disc_pos 2004.090.15:06:53.02/disc_pos/783690649600,783433853024, 2004.090.15:06:53.02:data_valid=on 2004.090.15:06:53.03:midob 2004.090.15:06:53.20/tpi/1l,15924,1u,15742,2u,16028,3u,16018,4u,16294 2004.090.15:06:53.20/tpi/9u,16250,au,15970,bu,15906,cu,16256,du,16193,eu,16292 2004.090.15:06:53.20/tpi/5u,14371,6u,15622,7u,15260,8l,16135,8u,15864 2004.090.15:06:53.80/tsys/1l,80.8,1u,79.7,2u,79.6,3u,79.4,4u,80.6 2004.090.15:06:53.80/tsys/9u,77.5,au,74.7,bu,85.2,cu,80.3,du,89.7,eu,92.3 2004.090.15:06:53.81/tsys/5u,85.2,6u,88.8,7u,91.5,8l,88.7,8u,85.1 2004.090.15:06:53.82/wx/17.8,994.5,81.0,43.8,1.0 2004.090.15:06:54.35/cable/3.716288093E-3 2004.090.15:06:54.82/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,23.30 2004.090.15:06:55.32/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,23.00 2004.090.15:06:55.82/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.80 2004.090.15:06:56.32/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,16.80 2004.090.15:06:56.82/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.606 2004.090.15:06:57.32/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.015 2004.090.15:06:57.82/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,4.133 2004.090.15:06:58.33/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,56.07 2004.090.15:06:58.83/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,65.48 2004.090.15:06:59.33/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.244 2004.090.15:06:59.83/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,247.3 2004.090.15:07:00.33/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,67.39 2004.090.15:07:00.42/bbc01/612.89,a,8,8,1,agc, -2.36, -3.10,lock,15727,15928,1018,1pps 2004.090.15:07:00.50/bbc02/652.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 5.12, 3.11,lock,16142,16300,1029,1pps 2004.090.15:07:00.58/bbc03/752.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 5.70, 3.84,lock,16016,15916,1027,1pps 2004.090.15:07:00.66/bbc04/912.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 8.24, 7.18,lock,16285,16249,1024,1pps 2004.090.15:07:00.74/bbc05/652.99,c,8,8,1,agc,-12.64,-13.24,lock,14377,15061,1025,1pps 2004.090.15:07:00.82/bbc06/772.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -6.92, -6.92,lock,15578,15159,1030,1pps 2004.090.15:07:00.90/bbc07/832.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -8.93, -8.93,lock,15274,16149,1033,1pps 2004.090.15:07:00.98/bbc08/852.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -6.34, -7.22,lock,15826,16121,1028,1pps 2004.090.15:07:01.06/bbc09/692.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.82, 4.66,lock,16264,16105,1020,1pps 2004.090.15:07:01.14/bbc10/700.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.50, 3.11,lock,15980,15993,1026,1pps 2004.090.15:07:01.22/bbc11/716.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 2.92, 2.92,lock,15907,15921,1022,1pps 2004.090.15:07:01.30/bbc12/772.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 7.53, 6.38,lock,16277,16323,1019,1pps 2004.090.15:07:01.38/bbc13/804.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 9.81, 9.59,lock,16210,16207,1031,1pps 2004.090.15:07:01.47/bbc14/812.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 8.29, 8.08,lock,16315,16240,1021,1pps 2004.090.15:07:02.23#antcn#Received message for antenna: GETS 2004.090.15:07:03.21#antcn#ACU: MJD: 53094, UTC: 54421, Src: ext. 1pps present 2004.090.15:07:03.21#antcn#ACU: Azimuth: Pos: 1102522, Dev: -5, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.090.15:07:03.21#antcn#ACU: Elevation: Pos: 121330, Dev: -9, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.090.15:07:03.21#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.090.15:07:03.21#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.090.15:07:03.21#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.090.15:07:03.21#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.090.15:07:03.21#antcn#ACU: Az: no fault , no fault 2004.090.15:07:03.21#antcn#ACU: El: no fault , no fault 2004.090.15:07:03.22/antenna/ACK 2004.090.15:07:03.22:!2004.090.15:09:08 2004.090.15:09:08.00:data_valid=off 2004.090.15:09:08.01:disc_end 2004.090.15:09:08.27/disc_end/usn-0079/960/1024OK 2004.090.15:09:08.28:disc_pos 2004.090.15:09:08.29/disc_pos/788047651696,783434853024, 2004.090.15:09:08.29:disc_check 2004.090.15:09:08.90/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y090d15h09m08.367s,39588,0.00250s,80000,47099545592, 2004.090.15:09:08.91:postob_mk5a 2004.090.15:09:08.92/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 1496379 : 7247 : 2 : 11 : 0 : 5 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.15:09:08.93/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 1497300 : 6295 : 2 : 48 : 17 : 0 : 7 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.15:09:08.93/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 1497322 : 6306 : 1 : 13 : 2 : 0 : 8 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.15:09:08.94/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 1496512 : 7090 : 2 : 48 : 1 : 9 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.15:09:08.95/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 1496177 : 7455 : 3 : 10 : 2 : 8 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.15:09:08.96/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 1496140 : 7493 : 5 : 26 : 1 : 4 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.15:09:08.97/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 1496744 : 6911 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.15:09:08.98/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 1496709 : 6934 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.15:09:09.56/cable/3.715767053E-3 2004.090.15:09:09.85/fmout-gps/-7.521493E-6 2004.090.15:09:10.33/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,23.40 2004.090.15:09:10.83/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,23.10 2004.090.15:09:11.33/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.80 2004.090.15:09:11.83/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,16.90 2004.090.15:09:12.33/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.606 2004.090.15:09:12.83/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.000 2004.090.15:09:13.33/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,1.807 2004.090.15:09:13.83/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,56.07 2004.090.15:09:14.33/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,61.54 2004.090.15:09:14.83/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.244 2004.090.15:09:15.33/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,246.3 2004.090.15:09:15.83/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,66.17 2004.090.15:09:15.83:scan_name=090-1516,r1116,184 2004.090.15:09:15.84:source=1741-038,174358.86,-035004.6,2000.0,neutral 2004.090.15:09:20.23:setup4f 2004.090.15:09:22.86/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.090.15:09:22.87/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.090.15:09:22.89/bank_check/usn-0079/960/1024OK,VNVD06G4H7982L,VNVD06G4H79L4L,VNVD06G4H79RWL,VNVD06G4H71WBL,VNVD06G4H79GKL,VNVD06G4H79D4L,VNVD06G4H700TL,VNVD06G4H79GUL 2004.090.15:09:22.92/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 347 ; 2004.090.15:09:22.93:!2004.090.15:16:32 2004.090.15:16:32.00:disc_pos 2004.090.15:16:32.02/disc_pos/788047651696,788046651696, 2004.090.15:16:32.02:disc_start=on 2004.090.15:16:33.06:!2004.090.15:16:32 2004.090.15:16:33.06:preob 2004.090.15:16:34.24#antcn#ACK 2004.090.15:16:34.24/onsource/TRACKING 2004.090.15:16:36.98/tpical/1l,16151,1u,16022,2u,16076,3u,16219,4u,16288 2004.090.15:16:36.98/tpical/9u,16502,au,16199,bu,16298,cu,16315,du,16334,eu,16343 2004.090.15:16:36.98/tpical/5u,14509,6u,15789,7u,15436,8l,16295,8u,16000 2004.090.15:16:37.13/tpgain/1l,45,1u,49,2u,116,3u,124,4u,165 2004.090.15:16:37.13/tpgain/9u,112,au,108,bu,91,cu,152,du,198,eu,166 2004.090.15:16:37.13/tpgain/5u,15,6u,29,7u,23,8l,28,8u,31 2004.090.15:16:37.18:!2004.090.15:16:42 2004.090.15:16:42.00:disc_pos 2004.090.15:16:42.02/disc_pos/788303450112,788046651696, 2004.090.15:16:42.03:data_valid=on 2004.090.15:16:42.04:midob 2004.090.15:16:42.22/tpi/1l,16184,1u,16036,2u,16174,3u,16218,4u,16287 2004.090.15:16:42.22/tpi/9u,16522,au,16217,bu,16311,cu,16324,du,16353,eu,16356 2004.090.15:16:42.22/tpi/5u,14523,6u,15747,7u,15426,8l,16263,8u,15965 2004.090.15:16:42.82/tsys/1l,82.2,1u,81.3,2u,80.3,3u,80.5,4u,81.6 2004.090.15:16:42.83/tsys/9u,78.9,au,75.9,bu,85.4,cu,81.8,du,91.6,eu,93.9 2004.090.15:16:42.83/tsys/5u,86.1,6u,89.5,7u,92.5,8l,89.4,8u,85.6 2004.090.15:16:42.86/wx/18.3,994.6,78.7,14.6,1.5 2004.090.15:16:43.15/cable/3.716028258E-3 2004.090.15:16:43.63/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,23.70 2004.090.15:16:44.13/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,23.50 2004.090.15:16:44.63/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.90 2004.090.15:16:45.13/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,17.10 2004.090.15:16:45.63/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.606 2004.090.15:16:46.13/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.015 2004.090.15:16:46.63/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,4.654 2004.090.15:16:47.13/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,65.48 2004.090.15:16:47.63/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,61.54 2004.090.15:16:48.13/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.217 2004.090.15:16:48.63/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,244.8 2004.090.15:16:49.13/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,68.85 2004.090.15:16:49.22/bbc01/612.89,a,8,8,1,agc, -2.36, -3.10,lock,16041,16185,1018,1pps 2004.090.15:16:49.30/bbc02/652.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 5.12, 3.02,lock,16135,15951,1029,1pps 2004.090.15:16:49.38/bbc03/752.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 5.70, 3.92,lock,16235,16356,1027,1pps 2004.090.15:16:49.46/bbc04/912.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 8.19, 7.12,lock,16299,16197,1024,1pps 2004.090.15:16:49.54/bbc05/652.99,c,8,8,1,agc,-12.64,-13.24,lock,14518,15211,1025,1pps 2004.090.15:16:49.62/bbc06/772.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -6.92, -6.62,lock,15769,16302,1030,1pps 2004.090.15:16:49.70/bbc07/832.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -8.93, -8.93,lock,15441,16283,1033,1pps 2004.090.15:16:49.78/bbc08/852.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -6.34, -7.22,lock,16000,16279,1028,1pps 2004.090.15:16:49.86/bbc09/692.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.74, 4.58,lock,16534,16144,1020,1pps 2004.090.15:16:49.94/bbc10/700.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.50, 3.11,lock,16221,16286,1026,1pps 2004.090.15:16:50.02/bbc11/716.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 3.02, 2.92,lock,16337,15992,1022,1pps 2004.090.15:16:50.10/bbc12/772.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 7.47, 6.25,lock,16336,16179,1019,1pps 2004.090.15:16:50.18/bbc13/804.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 9.77, 9.59,lock,16362,16370,1031,1pps 2004.090.15:16:50.26/bbc14/812.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 8.19, 8.03,lock,16388,16342,1021,1pps 2004.090.15:16:51.23#antcn#Received message for antenna: GETS 2004.090.15:16:52.21#antcn#ACU: MJD: 53094, UTC: 55010, Src: ext. 1pps present 2004.090.15:16:52.21#antcn#ACU: Azimuth: Pos: 2738016, Dev: -3, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.090.15:16:52.21#antcn#ACU: Elevation: Pos: 115588, Dev: 0, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.090.15:16:52.21#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.090.15:16:52.21#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.090.15:16:52.21#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.090.15:16:52.21#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.090.15:16:52.21#antcn#ACU: Az: no fault , no fault 2004.090.15:16:52.21#antcn#ACU: El: no fault , no fault 2004.090.15:16:52.22/antenna/ACK 2004.090.15:16:52.22:!2004.090.15:19:46 2004.090.15:19:46.00:data_valid=off 2004.090.15:19:46.01:disc_end 2004.090.15:19:46.27/disc_end/usn-0079/960/1024OK 2004.090.15:19:46.27:disc_pos 2004.090.15:19:46.28/disc_pos/794228435800,788047651696, 2004.090.15:19:46.28:disc_check 2004.090.15:19:46.60/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y090d15h19m46.362s,53936,0.00250s,80000,14235041548, 2004.090.15:19:46.60:postob_mk5a 2004.090.15:19:46.61/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 1508119 : 7301 : 2 : 11 : 0 : 5 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.15:19:46.62/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 1509046 : 6341 : 2 : 48 : 17 : 0 : 7 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.15:19:46.63/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 1509063 : 6358 : 1 : 13 : 2 : 0 : 8 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.15:19:46.64/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 1508238 : 7156 : 2 : 48 : 1 : 9 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.15:19:46.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 1507917 : 7508 : 3 : 10 : 2 : 8 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.15:19:46.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 1507874 : 7551 : 5 : 26 : 1 : 4 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.15:19:46.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 1508486 : 6961 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.15:19:46.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 1508446 : 6989 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.15:19:47.16/cable/3.714229899E-3 2004.090.15:19:47.85/fmout-gps/-7.543856E-6 2004.090.15:19:48.33/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,23.80 2004.090.15:19:48.83/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,23.60 2004.090.15:19:49.33/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.90 2004.090.15:19:49.83/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,17.20 2004.090.15:19:50.33/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.606 2004.090.15:19:50.83/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.000 2004.090.15:19:51.33/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,1.968 2004.090.15:19:51.83/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,62.85 2004.090.15:19:52.33/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,62.85 2004.090.15:19:52.83/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.244 2004.090.15:19:53.33/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,247.3 2004.090.15:19:53.83/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,68.36 2004.090.15:19:53.83:scan_name=090-1520,r1116,189 2004.090.15:19:53.84:source=1622-253,162546.89,-252738.3,2000.0,neutral 2004.090.15:19:58.24:setup4f 2004.090.15:20:00.86/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.090.15:20:00.87/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.090.15:20:00.90/bank_check/usn-0079/960/1024OK,VNVD06G4H7982L,VNVD06G4H79L4L,VNVD06G4H79RWL,VNVD06G4H71WBL,VNVD06G4H79GKL,VNVD06G4H79D4L,VNVD06G4H700TL,VNVD06G4H79GUL 2004.090.15:20:00.92/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 349 ; 2004.090.15:20:00.93:!2004.090.15:20:19 2004.090.15:20:19.00:disc_pos 2004.090.15:20:19.00/disc_pos/794228435800,794227435800, 2004.090.15:20:19.01:disc_start=on 2004.090.15:20:20.05:!2004.090.15:20:19 2004.090.15:20:20.05:preob 2004.090.15:20:21.23#antcn#ACK 2004.090.15:20:21.23/onsource/TRACKING 2004.090.15:20:23.97/tpical/1l,16292,1u,16217,2u,16069,3u,16029,4u,16267 2004.090.15:20:23.97/tpical/9u,16027,au,16146,bu,16261,cu,16183,du,16203,eu,16270 2004.090.15:20:23.97/tpical/5u,15161,6u,15481,7u,16121,8l,15971,8u,15842 2004.090.15:20:24.12/tpgain/1l,44,1u,48,2u,114,3u,120,4u,161 2004.090.15:20:24.12/tpgain/9u,110,au,106,bu,89,cu,149,du,194,eu,163 2004.090.15:20:24.12/tpgain/5u,15,6u,28,7u,23,8l,27,8u,30 2004.090.15:20:24.15:!2004.090.15:20:29 2004.090.15:20:29.00:disc_pos 2004.090.15:20:29.00/disc_pos/794484236288,794227435800, 2004.090.15:20:29.01:data_valid=on 2004.090.15:20:29.02:midob 2004.090.15:20:29.19/tpi/1l,16313,1u,16231,2u,16034,3u,16023,4u,16262 2004.090.15:20:29.19/tpi/9u,16040,au,16149,bu,16255,cu,16187,du,16221,eu,16260 2004.090.15:20:29.19/tpi/5u,15158,6u,15506,7u,16110,8l,15991,8u,15862 2004.090.15:20:29.78/tsys/1l,86.8,1u,85.9,2u,82.5,3u,85.0,4u,86.1 2004.090.15:20:29.78/tsys/9u,79.4,au,78.5,bu,89.1,cu,84.5,du,94.8,eu,97.0 2004.090.15:20:29.79/tsys/5u,89.9,6u,94.7,7u,96.7,8l,94.7,8u,91.0 2004.090.15:20:29.80/wx/18.5,994.5,79.2,14.8,1.6 2004.090.15:20:30.35/cable/3.715250664E-3 2004.090.15:20:30.83/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,23.90 2004.090.15:20:31.33/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,23.70 2004.090.15:20:31.83/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,42.90 2004.090.15:20:32.33/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,17.20 2004.090.15:20:32.83/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.606 2004.090.15:20:33.33/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.000 2004.090.15:20:33.83/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.396 2004.090.15:20:34.33/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,56.07 2004.090.15:20:34.83/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,60.22 2004.090.15:20:35.33/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.217 2004.090.15:20:35.83/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,248.5 2004.090.15:20:36.33/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,69.83 2004.090.15:20:36.42/bbc01/612.89,a,8,8,1,agc, -2.54, -3.30,lock,16247,16338,1018,1pps 2004.090.15:20:36.50/bbc02/652.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 4.97, 2.92,lock,16200,16260,1029,1pps 2004.090.15:20:36.58/bbc03/752.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 5.42, 3.66,lock,16052,16104,1027,1pps 2004.090.15:20:36.66/bbc04/912.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 7.97, 6.94,lock,16297,16166,1024,1pps 2004.090.15:20:36.74/bbc05/652.99,c,8,8,1,agc,-12.64,-13.89,lock,15179,13881,1025,1pps 2004.090.15:20:36.82/bbc06/772.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -7.22, -6.92,lock,15473,16089,1030,1pps 2004.090.15:20:36.90/bbc07/832.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -8.93, -9.32,lock,16177,15708,1033,1pps 2004.090.15:20:36.99/bbc08/852.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -6.62, -7.54,lock,15847,15987,1028,1pps 2004.090.15:20:37.07/bbc09/692.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.66, 4.42,lock,16064,16001,1020,1pps 2004.090.15:20:37.15/bbc10/700.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.34, 2.92,lock,16190,16071,1026,1pps 2004.090.15:20:37.23/bbc11/716.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 2.82, 2.73,lock,16282,16440,1022,1pps 2004.090.15:20:37.32/bbc12/772.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 7.30, 6.11,lock,16202,16180,1019,1pps 2004.090.15:20:37.40/bbc13/804.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 9.59, 9.46,lock,16223,16306,1031,1pps 2004.090.15:20:37.48/bbc14/812.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 8.08, 7.86,lock,16273,16466,1021,1pps 2004.090.15:20:38.24#antcn#Received message for antenna: GETS 2004.090.15:20:39.21#antcn#ACU: MJD: 53094, UTC: 55237, Src: ext. 1pps present 2004.090.15:20:39.21#antcn#ACU: Azimuth: Pos: 2442755, Dev: -1, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.090.15:20:39.21#antcn#ACU: Elevation: Pos: 84290, Dev: 1, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.090.15:20:39.21#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.090.15:20:39.21#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.090.15:20:39.21#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.090.15:20:39.21#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.090.15:20:39.21#antcn#ACU: Az: no fault , no fault 2004.090.15:20:39.21#antcn#ACU: El: no fault , no fault 2004.090.15:20:39.22/antenna/ACK 2004.090.15:20:39.22:!2004.090.15:23:38 2004.090.15:23:38.00:data_valid=off 2004.090.15:23:38.01:disc_end 2004.090.15:23:38.26/disc_end/usn-0079/960/1024OK 2004.090.15:23:38.27:disc_pos 2004.090.15:23:38.28/disc_pos/800569573848,794228435800, 2004.090.15:23:38.28:disc_check 2004.090.15:23:38.60/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y090d15h23m38.362s,16168,0.00250s,80000,1082899720, 2004.090.15:23:38.60:postob_mk5a 2004.090.15:23:38.61/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 1520169 : 7349 : 2 : 11 : 0 : 5 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.15:23:38.62/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 1521096 : 6390 : 2 : 48 : 17 : 0 : 7 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.15:23:38.63/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 1521100 : 6419 : 1 : 13 : 2 : 0 : 8 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.15:23:38.64/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 1520273 : 7220 : 2 : 48 : 1 : 9 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.15:23:38.64/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 1519962 : 7561 : 3 : 10 : 2 : 8 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.15:23:38.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 1519904 : 7619 : 5 : 26 : 1 : 4 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.15:23:38.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 1520533 : 7014 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.15:23:38.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 1520480 : 7053 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.15:23:39.16/cable/3.715404475E-3 2004.090.15:23:39.84/fmout-gps/-7.503681E-6 2004.090.15:23:40.33/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,24.00 2004.090.15:23:40.83/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,23.80 2004.090.15:23:41.33/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,43.00 2004.090.15:23:41.83/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,17.30 2004.090.15:23:42.33/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.606 2004.090.15:23:42.83/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.015 2004.090.15:23:43.33/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,4.654 2004.090.15:23:43.83/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,62.85 2004.090.15:23:44.33/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,70.74 2004.090.15:23:44.83/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.244 2004.090.15:23:45.33/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,248.5 2004.090.15:23:45.83/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,70.07 2004.090.15:23:45.83:scan_name=090-1546,r1116,135 2004.090.15:23:45.84:source=0454-234,045703.18,-232452.0,2000.0,ccw 2004.090.15:23:50.23:setup4f 2004.090.15:23:52.86/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.090.15:23:52.87/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.090.15:23:52.89/bank_check/usn-0079/960/1024OK,VNVD06G4H7982L,VNVD06G4H79L4L,VNVD06G4H79RWL,VNVD06G4H71WBL,VNVD06G4H79GKL,VNVD06G4H79D4L,VNVD06G4H700TL,VNVD06G4H79GUL 2004.090.15:23:52.91/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 351 ; 2004.090.15:23:52.91:!2004.090.15:45:52 2004.090.15:45:52.00:disc_pos 2004.090.15:45:52.01/disc_pos/800569573848,800568573848, 2004.090.15:45:52.02:disc_start=on 2004.090.15:45:53.05:!2004.090.15:45:52 2004.090.15:45:53.05:preob 2004.090.15:45:54.25#antcn#ACK 2004.090.15:45:54.25/onsource/TRACKING 2004.090.15:45:56.99/tpical/1l,15874,1u,15706,2u,16103,3u,16160,4u,16353 2004.090.15:45:56.99/tpical/9u,15822,au,16164,bu,16217,cu,16254,du,16240,eu,16308 2004.090.15:45:56.99/tpical/5u,13595,6u,15777,7u,15955,8l,15573,8u,15835 2004.090.15:45:57.14/tpgain/1l,46,1u,50,2u,120,3u,128,4u,162 2004.090.15:45:57.14/tpgain/9u,111,au,108,bu,89,cu,152,du,198,eu,166 2004.090.15:45:57.14/tpgain/5u,6,6u,28,7u,21,8l,24,8u,29 2004.090.15:45:57.17:!2004.090.15:46:02 2004.090.15:46:02.00:disc_pos 2004.090.15:46:02.02/disc_pos/800825376768,800568573848, 2004.090.15:46:02.02:data_valid=on 2004.090.15:46:02.03:midob 2004.090.15:46:02.20/tpi/1l,15884,1u,15703,2u,16116,3u,16155,4u,16359 2004.090.15:46:02.20/tpi/9u,15845,au,16191,bu,16235,cu,16265,du,16270,eu,16323 2004.090.15:46:02.20/tpi/5u,13679,6u,15804,7u,15988,8l,15585,8u,15870 2004.090.15:46:02.78/tsys/1l,77.0,1u,76.2,2u,74.6,3u,75.0,4u,85.5 2004.090.15:46:02.78/tsys/9u,76.9,au,75.7,bu,89.0,cu,81.4,du,91.1,eu,93.7 2004.090.15:46:02.79/tsys/5u,514.6,6u,96.5,7u,115.4,8l,117.2,8u,97.5 2004.090.15:46:02.80/wx/19.6,994.5,75.9,8.5,1.6 2004.090.15:46:03.15/cable/3.717501124E-3 2004.090.15:46:03.63/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,24.90 2004.090.15:46:04.13/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,24.60 2004.090.15:46:04.63/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,43.10 2004.090.15:46:05.13/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,18.20 2004.090.15:46:05.63/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.606 2004.090.15:46:06.13/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.000 2004.090.15:46:06.64/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,1.807 2004.090.15:46:07.14/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,54.68 2004.090.15:46:07.64/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,60.22 2004.090.15:46:08.14/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.244 2004.090.15:46:08.64/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,248.7 2004.090.15:46:09.14/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,71.54 2004.090.15:46:09.23/bbc01/612.89,a,8,8,1,agc, -2.18, -2.91,lock,15698,15860,1018,1pps 2004.090.15:46:09.31/bbc02/652.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 5.42, 3.39,lock,16202,16352,1029,1pps 2004.090.15:46:09.39/bbc03/752.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 6.05, 4.26,lock,16345,16168,1027,1pps 2004.090.15:46:09.47/bbc04/912.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 8.03, 7.00,lock,16362,16192,1024,1pps 2004.090.15:46:09.55/bbc05/652.99,c,8,8,1,agc,-20.60,-20.60,lock,13804,16221,1025,1pps 2004.090.15:46:09.63/bbc06/772.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -7.22, -7.22,lock,15772,15933,1030,1pps 2004.090.15:46:09.71/bbc07/832.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -9.72,-10.14,lock,16016,15059,1033,1pps 2004.090.15:46:09.79/bbc08/852.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -6.92, -8.56,lock,15832,15563,1028,1pps 2004.090.15:46:09.88/bbc09/692.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.74, 4.66,lock,16496,16311,1020,1pps 2004.090.15:46:09.96/bbc10/700.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.50, 3.11,lock,16187,16214,1026,1pps 2004.090.15:46:10.04/bbc11/716.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 2.82, 2.92,lock,16233,16143,1022,1pps 2004.090.15:46:10.12/bbc12/772.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 7.47, 6.31,lock,16261,16314,1019,1pps 2004.090.15:46:10.20/bbc13/804.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 9.77, 9.59,lock,16255,16284,1031,1pps 2004.090.15:46:10.28/bbc14/812.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 8.24, 8.03,lock,16321,16223,1021,1pps 2004.090.15:46:11.26#antcn#Received message for antenna: GETS 2004.090.15:46:12.23#antcn#ACU: MJD: 53094, UTC: 56770, Src: ext. 1pps present 2004.090.15:46:12.23#antcn#ACU: Azimuth: Pos: 1050413, Dev: 0, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.090.15:46:12.23#antcn#ACU: Elevation: Pos: 195777, Dev: -10, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.090.15:46:12.23#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.090.15:46:12.23#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.090.15:46:12.23#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.090.15:46:12.23#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.090.15:46:12.23#antcn#ACU: Az: no fault , no fault 2004.090.15:46:12.23#antcn#ACU: El: no fault , no fault 2004.090.15:46:12.24/antenna/ACK 2004.090.15:46:12.24:!2004.090.15:48:17 2004.090.15:48:17.00:data_valid=off 2004.090.15:48:17.01:disc_end 2004.090.15:48:17.28/disc_end/usn-0079/960/1024OK 2004.090.15:48:17.28:disc_pos 2004.090.15:48:17.29/disc_pos/805182701136,800569573848, 2004.090.15:48:17.29:disc_check 2004.090.15:48:17.60/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y090d15h48m17.372s,35136,0.00250s,80000,42715173744, 2004.090.15:48:17.60:postob_mk5a 2004.090.15:48:17.61/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 1528919 : 7401 : 2 : 11 : 0 : 5 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.15:48:17.62/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 1529868 : 6420 : 2 : 48 : 17 : 0 : 7 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.15:48:17.63/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 1529860 : 6461 : 1 : 13 : 2 : 0 : 8 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.15:48:17.64/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 1529021 : 7275 : 2 : 48 : 1 : 9 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.15:48:17.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 1528714 : 7611 : 3 : 10 : 2 : 8 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.15:48:17.65/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 1528658 : 7667 : 5 : 26 : 1 : 4 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.15:48:17.66/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 1529294 : 7055 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.15:48:17.67/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 1529237 : 7098 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.15:48:18.35/cable/3.716174044E-3 2004.090.15:48:19.84/fmout-gps/-7.577216E-6 2004.090.15:48:20.34/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,25.00 2004.090.15:48:20.84/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,24.70 2004.090.15:48:21.34/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,43.10 2004.090.15:48:21.84/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,18.20 2004.090.15:48:22.34/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.606 2004.090.15:48:22.84/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.000 2004.090.15:48:23.34/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,4.480 2004.090.15:48:23.84/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,64.17 2004.090.15:48:24.34/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,62.85 2004.090.15:48:24.84/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.217 2004.090.15:48:25.34/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,247.5 2004.090.15:48:25.84/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,70.32 2004.090.15:48:25.84:scan_name=090-1647,r1116,190 2004.090.15:48:25.85:source=1937-101,193957.26,-100241.5,2000.0,cw 2004.090.15:48:30.26:setup4f 2004.090.15:48:32.86/mk5/!play_rate = 0 ; 2004.090.15:48:32.87/mk5/!mode = 0 ; 2004.090.15:48:32.90/bank_check/usn-0079/960/1024OK,VNVD06G4H7982L,VNVD06G4H79L4L,VNVD06G4H79RWL,VNVD06G4H71WBL,VNVD06G4H79GKL,VNVD06G4H79D4L,VNVD06G4H700TL,VNVD06G4H79GUL 2004.090.15:48:32.93/mk5/!mode? 0 : mark4 : 32 : mark4 : 32 : S : 353 ; 2004.090.15:48:32.93:!2004.090.16:47:30 2004.090.16:47:30.00:disc_pos 2004.090.16:47:30.02/disc_pos/805182701136,805181701136, 2004.090.16:47:30.02:disc_start=on 2004.090.16:47:31.06:!2004.090.16:47:30 2004.090.16:47:31.07:preob 2004.090.16:47:32.29#antcn#ACK 2004.090.16:47:32.29/onsource/TRACKING 2004.090.16:47:35.03/tpical/1l,15920,1u,15723,2u,16186,3u,16083,4u,16330 2004.090.16:47:35.03/tpical/9u,16139,au,16216,bu,15976,cu,16282,du,16276,eu,16161 2004.090.16:47:35.03/tpical/5u,15494,6u,15500,7u,14988,8l,16010,8u,16190 2004.090.16:47:35.18/tpgain/1l,46,1u,50,2u,119,3u,127,4u,168 2004.090.16:47:35.18/tpgain/9u,109,au,105,bu,87,cu,149,du,194,eu,162 2004.090.16:47:35.18/tpgain/5u,9,6u,24,7u,22,8l,27,8u,31 2004.090.16:47:35.22:!2004.090.16:47:40 2004.090.16:47:40.00:disc_pos 2004.090.16:47:40.02/disc_pos/805438492672,805181701136, 2004.090.16:47:40.02:data_valid=on 2004.090.16:47:40.03:midob 2004.090.16:47:40.20/tpi/1l,15935,1u,15731,2u,16212,3u,16105,4u,16350 2004.090.16:47:40.21/tpi/9u,16120,au,16191,bu,15974,cu,16267,du,16260,eu,16168 2004.090.16:47:40.21/tpi/5u,15504,6u,15525,7u,15001,8l,16023,8u,16207 2004.090.16:47:40.78/tsys/1l,77.3,1u,76.4,2u,76.4,3u,76.0,4u,78.7 2004.090.16:47:40.78/tsys/9u,81.3,au,80.3,bu,91.7,cu,84.9,du,95.0,eu,97.7 2004.090.16:47:40.79/tsys/5u,258.4,6u,129.8,7u,98.4,8l,94.9,8u,87.0 2004.090.16:47:40.80/wx/18.8,994.2,69.2,14.3,2.7 2004.090.16:47:41.54/cable/3.715276071E-3 2004.090.16:47:42.00/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,26.20 2004.090.16:47:42.45/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,25.60 2004.090.16:47:42.90/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,43.30 2004.090.16:47:43.35/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,19.10 2004.090.16:47:43.80/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.606 2004.090.16:47:44.25/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.015 2004.090.16:47:44.70/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,5.183 2004.090.16:47:45.15/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,64.17 2004.090.16:47:45.60/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,64.17 2004.090.16:47:46.05/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.244 2004.090.16:47:46.50/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,249.5 2004.090.16:47:46.95/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,71.54 2004.090.16:47:47.04/bbc01/612.89,a,8,8,1,agc, -2.18, -2.91,lock,15731,15933,1018,1pps 2004.090.16:47:47.12/bbc02/652.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 5.35, 3.30,lock,16208,16220,1029,1pps 2004.090.16:47:47.20/bbc03/752.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 5.98, 4.09,lock,16122,16241,1027,1pps 2004.090.16:47:47.28/bbc04/912.89,a,8,8,1,agc, 8.34, 7.30,lock,16361,16289,1024,1pps 2004.090.16:47:47.36/bbc05/652.99,c,8,8,1,agc,-17.08,-18.10,lock,15495,13650,1025,1pps 2004.090.16:47:47.44/bbc06/772.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -8.56, -8.93,lock,15538,15235,1030,1pps 2004.090.16:47:47.52/bbc07/832.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -9.32, -9.32,lock,15014,16153,1033,1pps 2004.090.16:47:47.60/bbc08/852.99,c,8,8,1,agc, -6.34, -7.54,lock,16228,16028,1028,1pps 2004.090.16:47:47.68/bbc09/692.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.58, 4.42,lock,16138,16308,1020,1pps 2004.090.16:47:47.76/bbc10/700.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 4.26, 2.82,lock,16201,16058,1026,1pps 2004.090.16:47:47.85/bbc11/716.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 2.63, 2.73,lock,15962,16076,1022,1pps 2004.090.16:47:47.93/bbc12/772.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 7.30, 6.11,lock,16287,16256,1019,1pps 2004.090.16:47:48.01/bbc13/804.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 9.59, 9.46,lock,16268,16276,1031,1pps 2004.090.16:47:48.10/bbc14/812.89,b,8,8,1,agc, 8.03, 7.86,lock,16171,16131,1021,1pps 2004.090.16:47:48.30#antcn#Received message for antenna: GETS 2004.090.16:47:49.28#antcn#ACU: MJD: 53094, UTC: 60467, Src: ext. 1pps present 2004.090.16:47:49.28#antcn#ACU: Azimuth: Pos: 2724132, Dev: 0, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.090.16:47:49.28#antcn#ACU: Elevation: Pos: 201308, Dev: 0, Mode: Auto , Drives STOP 2004.090.16:47:49.28#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.090.16:47:49.28#antcn#ACU: Az: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.090.16:47:49.28#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 1 active , Drive 1 Interlock inactive, Drive 1 no fault 2004.090.16:47:49.28#antcn#ACU: El: Drive 2 active , Drive 2 Interlock inactive, Drive 2 no fault 2004.090.16:47:49.28#antcn#ACU: Az: no fault , no fault 2004.090.16:47:49.28#antcn#ACU: El: no fault , no fault 2004.090.16:47:49.29/antenna/ACK 2004.090.16:47:49.29:!2004.090.16:50:50 2004.090.16:50:50.00:data_valid=off 2004.090.16:50:50.01:disc_end 2004.090.16:50:50.27/disc_end/usn-0079/960/1024OK 2004.090.16:50:50.27:disc_pos 2004.090.16:50:50.28/disc_pos/811555515304,805182701136, 2004.090.16:50:50.29:disc_check 2004.090.16:50:50.94/disc_check/mark4,32,2004y090d16h50m50.377s,28992,0.00250s,80000,113723351976, 2004.090.16:50:50.95:postob_mk5a 2004.090.16:50:50.96/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 0 : 1541026 : 7453 : 2 : 11 : 0 : 5 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.16:50:50.97/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 1 : 1541979 : 6468 : 2 : 49 : 17 : 0 : 7 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.16:50:50.98/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 2 : 1541962 : 6517 : 1 : 14 : 2 : 0 : 8 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.16:50:50.98/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 1541123 : 7331 : 2 : 49 : 1 : 9 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.16:50:50.99/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 4 : 1540810 : 7675 : 3 : 10 : 2 : 8 : 1 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.16:50:51.00/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 5 : 1540752 : 7732 : 5 : 26 : 1 : 4 : 2 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.16:50:51.01/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 6 : 1541404 : 7103 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 3 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.16:50:51.02/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 7 : 1541340 : 7154 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 4 : 0 : 0 ; 2004.090.16:50:51.14/cable/3.717193898E-3 2004.090.16:50:51.83/fmout-gps/-7.551383E-6 2004.090.16:50:52.31/rx/00(BXFNT_),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,26.30 2004.090.16:50:52.81/rx/01(IF_PLT),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,25.70 2004.090.16:50:53.31/rx/03(DCAL_T),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,43.40 2004.090.16:50:53.81/rx/05(OUTSID),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,19.10 2004.090.16:50:54.31/rx/0E(LO5MHZ),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,3.606 2004.090.16:50:54.81/rx/0F(LOLCKV),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,0.015 2004.090.16:50:55.31/rx/17(PRES__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,1.330 2004.090.16:50:55.81/rx/1E(20K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,58.85 2004.090.16:50:56.31/rx/1F(70K___),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,62.85 2004.090.16:50:56.81/rx/24(TE_I__),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,-0.217 2004.090.16:50:57.31/rx/25(HE_SUP),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,250.4 2004.090.16:50:57.81/rx/26(HE_RTN),on,on,off,,,,off,closed,off,low,locked,72.27 2004.090.16:50:57.81:sched_end 2004.090.16:50:57.82&sched_end/"tigoconc ends schedule. saludos. 2004.090.16:50:57.84:*end of schedule
![](media/image1.jpeg){width="6.122916666666667in" height="1.007638888888889in"} ## ## The Money Monitor #### **The only document that tracks the costs of bills [as they pass the House]{.underline}** ### ### **Week of June 26-30, 2006** ![](media/image2.png){width="3.7263888888888888in" height="1.3729166666666666in"} Net five-year cost of House authorizations passed by the House *this week*: **\$12,075,000,000.00** > H.R. 889 Coast Guard and Maritime Transportation Act \$7,730.0 million > > H.R. 4973 Flood Insurance Reform and Modernization Act \$1,580.0 > million\* > > H.R. 4761 Deep Ocean Energy Resources Act (OCS Drilling) \$2,765.0 > million TOTAL FIVE-YEAR COST OF THIS WEEK'S AUTHORIZATIONS \$12,075.0 million *Year-to-date total* of net five-year costs of House-passed authorizations: **\$643,625,760,000.00** \*Cost estimates for the amendments to H.R. 4973 passed on the House floor are unavailable. Net five-year change in House-passed mandatory spending *this week*: **\$1,924,000,000.00** H.R. 4843 Veterans\' Compensation Cost-of-Living Adjustment Act \$1.0 million > H.R. 4973 Flood Insurance Reform and Modernization Act \$4,225.0 > million\* H.R. 5689 To amend the Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient > Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for Users to make > > technical corrections -\$2.0 million > > H.R. 4761 Deep Ocean Energy Resources Act (OCS Drilling) -\$2,300.0 > million TOTAL FIVE-YEAR CHANGE IN MANDATORY SPENDING \$1,924.0 million *Year-to-date* net five-year change in House-passed mandatory spending: **-\$37,723,000,000.00** \*Cost estimates for the amendments to H.R. 4973 passed on the House floor are unavailable. Net one-year cost of appropriations passed by the House *this week*: ######## ######## Fiscal Year 2005: \$0.00 ######## Fiscal Year 2006: \$0.00 ######## Fiscal Year 2007: \$59,839,000,000.00 ######## Fiscal Year 2008: \$0.00 > H.R. 5672 Science, State, Justice, Commerce, and Related > > Agencies Appropriations Act for Fiscal Year 2007 \$59,839.0 million TOTAL ONE-YEAR COST OF THIS WEEK'S FY2007 APPROPRIATIONS \$59,839.0 million *Year-to-date total* of net one-year costs of appropriations passed during the 2^nd^ Session of the 109^th^ Congress: ######## Fiscal Year 2005: \$0.00 ######## Fiscal Year 2006: \$91,949,000,000.00 **Fiscal Year 2007: \$780,415,000,000.00** ######## Fiscal Year 2008: \$4,300,000,000.00 Net five-year revenue change by House bills passed *this week*: **\$5,000,000.00** > H.R. 4973 Flood Insurance Reform and Modernization Act \$5.0 million\* TOTAL FIVE-YEAR CHANGE IN REVENUES THIS WEEK \$5.0 million *Year-to-date* net five-year revenue change by House-passed bills: **-\$90,896,300,000.00** \*Cost estimates for the amendments to H.R. 4973 passed on the House floor are unavailable. An authorization (otherwise known as "discretionary spending") explicitly allows funding for a certain program and/or directs a federal agency to take a certain action. Authorizations express the House's *intent* to spend, however, actual funding is provided through the annual appropriations process. Mandatory spending directly establishes an appropriation. No subsequent action is required for the money to be spent. The figures for revenue changes are from **"static"** estimates by the Joint Committee on Taxation or the Congressional Budget Office. That is, they do not take into account the stimulative effects that certain tax cuts and certain other revenue reductions have on the national economy. **Authorizations with no [net]{.underline} cost, bills that would result in no significant [net]{.underline} change in mandatory spending or federal revenue, and private-sector costs from federal mandates are not reported here.** All numbers in "The Money Monitor" are positive unless otherwise indicated. **[Neither the costs of conference reports nor the costs of bills that have already been recorded under substantively similar House-passed legislation this year are recorded here]{.underline}. "The Money Monitor," which operates as an annual document, only accounts for the costs of bills as they [first]{.underline} pass the House (unless the prior bills related to such reports and bills have not come to the floor during this calendar year or unless they contain significant cost changes BEFORE going to the Senate). [In short, "The Money Monitor" primarily tracks the House's *original* monetary intent each calendar year]{.underline}.** ##### Most estimates are provided by the Congressional Budget Office (CBO), though some are provided by the Joint Committee on Taxation, the referring House committee, or RSC staff calculations. ##### Staff contact: Paul Teller, [[email protected]]{.underline}, 202-226-9718
**BONNEVILLE POWER ADMINISTRATION** HUMAN RESOURCES **PORTLAND, OREGON** **PERSONNEL LETTER NO. 731-1 (Revised) DATE: July 2, 2004** **SUBJECT**: Suitability Determinations **I. PURPOSE OF ISSUANCE** > Combined with relevant law, regulations, and case law, this issuance > governs BPA's policy and provides management delegations in > administering BPA's Suitability program. Consistent with Delegation > Order No. 00-033-00A, signed by the Secretary of Energy on September > 27, 2002, this issuance also exempts BPA from the provision of any > related Department of Energy issuance, including DOE Order 3731.1, > Suitability, Position Sensitivity Designations and Related Personnel > Matters**.** > > OPM maintains authority for material intentional false statements and > adjudication for employees. ## II. PURPOSE OF REVISION > This letter replaces Personnel Letter 731-1, dated July 20, 1998 and > includes new regulations as established by 5 CFR 731 that were > effective March 30, 2001. **III. REFERENCES AND RELATED INFORMATION** A. [Regulations]{.underline} > 1\. 5 CFR, Part 5, Regulations, Investigations and Enforcement (RuleV) > > 2\. 5 CFR, Part 213. Excepted Service > > 3\. 5 CFR, Part 307, Veterans Readjustment Appointments > > 4\. 5 CFR, Part 315, Career and Career-Conditional Appointment > > 5\. 5 CFR, Part 316, Temporary and Term Employment > > 6\. 5 CFR, Part 731, Suitability > > 7\. 5 CFR, Part 752, Adverse Actions > > B. [Related Information]{.underline} > > 1\. BPA Manual Chapter 400/700A, Employee Relations Program > > 2\. Personnel Letter 315-2, Probationary and Trial Periods for New > Employees > > 3\. Personnel letter 316-1, Temporary Limited Appointments > > 4\. Personnel Letter 752-1, Discipline, Adverse Actions and > Alternative Discipline > > 5\. Management Assistance Services (MAS) Handbook, Chapter 3, Dealing > with Employee Conduct Problems through Disciplinary Action > > 6\. MAS Handbook, Chapter 9, Termination During Probationary Periods **IV. DEFINITIONS** > A. [Applicant]{.underline}: A person being considered for Federal > employment. > > B. [Appointee]{.underline}: A person who has entered on duty (EOD) and > is in the first year of a subject-to-investigation appointment. > > C. [Background Investigation (BI)]{.underline}: Primarily conducted > for High-Risk Public Trust positions. Coverage includes a personal > subject interview, 5-year check on employment, 5-year check on > education and highest degree verification, 3-year residence check, > 5-year law enforcement check, 5-year court records check, and 7-year > credit check. > > D. [Classified Information]{.underline}: Any information that requires > protection against unauthorized disclosure in the interests of the > national defense and security or foreign relations of the United > States pursuant to U. S. Statute or Executive Order. > > E. [Employee]{.underline}: A person who has completed the first year > of a subject to investigation appointment. > > F. [Material intentional false statement]{.underline}: A false > statement capable of influencing or having a natural tendency to > affect an official decision. > > G. [Minimum Background Investigation]{.underline} (MBI): Conducted for > Moderate Public Trust positions. Coverage includes Personal Subject > interview, 5-year check on employment, 5-year check on education with > highest degree verification, 3-year check on residences and check > references listed on application, 5-year check on law enforcement, and > 7-year check on credit history. > > H. [National Agency Check and Inquires (NACI)]{.underline}: Minimum > investigation required for low risk positions. Coverage includes: > 5-year check on employment, 5-year check on education with highest > degree verification, 3-year check on residence, 5-year check on law > enforcement, and references listed on application will be checked. > > I. [Position Sensitivity Code]{.underline}: A code, established by the > Office of Personnel Management (OPM), that is the result of risk level > and security level determinations. The position sensitivity code > determines the type of security investigation required before > individuals can be assigned to sensitive positions and granted the > applicable clearance level. The codes are established by the Office of > Personnel Management and determine the investigation type and Security > Clearance Level. (Reference Attachment A.) > > 0 -- Not designated > > 1 -- Nonsensitive National Security Risk/Low Risk Public Trust > Position > > 2 -- Noncritical Sensitive National Security Risk > > 3 -- Critical Sensitive National Security Risk > > 4 -- Special Sensitive National Security Risk > > 5 -- Moderate Risk Public Trust Position > > 6 -- High Risk Public Trust Position > > J. [Risk Designation]{.underline}: An assessment that determines the > potential for adverse impact to the integrity and efficiency of the > service, and its effect on the Agency or program mission. The Agency's > determination gives the position either a low, moderate, or high-risk > level. > > K. [Security Clearance Level]{.underline}: The degree of access to > information and materials. > > 1\. [Top Secret]{.underline}\--Access to national security information > or material that requires the highest degree of protection, and for > which unauthorized disclosure could reasonably be expected to cause > exceptionally grave damage to the national security. > > 2\. [Secret]{.underline}\--Access to national security information or > material that requires a substantial degree of protection, and for > which unauthorized disclosure could reasonably be expected to cause > serious damage to the national security. > > 3\. [Confidential]{.underline}\--Access to national security > information or material that requires protection, and for which > unauthorized disclosure could reasonably be expected to cause damage > to the national security. > > L. [Suitability]{.underline}: An individual's character or conduct > that may have an impact on the integrity and efficiency of the > service. > > M. [Suitability Adjudicator]{.underline}: An individual(s) assigned > responsibility for determining suitability of an applicant, appointee, > or employee. The Adjudicator must have the same level of investigation > as cases he or she handles. The Adjudicator must have attended an > appropriate OPM training course in adjudication and be thoroughly > familiar with laws, regulations, and criteria pertaining to > suitability determinations. The Adjudicator must consider all the > information of record, both favorable and unfavorable, and assess it > in terms of its relevance, recency, and seriousness. **V. RESPONSIBILITIES** A. Security Officer (Manager, Security and Emergency Management): > 1\. The Security Office is responsible for receiving completed > investigation reports from OPM and controlling the cases for BPA. They > are responsible for providing the completed investigation report to > the Suitability Adjudicator. > > 2\. The Security Officer is responsible for preparing and processing > security clearances on employees whose positions have been determined > to be high-risk public trust duties. > > 3\. Security Officers must have a BI (5-year background > investigation). B. Manager, Human Resources, Diversity and EEO develops the policy for Suitability and program requirements for BPA. > C. Manager, Personnel Services, through delegation to subordinate > supervisors and servicing Human Resources Specialists, shall**:** > > 1\. Assign responsibility for determination of risk, security, and > position sensitivity levels. > > 2\. Assign responsibility for suitability adjudication. > > 3\. Ensure that staff assigned responsibility are knowledgeable of > requirements, laws, and regulations and appropriately trained to make > determinations. **VI. COVERAGE\--PERSONNEL ACTIONS SUBJECT TO INVESTIGATION** > A. All appointments in the Federal service require the person to be > investigated. (E.O. 10450) > > B. All transfers, conversions, or similar types of appointments to BPA > require the completion of a background investigation if one has not > been completed. > > C. A position designation change that increases the risk level of the > position requires an investigation. > > D. An investigation must be done at any time there has been a break in > service of more than two years. > > E. Applicants for employment must complete the OF-306, Declaration for > Employment, for a preliminary suitability determination. **VII. POSITION RISK DESIGNATION** A. Proper risk level and position sensitivity designation is the foundation of an effective and consistent suitability program. It determines what type of investigation is required and how closely an individual is screened for a position. Additionally, as the level of authority and responsibility of a position increases, character and conduct become more significant in deciding whether employment or continued employment would protect the integrity and promote the efficiency of the Federal service. Designated Personnel Services staff determines the appropriate position risk level and security level in order to establish the position sensitivity designation. > **B. Determining Risk Level:** Each position will be designated at the > High, Moderate, or Low Risk level depending on the position's > potential for adverse impact to the integrity and efficiency of the > service (5 CFR 731.106). Positions at the High or Moderate risk levels > are referred to as "Public Trust" positions. Positions may also be > designated as Computer Risk and National Security risk. > > **1. Public Trust Position\--**Positions at the high or moderate risk > levels are designated as Public Trust Positions. These positions > usually involve policymaking, major program responsibility, public > safety and health, fiduciary responsibilities, or other duties > demanding a significant degree of public trust. Also includes > positions involving access to or operation of control of financial > records, with a significant risk for causing damage or realizing > personal gain. > > **a. High Risk\--**Positions with the potential for exceptionally > serious impact on the integrity and efficiency of the service. Duties > involved are especially critical to the agency or program mission with > a broad scope of responsibility and authority. Positions may involve: (1) Policy making, policy determining, and policy implementing; (2) Higher level management duties/assignments; (3) Independent spokespersons or non-management position with authority for independent action; > \(4\) Fiduciary, public contact, or other duties demanding the highest > degree of public trust. > > **b. Moderate Risk\--**Positions with the potential for moderate to > serious impact on the integrity and efficiency of the Agency's > missions and services. Duties involved are considerably important to > the Agency or program mission with significant program responsibility, > or delivery of service. Positions may involve: (1) Assistants to policy development and implementation; (2) Mid-level management duties/assignments; (3) Any position with responsibility for independent or semi-independent action; (4) Delivery of service positions that demand public confidence or trust; **c. Low Risk\--**Positions that involve duties and responsibilities of limited relation to an agency or program mission, so the potential for impact on the integrity and efficiency of the service is limited. > **2. Computer/ADP position\--**Determining a computer/ADP position > risk level is an adjustment factor for both uniqueness and uniformity > and tends to raise the risk level designation. a. **High Risk\--**Positions with the potential for exceptionally serious impact involving duties especially critical to the agency mission, with broad scope and authority, with major program responsibilities, which affect a major Computer/ADP system. Positions may involve: 1. Responsibility for the development, direction, implementation and administration of agency computer security programs, including direction and control of risk analysis or threat assessment; 2. Significant involvement in life-critical or mission-critical systems; 3. Responsibility for preparing or approving data for input into a system which does not necessarily involve personal access to the system, but which creates a high risk for effecting grave damage or realizing significant personal gain; > \(4\) Assignments associated with or directly involving the > accounting, disbursement, or authorization for the disbursement from > systems of amounts of \$10 million per year or greater, or lesser > amounts if the activities of the individual are not subject to > technical review by higher authority to insure the integrity of the > system; > > \(5\) Major responsibility for the direction, planning, design, > testing, maintenance, operation, monitoring, or management of systems > hardware and software; \(6\) Other positions as designated by the agency head that involve high risk for effecting grave damage or realizing significant personal gain. **b. Moderate Risk\--**Positions with the potential for moderate to serious impact involving duties of considerable importance to the agency mission, with significant program responsibilities that affect large portions of a Computer/ADP system. Positions may involve: (1) Accounting, disbursement, or authorization for disbursement from systems with amounts less than \$10 million per year; (2) Responsibility for systems design, operation, testing, maintenance or monitoring that is carried out under technical review of higher authority at the High Risk level, to insure the integrity of the system' (3) Access to or processing of proprietary data, Privacy Act of 1974, and government developed privileged information involving the award of contracts; \(4\) Other positions designated by the agency head that involve a degree of access to a system that creates a significant potential for damage or personal gain than that in High Risk positions. c. **Low Risk\--**Includes all Computer/ADP positions not falling into the High or Moderate risk levels. C. **Determining Sensitivity Level**: Sensitivity levels are used as an adjustment in the Risk Designation system to arrive at a final position designation based on an assessment of the degree of damage that an individual could cause to the National Security. 1\. **National Security Position**\--Positions that require regular use of, or access to classified information. > **a. Special Sensitive**\--Any position an agency head determines to > be at a higher level than Critical Sensitive due to special > requirements that compliment EO 10450 and EO 12968. > > **b. Critical Sensitive**\--Potential for exceptional or grave damage > to the national security. Positions may involve: (1) Access to Top Secret classified information; (2) Development or approval of plans that involve war; (3) National security policy-making or policy determining positions; (4) Investigative duties; (5) Issuance of personnel security clearances; (6) Duty on personnel security boards; or > \(7\) Any other position related to national security requiring the > same degree of trust. > > **c. Non-Critical Sensitive**\--Potential for significant or serious > damage to the national security. Positions may involve: (1) Access to Secret or Confidential classified information; or > \(2\) Duties that may directly or indirectly adversely affect the > national security operations of the Agency. **VIII. PROCESSING NON-INVESTIGATED APPLICANTS** > A. The Acquiring and Positioning Staff (A&P) is responsible for > initiating suitability determinations of non-investigated applicants. > Before making any applicant suitability determination, the A&P staff > should first ensure the applicant is eligible for the position, among > the best qualified, and/or within reach of selection. Because > suitability issues may not be disclosed until late in the > application/appointment process, only the best qualified should > require a suitability determination. > > B. The A&P will review the application materials for disqualifying > factors as described in section X of this PL (information will only be > available if the employee has submitted an OF-306 or a SF-171). The > application will also be reviewed for indications of merit fraud > issues. If any factors are identified as minor or moderate, the A&P > will make the determination as to suitability for employment. If any > factors are identified at the substantial or major level, the > application will be referred to the designated adjudicator in the > MASEWE Staff. The adjudicator will determine whether the individual > appears to be suitable for employment in the Federal Government in any > position with the level of risk of the vacancy, or the particular > position for which application has been made. If the applicant is > found not to be suitable for employment with the Federal Government, > the guidelines in section XII of this PL will be followed. > > C. If there is adverse information shown on the application papers but > a positive determination has been made, the A&P staff must make a > notation on the application form indicating that the application is > acceptable from a suitability standpoint. The notation must include > the initials of the staff person and the date the determination was > made. D. Any 30% compensable disabled veterans must be referred to OPM for adjudication if there is a suitability concern. **IX. BACKGROUND INVESTIGATION FOR APPOINTEES AND EMPLOYEES** > A. The Employee Services Staff (ESS) is responsible for initiating > background investigations for new appointments, appointees who become > subject to investigation, and those individuals whose background > investigation has not been completed (i.e., appointment, conversion, > transfers from other agencies). > > B. Completion of a successful background investigation is a job > requirement. Providing the information is voluntary, but if an > appointee or applicant chooses not to provide the required > information, they will not meet the requirements of the job and will > be terminated from their appointment. > > C. In many cases, additional information is needed from the subject to > initiate an investigation or resolve an issue. If so, the applicant > should be given a reasonable and specific time frame to submit the > requested information, with notice that failure to respond will result > in a finding that the applicant is ineligible and will be terminated > for failure to meet the requirements of the position. > > D. Background Investigation forms must be completed within seven (7) > days of placement in a position. > > E. The following forms must be submitted to OPM: > > 1\. OF-306\--Declaration for Employment; > > Application or resume; > > 2\. SF-85\--Questionnaire for Non-Sensitive Positions, > > 3\. SF-85P\--Questionnaire for Public Trust Positions, or 4\. SF-86\--Questionnaire for National Security, Sensitive Positions; and > 5\. SF-87\--fingerprint chart > > The forms must be signed within 120 days of the date of submission to > OPM. Submitted forms, which are not signed within 120 days, will be > delayed or returned by OPM. **X. SUITABILITY FACTORS** > A. Any of the following reasons may be considered a basis for finding > an individual unsuitable: > > 1\. Misconduct or negligence in employment. > > 2\. Criminal or dishonest conduct. > > 3\. Material, intentional false statement or deception, or fraud in > the examination or appointment process. > > 4\. Refusal to furnish testimony as required by Civil Service Rule > 5.4. > > 5\. Alcohol abuse of a nature and duration that suggests that the > person would be prevented from performing the duties of the position > or would constitute a direct threat to the property or safety of > others. > > 6\. Illegal use of narcotics, drugs, or other controlled substances, > without evidence of substantial rehabilitation. Knowing and willful > engagement in acts or activities designed to overthrow the U. S. > government by force. > > 7\. Any statutory or regulatory bar, which prevents the lawful > employment of the person investigated in the position in question. > > B. In making a determination as to the conduct stated above, the > adjudicator shall consider the following additional considerations to > the extent they are pertinent to the individual case: > > 1\. Type of position including degree of public trust or risk in the > position. > > 2\. Nature and seriousness of the conduct. > > 3\. Circumstances surrounding the conduct. > > 4\. Recency of the conduct. > > 5\. Age of the person at the time of the conduct. > > 6\. Social conditions at the time of the conduct. > > 7\. Rehabilitation or absence of rehabilitation. **XI. INVESTIGATION NOTICES** > A. OPM sends notices to the Security office about cases in process. > Each notice includes the name of the agency requesting the > investigation, the type and timeliness service of investigation, OPM > case number, the name of the Subject of investigation, and the > Subject's social security number, (SSN) and date of birth (DOB). > > B. An **Investigation Scheduled Notice** is sent to the Submitting > Office to verify that the requested investigation has been scheduled > by OPM. This notice is filed on the temporary side of the OPF. > > C. An **Unacceptable Case Notice** is sent to the Submitting Office to > return case papers not completed correctly or missing essential > information about the person to be investigated. The investigation has > not been initiated, so the notice must be returned to OPM with the > corrected case papers as soon as possible. > > D. A **Case in Process Notice** is sent to a Submitting Office when an > investigation meeting or exceeding requirements of the requested > investigation is already in process. If the case in process was > requested by the same SON, it indicates that the second request was a > duplicate. If the case in process is for another agency's security > office identifier (SOI), a copy of the case will be sent to the second > requester's SOI when it is completed. > > E. A **Closed-Discontinued Notice** is sent to the Security Office > when the case has been discontinued at agency request. The notice > should be forwarded to the Employee Services staff for filing on the > permanent side of the OPF. > > F. A **Closed-Incomplete Notice** is sent to the Security Office to > return case papers when OPM has not received a new fingerprint chart > previously requested from the SON. The notice must be returned to OPM > with the new fingerprint chart and the case papers. If the > investigation is no longer required, the notice is filed on the > permanent side of the OPF. > > G. A **Returned-Requirements Met Notice** is sent to the Security > Office indicating that an investigation has recently been completed > that meets requirements of the requested investigation. This notice > should be filed on the permanent side of the OPF after adjudication. > > H. A **Certification of Investigation** is sent to the Security Office > for closed- complete cases. The notice is completed by the suitability > adjudicator and filed on the permanent side of the OPF. **XII. ADVERSE SUITABILITY DETERMINATIONS** > A. Investigative information will be handled in a manner that protects > the privacy of individuals without compromising the capability of BPA > officials to make informed suitability and security determinations. > The information upon which these decisions are based is highly > personal and properly restricted to BPA officials who have a need for > it in performing their duties. > > B. The Personnel staff is responsible for ensuring the records used in > making an adjudication are accurate, relevant, timely and complete to > the extent reasonably necessary to assure fairness to the individual > in any determination. > > C. Applicants and appointees are entitled to any administrative due > process requirements as provided by law, rule, or regulation when an > unfavorable action based on information regarding suitability issues > has been determined. > > 1\. Appointees, when a removal is proposed for making false statements > on applications (other than Material, intentional false statements), > will be processed following the guidelines established in 5 CFR > 315.805. Appointees are entitled to the following: > > \(a\) Notice of proposed action. > > \(b\) A reasonable time for filing a written answer. > > \(c\) A written decision. > > \(d\) Delivery of the decision at or before the time the action will > be made effective. > > \(e\) Appeal rights to the MSPB for discrimination for partisan > political reasons or marital status or improper procedure. > > 2\. Applicants who will not be considered for appointment, and > appointees when their removal is proposed for factors listed in X of > this PL, will be processed following the guidelines established in 5 > CFR 731.401. Applicants and appointees are entitled to the following: > > \(a\) Notice of proposed action. > > \(b\) A reasonable time for filing a written answer. > > \(c\) A written decision. > > \(d\) Must be removed from the rolls within 5 workdays of the final > decision if an appointee. > > \(e\) Appeal rights to the MSPB for suitability reasons. D. If MSPB finds that one or more charges under Part 731 are supported by a preponderance of the evidence, it shall affirm the determination. If the MSPB sustains fewer than all the charges, they shall remand the case to the agency to determine whether the action taken is still appropriate based on the sustained charge(s). The determination by BPA of whether the action taken is appropriate shall be final without any further appeal to the board. > E. If adverse suitability information (other than merit fraud), > surfaces after completion of a probationary or trial period, any > action must be taken under the provisions of 5 CFR 752. This means > that conduct that may be disqualifying from a suitability standpoint > may not be sufficient grounds for separation under 5 CFR 752. As a > result, it is critical that required investigations be conducted in a > timely manner so any adverse suitability information can be discovered > and acted upon during the first year of employment. **XIII. DEBARMENT** > When BPA finds a person unsuitable for factors listed in X of this PL, > it may deny that person examination for, and appointment to all, or > specific, positions within BPA for a period of not more than one year. > OPM retains authority for debarment beyond one year. **XIV. RELEASE OF INFORMATION** > When a subject of investigation asks for a copy of his/her own > investigative file, he/she should be advised that OPM provides a copy > of the file under a Privacy Act request. The individual must make a > written request for the file to OPM-FIPC, FOI/PS, PO Box 618, Boyers, > PA 16018-0618. The request must include the full name, AKA's, SSN, > DOB, POB, full address, location of present or former Federal > employment and it must be signed by the requestor. Godfrey C. Beckett Manager, Human Resources, Diversity and EEO **Attachment A** +--------+---+------------+---+----------+------------+----------+-------+ | **RISK | | **SEN | * | **PO | **INVES | **SE | **FO | | L | | SITIVITY** | * | SITION** | TIGATION** | CURITY** | RMS** | | EVEL** | | | = | | | | | | | | **LEVEL** | * | **SENSI | **TYPE** | **CLE | **U | | | | | * | TIVITY** | | ARANCE** | SED** | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | * | | | | | | | | | *LEVEL** | | +--------+---+------------+---+----------+------------+----------+-------+ | ### LO | * | ## NO | | **1** | **NACI** | **NONE** | **SF | | W RISK | * | NSENSITIVE | | | | | 85** | | | + | | | | | | | | | * | | | | | | | | | * | | | | | | | +--------+---+------------+---+----------+------------+----------+-------+ | | | **NON | | **2** | **ANACI** | **CONF | **SF | | | | CRITICAL** | | | | IDENTIAL | 86** | | | | | | | | OR | | | | | **S | | | | SECRET** | | | | | ENSITIVE** | | | | | | +--------+---+------------+---+----------+------------+----------+-------+ | | | ** | | **3** | **SSBI** | **TOP | **SF | | | | CRITICAL** | | | | SECRET** | 86** | | | | | | | | | | | | | **S | | | | | | | | | ENSITIVE** | | | | | | +--------+---+------------+---+----------+------------+----------+-------+ | | | * | | > **4** | **SSBI** | **SCI** | **SF | | | | *SPECIAL** | | | | | 86** | | | | | | | | | | | | | **S | | | | | | | | | ENSITIVE** | | | | | | +--------+---+------------+---+----------+------------+----------+-------+ | **MO | * | **NONS | | **5** | **MBI** | **NONE** | **SF | | DERATE | * | ENSITIVE** | | | | | 85P** | | RISK** | + | | | | | | | | | * | | | | | | | | | * | | | | | | | +--------+---+------------+---+----------+------------+----------+-------+ | | | # **NON | # | # **2** | **MBI** | **CONF | **SF | | | | CRITICAL** | | | | IDENTIAL | 86** | | | | | | | | OR | | | | | **S | | | | SECRET** | | | | | ENSITIVE** | | | | | | +--------+---+------------+---+----------+------------+----------+-------+ | | | ** | | **3** | **SSBI** | **TOP | **SF | | | | CRITICAL** | | | | SECRET** | 86** | | | | | | | | | | | | | **S | | | | | | | | | ENSITIVE** | | | | | | +--------+---+------------+---+----------+------------+----------+-------+ | | | * | | **4** | **SSBI** | **SCI** | **SF | | | | *SPECIAL** | | | | | 86** | | | | | | | | | | | | | **S | | | | | | | | | ENSITIVE** | | | | | | +--------+---+------------+---+----------+------------+----------+-------+ | **HIGH | * | **NONS | | **6** | **BI** | **NONE** | **SF | | RISK** | * | ENSITIVE** | | | | | 85P** | | | + | | | | | | | | | * | | | | | | | | | * | | | | | | | +--------+---+------------+---+----------+------------+----------+-------+ | | | **NON | | **2** | **BI** | **CONF | **SF | | | | CRITICAL** | | | | IDENTIAL | 86** | | | | | | | | OR | | | | | **S | | | | SECRET** | | | | | ENSITIVE** | | | | | | +--------+---+------------+---+----------+------------+----------+-------+ | | | ** | | **3** | **SSBI** | **TOP | **SF | | | | CRITICAL** | | | | SECRET** | 86** | | | | | | | | | | | | | **S | | | | | | | | | ENSITIVE** | | | | | | +--------+---+------------+---+----------+------------+----------+-------+ | | | * | | **4** | **SSBI** | **SCI** | **SF | | | | *SPECIAL** | | | | | 86** | | | | | | | | | | | | | **S | | | | | | | | | ENSITIVE** | | | | | | +--------+---+------------+---+----------+------------+----------+-------+
# Presentation: 470603 ## How far from equilibrium is the Granite at Soultz - François Henri Cornet, - Equipe de Mécanique des Roches - Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris - Determination of the regional stress field - On local stress heterogeneity - Microseismicity and rupture processes - Perspectives for controlling the occurrence of large events ## The European Experimental Hot Dry Rock site at Soultz ## Analysis of drilling induced fracture - Tensile fractures because of cooling - Shear induced fractures ## Compression breakouts observed in well GPK1 around 3440 m - Compression breakouts are indicative of zones of highest tangential compressive stress : - -h +3 H – Pb –f(P0) - E / (1-) = c - No breakouts seen initially in GPK1, No breakouts in GPK2 just after drilling, some seen sometime after drilling : problem of time dependency for breakout development. - Recall loading rate effect on rock strength (e.g. Hudson & Brown, 1973) ## Borehole elongation observed in well GK2 between 1600 m and 2900 m ## Analysis of wellbore failure mechanisms : tensile failure and compressive failure - Tangential stress at the borehole wall -  = (h + H ) – 2 ( H – h ) cos 2 - Pb – - f(P0) - E / (1-) - 3/8 E/(1-)  - Where  is the mismatch between thermal expansion coefficients (solution for square inclusion in an homogeneous matrix) - Time dependency of cooling : - Slow cooling yields borehole elongation (thermal breakouts), - fast cooling yields macroscopic thermal cracking - On the problem of time dependency and stress corrosion on “strength” : - In tension - In compression ## Principal stress direction determination from shear wave splitting analysis (Gaucher, 1998) ## Stress data from hydraulic reconnaissance GPK1 – 1968-2000 m - Several straddle packer tests were run for preliminary hydraulic reconnaissance but were hampered by leakages - Single packer test was run at bottom of well (1968-2000 m) (upper figure). It yields a well defined shut in pressure - BHTV log shows several vertical fractures striking n170° and two parallel joints striking 150° and dipping 78° NE. - Same zone was further stimulated in 1991 (lower figure), yields reopening pressure - Normal stress component derived from both tests yields : 26. 5 MPa (=  h) ## Results from large scale hydraulic reconnaissance test (2850-3400 m) (Sept. 1993) ## Stress magnitudes - From density data : Sv = 33.8 + 0.0255 (z-1377); z in m; Sv in MPa - Vertical gradient of minimum principal stress magnitude : - At 1980 m, Sh/Sv = 0.535 - At 2850 m, Sh/Sv = 0.548 - At 3315 m, Sh/Sv = 0.541 - Proposition : Sh = 0.54 (33.8 + 0.0255 (z-1377) - In 2003 , At 4550 m, Sh/Sv = 0.537 - SH magnitude from focal mechanisms and shear wave splitting: - 0.95 Sv  SH  1.15 Sv ## Analysis of fault plane solutions from induced microseismicity - 2 nodal planes for each focal mechanism - Slip vector **S** in nodal plane is parallel to resolved shear stress ****** **in nodal plane **S . ******** / ****| ******** ****| = 1** ****** ****= ****Tn – (Tn.n)n** ## Focal mechanisms and stress directions - Stress perturbation caused by previous events - Characterization of preexisting stress heterogeneity ## Local Heterogenity in stress direction is biased ## What failure criterion for the Granite - Induced seismicity and rock failure - Fault geometry and event relocation - What failure criterion ? - What controls stress variations with depth ? ## Acoustic emission during triaxial testing ## Fluid flow and induced seismicity ## Multiplets for precise seismic cloud analysis **Amp.********g** ** ****B, fréquency** **Amp.********g** ** ****B, fréquency** **Amplitude** - 60 - 30 - 00 **Multiplets for precise seismic cloud analysis** **Time (seconde)** - Sonogram (St : 4616, Comp : C2, Evt : 05246) ## Multiplets **|** - spatially close, - same source mechanism, - similar time series. *Station 4550, Z component, amplitude in (********g)* **0.05** **|** **0.1** **|** **0.15** **|** **517** **479** **370** **384** **314** **305** **363** **349** **Time (seconds)** ## Results from the search for multiplets **Results from the search for multiplets** - Nb of events per multiplet - Number ofe multiplets - 600 - 500 - 400 - 300 - 200 - 100 - 0 - 10 - 20 - 30 - 40 - 50 - 60 - 70 | Levenstein distance: 4e04 | | | | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | 597 : Doublets, | 236 : Triplets | 128 : Quadruplets | 222 : Multiplets ( 5) | ## Accurate relocation by cross correlation - Hypothesis : no variation with time of velocity field. - Events are close, so that rays are parallel, at receptor. - Accuracy of relative travel times : - Time correlation : - 1 sample = ± 0.2 ms - Spectral cross correlation: - 1/20 sample = ± 0.01 ms - Relative relocation : - ti= t0 – Nx/Vi XS - Ny/Vi YS - Nz/Vi ZS - ti = Difference in arrival times between Master and Slave, I = P or S; - t0 difference of time occurrence between Master and Slave. - subtracting tp from ts eliminates t0 and provides means to determine Xs, Ys, Zs ## Identification of fresh fracture zones orientation **Identification of fresh fracture zones orientation** - 1. For each multiplet - One multiplet characterizes one single plane (or one line) - linear regression (Tarantola 1987; Gaucher, 1998). -  x +  y +  z = 1 - best plane. - Three points method (Fehler et al, 1987) - n(n-1)(n-2)/6 - ****identifies the direction that has been - picked the most often. - 2. Combine multiplets for a given depth interval - and use 3 points methods for all events ## Identifying the fault plane geometry ## Change of orientation with depth | Depth interval (m)l | Mean azimuth | Mean dip | Number of events | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | 2800 - 2900 | N179°E | 87° | 329 | | 2900 – 3000 | N165°E | 67° | 402 | | 3000 - 3200 | N146°E | 86° | 416 | | | | | | | 1990 - 2200 | N 147°E | 87° | | ## What failure criterion ? - Byerlee’s law or Mohr-Coulomb ? - Evaluation of the rock mass permeability from the rate of growth of the microseismic cloud (Shapiro et al., 2000) yields pore pressure at time of failure inception ## Conclusions and perspectives - Determination of regional stress field is necessary before any stability analysis. This requires integration of various techniques. - Induced seismicity does not prove that the rock mass is close to failure, it only outlines local stress concentrations. - It takes 4 to 5 MPa pore pressure increments, at Soultz, to structure induced seismicity into a fresh large scale fault that ignores large scale preexisting fractures. - Stress perturbation caused by these large scale slip events, some part of which is non seismic, may be evaluated by mechanical modelling after identifying its overall extent - A difficult problem is identifying the failure criterion of large scale peexisting fauls, many of which do have a significant cohesion ## Flow rate measurements during the test
APPENDIX C\ FOUNDATION CAPACITIES TABLES **C-100. USE OF FOUNDATION CAPACITIES TABLES.** **C-100.1. GENERAL.** The Foundation Capacities Tables provide foundation design capacities and dimensions for three conditions of foundation design. **A. Withdrawal Resistance.** The ability of a foundation wall or pier plus its respective footing to resist uplift and overturning. See Tables C‑­1 & C‑­2. **B. Vertical Anchor Capacity.** The required size and spacing of anchors to tie the superstructure to the foundation to meet the required uplift or overturning in the transverse direction. See Tables C‑­3 & C‑­4 (a & b). **C. Horizontal Anchor Capacity.** The required size and spacing of anchors to tie the superstructure to the foundation to resist sliding in the transverse and longitudinal directions - Horizontal Anchor Capacity Table, Table C‑­5. **C-100.2. CONNECTIONS** of the foundation to the manufactured home is dependent on the rated capacity of the manufacturer\'s connection designs. **C-200. WITHDRAWAL RESISTANCE CAPACITY TABLES.** There are two tables providing the withdrawal resistance (uplift and overturning) for different designs of foundation walls and piers on spread footings at different depths. **C-200.1. LONGITUDINAL FOUNDATION WALLS.** The \"Withdrawal Resistance for Longitudinal Foundation Walls - Table C‑­1" is used for manufactured homes anchored to longitudinal foundation walls, specifically system type E. The table provides a footing width and depth below grade to prevent uplift. *Example*: Determine the withdrawal resistance of a 6" reinforced concrete wall with a height (hw) of 3'- 4" and with a 6"x16" footing. Repeat for a 6"CMU wall grouted solid, then grouted at 48" o.c., and lastly for an all-weather wood foundation. Solution: Start with the concrete wall: wall weight: (0.5')×(3.33')×150 pcf = 250 plf; reinforced concrete footing weight: (6"×16"÷144in.sq./sq.ft.)×150pcf = 100 plf; rectangular soil wedge wt: (3.33'-1')×((16"× 6")÷(2"×12"))×120pcf = 116 plf. The total withdrawal resistance is the sum of the wall, footing and soil block weight, which is 250+100+116 = 466 plf. This matches the tabled value. The solid grouted CMU wall: wall wt.: (3.33')× (63 psf) = 210 plf, 16" footing and 5" soil wedge calculations are the same as above. The total withdrawal is the sum = 210 + 100 + 116 = 426 plf, just as found in the Table. The partially grouted CMU wall: wall wt.: (3.33)×(45psf) = 150 plf, 16" footing and 5" soil wedge are the same. The total withdrawal is the sum = 150+100+116 = 366 plf, just as found in the table. Lastly, for the all-weather wood foundation: wood stud wall wt.: 2"x6" plate = 2.1 plf; (3)-2"x4" plates = 3×1.3 plf = 3.9 plf; 2"x4"@ 16" o.c. = 1.0 psf × 3.33' = 3.33plf; 1/2"plywood = 1.5psf × 3.33' = 5.0 plf. Wood sum = 2.1+3.9+3.33+5.0 = 14.3 plf; footing weight is the same as caculated before. Soil weight is based on a 6" wide wedge: (3.33')×(16-4)÷(2×12)×pcf = 140 plf. Total withdrawal = 14.3+100+140 = 254 plf, just as in the Table. **C-200.2. PIER FOUNDATIONS.** The \"Withdrawal Resistance for Piers - Table C‑­2" is used for manufactured homes anchored to piers; specifically system Types **C**, **I**, and Type **E** when interior piers are used for anchorage. This table also applies to the concrete tie-down block for type **C1** foundations. *Example*: Determine the withdrawal resistance of a 3 foot square footing with an 8"x16" solid grouted CMU pier of a height (hp) of 3'-4". Grade exists 12 inches down from the top of the pier. Solution: Assume the following material weights: 8"CMU = 84 psf; soil = 120 pcf; and concrete = 150 pcf. Pier weight = (84psf) × (16/12) × (3.33') = 373 lbs.$$Footing weight = (150pcf)×(8/12)×(3'×3') = 900 lbs. Assume footing perimeter creates a conservative shear plane. Soil above footing also counted to resist withdrawal. Soil Weight = (120pcf)×(3.33'-1')×(3^2^ - (8)×(16)/144) = 2267 lbs. Total withdrawal resistance is the sum of the pier + footing + soil = 3541 lbs. This magnitude matches the value found in the Table C-2.$$ **C-200.3. FOOTING DEPTH.** The bottom of the footings must be below the maximum frost depth for the area where the home is located. *Example*: The average depth of frost penetration is 35 inches. Assume that the required footing depth to resist withdrawal (Av) is hw = 2 feet. The depth of the base of the footing is 24\"-12\"+6\"=18\". This is less than 35\". The depth of hw must be increased to 41\" in order for the base of the footing to be at 35\"\--the required depth to prevent frost damage & also satisfy withdrawal requirements (41\"-12\"+6\"=35\"). **C-300. VERTICAL ANCHOR CAPACITY TABLES** provide the required anchor and reinforcing size and spacing to tie the superstructure to the foundation wall or piers. As in section C-200.1 above, there are two Vertical Anchorage Capacity Tables, one for longitudinal foundation walls and one for piers. **C-300.1. PIERS.** The "Vertical Anchor Capacity for Piers - Table C‑­3" is used for manufactured homes anchored to piers to prevent uplift specifically system Types **C**, **I**, and Type **E** when interior piers are used for anchorage (multi-section E\'s). *Example*: Anchor bolts are assumed to be made from A36 rod stock and of embedment length sufficient to fully develop the allowable tensile capacity (0.6×F~y~) of the diameter of rod used. A 1/2"diameter anchor bolt has the following capacity: (0.6×36,000psi)×(π × 0.5^2^/4) = 4,240 psi, as noted in the Table. The capacity of any substituted grade of steel can easily be calculated if the yield point and diameter are known. **C-300.2. LONGITUDINAL CONCRETE/MASONRY FOUNDATION WALLS.** The "Vertical Anchorage Capacity for Longitudinal Foundation Walls - Table C‑­4A" is used for manufactured homes anchored to a continuous Reinforced concrete or reinforced concrete masonry foundation wall, specifically system Type **E**. *Example*: Determine the anchorage capacity per foot of foundation wall if 1/2" diameter anchor bolts are spaced 3'-4" o.c. and attach to a continuous treated wood mud sill 1-1/2" thick. Standard washers are used under the nut and bear into the mud sill perpendicular to grain. Solution: Determine the bearing area of a standard washer with O.D. = 1.375" and I.D. = 0.5625": A~brg~ = π × (1.375^2^ - 0.5625^2^) ÷ 4 = 1.237 ^sq.\ in.^ . The capacity in bearing multiplied by a bearing area factor C~b~ = 1.25. Thus, the bearing capacity = 1.237 × 1.25 × 565 psi = 873 lbs./ bolt. The capacity for a given spacing of bolts is found by division of that spacing. Thus, for a 3'-4" bolt spacing: 873 ÷ 3.33' = 262 plf, which is the same as in the Table. Use of an oversized washer (for a 5/8" dia. bolt) produces a larger capacity per bolt. The O.D. = 1.75" and the I.D. = 0.6875", thus the net bearing area : A~brg~ = π × (1.75^2^ - 0.6875^2^) ÷ 4 = 2.03^sq.\ in.^. The vertical anchor capacity at the same same spacing = 2.03 × 1.25 × 565 psi ÷ 3.33' = 431 plf, which is the same as in the Table. **C-300.3. LONGITUDINAL TREATED WOOD FOUNDATION WALLS.** The "Vertical Anchorage Capacity for Longitudinal Foundation Walls - Table C‑­4B" is used for manufactured homes anchored to a continuous treated wood foundation wall, specifically system Type **E**. Vertical anchorage capacities are based on the use of standard washers over 1/2" dia. bolts. Plywood thickness, nail size and spacing are selected so as to provide equal or greater capacity than the standard washer in bearing. The APA Plywood Diaphragm Guide was used to select plywood, and nailing requirements for the Table. *Example:* A 1/2" dia. bolt spaced at 3'-4" o.c. provides a vertical anchor capacity of 262 lbs./ft. This is the same capacity as found in Table C-4A for a standard washer in bearing, and its calculation is illustrated above. The APA Table - *Recommended Shear for Horizontal APA Panel Diaphrapms* requires for a shear of 320 plf \> 262 plf: 8d COM nails @ 4" o.c. and uses 3/8" APA rated sheathing. **C-400. HORIZONTAL ANCHOR CAPACITY TABLES FOR TRANSVERSE AND LONGITUDINAL FOUNDATION WALLS** (Table C‑­5A & C-5B) are used for all types of manufactured homes: homes on continuous foundations - Type **E**; homes on piers - Types **C** and **I**. **C-400.1. ASSUMPTIONS.** Along with the notes at the bottom of the tables the following assumptions are made: **A.** The horizontal sliding forces are resisted totally by transverse foundation shear walls in the transverse direction and by longitudinal foundation shear walls in the longitudinal direction. An appropriate number of vertical X-bracing planes can be substituted for shear walls to resist sliding in the transverse or longitudinal direction. See sections 602‑­5.G and 602‑­6.F. **B.** The roof/ceiling and floor of the superstructure are adequate as diaphragms, transferring wind load to the transverse and longitudinal foundation shear walls. **C.** A home supported by piers does not provide adequate horizontal sliding resistance unless the piers and footings have been engineered to withstand lateral loads. **C-400.2. TABLES FOR HORIZONTAL ANCHOR CAPACITY.** There are two Tables (C‑­5A & C-5B) for the Horizontal Anchor Capacity for Transverse or Longitudinal Walls. **A. Concrete or Masonry Walls.** Table C-5A is based on the capacity of the anchor bolt in a properly designed concrete or masonry foundation system. Horizontal shear capacity for a specific spacing of anchor bolts is based on bearing of the anchor bolt against concrete or grout: F~brg~ = 0.35 × f~c~' = 0.35 × 2500psi = 875psi. *Example:* Horizontal capacity per anchor bolt bearing = 875 psi × 1/2" dia. × 4" min. embed. = 1750 lb/bolt, rounded to 1800 lb/bolt. (Note: shear of the bolt did not control since it calculated to be 2830 lb/bolt, assuming A36 rod stock). Thus for 3 foot spacing: 1800 ÷ 3' = 600 plf, as shown in the Table. **B. Wood Foundation Walls.** Table C-5B is based on the capacity of the anchor connection to a treated wood wall which is attached to a concrete footing. Horizontal shear capacity is controlled by bearing of wood parallel to grain against the anchor bolt, and then the spacing of those bolts. A 1600 psi end grain bearing allowable stress was assumed, since it would cover most typical species. Thus, the capacity per bolt = 1/2" dia. × 1.5" × 1600 psi = 1200 lb. The APA Plywood Diaphragm Guide was used to select plywood, and nailing requirements for the Table. *Example:* For a 1/2" dia. bolt spaced at 3'- 4", the horizontal capacity is: 1200 lb. ÷ 3.33' = 360 plf as shown in the Table. The APA Table - *Recommended Shear for Horizontal APA Panel Diaphrapms* requires for a shear of 360 plf: 8d COM nails @ 4" o.c. and uses 15/32" APA rated sheathing, just as shown in the Table. **C. Anchorage For Diagonal Steel Members To Complete Transverse Foundation Walls Used As Shear Walls.** The number of anchor bolts required to anchor the diagonal steel members to the foundation wall can be found by dividing the capacity value for a bolt spaced at 12 inches into the required Ah. Table C-1\ Withdrawal Resistance^1\ ^Longitudinal Continuous Foundations^2,\ 3^\ (In pounds per linear foot of wall) ![](media/image1.emf) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- hw Reinforced\ Masonry-\ Masonry-\ All-Weather\ Concrete Fully Grouted @\ Wood w/\ Grouted\ 48" o.c. Conc. Footing 6" CMU --------- ------------- ------- ----------- ------- ----------- ------- -------------- ------- Footing Width Footing Footing Footing Width Width Width 12" 16" 12" 16" 12" 16" 12" 16" 2'-0" 255 300 231 276 195 240 126 171 2'-8" 325 383 293 351 245 303 154 212 3'-4" 395 466 355 426 295 366 182 254 4'-0" 465 550 417 502 345 430 211 296 4'-8" 535 633 479 577 395 493 240 337 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ^1^ Potential resistance to withdrawal is the maximum uplift resistance which can be provided by the foundations shown. It is computed by adding the weights of building materials and soil over the top of the footing, plus the footing weight. To fully develop this potential, adequate connections to the footing and superstructure must be provided. Material weights used: concrete (nlwt) = 150 psf; 6"solid grouted CMU = 63 psf; 6" CMU grouted @ 48"o.c. = 45psf; grout wt assumed = 140 pcf; CMU units nlwt; wood = 35 pcf; soil = 120 pcf. ^2^ Foundations must be designed for bearing pressure, gravity loads, and uplift loads in addition to meeting the anchorage requirements tabulated in the Foundation Design Tables. ^3^ Values shown in this table could be increased by widening the footing, provided the system is designed for the increased load, or by a more detailed analysis of the shearing strength of the soil overburden. Table C-2\ Withdrawal^1^ Resistance For Piers^2,\ 3^\ (In pounds per pier) ---------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- Hp Width of Square Footing: Wf Depth 1'-0"^4^ 2'-0" 3'-0" 4'-0"^4^ 2'-0" 279 997 2097 3755 2'-8" 361 1322 2824 5049 3'-4" 442 1643 3541 6325 4'-0" 525 1967 4267 7617 4'-8" 607 2292 4994 8911 ---------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ^1^ Potential resistance to withdrawal is the maximum uplift resistance which can be provided by the foundations shown. It is computed by adding the weights of building materials and soil over the top of the footing, plus the footing weight. To fully develop this potential, adequate connections to the footing and superstructure must be provided. Material weights used: concrete (nlwt) = 150 psf; nlwt 8"CMU = 84 psf grouted solid; grout (nlwt) = 140 pcf; soil = 120 pcf. ^2^ Foundations must be designed for lateral soil pressure, bearing pressure, gravity loads, and uplift loads, in addition to meeting the anchorage requirements tabulated in the Foundation Design Tables. The bottom of the footing must also be below the maximum depth of frost penetration. ^3^ Values shown in this table could be increased by widening the footing, providing the wall system is designed for the increased load, or by a more detailed analysis of the shear strength of the soil overburden. ^4^ Assumes 8" x 8" pier for the 1'-0" square footing, and 16" x 16" pier for the 4'-0" square footing. Table C-3\ Vertical Anchor Capacity For Piers^1,\ 2^\ (In pounds) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Anchor Capacity Per Number Of Bolts -------------------- ------------------------- ------------------------- Bolt Dia. 1 2 1/2" 4240 8480 5/8" 6620 13240 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Table C-3A ^1^ The vertical anchor capacity is based upon the working capacity of ASTM A-36 rod stock anchor bolts in 2500 psi concrete or grout. To fully develop this capacity, anchor bolts must be properly lapped with the pier's vertical reinforcement. ^2^ The capacity is based on f~c~ = 2500 psi; F~y~ = 36,000 psi. Table C-4A\ Vertical Anchor Capacity For Longitudinal Foundation Wall^1^\ (In pounds per linear foot of wall) ![](media/image6.emf) ^1^ Compare with required Av for Type E units. ^2^ Values are based on vertical capacity per foot of wall. ^3^ Assuming 1 1/2" thick sill plate, 3/4" edge distance for wood or composite nailer plates or 20 diameter end distance for plywood sheathing; APA rated, properly seasoned wood; Group III woods, not permanently loaded, and a 25% length of bearing factor increase. ^4^ It is assumed that a reinforcing bar of the same diameter and spacing as the anchor is adequately embedded in the footing and lapped with the anchor. ^5^ Spacing and capacity is based on allowable compression of wood perpendicular to grain for F~c~ = 565 psi and washer as define below: Standard washer: 1 3/8" O.D. and 0.5625" I.D. washer (for 1/2" φ bolt) Over-sized washer: 1 3/4" O.D. and 0.6875" I.D. washer (for 5/8" φ bolt) placed under the standard washer. Table C-4B\ Vertical Anchor Capacity For Longitudinal Foundation Wall^1,\ 2^\ (In pounds per linear foot of wall) ![](media/image9.emf) > \*\*\* For required Av greater than 437 lbs./ft., consider using a > different foundation material or utilize an engineered design with a > higher capacity. ^1^ Compare with required Av for Type E units. ^2^ In the case of a treated wood foundation wall, the wood wall and its connections must be designed to transfer the anchor load to a concrete footing. This table does not apply to treated wood foundation walls on gravel bases. ^3^ Values are based on vertical capacity per foot of wall. ^4^ Assuming 1 1/2" thick sill plate, 3/4" edge distance for wood or composite nailer plates or 20 diameter end distance for plywood sheathing; APA rated, properly seasoned wood; Group III woods, not permanently loaded, and a 25% length of bearing factor increase. ^5^ Nailing schedule in this table is intended to secure the superstructure to the foundation only, and not to provide required edge fastening for plywood siding or sheathing. ^6^ Spacing and capacity is based on allowable compression of wood perpendicular to grain for F~c~ = 565 psi and standard washer = 1 3/8" O.D. and 9/16" I.D. washer (for 1/2" φ bolt). Table C-5A\ Horizontal Anchor Capacity For Transverse or Longitudinal Shear Walls^1^\ (In pounds per foot of wall) Concrete or Masonry \*\*\* For required Ah greater than 1800 lbs./ft., consider using an engineered design with a higher capacity. Table C-5B Treated Wood +-----------+----------------+----------------+-----------+-----------+ | H | Required | Min. | Required | | | orizontal | Nailing^3,\ 4^ | Plywood^4^ | Anchorage | | +-----------+----------------+----------------+-----------+-----------+ | Ca | (Edge Spacing, | Nailer | Anchor | Bolt | | pacity^2^ | in.) | Thickness | Bolt | S | | | | | Diameter | pacing^7^ | | lbs./ft. | | | | | +-----------+----------------+----------------+-----------+-----------+ | 300 | 8d @ 4" o.c. | 7/16" | 1/2" | 4'-0" | | | | | | max. | +-----------+----------------+----------------+-----------+-----------+ | 360 | 8d @ 4" o.c. | 15/32" | | 3'-4" | +-----------+----------------+----------------+-----------+-----------+ | 449 | 10d @ 4" o.c. | 15/32" | | 2'-8" | +-----------+----------------+----------------+-----------+-----------+ | 600 | 10d @ 3" o.c. | 19/32" | | 2'-0" | +-----------+----------------+----------------+-----------+-----------+ ^1^ Compare capacity with required Ah in transverse or longitudinal direction. ^2^ Values are based on horizontal load per foot of wall. Select Ah for pier spacing of 4 feet for use with this table. ^3^ Assuming 1 1/2" thick sill plate, 3/4" edge distance for wood or composite nailer plates or 20 diameter end distance for plywood sheathing; APA rated, properly seasoned wood; Group III woods, not permanently loaded. ^4^ Nailing schedule in this table is intended to secure the superstructure to the foundation only, and not to provide required edge fastening for plywood siding or sheathing. ^5^ It is assumed that a reinforcing bar of the same diameter as the anchor is adequately embedded in the footing and lapped with the anchor. In the case of a treated wood foundation wall, the wood wall and its connections must be designed to transfer the anchor load to a concrete footing. This table does not apply to treated wood foundation walls on gravel bases. ^6^ Spacing based on bearing capacity of bolt against concrete/grout. ^7^ Spacing based on capacity of anchor bolt in bearing against the wood plate. (see also #5.)
**APPENDIX 3** **SELF-REPORT COGNITIVE QUESTIONNAIRE IN FILIPINO** **National Statistics Office** **Philippines** **WASHINGTON GROUP ON DISABILITY STATISTICS** **Cognitive Testing** **SECTION 1. Face Sheet** ***Instructions to the respondent:*** Thank you for agreeing to participate in this interview. The purpose of this project is to develop questions about people's health and abilities to do certain activities that will eventually be asked of many people of all ages around the world. For this project, we need to find out if the questions make sense to everyone and if everyone understands the questions in the same way. Your interview will help us find out how the questions are working. This interview will last about one hour and will primarily be about your abilities to do certain activities. Many of these questions will seem repetitive and even somewhat strange or personal. This is because we are testing the questions, and we need to understand what people are considering when they form an answer. Please do you best to answer the questions as you understand them. Everything that you tell me is confidential and will be kept private. If you do not want to answer a question, please tell me and I will move to the next question. Before we begin, do you have any questions? +-----+--------------------------+---+----------------------------------+ | # | GEOGRAPHIC | | | | ### | IDENTIFICATION | | | | F1 | | | | +-----+--------------------------+---+----------------------------------+ | # | RESPONDENT'S NAME: | | | | ### | | | | | F2 | | | | +-----+--------------------------+---+----------------------------------+ | | (Family Name, First | | | | | Name) | | | +-----+--------------------------+---+----------------------------------+ | # | a\) INTERVIEW DATE | \ | | | ### | | _ | | | F3 | b\) STARTING TIME | \ | | | | | _ | | | | c\) TIME INTERVIEW ENDED | \ | | | | | _ | | | | d\) TOTAL DURATION | \ | | | | | _ | | | | | \ | | | | | _ | | | | | \ | | | | | _ | | | | | / | | | | | \ | | | | | _ | | | | | \ | | | | | _ | | | | | \ | | | | | _ | | | | | \ | | | | | _ | | | | | \ | | | | | _ | | | | | \ | | | | | _ | | | | | / | | | | | \ | | | | | _ | | | | | \ | | | | | _ | | | | | \ | | | | | _ | | | | | \ | | | | | _ | | | | | \ | | | | | _ | | | | | \ | | | | | _ | | | | | | | | | | d | | | | | a | | | | | y | | | | | m | | | | | o | | | | | n | | | | | t | | | | | h | | | | | y | | | | | e | | | | | a | | | | | r | | | | | | | | | | > | | | | | | | | | | \ | | | | | _ | | | | | \ | | | | | _ | | | | | \ | | | | | _ | | | | | > | | | | | | | | | | \ | | | | | _ | | | | | \ | | | | | _ | | | | | \ | | | | | _ | | | | | / | | | | | \ | | | | | _ | | | | | \ | | | | | _ | | | | | \ | | | | | _ | | | | | > | | | | | | | | | | \ | | | | | _ | | | | | \ | | | | | _ | | | | | \ | | | | | _ | | | | | > | | | | | > | | | | | | | | | | h | | | | | r | | | | | s | | | | | > | | | | | | | | | | m | | | | | i | | | | | n | | | | | > | | | | | > | | | | | | | | | | \ | | | | | _ | | | | | \ | | | | | _ | | | | | \ | | | | | _ | | | | | > | | | | | | | | | | \ | | | | | _ | | | | | \ | | | | | _ | | | | | \ | | | | | _ | | | | | / | | | | | \ | | | | | _ | | | | | \ | | | | | _ | | | | | \ | | | | | _ | | | | | > | | | | | | | | | | \ | | | | | _ | | | | | \ | | | | | _ | | | | | \ | | | | | _ | | | | | > | | | | | > | | | | | | | | | | h | | | | | r | | | | | s | | | | | > | | | | | | | | | | m | | | | | i | | | | | n | | | | | > | | | | | > | | | | | | | | | | \ | | | | | _ | | | | | \ | | | | | _ | | | | | \ | | | | | _ | | | | | > | | | | | | | | | | \ | | | | | _ | | | | | \ | | | | | _ | | | | | \ | | | | | _ | | | | | / | | | | | \ | | | | | _ | | | | | \ | | | | | _ | | | | | \ | | | | | _ | | | | | > | | | | | | | | | | \ | | | | | _ | | | | | \ | | | | | _ | | | | | \ | | | | | _ | | | | | > | | | | | > | | | | | | | | | | h | | | | | r | | | | | s | | | | | > | | | | | | | | | | m | | | | | i | | | | | n | | +-----+--------------------------+---+----------------------------------+ | ## | LANGUAGE | F | | | F4 | | i | | | | | l | | | | | i | | | | | p | | | | | i | | | | | n | | | | | o | | | | | 1 | | | | | | | | | | E | | | | | n | | | | | g | | | | | l | | | | | i | | | | | s | | | | | h | | | | | 2 | | | | | | | | | | O | | | | | t | | | | | h | | | | | e | | | | | r | | | | | s | | | | | 3 | | | | | | | | | | ( | | | | | p | | | | | l | | | | | s | | | | | s | | | | | p | | | | | e | | | | | c | | | | | i | | | | | f | | | | | y | | | | | ) | | | | | \ | | | | | _ | | | | | \ | | | | | _ | | | | | \ | | | | | _ | | | | | \ | | | | | _ | | | | | \ | | | | | _ | | | | | \ | | | | | _ | | | | | \ | | | | | _ | | | | | \ | | | | | _ | | | | | \ | | | | | _ | | | | | \ | | | | | _ | | | | | \ | | | | | _ | | | | | \ | | | | | _ | | | | | \ | | | | | _ | | | | | \ | | | | | _ | | | | | \ | | | | | _ | | | | | \ | | | | | _ | | +-----+--------------------------+---+----------------------------------+ | ## | ## COUNTRY | * | | | F5 | | * | | | | | [ | | | | | P | | | | | h | | | | | i | | | | | l | | | | | i | | | | | p | | | | | p | | | | | i | | | | | n | | | | | e | | | | | s | | | | | ] | | | | | { | | | | | . | | | | | u | | | | | n | | | | | d | | | | | e | | | | | r | | | | | l | | | | | i | | | | | n | | | | | e | | | | | } | | | | | * | | | | | * | | +-----+--------------------------+---+----------------------------------+ | **I | | | **SUPERVIOR'S NAME:** | | NTE | | | | | RVI | | | | | EWE | | | | | R'S | | | | | N | | | | | AME | | | | | :** | | | | +-----+--------------------------+---+----------------------------------+ <table> <colgroup> <col style="width: 5%" /> <col style="width: 6%" /> <col style="width: 13%" /> <col style="width: 11%" /> <col style="width: 4%" /> <col style="width: 2%" /> <col style="width: 6%" /> <col style="width: 6%" /> <col style="width: 12%" /> <col style="width: 2%" /> <col style="width: 4%" /> <col style="width: 0%" /> <col style="width: 6%" /> <col style="width: 18%" /> </colgroup> <tbody> <tr class="odd"> <td colspan="14"><h6 id="section"> </h6> <p id="section-2.-demographic-and-background-information" class="heading">SECTION 2. Demographic and Background Information</p></td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td><p id="section-1" class="heading"></p></td> <td colspan="7"><em>RECORD SEX AS OBSERVED</em></td> <td colspan="6"><p>Female 1</p> <p>Male 2</p></td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td><strong>1</strong></td> <td colspan="7">Ilang taon na kayo sa kasalukuyan?</td> <td colspan="6">___/___ years</td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td><strong>2</strong></td> <td colspan="7"><p>Sa kabuuan, ilang taon ang inyong ginugol sa pag-aaral</p> <p>sa eskuwelahan, kolehiyo o unibersidad?</p></td> <td colspan="6">___/___ years</td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td rowspan="2"><strong>3</strong></td> <td colspan="13"><p>Alin ang pinakamalapit na tumutukoy sa inyong estado ng pangunahing hanapbuhay?</p> <p><em><strong>(select the single best option)</strong></em></p></td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td colspan="4"><p>1 May hanapbuhay, na may suweldo 2 Sariling trabaho, kagaya ng sariling</p> <p>negosyo o pagsasaka 3 Walang bayad na trabaho, kagaya</p> <p>ng boluntaryo o pagkakawanggawa</p></td> <td colspan="4"><p>4 Estudyante</p> <p>5 Gumaganap ng gawaing</p> <p>bahay</p> <p>6 Retirado</p></td> <td colspan="5"><p>7 Walang hanapbuhay (dahil sa</p> <p>kalusugan)</p> <p>8 Walang hanapbuhay (iba pang</p> <p>kadahilanan)</p> <p>9 Iba pa (specify)</p></td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td><h4 id="section-2"></h4> <h4 id="section-3">4</h4></td> <td colspan="13"><p>Ano ang inyong kasalukuyang “marital status”?</p> <p><em><strong>(select the single best option)</strong></em></p></td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td colspan="3"><p>1 Married</p> <p>2 Widowed</p></td> <td colspan="4"><p>3 Divorced</p> <p>4 Separated</p></td> <td colspan="5"><p>5 Never married</p> <p>6 Living with partner</p></td> <td colspan="2"><p>7 Don’t know/</p> <p>Refused</p></td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td><h4 id="section-4"></h4> <p><strong>A6</strong></p></td> <td colspan="13">Magkano ang kabuuang kita ng inyong sambahayan? (See card,)</td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td><h4 id="section-5"></h4></td> <td><p>J</p> <p>R</p> <p>C</p> <p>M</p></td> <td colspan="2"></td> <td colspan="2"><p>F</p> <p>S</p> <p>K</p> <p>P</p></td> <td colspan="5"></td> <td colspan="2"><p>D</p> <p>H</p> <p>U</p> <p>N</p></td> <td></td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td><h4 id="section-6"></h4> <h4 id="a7">A7</h4></td> <td colspan="13">Kabilang po kayo, ano po ang mga pangalan at edad ng inyong mga kasamahan na nakatira dito sa inyong tahanan?</td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td colspan="10"><strong>NAME</strong></td> <td colspan="4"><strong>AGE</strong></td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td>1</td> <td colspan="9"></td> <td colspan="4"></td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td>2</td> <td colspan="9"></td> <td colspan="4"></td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td>3</td> <td colspan="9"></td> <td colspan="4"></td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td>4</td> <td colspan="9"></td> <td colspan="4"></td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td>5</td> <td colspan="9"></td> <td colspan="4"></td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td>6</td> <td colspan="9"></td> <td colspan="4"></td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td>7</td> <td colspan="9"></td> <td colspan="4"></td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td>8</td> <td colspan="9"></td> <td colspan="4"></td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td>9</td> <td colspan="9"></td> <td colspan="4"></td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td>10</td> <td colspan="9"></td> <td colspan="4"></td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td>11</td> <td colspan="9"></td> <td colspan="4"></td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td>12</td> <td colspan="9"></td> <td colspan="4"></td> </tr> </tbody> </table> **Interviewer: Select one of the household members (other than the respondent) to be interviewed for the proxy-reporting set of questionnaire. Encircle the LINE No. of the selected member.** ######### VISION -- SELF-REPORT <table style="width:100%;"> <colgroup> <col style="width: 2%" /> <col style="width: 3%" /> <col style="width: 0%" /> <col style="width: 3%" /> <col style="width: 12%" /> <col style="width: 0%" /> <col style="width: 0%" /> <col style="width: 4%" /> <col style="width: 24%" /> <col style="width: 5%" /> <col style="width: 9%" /> <col style="width: 6%" /> <col style="width: 9%" /> <col style="width: 2%" /> <col style="width: 1%" /> <col style="width: 2%" /> <col style="width: 10%" /> </colgroup> <tbody> <tr class="odd"> <td colspan="17"><strong>Ang mga sumusunod na katanungan ay tungkol sa kahirapan na inyong nararanasan sa paggawa sa inyong mga gawain dahil sa PROBLEMA SA KALUSUGAN.</strong></td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td colspan="2">1.</td> <td colspan="3">(VSVISION)</td> <td colspan="12"><h2 id="kayo-ba-ay-may-kahirapan-sa-paningin-kahit-kayo-ay-gumagamit-na-ng-salamin-sa-mata">Kayo ba ay may kahirapan sa paningin, kahit kayo ay gumagamit na ng salamin sa mata?</h2></td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td colspan="17"></td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td colspan="5" rowspan="5"></td> <td colspan="3"></td> <td colspan="9">Hindi, walang hirap (0)</td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td colspan="3"></td> <td colspan="9">Oo, kaunting hirap (1)</td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td colspan="3"></td> <td colspan="9">Oo, sobrang hirap (2)</td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td colspan="3"></td> <td colspan="9">Hindi kayang gawin (3)</td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td colspan="3"></td> <td colspan="9"><em>Walang sagot/hindi alam</em> (9)</td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td colspan="5"></td> <td colspan="3"></td> <td colspan="9"></td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td colspan="17">Did the respondent….</td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td></td> <td colspan="2">1.</td> <td colspan="3">(VSREPE)</td> <td colspan="5">need you to <u>repeat</u> any part of the question?</td> <td></td> <td colspan="2">Yes (1)</td> <td colspan="2"></td> <td>No (2)</td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td></td> <td colspan="2">2.</td> <td colspan="3">(VSOPT)</td> <td colspan="5">have any difficulty using the <u>response options</u>?</td> <td></td> <td colspan="2">Yes (1)</td> <td colspan="2"></td> <td>No (2)</td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td></td> <td colspan="2">3.</td> <td colspan="3">(VSCLARI)</td> <td colspan="5">ask for <u>clarification</u> or qualify their answer?</td> <td></td> <td colspan="2">Yes (1)</td> <td colspan="2"></td> <td>No (2)</td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td></td> <td colspan="2"></td> <td colspan="3"></td> <td colspan="5"></td> <td></td> <td colspan="2"></td> <td colspan="2"></td> <td></td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td colspan="17"></td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td colspan="2">1.</td> <td colspan="3">(VSWHY)</td> <td colspan="12">Bakit ninyo nasabi iyon?</td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td colspan="17"></td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td colspan="2">2.</td> <td colspan="3">(VSGLASS)</td> <td colspan="12">Kayo ba ay palaging gumagamit ng salamin o sa tuwing may ginagawa ka lamang o hindi ka gumagamit ng salamin?</td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td colspan="5" rowspan="2"></td> <td colspan="3"></td> <td>Sa lahat ng oras (2)</td> <td></td> <td colspan="3">Sa tuwing may ginagawa lamang (1)</td> <td colspan="2"></td> <td colspan="2">Hindi gumagamit (0)</td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td colspan="3"></td> <td colspan="9"><em>Walang sagot/hindi alam</em> (9)</td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td colspan="17"><strong>3 – 4 Only if respondent reported any difficulty seeing:</strong></td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td colspan="2">3.</td> <td colspan="3">(VSDIFF)</td> <td colspan="12">[Kapag wala kang suot na salamin], gaano ka kadalas nahihirapang makakita nang maayos?</td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td colspan="5" rowspan="4"></td> <td colspan="3"></td> <td colspan="9">Hindi nahihirapan (0)</td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td colspan="3"></td> <td colspan="9">Medyo madalas (1)</td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td colspan="3"></td> <td colspan="9">Sobrang dalas (2)</td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td colspan="3"></td> <td colspan="9"><em>Walang sagot/hindi alam</em> (9)</td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td colspan="17"><strong>Glasses wearers only:</strong></td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td colspan="4">3a.</td> <td colspan="3">(VSDIFFG)</td> <td colspan="10">Kapag nakasuot ka na ng salamin, gaano ka kadalas nahihirapang makakita nang maayos?</td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td colspan="5" rowspan="4"></td> <td colspan="3"></td> <td colspan="9">Hindi nahihirapan (0)</td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td colspan="3"></td> <td colspan="9">Medyo madalas (1)</td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td colspan="3"></td> <td colspan="9">Sobrang dalas (2)</td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td colspan="3"></td> <td colspan="9"><em>Walang sagot/hindi alam</em> (9)</td> </tr> </tbody> </table> ----------------------- ---------- ---------- -------------- ------------- --------------- -------- ---- ----------------- 4\. (VSEFF) \[Kapag wala kang suot na salamin\], sa tuwing ikaw ay nahihirapang tumingin, gaano ang iyong ginagawang pagsisikap upang makakita nang maayos? Walang pagsisikap (0) Kaunting pagsisikap (1) Sobrang pagsisikap (2) *Walang sagot/hindi alam* (9) **Glasses wearers only:** 4a. (VSEFFG) Kapag nakasuot ka na ng salamin, gaano ang iyong ginagawang pagsisikap upang makakita nang maayos? Walang pagsisikap (0) Kaunting pagsisikap (1) Sobrang pagsisikap (2) *Walang sagot/hindi alam* (9) [ASK EVERYONE]{.underline} 5\. (VSACT) Mayroon bang mga gawain na hindi mo magawa dahil sa problema mo sa iyong paningin? Wala (1) Mayroon (2) (Go to 5a. VSACTOPEN) *Walang sagot/hindi alam* (9) 5a. (VSACTOPEN) Anong gawain iyon? 6\. (VSWORR) Gaano ka nag-aalala o nababahala sa iyong paningin? Hindi nag-aalala (0) Bahagyang nag-aalala (1) Sobrang nag-aalala (2) *Walang sagot/hindi alam* (9) 7\. (VSCOND) May nakapagsabi na ba sa iyong dalubhasa sa kalusugan na mayroon kang pinsala o sakit (katulad ng katarata o glaucoma) na nakakaapekto sa iyong paningin? Oo (1) Wala (0) *Walang sagot/hindi alam* (9) 8\. (VSTEST) Sa nakalipas na dalawang taon, naipasuri mo na ba ang iyong paningin? Oo (1) Hindi (0) *Walang sagot/hindi alam* (9) ----------------------- ---------- ---------- -------------- ------------- --------------- -------- ---- ----------------- --------- ------------- --------- ---------- ------------- -------------- -- ----------- ----------- ------------- ------------- -------------- ------------------------------------ 9\. \[Kapag wala kang suot na salamin\], Kayo ba ay may kahirapang. . . a\. (VSNEAR) Tumingin sa nakasulat sa mapa, pahayagan o diyaryo, libro o aklat? Hindi nahihirapan (0) Bahagyang nahihirapan (1) Sobrang nahihirapan (2) Hindi kayang gawin (3) *Walang sagot/hindi alam* (9) b\. (VSFAR) Tumingin at makakilala ng isang tao na dati mo nang kakilala na nasa pitong metro (dalawampung talampakan) ang layo mula sa iyo? Hindi nahihirapan (0) Bahagyang nahihirapan (1) Sobrang nahihirapan (2) Hindi kayang gawin (3) *Walang sagot/hindi alam* (9) Glasses wearers only: 9a. \[Kapag nakasuot ka na ng salamin\], Kayo ba ay may kahirapang. . . a\. (VSNEARG) Tumingin sa nakasulat sa mapa, pahayagan o diyaryo, libro o aklat? Hindi nahihirapan (0) Bahagyang nahihirapan (1) Sobrang nahihirapan (2) Hindi kayang gawin (3) *Walang sagot/hindi alam* (9) b\. (VSFARG) Tumingin at makakilala ng isang tao na dati mo nang kakilala na nasa pitong metro (dalawampung talampakan) ang layo mula sa iyo? Hindi nahihirapan (0) Bahagyang nahihirapan (1) Sobrang nahihirapan (2) Hindi kayang gawin (3) *Walang sagot/hindi alam* (9) --------- ------------- --------- ---------- ------------- -------------- -- ----------- ----------- ------------- ------------- -------------- ------------------------------------ ######### HEARING -- SELF-REPORT <table> <colgroup> <col style="width: 4%" /> <col style="width: 2%" /> <col style="width: 0%" /> <col style="width: 0%" /> <col style="width: 9%" /> <col style="width: 4%" /> <col style="width: 2%" /> <col style="width: 4%" /> <col style="width: 16%" /> <col style="width: 6%" /> <col style="width: 14%" /> <col style="width: 6%" /> <col style="width: 6%" /> <col style="width: 4%" /> <col style="width: 2%" /> <col style="width: 4%" /> <col style="width: 12%" /> </colgroup> <tbody> <tr class="odd"> <td colspan="3">2.</td> <td colspan="3">(HSHEAR)</td> <td colspan="11"><h2 id="kayo-ba-ay-may-kahirapan-sa-pandinig-kahit-kayo-ay-gumagamit-na-ng-hearing-aid">Kayo ba ay may kahirapan sa pandinig, kahit kayo ay gumagamit na ng “hearing aid”?</h2></td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td colspan="17"></td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td colspan="6"></td> <td colspan="2"></td> <td colspan="9">Hindi, walang hirap (0)</td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td colspan="6"></td> <td colspan="2"></td> <td colspan="9">Oo, kaunting hirap (1)</td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td colspan="6"></td> <td colspan="2"></td> <td colspan="9">Oo, sobrang hirap (2)</td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td colspan="6"></td> <td colspan="2"></td> <td colspan="9">Hindi kayang gawin (3)</td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td colspan="6"></td> <td colspan="2"></td> <td colspan="9"><em>Walang sagot/hindi alam</em> (9)</td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td colspan="6"></td> <td colspan="2"></td> <td colspan="9"></td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td colspan="17">Did the respondent….</td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td colspan="2">1.</td> <td colspan="4">(HSREPE)</td> <td colspan="5">need you to <u>repeat</u> any part of the question?</td> <td></td> <td colspan="2">Yes (1)</td> <td colspan="2"></td> <td>No (2)</td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td colspan="2">2.</td> <td colspan="4">(HSOPT)</td> <td colspan="5">have any difficulty using the <u>response options</u>?</td> <td></td> <td colspan="2">Yes (1)</td> <td colspan="2"></td> <td>No (2)</td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td colspan="2">3.</td> <td colspan="4">(HSCLARI)</td> <td colspan="5">ask for <u>clarification</u> or qualify their answer?</td> <td></td> <td colspan="2">Yes (1)</td> <td colspan="2"></td> <td>No (2)</td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td></td> <td colspan="3"></td> <td colspan="2"></td> <td colspan="5"></td> <td></td> <td colspan="2"></td> <td colspan="2"></td> <td></td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td colspan="17"></td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td>1.</td> <td colspan="4">(HSWHY)</td> <td colspan="12">Bakit ninyo nasabi yon?</td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td colspan="17"></td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td>2.</td> <td colspan="4">(HSAID)</td> <td colspan="12">Kayo ba ay palaging gumagamit ng “hearing aid” o sa tuwing may ginagawa ka lamang o hindi ka gumagamit ng “hearing aid”?</td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td colspan="5" rowspan="2"></td> <td colspan="2"></td> <td colspan="2">Sa lahat ng oras (2)</td> <td></td> <td colspan="3">Sa tuwing may ginagawa lamang (1)</td> <td colspan="2"></td> <td colspan="2">Hindi gumagamit (0)</td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td colspan="2"></td> <td colspan="10"><em>Walang sagot/hindi alam</em> (9)</td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td colspan="17"></td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td colspan="17"><strong>3 – 4 Only if respondent reported any difficulty hearing:</strong></td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td colspan="17"></td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td>3.</td> <td colspan="4">(HSDIFF)</td> <td colspan="12">[Kapag wala kang “hearing aid”], gaano ka kadalas nahihirapang makarinig nang maayos?</td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td colspan="5" rowspan="4"></td> <td colspan="2"></td> <td colspan="10">Hindi nahihirapan(0)</td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td colspan="2"></td> <td colspan="10">Medyo madalas (1)</td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td colspan="2"></td> <td colspan="10">Sobrang dalas (2)</td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td colspan="2"></td> <td colspan="10"><em>Walang sagot/hindi alam</em> (9)</td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td colspan="17"><strong>Hearing aid users only:</strong></td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td colspan="2">3a.</td> <td colspan="4">(HSDIFFA)</td> <td colspan="11">Kapag gumagamit ka ng “hearing aid”, gaano ka kadalas nahihirapang makarinig nang maayos?</td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td colspan="6" rowspan="4"></td> <td colspan="2"></td> <td colspan="9">Hindi nahihirapan (0)</td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td colspan="2"></td> <td colspan="9">Medyo madalas (1)</td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td colspan="2"></td> <td colspan="9">Sobrang dalas (2)</td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td colspan="2"></td> <td colspan="9"><em>Walang sagot/hindi alam</em> (9)</td> </tr> </tbody> </table> ----------------------- ---------- ---------- --------------- ----- ------------- ------------- -------- ---- ------------------- 4\. (HSEFF) \[Kapag wala kang "hearing aid"\], sa tuwing ikaw ay nahihirapang makarinig, gaano ang iyong ginagawang pagsisikap upang makarinig nang maayos? Walang pagsisikap (0) Kaunting pagsisikap (1) Sobrang pagsisikap (2) *Walang sagot/hindi alam* (9) **Hearing aid users only:** 4a. (HSEFFA) Kapag gumagamit ka ng "hearing aid", gaano ang iyong ginagawang pagsisikap upang makarinig nang maayos? Walang pagsisikap (0) Kaunting pagsisikap (1) Sobrang pagsisikap (2) *Walang sagot/hindi alam* (9) [ASK EVERYONE]{.underline} 5\. (HSACT) Mayroon bang mga gawain na hindi mo magawa dahil sa problema mo sa iyong pandinig? Wala (1) Mayroon (2) (Go to 5a. HSACTOPEN) *Walang sagot/hindi alam* (9) 5a. (HSACTOPEN) Anong gawain iyon? 6\. (HSWORR) Gaano ka nag-aalala o nababahala sa iyong pandinig? Hindi nag-aalala (0) Bahagyang nag-aalala (1) Sobrang nag-aalala (2) *Walang sagot/hindi alam* (9) 7\. (HSLOSS) May nakapagsabi na ba sa iyong dalubhasa sa kalusugan na nawawalan ka ng pandinig? Oo (1) Wala (2) *Walang sagot/hindi alam* (9) 8\. (HSTEST) Sa nakalipas na dalawang taon, nakapagpasuri ka na ba upang malaman mo kung ikaw ay nakakarinig nang maayos? Oo (1) Hindi (2) *Walang sagot/hindi alam* (9) ----------------------- ---------- ---------- --------------- ----- ------------- ------------- -------- ---- ------------------- --------- -------------- ------------ ------------- --------- ------------- ------------- ------------- --------- ------------- -------- ---- -------- -- ---------- 9\. \[Kapag wala kang "hearing aid",\] Kayo ba ay may kahirapang makarinig ng inyong pag-uusap... a\. (HSCROWD) Sa isang mataong silid? Hindi nahihirapan (0) Bahagyang nahihirapan (1) Sobrang nahihirapan (2) Hindi kayang gawin (3) *Walang sagot/hindi alam* (9) b\. (HSQUIET) Sa isang tahimik na silid? Hindi nahihirapan (0) Bahagyang nahihirapan (1) Sobrang nahihirapan (2) Hindi kayang gawin (3) *Walang sagot/hindi alam* (9) Hearing aid users only: 9a. Kapag gumagamit ka ng "hearing aid", kayo ba ay may kahirapang makarinig ng inyong pag-uusap. . a\. (HSCROWDA) Sa isang mataong silid? Hindi nahihirapan (0) Bahagyang nahihirapan (1) Sobrang nahihirapan (2) Hindi kayang gawin (3) *Walang sagot/hindi alam* (9) b\. (HSQUIETA) Sa isang tahimik na silid? Hindi nahihirapan (0) Bahagyang nahihirapan (1) Sobrang nahihirapan (2) Hindi kayang gawin (3) *Walang sagot/hindi alam* (9) 10\. (HSMISS) Gaano mo kadalas na hindi marinig ang ibang salita sa isang pag-uusap o kaya sa radyo o telebisyon dahil sa iyong kahirapan sa pandinig? Araw-araw (2) Isang Hindi (0) beses sa isang linggo (1) *Walang sagot/hindi alam* (9) 11\. (HSPROB) Madalas ka bang sinasabihan ng iyong kapamilya o kasambahay na may suliranin o problema ka sa pandinig? Oo (1) Hindi (2) *Walang sagot/hindi alam* (9) --------- -------------- ------------ ------------- --------- ------------- ------------- ------------- --------- ------------- -------- ---- -------- -- ---------- ######### COGNITIVE -- SELF-REPORT <table> <colgroup> <col style="width: 2%" /> <col style="width: 2%" /> <col style="width: 1%" /> <col style="width: 1%" /> <col style="width: 13%" /> <col style="width: 1%" /> <col style="width: 1%" /> <col style="width: 3%" /> <col style="width: 2%" /> <col style="width: 22%" /> <col style="width: 4%" /> <col style="width: 9%" /> <col style="width: 6%" /> <col style="width: 7%" /> <col style="width: 5%" /> <col style="width: 0%" /> <col style="width: 5%" /> <col style="width: 9%" /> </colgroup> <tbody> <tr class="odd"> <td colspan="3">3.</td> <td colspan="4">(CSCOG)</td> <td colspan="11"><h2 id="kayo-ba-ay-may-kahirapang-makaalala-o-mag-concentrate-magtuon-ng-pansin">Kayo ba ay may kahirapang makaalala o mag-concentrate (magtuon ng pansin)?</h2></td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td colspan="18"></td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td colspan="7" rowspan="5"></td> <td colspan="2"></td> <td colspan="9">Hindi, walang hirap (0)</td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td colspan="2"></td> <td colspan="9">Oo, konting hirap (1)</td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td colspan="2"></td> <td colspan="9">Oo, sobrang hirap (2)</td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td colspan="2"></td> <td colspan="9">Hindi kayang gawin (3)</td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td colspan="2"></td> <td colspan="9"><em>Walang sagot/hindi alam</em> (9)</td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td colspan="7"></td> <td colspan="2"></td> <td colspan="9"></td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td colspan="18">Did the respondent….</td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td></td> <td colspan="3">1.</td> <td colspan="2">(CSREPE)</td> <td colspan="6">Need you to <u>repeat</u> any part of the question?</td> <td></td> <td colspan="2">Yes (1)</td> <td colspan="2"></td> <td>No (2)</td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td></td> <td colspan="3">2.</td> <td colspan="2">(CSOPT)</td> <td colspan="6">Have any difficulty using the <u>response options</u>?</td> <td></td> <td colspan="2">Yes (1)</td> <td colspan="2"></td> <td>No (2)</td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td></td> <td colspan="3">3.</td> <td colspan="2">(CSCLARI)</td> <td colspan="6">Ask for <u>clarification</u> or qualify their answer?</td> <td></td> <td colspan="2">Yes (1)</td> <td colspan="2"></td> <td>No (2)</td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td></td> <td colspan="3"></td> <td colspan="2"></td> <td colspan="6"></td> <td></td> <td colspan="2"></td> <td colspan="2"></td> <td></td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td colspan="18"></td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td colspan="3">1.</td> <td colspan="2">(CSWHY)</td> <td colspan="13">Bakit ninyo nasabi iyon?</td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td colspan="18"></td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td colspan="18"><strong>2 – 5 Only if respondent reported any difficulty remembering or concentrating:</strong></td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td colspan="18"></td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td colspan="2">2.</td> <td colspan="3">(CSREMCON)</td> <td colspan="13">Kayo ba ay may kahirapang makaalala o mag-concentrate (magtuon ng pansin) o pareho?</td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td colspan="5" rowspan="2"></td> <td colspan="3"></td> <td colspan="2">Makaalala (remembering) (1)</td> <td></td> <td colspan="3">Mag-concentrate (magtuon ng pansin) (2)</td> <td colspan="2"></td> <td colspan="2">Pareho (both) (3)</td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td colspan="3"></td> <td colspan="10"><em>Walang sagot/hindi alam</em> (9)</td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td colspan="18"></td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td colspan="2">3<strong>.</strong></td> <td colspan="3">(CSDIFF)</td> <td colspan="13">Gaano ka kadalas nahihirapang makaalala o mag-concentrate (magtuon ng pansin) nang maayos?</td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td colspan="5" rowspan="4"></td> <td colspan="3"></td> <td colspan="10">Hindi nahihirapan (0)</td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td colspan="3"></td> <td colspan="10">Medyo madalas (1)</td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td colspan="3"></td> <td colspan="10">Sobrang dalas (2)</td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td colspan="3"></td> <td colspan="10"><em>Walang sagot/hindi alam</em> (9)</td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td colspan="18"></td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td colspan="2">4.</td> <td colspan="3">(CSEFF)</td> <td colspan="13">Sa tuwing ikaw ay nahihirapan, gaano ang iyong ginagawang pagsisikap upang makaalala o makapag-concentrate (makapagtuon ng pansin)?</td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td colspan="5" rowspan="4"></td> <td colspan="3"></td> <td colspan="10">Walang pagsisiskap (0)</td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td colspan="3"></td> <td colspan="10">Kaunting pagsisikap (1)</td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td colspan="3"></td> <td colspan="10">Sobrang pagsisikap (2)</td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td colspan="3"></td> <td colspan="10"><em>Walang sagot/hindi alam</em> (9)</td> </tr> </tbody> </table> ----------------------- ------------ ------------ --------------------- ----- ------------- ----------------- ------------- -------- -- -------- -------- ---- ------------------- 5\. (CSCAUSE) Kayo ba ay naniniwala na ang iyong kahirapang makaalala o makapag-concentrate (makapagtuon ng pansin) ay... \[MARK ALL THAT APPLY\] dahil sa marami kang ginagawa? (1) dahil sa iyong pagtanda? (2) o dahil sa iba pang kadahilanan? (3) *Walang sagot/hindi alam* (9) [ASK EVERYONE]{.underline} 6\. (CSACT) Mayroon bang mga gawain na hindi mo magawa dahil sa problema mong makaalala o makapag-concentrate (makapagtuon ng pansin)? Wala (1) Mayroon (2) (Go to 6a. CSACTOPEN) *Walang sagot/hindi alam* (9) 6a. (CSACTOPEN) Anong gawain iyon? 7\. (CSWORR) Gaano ka nag-aalala o nababahala sa iyong kakayahang makaalala o makapag-concentrate (magtuon ng pansin)? Hindi nag-aalala (0) Bahagyang nag-aalala (1) Sobrang nag-aalala (2) *Walang sagot/hindi alam* (9) 8\. Kayo ba ay may kahirapan. . . a\. (CSNAMES) Sa pag-alala ng mga pangalan ng tao o lugar? Oo (1) Hindi *Walang sagot/hindi (2) alam* (9) b\. (CSAPPT) Sa pag-alala ng pinagkasunduang pagkikita (appointments)? Oo (1) Hindi *Walang sagot/hindi (2) alam* (9) c\. (CSPLACES) Sa pag-alala kung paano makarating sa pamilyar na lugar? Oo (1) Hindi *Walang sagot/hindi (2) alam* (9) d\. (CSTASKS) Sa pag-alala ng mga mahahalagang gawain, gaya ng pag-inom ng gamot o pagbabayad ng mga bayarin? Oo (1) Hindi *Walang sagot/hindi (2) alam* (9) ----------------------- ------------ ------------ --------------------- ----- ------------- ----------------- ------------- -------- -- -------- -------- ---- ------------------- ------ ----------- --------------------- ------------------------------------------------- 9\. (CSTEN) Kayo ba ay may kahirapang makapag-concentrate (makapagtuon ng pansin) sa paggawa ng isang bagay sa loob ng sampung minuto? Hindi nahihirapan (0) Bahagyang nahihirapan (1) Sobrang nahihirapan (2) Hindi kayang gawin (3) *Walang sagot/hindi alam* (9) 10\. (CSNEW) Kayo ba ay may kahirapang matutunan ang isang bagong gawain, halimbawa, matutong makarating sa bagong lugar? Hindi nahihirapan (0) Bahagyang nahihirapan (1) Sobrang nahihirapan (2) Hindi kayang gawin (3) *Walang sagot/hindi alam* (9) 11\. (CSSOLUT) Kayo ba ay may kahirapang makahanap ng solusyon sa mga problema sa pang-araw-araw mong pamumuhay? Hindi nahihirapan (0) Bahagyang nahihirapan (1) Sobrang nahihirapan (2) Hindi kayang gawin (3) *Walang sagot/hindi alam* (9) ------ ----------- --------------------- ------------------------------------------------- LOWER MOBILITY -- SELF-REPORT <table> <colgroup> <col style="width: 2%" /> <col style="width: 2%" /> <col style="width: 1%" /> <col style="width: 1%" /> <col style="width: 13%" /> <col style="width: 3%" /> <col style="width: 2%" /> <col style="width: 1%" /> <col style="width: 8%" /> <col style="width: 14%" /> <col style="width: 6%" /> <col style="width: 11%" /> <col style="width: 4%" /> <col style="width: 2%" /> <col style="width: 6%" /> <col style="width: 4%" /> <col style="width: 4%" /> <col style="width: 8%" /> </colgroup> <tbody> <tr class="odd"> <td colspan="3">4.</td> <td colspan="2">(MSWALK)</td> <td colspan="13"><h2 id="kayo-ba-ay-may-kahirapan-sa-paglalakad-o-pag-akyat-sa-hagdan">Kayo ba ay may kahirapan sa paglalakad o pag-akyat sa hagdan?</h2></td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td colspan="18"></td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td colspan="5" rowspan="5"></td> <td colspan="2"></td> <td colspan="11">Hindi, walang hirap (0)</td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td colspan="2"></td> <td colspan="11">Oo, konting hirap (1)</td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td colspan="2"></td> <td colspan="11">Oo, sobrang hirap (2)</td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td colspan="2"></td> <td colspan="11">Hindi kayang gawin (3)</td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td colspan="2"></td> <td colspan="11"><em>Walang sagot/hindi alam</em> (9)</td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td colspan="5"></td> <td colspan="2"></td> <td colspan="11"></td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td colspan="18">Did the respondent….</td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td></td> <td colspan="3">1.</td> <td colspan="2">(MSREPE)</td> <td colspan="6">need you to <u>repeat</u> any part of the question?</td> <td></td> <td colspan="3">Yes (1)</td> <td></td> <td>No (2)</td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td></td> <td colspan="3">2.</td> <td colspan="2">(MSOPT)</td> <td colspan="6">have any difficulty using the <u>response options</u>?</td> <td></td> <td colspan="3">Yes (1)</td> <td></td> <td>No (2)</td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td></td> <td colspan="3">3.</td> <td colspan="2">(MSCLARI)</td> <td colspan="6">ask for <u>clarification</u> or qualify their answer?</td> <td></td> <td colspan="3">Yes (1)</td> <td></td> <td>No (2)</td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td></td> <td colspan="3"></td> <td colspan="2"></td> <td colspan="6"></td> <td></td> <td colspan="3"></td> <td></td> <td></td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td colspan="18"></td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td colspan="3">1.</td> <td colspan="2">(MSWHY)</td> <td colspan="13">Bakit ninyo nasabi iyon?</td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td colspan="18"></td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td colspan="3">2.</td> <td colspan="2">(MSAID)</td> <td colspan="13">Kayo ba ay gumagamit ng mga kagamitan katulad ng wheelchair, panggabay sa paglakad o tungkod upang kayo ay matulungan sa pagkilos?</td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td colspan="5" rowspan="3"></td> <td colspan="3"></td> <td colspan="10">Wala (0)</td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td colspan="3"></td> <td colspan="10">Mayroon (1) (<em>Go to 2a. MSAIDTYPE</em>)</td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td colspan="3"></td> <td colspan="10"><em>Walang sagot/hindi alam</em> (9)</td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td colspan="18"></td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td colspan="5">2a.</td> <td colspan="4">(MSAIDTYPE)</td> <td colspan="9">Anong kagamitan ang ginagamit mo?</td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td colspan="18"></td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td colspan="18"><strong>3 – 5 Only if respondent reported any difficulty walking or climbing steps:</strong></td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td colspan="18"></td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td colspan="2">3.</td> <td colspan="3">(MSWALKSTEP)</td> <td colspan="13">Kayo ba ay may kahirapan sa paglalakad o pag-akyat sa hagdan o pareho?</td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td colspan="5" rowspan="2"></td> <td colspan="3"></td> <td colspan="2">Paglalakad (1)</td> <td></td> <td colspan="3">Pag-akyat (2)</td> <td></td> <td colspan="3">Pareho (3)</td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td colspan="3"></td> <td colspan="10"><em>Walang sagot/hindi alam</em> (9)</td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td colspan="18"></td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td colspan="2">4.</td> <td colspan="3">(MSDIFF)</td> <td colspan="13">[Kapag wala kang kagamitan, ….] Gaano ka kadalas nahihirapang maglakad o umakyat sa hagdan?</td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td colspan="5" rowspan="4"></td> <td colspan="3"></td> <td colspan="10">Hindi nahihirapan (0)</td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td colspan="3"></td> <td colspan="10">Medyo madalas (1)</td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td colspan="3"></td> <td colspan="10">Sobrang dalas (2)</td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td colspan="3"></td> <td colspan="10"><em>Walang sagot/hindi alam</em> (9)</td> </tr> </tbody> </table> ------------------------- ---------- ------------- -------------- ----------- ------------- ------------- -------------- ---------------- -------------------------------------- **Equipment users only:** 4a. (MSDIFFA) Kapag gamit mo ang iyong kagamitan, gaano ka kadalas nahihirapang maglakad o umakyat sa hagdan? Hindi Nahihirapan(0) Medyo madalas (1) Sobrang dalas (2) *Walang sagot/hindi alam* (9) 5\. (MSEFF) Sa tuwing ikaw ay nahihirapan \[kapag hindi mo gamit ang iyong kagamitan\], gaano ang iyong ginagawang pagsisikap upang makalakad o makaakyat sa hagdan? Walang pagsisikap (0) Kaunting pagsisikap (1) Sobrang pagsisikap (2) *Walang sagot/hindi alam* (9) **Equipment users only:** 5a. (MSEFFA) Kapag gamit mo ang iyong kagamitan, gaano ang iyong ginagawang pagsisikap upang makalakad o makaakyat sa hagdan? Walang pagsisikap (0) Kaunting pagsisikap (1) Sobrang pagsisikap (2) *Walang sagot/hindi alam* (9) **[ASK EVERYONE]{.underline}** 6\. (MSACT) Mayroon bang mga gawain na hindi mo magawa dahil sa problema mo sa iyong binti? Wala (1) Mayroon (2) *Walang sagot/hindi alam* (9) 6a. (MSACTOPEN) Anong gawain iyon? 7\. (MSWORR) Gaano ka nag-aalala o nababahala sa iyong kakayahang makalakad o maka-akyat sa hagdan? Hindi nag-aalala (0) Bahagyang nag-aalala (1) Sobrang nag-aalala (2) *Walang sagot/hindi alam* (9) ------------------------- ---------- ------------- -------------- ----------- ------------- ------------- -------------- ---------------- -------------------------------------- ------ ------------------ ------------- ------------ ------------- ----------- -------------------- ---- -------------- 8\. (MSINSIDE) Kayo ba ay may kahirapang kumilos sa loob ng iyong tahanan? Hindi kayang gawin (3) Sobrang nahihirapan (2) Bahagyang nahihirapan (1) Hindi nahihirapan (0) *Walang sagot/hindi alam* (9) 9\. (MSOUTSIDE) Kayo ba ay may kahirapang lumabas sa iyong tahanan? Hindi kayang gawin (3) Sobrang nahihirapan (2) Bahagyang nahihirapan (1) Hindi nahihirapan (0) *Walang sagot/hindi alam* (9) 10\. (MSLONG) Kayo ba ay may kahirapang maglakad ng malayo kagaya ng isang kilometro? Hindi nahihirapan (0) Bahagyang nahihirapan (1) Sobrang nahihirapan (2) Hindi kayang gawin (3) *Walang sagot/hindi alam* (9) 11\. Kung ikaw lang at walang gamit-pantulong, kayo ba ay may kahirapang ... a\. (MSQUARTER) Maglakad ng ika-apat na bahagi ng milya ang layo (mga dalawa hanggang tatlong kanto)? Oo (1) Hindi (2) *Walang sagot/hindi alam* (9) b\. (MSSTEPS) Umakyat ng sampung hakbang na walang pahinga? Oo (1) Hindi (2) *Walang sagot/hindi alam* (9) c\. (MSSTAND) Tumayo sa iyong mga paa ng dalawang oras? Oo (1) Hindi (2) *Walang sagot/hindi alam* (9) d\. (MSSIT) Umupo sa loob ng dalawang oras? Oo (1) Hindi (2) *Walang sagot/hindi alam* (9) e\. (MSSTOOP) Yumuko, yumukyuk, o lumuhod? Oo (1) Hindi (2) *Walang sagot/hindi alam* (9) ------ ------------------ ------------- ------------ ------------- ----------- -------------------- ---- -------------- ######### SELF-CARE -- SELF-REPORT <table> <colgroup> <col style="width: 2%" /> <col style="width: 2%" /> <col style="width: 1%" /> <col style="width: 1%" /> <col style="width: 13%" /> <col style="width: 2%" /> <col style="width: 4%" /> <col style="width: 39%" /> <col style="width: 6%" /> <col style="width: 10%" /> <col style="width: 6%" /> <col style="width: 10%" /> </colgroup> <tbody> <tr class="odd"> <td colspan="3">5.</td> <td colspan="2">(SSSCARE)</td> <td colspan="7"><h2 id="kayo-ba-ay-may-kahirapan-sa-pag-aalaga-ng-iyong-sarili-katulad-ng-pagligo-o-pagbihis">Kayo ba ay may kahirapan sa pag-aalaga ng iyong sarili, katulad ng pagligo o pagbihis? </h2></td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td colspan="5" rowspan="5"></td> <td colspan="2"></td> <td colspan="5">Hindi, walang hirap (0)</td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td colspan="2"></td> <td colspan="5">Oo, kaunnting hirap (1)</td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td colspan="2"></td> <td colspan="5">Oo, sobrang hirap (2)</td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td colspan="2"></td> <td colspan="5">Hindi kayang gawin (3)</td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td colspan="2"></td> <td colspan="5"><em>Walang sagot/hindi alam</em> (9)</td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td colspan="5"></td> <td colspan="2"></td> <td colspan="5"></td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td colspan="12">Did the respondent….</td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td></td> <td colspan="3">1.</td> <td colspan="2">(SSREPE)</td> <td colspan="2">need you to <u>repeat</u> any part of the question?</td> <td></td> <td>Yes (1)</td> <td></td> <td>No (2)</td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td></td> <td colspan="3">2.</td> <td colspan="2">(SSOPT)</td> <td colspan="2">have any difficulty using the <u>response options</u>?</td> <td></td> <td>Yes (1)</td> <td></td> <td>No (2)</td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td></td> <td colspan="3">3.</td> <td colspan="2">(SSCLARI)</td> <td colspan="2">ask for <u>clarification</u> or qualify their answer?</td> <td></td> <td>Yes (1)</td> <td></td> <td>No (2)</td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td></td> <td colspan="3"></td> <td colspan="2"></td> <td colspan="2"></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td colspan="3">1.</td> <td colspan="2">(SSWHY)</td> <td colspan="7">Bakit ninyo nasabi iyon?</td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td colspan="12"></td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td colspan="12"><strong>2 – 3 Only if Respondent reported any difficulty with self-care:</strong></td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td colspan="2">2<strong>.</strong></td> <td colspan="3">(SSDIFF)</td> <td colspan="7">Gaano ka kadalas nahihirapang mag-alaga ng iyong sarili?</td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td colspan="5" rowspan="4"></td> <td colspan="2"></td> <td colspan="5">Hindi nahihirapan(0)</td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td colspan="2"></td> <td colspan="5">Medyo madalas (1)</td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td colspan="2"></td> <td colspan="5">Sobrang dalas (2)</td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td colspan="2"></td> <td colspan="5"><em>Walang sagot/hindi alam</em> (9)</td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td colspan="12"></td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td colspan="2">3.</td> <td colspan="3">(SSEFF)</td> <td colspan="7">Sa tuwing ikaw ay nahihirapan, gaano ang iyong ginagawang pagsisikap upang maalagaan ang iyong sarili?</td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td colspan="5" rowspan="4"></td> <td colspan="2"></td> <td colspan="5">Walang pagsisikap (0)</td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td colspan="2"></td> <td colspan="5">Kaunting pagsisikap (1)</td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td colspan="2"></td> <td colspan="5">Sobrang pagsisikap (2)</td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td colspan="2"></td> <td colspan="5"><em>Walang sagot/hindi alam</em> (9)</td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td colspan="12"><strong><u>ASK EVERYONE</u></strong></td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td colspan="2">4.</td> <td colspan="3">(SSWORR)</td> <td colspan="7">Gaano ka nag-aalala o nababahala sa iyong kakayahang maalagaan ang iyong sarili?</td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td colspan="5" rowspan="4"></td> <td colspan="2"></td> <td colspan="5">Hindi nag-aalala (0)</td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td colspan="2"></td> <td colspan="5">Bahagyang nag-aalala (1)</td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td colspan="2"></td> <td colspan="5">Sobrang nag-aalala (2)</td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td colspan="2"></td> <td colspan="5"><em>Walang sagot/hindi alam</em> (9)</td> </tr> </tbody> </table> ----- ------------------ ------------ ----------------- ------------------------- ---- ------------------- 5\. Kung ikaw lang at walang gamit-pantulong, kayo ba ay may kahirapang ... a\. (SSHEAD) Umabot ng lampas-ulo? Oo (1) Hindi (2) *Walang sagot/hindi alam* (9) b\. (SSHAND) Iabot ang iyong kamay para makipagkamay? Oo (1) Hindi (2) *Walang sagot/hindi alam* (9) c\. (SSFINGER) Gamitin ang iyong mga daliri upang mai-butones ang kamiseta o damit? Oo (1) Hindi (2) *Walang sagot/hindi alam* (9) d\. (SSSOCK) Magsuot ng medyas o 'stockings'? Oo (1) Hindi (2) *Walang sagot/hindi alam* (9) e\. (SSSHOE) Magtali ng sintas ng sapatos? Oo (1) Hindi (2) *Walang sagot/hindi alam* (9) f\. (SSHAIR) Magsuklay ng buhok? Oo (1) Hindi (2) *Walang sagot/hindi alam* (9) g\. (SSFEED) Pakainin ang sarili? Oo (1) Hindi (2) *Walang sagot/hindi alam* (9) 6\. (SSDAILY) Kayo ba ay nangangailangan ng taong tutulong sa pang-araw-araw mong gawain kagaya ng pagkain, pagligo, pagbihis o pagpunta sa palikuran? Oo (1) Hindi (2) *Walang sagot/hindi alam* (9) 7\. (SSOBJECTS) Kayo ba ay may kahirapang gamitin ang iyong mga kamay at daliri, kagaya ng pagpulot ng maliliit na bagay o pagbukas o pagsara ng mga lalagyan? Hindi nahihirapan (0) Bahagyang nahihirapan (1) Sobrang nahihirapan (2) Hindi kayang gawin (3) *Walang sagot/hindi alam* (9) 8\. (SSTIRED) Kayo ba ay nakakaramdam ng matinding pagod o lungkot na magbihis o maligo? Oo (1) Hindi (2) *Walang sagot/hindi alam* (9) ----- ------------------ ------------ ----------------- ------------------------- ---- ------------------- ######### COMMUNICATION -- SELF-REPORT ------------------------- ----- ---------- ---------- ----------- ----------------------------- -------------------------- ---- ---------- -- ------- 6\. (TSCOMM) Sa kadahilanang pisikal, mental o pang-emosyon na kalagayan ng kalusugan, kayo ba ay may kahirapan sa pakikipag-usap, halimbawa ay maintindihan ang sinasabi ng iba o maintindihan kayo? Hindi, walang hirap (0) Oo, kaunting hirap (1) Oo, sobrang hirap (2) Hindi kayang gawin (3) *Walang sagot/hindi alam* (9) Did the respondent.... 1\. (TSREPE) need you to Yes (1) No (2) [repeat]{.underline} any part of the question? 2\. (TSOPT) have any difficulty using the Yes (1) No (2) [response options]{.underline}? 3\. (TSCLARI) ask for Yes (1) No (2) [clarification]{.underline} or qualify their answer? 1\. (TSWHY) Bakit ninyo nasabi iyon? **2 -- 3 Only if Respondent reported any difficulty with communication:** 2**.** (TSDIFF) Gaano ka kadalas nahihirapang umintindi o maintindihan? Hindi nahihirapan(0) Medyo madalas (1) Sobrang dalas (2) *Walang sagot/hindi alam* (9) 3\. (TSEFF) Sa tuwing ikaw ay nahihirapan, gaano ang iyong ginagawang pagsisikap upang makaintindi o maintindihan? Walang pagsisikap (0) Kaunting pagsisikap (1) Sobrang pagsisikap (2) *Walang sagot/hindi alam* (9) **[ASK EVERYONE]{.underline}** 4\. (TSWORR) Gaano ka nag-aalala o nababahala sa iyong kakayahan upang umintindi o maintindihan ka? Hindi nag-aalala (0) Bahagyang nag-aalala (1) Sobrang nag-aalala (2) *Walang sagot/hindi alam* (9) ------------------------- ----- ---------- ---------- ----------- ----------------------------- -------------------------- ---- ---------- -- ------- ----- ------------- ------------------ ------------------------ ---- -------------------- 5\. (TSSAY) Kayo ba ay may kahirapang maintindihan ang sinasabi ng mga tao? Hindi nahihirapan (0) Bahagyang nahihirapan (1) Sobrang nahihirapan (2) Hindi kayang gawin (3) *Walang sagot/hindi alam* (9) 6\. (TSCONVO) Kayo ba ay may kahirapang magsimula at magpatuloy ng isang pag-uusap? Hindi nahihirapan (0) Bahagyang nahihirapan (1) Sobrang nahihirapan (2) Hindi kayang gawin (3) *Walang sagot/hindi alam* (9) 7\. (TSFRIEND) Kayo ba ay may kahirapang makipagkaibigan? Oo (1) Hindi (2) *Walang sagot/hindi alam* (9) 8\. (TSSHY) Kayo ba ay nakakaramdam ng hiya sa pagtitipon o salu-salo? Oo (1) Hindi (2) *Walang sagot/hindi alam* (9) ----- ------------- ------------------ ------------------------ ---- -------------------- ######### GENERAL HEALTH -- SELF-REPORT ---------------- ----- ------------- ----------- ------------- ----------------------------- --------------------- ---- --------- -------------------- ---- --------- -- -- ------------- ------- ---- --------- 7\. (GSHEALTH) Sa kabuuan, masasabi mo ba na ang iyong kalusugan ay napakaganda, sobrang maganda, maganda, katamtamang ganda o hindi maganda? Napakaganda Sobrang Maganda Katamtamang Hindi (4) maganda (2) ganda (1) maganda (3) (0) *Walang sagot/hindi alam* (9) Did the respondent.... 1\. (GSREPE) need you to Yes (1) No (2) [repeat]{.underline} any part of the question? 2\. (GSOPT) have any difficulty using the Yes (1) No (2) [response options]{.underline}? 3\. (GSCLARI) ask for Yes (1) No (2) [clarification]{.underline} or qualify their answer? 1\. (GSWHY) Bakit ninyo nasabi iyon? 2**.** (GSWHYCODE) *Was the respondent thinking about: (Mark all that apply)* *Physical* **\-\-\-\-\-\-\--** \(1\) *Mental* **\-\-\-\-\-\-\--** \(2\) *Spiritual* **\-\-\-\-\-\-\--** \(3\) 3\. (GSCOND) Kayo ba ay mayrooon sa mga sumusunod? Hika/nahihirapan sa paghinga (1) Pamamaga ng kasu-kasuan/rayuma (2) Problema sa likod o leeg (3) Pagkabali ng buto/pinsala ng kasu-kasuan (4) Sakit sa puso (5) Stroke (6) Mataas ang presyon ng dugo (7) Diyabetis (8) Kancer (10) Kakulangan sa pag-iisip (11) Developmental problem (12) Problema sa emosyon (13) Walang paa, bisig o braso (14) Sakit sa bato, pantog o pag-ihi (15) Neurological disorder (16) *No Answer/Don't Know* (9) ---------------- ----- ------------- ----------- ------------- ----------------------------- --------------------- ---- --------- -------------------- ---- --------- -- -- ------------- ------- ---- --------- ######### INTERVIEWER DEBRIEFING --------------- ------------- --------------- -------------- ----------------- -------- ------------------------------------------------------------ **Interviewer Answer:** 1\. (IATMO) During the interview , was the atmosphere at the interview site: 1\. Extremely chaotic and noisy; disruptive to interview 2\. Some noisy and interruptions, but interview went reasonably well 3\. Very quiet and calm; ideal for interview 2\. (IWHERE) Where did the interview take place? 1\. Home 2\. Office 3\. Outside 3\. (IHEAR) Were there any other people in the same room or near enough to overhear the interview? 1\. Yes, *(Go to 3a)* 3a. (IWHO) Who were the people? \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ 2\. No 4\. (IIMPAIR) Did the respondent have any of the following impairments making it difficult to respond? 1\. Mentally handicapped 2\. Hard of hearing/hearing impaired 3\. Poor eyesight/vision impaired 4\. Speech impediment 5\. Poor language abilities 6\. Under the influence of alcohol or drugs 7\. Some other impairment 9\. None 5\. (IVOCAB) How would you describe the respondent's vocabulary (the variety of words the respondent used to describe his/her thoughts)? 1\. Below average 2\. Average 3\. Above average 6\. (IACT) In general, how did the respondent act toward you during the interview? 1\. Not at all attentive 2\. Somewhat attentive 3\. Very attentive 7\. (IQUESTION) How much difficulty do you think the respondent had in understanding most of the question? 1\. A lot of difficulty 2\. Some difficulty 3\. No difficulty --------------- ------------- --------------- -------------- ----------------- -------- ------------------------------------------------------------ +-----+---------------------+---------------------+---------------------+ | **Y | | | | | OUR | | | | | [H | | | | | OUS | | | | | EHO | | | | | LD] | | | | | {.u | | | | | nde | | | | | rli | | | | | ne} | | | | | INC | | | | | OME | | | | | ^1 | | | | | ^** | | | | +-----+---------------------+---------------------+---------------------+ | | ### Approximate | ### Approximate | ### Approximate | | | | | | | | # WEEKLY | **MONTHLY** | **ANNUAL** | | | | | | | | ## In Pesos | **In Pesos** | **In Pesos** | +-----+---------------------+---------------------+---------------------+ | ## | Less than P2600 | Less than P9750 | Less than P117000 | | # J | | | | +-----+---------------------+---------------------+---------------------+ | ## | P2600 to under | P9750 to under | P117000 to under | | # R | P4500 | P19500 | P234000 | +-----+---------------------+---------------------+---------------------+ | ## | P4500 to under | P19500 to under | P234000 to under | | # C | P7800 | P32500 | P390000 | +-----+---------------------+---------------------+---------------------+ | ## | P7800 to under | P32500 to under | P390000 to under | | # M | P14950 | P65000 | P780000 | +-----+---------------------+---------------------+---------------------+ | ## | P14950 to under | P65000 to under | P780000 to under | | # F | P22750 | P97500 | P1170000 | +-----+---------------------+---------------------+---------------------+ | ## | P22750 to under | P97500 to under | P1170000 to under | | # S | P29900 | P130000 | P1560000 | +-----+---------------------+---------------------+---------------------+ | ## | P29900 to under | P130000 to under | P1560000 to under | | # K | P37700 | P162500 | P1950000 | +-----+---------------------+---------------------+---------------------+ | ## | P37700 to under | P162500 to under | P1950000 to under | | # P | P44850 | P195000 | P2340000 | +-----+---------------------+---------------------+---------------------+ | ## | P448500 to under | P195000 to under | P2340000 to under | | # D | P74750 | P325000 | P3900000 | +-----+---------------------+---------------------+---------------------+ | ## | P74750 to under | P325000 to under | P3900000 to under | | # H | P112450 | P487500 | P5850000 | +-----+---------------------+---------------------+---------------------+ | ## | P112450 to under | P487500 to under | P5850000 to under | | # U | P150150 | P650000 | P7800000 | +-----+---------------------+---------------------+---------------------+ | ## | P150150 or more | P650000 or more | P7800000 or more | | # N | | | | +-----+---------------------+---------------------+---------------------+ ^1^ Exchange rate as of February 2006 is P65 = €1 ***Instructions to the respondent:*** Salamat po sa iyong pahintulot na kayo ay aming makapanayam. Ang layunin ng proyekto na ito ay upang makabuo ng mga tanong tungkol sa kalusugan at kakayahan ng mga tao na gawin ang mga gawain. Ang mga tanong na mabubuo ay itatanong sa mga tao na may iba't ibang edad sa buong mundo. Sa proyektong ito, nais naming malaman kung ang aming pagtatanong ay may kabuluhan sa inyo at kung magkapareho ang pagkakaintindi ng mga taong sumagot sa aming mga katanungan. Ang pakikipanayam naming sa inyo ay makapagbibigay sa amin ng malaking tulong malaman kung ang mga tanong ay tama. Ang panayam na ito ay aabot ng isang oras. Ito ay tungkol sa inyong kakayahan na gawin ang inyong mga gawain. Marami sa mga tanong ay parang paulit-ulit lang o kaya'y kakaiba o personal. Ito ay dahil sinusuri namin ang mga tanong at kailangan naming malaman kung ano ang karaniwang iniisip ng mga tao sa pagbuo ng kani-kanilang kasagutan. Pakisagot po ang mga tanong ng ayon sa inyong pagkakaintindi at sa abot ng inyong makakaya. Ang lahat po ng inyong sagot ay konpidensiyal at gagamitin lamang sa pag-aaral. Kung ayaw po ninyong sagutin ang ilang mga katanungan, magsabi lang po kayo at tayo ay magpapatuloy sa susunod na katanungan. Bago po tayo magsimula, mayroon po ba kayong tanong?
Don Savage Headquarters, Washington April 24, 2002 (Phone: 202/358-1547) Nancy Neal Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, Md. (Phone: 301/286-0039) Ray Villard Space Telescope Science Institute, Baltimore (Phone: 410/338-4514) RELEASE: 02-73 HUBBLE UNCOVERS OLDEST "CLOCKS" IN SPACE TO READ AGE OF UNIVERSE Pushing the limits of its powerful vision, NASA's Hubble Space Telescope has uncovered the oldest burned-out stars in our Milky Way Galaxy. These extremely old, dim "clockwork stars" provide a completely independent reading on the age of the universe from previous methods. The ancient white dwarf stars, as seen by Hubble, turn out to be 12 to 13 billion years old. Because earlier Hubble observations show that the first stars formed less than one billion years after the universe's birth in the big bang, finding the oldest stars puts astronomers well within arm's reach of calculating the absolute age of the universe. Though previous Hubble research sets the age of the universe at 13 to 14 billion years based on the rate of expansion of space, the universe's birthday is such a fundamental and profound value that astronomers have long sought other age-dating techniques to cross-check their conclusions. "This new observation short-circuits getting to the age question, and offers a completely independent way of pinning down that value," says Harvey Richer of the University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada. The new age-dating observations were done by Richer and colleagues by using Hubble to hunt for elusive ancient stars hidden inside a globular star cluster 7,000 light-years away in the constellation Scorpius. The results will be published in the Astrophysical Journal Letters. Conceptually, the new age-dating observation is as elegantly simple as estimating how long ago a campfire burned by measuring the temperature of the smoldering coals. For Hubble, the "coals" are white dwarf stars, the burned-out remnants of the earliest stars in our galaxy. Hot, dense spheres of carbon "ash" left behind by the long-dead star's nuclear furnace, white dwarfs cool down at a predictable rate -- the older the dwarf, the cooler it is, making it a perfect "clock" that has been ticking for almost as long as the universe has existed. This approach has been recognized as more reliable than age-dating the oldest stars still burning by nuclear fusion, which relies on complex models and calculations about how a star burns its nuclear fuel and ages. White dwarfs are easier to age-date because they are simply cooling, but the trick has been finding the dimmest and hence longest- running "clocks." As white dwarfs cool they grow fainter, and this required that Hubble train a steady gaze on the ancient globular star cluster M4 for eight days over a 67-day period. This allowed for even fainter dwarfs to become visible, until at last the coolest -- and oldest -- dwarfs were seen. These stars are so feeble (30th magnitude -- considerably fainter than originally anticipated for any Hubble telescope imaging with the original cameras), they are less than one-billionth the apparent brightness of the faintest stars that can be seen by the naked eye. Globular clusters are the first pioneer settlers of the Milky Way. Many coalesced to build the hub of our galaxy and formed billions of years before the appearance of the Milky Way's magnificent pinwheel disk (as further confirmed by Richer's observations). Today, 150 globular clusters survive in the galactic halo. The globular cluster M4 was selected because it is the nearest to Earth, so the intrinsically feeblest white dwarfs are still apparently bright enough to be picked out by Hubble. In 1928, Edwin Hubble's measurements of galaxies made him realize that the universe was uniformly expanding, which meant the universe had a finite age that could be estimated by mathematically "running the expansion backward." Edwin Hubble first estimated the universe was only two billion years old. Uncertainties over the true expansion rate led to a spirited debate in the late 1970s, with estimates ranging from 8 billion to 18 billion years. Estimates of the ages of the oldest normal "main-sequence" stars were at odds with the lower value, since stars could not be older than the universe itself. In 1997 Hubble Space Telescope astronomers broke this impasse by announcing a reliable age for the universe, calculated from a very precise measurement of the expansion rate. The picture soon got more complicated when astronomers using Hubble and ground-based observatories discovered the universe was not expanding at a constant rate, but accelerating due to an unknown repulsive force termed "dark energy." When dark energy is factored into the universe's expansion history, astronomers arrive at an age for the universe of 13-14 billion years. This age is now independently verified by the ages of the "clockwork" white dwarfs measured by Hubble. -end- Images, animation, illustrations and additional information are available on the Internet at:
# Presentation: 424691 ## Introduction - The Climate Forecasting System (CFS) ensemble (Wang et al., 2005) is a seasonal forecast system based on the NCEP global model (GFS) and the GFDL ocean model (MOM3). The CFS ensemble uses the “lagged-average” method for generating ensemble members. For this study, we will only consider the problem of how to dynamically weight the CFS ensemble for the problem of forecasting NINO 3.4 SSTs (5S-5N, 120W-170W). - For many ensembles, one has little information about the quality of individual ensemble members so one has to weight them equally when trying to get the single best forecast. However, the problem of forecasting NINO 3.4 is different as we can use statistical methods to get an idea about the quality of individual ensemble members and consequently derive weights for each member. - Theory - Schematically we can draw the the PDF of the 1-month forecast (lead 0) from CFS ensemble as the black line (Fig. 1). If we have a better forecast for lead 0 (perhaps a combination of statistical and dynamical methods), we would have a different PDF (red line). We want to weight the ensemble so that it resembles the red PDF. One can easily show that the appropriate weighting of the ensemble members changes from 1/N to PDFNEW/(N•PDFCFS). Assuming a perfect model, the weights calculated for the lead-0 forecast can be used for longer leads (t=n). - Since it's impossible to calculate the PDF, need to make assumptions about the PDF; i.e., - PDFCFS(x) = PCFS(x') Q(x*) - PDFNEW(x) = PNEW(x') Q(x*) - x= state vector - x' = NINO 3.4 index, for example - x* = x - x' - note, P is proportional to the probability forecast of NINO 3.4 - After making the above assumption, the ensemble weighting is just the ratio of the CFS and new probability forecasts of NINO 3.4 (with a factor of 1/N). - Details - Need a better forecast of NINO 3.4 to calculate PDFNEW - take better of persistence and extrapolation of NINO 3.4 anomaly - (simple is better for preliminary studies) - convert to a probability forecast by assuming Gaussian and the mean is determined by - the deterministic forecast and the variance is constant and determined by historical skill - convert CFS ensemble mean to probability forecast by assuming Gaussian distribution and - variance is constant and determined by historical skill - combine CFS and statistical probability forecasts by PNEW = constant•PSTAT PCFS-mean - CFS ensemble converted to probability forecast (PCFS) by assuming Gaussian with mean - determined by ensemble mean and variance by the ensemble spread. - Ensemble weights are proportional to PNEW/PCFS - (also did normalization and pruning to improve accuracy, problem of small ensemble size) - Procedure - Used CFS hindcasts to evaluate ensemble weighting - 1979-2003 - cross validated - used 15 member ensemble - bias removal - Results: x' = NINO 3.4 SST - Fig 2. shows the results when weighting the ensemble. As seen, the weighted ensemble (solid line) usually shows improved or similar skill to the equally weighted ensemble (dashed line). The forecast for lead-0 = October was difficult as the combined model was less skillful than the CFS ensemble. The forecasts for late Summer were also difficult as persistence scored very well relative to the model. - Results: x' = Equatorial Subsurface Temperature - ENSO is a coupled system and obviously the equatorial subsurface temperature is important. Since x' could, in theory, be any variable, we let x' be the average subsurface Equatorial temperature for the Central Pacific (0-200 meters, 160E-140W). The domain corresponds to two of the legs of the TOGA-COARE array circa 1986. As expected (Fig. 3), weighting the ensemble by “good” subsurface temperatures doesn't have an immediate effect on the NINO 3.4 forecast. However, many forecasts are improved at longer leads. - Results: x' = (NINO 3.4, Equatorial Subsurface Temperature) - Weighting the ensemble by the using forecasts of NINO 3.4 and equatorial subsurface temperature improves the forecast skill as shown in Fig. 4. This produces a weighting that is better 51% of the time for leads 0-2. - Conclusion - By combining simple statistical models and the CFS ensemble mean, we were able to produce an one month forecast (lead-0) of NINO 3.4 SST that was often better then the CFS ensemble mean. We used this combined forecast to weight the ensemble members and used these weights for all leads. Usually the weighted ensemble showed either better or similar skill to the ensemble mean. By including forecasts of the equatorial subsurface temperature, we were able to improve the forecast skill. - This procedure was designed as a “test study” as a better statistical forecast would expected to improve the results. - References - Wang, W, S. Sara, H. Pan, S. Nadiga, G. White, 2005: Simuation of ENNSO in the new NCEP Coupled Forecast System Model (CFS03), Mon. Wea. Rev, **133**, 1574-1593. - Saha, S. et al, 2005: The NCEP Climate Forecast System, Submitted to J. Climate. - Fig 2. shows the skill of the persistence (dotted line), ensemble mean (dashed - line) and the weighted ensemble mean (solid line) for forecasts of the monthly - NINO 3.4 SST. The top left plot shows the forecasts made in December and - the verifying skill for January (lead 0) through September. The next plot shows - the skill of the forecasts made in January. x' = NINO 3.4 SST (Reynold's OI2) - Fig. 3, like Fig. 2 except x' = equatorial subsurface temperature (0-200 m, 16OE-140W) from GODAS. - Fig. 4, like Fig. 2 except x' = (NINO 3.4 SST, ave. equatorial subsurface temperature) - Fig. 1, PDFCFS is from CFS ensemble after 1 month, PDFNEW is from a better forecast (only available at t=1).
No. 94-1851 In The Supreme Court of The United States OCTOBER TERM, 1995 M & J COAL COMPANY AND MONONGAH DEVELOPMENT COMPANY, PETITIONERS v. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA ON PETITION OF A WRIT OF CERTIORARI TO THE UNITED STATES COURT OF APPEALS FOR THE FEDERAL CIRCUIT BRIEF FOR THE UNITED STATES IN OPPOSITION DREW S. DAYS, III Solicitor General LOIS J. SCHIFFER Assistant Attorney General ALBERT M. FERLO, JR. JEFFREY P. KEHNE Attorneys Department of Justice Washington, D.C. 20530 (202)514-2217 ---------------------------------------- Page Break ---------------------------------------- QUESTIONS PRESENTED Petitioner Monograph Development Company purchased rights to extract coal from the Mongraph Mine and leased those rights to petitioner M & J Coal Company. Petitioners contended that federal regulators took their property by requiring M & J Coal to provide subjacent support to the surface estate overlying the mine in a manner that diminished the value of peti- tioners' mineral estates. The questions presented are: 1. Whether the property interests that petitioners acquired were limited by pre-existing restrictions on mine operators' rights to cause subsidence damage, restrictions that included a federal statutory pro- hibition against mining practices that endanger the public health and safety. 2. Whether, if petitioners were not limited by pre- existing restrictions, the restriction placed on peti- tioners' mining operations in order to abate a danger to public health and safety rose to the level of a Fifth Amendment taking. (I) ---------------------------------------- Page Break ---------------------------------------- TABLE OF CONTENTS Opinions below . . . . 1 Jurisdiction . . . . 1 Statement . . . . 2 Argument . . . . 11 Conclusion . . . . 20 TABLE OF AUTHORITIES Cases: Allegheny Mining Corp. v. Callaghan: No. 81-579 (Kanawha County Cir. Ct. Feb. 13, 1981) . . . . .4 No. 81-579 (Kanawha County Cir. Ct. Sept. 10, 1981) . . . .4 Andrus v. Allard, 444 U.S. 51 (1979) . . . . 19 Ball v. Island Creek Coal Co., 722 F. Supp. 1370 (W.D. Va. 1989) . . . . 15 Board of Regents v. Roth, 408 U.S. 564 (1972) . . . . 11 Brown v. Crozer Coal & Land Co., 107 S.E.2d 777 (W. Va. 1959) . . . ..15 California Housing Securities, Inc. v. United States, 959 F.2d 955 (Fed. Cir.), cert. denied, 113 S. Ct. 324 (1992) . . . . 13 Cogar v. Somerville, 379 S.E.2d 764 (W. Va. 1989) . . . . .15 Concrete Pipe & Prods. of California, Inc. v. Construction Laborers Pension Trust,. 113 S. Ct. 2264 (1993) . . . .12,16,18-19 Connolly v. Pension Benefit Guaranty Corp., 475 U.S. 211 (1986) . . . . 12,16 Florida Rock Indus. v. United States, 791 F.2d 893 (Fed. Cir. 1986), cert. denied, 479 U.S. 1053 (1987) . . . . 13 Golden Pacific Bancorp v. United States, 15 F.3d 1066 (Fed. Cir. 1994) . . . . 13 Johnson v. Junior Pocahontas Coal Co., 234 S.E.2d 309 (W. Va. 1977) . . . . 14 Keystone Bituminous Coal Ass'n v. DeBenedictis, 480 U.S. 470 (1987) . . . . 7,18,19,20 ---------------------------------------- Page Break ---------------------------------------- IV Cases-Continued: Lucas v. South Carolina Coastal Council, 112 S. Ct.. 2886 (1992) . . . .11,12 M & J Coal v. OSM, 115 I.B.L.A. 8 (1990) . . . .7 Penn Central Transp. Co. v. New York City, 438 U.S. 104 (1978) . . . .16 Rose v. Oneida Coal Co., 375 S.E.2d 814 (W. Va. 1988) . Ruckleshaus v. Monsanto Co., 467 U.S. 986 (1984) . . . . Scranton v. Wheeler, 179 U.S. 141 (1900) . . . . Stamp v. Windsor Power House Coal Co., 177 S.E.2d 146 (W. Va. 1970) . . . ..3 Tabb Lakes, Ltd. v. United States, 10 F.3d 796 (Fed. Cir. 1993) . . . . United States v. Cherokee Nation of Oklahoma, 480 U.S. 700 (1987) . . . . West v. National Mines Corp., 285 S.E.2d 670 (W. Va. 1981) . . . . Wilson v. Phoenix Powder Mfg. Co., 21 S.E. 1035 (W. Va. 1895) . . . . Winnings v. Wilpen Coal Co., 59 S.E.2d 655 (W. Va. 1950) . . . .2 Constitution, statutes and regulations U.S. Const. Amend. V (Takings Clause) . . . . Surface Minig Control and Reclamation Act of 1977, 30 U.S.C. 1201 et seq. . . . 503,30 U.S.C. 1253 . . . .3,4 516(b)(1), 30 U.S.C. 1266(b)(1) . . . . 521(a)(2), 30 U.S.C. 1271(a)(2) . . . .6,9,10,11,13,14 Surface Coal Mining and Reclamation Act: 1980 W. Vs. Acts ch. 87, W. Va. Code 20-6-1 et seq. (1981) . . . . 20-6-14(b)(1) (1981) . . . .. 20-6-14(c)-(d) (1981) . . . .4 20-6-16(a) (1981) . . . . 1994 W. Va. Acts ch. 61, W. Va. Code 22-3-1 et seq. (1994) . . . .. 22-3-14(b)(l) (1994) . . . .4,5 22-3-14(c)-(d) (1994) . . . .5 ---------------------------------------- Page Break ---------------------------------------- V Statutes and regulations-Continued 22-3-25(a)(1) (1994) . . . .14 30 C.F.R.: Pts. 730-732 . . . .4 Pt. 843: Section 843.11(a)(1) . . . .6 Pt. 948: Section 948.10 . . . .5 W. Va. Code of State Regs. (1991): 38-3-12 . . . ..5 38-3-12(a)(7)(A) . . . ..19 38-3-12(a)(7)(D) . . . .19 38-3-16.2(d) . . . .5 38-6-16.2(c)(1)-(2) . . . . 5 W. Va. Surface Mining Reclamation Regs.: 7C.01 (1981) . . . .5 7C.02 (1985) . . . .5 7C.02(a)-(b) (1981) . . . .5 7C.03 (1981) . . . .5 [miscellaneous: 46 Fed. Reg. 5915 (1981) . . . ..4 ---------------------------------------- Page Break ---------------------------------------- ln the Supreme Court of the United States OCTOBER TERM, 1995 No. 94-1851 M & J COAL COMPANY AND MONONGAH DEVELOPMENT COMPANY, PETITIONERS v. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA ON PETITION FOR A WRIT OF CERTIORARI TO THE UNITED STATES COURT OF APPEALS FOR THE FEDERAL CIRCUIT BRIEF FOR THE UNITED STATES IN OPPOSITION OPINIONS BELOW The opinion of the court of appeals (Pet. App. 3a-16a) is reported at 47 F.3d 1148. The opinion of the Court of Federal Claims (Pet. App. 17a-38a) is reported at 30 Fed. Cl. 360. JURISDICTION The judgment of the court of appeals was entered on February 15, 1995. The petition for a writ of certiorari was filed on May 11, 1995. The jurisdiction of this Court is invoked pursuant to 28 U.S.C. 1254(1). (1) ---------------------------------------- Page Break ---------------------------------------- 2 STATEMENT In July 1981, petitioner Monongah Development Company acquired rights to extract coal from the Monongah Mine in Marion County, West Virginia, and in 1985 it leased those rights to petitioner M & J Coal Company. Pet. App. 6a. In April 1986, the Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement (OSM) of the U.S. Department of the Interior found that M & J Coal's operations were causing surface sub- sidence that posed an imminent threat to public health and safety. Id. at 7a-8a. Pursuant to statutory au- thority, OSM ordered M & J Coal to cease mining until it abated that threat. Petitioners sued the United States in the Court of Federal Claims, contending that OSM's action had effected a taking of their property for which they were entitled to compensation. ld. at 8a-10a. The court granted the government's motion for summary judgment, and the court of appeals affirmed. ld. at 16a. 1. The legal ability of mineral interest owners in West Virginia to subside overlying surface estates is shaped by state common law and by state and federal statutes and regulations. a. Under West Virginia common law, when surface and mineral estates are separated, the right of sub- jacent support may be retained for the benefit of the surface estate or disclaimed to increase the value of the mineral estate. See, e.g., Winnings v. Wilpen Coal Co., 59 S.E.2d 6552658 (W. Va. 1950). Deed language is construed strictly to prevent inadvertent alienation of the right of subjacent support from the surface estate. Ibid. A surface owner's waiver of the right of subjacent support, once established, gives the mineral estate owner partial protection from common law tort ---------------------------------------- Page Break ---------------------------------------- 3 actions. A surface estate owner who has waived the right of subjacent support (or the successor to such an owner) may not enjoin or recover damages under a private nuisance or negligence theory for subsidence within the scope of the waiver. See, e.g., Rose v. Oneida Coal Co., 375 S.E.2d 814, 816 (W. Va. 1988); Stamp v. Windsor Power House Coal Co., 177 S.E.2d 146, 148-150 (W. Va. 1970). An enforceable waiver by one surface estate owner, however, does not affect the common law rights of adjoining property owners, or of the public generally, to be free of hazards caused by underground mining operations.1. b. Enacted in 1980, the West Virginia Surface Coal Mining and Reclamation Act (WVSCMRA).2 .estab- lished a comprehensive regulatory program that "changed many of the old common law rules concern- ing the rights and remedies of surface owners vis a vis mineral owners." Rose, 375 S.E.2d at 816. That legislation was prompted by the Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act of 1977 (SMCRA), 30 U.S.C. 1201 et seq., which established minimum nation- al standards to control the environmental effects of surface mining (as well as the surface effects of under- ground mining) and a mechanism for States with quali- fying programs to obtain primary regulatory juris- diction over mining within their borders. See SMCRA ___________________(footnotes) 1 Compare, e.g., Wilson v. Phoenix Powder Mfg. Co., 21 S.E. 1035, 1036-1037 (W. Va. 1895) (explosives factory in populated area "is a public nuisance, and indictable as such"); see also West v. National Mines Corp., 285 S.E.2d 670, 674-677 (W. Va. 1981) (coal haulers' right to use public road limited by homeowners' rights to be free from dust). 2 1980 W. Va. Acts ch. 87, initially codified at W. Va. Code $320-6-1 et seq. (1981), currently codified, as amended, at W. Va. Code 5522-3-1 et seq. (1994). ---------------------------------------- Page Break ---------------------------------------- 4 503,30 U.S.C. 1253 (procedures for establishing state programs); see also 30 C.F.R. Pts. 730-732 (federal regulations governing state programs). In accordance with SMCRA, WVSCMRA addressed the surface effects of underground mining as well as the effects of surface or strip mining operations.3. West Virginia's program, including both WVSCMRA and the State's proposed regulations, was conditionally approved by OSM in January 1981. See 46 Fed. Reg. 5915 (1981). Interim provisions of the State's two- stage program took effect immediately. 4 .The State's "permanent program," also set out in the initial regulations, took effect in 198.3, following the termination of a state-court injunction against its implementation.5. West Virginia's program has closely tracked the SMCRA and the implementing federal regulations. In accordance with federal standards, West Virginia has required underground mining operators to take steps ___________________(footnotes) 3 Compare 1980 W. Va. Acts ch. 87, 20-6-14(b)(l) (1981) (current version edified at W. Va. Code 22-3-14(b)(l) (1994)) with SMCRA 516(b)(l), 30 U.S.C. 1266(b)(l) {underground mining permits must include "measures * * * to prevent subsidence causing material damage"). 4 See W. Va. Surface Mining Reclamation Regulations (W. Va. SMRR) (1981). Subsequent, revised versions of those regulations were promulgated as W. Va. SMRR (1985) and W. Va. Code of State Regulations (W. Va, CSR) (1991). Relevant provisions of those regulations are reprinted at Gov't C.A. Br. A1-A34. 5 See Allegheny Mining Corp. v. Callaghan, No. 81-579 (Kanawha County Cir. Ct. Feb. 13, 1980 (enjoining implementation of parts of West Virginia's state program); Order, Allegheny Mining Corp. v. Callaghan, No. 81-579 (Kanawha County Cir. Ct. Sept. 10, 1981) (extending injunction). ---------------------------------------- Page Break ---------------------------------------- 5 to prevent subsidence damage and to remedy some of the subsidence damage that nevertheless occurs. The subsidence-prevention component of the State's pro- gram has included a requirement that underground mine operators give surface owners and occupants six months' notice before mining beneath them and a prohibition on most mining beneath or in close proximity to public buildings, roads, and bodies of water. 6. The remedial component has included re- quirements that mine operators restore subsided land and, at times, that they repair or pay compensation for subsidence damage to structures.7 .During the period relevant here, primary responsibility for adminis- tration of those requirements was entrusted to the West Virginia Department of Energy (WVDOE). c. When OSM approved West Virginia's program under SMCRA Section 503, the State assumed pri- mary "regulatory authority in West Virginia for all surface coal mining and reclamation operations * * * on non-Federal and non-Indian lands." 30 C.F.R. 948.10. However, the Secretary of the Interior, acting through OSM, remained obligated to issue a federal cessation order whenever federal inspection of a West Virginia mine revealed a "condition [or] practice [that] * * * creates an imminent danger to the health or ___________________(footnotes) 6 See 1980 W. Va. Acts ch. 87, 20-6-14(b)(l) and (c)-(d) (1981) (current version codified at W. Va. Code 22-3-14(b)(l) and (c)-(d) (1994)); W. Va. SMRR 7C.01, 7C.03 (1981) (current versions codified at W. Va. CSR 38-3-12, 38-3-16.2(d) (1991)). 7 See W. Va. SMRR 7C.02(a)-(b) (1981) (current version codified at W. Va. CSR 38-6-16.2(c)(1)-(2) (1991)). In late April 1986, when OSM undertook the enforcement action that gave rise to this litigation, state regulations did not require underground mine operators to remedy subsidence damage to structures. See W. Va. SMRR 7C.02 (1985). ---------------------------------------- Page Break ---------------------------------------- 6 safety of the public." SMCRA 521(a)(2), 30 U.S.C. 1271(a)(2). A Section 521(a)(2) order requires imme- diate "cessation of surface coal mining and reclama- tion operations" and imposes "affirmative obligations cm the operator requiring him to take whatever steps the Secretary deems necessary to abate the imminent danger or the significant environmental harm." Ibid.; see 30 C.F.R. 843.11(a)(1). 2. In July 1981, petitioner Monongah Development purchased rights to the coal remaining in the Monon- gah Mine. After leasing those rights to Pittsburgh Coal Works for a" three-year period, Monongah leased "the remaining unmined merchantable coal," together with related "mining rights and privileges," to petitioner M & J Coal in November 1985. C.A. App. 380-393. In March and April 1986, WVDOE, re- sponding to complaints of subsidence damage from Marion County residents Carl Dingus and Joseph Tarley, inspected M & J Coal's operations and re- viewed its permit status. Pet. App. 7a-8a, 21a-22a. WVDOE issued a series of notices of violation (NOVs) that required M & J Coal to fill surface cracks, to cease operations until it secured a state permit, to notify surface owners of their intentions to mine under their property, and to submit a revised subsidence control plan. See id. at 7a-8a, 21a-22a; C.A. App. 399,401,403,406, 412.8. ___________________(footnotes) 8 WVDOE later withdrew its NOV concerning inade- quate notice to surface owners (C.A. App. 406), accepting M & J Coal's contention that it had "not actualIy mined under the Tarley residence, only adjacent to it," and that the Tarleys, therefore, had not been entitled to notice. See id. at 407. However, the IBLA in determining an appropriate penalty for M & J Coal's violations, rejected M & J Coal's notice argument, ruling that the Company had been required to provide notice to ---------------------------------------- Page Break ---------------------------------------- 7 M & J Coal submitted its initial subsidence control plan to WVDOE on April 14, 1986. That plan indicated that no effort would be made to prevent the subsidence of occupied dwellings. M & J Coal claimed to have acquired "legal rights" to cause subsidence damage to "approximately sixteen" privately owned structures "without liability." 9 The company promised to prevent subsidence of six surface features protected by state regulations-''two perennial streams, three public roads, and one high tension power pole." See AR T.309 (CR 4), Dec. 2 (Plan at 5-6). M & J Coal's plan indicated that the company would retain pillars and blocks of coal under those surface features in portions of the seam defined by a fifteen-foot setback and a fifteen- degree angle of draw. See Pet. App. 7a, 21a. 10. ___________________(footnotes) all surface residents within the angle of draw. M & J Coal v. OSM, 115 I.B.L.A. 8,26 n.14 (1990). 9 See Administrative Record Tab (AR T.) 309 (CR 4), Dec. 2 (Plan at 4-8). (The Administrative Record was filed with the trial court in May 1993.) The record does not disclose where those structures were or on which deeds M & J Coal relied as enforceable waivers of the right of subjacent support. 10 Under those standards, limits on M & J Coal's full- extraction operations were to be established by (1) moving outward from the perimeter of each protected surface feature for a distance of fifteen feet; (2) dropping vertical lines from the extended perimeter downward through the coal seam, and (3) projecting a fifteen-degree angle, measured at the surface from the vertical, out into the coal seam. An explanatory diagram was included in M & J Coal's subsidence control plan. See AR T.309 (CR 4), Dec. 1 (at 8); see also Keystone Bituminous Cord Ass'n v. DeBenedictis, 480 U.S. 470, 477 n.7 (1987) (describing Pennsylvania's use of a fifteen-degree angle of draw as a benchmark for subsidence protection). The court of appeals was incorrect in its statement (see Pet. App. 7a n.2) that the angle of draw was to have been measured from the "roof of the mine," ---------------------------------------- Page Break ---------------------------------------- 8 On April 25, 1986, WVDOE approved M & J Coal's initial plan and authorized the company to resume mining. Pet. App. 7a, 22a. On that same date, Joseph Tarley contacted. OSM with information concerning additional, more severe subsidence damage to his prop- erty. Id. at 22a-23a; C.A. App. 29. Tarley stated that he and his wife .-were moving out of their house to escape subsidence-related hazards. As he recounted in a later affidavit: The needle on the gas meter had been spinning wildly. The section of the gas line immediately adjacent to the gas meter was severed. My water line to the public water supply also broke, and the access wires that the electric company had installed outside our house were leaning and stretching as tight as a fiddle string. Pet. App. 22a-23a. Upon receiving Tarley's call, OSM inspectors re- turned to the Tarley property. The inspectors became concerned that "people would fall into the subsidence cracks or a distressed structure would collapse on an individual" and that additional subsidence could affect "up to 16 home?' in the vicinity, "along with public roads, utilities, and a stream." C.A. App. 28. The inspectors contacted WVDOE and requested that the State use its authority under WVSCMRA to abate the hazard. State regulators declined to act on the ground that they considered M & J Coal to be in compliance with state law. Pet. App. 24a. OSM officials concluded, however, that M & J Coal's operations posed an immi- nent danger to. the health and safety of the public. ___________________(footnotes) rather than from the surface of the earth, although the error did not affect its legal analysis. ---------------------------------------- Page Break ---------------------------------------- 9 OSM therefore issued a cessation order, dated April 25, 1986, directing M & J Coal to halt its operations until it had safeguarded the public from surface cracks, restored the land's capacity to support prior uses, and revised its subsidence control plan "to ensure that the health and safety of the general public [would] not be endangered." C.A. App. 35; see Pet. App. 8a-9a,24a-25a. Five days later, M&J Coal proposed to revise its subsidence control plan to increase (to thirty degrees) the angle of draw used to limit mining under protected surface features and to treat occupied houses as protected features. Id. at 9a, 25a. Based on M & J Coal's agreement to make those revisions, OSM lifted its cessation order. Ibid. 3. M & J Coal sought administrative review of OSM's cessation order and its related recommendation that M & J Coal be required to pay a $2,700 fine. An Administrative Law Judge (ALJ) in the Department of the Interior's Office of Hearings and Appeals upheld OSM's actions as a valid exercise of its authority under SMCRA Section 521(a)(2). C.A. App. 74-87. In the ALJ's view, events at the TarIey and Dingus resi- dences fully supported OSM's finding that M & J Coal had caused "imminent danger to the health or safety of the public." OSM, the ALJ found, "would have been grossly remiss in its enforcement role had it not ordered a cessation of M & J's underground coal mining operations." Id. at 82; see id. at 86 (assessing civil penalty of $3,500). The ALJ's ruling was affirmed by the Interior Board of Land Appeals (IBLA). The IBLA found that the effects of the subsidence, including ruptured gas and water lines, shifted electric utility poles, and a crack in the ground so large that a dog fell in and died before rescuers could reach it, "present[ed] a graphic picture ---------------------------------------- Page Break ---------------------------------------- 10 of an imminent danger situation." M & J Coal v. OSM, 115 I.B.L.A. 8, 23 (1990); see C.A. App. 264-265. Ac- cordingly, the IBLA concluded that OSM's cessation order had been fully authorized by Section 521(a)(2) of the SMCRA. M & J Coal did not seek judicial review of the IBLA's decision. See Pet, App. 9a, 15a. 4. In April 1992, petitioners filed suit in the Court of Federal Claims (CFC), alleging that OSM's actions had effected a taking of two categories of coal deposits: (1) portions of the seam that were placed off-limits by the change from a fifteen-degree to a thirty-degree angle of draw to delineate the area of support under protected surface features; and (2) portions of the seam that were placed off-limits by the extension of sub- sidence protection to occupied dwellings. The CFC granted the United States' motion for summary judgment. Pet. App. 17a-38a. The court pointed out that petitioner! had acquired their interests in the Monongah Mine after Congress directed OSM, in Section 521(a)(2) of the SMCRA, to halt mining prac- tices that endanger the public health and safety. That provision, the CFC found, precluded petitioners from forming a compensable expectation that they would be able to mine under a fifteen-degree subsidence control plan or to cause-subsidence damage to occupied houses. Pet. App. 33a, 36a. The court noted that the validity of OSM's cessation order as an exercise of its man- date under Section 521(a)(2) had been definitively established by the final, unchallenged decision of the IBLA. Pet. App. 33a & n.3. 5. The court of appeals affirmed. Pet. App. 3a-16a. The court concurred in the CFC's determination that petitioners had never acquired the property rights that OSM's cessation order was alleged to have infringed. Id. at 13a. The court ruled that M & J Coal ---------------------------------------- Page Break ---------------------------------------- 11 "knew or should have known" in November 1985, when it leased its mining rights from Monongah Develop- ment, "that it could not mine in such a way as to endanger public health or safety." Id. at 14a. 11 In the view of the court of appeals, the IBLA's ruling that OSM had acted properly to avert an imminent threat to public health and safety was "incontestable" in light of M & J Coal's failure to seek judicial review, ibid., and foreclosed the argument that OSM had impermissible transferred property from petitioners to the Dingus and Tarley families, id. at 15a-16a. ARGUMENT The judgment of the court of appeals is correct and does not conflict with any decision of this Court or any other court. Further review is therefore unwarr- anted. 1. "[T]he range of interests that qualify for protec- tion as `property' under the Fifth (and Fourteenth) amendments" is defined by .11.existing rules or under- standings that stem from an independent source such as state law," and "the Takings Clause does not re- quire compensation when an owner is barred from put- ting land to a use that is proscribed by those `existing rules or understandings.'" Lucas v. South Carolina Coastal Council, 112 S. Ct. 2886, 2901 (1992) (quoting Board of Regents v. Roth, 408 U.S. 564,577 (1972)). By July 1981, when Monongah Development acquired its interest in the Monongah Mine, the surface effects of underground mining were strictly regulated under ___________________(footnotes) 11 The court did not discuss the rights that Monongah Development acquired in JuIy 1981, see page 6, supra, though the same limitations clearly existed at that time, since Section 521(a)(2) of the SMCRA dates from 1977. ---------------------------------------- Page Break ---------------------------------------- 12 both federal and state law. Because those restrictions on petitioners' mining activities "inhere[d] in the title itself," Lucas, 112 S. Ct. at 2900, application of the federal regulatory scheme could effect no compensable taking. Petitioners contend (Pet. 19-22) that under West Virginia law their proposed mining activities would have constituted at most a private nuisance; that the Dingus and Tarley families would have been entitled to no state-law remedy because their predecessors in interest had relinquished by contract all rights of subjacent support for the relevant surface estates; and that the restrictions imposed by OSM went beyond those imposed by background principles of state property law. That argument is flawed in two respects. First, federal law is itself a source of "relevant back- ground principles," Lucas, 112 S. Ct. at 2901, that may serve to define the scope of constitutionally protected property interests. In Lucas, this Court identified the federal navigational servitude at issue in Scranton V. Wheeler, 179 U.S. 141, 163 (1900), as an example of a "pre-existing limitation upon the landowner's title" that may foreclose a claim for compensation. 112 S. Ct. at 2900; accord United States v. Cherokee Nation of Oklahoma, 480 U.S. 700, 703-704 (1987). This Court has frequently looked to rules and understandings supplied by federal law to assess the expectations that takings claimants could reasonably have entertained at the time of their investments. 12 Since petitioners ___________________(footnotes) 12 See, e.g., Concrete Pipe & Prods. of California, Inc. v. Construction Laborers Pension Trust, 113 S. Ct. 2264, 2291 (1993) (pension plan liabilities); Connolly v. Pension Benefit Guaranty Corp., 475 U.S. 211, 224-225 (1986) (same); ---------------------------------------- Page Break ---------------------------------------- 13 acquired their mineral interests well after passage of the SMCRA, they can assert no rights inconsistent with the Act's requirements. 13. It is far from clear, moreover, that the OSM ces- sation order actually imposed restrictions going be- yond those applicable under state law. Since 1980, Ruckleshaus v. Monsanto Co., 467 U.S. 986, 1006-1007 (1984) (pesticide safety data supplied to the government); see also Golden Pacific Bancorp v. United States, 15 F.3d 1066, 1074- 1075 (Fed. Cir. 1994) (shareholder in bank that federal regulators took over lacked "historically rooted expectation of compensation" required to support taking claim); California Housing Securities, Inc. v. United States, 959 F.2d 955, 958-959 (Fed. Cir.) ("history of governmental regulation of savings and loan associations" precluded owner from asserting "historically rooted expectation of compensation" for federal takeover), cert. denied, 113 S. Ct. 324 (1992). 13 Petitioners also assert (Pet. 18) that OSM misused its authority under Section 521(a)(2) of the SMCRA to confer "economic benefits on the Dingus and Tarley families alone, at the expense of petitioners," and that OSM's actions therefore "cannot be said [to have] substantially advanced a legitimate public interest." That characterization of OSM's actions is foreclosed, as both lower courts noted (see Pet. App. 15a-16a, 33a & n.3), by the IBLA's determination, which petitioners declined to challenge in district court, that OSM acted properly to abate an imminent threat to the public health and safety. Under established principles of Tucker Act jurisdiction, the IBLA's determination was not subject to collateral attack in petitioners' suit for compensation. See id. at 15a, 33a (citing Florida Rock Indus. v. United States, 791 F.2d 893 (Fed. Cir. 1986), cert. denied, 479 U.S. 1053 (1987)); accord, e.g., Tabb Lakes, Ltd. v. United States, 10 F.3d 796, 802-803 (Fed. Cir. 1993). Petitioners' characterization of OSM's actions is also contra- dicted by the record, which makes clear that the subsidence caused by petitioners' mining activities created hazards (e.g., the increased risk of a gas explosion, an electrical fire, or a gap in a public road) to the public generally. ---------------------------------------- Page Break ---------------------------------------- 14 West Virginia has had its own statutory prohibition on mining practices that create an "imminent danger to the health or safety of the public," 1980 W. Va. Acts ch. 87, 20-6-16(a) (1981) [current version codified at W. Va. Code 22-3-14(b)(1) and (c)-(d) (1994))-a prohibition virtually identical to SMCRA Section 521(a)(2). 14. The IBLA's determination that M & J Coal's operations threatened the public health and safety also has implications under West Virginia's corm-non law of nuisance. Under West Virginia law, a valid waiver of the right of subjacent support shields a mineral estate owner from most tort claims by the owner of the unsupported surface estate. .15. But the ___________________(footnotes) 14 Petitioners point out (Pet. 7, 16) that WVDOE officials were prepared, on April 25, 1986, to allow M & J Coal to operate under its initial subsidence controI plan, notwithstanding reports from the Tarley and Dingus homes. But state officials' pur- of-the-moment assessment that. M & J Coal's initial subsidence control plan satisfied West Virginia law, an assessment reached in response to federal officials' request for immediate state action, was neither final nor conclusive. Indeed, WVSCMRA includes a citizen-suit provision, see W. Va. Code 22-3-25 (a)(l) (1994), to ensure-that state courts are able to correct state regulators who have taken an unduly limited view of their responsibilities under WVSCMRA. The decision of WVDOE officials not to issue a state cessation order neither reflected nor created a state-law right for M & J Coal to mine under its initial subsidence control plan. 15 See, e.g., Winnings v. Wilpen Coal Co., 59 S.E.2d at 658- 661. But see Stamp v. Windsor Power House Coal Co., 177 S-E-2d at 150 (waivers may only bar "recovery for negligencc," not for "wilful or wanton" acts); Johnson v. Junior Pocahontas Coal Co., 234 S.E.2d 309,313,314 (W. Va. 1977) (coal company's reservation of right to produce coal "without liability for damage and injury to and destruction of the surface" cannot "be raised as a complete shield from all liabilities which may be indicated by evidence showing defendant's violations of rules, ---------------------------------------- Page Break ---------------------------------------- 15 subsidence that prompted OSM to act in this case threatened harm to parties outside the chains of title to the severed mineral and surface estates. Dangers associated with ruptured gas, electrical, and water lines are not confined to the boundaries of the surface estate where the subsidence occurs. Since deed-based immunity from liability for subsidence harms reaches only to the boundary of the unsupported surface estate, see note 1, supra, any deed-based rights that petitioners acquired to subside occupied dwellings were limited by the protections that West Virginia nuisance doctrine provides to neighboring property owners and to the public at large. 16. ___________________(footnotes) regulations and laws, its wilful, wanton and reckless actions and conduct, or its creation of hazardous or nuisance conditions incident to its strip mining operations"). 16 West Virginia law concerning the construction of severance deeds may also limit petitioners' rights to subside occupied dwellings. West Virginia's Supreme Court of Appeals has emphasized that broad form waiver provisions must be "construed in light of the conditions and reasonable expectations of the parties." Cogar v. Sommerville, 379 S.E.2d 764, 769 (W. Va. 1989). Thus, "mining methods not contemplated at the time of the severance deed may not be utilized." Ibid.; see Brown v. Crozer Coal & Land Co., 107 S.E.2d 777, 786-787 (W. Va. 1959) (auger mining was not contemplated by sellers of mineral estates and, therefore, not covered by waiver). But cf. Ball v. Island Creek Coal Co., 722 F. Supp. 1370, 1372-1374 (W.D. Va. 1989) (because longwall mining is different from early forms of subsurface mining in degree, not in kind, subsidence damage from longwall mining falls within scope of broad form waiver). Petitioners have repeatedly acknowledged that M & J Coal was able to extract profitable quantities of coal from the twice- worked Monongah Mine only by exploiting "advances * * * in mining equipment and technology" that allowed significantly higher rates of extraction. Pet. 4; see Pet. App. 19a. ---------------------------------------- Page Break ---------------------------------------- 16 In sum, legal principles in existence when peti- tioners acquired their mineral interests sharply lim- ited their right to subside the surface overlying the Monongah Mine. OSM's April 25, 1986, cessation order merely enforced those pre-existing limitations. Be- cause a right to endanger public health and safety "w[as] not part of [petitioners'] title to begin with," Lucas, 112 S. CT. at 2899, the cessation order could not effect a taking of petitioners' property. 2. Even if OSM'S enforcement action had imposed new limitations on petitioners' mineral estates, those limitations would not rise to the level of a Fifth Amendment taking. In Concrete Pipe & Prods. of California, Inc. v. Construction Laborers Pension Trust, 113 S. Ct. 2264, 2291 (1993), this Court reaffirmed the, framework first articulated in Penn Central Tramp. Co. v. New York City, 438 U.S. 104, 125 (1978), for evaluating regulatory takings claims. That approach focuses on "three factors with partic- ular significance' for assessing whether a land use re- striction effects a Fifth Amendment taking (1) the character of the governmental action; (2) the extent to which the regulation has interfered with distinct investment-backed expectations; and (3) the economic impact of the regulation on the claimant. See Concrete Pipe, 113 S. Ct. at 2291 (quoting Connolly v. Pension Benefit Guaranty Corp., 475 U.S. 211,224-225 (1986)). Under that framework, the limitation on mining at issue here would not effect a taking even if they had been imposed after petitioners acquired their mineral interests. Essentially for the reasons discussed above, the first two factors strongly indicate that no taking occurred here. OSM issued its cessation order in furtherance of its statutory mandate to abate "an ---------------------------------------- Page Break ---------------------------------------- 17 imminent danger to the public health and safety." SMCRA 521(a)(2), 30 U.S.C. 1271(a)(2). Two admin- istrative tribunals rejected M & J CoaI's arguments that OSM had exceeded the scope of that mandate, and petitioners declined to seek direct judicial review. Moreover, the requirements of the SMCRA (at least as applied in this case) differ little, if at all, from applicable state-law norms. Accordingly, petitioners can establish no substantial interference with investment-backed expectations. Nor have petitioners shown that OSM's cessation order imposed an onerous economic burden. Peti- tioners have not disputed the CFC's finding that M & J Coal realized profits of $692,086.41 from the Monongah Mine during the period from 1985 through 1989--a 34.5% annual rate of return on its initial investment. Pet. App. 28a; see id. at 10a n.5 (court of appeals' recitation of CFC figure> see also Pet. C.A. Reply Br. 4 (concession that "the Companies realized a profit on their efforts even after the taking"). Although the record does not disclose Monongah Development's profits, Monongah also appears to have done quite well. After purchasing the rights to re- work the Monongah Mine for $400,000 in July 1981, Monongah Development leased those rights to Pitts- burgh Coal Works (PCW) on undisclosed terms for three years before leasing the mine to M & J Coal in 1985. See C.A. App. 380, 383, 386. Based on M & J Coal's sales figures for the period from 1986 through 1989 (the only years for which M & J Coal's sales figures were made available), it appears that Monongah Development's royalties for that period alone repaid ---------------------------------------- Page Break ---------------------------------------- 18 more than half of its initial investment. 17. The economic effects of the alleged infringement on petitioners' property interests, in short, provide no support for their takings claims. See Keystone Bituminous Coal Ass'n v. DeBenedictis, 480 U.S. 470, 495-496 (1987) (rejecting claim that anti-subsidence statute took coal operators' property, where plaintiffs failed to demonstrate that any mine had been rendered unprofitable). Petitioners seek to avoid this analysis by claiming to have suffered a total loss of the value of a smaller parcel of property. See Pet. 17-19. The relevant property, they contend, is not the mineral estate that Monongah Development acquired in 1981, or even the diminished mineral estate that Monongah Develop- ment leased to M & J Coal in late 1985. Rather, peti- tioners claim a total taking of "defined blocks of coal," totalling 99,700 tons, that M & J Coal's revised subsi- dence plan allegedly required it to leave in place. Al- ternatively, they claim a total loss of the support es- tate underlying protected surface features. Pet. 12, 18-19. Essentially the same arguments were squarely rejected by this Court in Keystone. Although the parties in that case had stipulated that a Pennsylvania anti-subsidence would require the plaintiffs "to leave approximately 27 million tons of coal in place," the Court found that this coal did "not constitute a separate segment of property for takings law pur- poses." 480 U.S. at 498; accord Concrete Pipe, 113 S. ___________________(footnotes) 17 See C.A. App. 107-110 (listing coal sales from the Monongah Mine totaling $5,666,667 for the period from 1986 tO 1989); id. at 386 (M & J Coal's agreement to pay royalties set at 4% of gross sales). ---------------------------------------- Page Break ---------------------------------------- 19 Ct. at 2290 (property cannot be "divided into what was taken and what was left for the purpose of demon- strating the taking of the former to be complete and hence compensable'')..18.' The Court also refused to segment the mine operators' mineral interests by treating the "support estate" as a separate form of property that had been rendered valueless. The Court acknowledged that Pennsylvania property law, which was "apparently unique" in this respect, treated "the support estate as a separate interest in land that can be conveyed apart from either the mineral estate or the surface estate." 480 U.S. at 500. The Court found, however, that its earlier takings decisions "fore- closed] reliance on such legalistic distinctions with- in a bundle of property rights." Ibid. (citing Penn Central, 438 U.S. at 130 (air rights), and Andrus v. Allard, 444 U.S. 51, 65-66 (1979) (right to sell property)); see Keystone, 480 U.S. at 501 (noting that the only practical value of the support estate is as a complement to either the surface or the mineral ___________________(footnotes) 18 The Keystone dissent, citing the parties' stipulation that 27 million tons of coal had been locked in place by the statute and regulations at issue there, would have treated the retained coal as a distinct segment of property under the circumstan- ces of that case. 480 U.S. at 514, 517-518 (Rehnquist, C. J., dissenting). Here, however, there is no such stipulation. In fact, it is possible that petitioners could have substituted other forms of support for retained coal deposits. See W. Va. CSR 38-3-12(a)(7)(A) and (D) (1991) (authorization for operators to use "backstowing" or "backfilling" as alternatives. to coal retention). Petitioners offered no evidence that such alternatives were technically or economically infeasible in the Monongah Mine. ---------------------------------------- Page Break ---------------------------------------- 20 estate).19 .The" Court thus squarely rejected the arguments advanced by petitioners here. Petitioners' takings claim would therefore fail even if OSM's en- forcement action had infringed on rights inherent in their title. CONCLUSION The petition for a writ of certiorari should be denied. Respectfully submitted. DREW S. DAYS, III Solicitor General LOIS J. SCHIFFER Assistant Attorney General ALBERT M. FERLO, Jr. JEFFREY P. KeHNE Attorneys JULY 1995 ___________________(footnotes) 19 The Keystone dissent took the position that Pennsylvania's atypical treatment of the right of subjacent support provided alternative grounds for segmentation. See 480 U.S. at 520 & n.8. That argument for segmentation of the support estate has no application to the instant case. Although petitioners insist (Pet. 23) that their right of subjacent support represents a "distinct property interest," the only authorities cited in support of that proposition are two state trial court opinions (see Pet. App. 39a- 48a), neither of which suggests that West Virginia treats this right as a "third estate" that can be conveyed independently of surface and mineral rights.
Flood Mitigation Assistance (FMA) Program Guidance FLOOD MITIGATION ASSISTANCE (FMA) PROGRAM GUIDANCE OVERVIEW V SECTION 1 GRANT APPLICATION GUIDANCE.........................................................1 1.1 PURPOSE.................................................................................................1 1.1.1 APPLICATION CONSIDERATION UNDER OTHER MITIGATION GRANT PROGRAMS...........................................................................1 1.2 AUTHORIZATION AND APPROPRIATION...............................................1 1.2.1 AUTHORIZATION................................................................................1 1.2.2 APPROPRIATION...............................................................................1 1.3 GRANT PROGRAM ELIGIBILITY..............................................................2 1.3.1 ELIGIBLE APPLICANTS......................................................................2 1.3.2 ELIGIBLE SUBAPPLICANTS...............................................................2 1.3.3 PROGRAM REQUIREMENTS.............................................................3 NATIONAL FLOOD INSURANCE PROGRAM (NFIP)....................3 PRIVACY OF REPETITIVE LOSS DATA.......................................3 NON-DISCRIMINATION.................................................................4 COST-EFFECTIVENESS...............................................................4 GEOCODING MITIGATION PROJECTS........................................4 1.3.4 PROGRAM RESTRICTIONS...............................................................4 DUPLICATION OF PROGRAMS....................................................4 DUPLICATION OF BENEFITS........................................................5 CONFLICT OF INTEREST.............................................................5 FUNDING LIMITS...........................................................................5 COST OVERRUNS AND COST UNDER-RUNS............................5 PRE-AWARD COSTS.....................................................................5 1.4 ELIGIBLE ACTIVITIES AND ASSOCIATED COSTS.......................................6 1.5 INELIGIBLE ACTIVITIES...........................................................................6 1.6 APPLICATION PROCESS.........................................................................6 1.6.1 FMA APPLICATION TIMELINE............................................................6 1.6.2 FEMAS ELECTRONIC GRANTS SYSTEM.........................................7 1.6.3 APPLICANT REVIEW OF SUBAPPLICATIONS..................................8 1.6.4 GRANT APPLICATION CHECKLIST...................................................8 1.7 COST SHARE REQUIREMENTS..............................................................8 1.7.1 NON-FEDERAL COST SHARE...........................................................8 1.7.2 COST SHARE DOCUMENTATION......................................................9 1.8 FEMA REVIEW AND AWARDS................................................................9 1.8.1 FEMA REVIEW & NATIONAL EVALUATION....................................10 1.8.2 ELIGIBILITY AND COMPLETENESS REVIEW.................................10 1.8.3 BENEFIT-COST TECHNICAL REVIEW.............................................10 1.8.4 NATIONAL EVALUATION..................................................................10 RECONSIDERATION OF NATIONAL EVALUATION RESULTS.11 1.8.5 FEMA PRE-AWARD ACTIVITIES......................................................12 1.8.6 AWARDS............................................................................................12 1.9 PERFORMANCE PERIOD......................................................................12 1.10 EXTENSIONS..........................................................................................13 1.11 REPORTING REQUIREMENTS..............................................................14 1.11.1 FEDERAL CASH TRANSACTION REPORTS...................................14 1.11.2 FINANCIAL STATUS REPORTS.......................................................14 1.11.3 PERFORMANCE REPORTS.............................................................14 1.11.4 FINAL REPORTS...............................................................................15 1.12 CLOSEOUT.............................................................................................15 1.13 REGIONAL CONTACT INFORMATION..................................................15 SECTION 2 APPLICANT TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE...............................................17 2.1 ELIGIBLE TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE ACTIVITIES................................17 2.2 PRE-AWARD TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE..............................................17 2.3 COST SHARE.........................................................................................18 2.4 APPLICANT TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE CHECKLIST...........................18 2.5 SELECTION AND AWARD......................................................................18 2.6 PERFORMANCE PERIOD......................................................................19 SECTION 3 MITIGATION PLANNING SUBAPPLICATION GUIDANCE...................20 3.1 ELIGIBLE PLANNING ACTIVITIES.........................................................20 3.1.1 NEW FLOOD MITIGATION PLAN SINGLE- OR MULTI- JURISDICTIONAL..............................................................................21 3.1.2 COMPREHENSIVE REVIEW AND UPDATE.....................................21 3.2 INELIGIBLE PLANNING ACTIVITIES AND COSTS................................21 3.3 MITIGATION PLAN REQUIREMENTS....................................................22 3.4 SCOPE OF WORK..................................................................................22 3.5 COST ESTIMATE....................................................................................23 3.5.1 COST ESTIMATE CHANGES............................................................24 3.6 PLANNING SUBAPPLICATION CHECKLIST........................................24 3.7 FEMA PRE-AWARD ACTIVITIES..........................................................25 SECTION 4 MITIGATION PROJECT SUBAPPLICATION GUIDANCE.....................26 4.1 ELIGIBLE PROJECT ACTIVITIES...........................................................26 4.2 INELIGIBLE PROJECT ACTIVITIES AND COSTS.................................27 4.3 MITIGATION PROJECT REQUIREMENTS............................................28 4.3.1 PLAN REQUIREMENT.......................................................................28 4.3.2 FEASIBILITY AND EFFECTIVENESS REQUIREMENT....................28 4.3.3 ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA......................................................................28 4.3.4 PROPERTY ACQUISITION AND RELOCATION REQUIREMENTS.29 ELIGIBILITY FOR PROPERTY ACQUISITION PROJECTS:........29 REQUIREMENT TO APPLY DEED RESTRICTIONS...................31 SUBAPPLICATIONS FOR PROPERTY ACQUISITION...............31 PRE-AWARD REQUIREMENTS..................................................33 POST-AWARD REQUIREMENTS................................................33 4.3.5 FEDERAL INCOME TAX ON MITIGATION PROJECT FUNDS........35 4.3.6 GEOCODING REQUIREMENTS.......................................................35 4.3.7 PROJECT MAINTENANCE................................................................35 4.4 SCOPE OF WORK..................................................................................35 4.4.1 SCOPE OF WORK DOCUMENTATION............................................36 4.4.2 SCOPE OF WORK CHANGES..........................................................36 4.5 COST ESTIMATE....................................................................................36 4.5.1 COST ESTIMATE DOCUMENTATION..............................................37 4.5.2 COST ESTIMATE CHANGES............................................................38 4.6 COST EFFECTIVENESS........................................................................38 4.6.1 METHODOLOGY...............................................................................39 4.6.2 COST-EFFECTIVENESS DOCUMENTATION..................................40 4.7 ENVIRONMENTAL/HISTORIC PRESERVATION REVIEW....................41 4.7.1 ENVIRONMENTAL/HISTORIC PRESERVATION DOCUMENTATION...........................................................................................................41 4.7.2 BENEFIT-COST TECHNICAL REVIEW.............................................43 4.7.3 CONDITIONS FOR THE AWARD OF FUNDS...................................43 4.8 PROJECT SUBAPPLICATION CHECKLIST...........................................44 4.9 FEMA PRE-AWARD ACTIVITIES...........................................................45 4.9.1 PROPERTY ACQUISITION AND RELOCATION REQUIREMENTS.45 4.9.2 SPECIAL FLOOD HAZARD AREA REQUIREMENTS.......................45 4.9.3 FLOOD ELEVATION DATA...............................................................46 4.9.4 GEOCODING REQUIREMENTS.......................................................47 4.9.5 ENVIRONMENTAL AND HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMPLIANCE REQUIREMENTS...............................................................................47 4.10 UPDATING REPETITIVE LOSS DATABASE FOR MITIGATED PROPERTIES..........................................................................................47 SECTION 5 TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE RESOURCES............................................48 5.1 EGRANTS HELPDESK...........................................................................48 5.2 PROJECT TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE...................................................48 5.2.1 ENGINEERING FEASIBILITY TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE..............48 5.2.2 BENEFIT-COST ANALYSIS TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE.................49 5.2.3 ENVIRONMENTAL/HISTORIC PRESERVATION TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE.....................................................................................49 5.2.4 PROJECT TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE HELPLINES.........................50 FLOOD MITIGATION ASSISTANCE (FMA) PROGRAM OVERVIEW VIEW OVER FMA PROGRAM KEY POINTS The FMA priority is to fund flood mitigation activities that reduce or eliminate the long-term risk of flood damage to buildings, manufactured homes, and other structures insured under the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP). Applications for FMA funds will be accepted until March 31, 2008. The Flood Mitigation Assistance (FMA) grant program provides funding to States, Federally-recognized Indian tribal governments, and communities so that cost-effective measures are taken to reduce or eliminate the long-term risk of flood damage to buildings, manufactured homes, and other structures insured under the NFIP. The long-term goal of FMA is to reduce or eliminate claims under the NFIP through mitigation activities. APPLICATION CONSIDERATION IN OTHER MITIGATION GRANT PROGRAMS: FEMA may determine that subapplications submitted under a specific grant program and not funded under the requested grant program may be considered by another mitigation grant program(s) when the following requirement is met: .. Applicants must include a statement in their grant application under the Comments for FEMA field in eGrants indicating their interest to have its subapplications considered for another mitigation grant program (specify the additional mitigation grant program(s) and corresponding CFDA number(s)). FEMA may request additional information from the Applicant. The Applicant must provide all requested information within the specified timeframe. FMA GUIDANCE: FMA guidance document and additional guidance materials, or Agreement Articles are available from the FEMA Regional Office or on the FEMA web page: mitigation.shtm AVAILABILITY OF FUNDS KEY POINTS The FMA program is subject to the availability of appropriation funding, as well as any directive or restriction made with respect to such funds. FUNDS: FMA funding is available for State allocations for Planning, Project, and Technical Assistance grants. ELIGIBLE PROJECT ACTIVITIES: .. Acquisitions/Relocations; .. Elevations; .. Dry Floodproofing of non-residential structures; .. Minor Localized Flood Control Projects; .. Beach Nourishment Activities; and .. Demolition of NFIP-insured structures on acquired or restricted real property. ELIGIBLE PLANNING ACTIVITIES: Planning activities that develop State, Indian tribal, and local Flood INELIGIBLE PROJECT ACTIVITIES: .. Major flood control projects; .. Dry floodproofing of residential structures; .. Mitigation reconstruction; .. Phased or partial projects; .. Studies that do not result in a completed mitigation project; .. Flood studies or flood mapping; .. Maintenance or repair projects; .. Generators, and related equipment; .. Warning and alert notification systems; .. Response and communication equipment; .. Properties that are subject to pending litigation; and .. Legal procedures related to litigation for an approved application or subapplication. INELIGIBLE PLANNING ACTIVITIES: .. Flood studies or flood mapping; .. Risk assessments, technical assistance, information dissemination or workshops not resulting in a FEMA-approved Flood Mitigation Plans that meet the planning criteria outlined in 44 CFR Part 78. ELIGIBLE TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE ACTIVITIES: .. Solicitation, review, and processing of subapplications; .. Assistance to subapplicants for engineering feasibility, BCA, and Environmental and Historic Preservation documentation; .. Geo-coding mitigation projects; .. Managing grants; .. Technical monitoring; .. Plan reviews and planning workshops; .. Computer or GIS equipment (up to 15%); and .. State FMA Point-of-Contacts salary, and his/her FMA related training and travel expenses. Cost-share: 75% Federal/25% non-Federal. Of this amount, not more than one half may be provided from in-kind contributions. Mitigation Plan; .. Ground disturbing activities; and .. Non-flood planning activities. ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENTS KEY POINTS APPLICANT ELIGIBILITY: Only the following entities are eligible to apply to FEMA as Applicants: State emergency management agencies or a similar office (i.e., the office that has primary emergency management or floodplain management responsibility) of the State; the District of Columbia; the US Virgin Islands; the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico; Guam; American Samoa; the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands; and Federally- recognized Indian tribal governments. Each State, Territory, or tribal government shall designate one agency to serve as the Applicant for the FMA program. SUBAPPLICANT ELIGIBILITY: State-level agencies; Federally-recognized Indian tribal governments; and local communities (to include State-recognized Indian tribes, authorized Indian tribal organizations, and Alaska Native villages) are eligible to apply to the Applicant for assistance. Private individuals and private non-profit (PNP) organizations are not eligible subapplicants; however, a relevant State agency or local community may apply to the Applicant for assistance to mitigate private or PNP structures. NFIP PARTICIPATION: All Applicants and subapplicants must be participating in the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP), and must not be on probation, suspended or withdrawn from the NFIP. FMA funds shall not be awarded for activities in non- participating communities. Properties in all FMA projects must be NFIP insured at the time of project application and flood insurance must be maintained at least through completion of the mitigation activity. MITIGATION PLAN REQUIREMENT: To be eligible for Project grants, an eligible subapplicant must develop, and have approved by the FEMA Regional Administrator, a Flood Mitigation Plan in accordance with 44 CFR Part 78, at a minimum, by the close of the application period. APPLICATION PROCESS KEY POINTS APPLICATION PROCESS: FEMA requires Applicants to use the Electronic Grant Management System (eGrants). Only FMA grant applications submitted through eGrants will be accepted. If a subapplicant does not use the eGrants system, the Applicant must enter the subapplicants paper subapplication(s) into eGrants on their behalf using the Paper subapplication Intake function. Planning and Project subapplications that follow the eGrants format are available for subapplicants to print from the eGrants website. Applicants may provide paper supporting documentation that cannot be electronically attached to the eGrants application (e.g., engineering drawings, photos, maps, etc.). FEMA must receive the entire application by the application deadline, including any hard copy documentation. BENEFIT-COST ANALYSIS: A Benefit-Cost Analysis (BCA) is required for all mitigation project subapplications and must be completed by Applicants/subapplicants. A BCA will be required for all properties, including substantially damaged structures. The pilot alternate determination of cost-effectiveness may be used for certain insured NFIP repetitive flood loss properties. eGRANTS: FEMA offers technical assistance regarding the eGrants system through the eGrants Helpdesk: 1-866-476-0544 or [email protected] PROJECT TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE HELPLINE: Phone: (866) 222-3580 E-mail: [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] PROJECT TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE: Technical assistance for Engineering Feasibility, Benefit-Cost Analysis, and Environmental/Historic Preservation compliance is available through the FEMA Technical Assistance Helplines. APPLICATION DEADLINES KEY POINTS APPLICATION TIMELINE: Grant applications for FMA program funds must be received in eGrants by March 31, 2008, 11:59.59 p.m., Eastern Standard Time. Funds will be returned to FEMA Headquarters if any State/Territory does not submit applications for the full amount of its Target Allocation by March 31, 2008. Eligible Applicants are encouraged to submit applications for funds in excess of their Target Allocation for Project activities, which will then be considered for additional FMA funding. APPLICATION DEADLINE: The deadline for States, Territories and tribal governments to submit grant applications to FEMA is March 31, 2008. No applications for FMA grants will be accepted after this deadline. SECTION 1 GRANT APPLICATION GUIDANCE 1.1 PURPOSE The Flood Mitigation Assistance (FMA) grant program provides funding to States, Federally- recognized Indian tribal governments, and communities so that cost-effective measures are taken to reduce or eliminate the long-term risk of flood damage to buildings, manufactured homes, and other structures insured under the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP). The long-term goal of FMA is to reduce or eliminate claims under the NFIP through mitigation activities. Three types of grants are available under FMA: Planning, Project, and Technical Assistance. 1.1.1 APPLICATION CONSIDERATION UNDER OTHER MITIGATION GRANT PROGRAMS FEMA may determine that subapplications submitted under a specific grant program and not funded under the requested grant program may be considered by another mitigation grant program(s) when the following requirement is met: .. Applicants must include a statement in their grant application under the Comments for FEMA field in eGrants indicating their interest to have its subapplications considered for another mitigation grant program (specify the additional mitigation grant program(s) and corresponding CFDA number(s)). FEMA may request additional information from the Applicant. The Applicant must provide all requested information within the specified timeframe. Examples of other mitigation assistance programs include the Pre-Disaster Mitigation Program (PDM) and the Repetitive Flood Claims (RFC) Program. This option is not available under the Severe Repetitive Loss (SRL) Program. 1.2 AUTHORIZATION AND APPROPRIATION The FMA program is subject to the availability of appropriation funding, as well as any directive or restriction made with respect to such funds. 1.2.1 AUTHORIZATION The FMA grant program was created pursuant to Section 1366 of the National Flood Insurance Act of 1968 (NFIA, or the Act), 42 USC 4104c, as amended by the National Flood Insurance Reform Act of 1994 (NFIRA), Public Law 103-325, and the Bunning- Bereuter-Blumenauer Flood Insurance Reform Act of 2004, Public Law 108-264, with the goal of reducing or eliminating claims under the NFIP. FMA regulations are in 44 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Part 78. The Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance (CFDA) number is 97.029. 1.2.2 APPROPRIATION The primary funding source for the National Flood Mitigation Fund (NFMF) is the National Flood Insurance Fund (NFIF). The FMA program is subject to the availability of appropriation funding and is dependent upon the amount available for transfer from the NFIF through offset collections assessed and collected under the NFIP. FEMA will notify States and Territories of their Target Allocations, and will post the total amount of available funds on the FEMA website at The allocation formula provides $110,000 base allocations to each State with surplus amounts allocated based on the total number of NFIP insurance policies and the total number of repetitive loss properties within each State/Territory. Repetitive Loss Properties are defined under the NFIP as any property for which two or more flood insurance claims have been paid for more than $1,000 within any rolling 10-year period since January 1, 1979. 1.3 GRANT PROGRAM ELIGIBILITY 1.3.1 ELIGIBLE APPLICANTS Only the following entities are eligible to apply to FEMA for assistance: State emergency management agencies or a similar office (i.e., the office that has primary emergency management or floodplain management responsibility) of the State; the District of Columbia; the US Virgin Islands; the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico; Guam; American Samoa; the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands; and Federally-recognized Indian tribal governments. Each State, Territory, or Tribal government shall designate one agency to serve as the Applicant for the FMA program. If an agency is not designated for any of these entities, a local community may apply directly to FEMA for assistance as specified under 44 CFR Part 78, Alternative Procedures. Consistent with FEMA policy and 44 CFR, Government-to-Government Relations with American Indian and Alaska Native Tribal Governments, published in the January 12, 1999, issue of the Federal Register, Federally-recognized Indian tribal governments may choose to apply for FMA grants either through the State as a subapplicant or directly to FEMA as an Applicant. This choice is independent of a designation under other FEMA grants and programs. Some State regulations prohibit the State from acting as an Applicant for an Indian tribe. In such cases, or if the Indian tribe chooses, the tribal government may act as an Applicant. If awarded, the tribal government therefore assumes the full responsibilities of a Grantee for the purposes of administering the grant. FEMA has determined that the unique status of Federally-recognized Indian tribal governments justifies providing this option to apply directly to FEMA. However, when legally permitted, tribal governments are encouraged to continue existing relationships with the State. 1.3.2 ELIGIBLE SUBAPPLICANTS The following entities are eligible to apply to the Applicant for assistance: .. State-level agencies; .. Federally-recognized Indian tribal governments including State-recognized Indian tribes, authorized Indian tribal organizations, and Alaska Native villages; and .. Local communities. Certain non-participating political subdivisions (e.g., Councils of Governments, Regional Planning Commissions, or County governments) may apply and act as subgrantee on behalf of the NFIP-participating community in areas where the political subdivision provides zoning and building code enforcement, or planning and community development professional services for that community. Only those NFIP-participating communities or Federally- recognized Indian tribal governments that are not suspended or withdrawn from the NFIP are eligible to receive FMA grant funds. Private non-profit (PNP) organizations and individuals are not eligible subapplicants; however, a relevant State agency or local community may apply to the Applicant for assistance to mitigate privately-owned or PNP-owned properties. 1.3.3 PROGRAM REQUIREMENTS NATIONAL FLOOD INSURANCE PROGRAM (NFIP) All subapplicants must be participating in the NFIP, and must not be on probation, suspended, or withdrawn from the NFIP, to be eligible to apply for FMA funds and to act as subgrantee. Certain non-participating political subdivisions (e.g., Councils of Governments, Regional Planning Commissions, or County governments, etc.) may apply and act as subgrantee on behalf of the NFIP-participating community in areas where the political subdivision provides zoning and building code enforcement, or planning and community development professional services for that community. FMA funds shall not be used to support Planning measures, Project activities, or Technical Assistance for communities that are not participating in the NFIP. In addition, FMA funds awarded for multi-jurisdictional Planning subapplications or Project subapplications may only be used for activities within jurisdictions that are participating in the NFIP and not on probation, suspended, or withdrawn from the NFIP. Properties in all FMA projects must be NFIP insured at the time of project application and flood insurance must be maintained at least through completion of the mitigation activity or, for acquisition projects, until the transfer of ownership. For structures that remain in the SFHA, flood insurance must be maintained for the life of the structure. Minor physical flood mitigation projects that reduce localized flooding problems must reduce or eliminate the risk of flood damage to buildings, manufactured homes, and other structures insured under the NFIP (See Section 4.3, Mitigation Project Requirements). PRIVACY OF REPETITIVE LOSS DATA State NFIP Coordinators may access a version of BureauNet called Data Exchange. In addition, the State Hazard Mitigation Officer and other approved State staff, may access an internet portal called Simple Quick Access (SQANet) developed as part of the FEMA NextGen project. Both of these data systems now allow the State to access and download current claims, policy and repetitive loss data. However, communities cannot access either of these systems and it is the responsibility of State or FEMA Regional staff to provide claims, policy and repetitive loss property information to the communities. States may access this sensitive data and may provide it directly to community governments on the basis of their status as an approved category of users. Use of the data by this approved category of users is limited to mitigation planning, research, analysis, and feasibility studies consistent with the NFIP and uses that further the floodplain management and hazard mitigation goals of the States and FEMA. These uses are authorized pursuant to notices published in the Federal Register, most recently on January 23, 2002. State staff wishing to gain access to sensitive NFIP data may request a login ID and Password for SQANet by visiting and then clicking on the SQANet Pilot link and then selecting the click here to sign up option. When BureauNet and SQANet records are accessed by States, they are advised of the sensitive nature of the information and the need to protect the release of the data to unauthorized users. When the data is released to a community by either the State or the FEMA Regions, the recipient must be notified in writing that the records relating to individuals and individual properties are being made available through the FEMA routine use policy for the specific purposes of mitigation planning, research, analysis and feasibility studies consistent with the NFIP and for uses that further the floodplain management and hazard mitigation goals of the States and FEMA and that the records are protected pursuant to the Privacy Act of 1974 (5 USC 552a). Records must not be publicly disclosed. FEMA shares this information at its discretion and may choose not to provide this information in the future to States or communities if it finds unauthorized uses of this information have been made. NON-DISCRIMINATION Like other FEMA mitigation programs, the FMA program must be administered in an equitable and impartial manner, without discrimination on the grounds of race, color, religion, nationality, sex, age, economic status, disability, or language. The FMA program complies with Section 308 of the Stafford Act and Title VI of the 1964 Civil Rights Act. All Applicants/Grantees must comply with Title VI, including State and local governments distributing Federal assistance. In implementing the FMA program, Applicants and subapplicants will ensure that no discrimination is practiced. Applicants must consider fairness, equity, and equal access when prioritizing and selecting subapplications to submit with their FMA application. Subapplicants must ensure fairness and equal access to homeowners and individuals that benefit from grant activities. COST-EFFECTIVENESS Project subapplications must demonstrate cost-effectiveness through a BCR of 1.0 or greater (See Section 4.6, Cost Effectiveness). GEOCODING MITIGATION PROJECTS The location of all approved mitigation projects funded by the FMA program must be geocoded using standard datum prior to award (See Section 4.9, FEMA Pre-award Activities). The guidance for Geocoding Mitigation Data is available online from the FEMA Information Resources Library: and from the FEMA Regional Office. 1.3.4 PROGRAM RESTRICTIONS DUPLICATION OF PROGRAMS FEMA will not provide assistance under the FMA program for activities that it determines another Federal program has a more specific or primary authority to provide. FEMA also will not provide assistance for the Applicant or subapplicants legal obligations. FEMA may disallow or recoup amounts that duplicate other authorities. DUPLICATION OF BENEFITS FMA grants may not duplicate benefits received by, or available to, the Applicant or subapplicant from a participating persons or entitys insurance, other assistance programs, legal awards, or any other resource to address the same purpose. An Applicant must notify FEMA of all benefits that are received or anticipated by the Applicant or subapplicant from other sources for the same purpose, and Applicants and subapplicants must seek all such benefits available to them. FEMA will reduce the FMA grant by the amounts available for the same purpose from another source. If FEMA provides assistance under this program when other benefits are available, the Grantee will be liable to FEMA for any duplicative amounts that are received from other sources, and must reimburse FEMA for such amounts. CONFLICT OF INTEREST Applicants and subapplicants must avoid conflicts of interest and subapplicants must comply with the procurement guidelines identified in 44 CFR Part 13.36. Among other requirements, 44 CFR Part 13.36 urges subapplicants to avoid situations where local officials with oversight authority might benefit financially from the grant disbursement. Applicants must comply with guidelines for awarding and administering subgrants as specified under 44 CFR Part 13.37. FUNDING LIMITS FEMA distributes FMA funds to States that, in turn, provide funds to communities. The State serves as the Grantee and program administrator for the FMA. The total amount of FMA project grant funds provided during any 5-year period will not exceed $10,000,000 to any State agency(s) or $3,300,000 to any community. The total amount of project grant funds provided to any State, including all communities located in the State will not exceed $20,000,000 during any 5-year period. The Administrator may waive the limits of this subsection for any 5-year period when a major disaster or emergency is declared pursuant to the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act for flood conditions. COST OVERRUNS AND COST UNDER-RUNS FEMA will generally not consider an Applicants request for additional FMA funds to pay for overruns incurred after an FMA grant is awarded. However, Grantees may use cost under-runs (i.e., unexpended funds) remaining after the expiration of the performance period for a given subgrant to pay for cost overruns incurred under another subgrant funded and included in the same grant award. PRE-AWARD COSTS Eligible project costs incurred prior to the grant award, but after the FMA application period has opened, are identified as pre-award project costs. FEMA may allow pre- award project costs at its discretion and as funds are available. Applicants and subapplicants may be reimbursed for pre-award costs incurred after the publication of the FMA Guidance for activities directly related to the development of the project proposal. Activities may include, but are not limited to, development of the BCA and Environmental/Historic preservation data and documentation and engineering design. Pre-award project costs must be identified as separate line items in the Cost Estimate for the project subapplication. Pre-award project costs associated with implementation of the project started prior to award will not be eligible. In lieu of requesting pre-award costs, Applicants and subapplicants may submit eligible costs incurred prior to award but after the FMA application period has opened as their non-Federal cost share. 1.4 ELIGIBLE ACTIVITIES AND ASSOCIATED COSTS Mitigation plans and projects must be long-term, feasible, and meet all requirements referenced in the FMA Guidance. Projects also must demonstrate cost-effectiveness. The following are eligible activities for the FMA program: .. Mitigation planning activities (See Section 3, Mitigation Planning Subapplication Guidance); .. Mitigation project activities (See Section 4, Mitigation Project Subapplication Guidance); and .. Applicant technical assistance (See Section 2, Applicant Technical Assistance). 1.5 INELIGIBLE ACTIVITIES FMA Planning, Project and Technical Assistance applications must meet all requirements referenced in the FMA Guidance, as well as 44 CFR Part 78. Specific ineligible mitigation planning activities are listed in Section 3.2, Ineligible Planning Activities and Costs. Ineligible project activities are listed in Section 4.2, Ineligible Project Activities and Costs. 1.6 APPLICATION PROCESS 1.6.1 FMA APPLICATION TIMELINE Eligible Applicants will receive notice of their State/Territory Target Allocations with the issuance of this Guidance. Grant applications for FMA funds must be received in eGrants by March 31, 2008, 11:59.59 p.m., Eastern Standard Time. Any eligible Applicant may submit subapplications for funds in excess of their Target Allocation. After the application deadline, FEMA will commit funds to eligible Applicants against State Target Allocations. All remaining funds will be returned to FEMA Headquarters for consideration under a National Evaluation (See Section 1.8.4, National Evaluation). No applications will be accepted (i.e., either for Target Allocations or in excess of Target Allocations) after the application deadline. FEMA recognizes this timeline for FMA applications is more aggressive than in past years. Applicants should be advised to adjust their application solicitation, development, review, approval, and submission timelines accordingly. Subapplicants should consult the official designated point of contact in their State, Territory, or Indian tribe for more information regarding the application process. States, Territories, or Indian tribes may establish an earlier deadline for subapplications in order to allow time to review and prioritize them and to enter grant applications into eGrants. 1.6.2 FEMAS ELECTRONIC GRANTS SYSTEM Applicants must use FEMAs web-based Electronic Grants Management System (eGrants), accessible on the Internet at, to submit their FMA applications. Because of differing performance periods for each grant type, Applicants must submit separate applications in eGrants for Planning, Project, and Technical Assistance grants. Only FMA grant applications submitted through eGrants will be accepted. The electronic process replaces the paper-based process by electronically transmitting the subapplicants Planning or Project subapplication to the Applicant for review. The Applicant may electronically attach the subapplication to the overall State/Territory grant application for submission to FEMA. FEMA uses the eGrants system to monitor ongoing performance, manage the flow of Federal funds, and close out the grant award when all work is completed. If a subapplicant does not use eGrants, the Applicant must enter the subapplicants paper subapplication into eGrants on their behalf using the Paper Subapplication Intake function Planning and Project subapplications that follow the eGrants format are available for subapplicants to print from the eGrants website. FEMA has developed the eGrants system to meet the intent of the e-Government initiative authorized by Public Law 106107, passed on November 20, 1999. This initiative requires that all government agencies both streamline the grant application processes and provide the means to electronically create, review, and submit a grant application via the Internet. Use of the eGrants system will expedite FEMAs review and evaluation of applications for the FMA program. FEMAs eGrants system incorporates all elements of the FMA application in a user-friendly format for both Applicants and subapplicants. The eGrants system provides a web-based auto-fill format for all of the required Federal Forms and all of the necessary information required for a complete grant application, including the Application for Federal Assistance, Standard Form (SF) 424; Budget Information Non-Construction Program, FEMA Form (FF) 20-20; Summary Sheet for Assurances and Certification, FF 20-16; Assurances Non Construction Program, FF 20-16A; Assurances-Construction Programs, FEMA Form 20- 16B; Certification Regarding Lobbying, Debarment, Suspension and other Responsible Matters; and Drug-Free Workplace Requirements, FF 20-16C; Disclosure of Lobbying Activities, SF LLL; and subapplications identifying the activities for which FMA Planning, Project, or Technical Assistance funding is requested. Applicants shall provide a hard copy of any supporting documentation that cannot be electronically attached to the eGrants application (e.g., engineering drawings, photos) to the appropriate FEMA Regional Office. However, FEMA must receive the entire application by the application deadline, including any hard copy documentation. 1.6.3 APPLICANT REVIEW OF SUBAPPLICATIONS Applicants should review all project sub-applications for eligibility, completeness, and consistency with the Applicants State Standard/Enhanced hazard mitigation plan (See Section 4.3, Mitigation Project Requirements) prior to inclusion in the grant application. 1.6.4 GRANT APPLICATION CHECKLIST Applicants must provide the following in their FMA grant application in order to be eligible for consideration: .. Applicant Information: Provide name, Grant type, and State of the Applicant, State and Federal tax numbers, Federal Employer Identification Number, DUNS number. Indicate whether the Applicant has a Smartlink account, whether the application is subject to review by the Executive Order 12372 process, (select Program is not covered by E.O. 12372 in eGrants), and whether the Applicant is delinquent on any Federal debt; .. Contact Information: Provide the name, agency, and address for the point of contact for the grant application; .. Subgrant Applications: Include the total number of subapplications for eligible project activities that the Applicant has reviewed and approved in eGrants (See A separate Technical Assistance subapplication must be submitted for Applicant Technical Assistances; .. Schedule: Provide the title of the grant application and the overall projected performance period for the grant, and ensure that the work schedule for each subapplication included with the grant application is appropriate, Section 3.4, Scope of Work; .. Budget: Ensure that the requested Cost Estimate for each subapplication is acceptable and provide the grant budget class for each item. Provide an Approved Indirect Cost Agreement, if applicable; .. Properties: Ensure that all of the properties in each project subapplication are included and eligible for funding, if applicable; and .. Assurance and Certifications: Complete the Assurances. Non-Construction Programs, FEMA Form 20-16A, if applicable; Certification Regarding Lobbying; Assurances- Construction Programs, FEMA Form 20-16B; Debarment, Suspension and Other Responsible Matters; and Drug-Free Workplace Requirements, FEMA Form 20-16C; and Disclosure of Lobbying Activities, Standard Form LLL, if applicable. 1.7 COST SHARE REQUIREMENTS FEMA may contribute up to 75% of the total amount approved under the grant award to implement approved activities. At least 25% of the total eligible costs must be provided from a Non-Federal source; of this amount, not more than one half will be provided from in-kind contributions. 1.7.1 NON-FEDERAL COST SHARE The non-Federal cost share must be in direct support of the approved activities and must be an eligible cost for FMA funding. Of the total non-Federal share, not more than one-half may be provided from in-kind contributions. In lieu of requesting pre-award costs, Applicants and subapplicants may submit eligible costs incurred prior to award, but after the FMA application period has opened, as their non-Federal cost share. FMA funds retain their Federal identity and cannot be used as cost share for another Federally funded activity. In addition, non-Federal cost share funds for the FMA program cannot be used as cost share for other Federal grant programs. In general, the non-Federal cost share may not include funds from other Federal agencies, except for Federal funds that have authorizing statutes that explicitly allow the funds to be used as a cost share for other Federal grants. Examples include: .. Department of Housing and Urban Development Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) monies may be used as cost share for property acquisition projects as long as the projects are eligible under the CDBG program; .. The US Small Business Administration loan funds and the US Department of Agricultures Farm Service Agency loan funds, which lose their Federal identity once the loan is approved, may be used as a cost share; .. Indian Health Services funds may be used as cost share for FMA funds as long as the mitigation activity contributes to the purposes for which grantsare made under the Indian Health Services statute; .. Bureau of Indian Affairs funds may be used as cost share; .. Appalachian Regional Commission funds may be used as cost share, per Section 302(a)(3) of the Appalachian Regional Development Act of 1965; .. Funds derived from Title III of the Secure Rural Schools Act (P.L. 106-393) may be used as cost share, so long as the use also is consistent with the purposes of that Act; and .. The NFIP Increased Cost of Compliance (ICC) claim payment from previous flood events may be used to meet the non-Federal cost share requirements, to the extent that the period for making such a claim remains open. 1.7.2 COST SHARE DOCUMENTATION Requirements for in-kind contributions can be found in 44 CFR Part 13.24, including the requirement that this documentation is to be held in the Applicant and subapplicant records. In-kind contributions must be comprised of eligible program costs. The following documentation is required for third-party cash and in-kind contributions: .. Record of donor; .. Dates of donation; .. Rates for staffing, equipment or usage, supplies, etc.; .. Amounts of donation; and .. Deposit slips for cash contributions. 1.8 FEMA REVIEW AND AWARDS 1.8.1 FEMA REVIEW & NATIONAL EVALUATION After the application deadline, FEMA will review all subapplications to ensure eligibility and completeness (See Section 3.1, Eligible Planning Activities, Section 4.1, Eligible Project Activities and Associated Costs, and Section 2.1. Eligible Technical Assistance Activities). FEMA will commit funds to eligible Applicants against State target allocations. FEMA Headquarters will then receive and review, in cooperation with FEMA Regional Offices in the form of a National Evaluation Panel, eligible subapplications submitted in excess of Target Allocations. A specified date for this National evaluation will be set based on nature and amount of potential reallocations. The remaining funds will be awarded to activities that are in the best interest of the National Flood Insurance Fund (NFIF) as demonstrated by a FEMA validated BCR. 1.8.2 ELIGIBILITY AND COMPLETENESS REVIEW FEMA will review all project subapplications to ensure the following criteria are met. Project subapplications that do not satisfy the Eligibility and Completeness requirements will not be considered under the FMA program. Comments may be provided by the Regional Office so that Applicants and/or subapplicants can modify their subapplication for future use. .. Eligibility of the Applicants/subapplicants; .. Eligibility of proposed activities and properties; .. Completeness of SOW; .. Completeness of the Cost Estimate documentation and consistency with the SOW; .. State/tribal planning requirements are met, and consistency of mitigation projects with the Applicants State/tribal hazard mitigation plan and local/tribal hazard mitigation plan; .. Feasibility and effectiveness of mitigation projects including complete supporting documentation; .. Benefit-cost ratio of 1.0 or greater for the proposed mitigation project; and .. Supporting documentation and inclusion of appropriate environmental mitigation measures and historic property treatment measures in the Cost Estimate. Also, verification that property owners have been notified of the potential historic significance of their FMA property if required. 1.8.3 BENEFIT-COST TECHNICAL REVIEW FEMA will verify the BCAs for proposed FMA mitigation projects to ensure that projects have a BCR of 1.0 or greater. Project subapplications with a BCR of less than 1.0 may be removed from consideration. The benefit-cost review will be based on the documentation provided in the project subapplication. Projects where the BCA is inadequately documented or where critical data or sources appear unreasonable may be removed from consideration. 1.8.4 NATIONAL EVALUATION In the event of a National Evaluation for FMA, National panels chaired by FEMA and composed of representatives from FEMA Headquarters and Regions will convene to evaluate the mitigation project subapplications. Evaluators will score subapplications based on predetermined qualitative factors (see table below) to calculate a National Evaluation Score for each subapplication. FEMA will ensure that panel evaluations are conducted consistently and fairly with no conflicts of interest. All mitigation project subapplications will be granted equal consideration during the National Evaluation. Applicant Technical Assistance subapplications will not be scored but will be awarded based on project subapplications awarded for each Applicant. After the National Evaluation is completed, all subapplications will be sorted in descending order based on the National Evaluation Scores. FY 2008 FMA NATIONAL EVALUATION CRITERIA RELATIVE WEIGHT IN FINAL SCORING Strategy for and identification of appropriate and useful performance measures to assure the success of the proposed mitigation activity 35% Sufficient staff and resources for implementation of the proposed mitigation planning process or proposed mitigation project 18% Project sub-application demonstrates that the proposed mitigation activity reduces the overall risks to the population and structures 25% Durability of the financial and social benefits that will be achieved through the proposed mitigation project 20% Protection of critical facilities 2% TOTAL POINT VALUES 100% RECONSIDERATION OF NATIONAL EVALUATION RESULTS At its discretion, FEMA may review a decision regarding a planning or project subapplication that does not meet FMA requirements only where there is an indication of material, technical, or procedural error that may have influenced FEMAs decision. As FMA grants during National Evaluation are awarded on a competitive basis, FEMA will not consider new information provided in the request for reconsideration. FEMA encourages Applicants to incorporate any new information into applications for future grant cycles. There will be no reconsideration regarding the amount of Applicant Technical Assistance (See Section 2, Applicant Technical Assistances). In addition, Applicants who are not awarded any FMA funds may not receive reimbursement for technical assistances. Applicants must send requests for reconsideration based upon material, technical, or procedural error to the FEMA Regional Administrator within 60 calendar days from the date of the FEMA notification letter to the Applicant. The Regional Administrator will analyze the reconsideration request and make a recommendation to the Assistant Administrator of the Mitigation Directorate at Headquarters or his designee. FEMAs decision to uphold or overturn a decision regarding a subapplication that does not meet FMA requirements is final. A small percentage of funds will be set aside to fund additional planning and project subapplications after reconsideration requests have been analyzed. FEMA may convene a panel to determine the National Evaluation Score, if necessary, for any subapplications that FEMA overturns a decision. Overturned subapplications and the remaining eligible planning and project subapplications will be sorted by National Evaluation Score, and the highest scored subapplications will be selected for further review up to the amount of funds available. Remaining funds may be used to fund additional eligible subapplications on the waiting list or returned to the National FMA Fund for use in the next grant cycle. 1.8.5 FEMA PRE-AWARD ACTIVITIES FEMA Regional Offices will notify and work with Applicants who have subapplications selected for further review to implement required pre-award activities. These activities may include but are not limited to environmental and historic preservation review, verification of Applicant and subapplicant commitments, and an understanding of grant terms. In addition, FEMA will ensure that the Applicant has met all reporting requirements for FEMA-State grant awards currently in progress: .. FEMA may, at its discretion, request information or documentation from Applicants to support certain project subapplications as part of pre-award activities. Applicants must respond to requests for information from the FEMA Regional Office within the timeframe specified by the region; .. Applicants with project subapplications selected for further review will be notified of the date by which all pre-award activities must be completed; and .. FEMA will complete the Environmental/Historic Preservation review for projects selected for further review as part of pre-award activities. Funds will not be awarded and the Applicant /subapplicant may not initiate the project until FEMA has completed its review. Additional compliance information for the Environmental/Historic Preservation review is available at: 1.8.6 AWARDS Regional Offices will provide an award package to Applicants for approved subapplications once pre-award activities are completed. The award package must be signed by the Applicant and returned to FEMA before funds can be awarded. The Applicant must agree to abide by the grant award terms and conditions as set forth in this Guidance and in the FMA Agreement Articles available on FEMAs FMA web page: or from the FEMA Regional Offices. 1.9 PERFORMANCE PERIOD The performance period is the period of time during which the Grantee is expected to complete the grant activities and to incur and expend funds approved for the FMA grant. The performance period for the grant shall begin on the date that the grant is awarded and end on the last day of the performance period of the longest subgrant awarded to the Grantee. The performance period is specified in the FMA Agreement Articles, available on FEMAs FMA web page: or from the FEMA Regional Offices. Performance periods for subgrants begin on the date that the subgrant is awarded to the Grantee by FEMA. A performance period is assigned to every subgrant and the Grantee is responsible to monitor progress of each subgrant to ensure timely progress and closeout. Requests for extensions to the performance period will be considered but will not be approved automatically. Performance periods for FMA Planning subgrants are limited by statute to a period not to exceed three years. Planning subapplications that exceed three years will not be approved for FMA funding (See 44 CFR Part 78). Mitigation Plans shall be reviewed, adopted, and FEMA- approved before the end of the performance period (See Section 3.3, Mitigation Plan Requirements). Performance periods for FMA project subgrants are limited to a performance period not to exceed three years. Project subapplications that propose a work schedule in excess of three years will not be accepted. The Grantee has up to 90 days following the expiration of the performance period to liquidate valid expenditures incurred during the performance period. Cost under-runs remaining after the performance period expiration date must be reported to FEMA for de-obligation. 1.10 EXTENSIONS Requests for extensions to the performance period will be considered but will not be approved automatically. In accordance with FEMAs Financial and Acquisition Management Division Extension Policy, the Regional Office may extend the performance period up to one year. Requests for a period of performance extension must be submitted in writing to the Regional Administrator and must be supported by adequate justification in order to be processed. This justification is a written explanation of the reason or reasons for an extension and must demonstrate that work is in progress and will be completed within the extended period of performance. The justification must address the following areas to enable the review of extension request: .. Submission Date: The request must be submitted at least 60 calendar days prior to the expiration date of the performance period; .. Reason for Delay: Identify the status of the activity, including the original approved period of performance, and give a brief description for the delay (i.e., weather conditions); .. Budget: Identify the remaining funds, both FEMA share and cost share match, available for the extended period and outline how the funds will be used. Identify sources of additional funding if remaining FEMA funds and cost share will not support the extension request; .. Plan for Completion: Identify the objectives necessary to complete the activity, completion date for each objective, and list the position/person responsible for oversight of completion of the activity; .. Completion Date: Identify the projected completion date (new period of performance end date) for the activity; and .. No change of scope: Provide a certification that the activity will be completed within the extended period without any modification to the original Scope of Work approved by FEMA. If a second performance period extension becomes necessary, then the Grantee must submit an additional formal written request to the FEMA Regional Administrator. As with the first request, the second extension request must be made at least 60 calendar days prior to the expiration of the period of performance and must include a justification for the extension that addresses the items noted above. The Regional Office will make a recommendation and submit the second request to the Senior Procurement Executive at FEMA Headquarters, who will review the request in coordination with the Headquarters Mitigation Directorate. Should any subgrant performance period be extended past the grant performance period, the grant performance period would be extended as well. This grant extension would be established so that all completed subgrants are closed out within their individual performance periods. The total extended period of performance for planning subgrants shall not exceed three years. The total extended period of performance for project subgrants shall not exceed five years. 1.11 REPORTING REQUIREMENTS The following reports are required from Grantees: 1.11.1 FEDERAL CASH TRANSACTION REPORTS If the Grantee uses the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS), Division of Payment Management, Payment Management System-SMARTLINK, the Grantee shall submit to FEMA a copy of the SF 272, Federal Cash Transaction Report submitted to the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS). 1.11.2 FINANCIAL STATUS REPORTS The Grantee shall submit Financial Status Reports, FF 20-10, to the FEMA Regional Office within 30 days from the end of the first Federal quarter following the initial grant award. The Regional Administrator may waive the initial report. The Grantee shall submit Quarterly Financial Status Reports thereafter until the grant ends. Reports are due on January 30, April 30, July 30, and October 30. Quarterly Financial Status Reports will be available for completion using the eGrants system. Financial reports must include the activity name or other identification, expenditures, and payment-to-date information (reference 44 CFR Part 13.40, Monitoring and Reporting for additional information). The Regional Administrator may suspend drawdowns from the HHS/Payment Management System-SMARTLINK if quarterly financial reports are not submitted on time. 1.11.3 PERFORMANCE REPORTS The Grantee shall submit performance reports for each grant award to the FEMA Regional Office within 30 days from the end of the first Federal quarter following the initial grant award. The Regional Administrator may waive the initial report. The Grantee shall submit quarterly performance reports thereafter until the grant ends. Reports are due on January 30, April 30, July 30, and October 30. Quarterly Performance Reports will be available for completion using the eGrants system. Performance reports must include the activity name or other identification as well as information to: .. Describe significant activities and developments that have occurred that show progress during the quarter, including a comparison of actual accomplishments to the work schedule objectives established in the subapplication; .. Indicate whether completion of work is anticipated within the performance period. If not, describe any problems, delays, or adverse conditions that will impair the ability to meet the stated objectives in the subapplication; and .. Indicate whether cost under-run/cost overrun, change of scope request, or request for extension of performance period are anticipated. 1.11.4 FINAL REPORTS The Grantee shall submit a Final Financial Status Report and Performance Report within 90 days from Grant Award Performance Period expiration date as required under 44 CFR Part 13.50. Final Financial and Performance Reports must be submitted using the eGrants system. 1.12 CLOSEOUT The Grantee has up to 90 days following the expiration of the grant performance period to liquidate valid expenditures incurred during the performance period. Cost under-runs remaining after the performance period expiration date must be reported to FEMA for de-obligation. 1.13 REGIONAL CONTACT INFORMATION Contact information for FEMA Regional Offices is provided on the FEMA website: and also is listed here for your information. FEMA Region I - Serving Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, and Vermont: 99 High Street, 6th Floor, Boston, MA 02110-2356. (617) 956-7506 FEMA Region II - Serving New York, New Jersey, Puerto Rico, and the US Virgin Islands: 26 Federal Plaza, Suite 1337, New York, NY 10278-0001. (212) 680-3600 FEMA Region III - Serving the District of Columbia, Delaware, Maryland, Pennsylvania, Virginia, and West Virginia: 615 Chestnut Street, One Independence Mall, Sixth Floor, Philadelphia, PA 19106-4404. (215) 931-5608 FEMA Region IV - Serving Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Tennessee: 3003 Chamblee Tucker Road, Atlanta, GA 30341- 4112. (770) 220-5200 FEMA Region V - Serving Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Minnesota, Ohio, and Wisconsin: 536 South Clark Street, 6th Floor, Chicago, IL 60605-1523. (312) 408-5500 FEMA Region VI - Serving Arkansas, Louisiana, New Mexico, Oklahoma, and Texas: 800 North Loop 288, Denton, TX 76209-3698. (940) 898-5399 FEMA Region VII - Serving Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, and Nebraska: 9221 Ward Parkway, Suite 300, Kansas City, MO 64114-3372. (816) 283-7002 FEMA Region VIII - Serving Colorado, Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, Utah, and Wyoming: Denver Federal Center, Building 710, Box 25267, Denver, CO 80255-0267. (303) 235-4800 FEMA Region IX - Serving Arizona, California, Hawaii, Nevada, the Territory of American Samoa, the Territory of Guam, and the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands: 1111 Broadway Street, Suite 1200, Oakland, CA 94607-4052. (510) 627-7100 FEMA Region X - Serving Alaska, Idaho, Oregon, and Washington: Federal Regional Center, 130 228th Street, SW, Bothell, WA 98021-9796. (425) 487-4600 SECTION 2 APPLICANT TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE Applicants may apply for a maximum of 10% of the total funds requested in their FMA grant application budget (Federal and non-Federal shares) for technical assistance to support the planning and project subapplications included as part of their FMA grant application. Applicants requesting Applicant technical assistance must submit a separate Technical Assistance Subgrant application in eGrants and include the technical assistance subgrant application in their grant application or the request will not be considered. Applicants may not request subapplicant technical assistance in their own planning or project subapplications under any circumstance. 2.1 ELIGIBLE TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE ACTIVITIES Eligible technical assistance activities include: .. The solicitation, review, and processing of FMA planning and project subapplications and subgrant awards; .. Providing technical assistance to subapplicants regarding BCA and Environmental/Historic Preservation documentation; .. Geocoding mitigation projects selected for further review; .. Delivery of technical assistance (e.g., plan reviews, planning workshops) intended to support the implementation of planning and project activities; .. Managing grants (e.g., quarterly reporting and close-out); .. Technical monitoring (e.g., site visits, technical meetings); and .. Hiring staff to perform the above activities. Technical assistance activities must be consistent with Office of Management and Budget Circular A-87, Cost Principles for State and Local Governments. Indirect costs, if requested, must be included as part of the Cost Estimate for the Applicant technical assistance subapplication, not to exceed 10% of the total cost of the grant application. Indirect costs are included as part of the total project cost; however, indirect costs in excess of the 10% technical assistance limit may not be used as part of the non-Federal cost share. There will be no exception to permit the increase in Applicant technical assistance. Indirect costs must be supported with a current Indirect Cost Rate approved by a Federal Cognizant Agency. 2.2 PRE-AWARD TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE Eligible technical assistance incurred prior to the grant award, but after the FMA application period has opened, are identified as pre-award technical assistance. FEMA may fund eligible pre-award technical assistance at its discretion and as funds are available. In most cases, Grantees may be reimbursed for eligible pre-award technical assistance incurred prior to award but after the FMA application period has opened. Eligible pre-award technical assistance must be included as separate line items in the Cost Estimate for the technical assistance subapplication. Pre-Award technical assistance will not be reimbursed for pre-award activities associated with project implementation, project initiation, or projects completed prior to award 2.3 COST SHARE FEMA may contribute up to 75% of the eligible cost of activities for grants approved for funding. In-kind contributions cannot be greater than 50% of the required non-Federal cost share. 2.4 APPLICANT TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE CHECKLIST Applicants must provide the following in their technical assistance subapplication in order to be eligible for consideration: .. Applicant Information: Provide name, type, and State of the Applicant, State and Federal tax numbers, and Federal Employer Identification Number; .. Contact Information: Provide the name, agency, and address for the point of contact for the Technical Assistance subapplication; .. Community Information: Indicate the entity that will benefit from the subapplication (use Statewide); .. Mitigation Plan Information: Indicate whether the Applicant is covered by a FEMA approved State/tribal Standard or Enhanced hazard mitigation plan; .. Mitigation Activity Information: Indicate the type, intent and title of the proposed activity; .. Scope of Work: Describe the goals and objectives of the activity and how they will be implemented, including timeline/schedule/milestones; .. Cost Estimate: Provide all anticipated and potential costs for each activity, including Federal and non-Federal shares, including an Approved Indirect Cost Agreement, if applicable. Indicate all pre-award costs as separate line items; .. Match Sources: Provide the non-Federal cost share for the proposed activity; .. Cost-Effectiveness Information: Technical assistance are exempt from a BCA; and .. Assurances and Certifications: Complete the Summary Sheet for Assurances and Certification, FEMA Form 20-16; Assurances-Non-Construction Programs, FEMA Form 20- 16A; Assurances-Construction Programs, FEMA Form 20-16B; Certification Regarding Lobbying; Debarment, Suspension and Other Responsible Matters; Drug-Free Workplace Requirements, FEMA Form 20-16C; and Disclosure of Lobbying Activities, Standard Form LLL, if applicable. 2.5 SELECTION AND AWARD Applicant technical assistance will be approved for 10% of the total amount awarded (Federal and non-Federal shares) for the Applicants planning and project subgrants, or the amount of technical assistance requested by the Applicant, whichever is less. There are no exceptions. FEMA may award technical assistance with the initial planning/project award and then amend an Applicants grant to increase technical assistance if and when additional planning/project subapplications are awarded, or decrease technical assistance if any planning or project subapplications are not awarded. As part of the pre-award review process, the FEMA Regional Office will review all open FMA grants to ensure that all required reports have been submitted in a timely manner (See Section 1.11, Reporting Requirements). Applicants who are not awarded FMA funds for plans and or projects will not receive reimbursement for technical assistance. 2.6 PERFORMANCE PERIOD The performance period for the grant shall begin on the date that the grant is awarded and end on the last day of the performance period of the longest subgrant awarded to the Grantee. (See Section 1.9, Performance Period). Should any planning or project grant performance period be extended past the management grant performance period, the management grant performance period will be extended. SECTION 3 MITIGATION PLANNING SUBAPPLICATION GUIDANCE Mitigation Plans are the foundation for effective hazard mitigation. The Mitigation Plan is a demonstration of the commitment to reduce risks from natural hazards and serves as a guide for decision makers as they commit resources. A Flood Mitigation Plan will articulate a comprehensive strategy for implementing technically feasible flood mitigation activities for the area affected by the Plan. To be eligible for Project Grants, an eligible State or community must develop, and have approved by the FEMA Regional Administrator, a Flood Mitigation Plan in accordance with 44 CFR Part 78. 3.1 ELIGIBLE PLANNING ACTIVITIES Planning activities that develop State, Indian tribal, and local Flood Mitigation Plans that meet the planning requirements in 44 CFR Part 78 are eligible for FMA Planning funds. The Planning grant deliverable is limited to those activities necessary to develop or update the flood portion of any mitigation plan. Plans may be either single or multi-jurisdictional. There are limits on the frequency and the amount of funding that can be allocated to a State or community in any 5-year period for FMA Planning grants (See Section, Funding Limits). The outcome of an FMA Planning grant award must result in a FEMA-approved Plan within three years of award (See Section 1.9, Performance Period). Therefore, it is essential that the Scope of Work include sufficient time and resources for FEMA plan review, revisions, plan adoption, and FEMA approval. For either new or updated plans, FMA Planning grants may fund the flood hazard portion of State or local multi-hazard mitigation plans to also meet the criteria specified in 44 CFR Part 201, Hazard Mitigation Planning. The benefit is that communities with mitigations plans that meet these broader criteria may be eligible for other types of grant assistance to fund mitigation activities (HMGP and PDM) in addition to FMA assistance. These multi-hazard mitigation criteria are more stringent than the FMA planning regulations in 44 CFR Part 78; however a few notable differences continue to exist between the plan requirements. For example, to be approved under FMA, plans must 1) describe repetitive loss properties in the risk assessment and/or vulnerability analysis; and 2) present a strategy for continued compliance with the NFIP. FEMA has developed a Combined Crosswalk for use by States and communities to demonstrate how the single plan can meet both the FMA requirements under Part 78 and the multi-hazard requirements under Part 201. This Combined Crosswalk is available from the Regional Offices (See Section 1.13, Regional Contact Information). States should discuss with their FEMA Regional Office the review procedure for the flood portion of a multi-hazard mitigation plan. Since 44 CFR Part 201 regulates multi-hazard plans, FMA Planning grants will not fund all of the requirements outlined in 44 CFR Part 201, only the flood portion. In order for communities to meet both the FMA planning requirements as well as the multi-hazard planning requirements under 44 CFR Part 201, communities must identify other resources to complete mitigation planning activities for the non-flood hazards, and identify these resources in an FMA planning application. This will streamline the planning process and eliminate duplication of efforts, while clearly identifying costs attributable to the Flood Mitigation Planning grant. 3.1.1 NEW FLOOD MITIGATION PLAN SINGLE- OR MULTI- JURISDICTIONAL FMA Planning grants are available to States and communities to prepare Flood Mitigation Plans or the flood portion of a multi-hazard mitigation plan. Countywide or multi- jurisdictional flood mitigation plan requests may be submitted for funding, as many mitigation issues are better resolved by evaluating hazards in a more comprehensive fashion. FMA funds shall only be used to support planning activities for communities participating in the NFIP (See Section, National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP)). Further, the flood mitigation plan must meet the planning criteria outlined in 44 CFR Part 78, at a minimum, for each participating jurisdiction to receive credit for having a FEMA-approved FMA plan. 3.1.2 COMPREHENSIVE REVIEW AND UPDATE Plan updates may be necessary for States, Tribal governments or communities with existing hazard mitigation plans. FMA Planning grants may only be awarded to a State or community once every five (5) years. Eligible activities may include: .. Incorporate more extensive risk assessment data, where the updated mitigation plan also includes an updated mitigation strategy that addresses these revisions; .. Update from an existing CRS or FMA plan to a multi-hazard mitigation plan, where the FMA planning grant funds only the flood portion of the total planning effort; or .. Modify actions and strategy in a previously approved hazard mitigation plan. 3.2 INELIGIBLE PLANNING ACTIVITIES AND COSTS Certain planning activities and their associated costs are not eligible. In addition to the specific ineligible planning activities listed below, any planning effort that duplicates benefits received for the same purpose (See Section, Duplication of Benefits) or is within the primary authority of another Federal program will be considered ineligible (See Section, Duplication of Programs). The following planning activities are not eligible for the FMA grant program: .. Flood studies or flood mapping (general hydrologic and hydraulic studies/analyses or Map Modernization activities); .. Risk assessments, technical assistance, information dissemination or workshops not resulting in a FEMA-approved Flood Mitigation Plan; .. Any ground disturbing activity that would initiate the Environmental/Historic Preservation review and compliance process; .. Pre-award activities not directly related to the development of the planning subapplication or implementing the proposed planning activity; and .. Planning activities that contribute to the non-flood portion of a multi-hazard mitigation plan. 3.3 MITIGATION PLAN REQUIREMENTS Mitigation Plans must be developed to meet the requirements of 44 CFR Part 78. In addition, planning activities must meet the following criteria: .. The outcome of an FMA Planning grant award MUST be a FEMA-approved and adopted Flood Mitigation Plan that complies with the requirements of 44 CFR Part 78. Mitigation Plans must be reviewed, adopted by the jurisdiction, and FEMA-approved before the end of the performance period (See Section 1.9, Performance Period); .. For communities developing a mitigation plan to meet both Part 78 and 201.6 requirements, a completed Combined Crosswalk for Local Plan Review Worksheet, which is available from the Regional Offices (See Section 1.13, Regional Contact Information) must be submitted to FEMA with the hazard mitigation plan, demonstration that all criteria required for approval have been addressed within the hazard migration plan; .. Countywide or multi-jurisdictional Flood Mitigation Plans may be submitted for funding, as many mitigation issues are better resolved by evaluating hazards in a more comprehensive fashion. However, each jurisdiction to be covered by a multi-jurisdictional plan must participate in the planning effort and adopt the plan in order to receive credit for the plan when applying for FMA grants; .. Planning activities must be unique to Flood Mitigation Planning and not primarily associated with programs for which another Federal program has the primary authority (See Section, Duplication of Programs) [i.e., the Natural Resources and Conservation Service has primary responsibility for funding watershed management plans]; and .. Planning activities must meet the requirements of Federal, State, tribal, local laws, and Executive Orders. 3.4 SCOPE OF WORK The Scope of Work (SOW) describes the objectives, methodology, feasibility, outcomes, timeline, milestones, resources, deliverables, and benefits of, as well as reasons for, the proposed planning activity. The mitigation planning subapplication SOW must describe the development of a flood mitigation plan that complies with FEMAs regulatory requirements in 44 CFR Part 78. The SOW must state whether the flood mitigation plan will be a new FMA plan, the flood portion of a multi-hazard mitigation plan, or comprehensive review and update of an existing flood mitigation plan. If the latter, specifically describe the reason(s) for the update (e.g. acquisition of better data, recent flood activity, meeting 44 Part 201 requirements, etc.). It must also identify whether the plan is single or multi-jurisdictional plan, and if multi-jurisdictional, which jurisdictions are expected to be covered by the plan and which organization or community will assume the lead role. The mitigation planning SOW must consist of two main elements: a description of the planning process and a work schedule for plan development. To assist in developing the description of the planning process and work schedule, a sample outline and content for a Planning Scope of Work is available on FEMAs Mitigation Planning web page at or from the Regional Offices (See Section 1.13, Regional Contact Information). In addition, guidance on the planning process is described in FEMAs series of Mitigation Planning How-To guides, which are available at The SOW must thoroughly document the activities the jurisdiction will complete to accomplish all of the planning steps, including the planning process, hazard identification and risk assessment, mitigation goals and strategy, and process for plan implementation as well as plan adoption. The SOW must include what will be done, and how it will be done, and who will be responsible for the completion of each step (e.g., contract personnel or in-house staff). It must also explain how the public and other interested jurisdictions, agencies, and organizations will be involved throughout (e.g., workshops, community outreach). Finally, the SOW must describe the plan adoption process for the particular the jurisdiction to ensure sufficient time for completion of the plan as well. The work schedule must provide the anticipated timeline for each step of the planning process and significant milestones throughout the entire performance period (See Section 1.9, Performance Period), including when a draft plan or other deliverables will be submitted to FEMA for review. The work schedule should allow for sufficient time for State and FEMA review, preparation of any required revisions, formal plan adoption and FEMA approval. 3.5 COST ESTIMATE The Cost Estimate describes all anticipated costs associated with the proposed planning activity and represents the subapplicants best estimate of the total value of the proposed activity. Sufficient detail must be provided regarding various cost item categories such as labor, materials, equipment, subcontract costs, etc, and include anticipated cash and in-kind non-Federal cost share. In particular, the labor cost line item must estimate anticipated donated in-kind labor from various community agencies and/or other participating jurisdictions that will count toward the non-Federal cost share (See Section 1.7, Cost Share Requirements). The Cost Estimate must include: .. All costs that may be incurred prior to grant award but subsequent to the FMA application period opening. These should be identified as separate line items (See Section, Pre- award Costs); .. Subapplicant technical assistance: These should be identified as a separate line item to ensure cost threshold for this activity is not exceeded. Subapplicants may include a maximum of five percent of the total funds requested in their subapplication for technical assistance (See 44 CFR Part 78, Allowable Costs); and .. Indicate any item for which a cost has been over-estimated. (For example, if the cost estimate received from a contractor increases due to changes in labor and material costs, this cost may be over-estimated.) Applicants/subapplicants shall submit detailed budgets and shall avoid lump sum items and provide references for all sources of the Cost Estimate (e.g., RS Means, Marshall and Swift, etc.). Back-up documentation for all costs, including the basis for each, must be provided (e.g., salary and fringe benefit rates for personnel involved in the project, bids from qualified professionals, nationally published or local cost estimating guides). 3.5.1 COST ESTIMATE CHANGES Revisions to the approved budget may be considered after award as long as the approved deliverable is not adversely impacted. In accordance with 44 CFR Part 13, adjustments may be made among cost line items in the approved budget up to a cumulative threshold of 10% of the total budget without seeking formal approval from FEMA. Adjustments exceeding this threshold must be approved in advance by FEMA. As with Scope of Work changes, requests for a budget revision must be supported by adequate justification from the Applicant in order to be processed (See Section, Cost Overruns and Cost Under-runs). 3.6 PLANNING SUBAPPLICATION CHECKLIST Mitigation planning subapplications must include all of the following or it will be removed for further consideration under the FMA grant program: .. Applicant Information: Provide name, type, and State of subapplicant, State and Federal tax numbers, and Federal Employer Identification Number; .. Contact Information: Provide the name, agency, and address of the point of contact (POC) for the subapplicant. The POC must be an official within the subapplicants organization; .. Subapplication Name: Applicants must verify that the subapplication name includes the location of the proposed activity and the activity type; .. Community Information: Select the community or entity (i.e., Tribe, college, university) that will benefit from the subapplication. If the community or entity is not listed, please advise the FEMA Regional Office (See Section 1.13, Regional Contact Information). Provide a Community Profile with a brief description of the community to include population, location, any geographic areas of interest, description of critical facilities of a national, Statewide, or regional significance. Multi-jurisdictional planning subapplications, both an overall Community Profile, and a brief profile for each potential participating jurisdiction must be provided to ensure NFIP participation compliance, as well as information on how the multi-jurisdictional planning effort will be coordinated; .. Mitigation Plan Information: Indicate whether the entity(ies) that will benefit from the subapplication and is/are covered by a FEMA-approved State/Tribe hazard mitigation plan and identify any previous planning grants received; .. Mitigation Activity Information: Indicate the type, intent and title of the proposed planning activity. If the proposed planning activity is a comprehensive update to an existing FEMA approved hazard mitigation plan, indicate how it will address any identified deficiencies. The updated hazard mitigation plan must include a modified mitigation strategy and corresponding action items; .. Hazard Information: Describe the area to be covered by the planning activity and identify the source of the hazards to be addressed in the planning activity. Include a synopsis and history of hazards affecting the community or entity, and other applicable information that will clarify the need for the mitigation planning effort. Attach a map with the planning area identified; .. Scope of Work: Describe the goals and objectives of the planning activity and how it will be implemented. For multi-jurisdictional planning subapplications, provide information on how the multi-jurisdictional planning effort will be coordinated; .. Cost Estimate: Provide all anticipated and potential costs for each proposed planning activity, including Federal and non-Federal shares. Provide an Approved Indirect Cost Agreement, if applicable; .. Match Sources: Provide the non-Federal cost share for the proposed activity, including documentation to support the non-Federal cost share. (See Section 1.7, Cost Share Requirements); .. Cost-Effectiveness Information: All planning grants are exempt from a BCA; therefore, a BCA is not required to be submitted with planning subapplications; and .. Assurances and Certifications: If applicable for your Applicant State/Tribe, complete the Summary Sheet for Assurances and Certification, FEMA Form 20-16; Assurances - Non- Construction Programs, FEMA Form 20-16A; Assurances-Construction Programs, FEMA Form 20-16B; Certification Regarding Lobbying; Debarment, Suspension and Other Responsible Matters; and Drug-Free Workplace Requirements, FEMA Form 20-16C; and Disclosure of Lobbying Activities, Standard Form LLL. Incomplete subapplications will be removed from further consideration. FEMA has determined that planning activities are Categorically Excluded (CATEX) from the preparation of an Environmental Assessment or Environmental Impact Statement under NEPA pursuant to 44 CFR Part 10.8(d)(2)(iii). Therefore, Environmental/Historic Preservation documentation is not required to be submitted with mitigation planning subapplications. Applicants must select No for the CATEX questions in the Environmental Historic Preservation Information Section in eGrants for planning subapplications during their review process (See Section 1.6.3, Applicant Review of Subapplications). 3.7 FEMA PRE-AWARD ACTIVITIES FEMA Regional Offices will work with Applicants who have approved Planning subapplications to implement required pre-award activities prior to grant award (See Section 1.8.5, FEMA Pre- award Activities). FEMA may, at its discretion, request information or documentation from Applicants to resolve outstanding administrative or procedural requirements as part of its pre- award activities. In accordance with 44 CFR Part 10.8d(2)(iii), FEMA has determined that mitigation planning activities have no impact on the environment and will require no further Environmental/Historic Preservation review. Additionally, Benefit-Cost Analysis documentation is not required for mitigation planning subapplications. SECTION 4 MITIGATION PROJECT SUBAPPLICATION GUIDANCE The priority for FMA Project Grants continues to be saving lives and protecting property by mitigating NFIP insured properties through acquisition, elevation, relocation and minor structural flood control projects. These activities will reduce flood insurance claim payments, as well as disaster housing and emergency response expenses. In addition, as a result of effective mitigation, fewer families will lose wages and fewer businesses will suffer reduced profits from displacement due to flooding. In the case of property acquisition, there will be increased recreational opportunities and an enhancement of the environment through the creation of open space along rivers and streams. Most importantly, communities and their residents will be safer from flood hazards. 4.1 ELIGIBLE PROJECT ACTIVITIES Only the following mitigation activities are eligible for the FMA program. To be eligible for funding, properties must be currently insured by the NFIP at the time of application and the insurance must be maintained through the completion of the project. For acquisition projects, insurance must be maintained by the property owner until the transfer of ownership. The Special Flood Hazard Area (SFHA) is defined as the land in the floodplain within a community subject to a 1% or greater chance of flooding in any given year. .. Acquisitions/Relocations: The voluntary acquisition of structures and underlying real property for the purpose of creating open space, demolition or relocation of the structure, and conversion of the property to deed restricted open space uses in perpetuity. The relocation of existing residential structures must be to areas outside of the SFHA or local regulatory floodplain, outside of any regulatory erosion zones, and in conformance with any other applicable State or local land-use regulations; .. Elevations: The elevation of existing structures and elevation to at least the BFE or an ABFE or higher if required by any State or local ordinance, and in accordance with criteria established in this Guidance. The techniques used for elevating structures in accordance with FEMA requirements can be found at:; .. Dry Floodproofing: Floodproofing of existing non-residential structures in accordance with the requirements of the NFIP or higher standards if required by FEMA or if required by any State or local ordinance, and in accordance with criteria established by the Administrator. .. Minor Localized Flood Control Projects: These projects may include the installation or modification of culverts and floodgates; the creation of small retention and detention basins; and the upgrade of culverts to bridges. Minor localized flood control projects must not duplicate the flood prevention activities of other Federal agencies. At least 50% of the structures directly benefiting from the mitigation activity must be NFIP insured properties. Documentation must be provided in the subapplication that identifies all properties that will benefit from this activity and specifically identifies the NFIP insured properties; .. Beach Nourishment Activities: Natural dune replenishment through the planting of native dune vegetation and/or the installation of sand-fencing; and .. Other Project Activities: The other activities that bring an NFIP-insured structure into compliance with the statutorily authorized floodplain management requirements of 44 CFR Part 60.3 including, but not limited to demolition. There are limits on the amount of FMA Project grant funding that can be allocated to a State or community over any 5-year period. (See Section, Funding Limits). 4.2 INELIGIBLE PROJECT ACTIVITIES AND COSTS In addition to the specific ineligible project activities listed below, any activity that duplicates benefits received for the same purpose (See Section, Duplication of Benefits) or is within the primary authority of another Federal program will be considered ineligible (See Section, Duplication of Programs). Projects already in progress will also be considered ineligible. Certain project activities and their associated costs are not eligible. The following project activities are not eligible for the FMA grant program: .. Major flood control projects related to the construction, demolition, or repair of dams, dikes, levees, floodwalls, seawalls, groins, jetties, breakwaters, waterway channelization, and erosion projects related to beach nourishment or renourishment; .. Dry floodproofing of any residential structures; .. Phased or partial project that is dependent on another phase or part to be effective and/or feasible; .. Mitigation reconstruction - any mitigation activities involving demolishing of an existing structure (i.e., commercial or residential building, publicly or privately owned) and building a new structure (formerly known as demolition/rebuild); .. Applications involving any activities for which implementation has already been initiated or completed are not eligible for funding, and will not be considered; .. Studies that do not result in a completed mitigation project (e.g., engineering designs, feasibility studies, or drainage studies that are not integral to the proposed project); .. Flood studies or flood mapping (i.e., general hydrologic and hydraulic studies/analyses not integral or necessary for project design or feasibility determination); .. Projects that solely address maintenance or repairs of existing structures, facilities or infrastructure (e.g., debris removal, dredging); .. Generators, and related equipment, such as generator hook-ups, for non-critical facilities or as a stand-alone activity; .. Warning and alert notification systems (e.g., NOAA weather radios); .. Response and communication equipment; .. Projects that solely address operation, maintenance, or repairs of existing structures, facilities, or infrastructure (e.g., dredging, debris removal, bridges and dam repair/rehabilitation); .. Properties that are subject to pending litigation; and .. Legal procedures related to litigation for an approved application or subapplication. Projects and applications that propose ineligible activities will be removed from consideration. FEMA will not separate eligible activities from ineligible projects and applications for funding consideration. 4.3 MITIGATION PROJECT REQUIREMENTS 4.3.1 PLAN REQUIREMENT Subapplicants must have a FEMA-approved local mitigation plan in accordance with 44 CFR Part 78.5, by the application deadline that, at a minimum, addresses flood hazards to be eligible to receive project grant funding. A local government hazard mitigation plan that expires prior to the award of a grant or subgrant must provide a FEMA-approved hazard mitigation plan in accordance with 44 CFR Part 78 in order to receive grant funding. 4.3.2 FEASIBILITY AND EFFECTIVENESS REQUIREMENT Mitigation projects funded by the FMA program must be both feasible and effective at mitigating the hazard(s) for which the project was designed. To determine both feasibility and effectiveness, FEMA will use the information provided in the project subapplication, including the SOW and Cost Estimate sections, as well as any supporting documentation to review the engineering feasibility of the proposed project. If applicable, proposed schematic or detailed engineering drawings, or engineering designs for projects that demonstrate the design parameters and how the project will achieve the stated objectives must be included to allow FEMA to assess the effectiveness and feasibility of the proposed project. Project subapplications must address the level of protection provided by the proposed project as well as any residual risk to the structure after project implementation. Upon request, FEMA will provide technical assistance regarding engineering documentation and cost estimation, Section 5.2.1, Engineering Feasibility Technical Assistance. Project subapplications that do not include appropriate documentation to support the determination of feasibility and effectiveness may be removed from consideration. 4.3.3 ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA Proposed mitigation projects must meet all requirements referenced in 44 CFR Part 78, Minimum Project Eligibility Criteria. The project subapplication must: .. Be cost-effective and able to substantially reduce the risk of future damage, hardship, loss, or suffering resulting from a major disaster, consistent with 44 CFR Part 206.434(c)(5) and related guidance, and have a BCA using a FEMA-approved methodology that results in a benefit-cost ratio (BCR) of 1.0 or greater. Only mitigation projects with a BCR of 1.0 or greater will be considered for the FMA program; .. Conform with 44 CFR Part 9, Floodplain Management and Protection of Wetlands, and 44 CFR Part 10, and any applicable environmental laws and regulations; .. Not duplicate benefits available from another source for the same purpose or assistance that another Federal agency or program has the primary authority to provide, Section, Duplication of Programs; .. Be technically feasible and have the ability to be implemented. The project Cost Estimate must reflect the engineering design, including all anticipated costs; . Be NFIP insured at the time of project application and maintained at least through completion of the mitigation activity or, for acquisition projects, until the transfer of ownership. For structures that remain in the SFHA, flood insurance must be maintained for the life of the structure. Minor physical flood mitigation projects that reduce localized flooding problems must reduce or eliminate the risk of flood damage to buildings, manufactured homes, and other structures insured under the NFIP; .. Ensure that any improvements on the property shall be in accordance with the standards of the NFIP Floodplain Management Regulations. Structures on the property shall be floodproofed or elevated to at least the BFE or an ABFE or higher if required by any State or local ordinance, and in accordance with criteria established in this Guidance; .. Conform with the FEMA-approved Flood Mitigation Plan pursuant to 44 CFR Part 78, or flood hazard component of the communitys 44 CFR Part 201 compliant multi-hazard mitigation plan, (the type of project being proposed must be identified in the plan), where the plan is approved by FEMA by the application deadline; .. Be physically located in a community that is participating in the NFIP where the community is not on probation, suspended or withdrawn from the NFIP; .. Solve a problem independently or constituting a functional portion of a solution where there is assurance that the project as a whole will be completed; and .. Meet the requirements of applicable Federal, State, Indian tribal, and local laws, implementing regulations, and executive orders. 4.3.4 PROPERTY ACQUISITION AND RELOCATION REQUIREMENTS For property acquisition and relocation projects, Applicants and subapplicants must comply with the following requirements, 44 CFR Part 206.434(e) and related guidance. A project may not be framed in a manner that has the effect of circumventing these requirements. ELIGIBILITY FOR PROPERTY ACQUISITION PROJECTS: Eligible Properties Properties eligible for acquisition include those where: .. The property will be acquired from a willing, voluntary seller; .. The property contains a structure that may or may not have been damaged or destroyed due to an event; .. All incompatible easements or encumbrances can be extinguished; .. The property cannot be contaminated with hazardous materials at the time of acquisition, other than incidental demolition or household waste; .. Any relocated structure must be placed on a site located outside of the SFHA, outside of any regulatory erosion zones, and in conformance with any other applicable State or local land use regulations; .. The property cannot be part of an intended, planned, or designated project area for which the land is to be acquired by a certain date, and/or where there is an intention to use the property for any public or private future use inconsistent with the open space deed restrictions and FEMA acquisition requirements (examples include roads and flood control levees); and .. The property will not be subdivided prior to acquisition, except for portions outside the identified hazard area, such as the SFHA or any risk zone identified by FEMA. Hazardous Materials Subapplicants considering the purchase of property (or land adjacent to property) with past or present commercial or industrial use must ensure that the owner provides information identifying what, if any, hazardous materials are on the property. To be considered an eligible property, before purchasing commercial or industrial properties, the subapplicant must require the owner to remove hazardous materials and containers. The owner must provide a clean-site certification from the appropriate State agency before the subapplicant can purchase any interest in the property, including easements for development rights. Clean-up costs associated with hazardous materials are not eligible project costs. The presence of non-leaking underground storage tanks, septic systems, home heating oil tanks, and normal quantities of lead, asbestos, and hazardous material associated with residential/household use does not preclude the use of mitigation funds for acquisition. However, local permitting ordinances, State laws, as well as Federal laws, regulations and Executive Orders, must be followed. The costs of removing these typical residential/household items must be addressed in the project Cost Estimate. Eligible costs .. Value of the land to be acquired, and either value of structure and demolition cost of that structure or relocation of the structure; .. Cost of appraisals, cost of title insurance and any additional escrow costs, such as recordation of the deed and deed restrictions, and other costs necessary for the real estate transaction; and .. Other necessary and appropriate costs for implementation of the project. Ineligible costs .. Compensation for land that is already held by an eligible entity is not an allowable cost, but compensation for development rights (open space easement) may be allowable; .. Cleanup or remediation of contaminated properties, except for permitted disposal of incidental demolition and household hazardous wastes; .. Pre-Award costs may not be reimbursed for pre-award activities associated with implementation of the project; and .. FEMA acquisition funds are not available when an Applicant, subapplicant, other project participant or third partys negligence or intentional actions contributed to the conditions needing mitigation. REQUIREMENT TO APPLY DEED RESTRICTIONS Subapplicants requesting assistance for a real property acquisition or building relocation must apply specific deed restriction language to all acquired properties. See the Model Deed Restriction language on FEMAs mitigation website at or from the Regional Office (See Section 1.13, Regional Contact Information). Any modifications to the model deed restriction can only be made with prior approval from FEMAs Office of Chief Counsel. SUBAPPLICATIONS FOR PROPERTY ACQUISITION Subapplicants for property acquisition and relocation projects must include the following in their application: 1) Statement of Assurances; As part of the project application, subapplicants must attach a Statement of Assurances, signed by the subapplicants authorized agent, acknowledging the requirements as identified below that will apply to the acquisition of the property. See FEMAs website for this Statement of Assurances that must be submitted with the project application Open space acquisition projects without these formal assurances will not be funded by FEMA. The following conditions apply to the grant and must be included in the Statement of Assurances: .. Participation by property owners is voluntary. The prospective participants were informed in writing that participation in the program is voluntary, that the subapplicant will not use its eminent domain authority to acquire their property for the project purposes should negotiations fail; .. Each property owner will be informed, in writing, of what the subapplicant considers to be the fair market value of the property. The subapplicant will use the model Statement of Voluntary Participation to document this and will provide a copy for each property after award. This model is available on FEMAs web page: or from the Regional Office (See Section 1.13, Regional Contact Information); .. The subapplicant accepts all of the requirements of the FEMA grant and the deed restriction governing the use of the land, as restricted in perpetuity to open space uses. The subapplicant must apply and record a deed restriction on each property in accordance with the language in the FEMA model deed. The community will seek FEMA approval for any changes in language differing from the model deed; .. The subapplicant understands that the land will be unavailable for the construction of flood damage reduction levees and other incompatible purposes, and is not part of an intended, planned, or designated project area for which the land is to be acquired by a certain date; .. The subapplicant will demonstrate that it has consulted with the US Army Corps of Engineers regarding the subject lands potential future use for the construction of a levee system, and will reject future consideration of such use if it accepts FEMA assistance to convert the property to permanent open space; .. The subapplicant will demonstrate that it has coordinated with its State Department of Transportation to ensure that no future, planned improvements or enhancements to the Federal aid systems are under consideration that will affect the subject property; .. Existing buildings will be removed within 90 days of settlement; .. Post grant award, the subgrantee may convey a property interest only with the prior approval of the FEMA Regional Administrator and only to another public entity or to a qualified conservation organization pursuant to 26 CFR 1.170A-14; .. Every three years, the subgrantee must submit to the Grantee, who will submit to the FEMA Regional Administrator a report certifying that it has inspected the subject property within the month preceding the report, and that the property continues to be maintained consistent with the provisions of the grant. If the subject property is not maintained according to the terms of the grant, the Grantee and FEMA, its representatives, designated authorities, and assigns are responsible for taking measures to bring the property back into compliance; and .. After settlement, no disaster assistance for any purpose from any Federal entity may be sought or provided with respect to the property, and FEMA will not distribute flood insurance benefits for that property for claims related to damage occurring after the date of the property settlement. 2) Property Information for each property in the SOW; and .. Notice of Voluntary Interest Documentation: In a specific format chosen by the subapplicant (such as a letter of interest, intent to participate form, project signup sheet or similar format) the subapplicant must record the name and signature of interested property owners associated with each property and must also clearly show each property owner acknowledging the following language: The property owner has been informed that this project for open space acquisition is voluntary and that neither the [Applicant] or the [subapplicant] will use its eminent domain authority to acquire the property for open space purposes should negotiations fail. This documentation of voluntary interest for each property owner must be submitted with the project application. It is the communitys discretion how this documentation is integrated into the project development process; however, it should be accomplished as early in the project development process as is feasible. An example is available on FEMAs mitigation web page:; .. Market value documentation for each parcel and include it in the cost estimate. The market value must be derived using a reasonable methodology that has been consistently applied throughout the community, such as independent appraisals, opinions of value, or a formula based on tax assessments; .. Net present value of the project benefits for each property to be acquired; .. The Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition Act of 1970 (URA) mandates that displaced tenants receive relocation assistance in accordance with 49 CFR Part 24. The project application should document properties occupied by tenants. This must be included in the cost estimate. See the FEMA Hazard Mitigation Grant Program Desk Reference for additional guidance; .. A photograph that represents the appearance of each property at the time of application; and .. For acquisition projects, changes to the properties in an approved mitigation project will be considered by FEMA but not approved automatically. The Applicant and subapplicant must have initially identified the alternate properties in the project application and must include a BCA for each alternate property in order to be considered. However, the alternate properties must not be included in the Cost Estimate or the overall project BCA. Eligible properties may be substituted as alternatives in the application as long as the substitution does not change the overall nature of the project or increase the amount of the Federal share and were included as alternatives in the subapplication. 3) Other information as determined by the Administrator. PRE-AWARD REQUIREMENTS After application, but prior to award, the Applicant must provide FEMA with the following: .. Documentation that the subapplicant has consulted the US Army Corps of Engineers and the State Department of Transportation regarding potential future land use conflicts of levee systems and Federal aid systems with open space acquisition and has reject future consideration of such use if it accepts FEMA assistance to convert the property to permanent open space (see the subapplication assurances for more detail). FEMA encourages subapplicants to conduct this consultation as early as possible so that incompatible properties can be removed earlier in the process. FEMA will not award funds for any property without this documentation; and .. Copy of the deed restriction, incorporating the specific language from FEMAs model deed restriction, which the local government will record with acquired properties. POST-AWARD REQUIREMENTS Following award of the grant, the subgrantee must adhere to the following requirements: .. A property owner who did not own the property at the time of the relevant event, or who is not a National of the United States or qualified alien, is not eligible for a purchase offer based on pre-event market value of the property, but may receive current market value; .. Subgrantees shall ask each property owner participating to certify that they are either a National of the United States or qualified alien before offering pre-event market value for the property. This information should be retained in the project file; .. The amount of the purchase offer is based on the current market value of the property or on the market value of the property immediately before the relevant event affecting the property (pre-event): The relevant event for the Flood Mitigation Assistance program and the Repetitive Flood Claims Program is the most recent event resulting in a National Flood Insurance Program claim of at least $5000; .. The Grantee should coordinate with the subgrantee in determination of whether the valuation should be based on pre-event or current market value. Generally the same method to determine market value should be used for all participants in the project; .. A title insurance policy demonstrating clear title must be obtained for each approved property that will be acquired; .. All incompatible easements or other encumbrances must be extinguished before acquisition; .. The property must transfer by a warranty deed; .. See Section, Subapplications for Property Acquisition and Section, Requirement to Apply Deed Restrictions regarding limitations on substitution of alternate properties; .. Incompatible facilities must be removed from acquired property within 90 days of settlement; and .. Property Reporting Requirements from the subgrantee, through the Grantee, to FEMA: 1) A photo of the property site after project implementation; 2) Latitude and longitude coordinates of the property; 3) Signed Statements of Voluntary Participation from the owner of each property identified in the SOW. This statement documents more formally the voluntary participation notice provided earlier, as well as documenting required property valuation notices. A Model Statement of Voluntary Participation is available on FEMAs web page: or from the Regional Office (See Section 1.13, Regional Contact Information); 4) A copy of the recorded deed and the attached deed restrictions for each acquired property must be submitted; 5) For any property identified on FEMAs Repetitive Loss list, complete and submit FEMA, documenting the completion of mitigation to those properties that are identified by FEMA as Repetitive Loss Properties; and 6) Every three years following acquisition, submit a report certifying that the subgrantee has inspected the property within the month preceding the report, and that the property continues to be maintained consistent with the provisions of the deed restriction. 4.3.5 FEDERAL INCOME TAX ON MITIGATION PROJECT FUNDS FEMA mitigation payments that benefit property owners through the mitigation of their structures are not subject to Federal income taxation. FEMA mitigation payments to acquire a property will be treated as an involuntary conversion for tax purposes. For more information, property owners should consult their IRS office or a tax advisor. 4.3.6 GEOCODING REQUIREMENTS All approved mitigation projects funded by the FMA program must be geo-coded using standard datum. Geospatial coordinates, in the form of latitude and longitude with an accuracy of +/- 20 meters (64 feet), must be provided for all individual sites contained in the mitigation project, including: .. Individual property information on properties mitigated, and .. Project sites for mitigation activities such as stormwater management, road and bridge improvement, and critical facility protection, and flood control projects. The specific Guidance for Geo-coding Mitigation Data was provided to the FEMA Regional Offices in August, 2004, and provides guidance for collecting and formatting location information. This is available on FEMAs FMA web page: or from the Regional Offices (See Section 1.13, Regional Contact Information). FEMA will work with Applicants to ensure this information is provided prior to award. 4.3.7 PROJECT MAINTENANCE FEMA is not responsible for project maintenance. FEMA will not pay for any future maintenance, such as dredging or debris removal, mowing open space, or ensuring hurricane shutters are operable. Subapplicants must provide a maintenance plan that identifies the maintenance tasks and budget and the entity that will perform long-term maintenance and include a description of maintenance agreements to be in place for long-term upkeep of the proposed project prior to award. Maintenance costs must not be included in the Cost Estimate; however, anticipated future maintenance costs must be included in the BCA. 4.4 SCOPE OF WORK The Scope of Work (SOW) describes the objectives, methodology, feasibility, outcomes, timeline, milestones, resources, deliverables, and benefits of as well as reasons for the proposed project. The narrative must establish the who, what, where, when, and how of the proposal and timeline. The project subapplication SOW should include the following as well as applicable references and supporting documentation: .. Purpose of the project (e.g., What is the goal? How does the project meet the intent of the Flood Mitigation Plan?); .. Clear, concise description of the proposed project and the means to implement and construct it (i.e., How will the project be implemented and by whom?); .. Outcomes (e.g., What are the expected accomplishments? What members of the community population directly or indirectly benefit from the project?); .. Identification of the flooding hazards to be addressed; location within the community and/or geographical extent of the project (natural, built and socioeconomic environments); .. Feasibility and effectiveness provided by the proposed project, including engineering design parameters and copies of or references to: Proposed schematic or detailed engineering drawings, or engineering design; Applicable building code/edition or engineering standard used (e.g., for drainage projects this may be a state or local standard or requirement); Level of protection provided by the proposed project (i.e., building code/edition); or Any residual risk to the structure from flood risk after project implementation (i.e., adequacy of the structural systems); .. Include a description of the alternatives considered prior to deciding upon the project; .. Describe the maintenance agreements to be in place for long-term upkeep of the proposed project; and .. Work schedule for all project tasks (e.g., survey, appraisal, permitting, inspection requirements, site preparation), and significant milestones throughout the entire performance period (See Section 1.9, Performance Period). 4.4.1 SCOPE OF WORK DOCUMENTATION Documentation provided will be used by FEMA to evaluate the SOW to determine eligibility of the proposed subapplication. Examples of documentation, where applicable to the project, include proposed schematic or detailed engineering drawings, or engineering design; photographs, maps, sketches, and/or drawings (e.g., appropriate sections of Flood Insurance Studies and Flood Insurance Rate Maps) to document elements of the project and project parameters; or data sources, references, citations, and/or notations. 4.4.2 SCOPE OF WORK CHANGES FEMA may not consider changes to the SOW between the close of the application period and the completion of the selection process. Requests for changes to the SOW after award may be permissible as long as they do not change the nature or total project cost of the activity, properties identified in the subapplication, the feasibility and effectiveness of the project, negate the cost-effectiveness of the project, or make the project ineligible. Requests must be supported by adequate justification from the Applicant in order to be processed. The justification is a description of the proposed change, a written explanation of the reason or reasons for the change; an outline of remaining funds available to support the change; and a full description of the work necessary to complete the activity. All approvals will be at FEMAs discretion, and there is no guarantee that SOW changes will be approved. 4.5 COST ESTIMATE The Cost Estimate describes all anticipated and potential costs associated with the proposed activity, and represents the subapplicants best estimate of the total value of the proposed activity. Sufficient detail must be provided regarding various cost item categories such as labor, materials, equipment, subcontract costs, etc, and include anticipated cash and in-kind non- Federal match. In particular, the labor cost line item must estimate anticipated donated in-kind labor from various agencies and/or other participating jurisdictions that will count toward the non-Federal match (See Section 1.7, Cost Share Requirements). The Cost Estimate must include: .. All anticipated project costs, such as: 1) Anticipated environmental resource remediation or historic property treatment measures; 2) Engineering designs/specifications to include Hydrologic and Hydraulic; 3) Studies/analyses required as an integral part of the project design; 4) Other related construction/demolition/relocation costs, such as survey, permitting, site preparation, material disposal; and 5) Other related acquisition costs, such as appraisals, legal recordation, displacement costs for renters. .. Indicate any item for which a cost has been over-estimated. (For example, if the cost estimate received from a contractor increases due to changes in labor and material costs, this cost may be over-estimated.); and .. Maintenance costs are not eligible and should not be included in Cost Estimate but must be included in the BCA. .. Subapplicant technical assistance: These should be identified as a separate line item to ensure cost threshold for this activity is not exceeded. Subapplicants may include a maximum of 5 percent of the total funds requested in their subapplication for technical assistance (See 44 CFR Part 78, Allowable Costs); Pre-award costs: Indicate all costs that may be incurred prior to grant award but subsequent to the FMA application period opening. These should be identified as separate line items. Subapplicants may include a maximum of 5% of the total funds requested (Federal and non- Federal shares) for their planning subapplication for technical assistance to support the planning activities. Subapplicant cost activities must be consistent with the Office of Management and Budget Circular A-87, Cost Principles for State and Local Governments. Subapplicants requesting technical assistance must provide supporting documentation and include these costs as separate line items in the Cost Estimate for the planning subapplication. Applicants may not request subapplicant technical assistance in their own planning subapplications under any circumstance (See Section 2, Applicant Technical Assistances). 4.5.1 COST ESTIMATE DOCUMENTATION Documentation provided will be used by FEMA to evaluate the Cost Estimate in order to determine eligibility. Applicants/subapplicants shall submit detailed budgets and shall avoid lump sum items and provide references for all sources of the Cost Estimate (i.e., RS Means). Identify sources of cost items (e.g., documented local cost, bids from qualified professionals, published national or local cost estimating guides) and provide documentation supporting each source, as appropriate (e.g., salary and fringe benefit rates for personnel involved in the project, bids from qualified professionals, published nationally or local cost estimating guides). If another project is used as the source of the Cost Estimate, detailed documentation showing the related project scope items must be provided. The project must be identified with enough details so that material, labor and other costs associated with the project can be identified. The cost estimating tools used must be identified and a detailed Cost Estimate must be provided. Examples of cost estimating tools may include: national cost estimating guides; an Applicants own cost estimating guides; an estimate based on bids; or an estimate based on awarded contracts for similar work. 4.5.2 COST ESTIMATE CHANGES Revisions to the approved budget may be considered after award as long as the approved deliverable is not adversely impacted. In accordance with 44 CFR Part 13, adjustments may be made among cost line items in the approved budget up to a cumulative threshold of 10% of the total budget without seeking formal approval from FEMA. Adjustments exceeding this threshold must be approved in advance by FEMA. As with SOW changes, requests for a budget revision must be supported by adequate justification from the Applicant in order to be processed (See Section Cost Overruns and Cost Under-runs). 4.6 COST EFFECTIVENESS The FMA program must fund cost-effective mitigation activities. To ensure this objective is met, a FEMA-approved Benefit-Cost Analysis (BCA) will be required for all mitigation projects. BCA is a well-established method for quantitatively comparing the benefits and costs of mitigation projects. The end result is a Benefit-Cost Ratio (BCR), which is derived from a projects total net present value of benefits (i.e., the value of benefits today versus the value of future benefits after taking inflation and return into account) divided by the total project cost to include all documented project and maintenance costs. The Applicant or subapplicant is required to perform a BCA for each property, including repetitive flood loss properties and substantially damaged properties. For projects that address multiple structures (e.g., acquisition or elevation), the BCR must be calculated by totaling the anticipated or net present value of benefits for each structure to obtain the projects total net present value of benefits and dividing the total project benefits by the total project Cost Estimate. Applicants/subapplicants are encouraged to ensure that the BCA includes all benefits associated with the proposed mitigation project. Project subapplications with a BCR less than 1.0 will be removed from consideration. FEMA will convene a Benefit-Cost Technical Review panel of subject matter experts to conduct a detailed and comprehensive review of the BCAs for mitigation projects. The conduct of FEMAs BCAs is governed by the White House Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Circular A-94, Guidelines and Discount Rates for BCA of Federal Programs. Accordingly, the benefits of mitigation projects are avoided damages, disruptions, losses, and casualties. Examples of common benefits include avoided or reduced: .. Damages to buildings, contents or infrastructure; .. Economic impacts of loss of function of buildings; .. Displacement costs for temporary quarters; .. Loss of public services; .. Loss of net business income; .. Economic impacts of loss of function of infrastructure; .. Road or bridge closures; and .. Loss of utility services. The OMB circular excludes indirect benefits or multiplier effects, for example long-term changes in regional economic activity, future employment and tourism, which are not directly linked to the project. For further details of categories of benefits that may or may not be counted see What is a Benefit? - Guidance on BCA of Hazard Mitigation Projects located on the Mitigation BCA Toolkit CD (See Section 5, Technical Assistance Resources). This document provides standardized benefit categories, approaches, and data inputs for many common mitigation projects. The cost of performing the BCA and providing supporting documentation may be included by the subapplicant as part of the project Cost Estimate or by the Applicant as part of the Applicant technical assistance (See Section 2, Applicant Technical Assistance). If the Applicant and/or subapplicant are submitting a project for which FEMA performed the BCA in the past, the Applicant and/or subapplicant must certify that they accept the BCA as their own before submitting the BCA as part of their project subapplication. Applicants/subapplicants submitting projects prepared for other FEMA mitigation programs are strongly encouraged to revisit the BCA(s) to ensure complete documentation of mitigation project benefits and costs. 4.6.1 METHODOLOGY Applicants and subapplicants must use a FEMA-approved methodology to determine the BCA. Applicants and subapplicants are strongly encouraged to use FEMAs BCA software for their analyses, which may be obtained from FEMA by contacting the BCA helpline via phone: 1(866) 222-3580 or e-mail: [email protected] (See Section 5.2.2, Benefit-Cost Analysis Technical Assistance) or the applicable FEMA Regional Office (See Section 1.13, Regional Contact Information). Applicants and subapplicants should submit the completed BCA module with their applications. Using FEMA-approved software will ensure that all calculations are prepared in accordance with OMB and FEMAs standardized methodologies and approaches and will facilitate FEMAs review process. The Flood Very Limited Data Module may not be used to demonstrate cost-effectiveness for FMA project subapplications, only to screen projects for cost-effectiveness. Projects that use the Flood Very Limited Data Module will be removed from consideration. The OMB-mandated discount rate for the FMA program is seven percent. This discount rate is incorporated into all FEMA software programs as a default and must not be modified. Alternative BCA methodologies will be considered only if the FEMA Regional Office and FEMA Headquarters approve the software prior to the Applicants submission of the FMA grant application to FEMA. The Applicant must provide verification that FEMA has approved the alternative BCA software or methodologies. An e-mail or letter signed and dated by FEMA is considered appropriate verification. Applications using BCAs conducted with software not approved in advance by FEMA will not be considered for the FMA program. FEMA has developed a simplified, alternative methodology to conduct the BCA, which may be used in lieu of a traditional BCA for certain properties insured under the NFIP and included in the NFIP Repetitive Loss Properties List. The list of properties and the guidance for using this alternative approach was provided to the FEMA Regional Offices under separate cover (information on the alternative approach is available on the FEMA website: The NFIP Repetitive Loss properties may be combined in a project with other repetitive flood loss properties and/or non-repetitive flood loss properties; however, the alternative cost-effectiveness approach may only be used for the NFIP Repetitive Loss properties. 4.6.2 COST-EFFECTIVENESS DOCUMENTATION For each BCA, the Applicant/subapplicant must provide a copy of each page of the actual analysis used, whether the BCA was performed using FEMA software or a pre-approved alternative methodology. An electronic version of the BCA must be provided in Microsoft Excel as well. BCA cover pages or summary reports will not constitute submission of a complete BCA. Project subapplications without legible or complete BCA information for each property may be removed from consideration. Project subapplications that do not include appropriate documentation to support the submitted BCA may be removed from consideration. Therefore, it is imperative that all supporting documentation be included in the application. The documentation must support figures, assumptions, data derivation and calculation methods used in the BCA. Subapplications must include full and credible documentation, which: .. Clearly explains the data used in the analysis, including the source; .. Explains reasons and sources of information for the use of non-default values in the BCA; .. Is well organized; and .. Provides references to the appropriate parts of the analysis. Project subapplications should include surveys, copies of elevation certificates, copies of appropriate sections of Flood Insurance Studies (FIS) and FIRM, copies of relevant supporting information from Engineering reports and other documentation to support figures used in their BCAs. A good rule of thumb to observe is that a subject matter expert should be able to calculate the BCA based upon the information provided in the subapplication without any additional explanation. FEMA has prepared Benefit-Cost Analysis Data Documentation Templates (DDT) to assist subapplicants in organizing and addressing all required documentation in support of the BCA. It is suggested that a DDT be prepared and attached with the supporting documentation for each project BCA. The DDT templates are found in the FEMA on-line library or can be reached through The credibility of data sources also is extremely important. FEMA recommends obtaining information from published technical sources, in particular engineering studies such as FIS's and technical web sites such as those operated by the USGS, NOAA, and a range of academic organizations and State agencies and including this information with the project subapplication. Professional licensure is strongly preferred in all cases. In addition, data from FEMA software and default values from FEMA BCA guidance located on the Mitigation BCA Toolkit CD (See Section 5, Technical Assistance Resources) will be accepted as completely credible, when software is used correctly and documentation is provided. 4.7 ENVIRONMENTAL/HISTORIC PRESERVATION REVIEW .. Pre-Award Requirement: Applicants and subapplicants are required to provide information to support FEMAs environmental and historic preservation compliance process. Funds will not be awarded and the Applicant/subapplicant may not initiate the project until FEMA has completed its review; .. Authorities: As part of this review process, FEMA will assess compliance with applicable requirements including the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), the National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA), the Endangered Species Act (ESA), and the Executive Orders on Wetlands, Floodplains, and Environmental Justice. The application of these laws and orders is threefold: 1) To help a subapplicant understand the compliance requirements for the proposed project and how in meeting some of those requirements, the overall design and cost of the project may be affected; 2) To help FEMA determine how well the Applicant/subapplicant understands these issues and has addressed them in the project design. In the case of historically significant structures, the owner has the option to use dry floodproofing when elevation and acquisition would adversely affect the historic characteristics of the property or area; and 3) To help expedite the actual environmental and historic preservation compliance process that FEMA must complete before final approval and of the project. Technical Assistance: Applicants and subapplicants are strongly encouraged to request assistance from FEMA with their environmental and historic preservation questions by contacting the FEMA helpline via phone: (866) 222-3580, via e-mail: [email protected], Section 5.2.3, Environmental/Historic Preservation Technical Assistance, or from the applicable FEMA Regional Office, Section 1.13, Regional Contact Information. .. Coordination with State and Federal Agencies: It is recommended that Applicants/subapplicants initiate coordination with relevant State or Federal agencies as soon as possible in order to identify any environmental or historic preservation compliance issues associated with proposed projects. Applicants with project subapplications selected for further review will be notified of the date by which all pre-award activities (including environmental and historic preservation activities) must be completed that are considered a FEMA responsibility. The Applicants and subapplicants cooperation in the EHP process will ensure timely completion of this review. 4.7.1 ENVIRONMENTAL/HISTORIC PRESERVATION DOCUMENTATION .. Scope of Work: An accurate and thorough SOW provides crucial information to FEMA when undertaking Environmental/Historic Preservation review. In addition to the information provided in the SOW, Applicants/subapplicants must answer a series of Environmental/Historic Preservation review questions in the project subapplication to provide information about potential environmental resources and/or historic properties in the project area and potential impacts to those resources. If the potential resources are identified, the Applicant/subapplicant must provide the following information in order for the project subapplication to be considered complete including the source and date for all information provided: 1) The property address and original date of construction for any buildings or structures that are 50-years or more in age; 2) Any identified Federally listed threatened or endangered species and its designated critical habitat in the project area; 3) Vegetation, including amount (area), type, and extent to be removed or affected; 4) Identification of all surface waters in the project area regardless of drainage area, size, or perceived hazard level. Information about surface waters should include dimensions, proximity of the project activity to the water , and the expected and possible impacts of the project upon surface waters, if any; and 5) Description of any adverse effects on low or minority populations in the project area; .. Eligibility and Completeness Review: During Eligibility and Completeness Review, FEMA will review the completeness of the responses to the questions in the Environmental/Historic Preservation review section of the project subapplication and supporting documentation. Project subapplications and individual properties that do NOT include the required information may result in a delay in identifying outstanding environmental or historic preservation compliance measures and may prohibit FEMA from awarding FMA grants by deadline; and .. Review and Compliance Process: FEMA will use the information provided in the SOW, Cost Estimate, and Environmental/Historic Preservation sections of the project subapplication to perform the Environmental/Historic Preservation Review of the proposed projects. To facilitate the required compliance process, FEMA strongly encourages the Applicant/subapplicant to: 1) Work with Federal and State resource agencies to begin collecting information about potential environmental or historic preservation impacts from the proposed project and provide any documentation from the resource agency. The Applicant/subapplicant should also determine if the mitigation projects will impact historically significant properties; 2) Evaluate how identified environmental or historic preservation impacts could affect the overall project feasibility or if project alternatives or changes to the design, scope or location of the project may be required to minimize potential adverse impacts; 3) Determine if potential environmental impact mitigation measures and historic preservation measures, or changes to the project to minimize adverse effects to environmental resources or historic properties, may affect the overall project costs. For example, certain structures may be floodproofed if acquisition, mitigation reconstruction, or elevation would diminish the historic value of the property; 4) Provide supporting documentation at the time of the subapplication submission to include clearly labeled maps, diagrams, photographs, letters, or other documentation from resource agencies; and 5) Utilize the eLearning Tool for FEMA Grant available online at: The project subapplication provides the necessary information for FEMA to determine the eligibility of proposed projects under the FMA program, including a thorough evaluation of Environmental and Historic Preservation impacts. 4.7.2 BENEFIT-COST TECHNICAL REVIEW FEMA will verify the BCAs for proposed FMA mitigation projects to ensure that projects have a BCR of 1.0 or greater. Project subapplications with a BCR of less than 1.0 may be removed from consideration. The benefit-cost review will be based on the documentation provided in the project subapplication. Projects where the BCA is inadequately documented or where critical data or sources appear unreasonable may be removed from consideration. 4.7.3 CONDITIONS FOR THE AWARD OF FUNDS For mitigation project subapplications selected for further review, FEMA will complete the Environmental and Historic Preservation review in consultation with appropriate Federal and State resource agencies. This review will be conducted with the assistance of both the Applicant and the subapplicant as part of its Pre-award Activities. The outcome of this review may be the identification of required environmental impact mitigation or historic preservation treatment measures necessary to avoid, minimize or compensate for adverse effects caused by the project. Depending on the type of property or resource affected and the scope of the project, the measures may be minimal or extensive. These required environmental impact mitigation or historic preservation treatment measures will be required conditions placed on the award of the grant. FEMA will not consider changes to the SOW between the application deadline and the completion of the selection process. It may be possible for the Applicant and subapplicant to avoid or minimize adverse effects by revising the SOW during the pre-award process. The Applicant and subapplicant must explain in the revised SOW how any identified impacts to environmental resources and/or historic properties will be addressed. The Applicant/subapplicant must ensure to the best of their ability that costs of any treatment measures necessary to address potential adverse impacts are realistically reflected in the Cost Estimate. Clean-up costs associated with hazardous materials are not eligible project costs. The Applicant/subapplicant is encouraged to provide an explanation of how the Cost Estimate was developed to include costs associated with anticipated impact mitigation and treatment measures. All such costs identified through the review and consultation process may be eligible if included as part of the project subapplication Cost Estimate. The amount of the Federal share may NOT be increased to cover any additional costs identified after the application deadline. If the estimated additional costs of these measures exceed the Cost Estimate submitted, the Applicant/subapplicant may accept the subgrant award and pay the additional costs or decide not to accept the subgrant award. FEMA may recoup subgrant funds if any conditions of the award are not implemented as agreed upon or if the Applicant/subapplicant initiates the project prior to FEMAs completion of the Environmental/Historic Preservation review. Within 4 months of selection, the Applicant must provide all additional required documentation so that the Environmental/Historic Preservation review can be completed or project subapplication may not be approved for award. One year extensions of the obligations deadline will be permitted on a limited basis. 4.8 PROJECT SUBAPPLICATION CHECKLIST The project subapplication must include the following information: .. Applicant Information: Provide name, type of subapplicant (e.g., State Agency, Local, Indian tribe), address, State and Federal Tax numbers, and Employer Identification Number. .. Contact Information: Provide name, agency, and address for the point(s) of contact for the subapplication. .. Community Information: Provide name of community and brief description of the community to include population, location, any geographic areas of interest, a synopsis and history of hazards affecting the community, and other applicable information that will clarify the need for the mitigation project. .. Match Sources: Provide the non-Federal cost share for the proposed activity, including documentation to support the non-Federal cost share (See Section 1.7, Cost Share Requirements); .. Mitigation Plan Information: Indicate whether the State/Indian tribe/territory is covered by a FEMA-approved State/Indian Tribal Standard or Enhanced hazard mitigation plan; if applicable, indicate whether the local entity in which the project is located is covered by a FEMA-approved Indian Tribal/local hazard mitigation plan; and describe how the proposed project is consistent with the goals, objectives, and priorities identified in any existing hazard mitigation plans. Provide reference to planning documents (i.e., section and page number). .. Scope of Work: Describe the objectives, methodology, feasibility, outcomes, resources, deliverables, and benefits of the proposed project, including the hazard(s) to be mitigated, and location of project (e.g., appropriate sections of FIRM), and engineering design, feasibility and effectiveness for relocation projects. .. Activity Information: Identify the type of activity proposed (e.g., acquisition and demolition or acquisition and relocation). .. Properties: Provide a list of properties to be mitigated. For each property, provide the address, latitude and longitude, NFIP repetitive loss number, Market Value, and BCA. In addition, provide a letter of interest or from the owner of each property identified. .. Schedule: Provide timeframes to complete each project task (e.g., survey, appraisal, permitting, inspection requirements, site preparation), and significant milestones throughout the entire performance period (See Section 1.9, Performance Period); .. Cost Estimate: Provide all anticipated and potential costs for each proposed project activity. Provide an Approved Indirect Cost Agreement, if applicable. Include URA, if applicable. .. Cost-Effectiveness Information: Provide complete BCA and documentation for each property, including damage history, methodology used for the event frequency determination, and all BCAs to support property Benefit-Cost Ratios. .. Environmental & Historic Preservation Review: Provide a description of Environmental/ Historic Preservation impacts and the alternatives considered prior to deciding upon the project. .. Maintenance Schedule and Costs: Provide a maintenance schedule, including cost information, and identify the entity that will perform long-term maintenance. .. Assurances and Certifications: If applicable in your Applicant State/Tribe/Territory, complete the Summary Sheet for Assurances and Certification, FEMA Form 20-16; Assurances-Non-Construction Programs, FEMA Form 20-16A; Assurances-Construction Programs, FEMA Form 20-16B; Certification Regarding Lobbying; Debarment, Suspension and Other Responsible Matters; Drug-Free Workplace Requirements, FEMA Form 20-16C; and Disclosure of Lobbying Activities, Standard Form LLL. .. Property Acquisition Statement of Assurances: Provide signed statement of agreement with certain assurances required for projects involving property acquisition (See FEMAs FMA website for a model statement of assurances 4.9 FEMA PRE-AWARD ACTIVITIES FEMA Regional Offices will work with Applicants who have approved Project subapplications to implement required pre-award activities prior to grant award (See Section 1.8.5, FEMA Pre- award Activities). 4.9.1 PROPERTY ACQUISITION AND RELOCATION REQUIREMENTS For property acquisition and relocation projects, the subapplicant must submit documentation that the subapplicant has consulted the US Army Corps of Engineers and the State Department of Transportation regarding potential future land use conflicts with open space acquisition. Additionally, the subapplicant must submit a copy of the deed restriction, incorporating the specific language from FEMAs model deed restriction, which the local government will record with acquired properties. 4.9.2 SPECIAL FLOOD HAZARD AREA REQUIREMENTS For projects related to improved structures sited in SFHAs, FEMA will verify that participating property owners obtain flood insurance on the property by application and require assurance that flood insurance is maintained for the life of the property. Signed notices of the conditions for receiving FEMA grant funds for projects in a SFHA must be provided to FEMA at application. Properties that do not meet these requirements will not be eligible to receive assistance under the FMA program (See Section 1.3.3, Program Requirements). The following requirements apply to any project to alter existing structures that are sited within a Special Flood Hazard Area (SFHA): .. When the project is implemented, all structures that will not be demolished or relocated out of the SFHA must be covered by flood insurance to an amount at least equal to the project cost or to the maximum limit of coverage made available with respect to the particular property, whichever is less; and .. The subapplicant (or property owner) will legally record with the county or appropriate jurisdictions land records a notice that includes the name of the current property owner (including book/page reference to record of current title, if readily available), a legal description of the property, and the following notice of flood insurance requirements: This property has received Federal hazard mitigation assistance. Federal law requires that insurance coverage on this property must be maintained during the life of the property regardless of transfer of ownership of such property. Pursuant to 42 U.S.C. Part 5154a, failure to maintain flood insurance on this property may prohibit the owner from receiving Federal disaster assistance with respect to this property in the event of a flood disaster. The property owner is also required to maintain this property in accordance with the flood plain management criteria of Title 44 of the Code of Federal Regulations Part 60.3 and City/County Ordinance. Applicants receiving assistance for projects sited in a SFHA will ensure that these requirements are met by requesting the participating property owner(s) to sign an Acknowledgement of Conditions for Mitigation of Property in a SFHA with FEMA Grant Funds form and providing the form to FEMA prior to award. This form is available on the FMA web page: or from FEMA Regional Offices (See Section 1.13, Regional Contact Information). Properties that do not meet these requirements will not be eligible to receive assistance under the FMA program. 4.9.3 FLOOD ELEVATION DATA In the wake of a major flood event, FEMA may issue Advisory Base Flood Elevations (ABFE) that more closely reflects post-storm conditions. In areas where ABFEs have not been established, existing and effective flood boundaries and elevations must be utilized during project development. ABFEs developed following Hurricanes Katrina and Rita are currently available for several areas eligible for FMA activities. Applicants should check the status of this information during project scoping. .. ABFE information is available for the coastal counties in Mississippi from the FEMA website at: .. For the parishes in Louisiana from the FEMA website at: In addition to the issuance of ABFE data, FEMA periodically updates the flood hazard data for a community by issuing a new FIS and FIRM. It is conceivable that while a community is implementing an approved mitigation project, a new FIRM with flood elevations different from the previous map is adopted for use in administering the NFIP. Under this scenario, the mitigation project must be permitted in accordance with the effective FIRM. During the grant application development process, Applicants are encouraged to contact the office of the State NFIP coordinator to assess the potential for FIRM updates in potential project areas. 4.9.4 GEOCODING REQUIREMENTS The location of all approved mitigation projects funded by the PDM program must be geocoded using standard datum. Geospatial coordinates, in the form of latitude and longitude with an accuracy of +/- 20 meters (64 feet), must be provided for all individual properties contained in the mitigation project, including: .. Individual property information on properties mitigated, and .. Project sites for mitigation activities such as stormwater management, road and bridge improvement, and critical facility protection, and flood control projects. The specific Guidance for Geocoding Mitigation Data was provided to the FEMA Regional Offices in August, 2004, and provides guidance for collecting and formatting location information. This is available on FEMAs web page: or from the Regional Offices. FEMA will work with Applicants to ensure this information is provided prior to award. 4.9.5 ENVIRONMENTAL AND HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMPLIANCE REQUIREMENTS FEMA will complete the Environmental/Historic Preservation compliance review for projects as part of pre-award activities. Subgrantees shall not initiate grant activities until FEMA has completed the Environmental/Historic Preservation review. FEMA may, at its discretion, request information or documentation from Applicants to resolve outstanding administrative or procedural requirements as part of its pre-award activities. Certain projects are of a nature that environmental/historic review can be accomplished with the information provided in the subapplication. Other projects may require some additional review, or extensive review. FEMA will often request that the Applicant and subapplicant work with FEMA in the review process. 4.10 UPDATING REPETITIVE LOSS DATABASE FOR MITIGATED PROPERTIES In order to maintain accurate, up-to-date records for all repetitive loss properties mitigated as a result of FMA Project grants, FEMA requires the submission of Form AW-501, NFIP Repetitive Loss Update Worksheet (OMB #1660-0022). Typically, this form is completed by the State or community, but it may be completed by a Region with appropriate documentation that shows any changes in the status of a property (i.e., elevation certificate). This form, along with the transmittal sheet or other document signed by an authorized community official, must be submitted for each property mitigated with FMA funds prior to closeout. Form AW-501 and instructions for completing and submitting the Form are available on FEMAs FMA web page, or from the Regional Offices (See Section 1.13, Regional Contact Information). SECTION 5 TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE RESOURCES FEMA will provide technical assistance to both Applicants and subapplicants by answering general questions about the FMA program as well as providing general technical assistance related to planning and project subapplications. FEMA will also provide technical assistance regarding the application process and the eGrants system. FEMA encourages Applicants and subapplicants to seek technical assistance early in the application period by contacting their FEMA Regional Office (See Section 1.13, Regional Contact Information). 5.1 eGRANTS HELPDESK FEMA will provide technical assistance to Applicants and subapplicants specific to the eGrants through the eGrants Helpdesk, which can be reached via phone: 1-866-476-0544 or e-mail: [email protected]. Standard hours of operation are 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Eastern Time. Hours may be extended during the application period. 5.2 PROJECT TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE FEMA will provide general technical assistance to both Applicants and subapplicants related to project Engineering Feasibility, BCA, and Environmental/Historic Preservation compliance. However, in no case will technical assistance involve conducting a BCA, or reviewing project- specific information for completeness or technical feasibility. 5.2.1 ENGINEERING FEASIBILITY TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE FEMA may provide technical assistance to Applicants and subapplicants regarding the level of documentation and the types of information that FEMA will need to adequately review the feasibility and effectiveness of proposed mitigation projects. In addition, FEMA may provide technical assistance to Applicants and subapplicants regarding the completeness and accuracy of project cost estimating for engineering costs. To assist Applicants and subapplicants with the documentation of their proposed projects, FEMA has prepared Sample Engineering Case Studies. These case studies provide examples of the information needed for proposed mitigation projects. The case studies include general information that must be included in the application and highlight the importance of the SOW and Cost Estimate sections of the project subapplication as they relate to documentation for the engineering review. The case studies are not sample applications and must only be used as guidance. The case studies are available on FEMAs PDM web page: or from the Regional Offices (See Section 1.13, Regional Contact Information). FEMA has developed procedures to assist Applicants applying for funding under FEMA's mitigation grant programs for several common flood project types. The purpose of these documents is to provide guidance to Applicants and subapplicants regarding collection of the administrative and technical data that FEMA requires. The Procedures for Developing a SOW may be downloaded from the FEMA website: In addition, a Help Module will be available to assist Applicants and subapplicants with developing the SOW, Work Schedule, and Cost Estimate for project subapplications. The Help Module will provide interactive and dynamic, context-sensitive help and resources throughout the development of a project application. The Help Module is linked to various sections of the project subapplication in the eGrants system and is also available from the FEMA Information Resources Library: 5.2.2 BENEFIT-COST ANALYSIS TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE FEMA has prepared a Mitigation BCA Toolkit CD. This CD includes all of the FEMA BCA software, technical manuals, BCA training courses, and other supporting documentation. Applicants and subapplicants may obtain the FEMA Mitigation BCA Toolkit CD free from FEMA by contacting the Technical Assistance Helpline or the applicable FEMA Regional Office (See Section 1.13, Regional Contact Information.). While FEMA will provide technical assistance on the BCA data needs and documentation requirements, FEMA will not input data and/or run the BCA modules for Applicants or subapplicants. The BCA technical assistance provided to potential Applicants and subapplicants may cover: .. Use of the FEMA Mitigation BCA Toolkit CD; .. Use of the BCA Data Documentation Templates found on the Toolkit CD; .. Proper use of the BCA modules, procedures, and methodologies; .. How to handle aggregate project BCA for multiple properties and methodologies; and .. How to prepare detailed Cost Estimates. 5.2.3 ENVIRONMENTAL/HISTORIC PRESERVATION TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE The Applicant and subapplicant may find specific guidance on completing the Environmental/Historic Preservation questions in the Environmental/Historic Preservation Information section of the project subapplication linked to this section in the eGrants system as well as on FEMAs website at In addition, a Help Module is available to assist Applicants and subapplicants with answering the Environmental/Historic Preservation questions and provides interactive and dynamic, context-sensitive help, instructions, and resources for each of the parts of the Environmental/Historic Preservation Information section of the project subapplication. The Help Module also highlights Environmental/Historic Preservation considerations that may need to be addressed in other parts of the project subapplication, such as the SOW and Cost Estimate. The Help Module is linked directly to the Environmental/Historic Preservation Information section of the project subapplication in the eGrants system as well as to the FMA web page: FEMA also offers training related to Environmental/Historic Preservation online through the National Emergency Training Center Virtual Campus. This interactive, computer-based, independent study course is designed to provide the user with the basic background and practical knowledge needed to participate in FEMAs Environmental/Historic Preservation review process; help the user understand how the Environmental/Historic Preservation review process applies to various projects proposed under FEMAs programs; and provide the resources necessary for the user to accomplish Environmental/Historic Preservation responsibilities. The Independent Study course, IS 253, includes interactive knowledge checks, case studies, and resource materials. Please visit the FEMA website at for more information about the online course or contact your FEMA Regional Office (See Section 1.13, Regional Contact Information). 5.2.4 PROJECT TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE HELPLINES FEMA established Technical Assistance Helplines to provide assistance to Applicants and subapplicants with engineering feasibility and effectiveness; BCA, including BCA software, technical manuals, and other BCA references; and Environmental/Historic Preservation compliance for project subapplications. The Helplines can be reached via telephone: 1 (866) 222-3580 or e-mail: [email protected]; [email protected]; and [email protected], respectively, and a representative will respond within two-business days.
# Presentation: 861217 ## Massively Parallel Imagery Assimilation Using the 3D Multiscale Multicomponent Modeling Framework (MMMF) **K. Palaniappan** **Dept of CS** **U of Missouri-Columbia** **Bo-Wen Shen** **U of Maryland CP &** **NASA-Goddard** **C. Kambhamettu** **Dept. of CIS** **U of Delaware** - AISR Meeting May 5 -7, 2008 ## Project Objectives - Process satellite imagery using new image analysis algorithms implemented on (cheap/novel) parallel architectures GPU, multicore or Cell processors - Fuse imagery from multiple EOS satellites - Provide dense atmospheric parameter estimates of multi-level winds, cloud-top surfaces, microphysics, etc. from multispectral satellite imagery. - Multiscale Multicomponent Modeling Framework : Assimilate fields using 4D observations into Cloud Resolving Models (GCE) embedded in a global circulation model (fvGCM) - Columbia supercomputer - Demonstrate benefits including improved forecasting (tracks, intensities, structures) of severe storms and hurricanes - NOAA - Target 48hr forecast with 106 nmi accuracy - NOAA - NOAA ## Parallel Image Structure & Motion Analysis - General motion - module - Global-local - framework - Global motion - analysis module - Local motion - analysis module - Extended - Superquadrics - Shape-based - application - Nonshape-based - Application - A general scheme for - structure and nonrigid - motion tracking - from 2D images ## Proposed Parallel Image Structure & Motion Analysis Overview **Local Nonrigid** **Motion Tracking** **Structure** ** ****Nonrigid motion ** **3D correspon-** **dences** **Global** **Regulari-** **zation** **Local Nonrigid** **Motion Tracking** **Local Nonrigid** **Motion Tracking** **Global ** **Constraints** **2D Image** **Sequence** **Segmentation** - Local motion - analysis module - Global motion - analysis module **Proposed Parallel Image Structure & Motion Analysis Overview** **Notes:** This is the system achitecture of the new SMAS system. First the input image sequences are evenly segmented into many small areas. For each area, local nonrigid motion analysis is performed to tracking local details. Then some global constraints which are defined accoring to the fluid dynamics are used to regularize the locally tracked results. The output of the systrem is ... ## Initial Experiments for Hurricane Luis **Initial Experiments for Hurricane Luis** **Notes:** Ex..... This one recovered structure of hurricane Luis. And this is a sample of recover fluid motion. You can see a lot of fluidity recovered locally. Let's look at the movie. ## Initial Experiments for Hurricane Luis **Initial Experiments for Hurricane Luis** - Although the initial mean errors are very large, they decrease very quickly after the global fluid constraints are applied. Stable results are achieved at the end of the iterations. **Notes:** Here, I show some intermediate results during the iterations. The left one is the recovered z velocity field during iterations. You can see that the recovered z velocity is very bad and has a lot of noises initially. After the global fluid constraints are applied , the results are getting better and better. The final recovered z velocity field has larger value in the hurricane eye and smaller value in the hurricane body. And it is regular phenomena for mature hurricanes. The right one is the mean errors of our recovered hurricane structure when compared with disparities. This line is.. ... Al.... Also, the postprocessing procedure decrease the error in the hurricane edge dramatically because there are a lot of density variations in the hurricane edge. However, the post... is not very effective for the hurricane eye. A possible reason is that the motion within the hurricane eye area is so complex and dynamic and it can't be tracked by local affine model. More complex models for the eye area will be investigated in the future. ## <footer> - <date/time> ## Multiview Local Constraints Using Multiple EOS Satellite Observations ## Proposed Multi-satellite Multi-spectral Approach - Image Sequence 1 - Motion Flow - Motion Flow - Motion Flow - 3D Affine Model - Stereo Constraints - Regularization Constraints - 3D Scene Flow - 3D Correspondences - Dense Scene Structure - Image Sequence 2 - Image Sequence N - Satellite 1 - Satellite 2 - Satellite N ## Proposed Fusing Multispectral Imagery - Moving Object Detection - foreground mask FGM identifying moving blobs, using the flux tensor method from IR and WV - Object Segmentation - Partition object clusters, FGM, into individual objects using level set based geodesic active contours that combines information from visible, IR, WV. Refined foreground mask FGR - Multiple Object Tracking - resolve frame-to-frame correspondences between moving blobs in FGR. Output moving object statistics and trajectories. - Cluster Trajectory Analysis - combine segments and resolve incorrect trajectory merges from under-segmentation of neighboring objects or partial and full occlusions - Improve performance of cloud tracking, through fusion of - information from both visible, infrared, and water vapor ## Motion Detection 3D Spatiotemporal Volume - Spatio-temporal volume of hall monitor sequence: (a) Left entire volume, (b) Middle: cut taken at vertical position y0, (c) Right: Cut taken at vertical Position y1. - Gerald Kuhne, “Motion-based segmentation and classification of video objects” - PhD Dissertation, Univ. of Mannheim, 2002 **Motion Detection ****3D Spatiotemporal Volume** ## Flux Tensor Matrix - Advantage: Elements of flux tensor incorporate information about temporal gradient changes - efficient discrimination between stationary and moving image features - Trace of flux tensor matrix can be directly used to classify moving and non-moving regions - Equivalent cost to computing structure tensor matrix without eigen-decompositon - Each pixel in an IR or WV image frame IIR (x,t) is classified as moving or - stationary by thresholding trace of associated flux tensor matrix *trace(J**F**)* - and a motion blob mask FGM is obtained. ## Flux Tensor Cloud Motion Extraction ## Proposed Multispectral Edges - Edge detection in multi-channel images (i.e. color edge strength) is not straight forward to generalize since gradients in different channels can have inconsistent orientations. - Ruzon and Tomasi classify color edge detection algorithms into three categories based on when the individual channel responses are fused - Output Fusion Methods: gray-scale edge detection is carried out in each channel independently then combined using methods such as weighted sum. - Multi-dimensional Gradient Methods: estimate a single estimate of the orientation and strength of an edge at a point. - Vector Methods: color information is treated as a vector through the whole process of edge detection such as in the case of edge detection based on vector order statistics. - Edge, junction, and corner detection using color distributions _[Ruzon]([, M.A.]( _[Tomasi]([, C.](, PAMI Nov. 2001. ## Multi-dimensional Gradient - Main issue: Combination of the individual channel gradients into a final multi-dimensional gradient. - Simple methods: use operations such as sum, weighted sum, max, min etc. to produce the final multi-dimensional/color gradients. - _Problem:_ summation of the individual channel gradients discard the correlation between the channels and may result in cancellation effects. - Tensor methods: Pioneering work on how to combine the gradients of each channel is done by DiZenzo [DiZenzo:CVGIP86] who considered the multi-channel image as a vector field and computed the tensor gradient. ## Edge Indicator Functions for Multi-Channel Images ## Luis Assimilation & Modeling Study - <date/time> **Luis Assimilation & Modeling Study** **MM5 modeling of Luis** **Simulation of mesovortex dynamics using multiple nested grids** **Assimilation of satellite-derived rainfall and automatic wind estimates** **Impact of satellite information on intensity and track prediction** **Improvements to automatic estimation of multispectral stereo heights and winds** ## Horizontal - Potential - Vorticity - (6 pv units) - Outflow Layer Winds (16 km) - Inflow Layer Winds (500m) - (max 70 m/s) - MM5 Luis Model Results - 10.8 km Grid - 1200 UTC 6 Sept ‘95: - Surface Rainfall (max 50mm/hr) ## Limitations of GCMs for Hurricane Modeling - General Circulation Models (GCMs) have insufficient resolution to accurately simulate hurricane near-eye structure and intensity. - GCE physics packages (e.g., cumulus parameterizations) are also known limiting factors in simulating hurricanes. ## Limitations of GCMs for Hurricane Modeling **MMMF** - Handles data redistribution - Responsible for i/o (optional) **fvGCM** - Provides large-scale forcing - Parallel implementation using MPI and OpenMP in y and z directions, respectively **MS-GCEM** - Manages GCEMs on the meta grid - Handles i/o on meta grid points - 2-D parallel implementation using MPI - GCE - GCE - GCE ## Goddard Multiscale Modeling Framework - Simulated precipitation at CRM grids in MMF, showing heavy precipitation along the ITCZ. ## Forecasts of Track, Intensity, Structures - Hugo, 1989, $17B - Andrew, 1992, $40B - Katrina, 2005, $100B - Luis, 1995, $3B ## Forecasts of Katrina’s Track, Intensity, Structures - Six 5-day simulations of Katrina at both 0.25o and 0.125o show comparable track forecasts, but the higher-resolution (0.125o) runs provide much better intensity forecasts, producing the center pressure with errors of only +- 12 hPa. - Realistic near-eye wind distribution and vertical structure are also obtained as cumulus parameterizations are disabled. ## Forecasts of Katrina’s Track, Intensity, Structures **GFS Analysis (~35km) valid at 08/29/12z** **96 h Simulations with no CPS** _**High-resolution runs simulate realistic intensity, RMW (radius of max wind) and warm core (shaded)**_ - Landfall errors: - e32 (1/4o): 50km, g48(1/8o): 14km, g48ncps (1/8o w/o CPs): 30km - Six 5-day simulations of Katrina higher-resolution (0.125o) runs provide much better intensity forecasts, producing the center pressure with errors of only +- 12 hPa. - Realistic near-eye wind distribution and vertical structure ## Forecasts of Katrina’s Track, Intensity, Structures **Near-eye Wind Distributions in a 2****o****x2****o**** box (a) AOML/HRD high-resolution surface wind analysis, (b) the 0.25****o**** 99h simulations, (c) the 0.125****o **** 99h simulations, (d) the 0.125****o**** 99h simulations without convection parameterizations (CPs).** - Six 5-day simulations of Katrina higher-resolution (0.125o) runs provide much better intensity forecasts, producing the center pressure with errors of only +- 12 hPa. - Realistic near-eye wind distribution and vertical structure ## Forecasts of Katrina’s Track, Intensity, Structures ## Forecasts of Katrina’s Track, Intensity, Structures ## Global Mesoscale Modeling on the NASA Columbia Supercomputer **5-day forecasts of total precipitable water** ** ****initialized at 0000 UTC 1 September, 2004 with the 1/12****o ****fvGCM** *Frances* *Sonda* **Global Mesoscale Modeling on the NASA Columbia Supercomputer** - A - B - C - D - A: Atlantic Hurricanes - B: Catalina Eddy - C: Hawaiian Lee Wakes - D: Asian Mei-Yu Front - E - E: Indian Twin Tropical Cyclones ## WRF Cases (high-resolution runs, 1 - 3 km grid size) ***GPM C3VP (2007)*** ***India - Monsoon*** ***(May-June 2005 &2006)*** ***Katrina (2005)*** ***Forest Fire (2007)*** ***TC4 2007*** ***IHOP*** ***Orgraphic Precipitation*** ***(2007)*** ## Project Objectives - Process satellite imagery using new image analysis algorithms implemented on (cheap/novel) parallel architectures GPU, multicore or Cell processors - Fuse imagery from multiple EOS satellites - Provide dense estimates of multi-level winds, cloud-top surface structures, microphysics and other parameters from multispectral satellite imagery. - Multiscale Multicomponent Modeling Framework : Assimilate fields using 4D observation-nudging into Cloud Resolving Models (GCE) embedded in a global circulation model (fvGCM) - Demonstrate benefits including improved forecasting (tracks, intensities, structures) of severe storms and hurricanes
# Presentation: 743343 ## The USDA Forest Service Update for FY 2008 - Bill Belton - USDA Planning & Coordination - December 11-13, 2007 ## National Level Funding History - FY 2004: $1,071,000 - Tongass NF Contract $500,000 - NAIP Projects $571,000 - FY 2005: $ 841,000 - All to NAIP Projects - FY 2006: $1,650,000 - $1,600,000 to NAIP - $50,000 to MRLC - FY 2007: $1,567,500 - 5% Reduction from FY 2006 - Chugach NF Contract, est. $ 200,000 - Puerto Rico High Resolution $ 25,000 - NAIP Projects $1,342,500 - FY 2008: $1,650,000 (?) - Chugach NF Contract, est: $ 500,000 - NAIP Projects $1,145,000 - Travel $ 5,000 ## Forest Service “Transformation” - Reorganization of Forest Service Washington Office and Regional Offices - Optimize performance and support to field - Reduce budgets at these levels by 25% over 2 year period - Does not extend to National Forests and District Offices - Does not include Research and State and Private Forestry - Phase 1 and Phase 2 completed September 2007 - National Leadership Team is reconsidering recommendations - No timeline for decision - “Soft” Hiring Freeze in place at WO/RO until competed ## Forest Service Requirement for Stereo Orthoimagery - Forest Service Remote Sensing Steering Committee request - Regions and Forests are reducing or eliminating resource photography programs - NAIP is not able to meet all requirements - Stereo imagery at 1-meter resolution would add significant functionality - Requests NDOP Technical Subcommittee to study issue ## Lidar Activities – Part 1 - Three proposals to FS Remote Sensing Steering Committee - Coronoado NF: Specifications for Lidar data acquisition - Wayne NF: evaluation of statewide Lidar acquisition (March 2008 delivery) - NF in Florida evaluation of Lidar data ## Lidar Activities – Part 2 - Colville NF (Washington State) RFP for Lidar data acquisition (AG-05G1-S-07-0043.) - Basically 1st and 2nd return Lidar data to support fire fuel assessment program - Email from John P. on day RFP closed - “Surveying is considered to be an architectural and engineering service and shall be procured pursuant to 36.601 from registered surveyors or architects or engineers.” - “The services you are requesting have traditionally been considered A/E related surveying and mapping services. Virtually identical services are regularly contracted for by the Corps of Engineers, using the QBS process” - “Moreover, the LIDAR survey work in your contract solicitation constitutes the practice of surveying in the State of Washington.” ## Regional Reports - Region 1 – No resource photography, will do post-fire collections as needed - Region 8 – No planned activities - Region 9 – No planned activities
! time/lat/long style, multi-record, in caps ! (Year, Day, Hour, Min, Sec, Tenths, Lat, Long, ActivityID, EquipmentType, Depth, DepthUnits, Line, Station, Roll, Comments) ! (i4.4, i3.3, 3i2.2, i1.1, t16, f9.5, t26, f10.5, t37, a, t45, a24, t70, f6.1, t78, a1, t80, a9, t90, a9, t100, a9, t110, a) ! (%4.4i, %3.3i3%2.2i%1.1i %9.5f %10.5f %7s %24s %6.1f%1s %9s %9s %9s %s) ! temporal domain ! FACS Operation logbook or Navigation logbook, through /bear/programs/edit/breakdown, then through /bear/programs/nav/navmerge ! ! 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 ! 3456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890 19832611255000 47.96040 -129.35330 K183NP LINES 0.0 M 2 START 19832611328000 47.90512 -129.39821 K183NP LINES 0.0 M 2 END 19832611333000 47.89615 -129.40423 K183NP LINES 0.0 M 3 START 19832611400000 47.89447 -129.47278 K183NP LINES 0.0 M 3 END 19832611408000 47.88778 -129.49018 K183NP LINES 0.0 M 4 START 19832611754000 47.45044 -129.34288 K183NP LINES 0.0 M 4 END 19832611800000 47.44164 -129.33326 K183NP LINES 0.0 M 5 START 19832611856000 47.44547 -129.19205 K183NP LINES 0.0 M 5 END 19832611902000 47.45209 -129.18390 K183NP LINES 0.0 M 6 START 19832620110000 47.93825 -129.36839 K183NP LINES 0.0 M 6 END 19832620148000 47.97918 -129.39489 K183NP LINES 0.0 M 7 START 19832620235000 47.94228 -129.29023 K183NP LINES 0.0 M 7 END 19832620236000 47.94034 -129.28879 K183NP LINES 0.0 M 8 START 19832620650000 47.46696 -129.11148 K183NP LINES 0.0 M 8 END 19832620657000 47.46156 -129.10085 K183NP LINES 0.0 M 9 START 19832620736000 47.50834 -129.00850 K183NP LINES 0.0 M 9 END 19832620739000 47.51412 -129.00479 K183NP LINES 0.0 M 10 START 19832621205000 48.04441 -129.19421 K183NP LINES 0.0 M 10 END 19832621211000 48.05315 -129.18683 K183NP LINES 0.0 M 11 START 19832621234000 48.06441 -129.11449 K183NP LINES 0.0 M 11 END 19832621238000 48.06271 -129.10129 K183NP LINES 0.0 M 12 START 19832621653000 47.51875 -128.92290 K183NP LINES 0.0 M 12 END 19832621700000 47.50953 -128.91054 K183NP LINES 0.0 M 13 START 19832621735000 47.54584 -128.82096 K183NP LINES 0.0 M 13 END 19832621739000 47.55276 -128.81663 K183NP LINES 0.0 M 14 START 19832622240000 48.06911 -129.00414 K183NP LINES 0.0 M 14 END 19832622248000 48.07466 -128.99844 K183NP LINES 0.0 M 15 START 19832630011000 48.04619 -128.87236 K183NP LINES 0.0 M 15 END 19832630017000 48.04176 -128.86603 K183NP LINES 0.0 M 16 START 19832630205000 47.84557 -128.80934 K183NP LINES 0.0 M 16 END 19832630209000 47.83889 -128.80930 K183NP LINES 0.0 M 17 START 19832631738000 46.10784 -129.88915 K183NP LINES 0.0 M 17 END 19832631739000 46.10590 -129.89083 K183NP LINES 0.0 M 18 START 19832631925000 45.97472 -130.10669 K183NP LINES 0.0 M 18 END 19832631930000 45.97344 -130.11873 K183NP LINES 0.0 M 18A START 19832632100000 46.05808 -130.01849 K183NP LINES 0.0 M 18A END 19832632130000 46.01641 -130.02420 K183NP LINES 0.0 M 18B START 19832632245000 45.92292 -130.15980 K183NP LINES 0.0 M 18B END 19832632250000 45.91575 -130.16266 K183NP LINES 0.0 M 19 START 19832632325000 45.86752 -130.12568 K183NP LINES 0.0 M 19 END 19832632332000 45.86287 -130.11540 K183NP LINES 0.0 M 20 START 19832640251000 46.10222 -129.73364 K183NP LINES 0.0 M 20 END 19832640259000 46.09949 -129.71561 K183NP LINES 0.0 M 21 START 19832640408000 45.98163 -129.77446 K183NP LINES 0.0 M 21 END 19832640409000 45.97990 -129.77559 K183NP LINES 0.0 M 22 START 19832640710000 45.70785 -130.17366 K183NP LINES 0.0 M 22 END 19832640715000 45.69724 -130.17660 K183NP LINES 0.0 M 23 START 19832640740000 45.65403 -130.12581 K183NP LINES 0.0 M 23 END 19832640745000 45.64976 -130.11396 K183NP LINES 0.0 M 24 START 19832641103000 45.91993 -129.71046 K183NP LINES 0.0 M 24 END 19832641111000 45.91920 -129.69029 K183NP LINES 0.0 M 25 START 19832641220000 45.81314 -129.72113 K183NP LINES 0.0 M 25 END 19832641223000 45.80867 -129.72263 K183NP LINES 0.0 M 26 START 19832641247000 45.77284 -129.73464 K183NP LINES 0.0 M 26 END 19832641301000 45.75195 -129.74164 K183NP LINES 0.0 M 26A START 19832641413000 45.83042 -129.69108 K183NP LINES 0.0 M 26A END 19832641426000 45.84887 -129.70425 K183NP LINES 0.0 M 27 START 19832641655000 45.62771 -130.02574 K183NP LINES 0.0 M 27 END 19832641656000 45.62598 -130.02725 K183NP LINES 0.0 M 28 START 19832642110000 45.12483 -130.15768 K183NP LINES 0.0 M 28 END 19832642113000 45.11943 -130.16263 K183NP LINES 0.0 M 29 START 19832642251000 45.01336 -130.41364 K183NP LINES 0.0 M 29 END 19832642257000 45.01580 -130.42934 K183NP LINES 0.0 M 30 START 19832642330000 45.07584 -130.46553 K183NP LINES 0.0 M 30 END 19832642336000 45.08654 -130.46283 K183NP LINES 0.0 M 31 START 19832650235000 45.23961 -130.00130 K183NP LINES 0.0 M 31 END 19832650244000 45.23150 -129.98239 K183NP LINES 0.0 M 32 START 19832650400000 45.06886 -130.05814 K183NP LINES 0.0 M 32 END 19832650403000 45.06351 -130.06261 K183NP LINES 0.0 M 33 START 19832650550000 44.95307 -130.36134 K183NP LINES 0.0 M 33 END 19832650600000 44.93654 -130.36215 K183NP LINES 0.0 M 34 START 19832650645000 44.96902 -130.24094 K183NP LINES 0.0 M 34 END 19832650653000 44.96041 -130.22540 K183NP LINES 0.0 M 35 START 19832651225000 44.27907 -130.45611 K183NP LINES 0.0 M 35 END 19832651233000 44.27074 -130.44370 K183NP LINES 0.0 M 36 START 19832651545000 44.45463 -129.94594 K183NP LINES 0.0 M 36 END 19832651559000 44.44255 -129.94046 K183NP LINES 0.0 M 37 START 19832651650000 44.48308 -130.07520 K183NP LINES 0.0 M 37 END 19832651653000 44.48244 -130.08324 K183NP LINES 0.0 M 38 START 19832651936000 44.32265 -130.50649 K183NP LINES 0.0 M 38 END 19832651941000 44.32444 -130.51944 K183NP LINES 0.0 M 39 START 19832652015000 44.38993 -130.55103 K183NP LINES 0.0 M 39 END 19832652020000 44.39956 -130.54851 K183NP LINES 0.0 M 40 START 19832652340000 44.58542 -130.04351 K183NP LINES 0.0 M 40 END 19832652346000 44.59489 -130.03624 K183NP LINES 0.0 M 41 START 19832660015000 44.64990 -130.07638 K183NP LINES 0.0 M 41 END 19832660020000 44.65536 -130.08803 K183NP LINES 0.0 M 42 START 19832660320000 44.45931 -130.58061 K183NP LINES 0.0 M 42 END 19832660330000 44.46900 -130.59923 K183NP LINES 0.0 M 43 START 19832660519000 44.63190 -130.45435 K183NP LINES 0.0 M 43 END 19832660521000 44.63377 -130.45200 K183NP LINES 0.0 M 44 START 19832660645000 44.59814 -130.32759 K183NP LINES 0.0 M 44 END 19832660652000 44.59957 -130.31726 K183NP LINES 0.0 M 45 START 19832660746000 44.65840 -130.29036 K183NP LINES 0.0 M 45 END 19832660754000 44.66454 -130.29624 K183NP LINES 0.0 M 46 START 19832660918000 44.69493 -130.41048 K183NP LINES 0.0 M 46 END 19832660923000 44.69836 -130.41308 K183NP LINES 0.0 M 47 START 19832661000000 44.71715 -130.35615 K183NP LINES 0.0 M 47 END 19832661008000 44.71349 -130.34526 K183NP LINES 0.0 M 48 START 19832661152000 44.58804 -130.40921 K183NP LINES 0.0 M 48 END 19832661158000 44.58123 -130.40776 K183NP LINES 0.0 M 49 START 19832661215000 44.57220 -130.38224 K183NP LINES 0.0 M 49 END 19832661220000 44.57232 -130.37494 K183NP LINES 0.0 M 50 START 19832661448000 44.70830 -130.30800 K183NP LINES 0.0 M 50 END 19832661822000 44.74027 -130.39574 K183NP LINES 0.0 M 51 START 19832661904000 44.67105 -130.38384 K183NP LINES 0.0 M 51 END 19832662030000 44.52135 -130.47931 K183NP LINES 0.0 M 52 START 19832670600000 43.96666 -129.05291 K183NP LINES 0.0 M 52 END 19832670847000 43.93551 -129.02689 K183NP LINES 0.0 M 53 START 19832670935000 43.87164 -129.02325 K183NP LINES 0.0 M 53 END 19832670939000 43.86632 -129.02295 K183NP LINES 0.0 M 54 START 19832671345000 43.47681 -128.89719 K183NP LINES 0.0 M 54 END 19832671349000 43.46992 -128.89209 K183NP LINES 0.0 M 55 START 19832671533000 43.30702 -128.73346 K183NP LINES 0.0 M 55 END 19832671534000 43.30566 -128.73201 K183NP LINES 0.0 M 56 START 19832671716000 43.18367 -128.56353 K183NP LINES 0.0 M 56 END 19832671720000 43.17855 -128.56376 K183NP LINES 0.0 M 57 START 19832671855000 43.20766 -128.81636 K183NP LINES 0.0 M 57 END 19832671900000 43.21194 -128.82336 K183NP LINES 0.0 M 58 START 19832672130000 43.31371 -128.46928 K183NP LINES 0.0 M 58 END 19832672136000 43.32147 -128.46101 K183NP LINES 0.0 M 59 START 19832672322000 43.46928 -128.59804 K183NP LINES 0.0 M 59 END 19832672325000 43.47071 -128.60380 K183NP LINES 0.0 M 60 START 19832680153000 43.32498 -128.95118 K183NP LINES 0.0 M 60 END 19832680157000 43.32656 -128.95984 K183NP LINES 0.0 M 61 START 19832680540000 43.68722 -129.17798 K183NP LINES 0.0 M 61 END 19832680543000 43.69046 -129.17313 K183NP LINES 0.0 M 62 START 19832680802000 43.78699 -129.02611 K183NP LINES 0.0 M 62 END 19832680806000 43.78874 -129.02535 K183NP LINES 0.0 M 63 START 19832680855000 43.81021 -129.01601 K183NP LINES 0.0 M 63 END 19832680857000 43.81108 -129.01563 K183NP LINES 0.0 M 64 START 19832681030000 43.85183 -128.99788 K183NP LINES 0.0 M 64 END 19832681141000 43.88293 -128.98435 K183NP LINES 0.0 M 65 START 19832681215000 43.89783 -128.97786 K183NP LINES 0.0 M 65 END 19832681221000 43.90046 -128.97671 K183NP LINES 0.0 M 66 START 19832690640000 43.01628 -126.49316 K183NP LINES 0.0 M 66 END 19832690643000 43.01269 -126.48634 K183NP LINES 0.0 M 67 START 19832690815000 42.85847 -126.36164 K183NP LINES 0.0 M 67 END 19832690820000 42.85034 -126.36237 K183NP LINES 0.0 M 68 START 19832690858000 42.81742 -126.44415 K183NP LINES 0.0 M 68 END 19832690903000 42.81884 -126.45444 K183NP LINES 0.0 M 69 START 19832691350000 43.31578 -126.84244 K183NP LINES 0.0 M 69 END 19832691354000 43.31980 -126.85029 K183NP LINES 0.0 M 70 START 19832691436000 43.29163 -126.94296 K183NP LINES 0.0 M 70 END 19832691436001 43.29163 -126.94296 K183NP LINES 0.0 M 71 START 19832692018000 42.70166 -126.47712 K183NP LINES 0.0 M 71 END 19832692022000 42.69368 -126.47655 K183NP LINES 0.0 M 72 START 19832692047000 42.66634 -126.53768 K183NP LINES 0.0 M 72 END 19832692052000 42.66690 -126.55105 K183NP LINES 0.0 M 73 START 19832700421000 43.39479 -127.20443 K183NP LINES 0.0 M 73 END 19832700427000 43.39596 -127.21880 K183NP LINES 0.0 M 74 START 19832700446000 43.37454 -127.26970 K183NP LINES 0.0 M 74 END 19832700452000 43.36389 -127.27869 K183NP LINES 0.0 M 75 START 19832700955000 42.89991 -126.83541 K183NP LINES 0.0 M 75 END 19832740312000 41.97783 -127.52825 K183NP LINES 0.0 M 76 START 19832740449000 41.87710 -127.74855 K183NP LINES 0.0 M 76 END 19832740454000 41.86884 -127.75502 K183NP LINES 0.0 M 77 START 19832741237000 41.08838 -127.07885 K183NP LINES 0.0 M 77 END 19832741242000 41.08264 -127.06790 K183NP LINES 0.0 M 78 START 19832741315000 41.10351 -126.99207 K183NP LINES 0.0 M 78 END 19832741321000 41.11155 -126.98710 K183NP LINES 0.0 M 79 START 19832742300000 42.06811 -127.83102 K183NP LINES 0.0 M 79 END 19832742306000 42.07973 -127.82973 K183NP LINES 0.0 M 80 START 19832742338000 42.11087 -127.74345 K183NP LINES 0.0 M 80 END 19832742343000 42.10992 -127.72932 K183NP LINES 0.0 M 81 START 19832750746000 41.26633 -127.00500 K183NP LINES 0.0 M 81 END 19832750752000 41.26120 -126.99288 K183NP LINES 0.0 M 82 START 19832750830000 41.30033 -126.92004 K183NP LINES 0.0 M 82 END 19832750835000 41.30764 -126.91802 K183NP LINES 0.0 M 83 START 19832751530000 41.97863 -127.54041 K183NP LINES 0.0 M 83 END 19832751535000 41.98715 -127.53793 K183NP LINES 0.0 M 84 START 19832751615000 41.99483 -127.44767 K183NP LINES 0.0 M 84 END 19832751621000 41.99475 -127.43440 K183NP LINES 0.0 M 85 START 19832752145000 41.53195 -126.94074 K183NP LINES 0.0 M 85 END 19832752150000 41.53154 -126.93549 K183NP LINES 0.0 M 86 START 19832752230000 41.52831 -126.89346 K183NP LINES 0.0 M 86 END 19832752234000 41.52798 -126.88927 K183NP LINES 0.0 M 87 START 19832760700000 42.31981 -127.56512 K183NP LINES 0.0 M 87 END 19832760704000 42.32730 -127.56529 K183NP LINES 0.0 M 88 START 19832760740000 42.35104 -127.46727 K183NP LINES 0.0 M 88 END 19832760744000 42.34912 -127.45641 K183NP LINES 0.0 M 89 START 19832761410000 41.69395 -126.88110 K183NP LINES 0.0 M 89 END 19832761416000 41.69047 -126.86864 K183NP LINES 0.0 M 90 START 19832761445000 41.71795 -126.81182 K183NP LINES 0.0 M 90 END 19832761451000 41.72584 -126.80708 K183NP LINES 0.0 M 91 START 19832762100000 42.33858 -127.30128 K183NP LINES 0.0 M 91 END 19832762105000 42.34042 -127.29555 K183NP LINES 0.0 M 92 START 19832762134000 42.35110 -127.26234 K183NP LINES 0.0 M 92 END 19832762139000 42.35294 -127.25662 K183NP LINES 0.0 M 93 START 19832770230000 41.94041 -126.82718 K183NP LINES 0.0 M 93 END 19832770236000 41.94015 -126.81797 K183NP LINES 0.0 M 94 START 19832770310000 41.93869 -126.76580 K183NP LINES 0.0 M 94 END 19832770316000 41.93843 -126.75659 K183NP LINES 0.0 M 95 START 19832770850000 42.51581 -127.23998 K183NP LINES 0.0 M 95 END 19832770855000 42.52566 -127.23892 K183NP LINES 0.0 M 96 START 19832770920000 42.55672 -127.18674 K183NP LINES 0.0 M 96 END 19832770925000 42.55654 -127.17576 K183NP LINES 0.0 M 97 START 19832771350000 42.18807 -126.79304 K183NP LINES 0.0 M 97 END 19832771355000 42.18819 -126.78490 K183NP LINES 0.0 M 98 START 19832771435000 42.18918 -126.71978 K183NP LINES 0.0 M 98 END 19832771440000 42.18930 -126.71165 K183NP LINES 0.0 M 99 START 19832771920000 42.66659 -127.09023 K183NP LINES 0.0 M 99 END 19832771925000 42.67535 -127.09649 K183NP LINES 0.0 M 100 START 19832771950000 42.69008 -127.06772 K183NP LINES 0.0 M 100 END 19832771955000 42.69109 -127.05795 K183NP LINES 0.0 M 101 START 19832780001000 42.38331 -126.72860 K183NP LINES 0.0 M 101 END 19832780015000 42.37796 -126.71279 K183NP LINES 0.0 M 102 START 19832780030000 42.37222 -126.69586 K183NP LINES 0.0 M 102 END 19832780055000 42.36267 -126.66764 K183NP LINES 0.0 M 103 START 19832780615000 42.85299 -127.05660 K183NP LINES 0.0 M 103 END 19832780621000 42.86396 -127.05545 K183NP LINES 0.0 M 104 START 19832780646000 42.89271 -126.99760 K183NP LINES 0.0 M 104 END 19832780651000 42.89251 -126.98533 K183NP LINES 0.0 M 105 START 19832781100000 42.46981 -126.61517 K183NP LINES 0.0 M 105 END 19832781105000 42.46648 -126.60433 K183NP LINES 0.0 M 106 START 19832781140000 42.49818 -126.52921 K183NP LINES 0.0 M 106 END 19832781145000 42.50488 -126.52453 K183NP LINES 0.0 M 107 START 19832781610000 42.96394 -126.90942 K183NP LINES 0.0 M 107 END 19832781615000 42.96885 -126.89745 K183NP LINES 0.0 M 108 START 19832781915000 43.04428 -126.55801 K183NP LINES 0.0 M 108 END 19832781920000 43.04277 -126.55309 K183NP LINES 0.0 M 109 START 19832781952000 43.03309 -126.52169 K183NP LINES 0.0 M 109 END 19832781957000 43.03158 -126.51678 K183NP LINES 0.0 M 110 START 19832782051000 42.98682 -126.52966 K183NP LINES 0.0 M 110 END 19832782052000 42.98534 -126.53143 K183NP LINES 0.0 M 111 START 19832791515000 41.10886 -127.47029 K183NP LINES 0.0 M 111 END 19832791520000 41.11123 -127.46716 K183NP LINES 0.0 M 112 START 19832791600000 41.13016 -127.44208 K183NP LINES 0.0 M 112 END
![](media/image1.png){width="1.625in" height="1.6083333333333334in"} ### Office of Congressman Jeff Flake ***News Release*** **FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE:** Thursday, November 11, 2004 **CONTACT :** Matthew Specht (202) 225-2635 # **Arafat Death Provides Palestinians With Opportunity to Show Commitment to Peace** ## *Arafat Was Hindrance to Peace Process* **Mesa, Arizona** - Arizona Congressman Jeff Flake, a member of the House International Relations Committee, today said that the death of Yasser Arafat provided Palestinians with an opportunity to elevate a leader that has a genuine commitment to the Middle East peace process. **"Yasser Arafat has long been a hindrance to the Middle East peace process,"** said Flake. **"The death of Arafat provides Palestinians with an opportunity to elevate a leader with a genuine commitment to furthering the peace process. I hope they seize that opportunity."** \###
Avery Gateway Dedication Dr. Bronk September 29, 1965 I would join with my colleague Dr. McCarty in thanking the speakers who have come here and have made this such a memorable afternoon. Dr. Avery would have been grateful to those of the speakers who knew him, having remembered him so affectionately, and so significantly.end I know,too,because of his a deep interest in young people that he would have been greatly pleased to realize that his work had been and was being helpful to Dr. Holley in the midst of his productive career. There was one I had hoped we might have say a few words to us, I promised him that I would not call on him.$ut if Roy Avery would release me from that promise,1 know you'd all join with me in being pleased to have him say a few words to us. If he won't release me from that promise,1 insist that he at least stand up so that when you see him later, if you don't know him, you'll recognize him,tut I hope that he will release me from the promise too. CR., A-q-j 'I am so filled.with emotion at this time that it is hard to articulate and I want to tell A& &4 8 you ) II that 1s deepLy appreciate being here at this dedication, very deeply, thank you.' 2 We're so happy that Mrs. Avery could be here with us too. It was a great satisfaction to Fess that he was able to spend so many summers with his brothesI&gt$ whom he was very fond, there on De& Isls~$ I've already spoken. When I wrote to Roy Avery and told him about our plans for this afternoon I happened to be in Maine and I received one of the delightful letters of my lifeJb?&se Roy spoke of the many days in which he had been ears fore Chesney as he stood in the bow of that famous 60 year old friendship sloop, The Dictatu, and listened as Roy said"for grunters, for groaners and for boats starting up the Penobscot to sell their wares in Bangor." P Dr. Bronk - page 2 Ber &hose of you who have had the privilege of hearing these lucid accounts w of the great work of Fess Avery, know now,as you must have known before,that Avery needs no physical memorial to keep his memory alive and immortaLbut E . . . 3. ."-A-+ it was a selfish desire on the part of many of his friends t;&b and admirers to participate,ti4some small,insignificant part in the per- petuation of hi& memory for some years,at least. And so one summer when 4-H Bill Tillitrand w Chesney and I were talking about some of our hopes we decided that, or they decided that, they would like to give many of his friends an opportunity to participate in this memorial. The committee, A &AU who proceeded to do what they have done, was M DoaYIz 0) is no longer with us, and Rufus Cole, Bee-Bkta who . BAllrD Tommy Francis, Bept Hasting, Michael Heidelberger, Chesney, who unfortunately again has departed, and Colin MacLeod, Phil Miller, Hugh Morgan, lost to us, and Bill Tillit: A And to them and to the 160 odd friends and admirers, David Rockefeller> Chairman of our Board of Trustees and the other Trustees have asked me to express our gratitude, most for your admiration and regard for Fess Avery, and also for this memorial which now graces our campus. In choosing an architect to do the work I emphasized the necessity for dignity&d simplicity, and I also expressed the hope that the architect would be able to create something in stone that would # come from Avery's native land.4 so what you will see,if you go to see the t Gateway,is a simple structure with dignity and created out of Canadian red granite. And work was done by Nelson Aldrich of Boston and much of tllc BAmq detail was accomplished,as always here on our campus,by M Lupinek and his strong associate, Paul Penndorf. Colin MacLeod has told you about the t late afternoons that he and Fess and Doe spent together in social and scientific discourse and something more. At 5 O'clock we will gather in Welch Hall again for friendly discourse and something more. Thank you very much.
**DA 06-2543** **Released: December 18, 2006** **MEDIA BUREAU ACTION** **REQUEST FOR WAIVER OF 47 C.F.R. § 76.1204(a)(1) FILED** **WITH THE COMMISSION** **CSR-7078-Z Docket No. 97-80** **Comment Date: January 8, 2007** **Reply Comment Date: January 18, 2007** Cablevision Systems Corporation ("Cablevision" or "Petitioner") has filed a request pursuant to Section 629(c) of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended,[^1] and Sections 1.3, 76.7, and 76.1207 of the Commission's rules,[^2] for limited waiver of the prohibition set forth in Section 76.1204(a)(1) of the Commission's rules on offering navigation devices that perform both conditional access and other functions.[^3] Cablevision seeks either (1) a clarification that navigation devices that rely upon separate security other than CableCARDs -- specifically, SmartCards, a separable-security conditional access system developed by NDS Group plc -- are not "integrated devices" for purposes of Section 76.1204(a)(1),[^4] or (2) a waiver that will allow Cablevision to continue to place in service navigation devices that utilize SmartCards after July 1, 2007.[^5] Cablevision notes that it is the only cable operator currently providing a separate-security solution for all of its digital set-top boxes.[^6] The Petitioner also asserts that the SmartCard-based conditional access solution it employs supports consumer use of CableCARD-ready consumer electronics devices.[^7] Cablevision therefore argues that strict compliance with the integration ban through the addition of CableCARD slots to its SmartCard-enabled digital set-top boxes "would divert substantial financial, technical and human resources from \[its\] effort to deliver new and improved services" without furthering the Commission's goals under Section 629. This proceeding will be treated as "permit but disclose" for purposes of the Commission's *ex parte* rules.[^8] As a result of the permit-but-disclose status of this proceeding, *ex parte* presentations will be governed by the procedures set forth in Section 1.1206 of the Commission's rules applicable to non-restricted proceedings.[^9] Comments and oppositions are due January 8, 2007. All filings should refer to the case identifier, CSR-7078-Z, and CS Docket No. 97-80 and must be submitted in CS Docket No. 97-80. Pleadings sent via e-mail to the Commission will be considered informal and will not be part of the official record. Comments and oppositions filed must indicate that they have been served on Petitioner. All comments and oppositions must be served on Petitioner: > Michael E. Olsen > > Vice President, Legal and Regulatory Affairs > > Cablevision Systems Corporation > > 1111 Stewart Avenue > > Bethpage, New York 11714 Petitioner's reply is due January 18, 2007. Comments may be filed using: (1) the Commission's Electronic Comment Filing System (ECFS), (2) the Federal Government's eRulemaking Portal, or (3) by filing paper copies.[^10] Electronic Filers: Comments may be filed electronically using the Internet by accessing the ECFS: []( or the Federal eRulemaking Portal: []( Filers should follow the instructions provided on the website for submitting comments. For ECFS filers, in completing the transmittal screen, filers should include their full name, U.S. Postal service mailing address, and the applicable docket number: CS Docket No. 97-80. Parties may also submit an electronic comment by Internet e-mail. To get filing instructions, filers should send an e-mail to <[email protected]>, and include the following words in the body of the message: "get form". A sample form and instructions will be sent in response. Paper Filers: Parties who choose to file by paper must file an original and four copies of each filing. Filings can be sent by hand or messenger delivery, by commercial overnight courier, or by first-class or overnight U.S. Postal Service mail (although we continue to experience delays in receiving U.S. Postal Service mail). All filings must be addressed to the Commission's Secretary, Office of the Secretary, Federal Communications Commission. The Commission's contractor will receive hand-delivered or messenger-delivered paper filings for the Commission's Secretary at 236 Massachusetts Avenue, NE, Suite 110, Washington, D.C. 20002. The filing hours at this location are 8:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. All hand deliveries must be held together with rubber bands or fasteners. Any envelopes must be disposed of *before* entering the building. Commercial overnight mail (other than U.S. Postal Service Express Mail and Priority Mail) must be sent to 9300 East Hampton Drive, Capitol Heights, MD 20743. U.S. Postal Service first-class mail, Express Mail, and Priority Mail should be addressed to 445 12^th^ Street, SW, Washington, D.C. 20554. One copy of each pleading must be sent to Brendan Murray, Media Bureau, Room 4-C841, 445 12^th^ Street, S.W., Washington, D.C. 20554 or <[email protected]>. Copies of the Waiver Request and any subsequently filed documents in this matter are also available for inspection in the Commission's Reference Information Center: > 445 12^th^ Street, S.W. > > Washington, D.C. 20554 > > \(202\) 418-7092 Alternate formats of this Public Notice (computer diskette, large print, audio recording, or Braille) are available to persons with disabilities by contacting the Consumer and Governmental Affairs Bureau at (202) 418-0530 or (202) 418-7365 (TTY). For further information, contact Brendan Murray of the Media Bureau, (202) 418-1573. Press inquiries should be directed to Rebecca Fisher of the Media Bureau, (202) 418-2359. TTY: (202) 418-7172 or (888) 835-5322. -FCC- [^1]: 47 U.S.C. § 549(c). [^2]: 47 C.F.R. §§ 1.3, 76.7, 76.1207. [^3]: *See* Cablevision's Request for Waiver of 47 C.F.R. § 76.1204(a)(1) (filed Nov. 27, 2006) ("Waiver Request"). [^4]: Section 76.1204(a)(1) of the Commission's rules states that, "\[c\]ommencing on July 1, 2007, no multichannel video programming distributor subject to this section shall place in service new navigation devices for sale, lease, or use that perform both conditional access and other functions in a single integrated device." 47 C.F.R. § 76.1204(a)(1). In 1998, the Commission determined that, beginning July 1, 2000, cable operators must provide separate-security equipment. *See Implementation of Section 304 of the Telecommunications Act of 2996: Commercial Availability of Navigation Devices*, 13 FCC Rcd 14775, 14806 (1998). The Commission also concluded that it would look to efforts by CableLabs and OpenCable to develop the technical specifications for that equipment. *See id*. at 14805 ("We believe that the NRSS (EIA-679) and the related CableLabs/OpenCable efforts, when the standards process is complete, will provide a usable standard for digital communications and our rule reflects this premise."). Those efforts led to the development of what is now referred to as the CableCARD. [^5]: Waiver Request at 3. [^6]: *Id*. at 2. [^7]: *Id*. at 4-5. [^8]: *See* 47 C.F.R. §§ 1.1200-1.1216. [^9]: 47 C.F.R. § 1.1206. [^10]: *See Electronic Filing of Documents in Rulemaking Proceedings*, GC Docket No. 97-113, Report and Order, 13 FCC Rcd 11322, 11326, para. 8 (April 6, 1998).
**Before the** **Federal Communications Commission** **Washington, D.C. 20554** +----------------------------------+---+---------------------------------+ | In the Matter of | ) | File Number: EB-07-DV-0334 | | | | | | The Starfish Television Network | ) | NAL/Acct. No.: 200832800006 | | | | | | Midvale, Utah | ) | FRN: 0016514879 | | | | | | | ) | | | | | | | | ) | | | | | | | | ) | | | | | | | | ) | | +----------------------------------+---+---------------------------------+ ## NOTICE OF APPARENT LIABILITY FOR FORFEITURE {#notice-of-apparent-liability-for-forfeiture .unnumbered} > **Released**: July 31, 2008 By the District Director, Denver Office, Western Region, Enforcement Bureau: # INTRODUCTION 1. In this Notice of Apparent Liability for Forfeiture (\"NAL\"), we find that The Starfish Television Network (\"Starfish\"), Midvale, Utah, apparently willfully and repeatedly violated Section 301 of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended, (\"Act\")[^1] and Section 25.102(a) of the Commission\'s Rules (\"Rules\")[^2] for operating its fixed satellite earth station without Commission authorization. We conclude, pursuant to Section 503(b) of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended (\"Act\"),[^3] that Starfish is apparently liable for a forfeiture in the amount of five thousand dollars (\$5,000). # BACKGROUND 2. On April 28, 2008, in response to complaint, agents from the Enforcement Bureau\'s Denver Office visited the Starfish facility, located at 6952 South High Tech Drive, in Midvale, Utah, to conduct an interview with Starfish\'s Chief Operating Officer (\"COO\"). The conversation revealed that Starfish was operating a fixed earth station in the 6 GHz band, \"C-Band,\"[^4] without an authorization from the Commission. According to the COO, the Starfish fixed earth station began transmitting a compressed digital television signal on April 18, 2007. In addition, the COO explained that the uplink is transmitting to the Galaxy 11\'s transponder 19. In response to questions from the Denver agents, the COO produced a document showing that Starfish was operating the fixed earth station with a center frequency of 6299.5 MHz. 3. During the April 28, 2008, interview, Starfish personnel contacted the company that they had contracted with to file the FCC application for the earth station authorization with the Commission, to check the status of their authorization application. Starfish personnel indicated that the licensing company explained that the licensing process had not been completed, apparently due to an item regarding frequency coordination, but that they would look into the licensing issue and get back to Starfish that same day. The COO stated that Starfish\'s engineering consultant had filed the station authorization paperwork with the licensing company about six to eight months earlier. 4. Still on April 28, 2008, learning that the uplink was operating in the C-Band (6 GHz), FCC Agents conducted an analysis of signals coming from the Starfish uplink equipment and detected an RF signal on a center frequency of approximately 6299.5 MHz, operating with an occupied bandwidth of approximately 2.5 MHz.[^5] After determining the operating center frequency of the Starfish uplink, FCC agents met with the COO, the engineering consultant and a staff engineer. The agents issued a Notice of Unlicensed Operation (NOUO) to the COO. The COO signed the NOUO. The COO stated that apparently the licensing company had issues with one of the companies that they notified with the frequency coordination and that licensing company did not follow-up after this and the FCC license application was stalled and not submitted. 5. On April 29, 2008, the Denver agents return to the Starfish uplink transmitter location to monitor the RF output of the uplink. The agents observed an RF signal operating on a center frequency of about 6299.5 MHz and with an occupied bandwidth of approximately 2.5 MHz.[^6] 6. On April 30, 2008, the Denver Office received a response from the COO to the NOUO to Starfish. The COO acknowledged his failure to follow up with licensing company to ensure that the earth station authorization was approved and granted by the Commission and enclosed a copy of the Application for new Earth Station Authorizations, FCC Form 312, submitted for The Starfish Television Network along with a Payment Confirmation for The Starfish Television Network dated April 28, 2008. 7. A review of Commission records revealed that the Starfish application for authorization for its earth station was published in a Commission Public Notice on May 7, 2008.[^7] Further review revealed that Starfish\'s application for authorization of its earth station was granted effective June 9, 2008.[^8] # DISCUSSION 8. Section 503(b) of the Act provides that any person who willfully or repeatedly fails to comply substantially with the terms and conditions of any license, or willfully or repeatedly fails to comply with any of the provisions of the Act or of any rule, regulation or order issued by the Commission thereunder, shall be liable for a forfeiture penalty. The term \"willful\" as used in Section 503(b) has been interpreted to mean simply that the acts or omissions are committed knowingly.[^9] The term \"repeated\" means the commission or omission of such act more than once or for more than one day.[^10] 9. Section 301 of the Act and Section 25.102(a) of the Rules prohibit the use or operation of any apparatus for the transmission of energy or communications or signals by an earth station except under, and in accordance with a Commission granted authorization.[^11] On April 28, 2008, investigation by Denver agents revealed that Starfish was operating on 6299.5 MHz, a frequency not authorized for its use by the Commission. Starfish received a NOUO from the Denver agents warning it against continuing to operate on channels for which it did not hold a valid station authorization. Again, on April 29, 2008, the Denver agents found Starfish operating on 6299.5 MHz without a Commission authorization. Starfish\'s Chief Operations Officer admitted to operating a fixed satellite earth station on 6299.5 MHz from The Starfish Television Network located at 6952 South High Tech Drive, Midvale, Utah, for approximately one year without a valid authorization issued by the FCC. Consequently, Starfish\'s violation was willful. The violation occurred for more than one day, therefore, it was repeated. Based on the evidence before us, we find that Starfish apparently willfully and repeatedly violated Section 301 of the Act and Section 25.102(a) of the Rules by operating an earth station in the fixed satellite service without the benefit of a license granted by the Commision. 10. Pursuant to *The Commission\'s Forfeiture Policy Statement and Amendment of Section 1.80 of the Rules to Incorporate the Forfeiture Guidelines,* (\"*Forfeiture Policy Statement*\"), and Section 1.80 of the Rules, the base forfeiture amount for operation of a station without an instrument of authorization is \$10,000.[^12] In assessing the monetary forfeiture amount, we must also take into account the statutory factors set forth in Section 503(b)(2)(E) of the Act, which include the nature, circumstances, extent, and gravity of the violations, and with respect to the violator, the degree of culpability, and history of prior offenses, ability to pay, and other such matters as justice may require.[^13] Applying the *Forfeiture Policy Statement*, Section 1.80, and the statutory factors to the instant case, we conclude that Starfish\'s operation is not analogous to a \"pirate\" station operator, and, consequently, we downwardly adjust the proposed forfeiture amount to \$5,000.[^14] We conclude that Starfish is apparently liable for a \$5,000 forfeiture. # ORDERING CLAUSES 11. Accordingly, **IT IS ORDERED** that, pursuant to Section 503(b) of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended, and Sections 0.111, 0.311, 0.314 and 1.80 of the Commission\'s Rules, The Starfish Television Network, is hereby **NOTIFIED** of this **APPARENT LIABILITY FOR A FORFEITURE** in the amount of five thousand dollars (\$5,000) for violations of Sections 301 of the Act and 25.102(a) of the Rules.[^15] 12. **IT IS FURTHER ORDERED** that, pursuant to Section 1.80 of the Commission\'s Rules within thirty days of the release date of this Notice of Apparent Liability for Forfeiture, The Starfish Television Network, **SHALL PAY** the full amount of the proposed forfeiture or **SHALL FILE** a written statement seeking reduction or cancellation of the proposed forfeiture. 13. Payment of the forfeiture must be made by check or similar instrument, payable to the order of the Federal Communications Commission. The payment must include the NAL/Account Number and FRN Number referenced above. Payment by check or money order may be mailed to Federal Communications Commission, P.O. Box 979088, St. Louis, MO 63197-9000. Payment by overnight mail may be sent to U.S. Bank -- Government Lockbox #979088, SL-MO-C2-GL, 1005 Convention Plaza, St. Louis, MO 63101. Payment by wire transfer may be made to ABA Number 021030004, receiving bank TREAS/NYC, and account number 27000001. For payment by credit card, an FCC Form 159 (Remittance Advice) must be submitted.  When completing the FCC Form 159, enter the NAL/Account number in block number 23A (call sign/other ID), and enter the letters \"FORF\" in block number 24A (payment type code). Requests for full payment under an installment plan should be sent to:  Chief Financial Officer \-- Financial Operations, 445 12th Street, S.W., Room 1-A625, Washington, D.C. 20554. [^16] Please contact the Financial Operations Group Help Desk at 1-877-480-3201 or Email: <[email protected]> with any questions regarding payment procedures. 14. The response, if any, must be mailed to Federal Communications Commission, Enforcement Bureau, Western Region, Denver District Office**,** 215 South Wadsworth Boulevard, Suite 303, Lakewood, Colorado, 80226, and must include the NAL/Acct. No. referenced in the caption. An electronic copy shall be sent to [email protected]. 15\. The Commission will not consider reducing or canceling a forfeiture in response to a claim of inability to pay unless the petitioner submits: (1) federal tax returns for the most recent three-year period; (2) financial statements prepared according to generally accepted accounting practices (\"GAAP\"); or (3) some other reliable and objective documentation that accurately reflects the petitioner\'s current financial status. Any claim of inability to pay must specifically identify the basis for the claim by reference to the financial documentation submitted. 16\. **IT IS FURTHER ORDERED** that a copy of this Notice of Apparent Liability for Forfeiture shall be sent by Certified Mail, Return Receipt Requested, and regular mail, to The Starfish Television Network. FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION Nikki P. Shears District Director Denver District Office Western Region Enforcement Bureau [^1]: 47 U.S.C. § 301. [^2]: 47 C.F.R. § 25.102(a). [^3]: 47 U.S.C. § 503(b). [^4]: 3700 -- 4200 and 5925 -- 6425 MHz bands. [^5]: Measurements were made using the Agilent E4440A, PSA Series Spectrum Analyzer, 3 Hz -- 26.5 GHz and Antenna Research, DRG-118/A, 1-18 GHz, Horn Antenna. [^6]: Measurements were made using the Agilent E4440A, PSA Series Spectrum Analyzer, 3 Hz -- 26.5 GHz and Antenna Research, DRG-118/A, 1-18 GHz, Horn Antenna. [^7]: In the *FCC Public Notice, Satellite Radio Applications Services*, Report No. SES-01030, dated May 7, 2008, The Starfish Television Network is found on page 3 of 8 with a reference number of SES-LIC-20080428-00496. The application request a frequency band of 6165 -- 6425 MHz and emission of 3M00G7W for the location at 6952 Hightech Drive, Suite C, Midvale, UT, with coordinates of 40º 37\' 30.90\" north latitude, 111º 53\' 53.40\" west longitude. [^8]: *FCC Public Notice, Satellite Radio Applications Services*, Report No. SES-01041, dated June 11, 2008 [^9]: Section 312(f)(1) of the Act, 47 U.S.C. § 312(f)(1), which applies to violations for which forfeitures are assessed under Section 503(b) of the Act, provides that \"\[t\]he term \'willful\', when used with reference to the commission or omission of any act, means the conscious and deliberate commission or omission of such act, irrespective of any intent to violate any provision of this Act or any rule or regulation of the Commission authorized by this Act....\" *See Southern California Broadcasting Co.*, 6 FCC Rcd 4387 (1991). [^10]: Section 312(f)(2) of the Act, 47 U.S.C. § 312(f)(2), which also applies to violations for which forfeitures are assessed under Section 503(b) of the Act, provides that \"\[t\]he term \'repeated\', when used with reference to the commission or omission of any act, means the commission or omission of such act more than once or, if such commission or omission is continuous, for more than one day.\" [^11]: 47 U.S.C. § 301, 47 C.F.R. § 25.102(a). [^12]: 12 FCC Rcd 17087 (1997), *recon. denied*, 15 FCC Rcd 303 (1999); 47 C.F.R. § 1.80. [^13]: 47 U.S.C. § 503(b)(2)(E). [^14]: *See Gateway Security Systems, Inc.*, 18 FCC Rcd 24026 (EB 2003). [^15]: 47 U.S.C. §§ 503(b), 301, 47 C.F.R. §§ 0.111, 0.311, 0.314, 1.80, 25.102(a). [^16]: *See* 47 C.F.R. § 1.1914.
# ----------------------------------------------------------- # Entries in - Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK.files # ----------------------------------------------------------- Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK.0000 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK-skim-h77j90.0000.root 54.091 2005-06-22 15:18:46 13160 138425 390119 150799 117818 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK.0000 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK-skim-h77j90.0001.root 51.494 2005-06-22 17:00:37 12197 142110 604797 148293 995967 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK.0000 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK-skim-h77j90.0002.root 52.289 2005-06-22 15:14:24 11819 147869 2816119 149682 701786 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK.0000 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK-skim-h77j90.0003.root 54.273 2005-06-22 16:35:50 12342 149682 702414 150803 124730 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK.0000 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK-skim-h77j90.0004.root 52.046 2005-06-22 15:35:11 11544 150801 69974 151557 2646035 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK.0000 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK-skim-h77j90.0005.root 58.116 2005-06-22 16:12:13 13073 151555 818871 152127 550202 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK.0000 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK-skim-h77j90.0006.root 64.318 2005-06-22 17:08:57 14378 151917 2046683 152617 2644175 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK.0000 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK-skim-h77j90.0007.root 62.132 2005-06-22 17:27:11 13597 152580 183853 152773 355001 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK.0000 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK-skim-h77j90.0008.root 59.676 2005-06-22 17:56:17 13095 152746 172842 153075 2319461 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK.0000 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK-skim-h77j90.0009.root 0.132 2005-06-22 14:38:35 24 153075 2321358 153075 2347087 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK.0000 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK-skim-h77j90.0010.root 58.333 2005-06-22 15:12:26 12919 153091 166162 153389 4510123 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK.0000 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK-skim-h77j90.0011.root 57.238 2005-06-22 17:56:37 12421 153389 4514115 153616 1336246 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK.0000 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK-skim-h77j90.0012.root 53.838 2005-06-22 17:07:20 12083 153616 1339888 153945 285640 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK.0000 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK-skim-h77j90.0013.root 58.348 2005-06-22 16:18:01 13023 153945 288321 154178 332293 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK.0000 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK-skim-h77j90.0014.root 64.467 2005-06-22 15:33:09 14324 154178 333150 154654 3079107 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK.0000 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK-skim-h77j90.0015.root 62.327 2005-06-22 16:32:10 13691 154654 3081066 155145 639000 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK.0000 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK-skim-h77j90.0016.root 61.121 2005-06-22 18:41:37 13475 155145 645088 155365 1116121 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK.0000 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK-skim-h77j90.0017.root 61.917 2005-06-22 15:35:53 13731 155365 1118106 155607 1417139 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK.0000 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK-skim-h77j90.0018.root 3.556 2005-06-22 15:03:42 801 155607 1423330 155677 58623 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK.0000 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK-skim-h77j90.0019.root 53.347 2005-06-22 15:41:01 11954 151900 228094 155394 3048735 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK.0001 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK-skim-h77j90.0020.root 50.915 2005-06-22 15:44:56 10963 155677 61887 161013 74739 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK.0001 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK-skim-h77j90.0021.root 29.454 2005-06-22 16:53:52 6429 160175 1859558 160230 5717716 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK.0001 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK-skim-h77j90.0023.root 52.599 2005-06-22 16:36:33 11117 155793 2417835 160533 890287 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK.0001 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK-skim-h77j90.0024.root 34.696 2005-06-22 15:55:23 7227 160405 252534 160441 1038863 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK.0001 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK-skim-h77j90.0025.root 45.065 2005-06-22 17:20:25 9946 155795 3120472 155895 2098579 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK.0001 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK-skim-h77j90.0026.root 51.521 2005-06-22 15:55:02 11319 155895 2104262 155920 2289873 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK.0001 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK-skim-h77j90.0027.root 52.071 2005-06-22 15:44:09 11587 155920 2292736 156083 1489319 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK.0001 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK-skim-h77j90.0028.root 52.098 2005-06-22 16:39:56 11656 156083 1490537 156116 699788 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK.0001 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK-skim-h77j90.0029.root 51.067 2005-06-22 16:03:37 11328 156116 700139 160533 378380 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK.0001 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK-skim-h77j90.0030.root 50.828 2005-06-22 16:41:40 10888 160533 378759 160601 469051 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK.0001 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK-skim-h77j90.0031.root 52.041 2005-06-22 16:05:04 11237 160601 469493 160796 2214685 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK.0001 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK-skim-h77j90.0032.root 52.303 2005-06-22 16:49:20 11025 160796 2218173 160890 1911473 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK.0001 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK-skim-h77j90.0033.root 50.223 2005-06-22 17:36:46 10727 160890 1914116 161011 293194 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK.0001 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK-skim-h77j90.0034.root 51.902 2005-06-22 16:55:45 11356 156118 1417081 156484 4191142 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK.0001 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK-skim-h77j90.0035.root 55.262 2005-06-22 16:44:43 12374 156484 4192013 158976 116962 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK.0001 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK-skim-h77j90.0036.root 52.941 2005-06-22 17:55:46 11267 158976 118307 161011 3826202 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK.0001 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK-skim-h77j90.0037.root 49.317 2005-06-22 16:12:15 10575 161011 3827291 161171 1723206 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK.0001 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK-skim-h77j90.0038.root 49.819 2005-06-22 16:23:03 10665 161171 1724534 161379 6745322 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK.0001 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK-skim-h77j90.0039.root 16.855 2005-06-22 15:57:27 3499 161379 6746604 161409 563746 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK.0001 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK-skim-h77j90.0040.root 52.090 2005-06-22 16:15:24 11282 159199 3307262 159289 210768 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK.0002 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK-skim-h77j90.0041.root 50.498 2005-06-22 18:05:35 10683 159289 214142 161552 33410 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK.0002 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK-skim-h77j90.0042.root 52.118 2005-06-22 19:23:06 10691 155678 2015188 161633 3982231 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK.0002 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK-skim-h77j90.0043.root 47.207 2005-06-22 16:06:38 9869 161633 3983623 162631 5636941 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK.0002 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK-skim-h77j90.0044.root 48.387 2005-06-22 19:18:44 9864 162631 5639866 162686 5564184 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK.0002 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK-skim-h77j90.0045.root 27.912 2005-06-22 17:03:45 5911 162686 5565243 162825 337182 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK.0002 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK-skim-h77j90.0046.root 48.311 2005-06-22 17:11:13 10279 161678 8255395 161763 719276 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK.0002 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK-skim-h77j90.0047.root 47.700 2005-06-22 16:10:34 9669 161763 721932 162130 3976062 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK.0002 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK-skim-h77j90.0048.root 44.586 2005-06-22 18:39:17 9099 162130 3977261 162241 167784 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK.0002 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK-skim-h77j90.0049.root 47.817 2005-06-22 16:36:59 9909 162241 168855 162423 2007172 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK.0002 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK-skim-h77j90.0050.root 45.851 2005-06-22 16:24:45 9339 162423 2013348 162480 6150625 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK.0002 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK-skim-h77j90.0051.root 48.883 2005-06-22 19:29:59 10134 162480 6152615 162519 1923088 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK.0002 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK-skim-h77j90.0052.root 46.075 2005-06-22 16:31:36 9325 162519 1926406 162838 3215224 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK.0002 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK-skim-h77j90.0053.root 45.075 2005-06-22 16:21:32 8963 162838 3216371 162937 5496965 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK.0002 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK-skim-h77j90.0054.root 44.874 2005-06-22 16:41:08 9187 162937 5501584 162989 5345466 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK.0002 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK-skim-h77j90.0055.root 48.369 2005-06-22 17:18:15 9806 162989 5349229 163064 8799513 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK.0002 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK-skim-h77j90.0056.root 59.949 2005-06-22 19:08:20 12934 163064 8801074 163431 2999322 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK.0002 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK-skim-h77j90.0057.root 50.629 2005-06-22 16:36:16 11094 163431 3000904 163955 148531 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK.0002 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK-skim-h77j90.0058.root 79.618 2005-06-22 16:43:44 17689 163955 150288 164353 440526 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK.0002 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK-skim-h77j90.0059.root 69.815 2005-06-22 17:15:33 15308 164353 444015 166328 748498 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK.0002 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK-skim-h77j90.0060.root 69.222 2005-06-22 17:24:38 15105 166328 748668 166406 7378390 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK.0003 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK-skim-h77j90.0061.root 23.010 2005-06-22 17:09:02 5052 166406 7379244 166479 2607562 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK.0003 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK-skim-h77j90.0062.root 58.470 2005-06-22 16:51:02 12842 164386 5263623 164795 1388616 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK.0003 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK-skim-h77j90.0063.root 68.199 2005-06-22 17:00:50 14791 164799 3580 164952 1154467 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK.0003 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK-skim-h77j90.0064.root 70.352 2005-06-22 19:05:36 15473 164952 1156781 166529 7279072 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK.0003 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK-skim-h77j90.0065.root 70.818 2005-06-22 18:57:23 15022 166529 7280543 166614 5431038 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK.0003 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK-skim-h77j90.0066.root 40.019 2005-06-22 16:44:58 8528 166614 5433322 166653 985618 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK.0003 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK-skim-h77j90.0067.root 68.765 2005-06-22 17:07:54 15126 165063 717542 165121 395451 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK.0003 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK-skim-h77j90.0068.root 66.866 2005-06-22 19:16:51 14454 165121 396712 165204 2572042 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK.0003 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK-skim-h77j90.0069.root 67.838 2005-06-22 17:23:50 14600 165204 2575327 165412 519631 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK.0003 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK-skim-h77j90.0070.root 70.012 2005-06-22 17:23:47 14970 165412 524742 165523 1403952 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK.0003 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK-skim-h77j90.0072.root 64.863 2005-06-22 17:39:49 14121 165902 4354878 165949 837394 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK.0003 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK-skim-h77j90.0073.root 66.959 2005-06-22 17:36:03 14575 165949 840597 166038 6438768 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK.0003 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK-skim-h77j90.0074.root 70.431 2005-06-22 19:28:30 15202 166038 6439294 166656 1275866 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK.0003 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK-skim-h77j90.0075.root 69.394 2005-06-22 17:42:41 14728 166656 1278085 166715 2037541 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK.0003 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK-skim-h77j90.0076.root 69.781 2005-06-22 17:45:36 15012 166715 2040366 166927 6002785 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK.0003 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK-skim-h77j90.0077.root 72.618 2005-06-22 18:02:18 15630 166927 6004858 167053 6262894 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK.0003 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK-skim-h77j90.0078.root 72.618 2005-06-22 17:37:34 15434 167053 6264404 167297 194231 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK.0003 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK-skim-h77j90.0079.root 72.934 2005-06-22 17:24:37 15304 167297 196546 167541 1044640 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK.0003 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK-skim-h77j90.0080.root 72.545 2005-06-22 18:02:39 15573 167541 1054656 167623 4729335 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK.0003 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK-skim-h77j90.0081.root 70.369 2005-06-22 18:00:47 15244 167623 4735361 167926 585693 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK.0004 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK-skim-h77j90.0082.root 16.132 2005-06-22 17:55:12 3598 167926 588369 167954 79990 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK.0004 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK-skim-h77j90.0083.root 50.376 2005-06-22 20:06:18 10945 149059 875231 160761 135054 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK.0004 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK-skim-h77j90.0084.root 49.087 2005-06-22 20:37:57 10275 160761 139297 162423 8058431 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK.0004 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK-skim-h77j90.0085.root 65.201 2005-06-22 19:48:36 13984 162423 8059547 167186 4845321 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK.0004 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK-skim-h77j90.0086.root 71.489 2005-06-22 19:50:48 15267 167186 4847531 167998 197167 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK.0004 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK-skim-h77j90.0087.root 69.985 2005-06-22 17:51:12 14791 167998 198658 168889 12489672 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK.0004 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK-skim-h77j90.0088.root 69.899 2005-06-22 19:46:39 15223 168640 2773880 177371 372818 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK.0004 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK-skim-h77j90.0089.root 70.540 2005-06-22 20:03:59 15607 177371 373739 177938 694012 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK.0004 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK-skim-h77j90.0090.root 72.993 2005-06-22 17:54:45 15580 177938 694493 178677 2040912 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK.0004 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK-skim-h77j90.0091.root 71.925 2005-06-22 17:56:00 14363 178677 2049853 178759 31560 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK.0004 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK-skim-h77j90.0092.root 75.092 2005-06-22 18:05:37 15957 178759 32273 178881 3970357 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK.0004 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK-skim-h77j90.0093.root 73.726 2005-06-22 18:19:49 15662 178881 3973169 179055 4671850 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK.0004 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK-skim-h77j90.0094.root 49.541 2005-06-22 18:02:07 11087 179055 4675911 179104 8669484 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK.0004 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK-skim-h77j90.0095.root 49.740 2005-06-22 18:04:28 12330 179104 8676029 179506 2582400 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK.0004 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK-skim-h77j90.0096.root 72.388 2005-06-22 20:37:07 15070 179506 2587731 179812 3246295 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK.0004 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK-skim-h77j90.0097.root 43.394 2005-06-22 18:14:52 8788 179812 3251378 179908 637139 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK.0004 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK-skim-h77j90.0098.root 55.703 2005-06-22 20:03:50 12189 160438 1275927 179726 6140866 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK.0004 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK-skim-h77j90.0099.root 76.707 2005-06-22 18:47:31 15423 179726 6141990 181078 7524847 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK.0004 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK-skim-h77j90.0100.root 75.764 2005-06-22 18:36:03 15996 181078 7528606 181248 1985395 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK.0004 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK-skim-h77j90.0101.root 58.241 2005-06-22 18:46:16 14073 181248 1988194 181420 12667508 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK.0005 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK-skim-h77j90.0102.root 59.008 2005-06-22 18:42:39 14539 181420 12672260 182135 11456191 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK.0005 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK-skim-h77j90.0103.root 55.937 2005-06-22 20:15:46 13742 182135 11460270 182314 6148775 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK.0005 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK-skim-h77j90.0104.root 58.754 2005-06-22 18:38:17 13361 182314 6153497 184377 1980962 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK.0005 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK-skim-h77j90.0105.root 78.591 2005-06-22 18:29:32 14743 184377 1982925 184456 2554568 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK.0005 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK-skim-h77j90.0106.root 80.307 2005-06-22 20:27:31 15742 184456 2555888 184519 2005388 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK.0005 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK-skim-h77j90.0107.root 81.593 2005-06-22 20:19:08 16698 184519 2007955 184779 1945181 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK.0005 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK-skim-h77j90.0108.root 75.318 2005-06-22 18:49:49 15605 184779 1950207 184868 680319 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK.0005 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK-skim-h77j90.0109.root 75.738 2005-06-22 20:50:17 15355 184868 685860 185018 1931804 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK.0005 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK-skim-h77j90.0110.root 82.235 2005-06-22 18:34:02 15938 185018 1934837 185075 7943811 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK.0005 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK-skim-h77j90.0111.root 76.702 2005-06-22 19:06:24 14938 185075 7944838 185248 13703675 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK.0005 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK-skim-h77j90.0112.root 12.624 2005-06-22 18:11:48 2602 185248 13706540 185260 206843 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK.0005 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK-skim-h77j90.0113.root 57.017 2005-06-22 20:25:11 13953 182464 17652 182587 1292713 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK.0005 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK-skim-h77j90.0114.root 71.377 2005-06-22 18:53:12 14616 182587 1294380 185260 1422227 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK.0005 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK-skim-h77j90.0115.root 78.775 2005-06-22 19:05:12 16084 185260 1427254 185332 7570495 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK.0005 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK-skim-h77j90.0116.root 61.821 2005-06-22 18:38:38 12444 185332 7571893 185542 11490862 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK.0005 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK-skim-h77j90.0117.root 78.010 2005-06-22 19:12:16 15210 183053 146832 183139 3598395 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK.0005 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK-skim-h77j90.0118.root 77.354 2005-06-22 19:20:57 15090 183139 3598694 183619 5439908 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK.0005 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK-skim-h77j90.0119.root 78.724 2005-06-22 18:49:37 15256 183619 5440302 183759 1949753 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK.0005 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK-skim-h77j90.0120.root 77.751 2005-06-22 19:18:34 15865 183759 1951672 183865 418499 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK.0005 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK-skim-h77j90.0121.root 77.659 2005-06-22 19:05:54 15286 183865 420022 183965 3134082 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK.0006 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK-skim-h77j90.0122.root 77.569 2005-06-22 19:23:04 15290 183965 3136607 184290 1790636 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK.0006 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK-skim-h77j90.0123.root 75.144 2005-06-22 19:16:50 15381 184206 555143 185594 3041158 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK.0006 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK-skim-h77j90.0124.root 78.912 2005-06-22 19:36:33 15444 185594 3041667 185777 2358619 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK.0006 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK-skim-h77j90.0125.root 80.816 2005-06-22 19:26:54 16478 185777 2360067 185971 978518 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK.0006 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK-skim-h77j90.0126.root 76.221 2005-06-22 19:21:27 15859 185971 978925 186095 893405 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK.0006 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK-skim-h77j90.0128.root 54.947 2005-06-22 21:01:53 11544 150883 136069 167824 6624497 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK.0006 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK-skim-h77j90.0129.root 72.426 2005-06-22 20:52:02 16146 167824 6629941 177384 5744560 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK.0006 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK-skim-h77j90.0130.root 72.493 2005-06-22 19:38:07 15697 177384 5744640 178030 2887794 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK.0006 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK-skim-h77j90.0131.root 72.110 2005-06-22 19:25:48 15810 178030 2888840 178738 8105261 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK.0006 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK-skim-h77j90.0132.root 70.116 2005-06-22 20:00:28 15081 178738 8107632 178853 154521 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK.0006 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK-skim-h77j90.0133.root 74.597 2005-06-22 20:47:07 15950 178853 156124 179056 3371699 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK.0006 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK-skim-h77j90.0134.root 63.544 2005-06-22 20:04:44 13771 179056 3372676 179912 204340 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK.0006 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK-skim-h77j90.0135.root 61.786 2005-06-22 20:08:22 14155 181029 2922559 182177 587115 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK.0006 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK-skim-h77j90.0136.root 66.630 2005-06-22 20:52:58 14160 182177 594284 183125 735865 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK.0006 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK-skim-h77j90.0137.root 81.966 2005-06-22 20:01:39 15979 183142 453157 184234 7596087 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK.0006 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK-skim-h77j90.0138.root 84.522 2005-06-22 19:40:49 16434 184234 3748169 184310 1295814 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK.0006 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK-skim-h77j90.0139.root 76.215 2005-06-22 19:45:31 14644 184291 857162 184463 3464186 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK.0006 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK-skim-h77j90.0140.root 76.114 2005-06-22 19:51:38 15544 184463 3465630 185037 4589998 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK.0006 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK-skim-h77j90.0141.root 79.717 2005-06-22 20:12:16 15401 185037 4590596 185634 8356564 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK.0006 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK-skim-h77j90.0142.root 81.115 2005-06-22 19:59:40 16905 185634 8357744 186145 10881580 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK.0007 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK-skim-h77j90.0143.root 55.172 2005-06-22 20:55:09 11546 152746 1582261 168092 458156 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK.0007 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK-skim-h77j90.0144.root 64.239 2005-06-22 20:03:55 13983 168092 460991 181078 5705115 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK.0007 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK-skim-h77j90.0145.root 67.442 2005-06-22 20:12:29 15167 179726 9953311 184377 5103619 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK.0007 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK-skim-h77j90.0146.root 76.475 2005-06-22 21:00:10 15235 182314 1050208 183861 3345370 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK.0007 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK-skim-h77j90.0147.root 82.764 2005-06-22 20:02:58 16236 183861 3347353 184762 8090810 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK.0007 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK-skim-h77j90.0148.root 75.811 2005-06-22 20:09:33 15337 184762 8092357 185332 9065252 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK.0007 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK-skim-h77j90.0149.root 74.685 2005-06-22 20:21:05 15593 185332 9067101 186145 11770537 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK.0007 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK-skim-h77j90.0150.root 52.517 2005-06-22 20:10:11 10699 161029 3580942 165364 2455178 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK.0007 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK-skim-h77j90.0151.root 62.820 2005-06-22 21:02:46 13999 165364 2455585 183056 769985 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK.0007 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK-skim-h77j90.0152.root 4.807 2005-06-22 19:37:38 988 183056 771086 183057 777091 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK.0007 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK-skim-h77j90.0153.root 70.344 2005-06-22 20:06:12 15230 165412 7974468 177214 1934048 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK.0007 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK-skim-h77j90.0154.root 77.727 2005-06-22 21:10:52 16592 177214 1936055 183125 1271086 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK.0007 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK-skim-h77j90.0155.root 80.006 2005-06-22 21:06:17 15430 183125 1273155 183761 617106 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK.0007 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK-skim-h77j90.0156.root 64.537 2005-06-22 20:16:31 12281 183761 620002 184060 4010857 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK.0007 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK-skim-h77j90.0157.root 73.937 2005-06-22 22:23:20 16058 177416 3386264 178390 3420531 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK.0007 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK-skim-h77j90.0158.root 68.578 2005-06-22 22:23:25 15333 178390 3422619 178744 1165430 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK.0007 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK-skim-h77j90.0159.root 74.089 2005-06-22 22:19:25 15362 178744 1168598 179021 124792 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK.0007 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK-skim-h77j90.0160.root 74.937 2005-06-22 22:23:25 15712 178882 2991959 184377 5228952 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK.0007 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK-skim-h77j90.0161.root 74.292 2005-06-22 22:15:11 15587 184377 5231931 184957 1845566 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK.0007 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK-skim-h77j90.0162.root 73.803 2005-06-22 22:20:45 15251 184957 1847800 185351 819316 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK.0008 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK-skim-h77j90.0163.root 84.373 2005-06-22 22:17:45 16688 185351 821833 185848 13402644 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK.0008 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK-skim-h77j90.0164.root 29.016 2005-06-22 21:59:58 6549 185848 13406213 186049 1130655 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK.0008 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK-skim-h77j90.0165.root 66.979 2005-06-22 22:11:54 14707 178921 260584 179643 3259423 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK.0008 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK-skim-h77j90.0166.root 71.091 2005-06-22 22:22:09 15042 179643 3260950 186145 12892487 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK.0008 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK-skim-h77j90.0167.root 63.080 2005-06-22 22:25:27 13816 152746 2038460 182287 515010 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK.0008 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK-skim-h77j90.0168.root 76.407 2005-06-22 22:20:19 15673 182287 516205 183786 2111198 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK.0008 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK-skim-h77j90.0169.root 60.950 2005-06-22 22:14:22 11834 183786 2113584 184832 4699344 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK.0008 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK-skim-h77j90.0170.root 73.520 2005-06-22 22:22:22 15944 177214 6504049 178391 881217 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK.0008 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK-skim-h77j90.0171.root 71.418 2005-06-22 22:20:59 15833 178391 882439 178855 5820948 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK.0008 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK-skim-h77j90.0172.root 73.124 2005-06-22 22:29:26 15410 178855 5824129 179912 3718988 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK.0008 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK-skim-h77j90.0173.root 76.280 2005-06-22 22:22:09 15291 179912 3720189 185637 3801206 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK.0008 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK-skim-h77j90.0174.root 44.145 2005-06-22 22:16:45 9601 185637 3802291 186145 16122423 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK.0008 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK-skim-h77j90.0022.root 51.553 2005-06-23 13:06:43 11376 155714 1035491 155793 2415332 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK.0008 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK-skim-h77j90.0071.root 68.866 2005-06-23 12:52:18 14863 165523 1405314 166073 191972 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK.0008 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK-skim-h77j90.0127.root 26.111 2005-06-23 12:24:21 5311 186095 894590 186145 9997021 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK.0008 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK-skim-h77j90.0176.root 87.421 2005-06-25 20:46:54 14770 163064 4052082 167445 2964426 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK.0008 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK-skim-h77j90.0177.root 92.014 2005-06-25 21:07:42 15708 167325 1670698 178547 809640 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK.0008 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK-skim-h77j90.0178.root 89.655 2005-06-25 21:00:51 14890 178547 811780 179895 5115354 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK.0008 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK-skim-h77j90.0179.root 77.227 2005-06-25 20:58:57 14422 179895 5118318 182627 6705677 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK.0008 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK-skim-h77j90.0180.root 95.491 2005-06-25 21:05:34 15704 182627 6710940 183617 7469974 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK.0009 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK-skim-h77j90.0181.root 97.385 2005-06-25 22:35:11 15140 183617 7473090 184237 704901 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK.0009 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK-skim-h77j90.0182.root 98.300 2005-06-26 00:02:57 15682 184237 706127 184832 3839627 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK.0009 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK-skim-h77j90.0183.root 94.592 2005-06-25 23:51:18 15289 184832 3842413 185518 6463268 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK.0009 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK-skim-h77j90.0184.root 99.836 2005-06-26 00:13:13 16412 185518 6466031 186145 9510633 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK.0009 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK-skim-h77j90.0185.root 106.505 2005-06-26 00:20:17 17420 186145 9513172 186306 5129268 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK.0009 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK-skim-h77j90.0186.root 106.052 2005-06-26 00:05:01 17303 186306 5134485 186598 1250515 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK.0009 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK-skim-h77j90.0187.root 64.038 2005-06-26 00:13:47 10457 162479 358150 165271 7850119 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK.0009 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK-skim-h77j90.0188.root 87.275 2005-06-26 00:16:01 14964 165297 947578 166771 905728 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK.0009 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK-skim-h77j90.0189.root 92.783 2005-06-26 00:18:20 15593 166771 1015424 177485 2252118 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK.0009 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK-skim-h77j90.0190.root 92.438 2005-06-25 23:59:07 16416 177485 2254529 179043 6612750 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK.0009 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK-skim-h77j90.0191.root 85.873 2005-06-25 23:46:19 14632 179043 6616630 181309 7296989 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK.0009 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK-skim-h77j90.0192.root 92.672 2005-06-26 00:21:48 15267 181309 7298864 184778 7535231 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK.0009 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK-skim-h77j90.0193.root 99.488 2005-06-26 00:10:37 16149 184778 7538065 185249 5405158 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK.0009 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK-skim-h77j90.0194.root 97.460 2005-06-26 00:18:46 16231 185249 5406116 185332 9525413 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK.0009 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK-skim-h77j90.0195.root 91.488 2005-06-25 23:48:29 15242 185332 9527576 185517 4218825 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK.0009 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK-skim-h77j90.0196.root 104.214 2005-06-26 00:19:08 16419 185517 4220800 185726 1734542 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK.0009 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK-skim-h77j90.0197.root 93.145 2005-06-25 23:33:46 15382 185726 1736052 186598 10307976 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK.0009 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK-skim-h77j90.0198.root 70.059 2005-06-25 22:06:42 13445 181484 9696458 182554 3083563 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK.0009 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK-skim-h77j90.0199.root 92.148 2005-06-25 22:30:01 15890 182554 3090565 183058 2193818 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK.0009 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK-skim-h77j90.0200.root 101.425 2005-06-25 22:42:35 15636 183058 2195386 183492 935045 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK.0010 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK-skim-h77j90.0201.root 104.431 2005-06-25 22:31:54 16017 183492 936878 183696 2977433 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK.0010 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK-skim-h77j90.0202.root 98.203 2005-06-25 22:37:40 15437 183696 2979072 184240 1099929 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK.0010 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK-skim-h77j90.0203.root 98.419 2005-06-25 22:11:07 15930 184240 1102741 186188 2152611 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK.0010 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK-skim-h77j90.0204.root 98.217 2005-06-25 22:26:36 16223 186188 2155427 186355 2772450 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK.0010 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK-skim-h77j90.0205.root 72.988 2005-06-25 22:11:18 12151 186355 2775182 186598 6358349 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK.0010 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK-skim-h77j90.0206.root 58.727 2005-06-25 22:27:16 9675 152641 848370 162396 287005 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK.0010 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK-skim-h77j90.0207.root 58.226 2005-06-25 22:39:41 9252 162396 289153 164451 2890298 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK.0010 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK-skim-h77j90.0208.root 92.675 2005-06-25 22:55:20 15831 164451 2892965 178280 629959 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK.0010 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK-skim-h77j90.0209.root 96.711 2005-06-25 22:39:52 16524 178280 632852 178540 752968 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK.0010 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK-skim-h77j90.0210.root 82.876 2005-06-25 22:18:46 14292 178540 753165 186188 9464743 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK.0010 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK-skim-h77j90.0175.root 56.306 2005-06-26 19:28:06 9083 152772 280315 163064 4050319 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK.0010 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK-skim-h77j90.0211.root 85.794 2005-06-30 23:18:38 16174 176655 66589 177417 856376 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK.0010 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK-skim-h77j90.0212.root 89.525 2005-06-30 23:08:57 16393 177417 860169 178154 481203 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK.0010 Bs-Ds3Pi-KSK-skim-h77j90.0213.root 29.096 2005-06-30 22:39:29 5483 178154 482613 178255 139845 # -----------------------------------------------------------
# Date 2008-01-16 Time 06:32:18 PST -0800 (1200493938.30 s) #phil __OFF__ Command line arguments: "../1188.param" "main.number_of_macro_cycles=5" "--overwrite" HOST = HOSTTYPE = x86_64-linux USER = phzwart PID = 19105 JOB_ID = 5159 SGE_ARCH = lx24-amd64 SGE_TASK_FIRST = 1 SGE_TASK_LAST = 1330 SGE_TASK_ID = 1188 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PHENIX: Python-based Hierarchical ENvironment for Integrated Xtallography User: phzwart ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- phenix.refine: Macromolecular Structure Refinement ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Phenix developers include: Paul Adams, Pavel Afonine, Vicent Chen, Ian Davis, Kreshna Gopal, Ralf Grosse-Kunstleve, Li-Wei Hung, Robert Immormino, Tom Ioerger, Airlie McCoy, Erik McKee, Nigel Moriarty, Reetal Pai, Randy Read, Jane Richardson, David Richardson, Tod Romo, Jim Sacchettini, Nicholas Sauter, Jacob Smith, Laurent Storoni, Tom Terwilliger, Peter Zwart Phenix home page: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Phenix components are copyrighted by: - Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory - Los Alamos National Laboratory - University of Cambridge - Duke University - Texas Agricultural Experiment Station & Texas Engineering Experiment Station ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Major third-party components of Phenix include: Python, wxwidgets, wxPython, Boost, SCons, Clipper, CCP4 Monomer Library, CCP4 I/O libraries, PyCifRW, FFTPACK, L-BFGS Enter phenix.acknowledgments for details. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Processing inputs. This may take a minute or two. Command line parameter definitions: refinement.main.number_of_macro_cycles = 5 Working crystal symmetry after inspecting all inputs: Unit cell: (71.655, 47.8686, 84.2302, 90, 90, 90) Space group: P 21 21 21 (No. 19) /net/cci-filer1/vol1/tmp/phzwart/tassos/trial/model.pdb Monomer Library directory: "/net/rosie/scratch3/phzwart/CCTBX/Sources/mon_lib" Total number of atoms: 2823 Number of models: 1 Model: 0 Number of conformers: 2 Conformer: "A" Number of atoms: 2769 Number of chains: 2 Number of residues, atoms: 302, 2333 Classifications: {'peptide': 302} Modifications used: {'COO': 1} Link IDs: {'PTRANS': 7, 'CIS': 1, 'TRANS': 293} Number of residues, atoms: 436, 436 Classifications: {'water': 436} Link IDs: {None: 435} Conformer: "B" Number of atoms: 2771 Common with "A": 2717 Number of chains: 2 Number of residues, atoms: 302, 2333 Classifications: {'peptide': 302} Modifications used: {'COO': 1} Link IDs: {'PTRANS': 7, 'CIS': 1, 'TRANS': 293} bond proxies already assigned to first conformer: 2332 Number of residues, atoms: 438, 438 Classifications: {'water': 438} Link IDs: {None: 437} Time building chain proxies: 3.30, per 1000 atoms: 1.17 ================================== X-ray data ================================= F-obs: /net/cci-filer1/vol1/tmp/phzwart/tassos/trial/1e0w.cns:FOBS,SIGMA R-free flags: /net/cci-filer1/vol1/tmp/phzwart/tassos/trial/1e0w.cns:TEST Miller array info: /net/cci-filer1/vol1/tmp/phzwart/tassos/trial/1e0w.cns:FOBS,SIGMA Observation type: xray.amplitude Type of data: double, size=19589 Type of sigmas: double, size=19589 Number of Miller indices: 19589 Anomalous flag: False Unit cell: (71.655, 47.8686, 84.2302, 90, 90, 90) Space group: P 21 21 21 (No. 19) Systematic absences: 0 Centric reflections: 2427 Resolution range: 15.1017 1.95159 Completeness in resolution range: 0.90472 Completeness with d_max=infinity: 0.902095 Number of F-obs in resolution range: 19589 Number of F-obs <= 0: 0 Refinement resolution range: d_max = 15.1017 d_min = 1.9516 Miller array info: /net/cci-filer1/vol1/tmp/phzwart/tassos/trial/1e0w.cns:TEST Observation type: None Type of data: int, size=19589 Type of sigmas: None Number of Miller indices: 19589 Anomalous flag: False Unit cell: (71.655, 47.8686, 84.2302, 90, 90, 90) Space group: P 21 21 21 (No. 19) Systematic absences: 0 Centric reflections: 2427 Resolution range: 15.1017 1.95159 Completeness in resolution range: 0.90472 Completeness with d_max=infinity: 0.902095 Test (R-free flags) flag value: 1 Number of work/free reflections by resolution: work free %free bin 1: 15.1022 - 4.1777 [2277/2306] 2050 227 10.0% bin 2: 4.1777 - 3.3276 [2174/2197] 1957 217 10.0% bin 3: 3.3276 - 2.9104 [2147/2172] 1929 218 10.2% bin 4: 2.9104 - 2.6459 [2147/2173] 1938 209 9.7% bin 5: 2.6459 - 2.4571 [2109/2143] 1901 208 9.9% bin 6: 2.4571 - 2.3128 [2111/2139] 1894 217 10.3% bin 7: 2.3128 - 2.1973 [2099/2135] 1884 215 10.2% bin 8: 2.1973 - 2.1019 [2093/2135] 1886 207 9.9% bin 9: 2.1019 - 2.0212 [1924/2147] 1734 190 9.9% bin 10: 2.0212 - 1.9516 [ 508/2105] 457 51 10.0% overall 17630 1959 10.0% Writing MTZ file: /net/cci-filer1/vol1/tmp/phzwart/tassos/noshake/run_1188/model_refine_data.mtz ========================== Anomalous scatterer groups ========================= All atoms refined with f_prime=0 and f_double_prime=0. ========================== Set up restraints manager ========================== Number of disulfides: simple=3, symmetry=0 Simple disulfide: " SG CYS A 168 " - " SG ACYS A 201 " distance=2.08 Simple disulfide: " SG CYS A 168 " - " SG BCYS A 201 " distance=1.98 Simple disulfide: " SG CYS A 254 " - " SG CYS A 260 " distance=2.05 Time building geometry restraints manager: 0.14 seconds Histogram of bond lengths: 1.21 - 1.38: 943 1.38 - 1.56: 1465 1.56 - 1.73: 7 1.73 - 1.90: 21 1.90 - 2.08: 3 Bond restraints sorted by residual: atom i - atom j ideal model delta weight residual " SG CYS A 168 " - " SG BCYS A 201 " 2.031 1.983 0.048 2.50e+03 5.87e+00 " C GLN A 88 " - " N GLN A 89 " 1.329 1.360 -0.031 5.10e+03 4.97e+00 " SG CYS A 168 " - " SG ACYS A 201 " 2.031 2.075 -0.044 2.50e+03 4.89e+00 " CB CYS A 201 " - " SG ACYS A 201 " 1.808 1.738 0.070 9.18e+02 4.46e+00 " C PRO A 198 " - " N ILE A 199 " 1.329 1.301 0.028 5.10e+03 4.10e+00 ... (remaining 2434 not shown) Histogram of nonbonded interaction distances: 1.39 - 2.09: 22 2.09 - 2.79: 689 2.79 - 3.49: 4467 3.49 - 4.20: 9296 4.20 - 4.90: 13776 Nonbonded interactions sorted by model distance: atom i - atom j model vdw sym.op. j " ND2 ASN A 215 " - " O HOH Z 203 " 1.386 3.120 -x+1/2,-y+1,z-1/2 " OG1 THR A 246 " - " O HOH Z 201 " 1.521 3.040 -x+1/2,-y+1,z-1/2 " O HOH Z 206 " - " O HOH Z 342 " 1.531 3.040 -x+1/2,-y+1,z+1/2 " O TYR A 214 " - " O HOH Z 204 " 1.555 3.040 -x+1/2,-y+1,z-1/2 " O HOH Z 100 " - " O HOH Z 352 " 1.585 3.040 -x+1/2,-y+1,z+1/2 ... (remaining 28245 not shown) Histogram of dihedral angle deviations from ideal: 0.01 - 17.19: 754 17.19 - 34.36: 62 34.36 - 51.54: 27 51.54 - 68.71: 23 68.71 - 85.89: 4 Dihedral angle restraints sorted by residual: " CA PHE A 192 " " CB PHE A 192 " " CG PHE A 192 " " CD1 PHE A 192 " ideal model delta periodicty weight residual 90.00 7.91 82.09 2 2.50e-03 1.68e+01 " N PRO A 54 " " CG PRO A 54 " " CD PRO A 54 " " CB PRO A 54 " ideal model delta periodicty weight residual 30.00 -27.17 57.17 3 4.44e-03 1.45e+01 " N PRO A 280 " " CA PRO A 280 " " CB PRO A 280 " " CG PRO A 280 " ideal model delta periodicty weight residual -25.00 38.44 56.56 3 4.44e-03 1.42e+01 ... (remaining 867 not shown) ==================== Fixing bad ADP in input model (if any) =================== ============================== Scattering factors ============================= ----------X-ray scattering dictionary---------- Number of scattering types: 4 Type Number sf(0) Gaussians S 13 15.96 2 O 902 7.97 2 N 437 6.97 2 C 1471 5.97 2 sf(0) = scattering factor at diffraction angle 0. ====================== Modifying start model if requested ===================== ==================== Fixing bad ADP in input model (if any) =================== ================== Extract refinement strategy and selections ================= individual_sites = True rigid_body = False individual_adp = True group_adp = False tls = False individual_occupancies = True group_occupancies = False group_anomalous = False size = 2823 n_use = 2823 n_use_u_iso = 2823 n_use_u_aniso = 0 n_grad_site = 0 n_grad_u_iso = 0 n_grad_u_aniso = 0 n_grad_occupancy = 0 n_grad_fp = 0 n_grad_fdp = 0 n_anisotropic_flag = 0 total number of scatterers = 2823 ==================== Process input NCS or/and find new NCS ==================== Using existing and finding new NCS is disabled. Use refinement.main.ncs=true to activate it. Look at refinement.ncs for more NCS related parameters. =================== Write initial parameters into .eff file =================== Writing effective parameters to file: /net/cci-filer1/vol1/tmp/phzwart/tassos/noshake/run_1188/model_refine_001.eff Writing geometry restraints to file: /net/cci-filer1/vol1/tmp/phzwart/tassos/noshake/run_1188/model_refine_001.geo CPU time processing inputs: 9.21 ============================ Non-default parameters =========================== A complete record of all parameters was written to the .eff file above. Below are only the non-defaults. #phil __ON__ refinement { crystal_symmetry { unit_cell = 71.655 47.8686 84.23025 90 90 90 space_group = "P 21 21 21" } input { pdb { file_name = "/net/cci-filer1/vol1/tmp/phzwart/tassos/trial/model.pdb" } xray_data { file_name = "/net/cci-filer1/vol1/tmp/phzwart/tassos/trial/1e0w.cns" labels = "FOBS,SIGMA" r_free_flags { file_name = "/net/cci-filer1/vol1/tmp/phzwart/tassos/trial/1e0w.cns" label = "TEST" test_flag_value = 1 } } } output { prefix = "model_refine" serial = 1 } main { number_of_macro_cycles = 5 } } #phil __OFF__ ============================= ml refinement start ============================= ----------structure factors based statistics (before refinement)---------- ----------X-ray data---------- |--(resolution: 1.95 - 15.10 A; n_refl. = 19589)------------------------------| | | | r_work= 0.4879 r_free= 0.4795 ksol= 0.00 Bsol= 0.00 scale= 0.873 | | | | overall anisotropic scale matrix (Cartesian basis; B11,B22,B33,B12,B13,B23):| | (0.00,0.00,0.00,0.00,0.00,0.00); trace/3= 0.00 | | | | maximum likelihood estimate for coordinate error: 0.85 A | | x-ray target function (ml) for work reflections: 6.295120 | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Bin Resolution Compl. No. Refl. R-factors Targets | |number range work test work test work test| | 1: 15.1022 - 4.6604 0.99 1479 167 0.3815 0.3887 6.5815 6.5862| | 2: 4.6604 - 3.7173 0.99 1420 158 0.4251 0.4068 6.8472 6.8428| | 3: 3.7173 - 3.2527 0.99 1381 145 0.4679 0.4335 6.6856 6.6791| | 4: 3.2527 - 2.9578 0.98 1388 166 0.4895 0.4768 6.5163 6.5057| | 5: 2.9578 - 2.7471 0.99 1372 146 0.5119 0.4991 6.3653 6.3397| | 6: 2.7471 - 2.5860 0.99 1372 159 0.5315 0.5202 6.2841 6.1964| | 7: 2.5860 - 2.4571 0.98 1363 138 0.5282 0.4992 6.2392 6.2064| | 8: 2.4571 - 2.3505 0.98 1355 152 0.5294 0.5157 6.1412 6.1954| | 9: 2.3505 - 2.2604 0.99 1350 154 0.5538 0.5242 6.1539 6.1157| | 10: 2.2604 - 2.1826 0.99 1348 160 0.5419 0.5776 6.0775 6.1146| | 11: 2.1826 - 2.1145 0.97 1344 137 0.5322 0.5842 6.0147 5.9899| | 12: 2.1145 - 2.0542 0.98 1334 146 0.5244 0.5464 5.9336 5.9651| | 13: 2.0542 - 2.0003 0.67 900 113 0.5403 0.4860 5.8589 5.8532| | 14: 2.0003 - 1.9516 0.16 224 18 0.5825 0.3608 5.7842 5.7297| |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |R-free likelihood based estimates for figures of merit, absolute phase error,| |and distribution parameters alpha and beta (Acta Cryst. (1995). A51, 880-887)| | | | Bin Resolution No. Refl. FOM Phase Scale Alpha Beta | | # range work test error factor | | 1: 15.1022 - 4.6604 1479 167 0.69 34.78 0.82 0.73 73276.11| | 2: 4.6604 - 3.7173 1420 158 0.68 37.14 0.89 0.77 111729.33| | 3: 3.7173 - 3.2527 1381 145 0.55 47.88 0.89 0.72 124055.74| | 4: 3.2527 - 2.9578 1388 166 0.44 56.91 0.88 0.63 114542.22| | 5: 2.9578 - 2.7471 1372 146 0.37 62.24 0.86 0.54 90021.77| | 6: 2.7471 - 2.5860 1372 159 0.35 63.59 0.87 0.52 74926.30| | 7: 2.5860 - 2.4571 1363 138 0.34 64.29 0.88 0.48 65751.65| | 8: 2.4571 - 2.3505 1355 152 0.29 68.04 0.87 0.45 64091.14| | 9: 2.3505 - 2.2604 1350 154 0.24 72.25 0.91 0.36 60052.11| | 10: 2.2604 - 2.1826 1348 160 0.19 76.09 0.90 0.29 58934.93| | 11: 2.1826 - 2.1145 1344 137 0.10 82.71 0.91 0.15 55282.35| | 12: 2.1145 - 2.0542 1334 146 0.07 84.64 0.90 0.12 52555.62| | 13: 2.0542 - 2.0003 900 113 0.10 82.31 0.91 0.17 43383.72| | 14: 2.0003 - 1.9516 224 18 0.21 74.01 0.85 0.37 34449.13| |alpha: min = 0.12 max = 0.77 mean = 0.47| |beta: min = 34449.13 max = 124055.74 mean = 76675.76| |figures of merit: min = 0.00 max = 1.00 mean = 0.35| |phase err.(work): min = 0.00 max = 90.00 mean = 63.33| |phase err.(test): min = 0.00 max = 89.98 mean = 63.33| |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| ============================== Outliers rejection ============================= basic_wilson_outliers = 0 extreme_wilson_outliers = 0 beamstop_shadow_outliers = 0 total = 0 ====================== Target weights (before refinement) ===================== |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | XYZ refinement: T = Eexperimental * wxc * wxc_scale + Echem * wc | | wxc = 14.514818 wxc_scale = 0.500 wc = 1.000 | | angle between x-ray and geometry gradient vectors: 90.079 (deg) | | | | ADP refinement: T = Eexperimental * wxu * wxu_scale + Eadp * wu | | wxc = 4.005397 wxc_scale = 1.000 wc = 1.000 | | angle between Xray and ADP gradient vectors: 89.777 (deg) | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| ----------Initial model statistics (before refinement)---------- |-Geometry statistics: start--------------------------------------------------| | Histogram of deviations from ideal values for | | Bonds | Angles | Nonbonded contacts | | 0.000 - 0.007: 1367 | 0.001 - 0.989: 1519 | 1.386 - 1.737: 9 | | 0.007 - 0.014: 729 | 0.989 - 1.976: 994 | 1.737 - 2.089: 13 | | 0.014 - 0.021: 262 | 1.976 - 2.963: 470 | 2.089 - 2.440: 30 | | 0.021 - 0.028: 63 | 2.963 - 3.950: 196 | 2.440 - 2.792: 659 | | 0.028 - 0.035: 15 | 3.950 - 4.938: 66 | 2.792 - 3.143: 2108 | | 0.035 - 0.042: 0 | 4.938 - 5.925: 29 | 3.143 - 3.494: 2359 | | 0.042 - 0.049: 2 | 5.925 - 6.912: 16 | 3.494 - 3.846: 4531 | | 0.049 - 0.056: 0 | 6.912 - 7.899: 2 | 3.846 - 4.197: 4765 | | 0.056 - 0.063: 0 | 7.899 - 8.887: 3 | 4.197 - 4.549: 6233 | | 0.063 - 0.070: 1 | 8.887 - 9.874: 4 | 4.549 - 4.900: 7543 | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |-Geometry statistics: start--------------------------------------------------| | Type | Count | Deviation from ideal | Targets | Target (sum) | | | | rmsd max min | | | | bond | 2439 | 0.010 0.070 0.000 | 0.254 | | | angle | 3299 | 1.822 9.874 0.001 | 1.000 | | | chirality | 348 | 0.101 0.314 0.000 | 0.257 | 0.200 | | planarity | 436 | 0.009 0.055 0.000 | 0.973 | | | dihedral | 870 | 15.968 85.889 0.013 | 1.071 | | | nonbonded | 2439 | 4.110 4.900 1.386 | 0.726 | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |-ADP statistics (Wilson B = 12.018)------------------------------------------| | Atom | Number of | Isotropic or equivalent| Anisotropy lmin/max | | type |iso aniso | min max mean | min max mean | | - - - - |- - - - - - -| - - - - - - - - - - - -| - - - - - - - - - - | | all : 2823 0 5.09 63.06 16.02 None None None | | all(noH): 2823 0 5.09 63.06 16.02 None None None | | Sol. : 438 0 6.19 63.06 36.87 None None None | | Mac. : 2385 0 5.09 49.51 12.19 None None None | | Hyd. : 0 0 None None None None None None | | - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - | | Distribution of isotropic (or equivalent) ADP for non-H atoms: | | Bin# value range #atoms | Bin# value range #atoms | | 0: 5.090 - 10.887: 1254 | 5: 34.075 - 39.872: 81 | | 1: 10.887 - 16.684: 844 | 6: 39.872 - 45.669: 78 | | 2: 16.684 - 22.481: 225 | 7: 45.669 - 51.466: 64 | | 3: 22.481 - 28.278: 122 | 8: 51.466 - 57.263: 37 | | 4: 28.278 - 34.075: 94 | 9: 57.263 - 63.060: 24 | | =>continue=> | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |-Occupancies statistics------------------------------------------------------| | occupancies: max = 1.00 min = 0.30 number of occupancies < 0.1 = 0 | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| *********************** REFINEMENT MACRO_CYCLE 1 OF 5 ************************* |--(resolution: 1.95 - 15.10 A; n_refl. = 19589)------------------------------| | | | r_work= 0.4879 r_free= 0.4795 ksol= 0.00 Bsol= 0.00 scale= 0.873 | | | | overall anisotropic scale matrix (Cartesian basis; B11,B22,B33,B12,B13,B23):| | (0.00,0.00,0.00,0.00,0.00,0.00); trace/3= 0.00 | | | | maximum likelihood estimate for coordinate error: 0.85 A | | x-ray target function (ml) for work reflections: 6.295120 | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| ====================== bulk solvent modeling and scaling ====================== |--(resolution: 1.95 - 15.10 A; n_refl. = 19589)------------------------------| | | | r_work= 0.4816 r_free= 0.4743 ksol= 0.28 Bsol= 20.61 scale= 0.917 | | | | overall anisotropic scale matrix (Cartesian basis; B11,B22,B33,B12,B13,B23):| | (-0.37,2.33,0.84,0.00,0.00,0.00); trace/3= 0.93 | | | | maximum likelihood estimate for coordinate error: 0.85 A | | x-ray target function (ml) for work reflections: 6.293419 | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| ========================== Target weights: x-ray data ========================= |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | XYZ refinement: T = Eexperimental * wxc * wxc_scale + Echem * wc | | wxc = 10.946696 wxc_scale = 0.500 wc = 1.000 | | angle between x-ray and geometry gradient vectors: 90.128 (deg) | | | | ADP refinement: T = Eexperimental * wxu * wxu_scale + Eadp * wu | | wxc = 1.656370 wxc_scale = 1.000 wc = 1.000 | | angle between Xray and ADP gradient vectors: 89.398 (deg) | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| ================================ xyz refinement =============================== |-LBFGS minimization----------------------------------------------------------| | start r-factor (work) = 0.4816 final r-factor (work) = 0.4017 | | start r-factor (free) = 0.4743 final r-factor (free) = 0.4378 | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | T_start = wxc * wxc_scale * Exray + wc * Echem | | 34.6228 = 10.95 * 0.50 * 6.2891 + 1.00 * 0.2002 | | | | T_final = wxc * wxc_scale * Exray + wc * Echem | | 34.0975 = 10.95 * 0.50 * 6.2052 + 1.00 * 0.1344 | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | number of iterations = 25 | number of function evaluations = 28 | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| ================================ ADP refinement =============================== ----------Individual ADP refinement---------- |-LBFGS minimization----------------------------------------------------------| | start r-factor (work) = 0.4017 final r-factor (work) = 0.3722 | | start r-factor (free) = 0.4378 final r-factor (free) = 0.4368 | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | T_start = wxu * wxu_scale * Exray + wu * Eadp | | 10.2844 = 1.66 * 1.00 * 6.2052 + 1.00 * 0.0063 | | | | T_final = wxu * wxu_scale * Exray + wu * Eadp | | 10.2401 = 1.66 * 1.00 * 6.1446 + 1.00 * 0.0624 | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | number of iterations = 6 | number of function evaluations = 11 | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |-ADP statistics (Wilson B = 12.018)------------------------------------------| | Atom | Number of | Isotropic or equivalent| Anisotropy lmin/max | | type |iso aniso | min max mean | min max mean | | - - - - |- - - - - - -| - - - - - - - - - - - -| - - - - - - - - - - | | all : 2823 0 0.00 113.33 17.26 None None None | | all(noH): 2823 0 0.00 113.33 17.26 None None None | | Sol. : 438 0 0.00 71.81 36.38 None None None | | Mac. : 2385 0 0.00 113.33 13.75 None None None | | Hyd. : 0 0 None None None None None None | | - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - | | Distribution of isotropic (or equivalent) ADP for non-H atoms: | | Bin# value range #atoms | Bin# value range #atoms | | 0: 0.000 - 11.333: 1108 | 5: 56.665 - 67.998: 20 | | 1: 11.333 - 22.666: 935 | 6: 67.998 - 79.331: 1 | | 2: 22.666 - 33.999: 451 | 7: 79.331 - 90.664: 1 | | 3: 33.999 - 45.332: 194 | 8: 90.664 - 101.997: 0 | | 4: 45.332 - 56.665: 112 | 9: 101.997 - 113.330: 1 | | =>continue=> | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| ======================= Individual occupancy refinement ======================= |-individual occupancy refinement: start--------------------------------------| | r_work = 0.3722 r_free = 0.4368 target_work(ml) = 6.145 | | occupancies: max = 1.00 min = 0.30 number of occupancies < 0.1: 0 | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |-individual occupancy refinement: end----------------------------------------| | r_work = 0.3718 r_free = 0.4374 target_work(ml) = 6.145 | | occupancies: max = 1.00 min = 0.00 number of occupancies < 0.1: 12 | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| *********************** REFINEMENT MACRO_CYCLE 2 OF 5 ************************* |--(resolution: 1.95 - 15.10 A; n_refl. = 19589)------------------------------| | | | r_work= 0.3718 r_free= 0.4374 ksol= 0.28 Bsol= 20.61 scale= 0.971 | | | | overall anisotropic scale matrix (Cartesian basis; B11,B22,B33,B12,B13,B23):| | (-0.37,2.33,0.84,0.00,0.00,0.00); trace/3= 0.93 | | | | maximum likelihood estimate for coordinate error: 0.67 A | | x-ray target function (ml) for work reflections: 6.144703 | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| ====================== bulk solvent modeling and scaling ====================== |--(resolution: 1.95 - 15.10 A; n_refl. = 19589)------------------------------| | | | r_work= 0.3713 r_free= 0.4361 ksol= 0.35 Bsol= 80.00 scale= 0.994 | | | | overall anisotropic scale matrix (Cartesian basis; B11,B22,B33,B12,B13,B23):| | (0.68,2.69,1.66,0.00,0.00,0.00); trace/3= 1.68 | | | | maximum likelihood estimate for coordinate error: 0.66 A | | x-ray target function (ml) for work reflections: 6.145127 | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| ========================== Target weights: x-ray data ========================= |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | XYZ refinement: T = Eexperimental * wxc * wxc_scale + Echem * wc | | wxc = 12.055198 wxc_scale = 0.500 wc = 1.000 | | angle between x-ray and geometry gradient vectors: 98.260 (deg) | | | | ADP refinement: T = Eexperimental * wxu * wxu_scale + Eadp * wu | | wxc = 1.608567 wxc_scale = 1.000 wc = 1.000 | | angle between Xray and ADP gradient vectors: 96.245 (deg) | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| ================================ xyz refinement =============================== |-LBFGS minimization----------------------------------------------------------| | start r-factor (work) = 0.3713 final r-factor (work) = 0.2932 | | start r-factor (free) = 0.4361 final r-factor (free) = 0.3594 | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | T_start = wxc * wxc_scale * Exray + wc * Echem | | 37.1814 = 12.06 * 0.50 * 6.1462 + 1.00 * 0.1345 | | | | T_final = wxc * wxc_scale * Exray + wc * Echem | | 36.6968 = 12.06 * 0.50 * 6.0688 + 1.00 * 0.1164 | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | number of iterations = 25 | number of function evaluations = 28 | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| ================================ ADP refinement =============================== ----------Individual ADP refinement---------- |-LBFGS minimization----------------------------------------------------------| | start r-factor (work) = 0.2932 final r-factor (work) = 0.2703 | | start r-factor (free) = 0.3594 final r-factor (free) = 0.3492 | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | T_start = wxu * wxu_scale * Exray + wu * Eadp | | 9.7963 = 1.61 * 1.00 * 6.0688 + 1.00 * 0.0342 | | | | T_final = wxu * wxu_scale * Exray + wu * Eadp | | 9.5669 = 1.61 * 1.00 * 5.9347 + 1.00 * 0.0205 | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | number of iterations = 25 | number of function evaluations = 29 | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |-ADP statistics (Wilson B = 12.018)------------------------------------------| | Atom | Number of | Isotropic or equivalent| Anisotropy lmin/max | | type |iso aniso | min max mean | min max mean | | - - - - |- - - - - - -| - - - - - - - - - - - -| - - - - - - - - - - | | all : 2823 0 0.00 100.42 19.02 None None None | | all(noH): 2823 0 0.00 100.42 19.02 None None None | | Sol. : 438 0 0.00 100.42 41.91 None None None | | Mac. : 2385 0 0.00 80.71 14.82 None None None | | Hyd. : 0 0 None None None None None None | | - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - | | Distribution of isotropic (or equivalent) ADP for non-H atoms: | | Bin# value range #atoms | Bin# value range #atoms | | 0: 0.000 - 10.042: 1041 | 5: 50.209 - 60.251: 113 | | 1: 10.042 - 20.084: 854 | 6: 60.251 - 70.293: 59 | | 2: 20.084 - 30.125: 341 | 7: 70.293 - 80.334: 23 | | 3: 30.125 - 40.167: 238 | 8: 80.334 - 90.376: 10 | | 4: 40.167 - 50.209: 142 | 9: 90.376 - 100.418: 2 | | =>continue=> | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| ======================= Individual occupancy refinement ======================= |-individual occupancy refinement: start--------------------------------------| | r_work = 0.2703 r_free = 0.3492 target_work(ml) = 5.924 | | occupancies: max = 1.00 min = 0.00 number of occupancies < 0.1: 12 | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |-individual occupancy refinement: end----------------------------------------| | r_work = 0.2702 r_free = 0.3487 target_work(ml) = 5.924 | | occupancies: max = 1.00 min = 0.00 number of occupancies < 0.1: 12 | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| *********************** REFINEMENT MACRO_CYCLE 3 OF 5 ************************* |--(resolution: 1.95 - 15.10 A; n_refl. = 19589)------------------------------| | | | r_work= 0.2702 r_free= 0.3487 ksol= 0.35 Bsol= 80.00 scale= 1.047 | | | | overall anisotropic scale matrix (Cartesian basis; B11,B22,B33,B12,B13,B23):| | (0.68,2.69,1.66,0.00,0.00,0.00); trace/3= 1.68 | | | | maximum likelihood estimate for coordinate error: 0.43 A | | x-ray target function (ml) for work reflections: 5.923856 | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| ====================== bulk solvent modeling and scaling ====================== |--(resolution: 1.95 - 15.10 A; n_refl. = 19589)------------------------------| | | | r_work= 0.2696 r_free= 0.3480 ksol= 0.33 Bsol= 68.11 scale= 1.020 | | | | overall anisotropic scale matrix (Cartesian basis; B11,B22,B33,B12,B13,B23):| | (0.25,1.24,0.45,0.00,0.00,0.00); trace/3= 0.65 | | | | maximum likelihood estimate for coordinate error: 0.43 A | | x-ray target function (ml) for work reflections: 5.922176 | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| ========================== Target weights: x-ray data ========================= |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | XYZ refinement: T = Eexperimental * wxc * wxc_scale + Echem * wc | | wxc = 4.887466 wxc_scale = 0.500 wc = 1.000 | | angle between x-ray and geometry gradient vectors: 100.677 (deg) | | | | ADP refinement: T = Eexperimental * wxu * wxu_scale + Eadp * wu | | wxc = 4.952232 wxc_scale = 1.000 wc = 1.000 | | angle between Xray and ADP gradient vectors: 143.739 (deg) | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| ================================ xyz refinement =============================== |-LBFGS minimization----------------------------------------------------------| | start r-factor (work) = 0.2696 final r-factor (work) = 0.2218 | | start r-factor (free) = 0.3480 final r-factor (free) = 0.2855 | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | T_start = wxc * wxc_scale * Exray + wc * Echem | | 14.6184 = 4.89 * 0.50 * 5.9344 + 1.00 * 0.1164 | | | | T_final = wxc * wxc_scale * Exray + wc * Echem | | 14.3758 = 4.89 * 0.50 * 5.8541 + 1.00 * 0.0700 | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | number of iterations = 25 | number of function evaluations = 28 | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| ================================ ADP refinement =============================== ----------Individual ADP refinement---------- |-LBFGS minimization----------------------------------------------------------| | start r-factor (work) = 0.2218 final r-factor (work) = 0.2042 | | start r-factor (free) = 0.2855 final r-factor (free) = 0.2697 | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | T_start = wxu * wxu_scale * Exray + wu * Eadp | | 29.0110 = 4.95 * 1.00 * 5.8541 + 1.00 * 0.0203 | | | | T_final = wxu * wxu_scale * Exray + wu * Eadp | | 28.2813 = 4.95 * 1.00 * 5.7063 + 1.00 * 0.0225 | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | number of iterations = 25 | number of function evaluations = 26 | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |-ADP statistics (Wilson B = 12.018)------------------------------------------| | Atom | Number of | Isotropic or equivalent| Anisotropy lmin/max | | type |iso aniso | min max mean | min max mean | | - - - - |- - - - - - -| - - - - - - - - - - - -| - - - - - - - - - - | | all : 2823 0 0.00 130.53 19.87 None None None | | all(noH): 2823 0 0.00 130.53 19.87 None None None | | Sol. : 438 0 3.91 126.40 50.04 None None None | | Mac. : 2385 0 0.00 130.53 14.33 None None None | | Hyd. : 0 0 None None None None None None | | - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - | | Distribution of isotropic (or equivalent) ADP for non-H atoms: | | Bin# value range #atoms | Bin# value range #atoms | | 0: 0.000 - 13.053: 1476 | 5: 65.263 - 78.316: 68 | | 1: 13.053 - 26.105: 720 | 6: 78.316 - 91.369: 48 | | 2: 26.105 - 39.158: 209 | 7: 91.369 - 104.421: 27 | | 3: 39.158 - 52.211: 153 | 8: 104.421 - 117.474: 6 | | 4: 52.211 - 65.263: 111 | 9: 117.474 - 130.527: 5 | | =>continue=> | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| ======================= Individual occupancy refinement ======================= |-individual occupancy refinement: start--------------------------------------| | r_work = 0.2042 r_free = 0.2697 target_work(ml) = 5.679 | | occupancies: max = 1.00 min = 0.00 number of occupancies < 0.1: 12 | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |-individual occupancy refinement: end----------------------------------------| | r_work = 0.2042 r_free = 0.2697 target_work(ml) = 5.679 | | occupancies: max = 1.00 min = 0.00 number of occupancies < 0.1: 11 | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| *********************** REFINEMENT MACRO_CYCLE 4 OF 5 ************************* |--(resolution: 1.95 - 15.10 A; n_refl. = 19589)------------------------------| | | | r_work= 0.2042 r_free= 0.2697 ksol= 0.33 Bsol= 68.11 scale= 1.032 | | | | overall anisotropic scale matrix (Cartesian basis; B11,B22,B33,B12,B13,B23):| | (0.25,1.24,0.45,0.00,0.00,0.00); trace/3= 0.65 | | | | maximum likelihood estimate for coordinate error: 0.30 A | | x-ray target function (ml) for work reflections: 5.678978 | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| ====================== bulk solvent modeling and scaling ====================== |--(resolution: 1.95 - 15.10 A; n_refl. = 19589)------------------------------| | | | r_work= 0.2043 r_free= 0.2696 ksol= 0.33 Bsol= 74.64 scale= 1.012 | | | | overall anisotropic scale matrix (Cartesian basis; B11,B22,B33,B12,B13,B23):| | (-0.43,0.51,-0.33,0.00,-0.00,-0.00); trace/3= -0.08 | | | | maximum likelihood estimate for coordinate error: 0.30 A | | x-ray target function (ml) for work reflections: 5.679273 | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| ========================== Target weights: x-ray data ========================= |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | XYZ refinement: T = Eexperimental * wxc * wxc_scale + Echem * wc | | wxc = 6.451378 wxc_scale = 0.500 wc = 1.000 | | angle between x-ray and geometry gradient vectors: 95.320 (deg) | | | | ADP refinement: T = Eexperimental * wxu * wxu_scale + Eadp * wu | | wxc = 0.454809 wxc_scale = 1.000 wc = 1.000 | | angle between Xray and ADP gradient vectors: 131.212 (deg) | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| ================================ xyz refinement =============================== |-LBFGS minimization----------------------------------------------------------| | start r-factor (work) = 0.2043 final r-factor (work) = 0.1635 | | start r-factor (free) = 0.2696 final r-factor (free) = 0.2235 | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | T_start = wxc * wxc_scale * Exray + wc * Echem | | 18.4832 = 6.45 * 0.50 * 5.7083 + 1.00 * 0.0700 | | | | T_final = wxc * wxc_scale * Exray + wc * Echem | | 18.1327 = 6.45 * 0.50 * 5.5965 + 1.00 * 0.0800 | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | number of iterations = 25 | number of function evaluations = 28 | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| ================================ ADP refinement =============================== ----------Individual ADP refinement---------- |-LBFGS minimization----------------------------------------------------------| | start r-factor (work) = 0.1635 final r-factor (work) = 0.1492 | | start r-factor (free) = 0.2235 final r-factor (free) = 0.2014 | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | T_start = wxu * wxu_scale * Exray + wu * Eadp | | 2.5680 = 0.45 * 1.00 * 5.5965 + 1.00 * 0.0226 | | | | T_final = wxu * wxu_scale * Exray + wu * Eadp | | 2.4928 = 0.45 * 1.00 * 5.4517 + 1.00 * 0.0133 | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | number of iterations = 25 | number of function evaluations = 26 | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |-ADP statistics (Wilson B = 12.018)------------------------------------------| | Atom | Number of | Isotropic or equivalent| Anisotropy lmin/max | | type |iso aniso | min max mean | min max mean | | - - - - |- - - - - - -| - - - - - - - - - - - -| - - - - - - - - - - | | all : 2823 0 0.00 124.75 18.10 None None None | | all(noH): 2823 0 0.00 124.75 18.10 None None None | | Sol. : 438 0 3.92 115.40 46.96 None None None | | Mac. : 2385 0 0.00 124.75 12.80 None None None | | Hyd. : 0 0 None None None None None None | | - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - | | Distribution of isotropic (or equivalent) ADP for non-H atoms: | | Bin# value range #atoms | Bin# value range #atoms | | 0: 0.000 - 12.476: 1572 | 5: 62.377 - 74.853: 67 | | 1: 12.476 - 24.951: 728 | 6: 74.853 - 87.328: 34 | | 2: 24.951 - 37.426: 153 | 7: 87.328 - 99.804: 21 | | 3: 37.426 - 49.902: 131 | 8: 99.804 - 112.279: 8 | | 4: 49.902 - 62.377: 107 | 9: 112.279 - 124.755: 2 | | =>continue=> | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| ======================= Individual occupancy refinement ======================= |-individual occupancy refinement: start--------------------------------------| | r_work = 0.1492 r_free = 0.2014 target_work(ml) = 5.396 | | occupancies: max = 1.00 min = 0.00 number of occupancies < 0.1: 11 | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |-individual occupancy refinement: end----------------------------------------| | r_work = 0.1490 r_free = 0.2012 target_work(ml) = 5.395 | | occupancies: max = 1.00 min = 0.00 number of occupancies < 0.1: 10 | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| *********************** REFINEMENT MACRO_CYCLE 5 OF 5 ************************* |--(resolution: 1.95 - 15.10 A; n_refl. = 19589)------------------------------| | | | r_work= 0.1490 r_free= 0.2012 ksol= 0.33 Bsol= 74.64 scale= 1.017 | | | | overall anisotropic scale matrix (Cartesian basis; B11,B22,B33,B12,B13,B23):| | (-0.43,0.51,-0.33,0.00,-0.00,-0.00); trace/3= -0.08 | | | | maximum likelihood estimate for coordinate error: 0.18 A | | x-ray target function (ml) for work reflections: 5.395333 | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| ====================== bulk solvent modeling and scaling ====================== |--(resolution: 1.95 - 15.10 A; n_refl. = 19589)------------------------------| | | | r_work= 0.1491 r_free= 0.2007 ksol= 0.33 Bsol= 66.85 scale= 1.001 | | | | overall anisotropic scale matrix (Cartesian basis; B11,B22,B33,B12,B13,B23):| | (-0.96,-0.32,-0.83,-0.00,-0.00,-0.00); trace/3= -0.70 | | | | maximum likelihood estimate for coordinate error: 0.18 A | | x-ray target function (ml) for work reflections: 5.398309 | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| ========================== Target weights: x-ray data ========================= |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | XYZ refinement: T = Eexperimental * wxc * wxc_scale + Echem * wc | | wxc = 2.587516 wxc_scale = 0.500 wc = 1.000 | | angle between x-ray and geometry gradient vectors: 120.488 (deg) | | | | ADP refinement: T = Eexperimental * wxu * wxu_scale + Eadp * wu | | wxc = 0.140839 wxc_scale = 1.000 wc = 1.000 | | angle between Xray and ADP gradient vectors: 128.954 (deg) | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| ================================ xyz refinement =============================== |-LBFGS minimization----------------------------------------------------------| | start r-factor (work) = 0.1491 final r-factor (work) = 0.1358 | | start r-factor (free) = 0.2007 final r-factor (free) = 0.1847 | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | T_start = wxc * wxc_scale * Exray + wc * Echem | | 7.1372 = 2.59 * 0.50 * 5.4548 + 1.00 * 0.0800 | | | | T_final = wxc * wxc_scale * Exray + wc * Echem | | 6.9975 = 2.59 * 0.50 * 5.3624 + 1.00 * 0.0599 | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | number of iterations = 25 | number of function evaluations = 27 | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| ================================ ADP refinement =============================== ----------Individual ADP refinement---------- |-LBFGS minimization----------------------------------------------------------| | start r-factor (work) = 0.1358 final r-factor (work) = 0.1347 | | start r-factor (free) = 0.1847 final r-factor (free) = 0.1811 | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | T_start = wxu * wxu_scale * Exray + wu * Eadp | | 0.7684 = 0.14 * 1.00 * 5.3624 + 1.00 * 0.0132 | | | | T_final = wxu * wxu_scale * Exray + wu * Eadp | | 0.8176 = 0.14 * 1.00 * 5.3147 + 1.00 * 0.0691 | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | number of iterations = 3 | number of function evaluations = 3 | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |-ADP statistics (Wilson B = 12.018)------------------------------------------| | Atom | Number of | Isotropic or equivalent| Anisotropy lmin/max | | type |iso aniso | min max mean | min max mean | | - - - - |- - - - - - -| - - - - - - - - - - - -| - - - - - - - - - - | | all : 2823 0 0.00 123.94 18.12 None None None | | all(noH): 2823 0 0.00 123.94 18.12 None None None | | Sol. : 438 0 5.19 114.53 46.39 None None None | | Mac. : 2385 0 0.00 123.94 12.93 None None None | | Hyd. : 0 0 None None None None None None | | - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - | | Distribution of isotropic (or equivalent) ADP for non-H atoms: | | Bin# value range #atoms | Bin# value range #atoms | | 0: 0.000 - 12.394: 1586 | 5: 61.971 - 74.365: 64 | | 1: 12.394 - 24.788: 715 | 6: 74.365 - 86.759: 33 | | 2: 24.788 - 37.183: 157 | 7: 86.759 - 99.153: 21 | | 3: 37.183 - 49.577: 131 | 8: 99.153 - 111.547: 7 | | 4: 49.577 - 61.971: 106 | 9: 111.547 - 123.942: 3 | | =>continue=> | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| ======================= Individual occupancy refinement ======================= |-individual occupancy refinement: start--------------------------------------| | r_work = 0.1347 r_free = 0.1811 target_work(ml) = 5.304 | | occupancies: max = 1.00 min = 0.00 number of occupancies < 0.1: 10 | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |-individual occupancy refinement: end----------------------------------------| | r_work = 0.1345 r_free = 0.1809 target_work(ml) = 5.303 | | occupancies: max = 1.00 min = 0.00 number of occupancies < 0.1: 9 | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| ----------X-ray data---------- |--(resolution: 1.95 - 15.10 A; n_refl. = 19589)------------------------------| | | | r_work= 0.1345 r_free= 0.1809 ksol= 0.33 Bsol= 66.85 scale= 1.011 | | | | overall anisotropic scale matrix (Cartesian basis; B11,B22,B33,B12,B13,B23):| | (-0.96,-0.32,-0.83,-0.00,-0.00,-0.00); trace/3= -0.70 | | | | maximum likelihood estimate for coordinate error: 0.17 A | | x-ray target function (ml) for work reflections: 5.303250 | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Bin Resolution Compl. No. Refl. R-factors Targets | |number range work test work test work test| | 1: 15.1022 - 4.6604 0.99 1479 167 0.0989 0.1285 5.3928 5.5921| | 2: 4.6604 - 3.7173 0.99 1420 158 0.0920 0.1224 5.4857 5.7736| | 3: 3.7173 - 3.2527 0.99 1381 145 0.1239 0.1880 5.5881 5.9886| | 4: 3.2527 - 2.9578 0.98 1388 166 0.1585 0.1869 5.6268 5.7724| | 5: 2.9578 - 2.7471 0.99 1372 146 0.1611 0.2010 5.4799 5.6072| | 6: 2.7471 - 2.5860 0.99 1372 159 0.1523 0.2186 5.3777 5.556| | 7: 2.5860 - 2.4571 0.98 1363 138 0.1511 0.1973 5.3067 5.5212| | 8: 2.4571 - 2.3505 0.98 1355 152 0.1523 0.1999 5.247 5.441| | 9: 2.3505 - 2.2604 0.99 1350 154 0.1473 0.2152 5.1841 5.4152| | 10: 2.2604 - 2.1826 0.99 1348 160 0.1432 0.1965 5.1481 5.3901| | 11: 2.1826 - 2.1145 0.97 1344 137 0.1402 0.1981 5.0633 5.2815| | 12: 2.1145 - 2.0542 0.98 1334 146 0.1427 0.2246 5.021 5.2958| | 13: 2.0542 - 2.0003 0.67 900 113 0.1466 0.1789 4.9369 5.086| | 14: 2.0003 - 1.9516 0.16 224 18 0.1412 0.1910 4.8204 5.0718| |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |R-free likelihood based estimates for figures of merit, absolute phase error,| |and distribution parameters alpha and beta (Acta Cryst. (1995). A51, 880-887)| | | | Bin Resolution No. Refl. FOM Phase Scale Alpha Beta | | # range work test error factor | | 1: 15.1022 - 4.6604 1479 167 0.94 9.38 0.97 0.95 7487.16| | 2: 4.6604 - 3.7173 1420 158 0.95 8.98 1.02 1.00 10135.72| | 3: 3.7173 - 3.2527 1381 145 0.91 13.98 1.04 1.03 13033.92| | 4: 3.2527 - 2.9578 1388 166 0.88 18.03 1.02 1.00 14408.32| | 5: 2.9578 - 2.7471 1372 146 0.87 19.41 1.02 1.00 11355.60| | 6: 2.7471 - 2.5860 1372 159 0.87 19.38 1.01 0.99 9704.81| | 7: 2.5860 - 2.4571 1363 138 0.88 18.20 1.01 0.98 7981.74| | 8: 2.4571 - 2.3505 1355 152 0.87 19.70 1.02 0.99 7825.29| | 9: 2.3505 - 2.2604 1350 154 0.87 19.42 1.02 0.97 6675.85| | 10: 2.2604 - 2.1826 1348 160 0.87 19.14 1.01 0.96 6208.73| | 11: 2.1826 - 2.1145 1344 137 0.88 18.97 1.02 0.98 5586.61| | 12: 2.1145 - 2.0542 1334 146 0.87 20.07 1.01 1.00 5403.23| | 13: 2.0542 - 2.0003 900 113 0.87 20.04 1.02 1.00 4485.20| | 14: 2.0003 - 1.9516 224 18 0.87 19.18 1.01 0.98 3408.70| |alpha: min = 0.95 max = 1.03 mean = 0.99| |beta: min = 3408.70 max = 14408.32 mean = 8550.22| |figures of merit: min = 0.00 max = 1.00 mean = 0.89| |phase err.(work): min = 0.00 max = 89.98 mean = 17.15| |phase err.(test): min = 0.00 max = 87.94 mean = 16.40| |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| ====================== bulk solvent modeling and scaling ====================== |--(resolution: 1.95 - 15.10 A; n_refl. = 19589)------------------------------| | | | r_work= 0.1343 r_free= 0.1806 ksol= 0.32 Bsol= 62.87 scale= 0.995 | | | | overall anisotropic scale matrix (Cartesian basis; B11,B22,B33,B12,B13,B23):| | (-1.52,-1.05,-1.36,-0.00,-0.00,-0.00); trace/3= -1.31 | | | | maximum likelihood estimate for coordinate error: 0.17 A | | x-ray target function (ml) for work reflections: 5.302624 | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| ----------X-ray data---------- |--(resolution: 1.95 - 15.10 A; n_refl. = 19589)------------------------------| | | | r_work= 0.1343 r_free= 0.1806 ksol= 0.32 Bsol= 62.87 scale= 0.995 | | | | overall anisotropic scale matrix (Cartesian basis; B11,B22,B33,B12,B13,B23):| | (-1.52,-1.05,-1.36,-0.00,-0.00,-0.00); trace/3= -1.31 | | | | maximum likelihood estimate for coordinate error: 0.17 A | | x-ray target function (ml) for work reflections: 5.302624 | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Bin Resolution Compl. No. Refl. R-factors Targets | |number range work test work test work test| | 1: 15.1022 - 4.6604 0.99 1479 167 0.0985 0.1275 5.3872 5.5864| | 2: 4.6604 - 3.7173 0.99 1420 158 0.0918 0.1220 5.483 5.77| | 3: 3.7173 - 3.2527 0.99 1381 145 0.1239 0.1879 5.5877 5.9891| | 4: 3.2527 - 2.9578 0.98 1388 166 0.1586 0.1869 5.6271 5.7719| | 5: 2.9578 - 2.7471 0.99 1372 146 0.1612 0.2008 5.4804 5.6078| | 6: 2.7471 - 2.5860 0.99 1372 159 0.1523 0.2184 5.3778 5.5569| | 7: 2.5860 - 2.4571 0.98 1363 138 0.1511 0.1973 5.3066 5.5204| | 8: 2.4571 - 2.3505 0.98 1355 152 0.1523 0.2002 5.2467 5.4428| | 9: 2.3505 - 2.2604 0.99 1350 154 0.1472 0.2154 5.1833 5.4154| | 10: 2.2604 - 2.1826 0.99 1348 160 0.1433 0.1966 5.1476 5.3902| | 11: 2.1826 - 2.1145 0.97 1344 137 0.1403 0.1982 5.0632 5.2809| | 12: 2.1145 - 2.0542 0.98 1334 146 0.1428 0.2250 5.0225 5.2981| | 13: 2.0542 - 2.0003 0.67 900 113 0.1466 0.1790 4.9377 5.0859| | 14: 2.0003 - 1.9516 0.16 224 18 0.1413 0.1912 4.8204 5.0725| |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |R-free likelihood based estimates for figures of merit, absolute phase error,| |and distribution parameters alpha and beta (Acta Cryst. (1995). A51, 880-887)| | | | Bin Resolution No. Refl. FOM Phase Scale Alpha Beta | | # range work test error factor | | 1: 15.1022 - 4.6604 1479 167 0.94 9.32 0.96 0.94 7416.23| | 2: 4.6604 - 3.7173 1420 158 0.95 8.93 1.01 0.99 10062.06| | 3: 3.7173 - 3.2527 1381 145 0.91 13.94 1.03 1.02 12992.39| | 4: 3.2527 - 2.9578 1388 166 0.88 18.01 1.01 0.98 14404.50| | 5: 2.9578 - 2.7471 1372 146 0.87 19.40 1.00 0.98 11356.17| | 6: 2.7471 - 2.5860 1372 159 0.87 19.35 0.99 0.97 9700.31| | 7: 2.5860 - 2.4571 1363 138 0.88 18.18 0.99 0.96 7977.23| | 8: 2.4571 - 2.3505 1355 152 0.87 19.69 1.00 0.96 7822.44| | 9: 2.3505 - 2.2604 1350 154 0.87 19.41 0.99 0.95 6682.11| | 10: 2.2604 - 2.1826 1348 160 0.87 19.13 0.98 0.93 6217.61| | 11: 2.1826 - 2.1145 1344 137 0.88 18.96 0.98 0.95 5590.30| | 12: 2.1145 - 2.0542 1334 146 0.87 20.07 0.98 0.97 5414.54| | 13: 2.0542 - 2.0003 900 113 0.87 20.04 0.98 0.97 4488.61| | 14: 2.0003 - 1.9516 224 18 0.87 19.18 0.97 0.94 3404.77| |alpha: min = 0.93 max = 1.02 mean = 0.97| |beta: min = 3404.77 max = 14404.50 mean = 8536.33| |figures of merit: min = 0.00 max = 1.00 mean = 0.89| |phase err.(work): min = 0.00 max = 89.92 mean = 17.12| |phase err.(test): min = 0.00 max = 88.18 mean = 16.37| |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |-ADP statistics (Wilson B = 12.018)------------------------------------------| | Atom | Number of | Isotropic or equivalent| Anisotropy lmin/max | | type |iso aniso | min max mean | min max mean | | - - - - |- - - - - - -| - - - - - - - - - - - -| - - - - - - - - - - | | all : 2823 0 0.00 123.94 18.12 None None None | | all(noH): 2823 0 0.00 123.94 18.12 None None None | | Sol. : 438 0 5.19 114.54 46.39 None None None | | Mac. : 2385 0 0.00 123.94 12.93 None None None | | Hyd. : 0 0 None None None None None None | | - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - | | Distribution of isotropic (or equivalent) ADP for non-H atoms: | | Bin# value range #atoms | Bin# value range #atoms | | 0: 0.003 - 12.397: 1586 | 5: 61.974 - 74.368: 64 | | 1: 12.397 - 24.791: 715 | 6: 74.368 - 86.762: 33 | | 2: 24.791 - 37.186: 157 | 7: 86.762 - 99.156: 21 | | 3: 37.186 - 49.580: 131 | 8: 99.156 - 111.550: 7 | | 4: 49.580 - 61.974: 106 | 9: 111.550 - 123.945: 3 | | =>continue=> | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| ========== residual map mFobs-DFmodel: highest peaks and deepst holes ========= ----------peaks---------- Number of peaks found at mFobs-DFmodel map (map cutoff=3.00 sigma)= 380 Filter by distance & map next to the model: mapped sites are within: 0.074 - 5.818 number of sites selected in [dist_min= 0.70, dist_max= 6.00]: 357 from: 380 mapped sites are within: 0.711 - 5.818 peak= 6.569 closest distance to " O HOH Z 332 " = 0.960 peak= 5.817 closest distance to " NH2BARG A 102 " = 1.080 peak= 5.551 closest distance to " O HOH Z 210 " = 1.428 peak= 5.395 closest distance to " O HOH Z 111 " = 2.183 peak= 5.351 closest distance to " O HOH Z 11 " = 1.369 peak= 5.062 closest distance to " O HOH Z 124 " = 1.413 peak= 5.032 closest distance to " O HOH Z 192 " = 1.516 peak= 5.018 closest distance to " CG PRO A 54 " = 1.319 peak= 5.002 closest distance to " O HOH Z 80 " = 2.179 peak= 4.998 closest distance to " CG GLN A 77 " = 0.801 peak= 4.973 closest distance to " O HOH Z 134 " = 1.948 peak= 4.921 closest distance to " O HOH Z 127 " = 1.289 peak= 4.897 closest distance to " O HOH Z 126 " = 2.001 peak= 4.867 closest distance to " O HOH Z 49 " = 1.047 peak= 4.847 closest distance to " CB GLN A 223 " = 1.565 peak= 4.779 closest distance to " CB SER A 63 " = 1.382 peak= 4.761 closest distance to " CA TYR A 30 " = 1.059 peak= 4.758 closest distance to " CG PRO A 280 " = 0.989 peak= 4.725 closest distance to " CB ARG A 275 " = 0.985 peak= 4.707 closest distance to " O HOH Z 15 " = 2.067 peak= 4.650 closest distance to " CG PRO A 90 " = 1.287 peak= 4.596 closest distance to " O HOH Z 132 " = 1.641 peak= 4.553 closest distance to " O HOH Z 207 " = 1.952 peak= 4.531 closest distance to " O HOH Z 182 " = 1.185 peak= 4.530 closest distance to " CG PRO A 213 " = 1.379 peak= 4.523 closest distance to " O PRO A 198 " = 1.626 peak= 4.519 closest distance to " OG ASER A 164 " = 0.757 peak= 4.507 closest distance to " O HOH Z 394 " = 1.528 peak= 4.469 closest distance to " O HOH Z 411 " = 3.043 peak= 4.437 closest distance to " O HOH Z 243 " = 1.107 peak= 4.434 closest distance to " O HOH Z 234 " = 3.745 peak= 4.431 closest distance to " O HOH Z 117 " = 1.047 peak= 4.415 closest distance to " CG PRO A 198 " = 1.364 peak= 4.402 closest distance to " CB LEU A 228 " = 1.162 peak= 4.385 closest distance to " CD BLYS A 290 " = 0.990 peak= 4.358 closest distance to " O HOH Z 102 " = 1.123 peak= 4.349 closest distance to " O HOH Z 221 " = 1.255 peak= 4.344 closest distance to " O HOH Z 214 " = 1.551 peak= 4.316 closest distance to " O HOH Z 211 " = 1.571 peak= 4.266 closest distance to " CA GLN A 223 " = 0.897 peak= 4.260 closest distance to " O HOH Z 260 " = 1.631 peak= 4.257 closest distance to " O HOH Z 282 " = 1.605 peak= 4.241 closest distance to " CB PRO A 54 " = 0.833 peak= 4.222 closest distance to " O HOH Z 163 " = 1.828 peak= 4.197 closest distance to " O HOH Z 363 " = 1.258 peak= 4.195 closest distance to " OD1 ASN A 217 " = 1.668 peak= 4.191 closest distance to " O HOH Z 246 " = 1.485 peak= 4.186 closest distance to " O HOH Z 433 " = 1.539 peak= 4.183 closest distance to " O HOH Z 389 " = 1.869 peak= 4.168 closest distance to " O HOH Z 120 " = 0.843 peak= 4.166 closest distance to " CG2 VAL A 78 " = 1.066 peak= 4.165 closest distance to " O HOH Z 371 " = 3.115 peak= 4.147 closest distance to " CG2BVAL A 41 " = 1.107 peak= 4.135 closest distance to " CB GLN A 183 " = 1.125 peak= 4.117 closest distance to " NE2 HIS A 115 " = 0.755 peak= 4.106 closest distance to " O HOH Z 154 " = 1.459 peak= 4.092 closest distance to " O HOH Z 232 " = 2.229 peak= 4.092 closest distance to " CB PRO A 198 " = 1.054 peak= 4.088 closest distance to " CB TRP A 179 " = 1.346 peak= 4.081 closest distance to " O HOH Z 426 " = 1.212 peak= 4.060 closest distance to " O HOH Z 261 " = 1.666 peak= 4.045 closest distance to " CG PRO A 243 " = 1.102 peak= 4.043 closest distance to " CB SER A 62 " = 0.753 peak= 4.025 closest distance to " O HOH Z 369 " = 2.399 peak= 4.021 closest distance to " O HOH Z 404 " = 1.495 peak= 4.018 closest distance to " CG1 VAL A 153 " = 1.132 peak= 3.987 closest distance to " CA ALA A 21 " = 1.465 peak= 3.981 closest distance to " O HOH Z 246 " = 1.919 peak= 3.973 closest distance to " O HOH Z 133 " = 1.582 peak= 3.957 closest distance to " OE1 GLN A 11 " = 1.994 peak= 3.950 closest distance to " O HOH Z 88 " = 3.730 peak= 3.950 closest distance to " CA GLY A 196 " = 1.025 peak= 3.944 closest distance to " O HOH Z 47 " = 1.693 peak= 3.932 closest distance to " O HOH Z 63 " = 1.296 peak= 3.925 closest distance to " O HOH Z 374 " = 2.559 peak= 3.924 closest distance to " O HOH Z 43 " = 1.990 peak= 3.918 closest distance to " CB ASN A 187 " = 1.113 peak= 3.914 closest distance to " CB TYR A 169 " = 1.078 peak= 3.911 closest distance to " O HOH Z 217 " = 1.472 peak= 3.910 closest distance to " O HOH Z 186 " = 1.199 peak= 3.898 closest distance to " O HOH Z 287 " = 1.925 peak= 3.896 closest distance to " O HOH Z 104 " = 3.590 peak= 3.891 closest distance to " O HOH Z 196 " = 1.566 peak= 3.882 closest distance to " O HOH Z 39 " = 1.951 peak= 3.882 closest distance to " O HOH Z 298 " = 1.830 peak= 3.878 closest distance to " C SER A 32 " = 1.153 peak= 3.877 closest distance to " CB VAL A 202 " = 1.521 peak= 3.865 closest distance to " O HOH Z 200 " = 1.437 peak= 3.861 closest distance to " O HOH Z 118 " = 2.017 peak= 3.853 closest distance to " O HOH Z 112 " = 1.448 peak= 3.849 closest distance to " CB GLU A 128 " = 1.018 peak= 3.846 closest distance to " CB GLN A 194 " = 0.937 peak= 3.843 closest distance to " N GLN A 55 " = 0.711 peak= 3.840 closest distance to " O HOH Z 193 " = 1.857 peak= 3.839 closest distance to " O HOH Z 437 " = 1.814 peak= 3.835 closest distance to " O HOH Z 183 " = 1.640 peak= 3.834 closest distance to " N ASN A 39 " = 1.201 peak= 3.828 closest distance to " O HOH Z 184 " = 1.036 peak= 3.828 closest distance to " OE1 GLN A 58 " = 5.801 peak= 3.816 closest distance to " O HOH Z 387 " = 2.457 peak= 3.813 closest distance to " O HOH Z 142 " = 1.676 peak= 3.807 closest distance to " O HOH Z 99 " = 2.555 peak= 3.807 closest distance to " O HOH Z 189 " = 2.032 peak= 3.803 closest distance to " CD LYS A 119 " = 1.203 peak= 3.800 closest distance to " CG1 ILE A 33 " = 1.248 peak= 3.798 closest distance to " O HOH Z 350 " = 0.762 peak= 3.785 closest distance to " NZ LYS A 117 " = 3.155 peak= 3.780 closest distance to " CA GLU A 152 " = 0.893 peak= 3.776 closest distance to " O HOH Z 108 " = 1.970 peak= 3.774 closest distance to " O HOH Z 425 " = 1.644 peak= 3.765 closest distance to " OE1 GLN A 58 " = 1.242 peak= 3.761 closest distance to " O HOH Z 47 " = 1.625 peak= 3.756 closest distance to " CD2 LEU A 255 " = 1.355 peak= 3.755 closest distance to " O HOH Z 357 " = 2.006 peak= 3.751 closest distance to " CB ASN A 217 " = 1.035 peak= 3.745 closest distance to " O HOH Z 223 " = 1.161 peak= 3.744 closest distance to " O HOH Z 44 " = 2.421 peak= 3.738 closest distance to " O HOH Z 39 " = 1.777 peak= 3.733 closest distance to " O HOH Z 215 " = 1.570 peak= 3.718 closest distance to " CG2 VAL A 197 " = 1.239 peak= 3.718 closest distance to " CB TRP A 123 " = 1.321 peak= 3.711 closest distance to " CB VAL A 265 " = 1.408 peak= 3.707 closest distance to " O HOH Z 272 " = 1.962 peak= 3.704 closest distance to " O HOH Z 68 " = 1.912 peak= 3.697 closest distance to " O HOH Z 431 " = 1.208 peak= 3.694 closest distance to " O HOH Z 406 " = 1.251 peak= 3.681 closest distance to " N THR A 52 " = 1.069 peak= 3.676 closest distance to " O HOH Z 326 " = 1.481 peak= 3.665 closest distance to " O HOH Z 108 " = 1.786 peak= 3.661 closest distance to " CB ALA A 100 " = 1.470 peak= 3.658 closest distance to " CD ARG A 269 " = 0.902 peak= 3.658 closest distance to " NZ LYS A 193 " = 1.558 peak= 3.650 closest distance to " CB GLN A 58 " = 1.029 peak= 3.648 closest distance to " CB GLU A 277 " = 0.885 peak= 3.647 closest distance to " CB SER A 26 " = 0.911 peak= 3.645 closest distance to " OD2 ASP A 286 " = 2.970 peak= 3.642 closest distance to " O THR A 251 " = 1.328 peak= 3.621 closest distance to " O SER A 87 " = 2.212 peak= 3.617 closest distance to " CG2 THR A 221 " = 1.092 peak= 3.617 closest distance to " CA ARG A 195 " = 1.178 peak= 3.614 closest distance to " CZ PHE A 218 " = 1.177 peak= 3.609 closest distance to " CB GLN A 73 " = 0.903 peak= 3.608 closest distance to " CA GLU A 152 " = 1.454 peak= 3.606 closest distance to " CB GLU A 152 " = 1.264 peak= 3.603 closest distance to " O HOH Z 316 " = 2.978 peak= 3.602 closest distance to " O HOH Z 132 " = 2.331 peak= 3.602 closest distance to " CD1 TRP A 274 " = 1.149 peak= 3.599 closest distance to " O HOH Z 78 " = 2.127 peak= 3.596 closest distance to " O HOH Z 150 " = 3.319 peak= 3.595 closest distance to " CB PRO A 90 " = 1.182 peak= 3.587 closest distance to " CB PHE A 16 " = 1.302 peak= 3.584 closest distance to " O HOH Z 93 " = 2.657 peak= 3.583 closest distance to " CZ PHE A 192 " = 0.945 peak= 3.582 closest distance to " CG GLN A 11 " = 1.554 peak= 3.576 closest distance to " NE2 HIS A 115 " = 0.798 peak= 3.568 closest distance to " O HOH Z 427 " = 3.433 peak= 3.567 closest distance to " CB ASP A 140 " = 0.730 peak= 3.565 closest distance to " CG2 THR A 42 " = 0.956 peak= 3.564 closest distance to " O HOH Z 227 " = 1.945 peak= 3.563 closest distance to " O HOH Z 119 " = 2.223 peak= 3.562 closest distance to " O HOH Z 132 " = 1.704 peak= 3.557 closest distance to " CD1 LEU A 300 " = 1.209 peak= 3.556 closest distance to " NH2BARG A 145 " = 1.925 peak= 3.554 closest distance to " O HOH Z 203 " = 1.871 peak= 3.552 closest distance to " OD1 ASP A 238 " = 0.914 peak= 3.548 closest distance to " CA SER A 87 " = 0.794 peak= 3.535 closest distance to " O HOH Z 345 " = 3.235 peak= 3.532 closest distance to " NH2 ARG A 156 " = 1.231 peak= 3.527 closest distance to " O HOH Z 22 " = 2.097 peak= 3.522 closest distance to " ND1 HIS A 81 " = 1.230 peak= 3.521 closest distance to " CB TRP A 266 " = 1.024 peak= 3.513 closest distance to " O HOH Z 327 " = 2.529 peak= 3.509 closest distance to " CD1 TRP A 266 " = 1.047 peak= 3.509 closest distance to " CB ALA A 71 " = 1.384 peak= 3.503 closest distance to " NH1AARG A 145 " = 1.058 peak= 3.503 closest distance to " O HOH Z 19 " = 2.059 peak= 3.495 closest distance to " CB MET A 47 " = 1.037 peak= 3.493 closest distance to " O HOH Z 395 " = 1.408 peak= 3.492 closest distance to " O HOH Z 97 " = 1.856 peak= 3.482 closest distance to " CB GLN A 88 " = 1.267 peak= 3.480 closest distance to " O HOH Z 259 " = 1.634 peak= 3.479 closest distance to " CA VAL A 41 " = 0.902 peak= 3.475 closest distance to " O HOH Z 278 " = 0.732 peak= 3.473 closest distance to " ND2 ASN A 45 " = 1.290 peak= 3.472 closest distance to " O HOH Z 336 " = 2.575 peak= 3.468 closest distance to " O HOH Z 418 " = 1.418 peak= 3.462 closest distance to " O HOH Z 361 " = 2.914 peak= 3.461 closest distance to " CG AARG A 275 " = 0.957 peak= 3.458 closest distance to " N TYR A 15 " = 0.772 peak= 3.454 closest distance to " CE LYS A 119 " = 1.109 peak= 3.449 closest distance to " CD1 LEU A 96 " = 0.800 peak= 3.448 closest distance to " CA ILE A 33 " = 1.554 peak= 3.447 closest distance to " CA THR A 221 " = 0.963 peak= 3.445 closest distance to " CB ALA A 242 " = 0.885 peak= 3.444 closest distance to " O HOH Z 174 " = 2.003 peak= 3.438 closest distance to " O HOH Z 30 " = 2.029 peak= 3.438 closest distance to " NH2AARG A 145 " = 0.948 peak= 3.438 closest distance to " CD GLU A 152 " = 0.856 peak= 3.434 closest distance to " O HOH Z 374 " = 1.114 peak= 3.428 closest distance to " CB SER A 276 " = 0.717 peak= 3.428 closest distance to " O HOH Z 172 " = 2.143 peak= 3.425 closest distance to " CD ARG A 159 " = 0.802 peak= 3.421 closest distance to " CB SER A 141 " = 0.927 peak= 3.414 closest distance to " O HOH Z 214 " = 1.780 peak= 3.406 closest distance to " CA LEU A 282 " = 1.211 peak= 3.403 closest distance to " CA ALA A 100 " = 1.135 peak= 3.401 closest distance to " O HOH Z 336 " = 1.629 peak= 3.400 closest distance to " O MET A 105 " = 1.856 peak= 3.399 closest distance to " O HOH Z 420 " = 5.818 peak= 3.395 closest distance to " O SER A 26 " = 1.602 peak= 3.395 closest distance to " O HOH Z 63 " = 2.148 peak= 3.394 closest distance to " NE BARG A 102 " = 1.380 peak= 3.392 closest distance to " O HOH Z 368 " = 3.352 peak= 3.391 closest distance to " O SER A 164 " = 1.212 peak= 3.387 closest distance to " O HOH Z 44 " = 1.835 peak= 3.383 closest distance to " CB ALA A 291 " = 1.378 peak= 3.382 closest distance to " CA ALA A 295 " = 1.053 peak= 3.377 closest distance to " O HOH Z 352 " = 1.234 peak= 3.376 closest distance to " CA ASP A 191 " = 0.840 peak= 3.375 closest distance to " CB LYS A 76 " = 0.833 peak= 3.367 closest distance to " N ALA A 100 " = 0.933 peak= 3.365 closest distance to " NE AARG A 275 " = 1.594 peak= 3.364 closest distance to " CE3 TRP A 85 " = 0.935 peak= 3.363 closest distance to " NH2AARG A 145 " = 2.113 peak= 3.362 closest distance to " CA ASP A 124 " = 0.779 peak= 3.362 closest distance to " CB GLU A 175 " = 1.368 peak= 3.362 closest distance to " CD2 LEU A 297 " = 1.098 peak= 3.360 closest distance to " CE2 TYR A 186 " = 0.938 peak= 3.358 closest distance to " CB ASN A 285 " = 0.850 peak= 3.358 closest distance to " O HOH Z 344 " = 3.161 peak= 3.357 closest distance to " CD ARG A 66 " = 2.648 peak= 3.348 closest distance to " O HOH Z 150 " = 1.623 peak= 3.345 closest distance to " O HOH Z 54 " = 1.746 peak= 3.341 closest distance to " O HOH Z 358 " = 1.540 peak= 3.339 closest distance to " O HOH Z 244 " = 1.653 peak= 3.335 closest distance to " OG SER A 62 " = 3.295 peak= 3.335 closest distance to " N PHE A 130 " = 1.355 peak= 3.332 closest distance to " CA ARG A 36 " = 1.175 peak= 3.330 closest distance to " CB MET A 40 " = 0.775 peak= 3.326 closest distance to " O HOH Z 128 " = 2.166 peak= 3.322 closest distance to " CB ALA A 244 " = 1.078 peak= 3.319 closest distance to " CB SER A 216 " = 0.827 peak= 3.318 closest distance to " CD GLU A 236 " = 1.157 peak= 3.316 closest distance to " O VAL A 72 " = 3.433 peak= 3.315 closest distance to " O HOH Z 109 " = 2.266 peak= 3.314 closest distance to " NH1 ARG A 56 " = 1.423 peak= 3.314 closest distance to " O HOH Z 377 " = 1.546 peak= 3.309 closest distance to " C VAL A 265 " = 1.179 peak= 3.303 closest distance to " CA ARG A 66 " = 1.113 peak= 3.302 closest distance to " CB GLN A 278 " = 1.140 peak= 3.290 closest distance to " O HOH Z 155 " = 2.880 peak= 3.284 closest distance to " N GLY A 111 " = 1.247 peak= 3.284 closest distance to " O HOH Z 145 " = 1.958 peak= 3.282 closest distance to " O SER A 164 " = 1.535 peak= 3.279 closest distance to " OG BSER A 164 " = 2.344 peak= 3.279 closest distance to " O GLY A 91 " = 1.247 peak= 3.275 closest distance to " CB ARG A 190 " = 1.802 peak= 3.274 closest distance to " O HOH Z 155 " = 1.646 peak= 3.268 closest distance to " CG LEU A 167 " = 1.018 peak= 3.268 closest distance to " CB ALA A 256 " = 1.210 peak= 3.268 closest distance to " CB SER A 3 " = 1.581 peak= 3.263 closest distance to " CA VAL A 197 " = 1.142 peak= 3.261 closest distance to " O VAL A 72 " = 1.197 peak= 3.259 closest distance to " O HOH Z 14 " = 2.271 peak= 3.259 closest distance to " O HOH Z 403 " = 1.825 peak= 3.258 closest distance to " O HOH Z 240 " = 2.038 peak= 3.256 closest distance to " O HOH Z 324 " = 1.604 peak= 3.254 closest distance to " O HOH Z 410 " = 1.528 peak= 3.254 closest distance to " CB ALA A 137 " = 1.156 peak= 3.252 closest distance to " CD PRO A 54 " = 1.007 peak= 3.250 closest distance to " O HOH Z 313 " = 2.341 peak= 3.249 closest distance to " O HOH Z 4 " = 0.995 peak= 3.246 closest distance to " CG ALYS A 290 " = 1.167 peak= 3.245 closest distance to " O HOH Z 432 " = 1.756 peak= 3.245 closest distance to " O HOH Z 21 " = 1.922 peak= 3.243 closest distance to " O HOH Z 6 " = 1.083 peak= 3.242 closest distance to " OG BSER A 258 " = 3.180 peak= 3.242 closest distance to " CA GLN A 88 " = 1.377 peak= 3.241 closest distance to " O HOH Z 270 " = 1.507 peak= 3.241 closest distance to " CB ILE A 120 " = 1.300 peak= 3.241 closest distance to " O GLY A 211 " = 1.149 peak= 3.241 closest distance to " CA ARG A 156 " = 1.050 peak= 3.237 closest distance to " O HOH Z 136 " = 1.126 peak= 3.237 closest distance to " CA LEU A 83 " = 1.615 peak= 3.235 closest distance to " N VAL A 296 " = 1.621 peak= 3.235 closest distance to " CD LYS A 166 " = 1.481 peak= 3.233 closest distance to " O HOH Z 355 " = 1.730 peak= 3.227 closest distance to " N ASN A 252 " = 1.134 peak= 3.227 closest distance to " NE ARG A 156 " = 1.102 peak= 3.222 closest distance to " O HOH Z 1 " = 2.810 peak= 3.218 closest distance to " CB ASN A 148 " = 2.036 peak= 3.215 closest distance to " O HOH Z 368 " = 1.912 peak= 3.214 closest distance to " O HOH Z 301 " = 1.449 peak= 3.212 closest distance to " O HOH Z 54 " = 2.292 peak= 3.208 closest distance to " CA GLY A 80 " = 1.091 peak= 3.207 closest distance to " CD ARG A 219 " = 0.924 peak= 3.206 closest distance to " CG1 VAL A 174 " = 1.267 peak= 3.205 closest distance to " NE2 GLN A 278 " = 2.449 peak= 3.201 closest distance to " O HOH Z 156 " = 2.573 peak= 3.198 closest distance to " O HOH Z 20 " = 4.039 peak= 3.197 closest distance to " O HOH Z 281 " = 3.932 peak= 3.195 closest distance to " CE3 TRP A 274 " = 3.644 peak= 3.194 closest distance to " CA ALA A 158 " = 1.071 peak= 3.193 closest distance to " CB GLN A 103 " = 0.837 peak= 3.192 closest distance to " CB GLU A 277 " = 3.762 peak= 3.191 closest distance to " CG1 VAL A 250 " = 2.027 peak= 3.190 closest distance to " CB LEU A 167 " = 1.176 peak= 3.185 closest distance to " CA ASP A 149 " = 1.512 peak= 3.184 closest distance to " O HOH Z 327 " = 1.613 peak= 3.183 closest distance to " O HOH Z 379 " = 3.351 peak= 3.181 closest distance to " CA ASP A 162 " = 1.184 peak= 3.180 closest distance to " CB ALA A 114 " = 1.011 peak= 3.178 closest distance to " O HOH Z 185 " = 1.867 peak= 3.177 closest distance to " CG2 THR A 220 " = 0.712 peak= 3.177 closest distance to " O HOH Z 135 " = 2.019 peak= 3.177 closest distance to " O HOH Z 174 " = 1.332 peak= 3.176 closest distance to " O HOH Z 419 " = 2.958 peak= 3.172 closest distance to " CB TYR A 116 " = 1.401 peak= 3.170 closest distance to " O HOH Z 87 " = 2.415 peak= 3.170 closest distance to " O HOH Z 409 " = 2.896 peak= 3.168 closest distance to " OG SER A 97 " = 3.422 peak= 3.165 closest distance to " O HOH Z 194 " = 1.771 peak= 3.165 closest distance to " O HOH Z 94 " = 1.799 peak= 3.162 closest distance to " CA LYS A 48 " = 1.378 peak= 3.158 closest distance to " CB ARG A 56 " = 1.051 peak= 3.158 closest distance to " O HOH Z 20 " = 2.104 peak= 3.153 closest distance to " CD PRO A 280 " = 0.866 peak= 3.150 closest distance to " CG ASP A 231 " = 0.957 peak= 3.148 closest distance to " CA VAL A 112 " = 1.194 peak= 3.145 closest distance to " NZ LYS A 119 " = 1.431 peak= 3.140 closest distance to " NH1BARG A 145 " = 1.715 peak= 3.138 closest distance to " O HOH Z 424 " = 2.846 peak= 3.136 closest distance to " NH2BARG A 145 " = 1.658 peak= 3.136 closest distance to " CD2 PHE A 59 " = 1.861 peak= 3.133 closest distance to " CB ASN A 215 " = 1.146 peak= 3.131 closest distance to " CA ALA A 248 " = 1.284 peak= 3.129 closest distance to " CA ALA A 160 " = 0.977 peak= 3.128 closest distance to " O HOH Z 422 " = 0.841 peak= 3.127 closest distance to " NZ LYS A 181 " = 0.869 peak= 3.127 closest distance to " O HOH Z 197 " = 2.089 peak= 3.122 closest distance to " O HOH Z 162 " = 1.786 peak= 3.110 closest distance to " O HOH Z 426 " = 3.161 peak= 3.109 closest distance to " O HOH Z 139 " = 4.483 peak= 3.097 closest distance to " CB PRO A 90 " = 1.139 peak= 3.096 closest distance to " O HOH Z 117 " = 1.880 peak= 3.079 closest distance to " CG2 ILE A 106 " = 0.984 peak= 3.069 closest distance to " CA ALA A 43 " = 1.204 peak= 3.067 closest distance to " O HOH Z 152 " = 1.450 peak= 3.066 closest distance to " CA THR A 182 " = 1.001 peak= 3.057 closest distance to " O HOH Z 261 " = 1.773 peak= 3.051 closest distance to " O HOH Z 173 " = 1.908 peak= 3.041 closest distance to " CB LEU A 261 " = 1.287 peak= 3.017 closest distance to " O HOH Z 361 " = 2.954 peak= 3.007 closest distance to " SD MET A 185 " = 1.649 peak= 3.006 closest distance to " ND2 ASN A 45 " = 3.905 peak= 3.005 closest distance to " O HOH Z 234 " = 2.113 peak= 3.004 closest distance to " O HOH Z 50 " = 3.487 ----------holes---------- Number of peaks found at mFobs-DFmodel map (map cutoff=3.00 sigma)= 220 Filter by distance & map next to the model: mapped sites are within: 0.555 - 5.386 number of sites selected in [dist_min= 0.70, dist_max= 6.00]: 219 from: 220 mapped sites are within: 0.702 - 5.386 peak= -4.234 closest distance to " NH2 ARG A 66 " = 1.400 peak= -4.222 closest distance to " CE MET A 93 " = 1.164 peak= -4.178 closest distance to " N ALA A 43 " = 2.501 peak= -4.163 closest distance to " O HOH Z 184 " = 1.339 peak= -4.149 closest distance to " O HOH Z 109 " = 3.543 peak= -4.145 closest distance to " O HOH Z 266 " = 4.368 peak= -4.101 closest distance to " O HOH Z 221 " = 1.157 peak= -4.092 closest distance to " O HOH Z 166 " = 1.848 peak= -4.090 closest distance to " C ASN A 285 " = 2.581 peak= -4.081 closest distance to " O HOH Z 52 " = 2.047 peak= -3.994 closest distance to " O HOH Z 13 " = 1.366 peak= -3.971 closest distance to " O HOH Z 290 " = 1.032 peak= -3.943 closest distance to " O HOH Z 71 " = 1.153 peak= -3.934 closest distance to " CD1 PHE A 59 " = 1.794 peak= -3.915 closest distance to " OG ASER A 134 " = 1.173 peak= -3.914 closest distance to " CG GLN A 58 " = 1.121 peak= -3.901 closest distance to " OG1 THR A 82 " = 1.891 peak= -3.864 closest distance to " CD2 PHE A 59 " = 2.410 peak= -3.862 closest distance to " OG SER A 97 " = 2.268 peak= -3.856 closest distance to " O HOH Z 151 " = 1.478 peak= -3.843 closest distance to " O HOH Z 231 " = 1.886 peak= -3.836 closest distance to " O HOH Z 17 " = 1.071 peak= -3.835 closest distance to " CA VAL A 197 " = 0.892 peak= -3.833 closest distance to " N GLN A 58 " = 1.504 peak= -3.827 closest distance to " O HOH Z 221 " = 1.743 peak= -3.808 closest distance to " O GLY A 118 " = 2.120 peak= -3.779 closest distance to " CB LEU A 167 " = 2.142 peak= -3.773 closest distance to " O HOH Z 118 " = 5.331 peak= -3.770 closest distance to " CB ALA A 161 " = 2.710 peak= -3.768 closest distance to " N ARG A 275 " = 1.057 peak= -3.758 closest distance to " CB GLN A 55 " = 1.511 peak= -3.747 closest distance to " O HOH Z 210 " = 1.124 peak= -3.738 closest distance to " CG2 ILE A 49 " = 2.611 peak= -3.710 closest distance to " N ARG A 275 " = 1.301 peak= -3.707 closest distance to " C ASN A 187 " = 1.882 peak= -3.706 closest distance to " O HOH Z 185 " = 2.426 peak= -3.701 closest distance to " OD2 ASP A 171 " = 2.425 peak= -3.696 closest distance to " OD2 ASP A 65 " = 1.821 peak= -3.686 closest distance to " O HOH Z 426 " = 1.998 peak= -3.680 closest distance to " O MET A 113 " = 1.060 peak= -3.673 closest distance to " CG ASP A 231 " = 0.901 peak= -3.667 closest distance to " O HOH Z 19 " = 1.733 peak= -3.666 closest distance to " CB ALA A 227 " = 2.329 peak= -3.649 closest distance to " CE MET A 105 " = 1.945 peak= -3.642 closest distance to " CA VAL A 67 " = 2.881 peak= -3.640 closest distance to " NH2AARG A 275 " = 5.386 peak= -3.637 closest distance to " CG GLU A 53 " = 1.400 peak= -3.625 closest distance to " CA SER A 276 " = 1.364 peak= -3.623 closest distance to " OG SER A 63 " = 1.419 peak= -3.620 closest distance to " CZ ARG A 66 " = 0.791 peak= -3.617 closest distance to " O HOH Z 92 " = 1.136 peak= -3.615 closest distance to " CD GLN A 88 " = 0.863 peak= -3.614 closest distance to " O HOH Z 86 " = 2.638 peak= -3.606 closest distance to " O HOH Z 274 " = 2.773 peak= -3.600 closest distance to " OG ASER A 216 " = 1.135 peak= -3.587 closest distance to " OH TYR A 169 " = 1.031 peak= -3.586 closest distance to " C LEU A 101 " = 0.897 peak= -3.581 closest distance to " CB ASP A 50 " = 2.573 peak= -3.577 closest distance to " CD1 TYR A 247 " = 2.392 peak= -3.575 closest distance to " O HOH Z 388 " = 1.828 peak= -3.573 closest distance to " CG MET A 105 " = 0.949 peak= -3.567 closest distance to " O HOH Z 418 " = 1.602 peak= -3.563 closest distance to " N ALA A 226 " = 2.134 peak= -3.559 closest distance to " OG SER A 32 " = 0.994 peak= -3.557 closest distance to " C HIS A 108 " = 1.011 peak= -3.555 closest distance to " O HOH Z 396 " = 1.441 peak= -3.554 closest distance to " O HOH Z 377 " = 1.609 peak= -3.554 closest distance to " CA GLY A 23 " = 2.273 peak= -3.551 closest distance to " O HOH Z 380 " = 4.475 peak= -3.539 closest distance to " CD2 HIS A 115 " = 1.178 peak= -3.535 closest distance to " CD2 LEU A 237 " = 2.386 peak= -3.533 closest distance to " O HOH Z 139 " = 4.633 peak= -3.533 closest distance to " CD ARG A 14 " = 3.241 peak= -3.528 closest distance to " O HOH Z 292 " = 1.659 peak= -3.527 closest distance to " CG2 THR A 221 " = 2.184 peak= -3.524 closest distance to " O HOH Z 11 " = 1.514 peak= -3.521 closest distance to " O HOH Z 325 " = 1.841 peak= -3.514 closest distance to " O HOH Z 38 " = 1.125 peak= -3.495 closest distance to " O HOH Z 222 " = 1.365 peak= -3.492 closest distance to " CD PRO A 198 " = 1.139 peak= -3.488 closest distance to " O HOH Z 134 " = 1.981 peak= -3.487 closest distance to " O HOH Z 243 " = 1.838 peak= -3.487 closest distance to " O GLY A 196 " = 1.195 peak= -3.477 closest distance to " OD2 ASP A 171 " = 1.732 peak= -3.474 closest distance to " O HOH Z 407 " = 0.776 peak= -3.473 closest distance to " CD2 TRP A 274 " = 2.328 peak= -3.468 closest distance to " O HOH Z 166 " = 1.947 peak= -3.467 closest distance to " CA SER A 164 " = 2.001 peak= -3.465 closest distance to " CA VAL A 232 " = 2.438 peak= -3.462 closest distance to " CA GLY A 133 " = 1.818 peak= -3.459 closest distance to " O HOH Z 423 " = 2.139 peak= -3.456 closest distance to " O PRO A 198 " = 1.309 peak= -3.441 closest distance to " O HOH Z 10 " = 1.332 peak= -3.439 closest distance to " O ASN A 170 " = 0.959 peak= -3.428 closest distance to " O HOH Z 369 " = 2.281 peak= -3.426 closest distance to " O HOH Z 94 " = 2.124 peak= -3.425 closest distance to " O ALA A 256 " = 1.492 peak= -3.420 closest distance to " O HOH Z 213 " = 1.468 peak= -3.419 closest distance to " O HOH Z 236 " = 1.826 peak= -3.405 closest distance to " C SER A 271 " = 1.187 peak= -3.400 closest distance to " O VAL A 67 " = 2.861 peak= -3.399 closest distance to " O HOH Z 385 " = 4.114 peak= -3.397 closest distance to " O HOH Z 91 " = 2.271 peak= -3.394 closest distance to " O HOH Z 103 " = 1.938 peak= -3.393 closest distance to " O HOH Z 177 " = 1.437 peak= -3.383 closest distance to " CA GLY A 133 " = 2.327 peak= -3.378 closest distance to " OE1 GLN A 88 " = 1.104 peak= -3.377 closest distance to " O ASN A 285 " = 2.565 peak= -3.373 closest distance to " CG LEU A 101 " = 2.541 peak= -3.373 closest distance to " O HOH Z 150 " = 1.880 peak= -3.370 closest distance to " CA ASP A 286 " = 2.127 peak= -3.361 closest distance to " O HOH Z 414 " = 1.541 peak= -3.360 closest distance to " O GLN A 11 " = 1.314 peak= -3.349 closest distance to " OD1 ASN A 148 " = 1.686 peak= -3.349 closest distance to " O HOH Z 97 " = 1.771 peak= -3.332 closest distance to " O HOH Z 308 " = 1.467 peak= -3.332 closest distance to " CG ARG A 219 " = 2.246 peak= -3.331 closest distance to " O HOH Z 367 " = 4.882 peak= -3.329 closest distance to " CD1 LEU A 25 " = 2.504 peak= -3.322 closest distance to " O HOH Z 350 " = 1.440 peak= -3.320 closest distance to " O GLY A 211 " = 1.490 peak= -3.316 closest distance to " O HOH Z 259 " = 1.017 peak= -3.315 closest distance to " CD ARG A 139 " = 1.650 peak= -3.314 closest distance to " O HOH Z 198 " = 1.728 peak= -3.312 closest distance to " O HOH Z 430 " = 1.249 peak= -3.311 closest distance to " CG2BVAL A 41 " = 2.091 peak= -3.311 closest distance to " O HOH Z 93 " = 1.674 peak= -3.306 closest distance to " O HOH Z 283 " = 1.818 peak= -3.302 closest distance to " O ALA A 34 " = 1.937 peak= -3.302 closest distance to " OXT GLY A 302 " = 3.196 peak= -3.300 closest distance to " O HOH Z 37 " = 1.554 peak= -3.300 closest distance to " O HOH Z 280 " = 1.426 peak= -3.296 closest distance to " O HOH Z 215 " = 3.160 peak= -3.292 closest distance to " CA GLY A 241 " = 2.222 peak= -3.289 closest distance to " CB TYR A 15 " = 2.298 peak= -3.288 closest distance to " CG GLU A 2 " = 1.520 peak= -3.287 closest distance to " O VAL A 174 " = 1.991 peak= -3.285 closest distance to " CD2 TYR A 68 " = 2.352 peak= -3.279 closest distance to " CA GLU A 277 " = 1.165 peak= -3.279 closest distance to " O ARG A 275 " = 2.229 peak= -3.276 closest distance to " O HOH Z 58 " = 1.164 peak= -3.274 closest distance to " CA ASN A 127 " = 1.087 peak= -3.271 closest distance to " O ARG A 66 " = 1.234 peak= -3.270 closest distance to " CB ALA A 291 " = 2.295 peak= -3.267 closest distance to " NE1 TRP A 266 " = 2.272 peak= -3.262 closest distance to " O HOH Z 198 " = 2.177 peak= -3.259 closest distance to " O HOH Z 407 " = 1.746 peak= -3.259 closest distance to " CB ALA A 43 " = 2.495 peak= -3.258 closest distance to " O LEU A 300 " = 2.536 peak= -3.246 closest distance to " ND2 ASN A 60 " = 1.494 peak= -3.245 closest distance to " CD GLN A 77 " = 1.275 peak= -3.245 closest distance to " O HOH Z 231 " = 1.515 peak= -3.242 closest distance to " O HOH Z 329 " = 2.891 peak= -3.242 closest distance to " C GLU A 46 " = 0.918 peak= -3.240 closest distance to " N LEU A 261 " = 1.327 peak= -3.240 closest distance to " O BHOH Z 338 " = 1.583 peak= -3.237 closest distance to " N THR A 235 " = 1.337 peak= -3.237 closest distance to " O HOH Z 100 " = 1.137 peak= -3.230 closest distance to " O TYR A 15 " = 1.307 peak= -3.227 closest distance to " O HOH Z 210 " = 0.708 peak= -3.219 closest distance to " CD GLU A 236 " = 0.964 peak= -3.218 closest distance to " N GLY A 17 " = 1.486 peak= -3.210 closest distance to " O HOH Z 33 " = 1.056 peak= -3.209 closest distance to " O HOH Z 409 " = 3.130 peak= -3.209 closest distance to " CB ALA A 9 " = 2.820 peak= -3.207 closest distance to " O HOH Z 243 " = 2.263 peak= -3.205 closest distance to " O LEU A 143 " = 1.344 peak= -3.203 closest distance to " N SER A 134 " = 1.248 peak= -3.198 closest distance to " C VAL A 265 " = 0.912 peak= -3.197 closest distance to " OD1 ASP A 298 " = 1.976 peak= -3.197 closest distance to " CE MET A 105 " = 2.192 peak= -3.196 closest distance to " O HOH Z 368 " = 2.268 peak= -3.196 closest distance to " O HOH Z 384 " = 2.186 peak= -3.195 closest distance to " O ARG A 79 " = 0.702 peak= -3.194 closest distance to " NH2 ARG A 156 " = 1.239 peak= -3.192 closest distance to " O ALA A 19 " = 2.055 peak= -3.192 closest distance to " CA ARG A 24 " = 1.405 peak= -3.192 closest distance to " ND2 ASN A 60 " = 1.562 peak= -3.190 closest distance to " C THR A 279 " = 1.313 peak= -3.186 closest distance to " CD GLN A 88 " = 0.982 peak= -3.185 closest distance to " O HOH Z 378 " = 1.395 peak= -3.181 closest distance to " O HOH Z 90 " = 1.820 peak= -3.178 closest distance to " NH2BARG A 145 " = 1.888 peak= -3.174 closest distance to " O HOH Z 402 " = 1.094 peak= -3.173 closest distance to " CG2 THR A 4 " = 1.809 peak= -3.172 closest distance to " SG ACYS A 201 " = 1.488 peak= -3.169 closest distance to " NE2 GLN A 58 " = 0.808 peak= -3.168 closest distance to " CH2 TRP A 177 " = 2.000 peak= -3.167 closest distance to " O HOH Z 43 " = 2.152 peak= -3.167 closest distance to " NZ LYS A 119 " = 1.466 peak= -3.160 closest distance to " O HOH Z 158 " = 1.451 peak= -3.159 closest distance to " O HOH Z 98 " = 1.503 peak= -3.158 closest distance to " CD1 LEU A 101 " = 2.532 peak= -3.155 closest distance to " CA ASP A 298 " = 1.039 peak= -3.153 closest distance to " O HOH Z 117 " = 1.179 peak= -3.152 closest distance to " CD1 TRP A 179 " = 0.945 peak= -3.149 closest distance to " O HOH Z 148 " = 3.020 peak= -3.147 closest distance to " O HOH Z 434 " = 1.413 peak= -3.139 closest distance to " O HOH Z 427 " = 1.347 peak= -3.135 closest distance to " O HOH Z 41 " = 1.891 peak= -3.133 closest distance to " N THR A 157 " = 1.728 peak= -3.121 closest distance to " CG LEU A 25 " = 0.856 peak= -3.118 closest distance to " CD2 TYR A 293 " = 2.039 peak= -3.113 closest distance to " CA ARG A 139 " = 1.008 peak= -3.113 closest distance to " O HOH Z 423 " = 1.171 peak= -3.098 closest distance to " CD ARG A 156 " = 1.846 peak= -3.095 closest distance to " O VAL A 197 " = 1.166 peak= -3.089 closest distance to " O HOH Z 381 " = 1.576 peak= -3.088 closest distance to " CG1 VAL A 78 " = 2.419 peak= -3.084 closest distance to " CG LYS A 193 " = 2.667 peak= -3.080 closest distance to " CD1 LEU A 228 " = 2.534 peak= -3.079 closest distance to " O HOH Z 389 " = 1.859 peak= -3.066 closest distance to " O HOH Z 136 " = 1.558 peak= -3.062 closest distance to " NE2 GLN A 223 " = 1.018 peak= -3.062 closest distance to " N ALA A 84 " = 2.433 peak= -3.053 closest distance to " CG GLN A 58 " = 1.497 peak= -3.037 closest distance to " CB ALA A 248 " = 2.027 peak= -3.027 closest distance to " N GLY A 241 " = 2.299 peak= -3.020 closest distance to " CE3 TRP A 150 " = 1.078 ================= overall refinement statistics: step by step ================= ****************** REFINEMENT STATISTICS STEP BY STEP ****************** leading digit, like 1_, means number of macro-cycle 0 : statistics at the very beginning when nothing is done yet 1_bss: bulk solvent correction and/or (anisotropic) scaling 1_xyz: refinement of coordinates 1_adp: refinement of ADPs (Atomic Displacement Parameters) 1_occ: refinement of individual occupancies ------------------------------------------------------------------------ R-factors, x-ray target values and norm of gradient of x-ray target stage r-work r-free xray_target_w xray_target_t 0 : 0.4879 0.4795 6.295120e+00 6.286222e+00 1_bss: 0.4816 0.4743 6.293419e+00 6.277880e+00 1_xyz: 0.4017 0.4378 6.179045e+00 6.233973e+00 1_adp: 0.3722 0.4368 6.145366e+00 6.232928e+00 1_occ: 0.3718 0.4374 6.144703e+00 6.233082e+00 2_bss: 0.3713 0.4361 6.145127e+00 6.231925e+00 2_xyz: 0.2932 0.3594 5.970298e+00 6.112490e+00 2_adp: 0.2703 0.3492 5.924458e+00 6.099377e+00 2_occ: 0.2702 0.3487 5.923856e+00 6.098633e+00 3_bss: 0.2696 0.3480 5.922176e+00 6.096905e+00 3_xyz: 0.2218 0.2855 5.739310e+00 5.943403e+00 3_adp: 0.2042 0.2697 5.679120e+00 5.897043e+00 3_occ: 0.2042 0.2697 5.678978e+00 5.896543e+00 4_bss: 0.2043 0.2696 5.679273e+00 5.896367e+00 4_xyz: 0.1635 0.2235 5.481611e+00 5.726140e+00 4_adp: 0.1492 0.2014 5.395682e+00 5.627638e+00 4_occ: 0.1490 0.2012 5.395333e+00 5.627285e+00 5_bss: 0.1491 0.2007 5.398309e+00 5.627871e+00 5_xyz: 0.1358 0.1847 5.313382e+00 5.542105e+00 5_adp: 0.1347 0.1811 5.303954e+00 5.525032e+00 5_occ: 0.1345 0.1809 5.303250e+00 5.524662e+00 5_bss: 0.1343 0.1806 5.302624e+00 5.524239e+00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ stage k_sol b_sol b11 b22 b33 b12 b13 b23 0 : 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 1_bss: 0.278 20.613 -0.368 2.333 0.840 0.000 0.000 0.000 1_xyz: 0.278 20.613 -0.368 2.333 0.840 0.000 0.000 0.000 1_adp: 0.278 20.613 -0.368 2.333 0.840 0.000 0.000 0.000 1_occ: 0.278 20.613 -0.368 2.333 0.840 0.000 0.000 0.000 2_bss: 0.348 80.000 0.679 2.695 1.658 0.000 0.000 0.000 2_xyz: 0.348 80.000 0.679 2.695 1.658 0.000 0.000 0.000 2_adp: 0.348 80.000 0.679 2.695 1.658 0.000 0.000 0.000 2_occ: 0.348 80.000 0.679 2.695 1.658 0.000 0.000 0.000 3_bss: 0.334 68.113 0.248 1.240 0.454 0.000 0.000 0.000 3_xyz: 0.334 68.113 0.248 1.240 0.454 0.000 0.000 0.000 3_adp: 0.334 68.113 0.248 1.240 0.454 0.000 0.000 0.000 3_occ: 0.334 68.113 0.248 1.240 0.454 0.000 0.000 0.000 4_bss: 0.331 74.644 -0.430 0.508 -0.331 0.000 -0.000 -0.000 4_xyz: 0.331 74.644 -0.430 0.508 -0.331 0.000 -0.000 -0.000 4_adp: 0.331 74.644 -0.430 0.508 -0.331 0.000 -0.000 -0.000 4_occ: 0.331 74.644 -0.430 0.508 -0.331 0.000 -0.000 -0.000 5_bss: 0.331 66.847 -0.958 -0.323 -0.831 -0.000 -0.000 -0.000 5_xyz: 0.331 66.847 -0.958 -0.323 -0.831 -0.000 -0.000 -0.000 5_adp: 0.331 66.847 -0.958 -0.323 -0.831 -0.000 -0.000 -0.000 5_occ: 0.331 66.847 -0.958 -0.323 -0.831 -0.000 -0.000 -0.000 5_bss: 0.323 62.870 -1.519 -1.049 -1.362 -0.000 -0.000 -0.000 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ stage <pher> fom alpha beta 0 : 63.332 0.3487 0.4668 76675.937 1_bss: 62.330 0.3601 0.4997 73731.247 1_xyz: 52.848 0.4820 0.6720 58142.251 1_adp: 53.039 0.4792 0.6546 58070.382 1_occ: 53.060 0.4790 0.6532 58128.050 2_bss: 52.918 0.4807 0.6736 57801.249 2_xyz: 40.214 0.6383 0.8842 37239.770 2_adp: 38.849 0.6546 0.9022 35412.596 2_occ: 38.823 0.6549 0.9019 35354.110 3_bss: 38.655 0.6567 0.8722 35094.196 3_xyz: 30.245 0.7532 0.9562 22320.725 3_adp: 27.966 0.7787 0.9568 19742.290 3_occ: 27.963 0.7787 0.9568 19731.928 4_bss: 27.920 0.7792 0.9335 19716.299 4_xyz: 22.462 0.8353 0.9777 13030.758 4_adp: 19.595 0.8647 0.9880 10632.471 4_occ: 19.597 0.8647 0.9879 10633.504 5_bss: 19.614 0.8647 0.9672 10678.379 5_xyz: 17.520 0.8844 0.9752 8801.454 5_adp: 17.082 0.8888 0.9867 8554.545 5_occ: 17.072 0.8889 0.9867 8551.213 5_bss: 17.049 0.8890 0.9666 8537.334 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ stage angl bond chir dihe plan repu geom_target 0 : 1.822 0.010 0.101 15.968 0.009 4.110 2.0015e-01 1_bss: 1.822 0.010 0.101 15.968 0.009 4.110 2.0015e-01 1_xyz: 1.543 0.012 0.096 15.955 0.006 4.109 1.3440e-01 1_adp: 1.543 0.012 0.096 15.955 0.006 4.109 1.3440e-01 1_occ: 1.543 0.012 0.096 15.955 0.006 4.109 1.3440e-01 2_bss: 1.543 0.012 0.096 15.955 0.006 4.109 1.3440e-01 2_xyz: 1.503 0.011 0.094 15.293 0.007 4.120 1.1640e-01 2_adp: 1.503 0.011 0.094 15.293 0.007 4.120 1.1640e-01 2_occ: 1.503 0.011 0.094 15.293 0.007 4.120 1.1640e-01 3_bss: 1.503 0.011 0.094 15.293 0.007 4.120 1.1640e-01 3_xyz: 1.049 0.009 0.069 14.329 0.004 4.113 7.0012e-02 3_adp: 1.049 0.009 0.069 14.329 0.004 4.113 7.0012e-02 3_occ: 1.049 0.009 0.069 14.329 0.004 4.113 7.0012e-02 4_bss: 1.049 0.009 0.069 14.329 0.004 4.113 7.0012e-02 4_xyz: 1.226 0.009 0.082 14.450 0.005 4.126 8.0028e-02 4_adp: 1.226 0.009 0.082 14.450 0.005 4.126 8.0028e-02 4_occ: 1.226 0.009 0.082 14.450 0.005 4.126 8.0028e-02 5_bss: 1.226 0.009 0.082 14.450 0.005 4.126 8.0028e-02 5_xyz: 1.028 0.007 0.071 14.339 0.004 4.132 5.9864e-02 5_adp: 1.028 0.007 0.071 14.339 0.004 4.132 5.9864e-02 5_occ: 1.028 0.007 0.071 14.339 0.004 4.132 5.9864e-02 5_bss: 1.028 0.007 0.071 14.339 0.004 4.132 5.9864e-02 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Maximal deviations: stage angl bond chir dihe plan repu |grad| 0 : 9.874 0.070 0.314 85.889 0.055 1.386 2.4371e-01 1_bss: 9.874 0.070 0.314 85.889 0.055 1.386 2.4371e-01 1_xyz: 9.043 0.083 0.334 86.878 0.031 1.841 1.0935e-01 1_adp: 9.043 0.083 0.334 86.878 0.031 1.841 1.0935e-01 1_occ: 9.043 0.083 0.334 86.878 0.031 1.841 1.0935e-01 2_bss: 9.043 0.083 0.334 86.878 0.031 1.841 1.0935e-01 2_xyz: 8.993 0.060 0.262 77.701 0.037 2.141 8.2556e-02 2_adp: 8.993 0.060 0.262 77.701 0.037 2.141 8.2556e-02 2_occ: 8.993 0.060 0.262 77.701 0.037 2.141 8.2556e-02 3_bss: 8.993 0.060 0.262 77.701 0.037 2.141 8.2556e-02 3_xyz: 7.766 0.066 0.210 73.873 0.024 2.358 1.3495e-01 3_adp: 7.766 0.066 0.210 73.873 0.024 2.358 1.3495e-01 3_occ: 7.766 0.066 0.210 73.873 0.024 2.358 1.3495e-01 4_bss: 7.766 0.066 0.210 73.873 0.024 2.358 1.3495e-01 4_xyz: 7.750 0.072 0.322 80.741 0.036 2.235 5.6696e-02 4_adp: 7.750 0.072 0.322 80.741 0.036 2.235 5.6696e-02 4_occ: 7.750 0.072 0.322 80.741 0.036 2.235 5.6696e-02 5_bss: 7.750 0.072 0.322 80.741 0.036 2.235 5.6696e-02 5_xyz: 8.242 0.047 0.256 79.843 0.035 2.319 4.0092e-02 5_adp: 8.242 0.047 0.256 79.843 0.035 2.319 4.0092e-02 5_occ: 8.242 0.047 0.256 79.843 0.035 2.319 4.0092e-02 5_bss: 8.242 0.047 0.256 79.843 0.035 2.319 4.0092e-02 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ |-----overall-----|---macromolecule----|------solvent-------| stage b_max b_min b_ave b_max b_min b_ave b_max b_min b_ave 0 : 63.06 5.09 16.02 49.51 5.09 12.19 63.06 6.19 36.87 1_bss: 63.06 5.09 16.02 49.51 5.09 12.19 63.06 6.19 36.87 1_xyz: 63.06 5.09 16.02 49.51 5.09 12.19 63.06 6.19 36.87 1_adp: 113.33 0.00 17.26 113.33 0.00 13.75 71.81 0.00 36.38 1_occ: 113.33 0.00 17.26 113.33 0.00 13.75 71.81 0.00 36.38 2_bss: 113.33 0.00 17.26 113.33 0.00 13.75 71.81 0.00 36.38 2_xyz: 113.33 0.00 17.26 113.33 0.00 13.75 71.81 0.00 36.38 2_adp: 100.42 0.00 19.02 80.71 0.00 14.82 100.42 0.00 41.91 2_occ: 100.42 0.00 19.02 80.71 0.00 14.82 100.42 0.00 41.91 3_bss: 100.42 0.00 19.02 80.71 0.00 14.82 100.42 0.00 41.91 3_xyz: 100.42 0.00 19.02 80.71 0.00 14.82 100.42 0.00 41.91 3_adp: 130.53 0.00 19.87 130.53 0.00 14.33 126.40 3.91 50.04 3_occ: 130.53 0.00 19.87 130.53 0.00 14.33 126.40 3.91 50.04 4_bss: 130.53 0.00 19.87 130.53 0.00 14.33 126.40 3.91 50.04 4_xyz: 130.53 0.00 19.87 130.53 0.00 14.33 126.40 3.91 50.04 4_adp: 124.75 0.00 18.10 124.75 0.00 12.80 115.40 3.92 46.96 4_occ: 124.75 0.00 18.10 124.75 0.00 12.80 115.40 3.92 46.96 5_bss: 124.75 0.00 18.10 124.75 0.00 12.80 115.40 3.92 46.96 5_xyz: 124.75 0.00 18.10 124.75 0.00 12.80 115.40 3.92 46.96 5_adp: 123.94 0.00 18.12 123.94 0.00 12.93 114.53 5.19 46.39 5_occ: 123.94 0.00 18.12 123.94 0.00 12.93 114.53 5.19 46.39 5_bss: 123.94 0.00 18.12 123.94 0.00 12.93 114.54 5.19 46.39 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ stage Deviation of refined model from start model max min mean 0 : 0.000 0.000 0.000 1_bss: 0.000 0.000 0.000 1_xyz: 2.534 0.016 0.334 1_adp: 2.534 0.016 0.334 1_occ: 2.534 0.016 0.334 2_bss: 2.534 0.016 0.334 2_xyz: 2.303 0.034 0.594 2_adp: 2.303 0.034 0.594 2_occ: 2.303 0.034 0.594 3_bss: 2.303 0.034 0.594 3_xyz: 2.254 0.056 0.718 3_adp: 2.254 0.056 0.718 3_occ: 2.254 0.056 0.718 4_bss: 2.254 0.056 0.718 4_xyz: 2.192 0.044 0.826 4_adp: 2.192 0.044 0.826 4_occ: 2.192 0.044 0.826 5_bss: 2.192 0.044 0.826 5_xyz: 2.076 0.102 0.864 5_adp: 2.076 0.102 0.864 5_occ: 2.076 0.102 0.864 5_bss: 2.076 0.102 0.864 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ CPU time actual refinement: 371.19 ============================== Exporting results ============================== Writing refined structure to PDB file: /net/cci-filer1/vol1/tmp/phzwart/tassos/noshake/run_1188/model_refine_001.pdb n_use = 2823 n_use_u_iso = 2823 n_use_u_aniso = 0 n_grad_site = 0 n_grad_u_iso = 0 n_grad_u_aniso = 0 n_grad_occupancy = 106 n_grad_fp = 0 n_grad_fdp = 0 n_anisotropic_flag = 0 total number of scatterers = 2823 Writing 2mFobs-DFmodel XPLOR map to file: /net/cci-filer1/vol1/tmp/phzwart/tassos/noshake/run_1188/ Writing mFobs-DFmodel XPLOR map to file: /net/cci-filer1/vol1/tmp/phzwart/tassos/noshake/run_1188/ Writing map coefficients to MTZ file: /net/cci-filer1/vol1/tmp/phzwart/tassos/noshake/run_1188/model_refine_001_map_coeffs.mtz Writing default parameters for subsequent refinement: /net/cci-filer1/vol1/tmp/phzwart/tassos/noshake/run_1188/model_refine_002.def =============================== Detailed timings ============================== Pure refinement (no I/O, processing, etc)= 371.05 Macro-tasks: bulk solvent and scale = 49.57 individual site refinement = 152.10 weights calculation = 30.71 collect and process = 6.37 model show statistics = 0.11 TOTAL for macro-tasks = 238.86 Micro-tasks: mask = 2.54 f_calc = 120.80 alpha_beta = 8.29 target = 1.14 gradients_wrt_atomic_parameters = 127.82 fmodel = 7.98 r_factors = 0.29 phase_errors = 9.84 foms = 0.21 TOTAL for micro-tasks = 278.91 NUMBER OF MASK CALCS= 5 Time per interpreted Python bytecode instruction: 5.312 micro seconds Total CPU time: 6.41 minutes from_scatterers_fft: 628 calls, 120.51 s gradients_fft: 573 calls, 115.46 s =========================== phenix.refine: finished =========================== # Date 2008-01-16 Time 06:38:42 PST -0800 (1200494322.77 s) Start R-work = 0.4879, R-free = 0.4795 (no bulk solvent and anisotropic scale) Final R-work = 0.1521, R-free = 0.1992 (no bulk solvent and anisotropic scale) Start R-work = 0.4816, R-free = 0.4743 Final R-work = 0.1343, R-free = 0.1806
# Presentation: 927152 ## January 17, 2007 ## The Next Edition of the Manual of Surveying Instructions and the Modern Cadastre - The Next Edition of the_Manual of Surveying Instructions_and the Modern Cadastre - Presented by: - Bob Casias, BLM Chief Cadastral Surveyor - Kansas/Texas/Oklahoma/New Mexico State Office, Santa Fe, NM and - Bob Dahl, BLM Cadastral Surveyor - Lands, Realty & Cadastral Survey Division - Washington, D.C. - Salina Seminar 2007 – Kansas Society of Land Surveyors - Salina, KS - January 11, 2007 **Notes:** Capture student’s expectations. ## Cadastre – Cadastral – Cadastral Survey - Agenda - What is the Manual of Surveying - Instructions? - Why is the Manual relevant to the County, - State and Private Surveyors in Kansas? **Notes:** Very briefly: Cadastre – An official register of the quantity, value, location, and ownership of real estate used in apportioning taxes. Cadastral – Of or relating to a cadastre; showing or recording property boundaries, subdivision lines, buildings, and related details. Cadastral Survey – Creates (or reestablishes), marks, and defines boundaries of tracts of land, all subject to approval of the Director, Bureau of Land Management. Today we will discuss; "What is the Manual?" "Should there be a Manual?" "Does there need to be a next edition of the Manual?" "How should the BLM develop the next edition?" "What role, if any, the surveying and other interested communities want to/should play in the development of the next edition?" etc. This next edition presentation is centered around how the Manual is relevant to and affects the work of the county, state and private surveyors of Kansas. We will discuss state statutes, state regulations and state case law; federal statutes, federal administrative law, federal case law, and federal policy, which reference the Manual. ## Scope of the project - - Technical project nested in a web of administration - Agenda - What is the process? - How are we going about it? - Where are we to date? **Notes:** The technical project is wrapped within an overarching administrative process. The BLM Cadastral Survey is a little frog in a big pond when it comes to a program within the Federal government. Cadastral Survey is not always in complete control of it's own destiny. There are lots and lots of people, none of them surveyors, and most with little comprehension of what surveyors do, who must give their blessing before the next edition can be issued. ## OHA → ** ****OHA →** - ↑ - IBLA - IBIA - IBCA **Notes:** The Department of the Interior consists of 8 Bureaus and 7 Offices consisting of 70,300 +/- full time employees. DOI full time personnel accounts for 51⁄2% of total number of professional people on the federal pay role. Cadastral Survey full time personnel accounts for less than 1⁄2 of 1% of the total full time personnel within the DOI. The Office of Hearings and Appeals (OHA) reports to the Assistant Secretary – Policy, Management and Budget (AS-PMB). The AS-PMB is responsible for overseeing the administrative appeals process. OHA includes the Interior Board of Contract Appeals (IBCA), Interior Board of Indian Appeals (IBIA) and Interior Board of Land Appeals (IBLA). The IBLA speaks for the Secretary of the Interior. IBLA hears appeals from Departmental officials’ decisions, including filing of official surveys, by the public. The IBLA decisions are controlling precedence for BLM Cadastral Survey. ## Bureau of Land Management **Notes:** Within BLM: The Cadastral Survey Program is one of nearly 60 programs and Cadastral Survey full time personnel accounts for approximately 2% of the total personnel within the BLM. ## Cadastral Presence - At the DOI level – BLM is 1 of 15 Bureaus and Offices - Within BLM – Cadastral is one of nearly 60 programs **Notes:** The Department of the Interior consists of 8 Bureaus and 7 Offices consisting of 70,300 +/- full time employees. DOI full time personnel accounts for 51⁄2% of total number of professional people on the federal pay role. Cadastral Survey full time personnel accounts for less than 1⁄2 of 1% of the total full time personnel within the DOI. Within BLM, Cadastral Survey is one of nearly 60 programs. And Cadastral Survey full time personnel accounts for approximately 2% of the total personnel within the BLM. And within Kansas/Texas/Oklahoma/New Mexico BLM: The Cadastral Survey Program is one of nearly 45 programs And Cadastral Survey full time personnel accounts for approximately 5% of the total personnel within Kansas/Texas/Oklahoma/New Mexico BLM. ## What is the - _Manual of Instructions for the Survey of the Public Lands of the United States_? (Manual) - Whom/What is affected? **Notes:** The Manual has implications to: Federal Authority (Official) Surveys; State Authority (Local) Surveys; Administrative Surveys; Registered Professional Land Surveyors; Cadastral Surveyors; Landowners; Legal Profession; Title Industry; Energy Industry; Others. There are three types of surveys: 1) federal authority; 2) state authority; and 3) no authority. There are two sets of foot steps to follow: 1) the legal foot steps & 2) the previous surveyors foot steps. Currently there are 260 BLM surveyors and 50,000 Registered surveyors; most of the country has, is and will be surveyed by private and other nonfederal surveyors. The intended audience of the Manual is the federal authority surveyor including: The field surveyor; The special instructions writer; The survey reviewer; The draftsman; and The Cadastral Chief. The Manual can be characterized as a collect of general instructions: A) Chasing the law. B) Stating the “law” (the rules). By state legislative and/or judicial action the intended audience can be anyone practicing land surveying in the state. Who is affected by the Manual? And how are they affected by the Manual? affected – to act upon: to produce an effect upon: To produce a material influence upon or alteration: Influence, Touch, Impress, Strike, Sway. ## Why is the Manual - Relevant to the County, State and Private Surveyor in Kansas? **Notes:** The Manual is the survey rules for locating the boundaries and corners of: Lands with public domain status; federal lands that have never gone to patent; Lands with Indian trust or restricted fee status; and Federal acquired lands and nonfederal lands, described by a federal patent or based upon a federal patent description; typically the Manual is the rules for locating the exterior boundary of the described lands. Origins of land descriptions: “east-half” “west-half” a) federal; or b) state? Bona fide – Federal authority surveyors must work with “the where” first and just “the who” or “the what” as they pertain to the first. Role of Interior Board of Land Appeals; Delegation of Authority; Rule changes are prospective in application and generally are not applied retrospectively; and 8 three ring binders of Instruction Memorandums. ## KANSAS STATUTES ANNOTATED Chapter 19. Counties and County Officers Article 14. County Surveyor or Engineer - KANSAS STATUTES ANNOTATEDChapter 19. Counties and County OfficersArticle 14. County Surveyor or Engineer - KSA § 19-1421. all surveys shall show variations of magnetic needle from true meridian. **Notes:** Basis of Bearings Kansas Statutes Annotated Chapter 19. Counties and County Officers Article 14. County Surveyor or Engineer K.S.A. § 19-1421. Calculations of irregular tract of land; variations of magnetic needle from true meridian. All calculations to ascertain the contents of an irregular tract of land by the county surveyor or his deputy, or other person or persons who may at any time be called by the court to execute a survey, shall be made by latitude and departure, and on each plat the county surveyor or his deputies, or the person or persons called on by the court as aforesaid, shall lay down the variations of the magnetic needle from the true meridian. Source – 1891 The direction of each line of the public land surveys is determined with reference to the true meridian as defined by the axis of the earth’s rotation. 1973 Manual, section 2-17. ## KANSAS STATUTES ANNOTATED Chapter 19. Counties and County Officers Article 14. County Surveyor or Engineer - KANSAS STATUTES ANNOTATEDChapter 19. Counties and County OfficersArticle 14. County Surveyor or Engineer - KSA § 19-1422. Rules to be observed in resurvey under authority of the United States. - They must be re-established where located by the government surveyor; and - When (2) cannot be done, must be re-established in accordance with KSA 19-1412. - Section & quarter corners stand as the true corners; **Notes:** Kansas Statutes Annotated Chapter 19. Counties and County Officers Article 14. County Surveyor or Engineer K.S.A. § 19-1422. Rules to be observed in resurvey under authority of the United States. In the resurvey of land surveyed under the authority of the United States, the county surveyor shall observe the following rules to wit: First, Section and quarter-section corners, and all other corners established by the government survey, must stand as the true corners. Second, They must be re-established at the identical spot where the original corner was located by the government surveyor, when this can be determined. Third, When this cannot be done, then said corners must be re-established in accordance with the provisions of section 19-1412 of the General Statutes of 1949, as amended. (by proportionate measurement with reference to the government field notes and plats) Source - 1891 ## KANSAS STATUTES ANNOTATED Chapter 19. Counties and County Officers Article 14. County Surveyor or Engineer - KANSAS STATUTES ANNOTATEDChapter 19. Counties and County OfficersArticle 14. County Surveyor or Engineer - KSA § 19-1412. Re-establishment of missing corners. - Will be in accordance with the government surveys; by proportionate measurement **Notes:** Kansas Statutes Annotated: Chapter 19. Counties and County Officers: Article 14. County Surveyor or Engineer K.S.A. § 19-1412. Re-establishment of missing corners. In re-establishing missing corners, where no bearing or witness tree or trees can be found, the county surveyor or his deputy shall establish said missing corners in accordance with the government surveys. Where government surveys cannot be accurately followed, missing corners shall be established by proportionate measurement or existing landmarks supplemented with other location data, monuments, chainage, and the stone of the corners shall be replaced according to the best calculations of the county surveyor, taking into account all the data, and, if necessary, replacing the proportionate measurement requirement. Source – 1862 Collateral evidence of obliterated corners - Good faith locations - It may be held generally that the claimant, entryman, or owner of lands has located his lands by the good faith location rule if such care was used in determining his boundaries as might be expected by the exercise of ordinary intelligence under existing conditions. 1973 Manual, section 6-16. Satisfactory local conditions - A property corner or a use or occupancy position should exercise a regular control upon the retracement only when it was placed with due regard to the location of the original survey, or agreement is so close as to constitute the best available evidence. 1973 Manual, section 5-42(6). Local points of control - The age, the position and the degree to which a local corner has been relied on by all affected landowners may lead to its adoption as the best remaining evidence of the position of the original corner. When a local reestablishment of a lost corner or a local establishment of a legal subdivision corner has been made by proper methods without gross error, it will ordinarily be acceptable. Monuments of unknown origin must be judged on their own merits, but they should never be rejected out of hand without careful study. 1973 Manual, section 6-28. CORNER POSITIONS BASED ON THE PROTECTION OF BONA FIDE RIGHTS: 43 U.S.C. 772. DUE PROCESS. ## KANSAS STATUTES ANNOTATED Chapter 74. State Boards, Commissions and Authorities Article 70. State Board of Technical Professions - KANSAS STATUTES ANNOTATEDChapter 74. State Boards, Commissions and AuthoritiesArticle 70. State Board of Technical Professions - KSA § 74-7003(k). “Practice of land surveying” includes: - Reestablishing of missing government section corners in accordance with government surveys **Notes:** Kansas Statutes Annotated Chapter 74. State Boards, Commissions and Authorities Article 70. State Board of Technical Professions K.S.A. § 74-7003. Definitions. As used in this act: (k) "Practice of land surveying" includes: (4) the reestablishing of missing government section corners in accordance with government surveys; Source - 1976 ## KANSAS STATUTES ANNOTATED Chapter 19. Counties and County Officers Article 14. County Surveyor or Engineer - KANSAS STATUTES ANNOTATEDChapter 19. Counties and County OfficersArticle 14. County Surveyor or Engineer - KSA § 19-1409. Method of subdividing sections into quarter sections. - Except: for center corners of sections already established according to law - Tracing straight lines between opposite corresponding corners; point of intersection **Notes:** Kansas Statutes Annotated Chapter 19. Counties and County Officers Article 14. County Surveyor or Engineer K.S.A. § 19-1409. Method of subdividing sections into quarter sections. In the subdivision of sections of land, as surveyed by the United State surveyors into quarter sections, the following method shall be followed, to wit: The surveyor shall proceed to connect the points of position of the monuments marked "one quarter S.," commonly known as quarter-section corner monuments, which are upon opposite sides of the section, by tracing a straight line from one to the other; he shall then ascertain the point of intersection of the two straight lines as above mentioned, and the said point of intersection shall be the point of position of the corner common to the four quarters of the section subdivided. The provisions of this article shall not apply to center corners of sections already established according to law. Source – 1862 Exception pertains to center 1⁄4 established: 1) in original government survey; 2) by county surveyor; 3) established by (competent)(licensed) land surveyor? ## Surveys are always inaccurate, and this inaccuracy arises partly from the imperfection of instruments and largely from the natural infirmities inherent in all men, which even the most skillful surveyors and chainmen cannot wholly overcome, and also largely from negligence and carelessness. No two surveys are ever alike; and while the map and field-notes of a survey may purport to show the exact elements of the survey in all their details and particulars, yet they never do so and never can. Hence the necessity for relying upon the actual survey as made upon the ground, and not conclusively upon the map and field-notes of such survey. Shaffer v. Weech, 34 Kan. 595 (1886) - Surveys are always inaccurate, and this inaccuracy arises partly from the imperfection of instruments and largely from the natural infirmities inherent in all men, which even the most skillful surveyors and chainmen cannot wholly overcome, and also largely from negligence and carelessness. No two surveys are ever alike; and while the map and field-notes of a survey may purport to show the exact elements of the survey in all their details and particulars, yet they never do so and never can. Hence the necessity for relying upon the actual survey as made upon the ground, and not conclusively upon the map and field-notes of such survey. *Shaffer v. Weech, *34 Kan. 595 (1886) **Notes:** Exception pertains to center 1⁄4 established: 1) in original government survey; 2) by county surveyor; 3) established by (competent)(licensed) land surveyor? Source 1862 Shaffer v. Weech, 34 Kan. 595 (1886) Surveys are always inaccurate, and this inaccuracy arises partly from the imperfection of instruments and largely from the natural infirmities inherent in all men, which even the most skillful surveyors and chainmen cannot wholly overcome, and also largely from negligence and carelessness. No two surveys are ever alike; and while the map and field-notes of a survey may purport to show the exact elements of the survey in all their details and particulars, yet they never do so and never can. Hence the necessity for relying upon the actual survey as made upon the ground, and not conclusively upon the map and field-notes of such survey. ## KANSAS STATUTES ANNOTATED Chapter 19. Counties and County Officers Article 14. County Surveyor or Engineer - KANSAS STATUTES ANNOTATEDChapter 19. Counties and County OfficersArticle 14. County Surveyor or Engineer - KSA § 19-1411. Establishment of center corners and quarter-section corners of sections closing on a parallel or base line. - At intersect with north boundary and 40 chains - west of NE corner establish the quarter corner - Run north parallel to east boundary and - at 40 chains establish center quarter corner **Notes:** Kansas Statutes Annotated – NOT THE MANUAL Chapter 19. Counties and County Officers Article 14. County Surveyor or Engineer K.S.A. § 19-1411. Establishment of center corners and quarter-section corners of sections closing on a parallel or base line. In establishing the center corner of all sections closing on a parallel or base line, the county surveyor or his deputy shall commence at the quarter-section corner on the south boundary of the section, and run a line north parallel to the east boundary of said section; and at forty chains from the quarter-section corner on the south boundary, or place of commencement, said county surveyor or his deputy shall permanently establish the center corner of the section; and at the point where the said north line produced intersects the parallel or base line, which must be just forty chains west of northeast corner of the section, said county surveyor or his deputy must permanently establish the quarter-section corner on the north boundary of the section. Source - 1862 These sections may be subdivided differently depending on the origin of the land descriptions: 1) federal or 2) state. ## Agency 66. State Board of Technical Professions Article 12. Minimum Standards for the Practice of Land Surveying - Agency 66. State Board of Technical ProfessionsArticle 12. Minimum Standards for the Practice of Land Surveying - KANSAS ADMINISTRATIVE REGULATIONS - KAR § 66-12-1. Minimum standards for the practice of land surveying. - Board adopts by reference: - (c) the “Kansas minimum standards for boundary surveys ..... “ adopted by KSLS (10/23/98) **Notes:** Kansas Administrative Regulations Agency 66. State Board of Technical Professions Article 12. Minimum Standards for the Practice of Land Surveying K.A.R. § 66-12-1. Minimum standards for the practice of land surveying. The board hereby adopts by reference the following: The "minimum standard detail requirements for ALTA/ACSM land title surveys," published in 1997; the "classifications of ALTA/ACSM land title surveys for ALTA/ACSM land title surveys," published in 1997; and the "Kansas minimum standards for boundary surveys and mortgagee title inspections standards of practice # 1" adopted by the Kansas society of land surveyors, and last amended on October 23, 1998, except that the preface and scope sections shall be deleted. Source – 1992; amended 2000 ## Kansas Society of Land Surveyors Kansas Minimum Standards for Boundary Surveys and Mortgagee Title Inspections Standards of Practice #1 (10/23/98) - Kansas Society of Land Surveyors*Kansas Minimum Standards for Boundary Surveys and Mortgagee Title Inspections Standards of Practice #1** **(10/23/98)* - Plat or Certificate of Survey - 10) Clearly indicate the theory of location of each corner **Notes:** Kansas Minimum Standards for Boundary Surveys and Mortgagee Title Inspections Standards of Practice #1 Adopted by The Kansas Society of Land Surveyors & State Board of Technical Professions PREFACE - These standards were first adopted by the Kansas Society of Land Surveyors at the Annual Meeting in 1978, amended February 1988 and October 23, 1998. It is the intent of these Standards to provide the surveyors and the recipients of surveys a realistic and prudent yardstick of adequate surveying performance. SCOPE – The minimum standards of this section apply to every boundary survey performed in the State of Kansas, except that where higher standards for boundary surveys are prescribed by statute, administrative rule or ordinance, then such standards shall govern. PLAT OR CERTIFICATE OF SURVEY – The client shall be furnished a plat of survey showing the following information as defined by Items 1 through 12: All pertinent monuments found or set with a notation indicating which were found and which were set, and identified as to size and type. Found monuments shall be accompanied by a reference to their origin, if known. The relationship of monuments to the surveyed lines and corners shall be indicated. Sufficient data to clearly indicate the theory of location applied in finalizing the locations of the corners, any data at variance with this theory of location, and sufficient data to allow the facile retracement of all pertinent lines and points shown on the plat. (Note on “theory of location” – I did not found it in any Kansas statute, regulation, court case or standard.) ## Kansas Society of Land Surveyors Kansas Minimum Standards for Boundary Surveys and Mortgagee Title Inspections Standards of Practice #1 (10/23/98) - Kansas Society of Land Surveyors*Kansas Minimum Standards for Boundary Surveys and Mortgagee Title Inspections Standards of Practice #1** **(10/23/98)* - Perpetuation - 3) Sufficient documentation of the theory applied in finalizing location of: - re-establishment of lost monuments; or - replacement of obliterated monuments **Notes:** Kansas Minimum Standards for Boundary Surveys and Mortgagee Title Inspections Standards of Practice #1 Adopted by The Kansas Society of Land Surveyors PREFACE - These standards were first adopted by the Kansas Society of Land Surveyors at the Annual Meeting in 1978, amended February 1988 and October 23, 1998. It is the intent of these Standards to provide the surveyors and the recipients of surveys a realistic and prudent yardstick of adequate surveying performance. SCOPE – The minimum standards of this section apply to every boundary survey performed in the State of Kansas, except that where higher standards for boundary surveys are prescribed by statute, administrative rule or ordinance, then such standards shall govern. PERPETUATION 3. After a boundary survey which results in the re-establishment of lost government land monuments or replacement of obliterated monuments, sufficient documentation of the theory applied in finalizing the locations of corners, any data at variance with this theory, and sufficient data to allow the facile retracement of all pertinent lines and points shall be provided to the appropriate County Agency charged with the preservation of this information. ## SUPREME COURT OF KANSAS Hoyne v. Schneider, 138 Kan. 545 (1933); aff’d on reh’g, 139 Kan. 676 (1934) - SUPREME COURT OF KANSAS*Hoyne v. Schneider*, 138 Kan. 545 (1933);*aff’d on reh’g,* 139 Kan. 676 (1934) - The federal statutes make provision for the surveyor’s field notes, plats, and the survey being made a part of each patent and a part of the records of the state. **Notes:** Supreme Court of Kansas Hoyne v. Schneider, 138 Kan. 545 (1933); aff’d on reh’g, 139 Kan. 676 (1934) “The federal statutes likewise make provision for certified copies of the surveyor's field notes, the surveys and plats being made a part of the records of the state.” ## SUPREME COURT OF KANSAS Appeal of Martin, 86 Kan. 336 (1912) - SUPREME COURT OF KANSAS*Appeal of Martin*, 86 Kan. 336 (1912) - In the resurvey of lands surveyed under authority of U.S. the county surveyor shall observe the following rules: - First, corners established by government must stand as the true corners; - Second, corners must be reestablished at the identical spot located by the government surveyor; and **Notes:** Supreme Court of Kansas - Appeal of Martin, 86 Kan. 336 (1912) "In the resurvey of lands surveyed under the authority of the United States, the county surveyor shall observe the following rules, to wit: First, section and quarter-section corners, and all other corners established by the government survey, must stand as the true corners. Second, they must be reestablished at the identical spot where the original corner was located by the government surveyor, when this can be determined. Third, when this can not be done, then said corners must be reestablished according to the government field-notes, adopting proportionate measurements where the present measurements differ from those given in the field-notes." (Gen. Stat. 1909, § 2271.) Now KSA 19-1422. ## SUPREME COURT OF KANSAS Appeal of Martin, 86 Kan. 336 (1912) - SUPREME COURT OF KANSAS*Appeal of Martin*, 86 Kan. 336 (1912) - Third, when original corner locations are not found they must be reestablished according to the government field notes, adopting proportionate measurements. - The objective of every resurvey is to find or reestablish the lines and corners fixed by the government **Notes:** Supreme Court of Kansas - Appeal of Martin, 86 Kan. 336 (1912) – (continued) “Under the law the object of every resurvey is to find or reestablish the lines and corners fixed by the government. The report of the Lee survey indicates on its face that he entertained no such purpose and worked to no such end. It is questionable whether his survey is of any validity, although no appeal from it was taken. However, in view of the conclusions announced above the question need not be decided.” "In reestablishing missing corners, where no bearing or witness tree or trees can be found, the county surveyor or his deputy shall establish said missing corners in accordance with the government survey. (Gen. Stat. 1909, § 2261.)” Now KSA 19-1412. See also, Stanley v. The County Surveyor of Sheridan County, 126 Kan. 95; aff’d, 126 Kan. 684 (1928) and KSA 19-1422. The Kansas cases I read said all corners established and approved by the General Land Office or its successors, must stand as the legal and permanent corners. {CHASING THE LAW} ## SUPREME COURT OF KANSAS Gnadt v. Durr, 208 Kan. 783 (1972) - SUPREME COURT OF KANSAS*Gnadt v. Durr*, 208 Kan. 783 (1972) - In a survey to establish the legal subdivision of a section, it is the duty of the county surveyor, and of the court on appeal, to relocate the line according to the statutory rules for reproducing United States government surveys. **Notes:** Supreme Court of Kansas Gnadt v. Durr, 208 Kan. 783 (1972) “It is obvious from the foregoing statutes, if a legal survey is to be made, the established government corners must be ascertained or confirmed and used in making the survey. In Roadenbaugh v. Egy, 88 Kan. 341, 128 Pac. 381, the court held: SYLLABUS BY THE COURT. 1. SURVEYS -- Duty of County Surveyor--Statutory Rules. In a survey, called for the specific purpose of establishing the boundary line between the northwest quarter and the northeast quarter of a certain section, it is the duty of the county surveyor, and of the court on appeal, to relocate the line according to the statutory rules for reproducing United States government surveys. The above is also quoted in: Childers v. Hoffer, 177 Kan. 174 (1954) and Neiman v. Davis, 166 Kan. 246 (1948); aff’d, 170 Kan. 208 (1950) – quoting Roadenbaugh and Roadenbaugh v. Egy, 88 Kan. 341 (1912) ## SUPREME COURT OF KANSAS Neiman v. Davis, 166 Kan. 246 (1948); aff’d, 170 Kan. 208 (1950) - SUPREME COURT OF KANSAS*Neiman v. Davis*, 166 Kan. 246 (1948);*aff’d,* 170 Kan. 208 (1950) - In a survey to establish the W1/16 sec. cor. of sections 19 & 30, it is the duty of the county surveyor, to locate the corner according to the statutory rules for reproducing United States government surveys. - By doing so the county surveyor properly followed Kansas statutory requirements. **Notes:** Supreme Court of Kansas Neiman v. Davis, 166 Kan. 246 (1948); aff’d, 170 Kan. 208 (1950) "If the survey be called to determine and permanently establish the corners and boundaries of one or more tracts of land severally owned or occupied, then it is the duty of the county surveyor, and of the court on appeal, to observe the statutory rules so far as applicable, and also to consider any other competent evidence which may be produced." (Syl. paras. 1, 2.)” ## SUPREME COURT OF KANSAS Hoyne v. Schneider, 138 Kan. 545 (1933); aff’d on reh’g, 139 Kan. 676 (1934) - SUPREME COURT OF KANSAS*Hoyne v. Schneider*, 138 Kan. 545 (1933);*aff’d on reh’g,* 139 Kan. 676 (1934) - “east half’ and “west half” when made with reference to federal government survey is to be determined by reference to such survey **Notes:** Supreme Court of Kansas Hoyne v. Schneider, 138 Kan. 545 (1933); aff’d on reh’g, 139 Kan. 676 (1934) “In 4 Thompson on Real Property, section 3153, is the following: "The word 'half' when used in describing land, should be construed as meaning 'half in quantity,' unless the context or surrounding facts and circumstances show a contrary intention. It was so held in a case where two tenants in common of a parcel of land, which could not be equally divided by a north-and-south line drawn equidistant from its east-and-west lines, conveyed to each other the 'east half' and 'west half' respectively of said parcel, containing an equal number of acres, and without reference to the 'government survey.‘ "But in government surveys of the public lands the terms 'east half' and 'west half' are used, not with reference to quantity, but to a line equidistant from the boundary lines of the parcel subdivided, and those terms have the same signification in patents issued by the government; and this is true because so provided by act of congress. A deed of the 'east half' of a parcel of land 'according to the United States survey' is definite, and excludes the idea of two equal quantities, and fixes the dividing line equidistant from the boundary lines of the parcel thus subdivided.” See also, Gunn v. Brower, 81 Kan. 242 (1909). ## SUPREME COURT OF KANSAS Neiman v. Davis, 166 Kan. 246 (1948); aff’d, 170 Kan. 208 (1950) - SUPREME COURT OF KANSAS*Neiman v. Davis*, 166 Kan. 246 (1948);*aff’d,* 170 Kan. 208 (1950) - Adverse possession may change the title to real property, but it cannot change the location of a section or other legal subdivision line. **Notes:** Supreme Court of Kansas Neiman v. Davis, 166 Kan. 246 (1948); aff’d, 170 Kan. 208 (1950) “Without fully reviewing that opinion (Roadenbaugh), it may be said it was contended that the true boundary line was not necessarily the boundary line between two quarter sections but a line agreed upon by the original homesteaders. After stating it did not appear the surveyor erred in determining the true line between the two quarters, certain cases were cited to the effect that adverse possession may change the title to real estate, but it cannot change the location of a quarter section line.” For similar language see also, Martin v. Hinnen, 3 Kan.App.2d 106 (1979); Wagner v. Thompson, 163 Kan. 662 (1947); Roadenbaugh v. Egy, 88 Kan. 341 (1912); Edwards v. Fleming, 83 Kan. 653 (1911); Swarz v. Ramala, 63 Kan. 633 (1901). ## SUPREME COURT OF KANSAS Hoyne v. Schneider, 138 Kan. 545 (1933); aff’d on reh’g, 139 Kan. 676 (1934) - SUPREME COURT OF KANSAS*Hoyne v. Schneider*, 138 Kan. 545 (1933);*aff’d on reh’g,* 139 Kan. 676 (1934) - However, a conveyance of one half of a lot or forty-acre tract formed by the government survey will not be presumed to intend a further subdivision by an extension of the method of subdivision by which it was created. **Notes:** Supreme Court of Kansas – NOT THE MANUAL? Hoyne v. Schneider, 138 Kan. 545 (1933); aff’d on reh’g, 139 Kan. 676 (1934) “18 C. J. 292, section 269, recites as follows. "Where a tract is divided by a line of the government survey, the term 'half' will ordinarily be referred to one of the parts so made. A conveyance of one half of a lot or forty-acre tract formed by the government survey will not, however, be presumed to intend a further subdivision of such lot by an extension of the method of subdivision by which it was created. And further, where the entire description is given effect by this construction, the word 'half' may be taken as meaning half in quantity without regard to the half as determined by the government survey.“” For similar language see, Gunn v. Brower, 81 Kan. 242 (1909). “This principle is applied where one of the lines of the government survey effects such a division. ( Prentiss v. Brewer, 17 Wis. 635. See, also, Edinger v. Woodke, 127 Mich. 41, 86 N.W. 397; Kinsey et al. v. Satterthwaite, 88 Ind. 342; Turner v. The Union Pacific Ry. Co., 112 Mo. 542, 545, 20 S.W. 673.) It is not carried so far, however, as to involve an assumption that one who conveys the half of one of the smallest governmental subdivisions--a lot or a "forty"--intends anything else than a division into equal parts. He is not presumed to have in mind a further partition of this surveyor's unit--the smallest "legal subdivision" ( Hopper v. Nation, 78 Kan. 198, 96 P. 77) --by an extension of the method by which it was created. ( Cogan v. Cook, 22 Minn. 137, 142; Jones v. Pashby, 62 Mich. 614, 29 N.W. 374.) Possibly the rule referred to ought not to apply to tracts that are "fractional" in the sense that they are irregular in shape because of the existence of a body of water or some other like obstacle, so that they can conform to no general rule. ( Goltermann v. Schiermeyer, 111 Mo. 404, 416, 19 S.W. 484.) But it is rightly invoked in such a case as this, where the only irregularity is that common to practically all tracts along the northern and western boundaries of a township. Lot 4 of section 7 is commonly and intelligibly described as "the southwest quarter of the southwest quarter," just as the "southwest quarter" itself is designated by that term notwithstanding its area is less than 160 acres. We hold that the deed to "the south half of the southwest quarter" passed title to lot 4 and the south half of the east half of the southwest quarter.”” ## UNITED STATES CODE Title 43 Public Lands § 2 - UNITED STATES CODETitle 43 Public Lands § 2 - The Secretary of the Interior or such officer as he may designate (BLM) shall perform all executive duties appertaining to the surveying and sale of the public lands of the United States **Notes:** Now lets talk about the federal governance regime (administration, management, organization and system) for survey rules. United States Code Title 43 Public Lands § 2. Duties concerning public lands The Secretary of the Interior or such officer as he may designate shall perform all executive duties appertaining to the surveying and sale of the public lands of the United States, or in anywise respecting such public lands, and, also, such as relate to private claims of land, and the issuing of patents for all grants of land under the authority of the Government. R.S. § 453. Derived from Acts of April 25, 1812, 2 Stat. 716; July 4, 1836, 5 Stat. 107; June 6, 1874, 18 Stat. 62; February 18, 1875, 18 Stat. 317. This statute got the Secretary of War and the Secretary of State out of the surveys of the public lands created the Commissioner of the General Land Office (later the Secretary of the Interior and the Director of the BLM) and put the Commissioner in charge. Where does the Manual come from? Why was it created? Who created the Manual? ## Title 43 U.S.C. §§ 751-753, 770, 772, 773 - Title 43 U.S.C. §§ 751-753, 770, 772, 773 - Other Federal Laws – Containing Survey Rules – - The Federal Survey Rules **Notes:** 43 USC 751-753 – The rules for survey; enacted in 1796, 1805, 1820 and 1832. 43 USC 770 – SOI may depart from the system of rectangular surveys whenever it is not feasible or economical to extend the rectangular surveys in the regular manner or whenever such departure would promote the beneficial use of lands; this statute was written primarily for “special” conditions in Nevada. Congress could of adopted this in lieu of the Alaska Statehood Act, ANCSA or ANILCA. The General Resurvey Acts of 1909 (43 U.S.C. 772; Act of March 3, 1909, 35 Stat. 845; as amended by the Act of June 25, 1910, 36 Stat. 884; and by the Federal Land Policy and Management Act of October 21, 1976, 90 Stat. 2743, 2792) and 1918 (43 U.S.C. 773; Act of September 21, 1918, 40 Stat. 965) as amended: The Secretary of the Interior may cause to be made, resurveys of public lands and of privately owned lands: Provided, That no such resurvey shall be so executed as to impair the bona fide rights or claims of any claimant, entryman, or owner of lands affected by such resurvey. Where does the Manual come from? Why was it created? Who created the Manual? ## UNITED STATES CODE Title 25 Indians § 176 - UNITED STATES CODETitle 25 Indians § 176 - Whenever it becomes necessary to survey any Indian lands, the same shall be surveyed under the direction and control of the BLM - And as nearly as may be in conformity to the rules and regulations under which other public lands are surveyed **Notes:** United States Code Title 25 Indians § 176. Survey of reservations Whenever it becomes necessary to survey any Indian or other reservations, or any lands, the same shall be surveyed under the direction and control of the Bureau of Land Management, and as nearly as may be in conformity to the rules and regulations under which other public lands are surveyed. Codifications R.S. § 2115 was from Act of April 8, 1864, 13 Stat. 41. This got the Secretary of War and the Secretary of State out of the surveys of Indian lands and put the surveys within the Department of the Interior, under the direction and control of one official, the Commissioner of the General Land Office and his successor, the Director, Bureau of Land Management. ## INTERIOR BOARD OF LAND APPEALS Howard Vagneur, 159 IBLA 272 (2003) - INTERIOR BOARD OF LAND APPEALS*Howard Vagneur*, 159 IBLA 272 (2003) - 1) BLM is authorized to resurvey the corners and lines of government surveys - 2) BLM Survey Manual defines a resurvey - 3) Manual defines ‘existent’ ‘obliterated’ and ‘lost’ corners - 4) Manual provides guidance to surveyors on how to base a resurvey on the ‘best available evidence’ **Notes:** Interior Board of Land Appeals – Howard Vagneur, 159 IBLA 272 (2003) [1] Pursuant to the Act of March 3, 1909, as amended, 43 U.S.C. § 772 (2000), BLM, as the delegate of the Secretary of the Interior, is authorized to resurvey the public lands in order to reestablish the corners and thus the lines established by earlier official surveys. John W. Yeargan, 126 IBLA at 362. A dependent resurvey is designed to retrace and reestablish the lines of the original survey, marking the boundaries of the legal subdivisions of the public lands, in their "true original positions." Survey Manual, § 6-4, at 145; see John W. Yeargan, 126 IBLA at 362. It therefore places the lines in the same position on the earth's surface that they have occupied since the date of the original survey, thus protecting the bona fide rights of private landowners and their successors-in-interest, whose property boundaries are tied to the original lines, even when the original survey may have been poorly or erroneously executed. United States v. Doyle, 468 F.2d 633, 636 (10th Cir. 1972); see 43 U.S.C. § 772 (2000); Sweeten v. U.S. Department of Agriculture, 684 F.2d 679, 682 (10th Cir. 1982); Adams v. United States, 687 F. Supp. 1479, 1482-83, 1488-89 (D. Nev. 1988), aff'd in part, rev'd, vacated, and remanded in part on other grounds, 3 F.3d 1254 (9th Cir. 1993); John W. Yeargan, 126 IBLA at 362-63, 370. We have long recognized that original lines are to be reestablished under a dependent resurvey by recovering or restoring the original corners by any of three methods, in descending order of importance. John W. Yeargan, 126 IBLA at 363. First, an "existent" or "found" corner can be recovered by finding evidence of the monument and/or its accessories. Survey Manual, § 5-5, at 130. Second, an "obliterated" corner, where there are no remaining traces of the monument or its accessories, can be recovered where the corner's location has been perpetuated or where other acceptable evidence establishes its location. Survey Manual, § 5-9, at 130. Third, where a corner cannot be considered existent or obliterated based on substantial evidence regarding its location, it will be regarded as a "lost corner" to be restored by reference to one or more interdependent corners by the method of proportionate measurement. Survey Manual, §§ 5-20 and 5-21, at 133; James O. Steambarge, 116 IBLA 185, 191 (1990). When a dependent resurvey is performed 100 years or more after the original survey, the location of original corners must be based on the "best evidence available of the positions of the original corners" at the time of the resurvey. Survey Manual, § 6-4, at 145; see J.M. Beard (On Rehearing), 52 I.D. 451, 453 (1928). An appellant who challenges a BLM dependent resurvey prior to the official filing of the resurvey plat bears the burden on appeal of establishing, by a preponderance of the evidence, that the resurvey is not an accurate retracement and reestablishment of the lines of the original survey. John W. Yeargan, 126 IBLA at 363. ## INTERIOR BOARD OF LAND APPEALS Howard Vagneur, 159 IBLA 272 (2003) - INTERIOR BOARD OF LAND APPEALS*Howard Vagneur*, 159 IBLA 272 (2003) - 6) An accurate retracement and reestablishment of the lines of the original survey - 5) BLM Official Surveys are presumed regular; and **Notes:** Interior Board of Land Appeals – Howard Vagneur, 159 IBLA 272 (2003) [1] Pursuant to the Act of March 3, 1909, as amended, 43 U.S.C. § 772 (2000), BLM, as the delegate of the Secretary of the Interior, is authorized to resurvey the public lands in order to reestablish the corners and thus the lines established by earlier official surveys. John W. Yeargan, 126 IBLA at 362. A dependent resurvey is designed to retrace and reestablish the lines of the original survey, marking the boundaries of the legal subdivisions of the public lands, in their "true original positions." Survey Manual, § 6-4, at 145; see John W. Yeargan, 126 IBLA at 362. It therefore places the lines in the same position on the earth's surface that they have occupied since the date of the original survey, thus protecting the bona fide rights of private landowners and their successors-in-interest, whose property boundaries are tied to the original lines, even when the original survey may have been poorly or erroneously executed. United States v. Doyle, 468 F.2d 633, 636 (10th Cir. 1972); see 43 U.S.C. § 772 (2000); Sweeten v. U.S. Department of Agriculture, 684 F.2d 679, 682 (10th Cir. 1982); Adams v. United States, 687 F. Supp. 1479, 1482-83, 1488-89 (D. Nev. 1988), aff'd in part, rev'd, vacated, and remanded in part on other grounds, 3 F.3d 1254 (9th Cir. 1993); John W. Yeargan, 126 IBLA at 362-63, 370. We have long recognized that original lines are to be reestablished under a dependent resurvey by recovering or restoring the original corners by any of three methods, in descending order of importance. John W. Yeargan, 126 IBLA at 363. First, an "existent" or "found" corner can be recovered by finding evidence of the monument and/or its accessories. Survey Manual, § 5-5, at 130. Second, an "obliterated" corner, where there are no remaining traces of the monument or its accessories, can be recovered where the corner's location has been perpetuated or where other acceptable evidence establishes its location. Survey Manual, § 5-9, at 130. Third, where a corner cannot be considered existent or obliterated based on substantial evidence regarding its location, it will be regarded as a "lost corner" to be restored by reference to one or more interdependent corners by the method of proportionate measurement. Survey Manual, §§ 5-20 and 5-21, at 133; James O. Steambarge, 116 IBLA 185, 191 (1990). When a dependent resurvey is performed 100 years or more after the original survey, the location of original corners must be based on the "best evidence available of the positions of the original corners" at the time of the resurvey. Survey Manual, § 6-4, at 145; see J.M. Beard (On Rehearing), 52 I.D. 451, 453 (1928). An appellant who challenges a BLM dependent resurvey prior to the official filing of the resurvey plat bears the burden on appeal of establishing, by a preponderance of the evidence, that the resurvey is not an accurate retracement and reestablishment of the lines of the original survey. John W. Yeargan, 126 IBLA at 363. ## United States Supreme Court - It is settled law that the United States may survey what it owns and thereby establish and reestablish boundaries, but what the government does in this regard is for its own information and cannot affect the rights of owners on the other side of an existing boundary. *United States v. State Investment Co., *264 U.S. 206, 212 (1924), citing *Lane v. Darlington, *249 U.S. 331, 333 (1919). **Notes:** United States Supreme Court It is settled law that the United States may survey what it owns and thereby establish and reestablish boundaries, but what the government does in this regard is for its own information and cannot affect the rights of owners on the other side of an existing boundary. United States v. State Investment Co., 264 U.S. 206, 212 (1924), citing Lane v. Darlington, 249 U.S. 331, 333 (1919). The principle here is – Where there is not an existing boundary of another’s interest, the government can mark its land, plat its land, describe its land, convey its land, by its own rules. However, it cannot affect the rights of the owners on the other side of an existing boundary. Is this principle applicable to the State of Kansas? Q. – If you believe yes, where would you go to determine how this principle has been invoked? A. - The state governance regime of state statutes, regulations and case law for survey rules. What would be the alternative if the State did not develop their own governance regime for survey rules? (CHASING THE LAW? OR MAKING THE LAW?) The usage of the federal governance regime; there is ONE set of survey rules. The Resurvey Acts of 1909 and 1918 as amended: The Secretary of the Interior may cause to be made, resurveys of public lands and of privately owned lands: Provided, That no such resurvey shall be so executed as to impair the bona fide rights or claims of any claimant, entryman, or owner of lands affected by such resurvey. 43 U.S.C. 772; Act of March 3, 1909, 35 Stat. 845; as amended by the Act of June 25, 1910, 36 Stat. 884; and by the Federal Land Policy and Management Act of October 21, 1976, 90 Stat. 2743, 2792. AND 43 U.S.C. 773; Act of September 21, 1918, 40 Stat. 965. ## The Manual of Surveying Instructions describes how cadastral surveys of the public lands are made in conformance to statutory law and its judicial interpretation. (1973 Manual § 1-1.) - The Manual of Surveying Instructions describes how cadastral surveys of the public lands are made in conformance to statutory law and its judicial interpretation. (1973 Manual § 1-1.) - It is within the province of the Director to determine what are public lands, what lands have been surveyed, what are to be surveyed, what have been disposed of, what remains to be disposed of, and what are reserved. - (1973 Manual § 1-11.) - _MANUAL_ **Notes:** The Manual - Purpose and Scope of the Manual 1973 Manual § 1-1. The Manual of Surveying Instructions describes how cadastral surveys of the public lands are made in conformance to statutory law and its judicial interpretation. 1973 Manual § 1-11. It is within the province of the Director of the Bureau of Land Management to determine what are public lands, what lands have been surveyed, what are to be surveyed, what have been disposed of, what remains to be disposed of, and what are reserved. What percentage of Kansas has been surveyed under the PLSS? Under Federal survey rules? ## By fundamental law, upon the issuance of a patent for land by the Federal government; it is just as if the monuments, survey plat and field notes, and the laws, regulations and rules governing how to survey the land described in the patent, are stapled to the face of the patent. - The survey rules are spelled out in the manuals, circulars, instructions and regulations issued by the GLO and later by the BLM. - SUMMARY **Notes:** SUMMARY By fundamental law, upon the issuance of a patent for land by the Federal government; it is just as if the monuments, survey plat and field notes, the laws, regulations, and rules governing how to survey the land described in the patent, are stapled to the face of the patent. Cragin v. Powell The survey rules are spelled out in the manuals, circulars, instructions and regulations issued by the General Land Office and its successor the Bureau of Land Management. If later a boundary location becomes unclear the Manual is the guidance (the rules) governing the relocation of the corners and boundaries in conformance to the controlling monuments, survey plat(s), field notes, policies, regulations and laws. ## Is there still a need for the Manual? **Notes:** If no: a) do nothing, or b) repeal? If there is still a need for the Manual: Should any change be made to the 1973 edition? If no need for a change to the 1973 edition: a) do nothing, or b) reprint? If there is a need for a change to the 1973 edition: a) what, and b) how? The PLSS is evolving. Never before has the PLSS had 150 year old GLO surveys with over 100 years of improvements up to the boundaries; 100 years of river movement after the patent survey with 50 years of valuable improvements. ## Next Edition Website - _[]( - Contact Information - Announcements: Upcoming Presentations - General Information - - _[http://]([]( **Notes:** Move into the resources available to keep track of the next edition process and a discussion of the process itself. ## Slide 38
From: Arnold Ward [[email protected]] Sent: Wednesday, March 10, 2004 7:12 PM To: [email protected] Subject: File No. S7-11-04 mandatory mutual fund redemption fees The rule should permit, as the current laws allow, a mutual fund to charge a redemption fee but not mandate such a fee for all funds. Mandating redemption fees constitutes government mandated expense to the investor to protect the mutual fund. We do not need the government protecting the mutual fund from the investor. Mutual funds are free to charge redemption fees and many funds currently do, even some held by financial intermediaries and even low cost or no cost mutual funds and especially even small mutual funds. The free market can decide better whether redemption fees should be charged and the government should stay out of this arena. The idea that there is competitive pressure not to charge redemption fees and therefore the government must step in to make a uniform enforcement fee is Big Brother at its worst. What else in the trading world is Big Brother going to protect the investor or mutual fund from? Abrupt changes in share value from changes in stock value caused by excessive selling? The stock market, by its nature, is fluidic and comprised of continually changing prices. An investor who changes their mind and wants out should not be precluded or hindered by government-forced penalty fees as this proposed body of regulations suggests. Let the mutual fund decide individually, based on its own specific costs, whether or not a redemption fee or penalty is necessary, and if so at what percent or amount. Doing what this body of regulations suggests mandates more paperwork and bureaucracy for mutual funds which already are amass in such bookkeeping requirements, the cost for which will be directly born by the mutual fund investors as a group. _______________________________________________________________________ Internet Access, Shared & Dedicated Web Hosting. Colocation and Domain Name Registration at
# Presentation: 665941 ## Charged Particle Multiplicity Near Mid-Rapidity in Central Au+Au Collisions at s=56 and 130 AGeV - Wit Busza for the PHOBOS collaboration - 19 July 2000 - Brookhaven National Laboratory ## Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider **12 June**: 1st Collisions @ s = 56 AGeV **24 June**: 1st Collisions @ s = 130 AGeV ## PHOBOS Collaboration _**ARGONNE NATIONAL LABORATORY**_ **Birger Back, Nigel George, Alan Wuosmaa** _**BROOKHAVEN NATIONAL LABORATORY**_ **Mark Baker, Donald Barton, Mathew Ceglia, Alan Carroll, Stephen Gushue, George Heintzelman, Hobie Kraner ,Robert Pak,Louis Remsberg, Joseph Scaduto, Peter Steinberg, Andrei Sukhanov** _**INSTITUTE OF NUCLEAR PHYSICS, KRAKOW**_ **Wojciech Bogucki, Andrzej Budzanowski, Tomir Coghen, Bojdan Dabrowski, Marian Despet, Kazimierz Galuszka, Jan Godlewski , Jerzy Halik, Roman Holynski, W. Kita, Jerzy Kotula, Marian Lemler, Jozef Ligocki, Jerzy Michalowski, Andrzej Olszewski********, Pawel Sawicki , Andrzej Straczek, Marek Stodulski, Mieczylsaw Strek, Z. Stopa, Adam Trzupek, Barbara Wosiek, Krzysztof Wozniak, Pawel Zychowski** _**JAGELLONIAN UNIVERSITY, KRAKOW**_ **Andrzej Bialas, Wieslaw Czyz, Kacper Zalewski** _**MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY**_ **Wit Busza*****,**** Patrick Decowski, Piotr Fita, J. Fitch, C. Gomes, Kristjan Gulbrandsen, P. Haridas, Conor Henderson, Jay Kane , Judith Katzy , Piotr Kulinich, Clyde Law, Johannes Muelmenstaedt, Marjory Neal, P. Patel, Heinz Pernegger, Miro Plesko, Corey Reed, Christof Roland, Gunther Roland, Dale Ross, Leslie Rosenberg, John Ryan, Pradeep Sarin, Stephen Steadman, George Stephans, Katarzyna Surowiecka, Gerrit van Nieuwenhuizen, Carla Vale, Robin Verdier****,**** Bernard Wadsworth, Bolek Wyslouch** _**NATIONAL CENTRAL UNIVERSITY, TAIWAN**_ **Yuan-Hann Chang, Augustine Chen, Willis Lin, JawLuen Tang** _**UNIVERSITY OF ROCHESTER**_ **A. Hayes, Erik Johnson, Steven Manly, Robert Pak, Inkyu Park, Wojtech Skulski, Teng, Frank Wolfs** _**UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT CHICAGO**_ **Russell Betts, Christopher Conner, Clive Halliwell, Rudi Ganz, Richard Hollis, Burt Holzman,, Wojtek Kucewicz, Don McLeod, Rachid Nouicer, Michael Reuter** _**UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND**_ **Richard Baum, Richard Bindel, Jing Shea, Edmundo Garcia-Solis, Alice Mignerey** ## PHOBOS Apparatus ## Commissioning Run Setup - Configuration used for first data - SPEC: 6 planes of a single spectrometer arm - VTX: Half of the Top Vertex Detector - Paddles: 2 sets of 16 scintillators paddles - Acceptance of SPEC and VTX ## PHOBOS Trigger - Very loose coincidence of paddle counters (38ns) - Includes collision & background - Allows clean separation of collisions and background offline - Negative Paddles - Positive Paddles - ZDC N - ZDC P - Au - Au - PP - PN ## First Collisions at PHOBOS - Background was rejected by requiring at least 3 hits in each set of paddles - As soon as collisions appeared on the morning of June 13, we were ready - Recorded 1000 collisions during the night at s = 56 AGeV ## Examples of events - Hits in VTX - Hits in SPEC - Tracks in SPEC - 130 AGeV - 56 AGeV - 130 AGeV ## Event selection **Paddle Timing** - t < 8 ns selects events with vertex |z|<120 cm - Still contains background events **ZDC Timing** - t < 20 ns confirms selected events as collisions - However, at s=56 AGeV, rejects ~10% of central collisions. < 1% at s=130 AGeV. **Paddle Multiplicity** - Requiring PP,PN to have a large ADC sum recoups central events lost to ZDC cut. - Offline event trigger is **1 AND (2 OR 3)** ## Event Statistics - 56 AGeV - Collision Events : 6352 - Central Events : 382 - Central Events (–25 < z < 15) : **103** - 130 AGeV - Collision Events : 12074 - Central Events : 724 - Central Events (–25 < z < 15) : **151** ## Variables & Observables - Variables: - Beam Energy - RHIC delivered s = 56 AGeV and 130 AGeV - Centrality of collision - Multiplicity in the paddles is related to number of participants, Npart - Observables: ** ****dN/d******** | ********<1 **( where ** = - ln tan (**/2) ) - Charged particle density averaged over –1 <  < 1 ** ****dN/d******** | ********<1 ****/**** ****(**** ********Npart********/2** **)** - Particles produced per participant pair ** ****(dN/d******** | ********<1 ****)****130 ****/ (dN/d******** | ********<1 ****)****56** - Scaling of density with energy - Results presented will be for most central collisions ## What do we learn from dN/d | <1 - Initial energy density in the collision -  is related to dN/dy - e.g. Bjorken estimate - dN/dy is related to dN/d - < 5% CERN LAB frame, 15% RHIC CM frame - We can also compare to pp, pp data - Energy scaling is sensitive to interplay between hard and soft processes ## Monte Carlo Simulations - Event generator and detector simulation used for: - A proper description of all detector effects - Estimate of number of participants - We use several packages - HIJING 1.35 - Event generator for AA collisions - Hard Processes, Shadowing, Jet Quenching - GEANT 3.21 - Detector simulations - Production of secondaries in apparatus - Measured detector response - Derived from test-beam results - Generates fake data for silicon and paddle detectors ## Centrality Selection - Paddles cover 3<||<4.5 - Sum of analog signals (gain-normalized) is proportional to the number of particles - Secondaries deposit large amounts of energy. To reduce fluctuations, we use truncated mean - 3<||<4.5 - Hijing - 130 AGeV - b < 3 fm - PN - PP -  ## Understanding Paddle Counters - DATA - MC - 56 AGeV - 130 AGeV - PN12 - PP12 ## ZDC Sum vs. Paddle Sum **ZDC Sum vs. Paddle Sum** - 130 AGeV ## Estimating Npart - 6% most central events based on paddles gives - Npart - Events/bin ## Signal Distributions in Si - Critical test of detector understanding - Both distributions contain the same number of central events - Points are for VTX data - No correction for detector thickness - Histogram is for simulated VTX signals - GEANT - Response from test-beam - Electronics noise - Shulek correction ## Measuring Vertex **Measuring Vertex** - Pointing accuracy describes how extrapolated tracks deviate from calculated vertex. - Compares well with HIJING simulation - Spectrometer sits very close to vertex - High resolution tracking in 6 planes gives excellent vertex resolution ## Vertex Distributions - X - Y - Z - Beam Orbit can be calculated for each fill - For the 130 AGeV data - X = -.17 cm, X = .17 cm - Y = .14 cm, Y = .08 cm - We make a cut in Z to define a fiducial volume ## Tracklets **Tracklets** - VTX Tracklets - Two hit combinations that point to the vertex - d = 2 – 1 - Good tracklets have d<.1 - SPEC Tracklets - Two hit combinations that point to the vertex - dR =  (d2 + d2) - Good tracklets have dR<.015 ## Measuring dN/d with tracklets - Number of reconstructed tracklets is proportional to **dN/d******** | ********<1** - To reconstruct tracklets - Reconstruct vertex - Define tracklets based on the vertex and hits in the front planes of SPEC and VTX - Redundancy essentially eliminates feed-down, secondaries, random noise hits - To determine  - Run the same algorithm through the MC - Folds in detector response and acceptance ## Uncorrected dN/d - SPEC - VTX - tracklets - tracklets ## Derivation of dN/d - Extract  from correlation of - Primaries in –1 <  < 1 - Measured number of tracklets - dN/d - Number of Tracklets - 5<z<10 - SPEC - VTX ## Results | | 56 AGeV | 130 AGeV | | --- | --- | --- | | dN/d | <1 | 408±12(stat) ±30(syst) | 555±12(stat) ±35(syst) | | dN/d | <1 per participant pair | 2.47±0.10±0.25 | 3.24±0.10±0.25 | | Ratio (density per participant pair) | 1.31±0.04±0.05 | | ## Systematic Uncertainties - dN/d - Background subtraction on tracklets < ±5% - Uncertainty on  due to model differences < 5% - Total contribution due to feed-down correction < 4% (typically 1%) - Total fraction lost due to stopping particles < 5% - Both are corrected via MC normalization - Total uncertainty on dN/d is ±8% - Npart - Loss of trigger efficiency at low-multiplicity <10% - Uncertainty on Npart  <1% - Uncertainty in modeling paddle fluctuations - Uncertainty on Npart  <6% - ( dN/d / Npart )130 / ( dN/d / Npart )56 - Many uncertainties cancel in the ratio ## Comparisons with pp
9/5/05njm 4/24/06njm **Q. Are there any clinical pointers for alcohol withdrawal in pregnancy?** A. Pregnant women shouldn't be excluded from detoxification programs. See details Women identified to have heavy drinking patterns and who are unlikely to reduce their consumption should be referred to professional alcohol treatment. Consistent screening for alcohol use, followed by education, assessment, and treatment referral, if indicated, will help to ensure the best possible outcome for all pregnant women and their babies. Pregnancy is a relative indications for inpatient alcohol detoxification as would be: history of severe withdrawal symptoms, history of withdrawal seizures or delirium tremens, multiple previous detoxifications, concomitant psychiatric or medical illness, recent high levels of alcohol consumption, and lack of a reliable support network. Most programs choose to treat the pregnant, alcohol-dependent woman with short-acting barbiturates or benzodiazepines. Chlordiazepoxide (Librium) and other benzodiazepines, such as diazepam (Valium) and barbiturates (Phenobarbital, Seconal), are valuable for symptomatic treatment during medical withdrawal from alcohol. They are also potentially teratogenic. Some clinicians, therefore, recommend avoiding their use if at all possible. The risks versus the possible benefits of their use need to be assessed. Disulfiram (Antabuse) is contraindicated during pregnancy. Its use has been associated with clubfoot, VACTERL syndrome (a pattern of congenital anomalies), and phocomelia of the lower extremities The woman who conceives while taking this drug should receive counseling before deciding to continue the pregnancy Follow withdrawal schedule. Programs use different drugs to withdraw patients from alcohol. Drugs used include chlordiazepoxide, phenobarbital, and diazepam. - Typical withdrawal schedules using chlordiaze-poxide include 25 to 50 mg 4 times a day for the first 2 days, decreasing gradually to 10 mg 4 times a day for days 8 through 10. - Typical withdrawal schedules using phenobarbital include 15 to 60 mg by mouth every 4 to 6 hours as needed for the first 2 days, decreasing gradually to 15 mg by the 4th day. - Typical withdrawal schedules using diazepam include 10 mg 4 times a day; 10 mg every 2 hours as needed for withdrawal symptoms with a maximum of 150 mg/24 hours; decreasing gradually at a rate of 20 to 25 percent over approximately 5 days. - The loading dose protocol with diazepam is accomplished with doses given according to withdrawal symptomatology. When withdrawal symptoms are stabilized, the long half-life of diazepam alleviates the need for further medication in most cases. Monitor for signs and symptoms of alcohol withdrawal syndrome (AWS). The use of withdrawal assessment scales can be valuable in determining the need for further medication. Monitor for the following: - Vital signs (temperature, blood pressure, pulse) - Delirium (orientation) - Wernicke\'s encephalopathy (nystagmus) - Psychosis (hallucinations, inappropriate thinking) - Irritability (tremors, increased reflexes) - Increased autonomic reflexes (goosebumps, sweating) - Fetal well-being (fetal heart tones, sonograms, or Non-Stress Test) as appropriate for gestational age The following excerpt is from the State of Arizona Governor\'s Action Plan: Entitled: Guidelines for Identifying Substance-Exposed Newborns.  This reminds us that the detoxification and treatment of the mother is inherently linked with the infant whether long term affects are expected or not.  These maternal and infant screening guidelines to me as part of our MCH Epi coordinator work group interactions. From the Arizona intro:   ![](media/image1.jpeg){width="5.4375in" height="0.7916666666666666in"}                    [[]{.underline}](   From MCH HQE Let\'s look at some numbers: US all races births = 4 million a year so 500,000 as reported from the study above is about 12.5% users and 2% (80,000) binge drinking. AI/AN vital stats are about 40,000 births a year so a 12.5% if extrapolated gives a crude number of 5000 users and 800 a year who binge drink. There is no reason to think that we are lower than the US all races rate.  Taking another perinatal morbidity that of gestational DM prevalence of around 7% we can get the magnitude of the issue. **Suggested reading** Medical Withdrawal From Alcohol - Pregnant, Substance-Using Women, Treatment Improvement Protocol (TIP) Series 2 <> Endnotes: Pregnant, Substance-Using Women, Treatment Improvement Protocol (TIP) Series 2 <> Table of Contents: Pregnant, Substance-Using Women, Treatment Improvement Protocol (TIP) Series 2 <> Sanchez, L. Pregnancy, addiction and mental health. In: *A Guide to the Detoxification of Alcohol and Other Drug-Dependent Pregnant Women.* Cambridge, MA: Coalition on Addiction, Pregnancy, and Parenting, 1991 **See Sample Procedure (below)** **Related topics** **Fetal alcohol syndrome: does alcohol withdrawal play a role?** Alcohol use by a pregnant woman may interfere with the development of her fetus. Newborns whose mothers are intoxicated during delivery can experience withdrawal symptoms, such as tremors and even seizures. It is likely that withdrawal also can occur during fetal development. Thus, the possibility exists that withdrawal by the pregnant woman may exacerbate alcohol\'s adverse effects on her fetus. One potential mechanism through which alcohol withdrawal might damage the fetus involves the receptor for the neurotransmitter glutamate (i.e., the N-methyl-D-aspartate \[NMDA\] receptor). This receptor plays a crucial role during neuronal development. Excessive activation of the NMDA receptor, which occurs during withdrawal, may lead to neuronal cell death. Animal studies suggest that these effects may contribute to behavioral deficits following prenatal exposure to alcohol. [Thomas JD]("Thomas+JD"%5BAuthor%5D), [Riley EP]("Riley+EP"%5BAuthor%5D).Fetal alcohol syndrome: does alcohol withdrawal play a role? Alcohol Health Res World. 1998;22(1):47-53. <> **Symptoms of neonatal ethanol withdrawal** Neonatal withdrawal symptoms in 15 cases of fetal alcohol syndrome with maternal intoxication at time of delivery, reported in 9 studies, are compared with symptoms reported in 138 cases of neonatal narcotic withdrawal. Seen frequently in ethanol but rarely in narcotic withdrawal are abdominal distention and opisthotonos. Seen frequently in narcotic but rarely in ethanol withdrawal are high pitch cry, frequent yawning, excessive sucking, mottling of the skin, excoriation, nasal stuffiness, excess sweating, sleeplessness and diarrhea. Seen frequently in both are increased muscle tonicity and tremors; however, convulsions are rare in narcotic yet are fairly frequent in neonatal ethanol withdrawal [Robe LB]("Robe+LB"%5BAuthor%5D), et al Symptoms of neonatal ethanol withdrawal. Curr Alcohol. 1981;8:485-93. [[]{.underline}]( **QT prolongation in the newborn and maternal alcoholism** I discuss a newborn whose mother is addicted to alcohol. On the third day of life, the newborn was found to have ventricular tachycardia. After spontaneous termination of the abnormal rhythm, the duration of the corrected QT interval was 0.48 s. During the next days, the duration of the interval normalized, and has now remained stable for 5 years. I conclude that the so-called \"alcohol withdrawal syndrome of the newborn\" might cause postnatal prolongation of the QT interval [Krasemann T]("Krasemann+T"%5BAuthor%5D). QT prolongation in the newborn and maternal alcoholism. Cardiol Young. 2004 Oct;14(5):565-6.\ <> **Other** Alcohol withdrawal syndrome, Bayard M et al American Family Physician <> [Substance abuse in pregnancy](, UpToDate <> Alcohol withdrawal syndromes, UpToDate [[\~10]{.underline}]( Treatment of alcohol withdrawal <> Introduction to alcohol withdrawal <> Delerium Tremens <> Withdrawal Syndromes <> Drug Update: Alcohol Withdrawal - Brief Article <> **Resources** National Guidelines Clearinghouse <> Cochrane Library <> **Background** The US Surgeon General and the Secretary of Health and Human Services recommend abstinence from alcohol for women planning pregnancy, at conception, and during pregnancy because a safe level of prenatal alcohol consumption has not been determined. However, prenatal alcohol use appears to be increasing; approximately 20 percent of women will drink at least one alcoholic beverage during pregnancy. A study by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention found the rate of frequent drinking (ie, more than seven drinks per week or more than five drinks per occasion) by pregnant women increased from 0.8 to 3.5 percent between 1991 and 1995 . In addition, the overall rate of fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS) reported in 1993 was almost seven-fold higher than the 1979 rate (6.7 versus 1.0 per 10,000 births). These increases may reflect enhanced awareness and diagnosis of FAS or an absolute increase in the number of affected infants.and the diagnosis of FAS. The most recent prevalence data available comes from surveillance data from four states (Alaska, Colorado, Arizona, New York) for 1995 to 1997: prevalence of FAS was 0.3 to 1.5 cases per 1000 liveborn infants with the highest prevalence among blacks, American Indians, and Alaskan Natives. There is no exact dose-response relationship between the amount of alcohol consumed during the prenatal period and the extent of damage caused by alcohol in the infant (see below). Infants whose mothers consume alcohol during pregnancy can have fetal alcohol effects (FAE), alcohol-related birth defects (ARBD), FAS, or they may be normal. The term fetal alcohol spectrum disorder has been coined to describe the broad range of adverse sequelae in alcohol exposed offspring. Patterns of maternal alcohol consumption and socioeconomic and ethnic factors also affect outcome. For example, binge drinking exerts a potentially greater negative effect than comparable consumption of low amounts of alcohol over a several days (eg, five drinks in one sitting versus one drink a day for five days). Older maternal age, high parity, and being African-American or Native American appear to increase the risk of FAS for unknown reasons. **Identifying maternal alcohol use** --- The typical questions asked about the quantity and frequency of alcohol use are less helpful in the assessment of prenatal alcohol consumption than in other populations. This discordancy is due to modification of alcohol consumption once pregnancy is recognized and the fact that traditional alcohol screening measures were developed in male alcoholics. The T-ACE is a screening instrument designed specifically for the identification of pregnancy risk drinking, which refers to the consumption of enough alcohol to potentially harm the fetus. This is seven drinks per week according to the most recent definition. However, lesser amounts of perinatal alcohol use (more than three drinks per week) have been associated with adverse outcomes, such as a two-fold increase in spontaneous abortion. The T-ACE questions are:   ![](media/image2.png){width="6.25e-2in" height="7.291666666666667e-2in"} How many drinks does it take for you to feel high (Tolerance)?\ \   ![](media/image2.png){width="6.25e-2in" height="7.152777777777777e-2in"} Do you feel Annoyed by people complaining about your drinking?\ \   ![](media/image2.png){width="6.25e-2in" height="7.152777777777777e-2in"} Have you ever felt the need to Cut down on your drinking?\ \   ![](media/image2.png){width="6.25e-2in" height="7.152777777777777e-2in"} Have you ever had a drink first thing in the morning (Eye-opener)? One point is given for each affirmative answer to the Annoy, Cut-down, and Eye-opener questions; two points are allotted if a woman reports tolerance to more than two drinks. A score of two or more is a positive score. The overall sensitivity (ie, the probability that a woman who is a risk drinker scores positive) of T-ACE is 69 percent, with specificity of 85 percent. An in-depth discussion of screening and diagnosis of women with alcohol problems can be found separately. **Treatment** --- A positive screen provides an opportunity to proceed with a careful, non-judgmental assessment of a patient\'s current and past alcohol consumption. This focus on drinking behavior can be beneficial. As an example, one trial randomized 250 pregnant women with a positive alcohol screen and alcohol consumption in the six months before study enrollment to either comprehensive alcohol assessment only or to the same comprehensive assessment with a brief intervention. Both groups of women reduced their antepartum alcohol consumption by one to two thirds on average. The impact of assessment and brief intervention was confirmed in a follow-up randomized trial; in addition, this trial showed that including a partner chosen by the patient during treatment led to greater reduction in alcohol use, particularly among heavy drinkers. Women identified to have heavy drinking patterns and who are unlikely to reduce their consumption should be referred to professional alcohol treatment. Consistent screening for alcohol use, followed by education, assessment, and treatment referral, if indicated, will help to ensure the best possible outcome for all pregnant women and their babies. **Perinatal outcome** --- Alcohol appears to have potentially negative effects throughout pregnancy, not just the first trimester. As an example, a longitudinal study on 595 children reported that alcohol exposure during the second trimester predicted deficits in reading, spelling, and arithmetic (measured on the Wide Range Achievement Test --- Revised). The effect of prenatal alcohol exposure persisted after controlling the analysis for the relationship between IQ and achievement. Neonatal alcohol withdrawal is characterized by jitteriness, irritability, and poor feeding in the first 12 hours of life. Stillbirth and FAS are the most severe consequences of prenatal alcohol exposure. In one large epidemiologic study, an increased rate of stillbirth was noted across all categories of alcohol intake, even after adjustment for confounders (eg, smoking, prepregnancy weight). The rate of death from fetoplacental dysfunction rose from 1.37 per 1000 births for women consuming less than one drink per week to 8.83 per 1000 births for women consuming greater than or equal to five drinks per week. The prevalence of FAS among offspring of moderate to heavy drinkers (1 to 2 oz absolute alcohol per day) and chronic alcoholics is 10 to 50 percent. The diagnosis is based upon four criteria, all of which must be present:   ![](media/image2.png){width="6.25e-2in" height="7.152777777777777e-2in"} Prenatal alcohol exposure (confirmed or unconfirmed)\ \   ![](media/image2.png){width="6.25e-2in" height="7.152777777777777e-2in"} Growth restriction (prenatal and postnatal)\ \   ![](media/image2.png){width="6.25e-2in" height="7.152777777777777e-2in"} Facial malformation\ \   ![](media/image2.png){width="6.25e-2in" height="7.152777777777777e-2in"} Neurodevelopmental disorder The typical FAS face has short palpebral fissures, a thin upper lip, an abnormal philtrum, and a hypoplastic midface. Long-term problems include dental malalignment, malocclusion, myopia, and eustachian tube dysfunction. Neurodevelopmental delays include deficits in language, motor, learning, decreased IQ (mean 63), and visual-spatial functioning. Hyperactivity and attention deficits are common behavioral problems in these children, as are poor judgment and difficulty in social situations. Low-level prenatal alcohol exposure also appears to have adverse effects. There is no confirmed \"safe\" level of alcohol exposure during pregnancy **\*SAMPLE PROCEDURE:** 1. Patients to be admitted solely for alcohol withdrawal treatment are to be seen first by a physician in the ER or outpatient clinic. 2. A consistent approach to the patient is very important, and good communication among all staff is vital. 3. The goals of the admission to Inpatient for alcohol withdrawal are to monitor the patients with consistency, to medicate patients appropriately, and to assist the patient in developing a long-term plan for sobriety. 4. The local Alcohol Program and/or the local Social Services Dept. will evaluate all patients admitted for detoxification during their Inpatient stay. 5. The decision to admit outpatients for treatment of alcohol withdrawal will depend on the severity of symptoms, other medical problems, and the psychosocial home environment. The attached algorithm should assist in the decision making process. 6. The Inpatient unit is to be appropriately staffed to adequately monitor patients per the attached detoxification protocol. 7. Patients should complete the alcohol assessment from local program as soon as possible, as evidence of their commitment to long-term sobriety. 8. For Inpatients that are not eligible for local Alcohol Program, the local Social Services Dept. will network with other local Tribal Alcohol and Social Services Depts. to arrange for final disposition. 9. Alcohol Withdrawal Assessment. The initial assessment of the patient with alcoholism or drug dependency should include the spiritual orientation, family history of alcohol abuse, history of physical or sexual abuse and the patient's sexual history or orientation. 10. Treatment Categories. There are four categories that need to be addressed in respect to the need for admission to the Inpatient unit. a. Category 1: Patients with emergent medical problems also in need of alcohol withdrawal treatment. These patients obviously need admission for treatment of their emergent problem but should also have careful attention given to their withdrawal status. The following conditions require monitored treatment of withdrawal: - Severe tremulousness or hallucinosis - Significant dehydration - Fever above 101 F - Documented seizure in a patient with no known seizure disorder - Encephalopathy - Wernicke's encepholapathy (ataxia, nystagmus, internuclear opthalmoplegia) - Head trauma with a documented episode of unconsciousness - Presence of major complication or associated disease: ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` - Acute hepatic decomposition - Respiratory failure - Respiratory infection - Gastrointestinal bleeding - Pancreatitis - Severe malnutrition - Ketoacidosis - Known history of previous episodes of withdrawal that progresses to full-blown delirium, psychosis, or seizures if left untreated b. Category 2: Patients with severe acute withdrawal from alcohol or other drugs. These patients need admission for monitoring and treatment of their withdrawal state. c. Category 3: Patients in moderate withdrawal who desire help in withdrawing from drugs or alcohol. These patients should be admitted electively as space is available. They should be sober and demonstrate a firm commitment to detoxification and long term rehabilitation. Outpatient withdrawal treatment may be offered if the setting is appropriate. Outpatient withdrawal treatment can be provided if all of the following conditions apply: - The patient has a support system (family and friends) that is able to provide monitoring of medication use and withdrawal signs. - The patient's history of substance abuse, including alcohol, is of short duration. - The patient has not failed in previous attempts at outpatient withdrawal. - The patient is not suicidal. - The patient resides near medical facilities for a follow-up as needed. d. Category 4: Circumstances that permit postponement of admission are as follows: - Acutely intoxicated patients who have no desire to stop drinking. After careful assessment, these patients may be offered admission. Assistance should be offered for the family when feasible. It may be optimal to postpone the > opportunity for admission until they are sober and demonstrate a > commitment to long-term sobriety. - Acutely intoxicated patients who have been admitted to the local medical center more than two (2) times in the last 6 months for alcohol detoxification and have not committed to long term sobriety. These patients should be offered treatment options including available outpatient substance abuse counseling. Assistance should be offered for the family when feasible. It may be optimal to postpone the opportunity for admission until they are sober and demonstrate a commitment to long-term sobriety. This will be documented on the medical record. **[CCC Editorial Comment]{.underline}** It was good to see a policy in which pregnancy was not an automatic exclusion criterion. One problem is that too many alcohol treatment programs look at the patient who is pregnant as a \"dual diagnosis,\" and immediately exclude them. Hence, there are very few available beds for pregnant women for detoxification.
# A Profile # of # Older Americans: 2002 ![](media/image1.png){width="1.78125in" height="1.7638888888888888in"} # Administration on Aging # U.S. Department of Health and Human Services # Table of Contents **Highlights**.................................................................................................... 1 **The Older Population**..................................................................................... 2 **Future Growth**............................................................................................. 3 Figure 1: Number of Persons 65+, 1900 - 2030 (numbers in millions) **Marital Status**.............................................................................................. 4 Figure 2: Marital Status of Persons 65+ - 2001 **Living Arrangements**..................................................................................... 5 Figure 3:  Living Arrangements of Persons 65+: 2000\* **Racial and Ethnic Composition**.......................................................................... 6 **Geographic Distribution**.................................................................................. 6 > Figure 4: Persons 65+ as Percentage of Total Population by State: 2000 > (US Map) > > Figure 5: Percentage Increase in Population 65+ by State: 2000 (US > Map) > > Figure 6: The 65+ Population by State: 2000 (table) **Income** ..................................................................................................... 10 Figure 7: Percent Distribution by Income: 2001 **Poverty** ................................\..................................................................... 11 **Housing** ................................................................................................... 11 **Employment** .............................................................................................. 12 **Education** ................................................................................................. 12 **Health, Health Care, and Disability** ..................................................................... 12 Figure 8: Percent With Disabilities, By Age: 1997 **Special Topic:** **The Older Foreign Born Population** .............................................. 14 **Notes** ................................................................................................. 14 **Highlights \*** - The older population (65+) numbered 35.0 million in 2000 (the most recent year for which data are available), an increase of 3.7 million or 12.0% since 1990. - The number of Americans aged 45-64 -- who will reach 65 over the next two decades -- increased by 34% during this decade. - About one in every eight, or 12.4 percent, of the population is an older American. - Over 2.0 million persons celebrated their 65th birthday in 2000 (5,574 per day). - Persons reaching age 65 have an average life expectancy of an additional 17.9 years (19.2 years for females and 16.3 years for males). - Older women outnumber older men at 20.6 million older women to 14.4 million older men. - About 30 percent (9.7 million) noninstitutionalized older persons live alone (7.4 million women, 2.4 million men). - Half of older women age 75+ live alone. - Almost 400,000 grandparents aged 65 or more had the primary responsibility for their grandchildren who lived with them. - By the year 2030, the older population will more than double to about 70 million. - The 85+ population is projected to increase from 4.2 million in 2000 to 8.9 million in 2030. - Members of minority groups are projected to represent 25 percent of the older population in 2030, up from 16 percent in 2000. - The median income of older persons in 2001 was \$19,688 for males and \$11,313 for females. Real median income (after adjusting for inflation) fell by -2.6% for older people since 2000. - The Social Security Administration reported that the major sources of income for older people was: - Social Security (reported by 90 percent of older persons), - Income from assets (reported by 59 percent), - Public and private pensions (reported by 41 percent), and - Earnings (reported by 22 percent). - About 3.4 million older persons lived below the poverty level in 2001. The poverty rate for persons 65+ continued at a historically low rate of 10.1 percent. Another 2.2 million older adults were classified as \"near poor\" (income between poverty level and 125 percent of this level). ######### \*Principal sources of data for the Profile are the U.S. Bureau of the Census, the National Center on Health Statistics, and the Bureau of Labor Statistics. The Profile incorporates the latest data available but not all items are updated on an annual basis. ######### ######### ######### The Older Population The older population\--persons 65 years or older\--numbered 35.0 million in 2000 (the most recent year for which data are available). They represented 12.4% of the U.S. population, about one in every eight Americans. The number of older Americans increased by 3.7 million or 12.0% since 1990, compared to an increase of 13.3% for the under-65 population. However, the number of Americans aged 45-64 -- who will reach 65 over the next two decades -- increased by 34% during this period. In 2000, there were 20.6 million older women and 14.4 million older men, or a sex ratio of 143 women for every 100 men. The female to male sex ratio increases with age, ranging from 117 for the 65-69 age group to a high of 245 for persons 85 and over. Since 1900, the percentage of Americans 65+ has more than tripled (4.1% in 1900 to 12.4% in 2000), and the number has increased eleven times (from 3.1 million to 35.0 million). The older population itself is getting older. In 2000, the 65-74 age group (18.4 million) was eight times larger than in 1900, but the 75-84 group (12.4 million) was 16 times larger and the 85+ group (4.2 million) was 34 times larger. In 2000, persons reaching age 65 had an average life expectancy of an additional 17.9 years (19.2 years for females and 16.3 years for males). A child born in 2000 could expect to live 76.9 years, about 29 years longer than a child born in 1900. Much of this increase occurred because of reduced death rates for children and young adult. However, the past two decades have also seen reduced death rates for the population aged 65-84, especially for men -- by 19% for men aged 65-74 and by 16% for men aged 75-84. Life expectancy at age 65 increased by only 2.4 years between 1900 and 1960, but has increased by 3.7 years since 1960. Over 2.0 million persons celebrated their 65th birthday in 2000 (5,574 per day). In the same year, about 1.8 million persons 65 or older died, resulting in an annual net increase of approximately 238,000 (650 per day). There were 50,545 persons aged 100 or more in 2000 (0.02% of the total population). This is a 35% increase from the 1990 figure of 37,306. ***(Data for this section were compiled primarily from Internet releases of the U.S. Bureau of the Census and the National Center for Health Statistics).*** \- 2- Future Growth The older population will continue to grow significantly in the future ([see Figure 1]{.underline}). This growth  slowed somewhat during the 1990\'s because of the relatively small number of babies born during the Great Depression of the 1930\'s. But the older population will burgeon between the years 2010 and 2030 when the \"baby boom\" generation reaches age 65. By 2030, there will be about 70 million older persons, more than twice their number in 2000. People 65+ represented 12.4% of the population in the year 2000 but are expected to grow to be 20% of the population by 2030. Minority populations are projected to represent 25.4% of the elderly population in 2030, up from 16.4% in 2000. Between 1999 and 2030, the white\*\* population 65+ is projected to increase by 81% compared with 219% for older minorities, including Hispanics (328%), African-Americans\*\* (131%), American Indians, Eskimos, and Aleuts\*\* (147%), and Asians and Pacific Islanders\*\* (285%). ***(Sources:*** ***"Projections of the Total Resident Population by 5 Year Age Groups, Race, and Hispanic Origin with Special Age Categories: Middle Series, 1999 to 2000," U.S. Census Internet Release Date: January 13,2000 with \"Population Projections of the United States by Age, Sex, Race and Hispanic Origin: 1995-2050,\" Current Population Reports, P25-1130. Data for 2000 are from the 2000 Census.)*** ![](media/image2.wmf) ***Note: Increments in years are uneven. Based on data from the U.S. Bureau of the Census*** \- 3- Marital Status In 2001, older men were much more likely to be married as older women\--73% of men, 41% of women (Figure 2). Almost half of all older women in 2001 were widows (46%). There were over four times as many widows (8.9 million) as widowers (2.0 million). Divorced and separated (including married-spouse absent) older persons represented only 10% of all older persons in 2001. However, this percentage has increased since 1990, when approximately 7% of the older population were divorced or separated/spouse absent. ![](media/image3.wmf) ***(Based on Internet releases of data from the 2002 Current Population Survey of the U.S. Bureau of the Census)*** \- 4 - ### Living Arrangements Over half (55%) the older noninstitutionalized persons lived with their spouse in 2000. Approximately 10.1 million or 73% of older men, and 7.7 million or 41% of older women, lived with their spouse (Figure 3). The proportion living with their spouse decreased with age, especially for women. Only 28.8% of women 75+ years old lived with a spouse. About 30% (9.7 million) of all noninstitutionalized older persons in 2000 lived alone (7.4 million women, 2.4 million men). They represented 40% of older women and 17% of older men. The proportion living alone increases with advanced age. Among women aged 75 and over, for example, half (49.4%) lived alone. About 633,000 grandparents aged 65 or over maintained households in which grandchildren were present in 1997. In addition, 510,000 grandparents over 65 years lived in parent- maintained households in which their grandchildren were present. In 2000, almost 400,000 grandparents over 65 years old were the persons with primary responsibility for their grandchildren who lived with them. While a relatively small number (1.56 million) and percentage (4.5%) of the 65+ population lived in nursing homes in 2000, the percentage increases dramatically with age, ranging from 1.1% for persons 65-74 years to 4.7% for persons 75-84 years and 18.2% for persons 85+. ###### Figure 3:  Living Arrangements of Persons 65+: 2000\* ![](media/image4.wmf) ![](media/image5.wmf) ***(Based on data from U.S. Bureau of the Census.  See: \"America's Families and Living Arrangements; Population Characteristics: June, 2001, Current Population Reports, P20-537" and** **"The 65 Years and Over Population: 2000, Census 2000 Brief, October, 2001" as well as other Census 2000 data.)*** \- 5 - ### Racial and Ethnic Composition In 2000, 16.4% of persons 65+ were minorities\--8.0% were African-Americans,\*\* 2.4% were Asian or Pacific Islander,\*\* and less than 1% were American Indian or Native Alaskan.\*\* Persons of Hispanic origin (who may be of any race) represented 5.6% of the older population. In addition, 0.8% of persons 65+ identified themselves as being of two or more races. Only 6.6% of minority race and Hispanic populations were 65+ in 2000 (8.2% of African-Americans,\*\* 7.8% of Asians and Pacific Islanders,\*\* 6.0% of American Indians and Native Alaskans,\*\* 4.9% of Hispanics), compared with 15.0% of whites.\*\* ***(Data for this section were compiled from Internet releases*** ***of the Census*** ***2000 data).*** ### Geographic Distribution In 2000, about half (52%) of persons 65+ lived in nine states. California had over 3.6 million; Florida 2.8 million; New York 2.4 million; Texas 2.1 million; and Pennsylvania 1.9 million.  Ohio, Illinois, Michigan, and New Jersey each had well over 1 million (Figure 4). Person 65+ constituted 14.0% or more of the total population in 9 states in 2000 ([Figure 4]( Florida (17.6%); Pennsylvania (15.6%); West Virginia (15.3%); Iowa (14.9%); North Dakota (14.7%); Rhode Island (14.5%); Maine (14.4); South Dakota (14.3); and Arkansas (14.0%). In fourteen states, the 65+ population increased by 20% or more between 1990 and 2000 (Figure 5): Nevada (71.5%); Alaska (59.6%); Arizona (39.5%); New Mexico (30.1%); Hawaii (28.5%); Utah (26.9%); Colorado (26.3%); Delaware (26.0%); South Carolina (22.3%); Wyoming (22.2%); Texas (20.7%); North Carolina (20.5%); Idaho (20.3%); and Georgia (20.0%). The eleven jurisdictions with the highest poverty rates for elderly over the period 1998-2000 were Mississippi (17.7%); Louisiana (16.8%); District of Columbia (16.7%); Alabama (15.3%); Tennessee (15.2%); Arkansas (15.2%); New Mexico (14.5%); Kentucky (13.3%); West Virginia (13.2%); New York (13.1%); and Texas (13.0%). Most persons 65+ lived in metropolitan areas in 2000 (77.5%). About 50% of older persons lived in the suburbs, 27% lived in central cities, and 23% lived in nonmetropolitan areas. The elderly are less likely to change residence than other age groups. In 1999 only 4.2% of elderly households had moved since 1998 (compared to 16.5% of persons under 65). Among the movers, home ownership declined from 60% to 48%. **(Data for this section and for *Figure 4* were compiled primarily from Internet releases of the U.S. Bureau of the Census).** \- 6 - **Figure 4: Persons 65+ as a Percentage of Total Population  - 2000** ###### ***Based on*** ***Census 2000*** ***Data from the U.S. Bureau of the Census\ *** \- 7 - ###### Figure 5:  Percentage Increase in Population 65+ \-- 1990 to 2000 **Based on Census 2000 and 1990 Census Data.\ ** \- 8 - ---------------------- ------------- ----------- ------------- ------------- **Figure 6: The 65+ Population by State 2000** **Numbers** **Number of **Percent **Percent **Percent Persons** of All Increase Below Poverty Ages** 1990-2000** 1999-2001** **US Total** 34,991,753 12.4 12.0% 9.9 **Alabama** 579,798 13.0 10.9% 14.8 **Alaska** 35,699 5.7 59.6% 5.9 **Arizona** 667,839 13.0 39.5% 7.7 **Arkansas** 374,019 14.0 6.8% 14.2 **California** 3,595,658 10.6 14.7% 8.0 **Colorado** 416,073 9.7 26.3% 6.3 **Connecticut** 470,183 13.8 5.4% 8.4 **Delaware** 101,726 13.0 26.0% 6.9 **District of 69,898 12.2 -10.2% 16.7 Columbia** **Florida** 2,807,597 17.6 18.5% 9.0 **Georgia** 785,275 9.6 20.0% 12.4 **Hawaii** 160,601 13.3 28.5% 7.4 **Idaho** 145,916 11.3 20.3% 7.9 **Illinois** 1,500,025 12.1 4.4% 8.3 **Indiana** 752,831 12.4 8.1% 7.8 **Iowa** 436,213 14.9 2.4% 6.3 **Kansas** 356,229 13.3 4.0% 6.8 **Kentucky** 504,793 12.5 8.1% 12.4 **Louisiana** 516,929 11.6 10.2% 14.5 **Maine** 183,402 14.4 12.3% 9.7 **Maryland** 599,307 11.3 15.8% 11.4 **Massachusetts** 860,162 13.5 5.0% 10.3 **Michigan** 1,219,018 12.3 10.0% 8.0 **Minnesota** 594,266 12.1 8.7% 10.3 **Mississippi** 343,523 12.1 6.9% 17.7 **Missouri** 755,379 13.5 5.3% 8.4 **Montana** 120,949 13.4 13.6% 8.3 **Nebraska** 232,195 13.6 4.1% 9.9 **Nevada** 218,929 11.0 71.5% 8.1 **New Hampshire** 147,970 12.0 18.3% 7.8 **New Jersey** 1,113,136 13.2 7.9% 7.9 **New Mexico** 212,225 11.7 30.1% 13.6 **New York** 2,448,352 12.9 3.6% 11.8 **North Carolina** 969,048 12.0 20.5% 15.2 **North Dakota** 94,478 14.7 3.8% 11.4 **Ohio** 1,507,757 13.3 7.2% 7.3 **Oklahoma** 455,950 13.2 7.5% 11.7 **Oregon** 438,177 12.8 12.0% 6.9 **Pennsylvania** 1,919,165 15.6 4.9% 8.3 **Rhode Island** 152,402 14.5 1.2% 10.6 **South Carolina** 485,333 12.1 22.3% 13.1 **South Dakota** 108,131 14.3 5.7% 8.3 **Tennessee** 703,311 12.4 13.7% 13.0 **Texas** 2,072,532 9.9 20.7% 12.6 **Utah** 190,222 8.5 26.9% 7.8 **Vermont** 77,510 12.7 17.2% 11.5 **Virginia** 792,333 11.2 19.2% 10.4 **Washington** 662,148 11.2 15.1% 8.5 **West Virginia** 276,895 15.3 3.0% 11.6 **Wisconsin** 702,553 13.1 7.9% 7.9 **Wyoming** 57,693 11.7 22.2% 10.0 ---------------------- ------------- ----------- ------------- ------------- **(Compiled by the Administration on Aging from Table DP-1. Profile of General Demographic** **Characteristics for the United States:** **1999-2001; poverty data is from the** **Current Population Surveys)** \- 9 - ### ### ### ### ### **Income** The median income of older persons in 2001 was \$19,688 for males and \$11,313 for females. Real median income of older people (after adjusting for inflation) fell by -2.6% since 2000. Households containing families headed by persons 65+ reported a median income in 2001 of \$33,938 (\$34,661 for Whites, \$26,610 for African-Americans, and \$24,287 for Hispanics). About one of every nine (10.7%) family households with an elderly householder had incomes less than \$15,000 and 48.1% had incomes of \$35,000 or more (Figure 7). ###### Figure 7: Percent Distribution by Income: 2001\* ![](media/image10.wmf) ***\$33,936*** ***median for 11.6 million family households 65+  *** ![](media/image11.wmf) ***\$14,152*** ***median for 32.9*** ***million persons 65+ reporting income*** \- 10 - For all older persons reporting income in 2001 (32.9 million), 31.8% reported less than \$10,000. Only 31.2% reported \$25,000 or more. The median income reported was \$14,152. The major sources of income as reported by the Social Security Administration for older persons in 2000 were Social Security (reported by 90% of older persons), income from assets (reported by 59%), public and private pensions (reported by 41%), and earnings (reported by 22%). In 2000, Social Security benefits accounted for 38% of the aggregate income of the older population. The bulk of the remainder consisted of earnings (23%), assets (18%), and pensions (18%). ***(Based on data from Current Population Reports, \"Money*** ***Income in the United States: 2001,\" P60-218, issued September, 2002,  by the U.S. Bureau of the Census, related Census Internet releases, and from the 2001*** ***Annual Supplement to the Social Security Bulletin)*** ### Poverty About 3.4 million elderly persons (10.1%) were below the poverty level in 2001. This poverty rate was not statistically different from the historic low reached in 1999. Another 2.2 million or 6.5% of the elderly were classified as \"near-poor\" (income between the poverty level and 125% of this level). One of every twelve (8.9%) elderly Whites was poor in 2001, compared to 21.9% of elderly African-Americans and 21.8% of elderly Hispanics. Higher than average poverty rates for older persons were found among those who lived in central cities (12.8%), outside metropolitan areas (i.e. rural areas) (12.2%), and in the South (12.4%). Older women had a higher poverty rate (12.4%) than older men (7.0%) in 2000. Older persons living alone or with nonrelatives were much more likely to be poor (19.7%) than were older persons living with families (5.5%). The highest poverty rates (50.5%) were experienced by older Hispanic women who lived alone or with nonrelatives. ***(Based on data from Current Population Reports, \"Poverty in the United States: 2001,\" P60-219, Issued September, 2002*** ***and related Internet releases of the U.S. Bureau of the Census).*** ### Housing 0f the 21.8 million households headed by older persons in 2001, 80% were owners and 20% were renters. The median family income of older homeowners was \$23,409. The median family income of older renters was \$12,233. In 2001, 41% of older householders spent more than one-fourth of their income on housing costs, compared to 39% of for homeowners of all ages. For homes occupied by older householders in 2001, the median year of construction was 1963 (it was 1970 for all householders) and 5.4% had physical problems. In 2001, the median value of homes owned by older persons was \$107,398, compared to a median home value of \$123,887 for all homeowners. About 73% of older homeowners in 2001 owned their homes free and clear. ***(Source:*** ***\"American Housing Survey for the United States in 2001, Current Housing Reports\" H150/01.)*** \- 11 - ### Employment In 2001, 4.3 million (13.1 %) Americans age 65 and over were in the labor force (working or actively seeking work), including 2.5 million men (17.7%) and 1.8 million women (9.7%). They constituted 3.0% of the U.S. labor force. About 3.0% were unemployed. Labor force participation of men 65+ decreased steadily from 2 of 3 in 1900 to 15.8% in 1985, and has stayed at 16%-18% since then. The participation rate for women 65+ rose slightly from 1 of 12 in 1900 to 10.8% in 1956, fell to 7.3% in 1985, and has been around 8%-10% since 1988. ***(Source:*** ***Bureau of Labor Statistics web-site:*** ### Education The educational level of the older population is increasing. Between 1970 and 2001, the percentage who had completed high school rose from 28% to 70% About 17% in 2001 had a bachelor\'s degree or more. The percentage who had completed high school varied considerably by race and ethnic origin among older persons in 2001: 74% of Whites, 63% of Asians and Pacific Islanders,^\*\*\*\*\*^ 51% of African-Americans, and 35% of Hispanics. ***(Sources:*** ***Current Population Survey, March Demographic Supplement, 2001 and related tables on the Census Bureau web site; also: \"Educational Attainment in the United States (Update): March 2000,\" P20-536.)*** ### Health, Health Care, and Disability In 2000, 27.0% of older persons assessed their heath as fair or poor (compared to 9.0% for all persons). There was little difference between the sexes on this measure, but older African-Americans (41.6%) and older Hispanics (35.1%) were much more likely to rate their health as fair or poor than were older Whites (26%).\*\*\*\* Limitations on activities because of chronic conditions increase with age. In 2000, among those 65-74 years old, 26.1 percent reported a limitation caused by a chronic condition. In contrast, almost half (45.1%) of those 75 years and over reported they were limited by chronic conditions. In 1997, more than half of the older population (54.5%) reported having at least one disability of some type (physical or nonphysical). Over a third (37.7%) reported at least one severe disability. Over 4.5 million (14.2%) had difficulty in carrying out activities of daily living (ADLs) and 6.9 million (21.6%) reported difficulties with instrumental activities of daily living (IADLs). This is in sharp contrast to the much lower levels in the 25-64 populations of ADL difficulties (2.8%) and IADL difficulties (4%). \[ADLs include bathing, dressing, eating, and getting around the house. IADLs include preparing meals, shopping, managing money, using the telephone, doing housework, and taking medication\]. The percentages with disabilities increase sharply with age (Figure 8). Disability takes a much heavier toll on the very old. Almost three-fourths (73.6%) of those aged 80+ report at least one disability. Over half (57.6%) of those aged 80+ had one or more severe disabilities and 34.9% of the 80+ population reported \- 12 - needing assistance as a result of disability. There is a strong relationship between disability status and reported health status. Among those 65+ with a severe disability, 68.0% reported their health as fair or poor. Among the 65+ persons who reported no disability, only 10.5% reported their health as fair or poor. Presence of a severe disability is also associated with lower income levels and educational attainment. ###### Figure 8: Percent With Disabilities, By Age: 1997 Most older persons have at least one chronic condition and many have multiple conditions. The most frequently occurring conditions per 100 elderly in 1996 were: arthritis (49), hypertension (36), hearing impairments (30), heart disease (27), cataracts (17), orthopedic impairments (18), sinusitis (12), and diabetes (10). Older people had about four times the number of days of hospitalization (1.8 days) as did the under 65 aged population (0.4 days) in 2000. The average length of a hospital stay was 6.4 days for older people, compared to only 4.6 days for all people. The average length of stay for older people has decreased 6 days since 1964. Older persons averaged more contacts with doctors in 2000 than did persons of all ages (7.0 contacts vs. 3.7 contacts). In 2000, older consumers averaged \$3,493 in out-of-pocket health care expenditures, an increase of more than half since 1990. In contrast, the total population spent considerably less, averaging \$2,182 in out-of-pocket costs. Older Americans spent 12.6%of their total expenditures on health, more than twice the proportion spent by all consumers (5.5%). Health costs incurred on average by older consumers in 2000 consisted of \$1,775 (51%) for insurance, \$884 (25%) for drugs, \$693 (20%) for medical services, and \$142 (4%) for medical supplies. ###### (*Sources: Health United States: 2002;* *Current Population Reports, \"Americans with Disabilities, 1997\" P70-73, February 2001 and related Internet data;* *Internet releases of the Census Bureau, the National Center on Health Statistics; and the Bureau of Labor Statistics) * > \- 13 - **Special Topic:** **The Older Foreign Born Population** There were 3.1 million foreign born persons aged 65 or more in 2000. More than one-third (39%) of this older foreign born is from Europe and another 31% is from Latin America; 22% is from Asia; and 8% is from other parts of the world. In the future, the older foreign born are more likely to be from Latin America or Asia. Almost two-thirds of the older foreign born have lived in the US for more than 30 years. About one-third of the older foreign born live in the West. The older foreign born are more likely than their native counterparts to live in family households. Eight of ten older foreign born men are married; nearly half of older foreign-born women are widowed. Older foreign-born women are much more likely to live alone than older foreign-born men. The poverty rate is higher for the older foreign born than for the older native population. Households with older foreign-born householders participate in means-tested programs at higher rates than households with older native householders. ***\[Source: "The Older Foreign-Born Population of the United States: 2000," P23-211, September, 2002, U.S. Bureau of the Census\]*** ###### Notes: \*Principal sources of data for the Profile are the U.S. Bureau of the Census, the National Center on Health Statistics, and the Bureau of Labor Statistics. The Profile incorporates the latest data available but not all items are updated on an annual basis. \*\*Excludes persons of Hispanic origin. \*\*\*Calculated on the basis of the official poverty definitions for the years 19998-2001 \*\*\*\*1996 figure \*\*\*\*\*Census 2000 figure *A Profile of Older Americans: 2002* was prepared by the Administration on Aging (AoA), U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. The annual Profile of Older Americans was originally developed and researched by Donald G. Fowles, AoA. Saadia Greenberg, AoA, updated the 2002 edition.  Editions of the Profile prior to 2000 were printed by AARP. AoA serves as an advocate for the elderly within the federal government and is working to encourage and coordinate a responsive system of family and community based services throughout the nation. AoA helps states develop comprehensive service systems which are administer by 56 State and Territorial Units on Aging, 655 Area Agencies on Aging, 226 Native American and Hawaiian organizations, and more than 29,000 local service providers. \- 14 -
# Presentation: 542647 ## Communications Technology Group - Status Report to the Commercial Mobile Service Alert Advisory Committee - May 16, 2007 - Brian K. Daly, CTG Leader ## CTG Mission - The primary mission of the Communications Technology Group (CTG) is to develop and submit recommendations for relevant technical standards for devices and equipment and technologies used by electing commercial mobile service (CMS) providers to transmit emergency alerts to subscribers (see WARN Act §603(c)(3)). Furthermore, per WARN Act §603(c)(6), the CTG will develop recommendations for a process under which CMS providers can elect to transmit emergency alerts if: - A) not all of the devices or equipment used by such provider are capable of receiving such alerts or; - B) the provider cannot offer such alerts throughout the entirety of its service area. - Furthermore, the CTG will support development of technical standards for priority transmission of alerts by electing CMS providers to subscribers (WARN Act 603(c)(2)). - Finally, the CTG will support the development of recommendations for the technical capability to transmit emergency alerts by electing CMS providers to subscribers in languages in addition to English, to the extent feasible and practicable. See WARN Act §603(c)(4)). ## Status - CTG Issues to Address - Recommendations for technologies and methods permitting the efficient transmission of messages to potentially the entire subscriber base of an operator – *First reported in March*: - The CTG is defining Service Profiles which prescribe the underlying delivery attributes - Goal is to define service profiles and *not* specific delivery technologies - If an Operator elects to transmit alerts they should have the option to use any available technology that supports a given profile - Permit the distribution of alerts with the appropriate priorities as indicated by the AIG. - Messages will be delivered in the order received; prioritization and sequencing to be performed at the Interface or Gateway - Recommendations on methods permitting the targeting of alerts to specific geographic regions or locales, thereby enabling use of this important emergency service by other alerting authorities, including state and local governments. - CTG has developed working assumptions on geo-targeting to be presented in this briefing ## Status - CTG Issues to Address - Recommendations on handset and device technologies appropriate for alerting services – *First reported in March*. - CTG Device Ad Hoc is addressing key issues surrounding the handset and device technologies - The needs of non-English subscribers as well as people with special needs, including people with disabilities and the elderly. - CTG is addressing issues surrounding the support of multi-languages; further details provided in this briefing ## Status - CTG Issues to Address - To ensure that this critical emergency service continues to evolve with technology supporting it, the CTG should also consider recommendations permitting the incorporation of planned service improvements, such as expected multimedia and broadband services, into their CMS alerting capability – *First reported in March*. - CTG is in the process of defining service profiles for audio, video, and multimedia for broadband multimedia networks of the future - The CTG will develop recommendations to facilitate eventual alignment of the Advisory Committee’s recommendations with relevant standards organizations focused on the development of mobile communication standards to support its continued evolution and adaptation. - Standards recommendations will be provided after all technology recommendations are known ## CTG Status - Monthly multi-day face-to-face meetings with interim conference calls - Since last report, held 2 face-to-face meetings and 3 conference calls - First draft of CTG Requirements & Architecture document has been developed by the CTG for internal review - Coordinating with the other working groups - Liaisons being sent to other working groups - On track for making recommendations to the Project Management Group per the project schedule and assignment of responsibilities ## CTG Statistics (Totals) | | As of March 12th | Current | | --- | --- | --- | | Number of Assigned Doc Numbers | 109 | 145 | | Number of Docs with Revisions | 158 | 236 | | Number of Liaison Docs | 8 | 23 | | Number of Action Items | 10 | 20 | | Number of Face-to-Face Meetings & Days | 2 meetings over 4 days | 4 meetings over 9 days | | Number of Conference Calls of CTG & Ad-Hocs | 15 | 18 | ## CTG Participants - Substantial work effort with over 30 CMSAAC delegates and subject matter experts: - Cingular (Leader) - Sprint-Nextel (Deputy Leader) - Alltel - American Association of Paging Carriers - Rural Cellular Association - T-Mobile - Verizon - Ericsson - Motorola - Nokia - Nortel - Qualcomm ## Project Timelines & Milestones - Next 3 months - Complete service profile definitions - Address special needs requirements - Address battery life issues - Define recommendations for handset and device technologies - Complete gateway to wireless interface definition - Finalize use cases - Address UNG comments to handset and device technologies - Address OAM&P recommendations - Evaluate security requirements - Define technology evolution path to multimedia and broadband - Address alignment with standards - August - All technical issues resolved - Final delivery of CTG requirements to the PMG - September - Address final comments from all working groups ## Service Profiles - The CTG is continuing the process of defining ***service profiles*** - Service Profiles define the underlying delivery attributes - Include text, audio, video, and multimedia - Text is underlying “common denominator” service profile - Defined Audio service profile and underlying working assumptions for future multimedia broadcast technologies - Work on video & multimedia service profiles in progress ## Draft Conclusions for Audio, Video & Multimedia - The CMAS service profiles for text, audio, video, and multimedia messages are for the transmission of text data, audio files, video files, and multimedia files and not for the presentation of real-time content - Sending audio files (e.g. *wav* files) via cell broadcast is not efficient, practical, or feasible. - In the future, more advanced multimedia broadcast technologies for mobile devices may provide the capabilities to support audio based alerts ## Draft Conclusions for Audio, Video & Multimedia - Alignment is necessary between alert origination capabilities and CMAS capabilities: - CMAS is not capable of providing the real-time audio broadcast of a Presidential alert - Presidential alerts could be delivered over CMAS using text-based messaging. ## Draft Conclusions for Audio, Video & Multimedia - The Alerting Gateway is responsible for collecting and assembling all text, audio, video, and multimedia components of the CMAS messages to be given to the wireless operators for transmission - If the CAP includes a Resource Element that includes an URI, it is not expected that the wireless service provider will be required to retrieve the file specified by the URI - The Alerting Gateway will retrieve the associated file during the collection and assembly process for the CMAS alert message and deliver it to the wireless service provider - Any audio, video, and multimedia files collected for the CMAS alert messages must be provided to the wireless service provider in a standard set of formats which are to be jointly defined by the CTG and AGG - Transcoding and transmission of audio, video, or multimedia files into the formats supported by the mobile devices is the responsibility of the Wireless Service Provider Gateway and/or the Wireless Service Provider Infrastructure ## Battery Life Concerns - Mobile device & battery technology has progressed to provide significant standby and talk times for mobile devices - Subscribers expectations are set - Technologies which provide broadcast capability may have an impact on these expectations ## Battery Life Concerns - ETSI TR 102 444 V1.1.1 (2006-02), **Analysis of the Short Message Service (SMS) and Cell Broadcast Service (CBS) for Emergency Messaging applications** - “A MS (i.e., handset) normally has to be specifically enabled by the subscriber to receive CBS messages. Once enabled, **mobile manufacturer's** **report a considerable drain on battery life**, although there are techniques in the specifications (DRX) to reduce this problem. Concerns have been raised by mobile manufacturers on the effectiveness of DRX, as any enabling of CBS, with or without DRX can reduce the "talk time" of their products, which is a key marketing differentiator. **For this reason, MS's (i.e. handsets) are normally shipped with the Cell Broadcast feature switched off.**” ## Battery Life Concerns - June 3rd 2004 the following statement from the GSM Association (GSMA) to 3GPP T2 working group on mobile devices - “.....When cell broadcast monitoring of a channel is enabled, there is significant battery drain on the terminal device, as it continually monitors for incoming CB pages on that channel. For some handsets this can reduce the standby time **by up to 50%.** (This is especially inefficient if the page data on the channel never changes or is seldom changed) .....” ## Battery Life Concerns - In addition, CMAS parameters impact battery life - Number of languages (open issue to be addressed) - Number of unique messages - Number of retransmissions - Duration of Audio Alert Tone and/or Vibration on mobile device - Additional handset and system capabilities to support CMA ## CTG Steps to Address Battery Life Concerns - Review the existing studies and determine if they are still valid and applicable to CMAS - Also identify if any similar studies are available for CDMA and paging technologies - Evaluate battery life impact of user needs requirements - E.g. battery life impacts to flashing and/or vibrating the devices every few minutes when an alert is received - Understand the estimated frequency of CMAS alerts and how this impacts battery life ## Steps to Address Battery Life Concerns (continued) - CTG-member mobile device manufacturers and wireless operators asked to provide an analysis of the impacts of CMAS to mobile device battery life and identify any mechanisms to minimize impact to battery life (e.g., DRX in GSM) - Investigate impacts to mobile device battery life from any trials or deployments of the technology, either commercially or for an alerting service - Investigate using the Idaho National Lab Wireless Testbed to evaluate the battery life issue under various alerting scenarios ## Geo-targeting Draft Conclusions - The minimum precision for geo-targeted geography for CMA will be the county - A Service Provider may elect to target smaller areas if they chose and the technology supports it, but it will not be required - The Service Provider is not required to dynamically match alert geography to RF coverage areas - A Service Provider shall not be required to divulge cell site information, coverage information, or any RF properties of their respective networks - The Service Provider shall be the sole agent responsible for determining which network facilities, elements, or locations are involved in transmitting a CMA to a mobile device - A Service Provider could use either (or both) the latitude/longitude coordinates (e.g. circle or polygon) or the FIPS Codes or equivalent over reference point “C” - Expectation is both will be provided ## Draft Conclusions for Alerting - Alert Type - Audio - Single Unique Audio Tone defined for all CMA message types - Limited by audio safety limits - Vibration Motor - Suggested – Single Unique Vibration cadence for all CMA message types for devices that can support vibration cadences - Not all handsets support vibration patterns - Force of vibration limited by hardware (including size) - Incoming CMA will not Override Personal Audio/Vibration Settings on the Mobile Device - CMA will follow the profile settings - E.g. if user sets mobile device in Vibrate or Silent mode, the Unique CMA Audio Tone will not override that setting ## Language Support - CTG is evaluating feasibility and practicality of supporting languages in addition to English - Fundamental technical problems to reliably implement languages in addition to English - Alert source must provide CMA message in language(s) other than English if CMA recommendation is to support multi-languages - Service providers will not be responsible for language translations - Additional languages increases the cost and complexity in the handset and in the network - Mobile Device may have character set limitations - Additional Character sets limit the amount of data that can be transmitted - For example, some character sets take 2 Bytes per character versus 1 Byte per character  70 characters is now 35 characters ## Language Support (continued) - _Fundamental question_: How many languages other than English are feasible and practical for CMA? - On a National basis, only Spanish exceeds 1% of households* - On a local basis, there are potentially more than 37 languages that exceed 1% of households* - Would required >16 different character sets to be supported in the mobile device - * Per 2000 U.S. Census data ## Language Support (continued) - Radio Resource Limitations - Text service profile is limited to approximately 70 characters - Each alert may be retransmitted - Reducing the number of Alerts supported - Multiple Alerts Types may occur simultaneously - Reducing the number of Alerts supported - Each added language will proportionally decrease the number of Alerts supported - Fixed Number of Alerts Supported **CTG Is Evaluating Support for Spanish as a 2****nd**** Language for CMA** ## Summary - Several key issues are being addressed, including - Battery Life - Multi-language - CTG is working well with other CMSAAC working groups - CTG is on track for providing recommendations to the PMG by August, 2007
# Presentation: 002416 ## MiniBooNE Status *Eric Prebys* - FNAL Beams Division ## A Cautionary Tale About the Beamline - Look at the number of multiwires in your design. - Increase the number. - People will tell you this is not necessary. - These people are lying. - Power up the beamline with your design optics. - Do a power on access to verify all magnet polarities and control paths. - People will tell you this is not necessary. - These people are lying. - Now on to the Booster... ## Protons to MiniBooNE this Week - Total - MiniBooNE - Stacking ## In Short... - MiniBooNE is running. - We typically take 1.5-2.0 times as many protons as stacking. - This number needs to go up by about a factor of 8. ## What it Limiting MiniBooNE - (Longitudinal?) instabilities in the Booster are limiting the per pulse intensity to ~4E12 ppp. - Normalized tunnel losses limit the total protons to about 2E16 pph when the Booster is running well. - Beam power loss limit (currently 400 W) is similar. - Heating in the extraction septum (MP02) currently limits MiniBooNE rate to ~.9 Hz during stacking. ## Effect of Longitudinal Damping - High Dispersion Region - No Dampers - Dampers Working - Occasional Bad Pulse at High Intensity (trips loss monitors) ## Tunnel Losses ## Limit Summary ## A Fairly Bad 9 Hour Period - Per pulse intensity (E12) - MiniBooNE rate (p/hr) - Booster Power Loss ## Plan - New Power Supply is Ready for MP02. Negotiating time to connect. - At the same time, we will do a magnet move which should improve some of the worst losses (L13, L22, L24). - Review of collimator shielding design on Monday. Build and install shielding over next few months to bring collimators on line. - Progress in beam position correction. Soon implemented full time. - New extraction septum installed during January shutdown.
WEBCAST TRANSCRIPT Transcript of "Smallpox Vaccine Program: Communications with the Public and Stakeholders"\ Presented by Dr. Glen Nowak, 5 December 2002, on the satellite broadcast of "CDC Bioterrorism Update: Smallpox Preparedness" (Associated graphics can be found at []( and []( Glen Nowak, PhD, Associate Director, Health Communications, National Immunization Program, CDC (Slides 1 and 2 are title and objectives, respectively) # NOWAK: Good communications planning begins with a brief situation analysis. ## Slide 3 In the case of smallpox, smallpox vaccination preparedness programs need to keep in mind they will affect a wide range of people, from response team members to emergency responders to the general public. And we should also assume that most people, including healthcare professionals have relatively little knowledge about smallpox and small smallpox vaccination. After all, smallpox and smallpox vaccination have not been things we've had to worry about for over 30 years. ## Slide 4 At CDC when we developed our smallpox preparedness communication plans, we began by articulating what our goals were. We have four primary goals. The first goal with our smallpox preparedness communication plan is to increase awareness and understanding of smallpox preparedness activities, including the recommendations on who should be vaccinated. Our plans are also designed to help instill and educate the public \-- or help instill and extend public confidence in national, state and local ability to respond to and effectively manage a smallpox release or outbreak. ## Slide 5 Our third communication goal is to provide accurate, consistent, timely and comprehensive information and resources. We have learned that there are many audiences and these audiences need to have a wide range of materials. Our fourth goal is to assist state, local and health care professional communication efforts. ## Slide 6 In terms of developing effective state smallpox preparedness communication plans, there are a number of steps and a number of things that need to be kept in mind. I want to walk through a few of them right now. ## Slide 7 The first thing is, what should you assume when you\'re developing your smallpox communication plans? ## Slide 8 At CDC we\'re making a number of assumptions that help us in our strategies and planning. The first assumption we're making is that most people, including health care providers, need more information about smallpox disease, smallpox vaccine and smallpox vaccination. Again, you need to keep in mind that for many people, these have not been topics that have been recently discussed. ## Slide 9 A second assumption that we\'re making here at CDC, and we recommend that others make, is that smallpox vaccinations will generate interests and requests for information from many people. This includes the public, the media and the family of those affected. There will be a lot of people interested in what smallpox is, a lot of people interested in the specifics of smallpox vaccination and we need to be prepared to answer and respond to requests from a lot of different sources. ## Slide 10 A third assumption we should make in developing communication plans is that we\'re going to need many systems to distribute our messages, to provide updates and to provide information to a wide range of people. One of the things that will probably be invaluable in this effort is developing partnerships and networks that can help get messages, updates and materials to the intended target audiences. ## Slide 11 A fourth assumption that communication planners should make is that the first serious adverse reactions whether they are claimed or real, will generate much local and national media attention and public interest. People are going to want to know the specifics about what happened, why the person may have had the adverse reaction and what is being done as a result of this report. ## Slide 12 The second thing that communication planners need to keep in mind is that they need to recognize and prepare for what we\'re calling smallpox communication realities. ## Slide 13 There are a number of things that we need to keep in mind about smallpox communications, but the ones I want to list here are probably the most important. First, it is very helpful if you anticipate the questions and concerns that different audiences will have regarding your smallpox preparedness efforts. One of the things we recommend doing is taking and listing your specific target audiences and then trying to write down for each of the audiences the kinds of questions, the kinds of interests and kinds of concerns that those audiences may have and then trying to formulate answers to those questions right now. The second thing that people need to be prepared to do is that it\'s helpful to have more messages, more materials, more resources prepared in advance and ready before a smallpox vaccination begins or before there is a confirmed case of outbreak. The more messages, materials and resources that you have prepared in advance, the better you will be able to manage the communications needs. ## Slide 14 It\'s also important to recognize that different groups and audiences will have different information questions, different information needs and different interests. And that one brochure, one pamphlet, one fact sheet is not likely to serve all those different audiences. Rather, you need to keep in mind that different groups will have different ways of being reached, they will have different sources that they rely on for information, they will use different media to learn about these recommendations and finally, they will have different educational, cultural and occupational backgrounds. These backgrounds will affect the kinds of things they\'re interested in and will also affect the kinds of things we need to provide in order to reach their needs. ## Slide 15 State and local smallpox preparedness communication plans need to address five key elements. I\'m going to walk through them now. ## Slide 16 The first element that your plan needs to address is the target populations or audiences. You need to start by identifying the primary populations or audiences that you need to reach with your messages and your efforts. There are at least four audiences that we think are important. The first audience is, the people for whom smallpox vaccination is now recommended. This group of people is going to have a number of questions and a number of needs relative to communications and education. A second group is people for whom smallpox vaccination is now recommended but who are contraindicated or are not interested in receiving smallpox vaccine. These people are going to want reassurances that they, too, are protected without being vaccinated. A fourth group \-- or a third group is people for whom vaccination \-- the vaccination recommendation may be extended to. There are obviously some people who will be among the first to receive smallpox vaccination and others for whom smallpox vaccination is recommended, but they will not be part of the immediate vaccination efforts. These people will have questions as to when will they be able to receive smallpox vaccine and why will they have to wait for a few weeks before they can get it? A fourth group that you need to be prepared for is the general public. And this includes the media. You need to be thinking about the kinds of messages that you want to disseminate and provide to members of the general public about your program and about these recommendations. ## Slide 17 The second important thing to do in terms of developing a communications plan is to articulate or develop your primary communications messages. And you need to do this on two levels. First, what are your overall communications messages? What do you want to say to everybody? After you\'ve articulated or identified those messages, the next thing you need to do is identify the primary messages for each of your identified populations or audiences. At CDC we have a number of primary messages regarding smallpox vaccination. I want to touch upon five of them. ## Slide 18 One of our first messages is in regards to the likelihood of a smallpox release or outbreak. And at CDC what our primary message is there, is that the probability of an intentional release of smallpox virus is low but since the consequences would be great, we must be prepared. ## Slide 19 Our second primary message speaks to the need for these recommendations and the purpose of these recommendations. These recommendations strengthen national and state preparedness by making licensed vaccine available to those people who would be called upon to respond to a smallpox release or outbreak. ## Slide 20 Our third primary message speaks to why it\'s important that these people receive smallpox vaccination. And the message there is that smallpox vaccination before a confirmed smallpox case or outbreak provides response team members and other first responders personal protection from smallpox disease. ## Slide 21 Thanks to this personal protection from smallpox disease it enables them to rapidly take the actions necessary to protect the public, which includes identifying people who need to be vaccinated to control the outbreak as well as establishing public vaccination clinics. In other words, by vaccinating the people who would first be called upon to respond to a smallpox outbreak, we are strengthening our ability to quickly and effectively respond and in doing so, we are protecting the public. ## Slide 22 In terms of summarizing the CDC\'s primary messages, what you see here are \-- the bottom line \-- by protecting those people who would initially be called upon to respond, we, one, further strengthen our ability to protect the public and, two, we increase the capacity and capabilities of the public health system and the nation\'s hospitals to respond to and control a smallpox outbreak. ## Slide 23 The third part of effective communications plans is to get prepared now to communicate about vaccine reactions, vaccine risks and adverse events. We have learned there\'s much interest among people when it comes to immunization about the kinds of reactions that are typical, the risks associated with immunization and vaccine adverse events, including how to recognize them, how to respond to them, and who to call if a person thinks that they may be experiencing an adverse event. You need to have all that information ready to go right now in order to effectively communicate to people when they want that information. Related, you need to establish your systems and methods for getting messages, information, and materials to your intended populations today. ## Slide 24 Finally, can you also expect there\'s going to be a lot of interest and demand from the media, the public and policymakers for information and it\'s important that you establish the protocols for meeting those demands. You should assume there will be frequent, perhaps daily information requests from the media and the public. They will want updates, status reports. They\'ll be interested in the number of people who are eligible to be vaccinated, the number of people you have vaccinated, the number of people who have suffered reactions to the vaccine. You need to have systems in place to get that kind of information on a regular and frequent basis and also have systems in place so that the media and members of the public know where to get that information. ## Slide 25 One of the things we strongly encourage states and others to do in terms of the communications efforts is to use the CDC\'s smallpox-related resources and materials and to tailor them as appropriate and necessary. ## Slide 26 At CDC we have been working to develop a wide range of materials and our portfolio materials can be found on our main CDC website. We have a specific address for smallpox resources, []( On the CDC website, you will also find a large number of materials available in Spanish. We have also developed a smallpox resource kit for health professionals. This resource kit contains a wide range of materials, including educational materials for perspective patients about smallpox and smallpox immunization. ## Slide 27 In terms of materials that are available for the public, the CDC is working to develop a portfolio of fact sheets. We currently have fact sheets on smallpox disease, on smallpox vaccine, on who should not receive the smallpox vaccine, on reactions after smallpox vaccination. We have information on live virus vaccines and vaccinia. We have a list of frequently asked questions and answers. These materials are available in not only English, but also are available in Spanish. ## Slide 28 The CDC website also houses a wide range of materials for clinicians and healthcare providers. It ranges from in depth resources to, again, one page or two-page fact sheets. In terms of in-depth resources, people can find the *Smallpox Response Plan Guidelines*, which includes the *Smallpox Vaccination Clinic Guide* on the CDC website. We also have information on medical management of smallpox and vaccinia vaccine adverse events and we have a CD-ROM that is available, included on the website on *What Every Clinician Should Know* about smallpox and smallpox immunization. You can also find an image library. There are images on the CDC website that show what smallpox looks like as a disease, as well as reactions to smallpox vaccination, including vaccine adverse reactions. ## Slide 29 We have fact sheets on adverse reactions following smallpox, we have fact sheets on smallpox vaccine. We also have the vaccine information statement for smallpox available on the CDC website. We also have training tools and materials. This includes webcasts, slide presentations, smallpox vaccination and adverse events training modules and finally, we have telephone information services for both the public and health care professionals. ## Slide 30 In terms of concluding advice, there are three points I would like to leave you with \-- first, remember that communication needs will be ongoing. There will be things that people will be interested in before smallpox vaccinations begin, during the program and after smallpox vaccinations begin. Communication needs are something that are going to have to be responded to regularly. Second, be prepared to respond to daily information requests. These requests are likely come from the media, the public and from people for whom smallpox vaccination is now recommended. And finally, get prepared for immediately and effectively responding to vaccine safety questions and issues. The more prepared you are today, the better you will be should the need arise. Thank you. For more information, visit [](, or call the CDC public response hotline\ at (888) 246-2675 (English), (888) 246-2857 (Español), or (866) 874-2646 (TTY)
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F | | | | | | +--------------+---------------+-----------+---------+------+--------+ | **Contractor | | | | | | | In | | | | | | | vestigation/ | | | | | | | Resolution** | | | | | | | | | | | | | | CAUSE - | | | | | | | DISCREPANT | | | | | | | FURNACE. | | | | | | | 11/21/83 PRB | | | | | | | STATUS - | | | | | | | CLEARED BY | | | | | | | (GNC) | | | | | | | | | | | | | | GOV\'T | | | | | | | NO | | | | | | | NCOMPLIANCE, | | | | | | | MMC HAS | | | | | | | CLOSEOUT | | | | | | | INFO ON PQR | | | | | | | ITEMS. | | | | | | | 2/1/83 - REQ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | BACK-UP | | | | | | | DATA. | | | | | | | 2/7/83 - | | | | | | | REC\'D | | | | | | | BACK-UP | | | | | | | DATA. 2/8/84 | | | | | | | RESOLUTION - | | | | | | | SENSOR | | | | | | | | | | | | | | OVERHEATING | | | | | | | (TO +610 DEG | | | | | | | F QUAL AT | | | | | | | 360 DEG F) | | | | | | | RESULTED | | | | | | | FROM \'OUT | | | | | | | OF | | | | | | | | | | | | | | CONTROL\' | | | | | | | OVEN DUE TO | | | | | | | DEFECTIVE | | | | | | | SAFETY | | | | | | | CONTROLS & | | | | | | | POOR | | | | | | | (PERSONNEL) | | | | | | | | | | | | | | JUDGEMENT BY | | | | | | | USING OVEN | | | | | | | WITH | | | | | | | DEFECTS. | | | | | | | DAMAGE WAS | | | | | | | LIMITED TO 7 | | | | | | | SENSORS | | | | | | | | | | | | | | IN OVEN AT | | | | | | | TIME OF | | | | | | | INCIDENT, | | | | | | | HOWEVER ALL | | | | | | | 49 SENSORS | | | | | | | (INCLUDING | | | | | | | 42 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | SUSPECT) | | | | | | | WERE | | | | | | | RETURNED TO | | | | | | | VENDOR. | | | | | | | FURNACE | | | | | | | MONITOR | | | | | | | CHART FOR 1 | | | | | | | MO. 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# Presentation: 914959 ## Madden/Julian Oscillation: Recent Evolution, Current Status and Forecasts **Update prepared by** **Climate Prediction Center / NCEP** ** ****January 1, 2007** ## Outline ** ****Overview** ** ****Recent Evolution and Current Conditions** ** ****Madden Julian Oscillation Forecast ** ** ****Summary** ## Overview - The latest observations indicate the development of a moderate to strong MJO. - During week 1, there is an increased chance for above (below) normal rainfall extending from the Maritime Continent into the western Pacific Ocean (sections of Brazil) due to the current MJO conditions. Favorable conditions exist for tropical cyclogenesis for areas northwest of Australia and east of the Philippines. - Tropical cyclones Clovis and Isobel will impact Madagascar and northwest Australia respectively early in the period. - Dry (wet) conditions are expected to shift to the eastern Indian Ocean and western Maritime Continent (western and central Pacific Ocean) during week 2. Favorable conditions for tropical cyclogenesis will remain for the northwest Pacific Ocean. ## 850-hPa Vector Wind Anomalies (m s-1) **850-hPa Vector Wind Anomalies (m s****-1****)** **Note that shading denotes the magnitude of the anomalous wind vectors** - Westerly anomalies in the Indian Ocean remain and have shifted east into the western Maritime Continent. - Easterly anomalies have strengthened and encompass the area from east of the Date Line to the Maritime Continent. ## Low-level (850-hPa) Zonal (east-west) Wind Anomalies (m s-1) **Low-level (850-hPa) Zonal (east-west) Wind Anomalies (m s****-1****)** **Longitude** **Time** **Weaker-than-average easterlies or westerlies (orange/red shading) ** **Stronger-than-average easterlies (blue shading)** - Easterly anomalies have strengthened considerably near the Date Line. - Periods of westerly anomalies were frequent near and west of the Date Line during September, October, and early November. - For the first time in a few months, westerly anomalies are now evident in the equatorial Indian Ocean. ## Outgoing Longwave Radiation (OLR) Anomalies (7.5°S-7.5°N) **Outgoing Longwave Radiation (OLR) Anomalies (7.5°S-7.5°N****)** **Drier-than-average conditions (/red shading) ** **Wetter-than-average conditions (blue shading)** **Longitude** **Time** - OLR anomalies associated with the MJO propagated eastward from the Indian to western Pacific Oceans beginning in early September. - Enhanced convection associated with the current MJO event shifted eastward from the Indian Ocean to the Maritime Continent during the past week. - Strong suppressed convection was evident across the Maritime Continent during the October to mid December time period. ## Anomalous OLR: Last 30 days **Anomalous OLR: Last 30 days** **Drier-than-average conditions (red shading) ** **Wetter-than-average conditions (blue shading)** - Dry conditions prevailed across sections of the Maritime Continent and Australia during the first two-thirds of December. - During the first half of December, enhanced convection was more prevalent in the central Pacific, particularly in areas north of the Date Line. - An extensive area of enhanced convection was observed in the Indian Ocean and most recently the western Maritime Continent. ## 200-hPa Velocity Potential Anomalies (5°S-5°N) **200-hPa Velocity Potential Anomalies (5°S-5°N****)** _**Negative**_** anomalies (green shading) indicate favorable conditions for precipitation.** _**Positive**_** anomalies (brown shading) indicate unfavorable conditions for precipitation.** **Longitude** **Time** - Moderate to strong MJO activity was observed from late-September to mid-October. - The MJO weakened considerably during the late October to mid-December time period. - The MJO was incoherent during much of July, August, and September. - Recently anomalies have shifted slightly eastward. ## 200-hPa Vector Winds and Anomalies (m s-1) **200-hPa Vector Winds and Anomalies (m s****-1****)** **Note that shading denotes the magnitude of the anomalous wind vectors.** - Clockwise circulation across South Asia during the last ten days associated with enhanced convection. ## Heat Content Evolution in the Eq. Pacific - The latest downwelling Kelvin wave was initiated in early October and appears to be the strongest in over a year. Anomalously warm waters have reached the coast of South America. **Heat Content Evolution**** ****in the Eq. Pacific** **Longitude** **Time** - Starting in April, above normal upper oceanic water temperatures expanded from the western Pacific into the eastern Pacific in part due to Kelvin wave activity. ## MJO Index (Magnitude and Phase) **MJO Index (Magnitude and Phase)** - The current state of the MJO as determined by an index based on Empirical Orthogonal Function (EOF) analysis using combined fields of near-equatorially-averaged 850 hPa zonal wind, 200 hPa zonal wind, and satellite-observed outgoing longwave radiation (OLR) (Wheeler and Hendon, 2004). - The axes represent the time series of the two leading modes of variability and are used to measure the amplitude while the triangular areas indicate the phase or location of the enhanced phase of the MJO. The farther away from the center of the circle the stronger the MJO. Different color lines indicate different months. - The MJO has strengthened and is currently centered across the Maritime Continent having shifted eastward during the past week. ## Statistical OLR MJO Forecast - The forecast indicates enhanced convection across the Maritime Continent during the next 5-10 days while suppressed convection develops in the Indian Ocean. ## Global Forecast System (GFS) Week 1 Precipitation Forecast _**Global Forecast System (GFS) Week 1 Precipitation Forecast**_ ## Potential Benefits/Hazards – Week 1 Valid January 2 – January 8, 2007 - 1. An increased chance for below normal rainfall for sections of Brazil. - 2. Tropical cyclone Clovis will impact Madagascar early in the period. - 3. Favorable conditions exist for tropical cyclogenesis northwest of Australia. Tropical cyclone Isobel will impact northwest Australia early in the period. - 4. An increased chance for above normal rainfall for the Maritime Continent and sections of the western Pacific Ocean. - 5. Favorable conditions exist for tropical cyclogenesis east of the Philippines. ## Potential Benefits/Hazards – Week 2 Valid January 9 – January 15, 2006 - 1. An increased chance for below normal rainfall for the eastern Indian Ocean and western Maritime Continent. - 2. Favorable conditions exist for tropical cyclogenesis east of the Philippines. - 3. An increased chance for above normal rainfall for the western and central Pacific Ocean. ## Summary - The latest observations indicate the development of a moderate to strong MJO. - During week 1, there is an increased chance for above (below) normal rainfall extending from the Maritime Continent into the western Pacific Ocean (sections of Brazil) due to the current MJO conditions. Favorable conditions exist for tropical cyclogenesis for areas northwest of Australia and east of the Philippines. - Tropical cyclones Clovis and Isobel will impact Madagascar and northwest Australia respectively early in the period. - Dry (wet) conditions are expected to shift to the eastern Indian Ocean and western Maritime Continent (western and central Pacific Ocean) during week 2. Favorable conditions for tropical cyclogenesis will remain for the northwest Pacific Ocean.
**AMENDED** **RECORD OF DECISION** **by the Federal Transit Administration** **Dulles Corridor Metrorail Project** **Fairfax and Loudoun Counties, Virginia** **DECISION** The Federal Transit Administration (FTA), in accordance with 23 CFR part 771, the regulation that governs the Federal environmental review process for transportation projects funded by the FTA, has decided that the requirements of the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (NEPA), as amended, have been satisfied for the Dulles Corridor Metrorail Project. The Project, a planned extension of the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority (WMATA) regional Metrorail system in Fairfax and Loudoun Counties, Virginia, will include 23.1 miles of electrically-powered rapid rail transit operating in an exclusive right-of-way with at-grade, aerial, and subway sections, 11 new stations, parking facilities, new and improved yard and shop facilities, rail vehicles, fare collection equipment, communications and train control systems, and ancillary facilities for the distribution of electrical power and stormwater management. This FTA Record of Decision (ROD) applies to the Locally Preferred Alternative ("the Project"), as described in the Project's December 2004 *Final Environmental Impact Statement and Section 4(f) Evaluation* (Final EIS) and modified in the February 2006 *Preliminary Engineering Design Refinements Environmental Assessment*. This Amended ROD replaces the FTA Record of Decision previously issued in March 2005. The Project sponsor,[^1] the Virginia Department of Rail and Public Transportation (DRPT), seeks financial assistance from FTA for the first phase of the Project (the Extension to Wiehle Avenue), which will extend from the existing Metrorail Orange Line near the West Falls Church Station and terminate at Wiehle Avenue in Reston. The second phase of the project (the Extension to Dulles Airport/Route 772) will extend west of Wiehle Avenue to Dulles International Airport and eastern Loudoun County. Once constructed and accepted by WMATA, each phase of the Project will be operated as part of the regional Metrorail system. In addition to FTA, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) participated in the Project's NEPA review as a cooperating agency because construction of the Project requires the use of airport property and FAA's approval of the change in the Airport Layout Plan**.** **BACKGROUND** The Dulles Corridor, located in Northern Virginia, west of the nation's capital, is home to several of the Washington metropolitan region's most dynamic and rapidly growing activity centers. Extending from the vicinity of West Falls Church Metrorail Station in Fairfax County, Virginia, to Route 772 in Loudoun County, Virginia, the 23.1-mile corridor includes the high-density office buildings and regional shopping centers of Tysons Corner; the residences, shopping centers, and suburban office complexes of the Reston-Herndon area; the rapidly growing Washington Dulles International Airport (Dulles Airport); and an emerging residential and employment center in eastern Loudoun County. With the Dulles Corridor's increasing attractiveness as a place to live and work, travel in the corridor has been steadily growing over the past 15 years. This increasing travel demand has strained the capacity of the existing transportation network, causing delays and increasing travel times between activity centers within the corridor and the region. The central and eastern portions of the corridor currently experience some of the region's worst traffic congestion. Over the next 25 years, continued development of the corridor as a regional employment destination and the maturation of residential communities and commercial areas within the corridor are expected to far outpace the growth of the region as a whole. Parallel increases in travel demand are projected to exceed the capacity of the corridor's already overburdened transportation system, resulting in severely congested conditions on numerous routes, further degradation of air quality, and a threat to the valued quality of life in the Dulles Corridor. Planned roadway enhancements in the corridor are not expected to relieve the current levels of congestion and the ability to further expand roadway capacity beyond currently planned improvements is constrained by right-of-way limitations and federal air quality standards. For these reasons, alternative transportation improvements in the Dulles Corridor that would increase capacity and improve mobility without further expanding roadways, such as a high-quality, high-capacity rapid transit line, have long been the focus of public and private sector studies. Rapid transit in the Dulles Corridor was initially explored in the 1950s as part of the planning of Dulles Airport. At that time, it was decided to reserve the median of the Dulles International Airport Access Highway (DIAAH), previously known as the Dulles Airport Access Road, for future transit access to the airport. In the late 1960s the need for transit in the corridor was evaluated during the planning of the regional Metrorail system. While Metrorail's original Adopted Regional System did not include a connection to Dulles Airport, extending rapid transit service to the airport has remained a local and regional goal. In the 1990s, providing a rapid transit connection to Dulles Airport was evaluated in the *Dulles Corridor Transportation Study* (1997) and the *Supplement to the Dulles Corridor Transportation Study* (1999). The former, a Major Investment Study (MIS), recommended developing a rail line between the Metrorail Orange Line and Route 772 primarily using the median of the DIAAH. The MIS Supplement in 1999 recommended developing this rail line through a phased implementation program that would begin with enhanced express bus services, then use bus rapid transit (BRT) technology to institute rapid transit service in the Dulles Corridor as quickly as possible. BRT is an emerging transit mode in which buses are used to provide high-quality service akin to a rapid rail system. The BRT line would then be converted to rail use over time. The recommended transit alternatives for the Dulles Corridor were evaluated in the *Dulles Corridor Rapid Transit Project Draft Environmental Impact Statement and Section 4(f) Evaluation* (Draft EIS) published in June 2002. The results of the evaluation assisted the Commonwealth of Virginia, MWAA, WMATA, FTA, FAA, local and regional decision-makers, and the public in understanding the potential effects of the alternatives under consideration for the project. Based on the analysis contained in the Draft EIS, public comments received on the document, and agency coordination, in late 2002 an extension of the WMATA Metrorail from the existing Orange Line to Route 772 in Loudoun County was selected as the Locally Preferred Alternative (LPA) for the project by both the Commonwealth Transportation Board (CTB) and the WMATA Board of Directors. Like the alternative recommended in the 1997 MIS, the rail line would primarily use the median of the DIAAH, leaving the highway to directly serve Tysons Corner and Dulles Airport. However, unlike the recommendations of the MIS Supplement, the selected LPA was not proposed to be developed through a phased implementation program that included BRT as an interim step to rail. Following the publication of the Draft EIS and selection of the Metrorail Alternative as the LPA, additional agency and public coordination resulted in revisions to the selected LPA. The potential effects of these changes---which included design modifications to the preferred alignment and facilities, adjustment of opening years, and scheduling construction of the project in two phases---were documented in the *Dulles Corridor Rapid Transit Project Supplemental Draft Environmental Impact Statement and Section 4(f) Evaluation* (Supplemental Draft EIS) published in October 2003. Although many of the merits and potential impacts of the proposed LPA were similar to those presented in the Draft EIS, the Supplemental Draft EIS allowed decision makers to fully and explicitly examine the effects of the revised LPA compared to the Metrorail Alternative evaluated in the Draft EIS and a No Build Alternative. Based on the analysis contained in the Supplemental Draft EIS, public comments received on the document, and agency coordination, in March 2004 the CTB approved the revision of the LPA to incorporate the elements required for phased construction and the design refinements outlined in the Supplemental Draft EIS and recommended in its Public Hearings Report. In April 2004, the WMATA Board of Directors approved the revision of the LPA. The Transportation Planning Board of the Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments included the LPA in the 2005 Constrained Long-Range Transportation Plan for metropolitan Washington, D.C. The Final EIS was developed to respond to comments and issues raised during the circulation of the Draft EIS and the Supplemental Draft EIS and to provide more detailed information on the design of proposed mitigation measures for unavoidable adverse impacts associated with the Project. The Final EIS was published in December 2004. In February 2006, an Environmental Assessment (the 2006 EA) was prepared to assess the environmental impacts of modifications that were made to the design of the Project's initial construction phase during preliminary engineering (PE). These design refinements came about after the publication of the Final EIS and issuance of the original FTA Record of Decision in March 2005. **BASIS FOR DECISION** FTA's decision is based on information contained in the Draft EIS (June 2002), the Supplemental Draft EIS (October 2003), the Final EIS (December 2004), and the Preliminary Engineering Design Refinements Environmental Assessment (February 2006), which together constitute the detailed statement on environmental impacts required by NEPA and the Federal transit statutes (49 USC 5324(b)). The statement identifies the Preferred Alternative and includes a review of the purpose and need for the Project, its goals and objectives, consideration of alternatives, environmental impacts, and measures to minimize harm. FTA has reviewed this statement and notes that the Metrorail Alternative was selected over other alternatives considered because it: - provided better access to corridor activity centers; - provided better access to other regional activity centers - would not require a mode transfer to access the regional Metrorail system; - provided shorter travel times for trips within the corridor; - provided the greatest increase in person throughput capacity in the corridor; - attracted the highest number of total riders and new riders; - better supported the comprehensive planning efforts of Fairfax and Loudoun counties; - allowed for more transit-oriented development to be focused in station areas; - increased the overall mobility within the corridor, the counties, and the region; - conformed with regional air quality plans; and - had the highest level of public and agency support. The FAA has determined that the use of airport property for the Project is consistent with the terms of Section VII.G of FAA's *Policy and Procedures Concerning the Use of Airport Revenue* (64 FR 7696-7723). Public transit access to Dulles International Airport was envisioned in the airport's original Master Plan, and the Project will not affect airport operations. The median of the airport access highway was initially reserved for a future rail line when the airport was constructed in the early 1960s. In 1985, when the Master Plan was updated, FAA recommended that the median of airport access highway continue to be reserved for a future transit line and anticipated that this would likely be an expansion of the region's Metrorail system. On airport property, the rail line will be located either underground or along existing roadways; the station at the main terminal will be located underground. Other related facilities will be located in an airport buffer zone on land that would not otherwise be used for airport development. The improved mobility and access provided by the Project will benefit the airport's operator, tenants, and air passengers. **ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED** Numerous alternatives were evaluated throughout the various stages of the environmental review phase of the Project. Consistent with the Project's evaluation methodology, the effectiveness of each alternative was assessed based on social, environmental, economic, and transportation factors. The evaluation process applied increasingly detailed and comprehensive measures of effectiveness to a decreasing number of alternatives. This process allowed decision-makers to identify similarities, differences, and trade-offs between each alternative, and to carry forward those alternatives that were determined to best achieve the following: - Improve transportation service; - Increase transit ridership; - Support future development; - Support environmental quality; - Provide cost-effective, achievable transportation choices; and - Serve diverse populations. The formal NEPA review process began with the Notice of Intent, which was published on June 26, 2000, and a series of scoping meetings, which were held July 25-27, 2000. The initial set of alternatives considered for the Project included various rapid transit modes, alignments, station locations, and ancillary facilities. These alternatives were based on recommendations from the *Dulles Corridor Transportation Study* (1997), the *Supplement to the Dulles Corridor Transportation Study* (1999), and the comments received during the scoping meetings. These initial alternatives were then subjected to a two-phase screening process to determine which should be advanced for more detailed evaluation in the Draft EIS. For the initial screening process, most measures were qualitative. Criteria included consistency with land use plans, order of magnitude capital costs, access to activity centers within the Dulles Corridor and the region, and compatibility with existing infrastructure, among others. Alternatives carried forward from initial screening were subjected to a more rigorous evaluation in intermediate screening. In this phase of evaluation, many of the criteria applied during initial screening were measured more quantitatively. Alternatives that performed well were advanced for more detailed evaluation in the Draft EIS. The results of the screening evaluation are documented in detail in the Project's *Final Alternatives Analysis Report* (May 2001). Additional alternatives evaluated are documented in the *Final Alternatives Analysis Report Addendum* (December 2004.) **[Draft Environmental Impact Statement]{.underline}** The Draft EIS evaluated the potential effects of several alternative transit improvements for the Dulles Corridor. In addition to a No Build Alternative, four Build Alternatives that primarily ran along the Dulles Connector Road, the DIAAH, and the Dulles Greenway were evaluated. The alternatives included: - **No Build (Baseline) Alternative.** The No Build Alternative represented the "no-action alternative" required by the Council of Environmental Quality's (CEQ's) regulations for implementing NEPA, and provided a baseline for comparison against which the other alternatives were evaluated in the Draft EIS. The No Build Alternative included existing highway and public transportation infrastructure in the Dulles Corridor, and transportation system improvements, aside from the Project, that were included in the Washington metropolitan region's constrained long-range transportation plan and planned for implementation by 2025. - **Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) Alternative.** BRT is a bus-based transit system that operates like a rail system. Passengers on BRT are provided rail-like amenities such as off-board fare collection, level boarding, enhanced stations, and platforms. Because it often takes advantage of pre-existing roadway facilities, BRT is generally a lower-cost transit technology than rail. Three alignment options were considered for the BRT Alternative in the Draft EIS. - **Metrorail Alternative.** Metrorail is the region's rapid rail system. It is powered by an electrified third rail and operates in exclusive rights-of-way. By using multiple-car trains, Metrorail is capable of moving high volumes of passengers. Key features of the Metrorail system include fixed stations, dedicated rights-of-way, advanced fare collection, relatively simple transfers between different lines, and multiple-door boarding from level platforms. For the Metrorail Alternative, four alignment options were considered in Tysons Corner, and three sites were considered for a Metrorail Service & Inspection (S&I) Yard in Loudoun County. - **BRT/Metrorail Alternative.** This alternative combined the BRT and Metrorail alternatives. Metrorail would be constructed in the eastern part of the Dulles Corridor as far as Tysons Corner, and BRT would be constructed in the western part of the corridor to Route 772 in Loudoun County. - **Phased Implementation Alternative.** This alternative combined the other three Build Alternatives into a program of rapid transit improvements that would be implemented in stages (BRT, then BRT/Metrorail, then Metrorail). This approach would allow decision-makers to begin to address the travel needs in the corridor with rapid transit in the near term, while allowing for future development of rail. Each of the Build Alternatives included several stations located in the median of the DIAAH, which were similar to stations on the existing Metrorail system. The BRT stations were designed to allow future conversion to rail stations. The alternatives also included the development of station and ancillary facilities such as parking and bus transfer facilities, a bus maintenance and storage facility, a rail service and inspection yard (S&I Yard), rail traction power substations and tie-breaker stations, and stormwater management facilities. **[Supplemental Draft Environmental Impact Statement]{.underline}** Based on subsequent public and agency coordination after the completion of the Draft EIS and after an LPA was recommended and selected, the Project sponsor identified a series of modifications to the project to resolve outstanding design issues, reduce environmental and community impacts, and allow for construction of the project in two phases. The Supplemental Draft EIS was prepared to assist decision-makers and the public in understanding the effects of the proposed modifications to the selected LPA. A comparative evaluation was presented for the following alternatives: - **No Build Alternative.** The No Build Alternative for the Supplemental Draft EIS was the same as the Baseline Alternative defined in the Draft EIS. The alternative included existing transportation infrastructure and services, as well as improvements included in the region's constrained long-range plan and planned to be implemented by 2025. The No Build Alternative provided a baseline for comparison against which the other alternatives were evaluated. - **Metrorail Alternative (T6/Y15).** This alternative was the Metrorail Alternative evaluated in the Draft EIS and originally selected as the LPA (with Alignment T6 through Tysons Corner and a new S&I Yard at Site 15). The alternative generally followed an alignment between the Metrorail Orange Line near West Falls Church Station and Route 772 in Loudoun County, using the median of the Dulles Connector Road, the DIAAH, and the Dulles Greenway. It included 11 new stations and ancillary facilities, such as a new Metrorail S&I Yard, traction power substations, tie-breaker stations, and stormwater management ponds. The Metrorail Alternative (T6/Y15) was included in the Supplemental Draft EIS to facilitate understanding of the changes in effects associated with the proposed modifications to the LPA. - **Proposed LPA.** The proposed LPA was similar to the Metrorail Alternative (T6/Y15) in terms of alignment, stations, facilities, and operating characteristics. The primary difference between the two alternatives was that the LPA was to be implemented in two phases. For the Wiehle Avenue Extension, Metrorail would be constructed from the Metrorail Orange Line through Tysons Corner to Wiehle Avenue, with interim express bus service in the western portion of the corridor until rail service could be extended. The Wiehle Avenue Extension was anticipated to open in 2011 with the full LPA opening in 2015. The impacts associated with operating the Wiehle Avenue station temporarily as an end-of-line station were evaluated. Other differences between the proposed LPA and the Metrorail Alternative (T6/Y15) included additional improvements at West Falls Church S&I Yard to accommodate operation of the Wiehle Avenue Extension prior to construction of the remainder of the LPA; adjustments to alignment plans and profiles for a variety of purposes including to reduce potential noise impacts, visual impacts, costs, and to improve operational efficiency; and design modifications of station site plans and ancillary facilities to address operational changes and to respond to concerns of local jurisdictions and landowners. **[Final Environmental Impact Statement]{.underline}** The Final EIS was developed to respond to comments and issues raised during the circulation of the Draft EIS and the Supplemental Draft EIS and to provide more detailed information on the design of proposed mitigation measures for unavoidable impacts associated with the Project. The Final EIS presented an evaluation of the following alternatives: - **No Build Alternative.** The No Build Alternative for the Final EIS is similar to the No Build Alternative defined in the Supplemental Draft EIS, but updated to reflect current conditions. The alternative includes existing transportation infrastructure and services, as well as improvements included in the region's constrained long-range plan and planned to be implemented by 2025. The No Build Alternative provides a baseline for comparison against which the other alternatives were evaluated. - **Wiehle Avenue Extension.** The initial construction phase of the LPA was evaluated as a stand-alone alternative in the Final EIS. This alternative includes the first 11.6 miles of the Project from the existing Metrorail Orange Line near West Falls Church through Tysons Corner to Wiehle Avenue. The Wiehle Avenue Extension follows the Dulles Connector Road, Routes 123 and 7 in Tysons Corner, and the Dulles International Airport Access Highway (DIAAH). It includes 5 new stations, additional commuter parking, improvements to the existing Metrorail Service and Inspection Yard at West Falls Church, and required ancillary facilities. Express bus service would be provided by local transit operators between Wiehle Avenue and the western portion of the corridor. - **LPA.** The LPA in the Final EIS is the entire 23.1-mile Metrorail extension, which is the subject of this Record of Decision. The LPA extends along the Dulles Connector Road, Routes 123 and 7, the DIAAH, and the Dulles Greenway between the Metrorail Orange Line and Route 772 in Loudoun County. It includes direct Metrorail service to Tysons Corner and Dulles Airport. The LPA includes 11 new stations, additional commuter parking, a new Metrorail Service & Inspection Yard on Dulles Airport property, improvements to the existing West Falls Church Service and Inspection Yard, and required ancillary facilities such as traction power substations, tie-breaker stations, and stormwater management ponds. The LPA would be constructed in two phases, the first phase being the Wiehle Avenue Extension described above, and the second phase being the further extension from Wiehle Avenue through the Airport to the terminus at Route 772 on the Dulles Greenway. Express bus service would be provided by local transit operators between Wiehle Avenue and the western portion of the corridor until Metrorail is extended to Route 772. This alternative, as modified by the Preliminary Engineering Design Refinements Environmental Assessment (2006 EA), discussed below, is the subject of this Amended Record of Decision. **[Preliminary Engineering Design Refinements Environmental Assessment (2006 EA)]{.underline}** In early 2006, an Environmental Assessment (2006 EA) was prepared to assess the environmental impacts of modifications that were made to the design of the Project's initial construction phase during preliminary engineering (PE). These design refinements came about after the publication of the Final EIS and issuance of the original FTA Record of Decision in March 2005. The 2006 EA presented an evaluation of the following two alternatives of limited scope, with variations primarily in the Tysons Corner area: - **Final EIS Wiehle Avenue Extension.** This alternative is identical to initial phase of the LPA evaluated in detail in the Final EIS. - **PE Wiehle Avenue Extension.** This alternative reflects the design refinements made during preliminary engineering (PE), including: a shift of the alignment from the southern edge to the median of Route 7 and reconfiguration of the roadway travel lanes, narrower track centers (outside station areas), simplified aerial guideway structures and architectural treatments, alternative station designs, and a revised connection with the existing Metrorail Orange Line. The tunnel portion of the Route 7 alignment would be shortened in length from approximately 5,000 feet to 3,000 feet, and the underground Tysons Central 7 Station would be replaced with an at-grade station in the Route 7 median. In addition, the site of the Dulles Storage and Inspection (S&I) Yard that was originally envisioned as an element only of Phase 2 of the Project would be used for soil fill and disposal during construction of the Wiehle Avenue Extension (Phase 1). Two changes proposed in the 2006 EA have not been incorporated into the Project. The 2006 EA proposed to store and maintain the Project's additional rail vehicles at existing WMATA storage and maintenance facilities and to forgo the expansion of the West Falls Church Storage and Inspection (S&I) Yard. That change has not been accepted and the expansion of the West Falls Church S&I Yard, as described in the FEIS, will proceed and remains an element of the Project that is the subject of this Amended ROD. The 2006 EA also proposed to forgo some elevators at Phase 1 stations, especially in the Tyson's Corner area, to reduce the Project's cost. Numerous public comments opposing this change (see Attachment B) were received during the comment period for the 2006 EA, and in response to those comments, FTA and the Project sponsor have decided to retain those elevators. On the basis of the 2006 EA, FTA has found that the PE design refinements would result in no significant changes in impacts and no new significant impacts from those evaluated in the Final EIS. **ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS AND MEASURES TO MINIMIZE HARM** The Project's effects on the existing social, environmental, economic, and transportation conditions in the Dulles Corridor were assessed in the Final EIS and the subsequent 2006 EA. Because most of the Metrorail extension would be built along existing roadways or within the medians of highways (e.g., the Dulles Connector Road, the DIAAH, and the Dulles Greenway), the anticipated environmental and community impacts are limited, in spite of the length and complexity of the Project. FTA notes the following environmental impacts of the Project in reaching a decision: - **Property Acquisition.** Construction of the Project and its facilities will require the acquisition of approximately 22 acres of privately-owned commercial property and 4 acres of privately owned residential property. A total of one commercial business, an automotive repair facility, will be displaced to accommodate Project facilities. A portion of a self-storage business will also be acquired, but the business will be able to continue operations. There will be no residential displacements. Additional private property and business displacements will be required temporarily to accommodate construction activities or maintain traffic during construction. All property acquisitions and relocations will be conducted in accordance with the Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition Act of 1970, as amended, and its implementing regulation at 49 CFR part 24. > Another 159 acres of government-owned or controlled property will also > be used for the Project's line and track, stations, rail yard, and > ancillary facilities. This includes the acquisition of property > interests in the median and other parts of the Dulles International > Airport Access Highway and Dulles Connector Road, and in parts of the > Dulles Airport property itself, including the site of the Service & > Inspection Yard and portions of eight parcels that are currently > leased to commercial entities. The U.S. Department of Transportation > (U.S. DOT) owns the Access Highway, the Connector Road and the Dulles > Airport property. The Metropolitan Washington Airports Authority > (MWAA) leases the property from the U.S. DOT (the current lease > extends through the year 2067) and has sublet certain commercial > parcels to private businesses. If necessary, the Project sponsor will > seek conveyance of property interests or easements on the Access > Highway, Connector Road, and Airport needed for the Project's > construction and operation from MWAA and the U.S. DOT. The acquired > property interest will be adequate to ensure the Project sponsor's > continuing control of the Project facilities throughout the useful > life of the Project. - **Land Use**. The Project is expected to have positive effects on commercial and residential properties located near transit stations, and contribute to more sustainable and transit-supportive economic development by focusing higher-density residential and commercial land uses around the station areas. - **Historic and Archaeological Resources.** The effects of the Project on historic and archaeological resources have been assessed in accordance with Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966, as amended (16 USC §470f), and its implementing regulations (36 CFR 800). The Project will have an adverse effect on the Dulles Airport Historic District by altering the historic views of the main terminal for travelers approaching via the DIAAH. The Project will have no effects on known archaeological resources. The measures to be taken to avoid, minimize and mitigate the adverse effects on this historic resource and on any archaeological resources that may be encountered during construction activities are set forth in the Section 106 Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) among FTA, DRPT, and the Virginia Department of Historic Resources. A copy of the signed MOA is included herein as Attachment C. FTA will require compliance with the MOA by the Project sponsor, even if the lead sponsoring agency changes. - **Wetlands.** The Project will affect approximately 5 acres of wetlands, which are primarily located in the vicinity of the Service and Inspection Yard on Dulles Airport property. Practicable mitigation measures are described in the Final EIS and summarized herein in Attachment A. - **Noise and Vibration.** Without noise mitigation, operation of the Project was predicted to exceed FTA noise impact criteria at many sensitive receptors along the alignment, primarily residences along the Dulles Connector Road. During preliminary engineering, additional noise analyses were conducted to confirm mitigation requirements. Track edge barriers (parapets) will be installed to reduce the noise levels from Metrorail train passbys along all aerial sections of the track. For at-grade locations where noise levels at sensitive receptors are predicted to exceed FTA criteria, track edge barriers will also be installed as described in Attachment A. During construction, noise and vibration levels from construction activities may temporarily impact nearby sensitive receptors. - **Traffic and Transportation.** The Project will result in changes to traffic conditions as people change their travel patterns to access the new transit stations, affecting some of the neighborhoods that surround certain stations. Although they would experience such traffic-related effects, these neighborhoods would also directly benefit from the mobility and accessibility that the transit improvements would bring. The Project includes roadway improvements needed for vehicular access to stations or facilities and additional roadway improvements to address opening year traffic congestion in the vicinity of the new Metrorail stations. > Construction of the Project will impede access to residences or to > building entrances or to the parking area of businesses. It may also > necessitate temporary relocation of parking either for safety reasons > or if property is needed for construction staging areas. > Construction-related disruptions to access will generally be > short-term and temporary. Throughout the process of developing and evaluating alternatives and coordinating with the public and other stakeholders, the Project sponsor and FTA made considerable effort to incorporate measures to minimize the Project's potential social, environmental, economic and transportation impacts. The Final EIS and 2006 EA provide a description of the mitigation measures that are now incorporated into the Project to avoid and minimize adverse impacts. FTA will ensure that the Project sponsor designs and builds the Project in accordance with the mitigation measures contained in the Final EIS and 2006 EA and summarized in Attachment A. In addition, FTA will require that the Project sponsor establishes a mitigation-monitoring program to ensure adequate communication of mitigation and design commitments to the teams working on final design and construction, and to provide a means for the Project sponsor and FTA to track the progress in accomplishing the mitigation commitments. FTA will monitor implementation of mitigation measures through quarterly reviews during design and construction or other appropriate means. **PUBLIC COORDINATION AND COMMENTS** During the preparation of the Draft EIS and the Supplemental Draft EIS, a comprehensive public involvement program was conducted to provide citizens, businesses, and organizations with an interest in the Project the opportunity to keep informed of project developments, to participate in project planning and to provide recommendations to decision-makers for the selection of the LPA. In order to facilitate public participation in project planning and design, several different outreach techniques were employed to reach a wide range of participants. These included a variety of information dissemination outlets and interactive techniques in addition to meetings and coordination and public hearings as described below. **[Public Outreach]{.underline}** A number of different techniques and activities were conducted over the course of the environmental review process in order to ensure that the public remained informed of project developments and were provided the opportunity to comment throughout project planning and design. Major activities conducted for the project included a call-in line, mailing list, newsletter, update bulletins, comment forms, website, and email address, as well as the distribution of project materials through the project kiosk and information center, libraries and community centers. Other outreach techniques included representation at community fairs and festivals, and presentations to communities and businesses. **[Public Coordination Meetings and Hearings]{.underline}** As required by Federal transit laws \[49 USC §5323(b) and §5324(b)\], public coordination meetings and public hearings were held. Notices of public hearings were also provided. Meetings were held with the general public and stakeholders on an as-needed basis to understand issues of concern, to inform them on the development and evaluation of potential alternatives, and to discuss the selection of the LPA. Public meetings held to support the development of the project included public scoping meetings, public information meetings, stakeholder meetings, and public hearings on the Draft EIS and the Supplemental Draft EIS, as well as a post-hearing conference as detailed in Chapter 11 of the Final EIS. Additional meetings and a public hearing were held during preliminary engineering to review and seek comment on the proposed design refinements presented in the 2006 EA. To maintain public and stakeholder support for the project, the Project sponsor will continue public outreach efforts throughout preliminary engineering, final design and construction. The focus of these outreach activities will be to keep the public, stakeholders, and affected property owners informed about the project's progress. Continuing outreach efforts will include participation in community outreach activities and public information meetings and events, circulation of project newsletters, brochures, and fact sheets, project website updates, and development of presentations or meeting materials for interested parties. **[Comments on the Final EIS and 2006 EA]{.underline}** The Notice of Availability of the Final EIS was published in the Federal Register on December 23, 2004. During the Final EIS circulation period, comment letters were received from one Federal agency, the District of Columbia, and one interest group. Responses to the comments received on the Final EIS were provided in the original ROD of March 2005. Responses to comments received on the 2006 EA are contained in Attachment B of this Amended ROD. **DETERMINATIONS AND FINDINGS** On the basis of the determinations made in compliance with relevant portions of federal law, the FTA finds that the Project, as described as the Final EIS and 2006 EA, and including the mitigation measures identified in those documents and summarized in this ROD, satisfies the requirements of the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969, 49 USC 5301(e) and 5324(b), , the Clean Air Act of 1970, and the Department of Transportation Act of 1966 (all as amended) and complies with Executive Orders 11988, 11990, and 12898, as specified below. **[Environmental Protection (49 USC Section 5301(e) and 5324(b))]{.underline}** The environmental record for the Project includes the previously referenced Draft EIS (June 2002), the Supplemental Draft EIS (October 2003), the Final EIS (December 2004), and the PE Design Refinements EA (February 2006), and all attachments thereto. Cumulatively, these documents represent the detailed statement required by both NEPA and the Federal transit laws, 49 USC Sections 5301(e) and 5324(b), regarding: \- the environmental impacts of the proposed Project; \- adverse environmental effects that cannot be avoided; \- alternatives to the proposed Project; and \- irreversible and irretrievable impacts on the environment. On the basis of the evaluation of social, economic, and environmental impacts presented in the Final EIS and 2006 EA, and the written and oral comments offered by the public and other agencies, FTA has determined, in accordance with 49 USC 5324(b), that: - An adequate opportunity was afforded for the presentation of views by all parties with a significant economic, social, or environmental interest in the Project; - Fair consideration has been given to the preservation and enhancement of the environment and to the interest of the community in which the proposed Project is to be located; and - All reasonable steps have been taken to minimize the adverse environmental effects of the Project, and where adverse environmental effects remain, no feasible and prudent alternative to the effects exist. **[Conformity with Air Quality Plans]{.underline}** The Clean Air Act of 1970, as amended, requires that Federally-funded transportation projects in air quality nonattainment and maintenance areas conform to the State Implementation Plan (SIP) for eliminating or reducing the severity and number of violations of the national ambient air quality standards (NAAQS). The regulation of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency implementing this provision of the Clean Air Act (40 CFR Parts 51 and 93) establishes criteria for demonstrating that a transportation project is in conformity with the goals of the SIP. The Washington metropolitan area in which the Dulles Corridor Metrorail Project is located is classified as an ozone non-attainment area. The Project is therefore subject to the conformity requirements of the EPA regulation. The primary project-level conformity requirements of the EPA regulation dictate that the project comes from a conforming regional transportation plan and program and that the project not cause or contribute to any localized violation of the NAAQS. The Project is included in the 2005 Constrained Long-Range Plan (CLRP), a plan that has been duly adopted by the Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments (MWCOG) Transportation Planning Board and has been found by MWCOG to conform to the relevant State Implementation Plans (SIPs) (i.e., those of Virginia, Maryland, and the District of Columbia). FHWA and FTA have reviewed and concurred in that conformity determination for the CLRP. Near-term project activities are included in the FY 2005--2010 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) adopted by MWCOG. The TIP has also been found by MWCOG, FHWA, and FTA to conform with air quality plans for the area. In addition, micro-scale air quality analyses in the Final EIS indicate that no localized violations of the National Ambient Air Quality Standards will result from implementation of the Project. Therefore, FTA finds that the Project conforms to air quality plans for the area. **[Section 4(f) Determination]{.underline}** Section 4(f) of the Department of Transportation (DOT) Act of 1966 (49 USC 303) affords special protection to parks, recreation areas, wildlife refuges, and historic sites, by prohibiting use of such properties for a transportation project unless there is no feasible and prudent alternative to such use and the project includes all possible planning to minimize the harm to the protected resource. Based on the evaluation conducted and coordination with the U.S. Department of the Interior, the Project would result in a permanent physical use of one section 4(f) resource, the Dulles International Airport Historic District and the potential permanent physical use of another section 4(f) resource, the Hunter Mill Road Proposed Historic District, depending on that district's final boundaries. The Dulles International Airport Historic District will be affected by the placement of the Project alignment within the median of the DIAAH and by the addition of inbound and outbound portals within the district boundaries. This would result in a use of a contributing element to the district (the historic viewshed) and require the physical use of property within the historic district boundaries. The median of the DIAAH was historically reserved for a transit guideway to the Airport. FTA has determined that there is no prudent and feasible alternative to the use of the Dulles International Airport Historic District that would serve the purpose of the project of providing high-capacity transit service to the Airport. FTA has further determined that the Project includes all possible planning to minimize harm to the Dulles International Airport Historic District, as detailed in the Section 106 MOA and the Final EIS. The rail alignment, stormwater management ponds, and traction power substations may fall within the Hunter Mill Road Proposed Historic District, whose exact boundaries have not been established, The Project facilities within the likely boundaries of the historic district would not use any contributing element of the historic district. Minor proximity impacts identified would not substantially impair the historic features of the protected resources. Construction activities will not result in additional permanent impacts to the Section 4(f) resource. FTA has determined that there is no feasible and prudent alternative to the use of the Hunter Mill Road Proposed Historic District and that the Project includes all possible planning to minimize harm, as detailed in the Section 106 MOA and the Final EIS. **[Floodplain Finding]{.underline}** Executive Order 11988, "Floodplain Management and Protection," and U.S. DOT Order 5620.2 state that FTA may not approve an alternative involving a significant floodplain encroachment unless FTA can make a finding that the proposed encroachment is the only practicable alternative. The major purposes of Executive Order 11988 are to avoid Federal support for floodplain development; to prevent uneconomic, hazardous, or incompatible use of floodplains; to restore and preserve the natural and beneficial floodplain values; and to be consistent with the standards and criteria of the National Flood Insurance Program. Based on a review of the Federal Emergency Management Agency maps, the Project will cross portions of the 100-year base floodplains of several streams along the alignment, including Pimmit Run, Scotts Run, Difficult Run, Horsepen Run, and Broad Run. The Project will span these streams parallel to existing roadway structures, thereby minimizing impacts to floodplains. The placement of new piers to span these streams will not increase the surface elevation of the 100-year flood at any location by more than one foot, nor will the Project increase the risks of off-site flooding. All Project facilities located within floodplains will be designed to comply with Federal, State, and local regulations and the Project sponsor will comply with all applicable regulations or ordinances governing construction in floodplains. FTA finds that the Project's encroachment on floodplains has been minimized to the extent practicable and that the remaining encroachments represent the only practicable alternative. During final design and construction, the Project sponsor will continue to explore design measures to reduce floodplain encroachments even further. **[Wetlands Finding]{.underline}** Executive Order 11990, "Protection of Wetlands," directs federal agencies to avoid to the extent possible the long- and short-term adverse impacts associated with the destruction or modification of wetlands and to avoid direct or indirect support of new construction in wetlands wherever there is a practicable alternative. The Project will destroy approximately 5 acres of wetlands. The Project sponsor will provide compensatory mitigation for these unavoidable wetland impacts. A 1:1 replacement ratio for impacts to the approximately 1 acre of emergent wetlands, and a 2:1 replacement ratio for impacts to the approximately 4 acres of forested wetlands will be used. Because on-site mitigation is not allowable on airport property due to potential wildlife interference with airport operations, an off-site location for mitigation will be used. Permanent impacts will be mitigated through the purchase of credits at an existing regional wetland bank, if available. Otherwise, an appropriate wetlands mitigation site of a size consistent with the replacement ratios above will be found and developed into wetlands in accordance with conditions on a Section 404 permit expected to be issued by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (COE). The Section 404 Permit is required by the COE and a Virginia Water Protection Permit will also be required from the Virginia Department Environmental Quality (VDEQ). Impacts to wetlands during construction activities will be minimized through the use of Best Management Practices recommended by state and regional agencies, such as pollution control devices, installation and maintenance of runoff diversion structures and secondary containment structures. All temporarily disturbed wetland areas will be restored to pre-construction conditions by re-vegetating these areas with the appropriate cover type, as required by applicable permits. FTA finds that the wetland impacts of the Project have been minimized to the extent practicable, and that there is no practicable alternative to construction in the wetlands and that all practicable measures to minimize harm to the wetlands have been included in the Project. During final design, the Project sponsor will coordinate with COE and VDEQ to obtain the necessary permits and will continue to consider measures to reduce permanent and temporary wetland impacts even further. **[Environmental Justice]{.underline}** Executive Order 12898, "Federal Action to Address Environmental Justice in Minority Populations and Low-Income Populations"), provides, in relevant part, that FTA identify and address "disproportionately high and adverse human health or environmental effects" of federally-funded mass transit projects on minority populations and low-income populations, and that FTA "conduct its programs, policies, and activities in a manner that ensures that such programs, policies, and activities do not have the effect of subjecting discrimination...because of their race, color, or national origin." On the basis of the evaluation in the Final EIS and 2006 EA, FTA has determined that the adverse health and environmental effects of the Project will not be disproportionately borne by minority or low-income populations, and furthermore, that all persons within the study area will enjoy improved mobility as a result of the Project. +--------------------------------+---------------+---------------------+ | /signed by/ | | November 17, 2006 | +--------------------------------+---------------+---------------------+ | Susan Borinsky | | Date | | | | | | Regional Administrator | | | | | | | | Federal Transit Administration | | | | | | | | Region III | | | +--------------------------------+---------------+---------------------+ Attachments: Attachment A: Summary of Mitigation Measures Attachment B: 2006 Environmental Assessment: Comments and Responses Attachment C: Section 106 Memorandum of Agreement ATTACHMENT A SUMMARY OF MITIGATION MEASURES The mitigation measures and other Project features that avoid or reduce adverse impacts, to which FTA and the Project sponsor committed in the Final EIS or 2006 EA, are now incorporated into the Project and are summarized in the Table below. The Final EIS and 2006 EA provide a complete description of these mitigation measures and design features. FTA will ensure that the Project sponsor designs and builds the Project in accordance with the mitigation measures contained in the Final EIS and 2006 EA. In addition, FTA will require that the Project sponsor establish a mitigation-monitoring program to ensure adequate communication of mitigation and design commitments to the teams working on final design and construction, and to provide a means for the Project sponsor and FTA to track the progress in accomplishing the mitigation commitments. FTA will monitor implementation of mitigation measures through quarterly reviews during design and construction or other appropriate means. The table in this attachment will serve as a starting point for the mitigation monitoring program. As mitigation commitments are advanced or implemented, the status will be updated in the table to reflect that state of implementation. As permits are received, DRPT will add the conditions on those permits to this mitigation table to facilitate monitoring of, and compliance with, those permit conditions. **[Supplemental Environmental Review]{.underline}** The mitigation measures presented in the Final EIS and 2006 EA for the LPA may not be altered or eliminated from the Project except by FTA's written consent following an appropriate supplemental environmental review. The Project sponsor and FTA will initiate a supplemental environmental review of the Project, as outlined in 23 CFR 771.130, whenever FTA determines that: (1) Substantial changes to the Project would result in significant environmental impacts that were not evaluated in the Final EIS; (2) New information or circumstances relevant to environmental concerns and bearing on the Project or its impacts would result in significant environmental impacts not evaluated in the Final EIS; or (3) Where the significance of new impacts is uncertain. A supplemental environmental review will not be necessary where FTA and the Project sponsor agree that the changes to the Project, new information, or new circumstances result in a lessening of adverse environmental impacts evaluated in the Final EIS without causing other environmental impacts that are significant and were not evaluated in the Final EIS. If a supplement is needed, the FTA will determine the appropriate level of environmental review (i.e., a written re-evaluation of the Final EIS, an environmental assessment of the change, or a supplemental environmental impact statement), and the NEPA process for this supplement will conclude with a separate or amended NEPA determination. +------+-----------------------+------------+--------+-------+--------+ | **DU | | | | | | | LLES | | | | | | | CORR | | | | | | | IDOR | | | | | | | M | | | | | | | ETRO | | | | | | | RAIL | | | | | | | P | | | | | | | ROJE | | | | | | | CT** | | | | | | | | | | | | | | ** | | | | | | | MEAS | | | | | | | URES | | | | | | | TO | | | | | | | MITI | | | | | | | GATE | | | | | | | E | | | | | | | NVIR | | | | | | | ONME | | | | | | | NTAL | | | | | | | I | | | | | | | MPAC | | | | | | | TS** | | | | | | +======+=======================+============+========+=======+========+ | **Mi | **Mitigation | **Implem | * | **Tim | **St | | tiga | Commitment^1^** | entation** | *Respo | ing** | atus** | | tion | | | nsible | | | | ID** | | **and | Party | | | | | | Mo | ^2^** | | | | | | nitoring** | | | | +------+-----------------------+------------+--------+-------+--------+ | ** | | | | | | | LAND | | | | | | | USE | | | | | | | AND | | | | | | | SOCI | | | | | | | OECO | | | | | | | NOMI | | | | | | | CS** | | | | | | +------+-----------------------+------------+--------+-------+--------+ | LU-1 | Continue coordination | Monitor | DRPT | D | | | | with Fairfax County, | compliance | | esign | | | | Loudoun County and | during | | and | | | | Town of Herndon to | design and | | | | | | encourage appropriate | con | | Co | | | | transit-oriented | struction. | | nstru | | | | development at | | | ction | | | | station locations. | | | | | +------+-----------------------+------------+--------+-------+--------+ | LU-2 | Incorporate Tysons | Monitor | DRPT, | D | | | | West station | compliance | in | esign | | | | park-and-ride | during | coordi | | | | | requirements (500 | design. | nation | | | | | spaces) into Fairfax | | with | | | | | County Comprehensive | | F | | | | | Plan. | | airfax | | | | | | | County | | | +------+-----------------------+------------+--------+-------+--------+ | LU-3 | Assist Fairfax County | P | DRPT | D | | | | in pursuing | articipate | | esign | | | | joint-development | in the | | | | | | opportunities at the | Fairfax | | | | | | Wiehle Avenue | County | | | | | | station. | joint-d | | | | | | | evelopment | | | | | | | so | | | | | | | licitation | | | | | | | process. | | | | +------+-----------------------+------------+--------+-------+--------+ | ** | | | | | | | PROP | | | | | | | ERTY | | | | | | | ACQ | | | | | | | UISI | | | | | | | TION | | | | | | | AND | | | | | | | DIS | | | | | | | PLAC | | | | | | | EMEN | | | | | | | TS** | | | | | | +------+-----------------------+------------+--------+-------+--------+ | RW-1 | Conduct all property | Monitor | DRPT | Ri | | | | acquisitions in | compliance | | ght-o | | | | accordance with the | during | | f-Way | | | | Uniform Relocation | ri | | A | | | | Assistance and Real | ght-of-way | | cquis | | | | Property Acquisition | a | | ition | | | | Act of 1970, as | cquisition | | and | | | | amended. | and | | Co | | | | | con | | nstru | | | | | struction. | | ction | | +------+-----------------------+------------+--------+-------+--------+ | RW-2 | Prepare detailed | Monitor | DRPT | D | | | | Property Acquisition | compliance | | esign | | | | and Relocation Plan. | during | | | | | | | design. | | | | +------+-----------------------+------------+--------+-------+--------+ | RW-3 | Provide relocation | Monitor | DRPT | Ri | | | | assistance to all | compliance | | ght-o | | | | displaced property or | during | | f-Way | | | | business owners | ri | | A | | | | without | ght-of-way | | cquis | | | | discrimination. | a | | ition | | | | | cquisition | | and | | | | | and | | Co | | | | | con | | nstru | | | | | struction. | | ction | | +------+-----------------------+------------+--------+-------+--------+ | RW-4 | Acquire property | I | DRPT | D | | | | interest in the | ncorporate | in | esign | | | | median and other | property | coordi | and | | | | parts of the Dulles | transfer | nation | Ri | | | | Connector Road and | and use | with | ght-o | | | | Dulles International | terms into | MWAA | f-Way | | | | Airport Access | intergo | and | A | | | | Highway and in parts | vernmental | FAA | cquis | | | | of the Dulles Airport | ag | | ition | | | | property sufficient | reement(s) | | | | | | to allow DRPT or | with MWAA, | | | | | | WMATA's continuing | FAA, | | | | | | control and use of | and/or | | | | | | Project facilities | U.S. DOT. | | | | | | for the Project's | | | | | | | useful life. | | | | | +------+-----------------------+------------+--------+-------+--------+ | **VI | | | | | | | SUAL | | | | | | | and | | | | | | | A | | | | | | | ESTH | | | | | | | ETIC | | | | | | | COND | | | | | | | ITIO | | | | | | | NS** | | | | | | +------+-----------------------+------------+--------+-------+--------+ | VS-1 | Consider designs for | Monitor | DRPT | D | | | | Metrorail stations, | compliance | | esign | | | | aerial structures, | during | | | | | | and portals that are | design; | | | | | | compatible with the | include in | | | | | | surrounding | contract | | | | | | environment. | drawings | | | | | | | and specs. | | | | +------+-----------------------+------------+--------+-------+--------+ | VS-2 | Provide landscaping | Include in | DRPT | D | | | | at stations. | contract | | esign | | | | | drawings | | | | | | | and | | | | | | | speci | | | | | | | fications. | | | | +------+-----------------------+------------+--------+-------+--------+ | VS-3 | Using established | Monitor | DRPT | D | | | | WMATA designs, design | compliance | | esign | | | | traction power | during | | | | | | substations and | design; | | | | | | tie-breaker stations | include in | | | | | | to be compatible with | contract | | | | | | surrounding | drawings | | | | | | environment. | and | | | | | | | speci | | | | | | | fications. | | | | +------+-----------------------+------------+--------+-------+--------+ | ** | | | | | | | CULT | | | | | | | URAL | | | | | | | R | | | | | | | ESOU | | | | | | | RCES | | | | | | | /SEC | | | | | | | TION | | | | | | | 4( | | | | | | | f)** | | | | | | +------+-----------------------+------------+--------+-------+--------+ | CR-1 | Lower the at-grade | Include in | DRPT | D | | | | Metrorail alignment | contract | | esign | | | | in the DIAAH median | drawings. | | | | | | to the extent | | | | | | | practicable to | | | | | | | preserve historic | | | | | | | "peek-a-boo" view | | | | | | | sequence of main | | | | | | | terminal control | | | | | | | tower. | | | | | +------+-----------------------+------------+--------+-------+--------+ | CR-2 | Develop treatment | Monitor | DRPT, | D | | | | plan and implement | compliance | in | esign | | | | specific measures | during | coordi | and | | | | (e.g., interpretive | design and | nation | Co | | | | exhibits, public | con | with | nstru | | | | artwork, or photo | struction. | MWAA | ction | | | | documentation) to | | and | | | | | highlight Dulles | | VDHR | | | | | Airport's unique | | | | | | | historic | | | | | | | characteristics. | | | | | +------+-----------------------+------------+--------+-------+--------+ | CR-3 | Consider the historic | Monitor | DRPT, | D | | | | characteristics and | compliance | in | esign | | | | other contributing | during | coordi | | | | | elements of the | design; | nation | | | | | Dulles Airport | include in | with | | | | | historic district in | contract | MWAA | | | | | the design of the | drawings | and | | | | | station, terminal | and | VDHR | | | | | connections, aerial | speci | | | | | | structures, and | fications. | | | | | | tunnel portals. | | | | | | | Review these proposed | | | | | | | designs with the VA | | | | | | | SHPO. | | | | | +------+-----------------------+------------+--------+-------+--------+ | * | | | | | | | *PAR | | | | | | | KLAN | | | | | | | DS** | | | | | | +------+-----------------------+------------+--------+-------+--------+ | PK-1 | Design and construct | Include | DRPT | D | | | | Metrorail overpass of | re | | esign | | | | the W&OD Railroad | quirements | | and | | | | Regional Park in | in | | Co | | | | accordance with the | contract | | nstru | | | | *NVRPA Guideline for | speci | | ction | | | | the Development of | fications. | | | | | | W&OD Trail Bridge | Monitor | | | | | | Crossings*. | compliance | | | | | | | during | | | | | | | design and | | | | | | | con | | | | | | | struction. | | | | +------+-----------------------+------------+--------+-------+--------+ | PK-2 | Maintain use and | Monitor | DRPT | Co | | | | access to the W&OD | compliance | | nstru | | | | Railroad Regional | during | | ction | | | | Park, Pimmit Run | con | | | | | | Stream Valley Park, | struction. | | | | | | Scotts Run Stream | | | | | | | Valley Park, and | | | | | | | Difficult Run Stream | | | | | | | Valley Park during | | | | | | | construction. | | | | | +------+-----------------------+------------+--------+-------+--------+ | PK-3 | Minimize disruption | Monitor | DRPT | Co | | | | to the W&OD Railroad | compliance | | nstru | | | | Regional Park, Pimmit | during | | ction | | | | Run Stream Valley | con | | | | | | Park, Scotts Run | struction. | | | | | | Stream Valley Park, | | | | | | | and Difficult Run | | | | | | | Stream Valley Park | | | | | | | during construction. | | | | | +------+-----------------------+------------+--------+-------+--------+ | PK-4 | Following completion | Include | DRPT | Co | | | | of construction, | re | | nstru | | | | restore all disturbed | quirements | | ction | | | | public parklands to | in | | | | | | pre-construction | contract | | | | | | conditions. | spec | | | | | | | ifications | | | | | | | and | | | | | | | monitor | | | | | | | compliance | | | | | | | during | | | | | | | con | | | | | | | struction. | | | | +------+-----------------------+------------+--------+-------+--------+ | PK-5 | Continue coordination | Monitor | DRPT | D | | | | with Fairfax County | compliance | | esign | | | | and the Northern | during | | | | | | Virginia Regional | design. | | | | | | Park Authority on the | | | | | | | design of the Project | | | | | | | in the vicinity of | | | | | | | public parklands. | | | | | +------+-----------------------+------------+--------+-------+--------+ | **SA | | | | | | | FETY | | | | | | | AND | | | | | | | SE | | | | | | | CURI | | | | | | | TY** | | | | | | +------+-----------------------+------------+--------+-------+--------+ | SS-1 | Update WMATA Safety | As | WMATA, | D | | | | and Security Program | required, | in | esign | | | | with elements | include | coordi | and | | | | required by | necessary | nation | Co | | | | Transportation | elements | with | nstru | | | | Security | in | MWAA | ction | | | | Administration or the | contract | and | | | | | Metropolitan | documents. | TSA | | | | | Washington Airports | Monitor | | | | | | Authority. | compliance | | | | | | | during | | | | | | | design and | | | | | | | con | | | | | | | struction. | | | | +------+-----------------------+------------+--------+-------+--------+ | SS-2 | Develop mutual aid | Monitor | DRPT, | D | | | | agreements for | compliance | in | esign | | | | emergency response | during | coordi | and | | | | with local | design and | nation | Co | | | | jurisdictions. | con | with | nstru | | | | | struction. | MWAA, | ction | | | | | | WMATA, | | | | | | | F | | | | | | | airfax | | | | | | | and | | | | | | | L | | | | | | | oudoun | | | | | | | Co | | | | | | | unties | | | +------+-----------------------+------------+--------+-------+--------+ | SS-3 | Locate tunnel exits | Include in | DRPT | D | | | | of any kind, | contract | | esign | | | | including vent | drawings. | | and | | | | shafts, emergency | | | Co | | | | access shafts or any | | | nstru | | | | other kinds of | | | ction | | | | openings outside the | | | | | | | secure zone of the | | | | | | | airport. | | | | | +------+-----------------------+------------+--------+-------+--------+ | **W | | | | | | | ATER | | | | | | | RES | | | | | | | OURC | | | | | | | ES** | | | | | | +------+-----------------------+------------+--------+-------+--------+ | WR-1 | Plant riparian | Include | DRPT | Co | | | | buffers near the | re | | nstru | | | | affected areas for | quirements | | ction | | | | two streams | in | | | | | | \[Tributaries W-50 | contract | | | | | | and W-51\] converted | spec | | | | | | to culvert or pipe. | ifications | | | | | | | and | | | | | | | monitor | | | | | | | compliance | | | | | | | during | | | | | | | con | | | | | | | struction. | | | | +------+-----------------------+------------+--------+-------+--------+ | WR-2 | Provide compensatory | Purchase | DRPT | D | | | | mitigation for | additional | | esign | | | | unavoidable wetlands | credits at | | and | | | | impacts associated | an | | Co | | | | with the Service & | existing | | nstru | | | | Inspection Yard on | regional | | ction | | | | Dulles Airport | wetland | | | | | | property, stations, | bank. | | | | | | and ancillary | Monitor | | | | | | facilities. A 1:1 | compliance | | | | | | replacement ratio for | during | | | | | | impacts to emergent | design and | | | | | | wetlands and 2:1 | con | | | | | | replacement ratio for | struction. | | | | | | impacts to forested | | | | | | | wetlands will be | | | | | | | used. | | | | | +------+-----------------------+------------+--------+-------+--------+ | WR-3 | Acquire applicable | Include, | DRPT | D | | | | Federal and state | as | in | esign | | | | water resource | a | coordi | and | | | | permits required for | pplicable, | nation | Co | | | | construction. | in the | with | nstru | | | | Incorporate any | contract | USACOE | ction | | | | permit conditions | drawings | and | | | | | into required | and | VDEQ | | | | | mitigation measures | speci | | | | | | | fications. | | | | | | | Monitor | | | | | | | compliance | | | | | | | during | | | | | | | design and | | | | | | | con | | | | | | | struction. | | | | +------+-----------------------+------------+--------+-------+--------+ | WR-4 | Avoid changes in | Include in | DRPT | D | | | | floodplain | the | | esign | | | | elevation(s) of more | contract | | and | | | | than 1 foot. | drawings | | Co | | | | | and | | nstru | | | | | speci | | ction | | | | | fications. | | | | | | | Monitor | | | | | | | compliance | | | | | | | during | | | | | | | con | | | | | | | struction. | | | | +------+-----------------------+------------+--------+-------+--------+ | WR-5 | Coordinate design of | Include in | DRPT | D | | | | new crossings with | the | | esign | | | | Fairfax and Loudoun | contract | | and | | | | Counties to ensure | drawings | | Co | | | | consistency with | and | | nstru | | | | stream protection | speci | | ction | | | | policies. | fications. | | | | | | | Monitor | | | | | | | compliance | | | | | | | during | | | | | | | design and | | | | | | | con | | | | | | | struction. | | | | +------+-----------------------+------------+--------+-------+--------+ | WR-6 | Coordinate with the | Monitor | DRPT | D | | | | Federal Aviation | compliance | | esign | | | | Administration to | during | | and | | | | ensure compliance | design and | | Co | | | | with FAA Advisory | con | | nstru | | | | Circular No. | struction. | | ction | | | | 150/5200-33 and | | | | | | | control potentially | | | | | | | hazardous wildlife | | | | | | | from interfering with | | | | | | | airport operations | | | | | | | and safety. | | | | | +------+-----------------------+------------+--------+-------+--------+ | WR-7 | Coordinate the design | Monitor | DRPT | D | | | | of the stormwater | compliance | | esign | | | | management pond at | during | | and | | | | the West Falls Church | design and | | Co | | | | Yard with the Fairfax | con | | nstru | | | | County Department of | struction. | | ction | | | | Public Works and | | | | | | | Environmental | | | | | | | Services and the | | | | | | | Virginia Department | | | | | | | of Conservation and | | | | | | | Recreation to ensure | | | | | | | that it meets the | | | | | | | stricter of state and | | | | | | | county requirements. | | | | | +------+-----------------------+------------+--------+-------+--------+ | WR-8 | Coordinate with the | Monitor | DRPT | D | | | | Virginia Department | compliance | | esign | | | | of Conservation and | during | | and | | | | Recreation on the | design and | | Co | | | | design of all | con | | nstru | | | | Project-related | struction. | | ction | | | | stormwater management | | | | | | | facilities to ensure | | | | | | | compliance with the | | | | | | | provisions of the | | | | | | | Chesapeake Bay | | | | | | | Preservation Act. | | | | | +------+-----------------------+------------+--------+-------+--------+ | WR-9 | Coordinate with the | Monitor | DRPT | D | | | | Virginia Marine | compliance | | esign | | | | Resources Commission | during | | and | | | | to determine if the | design and | | Co | | | | Project encroaches | con | | nstru | | | | channelward of | struction. | | ction | | | | ordinary high water | | | | | | | along streams and, if | | | | | | | it does, obtain the | | | | | | | required permit. | | | | | +------+-----------------------+------------+--------+-------+--------+ | W | Comply with all | Monitor | DRPT | D | | | R-10 | applicable | compliance | | esign | | | | requirements of the | during | | and | | | | Virginia Coastal | design and | | Co | | | | Resources Management | con | | nstru | | | | Program. | struction. | | ction | | +------+-----------------------+------------+--------+-------+--------+ | W | Coordinate with the | Monitor | DRPT | D | | | R-11 | Virginia Department | compliance | | esign | | | | of Environmental | during | | and | | | | Quality to ensure | design and | | Co | | | | compliance with the | con | | nstru | | | | Fisheries Management | struction. | | ction | | | | enforceable policy of | | | | | | | the Virginia Coastal | | | | | | | Resources Management | | | | | | | Program. | | | | | +------+-----------------------+------------+--------+-------+--------+ | W | Coordinate with the | Monitor | DRPT | D | | | R-12 | Virginia Department | compliance | | esign | | | | of Conservation and | during | | and | | | | Recreation to ensure | design and | | Co | | | | compliance with the | con | | nstru | | | | requirements of the | struction. | | ction | | | | Chesapeake Bay | | | | | | | Preservation Act | | | | | | | (Virginia Code | | | | | | | sections 10.1-2100 | | | | | | | [et | | | | | | | seq]{.underline}.) | | | | | | | and the [Chesapeake | | | | | | | Bay Preservation Area | | | | | | | Designation and | | | | | | | Management | | | | | | | Reg | | | | | | | ulations]{.underline} | | | | | | | (9 VAC 10-20-10 [et | | | | | | | seq.]{.underline}). | | | | | +------+-----------------------+------------+--------+-------+--------+ | W | Design and construct | Monitor | DRPT | D | | | R-13 | the Project in | compliance | | esign | | | | accordance with the | during | | and | | | | Permitting Plan that | design and | | Co | | | | the Virginia | con | | nstru | | | | Department of | struction. | | ction | | | | Conservation and | | | | | | | Recreation (the | | | | | | | agency responsible | | | | | | | for stormwater | | | | | | | management) and | | | | | | | Fairfax County (the | | | | | | | local agency with | | | | | | | jurisdiction for | | | | | | | implementation of the | | | | | | | CBPA) have agreed to. | | | | | +------+-----------------------+------------+--------+-------+--------+ | * | | | | | | | *NOI | | | | | | | SE** | | | | | | +------+-----------------------+------------+--------+-------+--------+ | NS-1 | All aerial sections | Include in | DRPT | D | | | | of the PE Wiehle | contract | | esign | | | | Avenue Extension will | drawings. | | | | | | include parapet walls | | | | | | | or trackside barriers | | | | | | | to minimize noise | | | | | | | impacts due to train | | | | | | | operations, | | | | | | | consistent with FTA | | | | | | | noise criteria. | | | | | | | Parapet and/or | | | | | | | trackside noise | | | | | | | barriers of increased | | | | | | | height will be | | | | | | | provided at sensitive | | | | | | | receptors specified | | | | | | | in the Wayside Noise | | | | | | | Report (April 2006 | | | | | | | and June 2006). | | | | | +------+-----------------------+------------+--------+-------+--------+ | NS-2 | Install box structure | Include in | DRPT | D | | | | to the new lead track | contract | | esign | | | | and the existing loop | drawings. | | | | | | track at the West | | | | | | | Falls Church Yard to | | | | | | | reduce noise impacts | | | | | | | from yard operations. | | | | | +------+-----------------------+------------+--------+-------+--------+ | NS-3 | Analyze reflective | Monitor | DRPT | D | | | | highway noise impacts | compliance | | esign | | | | to the Hallcrest | during | | | | | | Heights residential | design. | | | | | | community during | | | | | | | preliminary | | | | | | | engineering and/or | | | | | | | final design. | | | | | +------+-----------------------+------------+--------+-------+--------+ | NS-4 | Comply with WMATA | Include | DRPT | Co | | | | guidelines, Federal | re | | nstru | | | | law (for Wolf Trap | quirements | | ction | | | | Farm Park) and local | in | | | | | | noise ordinances, as | contract | | | | | | applicable, during | spec | | | | | | construction. | ifications | | | | | | | and | | | | | | | monitor | | | | | | | compliance | | | | | | | during | | | | | | | con | | | | | | | struction. | | | | +------+-----------------------+------------+--------+-------+--------+ | * | | | | | | | *VIB | | | | | | | RATI | | | | | | | ON** | | | | | | +------+-----------------------+------------+--------+-------+--------+ | VB-1 | Utilize dampening | Include in | DRPT | D | | | | materials or devices | contract | | esign | | | | under switches and | drawings. | | | | | | crossovers near | | | | | | | sensitive receptors, | | | | | | | consistent with FTA | | | | | | | vibration criteria. | | | | | +------+-----------------------+------------+--------+-------+--------+ | **TR | | | | | | | ANSP | | | | | | | ORTA | | | | | | | TION | | | | | | | EFF | | | | | | | ECTS | | | | | | | -- | | | | | | | STA | | | | | | | TION | | | | | | | and | | | | | | | FACI | | | | | | | LITY | | | | | | | ACCE | | | | | | | SS** | | | | | | +------+-----------------------+------------+--------+-------+--------+ | SA-1 | *Tysons Central 123 | Include in | DRPT | D | # | | | Station* -- Construct | contract | | esign | | | | dedicated right turn | drawings. | | | | | | lane for buses on | | | | | | | Tysons Boulevard and | | | | | | | acceleration lane on | | | | | | | Route 123. | | | | | +------+-----------------------+------------+--------+-------+--------+ | SA-2 | *Wiehle Avenue | Include in | DRPT | D | # | | | Station* -- Construct | contract | | esign | | | | new left turn lane | drawings. | | | | | | northbound on Wiehle | | | | | | | Avenue. | | | | | +------+-----------------------+------------+--------+-------+--------+ | SA-3 | *Wiehle Avenue | Include in | DRPT | D | # | | | Station* -- Construct | contract | | esign | | | | new left turn lane to | drawings. | | | | | | the eastbound Dulles | | | | | | | Toll Road exit ramp | | | | | | | at Wiehle Avenue. | | | | | +------+-----------------------+------------+--------+-------+--------+ | SA-4 | *Wiehle Avenue | Include in | DRPT | D | # | | | Station* -- Widen | contract | | esign | | | | eastbound Sunset | drawings. | | | | | | Hills Road between | | | | | | | Wiehle Avenue and | | | | | | | Isaac Newton Square | | | | | | | and provide new left | | | | | | | turn lane. | | | | | +------+-----------------------+------------+--------+-------+--------+ | SA-5 | *Wiehle Avenue | Include in | DRPT | D | # | | | Station* -- Improve | contract | | esign | | | | private roadway south | drawings. | | | | | | of Sunset Hills Road | | | | | | | to VDOT standards. | | | | | +------+-----------------------+------------+--------+-------+--------+ | SA-6 | *Wiehle Avenue | Include in | DRPT | D | # | | | Station* -- Construct | contract | | esign | | | | new entry for bus | drawings. | | | | | | ingress to the north | | | | | | | side station | | | | | | | facilities from the | | | | | | | westbound Dulles Toll | | | | | | | Road entry ramp. | | | | | +------+-----------------------+------------+--------+-------+--------+ | SA-7 | *Wiehle Avenue | Include in | DRPT | D | # | | | Station* -- Construct | contract | | esign | | | | new acceleration lane | drawings. | | | | | | for bus egress from | | | | | | | the station | | | | | | | facilities onto the | | | | | | | westbound Dulles Toll | | | | | | | Road. | | | | | +------+-----------------------+------------+--------+-------+--------+ | SA-8 | *Wiehle Avenue | Include in | DRPT | D | # | | | Station* -- Add bus | contract | | esign | | | | bays on eastbound | drawings. | | | | | | Dulles Toll Road exit | | | | | | | ramp. | | | | | +------+-----------------------+------------+--------+-------+--------+ | SA-9 | *Route 606 Station* | Include in | DRPT | D | # | | | -- Construct new left | contract | | esign | | | | turn lane to | drawings. | | | | | | northbound Route 789 | | | | | | | at both the north and | | | | | | | south station | | | | | | | entrances. | | | | | +------+-----------------------+------------+--------+-------+--------+ | S | *Yard Site 15* -- | Include in | DRPT | D | # | | A-10 | Construct new left | contract | | esign | | | | turn and acceleration | drawings. | | | | | | lanes on Route 606 | | | | | | | for vehicular access | | | | | | | to yard facilities. | | | | | | | Complete construction | | | | | | | of roadway | | | | | | | improvements prior to | | | | | | | use of the Y15 yard | | | | | | | site for construction | | | | | | | staging activities | | | | | | | associated with the | | | | | | | Extension to Wiehle | | | | | | | Avenue. | | | | | +------+-----------------------+------------+--------+-------+--------+ | # TR | | | | | | | ANSP | | | | | | | ORTA | | | | | | | TION | | | | | | | EFF | | | | | | | ECTS | | | | | | | -- | | | | | | | STAT | | | | | | | ION | | | | | | | VICI | | | | | | | NITY | | | | | | +------+-----------------------+------------+--------+-------+--------+ | TR-1 | *Tysons East* | Provide | DRPT, | St | # | | | S*tation* -- | funding | in | ation | | | | Construct second left | for | coope | Op | | | | turn lane from Old | im | ration | ening | | | | Meadow Drive to | provement. | with | | | | | southbound Route 123. | Monitor | VDOT | | | | | | VDOT | | | | | | | design and | | | | | | | co | | | | | | | nstruction | | | | | | | a | | | | | | | ctivities. | | | | +------+-----------------------+------------+--------+-------+--------+ | TR-2 | *Wiehle Avenue | Provide | DRPT, | St | # | | | Station* -- Improve | funding | in | ation | | | | right turn lane from | for | coope | Op | | | | eastbound Sunset | im | ration | ening | | | | Hills Road to | provement. | with | | | | | southbound Wiehle | Monitor | VDOT | | | | | Avenue. | VDOT | | | | | | | design and | | | | | | | co | | | | | | | nstruction | | | | | | | a | | | | | | | ctivities. | | | | +------+-----------------------+------------+--------+-------+--------+ | TR-3 | *Wiehle Avenue | Provide | DRPT, | St | # | | | Station* -- Improve | funding | in | ation | | | | right turn lane from | for | coope | Op | | | | westbound Sunrise | im | ration | ening | | | | Valley Drive to | provement. | with | | | | | northbound Wiehle | Monitor | VDOT | | | | | Avenue. | VDOT | | | | | | | design and | | | | | | | co | | | | | | | nstruction | | | | | | | a | | | | | | | ctivities. | | | | +------+-----------------------+------------+--------+-------+--------+ | TR-4 | *Reston Parkway | Provide | DRPT, | St | # | | | Station* -- Add | funding | in | ation | | | | northbound through | for | coope | Op | | | | lane on Reston | im | ration | ening | | | | Parkway at Sunrise | provement. | with | | | | | Valley Drive | Monitor | VDOT | | | | | intersection. | VDOT | | | | | | | design and | | | | | | | co | | | | | | | nstruction | | | | | | | a | | | | | | | ctivities. | | | | +------+-----------------------+------------+--------+-------+--------+ | TR-5 | *Reston Parkway | Provide | DRPT, | St | # | | | Station* -- improve | funding | in | ation | | | | right turn lane from | for | coope | Op | | | | southbound Reston | im | ration | ening | | | | Parkway to westbound | provement. | with | | | | | Sunrise Valley Drive. | Monitor | VDOT | | | | | | VDOT | | | | | | | design and | | | | | | | co | | | | | | | nstruction | | | | | | | a | | | | | | | ctivities. | | | | +------+-----------------------+------------+--------+-------+--------+ | TR-6 | *Herndon-Monroe | Provide | DRPT, | St | # | | | Station* -- Add left | funding | in | ation | | | | turn lane from | for | coope | Op | | | | southbound Monroe | im | ration | ening | | | | Street to eastbound | provement. | with | | | | | Sunrise Valley Drive. | Monitor | VDOT | | | | | | VDOT | | | | | | | design and | | | | | | | co | | | | | | | nstruction | | | | | | | a | | | | | | | ctivities. | | | | +------+-----------------------+------------+--------+-------+--------+ | TR-7 | *Herndon-Monroe | Provide | DRPT, | St | # | | | Station* --improve | funding | in | ation | | | | right turn lane from | for | coope | Op | | | | eastbound Sunrise | im | ration | ening | | | | Valley Drive to | provement. | with | | | | | southbound Fairfax | Monitor | VDOT | | | | | County Parkway. | VDOT | | | | | | | design and | | | | | | | co | | | | | | | nstruction | | | | | | | a | | | | | | | ctivities. | | | | +------+-----------------------+------------+--------+-------+--------+ | TR-8 | *Herndon-Monroe | Provide | DRPT, | St | # | | | Station* --modify | funding | in | ation | | | | lane configuration at | for | coope | Op | | | | the Van Buren | im | ration | ening | | | | (Monroe) Street and | provement. | with | | | | | Herndon Parkway | Monitor | VDOT | | | | | intersection. | VDOT | | | | | | | design and | | | | | | | co | | | | | | | nstruction | | | | | | | a | | | | | | | ctivities. | | | | +------+-----------------------+------------+--------+-------+--------+ | TR-9 | *Route 606 Station* | Provide | DRPT, | St | # | | | -- Add right turn | funding | in | ation | | | | lane from southbound | for | coope | Op | | | | Route 789 to | im | ration | ening | | | | westbound Route 606. | provement. | with | | | | | | Monitor | VDOT | | | | | | VDOT | | | | | | | design and | | | | | | | co | | | | | | | nstruction | | | | | | | a | | | | | | | ctivities. | | | | +------+-----------------------+------------+--------+-------+--------+ | T | Consult with VDOT and | Include in | DRPT | D | # | | R-10 | Fairfax County to | design and | | esign | | | | refine the design of | co | | | | | | the reconstructed | nstruction | | | | | | portion of Route 7 | drawings. | | | | | | and associated | | | | | | | pedestrian facilities | | | | | | | and landscaping along | | | | | | | Route 7. | | | | | +------+-----------------------+------------+--------+-------+--------+ | T | In the Tysons Corner | Include in | DRPT | D | # | | R-11 | area, any new | design and | | esign | | | | pedestrian crossings | co | | | | | | and modifications to | nstruction | | | | | | existing pedestrian | drawings. | | | | | | crossings will be | | | | | | | constructed to meet | | | | | | | current VDOT design | | | | | | | and safety standards, | | | | | | | unless a deviation | | | | | | | form these standards | | | | | | | is approved by VDOT | | | | | | | and Fairfax County to | | | | | | | improve the | | | | | | | pedestrian | | | | | | | environment.  | | | | | +------+-----------------------+------------+--------+-------+--------+ | **S | | | | | | | ECON | | | | | | | DARY | | | | | | | AND | | | | | | | CU | | | | | | | MULA | | | | | | | TIVE | | | | | | | E | | | | | | | FFEC | | | | | | | TS** | | | | | | | | | | | | | | (S | | | | | | | econ | | | | | | | dary | | | | | | | or | | | | | | | cu | | | | | | | mula | | | | | | | tive | | | | | | | eff | | | | | | | ects | | | | | | | to | | | | | | | the | | | | | | | b | | | | | | | uilt | | | | | | | and | | | | | | | nat | | | | | | | ural | | | | | | | env | | | | | | | iron | | | | | | | ment | | | | | | | r | | | | | | | esul | | | | | | | ting | | | | | | | from | | | | | | | ad | | | | | | | diti | | | | | | | onal | | | | | | | sta | | | | | | | tion | | | | | | | area | | | | | | | dev | | | | | | | elop | | | | | | | ment | | | | | | | w | | | | | | | ould | | | | | | | be | | | | | | | m | | | | | | | itig | | | | | | | ated | | | | | | | thr | | | | | | | ough | | | | | | | co | | | | | | | mpli | | | | | | | ance | | | | | | | with | | | | | | | Fai | | | | | | | rfax | | | | | | | and | | | | | | | Lou | | | | | | | doun | | | | | | | co | | | | | | | unti | | | | | | | es\' | | | | | | | land | | | | | | | use | | | | | | | poli | | | | | | | cies | | | | | | | and | | | | | | | dev | | | | | | | elop | | | | | | | ment | | | | | | | pe | | | | | | | rmit | | | | | | | ting | | | | | | | pro | | | | | | | cess | | | | | | | es.) | | | | | | +------+-----------------------+------------+--------+-------+--------+ | # | | | | | | | CONS | | | | | | | TRUC | | | | | | | TION | | | | | | | EFF | | | | | | | ECTS | | | | | | +------+-----------------------+------------+--------+-------+--------+ | CN-1 | Comply with all | Monitor | DRPT | D | | | | applicable laws, | compliance | | esign | | | | regulations, and | during | | and | | | | permit conditions in | design and | | Co | | | | designing and | con | | nstru | | | | constructing the | struction. | | ction | | | | Project. | | | | | +------+-----------------------+------------+--------+-------+--------+ | CN-2 | Develop Erosion and | Include | DRPT | D | | | | Sediment Control Plan | re | | esign | | | | that complies with | quirements | | and | | | | state law. | in | | Co | | | | | contract | | nstru | | | | | spec | | ction | | | | | ifications | | | | | | | and | | | | | | | monitor | | | | | | | compliance | | | | | | | during | | | | | | | con | | | | | | | struction. | | | | +------+-----------------------+------------+--------+-------+--------+ | CN-3 | Develop Stormwater | Include | DRPT | D | | | | Management Plan and | re | | esign | | | | complies with state | quirements | | and | | | | law. | in | | Co | | | | | contract | | nstru | | | | | spec | | ction | | | | | ifications | | | | | | | and | | | | | | | monitor | | | | | | | compliance | | | | | | | during | | | | | | | con | | | | | | | struction. | | | | +------+-----------------------+------------+--------+-------+--------+ | CN-4 | Use Best Management | Include | DRPT | Co | | | | Practices recommended | re | | nstru | | | | in the *Virginia | quirements | | ction | | | | Stormwater Management | in | | | | | | Handbook* and the | contract | | | | | | *Virginia Erosion and | spec | | | | | | Sediment Control | ifications | | | | | | Handbook,* and the | and | | | | | | *Northern Virginia | monitor | | | | | | BMP Handbook* for | compliance | | | | | | stormwater management | during | | | | | | and groundwater | con | | | | | | protection during | struction. | | | | | | construction. | | | | | +------+-----------------------+------------+--------+-------+--------+ | CN-5 | Use Best Management | Include | DRPT | Co | | | | Practices recommended | re | | nstru | | | | in the *Virginia | quirements | | ction | | | | Stormwater Management | in | | | | | | Handbook* and the | contract | | | | | | *Virginia Erosion and | spec | | | | | | Sediment Control | ifications | | | | | | Handbook,* and the | and | | | | | | *Northern Virginia | monitor | | | | | | BMP Handbook* to | compliance | | | | | | minimize stream | during | | | | | | disturbance during | con | | | | | | construction. | struction. | | | | +------+-----------------------+------------+--------+-------+--------+ | CN-6 | Consult with the | Determine | DRPT | D | | | | Virginia Department | re | | esign | | | | of Conservation and | quirements | | and | | | | Recreation and | during | | Co | | | | acquire any permits | design and | | nstru | | | | or approvals | in | | ction | | | | necessary for | contract | | | | | | construction in | speci | | | | | | floodplains. | fications. | | | | | | | Monitor | | | | | | | compliance | | | | | | | during | | | | | | | con | | | | | | | struction. | | | | +------+-----------------------+------------+--------+-------+--------+ | CN-7 | Consult with the | Monitor | DRPT | D | | | | Virginia Marine | compliance | | esign | | | | Resource Commission | during | | and | | | | and, if deemed | con | | Co | | | | necessary by the | struction. | | nstru | | | | Commission, acquire | | | ction | | | | necessary permits for | | | | | | | encroachments in, on, | | | | | | | or over state-owned | | | | | | | rivers, streams, or | | | | | | | creeks from the | | | | | | | Commission. | | | | | +------+-----------------------+------------+--------+-------+--------+ | CN-8 | Conduct Project | Include | DRPT | Co | | | | in-stream | re | | nstru | | | | construction | quirements | | ction | | | | activities in | in | | | | | | low-flow conditions | contract | | | | | | following Virginia | spec | | | | | | Department of Game | ifications | | | | | | and Inland Fisheries | and | | | | | | guidelines. | monitor | | | | | | | compliance | | | | | | | during | | | | | | | con | | | | | | | struction. | | | | +------+-----------------------+------------+--------+-------+--------+ | CN-9 | Conduct surveys to | Include | DRPT | Co | | | | determine the | re | | nstru | | | | presence of mussel | quirements | | ction | | | | species six months | in | | | | | | prior to any | contract | | | | | | construction | spec | | | | | | activities that | ifications | | | | | | affect perennial | and | | | | | | streams. Relocate all | monitor | | | | | | encountered mussels | compliance | | | | | | to suitable habitat | during | | | | | | to avoid | con | | | | | | construction-related | struction. | | | | | | impacts. | | | | | +------+-----------------------+------------+--------+-------+--------+ | C | Prepare and | Include | DRPT | Co | | | N-10 | distribute | re | | nstru | | | | information sheet on | quirements | | ction | | | | the identification | in | | | | | | and treatment of wood | contract | | | | | | turtles to | spec | | | | | | construction | ifications | | | | | | contractors. Require | and | | | | | | contractors to | monitor | | | | | | relocate any wood | compliance | | | | | | turtles encountered | during | | | | | | to suitable habitat | con | | | | | | in the nearest | struction. | | | | | | perennial stream | | | | | | | under the supervision | | | | | | | of a qualified | | | | | | | biologist. | | | | | +------+-----------------------+------------+--------+-------+--------+ | C | Prior to the start of | Include | DRPT | P | | | N-18 | construction | re | | re-co | | | | activities, conduct | quirements | | nstru | | | | surveys (using a | in | | ction | | | | qualified and | contract | | | | | | permitted biologist) | spec | | | | | | to determine the | ifications | | | | | | presence of wood | and | | | | | | turtles in the | monitor | | | | | | vicinity of Pimmit | compliance | | | | | | Run and Difficult | during | | | | | | Run. Any wood turtles | con | | | | | | encountered will be | struction. | | | | | | safely relocated to a | | | | | | | suitable habitat in | | | | | | | the nearest perennial | | | | | | | stream. The survey | | | | | | | and relocation shall | | | | | | | be accomplished just | | | | | | | before construction | | | | | | | in order to prevent | | | | | | | turtles from | | | | | | | wandering into the | | | | | | | Project area. | | | | | +------+-----------------------+------------+--------+-------+--------+ | C | Minimize impacts to | Include | DRPT | Co | | | N-19 | Pimmit Run and | re | | nstru | | | | Difficult Run during | quirements | | ction | | | | construction. The | in | | | | | | mitigation of such | contract | | | | | | impacts includes | spec | | | | | | protection of the | ifications | | | | | | floodplains and | and | | | | | | tributaries of these | monitor | | | | | | streams. | compliance | | | | | | | during | | | | | | | con | | | | | | | struction. | | | | +------+-----------------------+------------+--------+-------+--------+ | C | Limit impacts to | Include | DRPT | Co | | | N-20 | riparian buffers of | re | | nstru | | | | 300 feet in width | quirements | | ction | | | | along Pimmit Run and | in | | | | | | Difficult Run and of | contract | | | | | | 100 feet in width | spec | | | | | | along all other | ifications | | | | | | streams, including | and | | | | | | intermittent streams. | monitor | | | | | | Revegetate using | compliance | | | | | | native plant | during | | | | | | materials within | con | | | | | | permitted levels of | struction. | | | | | | disturbance. | | | | | +------+-----------------------+------------+--------+-------+--------+ | C | Coordinate with the | Include | DRPT | Co | | | N-21 | Virginia Department | re | | nstru | | | | of Conservation and | quirements | | ction | | | | Recreation to ensure | in | | | | | | that the requirements | contract | | | | | | of the Virginia | spec | | | | | | Erosion and Sediment | ifications | | | | | | Control Law are met. | and | | | | | | | monitor | | | | | | | compliance | | | | | | | during | | | | | | | con | | | | | | | struction. | | | | +------+-----------------------+------------+--------+-------+--------+ | C | Coordinate with the | Include | DRPT | Co | | | N-22 | Virginia Departments | re | | nstru | | | | of Environmental | quirements | | ction | | | | Quality and of | in | | | | | | Conservation and | contract | | | | | | Recreation to ensure | spec | | | | | | that the requirements | ifications | | | | | | for the Virginia | and | | | | | | Pollutant Discharge | monitor | | | | | | Elimination System | compliance | | | | | | (VPDES) program are | during | | | | | | met and VPDES | con | | | | | | stormwater permit for | struction. | | | | | | construction is | | | | | | | obtained. | | | | | +------+-----------------------+------------+--------+-------+--------+ | C | Comply with local | Include | DRPT | Co | | | N-11 | regulations governing | re | | nstru | | | | noise and vibration | quirements | | ction | | | | during construction | in | | | | | | and use construction | contract | | | | | | methods that minimize | spec | | | | | | vibration. | ifications | | | | | | | and | | | | | | | monitor | | | | | | | compliance | | | | | | | during | | | | | | | con | | | | | | | struction. | | | | +------+-----------------------+------------+--------+-------+--------+ | C | Comply with VDEQ | Include | DRPT | Co | | | N-12 | requirements for | re | | nstru | | | | fugitive dust control | quirements | | ction | | | | (9 VAC 5-50-60 et. | in | | | | | | seq.) and open | contract | | | | | | burning (9 VAC | spec | | | | | | 5-40-5600 et. seq.). | ifications | | | | | | | and | | | | | | | monitor | | | | | | | compliance | | | | | | | during | | | | | | | con | | | | | | | struction. | | | | +------+-----------------------+------------+--------+-------+--------+ | C | Prepare maintenance | Develop | DRPT, | D | | | N-13 | of traffic plans to | m | in | esign | | | | address | aintenance | coordi | and | | | | construction-related | of traffic | nation | Co | | | | traffic management | plans and | with | nstru | | | | and detours. | monitor | VDOT | ction | | | | | compliance | and | | | | | | during | MWAA | | | | | | con | | | | | | | struction. | | | | +------+-----------------------+------------+--------+-------+--------+ | C | Maintain access | Develop | DRPT | Co | | | N-14 | (pedestrian and | outreach | | nstru | | | | vehicular) to | program | | ction | | | | existing businesses | and | | | | | | during construction. | monitor | | | | | | Communicate with | compliance | | | | | | affected businesses | during | | | | | | and residents in | con | | | | | | order to minimize | struction. | | | | | | construction effects. | | | | | +------+-----------------------+------------+--------+-------+--------+ | C | Engage affected | Develop | DRPT | D | | | N-15 | stakeholders to | outreach | | esign | | | | participate in the | program | | and | | | | development of | and | | Co | | | | mitigation measures | monitor | | nstru | | | | for construction | compliance | | ction | | | | effects and | during | | | | | | maintenance of | design and | | | | | | traffic plans. | con | | | | | | | struction. | | | | +------+-----------------------+------------+--------+-------+--------+ | C | Coordinate | Monitor | DRPT, | Co | | | N-16 | construction | compliance | in | nstru | | | | activities with VDOT | during | coordi | ction | | | | for | co | nation | | | | | Commonwealth-owned | nstruction | with | | | | | roadways and MWAA for | | VDOT | | | | | Dulles Airport | | and | | | | | property, including | | MWAA | | | | | the DIAAH. | | | | | +------+-----------------------+------------+--------+-------+--------+ | C | Comply with federal, | Include | DRPT | Co | | | N-17 | state, and local | re | | nstru | | | | regulations governing | quirements | | ction | | | | the use and handling | in | | | | | | of hazardous | contract | | | | | | materials during | spec | | | | | | construction. | ifications | | | | | | | and | | | | | | | monitor | | | | | | | compliance | | | | | | | during | | | | | | | con | | | | | | | struction. | | | | +------+-----------------------+------------+--------+-------+--------+ **Notes:** ^1^ See the Final Environmental Impact Statement and the 2006 EA for complete descriptions of the mitigation measures. ^2^ Additional agencies may monitor compliance or review activities associated with permits and regulatory approvals; Up to now, the DRPT has been the lead sponsoring agency and the primary responsible party for implementing mitigation commitments. However, the MWAA is working with DRPT and FTA to take over as the lead sponsor, and if this should occur, MWAA will become the responsible party wherever DPRT has been. As a condition of any grant, FTA will require that the project sponsor construct the Project in accordance with this ROD and the environmental record referenced herein. . **Acronyms:** **DRPT** -- Virginia Department of Rail and Public Transportation **FAA** -- Federal Aviation Administration **MWAA** -- Metropolitan Washington Airports Authority **SHPO --** State Historic Preservation Office **TSA** -- Transportation Security Administration **USACOE** -- U.S. Army Corps of Engineers **U.S. DOT** -- U. S Department of Transportation **VDCR -- Virginia Department of Conservation and Recreation** **VDEQ** -- Virginia Department of Environmental Quality **VDHR** -- Virginia Department of Historic Resources **VDOT** -- Virginia Department of Rail and Public Transportation **WMATA** -- Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority ATTACHMENT B 2006 ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT COMMENTS AND RESPONSES **1. Purpose and Need for the Proposed Action** ## ## General Support for the Project **Public Comment:** Despite some reservations about the proposed design changes, especially those that will affect accessibility, we are highly supportive of the effort to provide Metrorail in Tysons Corner and the Dulles Corridor. We look forward to having service soon. > ***Response:** FTA and DRPT have reconsidered the proposed changes > that would affect accessibility by pedestrians, especially elderly and > disabled pedestrians, and have decided to retain the pedestrian > facilities and elevators in question.* ## 2. Public Involvement **Public Comment:** I urge you to embrace citizen input as you move forward with decisions on Metro in Tysons. Rushing Metrorail construction to provide access to Dulles Airport raises concerns that months of community input, especially on the Tysons Corner portion, will be forgotten. > ***Response:** Public input has always been an important component of > the decision-making process on this project. DRPT and WMATA prepared > public hearing reports after each hearing and made those reports > available to the public. DRPT has maintained a public Web site to make > available documents related to the Project and to provide the public > with information about public meetings, Project status, and other > items.* **Public Comment:** I do not think these hearings are necessary or sufficient. This project needs to go to the ballot box. > ***Response:** The public hearing on the EA was held to facilitate > public participation in the continuing environmental review process > for this Project. The Commonwealth of Virginia, not the FTA, would > determine the need for a referendum on the Project.* **3. Agency Coordination** **Comment:** The EA indicates that DRPT has reviewed plans for the proposed stormwater management pond with the Department of Conservation, Fairfax County, and WMATA, and that these agencies agree that the proposed pond is appropriate (page 3-24). Fairfax County\'s Department of Planning and Zoning is unable, so far, to identify the agency or person that reviewed the plans for the pond, and so does not know the basis of the statement. > ***Response:** The plans for the stormwater management pond in > question were provided to the Fairfax County Department of Public > Works and Environmental Services (DPWES), Land Development Services. > DPWES has reached an agreement with DRPT and the Virginia Department > of Conservation and Recreation that this pond and all of the other > Project related stormwater management facilities will be designed to > meet the stricter of either state or county requirements.* > > *A letter to this effect has been submitted by Fairfax County to the > Virginia Department of Environmental Quality to indicate that the > outstanding agency coordination needed to complete the Coastal Zone > Consistency Review has been completed.* **Public Comment:** As a way to ensure that the project remains one of regional benefit, the City of Falls Church calls for the creation of a Dulles Rail Policy Committee, composed of elected representatives from each of the Virginia jurisdictions, including the City of Falls Church. > ***Response:** Chapters 5, 6, and 10 of the Final EIS (December 2004) > clearly show the regional benefits of the Project. None of the design > refinements evaluated in the EA would affect these anticipated > benefits. The Commonwealth of Virginia, not the FTA, would determine > the need for such policy committee.* ## 4. Metropolitan Washington Airports Authority Role in Project **Public Comment:** MWAA should take over the Dulles Toll Road to ensure that revenue is available for improvements in Dulles Corridor, including rail to the airport. **Public Comment:** The Dulles Rail Corridor Association embraces the agreement between the state and the Airports Authority, and looks forward to expediting this project. **Public Comment:** How is this document relevant, given the takeover of the project by MWAA? **Public Comment:** Is the change of ownership to the Metropolitan Washington Airports Authority going to change the relationship with the Federal Transit Administration? Will that affect the cost-effectiveness metric that's driving all these changes? Will local official objections to the new MWAA relationship delay construction and operation of the system? > ***Response:** These issues were not related to the design refinements > studied in the EA. The agreements between the Commonwealth and MWAA > are currently under development and at this time, any changes in the > scope, timing, and funding for the two phases of the Project are not > known. FTA will require, as a condition of any FTA funding for the > Project, that the Project's sponsor, be it DRPT or MWAA, design and > build the Project in accordance with the Final EIS, 2006 EA, and this > Amended Record of Decision.* **5. Cost Saving Priorities and Preferences** **Public Comment:** The design and construction of the rail system should be first based on what is best for the riders and the community, and then on the resources found to accomplish it. **Public Comment:** Make every economy you can that is not short-sighted. **Public Comment:** The proposed design changes are necessary to make the project cost-effective and keep it on schedule. Some of the features we would have preferred to see in the plans should be deferred to move ahead as quickly as possible. We can find a way to add these enhancements back in after the project is built. An affordable rail line, even with decreased accessibility, is better than no rail line at all. > ***Response:** In response to the many public comments on the > accessibility issue, FTA and DRPT have decided to retain the elevators > that the EA proposed for deletion as a cost savings measure. FTA and > DRPT are committed to developing a cost-effective Project that meets > the goals of the surrounding community.* **Public Comment:** If you need to save money, cut back on the amenities that won't affect the system's ability to carry passengers. Reduce the number of escalators. Bring the line to the surface. But don't reduce the number of rail cars. > ***Response:** A reduction in the number of rail cars for the > Extension to Wiehle Avenue was not a design refinement evaluated in > the EA.* **Public Comment:** With the scaling back of the design, certain choices are going to be irrevocable. Once we build it above ground, we are not going to be able to move it underground. So let's not make decisions that damage what was previously a nice, urban friendly design. **Public Comment:** Given the potential new fiscal capacity provided by the project being turned over to MWAA, the Greater Washington Board of Trade urges reinstating the design features that might adversely impact future transit-oriented development in Tysons Corner if left out. > ***Response:** The underground section of the alignment within Tysons > Corner was shortened approximately 2,300 feet and raised approximately > 45 feet. The Tysons Central 7 Station, previously proposed to be > underground would now be at-grade. Other design changes include > shifting the Tysons East Station to avoid stream impacts, moving the > alignment to the median of the Route 7, reconstructing Route 7 to > eliminate the service roadways and to add an additional through lane, > and other minor modifications to station layouts.* > > *Pedestrian bridges continue to be part of the design. In addition, > DRPT is not advancing the design refinement evaluated in the EA that > would have eliminated some elevators at pedestrian bridge entrances. > The plans for the pedestrian bridge entrance pavilions will be > modified to include redundant elevators and associated equipment.* > > *The design refinements considered in the EA would result in minimal > change in the transit-oriented development (TOD) potential in the > station areas. The county's plans allow for an increase in intensity > in each station area as well as a more diverse mix of uses if transit > is implemented. The analysis of the potential for TOD documented in > the Draft EIS is primarily dependent on the location of the stations, > the existing uses within the station areas, and the amount of vacant > or underutilized land.* > > *In May 2006, following the circulation of the EA and the close of the > public comment period, the Virginia Secretary of Transportation > commissioned an independent panel to investigate the feasibility and > cost-effectiveness of constructing the aerial segment through Tyson's > Corner in tunnel rather than on aerial structure. After reviewing the > panel's findings and conferring with Federal, state and local > officials, the Commonwealth made a determination to drop the tunnel > alternative due to cost and schedule concerns and to advance the > Project as described in this Amended Record of Decision.* **Public Comment:** The accessibility of the Dulles Corridor Metrorail Project is not an acceptable trade-off for cost savings. If we can't build a system that will provide for easy accessibility and maximum ridership, then we should not build the project. It is not reasonable to expect that developers would restore critical pedestrian connections or accessibility features after the fact. The project should be built right from the start. The current cost containment efforts are short-sighted. The project team should restore the features that ensure accessibility for everyone and find a different way to save costs. > ***Response:** Though narrower in width than originally proposed in > the Final EIS, the pedestrian bridges continue to be part of the > Project design. In response to public and agency comments, DRPT is not > advancing the design refinement evaluated in the 2006 EA that would > have eliminated some elevators at pedestrian bridge entrances. The > plans for the pedestrian bridge entrance pavilions will include > redundant elevators and associated equipment as originally proposed in > the Final EIS.* **Public Comment:** To save costs, I propose that the owners of properties where the pedestrian bridges land should fund the construction of the bridges. **Public Comment:** Under no circumstances should pedestrian bridges be value engineered out of the project or effectively cost shifted to adjacent landowners as some have recently said in newspaper reports. **Public Comment:** If the money won't cover pedestrian bridges, have the County provide the bridges and all the sidewalks and roads. The bridges are needed to safely cross Route 7 and Route 123. > ***Response:** The design refinements resulting from the 2006 EA do > not include elimination of the pedestrian bridges over Routes 123 or > 7. The bridges remain in the Project's current design as does the > elevator access to those bridges.* # 6. Alternatives Evaluated ## PE Wiehle Avenue Extension -- Alignment **Public Comment:** Revised alignment drawings are submitted for review and consideration. Revisions may or may not reduce costs. > ***Response:** The suggestions submitted by the commenter were > revisions of earlier plans that have already been superseded. Many of > the suggestions proposed by the commenter have been integrated into > the current design.* **Public Comment:** Lowering the aerial structures is important for aesthetics and cost. The project team should allow 4 to 5 percent grades where trains are slowing to stop and accelerating to proceed. > ***Response:** These recommended changes in the aerial structure > grades are not possible because WMATA's design criteria call for a > maximum slope of 4 percent.* **Public Comment:** The West Falls Church yard connection is particularly unnecessary since a yard will be built in Loudoun County. Temporary operating inconvenience is tolerable. > ***Response:** The new yard lead and the storage track improvements at > West Falls Church Yard are necessary to support operation of the > Wiehle Avenue Extension until the new Service and Inspection Yard is > constructed on Dulles Airport property as part of the Project's second > phase, the Extension to Dulles Airport/Route 772.* **Public Comment:** The alignment along what we call the Cleveland site between Colshire Drive and Anderson Road should be put back into its previous alignment profile. The currently proposed alignment requires more private property than the previously planned alignment. > ***Response:** The vertical profile of this portion of the alignment > was lowered to reduce capital costs, and the Tysons East station was > shifted to avoid impacts to Scotts Run. The alignment referenced in > the comment, previously presented in the Final EIS, is not compatible > with the current design of the Tysons East station and its approaches. > The current design is presented in the 2006 EA and is now part of the > Project that is the subject of this Amended Record of Decision.* **Public Comment:** An alternate site should be found for the temporary construction easement which has been shown in some plans on Cleveland Building parking lot. []{.mark} > ***Response:** The proposed use of this site for construction staging > has been included in Project plans and coordinated with the property > owner since 2003. The site, which is slated for future redevelopment, > currently includes an older office building that has been vacant for > several years. DRPT will compensate the property owner for any > temporary use of the property for construction-related activities in > accordance with applicable Federal and state laws, including the > Uniform Relocation and Real Property Acquisition Policies Act and its > implementing regulation (49 CFR part 24).* **Public Comment:** A single box girder configuration on single piers which combines both tracks should be utilized rather than the proposed paired box girder configuration. This would improve the aesthetics and possibly provide the opportunity for greater spacing between columns. > ***Response:** Single piers and box girders have been used where > possible, up to the point of the alignment where the track centers > widen for the Tysons East station. A single pier and box girder > configuration cannot be used for the station portion of the > alignment.* **Public Comment:** The viaduct at Colshire Drive and at Old Meadow Road is too low and designed in a way that would preclude the future possibility of grade separated road connections across Route 123 at these key intersections. This could dramatically limit the potential for improved road network access along this critical roadway. > ***Response:** Grade separation of these intersections is not > currently planned or programmed for construction by VDOT, Fairfax > County, or the Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments in their > future transportation plans.* **Public Comment:** We strongly believe that the Metrorail viaduct and Tysons East Station should be realigned from the northern edge of Route 123 to the centerline of Route 123 between the Dulles Access Road and the 1-495 Interchanges. We understand this option may need to be evaluated under a separate environmental assessment. > ***Response:** A shift in the Project's alignment from the north side > to the median of Route 123 was not a design refinement evaluated in > the EA. Over the long course of the EIS and EA, DRPT and Fairfax > County have considered several possible configurations along Routes > 123 and 7 and have settled on the configuration described in the 2006 > EA that is now part of the Project. Cost, system accessibility, > property needs, disruption of adjacent land uses, and other > considerations factored into this decision.* ## ## PE Wiehle Avenue Extension -- Stations **Public Comment:** The current plans should show a proposed future station at Wolf Trap. The project should include engineering to ensure that, at whatever future date it does make sense financially to have a station there, it can be placed with minimal impact. > ***Response:** The Project's current design does not include a station > at Wolf Trap Farm Park. The current design includes a 1,400-foot > section of retained fill to accommodate a future station at this > location.* **Public Comment:** The Tysons East Station should be moved back to a location as close as possible to the previously planned location equidistant between Colshire Drive and at Old Meadow Road. > ***Response:** This station platform and pier locations were shifted > to their current locations based on coordination with environmental > resource agencies and associated permitting requirements.* ## PE Wiehle Avenue Extension -- Ancillary Facilities **Public Comment:** Fairfax County recommends that DRPT and WMATA coordinate with the County\'s Department of Public Works and Environmental Services regarding the need for, the location of, and the design of the stormwater management facility proposed for the West Falls Church Rail Yard. If it is confirmed that the construction of the proposed stormwater pond would be desirable and appropriate, the pond should be designed and located to minimize impacts, as much as possible, to the Resource Protection Area. The facility should also be designed and constructed to minimize potential adverse visual impacts to adjacent residential lots. > ***Response:** As documented in the EA, the pond was designed and > placed to minimize effects to Pimmit Run and its unnamed tributaries > in the vicinity of the Yard. A Resource Protection Area (RPA) is a > land use designation for an area adjacent to and landward of a water > resource connected to the Chesapeake Bay. RPAs protect water quality > by removal, reduction, or assimilation of sediments, nutrients, or > potentially harmful or toxic substances in runoff before entering the > bay or its tributaries. The addition of a stormwater pond within or > adjacent to the RPA between the S&I Yard and Pimmit Run would serve > the same purposes of the RPA and is needed to mitigate stormwater > flowing from the S&I Yard. The pond will both correct an existing > issue at the yard and mitigate the additional stormwater flow to > Pimmit Run that would result from the new yard lead and storage tracks > for the Wiehle Avenue Extension.* > > *The plans for this stormwater management pond were provided to the > Fairfax County Department of Public Works and Environmental Services > (DPWES), Land Development Services. DPWES has reached an agreement > with DRPT and the Virginia Department of Conservation that this pond > and all of the other Project-related stormwater management facilities > will be designed to meet the stricter of either state or county > requirements. Fairfax County and DRPT will continue to coordinate on > the design of all Project-related stormwater management facilities to > ensure compliance with the provisions of the Chesapeake Bay > Preservation Act.* ## Capital and Operating Costs **Public Comment:** The current cost estimate does not account for the effects of moving construction activity to the center of Leesburg Pike. The productivity of construction crews will be reduced because of limited space for operations and the need to maintain traffic. This will require more night shifts, driving up costs. > ***Response:** The current cost estimate includes the costs associated > with construction of the Metrorail alignment in the median of Route > 7.* ## Alternatives to Current Design **Public Comment:** The Dulles Corridor Rail Line should be underground through the entire Tysons Corner area. It is especially important to have the line underground where it passes through residential areas. Advanced tunnel technology is available that could reduce costs; we should not ignore this option. Many communities in the Tysons Corner area have expressed a desire for an underground plan. **Public Comment:** The costs of the tunnel option merit independent review. **Public Comment:** A subway alternative is not appropriate for Tysons Corner. The costs of such an alternative are too high. Much higher than when Metro was originally built. Moreover, the perception that subway construction will be less disruptive than aerial construction is not true. > ***Response:*** *A tunnel alternative was not one of the design > refinements evaluated in the EA. A full tunnel alternative through > Tysons Corner was eliminated during the alternatives analysis > conducted during the Draft Environmental Impact Statement (EIS). > Following publication of the Draft EIS, a tunnel version of the > Project's current alignment was re-evaluated and again eliminated from > further consideration due to the additional costs and risks associated > with underground construction. For more detailed information, please > refer to the Final Alternatives Analysis Report (May 2001), the Final > Alternatives Analysis Report Addendum (November 2004), and Chapter 2 > of Appendix J of the Final EIS (Public and Agency Comments and > Responses).* > > *In May 2006, following the circulation of the EA and the close of the > public comment period, the Virginia Secretary of Transportation > commissioned an independent panel to investigate the feasibility and > cost-effectiveness of constructing the aerial segment through Tyson's > Corner in tunnel rather than on aerial structure. After reviewing the > panel's findings and conferring with Federal, state and local > officials, the Commonwealth made a determination to drop this tunnel > alternative due to cost and schedule concerns and to advance the > Project as described in this Amended Record of Decision.* **Public Comment:** The project team should consider an alternative that keeps Metrorail in the median of the Dulles Toll Road, with a connection to a bus or light rail circulator loop in Tysons Corner. Such a service would provide a better connection to destinations in Tysons Corner. > ***Response:** This alternative was not a part of the design > refinements evaluated in the EA. An alternative that included > Metrorail in the median of the Dulles Connector Road with a connection > to transit feeder service through Tysons Corner (called Alignment T8) > was eliminated during the alternatives analysis conducted during the > preparation of the Draft EIS. For more detailed information, please > refer to the Final Alternatives Analysis Report (May 2001) and Chapter > 2 of Appendix J of the Final EIS (Public and Agency Comments and > Responses).* **Public Comment:** It is time to reconsider a bus rapid transit option, or a combination of rail and bus rapid transit. The Federal Transit Administration is supportive of this new mode. > ***Response:** This alternative was not a part of the design > refinements evaluated in the EA. Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) was > eliminated from further consideration following publication of the > Draft EIS. Based on the evaluation of alternatives contained in the > Draft EIS, the record of public comments, and agency coordination, a > Metrorail extension was formally adopted as the region's Locally > Preferred Alternative (LPA) by the Commonwealth Transportation Board > and the WMATA Board of Directors. A more detailed discussion of the > rationale for this decision is presented in the Final EIS. FTA is > generally supportive of BRT nationwide, but defers to local > decision-makers in the planning of specific projects.* **Public Comment:** We need to have access from all four corners of the Wiehle Avenue/Dulles Toll Road interchange. The lack of this access is a short-coming of the current design. Hopefully, this will be addressed during the process of considering developer proposals at that station area. > ***Response:** The proposed modification was not a part of the design > refinements evaluated in the EA. The current design includes > pedestrian bridges from the Wiehle Avenue station to both the north > and south sides of the Dulles Toll Road. None of the proposed > improvements is anticipated to preclude the ability to further enhance > connections to the north and south sides of the station along the > Dulles Toll Road.* **Public Comment:** The Dulles Corridor System must be a three-track system capable of providing express service. > ***Response:** This alternative was not a part of the design > refinements evaluated in the EA. An alignment that included such > express service (called Alignment T12) was eliminated during the > alternatives analysis conducted as a result of comments received on > the Draft EIS. For more detailed information, please refer to the > Final Alternatives Analysis Report Addendum (November 2004) and > Chapter 2 of Appendix J of the Final EIS (Public and Agency Comments > and Responses).* **Public Comment:** A heavy rail system like this will not work. The Dulles Corridor needs to be redesigned with 400-feet right-of-way. It needs to be redesigned for congestion relief. This project provides no congestion relief. **Public Comment:** Instead of building a new rail line, we should establish more bus routes between West Falls Church and Dulles Airport. > ***Response:** The need for a high-quality, high-capacity transit > improvement in the Dulles Corridor is well documented. During the > early studies of alternatives in the Dulles Corridor (Dulles Corridor > Transportation Study (1997) and Supplement to the Dulles Corridor > Transportation Study (1999)), express bus service and highway > improvements were eliminated from further consideration as stand-alone > alternatives because they could not adequately address future demand > in the Dulles Corridor.* # 7. Environmental Effects ## Displacements and Relocation **Public Comment:** There is no indication whether any of the parcels to be targeted for acquisition are Fairfax County Park Authority-owned or Fairfax County Board of Supervisors-owned properties. > ***Response:** None of the parcels slated for acquisition is owned by > the Fairfax County Park Authority or is a "parkland" as defined by > Section 4(f) of the U.S. Department of Transportation Act. The > Project's Draft EIS, Supplemental Draft EIS, and Final EIS contained > detailed assessments of potential impacts to the parklands within the > Dulles Corridor, including those owned by Fairfax County Park > Authority. For further information, see Chapter 7 (Section 4(f) > Evaluation) of the Final EIS (December 2004).* > > *As documented in Table C-1 of the EA, no changes in effects to parks > and recreation areas would occur as a result of the design refinements > evaluated in the EA.* ## Visual and Aesthetic Conditions **Public Comment:** The power lines that cross Route 7 from the south side near Tysons West Station are ugly and must present some sort of safety issue. I would like to see these lines relocated below grade along Route 7 at this early stage as opposed to later when development begins. > ***Response:** During the reconstruction of Route 7, the local > distribution lines will be placed underground. The Virginia Dominion > Power transmission lines will remain above ground unless Virginia > Dominion Power decides to relocate them underground.* **Public Comment:** The proposed, above-ground design will be ugly and very detrimental to the Tysons Corner area. The project will result in noise and visual clutter for those who live close by, and will decrease property values. Urban, pedestrian-oriented development is not likely to increase because of the visual and auditory disturbance. > ***Response:** Changes in the environmental effects from the design > refinements---including the additional portion of aerial alignment > along Route 7---are documented in the EA. The changes in visual and > aesthetic conditions were found to be modest and no additional > mitigation was required beyond what is already documented in the Final > EIS. The new portion of aerial alignment along Route 7 will not result > in any additional noise impacts beyond those discussed in the Final > EIS. Like all other sections of aerial track, a parapet wall (a wall > placed along the track on the aerial structure) is planned to mitigate > noise.* ## Noise **Public Comment:** Where will the noise walls along Route 7 be? > ***Response:** Along Route 7, all aerial sections of the Metrorail > alignment will include track-side barriers (called parapet walls). > These barriers will be approximately 4 feet high and serve to block > the noise from its primary source---the train running along the > track.* ## Water Resources **Public Comment:** A permit may be required from the Marine Resources Commission if project encroaches channelward of ordinary high water along natural rivers and streams. > ***Response:** DRPT does not expect such encroachment but will > continue to coordinate with the Virginia Marine Resources Commission > as the Project is designed and constructed.* **Public Comment:** Based on the information submitted and the comments of reviewing agencies, we confirm our earlier concurrence that the proposed project (taking into account the proposed design refinements) is consistent with the Virginia Coastal Resources Management Program, provided that FTA, DRPT, and WMATA and their contractors comply with all applicable requirements. > ***Response:** FTA and DRPT are committed to complying with all of the > applicable requirements of the original (October 27, 2004) coastal > zone consistency determination.* **Public Comment:** If the project meets the requirements of the Virginia Erosion and Sediment Control Law, it is consistent with the non-point source pollution control enforceable policy of the Virginia Coastal Resources Management Program. **Public Comment:** Provided that strict erosion and sediment control measures are implemented, the revised project is consistent with the Fisheries Management enforceable policy of the Virginia Coastal Resources Management Program. > ***Response:** DRPT will continue to coordinate with the Virginia > Department of Conservation and Recreation to ensure that the > requirements of the Virginia Erosion and Sediment Control Law are met > as the Project is designed and constructed.* **Public Comment:** Projects causing land disturbance of one acre or more are subject to the requirement to obtain a Virginia Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (VPDES) Stormwater General Permit for Construction Activities. > ***Response:** DRPT will continue to coordinate with the Virginia > Department of Conservation and Recreation to ensure that the > requirements for the Virginia Pollutant Discharge Elimination System > (VPDES) Stormwater General Permit for Construction Activities are met > as the Project is designed and constructed.* **Public Comment:** The project appears to be consistent with the Chesapeake Bay Preservation Act (Virginia Code sections 10.1-2100 [et seq]{.underline}. and the [Chesapeake Bay Preservation Area Designation and Management Regulations]{.underline} (9 VAC 10-20-10 [et seq.]{.underline}), which constitute the Coastal Lands Management enforceable policy of the Virginia Coastal Resources Management Program. > ***Response:** DRPT will continue to coordinate with the Virginia > Department of Conservation and Recreation to ensure that the > requirements for protection of the Chesapeake Bay are met as the > Project is designed and constructed.* **Public Comment:** Non-linear features of the project, such as parking lots and stations, are not exempt from the requirements of the [Chesapeake Bay Preservation Area Designation and Management Regulations]{.underline} and are required to be consistent with the general performance criteria found in 9 VAC 10-20-120 [et seq]{.underline}.) of the Regulations and the development criteria for Resource Protection Areas (9 VAC 10-20-130 [et seq]{.underline}.). The Tyson\'s East Station site plan places the Kiss & Ride facility almost entirely within the Resource Protection Area (RPA) and is not an exempt activity. However, it appears that the design has been modified to minimize the impervious pavement. > ***Response:** A Resource Protection Area (RPA) is a land use > designation for an area adjacent to and landward of a water resource > connected to the Chesapeake Bay. RPAs serve to protect water quality > by removal, reduction, or assimilation of sediments, nutrients, or > potentially harmful or toxic substances in runoff before entering the > bay or its tributaries. The portion of the Tysons East Station > facilities that are in the RPA have not changed since the Final EIS > and therefore were not included in the EA. A description of these > facilities and how they relate to the regulations and performance > criteria for development in an RPA, are included in the Project's > Permitting Plan.* > > *DRPT has reviewed the Project's Permitting Plan with the Virginia > Department of Conservation and Recreation (the agency responsible for > stormwater management) and Fairfax County (the local agency with > jurisdiction for implementation of the CBPA). These agencies are in > agreement with the Plan. The Project will be designed and constructed > in accordance with this agreed-upon Permitting Plan.* **Public Comment:** The EA indicates that the \"new stormwater pond would be placed adjacent to the Resource Protection Area" (page 3-24, first bullet, first paragraph). However, it goes on to discuss the \"addition of a stormwater pond within the RPA between the S&l Yard and Pimmit Run\" (page 3-24, first bullet, second paragraph). Fairfax County, pointing out this discrepancy, states that a comparison of the pond site in the EA (Figure 2-16, \"Changes to West Falls Church Rail Yard\") with the County\'s map of Chesapeake Bay Preservation Areas suggests that there will be at least some encroachment into the RPA. > ***Response:** The plans for the stormwater management pond in > question were provided to the Fairfax County Department of Public > Works and Environmental Services (DPWES), Land Development Services. > DPWES has reached an agreement with DRPT and the Virginia Department > of Conservation that this pond and all of the other Project related > stormwater management facilities will be designed to meet the stricter > of either state or county requirements.* > > *Fairfax County and DRPT will continue to coordinate the design of all > of the Project-related stormwater management facilities with the DPWES > and the Virginia Department of Conservation to ensure compliance with > the provisions of the Chesapeake Bay Preservation Act.* ## Cultural Resources and Parklands **Public Comment:** Cultural resources must be identified and evaluated prior to the establishment of construction staging areas and in areas to be affected by construction. **Public Comment:** The report does not address cultural (archaeological) resources at all. The Park Authority recommends that if there are no changes to effects on cultural resources, this category should be added to Table 3.1 with a note indicating there are no changes from those presented in the EIS. **Public Comment:** The project has the potential to have direct impacts on Pimmit Run Stream Valley Park, Olney Park, Scotts Run Stream Valley Park near Route 123, Ash Grove/Courthouse Spring Branch, and Difficult Run Stream Valley Park near the Dulles Toll Road. Potential impacts from the project could be loss of park land, structures and grading in the Resource Protection Area (RPA), impacts to wetlands, and stormwater impacts. **Public Comment:** The maps and information provided do not allow assessment of what direct impacts may occur to Fairfax County-owned park properties. The Park Authority cannot fully evaluate the potential archaeological and environmental impacts of the Dulles Rail Extension project because the EA report is extremely vague. The Park Authority would like more information on specific properties, wetlands and stream segments to be impacted in order to make an adequate assessment. > ***Response:** The purpose of the EA was to document the changes in > effects between the Final EIS Wiehle Avenue Extension and the > Project's current design, the PE Wiehle Avenue Extension. Only those > areas where changes in effects occurred were included in the > Environmental Effects chapter.* > > *Appendix C of the EA included a complete comparison of the effects > between the Final EIS Wiehle Avenue Extension and the PE Wiehle Avenue > Extension. This table includes the changes in effects documented in > Table 3-1 and documents that no changes occurred to the topics not > included in Chapter 3, such as cultural resources and parklands.* > > *Cultural resources, parklands, and recreation areas were studied in > detail in the Section 4(f) Evaluations prepared for the Draft EIS, > Supplemental Draft EIS, and Final EIS. As a part of these efforts, > both a Cultural Resources Technical Report (Phase Ia) and > Identification and Evaluation Reports for both archaeology and > historic architecture were prepared to fulfill the requirements for > identification and evaluation under Section 106 of the of the National > Historic Preservation Act, as amended. The Section 106 Memorandum of > Agreement between VDHR, FTA, and DRPT which is included as Attachment > D of this Amended Record of Decision was executed on October 5, 2004, > and outlines measures to address the Project's effects on historic > resources and a process to deal with unanticipated discoveries during > construction.* ## Biota and Habitat **Public Comment:** The proposed project will not affect any documented state-listed plants or insects. **Public Comment:** The Department of Game and Inland Fisheries (DGIF) indicates that the first phase of the project may adversely affect wood turtles and recommends the following measures to protect this species: - Avoid Impacts to Pimmit Run and Difficult Run. The avoidance or mitigation of such impacts includes protection of the floodplains and tributaries of these streams. - Preserve Riparian Buffers. Undisturbed riparian buffers of at least 300 feet in width should be preserved along Pimmit Run and Difficult Run. Buffers of at least 100 feet in width should be preserved along all other streams, including intermittent streams. - Survey for Wood Turtles. Immediately before the commencement of construction activities, a qualified and permitted biologist should conduct a survey of wood turtles. Any wood turtles encountered should be safely relocated to suitable habitat in the nearest perennial stream. The survey and relocation should be accomplished just before construction in order to prevent turtles from wandering into the project area. > ***Response:** No changes in the effects to water resources, including > Difficult or Pimmit Run are anticipated due to the design refinements > evaluated in the EA.* > > *However, FTA and DRPT have agreed to include in the Project certain > actions to protect wood turtles, as follow: during design and > construction, the impacts to Pimmit Run and Difficult Run, including > the riparian buffers, will be minimized; information sheets about the > identification and treatment of wood turtles will be distributed to > construction contractors, and if a wood turtle is encountered, it will > be safely relocated to suitable habitat in the nearest perennial > stream; and surveys for wood turtles will be conducted in Pimmit Run > and Difficult Run immediately prior to construction activities by a > qualified and permitted biologist, and if a wood turtle is > encountered, it will be safely relocated to suitable habitat in the > nearest perennial stream.* ## 8. Traffic ### General Traffic Concerns **Public Comment:** Existing traffic in Tysons Corner is very bad. You cannot allow further development without addressing the existing shortcomings of the roadways. Especially since transit-oriented development tends to also bring too much traffic to adjacent neighborhoods. > ***Response:** This subject was not a part of the design refinements > evaluated in the EA, although the proposed reconfiguration of Route 7 > is expected to help address congestion issues on this Tysons Corner > roadway.* > > *Local development policies and permitting processes would mitigate > the impacts due to increased densities within the corridor. Fairfax > County has adopted non-degradation policies that will limit > development that would result in traffic congestion, thus reducing the > level of development and limiting any negative impacts due to > congestion. Actual implementation of transit-oriented development and > the timing and increase in densities within Tysons Corner is under the > jurisdiction of Fairfax County. The developers would be responsible > for any mitigation needed to address the effects of increases in > development densities that is mandated by Fairfax County.* **Public Comment:** Service on the Dulles Toll Road is going to get worse and worse. As a result, the ultimate decision on whether to do this project should be based on its ability to provide congestion relief. The projections from the EIS show there will be no congestion relief whether or not Dulles Rail is built. Have these projections been updated? > ***Response:** This subject was not a part of the design refinements > evaluated in the EA. The travel demand projections documented in the > Final EIS were not updated for the EA. The Dulles Corridor Metrorail > Project would provide an alternative mode of transportation within the > region. The Final EIS (December 2004) notes that the Project most > likely would not solve the current congestion problems on the Dulles > Toll Road and other regional roadways, but the Project would increase > the capacity, mobility, and accessibility in the corridor. In general, > every six "new riders" attracted to transit by this Project would > result in roughly five fewer automobiles on the Dulles Toll Road or > other corridor roadways.* **Public Comment:** How is all the traffic coming to the stations for Kiss & Ride not going to create a huge environmental impact? What improvements are planned for the existing exits from Route 123 to I-495 north and south? Because I'm sure you haven't counted on all the people coming from Maryland to use this Metro system. > ***Response:*** *This subject was not a part of the design refinements > evaluated in the EA, but it was studied in detail in the Draft EIS, > Supplemental Draft EIS, and Final EIS. Only the Tysons East and Tysons > West stations are proposed to have Kiss & Ride spaces. As documented > in the Final EIS (December 2004), traffic conditions are expected to > deteriorate at two of the intersections in the Tysons East Station > vicinity. The Project includes roadway improvements to address these > impacts. Traffic conditions in the Tysons West Station vicinity are > expected to remain the same or improve. Improvements at the Route > 123/I-495 interchange are being studied by VDOT as part of the Capital > Beltway Study.* **Public Comment:** The City of Falls Church has concerns about the Dulles extension's effect on traffic, transit access and service, and safety issues at the existing East Falls Church and West Falls Church Metrorail stations. The City has repeatedly spoken to this issue at each step of the EIS review and heard no meaningful response. > ***Response:** The design refinements evaluated in the EA would not > result in any changes to the operation or passenger volume of the East > Falls Church or the West Falls Church stations. DRPT held several > meetings with the City of Falls Church during the course of the > environmental process to more fully understand the concerns and > position of the City as it relates to the Project. Issues ranged from > parking problems at and near the existing Metrorail stations to the > noise levels at the West Falls Church Service and Inspection Yard. > Additional traffic and safety issues in the vicinity of the East Falls > Church and West Falls Church Metrorail stations are not anticipated as > a result of the Project.* ### Specific Concerns about Traffic Discussions in EA **Public Comment:** On page 3-28, Section 3.7 of the EA, the last bullet item in the listing of road modifications should include westbound as well as eastbound dual left turns at the Route 7 intersection with Westpark Drive/Gosnell Road intersections. > ***Response:** The intersection will be configured as proposed by the > commenter.* **Public Comment:** On page 3-29, Section of the EA, it is not clear whether the analysis considers the dual left turn from westbound Route 7 to southbound Gosnell Road. The dual left has been added since January 2006, but the level-of-service numbers in Table 3-9 do not reflect this addition. > ***Response:** The traffic analysis conducted for the EA assumed dual > left-turn lanes from westbound Route 7 to southbound Gosnell Road. The > Project plans have been updated to show the correct lane configuration > at this location.* **Public Comment:** On page 3-29 (second paragraph below Table 3-9), the EA states that traffic volumes at the interchange between Routes 7 and 123 were not reanalyzed because the design refinements would not alter the lane configuration at the interchange. The Virginia Department of Transportation disagrees with this conclusion, stating that the removal of the signalized intersection and left turn restriction at the entrance to Marshall\'s Drive would affect traffic volumes. For example, drivers heading eastbound on Route 7 with a destination of Clyde\'s would be unable to turn left to get to it; they would have to make a U-turn at the next intersection east of Routes 7 and 123, head back westbound on Route 7, and then turn right. > ***Response:** Traffic operations along this section of Route 7 were > re-analyzed as part of the EA. This analysis concluded that the > turning movements at this intersection were redistributed along Route > 7. With this design refinement, traffic along Route 7 would continue > to operate at LOS F during peak periods, a level of congestion similar > to today\'s conditions.* **Public Comment:** Tables 3-10 and 3-11 are deceptive because they present the improvements in delay as a benefit of the rail project. This is not true because the intersection improvements along Route 7 could be built without the rail project. > ***Response:** The design refinements proposed along Route 7 were > developed in conjunction with VDOT and Fairfax County. The > reconfiguration of the roadway is intended to support both traffic > flow and rail alignment needs. Because the improvements will be > developed as part of the Project, the anticipated changes in traffic > effects are documented in the EA. As stated in the EA, the anticipated > reduction in delays "can be directly attributed to the additional > through lanes and additional left-turn storage capacity at > intersections along Route 7."* ## 9. Transit Operations ### Access for the Disability Community **Public Comment:** WMATA is not shy in asserting that Metrorail is one of the most accessible subway systems in the United States. And in many ways, they, and all of us, should be proud of the progress they have made. **Public Comment:** The Dulles Corridor rail line should provide better access for everyone, including people with disabilities. An accessible public transportation allows people with disabilities to be a vital part of the community. Persons with disabilities want to be able to use the regular public transportation system; they don't want to rely on MetroAccess. The project plans should create an environment that is friendly to persons with disabilities. **Public Comment:** I am extremely concerned that many of the cuts in the plans will affect mainly people with disabilities. > ***Response:** Based on public and agency comments, DRPT is not > advancing the design refinement evaluated in the EA that would have > eliminated some elevators at pedestrian bridge entrances. The plans > for the pedestrian bridge entrance pavilions will be modified to > include redundant elevators and associated equipment.* **Public Comment:** I urge project planners and designers to work closely with the Disability Services Board and other members of disability community to ensure the Dulles Corridor Metrorail Project is fully accessible and usable. **Public Comment:** When you do other plans or make changes to the current ones, please include one person on your staff who is disabled or specializes in accessibility for people with disabilities. **Public Comment:** If the stations are not accessible, then Fairfax County and other jurisdictions will have to spend more money on MetroAccess service for people to travel to and from the Tysons and Dulles areas. The money you save in capital expenditures will instead increase operating expenditures. > ***Response:*** *Based on public and agency comments, DRPT is not > advancing the design refinement evaluated in the EA that would have > eliminated some elevators at pedestrian bridge entrances. The plans > for the pedestrian bridge entrance pavilions will be modified to > include redundant elevators and any associated equipment.* ### Opposition to Elimination of Elevator Redundancy at Station Entrances **Public Comment:** Eliminating the second elevator at the entrances to pedestrian walkways at stations is an unacceptable design change. Redundant elevators are needed to ensure that people can still use the local station if one elevator is out of service. Past experience with the Metrorail system has shown stations with only one elevator quickly become unusable for anyone that needs that elevator if it is out of service. The lack of redundant elevators reduces accessibility, especially for seniors and the disability community. But elevator redundancy is important for everyone, not just for the disabled population. Especially during times of heavy ridership. Please restore the original design. **Public Comment:** One elevator is affordable at most stations, but two are needed for redundancy at Tysons 123 and Wiehle Avenue. **Public Comment:** Some have argued that providing one elevator at entrances is sufficient to meet ADA requirements. But what happens if that one elevator breaks down? That elevator outage can cause extensive delays and impose undue hardships on persons with disabilities. Crossing the road poses a nearly impossible task for many in the disability community. **Public Comment:** Note that ADA requires that accessible features must be maintained in order to ensure that stations are readily accessible and usable. Moreover, it is important that the project follow not only the letter of the law, but the spirit of the law. **Public Comment:** The provision of one escalator at the entrances to pedestrian walkways is inadequate. Dual direction escalators are a needed feature for all users of the Metrorail system. (where is this escalator comment responded to?) **Public Comment:** WMATA developed a policy (or standards), in coordination with the disability community, that requires all new stations to have redundant elevators throughout. This policy was developed based on a long history of problems with elevator outages and trip interruptions. The proposed design refinements are a violation of this policy. > ***Response:** Based on public and agency comments, DRPT is not > advancing the design refinement evaluated in the EA that would have > eliminated some elevators at pedestrian bridge entrances. The plans > for the pedestrian bridge entrance pavilions will include redundant > elevators and associated equipment.* ### Accommodations for Second Elevator **Public Comment:** The plan proposes only one elevator at the ends of pedestrian bridges. Oddly, revised plans call for second elevator shaft, but the shaft will be left empty. **Public Comment:** The station designs should include provisions to allow the later incorporation of the elevators and escalators that may not be built initially, with minimal disruption. **Public Comment:** Our checks with elevator experts suggests that adding the second elevator would cost substantially less than DRPT claims. **Public Comment:** The plans could be revised to include a second elevator at some locations in lieu of an escalator. This would result in a cost savings because escalators are more expensive to install and maintain than elevators. > ***Response:** Based on public and agency comments, DRPT is not > advancing the design refinement evaluated in the EA that would have > eliminated some elevators at pedestrian bridge entrances. The plans > for the pedestrian bridge entrance pavilions will be modified to > include redundant elevators and associated equipment.* ### Concerns about Proposed "Bus Bridges" **Public Comment:** Although well-intentioned, the bus shuttle or bus bridge is fraught with problems. Having to wait for the shuttle, ride to another station, and later be bused back is extremely inconvenient and a major barrier to using the system. Existing bus bridge operations often leave passengers with disabilities stranded, waiting for the shuttle for 30 to 60 minutes (sometimes more). In Tysons, congestion would severely hamper bus bridge operations. Moreover, a bus shuttle system would be costly to implement and operate, possibly costing more than installing the second elevator. > ***Response:** In the event of an elevator outage at a station, WMATA > uses "bus bridges" to provide connections to the nearest operating > elevator. In many cases, the bus bridge service proposed in the event > of an elevator outage at one station entrance would provide > connections to the station entrance on the opposite side of Route 7 or > Route 123 or to a nearby station. For this kind of service, area > congestion would be unlikely to result in substantial delays.* **Public Comment:** How would the bus shuttle service work? How would the person at the entrance notify the station manager that the elevator wasn't working? How long would the person have to wait for the bus? Is there a sheltered place to wait? > ***Response:** The current design includes call boxes at all station > pavilions to alert the station manager in the event of an > elevator/escalator outage. The station manager notifies the operations > department, which in turn dispatches a bus to provide a bus bridge to > the nearest elevator.* ### Pedestrian and Bicycle Access **Public Comment:** The project's success depends on safe and convenient access by pedestrians and bicyclists. Currently, you take your life in your hands if you try to walk around the Route 7 area. Wide sidewalks and extensive bike parking need to be included. In particular, the project should include 8- to 10-foot paved trails along Route 7, as called for in the Fairfax County Comprehensive Plan. **Public Comment:** Many of proposed design changes, such as eliminating elevators and narrowing pedestrian bridges, will make station access less convenient and more difficult. In particular, the reduction in width of the pedestrian bridges will increase the difficulty of getting to and from stations during periods of heavy use. Crowding in the 12-foot walkways will be substantial. Walkways of at least 18 feet would be preferable. In addition, the changes would eliminate the service roads which bicyclists currently use. These roads are appropriate and safe for cyclists to use; however, the 6-foot sidewalks included in the new design are not appropriate for bicycle access. Overall, the proposed changes will make Route 7 even more hostile to non-motorized transportation users. The changes will lead travelers into the path of auto traffic. **Public Comment:** The refinements in EA are not consistent with the vision outlined in the Comprehensive Plan and the County Trails Plan. Route 7 would have minimal sidewalks, no landscaping, and no bike accommodations. Bridges are no substitute for a pleasant pedestrian environment. > ***Response:** The width of the paved area adjacent to Route 7 will > vary in width, design, and degree of landscaping along Route 7 due to > differing site conditions. During Final Design, Project staff will > consult with VDOT and Fairfax County to refine the design of the > reconstructed portion of Route 7 and associated pedestrian > facilities.* ### Feeder Bus Service **Public Comment:** Shuttle bus service is needed to transport people from their homes to transit stations, especially at stations without parking garages. At stations with transit-oriented development, shuttles will be especially important for reducing auto traffic. Shuttle service should operate every 5 to 10 minutes, rather than every 15 to 20 minutes. **Public Comment:** I recommend cutting back on plans for feeder bus service. Most of this vital service is already in place. Existing routes now serve or could serve Wiehle Avenue, Tysons 123, Tysons 7, and Spring Hill Tyco. New route 19-G is needed to serve more of McLean and Great Falls. > ***Response:** The feeder bus network in the Dulles Corridor is an > essential part of the overall corridor transit network. Feeder bus > service plans for the Wiehle Avenue Extension were developed in > consultation with technical staff from Fairfax County. These plans > also reflect the County estimates of demand for the feeder service as > well as additional demand estimates developed for the EIS. The plans > have been developed with a focus on providing service from multiple > origins to multiple destinations in the counties, and are designed > specifically to provide mobility options that are attractive relative > to making a trip by private automobile.* > > *Circulation within Tysons Corner via transit was a key focus of the > effort to develop feeder bus plans for the Wiehle Avenue Extension. > This service includes both Fairfax Connector service as well as WMATA > Metrobus service. In addition to existing services, new Tysons > circulator services are recommended to provide internal circulation > for Metrorail riders alighting at Tysons Corner stations.* > > *An integral part of the Project development will be the continued > examination of the feeder bus systems serving specific stations; > however, ultimately, Fairfax County and WMATA will be responsible for > implementing the feeder bus network planned for the Wiehle Avenue > Extension and/or modifying existing routes.* ### Effect on Ridership **Public Comment:** The loss of direct pedestrian connections and major alterations in bus service (to produce the longer headways necessary for staggered arrivals) would result in reductions in boardings at the stations. The EA does not reflect this. Table 3-1 indicates there would be no reductions. > ***Response:** The preliminary engineering design includes the same > pedestrian connections at stations proposed for the Final EIS Wiehle > Avenue Extension. As a result, no major alterations in bus service > have been proposed. Several minor route changes were proposed to > provide improved connections to the relocated bus bays at the Tysons > West Station. These re-routings would have minimal impacts on bus > running times. In addition, for some circulator routes, schedules were > modified to stagger arrival times at the Tysons West Station. However, > service frequencies were not changed. Therefore, no effects on > ridership are anticipated.* # 10. Other Issues ## Land Use and Air Rights **Public Comment:** The plans for the Dulles Corridor Metrorail Project should support both rail service and the walkable community envisioned for the Tysons Corner area in the Fairfax County Comprehensive Plan. Development plans should not compromise commuter access, and rail plans should encourage a vibrant, pedestrian-friendly, mixed-use community. We are concerned that the current plans may not support the County's vision for the area, especially regarding pedestrian accessibility. The station designs should be better integrated with the urban design of Tysons Corner. > ***Response:** The Project team is working closely with Fairfax County > to integrate the new Metrorail stations into the surrounding > development. As designed, the stations provide access to commuters, > whether they arrive as pedestrians, cyclists, on feeder buses or from > any transit-oriented development that might be implemented in > proximity to the stations.* **Public Comment:** We must de-couple the redevelopment of Tysons Corner from the rail project. Redevelopment is necessary but should not depend on this expensive project that requires huge subsidies. > ***Response:** This subject was not a part of the design refinements > evaluated in the EA. The approval of new developments and decisions on > the appropriate locations and timing of growth within Tysons Corner is > controlled by Fairfax County.* **Public Comment:** I think moving the Route 7 alignment to the median provides opportunities to create a really handsome boulevard. > ***Response:** Moving the rail alignment to the median of Route 7 does > provide the opportunity for Fairfax County to implement balanced and > transit-oriented future development in the corridor*. *The County > would decide whether a boulevard is appropriate in this context.* **Public Comment:** The community of Reston has long asked for air rights development to be planned as part of the Wiehle Avenue station. My understanding is that it will not be possible to put the supports for air rights development in the station area. This is a very negative impact for the community. Allowing air rights development could reduce the negative impacts of the Wiehle Avenue Station. We need to find a way to accommodate air rights development. > ***Response:** As currently designed, the Wiehle Avenue Station does > not preclude future air rights development by others. However at this > time, no specific provisions are planned to accommodate such > development. If specific air-rights project(s) are proposed at this > location in the future, any associated technical issues would have to > be addressed at that time.* ## Station Access ### Pedestrian and Bicycle Access **Public Comment:** We are concerned about reports that the pedestrian walkways are going to be eliminated as a cost savings measure. Elimination of these walkways would eliminate the ability of many people to get to the Metrorail trains, especially people with disabilities. **Public Comment:** The pedestrian bridges are absolutely necessary except where a traffic signal and crosswalk with pedestrian signals and center island are available. VDOT should provide pedestrian bridges at all locations where pedestrians will benefit---not just at rail stations. VDOT should be held responsible for pedestrian safety on their highways. > ***Response:** The preliminary engineering design includes the same > pedestrian connections at stations proposed for the Final EIS Wiehle > Avenue Extension. In addition, based on public and agency comments, > DRPT is not advancing the design refinement evaluated in the EA that > would have eliminated some elevators at pedestrian bridge entrances. > The plans for the pedestrian bridge entrance pavilions will be > modified to include redundant elevators and associated equipment.* **Public Comment:** What features will the project include to ensure people can safely cross Routes 7 and 123 if there are no pedestrian walkways or the entrance elevator is out of service? Are you going to change Virginia code for right-of-way to add enough crossing time to the light cycle so that older people and people with disabilities can cross safely? Will you have raised lines on the edge of the crosswalk so visually impaired people can walk in a straight line to the safety of refuge? Will there be pedestrian walk buttons in the median? Provisions to allow pedestrians to cross at street-level to median stations could make Tysons Corner traffic problems worse. > ***Response:** The preliminary engineering design includes the same > pedestrian connections at stations proposed for the Final EIS Wiehle > Avenue Extension. In the event of an elevator outage at one entrance, > "bus bridge" service would be provided to adjacent entrances. Any new > pedestrian crossings (or modifications to existing pedestrian > crossings) would be constructed to meet current VDOT design and safety > standards unless a deviation from those standards is approved by VDOT > and Fairfax County to improve the pedestrian environment.* ### Parking **Public Comment:** Parking should be provided at Tysons Corner stations. People will want to drive to stations, and if enough parking is not provided, then people will park illegally in neighborhoods and at local businesses. **Public Comment:** There are tremendous opportunities to work with shared parking facilities. Perhaps the private sector could come in and share some of the parking at their developments. **Public Comment:** There is no solution to the parking issue in Tysons. If you provide parking, you'll get more rail ridership, but you'll kill urban development. > ***Response:** Long-term park-and-ride facilities at the three other > Tysons Corner stations were not pursued because these stations are > being designed as urban stations oriented to pedestrian access. These > designs reflect Fairfax County\'s plans to transform Tysons Corner > into a more densely developed, pedestrian-oriented urban center.* ## General Environmental **Public Comment:** Construction of the project should follow the U.S. Green Building Council guidelines to help mitigate environmental issues. > ***Response:** FTA does not require green building design.* **Public Comment:** The over the Beltway portion and lack of parking facilities will have "serious negative" environmental impacts, such as noise, light pollution, stream and green space deterioration, overflow parking on residential streets, degradation of neighborhood quality. > ***Response:** The design refinements evaluated in the EA did not > include changes to the Beltway crossing or the parking in Tysons > Corner. Any adverse environmental effects from the alignment across > the Capital Beltway and the lack of parking at the stations within > Tysons Corner are documented in the Final EIS along with mitigation > measures to reduce or eliminate the adverse effects of the Project.* **Public Comment:** Dulles rail should use cleaner sources of electric power. Consider purchasing power from low-emissions sources. > ***Response:** The electricity used to power the Metrorail extension > will be purchased from existing sources.* ## Purchase of Rail Cars **Public Comment:** I am disappointed by plans to reduce the number of rail cars as a cost savings measure. **Public Comment:** The rapid transit cars which are planned for the extension should be incorporated into an order for the entire Metro system. This would be more economical. **Public Comment:** Only 41 cars should be purchased for Phase I of Dulles Rail. The other needed cars can come from the existing "trippers" on the Orange Line. > ***Response:** The proposed design refinements for the PE Wiehle > Avenue Extension do not include any changes in the planned rail car > procurement. The initial phase of the Dulles Corridor Metrorail > Project would include the purchase of 64 rail cars. These cars are > needed to support the new service on the Wiehle Avenue Extension. The > required number of cars was determined by Project planners, based on > the operations plan for the Dulles Corridor line and the needs and > resources of the existing Metrorail system* ## Funding **Public Comment:** So half the local funding for Metrorail to Reston will come from a temporary \$0.25 increase in the toll on the Dulles Toll Road and the other half will come from the State of Virginia. A temporary \$0.25 increase is equal to the entire contribution of a state. Is this the best the state can do? Why can't MWAA kick in some money? > ***Response:** The Project benefits from MWAA agreeing to make > available the medians of the Dulles International Airport Access > Highway and Connector Road for right-of-way at no cost to the Project. > The amount and percentage of funding by jurisdiction and/or entity are > based on a capital cost allocation agreement among the non-federal > funding partners.* **Public Comment:** It looks like with the Airports Authority proposal that the users of the Toll Road will be paying about 85 percent of the cost of this project. > ***Response:** Dulles Toll Road revenues are currently slated to fund > a portion of the Commonwealth's share. The implications of the MWAA > proposal on Project funding are not known at this time.* **Public Comment:** I am willing to have my taxes raised to have this project done correctly. **Public Comment:** I support massive funding for this and other rail projects---VRE, light rail, Amtrak, and high-speed interurban. **Public Comment:** This project is so urgent that, should money run short, despite economies, Transit Revenue Bonds should be sold to complete the budget. > ***Response:** The funding sources proposed by the commenters are not > expected to be necessary.* ## General/Miscellaneous Issues **Public Comment:** Has the date for the public hearings on the design and structure of new stations been set? > ***Response:** Fairfax County will hold one or more hearings during > its development of a comprehensive plan that incorporates the > stations. The dates of the hearings are not yet set.* **Public Comment:** The result of continuing this project will be to make the Dulles Corridor and Tysons the most expensive place in Virginia in which to do business. > ***Response:** Metrorail has been built in other locations in northern > Virginia without adversely affecting the business environment.* **Public Comment:** The current design is not a realistic design for commuters. I call on elected officials to rethink this project and not put through a \$2 billion lemon. **Public Comment:** It is clear, now, that matching the project to the transit needs of the people of Fairfax and Loudoun counties is not a motivating factor. We could have had better. > ***Response:** The Commonwealth Transportation Board and the WMATA > Board of Directors selected a Metrorail extension as the locally > preferred alternative after extensive study of alternatives, impacts, > and benefits. Fairfax County, Loudoun County, the Metropolitan > Washington Airports Authority, and the Town of Herndon endorsed this > selection.* ATTACHMENT C NATIONAL HISTORIC PRESERVATION ACT SECTION 106 MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT **MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT** **AMONG THE FEDERAL TRANSIT ADMINISTRATION,** **VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF HISTORIC RESOURCES, AND** **VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF RAIL AND PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION,** **CONCERNING THE EFFECTS OF** **THE DULLES CORRIDOR METRORAIL PROJECT ON** **HISTORIC AND ARCHAEOLOGICAL RESOURCES** WHEREAS, the Virginia Department of Rail and Public Transportation (DRPT) proposes to construct, in phases, the Dulles Corridor Metrorail Project (Project) in Fairfax and Loudoun Counties, Virginia, a 23.1 mile extension of the existing regional Metrorail system as shown in Exhibit A. Project elements will include an electrically-powered rapid rail transit line operating in an exclusive right-of-way with at-grade, aerial, and subway sections, stations and parking facilities, new and improved yard and shop facilities, and ancillary facilities for the distribution of electrical power and stormwater management; and WHEREAS, DRPT has applied to the Federal Transit Administration (FTA) for financial assistance in designing and constructing the first phase of the Project (*Extension to Wiehle Avenue*), which will extend from the existing Metrorail Orange Line near the West Falls Church Station and terminate at Wiehle Avenue in Reston, and plans to apply for separate FTA funding for the subsequent extension west of Wiehle Avenue to Dulles International Airport and eastern Loudoun County (*Extension to Dulles Airport/Route 772*). FTA has determined that the Project will constitute a federal undertaking pursuant to 36 CFR 800.3(a) if FTA financial assistance is provided; and FTA is the lead federal agency pursuant to the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (NEPA, 42 USC §§4321 et seq.) and is responsible for compliance with Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA) of 1966 (Section 106, 16 USC §470f). WHEREAS, FTA and the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), whose approval is required for any change in the use of land at Washington Dulles International Airport for the Project, have agreed that the FTA will serve as the lead Agency Official who shall act in cooperation with the FAA in fulfilling their collective responsibilities under Section 106; and WHEREAS, FTA and the Metropolitan Washington Airports Authority (MWAA), as the lessee and operator of Washington Dulles International Airport, have agreed that the FTA will serve as the lead Agency Official who shall act in cooperation with MWAA in fulfilling their collective responsibilities under Section 106; and WHEREAS, FTA has consulted on the Project with DRPT and the Virginia Department of Historic Resources, which is the State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) for Virginia, pursuant to Section 106 and its implementing regulations at 36 CFR 800 (FTA, DRPT and the SHPO are the "required signatories"); and WHEREAS, FTA, in consultation with the SHPO, has determined the Area of Potential Effects (APE) for the Project, as defined in 36 CFR 800.16(d), as shown in Exhibit B and has completed the identification and evaluation of historic resources within the APE; and WHEREAS, the FTA, in consultation with the SHPO, has determined that the *Extension to Wiehle Avenue* phase of the Project will not adversely affect historic properties; and WHEREAS, the FTA, in consultation with the SHPO, has determined that the *Extension to Dulles Airport/Route 772* phase of the Project will have an adverse effect, as defined in 36 CFR 800.5(a), on the Washington Dulles International Airport historic district shown in Exhibit C, which is eligible for the National Register of Historic Places (National Register), by altering the remaining historic "peekaboo" views of the main terminal control tower for approaching travelers from the Dulles International Airport Access Highway (DIAAH); and WHEREAS, the FTA, in consultation with the SHPO, has determined that the Project will not affect archaeological properties; and WHEREAS, FTA and DRPT have informed and involved the public in Section 106 review through public NEPA scoping meetings held in July 2000, public information meetings held in January 2001, public hearings on the Draft Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) held in July 2002 and on the Supplemental Draft EIS held in December 2003, and through additional informal meetings and outreach materials, pursuant to 36 CFR 800.2(d), and has specifically invited comments on the Section 106 process; and WHEREAS, the FAA has been invited to concur in this Agreement; and WHEREAS, MWAA has been invited to concur in this Agreement; and WHEREAS, the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority (WMATA), as the operator and future owner of the Project's facilities, has been invited to concur in this Agreement; and WHEREAS, Fairfax and Loudoun counties, have participated in the Section 106 consultation and have been invited to concur in this Agreement; and WHEREAS, the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation has been invited to participate in the Section 106 process for this Project and has declined; and WHEREAS, the Virginia Council on Indians has been invited to participate in the Section 106 process for this Project and has declined; and WHEREAS, FTA's decision to fund each phase of the Project for design and construction will be made independently in accordance with its regulations on major capital investment projects (49 CFR 611) and any stipulations specific to a particular Project phase are not applicable until FTA financial assistance is provided; and NOW, THEREFORE, the FTA and the SHPO agree that upon FTA's decision to proceed with a particular phase of the undertaking, the FTA shall ensure that the following stipulations are implemented in order to take into account the effects of the undertaking on historic properties and that these stipulations shall govern the Project and all of its parts until this Agreement expires or is terminated. **STIPULATIONS** **1. Unanticipated Discovery** A. [Historic Properties]{.underline} > In the event that unanticipated effects on historic properties are > found during the implementation of this Agreement, DRPT will stop any > work that may adversely affect the historic property or that may > foreclose opportunities to avoid such adverse effects. FTA shall > consult with the SHPO and with the other required and concurring > signatories to this Agreement, as appropriate, to determine the > appropriate course of action to comply with Section 106. If necessary, > the required signatories shall review the terms of this Agreement and > determine whether revisions are needed. Any revisions to the Agreement > shall be made in accordance with Stipulation 5 below. B. [Archaeological Resources]{.underline} ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` 1. In the event that a previously unidentified archaeological resource is discovered during ground disturbing activities, DRPT will halt all construction work involving subsurface disturbance in the area of the resource and in the surrounding area where further subsurface deposits may reasonably be expected to occur. An archaeologist meeting the Secretary of the Interior's *Professional Qualifications Standards* (36 CFR 61) will immediately inspect the work site and determine the extent and the nature of the affected archaeological property. The archaeologist may consult the SHPO and other parties as deemed appropriate by the archaeologist in setting the boundaries of the archaeological resource. Construction work may then proceed in the Project area outside of the site area. 2. Within two (2) working days of the discovery, DRPT shall notify FTA and the SHPO. The notification shall describe DRPT's assessment of the National Register eligibility of the property and proposed actions to resolve the adverse effect (if any). The SHPO shall respond within two (2) working days of notification and construction may resume when the SHPO agrees. DRPT shall take into account the SHPO's recommendations regarding National Register eligibility and proposed actions, and then carry out appropriate actions. DRPT shall provide SHPO with a report of these actions once they are complete. 3. If the resource is determined to meet the National Register Criteria (36 CFR Part 60.6), FTA shall ensure compliance with Section 800.13 of the Council's regulations. > C. [Human Remains]{.underline} > > DRPT will ensure that human remains and associated funerary objects > encountered during the course of actions taken as a result of this > Agreement shall be treated in a manner consistent with the provisions > of the *Virginia Antiquities Act*, Section 10.1-2305 of the *Code of > Virginia*, final regulations adopted by the Virginia Board of Historic > Resources and published in the Virginia Register on July 15, 1991. In > addition, human remains and associated funerary objects that may be of > Native American origin, encountered on Federal land, including but not > limited to the land of the Washington Dulles International Airport and > the Dulles International Airport Access Highway, shall be treated in a > manner consistent with the provisions of the *Native American Graves > Protection and Repatriation Act* (25 U.S.C. 3001). **2. Washington Dulles International Airport Historic District** A. At the extant Saarinen "peekaboo" view locations shown in Exhibit D, the vertical profile of the Metrorail tracks and the concrete safety barrier will be constructed as low as practicable given site conditions to minimize any obstruction of these views of the main terminal control tower. B. The design of the Dulles Airport Metrorail station and terminal connections will consider, and incorporate where appropriate, established airport design themes and finishes within the context of the WMATA design criteria, approved system-wide facility requirements and operational practices in effect at the time of the design. The design of aerial structures and portals located within the historic district boundaries will consider, and incorporate where appropriate, concepts and materials that are mutually agreed to be compatible with the historic terminal and other contributing elements of the historic district. No later than the completion of Preliminary Engineering for the *Extension to Dulles Airport/Route 772* phase of the Project, DRPT shall submit the proposed designs to the SHPO for review and approval and to the other required and concurring signatories for review and comment. C. No later than the completion of Preliminary Engineering for the *Extension to Dulles Airport/Route 772* phase of the Project, DRPT will submit a treatment plan to the SHPO for review and approval and to the other required and concurring signatories for review and comment. This treatment plan will identify specific treatments that would provide users of the Metrorail station and airport travelers with an appreciation for the airport's unique historic characteristics. Several potential measures will be considered, including, but not limited to: interpretive exhibits or artwork within the station facilities, connecting walkways, or terminal buildings; photo or video documentation of the view sequence; and removal of non-historic vegetation on airport property to enhance the historic views. DRPT will ensure that all measures in the approved treatment plan are completed or installed prior to the beginning of revenue service for this phase of the Project. D. The SHPO shall, within 30 calendar days of receipt, review any treatment recommendations and designs submitted pursuant to this Agreement and either approve or provide comments. If no response is provided by the SHPO within 30 calendar days of receipt, DRPT may assume SHPO concurrence and approval. DRPT will review any comments and take them into account in the continued development of Project design. Should the SHPO object to any plans submitted pursuant to this Agreement, the provisions of Stipulation 4 will apply. **3. Annual Report** > DRPT, in consultation with MWAA, will prepare an annual report > summarizing the activities carried out in accordance with this > Agreement. This report will be transmitted to all required and > concurring signatories by January 15^th^ of each year this Agreement > is in effect, beginning in the year following the execution of the > Agreement and continuing until the year following completion of > construction activities associated with the Project. The DRPT shall > also ensure that this annual report is made available for public > review and that members of the public are invited to provide comments > to the SHPO and other required and concurring signatories to the > Agreement. > > The required signatories to this Agreement shall review the annual > report and provide any comments to the DRPT. Concurring signatories to > this Agreement may review and comment on the annual report at their > discretion. Based on this review, the required signatories to this > Agreement shall determine whether this Agreement shall continue in > force, be amended, or be terminated. If requested by any required or > concurring signatory to this Agreement, the FTA shall ensure that a > meeting is held to facilitate review and comment, to resolve > questions, or to resolve adverse comments. **4. Dispute Resolution** A. If any required or concurring signatory should object in writing regarding any action specified in the Agreement, then FTA shall consult with the objecting party to resolve this objection. If after such consultation, FTA determines that the objection cannot be resolved through consultation, then DRPT shall prepare documentation relevant to the objection in accordance with 36 CFR 800.11, and FTA shall forward such documentation to the Council, including FTA's proposed response to the objection. Within 30 days after receipt of all pertinent documentation, the Council is expected to exercise one of the following options: - Provide FTA with a staff-level recommendation, which FTA shall take into account in reaching a final decision regarding its response to the objection; or - Notify FTA that the objection will be referred for formal comment pursuant to 36 C.F.R. Section 800.7(c), and proceed to refer the objection and comment. FTA shall take into account the Council\'s comments in reaching a final decision regarding its response to the objection. B. The responsibility of each required signatory to this Agreement to carry out all actions under the Agreement not affected by the dispute shall remain unchanged. C. If the dispute cannot be resolved upon involvement of the Council, FTA, DRPT, or the SHPO may terminate the Agreement in accordance with Stipulation 6.B below. **5. Amendments** > Any required signatory to this Agreement may request that it be > amended, whereupon the required and concurring signatories shall > consult to consider the proposed amendment in accordance with 36 CFR > 800.6(c)(7). Any amendment shall be in writing and signed by all > required signatories of this Agreement. **6. Termination** A. This Agreement shall terminate on January 15^th^ of the year following completion of construction activities associated with the Project. B. Any required signatory to this Agreement may terminate it by providing a 30 day written notice to the other required and concurring signatories, provided that these parties consult during the period prior to termination to seek agreement on amendments or other actions that would avoid termination. In the event of termination, work on the Project in the area(s) with affected historic properties will cease until FTA has fulfilled its Section 106 responsibility in accordance with 36 CFR 800.3 through 800.13. Execution of this Agreement by the FTA and the SHPO and its submission to the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation in accordance with 36 CFR 800.6(b)(1)(iv), shall, pursuant to 36 CFR 800.6(c), be considered to be an Agreement with the Council for the purposes of Section 110(l) of NHPA. Execution and submission of this Agreement, and implementation of its terms evidences that FTA has afforded the Council an opportunity to comment on the Project and its effects on historic properties and has taken into account the effects of the Project on historic properties. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties have caused this Agreement to be signed intending thereby to be bound by its provisions. **FEDERAL TRANSIT ADMINISTRATION** **By: [/signed by/]{.underline} Date: [10/5/04]{.underline}** [.]{.underline} Herman Shipman Acting Regional Administrator **VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF RAIL AND PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION** **By: [/signed by/]{.underline} Date: [9/14/04 ]{.underline}**[.]{.underline} Karen J. Rae Director **VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF HISTORIC RESOURCES** **By: [/signed by/]{.underline} Date: [9/28/04 ]{.underline}**[.]{.underline} Kathleen S. Kilpatrick Director **[CONCUR]{.underline}:** **FEDERAL AVIATION ADMINISTRATION** **By: [/signed by/]{.underline} Date: [10/25/04 ]{.underline}**[.]{.underline} Terry Page Manager, Washington Airports District Office **[CONCUR]{.underline}:** **METROPOLITAN WASHINGTON AIRPORTS AUTHORITY** **By: [/signed by/]{.underline} Date: [11/05/04 ]{.underline}**[.]{.underline} Margaret E. McKeough Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer **[CONCUR]{.underline}:** **WASHINGTON METROPOLITAN AREA TRANSIT AUTHORITY** **By: [/signed by/]{.underline} Date: [11/16/04 ]{.underline}**[.]{.underline} Richard A. White General Manager and Chief Executive Officer **[CONCUR]{.underline}:** **FAIRFAX COUNTY** **By: [/signed by/]{.underline} Date: [11/03/04 ]{.underline}**[.]{.underline} Michael Kane Director, Fairfax County Park Authority [^1]: Up to now, the Virginia Department of Rail and Public Transportation (DRPT) has been the lead sponsoring agency and the presumed recipient of any grant provided by FTA. However, the Metropolitan Washington Airports Authority (MWAA) is working with DRPT and FTA to take over as the lead sponsor, and if this change occurs, MWAA will become the recipient of any FTA grant already in place or awarded after such a transition. As a condition of any grant, FTA will require that the project sponsor construct the Project in accordance with the environmental record referenced herein. (The Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority (WMATA) is not a Project sponsor, but is serving as technical manager to the Project since WMATA will assume ownership and operation of the Project after it is constructed.)
# Presentation: 426582 ## Future of Hospital Libraries *NN/LM Initiatives* ## NN/LM MidContinental Region - “Hospital Libraries, Who Needs Em” panel - _[http://]([]( - “Measuring Your Impact: Using Evaluation to Demonstrate Value” - “Dilbert in the Library” ## NN/LM MidContinental Region **“****Demonstrating the Value of the Hospital Library” funding** - Medical Dental Library at Truman Medical Center-Lakewood - Medical Library at Dixie Regional Medical Center - Mary Lanning Hospital Library - Community Hospital Library - Stauffer Health Sciences Library at Stormont-Vail Healthcare - Via Christi Libraries at Via Christi Regional Medical Center ## NN/LM MidContinental Region - Regional buying consortium - Hospital librarian web page - Letter from Wayne Peay, Director to hospital administrators - _[http://]([]( ## NN/LM MidContinental Region - Resources for participants in JCAHO *Hospitals, Language, and Culture* project - “Future of Hospital Libraries” open forum held at MCMLA 2005 ## NN/LM - Hospital Internet Task Force - _[http://]([]([/]( - E-Licensing Working Group - RML Directors meeting
Moving Household Goods to the United States ***A Guide to Customs Regulations*** This brochure provides Customs information for the following groups of people: - Returning residents who have been living outside of the United States for a number of years and are returning to live in the United States. ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` - U.S. Government personnel, both civilian and military, returning to the United States with personal and household effects after a tour of duty abroad. ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` - First-time immigrants who intend to take up residence in the United States and former residents who qualify for consideration as nonresidents. ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` - Part-time residents who live part of the year in the United States and the rest of the year in another country. This brochure also addresses the issue of importing inherited goods described on page X. Every effort has been made to make the information in this brochure as accurate as possible and to cover the subjects that are of most general interest and concern. It is not possible, however, to cover all matters in detail, and the pertinent regulations change from time to time. Persons arriving in the United States from foreign countries are divided into two classes for Customs purposes: (1) residents of the U.S. returning from abroad, and (2) all other persons, from here on referred to as nonresidents. Your classification determines the exemptions from payment of duty on your household effects for which you are eligible. A resident of a foreign country married to a U.S. resident, and any children born abroad are considered nonresidents when coming into the United States for the first time. You may write to the U.S. Customs Service, PO Box 7407, Washington, D.C. 20044, if you have a question that is not answered by the information in this brochure. ## Contents Determining your Customs Status Returning Resident Government/Military Employee Returning in advance of PCS orders Emergency Evacuee Nonresident/First-Time Immigrant Part-Time Resident What are Household Effects? What are Personal Effects? Inherited Goods General Procedures for Importing Household and Personal Effects Goods That Accompany You Goods Shipped Separately Importing an Automobile or Other Vehicle Safety, Bumper and Theft Prevention Standards Federal Tax Emission Standards > Passenger Cars or Trucks Originally Manufactured to Meet U.S. Emission > > Standards > > Passenger Cars or Trucks Not Originally Manufactured to Meet U.S. > Emission > > Standards Shipping Arrangements General Rules for Liquor and Tobacco Prohibited or Restricted Goods Biological Materials Books, Videotapes, Cassettes, Computer Programs Cultural Artifacts and Cultural Property Dog and Cat Fur, Items Made From Firearms and Ammunition Food and Dairy Products Fruits, Plants, Vegetables Gold Meats, Livestock, Poultry Medicine/Narcotics Money Pets Trademarked Articles Wildlife, Fish, Plants Returning Residents Duty Exemptions for Household and Personal Effects Professional Equipment/Tools of Trade Liquor and Tobacco Firearms and Ammunition Gifts Government/Military Personnel Differences between Government/Military Personnel and Returning Residents. Duty Exemptions for Household and Personal Effects Traveling by Military Transport Unaccompanied Baggage Automobiles Liquor, Tobacco Firearms and Ammunition Nonresidents/First-Time Immigrants Differences between Nonresidents and Returning Residents. Duty Exemptions for Household and Personal Effects Professional Equipment/Tools of Trade Automobiles Liquor, Tobacco Firearms and Ammunition Gifts Part-Time Residents Differences between Part-time Residents and Returning Residents. Appendix U.S. Customs Form 3299 -- Declaration For Free Entry of Unaccompanied > Articles U.S. Customs Form 6059B -- Customs Declaration ### Determining Your Customs Status ## [Returning Resident]{.underline} A returning resident is a citizen of the United States, or a person who has formerly resided in the United States, (including American citizens who are residents of Guam, American Samoa, the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, or the U.S. Virgin Islands) who is returning from abroad. In order to be classified as a returning resident, it must be understood that your time out of the country was for a temporary period. If your intent was to move abroad permanently (you married a nonresident), and after a time, your plans unexpectedly changed (you became divorced), your return to the U.S. may be classified as a nonresident move. If you have lived abroad for more than three years you may enter as a nonresident. ## [Government/Military Employees]{.underline} U.S. Government personnel are individuals employed by the U.S. Government. They must receive a paycheck from the U.S. Government. The person in the service of the United States must be returning under Government orders at the end of an extended duty assignment outside the Customs territory of the United States. An extended duty assignment abroad must be longer than 140 days, except as noted for Navy personnel. Military and civilian personnel are entitled to free entry privileges if: - They are returning, at any time, after an assignment of extended duty. ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` - They are returning to the United States on permanent change of station (PCS) orders regardless of the duration of assignment overseas. ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` - They are under permanent change of station (PCS) orders to another post or station abroad, requiring return of their personal and household effects to the United States. Navy personnel serving aboard a United States naval vessel, or a supporting naval vessel when it leaves the United States on an intended deployment of 120 days or more outside the country, and who continue to serve on the vessel until it returns to the United States are entitled to the extended duty exemption. ## Returning in Advance of Permanent Change of Station (PCS) Orders Family members who have lived overseas with the employee, but return to the United States with their possessions before the employee receives his/her orders ending the extended duty assignment, cannot claim the duty-free exemption granted to military or Government personnel; for example, a spouse who returns to the United States to look for housing or a student who returns to the U.S. to enter college. ## [Emergency Evacuees]{.underline} Any person living abroad who is ordered by the United States Government to leave a specific foreign country and return to the United States because of civil unrest or war is given the same exemption granted under the Harmonized Tariff Schedule to U.S. Military and Government Personnel. This may include government personnel, tourists, persons employed in private business -- in short, anyone covered by an evacuation order. ## [Nonresident/First-Time Immigrants]{.underline} First-time immigrants to the United States are considered to be nonresidents the first time they enter the United States. Every time thereafter they are considered to be returning residents as long as they have their Immigration and Naturalization Service form I-551, residency visa, a.k.a. "green card." #### Part-Time Residents A part-time resident may maintain two households, one in the United States and one in another country. They may be in the United States for business, for pleasure, or for educational purposes. The visit can be for a few weeks or for several years. A part-time resident may be classified, for Customs purposes, as either a returning resident or a nonresident. The status of either returning resident or nonresident is dependent upon several things and is usually decided on a case-by-case basis. Deciding factors include citizenship, where the traveler pays taxes, where he/she is employed, what country or state drivers license he/she possess, etc. A U.S. citizen is presumed to be a resident unless they can show that they are a resident of another country (e.g., possess a residency visa for another country, a round-trip ticket to return to another country, etc.) A citizen of another country residing in the U.S. must have an Immigration and Naturalization Service form I-551, residency visa, a.k.a. "green card," to be considered a returning resident. ##### Household Effects Household effects are furniture, dishes, linens, libraries, artwork and similar household furnishings for your personal use. The articles must have either been available for your use or used in a household where you were a resident for one year and are not intended for any other person or for sale. The year of use does not need to be continuous, nor does it need to be the year immediately before the date of importation. ##### Personal Effects Personal effects are items that belong to, and are used by, one person, such as wearing apparel, jewelry, photographic equipment and tape recorders. They cannot be entered as household effects. ##### Inherited Goods Inherited goods imported into the United States cannot be brought in duty-free as household or personal effects unless they meet the following criteria: - They are antiques (over 100 years old) and you have documentation to prove this. - They were available for your use in a household where you resided for a year prior to your moving to the United States. It does not have to be the year prior to the inheritance, for example, they were in your parents house while you were growing up. Even if the above conditions do not apply to your inherited goods, because most inherited goods are used, the amount of duty assessed will most likely be small. ##### General Procedures for Importing Household and Personal Effects #### #### When completing the Customs Form (CF) 6059B, "Customs Declaration," for accompanying goods, or the CF 3299 "Declaration For Free Entry of Unaccompanied Articles," the statement that the goods are "household effects" is not sufficient information. The complete inventory of imported goods will be treated as the packing list and must be provided to Customs upon request. The following is an example of an invoice description. Furniture: Tables, chairs, sofas, bedroom, home/office and living room furniture, desks, lamps, mirrors, etc. Kitchenware: Silverware, glassware, chinaware, pots, pans, utensils, electrical kitchen appliances, etc. Household goods: Linens, towels, rugs, toiletries, cleaning products, decorative articles, art, framed pictures, toys, strollers, crafts, holiday decorations, fans, washers, dryers, VCRs, TVs, stereos, records, collectibles, etc. Sport equipment: (NO FIREARMS). Bicycles, weights, stationary equipment, skis, skates, surfboards, etc. Clothes: For women, men, boys, girls, and infants. Books/Printed materials: Books, calendars, personal records, photo albums, etc. Home/Office equipment/Tools of Trade: Computers (CPU, monitor, printer, software, etc.), filing cabinets, shredders, fax machines, telephone equipment, calculators, books, etc. Other personal effects: Item(s) not covered by previous categories should be individually described. The quantity on the invoice must, at minimum, provide the count in boxes, crates, or pieces. This information is required for the efficient completion of Customs document review and examination. **NOTE**: To safeguard against the importation of dangerous pests, the U.S. Department of Agriculture prohibits solid wood packing materials from China unless they have been fumigated and have appropriate documentation. #### Goods That Accompany You Household and personal effects that arrive in the U.S. on the same vessel, vehicle or aircraft, and on the same day that you do, are considered to accompany you. Articles that are shipped as freight on a bill of lading or airway bill are also considered to accompany you when the baggage arrives in the U.S. on the same conveyance that you arrive on. You must complete Customs Form 6059B, "Customs Declaration," listing all items with their value that you are bringing into the United States with you. Identify those you believe are entitled to duty-free entry, based on the information in this publication. Explain your status to the Customs Inspector and ask any questions that you may have *before* the inspection of your belongings begins. #### Goods Shipped Separately Household effects entitled to duty-free entry do not need to accompany you to the United States; you may have them shipped to your U.S. address at a later time if you choose. Your shipment of personal and/or household goods must be cleared through Customs at its first port of arrival unless you have made arrangements with a foreign freight forwarder to have your effects sent in Customs custody in-bond from the port of arrival to a more convenient port of entry for clearance. (*Ask your moving company if they offer this service.*) **Customs will not notify you that your goods have arrived.** It is the responsibility of the shipper to notify you of the arrival of your goods. After receiving this notification you must enter the merchandise. Failure to enter the merchandise within 15 days after its arrival in port may result in the merchandise being moved to a general order warehouse. If merchandise is placed in a general order warehouse, storage charges will accrue and payment of those charges is the responsibility of the party importing the household goods. Failure to obtain that merchandise from the general order warehouse within six months may result in its sale. When you come to Customs to enter your goods, you must complete Customs Form 3299 "Declaration for Free Entry of Unaccompanied Articles," to give to the Customs officer. If you cannot come to the Customs office yourself, you may designate a friend or relative to represent you in Customs matters. You must give that person a letter addressed to "Officer in Charge of Customs" authorizing that individual to represent you as your agent on a one-time basis to clear your shipment through Customs. ##### Importing an Automobile or Other Vehicle It is important to know that any imported vehicle, new or used, must comply with U.S. safety, fuel savings, and air pollution control standards. If an imported vehicle does not conform to these standards, it must be brought into conformity; otherwise it must be destroyed or exported. Both the Department of Transportation (DOT) and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) advise that although a nonconforming car may be conditionally admitted, modifications may be impractical, impossible, or require such extensive engineering that the labor and material cost may be prohibitive. Foreign automakers can also certify whether or not an automobile conforms to U.S. standards. Additional information on importing an automobile can be found on the U.S. Customs Web site at under Publications, Videos and Forms in the Importing and Exporting section, and on the DOT website and on the EPA website. The U.S. Department of Agriculture also requires that the undercarriage of imported cars be free from foreign soil before they can be entered into the United States. This may be done by steam spray or by thorough cleaning before shipment. #### Safety, Bumper and Theft Prevention Standards Importers of motor vehicles must file form HS-7 Declaration (available at ports of entry) at the time a vehicle is imported to declare whether the vehicle complies with Department of Transportation requirements. As a general rule, all imported motor vehicles less than 25 years old and items of motor vehicle equipment must comply with all applicable Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards in order to be imported permanently into the United States. Vehicles manufactured after September 1, 1978, must also meet the bumper standard, and vehicles beginning with model-year 1987 must meet the theft-prevention standard. Vehicles manufactured to meet these standards will have a certification label affixed by the original manufacturer near the driver's-side door. If you purchase a vehicle abroad that is certified to U.S. standards, you can expedite your importation by making sure the sales contract identifies this fact and by presenting the contract to U.S. Customs at the time of importation. A vehicle must be imported as a nonconforming vehicle unless it bears the manufacturer's label certifying that it meets U.S. standards. If it is a nonconforming vehicle, the importer must contract with a DOT-registered importer (RI) to modify the vehicle and certify that it conforms to all applicable federal motor vehicle safety standards. The importer must also post a DOT bond for one-and-a-half times the vehicle's dutiable value. This bond is in addition to the normal Customs entry bond. Copies of the DOT bond and the contract with the RI must be attached to the HS-7 form. Before an RI can modify your vehicle, it must first be determined whether the vehicle is capable of being modified to comply with the Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards. The process of modifying your vehicle may become very complex and costly. A list of vehicles that have already been determined capable of being modified by an RI may be obtained from the RI or from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration's (NHTSA) Web site at Additional information may be obtained by writing to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NSA-32), Office of planning and Consumer Programs, 400 7th Street, SW, Washington, DC 20590; or call: DOT Auto Safety Hotline at 1.888.327.4236: or by faxing your request to 202. 366.1024. If you do not have a copy of U.S. Customs' brochure *Importing or Exporting a Car*, the EPA standards are briefly described below. Customs will require a formal entry, regardless of value for all importations of nonconforming vehicles unless the nonresident exemption is claimed. Trailers, motorcycles, and mopeds are also subject to DOT standards. #### Federal Tax Certain imported automobiles may be subject to the gas-guzzler tax imposed by Section 4064 of the Internal Revenue Code. The tax is imposed on an automobile that has a fuel economy standard of less than 22.5 miles per gallon. Additional information may be obtained from any local district office of the Internal Revenue Service. #### Emission Standards Unless otherwise noted, importers of passenger cars, light trucks, motorcycles and heavy duty engines must complete and submit an EPA entry form (EPA Form 3520-1) to Customs upon entry. These forms may be obtained from Customs at the port of entry. The following passenger cars, light‑trucks, motorcycles and heavy‑duty engines are subject to Federal emission requirements: - Gasoline‑fueled cars and light‑trucks originally manufactured after December 31, 1967. ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` - Diesel‑fueled cars originally manufactured after December 31, 1974. ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` - Diesel‑fueled light‑trucks originally manufactured after December 31, 1975. ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` - Motorcycles greater than 49 cubic centimeters displacement originally manufactured after December 31, 1977. ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` - Gasoline or diesel‑fueled heavy‑duty engines originally manufactured after January 1, 1970. ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` - Methanol‑fueled vehicles or engines manufactured for 1990 or later model years. ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` - Compressed natural gas (CNG) or liquid petroleum gas (LPG) vehicles or engines (including propane) manufactured for 1997 or later model years. Note that any nonconforming motor vehicle or engine, which is 21 years old or greater and has not been modified within that time, is considered by EPA to be exempted from Federal emission requirements. Beginning with the 1996 model year, Federal emission requirements also apply to some non‑road motorized equipment, such as lawn and garden equipment, and farm and construction equipment. For those vehicles that are subject to U.S. emission standards, the following must be complied with upon entry into the United States: Passenger Cars or Trucks Originally Manufactured to Meet U.S. Emission Standards All 1971 and later model cars or trucks in this category can be identified by a label in a readily visible position in the engine compartment. This label will indicate that the vehicle was originally manufactured to comply with U.S. emission standards. For pre‑1971 models, you should verify the original compliance of the vehicle with the vehicle manufacturer. Vehicles originally equipped with a catalyst or oxygen sensor are no longer subject to EPA\'s requirement that the vehicle be bonded on entry. Vehicles that have had the catalyst and oxygen sensor removed, or had these components damaged through use of leaded fuel, are still required to have these components replaced after importation. Passenger Cars or Trucks Not Originally Manufactured to Meet U.S. Emission Standards *These vehicles must be imported through an independent commercial importer (ICI). The EPA entry form (EPA Form 3520-1) must be submitted by the ICI, not the vehicle owner.* A list of these ICIs may be obtained at the port of entry or from the EPA. There are no ICIs located overseas and the EPA does not accept conversions performed overseas. The ICI will be responsible for modifying and testing the vehicle in order to demonstrate that it complies with all U.S. emission requirements. Such conversions typically cost several thousand dollars and take several months to complete. The EPA assumes no responsibility for the quality of the work performed by an ICI or its contractual arrangements, including costs. Since ICIs do not necessarily accept all models, and some models may be difficult to convert, the EPA suggests that the importer complete arrangements with an ICI prior to shipping the vehicle to the United States. Inquiries regarding emission requirements should be addressed to the attention of: The Environmental Protection Agency, Imports (6405‑J), 1200 Pennsylvania Ave NW, Washington, DC 20460. You may also contact the EPA by phone at 202.564.9240, fax 202.564.2057, or access the Imports Faxback System to obtain documents including a current list of ICIs at 202.564.9660. #### Shipping Arrangements For your own safety, security and convenience, DO NOT use your car as a container for personal belongings. The practice of shipping personal belongings packed in an automobile is discouraged for the following reasons: - The goods in the car must be available for Customs inspection, which means you cannot lock your vehicle. If you do, Customs may break the lock to inspect the goods. ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` - Your personal belongings are susceptible to theft while waiting to be loaded on the carrier, while being transported to the U.S., or after being unloaded in the United States. ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` - Many shippers and carriers will not accept your vehicle if it contains personal belongings. The carrier is required to list the automobile and its contents on the ship\'s manifest. If the contents are not listed, the carrier is subject to fines or penalties. ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` - The vehicle and its contents may be subject to seizure and you may be subject to fines or penalties if you or your agent do not declare the complete contents of the vehicle at the time the automobile is examined by U.S. Customs. ##### General Rules for Liquor and Tobacco #### Tobacco Products of Cuban tobacco are prohibited to arriving U.S. citizens and residents, unless acquired in Cuba by persons authorized by the State Department to travel to Cuba. Persons who are authorized by the State Department to travel to Cuba will remain subject to the general exemptions and restrictions applied to the importation of tobacco products. Cigarettes may be subject to a tax imposed by state and local authorities. #### Liquor You will be required to pay duty on liquor that is imported in quantities greater than the exemptions allowed for each category of persons moving to the United States. While there is no Federal limit to the amount of alcohol you may bring in, there will most likely be a state limit. This limit is determined by the state that your goods arrive in, not the state you are moving to unless your goods are sent in-bond to the state you are moving to. Alcoholic beverages may not be imported into the U.S. by mail, nor can Customs release liquor in violation of the laws of the state where it is entered. As laws vary from state to state, this information may be obtained from state liquor authorities. The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (ATF) and the U.S. Customs Service have concurrent jurisdiction in the area of personal use importations of alcoholic beverages. As a practical matter, it is usually the U.S. Customs Service and the port director at the port of entry who decide whether or not a particular importation is, in fact, for personal use only. In certain circumstances, ATF may exercise joint jurisdiction with Customs in making this determination. In addition, other state, local or U.S. Customs requirements may apply. It should be noted that some states prohibit the direct shipment of alcoholic beverages to individuals. Anyone interested in importing alcohol for personal use should contact his or her state liquor control agency. If the alcohol is being imported for sale, you [must]{.underline} have an ATF permit in advance of the goods arriving in port. Households with personal wine cellars must remember that all alcohol over the amount eligible for duty-free treatment is dutiable at the applicable duty rate and that [all Federal, state, and local taxes must be paid]{.underline}. Finally, the determination of whether or not a shipment is for personal or commercial use cannot be decided solely on the size of the shipment, but must be determined on a case-by-case basis considering the circumstances surrounding the importation. However, the size of the shipment may give rise to questions resulting in the need for an investigation by Customs or the ATF. For further information contact: Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms U.S. Customs Service Alcohol Import-Export Branch Commercial Rulings Division 650 Massachusetts Ave., NW Office of Regulations and Rulings Washington, DC 20226 1300 Pennsylvania Ave., NW TEL: 202.927.8110 Washington, DC 20229 FAX: 202.927.8605 TEL: 202.572.8700 ##### Prohibited or Restricted Goods The importation of certain classes of merchandise is prohibited or restricted to protect community health, to preserve domestic plant and animal life, and for other reasons. Should you attempt to bring in merchandise that is prohibited or restricted, the merchandise could be seized and, in addition, you may be liable for a personal penalty. Prohibited articles include, but are not limited to, the following: absinthe, lottery tickets, narcotics and dangerous drugs, drug paraphernalia, obscene articles and publications, seditious and treasonable materials, hazardous articles (e.g. fireworks, dangerous toys, toxic or poisonous substances), products made by prison convicts, forced labor, or indentured labor under penal sanctions, and switchblade knives (the only exception is for a "one-armed traveler," in which case the blade must be no longer than three inches). Some merchandise that is restricted from entry into the United States may be released after inspection by the Government agency that imposed the restrictions. In some instances, this merchandise may be detained until the conditions attached to the restriction are met. If the restricted merchandise is not released by the Government agency that imposed the restrictions and/or the conditions attached to the restrictions are not met, the merchandise could be seized. In addition, the importer of this merchandise may be liable for a personal penalty. U.S. trade sanctions administered by the Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) generally prohibit the importation into the United States (including U.S. territories), either directly or indirectly, of most goods, technology, or services (except information and informational materials) from, or which originated from, Cuba, Iran, Iraq, Libya, North Korea, or Sudan; Yugoslavia (Serbia and Montenegro) had a partial lifting of trade sanctions (See Executive Order 13192); from foreign persons designated by the Secretary of State as having promoted the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction; named Foreign Terrorist Organizations; designated terrorists and narcotics traffickers; the Taliban, and areas of Afghanistan controlled by the Taliban. Vessels and aircraft under the registry, ownership, or control of sanctions targets may not import merchandise into the United States. The importation of Cuban cigars is generally prohibited. Diamonds may not be imported from Angola or Sierra Leone without a certificate of origin or other documentation that demonstrates to Customs authorities that they were legally exported with the approval of the Angola Government of Unity and National Reconciliation. Treasury Department\'s Office of Foreign Assets Control has amended the Iranian Transactions Regulations, 31 CFR part 560, to authorize the importation into the United States of, and dealings in, certain Iranian-origin foodstuffs and carpets and related transactions. Section 560.534(a) of this final rule authorizes the importation of Iranian-origin foodstuffs intended for human consumption that are classified under chapters 2-23 of the Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (HTS). Items that are classified in chapters 2-23 of the HTS that are not foodstuffs intended for human consumption are not authorized for importation into the United States by this section. This final rule also authorizes the importation into the United States of Iranian-origin carpets and other textile floor coverings and carpets used as wall hangings that are classified under chapter 57 or heading 9706.00.00.60 of the HTS. Items that are classified under heading 9706.00.00.60 (\"Antiques of an age exceeding one hundred years/Other\") that are not carpets and other textile floor coverings or carpets used as wall hangings are not authorized for importation into the United States by this section. Import restrictions imposed against sanctions targets vary by program. Contact the Office of Foreign Assets Control at 202.622.2490 with specific questions or concerns or visit OFAC's Web site. #### Biological Materials Biological materials of public health or veterinary importance (disease organisms and vectors for research and educational purposes) require import permits. Write to Foreign Quarantine Program, U.S. Public Health Service, Center for Disease Control, Atlanta, Ga. 30333. #### Books, Video Tapes, Computer Programs and Cassettes Pirated copies of copyrighted articles (unlawfully made reproductions or articles produced without the copyright owner's authorization, e.g., music CDs, toys, clothing with cartoon characters, etc.,) are prohibited from importation into the United States. Pirated copies will be seized and destroyed. **[Cultural Artifacts and Cultural Property]{.underline}** Most countries have laws that protect their cultural property (art/artifacts/antiquities; archaeological and ethnological material are also terms that are used.) Such laws include export controls and/or national ownership of cultural property. Even if purchased from a business in the country of origin, or in another country, legal ownership of such artifacts may be in question if brought into the United States. Make certain you have documents such as export permits and receipts, although these do not necessarily confer lawful ownership. While foreign laws may not be enforceable in the U.S., they can cause certain U.S. laws to be invoked. For example, as a general rule, under the U.S. National Stolen Property Act, one cannot have legal title to art/artifacts/antiquities that were stolen, no matter how many times such items may have changed hands. Articles of stolen cultural property (from museums or from religious or secular public monuments) originating in any of the countries party to the 1970 UNESCO Convention may not be imported into the United States. In addition, U.S. law may restrict importation into the U.S. of specific categories of art/artifacts/antiquities: - U.S. law restricts the import of any Pre‑Columbian monumental and architectural sculpture and murals from Central and South American countries. - U.S. law specifically restricts the importation of Native American artifacts from Canada; Maya pre‑Columbian archaeological objects from Guatemala; Pre‑Columbian archaeological objects from El Salvador and Peru; archaeological objects (such as terracotta statues) from Mali; Colonial period objects such as paintings and ritual objects from Peru; Byzantine period ritual and ecclesiastic objects (such as icons) from Cyprus; Khmer stone archaeological sculpture from Cambodia. Importation of items such as those above is permitted only when the items are accompanied by an export permit issued by the country of origin (where such items were first found), or if you came into possession of them [before]{.underline} the treaties were signed. Purveyors of such items have been known to offer phony export certificates. As additional U.S. import restrictions may be imposed in response to requests from other countries, it is wise for the prospective purchaser to visit the State Department's cultural property website: This website also has images representative of the categories of cultural property for which there are specific U.S. import restrictions. ####### Dog and Cat Fur, Items Made From # Under the "Dog And Cat Enforcement Act Of 2000" it is illegal to import products containing dog or cat fur. These products include clothes, accessories, figurines, and novelty items -- made from parts or full pelts of cats and dogs. These items will be seized and violators can be penalized up to \$10,000 for each item containing cat or dog fur. #### Firearms and Ammunition Firearms and ammunition are subject to restrictions and import permits. The importation of fully automatic weapons, semi-automatic assault-type weapons, and nonsporting firearms and ammunition is prohibited. Generally, firearms and ammunition acquired abroad may be imported, but only under permit. For complete information, write to the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms, Department of the Treasury, Firearms and Explosives Imports Branch, Washington, DC 20226. That agency will furnish permit applications and answer inquiries about the Gun Control Act of 1968, and import provisions of the Arms Export Control Act of 1976. Firearms and ammunition previously taken out of and returned to the United States by the same person may be released upon presentation to U.S. Customs of adequate proof of prior possession, i.e., bill of sale, household goods inventory showing serial number, or Customs registration forms 4455 or 4457. #### Food and Dairy Products Bakery items and all cured cheeses are admissible. The USDA Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) leaflet, *Travelers\' Tips*, provides detailed information on bringing food, plant, and animal products into the United States. Imported foods are also subject to requirements of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Foods not approved by the FDA may not be entered into the United States. #### Fruits, Plants, Vegetables Fruits, plants, vegetables, cuttings, seeds, unprocessed plant products and certain endangered species of plants are either prohibited from entering the country or require an import permit. Canned or processed items are admissible. #### Gold Gold coins, medals, and bullion, formerly prohibited, may be brought into the United States. However, copies of gold coins are prohibited if not properly marked. The importation of counterfeit coins is prohibited. #### Meats, Livestock, Poultry Meats, livestock, poultry, and their by‑products, such as pate' and sausage are either prohibited or restricted from entering the United States, depending upon the animal disease conditions in the country of origin. This includes fresh, frozen, dried, cured, cooked or canned items. Commercially labeled, cooked, canned meats, that do not require refrigeration and are hermetically sealed, may be brought into the United States. #### Medicine/Narcotics Narcotics and dangerous drugs are generally prohibited entry and there are severe penalties if imported. Certain exceptions to this for U.S. residents may be found at 21 USC 956(a). A traveler requiring prescription medications (e.g., cough medicines, tranquilizers, sleeping pills, depressants, stimulants, etc.) should: - Have all drugs, medicinals, and similar products properly identified in their original container in which they were dispensed to the individual. ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` - Carry only the quantity that an individual having some sort of health problem might normally carry. ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` - Have either a prescription or written statement from his personal physician that the medicinals are being used under a doctor\'s direction and are necessary for the traveler\'s physical well being while traveling. Drugs not approved by the Food and Drug Administration may not be imported into the United States. #### Money There is no limitation in terms of total amount of monetary instruments that may be brought into or taken out of the United States. Monetary instruments include U.S. or foreign coins, currency, traveler\'s checks, money orders, and negotiable instruments or investment securities in bearer form. If you do transport, or cause to be transported, by mail or other means, more than \$10,000 in monetary instruments on any occasion into or out of the United States, or if you receive more than that amount, you must file a report (Customs Form 4790) with U.S. Customs (Currency & Foreign Transactions Reporting Act, 31 U.S.C. 1101, et seq.). Failure to report the transportation of the reportable monetary instruments may result in seizure of the unreported instruments as well as imposition of civil and criminal penalties. #### Pets There are controls, restrictions, and prohibitions on the entry of animals, birds, turtles, wildlife, and endangered species. Cats and dogs must be free of evidence of diseases communicable to man. Vaccination against rabies is not required for cats, or for dogs arriving from rabies‑free countries. Personally owned pet birds may be entered (limit of two if of the Psittacine family), but Animal & Plant Health Inspection Services (APHIS) and Public Health Service requirements must be met, including quarantine at any APHIS facility at specified locations, at the owner\'s expense. Advance reservations are required. Primates, such as monkeys, apes, and similar animals, may not be imported. If you plan to take your pet abroad or import one on your return, obtain a copy of our brochure, *Pets and Wildlife*. #### Trademarked Articles U.S. Customs enforces laws relating to the protection of trademarks and copyrights. Articles that infringe a trademark or copyright, which is use of the protected right without authorization of the trademark or copyright owner, are subject to detention and seizure. Additionally, the importation of articles bearing counterfeit marks may subject an individual to a civil monetary penalty. Articles bearing marks that are confusingly similar to a registered trademark and gray market articles (genuine articles not intended for importation into the Unites States,) may be subject to detention and seizure. Passengers arriving into the United States are permitted to import one article, which must accompany the person, bearing a counterfeit, confusingly similar, or restricted gray market trademark, provided that the article is for personal use and not for sale. The arriving passenger may retain one article of each of the above types, accompanying the person. If the article imported under the personal exemption provision is sold within one year after the date of importation, the article or its value is subject to forfeiture. With regard to copyright infringement, articles that are determined to be clearly piratical of a registered copyright are subject to seizure. Articles that are determined to be possibly piratical may be subject to detention and possible seizure. The types of articles usually of interest to travelers are: - Lenses, cameras, binoculars, optical goods. - Tape recorders, CD players, musical instruments. - Jewelry, precious metalware. - Perfumes. - Watches and clocks. - Clothing. #### Wildlife, Fish, Plants Wildlife, fish, and plants are subject to certain import and export restrictions, prohibitions, permits or certificates, and quarantine requirements. This includes: - Wild birds, mammals (including marine mammals,) reptiles, crustaceans, fish, and mollusks. ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` - Any part or product, such as skins, feathers, eggs. ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` - Products and articles manufactured from wildlife and fish. Endangered species of wildlife and plants, including products made from them, may be prohibited from being imported or exported, as appropriate. If you are considering purchasing articles made from wildlife, such as tortoise shell jewelry, leather goods, articles made from whalebone, ivory, skins, or fur, contact the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Department of the Interior, Washington, D.C. 20240, for additional information. ##### Returning Residents #### Duty Exemptions for Household and Personal Effects You may import furniture, dishes, linens, libraries, artwork and similar household furnishings for your personal use free of duty. To be eligible for duty-free exemption, the articles must have either been available for your use or used in a household where you were a resident for one year. The year of use does not need to be continuous, nor does it need to be the year immediately before the date of importation. Personal and household effects entitled to duty-free entry need not accompany you to the United States; you may have them shipped to your U.S. address at a later time if you choose. Your shipment of personal and/or household goods must be cleared through Customs at its first port of arrival, unless you have made arrangements with a foreign freight forwarder to have your effects sent in Customs custody in-bond from the port of arrival to a more convenient port of entry for clearance. (*Ask your moving company if they offer this service.*) Customs will not notify you that your goods have arrived. It is essential that the carrier notify you that your goods have arrived in port -- otherwise after 15 days, they will be taken to a general order warehouse and may be sold at auction after six months. If merchandise is placed in a general order warehouse, storage charges will accrue and payment of those charges is the responsibility of the party importing the household goods. When you come to Customs to enter your goods, you must complete Customs Form 3299, "Declaration for Free Entry of Unaccompanied Articles," to give to the Customs officer. If you cannot come to the Customs office yourself, you may designate a friend or relative to represent you in Customs matters. You must give that person a letter addressed to "Officer in Charge of Customs" authorizing that individual to represent you as your agent on a one-time basis to clear your shipment through Customs. #### Professional Equipment/Tools of Trade If your professional equipment or tools of trade were acquired abroad they are not entitled to duty-free consideration unless they were in your possession for one year prior to your return to the United States. If they were in your possession when you moved abroad, and are being brought back in connection with your return to the U.S. they are exempt from duty. #### Liquor, Tobacco You may bring in one liter of alcoholic beverages, free of duty and internal revenue tax, if you are at least 21 years of age, it is for your own use or for a gift, and it is not in violation of the laws of the state in which you arrive. Alcoholic beverages beyond the one-liter limitation are subject to duty and Internal Revenue tax. Up to 100 cigars and 200 cigarettes (one carton) may be included in your exemption. Tobacco products of Cuban origin are prohibited unless acquired in Cuba by persons authorized by the State Department to travel to Cuba. #### Firearms and ammunition Firearms and ammunition previously taken out of, and returned to, the United States by the same person may be released upon presentation to U.S. Customs of adequate proof of prior possession, i.e., bill of sale, household goods inventory showing serial number, Customs Forms 4455 or 4457. #### Gifts Bona fide gifts may be mailed to friends and relatives in the U.S. free of duty and tax as long as the same person does not receive more than \$100 (or \$200 if from American Samoa, U.S. Virgin Islands, or Guam) in gift shipments per day. If you are bringing gifts with you, the exemption is \$800 in merchandise acquired abroad; \$600 from Caribbean Basin Economic Recovery Act countries; or \$1200 from American Samoa, U.S. Virgin Islands, or Guam. The exemption includes both gifts and other items for personal use. Gifts must be included in the declaration of the donor when he returns to the United States. Gifts are not considered as part of household and personal effects. Alcoholic beverages, cigars, and cigarettes are not included in this exemption from duty. Gifts that exceed the \$100 or \$200 retail value will be subject to customs duty based on the entire value of the gift or gifts. There is no exemption. ##### ##### Government/Military Personnel #### Difference between Government/Military Personnel and Returning Residents A special provision allows U.S. Government personnel (military and civilian) to enter their personal and household effects without payment of duty and tax when returning from an extended duty assignment overseas, even if those effects have not been in the household for at least a year before importation into the U.S. -- as is required for returning residents. #### Duty Exemptions for Household and Personal Effects The classifications, rates of duty, and exemptions from duty, are governed by the Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (HTSUS). Under item 9805.00.50 of the Tariff Schedules, the personal and household effects of any person (military or civilian) employed by the U.S. Government, and returning members of his family who have resided with him at his post or station, may be entered free of duty unless items are restricted, prohibited, or limited -- as in the case of liquor and tobacco. The following groups of people are **not** entitled to this exemption: - Employees of private business and commercial organizations working under contract for the U.S. Government. ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` - Persons under research fellowships granted by the United States Government. ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` - Peace Corps Volunteers, employees of UNICEF or the Red Cross. ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` - Persons going abroad under the Fulbright‑Hays Act of 1961, or under the Mutual Educational and Cultural Exchange Act of 1961. Items sent by mail are eligible for duty‑free entry if the articles were in the returnee\'s possession before leaving the duty station. A copy of the Government orders terminating the assignment must accompany the articles in a sealed envelope securely attached to the outer wrapper of the parcel. The parcel should also be marked clearly on the outside \"Returned Personal Effects‑Orders Enclosed.\" **[Traveling by Military Transport]{.underline}** Articles that accompany you upon your return to the United States on PCS orders should be declared on Customs Form (CF) 6059B, \"Customs Declaration,\" if you travel on a commercial carrier. If you travel on a carrier owned or operated by the U.S. Government, including charter aircraft, you will complete either Department of Defense Form (DD) 1854, \"Customs Accompanied Baggage Declaration,\" or CF 6059B, "Customs Declaration." Be prepared to show Customs a copy of your travel orders. #### Unaccompanied Baggage If you are a Department of Defense (DoD) civilian or military member returning to the U.S. from extended duty overseas, you should complete DD Form 1252, \"U.S. Customs Declaration for Personal Property Shipments,\" to facilitate the entry of your unaccompanied baggage and/or household goods into the United States. A copy of your PCS orders, terminating your assignment to extended duty abroad, should accompany DD Form 1252. This form is also used by a DoD sponsored or directed individual or employee of a nonappropriated fund agency that is an integral part of the military services. All other Government employees should complete CF 3299, \"Declaration for Free Entry of Unaccompanied Articles,\" and attach a copy to their orders. The documents are presented to Customs for clearance and are retained with the manifest. By completing these declarations you certify that the shipment consists of personal and household effects that were in your personal possession while abroad, and that the articles are not imported for another person or intended for sale. Employees completing CF 3299 must list restricted articles (e.g., trademarked items, firearms), and goods not subject to their exemption (e.g., excess liquor, articles carried for other persons) on the declaration and show the actual prices paid. All shipments of unaccompanied baggage will be cleared by Customs upon arrival in the United States. #### Automobiles A conforming foreign‑made automobile may be included as part of your personal effects. However, an automobile purchased abroad and sent home before your Government orders are issued, or a car purchased and not in your possession before you leave (merely ordered but not delivered to you), will not be entitled to free entry as a personal or household effect under 9805.00.50. The vehicle would be subject to customs duty at the following rates: - Autos\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\.....2.5% ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` - Trucks\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...25% ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` - Motorcycles, mopeds > up to 700 cc.................Free > > 700 to 970 cc................2.4% > > over 970 cc...............\...Free - Trailers...........................Free Duty rates are based on the market value of the vehicle and those rates are subject to change on an annual basis. ## [Liquor, Tobacco]{.underline} In addition to the limitations stated on page \_\_, active duty U.S. Government and military personnel who are returning with liquor are exempt from the age requirement. However, family members of the Government or military employee must be 21 years old or older to bring back liquor or tobacco products. **[Firearms and Ammunition]{.underline}** Military members returning from active duty outside the United States are no longer entitled to import, without an import permit, up to three rifles or shotguns and 1,000 rounds of ammunition. However, they may follow the normal procedures in acquiring the appropriate firearm import permit from the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (see page \_\_). The guns need to be declared and the permit shown to U.S. Customs. Surplus military firearms of any description are prohibited entry. The government will not ship, or pay for the shipping of ammunition. The employee will have to arrange and pay for shipping. The Department of Defense and the U.S. Postal Service prohibit acceptance by military post offices of war trophy firearms, ammunition, and handguns for shipment through an APO or FPO of the military postal system. Nonresidents/First-Time Immigrants **[Difference between Nonresidents/First-Time Immigrants and Returning Residents]{.underline}** Requirements for the importation of alcohol, tobacco, automobiles and gifts by nonresidents/first-time immigrants are different than those for returning residents. Please see the following sections for specific details. **[Duty Exemptions for Household and Personnel Effects]{.underline}** You may import furniture, dishes, linens, libraries, artwork and similar household furnishings for your personal use free of duty. To be eligible for duty-free exemption, the articles must have either been available for your use or used in a household where you were a resident for one year. The year of use does not need to be continuous, nor does it need to be the year immediately before the date of importation. Personal and household effects entitled to duty-free entry need not accompany you to the United States; you may have them shipped to your U.S. address at a later time if you choose. Your shipment of personal and/or household goods must be cleared through Customs at its first port of arrival, unless you have made arrangements with a foreign freight forwarder to have your effects sent in Customs custody in-bond from the port of arrival to a more convenient port of entry for clearance. (*Ask your moving company if they offer this service.*) Household effects from the country where these effects were used, and meeting the above criteria, may be entered into the United States duty-free within 10 years after your initial arrival in the United States as a legal resident. Personal effects may be shipped or mailed to you at a later date. The package should be marked "Used Personal Effects" and must have been in your possession prior to your entry into the United States. Anything included in the package that is new may be dutiable. #### Professional Equipment A person emigrating to the United States may enter professional books, implements, instruments and tools of trade, occupation or employment free of duty if the articles were owned and used abroad. These items do not need to have been in your possession for one year prior to importation, but they must be imported for your use and not for sale. Theatrical scenery, properties, or apparel and articles for use in any manufacturing establishment are not eligible for this exemption. **[Automobiles]{.underline}** Nonresidents/First-time immigrants may temporarily import a vehicle duty-free for personal use if the vehicle is imported in connection with the owner's arrival. Vehicles do not need to accompany the owner, but should arrive in the U.S. at approximately the same time, at least within a few weeks. If a delay of more than a few weeks should occur the importer must prove that the delay was justified. Vehicles are defined as an automobile, trailer, airplane, motorcycle, boat or similar vehicle. Vehicles that don't conform to U.S. safety and emission standards must be exported within one year and may not be sold in the United States. *There is no exemption or extension of the export requirement.* Conforming vehicles imported under the duty-free exemption are dutiable if sold within one year of importation. Duty must be paid at the most conveniently located Customs office before the sale is completed. Conforming vehicles so imported may remain in the U.S. indefinitely once a formal entry is made for EPA purposes. Foreign-made vehicles not in your possession before you leave your foreign residence, and imported into the U.S., whether new or used, (i.e., ordered for direct delivery to your U.S. residence, either for personal use or for sale) are generally dutiable at the following rates: - Autos\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\.....2.5% ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` - Trucks\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...25% ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` - Motorcycles, mopeds > up to 700 cc.................Free > > 700 to 970 cc................2.4% > > over 970 cc...............\...Free - Trailers...........................Free Duty rates are based on the market value of the vehicle and those rates are subject to change on an annual basis. #### Liquor, Tobacco Nonresidents who are at least 21 years old may bring in, free of duty and internal revenue tax, up to one liter of alcoholic beverage -- beer, wine, liquor -- for personal use. Quantities above the one-liter limitation are subject to duty and internal revenue tax. You may also include in your personal exemption not more than 200 cigarettes (one carton) or 50 cigars or two kilograms (4.4 lbs.) of smoking tobacco, or proportional amounts of each. Cigars of Cuban origin are prohibited. #### Firearms and Ammunition Firearms and ammunition are subject to restrictions and import permits. The importation of fully automatic weapons and semi-automatic assault-type weapon is prohibited. Generally, firearms and ammunition acquired abroad may be imported, but only under permit. For complete information, write to the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms, Department of the Treasury, Firearms and Explosives Import Branch, Washington, DC 20226. That agency will furnish permit applications and answer inquiries about the Gun Control Act of 1968. **[Gifts]{.underline}** Nonresidents are allowed up to \$100 (or \$200 if from American Samoa, U.S. Virgin Islands, or Guam) worth of merchandise, free of duty and internal revenue tax, as gifts for other people. These gifts must be included in your declaration and must accompany you. Gifts are not considered as part of household and personal effects. Nonresidents can include cigars in their \$100 gift exemption, but may not include cigarettes or alcohol. Gifts originating from countries currently under sanctions with the U.S. (See Prohibited and Restricted Importation's section on page \_\_) may not be eligible for the \$100 gift exemption (Example: Iraq). To ensure that gifts are eligible for the \$100 exemption, questions should be referred to the Office of Foreign Assets Control at 202/622-2480. ##### Part-Time Residents Part-time residents are usually students attending school in one country and spending the rest of the year in another, "snowbirds" (seasonal residents), or residents who maintain a household in a foreign country as well as one in the United States. If you are a part-time resident, any goods you wish to import into your U.S. residence must have been in your foreign residence for at least one year prior to their importation into the U.S. to qualify for duty-free importation. Since part-time residents are either returning residents or nonresidents, please see the requirements for returning residents starting on page \_\_ and for nonresidents starting on page \_\_. #### Report Drug Smuggling to the U.S. Customs Service 1 (800) BE ALERT Customs Publication No. 0000-0518 Revised December 2001
**Patient Safety: You Can Make a Difference** **Recommended Reading for Patients, Families and Patient Advocates** > Berntsen, Karen J. The *Patient's Guide to Preventing Medical Error*. > Westport, CT: Praeger; 2004. ISBN: 0275982300. > > Bogner, Marilyn Sue, ed. *Human error in medicine*. Hillsdale, NJ: > Lawrence Erlbaum; 1994. ISBN: 0-80581-385-3. > > Dekker S. *Ten questions about human error: a new view of human > factors and system safety* Boca Raton, FL: CRC; 2004. ISBN: 0805847456 > > Frankel A, Grillo SP, Baker EG, et al. Patient Safety Leadership > WalkRounds at Partners Healthcare: learning from implementation. *Jt > Comm J Qual Patient Saf.* 2005 Aug;31(8):423-37. > <> > > Gallin, Pamela. *How to Survive Your Doctor\'s Care.* Washington, DC: > LifeLine Press; 2003. ISBN: 0895261200 > > Gawande, A. *Complications: a surgeon's notes on an imperfect > science*. New York; Picador: 2002. ISBN: 0-31242-170-2. > > Gibson, Rosemary. Role of the patient in improving patient safety. > *WebM&M.* 2007(Mar): Perspectives on Safety. > <> > > Giller, Cole A. *Port in the Storm: How to Make a Medical Decision and > Live to Tell About It.* Washington DC; LifeLine Press. 2003. ISBN: > 0-89526-132-4. > > Hicock L, Lewis J. *Beware the grieving warrior: a child\'s > preventable death. a struggle for truth, healing, and change.* > Toronto; ECW Press, 2004. ISBN: 1550226738 > > Kalb C. Fixing America's hospitals. *Newsweek.* October 16, 2006; > 44--68. <> > > Munch, D. Patients and families can offer key insights in root cause > analyses. *Focus Patient Safety*. 2004;7(4):6-7. > <> > > Roizen, MF, Oz MC. *You: the smart patient: an insider\'s handbook for > getting the best treatment*. New York, Free Press, 2006. ISBN: > 0743293010 > > Patient and Family Advisory Council. *National agenda for action: > patients and families in patient safety: nothing about me, without > me.* North Adams, MA: NPSF; 2003. > <> > > *Role of the patient advocate: a consumer fact sheet*. McLean, VA: > NPSF; 2003. <> > > Segen, JC, Stauffer J, Wade, J. *Patient\'s guide to medical tests: > everything you need to know about the tests your doctor prescribes*. > New York: Checkmark Books; 2002. ISBN: 0816046522. > > Tugend, A. Going to the hospital? don\'t forget to pack a nurse. *New > York Times*. September 17, 2005. > <> Additional Reading Lists: > AHRQ: <> > > CAPS: <> > > Josie King Foundation: <> > > PPECA: <> +-----------+------------------------------------------------------+---+ | ![](m | **National Network of Libraries of Medicine - | | | edia/imag | Greater Midwest Region** | | | e1.wmf){w | | | | idth="0.9 | *Funded by the National Library of Medicine under | | | 277777777 | contract NO1-LM-6-3503 with the* | | | 777778in" | | | | hei | *University of Illinois at Chicago Library of the | | | ght="0.61 | Health Science*s | | | 736111111 | | | | 11111in"} | | | +-----------+------------------------------------------------------+---+ **Patient Safety: You Can Make a Difference** **Presentation Bibliography** Bonini P, Plebani M, Ceriotti F, Rubboli F. Errors in Laboratory Medicine. *Clin Chem*, 2002(May); 48(5):691-698. <> Committee on Data Standards for Patient Safety, Board on Health Care Services. *Patient safety: achieving a new standard for care.* Washington, DC: National Academies Press; 2004:30,32,34. \# 0-309-0977-6. <> Cosby KS, Croskerry P. Profiles in patient safety: authority gradients in medical error. *Acad Emerg Med.* 2004(Dec);11(12):1341-1345. DeLisa JA. Physiatry: medical errors, patient safety, patient injury, and quality of care. *Am J Phys Med Rehabil.* 2004(Aug);83(8):575-583 Frankel A, Graydon Baker E, Neppl C, Simmonds T, Gustafson M, Gandhi TK. Patient safety leadership walkrounds. *Jt Comm J Qual Safety.* 2003(Jan);29(1):16-26. Frankel A, Haraden C. Shuttling toward a safety culture. Healthcare can learn from probe panel\'s findings on the Columbia disaster. *Mod Healthc*. 2004(Jan 5);34(1):21. Furman C, Caplan R. Applying the Toyota Production System: using a patient safety alert system to reduce error. *Jt Comm J Qual Patient Saf.* 2007 Jul;33(7):376-386. Gibson, Rosemary. Role of the patient in improving patient safety.*WebM&M.* 2007(Mar): Perspectives on Safety. <> Greenberg CC, Regenbogen SE, Studdert DM, et al. Patterns of communication breakdowns resulting in injury to surgical patients. *J Am Coll Surg*. 2007 Apr;204(4):533-540. Hippocrates. *Of the Epidemics*, Bk. I:Sect. XI.c. 400 BC. In: *Hippocrates: with an English translation by W. H. S. Jones*. Loeb Classical Library, Vol 1. Cambridge, Mass: Harvard University Press; 1923:165. James C. Manufacturing\'s prescription for improving healthcare quality. *Hosp Top.* 2005 Winter;83(1):2-8. Joint Commission. \[*Look-alike/sound-alike drug list\]*. Oakbrook Terrace, Ill: Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations; 2006. <> Joint Commission. *Sentinel Event*; 2008. <> Kalra J. Medical errors: impact on clinical laboratories and other critical areas. *Clin Biochem.*2004(Dec);37(12):1052-1062. Kao LS, Thomas EJ. Navigating towards improved surgical safety using aviation-based strategies. *J Surg Res*. 2007 May 1 (e-pub) Kohn LT, Corrigan JM, Donaldson MS. *To err is human: building a safer health system*. Washington, DC: National Academy Press; 2000. <> Kozer E, Scolnik, Macpherson A., et al. Variables Associated With Medication Errors in Pediatric Emergency Medicine. *Pediatrics,* 2002(Oct);110(4):737-742. Lesar TS. Errors in the use of medication dosage equations. *Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med* 1998(Apr);152(4):340--344. Levis RJ. Traditional Errors in Surgery. Presidential Address to the Medical Society of the State of Pennsylvania on June 6, 1888. *JAMA*. 1888 (Jun 23);10(25):790-791. Matlow AG, Berte L. Sources of error in laboratory medicine. *Lab Med.* 2004(Jun);35(6):331-334. McDonald CJ. Computerization can create safety hazards: a bar-coding near miss. *Ann Intern Med.* 2006(Apr 4);144(7):510-6. <> (free registration required) MMS Committee on Quality of Medical Practice and Trinity Communications, Inc*. Medical Errors and Perspectives on Patient Safety.* Massachusetts Medical Society, 2007. <> Munch, D. Patients and families can offer key insights in root cause analyses. *Focus Patient Safety*. 2004;7(4):6-7. <> Reason J. Human error: models and management. *BMJ* 2000;320;768-770. <> Renner SW, Howanitz PJ, Bachner P. Wristband identification error reporting in 712 hospitals: a College of American Pathologists' Q-Probes Study of Quality Issues in Transfusion Practice. *Arch Pathol Lab Med.* 1993(Jun);117(6):573-7. *Role of the patient advocate: a consumer fact sheet*. McLean, VA: NPSF; 2003. <> Savill, R. Staff shortage led to death of patient. *Daily Telegraph.* March 12, 2005:13 Sazama K. Reports of 355 transfusion-associated deaths: 1976 through 1985. *Transfusion.* 1990(Sep);30(7):583-590.Scarsi KK, Fotis MA, Noskin GA. Pharmacist participation in medical rounds reduces medication errors. *Am J Health Syst Pharm.* 2002(Nov 1);59(21):2089-2092. Shapiro JP. Taking the mistakes out of medicine: Minnesota Children's remakes its culture in the name of safety. *US News World Rep.* 2000(Jul 17);129(3):50-53,56,58,64-64,66. Spencer FC. Human error in hospitals and industrial accidents: current concepts. *J Am Coll Surg.* 2000 Oct;191(4):410-418. Taffinder NJ, McManus IC, Gul Y, Russell RC, Darzi A. Effect of sleep deprivation on surgeons\' dexterity on laparoscopy simulator .Lancet. 1998 (Oct 10); 352(9135):1191‑1192. Thomas M, Morton R, Mackway-Jones K. Identifying and comparing risks in emergency medicine. *Emerg Med J*. 2004 Jul;21(4):469-72. Trzeciak S, Rivers EP. Emergency department overcrowding in the United States: an emerging threat to patient safety and public health. *Emerg Med J*. 2003 Sep;20(5):402-5. <> (free registration required) Turnbull JE. Systems approach to error reduction in health care. *Japan Med Assoc J.* 2001(Sep); 44(9): 392-403. <> Ulrich R, Zimring C. *Role of the physical environment in the hospital of the 21st century: a once in a lifetime opportunity.* Princeton, NJ: Robert Wood Johnson Foundation; 2004. <> Webster CS. Nuclear power industry as an alternative analogy for safety in anaesthesia and a novel approach for the conceptualisation of safety goals. *Anaesthesia* 2005 Nov;60(11):1115-22. Wilson C. Premature infants died following apparent drug overdose. *News-Sentinel* Oct 17, 2006. Yee P. Brain cramp: the emergency physician\'s worst nightmare. *Ann Emerg Med*. 2002(Mar);39(3):329-330. +----------+----------------------------------------------------+------+ | ![] | **National Network of Libraries of Medicine - | Upda | | (media/i | Greater Midwest Region** | ted: | | mage1.wm | | 2/1 | | f){width | *Funded by the National Library of Medicine under | 4/08 | | ="0.8in" | contract NO1-LM-6-3503 with the* | | | hei | | | | ght="0.5 | *University of Illinois at Chicago Library of the | | | 3125in"} | Health Science*s | | +----------+----------------------------------------------------+------+
# Presentation: 323861 ## Noun Phrase Extraction - A Description of Current Techniques ## What is a noun phrase? - A phrase whose head is a noun or pronoun optionally accompanied by a set of modifiers - Determiners: - Articles: a, an, the - Demonstratives: this, that, those - Numerals: one, two, three - Possessives: my, their, whose - Quantifiers: some, many - Adjectives: the red ball - Relative clauses: the books that I bought yesterday - Prepositional phrases: the man with the black hat ## Is that really what we want? - POS tagging already identifies pronouns and nouns by themselves - The man whose red hat I borrowed yesterday in the street that is next to my house lives next door. - [The man [whose red hat [I borrowed yesterday]**RC **]**RC** [in the street]**PP** [that is next to my house]**RC** ]**NP** lives [next door]**NP**. - Base Noun Phrases - [The man]**NP** whose [red hat]**NP** I borrowed [yesterday ]**NP** in [the street]**NP** that is next to [my house]**NP** lives [next door]**NP**. ## How Prevalent is this Problem? - Established by Steven Abney in 1991 as a core step in Natural Language Processing - Quite explored ## What were the successful early solutions? - Simple Rule-based/ Finite State Automata - Both of these rely on the aptitude of the linguist formulating the rule set. ## Simple Rule-based/ Finite State Automata - A list of grammar rules and relationships are established. For example: - If I have an article preceding a noun, that article marks the beginning of a noun phrase. - I cannot have a noun phrase beginning *after* an article - The simplest method ## FSA simple NPE example - S0 - determiner/adjective - NP - S1 - noun/ pronoun - adjective - Relative clause/ - Prepositional phrase/ - noun - noun/ pronoun/ determiner ## Simple rule NPE example - “Contextualization” and “lexicalization” - Ratio between the number of occurrences of a POS tag in a chunk and the number of occurrences of this POS tag in the training corpora ## Parsing FSA’s, grammars, regular expressions: LR(k) Parsing - The L means we do Left to right scan of input tokens - The R means we are guided by Rightmost derivations - The k means we will look at the next k tokens to help us make decisions about handles - We shift input tokens onto a stack and then reduce that stack by replacing RHS handles with LHS non-terminals ## An Expression Grammar - E -> E + T - E -> E - T - E -> T - T -> T * F - T -> T / F - T -> F - F -> (E) - F -> i ## LR Table for Exp Grammar ## An LR(1) NPE Example - S  NP VP - NP  Det N - NP  N - VP  V NP *Stack** ** **Input** ** **Action* - [] N V N SH N - [N] V N RE 3.) NP  N - [NP] V N SH V - [NP V] N SH N - [NP V N] RE 3.) NP  N - [NP V NP] RE 4.) VP  V NP - [NP VP] RE 1.) S  NP VP - [S] Accept! - (Abney, 1991) ## Why isn’t this enough? - Unanticipated rules - Difficulty finding non-recursive, base NP’s - Structural ambiguity ## Structural Ambiguity **S** **NP** **NP** **VP** **V** **I** **saw** **the** **man** **DET** **N** **PP** **N** **DET** **PRP** **with** **the** **telescope** **S** **NP** **NP** **VP** **VP** **I** **the** **man** **DET** **N** **V** **saw** **PP** **N** **DET** **PRP** **with** **the** **telescope** - “I saw the man with the telescope.” ## What are the more current solutions? - Machine Learning - Transformation-based Learning - Memory-based Learning - Maximum Entropy Model - Hidden Markov Model - Conditional Random Field - Support Vector Machines ## Machine Learning means TRAINING! - Corpus: a large, structured set of texts - Establish usage statistics - Learn linguistics rules - The Brown Corpus - American English, roughly 1 million words - Tagged with the parts of speech - _[http://]([]( ## Transformation-based Machine Learning - An ‘error-driven’ approach for learning an - ordered set of rules - 1. Generate all rules that correct at least one error. - 2. For each rule: - (a) Apply to a copy of the most recent state of the training set. - (b) Score the result using the objective function. - 3. Select the rule with the best score. - 4. Update the training set by applying the selected - rule. - 5. Stop if the score is smaller than some pre-set - threshold *T*; otherwise repeat from step 1. ## Transformation-based NPE example - Input: - “*Whitney***NN*** currently***ADV*** has***VB*** the***DT*** right***ADJ*** idea***NN***.”* - Expected output: - “***[NP ****Whitney****] [ADV ****currently****] [VB ****has****] [NP ****the right idea****]****.”* - Rules generated (all not shown): _*From*_* ** *_*To*_* ** *_*If*_ *NN** ** **NP** ** *always *ADJ ** ** **NP** ** *the previous word was *ART* *DT** ** ** **NP** ** *the next word is an ADJ *DT** ** ** **NP** ** *the previous word was *VB* ## Memory-based Machine Learning - Classify data according to similarities to other data observed earlier - “Nearest neighbor” - Learning - Store all “rules” in memory - Classification: - Given new test instance X, - Compare it to all memory instances - Compute a distance between X and memory instance Y - Update the top *k *of closest instances (nearest neighbors) - When done, take the majority class of the *k *nearest neighbors as the class of X - Daelemans, 2005 ## Memory-based Machine Learning Continued - Distance...? **The Overlapping Function**: Count the number of mismatching features **The Modified Value Distance Metric (MVDM) Function**: estimate a numeric distance between two “rules” - The distance between two N-dimensional vectors **A, B **with discrete (for example symbolic) elements, in a *K *class problem, is computed using conditional probabilities: **d(A,B) **= Σj..n Σi..k (P(Ci I Aj) *- P(C**i **| P**j**)) * - where *p(C**i**lA**j**) *is estimated by calculating the number *N**i**(A**j**) *of times feature *A**j** *occurred in vectors belonging to class *C**i**, *and dividing it by the number of times feature ***A******j****** ***occurred for any class - Dusch, 1998 ## Memory-based NPE example - Suppose we have the following candidate sequence: - DT ADJ ADJ NN NN - “The beautiful, intelligent summer intern” - In our rule set we have: - DT ADJ ADJ NN NNP - DT ADJ NN NN ## Maximum Entropy - The least biased probability distribution that encodes information maximizes the information entropy, that is, the measure of uncertainty associated with a random variable. - Consider that we have m unique propositions - The most informative distribution is one in which we know one of the propositions is true – information entropy is *0* - The least informative distribution is one in which there is no reason to favor any one proposition over another – information entropy is *log **m* ## Maximum Entropy applied to NPE - Let’s consider several French translations of the English word “in” *p(dans) + p(en) + p(**á**) + p(au cours de) + p(pendant) = 1* - Now suppose that we find that either *dans* or *en* is chosen 30% of the time. We must add that constraint to the model and choose the most uniform distribution ***p(dans) = *****3/20** ***p(en) = *****3/20** ***p(******á******) = *****7/30** ***p(au cours de) = *****7/30** ***p(pendant) = *****7/30** - What if we now find that either *dans* or ***á***** **is used half of the time? *p(dans) + p(en) = *.3 *p(dans) + p(**á**) = *.5 - Now what is the most “uniform” distribution? - Berger, 1996 ## Hidden Markov Model - In a statistical model of a system possessing the Markov property... - There are a discrete number of possible states - The probability distribution of future states depends only on the present state and is independent of past states - These states are not directly observable in a *hidden* Markov model. - The goal is to determine the hidden properties from the observable ones. ## Hidden Markov Model - a: transition probabilities - x: hidden states - y: observable states - b: output probabilities ## HMM Example - states = ('Rainy', 'Sunny') - observations = ('walk', 'shop', 'clean') - start_probability = {'Rainy': 0.6, 'Sunny': 0.4} - transition_probability = { - 'Rainy' : {'Rainy': 0.7, 'Sunny': 0.3}, - 'Sunny' : {'Rainy': 0.4, 'Sunny': 0.6}, } - emission_probability = { - 'Rainy' : {'walk': 0.1, 'shop': 0.4, 'clean': 0.5}, - 'Sunny' : {'walk': 0.6, 'shop': 0.3, 'clean': 0.1}, } - In this case, the weather possesses the Markov property ## HMM as applied to NPE - In the case of noun phrase extraction, the hidden property is the unknown grammar “rule” - Our observations are formed by our training data - Contextual probabilities represent the transition states - that is, given our previous two transitions, what is the likelihood of continuing, ending, or beginning a noun phrase/ P(o**i**|o**j-1**,o**j-2**) - Output probabilities - Given our current state transition, what is the likelihood of our current word being part of, beginning, or ending a noun phrase/ P(i**j**|o**j**) **Max**O1...OT( **π****j:1...T ****P(o****i****|o****j-1****,o****j-2****) ****· ****P(i****j****|o****j****)** ) ## The Viterbi Algorithm - Now that we’ve constructed this probabilistic representation, we need to *traverse *it - Finds the most likely sequence of states ## Viterbi Algorithm - Whitney gave a painfully long presentation. - B - I - O ## Conditional Random Fields - An undirected graphical model in which each vertex represents a random variable whose distribution is to be inferred, and each edge represents a dependency between two random variables. In a CRF, the distribution of each discrete random variable *Y* in the graph is conditioned on an input sequence *X* - ... - y1 - y2 - y3 - y4 - yn-1 - yn - x1, ..., xn-1, xn - Yi could be B,I,O in the NPE case ## Conditional Random Fields - The primary advantage of CRF’s over hidden Markov models is their conditional nature, resulting in the relaxation of the independence assumptions required by HMM’s - The transition probabilities of the HMM have been transformed into feature functions that are conditional upon the input sequence ## Support Vector Machines - We wish to graph an number of data points of dimension p and separate those points with a p-1 dimensional hyperplane that guarantees the maximum distance between the two classes of points – this ensures the most *generalization* - These data points represent pattern samples whose dimension is dependent upon the number of *features* used to describe them - _[]( ## What if our points are separated by a nonlinear barrier? - The Kernel function (Φ): maps points from 2d to 3d space - The Radial Basis Function is the best function that we have for this right now ## SVM’s applied to NPE - Normally, SVM’s are _binary_ classifiers - For NPE we generally want to know about (at least) three classes: - B: a token is at the *beginning* of a chunk - I: a token is *inside* a chunk - O: a token is *outside* a chunk - We can consider one class vs. all other classes for all possible combinations - We could do a pairwise classification - If we have k classes, we build **k ****·**** (k-1)/2** classifiers ## Performance Metrics Used - Precision = _number of correct responses_ - number of responses - Recall = _number of correct responses_ - number correct in key - F-measure = _(__β__2__ + 1) RP_ - (β2R) + P - Where β2 represents the relative weight of recall to precision (typically 1) - (Bikel, 1998) ## Slide 36 | Primary Work | Method | Implementation | Evaluation Data | Performance (F-measure) | Pros | Cons | | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | | Dejean | Simple rule-based | “ALLiS” Uses XML input Not available | CONLL 2000 task | 92.09 | Extremely simple, quick; doesn’t require a training corpus | Not very robust, difficult to improve upon; extremely difficult to generate rules | | Ramshaw, Marcus | Transformation Based Learning | C++, Perl Available! | Penn Treebank | 92.03 - 93 | ... | Extremely dependent upon training set and its “completeness” – how many different ways the NP are formed; requires a fair amount of memory | | Tjong Kim Sang | Memory-Based Learning | “TiMBL” Python Available! | Penn Treebank, CONLL 2000 task | 93.34, 92.5 | Highly suited to the NLP task | Has no ability to intelligently weight “important” features; also it cannot identify feature dependency – both of these problems result in a loss of accuracy | | Koeling | Maximum Entropy | Not available | CONLL 2000 task | 91.97 | First statistical approach, higher accuracy | Always makes the best local decision without much regard at all for position | | Molina, Pla | Hidden Markov Model | Not available | CONLL 2000 task | 92.19 | Takes position into account | Make conditional independence assumptions which ignore special input features such as capitalization, suffixes, surrounding words | | Sha, Pereira | Conditional Random Fields | Java Is Available... sort of CRF++ in C++ by Kudo also IS AVAILABLE! | Penn Treebank, CONLL 2000 task | 94.38 (“no significant difference”) | Can handle millions of features, handles both position and dependencies | “Over fitting” | | Kudo, Matsumoto | Support Vector Machines | C++, Perl, Python Available! | Penn Treebank, CONLL 2000 task | 94.22, 93.91 | Minimizes error resulting in higher accuracy/ handles tons of features | Doesn’t really take position into account |
Headline News Internal Communications Branch (P-2) NASA Headquarters Thursday, December 27, 1990 Audio Service: 202 / 755-1788 This is NASA Headline News for Thursday, December 27, 1990 This is a summary of some of the most important activities and developments which occurred in 1990. The 1990 space flight year began in January with Columbia's flight to retrieve the Long Duration Exposure Facility and ended with Columbia's flight in December to carry out a long-awaited astronomical observation mission with the first non-astronauts to fly since the ill-fated flight of Challenger nearly 60 months earlier. National planning for the year began in February with Agency chief Adm. Richard Truly launching an effort to collect the best ideas on how to return to the Moon and go on to Mars. Former astronaut office chief Gen. Tom Stafford was named by Truly to head the idea search. Also in February, Truly formed a new agency office out of the Office of Exploration and Office of Aeronautics and Space Technology. In July, Vice President Dan Quayle announced the formation of the Advisory Committee on the Future of the U.S. Space Program and named Martin Marietta chief executive officer Norman Augustine to head it. In December that group reported its recommendations to Adm. Truly and the White House. The 1990 science year began in February with the Voyager 1 spacecraft taking a snapshot of nearly the entire family of planets in our solar system . In February, Galileo flew by Venus in the first of three planetary gravitational assist maneuvers. In April, the Hubble Space Telescope was launched, only to have discovered weeks later that its mirror system was ground to the wrong formula. Nevertheless, the Hubble telescope is fulfilling its goal of providing unprecedented astronomical views. NASA announced a repair mission which would fly in 1993 and replace the imaging instruments with optically modified new versions. In June, the Roentgen Satellite was launched aboard a Delta to begin its X-ray astronomy observations. In July, the Combined Release/Radiation Effects Satellite was launched aboard an Atlas and began its investigations into the Earth's trapped radiation belts. By mid-summer, the Cosmic Background Explorer had completed its initial all-sky survey of the background microwave radiation left over from the Big Bang - providing confirmation of the Big Bang theory but leaving cosmologists still pondering the current complexity of the universe and how it became so. In August, Magellan went into Venus orbit and began its planet- wide high resolution mapping mission. In October, Ulysses was launched on the first leg of its eventual solar polar orbit by Atlantis. In December, the Astro-1 shuttle Spacelab mission flew for a 9-day astronomy observation mission with two non- astronaut payload specialists aboard to help operate the science instruments. Also in December, Galileo flew by the Earth on the second of its three-part planetary assist maneuvers. The aeronautics year included celebration of the 75th anniversary of the formation of the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics (NACA). Experimental aircraft flights this year included flight-testing of the swept-forward wing X-29, which met with rave reviews from the test pilots, a computer-assisted landing system which was flown on an experimental Boeing 737 and laminar flow air control surfaces which were tested on an experimental Boeing 757. The National Aerospace Plane program progressed through the year, first with the merger of the five contractor teams into one national contractor consortium in May and later with in the Fall with the selection of a final configuration for the design -- a twin-tail lifting body shape. The following dates represent only a few of the Agency's milestones for 1990: 1/9/90 Shuttle Columbia is launched to retrieve Long Duration Exposure Facility; 2/9/90 Galileo spacecraft flies by Venus at 9,300 miles altitude; 2/14//90 Voyager 1 takes portrait of Solar System; 2/28/90 Shuttle Atlantis is launched on a Dept. of Defense mission; 4/24/90 Shuttle Discovery is launched to deploy Hubble Space Telescope; 6/1/90 Delta 195 launches the Roentgen Satellite; 7/25/90 Atlas-Centaur-69 launches the Combined Release/Radiation Effects Satellite; 8/10/90 Magellan goes into Venus orbit; 8/28/90 Magellan begins high resolution mapping of Venus; 10/6/90 Shuttle Discovery is launched to deploy Ulysses spacecraft; 11/15/90 Shuttle Atlantis is launched on final secret Dept. of Defense mission; 12/2/90 Shuttle Columbia is launched for Spacelab Astro-1 astronomy mission; 12/8/90 Galileo spacecraft flies by Earth at 620 miles altitude. Here's the broadcast schedule for Public Affairs events on NASA Select TV. All times are Eastern. **indicates a live program. Thursday, 12/27/90 11:30 am NASA Update is transmitted; 12:00 pm Adm. Truly Holiday Message to NASA staff; 12:30 pm 1990 Year in Review program; 1:00 pm Back Space series, "SkyLab"; 1:30 pm Life Sciences at Manned Spacecraft Center. All events and times may change without notice. This report is filed daily, Monday through Friday, at 12:00 pm, EST. It is a service of Internal Communications Branch at NASA Headquarters. Contact: CREDMOND on NASAmail or at 202/453-8425. NASA Select TV: Satcom F2R, Transponder 13, C-Band, 72 degrees West Longitude, Audio 6.8, Frequency 3960 MHz.
  ##### Safety Attribute Inspection (SAI) Data Collection Tool ###### 1.2.1 Airworthiness Release / Logbook Entry (AW) # # ELEMENT SUMMARY INFORMATION **Purpose of this Element** (certificate holder's responsibility): +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | - To ensure the certificate holder s manual includes policy, | | procedures, instructions, and information necessary for personnel | | to perform the duty of accomplishing an Airworthiness Release | | and/or a Logbook Entry. | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ **Objective** (FAA oversight): +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | - To determine if the certificate holder s Airworthiness | | Release/Logbook Entry process meets all applicable requirements | | of Title 14 of the Code of Federal Regulations (14 CFR) and FAA | | policies. | | | | - To determine if the certificate holder\'s Airworthiness | | Release/Logbook Entry process incorporates the safety attributes. | | | | - To identify any shortfalls in the certificate holder\'s | | Airworthiness Release/Logbook Entry process. | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ **Specific Instructions**: +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | - Intentionally left blank | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ # # SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION **Specific Regulatory Requirements (SRRs)**: +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | - SRRs: | +=======================================================================+ | > 121.135(a)(1) | | > | | > 121.135(b)(1) | | > | | > 121.135(b)(2) | | > | | > 121.135(b)(3) | | > | | > 121.367(c) | | > | | > 121.369(c) | | > | | > 121.375 | | > | | > 121.380(a)(1) | | > | | > 121.380(c)(1) | | > | | > 121.380(c)(2) | | > | | > 121.380(c)(3) | | > | | > 121.709(a) | | > | | > 121.709(a)(1) | | > | | > 121.709(a)(2) | | > | | > 121.709(b) | | > | | > 121.709(b)(1) | | > | | > 121.709(b)(2) | | > | | > 121.709(b)(3) | | > | | > 121.709(c) | | > | | > 121.709(d) | | > | | > 43.3(c) | | > | | > 43.9(a) | | > | | > 43.9(a)(1) | | > | | > 43.9(a)(2) | | > | | > 43.9(a)(3) | | > | | > 43.9(a)(4) | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ **Related CFRs & FAA Policy/Guidance**: +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | - Related CFRs: | +=======================================================================+ | > Intentionally left blank | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | - FAA Policy/Guidance: | +=======================================================================+ | > FAA Order 8900.1, Volume 3, Chapter 32, Section 11 | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ +---+-------------------------------------------------------------------+ | * | | | * | | | S | | | A | | | I | | | S | | | e | | | c | | | t | | | i | | | o | | | n | | | 1 | | | | | | - | | | P | | | r | | | o | | | c | | | e | | | d | | | u | | | r | | | e | | | s | | | A | | | t | | | t | | | r | | | i | | | b | | | u | | | t | | | e | | | * | | | * | | +---+-------------------------------------------------------------------+ | * | | | * | | | O | | | b | | | j | | | e | | | c | | | t | | | i | | | v | | | e | | | : | | | * | | | * | | | P | | | r | | | o | | | c | | | e | | | d | | | u | | | r | | | e | | | s | | | , | | | i | | | n | | | s | | | t | | | r | | | u | | | c | | | t | | | i | | | o | | | n | | | s | | | , | | | a | | | n | | | d | | | i | | | n | | | f | | | o | | | r | | | m | | | a | | | t | | | i | | | o | | | n | | | a | | | r | | | e | | | | | | d | | | o | | | c | | | u | | | m | | | e | | | n | | | t | | | e | | | d | | | m | | | e | | | t | | | h | | | o | | | d | | | s | | | f | | | o | | | r | | | a | | | c | | | c | | | o | | | m | | | p | | | l | | | i | | | s | | | h | | | i | | | n | | | g | | | a | | | p | | | r | | | o | | | c | | | e | | | s | | | s | | | . | | | T | | | h | | | e | | | c | | | e | | | r | | | t | | | i | | | f | | | i | | | c | | | a | | | t | | | e | | | h | | | o | | | l | | | d | | | e | | | r | | | \ | | | ' | | | s | | | p | | | o | | | l | | | i | | | c | | | i | | | e | | | s | | | s | | | h | | | o | | | u | | | l | | | d | | | e | | | s | | | t | | | a | | | b | | | l | | | i | | | s | | | h | | | t | | | h | | | e | | | i | | | r | | | c | | | o | | | m | | | p | | | l | | | i | | | a | | | n | | | c | | | e | | | p | | | o | | | s | | | t | | | u | | | r | | | e | | | . | | | P | | | o | | | l | | | i | | | c | | | i | | | e | | | s | | | m | | | a | | | y | | | b | | | e | | | s | | | t | | | a | | | n | | | d | | | - | | | a | | | l | | | o | | | n | | | e | | | s | | | t | | | a | | | t | | | e | | | m | | | e | | | n | | | t | | | s | | | , | | | o | | | r | | | t | | | h | | | e | | | y | | | m | | | a | | | y | | | b | | | e | | | i | | | m | | | b | | | e | | | d | | | d | | | e | | | d | | | w | | | i | | | t | | | h | | | i | | | n | | | p | | | r | | | o | | | c | | | e | | | d | | | u | | | r | | | e | | | s | | | , | | | i | | | n | | | s | | | t | | | r | | | u | | | c | | | t | | | i | | | o | | | n | | | s | | | , | | | o | | | r | | | i | | | n | | | f | | | o | | | r | | | m | | | a | | | t | | | i | | | o | | | n | | | r | | | e | | | g | | | a | | | r | | | d | | | i | | | n | | | g | | | a | | | p | | | a | | | r | | | t | | | i | | | c | | | u | | | l | | | a | | | r | | | r | | | e | | | g | | | u | | | l | | | a | | | t | | | o | | | r | | | y | | | r | | | e | | | q | | | u | | | i | | | r | | | e | | | m | | | e | | | n | | | t | | | . | | | T | | | h | | | e | | | q | | | u | | | e | | | s | | | t | | | i | | | o | | | n | | | s | | | i | | | n | | | t | | | h | | | i | | | s | | | s | | | e | | | c | | | t | | | i | | | o | | | n | | | o | | | f | | | t | | | h | | | e | | | d | | | a | | | t | | | a | | | c | | | o | | | l | | | l | | | e | | | c | | | t | | | i | | | o | | | n | | | t | | | o | | | o | | | l | | | ( | | | D | | | C | | | T | | | ) | | | a | | | r | | | e | | | d | | | e | | | s | | | i | | | g | | | n | | | e | | | d | | | t | | | o | | | a | | | s | | | s | | | i | | | s | | | t | | | t | | | h | | | e | | | i | | | n | | | s | | | p | | | e | | | c | | | t | | | o | | | r | | | i | | | n | | | d | | | e | | | t | | | e | | | r | | | m | | | i | | | n | | | i | | | n | | | g | | | i | | | f | | | t | | | h | | | e | | | c | | | e | | | r | | | t | | | i | | | f | | | i | | | c | | | a | | | t | | | e | | | h | | | o | | | l | | | d | | | e | | | r | | | h | | | a | | | s | | | d | | | o | | | c | | | u | | | m | | | e | | | n | | | t | | | e | | | d | | | o | | | r | | | p | | | r | | | e | | | s | | | c | | | r | | | i | | | b | | | e | | | d | | | m | | | e | | | t | | | h | | | o | | | d | | | s | | | o | | | f | | | a | | | c | | | c | | | o | | | m | | | p | | | l | | | i | | | s | | | h | | | i | | | n | | | g | | | t | | | h | | | e | | | p | | | r | | | o | | | c | | | e | | | s | | | s | | | r | | | e | | | q | | | u | | | i | | | r | | | e | | | m | | | e | | | n | | | t | | | s | | | t | | | h | | | a | | | t | | | p | | | r | | | o | | | v | | | i | | | d | | | e | | | a | | | n | | | s | | | w | | | e | | | r | | | s | | | t | | | o | | | t | | | h | | | e | | | a | | | s | | | s | | | o | | | c | | | i | | | a | | | t | | | e | | | d | | | q | | | u | | | e | | | s | | | t | | | i | | | o | | | n | | | s | | | r | | | e | | | g | | | a | | | r | | | d | | | i | | | n | | | g | | | w | | | h | | | o | | | , | | | w | | | h | | | a | | | t | | | , | | | w | | | h | | | e | | | n | | | , | | | w | | | h | | | e | | | r | | | e | | | , | | | a | | | n | | | d | | | h | | | o | | | w | | | . | | | T | | | h | | | i | | | s | | | s | | | e | | | c | | | t | | | i | | | o | | | n | | | c | | | o | | | n | | | t | | | a | | | i | | | n | | | s | | | p | | | o | | | l | | | i | | | c | | | y | | | q | | | u | | | e | | | s | | | t | | | i | | | o | | | n | | | s | | | , | | | p | | | r | | | o | | | c | | | e | | | d | | | u | | | r | | | a | | | l | | | | | | q | | | u | | | e | | | s | | | t | | | i | | | o | | | n | | | s | | | , | | | a | | | n | | | d | | | i | | | n | | | s | | | t | | | r | | | u | | | c | | | t | | | i | | | o | | | n | | | a | | | l | | | o | | | r | | | i | | | n | | | f | | | o | | | r | | | m | | | a | | | t | | | i | | | o | | | n | | | a | | | l | | | q | | | u | | | e | | | s | | | t | | | i | | | o | | | n | | | s | | | p | | | e | | | r | | | t | | | a | | | i | | | n | | | i | | | n | | | g | | | t | | | o | | | v | | | a | | | r | | | i | | | o | | | u | | | s | | | t | | | y | | | p | | | e | | | s | | | o | | | f | | | c | | | e | | | r | | | t | | | i | | | f | | | i | | | c | | | a | | | t | | | e | | | h | | | o | | | l | | | d | | | e | | | r | | | | | | r | | | e | | | q | | | u | | | i | | | r | | | e | | | m | | | e | | | n | | | t | | | s | | | s | | | u | | | c | | | h | | | a | | | s | | | a | | | c | | | t | | | i | | | o | | | n | | | s | | | , | | | p | | | r | | | o | | | h | | | i | | | b | | | i | | | t | | | i | | | o | | | n | | | s | | | , | | | o | | | r | | | r | | | e | | | s | | | o | | | u | | | r | | | c | | | e | | | s | | | ( | | | i | | | . | | | e | | | . | | | , | | | p | | | e | | | r | | | s | | | o | | | n | | | n | | | e | | | l | | | , | | | f | | | a | | | c | | | i | | | l | | | i | | | t | | | i | | | e | | | s | | | , | | | e | | | q | | | u | | | i | | | p | | | m | | | e | | | n | | | t | | | , | | | t | | | e | | | c | | | h | | | n | | | i | | | c | | | a | | | l | | | d | | | a | | | t | | | a | | | , | | | e | | | t | | | c | | | . | | | ) | | | . | | +---+-------------------------------------------------------------------+ | # | | | # | | | | | | T | | | a | | | s | | | k | | | s | | +---+-------------------------------------------------------------------+ | | To meet this objective, the inspector must accomplish the | | | following tasks: | +---+-------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 1 | Review the information listed in the Supplemental Information | | \ | section of this DCT. | | . | | +---+-------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 2 | Review the duties and responsibilities for management and other | | \ | personnel identified by the certificate holder who accomplish the | | . | Airworthiness Release/Logbook Entry process. | +---+-------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 3 | Review the certificate holder\'s Airworthiness Release/Logbook | | \ | Entry process to ensure that it contains process to ensure it | | . | contains the policies, procedures, instructions and information | | | necessary for personnel to perform their duties and | | | responsibilities with a high degree of safety. | +---+-------------------------------------------------------------------+ +---+------------------------------------------------------+-----------+ | # | | | | # | | | | | | | | Q | | | | u | | | | e | | | | s | | | | t | | | | i | | | | o | | | | n | | | | s | | | | | | | +---+------------------------------------------------------+-----------+ | | To meet this objective, the inspector must answer | | | | the following questions: | | +---+------------------------------------------------------+-----------+ | 1 | Does the certificate holder\'s Airworthiness | | | \ | Release/Log Book Entry process meet the specific | | | . | regulatory and FAA policy requirements: | | +---+------------------------------------------------------+-----------+ | 1 | Does the certificate holder\'s inspection program | Yes | | . | and program covering other maintenance, preventive | | | 1 | maintenance, and alterations include instructions | No, | | . | and information necessary for personnel to ensure | Explain | | | that each aircraft released to service is airworthy | | | | and has been properly maintained for operation under | | | | 14 CFR part 121? **     ** | | | | | | | | SRRs: 121.135(a)(1); 121.367(c) | | +---+------------------------------------------------------+-----------+ | 1 | Does the certificate holder\'s system specified in | Yes | | . | the manual required in 121.369 for the preservation | | | 2 | and retrieval of information include instructions | No, | | . | and information to retain all the records necessary | Explain | | | to show that all requirements for the issuance of an | | | | airworthiness release under 14 CFR part 121, section | | | | 121.709, have been met, until the work is repeated, | | | | or superseded, by other work or for one year after | | | | the work is performed? **     ** | | | | | | | | SRRs: 121.135(a)(1); 121.380(a)(1); 121.380(c)(1); | | | | 121.380(c)(2); 121.380(c)(3); 121.369(c) | | +---+------------------------------------------------------+-----------+ | 1 | Does the certificate holder\'s manual contain | Yes | | . | procedures for preparing an airworthiness release or | | | 3 | appropriate log entry after maintenance, preventive | No, | | . | maintenance, or alterations are performed on the | Explain | | | aircraft? **     ** | | | | | | | | SRRs: 121.135(a)(1); 121.709(b)(1); 121.709(a) | | +---+------------------------------------------------------+-----------+ | 1 | Does the certificate holder\'s manual contain | | | . | procedures for each person with whom the certificate | | | 4 | holder arranges for the performance of the | | | . | maintenance, preventive maintenance, or alterations, | | | | to prepare: | | | | | | | | SRRs: 121.135(a)(1); 121.709(b)(1); 121.709(a) | | +---+------------------------------------------------------+-----------+ | 1 | An airworthiness release, or an appropriate entry in | Yes | | . | the aircraft log, after maintenance, preventive | | | 4 | maintenance, or alterations are performed on the | No, | | . | aircraft? **     ** | Explain | | 1 | | | | | SRRs: 121.709(b) | | +---+------------------------------------------------------+-----------+ | 1 | Does the certificate holder\'s Airworthiness | Yes | | . | Release/Log Book Entry process include instructions | | | 5 | and information that require a copy of the prepared | No, | | . | airworthiness release form to be given to the pilot | Explain | | | in command? **     ** | | | | | | | | SRRs: 121.709(d) | | +---+------------------------------------------------------+-----------+ | 1 | Does the certificate holder\'s Airworthiness | Yes | | . | Release/Log Book Entry process include instructions | | | 6 | and information necessary for personnel concerned to | No, | | . | keep a record of the prepared airworthiness release | Explain | | | form for at least two months? **     ** | | | | | | | | SRRs: 121.709(d) | | +---+------------------------------------------------------+-----------+ | 1 | Does the certificate holder\'s Airworthiness | | | . | Release/Log Book Entry process include instructions | | | 7 | and information necessary for personnel concerned to | | | . | authorize: | | | | | | | | SRRs: 121.135(a)(1); 121.709(b)(3) | | +---+------------------------------------------------------+-----------+ | 1 | A certificated mechanic to sign an airworthiness | Yes | | . | release? **     ** | | | 7 | | No, | | . | SRRs: 121.709(b)(3) | Explain | | 1 | | | | | *Related Design JTIs:* | | | | | | | | 1\. Check that the certificate holder\'s manual | | | | includes instructions and information necessary to | | | | allow personnel concerned to perform the duty and | | | | responsibility, that the airworthiness release be | | | | signed by an authorized certificated mechanic or | | | | repairman except that a certificated repairman may | | | | sign the release only for the work for which he is | | | | employed and certificated. | | | | | | | | *Sources:* 121.135(a)(1); 121.709(b)(3) | | | | | | | | *Interfaces:* 1.1.1(AW); 1.2.3(AW); 1.3.4(AW); | | | | 1.3.7(AW); 1.3.14(AW) | | +---+------------------------------------------------------+-----------+ | 1 | A certificated mechanic to sign an entry in the | Yes | | . | aircraft log? **     ** | | | 7 | | No, | | . | SRRs: 121.709(b)(3) | Explain | | 2 | | | | | *Related Design JTIs:* | | | | | | | | 1\. Check that the certificate holder\'s manual | | | | includes instructions and information necessary to | | | | allow personnel concerned to perform the duty and | | | | responsibility, that the log entry be signed by an | | | | authorized certificated mechanic or repairman except | | | | that a certificated repairman may sign the log entry | | | | only for the work for which he is employed and | | | | certificated. | | | | | | | | *Sources:* 121.135(a)(1); 121.709(b)(3) | | | | | | | | *Interfaces:* 1.1.1(AW); 1.2.3(AW); 1.3.4(AW); | | | | 1.3.7(AW); 1.3.14(AW) | | +---+------------------------------------------------------+-----------+ | 1 | A certificated repairman to sign an airworthiness | Yes | | . | release, only for the work for which he/she is | | | 7 | employed and certificated? **     ** | No, | | . | | Explain | | 3 | SRRs: 121.709(b)(3); 43.3(c) | | | | | Not | | | *Related Design JTIs:* | A | | | | pplicable | | | 1\. Check that the certificate holder\'s manual | | | | includes instructions and information necessary to | | | | allow personnel concerned to perform the duty and | | | | responsibility, that the airworthiness release be | | | | signed by an authorized certificated mechanic or | | | | repairman except that a certificated repairman may | | | | sign the release only for the work for which he is | | | | employed and certificated. | | | | | | | | *Sources:* 121.135(a)(1); 121.709(b)(3) | | | | | | | | *Interfaces:* 1.1.1(AW); 1.2.3(AW); 1.3.4(AW); | | | | 1.3.7(AW); 1.3.14(AW) | | +---+------------------------------------------------------+-----------+ | 1 | A certificated repairman to sign an entry in the | Yes | | . | aircraft log, only for the work for which he/she is | | | 7 | employed and certificated? **     ** | No, | | . | | Explain | | 4 | SRRs: 121.709(b)(3); 43.3(c) | | | | | Not | | | *Related Design JTIs:* | A | | | | pplicable | | | 1\. Check that the certificate holder\'s manual | | | | includes instructions and information necessary to | | | | allow personnel concerned to perform the duty and | | | | responsibility, that the log entry be signed by an | | | | authorized certificated mechanic or repairman except | | | | that a certificated repairman may sign the log entry | | | | only for the work for which he is employed and | | | | certificated. | | | | | | | | *Sources:* 121.135(a)(1); 121.709(b)(3) | | | | | | | | *Interfaces:* 1.1.1(AW); 1.2.3(AW); 1.3.4(AW); | | | | 1.3.7(AW); 1.3.14(AW) | | +---+------------------------------------------------------+-----------+ | 1 | Does the certificate holder\'s training program | Yes | | . | ensure that each person (including inspection | | | 8 | personnel) who are authorized to sign an | No, | | . | airworthiness release or aircraft log and determines | Explain | | | the adequacy of work done is fully informed about | | | | procedures and techniques? **     ** | | | | | | | | SRRs: 121.375; 121.709(b)(3) | | +---+------------------------------------------------------+-----------+ | 1 | Does the certificate holder s Airworthiness Release | | | . | and Log Book Entry process include instructions and | | | 9 | information necessary for each person who maintains, | | | . | performs preventive maintenance, or alters an | | | | aircraft, to make an entry in the maintenance record | | | | that contains: | | | | | | | | SRRs: 121.135(a)(1); 43.9(a) | | +---+------------------------------------------------------+-----------+ | 1 | A description (or reference to data acceptable to | Yes | | . | the Administrator) of work performed? **     ** | | | 9 | | No, | | . | SRRs: 43.9(a)(1) | Explain | | 1 | | | +---+------------------------------------------------------+-----------+ | 1 | The date of completion of the work performed? | Yes | | . | **     ** | | | 9 | | No, | | . | SRRs: 43.9(a)(2) | Explain | | 2 | | | +---+------------------------------------------------------+-----------+ | 1 | The name of the person performing the work if other | Yes | | . | than the person who approved it for return to | | | 9 | service? **     ** | No, | | . | | Explain | | 3 | SRRs: 43.9(a)(3) | | +---+------------------------------------------------------+-----------+ | 1 | The signature, certificate number, and kind of | Yes | | . | certificate held by the person approving the work? | | | 9 | **     ** | No, | | . | | Explain | | 4 | SRRs: 43.9(a)(4) | | +---+------------------------------------------------------+-----------+ | 1 | Does the certificate holder\'s Airworthiness | Yes | | . | Release/Logbook Entry process comply with the | | | 1 | guidance contained in FAA Order 8900.1, Volume 3, | No, | | 0 | Chapter 32, Section 11, Paragraph 3-3382 F(13) (f) | Explain | | . | and (g)? **     ** | | | | | | | | *Related Design JTIs:* | | | | | | | | 1\. The certificate holder\'s manual has procedures | | | | for the reporting and correction of mechanical | | | | irregularities. These procedures address the | | | | determination of authorizations and qualifications | | | | of persons to perform airworthiness releases. | | | | | | | | *Sources:* FAA Order 8900.1, Volume 3, Chapter 32, | | | | Section 11, Paragraph 3-3382. | | | | | | | | *Interfaces:* 1.1.1(AW); 1.2.3(AW); 1.3.4(AW); | | | | 1.3.7(AW); 1.3.14(AW) | | +---+------------------------------------------------------+-----------+ | 2 | Does the certificate holder\'s manual contain | Yes | | \ | general policies for the Airworthiness | | | . | Release/Logbook Entry process that comply with the | No, | | | SRRs? **     ** | Explain | | | | | | | SRRs: 121.135(b)(1); 121.367(c); 121.709(a)(1); | | | | 121.709(a)(2); 121.709(b)(3); 121.709(c); | | | | 121.709(d); 121.709(b)(2) | | | | | | | | *Related Design JTIs:* | | | | | | | | 1\. Check that the certificate holder\'s manual | | | | contains a general policy instead of restating each | | | | of the conditions of the certification required by | | | | paragraph (b) of 121.709, the air carrier may state | | | | in its manual that the signature of an authorized | | | | certificated mechanic or repairman constitutes that | | | | certification. | | | | | | | | *Sources:* 121.135(b)(1); 121.709(d) | | | | | | | | *Interfaces:* 1.1.1(AW); 1.2.3(AW); 1.3.4(AW); | | | | 1.3.7(AW); 1.3.14(AW) | | +---+------------------------------------------------------+-----------+ | 3 | Does the certificate holder\'s manual reference the | Yes | | \ | appropriate Federal Aviation Regulations listed in | | | . | the Supplemental Information section of this safety | No, | | | attribute inspection (SAI)? **     ** | Explain | | | | | | | SRRs: 121.135(b)(3) | | +---+------------------------------------------------------+-----------+ | 4 | Does the certificate holder\'s manual contain the | Yes | | \ | duties and responsibilities for personnel who will | | | . | accomplish the Airworthiness Release/Logbook Entry | No, | | | process? **     ** | Explain | | | | | | | SRRs: 121.135(b)(2) | | +---+------------------------------------------------------+-----------+ | 5 | Does the certificate holder\'s manual include | Yes | | \ | instructions and information for personnel to meet | | | . | the requirements of the Airworthiness | No, | | | Release/Logbook Entry process? **     ** | Explain | | | | | | | SRRs: 121.135(a)(1) | | | | | | | | *Related Design JTIs:* | | | | | | | | 1\. Check that the certificate holder\'s manual | | | | contain instructions that the airworthiness release | | | | or log entry required by paragraph (a) of this | | | | 121.709 includes a certification that the work was | | | | performed in accordance with the requirements of the | | | | certificate holder\'s manual that all items required | | | | to be inspected were inspected by an authorized | | | | person who determined that the work was | | | | satisfactorily completed. | | | | | | | | *Sources:* 121.709(b)(2)(i); 121.709(b)(2)(ii) | | | | | | | | *Interfaces:* 1.1.1(AW); 1.2.3(AW); 1.3.4(AW); | | | | 1.3.7(AW); 1.3.14(AW) | | | | | | | | 2\. Check that the certificate holder\'s manual | | | | contain instructions that the airworthiness release | | | | or log entry required by paragraph (a) of 121.709 | | | | includes a certification that no known condition | | | | exists that would make the airplane unairworthy and | | | | includes a certification that so far as the work | | | | performed is concerned, the aircraft is in condition | | | | for safe operation | | | | | | | | *Sources:* 121.135(b)(26); 121.709(b)(2)(iii); | | | | 121.709(b)(2)(iv) | | | | | | | | *Interfaces:* 1.1.1(AW); 1.2.3(AW); 1.3.4(AW); | | | | 1.3.7(AW); 1.3.14(AW) | | | | | | | | 3\. Check that the certificate holder\'s manual | | | | includes instructions and information necessary to | | | | allow personnel concerned notwithstanding paragraph | | | | (b)(3) of 121.709, after maintenance, preventive | | | | maintenance, or alterations performed by a repair | | | | station certificated under the provisions of Subpart | | | | C of Part 145, the airworthiness release required by | | | | paragraph (a) of this section may be signed by a | | | | person authorized by that repair station. | | | | | | | | *Sources:* 121.135(a)(1); 121.709(b)(3) | | | | | | | | *Interfaces:* 1.1.1(AW); 1.2.3(AW); 1.3.4(AW); | | | | 1.3.7(AW); 1.3.14(AW) | | +---+------------------------------------------------------+-----------+ +---+-------------------------------------------------------------------+ | # | | | # | | | # | | | # | | | | | | S | | | A | | | I | | | | | | S | | | e | | | c | | | t | | | i | | | o | | | n | | | | | | 1 | | | | | | - | | | | | | P | | | r | | | o | | | c | | | e | | | d | | | u | | | r | | | e | | | s | | | | | | A | | | t | | | t | | | r | | | i | | | b | | | u | | | t | | | e | | | | | | * | | | * | | | D | | | r | | | o | | | p | | | - | | | D | | | o | | | w | | | n | | | M | | | e | | | n | | | u | | | * | | | * | | +---+-------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 1 | No procedures, policy, instructions or information specified. | | \ | | | . | | +---+-------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 2 | Procedures or instructions and information do not identify (who, | | \ | what, when, where, how). | | . | | +---+-------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 3 | Procedures, policy or instructions and information do not comply | | \ | with CFR. | | . | | +---+-------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 4 | Procedures, policy or instructions and information do not comply | | \ | with FAA policy and guidance. | | . | | +---+-------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 5 | Procedures, policy or instructions and information do not comply | | \ | with other documentation (e.g., manufacturer\'s data, Jeppesen\'s | | . | Charts, etc.). | +---+-------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6 | Procedures, policy or instructions and information unclear or | | \ | incomplete. | | . | | +---+-------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 7 | Documentation quality (e.g., unreadable or illegible). | | \ | | | . | | +---+-------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 8 | Procedures, policy or instructions and information inconsistent | | \ | across Certificate Holder manuals (FOM - Flight Operations Manual | | . | to GMM - General Maintenance Manual, etc.). | +---+-------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 9 | Procedures, policy or instructions and information inconsistent | | \ | across media (e.g., paper, microfiche, electronic). | | . | | +---+-------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 1 | Resource requirements incomplete (personnel, facilities, | | 0 | equipment, technical data). | | \ | | | . | | +---+-------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 1 | Other. | | 1 | | | \ | | | . | | +---+-------------------------------------------------------------------+ +---+-------------------------------------------------------------------+ | * | | | * | | | S | | | A | | | I | | | S | | | e | | | c | | | t | | | i | | | o | | | n | | | 2 | | | | | | - | | | C | | | o | | | n | | | t | | | r | | | o | | | l | | | s | | | A | | | t | | | t | | | r | | | i | | | b | | | u | | | t | | | e | | | * | | | * | | +---+-------------------------------------------------------------------+ | * | | | * | | | O | | | b | | | j | | | e | | | c | | | t | | | i | | | v | | | e | | | : | | | * | | | * | | | C | | | o | | | n | | | t | | | r | | | o | | | l | | | s | | | a | | | r | | | e | | | c | | | h | | | e | | | c | | | k | | | s | | | a | | | n | | | d | | | r | | | e | | | s | | | t | | | r | | | a | | | i | | | n | | | t | | | s | | | d | | | e | | | s | | | i | | | g | | | n | | | e | | | d | | | i | | | n | | | t | | | o | | | a | | | p | | | r | | | o | | | c | | | e | | | s | | | s | | | t | | | o | | | e | | | n | | | s | | | u | | | r | | | e | | | a | | | d | | | e | | | s | | | i | | | r | | | e | | | d | | | r | | | e | | | s | | | u | | | l | | | t | | | . | | | T | | | h | | | e | | | q | | | u | | | e | | | s | | | t | | | i | | | o | | | n | | | s | | | i | | | n | | | t | | | h | | | i | | | s | | | s | | | e | | | c | | | t | | | i | | | o | | | n | | | o | | | f | | | t | | | h | | | e | | | D | | | C | | | T | | | a | | | r | | | e | | | d | | | e | | | s | | | i | | | g | | | n | | | e | | | d | | | t | | | o | | | a | | | s | | | s | | | i | | | s | | | t | | | t | | | h | | | e | | | i | | | n | | | s | | | p | | | e | | | c | | | t | | | o | | | r | | | i | | | n | | | d | | | e | | | t | | | e | | | r | | | m | | | i | | | n | | | i | | | n | | | g | | | i | | | f | | | c | | | h | | | e | | | c | | | k | | | s | | | a | | | n | | | d | | | r | | | e | | | s | | | t | | | r | | | a | | | i | | | n | | | t | | | s | | | a | | | r | | | e | | | d | | | e | | | s | | | i | | | g | | | n | | | e | | | d | | | i | | | n | | | t | | | o | | | t | | | h | | | e | | | p | | | r | | | o | | | c | | | e | | | s | | | s | | | t | | | o | | | e | | | n | | | s | | | u | | | r | | | e | | | t | | | h | | | e | | | d | | | e | | | s | | | i | | | r | | | e | | | d | | | r | | | e | | | s | | | u | | | l | | | t | | | i | | | s | | | a | | | c | | | h | | | i | | | e | | | v | | | e | | | d | | | . | | | C | | | o | | | n | | | t | | | r | | | o | | | l | | | s | | | s | | | h | | | o | | | u | | | l | | | d | | | b | | | e | | | w | | | r | | | i | | | t | | | t | | | e | | | n | | | i | | | n | | | t | | | o | | | t | | | h | | | e | | | s | | | y | | | s | | | t | | | e | | | m | | | t | | | o | | | e | | | n | | | s | | | u | | | r | | | e | | | t | | | h | | | a | | | t | | | t | | | h | | | e | | | m | | | o | | | s | | | t | | | i | | | m | | | p | | | o | | | r | | | t | | | a | | | n | | | t | | | p | | | o | | | l | | | i | | | c | | | i | | | e | | | s | | | , | | | p | | | r | | | o | | | c | | | e | | | d | | | u | | | r | | | e | | | s | | | , | | | o | | | r | | | i | | | n | | | s | | | t | | | r | | | u | | | c | | | t | | | i | | | o | | | n | | | s | | | a | | | n | | | d | | | i | | | n | | | f | | | o | | | r | | | m | | | a | | | t | | | i | | | o | | | n | | | w | | | i | | | l | | | l | | | b | | | e | | | f | | | o | | | l | | | l | | | o | | | w | | | e | | | d | | | . | | | | | |   | | | | | | C | | | o | | | n | | | t | | | r | | | o | | | l | | | s | | | m | | | a | | | y | | | b | | | e | | | i | | | n | | | t | | | h | | | e | | | f | | | o | | | r | | | m | | | o | | | f | | | a | | | d | | | m | | | i | | | n | | | i | | | s | | | t | | | r | | | a | | | t | | | i | | | v | | | e | | | c | | | o | | | n | | | t | | | r | | | o | | | l | | | s | | | , | | | w | | | h | | | i | | | c | | | h | | | a | | | r | | | e | | | s | | | e | | | c | | | o | | | n | | | d | | | a | | | r | | | y | | | o | | | r | | | s | | | u | | | p | | | p | | | l | | | e | | | m | | | e | | | n | | | t | | | a | | | l | | | w | | | r | | | i | | | t | | | t | | | e | | | n | | | p | | | r | | | o | | | c | | | e | | | d | | | u | | | r | | | e | | | s | | | . | | | L | | | i | | | k | | | e | | | w | | | r | | | i | | | t | | | t | | | e | | | n | | | p | | | r | | | o | | | c | | | e | | | d | | | u | | | r | | | e | | | s | | | , | | | a | | | d | | | m | | | i | | | n | | | i | | | s | | | t | | | r | | | a | | | t | | | i | | | v | | | e | | | c | | | o | | | n | | | t | | | r | | | o | | | l | | | s | | | a | | | l | | | s | | | o | | | n | | | e | | | e | | | d | | | t | | | o | | | p | | | r | | | o | | | v | | | i | | | d | | | e | | | a | | | n | | | s | | | w | | | e | | | r | | | s | | | t | | | o | | | q | | | u | | | e | | | s | | | t | | | i | | | o | | | n | | | s | | | r | | | e | | | g | | | a | | | r | | | d | | | i | | | n | | | g | | | w | | | h | | | o | | | , | | | w | | | h | | | a | | | t | | | , | | | w | | | h | | | e | | | n | | | , | | | w | | | h | | | e | | | r | | | e | | | , | | | a | | | n | | | d | | | h | | | o | | | w | | | . | | | C | | | o | | | n | | | t | | | r | | | o | | | l | | | s | | | m | | | a | | | y | | | a | | | l | | | s | | | o | | | b | | | e | | | i | | | n | | | t | | | h | | | e | | | f | | | o | | | r | | | m | | | o | | | f | | | e | | | n | | | g | | | i | | | n | | | e | | | e | | | r | | | e | | | d | | | c | | | o | | | n | | | t | | | r | | | o | | | l | | | s | | | , | | | s | | | u | | | c | | | h | | | a | | | s | | | a | | | u | | | t | | | o | | | m | | | a | | | t | | | e | | | d | | | f | | | e | | | a | | | t | | | u | | | r | | | e | | | s | | | o | | | r | | | m | | | e | | | c | | | h | | | a | | | n | | | i | | | c | | | a | | | l | | | a | | | c | | | t | | | i | | | o | | | n | | | s | | | o | | | r | | | d | | | e | | | v | | | i | | | c | | | e | | | s | | | ( | | | i | | | . | | | e | | | . | | | , | | | s | | | a | | | f | | | e | | | t | | | y | | | d | | | e | | | v | | | i | | | c | | | e | | | s | | | , | | | w | | | a | | | r | | | n | | | i | | | n | | | g | | | d | | | e | | | v | | | i | | | c | | | e | | | s | | | , | | | e | | | t | | | c | | | . | | | ) | | | . | | +---+-------------------------------------------------------------------+ | # | | | # | | | | | | T | | | a | | | s | | | k | | | s | | +---+-------------------------------------------------------------------+ | | To meet this objective, the inspector must accomplish the | | | following tasks: | +---+-------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 1 | Review the control questions below. | | \ | | | . | | +---+-------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 2 | Review the certificate holder\'s policies, procedures, | | \ | instructions, and information to gain an understanding of the | | . | controls that it has documented. | +---+-------------------------------------------------------------------+ +---+------------------------------------------------------+-----------+ | # | | | | # | | | | | | | | Q | | | | u | | | | e | | | | s | | | | t | | | | i | | | | o | | | | n | | | | s | | | +---+------------------------------------------------------+-----------+ | | To meet this objective, the inspector must answer | | | | the following questions: | | +---+------------------------------------------------------+-----------+ | 1 | Are the following controls built into the | | | \ | Airworthiness Release/Logbook Entry process: | | | . | | | +---+------------------------------------------------------+-----------+ | 1 | Is there a control or controls in place to ensure | Yes | | . | that the certificate holder and its maintenance | | | 1 | providers prepare an airworthiness release or | No, | | . | logbook entry in accordance with their policies and | Explain | | | procedures? **     ** | | +---+------------------------------------------------------+-----------+ | 1 | Is there a control or controls in place to ensure | Yes | | . | that the certificate holder maintains a record of | | | 2 | the airworthiness release or logbook entry in | No, | | . | accordance with its policies and procedures? | Explain | | | **     ** | | +---+------------------------------------------------------+-----------+ | 1 | Is there a control or controls in place to ensure | Yes | | . | that the airworthiness release or logbook entry is | | | 3 | signed by a certificated person in accordance with | No, | | . | the certificate holder\'s policies and procedures? | Explain | | | **     ** | | +---+------------------------------------------------------+-----------+ | 1 | Is there a control or controls in place to ensure | Yes | | . | that the airworthiness release or logbook entry is | | | 4 | provided to the flightcrew in accordance with the | No, | | . | certificate holder\'s policies and procedures? | Explain | | | **     ** | | +---+------------------------------------------------------+-----------+ | 2 | Does the certificate holder have a documented method | Yes | | \ | for assessing the impact of any changes made to the | | | . | controls in the Airworthiness Release/Logbook Entry | No, | | | process? **     ** | Explain | +---+------------------------------------------------------+-----------+ +---+-------------------------------------------------------------------+ | # | | | # | | | # | | | # | | | | | | S | | | A | | | I | | | | | | S | | | e | | | c | | | t | | | i | | | o | | | n | | | | | | 2 | | | | | | - | | | | | | C | | | o | | | n | | | t | | | r | | | o | | | l | | | s | | | | | | A | | | t | | | t | | | r | | | i | | | b | | | u | | | t | | | e | | | | | | * | | | * | | | D | | | r | | | o | | | p | | | - | | | D | | | o | | | w | | | n | | | M | | | e | | | n | | | u | | | * | | | * | | +---+-------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 1 | No controls specified. | | \ | | | . | | +---+-------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 2 | Documentation for the controls do not identify (who, what, when, | | \ | where, how). | | . | | +---+-------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 3 | Controls incomplete. | | \ | | | . | | +---+-------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 4 | Controls could be circumvented. | | \ | | | . | | +---+-------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 5 | Controls could be unenforceable. | | \ | | | . | | +---+-------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6 | Resource requirements incomplete (personnel, facilities, | | \ | equipment, technical data). | | . | | +---+-------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 7 | Other. | | \ | | | . | | +---+-------------------------------------------------------------------+ +---+-------------------------------------------------------------------+ | * | | | * | | | S | | | A | | | I | | | S | | | e | | | c | | | t | | | i | | | o | | | n | | | 3 | | | | | | - | | | P | | | r | | | o | | | c | | | e | | | s | | | s | | | M | | | e | | | a | | | s | | | u | | | r | | | e | | | m | | | e | | | n | | | t | | | A | | | t | | | t | | | r | | | i | | | b | | | u | | | t | | | e | | | * | | | * | | +---+-------------------------------------------------------------------+ | * | | | * | | | O | | | b | | | j | | | e | | | c | | | t | | | i | | | v | | | e | | | : | | | * | | | * | | | P | | | r | | | o | | | c | | | e | | | s | | | s | | | m | | | e | | | a | | | s | | | u | | | r | | | e | | | m | | | e | | | n | | | t | | | s | | | a | | | r | | | e | | | u | | | s | | | e | | | d | | | b | | | y | | | t | | | h | | | e | | | c | | | e | | | r | | | t | | | i | | | f | | | i | | | c | | | a | | | t | | | e | | | h | | | o | | | l | | | d | | | e | | | r | | | t | | | o | | | m | | | e | | | a | | | s | | | u | | | r | | | e | | | a | | | n | | | d | | | a | | | s | | | s | | | e | | | s | | | s | | | i | | | t | | | s | | | p | | | r | | | o | | | c | | | e | | | s | | | s | | | e | | | s | | | , | | | t | | | o | | | i | | | d | | | e | | | n | | | t | | | i | | | f | | | y | | | a | | | n | | | d | | | c | | | o | | | r | | | r | | | e | | | c | | | t | | | p | | | r | | | o | | | b | | | l | | | e | | | m | | | s | | | o | | | r | | | p | | | o | | | t | | | e | | | n | | | t | | | i | | | a | | | l | | | p | | | r | | | o | | | b | | | l | | | e | | | m | | | s | | | , | | | a | | | n | | | d | | | t | | | o | | | m | | | a | | | k | | | e | | | i | | | m | | | p | | | r | | | o | | | v | | | e | | | m | | | e | | | n | | | t | | | s | | | t | | | o | | | t | | | h | | | e | | | p | | | r | | | o | | | c | | | e | | | s | | | s | | | e | | | s | | | . | | | T | | | h | | | e | | | q | | | u | | | e | | | s | | | t | | | i | | | o | | | n | | | s | | | i | | | n | | | t | | | h | | | i | | | s | | | s | | | e | | | c | | | t | | | i | | | o | | | n | | | o | | | f | | | t | | | h | | | e | | | D | | | C | | | T | | | a | | | r | | | e | | | d | | | e | | | s | | | i | | | g | | | n | | | e | | | d | | | t | | | o | | | a | | | s | | | s | | | i | | | s | | | t | | | t | | | h | | | e | | | i | | | n | | | s | | | p | | | e | | | c | | | t | | | o | | | r | | | i | | | n | | | d | | | e | | | t | | | e | | | r | | | m | | | i | | | n | | | i | | | n | | | g | | | i | | | f | | | t | | | h | | | e | | | c | | | e | | | r | | | t | | | i | | | f | | | i | | | c | | | a | | | t | | | e | | | h | | | o | | | l | | | d | | | e | | | r | | | m | | | e | | | a | | | s | | | u | | | r | | | e | | | s | | | o | | | r | | | a | | | s | | | s | | | e | | | s | | | s | | | e | | | s | | | i | | | n | | | f | | | o | | | r | | | m | | | a | | | t | | | i | | | o | | | n | | | t | | | o | | | i | | | d | | | e | | | n | | | t | | | i | | | f | | | y | | | , | | | a | | | n | | | a | | | l | | | y | | | z | | | e | | | , | | | a | | | n | | | d | | | d | | | o | | | c | | | u | | | m | | | e | | | n | | | t | | | p | | | o | | | t | | | e | | | n | | | t | | | i | | | a | | | l | | | p | | | r | | | o | | | b | | | l | | | e | | | m | | | s | | | w | | | i | | | t | | | h | | | t | | | h | | | e | | | p | | | r | | | o | | | c | | | e | | | s | | | s | | | . | | | P | | | r | | | o | | | c | | | e | | | s | | | s | | | m | | | e | | | a | | | s | | | u | | | r | | | e | | | m | | | e | | | n | | | t | | | s | | | a | | | r | | | e | | | a | | | c | | | e | | | r | | | t | | | i | | | f | | | i | | | c | | | a | | | t | | | e | | | h | | | o | | | l | | | d | | | e | | | r | | | \ | | | ' | | | s | | | i | | | n | | | t | | | e | | | r | | | n | | | a | | | l | | | e | | | v | | | a | | | l | | | u | | | a | | | t | | | i | | | o | | | n | | | o | | | r | | | a | | | u | | | d | | | i | | | t | | | i | | | n | | | g | | | o | | | f | | | t | | | h | | | e | | | m | | | o | | | s | | | t | | | i | | | m | | | p | | | o | | | r | | | t | | | a | | | n | | | t | | | p | | | o | | | l | | | i | | | c | | | i | | | e | | | s | | | , | | | p | | | r | | | o | | | c | | | e | | | d | | | u | | | r | | | e | | | s | | | , | | | o | | | r | | | i | | | n | | | s | | | t | | | r | | | u | | | c | | | t | | | i | | | o | | | n | | | s | | | a | | | n | | | d | | | i | | | n | | | f | | | o | | | r | | | m | | | a | | | t | | | i | | | o | | | n | | | a | | | s | | | s | | | o | | | c | | | i | | | a | | | t | | | e | | | d | | | w | | | i | | | t | | | h | | | a | | | n | | | e | | | l | | | e | | | m | | | e | | | n | | | t | | | . | | | | | |   | | | | | | T | | | o | | | p | | | r | | | e | | | v | | | e | | | n | | | t | | | t | | | h | | | e | | | d | | | u | | | p | | | l | | | i | | | c | | | a | | | t | | | i | | | o | | | n | | | o | | | f | | | w | | | o | | | r | | | k | | | , | | | p | | | r | | | o | | | c | | | e | | | s | | | s | | | m | | | e | | | a | | | s | | | u | | | r | | | e | | | m | | | e | | | n | | | t | | | s | | | a | | | r | | | e | | | m | | | o | | | s | | | t | | | c | | | o | | | m | | | m | | | o | | | n | | | l | | | y | | | a | | | d | | | d | | | r | | | e | | | s | | | s | | | e | | | d | | | t | | | h | | | r | | | o | | | u | | | g | | | h | | | a | | | c | | | o | | | m | | | b | | | i | | | n | | | a | | | t | | | i | | | o | | | n | | | o | | | f | | | a | | | u | | | d | | | i | | | t | | | i | | | n | | | g | | | f | | | e | | | a | | | t | | | u | | | r | | | e | | | s | | | c | | | o | | | n | | | t | | | a | | | i | | | n | | | e | | | d | | | i | | | n | | | b | | | o | | | t | | | h | | | t | | | h | | | e | | | c | | | e | | | r | | | t | | | i | | | f | | | i | | | c | | | a | | | t | | | e | | | h | | | o | | | l | | | d | | | e | | | r | | | \ | | | ' | | | s | | | s | | | a | | | f | | | e | | | t | | | y | | | p | | | r | | | o | | | g | | | r | | | a | | | m | | | / | | | i | | | n | | | t | | | e | | | r | | | n | | | a | | | l | | | e | | | v | | | a | | | l | | | u | | | a | | | t | | | i | | | o | | | n | | | p | | | r | | | o | | | g | | | r | | | a | | | m | | | ( | | | f | | | o | | | r | | | o | | | p | | | e | | | r | | | a | | | t | | | i | | | o | | | n | | | s | | | a | | | n | | | d | | | c | | | a | | | b | | | i | | | n | | | s | | | a | | | f | | | e | | | t | | | y | | | r | | | e | | | l | | | a | | | t | | | e | | | d | | | i | | | s | | | s | | | u | | | e | | | s | | | ) | | | a | | | n | | | d | | | t | | | h | | | e | | | a | | | u | | | d | | | i | | | t | | | i | | | n | | | g | | | f | | | u | | | n | | | c | | | t | | | i | | | o | | | n | | | o | | | f | | | t | | | h | | | e | | | C | | | o | | | n | | | t | | | i | | | n | | | u | | | o | | | u | | | s | | | A | | | n | | | a | | | l | | | y | | | s | | | i | | | s | | | a | | | n | | | d | | | S | | | u | | | r | | | v | | | e | | | i | | | l | | | l | | | a | | | n | | | c | | | e | | | S | | | y | | | s | | | t | | | e | | | m | | | ( | | | f | | | o | | | r | | | a | | | i | | | r | | | w | | | o | | | r | | | t | | | h | | | i | | | n | | | e | | | s | | | s | | | o | | | r | | | m | | | a | | | i | | | n | | | t | | | e | | | n | | | a | | | n | | | c | | | e | | | / | | | i | | | n | | | s | | | p | | | e | | | c | | | t | | | i | | | o | | | n | | | r | | | e | | | l | | | a | | | t | | | e | | | d | | | i | | | s | | | s | | | u | | | e | | | s | | | ) | | | . | | | T | | | h | | | e | | | d | | | i | | | r | | | e | | | c | | | t | | | o | | | r | | | o | | | f | | | s | | | a | | | f | | | e | | | t | | | y | | | a | | | n | | | d | | | t | | | h | | | e | | | q | | | u | | | a | | | l | | | i | | | t | | | y | | | a | | | s | | | s | | | u | | | r | | | a | | | n | | | c | | | e | | | d | | | e | | | p | | | a | | | r | | | t | | | m | | | e | | | n | | | t | | | o | | | f | | | t | | | e | | | n | | | w | | | o | | | r | | | k | | | t | | | o | | | g | | | e | | | t | | | h | | | e | | | r | | | t | | | o | | | a | | | c | | | c | | | o | | | m | | | p | | | l | | | i | | | s | | | h | | | t | | | h | | | i | | | s | | | f | | | u | | | n | | | c | | | t | | | i | | | o | | | n | | | f | | | o | | | r | | | t | | | h | | | e | | | c | | | e | | | r | | | t | | | i | | | f | | | i | | | c | | | a | | | t | | | e | | | h | | | o | | | l | | | d | | | e | | | r | | | . | | | T | | | h | | | i | | | s | | | a | | | p | | | p | | | r | | | o | | | a | | | c | | | h | | | r | | | e | | | q | | | u | | | i | | | r | | | e | | | s | | | a | | | m | | | e | | | n | | | d | | | m | | | e | | | n | | | t | | | o | | | f | | | t | | | h | | | e | | | s | | | a | | | f | | | e | | | t | | | y | | | p | | | r | | | o | | | g | | | r | | | a | | | m | | | / | | | i | | | n | | | t | | | e | | | r | | | n | | | a | | | l | | | e | | | v | | | a | | | l | | | u | | | a | | | t | | | i | | | o | | | n | | | p | | | r | | | o | | | g | | | r | | | a | | | m | | | a | | | u | | | d | | | i | | | t | | | f | | | o | | | r | | | m | | | s | | | o | | | r | | | c | | | h | | | e | | | c | | | k | | | l | | | i | | | s | | | t | | | s | | | a | | | n | | | d | | | t | | | h | | | e | | | C | | | o | | | n | | | t | | | i | | | n | | | u | | | o | | | u | | | s | | | A | | | n | | | a | | | l | | | y | | | s | | | i | | | s | | | a | | | n | | | d | | | S | | | u | | | r | | | v | | | e | | | i | | | l | | | l | | | a | | | n | | | c | | | e | | | S | | | y | | | s | | | t | | | e | | | m | | | a | | | u | | | d | | | i | | | t | | | f | | | o | | | r | | | m | | | s | | | o | | | r | | | c | | | h | | | e | | | c | | | k | | | l | | | i | | | s | | | t | | | s | | | t | | | o | | | i | | | n | | | c | | | l | | | u | | | d | | | e | | | t | | | h | | | e | | | s | | | p | | | e | | | c | | | i | | | f | | | i | | | c | | | p | | | r | | | o | | | c | | | e | | | s | | | s | | | m | | | e | | | a | | | s | | | u | | | r | | | e | | | m | | | e | | | n | | | t | | | s | | | f | | | o | | | r | | | e | | | a | | | c | | | h | | | e | | | l | | | e | | | m | | | e | | | n | | | t | | | . | | +---+-------------------------------------------------------------------+ | # | | | # | | | | | | T | | | a | | | s | | | k | | | s | | +---+-------------------------------------------------------------------+ | | To meet this objective, the inspector must accomplish the | | | following tasks: | +---+-------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 1 | Review the process measurement questions below. | | \ | | | . | | +---+-------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 2 | Review the certificate holder\'s policies, procedures, | | \ | instructions, and information to gain an understanding of the | | . | process measurements that it has documented. | +---+-------------------------------------------------------------------+ +---+------------------------------------------------------+-----------+ | # | | | | # | | | | | | | | Q | | | | u | | | | e | | | | s | | | | t | | | | i | | | | o | | | | n | | | | s | | | +---+------------------------------------------------------+-----------+ | | To meet this objective, the inspector must answer | | | | the following questions: | | +---+------------------------------------------------------+-----------+ | 1 | Does the certificate holder\'s Airworthiness | | | \ | Release/Logbook Entry process include the following | | | . | process measurements: | | +---+------------------------------------------------------+-----------+ | 1 | Is there a process measurement or process | Yes | | . | measurements that would identify if the certificate | | | 1 | holder or its maintenance providers failed to | No, | | . | prepare an airworthiness release or logbook entry in | Explain | | | accordance with their policies and procedures? | | | | **     ** | | +---+------------------------------------------------------+-----------+ | 1 | Is there a process measurement or process | Yes | | . | measurements that would identify if the certificate | | | 2 | holder failed to maintain a record of the | No, | | . | airworthiness release or logbook entry in accordance | Explain | | | with its policies and procedures? **     ** | | +---+------------------------------------------------------+-----------+ | 1 | Is there a process measurement or process | Yes | | . | measurements that would identify if the | | | 3 | airworthiness release or logbook entry was signed by | No, | | . | other than a certificated person in accordance with | Explain | | | the certificate holder\'s policies and procedures? | | | | **     ** | | +---+------------------------------------------------------+-----------+ | 1 | Is there a process measurement or process | Yes | | . | measurements that would identify if the | | | 4 | airworthiness release or logbook entry was not | No, | | . | provided to the flightcrew in accordance with the | Explain | | | certificate holder\'s policies and procedures? | | | | **     ** | | +---+------------------------------------------------------+-----------+ | 2 | Is there a process measurement or process | Yes | | \ | measurements that would reveal if the certificate | | | . | holder s policy, procedures, instructions, and | No, | | | information were not followed? **     ** | Explain | +---+------------------------------------------------------+-----------+ | 3 | Does the certificate holder document its process | Yes | | \ | measurement results? **     ** | | | . | | No, | | | | Explain | +---+------------------------------------------------------+-----------+ | 4 | Does the certificate holder use its process | Yes | | \ | measurement results to improve its programs? | | | . | **     ** | No, | | | | Explain | +---+------------------------------------------------------+-----------+ | 5 | Does the organization that conducts the process | Yes | | \ | measurements have direct access to the person with | | | . | responsibility for the Airworthiness Release/Logbook | No, | | | Entry process? **     ** | Explain | +---+------------------------------------------------------+-----------+ +---+-------------------------------------------------------------------+ | # | | | # | | | # | | | # | | | | | | S | | | A | | | I | | | | | | S | | | e | | | c | | | t | | | i | | | o | | | n | | | | | | 3 | | | | | | - | | | | | | P | | | r | | | o | | | c | | | e | | | s | | | s | | | | | | M | | | e | | | a | | | s | | | u | | | r | | | e | | | m | | | e | | | n | | | t | | | | | | A | | | t | | | t | | | r | | | i | | | b | | | u | | | t | | | e | | | | | | * | | | * | | | D | | | r | | | o | | | p | | | - | | | D | | | o | | | w | | | n | | | M | | | e | | | n | | | u | | | * | | | * | | +---+-------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 1 | No process measurements specified. | | \ | | | . | | +---+-------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 2 | Documentation for the process measurements does not identify | | \ | (who, what, when, where, how). | | . | | +---+-------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 3 | Inability to identify negative findings. | | \ | | | . | | +---+-------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 4 | No provisions for implementing corrective actions. | | \ | | | . | | +---+-------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 5 | Ineffective follow-up to determine effectiveness of corrective | | \ | actions. | | . | | +---+-------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6 | Resources requirements (personnel, facilities, equipment, | | \ | technical data). | | . | | +---+-------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 7 | Other. | | \ | | | . | | +---+-------------------------------------------------------------------+ +---+-------------------------------------------------------------------+ | * | | | * | | | S | | | A | | | I | | | S | | | e | | | c | | | t | | | i | | | o | | | n | | | 4 | | | | | | - | | | I | | | n | | | t | | | e | | | r | | | f | | | a | | | c | | | e | | | s | | | A | | | t | | | t | | | r | | | i | | | b | | | u | | | t | | | e | | | * | | | * | | +---+-------------------------------------------------------------------+ | * | | | * | | | O | | | b | | | j | | | e | | | c | | | t | | | i | | | v | | | e | | | : | | | * | | | * | | | I | | | n | | | t | | | e | | | r | | | f | | | a | | | c | | | e | | | s | | | a | | | r | | | e | | | u | | | s | | | e | | | d | | | b | | | y | | | t | | | h | | | e | | | c | | | e | | | r | | | t | | | i | | | f | | | i | | | c | | | a | | | t | | | e | | | h | | | o | | | l | | | d | | | e | | | r | | | t | | | o | | | i | | | d | | | e | | | n | | | t | | | i | | | f | | | y | | | a | | | n | | | d | | | m | | | a | | | n | | | a | | | g | | | e | | | t | | | h | | | e | | | i | | | n | | | t | | | e | | | r | | | a | | | c | | | t | | | i | | | o | | | n | | | s | | | b | | | e | | | t | | | w | | | e | | | e | | | n | | | p | | | r | | | o | | | c | | | e | | | s | | | s | | | e | | | s | | | . | | | T | | | h | | | e | | | q | | | u | | | e | | | s | | | t | | | i | | | o | | | n | | | s | | | i | | | n | | | t | | | h | | | i | | | s | | | s | | | e | | | c | | | t | | | i | | | o | | | n | | | o | | | f | | | t | | | h | | | e | | | D | | | C | | | T | | | a | | | r | | | e | | | d | | | e | | | s | | | i | | | g | | | n | | | e | | | d | | | t | | | o | | | a | | | s | | | s | | | i | | | s | | | t | | | t | | | h | | | e | | | i | | | n | | | s | | | p | | | e | | | c | | | t | | | o | | | r | | | i | | | n | | | d | | | e | | | t | | | e | | | r | | | m | | | i | | | n | | | i | | | n | | | g | | | w | | | h | | | e | | | t | | | h | | | e | | | r | | | o | | | r | | | n | | | o | | | t | | | i | | | n | | | t | | | e | | | r | | | a | | | c | | | t | | | i | | | o | | | n | | | s | | | b | | | e | | | t | | | w | | | e | | | e | | | n | | | t | | | h | | | e | | | p | | | o | | | l | | | i | | | c | | | i | | | e | | | s | | | , | | | p | | | r | | | o | | | c | | | e | | | d | | | u | | | r | | | e | | | s | | | , | | | o | | | r | | | i | | | n | | | s | | | t | | | r | | | u | | | c | | | t | | | i | | | o | | | n | | | s | | | a | | | n | | | d | | | i | | | n | | | f | | | o | | | r | | | m | | | a | | | t | | | i | | | o | | | n | | | a | | | s | | | s | | | o | | | c | | | i | | | a | | | t | | | e | | | d | | | w | | | i | | | t | | | h | | | o | | | t | | | h | | | e | | | r | | | i | | | n | | | d | | | e | | | p | | | e | | | n | | | d | | | e | | | n | | | t | | | p | | | r | | | o | | | c | | | e | | | s | | | s | | | e | | | s | | | w | | | i | | | t | | | h | | | i | | | n | | | t | | | h | | | e | | | c | | | e | | | r | | | t | | | i | | | f | | | i | | | c | | | a | | | t | | | e | | | h | | | o | | | l | | | d | | | e | | | r | | | \ | | | ' | | | s | | | o | | | r | | | g | | | a | | | n | | | i | | | z | | | a | | | t | | | i | | | o | | | n | | | a | | | r | | | e | | | d | | | o | | | c | | | u | | | m | | | e | | | n | | | t | | | e | | | d | | | . | | | W | | | r | | | i | | | t | | | t | | | e | | | n | | | p | | | o | | | l | | | i | | | c | | | i | | | e | | | s | | | , | | | p | | | r | | | o | | | c | | | e | | | d | | | u | | | r | | | e | | | s | | | , | | | o | | | r | | | i | | | n | | | s | | | t | | | r | | | u | | | c | | | t | | | i | | | o | | | n | | | s | | | a | | | n | | | d | | | i | | | n | | | f | | | o | | | r | | | m | | | a | | | t | | | i | | | o | | | n | | | t | | | h | | | a | | | t | | | a | | | r | | | e | | | i | | | n | | | t | | | e | | | r | | | r | | | e | | | l | | | a | | | t | | | e | | | d | | | a | | | n | | | d | | | l | | | o | | | c | | | a | | | t | | | e | | | d | | | i | | | n | | | d | | | i | | | f | | | f | | | e | | | r | | | e | | | n | | | t | | | a | | | r | | | e | | | a | | | s | | | w | | | i | | | t | | | h | | | i | | | n | | | t | | | h | | | e | | | c | | | e | | | r | | | t | | | i | | | f | | | i | | | c | | | a | | | t | | | e | | | h | | | o | | | l | | | d | | | e | | | r | | | \ | | | ' | | | s | | | s | | | y | | | s | | | t | | | e | | | m | | | m | | | u | | | s | | | t | | | b | | | e | | | c | | | o | | | n | | | s | | | i | | | s | | | t | | | e | | | n | | | t | | | a | | | n | | | d | | | c | | | o | | | m | | | p | | | l | | | e | | | m | | | e | | | n | | | t | | | e | | | a | | | c | | | h | | | o | | | t | | | h | | | e | | | r | | | . | | | F | | | o | | | r | | | t | | | h | | | e | | | i | | | n | | | t | | | e | | | r | | | f | | | a | | | c | | | e | | | s | | | t | | | o | | | b | | | e | | | e | | | f | | | f | | | e | | | c | | | t | | | i | | | v | | | e | | | l | | | y | | | m | | | a | | | n | | | a | | | g | | | e | | | d | | | , | | | t | | | h | | | e | | | c | | | e | | | r | | | t | | | i | | | f | | | i | | | c | | | a | | | t | | | e | | | h | | | o | | | l | | | d | | | e | | | r | | | \ | | | ' | | | s | | | s | | | y | | | s | | | t | | | e | | | m | | | s | | | h | | | o | | | u | | | l | | | d | | | i | | | d | | | e | | | n | | | t | | | i | | | f | | | y | | | a | | | n | | | d | | | d | | | o | | | c | | | u | | | m | | | e | | | n | | | t | | | t | | | h | | | e | | | | | | i | | | n | | | t | | | e | | | r | | | f | | | a | | | c | | | e | | | s | | | . | | +---+-------------------------------------------------------------------+ | # | | | # | | | | | | T | | | a | | | s | | | k | | | s | | +---+-------------------------------------------------------------------+ | | To meet this objective, the inspector must accomplish the | | | following tasks: | +---+-------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 1 | Review the interfaces associated with the Airworthiness | | \ | Release/Logbook Entry process that have been identified along | | . | with the individual questions in section 1, Procedures, of this | | | DCT. | +---+-------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 2 | Review the certificate holder's policies, procedures, | | \ | instructions, and information to gain an understanding of the | | . | interfaces that it has documented. | +---+-------------------------------------------------------------------+ +---+------------------------------------------------------+-----------+ | # | | | | # | | | | | | | | Q | | | | u | | | | e | | | | s | | | | t | | | | i | | | | o | | | | n | | | | s | | | +---+------------------------------------------------------+-----------+ | | To meet this objective, the inspector must answer | | | | the following questions: | | | | | | | | NOTE: The design job task items (JTIs) displayed | | | | with the questions in section 1, Procedures, of this | | | | DCT identify potential interfaces (by element | | | | number) for this element. | | +---+------------------------------------------------------+-----------+ | 1 | Does the certificate holder\'s system properly | Yes | | \ | address the interfaces that are identified along | | | . | with the questions in section 1, Procedures, of this | No, | | | DCT? **     ** | Explain | +---+------------------------------------------------------+-----------+ | 2 | Does the certificate holder document a method for | Yes | | \ | assessing the impact of any changes to the | | | . | associated interfaces within the Airworthiness | No, | | | Release/Logbook Entry process? **     ** | Explain | +---+------------------------------------------------------+-----------+ +---+-------------------------------------------------------------------+ | # | | | # | | | # | | | # | | | | | | S | | | A | | | I | | | | | | S | | | e | | | c | | | t | | | i | | | o | | | n | | | | | | 4 | | | | | | - | | | | | | I | | | n | | | t | | | e | | | r | | | f | | | a | | | c | | | e | | | s | | | | | | A | | | t | | | t | | | r | | | i | | | b | | | u | | | t | | | e | | | | | | * | | | * | | | D | | | r | | | o | | | p | | | - | | | D | | | o | | | w | | | n | | | M | | | e | | | n | | | u | | | * | | | * | | +---+-------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 1 | No interfaces specified. | | \ | | | . | | +---+-------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 2 | The following interfaces not identified within the Certificate | | \ | Holder\'s manual system: | | . | | +---+-------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 3 | Interfaces listed are inaccurate. | | \ | | | . | | +---+-------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 4 | Specific location of interfaces not identified within the manual | | \ | system. | | . | | +---+-------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 5 | Other | | \ | | | . | | +---+-------------------------------------------------------------------+ +---+-------------------------------------------------------------------+ | * | | | * | | | S | | | A | | | I | | | S | | | e | | | c | | | t | | | i | | | o | | | n | | | 5 | | | | | | - | | | M | | | a | | | n | | | a | | | g | | | e | | | m | | | e | | | n | | | t | | | R | | | e | | | s | | | p | | | o | | | n | | | s | | | i | | | b | | | i | | | l | | | i | | | t | | | y | | | & | | | A | | | u | | | t | | | h | | | o | | | r | | | i | | | t | | | y | | | A | | | t | | | t | | | r | | | i | | | b | | | u | | | t | | | e | | | s | | | * | | | * | | +---+-------------------------------------------------------------------+ | * | | | * | | | O | | | b | | | j | | | e | | | c | | | t | | | i | | | v | | | e | | | : | | | * | | | * | | | T | | | h | | | e | | | q | | | u | | | e | | | s | | | t | | | i | | | o | | | n | | | s | | | i | | | n | | | t | | | h | | | i | | | s | | | s | | | e | | | c | | | t | | | i | | | o | | | n | | | a | | | d | | | d | | | r | | | e | | | s | | | s | | | t | | | h | | | e | | | r | | | e | | | s | | | p | | | o | | | n | | | s | | | i | | | b | | | i | | | l | | | i | | | t | | | y | | | a | | | n | | | d | | | a | | | u | | | t | | | h | | | o | | | r | | | i | | | t | | | y | | | o | | | f | | | t | | | h | | | e | | | p | | | r | | | o | | | c | | | e | | | s | | | s | | | . | | | T | | | h | | | e | | | y | | | a | | | r | | | e | | | d | | | e | | | s | | | i | | | g | | | n | | | e | | | d | | | t | | | o | | | a | | | s | | | s | | | i | | | s | | | t | | | t | | | h | | | e | | | i | | | n | | | s | | | p | | | e | | | c | | | t | | | o | | | r | | | i | | | n | | | d | | | e | | | t | | | e | | | r | | | m | | | i | | | n | | | i | | | n | | | g | | | i | | | f | | | t | | | h | | | e | | | r | | | e | | | i | | | s | | | a | | | c | | | l | | | e | | | a | | | r | | | l | | | y | | | i | | | d | | | e | | | n | | | t | | | i | | | f | | | i | | | a | | | b | | | l | | | e | | | , | | | q | | | u | | | a | | | l | | | i | | | f | | | i | | | e | | | d | | | , | | | a | | | n | | | d | | | k | | | n | | | o | | | w | | | l | | | e | | | d | | | g | | | e | | | a | | | b | | | l | | | e | | | p | | | e | | | r | | | s | | | o | | | n | | | w | | | h | | | o | | | i | | | s | | | r | | | e | | | s | | | p | | | o | | | n | | | s | | | i | | | b | | | l | | | e | | | f | | | o | | | r | | | t | | | h | | | e | | | p | | | r | | | o | | | c | | | e | | | s | | | s | | | , | | | i | | | s | | | a | | | n | | | s | | | w | | | e | | | r | | | a | | | b | | | l | | | e | | | f | | | o | | | r | | | t | | | h | | | e | | | q | | | u | | | a | | | l | | | i | | | t | | | y | | | o | | | f | | | t | | | h | | | e | | | p | | | r | | | o | | | c | | | e | | | s | | | s | | | , | | | a | | | n | | | d | | | h | | | a | | | s | | | t | | | h | | | e | | | a | | | u | | | t | | | h | | | o | | | r | | | i | | | t | | | y | | | t | | | o | | | e | | | s | | | t | | | a | | | b | | | l | | | i | | | s | | | h | | | a | | | n | | | d | | | m | | | o | | | d | | | i | | | f | | | y | | | t | | | h | | | e | | | p | | | r | | | o | | | c | | | e | | | s | | | s | | | . | | | ( | | | T | | | h | | | e | | | p | | | e | | | r | | | s | | | o | | | n | | | w | | | i | | | t | | | h | | | t | | | h | | | e | | | a | | | u | | | t | | | h | | | o | | | r | | | i | | | t | | | y | | | m | | | a | | | y | | | o | | | r | | | m | | | a | | | y | | | n | | | o | | | t | | | b | | | e | | | t | | | h | | | e | | | p | | | e | | | r | | | s | | | o | | | n | | | w | | | i | | | t | | | h | | | t | | | h | | | e | | | r | | | e | | | s | | | p | | | o | | | n | | | s | | | i | | | b | | | i | | | l | | | i | | | t | | | y | | | . | | | ) | | +---+-------------------------------------------------------------------+ | # | | | # | | | | | | T | | | a | | | s | | | k | | | s | | +---+-------------------------------------------------------------------+ | | To meet this objective, the inspector must accomplish the | | | following tasks: | +---+-------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 1 | Identify the person who has overall responsibility for the | | \ | Airworthiness Release/Logbook Entry process. | | . | | +---+-------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 2 | Identify the person who has overall authority for the | | \ | Airworthiness Release/Logbook Entry process. | | . | | +---+-------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 3 | Review the duties and responsibilities of the person(s), | | \ | documented in the certificate holder\'s manual. | | . | | +---+-------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 4 | Review the appropriate organizational chart. | | \ | | | . | | +---+-------------------------------------------------------------------+ +---+------------------------------------------------------+-----------+ | # | | | | # | | | | | | | | Q | | | | u | | | | e | | | | s | | | | t | | | | i | | | | o | | | | n | | | | s | | | +---+------------------------------------------------------+-----------+ | | To meet this objective, the inspector must answer | | | | the following questions: | | +---+------------------------------------------------------+-----------+ | 1 | Does the certificate holder clearly identify who is | Yes | | \ | responsible for the quality of the Airworthiness | | | . | Release/Logbook Entry process? **     ** | No, | | | | Explain | | | | | | | | Na | | | | me/Title: | | | | | | | |       | +---+------------------------------------------------------+-----------+ | 2 | Does the certificate holder clearly identify who has | Yes | | \ | authority to establish and modify the policies, | | | . | procedures, instructions, and information for the | No, | | | Airworthiness Release/Logbook Entry process? | Explain | | | **     ** | | | | | Na | | | | me/Title: | | | | | | | |       | +---+------------------------------------------------------+-----------+ | 3 | Does the certificate holder s manual include the | Yes | | \ | duties and responsibilities of those who manage the | | | . | work required by the Airworthiness Release/Logbook | No, | | | Entry Process? **     ** | Explain | | | | | | | SRRs: 121.135(b)(2) | | +---+------------------------------------------------------+-----------+ | 4 | Does the certificate holder s manual include | Yes | | \ | instructions and information for those who manage | | | . | the work required by the Airworthiness | No, | | | Release/Logbook Entry process? **     ** | Explain | | | | | | | SRRs: 121.135(a)(1) | | +---+------------------------------------------------------+-----------+ | 5 | Does the certificate holder clearly and completely | Yes | | \ | document the responsibility for this position? | | | . | **     ** | No, | | | | Explain | +---+------------------------------------------------------+-----------+ | 6 | Does the certificate holder clearly and completely | Yes | | \ | document the authority for this position? **     ** | | | . | | No, | | | | Explain | +---+------------------------------------------------------+-----------+ | 7 | Does the certificate holder clearly and completely | Yes | | \ | document its qualification standards for the person | | | . | having responsibility for the Airworthiness | No, | | | Release/Logbook Entry process? **     ** | Explain | +---+------------------------------------------------------+-----------+ | 8 | Does the certificate holder clearly and completely | Yes | | \ | document its qualification standards for the person | | | . | having authority to establish and modify the | No, | | | certificate holder\'s policies, procedures, | Explain | | | instructions, and information for the Airworthiness | | | | Release/Logbook Entry process? **     ** | | +---+------------------------------------------------------+-----------+ | 9 | Does the certificate holder clearly and completely | Yes | | \ | document the procedures for delegation of authority | | | . | for the Airworthiness Release/Logbook Entry process? | No, | | | **     ** | Explain | +---+------------------------------------------------------+-----------+ +---+-------------------------------------------------------------------+ | # | | | # | | | # | | | # | | | | | | S | | | A | | | I | | | | | | S | | | e | | | c | | | t | | | i | | | o | | | n | | | | | | 5 | | | | | | - | | | | | | M | | | a | | | n | | | a | | | g | | | e | | | m | | | e | | | n | | | t | | | | | | R | | | e | | | s | | | p | | | o | | | n | | | s | | | i | | | b | | | i | | | l | | | i | | | t | | | y | | | | | | & | | | | | | A | | | u | | | t | | | h | | | o | | | r | | | i | | | t | | | y | | | | | | A | | | t | | | t | | | r | | | i | | | b | | | u | | | t | | | e | | | s | | | | | | * | | | * | | | D | | | r | | | o | | | p | | | - | | | D | | | o | | | w | | | n | | | M | | | e | | | n | | | u | | | * | | | * | | +---+-------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 1 | Not documented. | | \ | | | . | | +---+-------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 2 | Documentation unclear. | | \ | | | . | | +---+-------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 3 | Documentation incomplete. | | \ | | | . | | +---+-------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 4 | Other. | | \ | | | . | | +---+-------------------------------------------------------------------+
HQ 965321 May 9, 2002 CLA-2 RR:CR:GC 965321 JGB CATEGORY: Classification TARIFF NO.: 9503.90.00 Port Director U.S. Customs Service 1 East Bay Street Savannah, GA 31401 RE: Protest 1703-01-100170; \"Mr. Snowman Sno-Cone\" maker Dear Port Director: This is our decision on Protest 1703-01-100170, filed by counsel for the protestant, Wal-Mart Stores, Inc., against your decision in the classification of the \"Mr. Snowman Sno-Cone\" maker under the Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (HTSUS). The entry, made in 2000, was liquidated July 13, 2001, and the protest timely filed on September 6, 2001. **FACTS**: The merchandise is identified as \"Mr. Snowman Sno-Cone\" maker, item #7119, described as a machine used by children to make flavored shaved ice. The top of the sno-cone maker is a plastic snowman that also serves as a tool to press the ice cubes against the ice to be shaved. Removing the snowman reveals an open plastic chute. At the bottom of the chute are four small metal blades mounted on a plastic disk. Turning a plastic handle rotates the blades and shaves the ice. The ice shavings then fall into an attached plastic container. Included with the Sno-Cone Maker are 2 disposable cups, 2 plastic spoons, 1 package of soft drink mix, and 1 plastic syrup applicator in the shape of a snowman. You classified the \"Mr. Snowman Sno-Cone\" maker in subheading 8210.00.00, HTSUS, the provision for hand-operated mechanical appliances, weighing 10 kg or less, used in the preparation, conditioning or serving of food or drink, and base metal parts thereof. The protestant claims that the \"Mr. Snowman Sno-Cone\" maker is classified in subheading 9503.90.00, HTSUS, the provision for \"Other toys; reduced-size \"scale\" models and similar recreational models, working or not; puzzles of all kinds; parts and accessories thereof: Other.\" **ISSUE**: Whether the \"Mr. Snowman Sno-Cone\" maker is classified in heading 8210, HTSUS, which provides for hand-operated mechanical appliances, weighing 10 kg or less, used in the preparation, conditioning or serving of food or drink, and base metal parts thereof, or in subheading 9503.90.00, HTSUS, other toys. **LAW AND ANALYSIS**: Classification under the HTSUS is made in accordance with the General Rules of Interpretation (GRI). GRI 1 provides that the classification of goods shall be determined according to the terms of the headings of the tariff schedule and any relative Section or Chapter Notes. In the event that the goods cannot be classified solely on the basis of GRI 1, and if the headings and legal notes do not otherwise require, the remaining GRI may then be applied. The Explanatory Notes (EN) to the Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System, which represent the official interpretation of the Harmonized System at the international level, facilitate classification under the HTSUS by offering guidance in understanding the scope of the headings and GRI. The HTSUS provisions under consideration for the classification of the sno-cone maker are as follows: > 8210: Hand-operated mechanical appliances, weighing 10 kg. or less, > used in the preparation, conditioning or serving of food or drink, and > base metal parts thereof. > > 9503: Other toys; reduced-size \"scale\" models and similar > recreational models, working or not; puzzles of all kinds; parts and > accessories thereof. This article is described by both headings. GRI 3 provides, in pertinent part, "When, by application of rule 2(b) or for any other reason, goods are, *prima facie*, classifiable under two or more headings, classification shall be effected as follows: (a) The heading which provides the most specific description shall be preferred to headings providing a more general description.\" However, under the terms of GRI 1, \"any relative section or chapter notes\" must be considered before applying the GRI\'s beyond GRI 1. Heading 8210, HTSUS, falls into Section XV. Note 1(l) to Section XV excludes \"Articles of Chapter 95 (for example, toys, games, sports equipment).\" Therefore, if the product meets the standards of heading 9503, HTSUS, it cannot be classified in heading 8210, HTSUS. An examination of the sample demonstrates that the product appears to be of the kind that are limited use, food preparation articles, marketed and sold as toys, and providing manipulative play and role-play for young children. The articles included with the set, such as 2 disposable cups, and the plastic spoons, suggest both the limited use and the low-volume sno-cone production of the article, typical for amusement activities for young children. In short, this product could not be confused with a \"real\" sno-cone maker that would typically have an electric motor and be designed to produce scores of sno-cones in a day. The ENs to heading 9503 state that \"certain toys (e.g., electric irons, sewing machines, musical instruments, etc.) may be capable of a limited \'use,\'; but they are generally distinguishable by their size and limited capacity from real sewing machines, etc.\" Because of the limited use, and the other factors indicated, *supra*, the article is classifiable in subheading 9503.90, HTSUS, as an other toy. Because classification in chapter 82 is precluded by Note 1(l) to Section XV, it is not pertinent to discuss classification of this article in heading 8210. This decision is in accord with Headquarters Ruling Letter (**HQ**) 961906, dated July 2, 1999, which classifies a similar product, the Snoopy Snow Cone Machine in subheading 9503.90, HTSUS. It is noted that this protest was denied in accordance with the decision in New York Ruling Letter (**NY)** D84633. Pursuant to section 625(c)(1), Tariff Act of 1930 (19 U.S.C. 1625(c)), as amended by section 623 of Title VI (Customs Modernization) of the North American Free Trade Agreement Implementation Act (Pub. L. 103-182, 107 Stat. 2057), a notice was published on April 3, 2002, in Vol. 36, No. 14 of the [Customs Bulletin,]{.smallcaps} proposing to revoke NY D84633 and to revoke the treatment pertaining to sno-cone makers. No comments were received in response to the notice. Consequently, Customs has revoked that decision and the revocation will be effective 60 days from its publication in the [Customs Bulletin]{.smallcaps}, with publication expected on or about May 22, 2002. **HOLDING**: The \"Mr. Snowman Sno-Cone\" maker is classifiable under subheading 9503.90, HTSUS, as an other toy. The protest should be **allowed.** In accordance with Section 3A(11)(b) of Customs Directive 099 3550‑065, dated August 4, 1993, Subject: Revised Protest Directive, you are to mail this decision, together with the Customs Form 19, to the protestant no later than 60 days from the date of this letter. Any reliquidation of the entry or entries in accordance with the decision must be accomplished prior to mailing the decision. Sixty days from the date of the decision, the Office of Regulations and Rulings will make the decision available to Customs personnel, and to the public on the Customs Home Page on the World Wide Web at, by means of the Freedom of Information Act, and other methods of public distribution. Sincerely, John Durant, Director Commercial Rulings Division
Number range CHAPTER IN THE UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF MARYLAND ) GARY E. WILLIAMS, [et]{.underline} [al.]{.underline}, ) ) Plaintiffs, ) ) v\. ) Civil Action No. CCB 94-880 ) MARTIN WASSERMAN, [et]{.underline} [al.]{.underline}, ) ) Defendants. ) ) **UNITED STATES' MEMORANDUM OF LAW** **IN SUPPORT OF THE CONSTITUTIONALITY OF THE** **AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT** **TABLE OF CONTENTS** **PAGE** INTRODUCTION 1 SUMMARY OF ARGUMENT 3 ARGUMENT: > I. TITLE II OF THE AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT IS A VALID EXERCISE > OF CONGRESS'S POWER UNDER SECTION 5 OF THE FOURTEENTH AMENDMENT 3 > > A. The ADA Is An Enactment To Enforce The\ > Equal Protection Clause 6 > > B. The ADA Is Plainly Adapted To Enforcing\ > The Equal Protection Clause 10 > > 1\. Congress Found That Discrimination\ > Against People With Disabilities\ > Was Severe And Extended To Every\ > Aspect Of Society 11 > > 2\. The ADA Is A Proportionate Response\ > By Congress To Remedy And Prevent The\ > Pervasive Discrimination It Discovered 14 > > 3\. In Enacting The ADA, Congress Was\ > Redressing Constitutionally Cognizable\ > Injuries 15 > > 4\. Unlike The Statute Found\ > Unconstitutional In [City Of Boerne]{.underline},\ > The ADA Is A Remedial And Preventive\ > Scheme Proportional To The Injury 20 II\. TITLE II OF THE AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT IS A VALID EXERCISE OF CONGRESS'S POWER UNDER THE COMMERCE CLAUSE 27 A. Congress Had A Rational Basis For Concluding That Discrimination Against the Disabled, Including As Proscribed By Title II Of The ADA, Substantially Affects Interstate Commerce 28 > 1\. Congress Possesses Broad Powers Under The Commerce Clause To Enact > Civil Rights Legislation 28 2\. The Statutory Findings and Legislative History Of The ADA Make Clear That Discrimination Against Persons With Disabilities Affects Interstate Commerce\ 33 > 3\. Congress's Reliance On Its Commerce Clause Powers In Enacting > Title II Of The ADA Is Consistent With The Lopez Decision 35 B. Congress Had A Rational Basis For Concluding That Unnecessarily Segregating Disabled Persons In Public Institutions, And Thereby Failing To Administer Services, Programs, And Activities For Such Persons In The Most Integrated Setting Appropriate, Substantially Affects Interstate Commerce 37 1\. Once Congress Concludes That An Activity Substantially Affects Interstate Commerce, It Is Not Required To Establish An Interstate Nexus For Every Possible Application Of The Statute 37 > 2\. Even If Congress Were Required To Establish That The ADA, As > Applied In This Case, Substantially Affects Interstate Commerce, It Is > Apparent That Congress Had A Rational Basis For Reaching That > Conclusion 39 C. Congress's Commerce Clause Power In Enacting Title II Of The ADA Is Not Constrained By The Tenth Amendment 42 CONCLUSION 46 **TABLE OF AUTHORITIES** **CASES:** [Abril]{.underline} v. [Virginia]{.underline}, 145 F.3d 182 (4th Cir. 1998) 5 [Alexander]{.underline} v. [Choate]{.underline}, 469 U.S. 287 (1985) 14 [Amos]{.underline} v. [Maryland Dep't of Safety and Correctional Servs.]{.underline},\ 126 F.3d 589 (4th Cir. 1997) 3 [Arritt]{.underline} v. [Grisell]{.underline}, 567 F.2d 1267 (4th Cir. 1977) 9 [Bangerter]{.underline} v. [Orem City Corp.]{.underline}, 46 F.3d 1503\ (10th Cir. 1995) 24 [Bankers Life & Cas. Co.]{.underline} V. [Crenshaw]{.underline}, 486 U.S. 71 (1988) 8 [Bledsoe]{.underline} v. [Palm Beach Soil & Water Conserv. District]{.underline}, 133 F.3d 816 (11th Cir.), cert. denied, 119 S. Ct. 72 (1998) 32 [Board of Educ.]{.underline} V. [Rowley]{.underline}, 458 U.S. 176 (1982) 9 [Brown]{.underline} v. [North Carolina Div. Of Motor Vehicles]{.underline}, 987 F. Supp. 451 (E.D.N.C. 1997), appeal pending, No. 97-2784 (4th Cir.) 3 [Brzonkala]{.underline} v. [Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State Univ]{.underline},\ 132 F.3d 949 (4th Cir. 1997), vacated for reh'g en banc (Feb. 5, 1998) 36, 38 [City of Boerne]{.underline} v. [Flores]{.underline}, 117 S. Ct. 2157 (1997) [passim]{.underline} [City of Cleburne]{.underline} v. [Cleburne Living Ctr.]{.underline},\ 473 U.S. 432 (1985) [passim]{.underline} [City of Rome]{.underline} v. [United States]{.underline}, 446 U.S. 156 (1980) 25 [Clark]{.underline} v. [California]{.underline}, 123 F.3d 1267 (9th Cir. 1997),\ cert. denied, 118 S. Ct. 2340 (1998) 4,9,26 [Coger]{.underline} v. [Board of Regents]{.underline}, No. 97-5134, 1998 WL\ 476164 (6th Cir. Aug. 17, 1998) 9 [Condon]{.underline} v. [Reno]{.underline}, 155 F.3d 453 (4^th^ Cir. 1998) 43,45 [Coolbaugh]{.underline} v. [Louisiana]{.underline}, 136 F.3d 430 (5th Cir.),\ cert. denied, 119 S. Ct. 58 (Oct. 5, 1998) 4,23,26 [Counsel]{.underline} v. [Dow]{.underline}, 849 F.2d 731 (2d Cir.), cert. denied,\ 488 U.S. 955 (1988) 9 **CASES (continued):** [Crawford]{.underline} v. [Indiana Dep't of Corrections]{.underline}, 115 F.3d 481\ (7th Cir. 1997), cert. denied, 118 S. Ct. 2340\ (1998) 4,9,26 [Crawford]{.underline} v. [Pittman]{.underline}, 708 F.2d 1028 (5th Cir. 1983) 10 [David D.]{.underline} v. [Dartmouth Sch. Comm.]{.underline}, 775 F.2d 411\ (1st Cir. 1985), cert. denied, 475 U.S. 1140\ (1986) 9 [Doe]{.underline} v. [University of Md. Med. System Corp.]{.underline}, 50 F.3d 1261\ (4th Cir. 1995) 14 [EEOC.]{.underline} v. [Wyoming]{.underline}, 460 U.S. 226 (1983) 5,27,28,43 [Employment Div.]{.underline} v. [Smith]{.underline}, 494 U.S. 872 (1990) 20,21 [Ex parte Virginia]{.underline}, 100 U.S. 339 (1879) 4 [Fitzpatrick]{.underline} v. [Bitzer]{.underline}, 427 U.S. 445 (1976) 5,31 [Fry]{.underline} v. [United States]{.underline}, 421 U.S. 542 (1975) 29,38 [Fullilove]{.underline} v. [Klutznick]{.underline}, 448 U.S. 448 (1980) 14,25,30 [Garcia]{.underline} v. [San Antonio Metro. Transit Auth.]{.underline}, 469 U.S. 528\ (1985) 42,43,45 [Goshtasby]{.underline} v. [Board of Trustees]{.underline}, 141 F.3d 761\ (7th Cir. 1998) 9 [Grano]{.underline} v. [Department of Dev.]{.underline}, 637 F.2d 1073 (6th Cir. 1980) 25 [Griffin]{.underline} v. [Illinois]{.underline}, 351 U.S. 12 (1956) 19 [Heart of Atlanta Motel, Inc.]{.underline} v. [United States]{.underline},\ 379 U.S. 241 (1964) 30,31 [Helen L.]{.underline} v. [DiDario]{.underline}, 46 F.3d 325 (3d Cir. 1994) 1 [Hodel]{.underline} v. [Virginia Surface Mining & Reclamation Ass'n]{.underline},\ 452 U.S. 264 (1981) 28,29 [Jenness]{.underline} v. [Fortson]{.underline}, 403 U.S. 431 (1971) 19 [Kathleen S.]{.underline} v. [Dep't. Of Public Welfare]{.underline},\ 10 F. Supp. 2d 460 (E.D. Pa. 1998) 40 [Katzenbach]{.underline} v. [McClung]{.underline}, 379 U.S. 294 (1964) [passim]{.underline} **CASES (continued):** [Katzenbach]{.underline} v. [Morgan]{.underline}, 384 U.S. 641 (1966) 5 [Keeton]{.underline} v. [University of Nev. Sys.]{.underline}, No. 97-17184, 1998 WL\ 381432 (9th Cir. July 10, 1998) 9 [Kimel]{.underline} v. [Board Of Regents]{.underline}, 139 F.3d 1426\ (11th Cir. 1998) 4,26 [L.C. by Zimring]{.underline} v. [Olmstead]{.underline}, 138 F.3d 893\ (11th Cir. 1998) 7,40,44 [Lake]{.underline} v. [Arnold]{.underline}, 112 F.3d 682 (3d Cir. 1997) 10 [Lau]{.underline} v. [Nichols]{.underline}, 483 F.2d 791 (9th Cir. 1973), rev'd,\ 414 U.S. 563 (1974) 20 [Lewis]{.underline} v. [Casey]{.underline}, 518 U.S. 343 (1996) 19 [M.L.B.]{.underline} v. [S.L.J.]{.underline}, 117 S. Ct. 555 (1996) 19 [Maryland]{.underline} v. [Wirtz]{.underline}, 392 U.S. 183 (1968) 37,38,42 [Mills]{.underline} v. [Maine]{.underline}, 118 F.3d 37 (1st Cir. 1997) 8 [Mitten]{.underline} v. [Muscogee County Sch. Dist.]{.underline}, 877 F.2d 932\ (11th Cir. 1989), cert. denied, 493 U.S. 1072\ (1990) 9 [Oxford House-C]{.underline} v. [City of St. Louis]{.underline}, 77 F.3d 249\ (8th Cir.), cert. denied, 117 S. Ct. 65 (1996) 30 [Penn. Dep't of Corrections]{.underline} v. [Yesky]{.underline},\ 118 S. Ct. 1952 (1998) 3 [Pierce]{.underline} v. [King]{.underline}, 918 F. Supp. 932 (E.D.N.C. 1996), aff'd\ on other grounds, 131 F.3d 136, 1997 WL 770564\ (4th Cir. Dec. 11, 1997), petition for cert. Filed\ (March 10, 1998) (No. 97-8592) 3 [Plyer]{.underline} v. [Doe]{.underline}, 457 U.S. 202 (1982) 18 [Printz]{.underline} v. [United States]{.underline}, 117 S. Ct. 2375 (1997) 45 [Proyect]{.underline} v. [United States]{.underline}, 101 F.3d 11 (2d. Cir. 1996) 39 [Ramirez]{.underline} v. [Puerto Rico Fire Serv.]{.underline}, 715 F.2d 694\ (1st Cir. 1983) 9 [Romer]{.underline} v. [Evans]{.underline}, 517 U.S. 620 (1996) 8 **CASES (continued):** [Santiago]{.underline} v. [New York State Dep't of Correctional Servs.]{.underline},\ 945 F.2d 25 (2d Cir. 1991), cert. denied,\ 502 U.S. 1094 (1992) 9 [School Bd. Of Nassau County]{.underline} v. [Arline]{.underline}, 480 U.S. 273\ (1987) 24 [Scott]{.underline} v. [University of Miss.]{.underline}, 148 F.3d 493 (5th Cir. 1998) 9 [Seaborn]{.underline} v. [Florida]{.underline}, 143 F.3d 1405 (11th Cir. 1998) 4,27 [Seminole Tribe of Florida]{.underline} v. [Florida]{.underline}, 517 U.S. 44\ (1996) 4,5 [South Carolina]{.underline} v. [Katzenbach]{.underline}, 383 U.S. 301\ (1966) 25 [Sunday Lake Iron Co.]{.underline} V. [Township of Wakefield]{.underline},\ 247 U.S. 350 (1918) 8 [United States]{.underline} v. [Bishop]{.underline}, 66 F.3d 569 (3d Cir. 1995),\ cert. denied, 516 U.S. 1032 (1995) 29 [United States]{.underline} v. [Horton]{.underline}, 601 F.2d 319 (7th Cir. 1979),\ cert. denied, 444 U.S. 937 (1979) 18 [United States]{.underline} v. [Kenney]{.underline}, 91 F.3d 884 (7th Cir. 1996) 29 [United States]{.underline} v. [Lopez]{.underline}, 514 U.S. 549 (1995) 27,29,35,36 [United States]{.underline} v. [Olin Corp.]{.underline}, 107 F.3d 1506\ (11th Cir. 1997) 39 [United States]{.underline} v. [Trupin]{.underline}, 117 F.3d 678 (2d Cir. 1977),\ cert. denied, 118 S. Ct. 699 (1998) 37 [United States]{.underline} v. [Wall]{.underline}, 92 F.3d 1444 (6th Cir. 1996),\ cert. denied, 117 S. Ct. 690 (1977) 37 [United States]{.underline} v. [Wilson]{.underline}, 73 F.3d 675 (7th Cir. 1995),\ cert. denied, 117 S. Ct. 46 (1996) 29,33,36 [United States]{.underline} v. [Zorilla]{.underline}, 93 F.3d 7 (1st Cir. 1996) 42 [United Steelworkers]{.underline} v. [Weber]{.underline}, 443 U.S. 193 (1979) 31 [Usery]{.underline} v. [Charleston County Sch. Dist.]{.underline}, 558 F.2d 1169\ (4th Cir. 1977) 6 **CASES (continued):** [West]{.underline} v. [Anne Arundel County]{.underline}, 137 F.3d 752 (4th Cir. 1998),\ pet. for cert. denied, 1998 WL 479777\ (U.S. Dec. 7, 1998) (No. 98-266). 45 [Westside Community Bd. Of Educ.]{.underline} V. [Mergens]{.underline},\ 496 U.S. 226 (1990) 6 [Wickard]{.underline} v. [Filburn]{.underline}, 317 U.S. 111 (1942) 29,38 [Williams]{.underline} v. [Wasserman]{.underline}, 937 F. Supp. 524 (D. Md. 1996) 1,2,7 [Willis]{.underline} v. [Dean Witter Reynolds, Inc.]{.underline}, 948 F.2d 305\ (6th Cir. 1991) 31 [Yellow Springs Exempted Village Sch. Dist.\ Bd. Of Ed.]{.underline} V. [Ohio High Sch. Athletic Ass'n]{.underline},\ 647 F.2d 651 (6th Cir. 1981) 19 **STATUTES:** Age Discrimination in Employment Act (ADEA),\ 29 U.S.C. 621 [et]{.underline} [seq]{.underline} 30\ 29 U.S.C. 623 38 Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA),\ 42 U.S.C. 12101-12117 44\ 42 U.S.C. 12101 (a)(2) 11,24\ 42 U.S.C. 12101 (a)(3) 13\ 42 U.S.C. 12101 (a)(5) 24\ 42 U.S.C. 12101 (a)(6) 13\ 42 U.S.C. 12101 (a)(7) 12\ 42 U.S.C. 12101 (a)(9) 14,33,40\ 42 U.S.C. 12101 (b)(4) 6,27,32\ 42 U.S.C. 12102 (2)(A) 18 Title I:\ 42 U.S.C. 12111 [et]{.underline} [seq]{.underline} 33 Title II:\ 42 U.S.C. 12131-12134 1\ 42 U.S.C. 12132 15\ 42 U.S.C. 12134 7 Title III:\ 42 U.S.C. 12181-12189 44\ 42 U.S.C. 12181 (7) 33 Title IV:\ 47 U.S.C. 225-611 44 **STATUTES (continued):** Civil Rights Act of 1964,\ 42 U.S.C. 2000e [et]{.underline} [seq]{.underline} 30 Fair Housing Act of 1968,\ 42 U.S.C. 3601 [et]{.underline} [seq]{.underline} 30 Gun-Free School Zones Act of 1990,\ 18 U.S.C. 922 (q)(1)(A) 35 Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA)\ 20 U.S.C. 1400 [et]{.underline} [seq]{.underline} 9 Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA)\ 42 U.S.C. 2000bb [et]{.underline} [seq]{.underline} 20\ 42 U.S.C. 2000bb-1 21\ 42 U.S.C. 2000e-2 38 Voting Rights Act, Section 5\ 42 U.S.C. 1973c 25 28 C.F.R. 35.130(b)(7) 15 28 C.F.R. 35.130(d) 7,15 28 C.F.R. 36.203(b) 44 **LEGISLATIVE HISTORY:** H.R. Rep. No. 485, Pt. 2, 101st Cong., 2d Sess.(1990) 11,12,40 H.R. Rep. No. 485, Pt. 3, 101st Cong., 2d Sess.(1990) S. Rep. No. 116, 101st Cong., 1st Sess. (1989) 11,32,34,40 136 Cong. Rec. 11,467 (1990) 10,34 **BOOKS AND ARTICLES:** Timothy M. Cook, [The Americans with Disabilities Act:\ The Move to Integration]{.underline}, 64 Temp. L. Rev. 393\ (1991) 11 Lowell P. Weicker, Jr., [Historical Background of the\ Americans with Disabilities Act]{.underline},\ 64 Temp. L. Rev. 387 (1991) 11 **REPORTS:** U.S. Commission on Civil Rights**,** [Accommodating the\ Spectrum of Individual Abilities]{.underline} (1983) 12,13,24 INTRODUCTION This case was filed by individuals with mental disabilities confined in Maryland State institutions against certain State officials. Plaintiffs seek prospective injunctive and other relief, including transfer to community-based care.[^1] On April 22, 1996, the United States sought leave of this Court to file an amicus brief addressing issues raised by the parties in their respective motions for summary judgment relating to this Court's interpretation of title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act ("ADA"), 42 U.S.C. 12131-12134, and the substantive due process rights of institutionalized persons under the Fourteenth Amendment. Leave was granted pursuant to an Order dated May 16, 1996, and the United States filed its brief on April 22, 1996. In its decision on the issues raised in these motions, [see]{.underline} [Williams]{.underline} v. [Wasserman]{.underline}, 937 F. Supp. 524 (D. Md. 1996), the Court held, [inter alia]{.underline}, that, "\* \* \* while the ADA does not place an affirmative obligation on the state to create or fundamentally alter a program of community-based treatment options, the ADA does oblige the defendants to make those options available to otherwise qualified individuals without regard to the severity or particular classification \* \* \* of their disabilities." [Id]{.underline}. at 530. The Court also cited the Third Circuit's decision in [Helen L.]{.underline} v. [DiDario]{.underline}, 46 F.3d 325 (3d Cir. 1994), with approval for the proposition that "the ADA and its attendant regulations clearly define unnecessary segregation as a form of illegal discrimination against the disabled." [Williams]{.underline}, 937 F.Supp. at 530, citing [Helen L.]{.underline}, 46 F.3d at 333. Following trial on the merits and the submission of post-trial briefs, defendants, by letter to this Court dated October 2, 1998, raised for the first time the question of whether Congress has the power, under title II of the ADA, to require the States to provide health-related services to persons with disabilities in the most integrated setting appropriate, and requested this Court's permission to submit a memorandum addressing that question. On October 15, 1998, defendants submitted a supplemental post-trial brief (corrected copy filed October 19, 1998), asserting that Congress lacked power under both the Fourteenth Amendment and the Commerce Clause to impose such a requirement on the States. Plaintiffs submitted their reply on November 9, 1998. By letter dated November 5, 1998, the United States notified this Court that it intended to file a motion to intervene in this case for the limited purpose of defending the constitutionality of the ADA and an accompanying brief addressing the defendants' constitutional arguments. We requested permission to file by December 9, 1998, which permission was granted by marginal ruling dated November 11, 1998. Concurrently with this brief, the United States has filed its motion seeking leave to intervene as of right for the sole purpose of defending the constitutionality of the ADA. Defendants do not oppose our intervention. The United States demonstrates below that Congress properly exercised its powers, under both Section 5 of the Fourteenth Amendment and the Commerce Clause, in prohibiting disability-based discrimination by State and local governmental entities under title II of the ADA. ARGUMENT I TITLE II OF THE AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT\ IS A VALID EXERCISE OF CONGRESS'S POWER UNDER\ SECTION 5 OF THE FOURTEENTH AMENDMENT Citing the Supreme Court\'s recent decision in [City of Boerne]{.underline} v. [Flores]{.underline}, 117 S. Ct. 2157 (1997), the defendants contend that, if title II of the ADA is interpreted to require States to provide health-related services to persons with disabilities in the most integrated setting appropriate, it exceeds Congress's power to legislate under Section 5 of the Fourteenth Amendment.[^2] [See]{.underline} Defendants' Supplemental Post-Trial Reply Brief (Defs.' Br.) at 2. To date, four courts of appeals have upheld the ADA as valid Section 5 legislation. [See]{.underline} [Crawford]{.underline} v. [Indiana Dep\'t of Corrections]{.underline}, 115 F.3d 481, 487 (7th Cir. 1997) cert. denied, 118 S. Ct. 2340 (1998); [Clark]{.underline} v. [California]{.underline}, 123 F.3d 1267, 1270-1271 (9th Cir. 1997), cert. denied, 118 S. Ct. 2340 (1998); [Coolbaugh]{.underline} v. [Louisiana]{.underline}, 136 F.3d 430, 438 (5th Cir.), cert. denied, 119 S. Ct. 58 (Oct. 5, 1998); [Kimel]{.underline} v. [Board of Regents]{.underline}, 139 F.3d 1426, 1433, 1442-1443 (11th Cir. 1998); [Seaborn]{.underline} v. [Florida]{.underline}, 143 F.3d 1405, 1407 (11th Cir. 1998). We agree with these courts and urge this Court to follow their well-reasoned decisions.[^3] Section 5 of the Fourteenth Amendment empowers Congress to enact "appropriate legislation" to "enforce" the Equal Protection Clause. As the Supreme Court explained over a hundred years ago: > Whatever legislation is appropriate, that is, adapted to carry out the > objects the amendments have in view, whatever tends to enforce > submission to the prohibitions they contain, and to secure to all > persons the enjoyment of perfect equality of civil rights and the > equal protection of the laws against State denial or invasion, if not > prohibited, is brought within the domain of congressional power. [Ex parte Virginia]{.underline}, 100 U.S. 339, 345-346 (1879). A statute is thus "appropriate legislation" to enforce the Equal Protection Clause if the statute "may be regarded as an enactment to enforce the Equal Protection Clause, \[if\] it is \'plainly adapted to that end\' and \[if\] it is not prohibited by but is consistent with \'the letter and spirit of the constitution.\'" [Katzenbach]{.underline} v. [Morgan]{.underline}, 384 U.S. 641, 651 (1966); [Abril]{.underline} v. [Virginia]{.underline}, 145 F.3d 182, 187 (4th Cir. 1998). And, contrary to defendants' apparent view of the law, neither the Fourteenth Amendment itself, nor the Supreme Court's opinion in [City of Boerne]{.underline}, prohibits Congress from enacting legislation that provides greater relief than the Constitution requires.[^4] > A. The ADA Is An Enactment To Enforce The Equal\ > [Protection Clause                           ]{.underline} Although Congress need not announce that it is legislating pursuant to its Section 5 authority, [see]{.underline} [Usery]{.underline} v. [Charleston County Sch. Dist.]{.underline}, 558 F.2d 1169, 1171 (4th Cir. 1977), Congress declared that its intent in enacting the ADA was "to invoke the sweep of congressional authority, including the power to enforce the fourteenth amendment \* \* \*, in order to address the major areas of discrimination faced day-to-day by people with disabilities." 42 U.S.C. 12101(b)(4). While such a declaration is not dispositive of Congress's authority, it carries significant weight. "Given the deference due \'the duly enacted and carefully considered decision of a coequal and representative branch of our Government,\'" a court is "not lightly \[to\] second-guess such legislative judgments." [Westside Community Bd. of Educ.]{.underline} v. [Mergens]{.underline}, 496 U.S. 226, 251 (1990). While defendants concede that people with disabilities are protected by the Equal Protection Clause, they suggest (Defs.' Br. at 11-12) that, because classifications on the basis of disability are not subject to strict scrutiny, Congress has exceeded its power to protect that class under the Fourteenth Amendment if the ADA is interpreted to require States to provide health-related services to people with disabilities in the "most integrated setting appropriate." 28 C.F.R. 35.130(d).[^5] However, as discussed in detail below, Congress may enact legislation that provides greater protection than the Constitution itself requires. To the extent defendants are attempting to argue, more broadly, that it is beyond Congress's power to legislate unless the courts have declared a classification "suspect" or "quasi-suspect," they are clearly wrong. Neither the prohibitions of the Equal Protection Clause nor Congress's Section 5 authority is limited to suspect or quasi-suspect classifications. "The purpose of the equal protection clause of the Fourteenth Amendment is to secure every person within the State\'s jurisdiction against intentional and arbitrary discrimination, whether occasioned by express terms of a statute or by its improper execution through duly constituted agents." [Sunday Lake Iron Co.]{.underline} v. [Township of Wakefield]{.underline}, 247 U.S. 350, 352 (1918). Thus "arbitrary and irrational discrimination violates the Equal Protection Clause under even \[the\] most deferential standard of review." [Bankers Life & Cas. Co.]{.underline} v. [Crenshaw]{.underline}, 486 U.S. 71, 83 (1988); [see]{.underline}, [e.g.]{.underline}, [Romer]{.underline} v. [Evans]{.underline}, 517 U.S. 620, 631-634 (1996); [Mills]{.underline} v. [Maine]{.underline}, 118 F.3d 37, 46 (1st Cir. 1997) (collecting cases). And, in [City of Cleburne]{.underline} v. [Cleburne Living Center]{.underline}, 473 U.S. 432, 450 (1985), the Supreme Court made clear that government discrimination on the basis of disability is prohibited by the Equal Protection Clause when it is arbitrary. Although a majority declined to deem classifications on the basis of mental retardation as "quasi-suspect," it held that this did not leave persons with such disabilities "unprotected from invidious discrimination." [Id]{.underline}. at 446. In affirming Congress's power to prohibit discrimination against persons with disabilities pursuant to Section 5, the Seventh Circuit explained, "\[i\]nvidious discrimination by governmental agencies \* \* \* violates the equal protection clause even if the discrimination is not racial, though racial discrimination was the original focus of the clause. In creating a remedy against such discrimination \[through the ADA\], Congress was acting well within its powers under section 5 \* \* \*." [Crawford]{.underline}, 115 F.3d at 487; accord [Clark]{.underline}, 123 F.3d at 1270-1271. This is consistent with the Fourth Circuit's holding in [Arritt]{.underline} v. [Grisell]{.underline}, 567 F.2d 1267, 1271 (1977), that the Age Discrimination in Employment Act (ADEA), 29 U.S.C. 621 [et]{.underline} [seq]{.underline}., is a valid exercise of Congress's Section 5 authority, despite the fact that age is not a suspect classification.[^6] Courts have reached a similar conclusion in cases involving the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), 20 U.S.C. 1400 [et]{.underline} [seq]{.underline}., which requires "access to specialized instruction and related services which are individually designed to provide educational benefit to the handicapped child." [Board of Educ.]{.underline} v. [Rowley]{.underline}, 458 U.S. 176, 201 (1982). The four courts of appeals to address the question have held that Congress validly exercised its Section 5 authority in enacting the IDEA. [See]{.underline} [Mitten]{.underline} v. [Muscogee County Sch. Dist.]{.underline}, 877 F.2d 932, 937 (11th Cir. 1989), cert. denied, 493 U.S. 1072 (1990); [Counsel]{.underline} v. [Dow]{.underline}, 849 F.2d 731, 737 (2d Cir. 1988), cert. denied, 488 U.S. 955 (1988); [David D.]{.underline} v. [Dartmouth Sch. Comm.]{.underline}, 775 F.2d 411, 421 n.7 (1st Cir. 1985), cert. denied, 475 U.S. 1140 (1986); [Crawford]{.underline} v. [Pittman]{.underline}, 708 F.2d 1028, 1036-1038 (5th Cir. 1983); [see]{.underline} [also]{.underline} [Lake]{.underline} v. [Arnold]{.underline}, 112 F.3d 682, 688 (3d Cir. 1997) (finding that animus against people with mental retardation constitutes "\'class-based invidiously discriminatory\' motivation" for purposes of 42 U.S.C. 1985(3)). Like these statutes, the ADA is legislation to enforce the Equal Protection Clause. As Representative Dellums explained during the enactment of the ADA, "we are empowered with a special responsibility by the 14th amendment to the Constitution to ensure that every citizen, not just those of particular ethnic groups, not just those who arguably are \'able-bodied,\' not just those who own property \-- but every citizen shall enjoy the equal protection of the laws." 136 Cong. Rec. 11,467 (1990); [see]{.underline} [also]{.underline} [id]{.underline}. at 11,468 (remarks of Rep. Hoyer). > B. The ADA Is Plainly Adapted To Enforcing The Equal [Protection > Clause                                ]{.underline} The defendants' central argument appears to be that the ADA is not validly enacted pursuant to the Fourteenth Amendment because it provides protection that is outside the scope of the Fourteenth Amendment. But the Supreme Court recently addressed the question of the permissible scope of a statute that is "plainly adapted" to enforcing the Fourteen Amendment and concluded that even statutes that prohibit more than the Equal Protection Clause itself prohibits can be "appropriate remedial measures" when there is "a congruence between the means used and the ends to be achieved." [City of Boerne]{.underline}, 117 S. Ct. at 2169. As the [Boerne]{.underline} Court stated, "\[t\]he appropriateness of remedial measures must be considered in light of the evil presented." [Ibid]{.underline}. Therefore, this Court must examine both the extent and nature of the discrimination faced by individuals with disabilities, and the appropriateness of the relief crafted by Congress when it enacted title II of the ADA. Although it was not required to do so, when Congress considered the ADA it created an extensive and detailed legislative record of the discrimination experienced by Americans with disabilities. > 1\. Congress Found That Discrimination Against People With > Disabilities Was Severe And Extended To Every Aspect Of Society In enacting the ADA, Congress made express findings about the status of people with disabilities in our society and determined that they were subject to continuing "serious and pervasive" discrimination that "tended to isolate and segregate individuals with disabilities." 42 U.S.C. 12101(a)(2).[^7] Evidence before Congress demonstrated that persons with disabilities were sometimes excluded from public services for no reason other than distaste for or fear of their disabilities. [See]{.underline} S. Rep. No. 116, 101st Cong., 1st Sess. 7-8 (1989) (citing instances of discrimination based on negative reactions to sight of disability) (Senate Report); H.R. Rep. No. 485, Pt. 2, 101st Cong., 2d Sess. 28-31 (1990) (same) (House Report). Indeed, the United States Commission on Civil Rights, after a thorough survey of the available data, documented that prejudice against persons with disabilities manifested itself in a variety of ways, including "reaction\[s\] of aversion," reliance on "false" stereotypes, and stigma associated with disabilities that lead to people with disabilities being "thought of as not quite human." U.S. Commission on Civil Rights, [Accommodating the Spectrum of Individual Abilities]{.underline}, 23-26 (1983); [see]{.underline} [also]{.underline} Senate Report, [supra]{.underline}, at 21. The negative attitudes, in turn, produced fear and reluctance on the part of people with disabilities to participate in society. [See]{.underline} Senate Report, [supra]{.underline}, at 16; House Report, [supra]{.underline}, at 35, 41-43; Cook, [supra]{.underline}, at 411. Congress thus concluded that persons with disabilities were "faced with restrictions and limitations . . . resulting from stereotypic assumptions not truly indicative of the individual ability of such individuals to participate in, and contribute to, society." 42 U.S.C. 12101(a)(7). The decades of ignorance, fear and misunderstanding created a tangled web of discrimination, resulting in and being reinforced by isolation and segregation. The evidence before Congress demonstrated that these attitudes were linked more generally to the segregation of people with disabilities. [See]{.underline} Senate Report, [supra]{.underline}, at 11; U.S. Commission on Civil Rights, [supra]{.underline}, at 43-45. This segregation was in part the result of government policies in "critical areas \[such\] as employment, housing, public accommodations, education, transportation, communication, recreation, [institutionalization]{.underline}, [health services]{.underline}, voting, and access to public services." 42 U.S.C. 12101(a)(3) (emphasis added). Evidence before Congress showed that government policies and practices, in tandem with similar private discrimination, produced a situation in which people with disabilities were largely poor, isolated, and segregated. As Justice Marshall explained, "lengthy and continuing isolation of \[persons with disabilities\] perpetuated the ignorance, irrational fears, and stereotyping that long have plagued them." [Cleburne]{.underline}, 473 U.S. at 464; [see]{.underline} [also]{.underline} U.S. Commission on Civil Rights, [supra]{.underline}, at 43-45. This evidence provided an ample basis for Congress to conclude that government discrimination was a root cause of "people with disabilities, as a group, occupy\[ing\] an inferior status in our society, and \[being\] severely disadvantaged socially, vocationally, economically, and educationally." 42 U.S.C. 12101(a)(6). > 2\. The ADA Is A Proportionate Response By Congress To Remedy And > Prevent The Pervasive Discrimination It Discovered Section 5 of the Fourteenth Amendment gives Congress broad power to address what it found to be the "continuing existence of unfair and unnecessary discrimination and prejudice \[that\] denies people with disabilities the opportunity . . . to pursue those opportunities for which our free society is justifiably famous." [See]{.underline} 42 U.S.C. 12101(a)(9). "It is fundamental that in no organ of government, state or federal, does there repose a more comprehensive remedial power than in the Congress, expressly charged by the Constitution with competence and authority to enforce equal protection guarantees." [Fullilove]{.underline} v. [Klutznick]{.underline}, 448 U.S. 448, 483 (1980) (opinion of Burger, C.J.). After extensive investigation prior to enacting the ADA, Congress found that the exclusion of persons with disabilities from public facilities, programs, and benefits was a result of past and on-going discrimination. [See]{.underline} 42 U.S.C. 12101. In the ADA, Congress sought to remedy the effects of past discrimination and prevent like discrimination in the future by mandating that "qualified handicapped individual\[s\] must be provided with [meaningful access]{.underline} to the benefit that the \[entity\] offers." [Alexander]{.underline} v. [Choate]{.underline}, 469 U.S. 287, 301 (1985) (emphasis added).[^8] Thus, title II of the ADA requires that \"no qualified individual with a disability shall, by reason of such disability, be excluded from participation in or be denied the benefits of the services, programs, or activities of a public entity, or be subjected to discrimination by any such entity.\" 42 U.S.C. 12132. And, in response to the widespread isolation and segregation identified by Congress and the consequent harm it discovered, regulations implementing title II of the ADA require that \"\[a\] public entity shall administer services, programs, and activities in the most [integrated]{.underline} setting appropriate to the needs of qualified individuals with disabilities.\" 28 C.F.R. 35.130(d)(emphasis added). While this requirement imposes some burden on the States, that burden is not unlimited. For example, regulations implementing title II of the ADA do not require public entities to make reasonable modifications to policies, practices, or procedures if \"the public entity can demonstrate that making the modifications would fundamentally alter the nature of the service, program, or activity.\" 28 C.F.R. 35.130(b)(7). > 3\. In Enacting The ADA, Congress Was Redressing Constitutionally > Cognizable Injuries In enacting the ADA, Congress was acting within the constitutional framework that has been laid out by the Supreme Court in cases such as [City of Cleburne]{.underline}. As discussed above, the Equal Protection Clause prohibits invidious discrimination, that is, "a classification whose relationship to \[a legitimate\] goal is so attenuated as to render the distinction arbitrary or irrational." [Cleburne]{.underline}, 473 U.S. at 446. In [Cleburne]{.underline}, the Supreme Court unanimously declared unconstitutional as invidious discrimination a decision by a city to deny a special use permit for the operation of a group home for people with mental retardation. A majority of the Court recognized that "through ignorance and prejudice \[persons with disabilities\] \'have been subjected to a history of unfair and often grotesque mistreatment.\'" [Id]{.underline}. at 454 (Stevens, J., concurring); [see]{.underline} [id]{.underline}. at 461 (Marshall, J., concurring in the judgment in part). The Court acknowledged that "irrational prejudice," [id]{.underline}. at 450, "irrational fears," [id]{.underline}. at 455 (Stevens, J.), and "impermissible assumptions or outmoded and perhaps invidious stereotypes," [id]{.underline}. at 465 (Marshall, J.), existed against people with disabilities in society at large and sometimes inappropriately infected government decision making. While a majority of the Court declined to deem classifications based on disability as "suspect" or "quasi-suspect," it elected not to do so, in part, because it did not want to unduly limit legislative solutions to problems faced by the disabled. The Court reasoned that "\[h\]ow this large and diversified group is to be treated under the law is a difficult and often technical matter, very much a task for legislators guided by qualified professionals." [Id]{.underline}. at 442-443. It specifically noted with approval legislation such as Section 504 and IDEA, which aimed at protecting persons with disabilities, and openly worried that requiring governmental entities to justify their efforts under heightened scrutiny might "lead \[governmental entities\] to refrain from acting at all." [Id]{.underline}. at 444. Nevertheless, the Court did affirm that "there have been and there will continue to be instances of discrimination against \[persons with mental retardation\] that are in fact invidious, and that are properly subject to judicial correction under constitutional norms," [id]{.underline}. at 446, and found the actions at issue in that case unconstitutional. In doing so, it articulated several criteria for making such determinations in cases involving disabilities. First, the Court held that the fact that persons with mental retardation were "indeed different from others" did not preclude a claim that they were denied equal protection; instead, it had to be shown that the difference was relevant to the "legitimate interests" furthered by the rules. [Id]{.underline}. at 448. Second, in measuring the government\'s interest, the Court did not examine all conceivable rationales for the differential treatment of persons with mental retardation; instead, it looked to the record and found that "the record \[did\] not reveal any rational basis" for the decision to deny a special use permit. [Ibid]{.underline}.; [see]{.underline} [also]{.underline} [id]{.underline}. at 450 (stating that "this record does not clarify how \* \* \* the characteristics of \[people with mental retardation\] rationally justify denying" to them what would be permitted to others). Third, the Court found that "mere negative attitudes, or fear, unsubstantiated by factors which are properly cognizable \* \* \* are not permissible bases" for imposing special restrictions on persons with disabilities. [Id]{.underline}. at 448. Thus, as the Court recognized, the Equal Protection Clause of its own force proscribes treating persons with disabilities differently when the government has not put forward evidence justifying the difference or where the justification is based on mere negative attitudes. The Supreme Court has also recognized that the principle of equality is not an empty formalism divorced from the realities of day-to-day life, and thus the Equal Protection Clause is not limited to prohibiting unequal treatment of similarly situated persons. The Equal Protection Clause also guarantees "that people of different circumstances will not be treated as if they were the same." [United States]{.underline} v. [Horton]{.underline}, 601 F.2d 319, 324 (7th Cir. 1979), cert. denied, 444 U.S. 937 (1979) (quoting Ronald D. Rotunda & John E. Nowak, [Treatise on Constitutional Law]{.underline} 520 (1978)). By definition, persons with disabilities have "a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more \* \* \* major life activities." 42 U.S.C. 12102(2)(A). Thus, as to those life activities, "the handicapped typically are not similarly situated to the nonhandicapped." [Alexander]{.underline}, 469 U.S. at 298. The Constitution is not blind to this reality and instead, in certain circumstances, requires equal access rather than simply identical treatment. While it is true that the "\'Constitution does not require things which are different in fact or opinion to be treated in law as though they were the same,\'" [Plyler]{.underline} v. [Doe]{.underline}, 457 U.S. 202, 216 (1982), it is also true that "\[s\]ometimes the grossest discrimination can lie in treating things that are different as though they were exactly alike." [Jenness]{.underline} v. [Fortson]{.underline}, 403 U.S. 431, 442 (1971).[^9] Thus, there is a basis in constitutional law for recognizing that discrimination exists not only by treating people with disabilities differently for no legitimate reason, but also by treating them identically when they have recognizable differences. As the Sixth Circuit has explained in a case involving gender classifications, "in order to measure equal opportunity, present relevant differences cannot be ignored. When males and females are not in fact similarly situated and when the law is blind to those differences, there may be as much a denial of equality as when a difference is created which does not exist." [Yellow Springs Exempted Village Sch. Dist. Bd. of Educ.]{.underline} v. [Ohio High Sch. Athletic Ass\'n]{.underline}, 647 F.2d 651, 657 (6th Cir. 1981); [see]{.underline} also [Lau]{.underline} v. [Nichols]{.underline}, 483 F.2d 791, 806 (9th Cir. 1973) (Hufstedler, J., dissenting from the denial of reh\'g en banc), rev\'d, 414 U.S. 563 (1974). Similarly, it is also a denial of equality when access to facilities, benefits and services is denied because the State refuses to acknowledge the "real and undeniable differences between \[persons with disabilities\] and others." [Cleburne]{.underline}, 473 U.S. at 444. 4. Unlike The Statute Found Unconstitutional In [City Of Boerne]{.underline}, The ADA Is A Remedial And Preventive Scheme Proportional To The Injury As the Supreme Court has stated, "\[l\]egislation which deters or remedies constitutional violations can fall within the sweep of Congress's enforcement power even if in the process it prohibits conduct which is not itself unconstitutional." [City of Boerne]{.underline}, 117 S. Ct. at 2163. Thus, there is no need for this Court to decide whether every requirement of the ADA could be ordered by a court under the authority of the Equal Protection Clause. It is sufficient that Congress found that the ADA was appropriate legislation to redress the rampant discrimination it discovered in its decades-long examination of the question. Congress's decision to follow the teachings of [Cleburne]{.underline} in enacting the ADA distinguishes this case from [City of Boerne]{.underline}. The Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA), 42 U.S.C. 2000bb [et]{.underline} [seq]{.underline}. (the statute at issue in [City of Boerne]{.underline}), was enacted by Congress in response to the Supreme Court\'s decision in [Employment Division]{.underline} v. [Smith]{.underline}, 494 U.S. 872 (1990). [Smith]{.underline} held that the Free Exercise Clause did not require States to provide exceptions to neutral and generally applicable laws even when those laws significantly burdened religious practices. [See]{.underline} [id]{.underline}. at 887. In RFRA, Congress attempted to overcome the effects of [Smith]{.underline} by imposing through legislation a requirement that laws substantially burdening a person\'s exercise of religion be justified as in furtherance of a compelling State interest and as the least restrictive means of furthering that interest. [See]{.underline} 42 U.S.C. 2000bb-1. The Court found that in enacting this standard, Congress was not acting in response to a history of unconstitutional activity. Indeed, "RFRA\'s legislative record lack\[ed\] examples of modern instances of generally applicable laws passed because of religious bigotry." [City of Boerne]{.underline}, 117 S. Ct. at 2169. Rather, the Court found that Congress simply disagreed with the Court\'s decision about the substance of the Free Exercise Clause and was "attempt\[ing\] a substantive change in constitutional protections." [Id]{.underline}. at 2170. As such, the Court found RFRA an unconstitutional exercise of Section 5. It explained that the authority to enforce the Fourteenth Amendment is a broad power to remedy past and present discrimination and to prevent future discrimination. [Id]{.underline}. at 2163, 2172. And it reaffirmed that Congress can prohibit activities that themselves were not unconstitutional in furtherance of its remedial scheme. [Id]{.underline}. at 2163, 2167, 2169. It stressed, however, that Congress's power had to be linked to constitutional injuries, and that there must be a "congruence and proportionality" between the identified harms and the statutory remedy. [Id]{.underline}. at 2164. In [City of Boerne]{.underline} the Court found that RFRA was "out of proportion" to the problems identified so that it could not be viewed as preventive or remedial. [Id]{.underline}. at 2170. First, it found that there was no "pattern or practice of unconstitutional conduct under the Free Exercise Clause as interpreted in [Smith]{.underline}." [Id]{.underline}. at 2171; [see]{.underline} also [id]{.underline}. at 2169 (surveying legislative record). It also found that RFRA\'s requirement that the State prove a compelling State interest and narrow tailoring imposed "the most demanding test known to constitutional law" and thus possessed a high "likelihood of invalidat\[ing\]" many State laws. [Id]{.underline}. at 2171. While stressing that Congress was entitled to "much deference" in determining the need for and scope of laws to enforce Fourteenth Amendment rights, [id]{.underline}. at 2172, the Court found that Congress had simply gone so far in attempting to regulate local behavior that, in light of the lack of evidence of a risk of unconstitutional conduct, it could no longer be viewed as remedial or preventive. [Id]{.underline}. at 2169-2170. As we have shown above, despite the defendants\' assertions (Defs.' Br. 9-10), none of the specific concerns articulated by the Court in [Boerne]{.underline} apply to the ADA.[^10] But the ADA differs from RFRA in a more fundamental way. RFRA was attempting to expand the substantive meaning of the Fourteenth Amendment by imposing a strict scrutiny standard on the States in the absence of evidence of widespread use of constitutionally improper criteria. The ADA, on the other hand, is simply seeking to make effective the right to be free from invidious discrimination by establishing a remedial scheme tailored to detecting and preventing those activities most likely to be the result of past or present discrimination. Moreover, unlike the background to RFRA \-- which demonstrated that Congress acted out of displeasure with the Court\'s decision in [Smith]{.underline} \-- there is no evidence that Congress enacted the ADA because of its disagreement with any decision of the Court. "In the ADA, Congress included no language attempting to upset the balance of powers and usurp the Court\'s function of establishing a standard of review by establishing a standard different from the one previously established by the Supreme Court." [Coolbaugh]{.underline}, 136 F.3d at 438. Viewed in light of the underlying Equal Protection principles, the ADA is appropriate preventive and remedial legislation. First, it is preventive in that it establishes a statutory scheme that attempts to detect government activities likely tainted by discrimination. For example, the ADA regulations require States to conduct self-evaluations of policies, programs, and activities in order to determine that any distinctions they make based on disability, or refusals to provide meaningful or integrated access to facilities, programs, and services are based on legitimate governmental objectives. The ADA thus attempts to ensure that inaccurate stereotypes or irrational fear are not the true cause of State decisions. [See]{.underline} [Bangerter]{.underline} v. [Orem City Corp.]{.underline}, 46 F.3d 1503 & n.20 (10th Cir. 1995); cf. [School Bd. of Nassau County]{.underline} v. [Arline]{.underline}, 480 U.S. 273, 284-285 (1987). This approach is similar to the standards articulated by the Court in [Cleburne]{.underline}. Second, the ADA is remedial in that it attempts to ensure that the interests of people with disabilities are taken into account. Not surprisingly, given their profound segregation from the rest of society, [see]{.underline} 42 U.S.C. 12101(a)(2), the needs of persons with disabilities were not considered when rules were promulgated, standards were set, and the built environment was designed. As a result, Congress determined that for an entity to treat persons with disabilities as it did those without disabilities was not sufficient to eliminate the effects of years of segregation and to give persons with disabilities equally meaningful access to every aspect of society. [See]{.underline} 42 U.S.C. 12101(a)(5); [see]{.underline} [also]{.underline} U.S. Commission on Civil Rights, [supra]{.underline}, at 99. When persons with disabilities have been segregated, isolated, and denied effective participation in society, Congress may conclude that affirmative measures are necessary to bring them into the mainstream. Cf. [Fullilove]{.underline}, 448 U.S. at 477-478. The ADA thus falls neatly in line with other statutes that have been upheld as valid Section 5 legislation. For when there is evidence of a history of extensive discrimination, as here, Congress may prohibit or require modifications of rules, policies and practices that tend to have a discriminatory effect on a class or individual, regardless of the intent behind those actions. In [South Carolina]{.underline} v. [Katzenbach]{.underline}, 383 U.S. 301, 325-337 (1966), and again in [City of Rome]{.underline} v. [United States]{.underline}, 446 U.S. 156, 177 (1980), both cited with approval in [City of Boerne]{.underline}, the Supreme Court upheld the constitutionality of Section 5 of the Voting Rights Act, 42 U.S.C. 1973c, which prohibits covered jurisdictions from implementing any electoral change that is discriminatory in effect. Similarly, the courts of appeals have unanimously upheld the application of title VII\'s disparate impact standard to States as a valid exercise of Congress's Section 5 authority. [See]{.underline} [Grano]{.underline} v. [Department of Dev.]{.underline}, 637 F.2d 1073, 1080 n.6 (6th Cir. 1980) (collecting cases); [see]{.underline} [also]{.underline} [City of Boerne]{.underline}, 117 S. Ct. at 2169 (agreeing that "Congress can prohibit laws with discriminatory effects in order to prevent racial discrimination in violation of the Equal Protection Clause"). In sum, there can be no dispute that "well-cataloged instances of invidious discrimination against the handicapped do exist." [Alexander]{.underline} v. [Choate]{.underline}, 469 U.S. 287, 295 n.12 (1985). In exercising its broad power under Section 5 to remedy the ongoing effects of past discrimination and prevent present and future discrimination, Congress is afforded "wide latitude." [City of Boerne]{.underline}, 117 S. Ct. at 2164. As the Supreme Court reaffirmed in [City of Boerne]{.underline}, "\[i\]t is for Congress in the first instance to \'determine whether and what legislation is needed to secure the guarantees of the Fourteenth Amendment,\' and its conclusions are entitled to much deference." [Id]{.underline}. at 2172 (quoting [Katzenbach]{.underline}, 384 U.S. at 651). Following this tradition, the Fifth Circuit recently held that "the ADA represents Congress's considered efforts to remedy and prevent what it perceived as serious, widespread discrimination against the disabled. \* \* \* We cannot say \* \* \*, in light of the extensive findings of unconstitutional discrimination made by Congress, that these remedies are too sweeping to survive the [Flores]{.underline} proportionality test for legislation that provides a remedy for unconstitutional discrimination or prevents threatened unconstitutional actions." [Coolbaugh]{.underline} v. [Louisiana]{.underline}, 136 F.3d 430, 438 (5th Cir.), cert. denied, 119 S. Ct. 58 (Oct. 5, 1998). This holding is consistent with all the other courts of appeals that have considered the issue since [Seminole Tribe]{.underline}. [See]{.underline} [Crawford]{.underline} v. [Indiana Dep\'t of Corrections]{.underline}, 115 F.3d 481, 487 (7th Cir. 1997) cert. denied, 118 S. Ct. 2340 (1998); [Clark]{.underline} v. [California]{.underline}, 123 F.3d 1267, 1270-1271 (9th Cir. 1997), cert. denied, 118 S. Ct. 2340 (1998); [Kimel]{.underline} v. [Board of Regents]{.underline}, 139 F.3d 1426, 1433, 1442-1443 (11th Cir. 1998); [Seaborn]{.underline} v. [Florida]{.underline}, 143 F.3d 1405, 1407 (11th Cir. 1998). [^11] We urge this Court to follow these well-reasoned opinions. II TITLE II OF THE AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT IS A VALID EXERCISE OF CONGRESS'S COMMERCE CLAUSE POWER In enacting the ADA, Congress specifically invoked its authority under the Commerce Clause. 42 U.S.C. § 12101(b)(4). The defendants, however, make the narrow argument that Congress does not have the power under the Commerce Clause to require States to provide health-related services to persons with disabilities in the most integrated setting appropriate. Defendants argue that this activity does not have a substantial effect on interstate commerce, citing [United States]{.underline} v. [Lopez]{.underline}, 514 U.S. 549 (1995). They also argue that Congress\'s commerce power is constrained in this context by the Tenth Amendment. Because, as discussed in Section I above, application of the ADA in this context falls plainly within Congress\'s power to enforce the Fourteenth Amendment, this Court need not address these arguments. Cf. [EEOC]{.underline} v. [Wyoming]{.underline}, 460 U.S. 226, 243 (1983). Nevertheless, as discussed below, the ADA is a permissible exercise of Congress\'s commerce power. Congress had a rational basis for concluding that discrimination on the basis of disability \-- like the other forms of invidious discrimination it had previously proscribed \-- has a substantial effect on interstate commerce, including such discrimination by public entities covered under title II.[^12] That ends the Commerce Clause inquiry. Defendants' more narrow argument, focusing only on the application of the ADA to the \"community placement of the traumatically brain injured from state mental hospitals\" (Defs.' Br. at 5), is misplaced. If a general regulatory statute bears a substantial relation to commerce, it may be applied to individual instances arising under the statute notwithstanding their [de]{.underline} [minimis]{.underline} character. In any event, Congress could have also rationally concluded that the ADA\'s proscription of the unnecessary isolation and segregation of people with disabilities from the community has a substantial effect on interstate commerce. > A. Congress Had A Rational Basis For Concluding That Discrimination > Against the Disabled, Including As Proscribed By Title II Of The ADA, > Substantially [Affects Interstate > Commerce                     ]{.underline} 1. Congress Possesses Broad Powers Under The Commerce Clause To Enact Civil Rights Legislation Congress\'s power under the Commerce Clause is exceedingly broad, and therefore the \"task of a court that is asked to determine whether a particular exercise of congressional power is valid under the Commerce Clause is relatively narrow.\" [Hodel]{.underline} v. [Virginia Surface Mining & Reclamation Ass\'n]{.underline}, 452 U.S. 264, 276 (1981). The reviewing court must determine whether Congress had a rational basis for finding that a regulated activity substantially affects interstate commerce and, if so, must defer to that finding. [Ibid.]{.underline}; [see]{.underline} generally [Lopez]{.underline}, 514 U.S. at 558-560. \"The judicial task is at an end once the court determines that Congress acted rationally in adopting a particular regulatory scheme.\" [Hodel]{.underline}, 452 U.S. at 276.[^13] Congress, however, is not required to make formal findings \"as to the substantial burdens that an activity has on interstate commerce.\" [Lopez]{.underline}, 514 U.S. at 562. The evidence presented before Congress may \"fully indicate the nature and effect of the burdens on interstate commerce which Congress meant to alleviate.\" [Katzenbach]{.underline} v. [McClung]{.underline}, 379 U.S. 294, 304 (1964). As the Seventh Circuit has explained, in addressing a challenge to Congress\'s commerce power, the court\'s task is \"merely to determine whether Congress [could]{.underline} [have]{.underline} [had]{.underline} a rational basis to support the exercise of its commerce power.\" [United States]{.underline} v. [Kenney]{.underline}, 91 F.3d 884, 886 (7th Cir. 1996)(emphasis added). Moreover, where Congress has repeatedly legislated in a particular area, and in such legislation has heard extensive evidence on the burdens of the targeted activity on interstate commerce, those findings may be treated as a reliable statement of Congress\'s authority to pass subsequent, related legislation. As Justice Powell explained in [Fullilove]{.underline} v. [Klutznick]{.underline}, 448 U.S. 448, 502-503 (1980) (Powell, J., concurring), \"information and expertise that Congress acquires in the consideration and enactment of earlier legislation\" may be sufficient where \"Congress has legislated repeatedly in an area of national concern.\" Civil rights legislation is an example of such an area. As the Supreme Court has recognized, \"\[t\]he power of Congress in this field is broad and sweeping; where it keeps within its sphere and violates no express constitutional limitation it has been the rule of this Court, going back almost to the founding days of the Republic, not to interfere.\" [McClung]{.underline}, 379 U.S. at 305. Thus, through its passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964,[^14] as well as other Federal civil rights statutes, Congress was aware that invidious discrimination in a broad array of contexts, based on race as well as on other bases, directly affects interstate commerce.[^15] [See]{.underline} generally [Heart of Atlanta Motel, Inc.]{.underline} v. [United States]{.underline}, 379 U.S. 241, 257 (1964) (in addressing the public accommodations provision of title II of the 1964 Act, Congress was presented with \"overwhelming evidence of the disruptive effect that racial discrimination has had on commercial intercourse\"); [McClung]{.underline}, 379 U.S. at 299-301 (addressing the application of title II of the 1964 Act to a restaurant).[^16] The Americans With Disabilities Act is Congress\'s most extensive piece of civil rights legislation since the Civil Rights Act of 1964. The purpose of the ADA \"is to provide a clear and comprehensive national mandate to end discrimination against individuals with disabilities and to bring persons with disabilities into the economic and social mainstream of American life.\" S. Rep. No. 116, 101st Cong, 1st Sess. 2. In fulfilling that mandate by enacting the ADA, Congress specifically provided that it was invoking \"the sweep of \[its\] congressional authority, including \[its\] power \* \* \* to regulate commerce.\" 42 U.S.C. 12101(b)(4). Since the subject matter of the ADA is directly related to the other civil rights legislation based on Congress\'s commerce power, the legislative findings underlying the prior legislation also provide a reliable statement of the basis for Congress\'s enactment of the ADA.[^17] Thus, in enacting the ADA\'s comprehensive prohibitions against discrimination on the basis of disability \-- whether in employment (title I), public services by States and cities (title II), or public accommodations (title III) \-- Congress had a rational basis for concluding that such discrimination, like other forms of invidious discrimination against which it had previously legislated, substantially affects interstate commerce.[^18] 2. The Statutory Findings And Legislative History Of The ADA Make Clear That Discrimination Against Persons With Disabilities Affects Interstate Commerce In any event, in enacting the ADA Congress provided examples of the manner in which discrimination against persons with disabilities affects the national economy. The statutory \"\[f\]indings\" provide that Congress found that \"studies \[and other data\] have documented that people with disabilities, as a group, occupy an inferior status in our society, and are severely disadvantaged socially, vocationally, economically, and educationally.\" 42 U.S.C. 12101(a)(6). Congress further found that \"the continuing existence of unfair and unnecessary discrimination \* \* \* denie\[d\] people with disabilities the opportunity to compete on an equal basis \* \* \* and costs the United States billions of dollars in unnecessary expenses resulting from dependency and nonproductivity.\" 42 U.S.C. 12101 (a)(9). Congress based these findings on the extensive evidence and testimony it received during the hearings held to consider the ADA. For example, Attorney General Thornburgh stated that: > We must recognize that passing comprehensive civil rights legislation > protecting persons with disabilities will have direct and tangible > benefits for our country \* \* \*. Certainly, the elimination of > employment discrimination and the mainstreaming of persons with > disabilities will result in more persons with disabilities working, in > increased earnings, in less dependence on the Social Security system > for financial support, in increased spending on consumer goods, and > increased tax revenues. S. Rep. No. 116, [supra]{.underline}, at 17. Similarly, President Bush stated that: On the cost side, the National Council on the > Handicapped states that current spending on disability benefits and > programs exceeds \$60 billion annually. Excluding the millions of > disabled who want to work from the employment ranks costs society > literally billions of dollars annually in support payments and lost > income revenues. [Ibid.]{.underline} Further, Congressman Steny Hoyer, after noting that Congress \"has broad authority to pass antidiscrimination laws under the commerce clause,\" summarized that: > \[t\]he extensive hearings on the ADA amply demonstrate how > discrimination against people with disabilities has made it difficult > for them to participate in the commercial life of this country. The > Harris polls, cited in a number of the committee hearings, set forth > clearly the myriad ways in which people with disabilities have been > precluded, through various forms of discrimination, from public > accommodations, from traveling, and from gaining employment. 136 Cong. Rec. 11,468 (1990). [See]{.underline} [also]{.underline} pages 11-13, [supra]{.underline}. Thus, even apart from the findings underlying its prior, related, civil rights legislation, Congress had a rational basis for concluding that discrimination against persons with disabilities substantially affects interstate commerce. > 3\. Congress's Reliance On Its Commerce Clause Powers In Enacting > Title II Of The ADA Is Consistent With The Lopez Decision This conclusion is not inconsistent with the Supreme Court\'s decision in [Lopez]{.underline}, which held that Congress exceeded its commerce power in enacting the Gun-Free School Zones Act of 1990, 18 U.S.C. 922(q)(1)(A). The Court concluded that possession of a firearm in a local school zone bore such an attenuated relationship to interstate commerce that it would be required to \"pile inference upon inference\" to conclude that the regulated conduct affects commerce. 514 U.S. at 567. The Court also noted the absence of evidence or congressional findings demonstrating that the regulated conduct substantially affects interstate commerce. [Id.]{.underline} at 562-563. The Court further stated that Congress could not rely on its \"accumulated institutional expertise regarding the regulation of firearms through previous enactments\" because the prior Federal statutes and congressional findings do not speak to the subject matter of Section 922(q) or its relationship to interstate commerce. [Id.]{.underline} at 563. The Court emphasized, the statute plowed \"new ground\" and represented a \"sharp break with the long-standing pattern of federal firearms legislation.\" [Ibid.]{.underline} (internal quotation marks omitted). Unlike in [Lopez]{.underline}, the link between the activities regulated by the ADA and interstate commerce is amply supported by both its legislative history and the express congressional findings contained in the Act.[^19] Moreover, the ADA does not represent a \"sharp break\" with prior civil rights legislation; indeed, as we have noted, it is directly related to other Federal civil rights legislation, and expands their protection.[^20] Cf. [Brzonkala]{.underline} v. [Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University]{.underline}, 132 F.3d 949, 971 (4th Cir. 1997) (the court followed [Lopez]{.underline} in holding that Congress did not exceed the scope of its commerce power in enacting title III of the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA), 42 U.S.C. 13981 (1994); the court emphasized that "VAWA legislates in an area \-- civil rights \-- that has been a federal responsibility since shortly after the Civil War," and \"a quintessential area of federal expertise\"), vacated on rehearing en banc (Feb. 5, 1998).[^21] > B. Congress Had A Rational Basis For Concluding That Unnecessarily > Segregating Disabled Persons In Public Institutions, And Thereby > Failing To Administer Services, Programs, And Activities For Such > Persons In The Most Integrated Setting Appropriate, Substantially > [Affects Interstate Commerce                           ]{.underline} 1\. Once Congress Concludes That An Activity Substantially Affects Interstate Commerce, It Is Not Required To Establish An Interstate Nexus For Every Possible Application Of The Statute Since Congress had ample basis to conclude that discrimination against the disabled, like other forms of invidious discrimination, substantially affects interstate commerce, that should end the inquiry. Congress is not required to establish an interstate commerce nexus in every conceivable application of the statute; rather, it is sufficient if the class of activities that is regulated, when aggregated, substantially affect interstate commerce. In [Maryland]{.underline} v. [Wirtz]{.underline}, 392 U.S. 183, 192-193 (1968), the Court explained that Congress has the power \"to declare that an entire class of activities affects commerce. The only question for the courts is then whether the class is within the reach of the federal power.\" The Court further explained that \"where a general regulatory statute bears a substantial relation to commerce, the [de]{.underline} [minimis]{.underline} character of individual instances arising under that statute is of no consequence.\" [Id.]{.underline} at 197 n.27.; [see]{.underline} [also]{.underline} [McClung]{.underline}, 379 U.S. at 301; [Wickard]{.underline} v. [Filburn]{.underline}, 317 U.S. 111 (1942); [Fry]{.underline} v. [United States]{.underline}, 421 U.S. 542, 547 (1975). Thus, the fact that the ADA, like all anti-discrimination statutes, proscribes discrimination in generalized language is immaterial when application of the statute to a specific set of facts is challenged under the Commerce Clause.[^22] For example, in [Brzonkala]{.underline} the Fourth Circuit did not address whether, in enacting the VAWA, Congress had a rational basis to conclude that the gang rape of a college student in her dormitory by other college students (the underlying facts of the case) had the requisite effect on interstate commerce. Instead, the court focused on the regulated activity \-- \"violence against women\" \-- and examined whether Congress had a rational basis for concluding that such violence, discussed generally, substantially affected interstate commerce. 132 F.3d at 967-968. Thus, in this case, once the court finds that Congress had a rational basis to conclude that discrimination on the basis of disability by the covered entities affects interstate commerce, it need not examine whether the specific discriminatory acts alleged in the complaint themselves substantially affect interstate commerce.[^23] 2. Even If Congress Were Required To Establish That The ADA, As Applied In This Case, Affects Interstate Commerce, It Is Apparent That Congress Had A Rational Basis For Reaching That Conclusion Even if the court were to examine the application of title II of the ADA in this case more narrowly, it is plain that Congress had a rational basis for concluding that unnecessarily segregating disabled persons from society, and failing to integrate them into more appropriate and less restrictive environments, substantially affects interstate commerce.[^24] First, the congressional findings reflected in the ADA make clear that Congress viewed \"institutionalization\" as one of the \"critical areas\" in which discrimination against persons with disabilities persists. 42 U.S.C. 12101(a)(3). The same findings also make clear that Congress did not simply view disability-based discrimination that is manifested in the isolation and segregation of persons with disabilities as purely a social problem, but also as a sizable economic one. [See]{.underline} 42 U.S.C. 12101(a)(9). Further, the legislative history of the ADA makes clear that in enacting the ADA Congress focused specifically on the \"integration of persons with disabilities into the economic and social mainstream of American life.\" S. Rep. No. 116, [supra]{.underline}, at 20; [see]{.underline} [also]{.underline} H. Rep. No. 485, Pt. 3, 101st Cong., 2nd Sess 49-50 (1990) (the purpose of title II \"is to continue to break down barriers to the integrated participation of people with disabilities in all aspects of community life\"; the \"integration of people with disabilities \* \* \* will benefit society as a whole\"). [See]{.underline} [generally]{.underline} Memorandum of the United States, [supra]{.underline} n.5, at 10-12, 14-17 (summarizing ADA\'s focus on the problem of the institutionalization of persons with disabilities and need to integrate them into the economic and social mainstream).[^25] More particularly, Congress could have had a rational basis for concluding that the conduct targeted by title II\'s integration requirement has a direct economic effect. First, as a result of moving disabled individuals from State institutions to community-based treatment, these individuals generally become eligible for State services designed to enhance their ability to live and work in the community. [See]{.underline} Plaintiffs' Reply to Defendants' Supplemental Post-Trial Brief (Pls.' Br.) at III.C.1. In addition, as a result of integration disabled persons have a greater opportunity to purchase goods and services, including food, clothing, and other personal items. [See]{.underline} [Cook]{.underline}, [supra]{.underline} at 450, 450 n. 385 (collecting studies); Pls.' Br. at III.C.2.; cf. [McClung]{.underline}, 379 U.S. at 299 (decrease in spending resulting from racial discrimination by restaurant has a close connection to interstate commerce). Finally, since community placements are effectuated through contracts, these contracts are themselves economic transactions that substantially affect interstate commerce, and result in other transactions and purchases ([e.g.]{.underline}, the rental of homes or apartments) that, in the aggregate, affect interstate commerce. [See]{.underline} Pls.' Br. at III C.3. Defendants suggest, however, that the court must examine the application of title II even more narrowly, [i.e.]{.underline}, to whether the \"community placement of the traumatically brain injured from state mental hospitals\" substantially affects interstate commerce. As the above discussion makes clear, there is no basis for such an analysis. Since Congress could have rationally concluded that the mainstreaming of individuals with disabilities would result in increased employment, consumer spending, and other activities that affect interstate commerce, it is unnecessary for this Court to examine how commerce is affected each time a person with a particular disability seeks a less restrictive community placement. Again, once a court \"find\[s\] that the legislators, in light of the facts and testimony before them, have a rational basis for finding a chosen regulatory scheme necessary to the protection of commerce, \[its\] investigation is at an end.\" [McClung]{.underline}, 379 U.S. at 303-304; [Maryland]{.underline} v. [Wirtz]{.underline}, 392 U.S. at 197 n.27; cf. [United States]{.underline} v. [Zorrilla]{.underline}, 93 F.3d 7, 9 (1st Cir. 1996) (\"courts, when passing on the constitutionality of a statutory provision, must view it in the context of whole statutory scheme\" (internal quotation marks omitted)). > C. Congress\'s Commerce Clause Power In Enacting Title II [Of The ADA > Is Not Constrained By The Tenth Amendment]{.underline} Defendants argue (Defs.' Br. at 5) that "the inherent limitations of federalism and the Tenth Amendment" limit Congress\'s power under the Commerce Clause to regulate the State\'s provision of health-related services to individuals with disabilities. This argument is wrong. Because the ADA\'s integration requirement is a law of general applicability that applies to both private entities and State governments, Congress\'s commerce power in this context is not constrained by the Tenth Amendment. In [Garcia]{.underline} v. [San Antonio Metro. Transit Auth.]{.underline}, 469 U.S. 528 (1985), the Court held that Congress acted within its commerce power in applying the Fair Labor Standards Act to State and local governments. In so doing, the Court rejected an analysis of the scope of Congress\'s commerce power that turns on whether the legislation regulates a \"traditional governmental function.\" [Id.]{.underline} at 548, 554. Instead, the Court held that when Congress exercises its commerce power the State\'s sovereign interests are preserved by procedural safeguards inherent in the Federal political process. [Id.]{.underline} at 552. The Court also emphasized that the transit authority \"face\[d\] nothing more than the same minimum-wage and overtime obligations that hundreds of thousands of other employers, public as well as private, have to meet.\" [Id.]{.underline} at 554. As the Fourth Circuit has recently explained, under [Garcia]{.underline} and its progeny Congress may \"subject the States to legislation that is also applicable to private parties." [Condon]{.underline} v. [Reno]{.underline}, 155 F.3d 453, 459 (4th Cir. 1998), petition for rehearing and suggestion for rehearing en banc filed Oct. 16, 1998 (No. 97-2334). In other words, under [Garcia]{.underline} Congress, in exercising its commerce power, may subject State governments to generally applicable laws. [Id.]{.underline} at 461; [see]{.underline} [also]{.underline} [ibid.]{.underline} (in [Garcia]{.underline} \"Congress was only allowed to regulate how much the States pay their hourly employees because Congress also regulates how much private parties pay their hourly employees\" (emphasis omitted)); [see]{.underline} generally [EEOC]{.underline} v. [Wyoming]{.underline}, 460 U.S. 226 (1983)(upholding application of the ADEA to State and local governments). The ADA\'s anti-discrimination provisions \-- including its integration mandate \-- fall plainly within this principle. As described above, Congress passed the ADA after extensive investigation had identified the pervasive and continuing existence of widespread discrimination against people with disabilities. Such discrimination was not limited to the activities of the State and local governments covered by title II. Instead, Congress identified and legislated against discrimination conducted by a wide variety of actors, both public and private: title I prohibits disability-based discrimination by private and public employers, 42 U.S.C. 12101-12117; title III prohibits such discrimination by privately-owned places of public accommodation and commercial facilities, 42 U.S.C. 12181-12189; and title IV regulates telecommunications services provided by both public and private entities, 47 U.S.C. 225, 611. Moreover, the regulations promulgated under title III contain the same requirement that individuals with disabilities receive services in the "most integrated setting appropriate" that is at issue here under title II. [See]{.underline} 28 C.F.R. 36.203(b); [Olmstead]{.underline}, 138 F.3d at 897-898 & n.5. Thus, the ADA, including its integration requirement, is precisely the kind of generally applicable law Congress may apply to the States under its commerce power.[^26] Finally, the Court\'s recent decision in [Printz]{.underline} v. [United States]{.underline}, 117 S. Ct. 2375 (1997) (striking down parts of the \"Brady Bill\"), also does not limits Congress\'s commerce power in this context. Title II does not require "the forced participation of the States\' executive in the actual administration of a federal program." [Id.]{.underline} at 2376. Rather, title II simply forbids States from discriminating against persons with disabilities in providing State services, just as it prohibits private employers and places of public accommodation from engaging in such discrimination. [See]{.underline} [West]{.underline} v. [Anne Arundel County]{.underline}, 137 F.3d 752, 757-760 (4th Cir. 1998) ([Printz]{.underline} does not overrule [Garcia]{.underline}), pet. for cert. denied, 1998 WL 47977 (U.S. Dec. 7, 1998) (No.98-266).[^27] CONCLUSION For the reasons stated above, title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act is a constitutional exercise of Congress's power under both Section 5 of the Fourteenth Amendment and the Commerce Clause. +--------------------------------+----+--------------------------------+ | Dated: Washington, D.C. | | Respectfully submitted, | | | | | | December \_\_\_, 1998 | | BILL LANN LEE | | | | | | LYNNE A. BATTAGLIA | | Acting Assistant Attorney | | | | | | United States Attorney | | General for Civil Rights | | | | | | District of Maryland | | JOHN L. WODATCH | | | | | | \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ | | Chief | | \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ | | | | | | Disability Rights Section | | PERRY F. SEKUS | | | | | | L. IRENE BOWEN | | Assistant U.S. Attorney | | | | | | Deputy Chief | | District of Maryland | | | | | | Disability Rights Section | | Bar No. 07379 | | | | | | \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ | | | | \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ | | | | | | | | ANNE MARIE PECHT | | | | | | | | THOMAS E. CHANDLER | | | | | | | | Attorneys | | | | | | | | Civil Rights Division | | | | | | | | U.S. Department of Justice | | | | | | | | P.O. Box 66400 | | | | | | | | Washington, D.C. 20035-6400 | | | | | | | | \(202\) 307-2891 | +--------------------------------+----+--------------------------------+ [^1]: ^/^ The Eleventh Amendment is not a bar to this suit because the only defendants in this action are State officials sued in their official capacities for prospective injunctive relief. [CSX Transportation]{.underline} v. [Board of Public Works]{.underline}, 138 F. 3d 537, 540-541 (4th Cir. 1998) (explaining [Ex parte Young]{.underline}, 209 U.S. 123 (1908)). [^2]: ^/^ The constitutionality of the ADA is currently before the 4th Circuit in several cases. [See]{.underline} [Amos]{.underline} v. [The Maryland Department of Safety and Correctional Services]{.underline}, 126 F.3d 589 (4th Cir. 1997), vacated, 118 S. Ct. 2339 (1998) (oral argument held December 4, 1998) and [Brown]{.underline} v. [North Carolina Department of Motor Vehicles]{.underline}, 987 F. Supp. 451 (E.D.N.C. 1997), appeal pending, No. 97-2784 (4th Cir.)(oral argument held October 26, 1998). The argument was pressed by defendants, but not passed on, in [Pierce]{.underline} v. [King]{.underline}, 918 F. Supp. 932 (E.D.N.C. 1996), aff\'d on the basis of [Amos]{.underline}, 131 F.3d 136 (Table), 1997 WL 770564 (4th Cir. Dec. 11, 1997), petition for cert. granted, vacated, and remanded for further consideration in light of [Penn. Dept. of Corrections]{.underline} v. [Yeskey]{.underline}, 118 S. Ct. 1952 (1998), (119 S. Ct. 33) (Oct. 5, 1998). The Fourth Circuit stayed [Pierce]{.underline} v. [King]{.underline}, pending [Amos]{.underline}. The United States has intervened in these cases to defend the constitutionality of the ADA. [^3]: ^/^ Whether or not the ADA was validly enacted by Congress under the Fourteenth Amendment has been typically challenged by defendants as part of the broader question of whether the abrogation of a State's Eleventh Amendment immunity contained in the ADA is a valid exercise of Congress's power under Section 5 of the Fourteenth Amendment. [See]{.underline} [Seminole Tribe of Florida]{.underline} v. [Florida]{.underline}, 517 U.S. 44 (1996). However, as noted above, because plaintiffs here seek only prospective injunctive relief against State officials, the abrogation of Eleventh Amendment immunity is not an issue. [^4]: ^/^ We also note that application of the ADA in the context of this case is not inconsistent with the Tenth Amendment or notions of State sovereignty. The Fourteenth Amendment "fundamentally altered the balance of state and federal power struck by the Constitution." [Seminole Tribe of Florida]{.underline} v. [Florida]{.underline}, 517 U.S. 44, 59 (1996). A long "line of cases has sanctioned intrusions by Congress, acting under the Civil War Amendments, into the judicial, executive, and legislative spheres of autonomy previously reserved to the States." [Fitzpatrick]{.underline} v. [Bitzer]{.underline}, 427 U.S. 445, 455 (1976); [see]{.underline} also [EEOC]{.underline} v. [Wyoming]{.underline}, 460 U.S. at 243 n.18. Thus, even if this case is narrowly characterized as addressing the State\'s care of uninsured and impoverished persons with mental disabilities, there is nothing talismanic about such care that places it outside the legitimate scope of Congress\' Fourteenth Amendment power. [^5]: ^/^ The anti-discrimination provision of title II provides that \"no qualified individual with a disability shall, by reason of such disability, be excluded from participation in or be denied the benefits of the services, programs, or activities or a public entity, or be subjected to discrimination by any such entity.\" 42 U.S.C. 12132. In 42 U.S.C. 12134, Congress directed the Attorney General to promulgate regulations implementing this general mandate. The \"integration regulation,\" relevant here, requires, as one of title II\'s general prohibitions against discrimination, that public entities \"administer services, programs, and activities in the most integrated setting appropriate to the needs of qualified individuals with disabilities.\" 28 C.F.R. 35.130(d). As we have indicated in an earlier filing in this case, the Department of Justice has taken the consistent position that the \"integration regulation\" means that \"where professionals (with appropriate input) have determined that community-based services are appropriate for disabled individuals, States must end unnecessary segregation in State-operated institutions and provide community based services for those individuals.\" Memorandum of the United States in Support of Plaintiffs\' Motion for Partial Summary Judgment on ADA Claims and in Opposition to Defendants\' Motion for Summary Judgment, or in the Alternative, Motion for Summary Judgment at 14. This Court has already agreed, in denying defendants' Motion for Summary Judgment, that the Department of Justice's regulations are entitled to substantial deference and are consistent with the purposes of the ADA, [see]{.underline}, [Williams]{.underline} v. [Wasserman]{.underline}, 937 F. Supp. 524 at 530-31, discussing unnecessary segregation as a form of illegal segregation under title II and its regulations and citing with approval [Helen L.]{.underline} v. [DiDario]{.underline}, 46 F.3d 325 (3d Cir. 1994), requiring the State of Pennsylvania to make attendant care services available to the plaintiff in her home under the existing home care program. [See]{.underline} [also]{.underline}, [L.C. by Zimring]{.underline} v. [Olmstead]{.underline}, 138 F.3d 893 (11th Cir. 1998) (addressing title II\'s integration mandate), pet. for cert. filed, No. 98-536 (S. Ct. Sept. 29, 1998). [^6]: ^/^ A majority of the courts of appeals are in accord. [See]{.underline}, [e.g.]{.underline}, [Coger]{.underline} v. [Board of Regents]{.underline}, No. 97-5134, 1998 WL 476164, at \*5-\*11 (6th Cir. Aug. 17, 1998); [Scott]{.underline} v. [University of Miss.]{.underline}, 148 F.3d 493, 501-503 (5th Cir. 1998); [Keeton]{.underline} v. [University of Nev. Sys.]{.underline}, No. 97-17184, 1998 WL 381432, at \*2-\*3 (9th Cir. July 10, 1998); [Goshtasby]{.underline} v. [Board of Trustees]{.underline}, 141 F.3d 761, 770-772 (7th Cir. 1998); [Ramirez]{.underline} v. [Puerto Rico Fire Serv.]{.underline}, 715 F.2d 694, 698-700 (1st Cir. 1983); [Arritt]{.underline} v. [Grisell]{.underline}, 567 F.2d 1267, 1271 (4th Cir. 1977); [see]{.underline} [also]{.underline} [Santiago]{.underline} v. [New York State Dep\'t of Correctional Servs.]{.underline}, 945 F.2d 25, 30 (2d Cir. 1991) (dictum), cert. denied, 502 U.S. 1094 (1992). [^7]: ^/^ [See]{.underline} [also]{.underline} Timothy M. Cook, [The Americans with Disabilities Act: The Move to Integration]{.underline}, 64 Temp. L. Rev. 393, 393-394 nn.1-4, 412 n.133 (1991); Lowell P. Weicker, Jr., [Historical Background of the Americans with Disabilities Act]{.underline}, 64 Temp. L. Rev. 387, 387-389 (1991) (discussing other laws enacted to redress discrimination against persons with disabilities). [^8]: ^/^ [Alexander]{.underline} dealt with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act. The Fourth Circuit, however, has held that the ADA imposes substantive requirements similar to Section 504. [See]{.underline}, [e.g.]{.underline}, [Doe]{.underline} v. [University of Md. Med. Sys. Corp.]{.underline}, 50 F.3d 1261, 1264-1265 n.9 (4th Cir. 1995). [^9]: ^/^ In a series of Supreme Court cases beginning with [Griffin]{.underline} v. [Illinois]{.underline}, 351 U.S. 12 (1956), and culminating in [M.L.B.]{.underline} v. [S.L.J.]{.underline}, 117 S. Ct. 555 (1996), the Court has held that principles of equality are sometimes violated by treating unlike persons alike. In these cases, the Supreme Court has held that a State violates the Equal Protection Clause in treating indigent parties appealing from certain court proceedings as if they were not indigent. Central to these holdings is the acknowledgment that "a law nondiscriminatory on its face may be grossly discriminatory in its operation." 117 S. Ct. at 569 (quoting [Griffin]{.underline}, 351 U.S. at 17 n.11). The Court held in these cases that even though States are applying a facially neutral policy by charging all litigants equal fees for an appeal, the Equal Protection Clause requires States to waive such fees in order to ensure equal "access" to appeal. [Id]{.underline}. at 560. Nor is it sufficient if a State permits an indigent person to appeal without charge, but does not provide free trial transcripts. The Court has declared that the State cannot "extend to such indigent defendants merely a \'meaningless ritual\' while others in better economic circumstances have a \'meaningful appeal.\'" [Id]{.underline}. at 569 n.16 (quoting [Ross]{.underline} v. [Moffitt]{.underline}, 417 U.S. 600, 612 (1974)); [see]{.underline} also [Lewis]{.underline} v. [Casey]{.underline}, 518 U.S. 343, 356-357 (1996) (holding that State has not met its obligation to provide illiterate prisoners access to courts simply by providing a law library). [^10]: ^/^ First, there was substantial evidence by which Congress could have determined that there was a "pattern or practice of unconstitutional conduct." Second, the statutory scheme imposed by Congress did not attempt to impose a compelling interest standard, but a more flexible test that requires "[reasonable]{.underline} modifications." This finely-tuned balance between the interests of persons with disabilities and public entities plainly manifests a "congruence" between the "means used" and the "ends to be achieved." See [City of Boerne]{.underline}, 117 S. Ct. at 2169. Moreover, there is no problem regarding judicially manageable standards, as the courts have regularly applied tests such as the "reasonable accommodation" test under Section 504, the predecessor to title II of the ADA, to recipients of Federal funds for the past 20 years. [^11]: ^/^ But [see]{.underline} cases cited in footnote 2, [supra.]{.underline} [^12]: ^/^The Supreme Court in [Wyoming]{.underline} held that the Commerce Clause affords Congress independent authority to prohibit discriminatory conduct by public entities. 460 U.S. at 243 (application of ADEA to State and local government employers is valid exercise of Congress's commerce powers and does not violate Tenth Amendment; no need to determine whether ADEA is also valid exercise of Congress\'s power under Section 5 of the Fourteenth Amendment). [^13]: ^/^It is well-established that Congress\'s Commerce Clause power is not limited to activities that themselves involve interstate commerce. \"It is within Congressional authority to regulate activities that, although purely local and intrastate themselves, comprise a class of activities that, when aggregated, substantially affect interstate commerce.\" [United States]{.underline} v. [Bishop]{.underline}, 66 F.3d 569, 584 (3d Cir. 1995), cert. denied, 516 U.S. 1032 (1995); [see]{.underline} generally [Hodel]{.underline}, 452 U.S. at 324; [Fry]{.underline} v. [United States]{.underline}, 421 U.S. 542, 547 (1975); [Wickard]{.underline} v. [Filburn]{.underline}, 317 U.S. 111, 127-128 (1942). Nor is Congress\'s commerce power limited to the regulation of activities that are themselves commercial. [See]{.underline}, [e.g.]{.underline}, [United States]{.underline} v. [Wilson]{.underline}, 73 F.3d 675, 684 (7th Cir. 1995), cert. denied, 117 S. Ct. 46 (1996). [^14]: ^/^The Civil Rights Act of 1964, 42 U.S.C. 2000e [et]{.underline} [seq.]{.underline}, outlawed discrimination in public accommodations (title II), public facilities (title III), public education (title IV), Federally assisted programs (title VI), and employment (title VII). [^15]: ^/^[See]{.underline}, [e.g.]{.underline}, the Fair Housing Act of 1968, 42 U.S.C. 3601 [et]{.underline} [seq.]{.underline}; Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967 (ADEA), 29 U.S.C. 621 [et]{.underline} [seq.]{.underline}; [see]{.underline} [also]{.underline} [Oxford House-C]{.underline} v. [City of St. Louis]{.underline}, 77 F.3d 249, 251 (8th Cir.) (Congress had a rational basis for concluding that housing discrimination has a substantial effect on interstate commerce), cert. denied, 117 S. Ct. 65 (1996); Hearings on S. 2114 and S. 2280 Before the Subcomm. on Housing and Urban Affairs, 90th Cong., 1st Sess. 8 (1967) (Fair Housing Act constitutional under the Fourteenth Amendment and the Commerce Clause) (statement of Ramsey Clark, Attorney General of the United States); [Willis]{.underline} v. [Dean Witter Reynolds, Inc.]{.underline}, 948 F.2d 305 (6th Cir. 1991) (ADEA enacted under Congress\'s Commerce Clause power). [^16]: ^/^As a general matter, the 1964 Act was based on Congress\'s Commerce Clause power and Section 5 of the Fourteenth Amendment. [See]{.underline} generally [Heart of Atlanta Motel]{.underline}, 379 U.S. at 249-250 (finding that \"\[t\]he legislative history of the Act indicates that Congress based the Act on Section 5 and the Equal Protection Clause \* \* \* as well as its power to regulate interstate commerce,\" but upholding title II under the Commerce Clause \"since the commerce power is sufficient\"); [McClung]{.underline}, 379 U.S. at 304 (upholding title II under the Commerce Clause based on Congress\'s \"finding\[s\] that \[such discrimination\] had a direct and adverse effect on the free flow of interstate commerce\"); [United Steelworkers of America]{.underline} v. [Weber]{.underline}, 443 U.S. 193, 206 n.6 (1979) (Title VII, prohibiting discrimination in employment, was based on the Commerce Clause); [Fitzpatrick]{.underline} v. [Bitzer]{.underline}, 427 U.S. 445, 447 (1976) (upholding 1972 Amendments to title VII extending provisions to the States under Section 5 of the Fourteenth Amendment); [id.]{.underline} at 458 (Brennan, J., concurring in the judgment) (\"\[c\]ongressional authority to enact the provisions of title VII at issue in this case is found in the Commerce Clause \* \* \* and in § 5 of the Fourteenth Amendment\"). [^17]: ^/^ Indeed, the employment and public accommodations provisions of the ADA (titles I and III, respectively), in effect, broaden the coverage of the protections contained in the similar provisions of the 1964 Act. The forms of discrimination prohibited under title II in the public services, program, or activities of State and local governments are, in turn, \"comparable to those set out in the applicable provisions of titles I and III.\" S. Rep. No. 116, [supra]{.underline}, at 44. Among other things, title II applies to discrimination in employment by public entities, [e.g.]{.underline}, [Bledsoe]{.underline} v. [Palm Beach Soil & Water Conserv. Dist.]{.underline}, 133 F.3d 816 (11th Cir.), cert. denied, 119 S. Ct. 72 (1998), to the public\'s use of a public entity\'s facilities, 28 C.F.R. Pt. 35, App. A at 456 (1996) ([e.g.]{.underline}, a State must ensure that an inn owned and operated by a State park complies with title II), and to programs administered by State or local government that provide services or benefits. [^18]: ^/^ Titles I and III of the ADA also contain a jurisdictional element that ensures that the statute reaches only those activities that substantially affect interstate commerce. [See]{.underline} 42 U.S.C. 12111(5)(A), 12111(7) (title I); 42 U.S.C. 12181(7) (title III). Although title II does not, Congress need not include a jurisdictional element when it legislates under its commerce power. See, [e.g.]{.underline}, [United States]{.underline} v. [Wilson]{.underline}, 73 F.3d at 685 (while a jurisdictional element may ensure constitutionality, it is not a prerequisite of constitutionality). The inquiry remains whether Congress could have had a rational basis for concluding that discrimination against the disabled in public services substantially affects interstate commerce. [^19]: ^/^ [Lopez]{.underline} does not alter prior precedent that Congress may prohibit conduct that is not itself \"economic\" or an essential part of a larger regulatory scheme. Rather, it reaffirms longstanding precedent that Congress has the power to regulate conduct that \"substantially affect\[s\] interstate commerce\" as well as prohibit interference with persons and things in interstate commerce. 514 U.S. at 558-559. As the Court explained in [Lopez]{.underline}, the commerce power extends to activities that either \"arise out of [or are connected with]{.underline} a commercial transaction, which viewed in the aggregate substantially affects interstate commerce.\" 514 U.S. at 561 (emphasis added). The Court in [Lopez]{.underline} also reaffirmed Congress\'s Commerce Clause power to regulate two other broad categories of conduct: first, \"Congress may regulate the use of the channels of interstate commerce\"; second, \"Congress is empowered to regulate and protect the instrumentalities of interstate commerce, or persons or things in interstate commerce, even though the threat may come only from intrastate activities.\" [Id.]{.underline} at 558. [^20]: ^/^ The Court in [Lopez]{.underline} cited and left undisturbed the Court\'s Commerce Clause decisions addressing the Civil Rights Act of 1964. 514 U.S. at 559. As one court has stated, \"the Supreme Court \[in [Lopez]{.underline}\] reaffirmed, rather than overturned, the previous half century of Commerce Clause precedent.\" [United States]{.underline} v. [Wilson]{.underline}, 73 F.3d at 685. [^21]: ^/^ As the Second Circuit has stated, [Lopez]{.underline} \"has raised many false hopes. Defendants have used it as a basis for challenges to various statutes. Almost invariably those challenges fail.\" [United States]{.underline} v. [Trupin]{.underline}, 117 F.3d 678, 685 (2d Cir. 1977) (quoting [United States]{.underline} v. [Bell]{.underline}, 70 F.3d 495, 497 (7th Cir. 1995)), cert. denied, 118 S. Ct. 699 (1998). And the Sixth Circuit has stated that \"\[u\]ntil the Supreme Court provides a clearer signal or cogent framework to handle this type of legislation, \[it\] is content to heed the concurrence of two Justices \[in [Lopez]{.underline}\] that the history of Commerce Clause jurisprudence still \'counsels great restraint.\'\" [United States]{.underline} v. [Wall]{.underline}, 92 F.3d 1444, 1452 (6th Cir. 1996) (quoting [Lopez]{.underline}, 514 U.S. at 568 (Kennedy, J., concurring)), cert. denied, 117 S. Ct. 690 (1977). [^22]: ^/^ Of course, it is characteristic of most civil rights legislation to proscribe certain conduct at a high level of generalization. [See]{.underline}, [e.g.]{.underline}, 42 U.S.C. 2000e-2 (proscribing discrimination in employment); 42 U.S.C. 3604 (proscribing discrimination in housing); 29 U.S.C. 623 (proscribing age discrimination). [^23]: ^/^ In other contexts, courts have declined to narrowly characterize the class of activities involved in the case in determining whether Congress\'s commerce power may validly extend to the conduct at issue. For example, in [Proyect]{.underline} v. [United States]{.underline}, 101 F.3d 11, 13 (2d Cir. 1996), the court rejected defendant\'s argument that his conduct was the cultivation of marijuana for personal consumption, not the \"manufacture of a controlled substance,\" and that the former was beyond Congress\'s commerce power. The court stated that any class of activities \"could be defined so narrowly as to cover only those activities that do not have a substantial affect on interstate commerce,\" but to do so \"would circumvent the mandate, reaffirmed in [Lopez]{.underline},\" that courts are not to carve out even [de]{.underline} [minimis]{.underline} individual instances of conduct that are covered by a general regulatory statute bearing a substantial relation to commerce. [Id.]{.underline} at 14. Several cases have similarly rejected a narrow characterization of the class of activities covered by a Federal statute that addresses hazardous waste disposal in upholding application of the statute under Congress\'s commerce power. [See]{.underline}, [e.g.]{.underline}, [United States]{.underline} v. [Olin Corp.]{.underline}, 107 F.3d 1506, 1509-1510 (11th Cir. 1997); [In re Pfohl Brothers Landfill Litigation]{.underline}, \_\_\_ F. Supp 2d \_\_\_, 1998 WL 765661 (W.D.N.Y. Oct. 27, 1998). [^24]: ^/^ [See]{.underline} footnote 5, [supra]{.underline}. [^25]: ^/^ [See]{.underline} [also]{.underline} [Olmstead]{.underline}, 138 F.3d at 898-899 (discussing congressional findings underlying requirement that public services be provided in the most integrated setting appropriate); [Kathleen S.]{.underline} v. [Department of Public Welfare]{.underline}, 10 F. Supp. 2d 460, 467 (E.D. Pa. 1998) (emphasizing that \"unnecessary segregation of the disabled in America continued to be a major form of discrimination against the disabled, and that through the ADA, Congress intended to ensure that the disabled be given the opportunity for more true and full integration into the mainstream of American life.\"). [^26]: ^/^ Defendants acknowledge (Defs.' Br. at 6) that the ADA " as applied to employment, building access, and many other facets of its regulatory scheme, \* \* \* does indeed apply to private parties as well as governmental entities, and places the same general obligations on both." But, they argue (Defs.' Br. at 5), providing free \"care for the impoverished and uninsured members of the population is a function performed by state and local governmental entities only.\" Defendants' focus is much too narrow. The ADA is a civil rights statute broadly addressing discrimination on the basis of disability by public and private entities alike. Thus, as one example, the nondiscrimination principle reflected in the ADA\'s integration mandate applies to mental health institutions and State-created and funded community placements as well as to their private counterparts. That is sufficient to satisfy [Garcia]{.underline}. There is no basis for defendants\' suggestion that a non-discrimination provision of the ADA that otherwise applies to both private and public entities cannot apply to a public entity if that entity does not charge the recipient for the particular service. [^27]: ^/^ Defendants also rely on the Fourth Circuit\'s decision in [Condon]{.underline}, which held that Congress\'s enactment of the Federal Driver\'s Privacy Protection Act (DPPA) under its commerce powers violated the Tenth Amendment. 155 F.3d 453. The court stated that \"because the DPPA is not generally applicable, like the FLSA or ADEA, Congress did not have authority under our system of dual sovereignty.\" [Id]{.underline}. at 463; [see]{.underline} [also]{.underline} [id]{.underline}. at 461-462 (\"rather than enacting a law of general applicability that incidentally applies to the States, Congress enacted a law that, for all intents and purposes, applies only to the States\" (emphasis omitted)). Although we disagree with the decision in [Condon]{.underline}, the instant case, as noted above, plainly involves application of a regulatory scheme that applies to both private entities and the States.
![](media/image1.png){width="6.0in" height="1.070138888888889in"} May 28, 2008 Subject: Federal Stafford, Federal PLUS, Federal SLS, and Federal Consolidation Interest Rate Calculations for the Period July 1, 2008 -- June 30, 2009 The attached charts show the variable interest rates applicable to the Federal Stafford, Federal SLS, Federal PLUS, and Federal Consolidation loan programs for the period **July 1, 2008 -- June 30, 2009.** Interest rates for variable-rate loans under these programs are determined annually, and are based on the following: - [Stafford Loans]{.underline} -- based on the bond equivalent rate of 91-day Treasury Bills auctioned at the final auction held before June 1^st^ of each year. The bond equivalent rate for 91-day Treasury Bills auctioned on May 27, 2008 is 1.905 percent, which rounds to **1.91** percent. ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` - [PLUS/SLS Loans]{.underline} -- based on either the bond equivalent rate of 91-day Treasury Bills auctioned at the final auction held before June 1^st^ of each year, or the weekly average of the one-year constant maturity Treasury yield as published for the last calendar week ending on or before June 26^th^ of each year. The bond equivalent rate for 91-day Treasury Bills auctioned on May 27, 2008, is 1.905 percent, which rounds to **1.91** percent. **NOTE: The weekly average of the one-year constant maturity Treasury yield for the last calendar week ending on or before June 26^th^ will not be available until the end of June, at which time this memo will be updated and reissued.** ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` - [Consolidation Loans]{.underline} -- for which the loan application was received by an eligible lender on or after 11/13/97 but prior to 10/1/98 are based on the bond equivalent rate of 91-day Treasury Bills auctioned at the final auction held before June 1^st^ of each year, or **1.91** percent. For the HEAL portion of consolidation loans for which the loan ![](media/image2.png){width="6.0in" height="1.070138888888889in"} Page 2 -- Interest Rate Calculations > application was received by an eligible lender on or after 11/13/97, > the rate is based on the average of the bond equivalent rates of the > 91-day Treasury Bills auctioned for the quarter ending June 30^th^ of > each year. **NOTE: The average of the bond equivalent rates of the > 91-day Treasury Bills auctioned for the quarter ending June 30^th^ > will not be available until the end of June, at which time this memo > will be updated and reissued.** > > These rates do not affect new Federal Stafford or Federal PLUS loans > made on or after July 1, 2006 that are subject to fixed-rates. Accounting Division Office of the Chief Financial Officer Attachment +---------+--------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+ | ## FFEL | | | | | | | | "Conve | | | | | | | | rted" V | | | | | | | | ariable | | | | | | | | -rate S | | | | | | | | tafford | | | | | | | | Loan I | | | | | | | | nterest | | | | | | | | Rates | | | | | | | | for the | | | | | | | | Period | | | | | | | | July 1 | | | | | | | | , 2008 | | | | | | | | through | | | | | | | | June 3 | | | | | | | | 0, 2009 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | * | | | | | | | | *(Loans | | | | | | | | That | | | | | | | | Were | | | | | | | | Subject | | | | | | | | to the | | | | | | | | "W | | | | | | | | indfall | | | | | | | | P | | | | | | | | rofits" | | | | | | | | Pro | | | | | | | | visions | | | | | | | | of | | | | | | | | § | | | | | | | | 427A(i) | | | | | | | | of the | | | | | | | | HEA)** | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | * | | | | | | | | *(Table | | | | | | | | 1)** | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | # | | | | | | | +=========+========+=========+=========+=========+=========+=========+ | **C | # | # | | | | | | OHORT** | | | | | | | | | # CI | # INTE | | | | | | | TATION | REST RA | | | | | | | | TE FORM | | | | | | | | ULA (T- | | | | | | | | Bill Ra | | | | | | | | te + Ad | | | | | | | | ditiona | | | | | | | | l Sum = | | | | | | | | Total) | | | | | +---------+--------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+ | # Type | Higher | * | # | # Total | # Maxim | **I | | of Loan | Edu | *91-Day | Additio | | um Rate | NTEREST | | | cation | T | nal Sum | | | RATE | | | Act of | reasury | | | | FOR THE | | | 1965, | Bill | | | | PERIOD | | | As | Rate** | | | | 7/1/08 | | | A | | | | | -- | | | mended | | | | | 6/30 | | | | | | | | /2009** | +---------+--------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+ | 8/10% | §427A | 1.91% | 3.25% | 5.16% | 10% | ** | | Loans | (i)(1) | | | | | 5.16%** | | | | | | | | | | (SD/XB | §4 | | | | | | | FVAR10) | 27A(i) | | | | | | | | (7)(A) | | | | | | +---------+--------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+ | 7% | §427A | 1.91% | 3.1% | 5.01% | 7% | ** | | Loans | (i)(3) | | | | | 5.01%** | | | | | | | | | | (SD/XB | §4 | | | | | | | FVAR7) | 27A(i) | | | | | | | | (7)(A) | | | | | | | (SE/XE | | | | | | | | FVAR7) | | | | | | | +---------+--------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+ | 8% | §427A | 1.91% | 3.1% | 5.01% | 8% | ** | | Loans | (i)(3) | | | | | 5.01%** | | | | | | | | | | (SD/XB | §4 | | | | | | | FVAR8) | 27A(i) | | | | | | | | (7)(A) | | | | | | | (SE/XE | | | | | | | | FVAR8) | | | | | | | +---------+--------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+ | 9% | §427A | 1.91% | 3.1% | 5.01% | 9% | ** | | Loans | (i)(3) | | | | | 5.01%** | | | | | | | | | | (SD/XB | §4 | | | | | | | FVAR9) | 27A(i) | | | | | | | | (7)(A) | | | | | | | (SE/XE | | | | | | | | FVAR9) | | | | | | | +---------+--------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+ | 8/10% | §427A | 1.91% | 3.1% | 5.01% | 10% | ** | | Loans | (i)(3) | | | | | 5.01%** | | | | | | | | | | (SD/XB | §4 | | | | | | | FVARX) | 27A(i) | | | | | | | | (7)(A) | | | | | | | (SE/XE | | | | | | | | FVAR10) | | | | | | | +---------+--------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+ <table style="width:100%;"> <colgroup> <col style="width: 10%" /> <col style="width: 10%" /> <col style="width: 10%" /> <col style="width: 10%" /> <col style="width: 10%" /> <col style="width: 10%" /> <col style="width: 10%" /> <col style="width: 10%" /> <col style="width: 10%" /> <col style="width: 10%" /> </colgroup> <thead> <tr class="header"> <th colspan="10"><p><strong>FFEL Regular Variable-rate Stafford Loan Interest Rates for the Period July 1, 2008 through June 30, 2009</strong></p> <p><strong>(Table 2)</strong></p></th> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <th colspan="3"><strong>COHORT</strong></th> <th><strong>CITATION</strong></th> <th colspan="6"><strong>INTEREST RATE FORMULA (T-Bill Rate + Additional Sum = Total)</strong></th> </tr> <tr class="header"> <th><strong>Type of Borrower</strong></th> <th><p><strong>First Disburse-</strong></p> <p><strong>ment Made On or After</strong></p></th> <th><strong>First Disburse- ment Made Before</strong></th> <th><strong>Higher Education Act of 1965, As Amended</strong></th> <th><strong>During</strong></th> <th><p><strong>91-Day</strong></p> <p><strong>Treasury Bill Rate</strong></p></th> <th><strong>Additional Sum</strong></th> <th><strong>Total</strong></th> <th><p><strong>Maximum</strong></p> <p><strong>Rate</strong></p></th> <th><strong>INTEREST RATE FOR THE PERIOD 7/1/08 – 6/30/2009</strong></th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr class="odd"> <td><p>“New” Borrower</p> <p>(SE/XE EVAR)</p></td> <td>10/1/92</td> <td>7/1/94</td> <td>§427A(e)(1)</td> <td></td> <td>1.91%</td> <td>3.1%</td> <td>5.01%</td> <td>9%</td> <td><strong>5.01%</strong></td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td><p>“New” Borrower</p> <p>(SE/XE EVAR)</p></td> <td><p>7/1/94</p> <p>(for a period of enrollment ending prior to 7/1/94)</p></td> <td></td> <td>§427A(e)(1)</td> <td></td> <td>1.91%</td> <td>3.1%</td> <td>5.01%</td> <td>9%</td> <td><strong>5.01%</strong></td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td><p>All Borrowers (regardless of prior borrowing)</p> <p>(SG/XG EVAR)</p></td> <td><p>7/1/94</p> <p>(for a period of enrollment that includes or begins on or after 7/1/94)</p></td> <td>7/1/95</td> <td>§427A(f)(1)</td> <td></td> <td>1.91%</td> <td>3.1%</td> <td>5.01%</td> <td>8.25%</td> <td><strong>5.01%</strong></td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td colspan="10"></td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td>All Borrowers (regardless of prior borrowing)</td> <td>7/1/95</td> <td>7/1/98</td> <td><p>§427A(g)(2)</p> <p>(SH/XH EVAR)</p> <p>§427A(f)(1)</p> <p>(SG/XG EVAR)</p></td> <td><p>In-school, grace and deferment periods</p> <p>All other periods</p></td> <td><p>1.91%</p> <p>1.91%</p></td> <td><p>2.5%</p> <p>3.1%</p></td> <td><p>4.41%</p> <p>5.01%</p></td> <td><p>8.25%</p> <p>8.25%</p></td> <td><p><strong>4.41%</strong></p> <p><strong>5.01%</strong></p></td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td>All Borrowers (regardless of prior borrowing)</td> <td>7/1/98</td> <td>7/1/2006</td> <td><p>§427A(j)(2)</p> <p>§427A(k)(2)</p> <p>(SJ/XJ/CA/CE/</p> <p>XM EVAR)</p> <p>§427A(j)(1)</p> <p>§427A(k)(1)</p> <p>(SK/XK/CB/CF/</p> <p>XN EVAR)</p></td> <td><p>In-school, grace and deferment periods</p> <p>All other periods</p></td> <td><p>1.91%</p> <p>1.91%</p></td> <td><p>1.7%</p> <p>2.3%</p></td> <td><p>3.61%</p> <p>4.21%</p></td> <td><p>8.25%</p> <p>8.25%</p></td> <td><p><strong>3.61%</strong></p> <p><strong>4.21%</strong></p></td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <table style="width:100%;"> <colgroup> <col style="width: 9%" /> <col style="width: 9%" /> <col style="width: 9%" /> <col style="width: 12%" /> <col style="width: 9%" /> <col style="width: 9%" /> <col style="width: 8%" /> <col style="width: 10%" /> <col style="width: 9%" /> <col style="width: 9%" /> </colgroup> <thead> <tr class="header"> <th colspan="10"><p><strong>FFEL Variable-rate PLUS and SLS Loan Interest Rates for the Period July 1, 2008 through June 30, 2009</strong></p> <p><strong>(Table 3)</strong></p></th> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <th colspan="3"><h1 id="cohort">COHORT</h1></th> <th><h1 id="citation-1">CITATION</h1></th> <th colspan="6"><strong>INTEREST RATE FORMULA (T-Bill Rate + Additional Sum = Total)</strong></th> </tr> <tr class="header"> <th>Type of Loan</th> <th><p><strong>First Disburse-</strong></p> <p><strong>ment Made On or After</strong></p></th> <th><p><strong>First Disburse-</strong></p> <p><strong>ment Made Before</strong></p></th> <th><strong>Higher Education Act of 1965, As Amended</strong></th> <th><p><strong>91-Day</strong></p> <p><strong>Treasury Bill Rate</strong></p></th> <th><strong>One-year Constant Maturity</strong></th> <th><h1 id="additional-sum-1">Additional Sum</h1></th> <th><h1 id="total-1">Total</h1></th> <th><strong>Maximum Rate</strong></th> <th><strong>INTEREST RATE FOR THE PERIOD 7/1/08 – 6/30/2009</strong></th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr class="odd"> <td><p>PLUS/SLS*</p> <p>(SD/XB VAR)</p></td> <td></td> <td>10/1/92</td> <td>§427A(c)(4)(B)</td> <td></td> <td>TBD**</td> <td>3.25%</td> <td>TBD</td> <td>12%</td> <td><h1 id="tbd"> TBD</h1></td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td><p>SLS*</p> <p>(SE/XE EVAR)</p></td> <td><p>10/1/92</p> <p>(for a period of enrollment beginning prior to 7/1/94)</p></td> <td></td> <td>§427A(c)(4)(D)</td> <td></td> <td>TBD**</td> <td>3.1%</td> <td>TBD</td> <td>11%</td> <td><h1 id="tbd-1"> TBD</h1></td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td><p>PLUS*</p> <p>(SE/XE EVAR)</p></td> <td>10/1/92</td> <td>7/1/94</td> <td>§427A(c)(4)(D)</td> <td></td> <td>TBD**</td> <td>3.1%</td> <td>TBD</td> <td>10%</td> <td><h1 id="tbd-2"> TBD</h1></td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td><p>PLUS</p> <p>(SG/XG EVAR)</p></td> <td>7/1/94</td> <td>7/1/98</td> <td>§427A(c)(4)(E)</td> <td></td> <td>TBD**</td> <td>3.1%</td> <td>TBD</td> <td>9%</td> <td><h1 id="tbd-3"> TBD</h1></td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td><p>PLUS*</p> <p>(SH/XH EVAR)</p></td> <td>7/1/98</td> <td>1/1/2000</td> <td><p>§427A(j)(3)</p> <p>§427A(k)(3)</p></td> <td>1.91%</td> <td></td> <td>3.1%</td> <td>5.01%</td> <td>9%</td> <td><strong>5.01%</strong></td> </tr> </tbody> </table> \* These loans will [not]{.underline} be subject to special allowance payments during the four quarters ending 9/30/08, 12/31/08, 3/31/2009, and 6/30/2009. See Sections 438(b)(2)(C)(i); 438(b)(2)(C)(ii); 438(b)(2)(G)(v); and 438(b)(2)(H)(v) of the Higher Education Act of 1965, as amended. \*\*To Be Determined - The weekly average of the one-year constant maturity Treasury yield for the last calendar week ending on or before June 26^th^ will not be available until the end of June, at which time this memo will be updated and reissued. <table style="width:100%;"> <colgroup> <col style="width: 9%" /> <col style="width: 9%" /> <col style="width: 9%" /> <col style="width: 12%" /> <col style="width: 9%" /> <col style="width: 9%" /> <col style="width: 8%" /> <col style="width: 10%" /> <col style="width: 9%" /> <col style="width: 9%" /> </colgroup> <thead> <tr class="header"> <th colspan="10"><p><strong>FFEL Variable-rate PLUS and SLS Loan Interest Rates for the Period July 1, 2008 through June 30, 2009</strong></p> <p><strong>(Table 3)</strong></p></th> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <th colspan="3"><h1 id="cohort-1">COHORT</h1></th> <th><h1 id="citation-2">CITATION</h1></th> <th colspan="6"><strong>INTEREST RATE FORMULA (T-Bill Rate + Additional Sum = Total)</strong></th> </tr> <tr class="header"> <th>Type of Loan</th> <th><p><strong>First Disburse-</strong></p> <p><strong>ment Made On or After</strong></p></th> <th><p><strong>First Disburse-</strong></p> <p><strong>ment Made Before</strong></p></th> <th><strong>Higher Education Act of 1965, As Amended</strong></th> <th><p><strong>91-Day</strong></p> <p><strong>Treasury Bill Rate</strong></p></th> <th><strong>One-year Constant Maturity</strong></th> <th><h1 id="additional-sum-2">Additional Sum</h1></th> <th><h1 id="total-2">Total</h1></th> <th><strong>Maximum Rate</strong></th> <th><strong>INTEREST RATE FOR THE PERIOD 7/1/08 – 6/30/2009</strong></th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr class="odd"> <td><p>PLUS</p> <p>(CD/XQ/CH/</p> <p>XP EVAR)</p></td> <td>1/1/2000</td> <td>7/1/2006</td> <td>§427A(k)(3)</td> <td>1.91%</td> <td></td> <td>3.1%</td> <td>5.01%</td> <td>9%</td> <td><strong>5.01%</strong></td> </tr> </tbody> </table> +---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+--------------+----+ | **FFEL | | | | | | | | Variab | | | | | | | | le-rate | | | | | | | | and | | | | | | | | Fix | | | | | | | | ed-rate | | | | | | | | Consol | | | | | | | | idation | | | | | | | | Loan | | | | | | | | I | | | | | | | | nterest | | | | | | | | Rates | | | | | | | | for the | | | | | | | | Period | | | | | | | | July 1, | | | | | | | | 2008 | | | | | | | | through | | | | | | | | June | | | | | | | | 30, | | | | | | | | 2009** | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | * | | | | | | | | *(Table | | | | | | | | 4)** | | | | | | | +=========+=========+=========+=========+=========+==============+====+ | **C | | | | **CIT | **INTEREST | | | OHORT** | | | | ATION** | RATE | | | | | | | | FORMULA** | | +---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+--------------+----+ | * | * | * | * | * | **Method | * | | *Consol | *Consol | *Consol | *Consol | *Higher | Used to | *M | | idation | idation | idation | idation | Ed | Determine | ax | | Loans | Loans | Loans | Loans | ucation | Interest | i- | | Made On | Made | for | for | Act of | Rate** | m | | or | B | Which | Which | 1965, | | um | | After** | efore** | the | the | As | | Ra | | | | Loan | Loan | Am | | te | | | | Appl | Appl | ended** | | ** | | | | ication | ication | | | | | | | Was | Was | | | | | | | R | R | | | | | | | eceived | eceived | | | | | | | by an | by an | | | | | | | E | E | | | | | | | ligible | ligible | | | | | | | Lender | Lender | | | | | | | On or | B | | | | | | | After** | efore** | | | | +---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+--------------+----+ | | 7/1/94 | | | §428C(c | The interest | | | | | | | )(1)(B) | rate is the | | | | | | | | weighted | | | | | | | | average of | | | | | | | | the interest | | | | | | | | rates on the | | | | | | | | loans | | | | | | | | c | | | | | | | | onsolidated, | | | | | | | | rounded to | | | | | | | | the nearest | | | | | | | | whole | | | | | | | | percent, but | | | | | | | | may not be | | | | | | | | less than 9 | | | | | | | | percent. | | +---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+--------------+----+ | 7/1/94 | | | 1 | §428C(c | The interest | | | | | | 1/13/97 | )(1)(C) | rate is the | | | (SE) | | | | | weighted | | | | | | | | average of | | | | | | | | the interest | | | | | | | | rates on the | | | | | | | | loans | | | | | | | | c | | | | | | | | onsolidated, | | | | | | | | rounded | | | | | | | | upward to | | | | | | | | the nearest | | | | | | | | whole | | | | | | | | percent. | | +---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+--------------+----+ | | | | | | | | +---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+--------------+----+ | | | 1 | 10/1/98 | § | The interest | 8 | | | | 1/13/97 | | 427A(f) | rate is | .2 | | | | | | | determined | 5% | | | | (SG/XG | | §428C(c | annually, | | | | | EVAR) | | )(1)(D) | and equals | | | | | | | | the bond | | | | | | | | equivalent | | | | | | | | rate of | | | | | | | | 91-Day | | | | | | | | Treasury | | | | | | | | Bills | | | | | | | | auctioned on | | | | | | | | the final | | | | | | | | auction held | | | | | | | | before June | | | | | | | | 1^st^ of | | | | | | | | each year, | | | | | | | | plus 3.10 | | | | | | | | percent. The | | | | | | | | interest | | | | | | | | rate may not | | | | | | | | exceed the | | | | | | | | maximum | | | | | | | | rate. (For | | | | | | | | the period | | | | | | | | July 1, 2008 | | | | | | | | through June | | | | | | | | 30, 2009 the | | | | | | | | interest | | | | | | | | rate for | | | | | | | | these loans | | | | | | | | is 1.91 | | | | | | | | percent plus | | | | | | | | 3.10 percent | | | | | | | | or **5.01** | | | | | | | | percent.) | | +---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+--------------+----+ | | | 10/1/98 | Ind | §427A(k | The interest | 8 | | | | | efinite | )(4)(A) | rate is the | .2 | | | | (S | | | weighted | 5% | | | | L/XL/CC | | §428C(c | average of | | | | | /CG/XO) | | )(1)(A) | the interest | | | | | | | | rates on the | | | | | | | | loans being | | | | | | | | c | | | | | | | | onsolidated, | | | | | | | | rounded to | | | | | | | | the nearest | | | | | | | | higher | | | | | | | | 1/8^th^ of | | | | | | | | one percent. | | | | | | | | The interest | | | | | | | | rate may not | | | | | | | | exceed the | | | | | | | | maximum | | | | | | | | rate. | | +---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+--------------+----+ | HEAL | | 1 | Ind | §428C(d | The interest | N | | Portion | | 1/13/97 | efinite | )(2)(B) | rate for the | /A | | of the | | | | | HEAL portion | | | Consol | | | | | of the | | | idation | | | | | c | | | Loan | | | | | onsolidation | | | | | | | | loan is | | | | | | | | determined | | | | | | | | annually, | | | | | | | | and equals | | | | | | | | the average | | | | | | | | of the bond | | | | | | | | equivalent | | | | | | | | rates of the | | | | | | | | 91-Day | | | | | | | | Treasury | | | | | | | | Bills | | | | | | | | auctioned | | | | | | | | for the | | | | | | | | quarter | | | | | | | | ending June | | | | | | | | 30, plus 3.0 | | | | | | | | percent. | | | | | | | | There is no | | | | | | | | maximum rate | | | | | | | | on this | | | | | | | | portion of | | | | | | | | the loan. | | +---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+--------------+----+
# MEMORANDUM **To:** Distribution **From:** F. Dylla/grn **Subject:** FEL Upgrade Project Weekly Brief - September 4-8, 2006 **Date:** September 8, 2006 **Highlights:** We spent the week performing User tests and making calibration measurements on the short Raleigh range operation.  FEL Users performed tests on a THz spectrometer which offers the possibility of single shot bunch length measurements and exposed jellyfish to UV light using a laser on loan.   We had less success with a detector calibration run for the Dahlgren group when our optical transport system had a motor failure, which prevented delivery of beam to the lab. We held a kickoff for our two JTO efforts: Short Rayleigh Range FEL Operation and Advanced Mirror Figure Control. We also want to wish our Chief Optical Scientist Michelle Shinn a very happy milestone birthday! **Management:** We held a kickoff for two JTO funded efforts with ONR and JTO attendees.  One effort involves the measurement of FEL performance under short Rayleigh range conditions, a situation that Bill Colson has predicted to provide reasonable performance in contrast to 1D predictions.   Our second effort involves the design of an outcoupler mirror with variable radius of curvature.   We reviewed the technical approach, schedule and budget plan.  This efforts got started quite late in the year but we intend to recover lost time by an aggressive schedule this fall.   We held several meetings to plan efforts for our two week down period which starts next Monday.  The main effort of that period will be the installation of the cryogenic outcoupler and its associated helium lines.  With this system in place we cannot change to mirrors for other wavelengths so the installation will only be to verify the improved performance one gets from the cooling before removing it again.  We anticipate testing the mirror with FEL beam in about two weeks.   There are a large number of other maintenance and improvement items on our activity list involving nearly every system in the FEL in addition to the mirror change.   **Operations:** We had a short week, with Ernesto recovery and user runs leaving little time to dance naked in the field of the mind (to quote Kary Mullis\...). Monday, we celebrated labor by not working. Tuesday we processed the gun after recesiation and recovered from various storm-associated issues, but eventually got to recover a 1 micron lasing setup in preparation for JTO studies. Wednesday was to be devoted to a Dahlgren user run, but problems with the optical transport system precluded any meaningful work. Thursday we ran for THz users, and interleaved some machine improvement activity. We pushed current to clean up the cryounit & check BBU (we worked up to 4+ mA CW at 37.5 MHz before running out of both time and intestinal fortitude). We also performed a \"machine restoration\" test, wherein we checked some phase advances and betatron amplitudes, then loaded a sequence of several arbitrarily selected all saves, and rechecked the phase advances and amplitudes. Reloading the allsaves crashed one of our legacy (a flower of early 1980s technology) trim racks, thus providing a real-life flavor to the whole affair. Needless to say, the machine didn\'t recover; the orbit was hosed by the trim rack fault and the focusing also didn\'t come back, with minor but evident shifts in the phase advances but amplitude changes of perhaps 20% - corresponding to beam envelope shifts of order 40%. Our repeated need for \"matchathons\" is therefore not particularly surprising. These tests should be repeated with more care and more quantitatively. Friday we ran for JTO short Rayleigh-range studies, with the 1 micron setup being extended to steady harmonic lasing at 1 micron (actually, 935 nm), on the 3rd harmonic of the 2.8 micron mirrors and the 5th harmonic of the wiggler (set to \~4.7 microns). **Users:** We had very successful jellyfish (ephyrae and polyps) experiments this week. (This was the third in a series of experiments to determine order of magnitude bounds of UV and THz light.) This was essentially a repeat of 355 nm UV from the 4 Watt laser in Lab 4. Exposures were for 300, 600, and 1200 kJ/m2. But in this set, in addition to simply observing if there was a change in ephyrae behavior, here free radicals were monitored as a function of UV dose. In addition, we are gaining experience in dose delivery to live systems, experience needed for future BioScience research such as the melanoma study proposed by the Biomedical Photonics Consortium. **WBS 4 (Injector):** On Monday we re-cesiated the photocathode which had delivered 27 C and 63 hours of beam time for FEL ops since the previous recesiation. Since Monday\'s re-cesiation the photocathode has delivered 41 C and 14 hours of beam time. We have been re-cesiating more often due the low SHG drive laser power (the drive laser rod will be replaced during our upcoming maintenance).\ \ We continued high voltage processing the test electrode coated with the field emission suppression film by Nimel Theodore from the College of W&M. The results are encouraging so far. The electrode has been conditioned to 105 kV and 26.25 MV/m with field emission current below the detection level. The maximum electric field in the FEL photocathode gun is 12.4 MV/m at 500 kV.\ \ We held a kickoff meeting with Dr. Ravi Joshi and his student Deepesh Kumar Koppunuru from the Dept. of Electrical & Computer Engineering at ODU to start a two year collaboration for a MS thesis, extending the PARMELA model to the entrance of the FEL wiggler for further understanding of Longitudinal Space Charge effects. **WBS 6 (RF):** No activity this week. **WBS 8 (Instrumentation):** This week was shortened by the holiday (& lengthened by the hurricane), recovery was rather painless -- thankfully! We continued to investigate the cause of the varying momentum spread by installing electric field and magnetic field antennas on several different view ports in the 4F region. It is quite easy to turn this effect on & off so we are hoping to eliminate various chamber discontinuities as the source of this problem.  So far we have looked at the 4F07 viewer and the Upstream OCMMS port and have seen no evidence of a source.  We are also setup to look at the Downstream OCMMS port during OPs today. Efforts were also directed to preparing for our scheduled maintenance activities for next week. Plans are in place for installation of the synchronized timing distribution system with the first hub going into the 3F region.  Other timing and video signals will also be installed at the OFO4 for the multi slit. Additional installation efforts include supporting Optics with the Cryogenic mirror upgrade. This will include wiring and connecting cryo diode read backs into EPICS.  A corrector pair will be installed in the 4F09 region (debunching chicane), channels have been assigned and additional trim cards have been secured for this.\   We are preparing a multi-function VME card for application in the Emittance frame-grabber system. This will be accomplished by using the previously designed VME carrier board and related modules. Specifically, we have built-up two of the F0106, 1:4 channel analog distribution modules and configured them as a 1 in 8 out timing distribution system using the F0060 VME carrier board. We will complete the project by adding a F0060 4-channel timing board to the carrier which will be hard-coded with the fixed delays which are required to trigger the cameras for the frame-grabber system. We have also recommissioned a test IOC along with the Altera programming PC.\   We have prepared the decommissioned Con-Optics 305 synchronous countdown generator to replace the existing chassis in the drive laser clean room. This will liberate a fully-functional CO305 for use with the advanced drive laser in Lab 6. Also, we have started a project to design a new high-speed analog buffer module. The motivation for this design is to be able to copy the drive laser\'s EO cell logic pulse in order to monitor it, distribute it and interlock on it.\   A major re-write of the epics-2-devlore data gathering tools was done this week. There are three immediate benefits to the new code. First the server-load is dramatically reduced which increases the amount of data which can be exchanged. Second, the data is archived in a much more efficient way providing smaller archive files and faster data-retrieval. And third, the ability to launch multiple instances of the tools is now possible. This allows for a specific, standardized, \"e2d\" applications to be run for each system. Currently, we have set-up two instances, one for the web-page strip graph FEL ops graph and another to monitor the drive laser specifically. We are currently in the process of setting up a 'chron' process that catalogs the usage of the FEL user labs for the purpose of automating.\     Testing was completed on the 4-Ch RTD Monitor Board this week.  We have one board completely populated and all four channels function as they should and the on board bus controlling PLD was successfully programmed and all operates as it should.  We are currently gathering together enough parts to assemble 20 boards.  We have also received a quote for time frame and cost of assembly.  With this quote and the parts kit that we are assembling we should have these 20 boards within a month.\     The layout of the 3U General Purpose I/O card is nearing completion.  There are a couple of issues that are being resolved and then the quote will be ready to go out.  A parts list for this board is being generated so the required parts for the prototype can be ordered.  Another board that is being worked on is the HOM BPM Logarithmic Monitor Board.  The schematic for the prototype is completed and the layout is beginning.  This requires some extra time and effort as we figure out how to impedance match the traces.  The general layout is completed, some tweaking will need to occur precisely set things up.\   The FPGA to ColdFire bridge coding is being worked on. When the code uploaded on the FPGA, the ColdFire couldn\'t boot normally. After checking, the TEA pin for ColdFire was found to be pulled down by the FPGA. Changed the FPGA code and set the pins TEA and IRQ3 at high level. After that, the ColdFire can boot normally with the FPGA. Still working on the communication between ColdFire and FPGA.\   Testing of the UHV ion pump power supplies is scheduled for next week.  The software for the UHVs is ready and has been setup for iocfel5.  Met with representatives from Freescale and Arrow for a discussion concerning our future plans for embedded IOCs. **WBS 11 (Optics):** #### FEL mirrors We prepared the cryo-optics for installation next week including the mounting and brazing activities. On Monday after the part is out of the oven we will be able to determine if the braze successfully produced a mounted mirror with low astigmatism. ***Other Activities:*** I would first like to welcome Dave Hardy as the new FEL Safety Warden. Dave accepted this position on September 1st for a six-month tour of duty. Shukui Zhang represented the Optics Group for FEL06 where he presented two papers. These papers are titled: "Longitudinal Phase Space Characterization Of Electron Bunches At The JLab FEL Facility" And "Phase Noise Comparison Of Short Pulse Laser Systems".  Next week is the start of the shutdown period. The majority of this week was spent on preparing for next week's activities which for the most part consists of an installation of the Cryo-cooled OC mirror, aligning and improving the vacuum of the optical transport, and increasing the output SHG power of the Drive Laser. This week we also installed two B&W cameras, one on each to image both cavity mirrors. These cameras have response at 1.06um and will be used to observe the laser mode for the short Raleigh-range cavity studies. Group members also supported two User experiments and the JTO kickoff meeting. **Terahertz:** ![](media/image1.png){width="2.0in" height="2.1256944444444446in"}On Thursday, we had another good user run in the THz lab. Nick Agladze, who works with Al Sievers at Cornell, tested their latest interferometer design. This system generates an interferogram in a single shot with no moving parts. It's a very clever design and our THz source offers a unique capability to fully test their system. The figure shows an image from the tests. The fringes are the interferogram generated in a single shot on the Pyrocam. After setting up the interferometer and Pyrocam detection system, we achieved immediately in our first attempt. With the stable beam being delivered, we were easily able to fine tune the alignment to produce the best signal. We then performed tests to properly set the polarization of the incoming beam and the angle of the polarizers used in the interferometer. These tests optimized the interferogram signal and we then proceeded to make spectral measurements as the bunch length was systematically varied by changing the beam energy. We saw some very interesting results that appear to be consistent with other machine diagnostics for the different beam energies. Nick will analyze the spectrum for each test more thoroughly when he returns to Cornell. We also were able to make measurements of the THz transmission spectrum for a few samples, including a 350 mm bandpass filter. We will use these measurements as well as future planned tests to continue characterization and calibration of this new interferometer design. Also this week, Michael Kelley and I (Michael Klopf) presented at the 5^th^ International Conference on Photo-Excited Processes and Applications (ICPEPA). Michael Kelley gave an overview of the FEL capabilities and user program. I presented the details of a novel optical pump-probe technique for measuring nonequilibrium dynamics, and also gave a brief description of our THz source and user program. There was a noticeable amount of interest in our THz capabilities and I had some productive discussions with a few of the conference attendees, particularly, Xianfan Xu, who presented work on measurements of coherent phonon excitations in Bismuth in the 1-3 THz range. These phonon frequencies overlap well with the THz spectrum yielded when we optimize the bunch compression for THz production.